PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS I OP THE EOYAL SOCIETY OF * , LONDON. (A.) FOR THE YEAR MDCCCLXXXVIII. VOL. 179. LONDON: PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTINS LANE, W.C., printers in Oruhurn to jptr MDCCCLXXMX. 810250 4V ADVERTISEMENT. THE Committee appointed by the Royal Society to direct the publication of the Philosophical Transactions take this opportunity to acquaint the public that it fully appears, as well from the Council-books and Journals of the Society as from repeated declarations which have been made in several former Transactions, that the printing of them was always, from tune to time, the single act of the respective Secretaries till the Forty- seventh Volume ; the Society, as a Body, never interesting themselves any further in their publication than by occasionally recommending the revival of them to some of their Secretaries, when, from the particular circumstances of their affairs, the Transactions had happened for any length of time to be intermitted. And this seems principally to have been done with a view to satisfy the public that their usual meetings were then continued, for the improvement of knowledge and benefit of mankind : the great ends of their first institution by the Royal Charters, and which they have ever since steadily pursued. But the Society being of late years greatly enlarged, and their communications more numerous, it was thought advisable that a Committee of their members should be appointed to reconsider the papers read before them, and select out of them such as they should judge most proper for publication in the future Transactions ; which was accordingly done upon the 26th of March, 1752. And the grounds of their choice are, and will continue to be, the importance and singularity of the subjects, or the advantageous manner of treating them ; without pretending to answer for the certainty of the facts, or propriety of the reasonings contained in the several papers so published, which must still rest on the credit or judgment of their respective authors. It is likewise necessary on this occasion to remark, that it is an established rule of thr ifock'ty, t.i \\hkli tiny will always adhere, never to give their opinion, as a Body, a -j L iv 1 upon any subject, either of Nature or Art, that conies before them. And therefore the tlniiks, which are frequently proposed from the Chair, to be given to the authors of such papers as are read at their accustomed meetings, or to the persons through whose hands they received them, are to be considered in no other light than as a matter of civility, in return for the respect shown to the Society by those communications. The like also is to be said with regard to the several projects, inventions, and curiosities of various kinds, which are often exhibited to the Society ; the authors whereof, or those who exhibit them, frequently take the liberty to report, and even to certify in the public newspapers, that they have met with the highest applause and approbation. And therefore it is hoped that no regard will hereafter be paid to such reports and public notices; which in some instances have been too lightly credited, to the dishonour of the Society. LIST OF INSTITUTIONS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. Institution* marked A are entitled to receive Philosophical Transactions, Series A, and Proceeding*. „ „ B „ „ „ „ Series B, and Proceedings. „ ., AB „ „ „ „ Scried A and B, and Proceedings. „ „ p „ „ Proceedings only. America (Central). Mexico. p. Sociedad Cicntifica " Antonio Alzate." America (North). (See UNITED STATES.) America (South). Buenos A v res. AB. Museo Publico. Caracas. B. University Library. Cordova. AB. Aoadomia NaciontU de Cionoias. Rio dc Janeiro. p. Imperial Observatorio. Australia. Adelaide. p. Royal Society of South Australia. Brisbane. p. Royal Society of Queensland. Melbourne. p. Observatory. p. Royal Society of Victoria. AH. University Library. Sydney. p. Linnean Society of New South Wales. AB. Rojal Society of New South Wales. AB. University Library. Austria. Agram. p. Societas Historico-Natnralis Croatica. Briinn. AB. Naturforschender Verein. GraU. AB. Natnrwisseuschaftlicher Verein fur Steier- mnrk. Hermanns tad t. p. .SiolxMilmririsclier Verein t'iir die N;i'm- wuBeuschaften. Austria (continued). Innsbruck. AB. Das Ferdinandcum. p. Natnrwissenschaftlich - Mbdicinischer Verein. Klansenbarg. AB. Az Erdelyi Muzeam. Das siebouburgibche Museum. Prague. AB. Knnigliche Bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Schemnitz. p. K. Ungarische Berg- nnd Fdret-Akadeniie. Trieste. B. Museo di Storia Natural!. p. Societa Adriatica di Scienze Natorali. Vienna. p. Anthropologische Oesellschaft. AH. Kaiserlicho Akadcmic der Wissensclmften. p. K.K. Geographische Gesellschaft. AB. K.K. Geologische Reichsanstalt. B. K.K. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft. B. Naturhifitorisches Ilof- Museum. p. CEsterreichische Gesellschaft fur Metooro- logie. Belgium. Brussels. B. Academic Royale de Medecine. AB. Academic Royale des Sciences. B. Museo Royal d'Histoire Natarelle de Belgiqne. p. Observatoire Royale. p. Societe Malacologiqne de Belgique. Ghent. AB. University. Liege. AB. Societe des [ vi ] Belgium (continued). Liege (continued). p. Societe Geologiqne de Belgiqne. Loavain. AB. L'Universite. Canada. Hamilton. p. Scientific Association. Montreal. AB. McGill College. p. Natural History Society. Ottawa. AB. Geological Survey of Canada. Toronto. p. Canadian Institute. AH. Univei-sity. Cape of Good Hope. A. Observatory. AR. South African Library. Ceylon. Colombo. B. Museum. China. Shanghai. p. China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Denmark. Copenhagen. AB. Kongelige Dauske Videiiskabernes Selskab. England and Wales. Birmingham. AB. Free Central Library. AB. Mason College. Bristol. p. Merchant Venturers' School. Cambridge. AB. Philosophical Society. p. Union Society. Cooper's Hill. AB. Engineering College. Dudley. p. Dudley and Midland Geological and Scientific Society. Essex. p. Essex Field Club. Greenwich. A. Observatory. Kcw. B. Royal Gardens. Leeds. p. Philosophical Society. AB. York>hire College. Liverpool. AB. Free Public Library. ll torio >"<-.• i y nf Laoouhin and Cheshire. England and Wales (continued). Liverpool (continued). p. Literary and Philosophical Society. A. Observatory. AB. University College. London. AB. Admiralty. p. Anthropological Institute. B. British Museum (Nat. Hist.). A. Chemical Society. p. " Electrician," Editor of the. B. Entomological Society. AB. Geological Society. AB. Geological Survey of Great Britain. p. Geologists' Association. AB. Guildhall Library. A. Institution of Civil Engineers. A. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. A. Institution of Naval Architects. p. Iron and Steel Institute. B. Linnean Society. AB. London Institution. p. London Library. A. Mathematical Society. p. Meteorological Office. p. Odontological Society. p. Pharmaceutical Society. p. Physical Society. p. Quekett Microscopical Club. p. Royal Asiatic Society. A. Royal Astronomical Society. B. Royal College of Physicians. B. Royal College of Surgeons. p. Royal Engineers (for Libraries abroad, six copies). AB. Royal Engineers. Head Quarters Library. p. Royal Geographical Society. p. Royal Horticultural Society. p. Royal Institute of British Architects. AB. Royal Institution of Great Britain. B. Royal Medical and Chirnrgical Society. p. Royal Meteorological Society. p. Ro \.-il .Microscopical Society. p. Royal Statistical Society. AII. iloyal United Service Institution. AB. Society of A rts. )>. Society of Biblical Archaeology. p. Standard Weights and Mea- ur.'.- Depart- ment. AH. The Queen's Library. AB. The War Office. All. University College. p. Victoria Institute. ii. Zoological Society. I vii J England and Wales (continued). AH. Free Library. AH. Literary and Philosophical Society. p. Geologiml Soi-iety. An. Owuus College. Netley. p. Royal Victoria Hospital. Newcastle. AB. Free Library. p. North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. p. Society of Chemical Industry (Newcastle Section). Norwich. p. Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution. Oxford. p. Ashmnlean Society. AB. Raclcliffe Library. A. Radcliffe Observatory. Ponzance. p. Geological Society of Cornwall. Plymouth. B. Marine Biological Association. p. Plymouth Institution. Richmond. A. " Kew " Observatory. Salford. p. Royal Museum and Library. Stonyhnrst. p. The College. Swansea. AB. Royal Institution. Woolwich. An. Royal Artillery Library. Finland. Hrlsingfors. AB. Societe des Sciences. ;>. Societas pro Fiiuna et Flora Fenuica. Prance. Bordeaux. p. Academic des Sciences. p. Facnlt4 des Scion p. Societ^ de M6decine et de Chirnrgie. y. Soci^t^ des Sciences Physiques et Natnrelles. Clierlxnirpf. p. SocicSte des Sciences Nattm-llr*. Dijon. j>. Academe des Sciences. Lille p. Kncnltc ilos Sciei France (contiiiiicil). Lyons. AB. Academic des Sciences, Bolles-Lcttres et Arts. Marseilles. p. Faculte des Sciences. Montpellier. AB. Academic des Sciences et Lettres. B. Facnlte de Modi-cine. I'.u-is. AR. Academic den Sciences de 1'Institnt. p. 'Association Franeaise pour 1'Avancenicnt des Sciences. p. Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers. p. Cosmos (M. i.'Amif: VALKTTK). AB. Depot de la Marine. AB. Ecole des Mines. AB. Ecole Normale Superieure. AB. Ecole Polytechnique. AB. Faculte des Sciences de la Sorbjnne. AB. Jardin des Plantea. A. L'Observatoire. p. Rovue Internationale de 1' Elect ricite. p. Revue Scientifique (Mons. RICIIKIJ. p. Socii'-te de Biologie. AH. Societe d'Encouragement pour 1'Indnstrie Nationale. p. Soci6te de Physique. AB. Siiciete de Geographic. B. Sin-ieti'- Entomologique. AB. Societe G6ologique. }>. S<)cieU' Mathomut ique. p. Societ^ Metuorologique de France. Toulouse. AB. Academic des Sciences. A. Faculte des Sciences. Germany. Berlin. A. Deutsche Chemischc Gesellschaft. A. Die Sternwarte. AB. Kdnigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. A. Physikalische Gesellschaft. Bonn. AB. Universitat. Bremen. p. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Breslau. p. Schlesische Gesellschaft fur VaterlUndiscbe Kultnr. Brunswick. p. Verein fur Natnrwissenschaft. Carlsrnhe. See Karlsruhe. fiesi-llsi'liaft. AB. [• * * T via Germany (continued). Dresden. p. Verein for Erdknnde. Emdcn. p. Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. Erlangen. AB. Physikalisch-Medicinische Societat. Frankfnrt-am-Main. AB. Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesell- echaft. p. Zoologische Gesellschaft. Frankfnrt-am-Odcr. p. Natnrwissenschaftlicher Verein. Freibnrg-im-Breisgau. AB. Universitat. Giessen. AB. Grosshcrzoglicbe Universitat. G«rlitz. p. Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. Gottingen. AB. Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. Halle. AB. Kaiser) iche Leopoldino - Carolinische Dentftche Akademie der Naturforscher. p. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Sach- sen und Thltringen. Hamburg. AB. Natnrwissenscbaftlicher Verein. Heidelberg. p. Naturhistorisch-Medizinische Gesellschaft. AB. Universitat. Jena. p. Medicinisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Gesell- Bchaft. Karlsruhe. A. Grossherzogliobe Sternwarte. Kiel. A. Sternwarte. AB. Universitat. KUnigsberg. AB. Konigliche Pliysikaliscb - Okonomiscbe Gesellschaft. Leipzig. p. Annalen der Physik nnd Chemie. A. AgtronomiBche Gesellsclmfl. AB. Konigliche Sachsische Gesellscbaft der Winsenschaften. Muj'i. :. • .- p. Naturwigscnschaftlicher Verein. M:irburg. AB. Univorxitut. Germany (continued). Munich. AB. Konigliche Bayerisehe Akademie der Wissenschaf ten . p. Zeitschrift fiir Biologie. MUnster. AB. Koniglicbe Theologische und Philo- sophische Akademie. Rostock. AB. Universitat. Strassburg. AB. Universitat. Tubingen. AB. Universitat. Wllrzburg. AB. Physikalisch-Medicinische Gesellscbaft. Holland. (See NKTHEELANDS.) Hungary. Pcsth. p. Konigl. Ungarische Geologische Anstalt. AB. A. Magyar Tudos Tarsasag. Die Ungarische Akademie der Wissenscbaften. India. Bombay. AB. Elphinstone College. Calcutta. AB. Asiatic Society of Bengal. AB. Indian Museum. p. Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. p. The Meteorological Reporter to the Government of India. Madras. B. Central Museum. A. Observatory. Roorkee. p. Roorkee College. Ireland. Armagh. A. Observatory. Belfast. AB. Queen's College. Cork. p. Philosophical Society. AB. Queen's College. Dublin. A. Observatory. AB. National Library of Ireland. B. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. An. Royal Dublin Society. AB. Royal Irish Academy. Galway. AB. Queen's College. Italy. Bologna. AB. Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto. Catania. AB. Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Natarali. Florence. p. Biblioteca Naziouale Centrale. AB. Reale Museo di Fisica. Milan. AB. Reale Istitnto Lombardo di f Soienze, Lettere ed Arti. AB. Societa Italiana di Science Natarali. Naples. AB. Societa Reale, Accademia delle ScienM. B. Stazione Zoologica (Dr. UOHKN). Padua. p. University. Palermo. A. Circolo Matematico. AB. Consiglio di Perfezionamento (Societa di Scienze Natarali ed Economiche). A. Reale Osservatorio. Pisa. p. Societa, Toscana di Scienze Naturali. Rome. p. Accademia Pontificia de' Nuovi Lincei. A. Osservatorio del Collegio Romano. AB. Reale Accademia dei Lincei. p. R. Comitato Geologico d' Italia. AB. Societd Italiana delle Scienze. Turin. p. Laboratorio di Fisiologia. AB. Reale Accademia delle Scienze. Venice. p. Ateneo Veneto. AB. Reale Istitato Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Japan. Tokid. AB. Imperial University. Yokohama. p. Asiatic Society of Japan. Java. Batavia. AB. Bataviaasch Genootschap van Knnsten en Wetenschappen. Buitenzorg. /'. Jardin Botaaiquc. Malta. /•. Public Libnu-\ . Mauritius. p. Royal Socu-ij of Arts and Sciences. Mix < vi. XXXVIII. — A. ] Netherlands. Amsterdam. AB. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. p. Zoologisch Geuootschap ' Naturn Art is Magistral Delft. p. ficole Polytechniqae. Haarlem. AB. Hollandsche Maatschappij der Weten- schappen. p. Musee Teyler. Leyden. AB. University. Luxembourg. p. Sociike des Sciences Naturelles. Rotterdam. AB. Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefonder- vindelijke Wijsbegeerte. Utrecht. AB. Provinciaal Genootschap van Kansten en Weteusc happen. New Zealand. Wellington. AB. New Zealand Institute. Norway. Bergen. AB. Bergenske Museum. Christiania. AB. Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universtet. Tromsoe. /'. Museum. Trondhjem. AB. Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Srlskab. Nova Scotia. Windsor. p. King's College Library. Portugal. Coimbra. AB. Universidade. Lisbon. AB. Academia Real dan Sciencias. p. Seccao dos Trabalhos Geologicos de Portugal. Russia. Kazan. AR. Imperatorsky Kazansky Universitet. Kharkoff. p. Section Medicale de la Societe" des Science* Experimen tales, University de Kharkow. Kieff. p. Societ^ des Nataralistes. Moscow. AH. Le Musee Pnblique. B. Socie'te Imperiale des Naturalist**. Russia (continued). Odes*. p. Societ4 des^Naturalistes de la Nouvelle- Rnssie. Pnlkowa. A. Nikolai Hanpt-Sternwarte. St. Petersburg. AB. Academic Imperiale des Sciences. AB. Comit^ Geologique. p. Compass Observatory. 4. L'Observatoire Physique Central. Scotland. Aberdeen. AB. University. Edinburgh. p. Geological Society. A. Observatory. p. Royal Medical Society. p. Royal Physical Society. p. Royal Scottish Society of Arts. AB. Royal Society. Glasgow. AB. Mitchell Free Library. p. Philosophical Society. Servia. Belgrade. p. Acade'mie Royale de Serbie. Spain. Cadiz. A. Observatorio de San Fernando. Madrid. p. Comision del Mapa Geologico de Espana. AB. Real Academia de Cicncias. Sweden. Gottenburg. AB. Kongl. Vetenskaps och Vitterhets Sam- halle. Lund. AB. Universitet. Stockholm. A. Acta Mathematica. AB. Kongligu Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademie. AB. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning. Upeala. AB. Universitet. Switzerland. Basel. p. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Bem. AB. Allg. Schweizerische Gesellschaft. p. Naturforschende Gcsellschaft. Switzerland (continued). Geneva. AB. Societ6 de Physique ot d'Histoire Naturelle. AB. Institnt National Genevois. Lausanne. p. Societe' Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles. Neuchatel. p. Societe des Sciences Naturelles. p. Astronomische Mittheilungen (Professor R. WOLF). Zurich. AB. Das Schweizerische Poly tecbniknm . p. Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. Tasmania. Hobart. p. Royal Society of Tasmania. United States. Albany. AB. New York State Library. Annapolis. AB. Naval Academy. Baltimore. AB. Johns Hopkins University. Boston. AB. American Academy of Sciences. B. Boston Society of Natural History. A. Technological Institute. Brooklyn. AB. Brooklyn Library (N.T.). Cambridge. AB. Harvard University. Chapel Hill (N.C.). p. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. Charleston. p. Elliott Society of Science and Art of South Carolina. Chicago. AB. Academy of Sciences. Davenport (Iowa). p. Academy of Natural Sciences. Madison. p. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences. Mount Hamilton (California)'. A. Lick Observatory. p. University of California. Newhaven (Conn.). AB. American Journal of Science. AB. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. New York. p. American Geographical Society. p. American Museum of Natural History. p. New York Academy of Sciences. p. New York Medical Journal. p. School of Mines, Columbia Colleg*. x United States (continued). Philadelphia. AB. Academy of Natural Sciences. AH. American Philosophical SociVi\ p. Franklin Institute. p. Wagner Free Institute of Scicnn- St. Louis. p. Academy of Science. Salem (Mass.). />. Essex Institute. AB. Peabody Academy of Science. Francisco. AH. California Academy of Science*. United States (continued). Washington. p. Department of Agricnli mi- A. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. AB. Patent Office. AB. Smithsonian Institution. p. United States Commission of Fish Fisheries. AB. United States Coast Survey. AB. United States Geological Surrey. A. United States Naval Observatory. West Point (NT.) AB. United States Military Academy. iiri PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS, VOL. 179 (1888). A. On page 114, line 5 from bottom, for "1883," retul "1833." -i.;-.i:.., r. ,¥,i,;^v. ^OPo in^^Piv advanced p\ir knowledge or tne rnystm ERRATUM. ' PHIL. TRANS.,' VOL. 179 (1888), A. Page 63, for equation (07) as printed read . - AVI \'a S" ADJUDICATION of the MEDALS of the ROYAL SOCIETY for the year 1888, by the PRESIDENT and COUNCIL. The COPLEY MEDAL to Professor THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY, F.R.S., for his Investiga- tions on the Morphology and Histology of Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals, and for his services to Biological Science in general during many past years. The RUMFORD MEDAL to Professor PIETRO TAOCHINI for important and long- continued Investigations, which have largely advanced our knowledge of the Physics of the Sun. A ROYAL MEDAL to Baron FERDINAND VON MUELLER, K.C.M.G., F.R.S., for his long services in Australian Exploration, and for his Investigations of the Flora of the Australian Continent. A ROYAL MEDAL to Professor OSBORNE REYNOLDS, F.R.S., for his Investigations in Mathematical and Experimental Physics, and on the Application of Scientific Theory to Engineering. The DAVY MEDAL to WILLIAM CROOKES, F.R.S., for his Investigations on the Behaviour of Substances under the Influences of the Electric Discharge in a High Vacuum. The Bakerian Lecture, " Suggestions on the Classification of the various Species of Heavenly Bodies," was delivered by J. NORMAN LOCKYER, F.R.S. The Croonian Lecture, " On the Origin and the Causation of Vital Movement (Ueber die Entstohung der vitalen Bewegung)," was delivered by Professor W. KIIIM . Mix ' . I. \\.\VIII. A. CONTENTS. VOL. 179. I. The Iiifluenfe of Strexs «nn I'riifi-fixor W. GRYLLS ADAMS, M.A., F.R.S. .... page 1 II. Chi the Spectrum of the Oxy-hydroycn Flame. By G. D. LIVEINO, M.A., F.R.S., Pi;>t>'xx<>r of Chemist i- >i, niif<:- Unmenity of Cambridge ................. 27 III. On the Motion of a Sphere, in a Vixcons Li'jm'il. llij A. B. BASSET, M.A. Communicated l»j Lord KAYLKUJH, D.C.L., Sec. ft.S. ....... 43 IV. OH l/'intiltuHs Numbers.— Part II. By J. J. SYLVESTER, D.C.L., F.R.S., Savilian Profeuor of Geometry in the University of Qjcford, and JAMES HAMMOND, M.A., (' ................. 65 V. I\i />"i-t on Hygrorfietric Mi-tliodx; Firxt J'm-t, incliidimj the Saturation Method 'i, i// \\. H. SCOTT, F.R.S., ,v. •/>/.>;•// of the Meteorological Con a, -i/ ...................... 73 VI. ()„ tl«' Din,,,*!,;-* ,./'(t !'/«„<• C»l>i<: By J. J. WALKER, M.A., F.R.S. . . 151 o -J VII. On the Changes produced by Magnetisation in the Dimensions of Rings and Rods of Iron and of some other Metals. By SHELFORD BIDWELL, M.A., /••./,'.>' page 205 VIII. On the Ultra-Violet Spectra of the Eletnents. — Part III. Cobalt and Nickel. By G. D. LIVEING, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry, and J. DEWAR, M.A., F.R.S., Jacksonian Professor, University of Cambridge 231 IX. The Conditions of the Evolution of Gases from Homogeneous Liquids. By V. H. VKLEY, M.A., University College, Oxford. Communicated by A. VERNON HARCOURT, M.A., F.R.S., Lee's Reader in Chemistry, Christ Church, Oxford 257 X. On tlte Induction of Electric Currents in Conducting Shells of Small Thickness. By S. H. BURBURY, M.A., formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Communicated by H. W. WATSON, D.Sc., F.R.S. 297 XI. Magnetic Qualities of Nickel. By J. A. EWING, F.R.S., Professor of Engineering in University College, Dundee, and G. C. COWAN 325 XII. Magnetic Qualities of Nickel (Supplementary Paper). By J. A. EWING, F.R.S., Professor of Engineering in University College, Dundee 333 XIII. On certain Mechanical Properties of Metals considered in relation to the Periodic Law. By W. CHANDLER ROBERTS- AUSTEV, F.R.S., Professor of Metallurgy in the Normal School of Science and Royal School of Mines, South Kensington, CJiemist and Assay er of the Royal Mint 339 XIV. On the Specific Resistance of Mercury. By R. T. GLAZEBROOK, M.A., F.R.S., Fettow of Trinity College, and T. C. FITZPATRICK, B.A., Fellow of Christ's College, Demonstrators at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge . . . 351 ^'\. /1,1-firiants, Covariants, and Quotient-Derivatives associated ivith Linear Differential Equations. By A. R. FORSYTH, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge 377 XVI. The Small Free Vibrations and Deformation of a Thin. Kl'istic Shell. Ji>/ A. E. H. LOVE, B.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Communicated by Prvfeuor Q. II. [>.\I:WIN, F.R.S. 491 [ v J XVII. Colour Photometry. — Part II. Tl,<- M,-'// Captain ABNEY, C.B., R.E., F.R.S., and Mojor-Genem! KKSTINO, R.I-:., F.It.S. page 547 XVIII. Combustion in Dried O./ //.// H. BBERETON BAKER, M.A., Dulvnch Colleye, late Sdmtnr <>f lt\y- hydrogen Flame. Plate 5. — Mr. W. N. SHAW'S Report on Hygrometric Methods ; First Part, including the Saturation Method and the Chemical Method, and Dew-point Instruments. Plates f> to 8. — Mr. J. J. WALKER on the Diameters of a Plane Cubic. Plates 'J to 14. — Professors G. D. LIVKIN<; and J. DKWAK on the Ultra- Violet Spectra of the Elements. — Part III. Plates 15 and 16. — Professor J. A. EWINO and Mr. G. C. COWAN on the Magnetic Qualities of Nickel. Plate 17. — Professor J. A. EWING on the Magnetic Qualities of Nickel (Supplementary Paper). Plate 18. — Professor W. C. ROBERTS- AUSTEN on certain Mechanical Prop-rtit s of Metals considered in relation to the Periodic Law. Plate 19.— Messrs. R. T. GLAZEBKOOK and T. C. FJTZPATRICK on the Specific Resistance of Mercury. Plates 20 to 23. — Captain ABNKY and Major-Genenil FKSTIKG on Colour Photometry. —Part II. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. I. Hie Influence of Stress and Strain on the Physical Properties of Matter. — Part I. Elasticity (continued). — The Effect of Magnetisation on the Elasticity and the Internal Fi-i<-ti,,,, of Metals. By HERBERT TOMLINSON, B.A. Communicated by Pro/;.-..-..-/ W. GRYLLS ADAMS, M.A., F.R.S. Received May 18,— Read May 27, 1886. (Recast, with additions, December 16, 1887.) < h-iifin inut I'lir/ii'*'1 i >f tin' Ii«; xti, /< ACCORDING to Professor G. WIEDEMANN,* the main part of the internal friction which occurs in a torsionally vibrating wire is due to the rotation of the molecules about their axes, first to this side and then to that, as the wire vibrates to and fro. With this view the author's own experimentst on the internal friction of metals had been so far in accordance that he wished still further to test the matter by investigating the effect of magnetisation on the internal friction. The author has already made some experiments on the effect of magnetisation on the torsional elasticity of metals,! but the results of these experiments did not entirely satisfy him, inasmuch as the means of eliminating the heating effect of the magnetising solenoid were imperfect. It is true that the observed changes of temperature wrought by the solenoid were comparatively small, but so also was the apparent alteration of torsional elasticity due to magnetisation ; and it seemed, therefore, advisable to reopen the inquiry, and to devise more perfect apparatus, whereby the heating effect above mentioned might be entirely done away with. Description of Apparattis. The wire was clamped at its upper extremity, a, into a T-shaped block of brass resting on the top of the air-chamber, A (see figure). The air-chamber consisted of two * ' WIEDBMANN'S Annalen,' 1879, vol. 6, p. 485. t ' Phil. Trans.,' 1886 (vol. 177, Part II.). * ' Phil. Trans.,' 1883 (vol. 174, pp. 34, 35). MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. B 31.1.88 2 MB. H. TOMLINSON ON THE INFLUENCE OF STRESS AND concentric brass tubes, 4 feet in length, and enclosing between them an annular space, about a quarter of an inch thick, which could be filled with water. The wire hung vertically in the axis of the' air-chamber, and at its lower extremity & was soldered to a copper rod, b c, about '3 centim. in diameter, which was in turn connected to the horizontal bar, V V. From V V were suspended two cylinders of equal mass and dimensions, placed at equal distances from the axis of the wire. The nature of the cylinders and their mode of suspension to the bar V V have been described in a previous memoir on this subject.* The box B permits of free oscillation of V V and its appendages, and is provided with air-tight fitting doors, whilst the glass window, C, allows the vibrations of the wire to be measured by means of the usual mirror- lamp-and- scale arrangement, which is sufficiently shown in the figure. The base of the air-chamber, A, is let into the top of a stout wooden table pierced with a circular aperture, o, through the centre of which passes the rod 6 c ; the top of the air- chamber is secured by a ring, H, clamped to the upright, K. Wrapped round the air-chamber, to within two or three inches of each end, was a considerable length of cotton-covered copper wire, ^th of an inch in diameter, and well soaked with shellac varnish. The copper wire was wound round the chamber in one layer, thus forming a magnetising solenoid in which there were 8 '25 turns in a centimetre ; since the wire to be tested was well within the solenoid, the magnetising stress may be regarded as * ' Phil. Trans.,' 1886 (vol. 177, Part II.). STRAIN ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OP MATTER. 3 nearly constant throughout its entire length. In order to maintain the temperature constant, water from a large pail was made to flow into the annular space through the tube D, and out through the tube D2 during the whole of the period of experi- menting. The magnetising solenoid was actuated by ten GKOVE'S cells, the current from which passed through a resistance-box, a tangent galvanometer, and a commu- tator (not shown in the figure). The precautions adopted in the previous experi- ments were here reproduced, care being taken that the amplitude of the vibrations should be well within the limits of elasticity. Experiment I. An annealed iron wire, 100 centims. long and '1 centim. in diameter. The current was always sent through the magnetising solenoid in the same direction,* and at least a hundred vibrations were allowed to take place, both when the solenoid was excited and when it was not, before the actual testing began. The experiment was carried on for two days for about six hours on each day, and the numbers given below for the logarithmic decrements and times of vibration are in each case the mean values resulting from 400 vibrations, first without excitation of the magnetizing solenoid, then with, then without, and so on. First Day. MAGNETISING solenoid not excited. Number of trial. Mean logarithmic decrement due to internal friction t Vibration-period in -• •••mil-. i 3 5 7 •0009728 •0009826 •0009598 •0009575 2-4745 2-4790 MAGNETISING solenoid excited. 2 4 6 8 •0010722 •0011794$ •0010249 •0010099 2-4750 2'4745 * Except in the fourth trial, when it was reversed for a few seconds by accident. t The damping due to the resistance of the air has in all the experiments been calculated in the manner described in ' Phil. Trans.,' 1886 (vol. 177, Part II.). { The current was in this trial put on, in the first instance, in the wrong direction, but was afterwards reversed while the trial was still going on ; this, no doubt, accounts for the logarithmic decrement being larger than in the other trials. B 2 MB. H. TOMLINSON ON THE INFLUENCE OF STRESS AND Second Day. MAGNETISING solenoid not excited. Number of trial. Mean logarithmic decrement due to internal friction. Vibration-period in seconds. 2 4 •0009408 •0009464 2-4765 MAGNET r SING solenoid excited. 1 3 •0010037 •0010034 2-4740 The current used in the trials on both days was throughout fairly constant, the mean deflection of the needle of the tangent galvanometer being 47°. The constant of the tangent galvanometer was '3167, therefore the magnetising stress in electro- magnetic units was 477- X 8-25 X tan 47° X '3167 = 35'21. This magnetising stress is a large one, and was, no doubt, sufficient to develop the greater part of the whole magnetism which the wire was capable of receiving. It may be seen that even under such a magnetising stress as the above the internal friction is not much altered ; but, if the first four trials made on the first day be neglected, it appears that the internal friction is on both days greater by about 5^ per cent, when the magnetising solenoid is excited than when it is not. Having ascertained thus much, the author next proceeded to determine the effect of an intermittent magnetising stress, but still always in the same direction as before. Experiment II. One of the little clockwork arrangements used with Professor HUGHES'S induction balance was now put into the battery circuit, so that the latter could be rapidly opened and closed whilst the wire was vibrating, the same battery power being employed as before. In this case the logarithmic decrement was at first fairly constant, and equal to '001442, showing that the internal friction was greater than when the circuit was not alternately opened and closed. After a time, however, as the clockwork began to run down, and the makes and breaks of the current in conse- quence to proceed more slowly, the value of the logarithmic decrement rapidly increased,* and finally became '002719, or nearly double its first value. • The cause of the rapid increase is shown in Experiment VI. STRAIN ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OP MATTER. Experiment III. The current was reversed a number of times whilst the wire was vibrating, the reversals being timed by a pendulum vibrating once in a second ; the same battery power as before was used. Number of rerenalt of the current in 18 aecond*. Logarithmic decrement due to internal friction. 1 8 16 •001175 •004393 •003546 Sxpei'iment IV. After the above reversals the magnetising stress was applied as in Experiment I., the battery power being still the same. MAGNETISING solenoid not excited. Number of trial. Mean logarithmic decrement due to internal friction. Vibration-period in second*. 1 2 4 •0010891 •0009730 •0009551 Magnetising solenoid excited. 3 •0009569 After a rest of 24 hours. Magnetising solenoid not excited. 1 3 5 •0009480 •0009071 •0009363 2-4782 2-4790 Magnetising solenoid excited. 2 4 6 •0009249 •0009463 •0009294 2-4785 2-4788 6 MR. H. TOMLINSON ON THE INFLUENCE OP STRESS AND Expefriment V. The day after the last experiment had been made a fresh series of trials was instituted with currents of various strengths. Number of trial. Magnetising strew in C.O.S. units. Logarithmic decrement dne to internal friction. Remarks. 1 0 •0009440 2 4-615 •0094650 Current rendered intermittent by clock- work, but not reversed 3 4-615 •0034865 Current reversed every two seconds; no clockwork 4 0 •0010095 This trial made immediately after Trial 3, with only a few preliminary vibrations 5 0-104 •0009567 Current reversed every two seconds 6 0-035 •0009875 Ditto 7 0 •0009364 Remarks on Experiments I.- V. inclusive. It has been already noticed that when a large magnetising stress is used there is but a slight increase in the internal friction, provided the magnetising current is not interrupted or reversed during the trial, whilst Experiment IV. shows that if the current be previously reversed a great number of times even this small increase vanishes.* Accordingly, it may be said that under the conditions mentioned above the internal friction is quite independent of any sustained magnetic stress which may be acting on the vibrating wire. Similarly, there can be little doubt, the internal friction of a torsionally vibrating wire would be entirely independent of the amount of sustained statical torsional stress to which the metal might be at the same time subjected, provided the wire had been previously vibrated torsionally a great number of times. The torsional elasticity is also equally independent of even large sustained mag- netising stress, for it may be observed that the mean value of the vibration-period deduced from Experiment I. is for the magnetised iron 2'4745 seconds and for the uumagnetised iron 2 '4767 seconds, whilst in Experiment I\r. it is for the magnetised iron 2'47865 seconds and for the unmagnetised iron 2'47860 seconds. Other experi- * If we take the last six trials of this experiment, we get for the logarithmic decrements, when the magnetising solenoid is not excited, and when it is, the values '0009305 and '0009332 respectively ; the difference between these two values lies within the limits of errors of observation. STRAIN ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. incuts, conducted m..-,t r.-m-rnllv. l.-d t,, vimil.-ii- rwniti :nnl :il'Uh>!:nit Iv the above-mentioned independence. When the magnetising current is interrupted, or when it is reversed whilst the wire is vibrating, there is for the larger magnetic stresses an increase of the internal friction which may become very considerable.* Experiments II. and III. seem to prove that when the number of interruptions or reversals in a given time exceed a certain limit the effect produced by them on the logarithmic decrement begins to decline, but it would appear from Experiment II. that even when the interruptions occupy only a small fraction of a second t their effect in increasing the molecular friction is very sensible. Experiment V. was made partly with a view of ascertaining how far the interrupted or reversed magnetic stress might be diminished before it ceased to exercise any perceptible influence on the internal friction. For the rather rapid interruptions produced by the clockwork it appears that when the magnetising stress is diminished to 4'615 its effect on the friction is nearly nil. This, however, is by no means the case when the current is reversed every two seconds, the value of the logarithmic decrement being then more than three times as great as it is when the wire is not magnetised; and even when the stress has been reduced to 0*104 it still exerts a sensible influence. The experiments also show clearly that, at any rate for short periods of time, the longer the time of action of the magnetising stress, the greater is the effect on the internal friction, for otherwise in Experiment III. there would be a greater logarithmic decrement when the vibrations are 16 in 16 seconds than when the vibrations are 8 in 16 seconds, whereas the contrary is the case. Nevertheless, this increased effect on the internal friction which accompanies increased time of action does not extend beyond a period of a few seconds, for the increase of logarithmic decrement is considerably greater when the vibrations are 8 in 16 seconds than eight times the increase of logarithmic decrement when the vibrations are 1 in 16 seconds. } [Added Sept. 29f the wire and the interruption- frequency.] 8 MR. H. TOMLINSON ON THE INFLUENCE OF STRESS AND whether this special value represents a property of the material or is dependent on the accidents of dimensions of the wire and moment of inertia of the vibrator. An examination of the results recorded in Experiment III. seemed to indicate that the damping was a maximum when the vibration-frequency of the wire was the same as the reversal frequency. The following experiment was then made :— Experiment VI. A fresh piece of the same wire was tested with two different vibration-periods, the moment of inertia being altered by shifting the cylinders along the bar ; the magnet- ising stress throughout was 46'025 C.G.S. units. Interval in seconds between consecutive reversals of the magnetising stress. Logarithmic decrement due to internal friction. Vibration-period of the wire in seconds. Before exciting the solenoid •000799 1 •002841 2 •004587 2-370 3 •003988 4 •001769 1 •001052 1 •001785 2 •003020 3 •003871 4725 4 •004319 5 •004470 6 •002984 The reversals of the magnetic stress were next made to synchronise with the vibrations of the wire, the vibration-period being 4 '725 seconds. Magnetic stress in C.O.S. units. Logarithmic decrement due to internal friction. 46-88 77-35 107-40 •00896 •01118 •01137 This experiment speaks for itself, and shows most conclusively that the damping effect is a maximum when the reversal-period and the vibration-period synchronise. The experiment also shows that, with these high values of the magnetic stress, the ratio of the logarithmic decrement to the magnetic stress diminishes very rapidly as the latter increases. STRAIN ON THi: PHYSICAL PHOPKHT1KS OF MATTKi: Hitherto the magnetic stress had been maintained during the whole period between one reversal and the next, but it was presently ascertained that if the magnetic stress be removed immediately after each reversal the damping is much increased. Experiment VII. A reversing key was used, such that the magnetising circuit could be opened the instant after each reversal ; * the magnetising stress was 4278 C.G.S. units ; the vibration-period of the wire- was 4'725 seconds, and with this the reversals were made to synchronise in one of the trials which were made. Interval in I between connccutive reversal* of the magnetising sire*. 4-000 4725 5-000 Logarithmic decrement due to internal friction. •007986 •017416 •008759 On comparing these last results with those of Experiments V. and VI., it will be seen that when the battery circuit is opened instantly after each reversal the effect on the internal friction is twice as great as when the magnetic stress is maintained between each reversal and the next. Nothing has been said as yet respecting the phase of the torsional vibrations of the wire at which the reversals of the magnetic stress were made. When the reversals synchronised with the torsional vibrations the former were made when the wire was nearly^ at the end of its swing on one side or the other, but it was soon discovered that the effect of reversing the magnetic stress was greatest when the reversals took place exactly at the end of each swing, and least when they occurred at each instant the wire was passing its position of equilibrium. * The time during which the circuit remained closed after each reversal must have been only a small fraction of a second, as on reversing a sharp tap was given to the key, the spring of which was rather strong, and the finger removed as quickly as possible. f That is, no particular pains had been taken to ensure that the reversals should take place exactly at the end of each swing. MIX-a'KXXXYlII. — A. 10 MR. H. TOMLINSON ON THE INFLUENCE OF STRESS AND Experiment VIII. The vibration-period of the wire was made 4 seconds ; the reversals synchronised with the vibrations of the wire, and the magnetising circuit was opened immediately after each reversal. Magnetic stress in C.O.S. unit-. Logarithmic decrement due to internal friction. Reversals made at the end of each swing. 1-135 42-775 •001080 •017416 Beversals made when the wire passed its position of equilibrium. 1-135 42775 •000796 •001432 The value of the logarithmic decrement when there was no magnetic stress acting on the wire was '000782, or little less than when the reversals were made as the wire passed its position of equilibrium and the magnetic stress was 1*135. Even with the higher stress of 42775 the effect of reversing when the wire was at the end of each swing is very considerably greater than when the reversals are made in the position of equilibrium. In the next experiment an attempt was made to ascertain to what extent the magnetic stress could be reduced before it ceased to have any sensible effect on the internal friction. Experiment IX. The reversals were made to synchronise with the vibrations of the wire, and as exactly as possible when the wire had reached its extreme position on either side. The vibration-period of the wire was 4 seconds. Magnetic stress in C.O.S. units. Logarithmic decrement due to internal friction. 28-540 •018332 12-935 •016440 7-280 •008350 1-800 •001454 1-135 •001080 0-495 •000918 o-oo •000782 STRAIN ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 11 It is evident that, under the above circumstances, even when the magnetic stress is reduced to an amount which begins to be comparable with that of the earth's magnetic stress, there is a very appreciable damping' due to the reversals. By subtracting '000782 from the numbers in the second column of the last Table, we get the increase of the logarithmic decrement due to the reversals in each case, and it is interesting to compare this increase with the stress producing it ; this comparison is made below. Inerewe of the Magnetic streM. A. logarithmic decrement due to the reremli B:JL of the magnetic ilreo. B. 28-540 •017550 •000616 12-935 •015658 •001210 7-280 •007568 •001040 1-800 •000672 •000374 1-135 •000298 •000262 0-495 •000136 •000274 The increase of the logarithmic decrement due to the reversals of the magnetic stress is, for small stresses, proportional to the latter. When the magnetic stress reaches 1'800 the friction increases in greater proportion than the stress, until the latter ex- ceeds 12'935, when the ratio B : A begins to decline.* This is what might be expected from the behaviour of the magnetic permeability as the stress is gradually increased : in fact, with this particular specimen of iron, the permeability was found to increase very rapidly as the magnetic stress rose from 3 to 5 C.G.S. units, and again fell very rapidly when the stress rose from 12 upwards. The damping effect of magnetic stress, when applied as above, is noteworthy for its magnitude ; for the logarithmic decrement when the wire is subjected to reversals of a magnetic stress of 28 '5 40 is actually between twenty and thirty times as great as when the wire is free from stress or under the influence of a sustained magnetising stress.t Experiment X. In this experiment the effects of reversals and of applying and removing the mag- netic stress always in the same direction were compared together, the magnetic stress being in each case 42775 C.G.S. units, and the vibration-period of the wire 4725 seconds. In both cases the circuit was broken instantly after it was closed, and the reversals or closings were made to synchronise with the vibrations of the wire. * See also Experiment VI. f Experiment II. c 2 12 MR. H. TOML1NSON ON THE INFLUENCE OF STRESS AND i Logarithmic decrement due Ditto when the magnelifl- to internal friction when ing stress Tag alwayn the magnetising stress applied in the game wag reversed, direction. •017416 -0064C4 The effect in the former of the two cases is very much greater than in the latter, and this might have been anticipated, for the change of magnetisation with each reversal is much greater than that produced by each repetition of the stress. No doubt the difference in the effects in the two cases would be proportionately still greater for a lower value of magnetic stress, for, with this particular specimen of iron, when the magnetising stress was about 4 C.G.S. units, the change of magnetisation produced by each reversal was from eighteen to twenty times as great as the change produced by each repetition of the stress.] It has been remarked that when the amplitudes of the vibrating wire are such as only to produce very small molecular displacements neither the internal friction nor the torsional elasticity is sensibly affected by sustained magnetisation. Since, however, the author's investigations, mentioned in the outset of this memoir, and in which the wire had been vibrated through comparatively large arcs, seemed to show that magnetism did slightly affect the torsional elasticity, he proceeded to re-try some of his old experiments relating to the effect of magnetisation on torsional elasticity, and at the same time also to study the alteration of internal friction which might ensue with large amplitudes of vibration. Experiment XI. The mirror was twisted round through an angle of 18°, then refixed ; afterwards the vibrator was twisted so as to bring the reflected spot of light just on to one end of the scale ; the vibrator was then let go, and as soon as the subsidence of the amplitude had caused the spot of light to reach the division on the scale marked 100,* or thereabouts, readings were taken. For the battery power 10 GROVE'S cells were used, and the magnetising stress was very nearly 35 in electromagnetic units. > The zero of the scale was, in this instance, at the end of the scale from which the vibrator was started, so that as the amplitudes of the vibrations subsided the readings increased. STRAIN ON THK PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTKR. MAGNETISING solenoid not excited. Number of trial. Reading when the vibrator had reached its extreme position. Number of ribrafioni executed after the readinga had commenced. 1 102 608 0 52 2 108 608 0 52 8 100 600 0 52 4 98 389 0 20 Magnetising solenoid excited. 5 101 709 0 52 6 101 500 0 20 Thus it appears that, whether the subsidence in 52 or in 20 vibrations be considered, the internal friction is very perceptibly greater when the solenoid is excited than when it is not,* and that the difference is greater, the greater the mean amplitude of vibration. Experiment XII. With the same arrangement as in the last experiment, and with the same initial arc of vibration, the following was found to be the effect of sustained longitudinal magnetisation on the vibration-period, the battery power used being the same as before. * The subsidence for 52 vibrations when the solenoid is excited is 608, and when the solenoid is not excited 500, the former being 21 per cent, greater than the other. Again, the subsidence in 20 vibrations is 3C per cent, greater when the solenoid is excited than when it is not excited. 14 MB. H. TOMLINSON ON THE INFLUENCE OP STRESS AND MAGNETISING solenoid not excited. Number of trial. Vibration-period in seconds. 1 2 2-481 2-479 Mean 2-480 Magnetising solenoid excited. 3 2-483 From this last experiment it would seem that for these comparatively large amplitudes the vibration-period is slightly greater for the magnetised than for the unmagnetised wire, and that consequently the results previously obtained hy the author with less perfect apparatus are so far confirmed. The Limit of Magnetic Elasticity. From Experiment V. it is evident that when the value of the magnetising stress becomes as small as 0'104 the effect of continued reversals of it on the internal friction is still perceptible. Now, as any such effect was attributed to permanent * twist imparted to the molecules, first to this side and then to that, according to the direction of the magnetising current, an attempt was made to ascertain how far the magnetic stress might be increased from zero upwards before the molecules would be permanently twisted by it. Experiment XIII. In the axis of a magnetising solenoid 11 '43 centuns. in length was placed a bundle of well-annealed iron wires, consisting of twenty pieces, each 8 centims. in length and '1 centim. in diameter. The axis of the magnetising solenoid was coincident with that of a second solenoid, made up of 814 turns of cotton-covered copper wire ; the second solenoid surrounded the first, and was connected up with a very delicate THOMSON'S reflecting galvanometer. A single GROVE'S cell, with a box of resistance coils in circuit, actuated the magnetising solenoid, and the magnetism imparted was measured by the throw of the needle of the galvanometer produced by the induced current which resulted on closing the battery circuit. The permanent ' The word " permanent," whenever used in this memoir in connection with strain, must be taken as denoting merely that the strain does not immediately disappear on the removal of the stress. The author believes that such strains as have occurred in his experiments are for the most part sub-permanent. STRAIN ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 15 magnetism for a given magnetic stress was measured by the difference between the deflections which ensued when the battery circuit was closed for the first and for the tenth times ; thus, if Dl and D10 be these two deflections respectively, the permanent magnetism is assumed to be measured by D! — D10, and the temporary magnetism b D 10. Resistance in the battery circuit in B.A. uniU B. Permanent mag- netism D.-D,,. Temporary mag- netism D,» (D,-D,.)B. Dwx B. 1002* 0 4 0 40 x 10* 502 0 8 0 40 302 0 15 0 45 202 1-1 23 2-2 x 10» 46 152 2-0 31 3-0 „ 47 102 3-5 49 36 „ 50 82 5-2 62 43 „ 51 62 8-3 88 5-1 „ 55 42 19-0 187 80 „ 58 32 81-8 188 10-2 „ 60 From this experiment it appears that until the resistance in the battery circuit has become about 302 B.A. units there is no perceptible permanent magnetism. The electromotive force of the GROVE'S cell was 1 '9 volts ; the number of turns per centi- metre in the magnetising solenoid was ,-^j, and the total resistance in circuit was 302 X '9889 legal ohms. The magnetising stress in electromagnetic units would consequently be 4ir x 1-9 x 10" x 70 or 302 x -9889 x 10» x 11'43 ' •04896. The above magnetic stress is little more than one-fourth of that due to the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic force. The magnetising solenoid was in this experiment placed horizontally and at right angles to the magnetic meridian, so that the iron was uninfluenced by the magnetism of the earth ; but other similar experiments seemed to show that, in whatever position the iron was placed, the mole- cules required a very appreciable magnetic stress to produce permanent molecular set.t [October 6th, 1887. — It may be objected to the above experiment that the length of the pieces of iron is not sufficiently great in comparison with their diameter ; J but * The resistance of the battery and solenoid amounted to 2 B.A. units, which together with 1000 B.A. units added from the box makes the number here given. f Later experiments, however, proved that even with the small magnetic stress quoted above a permanent deflection is produced. (See the passage following.) J Cf. EWINO, ' Phil. Trans.,' 1885, pp. 533-536. 16 M]R. H. TOMLINSON ON THE INFLUENCE OF STRESS AND the following experiment shows that even when the length is so great as to render such an objection quite out of the question there is an apparent limit of magnetic elasticity. Experiment XIV. A magnetising solenoid, no less than 354'3 centimetres in length, was prepared, having coiled on it, in a single layer, silk-covered copper wire ; the number of turns per centimetre was 8'5. The secondary coil consisted of 5909 turns of silk-covered copper wire, coated with shellac varnish, laid on in six layers ; the resistance of this coil was nearly equal to that of the ballistic galvanometer. The bundle of iron wires was increased in number to 40, and the length of each was 325 centimetres, so that, regarding the bundle as one solid rod, the length of it was 512'5 tunes the diameter. The mode of experimenting was the same as before. Magnetising stress in C.G.S. unite & Permanent mag- netism in scale divisions Temporary ditto D10. D10:S 0100153 o-o 8-0 5229 0-00306 o-o 15-5 5074 0-00760 o-o 39-0 5134 0-01506 o-o 78-0 5180 0-01874 o-o 96-0 5124 0-02480 o-o 128-8 5193 0-02960 o-o 153-7 5194 0-03667 0-5 190-4 5193 0-04821 2-5 250-8 5202 0-05720 4-0 297-5 5201 In reading the deflections there was certainly no error equal to '5 of a division, and the first trace of the molecules taking a permanent set is when the magnetic stress has reached 0'03667, or about one-fifth of the value of the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic force. The first decided permanent set does not apparently occur till the stress has reached 0'04821, a value very close to that recorded in the last experi- ment as the limit of magnetic elasticity. A similar experiment to the above was tried with a wrought-iron rod in an unan- nealed condition, and in this case there was not the slightest trace of permanent set until a stress of 0'0482l was reached, whilst the deflection due to temporary magneti- sation with this stress was 538 scale-divisions. These last experiments seem to show that between the values 0 and ^H of magnetic stress there is no permanent set whatever ; but in the next experiment it will appear that, if we operate by the method of reversals, permanent set may be detected with much smaller stresses. STRAIN ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 17 Experiment XV. The bundle of soft-iron wires used in Experiment XIV. was subjected to gradually increased amounts of magnetic stress according to the following plan : — First the magnetising circuit was closed and the deflection D! noted, and after the spot of light had come to rest the circuit was opened and the deflection D2 observed ; next the battery was reversed, and the deflections Ds, D4, produced by closing and opening the circuit respectively, were read off as before. When the magnetic stress produces no permanent set the four deflections are all of equal value ; but, if any such set exists, D3 — D4 will represent the change of magnetisation produced by the wrenching of the molecules from their positions of permanent set on one side to their positions of perma- nent set on the other. If the reversals be made a great many times, D3 — D+ becomes less and less, but never vanishes, and finally becomes a constant. Experimenting in the manner mentioned above, the permanent set could be just detected when the magnetic stress had reached the value of 0'01690, a value only a little less than half of that at which it had been detected by the other method.* The method of reversals possesses two great advantages over the previous method in attacking the question of a magnetic elastic limit. In the first place the amount of permanent set detectable is about doubled ; and, in the second place, we may go on repeating the reversals so that any failure to detect a small amount of permanent set at the first reversal may be rectified in the second or subsequent reversals. A very protracted examination of the values of D3 — D4 for different values of magnetic stress extending beyond £H was now made,t and it was found that, provided the reversals were for each stress continued long enough to make D3 — Dt constant, the permanent set as thus measured was exactly proportional to the square of the magnetic stress. We can now plainly see how mutters stand with respect to a magnetic elastic limit, namely, that no such limit is mathematically existent ; but from the rapid falling- off of the permanent set, with decrease of magnetic stress, as indicated by the above- mentioned law, and from the observations with hard and soft iron which have been already made, we may, in all probability, safely assume that even with the very softest iron* no permanent set amounting to one per cent, can be detected by the ballistic method, provided the magnetic stress does not exceed |H.§] * This might be expected from what has been said above. t It is not necessary to enter into the details of this examination, as they will be laid before tho Royal Society in a subsequent paper. * The soft-iron wire used in these experiments was specially prepared for the author by Messrs. JOHNSON and NKPHKW ; it can bo permanently elongated 25 per cent, before breaking. § Before this note was written Lord RATLEIGH had by another method shown ('Phil. Mag.,' vol. -.'•. 1887, pp. 225-241) that up to JH there is no sensible permanent set. Lord RAYI.KILII has also shown in his paper that when permanent set is produced by higher magnetising stresses the amount of set is proportional to the square of the stress. MDCXXILXXXVIII. — A. I) I- Mil H. TOML1NSON ON THE INFLUENCE OF STRESS AND The Effect on the Interned Friction and on the Torsional Elasticity produced by an Electric Current. Experiment XVI. Some experiments made in the year 1880* had seemed to show that, unless an electric current was very powerful, its influence on the torsional elasticity of iron and copper was very nearly, if not quite, nil ; and even in those cases where, apparently, slight changes were wrought by powerful currents the results were such as to leave the question undecided as to whether these changes might be due, not directly to the current, but rather to the consequent heating. Accordingly the author determined to dispense with powerful currents, and to endeavour to compensate for the lessening of the current by increasing the accuracy and number of the observations. The following were the arrangements : — The clamp which secured the upper extremity of the wire was provided with a terminal screw, by means of which connection was made with one pole of a battery of five cells of the LECLANCHE type.t To the bar of the vibrator attached to the lower extremity of the wire was soldered a rather fine sewing needle, which, hanging vertically downwards in a line which was a continuation of the axis of the wire, dipped with its point into a cup filled with mercury, whilst a caoutchouc-covered connecting wire, passing from the cup through a key and a tangent-galvanometer to the otjier pole of the battery, served to complete the circuit. It having been ascertained that the rotation of the fine point of the needle in the mercury did not appreciably increase the logarithmic decrement, the effect of the current .on the internal friction and the torsional elasticity of wires of nickel, iron, and tin was investigated. As the lengths of the wires used were in all cases more than 600 centimetres^, and the diameters comparatively small, the strength of the current did not exceed 0'30 ampbre. It will be hardly necessary to enter further into details, since these experiments resemble very closely those already described, when the effect of longitudinal magnetisation was tested. Suffice it that the examination of the wires occupied several days, and the final conclusion arrived at was that when the current was maintained constant there was no effect on the internal friction or on the vibration-period produced by it apart from what might be expected from the very slight rise of temperature resulting from the passage of the current,§ which rise could not in any case have equalled 1° Centigrade. * ' Phil. Trans.,' 1883 (vol. 174, Part I). Experiments 24 and 26. * \ The current yielded by this battery did not vary so much as 5 per cent, during the whole of the period of experimenting. J The apparatus here used was described in the author's first memoir on Internal Friction. § This could be calculated within a sufficient degree of approximation from data furnished br Mr. J. T. BOTTOMLET ('Nature,' Sept. 25 and Oct. 2, 1884). STRAIN ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OK MATTEH. 19 It may be objected to the above experiments that too weak a current was employed to bring out with sufficient distinctness any sign of what was looked for; but, as has been already mentioned, the reason for employing such a current was to avoid as far as possible heating effects. Moreover, it was evident that the nickel and iron wires were in a state of circular magnetisation under the influence of the current, inasmuch as a very sensible twist was produced by the combined action of the circular magnetisation and the longitudinal magnetisation, resulting from the vertical component of the earth's magnetic force. The current passed up the wires, and by the earth's vertical magnetic force they were longitudinally magnetised with the north-seeking magnetic pole downwards, the combined action of the two magnetising stresses resulting in twisting the nickel wire in the direction of a right-handed screw ;* by properly timing the impulses of the key used for closing the circuit a deflection of eight scale-divisions could be easily produced. With the iron wire the twist was much more perceptible than with nickel, and in the opposite direction, as might be expected from the researches of JOULE and GOBE. By properly timing the impulses of the key an amplitude of no less than 140 scale-divisions could be got up. Experiment XVII. [October, 1887. — It has been remarked that a sustained electric current passing through a wire does not, except by heating, appreciably alter the internal friction. The currents used in bringing out this result, though strong enough to produce very sensible circular magnetisation, were comparatively feeble. As soon, however, as it appeared, from Experiment VII., that the magnetising stress need only be applied for an instant in order to produce an effect, it was resolved to ascertain to what extent the internal friction could be influenced by circular magnetisation produced by sending an intermittent current through the wire, the current being reversed in synchronism with the torsional vibrations of the wire at the end of each swing of the latter, and instantly removed again after each reversal. The vibration-period of the wire was 4725 seconds. Current in C.O.8. nniU lined to circularly magnetite. 0-0199 0-0345 0-0616 0-1060 0-2056 Logarithmic decrement due to internal friction. •000845 •001102 •001210 •001564 •002624 •004591 * This shows a shortening in the direction of magnetisation, and therefore the result is in accordance with that arrived at by Professor BARRETT, who has proved that nickel contracts in the direction of magnetisation. D 2 •20 MU. H. TOUfLlNSON ON THE INFLUENCE OP STRESS AND By subtracting '000845 from the other numbers in the same column we obtain the increase of logarithmic decrement due to the reversals of the current in each case. Current in C.G.S. unite. Increase of logarithmic decrement due to reversals. 13: A. A. 15. 0-0199 •000257 •0129 0-0345 •000365 •0106 0-0616 •000719 •0117 0-1060 •001779 •0168 0-2056 •003746 •0237 The increase of the logarithmic decrement increases proportionately to the current until the latter attains a value of 0'0616 ; from this point upwards the ratio B: A increases. Since the circuit was broken immediately after each reversal the current might have been earned much higher without sensibly heating the wire,* and, in all probability, with circular magnetisation as with longitudinal magnetisation, the ratio B : A would, beyond a certain value of the magnetising stress, begin to decrease as the stress increased. There was, however, the following difficulty in experimenting with higher currents : — In consequence of the wire hanging vertically it was all the time under the influence of the earth's vertical magnetic stress, and was thereby longitudinally magnetised, so that when the current was sent up or down the wire the combination of the two magnetisations caused the wire to twist to this side or that ; and, since the reversals of the current were synchronous with the vibrations of the wire, the amplitude of these last vibrations was, owing to the above-mentioned cause, increased or diminished according as the phases of the two sets of vibrations were the same or opposite. With the smaller currents the difficulty was sufficiently overcome by first making a number of reversals with the two sets of vibrations in the same phase, and then an equal number with the phases opposed ; but with the current 0'205G this mode of compensation began to fail. It is evident, however, that the internal friction of iron can be very largely increased by reversals of a current passing through the wire.] The Effect of Magnetisation on tJie Longitudinal Elasticity. According to GUILLAUME WunTHEiMt long continued magnetisation diminishes both temporarily and permanently the longitudinal elasticity of iron and steel, but magnetisation continued only for a short time has no sensible effect. Since the author's own experiments led him to view with considerable caution these results of M.Wj£RTHEiM,and to believe that long continued magnetisation diminished the elasticity • Rise of temperature causes decrease of the internal friction of annealed iron, t ' Annales de Chimie,' vol. 12, 1844, p. 610. STRAIN ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. ^ simply on account of the heat generated by the magnetising solenoid, he proceeded as follows : — Efl" 'in,.',d XVIII. The magnetising solenoid described in the first portion of this memoir was placed horizontally, and an iron wire of rather more than twice the length of the solenoid was stretched along the axis of the latter and fixed at both ends. Water, as in the earlier experiments, was kept constantly flowing through the annular space of the air-chamber, so as to prevent the heat generated in the solenoid from affecting the wire. The wire, when rubbed along its length with a resined glove, gave a clear note, which was taken on a monochord. The magnetising solenoid was now excited by ten GROVE'S cells, and the wire, having been loosened and stretched by the same load as before,* was again secured at the ends and rubbed. The note yielded was precisely the same as before, and, though the current 'was allowed to flow through the solenoid for some time, not the slightest change could be detected. Several trials were made of the same kind, and all concurred in yielding the same results. Of course, the value to be attached to an experiment of this kind depends mainly upon the ability of the observer to distinguish small differences of pitch. Now the author's assistantt has so frequently proved his skill in this respect^ that it can be fairly said that if longitudinal magnetisation does influence longitudinal elasticity it does so to an extent which cannot be appreciated, even by a well-trained ear, when tested in the above manner. It might, perhaps, be possible to detect some effect of magnetisation on the temporary elongation produced by large loads when the method of static extension is employed, but not with the arrangement used by WERTHEIM. M. WERTUEIM seems to have taken no precautions to avoid the heating effects of the magnetising solenoid, and the very fact that he was only able to detect any change after the solenoid had been excited for sonic time points suspiciously to heating as being the origin of what he observed. It is true that according to WERTHEIM the longitudinal elasticity of iron is increased by a small rise of tempera- ture, but in this the author has ventured to differ from him. § The Influence of an Electric Current on Longitudinal Elasticity. According to WEHTHEIM|| the longitudinal elasticity of wires is diminished by the passage of an electric current, independently of the alteration which would result * The full arrangement for effecting this will be described in a future paper, t Mr. FUHSE, Uic Curator of the Museum of King George III., King's College, Strand. J The author has already given (' Phil. Trans.,' 1883 (vol. 174, Part I.), p. 53 and elsewhere) specimens of this. § ' Phil. Trans.,' 1883 (vol. 174, Part I.), pp. 128-131. || 'Annales de Chimie,' vol. 12, 1844. 22 MB. H. TOMLINSON ON THE INFLUENCE OF STRESS AND from the elevation of temperature produced by the current. When, however, the experiments were concluded which have just been recorded, and, moreover, no appreci- able effect had been found to be produced on the torsional elasticity by the passage of a current, the author was led to endeavour to ascertain how far WERTHEIM might be justified in the above-mentioned conclusion as regards the effect of a current on the longitudinal elasticity. First, in order to avoid heating as much as possible, currents from '2 to '3 ampere were employed — currents which, though comparatively weak, are, as has been shown, capable of producing very sensible circular magnetisation. The same length of wire and the same apparatus as that described in the author's former papers on Elasticity* were used, with this difference, however, that now the wire to be examined and the comparison-wire were secured at their upper extremities to separate clamps which were insulated from each other and from the bracket on which they rested. Near their lower extremities the wire and the comparison-wire were united by a short piece of copper wire, so that the current from the battery might, after passing through a tangent-galvanometer and a commutator, continue its course down one wire and up the other to the other pole of the battery. By this arrangement it may be seen that the heating effect of the current will not cause any error except that due to slight differ- ence in the thermal expansibility of the wire and the comparison- wire, due to the differ- ence in the load on the two wires.t Any change of elasticity wrought by the current, amounting to *1 per cent., could have readily been detected, but after some five or six hours had been spent, and loads of very different amounts, almost up to the breaking- load of the wire, used, the attempt was abandoned, as it seemed certain that for these comparatively small currents there was no appreciable change in the elasticity resulting from the passage of the current when the latter was maintained constant. Next the effect of much more powerful currents was tried, the same arrangements being employed as in Experiment XVIII., with the exception that the magnetising solenoid was removed, and in its place two terminal screws substituted, one near each end of the wire, but, of course, beyond the points where the wires are clamped. These terminal screws served to connect the wire with a battery of 10 GROVE'S cells and a box of resistance-coils, together with a tangent-galvanometer and commutator. The wire was rubbed along its length with a resined glove, and the pitch of the note determined by means of the syren — first when the current was not passing through the wire, next when it was, and finally, a second time, with no current. The following were the results obtained with annealed iron wire and unannealed piano-steel wire : — * ' Phil. Trans.,' 1883 (vol. 174, Part I.), pp. 2-4. t Even this source of error can be eliminated by testing the wire, in the first place, with the permanent load on the comparison-wire greater, and in the second place less, by an eqnal amount than that on the wire to be examined. STRAIN ON THK PHYSICAL PROI'KUTIKS OF MATTER. 23 Experiment XIX. IRON wire 365 centimetres in length and '07035 centimetre in diameter. Current in C.G.S. unit*. Calculated rise of temperature in degrees • igrade produced by the current. Xiim!>cr of longitudinal vibra- tion* in two minute*. Decrease of longitudinal elasticity per unit per degree rlie of tem- perature. 0 0-323 45-31 4115-5 X 20 4085-0 X 20 •0003268 Experiment XX. PIANO-STEEL 365 centimetres in length and '0824 centimetre in diameter. Current in C.O.8. unite. Calculated rise of temperature in degree* Centigrade produced by the current .Numhor of longitudinal vibra- tion* in two minute*. DccreaMe of longitudinal elasticity per unit per degree rinc of tem- perature. 0 0-2335 44-67 4255-3 x 20 4229-5 x 20 •0003020 The principal difficulty connected with the accurate reduction of these experiments lies in the calculation of the rise of temperature produced by the current. According to J. T. BOTTOMLEY * the rise of temperature may be obtained from the following easily proved formula : — where t is the temperature of the wire, 6 the temperature of the room, c the current, d with 10'46 kilos., and subjected to torsional stress, increased by small amounts at a time. Scale and mirror were used, and a displacement of the image through 34'9 scale-divisions corresponded to 1° of rotation of the mirror. Load in grammes oied in producing the tonioa W. Total ton- ion imme- diately produced, T.» Total tor-ion produced after tome time, T,.» Total permanent ton-ion produced after tome time, Pj. 1st 30 104 x 3 104 x 3 06 Next 10 104 104 07 Ditto 107 107 1-0 Ditto 105 105 1-5 Ditto 105 106 2-0 Ditto 111 111 4-0 Ditto 112-5 114 6-2 An examination of the fourth column shows that the consecutive values of permanent deformation produced by consecutive equal loads form roughly a geometrical progression, of which the common ratio is 1'42. It may then be roughly calculated that the permanent twist produced by the first 10 grammes cannot be greater than '14, whilst the total torsion is 104. Thus in this experiment the permanent torsion produced by the smallest load is less than yooth of the total ; but in some of the author's own experiments, in consequence of a much greater length of wire being used, and that, too, of much smaller diameter, the temporary deformations vary, on the average, between -fatii and g^th of the smallest in WIEDEMANN'S experi- ments, so that the permanent torsion of the wire itself would escape observation should the attempt be made to detect it by the method of statical torsion. [October, 1887. — Nevertheless, the experiments described in the author's paper seem to place beyond doubt the soundness of WIEDEMANN'S hypothesis that even with the most minute torsional deformations the molecules of a torsionally oscillating wire are permanently twisted first to this side and then to that, and that this is the main cause of the internal friction.t For how else can the enormous increase of the internal friction which can be effected by interrupted magnetisation be accounted for ? Had a magnetic elastic limit been proved to exist, there would have been some little difficulty in accepting WIKIUM \\s's views, for in the author's experiments on internal friction, previously alluded to, the logarithmic decrement was found to be independent • WIEDKMANN designates as temporary torsion what is here put down a* total torsiou. t Provided the amplitudes of the oscillations do not exceed a certain limit. MDCCCLX \\V11 1 . — A. E 26 MR. H. TOMLINSON ON THE INFLUENCE OF STRESS AND STRAIN, ETC. of the amplitude even for the very minutest torsional deformations ; but, since it ha8 been proved that any magnetic stress, however small, must produce some molecular permanent set, the difficulty vanishes.] Summary. 1. When the deformations produced by the oscillations are small the internal friction of a torsionally vibrating wire is not affected by sustained longitudinal mag- netisation of moderate amount. The internal friction is also not affected by sustained magnetisation, even when carried nearly to the point of saturation, provided the magnetising current be, previously to experimenting, reversed a great number of times. 2. When the deformations are large the internal friction is increased by sustained magnetisation of large amount. 3. The torsional elasticity is entirely independent of any sustained longitudinally magnetising stress which may be acting upon the wire, provided the deformations produced by the torsional oscillations be small. When the deformations are large the torsional elasticity is very slightly decreased by sustained longitudinal magnetisation of large amount. 4. When the magnetising current is interrupted, and, to a greater extent, when it is reversed repeatedly whilst the wire is oscillating, the internal friction is increased provided the magnetising stress be of moderate amount. The increase of internal friction may become very considerable when the magnetising stress is great. 5. When the deformations produced by the oscillations are small the torsional elasticity is not affected by either repeatedly interrupted or reversed magnetisation, even when the magnetising current is very large. 6. There exists a limit of magnetic stress within which the magnetic elasticity is sensibly perfect, but a mathematically true magnetic elastic limit does not exist. 7. The passage of an electric current through a torsionally vibrating wire does not affect, except by heating, either the internal friction or the torsional elasticity, provided the deformations produced by the oscillations be small. 8. The effect of longitudinal magnetisation, even when carried to the point of saturation, on the longitudinal oscillations of an iron or steel wire is nil. 9. The passage of an electric current through a longitudinally oscillating iron or steel wire does not, except by heating, affect the oscillation-frequency. 10. When the deformations produced in a torsionally oscillating wire do not exceed a certain limit the internal friction mainly depends upon the sub-permanent rotation to and fro of the molecules about their axes. [ 27 ] II. On the Spectrum of the Oxy-hydrogen Flame. By G. D. LIVEING, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry, and J. DEWAK, M.A., F.R.S., Jacksonian Professor, University of Cambridge. Received January 18,— Bead February 2, 1888. [PLATES 1-4.] IN 1880 we described, simultaneously with Dr. HUGGINS, a series of linen furining the strongest part of the spectrum of water, and again, in 1 882, a second, less strong and more refrangible series, forming a second section of the same spectrum. Subsequently, M. DESLANDRES discovered a third still weaker and more refrangible series, beginning at a wave-length 2610*3. We find, however, that the spectrum does not end there, but extends both on the more refrangible and on the less refrangible sides to a con- siderable distance. By employing a large spectroscope with a single calcite prism and a long exposure we have obtained photographs of the spectrum of the oxy-hydrogen flame, showing closely set lines from wave-length 2268 to 4100, with traces of lines beyond those limits. The whole spectrum appears to consist of a succession of rhythmical series of lines, the lines of each rhythmical series being stronger and more closely set at the more refrangible end of the series and becoming weaker and wider apart towards the less refrangible end. The strongest of these series are those first described, those on either side of them becoming fainter as they are more remote, until the highest series gave us a measurable photograph only after an exposure of five hours. In most cases two series begin near together and overlap one another, producing a complication which cannot easily be unravelled, and the overlapping appears in some cases to extend to more than two series. M. DESLANDRES states (' Comptes Rendus,' vol. 100, p. 854,) that the first band of the water spectrum (i.e., the group beginning at a wave-length about 3063) includes a series of rays which reproduce, line for line, at the same distances and with the same relative intensities, the band A of the solar spectrum ; and that the second band (i.e., the group beginning at a wave-length about 2811) includes a series corres- ponding to B, and that in the third a may be found to be reproduced. He does not state at what wave-lengths in these bands we are to look for the more refrangible E 2 i.r,.«8 28 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING AND J. DEWAR edges of A, B, and a respectively ; and we have not been able to make out such an exact correspondence between the lines of the water spectrum and those of A, B, and a as M. DESLANDRES' words seem to imply. Nevertheless, the similarity of the grouping is very remarkable, as may be seen from the accompanying map, on which are given the lines of A, on a scale slightly reduced from Professor PIAZZI SMYTH'S solar spectrum, side by side with the lines of the water spectrum. The corres- pondence of B and of a to certain lines of the higher groups is less striking. We have no doubt that the peculiar arrangement of the lines, commencing at the more refrangible end with some closely set lines and continued in a series of doublets, is in all these cases the result of a general law. The tables of wave-lengths which follow were obtained by measuring the distances of the lines from those of iron photographed on the same plate through a part of the slit. The whole of the lines previously measured have been re-measured, and the numbers assigned as their wave-lengths corrected by reference to more recent measure- ments of the iron lines. The scale is, however, that of ANGSTROM. On account of the faintness of the rays at the two extremities of the spectrum a wide slit had to be employed, as well as a lengthened exposure in photographing them, consequently the photographed lines are broad and somewhat ill-defined, and groups of closely set lines could not be resolved. The wave-lengths in the first and last tables are therefore liable to greater errors than those in the intervening tables. Moreover, in these parts, the spectrum is so weak that the strongest line is less intense than the weakest lines of the region about X 3] 00, and it has been found necessary to adopt a different scale of intensities for different sections. It is, perhaps, worth remarking that there is a broad diffuse line, the strongest of the lines in that region, coincident with K of the solar spectrum. There is no line coincident with H. ON Till! SI'KiTRDM OF THK OXY-HYDKOGKN FLA.MI 29 TABLES of wave-lengths, and inverse wave-lengths, of the lines in the spectrum of the oxy-hydrogen flame. The numbers prefixed represent the intensities 1 to 6, No. 1 being the most intense. Diffuse lines are noted with a d. I. Intensity. X 1 X Int.-li-ilv X 1 \ IiilcMily. X 1 X 6 2268-0 44,092 6 2374-9 42,107 6 2412-1 41,459 6 2272-2 44,010 6 2:575-5 42,096 Gd 2412-6 41,450 6 2283-6 43,791 6 2:176-6 42,077 6 24143 41,420 6 2297-0 43,535 6 •j::78-6 42,042 6 2414-8 41,411 6 2300-8 43,463 6 2379-6 42,024 5 2416-2 41,387 6 2307-5 43,337 6 2381-9 41,983 6 2418-0 41,356 6 2310-1 43,288 6. 2383-0 41,964 6 2419-8 41,326 6 8816-2 43,174 5 23843 41,941 6 2421-6 41,295 5 •j::-J3-8 43,033 4 2385-7 41,916 6 2422-4 41,281 M 2331 1 42,898 5 2387-0 41,894 4 2425-7 41,225 6d 23322 42,878 6 2390-6 41,831 6 2427-0 41,203 5 2337-5 42,781 6 2391-6 41,813 5 2428-1 41,184 6 2342-1 42,697 6 23935 41,780 5 2429-7 41,157 6 2345-6 42,633 6 2394-8 41,757 6d 2431-2 41,132 6 2347-5 42,599 6 2396-3 41,731 6d 2431-8 41,122 6 2351-6 42,524 6 2398-0 41,702 6 2433-3 41,096 6 2354-1 42,479 6 2398-6 41,691 6d 24339 41,086 5 2355-5 42,454 5 2399-4 41,677 6 24359 41,053 6 2356-6 42,434 5 2402-4 41,625 6 2437-2 41,031 6 2357-7 42,414 6 2403-2 41,611 5 2438-7 41,005 6 2360-6 42,362 6 2404-2 41,595 5 2440-3 40,979 6 2365-1 42.2S2 6 2405-4 41,574 6 2441-6 40,957 6 2366-1 42,264 6 2406-6 41,553 6 2443-2 40,930 6 2368-6 42,219 6 2407-6 41,536 6 2445-4 40,893 6 23712 42,173 5 2409-0 41,511 6 2446-5 40,875 6 2372-8 42,144 6 2410-1 41,492 6 2448-4 40,843 6 2373-6 42,130 30 PROFESSORS G. D. L1VEING AND J. DEWAR II. The average intensities of the lines in this section are greater than those of the lines in the preceding section, so that a line marked No. 6 in the following table is generally quite as intense as one marked No. 4 in the preceding table. Intensity. X 1 X Intensity. X 1 X Intensity. X 1 X 4 2449-3 40,828 5d 2496-3 40,059 6 2542-7 39,328 5 2450-9 40,801 5 2498.0 40,032 6 2545-6 39,283 6 2452-2 40,780 6 2499-8 40,003 4 2547-7 39,251 6 2453-3 40,761 5 2501-4 39,978 4d 2550-3 39,211 5 2454-7 40,738 5 2503-1 39,950 3 2553-4 39,163 4 2456-0 40,717 6 2503-7 39,941 4 2556-4 39,118 5 2457-7 40,688 6 2504-0 39,936 3 2559-6 39,069 6 24592 40,664 6 2504-4 39,930 5 2562-6 39,023 6 2460-0 40,650 6 2505-2 39,917 6 2565-6 38,977 • 6 2461-7 40,622 6 2505-6 39,911 5 2567-0 38,956 4d 2462-8 40,604 6 2506-8 39,892 5 2569-1 38,924 6 2464-5 40,576 6 2508-1 39,871 6 2570-4 38,904 6 2465-9 40,553 6 2509-1 39,855 6 2572-9 38,867 6 2467-1 40,533 6 2509-8 39,844 6 2573-4 38,859 5 2469-6 40,492 6 2510-5 39,833 6 2574-5 38,842 4 2471-9 40,455 6 2511-1 39,823 6 2576-7 38,809 6 2474-5 40,412 6 2513-1 39,791 6 2578-3 38,785 6 2477-6 40,362 6 2515-1 39,760 6 2580-9 38,746 6 2479-3 40,334 5 2517-5 39,722 6 2582-1 38,728 6 2480-7 40,311 5 2519-8 39,686 6 2582-8 38,718 5 2482-6 40,280 5 2521-7 39,656 5 2584-4 38,694 6 2483-7 40,263 5 2524-2 39,617 6 2587-1 38,653 6 2484-9 40,243 6 2529-2 39,538 5 2589-1 38,623 6 2485-8 40,229 4 2530-2 ' 30,523 6 2591-3 38,591 5 2487-2 40,206 6 2531-4 39,504 6 2592-8 38,568 5 2489-3 40,172 5 2534-1 39,462 6 2594-6 38,542 4 24911 40,143 3 2536-6 39,423 6 2596-4 38,515 6 2492-3 40.124 5 2537-7 39,406 6 2598-6 38,482 6 2493-8 40,099 6 2538-9 39,387 6 2600-9 38,448 6 2495-6 40,071 6 2540-2 39,367 6 26032 38,414 6 2605-2 38,385 ON THE SPECTRUM OF THE OXY-HYUROGEN FLAME. 31 III. The average intensities of the lines in this section is a good deal greater than that of the lines in the preceding section, so that intensity No. 6 in this table would include lines of intensity No. 4 in the preceding section. Intensity. X 1 X Illt.-ll-irv. X 1 X Inteiuiiy. X 1 X 3 2608-4 sgjtt 4 26732 37,409 6 2734-3 36,572 6 2608-9 38,331 6 2675-8 37,373 5 •2735-5 86,557 6 2609-7 38,319 3 26773 87,868 4 2737-8 .Mi.526 5 2611-0 38,300 6 2678-2 37,339 4 2740-2 36,494 6 2612-6 38,277 6 2679-0 37,327 6 274-27 36,400 4d 2613-5 38,264 4 2680-9 37.3M-2 4 27i:. '.' 36,418 4 2614-6 38,247 6 2681-8 37,288 4 2748-3 :«;,387 6 2G15-6 38,2: :-2 Tianrl / 2683-0 37,272 5 2751-0 36,351 5 2616-5 38,219 BVBB \ 2683-7 37,263 5 8758*1 36,323 6 2617-0 38,212 6 2684-8 37,247 6 27547 36,302 5 26177 38,201 5 2685-5 37,238 4 2757-0 36,271 6 2618-1 38,196 6 2686-5 37,'22i 6 2759-0 36,246 4 2618-9 38,184 6 2687-2 37,213 4d •27r,9-8 36,235 5 •2 • -.20-6 38,159 5 2687-7 37,207 4 2761-4 86,814 5 •j<;-2l-4 38,148 4 2688-9 37,191 6 • 2762-6 30,198 6 2622-2 38,136 5 :y,!)0-6 37,167 4 8764-1 36,178 6 2622-8 38,128 5 2691-7 37,152 5 _>7i;0-3 36,150 0 26-23-3 38,120 6 2692-5 37,140 6 27673 36,137 &j 262 1-3 38,105 6 2693-2 37,131 6 2768-2 :i>;,125 5 20-25-9 38,083 5 26H3-8 37,123 6 270'.tl 36,113 G 2i 127-2 :K063 5 2695-4 37,101 6 2770-0 36,101 5 20-277 38,057 6 2696-1 37,091 6 2770-9 36,090 5 2628-3 38,047 6d 2697-8 37,067 6 2772-3 36,071 2d 2631-3 38,004 4 2698-8 37,054 6 2773-8 36,052 5 2632-4 37,988 6 2699-7 37,041 5 2774-9 36,037 6 2633-4 37,974 3 2701-6 37,016 5 2776-1 36,022 5 2634-8 37,954 6 •2704-3 36,979 6 •2777-4 36,005 4 2635-7 37,941 5 2705-2 36,966 6 2778-6 35,989 6 :r,-9 37,924 5 2706-2 36,952 5 27792 35,982 4 2638-5 37,900 6 2707-8 36,939 6 2780-7 35,962 3 2640-5 37,872 4 2709-6 36,907 4 27&J2 ::.-.,930 6 2642-2 37,847 6 2710-6 36,893 6 2784-8 35,909 5 2648-1 37,834 4 •2711-6 36,879 4 2786-5 35,887 o •2644-2 :!7.819 6 27136 36,851 6 2787-7 35,872 I •264.V7 37,797 4 2714-5 36,839 6 2788-3 35.K--4 3 2648-2 37,762 5 2715-8 36,822 6 2789-1 35,854 6 2650-7 37,726 4 2717-2 36,803 6 2789-8 35,845 3 2651-3 37,717 6 •2718-2 36,789 5 2790-5 85,886 6 2652-6 37,699 4 2719-8 36,767 6 27.V7 ::.\769 2 2657-4 37,631 5 2724-8 36,701 r 2796-9 ::.V7-r.4 4 2659-7 37,598 5 2726-1 36,682 6 •7-6 85,745 5 •2-;r,o-9 37,581 5 L'728-2 36,655 3 •J7'.t9-8 35,717 3 iMr.3-9 37,539 6 2729-9 36,631 O 2802-9 35,677 6 2666-0 37,501 . 4 -2730-6 36,623 6 2804-2 35,661 5 •jr.'> 1 37,480 4 -2732-1 36,602 6 2805-4 35,646 : 2671-1 37,438 5 2733-0 36,590 5 2806-8 :i\6-28 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING AND J. DEVVAR IV. The lines of this section are generally much more intense than those of the preceding section, so that intensity No. 6 of this section may include lines which would be marked as of intensity 4, according to the scale employed in the preceding section. Intensity. X 1 A Intensity. A 1 X Intensity. A l X 3 2811-2 35,572 3 2857-6 34,994 5 2918-2 34,268 6 2811-3 35,571 3 2859-4 34,972 2d 2918-5 34,264 6 28117 35,566 3 2860-3 34,961 4 2919-8 34,249 0 2812-1 35,561 3 2861-7 34,956 4 2921-5 34,229 6 2812-4 35,557 8 2863-3 34,925 5 2923-8 34,202 id 2813-5 35,543 6 2865-5 34,898 4 2924-4 34,195 5 2814-9 35,525 3 2866-0 34,892 4 2924-8 34,190 4 2815-6 35,516 3 2868-3 34,864 4 2926-3 34,173 4 2816-1 35,510 3 2869-5 34,849 5 2927-1 34,164 3 2817-1 35,498 3 2871-5 34,825 5 2927-6 34,158 6 2818-2 35,484 3 2871-9 34,820 4 2929-9 34,131 4 2818-7 35,477 ' 2rl 2875-0 34,783 4 2931-0 34,118 6 2819-3 35,470 3d 2875-8 34,773 3d 29335 34,089 3 2820-1 35,460 2d 2878-3 34,743 5 2935-2 34,069 6 28-JO-7 35,452 5d 2880-3 34,719 6 2936-5 34,054 6 2821-2 35,446 6 288M 34,709 4 2937-2 34,046 3 2821-8 35,438 6 2881-8 34,701 3 29378 34,039 4 2*22-3 35,432 4 2882-5 34,692 6 2938-5 34,031 6 2824-0 35,411 6 2884-2 34,672 4 2940-3 34,010 3 2824-8 35,401 3 2885-3 34,658 4 2940-6 34,007 41 2825-2 35,396 6 2886-1 34,649 5 2944-2 33,965 3 2826-3 35,382 6 2886-3 34,646 3 2945-2 33,954 U 2828-3 35,357 4 2887-5 34,632 6 2D46-5 33,939 2 2828-7 35,352 6 2888-5 34,620 4d 2947-5 33,927 6 2829-2 35,346 6 2889-2 34,612 5 2948-5 33,916 44 2829-8 35,338 3 2889-8 34,604 6 2950-1 33,897 4 2831-1 35,322 3 2890-2 34,600 6 2950-7 33,890 3 2831-7 35,314 5 2890-8 34,593 6 2951-2 33,885 4 2833-3 35,295 1 2892-9 34,567 6 2951-7 33,879 4 2834-0 35,286 5 2893-5 34,500 6 2252-5 33,870 3 2835-0 35,273 6 2894-2 34,552 6 2953-2 33,862 8 2835-8 35,263 4 2896-1 34,529 6d 2954-5 33,847 5 2836-7 35,252 6? 2897-1 34,517 6 2955-5 33,835 1 2838-8 35,226 4 2897-6 34,511 6 2956-3 33,826 4 2840-1 35,210 4 2898-1 34,505 5 2957-1 33,817 6 2841-0 35,199 6 2898-8 34,497 6 2958-9 33,796 3 2842-2 35,184 4 2899-5 34,489 3 2960-0 33,784 3 2842-7 35,177 3 2900-2 34,480 6 2y62-l 33,760 6P 2843-1 35,173 4 2900-9 34,472 5 2962-9 33,751 2 2844-4 35,157 6 2902-5 34,453 4 2965-5 33,721 6? 2845-4 35,144 1 2903-7 34,439 6 2966-5 33,710 3 2846-3 35,133 6 2906-0 34,412 6 2967-1 33,703 3 2847-4 35,120 5 2906-6 34,404 6 2968-0 33,693 3 2848-8 35,103 3 2907-3 34,396 6 2968-5 33,(i87 3 2849-5 35,094 3 2908-3 34,384 6 2970-0 33,670 3 2850-3 35,059 3 2909-4 34,371 5 2970-7 33,662 6 2850-7 35,079 3 2911-4 34,848 6 2971-1 33,658 2 2852-2 35,085 3 2912-9 34,330 6 2972-2 33, 3081-0 32,457 4 31245 32,005 U 31691 31,555 3 3082-6 32,440 6 3121',, i 31,990 6 31728 31,518 3 3084-6 32,419 6 3127-3 31,976 3 3174-0 31,506 5 3085-8 32,407 3 31278 31,971 6 31746 31,500 3 3086-7 32,397 2 3129-9 31,950 5 3177-2 31,474 1 3089-3 32,:J7() 6 3130-8 31,941 6 3179-6 31,451 3 3089-8 32,365 5 31326 31,1.22 6 3181-0 31,437 2 30906 32,356 2 3133-7 31,911 4 3182-6 31,421 2d 3092-0 32,342 2 :: 136-3 31,885 3 3185-6 31,391 8 3094-2 32,319 6 3137-4 31,874 6 3187-6 31,372 3 30948 32,312 5 81887 31,860 5 3191-3 31,335 3 3095-8 32,302 6 3139-4 31,853 6 3191-9 31.329 3 3096-3 32,297 3 3140-3 31,844 4 3194-5 31,304 :< 3098-3 32,27n 6 3141 •:. 81388 5 3198-7 31,263 2 3099-0 32,268 6 3142-5 :51,822 5 3200-4 31.246 5 3100-6 18,258 3 3U:: 5 81,818 5 3201-9 31,231 2 3101-6 32,241 6 3145-1 31,795 5- 32035 31,216 3 Slo-2 7 :'.L'.-230 2<2 3146-9 31,777 M IM VCLX XXVI II. — A. 34 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING AND J. DEWAR VI. The lines of this section are weaker than those of the preceding section, so that in the scale of intensity of this table, No. 4 is not stronger than No. 6 of the preceding table. Intensity. \ X Intensity. A 1 A Intensity. A i A 4d 3205-7 31,194 2 3295-5 30,344 4 3435-4 29,109 6 32081 31,171 6 3298-7 30,315 4 3437-4 29,092 6 3209-7 31,156 6 3304-2 30,265 4 3439-7 29,072 6 3212-0 31,133 M 3304-9 30,258 4 3442-3 29,050 3 3213-1 31,123 4 3307-5 30,234 4 3444-7 29,030 6 3214-4 31,110 6 3308-9 30,2-22 5 3447-6 29,006 6 3215-9 31,095 6 2310-5 30,207 6 3450-1 28,985 4 3217-5 31,080 5 3311-4 30,199 5 3451-0 28,977 4 3220-0 31.056 5 3314-8 30.168 6 3455-4 28,940 4 3221-0 31,046 4d 3318-0 30,139 5 3458-2 28,917 4 3222-8 31,029 6 3319-6 30,124 5 3459-5 28,906 4 3224-6 31,012 5 3321-8 30,104 5 3461-0 28,893 4 3225-9 30,999 6 3323-0 30,093 5 3462-6 28,880 5 3229-3 30,966 4 3325-4 30,072 5 3464-2 28,867 6 3230-3 30,957 5 3329-1 30,038 4 3465-9 28,853 6 3230-9 30,951 3d 3332-5 30,008 4 3467-7 28,838 4 3233-2 30,929 5 3335-9 29,977 5 3469-6 28,822 4 3234-6 30,916 6 3337-2 29,965 2 3471-9 28,803 4 3237-9 30,884 6 3344-2 29,903 5 3474-1 28,784 4 3240-6 30,858 6 3346-2 29,885 6 3475-5 28,773 6 3242-3 30,842 6 3347-3 29,875 4 3476-9 28,761 2 3243-7 30,829 6 3349-1 29,859 5 3479-1 28,743 6 3-248-4 30,784 6 3352-3 29,830 6 3481-4 28,724 6 3249-8 30,771 6 3353-7 29,818 6 348-2-9 28,712 6 3250-5 30,765 5 3355-9 29,798 4 3483-9 28,703 4 3252-0 30,750 5 3359-7 29,765 5 3486-2 28,685 4 3253-2 30,739 6 3362-2 29,742 6 3488-0 28,670 4 3254-8 30,724 6 3368-8 29,684 4 3489-5 28,657 4 3256-4 30,709 6 33701 29,673 6 3192-3 28,634 6 3258-4 30,690 6 3371-7 29,659 6 3493-3 28,626 6 3260-7 30,668 6 3378-2 29,645 6 3495-8 28,606 6 3262-5 30,651 6 3375-4 29,626 4 3497-2 28,594 2 3263-6 30,641 6 3377-6 29,607 4 3502-1 28,554 2 3266-4 30,615 6 3380:2 29,584 5 3507-6 28,510 2 3268-5 30,595 5 3383-3 29,557 6 3509-9 28,483 6 3270-0 30,581 6 3384-7 29,545 6 3511-6 28,477 G 3271-4 30,568 5 3386-2 29,532 5 3513-3 28,463 id 3273-7 30,546 5 3390-3 29,496 6 3515-2 28,448 4 3275-5 30,530 £ 3394-5 29,459 5 3517-2 •28,432 4 3276-3 30,522 5 3399-1 29,420 6 3519-0 28,417 4d 3278-3 30,504 5 3404-2 29,375 6 35231 28,384 6 3279-2 30,495 5 3409-7 29,328 5 3524-1 28,376 6 3281-2 30,477 6 3412-8 29,301 6 3525-6 28,364 0 3282-9 30,461 5 3415-4 29,279 5 3527-3 28,350 6 3284-3 30,448 6 3418-3 29,254 5 3530-0 28,329 6 3285-7 30,435 6 3421-5 29,227 G 3531-8 28,314 5 3286-9 30,424 3d 3427-7 29,174 6 3533-6 28,300 5 3289-9 30,396 6 3428-5 29,167 6 3534-7 28,291 5 3290-7 30,389 3 3431-8 29,139 6 3536-7 28,275 6 3291-8 30,379 5 3433-5 29,125 5 3538-2 28,263 0 3293-0 30',367 ON THE SPECTRUM OK THK OXY-HYDROGKN FLAME. 85 In'.'M-it). A 1^ A Intensity. * 1 A luleiuily. A l I 5 35407 28,243 5 3577-3 27,954 4 3627-6 27,566 6 35424 L'-i.-J:.".' 6 3578-7 27,943 6 30316 27,536 6 3544-9 •28,210 5 3584-3 27,899 4 3637-4 27.492 5 35477 --.187 5 3592-0 27,840 6 3045-3 27,433 4d 3552-3 28,151 5 3G004 27,775 4 3647-7 27,415 5 3557-8 28,107 6 3605-0 27,739 6 3651-1 27,38* 6 3559-3 28,095 5 3609-0 27,709 5 36531 27,374 5 3564-2 28,057 4 361S-1 27,639 4 3659-1 27,329 5 3570-4 28,008 6 3625-3 27,584 6 3(568-2 27,261 4 86698 27,249 VII. The lines in this section are less intense than in the preceding section, and a line of intensity 4 on the scale of this table would be included in intensity 6 of the scale of the preceding table (VI.). Intensity. A 1 A Intensity. A 1 A Intensity. A 1 A 6 S673-3 27,223 4d 3779-0 26,462 6 3942-2 25,367 6 3674-6 27,214 6 3786-8 26,408 5 3947-1 25,335 6 3676-4 27,201 6 3789-6 26,388 5 39526 25,300 6 :;r,7s-j 27,187 6 3792-0 26,371 6 3960-1 25,252 6 3678-8 27,183 6 3794-0 20,:'57 6 3903-5 25,230 6 3681-5 27,163 4d 3799-7 26,318 6 39664 25,212 6 3681-9 27,160 6 8806-9 26,268 5 3973-8 25,165 6 3683-8 27,146 5 381M '20,239 5 3981 1 25,119 fi 3684-7 27,139 5 38152 '26,211 6 3990-3 25,061 6 3686-9 27,123 5 3821-7 26.166 5 3996-9 25,019 6 3688-0 27,115 5 3823-4 26 155 6 4006-7 '24,958 fi :;r,!»l-3 27,091 5 8828-4 26,121 6 4008-5 24,947 4J 3694-6 27,067 5 3832-5 20,0'.»3 5 4019-9 24,876 6 3700-1 27,026 6 38344 26,080 5 4026-0 24,839 6 370 VI 26.993 6 384M 26,034 5 4036-8 24,772 6 3707-0 26,976 3846-3 25,999 5 4049-7 24,693 5 3710-3 26,952 6 3850-8 25,'.»69 6 4001-7 24,620 6 3716-5 26,907 5? 38.52-0 25,961 6 4065-3 24.598 6 3719-7 2C..SM4 s* 3S55-5 25,937 6 4073-1 24,551 5 3722-9 26,861 5 3859-1 25,913 6 4075-6 24,536 5 3729-3 26,815 6 3864-8 25,875 6 40942 24,425 5 3734-1 26,780 6 3868-2 25,852 5 !• '.'- :, 24,399 5 37367 26,762 5 3873-2 25,818 5 4099-1 24,396 5 3741-5 26,727 5 3879-0 25,780 6 41044 24.364 6 3743-7 26,712 5 88839 25,747 6 4128-2 24,224 6 3745-1 26,702 6 3885-7 25,735 6 4143-0 24,137 5 3747-9 26,082 5 3886-6 25,729 6 4150-2 24,095 5 3751-0 26.660 bd 3893-0 25,687 6 4157-4 24,053 5 3753-0 26,645 bd 3900-6 25,637 6 41755 23,!>4!t 6 3756-5 26,621 5 3907-5 25,592 6 4182-0 23.912 5 87603 26,594 5 3915-5 25,540 5 4193-7 23,845 6 3761-7 26,584 5 3923-5 25,487 6 4228-4 23,650 •U 3769-5 26,529 U 39384 25,425 6 4235-9 23,006 5 3774-8 26,491 6 3940-7 25,376 5d 4265-0 23,447 ' F 2 36 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING AND J. DEWAR An inspection of the map shows in several places an arrangement of the lines which suggests an harmonic relation of some sort between them : groups of lines where the successive lines are set at gradually increasing distances and have a gradually diminishing intensity. Such a group may be seen between the wave-lengths 3431 '8 and 3450*7, another beginning at X 3368 '8. In many cases we find that the distances between the lines of the group are in arithmetic progression, so that the wave-lengths of the group may be represented by a general formula anz + bn + c, the different lines of the group being deduced from this expression by giving n successive integral values. Taking the series of strong lines of the spectrum between X 3669'8 and X 3547'7, we find the second differences of wave-length approximately constant, and equal to 0'443. Comparing then the observed wave-lengths with a series calculated to have their differences in arithmetic progression with a common difference, 0'443, we find — Observed. Calculated. Difference. 3669-8 3669-7 + -1 3659-1 3658-5 + •6 3647-7 3647-7 0 3637-4 3637-3 + -1 3627-6 3627-4 + •2 3618-1 3617-9 + 2 3609-0 3608-9 + •1 3600-4 3600-3 + -1 3592-0 3592-2 >2 3584-3 3584-5 -•2 3577-3 3577-2 + •1 3570-4 3570-4 0 3564-2 3564-0 + •2 3557-8 3558-1 -•3 3552-3 3552-6 -•3 3547-7 3547-6 + -1 In many other groups a similar relation between the wave-lengths may be observed. GROUP with second differences of wave-length equal to '3. Observed. Calculated. Difference. 3544-9 3544-8 + 'I 3540-7 3540-7 0 3536-7 3536-9 - -2 3533-6 3533-4 + -2 3530-0 3530-2 - -2 3527-3 3527-3 0 ON THE SPECTRUM OF T1IK OXY-HVDROGEX FLAME. 37 GROUP with second differences of wave-length equal to '133. Oloervcd. Calculated. Difference. 352 H 3524-1 0 • • 35217 3519-0 3519-4 - -4 3517-2 3517-2 0 3515-2 3515-2 0 35133 3513-3 0 3511-6 3511-5 + -1 35099 3509-8 + 'I GROUP with second differences equal to 76. Oterred. Calcu'ated. Difference. 3507-6 3507-5 + 'I 35021 3502-0 + "I 3497-2 3497-3 - 1 34933 34!>3-3 0 3489-5 34901 - -6 3488-0 3487-7 + -3 3486-2 3486-0 + -2 GROUP with second differences equal to '923. The first line may not belong to the group. Observed. Calculated. Difference. 3497-2 3497-9 - -7 34!»4-9 • • 3492-3 3492-0 •f -3 3489-5 3489-2 + -3 3486'2 3486-5 — *S 3483-9 3483-9 0 3481-4 3481-4 0 3479-1 3478-9 + -2 3476-8 3476-5 + -3 3474-0 3474-2 - -2 3171-9 3472-0 - -1 3469-6 3469-9 - -3 3467-7 3467-9 .2 3465-8 . 346C-0 - -2 3464-1 84644 - -1 34625 34625 0 8460-9 3460-9 0 3459-4 34594 0 84682 3458-0 + -2 , , 84M<7 3455-4 3455-5 + -1 38 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING AND J. UEWAR GROUP with second differences equal to '3. Observed. Calculated. Difference. • 3497-2 3497-7 - -5 3488-0 3488-8 - -8 3480-2 3471-9 3471-9 0 3464-1 3463-9 + -2 3455-4 3455-2 + -2 3447-6 3447-8 - -2 3440-7 ^ 3433-5 3433-9 -"•4 3427-7 3427-4 + -3 3421-5 3421-2 + "3 3415-4 3415-3 + 'I 3409-7 3409-7 0 3404-2 3404-4 - -2 3399-1 3399-4 - -3 3394-5 3394-7 - -2 3390-3 3390-3 0 338(5-2 3386-2 0 GROUP with second differences of wave-length equal to '2143. Observed. Calculated. Difference. 3451-0 3450-8 + -2 3447-6 3447-7 - -1 3444-7 3444-8 - -1 3442-3 3442-1 + -2 3439-7 3439-6 + 'I 3437-4 3437-3 + -1 3435-4 3435-3 + "I 3433-5 3433-5 0 3431-8 3431-9 - -1 GROUP with second differences of wave-length equal to '3. Observed. Calculat«d. Difference. 3428-5 3428-8 - -3 . . 3425-0 t t 3421-5 3421-5 0 3418-3 3418-3 0 3415-4 3415-4 0 3412-8 3412-8 0 ON THE SPECTRUM OF THE OXY-HYDROGEN FLAME. GROUP with second differences of wave-length equal to '3. 3J> OfeMTcd. Calculated. Difference. 3394-5 3394-2 + "3 3390-3 3:?90-3 0 3386-2 3386-7 -. -5 3383-3 33834 - -1 3380-2 3380-4 - -2 :W7-6 3377-7 - -1 :W75-4 3375-3 + 'I 3373-2 3373-2 0 33717 3371-4 + "3 3370-1 3369-9 + -2 3368-8 33687 + -1 GROUP with second differences of wave-length equal to 1 '467. OWrved. Calculated. Difference. 33491 3349-0 + -1 33325 3332-8 - -3 3318-0 3318-1 - -1 3304-9 33049 o 3293-0 3293-1 - 1 3282-9 3282-8 + -1 3273-7 3274-0 - -3 3266-4 3266-6 - -2 3260-7 3260-7 0 32564 3256-2 + "2 3253-2 32531 + -1 3252-0 3251-5 + -T, GROUP with second differences of wave-length equal to '322. OWrved Calculated. Difference. 3086-7 3086-5 + -2 307D-3 3080-0 - -7 3073-8 3073-9 - -1 3068-2 3068-1 + "I 30033 3062-6 + -7 3057-4 3057-4 0 3052-7 3052-6 + "I 3048-3 3048-1 + -2 3043-9 30439 0 3039-9 3040-0 - 1 3036-4 3036-4 0 3033-1 30.33-2 - -1 3030-3 3030-3 0 3027-6 3027-7 - -1 3025-2 3025-4 - 2 8023-4 3023-4 0 30220 3021-8 + "2 3020-9 8020-5 + -4 40 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVKING AND J. UEWAR GROUP with second differences of wave-length equal to '783. Observed. Calculated. Difference. 2893-5 2893-6 - -1 2882-5 2882-7 - -2 2871-9 2*72-6 - -7 2863-3 2863-3 0 2854-9 2854-8 + 'I 2847-4 2847-1 + -3 2840-1 2840-2 - -i 2834-0 2834-0 0 2828-7 2828-6 + -i 2824-0 2824-0 0 2820-1 2820-2 - -I 2817-1 2817-2 - -1 2814-9 2815-0 - -1 2813-5 2813-5 0 GROUP with second differences of wave-length equal to '457. Observed. Calculated. Difference. 3020-9 3020-6 + -3 2907-1 m f 2992-9 2992-9 0 2980-2 2980-2 0 2968-0 2967-9 + 'I 2956-3 2956-1 + -2 2945-2 2944-8 + '4 2933-5 2933-9 - -4 2923-8 2923-5 + -3 2913-5 2913-5 0 2903-7 2904-0 - -3 2894-2 2894-9 - -7 2886-3 2886-3 0 2878-3 2878-2 + 'I 2871-5 1 2869-5 / 2870-5 2863-3 2863-3 0 2857 6 1 2855-4 / 2856-5 2850-2 2850-2 0 2844-4 2844-3 + "I 2838-8 2838-9 - -1 2834-0 2834-0 0 2829-8 2829-5 + "3 2825-2 2825-5 - -3 2821-8 2821-9 - -1 2818-7 2818-8 - -1 2816-1 2816-1 0 2813-5 2813-9 - -4 2812-1 2812-2 - -1 ON THE SPECTRUM OF THE OXY-HYDROGEN FLAME. 41 GROUP with second differences of wave-length equal to 2 -4. OUerred. Calculated. Difference. 3160-3 3160-5 - -2 8180*4 3139-7 .3 3121-3 3121-3 0 3105-3 3105-3 0 3092-0 3091-7 -1- -3 3081-0 3080-5 + -5 3071-5 3071-7 - -2 3065-5 30G.V3 + '2 GROUP with second differences of wave-length equal to '522. Observed. CalcnUted. L)ini*rcnc€. 3005-6 3005-4 + -2 2991-7 2991-4 + 3 .".'77 - 2977!' .j 2965-5 2965-0 + -5 2952-5 2952-6 - 1 2940-6 2940-7 - -1 2929-9 2929-4 + -5 2918-5 2918-6 - -1 2908-3 2908-3 0 2898-81 2898-1 / 2898-5 2889-2 2889-2 0 2880-3 2880-4 - -1 2871-9 2872-1 - -2 2865-5 1 2863-3 / 2864-4 • * * 2857-6 2857-2 + -4 2850-7 2850-5 + '2 2844-4 2844-3 -1- 'I 2838-8 2838-6 -1- -2 28333 28334 - -1 2828-3 2828-8 - -5 2824-8 28247 + -1 2821-2 2821-1 + -1 2818-2 2818-2 0 2815-6 2815-7 - -1 2813-5 2813-7 - -2 2812-1 2812-2 - -1 2811-2 2811-2 0 Now, considering that the dispersion employed was that of a single prism, and that many of the lines are weak and many diffuse, the difference between the observed and calculated values falls in most of the cases above given within the limits of probable error. Indeed, one cause of the difficulty of obtaining very exact measurements of some of the lines arises from the overlapping of different groups, Mix V.I. \\.\\ 111. A. ft 42 ON THE SPECTRUM OP THE OXY-flYDROGEN FLAME. by which two or three lines fall nearly in the same place, and produce a hazy band in the photograph which cannot be resolved into its constituent lines. We thiuk, there- fore, that the groups do actually follow the law above enunciated. M. DESLANDRES has observed the same law to hold in regard to inverse wave-lengths in the lines forming the bands of nitrogen, in those of A, B, and a, and in the groups of several spectra of compound gases ; and has remarked that it is the law of sequence of the harmonics of solid rods. A. HERSCHEL and PIAZZI SMYTH had previously noticed this law in the sequence of the rays in one of the bands of the spectrum of carbonic oxide. While the work of photographing and measuring this spectrum was in progress we received from Dr. GRUNWALD, Professor of Mathematics in the I. R. German Technical High School at Prague, a long list of lines which he had, on theoretical grounds, predicted would be found in the spectrum of water. The interest attaching to this prediction induced us to make a more extended and complete investigation of the spectrum than we had originally intended. Many of these predicted lines, though not all of them, agree closely with lines which we have recorded in the spectrum of the oxy-hydrogen flame ; and in the weaker parts of the spectrum at either end, Dr. GRUNWALD'S list includes many of the strongest lines. His results have been (in part) published in the ' Astronomische Nachrichten.' We are not at present in a position to discuss his theory, which is a far-reaching one, and will need to be tested at many points ; but the coincidences between his predictions and the lines observed are very remarkable, and will, no doubt, attract the attention of many besides ourselves. A map of the spectrum on a scale of inverse wave-lengths accompanies this Paper, and also an enlarged photograph which gives the general characters of the spectrum, though in the strongest part it has been over-exposed. The photograph includes the regions of the lines enumerated in Tables III. to VI., and greater part of VII. [ 43 ] III. On the Motion of a Sphere in a Viscous Liquid. By A. B. BASSET, M.A. Communicated by Lord RAYLEIGH, D.C.L., Sec. U.S. Received November 10,— Read November 24, 1887. 1. THE first problem relating to the motion of a solid body in a viscous liquid which was successfully attacked was that of a sphere, the solution of which was given by Professor STOKES in 1850, in his memoir "On the Effect of the Internal Friction of Fluids on Pendulums," ' Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans.,' vol. 9, in the following cases: (i.) when the sphere is performing small oscillations along a straight line ; (ii.) when the sphere is constrained to move with uniform velocity in a straight line ; (iii.) when the sphere is surrounded by an infinite liquid and constrained to rotate with uniform angular velocity about a fixed diameter : it being supposed, in the last two cases, that sufficient time has elapsed for the motion to have become steady. In the same memoir he also discusses the motion of a cylinder and a disc. The same class of problems has also been considered by MEYER* and OBERBECK,t the latter of whom has obtained the solution in the case of the steady motion of an ellipsoid, which moves parallel to any one of its principal axes with uniform velocity. The torsional oscillations about a fixed diameter, of a sphere which is either filled with liquid or is surrounded by an infinite liquid when slipping takes place at the surface of the sphere, forms the subject of a joint memoir by HELMHOLTZ and PiOTROWSM.J Very little appears to have been effected with regard to the solution of problems in which a viscous liquid is set in motion in any given manner and then left to itself. The solution, when the liquid is bounded by a plane which moves parallel to itself, is given by Professor STOKES at the end of his memoir referred to above ; and the solu- tions of certain problems of two-dimensional motion have been given by STEA.RN.§ In the present paper I propose to obtain the solution for a sphere moving in a viscous liquid in the following cases : — (i.) when the sphere is moving in a straight line under the action of a constant force, such as gravity ; (ii.) when the sphere is surrounded by viscous liquid and is set in rotation about a fixed diameter and then left to itself. " ' Crelle, Jonrn. Math.,' vol. 73, p. 31. t ' Crelle, Journ. Math.,' vol. 81, p. 62. + ' Wissenschaftl. Abhandl.,' vol. 1, p. 17J. § ' Quart. Journ. Math.,1 vol. 17, p. 90. «. -J 28.5.88 44 MR. A. B. BASSET ON THE MOTION OP Throughout the present investigation terms involving the squares and products of the velocity will be neglected. This is of course not strictly justifiable, unless the velocity of the sphere is slow throughout the motion. If, therefore, the velocity is not slow the results obtained can only be regarded as a first approximation ; and a second approximation might be obtained by substituting the values of the component velocities hereafter obtained in the terms of the second order, and endeavouring to integrate the resulting equations. I do not, however, propose to consider this point in detail. 2. In the first place it will be convenient to show that the equations of impulsive motion of a viscous liquid are the same as those of a perfect liquid. The general equations of motion of a viscous liquid are du du du du —. 1 dp „ -jl + u- +V—+W- -- X + -J1 — vv2u = 0, dt da dy dz p dx with two similar equations, where v is the kinematic coefficient of viscosity. If we regard an impulsive force as the limit of a very large finite force which acts for a very short time T, and if we integrate the above equation between the limits T and 0, all the integrals will vanish except those in which the quantity to be inte- grated becomes infinite when T vanishes ; we thus obtain 1 d 1 d (T U — UQ+ - — I pdr = 0. dx}Qr Putting f pdr = us where CT is the impulsive pressure at any point of the liquid, we obtain p (u — u0) + ^ = 0, &c., &c., which are the same equations as those which determine the impulsive pressure at any point of a perfect liquid. 3. Let us now suppose that a sphere of radius a, is surrounded by a viscous liquid which is initially at rest, and let the sphere be constrained to move with uniform velocity V, in a straight line. If the squares and products of the velocity of the liquid are neglected, Professor STOKES has shown that the current function t/» must satisfy the differential equation where

', which it will be convenient to write in the form where x (a) IS an arbitrary function, which will hereafter be determined. In order to obtain the solution of (6), let us put i/»2 = re"*1'"' dw/dr, where 10 is a function of r alone ; substituting in (6), and integrating, we obtain rw = A cos X (r — a + a). where a is the radius of the sphere and A and a are the constants of integration. Whence a particular solution of (6) is d e" e"* »., = Ar — - oes X (r — a + a). Integrating this with respect to X between the limits oo and 0, and then changing A into F (a) and integrating the result with respect to a between the same limits, we obtain rj<* d r F(«) f (r-a + « - -- 46 MR. A. B. BASSET ON THE MOTION OP Performing the differentiation and then integrating by parts, we obtain We shall presently show that it is possible to determine F(a), so that F(0) = 0, and F(«) «""' = 0 when a = oo ; hence the term in square brackets will vanish at both limits, and we obtain sin'fl . . (8) We must now determine the functions x and F so as to satisfy the surface conditions (2) and (3). Equation (2) will be satisfied if (9) Equation (8) requires that exp- - Integrating the last term by parts, the preceding equation becomes f V X (a) + F («) + aF' (a) + «*F" (a) } exp. ( - £) «/«, . ( 1 U) provided, {F (a) + aF' (a) } exp. ( — «3/4i>«) vanishes at both limits. This requires that F(0) = F'(0)=0, and that F(a)e-a' and F(a)e-"' should each vanish when a = oo . When this is the case (10) will be satisfied if .,..,,;. (U) Whence by (9) 7T A SPHERE IN A VISCOUS LIQUID. 47 and, therefore, The conditions that F (0) = F (0) = 0 require that C = D = 0 ; whence ,\ ' Va/3«J , = ~+ Also the preceding value of F(«) satisfies the conditions that F(«)e~*', and F'(«)e~*' should each vanish when a = oo ; whence all the conditions are satisfied, and we finally obtain r/3«8 a«\ / «»\ . \.(T + 3rta + 2 ) exp- (- «) d" 3Va8in»gf'/a« \ f (r - a + «)' " The first integral can be evaluated ; in the second put r — a + a = 2u^/(vt) and we obtain 3Va sin' g r f V77" _ r + a| «-^dM. (13) 4. When t = 0 the second integral vanishes, whence the initial value of «/> is Vo8 sin3 0 *-•—-' which is the known value of t/» in the case of a frictionless liquid, as ought to be the case. When t is very large, we may put t = oo in the lower limit of the second integral, which then whence 48 MR, A. B. BASSET ON THE MOTION OP This equation gives the value of i/» after a sufficient time has elapsed for the motion to have become steady, and agrees with Professor STOKES'S result. 5. Let vt be any solution of the partial differential equation Then, if v0 = 0, F(< — r)vr dr, where F(T) is any arbitrary function which is inde- Jo pendent of r and t, and does not become infinite between the limits, will also be a solution of (14) ; for, substituting in (14), the right-hand side becomes F(0)v, + f F(< - r)vr dr = F(«K + f F(< - r) f* dr Jo Jo if f»0 = 0. 6. The second expression on the right-hand side of (13) is the value of \jj.z sin2 6 ; and it is easily seen that this expression vanishes when t = 0. Hence it follows that the expression which is obtained from (13) by changing t into r and V into Y'(t — T) dr, and integrating the result from t to 0, is also a solution of (1). Now, if F(0) = 0, it will be found in substituting the above-mentioned expressions in (2) and (3) that F(t) is the velocity of the sphere, supposing it to have started from rest ; hence this expres- sion gives the current function due to the motion of a sphere which has started from rest, and which is moving with variable velocity F(t). In order to obtain the equation of motion of the sphere, we must calculate the resistance due to the liquid ; but in doing this we may begin by supposing the velocity to be uniform, and perform the above-mentioned operation at a later stage of the process. If the impressed force is a constant force, such as gravity, which acts in the direction of motion of the sphere, and Z is the resistance due to the liquid, it can be shown, as in Professor STOKES'S paper, that and that Z = braUpa cos 0 - p ^ sin2 0} sin 0 d6, *oV *** /• where p is the density of the liquid ; also, since [p cos 0 sin edO=-% f" sin2 0 ^ d0, J o J Q uv A SPHERE IN A VISCOUS LIQUID. 49 we obtain irpa a + 2 —£K»$ +*)+«•* where M' is the mass of the liquid displaced. Now, if V were constant, we should obtain from (13) and whence We must now change t into r, V into F (t -T)dT, and integrate the result with respect to T from t to 0, and we obtain and the equation of motion of the sphere is (M + JM> + ^ ^ £ F(l - r) (i^r + a ^ )r/T = (M - M'V/. (15) Integrating the definite integral by parts, and remembering that F(0) = 0, the result is and, differentiating with respect to t, (15) becomes Let (« - T) X X V V 7TJ0 JQ u}du, . . (20) where Vdr Now x (u) depends on X, and therefore vanishes when u > h. When u < h, x(u) = 2Vtt»,Yi ; therefore ft f* 2V ^"X (") du — ~T u^'du = 0, when h = 0. Jo Jo'1 Hence, in the limit when h vanishes, (20) becomes v = Vc-" + {(1 - «-") - ka A/- f du re-*('—>F (u - T) -J- , . (21) "• V 7T JQ Jo V T * The following procedure, suggested in a Report upon this paper, has been substituted for the remainder of this uectiou as originally written. A SPHERE IN A VISCOUS LIQUID. 51 and the value of the acceleration is 8. It seems almost hopeless to attempt to determine the com pit te value of F from the preceding equations, but, in the case of many liquids, v is a small quantity, and (22) and (23) may then be solved by the method of successive approximation. For a first approximation r=F «)=/«-", whence fF'«-T)rfr f« , — rfr . } -'-- The integral on the right hand side of (23) cannot be evaluated in finite terms, and we shall denote it by <£ (t). Putting T = ty, we obtain where TI 1.3... (2«- 1) U"- 2"n! Now fi i _ , - « ;.-*^=L^± Therefore and therefore When t is very large we may replace (1 — e~x')/X< by (M)~l, and we shall obtain which shows that <^ (t) = 0 where t = CD . Another expression for (t) may be obtained in the form of a series, for n •_' 52 J1R. A. B. BASSET ON THE MOTION OF by successive integration by parts. The above series is convergent for all values of t, and is zero when t = oo. For a second approximation, (22) gives Let r=¥'(t)=fe-»-fka and ,. = V€-M + {(1 - «-»') —fka A/- [' e-*» (t). From (29) we obtain o Jo A SPHERE IN A VISCOUS LIQUID. 53 by (24). Changing the order of integration, the last integral whence (33) Substituting this value of x(0 in (30), we obtain *«-£«- M#W, + fo A/if Now f' (r}dr _ f ' j fT e~*" rfu J0v/(*-T)-J0 TJOV/{(<-T)(T-«)} f' , f' e-A» dr ~' U E =X(I ~e )' (34) also rfT _ ft p - * T) ~ J0 Jo , = * o y - T)(T ' -*» . . . . . (35) and (36) whence ^e-M ........... (37) Again, f e-^(f - «)(t) + v/« +yW^-A' (1 - |Xi), (39) MrM. . (40) These equations determine to a third approximation the values of the acceleration and velocity of the sphere, when it is projected vertically downwards with velocity, V, and allowed to descend under the action of gravity. If the sphere is ascending the sign of g must be reversed. If no forces are in action we must put/= 0, and the preceding equations give the values of v and v to a first approximation only; but, on referring to (21) and (22), it will be seen that the values of these quantities to a third approximation may be obtained in this case from (39) and (40) by changing / into — V\ and expunging the terms/«~xt and/X"1 (1 — c~At). We thus obtain, since X = lev, (4 ! 9. It appears from the preceding equations that the successive terms are multiplied by some power of A; as well as of v. If k is not a very large quantity, and the velocity of the sphere is not very great, the foregoing equations may be expected to give fairly correct results ; but if k is a very large quant:ty, it may happen that, notwithstanding the smallness of v, kv may be so large that some of the terms neglected may be of equal or greater importance than those retained. Now, from (17), k= 9/a(2o-+ p)~la~*; if, therefore, the sphere is considerably denser than the liquid, k will be small provided a be not very small ; but if the sphere be considerably less dense than the liquid, k will approximate towards the limit 9a~z, and this will be very large if a be small, and kv may therefore be large. On the other hand, it should be noticed that when kv or X is large the quantities c~xl and (t) diminish witli great rapidity, and it is therefore by no means impossible that the formulae may give a fairly accurate representation of the motion even in this case. All that we can therefore safely infer is this, that in the case of a sphere ascending or descending in a liquid whose kinematic coefficient of viscosity is small compared with the radius of the sphere (all quantities being of course referred to the same units), the formulae would give approximately correct results, provided the velocity of the sphere were not too great. But, in the case of small bodies descending in a highly viscous liquid, it is possible that the motion represented by the formulae may be very A SPHERE IN A VISCOUS LIQUID. 55 different from the actual motion ; and if this should turn out to be the fact, the solution of (18) applicable to this case must be obtained by some different method. Equation (39) shows that after a very long time has elapsed the acceleration vanishes, and the motion becomes ultimately steady; in other words, the acceleration due to gravity is counterbalanced by the retardation due to the viscosity of the liquid. When this state of things has been reached, the terminal velocity of the sphere is This agrees with Professor STOKES'S result, who applies it to show that the viscosity of the air is sufficient to account for the suspension of the clouds. 10. We shall now consider the motion of a sphere which is surrounded by an infinite liquid, and which is rotating about a fixed diameter. We shall begin by supposing that the angular velocity of the sphere is uniform and equal to o>, and shall endeavour to obtain an expression for the component velocity of the liquid in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation, on the supposi- tion that no slipping takes place at the surface of the sphere. Assuming that the motion of the liquid is stable, it is easily seen that none of the quantities can be functions of ^, where r, 6, and are polar coordinates referred to the centre of the sphere as origin. If, therefore, we neglect squares and products of the velocities, the component velocity, v, of the liquid, perpendicular to any plane con- taining the axis of rotation, is determined by the equation dt ~ and if in this equation we put v' = r sin 0, where r is a function of r and t only, the equation for v is «Pp 2 dr 2o 1 dr jj + . — , = - -r (*•*) The value of the tangential stress per unit of area which opposes the motion of the sphere is _, / 1 rfR for all values of t. (ii.) When t = 0, v = 0 for all values of r greater than a, the radius of the sphere. Let v = Rc~AV< where R is a function of E, alone ; substituting in (43), we obtain dr* r dr the solution of which is whence R = A — j - cos X (r — a + a) I . d f e~xly( 1 v = A Tr \~r cos x = 0 when a = oo . We therefore obtain a? exp. \ — - -\ da.. . (44) ri/(int) Jo b' r/ 4V< J A SPHERE IN A VISCOUS LIQUID. 57 Putting ?• — a -f a = 2uv/(»'f) this becomes 7-'=' J = +(i_=)exp. (-'"Vl "}\t-*du. (45) «• / *ff I ** Iff I * A> * ' If r > a it follows that vf = 0 wheu t = 0. When r = a and t = 0 the lower limit of the definite integral (45) becomes indeterminate ; but since, in this case, we are to have v' = aw sin 6, it follows that if we put k = r — a the quantities k and t must vanish in such a manner that when k = 0 and t = 0, k/2^/(vt) = 0. When t = oo we obtain , a*u> sin 0 v = • (40) This equation gives the value of v' after a sufficient time has elapsed for the motion to have become steady, and agrees with Professor STOKES'S result. 11. Since the tangential stress per unit of area which opposes the motion of the sphere is T=-^ dr the opposing couple is = — Zirvpa* j ( - 1 • * dr \r/. If, therefore, the sphere be acted upon by a couple, N', it« equation of motion will be A**5* + G = N', or p dr \r/« where N = 3pN'/8a4. When the motion of the sphere commences from rest the value of v or v' cosec 6 will be obtained from (45) by changing / into T, [" „> T cat , ) = — 2u + —T- exp. (— 2w < be small ; whence /dv\ 2co f . [ -7-) = — o» --- 7- v^ \drja av^7T\v ao> 2a Changing t into T, and w into F' (« — T) dt, (47) becomes Putting (48) becomes 10p . 7 - A1, fe = X, ' <' - ' - " *• ((-r)i = 4^N. (49) Now we have supposed the motion to have commenced from rest under the action of the couple N' ; but if the sphere had initially been set in rotation with angular velocity fl, and then left to itself, it can be shown in the same manner as in § 7 that the equation of motion would be A SPHERE IN A VISCOUS LIQUID. 59 where F (0) = fi. Putting 0 (t) for the last two terms, and integrating, we obtain )0(«)dtt, ........ (51) -x<'-">0(u)<£(u)du ........ (54) ™ V' * * 0 And a third approximation gives . N ^i/» rf [i f« (0 + ., <*«* f**~**/rdr aay/TT t/ k, that is, if a > vp/fi. Now, if there is no slipping, /3 will be infinite, and therefore, when there is comparatively little slipping, ft will be large, and this relation will be satisfied unless a is small or v is large ; on the other hand, if there were no friction between the surface of the sphere and the liquid, ft would be zero, but it seems improbable that any liquid exists which possesses the property of viscosity with regard to the internal motion of its particles, and which at the same time is incapable of exerting any action in the nature of friction against any surfaces with which it is in contact. If therefore ft were zero, v would probably A SPHERE IN A VISCOUS LIQUID. 61 also be zero, and the liquid would be frictionless. We shall therefore assume that the roots of (59) are real. The constants A and B must be determined from the condition F (0) = F7 (0) = 0, whence ^-fri p-y J also this value of F satisfies the conditions that F (a) e~*§, and F" (a) c~*' should vanish when a = oo : whence the value of v is «««8inf f-r_0«_ / ~ V(7rvO J0 [r (3k + a) \ p - 13. We shall lastly consider the motion of liquid contained within a sphere, which is rotating about a fixed diameter, when there is no slipping, and when the angular velocity is uniform. In this case v must satisfy the differential equation (43), and also the condition (i.) of § 10 ; but (ii.) becomes v = 0 when t = 0 for all values of r < a : also we have a third condition, viz., that the velocity must be finite at the centre of the sphere. A particular solution of (43), subject to the condition of finiteness at the origin, is /T d If \ ( V= *A V * dr re*V' { ~ (r whence if p and a for all values of t, whence S(Xa) = 0, . ,. ,,, . ...... (63) and the different values of X are the roots of (63). Initially v = 0, whence T f - r*S ^1 ' = 0, 64) Jo \_ dr drJ0 • and since by (63), S and T both vanish where r = a, we obtain £ST»-*dr = 0, .......... (65) provided X and /* are different. To find the value of the integral where X = p., let p = K -\- d\; then from (64) 2 o ^ r + cH S -r-— — — — d\ = U, o dr d\ dr d\j 0 or, £SV> dr = ^a8S'2 (Xa), . ,,, ^ ..,,,, . . (66) where the accents denote differentiation with respect to Xa ; whence cA> /\ \ w'f f" d sin Xr , '2 (Xa) = , - dr, \ 30dr r w . = - sm X«. A, A SPHERE IN A VISCOUS LIQUID 63 Therefore . 2o> (sin Xa — A/») x = "a'XS'1 (\a) * nnd 2w e - »V« (8in \*i -Xa) S (Xr) -— whence the velocity of the liquid, which is equal to rsin 6, can be found. When the angular velocity is variable, the value of the retarding couple, and the equation of motion of the sphere, can be obtained by a process analogous to that employed in § 11. [March 10th, 1888. — Since this paper was read, a paper has been published in the ' Quarterly Journal of Mathematics,'* by Mr. WHITEHEAD, in which he attempts to develope a method of obtaining approximate solutions of problems relating to the motion of a viscous liquid, when the terms involving the squares and products of the velocities are retained ; and he applies his method (see p. 90) to obtain expressions for the components in the plane passing through the axis of rotation, of the velocity of a viscous liquid, which surrounds a sphere which is rotating about a fixed diameter, when the motion has become steady. It will be observed, however, that the expressions for these components contain the coefficient of viscosity as a factor in the denominator, and therefore become infinite when the liquid is frictionless. It would therefore appear that tho method of approximation adopted is inapplicable to the problem considered.] Vol. 23. p. 78. IV. On Hamilton's Numbers. — Part II. By J. J. SYLVESTER, D.C.L., F.R.S., Savilian Professor of Geometry -in the University of Oxford, and JAMES HAMMOND, M.A., Cantab. Received March 9, -Read April 19, 1888. § 4. Continuation, to an infinite number of terms, of the Asymptotic Development for Hypotlienusal Numbers. "This was sometime a paradox, bat now the time gives it proof." (Hamlet, Act III., scene 1.) IN the third section of this paper ('Phil. Trans.,' A., vol. 178, p. 311) it was stated, on what is now seen to be insufficient evidence, that the asymptotic development of p — q, the half of any Hypothenusal Number, could be expressed as a series of powers of q — r, the half of its antecedent, in which the indices followed the sequence 2, f, 1, },!,*,... It was there shown that, when quantities of an order of magnitude inferior to that of (q — r)1 are neglected, P ~ 1 = (q - r)* + I (q - r)« + ft (q - r) + tf (q - r)' ; but, on attempting to carry this development further, it was found that, though the next terra came out i§f5 (q — r)*, there was an infinite series of terms interposed between this one and (q — 7-)', viz., as proved in the present section, between (q — r)' and (q — r)1 there lies an infinite series of terms whose indices are B> T«» Sa» 64> TS8» • • • i and whose coefficients form a geometrical series of which the first term is -riiy and the common ratio f . We shall assume the law of the indices (which, it may be remarked, is identical with that given in the introduction to this paper as originally printed in the ' Proceedings,' but subsequently altered in the ' Transactions ') and write MDCCCLXXXVm. — A. K 1.6.88 PROFESSOR .1. J. SYLVESTER AND MR. J. HAMMOND D (q - r)« + $ E (q - r)* + &c., ad inf. + «* ................. (1) The law of the coefficients will then be established by proving that If there were any terms, of an order superior to that of (q — r)*, whose indices did not obey the assumed law, any such term would make its presence felt in the course of the work ; for, in the process we shall employ, the coefficient of each term has to be determined before that of any subsequent term can be found. It was in this way that the existence of terms between (q — r)* and (q — r)* was made manifest in the unsuccessful attempt to calculate the coefficient of (q — r)*. It thus appears that the assumed law of the indices is the true one. It will be remembered that p, q, r, . . . , are the halves of the sharpened Hamiltonian Numbers E» + 1, E«, 'EiH_v . . . , and that consequently the relation .. .^.., -._!- 2) 1.2 1.2.3 may be written in the form - 1 _L 1) _ r(2r-l)(2r-2) s(2s - 1)(2» - 2) (2s - 3) 1 2 2.3 2.3.4 t (2t - 1) (2* - 2) (2< - 3) (2< - 4) « (2» - 1) (2» - 2) (2« - 3) (2» - 4) (2tt - 5) - .................. ....... (2) The comparison of this value of p with that given by (l) furnishes an equation which, after several reductions have been made, in which special attention must be paid to the order of the quantities under consideration, ultimately leads to the deter- mination of the values of A, B, C, . . . , in succession. Taking unity to represent the order of q, the orders of p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, . . . will be 2» li i» i» i» t^, 3*2, 3*¥» • • • Hence, after expanding each of the binomials on the right-hand side of (!) and arranging the terms in descending order, retaining only terms for which the order is superior to £, we shall find * In the text above Q represents some unknown function, the asymptotic value of whose ratio to (? ~ r)* >8 n°t infinite. ON HAMILTON'S NUMBERS. 67 < >rder 2 p = qz t „ V.,\ +UEJM + ...... (3) Again, retaining only those terms of (2) whose order is superior to ^, we have 1> = 3»; -fH; -ig + ^+ia*; -a3; -A*8 .... (4) Order 2 ; f ; 1 ; | ; f . From (3) and (4) we obtain by subtraction Order $ 0 = $ r3 - 257- + f 9' 1 - i ** - 2?'r + V 2 I + «" + ««• I +A«3 + |iA»/ A + 1: B «A H +f:c2» » tt + ^ D 311 M +$E 16 where terms as far as, but not beyond, — ^ (which is the order of s~3w5) have been retained. Now p consists of terms whose orders are 2, f , 1, f, f , \, . . . q 1; l; |( _fttf> £( _ ;\ a » )> » 4> 2' 8"> T6' 4> • • • Thus the order of a' is — £, and in the above expression all terms of a superior to — ^ have been retained, and consequently (rejecting the square of a' whose order is — ^) in the first line of (6) we may write - r-V - + + ^ r- ON HAMILTON'S NUMBERS. 69 In the second line of (6) we may reject the whole of a', since its order is — ^, and write After substituting then- values for the terms in (6) which contain a, and at the same time dividing throughout by f , we shall obtain Order 1 0 = |r-V - ±s* + £ r8 | + f + r „ A We now write r = «»l-8 and = *- where, observing that the values of /8 and /8' can be immediately deduced from those of a and a' by changing r, s, t, . . . into «, t, u, . . . , it is evident that £ and ft are both of the order — £ ; for a and of are both of the order — £. Thus (neglecting quantities whose order is equal to, or less than, £) we have Order |; f ; A ; tf Order 70 PROFESSOR J. J. SYLVESTER AND MR. J. HAMMOND Ar» = st* and so on. Hence (7) becomes Order | 0 = f«6 - Dividing this throughout by -| s, and then writing 6- = «3 - it- A Now the terms of the highest order in this equation must vanish when we write t = u9, and therefore f — i + fA — -^5 = 0, which gives A = H- Substituting this value for A, we find Order f 0 = $«« - \tu* + » A + A<-V- „ A + which is a mere repetition of equation (8), with all the letters moved forward one place. Hence it is evident that, if we treat this equation as we treated (8), we shall find B = ^J-, arriving, at the same time, at another equation which will be merely a repetition of (8), with all its letters moved forward two places ; and this process can be continued as long as we please. Thus we arrive at the result — A = B = C = D = E=... =H, and the asymptotic development for Hypothenusal Numbers is established. Comparing this with the corresponding formula for Hamiltonian Numbers, given at the beginning of the third section (at the top of p. 302, where the last term is incorrectly printed H), it will be noticed that each of the two developments begins with an irregular portion consisting respectively of four and one terms, followed by a regular series. In the one case the regular portion is ^ (q — r)*, multiplied by a series whose general term is f I (q — r)(4>" ; in the other it consists of a series of terms of the form " multiplied by — /'//// 7'nin .s 1HMHA. 5. v' V. Report on Hygrometric Methods; First Part, including the Saturation Method and the Cfiemical Method, and Dew-point Instruments. By W. N. SHAW, M.A. Communicated by R. H. SCOTT, F.R.S., Secretary of the Meteorological Council. Received January 17,— Bead January 26, 1888. [PLATE 5.] IN August, 1879, at the request of the Meteorological Council, I undertook an experimental comparison of the various methods of determining the hygrometric state of the air, with the following instruction, " The chemical method to be employed, and with it to be compared the dry -and- wet-bulb hygrometer, REGNAULT'S, DINES'S, ALLUARD'S, and the hair hygrometer." Since that time I have devoted to the subject the time that was at my disposal, and I now beg leave to lay before the Council a statement of the experiments I have made and the results I have arrived at with respect to the chemical method and the dew-point instruments. The arrangement of the experiments was left to my discretion : I had, therefore, first to practise myself in the use of the different methods in order to arrange in some sort of order the means by which the various inquiries should be undertaken ; and, further, it was necessary for me to know and to carefully consider the very numerous contributions made by other observers to the discussion of hygrometric methods, so that I might be able to distinguish between those points which had been satisfactorily and permanently settled and those upon which further experimental investigation might throw additional light. The distinction proved to be not a very easy one to draw, and I shall therefore append to this report a summary of the work done iu the subject since the time of DANIELL. I made a summary of this kind for my own use at the outset, but since then many important memoirs have been published, chiefly on the Continent, which bear particularly upon the question of the trustworthiness of observations with the wet and dry bulb. I have taken account of those memoirs in the summary which I now offer. It will, I believe, be found to justify the following general conclusions : — 1. There is no hygrometric method of which it has been proved that an observer following out definite written instructions with due care and skill can obtain measure- ments of vapour pressure which are accurate to within 1 per cent. The accuracy claimed by RENAULT for the chemical method is only " about a fiftieth," and to MDOCCLXXXV1II. — A. L 2.7.88 74 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. this method authors nearly always refer, as being the ultimate standard of reference for the other methods. There is no evidence to show that, speaking generally, the various absolute hygrometers, such as those of SCHWACKHOFER, EDELMANN, NEESEN, DINES, and others, can be relied upon to that degree of accuracy, whatever may be done by one particular observer after laborious trial and testing with one particular instrument. 2. It is possible by the use of suitable desiccating tubes to absorb the moisture from air passed through them, and thereby to determine the weight of water contained in the air ivhich actually passes over the desiccating substances. The degree of accuracy attainable in this measurement is limited only by the un- certainty of the weight of the drying tubes. As the drying tubes are somewhat bulky and their weights are liable to alterations in consequence of variations in the state of their external surface, this uncertainty is quite appreciable. No data are given with regard to it by REGNAULT or other observers who have employed the method. From a number of experiments of my own I may, however, conclude that it is not safe to assign an accuracy to the weighings greater than that of 1 milligramme, but that with due precautions this limit need not be exceeded. This may, of course, be the same, whatever the total amount of moisture absorbed may be, and the fractional error will therefore depend upon that total amount of moisture. If 1 gramme be taken up, the limit of error will be one part in one thousand, so that an accuracy of 1 per cent, is well within the reach of an observer. 3. Air may be saturated by vapour arising from water in a vessel with glass sides so that the vapour pressure reaches a value agreeing to within about 2 per cent, with the vapour pressure in vacuo at the same temperature. There are no observations to show whether a still closer approximation to the vacuum saturation-pressure would be obtained by using air drawn from an enclosure surrounded by wet muslin. REGNAULT'S experiments bearing upon this question do not give a decisive answer, in consequence of complications arising from the uncertainty as to the density of saturated vapour, and the effect of the glass. 4. The dew-point instruments, in the hands of skilled observers, give readings of the so-called dew-point which are sensitive to within 0°'l C., but the reading may depend on the skill of the observer, and there is no evidence to show within what limits of accuracy the temperature so observed may be regarded as the true satura- tion temperature of the air. Suggestions have been made as to causes of error, but no measurements of the effects of those causes have been made which would enable an observer to specify the degree of accuracy of the inferences from his observations. 5. With reference to the wet-and-dry-bulb method, two points are clear : — (i.) Different observers use different tables* for the reduction of their observations, and in certain cases these different reductions lead to very serious differences of results; (ii.) The ordinary method of exposure when the two thermometers are * See note B., p. 146. MH. W. N. SHAW ON HYf .KOMKTRIC METHODS. 75 freely exposed without any provision for a definite circulation of the air cannot be expected to give results which are accurate to within 2 per cent. ; in fact, no satisfactory formula of reduction can be found. The errors are especially serious when the air is nearly or quite saturated and the wet bulb coated with ice. The most accurate results with this method are obtained when an artificial circulation of air is maintained, and in that case the highest accuracy claimed for the method allows an error of ± 2 per cent, with temperatures above zero, and twice that amount with lower temperatures, the comparisons being made with ALLUARD'S form of REGNAULT'S dew-point instrument. 6. The case of the hair hygrometer is very perplexing ; opinions are very conflicting, and it seems to be a question upon which meteorologists take sides. An immense amount of experimental work has been done, and it is possible that an observer might make very useful observations with the instrument, but whether the inferences from his observations would be regarded with any degree of confidence by others seems to be still an open question. With the exception of REGNAULT'S researches on the chemical method (p. 121), the experimental work that has hitherto been published has consisted in the simultaneous observation of the vapour pressure in free air by two different hygrometric methods. This plan is open to uncertainties arising from the two following causes : — (i.) The air is taken from two different positions for the two instruments ; in other words, the observations are made upon two different specimens of air, whose hygrometric states are assumed to be identical, not upon the same air. Perhaps the assumption is sufficiently justified when the air has immediate access to the reading parts of each instrument, but I have pointed out in the summary of results certain reasons for considering this uncertainty to be serious when the access is not direct, as in the case of the comparison of a dew-point instrument with a ventilator-psychro- meter, in which case the air may suffer alteration in passing over the vanes of the ventilator. And, indeed, in any case, in an experiment designed to compare the efficiency of different methods, the uncertainty arising from this cause is a dis- advantage, for the liability to error in the instruments themselves is quite sufficient to make the comparisons difficult ; and, moreover, if we could rely upon the identity of the results of two instruments, a similar arrangement might be employed to determine whether there is any local variation in the b} grometric state of the air, an independent question not without interest. (ii.) The observations obtained with different instruments differ in character. The chemical method gives the mean value of the vapour pressure during the period of the experiment, and does not indicate any small variations from time to time. The wet bulb takes a certain finite, though it may be short, time to reach its equilibrium state, and therefore does not give the vapour pressure at any particular instant. The dew-point instrument, on the other hand, may be taken as giving the vapour pressure L 2 76 MB. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. at the instant of the formation of the dew deposit. These differences may, perhaps, best be illustrated by considering what would be their effects upon the ideal curve which would represent the continuous variation of the hygrometric state of the air, if we suppose the air to be subject to a series of rapid alternations of moisture and dryness ; the dew-point instrument would give a series of points on the true curve ; the observations with the wet and dry bulb would give a series of points, not on the true curve, but a somewhat modified curve, the slopes being more gradual ; and, pro- vided the alternations were sufficiently rapid, the curve of the wet bulb would generally be smoother than the true curve. A series of observations with the chemical method would give a series of points on a third curve quite different from the other two, and one from which all effect of rapid alternations would have disappeared, and only the more permanent changes would be shown. Hence, two instruments of different kinds can only be compared by taking the mean of a number of consecutive observations, and assuming that the effect of all rapid alternations disappears ; and this is probably the case under all ordinary circumstances. This must, however, be borne in mind in considering the comparisons, because the rapid alternation is possibly of not infrequent occurrence. When using a dew-point instrument it is sometimes observed that at the same temperature the dew forms and then disappears again. This phenomenon has been differently interpreted by different observers, some considering that it shows the extreme sensitiveness of the instrument to small atmospheric changes, while others have attributed it to the variation of the observed dew-point with variation of wind velocity (see p. 142). It is, therefore, evident that it would be of some advantage to eliminate if possible these two causes of uncertainty. I have endeavoured to do so in the experiments I am now communicating, in the following manner : The instrument to be tested was enclosed in a glass vessel, B, which was connected on the one side with an apparatus, which I will call a saturator, A, designed to saturate air at a given known tempera- ture, and on the other side with drying tubes, C. An aspirator drew air through the whole arrangement. The hygrometric state of the air is given (1) by the temperature of the saturator, A ; (2) by the instrument ; (3) by the drying tubes, C. I first ascer- tained (§ 1 to § 10) that when B was cut out and A and C put in immediate connexion, the two methods — namely, the saturation method and the chemical method — gave concordant results. Then B was introduced, but the dew-point instrument was not worked, and the results of A and C were again compared and found to be equally con- cordant. This showed that the state of the air was not altered by the mere presence of B ; and, finally, observations were taken with the dew-point instrument while the air was being drawn through, and the results of A and C were again compared. It was found that they were still concordant, and since the state of the air was known before it passed over the instrument, and was proved to be the same after passing the instrument, we are quite safe in assuming the hygrometric state of the air while it was passing the instrument to be that given either by the saturator A or by the MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. 77 drying tubes C. Hence observations made with the instrument may quite fairly be taken to be observations upon air whose hygrometric state is really accurately known ; the degree of accuracy will be clear from the particulars of the experiments. The experiments accordingly group themselves in the following manner : — I. Experiments to ascertain the limits of accuracy of agreement between the method of saturation and the chemical method. These experiments are practically a repetition of REGNAULT'S work with my arrangement of the apparatus and absorbent substances. This repetition is necessary (1) as a preliminary, in order to make sure that the apparatus is in satisfactory working order, and as a test of the drying substances used (Table II.) ; (2) because UEGNAULT'B observations were undertaken with the view of determining the density of vapour in saturated air, and nearly always the air was practically saturated when it reached the drying tubes. In order to complete our knowledge, we have to extend the observations to cases in which the temperature of the air when it reaches the tubes is considerably above the temperature of the saturator. In this case one would expect a priori that the agreement would be very nearly the same, but I know of no published experiments to directly test the point. II. Experiments to determine whether the interposition of the vessel C interferes with the concordance of the results obtained. The only apparent reasons for such interference are condensation upon the connecting tube or the vessel C, or leakage from the dew-point instrument. The second part of I. may, therefore, be taken with these. The results of I. and II. are shown in Tables II. to V. III. Comparisons of the results of the dew-point instrument with those of the saturator and chemical method when all three are taken together. (Table VIII.) IV. Observations with the dew-point instrument compared with the results of the saturator only. A few such observations were made for the purpose of testing special points under circumstances that made the double testing of the air inconvenient or undesirable. (Exp. 73 to 83.) I may now proceed to give the details of the experiments. THE METHOD OF SATURATION AND THE CHEMICAL METHOD. TESTS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF THE APPARATUS AND OF THE DESICCATING SUBSTANCES. § 1. The method of saturation which is here referred to simply means passing air through some form of apparatus by which it is saturated, the temperature of satura- tion being read by a thermometer placed in the saturator. This is, of course, not a method of measuring the pressure of moisture in a given specimen of air, but simply a means of obtaining air the pressure of vapour in which is known from its temperature. The saturators used will he described later. § 2. The chemical method consists, as is well known, in causing a known volume, v, of air to pass through weighed tubes capable of abstracting the whole of the moisture 78 MB. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRTC METHODS. from the air and determining the weight of aqueous vapour thus absorbed by the tubes. Then, if f be the amount of moisture per cubic metre in the air which enters the tubes ; A, the density of dry air at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ; d, the specific gravity of aquecus vapour referred to dry air at the same temperature and pressure ; t, the temperature of the entering air ; a, its coefficient of expansion per degree Centigrade ; e, the pressure of the aqueous vapour, then In order to determine the volume, v, of air which enters the tubes, a known volume of water is allowed to flow out of an aspirator, its place being taken by the air which passes through the drying tubes. Let V be the volume of water which is allowed to run out of the aspirator, this volume will then be occupied by saturated air, the dry part of which has passed through the drying tubes ; if T be its temperature when in the aspirator, E the corresponding pressure of aqueous vapour, the pressure due to the dry air will be B — E, where B is the height of the barometer at the time. Its pressure before entering the tubes was B — e, and its temperature was t ; its volume, therefore, was — T, B - E 1 + a t V = V • - - • - — • B-e 1 +«T Hence, if w be the number of grammes of moisture absorbed, w B - e 1 + «T = V'B -E' i + «< ' and we get for determining e the following equation : — _ 760 (1 + a. t) w B - e. 1 + aT Arf V B -E 1 + »t or e 760 1 + a T w (2) B -e " B -E V Ad I + « T) w A d (B - E) V = x therefore or e = approximately, neglecting squares not likely to be larger than ( E - X wfV\ \ ~* ~B / aPProximate'y- .iff,-. •"« • ",: :-•• (4) Mil. \V. N. SHAW ON HrGHOMKTKIC METHODS. 79 The application of this formula involves the assumption of a value of d, the specific gravity of steam. The difficulties connected with this are discussed in Note A (p. 121). The value '622 has been assumed throughout my experiments. For Xw/V inside the bracket the value of e derived from the temperature of the savurator may be substituted without appreciable error. To facilitate computation I have tabulated the values of X, i.e., 760(1 -4- aT)/Ae£, for each degree Centigrade as below : — TABLE for Reduction of Aspirator Observations. Table of the value of 7GO (1 + aT)/dA for every degree of temperature between - 10° C. and + 30° C. d = 0-G22. A = 1293 grammes per cubic metre. a = -003GG. Temperature T. 7«0(1 + oT) u* Temperature T. 7«0(1 + aT) log. *A 5'9 grammes, temperature 18° C. 2nd „ 16371-2 Aspirator B, 1st „ 16384-0 „ „ 2nd „ 16383-8 We have therefore, allowing for the density of the water used and the temperature, Volume of A at 0° 16384 cc. B at 0° 16400 cc. The volumes at any temperature t will then be Aspirator A, 16384 (1 + '000052 t) cubic centimetres. B, 16400 (1 + -000052 /) MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMKTRIC MKTIK >I»S. 81 One of these two gives the volume of water run out in any experiment. The water would be replaced partly by air which had come through the drying tubes and partly by the vapour of the water formed in the aspirator. We may assume that the air in the aspirator at the end of the experiment in saturated with moisture. (ii.) The drying tubes, — A specially constructed form was used. Instead of being closed with corks perforated with glass tubes, glass connexions of wider bore were used, which were thickened and ground into the U-tubes. These latter were of the ordinary size, about 6 inches long and i^-inch internal diameter. The long tubular stoppers were bent over, in the case of sulphuric acid and pumice tubes through two right angles, and in the case 'of phosphoric acid tubes (shown in fig. 2, Plate 5), through one right angle. The wide ends of these tubes could then pass over narrower tubes coming vertically through the bottoms of small mercury cups, and thus forming the connexions between the drying tubes and the other parts of the apparatus. The connexions were thus made by means of mercury joints. These joints were tested, and found to be quite tight for differences of external and internal pressure many times greater than those occurring in the experiments. The arrangement is very convenient, as the tubes can be simply lifted from their places and as easily replaced ; they require careful brushing to remove the adhering mercury, and the ends are closed for weighing with small india-rubber stoppers. The liability to error in consequence of moisture on the surface of the mercury is probably not so great as that to which the tubes would lie exposed by using india-rubber connexions. The drying tubes were filled either with phosphoric anhydride, or with rather coarse fragments of pumice saturated with the strongest sulphuric acid (sp. gr. T84). Experiments will be detailed below to show that either of these substances is perfectly efficient for the purpose of withdrawing all the moisture from the air passed over it. A number of experiments have shown me that drying tubes filled with recently fused chloride of calcium, although in many ways convenient, are not capable of extracting alt the moisture from air.* Correction of the iceight of the drying tubes for weighing in air. — The main part of * The experiments were of two kinds : — ' (1.) Two chloride of calcium tubes were arranged in front of two sulphuric acid tubes and nn aspirator- ful of saturated air passed through «11 four. The gain of weight in each of the four for three observations is given below : — lat tube. 2nd tube. 3rd tube. 4th tulw. •*•* n •2557 + •0013 + •0010 18-55 187 15-74 15-80 — •08 2 0 12 „ 12 M •2682 + -0023 + -0013 •• 19-08 ? 16-53 16-53 -•00 2 0 In the first seven experiments the two phosphoric acid tubes were placed first, and in the last five the sulphuric acid tubes were in that position. The columns giving the increase of weight in the different tubes show that these nearly always gained a small amount, but that amount is very irregular, and is about the same whether the phosphoric acid tubes or the sulphuric acid are placed first, and the calculated tension is in nearly every case within 1 per cent, of the tabulated tension. This being about the same error as that which occurs in RKGNAULT'S observations, we may take it that the first tube was sufficient to completely dry the air passed through it, and that the increase of weight hi the other tubes was due to some other cause. § 6. The different connexions were made partly by glass and partly by india-rubber tubing, and this suggested itself as a possible source of the observed differences. A number of observations were therefore taken with a view of determining how far this might be the case. I. A glass tube about five feet long was mounted as a connexion between two mercury cups ; and air, first dried by passing through a phosphoric acid tube, was passed through a long glass tube and then through a sulphuric acid tube, and the weight of the latter determined before and after the passage of the air. There was accordingly nothing but the glass tube between the two drying tubes. The results were as follows for four experiments :— MR. \V. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. 85 Date. Increase ia weight of the lulpharic avid tube, in gramme*. .) ul v 18 „ 19 .... „ 20 .... „ 21 .... •f-0029 + •0002 -•0004 -•0002 It appears, therefore, that after the tube had been once dried no further increase of weight of the sulphuric acid tube occurred, and hence that, with due precaution, glass tubes may be used as connexions without any fear of error. II. The glass tube was replaced by an india-rubber tube six feet long, and similar observations taken, fifteen experiments being made. The sulphuric acid tube always gained in weight, although every precaution was taken to keep the india-rubber tube dry between the experiments. The least amount of moisture was obtained when a second observation was taken, immediately after the completion of a first. The increase of weight of the sulphuric acid tube generally amounted to about 15 milli- grammes. An india-rubber tube cannot, therefore, be used with any security for connecting two drying tubes. § 7. We may accordingly conclude that the increase in weight of the drying tubes after the first, in the table of results given, was due for the most part to moisture derived from the india-rubber connexions. For the last three observations in the table, p. 84, these connexions were made as short as possible, so that the amount of india-rubber surface exposed to the dry air might be small. With the apparatus in that form the drying tubes gained very much less in weight than before, and we may give the results obtained from these three observations as instances of the accuracy which may be expected by this method. THE METHOD OF SATURATION AND THE CHEMICAL METHOD. — EXPERIMENTS WITH UNSATURATED AIR. § 8. With the experience gained by the experiments just described, I proceeded to arrange the apparatus by which the result of the chemical method could be compared with that of the saturation method on unsaturated air, and by which moreover dew- point observations could also be taken during the progress of an experiment such as those described. At first a REGNAULT dew-point instrument alone was introduced. It was fixed by means of its glass tube into the cork of a three-necked globe in a manner which will be sufficiently indicated by a glance at the figure (fig. 3) ; on each side of the globe, between its long horizontal neck and the rest of the apparatus, was attached a coil of copper tube to ensure that the temperature of the internal air was the same as that of the external, except in the vessel containing the hygrometer 86 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. itself; attached to the second copper coil was a second globe with three necks, which contained a thermometer inserted in exactly the same manner as the REGNAULT hygrometer, and likewise shown in the figure. This sequence, consisting of (l) a copper coil k (fig. 3), (2) a globe containing the hygrometer, h, (3) a copper coil, k', (4) a globe containing a thermometer, t, was simply interposed between the saturator and the aspirator, so that the air passed through the whole series. Fig. 3. 70 ASPIRA TOR In order to fit the REGNAULT thimble tightly into the globe it was cemented by means of gelatine to a glass tube, over which it would just slip. This was found not to be quite tight when there was a considerable difference of pressure between the inside and outside, and the leakage might have interfered with some of the observa- tions. The joint was therefore strengthened by lapping the line of junction of the silver and glass with pure india-rubber strip pulled very thin and having each successive layer painted over with benzene. After a sufficient thickness was lapped on, the whole was painted with a solution of india-rubber in benzene and varnished, and no further trouble was caused by any leakage at the joint except in the five experiments noted in Table VI. Fig. 4. Subsequently a DINES hygrometer enclosed in a cylindrical glass tube, fig. 4, was added to the apparatus immediately following the globe containing the REGNAULT. The metal box, connecting tube, and thermometer of the DINES were detached from the wooden frame in which they are usually mounted. The delivery end of the tube W. N. SHAW ON HYORO1IETRIC METHODS. 87 was easily slipped through a piece of thick india-rubber sheet forming a stopper to the 3-inch glass cylinder, and the other end, having the tube and thermometer very close together, was enclosed by half slitting an india-rubber bung previously carefully drilled, the slit passing along the common diameter of the two drilled holes; the half slit bung was then slipped on the tube and thermometer, carefully pressed together with shellac varnish, and the bung coated with varnish and pressed home. It is perhaps surprising that there was no leak, but repeated tests showed that the DINES was in this way fixed air-tight in the cylinder. At first a leakage took place where the blackened glass of the instrument was fixed into the metal box. This was closed by painting round the edge with a solution of india-rubber in benzene, and after a good thick layer had been formed it was varnished with shellac varnish. These dew-point instruments were sometimes excluded, the REONAULT by with- drawing the hygrometer and filling up the neck of its globe with a bung, the DINES by removing the cylinder altogether. All the connexions between the different parts of the apparatus were made by glass and very short pieces of india-rubber tubing carefully wired and varnished. The rest of the apparatus was similar to that already described, but was modified in the following details : — i. The saturator. — This was required to saturate air at a temperature below that of the room. For this purpose a large galvanized iron water tank jacketed with 3 inches of sawdust in a second galvanized iron tank was introduced to form a bath in which the saturator could be completely immersed. The saturator proper will be understood by reference to fig. 5. The glass tube a was open to the external air, and led to a spherical glass vessel, b, filled with moist sponge ; from this vessel a bent glass tube, c, led through a cork to the interior of the copper cylindrical vessel, V, through a metal lid bolted to it, and made air tight by an india-rubber washer round the rim. The vessel V was loaded with shot so that the whole apparatus just sank in water, and above the shot was a thin glass cylinder containing a layer of water at the bottom, in which stood a wire frame covered with well- washed muslin. The tube C opened into the vessel V outside the muslin frame, but inside the glass. The air was drawn out of the interior of the vessel through the tube d, close to which was the bulb of a thermometer ; the tube d was the extension of a glass three-way tap T, which was fixed just outside the copper vessel ; by it I could send air through the rest of the apparatus without its passing through the saturator, and thus dry the connecting tubes, Ac., when necessary. This part of the apparatus was immersed in water, in the final experiments so that the tap was covered (the projecting nozzle being extended by an india-rubber tube), in the tank already spoken of, and the temperature of the water therein was reduced by stirring ice in it to any required extent. ii. The drying tubes. — Two sulphuric acid or two phosphoric acid ones were used for the observations. These remained as before, except that the connexions (see fig. 1) between them were made by glass tubes and shortened as much as possible. 88 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. The ends of the connecting tubes coming through the mercury cups were moreover covered with little glass caps between the observations to protect them from damp during that time. Fig. 5. One-tenth natural size. With these precautions it was assumed that any deposit received in the second tube ought to be added to that in the first tube, and this departure from the practice adopted in the first series of experiments is further justified by the fact that the new aspirator, which will be described presently, more than doubled each of the old ones in volume, so that the tubes had to take up twice the quantity of moisture (for the same temperature) and in the same time as that required for the smaller amount in the previous series. The variable amounts of moisture received by the second tube showed that this part could not be neglected (see § 15). iii. The aspirator. — The pattern of this was similar to those already described, but its volume was more than twice as great, and provision was made for increased accuracy in reading ; it is accordingly figured in fig. 6. Between it and the rest of the apparatus there was, moreover, a water-pressure gauge attached, which was found very useful, first, as a test of the tightness of the joints of the apparatus ; and, secondly, to see that communication was quite free between all the parts. The larger aspirator was used, as it was intended to supply in some cases comparatively dry air, and a larger volume was required to avoid the effect of errors of weighing. MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. Two determinations of the capacity of the new aspirator were made on the same plan as for the old ones (see p. 80), with the following results : — 1st observation, 35987'44 grammes of water at 12°7 C. 2nd 35989-28 120>2 , Fig. 6. TO ASPIRATING '-=^ ,' irtS(j Ca C/, )'/" " 1 One-tenth natural size. These, corrected for temperature expansion of water and copper, give volumes : — (1.) 36049-33 c.c. at 15° C. (2.) 3604973 „ Mean . . 36049 '53 c.c. at 15° C. The volume of the aspirator is therefore at t° = 36049-5 { 1 + -0000525 (t — 15)}. MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. N 90 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HY/GROMETRIC METHODS. § 9. We have first to discuss the comparison of the results given by the saturator with those of the chemical method for air which is not saturated. The apparatus was mounted on November 7 with the REGNAULT dew-point instru- ment in position, and the first four observations were wasted by the washer between the copper cylinder and its lid being cut through and letting the water in. It was put in order again on November 1 7, and gave no trouble afterwards. An observation was taken with the temperature of the water as it stood in the tank, with the following result : — No. 5. November 17. Vapour pressure, by saturator . . . „ ,, chemical method Difference Temperature of air, 12°'98 C. . 10-63 mm. ' I0'65 » . +'02 mm. Ice was then added, and when it was melted a second observation was taken, as follows : — No. 6. November 19. Vapour pressure, by saturator 8'54 mm. ,, ,, chemical method . . 8'59 „ Difference . . +'05 mm. Temperature of air, 14°'74 C. These results seemed to give quite satisfactory agreement between the two indica- tions of the states of the air. Passing over No. 7 for the present, the next five gave results which were increasingly divergent, viz. : — TABLE III. No. Date. Temperature of saturator. Temperature of air. Pressure by saturator. Pressure by chemical method. Difference. 8 Feb. 9 o 1176 14-91 10-27 10-42 + -15 9 ., 9 11-92 18-08 10-38 10-75 + -37 10 ,, 11 13-14 15-83 11-24 11-84 + -60 11 10 )» x — 13-07 14-37 11-18 12-20 + 1-02 12 „ 14 13-43 M 1145 13-30 + 1-85 §10. I was unable at first to assign any cause for this increasing difference, and thought that in No. 9 it might be due to the air being supersaturated in passing into the saturator, so in the next experiment, No. 10, I passed the air through a tube of ice before it entered the vertical tube a of the saturator (fig. 5). I tried, moreover, whether it was due to the action of the carbonic acid of the air, and interposed a MR W. N. SHAW ON HTGBOMETRIO MKTH<>|>> 91 potash tube in No. 11, but neither of these trials showed that the cause was discovered. The next observation, however, furnished an explanation. The tempera- ture of the saturator was above that of the air, and the chemical method gave a result •53 mm. below that of the saturator. On inspecting the connecting tubes t found a very fine deposit of dew upon them ; and, as the apparatus was left in connexion with the saturator during the night, I have no doubt that during the cold part of the night the vapour was condensed in the connecting tubes, and that these were not dry when the observations marked 8 to 12 were made, although I took the precaution of running dry air through them, generally for a quarter of an hour, before each experi- ment. Thenceforward the connecting tube was left in communication, by means of the three-way tap, with a calcium chloride bottle over night, and the tubes were dried more carefully before the observations. The next set of four observations, however, showed that the amount of moisture in the drying tubes was still too great, the pressure differences being '11, '20, '20, *40 mm. respectively. I then thought that the dew-point instrument might be producing some effect by leakage or otherwise, and accordingly removed it. The temperature of the bath was reduced by ice to 9°'96 C., and the observation showed a difference of '07 mm. only. More ice was added, and the temperature reduced to 7°'39 C. : the difference at that observation was 0'09 mm.; with further reductions of temperature, however, to 4°'74 C., 4°'82 C., and 3°'06 C., the drying tubes got too little moisture, the differences being '47 mm., '68 mm., and '81 mm. respectively. Then the temperature was allowed to rise gradually, and the difference changed sign, having the values '19 mm. and '18 mm. at 6°'55 C. and 10°'42 C. respectively. It appeared that the amount of moisture obtained by the chemical method was practically identical with that given by the saturation temperature, when the saturator was not cooled below 8° C. ; below that, when the temperature was falling, the chemical method gave too small a result ; but, as the temperature rose again, too large a result was obtained. The next series of observations, Nos. 31 to 38 (Table IV.), shows this order most clearly. Starting with the temperature of the saturator at 16°78 C., and gradually cooling it down to 2°'94 C., then allowing it to rise to 6°'47 C., I got the following results : — N 2 92 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. TABLE IV. No. Temperature of saturator. Temperature of air. ". ' . Vapour pressure by gaturator. Vapour pressure by chemical method. Difference. mm. 31 16-78 20 14-20 14-29 + -09 32 16-33 18 13-80 13-88 + -08 33 16-33 18 13-80 13-82 + -02 34 11-96 17 10-41 10-47 + -06 35 7-65 17-5 7-78 7-81 + -03 36 4-81 16 6-42 5-64 - -78 37 2-94 18 5-63 4-93 - -70 38 6-47 18-2 7-20 7-50 + -30 It then occurred to me that the effect was probably due to differences of temperature in different parts of the bath. I had not paid much attention to the uniformity of temperature, as the air was drawn from a point in the interior of the copper cylinder quite close to the bulb of the thermometer, and I considered that the air so withdrawn would be saturated at that temperature, but I had neglected to take sufficient notice of the fact that it was saturated air I was dealing with, and that the effect of the tube which led away the air ought to be considered. It seemed likely that if the water in the bath was not kept thoroughly well stirred, the water, cooled by the melting of the ice, would sink rapidly until the temperature got near 4°, and that then a layer of cold water would be formed on the top of the bath, and cool the top of the cylinder and the tube through which the air came ; if this was colder than the saturated air, a part of the moisture would be deposited in the tube ; the layer of moisture thus formed would, on the other hand, be at a higher temperature than the rest when the bath gradually got warmer by contact with the air at the top, and the air for the experi- ment would be slightly warmed and receive an addition to its moisture in passing over this band of moisture. At the end of the series of observations there was no moisture visible on the parts of the tube above the cylinder, but on drawing the tube out of its cork a little way a collar of moisture was distinctly visible where the tube had been cooled by conduction through the cork, and thus my suspicion was confirmed. In consequence of this discovery, considerable attention was devoted to the stirring of the bath, to keep it at a uniform temperature. During an observation I could not hope that the tube would be kept free from deposit, and the only thing to do was to prevent its having any effect on the temperature of saturation. The next six observations show the result of this precaution ; the temperature began at 6°'44 C., was reduced to 3°'lO C., and then allowed to rise to 7°'93 C., and therefore included that part of the scale in which the differences were previously most conspicuous. MU. \V N SHAW ON HTGROMKTRIC METHODS. TABLE V. No. Temperature of •Mrator. Temperature of air. Vapour prearare from Mtnratar. Vapour preMore by chemical method. Difference. 39 6-44 1- - 7-18 7-25 + '07 40 6-00 19-3 6-97 7-01 + -04 41 310 19-9 5-70 :....: - -07 42 476 19-fl 6-40 6-43 + -03 43 7-44 21-4 7-69 7-71 + -02 44 7-93 211 7-95 -'".• + -14 These six observations gave results agreeing very closely, the mean difference between the tabular saturation pressure and the pressure as deduced from the chemical method being '06 mm only. It will be observed that the same degree of accuracy of agreement is given by the observations in Table IV., which are free from the difficulty of the deposit on the leading tube, the mean of the differences for the first five observations in that table being "056 mm. As the temperature readings could not be relied upon to an accuracy much beyond 0°'l C., it seemed unnecessary to endeavour to press the comparison of the saturator and the chemical method further. § 11. I concluded that I then knew enough about the methods to be justified in expecting the results of the chemical method to agree with the tabular result obtained from the temperature of the saturator within O'l mm., and in regarding the air under those circumstances as being in a known state, and in using it in the investigation of the action of the dew-point instruments. It was, however, necessary to determine whether or not the presence of these instruments affected the air by leakage or other- wise : so that for the succeeding observations I always determined the pressure by the chemical method. First, the REQNAULT was replaced : the result appeared to be disastrous, as the first two observations gave differences between the saturator and chemical method results of 1'OG and — '37 respectively, but an investigation disclosed a deposit of moisture in the tube above the tap. The rest of the observations taken are all given in the following table, and notes are appended in cases where some disturbing cause was acting. TABLE VI. No. Date. Hygrometer included. Tempera- ture, saturator. Tempera- ture, air. Vapour prewiurc, gatnra tor. Vapour preiwure, chemical method. Difference. Remarks. 47 July 19 RKOXAULT 16°85 19-14 14-26 14-28 mm. + -02 48 „ 19 i 16-89 19-3 14-30 14-27 - -03 r.' ,, 21 2-94 19-6 5-63 5-90 + -27 50 „ 22 2-98 20 5-65 5-75 + -10 51 ,, 22 368 20 5-93 6-01 + -08 52 „ 23 i 7-"'.' 20-5 7-51 7-53 + -02 94 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. TABI.E VI. — (continued). No. Date. Hygrometer included. Tempera- ture, xatnrator. Tempera- ture, air. Vapour pressure, saturator. Vapour pressure, chemical method. Difference. Remarks. 53 July 24 REGNADLT 3°22 20° 5-75 5-73 mm. - -02 54 „ 24 M 3-89 20 6-02 6-00 - -02 55 » 25 7-08 19 7-47 7-57 + -10 56 „ 26 8-73 17 8-39 8-52 + -13 Satnrator not com- pletely covered by water. 57 „ 28 11-74 18-18 10-26 10-29 -f -03 58 „ 29 ,, 13-09 19 11-21 11-48 + '27 Water not stirred. 59 „ 31 15-25 21-5 12-88 13-35 + -47 The dry ingtnbes wei-e left in connexion . with the appa- ratus for sometime, and moisture was gained by diffusion. 60 61 62 63 64 65 Aug. 1 ", 2 „ 2 » •* ,. 5 » 16-49 16-85 17-62 18-12 18-82 18-45 24 24 24 24 22 21 13-94 14-26 15-00 15-45 16-14 15-86 14-00 14-72 15-45 15-84 16-50 16-08 -f -06 -1- -46^ + -45 + -39 L + -36 'Hygrometer showed increasing signs of I leaking at the joint; | was accordingly taken out and re- placed. 66 „ 10 REONAULT 21-60 27 19-16 19-42 + -26 The globe containing and the REGNAULT had DINKS. been washed and i not thoroughly dried. 67 „ 11 22-02 25 19-65 19-72 -1- -07 DINES read during the observation. ' Its tube became 68 „ 12 »» 22-06 23 19-70 17-04 -1-96^ covered with mois- 69 „ 12 22-09 24 19-74 19-16 - -58 ture that was not 70 „ 16 B 20-27 23-5 17-66 16-90 - -76 I <( taken up subse- 71 „ 19 ii 20-63 23 18-05 16-56 -1-49 1 quently, and there- 72 „ 21 20-09 23 17-46 17-73 + -27J fore lost to the dry- ing tubes. The method of reading was therefore _ altered (see § 22). 73 „ 22 () 20-03 24-5 17-39 17-34 - -05 74 .. 27 n 15-75 18 13-30 13-47 + -17 75 „ 28 n 15-72 18 13-27 13-23 - -04 76 „ 29 n 6-38 18-5 7-15 6-87 — -"28 84 Ibs. of ice were melted to cool the bath, and it is probable that the leading tube re- mained too cold during the observa- tion. 77 „ 30 n 7-41 17 7-68 7-76 + -08 78 .. 30 7-96 18 7-97 7-95 - -02 79 Sept. 1 | „ 11-71 18 10-24 10-33 + -09 80 „ 1 12-90 18-5 11-06 11-14 + -08 81 ,, 3 14-50 18-5 12-27 12-31 + -04 82 „ 5 " 1-09 17 4-94 4-91 - -03 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. 95 It will be seen that there are definite reasons for rejecting the experiments numbered 56, 59, 61-65, 68-72, and of the rest there are five only for which the differences reach O'l mm., and the mean difference for the whole number (without regard to sign) of those not rejected amounts to "077, or again less than '1 mm. § 12. Rejecting from Table VI. then the numbers indicated, and arranging the observations in the order of humidity of the air, we get the following re-arrangement of the Tables V. and VI. :- TABLE VII. Number of experiment. Temperature of air. Percentage humidity. Difference Iwtwecn result of chemical method and utnration prewure. Poiitire. Negative. 50 o 20 32 mm. + •10 mm. 49 19-6 33 •27 41 19-9 33 t t -•07 53 20 33 f t •02 51 20 34 •08 , . 82 17 34 B f •03 54 20 35 « • •02 42 19-9 37 •03 43 214 41 •02 40 19-3 !•_• •04 52 20-5 42 •02 44 214 43 •14 39 18-8 45 •07 76 18-5 45 . . •28 55 19 46 •10 78 18 52 . . •02 77. 17 53 •08 60 24 63 •06 57 18-5 64 •03 79 18 67 •09 80 18-5 75 •08 73 24-5 76 . f •05 81 18-5 78 •04 67 25 82 •07 48 19-5 86 . , •03 74 18 87 •17 75 • 18 87 n . . •04 47 19-14 87 -02 •_N 15 88 •01 27 14-8 91 . , •05 5 13 96 t f •07 13 127 100 •• •18 The last four observations are not among those quoted in Tables V. and VI. ; they were taken before the behaviour of the saturator and its difficulties were fully under- stood. They are, however, observations for a very high degree of humidity, and in such cases the peculiar difficulties of the apparatus do not come in ; they may there- fore, I think, be fairly included in the table of final results. 96 MB. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETBIC METHODS. § 13. I have now accounted for the whole number of 82 experiments made with the modified apparatus (including those in which dew-point readings were taken) for comparing the saturator and the chemical method at different degrees of humidity, with the exception of three, Nos. 7, 25, and 26. No. 25 gave a difference of — '07 when the humidity was 70, and simply confirms the general result ; No. 7 gave a difference of + 1'73 when the humidity was 87 ; and No. 26 a difference of — '57 when the humidity was 86 ; these show a wide divergence, for which I am quite unable to account. There is nothing in my note-book which places those observations on a different footing from the rest ; it is true that they were made at a time when I had not fully appreciated the necessity of keeping the bath at a uniform temperature, but the difficulties did not occur with other observations at corresponding humidities. I can only attribute the large differences to clerical errors in entering the weights. § 14. The reductions of the observations have been made by formula 3 of p. 78, with the aid of the table of p. 79. The value there adopted for the specific gravity of steam referred to air at the same temperature and pressure is '622. The table of vapour pressures which I used at first was REGNAULT'S ; those given in the results are derived from the re-calculation in LANDOLT and BOUNSTEIN'S table. The effect of this change is to diminish the saturation pressure by '02 mm. or '03 mm. in each case, and has consequently given to the Table VII. a preponderance of + differences which did not show itself when REGNAULT'S numbers were taken. As the table now stands, 20 observations give a positive difference and 12 a negative one. If the •03 mm. be restored 14 observations will have a positive difference, 15 a negative one, while 3 will give zero difference. Almost precisely the same result would be attained by using the value '624 for the specific gravity of steam instead of •622. The one observation on saturated air with the negative difference '18 mm. in the second series of experiments bears out the results of the previous experiments with the original apparatus (§5). The net result of the whole investigation upon the chemical method would seem to show : — (1.) That if the specific gravity of saturated aqueous vapour referred to air at the same temperature and pressure be assumed to be '624, the calculation of the pressure from the weight of moisture absorbed gives a value agreeing to within O'l mm. (the mean difference being '07 mm.) with that derived from the temperature of saturation, provided that the air is superheated after passing through the saturator. (2.) That there is no reason for assigning the differences in the observations to other than experimental errors. (3.) That for saturated air, the result of the chemical method is slightly less than the tabulated saturation pressure. This is shown in the first series of experiments, and agrees with REGNAULT'S result. But I think that the later experiments and the observations with the dew-point instrument which follow clearly show that when saturated air is passed along glass tubes at the same or even a slightly higher \ll{ \V \ e supplied by the saturated air passed through the apparatus as a preliminary part of the experiment. So that this suggestion seems to me to explain satisfactorily what is otherwise a great difficulty, namely, that the saturation pressure agrees with the tabulated pressure only if the air is heated after being saturated. To assume that the result of the chemical method should agree exactly with that given by the temperature of the saturator is to assume not only DAL/TON'S law to be true, but also that the expansion of vapour with rise of temperature from the saturation point takes place, according to the law of GAV-LusSAC, with a coefficient of expansion the same as that of air. The specific gravity of steam which must be substituted, therefore, in order to obtain identical results by the two methods is not the actual specific gravity of steam in the unsaturated air experimented on, but what would be the specific gravity if the vapour obeyed GAY-LUSSAC'S law in the manner indicated, or (since the specific gravity is referred to air at the same temperature and pressure) the specific gravity of the saturated vapour. Thus the observations may be employed (as RKGNAULT employed similar observations) to determine the specific gravity of saturated steam at the temperature of the saturator. The observations do not admit of sufficient accuracy to trace the variation of the specific gravity with temperature, but the mean specific gravity for the 32 experiments of Table VII. for temperatures of steam between 1° C. and 21° C., if referred to air at the same tem- perature and pressure, is '6245. CLAUSIUS has calculated the specific gravity of saturated steam by thermodynamic reasoning from other known constants of steam ('Mechanical Theory of Heat,' p. 153). Assuming the value at 0° C. to be '622, he gives the value at 50° C., '631. From his results, therefore, we obtain '6240 as the mean value between 1° C. and 21° C., a result agreeing very closely with that obtained from my observations. If, however, the specific gravity of saturated steam be greater than that of unsatur- ated steam, the vapour cannot obey GAY-LlJSSAc's law in the manner stated, and in consequence the pressure of the vapour of unsaturated steam, calculated by the chemical method, with the true specific gravity of unsaturated steam ('622) ought to be somewhat greater than that given in the table of pressures of saturated vapour ; and the results of Table VII. may accordingly be held to prove that the true pressure of * Sec note at end of paper (p. 149). MIXtVLXXXVIII. — A. O 98 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. vapour in unsaturated air is greater than the tabulated pressure for the temperature of the saturator by 2/622 of the saturation pressure, that is, by an amount varying from '02 mm. to '06 mm. for vapour pressures between 4'94 mm. and 19'65 mm. In other words, to obtain the true pressure the proper value to substitute for d in the formula of reduction of the chemical method is '622, at any rate when the fraction of saturation of the air under experiment is less than '8, but if the air is saturated the value '624 must be substituted. NOTES. (November 11, 1887.) — (l) In order further to verify the condensation of moisture upon a surface when the air surrounding it is not fully saturated, I have tried to detect the actual difference of weight produced by the deposit. For this purpose 1 have suspended a glass globe from one arm of a balance, and have counter- poised it, surrounding the globe by a cylinder with a lid formed of two closely-fitting pieces of glass, with a small hole left for the suspension wire. Inside the cylinder were placed alternately a vessel of water and a vessel of sulphuric acid. After making all allowances for the density of the air displaced, the experiments show an excess of weight in the moist air corresponding to the condensation of about 1 X 10~5 gramme per square centimetre. More accurate experiments are, however, in progress. (2) In this discussion DALTON'S law has been assumed to be strictly accurate. If the differences observed by REGNATJLT (p. 120) should prove on further investigation to be real differences, the specific gravity of the saturated vapour must be increased to about '645 for saturated air, and '643 for non-saturated air. § 15. In conclusion, it may be well to give a specimen of the observations from which the tables are compiled, and some notes of the practical conduct of the work. I take one experiment at random from my note-book : No. 68, August 12. Initial weight of tubes V., VI. Final Gain grammes. 142-8090 143-3856 •5766 III., IV. grammes. 147-9447 147-9638 •0191 Barometer. 30°-00 30°'00 Temp. Balance Case. 24°' 70 25°-00 Total gain '5957 gramme. Time. Saturator temp. UEONAULT DINES. Air temp. 12.00 22°89 o O O — 23-80 12.15 22-88 — — 2380 12.30 22-88 — 2378 12.45 22-37 — 23-78 Final temp, of aspirator 24°-00 1.00 1.15 1.30 22-87 22-38 22-37 21-15 2116 23-80 23-80 23-82 1-0280 x -5957 x 1-00823 e (tubes) - 86066-6 1.45 2287 — — — = 19-78 1.53 22-37 — 2400 e (sat.) =1970 Duration Ihr. 63min. Means 22-37 21-15 21-15 _ Diff. . . -08 Temp, correction . . •• 31 •27 — •11 22-06 20-88 _ 1 1 MB. W. N. SHAW ON HYOROMETRIC MKTIIODS. 99 The balance was a short-beam OERTLING, and the weights a box of OERTLINO'S, compared with the Laboratory Standard. The weighings were carried to O'l mgm. The drying tubes after an experiment were transferred to a desiccator to cool, and then weighed. The barometer and temperature of the balance case were read at each weighing, and recorded, so that a correction for weighing in air might be introduced if necessary. (See § 4.) For Experiments 1-27 the tubes were filled with sulphuric acid and pumice, and those for 28-82 with phosphoric acid. The alterations in the state of surface of the tube are sufficient to prevent the accuracy of weighing to O'l ingm. being entirely trustworthy, but the error is less than 1 mgm. (See p. 74.) This limit gives to the accuracy of the weighing operations in the chemical method a limit of '6 per cent, for the smallest amount of moisture, viz , '1737 gramme, and of '16 per cent, for the largest amount, viz., '6880 gramme. The duration of the experiments was generally about two hours, varying, in fact, from 1 hr. 10 min. to 2 hr. 55 min. During that time 36 litres of air passed through the tubes. The amount received by the second tube was very variable. In 29 experi- ments out of the 82 it was less than 1 mgm. ; in one experiment, however, it reached 99 mgm. The amount was always added to that received in the first tube, for reasons previously stated (§ 6-8). Before an experiment was commenced dried air was drawn through the whole of the apparatus, except the saturator and aspirator, by the use of an aspirating water- pump for from a quarter to half an hour, to clear the tubes of deposited moisture ; for this purpose the third aperture of the three-way tap was employed. After this the plug of the tap was turned, and the air passed through the saturator for a quarter of an hour or more to fill the vessels with air in the state required for the observation. The pump was then cut off, the aspirator connected, and the drying tubes put in their places ; the entry tube to the saturator was then closed, and the tightness of the apparatus tested by reading the pressure gauge and observing the cessation of drip from the aspirator. At the close of an observation the moist air was swept out of the globe, &c., by dried air (using the water-pump), unless it was intended to take a second observation immediately ; when left over night, the globes, <&c., were connected with a calcium chloride bottle. The temperature readings were by the following thermometers, compared at Kew, us described in § 3 :— Saturator ;. .- . . Exp. 1-14 GEISSLER, C.L.O. 21 graduated to 0°'l C. •.*. . :,.,». „ 15-82 HICKS 79,916 „ 0°'2 C. Air ... ,<.,.,„ o|, [.{,„„ . . . . HICKS 87,400 „ Od'2 C. REOHAULT..,,!,, v., ^..l,.ir.^ .... . HICKS 79,915 „ 0°'2 C. DINES. — Its own thermometer, by HICKS (not compared). Aspirator. — An ordioary chemical thermometer compared in the Laboratory, . graduated to 0°'5 C. Other small points of detail, employed to secure as close an accuracy as possible, may be passed over. o 2 100 Ml!. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMKTRIC METHODS. DEW-POINT HYGROMETERS. 1. RKGNAULT'S HYGROMETER. § 16. I pass on now to consider the observations rmicle with REGNAULT'S hygrometer upon air in a known state of humidity. The method by which the thimble was exposed to the air to be investigated has already been described (§ 8). I need now only give particulars of the apparatus adopted for cooling the ether and for reading. The thermometer had a very short cylindrical bulb, and was well covered by the ether in the thimble. The stem of the thermometer was passed through a cork fitting into the glass tube which held the thimble, and through the cork passed also two very narrow copper tubes, one to the bottom of the ether, the other just through the cork. The end of the latter was connected to a MAGNUS aspirator, which was provided with a tap, so that the rate of passage of the air was under very easy regulation. As the thimble was enclosed in a glass globe, it could be viewed quite closely without any fear of the presence of the observer altering the dew-point. § 17. So far as I can gather from published accounts, REGNAULT'S instrument has always been regarded as a standard (see Note A, p. 130); that is to say, a dew- point determination has been held to give a final verdict as to the pressure of vapour in the atmosphere. REGNAULT'S directions for the use of the instrument are, first of all, to cool the ether so as to obtain a deposit, and note the temperature ; then let the temperature rise until the deposit is gone ; then cool slowly by tenths of a degree until two-tenths are determined, for the lower of which there is a deposit and for the higher no deposit ; the mean gives the dew-point, from which the pressure of vapour in the air is at once obtained by reference to the table of vapour pressures. No calcu- lation is necessary on account of the temperature of the air, because a change of temperature of the air would not cause any appreciable change of pressure, either of dry air or vapour, but only a change of volume. With regard to this method of observation, I may remark that it is not always possible to confine "deposit" and " no deposit" temperatures within the limits of a tenth of a degree. It is compara- tively easy to do so when the circulation of air in the neighbourhood of the polished surface is brisk, and I have found from some experiments on dew-point instruments in the strong current produced by a rotary fan that the air current simply improved the facility of reading the instrument, and did not seem to alter the final reading ; but this opinion is, I believe, not shared by all experimenters, and I do not pi-ess it now, as my observations assumed to some extent the permanence of the condition of the air operated on.* In the experiments I am now dealing with the circulation was slow. The thimble of the hygrometer was contained in a globe of 5 cm. radius, holding therefore about half a litre ; through this 36 litres of air were passed on an * On this point, see below, pp. Ill and 142. MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. 101 average in two hours, giving a minimum motion cf 3 cm. per minute — assuming, that is, that the motion was uniform over the whole central section of the globe. The motion at the thimble in the middle of the globe was probably considerably greater than this, but at any rate could not be called rapid. Under such circumstances the temperature of the thimble and ether does not rise uniformly, so that one had to keep the ether mixed by an occasional bubble of air, and the practical temperature limits of deposit and no deposit, though sometimes two-tenths, were sometimes four-tenths of a degree centigrade. § 18. Let us call the temperature of saturation of the air the theoretical dew-point. Then, in order that the observed dew-point may coincide with the theoretical, the following assumptions seem to be required : — (1.) That as soon as the temperature of the thimble is below the theoretical dew-point a deposit of moisture is formed. (2.) That the observer can see it. (3.) That there is no deposit when the temperature is above the theoretical dew-point. These three assumptions may be regarded as independent, though their consideration must to some extent overlap. I will take No. 2 first. The possibility of seeing a deposit depends upon circumstances. In the first place the thimble must be highly polished. In one observation, No. 15, when the thimble was tarnished, the saturator being at 16°'96 C., and the chemical method corre- sponding to a temperature of 17° '2 C., two readings of temperature of earliest visible deposit were 15° C. and 16° '3 C. respectively, either of them much lower than the theoreticid dew-point, and indicating uncertainty in the readings, which did not occur when the thimble was well polished. Secondly, the illumination is of importance. On this point no general direction seems useful ; my observations were made indoors, in a room with two windows. I found that I could see the deposit most easily sitting with my back to the windows, and having a reflector or a lamp placed almost behind the thimble, so that the light grazed the side of it, a uniform dark background being immediately behind. Small specks on the polished surface seem to facilitate the reading, the first indication of a deposit being a slight fringe round the specks. Thirdly, different observers do not take the same readings, although practice may do away with the differences. I was assisted in the observations by one of the students at the Cavendish Labora- tory, who had had no previous experience in dew-point readings ; at first our readings dirtered considerably, mine being the higher. The following cases show this :— 8»tur»tor. Dew-point. ObMTTW. o 174 13-96 16°92 17-17 13-53 13-68 S. H. W. N. S. S. H. W. N. S. 102 MR W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRTC METHODS. The differences were still larger in the earlier observations, beginning indeed with a whole degree, but with continued practice they diminished, and after a time became no longer perceptible. As a rule, however, the observation of the dew-point fell to my share. It was necessary, in order to prevent unconscious bias towards a known result, that the observer who read the dew-point temperature should not know what the saturator thermometer was indicating, and in the division of duty I took the dew-point readings ; but, as I have said, in the later observations our readings agreed, and if we exchanged the duties there was no recognisable difference. § 1 9. With the utmost anxiety to be quite fair and to observe only what was really to be seen, it was sometimes difficult to form a satisfactory opinion as to whether a deposit was on the thimble or not. Here, for instance, are some notes made on dew- point readings during Experiment 6 (air temperature 15° C.) : — Time. Saturator. Thermometer readings. Remarks. 0 o 12.40 9-55 8-7 Very faint deposit. 1.0 9-50 8-6 i! » . . , , 9-7 Deposit gone. 1.15 9-35 8-9 Deposit round specks. 1.25 1.30 9-50 9-0 10-9 Fine deposit specks. Deposit gone. 10-0 ? Deposit. 2.0 9-50 9-45 Dew 1 , . 2.15 9-50 9-70 Dew j ver^ 3.0 9-50 7-3 Heavy dew. Thermometer 1 correction . J •50 •27--24 In this case the observation was exceptionally difficult in consequence of the slower rate of aspiration. According to the assumption, I ought to have seen the deposit when the temperature reading was below 9°'24, and not otherwise. At other times observations seemed to be easier ; the following is extracted from my note-book for the next experiment : — Saturator temperature 12°-6-12°75. Mean 12°'68. Correction 0°'42. Mean theoretical dew-point 12° '2 6. Dew-point observations. Dew on. Dew off. 12-2 12-4 12-2 12-5 12-1 12-5 12-4 12-6 12.4 12-8 12-5 12-5 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYP.ROMETR1C METHODS. 103 Mean dew-point 12'42 Correction ..... ... '22 Observed dew-point 12*20 Difference from theoretical . . i '06 The impression that is left on the mind by observations with the instrument is a sense of insecurity and want of confidence in the observations, that is sometimes followed by surprise at the concordance of the reading with the theoretical dew-point, and the closeness with which the indication of the dew-point follows any change in the temperature of the saturator, as, for instance, in the example just quoted, where the saturator readings rose from 120>18 C. to 120-33 C., the dew-point readings followed from 12°'08 C. to 12°'28 C. § 20. The other two assumptions referred to in § 18 may be tested by the accuracy of agreement of the final dew-point readings deduced from the observations with the theoretical dew-point given by the saturator, and the chemical method. The results of the comparison for a number of observations are given in the following table ; the numbers of the experiments are the same as those of Table VI. TABLE VIII. Number of experiment. Temperature of air. Percentage humidity. Theoretical dew-point. Observed dew-point by RBQHAULT. Difference. 60 0 20 32 2-98 • 2-90 o -•08 49 19'6 33 2-94 2-91 -•03 53 20 33 3-22 2-94 -•28 51 20 34 3-68 363 -•05 82 17 34 1-17 1-08 -•09 54 20 35 3-89 3-76 -•13 76 18-5 45 6-14 6-10 -•04 55 19 46 7-08 6-85 -•23 78 18 52 7-96 7-88 -•08 77 17 53 7-41 7-33 -•08 60 24 63 16-49 16-35 -•14 57 18-5 64 11-74 11-71 -•03 79 18 67 11-73 11-71 -•02 80 18-5 75 12-90 12-91 + •01 73 24-5 76 20-03 20-19 + •16 81 18-5 78 14-50 14-62 + •12 67 25 82 22-02 22-19 + •17 48. 19-5 86 16-89 16-92 + •03 74 18 87 15-75 15-72 -•03 75 18 87 15-72 15-72 •00 47 19-14 87 16-85 16-80 -•05 5 13 96 12-38 ? 12-38 r"00 104 MR. W. N. SHAW OX HYGROMETEIC MKTHODS. The theoretical dew-point is taken from the temperature of the saturator, but the observations included in the table are only those for which the result of the chemical method agreed very closely with that of the saturator. It will be seen that the differences are most frequently negative. They are generally very small, so that it would appear that the assumptions specified on p. 101 are generally justified by the experiments. There are two cases in which the dew- point is considerably below the saturator temperature, namely, Nos. 53 and 55. I quote the observations for these two experiments :— No. 53. Time. Salt! ra tor. Dew-point. 12.34 3-57 3-10 12.49 3-40 3-05 1.10 3-38 3-05 1.40 3-39 3-10 1.55 3-40 3-05 2.10 3-43 3-30 2.25 3-47 3-35 2.40 3-50 3-30 If in this case we take the last three readings only, we get- Mean temperature of saturator . . 3°'47 Correction '23 Mean dew-point 3°'32 Correction '22 3°-24 3°-10 Difference : '14, so that a nearer approximation would be obtained. It appears that the last three observations correspond to no physical change in the air, but simply refer to some alteration in what was taken as indicating visible dew. This example well illustrates the uncertainty that rests with dew-point determinations. MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. 105 No. 55. Time. Satunttor. Dew-point. 3.5 O 7-56 7-15 3.20 7-59 7-05 :;:;:, 7-21 6-9 7-4 7-15 BJO 7-22 6-8 7-2 7-0 4.10 7-27 6-8 7-2 7-0 4.25 731 695 7-3 7-12 4.40 736 71 72 7-15 4,35 7-40 7-30 Mean .... 7-40 7-11 Correction . . 32 •26 7-08 6-85 In this case no reason can be readily assigned for the difference. It must be attributed to mere errors of observation, but the rapid and unusual variation of the temperature of the saturator may account for part of the difficulty of obtaining concordant dew-points. The other noteworthy cases are those in which the dew-point was higher than the saturator temperature, Nos. 80, 73, 81, 67, and 48. In the first four of these experi- ments I was paying special attention to the very faintest indications of the presence of dew. I had come to the conclusion, from observations with DINES'S hygrometer conducted in the manner detailed below, that it was possible to get a dew deposit upon a glass surface at a temperature above the theoretical dew-point, and I was endeavouring to ascertain if the same occurred with the REGNAULT instrument. It would appear that to a certain extent that is the case. I give my observations and notes for Experiment 81 : — MDCocuutrvm. — A. 106 Ml!. W. N. SFIAW ON HYGROMETBIC METHODS. No. 81. Time. Saturator. Dew point Remarks. 5.30 o 1479 14-80 P4'6 0 \15-8 Deposit Deposit gone 5.45 14-80 ,, 7rJ14-6 1470 \14-8 Deposit Deposit gone 6.0 14-80 14-72 6.15 H-80 14-80 6.27 » • A dew-point reading taken, cooling very slowly. Dew seen at 15°"0. Dew-point 15°'02. Obser- vation repeated : dew at 14°"9 6.30 14-80 14-9 Dew at 14°'9, very definite indication 6.45 14-81 14-85 Dew at 14°-85, very definite indication Thermometer "1 correction J 0-30 0-18 The dew-point is put down as the temperature of appearance of dew in the last two readings, as the deposit was extremely transient. It would appear from this that dew may, with very great care, be seen at a temperature from 0°'16 C. to 0°'32 C. above the dew-point. The other observations are merely ordinary dew-point determinations, and may be affected by too high a reading being set down for the temperature of dis- appearance ; but I had no doubt in the case quoted above. I find also the following note in ray note-book for Experiment 82, when the saturator read 1°'18 C. (corrected) : " There is a change in appearance of the silver at 2°'l (unconnected), and the dew deposit is very slight even when the temperature is considerably below the dew-point. The dew-point as ' naturally ' determined is given in the table. The plan of reading deposit both on and off is quite useless, as the dew often disappears when the thermo- meter shows a temperature below that at which dew was previously deposited." If the change in appearance at 2°'l indicated a deposit, allowing for thermometer correc- tions, the deposit would have been seen at 1°'88, when the theoretical dew-point was 1°'18, in other words at a temperature of 0°7 above the saturation temperature. § 21. It would appear, therefore, that the third assumption of p. 101, viz., that there is no deposit unless the temperature of the thimble is below the theoretical dew-point, is not strictly true if the very first indications of a dew deposit are taken into account. With the exceptions thus mentioned, the theoretical and observed dew-points are in very close agreement. It may be said that at first an observer would probably obtain too low a reading with REGNAULT'S instrument, and that with a fair amount of practice his observed dew-points would probably agree on the average with the temperature of saturation, although there might be exceptional observations with somewhat widely diverging readings, depending possibly upon the illumination of the MH. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. 107 thimble. Finally, if very closely observed, the dew-point would be some tenths of a degree too high, in consequence of a slight deposit formed above the true dew-point. DINES'S HYGROMETER. § 22. The method of introducing the instrument into the air to be investigated has been already described, § 8. The presence of the instrument caused at first consider- able interference with the comparison of the saturator and chemical method. In order to cool the glass surface upon which the deposit is formed, water, cooled by dissolving ice in it, is made to pass along a metal tube (fig. 4), which runs close to the stem of the thermometer t, and ends in the metallic box B, into which the ther- mometer dips. The small cistern which holds the cooled water is in the ordinary course screwed on to the leading tube at A. I found, however, that the neighbour- hood of this cold reservoir caused a deposit of moisture in the tubes of the apparatus near it, and in consequence spoiled Experiment 71, and the previous Experiments 68, 69, and 70 had been rendered useless by the deposit formed in the long metal tube, which must, of course, be cooled below the dew-point and cause condensation before the glass surface can be'cooled. So that the observations of dew-point with DINES'S hygrometer reduced from these experiments are not of much value. In order to avoid these defects the flow of water in the DIN EH was reversed, so that it had only to pass through a very short length of tube before reaching the box, and the cistern was separated from the rest of the apparatus by a considerable length of india-rubber tubing. Further, the observations were only taken with DINES'S instrument at the close of an experiment, after the drying tubes had been detached from the aspirator. The apparatus was then connected with an aspirating air pump, and air drawn through the saturator and the vessel containing the hygrometer. § 23. The observation of a dew deposit, upon the surface of the blackened glass is a very easy matter, and much more satisfactory than with the REGNAULT thimble. The arrangement that I have found to give the easiest observation is to attach a piece of black paper to the middle of the window of the room, and look at the glass surface from such a direction that it reflects only the black paper when there is no dew on the surface. Under these circumstances a deposit shows itself with surprising facility. The observations taken with DINES'S instrument were as follows :— After Experiment 73. Saturator reading 200-05 DINES, 68° F. = 20°'00 0°'05 diff. „ 77. Saturator reading, 7°'49. DINES first showed dew at 10°'6, but no more at 8°'3 ; on a second trial dew at 7°'8. P 2 108 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HrGEOMETRIC METHODS. After Experiment 78. Saturator reading, 8°-00. DINES : — Water run through slowly, dew appeared at the first edge (nearest to the entering water) at 9°'6 ; water stopped : — temperature gradually sank to 9°'00, and dew appeared at the other end, the first deposit vanishing. The second deposit was visible only in the best light and vanished without any measurable altera- tion of temperature. Observation repeated : — Dew found at first edge at 9°'72, but no dew formed on other parts, although the temperature was reduced to 9°'06. The temperature was run down to 7°'78 before anything like a wide deposit of dew was formed. An estimate of 8°'3 was made as the dew-point, and confirmed by repetition of the observation. „ 79. Saturator reading, 11°'61. DINES : — Dew at further end at 15°'61. Thermometer went down without any more cold water to 13°"6, and the dew extended partly over the glass. Dew at both ends at 13°'06; vanished from the one end without alteration of temperature ; disappeared altogether, although the thermometer fell to 12°'67. „ 80. Saturator reading, 13°'83. DINES : — Observation taken without air being drawn through, i.e., without circulation ; a deposit was formed at the near end only at 9°'28. „ 81. Saturator reading, 14°'51. DINES : — Temperature reduced to 1 40-00 without drawing any air through ; on starting the air, dew was deposited at first on the edge nearest to the air inlet, and it gradually extended over part of the glass surface •without alteration of temperature. „ 82. Saturator reading, 0°'80. DINES dew-point, 10>22. With ice only, the temperature of DINES could not, be reduced below 1°'22, at which temperature the dew was just visible. Calcium chloride and sodium chloride were then added to the ice, and the following observa- tions made. The faintest visible deposit was at 1°'2. Cooling down to 0°'56 increased the deposit, but not very greatly. This was repeated many times, and in one experiment the thermometer was taken down to 0°, MR. W. N. SHAW OX HYGROMETRIC METHODS. 10U but the deposit was not then very large, though quite distinct. On September 4, the day after Experiment 81, observations were made with DINER'S instrument, but no observation with the chemical method was made. The object of the experiment was to watch for the deposits of the dew when the temperature of DINES was maintained as nearly as possible at constant temperatures. The following are the observations :— Experiment 83. Time. b. in. ;{ -28 3 30 3 45 3 52 3 55 4 0 4 6 4 20 4 35 4 46 5 7 hfanfar. 15-09 15-01 15-00 14-98 15-00 15-00 15-00 15-01 15-02 Air temperature. 16-Ot Thermometer ran slowly down : dew 6rst showed at the near end at l.Y'-U'i. and gradually extended all over the further side while the thermometer fell — ultimately to 12°'2; the deposit continued to increase, but only on the same portion of the surface. Dry air passed through and deposit removed. Dry air stopped and damp air sent through. DINES reading 12°'89. Deposit formed on a portion only of the face. Deposit removed by dry air. DINKS, 13°'89 ; damp air turned on and gave a deposit after some time. DINKS, 14°'44; damp air put on; dew visible iu 1m. 45s. Dry air put on ; dew gone in 11s. DINES, 15°'00. First sign of dew visible at 1m. lls. after starting air. DINKS wab then standing at 15°'22; it rose to 15° 44, the dew still remaining. DINKS, 150'56; damp air sent through, a very faint deposit of dew appeared, which did not disappear until the thermometer had reached 15*72. DINIS cooled again slowly. First indication of dew at 15°7, very faint; water stopped, and thermometer fell to 15°'4, and dew slightly increased. Still on at 15r'6, rather fainter at 16*'l. The deposit did not completely disappear until the thermometer reached 16°-94. The water was then run through still more slowly. A deposit of dew was visible when the thermometer reading was 16°"2, and the water was then kept just flowing. The thermometer reading never went below 16°'l, but the dew deposit was quite distinct. Damp air turned on, and last observation repeated. Started at 16°7 ; dew began to form almost immediately, and the flow was stopped, the thermometer fell to 15°'8, showing increase of dew without further supply. To verify that there was a rail deposit, and not an incidental reflexion, the tap was turned and dry air sent through, the spot on the glass being carefully watched. The cloud distinctly cleared off. § 24. It will be seen from these experiments (Nog. 78 and 79) that the temperature of the water in the interior of the metal box, of which the glass surface forms the lid, is not necessarily uniform. If the flow is very slow a narrow current is established through the box and a deposit forms along it, the other part being left bare (Experi- ment 81). The facility of reading is much improved by a circulation of the air 110 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC -METHODS. (Experiment 80). Certain of the experiments show that a dew deposit is formed at a temperature above the theoretical dew-point. Thus in Experiment 82 the deposit is obtained at 1°'22, the theoretical dew-point being 0°'80 ; and in Experiment 83 a deposit was obtained at 16°'22, the theoretical dew-point being 15°'02. These read- ings were obtained many times successively, so that they cannot be assigned to want of uniformity in the temperature. They show that a visible deposit is obtainable upon a glass surface when the air is not saturated, and the difference is larger than in the case of the REGNAULT hygrometer, amounting to a whole degree in Experi- ment 83. It, therefore, seems that the result obtained from observations with DINES'S hygro- meter is likely to give a very easy determination of the dew-point, that is within small limits of error ; but, that if it is observed with the closest attention, the result will be considerably too high, in consequence of the premature formation of a dew deposit, and it may be erroneous in consequence of the variations in temperature of the different parts of the box containing the thermometer. This latter effect may be almost entirely avoided by using for forming the deposit water which is itself of a uniform temperature and very slightly below the dew-point, so that a large quantity may be required to flow for a small change of temperature, or by the method sug- gested by Professor CHRYSTAL, and in use by some of the Scottish observers, as by Mr. H. N. DICKSON (see ' Edinburgh, Roy. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 13, pp. 199 and 951). But the instrument can hardly be regarded as a standard one. The deposit upon the glass surface above the dew-point is, I think, well established ; it was suspected by REGNATJLT (see p. 121), and appears to be less obvious in the case of silver than of glass. The difference may, however, be due to the greater difficulty of observing it. 3. — ALLUARD'S INSTRUMENT. § 25. A description of this modification of REGNAULT'S instrument is given in Note A (p. 141). The difference between the two lies entirely in the facility of reading. ALLUARD encloses his thermometer in a brass box with gilt and polished sides, and surrounds one side with a brass plate so cut that the side of the box is surrounded by a surface of brass in the same plane with it. It is easier and less uncertain in reading than REGNAULT'S instrument. The best way of illuminating it is similar to that suggested for DINES'S hygrometer, namely, to set up a small patch of black paper in the window and arrange the reflecting surface of the hygrometer so that the eye sees the reflection of the black paper. A very faint deposit of dew is at once visible. I have not been able to arrange the instrument so that I could observe its behaviour in air of a known state. The instrument is too bulky for me to do that without apparatus on a much larger scale than mine. I cannot, however, think that such a course is necessary. The observations cannot differ from those with REGNAULT'S instrument, except in regard to the facility of seeing deposits. For that reason it is AfK. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. Ill more suitable for use as a standard instrument, as the feeling of uncertainty, that is very strong while working with REQNAULT'S, is much less with ALLUAED'S.* 4. — BOGEN'S INSTRUMENT. § 26. I need spend but few words over this instrument. It is a dew-point instru- ment in which the cooling is produced by solution of ammonium nitrate contained in a silvered glass vessel. The water is squeezed into the glass vessel by means of a flexible india-rubber ball, and the temperature of deposition is read in the usual way. It affords a fairly good lecture experiment, but continuous observations are quite impracticable, as the apparatus has to be washed out as soon as one observation is taken, and the delay and trouble are too great. There is, besides, no possibility of graduating the fall of temperature. I have made a few observations with it, but it is not worth while to recall them. * On turning back to some results that I obtained in 1883, I find considerable differences in the readings of different dew-point instruments. I was at that time comparing all the different instruments that I had, viz., ALLUARD, RKONAITLT, DINES, hair-hygrometer, and a large number of wet and dry bnlbs, whose indications were reduced by two sets of tables, viz., JELINEK'S and GLAISHEB'R. They were honest attempts to obtain a comparison of the indications of different instruments, but the results were such that they showed that a very systematic investigation was required before one could hope to obtain concordant observations. I quote a table of results here. 1 made the assumption that by driving the air of the room over all the instruments by means of a rotary fan I should obtain all ttie instruments exposed to air in the same state. I fear that could not have been correct. I used the chemical method *• a check, but I have since that time seen means of improvement, and I only offer the table as a specimen of the difficulties of a hygrometrio observer. TABLE of Vapour Pressure in Room, as deduced from Observations with various Instruments, 1883. Date. Chemical method. Au.t AHD. RWXAI'LT. D15E8. Hair. Wet and dry by • il.MMII H. Wet and dry by JELIXKK April 10 mm. 4-81 mm. 4-91 mm. 7-34 mm. 5-81 mm. mm. 6-24 mm. :. t- „ 11 ... 4-87 5-49 5-85 , . 5-25 7-39 (P) 7-04 (?) „ 12 ... 5-4 5-69 5-53 6-9 6-35 6-98 6-49 „ 13 . . ". 574 5-6*5 7-54 5-44 b-93 6-38 May 2 . . . . 5-1 5-10 5-40 5-82 5-14 ,,:,7 5-5)6 „ 3 . . . . 6'5 5-53 6-01 6-24 ,5-68 645 5-81 „ 5 .... 6-1 5-89 6-23 >•,!.-, 5-31 6-40 5-85 „ 8 .... 7-65 7-57 7-88 8-35 727 8-23 8-14 I had previously attempted to compare all the dew-point instruments together in the manner described in my preliminary report of May 10, 1881, but after a few observations I -came to the conclusion that any such attempt was worthless unless a circulation of air was provided, observations of different hygrometers in a closed vessel not giving comparable results. 112 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HT/GROMETRIC METHODS. NOTE A. SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OF WORK ON HYGROMETRIC INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS SINCE THE TIME OF PROFESSOR J. F. DANIELL. The subject of Hygrometry was considered in an essay by DANIELL, a third edition of which was published in 1845, after the author's death ; it discusses the method of hygrometric observation founded on the deposition of dew upon an artificially cooled surface, and describes the method of using and the advantages of the dew-point hygrometer invented by DANIELL* in 1820. The following paragraphs may be quoted as bearing on the subject which I have now in hand : — " It was also an important object to ascertain whether any hygrometric property of the glass, or difference between it and the metal in attraction of moisture, would have any appreciable effect upon the condensing power. " Long experience has, however, convinced me that the metallic hygrometer possesses no real superiority over the glass one. The visibility of the deposition in the latter is rendered perfect by making the condensing ball of black glass, and viewing it by reflected light in the manner of a mirror ; and I never could perceive any difference in the sensibility of the two instruments." The essay also discusses tables of pressure of aqueous vapour, &c., which have been entirely modified by subsequent and more accurate experimental data. Hygrometers founded upon the variation of organic substances are considered, and evidence to show the superiority of the dew-point methods is adduced. The chief reasons against organic hygrometers, as DE SAUSSURE'S and DE Luc's, are quoted from DE SAUSSURE'S essay. Setting aside the difficulty of preparation of the hairs, it would appear that DE SAUSSURE did not expect two hair hygrometers to give identical readings, even when similarly prepared and mounted, and the following instance of a case in which identical readings would not be obtained was taken by DANIELL from DE SAUSSURE. If two otherwise identical hygrometers are both exposed for a long time to very dry air, say at 40° of the hair hygrometer scale, and then one of them is exposed to a humidity of 30° while the other is in an atmosphere of 50°, when the two are replaced in the same atmosphere of 40° humidity, neither will return to the 40° indication ; one will read about 37° or 38°, and the other 42° or 43°. DANIELL had used DE Luc's hygrometer, and considered it as unsatisfactory as DE SAUSSURE'S. He discusses also the wet-and- dry-bulb method (which was introduced by Dr. HUTTON and modified by Sir JOHN LESLIE) in the form given to it by Dr. MASON. We need not trouble about previous modifications, as MASON'S form is now practically adopted. * ' Quarterly Journal of Science,' 1820. MB. W. N. SHAW ON HYOROMETBIC METHODS. 113 At this time APJOHN'S formula /" =/' — c//88 X p/30 for calculating the pressure of vapour from the wet-and-dry-bulb indications was known. UANIELL calls atten- tion to the following disad vantages attending their use : — (1.) The smallness of the scale of the instrument, so that the probable errors of observation bear a very high proportion to the required result, particularly about the freezing point. (2.) The liability of the indication to be affected by causes other than the humidity of the air and its temperature. The suggestion of PELTIER, that it may be affected by the electrical state of the atmosphere, is referred to as a possible explanation of the cases of the temperature of the wet bulb being found above that of the dry " which occur in all long series of observations." (See pp. 129 and 138.) (3.) The uncertainty in the results computed from the observations ; instances are given to show that the results deduced by APJOHN'S formula are different from those obtained from the Greenwich table of factors, derived from experimental comparison of the wet-and-dry-bulb readings with direct observations of the dew-point. There is another discussion, in English, of the various questions relating to hygro- metric measurements, occupying 22 pages of the seventh edition of the ' Encyclopaedia Britannica,' and published in 1842, from which we extract the following information about Balance Hygrometers:— " Hygrometers have frequently been formed by suspending from one arm of a balance some substance which strongly attracts moisture from the atmosphere, and nicely counterpoising it by a weight on the other arm. The changes in the humidity of the air are then meant to be indicated by the changes in the position of the beam, arising from the gain or loss of weight in the suspended body. A great variety of substances have been used for this purpose, such as sponge, caustic potash, the deliquescent salts, sulphuric acid, &c. These, like the former instruments, are all too late in their indications, though some of them might scarcely be liable to lose their sensibility were it not that they soon become useless from the accumulation of dust, soot, &c., especially if in or near a large city." DE SAUSSURE'S hair and DE Luc's whalebone hygrometers are carefully described, and a comparison of their scales is given, showing very considerable divergence, and indicating very peculiar behaviour of the hair hygrometer, as though it had a maximum near the saturation point. I give half the table of comparison to make the divergence clear. This is DE Luc's comparison, and was repudiated by DE SAUSSURE, because DE Luc saturated the hygrometer by actual contact with water. MDi '« « I.\\\\ III. — A. 114 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HTGROMETRIC METHODS. Di Luc. D« SAUSSUBE. o 55 88-8 60 91-6 65 93-8 70 95-6 75 97-2 80 98 85 100 90 100 95 99-3 100 98-3 We may perhaps disregard WILSON'S hygrometer, which is a mercury thermometer, with a rat's bladder bulb. A good deal of the article is taken up with a discussion of some of the therraodynamic properties of air, not much to the point. We have next a discussion of dew-point methods, and a description of DANIELL'S hygrometer, and an exposition of its defects, as well as those of the various sugges- tions made as improvements on DANIELL'S, of which there are many. A table of results of comparisons of DANIELL'S and various instruments of this kind is given, and the mean errors (28 experiments) from the results obtained by LEROY'S method (cooled water in an open vessel) are given as follows :— A DIE'S . . , DANIELL'S . . Spherical bulb Long bulb . - O'l + 2-9 - 478 - 6-6 The author of the article then turns his attention to the wet-and-dry-bulb method, which he says has been sadly neglected for 30 years. The following extract will show the application of a formula of reduction to very wide variations in the condi- tions of observation ; the result is very fairly satisfactory :— " The results of experiments determining the dew-point for a considerable number of indications of the wet and dry thermometers, and under various pressures, though principally at pretty high temperatures, are given in a Calcutta journal, ' Gleanings in Science,' Nos. 2 and 3, 1829, and in the 'Edinburgh Phil. Journ.' for October, 1883, from which we have obtained the following table. The sixth column is derived from the formula— (/, + -66372) (t- f) _ f 1 75-438 ft where t is the Fahrenheit temperature of the air, t' that of the moist bulb, and t" the dew-point ; andyj, ft,, ft,, are the forces of aqueous vapour in a state of saturation at these temperatures respectively. MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. 115 l';ir< .ii1.' ' »T Ttmpera- ture of the air. Tempera- ture of moift bulb. Difference or (lepreniion ObMnred dew- point Computed dew point Difference. Remark*. 2975 30-025 29-35 67°2 56-4 65-0 52*0 49-5 51-5 15°2 6-9 13-5 35°7 :;:•.-, 35-45 357 40-7 :;.;.; 0 0 + 1-2 + 1-1 3 ^Dr. AKDKBSOK'S experi- ments 29787 82-0 76-8 5-2 74-0 75-0 + 1-0 "] Observations made in India, 29-83 81-0 72-1 8-9 68-0 ,;-,; +0-6 I at the level of the sea, by 29-78 81-5 70-9 10-6 66-5 665 0 [ means of LESLIE'S and 29-8 7475 67-3 7-45 63-0 63-C + 06 J DANIKLL'S hygrometers 28-739 91-5 69-2 21-3 60-5 60-1 -0-4 ] 28-739 91-5 70-7 20-8 62-5 62-7 + 0-2 28-807 87-5 71-48 16-02 64-0 65-4 + 1-4 • 24-342 70-25 60-0 10-25 54-0 53-6 -0-4 [ Ditto on hills in the south 22-945 61-75 54-37 7-38 48-0 47-98 -0-02 of India 22-921 63-0 53-46 9-54 46-0 45-3 -0-7 22-917 61-75 46-09 15-66 265 25-0 -1-5 22-909 57-75 47-75 10-0 36-0 35-7 -0-3 J 1 1 " The dew-points in the sixth column do not differ very materially from observa- tion ; but the temperatures from which they were computed had first to be corrected for the barometric pressure being different from 30 inches. The precise rule for estimating such a correction is as yet unknown ; but it appears that, for the same temperature of the moist bulb, the difference between it and the dry thermometer, when the pressure amounts to 30 inches, is to their difference under any other pres- sure, B, nearly in the inverse ratio of 57 to 27 + B. On this supposition, t — t', the observed depression in the fourth column, before being used in the formula, lias been multiplied by (27 + B)/57, and the difference between the product and t — t' has like- wise been applied, with its sign changed, as a correction to t, the temperature of the air. Passing by a discussion of the theory of the instrument, which may require modifi- cation in the light of subsequent progress in the theory of heat, and a graphic method of reducing observations proposed by Mr. MEIKLE, the other points of interest in the article are a brief account of DE LA RIVE'S suggestion (since developed by Mr. WILD- MAN WHITEHOUSE) to apply the rise of temperature produced in a thermometer moistened with sulphuric acid, to determine the hygrometric state of the air. "While the sulphuric-acid hygrometer displays considerable ingenuity, the other instrument, the wet-bulb, is on several accounts so decidedly preferable that the invention of M. DE LA RIVE is not likely ever to come into general use. Water can be more readily obtained everywhere, and is much more safe and portable than sulphuric acid. Besides, owing to sulphuric acid freezing at an uncertain or variable temperature, depending on its strength, such an instrument would be apt to give doubtful results at low temperatures. For, whatever be the strength of the acid at first, it will continue to decrease in nn uncertain manner on the bulb by gradually absorbing moisture. However, the heat derived from the condensation of the vapour Q2 116 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGEOMETRIC METHODS. will sometimes be sufficient to keep the acid in a liquid state at a temperature which would freeze it in a close vessel ; and whenever it happens that sulphuric acid remains liquid on the bulb of one thermometer, while water is frozen on that of another, a comparison of the two instruments might throw some light on the influence of frost on the temperature of the latter. We presume, therefore, that the most important use likely to be derived from this hygrometer of M. DE LA RIVE would be to assist in perfecting the theory of the moist-bulb hygrometer ; and possibly some other absorbent substances might answer even better for this purpose than sulphuric acid does." The British Association Report of 1832 includes a report on meteorology by Professor J. D. FORBES, the chief points of which are recapitulated in the Encyclopaedia article already cited ; it is, however, mentioned that DE SAUSSURE'S " views of hygro- metry were, in some respects, so very imperfect that he was not aware of the fact that the coolness produced by the evaporation of water from porous bodies was independent of the rate at which the moisture was carried off by currents of air — a want of know- ledge which gave him much trouble."4 There is in addition a passing reference to the labours of GAY-LUSSAC and MELLONI upon the scale of DE SAUSSURE'S hygrometer. These, I think, it is needless to discuss, as the subject has since been taken up by REGNAULT. A supplementary report of the same authority appears in the British Association Report of 1840, in which the advantages of the wet-and-dry-bulb method, as compared with the dew-point method, are pointed out. A good deal of attention had been paid to the former method about that time, and from the results of the work FORBES considered that " we may now consider the moist bulb problem as practically solved." The solution appears to be as follows : — Theoretical considerations lead to the assumption of a formula : e"= e'-m(t-t')b~e'. Where e" represents the actual pressure of vapour in the air. e' the saturation pressure at the temperature t'. t and t' the readings of the dry and wet bulbs respectively. b the height of the barometer. B a standard barometric height. m is a constant to be determined, either by calculation or by auxiliary hygrometric determinations. " This formula, employed by AUGUST and BOHNENBERGER, coincides essentially with that of IVORY ('Phil. Mag.', vol. 60, 1822, p. 81,), who first gave a proper theory of * 'Brit. Assoc. Report,' 1832, p. 239. MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMKTRIC METHODS. 117 the moistened-bulh hygrometer. His value for m is not far from the truth, being -j^ for Cent, degrees or -fa for FAIIKKMIKIT." Ai-.ioiiN ti -t i -i I i lii- v.-iln.- ..r m iii .-i rariei | of ttnuuAuaam '•;> bu wi n MgpimMDti and by those of others. Assuming DE LA ROCHE and B£RARD'S vulue of the specific heat of air, he finds m for English inches and for FAHRENHEIT'S degree to be -£r = '01149 ; a posteriori he has determined it— (1.) From experiments on the dew-point . . , . . . ..»*.!;.• .i ;£'• j '01151 (2.) „ ,, refrigeration in dry air . . . . V > . . . '01150 (3.) „ „ „ air once saturated, then wanned '01140 BOHNENBERGER'S value of the constant in reduced to inches and FAHRENHEIT degrees ia m = '0114, which is practically identical with APJOHN'S values. KAMTzt employs a formula which differs only slightly from that given above, and from observations on the Fuulhorn obtains a value '0118 for m when reduced to the same units. KUPFFER I gives the value in = '01135. PIUNSEP § has furnished us with a large number of valuable test experiments in a warm climate. They are already referred to in the table on p. 115. The report continues ; " When we find that Mr. PRINSEP once more coincides with Dr. APJOHN'S numbers, only hesitating whether to prefer ^ to gV for the value of m, we are prepared to admit that this problem is, practically speaking, completely resolved, and this being the case, it is scarcely worth while to disentangle the various imperfect steps by which so happy a consummation has been attained, and the hygrometer rendered as commodious and as accurate as the common thermometer." These citations and references will perhaps be sufficient to show what were accepted in England as the well-established facts in hygrometry before REONAULT introduced a degree of accuracy into thermal experimental measurement that necessitated a revision of the experimental work done in all branches of science connected therewith. It would, however, appear that there was some valuable work done on the Continent, which, if known in England, had not found its way into the summaries of the subject that I have been able to consult. There is a very good account of the state of hygrometritfd science in the second volume of the ' Corso Elementare di Fisica Sperimentale,' by GIUSEPPE BELLI, published in 1831. The various rough methods (including DE LA RIVE'S sulphuric acid arrangement) are described, and their weak points are thoughtfully laid bare. DANIELL'S hygrometer is examined, and the reasons which may make its indications * ' Brit. Assoc. Report,' 1840, p. 98 (note). t ' Poggendorff's Annalen,' vol. 30, 1836, p. 43. J ' Bulletin de 1' Academic des Sciences de St. Petersbourg,' vol. 6, No. 22. § ' Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal,' 1836. 118 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGBOMETBIC METHODS. untrustworthy are set forth. DOBEREJNER'S modification* is cited as one of many given in GEHLER'S dictionary. The author then goes on to describe a method of using a dew-depositing arrangement which consists in reading the temperature of the boundary of a dew deposit upon a surface whose temperature varies continuously, instead of reading the temperature of a surface assumed to be at a uniform tempera- ture at the instant at which a deposit occurs. It is unnecessary to give a lengthy description ; it will be sufficient to say that the lower end of a vertical column of mercury in an iron cylindrical tube is maintained by ice or by a freezing mixture at a very low temperature ; after some time the tempera- ture of the column becomes steady, gradually increasing in the vertical direction. Dew is deposited up to a certain height, and the temperature at that height is read by a thermometer with a small bulb sunk in the mercury to the required level. The height of the thermometer bulb can be adjusted, and its position defined by two index points which are on the same level as the bulb. The precautions necessary for accuracy are described in due course. This instrument was used by BELLI as a standard hygrometer. After this discussion he passes on to his evaporation hygrometer, and the wet-and- dry-bulb. His experiments showed (1) a depression of the wet-bulb reading of about 0° '7 R. as corresponding to a relative motion of the air of three metres per second ; (2) in still air wet-bulb thermometers with large bulbs take a longer time to arrive at their final temperature than those with small bulbs, and the final temperature is higher in the former than in the latter case. I was interested to notice that he included in his comparison observations a brass ball 80 mm. in diameter, containing the bulb of a thermometer, as I had made a similar experiment with the same object before I knew of BELLI'S work. I quote his results. He concludes from them that, provided there is a sufficiently good air current, the reading is independent of the size of the bulb. TABLE I. — Air still. A. B. C. D. Temperature of Boom. 8 mm. (Ham. Cylindrical. 44 mm. and 7 mm. 16 mm. (limn. Brass ball. h. m. 3 45 10-9 B. 775 0 8-0 820 9°'2 3 55 10-9 775 8-0 8-15 8-9 4 5 1075 775 8-0 8-1 8-0 4 15 107 775 8-0 8-05 8-6 4 25 10-67 775 8-0 8-05 8-6 * 'Gilbert's Annalen,' vol. 70, 1822, p. 136. MR. W. N. SHAW ON' HYOROMKTRir METHODS. 119 TABLE II. — Air agitated by a Cardboard Fun. Time. Temperature of Room. A. B C. D. Air still .... 10-67 R. 7-75 0 8-0 8-05 o 8-6 After 4 m. agitation 10-85 7-5 7-5 7-7 7-9 . . 6m. more. 10-9 7-48 7-5 7-5 7-65 „ some more . 11-0 7-48 7-6 7-6 7-65 Freshly bathed, and the air then agitated for 6 m. h. m. 4 55 11-05 7-6 7-7 7-7 8-2 5 0 11-1 7'5 7-7 • • 7-9 5 5 , . 7-55 7-.::, 7-7 7-7 5 10 11-1 7-6 77 7-7 7-8 Left standing without agitation of air for 10 m. • • 10-9 8-0 8-1 1 8-1 8-5 Some experiments to determine the effect of radiation upon a wet bulb are then detailed. A wet-bulb thermometer was observed alternately in the sun's rays and in shadow, in two positions in the same room a short distance apart. The air surrounding the bulb was kept in motion for each of the positions ; the bulb in the sun gave, a mean temperature of 20° '66 C., and in the shade 20° '14 C., the temperature of the air being 25° '25 C. From this observation a calculation is made that the effect of radia- tion upon a wet bulb under ordinary circumstances would not exceed 0° '2 C. BELLI therefore considered that a satisfactory observation with a wet bulb that could be used as a basis of calculation could be obtained, provided that the bulb is small, not greater than 7 mm. in diameter, and that the air in its neighbourhood is kept in a state of brisk agitation. These conditions being satisfied, sets of tables might be formed, each table corre- sponding to a particular pressure, and showing, for that pressure, the pressure of uqueous vapour for a given temperature of the air, and a given difference between the wet and dry bulb. BELLI then proceeds to calculate a formula for the psychrometer, which comes out for the pressure 760 mm. :— e = E' - -592 (T - T'). This agrees remarkably well with AUGUST'S formula, e = E' — 0'0007832(T — T') P, for the same value of the air pressure.* Some comparisons of results obtained by this formula are given. They are not very consistent as they stand., but the tables used in their reduction have been considerably * See below, p. 124. 120 Ml{. \V. N*. SHAW <)N' HVr.KOMKTHir METHODS. modified since that time, so that the observations require to be re-calculated before any opinion can be formed about them. An apparently complete enumeration of hygrometrical methods is given in the article "Hygrometer" in GEHLER'S ' Worterbuch' (1829), already alluded to. Upwards of 50 different instruments and modifications are described. A section is devoted to the theory of the different methods, which it is needless to reproduce. The author prefers the psychrometer to DANIELL'S hygrometer, and is of opinion that it is impossible to construct a truly scientific instrument founded on the alteration of dimensions of animal or vegetable substances. I pass on now to the consideration of the work bearing upon hygrometric measure- ments by REGNAULT. That which was directly intended for the elucidation of the subject is contained in two papers published in the ' Annales de Chimie,' and entitled " Etudes sur 1'hygrome'trie."* The first part of the first memoir is devoted to the discussion of the fundamental data of all hygrometric calculation, viz. :— (l.) The saturation pressure of aqueous vapour in the air at different atmospheric temperatures. (2 ) The specific gravity of aqueous vapour in saturated air referred to dry air, at the same temperature and pressure. (3.) The specific gravity of aqueous vapour referred to air, at the same temperature and pressure, when the fraction of saturation is less than unity. The discussion of the first question amounts to an investigation of the truth of DALTON'S hypothesis with regard to saturated air, namely, that the saturation pressure of water vapour in air is the same as it would be at the same temperature in vacuo ; so that in any hygrometric calculation the saturation pressure of vapour may be taken from the table of pressures of water vapour in vacuo for different temperatures. For the experiments we are now referring to, REGNAULT used a slightly modified arrangement of his apparatus for determining the vacuum pressures, and obtained the saturation pressure in air and nitrogen gas. The pressure in air was observed for 34 temperatures lying between the limits 0° C. and 38° C. The results obtained show a pressure in air less than that given by the table for vacuum, by amounts varying between '10 mm. and 74 mm., the mean of the differences between the two tables of observations being '44 mm. The results obtained with nitrogen gas are very similar, the mean differences for the first of two sets of observations being '56 mm. The differences, though very irregular in amount, are considerable, and are always in the same direction, and might, therefore, be held to show that DALTON'S law is only approximately true. REGNAULT, however, suggests that they may be due to some constant error which he could not discover, and later, in the same memoir, and in a subsequent paper on the pressures of ether and other vapours (' Memoires de 1'Institut,' vol. 26), he adduces reasons in * 'Annales de Chimie,' vol. 15, 1845, p. 129, and vol. 37, 1853, p. 257. MK. \V. N SHAW OX HYGIM.MKTKIC MKT1K •!>> 121 favour of that suggestion ; attributing, in fact, the diminished pressure of vapour to the molecular action of the glass side of the vessel upon the saturated vapour contained in the air, producing a condensation upon the glass, the slowness of diffusion preventing the pressure reaching its maximum value by consequent evaporation.* The second and third questions may likewise be disposed of theoretically, or, perhaps I should say, hypothetically, provided aqueous vapour may be regarded as behaving like a perfect gas when its pressure and temperature are made to vary. In that case the specific gravity of steam referred to hydrogen may be determined from its molecular weight, and the specific gravity referred to air may then be calculated from the known specific gravity of hydrogen ; this theoretical value would of course be constant for all temjwratures and pressures, and equal to 0'622. Several series of experiments to ascertain if such were the case are detailed in the paper we are now considering. The first two series of experiments were made on water vapour in vacuo, and showed that the number quoted, '622, was, within the limits of error of experiment, the true value of the specific gravity, provided the fraction of saturation of the vapour experimented on did not exceed 0'8, but the specific gravity is sensibly greater when the state of saturation is more nearly approached. The third series of experiments was made by applying the chemical hygrometric method to air artificially saturated with moisture at a known temperature. A volume of this air was made to pass through two drying tubes of sulphuric acid and pumice.t by means of an aspirator whose capacity was accurately determined ; the gain in weight of the drying tubes gave the quantity of water vapour contained in unit volume, and this could also be calculated from the known pressure of saturation at the temperature of the saturating vessel, assuming the theoretical value '622 for the specific gravity of the vapour. A comparison of the results obtained serves to show whether this assumption of '622 as the value of the specific gravity is justifiable or not. The series comprises 68 experiments on air saturated at temperatures varying between 0° C. and 27° C. The following table shows the mean percentage difference between the observed and calculated values of the mass of moisture per unit of volume at the different temperatures : — ' This method of accounting for the discrepancies between hypothesis and experiment in reference to DALTON'S law has been since confirmed by an experiment of HKKWIO (PoouKN DO BIT'S ' Annalen,' vol. 137, 1869, p. 592) upon compression of vapours. He found that the pressure of the vapour could be increased beyond the point at which a deposit was first formed on the sides of the vessel, and that the vacuum saturation pressure was the increased pressure, and not the pressure at which the deposit is first formed. (See also p. 96.) t A number of preliminary experiments were made to verify that the sulphuric acid was efficient as an absorbent. MDCCVI \\XVIII. — A. R 122 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. Temp'Tature of saturated air. Number of experiments. Percentage difference. o°-o 9 •44 14-0 9 •77 7-0 7 •86 20-5 21 •45 24-5 22 •90 The differences thus tabulated lie all in the same direction, the observed weight of moisture being in each case too small. They may be accounted for in four different ways : — (1) the pressure of aqueous vapour in the saturated air may be slightly less than that given by the table of pressures in vacuo ; (2) the density of vapour in saturated air may be less by about 1 per cent, than the theoretical density ; (3) the temperature readings of the saturated space may be slightly inaccurate, errors in the temperature readings of from 0°'06 to 0°'15 C. being sufficient to account for the differences ; (4) the differences may be due to the incidental errors of the experiments. The irregularity in the numbers for different temperatures tends rather to show that either of the first two suggestions is insufficient completely to account for the observations, and there is evidence that suggestion (2) is directly contradicted by experiment.* The amount of thermometric error required in each case to account for the differences is very small, and REGNAULT gives no details as to the method of correcting the thermometers he employed in the experiments, but his known familiarity with thermometers of every kind and their errors makes it highly improbable that he could have overlooked these in the case before us. The precautions adopted in order to secure the observations against the possible sources of error that are suggested by the arrangement of the apparatus are not definitely stated. A table of results .of some experiments to determine by the same method the specific gravity of saturated steam at temperatures above that of the air of the room is also given, but their author does not regard the result as satisfactory. t The second part of the memoir considers the various methods employed to determine the fraction of saturation of the air. The chemical method is passed over, as being fully discussed in the previous part of the memoir. With regard to the behaviour of DE SAUSSURE'S hair hygrometer, REGNAULT set * For another suggestion as to the cause of the difference based upon my own observations, see § 14 (ante). f REGNAULT sums up this part of his work in the following words : — " Quoi qu'il en soit, on voit qn'en prenant pour base ma table des forces 61astiques de la vapeur aqueuse dans le vide, et admettant que la densite de la vapeur est constamment dgale a 0'622, celle de 1'air dans les memes circonstances etant 1, le poids de la vapeur d'eau caleule ne pent differer de la quantite reelle que d'une fraction tres petite, un centieme environ." MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. 123 himself to determine whether the indications of hair hygrometers are strictly com- parable under the following different conditions :— 1. When they are constructed of the same kind of hair, prepared at the same operation. 2. When they are constructed of different kinds of hair, but prepared at the same operation. 3. When they are constructed of different kinds of hair, and prepared at different operations by different processes. A considerable number of hygrometers were compared with each other, their " fixed points " being determined by means of saturated air, and ajr dried by sulphuric acid. The results are summed up by REONAULT as follows : — " Two hygrometers, mounted with similar hair, may be non-comparable solely on account of their not being stretched by equal weights." " Hygrometers constructed with hair of the same kind, prepared at the same opera- tion, do not give identical results, but they do not differ to such an extent that, for the majority of observations, they may not be regarded as comparable," The maximum difference between different instruments was about three hygrometric degrees. " Hygrometers constructed with hairs of different kinds arid prepared in different ways may show very great differences in their indications, even when they agree at the fixed points." It is consequently impracticable to construct a single table for the calculation of results which is applicable to all instruments, and it is desirable that observers should have at their disposal a simple process which enables them to make for themselves a table for their own instrument, and by which they can verify the graduation of the instrument as often as they wish. With this object REGNAULT proposes to enclose the hygrometer in a cylindrical vessel at the bottom of which can be placed successive layers of mixtures of sulphuric acid and water of different known strengths ; he gives formula and tables for the pressure of aqueous vapour due to such solutions at different temperatures. The process of forming a scale for the hygrometer is described. REONAULT proposes to abandon the attempt to determine the point of the scale corresponding to absolute dryness, and indeed to use instead the fractional humidity of about '20, as given by a suitable solution of sulphuric acid. The effect of changes of temperature upon hair hygrometers was not determined, in consequence of the breaking of the apparatus intended for that purpose, (See p. 139.) REGNAULT gives as his final opinion about hair hygrometers, in his second memoir : " II est & de"sirer que les observateurs renoncent ddfinitivement a un appareil sur le bon e'tat duquel ils ne peuvent jamais compter."* * ' Annales de Chimic," vol. 37, 1853, p. 258. (For later information about the hair hygrometer, see p. 139.) R 2 124 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. After laying down the following objections to DANIELL'S hygrometer, viz. : — 1. The temperature indicated by the thermometer may be different from that of the surface upon which the deposit is formed. 2. The observer is too close to the instrument. 3. The evaporation of the ether on the bulb may alter the temperature and hygro- metric state of the air. 4. The ether generally contains some water, which evaporates and changes the hygrometric state of the neighbouring air still more. 5. In dry weather it is generally difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get a deposit of dew at all. REGNAULT describes his own instrument, proposing to produce the evaporation of the ether in the capsule by causing air to bubble through it by means of an aspirator, which enables one to adjust the temperature with very great nicety. No comparisons of results with those of the chemical method are given. The memoir then describes a large number of experiments upon the pyschrometer, the object of which was to determine to what extent AUGUST'S formula — , _ 0-4290 - Q . J~J 610 -f is applicable to psychrometer observations. It is first made clear by direct experiment that when perfectly dry air is made to pass over a dry bulb and wet bulb successively the temperature of the latter depends upon the rate at which the air passes ; from this it is inferred that a similar result will be found with air more or less moist, and this is verified by direct experiment. Several sets of experiments, however, including a series upon two wet bulbs exposed in an open court 2 metres from the wall and 7 metres above the ground, one of them being supplied with a current of air of known velocity by means of a ventilating fan, and the other left to itself, lead to the following conclusions : — Psychrometer observa- tions in moving air are practically independent of the size of the bulb. The agitation of the air certainly influences the formula for the psychrometer, but when the instru- ment is exposed to free air the same formula can be adopted, so long as the velocity of the wind does not exceed 5 or 6 metres per second. REGNAULT suggests the advisability of determining only the form of a reduction formula theoretically, and then assuming constants, determining their values by actual comparison with some other method. His psychrometer observations were all reduced to absolute measure by comparison with the results of the chemical method, and in consequence of the comparison the constant of AUGUST'S formula was altered, so that it became — MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMKTR1C MKTIKMiS 125 0-480 (t-f) J—J 610 -I7 This represents very satisfactorily the results obtained for fractions of saturation exceeding '40. For values of t' below 0° C. the number 610 must be replaced by 689. Observations by M. IZARN in the Pyrenees are quoted to show the applicability of the formula at high-level stations. The second memoir (' Annales de Chimie,' vol. 37, 1853) is mainly devoted to the discussion of the formula for reduction of psychrometer observations. AUGUST'S theoretical formula, recast and calculated with the new values of the constants which REGNAULT was then able to supply (regarding the latent heat of vaporisation of water at temperatures likely to occur in meteorological observations as being constant and equal to 600), becomes — x =/' — 0-000635 (t — t') H ; but, instead of using this formula for calculating his results, REGNAULT assumes the form and determines the value of the constant A for psychrometers exposed in such situa- tions as are likely to give rise to various conditions, by obtaining simultaneous readings of the humidity by means of the chemical method. The mean results of his various series of experiments are given in the following table :— 126 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETB1C METHODS. Number of the -. ii. - Number of expe- riment* in (he series. Situation of the psychrometer. Barometric range during the series, in mm. Range of dry- bulb tempera- ture during the series. Range of fractional humidity. Most suitable value of A. Extreme percent- age error. Mean per- centage error. Positive. Negative. 1 10 Closed room, 100 755 to 760 C. 21-4 to 23-4 •480 to -688 0-00128 + 28 -3-3 17 cubic metres. 2 8 Closed room, 1,000 cubic metres. 735 „ 765 8-06 „ 15-25 •589 „ -758 o-ooioo 4-3 1-6 1-5 3 7 Same room as No. 2, but with two 751 „ 756 13-01 „ 17-49 •452 „ -672 0-00077 1-1 0-9 •4 opposite windows open 4 41 The large open court of the Col- 748 „ 764 7-18 „ 29-78 •197 „ -745 0-00074 6-1 6-6 2-7 lege de France, 1,000 square metres in area [Protected from the sun ; 7 metres above ground, and 2 metres from the the wall.] 5 15 The long court of the College de France, planted with trees. 748 „ 772 0-85 „ 9 84 •624 „ '984 0-00100 10-5 20 2-8 6 9 Same locality, but exposed to full sunshine. 759 „ 762 29-06 „ 30-46 •228 „ -328 0-00090 107 100 7 16 Same locality . . 739 „ 774 -7-63 ,,-0-13 •611 „ -879 0-00075* 11-8 28 8t 16 The large court of the Taverne inn, 694 „ 703 10-43 „ 26-15 •350 „ -780 0-00090 23 2-6 Eaux Bonnes, Pyrenees. 18 Pyrenees. . . . [.Sometimes ex- posed to sun.] 644 „ 649 9-52 „ 23-67 •417 „ -980 000090 9-5 8-6 The conclusion which REGNAULT draws from these series of observations is that the psychrometer may be satisfactorily employed, and give the fractions of saturation to within one-fortieth, provided that it be regarded as an empirical instrument. The instrument should be protected from the direct action of the wind, and its indications should be interpreted by means of a formula similar in form to the one given, the constant A being determined for each locality where observations are to be taken, and, if necessary, a different value should be taken for different parts of the scale. A series of experiments to compare the indications of the psychrometer in a closed room with the results of the chemical or BRUNNER'S hygrometric method was made by VOGEL (' Abhandlungen der MUnchener Akadernie,' vol. 8, 1860, p. 295). The wet * For degrees of saturation above '7 the number quoted is apparently too small for ice-covered bulbs. The number A = G'0013 would have been more suitable for such observations, t Experiments of M. IZARN. MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. 127 bulb was read as it stood at rest, and also after it had been swinging pendulum fashion at the end of a string. The mean of differences observed between the stationary and vibrating readings was 0°'59. It is difficult to follow the results of the 75 experiments included in the table, in consequence of the unusual units employed. The results are, however, more widely divergent than REGNAULT'S. REGNAULT'S constant A is calculated for each observation, and its value varies between '00217 and •00094. The errors from the true percentage humidity, as given by the chemical method, lie between + 2 and -f- 13 for the swinging instrument, their mean value being 7 '4. The subjoined table for computing the dew-point from psychrometer observations is extracted from a letter from Lieutenant NOBLE, of Toronto, published in the ' Pro- ceedings of the Royal Society,' vol. 7, 1855, p. 528. It was obtained by means of simultaneous observations with REGNAULT'S hygrometer. The factor,/, of the second column, corresponding to the Greenwich factor,* is that by which the difference of tempemtures of the wet and dry bulb must be multiplied in order to give the difference between the air temperature and the dew-point, the formula being T = t — f(t — t'). TABLE of Factors by NOBLE and CAMPBELL. Temperature of air (0. Factor (/)• Number of obwnraiiou*. Probable error e f a tingle datum. F. 48 to 51 231 21 •30 46 ,. 47 2-38 13 •26 42 „ 46 253 41 •40 40 „ 41 2-63 17 •41 88 „ 39 2-83 25 •48 34 „ 37 3-02 64 •43 32 „ 33 333 25 •63 30 „ 31 3-81 22 •61 28 „ 29 4-40 27 •66 24 „ 27 5-46 43 •82 22 „ 23 6-06 15 1-20 20 „ 21 6-93 6 1-40 18 „ 19 7-13 21 1-44 16 „ 17 7-60 20 1-76 14 „ 15 8-97 17 172 12 „ 13 10-30 20 •_'.-,:: 10 „ 11 1150 11 2-19 8 , 9 13-06 8 4-63 6 , 7 15-20 7 3-66 0 , 5 1623 14 1-87 - 1 , - 4 19-37 10 411 - 5 , -10 21-64 6 465 - 11 , - 16 37-83 6 10-96 This method of reducing results is quite different from those already mentioned, and is therefore only comparable with them by taking some actual observations and • See Note B., p. 147. 128 MB. W. N. SHAW OX HYGBOMETBIC METHODS. applying each method. Nothing is said in the letter as to the manner of exposure of the wet bulb, except, parenthetically, that the thermometers were protected from the full force of the wind. It would appear, therefore, that the table should correspond to REGNAULT'S value of A = '00074. NOBLE points out that the factors for temperatures below the freezing point do not coincide with those deduced from the Greenwich observations. Without assigning any cause for the difference, he mentions two circumstances which may bear upon the question : — 1. If the air be a little above and has been below 32° F. there will frequently be found a small button of ice at the foot of the wet-bulb thermometer which is not easily perceived, and which will keep it at 32° F. when the temperature of evaporation is really above that point. 2. The water may be cooled below 32° F. without freezing. The hygrometric methods have also been discussed by KAMTZ, in a paper published in 'Kamtz, Repertorium/ vol. 2, pp. 341 to 361. I have (December 20, 1887) only lately seen the original paper ; the following notes are taken from an abstract given in the ' Fortschritte der Physik' for 1861. Comparing REGNAULT'S hygrometer in the original form with one consisting of glass test-tubes silvered inside, and with DANIELL'S, and testing the results by the chemical method, KAMTZ prefers the test-tube form of REGNAULT, and considers that the difference of radiation and the difference in the surface may account for different temperatures at which dew is deposited. Concerning the psychrometer, we have a discussion of a large number of observa- tions by this method, including the Greenwich observations and some of REGNAULT'S, as well as his own. Taking the general theoretical psychrometric formula — = (where e is the required pressure of vapour, e^ the pressure at the temperature of the wet-bulb, T the psychrometric difference, h the barometric height, and a and ft are constants), instead of adopting REGNAULT'S approximate formula— KAMTZ expands the general form in powers of T : thus — c = e1+otTP1 + ^T+yT2+8 — j where d = 745 — h. The various series of observations were then separately employed to determine the constants of this formula, with the following results : — Mil. \V. N. SHAW ON HYGBOMKTRIC METHODS. 129 A. RBONAULT'S observations (with a large psychrometer) — = el- 0-6698 r + 0'015253 re, - 0'00522 r + 0'58299 r ' ~ - . B. REGNAULT'S observations (small psychrometer) — e = el — 1-24442 T + 0'05881 T e, + 0'009006 r + 0'58299 r ^^ . C. Greenwich observations — e = el — 0-27842 T — 0'02309 -r e, + 0'002437 r + 0'58299 r-~ 745 D. KAMTZ'S observations. Psychrometer and DANIELL'S hygrometer comparison e = el- 0-64569 T - 0'003861 re, + 0'012397 r + 073932 T 74' h . 745 E. KAMTZ. Chemical method and psychrometer — e = el — 0-50051 T - 0'021641 T^ + 0-015548T2 + Q-58299T74,! 7 * . 74o F. Condensation experiments— e = el- 0-67894 T - 0'0045928 T el + 0'010690 T* + 0'58299 T G. All the observations together— e — el — 0-57515 (t — tj — 0'005989 (t — «,) Cl + 0-002664 (t - trf -f 0-58899 (t —tj Apart from the concordance of the bai-ometric correction, there is nothiug in these formulae that seems to indicate any advantage in introducing the additional constants, nor does the reduction of observations, specimens of which are given, by means of them, make them any more reassuring ; the differences in the pressure calculated by the different formulae amount frequently to 20 per cent, of the whole, and KAMTZ assigns one-sixth as the extreme error probable in using the general formulae, G. He points out that the size of the bulb has some influence on the reading, and considers that comparable results are only to be obtained by making comparisons between the separate instruments and the condensation or the chemical method. To another paper by KAMTZ on the psychrometer below the freezing point, in KAMTZ'S ' Repertoriura,' vol. 3, I have not been able to obtain access,* nor yet to * Since the above was written I have seen the paper. The chief points of it are referred to in the extracts quoted from PKRNTER'S memoir (p. 137). KAMTZ proposes to add 0°'5 C. to the obeerved psvehrouiutric difference for ice-covered bulbs. MDOCCLXXXVIII. — A. 130 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. " Observations Anormales des Psychrom^tres" (' Bulletin de la Socidte Vaudoise,' vol. 9, p. 234) nor the " Rapport de la Commission Hygrome"trique" (' Actes de la Soc. Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles,' 1866). CHISTONI, at the request of the Italian Meteorological Office, undertook a compa- rison of the ordinary psychrometer and a ventilation psychrometer with a standard hygrometer. The ventilation psychrometer is an instrument provided with two centrifugal fans on the same axle driven by clockwork. Each fan leads to a separate vertical tube, and the bulbs of the two thermometers are placed in the mouths of these tubes, so that air passes over them at a rate which is sensibly constant, and the same at each observation. The experiments were carried out at Ostiano. REGNAULT'S hygrometer was chosen as the standard instrument with which to compare the psychro- raeters, for the following reasons : — (l) The chemical method was too cumbersome for use in the country ; (2) BELLI'S standard hygrometer might be supposed to affect the air in its neighbourhood by its large cold mass. The air was drawn through REGNAULT'S hygrometer by means of a very ingenious aspirator formed by allowing sand to fall from a cloth funnel down a long vertical tube, provided simply with a side opening connected with the hygrometer. The observations were made in a school-room with three windows, with two psychro- meters, each used in turn as a ventilated and non-ventilated instrument. They were reduced by the ' Tavole ad uso della Meteorologia.'* A summary of the results is given in the following table : — Exlrcme Instrument. Size of cylindrical bulb. No. of obser- vations. Range of barometer. Range of dry bulb. Range of humidity. error from REGNAULT, Absolute mean error per cent. per cent. No. 1. Ventilated . 6 mm. x 25 mm. 46 750-766 12° to 30° 30 to 70 (Cir.) 10 (Cir.) 2-6 No. 2. Ventilated . 6 „ > 69 „. 51 ?J »* »» „ 7 „ 2-8 No. 1. Unventilated 6 „ x 25 „ 51 )l n )» „ 15 ,, 6-6 No. 2. Unventilated 6 „ x69 „ 40 )> ji )) ,, 14 ., 5'8 The constant A of REGNAULT'S formula was calculated for each of the ventilator observations ; its value varies between 0'00072 and 0'00098 for No. 1, and between G'00069 and O'OOllO for No. 2. These results are strong evidence in favour of the ventilation method. The wet bulbs were covered with muslin and moistened before each observation, so that the results are not necessarily applicable to cases in which the wet bulb is kept continually moist by means of a wick or other capillary arrangement. CHISTONI extended his observations to temperatures of the dry bulb below 15° C. in the winter months of 1877- 8 at Pavia. The summary is as follows :— * See below, p. 148. MK. \V. N. SHAW OX HYGHOMKTRIU MK I HMD- 1 Extreme Instrument. Sixe of bulb (cylindrical). No. of ol»er- ratioQi. Range of barometer. Range of dry bulb. Ranjie of humidity. error from RlGMAL'LT AbMlute mean error per cent. (per cent.). No. 1. Ventilated . 6 mm. x 25 mm. 69 739-765 -1-2 to 19-6 44 to 92 (Cir.) 15 (Cir.) 3-3 No. 2. Ventilated . 6 „ x 69 „ 69 tt - 1-0 „ 18-9 „ 13 „ 2-6 No. 1. Unventilatcd 6 „ X 25 „ 70 M - 37 „ 19 4 H ,, 22 „ 5-0 No. 2. Unventili.t.-d 6 „ X 69 „ 70 « - 3-6 „ 19 4 n „ 18 „ 37 The values of the constant A of REONAULT'S formula lay between 0*00062 and 0-00233 for No. 1, and between O'OOOGO and 0'00199 for No. 2. CHISTONI has continued his work by making a series of comparisons between the ventilated psychrometer and REGNAULT'S hygrometer readings for temperatures below 15° C. The observations published in the ' Annali della Meteorologia' for 1879 comprise 191 comparisons for temperatures mostly below 15CC., when the wet bulb stood above 0°C. ; 32 comparisons when the psychrometer was in the so-called critical state, i.e., when the dry bulb stood above 0° C. and the wet bulb below that temperature, and 32 comparisons when the dry and wet bulbs were both below zero. The observations were made at Collio, where the mean barometric pressure for the six months over which the observations lasted was 680 mm. The following table is taken from CHISTONI'S paper : — Maximum Maximum Temperature actual iiotitlre actual negative Mean interval. error from error from absolute error. HlONAl'LT RCUIAOLT. t< ° t' < o 19 29 9-8 t > o t' < o 20 51 131 t > 0 t' > ° 21 29 6-4 The errors given are the actual errors in the computed humidity. I have not calculated the percentage errors ; a rough idea of them may be got by taking the humidity at 50, when the percentage errors would require each number given in the columns of the table to be multiplied by 2. These errors are very serious ; they are only briefly discussed in the paper ; the generalisation is made, namely, that the errors are positive and small when the humidity is great, and they are negative and larger when the humidity is small. The psychrometer observations were reduced, as before, by means of HAEQHENS'S ' Tavole ad uso della Meteorologia.1 CHISTONI has also published* a paper discussing the various psychrometrical * ' Memorie e Notizie della Meteorologia Italiana,' 1878. 132 M|{. W. N. SHAW OX HTGROMBTBIC METHODS. formulae and their application. He first explains that the assumptions made by AUGUST and others in order to obtain a theoretical formula cannot practically be justified, and he then deduces the formula originally given by BELLI* and supplies it with the more accurate values of the constants obtained since BELLI'S time, and reduces it by omitting negligible quantities to the form : — . fl _ (0-237 B - l-79)(< - Q 377-2 - 0-490 t' Following REGNAULT'S suggestion that the theoretical formulae should be regarded only as general forms, he has the three following : — REGNAULT'S form, /=/' — A (< — f)B . . .... (I. BELLI'S form, /=/ - (~-+ '-*><•' ~~f) (2.) AUGUST'S form, f = f - * ('~_f- • . • • .T (3.) + n(t-f)'V (4) n_ to these he adds as a suggestion : — where A, m, n, p are constants to be determined by experiment. He then applies these four formulae to the computation of the pressure of aqueous vapour from psychrometric observations, determining the constants by the method of least squares, using the results given by REGNAULT'S hygrometer as standards. He then tabulates the errors ; if we denote by A/*j A/2 . . . the errors from REGNAULT of the formulae (1) (2) ... we get the following values for the mean absolute error, i.e., the mean of the errors without regard to sign :— A/! = 0'33 mm. A/2 = 0'32 „ A/3 = 0-29 „ He concludes that his own suggestion most nearly represents the actual case, but at the same time he remarks that the psychrometric method is, so far as he can see, not capable of giving the pressure of aqueous vapour to within O'l mm. Certain practical points with reference to psychrometer observations are discussed in a paper by CANTONI.* By a series of observations upon the temperature of the air as recorded by thermometers exposed freely to the sun, or protected by various screens or metallic tubes, he shows that the best results are obtained without screens, provided that a current of air is made to pass over the bulbs, and a similar advantage results * See PKRNTEB'S paper, quoted below. MH. \V. N. SHAW OX HYOKo.M KTKK ' MKTIIODS. in the case of a thermometer which has its bulb covered with a thin layer of any material. From this he is led to test the effect of ventilation upon the psychrometer, and the observations given show a considerable depression of the temperature of the wet bulb in consequence of the current of air produced by the double-fan arrangement by the Tecnomasio of Milan. BELLI originally suggested the reading of wet-bulb thermometers contained in a metal tube through which air was driven, and the suggestion was practically carried out in an instrument designed by BUZZETTI, but the new arrangement of the Tecnomasio gave a much stronger current than the original apparatus of BUZZETTI, and from CANTONI'S observations it would appear that the temperature of the wet bulb might be depressed often more than a whole degree by the stronger current of air. A further contribution to the discussion of psychrometric observations lias been made by ANGOT,* whose report is printed in full in the ' Annales du Bureau Central Me'te'orologique,' 1880. Starting from REGNAULT'S general form— and writing it x=f — A.(t — t')h, A- - he determines the value A for each of 3670 comparisons between psychrometer and dew-point observations made at Paris (height 40 metres), at the observatory of the Puy de D6me (height 390 metres), or at the station on the summit of the Puy de D6me (height 1470 metres). Of these, 282 observations gave the temperature of the wet bulb below 0° C. The range of the wet bulb temperatures was from — 20°'5 to + 23°'6 C., and the difference of the wet and dry bulb readings reached 16° C. The dew-point instrument was ALLUARD'S modification of REGNAULT'S arrangement. t Having thus obtained a series of values for A, ANGOT found the mean of the values for temperatures of the wet bulb lying between 0° C. and 1° C., between 1° C. and 2° C., and so on for each station. The means in every case showed that the value of A depended on the value of / — t'. The following is cited an an example :— Puy de Doma (Plain). t-f A. t - 6°-42. 0-35 0-001022 1-43 0-000948 241 0-000821 3-40 0-000818 4-40 0-000792 6-77 0-000705 • 'Journal de Physique,' vol. 1, 1882, p. 119. t See below, p. 141. 134 MR \V. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC MP]THOUS. He therefore assumed that A was a function of t — t', and, writing— A = a + b (t — t'), determined the values of a and 6 for each series by CAUCHY'S method, giving to each equation a weight equal to the number of observations from which the values A and t — t' were obtained. The 36 values of b thus obtained presented no regular variation, whether arranged with reference to t — t', t', or h. He therefore supposed b to be constant and found it equal to — 0'000028. The values of a increased when t', and consequently f, increased, and when h diminished and could be represented by the equation — a= 0-000776 + n The psychrometric formula therefore became — x = /' [1 - 0-0159 (t - t')~\ - 0-000776 h (t - t') [l - 0'0361 (t - t')] for temperatures above 0° C., and «=«'[! — 0-0159 (t — t')] — 0-000682 h (t — t') [1 — 0'0411 (t - t')] for temperatures below 0° C. From these formulae tables have been constructed ; these are not given in the abstract in the ' Journal de Physique,' but a diagram which serves the purpose is appended at the end of the paper. The results with these tables seem to be very satisfactory, as compared with those given by HAEGHENS'S tables, the mean percentage error of 90 observations at Paris being -f- 1*1 by the latter and only — 0'5 by the former; while for 91 observations of CHISTONI'S the mean error by the old tables is 2'5, and by ANGOT'S only + 0'5 ; and further, applying the new tables to REGNAULT'S observations below the freezing point, the mean error is only + 0'7, as compared with +3*5 obtained when REGNAULT'S formula is employed. On the whole ANGOT states that the error of the computation from a single observation above zero is about i 2 units in the relative humidity, and the absolute mean error of a series of some 20 to 30 observations 0'5 ; for tempera- tures below zero it would probably be necessary to double these figures, but at any rate even for very hot and dry regions the tables never give negative values for the humidity, which is a possibility with the old tables. No particulars are given as to the mounting and moistening of the thermometers. An account of an interesting series of observations with the psychrometer in very dry atmosphere is given by H. F. BLANFORD in the ' Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal,' vol. 45, 1876. The observations were taken in various stations in India, MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. LSI and the dew-point was computed from them by APJOHN*S formula,* by GLAISHER'S factors, and by AUGUST'S theoretical formulat supplied with RKGNAULT'S values of the constants occurring therein and adapted to English units. The thermometers were either a pair with small pea bulbs or a pair of CASSELLA'S Kew pattern, with small spherical bulbs. Particulars are given with reference to the verification of their indi- cations. The wet bulbs were exposed either (I) in a thermometer shed, i.e., " in a frame with one or two cross bars (generally protected by wire netting at back and front) under a thatched shed open on all sides to the wind," or (2) by the " sling " method. For the Upper India series the bulbs were covered with a single thickness of old thin calico. A water bottle was placed two inches to the side of the bulb with the water level a quarter-inch below it, and communication was made by a well-washed lamp-wick of some dozen threads of coarse yarn. The dew-point instrument was CASSELLA'S form of REGNAULT. Assuming the direct dew-point determinations to be correct, the following are the errors shown by the several computations :— No. of Mean M.I.TI Dew- Errors. Place. Series. obser- vations. air temp. wet bulb. point below air. Baro- meter. Conditions. Aco. APJ. GLAIBH. Secunderebad . 1 8 n 92-4 67°-9 44: 1 + 2-6 + 6-1 + 6-4 "I w • n • 9 8 1 8 93-4 94-8 70-1 708 41-0 440 S 28-07 + 8-3 + 4-9 + 5* + 8-0 + 84 + 5-6 > In thermometer shed I» * 4 12 92-7 89-6 419 J + 3-9 + 7X) + 4-6 J Bellary . . . 5 7 94-0 697 407 " -0-4 + 2-8 + 0-9 1 1 2 l>47 68-9 187-0 Oft. I 1-7-0 1-83 1-47 I *» • • • 7 8 94-7 684 487 • _ * t -20 + 1-9 + 0-9 f " If * * ' 8 9 958 666 483 •-4* + 0* + 1-8 J Coimbatoor . . 9 8 968 689 481 + 0-5 + 4-6 + 8-8 1 ft ' * 10 1 96-4 68-5 496 28 39 + 1* + 6-1 + 65 \ ., tf 11 10 95-8 699 IN + 0-3 + 88 + 1-9 1 Trichinopoly . 12 6 898 77-2 185 29-35 + 0-7 + 17 -1-6 In verandah. Sling thermometer Madras . . . 13 5 97-0 74-1 811 29-72 -0-3 + 23 -05 In verandah. Sling thermometer Calcutta . . . 14 9 842 794 130 2960 -0-4 -0-1 -1* }In sitting-room. 15 12 838 79-7 68 2955 + 06 + 08 -OS (•line thermometer Allahabad .' '. 18 17 1 5 77-4 873 612 • :.•• S9-3 41-4 •2954 29-45 + 02 + 1-8 + 3i> + 6-4 + 2-9 + 5-5 V In verandah. Agra". . . 18 7 881 60-8 45-1 29-85 -6-1 -0-2 + 87 »i Lahore . . \ 19 8 81-9 62-3 429 2908 + 4-6 + 8-8 + 8-7 n ... „ • 20 21 8 7 730 74-9 556 56-9 3J 4 87-6 2918 2918 -2* + 0-8 + 1-4 + 4-6 + 3^ + 67 V In thermometer shed Mean . . •• •• •• •• •• •• + 0-46 + 870 + 3-00 83 ' 30' t««/- 32) »,/ - 'fc. 0'>: 136 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. The results show that AUGUST'S formula gives the dew-point from psychrometer observations with considerable accuracy, even when the dew-point is very far below the temperature of the air. The further conclusion to be drawn from the observa- tions is already made clear, namely, the necessity for the exposure of the wet-bulb to a sufficient current of air. The readings are too high by all the computations when the exposure was in the verandah or room. BLANFORD does not regard his dew-point observations as unexceptionable, and calls attention, among other practical points in connexion with this observation, to the necessity for a highly burnished surface for the thimble and freedom from microscopic scratches, as these make it very difficult to seize the moment of definition when the humidity is very small and amount of deposit consequently light. The attempts at deducing theoretically a formula for the computation of psychro- metric observations, to which allusion has hitherto been made, have been based upon the assumption that there was a continuous replacement of a layer of air, no matter how thin, surrounding the wet bulb. This layer of air was supposed to be reduced to the temperature of the wet bulb, and completely saturated with moisture. The effect of the varying rapidity of motion of the air was not taken into account, and the effect of radiation was regarded as insensible. An equation is obtained by AUGUST, APJOHN, and others, between the amount of heat supplied to the surrounding air and the amount lost by the evaporating liquid. BELLI, on the other hand, equates the mass of air reduced, per unit time, from the temperature, t, of the dry to the temperature, t', of the wet bulb, to the mass of air saturated by evaporation per unit time. This slight divergence between the methods of obtaining the equation leads to no difference in the results, because the theory evidently represents ultimately the same physical state of things. The matter is, however, treated from a different point of view in MAXWELL'S article on " Diffusion " in the ' Encycl. Britann.' (9th edit.). In the discussion of the physical problem, as there treated, he considers a " steady " distribution of moistui-e and temperature round the wet bulb, supposed to be maintained in a perfectly still atmosphere of indefinite extent, the distribution of heat and moisture being brought about by conduction, radiation, and diffusion. MAXWELL calls this the conduction and diffusion theory in calm air, in contradistinc- tion to the convection theory referred to above. The mathematical solution is identical in form with that of the corresponding electrical problem to find the distri- bution of potential, due to a charged body in a field, and consequently, with the correction for radiation, leads to the following equation : — PS [K All ^^-^{D + I^S where PS is the vapour pressure in the air undisturbed by the presence of the wet thermometer bulb. pl is the vapour pressure at the surface of the bulb. MB. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMKTRIC METHODS. 137 P the whole pressure of the air. S is the specific heat of the air. L is the latent heat of the vajKnir at the temperature 6. T two chrm cal hygrometer*. of chemical hygrometer*. 1 -f "0007 -f -00l>0 2 -•0058 + -0061 3 + -0031 + -0157 4 + -0016 + -0002 5 + -0055 + •0047 6 t m • • 7 + -0016 + •0018 8 4- -0004 + -0062 9 . . . , 10 + -0004 + •0062 11 + -0000 + -0049 12 -•0031 -•0087 These results are very satisfactorily concordant. The aspirator for the chemical method contained 4 '278 litrtes, and the tubes were filled with sulphuric acid and pumice, the air was taken from out of doors, and the REGNAULT, placed at the window, was observed at the beginning, middle, and end of each experiment, and the mean of the three dew-point readings taken. Observations were also taken with DANIELL'S instrument, but they were so dis- cordant that they are not recorded. For many years REGNAULT'S form of condensation hygrometer was regarded as a satisfactory standard instrument. In 1877 ALLUARD introduced a somewhat modified form, which was used by ANGOT in the researches already discussed (p. 133). The modification consisted in replacing the silver thirnble by a brass tube of square section provided with various metal tubes to allow of the passage of air through the ether contained in the tube. Instead of the glass upon which REGNAULT'S thimble was mounted, there are two windows in opposite sides of the square tube, near to the top. These enable the bubbling of the air through the ether to be watched. The sides of the tube are gilt and highly polished, and one of them is framed by a broad band of brass, gilt and polished in like manner. This surrounding band is very near to, but does not touch, the brass tube. The dew is therefore deposited on a flat gilt surface, and the identification of a deposit is rendered easier by the proximity of an unaltered surface with which to compare the cooled one. A dew-point instrument was also introduced in 1871, by Mr. DINES, in which the dew deposit was caused by cooled water, and took place on blackened glass ; this was modified by its inventor in 1879,* so that it could be used with either water or ether. • Sec Symons's " History of Hygrometer*," 'Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jonrn.,' veil. 7, p. 161. 142 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. These instruments, however, may be regarded as being intended to facilitate the reading of the dew-point rather than as questioning the results given by REGNAULT'S instrument. The case is different with a new condensing hygrometer, introduced by CROVA. * This consists of a tube of thin brass, the interior of which is nickel-plated and carefully polished ; one end is closed by a plate of ground glass, and the other by a lens. The air to be experimented on is drawn through this tube by means of two tubulures entering it at right angles, and the tube is cooled by surrounding it with a brass box, partly filled by carbon disulphide, through which air is made to pass. The temperature is read by means of a thermometer dipping into the liquid. The dew deposit is seen by means of the lens, and the arrangement is such that the mean temperature of appearance and disappearance can be read to less than 0°'l C. This arrangement was adopted by CROVA, because he was dissatisfied with the behaviour of REGNAULT'S instrument when the dew-point was very low, and when there was a considerable wind. Having arranged the instrument, he made a series of comparisons of the results of REGNAULT'S instrument, observed in the open air or window, with those of his own, the air being in that case conducted through a fine lead tube to the instrument inside. The thermometer employed had been previously corrected. The following are some of the results : — SERIES I. —Wind north-east, fairly strong. Barometer 759. Dew-point. Hour. Temperature of air. BEONAULT. CBOVA. h. in o o o 9 40 21-0 4-6 47 9 50 21-0 5-3 5-9 10 0 21-0 5-9 7-4 10 30 21-5 6'5 7-5 11 0 22-0 6-5 7-0 1 30 22-5 67 8-3 SERIES II. — Wind north-west, gradually increasirg. Barometer 758. humidity 0'54 to 0'58. Psychrometer Dew-point Hour. Temperature of air. BlCNAl'LT. CBOVA. li in 0 o 0 8 15 19-4 9-5 9-5 8 30 19-9 9*7 10-5 8 £5 J97 8-3 9-8 9 0 196 8-1 9-5 * 'Journal do Physique,' vol. 2, 1883, p. 166. Ml!. W. N. SHAW ON IirGKOMKTRIC METHODS. 143 SERIES V. — North-west to north, variable. Barometer 751. Psychrometer humidity 0'405. Dew-point Temperature of air. RCGKAULT. CKOVA. h. m. 0 o o •2 30 1675 f2-4:, Succes- 1 3-05 4-05 Constant sivelv. "] 1 U •-'••' 3 0 • • /2-05 565 \ 1-35 These differences in the dew-jx>int readings by the two methods are very serious, as, if this be the real state of affairs, the work done with REGNAULT'S hygrometer as a standard instrument is so far invalidated. It will be noticed that the methods of finding the pressure of aqueous vapour in air hitherto described are all indirect : that is to say, when the instrument has done its work, a calculation has to be gone through in order to obtain the value of the vapour pressure. The dew-point method approaches, perhaps, the nearest to a direct method, but it must be remembered that what is actually observed, or rather what is supposed to be observed, is the temperature at which a deposit takes place on a certain cooled surface. It has always been assumed that this temperature corresponds to the temperature of saturation of the air, and that in consequence we may take the corre- sponding pressure of vapour from REONAULT'S table. The experiments of REGNAULT referred to above, page 120, do not completely justify this assumption, although the error is but small, but those of CROVA just described throw doubt, for different reasons, upon this fundamental point. The calculation of the pressure of vapour from the weight of water contained in a given volume of air — the chemical method — depends in like manner upon assumptions for which there is at present no absolute experimental verification. Such experiments as there are show discrepancies between observation and calculation which are beyond the limit of experimental errors. And yet a direct experimentsU determination seems in principle extremely easy. Assuming only that the pressure of dry air in moist air is independent of the pressure of the vapour, which must be assumed if we are to assign any meaning at all to the " pressure of aqueous vapour in the atmosphere," it follows that, if we abstract the moisture without altering the volume, and measure the resulting pressure of the dry air, the pressure of the vapour is simply the difference between the initial and final pressure of the air. Moreover, the dry air is known to obey the law of BOYLE with extreme exactitude for small variations of pressure and volume, and hence the measure of the diminution of volume of air produced by the 144 MB. W. N. SHAW ON HYGIIOMETRIC METHODS. * removal of its moisture without altering its pressure furnishes an equally accurate means of finding the original pressure of the vapour. Only one stage less direct is the method of finding the increase of pressure produced by saturating a specimen of air whose volume is kept constant and assuming the saturation pressure from REGNAULT'S tables. Calling such determinations " absolute," an instrument for making them is called an absolute hygrometer, and of these very many have been suggested by various experimenters in recent years. Before describing them, I will just mention that the simplicity of the method is entirely illusory. The differences of pressure to be measured are small, never practically exceeding 30 mm. in our climate, and being generally about 10 mm. Taking the latter amount, and supposing that an accuracy of 1 per cent, is required, the pressure difference must be measured to O'l mm., which is less than J-^QQ of the ordinary barometric pressure. Consequently the volume or the pressure must be kept constant during the measurement to the same degree of accuracy ; and, since a change of temperature of 1° C. alters the volume or pressure by about '00366 of its amount, the temperature of the apparatus must be kept constant, or its change compensated for, to within 0°'02, which is a very difficult matter. Further, any taps or connexions must hold sufficiently tight to guarantee that the vessel will not lose or gain air to the extent of -shroff °f its whole volume during the course of an experiment. These are a few of the difficulties. The best known of these new instruments is that of SCHWACK.HOFER, described and figured in JELINEK'S ' Zeitschrift' for 1879. In its modified form it is an apparatus for finding the diminution of volume of air in consequence of the absorption of the vapour by sulphuric acid. The air is first enclosed in a burette, with a graduated stem communicating with a mercury cistern ; the burette is then, by a suitable arrangement of taps, brought into communication with a second vessel, open at the bottom and shaped like an elongated bell, containing a number of vertical glass tubes, and filled up with sulphuric acid. The mercury is then forced by means of a plunger dipping into its cistern into the burette, and the air passes over into the second vessel, dis- placing the sulphuric acid, leaving, of course, a large surface of acid exposed, which dries the air after four or five transfers backwards and forwards. The sulphuric acid is then driven back to its original level, which is carefully marked ; the pressure of the dried air is adjusted to be the same as before by means of an oil gauge, and the diminution of volume is read off ort the graduated stem of the burette. The tempe- rature is read by a thermometer sealed into the burette, and kept uniform by a jacket of glycerine round the burette. I have omitted a large number of small precautions which are quite necessary in taking an observation. The apparatus is very delicate, and is therefore available only for laboratory use. PEENTER worked with an instrument of this kind. He says : " Bei fiinfzig Versuche waren resultatlos, bis es mir gelang die Hiihne zu dichten, das Quecksilber luttfrei und rein zu halten und die ganze Rohre vor aller Verunreinigung zu schiitzen. WB. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. 145 Endlich, nachdem ich drei Wochen daran mich abgemllht, schienen die Versuchs- ergebnisse einigermassen entsprechend. Die . . flinfzig . . Versuche lieferten alle eine zu kleine absolute Feuchtigkeit und zwar im Mittel um 2*5 mm. circa zu klein." A similar apparatus was used by SWORYKIN, who seems to have had more success with it An apparatus somewhat similar to SCHWACKHOFER'S was designed and made by Mr. DINES. It is described in the 'Meteorological Magazine,' September, 1883, and is said to work satisfactorily. The next instrument of the kind is EDELMANN'S, described in WIEDEMANN'S ' Annalen,' vol. 6, 1870, p. 455. It is of very much simpler construction. A glass cylinder is closed at each end with india-rubber corks perforated so as to take a tube containing a thermometer and connected with a mercury pressure-gauge at one end, and at the other a second tube communicating with the top and bottom respectively of a small vessel of sulphuric acid by means of glass cone joints. The mercury gauge is also attached to a cone joint ; there are stop cocks between the cone joints and the cylinder. The cylinder is provided with a metal jacket. By the double connexion the sulphuric acid is allowed to run into the cylinder without altering the volume of the air. Between each operation the cylinder has to be cleaned and dried, and washing out with alcohol and ether is recommended. It is said to give good results, though none are quoted in the paper, and if, as suggested, the vessel is finally dried by passing through it air from a " Wasser-trommel-geblase," good results ought certainly to be received with unusual gratitude. The description of the instrument, and its use, reads rather like an instrument maker's solution of the problem " to make an absolute hygrometer." VAN HASSELT* has described an instrument somewhat similar to EDELMANN'S, but he uses phosphoric anhydride instead of sulphuric acid. The anhydride is enclosed in a thin glass bulb, which is broken by shaking when the moisture is to be absorbed ; the difference of pressure is observed by means of an oil manometer, which consists of two glass tubes connected by a flexible india-rubber one. This arrangement allows the volume to be reduced to its original value before reading off the pressure. RuDORFFt uses a WOULFF'S bottle, with three necks, in an ingenious manner. Into the middle neck is fixed a burette, which supplies the sulphuric acid ; this is allowed to pass into the vessel until the pressure reaches its original value, as indicated by a manometer of sulphuric acid, sp. gr. 1'300. Thus the volume of sulphuric acid run in gives at once the diminution of volume of the air due to the absorption of the moisture. This plan was somewhat improved by NEESEN.J who has two WOULFF bottles, one * ' Beiblattor,' 1879, p. 697 t ' Beiblatter,' 1880, p. 349 J ' WIKDEMANN, Annalen,' vol. 11 1880, p. 526. MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. U 146 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HTGROMETRIC METHODS. connected with each limb of the manometer. By this means the temperature correc- tion is very ingeniously compensated, and, moreover, a second determination can be made with the same apparatus by using the other bottle. MATERN* also uses the compensation by a second vessel, but the vessels are glass cylinders, provided with lids ground flat, so that they can simply be laid on. The necessary connexions, &c., are sealed into the lids. The method he suggests is that of finding the increase of pressure, due to the saturation of the air, by allowing water to drop into one of the vessels on to blotting paper. He also givest a simplified form of the instrument for more rapid use. I have not been able to find any series of observations showing the comparative results obtained with these different instruments : they have been tried by their inventors, but means of comparison are not at hand, except for SCHWACKHOFER'S instrument, as already mentioned. NOTE B. HYGROMETRICAL TABLES. It may be useful to add a statement with reference to the tables at present in use by meteorological observers in different countries for the reduction of wet-and-dry-bulb observations. Mr. R. H. SCOTT has very kindly supplied me with the following list of original hygrometrical tables : — HAEGHENS ('Annuaire de la Socie'te' Me'te'orologique,' 1849), followed by RENOU, France, and DENZA, Italy. WILD (' Repertorium filr Meteorologie,' vol. 1, St. Petersburg, 1870), followed by JELINEK, Vienna, 1876. BLANFORD. — ' Tables for the Reduction of Meteorological Observations in India.' Calcutta, 1876. GLAISHER. — 'Hygrometrical Tables,' 7th edition. London, 1885. GUYOT. — " Psychrometrical Tables," ' Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections.' Washington, 1887. Of these HAEGHENS'S and WILD'S tables are millimetre-centigrade tables founded upon REGNAULT'S table of pressures and the psychronaetric formulae of the same authority, viz. : — _ 0-480 (*-Q 610 - if ' 0-480 (t - Q 689 - t' ' * ' WIEDEMANN, Annalen,' vol. 9, p. 147. t ' WIEDEMANN, Annalen,' vol. 10, p. 149. MB. W. N. SHAW ON HYQROMETRIC METHODS. 147 BLANFORD'S tables are bused upon the same observations and formulae, but they are adapted for English inches and FAHRENHEIT degrees (see p. 135). The following information respecting them is extracted from the introduction to the tables (p. 4) : — ""TABLE III. — This table gives the tension of saturated aqueous vapour, in decimals of an inch of mercury at the temperature 32°, in latitude 22°, at the level of the sea*. It has been reduced from the original table for the latitude of Dublin, computed (from REONAULT'S observations) by the Rev. ROBERT DIXON, by correcting his values for the difference of gravity, viz., multiplying them by the constant factor 1 '00286184. "The psychrometric tables which follow are all based on this table, and the computation has been chiefly made by the aid of the arithmometer. " AUGUST'S formula (modified by REGNAULT), which has been used in computing the Tables IV. to XL, is as follows :-r- " For temperatures of the wet bulb below 32° : -430 (<-Q ~J " 1240-2 -f and for temperatures of wet bulb above 32° : -480 (t-f) X=S - 1130 _ ,' h- wherein t' and t are the temperatures of the dry and wet bulb thermometers respec- tively, in FAHRENHEIT degrees, f the tension of vapour at temperature t', h the reading of the barometer in inches, and x the tension of the vapour present in the air at the time of the observation." GLAISHER'S tables are based upon REGNAULT'S table of pressures, and the table of Greenwich factors, which the following extract from the introduction to GLAISHER'S tables (p. 4) sufficiently describes. These are adapted for English inches and FAHREN- HEIT'S scale of temperature :— "Determination of the Dew-point from, obsemations of tJie Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometers. " TABLE I. — Factors by which it is necessary to multiply the excess of the reading of the dry thermometer over that of the wet, to give the excess of the temperature of the air above that of the dew-point, for every degree of air temperature, from 10° to 100°. " The numbers in this table have been found from the combination of many thousand simultaneous observations of the dry and wet bulb thermometers and of DANIELL'S hygrometer, taken at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from the year 1841 to 1854, and from observations taken at high temperatures in India, and others at low and medium temperatures at Toronto. The results at the same temperatures u 2 148 MR. W. N. SHAW ON HYOROMETRIC METHODS. were found to be alike at these different places ; and therefore the factors may be considered as of general application. " By means of the numbers in this table the temperatures of the dew-point in the general tables have been calculated ; and these were for many years checked by direct observations with DANIELL'S hygrometer made by me at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich." GUTOT'S tables are a very complete set, comprising :— i. Extended tables based upon REGNAULT'S formulae already given, adapted for millimetres and Centigrade degrees, ii. The same adapted for inches and FAHRENHEIT degrees. (These are given " for ordinary use.") iii. GLAISHEB'S table of Greenwich factors and an old set of GLAISHER'S psychrometrical tables, based upon them and a Greenwich table of pressures. (These are given for the purpose of " comparing results.") Besides these there are ANGOT'S tables referred to on p. 134, but I am not aware that they are in general use in any country. The information may be summarised in the following table : — Country. Tables. Formula of reduction. Units. E norland QLAISHEB Greenwich factors Inches FAHREVHEIT India BLANFOBD REGNAULT'S formulce America GUYOT Both France HAEGHENS . " Italy " Germany WILD " Austria JELINEK . . * " " " Russia WILD . . . " " NOTE, APEIL 23, 1888 (see p. 83). I have assumed REONAULT'S investigation of the behaviour of sulphuric acid tubes (' Annales do Chimie,' vol. 15, 1845) to be conclusive evidence that his acid was efficient for its purpose. His experi- ments wore of two kinds. First, four sulphuric acid tubes were mounted " in series." The first two were at the ordinary temperature, the third at 0° C., and the fourth at — 30° C. The first tube gained 1'235 gramme in weight when moist air was sent through the four ; the weights of the other three tubes were unaffected. Secondly, air was dried by passing it through three sulphuric acid tubes, each one metre long, the third being in a freezing mixture. The dried air was then led through a weighed vessel containing moist sponge, and thence through two weighed sulphuric acid tubes. The first of these two MB. W. N. SHAW ON HYGROMETRIC METHODS. 149 took up 0767 gramme of moisture, being precisely the same amount as that lost by the sponge vessel. My attention has lately been called to the papers by E. W. MOBLKT (' Amer. Journ. Sci.,' vol. 30, 1884, p. 140 ; vol. 34, 1887, p. 199), in which the question of residual moisture in air passed over sulphuric acid or phosphoric anhydride is more rigorously treated. It appears that the residual moisture would not appreciably affect the weighings in the observations here recorded, for sulphuric acid only leaves nnabsorbed " not far from a fourth of a milligramme of moisture in 100 litres of a gas," and " the moisture left unabsorbed by phosphorus pentoxido, if capable of determination, may be very roughly stated as possibly a fourth of a milligramme in 10,000 litres." NOTE, APBIL 23, 1888 (see p. 97). The researches of WABBURO and IHJJORI (' Wiedemann, Annalen,' vol. 27, 1886, p. 481) afford some information about the formation of a deposit. On a specimen of fresh lead glass at about 16" G. exposed to the vapour of water in vacua a deposit of 18 X 10 * grammes per square centimetre was observed when the vapour pressure inside the vessel corresponded to the temperature 4°'71 C. ; the deposit increased to 194 X 10~8 grammes per square centimetre when the vapour pressure was increased so as to correspond to a temperature 0°'87 C. below that of the glass surface. No results are given for lead glass which enable one to form an opinion as to what happens when the difference of temperature is made very small, but for Thuringian glass a sudden increase of 50 per cent, in the deposit is shown for a diminution of the temperature-difference from 0°'27 C. to 0°'17 C. With lead glass, of which even a fresh surface showed comparatively very feeble absorption of vapour, no absorption at all waa detected after treatment with boiling water. The apparatus referred to in the text was, excepting the three-way tap, constructed of lead glass that had been frequently washed with cold water. VI. On the Diameters of a Plane Cubic. By J. J. WALKEE, M.A., F.R.S. Received June 16,— Read June 16, 1887. Revised February 9, 1888. [PLATES 6-8.] I. ABSTRACT. 1. THE object of this Memoir is to develop relations which subsist between a cubic («) and the complex of lines, in its plane, which are the polars with respect to it of the points on any transversal (L). This complex becomes the system of NEWTONIAN DIAMETERS of the cubic, when the points on the plane are projected on a second plane parallel to that containing the vertex of projection and the line L (Ix -f- my + nz = 0). This development involves frequent reference to the envelope of the complex in question, the conic which, in analogy with the " pole " of a line in the theory of conies, I propose to call the " POLOID " of the cubic u and the line L ; and, in particular, when the line L is at infinity, the " CENTROID " of u. 2. HESSE* first appears to have used the equation to s in the theory of the ternary cubic form — but without any recognition of its geometrical significance — to obtain the equation to the cubic in " line-coordinates:" viz., in the form of the resultant of the system 3s 3« 8s . a* : ay : az = ' : m '• "- with Ix -f- my -f nz = 0, and this resultant will plainly be, to a factor, the equation to s itself in line- coordinates £, 17, £, with /, m, n substituted for f, rj, £ respectively. * ' CRKLI.K, Jonrn. Math.,' vol. 41, p. 285 . . . , under date January, 1850. 18.688 152 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 3. In the first edition of the 'Higher Plane Curves' (1852) SALMON, under the subject " Poles and Polars " (of cubics), showed that *= 0 is the envelope of the polar lines of points on L, touching each tangent to u at the points L = 0, u = 0 in the point harmonic conjugate to its contact with u relatively to its intersections with the other two, and proposed for the locus of s = 0 the designation " Polar conic of the line " L, for which I have ventured to suggest, and use, the shorter name " Poloid " of (u and) L. In CAYLEY'S Memoir -" On Curves of the Third Order," 'Phil. Trans.,' 1857, the additional property is given of the polar lines of points on L all passing through a point (viz , the intersection of the two right lines into which s, " the lineo-polar envelope of the line," then breaks up) on the Hessian of u, when L joins corresponding points on that curve. Beside these I have not been able to find any notice of the conic s. 4. If through any point P in its plane chords are drawn meeting the cubic in O1; Og, O8, and a point 0 is taken on the chord determined by the relation 3 . ^_ J_ J pn ' PA ~T~ w PO " PO! ir PC, ' POS' the locus of 0 is a straight line, according to a theorem of COTES'S, communicated by his friend, Dr. ROBERT SMITH, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, to MACLAURIN, after COTES'S lamented death, and proved by MACLAURIN* as a case of a more general theorem which presented itself to his mind when " meditating on this com- munication." For shortness I have called the point O the " CoTES-point " on the chords through P, the locus of which is now well known to be the polar line of the point P relative to the cubic u. 5. If P describes a line L, the CoTES-points of the polar lines of the points on L — regarded as chords of u — relatively to their intersections with L, may be considered. SS 28-32. •Jv The locus of the CoTES-points of this complex of lines is shown in the sequel to be a nodal cubic (37) and (40), v = 0, which covariant of u and the line L, I propose to call their " Cotesian." 6. Considering (§§ 33-37) more generally the locus of CoTES-points on chords of u subject to the condition of touching s, the result comes out as a concomitant breaking up into two factors, one the cubic v just referred to, the other being the equation to * ' De Lin. Geom. Prop. Gen. Theor. IV.,' p. 24, ed. 1748. The Theorem is not given in the ' Harmonia Mensurarnm,' as sometimes erroneously stated, with the subjects of which treatise it has no connexion. ./ J. \\ntt,, Phil . . 1888. A.PltUf 6 . s J.J. Walker. Phil. Trnn*. 1888.A./Y«* 7. J.J.Walker. Phil. 7m»*.lH88.AJ%ofe8. MB. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 153 the three tangents to u at the points in which it is met by L, now first obtained in a general form. In the Memoir referred to ('Phil. Trans.,' 1857, p. 439) CAYLEY obtained, with his peculiar skill, the equation of the three tangents in question for HESSE'S canonical form of u ; viz., ax3 + &/ 4 v? + Qexyz (2) finding for the " satellite line " of L, or line in which the tangents again meet u, the equation that, further on (§ 36) will be shown to verify the general form at which I have arrived ; and in terms of which (if it be taken as a fundamental covariant of u and L) and of 6- the equation of the nodal cubic r may be expressed. 7. Whereas through any point in the plane of the cubic u and the line L there can be drawn in general (§§ 40-43) two chords having it as their COTES- point relatively to those in which they meet L, viz., those determined by the polar-conic of the first point ; if, however, that point be taken on s the two chords coincide, and thus a complex of double chords is obtained, which are the polars with regard to s (§ 4'2) of the CoTES-points of the polar lines of the points of L, and are shown (§§ 58-60) to have as their envelope a tricuspidal quartic (81) w= 0, the equation of which canuot be found explicitly except for specifically assigned forms of u. The point in which a double chord meets s being its CoTES-point, that in which it touches its envelope is shown to be harmonic conjugate to the former with respect to the intersections of the chord with the line L and with the conic s again ; and the two intersections of the double chord with s are thereby discriminated (§ 59). 8. Again, considering (§ 61) the points of a line having its pole on L, the chords of which those are CoTES-points constitute two groups : viz., one a pencil through the pole of the polar line, the other having as its envelope a conic (§ 88) touching the line L as well as the polar line in question (in virtue of its being the line of the latter complex through its own CoTES-point) and the double chord through its point of contact with s, which is both a ray of the pencil and a line of the complex. This system of conies (§ 62) has as its envelope the sides of the quadrilateral formed by the transversal L and the tangents to the cubic at the points in which L meets it. 9. A question of some interest is considered (§§ 38-39) : what, if any, of the complex of polar lines of points on the transversal L are conjugate, in the sense of their inter- section being the CoTEs-point on either ? Discarding the tangents to u at the points in which it is met by the transversal L, each of which is conjugate to itself, the o.dy distinct conjugate polar lines of points on L are the two tangents to the poloid (s) of L from the pole of that line with respect to the poloid. 10. As the chord of contact with the poloid of the two tangents through its pole MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. X 154 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. L forms a coincident, pair of "double chords" (of the cubic) ; and these three lines, viz., the two tangents and their chord of contact, form a triad of lines of reference by means of which the properties of the complexes of lines here considered may be deduced with far greater facility than through the use of the canonical form (2). The two tangents to s from the pole of L with respect to s are the nodal tangents of the Cotesian v (§ 50), the line L being its inflexional axis ; a circumstance which explains the unique character of this triad of lines, and marks them out as the best system of lines of reference for the discussion of properties connected with this con- comitant of the primitive cubic u (§§ 48-62). 11. But, whereas these tangents to s, the poloid of L, are only real when L cuts s in real points (which is shown to occur only when it meets the cubic u in but a single real point), three other triads of lines exist, of which one at least is always real, con- venient as lines of reference in many of the questions which arise : viz., the sides of one of the three triangles whose corners are the pole of L, with respect to s; one of the three points in which L meets u ; and the pole of the connector of these two points. Each of these being self-conjugate triangles in respect of s, the equation of that conic is reduced to a trinomial form ; and since the cuspidal tangents of the envelope w (§ 76) all pass through the pole of L, the equation of that curve is of a comparatively simple character for one of these triangles of reference. In Plate 6, ABC is one of these triangles (§§ 63-76). 12. If the line L touches u it touches its poloid s also ; and consequently other lines of reference have to be looked for. These are found in the line L, the tangent to u at the point where L cuts it (itself a tangent to s also, it will be remembered), and the chord of contact of these lines with s. In this case the cubic v degenerates into the line L, and a conic having double contact with s; while the envelope w also degenerates into a conic having double contact with s and the Cotesian conic at the same points (§§ 77-81). 13. When L becomes the line at infinity the pencil of chords through any point on it is to be replaced by a system parallel to a given line, and the polar line by the diameter which is the locus of the mean point on any chord of the system relatively to its intersections with the cubic. The envelope of these diameters I have called the "Centroid" of the cubic, from its evident analogy with the centre of conies, apprehending no confusion in such a connexion with the sense of a " mass-centre," which it sometimes bears. The consideration of the Centroid and associated curves occupies the concluding part of this Memoir. 14. The method of treatment of the discussions, an abstract of which has just been given, is uniformly analytical, trilinear coordinates being employed. The results will be found to be arrived at without much difficulty, or tedious calculation, considering the great generality of most of them. With a view to simplifying three important discus- MR. J. J. WALKER ON THK DIAMETERS OP A PLANE CUBIC. 155 sions as much as possible, a preliminary investigation of a form into which the result of substituting for the variables in a ternary quadratic form the expressions ty ty ,0d S^> 3A ,ty n ~T — m v» I -f — n ^-, m ~r — I ft oy as vz ox ox < i <£ being any ternary form and /, m, n any three constants, is introduced (§§ 24-27) ; and the special cases of its application in the sequel are considered. 15. The notation employed throughout is as follows :— (i.) The right line, considered generally, is written £* + W + fc = 0 : (ii.) The particular transversal considered in connexion with a cubic u is always written L =E lx + my + nz : (Hi.) The cubic u being, in point coordinates, « = ax* + fry3 + ez3 + Sajarty + 3a^z + . . . + Gexyz, is written in line coordinates — or its reciprocal is — u = (iv.) The poloid of L with respect to the cubic in point coordinates is represented by s as in § 1, or (§ 19) and in line coordinates — or its reciprocal — by or, where 4Du + u = 0, . . (3) x2 156 MB. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. where, x'y'z being a given point on the line, and D defined by p(p- 1) . . . (p - r+ 1) D'= {(w - tf)^, + (£a - tft± + (fi8- ,») £, if, for shortness, a, ^, y represent the sines of the angles of the triangle of reference, p is equal to the length of the segment of the line between the point x'y'z' and any one of the p points in which it meets the curve u (' London Math. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 9, p. 227) ; provided f2 + tf + £- - 2??£ cos A - 2£f cos B — 2ft cos C = 1. 1 7. Thus the sum of the reciprocals of thgse segments is equal to — p Du/u ; while, if (xyz) is any other point on the same line, & + • • • , and p similarly equal to the segment between x'y'z1 and it, -r,a). . . (5) But if xyz is the CoxES-point (§4) on the line in respect to x'y'z' and the curve u, p/p' = — p Du/u whence (5) (x — x') 5-7 + (y — y') ~— , -j- (z — z') ~-; or, viz., the locus of xyz is the polar line of x'y'z. 18. If now, instead of considering £ 17, £ as variable and (x'y'z') as fixed, £ 77, £ are regarded as constant — say equal to I, in, n — and (x'y'z') as any point on L, or Ix + my -f- nz = 0, the envelope of the line (6) will obviously be the same as its equation in line coordinates, regarded as a curve of order p — 1 in point coordinates x'y'z'. Thus, if u were a quartic, (3) having been written in the form « , , ,o , . / / / x^ +....+ Zx*y ^ +...+ Gxyz ^^ = 0, its envelope might at once be written down as &v«/3v\2 i . r/av\s9v\* . viz., the poloid of the line L and the quartic u is another quartic. I have made the foregoing remark to draw attention to the perfect generality of the theory of the Mil. J. J. WALKER OX THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 157 poloid, and, at the same tune, to show that it is of equal or higher degree than u for values of p exceeding 3. 19. In the case, then, alone contemplated in this Memoir, of u being a cubic, and (6) being, therefore, otherwise written I3&u a^"1 the envelope takes the form (1) as given by SALMON ('Higher Plane Curves,' 3rd edition, p. 15G), /, m, n here replacing a, ft, y. If written in the normal form of a conic the coefficients wn . . . ?<23 . . are the contra- variant conies of the triad of conies, -o w'=a,/3> a«/0 ^3' (7) taken singly and in pairs, viz., the cubic being written as in the ' Higher Plane Curves,' only with the substitution of e for m, cz8 + and the poloid of u and L being s = «„«• + then «n = (blcl — e2)? + (ac, — O 2 + njgyz + ?<312x -f -f 6ezyz, (8) (9) = (063 — c22)P + (ca3 — c — ae)mn + 2(a2e — a^b^nl + 2(a3e — — 612)/r + 2(6^ — a263)m» + 2(/>,63 — be)nl + 2(63e — 6,c2)Znj — e2)n2 + 2(0^ — c2as)wn -j- 2(c2e — tgC^nZ + 2(c1c2 — ce)lm ca2 + C2a3 — 2c,e)m2 -f (ba3 -j- a263 — 261e)»t2 + t2(blcl + e8 — a2c2 — asb3)mn-\- ^(b^ — bc^nl-^- 2(63C!— cb^l = (cfc, -r- tgC! — 2c2e)/2 + (ac — a^m- + (a&3 + r/36, — 2a^e)nz + 2(a2rj — ac2)7nn + 2(a2c2-f c2— ftjCj — a3bs)jil -{- 2(c2«8 — ca2)/ = (^G! + ijCj — 263e)/2 -f (acs + a2Cj — 2aye)m2 + (at — a2fe,)/r + 2(a361 — abjmn + 2(/>3a8 — ba3)nl + 2(0,63 -f e2 — c^ — ^iC (10) 158 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OP A PLANE CUBIC. 20. The invariants of the equation (3), which forp = 3, is p3 D3w + 3/>2 D2u + 3/3 DM + u = 0, .- ..... (11) and, for one of the conies, s, u{ . . ., or 9xw/3 . . ., p- D3»/., + 2p D», + M! = 0, ....... (12) give the fundamental invariants of L and u, Uj . . ., in a very succinct form, involving x'y'z' regarded as parameters connected by the equation lx' -\- my' -f nz' = 0 ; thus, if A' = ax' + fty' + yz, then (11) — £, i), £ being replaced in the operator D (4), § 16, by /, m, n— ttt DX - (Du^2 = A'Xj . . . ; , . i ... (13) «8 D2tt3 + «3 D2M3 - 2 DM, D?f3 = A'-«.,3 . . . ; . . . . (14) (' London Math. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 9, p. 232.) Also (1) u D2u - (Du)2 = A'3*, . '. ' ...... (15) (w D3w - Dw D2M)2 - 4{(Dw)2 - ttD'tt} {(D%)2 - DM D3w} = A'V . (16) if v = b2cH6 + . . . = 0 is the standard form of the condition that L shall touch u. 21. The above forms are very convenient for the comparison of related concomi- tants essential to the objects of this Memoir. Thus, the condition that L should touch s (9) (wjaWjs - zt223/4) l* + • • • -I" ( Via/2 - «ii««2s) win +...( = 0), (17) multiplied by A'2 is (if lx + my + «z' = 0) equal to * D2s - (D.s)2. Now, since D* (A'*7) = 0, whatever integers k, kf may be, A'*{* D2* - (Ds)2} = A'2s6 D2 (A'2*)* - 4 (D (A'%)}2 ; * It is to be observed that if u is of order p, then Dr« is of order p — r ; and that if 0 = ^X> X being of order q, -^ of order r, then y D0 = qty Dx 4- rx DV', p.|) - 1 D30 = q.,f - If D2X -I- 2qr DX D^ + r.r - 1X and so on : thus MR. J. J. WALKKR ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 159 or (15) 4 A'*{«D-« - (Ds)3} = 4{u D2u - (Du2)}6 D2{« D2u - (Du)2} -[4D{uD2«-(Dw)2}]s (18) But 4 D{tt D2w - (D«)2} = 3 Du D2u + u D3u - 4 Da D«u = uD*« — DuD*u; (19) and 12 D2{u D2n - (Du)2} = 3 DM D3u - 2 (D2w)2 - D« D3?*, 6 D8{« D'-w - (D»)2} = D« D3u - (D2u)2 (20) By substitution from (19) (20) in (18) 4 A'<{« D2* - (D*)2} = 4{u D2w - (D«)2} {Du D3u - (D2w)2} - (u D3* - Du D3u)2, whence (16) (17) ...), ... (21) i.e., the condition that L shall touch s, is equal to one-fourth of that for L touching the culnc u, with changed sign . (i) 22. Considering next the discriminant of s; viz. (9), if, for shortness (7), vl = Dt*i, v3 = Dug, i»g = Dw3, T * WL = D2!^, u>2 = D2Wj, w3 = D2t/3, J V, = -U73«3 — tt'3W;j, V2 = WSU1 — W\U3, V3 =: M>jt*2 — W'2«1( ^ . (24) then (13, 14), A'*(4t*isw33 — Ujg3) = 4(u3u>i - ra8) (w3u>3 - r32) - («2ws -f- u.,u>3 — 2ty>8)3 = 4U1W1-V12; . . (25) * By means of these expressions the equation of the poloid («) may be thrown into a form which exhibits it explicitly as the envelope of the polar line of points in L: viz., by (9), (13), (14), (23), Of the right lines in this form, (i) xu\ + ... is the polar line of the point x'y'z' in L; (ii) xwl -f ... or (.11 — f£) *i +• • • • is the Newtonian diameter of chords of u parallel to L (shown in fig. 1 touching the poloid at D'); (iii) jn\ + ... or x'vl + ... is the chord of contact with («) of (i), (U).— (April, 1888.) 160 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. = 211^.3 + 2U2Wt - VjV, ........ (26) Hence (22), 8A'6D.'(s) = (tt,u>, + UjW! - 21;^) (2U1W1 + 2U1W1 - V, Va) - 2t;1v! = 2A'6P3, . . ,. ... ...... ...... ...... (27) where, P = (Ultfl + . -)/A3 = (V,^ + . .)/A3 = viz., P is the condition that L should be cut in involution by wx = 0, % = 0, u3 = 0, which condition, multiplied by A3, has been shown (' London Math. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 0, p. 233) to be ?<1(D«2D2?<3 — D«3D%2) + w2(D«3DX — Di^D-Mg) + M8(DM1D8t/3 — DM8DX) = 0. Thus it is proved (27) that four times the discriminant of s is equal to the square of the Caleyan of u ...................... (ii) 23. If the line Ix + my + nz = 0 joins corresponding points on the Hessian of u its coefficients satisfy the Cayleyan P=0; hence its poloid s breaks up into two right lines through the intersection of which the tangents of s all pass ; and the locus of this Intel-section, as the line L varies in position, is the Hessian itself. This is the property mentioned in the Introduction (§ 3) as proved by CAYLEY, ' Phil. Trans.,' 1857, p. 432. 24. A theorem on the result of certain substitutions, which will be of use in subsequent investigations, may be conveniently considered before entering upon them : — If is any ternary form of order p, and «/> a quadric — say ^ = ax2 + by2 + cz2 + Zfyz + 2g2a; + 2hoy ...... (28) MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 161 and if in \fi for xyz are substituted respectively 30 30 ,30 30 30 ,30 n =* — m «- » / 5^ — n - • • m ~ - — I , » dy cte d* dc dc . / the result may be thrown, if L = Ix -+- rny -j- &z, into the form L r r /a^ a^_ / ^_\«\ / a»f a«^ ^ a^ \ / a»^ a-> a2^ a2^ \ i ro> - 1)- Ll W <>* taw / W^^ ^3^ a^" S^y" h ^S aya2~a/ a*ar/ " j The proof of this theorem depends on the identities \fs y2- with similar values for But (28) MDCXXLXXXVin. — A. 162 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMKTERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. , / a<£ a# ,o4> a a^> ,a/dx)z, . . . , c/dy 3/3z, . . . , in which, with the addition and subtraction of the terms, wherein L = Ix + my -\- nz, a/ Lh gives an expression identically equal to the form (29). 25. The cases of the application of this theorem which occur are : — (1) When (§ 28) is a cubic u, and i/r is the polar line of a point whose coordinates are ndu'/dy' — mdu'/dz . . . , (x'y'z') being also a point on Ix + my + nz = 0 > so that a = 32<£/8a;2 . . . f = d"/dy 9z . . . ; in which case and the quadratic functions in Z, m, n which multiply and \fi respectively become (bc'+ b'c - 2f f ') P + . . . , +2 (gh' 4- g'h - at" - a'f) mn + . . . , and 36*' rpesectively, where a' = dzu'/dx'* . . . f ' = d'2u'/dy' dz'. . . . Now, otherwise, the substitutions may be made in the conies (da/ox) ... of the other form of the polar line, MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 163 and then the multiplier of 3u'/2 (the present value of pl(p — 1) in (29)) becomes, for i/» = Zdu/dx, or, identically, that multiplier becomes a*7 a^ ,.3*' oc i<; - — . *H\ OO-\ w W •% / ' Ov t\f ox oy o~ for OU < '' , ' •' 3x 3y ~ 3c respectively. Thus the result of the substitutions becomes ''• **•' . . (32) whereas, by making the substitutions in the first way, the result would be Identifying these two results, (bc'-f b'c - 2ff')P + . . . + 2 (gh' + g'h - af - a'f)«w» + . • • so that the polar of x'j/z with respect to the poloid of L may be written «» av ah* , yu' »«\ „ /y^ a a • ay + ay" a^ " ^ 26. In the second case which occurs of similar substitutions (§ 30) = 6u the doubles of the coefficients of s ; and Ix + my -\- nz= L Y 2 164 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. no longer vanishes. The result (29), § 24, thus becomes 92w 8%, &u { (4«22«33 -f 4L2 {(4 «22 W33 — mn}. . *. ..... (34) It is to be observed that the values of d\jj/dx . . . are to be obtained by substituting 92M/3x2 ... for a ... after differentiation ; thus, generally, in the present case = 2ax + 2h«/ + 2gz 27. Lastly, the case which will occur at § 38 of the substitutions, differs from the first case only in the differential coefficients of u being multiplied by x', y', z instead of x, y, z, so that (29) becomes simply equal to — us' ; i.e., — us with x'y'z' for xyz. III. GENERAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS. 28. The polar line of a point (x'y'z'} on L, or Ix -f- my + nz = 0, meets it in a second point, the coordinates of which are x : y : z oy' 9z/ 9z' 9a/ * 9«c' 9w' ' and if the coordinates of this latter point are substituted for xyz in the quadric forms (9w/9a;), (9w/9y), (9w/9z) of /9w\ the polar line ot this point will be expressed in terms of the coordinates of the original point (x'y'z'). MR. J. J. WAI.KKK ON TI1K DIAMKTKHS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 165 Referring to the general form for the result of such substitutions, (29), § 24 in the present case it is (32), § 25, 3u' 3u' . 3u the form of which shows that the polar urith respect to the poloid (.s) of any point on L cute the polar line with respect to u of that point in its CoTES-point. 29. The relation just proved gives at once the coordinates of that CoTES-point in the form And, plainly, the Corrvs-point of the polar line of a point on L is the pole (with respect to (s) the poloid of L) of that chord of the pencil through the point on L, which passes through the contact with s of the polar line of that point. (Fig. 1.) 30. From considerations founded on the relation just established the locus of the CoTES-point (xyz) of the polar line of a point (x'y'z) on L may be at once obtained in a general form, viz., by the elimination of x'y'z' among 3tt' 3u' Sit' or 3% or , '"- * \yf + m,/ + nz' — o. From the last two 3s 3* , 3* - - - - , ' ••< = n^ w« :*5 n ., :m= t^-' 3y 3a Sz 3« &r 3y and the substitution of these values in the first gives the locus of xyz in the form (34) § 26, of six times v, if 166 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OP A PLANE CUBIC. v = - ±u (AZ2 + Bm2 -|- Cn2 + 2Fmn + 2Gnl + 2HZm) S + 'H&} ; " (AZ + Hm + Gn + (HZ + m + n) | + (Gl + Fm + Cn)| 2s where, as above (7), MU . . . , r% . . . are the contravariants of du , du ,dn ' W = ' W=' taken singly and in pairs, these being the coefficients of the poloid, viz., s = unx* + w22y2 and A, B, C, F, G, H are the coefficients of its reciprocal, viz., 4A = 4F = 31. The coefficient of ,s in the above expression admits of an important transforma- tion, viz., it may be written and this (71 ), § 55, is identically equal to — 4P (Ix + my + nz), ........ (38) where P is the Pippian, or Cayleyan, of the cubic u. Also (55) Ifi j(AZ + Hm + Gn)~ + (Rl + Bm + Fn) || + (Gl + Fm + Cn)| I + 24Ps s-{(A'+ 12A) ?;+...+ 2 (F+^F)^ +...}(/*+ my + »«), . (39) MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 1G7 6A', . . . 6F', . . . being the second differential coefficients with respect to /, m, n of the reciprocal (v) of u, 6W . . . ; while, otherwise, (21) § 21, v = — 4 (A/2 + Bm8 + Cn* + 2Fron + 2Gid + 2HJw). With these substitutions the equation to the locus of the CoTE8-points on the polar lines of points in L, or Ix + my + »«, takes the form 2(F'+ 16F)- + . . .- 8PL* = 0, . (40) a cubic, degenerating into a conic when the line L touches the cubic u, which will be traced further on (§§ 50-53) by referring it to the line L and the two tangents to s at the points L = 0, s = 0. But previously it will be of interest to show the signifi- cance of the part . . (41) in the equation to v; and to add a few remarks on the relations (38) (39). 32. It is not easy to verify these relations by means of the invariants of (12) § 20, because the variables which enter into them are perfectly general — except satisfying ax + /3y + yz — constant. They are verifiable, the former with slight, the latter with moderate labour by means of the canonical form of the equation to the cubic ; but much more readily by means of the simultaneous forms of u and s, to which every form of u and its concomitant are reducible, referred to in § 10. The verification is therefore deferred until the reduction to those forms is explained in the sequel, and will be found in the paragraphs cited. 33. The tangent to u at any one of the three points in which it is met by the transversal L, being the polar line of that point, also touches the poloid s, the point of contact with s being its CoTES-point — viz., it is that determined on it by the polar with respect to * of the point in which it meets L ; or, otherwise, as the point in which it is cut by the coincident tangent. The general equation to the three tangents, at the points u = 0, L = 0, may be obtained without the difficulties which would attend the direct investigation — hitherto unattempted, at least successfully — through the property of their touching the poloid also, as follows : the point of contact of one of the tangents being (x'y'z), its equation is or, u being a cubic, 168 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. But in virtue of its touching s also, if (xyz) is any other point on it, yz — zy, zx — xz', xy' — yx' must satisfy the reciprocal (§ 30) or tangential of s, i.e., (Cy* + Bza - 2Fyz) z'2 + (Az2 + Cz2 - 2Gzx) ^ + (Ex2 + Ay» - 2H*7/)z'2 + 2 ( — Ayz — Fz8 + Gxy -f Hzz) y'z' + 2 ( - Ezx + Fxy - Gy* + HJ/Z) zV + 2 ( - Cxy + Fzx + Gtyz - Hz2)«y = 0. • r: ». f&u* ..... (43) The eliminant of these two quadrics (42, 43) with lx -\- my -f- nz' = 0 in the known form {(be' + b'c - 2f f)i3 + . . . + 2 (gb/ 4- g'h - af - a'f) mn + . ..}* - 4 {(be - P)P + . . . + 2 (gh - af) mn + . . . } {(b'c' - f2)/2 + ...} = 0, .(44) is, if L = lx + my + ns, (t> + 4PL*)2 - 16FLV. 34. For (be - f2) Z2 + . . . -f 2 (gh - af ) mn + . . . = 36s, 4{(b'c'-f/2)Z2 + . . ,}^4{(BC-F2)x2 + . . . + 2(GH- ~ 4 (Discrt. of s) L2« Hence 4 {(be -£*)?+. ..}{(b'c'- f'2)/2 +...} = 36P2LV. . . (45) Observing now that 4A= — — -.(— V 4F-. ~" ' _ 3; 3j; Bx By d it appears at once from (30, 3 1 ) § 24 that — substituting s for — MB. J. J. WALKKK ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 169 4 ( _ Ayz - Fx> + Gxy + Hzx) so that 4 (be' + b'c-2ff')/2 +... a*w a*M 3 + u» §? - w 9»M \ 1 + • • • f \&u(d*\* ,^f/3«v 0 3^ a»a»\ K, ' 1 9^ h o _ . • j J » " *" + " the negative term in which being the result of substituting n ds/dy — m dsjdz for x' . . . in is (§30) -Ct>; .... (46) consequently, (45) (46), sixteen times the eliminant (44) is 0 ..... (47) As was mentioned, (38), §31, the terms multiplied by 4s within [ ]a in (47) are equal to -6PL, so that the elimiuant is simply, after division by 36, or v (v + 8PLs) = 0. MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. Z 170 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 35. The presence of the factor v in this result is accounted for by the fact that the solution has been really that of the more general question : "to find the locus of the CoTES-points of all chorda of u (relatively to their intersections with L) which touch s " ; discarding, therefore, this factor, the equation of the tangents to u at the points u = 0, L = Ix + my + nz = 0, • is CT = v + 8PLs = 0 (48) Reverting now to the form (40) of v, in which the equation of the three tangents to u at the points u = 0, Jx + my + nz = 0 is found in its standard form ; viz., wherein £ 77, £ are to be replaced in v and its second differential coefficients by I, m, n. 36. It will be satisfactory to verify the general expression for the satellite chord of L by applying it to the canonical form of u, for which CAYLEY has obtained the form referred to in § 6. For u EE OKI? -f- fty3 + C2;3 + 6ea;ys, - 8(abc 8 ' = - 4&W + 32es(cm*l + Zm3/) + 48&ce%»», , 3% i8-s = «*; whence, + 48 ^) ^ = {abc(bd* - ZcamH - 2al>nH) - S(abc + 2e3)oem2n2}x. . . (50) Again, MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 171 4cam8/ + 4«&"S0 - 32(a6c + 2e»)^mn - 6(abc + cam8/ + a&n8/) + 32(a6c + 2e*)ePmn -f 8(abc + whence, Zn2 ) x • • • ( 5 1 ) From (oO) (51) there results, as the equation of the satellite chord of L, (abc + % sy" ~ w a/' a^y " • u> if x"y"z" should be a point on the poloid *, the two chords having it as their COTES- point will coincide — as would otherwise be inferred from the consideration that any' point on s might be regarded as the point of intersection of two coincident tan en ts become a " double chord," and its equation will be either "-L-,)=0, . (54) or one of two analogous forms resulting from the interchange of x", y' or x", z". Otherwise, the equation of the double chord through (x"y"z"), a point on * is 174 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 42. But considering a point (x'y'z) on L, the double chord through it is, plainly, that connecting it with the point in which its polar line touches the envelope s, viz., this is the polar with respect to s of the CoTES-point on that polar-line (§ 29). Its equation, thus considered, is therefore /3s \ /a»\ /a»\ with the coordinates of the CoTES-point referred to substituted for xyz in (ds/dx) (3s/3?/) (3s/3z); those coordinates being (36). § 29, a/ ;k' _ a^a_^ a«' ay 3«' a?*' a/ aj = 43. This being cubic in x'2/V, and of five dimensions in the coefficients of u, its envelope, obtained as the condition that Ix + my' + nz' = 0 shall touch the ternary cubic in x'y'z', will be a curve of order 4 in xyz, of order 6 in Imn, and of order* 8 in the coefficients of u. This envelope, as well as that of the complex of chords of u, connected with the polar line of a point on L by having their CoTES-points on it, but not passing through its pole, will be more conveniently considered by means of special forms of s and u, to which every cubic may be reduced. * This would appear to be 20, but another form of the equation of the double-chord, into which the coefficients of u enter only in the second degree, may be obtained from that of s (8 bis) given in the Note to § 22. Combining (i) and (iii) of that Note, the coordinates of the point of contact of the polar line of (x'y'z) with the poloid (D, fig. 1) are at once given as proportional to respectively ; hence, the line joining this point with (x'y'z') is w' (aDw'j + y Dw'2 + z DM'S) — DM' (xu\ + yu'3 + zu's) = 0. But, if 6a . . . 6/ . . . stand for rftuldx- . . . &u/dy 3« . . . ; \, /«, v for ^m — ftn, »n — 7?, fil — am, respectively, DM'! = \a' + ph' + vg', D«'s = \h' + fti + •/', Du's = \g' + /. while, since Ix' -f my' + nz' = 0 t'ft — y'v = z' (an — i=0, and from the third and fourth fls=0, 63=0, MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. 2 A 178 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. since 6 = 0 or a = 0 is excluded by the form of s, now reduced to s/n*= -e*z*+abxy, ... ...... (64) and u is reduced to the terms cz 3 Gexyz ...... (65) 49. The line z = 0 meets u in the points x : y = 6* : - a*, ' x : y = 3&* : - S'a*. x : y = $'&» : - (£, A' being the imaginary cube roots of — 1, so that a + 3'=l, A»'=l, S3 =-.»', ys=-A, ^ + ^ and the tangents to u at these points are o*6*y — 2ez, (66) the common equation to the three being, by actual multiplication, a*ba? + a&V — SeV + 6a6ea«/2 = 0, ...... (67) or, restoring lapsed factors, w = o?Wn*u - { SaWcjn*x + SaWcjfy + (a262cw* + Babe V)z] nV =0. . (68) Further, the same equation may be thrown into the form ra = a262n6 (oua? + &/ - 2«ryz) + 8a&en3 ( — e2n2z2 + a6n2a;?/) 712 = 0. . (69) 50. The tangential equation of s is now simply = 0, where 4C = - a262n4, 4H = 2abe*n*. MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 179 The general value (37) 5 30, of v, the Cotesian of L, now reduces to v = _ (03* + ty 4. „? + 3Clz»x + 3cjZ8y + Gexyz) ( — «8ft8u«) - n8z8 { - a8ft*n* (c^ + c*y + cz) + 2afte8n* (ez)\ + 2iiz { — aWn* (cz2 + 2^zx + 2c$z)} + 2 (e*n*zs + aft/i%) 2 ( - aftn8) em*, i.e., v = aW (no* + ft?/3 — Zexyz) ...... . . (70) a cubic having a node at the pole of L (now 2 = 0) with respect to *, the tangents to s being also the nodal tangents of the Cotesian v. 51. The comparison of the equations (69) (70) of m and v verifies the relation, (48) §37, m = v + 8PL». since, in the present form (65) of u, the Cayleyan P, for the values of the line coordinates / = 0, m = 0, is simply P = often3 ........... (71) 52. Eliminating y and x successively between • v = oar5 -|- by3 — 2exyz = 0, .s = — c222 + abxy = 0, there result (a*ba* - e3?8)8 = 0, showing that v has triple contact with * ; viz., when the loop of v is real it touches s at the point x:y:z = (««&)-» : (aft8)-* : e'1 ; or at the point determined by the real lines, or any pair of them, (azft)»a; = (aft*)'y = ez. Now, making 2 = 0 in u and v, the points in which L meets these cubics are determined by ax* + fey3 = 0, the real one being o»x + ft'y = 0, Z=0, 2 A 2 180 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. so that the connectors of the pole of L (with respect to s) with this point and the point of contact of v ivith s are harmonic conjugates relatively to the tangents to s from that pole. 53. The polar line of P (xfy'o), a point on L, meets the Cotesian v in three points (say, D0 its CoTES-point) and two other points (say, Dlf D2), while it touches the poloid s in a point D. Now D0 is also the CoTES-point on this polar line relatively to the point D and the cubic v : to prove this — The coordinates of D are, (59), § 45, x : y : z = bey1'2 : aex'2 : — abx'y', . . . ..... (72) and . t ..{'.. (73) becomes, for those values of the coordinates of D, 3,y 82 ' : Sax'* viz., the u-polar line of D is 3 (ax'3 + fy'3) (y'x + x'y) - x'y' (ax'*x + by'2y + Zex'y'z) = 0 ; . . (75) but 00;'% + by'2y + Zcx'y'z = 0 ........ (70) is the w-polar line of (x'y'o), and y'x + x'y =0, . . . .tl.^j aaiJ", /B.iJ x*' (77) the s-polar of the same point, cuts it in its CoTES-point, D0 (35), § 28. Thus the three lines (75) (76) (77) meet in one point (D0), and this is the «-CoTES-point relatively to P, and the v-CoTES-point to D of (76) ; whence 3 ' + ' I DD0 • DD0 n DD, or 2 1 1 DD0 ~ DD, " as verified very exactly in figs. 2, 3, i.e., the CoTEB-point on the polar line of a point in L is harmonic-conjugate to its point of contact with the poloid of L and u relatively Ml! J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 181 to the two other points in which it meets the Cotesian v ; and is thus discriminated from them, when all three are real If one only is real, that of course is the COTES- point. 54. The general form given above (49), § 35, for the satellite chord of the line L, may be verified from the form it takes for the present one of u (65), the reciprocal of which — as far as the terms giving those which do not vanish in its second differential coefficients for £ = 0, 17 = 0, £ = n — is v = a a>,C- + 6as&fi,£V - 24«te«£*£, ; ... (78) viz., for those values of £ 77, £, while the reciprocal of s ( = — e22z + abxy) being now 43-«2)«2=0 ..... (90) since the triangle x = 0, y = 0, z — Ois self-conjugate with respect to that conic ; and as conditions for the terms yz, zx, xy disappearing from its equation &a3 + «A = 2 V> ] «&3 + «s*>i = 2a^, I ......... (91) ab — aA = 0. But since the equation of the three tangents to u at the points u = 0, z = 0 is now of the form ku — Jfc'z2 = 0, and one of them passes through the point y = 0, 2=0, 2 B 2 188 MR. J. .T. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. the term y? must disappear from u, or a=0, which (91) necessitates either a.2 or ?>i = 0 ; but the supposition . a., = 0 would imply a second of the tangents to u at the points u = 0, 2=0 passing through the point y = 0, 2 = 0, so that 6, = 0, and therefore, by the second of the three conditions (91) e = 0 ; whence, by the first, b:a2 = -&3:«3 ....... • • (92) 64. Thus the equation to the cubic is reduced to the terms by* + C2s + sc^fy + SagO^z + 3b which, taking the values of u, s, A, B, C (93, 94, 95), for the present case, is identi- cally equal to four times 8V (by* + cz8 + Sa^y + Sa^z + 3b3y*z + 3c,22.r + 3c2z2y) + a^) + as2a363n4 (by + bsz) -f bafn* fax + c# + cz)} a,6,z2) n* [ba^(a^y + a3z) + (- a22n2) (by + 63z)} = feaz3n6 (by3 Rejecting the factor 6a33Ha, and applying the relation (92), a8&3/& = — 03, or 6o3/a2 = — 68, this result is, as before (98) ; or, with the rejected factors restored, v = (by3 -f Sogafy - a^z - b^z) X 4&a3sna, ... (98 bis) a cubic having a node at the point x = 0, y = 0, 190 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. viz., the s-pole of L or z = 0 ; the nodal tangents being or (92) - ......... (99) - by* = 0. The node, therefore, will be real or unreal, as »2, 6 are of the same, or unlike signs. 67. Since, now (94) as&322, it appears that the nodal tangents (99) of v are the tangents to s at the points * = 0, L, or 2 = 0, and will therefore only be real when L cuts its poloid in real points, as shown before (§ 50). The transversal L meets the Cotesian v, as well as the cubic u, at the points 2 = 0, y = 0, z = 0, byt+Sa^^O, . . . (100) which last two will be real only when v is acnodal, or when L does not meet s in real points. 68. The tangents to • u = &y3 + ex3 + 3ckffy + 3a3o:22 at the points u = 0, L, or z = 0, are (48) CT = v + 8PLs if, as just above, viz., in this case, then, tsr/4 = ?>a2s - 4a326323/a22), . . (101) since, for the above form of u, with £ = 0, 77 = 0, £ = n, P = — 2&a2a3w3. .. . . . , .. :. . (102) Now, the terms within brackets in CT are equal to (by - &32) (&V + 3&a2a;2 -f 46632/2 + 4&3222)/&2 or J. , (103) (by - 632) (6y + v' - S&tt^ + 2&32) (6y - vx J Mil. .1. .1. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 191 which factors may be identified with the three tangents to u at the points u = 0, 2 =r 0 ; viz., the points 2=0, y=0; 2 = 0,i/=±v — Sa^/b x. These will be real points only when ba3 are of unlike sign ; i.e., when L does not meet s in real points, and v is acnodal. 69. The Cotesian (98) — discarding the factor 4&ai8»<— by* + Sa^y — a^z — b^z == 0 and the primitive cubic u (93) are plainly intersected by L, or z = 0, in the same three points, and the tangents to v at these points will be derivable from those to u by changing therein 3«3 into — a,, 3&s into — 68 ; viz., their equations are 3by + 6,2 = 0, 1 )> ...... (104) ± 3 V — 36ojO; + 3by — 26g2 = 0. J 70. The equation to s (94) being - ba#? + 6y — V2* = 0, shows by its form that the tangent to u at the point (L or) z = 0, y = 0, viz., the line (103) ty — &32 = °. or is, in the present case, from the values of the differential coefficients given (98), § 65, (a^-b^)(y'x-x'y) + (3l^2-a^)x'z = 0, . . . (107) or, arranged as a binary cubic in x'y', 3M x'y"2 - ^ = o. . The discriminant of this last form gives the envelope of the double chord as the point x'y' describes the line L, or z = 0 ; viz., it is 3w = - {afx* +3 (a2y + a3?) (by + 3bsz)} (Bba^ + (by + 3b3z)*} . (108) or 3w = — 36a2 (agx3 + 36y2)2 + 2a2 (a or (92) ty — &sz = 0, gives x2= 0, viz., the tangent to u at the point y = 0, z = 0, (103), § 68, touches w at the point x :y:z= 0 : bs : b, in which w meets s ; and the same line has been shown (§ 70) to touch s at that point. From this it would follow at once that the other two tangents to u, at the points L or z = 0, u = 0, touch both w and s at the same points ; but this is shown by (113) above, since w and s appear at once from it to have double contact at the points in which s is met by the line 2by + b.z = 0, MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 195 which has been proved (§ 71) to be the chord of contact with s of the two tangents referred to (by + 2&sz)2 = 0. 76. Generally then, when the transversal L meets the cubic u in three real points, w the envelope of the double chords of pencils of lines through points in L, is a tricuspidal quartic having triple contact with s, the poloid of L, at the points in which it is touched by the three tangents to u at the points L = 0, « = 0 ; the cuspidal tangents being the s-polars of those three points; and the fourth pair of points common to w and s lie on the line L. In Plate 8 the envelope w is figured for the case of L being the line at infinity and the cubic u a modification of the Cissoid, as more particularly described below (§ 91). The property of the double chord touching w in a point which is harmonic to its second intersection with the poloid * relatively to its CoTES-point and intersection with L, has been proved in § 59 by the use of other lines of reference, with the reality or imaginariness of which it is, plainly, unconnected. 77. When L touches w, it and the tangent at the point where it again meets the cubic being taken as 2 = 0, y=0, and their chord of contact with the poloid s as x= 0, the equation of the poloid (10) is reduced, since 1 = 0, m = 0, to (06, - as8) a2 + (6a3 + as&3 - 2\e) yz = 0, the conditions for which are (ib.) 60, -&,« = <>, ........ (i.) «,863 — e2 =0, ........ (ii.) a&s + «A — 2y | O/~| /» 'V* « o j> \ _!.-.. /^ ««'2 \ vto"Qt*' T / \ "Q^ \ ^jLt-o'-'Q'*'' */ r^ ^(tnt/o*l/ w I ^^ C/o u I — , •>(/ ' 1* I ^^— ^/, or = 0 (117) MR. J. J. WALKER ON THK DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 197 the envelope of which as x'y describes the line L or 2 = 0, is w = ajz8 + 8&37/z = 0, ........ (H8) another conic having double contact with * and v at the same points. 80. Lastly, the chord through a point (x"y"z") on the polar line of x'y, any point on L which has the former as its CoTES-point, but which is not one of the pencil of chords through (x'y'z'}, is (53) — when 2' = 0, and L is 2 = 0 — ^' {,/z" (zx* - *-) + x'z" (z,f - yz") } + 2 y'z" (z,j" - yz") - 0. But here 9V' whence the chord in question is -y'y"z"x-(x'y"+1y'x")z"y + (x'y" + 3y'x")y"z = 0. • . (119) 81. The polar line of x'y'Q being the envelope of the chord (119) above, as x'y'z" describes the polar line just mentioned, determined as the condition that ya!" + ajy + b&'*z" = 0 shall touch x'2y"2 - (y'x + x'y)y"z" - 2yyz"x" + 3y'zx"y" = 0, is — dividing out the factor i/* — ('x -f Sfejy'z)8 + 8a.2bsxt3yz = 0, ...... (120) or, as it may be otherwise written, 'x - btf'z)* + 86, (Za^y'x + a^ + b^z) 2 = 0, (121) a conic inscribed in the triangle formed by the Hues y = 0, L or 2 = 0, and the polar line of the point x'y on L. 198 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. V. NEWTONIAN DIAMETERS. 82. If L is the line at infinity, then 1 : m : n = sin A : sin B : sin C, = a. : j8 : y\ and to the CoTES-point of a chord through a given point on L (x'y'z') corresponds the " mean point " on a chord parallel to a given line, the " direction coordinates " of which are, § 44, m-ftl *£-y£ ft-™i\ ..... (122) the line being written & + yy + & - 0 ; viz., the quantities (122) may be considered as the coordinates of the point in which this line, and all parallel to it, meet the line at infinity. To every equation in the preceding part of this Paper involving as parameters (x'y'z') the coordinates of a point on L, a finite line, now corresponds one in which x'y'z' are replaced by X : /* : v = yr? - ft : at, - y£ - : ft - ay. ' ." . . (123) Thus, for the polar line of x'y'z' (7) now appears D2?< (4), § 17, i.e., which is, plainly, the locus of a point 0 on a chord parallel to £r + . . . = 0, and meeting the cubic u in the points O1( O2, O3, such that OO, + O02 + 003 = 0 ; '. . !' " . . . (125) viz., O is the " mean point " on the chord relatively to the triad 0^ 0.;, O3. The line (124) is the Newtonian Diameter of the system of chords (V1') '> an<^ ^ envelope, since (123) «X + /8/x + yv = 0 . .. . .. ^ ( . . .. . (1 20) the " centroid," i.e., the " poloid " of the line at infinity, is or uny? 4- ... + Uy$)Z + . . . = 0, where «,, = 0 is now the condition that d,u should be a parabola . . . , MB. J. J. WALKKll ON THK Dl \\IKTK1JS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 199 ttjg = 0, that the line at infinity should be cut harmonically by the conies 3,u, 3jtt . . . . The condition that the cubic u should touch the line at infinity in the standard form (b*c* 4-...)a8-f... = 0 is equal to four times that for the centroid being parabolic and touching the finite asymptote of u ; and 83. When the cubic meets the line at infinity in three real points, or the three asymptotes are real, the centroid is an ellipse inscribed in the triangle formed by these lines, so as to touch them at their middle points (Plate 8). But if the cubic u has only one real intersection with the line at infinity, then the centroid is a hyperbola, having the single real asymptote as a tangent ; and The asymptotes of the hyperbolic centroid are the only real pair of conjugate diameters of the cubic u, viz., each cuts every chord parallel to the other in its mean point, and in particular divides the tangential chord of the cubic parallel to the other, or the parallel nodal chord if the cubic is nodal, in the ratio of 2 : 1. Thus in Plate 7 the chords BBj, B'B'j, B'2, parallel to one asymptote of the centroid, are divided in such wise by the other asymptote in the points Bg, B'0. 84. The mean point on any diameter of u regarded as a chord of that cubic is the point in which it is met by the diameter of the centroid conjugate in direction to its chords, the "double" one (§ 7) of which is the s-polar § 42 of that mean point. The locus of the mean points of diameters of the cubic is the nodal cubic v, the Cotesian of the line at infinity, having as its nodal tangents the asymptote* of the centroid, and being therefore acnodal when the three asymptotes of the cubic are all real (Plate 8), the acuode, or conjugate point, being the centre of the elliptic centroid. The asymptotes of the cubic v meeting, two and two, on the diameters of s through its points of triple contact with v, are parallel to those of the primitive cubic u ; and the line at infinity is its inflexional axis, these inflexions being at the points in which the asymptotes of « meet that line. In Plate 8 the Cotesian is represented with three hyperbolic branches, each touching the centroid ; in Plate 7, with a real loop touching the centroid, and a single real asymptote parallel to that of the cubic u. 85. The envelope of the " double ordinates " of the Newtonian Diameters is repre- sented in Plate 8 as a quartic (w) with three real cusps, the three diameters of the centroid conjugate to the asymptotes of u being the cuspidal tangents. This quartic wt as well as the Cotesian v, has triple contact with the centroid at the points of contact of the asymptotes of u. In Plate 7, the cubic u having only one real asymptote, the quartic w has only one real cusp ; also it and v have only one real contact with * at the point of contact of the real asymptote with *. Within the limits of the diagram the only parts of w visible are (i.) that adjoining the contact referred to, terminating on one side with the point of contact (C7) of the double ordinate CD of the diameter DD0 — in this case (of L being at infinity) the point on CD conjugate to D (§ 59) being at infinity, D is the centre of the segment CC' — and (ii.) the cusp of w with the 200 MR. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. contact C'] of another double ordinate C'D', of the diameter D'D'0, D' being the centre of C'C\. It will be observed that D0, D'0 are the mean points of the diameters DD0, D'D'0, D0 being harmonic conjugate to D with respect to DjDo, the other twx> real intersections with v (§ 58). 86. In Plate (8) is shown an "alien" ordinate EE0 of DD0, having its mean point EQ on that diameter (§ 61), but being an ordinate of the other tangent to s which might be drawn through E0. The parabola, which is the envelope of these " alien " ordinates through the different points on DD(J, is also shown, touching DD0 at the point D0, and having the connector of that point with the centre of the centroid as diameter (88), this connector being now the representative of the y'x + x'y = Q of the equation just cited, the connector of the CoTES-point on the polar line of (x'y'O) with the pole of the transversal L, now become the line at infinity. 87. The asymptotes of the centroid offer themselves as an unique pair of Cotesian axes to which the cubic may be frequently referred with advantage, its equation being then u = ax3 + bf -f- 6exy + Sc^x + 3c2y + c = 0, . . . . • . (i.) and the centroid, with changed sign — which is now immaterial — e~=-0. . , ....... (ii.) For many discussions also it is convenient to define the diameter by the coordinates (x"y") of its point of contact with s. The equation of its double ordinate will now be ax"(x - x") + e(y- y"} = 0 ; . . ... . (iii.) and that of its " alien " ordinate at the point x1yl x — x^+ey](y — yJ=Q. . ,•;•.-.-,. . (iv.) It will be sufficient to indicate the steps by which these may be verified indepen- dently of the general formulae given in the earlier part of this Memoir. The diameter is the tangent to (ii.) at x"y" or y'x + x"y - 2x"y" = 0, . ,, ,. -,,-*. ,., . fa (v.) the coordinates of the mean point of which may be found as one-third of the sums of those of its intersections with u. The polar of this mean point is (iii.) ; and that of the mean point of the second tangent to s through ,rlyl on (v.) is (iv.) MB. J. J. WALKER ON THE DIAMETERS OF A PLANE CUBIC. 201 88. The secondary chords through points lying on a given diameter, and having them as their mean points, being inclined at varying angles with that diameter, to determine that one which makes a given angle — say 6 — with the diameter tan 6 = y"(ax"xl — eyj sin oj/fay"*^ + ex'yl — y"(ax"xl -}• ey^ cos a>} , 01 being the angle between the asymptotes of the centroid : viz., it is the chord which meets the diameter in the point (x^y^ such that xl:y1 = e (y"(cos ) + x" tan 6} : ax" [x" (cos = (ax"3 - ey") sin , i.e., the intersections of the conic a (x2 cos a> — xy) -f e ( — x + y cos a») = 0 with the centroid ; or, multiplying by 6, those of the parabolas abx* cos at + be ( — x -f- y cos o>) — e2 = 0, aby2 cos ta -\- ae(x cos — abeyz — bezy -\- e3 cos J i-H IM CQ - oo oo I o I 1 ffe 11 !! E-S PH t, o> Por 2nd current. •s-g o hj 5 1411 d*5! •". •" i-l 7Q OJ »OO(M-'Jl-*OoaJO I-HrHrH I-H(M(NIM4 14 14 14 14 I —i o» (N 1-1 o a> —i o» (N 1-1 co«-Hi>-«aOi-c I i— 1 i— I >-l (M (JJ ol 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO «4 «4 •* d i-c t-H 6l !M OJ !N 1 1 1 1 II 1 rt -N (M -N (M IM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I rH 1-1 •?! 11 rHr-li-Hi— I rl p- rH r-4 i-H ~H i— I ". • : O • ^ ^ O rH - •* • OS CO CO «O OS .O • ...., . as . •* CO • CO O>OOCO-*COCOrH< rH I-H (M (M CO <*i rH ( I >i: MKNSIONS OF RINGS AND RODS OF IRON AND OTHER METALS. 223 The tables contain twenty columns, which, for convenience of reference, are lettered from A to T. A gives the number of GROVE'S cells used. B the resistance in ohms inserted to vary the current when only one cell was in use. C shows the scale divisions indicated immediately before the circuit was closed (i.e., the temporary zero), the metal having been recently demagnetised. D gives the readings obtained on closing the circuit for the first time after demagnetisation. E contains the differences of C and D, giving the elongations or retractions in scale divisions. F gives the scale readings immediately before the circuit was closed the second time (another temporary zero). Owing to small changes of temperature, the position of the wire was nearly always different by several divisions from that denoted in column C. G gives the deflections when the circuit was closed for the second time after demagnetisation. H contains the differences of F and G. I, J, K are repetitions of C, D, E, the rod having been again demagnetised. L, M, N are repetitions of F, G, H. O gives the means of E and K. P the means of H and M. Q contains the ammeter readings of the currents. It the currents in amperes obtained by multiplying the ammeter readings by the factor 0'1356 or I '356, according as the coils of the instrument were arranged (by the commutator) in series or in parallel. S gives the field at the middle of the coil, obtained by multiplying the amperes by 92. T shows the elongations and retractions in ten-millionths of length obtained by multiplying the figures in column O by 1 "8 for the iron and by 27 for the cobalt. The first of the experiments with the iron rod was made on Dec. 19, 1887, the second on Jan. 4, 1888, the whole apparatus having been in the meantime dismantled and the rod removed from the coil, which had been used for another purpose. In the first experiment currents of descending as well as of ascending strength were used. In the second only one smaller current was applied after the strongest, the experiment being then stopped. The following points should be noticed : — (I.) The very close agreement between the results obtained on different days, 224 MR. S. BIDWELL ON CHANGES PRODUCED BY MAGNETISATION IN particularly with the smaller currents. Such variations as exceed the specified limits of observational errors may be fully accounted for by small differences of temperature affecting the susceptibility of the iron. (2.) The close agreement between the deflections obtained with ascending and with descending currents. As before, changes of temperature would account for the greater part of such differences as exist. (3.) In the thirty-three pairs of observations recorded in columns F and K, there is only one instance in which the discrepancy exceeds a single scale division, and in that case the full battery of 30 cells was in use. This shows that the degree of precision aimed at was practically attained, at least in the final results, which are the means of two observations. The greatest reasonably possible combination of errors in the measurements of the parts of the apparatus and of the distance of the mirror from the scale would not, even assuming that they all conspired together in one direction, affect the results to a greater extent than about 1 per cent. It may therefore be taken as exceedingly probable that the figures recorded in the table correctly represent to one ten-millionth part of the length of the rod the elongations and retractions which actually occurred. The slight variations in the results obtained upon different days or when the order of the currents was reversed are mainly due to differences in the physical condition of the iron (thermal or magnetic), and not to instrumental or observational errors. Pig. 5. In order that an idea may be formed of the extent of such variations, the diagram fig. 5 has been constnicted, in which the three series of observations have been plotted together, the points belonging to each different series being distinguished by a different kind of mark. Those of the first experiment with ascending currents are marked with crosses ; those of the same experiment with descending currents are marked with crosses surrounded by circles ; and those of the second experiment with ascending currents are distinguished by dots. A smooth curve is drawn through all the marks. DIMENSIONS OF EINGS AND BODS OF IRON AND OTHER METALS. 225 There is only one instance in which a point appears to deviate from the curve by a distance equal to as much as half the height of one of the small square spaces, namely, when the magnetic force is about 425 units. Now the height of one of these spaces corresponds to five ten-millionths of the length of the rod ; or, since the rod is four inches (10 cm.) in length, to an absolute length of two-millionths of an inch. Half the height of a space, therefore, represents a length of one-millionth of an inch,* and this is the widest deviation which occurs in the whole of the three series of obser- vations. It is clear that in the great majority of cases the deviation from the mean curve is very much less, not often being so great as one-fifth of a space height, or one two-and-half-millionth part of an inch. The close agreement of columns E and K also shows how perfectly the demag- netising apparatus fulfilled its object. It appears from columns H and M that the elongating effect of the second current after a demagnetisation was generally different from that of the first, the difference being of course accounted for by permanent magnet ism .t The figures giving the remarkable cobalt curve are just as regular as those which relate to the iron. In the results of the 14 pairs of observations in columns E and K there is not a single discrepancy of more than 1 scale division. Observations were made both with ascending and with descending currents, all of which are plotted in fig. 4. It was not until after the experiment was nearly completed that my attention was called to the fact of the retraction reaching a maximum with currents of medium strength, and falling off when stronger currents were applied. Thinking that this might possibly be an effect of heat upon susceptibility, I put on all the 30 cells at once, the metal having been first allowed to become quite cool. The deflection was, however, just the same as that which the 30 cells had produced before. There can be no doubt that the curve in fig. 4 correctly represents the effect of magnetisation upon the length of my rod of cobalt. Whether all specimens of the metal would behave in exactly the same manner is not so certain. Professor BARRKTT found { that cobalt was elongated when magnetised. From the analogy of iron it seems not unlikely that a softer rod of cobalt than mine would in the earlier stages of magnetisation undergo some elongation ; but it is more than probable that with sufficiently high magnetic forces such elongation would be ultimately converted into retraction of the kind indicated by the curve in fig. 4. In the experiments with ring No. 0 the observations were only made once, so that their individual accuracy cannot be tested by comparison. * About one-twentieth part of the wave-length of green light. t [It appears from a comparison of the figures in columns O and P of Tables III. and IV. that the permanent elongation which remains when the magnetising force has been withdrawn increases until the magnetising force which produced it reaches about 130 units, after which it is nearly constant. It has been pointed out that this fact tallies well with the known constancy of residual magnetism when the fields are strong.— May 14th, 1888.] $ ' Nature,' vol. 26, 1882, p. 585. MIX i i I. \\XVIII. —A. 2 G 226 MR. S. BIDWELL ON CHANGES PRODUCED BY MAGNETISATION IN In the case of ring No. 1 (the experiment upon which, as upon all others except ring No. 0, was conducted exactly in the manner described for the iron rod No. 1 and the cobalt rod) there was no discrepancy gi-eater than 1 scale division in the two series of 13 observations (columns E and K), except in one instance when there was evidently a mistake. The number of pairs of observations with ring No. 2 was 19, in 14 of which the discrepancy did not exceed 1 division. Of the five greater discrepancies all but one occurred with descending currents, when the ring was suffering from the heating effect of the full battery. There is some reason to believe that the demagnetisation was not so perfect in this experiment as in the others. Eleven pairs of observations were made with the iron rod No. 2. In two cases there were discrepancies of 2 divisions ; no other discrepancy exceeded 1. In consequence of the very great effect produced by small changes of temperature upon the susceptibility of nickel, the pairs of observations with this metal were not nearly so concordant as those with iron and cobalt. The number of double observa- tions made was 11. With 5 of these (including a case in which there was an evident misreading of 5 divisions) the discrepancy did not exceed 1 ; twice it was 2, three times it was 3. One observation of a pair was rejected on account of the evident fact that the demagnetisation had been accidentally omitted.* But, though the discrepancies axe great in comparison with those which occurred with the other metals, their absolute magnitude is very small, and it is not probable that any point in the nickel curve, fig. 4, is in error by so much as a millionth of an inch,t or two ten-millionths of the length of the strip. ADDENDUM. Received June 5, 1888. THROUGH the great kindness of Mr. W. H. PBEECE, F.R.S., who allowed me the unrestricted use of the large battery of secondary cells employed in lighting his residence at Wimbledon, I have been able to repeat some of my experiments with much stronger magnetising currents. The instrument and the magnetising coil used and the mode of working were exactly the same as before, but it was thought desirable to vary the samples of the metals, in order that it might appear how far the peculiarities already noticed were independent of the particular specimens which had been examined. * The demagnetising process involved eight separate operations, including the closing and opening of switches. The omission of any one of these might render the process of no effect. f When the discrepancy was 3 scale divisions the probable error of the mean = 0'67 X 1'5 = 1 scale division = 0-000018 mm. = 0'00000072 inch (or less than a millionth) = O'OOOOOOIG of the length (or less than two ten-millionths). DI.MK.NSIONS ()K KIMiS AND KoDS OK II{o.N AND OTIIK.K MKTAI.S 227 The iron was a piece of soft charcoal wire, 7'5 cm. in length, and 0'32 cm. in diameter. The nickel was also a drawn wire, its length being 7 '5 cm., and diameter 0*3 cm. The cobalt was a short rod turned from a cylindrical casting. When finished its length was 4'1 cm., and diameter 0'5 cm. The nickel and cobalt were supplied by Messrs. JOHNSON and MATTHEY, who prepared them expressly for these experiments. Both were probably purer than the specimens previously used. The new cobalt rod in particular was much softer than the old one, and no great difficulty was experienced in turning it in the lathe — an operation which I performed myself. The results of a series of experiments with these rods are given in Table VI., and plotted as curves in fig. 6, the points at which observations were made being distin- guished by crosses. It was not attempted, and, indeed, under the circumstances, it would not have been possible, to make the observations with the same degree of precision as in the first described experiments. The values of the elongations and retractions are therefore given in two-million ths of the lengths (expressed for convenience as multiples of five ten-millionths) instead of in ten-millionths. To this degree of approximation identical values of the elongations could be obtained for the same magnetising forces with tolerable certainty, and the accuracy of the tabulated results may be accepted as amply sufficient for the purpose in view. TABLE VI. Magnetic field in Elongations in tcn-millionths of length. C.O.8. unit*. Iron. CoUlt Nickel 35 - 85 100 15 -10 -135 220 f -25 ri 310 0 -45 -210 500 -35 -30 -225 »c>:. t < -20 -235 7 t-.~i -50 0 -245 875 15 960 -60 30 -2*5 112(1 -65 45 -240 i-ji:. t 4 55 -250 1806 -65 65 -245 1400 -66 75 -245 1500 -65 '••' NOTE. — Where no observations are recorded none were made. A second series of observations with magnetising forces up to about 400 units was subsequently made in my own laboratory (a battery of seven GROVE'S cells being 2o2 228 MR. S. BIDWELL ON CHANGES PRODUCED BY MAGNETISATION IN employed) in order to arrive at a more definite determination of those portions of the curves where greater detail seemed to be required. The corresponding values of magnetising force and change of length thus obtained are given in Table VII., and indicated by dots in the diagram fig. 6. TABLE VII. Elongations in tcn-millionths of length. Magnetic field in C.G.S. unite. Iron. Cobalt. Nickel. 65 13 0 -104 90 17 , . . . 112 • • - 8 • • 125 19 t t -167 181 13 -19 -199 237 7 -31 -218 293 0 -37 -233 343 - 6 -44 -240 393 -13 -43 -242 Fis*. 6. Referring to this diagram, it will be seen that in the cases of iron and cobalt the coincidence of the two sets of observations is as close as could be expected. The earlier portions of these curves have, in fact, been drawn through the dots without any regard to the position of the crosses. But for nickel the two series of results diverge very considerably. The curve is here drawn as smoothly as possible through DIMENSIONS OF RINGS AND RODS OP IRON AND OTHER METALS. 229 the crosses, and the dots are seen to lie evenly and regularly a little below it. A discrepancy of this kind might, under the circumstances, have been foreseen. It is beyond doubt due to the fact which I have frequently noticed and already remarked upon in this paper, that the degree of retraction which nickel undergoes when magnetised is materially affected by differences of temperature,* a fact which may be explained by the well-known influence of heat in diminishing the magnetic suscep- tibility of that metal. Now the temperature of Mr. PRBECE'S engine-room on the afternoon of May 25, when the secondary battery experiments were carried out, was most uncomfortably high, whereas the air pf my laboratory when the other experiments were made, three days later, was bitterly cold. Unfortunately no thermometer readings were taken, but the difference of the temperatures on the two occasions could not have been less than 10° C. Such a difference is, I think, sufficient to account for the discrepancy of the two series of results. The results of the experiments referred to in this addendum may be stated as follows. Save as to mere details, which may be expected to vary more or less with different specimens of the metals used, according to their purity and physical condition, the results lastly obtained are in agreement with the former ones, so far as these go. With regard to details, the new specimen of cobalt reaches its maximum retraction at an earlier stage than the old one, namely, at about 300 units instead of 400. Both, however, agree in not yielding the smallest indication of either retraction or elongation in weak fields. The retraction exhibited by the new nickel rod is enormous, being for equal mag- netising forces more than twice as great as that of the old one, and ultimately amounting to nearly l/40000th part of its length. I believe this to be accounted for by its superior purity. The new iron curve differs from that in fig. 4 in showing a somewhat smaller maximum elongation and a greater amount of retraction, but the two are of just the same general character. The latest results are so far merely confirmatory of the earlier ones. But they go further, and afford information concerning the behaviour of the metals in far stronger tields than were before obtained. They show clearly that the retractions of iron and of nickel reach a limit in fields of a certain intensity, about 1000 for iron and 800 for nickel in the specimens examined, the retraction in stronger fields being neither greater nor less. My conjec- ture that a minimum length might possibly be passed is therefore not supported. On the other hand, it appears that the length of the cobalt rod, after passing through a minimum, regains its original value in a field the strength of which is for this particular rod about 750 units, and then rapidly increases, the increments of length • I find that Professor BARBKTT had observed this effect of heat. ' Nature,1 vol. 26, 1882, p. 586. —June 13, 1888. 230 MB. S. BIDWELL ON CHANGES PRODUCED BY MAGNETISATION. and of magnetising current being nearly proportional when the experiment was stopped with a field of 1400 units. The actual elongation was then about four times as much as the maximum elongation of the iron rod. It is clear that so far as cobalt is concerned the subject is not yet exhausted, though the further experimental investigation of it would not be easy. A limit to the inten- sity of the magnetic field, which can be produced by a coil of given dimensions, is imposed by the heating effect of the current,* and this limit was practically reached in my experiments. With a larger coil, and a suitably adapted instrument, stronger fields could undoubtedly be obtained without either serious heating or sacrifice of uniformity ; but the battery power necessary for such a coil would be dispropor- tionately great, so great, indeed, that for any considerable increase of the field it would not be easily obtainable. It is unlikely that a field suitable for these experiments could be produced by means of an electro-magnet. For the present, therefore, our knowledge as to the behaviour of cobalt under magnetisation must remain incomplete. In conclusion I have to express my hearty thanks to Mr. PREECE for having so freely placed at my disposal the resources of his valuable electrical installation. The quantity of heat generated in the coil per unit of time varies as the square of the magnetic field. [ 231 ] VIII. On the Ultra-Violet Spectra of the Elements.— Part III. Cobalt and Nickel. By G. D. LIVEING, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry, and J. DEWAB, M.A., F.R.S., Jacksonian Professor, University of Cambridge. Received February 27,— Read March 15, 1888. [PLATES 9-14.] IN our first communication to the Society on this subject we gave a reference map of the iron lines in the ultra-violet region, based on measurements of the wave-lengths of nearly a hundred of the principal linea These measurements were made by means of a diffraction grating by RUTHERFURD. Since that time we have obtained some of ROWLAND'S fine gratings, having a much larger ruled surface, though a somewhat smaller number of lines to the inch, than the RUTHERFURD grating. With larger gratings it was advantageous to use larger telescopes, and it was a matter of some interest to determine whether the improved appliances led to the same numerical values of the wave-lengths as before. In each case we determined the constant of the grating — that is, the distance between successive lines — by ANGSTROM'S scale. We had, for instance, measured the deviations by the RUTHERFURD grating of several lines — namely, C, D, b, F, and H — for as many orders of spectra as we could on both sides of the collimator, and then calculated what must be the distance between the lines to produce these deviations, on the assumption that ANGSTROM'S wave-lengths of these lines were correct. We have since used the solar lines E, or the corresponding lines of the spectrum of the spark taken between iron terminals, for the purpose of gauging our gratings, because ANGSTROM had bestowed the greatest pains in the measurement of the wave-lengths of these lines. PEIRCE and BELL have corrected o ANGSTROM'S measures, but, for convenience in comparisons, we have retained the old scale. In order to make our numbers correspond to the new scale they must all be multiplied (according to ROWLAND) by 1 '00016. The first comparison of measurements with the different gratings was made with respect to the cadmium lines, which have frequently been used as lines of reference. Four pairs of photographs of the cadmium line No. 17 in MASCABT'S notation had given us the following wave-lengths : — 3.8.88 232 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING AND .T. DEWAR 2748-58 . .at 4th order. 2748-27 . . „ „ „ 2748-20 . . „ 5th „ 2748-16 , 6th Mean . 2748'30 Six pairs taken with a ROWLAND grating and the same goniometer gave us — 2748*43 . . at 3rd order. 2748-41 . . ,-, 4th „ 2748-50 . . „ 5th „ 2748'35 . . „ 6th „ 2748-41 . . „ 7th „ 2748-29 , 8th Mean . 2748'40 BELL'S* value of the wave-length of the same line is 2748'45. The photographs were all taken with a collimating eyepiece. Considering that the cadmium lines, though strong, are very diffuse, so that there is room for considerable error in esti- mating the centre of the photographic image, and that an error of 0'013 mm. in measuring the distance between the two images of the line on the photograph would make an error of 1" in the deviation, or very nearly "03 in the value of the wave- length, the values above are fairly concordant. However, besides the difficulty of exact measurement arising from the ill-defined character of the cadmium lines, there is a source of error arising from the gratings themselves, and affecting both of them. It is that the two images of any given line, on the two sides of the normal to the grating, are not in focus at the same distance from the object-glass of the telescope. Hence, if the photographic plate is adjusted to the focus of a particular line when the grating is turned in one direction, it will not receive a sharp image of the same line when the grating is turned in the other direction. With a collimating eyepiece it is comparatively easy to place the grating so that the normal to its plane may coincide with the axis of the collimator. Hence, fair measures of the wave-length of any line may be obtained from the deviation for that line, as measured on one side only of the normal. But, since every change of focus makes it necessary to take a fresh reading of the position of the grating when it is normal to the axis of the collimator, it is better, as a rule, because errors of reading thereby become of less consequence, to measure the angle between the two images, one on one side and the other on the other side of the normal. If this is done, the difficulty arising from difference of focus on the two sides must be faced, as any alterations of adjustment between the times of taking the pair of photographs would be wholly inadmissible. * ' Amer. Journ. Sci.,' vol. 31, 1886, p. 429. ON THE ULTRA-VIOLET SPECTRA OP THE ELEMENTS. Again, it seldom happens that a grating gives the two spectra of the same order equally bright. With one of our gratings the spectra of the 3rd and 5th orders are bright on one side only of the normal, while those of the 4th and 6th orders are bright on the other side only. Where faint lines were in question, therefore, we have used spectra of different orders on the two sides, and computed the wave-length by the formula (m + n)\ = 4a sin £ (a -f ft) cos £ (a — ft) ; where ra and n are the orders of the spectra employed, a and ft the deviations of the ray from the normal, (a -f- ft) is, of course, the angle directly measured ; (a — ft) has to be calculated from the reading of the instrument when the grating is normal to the axis of the collimator. As £ (a — ft) is always a small angle, any error in determining it will affect the value found for X but little. Measures of other cadmium lines gave the following results :— RUTHEBTUBO gr»t ing ROWLAND grating. No. of line. No. of No. of BILL'S value of A pairs of photograph*. A pain of pbotographi. A 18 1 2572-95 5 2572-75 2572-95 22 2 2329-67 5 2320-92 2321-14 23 2 2312-66 5 2312-75 2312-83 24 2 2264-91 4 2264-64 2264-88 . , 2 2240-10 25 1 2194-06 ?1 2194-28 2193-98 Previous measures of lines Nos. 24 and 25, by interpolation between the copper lines of which the wave-lengths had been determined by RUTHERFORD'S grating, had given the values of X 2265'0 and 2194'2. Other cadmium lines, measured by ROWLAND'S grating, gave the following results :— No. of the line. No. of pairs of photographs. A BILL'S value of A 9 3 / 3612-15 \ 360975 3611-75 3609-39 10 3 / 3467-03 I 3465-61 3466-70 3465-22 11 5 3403-08 3402-68 1-2 5 {3260-46 3252-08 3249-83 3260-12 3251-77 3249-40 M DCCCLX X X VIII. — A. 2 H 234 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING AND J. DEWAR The wave-lengths of this last group of lines are all too large by about 0'35 as com- pared with BELL'S, and they seem to be affected by some common error, but whence it arises we do not know. Our measures of lilies in the visible spectrum, where, of course, there are fewer sources of error, agree very closely with BELL'S. Thus our measures of the blue lines gave the figures for X 5085 '26, 4799*40, and 4677*59, and these, when multiplied by the factor 1*00016, come very close indeed to BELL'S numbers, which are 5086*09, 4800*15, and 4678*39. On the whole, we are inclined to think that a really good goniometer with a plane grating and a telescope of moderate dimensions, focal length 8 or 9 decimeters, will give extremely accurate wave-lengths, while the greater angular aperture of such a telescope gives it a considerable advantage in point of light over the concave grating used by BELL. The method of measuring wave-lengths by the coincidences of lines in spectra of different orders, for which a concave reflecting grating is admirably adapted, could not be easily applied to the ultra-violet spectra of cobalt and nickel, because the lines are so crowded that the overlapping of two or three spectra, all in focus together, would produce a complication which it would be nearly impossible to unravel, except by dispersing the spectra in a direction at right angles to the dispersion produced by the grating. The chromatic aberration of our quartz lenses is a positive advantage in dissipating the light of the spectra of those orders which are not under examimation. For the determination of the cobalt and nickel lines specimens of those metals were prepared so far spectroscopically pure that the spark between fragments of the cobalt showed none of the characteristic strong lines of nickel, and the spark between pieces of the nickel showed none of the characteristic strong lines of cobalt. As the metals after reduction were fused with an oxyhydrogen blowpipe in lime crucibles, they were not free from all traces of other metals. For the arc lines much labour in the purifi- cation of the metals would have been wholly thrown away, because a variety of metals are present in the carbon electrodes as well as in the limestone used for crucibles. In the arc, therefore, we used samples sold as " pure," and identified the lines either by their coincidence with spark lines photographed at the same time through a part of the slit, or by their making their appearance, or being notably strengthened, on the introduction of the metal into the arc. The list of arc lines is much less complete than the list of spark lines, because weak lines in the arc are more easily overlooked in a photograph crowded with lines, and when noticed their origin is with difficulty identified. The wave-lengths of the spark and arc lines which were not measured directly by means of a grating were determined by interpolation from photographs of refraction spectra. In the highest region the copper lines were used as lines of reference in this interpolation. For the direct determination of the wave-lengths of the nickel lines about 170 photographs were taken, measured, and the results reduced ; for the cobalt lines about 200. In many cases several lines could be measured on the same plate, but we have rarely been satisfied without getting two or more independent measures of the deviation for each line, and in many cases the measures have been ON THE ULTRA-VIOLET SPECTRA OF THE ELEMENTS. 235 made in more than one order of the spectra. Owing to difference in the strength of the spectra on the two sides of the normal to the grating, it sometimes happened that faint lines appeared in one of a pair of photograplis, that is on one side of the normal, but not on the other. In such cases, when the reading of the circle for the normal position of the grating (which is liable to vary with every adjustment of focus) could be accurately determined by the help of stronger lines, which could be measured in both photographs, the wave-lengths of the faint lines have been calculated from the deviation as measured on one side of the normal. Such a measurement, though it gives a valuable result, is plainly not quite independent. From the close chemical relationship between cobalt and nickel we should have expected that their spectra would closely resemble one another. In regard to the large number of lines which they exhibit, they certainly resemble each other, and resemble iron ; and the resemblance goes a little further, inasmuch as the lines of all three spectra are much more crowded in certain regions than in others, and the crowded regions are approximately the same for all three. But, beyond such a general resemblance, we have been unable to trace any definite correspondence in the spectra. The number of lines of cobalt which according to our measurements have wave-lengths identical with those of nickel lines is small, but in a record of 580 lines of cobalt and 400 of nickel it would be surprising if there were not many close coincidences, and, in fact, we note forty-six cases where lines of cobalt do not appear to differ in wave-length from lines of nickel by more than a tenth of a tenth-metre. Now, if the cobalt lines were uniformly distributed over the whole region mapped and the nickel lines distri- buted at random amongst them, it would be an even chance that twenty-six nickel lines would not be more than a tenth of a tenth-metre distant from the nearest cobalt lines. A glance at the map will, however, show that the cobalt lines are by no means evenly distributed, and in the regions where they are most closely packed the nickel lines are also for the most part closely packed. Hence, the chance of merely accidental coincidences is very much greater than that above mentioned ; and we find that in the region between the wave-lengths 2250 and 2550 the number of lines of the two metals, which, as measured, are not more than a tenth of a tenth-metre distant from one another is twenty-five, more than half the whole number of coincidences to that degree of approximation. On the whole we are unable to conclude that the coin- cidences are more than fortuitous. It should be observed that we have not yet had the opportunity of comparing the spectra of the two metals photographed on the same plate with high dispersion. On many of our plates the iron spark has been photographed simultaneously with the spectrum of another metal, and we have noted on the table of wave-lengths the cases in which these photographs show an unresolved coincidence between an iron line and a cobalt or nickel line. These photographs, however, have all been taken with a prismatic spectroscope, and it is probable that a higher dispersion might resolve some of these coincidences. 2 H 2 236 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING AND J. DEWAR TABLE of Cobalt lines. In the first two columns are given the intensities, 1 to 6. of the lines as observed in the spark and arc respectively, 1 being the most intense. In the third column are recorded the wave-lengths. A figure in the fourth column indicates that the wave- length against which it is placed was independently measured by means of a grating, and at the same time records the number of separate determinations combined in the given result. Intensity. X Remarks. Spark. Arc. G 2190-2 The wave-lengths of the lines in this region 6 2191-9 were obtained by interpolation between the 6 2193-1 copper lines photographed at the same 6 2198-2 time through a part of the slit 6 2205-7 6 2214-1 6 2215-9 6 2219-6 6 2229-5 6 2231-5 G 2234-4 3 2244-8 6 2253-2 2 2256-4 2 2259-7 2 2266-2 . . A weak Ni line 6 2270-5 6 2272-0 5 2273-3 Also a Ni line 6 6 2274-2 . . A stronger Ni line G 2275-1 6 2275-9 6 2278-1 5 2280-1 4 2281-5 6 2281-9 5 2283-1 2d 2 2285-7 1 6 5 2287-8 6 6 2289-9 6 6 22UO-9 3 4 2291-5 1 3 2 2293-0 5 4 2295-5 5 5 2296-9 6 6 2298-3 4 6 2299-3 • 5 5 2300-3 5 4 2300-8 6 2303-8 6 t 2305-6 , . Also a Ni line 6 2306-4 Id 2 2307-4 2 ON THE ULTRA-VIOLET SPECTRA OP THE ELEMENTS. 237 TABLE of Cobalt lines (continued). Intensity. A Remark*. Spark. Ate. 6 6 2310-4 1 3 2311-1 2 Also a Ni line 5 5 2312-1 4 .. 23131 2 3 2313-5 2 Also a Ni line 2 5 2314-5 2 6 4 2315-5 Also a Ni line 3 5 2316-8 Also a Ni line 6 2318-2 6 4' 2319-6 6 5 2321-0 Also a Ni line 3 4 2324-0 2 Also a Ni line 3 5 2325-9 2 8 4 9826-1 1 Also a Ni line 5 2327-3 6 6 2328-7 3 5 2330-0 1 Also a Ni lino 6 6 2333-7 3 4 2335-9 1 5 2336-6 Also a Ni line 2 4 2337-6 i 6 4 2338-4 5 4 2338-8 2 2340-8 1 Also a Ni line a 2344-0 1 Also a Fe line 4 2344-3 5 • 2345-2 4 6 2346-2 Also a Ni line 6 5 2346-7 3 5 2347-0 I 5 2347-4 6 2348-1 5 5* 2350-6 Also a Ni line and a Fe line 6 5 2351-5 6 3 2352-1 1 1 3 2353-0 I 4 4 2357-7 1 1 6 2360-0 5 6 2360-2 2 4 88603 6 '(5 2360-8 6 6 2361-2 1 3 2363-3 2 6 5 2366-6 5 4 2370-1 3 4 2371-5 2 5 4 2371-3 5 5 2372-6 4 6 2374-8 2 Also a Fe line 1 2 2378-1 3 6 6 2380-3 2 4 2381-3 2 5 • • 2381-7 Also a Ni line 238 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING AND J. DEWAR TABLE of Cobalt lines (continued). Intensity. X Remarks. Spark. Arc. 2 4 2382-9 2 2 4 2385-9 2 3 6 2386-1 1 5 4 2388-3 2 A rather close double, very near a Fe line 1 6 2388-4 3 4 2389-1 6 4 2391-5 4 4 2392-1 > t A weaker Ni line 4 6 2393-4 4 4 2395-1 1 5 2396-9 3 4 5 2397-8 2 6 }/ 2401-3 1 6 I 2401-6 t t Also a Ni line 6 6 2402-4 6 6 2403-3 3 4 2403-8 3 4 6 2404-0 4 6 2405-1 1 6 2406-9 3 Id 2407-1 3 3 t t 2407-8 2 3 4 2408-3 2 2 1 2411-2 2 6 3 2412-2 2 Also a Ni line and an air line 3 4 2413-7 3 5 2 2414-1 5 2 2414-8 1 3 ,. 2415-5 4 1 t 2415-7 2 3 5 2416-5 2 3 3 2417-2 2 3 4 2418-1 2 1 6 2420-3 3 6 6 2421-6 6 4 2422-1 3 6 2423-2 2 4 Id 2424-5 2 5 6 2425-7 2 3 t t 2427-8 2 5 5 2429-6 2 6 f t 2430-0 1 1 2432-0 4 5 2 2434-6 Close to a Si line 6 5 2435-8 6 2436-2 3 2436-5 3 6d B > 2437-9 5 3 2438-5 6d , , 2439-7 6 4 2440-6 5 4 2441-2 2 2442-0 3 ON THE ULTRA-VIOLET SPECTRA OF THE ELEMENTS. 289 TABLE of Cobalt lines (continued). Intensity. \ Kemarks. Spirt Are. 3 5 2443-3 2 3 6 2445-6 3 2 5 2447-3 2 Also a Fe line 4 t , 2448-7 2 2 . . 2449-4 8 6 6 2452-0 6 . . 2452-7 6 5 2453-3 6 . , 2453-6 6 2 2455-7 3 . , 2459-0 1 6 3 2460-3 6 . . 2460-8 1 4 2463-7 2 2 . . 2466-5 2 6 6 2469-0 6 3 2469-7 6 2 2472-5 2533-4 1 Close to a Fe line 5 4 2535-5 1 6 4 2536-1 5 6 2537-0 3 \ 9 / 2540-2 1 2 ) 2 I 2541-5 1 6 1 o / 2543-9 6 ) 3 i 2544-2 5 4 2544-6 . . 6 3 2545-7 2 t , 2546-3 1 6 4 2548-9 6d 4 2549-7 t t Also a Fe line 4 .. 25501 t t Also a Fe line 4 2552-2 6 4 2552-7 t f Also a Ni lino 6 4 25531 3 , . 2556-3 I 4 4 2556-9 1 2 6 2558-9 1 . 3 6 2559-6 1 6 1 25617 1 6 2563-6 1 6 • • 2565-0 6 3 2567-0 3 * • 2569-3 1 6 4 2571-9 6 4 2573-1 3 5 2574-4 1 Also an Al line 1 5 2579-8 1 Also a Ni line and close to an air line 3 6 2581-7 1 5 t f 2582-6 1 6 5 2584-8 2 6 2586-8 t % Also a Ni line 6 6 2592-9 6 6 2598-8 t f Also a Fe line, or close to it, and close to an 6 5 2600-3 air line 5 5 2603-9 4 4 2605-2 6 5 2605-3 4 , B 2613-0 3 6 2613-8 4 2 2618-5 4 6 2619-3 6d 4 2621-7 6d 6 2626-6 6 3 2627-3 . ON THE ULTRA-VIOLKT SPECTRA OF THK ELEMENTS. 241 TABLE of Cobalt lines (continued). Intenilty. \ Remark*. Spark. Anx 6d 2628-4 A Ni line, doubtful Co line 3 6 2631-9 5 t ^ 2«34-5 6d 6 2642-7 6 6 2644-4 5 3 9646-1 2 1 2648-4 3 2653-3 2 6 2662-7 I 5 6 2669-7 1 6 2670-1 . , Also a Ni line 3d 4 2675-4 5 t B 2677-4 6 4 2679-0 5 2679-8 6 ( g 2681-5 3d t t 2684-0 1 Also a Ni line 5 t B 2689-2 1 5 , , 2692-5 1 2 6 2694-1 2 6 3 2695-3 1 6 t 2695-9 6 2696-0 6 ^ t 2696-4 1 4 m m 2701-9 1 id 27062 1 Also a Fe line 6d 2706-9 1 Also a Fe line 6d 2707-4 1 6 6 2708-6 1 Also a Fe line 3 t f 2713-9 3 Very close to a Fe line 6 . , 2714-5 5 3 2715-3 4 , . 2720-6 1 Very close to a Fe line 4i m t 2727-5 i - m t 2728-8 6 6 2730-7 6 , . 2732-6 H , , 2734-3 6 m t 2738-6 5 5 2744-7 6 6 2757-1 6 5 2761-0 1 5 4 2763-9 5 4 2766-0 5 t r 2766-5 1 4 6 2768-6 1 U 6 2774-8 Also a diffuse line in the Ni spark 2 m t 2775-7 1 6 6 2778-5 tt , f 2785-2 U . . 2785-7 U r f 2786-9 1 6 •• 2789-1 •• Also a Fe line Ml" i i I. \\.\\ III.- \. 2 I 242 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING .AND J. DEWAR TABLE of Cobalt lines (continued). Intensity. \ Remarks. Spark. Arc. 3 2793-4 6 • • 2795-8 b' f f 2796-3 6 , t 2796-6 6 6 2798-4 U 2801-7 1 6 5 2803-3 f t Also a Fe line 4 f t 2806-7 2 Also a Fe line 3 f t 2810-3 4 4 3 2815-2 1 6d r t 2815-8 6 6 2818-3 6 6 2819-4 6d 5 2821-1 bd , . 2822-7 6 , . 2823-2 1 2 2 2824-5 5 3 m t 2834-3 1 6 6 2836-7 6 f m 2845-2 bd f r 2847-9 • • Also a Fe line 6 5 2849-8 6 5 2862-2 6 . , 2865-1 • • Also a Ni arc line 2 . . 2870-4 1 Very close to a Fe line (yd . , 2879-9 6 3 2881-3 1 6d f t 2883-1 5 4 2886-0 2 ti 2890-0 bd t t 2897-5 6 3 2899-3 6 5 2906-5 3d . . 2918-1 6 6 2927-2 6 6 2929-0 2d , , 2930-0 2d 2 2942-5 1 Id . . 2954-1 1 Gd . . 2971-2 6d 6 2983-3 3 3 2986-5 3 3 2989-1 6 . . 2994-7 6 5 3000-1 6d 6 3008-5 6 5 3010-3 4 4 3013-2 6 6 3015-2 3 , . 3017-0 . . Very close to a Fe line 2 ; 5 I 5 3033-8 3034-0 6 5 3042-2 ON THE ULTRA-VIOLET SPECTRA OP THE ELEMENTS. TABLE of Cobalt lines (continued). IntoiuUy. A Remark*. 8p»rk. Arc. 3 3 3043-6 3 3 3048-6 4 3 3050-6 t t Very clone to a Ni lino 6 6 3059-6 2 3 3061-4 6 5 3063-0 6 4 3064-0 2 { S } 3071-8 3072-0 6 G 3073-4 6 6 3078-9 3 3 3082-1 2 2 30863 4 4 3089-0 4 3 3097-6 6 . , 3101-8 5 5 3103-3 6 6 3109-0 6 6 3109-5 5 5 31130 2 2 31211 I 6 6 3126-7 4 6 3130-4 1 3 2 3136-8 1 3 3 3139-5 1 3 3 3146-6 1 5 4 3148-9 6 6 3152-3 2 3 3154-2 1 3 3 3158-2 1 5 5 3159-2 6 6 31613 6 6 31643 5 5 3169-5 6 4 3174-8 4 5 5 5 3176-6 3181-7 1 Oat of focus in photograph with grating 5 5 3188-0 6 6 3210-1 5 4 3218-7 6 6 32265 5 4 3232-4 1 5 5 3235-2 5 4 3236-7 1 4 5 32434 1 Also a Fe line 3 • • 3246-7 1 Also a Fe line 6 5 32496 4 4 3253-7 1 4 5 3260-1 1 6 5 3261-7 6 • • 3262-7 u 5 3264-4 5 6 3271-3 2 I 2 •244 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING AND J. DEW AH TABLE of Cobalt lines (continued). Intensity. X Remarks. Spark. Arc. 6 6 3276-0 6 4 3277-2 5 6 3278-5 2 3 3282-9 1 6 3284-2 5 5 3286-6 6 3294-2 1 6 6 3303-2 6 6 3306-5 1 6 6 3308-2 5 3309-1 5 '5 3311-7 1 Also a Ni line 4 5 3313-6 4 3 4 3319-0 1 4 4 3321-7 3 Also a Ni line 5 5 3324-8 3 5 5 3326-4 3 6 6 3329-0 1 2 1 3333-6 4 5 5 3339-3 2 6 3340-2 1 6 3340-8 2 5 5 3342-2 2 5 5 3346-4 1 5 5 3347-7 1 6 5 3348-9 1 4 t g 3352-3 4 2 1 3353-9 4 6 3 3360-8 1 Also a Ni line 6 6 3362-3 3 1 3366-6 5 4 4 3370-4 4 6 5d 3376-6 1 t 5 6 3378-0 2 6 1 3380-0 2 Also B, Ni line 4 2 3384-7 3 6 3387-1 • 3 3 1 3387-6 5 6 1 3394-2 1 3 1 3394-8 5 2 1 3404-5 4 Also a Ni line and in OH flame with CoClj 6 3406-1 3 i 3408-6 3 In OH flame with CoClj 2 3411-7 3 In OH flame with CoCl2 3 3412-0 3 t t 2 3414-2 3 6 f t 3415-2 3 4 2 3416-5 3 In OH flame with CoCl, 42 3 3423-2 3 Also a Ni line 4 3430-9 3 In OH flame with CoCl2 5 3431-3 3 1 I 3432-4 4 In OH flame with CoCl3 3 [ ] 3432-9 1 Also a Ni line ON THK ULTRA-VIOLET SPECTRA OF THK KI.KM KNTS. •• i :• TABLE of Cobalt lines (continued). Intentlty. A Remark*. Spark. Arc. u 4 3436-8 Also a Ni lino . , 6 3438-2 6 3 3442-3 3 3 4 3 :? 3443-0 3445-7 3 2 In OH flame with CoCL Also a Ni line and in OH flame with CoCl, 3 3448-6 3 In OH flame with CoCl, 5 3448-9 2 2 2 3452-9 3 Also a Ni line and in OH flame with CoCl, 4 3 8454-6 2 5 4 3460-6 2 2 2 3462-2 3 In OH flame with CoCl, 2 1 3465-2 5 Abo a Ni line and in OH flame with CoCl, and a Fe lino 1 1 3473-4 5 In OH flame with CoCl, 6 2 3476-0 1 6 5 3478-0 3 1 3482-7 2 In OH flame with CoCl, 1 4 3484-7 2 1 1 3488-8 5 In OH flame with CoCl, 5 4 3490-6 2 3 1 3495-1 4 In OH flame with CoCl, 5 8 3496-0 3 4 ~] r 3501-0 2 1 \ 1 / 3501-6 3 In OH flame with CoCl, 5 J |^ 3502-0 2 6 3503-4 1 2 3505-6 3 In OH flame with CoCl, 4 3509-3 5 In OH flame with CoCl, 6 3509-7 4 Also a Ni line 4 3 3512-0 3 In OH flame with CoCU 3 2 3517-7 5 5 3 3519-5 2 3 2 3520-9 4 Also a Fe lino 3 3 3522-9 4 In OH flame with CoCl, 4 3 3526-3 4 6 4 3528-4 3 In OH flame with CoCl, 3 1 3529-3 4 Also a Ni line 4 8 3532-8 4 In OH flame with CoCl , and a Fe line 4 5 3542-8 3 6 6 3544-7 1 6 fi 3548-0 4 3 3550-1 3 6 6 3552-4 1 6 f f 35623 2 3 3560-5 3 In OH flame with CoCl, 3 1 3564-5 2 In OH flame with CoCl, and close to a Fe line 1 1 3568-9 3 In OH flame with CoCl, 1 1 { 3574-5 3574-9 2 1 2 / In OH flame with CoCl, 6 5 3577-4 1 3 2 3584-7 3 Also a Fe line 1 2 3586-7 3 246 PROFESSORS G. D. L1VEING AND J. DEWAR TABLE of Cobalt lines (continued). Intensity. X Remarks. Spu*. Arc. 3 1 3594-4 3 Observed in OH flame with CoCIa 3 1 3601-6 3 Observed in OH flame with CoCI2 and close to a Ni line 3 2 3605-0 4 Also a Fe line 6 6 3611-3 4 6 6 3614-8 3 1 3627-3 4 Observed in OH flame with CoCl, 6 6 3632-2 4 4 6 3634-2 2 6 6 3636-1 1 6 5 3638-9 3 . 6 6 3641-1 1 5 5 3642-7 3 6 m t 3648-8 3 6 * • 3654-0 1 6 5 3656-1 1 3 4d 3661-6 3 6 3680-8 3 3 2 3682-5 3 6 6 3690-2 1 3 3 { 3692-4 3692-8 1 3 3 6 3701-7 4 2 1 3703-5 6 Observed in OH flame with CoCl9 6 3711-6 5 5 3729-8 4 4 5 3731-8 4 6 5 3732-8 2 6 f t 3735-2 2 1 m f 3745-8 2 Observed in OH flame with CoCl3 6 . . 3753-9 2 Arc lines obscured in this region by bands of 6 . . 3769-7 cyanogen 6 5 3774-0 6 5 3777-0 6 5 3807-3 6 6 •• 3815-1 3815-7 2 \ 2 / A Fe line here 6 3830-3 2 4 3841-4 7 Observed in OH flame with CoCl2 1 2 3844-8 9 Observed in OH flame with CoCl2 4 . . 3860-5 5 Arc obscnred by bands of cyanogen 2 3 } ' { 3872-4 3873-2 4 1 5 I Observed in OH flame with CoCl2 6 5 3876-1 4 3 1 3881-0 5 6 t f 3884-0 1 1 3893-4 4 Observed in OH flame with CoCl2 5 t f 3894-3 2 6 4 3905-2 6 4 3909-0 Observed in OH flame with CoClj 6 6 3916-2 3 5 3935-5 1 Observed in OH flame with CoClj 6 3 3940-9 1 Observed in OH flame with CoCl2 ON THK ULTRA-VIOLET SPECTRA OF THE ELEMENTS. 247 TABLE of Cobalt lines (continued). Infinity. 8p.rk. Are. 6 6 3944-9 1 6 6 3952-4 1 6 6 3955-7 1 6 4 39577 1 6 . . 3968-8 1 t t 5 3974-1 2 2 3978-7 . . Observed in OH flame with CoCl, . . 6 3987-1 . . 5 3990-2 , , 5 3991-4 1 2 3994-7 3 In OH flame with CoCU 6 1 3997-3 3 TABLE of Nickel lines. In the first two columns are given the intensities, 1 to 6, of the lines as observed in the spark and arc respectively, 1 being the most intense. In the third column are recorded the wave-lengths. A figure in the fourth column indicates that the wave- length against which it is placed was directly measured by means of a grating, and the figure records the number of separate determinations combined in the given result.}-. A Remarks. Sptrk. Arc. 4 3 2173-8 4 3 2174-4 5 • * 2176-0 1 5 . , 2176-7 6 , . 2179-4 4 . . 2179-9 6 8 2182-8 3 3 2184-2 3 6 2185-0 5 6 2188-2 1 6 4 2190-0 6 4 2190-6 6 . . 2193-2 U 3 2197-2 u , . 2198-0 • 5 4 2198-4 2 4 2200-8 1 u 2203-0 248 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING AND J. DEWAR TABLE of Nickel lines (continued). Intensity. A Remarks. Spark. Arc. 3d 3 2205-2 2 2 2206-1 1 2d 3 2209-8 1 4 4 2210-5 t t Also a Fe line- 6 5 2211-4 m f Also a Fe line 4 5 2212-5 1 2 1 2215-8 2 A weak line in Co 3 5 2216-0 5 5 2217-4 2 6 2219-0 3 6 2219-8 2 5 f 2220-6 6 5 2221-3 6 f t 2221-7 3 2 2222-3 2 3 t t 2223-8 1 3 2 2224-3 2 6 2225-3 Also a Fe line 3 3 2225-8 2 6 2226-7 6 2 2227-2 Also a Fe line U 3 2229-6 . . A weak line in Co ; also a Fe line 6 t t 2231-2 5 6 6d • ' 2233-5 2235-5 2237-6 i;j";; The mean of this pair was measured by the grating 6d 2238-2 6d t , 2239-8 6 t t 2241-2 6 5 2242-2 i A weak line in Fe 6d 2 2244-4 6d 2245-9 i 5 2246-6 i 6 2247-4 6 4 2248-8 Also a Fe line 6 m f 2249-2 6 m r 2250-2 6 6 2250-5 Also a Fe line 6 6 2251-1 Also a Fe line 6 4 2251-4 6 t t 2252-6 Id 2 2253-5 2 6 f r 2253-9 3 3 2254-7 1 3 5 2255-7 1 4 3 2257-6 5 . , 2258-9 6 3 2259-4 6 t t 2260-3 Also a Fe line 6 4 2261-1 6 6 2262-6 . . 4 2263-1 f t A weak Fe line ; ? if Ni 2 1 2264-1 2 Also a Fe line ON THE ULJKA-VIOLET £PKCTHA OF T1IK KKKMKXTS. 249 TABLE of Nickel lines (continued). Intensity. A ^ Spark. AM. 5 2264-8 Also a Fe line. 6 5* 2266') , . A stronger line in Co 6 3 2269-1 1 Id 1 2269-9 2 6 f t 2270-3 6 5 227M 6 • • 2272-8 6 6 2273-2 Also a Co lino 3 3 2274-1 t A weak Co lino 4 5 2275-0 • • A weak Co line and a Fe line 5 4 2275-7 1 Also a Fe line . . 5 2276-3 3 6 2277-0 2 3 4 2277-8 M 3 2278-4 1 6 1 2279-2 u . m 2280-6 0 6 22837 6 t m 2284-8 2 3 2286-8 1 2 6 2287-4 1 4 4 2289-6 6 t f 2290-7 * 6 6 2292-7 6 , t 2295-3 1 2 , t 2296-2 1 3 3 6 2296-71 2 / 2297-1 / Tho mean of this pair was measured by the grating 3(2 6 2298-0 4 3 t t 2299-2 4 3 t t 2299-8 4 6 . . 2301-5 1 2 . . 2802-0 4 2 t t 2302-5 5 3 4 2303-3 2 3 f t 2304-8 2 6 r f 2305-7 Also a Co line 3 6 2308-1 2 U 3 2310-6 1 6 . . 2311-2 Also a Co line 4 3 2311-8 3 3 • • 2312-5 3 6 3 2313-4 5 3 2313-6 1 Also a Co line and a Ft> line Id 3 2315-6 3 Also a Co line 6 3 2316-8 . Also a Co line 3 t f 2318-0 a 3 3 2319-3 3 4 2 2321-0 2 Also a Co line- 6 5 2321-6 6 3 2322-3 6d t t 2323-3 6d 2324-0 Also a Co line .M DCCOLXXXVUL — A. •2 K 250 PROFESSORS J. D. LIVEING AND G. DEWAR TABLE of Nickel lines (continued). Intensity. A. Remarks. Spark. Arc. 4 2 2325-5 2 3 2326-0 2 Also a Co line 4 2 2329-6 2 6 • • 2330-1 . . Also a Co line 2 6 2334-1 3 3d 6 2336-2 3 6 3 2336-6 , . Also a Co line 6 5 2337-1 2 2340-7 3 Also a Co line 4 6 2343-0 3 6 2343-5 2 3 2344-7 3 Also a Fe line 6 • • 2345-0 6 4 2346-2 . . Also a Co line 6 4 2347-6 1 6d 6 2349-8 t f Also a weak Fe line 6 6 2350-5 f t Also a Co line 3 3 2355-9 2 6 3 2358-5 1 4 6 2366-1 1 Also a Fe line 4 5 2367-0 1 5 6 2368-9 4 2369-5 i 6 6 2370-9 2 4 2375-0 2 6 3 2375-6 6 6 2378-6 2 5 2381-8 Also a Co line and a Fe line 6 3 2386-3 1 3 4 2387-5 1 4 6 2388-5 1 Also a Fe line 6 6 2388-7 6 6 2392-0 t t Also a Co line 4 3 2392-6 2 2 2394-0 1 Also a Fe line 2 a 2394-3 1 6 3 2394-7 t t Also a Fe line 6 .. 2397-2 6 2400-1 1 Also a Fe line 6 3 2401-7 Also a Co line 6 6 2404-8 1 6 3 2412-1 1 Also a Co line and an air Hue 5 o 2412-8 Id 2 2416-0 2 6 3 2419-0 6 2 2420-8 6 3 2423-4 6 2426-8 6 2431-2 • 4 2433-2 . . Also a Fe line 6 3 2433-9 . . Also a Fe line 14 3 2437-5 2 6 1 2441-5 f t Also a Fe line ON THE ULTRA-VIOLET SPECTRA OP THE ELEMENTS. 251 TABLE of Nickel lines (continued). Ii.U-n-ity. X Remark*. Sprk. Are. 5 2448-1 6 2' 2463-7 4 6 2455-4 6 2 2471-8 Also a Fe line 2 3 2472-8 1 Also a Fe line 6 6 2476-6 3d 3 2483-6 1 6 6 24969 3 • • 2505-9 3 Also a Co lino 6 2509-6 2 1 2' 2510-6 3 Also a Co line 6 6 2520-0 6 2524-1 Close to a Si line 6 3 2539-5 5 2543-2 1 Also a Fe line 8 3 2545-4 3 6 6 2549-1 VJ 6d 4 2552-6 1 Also a Co line 4 ., 2554-7 1 6 2557-5 4 5 2559-8 1 Id 2565-7 1 6 6 2568-2 1 6 6 2571-7 4 4 2575-7 6 6 2579-9 • • Also a Co line 4 • • 2583-5 5 2584-4 1 6 6' 2586-7 Also a Co line 5 2593-1 Also a Fe line 6 2600-8 i' 6 2606-1 i Also a Fe line 6 2606-7 • • Also a Fe line 3 1 1 2609-6 i 3 f t 2614-9 i Also a Fe line 6 • • 2626-3 i 6 2628-4 A doubtful Co line 6 2632-4 i' 6 2636-8 3 2639-5 i Also a Fe line 6 t 2641-0 6 • • 2643-4 3 3 2646-8 i 6 6 2648-6 3 6 2655-6 i 5 5 2659-5 i 6 2664-9 5 2670-0 • • Also a Co line and a Fe line 6 2672-1 6 2674-4 3 2678-8 2 2684-0 Also a Co line 6 2690-2 2 K 2 252 PKOKKSSOKS G. D. LIVKlXf! AND J. DKWAR TABLE of Nickel lines (continued). Intensity. X Remarks. Spark. Arc. 6 6 2700-4 5 6 2701-2 , . Also a weak line of Fe 4 4 2708-3 4 2758-7 1 6 2760-4 4d , . 2774-7 2 Also a diffuse line in the Co spark 2 3 2805-0 3 6d t t 2806-0 6 m f 2807-8 3 1 2820-8 6 2823-9 2 2863-3 1 , . 3 2865-1 , . Also a line in the Co spark 6d 6d •• 2880-9 2882-2 > These are perhaps air lines 6 2889-1 6 2898-8 6 2900-6 5 3 2906-9 2 2 2913-2 1 . . 6d 2918-8 Bd 2928-4 1 Also a Fe line 6 2934-3 2d 2936-3 1 Also a Fe line 6 6 2938-7 f t Also a Fe line 2 1 2943-5 1 4 2947-1 I 5d 2954-5 6 2957-8 5d 2968-7 3 3' 2981-2 3 Also a weak Fe line 4 3 2983-6 3 5d , , 2987-7 3 6 t 2988-0 3 2 2992-2 3 3 3 2994-1 3 Also a Fe line 2 2 3002-1 4 2 2 3003-2 4 1 1 3011-5 6 3 3018-8 4 4 4 3031-4 2 2 3037-5 5 4 4 3044-5 5 Also a Fe line 2 2 3050-4 4 2 3 3053-9 6 2 3057-2 6 Also a Fe line 3 3' 3064-2 4 3 3 3080-3 4 2 3086-6 4 4 3096-6 6 4 m t 3098-6 5 3 3 3101-1 5 2 2 3101-4 5 ON THE ULTRA-VIOLET si'l'CTRA OP THK KI.KMKXTS. T.\i;i i of Nickel lines (continued). Intwuity. A Remark*. gptrk. Are. 5 3 3105-0 5 Also a Fe line 5 4 3113-7 6 1 1 31336 6 Also a Fe line 6 6 3134-0 4 5 4 3145-5 2 U 5 3158-9 1 M 3 3179-2 2 6 I 3181-2 1 6 6 3182-6 1 Also a Fe line 6 3 3183-8 1 6 4 3194-9 4 3 3 3196-6 4 Also a Fe line 6 i • 3201-5 4 t t 6 3212-3 5 t f 3213-7 3 Also a Fe lino 6 t t 3216-0 6 6 3216-6 5 , . 3217-4 3 5 5 3221-1 3 4 4 3224-6 3 6 6 3226-3 3 2 1 3232-6 1 Also a Fe line 3 3 3234-2 3 3 3 3242-6 3 6 6 3247-8 4 5 3250-1 3 G 6 3270-6 1 Also a Fe line 6 t f 3274-4 5 4 3282-2 6 6 3290-1 6 5 6 3311-8 3 Also a Co line 6 r t 3312-4 3 3 3 3315-1 4 3 3 3319-7 4 3 4 3321-6 4 Also a Co line 5 3349-8 3 6 5 3358-1 2 3 2 3360-9 3 Also a Co line 5 3 3361-0 3 4 4 3365-1 3 4 4 3365-5 3 6 2 2 3 3367-2 3368-9 1 4 In explosions of OH with Ni Also a Fe line 3 4 3371-3 4 .. 3 3 3373-3 3 6 4 8373-6 2 4 4 3374-0 4 1 1 3380-0 4 Also a Co line 2 2 3390-4 3 2 2 3392-4 4 6 5 3400-5 2 6 • • 3402-8 2 5 6 3404-5 2 Also a Co line 254 PROFESSORS G. D. LIVEING AND J. DEWAR TABLE of Nickel lines (continued). Intensity. A Remark a. Sptrk. Arc. 3 3 3406-6 3 6 5 3409-0 2 2 2 3412-9 3 4 1 3413-4 2 In explosions of OH with Ni 1 2 3413-8 4 6 6 3420-6 1 1 2 3423-1 4 Also a diffuse Co line 1 1 3433-0 4 Also a Co line 2 2 3436-7 5 Also a Co line 6 , ^ 3441-6 1 1 3445-7 4 Also a Co line and in explosions of OH 1 4 3452-3 3 with Ni 5 4 3452-9 2 In explosions of OH with Ni 4 4 3453-5 3 5d 2 3457-7 In explosions of OH with Ni 1 1 3457-9 6 1 1 3461-1 5 In explosions of OH with Ni 3 2 3465'! 4 Also a Co line 5 5 3466-8 2 5 4 3468-9 4 5d 6 3470-8 3 2 2 3471-9 4 2 2 3483-1 4 5 5 3485-2 2 1 1 3492-3 3 In explosions of OH with Ni 2 2 3500-0 3 5 4 3501-8 6 5 3505-9 6 6 3507-3 1 1 3509-7 4 Also a Co line and in explosions of OH with Ni 2 , . 3513-3 4 Also a Fe line 1 1 3514-4 4 In explosions of OH with Ni 6 • • 3518-0 3 3 3519-1 1 1 5 1 3523-9 3526-0 2 In explosions of OH with Ni 5 6 6 5 3527-1 3529-2 1 1 Here is a series of fine closely-set lines Also a Co line 6 6 3529-9 1 3 3 3547-5 2 6 , . 3550-8 2 6 , , 3552-8 1 6 . , 3561-1 2 1 3 3565-7 3 In explosions of OH with Ni 2 2 3571-2 3 Also a Fe line and in explosions of OH 2 . . 3576-1 3 withNi 5d 5 3587-2 2 1 1 3597-0 3 In explosions of OH with Ni 5 . . 3601-4 4 6 6 3608-6 4 2 2 3609-8 5 3 3 3612-1 5 In explosions of OH with Ni (i.\ THK ri.THA-VIOLKT SPKCTUA OK THK KLKMKNTS. 255 TABLE of Nickel lines (continued). InUniitj. A • Rwmrkji. fcgfc Arc. 1 1 3618-8 5 In explosions of OH with Ni 6 5 3624-1 4 4 3634-9 3 3653-0 6 3655-2 6 3657-5 5 3659-3 V * • 3663-4 1 • • 6 3666-9 6 2 3669-7 1 . , 6 3671-5 5 4 3673-4 1 6 t i 3687-6 1 ( ^ 6 36946 . . 6 3697-2 . . 6 3710-9 3 t ^ 3721-6 1 Also a Fe lino ( m 6 3724-2 2 2 3736-1 1 2 3768-9 5 3 3 3775-0 5 In explosions of OH with Ni 3 4 3783-0 5 In explosions of OH with Ni 2 3 3806-6 3 In explosions of OH with Ni 6 t f 3831-7 5 t t 3837-5 2 5 , , 3848-9 2 2 2 3857-8 7 256 ON THE ULTRA-VIOLET Si'KUTRA OF THE ELEMENTS. NOTE ON THE MAPS OF THE SPECTRA OF COBALT AND NICKEL. These maps contain many lines which are not in the list in the text. These additional lines were observed in the arc between carbon electrodes when metallic cobalt and nickel respectively were introduced into it ; but they were not included in the list in the text because the authors were unable, for the reasons given in the text, to be quite sure that they were not due to other metals contained in the carbon electrodes, or in the crucible in which the arc was taken. It is most probable that the greater part are really due to the metals to which they are assigned in the maps. The reader is referred to the list in the text for the measured wave-lengths, as, owing to a parallactic error in ruling, many of the lines in the maps are placed a fraction of a tenth-meter out of their true places. . <-5 1— I (rf o fi &4 o +j t— i o ri i — i ^ /'////. 7m //.v. 1888 A. Pltttr 9 »-= 8 = ft— = s = 8—= Liveiruj &•!>• 3 tparl- — ^ ? J ~^ "-| ""' 8—= 8 — =: -= ss-^ ~^7* *-= — $—= — %—= 3 — — «! — — 8 = — s — Si — — — -= "~i E $ — = <», — • — -= *p trlr Zmtiff.l88&AJ>&zfe 10. *jr«*»Jt a*c. | EE q 1 W».t Hnrmul * C? *-= l-i „•»••*'•-• /'// //. 7m //.v. 1888 A. / 'la All NT i. _ I == ••or. /%//. T/W/M. 1888 A. Plate 12. o (15 PH en 0) r— I O • t-l fc 3 P-. Bj 9-= N C> . o -H £ o Q) 0) 1 — I o CM O PH • 06 ! 8—= (/*.! ft . Phil.Trtins. l£8&AJ2afe.l3. a a rfl.. tr Phil. Tran*. 1888 \.P/nff> IK 8 *p*'k. em [ 257 ] IX. 77jf Conditions of the Evolution of Gases from Homogeneous Liquids. By V. H. VELKY, M.A., University College, Oxford. Communicated by A. VERNON HARCOURT, M.A., F.ff.S., Lee's Reader in Chemistry, Christ Church, Oxford. Received May 5,— Read May 31, 1888. I. Introduction. THE evolution of a gas, as a product of a chemical change, from a homogeneous liquid is among the earliest and most common experiences presented to a student of chemistry. Thus, oxygen and nitrogen, among the elementary gases, and nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, carbonic oxide, and hydrogen sulphide, among the compound gases, can be readily prepared either from certain salts in a state of fusion, or from aqueous or acid solutions of certain compounds. The effects produced on the rate and magnitude of these changes by varying the conditions of mass, temperature, pressure, and material of the containing vessel have not, hitherto, attracted the attention of investigators. In preference, similar dynamical problems have been studied of chemical changes occurring either between two or more gases, forming a gaseous product, or between homogeneous liquids, or between solutions of solids. In all these instances the reagents and their products are in the same physical condition, gaseous or liquid, as the case may be. Of such a character are the investigations of BUNSEN, v. MEYER, HORSTMANN, and the more elaborate researches of DIXON on the conditions of chemical change occurring between hydrogen and certain combustible gases. While among changes between homogeneous liquids or solutions of solids, should be mentioned the experiments of BERTHELOT and PEAN DE SAINT GILLES, and of MENSCHUTKIN, on the formation of ethereal salts from organic acids and alcohols, of HARCOURT and ESSON on the reactions between oxalic and permanganic acids, and between hydrogen iodide and hydrogen peroxide, and of GLADSTONE on the reaction between ferric salts and sulphocyanides. Experience thus far has shown that a chemical change from which a gas results is often complicated in itself, or is accompanied and modified by other changes yielding products not susceptible of convenient estimation. Sometimes, also, some portion of the compound whose rate of decomposition is being measured is vaporised unchanged. In the present paper I have the honour of laying before the Royal Society an account MDCCCLXXXVITI. — A. 2 L 23.8.88 258 MB. V. H. VELBY ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE of experiments on the rate of formation of gases from liquids. For convenience, the paper will be divided into three parts. In Part I. the effect produced by the presence of finely divided particles is investigated ; in Part II. the result of variation of pressure is studied ; in Part III. the particular case of the decomposition of formic acid into carbonic oxide and water, under the influence of concentrated sulphuric acid, is investigated, the only conditions varied being those of temperature and mass. The mathematical representation of this change is also discussed, and the results observed are compared with those calculated according to the hypothesis adopted. Before passing on to details, I should wish at once to state that these investigations were commenced at the instigation of Mr. HAKCOURT, who was kind enough to devise for me the various apparatus herein described, and without whose constant co-operation and advice this research could not have been completed. The experiments were con- ducted in the laboratory of Christ Church, Oxford. II. Previous Experiments on the Evolution of Gases from Liquids in ivhich they are formed. The principal chemical changes of this nature, at present investigated, are the decomposition of ammonium nitrate into nitrous oxide and steam, of potassium chlorate into potassium chloride and oxygen, and of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. The first of these changes has been studied from the thermo-chemical side by BERTHELOT,* and from a chemical point of view by myself, t BERTHELOT concludes from his experiments that ammonium nitrate, when heated to 200° C., is decomposed initially into ammonia and nitric acid, which in some degree distil in the gaseous form, recombining in the cooler parts of the apparatus to reproduce the original salt, but to a greater degree react together to form nitrous oxide and steam. These changes are represented as follows : — (i.) NH4N03 = NH3 + HN03. (ii.) NH3 + HN03 = N2O +2H2O. My investigations established that the rate of the second change is conditioned by the extent of the first : that is to say, the rate of formation of nitrous oxide, taken as the measure of the decomposition, depends upon the proportion either of ammonia or of nitric acid present in excess over the quantities of base and acid required for their complete neutralisation. Thus, an excess of ammonia, other conditions remaining the same, retarded, or even completely stopped, the decomposition, and an excess of nitric acid produced the same effect, though to a less marked degree. Unpublished * ' Annales de Chimie,' [4], vol. 18, pp. 68-82, and [5], vol. 10, pp. 362-365. t ' Chem. Soc. Journ.,' 1883, pp. 370-383. EVOLUTION OP GASES FROM HOMOGENEOUS LIQUIDS. 259 • investigations also point to the conclusion that the rate of decomposition of ammonium nitrite in solution, into nitrogen and water, is also conditioned by the presence of free nitrous acid. The decomposition of potassium chlorate into potassium chloride and oxygen has been studied by TEED and P. F. FEANKLAND with DINGWALL,* whose investigations were published while the present research was being carried on. The results show that of the two changes commonly represented in the text-books, namely— (i.) 2KC10S = KC10, + KC1 + 02 ; (ii.) KC104 = KC1 + 2O2 — the former at the temperature of boiling sulphur is incomplete, not more than 6 '3 to 876, instead of 13'05, parts of oxygen being evolved for every 100 parts of potassium chlorate originally taken. FRANKLAND and DINOWALL noticed that when the chlorate is mixed with half its iveight of powdered glass the decomposition of the chlorate according to equation (i.) is practically realised. The effect of certain metallic oxides in favouring the evolution of oxygen from potassium chlorate has been studied by W. A. MILLER and by MERCER. The former writes.t " Other oxides produce a similar effect (to that of manganese peroxide) ; thus, I find when the chlorate is mixed with ferric oxide it requires a temperature of about 260° C., with plumbic oxide a somewhat higher temperature is needed, whilst magnesia and zinc oxide do not aid the decom- position at all. I have found also that powdered glass and pure silica are equally inert." Mr. HARCOURT, in the course of his investigations on the rate of chemical change made several years ago, studied the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, of ammonium nitrite in aqueous solution into water and nitrogen, of oxalic acid into carbonic oxide, carbonic anhydride, and water, and of the formation of nitric oxide from a gently warmed mixture of potassium nitrate, ferrous sulphate, and dilute sulphuric acid. The observations made in the course of these unpublished investigations, and those especially on the effect of roughened surfaces on the decom- position of hydrogen peroxide, led to several experiments detailed in this paper, and will be alluded to in the sequel. III. The Apparatus used. The method adopted in most of the experiments for collecting a definite quantity of gas, taken as the measure of the velocity of the chemical change, may briefly be designated " the tivin \J-tube method." Though described in my paper "On the Rate of Decomposition of Ammonium Nitrate," it will be convenient here to add a brief des- cription. The apparatus consists of two inverted U-tubes (U fig. 1, page 288), made * ' Chem. Soc. Jonrn.,' 1887, pp. 274-286. t ' Elements of Chemistry,' fifth edition, vol. 2, p. 847. 2 L 2 260 ME. V. H. VELEY ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE from the same piece of glass tubing ; the two limbs of each are in close contact, being wired together above and below. Joined to the centre of the upper part of one of these tubes is a stopcock, through which, by means of flexible tubing connecting it with an aspirator, the collected gas can be drawn out till the tube is filled with water when the open ends are standing in a pneumatic trough. Into one limb of this tube the gas is delivered in minute bubbles from the open end of a capillary tube, joined to the decomposition flask ; in the other limb the unbroken surface of the water falls steadily. The twin tube contains a quantity of air, measured once for all ; the level of water in one limb serves to mark the point at which an equal volume of gas has been collected in the other tube, the level of water in the adjoining tubes being the same. The actual volume varies with conditions of temperature and atmospheric pressure, but, since the contents of both tubes are under precisely the same conditions, this variation is immaterial. The standard quantity of air taken throughout these experiments was 10 c.c. of dry air under standard conditions of temperature and pressure. This was measured out as follows : — The volume occupied by 10 c.c. under the conditions of temperature and pressure on the day of measurement was at first calculated ; this was corrected for diminution of pressure due to tension of aqueous vapour and the dip of the delivery tube under the surface of the water. This volume was delivered into the U-tube by means of a capillary tube, from a flask in which that volume of air was displaced by water dropping from a burette. The temperature of the flask was kept constant by immersing it in a vessel of water ; while the effect of draughts was minimised by using the capillary tube. In reactions in which a gas insoluble in water was formed, the small volume of gas evolved between each observation of level and the refilling of the tube by means of the aspirator was collected in a separate tube (C, fig. 1), and decanted up during the interval between this and the next observation. Thus the whole process was continuous. In cases in which the gas was partially soluble in water, suitable modifications were introduced or different methods of collection adopted. The observations were made with the help of a clock, beating seconds, stationed close to the apparatus ; and, by counting, the exact second could be noted at which the slowly descending water was at the same level as the similar column of water in the twin U-tube. The flask in which the reaction was carried on was heated in an air or water bath, the temperature of which was kept constant by means of an automatic mercury and oil gas-regulator ; in most cases the variation of temperature did not exceed one- tenth of a degree. Long-range thermometers were used, graduated to tenths of degrees, in which differences of a twentieth of a degree could easily be noted ; some of the thermometers were calibrated according to the method of BESSEL. EVOLUTION OF GASES FROM HOMOGENEOUS LIQUIDS. 261 PART I. EFFECT OF FINELY DIVIDED PAKTICLES ON THE RATE OF EVOLUTION OF GASES, RESULTING FROM A CHEMICAL CHANGE OCCURRING IN A HOMOGENEOUS LlQUTD. The effect of finely divided particles or of roughened surfaces in promoting the evolution of gases from their solutions in liquids, and that of vapours from liquids in a state of ebullition is well known. The former phenomenon has been investigated by OERSTED, SCHONBEIN, LIEBIO, GERNEZ, SCHRODER, and TOMLINSON, and the latter by WATT, GAY LUSSAC, MARCEL, MAGNUS, DONNY, and GROVE. GERNEZ* attributes the effect of these particles in increasing the evolution of carbonic acid from its super- saturated solutions to air bubbles contained within them, an explanation shown to be inadequate. ToMLiNSON.t by similar experiments, distinguishes between surfaces which are and are not " chemically clean." From clean surfaces, such as that of a freshly broken flint, or of a metal carefully washed with alcohol, no gas bubbles are given off; but when these surfaces are rubbed with a cloth and reintroduced into the solution of carbonic acid, they are immediately studded with bubbles of gas. He writes, " Make the solids chemically clean, and the solution adheres to them without any disengagement of gas ; make them unclean, and then the adhesive force of the solid becomes more energetic for the gas than for the liquid, and there is a consequent separation of gas from the liquid." The experiments of SCHRODER}; are of a similar kind. These phenomena, though analogous to those to be described below, are in this sense different, that in the one case we are dealing with a ready-made solution of a gas, but in the other with a gas in the course of manufacture from the material contained in a solution. § In an experiment an aqueous solution of sodium formate, containing 1 gram of the salt, was added to such a previously-made mixture of sulphuric acid and water that the composition of the whole, before the reaction set in, was in the ratio 1H2() : 3H3SO4. An evolution of carbonic oxide resulting from the chemical change — HCOOH = CO + OHj * ' Compt, Rend.,' vol. 63, 1866, p. 883. t ' Phil. Mag.' vol. 34, pp. 136 and 229 : vol. 38, p. 204 ; vol. 43, p. 205 ; and vol. 45, p. 276. J ' POOOENDOBFF, A imiili-ii,' vol. 137, p. 76 ; and Erganznngsband 5, p. 87. § Mr. HARCOURT tells me that his attention was called to this subject nearly thirty years ago, when, in attempting to concentrate hydrogen dioxide under the receiver of an air-pump, he found that the decom- position of the liquid was hastened by removing the atmospheric pressure. Subsequently, ho tried to measure tho rate of decomposition of hydrogen dioxide under constant conditions, and had, finally, to abandon the attempt, in consequence of the impossibility of fixing one condition, namely, the state of tho surface of the glass vessel which held the liquid. If the vessel was scrupulously cleaned, the decompo- sition took place more quickly than if any trace of grease adhered to the glass, and more quickly with some kinds of glass than with others. — July 26th, 1888. 262 MR. V. H. VELEY ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE occurred at a temperature of 350t8-350>9. But some finely divided particles, afterwards shown to be silica, were suspended in the solution of sodium formate ; these were, doubtless, due to some process adopted by the manufacturer for obtaining the salt. It was observed that these particles were continually being borne up by the bubbles of gas, and seemed to serve as nuclei for their formation. The experiment was then repeated under conditions precisely the same, with the exception that the solution of the sodium formate was Jittered into the sulphuric acid, to free the solution from the coarser and visible particles. No appreciable quantity of gas was given off at 35°'8, and it was found necessary to raise the temperature about 38°, viz., to 73°'8, to obtain a rate of evolution of gas similar to that in the above experiment. As these results appeared to be similar to those which Mr. HARCOURT had observed in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, he conducted the two following experi- ments. A mixture was made of 300 c.c. sulphuric acid (sp. gr = 17877) and 130 c.c. of water ; to this, when cool, was added 10 c.c. of a filtered aqueous solution of sodium formate (containing 1 gram of the salt). Of this mixture two portions of 200 c.c. were taken, and introduced into two similar flasks, of which one contained a quantity of well- washed, recently ignited pumice suspended in 10 c.c. of water, the other 10 c.c. of pure water. The flasks, fitted with delivery tubes, were heated side by side in a water bath, and the carbonic oxide gas collected in two graduated tubes, standing in a pneumatic trough. The intervals of time between successive observations were approximately equal ; the volumes collected in the two tubes were read simul- taneously ; the temperature varied throughout the experiment from 75°'8 to 76°'2. Mixture, with pumice, c.c. of gas collected. Mixture, without pumice, c.c. of gas collected in same time. Total Difference. Total. Diflferencc. 10 5 15 5 5-8 •8 20 5 7-1 1-8 25 5 8-5 1-4 30 5 10 1-5 35 5 11-9 1-9 41 6 14-3 2-4 45 4 15-9 1-6 50 5 18-1 2-2 The first observation includes the volume, probably about 4 c.c., given off in conse- quence of the expansion of the liquid and of the enclosed air. The rate of evolution of gas from the mixture containing the pumice is to that from the mixture without the pumice in approximately the ratio 5 : 2. EVOLUTION OF GASES FROM HOMOGENEOUS LIQUIDS. 2G3 In order to determine the effect produced by variation of the mass of pumice, an experiment precisely similar to the one described above was conducted ; in one flask was placed '1 gram, in the other 5'0 grams of pumice. Temperature 76°. Mixture with -1 gram. Mixture with 6 gram*. Interval of time in minutei Collected in each interval ToUl. Collected in each interval. Total. and decimal*. C.C. 5-0 5-0 c.c. 4-5 4-5 4-b 5-0 10-0 4-5 9-0 385 5-0 15-0 6-0 15-0 4-02 5-0 20-0 5-4 20-4 4-12 5-0 25-0 47 251 4-28 5-0 30-0 4-9 30-0 4-47 5-0 35-0 5-0 35-0 4-85 5-0 40-0 5-0 40-0 5-4 5-0 46-0 5-1 46-0 6-05 The rate of evolution of gas from both mixtures is proceeding pari passu ; thus the mass of pumice added, whether '1 gram or fifty times that amount, makes no difference. The effect of finely divided particles, not only upon the decomposition of formic acid into carbonic oxide and water, but also upon other chemical reactions in which a gas is evolved, was studied more fully by aid of the twin U-tube apparatus. Decomposition of Formic Acid into Carbonic Oxide and Water. HCOOH = CO + Effect of Graphite. Mixture taken 175 c.c. sulphuric acid. 75 „ water. Into this was filtered slowly 50 c.c. of an aqueous solution of sodium formate, con- taining 5 grams of the salt. From this quantity 165 observations of 10 c.c. each are obtainable, so that in the earlier stages of the decomposition the effect due to loss of mass in each successive observation is inconsiderable. After a preliminary stage of initial acceleration (see Part II.), the rate of evolution of gas became constant ; when this point was reached, the cork through which passed the thermometer was taken out and about half a gram of finely-powdered graphite was introduced into the mixture ; the containing flask was shaken, the cork restored to its former position, and observations recommenced at the same temperature. Temperature 80°'5-80°7. 264 MB. V. H. VELEY ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE Intervals in minutes and decimals required for evolution of 10 c.c. carbonic oxide. Before introduction of graphite. After introduction of graphite. t t t I 4-35 •83 3-03 3-25 4-20 2-37 3-12 3-25 4-40 2-80 3-13 3-22 4-30 277 3-22 3-37 4-17 2-83 3-15 3-40 4-17 2-87 3-0 335 4-22 3-03 3-15 3-42 4-22 3-15 3-25 From these observations it appears that the rate of evolution of carbonic oxide is much accelerated by the presence of the graphite, for even after twenty-three observations, corresponding to a loss in mass of nearly 14 per cent., the rate was quicker than that observed before the addition of the graphite. At the conclusion of the experiment the graphite was found to be uniformly distributed throughout the acid liquid, and there was no perceptible odour of sulphurous oxide, thus indicating that no reduction of the sulphuric acid had occurred. Effect of Silica. The experiment above was repeated with silica, obtained by decomposition of silicon fluoride with water, which had been dried and recently ignited ; it was in the usual form of a fine fluffy powder. Variation of temperature 800>4-800<6. Intervals in minutes. Before introduction of silica. After introduction of silica. 5-28 i-9 3-06 5-0 2-62 3-17 5-08 2-85 3-06 5-1 2-66 3-37 5-08 2-7 3-33 2-56 3-33 3-06 3-33 On adding the silica and agitating the flask containing the decomposing mixture an effervescence of gas took place, so tumultuous that some small quantity of liquid frothed over; it was necessary to wait a few minutes until this had subsided sufficiently to allow of observations being taken. EVOLUTION OF GASES FROM HOMOGENEOUS LIQUIDS. 2G5 Effect of Glass Dust. A quantity of glass dust was obtained by breaking RUPERT'S drops, and sifting the finely divided glass through a sieve. A mixture was made up as follows :— 300 c.c. sulphuric acid, 130 „ water, into which was filtered slowly 85 c.c. of water containing 10 grams of sodium formate. Two portions, each of 1 75 c.c., of this mixture were taken, placed in two flasks, which were heated in a water bath side by side. Mean temperature 79°'5. The observations are divided into sets of 50 c.c. each ; the volumes collected in the two tubes were read simultaneously. Mixture with glaaa doit Intervals in minute* for each difference. Mixture without gUu dntt. ToUl. Difference Total. Difference. M, 10 c.c. 10 10-45 Mb 1-0 c.c. 1 20 10 9-47 3-0 2 30 10 7-85 5-0 2 40 10 7-95 8-5 3-5 50 10 8-02 125 4-0 10 10 7-95 5-5 5-5 20 10 7-13 12-5 7-0 30 10 7-05 18-0 5-5 40 10 7-28 24-5 6-5 50 10 743 31-5 7-0 10 10 7-55 7-5 7-5 20 10 778 15-0 7-5 30 10 7-92 22v> 7-5 50 20 14-37 :;- 7 16-2 10 10 7-5 8-0 8-0 20 10 7-87 16-5 8-5 80 10 7-83 24-5 8-0 40 10 7-4 32-5 8-0 50 10 7-7 40-5 8-0 10 10 733 8-5 8-5 20 10 7-5 16-5 8-0 30 10 7-«7 24-5 8-0 40 10 7-93 32-5 8-0 50 10 8-35 40-5 8-5 From the above results it is evident that the rate of evolution of gas from the mixture with the glass dust is greater than that from the mixture without the glass ; the difference between these rates diminishes as the change proceeds, owing, partly, at least, to the greater diminution of mass in the former case than in the MDCCCLXXXVni. — A. J M 266 MR. V. H. VELEY ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE latter, for from the one 25 observations of 10 c.c. each were taken, out of a possible 165 ; from the other only 16 or 17, out of the same number. Decomposition of Nitric Acid into Nitric Oxide and Water by means of Ferrous Sulphate. 6FeSO4 + 5H2SO4 + 2KNO3 = 3Fe2 (SO4)3 -4- 2KHSO4 + 4H20 + 2NO. A convenient method of preparing pure nitric oxide gas consists in heating ferrous sulphate and potassium nitrate with dilute sulphuric acid. A mixture was made up as follows : — 6 grams of potassium nitrate and 36 grams ferrous sulphate were dissolved in 100 c.c. water; the solution filtered to rid it of small quantities of a basic iron sulphate, which invariably separated out ; to this solution was added gradually a previously made and cooled mixture of 40 c.c. sulphuric acid and 20 c.c. water. The twin U-tube method was used. Effect of Pumice. Temperature 34°'8-35°-2. Intervals in minutes required for evolution of 10 c.c. nitric oxide. Before introduction of pumice. After introduction of pumice. 6-05 9-88 6-87 11-37 7-75 8-75 2-9 7-15 15-08 The introduction of the pumice produced a most violent effervescence ; some quantity of the liquid frothed over. The above results show that, notwithstanding the loss of mass due to this effervescence, the interval of time in which 10 c.c. of gas is given off is suddenly reduced from 11''37 to 2'-9. Effect of Graphite. The experiment above was repeated, graphite being introduced instead of pumice ; the phenomena observed were precisely similar. Temperature 390'4-39°7. Intervals in minutes. Before introduction of graphite. After introduction of graphite. 1-67 1-88 2-4 3-32 3-77 4-37 5-23 6-05 6-62 7-43 8-5 9-88 1-37 2-13 2-87 3-99 4-97 6-63 10-78 16-67 EVOLUTION OP OASES FROM HOMOGENEOUS LIQUIDS. 267 Thus, on introduction of the graphite the interval required for the evolution of 10 c.c. of gas is suddenly reduced from 9'"88 to 1''37, notwithstanding the loss of mass due to a tumultuous effervescence of gas. Effect of Barium Sulphate. Some barium sulphate was prepared by precipitation of the chloride with sulphuric acid, and washed carefully from all traces of chloride ; it was then ignited in the usual manner. Temperature 37°-G-380>0. Interval! in minute*. Before introduction of barium sulphate After introduction of barium wulphtte. 4-43 11-9 6-88 30-03 5:08 22-58 10-0 351 The interval of time is here reduced from 30' to 5' by the presence of the precipi- tated barium sulphate. Decomposition of Ammonium Nitrite in Aqueous Solution into Nitrogen and Water. NH^NOj = N8 + OH,. The preparation of nitrogen gas by heating together concentrated aqueous solutions of potassium nitrite and ammonium chloride is well known. The effect of finely divided particles in promoting the evolution of nitrogen was studied as affording an example of a case in which there is formed a gas, most sparingly soluble, and thus not likely to be stored in any quantity in the solution of the salts undergoing decom- position. Effect of Silica. A mixture was made of 40 c.c. of a concentrated solution of potassium nitrite and 120 c.c. of a cold saturated solution of ammonium chloride, containing about 33 per cent, of the salt. Variation of temperature, 570f7-57°'9. Intervals in minntes required for evolution of 10 c.c. nitrogen. Before introduction of silica. After introduction of iilica. 5-92 6-03 6-13 5-95 6-13 6-62 6-8 7-18 7-77 8-55 8-0 43 872 9-72 10-55 12-02 128 2 M 2 268 MB. V. H. VELEY ON THE CONDITIONS OP THE The interval of time is suddenly reduced to about one-third by the introduction of the silica, as in some previous cases, but the rate of the decomposition quickly resumes its former course. Effect of Pumice. This experiment was made with a similar mixture. Temperature, 58°-590>l. Intervals in minutes. Before introduction of pumice. After introduction of pumice. i , 1 1 * f 2-57 315 6-23 7-22 6-28 10-7 27 4-25 6-03 7-7 6-4 2-9 4-53 6-03 8-03 9-13 3-08 5-38 6-65 10-02 The interval of time is here reduced from 8'"03 to 6''28 by the introduction of the pumice ; otherwise the results are comparable with those of the former experiment. Decomposition of Ammonium Nitrate, into Nitrous Oxide and Steam. NH4NO3 = 20H. Owing to the solubility of nitrous oxide in water, the twin U-tube apparatus was modified by the interposition between the flask and the U-tube of a bent tube, provided with two bulbs at different levels, the form of which is described at length in my paper " On the Rate of Decomposition of Ammonium Nitrate."* By its means each measure of nitrous oxide was represented by the collection in the U-tube of its corresponding volume of air. The manipulation and processes of purification of the salt were the same as those adopted in the previous experiments. Such a quantity of salt, about 200 grams, was taken that the loss of mass between any two consecutive observations should be far too small to affect the results. Effect of Pumice. In this case the temperature of the pumice introduced was as nearly as possible that of the fused salt, so as not to produce local solidification of the salt around the pumice, and thus retard the decomposition. Temperature, 182°'2-1820-.'). * ' Chem. Soc. Jonrn.,' 1883, p. 373. INVOLUTION OF OASES FROM HOMOc KNK< H'S LIQUIDS. 269 Interval! in minute* required for evolution of 10 c.c. nitron* oxide. Before introduction of pumice. After introduction of pumice. 4-67 4-72 4-77 4-7 4-63 4-5 4-48 4-5 4-47 2-4 ::•/ 3-7 3-65 3-82 3-88 3-85 The interval is reduced from a constant value of 4''5 to 3'' 80 by the introduction of the pumice. Effect of Barium SulplwAe. The experiment was repeated with precipitated barium sulphate. In order to determine whether the change of atmosphere above the fused salt had any effect upon the rate of the decomposition, the cork, with the thermometer, was taken out, and the superincumbent atmosphere of nitrous oxide, steam, and vapours of the salt was completely blown away. But on restoring the cork the interval required for the evolution of the 10 c.c. of the nitrous oxide was the same as before, which proves that the results obtained in the cases investigated above are not due to the necessary partial change of atmosphere in the process of introducing the finely-divided material. The intervals of time required for the unit of decomposition obtained after the altera- tion of the atmosphere are given in the second column. Variation of temperature, 191°'5-191°'8. Intervals in minutes. Before Introduction of barium sulphate. After introduction of barium sulphate. < / i t I 1 / 5-4 5-52 5-4 2-32 1-85 1-98 1-88 5-4 5-47 5-4 2-4 1-83 1-93 1-85 5-43 5-53 2-12 1-8 1-95 5-45 2-02 i-as 1-86 1-97 1-87 1-85 The results show that the constant interval is reduced from 5'*45 to 1''85, or, prac- tically, to one-third, by the introduction of such a chemically inert substance as barium sulphate. Effect of Platinum Black. A sample of platinum black was prepared by reducing the chloride with a slightly alkaline solution of sodium formate ; the precipitated metal was washed free from all traces of chlorine and partially dried over sulphuric acid in a vacuum ; it was thought 270 MR. V. H. VELEY ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE advisable not to completely dry the tinely-clivided metal, so as to avoid a possible absorption of oxygen. Intervals in minutes. Temperature, 200°-205°. Before audition of platinum black. Temperature, 182°-182°-5. After addition of platinum black. 4-92 5-0 5-0 5-02 5-0 4-98 5-02 5-0 3-17 3' 17 3-2 3-13 3-2 3-17 3-13 The effect of platinum black is most striking; the interval of time is reduced practically in the ratio of 5 : 3, even though the temperature was lowered 18°, in order to obtain a rate of decomposition sufficiently slow for convenient observation. Decomposition of Potassium Chlorate into the Perchlorate, Chloride, and Oxygen. 2KC1O3 = KC104 + KC1 + O2. It is usually stated in the more recent text-books on chemistry (see page 259), that finely divided chemically inert substances do not accelerate the evolution of oxygen from potassium chlorate. To decide this point a quantity of potassium chlorate was re-crystallised ; into two similar-shaped retorts were introduced 70 grams of the salt ; to one portion 7 gram of precipitated barium sulphate was added. The retorts were placed side by side in a small square air bath, provided with two holes in one side, through which the necks of the retorts passed. The air bath was packed with asbestos, to distribute the heat of the lamp as uniformly as possible. After the evolution of oxygen had commenced, but before systematic observations were taken, 104 c.c. of gas were given off from the chlorate containing the barium sulphate, but only 51 '2 c.c. from that without the sulphate. The observations are divided into sets of 50 c.c. each, being the capacity of the two graduated tubes which served to collect the oxygen. The time was noted at which each measure of oxygen was evolved from the retort containing potassium chlorate and barium sulphate, and simultaneously the volume which had been evolved from the retort containing potassium chlorate only was read. EVOLUTION OF OASKS 1 KOM HOMOGENEOUS LIQUIDS. 271 HATE of Evolution of Oxygen. Mixture of 70 gram* pota-Mum chlorate and 70 gram* of potassium chlorate. •7 gram Iwrium nulpha(c. Interval in minutes for each difference. Total relume. Different. Total Tolorait. Difference. C.O. .-.-. J c.o. C.C, 20 20 3-5 i-o 1-0 40 20 3-53 2-0 1-0 50 10 1-8 2-5 1-5 20 20 4-25 1-5 1-5 40 ._.,, 4-6 2-5 1-0 50 10 3-15 3-5 1-0 10 10 5-68 1-5 1-5 20 10 5-32 4-0 2-5 30 10 6-85 7-0 3-0 40 10 633 10-0 3-0 50 10 7-43 12-5 25 10 10 5-83 2-0 2-0 20 10 7-03 5-0 3-0 30 10 6-13 7-5 2-5 40 10 6-18 10-0 2-5 50 10 135 3-5 From these results it is evident that the evolution of oxygen from the chlorate with which the barium sulphate is mixed not only commenced at a lower temperature, but also was more rapid throughout, though the difference between the two rates of evolution diminishes as the reaction proceeds, owing to a greater loss of mass in the one case than in the other. The whole course of the phenomenon is precisely analogous to that observed in the case of the decomposition of sodium formate by strong sulphuric acid in the presence or absence of glass dust. In order to determine whether such a chemically inert substance as barium sulphate is as effective a material as ntanganese peroxide in promoting the evolution of oxygen at a temperature below the point of fusion of the chlorate, two portions of 20 grams of the salt were taken. To the one was added '2 gram of barium sulphate ; to the other, '2 gram of manganese peroxide, Mn60u, H80, prepared for a previous investigation, and shown by spectroscopic analysis to be free from any considerable quantities of the oxides of the alkalies and alkaline earths. Each of these mixtures was placed in a piece of combustion tubing, the end of which was drawn out into a capillary. The two tubes were heated side by side in an air bath. 272 MB. V. H. VELEY ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE Mixture of 20 grama potassium chlorate and Mixture of 20 grams potassium chlorate and •2 gram manganese peroxide. Intervals in minutes •2 gram barium sulphate. for each difference. Total volume. Difference. Total volume. Difference. O.C. 10 CO 10 2:22 C.C. i-o c.c. i-o 20 10 2-0 2-0 i-o 30 10 2-07 2-5 rs 40 10 2-43 3-0 •5 60 10 2-03 3-5 •5 10 10 1-13 •5 •5 20 10 •87 1-25 . •75 30 10 •92 2-25 1-0 50 20 1-22 3-25 i-o 20 20 1-27 •5 •5 40 20 1-73 2-0 1-5 50 20 •92 3-5 1-0 20 20 2-58 •5 •5 40 20 4-58 1-5 1-0 These results show that, while the evolution of oxygen from the potassium chlorate and manganese peroxide mixture is very rapid while the salt still remained unfused that from the potassium chlorate and barium sulphate is exceedingly small under the same conditions. The results of the various experiments detailed above all point to the one conclu- sion, that the rate of evolution of a gas formed by chemical change in an homogeneous liquid is accelerated by the presence of finely divided particles which are chemically inert. Thus, whether the gas is evolved from an aqueous solution or a salt in a state of fusion, whether the gas is soluble in the liquid from which it is being evolved or not, whether the chemical change from which the gas results takes place at a temperature of 37° or 350°, whether the finely divided substance is porous or not, the result is uniformly the same. v PAET II. PHENOMENON OF INITIAL ACCELERATION AND EFFECT OF REDUCTION OF PRESSURE ON THE RATE OF EVOLUTION OF GASES. Before proceeding to discuss the effects produced by reduction of pressure on the rate of evolution of gases from homogeneous liquids, it is desirable to call attention to the phenomenon of initial acceleration. It was observed by Mr. HARCOUKT some years ago, and confirmed by my experiments on the decomposition of ammonium nitrate and on other chemical reactions detailed in the present communication, that EVOLUTION OF GASES FROM HOMOGENEOUS LIQUIDS. 273 the rate of evolution of gas, external conditions remaining the same, is at first slow, then gradually increases until it reaches a maximum, and for some time constant, rate, from which point it decreases constantly with the diminution of the mass undergoing decomposition. The curve, then, representing the velocity in terms of mass would thus show a point of contrary curvature. This phenomenon of initial acceleration has previously been observed in reactions occurring between two gases giving a third gas as a resultant, as also between two liquids with liquid resultants. Thus BUNSEN and ROSCOE in their photo-chemical researches* pointed out that the combination of hydrogen with chlorine, under the influence of direct sunlight, starts at first slowly, but quickly increases, reaching a maximum ; this phenomenon they called " photo- chemical induction." To illustrate their results, they studied the rate of replacement of hydrogen in tartaric acid by bromine, both the reacting substances being in dilute solution ; this rate was found to increase slowly, reaching a maximum point. Again, BERTHELOT and PEAN DE SAINT GiLLEst observed the same period of initial acceleration in their studies on the rate of formation of ethereal salts, less marked in the etherifica- tion of acetic acid by ethyl alcohol, but most marked in the case of valeric acid. On this point they write as follows^ : — " Pour la concevoir il faut admettre une sorte d'inertie, de resistance .-i vaincre qui retarde la combinaison dans les premiers instants, et dont les effects compensent et au-del;\ pendant un certain temps ceux qui rdsultent d'un e"tat de concentration plus grande dans le systeme. Cette acce'le'ration initielle semble done constituer un caractere assez ge'ne'ral de ce genre de reactions." It is apparently also common to the kind of reactions, here investigated, in which a gas is formed from a liquid. But the intervals of time required for the unit of chemical change do not, however, decrease in any regular uniformity during this period of acceleration ; it is probable that the phenomenon is the result of several causes, the peculiar effect of each of which cannot at present be determined by mathematical analysis. In some cases it is due to a storage of gas within the liquid, particularly in the formation of nitric oxide from nitric acid by means of ferrous sulphate, and in others a delay is occasioned by the actual resolution of more complex into simpler molecules, or even atoms, which in their turn react to form the gaseous product. Thus, in the formation of nitrous oxide from ammonium nitrate, the delay may be occasioned by the resolution of the molecule of the salt into ammonia and nitric acid, as observed by BERTHELOT. In the case of the decomposition of potassium ferro- cyanide by sulphuric acid the double salt at first splits up into the separate metallic cyanides, which yield, by the action of the acid, hydrocyanic and subsequently formic acid. This last is then decomposed into carbonic oxide and water. It would appear that hydrocyanic acid is always an initial product in this decomposition. Thus, to put the proposition in a general form, if in any chemical system a • ' Phil. Trans.,' 1857, p. 355. t ' Annales de Chimie,' [8], vol. 66, 1862, pp. 5-153. t Ibid., pp. 26, 65. MDCCCLXXXV1II. — A. 2 N 274 MR. V. H. VELEY ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE compound abed decomposes initially into ab and cd, which in their turn form ac and bd, thus (i.) abed = ab -\- cd (ii.) ab + cd = ac + bd, then, if neither of these changes is instantaneous, the rate at which bd, the measured compound, is produced would gradually increase until the velocity of change (ii.) is equal to that of change (i.). The reverse case of (i.) may also occur, in which ab and cd combine to form abed, which is again decomposed thus (i.) ab + cd = abed (ii.) abed = ac -\-bd. The experiments illustrative of this phenomenon are given below for a variety of chemical changes. In Part I. the intervals of time observed before the maximum and constant rate was reached have in all cases been omitted in order to shorten the tables. To make the results the more comparable, all the observations are reduced on the supposition that the mass of the substances undergoing decomposition remained constant. Decomposition of Formic Acid into Carbonic Oxide and Water. Constant mass of sodium formate = 5 grams, corresponding to 3'384 grams of formic acid, and yielding a sufficient volume of carbonic oxide for 160 observations of 10 c.c. each. Temperature 80°'8 to 80°'9. The observations are given up to the point of maximum and constant rate. Intervals in minutes required for evolution of 10 c.c. carbonic oxide. Reduced. Not reduced. 18-98 9-47 6-81 5-92 5-56 5-17 4-74 4-51 4-27 6-53 5-67 5-33 5-30 5-33 To determine the effect produced by a temporary lowering of temperature, at the conclusion of the observations recorded in the first column the mixture was cooled by being placed into water at 20°, which caused the temperature to fall to 70°. The flask was then restored to its position and quickly heated up to the former temperature, 80°'8 to 800>9, when observations were again made ; but, as the loss of gas in the interval was not determined, the times recorded in the second part of the table are not reduced. They show, however, that the phenomenon of initial acceleration repeats itself, EVOLUTION OP GASES PROM HOMOGENEOUS LIQUIDS. 275 Two other series of observations are given below, made under precisely the same conditions of mass of salt, concentration of acid, and with slight differences of temperature. Interval* In minute* (reduced). I. Temperature 80 4-80-P. II. Temperature 80 7-80-fl. 13-13 8-02 6-11 5-18 4-18 4-50 402 4-28 10-62 7-15 r, M.J 5-26 5-03 4-93 Decomposition of Potassium Ferrocyanide by Sulphuric Add. K4Fe(CN)6, SI^O + 6H2SO4 + 3H20 = 6CO + 2^80^ + 3(NHt)aSO4 + FeSO*. Experiments made in the earlier stages of this research on the rate of decomposition of potassium ferrocyanide with concentrated sulphuric acid in accordance with the above equation also illustrate this phenomenon of initial acceleration. The twin (J- tube method was used, but the standard quantity of air taken was such as would correspond to the decomposition of '058 gram of the salt. A mixture was made up as follows : — 21 grams crystallised ferrocyanide, corresponding to 860 observations. 420 . . . sulphuric acid. 27 „ water. This mixture was heated until the salt had completely dissolved in the acid to form a clear liquid, and then observations were commenced, little or no gas other than small quantities of hydrocyanic acid being given off before the salt dissolved. Temperature 150°'8-151°. Intervals in minutes (reduced) required for evolution of standard volume of carbonic oxide. 7-27 6-43 6-72 6-36 6-03 6-13 6-12 6-18 6-16 5-73 5-63 5-70 5-66 These results are precisely similar to those given above. 2 N 2 276 MB. V. H. VELEY ON THE CONDITIONS OP THE In another set of experiments a mixture was made up as follows :- 31*5 grams potassium ferrocyanide. 420 „ sulphuric acid. 1-3 water. Temperature 150°'8-151°-2. Intervals in minutes (reduced). 13-67 9-54 6-83 12-36 8-33 6-44 10-48 7-94 6-01 9-74 7-30 5-84 Decomposition of Ammonium Nitrate. In my former experiments on the decomposition of ammonium nitrate the same phenomenon was observed ; in these the standard volume of air taken was equal to the volume of nitrous oxide given off by the decomposition of '05 gram of the salt. Temperature 210°-210°'5. Intervals in minutes (reduced) required for evolution of standard volume of nitrous oxide. 17-7 16-0 14-3 12-0 10-3 8-65 7-9 7-05 6-25 5-75 5-4 4-65 4-2 3-8 3-4 3-35 3-25 3-05 2-8 2-7 2-65 2-55 2-45 2-45 2-35 2-25 2-10 2-15 In other series of experiments a similar very gradual acceleration was observed ; of these only one need be quoted in illustration. Intervals in minutes (reduced). 6-57 4-07 2-96 2-87 2-50 5-20 3-82 3-11 2-70 2-49 4-83 3-58 3-01 2-68 4-45 3-42 2-99 2-59 Decomposition of Oxalic Acid by Strong Sulphuric Acid. H2C304 - OH2 = CO2 + CO. In the course of some experiments made to determine the effect produced by alteration of pressure, the decomposition of oxalic acid into carbonic acid and oxide EVOLUTION OP GA8B8 FROM HOMOGENEOUS LIQUIDS. 277 was selected as a case for investigation. The results obtained also illustrated this phenomenon of initial acceleration. Owing to the solubility of carbonic acid in water some modification of the apparatus was necessary to collect the mixed gases over mercury. The method adopted was as follows : — Two tubes were wired together above and below, of which one was graduated in cubic centimetres, the other in millimetres. In the former the mixed gases were collected, while the latter served to indicate the pressure in millimetres of the mercury column corresponding to each reading of the other tube, both standing in a small trough filled with mercury. Thus each uncor- rected volume of 10 c.c. could be reduced in terms of standard pressure and tempera- ture ; due allowance was also made for the tension of aqueous vapour, the tube which served for the collection of the gases being moistened with water. 12 grams of crystallised oxalic acid were dissolved in 120 c.c. sulphuric acid; after complete dissolution of the oxalic acid observations were made ; these are divided into sets of 50 c.c. each. Temperature 67°-4-670<6. Intervals of time required for evolution of 10 c.c. of carbonic oxide and acid. I. II. 14-0 7-36 12-6 7-50 10-31 7-13 8-12 6-36 7-83 6-27 In other series of experiments precisely similar results were obtained ; of these only one need be quoted for illustration, made under conditions precisely similar to that above, with the exception that the temperature was slightly higher, viz., 69°'0. Intervals of time required for evolution of 10 c.c. of the mixed gaseo. I. II. 9-5 8-12 1:71 6-20 5-94 ^•39 5-20 5-08 5-03 5-03 In the above tables the Series II. is practically continuous with the Series I., 278 MR. V. H. VELEY ON THE CONDITIONS OP THE small quantity of the gases being lost between the last observation of I. and the first of II. in the interval of time during which the collecting tube was re-filled with mercury. Decomposition of Nitric Acid into Nitric Oxide and Water by means of Ferrous Sulphate. In the formation of nitric oxide by heating together solutions of ferrous sulphate and potassium nitrate with dilute sulphuric acid, this initial acceleration was not observed under the conditions of the experiments. But when the pale green liquid was warmed at about 40°, it gradually became darker by the solution therein of the nitric oxide, a process which lasted often for half an hour or more. When the liquid had become almost black, then, owing to some indeterminate cause, there was a sudden outburst of gas, accompanied by an evolution of heat, the thermometer rising one to two degrees. From this point the evolution of gas gradually decreased, at a rate probably proportional to the diminution of mass. Decomposition of Ammonium Nitrite in Aqueous Solution into Nitrogen and Water. In the few experiments made in the course of the present investigation on the above chemical change the phenomenon of initial acceleration was not observed, but Mr. HABCOUBT has informed me that in his previous investigations, on a more extended scale, he always observed the phenomenon, and showed that it could be reproduced by temporary cooling of the liquid, as noted above in the case of the decomposition of formic acid. Production of Hydrogen from Zinc and Sulphuric Acid. Zn + H2S04 = ZnS04 + H2. Though the results obtained in measuring the rate of evolution of hydrogen from zinc and sulphuric acid are not strictly comparable with the evolution of gas from a homogeneous liquid, yet, as SPBING and AUBIN* have recently called attention in this case also to an initial acceleration, which they call the " period of induction," it may here be briefly considered. In the present research, this phenomenon was observed in the course of experiments made before the publication of SPBING and AUBIN'S paper. It is probably conditioned by the mechanical adherence of bubbles of gas to the surface of the metal, which is always apparent when sulphuric acid comes in contact with a regular surface of the metal If these bubbles are removed as fast as they are formed, or if the metal is continuously rolled about within the acid liquid, no such initial acceleration can be observed. » ' Annales de Chimie' [6], vol. 11, pp. 505-554. EVOLUTION OF GASES FROM HOMOGENEOUS LIQUIDS. 279 Effect of Reduction of Pressure on the Rate of Evolution of Gases. The retardation or promotion of certain chemical decompositions and combinations by increase or decrease of pressure has from time to time been the subject of various inquiries ; of these, some will be alluded to in the sequel. As the evolution of gas from a liquid might apparently be modified by reduction of the superincumbent atmosphere to which that liquid is subjected, as preventing a possible storage of gas in its initial stage of formation, the effect produced by such a reduction of pressure was considered a subject worthy of particular investigation. The apparatus employed consisted mainly of three parts, a blown-out flask of stout glass, a SPRENOEL pump with the usual gauge, and a tube serving for the collection of known volumes of the gaseous product. Through the neck of the flask passed a "["-piece of glass tubing ; the vertical part of this was closed by a rubber cork through which passed the thermometer, while the horizontal part, of stout glass, enclosing a capillary airway, was connected by thick-walled rubber tubing with the SPRENGEL pump. The delivery tube of the pump, resting within a small crucible filled with mercury, was slightly curved up in order to pass the gas into a stout piece of glass tubing of rather larger diameter. To the upper end of this latter was sealed an upright piece of capillary tubing, which served to deliver the gaseous product iuto some form of collecting apparatus placed upon the working bench of the laboratory. The mercury dropping from the pump overflowed from the crucible into a porcelain dish, and was returned from time to time to the funnel, to which the rest of the pump was connected by a stout piece of rubber tubing, which could be compressed to a greater or less degree by means of a clamp. In order to study the rate of evolution of gas at any desired pressure below that of the atmosphere, a small strip of paper was gummed on the gauge, and the flow of mercury adjusted proportionally to the evolu- tion of the gas, so that the level of the mercury within the gauge varied only a few millimetres on either side of the paper strip marking the reduced pressure. After a little practice this process was found to be easy. In order to test the tightness of the various joints, which were all carefully lubricated, the whole apparatus was exhausted to a few millimetres pressure ; if the mercury in the gauge did not rise appreciably after the lapse of several hours, the whole being left generally over night, the apparatus was considered sufficiently air-tight for observations lasting only a few hours. Decomposition of Oxalic Acid into Carbonic Acid and Oxide. The method adopted for collecting known volumes of carbonic acid and oxide has been described above. Experiments were at first made under a reduced pressure, then the mixed gases allowed to fill up the vacuum, and observations commenced as 280 MR. V. H. VELEY ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE before ; these are divided into sets of 50 c.c. each, there being a small loss of gas, as observed above, before the last observation of each set and the first of the next. Mixture used, 12 grams oxalic acid in 120 c.c. sulphuric acid. Temperature 68°-9-690<0. Interval of time for each 10 c.c. of the mixed gases. Pressure 1C3 mm. Press-lire 785 mm. 12-2 3-9 4-70 9-5 5-39 5-31 6-02 4-18 4'81 812 5-20 5-31 4-5 4'27 671 5-08 5-0 4-63 4-64 6-20 5'03 5-0 4-18 4-85 5-94 5-03 The results at the reduced pressure show an initial acceleration, then a constant, followed by a gradually decreasing, rate ; when the mixed gases had filled up the vacuum, which required a volume of 75 c.c., corresponding to a loss of 7'5 observa- tions, the initial acceleration again repeats itself, followed by a constant rate practically equal to that obtained at the point at which the pressure was increased. These observations do not point to any marked difference in the rate of evolution of gas at pressures below the atmospheric. Another series of experiments was conducted under nearly identical conditions, which point to the same general result. Temperature 660'9-67°-0. Intervals of time for each 10 c.c. Pressure 132 mm. Pressure 773 mm. 34-5 6-45 578 5-17 6-01 14-0 7-36 11-9 6-32 6-13 5-20 5-81 12-6 7-50 7-65 6-34 — 5-39 6-58 10-31 7-13 6-59 6-00 5-72 670 8-12 6-36 6-67 5-94 5-95 677 7-83 6-27 In the first set three observations were missed, owing to some irregularity in the working of the SPBENGEL pump. Decomposition of Formic Acid into Carbonic Oxide and Water. A series of experiments was also conducted to determine the effect produced by variation of pressure on this decomposition ; the method of working was the same as that described above, but the twin U apparatus was used, the carbonic oxide being EVOLUTION OF GASES FROM HOMOGENEOUS LIQUIDS. 281 collected over water ; the whole process waa therefore continuous, with the exception of the interval during which the gas filled up the vacuum, or was pumped out while the pressure was being reduced. A. mixture was made up as follows : — Sulphuric acid . . . . = 175 c.c. Water = 58 „ Solution of sodium formate = 75 „ containing 10 grams of the salt in solution, which corresponds to 330 observations of 10 c.c. each ; thus, the difference between successive observations caused by diminution of mass and dilution of the sulphuric acid by the water formed in the reaction is inappreciable. Temperature 69°-690>2. Interval of time required (or evolution of 10 c.c. of gw. I. IL III. At pressure of 152 mm. At prcfwure of 753 mm. At pressure of 165 mm. 10-63 5-3 5-61 1572 7-22 7-26 7-87 2-85 7'13 7-37 673 5-43 5-85 10-33 7-18 7-33 5-3 7-08 7-52 6-4 57 6-12 9-38 7-33 7-17 6-27 7-25 6-03 5-58 6-22 9-15 7-23 7-03 677 7-03 6-22 89 7-40 7-27 6-90 7-47 The results set forth in the above table are practically continuous ; when it was judged that the maximum and constant rate in Series I. was attained, the pressure was suddenly increased by temporarily taking out the cork of the flask containing the acid mixture, and the observations in Series IT. commenced ; the interval of time between the last observation of I. and the first of II. was 12 minutes, but during this time little, if any, gas was given off. Again, when in Series II. the maximum and constant rate was reached, the pressure was reduced as rapidly as possible to the former point by working the SPRENGEL, a process requiring about 8'*5, during which the pumped-out gas was allowed to escape. The results show that at the reduced pressure there is the usual period of initial acceleration ; on increasing the pressure there is a retardation followed by an acceleration, but on again decreasing the pressure the phenomenon is reversed, i.e., there is a period of initial retardation. The intervals of time in the period of maximum rate of Series I. are slightly less than those in Series IL, but these latter are equal to those in Series III., thus showing that variations of pressure produce but little variation in the rate of evolution of gases from liquids. It is also to be noted that, as regards the initial acceleration, the effect of a sudden increase of pressure is precisely the same as that of a temporary lowering of temperature. MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. 2 O MR. V. H. VELEY ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE In other series of experiments results precisely similar were obtained. A mixture was made up of 202 c.c. sulphuric acid, 73 c.c. water, and 75 c.c. of solution of sodium formate containing 10 grams of the salt. Temperature 64°'4-640 j !/<)> = m- -- I -r- dx ay where I, m, n afe the direction cosines of the normal to the surface. We will use U, V, W for the superficial currents ; u, v, w for the currents referred to unit of area. For there exists a function, , of x, y, and z, which has any arbitrarily assigned * It is usual to employ the term tuperficial current only in Cases Where the quantity of electricity in question is infinitely great compared with h by analogy to the definition of a superficial distribution of electricity in electrostatics. But the definition above given is unambiguous, and includes as a particular case the case of a finite current in an infinitely thin shell. CURKKNTS IN C( )N |)I< I IMi SHKLLS Of SMALL THICKNESS. 299 constant value along each stream line. Therefore there exists a function, , which is constant along each stream line, and such that d^dc is equal to the given superficial current at every point, dc being an element of a line drawn on the surface at right angles to the stream line. Then <£ is the required function. For U, V, and W so defined are proportional to the direction cosines of the common section of the surface S, and the surface $ = constant, that is, to the direction cosines of the stream line. Also V + W = (.« + „•) + (P + n» , dd> d d /d\* U) - (*££.. MM ' \dv') ~\dv) (if d/dvf be the rate ot increase of per unit of length of the normal to the surface /dv be the rate of increase of per unit of length of the normal to the sheet) fr There may be an infinite variety of functions which satisfy the conditions for , but all of them give the same value for U, V, and W, If ^ be given, it completely determines U, V, and W. Conversely, if U, V, and W be given at every point, they completely determine the values of on S subject to the addition of an arbitrary constant. Of the Currents per Unit of Area. 4. Let there be any finite space, and two functions S and $ such that within the space dS d dS d ii

dd> u j + v j + w— = 0 ; dx dy dz and, therefore, in such a system any surface, S = constant, or (j) = constant, is a current sheet. If the surface S = constant be a closed surface within the space the currents upon it are closed currents. If we form a shell between two neighbouring surfaces, S = c and S = c + dc, the superficial currents in that shell on S = c are determined by the current function dc, so that TT , / d the current function, we have for the components vector potential 7C3 - cZS r W , , = \\(n ~ — m d<)>\ ~ — m J ) dy dz / CURRENTS IN CONDUCTING SIIKI.I.S u| SMALL THICKNESS. 301 where r is the distance from a jx>int in the shell to the point at which F, G, H are required. If the current sheet be a closed surface, or if it be a bounded surface, and f/> be zero at the boundary, these expressions can be put in another form, as follows : — Applying STOKES'S theorem to any bounded surface S, and the function /r, we have in which the integral on the left hand side is round the bounding curve. Therefore for any closed surface, or auy unclosed surface, provided that is continuous and vanishes at the boundary, and, therefore, F is therefore a linear function of all the <£'s with coefficients functions of the coordinates ; G and H have corresponding values. Given S and , F, G, and H are completely determinant, and are independent of h. Corollary. — The vector potential due to any spherical current sheet is tangential to every spherical surface concentric with the sheet, as shown by MAXWELL, § 671. Of the Energy of a System of Current Sheets. 6. The electrokinetic energy of a system of currents over the surface or system of surfaces S is T = £ JJ (Fhu + Ghv + Uhw) dS We can transform this by STOKES'S theorem in the same manner as we transformed the integral For, if the surfaces be closed, or if (ft be continuous and vanish at the boundary, 302 MR. S. H. BUKBURY ON THE INDUCTION OF ELECTRIC or Treating G<£ and H<£ in the same way, and arranging, we obtain iff^J;/rfH dG\ I** ^\ fdG rf T = i <£ » with coefficients functions of the coordinates. Evidently, if we have two systems of currents on different sheets or on the same sheet, their energy of mutual action is ^ JJ dil dfl'fdv dS, where and 11 relate to one system, and and SI' to the other. Comparison with Magnetic Shells. 7. If a system of magnetic shells be formed over the surface S, and be the strength at any point, regarded as positive when the positive face is outwards, the components of vector potential of magnetic induction due to the system at any point not within the substance of the shells are (MAXWELL, § 41G) — They are, therefore, the same as the components of vector potential of the system of electric currents over S, determined by as current function. It follows that the components of magnetic force or magnetic induction, namely, dH/'dy — dG/dz, &c>,are at any point not within the substance of the shells the same for the system of shells whose strength is as for the system of currents whose current function is over the same surface ; or, as we may otherwise express it, the magnetic potential due to the system of shells differs from that due to the system of currents by some constant at all points external to the sheet, and by some, but not necessarily the same, constant at all points within the sheet, the particular constants depending on the definition we choose to adopt of the magnetic potential due to a current shell. 8. Proposition. — There exists a determinate system of magnetic shells over any closed surface, S, which has magnetic potential at each point on or within S equal to that of any arbitrarily assigned external magnetic system. For let P0 be the potential of the external system. Let q be the density of a distribution of matter over S, the potential of which is equal to P0 at all points on S, and, therefore, also at all points within 8. Then q is possible and determinate by known theorems. Let (f> be that function of x, y, and z of negative degree which satisfies the conditions V2<£= 0 at all points outside of S, and d/dv = q at all points on S, 304 Mil. S. H. BURBURY ON THE INDUCTION OF ELECTRIC where dv \s an element of the normal to S, measured outwards. Then is possible and determinate by known theorems ; and is the strength of the required magnetic shell. For let r be the distance of any point from an internal point O. Then at O the potential of the system of magnetic shells whose strength is is But, by GREEN'S theorem, applied to the functions and l/r and the infinite space outside of S, But V2l/r = 0, because 0 is within S, and V2<£ = 0 by definition at all external points. Therefore, . : ,, •. , = P, , .I''.. Corollary. — There exists one determinate system of closed electric currents over . any closed surface, S, whose magnetic potential, together with that of any arbitrarily given external magnetic system, is constant at all points on or within S ; namely, the system of currents whose current function is — , where is determined as in the principal proposition. 9. The magnetic induction due to the combined systems is, therefore, zero at every point within S. We will define the system of currents on S which has this property to be the magnetic screen on S to the external system. Evidently the proposition and its corollary will apply equally to a system of magnetic shells or electric currents on S having at all points in external space the same magnetic effect as that of a magnetic system wholly within S. CURRENTS IN CONDUCTING SHELLS OF SMALL THICKNESS. 305 Example of Magnetic Screen. 1 0. Let S be a sphere of radius a. Then P, the magnetic potential of the external system, may, as regards its value on S, be expanded in a series of spherical surface harmonics, including generally a constant term, namely, Hence, V, -2n_+J — > i *» •"» * » Then is the solid harmonic which satisfies the condition -~ = -p = 7 at all points on S ; and the value of on S is AO 1 2n + 1 . v

/dz are severally zero at all points within S. For, since these conditions are satisfied, there must exist a function x °f x> V> an(^ 2 8ucn that P = ty/dx, Q = dx/dy, R = dx/dz at all points within S. And therefore P — d^t/dx = d(x — ifi/dx, &c. ; and therefore d (x — $)/dv = 0 at all points on S, and V 2 (x — V*) = ° at all points within S ; and therefore x — 'A = constant, and P — d^dx = 0, &c., at all points within S. 12. If P, Q, R be the components of an electromotive force, and if S be a conductor, then, whether the condition P — d^jdx = 0, &c., be satisfied or not, they will produce on S a distribution of electricity having potential «/>. For let and p _^ *1 - 7 • dx Similarly, M Q = Qi + Q' = ^~ + Q', R = RI -f- R' = -j- R ; then the vector or electromotive force whose components are Px> Qu Rx is derived from the potential $, and produces on S a distribution having potential vft. The vector whose components are P', Q', R', or P — d^/dx, Q — d^jdy, R — d\jj/dz, forms closed curves within or upon S, and cannot affect the potential. 13. Now let F0, G0, H0 be the components of vector potential due to a magnetic system external to S. Let — 1/»0 be their associated function. Let the magnetic screen to the external system be formed on S. Let F, G, H be the components of vector potential due to it, and let — «/> be their associated function. Then for the two systems together we have a vector whose components are F0 + F, &c., with — (\IIQ + i//) for associated function ; and, since d (F0 + F)/cfy = d (G0 + G)/dx, &c., within S because of the screen, it follows that O + G + j (i/»0 + iff) = 0 j> at all points within S. ay 14. We are now in a position to consider the general problem of induction, when electric conductors of any shape are in a magnetic field and the field is made to vary. Electric currents are generated by induction in or on the surface of the conductors. CURRENTS IN CONDUCTING SHELLS OP SMALL THICKNESS. 307 These induced currents will, in any observed case, rapidly decay by resistance, and of course any calculations based on the hypothesis of there being no resistance cannot express any actually observed phenomena. But as the currents vary from two causes, (I) by induction, (2) by resistance, it is legitimate, for mathematical purposes, to calculate the effect of each cause separately. With this object, we may, in determining the law of formation of the induced currents, assume the resistance to be zero. Let us take the case in which the conductors on which induced currents are to be found are hollow conducting shells of any shape. Let their surfaces be denoted byS. 15. In order that the application of LAGRANOE'S equations may be legitimate, without introducing equations of condition, we must express the energy in terms of as many variables, and no more, as there are degrees of freedom. Now the expression 2T = JJj (Fw -f- Gv + Rw)dx dy dz contains u, v, w as the variables, and F, G, H linear functions of them. But u, v, w have to satisfy at each point two conditions, namely, (1) the condition of continuity, (2) the condition lu -\- mv + nw = 0 at the surface of the conductors. The number of variables u, v, w is greater than the number of degrees of freedom. Let us then take , the current function, for independent variable, as it is subject to no condition on any surface. Further, the given magnetic field either consists of, or may be represented by, a system of current sheets, denoted by S0, on which the current function is fa, and the magnetic potential due to it is fi0. 16. We may, therefore, without loss of generality, assume the given external magnetic field to be of that character. Then the electrokinetic energy at any instant due to the system of currents, as well original as induced, is dv r dv in which U is the magnetic potential of the induced currents, and the first integral is over all the surfaces whereon 0 the current function is given, and the second over all the conductors on which $ is to be determined by induction. If the system have any other form of energy, as for instance, that of any statical distribution, the expression for that energy cannot contain . If, therefore, the given external system vary continuously with the time, the corresponding variation of the induced system is found by making '" d or 7 (~T^ + r ) = 0 dt \ dv dv I 2R 2 308 MR. S. H. BURBURY ON THE INDUCTION OP ELECTRIC at every point on each of the surfaces S ; that is d /do,, dn\ _ dv\dt dt)~ at every point on each of the surfaces S. But also *•(£+£)=•,. ',.. at each point within S. It follows that df!0 da _ ~dT + Ht' or constant, at all points on or within S. But dfl0/dt being given, there is one, and only one, determinate system of closed electric currents on S which has this effect, namely, the particular system determined by the method of (8) and which we called the magnetic screen. This, then, is the system of currents which will be formed from instant to instant on the surfaces S in response to the continuous variation of the external magnetic system. This result is stated by MAXWELL, §§ 654, 655. Case of a Solid Conductor. . 17. I have assumed the conductors S to be hollow conducting shells. But if there be within any of them any solid conductor, the proof shows that no closed electric currents will, as the immediate effect of induction, be formed upon or within it, because, as the immediate effect of induction, the magnetic force undergoes no change within S. The outer shell S, with the induced currents upon it, acting for the instant as a complete magnetic screen, completely shelters the enclosed solid from the direct magnetic influence of the external system. As the superficial currents decay by resistance, they cease to be a complete screen, and the interior solid becomes exposed, in general very rapidly, to the influence of the external system. This effect we shall have to consider later. But the immediate effect of induction is to produce only superficial currents in the outer shell. And as this is true whatever be the form of the enclosed solid, it is true if S consists of a solid conductor, instead of a hollow shell. It may be said that we cannot conceive an electric current otherwise than as existing in a conducting stratum of some finite thickness, nor as independent of resistance, which our expressions hitherto obtained are. And questions may be raised concerning the thickness of the solid actually occupied by the currents at any time during the induction, that is the rate at which the currents penetrate the solid. We shall see reasons later, see (31) post, for determining the rate of penetration in certain cases as a function of the resistance of the material. In the meantime we may treat of the CURRENTS IN CONDUCTING SHELLS OP SMALL THICKNW8. 309 currents as produced from instant to instant in a thin shell, whatever its thickness may be. T/ie Potential Induced on a Conductor. 18. Let now dF^dt, dG^dt, dH^dt denote the time variation of the components of vector potential for the external system. Then — dF0/dt, — dGg/dt, — dllo/dt, have an associated function, defined as in (11), which we will call i/»<,. Similarly, if — dF/dt, — dG/dt, — dB./dt relate to the induced currents, they have an associated function \j/. The functions — dF^dt — dG^dt — dH^dt are the components of an electromotive force, and, therefore, by (12), produce on the conductor a distribution having potential «/»0. Similarly the functions — dF/dt — dG/dt — dH/dt produce on the conductor a distribution having potential 1(1. Initially on the formation of the induced currents they satisfy the conditions . it -f -£-£<*+*)=*** 19. Hence we arrive at the conclusion that any variation of the magnetic field outside of a conductor causes on the surface of the conductor — (1.) A system of closed currents whose magnetic potential at the instant of their creation is equal and opposite to the time variation of the magnetic potential of the given system at all points on or within the conductor ; that is, a complete magnetic screen. (2.) It creates and maintains a difference of potential at different points on the conductor, and this may be used to produce an electric current in a system connected with the conductor. 20. The electrostatic distribution has energy, but such energy exists side by side with the electrokinetic or magnetic energy of the closed currents, without (so to speak) mixing. That is, there is no term involving products of U, V, W with difi/dx, &c. For, if we have any system whatever of closed currents within any closed surface S, and in the field of a potential i|r, fff {MS+ V^y + w*dz] tedydz = f | $(lu + mv + nw)dS because we may take S so distant that lu + my -j- nw shall be zero everywhere upon it. 310 MR. S. H. BURBTTRY ON THE INDUCTION OP ELECTRIC The, Effect of Resistance. 21. If cr be the specific resistance per unit of area of the material of which a shell is composed, the components of electromotive force must be, by OHM'S law, cru, cry, crw, where u, v, w are the component currents per unit of area. That is, (a-/h) U, (/dt, the time variation of the current function, be given, dF/dt + d^/dx, and dG/dt + diji/dy, and dRjdt + dty/dz are determinate. Now the equations A constitute two independent conditions to be fulfilled at every point. If, therefore, jdt •=• — K(j>, and, therefore, dF dG rfH where K is a constant, independent both of the time and of position on the surface. In any such case, if Flt Glt Hj denote the initial values of F, G, H, then F = F^""', G = G^""', H = Hje""', when the system decays in its own field. The same must be the case with U, V, and W, and all linear functions of them, so that U = U^e""', &c., and, ft being a linear function of U, V, and W, ft = ft^""'. Also, since T is a quadratic function of U, V, W, we have dT/dt = — 2KrFl and T = Tjc"2*', giving the rate at which heat is generated in the decaying system. A system of currents in a shell which has this property shall be here defined to be a self-inductive system. Professor LAMB, in his paper (' Phil. Trans.,' A., 1887, p. 131), calls this mode of decay " the natural decay." If the system be left to itself to decay in its own field, all the currents diminish proportionally, and the system varies in intensity but not in form. 25. Let now x be the associated function to F, G, H, that is the function for which % = /F + mG + nH on S, av and V4x = 0 within S. Then evidently /r d-v , self -inductive. It follows from the above that if a shell be self-inductive to a system of currents denoted by U, V, W, then if the components of electromotive force due to the external field be at every point on the surface proportional to the components of those currents, they will induce in the shell a system of that type. We see further that, if <£ do not satisfy the required condition, the shell cannot be made self-inductive, however we may choose cr/h. 27. The constant K determines the rate of decay of the currents with the time. Since K = cr/Qh, we see that K varies directly as a spherical surface harmonic of order «, then, as is well known, 4ira 2n + 1 -j — ~j (cos Xs — --• sm Xc) CX = — 3 — - j (X cos \t — K sin X<). And, if ft = — C sin a sin (X< — a), CURRENTS IN CONDUCTING SHELLS OP SMALL THICKNESS. 315 and ft0 + ft = C (cos \t — sin a sin Kt — a) = C cos a cos \t — a. . . ....... . (D) The internal field is therefore diminished in intensity in the proportion cos a : 1 , and retarded in phase by «/2ir of a complete period. Thia result agrees with that obtained by Professor LARMOR in case of a spherical sheet ('Phil. Mag.,' January, 1884). 31. The above results are obtained on the tacit hypothesis that the shell, what- ever its thickness, is to be regarded for our purpose as a single shell in which all the currents would decay pari passu, no allowance being made for variations along the normal. On that hypothesis we may, if on the surface S. We have thus obtained an answer to the question suggested in (17), so far as regards a self-inductive system of currents. The velocity, namely, with which they initially penetrate a solid, or, which is the same thing, the thickness of the stratum which they may be supposed to occupy at a very short time after the commencement of the induction, is proportioned to the thickness of the self-inductive shell at any point. 32. The energy dissipated in the shell per unit of time is 2»cT. We see then that, comparing similar self-inductive systems with different values of K, but the same mean energy, the heat generated on average per unit of time varies as K, or, as this heat must all be drawn from the batteries of the primary system, the cost of maintenance of the system varies as K. Examples of Self-inductive Systems. 33. A spherical current sheet. (See the works cited above.) Every spherical current sheet is self-inductive with ar/h constant, if be a spherical surface harmonic of any one order as A,YM. For, the sheet being spherical, i/» = 0 ; and, by a known property of the sphere, ,, 4?ra TT F ' 4rra r = L or — = 2n + 1 U 2n + 1 when a is the radius. Similarly, G 4?™ H Y ftt+1' W" 2n + l' » The condition for (f> is then satisfied; and, as 47ra/(2n + 1) is constant, cr/h has constant value over the surface, or the shell, if of uniform material, must in order that the system may be self-inductive be of uniform thickness. In this case Q = 4vra/(2n + 1 ) and K = - • - , if h be the uniform thickness of the shell. A— h 34. If S be a solid of revolution about the axis of z then any system of currents on it, determined by an arbitrary function of z as current function, satisfies the conditions F/U = G/V at every point with y = 0, H = 0, provided d/dz be of the same sign throughout S ; and, therefore, any such system may be made self-inductive by suitably choosing a-/h. For the lines of resultant current are circles round points in the axis as centres, and the lines of vector potential are also circles round points in the axis. Therefore CURRENTS IN CONDUCTING SHKLLS OP SMALL THICKNESS. 317 (ityjdz being always of the same sign) at any point in the surface the resultant of F and G coincides in direction with that of U and V, and, therefore, E/U = G/V. Also IF + mG + "H = 0 at every point, and, therefore, i/> — 0. 35. Again, if be a function of z only, and if x, derived from it by the methods above explained, do not contain z, the equations of condition reduce to two, namely : and these must necessarily be satisfied at every point, because the resultant of U and V is the intersection of the tangent plane with a plane parallel to that of xy. And this line is also the resultant of F — dyjdx and G — d^dy. We can then determine y TT . . „ r U s= - A -5 = K A 47ra&8c A A fc2 or If we now make a-jh = If (piss), where p is constant, we have, by differentiation, A which determines K in terms of (1) a, 6, c, (2) the absolute thickness of the shell, (3) tr, the specific resistance of the material of which the shell is composed. It is independent of the absolute value of the current function. CURRENTS IN CONDUCTING SHELLS OF SMALL THICKNESS. 319 Cnse of an Infinite Plane Sheet. 36. The case of an infinite plane sheet differs somewhat in its practical treatment from that of a sphere, and requires independent investigation. It has been fully treated by MAXWELL, MASOART and JOUBERT, and other writers. We here regard it from a somewhat different point of view. Let the plane be that of xy. If then for any system of currents in it the condition F/V = G/V be satisfied, we can always make the plane sheet self-inductive by suitably choosing cr/h. For instance, let the system of currents in the plane be induced by the variation of an infinitely small circular current i, parallel to the plane, and of radius a, and distant z from the plane. In that case we see at once by symmetry that the induced currents flow in circles round 0, the foot of the perpendicular from the centre of the circular current on the plane. The same is the case with the vector potential of all the currents ; and therefore the resultant of F and G coincides with the resultant current. Also t/» = 0 in this case. We have then F/U = G/V at every point. But '7 =-2,17, f=-2,V. dz dz Therefore, in order that the sheet may be self-inductive, we must make round the axis of z, and, when the motion has become steady, _ dt dv ^Jd dv ' where 6 is the angle between a plane through the axis and the point considered, and a fixed plane through the axis. CURRENTS IN CONDUCTING SHELLS OF SMALL THICKNESS. 321 And therefore we obtain a solution for steady motion in the form L ffi> 4. in the one shell is equal to <£ at the corresponding point in the other multiplied by a power of c. 39. We can now compare the value of certain functions in corresponding systems of currents. Firstly, Secondly, _ Q = -- zr* - in all cases varies as the linear dimensions. K = QT varies inversely as the square of the linear dimensions. These results are independent of the form of S or <£, or the ratio between the currents at corresponding points. Thirdly, if we make u, v, w vary as c", then U, V, W will vary as c"+1. n and will vary as c*+*. MDOCCLXXXVIII. — A. 2 T MR. S. H. BURBURY ON THE INDUCTION OP ELECTRIC 40. If any one of a series of similar shells Avith similar currents be self-inductive, every one of the shells is self-inductive. Tf all the shells within S be filled with similar currents, as above defined, the components of current per unit of area must be dS d^> dS d$> dz dy dy dz &C. = &c. Let us now find a condition that, if a system of currents of the type <£ be generated in the outer shell, any inner shell of the series, if a conductor and exposed to the influence of the outer, shall have the corresponding system of currents of the same type excited in it. At any point on the outer shell S, since the shell is self-inductive, we have /_ dy\ /dSdd> dSd(f>\ F — -j*) = oK = dSdd>\ K F - -j* = = Az, dSdQ _ dSd$ 0 Ay dz dy dy dz ""6s z z "" and \dz dy dy dz If, therefore, the ellipsoid x2/az + yz/b2 + z2/c2 = 1 be divided into similar, similarly- situated, and concentric ellipsoidal shells, each shell is, as we have proved above, self- CURRENTS IN CONDUCTING SHELLS OP SMALL THICKNESS.' 323 inductive to a system of currents determined by = Az. And, if this system be excited in an outer shell of the series, it excites the corresponding system in an inner one. Similarly, if - ^ — Z 5« ^c>» were spherical harmonica of negative degree, we should prove that the system of currents of the type , excited in an inner shell of the series, would generate by induction a system of the corresponding type in any outer one. Of Shells of Finite Thickness. 41. If the superficial currents induced and maintained in a shell be very small, or the currents per unit of area finite, the inductive effect of the shell itself is inappreciable compared with that of the original or inducing system. Suppose, then, we have a series of similar, similarly-situated, and concentric shells successively enclosing one another, so as to form one solid shell of finite thickness. Let each be separately self-inductive to the currents excited by the external field. If the thickness of the solid shell, though finite, be small, we may, without great error, neglect the inductive effect of any inner shell of the series of which it is composed upon the outer ones. Let then S be any shell of the series, fl the magnetic potential on the outer surface of S due to the whole field outside of it ; then we shall have, by (30) and (31), if f!0 vary according to the simple harmonic law, dtl . XQ . ., — = — A — - sin \t, A being a constant ; <>l' , will disappear also. Both the induced currents and the electrostatic charge in disappearing generate heat in the conductor ; and this heat is obtained at the expense of the chemical energy of the batteries of the primary system. We know that the closed currents on the conductor, coming into existence and decaying, cause on the whole more chemical energy to be spent in the batteries of the primary system than is accounted for by heat generated in that system, the excess being equal to the energy dissipated in the induced system of currents. The energy of the electrostatic charge, if such exist, must also be obtained at the expense of the batteries. We should then expect to find that charging a conductor electrostatically in the neighbourhood of a closed battery circuit, or moving a charged body in the neighbourhood of the circuit, tends to retard or accelerate the current ; that is, to increase or diminish the chemical energy spent per unit of time in maintaining the current constant. [ 325 ] XI. MiKjiu-tic Qualities of Nickel. /t i/ J. A. Ewivo, F.R.S., Professor of Engineering in University College, Dundee, and G. C. COWAN. Received April 26,— Read May 17, 1888. [PLATES 15, 16.] ALTHOUGH determinations of the magnetic permeability of nickel have been made by ROWLAND and others,* there appears to be no published investigation of the effect of cyclic magnetising processes. The study of such processes is interesting not only in its direct bearing on the relation of magnetisation to magnetising force, but indirectly as yielding data from which one may calculate the dissipation of energy that occurs in reversal or other variation of magnetism, in consequence of hysteresis in the relation of magnetisation to magnetising force. Cyclic processes have been very fully examined for various kinds of iron and steel,t and one object of the following experiments was to obtain information of the same kind with regard to nickel. Another object was to examine the effects of longitudinal stress on the magnetisation of this metal in the same manner as they had been examined in iron by one of the writers. J Sir WILLIAM THOMSON'S early results in this subject had shown that, when subjected to longitudinal pull, nickel undergoes much change of magnetism, of a kind opposite to that which ordinarily occurs in iron,§ and it seemed that a fuller investigation of the effects of stress might be useful. The experiments, with the exception of one group described at the end of this paper, were made with specimens of nickel wire supplied by Messrs. JOHNSON and MATTHEY. The wire was O'OGS cm. in diameter, and was supplied in what appeared to be a hard-drawn state, in which its magnetic susceptibility was decidedly less than when the wire was annealed. Its magnetic quality was examined both when in this hard-drawn state and after annealing. The direct magnetometric method was employed, in the same manner as in the experiments on iron referred to above. || A * ROWLAND, ' Phil. Mag.,' Aug., 1873, and Nov., 1874 ; H. MEYER, ' WIEDEMANN, Annalen,' vol. 18, p. 251. f EWINO, ' Phil. Trans.,' 1885, p. 523; HOPKINSON, ibid., p. 455. J EWINO, lof. cit., §§ 69-113. § Sir W. THOMSON, ' Phil. Trans.,' May, 1878 ; or ' Reprint of Papers,' vol. 2, p. 382. || EWINO, loc. cit., § 18. 30.10.88 326 PROFESSOR J. A. EWING AND MR. G. C. COWAN straight piece of the wire, from 300 to 400 diameters long, was hung in a vertical position with its upper end due east (magnetically) of a small mirror magnetometer. Over the wire a tube was slipped on which the magnetising solenoid was wound, and on the same tube there was another solenoid in which a constant current was kept up, of just sufficient strength to neutralise the vertical component of the earth's magnetic force. The field within the tube was therefore wholly due to the current in the magnetising solenoid, and was exactly reversed when that current was reversed. The strength of the magnetising current was adjusted by a slide resistance consisting of a column of solution of sulphate of zinc, with two fixed blocks and one sliding block of amalgamated zinc for terminals ; and a revolving commutator between the slide and the solenoid allowed the current to be rapidly reversed. The slide was used to vary the current slowly in studying the relation of magnetism to magnetising force, and, in conjunction with the rapid commutator, it served also to demagnetise the wire under examination by the method of reversals (that is, by numerous successive reversals of a magnetising force which decreased slowly from a strong value to zero). The magnetising current was taken from a secondary battery of ample capacity, and was measured by a mirror galvanometer, calibrated to read the current in absolute measure, which was included in the circuit of the magnetising solenoid. The current which served to neutralise the vertical component of the earth's field was adjusted by substituting for the nickel wire a wire of soft iron, and subjecting that to demagneti- sation by reversals ; it was only when the earth's field was very exactly balanced that this process gave complete demagnetisation. In all the results given below the magnetising force $ and the intensity of magnetism 3 are expressed in absolute c.g.s. units. Cyclic Magnetisation of Nickel. Fig. 1, Plate 15, exhibits the cyclic magnetisation of a piece of nickel wire, 0'068 cm. in diameter and 25'4 cm., or 374 diameters long, in the hard-drawn state, as supplied by Messrs. JOHNSON and MATTHEY. Previous to this test the wire had been strongly magnetised and demagnetised by reversals, and at the beginning there was a little residue which this process had failed to wipe out. Nickel, like hard steel, is much less easily demagnetised to a perfectly neutral state than soft iron. The following are the observed values of f% and 3 during the first part of the experiment, and the values of K, the susceptibility, which is ON THE MAGNETIC QUALITIES OF NICKEL. HABD-DRAWN Nickel Wire. * 3 • 0 12 3-0 19 87 37 14-9 104 7-0 191 187 9-8 230 255 1M 37-5 341 9-1 64-0 378 7-0 754 404 5-4 104-4 420 4-0 After this the magnetising force was gradually removed and reversed, then re- applied, then removed to zero, and then re-applied in the same direction as at first. The curves in the figure show these subsequent actions sufficiently well to make it unnecessary to quote the observed values of 3 and .$. After magnetising with a force of 104 and getting an induced magnetism of 420, there was a residual magnetism of 299, or 71 per cent, of the induced magnetism. It took a reversed force of 18'5 to remove this. This is the quantity which HOPKINSON has called the " coercive force." * The greatest susceptibility (K) was reached when $ was 24 and 3 was 270 ; its value is 11 '2, which gives 142 for the maximum permeability /A. The energy dissipated through hysteresis in the large cycle, by double reversal of a magnetising force of say 100 c.g.s. units ( — J 3 d $ ), was 25,400 ergs. In simple removal and re-application of the force without change of sign there was but little hysteresis, and the dissipation of energy in that process was relatively insignificant. The greatest value of the magnetic induction SB ( = 4w3 + <&) reached in this experiment was 5380. The full lines in fig. 2 show in the same way the cyclic magnetisation of the same piece of nickel wire after it had been annealed by heating to bright redness in the flame of a Bunsen burner and cooling slowly in air. The greatest magnetisation now reached under a force, .§, of 100 is barely so high as before, but the susceptibility at earlier stages is much greater, and the coercive force and the dissipation of energy are much less. The following values refer to the first part of the process ; here, as in the former case, there was some initial magnetism which the process of demagnetising by reversals (applied before these observations were taken) did not remove : — * HOPKINSON, loc. tit., p. 460. .328 PROFESSOR J. A. EWING AND MR. G. C. COWAN ANNEALED Nickel Wire. •6. 3. f. 0 22 4-0 36 6-5 83 12-8 8-0 177 22-1 9-5 223 23-5 10-9 251 23-0 12-3 273 22-2 24-6 325 13-2 52-6 371 7-1 79-7 392 4-9 100-4 401 4-0 In this case the greatest susceptibility was 23'5, when $ was 9 '5. This gives 302 as the maximum value of /*.* These numbers are just about one-tenth of what they would be for an iron wire annealed in the same way. The residual magnetism is 284, or 71 per cent, of the induced, and the coercive force is 7 '5, or a good deal less than half of what it was before the wire was annealed. The energy of the cycle of double reversal of magnetism (J %d$) is 11,200 ergs. The broken lines in fig. 2 show a magnetising cycle performed on another piece, cut from the same coil of nickel wire, which, after being softened in a Bunsen flame, was mechanically hardened by being stretched enough to give it some permanent extension (namely, from a length of 26'6 cm. to 27 cm.). Here the maximum susceptibility is only 8 '3, the coercive force is 18, and the highest value of 3, reached by applying a force of 117, is only 340. The cycles for annealed and hardened nickel differ in much the same way as the corresponding cycles for annealed and hardened iron. Effects of Stress on the Magnetic Susceptibility and Retentiveness of Nickel. The effects of stress, consisting of longitudinal pull, were examined (1) by magne- tising wire from which a constant load of greater or less amount was hung, and (2) by loading and unloading wire which was exposed to a constant magnetising force of greater or less intensity. The same pieces of wire that served for the experiments in cyclic magnetisation were tested for effects of stress, both before and after annealing, and after being hardened by stretching. While still in the hard-drawn original condition the wire of fig. 1 was tested for induced and residual magnetism under varying magnetising forces : first, when not exposed to stress, then when under a longitudinal pull of 2 kilogrammes, and lastly when under a pull of 12 kilogrammes. The observations were made by applying magnetising force, noting the induced value of 3, reducing the magnetising force to * ROWLAND (loe. cit.) gives 302 as the maximum of fi in a specimen of cast nickel. * 18 H 8., \. /?«/<• 17. ( 9j7im r s s -* s 6 o 'in f luaTpniknoyf jo ON THE MAGNETIC QUALITIES OP NICKEL. 329 zero, and noting the residual value of 3 (which will be distinguished as 3r), then applying a stronger magnetising force, and so on. By this means curves were drawn showing the relation of the induced magnetism 3 to the force •§, and also the residual magnetism 3r to the force •$, in each of the three conditions of stress. Before passing from one to another load, the wire was demagnetised by reversals, and this process was repeated after the new load had been put on. This precaution was taken because it had been found in experiments on iron that the exact form which the curve of 3 and .§ took under any assigned load depended on whether the process of demagnetising had or had not been performed after the load was applied.* The results of these experiments with nickel wire in the hard-drawn state are given below, and are shown in fig. 3. In the Table a column is added to show the ratio of residual to induced magnetism. HARD-DRAWN Nickel Wire. No load. Ratio. 2 kilos. Ratio. 12 kilos. Ratio. •e 3 3r 3,/3 « 3 3, 3,/3 « 3 3, 3,/3 5-7 15 0 0 5-5 14 0 0 7-9 8 0 0 11-1 41 14 0-34 10-6 34 8 0-23 12 13 0 0 127 57 27 0-47 13-2 51 18 0-36 29 30 2 0-07 18-4 169 120 071 25-2 169 106 0-63 56 66 8 0-1-2 25-6 276 216 0-78 40-4 273 186 O-f.8 92 109 16 0-15 59-8 386 280 0-73 71-8 353 214 0-60 115 135 21 0-18 84 410 286 0-70 102 411 286 070 As the section of the wire was 0'363 sq. mm., each kilogramme of load corresponds to a stress of 2'75 kilogrammes per sq. mm. These results agree with Sir WILLIAM THOMSON'S experiments, which were made by loading and unloading a nickel rod exposed to constant magnetising forces, in showing that longitudinal pull reduces the magnetic susceptibility of nickel. The reduction is, in fact, enormous even under so moderate a load as 1 2 kilos, (or 33 kilos, per sq. mm.), a load well within the elastic limit of the wire.t Great as the effects of stress are on the induced values of 3» they are still greater on the residual values, so much so that a load of 12 kilos, may be said almost to do away with the retentiveness of the wire with respect to such magnetising forces as the experiments deal with. In magnetisa- tion by very low forces nickel, like iron, retains sensibly none of the induced magnetism when the force is withdrawn, and one effect of longitudinal pull is to extend the range of magnetising force for which this is true. • Ewnra, loc. cit., §§ 96-105. . t A specimen of this wire, which was loaded until it broke, showed little elongation until a load of 18 kilos, was reached. It broke with 23 kilos., after extending 9 per cent. MDCCCLXXXVIII. A. 2 U 330 PROFESSOR J. A. EWING AND MR. G. C. COWAN After the same piece of wire was annealed, a precisely similar set of experiments was made, with results which are given below, and shown in fig. 4. ANNEALED Nickel Wire. No load. Ratio. 2 kilos. Ratio. 12 kilos. Ratio. c a 3, 3r/3 f 3 3r 3r/3 £ 3 3r 3r/3 5-3 29 9 0-31 3-8 17 5 0-30 9-2 3 0 0 8-2 84 52 0-62 11-0 83 48 0-58 15-1 9 0 0 11-1 162 118 0-73 16-9 140 86 0-fll 32-5 26 4 0-15 12-6 193 147 0-76 25-4 194 112 0-58 72 73 14 0-19 22-5 285 213 075 587 298 140 0-47 78 88 16 0-18 32-8 327 234 0-72 113-5 372 148 0-40 112 112 16 014 100 401 285 0-71 To exhibit more fully the effect which the presence of tensile stress has in reducing the magnetic susceptibility of nickel, the same piece of wire (namely, that of the full- line cycle in fig. 2) was again tested under various loads ranging from 0 to 12 kilos. The results are shown in fig. 5, Plate 16, and from the curves drawn there the following values of the maximum susceptibility K have been measured :— Load in kilos. Maximum susceptibility K. Total. Per sq. mm. 0 0 15 2 5-5 9-1 4 11 4-5 6 16-5 2-6 8 22 1-9 10 27-5 1-5 12 33 0-95 The value of $ which corresponds to the maximum of susceptibility becomes higher as the load is increased ; with 12 kilos., in fact, the maximum appears not to be reached even when <§ is 115. By comparison with the full-line cycle of fig. 2, the no-load test in this group shows that the wire had lost some of the susceptibility given by annealing, probably because the load of 12 kilos, which had been applied after the cycle of fig. 2 had been completed, and before these observations were made, had produced a slight permanent hardening effect. To examine the effects of applying and removing stress in a constant magnetic field another piece of the same nickel wire was softened by heating, and was then ON THE MAGNETIC QUALITIES OF NICKEL. 331 loaded up to 12 kilogrammes and unloaded, repeatedly, while a strong field was maintained in action. Fig. 6 shows the resulting changes of 3» first when the magnetic field was 6'9, then 2T8, then 53'5, and lastly 116. The dotted lines in the same figure show the changes caused by loading and unloading on the residual magnetism that was left after the strongest field (116 c.g.s.) had ceased to act. The curves show that stress of pull, acting either on residual or on induced magnetism in nickel, produces a large and continuous diminution of the magnetism, and that cyclic variations of stress are attended by exceedingly little hysteresis in the relation of magnetism to stress. The " off" curves lie distinctly below the " on " curves, but only a little way below them. The hysteresis here is far less than in the case of iron. The same piece of wire was next hardened somewhat by stretching it till the original length of 26 '6 cms. was changed to a length of 27 cms., and the process of loading and unloading was repeated, this time up to 18 kilos. The results are shown for two magnetic fields in fig. 7. In the stronger field the " on" and " off" curves so nearly ^ coincide that a single line only has been drawn. The piece of wire dealt with in this experiment was the same, and in the same state, as the piece with which the cycle shown by broken lines in fig. 2 was performed. Once more a set of curves of 3 aud $ were taken with this piece (hardened by stretching), under loads ranging from 0 to 18 kilos. These are given in fig. 8. They show the same characteristics as those of earlier figures, with a still more striking absence of susceptibility under the greater loads used here. With 18 kilos., for instance, equivalent to about 50 kilos, per sq. mm., a force of 100 c.g.s. produced an intensity of magnetisation amounting to barely 50. In the earlier curves of this series the dotted lines show the magnetic changes that occurred as the magnetising force was gradually withdrawn. Finally, the initial parts of the curves in this group were examined by repeating the earliest portion of each magnetisation with the wire placed much nearer to the magnetometer. This was to determine whether there is in nickel any crossing of the curves similar to the crossing that occurs in iron, in consequence of the " Villari reversal " of the effects of stress.* Nothing of the kind was discovered in this metal.t The results of this experiment are given in fig. 9, and from them one may find the initial magnetic susceptibility, or ratio of 3 to «§, at the very commencement of the magnetising process. The first part of each curve is sensibly a straight line, until •§ reaches a value of about 5 c.g.s. units. In other words, for forces less than this the susceptibility is as nearly as possible constant. When there was no load the initial • Of. THOMSON, loc. eit.; EWINO, toe. cit. t October 4, 1888. — It is, of course, possible that a crossing may take place at higher values of the magnetic force than were reached in these experiments, bnt the analogy to iron points rather to a crossing in the early portion of the curves, snch aa was looked for and not found in these experiments. With regard to this point, see an experiment by THOMSON, ' Phil. Trans,' 1879, p. 83. 2 U 2 332 PROFESSOR J. A. EWING AND MR. G. C. COWAN. susceptibility was 1'7. With each addition of load this was reduced, until it fell with 18 kilos, to 07. These numbers should be compared with those given for iron by Lord RAYLEIGH,* who has shown that under very feeble magnetising forces the susceptibility of that metal has a finite and sensibly constant value. For one speci- men of unannealed Swedish iron he gives 6 '4, and for another specimen 6 '8 as the initial value of K, which is constant only up to a magnetising force of about 0'04 c.g.s. units. Thus in nickel the initial susceptibility is much less than in iron (just as the maximum susceptibility, at a later stage in the magnetising process, is much less), but the range of magnetic force within which a sensibly constant value applies is immensely greater. Magnetisation of Impure Nickel. A few supplementary experiments were made with a specimen of cheap commercial nickel wire, 0'154 cm. in diameter, which was found to contain about 4 per cent, of iron. A piece 41 cms. long was annealed and was subjected to cyclical magnetisation, with results which are shown in fig. 10. The chief difference between this curve and that of fig. 2 is the higher limit to which 3 tends in the present case, which is no doubt to be ascribed to the presence of iron in this impure specimen. A set of readings of residual magnetism were afterwards taken, and these, along with the ratio of residual to induced magnetism, are also shown by curves in fig. 10. The maximum ratio of residual to induced was 0'74. The dissipation of energy by hysteresis in the cycle of fig. 10 was 12,600 ergs. The effects of stress on the magnetic qualities of this wire were also examined, and were found to agree in all general features with the effects observed in purer samples of nickel, which have been described above. * ' Phil. Mag.,' March, 1887. [ 333 ] XII. Magnetic Qualities of Nickel (Supplementary Paper). By J. A. EWTNG, F.R.S., Professor of Engineering in University College, Dundee. Received Juno 14,— Read Jane 21, 1888. [PLATE 17.] THE present paper is a supplement to one with the same title, by the author and Mr. G. C. COWAN, which was read before the Koyal Society on May 17 (p. 325, supra). In that paper experiments were described in which the effects of stress, consisting of longitudinal pull, on the magnetic permeability and retentiveness of nickel had been examined, and it was shown that longitudinal pull had an immense influence in reducing both induced and residual magnetism in nickel. It was, therefore, to be expected (as Sir WILLIAM THOMSON pointed out in his first discussion of the effects of stress on magnetic quality*) that longitudinal compression would make nickel more susceptible of magnetisation, and more ready to retain magnetic polarity. Experi- ments on the magnetisation of nickel under compression have now been carried out under the author's directions by two of his students, Mr. W. Low and Mr. D. Low, and the results are described below. Further experiments have also been made to investigate the magnetisation of nickel, in very strong magnetic' fields, by the method already used for iron by the author and Mr. W. Low,t and the results of these are given at the end of this paper. In dealing with the effects of tensile stress on magnetic quality, it is convenient to test the metal in the form of a long wire, long enough to prevent the ends from materially affecting the magnetic field throughout the main part of the length. But in dealing with stress of compression this method of approximating to the condition of endlessness is impracticable. Dr. HOPKINSON has shown that a short bar may be brought to a condition of endlessness, suitable for the measurement of its magnetic susceptibility, by sinking its ends in a massive yoke of iron, which affords an easy path for the return of the lines of induction from end to end, outside the bar, and he has made use of this plan in determining the form of magnetisation curves for various • samples of iron and steel.J This method lends itself well to experiments on the * ' Phil. Trans.,' 1878, or ' Reprint of Papers,' vol. 2, p. 368. t " On the Magnetisation of Iron in Strong Fields" (1), 'Roy. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 42, p. 200; (2) 'Brit. Assoc. Report,' 1887, p. 586. J Hoi'KiNSO.N, " Magnetisation of Iron," ' Phil. Trans.,' 1885, p. 455. In Dr. HOPKINSON'S experiments 30.10.b8 334 PROFESSOR J. A. EWING ON THE MAGNETIC QUALITIES OF NICKEL. influence of compressive stress, for it is easy to fix the lower end of the bar in the yoke and apply weights directly, or by a lever, to the upper end. The arrangement adopted in the present experiments is shown in fig. 11.* The sample under test was a Tig. 11. Arrangement for testing magnetisation of nickel under compression. bar of nickel supplied by Messrs. JOHNSON and MATTHEY (which was found on analysis to contain 075 per cent, of iron). It was 10 cms. long, and was turned to a diameter of 0'656 cms. The yoke was of soft wrought iron, with a cross-section on either side of 67 square cms. The lower end of the bar was supported in the yoke by resting on the end of a screw-bolt ; on the upper end a short plunger of wrought iron pressed, and through this the desired stress of compression was applied by means of a lever (fig. 11). The clear length of the sample, within the yoke, was 5 cms. Over this there was wound a magnetising solenoid of 250 turns, inside of which there was a small induction coil wound close to the metal. The magnetisation was determined by reversing the magnetising current while the induction coil was connected to a ballistic galvanometer. To find the residual magnetism the magnetising current was broken after reversal, and the effect of this break was subtracted from half the effect of the reversal. In every case several reversals were made before a measurement was taken ; and the process of demagnetising by reversals t was resorted to whenever it was necessary to get rid of residual effects of previous magnetisation. In the first place, the nickel bar was examined in the rather hard rolled or drawn state in which it was supplied, by applying magnetising forces which were raised, step the bar was cut at the middle of its length, to allow an induction coil to be slipped out. This must have had the effect of making his measurements of susceptibility and retentiveness somewhat lower than they would have been had the bar been continuous. In the present experiments there was no joint in the bar itself, but there were, of course, joints between the ends of the bar and the yoke. These must have had some influence of the same kind, though less in amount, from the fact that the bar's ends were sunk a good way into the yoke, to give a large surface of contact. * The figures are numbered consecutively with those in the former paper (' Phil. Trans.,' 1888, A., p. 325). t ' Phil. Trans.,' 1885, p. 539. PROFESSOR J. A. EWINO ON THE MAGNETIC QUALITIES OP NICKEL. 335 by step, to about 150 c.g.s. units. Then the bar was demagnetised, a load was applied to the lever producing a stress of compression, and under this the bar was again magnetised. The process was repeated under one and another of a series of loads, the greatest of which produced a compressive stress of 20 kilos, per sq. mm. The results of this group of experiments are shown in fig. 12, Plate 17, in the form of curves connecting 3 (the intensity of magnetism) with $ (the magnetising force), for each of the following states of stress : — 0, T9, 3'5, G'8, 10, 13'3, and 19'8 kilogrammes per square millimetre. It will be noticed that the effect of compressive stress in augmenting the magnetic susceptibility of nickel is no less remarkable than the effect of tensile stress was shown (in the former paper) to be in reducing the susceptibility. The influence of stress is especially noticeable in the neighbourhood of the bend, or what WIEDEMANN calls the " Wendepunct " of the curves. This is well shown by the following Table, which gives the maximum value of the magnetic susceptibility *c for each state of stress : — Intensity of strew Maximum of compression. soaeeptibility. Kilos, per sq. mm. *. 0 5-6 1-9 6-9 35 8-4 6-8 12-2 10 16-8 13-3 20-3 19-8 29 Concurrently with these observations another group was taken to determine the influence which the presence of these stresses of compression during magnetisation had on the amount of residual magnetism held by the metal when the magnetising current was broken at each stage in the process, the stress being maintained constant while the magnetising current was made and broken. Curves of the residual magne- tism (3r) in its relation to <§ are given in fig. 13, for the same set of loads as the curves of induced magnetism in fig. 12 refer to. They show that a state of compres- sion during the application and removal of magnetising force augments the residual magnetism even more than it augments the induced magnetism. In other words, the ratio of residual to induced magnetism is increased by the presence of compressive stress. It was found, in the former paper, that tensile stress reduced this ratio, so much, indeed, that under a strong pull there was scarcely any retentiveness left. Here, under compression, we have the opposite effect : there is enormous retentiveness when the stress is considerable. With no load the maximum value in the ratio of residual to induced magnetism is 0'56 ; with a compressive stress of 10 kilos, per sq. mm. it is 0'91 ; with one of 19'8 kilos, per sq. mm. it reaches the astonishing value of 0-96. 336 PROFESSOR J. A. EWING ON THE MAGNETIC QUALITIES OF NICKEL. By way of showing more fully the influence of stress in facilitating the magnetisa- tion of nickel we may draw, in ROWLAND'S manner, curves connecting the permeability yx with the induction 93. This is done in fig. 14 for three states of stress : (l) no load, (2) a compression of 10 kilos, per sq. mm., (3) a compression of 19'8 kilos, per sq. mm. In the first the maximum permeability is only 71, in the second it is 212, and in the third it is 357. The points directly found from the observed values of 93 and •§ are marked by dots upon these curves. The nickel bar was then softened by heating it to redness in a charcoal fire, and allowing it to cool slowly ; and experiments similar to the foregoing were made with it in the annealed state. The relation of induced and residual magnetism to magne- tising force was examined while the annealed bar was in three states of stress : (1) under no IcTad ; (2) under a compressive stress of 3 '5 kilos, per sq. mm.; (3) under a compressive stress of 6 '8 kilos, per sq. mm. The stress was 'not increased beyond this for fear of hardening the bar by producing permanent set. Figs. 15 and 16 show the results of this group of tests. In fig. 15 the induced values of 3 are shown by full lines and the residual values by broken lines, in relation to $. In fig. 16 the permeability p. is shown in relation to the induction 93. It will be noticed by com- paring figs. 15 and 16 with figs. 12 and 14 that the effect of annealing this bar is (as with the nickel wire used in former experiments) to increase the permeability at early stages of the magnetising process, but to reduce it at later stages, and to reduce the highest value to which the magnetism of the metal was raised. Fig. 1 6 shows that the curve of p. and 93 for nickel suffers the same kind of inflection as the corre- sponding curve for iron* when the magnetisation is pushed to high values. The ratio of residual to induced magnetism in this annealed nickel bar (as in all former samples both of iron and of nickel) passes a maximum in the neighbourhood of the " Wendepunct." The values of this maximum are 0'84, 0*88, and 0'91 for the three states of stress examined, namely, no load, 3 '5 kilos, per sq. mm. and 6 '8 kilos, per sq. mm. respectively. A further experiment was made on the annealed bar to determine the initial value of the magnetic susceptibility under very feeble magnetising forces. For this purpose a new induction coil was wound on the bar, with many more turns than the former coil, and the early part of the curve of 3 and «§ was examined by the ballistic method as before. Fig. 1 7 shows the results for the two conditions of no load and a com- pressive stress of about 5 kilos, per sq. mm. With this, as with the nickel wire tested in earlier experiments, the curve of magnetisation is at first a sensibly straight line with a definite inclination. The initial value of the susceptibility is from 2 to 2 '5, and the initial permeability is therefore 25 or 30. The initial permeability determined by this experiment has been utilised in plotting the point where the curve p. and 5B in fig. 16 cuts the axis of /*. It is interesting to notice that the residual magnetism after a very weak field has * 'Phil. Trans.,' 1885, p. 574; 'Roy. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 42, p. 208. PROFESSOR J. A. EWING ON THE MAGNETIC QUALITIES OP NICKEL. 337 been applied is sensibly nil. It was only when the value of Jp was raised to about 2 c.g.s. units that any trace of residual magnetism could be detected with certainty, although by that time the induced magnetism had become great enough to allow a tenth of it, or less, to have been determined without difficulty. As to the induced magnetism, it is to be noticed that the presence of stress has much less effect on the initial value of the permeability than it has when a later stage in the process of magnetisation is reached. The experiments were completed by examining the magnetisation of nickel in very intense fields, by means of the " isthmus " method.* The same nickel bar was fitted with conical expanding end pieces of soft wrought iron, into which the ends of the bar were sunk, the whole forming a built-up bobbin with a short narrow neck of nickel, and the diameter of the neck was turned down to 0'399 cm. On the neck two induction coils were wound, one close to the metal and the other a little way out, so as to enclose an annular space, in which the field was measured by observing the difference in the inductive effects on the two coils. The bobbin was placed between the pole-pieces of the large electro-magnet of the Edinburgh University Laboratory, and its magnetism was measured by suddenly withdrawing it from between the poles, while the magnet was more or less strongly excited. Afterwards readings of the residual magnetism (which of course did not show itself when the bobbin was with- drawn from the field) were taken by removing one of the conical end pieces and slipping off the induction coil. Measurements were made in fields ranging from 3450 c.g.s. to 13,000 c.g.s. Allowing for residual magnetism these produced values of the induction 9), which ranged from 9850 to 19,800. Treating the magnetising field, which was measured outside the metal, as equal to the magnetising field within the metal itself (an assumption not far from true), we may calculate the permeability p. and the intensity of magnetisation 3- The permeability ranged from 2'9 with a field of 3450 down to 1'5 with the highest field that was applied. The values of 3 fluctuated irregularly between about 480 and 540, but showed no distinct progressive change either in the way of increase or decrease as the field was strengthened. The mean of 3 in six determinations was 515, and this may be taken as fairly representing the limiting or saturation value of the intensity of magnetism for the particular specimen of annealed nickel dealt with. Saturation was practically reached at the lowest field, viz., 3450. Of the whole quantity, 515 for 3. the residual part was 160, and this also was sensibly constant throughout the range of these experiments. Roy. Soc. Proc,' vol. 42, p. 200. MDCCCLXXXVIII.— A. 2 X 9 21 L/ c?< Roberts -Austerv .DIAGRAM I .TENSILE ST R ENGTH AND. ATOMIC VOLUMES - — A +s./ . DIAGRAM _ ELONGATION AND ATOMIC VOLUMES • 18 ATOMIC VOLUMES [ 33U ] XIII. On certain Mechanical Properties of Metals considered in relation to the Periodic Law. By W. CHANDLER ROBERTS-AUSTEN, F.R.S., Professor of Metallurgy in the Normal School of Science and Royal School of Mines, South Kensington, Chemist and Assayer of the Royal Mint. Received and Read March 15, 1888. [PLATE 18.] THE influence exerted by a small quantity of metallic or other impurity on a mass of metal is shown by a remarkable series of phenomena the nature of which has hitherto been but little studied, although the effect produced by the presence of such added matter is widely recognised by metallurgists. There are many cases in which a small quantity of impurity has so entirely altered the appearance and the physical properties of a metal as to lead, in the absence of other evidence, to its being mistaken for a distinct elemental substance. The valuable mechanical properties conferred upon metals by associating them with small, but definite, amounts of other metals constitute the main reason why metals devoted to industrial use are seldom employed in a state of purity. A familiar instance of the influence of a small quantity of a metalloid on a mass of metal is presented by the extraordinary change in the properties of pure iron which attends the introduction into the metal of a small quantity of carbon. There is no fact in metallurgy of which the importance is more widely recognised, and when BERGMAN,* in 1781, experimentally demonstrated that the differences between pure iron, steel, and cast-iron depend on the presence or absence of carbon, he expressed his astonishment at the smallness of the amount of carbon capable of producing such effects, and he stated that the explanation of the phenomenon presented a " difficulty of difficulties " ; and the problem lias certainly not been solved in the century which has elapsed since BERGMAN wrote. In other directions the evidence as to the importance of the action of traces of impurity is just as strong. This is indicated by the fact, referred to by Sir HCSSEY ViviAN.t that " one thousandth part of antimony converts first-rate ' best selected ' * 'De Analysi Ferri, Opnscnla Physica et Chemica,' by TOKBER.N BERGMAN, vol. 8, 1783: or French translation (from the Swedish) : ' Analyse du Fer,' by M. GKIU.NOH. Paris, 1783. t Lecture delivered at Swansea in 1J-80. 2X2 30.10.88 340 PROFESSOR W. C. ROBERTS-AUSTEN ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES copper into the worst conceivable," and by the observation of Mr. PREECE,* that " a sub- marine cable made of the copper of to-day," the necessity for employing pure metal being recognised, "will carry twice the number of messages that a similar cable of copper would in 1858," when less importance was attached to the presence of foreign matter in the copper. It may be well to refer to a but little known case in which the change in the structure of a metal produced by the presence of a minute quantity of foreign matter becomes at once evident by comparing the fractured surfaces of the pure and impure masses. Bismuth, when pure, has a fracture which shows large brilliant mirror-like crystalline planes ; but, if only the 101Q0th part of tellurium be present, the fracture is, as a specimen submitted to the Society showed, entirely different, being minutely crystalline and lighter in colour than pure bismuth. The mode of action of these small quantities of impurity is still very obscure, but it should be remembered that Professor W. SPRING, of Lie"ge, has recently given evidence t in favour of the view that molecular polymerization may take place even in a solidified alloy, and MATTHIESSEN,J in a classical series of researches on the electrical resistance of alloys, communicated to this Society nearly thirty years since, was led to the view that in many cases the constituent metals of alloys exist in the form of allo tropic modifications, the quantities of the metal producing a rapid decre- ment in conductivity being too small to enable the effect to be explained by attributing it to the formation of chemical compounds. In the present paper, attention is directed to the way in which the tenacity and extensibility of metals may be affected by small quantities of metals and metalloids, with the view of showing that the relations between these small quantities of the elements and the masses of metal in which they are hidden are under the control of the Law of Periodicity, which, as originally expressed, states that " the properties of the elements are a periodic function of their atomic weights." CARNELLEY§ has set forth at some length the reasons for supplementing the law as follows : — " The pro- perties of the compounds of the elements are a periodic function of the atomic weights of their constituent elements " ; and the question arises, may the law be so extended as to govern the relations between the constituent metals of alloys, in which, as is well known, the atomic proportions are often far from simple. The influence of a small quantity of one metal on another is so marked that it appeared well to approach the consideration of the problem by investigating the nature of the change so effected in the mechanical properties of metals. Gold was the metal selected as a basis for the experiments, mainly because it can be more readily brought to a high degree of purity than any other metal : the accuracy of the results of the experiments are not likely to be disturbed by the oxidation of the gold * ' Instit. Civil Engineers Trans.,' vol. 75, part 1, 1883. t ' Bull, de 1'Acad. Roy. de Belgique,' voL 11, 1886. J ' Phil. Trans.,' vol. 150, I860, p. 85 ; and vol. 154, 1864, p. 167. § ' Phil. Mag.,' vol. 8, 1879, p. 368. OF METALS CONS I DKHKD IN RELATION* TO THE PERIODIC LAW. 341 or by the presence of occluded gases : it possesses considerable ductility and tenacity ; and the amount of the metallic or other impurity added to the precious metal can be determined with rigorous accuracy. With the exception of iron, gold has received more attention than any other metal in relation to the effects of impurities upon it, and much information upon the subject is scattered through the works of the older chemists ; but the first systematic experiments were made, by the direction of the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council, by Mr. HATCHETT in 1803, who endeavoured to ascertain " the chemical effects produced on gold by different metallic substances when employed in certain proportions as alloys." He obtained results of great interest, which were communicated to the Royal Society* ; but in his time the importance of submitting metals to mechanical tests was not appreciated ; his observations were thus mainly directed to ascertaining whether gold is rendered hard and brittle by the presence of foreign metals. The gold he employed was only of commercial purity, and he specially examined the effect of impurities on the standard gold used for coinage, which contains 916'7 parts of pure gold and 83 '3 of copper per 1000 parts. He showed, by means of bending and hammering the gold, that small quantities of certain metals render it very brittle, and he concluded that " the different metallic substances which have been employed in the present experiments appear to affect gold nearly in the following decreasing order : — 1. Bismuth. 2. Lead. > These are nearly equal in effect. 3. Antimony. 4. Arsenic. 5. Zinc. 6. Cobalt. 7. Manganese. 8. Nickel. 9. Tin. 10. Iron. 11. Platinum. 12. Copper. 13. Silver." In 1886, in a lecture delivered at the Royal Institution.t I pointed out that standard gold breaks with a load of 18 tons to the square inch, and elongates 34 per cent, before breaking. If the standard gold has only ao*o6th part of lead added to it, it becomes very fragile, and breaks, as is indicated by the following diagram, with a stress of about 5£ tons to the square inch, instead of the 18 tons borne originally. It is remarkable that -r^oth part of lead added to gold does not appear to diminish • ' Phil. Trans.,' 1803, Part 1, p. 43. t RoBKBTS-AcsTKN, ' Roy. Inst. Proc.,' 1886 ; and ' Engineering,' May 28, 1886. 342 PROFESSOR W. C. ROBERTS-AUSTEN ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Percentage of lead. its tenacity more than -y» 0-210 20-9 || Tellurium 3-88 » 0-186 20-5 )) Lead 4-17 4-9 0-240 18-0 Very slight. Thallium . 6-21 8-6 0-193 17-2 15 Tin . . . 6-21 12-3 0-196 16-2 Not measured. Antimony 6-0 (about) qy- 0-203 17-9 54 Cadmium . 6-88 44-0 0-202 12-9 See note t Silver . . 7-10 33-3 0-200 10-1 » Palladium 7-10 32-6 0-205 9-4 75 Zinc . . 7-54 28-4 0-205 9-1 74 Rhodium . 776 25-0 0-21 (about) 8-4 See note f Manganese 7-99 297 0-207 6-8 60 Indium 7-99 26-5 0-290 15-3 72 Copper 8-22 43-5 0-193 7-0 See note f Lithium . 8-87 21-0 0-201 11-8 60 Aluminium 8-87 25-5 0-186 10-6* 46 The figures given in the fourth column show that there is some divergence in the amounts of impurity added to the gold. That this is not of much importance in these preliminary experiments may be inferred from the fact, already mentioned (on p. 342), that the -^o^th part of lead appears to produce nearly the same diminution in tenacity as the 3-Qijth part ; a mere trace of certain metals, moreover, will greatly diminish the tenacity of gold. [* This is the value given by LOTHAR MEYER. MALLETT'S determination of the density of pure aluminium would give 10'45. t These test-pieces drew out after the manner of pitch, that is, as a viscous solid. — August 4, 1888.] OF MKTALS CONSII>I:KI:I> IN UKI.ATION TO TIII-: I-KRIODIC LAW. 345 The results are also graphically represented in the accompanying diagrams (Plate 18, Nos. I. and II. The tests were made with great care by Dr. E. J. BALL, Assistant in the Metallurgical Laboratory of the Royal School of Mines. It will be evident, from the figures given in the Table, that certain mechanical properties of gold are greatly affected by the addition, in small quantities, of potassium, bismuth, tellurium, and lead, while other metals, such for instance as silver and palladium, hardly produce an alteration. The change in the structure of the precious metal is, in some cases, very remarkable, as drawings submitted to the Society showed. Pure gold has a silky fracture, while gold containing the f^th part of lead, tellurium, bismuth, or antimony shows a well-developed crystalline structure, the crystalline planes diverging from a line in the centre of the fractured bar. The character of the fracture does not appear to be closely, related to that of the added metal, as lead, thallium, and indium, which produce marked crystalline structure in gold, are, amongst metals, almost colloidal when pure. In these cases, then, the influence exerted by the added impurity can hardly be considered to be only due to a power to develop crystalline form. The question now arises, does this power to produce fragility correspond with any other property of metals in accordance with which they may be classified ? The facts represented in the Periodic Law were, in 1879, graphically represented by LOTHAR MKYER in his well-known curve of the elements. By adopting atomic weights as abscissze and atomic volumes as ordinates, he showed that the elements can be arranged in a curve resembling a series of loops, the highest points of which are occupied by caesium, rubidium, potassium, sodium, and lithium, while the metals which are most useful for industrial purposes occupy the lower portions of the several loops. An examination of the results obtained in my experiments, so far as they have yet been carried, shows that not a single metal or metalloid which occupies a position at the base of either of the loops of LOTHAR MEYER'S curve diminishes the tenacity of gold. On the other hand, the fact is clearly brought out that metals which do render the gold fragile all occupy high positions in MEYER'S curve. This would appear to show that there is some relation between the influence exerted by the metallic impurities and either their atomic weights or their atomic volumes. It seems hardly probable that it is due to atomic weight, because copper, with an atomic weight of 63'2, has nearly the same influence on the tenacity of pure gold as rhodium, with an atomic weight of 104, or as aluminium, the atomic weight of which is 27. The atomic volume is of course obtained by dividing the atomic weight by the specific gravity of the element, and it at once becomes evident, from the tabulated results and from the diagrams which graphically represent them, that the metals which diminish the tenacity and extensibility of gold have high atomic volumes, while those which increase these properties have either the same atomic volume as gold or a lower one. Further, silver has the same atomic volume as gold, 10'2, and its presence in small quantity has very little influence, one way or the other, on the tenacity or extensibility of the MBOOCLXXXVITI. — A. 2 Y PROFESSOR W. C1. ROBERTS-AUSTEN ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES metal. When the metals are ranged in order of atomic volumes, potassium, which renders gold very brittle, assumes the position to which its very high atomic volume of 45 entitles it. Aluminium, indium, and lithium occupy somewhat abnormal positions on the diagram, for they possess high atomic volumes and yet they appear to increase the tenacity of gold, although they reduce its capability of being elongated. The influence of cadmium in increasing the extensibility is very remarkable. Arsenic, again, has a higher atomic volume than gold, and should therefore render gold somewhat fragile. Several experiments were made with it, and the bars proved to be very fragile, but the results are not embodied in the table, as the bars did not appear to be uniform in composition. The influence of zirconium is also noteworthy. A fine specimen of crystalline zirconium was obtained from Messrs. HOPKIX and WILLIAMS, but the metal appears to unite itself with gold with great difficulty. When wrapped in the foil and added to gold, purposely kept considerably above its melting-point, the foil melted and released the zirconium, most of which fell, through the molten metal, to the bottom of the crucible, and remained there when the gold was poured out. After several attempts, an amount of material, which subsequently proved, on assay, to be about 0'2 per cent., was alloyed with the gold, and a perfectly sound bar obtained, which appeared to have extraordinary strength, for it broke with a load of 12 tons per square inch, pure gold breaking at 7 tons. Its fracture was remarkably close-grained, and it elongated 12 per cent, before breaking. If subsequent experiments should confirm this high tenacity, the result would be opposed to the view set forth in this paper, as zirconium has a high atomic volume, and should diminish the tenacity of gold. It may be added that it was useless to employ anything but chemically pure gold, and the supply available only amounted to 40 ounces. As the preparation of gold of high purity occupies a considerable amount of time, it was considered best to publish the results already obtained. The effects of 0'2 per cent, of nickel, cobalt, iron, and platinum, which occupy very low positions on MEYER'S curve, have severally been tried with standard gold, and do not appear to reduce either its tenacity or extensibility, and there is no reason to assume that they will behave differently in the case of pure gold. Allusion has already been made to the close connection which exists between the tenacity of metals and their melting-points, and CARNELLEY has pointed out that the melting-points are inversely as the atomic volumes, " the only important excep- tions to the rule being arsenic, selenium, tin, antimony, tellurium, thallium, lead, and bismuth." It can hardly be a matter of chance that, as my experiments prove, all these elements (with the exception of selenium, about the effect of which I am at present uncertain) diminish the coherence of gold, and there are but few others that do so — a fact which is alone sufficient to point to there being some connection between the action of minute quantities of impurities and the Periodic Law. It would be difficult to suggest any explanation as to the mode of action of the various elements until the influence of each element in small but varying qunntities, OF METALS CONSIDEKED IN RELATION TO THE PERIODIC LA.W. 347 both singly and in association, has been investigated. Questions of much industrial interest present themselves, especially iu connection with iron; with regard to this metal, the evidence as to the action of other elements upon it would appear to tend in the same direction as in the case of gold, although the question is greatly complicated by the relations of iron to oxygen, and by the presence of occluded gases. It may be sufficient for the present to point out that the atomic volume of iron is 7P2 ; carbon, the atomic volume of which is small (4'0), when present in quantities varying from 0'2 to 1 per cent, increases its tenacity. Silicon, notwithstanding that it has a larger atomic volume (ll'l) than iron, apparently increases its tenacity, although little can as yet be said as to its influence in very small quantities. The same observation applies to small quantities of manganese. This metal has an atomic volume of 6*8, and when present in very large quantities, 12 to 15 per cent., confers great extensi- bility on iron. Sulphur and phosphorus, on the other hand, have large atomic volumes, 15'1 and 13'2 respectively, and both these elements have, as is well known, a preju- dicial effect on the qualities of iron. It should not be forgotten that the knowledge of the effect produced on metals by small quantities of added matter has had a remarkable effect on the development of chemistry, mainly by sustaining the belief of the early chemists in the possibility of "ennobling" base metals or "degrading" precious ones. This is specially evident from the writings of GEBER, BIWNGUCCIO, GELLERT, and ROBERT BOYLE ; and it is hardly strange that, in the absence of a knowledge of analysis, they should have believed in the efficacy of a transmuting agent, when it is remembered that in the specimens submitted to the Society the presence of yioth part of such metals as lead, bismuth, and potassium has entirely altered the appearance of the fractured surfaces of pure gold. ADDENDUM, August 1, 1888. . The test-pieces were all cast in the same mould, and their sectional area was about 0'06 of a square inch ; the sixth column of the Table, p. 344, gives the reduction per cent, in sectional area of many of the test pieces at the point of fracture, so far as it was possible to measure them, but the irregular nature of the fractured surface rendered the measurements for the most part untrustworthy, and it would therefore be of but little use to plot these data on a curve. The behaviour of several of the test-pieces under longitudinal stress resembled that of a viscous solid, and in such pieces the fracture was wedge-shaped, with a more or less sharp edge, the section remaining rectangular. In some cases, notably in that of the test-pieces containing palladium and lithium, tin- fractures revejilcd tin- presence <>f a minute cavity, which, doubtless, determined 2 Y 2 348 PROFESSOR W. C. ROBERTS-AUSTEN ON MKCHANICAL PROPKKTIKS the point of fracture, and, to some extent, therefore, affected the tenacity. With reference to this point, it is worthy of remark that Professor BAUSOHINGER, of Munich, has demonstrated, by the aid of a remarkable series of test-pieces of iron and steel exhibited at the Nuremberg Exhibition of 1882, that the presence of a minute defect at the point at which fracture ultimately takes place, while not greatly affecting the tensile strength of the test-piece, may nevertheless prevent the metal from contracting to so small an area as would have been the case if the metal had been perfectly sound. The elongation of the test-pieces (given in the third column of the Table, p. 344) and the atomic volume of the added impurity are plotted in diagram No. II., Plate 18, which agrees closely with diagram No. I., representing tensile strength and atomic volume. Cadmium exhibits marked irregularity in both diagrams, but the only striking difference between the two diagrams is presented by tellurium and bismuth, the former of which seems to be more prejudicial to the elongation of gold than to its tenacity. It may be added that some of the metals, zinc and rhodium for instance, although possessing smaller atomic volumes than gold, appear to diminish its elongation while they increase the tenacity of the precious metal. This diminu- tion, though not very marked, causes an irregularity in the portion of the diagram occupied by metals with smaller atomic volumes than gold. Mode of Purifying the Gold employed in the Experiments. The gold employed in the foregoing experiments was purified by a method which was adopted, after much careful consideration, by the author of this paper in the preparation of the " Trial Plate " of gold which, by the direction of the Lords Commissioners of H.M.'s Treasury, was to supplement the "Standard Trial Plate," the use of which, for verifying the composition of the coinage, has been prescribed by law since the 17th year of King Edward IV. The purity of the gold so prepared has been recognised by M. STAS, and Mr. LOCKYER has also satisfied himself of its high degree of purity by a comparison of photographs of its spectrum. The gold, having been used in the Assay Office of the Mint throughout a long period of years, had already been purified many times, and the only metallic impurities liable to have become associated with it were silver, platinum, and lead ; and those only in very minute quantities. This gold was dissolved in nitre-hydrochloric acid, the excess of acid being driven off by slow evaporation. Platinum and the allied metals were carefully sought for, but were not detected, and the chloride of gold was then dissolved in a large quantity of distilled water, so that each gallon contained about one ounce of metal. This solution was allowed to rest for three weeks, when the finely-divided chloride of silver was separated by careful decantation of the supernatant solution. The last traces of chloride of silver are only thrown out of solution when chloride of gold is rendered very dilute. A warm solution of oxalic acid was then added, to precipitate the gold ; the first and last portions of the gold OK MKTAI.S CONSIDKRKI) IN HKLATION TO TIIK I'KRIODIC LAW. 349 precipitated were rejected, the middle portion being carefully washed with hot hydro- chloric acid of sp. gr. 1*1, afterwards melted, with the addition of bisulphate of potash, in a clay crucible and cast in a stone mould. There are other methods of obtaining pure gold, which are, in some respects, more simple, and the best of these is, perhaps, that which involves the precipitation of gold from its chloride by the passage of a stream of pure sulphurous anhydride. The author believes, however, that the method above described is the most trust- worthy, a view which is confirmed by Messrs. HOFMANN and KRUSS, who, in a recent paper,* state the results of submitting to a careful examination certain methods employed for separating gold from other metals, and they conclude that oxalic acid is the best reagent for separating gold from platinum, which was the metal the presence of which the author was most anxious to avoid. In discussing the results obtained by Messrs. HOFMANN and KRUSS, Mr. W. BETTELt points out that for large quantities of gold sulphurous anhydride is not a suitable precipitant. • « LIEBIO'S Annalen,' vol. 238, 1887, p. 66. t ' Chemical News,' vol. 56, 1887, p. 133. C7 O /%//. 7'ni/w. UWH. A. /'/ate 19. Fig. West,N«wmaji iC? li Ui . [ 351 ] XIV. On the Specific Resistance of Mercury. By R. T. GLAZEBROOK, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, and T. C. FITZPATRICK, B.A., Fallow of Christ's College, Demonstrators o.t the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge. Received Jane 19,— Read Jane 21, 1888. [PLATE 19.] OF late years several determinations of the electrical resistance of mercury have been made, and the differences between the results arrived at have been greater than would be expected at first sight from the nature of the observations involved. The results of the experiments have been expressed either in terms of the ohm (109 absolute C.G.S. units) or of the B.A. unit, which, according to the determinations of Lord RAYLEIGH and one of the authors of this paper (R. T. G.), is equal to '98667 ohm. Iii the case of Lord RAYLEIGH'S observations, a direct comparison was made between the mercury unit and the original B.A. standards. Other observers have constructed copies of their mercury resistances in German-silver wire, which have been com- pared with the B.A. standards at the Cavendish Laboratory by one of us, or have compared their tubes directly with copies in platinum-silver wire of the B.A. units which have been sent from Cambridge after careful testing. The result of these various comparisons of recent years is as follows, and may conveniently be put in tabular form, giving the value in B.A. units of the resistance of a column of mercury 1 metre long, 1 square millimetre in cross section, at 0° Centigrade. This is done in Table I., which also gives the value as found by various observers of the resistance of I ohm expressed in centimetres of mercury at 0° C. 28.11.88 352 MESSRS. R. T. GLAZEBROOK AND T. C. FITZPATRICK TABLE I. Observer. Date. Value of 1 metre of mercury in B.A. U. Value of Ohm in centi- metre of mercury. Lord RAYLEIGH and Mrs. SIDGWICK* MASCART, NKKVILLE, and BeNOirt- STEECKERJ 1883 1884 |s*:> •95412 •95374 •95334 106-23 106-33 L. LORENIZ§ l ss:> •95388 105-93 Row LAND || 1887 •95349 106-32 KOHLKAUSCH^f 1887 •95331 106-32 GLAZEBROOK and FITZPATRICK . . WUILLEUMIBR** Ihss I sss •95352 •95355 106-29 106-27 Since the original standards of the British Association are at Cambridge, it is possible to compare there the mercury unit and the B. A. unit directly ; and, on hearing the results of Professor ROWLAND'S careful investigations, communicated to the British Association at Manchester, it was thought advisable by several members of the Electrical Standards Committee to repeat the experiments at the Cavendish Laboratory. This seemed the more desirable, as the number expressing the B.A, unit in terms of the ohm is given by Professor ROWLAND as '98644 ; and this agrees much more closely with the results of the similar observations at Cambridge, viz., '98667, than do the corresponding values of the mercury unit in terms of the B.A. unit, viz., •95349 (ROWLAND), and -95412 (RAYLEIGH). It may be useful to state clearly what is meant by the B.A. unit. In 1864 Messrs. MATTHIESSEN and HOCKIN constructed a number of coils of various materials to represent at certain specified temperatures resistances of 109 C.G.S. units of resistance as determined by the Electrical Standards Committee. Eight of these coils (two being of platinum-iridium, two of platinum, three of platinum-silver, and one of gold-silver) have been retained in the possession of the Committee, while copies have been distributed to other electricians. The temperatures at which six of these coils are equal to each other, and to one B.A. unit, are given in the B.A. Report for 1867. Since that date the coils have been repeatedly compared among themselves, and also with others of the original copies ; and, with one exception, the apparent changes in their relative values, if any have occurred, are exceedingly small, and could be accounted for by the supposition that the temperature of the coil at the time of observation was unceitain to about '1° C. Since, then, it is exceedingly improbable that all these coils of such different materials • " On the Specific Resistance of Mercury," ' Phil. Trans.,' 1883. t ' Journal de Physique,' June, 1884. J ' WIEDKMANN, Annalen,' vol. 25, 1885. § ' WIEDEMANN, Annalen,' vol. 25, 1885. || Communicated to (he British Association, 1887. f ' Abhandl. der k. Bayer. Akad. d?r Wissenschaften,' II. ClaRse, vol. 16, Abth. iii. ** ' Comptes Rendus,' June 4, 1888. ON THE SPECIFIC RESISTANCE OF MERCUR5T. 353 should have changed by exactly the same amount during the last twenty-one years, it is inferred that no change has taken place in them, and the B.A. unit is defined as the mean of the values of the six coils at the temperatures at which they were said by HOCKIN (B.A. Report, 1867) to be correct. It was used in this sense by Loi-d I! \vi.i:n;ii in his electrical papers (' Phil. Trans.,' 1881, &c.), and this is the meaning attached to it in the various reports of the Electrical Standards Committee since the year 1882. The method employed in making the observations differed but little from that given in Lord RAYLEIGH'S paper. The resistance at 0° Cent, of the column of mercury filling the tube is determined, in B.A. units ; the length, L, of the column of mercury is measured ; its mean cross section is found by measuring at a known temperature the length, I, of a column nearly filling the tube, and then finding the mass of mercury in the column. The mean cross section thus found needs correction for irregularities in the tube, and these are obtained by the ordinary process of calibration. The formula, as given in MAXWELL'S 'Electricity and Magnetism' (vol. 1, § 362), requires a small correction, for the fact that the length of the column used to determine the cross section does not quite fill the tube. Let * be the cross section at a distance x from one end. Let X be the length of a thread of mercury, which is passed along the tube, when its middle point is at a distance x from one end. Then, assuming the cross section to be constant over the length X, we have s = C/X, where C is the constant volume occupied by the thread ; hence, if n be the number of points at whioh X is measured and p the density of mercury in grammes per c.c., Again, let ^ be the average cross section of the tube over the portion (L — I) at the end which is not occupied by the mercury used to find the average cross section, and let s be the average cross section of the rest of the tube. Then, ,.;=_' ::. ••; :;;•-.?*©; ••• ...... ••<» and, if r be the resistance of a column of mercury 1 metre long, 1 square mm. in section, at 0° Cent., R the measured resistance of the tube, therefore, MDCCCLXXXVIH. — A. • 2 Z 354 MESSRS. R. T. GLAZEBROOK AND T. C. KIT/I'M KICK so that, if we write p. for we obtain ~ W* I1 + L (y^"1)} (4) and r = The term depending oil (L — l)fL is, of course, extremely small, but in some of the tubes employed it exercised a sensible effect on the result. In addition to the corrections necessary to reduce the results to the standard temperature 0° C., the lengths L and I require corrections of importance. The extremities of the tube opened into two large ebonite cups which were filled with mercury, and the observed resistance R includes that of the mercury in these cups which is situated just beyond the ends of the tube. Lord RAYLEIGH has shown that, on the assumption that the diameter of the mercury column in the cups is infinitely large compared with that of the tubes, the correction required would be equivalent to adding to the length of the tube '82 of the diameter. The experiments of MASCART, NERVILLE, and BENOTT, ' Re'sume' des Experiences sur la Determination do 1'Ohm,' Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1884, have justified this theoretical conclusion. To make more certain on this point, we decided to repeat MASCART'S experiments. A third cup was made, of the same size as the two terminals which are described later, differing from them only in having two openings, such as c, Plate 19, fig. 2. A tube, 95 '8 cm. long, and about 1 B.A. unit in resistance, was taken. Its resistance when filled with mercury in the usual way was found. Its diameter, as found from its length and resistance, was 1'08 mm. ; and therefore the theoreticfil correction for the two ends is equivalent to an addition to the length of '886 mm., or to the resistance of '00092 B.A. unit. The tube was then cut in two pieces, and an end was inserted in each of the two openings in the third mercury cup. This was filled with mercury, corked up, a thermometer passing through the cork, and replaced in the trough with the usual packing of ice. When the whole had cooled down its resistance was again measured and found to have increased by '00089 B.A. unit. This increase is due to the resistance of the two cut ends, and the difference in the observed and the theoretical values is within the errors of the determination. Another determination was made with a tube of about twice the cross section. In this case the theoretical correction was equivalent to an increase of resistance of '00061 B.A. unit, while the observed was '00059. It will be noticed that in both cases the observed value was less than the theoretical. This result was also found to be the case by LORENZ, who gives as the factor in the correction deduced from his experiments, the value '82 — '35 d-Jd^, d± being the diameter of the bore, and >!;< i;. r. <;i,\/i:i:i;iH)K A\I» T. c. KIT/.I-ATUICK the distance CD was measured. This distance should, of course, be constant for any given tube, and experiment showed that it was nearly so. Let us put CD = c. Then we have • a — 25 _ b ~ ' ~ OA ~ b ' AD a ~ + e Hence, Now, a is known with sufficient accuracy from the length and mass of the mercury column, so that the above equation gives us 6. The following Table gives the values observed : — TABLE II. Tube. Xo. of observation*. . c in cm. a in cm. A VI. 18 •026 •059 4-2-30 VIII. 12 •029 •062 40-50 II. 8 •025 •i 155 40-20 IV. •2 •024 •067 44-20 The mean value of 0, allowing for the number of observations in each tube, is 4l°'45. The angle of contact between mercury and glass is usually given as 42°, so that the agreement is very good. Now, the volume of the spherical segment ACB is easily seen to be while that of the cylinder on AB as base and of height CD is TTO? COS (1 - COS 6}. The correction, therefore, to be subtracted for each end of the tube from the whole volume tra"l is the difference between these two, and this Tra8 3 cos3 6 (1-3 sin2 B + 2 sin3 0} ; therefore, ON TIIK SI'KCII-IC 1JKS1STANCK OK MKRCURY. 357 If we pnt. 0 = 4l°'45, aa found above, then 8/ = -41! X a, and this is the value used for the tubes VI., VIII., and II. in the Tables which follow. In the case of the wider tubes, it was not at first so clear what the amount of this correction ought to be. If ACB, fig. 2, again represent the meniscus, it was evident that B was not vertically below A, and, further, that the extreme point C did not lie on the axis of the tube. Let AE be vertical through *A, and FC'CG a vertical touching the end of the meniscus, and let DC' be the axis of the tube. Then, in the case of one tube of 1'9 mm. in diameter, we found that AF = -46 mm., CC'= -11 inm., BG = '34 mm., approximately. Observations on other tubes gave somewhat similar values, though the difference between BG and AF was not always so great as in the above. The exact calculation of the volume between the plane through FG and the meniscus ACB is not possible. We have calculated the correction on the assumption that it is the same as that for a spherical surface through AC'E ; the effect of gravity has been to draw this surface down into the position ACB, and it is assumed that the volume ACBE is approximately the same as AC'E. Taking the values given above, we find on this assumption that 8/ = '46 X a. It seemed desirable, however, to verify this result by direct experiment, and this we did, following the method adopted by Lord RAYLEIOH. Ebonite plugs were turned which exactly fitted the ends of the tubes, and these plugs were inserted and pressed up against the ends of the mercury columns so as to flatten them, and the 358 MESSRS. R. T. GLAZEBROOK AND T. C. FIT/PATRICK length of the column was measured with the reading microscopes. The ebonite plugs were then removed, and the full length of the mercury column measured. The difference between these two gives us $1 directly ; for one tube 1'9 mm. in diameter the mean of a number of determinations which were in fair agreement gave 81 = -45 mm. ; and for this tube we have, therefore, 81 = '47 X a. For a tube such as those used for the half units, for which the diameter was 1'57 mm., we found 81 = '35 mm., and this gives SI = '4.1 X ". It is, therefore, clear that for these tubes we may, without serious error, use the value given by the above theory, viz., 81 = -4(5 x ". and this has been done in the calculations. Thus, the equation to determine r becomes WR x 10* r = pp. (L + SL) (I - SI and, as will be seen when the values of the various quantities involved are introduced, this may be written WR x 10* T, SL , SI In this expression temperature corrections are necessary to p, L, aud /, while the weight W will require reducing to its value in vacua. Let t'° = temperature at which the length L is measured ; b = coefficient of linear expansion of measuring rod = '000017 ; t = temperature at which the thread of length / is measured ; p* = density of mercury at 0° = 13 "5 957 grammes per c.c. ; y* = coefficient of expansion of mercury = '000182 ; g = coefficient of cubical expansion of glass = '000025. * These values are taken from the ' Travanx et Memoires da Bureau International des Poids et Mesnres,' vol. 2. See ' Nature ' for April 3, 1884. ON THI-: SI'KCIFIC RKSisi'AXCE OF MERCURY 359 Hence, Volume of thread at 0° = W//j. Volume of thread at «° = VV(1"<"y<) • P W (I 4- «yf ) Mean section of tube at t° = - pi (1 4- W) \\- /i . *\ Mean section of tube at 0° = Length of tube at 0° = ^ '* • (1 ~r 391') Hence, the value of W/plL corrected for temperature is _W (1 + yt) (1 + Iff?) . PlL(l 4-W and, if W0 be the weight in vacua, a- the density of air, and p of the brass weights used, 1:1 ' W-W ,- . = W (1 — -000062], taking dry air at 10°, the mean temperature of the weighings, and putting p' = S'l. Hence, finally we get, introducing all the corrections, { 1 - "' + «f - -000002 - ^ ( ' - l) [ L t L \/w, / ' ' H-(r-§r/-/>)<-(6-i^K; .... (s) r - and, if we put in numerical values for the one unit tubes, we have »1M j t _ .,, «. + .42 - .000002 - '-if-' (1 - l) p/i /L 1 L n / L V«! / r = «! + -000149 1 — -000009*'! ' • • • • (y) while, for the other tubes, the third term is '46a/?. We may write this r = 1-^(l+A), ........ (10) where A is a small fraction, being the sum of all the correcting terms with their proper signs. The methods used in finding L and I differed but little from those employed by Lord RAYLKIQH. The tubes were supplied by Messrs. POWELL and Sox, and a number were roughly calibrated. The best of these were selected and were cut so as 360 MESSRS. R. T. GLAZEBROOK AND T. C. F1TZPATRICK to have resistances of very approximately 1 B.A. unit, 1 legal ohm, ^ B.A. unit, and •£ B.A. unit respectively. The ends of the tubes were ground square by placing each in a groove in a piece of hard wood and allowing the end to pass through a hole which it accurately fitted in a brass plate fixed at right angles to the groove. The tube was made to rotate slowly round its axis, and the end ground by emery on a copper plate. To find the value of the length (L), two small rectangular pieces of brass were used. These were carefully squared, and had a fine X engraved on a small piece of white metal inserted in the centre of one of the faces of each block. The tube was placed under two reading microscopes, which could be adjusted longitudinally by micrometer sci'ews, graduated to '00002 inch, and one of the rectangular pieces of brass was brought up to each end, and adjusted so that one edge touched the tube as nearly as could be along the horizontal diameter while the cross mark on the brass lay on the axis of the tube produced. The microscopes were then focuseed on the crosses, and several readings taken as the tube was turned round on its axis; except in the case of one tube (No. III.), no appreciable difference was observed on turning the tubes round, and in the case of III. the difference did not amount to '004 centimetre. The tube and brass pieces were then removed and their places taken by the standard metre of the Cavendish Laboratory. This is a bronze rod 1 metre long, divided into decimetres ; the first decimetre is divided into millimetres. The length of the rod, as determined at the Standards Office of the Board of Trade by comparison with the standard metre, S.S., is 99'995 cm. i '001 at 0° C., while its coefficient of expansion is '000017 per 1° C. The first decimetre and the millimetre subdivisions have no appreciable error. For the lengths greater than one metre a second bar, made by the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, was used. This was 30 cm. in length, and was divided into decimetres, which were compared with those of the standard. The two bars were placed end to end in a long wooden box, which they fitted tightly, and the distance between the last division of the standard and the first division of the bar measured with the microscopes. The temperatures were read by a thermometer laid on the scale or against the glass tube. The length thus found was that of the glass tube, together with the sum of the distances between the cross marks on the brass blocks and their edges which were in contact with the tube. This distance was carefully determined by aid of the reading microscopes and the standard metre. The values found for this correction differed at most by '005 cm., and the obser- vations on the length of the tubes, which were repeated in each case three or four times on separate occasions, agreed to about the same amount. Thus, the error in the length of the tubes is probably in no case greater than '002 cm. in a length of about 100 cm. ON THE SI'KCIKIC IIKSISTANCB OF MERCURY. 301 The micrometer screws were only used to measure very small lengths, never so great as '1 cm., and were tested and found without any error which could be appreciable. The tubes were cleaned by passing through them in succession nitric acid, caustic potash, and distilled water, the last being repeated three times, alcohol, and finally ether, redistilled for the purpose. These were followed by air dried with chloride of calcium and passed through cotton wool. While the dry air was being passed through the tubes were heated with a spirit lamp, and then allowed to cool. In several cases, following a suggestion of Professor ROWLAND'S, a plug of cotton wool was pushed through the tube with a wire, in order to loosen any small particles of dust which might adhere to the sides. To calibrate the tubes, a short thread of mercury was inserted and moved into the various positions required ; its length X being measured with the reading microscopes. Table III. gives one set of readings for each tube. For the tubes VI., VIII., V., IX., the calibration observations were repeated, using threads of different lengths. TABLE III. VI. VIII. II. V. IX. I. III. 1-453 1-5654 1-5512 1-5464 1-3172 1-225 1-4334 1-439 1-5576 1-5860 1-5386 1-3220 1-219 1-4146 1-482 1-5452 1-6122 1-5386 1-3270 1-212 1-4130 1-432 1-5426 i'6400 1-5374 1-3310 1-208 1-4168 1-432 1-5452 1-6712 1-5428 13282 1-210 1-4234 1-430 1-5470 1-6742 1-5428 1-3234 1-214 1-4110 1-420 1-5470 1-6680 1-5560 1-3202 1-214 1-4010 1-416 1-5380 1-6588 1-5610 1-3170 1-212 1-3844 1-423 1-5360 1-6732 1-5648 1-3156 1-214 1-3670 1-422 1-5396 1-6688 1-5730 1-3216 1-218 1-3656 1-426 15322 1-6844 1-5882 1-3226 1-225 1-3690 1-429 1-5192 1-6908 1-5840 1-3234 1-224 1-3706 1-430 1-5188 1-6956 1-5758 1-3210 1-222 1-3706 1-443 1-5178 1-6802 1-5746 1-3270 1-221 1-3706 1-453 1-5292 1-6832 1-5784 1-3284 1-219 1-8720 1-458 1-5370 1-6782 1-5824 1-3356 1-214 1-3686 1-458 1-5446 1-6716 1-5786 1-3412 1-212 1-3576 1-4G4 1-5480 1-6558 1-5786 1-3430 1-211 1-3552 1-464 1-5576 1-6676 1-5704 1-3436 1-210 1-3552 1-464 1-5576 1-6788 1-5664 1-3426 1-209 1-3676 1-466 1-5532 1-6772 15674 1-3470 1-212 1-3660 1-467 1-5532 1-6720 1-5704 1-3500 1206 1-3750 1-478 1-5460 1-6612 1-5720 1-3554 1-208 1-3906 1-484 1-5292 1-5756 1-3540 1-208 1-4006 1-489 1-5166 1-5756 1-3524 1-205 1-4122 1-498 1-5050 1-5692 1-3530 1-206 1-4094 1-507 1-4768 1-5528 1-3530 1-3976 1-512 1-4584 1-5420 1-3556 1-3882 1-504 1-4430 1-3504 1-8910 1-511 1-4360 1-3440 1-518 1-4316 1-3356 1-4316 1-3240 1-4280 1-3240 MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. 3 A 362 MESSRS. R. T. GLAZEBROOK AND T. C. FITZPATRTCK The mean length of the threads and the corresponding values of p. are given in Table IV. The agreement in the two values is sufficiently satisfactory. TABLE IV. Mean length of Mean length of No. of tube. mercury column, c- mercury column, f- Value of it used. in inches. in inches. VI. 1-459 1-00044 1-228 1-00046 1-00045 VIII. 1-593 1-00079 1-436 1-00078 1-00079 II. 1-661 1-00045 • • f t 1-00045 V. 1-564 1-00016 1-484 1-00015 1-00016 IX. 1725 1-00009 1-335 1-00012 1-00010 I. 1-214 1-00002 . , , 1-00002 III. 1-386 1-00032 • • 1-00032 To find the average cross section of the tube a thread of mercury almost filling the tube was used. In nearly all cases this was the same thread as was used in finding the resistance. The extreme length (/) of the thread between its curved ends was found with the reading microscopes and the standard scale, while the curvature of the ends was found by reading the distance between the end of the meniscus and the point in which the mercury touched the glass. For a given tube this distance did not vary very greatly in most of the observations, and, with one exception, VI. (2), the mean value has been taken in calculating the correction 81. The method of determining this correction has already been given. The temperature was observed by means of a thermometer laid alongside the tube, which was generally left in position for some hours before observations commenced. The microscopes and ther- mometer were then read at intervals of about 15 minutes, and, when two or more consecutive values for both were found to be the same, it was supposed that the temperature of the mercury was that given by the thermometer. This was verified in several instances by taking the temperature of the mercury after it had been allowed to run from the tube into the small crucible in which it was weighed. As has already been stated, the mercury thread did not entirely fill the tube, and, in consequence, a small correction was needed. The amount of this correction is ; — 1 ), s being the mean cross section, and ^ the mean of the cross sections at the ends. To determine the ratio s/51 a point was found on the tube from the calibration experiments at which the actual cross section was equal to the mean value. A short thread of mercury, some 3 to 4 mm. in length, was introduced, and its length measured when its middle point was at the point of mean cross section : let this length be I. The thread was then moved to one end of the tube and its length ON THE SPECIFIC RESISTANCE OF MERCURY. in various poMtiuns close up to the end. The same process was repeated at the other end : let the mean of the lengths thus found be ^. Then, if we suppose that the curvature of the meniscus did not alter (and experiment showed that this assumption is nearly true), we have very approximately the equality Thus, in tube VI., which is slightly smaller at both ends than it is in its central part, the value of 7 is 3'63 mm., while the length of the thread was the same at each end, and was equal to 378 mm. For this tube the mean value of (L — J)/L was •003G7, and the average value of the correction '000150. It is larger in the case of this tube than with any other used, for ija most the effect of one end was opposite to that of the other. Table V. gives the values of the lengths of the threads at the two ends respectively, the mean of these two or llt and of / for the various tubes. TABLE V. Tuba Length at one end. Length at second end. A- I. VI. 3-78 3-78 3-78 363 VIII. 4-72 4-33 4-53 4-58 JI. 8-68 8-87 3-75 3-87 V. 3-90 3-89 3-90 3-94 IX. 3-48 353 3-51 345 I. Tube uniform III. 5-68 5-56 5-62 5-5C The mercury was weighed, using a balance by OERTLINO and the weights employed by Lord RAYLEIGH ; these were compared with each other and with a set of weights which Mr. SHAW had previously compared with the standard 500-gramme weight of the Laboratory. A small correction of about '1 milligramme on 10 grammes was found, and has been introduced, but it is too small to affect our results. The mercury was weighed in both pans of the balance, and the weighings repeated on two or more different days. In the electrical measurements the tubes were compared directly by CAREY FOSTER'S method with the B.A. standards, using the bridge designed by Dr. FLEMING which was employed by Lord RAYLEIGH. The tubes had been so adjusted that the difference between them amounted only to a few centimetres, at most 70 divisions of the bridge wire. We were thus independent of variations in the resistance of the wire due to temperature changes, and the value of the bridge wire division was taken as -0000498 B.A. unit. The ends of the mercury tube were connected, in a manner to be described shortly, 3 A 2 3G4 MESSRS. B. T. GLAZEBROOK AND T. C. FITZPATRICK to the bridge by copper rods, and rods of the same material and almost the same resistance were used to connect the standard coils. It was hoped in this manner to compensate the effect produced on the resistance of these rods by changes of tempera- ture in the room. Since the difference between the two sets of rods was only equivalent to one bridge wire division, this was completely secured. The coils used were the following : — For the tubes VI. and VIII. the standard F was employed ; for V. and IX. the standards F and G in multiple arc ; and for I. and III. F, G, and Flat in multiple arc. In the case of the legal ohm, tube II., a coil of 100 B.A. units, ELLIOTT No. 68, was placed in multiple arc with the tube, and the difference between the combination and F was found in the usual way. The temperature of the water baths in which the coils were placed was taken with a thermometer which had been compared at Kew, and the necessary corrections applied. The temperature of the baths and of the room in which the experiments were made never differed greatly from 10°. The following Table VI. gives the values of the coils at 10°, with their temperature coefficients. The value of F and G are taken from Dr. FLEMING'S chart. The differ- ence between the two coils at the time of the observations was determined and found to agree exactly with that given by the chart. In the case of Flat, which is not one of the six coils mentioned on p. 352, repeated observation during the last two years has shown that it is now slightly lower relatively to the others than when examined by Dr. FLEMING ; the change is not greater than '0001 B. A., unit, and is probably due to a slight imperfection in the insulation. We have taken the value relative to F and G given by our own observations ; as Flat is only used in multiple arc with F and G for the tubes I. and III., any uncertainty in its value is divided by nine in the result, and the error introduced is too small to trouble us. The coil of 100 B.A. units is one of the standards of the Association, and, like the other coils, is of platinum-silver wire. TABLE VI Coil. Value at 10". Coefficient. F •99807 •000272 G •99778 •000263 Flat •99857 •000277 No. 68 99'847 •0270 For the one unit tubes the terminals of F dipped into mercury cups on ebonite, which were connected to the bridge by the copper rods above mentioned. When the coil G was used its terminals dipped into the same cups, and for the one-third unit tubes I. and III., the coil Flat dipped into two other cups connected with the first two by thick pieces of copper. The resistance of these connexions was determined ON THE Kl'KCIFKJ RESISTANCE OF MERCURY. 365 by finding the difference between Flat and F directly, and then when Flat was con- nected to the bridge by these copper pieces. In this way we found the resistance of the connexions to be '00136 B.A. unit. The temperature was about the same as that at which the connexions were used. In the values of Flat given in Table VIII. the resistance of these connexions has been included. In all cases the temperature of the room was almost exactly the same as that of the wuter baths. One of the ebonite cups into which the ends of the tubes opened is shown in figs. I and 2, Plate 19, which is drawn to scale full size. In their design two points mainly were attended to. The first was, that it should be possible to reduce the mercury in them very nearly to 0° C. ; the second, that there should be no contact between copper and mercury, for BENOIT has shown that the conductivity of mercury is in a very short time appreciably increased by contact with copper. The glass tube passes through an india-rubber cork, which fits into the terminal at c, G! ; the tube was usually adjusted so that its end was flush with the inner surface of the terminal. Mercury was then poured into the cup and allowed to run slowly through the tube into the second terminal until each was about two-thirds full. The top shown in fig. 1 was then placed over the terminal and secured by four small screw-bolts passing through the flange a, a. When these were screwed down the terminals were com- pletely water-tight, and could be left covered with melting ice or water for days without leakage. The top consists of a flat plate of ebonite, with four holes to receive the bolts. Through this plate two ebonite tubes, dd, ee (figs. 1 and 3) pass. A hollow platinum cup, /, about 3 '5 cm. long by rather more than 1 cm. in diameter, is secured firmly into the tube d, d, and a thick piece of copper rod, g, fits the interior of the cup tightly, any interstices between the two being filled with mercury ; the surface of the copper rod was well amalgamated. This copper rod, g, is brazed to the copper rods, g ', which form the connexion with the bridge. Pieces of india-rubber tubing, hh, kk, about 10 cm. long, are fastened over the upper ends of the tubes, dd, ee ; the connexion to the bridge passes through a cork, which closes the upper end of the tube, hh, and the junction is made water-tight with marine glue. A thermo- meter, t, graduated to fifths of a degree Centigrade, passes through ee and the india-rubber tube, kk, which fits it closely, and gives the temperature of the mercury in the terminal. In taking the observations the ice was packed closely round the terminals up to the tops of the tubes, h and k, so that the copper rods were surrounded by ice for 12 or 14 cm. above the level of the mercury. Contact between the copper and the mercury in the terminals was thus established through the platinum cup, f\ the surface of this is about 12 sq. cm. This surface was amalgamated in the following manner : — The cups were platinised by electrolysis from a solution of platinic 866 MESSES. B. T. GLAZEBROOK AND T. C. F1TZPATKICK chloride in nitric acid. On immersing the cups in mercury, after heating to drive off traces of the acid, amalgamation readily took place. After this process thoroughly good contact between the platinum and the mercury was secured. To test this, the two platinum cups were placed in the same vessel of mercury, and the ends of the copper rods connected with the bridga In this position the resistance of the connexion was measured, and gave the same value before and after the experiments, while no appreciable change could be noticed on taking one of the platinum cups out of the mercury and again replacing it. When only about one- third of each platinum cup was in the mercury, the resistance was increased by about •00004 B.A. unit. In use care was taken to place sufficient mercury in the terminals to cover the cups entirely. The following additional experiment shows the goodness of the contact : The platinum cups were placed in the mercury, and the resistance measured as described ; then the copper rods, g, were removed from the interior of the cups and placed in the same vessel of mercury, the other ends of the copper rods being in connexion with the bridge, and the resistance was again measured. No difference between these two measurements could be detected. Thus, the contact through the platinum was practically as good as if the copper rods, g, had dipped directly into the mercury in the terminals. Tables VII. and VIII. give details as to the mercury employed. The general method of treatment was as follows : — Mercury from the ordinary stock in the Laboratory was treated with nitric acid and potash, and then distilled in vacuo in the Laboratory still. Ihis mercury after being once distilled was again mixed with nitric acid, being allowed to stand overnight in contact with it. After this it was heated with caustic potash, and then well washed and dried by being strongly heated, and finally it was passed through a second still, newly set up for the purpose, in which only mercury which had been previously distilled and treated as above was ever placed. ON THE SPECIFIC RESISTANCE OP MERCURT. 1 •3 4 ^ S T2 I I I I I I I I I i - -i i- — j — r r s •-'f, -i .•: 888888 888^8 8 •2 0 « I GC CO ^^ »-« O -l :: -l -l -i -l h "O Cl 30 C5 Oi C5 OIOIOIO) «b «b ?b «b «b «b o o o o o eb cb co eo _ ,H _ _i ,_( ^H Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol i-l--!-!^ i-HO!WiO«O(X) i-l Ol CO Ui IN. ^-1 Ol CO -f ?^a, a 00 Ol " 8 s r "2-p j ja M » 71 ~l - ~ Ol O> Ol CO i fference ecn »tan- l :in.l R. il 0> • • ? i I r. i - 5883 8 i *O »O SO *O > CO CO CO OO ~ ". '. IJJ Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi •8* Date of lectrical servation. i«-« ip C* »H •«* 00 »O >JJ| f-4 I-OM f"4 P4 Clf-H^HfH^H ^H^f^HrH O O> ~ «/i Ol 55 CO O CO O Oi • 00 »O CO O 01 Ci ^H ^H i Ol OT '31 Oi O O ^r- < > Ol Cl Oi O* O O 'C* < ) Oi Oi Oi Oi O O Oi * to CO SO >C O CJ -• —i Ci 00 00 OiOr^CO^f »OO O1O1CC' ^•H 'V^ T* ^^ ^~* ' —.1.1 'V^ ^^ WV V» .'W Vrf 888888 88888 S3SS t — ^ft if »O O ^^ O O^ CO 1C CO t*«" i^ w it^r^O*-*^ SD (^ w 01 £ Oi-^-^^7 } t*^ t^ OO OO 00 00 I1* t^ t^ '30 t^ CD 00 00 i O> Oi Oi Oi Oi O5 Oi Oi Oi Oi O* Oi Ov O« i Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi O. Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi « r^ 00 CJC5 >O 0 ^H do do 61 0 o •c •* •«? —i t 6, s :. r I-H ei eo •* > s = •p J3 ja *O na js tJ X X "g . '" gjgl*^ a c •" •_ 01 CO"*® 368 MESSRS. R. T. GLAZEBROOK AND T. C. FITZPATRICK Tables VJI. and VIII., which contain the results of the observations, do not require much explanation. The one unit tubes are given in Table VII. In tube VI. filling 2, the curvature of the ends of the mercury column was much less than in any other case, and the correction 81/1 has, therefore, been calculated specially for this tube The result is clearly too high, but there is no reason in the details of the measure- ments for omitting it. It may be noticed that the results of the 4th and 7th fillings are not given in the Table. These will be referred to again shortly ; they were fillings of a special character, and it seemed best to treat them separately. The extreme difference between any two fillings is '000135, and the difference between the mean result and the extreme is about half of this. In some of the columns the figures have been given to six places ; the only object in this is to secure accuracy in the fifth figure in the final result. In the Table for tube VIII., the fourth and sixth fillings are omitted for a similar reason to that given above. The extreme difference between any two fillings is about the same as in the case of VI. The mercury used in VIII. 5 was taken directly from the iron bottle in which it was supplied by Messrs. TUBES and WILKINS, and was not distilled in the Laboratory. In the first filling of VIII., and the first and third fillings of VI., the filling from which the cross section is determined was different from that used to determine the resistance. This was due to the fact that at first the necessity of having the tube almost completely full when finding I was not fully appreciated, and too much mercury was allowed to escape from the ends in removing the terminals. In the other cases in this table the two fillings were the same. The mean value for tube II. is reduced by the result of the 2nd filling, which is clearly too low, but the observations themselves do not give us any reason for rejecting it. All the fillings for this tube have been included. The mean value of r found from these three tubes is '95354 B.A. unit, and the greatest difference between any two observations is '000241 B.A. unit. The average error independent of sign is '00005. If, however, we rejected the results of VI. 2 and II. 2, the mean would hardly be affected, but the mean error would be reduced to '000037. We may, therefore, fairly put as the result of the observations on the one unit tubes r = '95354 ± '00004. This is, it will be observed, the value given by tube VIII. The value for VI. is raised unduly by the observation VI. 2 ; that for II. is unduly lowered by the result of II. 2. ON THE SPECIFir RESIST A XC'K «K MKRCURY. l-H a jo- CO 00 '.•» 00 OS >r> •66 66. 66 6 •-" 85 70 •000402 •0011:':' ,- — • .* « - - n S3 559 8 ' 8 8 8 ) 1-1 "*> «O CD ( » l-H OS OO l-H I I CO «O CO OO < 00 88 88 CO .qo °obob 6 6s O CO OJ t> B s ' OS P 8 s S 2 2-9 0-9 *n||» jo 'OK i 1 •• r. ^5 00 Oi ^f CO CO CO CO V> OS S .'« - - •N -N ^H I-H IN <_ . CO CO CO CO CO CO ujj « -t ^H IN I-H COCO — CO CO-* - 32 IS 8 . to O5 ' OJ CO CO I 33 3: jo -dmaj, > •* -*00 > pH ^H CO : : 66 6-H s E " SS 2^ 2? US OS OS WS / — $i jo -draaj, OOO5 66 ,,.-„ •5 r O - O = 00 > 00 TO < jo M 's< «^ * S s ^^ *^ •sll jr — — . • « •» o I 370 MESSRS. R. T. GLAZEBROOK AND T. C. FITZPATRICK Table VIII. gives the results of the observations on the one-half and one-third unit tubes. One other filling of I., which is not given, was taken, but it was clear that some accidental error had been made in the measurement of I or of W, for the result differed from the others by over one in a thousand. This is the only filling in the whole series which has been entirely rejected. The result of V. 1 is clearly too low. If we give the result of all the fillings in Table VIII. equal weight, we obtain as the mean value r = '95342 B.A. unit, and the average error is '000029. The difference between this and the result derived from the one unit tubes is, at first sight, considerable, but it must be remembered that for the tubes I. and III. an error in the measurement of resistance of '00003 or one thirty-thousandth of a B.A. unit gives rise to an error of one ten-thousandth in the result. This, of course, is an extremely small quantity. Moreover, the small uncertainty which attaches to the corrections SL and 81 would produce a larger effect in these large tubes, and our observations tend to show that the coefficient "82 in the value for SL is possibly rather too great. It will be noticed, however, that the values of R, the actual observed resistance of a tube, differ among themselves by extremely small quantities. In taking a final mean, it was clearly unfair to weight the observations equally, and we came to the conclusion that the probable accuracy was roughly inversely propor- tional to the area of the cross section. We have, therefore, attached the weights 3, 2, and 1 to the results from the one unit, half unit, and third unit tubes respectively, and arrive at the final result that the resistance of a column of mercury 1 metre long, 1 square millimetre in section, at 0° is •95352 B.A. unit. If we give equal weights to all the observations, the result will be '95351, so that the effect of the weighting is hardly appreciable. It remains to consider the four special fillings of tubes VI. and VIII., which have been omitted. In two of these, VI. 4 and VIII. 4, the attempt was made to fill the tube quite full, when measuring I ; a very small bubble of mercury was left protruding from each end of the tube when it was placed under the reading microscopes, and then flat pieces of brass were brought up simultaneously against the ends, there being a layer of thin paper between the brass and the mercury. It was hoped in this way to squeeze out the superfluous mercury and leave a column with flat ends exactly filling the tube. It seems probable in the case of VI. 4 that this was successfully accomplished, for the value of r found from the experiment is '95354 B.A. unit. With VIII. 4, however, it was clear, on looking through the microscopes at the mercury column, that the ends in contact with the paper were slightly curved, and this was still more obvious when the brass and paper were removed. The resulting value of r is accordingly too low, being '95342 B.A. unit. In the case of the two fillings, VI. 7 and VIII. 6, mercury was used which had ON THE SPECIFIC RESISTANCE OF MERCURY. been passed once through the still at the University Chemical Laboratory, and then treated with nitric acid. It was clear, from the appearance of the mercury, that it was impure ; but it was thought of interest to determine a value for mercury in the purifying of which no special trouble had been taken. The impurity shows itself at once in the results, for, while the mean value of R for VI. is '99996, for this filling R = -99989; while for VIII. the resistance of the filling is '99990 B.A. unit, against a mean of 1 '00006. The corresponding values for r are '95348 and '95329. This mercury was then treated with nitric acid, &c., redistilled in our own still, and used again in the fillings VI. 8 and VIII. 7 ; the values of R were '99996 and 1-00004, and of r '95360 and '95361 respectively. Thus, the impurity has been clearly removed by the distillation and acid treatment. In some cases a tube was filled on one afternoon, and its resistance determined. The whole was then allowed to stand over night, being re-pucked in ice in the morning, and the resistance again measured, but no appreciable change was noted. Thus, for VI., on January 9, the value '99994 was found, while the same filling, re-packed on January 10, after the mercury had stood for 16 or 18 hours in contact with the platinum of the terminals, gave R = '99996 ; the difference is within the temperature errors of the coils. Some experiments were made on the effect of known impurities on the mercury in altering its resistance. In one case, about one two-thousandth part of zinc filings was added to the mercury. On mixing, the surface of the mercury was made foul ; the mercury was then passed through a filter paper and used in VL , but the effect on the resistance was not appreciable. It is probable, of course, that the filtering had removed a large portion of the zinc, but the experiment gives some idea of the amount of impurity which the resistance measures will detect. In another filling of VL, a mixture of mercury with a small percentage of tin was used. The resistance was much too small to be measured on the bridge — the bridge wire has a resistance of '05 B.A. unit approximately. This mercury was treated in the usual way, distilled in the Laboratory still, and then in our own, and on being again used gave as the value for R '99991 B.A. unit. Thus our treatment was sufficient to remove the tin from the mercury. Some observations were also made on the change of resistance of mercury with temperature. Thus, on January 5, tube II. was placed in a trough in water at about the tempera- ture of the room, and its resistance measured. The tube was then packed in ice and measured. Similar observations were made with tube III., and the results are given in the Table IX. Other observations confirmed the results there given. 3 B 2 372 MESSRS. R. T. GLAZEBROOK AND T. C. F1TZPATRICK TABLE IX. Date. Tube. Temperature. Value. Value at 0*. Coefficient January 3 ... „ 9 ... II. III. 9-5 10-5 1-02028 •33297 1-01186 •32993 •000878 •000875 We conclude finally from the experiments that the value of r is '95352 B.A. unit. If we take as the value of the B.A. unit the mean of those found at the Cavendish Laboratory, we have 1 B.A. unit = -98667 Ohm, we find that r = 94081 Ohm, or 1 ohm is equal to resistance at 0° C. of a column of mercury 1 square millimetre in area and 106*29 centimetres in length. These values agree closely with those communicated at Manchester to the British Association by Professor ROWLAND, viz. : r = -95349 B.A. unit. 1 ohm = 106 '32 centimetres of mercury at 0° C. The value of r in B.A. units does not differ greatly from that found at Wurzburg by STRECKER and by KOHLRAUSCH ;* the difference, however, is greater than can be accounted for by error of experiment, but is, I think, capable of easy explanation. STRECKER'S comparison of his mercury tubes with one of the B. A. units sent from Cambridge was made at a temperature of from 9C to 10°"5 (' WIEDEMANN, Annalen,' vol. 25, p. 482). The resistance of the mercury at this temperature was reduced to 0° by means of his own formula (loc. cit., p. 474), which gives a mean coefficient up to 10° of '000909. Now, this is a larger value than is given by any other observer, as is shown in the following Table : — * See the Table on page 352. ON THE SPECIFIC IIKS1SI \.NVl-; Of MKUrrUY. 373 TAI-.I.I: X. STBKCKIR* SlIMKNSf LoKENZj LENZ§ BBNOIT || GLAZIBBOOK** ...... GLAZEBKOOK and FITZPATBICK ft • Mean Avenge coefficient up to 10°. •000909 •000865 •000901 •000884 •000877 •000861 •000861 •000876 •000879 Thus, STRECKER'S value is higher than the mean by '00003, and if we were to reduce his observations from 10° to 0°, using the mean coefficient given above, we should obtain the value for r, '95362. This value may possibly be a little too high, but at any rate the reasoning is suffi- cient to show that the difference may easily depend on a small error in the tempera- ture coefficient. The same reasoning will apply to KOHLRAUSCH'S results, for his comparisons between the mercury tubes and the wire standards were usually made at temperatures differing from 0°, and were reduced to 0° by the use of STRECKER'S formula. The value of the ohm in centimetres of mercury at 0°, as given by KOHLRAUSCH in a letter to R. T. G., February 16, 1888, is 106'32, agreeing exactly with ROWLAND. MASCART, NERVILLE, and BENOIT found a value for r which is as much above our value as KOHLRAUSCH is below it. At the same time, their value of the B.A. unit in ohms is less than ours, leading to the result that the value of the ohm in centimetres of mercury is 106 '33 ; or, again, the same value as ROWLAND'S. This might seem to show that there was some small change in the B.A. unit used by MASCART between the time it was compared at Cambridge and the date of their observations. [Quite recently, June 4, 1888, M. WUILLEUMIER communicated to the Academy of Sciences at Paris the results of some experiments by LIPPMANN'S method, which give the value 106 '27.] Thus we may conclude that the experiments of MASCART, STRECKER, ROWLAND, KOHLRAUSCH, WUILLEUMIER, and ourselves are in fairly close agreement, and that * ' WIKDEIIANN, Annalen,' vol. 25, p. 475. t ' Electrotechn. Zeitschr.,' vol. 3, 1882, p. 408. J ' WIEDEMANN, Annalen,' vol. 25, p. 11. § ' Etudes Electrometrologiques,' vol. 2, 1884. || " Resume d'cxperiencea sur la determination de 1'ohra," 'Journal de Physique,' 1884, p. 230. f ' Phil. Trans.,' 1883, p. 185. *• ' Phil. Mag.,' October, 1885, p. 352. ft Supra, p. 372. 374 MESSRS. R. T. GLAZEBROOK AND T. C. FITZPATRICK the value of the ohm expressed in centimetres of mercury at 0° does not differ from IOG'31 by more than '02 of a centimetre, or two in ten thousand. From this result the values found by LORENZ and Lord RAYLEIGH differ appre- ciably. With regard to LORENZ'S value, we may notice that the comparison between his tubes and the B.A. unit was very far from being direct. «/ The tubes were compared with a Siemens' unit issued by SIEMENS and HALSKE, and this with a copy of the B.A. units sent to LORENZ by Lord RAYLEIGH. The tempera- ture coefficients of the two coils and of the mercury required to be known, and corrections introduced. The final value found by LORENZ for the ohm in centimetres of mercury is 105 '93. In this determination, tubes were used 1 metre long, and 1 , 2, and 3 centimetres in diameter, and some part of the large difference may possibly be due to the fact that the lines of flow of the current near the ends of the tubes can hardly have been cylindrical. No such explanation, however, can be offered of the difference between Lord RAYLEIGH'S result and our own. His comparisons were direct, and the results of the observations on the various tubes employed are extremely concordant ; the tubes actually used by him have since been broken, but the end pieces are still at the Laboratory. We thought it was worth while to fit up one of our tubes, No. VI., with his end pieces, and find its resistance. In this way, we were able to eliminate any error which might have occurred in the resistance of connexions, as new connexions were made for the purpose and had their resistance specially determined. The experiment was made on May 19th, and the value found, when the temperature in the terminals was about 3°, was 1 -00000 B. A. unit. The mean value for VI. previously found, the temperature in the end pieces being lc'4 C., was •99996 B.A. unit. Thus, this experiment fully confirms the value we had already used, and shows that no error can have been introduced by the connexions. Lord RAYLEIGH has himself pointed out that the fact that the temperature of the mercury in his terminal cups was from 5° to 6° C. would lead to an over-estimate of the value of r, and he con- cludes that this over-estimate may in his case have been as much as '00008. In the course of our observations we had several times determined the resistance of a tube as the mercury in the end pieces cooled down from 9° or 10°, the temperature of the room, to the temperature at which it was finally steady, which was on the average about 1°'4 C. Table XI. gives the results of these determinations for VI. Each horizontal line refers to the same filling. Taking the resistance when the mercury in the end pieces was at 2° as 1 B.A. unit, the Table gives the temperatures at which the resistances were measui-ed, and the increase of the resistance of the tube up to the temperature in question. ON THK SPECIFIC RESISTANCE OP MERCURY. TABLE XL 875 Temperature 2°'8 4°-5 - s In -I Increase of resistance above that at 2° ... •00004 •00010 •00035 •00043 Temperature 2°-9 4°-6 9° Increase of resistance above that at 2° .... •00003 •00010 •00035 Temperature .; -,; Increase of resistance above that at 2° •00020 ,; 4 Increase of resistance above that at 2° •00025 4° 5°-5 Increase of resistance above that at 2° •00010 •00020 pni w* 376 ON THE SPECIFIC RESISTANCE OF MERCURY. The results of the Table are represented graphically in fig. 3, in which the abscissse represent temperature and the ordinates resistance, the temperature being that indicated by the thermometers in the cups. The tube was of course packed in the ice during these observations. It would appear from the curve that our own observations may be slightly too high, possibly as much as '00004, through the temperature in the cups being on the average 1°'4 0. instead of 0°, while at 6° an error of about '00024 might be introduced. This error is equivalent to that caused by the whole tube being at 0°'3 instead of at 0°, or by about 5 per cent, of the tube being at the temperature of the mercury in the terminals. In tube VI. some 6 or 7 per cent, of the tube was within the corks used to close the terminals. It may be noticed that the observations on tube VI. given in the last line of Table XI. were made with Lord RAYLEIGH'S terminals. We thus infer that, while the fact that in Lord RAYLEIGH'S experiments the terminals were at 5° or 6° may explain a small part of the difference between our results, reducing his by about '00024, it cannot possibly account for the whole, amounting as it does to '00060, and we must look in some other direction for the explanation. [ 377 J XV. Invariants, Covariants, and Quotient- Derivatives associated with Linear Differential Equations. By A. R. FORSYTH, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity Colleyp, Cambridge. Received January 7,— Read January 12, 1888. THE present Memoir deals with a set of invariants and covariants of linear differential equations of general order. The set is proved to be complete, that is to say, every covariantive function of the same type can be expressed as a function of the members of the set, the only operations necessary for this expression being purely algebraical operations. The transformations, to which the differential equations are subjected, are supposed to be the most general consistent with the maintenance of their order and their linear character ; they are, linear transformation of the dependent variable and arbitrary transformations of the independent variable. The covariantive property of the functions considered is constituted by the condition that, when the same functions are formed for the transformed equation, they are equal to the functions for the original equation, save as to a factor of the form (dz/dxy, where z and x are the two independent variables. The memoir, with the exception of a single and rather important digression, is occupied solely with investigations of the forms of the functions, of their interdepen- dence, and of methods of construction. The earlier part deals chiefly with the synthetic derivation of the functions, the later part with their analytic derivation. Tables of the functions have not been calculated ; in most cases the expressions of the functions are given in their forms as associated with the differential equation when it is taken in an implicitly general canonical form, and only in very few cases are functions given in connexion with an explicitly general form. Within these limits the subject of the memoir has been strictly confined ; there is not, for instance, any attempt at classification of differential equations of the same order as discrimi- nated by forms and values of invariants or covariants. The contents of the memoir are as follows : — The first section gives references to previous writers on the subject, viz., COCKLE, LAGUERRE, BRIOSCHI, MALET, and HALPHEN ; and, in particular, some of the results obtained by HALPHEN in his well-known essay and in a subsequent memoir are stated. It appears that previous results are confined to invariants, and that, with the exception of two special invariants of the general equation, the invariants obtained are not derived for equations of order higher than the fourth. In order to connect MDCCCLXXXVm. — A. 3 C 9.11.88 378 MB. A. R. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, CO VARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- my results with those previously obtained, there is given at the end of the section a very short statement of the kinds of covariantive functions which are here introduced. In the second section there are given the general relations between the coefficients of a linear equation before and after it is subjected to the most general transforma- tion. From these relations the value of the invariant ®3 is deduced ; a method is indicated which leads to the values of ©4, ©5, ®6, 67 ; and it is proved that, for the first general form of differential equation adopted, there are n — 2 fundamental invariants, each of which consists of two parts : — (i.) a part linear in the coefficients and their derivatives ; (ii.) a part, not linear, every term of which contains at least one factor which is either the algebraic coefficient of the term next but one below the highest in order in the differential equation, or is a derivative of that algebraic coefficient. A canonical form of the differential equation is adopted, the reduction to which is possible by the solution of an equation of the second order ; for this canonical form the second part of each of the fundamental invariants vanishes. Finally, the expression of these invariants in their canonical form is given. In the third section two processes of deducing invariants from those already found are obtained, called the quadriderivative and the Jacobian ; and it is proved that all the algebraically independent invariants which can be deduced by these processes may be arranged in classes according to their degrees in the coefficients of the differential equation. The first class is constituted by the n — 2 priminvariants of the second section ; the second class contains n — 2 quadriderivatives of these priminvariants and n — 3 independent Jacobians ; and each succeeding class contains n — 2 proper invariants. In the course of the section several propositions are proved which lead to this selection of proper invariants. In the fourth section it is shown, by the application of CLEBSCH'S theorems as to the classes of variables which arise in connexion with the concomitants of algebraical quantics in any number of variables, that there are in all n — 2 dependent variables, associated with the original dependent variable of the differential equation, and distinct in character from one another. The complete set of n — 1 dependent variables are subject to similar linear transformations ; and at the end of the section some properties of the linear equations satisfied by them are inferred. In the fifth section the quadriderivative and Jacobian processes are applied to the dependent variables, original and associate, which possess the invariantive property ; and it is proved that there are two classes of independent co variants, viz., those which involve each one dependent variable and its derivatives only, and those which are Jacobians of a single invariant and each of the dependent variables in turn. A limitation on the former class, according as they are considered associated with a differential equation or a differential quantic, is pointed out ; and a symbolical differential expression is obtained for each of the proper derived invariants and derived covariants. In the sixth section some illustrations of the theorems already proved are given, DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 379 by applying them to equations of the lowest orders. When they are applied to the equation of the second order, they give the theorems already obtained by RUMMER and SCHWARZ. When they are applied to the equation of the third order, the canonical form of which is binomial and which has a single primin variant, the adjoint equation is derived ; and the case of a vanishing priminvariant is discussed from two points of view. The quotient-equation of the cubic, that is, the differential equation satisfied by the quotient of two linearly independent solutions of the cubic, is worked out ; and the primitive of the cubic is deduced from a supposed knowledge of two special solutions of this quotient-equation, in a form which is the analogue of the corresponding results for the quadratic. In this connexion the cubic quotient- derivative occurs, corresponding to the Schwarzian derivative ; it is one of a series of similar functions. For the equation of the fourth order two canonical forms are given, one being the special case of the general canonical form, the other being a more direct analogue of the canonical form of an algebraic binary quartic. The quotient-equation is deduced and some properties are proved ; and the quartic quotient-derivative is obtained. Finally, the two associate equations of the quartic are given ; and there is a verification that all the priminvariants (and hence all the concomitants) of these associate equations are expressible in terms of the invariants (and hence of the covariants) of the quartic. The seventh section is really a digression from the main subject of the memoir ; some of the properties of the quotient-derivatives of odd order are therein investigated, the two principal relations being that which is consequent on the general quotient transformation of the dependent and the independent variables, and that which gives the homographic transformation of both variables. These quotient-derivatives have some connexion with reciprocants ; but, on account of the restriction on the subject of the memoir, there is here no investigation of that connexion. Quotient-derivatives of even order are obtained from different forms of linear equations ; and a relation between the two kinds of derivatives is indicated. The eighth and last section is mainly devoted to a proof of the functional com- pleteness of the concomitants of the second, third, and fifth sections. There is a homographic transformation of the independent variable, which changes one canonical form into another ; and the method of infinitesimal variation is used in connexion with this transformation to obtain the characteristic linear partial differential equations satisfied by any concomitant. They are found to be two in number ; one of them is an equation which determines the form of a concomitant, the other determines the index of the concomitant when its form is known. These characteristic equations are first applied to deduce the covariants which involve the original variable, and next to deduce the invariants derived from 83 ; and simplified forms of the invariants and covariants of higher grade are obtained. Finally, there is given a general proof, founded on the theory of linear partial differential equations,* that * This method has already been applied by Mr. HAMMOND to the corresponding proposition in the theory of binary quantics ; see ' Amor. Jonrn. Math.,' vol. 5, 1882, pp. 218-227. 3 C 2 380 MR. A. B. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOT1ENT- every concomitant can be expressed as an algebraical function of the concomitants which have already been obtained, and that their aggregate is therefore functionally complete. The following is a tabular index of the contents of the paragraphs of the Memoir: — SECT. I. — 1-3. Analogy between transformations of algebraical equations and of differential equations. 4. Results of MALET and COCKLE on sem in variants of differential equations. 5. Invariants given by LAGUERRE and BRIOSCHI. 6, 7. HALPHEN'S results in his memoirs of 1880 and 1883. 8. Difference of canonical form chosen by HALPHEN from that in this memoir. 9, 10. Statement of the aggregate of invariantive functions. SECT. II. — 11, 12. General transformation of a linear differential equation. 13. The invariant due to LAGUERRE and BRIOSCHI. 14. Definition of index of invariant. 15-17. Dimension-number and homogeneity of invariants. 18. Proper invariants. 19, 20. Method of infinitesimal variation; modification of relations of § 11. 21-25. The invariants 63, 64, 96, eg, 67. 26. Number of non-composite linear independent invariants. 27, 28. Form of the linear invariants. 29, 30. Canonical form of differential equation. 31. General value of Qa for this canonical form. 32. Summary of results of section. SECT. III. — 33, 34. Quadrinvariants ; the quadriderivative process. 35, 36. Jacobians ; aggregate of proper qnadrinvariants. 37. Invariants of the qnartic. 38-40. Proper cubinvariants. 41—43 ; 44. Proper quartinvariants. 45. Proposition relating to Jacobians. 46. General conclusion as to quartinvariants. 47. Proper quintinvariants. 48. General propositions. 49. Aggregate of derived invariants. 50. Semi-canonical form of invariants. 51. Finality of results. SECT. IV. — 52. LAGRANGE'S " equation adjointe " of the equation of order n. 53, 54. Sets of variables subject to same linear transformation. 55. CLEBSCH'S theorem on classes of variables in algebraical quantics. 56. Application of CLEBSCH'S theorem to sets of variables. 57, 58. Selection of those variables which are also subject to functional transformation. 59. Dependent variables associate with original dependent variable. 60. Digression on invariants. 61, 62. Inferences as to the variables and the linear equations satisfied by them. SECT. V. — 63-65. Derived identical covariants in the original variable. 66. Limitation on their number when associated with a differential equation. 67. Restricted limitation on their number when associated with a differential quantic. 68. Derived identical covariants in the associate variables. 69. Mixed Jacobians. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 381 SICT. V. — 70. General propositions relating to dependence of mixed covarianta. (cont.) 71. Inference as to covariants which involve only the original of the dependent variables. 72, 73. Mixed covariants involving the associate variables. 74. Aggregate of covarianta. 75-78. Limitation on number of identical covariants for qoartic and qnintic. 79. Symbolical expression for Jacobian derivatives. SECT. VI. — 80. Application to equation of second order. 81. Reduction of cubic to canonical form. 82. The " adjoint " equation of the cubic. 83, 84. Simple integrable forms of the cubic. 85. Quotient-equation for the cubic. 86. Primitive of the cubic when two particular solutions of its quotient-equation are known. 87. Case of vanishing priminvariant ; cubic quotient-derivative. 88. Particular integrable case of cubic. 89. Primitive of cubic when only one solution of quotient-equation is known. 90. Special equation in Schwarzian derivatives. 91. Reduction of quartic to general canonical form. 92, 93. Alternative canonical form of the quartic. 94. Quotient-equation for the quartic. 95. Primitive of the quotient-equation when three solutions are known. 96. Quartic quotient-derivative. 97. Primitive of qnartic when three solutions of its quotient-equation are known. 98-100. Case of vanishing invariants. 101. Solution of quartic indicated when only one solution of its quartic equation is known. 102. Adjoint-equation of the qnartic. 103. Self-adjoint associate equation of the qnartic. 104. Form of this equation when the priminvariant O3 of the quartic vanishes, with a particular example. . 105. General form of the self-adjoint associate equation. 106. Determinantal relation among the self-complementary variables. 107. Verification of the theorem that all the priminvariants of the self-adjoint associate equation are invariants of the original qnartic. 108. Other associate equations. 109. Theorems relating to the general equation of order n. SKCT. VII. — 110. Quotient-derivatives of successive odd orders. 111. Quotient-derivatives and reciprocants. 112, 113. Law of transformation of vanishing quotient-derivatives ; converse not necessarily true. 114-117. Transformation of quotient-derivatives for homographic variation of independent variable. 118. Illustration of limitation on converse of § 112. 119. Derivation of quotient-derivatives of even order. 120. The hyper-linear quotient-derivative. 121. The hyper-quadratic quotient-derivative. 122. Scheme of quotient-derivatives of successive odd orders. 123. Relation between derivatives of odd and of even orders. SKCT. VIII. — 124. Reproduction of canonical form of differential equation for homographio transforma- tion of the independent variable. 382 MR. A. B. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- SECT. VIII. — 125, 126. Reduction of this transformation by method of infinitesimal variation. (cent.) 127-129. Characteristic form-equation and index-equation satisfied by concomitants. 130. Deductions from these characteristic equations. 131. Application to identical covariants. 132, 133. Simplification of "proper" identical covariants. 134. Application to derived invariants. 135, 136. Application to the Jacobian of a priminvariant and a derived invariant associated with that priminvariant. 137. Proof that the set of concomitants obtained in §§ II., III., V. are functionally complete. 138. General limitation in the number of identical covariants associated with a differential equation. SECTION I. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 1. Similarity in properties of differential equations and of algebraical equations has long been of great value, both in the development of the theory and in the indication of methods of practical solution of the former equations. In recent years a great extension of this similarity has been made by the discovery of certain functions associated with linear differential equations which are analogous to the invariants of algebraical quantics ; and, principally owing to the investigations of M. HALPHEN, this extension has had an important influence on the theory of cubic and quartic equations and on the recognition of fresh integrable forms of equations. 2. The most general modification of the form of an algebraical equation, without causing any change in its order, is that which arises by the application of TSCHIRN- HAUSEN'S transformation ; the effect of it is that, by the satisfaction of certain subsidiary equations, the coefficients of terms in the transformed equation are evanescent, and these terms are therefore annihilated. There exist in the trans- forming relation a number of constants, taken in the first instance to be arbitrary, and subsequently determined by the subsidiary equations, which, however, do not in cases of high order always admit of possible algebraical solution ; and the two simplest cases are those in which the transforming relation is lineo-linear and lineo- quadratic. Now, in the case of linear differential equations, transformed without change of order, there is an exact analogue of the lineo-linear relation just mentioned, whereby the term involving the differential coefficient of order next to the highest is made to disappear. If x and y denote the independent and the dependent variables respec- tively, the relation is of the form y = uf(x) = u\, where u is a new dependent variable and X is determined by an equation of the first DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 383 order. The analogue of the lineo-quadratic relatiou apparently does not exist ; but another equally effective transformation of the differential equation is possible, being that whereby the independent variable is changed. And, by a proper transformation to a new variable z, concurrently with the former change of the dependent variable, though with a different multiplier f (x), it is possible to remove the terms which involve the two differential coefficients of order next below the highest which occurs. This has been known for some time, having been pointed out, first apparently (in 1876) by COCKLE, and afterwards (in 1879), independently, by LAQUERRE. 3. Here would seem to be the limit in this regard to the analogy between alge- braical and differential equations ; but within the limit there are striking properties in common. It is well known that when the proper lineo-linear transformation is applied to an algebraical equation so as to remove the term next to the highest, the remaining coefficients are the algebraical coefficients of the leading terms of HERMITE'S covariants associated with the quantic which is the sinister of the equation ; and these coefficients are therefore seminvariants. An exactly similar property holds for differential equations, but its full recognition has only been gradual The following are, so far as I can discover, the chief references to this part of the subject, and, though a chronological order is avoided, they will serve to indicate the development. 4. In a memoir entitled " On a Class of Invariants," * Professor MALET obtained, and applied to the solution of special questions connected with the cubic and quartic, two classes of seminvariants of differential equations ; one of these is invariantive for change of the dependent variable, the other for change of the independent variable. And though, to obtain the form of the latter he has used the two kinds of transformation successively, he has not apparently obtained in a direct form functions which possess the invariantive property for both transformations. Soon after the appearance of this paper, and in connexion with it, Mr. HARLEY t proved that Professor MALET had been anticipated by Sir JAMES COCKLE, who had in several memoirs (exact references are given by Mr. HARLEY) given in forms, sometimes explicit and sometimes implicit, the leading results obtained by Professor MALET relating to the seminvariants of the two classes. At the end of his paper Mr. HARLEY states that, in a recent letter, Sir JAMES COCKLE had suggested the possibility of forming " ultra-critical" functions, i.e., functions invariantive for both transformations effected concurrently. 5. In this last suggestion, which is not stated to have been worked out to a definite issue, Sir JAMBS COCKLE has been anticipated by M. LAOUERRE, who in two notes J gave what is here called the fundamental invariant of the cubic, but without any * • Phil Trans.,' 1882, pp. 751-776. t " Professor MALET'S Classes of Invariants identified with Sir JAMES COCKLE'S CriticoidB," 'Roy. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 38, 1884, pp. 44-57. J " Sur les equations differentielles lineaires du troisieme ordre," ' Comptes Rendns,' vol. 88, 1879, pp. 116-119 : " Sur quelqnes invariants des equations differentielles lineaires," ibid., pp. 224-227. 384 MR. A. R. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, CO VARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- indication of his method of obtaining it ; he also gave the first of the two classes of semin variants. Almost immediately after the appearance of these notes Professor BRIOSCHI communicated in a letter * to M. LAGUERRE a method of obtaining the invariantive results and of extending them, which, applied to the cubic and quartic, led to explicit expressions for the invariants of both equations ; and the invariantive property of the functions is constituted by the relation that if (q, dq/dz, . . .) be the same function for the transformed equation with coefficients q, an equation of the form (!)"*<*§• •.•>-*<*£-> is satisfied. There is a premature conclusion as to the permanence of form of these functions for equations of all orders, the corrected expression of which is given later in the present memoir (§ 28). 6. The two notes of M. LAGUERRE and the letter of Professor BRIOSCHI are the suggestive starting point of M. HALPHEN'S investigations in invariants, which occupy part of his extremely valuable memoir.t So far as the invariants, qua theory of forms, are concerned, the leading investigations are contained in the third chapter. He there points out the functional identity of the invariants of LAGUERRE and BRIOSCHI with functions previously (in July, 1878) obtained by himself |; the connexion between absolute and relative invariants is derived a priori; and the necessary limitation on the form of invariants arising from homogeneity in weight is deduced. A method is indicated, potentially suitable for the formation of invariants, by connecting the general linear equation with the linear equation of the second order ; the fundamental invariant of weight 3 — the same as for the cubic — is derived and its permanence of form for equations of all orders is pointed out ; but, except this and the invariant of weight 4 for the quartic, no others are calculated. In fact, the method involves extremely difficult analysis for any but the simplest cases ; and even for the invariant of weight 3 an invariantive property of LAGRANGE'S " Equation adjoin te" is used in addition. The rest of the memoir is devoted to the application of these results. For this purpose, the author takes his general differential equation in a definite canonical form so chosen that the term of order next to the highest does not appear and the invariant of weight 3 is unity — two relations which suffice to determine the new independent variable and the multiplier of the dependent variable. The applications, leading to most important deductions, chiefly concern the general * " Sur les Equations differentielles lineaires," ' Bulletin de la Society Mathemat. de France,' vol. 7, 1879, pp. 105-108. t " Memoire sur la reduction des Equations differeutielles lineaires anx formes integrables." ' Memoires des Savants fitrangers,' vol. 28, No. 1, 301 pp. (Grand Prix des Sciences Mathe'matiques, annee 1880; published 1882). t In his Doctor's Thesis ' Sur les invariants differentials.' Paris, 1878. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 385 cubic and a limited form of the quartic for which the invariant of weight 3 vanishes identically, and in the case of which the new independent variable is determined by taking the fundamental invariant of weight 4 to be unity ; in the notation of this memoir such a quartic would assume the binomial form 7. In a subsequent memoir,* M. HALPHEN considers the general quartic and its invariants, which he identifies (p. 330, I.e.) with the differential invariants of tortuous curves. And he deduces (p. 339, I.e.) from the two fundamental invariants (v, «7 = B3, 84, in my notation to a numerical factor pres) the series of successive invariants, which are the successive " Jacobian derivatives " herein obtained. The following investigations were completed before I knew any of the details of this last- quoted memoir by M. HALPHEN, my starting point having been M. BRIOSCHI'S letter ; and, though the results relating to the form of the Jacobian series for the quartic are thus anticipated by four years, it does not seem necessary to modify the investigations which relate to the equation of general order n possessing n — 2 fundamental invariants. 8. The great advantage of the canonical form chosen by M. HALPHEN is that a given equation can be reduced to it by means of differential equations of soluble form of the first order only — that is, their dependent variables can be explicitly deter- mined as functions of the independent variable, though the functions may not be evaluable in known forms ; but there is an attendant disadvantage from the point of view of the invariants that their expressions, even for the canonical form, remain complicated. In preference to M. HALPHEN'S canonical form I choose that from which the two terms of order next to the highest are absent, and the reduction to which is always possible by the solution of a linear differential equation of the second order. The great advantage of this, as the canonical form, is that, when the invariants — at first called fundamental and subsequently priminvariants on account of the property about to be mentioned — are constructed for this form, they are purely linear functions of its coefficients and their derivatives, with the further essential property that the expression of each is independent of the order of the equation, so that, in fact, each is an invariant of every equation of order not less than its index. 9. The number of these priminvariants is n — 2 ; from them there are constructed the series of what have been called derived invariants, which include Jacobian and quadriderivative functions ; and in the aggregate only those are retained which are proper or non-composite. All these functions are entitled invariants. There is then indicated a set of dependent variables associated with the dependent variable of the given equation, the last one of which set is the variable in the • " Snr les invariants des equations diflterentiellea linruircs du qnatri&me ordre." ' Acta Math.,' vol. 3, 1883. pp. 325-380. MDCCCLXXXVIir. — A. 3 D 386 MR. A. B. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- " Equation adjointe " of LAGUANGE ; they are all transformable by a substitution similar to that which transforms the original dependent variable, viz., multiplication by some power of dz/dx ; and they possess the property that all combinations of them, similar to those by which they are constructed, are expressible explicitly in terms of variables of the set. From this set of dependent variables there are deduced functions of them and their differential coefficients possessing the invariantive property ; and, again, from the aggregate all composite functions are excluded. These functions are entitled identical covariants. Finally there is obtained a third class of functions possessing the invariantive property, and involving in their expressions the dependent variables and the coefficients of the differential equation ; and those functions are excluded from the aggregate, which can be algebraically compounded by means of functions occurring earlier in the class, of invariants, and of identical covariants. These functions are entitled mixed covariants. For purposes of simplicity and of distinction between these classes of functions there is an advantage in considering, as the ground form, a differential quantic (being the sinister of the differential equation) rather than the differential equation itself; for, in the case of identical covariants of order equal to and greater than that of the equation satisfied by the variable in question, they can by means of the equation be changed into mixed covariants. It is necessary to mention this both here and later when the functions occur ; but, beyond this mention, further notice is not taken of the possible fusion of the two classes of functions. 10. The general aggregate of concomitants of the differential equation is taken as including these three classes of functions, and later in the memoir it is shown to be complete ; and the expression of every function is only implicitly general, that is, it is given in connexion with the canonical form of the equation. A few of the prim- invariants of lowest index are given for a semi-canonical form, but these are the only exceptions. Again, my aim has been the investigation of invariautive forms from the purely algebraical or functional point of view, and not from the geometrical ; I have nowhere in this part adverted to SYLVESTER'S Reciprocants. The identity of some classes of the latter with HALPHEN'S Differential Invariants is known*, and thus the three species of covariantive functions constituted by Differential Invariants, Recipro- cants, and Invariants of Differential Quantics have known points of connexion. The discovery of further relations between them would be of great interest and value. * SYLVESTER, " On the Method of Reciprocants as containing an exhaustive theory of the Singularities of Curves," « Nature,' vol. 33, 1886, p. 227. I>i;ilIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 387 SECTION II. PRIMINVARIANTS OP A LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION. Transformation of the Differential Equating 11. The general linear differential equation of the 71th order is of the form rf-Y rf-'Y «(«-!) rf-Y + ~¥T ~ * where RQ, Rlf R2, . . . are functions of x ; by the substitution and subsequent division throughout by R0, it is changed to where P2, P3, . . . are seminvariants of the former equation. Similarly, an equation which determines another dependent variable u as a function of another independent variable z may be written in the form n\ „ d*~*u nl Suppose now that these dependent variables are so connected that the relation y = «x . . ......... (i) is satisfied, X being some function of x. In order that (L) may be transformable into (ii.), z must be some function of x; and when this is the case there will be a number of equations, evidently u in number, connecting X, z, x, and the two sets of coefficients P and Q, which may be obtained as follows. The actual substitution of «X for y in (1) gives rf«M dX (fr-Ht n! (x -f- p) — (x) }' and (2). It at once follows that, writing m ! Cw>, for A«t, and denoting differential coefficients sometimes by dashes (chiefly when there are powers higher than unity) and sometimes bj Roman numeral indices, we have CMi, = ==* = coefficient of pm in { (x + p) - $ (x)}' ItV i i.e., in (p^ + ^p^ + i.p^ +...)' ...... (3). Substituting now in the semi-transformed equation, we immediately find the coefficient of d'u/dz' -f- s ! to be ro! d"-*X 2ln-2l Z «-2.' «-3.' ' ' ' sin -s -21 r = n-> n\ ft = n-r-, ' - r - ^ rr0 if, with the symbolical interpretations P0 = 1, Pj = 0. But the present form of the equation must be effectively the same as (ii.), and the coefficients of corresponding derivatives of u must therefore be proportional to one another. In the transformed equation the coefficient of frujdz" -£• n 1 is (here s = n, so that r = 0 and t = 0 are the only values for terms in the summation) A^X, or the coefficient of d"u/dz* is A»_,X/n ! ; that is, it is Xz'*. Hence we have TO * ScHLailiLCH, ' Vorlesungen iiber einzelne Theile der hoheren Analysis' (3e Auflage, 1879), p. 5. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 389 or, what is the same thing, XQ.-. ,„ _ '-;- »-« r.o i.o r Now, let W* = 5? + 2!0-2!P' rf**-' . .. . .- . , . . .' (4) symbolically, then the coefficient of n — r— tl in the foregoing expression is r r!«I 3? the summation extending to those values of r and t that leave r + t the same throughout, that is, the coefficient is r + t'. and, therefore, J -'. _ * n-s! ,,0 n-0\e\ When * is changed into n — * and the quantities C are introduced from (3), this takes the form If it were desirable the summation on the right-hand side might be extended to the value 6 = n, for C,^,,. vanishes if m < m', 12. The only place where, as yet, the zero value -of Pl has been admitted is in the definition of W,, but no essential use of that value has been made ; now, however, it will be found that the removal of the terms involving Pt and Ql from (i.) and (ii.) materially simplifies the analysis. Writing (iii.) in detail for the lowest values of s and using the condition Qt = 0, we have in succession (5)-, (6)', and so on, the number of equations being «. 390 MR. A. R. FORSYTE ON INVARfANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIEXT- 13. Tlie first invariant. — In the particular cases of n = 3 and n = 4, Biuosciii lias shown (/. c. § 5) that there is a function of the coefficients such that remarking that the invariantive forms remain the same for differential equations of higher order ; and HALPHEN has, for the general equation, obtained this invariant by another process. Before passing to more general investigations it is easy to see that this result follows from equations (5)', (6)', (7)' ; and the deduction of it requires modifications of those equations which are subsequently of great use. We have, from (4), W0 = X , W1 = X'; and from (3) p — l(n _1\»'«-ZZ" P — z'«-l \J»>n-\ — IV* Llz > ^«— 1, «— 1- » while, generally, n — z'» • ^m, m — z » so that (5)' now is 0 = 2'X' + i (w - 1) Xz" . . . •* . v . , (5), an integrated form of which will be subsequently taken. Writing with BRIOSCHI we have 2" =2'Z, 21U = Z' (Z' + Z2), X' = -i(n-l)XZ, X" = -i(«-l)X{Z'-i(H-i)Z2}, Xui = - ^ (n - 1)X,{Z" - f (n - 1)ZZ' + i(n - 1)2Z3}. Again, C., ._» = A (n - 2) 2'-* {4»'^ + 3 (n - 3) 2"8} = h (n - 2) 2'"~2 { 4Z/ + (3» - 5) Z2} ; C..!, »_2 = i (n - 2) 2'"-32" = 1 (n - 2) 2'»-*Z, by means of which (6)' changes to £ Xz'2Q2 = -3\- (n - 2) (4Z' + (3»» - 5) Z2} + i (n - 2) ZX' + i (X" + P2X), which, on substitution for X" and X', reduces to 2Z' - Z2 = - (P, - Q/2) ._.,.,., .(-»» but owing to the form of the implicit partial differential equation to be satisfied this is not completely possible ; what proves to be possible, as will be seen later, for the adequate determination of a non-composite function 8, is that terms and terms, of course, of the dimension-number — p, involving as factors either P2 or some derivative of Pa or combinations of them, alone need be considered. We now proceed to what is practically the formation of the partial differential equation, deriving it by a generalisation of the ordinary method of infinitesimal variation which is used to obtain the characteristic differential equations satisfied by concomitants of algebraical qualities. The general characteristic equation is not explicitly given on account of its complicated form ; it is implicitly given in all the particular cases, and its principal use is to obtain the numerical coefficients of the different functions 8. MDCCCLXXXVIII.— A. 3 E 394 MR. A. R. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT Modification of the Coefficient Relations (III.). 19. By integration of equation (5), we have Xz' i(»-D = constant; since the equations (iii) are homogeneous in the dimensions of X, this constant may be taken of any arbitrary value other than zero, and so we may write (iv). With the form of equation (ii) adopted, this is the only equation which helps to determine X and z ; and therefore we may consider z as arbitrary and, when an arbitrary value is assigned, X is determinate. We therefore assume 2 = a; + e/t, ........... (9) where c, an infinitesimal constant, is to be considered so small that squares and higher powers may be neglected, and p. is an arbitrary non-constant function of a;*. From this it at once follows that . z' = 1 + £/, .......... (10) and, for values of k greater than unity, while from (10) and (iv) it follows that X=l-i(n-l)v', .... . . . . (11) and d*-*\ . . __=_i(n_1) Hence W0 = X = 1 - i(n - 1) V'; Wj = and by (4), for values of r greater than unity, ; W, = Pr - i(n - 1)6 (l, 0, Po, . = Pr-|(n-l)eTr say. Also by (3) we have * The functions are shown by this process to be invariants only for an infinitesimal, but otherwise perfectly general, transformation ; but the immediate purpose is to obtain the numerical coefficients and not to prove the property of general invariance, which, otherwise known, could be derived by the principle of cumulative variations. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 395 C... = coefficient of p~ in (p? + i, pV + $, />VU + . . . y {p + «(W' + i PY + i, pV" + ...))' and therefore C while for values of m greater than s When all these values are substituted in (iii.), it becomes (n-l)e *-• P, and, therefore, dividing each side by the coefficient of Q, and retaining only first powers of e, we have = P,(i- V) after a slight reduction. This equation is true for the values s = 2, 3, . . . , n ; and particular cases, to be used immediately, are Qs = P8 (1 - 3cM') - 3^UPS - i (n + 1) e^, Q4 = P4 (1 - 4C/x') - 6eM«P3 - (n + 5) ^P, - ^ (n + 1) «/*', Q6 = P6 (1 - 5£/A«) - 1 Oe/x«P4 - |(n + 7) V«P8 - | (n + 3) eM"P2 - | (n Q, = P6 (I - 6CAt') - 15e/A«P8 - | (n + 9) V»P4 - 5 (n + Q7 = P7 (1 - 7,/x1) - 21 VP, - S (»+ 1 1)V«P, - V (n f - V (n + 3) €M'P3 - 7 (n + 2) e^P2 - f (n + 1 ) 3 £ 2 390 MR, A. B. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- 20. But for our present purpose we require, not merely the expressions (12) for the coefficients Q in terms of P, but also expressions for the derivatives of different orders of the quantities Q. Writing (12) in the form so that we may, to the order of email quantities retained, differentiate <£, with regard to z or x indifferently, we have dsf ~ ' dsf C daf ' But as before (§ 1 L ) we have JrV m = r T} /7»>P "> ri ^ -Pr.M <* * » f-i'M- e,= Ps-|. •;:^-'-.-^-:'/ . (H) Calculation of the Invariants ®3, 4, @5, ®6, 07. 22. The invariant 04. The most general form possible is and the invariantive equation is 0,(a;) = ^ = (1 DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 399 Now V) and the values of the remaining quantities have already been given ; when they are substituted in the equation and the factor — e is removed, the equation becomes 0 = A {e/iT, + (n + 5)/t"P§ + A(n + 1) ft'} + £D(n + i)M»p§ which is satisfied identically, provided B=-2A, Hence, taking A to be unity, we have e4 = P4-2f-' + f^-|^P88, ..... (t5) dx * da? * n+ 1 which practically agrees with BRIOSCHI'S function y (I. c., p. 107) for the value n = 4, the order of the equation in connexion with which the function is obtained. 23. The invariant 05. The most general form possible is Proceeding exactly as in the last case, it is easily found that the conditions necessary for the identical satisfaction of the invariantive relation are B=- | A, C= -VLA> D=- | A, '= And, therefore, taking A to be unity as before, we have 400 MB. A. R. FOBSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANT3, AND QUOTIENT- 24. 77ie invariant 6fi. The most general form possible is Proceeding as before, it is found that the necessary conditions are . _B ___ 3C_.3D^ 14E_ n+1 F n + 1 G re + 1 7J = " = ~ ~ ~ — 3 - 5 5 3n + 7 5 ~ 3» + 7 10 ~ 14?i + 31 10 ' 3K + L = 0, . 7n_+_8 n + 1 R _ so A 7n3 + 28n + 25 (n + I)8 These conditions leave two constants undetermined ; they may be taken to be A and L. When the values of the others are substituted, it appears that the part of the function involving L can be expressed in the form that is, a composite invariant of index 6. As no new function is thereby determined, we omit it (§ 18) by making L zero ; and then, taking A to be unity, we have -p OB, 104 53 B. go ~ r« ~ * dx ~ 3 ,\ ,rfP,rfP,l, p21155n* + 6048* + 6909 , H"^r 5iT^r ~aa(»+ijF Invariants such as these which have one part linear in the coefficients of the differential equation will, for brevity, be called linear invariants. General Form of Linear Invariants ; Canonical Form of Equation. 26. The last few results suggest a general deduction, which can be derived directly from the equations (iii.), as to the general form of linear invariants. From those equations we have \-'»Q W W *~ vfr _ "« /-i i YY'-\ p i • - . ^H— n n—i ~T~ _ 11 '-'«— «+!> *— < "T" • • • so that, X (z''Q. - P4) = sP^\' + |« (?i - s) '- P,.^ + terms involving P,_j, P^3, . . . ; whence, by (8), *"Q. - P. = *P~ i ( i ( n - s) Z - i ( n - 1 ) Z } + . . . = — ^s (s — 1) P,_! Z + terms involving P._2, P,_s- • • • Tims, z'^Q,-! — P^! —• function involving P^y P^_3, .... and, therefore, _ =1 + w'^iQ^jZ = function involving P^.., P._8, . . . ax Combining these two, we have >> {Q- ~ i (« - 1) d^:1} - {P. - i (* - l)d-^r} = ^notion involving P._2, z MDOCCLXXXMII. — A. 3 F 402 MR. A. R. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- Proceeding in this way and remembering the analogy of the simpler cases of s, we should be able to gradually reduce the highest index which occurs on the right-hand side ; but the terms will become more complicated, owing to the successive differen- tiations that take place. Now the form of the result to which we are to attain is known, being an invariantive relation ; the successive operations earned out in the way indicated always decrease the highest index on the right-hand side and will never re-introduce a coefficient P already eliminated ; hence, the result attainable from the foregoing starting point is unique, and we are therefore led to the conclusion : — There is only a single non-composite linear independent invariant for each index from 3 to n, and, therefore, there are in all n — 2 linear invariants. 27. But, again, as the successive steps in the gradual reduction are taken, differential coefficients of Z of various orders will enter as factors with P,_2, P,_3, . . . and differential coefficients of these, the function on the right-hand side being always an integral function of Z and its derivatives. Now, for the latter, we could substitute from equations like (6) and (7), and others which have not been given ; but every derivative of Z can be obtained from (6) and from equations deduced from it alone by differentiation. In that case there would be introduced into the terms containing P,_2, • • • and Z and its derivatives factors of the form P2 or powers of P2 or deriva- tives of P2, or combinations of these ; with the result that, when all the operations are completed so as to leave the invariantive equation, the non-linear terms in 0 (x) will each contain at least one factor which is either P2 or a power of P2 or a differential coefficient of P2. Hence each of the non-composite linear independent invariants consists of two parts : (a) A part which is linear in the coefficients P and differential coefficients of these quantities P, each term having the proper dimension -number ; (b) A part which is of the second and higher degrees in these quantities, each term having the proper dimension-number, and every term having at least one factor which is either P2 or some derivative of P2. These general conclusions are evidently satisfied in the case of the linear invariants already obtained. 28. It will be proved immediately that the numerical coefficients iu the linear part are independent of n, the order of the equation ; those of the non-linear part are not independent of n, as may be seen from the special cases already discussed. Hence the linear part is the same for equations of all orders not less than the index of the invariant, but the non-linear part varies from one equation to another ; and therefore BRIOSCHI'S remark made d propos of 03 for the cubic and quartio and of €)+ for the quartic "que ces formes invariantives restent les memes pour les Equations differentielles d'ordre supdrieur " applies only to the linear part. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 403 Canonical Form of Differential Etptation and of the Invariants. 29. The conclusion as to the general form of the invariants suggests that a form of the differential equation might be adopted which would give to tlie invariants an expression considerably simplified. If it were possible to take Qe to be zero (and this possibility will be proved immediately), then, when the function 6, (z) is formed from the coefficients of the transformed equation (ii.), the non-linear part of the function will cease to appear because every term in this part contains a vanishing factor ; and the part that remains constitutes the whole of the invariant. Hence, for the differential equation, thus transformed, the invariant is a purely linear function of its coefficients, and, in this linear form, the invariant is determinate wheu once the numerical coeffi- cients are obtained. 30. In order to obtain the transformed differential equation, the invariants for which have this simple form, we return to the original equations of transformation. By them, considered as applied to equation (i.), there were two quantities at our disposal, viz., X and 2. One relation between them has already been assumed in deducing the equation (5) or (iv.) ; and any other may be taken to completely deter- mine them, provided it does not violate that already adopted. Such a relation which is permissible is to suppose the quantities X and z, already subject to (iv.), to be quan- tities which will make the coefficient of ^""^/t/z""2 in (ii.) zero, that is, make Q3 = 0. Hence, by (6), we must have ••"""'' : '"V""1' 2Z' = z' + ;rTTp" "•••'• ' : "••• : where, by (8), *" 7 2 V 7'- "^rix' If we write the equation which determines Z is transformed into and then we may write X=^-1, z'=0-2 ........ (20). Hence, by the solution of a linear differential equation of the second order, as (19), the two terms of orders next below the highest can be removed from a linear differeu- tial equation of any order.* This modified form may be called the canonical form of the differential equation. * This result has already been referred to, as a general statement (§ 2 ) ; the exact references ore — COCKLE, ' Quarterly Journal of Mathematics,' vol. 14, 1876, p. 34C, for the cubic; LAGUKBRK, ' CompHs Rendus,' vol. 88, 1879, p. 226, for the general equation. 3 F 2 404 MR. A. B. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- Since 6 = z'~l, it follows that which can immediately be verified, [z, x] being the Schwarzian derivative Determination of the Linear Invariant of Index cr in its Canonical Form. 31. The difference between the linear part of 6ff(z) for a differential equation with a non-evanescent Q2 coefficient and the whole function 0,, (z) for the equation with an evanescent Q.2 coefficient lies, not in any difference between the two sets of numerical coefficients, for passage from the former ©„. to the latter is effected merely by making Q3 zero, but in the condition, that for the former &ff the independent variable z was not determined and so could have an arbitrary value assigned, while for the latter this independent variable is completely determined. In order, therefore, to obtain the invariant Q^ in its canonical form it will be sufficient to determine the linear part of 6, in its uncanonical form, for which we adopt the same process as in the particular cases 04, 65, 06, Q7 ; an arbitrary value is assigned to z, nearly equal to x, and the coefficients of the linear part are determined, the remainder of the terms not being necessary for a knowledge of the canonical form. To this we pass by retaining the linear part alone, and the independent variable must then be considered determinate. We assume "~ + ( — l)a~2 B,_2 _2ii + a part which vanishes with Q.2. For the determination of the ratios of the constants B0, Blf . . . , it is sufficient to consider the terms involving /A" which occur when the invariantive equation is transformed by means of the equations (10), (12), (13). From the last two these terms can at once be selected with the following results : — (i.) In Qff the term involving p." is _^eo-(0-_l)/i"P_1; (ii.) In dQv_l/dz the terms involving /tu are -e( 2 < =«•-'. !=»"• •• ••.-• the transformed equation in u is the canonical form d"u r = * nl ~. d*~ru d& r^3 rln — r' dz"~r The coefficients P and Q of these equations are so connected that there exist n — 2 algebraically independent functions ©„(#) of the coefficients P and their derivatives which are such that, when the same function ©,(2) is formed of the coefficients Q and their derivatives, the equation is identically satisfied. The possible values of a- are 3, 4, 5, ...,«; the function ©X2) i8 r = »-S where ali(r is unity, and for the remainder of the co-efficients a _ (, (2) = *,(*), 80 that „ is a new invariant with index 2 derived from the priminvariant 0, ; and from every priminvariant such an invariant can be derived. Now, when the equation is taken in the canonical form, the value of *, (z) is *. = 2; - (2\ + 2/t + 1) so that Hence, ^>PII cannot be composed from the invariants ah-eady obtained ; but, if we choose to introduce a new invariant the index of which is unity, then <£PI, is composite. 35. This new invariant can be otherwise derived. For ©£/©£ is an absolute invariant (of index zero), and therefore DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 409 whence, after logarithmic differentiation, and, therefore, the foregoing quantity is, as stated, an invariant of index unity. Taking it in an integral form, we have as a new invariant e*.M,i = /*e,,el-xeA«M, -. . . . . . . . (vii.) of index X -f- p. -\- 1 ; from the similarity of its form with the Jacobian of two binary qualities, it will be called the Jacobian of 8A and 8,. As we have already seen, quadriderivatives of composite functions are composite functions when Jacobians are retained. 36. The number of Jacobians which we need to retain as independent of one another is diminished by the two following results : — (A) If either of two functions be composite, their Jacobian is composite. For, taking *, = e^e,, (x + P = „„. , = M ex - (x + P) 8,8,8,, = ®fif, M, 1 "f- *M*A, * 1. a composite function. (B) Of the \(n — 2)(n — 3) Jacobians 8^, derived from the primin variants only n — 3 are algebraically independent ; for between the three which are derivable from any three priminvariants 0^, 6,,, 8, we evidently have a relation Hence the independent Jacobians, as well as the quadriderivative functions 8ffi „ are all of the second degree in the coefficients of the differential equation, and may therefore be called quadrinvariants. And from the foregoing it follows that the aggregate of " proper," i.e., non-composite, quadrinvariants is composed of two sets, which are (i) the n — 2 quadriderivative functions 8,,, given by (vi.) ; (ii) the £ (n — 2) (n — 3) Jacobians 8^, given by (vii.), of which only n — 3 are algebraically independent of one another. 37. The simplest example that occurs is in the case of the quartic equation of which the canonical form is MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. 3 G 410 MR. A. B. FORSTTH ON INVARIANTS, CO VARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- There are two primin variants, viz. : — ©3 = and there are three proper quadrinvariants, viz. : — e-u = 6Q3Q"3 - 70?, «*i = 8 (Q, - 2Q'3) (Q"4 - 2Q'"3) - 9 (Q'4 -2Q"3)', 63.4,1 = = 4Q4Q'3 - 3Q3Q'4 + 6Q3Q'3 - 8Q?.. And if we choose we can replace any one of these by a linear combination which includes that one ; thus we could replace @3li,i by ©s,*,! — BM, the value of which is dz 3 dz Independently of the special application to the deduction of quadrinvariants, the preceding analysis shows that, when a number of invariants are given, there are two methods of forming new invariants, viz., the quadriderivative process and the Jacobian process. Cubinvariants. 38. We now proceed to apply these methods to obtain the proper invariants of the third degree. The quadriderivative process will not produce any invariants of this degree when applied to any of the invariants already obtained ; and, therefore, all that remains for us to do, remembering proposition (A) of § 36, is to form the Jacobians of the priminvariants with the proper quadrinvariants. 39. First, the Jacobian of any priminvariant with a proper quadrinvarianl which is itself a Jacobian is a composite function.* For, if J denote the Jacobian of 0P and 0Xi (l> u we have But * This is the exact parallel of a well-known proposition in the theory of algebraical forms; see CLEBSCH'S ' Theorie der binaren algebraischen Formen,' p. 117. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 411 and therefore I®*--1,, « H"' •'1^ HA«^ Hence it follows the Jacobian under consideration can be constructed from prim- invariants and proper quadrinvariants ; it is, therefore, a composite function, and must be omitted from the aggregate of proper cubinvariants. 40. There thus remain only the Jacobians of the priminvariants with the quadri- derivative quadrinvariants, and of these the total number is (n — 2)8. But, denoting the Jacobian of 8,( , and 8X by ¥,? A, we have *„,, = X8A8;,, - 2(0- + 1)8,,, %. M = ft 6,e;, , - 2 (a- + i) 8,, , so that A - *e**r = 2 «r + i e, and, therefore, when any invariant ¥,iX is considered as given, any other of this type, derived through 8,f t and so involving the same VI l ; (b) „ „ „ ®A,*I with a quadriderivative 0,, j ; (c) „ „ quadriderivative ©,,! „ „ ®p, ^ DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LIKK.Yft DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 413 Now, in $ 39 we have seen that the Jacobian J of «. and 8^, is given by a result enunciated for the case in which 8, (there 8P) is supposed a priminvariant, though, in the proof, no such limitation was introduced. This may be applied to the consideration of (a) by writing 8, = 8P, „, l ; the functions 8^ ., l and 8Mt ,t l are then cuhinvariants (composite, moreover), and therefore J can be expressed in terms of invariants of the first three classes. Thus from (a) no proper quartinvariants arise. The same formula may be applied to the consideration of (b) by writing 8, = 8p , , ; the functions 8Aiir)] and 6^»,i are again cubinvariants (composite, moreover, if X and p differ from p) and so J can be expressed in terms of invariants of the first three classes. Thus from (b) no proper quartinvariants arise. These two results can also be deduced as follows. For (a) we take j = (x + M + 1) BA,M. , e;,,, , - (p + a- + 1) 8P,,, , «;,„, „ and a cubinvariant V = (x + M + i) e^e; - pe.e;,,,, ; from which Now the right-hand side is the product of a quadrinvariant and a cubinvariant, and therefore J is composite. Similarly, for (6) we take and e,, 9 = pe,ep, l - (zp + 2) ep> , e; ; from which The right-hand side, as before, is the product of a quadrinvariant and a cubinvariant ; and therefore Jl is composite. The last method may be applied to (c) also, and leads to a similar result ; for, taking . ,2 - (2Ai). be composite, for the Jacobian of BAB(t and 4>A>(1 is expressible in terms of invariants of the first three degrees. Since **,„ is of index unity, its quadri- derivative T is T = Now (§ 39) the Jacobian of a priminvariant and Q^^i can be expressed in terms of invariants of the first two degrees, and, therefore, the Jacobian P of a priminvariant and to^t can be expressed in terms of invariants of the first two degrees; con- sequently, the Jacobian Q of a priminvariant and of P can be expressed in terms of invariants of the first three degrees at most. But Q = (rB,F - (^ + **,, {"BX - ((1|1 is composite, so that there is no proper quartinvariant among the functions (6). Combining our results, we see that the class (y) furnishes no proper quartinvariants. 46. The general conclusion in regard to proper quartin variants is therefore the following : — There are n — 2 independent and proper quartinvariants, and these are given by (ix.); all other quartinvariants derived by these methods are either composed of invariants of the three farmer classes, or, if proper, can be expressed in terms of in- variants of the three former classes and of one or more of the n — 2 independent proper quartinvariants. Invariants of Higher Degrees. 47. The investigation of the proper quiritinvariants proceeds on similar lines to that for the quartinvariants. It is easy to see that, in forming the Jacobians of BCi , * It may be remarked, as worthy of note, that T -f- 2*!A,^ is the Schwarzian derivative with regard to * of the absolute invariant log (6Aue,,~l>). 416 MR. A. R. FORSYTH ON" INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOT1ENT- and 0X for all values of cr and X, the same limitations on the mutual independence of the (n — 2)2 functions so derived exist as in §§ 40 and 42 ; and hence of this type there are n — 2 proper and independent quintinvariants given by ri,e', ....... (x) the remaining proper quintinvariants being expressible in terms of the functions 6^4 and of invariants of the first four classes. 48. By means of some of the results obtained we can show that all the invariants, obtainable by any of the methods hitherto used or by any combination of them, are expressible in terms of these different classes in succession of n — 2 proper invariants associated with the n — 2 priminvariants. For (i) These proper invariants of any class are obtained by forming the fitting Jacobians of the proper invariants of the class next preceding and the priminvariants ; (ii) By proposition (A) of § 36 and the theorem of § 44, it follows that all other Jacobians are composite ; (iii) By the analysis of § 45 it follows that the quadriderivative of any Jacobian is composite, if we retain as representative invariants the successive Jacobians of proper invariants. Now, after ©„,!, all the proper invariants ©^.j, ©,,,3, . . . are Jacobians, and therefore quadriderivative functions formed from them are composite, •A result already proved in § 45 for ©^ , ; and thus the quadriderivative operation applied to any proper invariant will produce only a composite invariant. (iv) It is easy to see that, if we take any proper invariant of a class higher than the first and from it, considered as a fundamental invariant, construct the same functions as ©„_ 2, ©,, 3, ... are of ©„, all the resulting invariants will be composite. For, considering in particular the cubiderivative function of corresponding to ®a and of the quadriderivative of that invariant ; this quadriderative will in general come under the he;id of those considered in (iii), and therefore will be composite ; but in any case the theorem of § 44 shows that the function will be composite, since 3> is of a degree higher than the first. Similarly for all the other functions. It therefore follows that the operations, similar to those whereby the invariants ® • • • are constructed from ©„, only lead to composite invariants when applied to proper invariants of any class beyond the first, and that the only operation which can lead to proper invariants is the Jacobian, and even that operation onlv produces proper invariants of any degree when applied to the n — 2 invariants ©,, and the respective proper invariants of the preceding degree associated with ©r. 49. The general conclusion as to the derived invariants is as follows : — It is convenient to range the derived invariants in classes ; all the invariants in any one class are, when the differential equation is taken in its canonical form, homogeneous in the coefficients Q of the equation and their derivatives ; and the degree of any DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR D1K1 IIIJKM I Ah EQUATIONS. 417 class is taken to be the common degree of all the invariants of the class. In each class the invariants are of two kinds, viz., composite, these invariants being expressible in terms of invuriunt.s of earlier classes; and proper, these not being expressible in such terms. The number of proper invariants in any class above the second is (n — 2)8; but only n — 2 of this number are quite independent of one another, and the remain- ing (n — 2) (n — 3) proper invariants of the class can be expressed in terms of one (or more) of the independent proper invariants and oT invariants of lower classes. And the following are the proper invariants of the classes in succession : — First, the priminvariants 68, 64, . . . , 6,, . . . , B», each of which is linear in the coefficients of the differential equation, supposed reduced to its canonical form, and their derivatives ; the index of each invariant is the same as its subscript number ; Second, (i) the quadriderivative functions «„. , = 2(7^8",- (2cr + l)e'J, which are n — 2 in number (o- = 3, 4 ..... n) and are independent of one another ; the index of e,,, is 2tr + 2 ; and (ii) the £(n — 2) (n — 3) Jacobians of index X -j- p. -f 1 (X, p. = 3, 4, . . . , n), but only n — 3 of these are independent, and the remainder can be expressed in terms of these n — 3, properly chosen, and of priminvariants. The two kinds of proper invariants in this class are algebraically independent of one another ; Third, there are n — 2 independent cubinvariants given by 6,. , = <**,&„. , - (2 and 8, practically the same function of @4. He also (1. c., p. 339) forms Jacobians, which can be expressed in terms of functions B3i r (in the notation of the present memoir) ; and these together constitute his aggregate of invariants for the quartic. Lastly, the important simplification of the forms of the invariants due to the reduction of the equation to its canonical form has been repeatedly remarked in the preceding paragraphs ; it is, in fact, owing to this that the foregoing classification has proved practicable. When, however, the differential equation is not assumed to be thus reduced, a change necessarily takes place in the explicit forms of all the in- variants ; thus, for instance, in the case of a non-evanescent coefficient Q2, it is not difficult to verify that from which a non-canonical form of ©„_ l — the value of &ff being supposed known — is at once apparent. But into the expressions of those proper invariants which are Jacobians the coefficient Q2 does not explicitly enter until substitution begins to be made for the invariants in this Jacobian form. Finality of the Results. 51. The results so far obtained, though very general, have not been shown to be exclusively so. It has been proved that all the linear invariants which exist are included in the set of priminvariants ; and that all the invariants derived from them by the given methods can be expressed in terms of the proper invariants of the classes as arranged. But no proof has been given that, for degrees higher than the first, any invariant possible can be deduced by the methods used, or that any invariant can be expressed in terms of the assigned invariants. Until one of these two propositions (or some equivalent proposition) is established, we are not in a position to declare that all possible invariants of the differential equation can be expressed in terms of the given invariants. The consideration of this question will be deferred until Section VIII., where the investigation will include not merely the invariants, but other invariantive functions yet to be obtained. * ' Acta Math.,' vol. 3, pp. 335 and 341 respectively. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIF1 I.HKM IAI, IMITATIONS. 419 SECTION IV. ASSOCIATE EQUATIONS AND DEPENDENT VARIABLES. LAQRANUE'S " Equation adjointe." 52. It was proved by LAORANGE,* that in connexion with every linear differential equation there exists another linear equation of the same order, and that a know- ledge of the primitive of either is sufficient to lead to the primitive of the other. Let y\,y*, • • • , y« be n special and linearly independent solutions of the equation then ,1.1" v •=• v, = <«-*> y - 1 • y— i y— i is an integrating factor. For, since y\,y$. • • • >y»-\ satisfy the equation separately, the 7i — l quantities R can be found in terms of them ; and, when these values of K are substituted and the equation is then multiplied by v, it takes the form ,/.,• y . y . (n - 1) (n - 2) y._3, y.-2, y y «-•:» = 0. But an integrating factor of the equation satisfies the relation * ' Miscellanea Taurinensia,' vol. 3, 1762 ; ' OZnvres,' vol. 1, p. 471.—" Solution dc differcnts problt-nu s de calcul integral." 8 H 4 420 MR. A. R. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- as can be seen at once by multiplying the foregoing equation by v and integrating by parts. This is LAGRANGE'S associate equation (" Equation adjointe ") ; it is of the same order as the original equation ; and its special and independent integrals may be taken to be the n determinants each of (n — I)3 constituents given by (n-2) (n-2) (n - y. , y._i , y—s (n-3) fn-3 (it- y/ •}/ -J/ y« , y.i-\ , ?/*-2 (n-2) /I (n-J) It is well-known that the Lagrangian associate of the Lagrangian associate is the original equation ; it is evident that, if either be in its canonical form, the other is so also. It will now appear that the equation is only one of a set of equations, and its variable only one of a set of dependent variables, associated with the original equation. Sets of Variables subject to the. same Linear Transformation; Algebraical Combination. 53. The n special integrals y constitute a fundamental system of integrals, and each of the members Y1, Y2, . . . , Y, of any other fundamental system is a linear function of the former set, so that in effect a change from one fundamental system to another is only a linear transformation of the dependent variables concerned. (There is here no question of the necessary modifications of fundamental systems owing to the presence of "singular" values of the independent variable). This transformation may be represented by !,¥„...,¥.) = (MX ?„?* where M is a constant matrix with a non-vanishing determinant. But this applies not only to the dependent variables, but also to their derivatives of all orders, so that we have x (tSu (tyf I \ w*v dx rt* for any value of r. And, if we retain this equation for values 0, 1, 2, ...,«.— I of the index r, we shall have in all n sets of variables subject to the same linear trans- formation ; and these variables are linearly independent of one another, since for the satisfaction of the differential equation we need the nth differential coefficients of the quantities y, which have been specially excluded. DKIUYATIVKS ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFKUKNTIAL EQUATIONS. 421 54. Since the n quantities y are linearly independent of one another, they may be looked upon as the coordinates of a point in a manifoldness of n — I dimensions ; and, if we assume the same linear independence of the derivatives of all the orders up to the (n — l)th inclusive (which is equivalent to an assumption that no linear function of the quantities y with constant coefficients is equal to a rational integral algebraical function of order less than n — I — an assumption justifiable with general coefficients, though not necessarily so in any particular case), then each of the n — 1 sets of derivatives, each set being constituted by those of the same order, may be looked upon as the coordinates of a point in a manifoldness of n — 1 dimensions. And, since the law of linear transformation is the same for all the sets, all these points may be taken as belonging to the same manifoldness. There are thus n different and independent sets of cogredient variables connected with the single manifoldness of n — 1 dimensions. 55. In the theory of the concomitants of algebraical quantics of any order in the variables of a manifoldness of n — 1 dimensions, it is necessary to consider all tho possible classes of variables which can enter into the expressions of these con- comitants. CLEBSCH * has proved that there are in all n — 1 different classes of variables which thus need to be considered, and that, if »„ xs ..... x, ; ylt yz, . . . , y,; Zj, z2, . . . , 2, ; ... be n sets of cogredient variables, the several classes are constituted by minors of varying orders of the determinant (itself an identical covariant) Z2, . . . , Z, those of one class being minors of one and the same order. The variables of any class are linearly, but not algebraically, independent of one another, except in the case of the first class, constituted by minors of order unity, and the last class, constituted by minors of order n — 1 (the complementaries of those of the first class), in each of which classes the n variables are quite independent of one another. And all similar combina- tions of variables are expressible in terms of variables actually included in the classes. 56. In connexion with our differential equation we have obtained n different and algebraically independent sets of cogredient variables ; the functional derivation of the sets, one from another in succession, by the process of differentiation has been excluded from any interference with their algebraical independence. We already have one class of variables, viz., ylt y.2) . . ., y, analogous to the first class of algebraical variables, and another class of variables, viz.,vl(v2,. . . , vm analogous to the (n — l)th class of algebraical variables ; and the relation * " Ueber cine FundamentalaufRabe der Invariantentheorie," ' Gottingen, Abhandlungun,' vol. 17, 1872. 422 MR. A. R. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- which is satisfied, is precisely the same as the corresponding relation between the similar variables helping to define the higher class (CLEBSCH, 1. c., p. 4). Hence, from the point of view of purely algebraical forms, we infer that the suitable algebraical combinations of the sets of variables, which have arisen in connexion with the differential equation, are the minors of varying orders of the determinant A = !/i .2/2 . y\ y,, (n-D 2/2 , y* which determinant, as we know, is a non-evanescent constant ; and these variables may be ranged in classes, which for the present may be called linear, bilinear, tri- linear, .... Algebraical Combinations functionally Invariantive. 57. Now, after having obtained the merely algebraical result, it is necessary to take account of functional dependence of the sets due to differential derivation. In the case of the algebraical quantics, it is a matter of indifference which set of minors of the first order be taken to constitute the first class of variables, which set of minors of the second order be taken to constitute the second class, and so on ; thus for the second class the same kind of variable is obtained by taking the (xy] minors, as by taking the (yz) minors, or the (xz) minors. But a difference arises in the case of the variables occurring in connexion with the differential equation. There are n sets of linear variables distinct in character from one another ; for y\, i/2, . . . , y'n are special integrals of an equation quite different from the original equation, though they are subject to the same law of linear transformation as ylt y2, . . . , yH. There are ^n (n — 1) sets of bilinear variables distinct in character ; thus y i» y\ y i. y\ y i. y\ are three distinct variables of this class, subject to the same law of linear transforma- tion ; and so on for the higher classes. 58. Most of these, however, will be excluded. These forms of variables have been suggested in connexion with the theory of linear transformations, for which trans- formations algebraical concomitants involving them are covariantive. The invariants DKKIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 423 considered in the earlier part of this memoir have possessed their invariantive pro- perty for functional transformation ; and, therefore, if forms involving the dependent variables are to be included in an aggregate of concomitants together with the invariants, these forms must have the same invariantive property for such functional transformation. In this aggregate of concomitants the variables themselves will be included ; and, therefore, we must select from the foregoing algebraical combinations those which have the invariantive property of reproducing themselves, save as to a power of z', after transformation. Of the n sets of linear variables constituted by the several sets of n quantities y, n quantities y", and so on, only the first set has the property of being reproduced by the new variable, save as to a power of ^ ; and we already know that, if u be the new dependent variable, then the relation is, by (iv.), y = Mz'-4(<|-i> . . (xii.). Of the £n(n — 1) sets of bilinear variables, each set containing ^n(n — 1) variables, only a single one has the invariantive property of self-reproduction, save as to a power of z ; and this single one is the set constituted by the £n (» — 1) variables of the type This statement, which leads to the retention of the single set and the exclusion of all the remainder, can be at once verified by making substitutions of the type (xii.) ; and the result of the substitution on the typical variable of the present class is that, if yr y," y,', y, 424 MR. A. R. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- The relation of transformation is t, = \^z']+zv = v 2'~*!("~3> (xiv ) where v3 is the corresponding transformed trilinear variable. And in general of the n\/p\ n—pl sets of ^-linear variables, each set being constituted by corresponding minors of the pth order, there is only one which has variables possessed of the functional invariantive property, and of this set a typical variable is ' Vi, y\, 2/1". •• • . i/i0'"0 • 11 11 ' 11 " 11 (p~i) 2/2> 2/2 > 2/2 > • • • > 2/2

, ¥, X be three such invariants with the same index 6 (e.g., they might be ej", 0£\ 6J", and 8 = \fip) ; then the new function n = *, ¥, x 4>' ¥' X' <&'', ¥", x" Let [*] denote the quadriderivative of «I> ; then and similarly for the others, so that after substitution for *", ¥", X" we have But the determinant on the right-hand side is X X' *' MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. 3 I 426 MB. A. R. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- and hence II can be expressed in terms of the invariants which have been retained as fundamental and of proper derived invariants. Thus, in the case of the invariantive combination suggested by the associate variable of the second rank, only composite invariants are obtained ; the result is general for all the invariantive combinations thus suggested. Combinations of the Associate Variables. 61. Consider now the complete set of dependent variables, viz., the original variable y and the n — 2 associate variables, as a fundamental set. Any one of them satisfies a linear differential equation of determinate order ; and with it, as an original dependent variable, there will be associated a number of new dependent variables, in number 2 less than the order of the equation, and functionally derived from it in the same manner as the preceding have been derived from y. Taking a few simple cases, consider first that of the associate of the first rank and let ^12 = 2/i2/2 - 2/22/1 ; VM = yzy\ - so that v12, v34,, vB6, are particular solutions of the equation whose dependent variable tz is the associate of the first rank. One of the set of variables, associate of the first rank with £2, is 2/i2/2 - 2/2/K 2/1/2 - 2/2/1 2/32/4 - 2/42/3, 2/3/4 - 2/4/3 = 2/2 2/1 > ?/s , 2/4 2/3 > y\, 2/a > 2/3 , 2/4 2/2, 2/3, 2/4 and is, therefore, expressible in terms of associates of the original variable y. Again, one of the set of variables, associate of the second rank with t2, is r '66 '34» 12, S/lS/2 - 2/22/1, 2/32/4 - 2/42/3, 2/52/6 - !/62/5 2/1/2 - 2/2/1, 2/3/4 - 2/4/3> 2/5/0 ~ 2/6/5 2/1/2 - . 2/82/U4 - 2/4/3, 2/6/6 - 2/62/U5 2/12/2 - 2/22/1, 2/32/4 - 2/4/3, 2/52/6 - 2/62/5 2/1/2 - 2/2/1, 2/3/4 - 2/4/3, 2/5/6 ~ 2/6/6 2A/2 - 2/2/1, 2/3/4 - 2/4/3, 2/6/6 ~ 2/6/5 - 2/22/3 V1466 ~ 56 2/22/4 ^1356 ~ DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 427 where y,. y». y*> y. tf?> y*»» yV> y*. y",. y",. A y. If y^ 77 f. v and similarly for v^ ; hence it is expressible in terms of associates of the original variable y. As a last example, consider the set of variables associate of the first rank with ta ; one of these variables may with the foregoing notation be written — vm*m-*rnv*» and this easily proved to be again expressible in terms of associates of the variable y. 62. From these particular results and the preceding investigations the following inferences may be drawn : — (1.) The system of associate variables, constituted by y, tz, tz, . . . , f»_i, is functionally complete ; that is to say, the variables in the systems associate with any one of them (derived from that one by the functional operations of the type which led to y, t^ t3, . . . ) are, qua variables, expressible in terms of combinations of particular associates of the original variable y ; in the formation of these combinations it may be necessary to introduce functions of the coefficients of the original equation. Hence, as typical dependent variables, the associates of the variables associate with y may be looked upon as expressible in terms of the variables associate with y, the necessary combinations of which are only multiplicative and additive ; and they therefore introduce no new associate variables. (2.) Invariants of associate equations are all of them invariants of the original equation ; the complete converse of this may not be affirmed. (3.) Differential equations in associate variables of complementary rank are mutually " adjoint." The last inference is suggested by the following considerations : — When we construct the equation adjoint to the differential equation, of which the dependent variable is tp and order n \jp 1 n — p !, the process can be performed in a manner similar to LAGRANGE'S adopted in § 52. The integrating factor, which is the dependent variable of the adjoint equation required, can be constructed as a functional determinant of special solutions t of the equation, in number one less than the order of the equation. For the special integrating factor, corresponding to that of § 52, let the particular t solution omitted from the determinantal expression be the functional determinant of yl9 y& . . . , yr When, in the integrating factor, determinant substitution takes place for the particular solutions in terms of the quantities y, it appears that the determinant is of dimensions 3 I 2 428 MB. A. E. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARTANTS, AND QUOTIENT- 1 _ p — II n —p\ in each of the quantities ylt y2, . . . , yM> and of an additional unit dimension in each of the quantities yp+i, yf + $, • • • , y»- Since the functional determinant of ylt y2 ..... y, is a constant, the part of the factor dependent on the [n — 1 ! -f- p — 1 ! n — pi} — 1 dimensions in the quantities ylt y.2, . . . , yn may be expected to be a constant ; the later part may be expected to be a functional determinant of yp+l, yp + 2> • • • > U* This last is a special value of the dependent variable of complementary rank, and is the conjugate of the dependent variable tp_l omitted in the construction of the integrating factor. Hence it may be expected that the variable of the differential equation, adjoint to that in tf, shall have as its variable tn_p. I do not propose to attempt to give here, however, a rigid investigation of the inferences just suggested. The equation of lowest order for which an adjoint exists is the cubic ; after the formation of this adjoint equation, which will be effected later (§ 82) in connexion with the investigation of some questions about the cubic, the identity of the covariants of the two equations will be evident. Similarly for the case of the quartic (§§ 102-107). SECTION V. IDENTICAL AND MIXED COVARIANTS. 63. In the last section a set of n — 1 dependent variables y, t2, t& . . . , ta-l has been obtained which are algebraically independent of one another, and each of which possesses the same invariant! ve property as the fundamental .invariants ; and, just as was the case with the invariants, we can, by using the methods employed in Section III., deduce other covariants from each of these dependent variables alone, from combinations of them with one another, and from combinations of them with the invariants. As it is desired to retain only those functions which are not composite, a selection must be made as before. The forms of the functions will be destitute of one of the characteristics of the invariants ; their indices depend on the order of the diffe- rential equation, and the number expressing this order enters into the numerical coefficients, so that these new covariantive functions vary from one equation to another. Identical Covariants in the Original Variable. 64. In this class are included all those functions possessing the invariantive property, and involving the dependent variables alone or their derivatives, but not the coefficients of the differential equation, when taken in its canonical form ; on which account they may be called identical, or absolute. Beginning with the original dependent variable, we have UERIVATIVKS ASSOCIATED WITU LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 429 so that we may consider u as a covariant of index — i (» — 1). Proceeding in the same manner as in § 33, it is easily found that which at once gives a new invariantive form. When the transformed equation is in its canonical form, so that Q2 vanishes, the new covariant is with index 2 ; or we may write U8 = (n - 1) uti" - (n - 2) t*'» . . . . . . . . (xvi.) of index 3 — n. This is the quadriderivative of u.. 65. There are thus two co variants u and U2 ; from them as fundamental co variants we can deduce the series of successive Jacobiana. Thus the covariant next in degree is (§40) or say it is U8 = (n - 1) uU'2 - 2 (n - 3) Uau' ........ (xvii.) with index 3 — n — ^ (n — 1) + I = — f (n — 3). The next is U4= (n — l)tiU's — 3(n — 3) U,u' ....... (xviii.) with index — f (74 — 3) — £ (n — 1) + 1 = — 2 (n — 3) ; and so on. And the rth covariaut in the complete succession is Ur = (ft - 1 ) u Ur'_! - (r -l)(n- 3) Ur_! u' . . . (xix.) with index — ^ r(n — 1). By means of the propositions used for the invariants it is easy to see that this series constitutes the aggregate of proper covariants involving u alone ; for all others, obtained by combinations and by the application of the functional operations to combinations other than those which give results (xvi.)-(xix.), are, by those propositions, proved to be composite. 430 MR. A. R. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- 66. The number of terms in this succession of identical covariants is given by values of?' from 2 to n — 1, so that the succession includes, besides u, the n — 2 terms U2> U3, . . ., !!„_!. When the value n is assigned to r, the resulting covariant is one which involves d'u/dz", and which can, therefore, by means of the differential equation satisfied by u, be transformed so as no longer to involve this differential coefficient. It will then involve derivatives of u of order less than n, and also the seminvariant coefficients Q ; such a covariant will be called a mixed covariant, because its expression depends partly on the variable and partly on the coefficients. Further, every succes- sive covariant derived by the Jacobian process can be similarly transformed, and will then become a mixed covariant. There will be some limitation on the number of ndependent covariants of the mixed type thus obtained ; for the elements, so far as concerns the dependent variable, are only n in number, being u, u', . . ., u . . . . (xxi.) and the general term in the succession is vf. . . . (xxiii.) The index of the covariant VA, is — £s (np — p2 — 2). The number of covariants in the succession is (with a reservation similar to that in § 77, post) infinite when the associate vp is regarded as the variable of an unretained associated differential quantic ; 432 MR. A. R. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- n! it is finite, with value - , — 1, when the associate vp is regarded as the variable pi n —pi of the associate differential equation. The foregoing aggregate includes all proper covariants which involve vf alone in their expression ; this result is derivable from the propositions which were proved in Section III., and may be verified separately for the covariants. Thus, for instance, if t^T denote the Jacobian of ~Vpif and Vft,, it is easy to show that p(n — p)vfli = r(np — p* — 2) "V^rV^.+i — s(np — p* — 2) Vpi,Vpjr+1 , whence it follows that T is composite. Mixed Covariants in the Original Dependent Variable. 69. By this title invariantive functions are indicated into whose expression there enter the dependent variable or variables and the coefficients of the original differential equation. One method of obtaining them is that adopted in § 35, viz., to combine the variables and the invariants in such a form as to be absolutely invariantive, and from this form derive a relative invariant which is practically a Jacobian. Beginning with those which involve only a single dependent variable and taking u first, we have ®l~luZir an absolute covariant, so that 0J| - ' (z) %2 72. The aggregate of mixed covariants, which involve in their expressions only a single associate variable, is for each associate composed similarly to the corresponding aggregate in the original variable ; and all the covariants, which can be obtained by the methods employed, can be expressed in terms of the identical covariants "Up, Vj,i8, Vpi3, . . . , and of mixed covariants 6. (vp)} = 2er@yp + p(n-p) vf#. of the first order. These mixed covariants are proper, but they can all be expressed in terms of any one of them, and of invariants. By retaining as proper covariants one at least of these mixed covariants of the first order in each of the associate dependent variables, we are enabled to dispense with the simultaneous identical covariants (§ 68) as being composite. For the simplest simultaneous identical covariant is the Jacobian of two of the dependent variables, 6ay u and vp ; and it is easily proved that (n - 1) u0, (vp\ -p(n- p) vpe, (u), = 2(r{(n -l)w'f-p (n - p) vfv'}, so that this Jacobian is composite. The application of the analysis of § 60 (which shows that the invariant function obtained by constructing a function for invariants, similar to them in the same way as vp is to u) to covariantive combinations of more than two of the associate variables taken simultaneously shows that such combinations can be expressed in terms of the covariants already obtained, and are therefore composite. 73. It has been shown, in (iii) of § 70, that successive Jucobians of d.(u), and u are DERIVAT1VKS ASSOCIATED WITH I.INKAU DIFFKKKNTIAL EQUATIONS. 435 composite ; the same holds of those formed with 0, (u\ and vr For, denoting the first of such Jacobians by T, we have whence by means of the expression for 0,(u).2, in (iii) of § 70, which is a composite covariant, it follows that = {cr + 1 - *(» - 1) W)i[(» - l)ut/, -p(n -J») vO But the simultaneous identical covariant on the right hand side is composite ; hence T is composite. So for the others in succession. Lastly, as in (iv.), the Jacobian of any two mixed covariants of the first order in any variables is composite. For taking it is easy to show that („ _ i)MW+ {p+ 1 - \p(n -p)}0,(vf)l0.(u)3 = 2i*. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 437 Hence U4 + 3U,8 + 27u4e4 = - 54w8 (uQ's + 2«'Q3), = -18u8(3uQ'3 + 6«'Q3) = -18«3 (3u8's + 6t*'e3), BO that U4 is expressible in terras of invariants and covariants already retained. And this relation between the invariants and covariants, viz., U4 + 3U/ + 27^ + 18u303 (M)! = 0. is practically the same as the differential equation, which may thus be considered as replaced by a relation between its invariants and covariants. 77. Taking now the case of the quantic of the fourth order, viz., (which we are entitled to include among the aggregate of invariants and covariants, its index being £), we find, just as in the case of the equation, being £), we find, just as in the case of the equation, 18w30 u = so that U4 can be expressed in terms of the invariants and covariants and of V If, then, 4>4 be included as a fundamental covariant, and, in consequence of this inclusion, all the proper derivatives from it be also included, then we have U4 and all subse- quent identical covariants expressible in terms of the covariants of the system thus. increased. But if, on the other hand, the quantic (and derivatives from it) be not included, then the number of the identical proper covariants may be taken as unlimited ; and 4>4 and all its derivatives are composite in terms of the invariants and covariants. This is the reservation referred to in § 67. 78. Taking, as a last example, the quantic, viz., (with 4>6 = 0 for the equation), we have 4ttV - 30MU' V U8 = 4utta — 3u'», 3 = 4w2ul" - 6t*uV + 3u'», 438 MB. A. R. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- and therefore Tfcu6 so that 3 = loQ3t*V by (16) in its canonical form. And by (15) we have Q4 = 04 + 2Q'3) and Q3 = 03 in the canonical form of 0, so that Hence «4*6 ~ = 10w3 by (iv.) and (xxiv.) ; and, therefore, 7@'32) + 1OM*«'0'3 + 1%803 (U2 3 + J# («20'32 From the existence of this covariant relation, inferences as to the number of identical co variants may be derived similar to those made in the case of the quartic. Symbolical Expressions for Successive Jacobian Derivatives. 79. A very simple symbolical form can be given to the covariants, obtained by continued application of the Jacobian process from two fundamental concomitants.* * See also HALPHEN, ' Acta Math.,' vol. 3, p. 333. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR 1)1 Fi I III NTI AL KQ NATIONS. 439 First for the case of the derived invariants, we may take (xi.) as n representative, viz.: — To transform this we write — e • BO that Hence, O If then we write — this equation comes to be •'. //^^r . and therefore or by re-substituting we have *"' '"« _ the symbolical form for the derived invariants. Similarly, for the identical covariants, it may be proved that and that Corresponding expressions may easily be found for the mixed covarianta. 410 MR. A. R. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- SECTION VI. APPLICATION TO EQUATIONS OF LOWEST ORDERS. Equation of the Second Order. 80. For the equation of the second order there are no invariants. So far as concerns the reduction of the equation to a normal form, it is at once evident that, by a literal application of the result in § 30, the equation would be reduced to the form by the solution of a linear equation of the second order. There is thus no simplifica- tion or advantage in the reduction, for the original equation of the second order might as well be solved, the subsidiary equation being, in fact, identical with the original:* But it is interesting to notice bow the well-known theory of the solution of the equation of the second order is contained in the general results. In the case of n = 2, we have, by (iv.), By the transformation y = \u the equation is transformed to provided (21) z be determined by the equation {*, x] = 2P2. The two independent solutions of the transformed equation may be taken to be 1 and zf; and hence the two solutions of the y-equation are 2'"* and 22'"*. And z is now the quotient of two solutions of the original equation.t f}. ,.',,.;.>, •!•_•. vim •:> ;;.,f 3,,.,' ,/i.tZv ;.. ".v ^.O * This result may be compared with the result of applying TSCHIRNHAUNEN'S transformation to the general algebraical quadratic equation. f See my ' Differential Equations,' p. 92. DKKIVATJVES ASSOCIATED WJTH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 441 /•''/nation of the Third On/' r. 81. The general results obtained in § 30 show that, by the solution of K*}=*P* the equation is transformed to where and = 0, 2"e=P8-i^: and, if we write z = 0~2, the equation determining 0 is (22) The form (22) is the canonical form of the cubic. 82. First, if the solution of (22) be known, then that of cPv dz* (23) can be derived from it, and conversely. For let M,, ?tj, u3 be three special and linearly independent solutions of (22); then we have = A, where A is a determinate constant. Introducing a new quantity v3, defined by the equation VS = MjW!2 we have = — 6 MIXV« lAXXVIII. A. 3 L 442 MR. A. R. PORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVAR1ANTS, AND QUOTIENT- Hence three linearly independent solutions of (23) are u2u[s — usul2, usu\ — «i«'3, and Wjtt'z — u.2u\, say vlt v2, v3 respectively. This proves the first part of the proposition ; and for the converse we have = ui v\u + v*u + vsu — Mi viui + viui + vaus = A.ul, so that, if the solution of (23) be known, then that of (22) can be derived. It is evident from the method of formation of (23) that it is the " adjoint " of (22), see § 52 ; the fundamental invariant is the same for the two equations, the change of sign not affecting the invariantive property. We thus have a verification of the proposition (2) of § 62. 83. Second, one immediately integrable form of the equation (22) occurs when 6 = C2~8, c being a constant, for the primitive is u = AjZ"" + A22"* + A82»" where mlt «i2, ma are the roots of the equation m (m — 1) (ra — 2) = c. Another occurs when © = cz~*, in which case the primitive is expressible in terms of BESSEL'S functions.* 84. A third case, mentioned by BRIOSCHI (1. c., § 5), occurs when 0 vanishes ; we may then take M! = 1, % = 2, % = 22, so that and therefore ?i _ y* y* y$ or y^ = I//, which is practically equivalent to a general quadratic relation (*Xyi» y» y*f = °- Since 0 vanishes, we have for the uncanonical equation 2P8 = 3 dP^/dx ; and, there- fore, three linearly independent integrals of dy 3 dP3 *LOMMEL, 'Mathcmat. Annalen,' vol. 2, pp. 624-635, but without any notice of the adjoint relation between the equations of odd order considered. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 443 being z"1, z'~lz, z'~*z*, are given by P, P\e-*dx, ffi W-'dx}*, wliere 0 is determined by the equation Between any three linearly independent integrals there subsists a homogeneous quadratic relation. The Quotient-Equation for the Ciibic. 85. By this is to be understood the differential equation satisfied by the quotient of two solutions of (22). Since every solution of the fundamental equation implicitly contains, in linear and homogeneous form, three arbitrary constants, such a quotient will implicitly contain five (= 6 — 1) independent arbitrary constants ; and the differential equation which it satisfies will therefore be of the fifth order. Let «j and «2 be any two solutions and s their quotient, so that Then, by (22), we have = t< *. and, therefore, 0 = Wja1" + Sites'1 + Stt"^. When this equation is differentiated and substitution is made for «"', it follows thut and another differentiation and substitution give When MI, tt'i, w11! are eliminated between these three equations, we have _ = <>, ... (24) - Ss'e, 4s"1, 6s" 3s", 3*1 the equation required, evidently of the fifth order. 3 L 2 444 MR. A. E. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- 86. Similarly, had we taken ttg = U^, it would have appeared that the differential equation satisfied by o- is the same as (24). Hence we derive the conclusion that, if a- and T be special solutions of (24), the primitive of it is A + B, so that r1 = 20-cr1, T" = 20-0^ + 2o-' \ whence, by neglecting a factor — 2~l, which may be absorbed in the quantities u, the three special solutions are 1 a- a3 Ul=-, uz = -> u3 = -- Taking u± = I/a; we have the substitution of which in 0 = Mjtr1" + Sw'jO* + DKIUVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH l.INHAR DIFr'KKKNTIAL EQUATIONS. 445 gives 0= -2{« - + 4 |3 (Q3/A') - 4 £ (Q^1 u\ J21/t' - 20 £ (Qs/,1) - 40ft"Q3 - ) - 8 |(Q4/,') - 40 |(Q3/,") - lOQ^t" - 800,/t"1} ) - 4 , (Q^«) - 10 (Q,/) - (29). The determinantal equation which results from the elimination, between these four equations, of the four quantities ult u\, u\, u[\ is the equation required ; it is evidently of the seventh order. 95. Had the initial quotient relation been taken us = ujj, the equation in p would have been the same as the equation in \L ; and similarly for an initial relation w4 = Uj\. Hence it is to be inferred that, if X, cr, p be three particular solutions of the //.-equation, its primitive is A + EX + Co- + Dp ti~ A'+B'X+CV + D'/j' 96. In particular, if in the original equation Q3 =0, Q4 = 0, so that the two priminvariants vanish, the equation which determines \L is , 21/A 35^ =0 (30), the left-hand side of which may be called the quartic quotient-derivative. Special solutions of the original differential equation are now so that M! =1, u2 = z, u3 — z2, t*4 [L — z, p = z2, X = z8 ; and, therefore, the primitive of the equation (30) is DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 451 A + B* + C*« + Da" •-•" (31)- The generalisation to the case of the equation of order n is so obvious as to render it unnecessary to give the forms of the equations explicitly. 97. Suppose now that three solutions X, a-, p of the quotient-equation equivalent to (29) are given, as in § 95 ; then we have, by the first of those equations, 0 = 1*! (XlT + 4Q3X') + 4M'1X1" + GttV + 4ululX1, 0 = it, (m + 6t*V + 4«V> and therefore Xlr + 4QSX1, X", X1 P", P1 Xm, X", X1 cr1", (7", tr1 A P", P' Hence, writing we have so that we may take A= X1U, X", X1 Pm» P". P' «j* A =: constant, (32); and the primitive of the general equation is u = (A + BX + Co- + D/>) A-*. It is evident that no one of the quantities X, cr, p may be constant, nor may any two of them have a constant ratio. 98. It has already appeared, in § 96, that, if the two priminvariants vanish, then relations 3 M 2 452 MR. A. R. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARTANTS, AND QUOTIENT- for the transformed, and therefore Va _ .Vs _ y* y\ y* y» for the untransformed, equations hold. (It should be remarked that these are not the most general pair of quadratic relations ; in fact, interpreted geometrically, they represent a pair of quadrics which by their intersection determine a tortuous cubic.) We now proceed to prove the converse — that, if two quadratic relations of the foregoing type hold, then the priminvariants vanish. Taking the four solutions of the equation in the form M! = A-', u.2 = XA-», u3 = O-A-', M4 = />A-J, the relations given are equivalent to the new relations o- = X2, /> = X3. When these values are substituted in A, it becomes A= X"1, X", X' 2XXm + GX'X11, 2XX" + 2X'2, 2XX1 3X2Xm + ISXX'X" + GX'3, 3X2XU + 6XX'2, 3X2X' = - 12X'6. Since any constant factor may be absorbed into the particular solutions ult u%, Wg, u^, we may take «! = X'-«. Again we have 0 = MI (X1T + 4Q3X') + 4«'1Xm + Gw^X" + 4wlil1Xi, 0 = M! (a** + 4Q3o-') + 4tt11ojii + GM^CT" + 4Mili1oJ. When in the latter we substitute cr = X2, and from the resulting equation we subtract the former, multiplied by 2X, the new equation is 0 = Ul (8\l\m + 6X"2) + ±u\ . GX'X" + 6u\ . 2X'2, which, by the substitution of the value of ult changes to 0 = - 10X'» (X, z], or, since X' is not zero, we have (X, z} = 0. We therefore take X = z ; the four solutions become 1, z, z2, z3 ; hence Q3 and Q4 are both zero, and the priminvariants vanish. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 453 99. In the case of the alternative normal form (28) for the quartic, the quotient- equation is, as before, of the seventh order ; and, if X, " + 4tt'V for IJL = X, a; p, and therefore u1 4X111 + 12X%, X", X1 + 12^ er", (r1 X"+GR3X", X", X1 p" + or, since these determinants are independent of R^ we have a result the same in form as before = 0, X1", X", X1 '2 - u\u\\ DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 455 104. In the case when the invariant 93( = Q3) vanishes, so that the quartic is canonically binomial, the equation in v is linear and of the fifth order only,* being dv and there is, therefore, a linear homogeneous relation among the six quantities v. The constants in this relation depend partly on the choice of the fundamental system of integrals, partly on the invariant Qt ; e.g., for the equation d*u , c ^ ? we may take M1 = Z"', U2 = Z-, U, = Z-, W4=Z"S where 2m, = 3 - {5 - 4 (1 - c)»}», 2^ = 3 - {5 + 4 (1 - c)»}», 2ro2=3+{5-4(l-c)»}', 3m4=3 + {5 + 4(1 - c)»}*, the indices mlt m2, m^ m4 all being roots of m (m — 1 ) (m — 2) (m — 3) + c = 0 ; and the linear v relation is then Multiplying the equation by v, it can be integrated once, with the result d*v dv cPv where A is a determinate constant. This constant depends, like those before, partly on the choice of fundamental integrals and partly on the invariant 04 ; and it changes from one quantity v to another. Recurring to the particular example, we have vu = {5 — 4 (1 — c)»}»28 = 0z*t say ; and, substituting, we find 20* = 2c0* + A • HALPHKN, ' Acta Math.,' vol. 8, p. 329. 4 MR. A. R. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- or Similarly, we should find l -c), = 10 (1 — c) — 8 (1 — c)'. AS4=10(l-c) + 8(l -c)». 105. In the case of the general quartic (for which Q3 does not vanish) the differen- tial equation for v is dz = 4 40,*) or, expanded and rearranged, it is When the covariants 03 and 64 are introduced, this is 106. A first inference from this equation (36) is that v* = B® 8> where B is a determinate constant depending on the selection of the original funda mental system of u integrals. 107. Next, the substitution changes (36) into V = (37) dz = 0 . . (38), where, after long and laborious analysis depending largely upon continued application of the theorems of Section III. as to the values of the successive derived invariants, it may be proved that DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION?. 457 81 '"' i » = Tir» . 1 *V« + 3&n — Ins (_, H' 1 85 = J 64 ej — 6'4 + ^ {^fy e3i4 + ?£j e'sBs.3 + T^T ^6 = ^~« if^HS e3,5 + TlVW ^3,3^3, 1 + ?7l 8/3e3,+ + T8 3 Let the priminvariants of this associate sextic be denoted by 4>3, 4, 4>6) *6 ; and let the Jacobian 4e46'3 — 8836^ — a proper covariant of the quartic — be denoted by "V. Then for 4>3 we have ,1 5J i i ?a i " TO e,s " " « e,s i _ QS.» i i 8'sQ.i.i i B».a + SQ'gB,,! * 191 0s :«> (.) (_) • that is, $3 is an invariant of the original quartic. Again, we have by (15) of § 22 the invariant *4 given by for in the present case n = 6 ; and it is not difficult to prove that, when the foregoing values of S are substituted, the value of *4 is e3.3-¥eS)l2)-Ae4 ...... (40). I give below the values of *5 and a, founded on (16) and (17) of §§23, 24; the analysis is long for each of them, but, as it is of a character precisely similar to that for 4>3, it is not reproduced here. The value of 6 is ' + i .... (41), and the value of „ is MlKVrl. XXXVIII. —A. 3 N 458 MR. A. R. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- — Ci 8 11934 1 '.: 79 ®3.5~i~Ta865~9 :; :t V '«, T8» e» , , ~ + i TTS^T iu 1333 335 8' 4 72 — Ta (42). These values show that all the priminvariants (and therefore all the derived invariants) of the associate sextic are included in the invariants of the original quartic ; and since the variable of the sextic is covariantive, and is included among the covariants of the given equation, it follows that all the covariants, identical and mixed, of the associate sextic are composed of covariants and invariants of the original quartic. Hence, the theorems of § 62 are verified for the linear quartic. 108. There are many other equations possessing covariantive properties similar to those in the associate variables ; among such equations are those, for instance, which have their dependent variables composed of one or more than one of the aggregate of dependent variables, original and associate. Thus the equation, which has for its dependent variable the square of the dependent variable of the equation of order n, is of order %n (n + 1), and all its invariants are invariants of the original equation ; and the reduction of such an equation, when obtained, to its canonical form will be very similar to the reduction to its canonical form of the associate equation which has, for its dependent variable, the variable associate of the first rank of the equation of order w -f 1. Thus, for instance, if we write t = u~ where = 0 it is easy to prove that the equation in t is dz* v ' ' 0 dz and the verification that the priminvariants (and therefore all the concomitants) of this equation are included among the invariants of the quartic would proceed on lines very similar to those of the verification for the quartic. 109. For the general differential equation of order n, the equation satisfied by the quotient of two solutions is of order 2n — 1 ; a knowledge of n — 1 special solutions Xj, X2, . . . , X,(_! gives the primitive in the form . . _ A0 + " + . . . + BO and leads to the derivation of n particular solutions of the original differential equation in the form _j _i _i _i_ where t-l) x(»-2) .-1) ,-2) \ (« - i) \(.n- V A ,.A ...... n — I ' • — 1 ' DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 459 And in the case when the degenerate form of A is easily proved to be (n- 1)1 so that we may take u — « — As in §§ 87, 98, it would be proved that Xx = z and that all the primin variants vanish. It is not proposed to consider here what are the possible methods of forming for the general equation of order n the associate equations in the different variables, nor therefore to verify, as was done in § 107 for the quartic, the general theorems enunciated in § 62. SECTION VII. QUOTIENT-DERIVATIVES. The Derivatives of Odd Order. 110. Writing down the series of quantities with binomial numerical coefficients *' , * . a" , u > , 3*" , 3*' , * *" > ^" , Gs" , 4^ «T , 5«* , !<*• , lOa" , 5^ , * .•*. , 6*' , 21«T , 20alu , 35fP , 35*"1 , GJ , s , 21s" , 7s' , * > , 8s , 9**" , 28*^ , 36*"" , 56*T , 70*" , 126»T , 56«Hi , 28A 8*' , s , 126s",, 36s", 9s1, s and forming determinant squares as above, viz , the first element of the first line only; the first two elements of the two lines after the first one ; the first three elements of 3 N 2 4GO MR. A. B. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- the three lines after the first two ; the first four elements of the four lines after the first three ; and so on, we obtain the series of quotient-derivatives connected with the linear equations of successive orders. The first* of these functions, viz., s1, is the linear quotient-derivative ; in conformity with the notation used for the remaining functions, it will be denoted by [s, z]^ Then 0,21 = 0 . . .'. . ;. .... ..... .,,, (43) is the differential equation satisfied by the quotient of two solutions of the equation dit dz = °* and the primitive of the equation (43) is where A and B are constants. The second of these functions, viz. : — A (43') s", 2s1 sm, 35" is the quadratic quotient-derivative (§ 87); it will be denoted by [s, z]2. Then 0. *1 = 0 (44) is the differential equation satisfied by the quotient of two solutions of the equation = 0, and the primitive of the equation (44) is ' B (44'), where the coefficients A and B are constants. The third of these functions, viz. : — *"', 3s", 3*' s'v, 4s"1, 6s" s", 5slT, This function is inserted merely to make the enumeration complete. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 461 is the cubic quotient-derivative (§ 87) ; it will be denoted by [*, z]s. Then = 0 is the differential equation satisfied by the quotient of two solutions of the equation ./'/' and the primitive of the equation (45) is A i A f i A -rS AO ' «M* • '"'r / A c\\ *= U0 + KiZ+BS ' •;.-.' ' ' ' (45>' where the quantities A and B are constants. Similarly, in general, the nth of these functions is the ntic quotient-derivative, which will be denoted by [s, z]«. Then • . r [>,4. = 0 (46) is the differential equation satisfied by the quotient of two solutions of the equation and the primitive of the equation (46) is _ AO + Atz + Agg* + . . . -I- A,,! f i .g|x • • * •* . Tk . -n _a . . *» «*~1 ••*••. ^*U jt where the quantities A and B are constants.* The equation (46) is of order 2n-l, of course non-linear, though it is of the first degree ; its primitive (461) involves effectively 2n-l arbitrary independent constants. 111. In the case of the quadratic derivative, the primitive (44') of the equation (44), obtained by equating the derivative to zero, is symmetrical qua function of the variables in 5 and z. Regarded in this light, the variables in the equation may be interchanged, so that the equation [>,2]2 = 0 implies the equation [z, «1 = 0, • This result was given by CAPT. MxcMAHON in A note, unknown to me at the time of reading of this memoir, in the ' Philosophical Magazine ' for June, 1887, p. 542. 462 MR. A. E. FOESYTH ON INVAEIANTS, COVAEIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- and the one derivative is a factor of the other ; hi fact, we have the relation On account of this property the function [s, z\2 is called by SYLVESTER a reciprocant. In the case of derivatives associated with equations of order higher than the second, the primitive of the differential equation, which is obtained by equating the derivative to zero, is not symmetrical in regard to the dependent and independent variables ; they may not therefore be interchanged, and hence these derivatives are not recipro- cants of any of the known types. It is elsewhere * shown that the connexion between the two classes of functions is constituted by the property that the quotient-derivatives are combinations of homographic reciprocants, such combinations being, however, illegitimate for the preservation of reciprocal invariance. Transformation of the Derivatives. 112. By means, however, of the primitives of the derivative equations, relations are easily obtained which suggest some of the transformations of the derivatives. For, taking the most general change possible, viz., of both the dependent and the independent variables, suppose (i) that $ and z are connected by the equivalent relations (46) and (46'), (ii) that cr and s are connected by the equivalent relations [sm + 36^^% + 60^} , Multiply the second and third columns by Xj and X2 respectively and add to the first, choosing Xj and X2 so that su and s, no longer occur in the first constituent of that column ; it will be found that su and st have disappeared from the other constituents. The value of ^ is 2, of Xj is 2<£2. Multiply the third column by X3 and add to the second, choosing X3 so that s{ no longer occurs in the first constituent of the new second column ; it will be found that, for the value of 2 of Xg, s, has disappeared altogether from the second column ; and we have [*»«]» = 30s, 06sT - DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 465 Treating the rows of the new determinant in the same way as the columns of the old were treated, we find I*, *1 = , 30s*,,, 30*. 0**,», 40s*,,,, 60**,, 50**,T, In the right-hand side a factor 0s can be taken from the first column, 0* from the second, 0 from the third ; and then 0° from the first row, 01 from the second, 0s from the third, giving as the power of 0 the sum so that 0, z}, = 0* [s, a;},, or 1 16. The result of the reduction of the ntic derivative is The method is similar to that used for the cubic derivative. Thus the numerical factors which determine the algebraical multiples of the second, third, fourth, . . . columns, to be added to the first in order to remove all differential coefficients of order lower than d's/dxf, are respectively n — 1, (n — 1) (n — 2), (n — 1) (n — 2) (n — 3), . . . ; the numerical factors which determine the algebraical multiples of the third, fourth, fifth, . . . columns, to be added to the second in order to remove all differen- tial coefficients of order lower than d*~l8/daf~l, are respectively (2 1/1 !} (n — 2), {31/2! 11} (n — 2) (n — 3), {41/311!} (n — 2) (n — 3) (n — 4), . . . ; the numerical factors which determine the algebraical multiples of the fourth, fifth, sixth, . . . columns, to be added to the third in order to remove all differential coefficient* of order lower than &-**/daf-*, are respectively [3 1/2 1} (n - 3), {4 1/2 I 2 !} (n — 3) (n — 4), { 5 1/3 1 2 1} (n — 3) (n — 4) (n — 5), . . . ; the corresponding multipliers for the modifica- tion of the fourth column are Jj (»-*). jTij (« - 4) (» - 5), ^ (n - 4) (« - 5) (« - 6), ...; and so on. MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. 3 O 46G MB. A. K. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, CO.VARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- 117. By somewhat similar work it may be proved that . _ <'"' I , 2l /49\ ~ +l and the combination of (48) and (49) gives . _ (fld-bey> ( « «±/l . _ (fld-bey> (ffz_+ XT r -, , , ' ffz + 4 ~ (eh -/,,)•• (a, + d)»- L which is the general formula of transformation for the simultaneous homographic transformation of the dependent and the independent variables. 118. The following simple case will sufficiently serve to illustrate the kind of limitation, which prevents the converse of the proposition of § 112 from being, in general, true. From the general proposition it follows that if [, x\ - 0 may be a necessary consequence of \cr, s]3 = 0 and [cr, x]3 = 0 ? Taking the two latter as given, we may replace them by an integral algebraical equation : as8 + 2bs + c Aa? + 2Ba; + C 2B'a; + C' (50), the two fractions being the values of er, corresponding to the two derivative equations. And, if it is to be necessary that |>, a:]2 = 0, then this algebraical equation (50) must be equivalent to one or more equations of the form aa; 8 ' (51) Hence, when the value of s given by (51) is substituted in (50), it must become an identity ; the conditions for which are DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFKKKNTIAL EQUATIONS. 4G7 aa* + 26ay + cy2 = XA "I a? a* + 26'ay + c'y2 = X A' 1 aa£ -f 6 (J3y + aS) + cyS = XB I , a'aft + 26'()8y + a8) + c'yS = XB- L a£* + 2b/38 + cS2 = XC J a'02 + 26'08 + c'S2 = Xtf J six equations, apparently, and really five equations involving the ratios of the four quantities a, ft, y, 8, so that two conditions must be satisfied among the constants of equation (50). We at once find X2 (AC - Bz) = (aS - £y)2 (ac - 6s), Xs (A'C - B's) = («8 - £y)2 (aV - &"), X2 (AC' + A'C - 2BB') = (a8 - j8y)2 (ac' -f a'c - 266'), and therefore the two necessary conditions are AC-BE AC7 4- A'C - 2BB' A'C' -B'» ac - V at + a'c - 2W a', \ji are the quantities to be determined. The first of them can at once be obtained from a + 2M + effi A and the second from a + 26ft + ctf C a' + 2V$~+c'3 '' ' C' ' From the first three equations we have for any value of £ »(«+ W + 26(a+68)(y + £8) + c(r + £S)2: It follows that cXP2 = Atf2 - 2Ba/3 + Ca2 ; and similarly from the second three that, c'XP2 = A'09 - 2B'«£ + C'a8. [It may be remarked that these are the types of the equations which would have been obtained if substituting for x in terms of s from (51) had taken place in (50)]. 3o 2 468 MR. A. R. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- Hence i/» is determined by A - 2I + (2 e _ A' - 2B> + C ~ c'' It may be noticed, though the fact is not directly connected with the present inves- tigation, that the equation (50) is, if rendered a non-fractional equation, apparently the most general quadrate-quadratic relation between s and x. But, as a matter of fact, in order that the most general quadrate-quadratic relation of the form c0) + s (c^x2 + 26^-f cj + (a.,x2 + 2&,x +c-2) = 0 may be expressible in the form (50), the condition Oy, must be satisfied. The proof of this is easy, as is likewise the verification that the coefficients of the non-fractional equivalent of (50) satisfy the condition. Derivatives of Even Order. 119. All the derivatives which have hitherto occurred have had the order of the highest differential coefficient of the dependent variable entering into their expression an odd integer, and the reason of this is that the dependent variable is the quotient of two solutions of a linear differential equation having its right-hand member zero, so that each solution contains implicitly in homogeneous form n arbitrary independent constants, and the quotient of the two therefore implicitly contains 2/i — 1 arbitrary independent constants. Hence the differential equation satisfied by the quotient is of order 2n — 1. But, if we take the quotient of two solutions of the equation d'y (where x ls n°t zero), these solutions are no longer linearly homogeneous in the n implicit constants, and the quotient will therefore contain implicitly In independent arbitrary constants. Hence the quotient- equations will be of even order; and like- wibe the quotient-derivatives, if they exist. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 469 By the transformations of § 1 1 the foregoing differential equation becomes h . . . = v, mm where and, in order to make the term in d*~^ujd^~} disappear, the relation Xz'4u~u = 1 has been adopted ; hence we have The variable z is at our disposal ; and, though in the general theory a choice of z fundamentally more effective than the following can be made (as was done in §§ 29, 30), yet, our present aim being the deduction of the quotient-derivatives, we shall here assume that z is so chosen as to make V a constant a, a choice which appears to render most simple the required deduction. We then have and the equation takes the form Let ft be the quotient of two solutions, say «t and w8, of this differential equation, so that t/1 = P + A1U)+AaU8+ ... 4 A.U., u, = P + Bx Ut + B, U2 + . . . 4- B. U., w, = «j 11. Then the differential equation satisfied by p. is of order 2» ; and it can be obtained in a manner similar to that employed in §§ 85, 94. The quotient-derivatives will be obtained for correspondingly limited forms of differential equations, viz., those in which the left-hand side is constituted by a single term, which is that of highest order in the differential coefficient. 120. Example I. — For the equation of the first order we have, since "_. — " ,//, the equation a = IJM 4 or 0 = (/x — I)a4- 470 MR. A. R. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- Differentiation of this gives 0 = 2/*' hence 0 ^= IL "" V, /*" or, if we take a new variable s = /u, — t , this may be written 0 = (52). Now from the original equation we have at once x = az + B, 2 = 02 + C, and therefore B + az (52') ; this relation, in which A and B (and from the point of view of (52) a also) are arbitrary constants, is the primitive of the equation (52). It evidently contains two independent arbitrary constants. The linear derivative was s1, being connected with the linear equation du/dz = 0 ; the new derivative which is connected with the less simple form of linear equation, will be called the hyperlinear derivative. 121. Example II. — For the equation of the second order we at once have, by double differentiation of the equation u.2 = u^, the relation Successive differentiations of this and substitution for v}\ give 0 = 3/t'a + 3 A'i + (/' 0 = Q^a + ( V" - 2/t'Q.) «', + (^ - HKIUVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH UNKAR DIFKKRRXTIAL EQUATIONS. 471 Hence the equation satisfied by /i is . V , V - 5/t"Q3 - , 8ft1 , 6/x" = 0- The quotient-derivative for the present case — it will be culled the hyperquadratic derivative — is obtained by selecting from the left-hand side of the quotient-equation the terms independent of Q8 and Q'a and by writing * for p, — 1 ; thus it is «"', 3*", 3s1 6s" and then = 0 (53) is the quotient-equation when Q2 is zero. But in that case u, = B, + Bl2 + &2», where a = 2&, so that A + C + D* + 65s (53'), where, from the point of view of (53), A, B, C, D, b are arbitrary constants, is the primitive of (53), containing four independent arbitrary constants. 122. Proceeding in this manner we obtain for similar linear equations of successive order a series of derivatives in each of which the order of the highest differential coefficient entering is an even integer ; and their form is indicated in the following scheme, similar to that of § 110. The hyperlinear derivative is obtained by forming the indicated determinant from the first two elements of the first two rows ; the hyper- quadratic derivative is similarly obtained from the first three elements of the three rows after the first ; the hypercubic derivative similarly from the first four elements of 472 MB. A. R. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARTANTS, AND QUOTIENT- * s" , 2*' s'" , 3s" , 6* 4s'" ST , 5s* , 10sm , 10s" s* , 6.sT , 1 5s* , , 5s1 , s , , 15s", 6s1, the four rows next after the first two ; and so on. And the primitive of the hyper-ntic derivative equation [(«, z)}, = 0 . . mv (54) is _ A0 s -^— B0 + BjZ + . . . + B^ Z"-1 + C2» (54'), where from the point of view of the derivative equation (54) the constants A, B, c are arbitrary. Relation between the Derivatives of Even and of Odd Order. 123. In the integration of the derivative equations the following connexion between the two sets of derivatives is of interest. Let be the equation in the (n + l)tic derivative of odd order, and the equation in the hyper-wtic derivative of even order ; their primitives are of the form AQ + AI& + ... 4- and B _ CQ + (V + . . . + C.-^-1 D DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 473 respectively, where all the constants are arbitrary. Hence, from the point of view of an integral equation, we may write where E, B, = A,, and so E, is an arbitrary constant. It therefore follows that [(*.-E.,2)].= 0 is a general first integral of [«« where a, 6, c, d are the constants ; and the equations (55) and (56) give the relations by which a canonical form of differential equation can be transformed into a canonical form. 125. As we are proceeding to investigate, by the method of infinitesimal variation, the partial differential equations which are satisfied by the concomitants in their normal forms, it will be convenient to adopt the process of §19 and make £ nearly equal to z. Thus, taking in (56) the determining conditions b = 0, a = d, c = — \ ed, where c is infinitesimal so that its square may be neglected, we have r = c, DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 475 and all higher derivatives are zero to the order of small quantities retained. We now have f * i / 1 \ 7 / t\t7\ Now, by §114, it follows that d* __r^m/ iV--' mlm — l\ dsf* rmi r!r — l!m — rl for the relation (56), where, in the present case, - _ ad — be ~~ (d + a)1 ~ r ** ' and Hence, to the order of small quantities retained, it is necessary to consider on the right-hand side of the transforming formula only the terms arising from r == m, and r = m — 1 ; and thus ~ + lm(m-l)€ —. { Applying these equivalent operators to (57), we have ....... (58). Similarly, if vf be the associate variable of rank p — 1 and index — ^p (n >— p) and if t]p be the same transformed associate, we have (59). Again, if 6,. be an invariant of index p., and if 4>M be its transformed value, so that 3 P 2 476 MR. A. R. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- we have . . (60). 126. Now, in discussing invariants and covariants in their canonical forms as solu- tions of partial differential equations, we may, so far as they are functions of the coefficients Q of the original differential equation, cease to consider them as explicit functions of these quantities, and can consider them as functions of the priminvariants and of differential coefficients of the priminvariants ; for each of the coefficients Q can be expressed uniquely in this last form. Thus we have Qs = ®s> and so on. Form-Equation and Index-Equation of a Concomitant. 127. We may therefore define the most general covariant possible when in its canonical form as a function of (i) the dependent variables, original and associate, and of their differential coefficients, and of (ii) the priminvariants and their diffe- rential coefficients, which is such that, when the same function is formed for the trans- formed differential equation in its canonical form, the relation u(m) t is satisfied, X being the index, and the bracketted numerical exponents denoting differentiation of corresponding order with regard to the respective independent variables. 128. As an example, sufficiently indicative of the general case, consider identical covariants which are functions of u and its derivatives alone, so that we may write * (u, «...) = ?, V>V, ••• )• DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 477 Substituting for u, u\ «",... from (58), and expanding with a retention of terms up to the first order, we have, as the additive part of which is given by those terms arising in connexion with t*("), • Combining these and comparing the two sides, we find that the finite term on each side is ; and the remaining conditions therefore are Reverting to the original variables u and z, we may write these equations in the forms (n - 2m - 1) «W2 + 2 ; the former determines its index of (61) is similar to the foregoing; and the result of the work is that the general concomitant of index X satisfies the equation +T S [(« + ,.) e»a?*u,l . (xxvl), M = » ,=o|_ t"'<' J which may be called the index-equation, and also satisfies the equation p = »- 1 r-nl/p! n-p! -1 P =T s ^ = 1 I = I which may be called the form-equation. The equations (62) are at once seen to be particular cases of (xxvi.) and (xxvii.) for concomitants <£, which involve u and its derivatives alone. For the identical 478 MR. A. a. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- covariants in each of the associate variables there are pairs of equations exactly similar to (62) ; and the equations which determine the invariants are T 2 130. The index-equation involves operations the only effect of the application of which is a change in the numerical coefficients of the various terms in the concomitant to which they are applied. The form-equation involves operations which replace any derivative of an element of the function by the derivative of that element of order next lower ; and, if the aggregate of the orders of the various derivatives entering into the composition of any term be called the grade of that term, the effect of the operations in the form-equation is to replace such a term by a set of terms of grade less by unity. From the facts that both the characteristic equations satisfied by a concomitant are linear and that the algebraico-differential operations which occur in them leave a term unaltered in order in the variables and degree in the invariants, coupled with the preceding conclusion as to the modification of the grade of the term, we can derive the inference that every concomitant, if not irreducible, can be resolved into sums and products of irreducible concomitants each of which has the property of being an aggregate of terms such that, for the aggregate, the orders of the different terms in the dependent variables are separately the same throughout, the degree in any invariant is the same throughout, the dimension-number for every term is the same, and the grade of every term is the same. For instance, is a concomitant of index 2p. + 2 — (n — 1) — p (n — p) ; the different terms are resoluble into products of concomitants each of which has the preceding properties. Hence for every irreducible concomitant there are three kinds of numbers which are characteristic, viz., the separate orders in the different dependent variables, the separate degrees in the different invariants, and the grade of the concomitant ; and a knowledge of these numbers gives the dimension-number, and thence the index, of the concomitant. Applications of the Differential Equations. 131. Example I. — The identical covariants which are functions of u. In order to obtain all such identical covariants, it is necessary to obtain the most DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 479 general solution of the equations (62). For this purpose, proceeding by the ordinary method, we have to obtain a series of integrals of the subsidiary equations d±_du_ du' du" du'" 0 = : 0 " (n- l)u~ 2(»-2)tt'~ 3(n-3)«* Now integrals of these are A = «, B = (n - 1) Au" - (n - 2) u'\ so that by the theory of partial differential equations the most general solution of the form-equation in (62) is = function of u, (n — 1) uu" — (n — 2) w'8, ... The number of independent integrals of the subsidiary equations necessary for the construction of this most general solution is the same as the highest order of differ- entiation that occurs ; each of the integrals when freed, by means of preceding integrals, from all hut one of its arbitrary constants itself furnishes a solution of the form- equation — a conclusion from the ordinary theory of partial equations of this type. With each new derivative of u of higher order supposed to occur in the concomitant, there is a new subsidiary equation ; and consequently a single new integral is necessary, which must of course include in its expression this new derivative. The earlier investigations show how to derive such a function ; for, by taking the Jacobian of u and the derived covariant involving what has hitherto been the derivative of highest order, we obtain a function which involves the new derivative, is invariantive, and so will furnish the new integral of the subsidiary equations. It thus appears that any identical covariant which involves at the highest the wth derivative of u can be expressed in the form -a1«V2'-1> + aju'V*-2'-. . . + (- l/a^u*— » + ...+(- 480 ME. A. B. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOT1ENT- the subslitution of this quantity, which must be a solution of the differential form- equation, leads to the condition a. = s(n-s) so that _ 2r! n — 2r + a — 1 ! n - s — 1 ! 2r-sln- 2r -llsln-V. ' since «0 is unity ; and this is true for s = 1, 2, . . . , r, so that ^ is determinate and can replace U2r. For instance, and this is functionally the same as U4 reduced, for it is easy to verify that The index of .y is evidently 2r — (n — 1), which should, therefore, be the value of cr in the index-equation of .2r ; and the substitution of 2r and comparison of coefficients of (— 1)' a,u(>)u(2r '~ l) gives 2y) the last of them would be of the type M(rV + 1). When substitution takes place in the form-equation, this term gives rise to a term {u(r)\* which will not occur in connexion with any other term in <£2r4 j, and, therefore, for the satisfaction of the equation, would have a vanishing numerical coefficient. The other numerical coefficients would similarly vanish, and the assumed form of y+i would be evanescent. The simplest form of ^+1 1K one which is of the third order in u, being a numerical multiple of the Jacobian of u and <}>2r ; we take as this form n - 2r — 1 , = M- 2 U,. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 481 This is an invariant, and eo is a solution cf the equation (as will be verified immediately in connexion with a cognate case) ; and it involves the (2r -j- l)th derivation oft*. As the function next in succession beyond ^>sr+l we take <(*& + & which has already been found. It is not difficult to see that 3n - 4r — 5 . differs from u*2r+z by a resoluble function, Replacing now the quantities U^, U8, ... by the functions , we can enunciate the result of § 131 in the form : — Every identical covariant, which is a function of « and its derivatives alone, can be expressed as an algebraical function of u, U2, U8, $4, ^5, ... 134. Example II. — The derived invariants which are functions 0/"83. The form-equation for these invariants «/» is * - 1 and in order to obtain the most general solution of this equation it is necessary to obtain a proper number of integrals of the associated subsidiary equations 0 ~ 1.66, 2.70', 3.88T, Integrals of these involving derivatives of B3 in successive orders are A = 63, B = A6'8 - * e'.», C = A!B"3 - 4A636"3 + ^ e'3», D = A6*3 - G6S6"3 + ^ eV, When we proceed to construct the general solution of the form-equation by modifying these integrals so that each may contain only a single constant, the right-hand sides are the successive invariants derived from 83, or are algebraically equivalent to them ; and thus the required general value of «/» is = function of 63, j, .,, The derived invariants, which arise in successive formation after B^j, are not in their simplest forms ; they can be reduced in a manner similar to that adopted for the MDCCCLXX XVIII. — A. 3 Q 482 MR. A. E. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- reduction of the identical covariants. They form, however, a complete series of functions, that is, any invariant which is a function of 03 and derivatives of 03 can be expressed algebraically in terms of the elements of the complete series. As in the preceding case of identical covariants, the 2rth derived invariant is of even grade; and the invariant 03i2r can be replaced by i/>3i2r (which is functionally equivalent to it), where the coefficients alf «2, . . . , ar being given by the equation 2r! 2r+5! 5! 2r-sl 2r-s+5\ s + 5l s! a. = The (2r + l)th derived invariant is of odd grade; and the simplest functional equivalent is an invariant of the third degree in ®3 given by ^asr + i = es^'s,«r — i(2r + 6) e'3t/»3,2r. Similarly for the derived invariants which are functions of 0^ and its derivatives alone. The simplified functional equivalent of 6M]2, is *„,* = eve;2" - ftew-" + ... + (_ ly&e^e^-' +... + (_ info where 2r! 2/*+2r-l! 2/t-l! Pi — 2r — sl 2/t + 2?- — s — 1! 2/t + «— 1! s! ' and the corresponding simplified functional equivalent of @M>2r + 1 is ' r -\- ft , So far as regards the index-equation, the first of (63), for these functions, we at once have, after substitution, the value 2/i + 2r for X in connexion with «/v,or, and the value 3/x, + 2r + 1 for X in connexion with Vv^+i • It has been assumed in both of these examples that the Jacobian is an invariant ; it is interesting to verify this in connexion with the differential equationa 135. Example III. — The Jacobian of a derived invariant and the priminvariant. Let be a derived invariant of 6M, and therefore a function of 0^, and its diffe- rential coefficients alone ; let p be the degree of in 0M, and let v be its grade. Then the index X of is X = p.p -f v. DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 483 Let AM denote the operator of the form-equution, so that 4^=0 .......... (64); and let VM denote the operator of the index-equation »=0 so that VM<£ = A<£ .......... (65). Since is homogeneous of degree p in the quantities 6, we have When this is multiplied by /x, and subtracted from (64), then so that, if we denote by !!„ the operator "• = ?,">•' 3e. 186. Denoting by i/> the Jacobian of 6M and , we have The index of ^ is p. + 1 + ^» 8° that it has to be shown that if/ satisfies the two equations and it follows from these that n^ = (•> + 3 Q 2 484 MR. A. E. FORSYTE ON INVARIANTS, CO VARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- For the first of these equations, we have *' = e; a0M + 8* a0; + e* 90; + • • • ' and therefore + e* A" a<§; + 8* A" 30^ + e* A" a0; But, by (64), A^=0, and, therefore, and so on. Hence* = 2/te, - + 2 (p. + i) e; + 2 o* + 2) 0; + . . . = 2VM<£ = 2A<£ ............... (G7). We now have and A MeM = 0 = A ^, A X = 2/i0M) A ^' = so that A^ = 0, and »/» therefore satisfies the form-equation. Again, DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 485 Now, by (65), V^ = ty, so that J&- ( \ ty- v a*_ v" ae "**' a) ae satisfies the form-equation is the justification of the statement made earlier (§ 131), that the application of the Jacobian operation enables us to obtain the successive integrals of the subsidiary equations necessary for the construction of the general solution. Functional Completeness of the Set of Concomitants. 137. A set of concomitants will be considered functionally complete when any concomitant whatever can be expressed as an algebraical function of members of the set ; and this we shall prove to hold of the aggregate of invariants and covariants which have been obtained in Sections II., III., V. Let a concomitant $ have as elements entering into its expression u, u\ uu ..... UM, where r is less than n ; vf) v1,,. . . . , v0"^, for values 2, 3, . . . , n — 1 of p, where 486 MB. A. R. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- rp is less than nl/pl n — p\ ; 8M, B',,, . . . , 6(VM, for values 3, 4, . . . , n of /*, where there is no restriction on the value of s^. Such a concomitant satisfies a form- equation given by (xxvii.) ; the equation (xxvi.) is satisfied when the form of is known, the index alone being therefrom determined. Now, in the form-equation the number of partial differential coefficients of $ (including dfydu, . . ., 9<£/3vp, . . . , 9<£/96M, . . . , which do not explicitly occur, but which may be considered as present with zero algebraical coefficients) is r 4- 1 from the terms implying differentiation dependent on u, rp + 1 . vp, Hence the total number of partial differential coefficients of is »•+ 1 + "T1 (TV + 1) + Tfo + 1); p=2 all the partial differential coefficients in the form-equation, with regard to quantities other than those supposed to occur in , vanish. In order to obtain the most general solution possible as a value of <£ involving the quantities which occur, we form, according to the usual rule, the necessary subsidiary equations by means of fractions involving differentials ; the number of these fractions, excluding the fraction d/0, is the same as the number of partial differential coefficients of <4 in the linear equation, and, therefore, the number of independent subsidiary equations, being one less than the number of fractions, is N = r + "T'^-f 1) + T( we therefore require N independent integrals of these subsidiary equations. Now of invariantive functions, which have the properties of being independent of one another and of involving in the aggregate all the specified quantities and individually at least one of the quantities, and from each of which, on account of these properties, independent integrals of the present subsidiary equations can be constructed after the manner of §§ 131 and 134, we have the following : — DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 487 (i) The r identical covarianta in u, given by u, Uz, U3, . . ., Ur (or their functional equivalents, reduced as in §§ 132, 133). (ii) The rf identical covariants in vp, given by vp, V,jZ, V^,, . . ., V^ (or their similarly reduced functional equivalents). This is the case for each of the associate variables vz, vs, . . ., v,-i« (iii) The «„ derived invariants involving 0. alone and given by «„, 8^j, O^j, <#V,4, • • •, &.*• This is the case for each of the priminvariants 68, Bv • • •> 8«' (iv) The mutually independent bilinear Jacobians ; as a set of algebraically independent functions, retained after the indications of §§ 36, 72, we may take the Jacobian of 68 with each of the quantities u, v3 v,_l, Sv . . ., e,. The total number of these is 1 -f (n — 2) + (n — 3), t.e., it is 2n — 4. Hence the total number of algebraically independent concomitants, involving the specified quantities and obtained by our earlier methods, is pmn — 1 P ' » = r + 2 rf + 2 *M + 2» — 4 jj=S M = J = N; and from each of them an integral can be constructed, which is independent of all the other integrals. From the first three of the classes we have already had examples of the method of construction of integrals ; as an example of the last class, we may take the subsidiary equation du (n— l)tt 2/X6,. Previous integrals are u = A, 8^ = B, so that an integral of the equation which appears is 2/iBw' + (n — 1) A8^ = C, that is, 2/x8^«' -f (n — 1) uS'^ = C, or, what is the same thing, It may also be remarked that, while the class (i) of functions constitutes the set of integrals derived from the u fractions alone in the subsidiary equations, the class (ii) constitutes the separate sets from the fractions in each of the other associate variables taken individually and alone, and the class (iii) constitutes the set from the 488 MR. A. E. FORSYTH ON INVARIANTS, COVARIANTS, AND QUOTIENT- fractions in the priminvariants alone, the part played by the class (iv) is in making equal to one another the individxial fractions in these three principal sets. We thus have, by means of the functions previously obtained, the full number of subsidiary integrals necessary to construct the most general solution of the form- equation ; and it follows that any concomitant can be algebraically expressed in terms of the concomitants previously given. Hence the aggregate of the concomitants (or their simplified algebraical equivalents), obtainable by the quadriderivative and Jacobian operations from the priminvariants and the dependent variables, is functionally complete. Limitation in the Number of Identical Covariants. 138. This for particular cases has already (§§ 76-78) been indicated; without entering at present on the details of the general case, it will be sufficient to obtain the general result, which, by means of the result of § 1 32, can be simplified. In fact, IT,, of grade n, can be replaced by a function the first term of which is either UUM or uzu(*\ according as the grade n is even or odd ; and our present purpose will be effected by showing that USUM, which will include both cases, is covariantive. For, since the differential equation «<">+ V - Qr t*'"-r) = 0 r = » r\ n — rl ^ is permanently true, we shall have a rv" _?!— n (»-r> a covariant, if U~UM be a covariant. Now, as has been implicitly proved in the last paragraph, this covariant is expressible in terms of invariants and covariants already obtained, the identical covariant of highest grade in such an expression being U,_3 ; and the expression is therefore an equivalent for USUM. On the other hand, viewed as an identical covariant, UZUM differs from !!„ (or «UB, in the case of n even) by an aggregate of terms each of which can be resolved into factors of lower grade ; and therefore, since the aggregate is covariantive, on the hypothesis of the covariantive property of U*UM, it is expressible in terms of identical covariants of lower grade. A comparison of the two expressions thus obtained for U?UM gives U» in terms of covariants of Jower grade, so that U» is reducible ; and all succeeding identical covariants are also reducible. DKHIVATIVKS ASSOCIATED WITH LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 489 It IB necessary, then, to show that U*UM is covariantive ; if it be so, it must have its index equal to n — |(n — 1 ) = £ (3 — n), and so the relation „«„« = must be satisfied. Now, by (58), we have u*«{l + i( and therefore, by (57), usu<"> = /rft\ (S-«) ="••' (2) . showing the covariantive nature of the function. A similar conclusion as to limitation of number holds with regard to the identical covariants in the associate variables. MDCCCI.XXXVIII.— A. 3R [ 491 ] XVI. Tlie Smnll Free Vibrations and Deformation of a Tlnn Elastic Shell. By A. E. H. LOVE, B.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Communicated by Professor G. H. DARWIN, F.R.S. Received January 19.— Road February 9, 1888. CONTENTS. PAOI. § 1. Historical introduction. — Poissox ; KIKCHHOFF'S first theory of plates; KiRCHBorr's second theory ; BOUSSISESQ ; DE ST. VENANT 491 § 2. Theory of the present paper for thin shells ' . 496 § 3. Internal strain in an element of the shell 499 § 4. Geometrical theory of small deformation of extensible surfaces 605 § 5. Equations of motion and boundary-conditions 512 §6. Possibility of certain modes of vibration .VJ'» § 7. Vibrations of spherical shell 527 § 8. Vibrations of cylindrical shell 538 §9. Summary of results 543 § 1. — Historical Introduction. I PROPOSE, in the first place, to give a brief account of the principal theories of the vibrations and flexure of a thin elastic plate hitherto put forward, and afterwards to apply the method of one of them to the case when the plate in its natural state has finite curvature. Passing over the early attempts of Mdlle. SOPHIE GERMAIN, the first mathematician who succeeded in obtaining a theory of the flexure of a thin plane plate was POISSON. In his memoir* he obtains the differential equation for the deflection of the plate, which is generally admitted, and certain boundary-conditions, which have met with less general acceptance. The idea of POISSON'S method may be simply stated. The plate being very thin, we may expand all the functions which occur in the equations of equilibrium and boundary -conditions in powers of the variable expressing the distance of a particle from the middle-surface in the natural state, then, taking only the terms up to the third order, we obtain the differential equations for the determi- nation of the displacements which are generally admitted. The meaning of POISSON'S boundary-conditions is as follows t; — Suppose the plate to form part of an infinite " Mi'inoiro sur 1'Eqnilibre et le Mouvement des Corps elnstiqnes," ' Paris A cad. Mem.,' 1829. t Cf. THOMSON and T.ur, • Natural Philosophy,' part 2, pp. 188-9 3 R 2 2f,.11.«8 492 MR. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS plate, and to be held in its actual position, partly by the forces directly applied to its mass, and partly by the action of the remainder of the plate exerted across the boundary ; if the plate be now cut out, it will be necessary, in order to hold it in the same configuration, to apply at every point of its edge a distribution of force and couple identical with that exerted by the remainder before the plate was cut out. Now, it has been shown by KIKCHHOFF * that these equations express too much, and that it is not generally possible to satisfy them ; but the method proposed by THOMSON and TAIT! gives a rational explanation of KIRCHHOFF'S union of two of POISSON'S boundary-conditions in one, and renders his theory complete. However, the objection raised by DE ST. VENANT| to the fundamental assumption that the stresses and strains in an element can be expanded in integral powers of the distance from the middle-surface, seems to require a different theory. The next epoch in the theory of plates is marked by KIRCHHOFF'S memoir just referred to. The method rests on two assumptions, viz. : (1) Every straight line of the plate which was originally perpendicular to the plane bounding surfaces remains straight after the deformation, and perpendicular to the surfaces which were originally parallel to the plane bounding surfaces ; (2) all the elements of the middle- surface (i.e., the surface which in the natural state was midway between the plane parallel bounding surfaces) remain unstretched. Both these assumptions may be shown to be approximately true in the cases of flexure and transverse vibration, but, as assump- tions, they appear unwarrantable. In this memoir of KIRCHHOFF'S the union of two of POISSON'S boundary-conditions in one was first effected, the method employed to obtain the equations being that of virtual work. The theory of this memoir will be referred to as KIRCHHOFF'S " first theory." KIRCHHOFF § has given a general method for the treatment of elastic bodies, some of whose dimensions are indefinitely small in comparison with others. In this method we consider, in the first place, the equilibrium of an element of the body all whose dimensions are of the same order as the indefinitely small dimensions. When we know the potential energy due to the internal strain of such an element, we obtain by integration over1 the remaining dimensions the whole potential energy due to the elastic strain of the body. Then, taking into account all the forces which act on the body, we can form the equation of virtual work, which will lead directly to the differential equations and boundary-conditions of our problem. In KIRCHHOFF'S method it appears that, to a first approximation, the bodily forces produce displacements which are negligible compared with those produced by the surface-tractions exerted upon the element by contiguous elements, and that, to the * "Ueberdas Gleichgewicht und die Bewegung einer elastischen Scbeibe," ' CBELLK, .Tourn. Math.,' vol. 40. t Loc. cit., pp. 190-1. I Translation of CLEBSCH'S 'Elasticitat,' Note on § 73, p. 725. § ' Vorlesungen Uber Mathematische Physik,' pp. 406 et seq. AND DEFORMATION OF A THIN KLASTIC SHELL. 493 same order of approximation, the displacements, when divided by finite quantities of one dimension in length, are negligible compared with the strains. The application of this method to the theory of plates nppears to have been first made by GEURING, a pupil of KIRCUHOFF'S, at the latter *s request ; and the results will be found in Kii:< •HIIOKF'S thirtieth lecture, and in CLEBSCH'S ' Theorie der Elasticitiit fester Ktirper,' §§ (54 et seq. We shall call the theory thus deduced KIRCH- HOFF'S "second theory." POISSON and KIRCHHOFF had both arrived at the equations S, T, R = 0,* which express that the traction exerted on an element of a surface normal to the middle-surface of the plate is everywhere tangential to the middle- surface. These equations are fundamental in KIRCHHOFF'S second theory. This appears to lie at the root of the objection raised by DE ST. VfiNANxt to this theory, as it is stated by him that S and T, if they exist, may produce important effects, especially when the material of the plate is not isotropic. It seems unnecessary to explain in detail THOMSON and TAIT'S treatment of the problem. We need only note here that the equations S, T, II = 0 are a basis for this theory also. \_AddedJuly, 1888. — An important inference from the method is that a line of particles initially normal to the middle-surface is approximately normal to this surface after strain. This is expressed by the vanishing of the shears a and b, as given by equations (11) infra. This conclusion is intimately bound up with the conclusion that S and T vanish. At the edge of the plate S and T may have given values which do not vanish, and the approximate perpendicularity of line-elements originally perpen- dicular to the middle-surface will here break down. The transition from a state of things in which S and T exist at the edge to one in which they vanish, on a surface parallel to the edge and very near to it, is illustrated by the discussion in THOMSON and TAIT'S 'Natural Philosophy,' §§721-729. The conclusion seems to be that KIRCHHOFF'S general method for the treatment of elastic bodies, some of whose dimensions are indefinitely small in comparison with others, cannot be applied to the elements. situated very near to the edge of a plate, as the strain is not produced in these by the action of contiguous elements. We may, nevertheless, regard it as giving correctly, not only the potential energy due to the strain of an element at a distance from the edge, but also the whole potential energy arising from the strain in all the elements. It will thus lead us to the right differential equations of motion ,or equilibrium and boundary-conditions.] The theory of the flexure of an elastic plate has been placed in a much clearer light by the researches of BOUSSINESQ, who has treated the subject in a masterly manner in two memoirs. In the first of thesej he has certainly proved that S = 0, T = 0, R = 0 is an approximation to the actual state of stress within an element of the * I use THOMSON and TAIT'S notation for the stresses, strains, and elastic constant*. t Translation of CLKBSCH'S ' Elasticitat,' p. 691. J ' LIOUVILLE, Journal do Math.,' 1871. 494 MR. A. E. H. LOVK ON THE SMALL FRKK VIBRATIONS plate ; and he says that R = 0 to a higher degree of approximation than S and T. Taking 2h for the thickness of the plate, and the plane of xy for the middle -surface in the natural state, we have, on integration, with reference to 2, hfUS dc dy » + ?+.£)* a.« ci/j Assuming that the bodily forces are not such that if- applied to a body of finite size they would produce deformations indefinitely great compared with those produced in the plate, and that P, Q, U do not vary rapidly from one element to another, we see that S, T, R are small compared with P, Q, U. BOUSSINESQ proceeds to express three of the strains in terms of the rest by means of the relations S, T, R = 0, as was done in KIRCHHOFF'S second theory ; then, by means of these approximate values, he finds S, T to a higher order, and on substituting in the general equations of equili- brium obtains the well-known equation for the deflection of the plate. The method of securing the union of two of POISSON'S boundary-conditions in one is the same as that previously given by THOMSON and TAIT. BOUSSENESQ returned to the subject in 1879, in a second memoir published in ' LrouviLLE's Journal.' Apparently dissatisfied with the assumptions S, T = 0, he proposed to consider the subject in the following manner. Let the plate be divided into similar elementary rectangular prisms, whereof the linear dimensions are all comparable, and suppose these prisms bounded by the plane surfaces of the plate, and by pairs of parallel planes at right angles to these surfaces. Two neighbouring prisms must always be in nearly the same condition as regards strain, except in the case of prisms situated near the edge. Hence, generally, the component stresses will be approximately the same at all points on the same surface parallel to the middle- surface, and not infinitely near the edge of the plate. Hence, in this kind of equilibrium, the stresses will be approximately independent of the position on the middle-surface of the centre of the element. This is precisely KIRCHHOFF'S result* deduced from the kinematics of the system, and it appears certainly true when the plate is very thin. BOUSSINESQ wishes his theory to apply to plates of small finite thickness, and he proposes to replace the equations just found by the following T. 8T 8f 8S 8S ' ,,,. ~ TT, ' Vorlesungen,' p. 453, remark on equations (8). AND DEFOK.MATIoN i»K A THIN ELASTIC SHELL. Iti these suppositions are more general than those of the former paper, and enable the author to take account better of the effects of aeolotropy of the material of the plate. DE ST. VENAXT* obtains the equations for flexure on the assumptions (I) that R = 0, (2) that the middle-surface of the plate is bent without stretching, so that the extension of any line-element through a point distant z from the middle surface and parallel thereto is z/p, where p is the radius of curvature of the normal section of the middle-surface through a line parallel to the element. From these suppositions, of which the first is justified in the manner of BOUSSINESQ'S memoirs, the ordinary equations are deduced and extended to the case of eeolotroptc plates. From the inapplicability of the second of these suppositions to the case when the plate is initially curvedt we may be justified in denying it the right to be a foundation for the theory. The question between the methods of KIUOHHOFF'S second theory and BOUSSINESQ'S memoirs may be taken to be that of the degree of approximation obtainable by the former. It seems to be established that the terms which occur in CLEBSCH'S equations J are correct to the order of approximation adopted ; but the question arises whether, if it were desirable to obtain a higher degree of approximation in the equations, this could be effected by means of KIRCHHOFF'S second theory ; and it appears that, so long as the equations S, T = 0 are retained with R = 0 for the purpose of giving three of the strains in terms of the rest, this question must be answered in the negative. It must be observed that KIRCHHOFF only uses these equations for this purpose, just as BOUSSINESQ does in his first memoir, while the equations and con- ditions are found by applying the principle of virtual work. In a recent paper§ I have proposed a modification of KIRCHHOFF'S second theory, with the view of showing how his kinematical equations, whose accuracy has been disputed by BOUSSINESQ, can be made exact. The equations referred to are those unnumbered on page 452 of the ' Vorlesungen.' In these certain differential coefficients are introduced, and afterwards neglected as small ; and BOUSSINESQ has contended that they should be retained. In the paper referred to I have endeavoured to show that these differential coefficients have no meaning so long as we are treating the equilibrium of an elementary portion of the plate, all whose dimensions are of the same order as the thickness, so that the equations can be made exact by simply omitting these differential coefficients. As will hereafter appear, KIRCHHOFF'S process applies directly to the theory of a thin elastic shell, and the modification proposed in the theory of plates has place equally in that of shells. This will be fully explained in the sequel (Art. 2). * Translation of CLKBSCH. Note to § 73. t This will be proved in the sequel. J ' Elasticitat,' pp. 306, 307, equations (105) and (106). § " Note on KIRCHHOFF'B Theory of the Deformation of Elastic Plates," ' Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 6, 1887. 496 MR. A. E. II. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS §2. Theory of Shells. In this paper the potential energy of deformation of an isotropic elastic shell is investigated by the same method as that employed by KIKCHHOFF in his discussion of the vibrations of a plane plate.* The shell is supposed to be bounded by two surfaces parallel to its middle-surface, and is deformed in any arbitrary manner. The expres- sion given by KIRCHHOFF for the energy of the plate per unit area of its middle- surface is KA» + ft« + 2Pl* 4- f ~ (q, - Pa) l + & fa -f •where 2h is the thickness of the plate, K the rigidity, and 0/(l -f #) = P& Pi are quantities defining the curvature of the middle-surface after strain, viz. :— p.2 — q\= sum of principal curvatures, — (p2 ql + pf) = measure of curvature ; so that, if pl} p.2 be the principal radii of curvature after strain, the first term of the above reduces to l + e A similar expression to that given by KIECHHOFF is obtained below in the case of the shell initially curved ; but here the quantities qlt p2, pt are replaced by the difference of their values in the strained and unstrained states, a result which might have been anticipated from the remarks made by KIRCHHOFF (' Vorlesungen,' p. 413) on the strain of a rod initially curved, since the strain of an element is a linear function of these quantities. We wish to obtain equations of motion and boundary-conditions in terms of the displacements of a point on the middle-surface of the shell, these being reckoned parallel to the lines of curvature and perpendicular to the tangent plane at the point. For this purpose it is necessary to express all the quantities which occur in the potential-energy-function in terms of these displacements. As the geometrical theory of the deformation of extensible surfaces appears not to have been hitherto made out, - * Called above " KIRCHHOKF'S second tlioorv." •f- • Vorlesungen,' p. 454. AND DEFORMATION OP A THIN ELASTIC SHKI.L. 497 it was necessary to give the elements of such a theory for small deformations. The expressions obtained for the principal radii of curvature show that the potential energy due to bending is never the same quadratic function of the changes of principal curvature as for a plane plate, except in the single case where the middle-surface is a sphere and unstretchc'l. The general variational equation of motion is developed in the foi-m of surface and line integrals, and the equations reduce to those of CLEBSCH * in the case of a plane plate. The terms herein which depend on externally applied forces are obtained directly, without the use of the arbitrary multipliers which render the calculations of CLEBSCH so tedious, and without the necessity which he finds for correcting an " error " t as regards the distribution of force at the edge, thus avoiding some of the criticisms of DE ST. VENANT.J We know that when a plane plate vibrates the transverse displacement is indepen- dent of the displacements parallel to the plane of the plate ; and when the transverse vibrations alone are taking place no line on the ujiddle-snrface is altered in length. I discuss the question whether vibrations of the shell are possible in which this last condition holds good, and show that it leads to three partial differential equations giving the displacements as functions of the position of a point on the middle-surface, and that these equations are not in general of a sufficiently high order to admit of solutions which shall also satisfy the conditions which hold at a free edge. This result is quite independent of the theory adopted, as the equations of inextensibility are in the most general case a system of the third order, while the boundary-conditions are four in number. It would, of course, be possible to find a system of forces applied to the boundary which could artificially maintain this kind of vibration. It appears, then, that the term of the potential eneigy which depends on the bending, which is multiplied by As, is small compared with the term depending on the stretching, which is multiplied by h ; and, in order to obtain the limiting form of the theory when h = 0, we may form approximate equations of equilibrium and motion and boundary-con- ditions by omitting the term in ha. Having formed these equations, I proceed to discuss the question whether the shell can execute vibrations in which there shall be no tangential displacement, and it is shown that this requires both the principal radii of curvature of the middle-surface to be constant at every point. The frequencies of the purely radial vibrations of a sphere and an infinitely long circular cylinder are given ; the displacement is a simple harmonic function of the time, and is the same at all points of the sphere or cylinder. The formula for the frequency admits of independent verification. Another general result deduced from the approximate equations is that any shell whose middle-surface is a surface of revolution • « Elasticitat,' pp. 306, 307; Equations (105), (106). t Ibid., p. 284. J Translation of CLEBSCH, p. 691. The method of CLEBSCH is styled " ohucure, indirecte, fort cmnpliqueW MDCCOLXXXVITT. — A. 3 S 498 MR. A. B. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS can execute purely tangential vibrations such that every point moves perpendicularly to the meridian through it, and the displacement is symmetrical about the axis of revolution. The special problem of the vibrations of a spherical shell has been discussed by Lord RAYLEIGH.* In his paper it is assumed that no line on the middle-surface is altered in length ; the boundary-conditions are not considered. The form of the potential energy taken is a quadratic function of the changes of principal curvature 01 the middle-surface, and this I have proved to be in this case the true form in Art. 7. The assumption of inextensibility does in this case lead to expressions for the dis- placements which cannot satisfy the boundary-conditions which hold at a free edge. The method developed in this paper is applied to the problem, and the approximate equations integrated. The solution comes out in tesseral harmonics with fractional or imaginary indices, and the frequency is givefa by a transcendental equation ; in case the shell be hemispherical this equation is simplified, and to express the sym- metrical vibrations only the ordinary zonal harmonics with real integral indices are lequired, and the frequency equation can be solved. As a further example of the application of the method to small vibrations I have discussed the vibrations of a cylindrical shell. The displacement of a point on the middle-surface is expressed by simple harmonic functions of the cylindrical coordinates of the point. In the case of the symmetrical vibrations the frequency equation is easily solved. AKON has applied the method of CLEBSCH to the problem of shells. In his memoir t a point on the middle-surface of the shell is considered as defined by two parameters, as in GAUSS'S theory of the curvature of surfaces ; the displacements are referred to an arbitrary system of fixed axes ; and the expressions found for them are the same as those in Art. 4 of this paper, but the work contains a small error (see note to Art. 4). Free use is made of arbitrary multipliers in order to obtain the equations of equilibrium referred to the fixed axes. As these are in a very unmanageable shape, a method of forming equations referred to moving axes is indicated ; the equations are first obtained with reference to fixed axes, and it is proposed to transform these. The transformation is not effected, but some reductions are made with a view to it (pp. 169 et seq.). In these reductions all effects due to the change of direction of the axes as we go from point to point on the middle-surface are neglected, so that the results are erroneous (see note to Art. 6). A theory of the vibrations of a shell whose middle-surface is a surface of revolution has been given by MATHIEU.^ The method is similar to that employed by POISSON for the plate, viz., taking y = 0 for the middle-surface, all the quantities which occur * " On the Infinitebimal Bending of Surfaces of Revolution," ' London Math. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 17, 1882. f "Das Gleichgewicht und die Bewegung einer nnendlich diinnen beliebig gekrUmmten elastischen Schale." ' CRKLLE, Journ. Math.,' vol. 78, 1874, p. 138. J " Memoire sur le Monvement vibratoire des Cloches," ' Journ. de 1'ficole Poly tech n.,' cahier 51 (1883) . AND DEFORMATION OF A THIN KLASTIC SHELL. 4S)'J ore expanded in powers of y, and approximate equations taken. These equations are included in those given in the present paper for shells whose middle-surface is any whatever. MATHIEU gives for the special case some of the theorems on purely normal and purely tangential vibrations here proved (see notes to Art. 13). The solution for spherical shells is given in his paper. The introduction of the generalised tesseral harmonic into this solution enables us to recognise that a certain type ot vibration given by MATHIEU cannot exist (see note to Art. 18). The objections raised by DE ST. VENANT to POISSON'S method for plates seem to lie equally against its extension to sheila § 3. Internal Strain in an Element of the Shell. 1. Suppose the lines of curvature on the middle-surface of the shell to be drawn ; let these be the curves a = const., ft = const. ; then any point on the middle-surface is given by its a, ft. At each intersection of a curve a with a curve ft suppose the normal to the middle-surface drawn and lengths h marked off upon it inwards and outwards from the surface, the loci of the extremities of these lines are two surfaces parallel to the middle-surface. If we suppose the space between these surfaces filled with isotropic elastic material we obtain the elastic solid shell which we wish to treat. Let the middle-surface be covered with a network of the lines a = const., ft = const, at distances from each other comparable with the thickness of the shell, and suppose the normals drawn as above described at all the points of these curves. The shell will thus be divided into a great number of elementary prisms ; and, according to KIRCHHOFF'S general method, we must first discuss the equilibrium of one of these elementary prisms. Let a, ft bo the parameters of the centre P of one of these elementary prisms before strain. Imagine three line-elements of the shell (1, 2, 3) to proceed from P, the elements (1) and (2) being along the lines ft, a. through P, and (3) along the normal at P to the middle-surface. Then after strain these lines are not in general co- orthogonal, but by means of them we can construct a system of rectangular axes to which we can refer points in the prism whose centre is P. Thus, P is to be the origin, the axis of x is to lie along the line-element (1), and the plane of x, y is to contain the line-elements (1) and (2); then the line-element (2) will make an indefinitely small angle with the axis y, and the line-element (3) will make an indefinitely small angle with the axis z. By means of the lines of curvature and the middle-surface we can construct a system of orthogonal surfaces (a, ft, y), so that we may use the formulae of orthogonal coordinates with reference to a, ft, y. We write for the distance between two near points — 382 500 MH. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS 2. The point P is defined before the strain by its a, ft, and lies on a certain surface y = 0 (the middle-surface). The prism whose centre is P is held in equi- librium by the action of adjacent prisms, and its parts are not in the same configura- tion as that in which they would be found if this prism were separated from the rest of the shell and left to itself.* Now, if this portion were isolated from the action of neighbouring portions, any point of it (Q) would take a certain position defined by the intersection of three surfaces of the family (a, ft, y), which we may take to be a -|- p, ft + q, r. Hence, when this prism is subject to the action of neighbouring prisms the position of Q will be given with reference to the (x, y, z) axes at P by pjh^ + u0, q/h.z + % r/ha -f w0, and after the strain is effected it will be given by P/^i + u'> 9/^2 + v'> r/hs + w' referred to the axes of (x, y, z) defined in Art. 1. The component displacements (ult vlt w^) of Q are u — u0, v' — v0, w — W0. Consider a system of rectangular axes fixed in space, and after strain let £, 77 £, be the coordinates of P referred to this system, and let the directions of the (x, y, z) axes be connected with those of the fixed (£, 17, £) axes by the scheme — X y ?n ra3 Then, after strain the coordinates of Q are 0. > These expressions are functions of a + p, ft + q, r ; and, hence, for each of them we have 3/t)a = 9/9p and 3/3/8 = 3/3g. In forming these differential coefficients it is important to observe that «', v', w have no differential coefficients with respect to a, ft. Throughout the space within which u', v, w exist, viz., the range of values of p, q, r, which correspond to points within the elementary prism treated, a, ft do not vary. In his theory KIRCHHOFF first introduces the differential coefficients analogous to * This remark was made by ARON, in his memoir in BORCHARDT'S (CKELLK'S) ' Journal,' vol. 78, p. 138. AND DEFORMATION OF A THIN ELASTIC SIIKI.I, 501 du'/dtt . . ., and afterwards neglects them as small. So that the equations (6) and (7) to be obtained below are unaffected by the modification of the theory here proposed. Equating the differential coefficients of (1) with respect to a and p, we get a i . a a/i, a /i i a« at/ a«/ and, similarly, by differentiating with respect to ft and q. 3. Now, taking the set of three equations above written, multiply them by ll} mu nl and add, then by 12, mit n8 and add, then by lz, m^, n^ and add, and repeat the process on the second set ; the six resulting equations may be written A, r > (2) and *i . . (3) In these crlf o-., are the extensions of the line-elements (1), (2), and m is the sine of the angle the axis y makes with the line-element (2) after strain, so that, if (L2, Ms, Ng) be the direction cosines of the line-element (2) after strain referred to the fixed axes of (6 >?, 0, 502 MR. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS M2(l + o-2) M2 = 7n2 + (1 4- } = h -- I ?-B.(l+..)-&\- W f 2V o/9 2 ™" 2 * 1 -/ Also ' ', = », (J, | + ^ n ', = ». (J, | + -, I- >• (5) According to the general principles of KIECHHOFF'S method, we may for a first approximation omit the u, v, w which occur in equations (2) and (3), thus re-writing : — B./ am *\ T', g— = = W' 1/L\ T' =A^ 1/1') v = -*'. • • (8) Let Ku Aj, let K\ — K1 I, K2, A2, T2 be the values of K'I} X'lf T',, /c'2, X'2) r'2 before strain, and Klt \\ — Ax = Xj, T j — Tz = T^ and similarly for the others, then I = — A2, «! = — X2) T! = T2 = 0. AND DEFORMATION OP A THIN ELASTIC SHELL. 503 In (6) and (7) suppose u' = «0, v = r0, w' = w0 ; then ? = p L (£) + ?! (!,) + 4 r> ™th five other subtracting these from (6) and (7), we find A A,A, 3y ~ A, A,*, /o\ 4. These are simply the conditions of continuity of the mass of the shell when deformed. To obtain the forms of ult vlt wl from them we shall have to introduce stress-conditions. As the quantities in (9) are small, it will be sufficient to omit products, and so form equations of equilibrium of the element referred to the orthogonal coordinates ( p, q, r) as if we were referring to fixed axes at P. If A, B, C be three functions of r to be determined, we have Ilence, for the six components of strain, and for the cubical dilatation 8, A>i /• tCa f C/\_/ To determine A, B, C, we have the stress-equaticns 504 MH. A. E. H. LOVE OX THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS 3 3 3 "I ^ =- (TO — n 8 + 2ne) + hz ^ (nc) + hs ^ (nb) = 0, h^ . (?ic) + h2 _- (m — n 8 + 2n/) + hs ^- (no) =0, \ hi *-» (nb) + h* ^ (na) + ^3 5; (m-n 8 + 2n.9) = 0, where m = k -\- Hence, and Thus, k being the modulus of compression, and n that of rigidity. = ' = ' \ - *) — n ica — X, r3 T+ n V ^ If there be no surface-tractions on the surfaces initially parallel to the middle- surface, viz. , r = ± A3A, then A = 0, and B = 0, and also at the surfaces (m — n) 8 + 2ng = 0, so that Thus, u = Ag m + n' — K o-2 J Hence, * Expressions equivalent to these have been given by ARON, but his work contains an error. His equations (7, a), (7, b), p. 145, are strictly analogous to equations (6) and (7) above, but the terms in p ~-(t~) • • are all omitted. The test * — ^- = ~ — ~— is not applied ; if it had been, there would 0* \."i/ dp Og v' Sq Op v' have resulted equations which in my notatiou are T\ = 0, T'S = 0, but the values of t\, T'S are calculated subsequently by the method of Art. 7, and are the same as those given in equations (8). AND DEFORMATION OP A THIN ELASTIC SHELL. 505 a = 0, 6 = 0, c = nr — 2/c, , and the potential energy per unit volume is - «)82 + 2n(e« + /2 + .92) + » («s -f- a tenn in 2, where z is written for r/A8. where z is written for r/A8. Multiplying this expression by dz, and integrating from & to — h, the term in z disappears, and we find for the potential energy per unit area = § *A> + v -i- 2^ + or . (12) The term containing h3 is the term depending on the bending, and the term con- taining h is the term depending on the stretching of the middle-surface. We shall hereafter denote by Wp W2 the expressions / x\o.m + W/x 0\ § 4. Geometrical Theory of Small Deformation of Extensible Surfaces. 5. We have now, by means of equations (4) and (5), to express the potential energy in terms of the displacement of a point on the middle-surface. Let «, v, w denote the displacements of the point P on the middle-surface, u being MOCOCLXXXV1II. — A. H T oOfi MR. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS parallel to ft = const., v to a = const., and w along the normal outwards, and let 3/3ns denote differentiation along the normal. The square of the length of a line joining two near points of the surface before strain is and the square of the length of the line joining the same two points after strain is i o neglecting small quantities of a higher order. But this same square of the new length of the line is where 8 (l//^), 8(l/h2) are the increments of l/hlt l/h.2 produced by strain, so that l * S ( , = A.M^- and similarly for &2, also and so for d (h.zv). In the two expressions for the square of the new length of the line we may equate coefficients of (dctf, (df$f, and (da. d/B), and omit powers of u, v, w, or their differential coefficients above the first ; thus a /i w a . where we have written in accordance with LAMP'S result (' Lecons sur les Coordonnees Curvilignes,' p. 51), viz., pj, p.2 are the principal radii of curvature of the middle-surface before strain, reckoned inwards. AND DEFORMATION OF A THIN KI.ASTIC SHELL. 507 6. To express K.,, A,, *, in the same way, we suppose a system of fixed axes at P, whose directions coincide with those of the (x, y, z) axes at P before strain. The coordinates referred to P of a point near P on the deformed surface are S£ = . * u 803, 8*7 = + dv - 8£ = dw — u where 80,, 802, 803, are the elementary rotations of the axes (x, y, z) about themselves, when the origin is changed from a, ft to a + 8a, ft -|- 8/8, viz. : — 80, = - .£- f )dp = - ~ Z3 -* - are also of the second order; hence, to the first order, using equations (5) we obtain AND DEFORMATION OP A THIN ELASTIC SHELL. a m 3 50'J . r /, 3u> u\. 3 /i\ = *• L- (*' £ - s) *« * U) The relation X' = — K' reduces to (16) and each of these expressions vanishes (L.AM6, p. 80) ; thus, this condition is fulfilled identically.* Using these relations, we find m. 9/9 3/9 9a p4 9« pi 9/9 X _;. «j.* AI « H AI 3/3 3/3 i . AZ 3/8* H ^2 3/9 3/9 /i\ *• ?» \hj ~ Pi 8/9 (18) 7. The quantities defined by equations (5) have been calculated directly ; we wish to obtain an interpretation in terms of quantities defining the curvature of the middle-surface after strain. • This may be taken as a verification in some degree of the preceding work. In endeavonring to form equations referred to the above set of moving axes, ARON neglects the f-0^ fO^ I0t and deduces values of X'g, t\ (my notation), which do not satisfy the relation Va + «', = 0 (see the memoir above qnoted, pp. 169 et .-•••/.). In consequence, he is obliged to make an assumption that 3 (t'/ij"1) / cU is a small quantity of the second order. If the relations (17) had not been known, the theory of deformation would prove them. 510 MR. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS First, suppose we are dealing with an inextensible surface, then 8£ 89 8? , a? ,817 a? By equations (5), since Z,Z3 + mjrag + n^ = 0, and ya + m27n3 + nsn3 = 0, X' - - K 3 * P(l>g) *£ _i_ h "2 9 «/9 8«3 + 9 ' . ISA a _ L _ , 1 2 "r "•" _ _ 9/3 "r a («/8> a« ay9 "•" a («/s) a« a/9 J ' 1 » [8 («/8) 8«8£ 8 («/8) aa8yS a (a/3) 3a 8/9 ' / A 7, 3 ft re (a/9) 8/S3 "" 8 (a/3) 8/3* 8 ( Hence, taking the notation of SALMON'S ' Geometry of Three Dimensions/ chapter 1 2, section 4, we have , > *!» V F = ic',, hrh* G = K2, V*a E' = - and the equation for the principal radii of curvature is* so that, if p'i, p'2 be the roots of this equation, ' X' - 1. .1 '- P\ P\ P iPs Also *2 ^i + ^i2 = K'z ^'i + 'f'l2 + K2 Aj — Aj K'2 — K2 Plp'a Pi Pa Pi Pa * SALMON, p. 346. I have changed the sign of p so that the roots shall be the />, and />, of Art. 5. AND DEFORMATION OF A THIN ELASTIC SHELL. 511 In the case of the sphere, this is — - - — i + ~ ( ~r + -7 ) » where a is the radius, P i P t a a\P\ Ptl or for any other inextensible surface this will not be the case. Now, suppose the surface extensible, and consider (a, ft) as two parameters defining a point on the deformed surface ; in this view they will not be orthogonal parameters, and we find i — -(1+ or F = -TT to the first order ; *A so l-2 + EV) (G> + GV) - (F> + FV)2 = 0, where V = v/(EG - F*) = 1~f1,~g> nearly, A|A| we find that to the first order I=-<'!(1+,1 + ^) = i+^-«s. We have already found expressions for K.Z, X1( KJ in terms of the displacements; hence, we have found expressions for the new principal curvatures and the position of the new principal planes, in terms of the displacements, for the position of these planes depends only on F' or on KJ ; we have also found the interpretation of the *.,, X1? jq in terms of the quantities defining the curvature and the extension. In the case of an inextensible sphere, the potential energy due to bending is For any other surface, whether extensible or not, this will not be the case. If the middle-surface were unextended, the above would be right to small quantities of the first order, but we always require the potential energy correct to small quantities of the second order. § 5. Equations of Motion and Boundary-Conditions. 8. Following KIRCHHOFF'S method, we are going to apply the principle of virtual work to obtain the differential equations of motion and equilibrium, and the boundary- conditions. Let Xj, Yj, Zj be the components of the bodily force per unit mass parallel to the lines of curvature ft = const., a = const., and perpendicular to the tangent plane to the middle-surface, acting at any point Q of the shell. Let QP be perpendicular to the middle-surface before strain, and let 13, ms, «3 be the direction cosines of QP after strain referred to axes at P, as in Artt. 1, 6 ; if u, v, w be the displacements of P, and 2 the distance PQ, then, when a small variation in the configuration is made, the displacements of Q will be found from equations (1), dropping the p, q, to be AND DEFORMATION OF A THIN ELASTIC SHKI.I, 513 8« + 2 8/3 8v + 2 S»ns 810 -|- 2 8n3. Let A,, BI, C, be the components of the system of forces per unit area applied to the edge of the shell, and holding it in its actual configuration. The systems of forces X,, Yt, Z, acting at all points of a line through P perpendicular to the middle- surface, and the similar (Alt Bu C^ system, will each reduce to a resultant force and couple. The resultant of the Xu Y^ Z, system is a force at P whose components are f* f* f* X, dz, Y = I Y! dz, Zl dz per unit area, and a couple whose components are f* f* L = — J YI 2 dz, M = + I Xl z dz, 0 per unit area. The resultant of the At, B,, C, system is a force at the point P in which the middle-surface cuts the edge, whose components are A = j A! dz, B = j BI dz, C = \ C^z per unit length of the curve in which the middle-surface cuts the edge, and a couple whose components are f* /•* Bj z dz, V = + I A! z dz, 0 per unit length of the same curve. The general variational equation of motion is 0 = - J|[ [X, (Su + 2 8ZS) -f Y, (Sv + 2 8m3) + Zl (8w + 2 8n3)] dS dz - f f [A! (Su + 2 8/8) + B, (8v + 2 Sw8) + G! (8«; + 2 8ns)] ds dz ~ f f 8WX SS + 2>iA Jf SWZ dS MDCCC'LXXXVIII. — A. 3 U 514 MB. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS where dS is an element of area of the middle-surface and ds an element of arc of the edge. Observing that by equations (15) 8ns = 0, and integrating with respect to z from h to — h, we get the equation - j](X Su + Y Sv + Z 8w) dS - j](M 8/8 - L 8m3) rfS - |( A 8u + B 8v + C Siv) ds - f (V S13 — U Sm3) ds j d$ + 2nh 8W2 9, (10) which contains in itself all the equations and conditions of the problem. All the double integrals which occur in this equation can be expressed, partly as surface-integrals over the middle-surface, and partly as line-integrals round the edge, by means of the theorem, A, ..... (20) where the first integration extends to all values of (a, ft) which correspond to points on a surface having s for an edge, and X, y. are the cosines of the angles which the normal to the edge drawn on the surface and produced outwards makes with the directions of the lines ft = const., a = const, at the edge. To prove this theorem,* let a line of curvature a = const, meet the edge in an even number of points, and let X1} X2, ... be the values of X at these points, then 80 The partial integrations will be effected by means of the relations a / aa^ ax ax * (7/. MAXWELL, 'Electricity and Maj^netism,' Art. 21. This theorem is otherwise proved by A RON. ANI> I >K FORMATION OF A THIN HLASTIC SHELL. In evaluating the line-integrals we shall use the formula— d-\ •> a 33 d.o o ,o,vo , a **%= in which cfo is the element of the normal to the edge drawn as above stated. 9. From equations (15) we have — , 515 (22) (23) so that ff/wsi TC \JQ fffw/ ) 9&r _L **\ ,( , dto> , 8r\"l j j (M 8/3 - L 8ms) rfS = j] [M (- /h ^ + J - L (- h, ^ + -JJ f (L/i - MX) 8u> ds. . f -r . . , . '. - '. . (24) Again, - 8» - (XU + pV} Sw - (XV- t, . . . . (25) by integration by parts. Again, f f SWi dS ff/o = 1 J (2K* - <1«2/2wi (28) 518 MB. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS where the line-integral part is fck|2X(- -0"! + - - o-2 ) + ^rss I 8w + f ds \2p. ( - &i«^8 JJ \ n,^plo»vCi "i^sPi d^/ JJ \ Ajpjd/Sdr l^h^p^of/ • I 5~ I ~~ T~ 5 5*i ~t~ I 512 ) "r 5o I ™~ IT 2 \o 37a i Oii ) "® <*a ^P JJ [_d« \ Aj da dr A2p! df*/ dp \ n^opct'' p3 of/ J . . (29) 10. Collecting the terms, we have the differential equations of motion m p_ _3_ AN / ' Lrl \ 2/ \ — n ft 3- !*• i T 2nh — 2-^- U- , d*[\hj\m+n * m + n 3 /1W 2m , m-n \ 3 /w\l 5~ (r )(- -<*s + - -o-i — ^-i-^ (n =° Oa \A2/ \m + » ' TO + 71 V X 3/3 W/J f ^L . . 4 L M8 "*" a L JL'W 1P8 3/3 a2 4 j,, m Pi 3 /1\/0. f 7i/i8 - - ^ — 2X, m + n [j>2 3/3 kj/ \ TO — «. - K. m o _\ « h/>8a/9UA2/fa~ *» \m 4- n r 3fl/2m ,m-« \1 — 2^^7-1- -0-0+- - U 3. 3 /«, 3AA1 1 " 8. \A, 3/3 / J J 2m /oo\ • • (32) The first terms in these equations reduce to those in CLEBSCH'S equations (' Elasticitat,' pp. 306-307) in case the shell becomes a plane plate. The second terms (in ph?) arise from the " rotatory inertia." The third terms (in h?n) arise from the term W, in the potential energy, and depend on the bending ; the fourth terms (in 2«A) arise from the term W2, and depend on the stretching. 11. The boundary-conditions are .!•:. ..'.• ft V - p ro 1 X m + n TO-H \ 0»i-fn — -»f2 — 2- put|1 m (33) 520 MB. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS 3*10 1 3V /, 3*10 - ' + , _ l - r • ~ 3/3 [A, \ m l/\ rA,3/3\ m 3 fAi /.., m — 7i \"1 1 3A, / , m— n - -L-1 ( 2X, -- -K, H — r~ !(2X. -- - alAj\ m f/J As 3a V m 3 / 1 \ / m - XV - /xU + I nh* -- p* 2*3 - - X, - X2X1 - K> + 2 V *i = 0- (35) r v/ TO The first terms in each of these equations are the same as those in CLEBSCH'S equations, pp. 306, 307. The couple — [XU + /tV] is that called by DE ST. VENANT the moment of torsion ; the couple XV — /j,U is that called by him the moment of flexure, and their axes are the normal and tangent to the edge respectively. The former of these may be con- sidered as arising from a distribution of force in lines normal to the middle-surface and in the edge ; the difference of the forces in consecutive elements gives rise to a resultant force normal to the middle-surface which coalesces with C. This is the explanation of the union of two of the boundary-conditions given by POISSON in one. We are going to apply the equations just developed to determine the small free vibrations of the shell. The terms depending on the rotatory inertia will be neglected. § 6. Possibility of Certain Modes of Vibration. 1 2. Now let us suppose, if possible, that the shell vibrates in such a manner that no line on the middle-surface is altered in length. This requires that — n \ 1 2m ni—n And the boundary-conditions are — . / 2m .771 — TO \ 2X - - 'v- • :- (39) A| as \p, "*~ PO J = ' J So that 1/pj + l/p2 =r const, all over the surface. The two conditions of possibility of normal vibrations show that the middle-surface must have both its principal radii of curvature constant at every point. These conditions are satisfied by the sphere, the circular cylinder, and the plane. Again, if the surface be bounded by an edge, we have, since vr=-Q, \(l/pl + cr/p^= 0, /* (Vpa + °"//°i) = 0 J these can coexist for all values of X, fi if tr3 — 1=0, and I/Pi = ± I/ft. To make n positive, or the material resist distortion, we must have ^ — m:i ORMATION OP A THIX ELASTIC SHELL. 523 The complete spherical shell may execute purely radial vibrations, and the frequency IS 1 (l-o-)aV where a is the radius.* The indefinitely long circular cylinder may also execute purely radial vibrations with a frequency 1 a being the radius. Observing that the more accurate equations of motion and boundary-conditions, which contain the terms in h3, will in all such terms have only differential coefficients of to with respect to a or ft, the above theory is seen to hold also if these more accurate equations be considered. (2.) Again, consider the possibility t of purely tangential vibrations, the edge being a line of curvature. Since w = 0, the third of equations (36) gives (o-j + o-trj/p! + (o-2 + ovj/pz = 0 at all points of the surface. Now, the boundary-conditions at a = const, are and with two functions u, v it will not generally be possible to satisfy these con- ditions. If, however, the surface be of revolution, and ft be the longitude, then dh^/dft = 0, and all the conditions can be satisfied by taking (1) u = 0, -I 9a L at all points of the surface, <2>a£=:0 J r\ (3) ;r (Agv) = 0 at the edge ; * [In the paper as read, this result was verified by reference to a question set in the Mathematical Tripos, part III., 1885. It has since been pointed out to me that it coincides with the formula given by LAMB in 'London Math. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 14, p. 50. — July, 1888.] t MATUIEU deduced the possibility of some purely tangential vibrations from his differential equations. 3 X '2 524 ME. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS and the equation of motion is Hence a general theorem : — For any surface of revolution there exists a system of symmetrical vibrations, in which every element moves perpendicular to the meridian plane through a distance which is the same for all points on a parallel of latitude, and the frequency of such vibrations depends only on the rigidity of the material, while the ratios of the intervals are independent of the material. These are the only purely tangential vibrations of which the shell is capable. 14. Let us examine more minutely the question whether a spherical shell can vibrate in such a manner that no line on the middle-surface is altered in length. Taking a = 9, /? = , the colatitude and longitude of a point on the middle-surface, and a the radius, ^ = I/a, ha = l/(a sin 0), thus = Be + w' i ^\ = W + U COt 6 + - ^ 57 ' sin0 d (41) ttCT = a2** = - ; ^ + cot^ ^ — ^ , ^ — wcot 0, d» a2*, = - 0 d cos a ow . . (42) ^ Suppose (T!, cr2, TT all zero, then and . - a / U- These are the conditions given by Lord RAYLEIGH, and they show that u cosec 0 and v cosec 6 are conjugate solutions of the equation AND DEFORMATION OP A THIN ELASTIC SHELL. (43) and w is given by the equation Substituting from o-lf 7 UVV . / 0 - » t fl _L * / t /) _i_ s do 0 \ sin I to-n _ so that tan ^ cPun s + cos 0 9insi A THIN KLABTIC SHELL. .VJ7 §7. Vibrations of Spherical Sin //. 15. Let us now apply the equations of Art. (13) to the discussion of the vibrations of a spherical shell ; we have u*p . /)3H» 3 / 2m ff, , m — n '^WV /»5p . -,3*1; _3/2m \m 4- n Aj m + n AI/ _23/IWJ^ 9^ \*i/ \m + . /, - sm . , = — 2 a on 0 n 3r TO S\S 3 T» — n m-n (45) In these we are to substitute for hlt h2 their values ht — I/a, ^2 = l/(a sin and for o-j, ; also take p*a?p = fl*8, where K is a number, then we have the three equations — n | + w) d& / <~ . '" (46) ^(^+Mcot0 + 8-^|+2M>). n8 0) = 0, (47) (48) 528 MB. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS The first two of these are — i 3m — n\/&u, ,a^"\ , ndw3m — n / , 3m — + m + n &u, ,a^"\ , ndw3m — n / , 3m — n\ 5^ + cot 0-^+2^- - — 1 + - ~ ) W cot2 8 tiffi dOJ 30 m + n \ m + n/ , / 3m — n\ / 3m_— _n\ cos 0 30 . 3m — w 1 &v 1 3*w _ , " m + n)* ~~m + n)sirf6d4> + m + n still 30 ty + tirfB ty* = ' i (&° , i a dv\ , a a\ 2 3m — n dw cos 6 3u / 3m — n\ + U^ + cot d .- + v (2 — cosec2 ^) + ^— 3 - - «- -f- - -7,^7(2+- -) > < 0- 361 sin 0 m + n c sin2 0 d<£ \ m + n ] 1 / 3m — w\3^ 3m — n 1 9% rsh?0l/ "l^T^/a^H'^T+^sTn^S^ = Substituting from (48), these are — 2 cos 0 3w , - + -=0, . (51) , . -^ + = 0, (52) and, writing , ....... (53) m + n (48) becomes ** /^* i A /3 1 d"\ /c ,\ -«; = c^+Wcot^ + -1^. • ...... (54) Substicucing for w, we find a = 0, (55) J f fl _L _- H ^ + = 0. (56) Since u, v, w must be the same for + 2n as for ^., we may put w a cos s(f>, v oc sin s<^>, w a cos s<£, where s is an integer. AND DEFORMATION OF A THIN KLASTIC SHKI.l. 529 Then, for u, v, w as functions of 6 it is convenient to take equations (51), (54), and (56), which become du , . .,-, 2«cos0 . if dw . _. ]u---V+-- = 0, . (57) + cot0^ + [2+K*— {I +s2(l + c)}cosec!0]r }, (58) dff3 . scos 6 sc du Bin 0 (59) Differentiating (59) witli respect to 6, dividing by c and subtracting from (57), 0 /o .2 «rcos^ * dv (2 + ^ .- Write u sin ^ = U, v sin 0 = V, thus, f [(2 + <•> sin« • - ,'] ^, = . - . + 9in« »;.. . (60) and (59) becomes rfU «V We are going to substitute from (60) in (58) and (61) ; the result will enable us to eliminate V, and obtain an equation for w. We have *» /, 1\ adw , Od\ — - 1 1 + - 1 sm* 0 -- + s . sin 0 - TT — 2 \ c) <16 d0 . (2 + ««) sin8 0 - «* therefore rfU ««/ 1\ sin'g f • A**, adw 2 (2 -f ««) sin* g cos g = ~1 h-»811 + "--* pPV flrfV 2(2 "1 " Substituting in (61), we have, on multiplying by cosec 0[(2 -f- *cj)sin8 6 — a2]8, MDOOCLXXXVIII.— A. 3 Y 530 MR. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS + cot0[(2 + ic*)sins 6 - 3^] + - 4(2 + K2) sin2 0 - s3] ^ + 4(2 + K2) sin2 0 + .s2] cot 0^ =0. . : : . . . - . .-, (62) Now, substituting for dU/d0 from (61) and for U from (60), (58) becomes sin ^/ 1\ . Zfidw dV sc {# . s \ 28COS0~2\l rc)B °dO~ S_d0 ™ ~ " * ' 2 2 ~Bin*0\2c ~smB " sin* 0 (2 + K2) sin2 Q - or, multiplying by sin 0[(2 + /c2) sin2 6 — s2], - - s.w f(2 + K2) sin2 0 - s2] + *2s 1+ ^ sin 0eos 0Ta = 0. 2 L\ / J \ /; / do Multiply this by s and add it to (62), thus, or dw /fto\ (63) Also, between (60) and (61), eliminate V, then .-in^. (64) The equations we have to satisfy are (61), (63), and (64). Writing p instead of cos 6, these become AND DEFORMATION OP A THIN ELASTIC SHELL. 531 • <65> (66> . (67) Of these (67) gives V when U and w are known. The solution of (66) consists of two parts — one, the complementary function which satisfies (66) when w = 0 ; the other, the particular integral which satisfies (66) when w is a solution of (65). We may show first that this particular integral is proportional to ( 1 — jt2) (div/dp) \ take it to be X (1 — /**) (dwjd^}. For, writing (65) in the form 2. dw ~ &*? ~ 2/t(l - /i«) - and difierentiating, we have and the left-hand side is found by using (66) to be so that X(l — /x2) (dw/dn) ^ a particular integral of (66), if *cY2cX = (2 + jc«)/(l -f c) = 2 + K* - K2/2X, which are both satisfied by Thus, is a particular integral of (66). 3 Y 2 532 MB. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS 16. We have now to consider the complementary functions. Ih equations (65), (60), write (2 + * 1), . . then these will be the equations of tesseral harmonics of orders a, ft respectively. Calling T^ (/*) the solution which does not become infinite for p. = 1 , we have U = \A(1- 2) A fTo( \> To find V we have so that Hence, V = (i _ ^j {T« 0*)} » 0*). — j cos , (69) 17. Properties of 1™ (/*). The differential equation is (70). and for any value of a, real or imaginary, this is satisfied by the integral f {/* — cos <£ v/(/x.2 — 1)}" cos stj> d$.* Jn Also, if we put * HEINE, ' Handbuch der Kugelf anctionen,' pp. 225 st seq. AND DEFORMATION OF A THIN ELASTIC SHELL. 533 P. (jt) IB a solution of the differential equation of zonal harmonics a(a+l)P = 0,,V«-W^ . (71) and tliis is satisfied by the integral This form would not be adapted for arithmetical work if a were imaginary. If a be imaginary, then will «(«+ 1) — — (i + o ./(/* + cosh ) ' and this is finite when /t = 1, but infinite when /*= — !; the form of demonstration adopted holds equally when q is not integral. In general, writing — o» = a (a + 1), and changing the independent variable to 2 = (l — /*)/2, the equation for P becomes ^£, 1-2* df •• P_ rfz» ^(l -Z) , y •=. 1 ; and this is finite for 2 = 0 or /* = 1, so that /l-M\a -- which converges for all real values of p. between + 1 and — 1, but diverges for M=-l. In our equations the quantity ft is always real ; the quantity a may be complex of the form — £ + iq ; in any case we have always a solution of our equations in series or definite integrals. 18. Supposing Ti'^/x), Tj,f)(/i) known, we shall be able to write down the values of factors, sv - , 9 / V SU hence, or (73) omitting «^ and t factors, and writing T0 and T^ for TJ,f)(/i), T^(/i). Substituting in the boundary-equations (72), we have, on elimination of the ratio A : B, the frequency-equation ; . . (74) AND DEFORMATION OF A THIN ELASTIC SHELL, and, if p. = 0 at the edge, or the shell be hemispherical, this is -*)'' . (75) In the case of the symmetrical vibrations s = 0 and the expressions found involve indeterminates. In any other case the above expressions show that it will not be possible for the motion to be purely tangential, since, for this, A = 0, and we should have to make dTft/dfi. = 0, T,, = 0 for some value of p..* 19. In the case of the symmetrical vibrations we have to put M, f», w independent of <£ in (54), (55), (56) ; this gives =s „ j n -' A l " * I «* - du j From which 2e where /8, a have the same meaning as before. Hence, I ao-j = A I — The boundary-equations (72) become (76) (77) (78) .... (79) * Using only the differential equations, MATHIEC supposed that there c mid be onaymmetrical tangential vibrations. 536 MR. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS which can be satisfied either by •B^O, and l+(l + o-)«(a+l)P.-(l-o-),i --"=<>, (80) rt/4 or by tJP A = 0, and y8(/3+ l)P,-2/ = 0 ... (81) This gives two types of motion. In the first the motion is partly tangential and partly radial. Since Pa (/*) cannot have equal roots, u and w cannot vanish together, or there are no lines of no displace- ment. The displacement is purely radial along the lines dP» (p.)/dp, = 0, and purely tangential along the lines Pa (p.) = 0. The ratios of the frequencies of the component vibrations of this type depend on cr, i.e., on the material of the shell. In the second type the motion is purely tangential, every point moving through a distance along the parallel to the edge through it, which is the same at all points of the parallel. The lines dPft(p.)/dp. = 0 are nodal. The ratios of the frequencies of the component vibrations are independent of the material of the shell. 20. For a hemispherical bowl /u, = 0 at the edge. (1.) In the motions of the first type Pa(p-) is to vanish with p, ; hence, a. is an odd integer, or, i being any integer, we have (2 + *2)/(l + c) = (2i + 1) (2t + 2) = 01 say, where c [K» - 4 (1 + cr)/(l - cr)] =««(! + cylindrical coordinates of a point on the middle-surface, the origin being at the centre of the rigid disc. In the equations of motion of Art. 13, we have to put hl=l, h.2 = I/a, l/Pl = 0, I/A, = I/a. Taking u, v, w proportional to &>*, and *3?i = p°azp, these equations become 3%** ^ 3*K 3m — TO /f)2?« . 1 3'0 \ . „ m — n 1 8w a,* T „* u ~r ,.2 a .5 T m + n \02J a oz dq>/ m + n a a~¥ + ~ V + " - -f- - -7- '- H — - ) 4- 4 - - = 0 (87) ck2 a2 a3 3$2 m -f- n \as 3<£2 a vzo/ m + n a? c • H? 4m 1 / . 3» \ . „ »i — TO 1 3w -w=- - ( w + ^- )+ 2 - -5-. (88) a* m + TO a2 \ o0/ m + TO a 82 Put 4mj8/(m + n) = /c2 — 4w/(w + n), then (88) is and (86), (87) give 4:WZ- G U , /C .X (J"U OtTt ~~ ft/ J. C/"y . ^ 77t ' u, I \y v wwi _ » 5I"rn ~r To ' ( ^, 52 "T ^^ o^ / == ^> „_ _i „ I 2 I 2 Ci J.2 I „ , i ., « d M &JL ' £> 7/t "t~ »*• cs tt a O(p T/I' ~r ?& a oz dp flo ?/t 93v «2 4w 1 92v 3m — w 1 92w 1 4m / 3'3w , 32v \ 4. I -L. I -— /« I \ — fi ^ o i o " i o K io "i *> "i i o/^ I "^ r> *N » r n 10 / — v> O-2 fl Til -\- H d VW W "- r'?r''" /».*H iw. -4- T). \ n?r ri/ri r)/r»- / or 1 99 AND DEFORMATION OF A THIN ELASTIC SHELL. 539 Let u a cos s, v a sin s ; then fur w and r as functions of z we have the equations Let u^, u2* be the roots of the quadratic (95), then u = cos *<£ e'f' [ Pl cos utz + P2 cos /ijZ — P^ sin v = sin s<> e'^Q sin uz + Q sin uz + Q' cos — P'2 sin + Q'2 cos so that = cos s + cos .s sn j) cos 3 z 2 sn cos) - _ _ + I), - C - = 0, where A = rf» ........ (93) c- '-i 4. 2* l + -a(} rl- [ftjPj sin n^z + /AC PC sin p..zz + f^P^ cos + f^P^ cos /A2z], K, \ / s \ -i /*iQi — '- pi cos /^z + (/i2Qa -- P2 cos /tgz I \ / J — sin 6-<£ I //*1Q/, — P'j sin /t^ + 2Q'2 - P'2 sin J If there is a rigid disc at z = 0, then v and w vanish with z, so that ........ (100) The first of these is, by (96), \ + a T-» /tf — D so that (100) can only be satisfied by P'1? P2, both zero, and consequently Q'j, Q'2, both zero, unless we take /u,t2 = /i32 and Q\ + Q'2 = 0. If pf = /i22, we have P^ = ^ P'3 and Q\ = — Q'2> so that the terms in u, v, w, o-j, cr2, IB- which contain P'j, P'2) Q'l5 Q'2 all vanish identically. It follows that to satisfy the conditions at z = 0 we must drop out the P', Q' terms. The boundary-conditions at '» = c are— ^ = 0* where we have to take only the part in Pj, P2, Q1; Q3 and to write Mi — D M.>* — I) Hence, we have a* = w*2, i being any integer. The displacement is, for each normal type of vibration, wholly tangential along the circles sin iirz/c = 0, and wholly radial along the circles cos iirz/c = 0 ; there are no points or lines of no displacement. The frequency depends on the length and radius of the shell, and the ratios of the intervals for consecutive tones depends on cr, i.e., on the material of the shell. In the motions of the second type the displacement is purely tangential, and is expressed by 10 =0, where the equation for the frequency is > = °° •' /' 4- 1 — - v= 2 Q,-8in- e'f*, }. ...... (105) i = 0 If 9 J or 4/>,2 = (2i+ I)27r2n/c2p ........ (106) In this case the circles sin (2i + t) 7r2/2c = 0, are nodal lines. The frequency varies inversely as the length of the cylinder, and the intervals between consecutive tones are independent of the material of the shell. Note. — July, 1888. — In the paper as read some examples were next given of the application of the method to problems of equilibrium. These are now withdrawn, as of little physical interest, and not directly relevant to the subject of the paper (see Summary). AND DEFORMATION OF A THIN ELASTIC SHELL. 543 § 9. Summary.* This paper is really an attempt to construct a theory of the vibrations of bells. In any actual bell complications will arise, which have been omitted in this discussion, partly from variations of the thickness in different parts, and partly from the want of isotropy in the material. We can hardly expect a metal which has been subjected to the process of bell-manufacture to be other than very seolotropic, while it is notorious that bells are usually thickest at the rim. The difficulty of the problem in its general form seems to make it advisable to begin with the limiting case of an indefinitely thin perfectly isotropic shell, whose thickness is everywhere constant, and so small compared with its linear dimensions, that powers of it above the first may be neglected in mathematical expressions, which contain the first and higher powers multiplied by quantities of the same order of magnitude. Of previous theoretical work we have examples in Lord RAYLEIOH'S ' Theory of Sound,' and in his paper on the " Bending of Surfaces of Revolution," in ARON'S and MATHIEU'S memoirs, and in IBBETSON'S treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. In the ' Theory of Sound ' Lord RAYLEIGH treats the vibrations of a thin ring or infinite cylinder of matter, supposed to be deformed in such a way that the motion is in one plane and the elements remain unextended, and remarks that at the time of publication this was the nearest approximation to a theoretical treatment of bells. He afterwards applies his theory of the bending of surfaces to obtain a more exact analytical method of treating the problem, but his disregard of the boundary- conditions which hold at a free edge appears to vitiate this theory. AROX can hardly be said to have attained a theory of bells, and the interest of his memoir is mainly mathematical ; his inaccuracies have been already referred to. I have also previously referred to the objection which lies against MATUIEU'S method of treatment ; this and the complexity and difficulty of some of his analysis seem to render a new method desirable. I shall have to refer to IBBETSON later. The theory here put forward rests on the form of the function expressing the potential-energy of deformation per unit area of the middle- surface of the shell. Supposing that the surface is stretched and has its curvature changed, we find that the energy consists of two terms. One of these contains only the functions defining the stretching, while the other contains also those defining the bending of the middle- surface. The modulus of stretching is proportional to the thickness, while the modulus of bending is proportional to its cube. Unless, therefore, the functions expressing the stretching, viz., the extensions and shear of rectangular line-elements of the middle-surface, are of a higher order of small quantities than those defining the bending, viz., the changes of the principal curvatures and of the directions of the principal planes, the vibrations depend on the term which involves the stretching, and not on that which involves the bending. Now, it seems to have been universally • Partly rewritten, July, 1888. 544 MR. A. E. H. LOVE ON THE SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS assumed by English writers that the reverse of this is the case, viz., that the vibrations take place in such a way that no line on the middle-surface is altered in length. This will be borne out by a reference to Lord KAYLEIGH and IBBETSON. The theory of the present paper rests on the fact that the functions expressing the stretching and those expressing the changes in magnitude and direction of curvature are of the same order of small quantities. This is proved in the following way : — The potential energy consists of two parts ; one, Q2, proportional to the thickness h ; and the other, Qj, proportional to hs. The first is expressed in terms of the stretching, and the second in terms of the bending of the middle-surface. Some previous theories have proceeded as if Ql only occurred. If this were the case, we ought to get an approxi- mation by supposing that Q%/h = 0. This is equivalent to assuming that there is no stretching of the middle-surface. We should therefore get an approximation by supposing the surface inextensible to the first order. The stretching and the bending are expressed, to the first order, by linear functions of certain differential coefficients of the displacements. Our supposed method of getting an approximation is then to make the functions expressing the stretching vanish. Now, I have shown that the functions expressing the displacement are thus, to a certain extent, determined, and that iu such a way that the boundary-conditions cannot be satisfied. The boundary- conditions referred to are the exact conditions found by retaining the complete expression for the potential energy. Tt is inferred that the functions expressing the stretching cannot be taken equal to zero for an approximation ; or, in other words, • small compared with those expressing the bending ; and, thus, QJh3 and Q2/7i, are of the same order of magnitude. The conclusion that Qj is small compared with Q2 seems inevitable. The argument breaks down for a plane plate through the vanishing of the curvatures ; Ql is then alone of importance. In the case of an open shell or bowl whose linear dimension is small compared with its radius of curvature, and large compared with its thickness, both terms are important. When this is so, we get a class of cases for which the linear dimensions concerned are of three different orders of magnitude, and this case will not come under the method of the present paper. It may be compared with the problem of the watch-spring mentioned in THOMSON and TAIT'S ' Natural Philosophy,' Part 2, p. 264, which stands between a bar and a plate. The very open shell or bowl stands in the same way between a plate and what I have called a shell. The theory of this paper proceeds as if Q2 alone occurred. It is to be regarded as the limiting form for indefinitely thin shells. A complete theory of bells, even when regarded as uniformly thick and isotropic, could only be obtained by using the exact equations formed by retaining both terms of the potential energy. Again, English writers have assumed that the potential energy, which they suppose to depend only on the bending, will be the same quadratic function of the changes of principal curvature as it is for a plane plate. The same authorities as before may be quoted, and we may also refer to a question set in the Mathematical Tripos, AND DEFORMATION OK A THIN KLASTIC SMKLL. •' ' ' .T:iini:iry 18th, morn., 1*7S, c|iir-ti<>n 77. To test this assumption involved the investi- gation of Artt. 7. .-. an. I die n-Milt is it is only in the case of a sphere supposed imstretched that the potential i-nrr^y lias this form. This is the case treated by Lord liAYi.KKiii, hut his method still fails, for a complete sphere cannot be bent without stretching, while, if the sphere be incomplete, the conditions which hold at a free edge cannot be satisfied ; this is explicitly proved in Art. 14. A general result is derived from the consideration of the functions expressing the kinetic and potential energies, Q2 only being retained. Both these functions are proportional to the thickness of the shell, and thus the periods of vibration are inde- pendent of the thickness. That this result holds for a complete thin spherical shell vibrating in any manner has been demonstrated by LAMB (' London Math. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 14, 1882, p. 52). His equations (7) and (9) when reduced are independent of the thickness. Two general results are obtained without solution from the equations of motion. The first is, that vibrations involving displacement along the normal only are impos- sible except in the cases of the plane, complete sphere, and infinitely long circular cylinder. IBBETSON'S treatment of the problem appears to assume (I) inextensibility, (2) the incorrect formula for the energy, (3) normal displacements. The other result is that any surface of revolution can execute purely tangential vibrations which are symmetrical with respect to the axis of revolution, and in which the motion is purely torsional, or perpendicular to the planes through the axis. These must not be confounded with the familiar vibrations of finger-bowls, which are most probably a type with two nodal meridians.* The theory of the vibrations of a thin spherical shell bounded by a small circle is an interesting example of the general theory of vibrations of an elastic solid. In an infinite solid there are two types of vibratory motion, the longitudinal and the distortional, both of which are propagated as waves. In a bounded solid this state of things is modified by reflexions at the bounding-surfaces, so that the purely longitu- dinal and purely tangential waves do not in general exist separately. Again, in all cases of displacement in one direction only, as in the vibrations of strings, bare, and plates, there may be displacements in different directions which are independent of each other, with their corresponding nodal lines or points. This also is modified in the general solid. The types of vibration, for example, of a portion of a spherical shell bounded by a small circle are partially made out in this essay. One immediate result is that there are in general no nodal lines, properly so called. Tn any type the displacement along the parallels vanishes at one set of meridians ; the other displace- ments vanish together at another set of meridians. These sets are ranged at equal intervals round the sphere. There appears to be good reason to suppose generally that the corresponding proposition will not obtain with reference to nodal parallels. The establishment of the fact would require a solution of the general frequency cqua- • RATI.EIOH, « Sound,' vol. 1, Art, 234. MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. 4 A 546 MR. LOVE ON THE VIBRATIONS, KTC., OF A THIN ELASTIC SHELL. tion, and this I have not been able to effect. One case, however, is readily solved, and that is where the displacement is symmetrical with respect to the pole of the sphere. It appears here that the vibrations divide themselves into two types, one purely tangential with displacement along the parallels, the other partly radial and partly consisting of displacements along the meridians. There are no nodal meridians. In the purely tangential vibrations there exists a series of nodal parallels, whose number corresponds to the type of vibration. The intervals for the various tones are each of them nearly a fifth. In the partly radial vibrations the radial displacement vanishes at one set of small circles, and the tangential displacement at another set. The number and position of the nodal circles for the purely tangential vibration coincide exactly with the number and position of the circles along which the tangential displacement vanishes in the corresponding partly radial mode. The vibrations of the two types belong to different normal modes of vibration, and have different frequencies. If we like to extend the meaning of " nodal lines," so as to include the small circles just referred to, then we may state another result in the form that for partly radial vibrations there are two periods and modes of vibration which have the same set of " nodal lines." The tones of one of these sets are all very near together ; those of the other set are separated by intervals nearly the same as for a harmonic scale. A discussion of the vibrations of an elastic shell in the form of a circular cylinder closed at one end by a rigid disc perpendicular to its axis leads to similar conclusions as to types of vibration and their definition by nodal lines. It is unfortunate that solutions of the frequency equation for the case of two "nodal" meridians dividing the shell into four equal portions could not be obtained, as these probably include the gravest mode of vibration of which the shell is capable. The tones of the symmetrical vibrations discussed are very high, and the theory in its present state cannot easily be tested by experiment. There is, however, one result which would seem to admit of practical verification, viz., it is found that, for similar thin shells, the frequency is independent of the thickness, and varies inversely as the linear dimension. [ 547 ] XVII. Colour Photometry. — Part II. The Measurement of Reflected Colours. By Captain ABNEY, C.B., R.E., F.R.S., and Major-General TESTING, R.E., F.R.S. Received May 3,— Read May 31, 1888. [PLATES 20-23.] § XXVII. Old Method of Measurement* IN our first paper on this subject we have shown how the luminosity of the spectra of various sources of light can be measured ; and the present paper is an extension of the subject, dealing with the measurement of the light reflected from bodies in terms of the colours of the spectrum of the light illuminating them. By the method which we adopted in the first part of " Colour Photometry " this can be effected, and, indeed, we carried that out in several instances. The method then employed was very simple. If we wished to measure the illuminating value of the spectrum of light reflected from a metal, we placed it at an angle in front of the slit of the spectroscope, so as to reflect the light from the crater of the positive pole of the electric light through the photometer, and measured the luminosity of each part of the spectrum thus formed by the method we indicated in our paper. Again, in experimenting with GORHAM'S discs, such as MAXWELL employed, where it became necessary to determine the light reflected from the different coloured papers or cards used in the discs, the plan first adopted was to replace the receiving shadow screen of zinc oxide (see § VI) by the coloured papers, and again to make a luminosity measurement. This plan answered its purpose, but it was rather laborious. When two or three colours are combined by rotation to form a grey, and black and white sectors are combined to match that grey, in order to ascertain the total luminosity of each colour, the angular value of the sectors being known, it is necessary to refer the luminosity to that of some standard reflecting surface, which is naturally a white one. As the comparison light is coloured by falling on coloured paper, the value of the spectrum reflected from such paper could not by this first method be directly compared with that reflected from the white screen. In the case of a coloured screen, the curve of spectrum luminosity would therefore have to be reduced to that in which the comparison light was white. This difficulty was surmounted by making half the receiving screen white and half of the * Tho numbering of the paragraphs and figures in this paper is a continuation of that of Part I. — Bnkcrian Lecture. ' Phil. Trans.,' 1886. 4 A 2 22.12.88 548 CAPTAIN ABNEY AND MAJOR-GENERAL FEST1NU colour whose luminosity was to be measured, illuminating the shadow of the rod thrown on the coloured paper by the spectrum colour, and that thrown on the white card by the white light reflected from the surface of the first prism (§ XXVI). This did away with any reduction or calculation ; but still an objection remained, as, for definite comparison, it was almost necessary that the same observer should always make the measurement. § XXVIII. Revised Method. One of us having to measure the colour of various water-colour pigments for a Government enquiry on their fading, it became important to introduce some other plan by which the same end could be attained. Various artifices were tried, but finally we came to the conclusion that a spectrum photometer was necessary, and on these lines the following various modifications of our original apparatus were devised by one of us (Captain ABNEY) : — The collimator, prisms, and camera were at first kept as in the colour photometer ; but for the camera lens was substituted a lens divided into equal segments, which could be centrally separated, as in a heliometer. The light coming through the last prism fell as a square patch on this divided lens, and the two segments were separated so that two spectra fell on the focussing screen, one above the other. A slit in a card was then passed across this double spectrum, and any required ray Fig. 13. i -^sf was isolated. P is a right-angled prism attached by a rod to the top half of the slit so as to reflect the ray from the top spectrum to one side, whilst the ray of the same colour from the bottom spectrum traversed the slit unimpeded and fell on the lens Lm, forming a patch of monochromatic light on the screen. The ray which was reflected by P was again reflected by a mirror M2, and fell on another lens LIV, by which a similar patch of monochromatic light could be made to fall over the patch formed by Lm. Each of these monochromatic rays cast a shadow of a rod, placed in front of the receiving screen, and the shadow cast by each spectrum was illuminated by light of the same colour coming from the other. To measure the value of a coloured paper, the screen was made half with a white card and half with the coloured paper, as in the figure. The shadows were made to touch at the intersection of the card and coloured paper. In front of the light which illuminated the shadow cast on the white card was placed a motor rotating movable sectors, as described in our paper recently read before u.\ tiM.'M |{ I'llMl'o.MKl |;y 541) the Royal Society.* Two methods presented themselves of equalising the illumhmt !• >n of the shadows — first, by moving the slit across t IK.- spectrum whilst the sectors rotated \\ ith a fixed aperture ; or, secondly, by placing the slit at known places in the spectrum and equalising the illumination of the shadows by altering the aperture of the sectors. In cases where the absorption of the spectrum by the colour increased rapidly, the first method was most convenient, but where the absorption was very gradual, the latter method was found to be most accurate, and was most usually adopted. * Fig. 14. This plan of producing the two spectra, at first sight, seemed everything that could be wished, but a difficulty occurred which rendered a further modification advisable, for it was found that the two spectra were not of proportionate intensity throughout. This was discovered in following out the necessary order of experiment ; which was, first, to compare the luminosity of the spectrum on the coloured paper with that on the white card, and then to compare the values of the two spectra to one another by throwing both shadows on white card. If the spectra were of proportionate intensity throughout, it should only have been necessary to measure the relative values of any one ray, and the same ratio ought to have been obtained for any other. When trying this, however, it was found that if the two shadows were cast by rays in the red end of the spectrum, there was decreasing value in one of the spectra towards the violet. In fact, in the extreme violet the spectrum of one was only about three-fourths as bright as that of the other. The cause of this difference became apparent when examining the matter. The half lens which focussed one spectrum received the rays which had passed through the thinnest part of the prisms, whilst that focussing the other had passed through the thickest parts. The difference in the ratio of the brightness at different parts of the spectrum was traced to the different amounts of light absorbed by the different thickness of glass traversed. Any slight shift in the position of the line of separation of the lens altered the nitio of absorption, and, as in some cases such a shift could not well be avoided, the method, though practicable, was scarcely practical. It became evident, then, that some means must be adopted of forming each spectrum with the light which had traversed the same thickness of glass. • " Photometry of the Glow Lamp," ' Roy. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 43 550 CAPTAIN AHNKY AND MA.IOK-GKNKRAL FEHT1NG $ XXIX. Apparatus jui«U ;i .lteil. After many experiments, it was determined to fix a double-image prism behind the collimating lens. This double-image prism of Iceland spar was made by Mr. A. HILGER, with his usual ability, and was so adjusted that when the central half of the collimator slit was used the two spectra, while of the same length, were separated by one-eighth of an inch on the focussing screen, the ordinary camera lens being employed. The reflecting apparatus was also slightly altered by substituting for the fixed reflector a second right-angled prism attached to the card so as to reflect the light through the second lens L,v. There was a great advantage in this, for with the fixed reflector the colour patch travelled across that formed by the direct beam, and thus the same parts of the image of the prism's face were not always superposed. The plan of attaching the reflector to the slit card got over this difficulty, and rendered the measurements more accurate. Fig. 15. § XXX. Adjustment of the Instrument. The adjustment of the instrument, when using the double-image prism, required care, and the following plan was adopted. The whole slit of the collimator was illuminated by light from the arc in which lithium and sodium were vaporised. The two spectra now overlapped, since the separation of one-eighth of an inch was only obtained when the slit was one-fourth of an inch in height. The bright lines of the lithium in the two spectra were then made to coincide by turning the double-image prism ; the central portion of the slit in the collimator was then used, and the slit in the card passed through the two spectra. If the collimator slit was properly adjusted m the vertical and a bright line in one spectrum traversed the centre of, say, the top part of the aperture in the card, the same bright line in the other spectrum ought to traverse the centre of the bottom part of the aperture. If this were not so the colli- mator was readjusted, and the same operation gone through. To make doubly certain that the adjustment was correct, the direct and reflected rays from different parts of the continuous spectrum of the positive pole were made to form superposed patches on white card, and shadows of a rod were cast by each so as to touch. The rotating sector was placed in front of the brightest, and the illumination of the two equalised. If the same aperture of sector equalised the illumination throughout the spectrum the adjustment was considered as complete, if not, a new adjustment was made till such was the case. It was found in practice that a very good adjustment could be ON COLOUR PHOTOMETRY. 551 mode by noting if the colours of the two shadows were of exactly the same hue, more especially in the transition between orange and green, and in that from the blue-green to blue. The slightest departure from true adjustment invariably showed itself in these two parts of the spectrum. We should not hesitate to adjust the instrument by this means alone, though in all the measures taken the comparison of the two spectra on white card was invariably made. § XXXI. Exclusion of Extraneous Light. There is another point of special importance to be attended to, viz., the exclusion of all extraneous light from the receiving screen. If two shadows are to be compared together, when the whole of the screen is white or of the same colour, the admission of extraneous light is not detrimental ; but, if one shadow falls on a white ground and the other on what in white light is a coloured ground, it is absolutely necessary to keep the screen free from all light except that forming the shadows. It was curious to note the change in colour produced on the coloured half of the screen when illuminated partially by a portion of the spectrum weak in luminosity, and partially by weak white light. It was absolutely impossible to match the colours, when even a very small percentage of white light fell on the screen. The whole apparatus was placed in a darkened room, the electric light being in a lantern. Extraneous light was excluded by placing the screen at the end of a box 18 inches wide, 12 inches deep, and 2 feet long, the interior being blackened. A white card placed at the end of the box was then invisible when the electric light was burning and the slit in the card was placed beyond the limit of the spectrum. § XXXII. Width of Slit Employed. The great point in measuring accurately was to adjust the luminosity so that it was of such brightness that the eye could readily distinguish any small difference in the brightness of the illuminated shadows. This was effected by altering the width of the slit in the collimator from time to time. When the brightest part of the spectrum was under measurement, the width was about t^th of an inch, and, when the least luminous parts, it was opened to about -j^-th of an inch. The slit in the card remained invariable, being about -^jth of an inch in width. The screen was placed 3 feet from the slit card. § XXXIII. Experiments with Emerald Green, Vermilion, and Ultramarine. The first experiments were conducted to ascertain the composition of the grey light given by a set of discs of emerald green, vermilion, and French ultramarine. Discs of these colours, 6 inches in diameter, were prepared ; and a larger pair of black and white discs arranged on the same axis. The sectors of the three colours and of the 552 CAPTAIN ARNKY AND MA.TOR-GKNKRAL !• Ks'l'l M ; black and white were altered by trial to match when rotated in the patch of white light formed by the recombination of the spectrum. When these same coloured discs were rotated in day light or gas light they, as was to be expected, no longer formed a grey, but had a predominant tint of green or red ; and the illuminating value differed from that of the black and white discs. The alteration in hue and luminosity in passing from one source of light to another, showed the necessity of using the same source for making the match and for measuring the luminosity of the colours. In adjusting the apparatus as explained above, with both parts of the receiving screen white, we found that the rotating sectors had to be set with an aperture of 69° in order to get a balance throughout the spectrum. Measurements were then made throughout the spectrum of the intensity of light reflected from each of the coloured cards, the aperture of the rotating sectors at each part giving the relative amount of light reflected, the maximum value being 69°. § XXXIV. Calculations of Luminosity. The mean angular values of the coloured cards in the rotating disc which matched the white and black disc were as follows : — Emerald green, 133°7 ; vermilion, 96°'6 ; French ultramarine, 1290>7. In order, therefore, to get the comparative amount of light reflected from each coloured sector in the disc in terms of that reflected from the emerald green, the readings of the red card were reduced in the ratio of 96'6/1337, or multiplied by '722, and those of the blue by 1297/1337, or '97, those of the green card being unaltered. From these figures the curves on fig. 16 were plotted ; the straight line at 69 being taken to represent the amount of light at each part of the spectrum which was reflected from a white card sector of 133°7, the ratio of the ordinates of the other curves to 69 would indicate the proportion of each ray reflected from the coloured sector as compared with that from a white sector of 133°7. From these curves the luminosity curves in Plate 20, fig. 17 were constructed. The outer curve is the normal curve of white light, as given iu Part I. of " Colour Photometry ' (§ VIII. and fig. 3), the scale of the spectrum being the same. The curves for the colours were then made, their ordinates bearing the same proportion of those of the outer curve that those of the curves in Plate 20, fig. 16 bear to 69. Abney -j:, 44-5 6*0 12-4 75-4 ::. J- 33-80 6-40 40-20 17-10 45-0 63-5 107 74-2 34-87 60-00 10-00 70-00 32-90 46-5 63-5 96 73-1 34-35 77-30 11-60 88-90 41-80 46-0 tl-J-;, 9-0 715 33-60 84-00 12-10 96-10 45-20 46-5 60-5 9-6 70-1 32-95 88-50 13-60 102-10 4794 47-0 61-5 10-2 71-5 33-60 92-00 1465 106-60 50-10 47-5 64-0 113 75-3 35-18 92-70 16-20 108-90 51-18 48-0 66-0 124 78-4 36-85 91-00 17-10 10810 50-81 485 65-0 13-6 * 78-6 37-05 82-90 17-20 100-10 47-04 49-0 61-5 15-2 76-7 36-05 71-20 17-80 89-00 41-83 49-5 58-0 17-5 75-5 35-48 56-30 16-90 73-20 3440 50-0 54-5 20-9 75-4 35-28 33-90 14-00 47-90 22-51 51-0 46-5 28-2 747 35-11 13-10 8-00 21-10 9-92 52-0 38-5 345 73-0 34-31 5-30 4-60 9-90 4-65 53-0 30-0 39-0 69-0 32-43 2-40 3-10 2-50 1 17 54-0 23-0 42-9 65-9 30-91 1-10 2-20 :;:;.. 1-55 56-0 21-0 42-9 63-9 30-03 •45 •90 1-35 •66 58-0 21-0 407 Cl-7 29-00 •18 •35 •53 •26 Area = 261-7 In this case the chrome yellow was taken as the standard. The chrome yellow required 169° of the disc, and the blue 191°; hence, the ordinates of the blue were multiplied by 1'13. Curves I. and II. in tig. 21 (Plate 21) give graphically the intensities of these two colours, as also Curve III. the sum of the intensities. It will be seen that there is a deficiency in the yellow and in the blue and violet, which together will give a grey, as indicated before. Fig. 22 shows the luminosity of the colours in the spectrum of the light from the positive pole of the electric light. Coming to the question of the total luminosity of the two sectors, we have the area of the chrome yellow = 464, whilst that of the blue = 93. The sum of the two is 557. As the angular value of the yellow sector is 109, this value has to be reduced by 169/360 = '47, and is 261 7. The angular value of the white sector used in the match discs was 158 '5. As the black reflected '0833 of white light, the total value of the rotated white was (158-5 + iJOl'5 X '0833, or) 175'4. The area of the curve of luminosity of the white being 534, the luminosity of the grey was 175 -4/360 X 534 = 260'4, a value very near to that found as that of the rotating coloured sectors. The fact that we are only, in this case, dealing with two colours, and that these colours are fairly luminous, makes the calculated and observed values of the greys in the two discs less liable to differ than when the colours are more in number and of less luminouty. 560 CAPTAIN ABNEY AND MAJOR-GENERAL FESTING § XXXVII. Photograplis of the Rotating Discs. The next experiment made was to ascertain if the effect of equality of grey produced on the eye when the coloured and black and white sectors were rotated would be shown if they were photographed together. The above figure shows the impression produced on a photographic plate by rotating green, red, and blue sectors, which were kept of the same angular value respectively as given in § XXXIII., as were also the white and black sectors. They were illuminated by the electric light, and photographed on a bromo-iodide plate. It will be seen that there is a falling off of luminosity in the combination of the coloured sectors, an effect which might have been predicted from the Curve V. in fig. 16, in which there is a falling off of intensity in the violet. This shows itself in the photo- graph, since the plate is but little sensitive below F towards the red. § XXXVIII. Matches by Colour-blind People. This experiment suggested that it would be of great interest to try what results would be obtained by a colour-blind person using the same three sectors. R., who had so kindly helped us before (see " Colour Photometry," Part L, § XVI.), again came to our aid and made observations. He was totally deficient in the perception of red, and mistook the vermilion disc for dark green when we showed it to him. The total absence of red perception in him enabled him to match green and blue rotating sectors against black and white sectors. He obtained a balance when the blue sector was 115, the green 245, and the white sector when corrected 134'8. Since the ON COLOUR PHOTOMETRY 561 vermilion appeared to him as dark green, the only effect of introducing the red sector into the coloured disc was to lower the total luminosity, and to diminish the quantity of green necessary to produce with the blue a balance against the black and whit* discs. Thus, with 126° of the vermilion card, 103° blue and 131° green matched 99°'5 white; and, with 188° vermilion, it required 110° blue and 62° green to match 91°-5 white. In our fonner paper we gave R.'s spectrum curve, which indicated the proportion of light which he receives from each part of the spectrum, as compared with normal sight. Fig. 24 shows the curves of luminosity of the light reflected from the coloured sectors, and the same reduced so as to correspond to R.'s sight are indicated by dotted lines. The next table gives the numerical results of this reduction. Scale. I,. ", III,. 44-00 •07 •r. •08 44-50 1-5 45-00 44 3-8 •32 45-20 5-9 45-50 2-40 10-1 •89 45-80 4-10 13-5 1-28 46-00 6-10 17-0 1-78 4635 11-40 21-0 2-62 44-85 22-00 20-0 3-85 47-10 26-00 165 4-38 47-35 30-00 99 4-86 47-50 33-50 47-85 35-00 7'5 5-07 48-90 46-50 5-3 5-60 49-40 47-00 4-U 5-70 49-90 35-50 8-8 6-00 The areas of the reduced curves are — green 172, vermilion GO, and ultramarine 36. The angular values of the sectors, it will be remembered, were 133'7, 96'6, and 1297. Taking the areas to represent values of luminosity, R.'s values per 1° of sector are — emerald green T286, vermilion '621, French ultramarine blue '278. The area of the normal curve for white, as stated above, is 534, representing 133°'7. The area of R.'s curve is 343, giving a value of 2'566 for 1°. Applying these values to the observations, we find a very close correspondence when the two colours were used, but not quite so close when the red was introduced. The angle of white in R.'s observations was 135°7, which, multiplied by 2'566, gives 346 as the value of the luminosity. The value of the blue luminosity is 115° X '278 or 32, of the green 245° X T286 or 315 ; and these added together make 347, which is very close to the value obtained for the white. In the second observation similar calculations will make the value of the white 255, MDCCVLXX X VIII. — A. 4 c 562 CAPTAIN ABNEY AND MAJOR-GENERAL TESTING and of the coloured sector 275. In the third observation they are 235 and 247 respectively. (The dotted lines in fig. 18 show the luminosity curves of the different colours for R. on the normal scale of wave-lengths.) § XXXIX. Comparisons by Gas Light. Our observations were extended to gas light comparisons. Our first endeavour was to obtain a comparison between the intensity of the crater of the positive pole of the electric light and gas. In order to do this we used a collimator, as described in No. 232 of the ' Proceedings of the Royal Society,' 1884. On one slit the light of the positive pole was focussed by means of a lens, whose aperture was reduced to about 1 mm. in diameter ; on the other was focussed the brightest part of the flame of gas in an ARGAND burner. The spectra from the two sources appeared on the focussing screen of a camera, one above the other, and just touching. A card with a slit was passed through the spectra to isolate any part required. The two spectra were viewed by a RAMSDEN eye-piece, and the intensity of the electric light reduced by means of the movable rotating sectors we have already described till equality was established. In the brightest parts of the spectrum the light was too intense to be readily compared ; so, in order to diminish the brightness, a photographic plate, on which an even grey tint had been produced by development, was interposed between the eye and the eye-piece. The light would then be sufficiently reduced in intensity to allow fairly accurate and concordant measures to be made. It may be here remarked that a series of three tints was prepared, from a very light grey, which cut off about l/4th of the light, to one which cut off 19/20ths, and according to the brightness of the part of the spectra under measurement, so was the darkness of the interposing glass increased. There is an intensity in each case which gives the greatest facility of accurate measurement, and this we endeavoured to obtain. (For the sake of convenience, in the following table the ordinates of the luminosity curve of the light reflected from white card have been increased in such a proportion that the total luminosity from the gas light is equal to the total luminosity found for the electric light. The curves of the colours have been calculated on the assumption that, as before, the white sector had an angular value of 133'7.) ON COI.ol I: IMIOTOMETRT. Gas Light. Luml,. entity. I.umincxitv to a colour-blind penoo. Intermit}- u com- Mi i nd to electric light WUta card, 133'-7. Emerald green, 148°. Vermilion, iir. French ultra- mariue, »8°. Emerald green, 148°. Vermilion, 11»'". Fivnch ultra- marine, 88°. White card, m 7. 43-0 lOO'O 4-CO •25 2-25 •16 0 0 0 0 44-0 82-0 2-48 23-30 1-88 •15 142 •11 1-80 44-5 740 62-70 6-60 52-80 3-13 •39 3'70 •22 435 45-0 67-0 99-00 8-80 84-30 4-17 •75 7-15 •.;;, - 10 455 61-0 117-00 20-60 97-10 4-99 3-68 17-20 •89 10-80 46-0 5(5-0 118-50 26-80 83-10 5-04 B-80 25-80 1-56 41-80 465 50-5 113-00 .1 ;•> 59-00 4-72 17-40 29-90 2-40 57-50 47-0 45-5 104-00 40-20 88-90 4-52 28-10 2320 3-20 73-00 47-5 42-0 96-00 45-50 12-9o 4-52 35-60 10-10 3-50 7500 48-0 38-2 88-< I 48-30 8-60 4-25 39-50 7-20 360 69-50 48-5 35-0 70-20 45-00 6-70 3-70 38-40 5-70 3-20 60-00 49-0 32-5 42-70 5-20 3-30 :•- 60 4-70 3-00 53-50 49-5 30-0 45-70 35-60 3-65 3-00 33-90 3-50 2-85 43-50 50-0 27-30 •_•:;•:," 2-05 2-75 2350 205 2-75 27-30 510 -:;:, 10-50 8-35 •67 1-54 835 •67 1-54 10-50 52-0 20-2 4-30 3-20 •28 •88 3-20 •23 •88 4-:$u 53-0 17-5 2-20 1-34 •11 •52 1-34 •11 •62 2-20 54-0 15-0 121 •53 •06 •33 •53 •00 •83 1-21 55-0 12-7 •75 •20 •16 •20 •16 •75 56-0 107 •37 Areas 534-00 199-00 238-00 27-60 143-40 71-50 16-00 282-00 \ The second column of the above table gives the comparative intensity of the gas light we used, taking the intensity of all the rays in the electric light as 100 (see Plate 22, fig. 25). The rapid loss of intensity towards the blue evidently would much modify the quantities of red, blue, and green necessary to match the black and white sectors when compared in light of this description. The other columns of the table give the ordinates of the calculated luminosity curves of fig. 26. The three sectors were matched as before by us in this light, and it was found that 148° green, 119° red, and 93° blue were required to balance 116° of white. The area of the curve for the white representing a sector of 133°'7, as before, is 534 that for 116° would therefore be 116/1337 of 534, or 464. The areas of the curves of the three coloured sectors on the above proportion are as follows: — Emerald green 199, vermilion 238, French ultramarine 27 '6, making a total of 464-6. We also tested R. by gas light with the same three coloured discs. The red being the same as the green to him, we varied the red at pleasure, and got the following results :— 4 c 2 564 CAPTAIN ABNET AND MAJOR-GENERAL TESTING With green 62, blue 110, red 180, he matched 92 white. His areas for the above would have been 60, 19, 112 respectively, making a total of 191. The area for the white would be 194. Again, with green 138, blue 94, red 128, he required white 10G. The areas would have been as follows : 133'.}, 16, and 77 respectively, or a total of luminosity 226'5. The luminosity of the white used was 223. Again, with blue and green alone, he required 288 green and 72 blue to match 141 white. The areas of the above were 281 and 12 '4 respectively, or a total luminosity to him of 29 3 '4. The luminosity of the white used was 29 7 '4. § XL. Comparison of Gas Light, Sky Light, and the Electric Light. Fig. 24 (Plate 2) shows the proportions of the different rays in sky light, gas light, and the electric (crater) light, the last being taken as the standard of comparison. The sky measured, it may be stated, was a fairly blue sky and not very pale. The light diffused through a cloud on a cloudy day in April we have found to be almost exactly similar to the light of the electric arc, and, in fact, is degraded sun light. We have shown how the three coloured sectors vary in proportion to form a grey when examined by electric light and by gas light. The variation would be even greater when sky light of the blue shown was employed. On a cloudy day, however, the proportions of each colour would be approximately the same as found for the electric light. It is evident that for quantitative measures for testing light no reliance can be placed on the results, unless light of an uniform character be always employed. Day light, being composed of variable amounts of sun light and sky light, should, in all cases, be avoided. § XLI. Reflection of Light from Metals. As a matter of curiosity, we wished also to determine the intensities of the different rays reflected from some of the metals which were coloured. We took ordinary polished copper, such as is supplied in commerce for etching purposes ; a piece of the same copper highly burnished ; a piece of highly burnished brass ; and a piece of highly burnished gold. Fig. 27 (Plate 2 1) and the following tables give the result. In the figure the continuous lines show the luminosity curves, and the dotted lines the intensity curves. ON COLOUR PHOTOMETRY. Highly Polished Copper. 560 Original routing*. Reduced from plotted curre. l.illiiin...iM. Scale number. Reading. Scale number. Height II right »hcn while - 100. Height of white curre Height of copper curre. 42-80 51-0 UK) 51-0 73-9 2-0 i r, 43-30 51-0 43-5 51-0 739 5-0 364 44-30 51-0 44-0 51-0 rs-9 16-0 11-70 44-80 51-0 44-5 51-0 739 370 25-80 45-85 50-0 ! . • ' 51-0 65-0 48-00 46-85 47-0 455 50-5 7:: J 84-0 63-30 47-85 41-0 16-0 497 7:21 935 f.720 4890 37-0 46-5 48-0 69'rt 08-8 68-50 49-90 35-0 47-0 46-0 86-7 100-0 66-60 50-95 34-0 47-5 ;;•> 99-0 63-10 51-95 33-5 18-0 41-0 59-5 05 • .-.••.40 53-00 33-0 48-5 56-8 88-0 50-00 54-50 320 490 365 52-9 80-0 IJ30 57-05 30-0 49-5 35-5 514 67-0 3450 58-05 30-0 50-0 35-0 50-7 43-0 21-80 51-0 34-0 49-3 19-5 960 52-0 335 48-6 95 4-70 53-0 330 48-0 5-5 2-60 54-0 32-5 47-3 3-5 1-68 56-0 31-0 1 1 '.' 1-5 •66 58-0 30-0 43-5 •6 •26 Burnished Copper. Original reading*. Reduced from plotted curve. Luminosity. Scale number. Reading. Scale number. Height. ^.^ Height of white curre. Height of copper cunre. 4220 80-0 43-0 75-0 94-0 2-0 1-9 4325 72-0 43-5 72-0 5-0 44-00 60-0 44-0 62-0 77-5 16-0 124 44-80 53-0 44-o 56-0 70-0 37-0 25-9 45-30 47-0 45-0 50-0 625 65-0 40-6 45-80 43-0 45-5 45-0 56-2 -l" 47-7 46-60 37-5 46-0 41-0 51-2 93-5 47-3 47-50 29-5 46-5 37-0 462 98-5 45-5 48-50 25-0 47-0 32-5 40-5 100-0 40-6 48-70 24-0 47-5 29-5 37-0 99-0 86-S 49-40 220 48-0 27-0 337 95-0 32-1 52-00 17-0 48-5 25-0 31-0 88-0 26-9 54-60 14-5 49-0 23-5 29-5 80-0 23-5 56-20 14-0 49-5 21-5 27-2 67-0 1-- 58-70 14-0 50-0 21-0 25-5 43-0 11-3 51-0 19-0 23-0 195 4-6 :.•_>.. 17-0 21-2 9-5 2-0 54-0 15-0 18-7 3-6 •7 56-0 14-0 17-5 1-5 3 58-0 14-0 .« •6 •1 566 CAPTAIN ABNKY AND MAJOR-GENERAL TESTING Highly Polished Brass. Original readings. Reduced from plotted curve. Luminosity. Scale number. Reading. Scale number. Height. Height when white - 100. Height of white curve. Height of bnu» curve. 43-30 57-0 43-0 57-0 82-60 2-0 1-60 43-80 57-0 43-5 57-0 82-60 5-0 3-80 44-30 57-0 44-0 57-0 82-60 16-0 13-00 44-80 56-0 44-5 57-0 82-60 37-0 30-10 45-60 54-5 45-0 56-0 81-20 65-0 52-80 46-85 55-5 45-5 56-0 78-30 84-0 65-70 47-85 53-5 46-0 55-0 79-75 93-5 74-50 48-85 52-5 46-5 55-5 80-47 98-5 79-20 49-90 49-0 47-0 55-0 79-75 100-0 79-70 50-95 46-0 48-0 54-0 74-30 95-0 74-30 51-95 420 48-5 53-0 76-90 88-0 67-60 52-95 39-0 49-0 52-0 75-45 80-0 60-30 54-00 370 49-5 51-0 74-00 67-0 49-50 55-50 34-0 50-0 49-0 71-10 43-0 30-50 57-00 30-5 51-0 45-0 65-20 19-5 12-70 5800 28-5 52-0 41-5 60-20 9-5 5-70 53-0 39-0 56-50 5-5 3-10 54-0 37-0 53-60 3-5 1-90 56-0 32-0 46-40 1-5 •68 58-0 28-0 40-60 •6 •24 i Gold. Original readings. Luminosity curves. Scale number. Reading. Height of white curve. Height of gold curve. 435 29-0 5-0 1-45 44-0 35-0 16-0 7-60 44-5 40-0 37-0 14-80 45-0 44-0 65-0 28-60 45-5 46-5 80-0 37-20 46-0 48-5 93-5 42-80 46-5 50-0 98-5 49-20 47-0 51-0 100-0 51-00 47-5 51-0 99-0 50-50 48-0 51-0 95-0 48-50 48-5 50-5 88-0 44-40 49-0 49-5 80-0 39-60 49-5 48-0 67-0 32-20 50-0 46-0 43-0 19-90 51-0 41-0 19-5 8-00 52-0 35-0 9-5 4-30 53-0 31-0 5-5 1-70 54-0 27-0 3-5 •61 55-0 24-0 2-1 •49 56-0 21-5 1-5 •32 58-0 16-0 •6 •09 ON COLOUR PHOTOMKTRY. 567 The intensities were obtained by substituting for the first small glass prism in front of the slit apiece of the metal whose reflection was to be examined. The two images were received on a white screen and equality established, as before described. A very interesting confirmation of the accuracy of measuring the illuminating value of different light was found in the case of burnished copper. In 1886 the " luminosity curve " of the spectrum of the light reflected from copper was obtained, the piece of copper used being part of the same plate from which the intensity curve was obtained in our recent experiments. The dots close to the curve of luminosity derived from the intensity curves show the agreement of the results obtained by two very different methods. In the same year the luminosity curve of emerald green was made by our former plan, and on reducing the curve in the proper proportion, so that the maximum coincided with the maximum of the luminosity curve obtained from the comparison of the intensity of light reflected from the emerald green with that from a white surface, it was found that the agreement was extremely close. These coincidences confirm the y accuracy and value of our method of measuring the luminosity of light of different colours. § XLII. Comparison of Reflection from, unth Transmission through, a Pigment. < We wished also to ascertain whether the light reflected from a pigment was identical with that transmitted through the same. In some cases, when there is quasi-metallic reflection, in parts this cannot be the case ; but in ordinary colours this reflection is not present. We tried several, and came to the conclusion that the transmitted and reflected lights are of the same character. Fig. 28 gives the result of one such experiment made with Prussian blue. The transmitted light was measured by placing in the lower spectrum a thin film of gelatine impregnated with the pigment. The curves of the figure were constructed from the following table. 568 CAPTAIN ABNEY AND MAJOB-QBNEBA.L TESTING Transmitted light. Reflected light Scale number. Reading. Reduced to white = 100. Reading white = 100. Calculated intensity k'^-s white. 43 4-0 4-6 23 1-8 44 5-0 5-7 24 3-6 45 6-0 6-9 25 5-4 46 10-0 11-5 :> 10-9 47 16-5 19-0 33 19-0 48 25-5 29-3 38 29-9 49 34-0 39-1 44 398 50 42-5 48-9 50 50-7 51 51-0 58-6 56 61-5 52 60-0 69-0 62 724 63 66-5 76-5 65 77-8 54 68-0 78-2 66 79-6 55 69-0 79-3 66 79-6 56 69-0 793 65 77-8 57 70-0 80-5 64 76-0 58 70-0 80-5 64 76-0 A certain amount of white light being reflected from the coloured surface, a cor- rection is necessary for this, and the last column was derived from the preceding one by deducting 22 (the amount of white light present) and multiplying by T81. § XLIII. Intensity Curves of Coloured Pigments. Figs. 29 (Plate 22) and 30, 31, 32 (Plate 23) give the curves of some of the many colours which have been measured by the method described in this paper. These curves are plotted to the normal scale of wave-lengths, and the following tables give the readings at the different wave-lengths. ON COLO IK riluTO.MKTKY. 569 Vennlllon. Carmine. Venetian red Men-uric iodide. Indian red. Scarlet lake. 4350= 6-75 4300 = 37-00 4200 = 22-5 4300= 3-0 4200 = 25-7 4250 = 36-5 4800= 675 4500 = 38-50 4300 = 25-0 4500= 2-0 4300 = 27-0 4400 = 34-0 5000= 7-50 4550 = 39-00 4400 = 27-7 4600= 4-0 4500 = 29 5 4500= : 5300= 9-50 4700 = 36-50 45(0 = 29-5 4750= 5'8 4750 =* 30-5 4600 = 317 5500 = 11-50 4800 = 34-50 4550 = 30-0 4900= 4'2 4900 = 30-0 4700 = 30-5 5600 = 15-00 5000 = 32-00 4750 = 30-0 4950 = 3'5 5000 = 29-3 4800 = 28-2 5750 = 31-50 5100 = 31-00 5000 = 30-5 5000= 37 5150 = 29-0 5000 = 25-5 5800 = 40-00 5200 = 31-50 5200 = 31-5 i 5200= 5'5 5300 = 30-0 5150 = 25-0 5900 = 59-00 5300 = 33-00 5300 = 32-5 5400= 6-8 5400 = 31-5 5200 = -J , -J 6000 = 78-00 5380 = 34-50 5400 = 34-5 5500= 8-0 5500 = 33-5 5300 = 26-0 6200 = 97-00 5450 = 33-50 5500 = 39-5 5700 = 18-0 5600 = 36-3 5500 = 29-5 6500 = 94-50 5550 = 33-25 5600 = 47-0 5750 = 22-0 5750 = 42-5 5600 = 34 0 6600 = 90-50 5600 = 34-00 5700 = 58-0 5800 = 29-5 5800 = 48-5 5700 = 41-0 6750 = 84-00 5700 = 41-00 5750 = 61-0 5900 = 54-5 5900 = 52-0 5800 = 50-5 7000 = 72-50 5800 = 50-00 5800 = 65-0 6000 = 66-5 6000 = 58-5 5900 = 62-0 5900 = 59-00 5900 = 72-0 6100 = 70-0 6100 = 63-2 6000 = 76-0 6000 = 67-00 6000 = 78-5 6200=71-7 6200 = 66-5 6100 = 82-0 6100 = 70-50 6100 = 83-5 6300 = 73-5 6250 = 67-5 6200 = 82-0 6200 = 72-50 6200 = 87-5 6400 = 74-5 6400 = 70-6 6300 = 81-5 6300 = 74-00 6300 = 90-5 6500 = 75-4 6500 = 72-5 6400 = 80-6 6400 = 75-00 6400 = 92-2 6600 = 75-8 6990 = 76-0 6500 = 80-0 6500 = 76-00 6500 = 93-3 6750 = 76-3 6800 = 77-3 6600 = 75-00 6620 = 94-0 7000 = 76-3 6800 = 72-00 \ Emerald green. Chronic grom. 4200 = 25-00 4250 = 16-0 4300 = 25-75 4400 = 17-6 4500 = 29-00 4600 = 20-2 4600 = 34-50 4800 = 22-6 4700 = 49-00 4900 = 26-0 4800 = 60-00 5000 = 30-5 4900 = 68-00 5100 = 36-0 5000 = 72-50 5200 = 42-0 5125 = 75-00 5300 = 44-6 5200 = 73-50 5310 = 45-0 5300 = 69-50 5400 = 43-5 5400 = 63 00 5500 = 40-5 5500 = 55-50 5600 = 35-0 5600 = 47-50 5700 = 22-0 5700 = 39-70 5750 = 20-5 5800 = 32-00 5850 = 19-8 5900 = 26-00 6000 = 20-5 6000 = 20-50 6200 = 24-0 6100 = 16-50 6300 = 26-0 6200 = 13-40 6450 = 32-0 6300 = 10-00 6400 = 9-00 6500 = 8-00 6600 = 7-60 6750 = 7-00 7000 = 6-50 MIKCCLXXXVIH. — A. 4 I) 570 C.M'T. ABNEY AND MAJ.-GEN. TESTING ON COLOUR PHOTOMETRY. French ultramarine. Prussian blue. French blue (pale). Cobalt blue. 4350 = 38-00 4200 = 60-r,o 4250 = 40-00 4350 = 44-0 4600 = 38-00 4500 = 67-00 4400 = 47-00 4500 = 51-7 4750 = 35-00 4600 = 68-00 4500 = 54-00 4600 = 53-3 4900 = 27-00 4800 = 64-00 4600 = 61-00 4700 = 54-0 5000 = 21-50 5000 = 59-00 4625 = 61-25 4800 = 53-6 5200 = 12-50 5250 = 49-50 4700 = 60-50 4900 = 50-5 5500 = 8-00 5500 = 41-75 4750 = 58-50 5000 = 41-5 5750 = 7-00 5800 = 34-50 4900 = 48-00 5100 = 29-0 6300 = 6-85 6000 = 30-00 5000 = 43-70 5200 = 20-0 6500 = 7-50 6300 = 25-50 5100 = 40-20 5300 = 15-0 6620 = 8-50 6500 = 23-50 5200 = 36-50 5400 = 11-5 7000 = 6-50 6800 = 22-00 5400 = 31-00 5500 = 8-5 7000 = 21-00 5750 = 24-30 5600 = 6-5 5850 = 24-00 5750 = 6-0 6000 = 25-20 6000 = 7-5 6200 = 28-20 6100 = 10-5 6300 = 30-20 6200 = 14-0 6400 = 32-70 6300 = 18-5 6500 = 34-50 6400 = 23-5 6600 = 36-50 6500 = 28-5 6700 = 37-50 6600 = 34-5 6700 = 40-0 Chrome yellow. Aureolin. Cadmium yellow. Yellow ochre. Gamboge. 4350 = 30-0 4250 = 15-0 4200 = 21-5 4375 = 15-50 4275 = 15-0 4500 = 30-7 4350 = 13-0 4400 = 22-5 4500 = 21-55 4300 = 14-5 4600 = 32-5 4400 = 14-0 4500 = 23-5 4550 = 21-60 4375 = 13-7 4700 = 37-5 4500 = 15-7 4700 = 28-0 4600 = 21-00 4500 = 16-0 4750 = 44-5 4600 = 16-2 4800 = 32-0 4750 = 21-70 4550 = 17-5 4800 = 51-5 4700 = 19-0 4900 = 37-0 4800 = 23-00 4600 = 18-0 4900 = 61-5 4800 = 25-0 5000 = 42-0 4900 = 25-50 4650 = 18-5 5000 = 68-5 4900 = 33-0 5100 = 49-5 5000 = 29-30 4750 = 21-5 5100 = 76-5 5000 = 42-0 5200 = 57-5 5100 = 34-00 4900 = 28-5 5200 = 80-5 5100 = 53-0 5300 = 65-0 5200 = 40-50 5000 = 36-5 5300 = 86-5 5200 = 65-0 5400 = 73-0 5300 = 49-00 5200 = 53-5 5400 = 91-5 5300 = 75-5 5500 = 80-5 5400 = 59-00 5250 = 57-5 5500 = 95-0 5400 = 83-0 5600 = 88-5 5500 = 67-50 5300 = 60-5 5550 = 96-0 5500 = 89-0 5700 = 91-5 5600 = 75-50 5400 = 67-5 5600 = 94-5 5600 = 92-7 5800 = 93-5 5750 = 79-50 5500 = 73-0 5750 = 89-5 5700 = 93-5 5900 = 94-6 5800 = 80-00 5700 = 75-5 5870 = 87-0 5800 = 94-0 6000 = 95-0 5875 = 79-00 5900 = 78-5 6000 = 89-5 6000 = 93-5 6100 = 94-0 5900 = 77-00 6000 = 80-0 6100 = 91-0 6150 = 93-0 6200 = 92-0 6000 = 77-00 6200 = 81-7 6200 = 92-0 6300 = 93-5 6300 = 89-5 6250 = 77-50 6350 -= 82-0 6300 = 92-0 6400 = 94-0 6400 = 86-7 6300 = 77-50 6400 = 91-5 6500 = 94-6 6500 = 84-0 6400 = 77-50 6500 = 91-0 6620 = 96-0 6750 = 77-0 6500 = 77-50 6700 = 89-5 7000 = 87-7 [ 571 ] XVIII. Combiustion in Dined Oxyycn. By H. BREKETON BAKKK, M.A., Didwich College, late Scholar of Bnlliol College. Oxford. Communicated by Professor H. B. DIXON, F.R.S. Received July 4,— Read November 15, 1888. THE chemical changes occurring in combustion hold such an important position, not only in the history and advance of chemical science, but also in the applications of science to industry, that special interest is attached to the discovery of the nature and order of the chemical changes involved. The phenomena presented by the oxidation of carbon, sulphur, and phosphorus have been studied by chemists as typical of those which are found in other processes of burning. With the object of determining the conditions necessary for the oxidation of these three substances, I began in 1884 an investigation, the results of which are described in the following paper. That water vapour might play an important part in such actions seemed very probable. The interesting facts brought to light by my former tutor, Professor H. B. DIXON, with regard to the oxidation of carbon monoxide (' Phil. Trans.,' 1884) made it seem likely that water vapour might exert as strong an influence on other combus- tions as he has shown it does on that of carbon monoxide. It was suspected some years ago that the combustion of carbon is affected by the presence or absence of moisture. In 1871 M. DUBKUNFAUT read a paper before the Academic des Seirnces describing some experiments bearing on this point. He had performed combustions of sugar-charcoal in oxygen dried by strong sulphuric acid, and found that the carbon did not undergo combustion as readily as it did if the oxygen was moist. He ascribed the incompleteness of the oxidation of the carbon to the presence of moisture which was inaccessible to our reagents, that is, moisture which did not cause a weighed sulphuric acid tube through which it was passed, to increase in weight. A few weeks later M. DUMAS, who had determined the equivalent of carbon by burning a weighed quantity of pure graphite in pure oxygen, repeated the experiments, and, by using a large quantity of the partially dried oxygen, succeeded in burning the whole of a small quantity of graphite. In my first experiments on the combustion of carbon in oxygen,* wood charcoal was employed. It was freed from hydrogen by heating in a current of chlorine for several hours. It was placed in glass tubes, into which phosphorus pentoxide had been • ' Chem. Soo. Journ.', 1885, Traru. p. 349. 4 D ~t 12.1 572 MR. 11. HHKHKTO.N I'-AKKU OX I'OilliUSTlON IN DRIED OXYGEN. previously introduced, the two substances being separated by a disc of platinum foil. The latter did not fit so closely as to prevent the free diffusion of the gaseous contents of the tubes. Oxygen dried by sulphuric acid was then passed through the tubes, which were then sealed at both ends. Experiments have shown that the long contact of phosphorus pentoxide with gases has an immeasurably greater drying effect than the mere passage of the gases through tubes containing that substance. After standing for some days each of these tubes was heated, side by side with a similar tubs containing charcoal in moist oxygen, by the flame of a large Bunsen burner. The moist carbon always burnt with the scintillation characteristic of such a combus- tion, but the dry carbon remained apparently unaltered. On analysis, however, it was found that a certain quantity of carbon had been burnt. The following Table gives the results of the analysis of the gaseous contents of the tubes, after the carbon had been heated to redness in them for about two minutes. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Dried Dried Dried Dried Dried Dried Wet. for Wet. for Wet. for Wet. for Wet. for Wet. for 1 week. 2 weeks. 4 weeks. 8 weeks. 12 weeks. 16 weeks. Carbon dioxide . 60-1 15-4 51-0 19'0 45-3 14-1 23-3 12-5 68-8 15-8 52-4 178 Carbon monoxide 22-2 20-6 31-2 14-8 32-6 27-8 60-0 27-5 23-2 242 25-2 16-5 Oxygen .... 41-3 t t 46-1 t f 28-2 t t 39'0 33-3 . . 45-0 Nitrogen . . . 27-6 22 -8 17-7 200 221 29-8 16-6 21-0 17-8 26-8 22-3 20-t> It will be noticed that in four out of these six experiments more than half the oxygen was left uncombined with the carbon, whilst none remained in the wet tubes. The comparatively large quantities of carbon monoxide produced are striking when we consider that the temperature was not high, and that the reduction of carbon dioxide by carbon is never rapid. These results formed the starting point of an investigation in which the precautions taken to ensure the purity and dryness of the substances used were made much more elaborate. The carbon used in the later experiments was in the form of charcoal. It was prepared by heating sugar in a silver dish to a bright red heat. The porous mass was broken up and finely powdered. It was transferred to a combustion tube, and heated to redness for three days in a current of pure chlorine dried by sulphuric acid, in order to eliminate hydrogen from the powder. The charcoal was washed by decanta- tion with distilled water until the washings gave no opalescence with silver nitrate. To free it from occluded hydrochloric acid, it was placed in a hard glass tube sealed at one end, while at the other end was placed a stick of solid potash. The tube was then exhausted by a Sprengel pump, and the end containing the carbon was heated to dull redness for several days, the vacuum being constantly maintained. Hydro- chloric acid gas was evolved, partly absorbed by the potash, but at first passing over in such quantities that it could be collected from the air-pump. After this treatment MR. H. BRKKETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGEN. 573 the carbon was considered sufficiently pure for the experiments. It was kept in a small stoppered bottle, but, as this involved exposure to a small quantity of air, it was thought advisable before the carbon was used for the preparation of each experiment that the portion taken should be heated to redness in a vacuum. This served not only to dry it, but also to free it from occluded oxides of carbon which are products of its slow combustion in air at ordinary temperatures. The oxygen was prepared by heating pure potassium chlorate, and was stored in gas pipettes over previously boiled mercury. In the gas were placed plugs of phos- phorus pentoxide. These plugs were made thus : — A piece of glass tubing, 1 cm. in diameter, and a longer piece of glass rod, exactly fitting it, were heated to dry them thoroughly. The tube while still warm was pushed to the bottom of the bottle containing the pentoxide, and the portion of the latter so introduced was compressed by forcing the glass rod into the tube like a piston. Both tube and rod were then removed from the bottle, with the plug almost entirely protected from the air. The tube was then quickly plunged under the mercury, through the tubulure of the pipette, and the piston pressed down. The plug was thus pushed out of the tube, and rose through the mercury into the oxygen which was to be dried. This plan of dealing with the phosphorus pentoxide, in the form of a compact cylinder, was extremely useful when it was necessary to introduce it into glass tubes which were to be drawn out in the blow-pipe flame. If only a small quantity of the oxide adheres to the portion of the glass to be heated, it diminishes the ductility to a remarkable degree, and renders it extremely brittle. Carbon heated in contact with Platinum. A mixture was made of platinum black (previously heated to redness in a vacuum) and the pure charcoal. A hard glass tube was slightly contracted in the middle, and heated in a current of dried air to dull redness, to get rid of the moisture which clings so tenaciously to glass. On one side of the constriction was introduced the mixture of platinum and carbon, and on the other plugs of phosphorus pentoxide. Oxygen was passed through the tube and the ends sealed. The oxygen was left drying for six weeks. At the end of this time the part of the tube containing the mixture of carbon and platinum was heated to redness for three minutes with no sign of visible combustion. Analysis showed that the tube now contained— Carbon dioxide ... 27 per cent. Oxygen 73 „ A second experiment, in which the oxygen was dried for three weeks, and the mixture of carbon and platinum was heated for four minutes, gave — Carbon dioxide ... 34 per cent. Oxygen 66 „ 574 MR. II. HUKKKTON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DI'.IKI) OXYtiKX. The quantities of carbon burnt in these two experiments do not differ greatly from the quantity of carbon burnt under similar conditions when no platinum was present. There is, however, this important difference between the two cases, that in the presence of platinum only carbon dioxide is produced.* In the absence of platinum varying quantities of carbon monoxide were formed, generally exceeding in amount the carbon dioxide produced at the same time. A third experiment was made with carbon in contact with platinum. The charcoal was in the form of a rod, about 4 cm. in length. It was enclosed in a coil of fine platinum wire, which had been previously freed from hydrogen by heating to redness in oxygen. The ends of the coil were attached to thicker platinum wires, which were sealed into two pieces of quill tubing. These passed through two holes in an india-rubber stopper which fitted into the neck of a small flask (fig. 1). The flask *. 1- contained pure oxygen, dried by plugs of phosphorus pentoxide placed in the flask. A small quantity of mercury covered the stopper, to prevent diffusion of water vapour through its mass. The gas was left drying for fourteen days. The platinum coil was heated by an electric current to a bright red heat. The carbon did not catch fire, and the glow disappeared directly the current was stopped. With a stronger current, the platinum was heated nearly to whiteness ; the carbon showed visible combustion for two seconds, after which the glow died out. On analysing the contents of the globe after the experiment, more than half the gas was found to be oxygen. A similar experiment was tried with a rod of carbon in moist oxygen. On raising the temperature to dull redness by means of the heated wire, the carbon caught fire, and, although the current was immediately broken, there was no cessation of the combustion until the rod was entirely .consumed. These results point to the conclusion that the contact of platinum does not cause the union of dry carbon with dry oxygen, but only influences the products of combustion. * It has been proved that dry carbon monoxide and oxygen unite readily without flame in presence of red-hot platinum (DixoN and LOWE, " Chem. Soc. Joarn.', 1885, Trans, p. o75). MR, H. BRERETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGEN. 575 Tlie Products of Combustion of Charcoal «,,. In the course of the experiments on the combustion of carbon in dried oxygen, :i gas-bolder was constructed to contain oxygen dried by phosphorus pentoxide. The only liquid which could be used for driving out the gas was mercury, and, as the amount of gas required was about eight litres, its use would have been inconvenient. The following apparatus was fitted up. Fig. 2. A large bottle was graduated and fitted with an india-rubber stopper, through which a large tap-funnel was passed. Through another hole in the stopper a narrow upright tube was fixed. This passed to the top of an inverted two-litre flask, also provided with an india-rubber stopper. A bent tube also passing through this stopper was connected with a second flask arranged in the same way as the first. A third flask, similarly fitted, completed the gas-holder. It resembled three inverted wash- bottles, with the exit tube of one connected with the pressure tube of the next. The whole, including the large bottle, was heated for several hours by Bunsen burners playing on the sides, while a current of air, dried by sulphuric acid, was drawn through the apparatus. In order that no moisture should be given off from the india-rubber stoppers in the three flasks, each was covered with a little mercury previously boiled. On the surface of the mercury in each flask five or six plugs of phosphorus pentoxide were placed. A current of oxygen was passed through six long, nearly horizontal, tubes filled with concentrated sulphuric acid, and then through the apparatus described above. After passing for an hour a sample of the gas was collected as it issued from the last flask. It was found to be pure oxygen. A hard glass tube containing dried charcoal was drawn out at both ends. One end, bent upwards, was passed through the opening in 576 MR. H. BRERETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN UR[ED OXYGEN. the stopper of the third flask ; the other end was sealed. A small quantity of boiled sulphuric acid was poured into the bottle through the stoppered funnel, so that the pressure of the gas during its drying might be greater than the atmospheric pressure. The gas was thus dried, partly by phosphorus pentoxide, and partly by sulphuric acid. Since the connecting tubes were narrow, only a slow diffusion of slightly moist gas from the bottle containing strong sulphuric acid could take place into the flasks. The gas was thus thoroughly dried in the second and third flasks. The oxygen used in the experiment was taken from this third flask, though the pressure used to drive it out was derived from the sulphuric acid poured into the large bottle. The appai-atus was left to dry for four days. Experiment I. — The sealed end of the tube having been broken off under dried mercury, the carbon was heated to dull redness in a stream of the dried gas. At first it glowed a little. The current was stopped. A blue flame was seen to run along the tube from the heated point to the end. This could only be due to carbon monoxide. Experiment II. — As it was evident that either the charcoal or the glass was not quite dry, the tube, still connected with the oxygen flask, was sealed at its open end, and allowed to dry for another week, gentle heat being occasionally applied. At the end of this time the sealed end of the tube was broken under mercury, previously dried. The part containing the charcoal was heated as before with a Bunsen burner. This time no glowing was seen, although 200 c.c. of oxygen was rapidly passed over the red-hot charcoal. After this a sample of 27'5 c.c. of the gas was collected. It was analysed and found to contain — c.c. Per cent. Carbon dioxide 1 '4 5'0 Carbon monoxide ll'O 40 '0 Oxygen 15'1 54'9 27-5 99-9 Experiment III. — The apparatus was allowed to stand for another week, and then the charcoal was raised to bright redness with a gas blow-pipe. No visible combustion occurred ; 29 '6 c.c. of gas was collected. The analysis gave— c.c. Per cent. Carbon dioxide '6 2'2 Carbon monoxide 11 '8 39 "5 Oxygen 17'2 58'1 29-6 99-8 These analyses are very striking, showing that a large quantity of carbon monoxide is produced when carbon is heated in a current of oxygen, even when the oxygen is in excess. They seem to point to the conclusion that carbon burns first to carbon MR. H. BRERETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXY< 577 monoxide, and that this, unless prevented by drynees, as in this case, or by some other influence, then produces carbon dioxide. This conclusion is strengthened by the fact that when a piece of charcoal is heated in a rapid stream of ordinary oxygen a long flame is seen to issue from the glowing solid in the direction of the current of gas. This is probably the second stage in the burning of the charcoal. It has been shown (C. J. BAKER, ' Chem. Soc. Journ.,' 1887) that a small quantity of carbon monoxide is produced by the slow absorption of oxygen by charcoal. This was given out by heating to 45° in vacuo. The amount was not more than 5 c.c., given out by heating half a gram of charcoal for two hours. Though such a small amount was not likely to vitiate an experiment made at more than atmospheric pressure, and lasting not more than two minutes, it was thought advisable to use precautions to obviate any possibility of error from this source. The following method .was then tried. The oxygen was contained in a gas pipette with a stop-cock. Phosphorus pentoxide was introduced, and the gas was left drying for a week. The aperture of the pipette was connected by a piece of dried and paraffined india-rubber tubing with the tube containing the carbon. In this india-rubber tube phosphorus pentoxide was placed. The carbon had been heated to redness in vacuo to free it from any carbon monoxide which might have been occluded. The tube containing it was drawn out in the middle, and phosphorus pentoxide placed in the part remote from the pipette. To prevent the formation of carbon monoxide in the charcoal while the oxygen was drying, the tube was exhausted as completely as possible and the free end drawn out to a point and sealed. Fig. 3. The oxygen was to be driven out by mercury which had been boiled and cooled in an atmosphere dried by sulphuric acid. After a week's drying the gas was admitted to the vacuous tube. The sealed tip was broken and connected with a set of GEISSLER'S potash bulbs. These would absorb the carbon dioxide produced. Next in series was another set of weighed potash bulbs which would indicate whether all the carbon dioxide had been absorbed by the first set. Connected with these bulbs was a hard glass tube containing copper, oxide heated to redness in a small gas furnace. In this MDCCCLXXXVI1I. — A. 4 E 578 MR. H. BRERETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGEN. tube any carbon monoxide which was produced in the combustion would be converted into carbon dioxide. Next in the series was a third set of potash bulbs to absorb this carbon dioxide. The calcium chloride tube of this third set of bulbs had a conducting tube attached to it which dipped under mercury contained in a trough. Here the residual gas was collected. The carbon was raised to a red heat by a Bunsen burner. No visible combustion took place. Oxygen was passed over it at the rate of about 20 bubbles a minute. The gas collected over the mercury was at first a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. The latter was derived from the air contained, at the beginning of the experiment, in the bulbs and the copper oxide tube. The gas collected towards the end of the experiment was pure oxygen. When all the oxygen had been driven over the charcoal, the potash bulbs were disconnected, filled with air, and weighed. The second set, which were used to test the efficacy of the first set, had not increased in weight. From the increase in weight of the first set, the weight of carbon dioxide produced in the combustion was found. The increase in weight of the third set gave the weight of carbon dioxide produced by the oxidation of the carbon monoxide formed in the combustion. The analysis of the gases so found yields the following results : — Carbon dioxide .... 1*7 Carbon monoxide . . . 27'8 Oxygen (by difference) . 70 '5 lOO'O These striking results are confirmed by the analyses of the gases contained in sealed tubes after charcoal had been heated in dried oxygen, mixed with nitrogen. Dried for 1 week. Dried for 4 weeks. Dried for 8 weeks. Carbon dioxide . . . Carbon monoxide . . Oxveen . 15-4 20-6 41-3 141 27-8 28-2 12-5 27-5 39-0 Nitrogen • 22-6 29-8 21-0 That this carbon monoxide was not produced by the reduction of carbon dioxide by charcoal was shown by a series of three experiments, described later. It was thought that, if a rapid current of air were passed over charcoal heated to a temperature below the ignition point* of carbon monoxide, the carbon monoxide, if produced, might be swept away from the area of combustion before it was oxidized. The air used in the experiment was freed from water vapour by passing through * MM. MALLARD and LE CHATELIER found that a mixture of carbon monoxide and oxygen ignited at abont 650° C., though gradual union took place at 400°. (' Annales dcs Mines,' vol. 4, 1883.) MR. H MKKKKTON I:\KKU <>.\ O>MWSTK>N' DUIKD OXYGEN. a tube of fused calcium chloride, and from carbon dioxide by a wash-bottle of strong potash. The purified charcoal was placed in a thick, hard glass tube (fig. 4) : with this was connected an apparatus for analysing the gases by weight tiimil.-ir to that used in the last experiment. Instead of the conducting tube dipping under mercury, a wash-bottle, not shown in the diagram, was connected with the last set of potash bulbs. This contained a solution of pyrogallic acid. A small tube of potash solution was placed upright in the bottle. By tilting the flask, and so upsetting the potash into the pyrogallic acid, it could be seen at any moment of the experiment whether all the oxygen was being used up by the carbon. The carbon dioxide produced by the combustion is absorbed in bulbs A. Bulbs 11 did not increase- in weight, showing that the absorption in A was complete. Bulbs C absorb the carbon dioxide formed by the carbon monoxide produced in the combustion. The air was drawn through the whole apparatus by means of a water pump. Tin- rate was kept constant, so that 30 bubbles per minute passed through the bulbs. Experiment I. — The temperature of the carbon was about 500°. It was regulated so that some lead chloride placed in a similar tube by the side of the carbon tube was just melted. Percentage of carbon dioxide produced . . . 88'2 ,, carbon monoxide 117 Experiment II. — Temperature of carbon rather lower. Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide 99-9 82-1 17'8 99-9 Experiment III. — Temperature of carbon about 400° (m.p. of lead iodide). Carbon dioxide . Carbon monoxide 63'24 3676 100-00 4 F. •: 580 MR. H. BRERETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGEN. Experiment IV. — The carbon was placed in a U-tube, which was heated in the vapour of boiling sulphur (440°). Carbon dioxide 57'28 Carbon monoxide 4272 100-00 Experiment V. — Temperature of carbon 440°. Carbon dioxide 60 '8 G Carbon monoxide 39 '14 100-00 Experiment VI.— At 440°. Carbon dioxide 46'8 1 Carbon monoxide 53" 19 100-00 In the sixth experiment the rate of passage of the gas was increased to 40 bubbles a minute. Experiment VII. — Instead of air a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen containing 15'4 per cent, of oxygen was used. It was contained in a large bell-jar dipping in a large and deep pneumatic trough (fig. 4). Temperature of the carbon 440°. Percentage of carbon dioxide = 33*4 ,, carbon monoxide = 66 "5 99-9 Thus carbon monoxide is always produced when carbon is heated in such mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen at temperatures below 500°. It might, however, be due to the reaction CO2 + C = 2CO instead of 2C + O2 = 2CO. This supposition was proved to be untenable by the following experiments : — Experiment I. — Pure carbon dioxide was passed very slowly over carbon heated to the melting-point of lead chloride (500°). The gas was then collected over mercury in a gas pipette. 278 c.c. of gas was collected in three hours, so that about 1'5 c.c. of gas passed over the charcoal in a minute, This collected gas was entirely absorbed by caustic potash. Experiment II. — At the same temperature 150 c.c. of carbon dioxide was passed over the heated charcoal at the rate of 1 c.c. a minute. It was entirely absorbed by caustic potash. MR. H. BRKBETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGMN 581 Experiment III. — The carbon dioxide was passed over charcoal at 440°, the gas being afterwards passed through two sets of potash bulbs, over red-hot copper oxide, and through a third set of potash bulbs to analyse the gases produced. The first set gave an increase in weight of '4548 gram, the second set no increase, and the third set no increase. The experiment lasted four hours. Therefore at these temperatures carbon dioxide is not decomposed by carbon, and the carbon monoxide in the former experiments must have been formed by direct union of carbon and oxygen. The question now arises, Does the burning of carbon under ordinary circumstances take place in two stages ? Is carbon monoxide first produced, and this by further oxidation transformed into the dioxide ? The problem seems incapable of direct solution. I venture to advance the following considerations with regard to it : — I. It has been proved by direct experiment that more carbon monoxide is burnt by air at 500° than at 440°. We find, in the results described above, that when carbon is burnt in air at 440°, more carbon monoxide appears in the products of combustion t than at 500°, amounting in one case to 53 per cent. II. It has been proved, also, that when the oxygen is diluted with a larger quantity of nitrogen than is contained in air, less carbon monoxide is oxidised, though the oxygen is present in excess. In the experiment already described, by diminishing the percentage of oxygen from 21 to 15, we get a larger quantity, 66 per cent., of carbon monoxide in the products of combustion. III. Lastly, by drying the oxygen in which the carbon is heated, the percentage of carbon monoxide is largely increased, amounting in one case to 94 '7 per cent, of the products of combustion. And since it is found that, when the conditions of the experiment are made more and more unfavourable for the oxidation of carbon monoxide, (1) by lowering the temperature, (2) by decreasing the proportion of oxygen to nitrogen, (3) by drying the oxygen, we get more and more carbon monoxide produced, are we not justified in assuming that the combustion of carbon first produces this lower oxide ? Combustion of Sulphur in Oxygen. In the preliminary experiments on the combustion of sulphur in dried oxygen, the sulphur used was purified by repeated sublimations. Experiment I. — The sulphur was placed at one end of a tube filled with oxygen, phosphorus pentoxide being introduced at the other to dry the gas. The tube was sealed up and left drying for five days. The tube was heated by an Argand burner, side by side with a similar tube containing sulphur in moist oxygen. The sulphur began to melt at the same moment in both tubes. Soon afterwards there was a sudden explosion in the moist tube, and a few seconds later a small blue flame appeared on the surface of the dry sulphur. This continued for a short time and was then extinguished On analysing the gases in the two tubes, oxygen was found in the free state in the dry tube, but not in the moist tube. 582 MB H. BRKRKTON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGEN. Sulphur was then further purified as follows : — Some powdered sulphur was resublimed, and as it might contain hydrogen, or some compound of hydrogen, it was melted in a slow stream of sulphur chloride vapour, and distilled several times in an atmosphere of this substance. Some hydrochloric acid gas was produced, showing that this precaution was not needless. One end of the tube was sealed and the other bent and fixed into one neck of a dry WOULFF'S bottle. The other neck was con- nected with a water pump which maintained a nearly complete vacuum in the apparatus. The sulphur was kept at a temperature of 150°-180° by an Argand burner. In this way all the sulphur chloride was got rid of. Experiment II. — A tube was sealed up containing this purified sulphur in oxygen, and was left drying for five days as before. It was heated over an Argand lamp with a comparison tube containing some of the purified sulphur in moist oxygen. The moist sulphur was seen to burn with a sudden flash, while the dry sulphur was distilled several times backwards and forwards in the tube without any visible combustion. Analysis of the contents of the dry tube showed that only -p/th of the oxygen had been converted into sulphur dioxide. Combustion of Carbon Bisulphide in Oxygen. The union of these two substances as brought about by an electric spark is well known to be extremely energetic. It seemed of interest to investigate whether dryness has the same effect on the burning of carbon bisulphide as it has on the burning of each of its constituents when heated separately in oxygen. Purification of Carbon Bisulphide. — About 50 c.c. of the commercial substance were distilled five times from white wax, and in this way the liquid lost most of its unpleasant odour. To get rid of hydrogen compounds, as far as possible, it was sealed with a small quantity of chloride of sulphur in thick glass tubes and heated to 180° in an air bath for several days. The contents of the tube were distilled, the first portion only which distilled over at 46° being taken. This was shaken with pure mercury at intervals for several days until the metal remained bright after several hours' contact. The purified liquid was again distilled and sealed up with some phosphorus pentoxide. This drying agent seems to have no action on the bisulphide. 5 cubic centimetres of the vapour were collected over dried mercury, and to this vapour was added three times its volume of dried oxygen. A plug of phosphorus pentoxide was introduced, and the tube was left for twelve days. At the end of that time a spark of the smallest possible length from a small coil with one bichromate cell was passed through the mixture. The mixture exploded with a bright flash, leaving a deposit of sulphur on the sides of the tube. A second experiment was tried in the same way, the mixture being allowed to dry for six weeks. The result was the same. Two more experiments were made. Long tubes were carefully dried ; phosphorus MR. H. BREHETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGEN. 583 peutoxide was introduced at one end and sealed bulbs of purified carbon bisulphide at the other. A stream of dried oxygen WHS passed through the tubes and the ends sealed. The bulbs of carbon bisulphide were then broken, and the vapour, mixed with oxygen, was allowed to dry over phosphorus pentoxide for two weeks. Each tube was then heated over an Argand burner with a comparison tube containing the same gases in a moist state. Though the wet tubes exploded first in every case, the dry ones did so a few seconds later, and apparently with equal force. Combustion of Ordinary Phosphorus in Oxygen. Commercial stick phosphorus was melted under a solution of potassium bichromate in dilute sulphuric acid, dried and heated to 60° in a sealed tube with phosphorus trichloride. The tube was allowed to project some 15 centimetres out of the air bath, so that the sublimed phosphorus could condense in the cool part, but it was so inclined that any chloride which distilled over should run back into the heated part, which contained the melted phosphorus, mixed with phosphorus pentoxide. In three weeks the greater part of the phosphorus was deposited in the cold part of the tube. The iridescent crystals were melted and allowed to run into the cooler end of the tube, which was drawn out to a diameter of about 5 mm. This part was then sealed off. The tube of purified phosphorus was placed with some phosphorus pentoxide in a tube of hard glass bent at right angles, and previously heated to redness. One end of this was connected with the stoppered neck of a Bunsen's gas pipette by a joint of dried india-rubber. The pipette contained oxygen which had been drying for eight days over phosphorus pentoxide. The tube was exhausted as completely as possible by a Sprengel pump with two fall tubes, and the end connected with the pump sealed. The tubulure at the bottom of the pipette was connected with a flexible india-rubber tube, dried as far as possible, which was connected with a resei-voir of dried mercury. The mercury reservoir could be raised or lowered according as a high or low pressure was desired (fig. 5). After the whole apparatus had been allowed to stand for a week to allow the small residue of air in the vacuous tube to dry, the following experiment was carried on in a dark room. The oxygen was admitted to the vacuous tube, and the tube containing the phosphorus was broken. On the pressure being diminished, a very faint luminosity was seen on the phosphorus, which flickered for several hours, the interval between the extinguishing and the reappearance of the light being about a second and a half. This flickering was not due to variations of pressure caused by the shaking of the mercury in the reservoir, as the experiment was carried on in a cellar with a stone floor, on a solid wooden bench screwed to the ground. The tap was then turned off and the tube allowed to dry for three days more. At the end of this time the luminosity had disappeared, nor did it show itself though the pressure was varied in every possible way. The phosphorus was then melted by heating the tube with a spirit lamp, and still no luminosity appeared. It MR. H. BRERETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGEN. was then heated until the phosphorus boiled. A faint glow appeared for an instant and then vanished. Fig. 5. The india-rubber tube in connection with the pipette was then clamped. The phosphorus tube thus closed was removed from the pipette. The air was squeezed out of the free half-inch of india-rubber tubing, and a little water allowed to enter. Brilliant luminosity at once flashed out, and without any heating the phosphorus burst into a vivid white flame. Ordinary phosphorus therefore does not burn in dry oxygen, though its temperature be raised to its boiling point (290°). Combustion of Amorphous Phosphorus in Oxygen. This substance was one of the first experimented upon, and, though it was by no means pure, it gave indications of a very different behaviour when heated in moist and in dry oxygen. It was purified in the following way : — Commercial amorphous phosphorus was washed with water and dried by a current of air at 150° in a glass tube. One end of the tube was then sealed and the other connected with a mercury pump. The tube was exhausted and heated to 240°. A large quantity of gas was given off. No less than 75 c.c. were evolved from 5 grams of phosphorus. On allowing a bubble to escape into the air it caught fire. It had a strong smell of phosphine. MR. H. BRERETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGEN. 585 When no more gas was evolved, the tube was removed from the pump and sufficient phosphorus trichloride added to cover the phosphorus. The chloride was boiled and the tube sealed. It was heated in an air bath to 200° for three days. Any traces of phosphine or hydrogen would attack the chloride of phosphorus with fonnation of hydrochloric acid and free phosphorus. The tube was opened and the phosphorus chloride distilled off. To get rid of hydrochloric acid, the phosphorus was heated in a vacuous tube which had a piece of solid potash at the other end. To get rid of any traces of ordinary phosphorus which might have been formed in these processes, a stream of purified air was drawn over the purified substance heated to 100° for two days. Tubes were constructed like those used for carbon, with plugs of phosphorus pent- oxide at one end and purified amorphous phosphorus at the other. These tubes were each heated over an Argand burner with a similar tube containing the same phos- phorus in moist oxygen. In six of them, which had been drying from 2-5 weeks, no visible combustion could be observed, though the temperature was raised sufficiently nigh to distil the phosphorus. It condensed in yellow globules which could again be distilled, confirming the last results obtained on the influence of moisture on the combustion of ordinary phosphorus. After the experiments the gases were analysed, and found to consist of pure oxygen. In one experiment the tube had been standing for two months. The phosphorus pentoxide was very moist, and it was thought probable that the gas would not be sufficiently dry to prevent combustion. The end of the tube containing the phosphorus was heated over a £-inch flame of an Argand burner, side by side with a comparison tube of phosphorus in moist oxygen. In a little tune the moist phosphorus burnt with a bright white light. The dry phosphorus began to distil slowly. When the heavy white vapour reached the moist oxide of phosphorus it burnt with a green flame quite slowly, the flume repeatedly going out and being re-kindled. The flame never moved to any other point, but burnt in this position until all the oxygen was used up. These experiments show that phosphorus, both in the crystalline and the amorphous state, does not undergo combustion when heated in dry oxygen. Tlie Temperature required for the Combustion of Amorphous Phosplwrus. It was frequently noticed that amorphous phosphorus burnt readily at 360°, the boiling-point of mercury. In order to see if a lower temperature would suffice, the following experiment was performed : — In the horizontal part of a long tube, bent at right angles, a small quantity of pure amorphous phosphorus was placed. The vertical part of the tube was open, and dipped into a trough of mercury. After the tube had been filled with moist oxygen, the other end which contained the phosphorus was sealed. This end was inserted in the hole in the side of the air bath. The tempera- ture was kept constant, at 260°. After ten minutes the mercury had risen 5 centi- MDCCCLXXXVIII. — A. 4 P MR. H. HRKRETON Ii AKKR ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGKN. metres in tlie tube. The combustion went on gradually, diminishing slowly in rapidity, and was complete in four hours. The presence of the phosphorus pentoxide produced tends to dry the ga.s, which would, I think, account for the diminution in the rate of combustion. A similar experiment was made with moist oxygen at a temperature of 70°. No diminution in volume of the oxygen was noticed, though the tube was heated for three days continuously. The temperature of the bath was raised to 100°, and kept constant for twenty- three days. During this long heating the combustion was proceeding very gradually, and at the end of the lime half the oxygen was used up. The combustion of amor- phous phosphorus, therefore, at 100° is very slow. To show the difference which dryness makes in the rate of combustion, two similar tubes were heated to 100° in the same air bath. One contained phosphorus in oxygen which had been previously dried by a plug of phosphorus pentoxide for three days. The oxygen in the other was kept saturated with moisture by a drop of water floating on the mercury within the tube. After being heated to 100° for seven days both tubes were examined. In the dry tube the mercury had risen 8 mm. ; in the wet tube it had risen 150 mm. They were heated another seven days. The combustion in the wet tube was complete ; in the dry tube the mercury had only risen 2 mm. In the former experi- ments, therefore, the phosphorus pentoxide produced does diminish the rate of combustion. The luminosity of phosphorus is extinguished if a trace of turpentine vapour be present. A drop of turpentine was allowed to float on the surface of the mercury in a tube containing amorphous phosphorus in moist oxygen. It was heated to 100° as before. The combustion was perceptibly slower than before, though the oxygen was kept saturated with moisture. It went on gradually, however, until after seven days the mercury had risen 100 mm. Amorphous phosphorus, as has been stated by many observers, undergoes an extremely slow combustion when allowed to stand in air. After having been kept for a year in a stoppered tube, a specimen of the pure substance was found to be quite moist, and, when it was washed with pure water, the washings gave the reactions of phosphoric acid. The Conversion of Amorphoiis Phosphorus into Yellow Phosphorus. In one experiment on the combustion of amorphous phosphorus in oxygen, I wished to be quite sure that the temperature to which the wet and dry tubes were heated was the same. Two such tubes were prepared, bent in the middle at a right angle. The phosphorus pentoxide in the dry tube was placed in one arm of the bent tube, the phosphorus being in the other. The ends of the two tubes containing the phosphorus Ml{. II. MIIKUKTOX IIAKKK ON C( iM UfSTION IN DRIED i)\\ 587 were passed through the cork of a large l>oiling tube containing mercury. A long tube open at both ends and passing through the cork served to condense the mercury vapour. Fig. 6. The mercury was boiled. After a few minutes the wet phosphorus burnt, the dry phosphorus showing no change. Further than that, though kept in the boiling mercury for four hours, it was apparently unaltered. We should have expected that it would have been, partly at all events, transformed into the ordinary modification. Is it possible that the change from one modification to the other is affected by dryness? To answer this question the following experiment was undertaken : — Two tubes containing pure amorphous phosphorus in (a) moist and (/>) dry nitrogen were heated in the vapour of boiling mercury for four hours. The phosphorus in both tubes was apparently unaltered. No sublimate of ordinary phosphorus could be seen on the cold parts of either tube. When the same tubes were heated in sulphur vapour at 440°, the production of ordinary phosphorus was quickly noticed in both tubes. Dryness does not apparently affect the temperature of the change. Two tubes were prepared bent at right angles. A small quantity of amorphous phosphorus was placed in each, and one was filled with pure nitrogen, the other with pure oxygen, both gases being saturated with aqueous vapour. The ends of the tubes were then sealed. In order to heat the phosphorus contained in them, the limbs containing the phosphorus were placed in an air bath, holes being cut in its sides for their reception. The air bath was provided with a PAGE'S regulator and the tempera- ture was kept constant at 260°. The other limbs of the tubes were outside the air bath and were kept cool (fig. 7). After six hours the tubes were removed. No perceptible change had taken place in the nitrogen tube ; a small quantity of ordinary phosphorus appeared on the cold jmrt of the oxygen tube. 4 F 2 588 MR. H. BRERETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGEN. When the tip of the oxygen tube was broken under mercury the liquid rushed in and filled the tube, showing that combustion was complete. The nitrogen tube was taken into a dark room, and the points of both ends broken. A current of air was drawn through it with the mouth. No taste or smell was perceptible, and after this treatment no luminosity appeared in the tube. A trace of ordinary phosphorus can be detected in this way. We must conclude, therefore, that at this temperature of 260° no change takes place when amorphous phosphorus is heated in a sealed tube containing nitrogen. LEMOINE ('Deutsch. Chem. Gesell. Berichte,' 1867) has shown that the conversion of amorphous phosphorus into the ordinary modification is prevented if there is a considerable tension of phosphorus vapour in the tube. Though it was scarcely probable that this would exist in the tubes above described, where no taste of phosphorus was found in the gas, it was thought advisable to perform two experi- ments without sealing the tubes in which the phosphorus was heated. Nitrogen was Fig. 7. prepared in quantity by exposing the air in large bell-jars to the slow action of sticks of phosphorus. When the sticks were no longer luminous, the nitrogen was considered ready for use. In order that no vapour of phosphorus should accompany the nitrogen, the gas was passed through a tube containing red-hot copper oxide. It then bubbled through a solution of alkaline pyrogallate to take out the last traces of oxygen, and was then passed over pure amorphous phosphorus contained in a long tube. To prevent access of air a wash bottle of water was connected with the end of this tube. The tube itself passed through an air bath which was fitted with a PAGE'S regulator. In the first experiment the air bath was kept constantly heated to 265° for three hours, a slow current of nitrogen being passed through the tube. No deposit of ordinary phosphorus was found on the cold part of the tube. In the second experi- ment the phosphorus was kept for five hours at a temperature of 278°, but not only was no deposit of phosphorus produced, but, after cooling, no smell or taste of ordinary phosphorus could be detected by drawing air through the tube. It is proved, then, MR H. BRERETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYOBt 589 that amorphous phosphorus combines with oxygen at a lower temperature than that at which it is changed to the ordinary modification when heated in an inert gas. The statement which is ordinarily made that amorphous phosphorus, when heated to 260°, is converted into the yellow variety and if this is done in air or oxygen it then catches fire, is incorrect. Amorphous phosphorus must be considered as undergoing a true combustion, very slow at ordinary temperatures, slow at 100°, and quick at some temperature just below 260°. Combustion of Tellurium in Oxygen. The tellurium was purified by dissolving it in fuming sulphuric acid. The deep red solution was precipitated by the addition of water. It was thought that the possi- bility of occluded hydrogen being present would be obviated in this way. As has been shown, hydrogen has a great influence in bringing about combustion in dried gases, and its elimination was made a principal object in these purifications. The precipitated tellurium was washed with distilled water several times, and dried by heating in vacuo over phosphorus pentoxide. It was placed in hard glass tubes in oxygen dried (1) for two, (2) for three weeks, but in both cases, when heated over an Argand burner with comparison tubes filled with moist oxygen, combustion appeared to take place with as much readiness as was the case when moisture was present. Combustion of Selenium. Selenium was purified by several sublimations, at first in vaciu>, then in selenium chloride vapour. It was then freed from all traces of the chloride by repeated subli- mations in vacuo, pieces of solid potash being present. Tubes were prepared containing this purified selenium in pure oxygen. In some of them the oxygen was dried by phosphorus pentoxide, while in the others the oxygen was saturated with aqueous vapour. Experiment I. — A tube containing selenium in oxygen, which had been standing in contact with phosphorus pentoxide for two weeks, was heated with a similar tube containing selenium in moist oxygen. The dry selenium began to burn at the same moment as the moist, with a slightly less intense flame. On analysis the oxygen was found to be totally used up in both tubes. Experiment II.— The tube containing selenium in oxygen, dried by phosphorus pentoxide, was allowed to stand for two months. It was supported above an Argand burner with a tube containing selenium in moist oxygen. No difference could be observed between the combustion of the moist and dry substances. Selenium, therefore, when purified in this way, burns in dry oxygen. 590 MR. H. BRERETON BAKER ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGK.N Combustion of Boron in Oxygen. In these experiments the boron used was given to me by Mr. FRANCIS JONES, of Manchester. It had been prepared by him in his researches on boron hydride. As hydrogen might be occluded in the substance, it was heated in a tube of hard glass connected with a Sprengel pump About twelve times its volume of gas was evolved, which burnt in air with a green flame. It was probably boron hydride. The boron was then sealed in a tube with oxygen, and left drying for a week. It burnt readily on heating. As all the hydrogen might not have been removed, it was placed in a tube, and heated for three days in an air bath at 200° in boron chloride vapour. A large quantity of hydrochloric acid was produced, and it was only after treating it in this manner three times that the boron chloride did not evolve hydrochloric acid gas. After the hydrogen had thus been eliminated, the boron was heated in dried oxygen, and found not to undergo combustion at the bright red heat of the blow-pipe flame. The end of the glass tube in this experiment was bent and made to dip under mercury, to prevent the glass from blowing out under the pressure of the heated oxygen. Combustion of Arsenic in Oxygen. Commercial arsenic was mixed with purified charcoal and heated in a vacuous glass tube. The crystalline sublimate was heated in a sealed tube with arsenic chloride vapour. The arsenic was then distilled again in a vacuous tube, at one end of which was a piece of solid potash to absorb hydrochloric acid. Two experiments were made with this substance. In the first the oxygen was dried over phosphorus pentoxide for one, in the second for two months. The arsenic was found to burn as readily when dry as when moist, and when the ends of the tubes in which the experiments were done were broken under mercury, the mercury filled them entirely, showing that the oxygen was used up in both cases. Arsenic, therefore, when purified in this way burns in dry oxygen. Combustion of Antimony in Oxygen. This element was prepared by heating tartar-emetic with charcoal. The metal so obtained was powdered, and placed in a hard glass tube, which was then filled with chlorine. The tube was then heated to 200° in an air bath. The process was repeated twice. The antimony so obtained was freed from hydrochloric acid by heating in vacuo over potash. On being heated in oxygen which had been dried for six weeks, it was found to burn readily. Two other experiments were done, in one of which the antimony was heated in oxygen which had been dried over phosphorus pentoxide for four months but neither showed any difference in behaviour between the moist and dry gas. MR, H. BRKRETON ItAKKR ON COMBUSTION IN DRIED OXYGEN. 591 Geneiftl Conclusions. 1. Pure charcoal, heated in oxygen dried by phosphorus pentoxide, does not burn with a flame. Partial combustion, however, goes on, both carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide being formed. 2. If the charcoal is mixed with platinum black, and heated in the same way in oxygen, about the same amount of charcoal is burnt. Carbon dioxide is, however, the only product. 3. When charcoal burns in oxygen, its combustion probably goes on in two stages. It forms, first, carbon monoxide, and, if circumstances are favourable, this undergoes further oxidation to the dioxide. 4. Sulphur, boron, amorphous and ordinary phosphorus do not burn in dried oxygen. Ordinary phosphorus does not even show luminosity, at any pressure, in dried oxygen. 5. Amorphous phosphorus is not converted into ordinary phosphorus when heated in nitrogen to 278° C. This substance undergoes true combustion when heated to 260° in moist air or oxygen, without any previous change to the crystalline variety. 6. Selenium, tellurium, arsenic, and antimony show no difference in their combus- tion, whether the oxygen be moist or dry. I am indebted to Professor H. B. DIXON, F.R.S., for much valuable advice and encouragement during the progress of this investigation. INDEX TO THB PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS (A) FOR THE YEAR 1888. A. AHNBY (W. DB W.) and FESTINO (E. R.). Colour Photometry.— Part TI. The Measurement of Reflected Colours, 547. B. BAKEB (H. B.). Combustion in Dried Oxygen, 571. BiSSET (A. B.). On the Motion of a Sphere in a Viscous Liquid, 43. BIDWELL (S.). On the Changes produced by Magnetisation in the Dimensions of Rings and Rods of Iron and of some other Metals, 205. BUBBUBY (S. H.). On the Induction of Electric Currents in Conducting Shells of Small Thickness, 297. C. Cobalt and nickel, on the ultra-violet spectra of, 231 (see LIVEI.VU and DEWAB). Colour photometry . — Part II. The measurement of reflected colours, 547 (see ABNET and FESTINO). Colours, the measurement of reflected, 547 (see ABNET and FKSTINO). Combustion in dried oxygen, 571 (see BAKEB). I'orariants, invariant!, and quotient -derivatives associated with linear differential equations, 377 (a FOBSYTH). COWAN (G. C.) (see EWIMI and COWAN). MDCCCI.XXXVIII. — A. 4 O 594 INDEX. D. DEWAB (J.) (see LIVEINO and DEWAR). Dew-point instrument*, 73 (see SHAW). Diameters of a plane cubic, on the, 151 (see WALKER). Differential (linear) equations, invariants, covariante, and quotient-derivatives associated with, 377 (see FORSYTE). E. Elasticity and the internal friction of metals, the effect of magnetisation on the, 1 (see TOMLINSON). Electric currents in conducting shells of small thickness, on the induction of, 297 (see BURBURT). Evolution of gases from homogeneous liquids, the conditions of the, 257 (see VELET) . EWINO (J. A.). Magnetic Qualities of Nickel (Supplementary Paper), 333. EWING (J. A.) and COWAN (G. C.). Magnetic Qualities of Nickel, 325. F. FESTING (E. E.)(see ABNEY and FESTING). FITZPATRICK (T. C.) (see GLAZEBROOK and FITZPATRICK). FOBSYTH (A. R.). Invariants, Covariants, and Quotient-Derivatives associated with Linear Differential Equations, 377. G. Oases, the conditions of the evolution of, from homogeneous liquids, 257 (see VELEY). GLAZEBROOK (E. T.) and FITZPATRICK (T. C.). On the Specific Resistance of Mercury, 351. H. Hamilton's Numbers, on. — Part II., 65 (see SYLVESTER and HAMMOND). HAMMOND (J.) (see SYLVESTER and HAMMOND). Hygrometric methods, report on, 73 (see SHAW). I. Induction of electric curretitg in conducting shells of small thicknesr, on the, 297 (see BURBURY). Invariants, covariants, and quotient-derivatives associated with linear differential equations, 377 (see FORSYTE). Iron, changes produced by mr.gnetisation in the dimensions of rings and rods of, 205 (see BIDWELL). INDKX Linear differential equations, invariant*, covariants, and quotient-derivative* associated with, 377 (Me FOBSYTH). LIVEIXU (G. D.) and DEWAB (J.). On the Spectrom of the Oxy-hydrogeu Flame, 27. LivEixt; (G. D.) and DEWAB (J.). On the Ultra- Violet Spectra of the Elements.— Part III. Cobalt and Nickel, 231. Lovi (A. B. H.). The Small Free Vibrations and Deformation of a Thin Elastic Shell, 491. M. Magnetic qualities of nickel, 325 (see EWJNQ and COWAH). Magnetic qualities of nickel (supplementary paper), 333 (see Ewixo). Magnetisation, on the changes produced by, in the dimensions of rings and rods of iron and of some other metals, 205 (see BIDWELI.). Magnetisation, the effect of, on the elasticity and the internal friction of metals, 1 (see TOMLIXBOK). Mechanical properties of metals considered in relation to the periodic law, on certain, 339 (nee ROBERTS- AUSTIN). Mercury, on the specific resistance of, 351 (see GLAZIBBOOK and FITZPATRICK). Metalt, changes produced by magnetisation in the dimensions of rings and rods of iron and of some other, 205 (see BIDWEI.L). Metals, effect of magnetisation on the elasticity and the internal friction of, 1 (see TOMLIXBON). Mftals, on certain mechanical properties of, considered in relation to the periodic law, 839 (see ROBKBTB- AUSTEN). Motion of a sphere in a viscous liquid, 43 (see BASSBT). N. Nickel, magnetic qualities of, 325 (see EWINO and COWAN). Nickel, magnetic qualities of (supplementary paper), 333 (see Ewixo). NicM, on the ultra-violet spectra of cobalt and, 231 (see LITEINO and DIWAK). O. Oxygm, combustion in dried, 571 (see BAKKK). Oxy-hydrogenjlame, on the spectrum of the, 27 (see LIVIINU and DEWAK). P. Periodic law, on certain mechanical properties of metals considered in relation to the, H30 (see ROBIBTS- ACSIEN). Photometry, colour.— Part II., 547 (see ABNKV and FKSTIXO). Physical properties of matter, the influence of stress and strain on the, 1 (see TOMLISSON). Plane cubic, ou the diameters of a, 151 (see WALKEB). INDKX. Q. Qiintient-derivativef, invariants, covariants, and, associated with linear differential equations, 377 (see FORSTTH). R. Reflected colours, the measurement of, 547 (see ABNEY and FESTIX<.)- ROBERTS- AUSTEN (W. C.). On certain Mechanical Properties of Metals considered in relation to tin- Periodic Law, 339. S. SHAW (W. N.). Report on Hygrometric Methods : First Part, including the Saturation Method and ilu- Chemical Method, and Dew-point Instruments, 73. Shell, the small free vibrations and deformation of a thin elastic, 491 (see LOVE). Specific resistance of mercury, on the, 851 (See GLAZEBROOK and FITZPATRICK). Spectra of the elements, on the ultra-violet. — Part III., 231 (see LIVEING and DEWAR). Spectrum of the oxy -hydrogen flame, 27 (see LIVEING and DEWAR). Sphere in a viscous liquid, on the motion of a, 43 (see BASSET). Stress and strain, the influence of, on the physical properties of matter, 1 (see TOMLINSON). SYLVESTER (J. J.) and HAMMOND (J.) On Hamilton's Numbers. — Part II., 65. T. TOMLINSON (H.). The Influence of Stress and Strain on the Physical Properties of Matter. — Part I., Elasticity (continued). — The Effect of Magnetisation on the Elasticity and the Internal Friction of Metals, 1. U. Ultra-violet spectra of the elements, on the. — Part III., 231 (see LIVEING and DEWAB). V. VELEY (V. H.). The Conditions of the Evolution of Gases from Homogeneous Liquids, 257. Vibrations and deformation of a thin elastic shell, the small free, 491 (see LOVE). Viscous liquid, on the motion of a sphere in a, 43 (see BASSET). W. WALKER (J. J.). On the Diameters of a Plane Cubic, 151. HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO UER MAJESTY, ST. MAKn.s'- |,.\.\K. o Q a L82 v.179 cop. 2 Ho/ax society of London Philosophical transactions, Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences. A Sci. Seruk PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY