HI PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON SERIES A. CONTAINING 1'APEES OF A MATHEMATICAL OE PHYSICAL CHAEACTEE. VOL. 205. LONDON : PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, W.C., iit ^rbinarg to |jis gjajtstg. MAY, 1906. Q «f I CONTENTS, (A) VOL. 205. List of Illustrations page v Advertisement . vii I. On the Normal Series satisfying Linear Differential Equations. By E. CUNNING- HAM, B.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Communicated by Dr. D. H. F. BAKER, F.R.S page 1 II. Memoir on the Theory of the Partitions of Numbers. — Part III. By P. A. MACMAHON, Major P. A., Se.D., F.R.S 37 III. Atmospheric Electricity in High Latitudes. By GEORGE C. SIMPSON, B.Sc. (1851 Exhibition Scholar of the University of Manchester). Communicated by ARTHUR SCHUSTER, F.R. S. (51 IV. The Halogen Hydrides as Conducting Solvents. Part I. — The. Vapour Pressures, Densities, Surface Energies and Viscosities of the. Pure Solvents. Part II. — The Conductivity and Molecular Weights of Dissolved Substances. Part II f. — The Transport Numbers of. Certain Dissolved Substances. Part IV. — The Abnormal Variation of Molecular Conductivity, etc. By B. D. STEELE, D.Sc., D. MC!NTOSH, M.A., D.Sc., and E. H. ARCHIBALD, M.A., Ph.D. (late 1851 Exhibition Scholars). Communicated by Sir WILLIAM KAMSAY, K.C.B., F.R.S. 99 V. TJie Atomic Weight of Chlorine: An Attempt to determine the Equivalent of Chlorine by Direct Burning with Hydrogen. By HAROLD B. DIXON, M.A., F.R.S. (late Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford), Professor of Chemistry, and E. C. EDGAR, B.Sc., Dalton Scholar of the University of Manchester . . 169 a 2 VI. Researches on Explosives. — Part III. By Sir ANDREW NOBLE, Bart., K.C.B., F.R.S., F.R.A.S. page 201 VII. Colours in Metal Glasses, in Metallic Films, and in Metallic Solutions.— II. By J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT. Communicated by Professor Larmoi; Sec.RS. 237 VIII. On the Intensity and Direction of the Force of Gravity in India. By Lieut.-Colonel S. G. BURRARD, H.E., F.R.S. 289 IX. On the Refractive Index of Gaseous Fluorine. By C. CUTHBERTSON and E. B. II. PRIDEAUX, M.A., B.Sc. Communicated by Sir WILLIAM RAMSAY, K.C.B., F.R.S 319 X. Modified Apparatus for the Measurement of Colour and its Application to the Determination of the Colour Sensations. By Sir WILLIAJI DE W. ABNEY, K.C.B., F.R.S. 333 XL The Pressure of Explosions. — Experiments on Solid and Gaseous Explosives. Parts I. and II. By J. E. PETAVEL. Communicated by Professor ARTHUR SCHUSTER, F.R.S 357 XII. Fifth and Sixth Catalogues of the Comparative Brightness of the Stars — in Continuation of tfiose Printed in the 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society' for 1796-99. By Dr. HERSCHEL, LL.D., F.R.S. Prepared for Press from the Original MS. Records by Col. J. HERSCHEL, R.E., F.R.S. 399 XIII. On the Accurate Measurement of Ionic Velocities, with Applications to Various Ions. By K. B. DENISON, M.Sc., Ph.D., and B. D. STEELE, D.Sc. Com- municated by Sir WILLIAM RAMSAY, K. C.B., F.R. S. 449 XIV. On Mathematical Concepts of the Material World. By A. N. WHITEHEAD, Sc.D., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge 465 Index to Volume 527 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Plates 1 to 13. — Sir ANDREW NOBLK : Researches on Explosives. — Part III. Plates 14 to 20. — Lieut. -Colonel S. G. BURRARD on the Intensity and Direction of the Force of Gravity in India. Plate 21. — Mr. J. E. PETAVEL on the Pressure of Explosions.— -Experiments on Solid and Gaseous Explosives. — Parts 1. and 11. ADVERTISEMENT. THE Committee appointed by the Royal Society to direct the publication of the Philosophical Transactions take this opportunity to acquaint the public that it fully appears, as well from the Council-books and Journals of the Society as from repeated declarations which have been made in several former Transactions, that the printing of them was always, from time to time, the single act of the respective Secretaries till the Forty- seventh Volume; the Society, as a Body, never interesting themselves any further in their publication than by occasionally recommending the revival of them to some of their Secretaries, when, from the particular circumstances of their affairs, the Transactions luid happened for any length of time to be intermitted. And this seems principally to have been done with a view to satisfy the public that their usual meetings were then continued, for the improvement of knowledge and benefit of mankind : the great ends of their first institution by the Royal Charters, and which they have ever since steadily pursued. But the Society being of late years greatly enlarged, and their communications more numerous, it was thought advisable that a Committee of their members should be appointed to reconsider the papers read before them, and select out of them such as they should judge most proper for publication in the future Transactions ; which was accordingly done upon the 26th of March, 1752. And the grounds of their choice are, and will continue to be, the importance and singularity of the subjects, or the advantageous manner of treating them ; without pretending to answer for the certainty of the facts, or propriety of the reasonings contained in the several papers so published, which must still rest on the credit or judgment of their respective authors. It is likewise necessary on this occasion to remark, that it is an established rule oi the Society, to which they will always adhere, never to give their opinion, as a Body, upon any subject, either of Nature or Art, that comes before them. And therefore the thanks, which are frequently proposed from the Chair, to be given to the authors of such papers as are read at their accustomed meetings, or to the persons through whose hands they received them, are to be considered in no other light than as a matter of civility, in return for the respect shown to the Society by those communications. The like also is to be said with regard to the several projects, inventions, and curiosities of various kinds, which are often exhibited to the Society ; the authors whereof, or those who exhibit them, frequently take the liberty to report, and even to certify in the public newspapers, that they have met with the highest applause and approbation. And therefore it is hoped that no regard will hereafter be paid to such reports and public notices ; which in some instances have been too lightly credited, to the dishonour of the Society. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. I. On the Normal Series Satisfying Linear Differential Equation*. By E. CUNNINGHAM, 13. A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Communicated by Dr. H. F. BAKER, F.If.S. Received December 14, 1904, — Read December 15, 1904. CONTENTS. Section Page 1. Introductory ........ . .................. 1 2. The equations to be considered .and the canonical form of a linear system of equations . . 3 3. The solution in view ........................ 4 4. The unique determination of the determining matrix when the roots of the characteristic equation are unequal ....................... 5 5. The completion of the solution in the same case ............... 6. The general case; restriction on systems considered .............. 10 7. The matrix x ; preliminary assumptions as to its form ............. 11 8. The difference equations for the coefficients ; equations of condition ......... 11 9. On certain operators Ar and their application ......... ....... 14 10. The particular case when the roots of a certain equation are unequal ........ 16 11. The non-diagonal elements of x in this case ................. 19 12. The complete solution for p — 1 in this case ................. 21 13. The solution forp = 1 in the general case ................ 14. Resumption of most general form .................... 25 15. Application of the method to a particular equation .............. 29 16. On the method to be adopted when certain equations of condition are not satisfied; sub- normal forms ......................... 30 17. Complete solution of a certain equation of the third order ............ 34 1. THE present paper is suggested by that of Dr. H. F. BAKER in the 'Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society/ vol. xxxv., p. 333, "On the Integration of Linear Differential Equations." In that paper a linear ordinary differential equation of order n is considered as derived from a system of n linear simultaneous differential equations or, in abbreviated notation, dx/dt — ux, VOL. CCV.— A 387. B 21.6.05 2 MR. R CUNNINGHAM ON THE NORMAL SERIES where u is a square matrix of n rows and columns whose elements are functions of t, and x denotes a column of n independent variables. A symbolic solution of this system is there given and denoted by the symbol fl(u). This is a matrix of n rows and columns formed from u as follows :— Q(<£) is the matrix of which each element is the (-integral from t0 to t of the corresponding element of <£, (j) being any matrix of n rows and columns ; then wQw...ad inf., where the operator Q affects the whole of the part following it in any term. Each column of this matrix n(n) gives a set of solutions of the equations dx/dt = ux, and since fl(n) = 1 for t = t0, these n sets are linearly independent, so that fl(u) may be considered as a complete solution of the system. Part II. of the same paper discusses the form of the matrix Sl(u) in the neighbour- hood of a point at which the elements of the matrix u have poles of the first order, or in the neighbourhood of which the integrals of the original equation are all " regular." It is there shown that if t = 0 be such a point, a matrix 0* c,.2(t/t0)e- 0. can be found, in which all elements to the left of the diagonal are zero, in which c^ = 0 unless 0t— Q} is zero or a positive integer, such that fl(u) is of the form where G is a matrix whose elements are converging power series in t, and G0 is the value of G at t = ta. The form of is such as to put in evidence what are known as HAMBURGER'S sub- groups of integrals associated with the fundamental equation of the singularity ; the method is, in fact, a means of analysing the matrix fl (?t) into a product of matrices, of which one is expressible in finite terms and shows the nature of the point as a singularity of the solution. The object of the following investigation is to see how far, under what conditions, and in what form, such an analysis can be effected for equations having poles of a higher order than unity in the elements of the matrix u. It is known that if in the neighbourhood of infinity the equation is of the form X SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 3 pr being a polynomial of degree pr, and Pr(l/.x) a series of positive integral powers of l/x, the equation has a set of formal solutions of the form r = where ilr is a polynomial of degree p+\, provided a certain determinantal equation has its roots all different. The case in which these roots are not all different is discussed by FABRY (' These, Facultd des Sciences, Paris,' 1885), where he introduces the so-called Subnormal Integrals, viz., integrals of the above form in a variable xr'k, k being a positive integer. The investigation carried out in the following bears the same relation to the discussion of these normal and subnormal integrals that Part II. of the paper quoted at the outset bears to the ordinary analysis of the integrals of an equation in the neighbourhood of a point near which all the integrals are regular. 2. Throughout the discussion the neighbourhood of the point t = 0 will be under consideration, the coefficient pr being supposed to have a pole of order tsr at this point. Let p+l be the least integer not less than the greatest of the quantities rav/r. The equation may then be considered as belonging to the more general type _ A where Pr(0 is holomorphic near t = 0. This equation may be reduced to a linear system of simultaneous equations as follows (vide ' Proc. Lond. Math. Soc.,' vol. xxxv., p. 344) :— Put x, = z, o-2 = ^+1z(1>, ... srr+1 = tr(f+1Wr\ r=l,..,,n-l. The n equations then satisfy the system of n equations 0 0 0 (n-5 dx ' 0 l 0 dt tpv o p+l l o £±1 1 i o, Qi tp+l' where Qi...Qn are series of positive integral powers of t. This system belongs to the more general form B 2 ME. E. CUNNINGHAM ON THE NORMAL SERIES where ap+1 ...ft... are square matrices of constants. The most general equation of this form will be considered. If p. be any matrix of constants and y = px, the n quantities y satisfy the system a£ or Let /i be now chosen so that (p^fT1) is of canonical form as follows :-— (i.) It has zero everywhere save in the diagonal and the n-1 places immediately to the right of it ; (ii.) The diagonal consists of the roots of the equation ap+l-p\= 0, equal roots occupying consecutive places; (iii.) The elements to the right of the diagonal consist of (e,-l) unities, then a zero, (e3-l) unities, a zero, and so on (' Proc. Lond. Math. Soc.,' vol. xxxv., p. 352). Form now the matrices (/lo^'1) ...(/tftfT1) ; the equation is then replaced by an equation of exactly similar form, the matrices a,,... being still any matrices whatever, but Oj,+1 being of the canonical form. 3. The equation being denoted by dy/dt = uy, if 77 be any solution of the equation (A) drjjdt = U7)-r)x, X being an arbitrary matrix, we have so that i/n (x) is a matrix satisfying the equation in question. In what follows we are concerned with the form of a solution more than the actual convergence and existence of the same. It is therefore important to notice that if 77 be a diverging power series formally satisfying equation (A), 770 (\) may be still considered as a formal solution of the original equation, the only condition necessary to secure its actual existence being the convergence of 77. If 77 be convergent, the solution may be particularized by adding the factor ij0~lt i.e., 170 (x)^)"1 is the solution reducing to unity at t = ta. The main investigation to be carried out is that of a simple form for the matrix x, such that the subsidiary equation (A) may have a formal solution in the form of a SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 5 matrix whose elements are series of positive integral powers of t, reducing for t = 0 to the matrix unity. 4. Owing to the much greater simplicity of the case in which the equation \ap+l—p\ = 0 has all its roots different, it will be treated first separately. The result obtained is as follows :— A matrix x can be determined uniquely of the form Xi+i i XP i i Xi tn+ 1 ' j« i • * * i , ) where XT>+I ---Xi are Matrices of constants in whicli all elements save those in (he diagonal are zero, such that there is a formal solution where the matrix rj is made up of series of positive integral powers of f — generally diverging — and reducing for / = 0 to the matrix unity. Consider the equation (B) $- «•- where r = I.,..., p+\. The roots of otp+l—p\ = 0 being unequal, the matrix «y)+1 will have zero elements except in the diagonal; the diagonal elements will be /31; p.,, .../>,„ the roots of the equation. If the equation (B) is satisfied by the matrix i) = (x, y, z...}, where x, y, z ... denote columns of elements of the form X = X y = y«+yit+..., the coefficients xr, yr... being columns of constants xra, xr\ xr2, &c., these constants satisfy the following equations :— X. (ap+l — 61p^l)x0 = 0, a+1-0nz, + - w. These then determine xl save for its first element, in place of which a unique value is given for 0pl. The third equation X in full gives x1" + a1V1 = 0, r = (2, ..., n). Of these, the first gives 0lf-i, while the following determine sc2 save for its first element, but only in terms of the yet undetermined .r,1. Of the next group, the first equation is This equation apparently involves the unknown .r,1 explicitly, and also, in x22...x2", implicitly. But the whole coefficient of xrl is „ U pS-p,/ 2 'i n 2 2 ' EO that ^-2 is given independently of o^1. SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 7 The remaining equations of this group give x3 except for x3\ in terms of x^ and x,1. Proceeding in this way as far as the (p+l)th equation of X, x^...xp are all found except for their first elements, while the first elements of these equations give 6lpJrl...0i, 0lp+r being not a priori independent of x^...xrl hitherto unknown. It has been shown above, however, that the determination of 6lp^1 does not require a knowledge of x±. In general, in fact, ()lp-r is given independently of x^.-.x,1. To prove this, the way in which x^ enters into .x-*r+1 will be first considered. This may be stated .as follows : — The coefficient of x± in x\+l is equal to that part of xrk which is independent of For r = 1 this is at once seen by writing down the equations In general the equation for .rAr+1 is Assuming the statement above to be true for 1, 2...r, and that 9V, ..., 0p-r+i are independent of x1l...xlr-l, the above equation shows that the coefficient of x^ in — (pt— pi)xkr+l is the part independent of a?!1,..., ,rrl in r— I , V /-,!* .''j- - r, li i \a p-r-n+l^j T...-rt* p_r+< + iXs j-, i.e., u so that under the above assumptions the statement holds for 1, 2..., r+1. Also, under the same assumptions, from the equation giving 0l;,-r, viz., we deduce that the coefficient of x/ in ^p-,. is the part independent of x^ in This expression differs only from the left-hand member of the equation for 6lp-r+i by multiples of x^^.x1^^ and therefore, on the assumption that this equation gives ^P-! independently of a?/..., the part independent of these quantities in the above expression must, when 6lp-r+i is determined, vanish, so that 6lp-r is independent of x,1. 8 MR. E. CUNNINGHAM ON THE NORMAL SERIES Now the way in which the successive equations follow one another shows that the coefficient of aV in 6* is equal to that of a:,1 in 0ft+r_,. Thus 0',,-r+i being independent of a^1, 0lp-r is independent of x2\ and in general, 0lp-,+k(k = l...r-l) being all independent of a^1, Qlp-r does riot contain x^..^,^. Thus, if the assumptions made on p. 7 are satisfied for any particular value of r less than p, they are satisfied for a value of ?• one greater than that value. For ?• = 1 the statements have been justified, and it follows therefore that fl1^...^1 are all determined uniquely without the knowledge of a;,1, x2\... from the first (p+l) of the equations X, and by the same equations x^-.x^ are found, except for their first elements, the expressions obtained containing those first elements. 5. Consider now the (p + 2)Ul equation X in regard to its first element. As before, this will be independent of xpl...x3l; but on account of the extra term arising from dy/dt, which now enters for the first time, the coefficient of aV is not zero. 'It is, in fact, — 1. Thus, the quantities 6ll...6lp+l being now known, this equation gives a^1. Similarly, the next group's first member will contain the term — ZxJ but will not contain x-}.,,xlp+lt and will therefore give x2l after o^1 is found. Thus all the elements x^ are determined successively, and returning to the expressions for a?/ (?'>l) in terms of these and substituting the values so found, all these are given also. The equations for the columns y, z, &c., being treated in the same way, give the corresponding O's uniquely, and also the coefficients in the series of which these columns are composed. Thus it is shown that when the "characteristic equation" «p+i— p\=0 has its roots all different, the equation dy/dt = ny, where ap+i being in its canonical form, possesses a unique formal solution in the form where the elements of Xp-- Xi llot "i the diagonal are zero, and the elements of r? are power series in t, reducing for t = 0 to the matrix unity. The matrix n^£« + ... + £j can at once be written in the form a>/a>0, where o> is a matrix whose non-diagonal elements are zero, and whose kih diagonal element is e p-tr and w0 is the value of CD at t — tlt. SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 9 If the series t) happen to be convergent, the solution which reduces to unity at t = t0 can at once be written in the form i) = 1 + -J A, (i.)- - Tia^,1 + ^2 + j-Zj- (a;1,,.! - x2,,,!) = 0 - 2 -> - m ^-^ (^,.-1 - »2«-i) = 0 I - 2 Hence and therefore - which with the first equation gives 2 V« . n (x Thus a recurrence formula is established for the quantities xnl-xn2 in terms of which a;1,^! and a;2,,+i can be at once expressed. * With reference to SCHLESINGER'S demonstration of this result, see a note by the author in the 'Messenger of Mathematics," January, 1905. VOL. CCV. — A. C 10 MB. E. CUNNINGHAM ON THE NORMAL SERIES The series for x will terminate if for any value of n y + (q-n)(p + n-l) = 0, ? f if for some value of n. The series for y will similarly terminate if (-A + 2/»-l)2-(4y + l) vanish for some value of n. Both these are certainly satisfied if X = q and 4y + 1 = p2, where p, q are any integers of which one is odd and the other even. 6. We pass now to the case where the characteristic equation \ap+1-p\ = 0 has its roots not all unequal, and the analysis becomes a good deal more intricate with the less simple canonical form of the matrix ap+1 as stated on p. 4. It will be remembered that the numbers e1; e2... there used are the powers of (p^-p) in the elementary divisors of | ap+1-p \ with respect to the root pl of this equation of multiplicity I In the case of the system obtained on p. 4 from a single equation of order n, we may prove that ^ = I, e2 = e3 = . . . = 0. For the matrix (ap+1— p) is of the form / 0 i 0 0 . 1 . . . 0 \: b • • . 0 1 . . k The minor of the quantity " k" in the determinant of this matrix is simply (— p}"~\ Thus the elementary divisors are certainly merely unity with respect to any non-zero roots. If there be a multiple zero root, however, since the minor of "a" is unity, the elementary divisors with respect to this root are all simply pu. Thus for such a system we have for each multiple root e3 = e3 . . . = 0 ; so that in the canonical form of ap+1, if Pi = pi+i> ap+i' ' = 1» and if Such systems being by far the most important in practice and also considerably simpler to work out, the full discussion will be restricted to systems of this type. It may be pointed out that the most general system can be solved by means of the solution of systems of this more restricted type, for from the general system SATISFYING LINEAE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 11 ft *T' tt -T- = jj+i %, where u is a power series in t, a linear equation of order n and rank p near t = 0 can be obtained for each row of the matrix x, and this equation can be solved by the solution of a linear system of the restricted type in question. Of the matrix ^ to be used here, the following properties will be presupposed :— (i.) It is to be of the form %£±± + %£ + ...+& } where each of the matrices V V V XI---XP+I has all elements to the left of the diagonal zero. (ii.) The diagonal elements of these matrices are to be numerical constants denoted as before by 0r* (r = 1, ... , p+ 1 ; s = 1, ... , n). (iii.) All the other non-zero elements of x^Xs-'-Xp-t-i are t° be constants, while the other elements of ^i may contain t, but only to positive integral powers (cf. the matrix x in Dr. BAKEE'S paper, loc. cit.). 8. As before, the matrix 77, which is a formal solution of the subsidiary equation drjjdt = UTf)—r)x, will be supposed to be formed of the columns y = 2/0 and the equations for the coefficients xryr... are the same as the equations X (p. 5). But the detailed form of these equations is quite different. The first of them ( «,,+! — 0lp+i)x0 = 0 is still satisfied by 3. — | 0 I #' — n ° ~ y i ' ^ p+i ~ PI- Supposing now p, to be a root of multiplicity el} the second equation X is in full = °= = 0, where pf,+i = ••• = pt^,,^ C 2 12 MR. E. CUNNINGHAM ON THE NORMAL SERIES These equations manifestly determine x^ except for its first and second elements, the second being known as soon as 0pl is. We are also at once faced with a condition necessary for the possibility of the solution under the assumptions made as to the form of x, viz. :— «/' = 0. This condition arises from the e,"1 equation of the set, and as, in the ensuing discussion, the e^'1 equation of each set is most important we shall here introduce a notation for it, viz., Xr will stand for the e/11 equation of the (7-+l)th set; i.e., of the set (af+l-0lp+l)xr+... = 0. This equation will not contain any element of xr. A similar notation will be adopted for the equations Y, Z... for the coefficients in the other columns of TJ. If the second element of the first row of XP+\ t»e C2\, the equations Y are (^-H-tf'W l)2/0-^0 = 0, (a.j,+i-8a1,+i)yi+(a.f-0p)y0-clslx1 = 0, Of these the first is satisfied by provided we take c21 = 1 = corresponding element in ap+l. Considering each of the columns in succession we have thus, with i)0 = 1. XP+I = ap+\- The second of the equations Y gives -X11 = 0, -V-xf = o, atp8"'- fl^* = 0, (j°^i-/'i)2/1ei+1 + <'+1-*iei+1 = 0, which, when xl is known, determine yl save for its first element, and its third until OP is known. The exceptional equation Y,, af'-xS = 0, gives us again a necessary condition for the possibility of the solution in view, a/^' + a'-1 = 0, SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 13 Similarly the equation Zl gives 0 = a/' "-y,'' = «/•" + <• "-'-a^'-1 = a/^' + a/'''-'*^'.'.-3, and so on for the equations for each of the first et columns of r). For the (ej + l)"1 column, however, the non-diagonal term of x*+i = 0 and the equations for this column do not contain the elements of the preceding column. In fact, the e2 columns beginning with the (cj + l)"1 form a group related to one another in just the same manner as the first ex are. We obtain from them, as from the latter, the conditions €, + !, and x into x1, viz. :— X1. K+i-^VOxo1 = 0, and let these be treated in exactly the same way as the equations X, the undetermined elements of x1 being supposed the same as those of x. From the two sets of equations X, X1 let a new set be formed by subtracting corresponding members of X and X1 and dividing each remainder by 0P-0P2, and let this new system be denoted by X-X1 _ Q The expressions for x1 obtained from X1 in terms of 01p+l... will be identical with those obtained from X in terms of the same with 0pl changed into 0P". x—xl Let AP.T denote the expression ' ' • Vp Up Then A;)X is the system of equations 0 = 0, («„+, - 0Vi) A/d ~X0 = 0, a1 /9* ^A/y-l-//v— $ \ \ T:-. — T,-, = 0 \ w+l " p + 1 / *-*/>'^'2 ' \ p up I *-*p'*Jl *JU\ v? Further Ap(;r1) = [ M = y0> and 0lp+1 = Thus these equations are identical in form with the equations Y, except that 02p-k is replaced by 6lp-k, &>0. Thus if from Y the y's be calculated as in I., p. 13, and from APX the quantities \x be similarly determined, the only difference between Aa?r+1 and yr will be in the substitution of x±... for t/i1... and 6lp-k for 02p-k, A;>0, and Thus if we substitute the values of Apa; thus found in ApX^! the result will differ from Yr only by the same substitutions. In a similar way, denoting by APY the difference equations Y-Y1 0P*-0P3 APY will differ from Zr_j only by the substitution of y?... for z?, tfv-v for 0^..., and 0*+l for 0J3, and so for the remainder of the first el columns. SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 15 In exactly the same way if X2 denote the system derived from X by the change of p_! into &p-i, and the equations Y X-X2 p-1^ ~" ai on be formed, the quantities A,,_1a.v+2 differ from yr only by the substitution of 6p for 9P\ 0lp-2 for 02p-2... and 6^ + 2 for 6*. The same operator Ap_j applied to the equations Y connects the columns y and z, and so on. Similarly, operators Ap_3...Aa may be defined. X — Lastly, an operator Aj may be defined so that the equation AxX is -^-r • where "i — PI +p denotes the equations X with O-f—p substituted for 8*. Then the equation Yr will, when y^,... are replaced by aV,... and Bp2,..., 022 by 0P1,..., 02l, become the equation A?Xp+r. Consider now the equation Zl ; it is independent of #/, Zi1,..., and therefore reduces to a simple numerical constant which must be zero (p. 13). But Y is a polynomial in 6*. It can therefore be only of the first degree, since APY2 is independent of 0P3 ; is, in fact, the same as Z,, viz., zero, so that Y2 does not contain 0P2. It must then, like Z,, be only a constant, and must therefore vanish identically, so that Y2 = 0 gives a further " equation of condition." Hence again X3 cannot contain 0pl, and the operator Ap_! connecting it with Y, shows that it cannot contain 0lp-i. Thus X3 again must be a vanishing constant, giving another "equation of condition." Similarly, starting with the corresponding equation of the fourth column, we find APX4 = 0, so that X4 must be independent of 6P. Also A^X, will vanish identically, so that X4 is independent of 6lp-1, and similarly it is independent of ffip.a.... Thus if ej > 4, X4 reduces to a mere constant which, as before, must vanish. The process may clearly be carried on as far as the e^'1 column, so that the equations Xi.-.X,^! all give equations of condition, as do also Y^.-Y^-js, Zj.-.Z^-a, etc. Starting now from the second equation of the e/'1 column, where ^ denotes the e^ column of TJ, it follows that the third equation from (e^ — l)th column must be a quadratic in 9p-^~l, independent of &1, {= 2(0p'~l) say}, and such that Thus if 0/1"1 is one root of 2 = 0, 0/' is the other. 16 MR E. CUNNINGHAM ON THE NORMAL SERIES Similarly, the fourth equation from the preceding column must give a cubic for ep'~\ (fo = 0), such that Thus 0/'~2, 0/1"1, 0ptl are the roots of <£3 = 0. Eventually the first column gives an equation of degree et for 0P (viz., Xei), of which the roots in any order are a possible set of values for 0pl...0pf'. Calling this equation (f> (6} = 0, and denoting its roots in some assigned order by (0) are all different be taken first. It has been shown above that the equation Yr, when x^... are substituted for y?... and 0P\ 6lp-2... for 0P2, 02p-2..., becomes identical with Ap_iXr+2. Now, Y£I_! is merely a polynomial in 6P, independent of?/!1... and 02P-1..., and vanishing for 0P2 = cr2, o-3...crei. Let Y.,., = *„_,(*/). Thus Xei+1 is linear in 6lp^ the coefficient of the same being ^,^(0^); the part independent of 6lp^ contains only 0P, which is now a determinate quantity. If the roots of (o"i) = 0, where #(8) = Thus Now fifa) is save for a constant factor (0-1-0-2) (o-j-o-a)...^-^), so that ApX€i+1 is = 0. But the equation Y€I, which is independent of 0*,_,,... becomes, when 0pl(= a-,) is SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 17, substituted for 0P', the equation Ap_1X,i+2, so that when 6* is substituted for 6a'n\ Yt| it becomes symmetrical in 6lp^ and 0ap-i. Y€I must therefore be of the form A( (6P) = 0 to be all different, there is associated with each a unique determinate value of 0f-i. VOL. CCV, — A, D lg MR. E. CUNNINGHAM ON THE NORMAL SERIES These quantities then being determined, consider now the equation X€,+3, Y,1+1... and first it must be pointed out that the relations established between the equations X Y... through the operators A (pp. 14-15), where the quantities 6P, 0^... were considered as independent, are still valid when 0P^, &c., are determined as functions of 6 The operator A, in the first place becomes replaced in the equation X,i+2 after that giving 0',-! bJ ^ + Vi--VF?F- But ViX.,« vanishes owing to the choice of "p Up 0Vi. so that the value of 6\^ being substituted in Xe,+2 the operator Ap may be still applied to establish a relation with Y,I+I. We have further VA.« = &-i(V). while Ap_3X,,+2... vanish identically because of the vanishing of Y,,-2, Yei_,.... Thus the equation X,i+2 is of the form in which 0pl and 01p-l are to have their determined values, so that the equation may be written The operation Ap having been shown to be applicable to the equation in this form, reasoning exactly as above shows that the equation for 02P_2 reduces to so that the values of (Jp-2 associated with the roots o-1; cr2 are independent of the order in which these roots are taken, and likewise the values of 6*p-.2... will be unaltered by a permutation of the same. The same may be shown in the same way of a permutation of any other two consecutive roots, viz., that such permutation gives rise to a corresponding permutation of the 0^_2.... Identical reasoning leads to an identical conclusion with regard to Qp-.a...02. Eventually we come to equations giving #,. When dpl...02l have all been found, the equation 'Kfi+p.l is of the form ^-i^ij^+x^i) = 0, where, as before, the coefficient of 6* is not zero, so that 6* is determined like the rest ; while 0l2...0i1 are found respectively from Yei+p_2.... All the 6's being now determined, if we pass to the equation X,1+p and follow the same argument that was required to prove the preceding equations independent of Xj1..., the coefficient of x± is found to be the left-hand member of X.1+p_i with (^ + 1) substituted for 0^, i.e., it is simply $,^(0-1), which is not zero. Thus X.1+p determines the first of the undetermined elements x± ____ Similarly in X,1+p+1 the coefficient of x2l is 2<£Ci_1(o-i), so that by this xal is given, and so on for the succeeding equations in turn. SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIA!, EQUATIONS. 19 In order to proceed to the determination of the second column it may be noticed at once that the coefficient of yrl in any equation is exactly equal to that of xrl in the corresponding equation from the first column with o-j and cr2 interchanged, which includes the interchange of 0lp-k and 62p-k. In the equation 'Y,i+p_l, therefore, the coefficient of y^ is identically zero, while the unknown 6-Js are now all determined. The closer consideration of this equation is deferred for a moment. The coefficient of y± in Y,i+p = coefficient of x* in X,i+p with o^ and k. For the third column the equation Zei+p_3 determines 0^, and the two equations following, Z,i+p_2, Z.i+p_!, are still independent of z^, z21..., while the equation Z.j+p+A-! contains z^...z^, the coefficient of zk being &(cr3— o-i)(o-3— cr2)(cr3— o-.,) In the same way, if the elements of the etih column be denoted by £ and the associated equations by ft, the equation £lp determines 0^', ft;j+i...ft;)+6i_1 do not contain fi1..., and ft,+,, contains &1 only. 11. So far the matrices XP---XI nave been taken to be simply diagonals. It will now be shown that the insertion of constants to the right of the diagonal in the first ev columns of XP can be carried out in such a manner as to affect none of the conclusions hitherto made, while they may be chosen so that the equations Y^^, Z,i+p_2, Z.^p-j, &c., are all satisfied. Denoting by a,-,- a constant in the iih column and _/th row, i>y, i^f\, ,/lx0=0, (r+l) (ap+l-0p+l)^r+1 + (ap-0p)>/r...-.rr+l-a.-\rr = 0. These equations are to be treated just as they were before the constants a were introduced — the same elements remain undetermined as before, but at each stage the quantities found presumably contain a21. We see at once from equation (1) that the coefficient of «21 in y^ (the first element being excepted) is simply y0. In fact, it can be shown step by step that the coefficient of a21 in yr+l (the first element always excepted) is exactly that part of yr which is independent of azl with 0^ increased by 1 ; and therefore the coefficient of a21 in Yr+1, when the values ofyr2... as far as they are known are substituted, is equal to that part of the left-hand member of Yr which is independent of a21, #/ being increased by unity. Now Y! is independent of a21 and of 0^ and vanishes, thus Y2 is independent of a21, D 2 20 MR. E. CUNNINGHAM ON THE NORMAL SERIES and is therefore the same as if a21 were zero. It is also independent of ft,2, so that Y3 again is independent of a21. Thus until k is so large that Y* does not vanish independently of 0?, Yi+1 is independent of a21, and therefore the same as was obtained in the foregoing, where a21 was neglected. Thus the insertion of a21 in XP does not affect any of the equations Y^-.Y.^-* and therefore the values of 0P2...6* are independent of a21. But in the equation Yei+7,_! the coefficient of : i> £i + l, el + e2>j>fl+l, to satisfy certain equations as above, and so for each root in succession. Thus if the various equations for Op associated with the different groups of equal roots of the characteristic equation have their roots all different, and the " equations SATISFYING LINEAll DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 21 of condition " (p. 15) for each root are satisfied, a formal solution of the linear system has been found in the form nti(^+Xz+ +Xi\ ^ \tp+l V tr where the elements of rj are series of positive integral ascending powers of t, and XI---XP-I have all elements zero save those in the diagonals, which are made up of determinate constants ; and XP consists merely of square matrices about its diagonal of CD e2... rows and columns respectively, each of which has zero everywhere to the left of the diagonal and determinate constants everywhere else. The elements of 77 are in general divergent. The matrix II above will be known as the " determining matrizant." As occasion will be found later to discuss a more general matrizant, nothing further will be said of it here except for the case in which p = I , which will be worked out fully in order to make clear the march of ideas in the more general case. 12. For p = 1 the equation Xti is an equation of degree el for 0^, Yfi_! is of degree el — I for 0^, and so on. -.6(8*)- 0 theiY = , —

' = 0, unless 6>/ = v expressions contain log t, since F contains no integral powers of t. Thus 721, 731- all the places which were occupied by zeros in F being also occupied by zeros in this, and yy contains only a finite number of powers of t, positive or negative, and no logarithms. We may specify a little more exactly the form of the term y{j. A typical term of T/t2 is and Bj—0i is not an integer and c,-, is unity or zero. SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 23 The corresponding term in Q (T/t2) is C, -l + A, -l L Vw L \to ' r r It follows that in -g Q -g the r"1 column is a sum of terms belonging to the indices If V Q\—6i, where ,s- = 1, 2...T, and so for each operation Q. Thus finally we have the result— /r\ The term in the i*1'1 row and/1' column of H(-a) is a sum of terms belonging to the (ft 0 ^ -j + — ) the /h column is a sum t t / of terms belonging to the indices 0ll...0lj. 13. Supposing still that p = 1, let the indices 0ll...0le* cease to differ by other than integers, and likewise the other groups. Let them be arranged in groups differing by integers, so that their real parts are in descending order of magnitude in each group. Then no root of ^(^i1) = 0 will exceed Q* by an integer, and therefore ^(0^ + k)^ 0 — k a positive integer, so that the equations Xf]+i, ... do not fail to determine x^ — If, however, 6* = 0il—k, $ (0^+k) — 0 ; so that the coefficient of y^ in Yti+A vanishes, leaving y^ unknown. We take ?/// = 0 as the simplest assumption, and the following equations then give ylk+\, &c., all without ambiguity. We are, however, left with Ytl and Yei+Jl in general unsatisfied. Of these one can in general be satisfied without affecting the rest of the argument by an adjustment of the element x/1- It has been seen that a constant a21 in the matrix xi occurs first with non- vanishing coefficient in Y£I. Clearly, then, if we introduce a21tk, it will leave all the equations to Ye]+Jl_i unaffected, and add to Y,i+A the left-hand member of Y6i_j with 0^ + k+l for 6*. But Y ! is an equation of degree €l— 1 of which d* is the greatest root, so that the multiple of a21 added to Yei+A is not zero. Thus a proper choice of a21 satisfies Y,1+4. Again suppose 0* = 0*—^ = 0ll — kl — k2, ^>0, £2>0. Then the equations Z.i+t, Zti+,i+,a fail to give z\, z\+ki; but a31, «21 can again be determined so that, if a31«*1+*% a3V' occupy the places above 0^ in XL the equations Z.I+AI, Z€|+AiH.tj are satisfied, 0^ being unaffected and zlki, z\i+tl being taken zero. Suppose then 0l\..01k form the first group of 6^... 6^ differing by integers. Then treating the first h columns all in the same way, the ^h(h — l) equations Y€I, Z.,, Z,,-!... must be satisfied identically when the 0^ have been all determined, and must be added to the equations of condition already found. Suppose now 0lh*l...0lh+k form the next group of roots differing by integers and consider the (h + r)lh column r,A+I is that indicated by the suffix ^-(h+r-l), and those following this up to that with the suffix el are independent of the undetermined elements of r). 24 MR. E. CUNNINGHAM ON THE NORMAL SERIES Further r— 1 of the equations subsequent to these fail to determine the appropriate element as above, on account of the quantities 01h+s—0]h+r being positive integers for s = 1, 2...(r— 1). These (1 — 1) equations are satisfied by putting terms <«,*+*-«l*+raA+r,A+*(£ _ j , — i) in ^i( wnile of the other h + r—l equations constants a*+r'*(s = 1...A) can be found to satisfy h. Thus (r—l) equations of condition are found from this column, and therefore ^k(k— 1) from this group of roots ; and so for each group of roots. Assuming all the equations of condition to be satisfied, we have now the following formal solution where ft is as follows : — • The square matrices about the diagonal of h, k... rows and columns respectively, corresponding to the groups of 6*... which differ by integers, are of the form and all other elements, to the right of the diagonal and within the matrices of e^. rows and columns about the diagonal corresponding to the groups of equal roots for # are numerical constants, and all others to the left and right of the diagonal are zero. Applying now the formula the solution is put in the form 'j ( tjt^j ' ' . . \ /° Cai cM..-\l \ 1 \ | '» o, (t/tu)~e''* *'",... _J_ _ 0 0 e»... 1 i i / / \ I / \ , • • / J where in the last matrix all elements are zero that were zero in Xi, and ci} is a constant if ^-^ is a positive integer, but otherwise is a numerical multiple of t*-*. The expansion of the matrizant can be effected as on p. -22, with the result that in the. expanded matrix the first h elements of the first row contain Iog(t/t0) to the powers 0, 1...A-1 respectively, while the rest of the row is free from logarithms ; the second row begins with zero, then unity, and the next (h- 2) elements contain log («/*„) to powers l...(h-2) respectively, and so on, the Ath row being entirely free from logarithms. In the (A+l)th row in the k places beginning with the diagonal term occurs to powers 0, !...(&-!), and so on. SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 25 14. Returning now to the general case left out of consideration on p. 16, in which the roots of (0p) = 0 are not all unequal, we suppose the roots of this equation arranged in groups, of which the members are all equal. If o-j = or2 = ... = ov, <£ei_i (ei-i(0) = 0 are o-2, ...fi_2(a2), ei_r+1 = 0 are the equations for dp, 6P...6P. The equation for 6lp--i (p. 16) reduces therefore simply to t|>(cri) = 0 and fails to determine 6lp-i ; but, o-j being already known, this must be merely an " equation of condition " among the coefficients. Similarly in the equation X,I+2 the coefficient of 6lp-2 vanishes, and this equation therefore is of the form -i, 01 = 0 or _1, = 0. Now the operator Ap_! acting on this equation, since cri = cr2, gives the equation Yf|> which, as has been seen (p. 17), is linear in 02p-l, the coefficient being ^>ei_2(cr2). If r = 2, this does not vanish, and therefore Xe|+2 is a quadratic for 0\,-i, of which, owing to the relation through &p-i, 6lp-i, 02p-\ are the two roots. If, however, r>2, the equation YEi must become an equation of condition, since <£ti_2(o-2) = 0, and therefore also Xei+2 becomes independent of 61p_l and gives another equation of condition. Carrying on this reasoning step by step, we find that X^+i...X,1+r_j are all independent of 0lp-i, 6lp-2..., while Xfi+r is of degree r in O1^ and independent of Olp-2.... If any root of this equation be taken for ffip^ the equations Yt]...Yti+,._a arc independent of 02p-i, 62P-^..., while Yn+r_2 is an equation of degree r— 1, which, since it is derived from X,i+r by the operator A;)_1; has for its roots the remaining roots ofXe,+r. Choosing one of these for 62p-i, Ze]+r_4 gives an equation of degree ? — 2 whose roots are the remaining, and so on. Similarly, if trr+1 = ... = ov+s, 6p-lr+l...0p-lr+:i are given as the roots of an equation of degree s, and so for each group of equal roots cr. Consider now one such group with the values of ^p_,r+I, ...0p_1r+* obtained. Let the equations of which these are the roots be Then, if the roots of $s be all unequal, say = TJ...T,, ^-i(ri)M=0, ^-2(T2)^=0, .... but ^_1(r,) = 0,/^l. The subsequent equations are then seen by the application of A3 to be VOL, CCV. — A, E 2C, ME E. CUNNINGHAM ON THE NOKMAL SERIES which, since the coefficients of 8p-2 do not vanish, at once give the values of 0P_/+1... ; these, as in the case of 0P^ when the o-'s were unequal, can be shown, if the Toots T^... undergo a permutation, to undergo the same permutation, so that the same 0P,2 is associated with any particular T in whatever place this T is taken. If, however, the roots T fall into groups of which the members are equal to one another, these equations again resolve themselves into equations of condition owing to the vanishing of ^^(TJ), &c. ; and, as before, the quantities 0p-2 fall into corre- sponding groups given as the roots of equations of degrees equal to the numbers in the respective groups. The process may clearly be carried on as far as the determination of 02 by the use of the operators A,,_2...A2. A further remark should be made as to the finding of 0lt in connection with the operator A1( which has been defined to be such that Suppose that 02...62 are given by a set of equations a*^1) = 0, ^(di) = 0, ..., Wl(0/) = 0, where the affixes of the w's denote the degrees of the equations, and the roots of each equation are the remaining roots of the preceding after any one of them has been chosen. Suppose that of these 02 ...#/ are equal, so that Then 6,^(0;) = 0, o,*_a(0a8) = 0, ..., w,_A+](0/-i) = 0, but k be denoted successively by i«* = 0, 2w,t.= 0, ..., i(ak is independent of x^, &c., by virtue of &>* = 0 and the preceding equations, and therefore Aid*,) = «*_»(#)« 0, since 0J = 0P>, 0^ = 0^, ..., so that ,o)A is also independent of 6? and must therefore vanish identically when 0al is determined. Hence also 2o>k is independent of*!1, &c., and therefore SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 27 But in the same way so that !<«*_! (022) must also vanish when 0./ is found and thus iwA_1(^21) == 0, so that 2a>k is also independent of 0^. Ultimately we have and o>k_h(02h) =£ 0 and is independent of 0f. Thus hG>k(Oi] is an equation of degree h for (V, since 0% = 02h, 03l = 03h.... Suppose its roots are vlf v2, ... vh- Take 6± to be v^ Then A-IW*-! is an equation of degree h — l for 0*, and its roots are (p+va)(p+va)..., as shown by effecting the operation Aj. Choosing one of these again to be 0*, say p + v2, A-aw*-a is an equation for 0,3, whose roots are (2p + vs), (2p + v4).... Thus the quantities 0ll...0l'1 are r1( (_p + ra), (2^+r,)..., (h-l)p+vh. In order to particularise the order of the roots v1} v2, ..., they are arranged as soon as found as follows : — Let all those roots which differ from one another by integers be grouped con- secutively and let the arrangement in each group be such that 6r~l — 9r = 0 or a positive integer. Suppose, now, the equation k(ak(0il) = 0 is the equation X?. Then the coefficient of x± in X?+1 is Aw/l(#11+l) which, since no root of Aw*(0) = 0 exceeds 0,1 by a positive integer, does not vanish. X7+1 is moreover independent of xal, ..., owing to the equations k-i P~ 1--.2) the second element of the first row be cr21, and in ^ be c21^, the constants c will, as before (p = 1), affect first the equations Yj-p+j..^.! and Y?+A respectively, entering into these with non- vanishing coefficients. Let cr21 be determined then to satisfy the first p—l of these equations; Y?+1...Y?+x_j E 2 28 ME. E. CUNNINGHAM ON THE NORMAL SERIES* then give ^...yV-i. Y,+A then fails to give y,\ but c21 can be chosen to satisfy the equation and y? may be taken zero. The following equations then give the remaining elements in succession. This leaves the equation Y, in general unsatisfied, and a further equation of condition is therefore necessary. Similarly, if 0,"-0,8 = fi (an integer) of the equations Z, we can, by proper choice Of C32(r _ £,...2), satisfy the p-l following that which determines 6^, viz., Z,-^ ; and just as a proper choice of the constants or21 enabled us to satisfy Yg-p+1...Yq-i, the constants cr31 can be chosen to satisfy Zf_f+i...Z2-i. Thus two equations, Z,,p, Zg, are left unsatisfied in general. The two remaining constants, c,32 and c?\ are utilised to satisfy the equations Z,+(1, Z?+A+^, in which the coefficients of z* and z\+li vanish respectively. To do this the terms c31^" and c**"*' are inserted in the third column of Xi- If then the indices O^.-.B,' be equal, or differ from one another by integers, exactly similar treatment applies for each of the first I columns of 77, the iih column furnishing (i— 1) equations of condition. For the (Z+l)tlh column, however, 01r-01'+1, (r^h) is not equal to zero or a positive integer. Thus hwk (&i+l + m) does not vanish for any value of m, and the Ip constants crl+l''(r =p...l, s = l...l) can be determined to satisfy the Ip equations between Uq-,,, and Uj+1, U denoting an equation of the l+l"1 column, and, in particular, ~Ug-ip being the equation determining 0/+1 and U?+1 determining u^. For the next column, however, 0ll+l — 01l+i may be a positive integer, X1 say, so that h?, can only be satisfied at the expense of the 5th, by making the element above 9^ in ^ — c'+2'm^'. The which is effected in just the same way as for p = 1 (p. 22). P + l Q If to = 2 p where Qr is a matrix made up simply of the diagonal terms 0r1...0r", the application of the equation SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 29 o (tv+,) xj - a,1 = 0, of which (2) gives Xil = 0, so that x£ = 0. 30 ME. E. CUNNINGHAM ON THE NORMAL SERIES Similarly xl* = xt* = Q, and so on. The equations for the second column are I. (1) y21-«i1-X = 0) (2) 3-02-Zi2 = 0, (2) gives 02 = 2 = 1 + 0i and (1) gives J/21 = A. II. (1) yj - (\ + Oa) yil - z,2 - A- xS = 0, (2) (2 - 0,) yj - xf - W = 0, (2) gives A. = 0 and (1) gives y? = 2yJ and also yj = 0. III. (1) y? - %!2 - zi3 - W = 0, (2) (1 - 6S) (z), we have without any calculation the new system for y as a function of 2 Suppose now (f>(z) = zk. Then the transformed system is If, then, the original system is of rank p, so that the new system is dy Vka^_ Jca ,_ «+-«+ - and is of rank kp. If, now, we were to put z = F'1*'' . z1, the form of the equation would be unchanged, while the coefficient of zi;!cp+l in the right-hand member would become the original canonical matrix a.p+l. This is, however, not necessary, as the whole investigation could be carried out equally well if any constants whatever replaced the unities to the right of the diagonal in ap+1. It may now well happen that though all the equations of condition found for the general system are not satisfied, those associated with the new system are all satisfied, so that the new system possesses a solution in normal form. If this is so, the original system will be said to admit of a solution in subnormal form. In fact, an integer k can always be found such that this is so, owing to the vanishing of the coefficients of z-*f+r{r= 0) !...(£_ 2)}. In the first place, all the conditions arrived at from the equations X,, Y,, ... will be satisfied (p. 13), for the coefficient of z~kp is identically zero; in general, the left-hand members of X,, Yr . . . are rational integral functions of the elements of the matrices A^, A^-j, ..., Atp_r+1, if A,n stands for the matrix multiplying z~'", and contain no term independent of these elements. Now the conditions found on p. 13 arise from the equations Xj.-.X,,-!, Y^-.Y^-a, ..., and therefore involve the matrices A^, ..., AA?_ei+2. These conditions will therefore all be satisfied if k > ej. Similarly, the analogous conditions for the second group of equal terms in the diagonal of ap+1 will be satisfied if k ^ e2, and so on. Consider first, as being simplest of explanation and as containing the essential features, the case in which all the roots of the characteristic equation are equal, so 32 ME. E. CUNNINGHAM ON THE NOEMAL SERIES that E! = n. It will be shown that a subnormal form satisfying the equation certainly exists if a/" i= 0 with k = n. We know from the foregoing investigation that 6\p is given as the root of an equation of degree n, and that, if the roots of this equation are all different, no more conditions than those just mentioned as satisfied are necessary to ensure the existence of the subnormal solution. But in this case the equation for 0\p is particularly easy to construct. We have, in fact, nxf-01,, = 0, x? = xf = ... = a," = 0, nxf-ffi^' = 0, ira« = ... = x» = 0, nxS-ffinStf-ffiv-M* = 0, xf = ... = xs» = 0, rn Q\ ™ n-l_f)2 ™ »-l _ A X B_i — U ,,pJin-2 " np&n-X ... - U, — u ,,,ixnn-l — .. . + A n(p_])+i = 0, from which at once we have -+I - u' Tlius, unless AlnB(p_1)+1 = 0, the values of 6ln), are all different, and a solution in subnormal form is therefore possible, as stated above, with the independent variable changed to xi;n. If, however, A1",,^-]^] = 0, we have (n _ _ tin _ f\ \J np • ... -- I/ np - U, and it will be found that the same conditions are necessary between the constants A.n(p— 1)+1 as were found previously (p. 13) between the constants otp, An(p_,)+1 being the same as n . a.p, e.g., from the equations -1.^,,*, = 0, A.2'\(p-l)+l-nxn» = 0, we have 1Mp_1)+1 = 0, i.e, ap2'n + ap1'"-1 = 0, and so on. Consider now what happens when these conditions are not all satisfied. Suppose, for instance, a/^ + a/'"-1 ^= 0. Let the original system be transformed by the change of variables Then from the equations = zk, k = n—l. ,(?,-1)+12,2 = 0, we obtain the equation for 6lkp SATISFYING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 33 (&\p)n -^fo (A'."-^ _1+1 + A2'". _ ) = 0 K" Ic and since the last written coefficient is not zero, the roots of this equation are all different, and therefore the transformed system possesses normal integrals free from logarithms. Again, suppose a.p+i + -rt- : p(k-2) + \ ~ V> which has two zero roots and the rest all different. If the one condition necessitated by the equality of the two zero roots is satisfied, the solution is again found. If this condition is not satisfied, the transformation z = £ effects what is required. Suppose now all the conditions of p. 1 3 are satisfied. Then whatever value of k be taken, we have 6\p = 0, so that, as fur as we have seen, the transformation does not render the solution any nearer. We must, in fact, proceed to consider the further conditions for the case when the roots Op are equal (p. 13). Suppose, for instance, the first of these conditions is not satisfied, then putting k = n, we shall have 9lkp = ...— d"Kp, the conditions then necessary before the deter- mination of Oty-i will be satisfied, and we shall eventually obtain a binomial equation for 8kp-i of degree n in which the constant term does not vanish ; the roots of this equation being all different, the subnormal integral exists. Thus we may go through all the equations of condition in turn. In the more general case, where the roots of the equation for 6P fall into more than one group of equal roots, the procedure is exactly similar. For example, suppose that a.p'*\ a/1"1"1''1'1''4, ... are all different from zero. Then the preceding work suggests that a solution may be ftnind in which the first el rows- proceed according to powers of £' % the next e2 according to powers of £i;'a, and so on. The whole would thus be of normal form with the variable tlik, k being the least common multiple of e^ e2 — In fact, if we change the independent variable to tllk, k having this value, the matrix Aip-,1+i is identically zero, and the indices G^p.-.O'^ are the roots of — (^)'' + 0 = 0. These roots are all equal, and the corresponding equations of condition are all satisfied owing to the vanishing of the matrices other than AA.r+I. If, now, we form the equation for #%,_! we have T.v 2 ffL _ 0 Z™ 3_f)l 2 _ A KX2 — V kp-\ — U, /CX4 — (7 Ap-l.t-2 - - U, ~" /cp-lX"2 and therefore if aple' ={= 0, the ej roots of this equation are all different. If, however, - > 2, A*p_2ei+1 again is identically zero, and the necessary equations of condition are again satisfied. Proceeding thus we find, in fact, that if apfl ^ 0, 6*kp) ..., 6'kp-k,^i', s= l.-.ei all vanish and that &\-p-kei+i is the root of a binomial equation of degree e1( whose roots are all different, and so for the other divisors of k. If, however, a.p'1 = 0 we have the same equations of condition again necessary, viz., a/'1 and a/''1"1 = 0, &c. Assuming, then, that aplt> ^ 0, we find, without difficulty, that all the quantities 9* vanish for s = I...e1; save those for which r is of the form —k(p—m/e1) + l, so that the exponential arising in the first ej rows involves only ?*'> and not tllk. The discussion of whether the solution of the subsidiary equation proceeds according to powers of tl!'1 only in the first EJ columns will not be carried out in full here. It is enough to know that, provided a,,'1'1, a//1+1' - 0-21 4/ The subsidiary equations then become = 0, 3x.2s - OJxi* = 0 ; i - (9,1 = 0, 3«33 - OJx-p - O^XT? = 0, - ^31// - O'Sxi3 - 3a33 = 0. .'/ T- - -4 «• —y = v, yi = y, »-«y, ys=.Y' / 0 1 °\, / 0 0 0\ / 0 0 °\ / 0 0 0 0 0 «i* 0 2 oU+l 0 1 •> 0 oU«/ 0 +« 0 0 0 SATISFYING LINEAE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 35 The last gives - ,', (0s1)3- 3«32 = 0, so that 6*3!= - 3(rc32)S, where any cube root may be taken, the other roots giving #32, 033. Further 3z42 - 03W - Wx£ - (1 + '»/ _ _f^]_ first column has the determining factor c2-' ";E'' tS, and the 'other columns have the same factor with the other cube roots of «so. We may remark that this agrees with the results obtained for this equation by the ordinary methods (FoRSYTH, "Linear Differential Equations," § 99) under the assumption that «32=^0. We have shown that this is a necessary condition for the existence of the subnormal form in the variable /-— ,~S satisfying the equation formally, unless we have also :a2>a:,...5:a,,, and if another solution be A=±&>&. ..==&, we have and since the property persists after addition, a syzygetic theory results. This is one of the simplest cases that could be adduced and is at the same time the true basis of the Theory of Partitions. Many instances of configurations of integers in piano or in solido will occur to the mind as having been subjects of contemplation by mathematicians and others from the earliest times. These when defined by properties which persist after addition of corresponding parts fall under the present theory. Art. 127. There is no general magic square of the order 2 except the trivial case a a , but we may consider squares of order 2 in which the row and column Cf Ct properties, but not the diagonal properties, are in evidence. Let such a square be «2 a* THEORY OF THE PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS, which must clearly have the form a, a, ! »2 «1 and we may associate with it the Diophantine equation and regard a,, «2 and a5 as the unknowns. The syzygetic theory is obtained by forming the sum for all solutions of the equation, and the result is i l_ a' auxiliary quantity and the meaning of the prefixed symbol fi is that n of the algebraic fraction in ascending powers of X,, Xa, X5 we are to rms only which are free from a. Where (6 IS an ctLi^vmc^i y vjucmuiuy CHAH LUC meet after expansion of the algebraic fraction in as retain those terms only which are free from a. The expression clearly has the value 1 i-x^.i-x-X denominator factors denote the ground solutions The «1 aa «5 1 0 1 0 1 1 and the absence of numerator terms shows that there are no syzygies. Thus the fundamental squares are 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 and this is otherwise evident. The case is trivial and is introduced only for the orderly presentation of the subject. Art. 128. Passing on to the general magic squares of order 3 we have the square « « 40 MAJOE P. A. MACMAHON: MEMOIE ON THE defined by the eight Diophantine equatious = a!0. = aio- We require all values of the quantities a which satisfy these equations. To form the sum for all solutions, introduce the auxiliary quantities ft, b, c, d, e, f, f/, h in association with the successive Diophantine equations. The sum in question may be written 1 _ f (1 -adgX,) (I -fU'X3) (1 -rt/'AXs) (1 -MX,) (1-beghXJ where after expansion we retain that portion only which is free from the auxiliaries. Remarking that 1 1 we eliminate the auxiliar ft and obtain 1 l_p222)/l_^£*L)/i- Put now bd = A, be = B, If- C, cd = D, and we obtain 1 f/ AX.X.pW X^W. X3X "BOD&A era/1 (1 -Br^X,) (1 -CX,) (1 -DAX7) (l -^2) f 1 -CDfM \ A / \ A / an artifice which reduces the number of auxiliars to be eliminated by unity. THEORY OF THE PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS. Remarking that (l-P1P8)(l-P1P4)(l-P3Pa)(l-P2P4) 1 (i-p1p4)(i-psp8)(i-psp4) We eliminate A and find ft ^1-4 X.X.X.o ) (1 -BDX4XS) ( 1 -CD?X4X,) ( 1 - ^ 7 X2XU \jLs(f/t -Br///Xs)(l- 1 i \ / • / 1 "VVY lit ,/VVV \ / l TJTiV V \ / i l V V 1 — TTT AiAsAjo I""TOT AjAoAn, (1— .DlJA.,A8) l ~ 7TST~r -^-a-^-io C/i B« nrk^j, - - X3X1U (1 -B^X6) (1 -CXH) (1 -DAX7) Eliminating B from the first fraction and C from the second, we have n l ( (} ODoX^^i n;,Y_\/i Y Y \ /i ^' YYY V 1 i~\ PY \ l (1-UA6) l~\ ^<2Y YYY \ M YYYY 1 i *• ~9 AiAjAoAjoJ 1 1 - — A3A4 AgAjo 1 gDxxxxx /; -CD<7X4X9) (1 - ~~rm~7 XjXj (1-CXe) (1-/X1XBX9X10) ( l - - tS 1- k VOL. CCV. — A. / 1 T^Ti Y \ i 1 "V V AT Y i 1 1 ~~ J-'/i-A.j ) II — — A.J AgJi.gA.jQ I G 41 42 MAJOR P. A. MxcMAHON: MEMOIR ON THE From the first fraction eliminate C, from the second C, and from the third B, obtaining 1 I (l-D/iX7)(l- l - l - - X3X4X8X10) ( 1 - 1 X2X4X«X10 9 / \ " + fl TA1 — '—j— X^jA^XgXnj -<7%X6X9X1U) 1 - X3X4 — X2A(jX]u 1 Y ^ /I " (1 — (r/XiX3X4X5X8X9Ajo ) -D/».X7) 1 - -2 X1X4X8X9X1 X2X6X, i 1 - 1 X3X4X8X10) ( 1 - 1 L(l-^X3X6X10j(l- Eliminating D from each of the three fractions, we obtain 1 (1 -/ 1 - 1^ 9* I' — -XSX4X8X1 1 \ / 1 1 — -A^-X^Ay-X^o 1(1 — — -A.3X4-X8X10 tj ' » i/ 1 ^ / 1 * 1 — j X2X4X9Xi0 ) ( 1 — ^-2X]X2X4X6X8X9X10 ) fl I \ II / T-Xj (1 — X1X2X3X4X5XfiX7X8X9Xlu ) (i -f/^x. (1-A2X3X8X7X10) fl-ixi i - Ix2x6x7x10) (i - Ix3x4x8x ts * \ y 111 THEORY OF THE PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS. 43 Art. 129. Before proceeding to eliminate g and h, observe that if we now put g = h = 1, we obtain the generating function for the solutions of the first six of the Diophantine equations corresponding to the squares which possess row and column but not diagonal properties. Putting g = h = 1 , the generating function reduces to — X1X5X9X10) ( 1 — X1X8X8X10) ( 1 — ^io) (1 — X3X4X8X10) (1 — (1 — indicating ground forms connected by the ground syzygy . X3X4X8X10 = X1X6X8X10, X3X4X8X10, corresponding to the fundamental squares 100 010 0 0 1 010 0 0 1 1 0 0 001 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 001 001 1 0 0 010 010 001 1 0 0 connected by the fundamental syzygy 100 0 1 0 0 0 1 010 + 0 0 1 ~r 100 0 0 1 100 010 100 010 001 = 0 0 1 + 001 + 0 1 0 0 1 0 100 100 each side being equal to 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 111 Ill • This is the complete syzygetic theory of these particular squares of order 3. G 2 44 MAJOR P. A. MACMAHON: MEMOIR ON THE Art. 130. Resuming the discussion, we proceed to eliminate ,, becomes when Xas, /Aa,,_.,+1 are written for «„ an_,+i respectively, and form the product hj-^ hw(2\ . . h,^"\ 1 say that the coefficient of in the development of this product is the number of general magic squares of order n corresponding to the sum w. To see how this is take 'n = 4, w = 1, and form a product x and observe that, in picking out the terms one factor must be taken every time from each row, column and diagonal ot the matrix. Similarly, if n = 2, we form the product x { Xaa/ + X^a2a3 + ^az2 + (Xa2 + /ua8) (a! + a4) + a^ + ajOt4 + a42} x Xaa2+XAaa + lt2a2+Xa + xa) (a1 + a4) + a1:J + «!«< + a/} In forming the term involving xy%V«»V regard the successive products as corresponding to the successive rows of the square, the suffix of the a as denoting the column, and X, fi as corresponding to the diagonals. Thus picking out the factors XX2, /ua3a4, y*«2a4, a2a3) THEORY OF THE PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS. 49 we obtain the corresponding square 2000 0011 0 1 0 1 ' 0110 These examples are sufficient to establish the validity of the theorem. . Art. 138. If we wish to make any restriction in regard to the numbers that appear in the sih row, we have merely to strike out certain terms from the function 7, (») nw . E.g., if no number is to exceed t, we have merely to strike out all terms involving exponents which exceed t. If the rows are to be drawn from certain specified partitions of w, we have merely to strike out from the functions h (1) h <2) h (n) "'HI ) n'w ••««««» all terms whose exponents do not involve these partitions. We have thus unlimited scope for particularising and specially defining the squares to be enumerated. Let us now consider the enumeration of the fundamental squares of order n, such that the sum of each row, column and diagonal is unity. Observe that if the diagonal properties are not essential the number is obviously n \ Art. 139. It is convenient to consider a more general problem and then to deduce what we require at the moment as a particular case. I propose to determine the number of squares of given order which have one unit in each row and in each column, and specified numbers of units in the two diagonals. Consider an even order 2n, and form the product X (a, + Xa2 + a3+ . . . x (a, + a2+ Xa3+ . . . -2 + Xa2)l_i + a2n) x (/*«! + a2 + «3 + . . . + a2;i_2+ «.,„_! + Xa2,,). We require the complete coefficient of when the multiplication has been performed. Writing Sa = VOL. CCV. — A. H 50 MAJOR P. A. MACMAHON: MEMOIR ON THE the product is, taking the «th and 2n+l-tth factors together, -!) a2+(X-l) a2B_i Observing that we only require terms which involve the quantities a with unit exponents, the product of the first two complementary factors is effectively and the complete product has, on development, the form s2" + A,*2"-1 + A2.s-2"-2+ . . . + A2,,, where A,,, is a linear function of products of the quantities a, each term of which contains m different factors a, each with the exponent unity. Since, moreover, x"' gives rise to the term ml ^0.^2... a,,,, it follows that the coefficient of S«ia2...aa,, in the product is obtained by putting each quantity a equal to unity and sm = m\. Hence, if S" = ml symbolically, the symbolic expression of the coefficient is or or writing -s2— 4.S + 2 = o-2, .s— 1 = This is the complete solution of the problem for an even order 2n. For an uneven order 2«+ 1, it is now evident that the symbolical expression of the coefficient of is { o-2 + 2 (X + /i) a, + X2 + ^Y (o-i + V)» the complete solution in respect of the uneven order 2n+l. THEORY OF THE PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS. 51 Art. 140. To find the number of ground "general magic squares" corresponding to the sum unity, we have merely to pick out the coefficient of X/u, ; we thus find even order 2n number is 8 ( „ ) a-an~3's symmetrical about the dexter diagonals, and the associated factors will depend upon the numerical values of i and j. Consider then in the first place the number of ways of selecting I X's in such wise that i pairs are symmetrical about the sinister diagonals. This number is readily found to be n w— i l-2i With these I X's we cannot associate any /u which is either in the same row or in the same column as one of the selected X's. Each of the i symmetrical pairs of X's in this way accounts for 2 /A'S, and each of the l—2i remaining X's accounts for 2 p's. Thus we must select m p's out of 2n-2i-2 (l—2i) p-'s, i.e., m /A'S out of 2n-2l + 2i fi's. We may select these so as to involve / pairs symmetrical about the dexter diagonals in (n-l+i\/n-l+i-j\ ,j \ j !\ m—2j I This number is obtained by writing in the first formula n—l + i,j and m for n, i and I respectively, and observe that we may do this because the selection of a symmetrical pair of X's or of one of the remaining X's results in the rejection of a pair of /x's which is symmetrical about the dexter diagonals. Consequently the 2n—2l + 2i possible places for the m /A'S are also symmetrically arranged about the dexter diagonal. Hence the formula is valid. We have established at this point that we may pick out I X's involving i symmetrical pairs and m /LI'S involving j symmetrical pairs in . \ij\l-2ij \ J J\ m-2j j * We must now determine the nature of the 2n— I— m associated factors, linear functions, of the quantities a. In the matrix of the product delete the rows and columns which contain selected X's and /A'S. We thus delete l + m rows and l + m columns. Consider the 2n—l—m remaining rows. There remain in these rows at most 2n— I— m elements a, because l + m columns have been deleted, but some of these elements THEORY OF THE PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS. 53 must be rejected if they involve X or p. as coefficients, because by hypothesis we are only concerned with I X's and m //.'s, and these have already been accounted for. Observe now that the columns which contain a symmetrical selected pair of X's only contain /t's which are in the same rows as these X's, and therefore the deletion of these columns cannot delete p.'s appertaining to any rows except those occupied by the selected pair of X's. Observe further that the column which contains an unsymmetrical X, say in the pih row, contains a /A in the 2n—p+Ia> row, and that therefore the disappearance of a p. in the 2n— p+lth row follows from the deletion of a column containing an unsymmetrical X in the pth row. Hence of the 2n— I— m rows in question l + m— %i— 2j rows contain '2n—l—m—l, a elements, and thence 2n— 2l— 2m+2i+2j rows contain '2ii—l—m—2, a. elements. Accordingly if s is the sum of all the a elements except those which appear as coefficients of the selected X's and /A'S the co- factor of n\ in-i\9,-2i in-l l-2i contains l + m—2i—2j factors of type and 2n— 2l— 2m + 2i + 2j factors of type (*-«„-«,,), or ofn—l—m + i+j squared factors of type (s-oiv -«„.)*, since these factors occur in equal pairs. Hence the co-factor is n(*-a,,)ll(.s-a,.-a,,.)2, wherein the quantities au, l + m—2i—2j in number, which appear in the first product, and the quantities «„ «„., 2n—2l-2m + 2i+2j in number, which appear in the second product, are all different. Also (s— <*„— aK,)2 is effectively equal to s2— 2 («„ + a,,.) s + 2ava.u, since squares of the a's may be rejected. Hence, by the reasoning employed in the first solution we may put the quantities a equal to unity, regard sp as equal to p ! symbolically, and say that the coefficient of in the product 54 MAJOE P. A. MACMAHON: MEMOIR ON THE has the symbolical expression or, putting s—l = o-j, s*-4s + 2 = o-2, we obtain /n\ n—i - _ for the number of squares such that — (1) Sum associated with rows and columns is unity ; (2) There are I units involving i symmetrical pairs in the dexter diagonal ; (3) There are m units involving j symmetrical pairs in the sinister diagonal. Giving i and j all possible values we find that the complete coefficient of in the product, which we have already ascertained to have the expression may be also expressed in the form n~l H~ fn-l+ 1 \ m THEOKY OF THE PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS. 55 Further simplification of this series cannot he effected because each term of the sum must be considered on its merits and does or does not add to the numerical result as may appear. Art. 142. Writing the result for even order 2n it appears that the result for uneven order 2»i+l may be written For the squares of simple orders we have the results ORDER 2. 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 = 0 1 2 3 ORDER 3. 0123 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ORDER 4. 1= 0 1 4 0 0 8 4 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Z= 0 0 ORDER 5. 12345 II s 16 16 8 4 0 0 16 20 4 4 0 1 8 4 8 0 0 0 4 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 56 MAJOK P. A. MACMAHON: MEMOIK ON THE ORDER 6. 1= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 80 96 60 16 12 0 1 96 96 48 24 0 0 0 60 48 24 0 3 0 0 16 24 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Art. 143. I now proceed to consider the enumeration of the squares of even order 2n, such that every row and column contains two units, and the dexter and sinister diagonals / and m units respectively. I form the product n CC-2 <2> where «2,- (X + /4-2) (a^ + ag.8) p. 4)}a1a8( (a, +*,„)/,, 2!2. Regarded apart from £>2, ^ this expression is a function of a,, a3, ; the product a^a/-1' is a function of «2, a2«-i> and generally the product is a function of at,, aa,,+1_s, and all of these products are of similar form in regard to Pa, Pi, ^, P- Remembering that we desire the coefficients of («!«,... a2,)2 in the product we must distinguish between p2 where it occurs as a multiplier of af' + a^ and where it occurs as a multiplier of a^a,,, and make a similar distinction in respect of ^,2. Put then (tti' + as,,2) pi2 = (ai2+«a,,2) H^. Putting further the quantities a equal to unity and regarding a product PaP\irfir^ as a symbol for the coefficient of symmetric function /0«+rfli + -'-\ in the development of symmetric function (i2)-+"(ir2', I say that >1-2 (X+ju-2)^3 + 2 (X-l) (/*- is the symbolic expression of the required coefficient of VOL. CCV. - A. 58 MAJOR P. A. MACMAHON: MEMOIR ON THE This may be written {o-4 + 2 (X + /*) 03+(X2 + /ts) !2- 4^ + 2, where For the uneven order 2>i + l it is easy to show that the coefficient is symbolically 2X^ (X + ya) o-^XV}" x ( ^- It is easy to calculate the values of KpiVV for small values of , c, d. Some results are, omitting the obvious result 2^1 — b ', a. b. «• d. Value. 1 0 1 1 l 1 1 1 3 1 • 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 12 1 2 5 2 6 2 6 1 1 5 THEORY OF THE PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS. 59 enabling the verification of the results o-4 = cr:j = o-2 = rr'2 = 1+ (gJcrr^ ^ ( Spring . 2-65 3 '20 1-20 2-92 April. 3-78 4-38 1-16 4-07 J May. 4-41 4-76 1-08 4-58 June. 4-24 4-68 1-10 4-45 Summer . 4-63 5-14 1-11 4-88 July . 5-25 5-97 1-13 5-61 August 4-32 4-94 1-14 4-63 ] September 4-28 4-89 1-14 4-58 > Autumn . 3-60 4-16 1-15 3-88 October . 2-21 2-65 1-20 2-43 J Whole year 3-33 3-82 1-15 3-57 On Curve II. these values of the dissipation (a±) have been plotted, also the weekly values. If no observations were made for a week a gap has been left in the curve. From the curve it will be seen that the yearly course of the dissipation is strikingly similar to that of the potential gradient when inverted, the one falling and ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 67 IDECEMSERI JANUARY I FEBRUARY | MARCH | APRIL | MAY | JUNE | JULY | AUGUST APRIL I MAY JUNE I JULY I AUGUST [SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER IDECEMBER [JANUARY I FEBRUARY I MARCH 68 ME. GEORGE C. SIMPSON ON THE rising at exactly the same time as the other rises and falls, and both remaining constant during the summer. These curves suggest that there is some relation between the two phenomena ; this relation will be discussed later in the paper. The ratio of the negative dissipation to the positive (q) does not appear from these results to have a regular yearly course, but when they are considered in connection with the ionization it will be seen that it is very likely there is a yearly variation with a maximum in the winter and a minimum in the summer. Ionization.— Table III. gives the monthly mean values of the ionization. TABLE III. — Ionization. Months. I_. I+. T. I±- Seasons. I_. I+- r. I±. November December •25 •28 •35 •39 1-40 1-39 •30 •33 ^ Winter . •26 •33 1-28 •29 January . •25 •26 1-04 •25 J February March . •20 •28 •24 •32 1-20 1-14 •21 •30 I Spring . •26 •31 1-19 •28 April •31 •38 1-22 •34 J May . •35 •40 1-18 •37 1 June . •37 •41 1-09 •39 > Summer . •38 •42 1-11 •40 July . . •42 •46 1-10 •44 J August . September October . •45 •42 •34 •51 •46 •40 1-13 1-08 1-18 •48 •44 •36 > Autumn . •40 •46 1-15 •43 Whole year •33 •38 1-17 •36 These results, together with the weekly means, have been plotted in Curve III. Here we have quite a different curve from either of the two previous ones. Instead of the rapid fall and rise in the winter followed by a constant period during the summer we have a six months' linear fall from August to February followed by a similar six months' linear rise from February to August. That there should be such a great difference between the curves for the dissipation and the ionization was not to be expected, and at first one would be inclined to doubt the correctness of one or other of them. But this can be tested by the following considerations. The dissipation depends practically only on two factors : ionization and wind strength. If the effect of the latter could be eliminated, the course of the dissipation should then be the same as that of the ionization. In order to see if this were so, I took all my measurements of the dissipation and separated them according to the strength of the wind as estimated at the time of observation, then, using only one definite wind strength, took the means for each month and plotted them. ' The result is shown in fig. 2. Each curve represents one wind strength, and it will at once ATMOSPHEEIC ELECTEICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 69 be seen that all four curves are practically parallel* and are similar in shape to that of the ionization. This shows at once that both the curves of the dissipation and ionization are correct, and that there is a real difference in the yearly course of the two, and also that there is a closer relation between potential gradient and dissipation than between potential gradient and ionization. APRIL I MAY | JUNE | JULY | AUGUST [SEPTEMBER OCTOBER | NOVEMBERIDECEMKRlJANUARY [FEBRUARY] Fig. 2. The value of the ratio !+/!_ shows a very distinct yearly period with a maximum in the winter and a minimum during the summer. Later it will be seen that very probably this ratio depends largely on the potential gradient, so that its yearly period might be expected on account of the yearly variations in the potential gradient. Daily Variations. Potential Gradient. — The daily course of the potential gradient varies greatly according to the season of the year. For this reason five curves of the daily course * The lowness of the two curves for wind strengths 0-1 and 1-2 during the first part of the winter is due to the fact that, owing to the darkness at both the morning and evening observations then, it was impossible to see if the smoke of the village was drifting towards my place of observation or not. Nor was I quite aware then of the fact, which I found later, that with no wind the smoke of the village extended in an almost invisible haze over the whole valley, out of which it could not get. This smoke effect, of course, only acted when there was insufficient wind to drive the smoke away, and its effect is not at all visible on the two curves with wind strength greater than two, i.e., a steady breeze. 70 MR. GEORGE C. SIMPSON ON THE are given : one each for the winter, spring, summer, and autumn three months and another for the year taken as a whole (fig. 3). It will at once be seen that the two A.M. 11 12 1 MID-DAY. Fig. 3. 10 11 12 curves for the winter and spring lie entirely above the curve for the year and those for the autumn and summer entirely below. The equations to the five curves are* : — Winter three months, P = 180 + 64 sin (0+189) + 26 sin (20+155) + 4 sin (30+200), Spring „ „ P = 177 + 57 sin (0+176) + 37 sin (20+ 151) + 13 sin (30+ 195), Summer „ „ P = 97 + 16 sin (0+141)+ 9 sin (2(9+144)+ 4 sin (3(9+ 126), Autumn „ „ P = 103 + 23 sin (0+170)+19 sin (20+184)+ 2 sin (30+131), Whole year . . . . P = 139 + 39 sin (0+177) + 23 sin (20+158)+ 5 sin (30+178). From these equations we see that there are two periods which must be taken into account ; the amplitude of the third period falls without the limits of the accuracy of the instrument. Of these, the greater is a whole-day period and the lesser a half- day period. We also see that the phase of the main period undergoes a regular shift from a maximum in the winter to a minimum in the summer, which means that the evening maximum is earlier in the winter than the summer, thus following the sun. The phase of the second period does not vary regularly, and on account of its * These equations are worked out to mean local time, taking 12 o'clock midnight as the zero and 15° to represent an hour. All other time used in this paper is mid-European, which is 42 minutes behind mean local time. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 71 smallness during the Bummer and autumn its position is not then well fixed. The ratio of the amplitude of the second period to the first is : winter '40, spring -65, summer '56, autumn '83, whole year '59. This shows no regular variation ; the large value for the autumn is due to the strengthening of the second period by the formation of mists over the river about the times of sunrise and sunset, which mists always give rise to high potential gradients. The hourly values of the potential gradient corresponding to the five curves are given in the following table : — TABLE IV. — Daily Course of the Potential Gradient. 12tol. 1-2. 2-3. 3-4. 4-5. 5-6. 6-7. 7-8. 8-9. 9-10. 10-11. 11-12. Winter j A.M. P.M. 138 210 119 103 100 212 214 208 90 216 Ill 141 236 < 245 148 242 162 187 247 226 184 206 214 174 Spring 1 A.M. P.M. 134 193 i 122 : 107 201 i 190 99 196 99 177 109 198 135 238 146 262 164 175 260 247 187 233 187 185 I Summer i A.M. P.M. 101 91 93 94 86 97 81 96 77 103 81 86 101 107 90 110 90 90 121 ! 131 89 122 87 108 Autumn < A.M. P.M. 87 94 75 99 70 105 70 108 72 114 78 90 102 125 , 132 144 108 106 143 138 93 115 90 99 Whole f A.M. 115 102 92 : 87 ! 84 95 113 j 121 131 140 138 144 year \ P.M. 147 151 151 152 153 165 180 189 194 185 169 142 1 Dissipation. — As I had no self- registering instrument to record the dissipation and ionization, it is impossible to work out the daily course of these two as has been done for the potential gradient. Nevertheless, some idea of the course can be obtained by comparing the results according to the different times of observing. In Table V. the mean results from the morning, midday and evening observations are shown for each three months and then for the whole year. MR. GEORGE C. SIMPSON ON THE TABLE V. — Dissipation. Morning (8 to 9 A.M.). Midday (12 to 1 P.M.). Evening (6 to 7 P.M.). a+. a_. 400 3-94(5')* 2-34(03) l-75(») 1 • 32 (») •60(12) •51 H 4-14(60) 2-77 (64) 2 • 43 (24) l-54(41) •S5(13) • 64(20) 1-05 1-18 1-39 1-17 1-42 1-25 4-50(93) 4-18(81) 2-50 (!) 1-82 (5) 5-02 (93) 4-83 (8) 3-47 O 1-92 (5) I'll 1-16 1-38 1-05 4-29 (15°) 3-38O 1-85 (26) 1-37 (46) •60 (12) •51 H 4-67 (15S) 3-93(«6) 2-58 (24) 1-58 (46) •85 (") •64 (*>) 1-09 1-16 1-40 1-16 1-42 1-25 It will be seen that here also there is the same marked relation between the potential gradient and the dissipation; but the relation between the potential gradient and the value of the ratio q does not appear so clearly. Nevertheless, the table does not disprove that the ratio rises with the potential gradient, there is rather some support given. In the first place there is a distinct rise in the ratio over the range from 50 to 200 volts/metre, and the highest value found falls between 300 and 400 volts/metre. When the whole year is taken into account there are only two out of the six divisions which do not conform to the rule. Potential Gradient and lonization. — So far no results have been published showing the relation between potential gradient and ionization, so that the results given in the following table cannot be compared with previous work. TABLE VIII. — Potential Gradient and lonization. 1 Winter. E Summer. Year. Potential gradient. I_. I+. r. I_. I+. r. I_. I+. r. volts/metre. 50 to 100 •35(53) •42 (52) 1-20 • 42 (84) • 44(84) 1-07 • 39 (137) • 43(136) I'll 100 150 •29(52) • 34(53) ri5 •35 («) • 42 (48) 1-18 •32(100) .37(101) 1-15 150 200 • 28 (34) • 33 (30) 1-26 •27 (4) •37 (4) 1-41 •28 (38) •36 (34) 1-28 200 300 •19(25) •24(») 1-26 •17 (») •30 (*) 1-74 •19 (3«) •26 (26) 1-42 300 400 •15 C) •15 C) 1-00 — •15 (•) •15 O 1-00 400 500 •12 (») •14 (*) 1-22 — — — •12 («) •14 (•) 1-22 >500 •12 («) •10 (3) — — — •12 (•) •10 (») — The first striking fact which this table shows is the great dependence of the potential gradient on the ionization ; this we might have expected from the dissipation results already considered. * These small numbers in brackets give the number of observations from which the mean is drawn. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 75 High values of the ionization accompany low values of the potential gradient and vice versa. Here we find that the ratio between positive and negative ionization (r) does increase with the potential gradient over the range from 50 to 300 volts/metre. That there is not the same agreement higher is to be expected from the fact that for values of the potential gradient over 300 volts/metre the ionization is so small as to be only just within the power of the instrument to measure, and so one cannot expect the ratio of the observations to be given with any degree of accuracy ; also the number of observations with the potential gradient over 300 volts/metre is so small that better results could hardly be expected. We may, then, take it that the ionization and dissipation have a great determining influence on the potential gradient, and that high values of the potential gradient are, on the whole, accompanied by high values of the ratio r and q. Ionization and Dissipation. — It has already been stated that the values of the dissipation, as given by ELSTER and GEITEL'S instrument, depend mainly on the two factors ionization and wind strength. It would be of considerable interest to find how the dissipation varies with either of these factors, the other remaining constant. When the greater part of my observations of the dissipation were made. EBERT'S instrument was also in use, and gave the true value of the ionization at the time when each observation of the dissipation was taken. In order to find how the dissipation varies with variations of the ionization, the wind strength being constant, I separated out all the results of the dissipation obtained with a given wind strength, then divided these again according to the values of the ionization observed at the same time. The results are given in Table IX., and have been plotted in fig. 4. IO N IZ ATI. ON Fig. 4. L 2 76 ME. GEOKGE C. SIMPSON ON THE TABLE IX. — lonization and Dissipation according to Wind. Dissipation. lonization. Wind 0-1. Wind 1-2. Wind 2-3. •0--1 .45(12) •65 («) •1--2 •60(5a) 1-08(1(>) — •2--3 l-26(38) l-85(20) 2-70(16) •3--4 2-04 C28) 2-92(17) 3-88(47) •4--5 3-03(44 3-83(33) 5-33(54) •5--6 3 • 36 (24 4-48 (6) 5-90(14) •6--7 3-56 (4 _ We see that, allowing a large margin for the uncertainties of such an investigation, the dissipation may be regarded as a linear function of the ionization for any given wind strength. It must be remembered that this agreement is only true when dealing with a large number of observations ; for the mobility of the ions affects the dissipation considerably. It would be interesting to compare individual observations of the ionization and the dissipation when the wind strength was accurately known. In that case the effect of the mobility of the ions would be very apparent. My observations do not allow of this being done, as the wind strengths were only roughly judged by the " feel " of the wind, and no doubt varied very much more amongst themselves than the mobility did. For the same reason it is of no use finding from my observations how the dissipation varied with the wind strength, the ionization being constant ; for my classification of the wind strengths, although based on the Beaufort scale, would almost certainly differ from a similar classification made by another observer. Relation between the Meteorological and Electrical Conditions of the Atmosphere. dissipation and Wind. — After what has been already said about the method of estimating the wind strength, the following table cannot be regarded as final ; but as it shows the influence of the wind as found from all the observations it is printed here. It is of considerable interest to notice that the ratio q falls as the wind strength increases. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 77 TABLE X. — Dissipation and Wind. Wind. Winter. Summer. Year. Beaufort Scale, 0-12. a+. a_. 2- a+. a_. 2- a+. a_. 9- 0-1 •85(10«) 1-04(108) 1-22 2 -68 H 3 -16 (^ 1-18 1-44(15«) 1-71 (15S) 1-19 1-2 1-84 (45) 2-21 (46) 1-20 3-71 C23) 4 • 30 (23) 1-16 2-48 (8S) 2-91 (6y) 1-17 2-3 3-64 (30) 3-99 (27) 1-09 4-62 (52) 5-20(50) 1-13 4-26 (82) 4-78 (") 1-12 3-4 4-45 (21) 4-85 (25) 1-09 5-11 (44) 5-58(43) 1-09 4-90 («5) 5-40 (°8) 1-10 >4 5-80 (20) 5-96 (2S) 1-03 6-05(36) 6-78 (33) 1-12 5-97 (56) 6-44 (M) 1-08 Dissipation and Relative Humidity. — GOCKEL* has gone very fully into the relation between dissipation and relative humidity, and his results, which have in the main been confirmed by ZoLSS,t show that the dissipation decreases with a rise in the relative humidity, and as the dissipation of the positive electricity decreases more rapidly than that of the negative, the ratio q increases as the relative humidity rises. TABLE XI. — Dissipation and Relative Humidity. Winter. Summer. Year. Relative Humidity. a+. a_. ?• a+. a 2- «+. «_. * per cent. 30 to 40 _ _. _ 4-61 ('") 4-97 (1C) 1-08 4-G1 (lt;) 4 • 97 (ll!) 1-08 40 „ 50 — — — 4-71 (U3) 5-23(03) 1-11 4-71 (63) 5-23 ((i3) I'll 50 „ 60 — — — 4-68(52) 5-49f2) 1-17 4-68(S2) 5-49 (52) 1-17 60 „ 70 3-03(22) 3 '55 (22) 1-17 3-88(37) 4-53 (37) 1-17 3-56(MI) 4-16H 1-17 70 „ 80 2-61 (42) 3-01 (42) 1-16 2-90H 3-37H 1-16 2-73(71) 3-16 (71) 1-16 >80 l-37(51) 1-71 (") 1-25 . 1 • 37 (51) 1-71(«) 1-25 Table XI. shows that for relative humidities greater than 50 per cent, my results agree with GOCKEL'S, the decrease in the dissipation as the relative humidity rises being very marked, and the value of q also increases as the relative humidity increases. But it should be remarked that the fall in the dissipation as the relative humidity rises is not entirely due to the relative humidity, for the conditions in Karasjok were such that nearly all values of the relative humidity higher than 80 per cent, were accompanied by a calm atmosphere, and in the main low values of the relative humidity were accompanied by high wind. Dissipation and Temperature. — ZOLSS (loc. cit.) has shown that the dissipation in the free air increases with the temperature, and he found that the variation was linear * 'Phys. Zeit.,'4, p. 871, 1903. t 'Phys. Zeit.,' 5, p. 108, 1904. 78 MR. GEORGE C. SIMPSON ON THE over the range he investigated. Later GOCKEL returns to this point * and throws out the suggestion that the increase in the dissipation is due to the increase which the ozone in the atmosphere undergoes as the temperature rises. In Karasjok the temperature fell so low during the winter that I was able to observe the influence of temperature on the dissipation at very much lower temperatures than had ever been done before, obtaining sixty observations with the temperature between - 40° and - 20° C. Table XII. shows the results, which, in the main, confirm ZOLSS'S TABLE XII. — Dissipation and Temperature. Winter. I Summer. Year. Temperature. a+. a ?• a+. a_. ) •91 (»i) 1-22 (S4) l-73(39) 1-19 1-24 1-15 - 10 - 5 2 • 45 (44) 2-82 (44) 1-16 — — 2 • 45 (44) 2-82(44) 1-16 - 5 0 0 5 3-17(63) 4 • 34 (18) 3-75(C4) 4- 66(20) 1-18 1-07 3-99(10) 3-71 (37) 4-71 H 3-73(37) 1-18 1-01 3 • 28 (73) 3-92 (56) 3 • 90 (74) 4-06(57) 1-19 1-03 5 10 . 4-41 H 4-99(so) 1-13 4-41 (80) 4- 99(80) 1-13 10 15 — — • 4-68(66) 5-23(66) 1-12 4-68(6«) 5-23(06) 1-12 observations. The temperature has a great effect on the dissipation, for it rises from •83 with temperatures between — 40° and — 20° C. to 4'95 with temperatures between 10° and 15° C., and when the results for the whole year are considered the relation is practically linear. But here again attention must be called to the fact that the very low temperatures were always accompanied by calm weather ; and that there was very much more wind during the summer when the high temperatures were obtained than during the winter with its low temperatures. It is interesting to note that temperature has no apparent effect on the ratio q. lonization and Relative Humidity. — It will be seen from Table XIII. that when the whole year is taken into account the effect of the relative humidity on the ionization is very similar to its effect on the dissipation. That is, the amount of ionization decreases with an increase in the relative humidity, while the ratio r increases. But it is very interesting to note that when the winter and summer results are taken separately this effect is hardly apparent at all. No definite effect of the relative humidity on the positive ionization can be detected during either the winter or summer six months. While the negative ionization is slightly affected during the winter, no effect can be seen during the summer. Nevertheless, during both winter and summer the value of the ratio r increases regularly with the relative humidity. * ' Phys. Zeit.,' 5, p. 257, 1904. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 79 TABLE XIII. — lonization and Relative Humidity. Winter. Summer. Year. Relative humidity. I_. !+• r. I_. I+- r. I_. IH-. r. per cent. 30 to 40 — — — •45 (6) •45 (•) 1-04 •45 (•) •45 (6) 1-04 40 „ 50 — — — •38(44) •41 («) 1-10 •88(«) •41(«) 1-10 50 „ 60 •32 (15) • 35 (15) 1-09 •37(62) •42 («) 1-14 •SSMj • 40 (°7) 1-13 60 „ 70 •28(24) •32 (24) 1-15 •39 (34) •45 (34) 1-15 • 34(58) • 40 (58) 1-15 70 „ 80 >80 •28(32) •23(") •33(32) •32(17) 1-16 1-39 •48(8) •55 (8) 1-20 •32(40) •28(») • 37 (40) •32 (17) 1-18 1-39 lonization and Temperature. — From Table XIV. it will be seen that temperature has a great effect on the ionization — the ionization at temperatures lower than — 20° C. being only a little greater than a third of those with temperatures between 10° and 15° C. No effect of temperature on the ratio r is apparent. TABLE XIV. — lonization and Temperature. Temperature. Winter. Summer. Year. I_. I+. r. I_. I+. r. I_. u. ;•. 0 C. <-20 •16(10) •18 (») 1-12 _ _ •16(10) •18 (») 1-12 -20 to -15 •18(26) •22 (24) 1-23 — — — ' 18 (26) •22(24) 1-23 -15 „ -10 •22 (27) •26 (26) 1-18 — — — •22(27) •26(26) 1-18 -10 „ - 5 •30(41) •36(38) 1-20 — — — •30(41) •36(38) 1-20 - 5 „ 0 • 32 (5«) •39(53) 1-27 •31 (21) •37H 1-19 •31 (") • 39 (74) 1-24 0 „ 5 •36(31) • 42 (29) 1-16 •36 (40) • 39 (40) 1-07 •35('i) • 40(69) 1-12 5 „ 10 — — — •40(6(i) • 45 (66) 1-13 • 40 (««) .45(66) 1-13 10 „ 15 — • — •43(28) • 45(28) 1-06 •43(28) • 45(28) 1-06 In discussing the effect of temperature on dissipation it was stated that the absence of wind at low temperatures might account for the decreased dissipation ; but we now see that the smallness of the dissipation is more likely caused by the low ionization at low temperatures. Potential Gradient and Temperature. — It has already been shown that the potential gradient varies very greatly with the ionization and dissipation. As we have also seen that the ionization and dissipation depend greatly on the temperature, we should expect the temperature to have an effect on the potential gradient. That such is the case can be seen from Table XV. The potential gradient is high with low temperatures and low with high temperatures. This fact has often been noticed and recorded before. 80 ME. GEOKGE C. SIMPSON ON THE TABLE XV. — Potential Gradient and Temperature. Potential gradient, volts/metre. Temperature. Winter. Summer. Year. - 40 to - 30 256 (29) _ 256 (») - 30 - 20 259 (65) — 259 (65) -20 -10 235 (»') . — . 235 (117) -10 0 158 (178) 126 (40) 152 (21S) 0 10 108 (45) 105 (m) 106 (21fl) 10 20 — 98 (79) 98 (97) The Aurora and the. Electrical Conditions of the Atmosphere. During the whole of my stay in Karasjok I could not detect the slightest effect of the aurora on any of the electrical conditions of the atmosphere, and most careful watching of the needle of the self-registering electrometer did not show any relation between potential gradient and the aurora. On first starting my observations I thought I found, as many other observers have done, an unsteadiness of the potential gradient during an aurora display, but longer experience showed that this unsteadiness had nothing to do with the aurora. In order for an aurora to be visible it must be a clear night, and a clear night is generally accompanied by low temperature and a high potential gradient. The high potential on clear cold nights was always unsteady and varied quite irrespective of the presence or absence of an aurora. When an aurora was visible naturally it often appeared as if a change in the aurora was coincident with a change in the potential gradient, but the attempt to connect changes in the potential gradient with changes in the aurora over any length of time always failed. Other observers have recorded negative potential gradient during an aurora display ; but during the whole winter my self-registering electrometer did not once record any such reversal. CONCLUSIONS TO BE DRAWN FROM THE WORK. The first and most important conclusion is that the difference in the electrical conditions of the atmosphere between mid-Europe and this northerly station can all be accounted for by the difference in the meteorological condition at the two places. Dissipation.— For reasons which have been set out above, the actual numbers obtained for the dissipation cannot be compared directly with those of other observers, but one is quite safe in saying that they are of the same order as those obtained further south under the same meteorological conditions. They certainly do not show that great increase in dissipation and unipolarity which has been ascribed to places of ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 81 high latitude by some writers, who base their general conclusions on a few observations made by ELSTEE.* lonization. — At the time of writing no similar series of observations made with EBERT'S apparatus have been published, so it is impossible to compare the ionization in high latitudes with those in lower. But judging from my own experience, as with the dissipation there is no change in the ionization which cannot be explained by the meteorological conditions. There is certainly no abnormal ionization nor abnormal unipolarity, both the ratios q and r being in excellent agreement with those found in Germany. The yearly course of the ionization is of great interest and of much importance. What causes the yearly variation is not at first obvious. The ionization of the air at any moment is determined by two factors : firstly, the rate at which ions are produced in the air, and secondly, by the rate at which they re-combine.t The yearly variation of the ionization must be caused by variation in either one or both of these factors. We do not yet know what the ionizing influences at work in the air are ; but possible ones are radio-emanation, the sun's light, and temperature. But none of these undergo a yearly change corresponding to that of the ionization. It will be shown later that the yearly course of the radio-active emanation in the air is exactly opposite to that of the ionization. The sun's light and the temperature both have a yearly course in some agreement with that of the ionization, but the maxima and minima do not agree : the maximum and minimum of the ionization fall two months behind those of the sun's light and one month behind those of the temperature. We should then rather expect to find a cause for the variation by assuming a constant ionizing factor and looking for a change in the conditions which affect the re-combination of the ions. One of the first things which ELSTER and GEITEL found when working at the ionization of the air was that the dissipation depends to a great extent on the clearness of the air. This factor in itself is capable of accounting for the yearly course of the ionization at Karasjok. All who have travelled in Arctic regions know the peculiar haze which fills the air when the temperature falls very low and gives the " cold " aspect to Arctic scenes. Such a haze, which is not a mist or fog, was frequent during the winter at Karasjok. On the other hand, at the end of the summer the air reached a degree of transparency which I have never seen equalled in any other place. On going into the open air one was often struck with the great transparency of the atmosphere, giving sometimes the impression that the air between one and distant objects had been entirely removed. That it is the transparency of the air rather than the temperature which determines the ionization could often be seen from individual observation. On June 16 the temperature rose to the abnormal value of 247° C., the air being exceedingly hazy and oppressive ; the ionization was only '18, the mean * 'Phys. Zeit.,' 2, p. 113, 1900. t SCHUSTER, 'Proc. Man. Lit. and Phil. Soc.,' vol. 48, Part II., p. 1, 1904. VOL. CCV. — A. M 82 ME. GEOEGE C. SIMPSON ON THE for the month of June being "39. On September 19 the temperature rose to 16-4° C., after having been below 5° for the previous few days; the air again was very hazy and sultry and the ionization went down to '24, the mean for the month being '44. On the contrary, a clear day in the winter would be accompanied by comparatively high value of the ionization : February 22 ionization '40, mean for month, -21. Much to my regret I cannot support this conclusion by actual figures, as Karasjok was so enclosed by low hills that it was impossible to obtain even a rough arbitrary scale of the clearness of the air by the visibility of distant objects. But there can be no doubt that the maximum of the transparency of the atmosphere corresponded with the maximum of the ionization. Potential Gradient.—The yearly course of the potential gradient in Karasjok conforms to the general rule for the northern hemisphere formulated by HANN* in the following words : " The maximum of the potential gradient occurs in December, January or February ; it falls rapidly in the spring ; remains nearly at the same level during the summer and then rapidly rises again in October and November." The fact that the potential gradient runs so exactly opposite to the dissipation makes it appear as though there were a constant charge of negative electricity being continually given to the surface of the earth during the whole year, and that the amount at any moment on the surface itself (measured, of course, by the potential gradient) is determined by the rate at which the charge is being dissipated. How this charge is supplied to the earth still remains, in spite of many theories, one of the unsolved problems of atmospheric electricity. Two types of daily variation of the potential gradient are known, t The first is a double period, having a minimum between 3 and 5 A.M. and a second about midday, the corresponding maxima falling at about 8 A.M. and 8 P.M. Good examples ot this are Batavia and Paris. The other type consists of a single maximum and minimum, the former falling in the evening and the latter between 3 and 5 A.M. To this type belong the records made at high altitudes and at some places during the winter. The daily course of the potential gradient for the whole year at Karasjok belongs to the latter class, there being only one maximum and one minimum. Taking the four seasons each by itself, we see that the winter and spring curves are of the same type, while that for the summer shows a slight tendency to form a minimum at midday, and the autumn curve has a distinct double period. As stated above, the morning and evening maxima of the autumn curve were considerably strengthened by the mists which formed over the river. The nearest place to Karasjok at which measurements have been made of the potential gradient is SodankylaJ in Finland, and the curves for the two places are in surprising agreement. * ' Lehrbuch der Meteorologie,' p. 715. t HANN, 'Lehrbuch der Meteorologie,' p. 716. } ' Expedition polaire, 1882-83.' ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 83 It would appear from these results as though the double daily period were confined to places having a large daily temperature variation. The daily variation of the temperature was much the greatest in Karasjok during the autumn three months : the sun not rising during the winter three months, not setting during the summer three months, and the snows still being on the ground during the spring, all tended to keep the daily temperature variations low during these seasons. In all places having a double daily period of the potential gradient the midday minimum is always greater during the summer than during the winter, which supports the same conclusion. ATMOSPHERIC RADIO-ACTIVITY. In 1901 ELSTER and GEITEL* made the very important discovery that the atmosphere always contains more or less radio-active emanation. Since the discovery several workers have repeated the observations and confirmed the results. During the whole of 1902 ELSTER and GEITEL t made daily observations of the radio-activity, and found that the amount of emanation in the atmosphere depends largely on some meteorological conditions, such as the rising or falling of the barometer and tempe- rature ; and, as a result of their work, made the suggestion that the emanation in the air is supplied entirely by the radium or radio-active emanation contained in the soil. The method used by ELSTER and GEITEL to detect and measure the emanation in the air, which has been adopted by other observers, consisted of stretching a wire about 10 metres long between insulators in the open air. This wire was then charged to a negative potential of between 2000 and 2500 volts. After the wire had been exposed to the air at this potential for two hours, it was removed and wrapped round a net cylinder fitting inside the "protection cylinder" attached to their dissipation apparatus (specially closed at the bottom as well as the top for this measurement), and the rate at which the electroscope discharged was determined. When one metre of the wire discharged the electroscope one volt in one hour the atmospheric activity was said to be unity and written A = 1. Using ELSTER and GEITEL'S method, I made observations of the atmospheric radio- activity in Karasjok. I first started by making odd observations every now and again, but found that the values obtained were so much higher than anything which had up to that time been recorded that I determined to make a thorough investi- gation of the matter. In December, 1903, 1 started a series of observations, observing three times each day. As each observation occupied over two hours, it was impossible to take them so frequently without interfering with my other work, therefore I decided to take three observations each day for a month, then wait a month, then * ' Phys. Zeit.,' 2, p. 590, 1901. t ' Phys. Zeit.,' 4, p. 526, 1903. M 2 84 ME. GEORGE C. SIMPSON ON THE repeat them the following month, and so on. This was done for the whole year with the exception of the summer months, when observations were made alternate weeks instead of alternate months. Besides the three observations during the day, for one week out of every four I continued the observations during the night, observing between the hours of 3 and 5 A.M. In order not to interfere with my other observations, the observations of the radio- activity had to fit in between them, and the following times were chosen as being the most convenient : Night observation from 3 to 5 A.M. ; morning observation from 10 to 12 A. M. ; afternoon observation from 3 to 5 P.M. ; and evening observation from 8.30 to 10.30 P.M. In this way it proved possible to get a good idea of the yearly and daily course of the radio-activity. From the 420 separate observations the effect of the different meteorological conditions have been obtained. As the value of the radio-activity varied very greatly from month to month, in all the following tables each month is treated by itself, and then the whole year treated in a separate column. TABLE XVI. — Kadio-activity. Mean values. Mean values. Maximum values. Early morning, 3-5 A.M. Morning, 10-1 2 A.M. After- noon, 3-5 P.M. Evening, 8.30- 10.30P.M. Early morning. Morning. After- noon. Evening. *November ~| and ^ December J 209 (") 87 (2) 80 270 72 93 198 September . ; 201 (6) 81 (is) 70 (is) 142 (18) 123 390 156 122 264 Year . . . 162 (36) 58 (128) 62 (129) 92 (126) , 93 396 234 384 432 * For the observations of this month set out in full detail see 'Boy. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 73, p. 209, 1904. ATMOSPHEEIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 85 Table XVI. gives the mean and maximum values of the activity for each month. From it the yearly course is seen to consist of two periods. During the first, extending from the beginning of September to the end of February, the radio-activity is constant and very high. During the other months the activity is much lower (less than half) and not quite so constant. The maximum falls in midwinter and the minimum in midsummer. A distinct daily period is also shown : the maximum falling in the early hours of the morning and the minimum about midday. Table XVII. shows the effect of temperature on the radio-activity. It is interesting to notice that from the results for the whole year the temperature appears to have a very marked effect on the radio-activity ; but when each month is taken by itself, the effect is not apparent at all. It would appear from this that temperature only plays a secondary part in determining the amount of activity in the air. TABLE XVII. — Radio-activity and Temperature. Temperature. November and December. February. April. May and June. July and August. September. Year. "0. <-30 127 (12) 98 («) 113 (23) - 30 to - 20 166 (10) 126 (34) — — — 135 («) -20 „ -10 80 (i7) 96 (20) — — — 88 («) - 10 „ 0 82 (25) 66 (12) 51 (») — — 271 (4) 78 («s) 0 „ 10 110 (8) — 47 (4li) 33 (41) 62 (33) 100 (44) 63 ("2) 10 „ 20 — — — 56 (19) 56 (30) 83 (12) 61 (61) >20 — — — 39 («) 65 (3) 48 O The relative humidity appears to have a very large effect on the radio-activity, for not only can its influence be seen when the year is taken as a whole, but it is very apparent in each separate month with the exception of February. TABLE XVIII. — Radio-activity and Relative Humidity. Relative humidity. November and December. February. April. May and June. July and August. September. Year. Per cent. <50 24 (7) 30 (2r) 38 (22) 53 («) 34 W 50 to 60 — 27 (2) 32 (n) 45 (10) 31 (8) 70 (w) 46 («) 60 „ 70 — 54 (ii) 39 (is) 43 (12) 32 (9) 86 (10) 50 (65) 70 „ 80 — 124 (*7) 48 (23) 43 (8) 51 («) 97 H 88 (102) 80 „ 90 >90 , — 90 (") 60 (i) 63 (n) 85 (») 75 M 40 (2) 143 (9) 170 (8) 156 (n) 196 (8) 106 (6i) 132 (22) 8fi ME. GEOKGE C. SIMPSON ON THE on The wind strength has a most direct influence, which can not only be seen in the year and separate months, but can also be detected in nearly all the individual observations. TABLE XIX.— Kadio-activity and Wind Strength. Wind (Beaufort Scale). November and December. February. April. May and June. July and August. September. Year. 0-2 116 (49) 110(68) 65 (32) 57 H 81 (») 126 («) 98 C267) 3-4 5-6 79 H 63 («) 66 (7) 54 (2) 36 (22) 34 (16) 33 (20) 27 (») 35 (22) 39 (2) 67 (13) 60 (4) 47 (97) 40 («) >6 32 (3) — 21 (3) 10 (•) 20 («) 114 (3) 33 (21) The radio-activity is greater with a falling than with a rising barometer. The results show this every month without exception. TABLE XX. — Radio-activity and Barometer. Barometer. November and December. February. April. May and June. July and August. September. Year. Rising .... Falling. . . . 95 (44) 115(23) 97 (34) 119 (34) 38 (29) 53 (40) 25 (26) 53 (40) 50 (42) 77 (23) 107 (27) 110(28) 71 (201) 85 (19°) But this does not necessarily mean that the radio-activity is greater with a low than with a high barometer. Table XXI. shows that such is not the case. Out of the six separate periods only two, April and May and June, show a regular increase in the radio-activity as the height of the barometer decreases. In the other months, and for the year considered as a whole, no relation appears between the radio-activity and the height of the barometer. TABLE XXI, — Radio-activity and Height of the Barometer. Barometer. November and December. February. April. May and June. July and August. September. Year. minims. >760 760 to 750 137 (20 73 (14) 104 (is) 30 (2) 39 (1S) 29 (25) 74 (9) 158 (5) 102 (33) 89 (2i; 81 (126 } 750 „ 740 740 „ 730 85 (23 109 (" 93 (29) 146 (2°) 42 (») 65 (23) 44 (32) 57 (9) 53 (86) 50 (9) 104 (28) 65 (174 93 (79 730 „ 720 66(i° 102 (i) — — 70 (» ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 87 An uncertain result is obtained when the observations are divided according to the amount of cloud. For the whole year and for two of the separate months the clouds appear to have a direct influence on the radio-activity, but during the other four months there does not appear to be any relation between the two. TABLE XXII. — Radio-activity and Clouds. Clouds. November and December. February. April. May and June. July and August. September. Year. 0-3 4-7 8-10 130 (18) 107 (26) 76 (2r) 120 (») 124 (17) 96 (2r) 34 (») 61 («) 46 (5») 30 (<0 49 (13) 39 (46) 117 O 102 (16) 42 («) 172 (7) 96 (2°) 102 (33) 114 ('*) 93 (107) 62 (22«) The direction of the wind appears to have an influence on the radio-activity, for the latter is at a maximum with a south wind and a minimum with a north wind. It is very questionable if this is a real effect or only a re-statement of the relation between radio-activity and a rising or falling barometer, for every case of a north wind was accompanied by a rising barometer and nearly every case of a south wind by a falling barometer. That it is not the other way about is seen from the fact that observations taken with no wind show an unmistakable relation between the radio-activity and a rising or falling barometer. TABLE XXIII. — Radio-activity and Wind Direction. Wind strength. N: S. E. W. Greater than 3 on the Beaufort scale . . . 25 (4S) 53 (57) 28 (4S1) 47 («) No relation between the radio-activity and potential gradient can be detected either in the separate months or the whole year. TABLE XXIV. — Radio-activity and Potential Gradient. Potential Gradient. November and December. February. April. May and June. July and August. September. Year. Negative potential 33 (6) 41 (4) 24 (!) 42 (2) 137 (2) 49 (15) 0 to 100 volts/metre 106 (w) 148 (18) 51 (2-) 24 (42) 59 (35) 100 (40) 77 (m) 100 „ 200 143 (25) 119 (29) 51 (37) 34 («) 61 (28) 134 (15) 86 (166) 200 „ 300 90 (10) 90 (10) 32 (4) — — 81 (24) 300 „ 400 71 (10) 64 (•) 51 (2) — — — 66 (18) >400 83 (3) 61 (16) 31 («) — — — 58 (24) 88 MR. GEORGE C. SIMPSON ON THE I found it impossible to make observations of the ionization and dissipation at the same time as those of the radio-activity. This is much to be regretted, as it is very important to decide if the emanation in the atmosphere is the cause of the permanent ionization. That the ionization does not depend on the amount of emanation alone is quite clear from the yearly variations of the two, for the ionization is at a minimum during the winter, exactly the season when the activity is at its maximum. But that does not prove that the ionization is not due to the emanation ; we can only say that if it is, then the increase in the production of ions owing to the excess of emanation is overbalanced by the increased rate of recombination due to the winter conditions. That all the relations shown by the above analysis should be as they are gives an exceedingly strong support to ELSTER and GEITEL'S theory of the origin of the atmospheric radio-active emanation. According to their theory, the air which is mixed up with the soil of the ground becomes highly charged with radium emanation.* When the barometer falls, this air passes out of the ground into the atmosphere, bringing with it its charge of emanation. All the facts of the above analysis receive a very simple explanation by this theory if one extends it to include the fact that, as the emanation is a gas contained in the soil, it must constantly diffuse into the atmosphere above quite independently of the state of the barometer. Assuming this constant diffusion, we at once see that everything which tenth to reduce the atmospheric circulation, i.e., to keep the air stagnant, tends a/so to increase the quantity of emanation in the lower layers of the atmosphere. Looking now at each of the tables in order, we see that the temperature does not have a direct, but an indirect influence on the radio-activity. This is explained by the fact that the low temperature of the winter produces a nearly permanent temperature inversion, as mentioned above, which entirely prevents ascending currents of air. Thus the emanation on leaving the ground in cold weather cannot rise, but collects in the lower atmosphere, causing the high winter values of the radio- activity. The reason why the radio-activity is high with high relative humidity is easily found when one considers that each evening, as the temperature rapidly falls, two things happen : first there is a rapid rise in the relative humidity and secondly ascending currents of air are cut off. The latter fact gives rise to the high radio- activity. Also a mist or fog is always a sign of stagnant air. A high wind is naturally accompanied by low activity, for it acts as a stirrer, and rapidly mixes the escaped emanation with a large volume of air. ELSTER and GEITEL'S theory explains the relation found between radio-activity and a rising and falling barometer. If air stream out of the ground when the barometer falls, it must charge the atmosphere with its emanation. * 'Phys. Zeit.,1 5, p. 11, 1904; 'Terr. Mag.,' vol. 9, p. 49, 1904. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 89 The effect of the clouds is not easy to understand, and as the results do not show a pronounced dependence of the radio-activity on the clouds, perhaps it is not real, unless it is that clouds are usually associated with ascending currents of air. Other observers* have found a relation between radio-activity and clouds, but until more observations are made the question must be left unsettled. Thus we see that the whole effect of the meteorological conditions on the radio- activity depends on whether those conditions tend to mix the emanation rapidly with a large volume of air, or to keep it near to the ground from which it is always escaping. The same principles lead us to an explanation of the daily and yearly course of the radio-activity. During the daytime ascending currents are formed, while as the evening approaches these stop and the air lies cold and stagnant during the night. Thus we see why the minimum should be in the daytime and the maximum during the night. The yearly period has a similar explanation. During the winter in Karasjok, when the snow is permanently on the ground, temperature inversion accompanied by stagnant air is the rule rather than the exception. On the contrary, during the summer when there is nearly permanent sunshine, ascending currents will be formed at all times of the day and night. This accounts for the winter maximum and the summer minimum of the radio-activity. One strange fact is that the activity should be so high during the winter when the whole country is covered with snow. This at first led me,t with other observers,^ to doubt ELSTER and GEITEL'S theory, but the reason is not hard to find if it is remembered that the snow must form a very large reservoir to hold the emanation as it is escaping from the soil. It would be interesting to see if air, drawn from the snow in the way ELSTER and GEITEL drew it from the ground, would be charged with emanation. I wished to test this, but had no instruments with me which could be used for the experiment. One would also expect high values of the radio-activity in Karasjok during the winter from another consideration. Karasjok is situated on the river, and just as the water from all the surrounding land flows down to the river, so when the temperature falls very low the cold air will also find its way into the river valley. This cold air flowing over the ground will sweep the emanation along with it, and so the valley will become filled with air highly charged with emanation. In order to find if the minerals of Karasjok are particularly rich in radio-active constituents I sent samples of sand and rock to the Hon. R. J. STRUTT, who very kindly undertook to test them, and to whom my best thanks are due for the trouble he took in his investigation of them. In none of the specimens was he " able to * GOCKEL, ' Phys. Zeit.' ; ZOLSS, ' Phys. Zeit.' t ' Roy. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 73, p. 209, 1904. I ' Phys. Zeit.,' 5, p. 591, 1904. VOL. CCV. — A. N 90 MR. GEORGE C. SIMPSON ON THE detect the emanation with certainty, and none yielded more than a 100|000 part of •what the same quantity of pitchblende would give on heating." Thus the soil conditions of Karasjok do not appear to be abnormal, so that the high radio-activity found there during the winter must be due to the meteorological conditions being so favourable to the collection of the emanation in the lower atmosphere. In order to compare the value of the radio-activity at Karasjok with that of other places, the only observations which can be used are ELSTER and GEITEL'S,* in Wolfenbiittel (mid-Germany), and GOCKEL'S,! in Freiburg (Switzerland) ; no other observer has extended his observations over a sufficiently long period to give good mean values. Neither ELSTER and GEITEL nor GOCKEL observed between 8 P.M. and 8 A.M., and as the values I found between those hours were very much the largest it is not right to compare my means with their means, so in what follows I use only the values which were obtained during the morning and afternoon observations in Karasjok. The means for the whole year are Wolfenbiittel 18 '6, Freiburg 84 and Karasjok 60. Thus Freiburg is the highest and Wolfenbiittel the lowest. The absolute maxima (between 8 A.M. and 8 P.M.) are Wolfenbiittel 64, Freiburg 420, Karasjok 384, i.e., the same order as before. It is a strange fact that the yearly period should be so marked in Karasjok, while no yearly period can be detected in either Wolfenbiittel or Freiburg. As stated above, neither ELSTER and GEITEL nor GOCKEL have observed after 8 P.M., so it is impossible to compare the daily periods. It would be exceedingly interesting to know if there is a large daily variation in mid-Europe, for if there is not, then the mean winter value of the radio-activity in Karasjok will be very high compared with mid-Europe, the mean for the winter, when night as well as day observations are taken into account, being 126 at Karasjok. GOCKEL'S maximum observation of 420 was quite an exception, but even that was exceeded by my absolute maximum of 432 (observed between 8 and 10 P.M. on December 17). With this one exception the values found by GOCKEL did not exceed 170, while I found 200 quite a medium value during the winter in Karasjok. It would appear, from the results which have already been published, that high values of the radio-activity are much more common in Karasjok than in any place yet investigated. ELSTER and GEITEL measured the radio-activity at Juist, an island in the North Sea, and found it only 6, while in the Bavarian Alps they found the high value of 137. From this, and their observations in Wolfenbiittel, they concluded that the radio-activity increased from the sea inland. In order to find if the same conditions held in the north, I stayed in Hammerfest on my way home, and made daily observa- * ' Phys. Zeit.,' 4, p. 526, 1903. t ' Phys. Zeit,,' 5, p. 591, 1904. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 91 tions of the radio-activity there for four weeks (October 17 to November 12), in exactly the same way as I had done in Karasjok. The result was in entire agreement with ELSTER and GEITEL'S observations. The mean for the month was only 58, which must be compared with the Karasjok winter value of 126, the numbers for the different times of observing being— TABLE XXV. — Radio-activity in Hammerfest. Early morning, 3-5 A.M. Morning, 10-12 A.M. Afternoon, 3-5 P.M. Evening, 8.30-10.30 P.M. Mean. Mean 97 (°) 33 (24) 50 (24) 52 f-'4) 58 Maximum . . . 204 156 252 -1-1 \ 1 150 But what is much more interesting and important is the great variation of the radio-activity with the wind direction. When it is remembered that Hammerfest is free to the open ocean on the north and west, while to the south lies the whole stretch of Norway and Sweden, the following table tells its own story : — TABLE XXVI. — Radio-activity and Wind Direction in Hammerfest. North. South. West. Mean 8 (10) 72 (30) 4 (io) Maximum 20 250 10 It must be admitted that these results lend great support to ELSTER and GEITEL'S hypothesis. OBSERVATIONS OF THE AURORA. It was not my intention on going north to make a particular study of the aurora, but I naturally followed it with as much attention as possible. The necessity of making my regular observations during the daytime, beginning at 7.30 A.M., made it impossible to stay up to watch the aurora late into the night. Each evening I noted down the chief variations in the aurora's form and brilliancy, but did not go into minor details. I intend here to shortly record a few of the things which struck me, and which are rather of a general than particular interest. During the year of my stay there were not many exceptionally fine auroras, and coloured auroras were very rare. From the one or two I did see the colours appeared to be of two distinct kinds (by colours in this connection I mean colours other than the greenish-white light of the ordinary aurora). There is first the mass of coloured N 2 92 ME. GEORGE C. SIMPSON ON THE light which retains its form and colour for a comparatively long time, and colours which flash out and disappear immediately. A very interesting fact struck me with regard to the latter class of colour. It is generally known that an aurora arch is often composed of a series of spear-like shafts of light arranged perpendicularly to the direction of the arch, and which appear to be in constant motion. A number of these spears will suddenly become brilliant and the lower ends shoot out of the arch into the black sky below. The brilliancy will then run along the arch like a wave of light, lighting up all the spears as it goes along. I noticed that the " front" of such a wave of brilliancy and the points of the spears when shooting out were bright red, but as soon as the motion stopped the colour disappeared, while the more violent the motion the purer and brighter the red. It appeared as if some physical process accompanied the passage of the aurora beam through the air and gave out a red light. For example, if the air had to be ionized before the discharge could pass through, then the process of ionization produced red light. If the motion was particularly violent, the production of red light would be followed by a production of brilliant green light, so that if a bright wave passed along an arch two waves of colour would appear to travel along, first a wave of red light, closely followed by a green wave, the two travelling so closely together as to appear one wave having a two-coloured crest. Similarly spears shooting out with a great velocity would appear to have red and green tips. The question of the relation of clouds to auroras has been very often raised. Three of my observations bear on this point. On the evening of October 11, 1903. after a fairly active display, the aurora disappeared ; but its place was taken by a system of narrow bands of cirrus clouds stretching right across the sky, which, being illuminated by the bright moon, had all the appearances of the aurora. That they did not form part of the aurora could only be decided at first owing to no line appearing in the spectroscope when pointed at them ; but later there could be no doubt, as they partly obscured the moon. On October 26 a very similar phenomenon again appeared ; that which at first was taken to be aurora later turned out to be cloud. On December 13 the most brilliant aurora display of my stay took place. The whole display reached a climax at 9.45, when a most brilliantly coloured corona shot out from the zenith. While this final brilliant display was taking place the sky suddenly became thinly overcast, and the aurora was only visible later as bright patches through the clouds. It has long been a matter of controversy as to whether the aurora ever extends into the lower regions of the atmosphere. Several observers positively affirm that they have seen it quite close to the ground. This may be due to an optical illusion ; one evening I was, for a considerable time, in doubt as to whether the aurora was really under the clouds or not. All over the sky were detached clouds, the clouds and spaces between them being of about the same size and shape. Right across the ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 93 sky a long narrow aurora beam stretched, showing bright and dark patches owing to the clouds. It looked exactly as if the aurora beam ran along under the clouds, brightly illuminating the patches of cloud which it met. In reality the bright patches were the openings and not the clouds. It took me a long time to make quite certain of this, and it was only by at last seeing a star in the middle of a bright patch that I could be quite certain. LEMSTROM strongly supported the idea that the aurora often penetrates down to the earth's surface, and described how on one occasion the aurora line appeared in a spectroscope pointed at a black cloth only one or two metres away. I was able to repeat this observation on several occasions, and found that the line which then appeared in the spectroscope was not due to an aurora discharge in the air between the spectroscope and the black cloth, but was due to reflected light, which it was impossible to prevent entering the spectroscope, as the whole landscape was lit up with the monochromatic light of the aurora. All the time I observed the aurora I could not detect the slightest noise accom- panying the discharge. I cannot close this account of my work in Lapland without expressing my deepest thanks to each and every one of the small Norwegian colony in Karasjok — in particular to my host and hostess, Handlesmand arid Fru NIELSEN ; and to Lensmand and Fru HEGGE — all of whom did their very best to make my stay amongst them a source of the greatest pleasure and real enjoyment. APPENDIX. Potential Gradient. — The potential gradient was measured, as stated in the paper, by means of a Benndorf self-registering electrometer. The electrometer is of the quadrant type, the quadrants being kept at a constant voltage by means of small cells, and the needle itself connected to the collector. To the bifilar suspension of the needle a long aluminium arm is attached, which swings freely above a strip of paper drawn along by clockwork. Every two minutes an electrical contact is made which causes a bar to descend and to press the end of the aluminium arm down upon the paper, where a dot is left showing the position of the arm and so the potential gradient. The zero of the instrument was so arranged that on the normal side a potential gradient of 800 volts/metre could be registered. On the negative side only 100 volts/metre could be registered; but as all the days on which negative potential gradient occurred were disturbed days, and the results on such days not used, the range was quite great enough. The collector was arranged in the following way : — My bed-sitting room in which 94 MR. GEOEGE C. SIMPSON ON THE I had my instrument was a little hut near to my host's large <' handlesmand's " house. On the end of the large house was a flag staff, to the top of which I attached an insulator and from it took a wire through a window into my room. About a third of the way up the wire I attached two milligrams of radium bromide which acted as a collector. On the accompanying photograph, the insulator, wire and the position of the radium collector are shown. The height of the collector above the ground was 5| metres. This arrangement acted extremely well and, as far as I could judge, gave as good results as could be wished. The potential gradient was reduced to that over a level surface by making simultaneous observations with a flame collector and leaf electroscope above the most level piece of ground I could find. The country was so rough that a good and accurate determination could not be made, but the error is certainly not 20 per cent. During the year this reduction was several times repeated, no change being found. Great attention was also paid to the insulations, which were never found defective. As the collector was situated between two houses over a much frequented road, no accumulation of snow took place under it, so corrections due to the height of the snow were not necessary. Dissipation and lonization. — In order to observe the ionization and dissipation without being disturbed by the smoke of the village, two platforms (as shown in the photograph) were built at different parts of the village, but as both were to the north of a large part of the village, I could not observe when a south wind was blowing ; with all other winds one of the platforms was on the windward side of the houses. The platforms were about a metre above the ground and the instruments on a shelf about a metre and half over the platform ; above all was a roof to protect the instruments from rain and snow. By this arrangement the instruments were exposed to the full force of the wind. In order to read the dissipation electroscope in a high wind, a small screen was held to protect the instrument just at the moment of observation. The usual method of observing the dissipation or ionization is to charge the electroscope, take a reading, then return in 15 minutes and take another reading. This method is open to great objections : first it is quite easy to make a false reading, and secondly in open-air work the leaves are not steady enough to allow of one reading being accurate. The method I adopted was to charge the two instruments, then take a reading of the dissipation instrument, half a minute later a reading of the ionization instrument, then at the minute take another reading of the dissipation instrument, at the next half minute a second reading of the ionization instrument, and so on for 5 minutes, when of course I had five readings on each instrument. Ten minutes later I started reading again, and at minute intervals read each of the instruments five times, then from a table found the value corresponding to each of the readings, took the mean of the first five, then that of the second five, and used these means as single values separated by an interval of 1 5 minutes. In this way ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 95 96 ME. GEOEGE C. SIMPSON ON THE errors of reading were avoided and errors due to the unsteadiness of the leaves greatly diminished. After having by this method obtained a measurement, using, say, a positive charge, the observation was repeated using a negative charge, and finally another observation with a positive charge. The mean of the two positive values, together with the negative value, were used as the result of the whole observation. This method I found to be absolutely necessary if reliable values of the ratios q and r were to be obtained, for both dissipation and ionization undergo great changes in the course of the time taken to make an observation. A whole observation when taken in this way occupied an hour and a quarter. Long experience taught me to know when I could expect difficulties with the insulations. On such days, instead of the method sketched above, an observation was taken with one charge, and after that the insulation tested for 15 minutes, then an observation with the other charge, followed by a final insulation test for the same length of time, the whole observation taking about an hour and a half. During the summer I had great difficulty in using the Ebert instrument owing to the mosquitoes being drawn into the instrument and so discharging the electroscope. In June the mosquitoes and other small flies were so numerous that it was quite impossible to use the Ebert instrument without some means of keeping the flies out, so I attached a funnel-shaped net to the front of the aspirator tube and used the instrument so protected. I expected that this net would cause some reduction in the value of the ionization as measured by the instrument, so as soon as the mosquitoes were sufficiently reduced in number to allow of observations being made with the unprotected tube I made a series of observations to find the effect of the net. Much to my regret and disappointment I found that the effect of the net varied very much according to the wind strength. In perfectly still air the net reduced the ionization by nearly a quarter, while with a stiff" breeze it had no effect. This made individual observation practically useless, and in all the above tables connecting ionization and the meteorological elements all the observations taken when the net was in use — from June 9 to August 12 — have been neglected. As the result of a long investigation I concluded that 10 per cent, added to the results in the bulk would just about correct for the effect of the net. Eesults so corrected are used in the curves and tables showing the yearly course of the ionization. Radio-activity. — In my measurements of the radio-activity, as stated above, ELSTER and GEITEL'S method was used. In order to charge the wire to a negative potential of between 2000 and 2500 volts, I used a small influence machine, built on the principle of a Kelvin replenisher and driven by a falling weight. By means of a variable high resistance, consisting of a strip of ebonite, one side of which had been rubbed with a black-lead pencil and so mounted in a tube that an earth -connected pad could move along it, the potential of the wire could be very easily regulated. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN HIGH LATITUDES. 97 The instrument worked splendidly, and I had very little trouble with it. Its only drawback was that it could not be left to itself for more than 20 minutes, for then the weight required winding up again, and sometimes the voltage would vary if not attended to. For my insulators I used amber enclosed in a metal case, so designed that air had a long way to travel from the oiitside before it could reach the amber. The insulators acted very well even in rain and fog. It was seldom that I had any difficulty with them, and I was never compelled to give up an observation on account of insulation troubles. Meteorological Measurements. — Karasjok is a second-order station of the Norwegian Meteorological Service, and 1 was granted full use of the observations made there. I depended solely on these observations for the height of the barometer. For temperature and relative humidity I used an instrument (the polymeter) made by LAMBKKUHT, Gottingen. The hygrometer consists of a bundle of human hairs mounted in such a way that a pointer is made to move over a very open scale showing directly the relative humidity. About once a month the zero was tested by painting the hairs with water in the way usual with such instruments. Treated in this way the instrument proved quite reliable. A mercury thermometer was attached to the metal frame of the hygrometer. The instrument was hung outside the window of a porch, the door of which always stood open. In this way the thermometer was not influenced by the radiation from a warm room, and. as the window looked north, the sun did not shine on it during the day time. The metal back of the instrument prevented the thermometer reading too low on a clear evening. I had no instrument for measuring the wind strength and had to estimate it as well as possible from the "feel." As the wind strength is only used qualitatively, the absolute values are of little importance. VOL. ccv. — A. <> [ 99 ] IV. The Halogen Hydrides as Conducting Solvents. Part I. — The Vapour Pressures, Densities, Surface Energies and Viscosities of the Pure Solvents. Part II. — The Conductivity and Molecular Weights of Dissolved Substances. Part III. — The Transport Numbers of Certain Dissolved Substances. Part IV. — The Abnormal Variation of Molecular Conductivity, etc. By B. D. STEELE, D.Sc., D. MC!NTOSH, M.A., D.Sc., and E. H. ARCHIBALD, M.A., Ph.D. (late 1851 Exhibition Scholars). Communicated by Sir WILLIAM RAMSAY, K.C.B., F.lt.S. Received February 1, — Read February 16, 1905. PART I. The Vapour Pressures, Densities, Surface Energies and Viscosities of the Pure Solvents. By D. MC!NTOSH and B. D. STEELE. ALTHOUGH our knowledge of the ionising power of non-aqueous solvents has been considerably increased during recent years by the investigations of WALDEN, FRANKLIN, KAHLENBERG, and others, the liquefied halogen hydrides and sulphuretted hydrogen have received little or no attention. GORE (' Phil. Mag.' (4), 29, p. 54), who experimented at ordinary temperatures, found that the hydrides of chlorine, bromine, and iodine were very feeble conductors. BLECKRODE ('Pog. Ann.' (2), 23, p. 101) stated that hydrogen bromide conducts slightly; while HITTORF ('Pog. Ann.' (2), 3, p. 161, 4, p. 374, considered these substances to be non-conductors. With regard to their behaviour as solvents, SKILLING ('Amer. Ch. Jl.,' 1901, 26, p. 383) found that at ordinary temperatures sulphuretted hydrogen dissolves potassium chloride freely ; but that the solution is a non-conductor of electricity. HELBIG and FAUSTI (' Zeit. fur angewandte Chemie,' 1904, 17) state that stannic chloride is soluble in hydrogen chloride, but that this solution also is a non-conductor. As it seemed highly improbable to us that sulphuretted hydrogen, which is analogous to water in so many ways, should be devoid of dissociating power, we decided to investigate its solvent action systematically, and at the same time to examine the hydrides of chlorine, bromine, iodine, and phosphorus. VOL. CCV.— A 390. O 2 23.8.05 100 DR B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DE. E. H. ARCHIBALD Preliminary Experiments. It has been found, as a result of our preliminary experiments, that water and all the ordinary metallic salts which were tried are insoluble, or very sparingly soluble, in any of the solvents. Hydrogen chloride and bromide are freely soluble in hydrogen sulphide, and hydrogen sulphide in hydrogen bromide. The salts of the organic ammonium bases are soluble in hydrogen chloride, bromide, iodide, and sulphide, and the resulting solutions conduct the current. Certain ammonium salts also yield very feebly conducting solutions. Two metallic salts, namely, sodium acetate and potassium cyanide, were, at first, thought to be soluble, as their addition to the solvent greatly increased its conductivity. This has since been found to be due to decomposition of these salts into acetic acid and hydrocyanic acid respectively. Both of these acids are soluble in the foregoing solvents. No substance has yet been found which will dissolve in phosphine and yield a conducting solution. A few preliminary measurements of the conductivity were made, and in every case the molecular conductivity diminished considerably with dilution, instead of increasing as it does in aqueous solutions. The results of these measurements are given in Part II., which contains a detailed account of the measurements of solubility and of conductivity. After we had ascertained that the hydrides of chlorine, bromine, iodine, and sulphur can act as conducting solvents, we proceeded to the measurement of the following physical constants of each of the pure substances : — (1) The vapour-pressure curve ; (2) The density and its temperature coefficient ; (3) The surface energy and its temperature coefficient ; (4) The viscosity and its temperature coefficient. The results of these measurements are described in the following pages. Preparation of Liquefied Gases. Hydrogen chloride was prepared by the action ol sulphuric acid on pure sodium chloride. The gas was dried by passing it through two wash bottles containing sulphuric acid, and afterwards through a tube containing phosphoric anhydride. It was then led into a receiver which was maintained at -100°, by means of carbon dioxide and ether, under diminished pressure. At this temperature the gas liquefied rapidly, forming a colourless mobile liquid. This was re-distilled before being used for the measurements. ON THE HALOGEN HYDKIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 101 The hydrogen bromide was prepared by the action of bromine on red phosphorus suspended in water. Traces of bromine were removed by passing the gas through a thin paste of amorphous phosphorus and a saturated solution of hydrogen bromide. The gas was then dried by passing it over about 40 centims. of phosphoric anhydride, and, in order to remove impurities other than water- vapour, it was passed through two U-tubes surrounded by solid carbon dioxide, in each of which a small quantity of liquefied gas soon collected. The gas bubbled through this liquid, which was thus submitted to a process of fractional distillation. It was finally condensed in a vessel surrounded by a mixture of carbon dioxide and ether. The hydrogen iodide was made by the action of iodine and water on amorphous phosphorus, in a similar manner to that employed for the preparation of hydrogen bromide, and similar means were used to purify it. The liquid was invariably coloured, and it could not be obtained quite colourless even by repeated distillation. The hydrogen sulphide was prepared by the action of dilute sulphuric acid on ferrous sulphide. The gas was washed by passing it through water, dried by passage over phosphoric anhydride, and condensed by means of carbon dioxide and ether. It was purified by distillation. Phosphuretted hydrogen was prepared by the action of a solution ot potassium hydroxide on phosphonium iodide. It was dried by means of phosphoric anhydride and condensed in a receiver which was immersed in liquid air. The Constant-temperature Bath. The constant-temperature bath consisted of ether which was contained in a vacuum vessel and cooled by liquid air. The temperature was measured by a constant-volume hydrogen thermometer, similar to that described by TRAVERS, SENTER, and JAQUEROD ('Phil. Trans.,' 1902, A, 200, pp. 105-180). The arrangement of the apparatus is shown in fig. 1 , in which C represents the hydrogen thermometer, A the large vacuum vessel containing the ether, and B a large vacuum flask containing liquid air. The bulb, a, of the thermometer was connected to the dead space of the manometer by a fine capillary tube. A mercury reservoir was attached to the stop-cock k by rubber tubing, and by raising or lowering this reservoir the mercury in the dead space could be adjusted to the level of the glass point c. The volume of the thermometer bulb and dead space was carefully determined by calibration with mercury. The constants were volume of— (1) Bulb and portion of stem within the liquid = 17 '480 cub. centims. at 0° ; (2) Stem from s to surface of ether = 0'1358 cub. centim. ; (3) Dead space and stem to mark s = 0'5719 cub. centim. It has been assumed, in making our calculations, that the average temperature of the section (2) was midway between that of the bath and that of the atmosphere ; an error of a few degrees in the temperature of this section is without influence on the bath temperatures, which are given only to the nearest tenth of a degree. 102 DE. B. D. STEELE, DK. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD Fig. 1. The vacuum vessel A was closed by a large indiarubber stopper, through which holes had been cut to allow the passage of the stem of the thermometer, the apparatus containing the liquefied gas, and the tubes I), d, and /. The closed tube b was about 7 millims. in diameter and long enough to reach nearly to the bottom of the vessel. The tube d was placed so that its open end came immediately under the tube b. The large vacuum flask B was fitted with tubes as shown in the diagram, so that by blowing into / liquid air could be forced into the tube b. In order to obtain any desired temperature between that of the room and the melting-point of ether ( — 117°) the vessel A was filled with ether, and the tube d connected to an air blast, by means of which the liquid was continuously and uniformly stirred, the air escaping through the tube I, which was provided for the purpose. After mercury had been taken out of the manometer through k, the ether was cooled by blowing liquid air from B into b, where it rapidly boiled away. When the temperature of the bath had been adjusted, it could be kept constant for as long as was desired by blowing liquid air in very small quantities into b. The deposition of dew on the walls of the vacuum vessel A was prevented by placing it inside a wider cylindrical glass vessel containing phosphoric anhydride. ON THE HALOGEN HYDEIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 103 Ilie Vapour-pressure, Curves, In order to measure the vapour-pressure, a tube containing the liquid was immersed in the bath and simultaneous observations of the temperature and corresponding vapour-pressure were taken. This simple arrangement could not be used with hydrogen bromide and iodide on account of the action of these gases on the mercury of the manometer. The errors due to this action were avoided by the use of a special form of apparatus which is shown in fig. 2. To use this apparatus, the tube in was attached to the pump, and the bulb a placed in the low-tempe- rature bath, after which the whole apparatus was exhausted to a pi*essure of about 60 millims. and the stop-cock h closed. The outer portion of the apparatus was completely exhausted and the stop-cock cj closed. A vessel containing the liquefied gas was then attached to n by rubber tubing, the point I broken within the tube, and as soon as a sufficient quantity of liquid had distilled into the bulb a the apparatus was sealed off at k. Before making any measurements the stop-cock g was opened for a few moments, and all traces of air were displaced from the tube by allowing a small quantity of liquid to evaporate into the pump. The bath was cooled to the lowest temperature at which observations were to be taken, and the stop- cock h opened. As the vapour-pressure of hydrogen bromide and of hydrogen iodide, even at the lowest temperatures employed, was greater than 60 millims., a flow of gas from c into c' followed, and continued until the pressure in the manometer became equal to the vapour-pressure of the liquid. As soon as the pressure ceased to rise, the temperature and pressure were read and the stop-cock h was immediately closed. The temperature was then raised to the next point of observation, and the stop-cock h again opened, until the pressure in the manometer became constant, when readings were again taken and the stop-cock closed. In this way a succession of readings was obtained without the hydrogen generated by the action of the gas on the mercury of the manometer finding its way into the bulb a. As a precaution against diffusion, the bulbs c, c and the capillary tube e were introduced, the stop-cock g being opened after each observation and the contents of the bulbs c and c withdrawn through the pump. Fig. 2. 104 DB. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD The formation of hydrogen was reduced to a minimum by the device of leaving in the manometer a small quantity of air, which prevented the hydrogen bromide (or iodide) from reaching the surface of the mercury until a considerable time had elapsed. -60 ZOO 400 600 FffESSURE //V MILLIMETRES OF AfffiCL/ffY Fig. 3. The results of the measurements are collected in Table I., which contains the experimental (a) and smoothed (b) values of the vapour-pressure for each of the liquefied gases. In the case of hydrogen bromide and iodide the measurements have been continued considerably below the melting-point, and the vapour-pressure curve both for solid and for liquid are given in fig. 3. It will be noticed that the change in curvature at the melting-point is very slight both for hydrogen bromide and for hydrogen iodide. The melting- and boiling-points found by us for the pure substances are given in Table II., together with recent measurements by other observers. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. TABLE I. 105 Temperature. Vapour pressure. Temperature. Vapour pressure. a. b. a. b. •0. miUima. millims. HYDROGEN 0 C. milliins. CHLORIDE. inillima. -80-0 896 - 95 _ 363 -80-5 868 — - 96 343 -81 — 851 - 97 323 -82 — 808 - 97-2 31G — -83 — 764 - 98 — 304 -83-2 748 — - 99 . — 287 -84 . — _ 718 -100 — 270 -85 — 673 -101 254 -85-9 648 — . -101-3 245 — -86 — 632 -102 — 238 -87 — 594 -103 — 225 -88 — 557 -104 — 210 -89 — 552 -104-5 198 — -89-8 522 — -105 — 19G -90 — 493 -'106 — 184 -91 . — 463 -107 — 173 -92 — 435 -108 — 102 -92-9 430 — -109 — 149 -93 — 410 -109-9 141 — -94 — 385 -110 138 HYDROGEN IODIDE. -35 _ 783 - 56 274 -35-9 769 - 57 — 258 -36 — 750 - 58 — 244 -36-9 713 — - 59 — 230 -37 — 718 - 59-5 224 — -38 — 686 - 60 — 218 -39 — 657 - 61 — 206 -39-4 644 - 62 — 194 -40 — 628 - 63 — 183 -41 — 600 - 63-5 185 — -41-7 578 — - 64 — 173 -42 — 573 - 65 — 162 -43 — 547 - 66 — 152 -43-5 530 — - 67 — 143 -44 — 519 - 68 — 134 -45 — 494 - 68-4 126 — -46 471 - 69 — 126 -47 — 448 - 70 — 118 -47-7 438 — - 71 — 111 -48 425 - 72 — 103 -49 . 404 73 — 97 -50 376 . . - 73-5 92 — -51 364 - 74 — 90 -52 343 - 75 — 84 -53 325 - 76 — 79 -54 307 - 77 — 73 -54-8 303 - 77-9 74 . — -55 289 - 78 — 70 VOL. CCV. — A. 106 DE. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DE. E. H. AECHIBALD TABLE I. (continued). Temperature. Vapour pressure. Temperature. Vapour pressure. a. 6. a. b. °c. milliiiis. millims. " C. millims. HYDROGEN BROMIDE. millims. -65 - 87 _ 283 -66 — 891 - 87-1 284 -67 — 835 - 88 — 266 -68 — 785 - 89 259 -68-4 775 — - 89-3 245 -69 — 743 - 90 247 -70 — 704 - 91 239 -70-7 682 — - 92 — 222 -71 — 671 - 92-8 214 -72 — 635 - 93 214 -73 609 - 94 204 -74 575 — - 95 195 • -75 — 546 - 96 187 -76 — 519 - 96-3 185 -76-7 501 — - 97 177 -77 — 483 - 98 167 -78 — 468 - 99 157 -79 — 445 -100 147 -79-3 431-5 — -100-7 142 -SO — 423 -101 136 -81 — 402 -102 125 -82 — 381 -103 114 -83 357 — -104 102 -84 — 340 -104-2 96 -85 — 321 -105 90 -86 ~ 302 SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN. -60 — 770 - 74 345 - 61 n f* — 724 - 75 326 - 62 — 682 - 75-6 314 -62-2 676 — - 76 309 - 63 — 644 - 77 292 -64 — 607 - 78 276 - 65 — 573 - 78-4 270 - 66 -66-1 nrj 538 541 - 79 - 80 261 246 - 67 -68 C(\ — 513 484 - 81 - 81-7 220 232 — 69 -69-1 -70 n" 456 458 432 - 82 - 83 - 84 193 218 205 -71-6 *7O 400 409 - 85 - 86 — 181 169 — IZ -73 — 384 364 - 87 - 88 — 158 148 ON THE HALOGEN HYDKIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 107 TABLE I. (continued). Vapour pressure. Vapour pressure. Temperature. Temperature. a. b. a. b. °C. million. ruillinis. PHOSPHURETT °C. ED HYDROGEN. millims. millims. -86 770 - 97 403 -86-6 719 — - 97-7 393 — -87 — . 716 - 98 — 382 -88 — 668 - 99 — 362 -88-6 644 — -100 — 342 -89 — 630 -101 — 324 -90 — 595 -101-2 319 — -91 . — 563 -102 — 305 -92 — 531 -103 — 287 -93 — 503 -104 — 269 -93-1 498 — -105 — 253 -94 — 473 -105-9 237 — -95 — 448 -106 — 235 -96 425 1 TABLE II. HCl. HBr. H,S. PHS. r Melting-point< I l§ -111-1 -111-3 -86 -88-5 -86-1 -50-8 -50-8 -51-5 -82-9 — f* Boiling-point < I L§ - 82-9 - 83-7 - 83-1 -68-7 -64-9 -68-1 -35-7 34-1 36-7 -60-2 60-4 86-4 -85 * MclNTOSH and STEELE. t ESTREICHER, ' Zeit. Phys. Chem.,' 1896, 20, p. 605. J LADENBERG and KRUGEL, ' B. B.,' 1900, 33, p. 637. § OLSZEWSKI, ' Monatshefte fiir Chemie,' 7, p. 371. Heats of Evaporation. CLAUSIUS has shown that the heat of vaporisation of a liquid can be calculated from the equation dp ^ ~~ ^ dT ~~ KT2 ' p 2 108 DE. B. D. STEELE, DE. D. McINTOSH AND DE. E. H. AECHIBALD TO PUMP in which -P- represents the change of vapour-pressure with temperature, P the €(/ A pressure, T the absolute temperature, R the constant of the gas equation, and W the latent heat of evaporation of one gram-molecule of the liquid. The values of W at a pressure of 760 millims., as calculated from our vapour- pressure curves, are for hydrogen chloride, 14'8 x 1010 ergs, bromide, 17'4xl010 „ iodide, 207 xlO10 „ sulphide, 19'3xl010 „ „ phosphuretted hydrogen, 17 '2 x 1010 ,, We can find no account of any direct determination of W for these substances. The Measurement of Density. The apparatus (fig. 4) employed for these measurements consisted of a bulb with a graduated capillary stem, to which a two-way stop-cock c was attached. The bulb had a capacity of about 1*5 cub. centim., and its volume and that of each division of the stem was accurately determined by calibration with mercury. After the tube a had been sealed to the pump, and the apparatus exhausted, it was immersed in the constant-temperature bath. The tube b was then connected to a vessel con- taining the liquefied gas, which was distilled into the bulb until both bulb and stem were completely filled. The stop-cock was turned and the liquid allowed to evaporate into the pump until the meniscus had come to a definite position on the stem, when the stop-cock was turned so as to disconnect all the tubes. To obtain the volumes occupied by a constant weight of liquid, it was only necessary to read the position of the meniscus at different temperatures. The weight of liquid was obtained by attaching to the Fig. 4. tube b a weighed set of GEISSLER'S bulbs containing potassium hydrate solution. On opening the stop-cock and raising the temperature of the bath the liquid evaporated and the gas was absorbed in the bulbs and weighed. To prevent the potash solution sucking back, a little mercury was placed in the first bulb. The small amount of gas remaining in the apparatus was finally pumped out through a and measured. Fi 1 u j» » » • • 34-29 34-32 34-31 34-57 •013763 •013751 •013755 •013652 ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 113 To carry out the experiments, the apparatus was placed in the constant-temperature bath and exhausted through the tube L The stop-cock h was then turned, and an excess of the liquid to be measured was introduced through the tube I by distillation. The stop-cock was again turned, and all traces of air were displaced from the apparatus by allowing some of the liquid to evaporate into the pump, after which the stop-cock was closed. The bath was then maintained successively at different temperatures, and the mark on the capillary having first been brought into coincidence with the meniscus, the height of the column of liquid was accurately measured. The tube d was attached to a manometer, and measurements of the vapour-pressure of the liquid were made during the experiment. This tube was removed during the measurements of hydrogen bromide and hydrogen iodide. The results of the measurements are given in Tables V. to IX., in which the letters employed have the following meaning : — T = the absolute temperature ; D = the density of the liquid ; (T = the density of the vapour ; V = the specific volume of the liquid ; V.P. = the vapour-pressure of the liquid ; h = the height of the column of the liquid ; y = surface tension in dynes per centimetre = J ryh (D— er) ; y (MV)3 = the molecular surface energy in ergs ; g = the constant of gravity ; M = the molecular weight of the liquid. TABLE V. — Hydrochloric Acid. T (abs.). D. . 163-1. [1-2530] 0-00051 1-2525 miHims. 141 centime. 3-303 27-874 9-4600 263-68 168-5 1-2438 0-00069 1-2431 198 3-214 26-912 9-5073 255-87 171-7 1-2347 0-00083 1-2339 245 3-152 26-251 9-5537 250-80 175-8 1-2242 0-00105 1-2232 316 3-094 25-477 9-6080 244-78 180-1 1-2127 0-00139 1-2113 430 3-033 24-718 9-6690 239-00 183-2 1-2038 0-00167 1-2021 522 2-974 24-046 9-7167 233-65 187-2 1-1937 0-00202 1-1917 648 2-936 23-467 9-7725 229-30 189-9 1-1842 0-00230 1-1819 748 2-866 22-760 9-8233 223-57 192-6 1-1770 0-00263 1-1744 868 2-838 22-409 9-8634 221-03 VOL. CCV. — A. 114 DE. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DR, E. H. ARCHIBALD TABLE VI. — Hydrobromic Acid. T (abs.). D. ^ 250 300 MOLECULAR SURFACE ENERGY Fig. 6. 350 EF?GS. The range of temperature over which measurements were made was small, and in the case of each substance the curve appears to be a straight line. d The temperature coefficients -j- y (MV)?i are given in Table X. dt TABLE X. Q 2 Substance. Temperature range. |y(MV)I. Hydrogen iodide. . . . „ bromide . . . 225-236 181-204 1-99 2-03 „ sulphide . . . „ phosphide . . „ chloride . . . 189-211 167-180 159-192 1-91 1-70 1-47 116 DE. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DK. E. H. AECHIBALD The average value of this coefficient is, according to EOTVOS, 2'27. From the experiments of RAMSAY and SHIELDS it is 2-12, while BALY and DONNAN have found that the liquefied gases oxygen, nitrogen and carbon monoxide give values very near to 2, and this number has also been found by us for the three substances hydrogen bromide, iodide and sulphide. RAMSAY and SHIELDS have shown that for normal liquids the relation between molecular surface energy and temperature is given by the equation in which t represents the temperature measured from the critical point and d is a small constant. From this equation it follows that the surface energy disappears at a temperature d degrees below the critical point, and therefore the curve for a normal liquid, if produced, should cut the temperature axis at this point. This is the case for hydrogen bromide, iodide and sulphide, for which, as will be seen from Table XL, the value of d is 16'3, 157 and 0'2 respectively. HI-* 400 /ygj-> HB^ I 5300 I ?00 180 *v "X x. \ — \ \ "\ X. "\ -v. •V. ^ \ N» 'Xfc- •s. • — ^ %» X ^ V. ^ *S* \ " J . % ' V • — , •N. ^ " -N v "^ t<5> •NS x x ^ X ^^ x ^>v v. "\ "V, Vs, ^, Vs ^^ ) 100 200 300 40 ENERGY Fig. 7. The curves are shown in fig. 7, in which the critical temperature of each liquid is indicated by an arrow. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. TABLE XL 117 Critical temp. Temp, at which curve cuts T axis. d. Hydrogen chloride ,, bromide °0. 52-3 91-3 "0. 65-2 75-0 + 11-9 16-3 ,, iodide 150-7 134-0 15-7 ,, sulphide 100-2 100 -0 - 0-2 Phosphuretted hydrogen . . . 61-6 RAMSAY and SHIELDS also showed that another class of liquid exists, for which the above relation does not hold, inasmuch as the coefficient not only was less than 2 '12, but also varied with the temperature. If a tangent is drawn to the curve, for a liquid of this class, it will cut the temperature axis at a point above the critical temperature. This abnormal behaviour is explained by the assumption that the molecules of such liquids are associated to form larger molecular complexes ; in other words, that their molecular weights are abnormally high. Hydrogen chloride and phosphide, from the magnitude of their temperature coefficients, must be classed with the abnormal or associated liquids, but the curves which we have obtained are too short to be distinguished from straight lines. These curves have, however, been produced and the results are shown in fig. 8 and Table XI. x>v 330 x V 71ft _^ \ ?on X" v. ^ v X, ^ 270 X >v ^ X ^ s. ^ x ^ k ' ^ V ?50 $ \ N, u. £30 X k^ ?f\(\ X X. *x X x X. X. X, iyo i7n \ \ i/U 150 N N > 40 60 l?0 160 200 ZW 2BO MOL SURFACE ENERGY. Fig. 8. 118 It will 65-2°, or measured at 22°. In the DR. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD be seen that the curve for hydrogen chloride cuts the temperature axis at 11-9° above the critical point. We have not been able to find any record of measurements of the critical temperature of phosphuretted hydrogen. The Measurement of Viscosity. The viscosity apparatus (fig. 9) was of the usual form, but with some slight additions, which were designed to prevent access of water vapour. For this purpose the two ends of the apparatus were joined to the stop-cock h, and the two tubes c and d, containing phosphoric anhydride, were attached. After the apparatus had been placed in the bath, a definite quantity of the liquid was distilled into it through d. In order to make the measurements, the stop- cock was closed and, by blowing into d, the liquid was forced into f until it reached a position about one centimetre above the mark a. The stop-cock was then opened and the time required for the liquid to fall from a to b with a stop-watch. The apparatus was calibrated with distilled water tables, D refers to the density of the liquefied gas; 17 is the viscosity compared with that of water at 22°, and -3- is the temperature coefficient of viscosity. ctt TABLE XII. — Hydrogen Chloride. Apparatus B. Time of flow for water = 7 5 '3 seconds at 22°. 1 T (abs.). Time. D. *?• dr, dt ' Smoothed -2 . dt per cent. per cent. 160-8 35-1 1-265 0-590 — « — 166-7 34-3 1-249 0-569 0-61 — 171-7 32-3 1-236 0-530 0-03 — 177-0 31-7 1-221 0-514 0-91 — 183-2 30-8 1-204 0-493 0-88 — 188-2 30-2 1-189 0-477 0-86 0-88 ON THE HALOGEN HYDWDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 119 TABLE XIII.— Hydrogen Bromide. Apparatus B. T (abs.). Time. D. '/• dt\ ~di' Smoothed -^ . dt 186-8 30-8 2-227 0-911 per cent. per cent. 188-8 30-6 2-219 0-902 0-50 190-8 30-3 2-212 0-890 0-59 193-7 30-0 2-200 0-877 0-57 197-3 29-5 2-186 0-857 0-60 199-4 29-4 2-178 0-851 0-56 0-57 TABLE XIV.— Hydrogen Sulphide. Apparatus B. 1 T (abs.). Time. D. * ~ctt ' Smoothed "H . dt per cent. per cent. 191-0 40-3 1-002 0-547 _ 193-3 39-8 0-998 0-528 1-6 198-2 38-8 0-990 0-510 1-0 201-2 37-3 0-985 0-488 1-19 _ 206-1 36-2 0-977 0-470 1-09 209-8 35-2 0-972 0-454 1-08 1-1 TABLE XV. — Hydrogen Iodide. Apparatus A. Time of flow for Water = 43 seconds at 22°. T (abs.). Time. D. ,. dt' Mean. 1 per cent. per cent. 223-3 22-3 2-858 1-479 — — 225-6 22-0 2-849 1-454 0-75 — 227'2 21-8 2-842 1-437 0-75 — 229-6 21-7 2-832 1-426 0-59 — 231-5 21-4 2-824 1-402 0-67 — 233-9 21-1 2-813 1-377 0-70 — 236-4 20-8 2-802 1-353 0-71 0-70 SUMMARY of Tables XII. to XV. dn Substance. •>! at B.P. dt ' HC1 0-47 0-90 HBr 0-83 0-58 HI 1-35 0-70 H2S . . 0-45 1-10 120 DE. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DK. E. H. ARCHIBALD PAET II. Tli e Conductivity and Molecular Weights of Dissolved Substances. and E. H. AKCHIBALD. By D. MCINTOSH THE second part of this investigation deals with the solubilities of substances in the liquefied halogen hydrides and sulphuretted hydrogen, and with the conductivities of the resulting solutions ; the molecular weights of a few substances, when dissolved in each of these solvents, have also been determined. The Temperature Bath. As liquid air was not available in sufficient quantities to make use of the bath described in Part I., a mixture of carbon dioxide and ether, which under atmospheric pressure gives a very constant temperature of —81°, was used for the measurements of solutions in hydrogen bromide and sulphide. The same mixture, under reduced pressure, was used for the measurement of solutions in hydrogen chloride. By carefully regulating the pressure over the mixture the temperature was maintained at —100°. For the hydrogen iodide solutions a temperature of —50° was obtained by slowly running cold ether into the vacuum vessel and syphoning off the warmer upper layer. The Determination of Solubilities. The solubilities were measured by means of an apparatus (fig. 1) which consisted of a test-tube A, to the bottom of which a delivery tube B was sealed. The bottom of A was covered with a thick layer of asbestos which acted as a filter, and the whole was immersed in the constant-temperature bath. The liquefied gas and the substance of which the solubility was under investigation were introduced into A, where they were vigorously stirred with a platinum rod. A portion of the liquid was then blown through the delivery tube into a weighed and The volume of liquid in the test-tube was observed, the liquid Fig. 1. graduated test-tube. allowed to evaporate, and the residue weighed. The solubility was calculated from the data thus obtained. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 121 The results of the measurements may be summarised as follows : (1) Inorganic substances insoluble, or soluble only in traces, in any of the solvents — The chlorides, bromides, and iodides of the alkalis and alkaline earths : salts of -nickel, iron, lead, and mercury ; stannous chloride, potassium permanganate, and potassium bichromate. (2) Inorganic substances soluble — in some cases with decomposition : — (a) In hydrogen chloride— *Stannic chloride, phosphorus pentabromide, phosphorus pentachloride, and phosphorus oxychloride ; (b) In hydrogen bromide — Phosphorus oxychloride, bromide, and sulphuretted hydrogen ; (c) In hydrogen iodide- Iodine and phosphorus oxychloride ; (d) In sulphuretted hydrogen — Sulphur, phosphorus oxychloride, hydrogen bromide, and hydrogen chloride. (3 ) Inorganic substances soluble with decomposition in hydrogen chloride, potassium cyanide, ammonium sulpho-cyanate, sodium acetate. (4) Organic substances. In addition to the organic ammonium bases, which, as stated in Part I., dissolve somewhat freely in all the solvents, we have found that a very large number of organic compounds are soluble, as, for example, the aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, ethereal salts of fatty and of aromatic acids, cyanides, and sulpho- cyanates, hydrocarbons, and nitro-compounds. Hydrogen sulphide is an excellent solvent for such bodies, but the solutions, as a rule, are non-conductors. The solutions hi the halogen hydrides, on the other hand, usually conduct the current. 77; e Measurement of Conductivity. Although the investigation of the solubility of inorganic salts failed to indicate that these were soluble in more than traces in any of the solvents, we have tested the conductivity of the different solvents after the addition of certain inorganic substances. We find that an increase of conductivity was produced by adding the following substances to : — * HELBIG and FAUSTI ('Atti E. Accad. Lincei,' 1904 (V), 13, p. 30) found that stannic chloride was soluble in hydrogen chloride. We regret that by an oversight we contradicted this statement in our Preliminary Note ('Roy. Soc. Proc.,' 1904, 73, p. 554), and we wish now to make the necessary correction. VOL. CCV. — A. R 122 DR. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E H. ARCHIBALD (a) Hydrogen chloride — Bromine, potassium iodide, thionyl chloride, sulphuryl chloride, and uranium nitrate (very slight increase), phosphorus pentachloride, pentabromide, and oxychloride (considerable increase) ; (b) Hydrogen bromide — Phosphorus oxychloride (considerable increase) ; (c) Hydrogen iodide- Iodine, sulphuric acid, carbon disulphide, and phosphorus oxychloride (slight increase) ; (d) Sulphuretted hydrogen- Phosphorus pentachloride, and sulphuryl chloride (slight increase). The following substances did not cause an increase in the conductivity of either of the solvents : — Sodium, sodium sulphide, sodium biborate, sodium acid phosphate, sodium nitrate, sodium sulphide, sodium thiosulphate, sodium arsenate, chromic acid, the following salts of potassium : the nitrate, hydroxide, chromate, sulphide, acid sulphate, ferrocyanide, ferricyanide ; ammonium fluoride and carbonate ; rubidium and caesium chlorides ; Magnesium sulphate, calcium fluoride, strontium chloride, barium chloride, oxide, nitrate and chromate ; copper sulphate, mercuric chloride, zinc sulphate, boron trichloride, aluminium chloride, and sulphate ; carbon dioxide, stannous chloride, lead peroxide, nitrate, and cyanide ; phosphorus tribromide, bismuth nitrate, tartar emetic, manganese chloride, ferric chloride, ferrous sulphate, nickel sulphate, and cadmium sulphate. In addition to the organic ammonium bases, we have, in conjunction with Dr. J. W. WALKER,* examined the conductivity of solutions of about 80 organic substances in each of the foregoing solvents. The only substances which form conducting solutions in H2S are the ammonium bases and a few alkaloids such as nicotine and pyridine. On the other hand, many ethers, ketones, esters, nitrites, and, generally speaking, substances containing oxygen or nitrogen, form conducting solutions in hydrogen chloride, bromide, and iodide. The hydrocarbons, although in some cases soluble in all proportions, do not conduct. We have noticed that the solution of those substances which conduct is accompanied by a considerable evolution of heat, while little or no heat is evolved in the case of other substances. This indicates chemical interaction between the conducting solute and the solvent, and many of the resulting compounds have been isolated and analysed.! It has been * 'Journal of the Chemical Society,' 1904, 85, p. 1098. t ARCHIBALD and MC!NTOSH, ' J. C. S.,' 1904, 85, p. 919. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 123 found, for example, that ether enters into combination with the three halogen acids, forming compounds which have the following formulae : (C3H5)20, 5HC1, M.P. = -120, (C3H5)20, HBr, M.P. = - 42, (C2H5)2O, HI, M.P. = - 18. We have explained the formation of these and similar compounds by assuming the existence of tetrad oxygen at these low temperatures. The compound of ether and hydrogen bromide would thus have the formula p2Tj /O\r>,> and might be expected to undergo electrolytic dissociation. Quantitative Measurements of Conductivity. The pure solvents are extremely poor conductors of electricity, their specific conductivity being as follows : Hydrogen chloride about 0*2 x 10~", bromide „ 0'05xlCr8, iodide „ 0'2 x 1(T6, ,, sulphide ,, O'l x 10~li, that of the purest water being 0-04 x 10~6. The resistances are thus much greater than that of an ordinary sample of distilled water. The majority of the measurements of conductivity were made in an apparatus (fig. 2) consisting of a graduated test-tube with fixed electrodes. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. A sufficient quantity of the solvent was first placed in the conductivity vessel and a weighed quantity of the substance under investigation introduced by means of a E 2 124 DR. B. D. STEELE, DE. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD cooled platinum spoon. The mixture was then stirred until the conductivity remained constant, after which the volume of the solution was observed. A further weighed quantity of the substance was then introduced and dissolved, and the conductivity again measured. The same series of operations was frequently repeated until a sufficient number of measurements had been made. Other measurements were made in the apparatus shown in fig. 3. This consisted of a graduated test-tube A, provided with fixed electrodes, and with a delivery tube B attached. A saturated solution of the substance was made in the apparatus shown in fig. 1, a portion removed for analysis, and a sufficient amount put into the conductivity vessel, where its conductivity was measured and the volume noted. More of the solvent was then added, and the liquids were well mixed by blowing air through the delivery tube B. The volume was again read and the conductivity measured. This succession of operations was repeated until the vessel became full of liquid, after which a measured volume of the solution was removed, and the operations were continued until a sufficient number of measurements had been obtained. In all the measurements the electrodes were sufficiently immersed to give the maximum conductivity of the apparatus. Our results are given in the following tables, which also contain the temperature coefficient of conductivity for those solutions which are marked with an asterisk. The dilutions, which are given under V, represent the number of litres of solution which contain 1 gram-molecule of solute, and the molecular conductivities in reciprocal ohmsx 10~3 are given under p. The numbers are thus expressed in the same units as the molecular conductivity of aqueous solutions as given by KOHLRAUSCH and HOLBORN (' Leitvermb'gen der Elektrolyte '). TABLE I. — Solvent : Hydrochloric Acid. V. p. V. /*• HYDROCYANIC ACID. 41-4 21-3 14-1 10-2 9-2 7-35 0-51 0-91 0-98 1-08 1-34 1-48 4-90 4-08 3-12 *2-56 1-79 1-23 2-09 2-83 3-65 4-47 5-81 7-70 Temperature coefficient between - 99° and - 95° = - 2 • 0 per cent. -99" „ -90° = -1-8 „ -99° „ -85° = -1-3 „ ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 125 TABLE 1. — Solvent : Hydrochloric Acid (continued). V. V. TRIETHYLAMMONIUM CHLORIDE. 71-4 37-0 20-4 16-1 11-6 9-43 1-80 1-80 2-28 2-71 3-15 3-67 7-69 4-37 6-13 5-18 5-00 6-05 4-25 6-73 3-64 7-72 *2-99 8-51 Temperature coefficient between - 98° and - 89° = 0-39 per cent. -98' „ -86° = 0-67 „ ETHYL OXIDE. 12-50 0-14 5-00 0-23 3-12 0-39 1-92 0-95 1-45 1-41 1-09 . 2-03 0-88 2-20 0-72 2-90 0-61 3-09 Temperature coefficient between - 99° and - 95° = 1 '9 per cent. -99° „ -90° = 1-8 „ M ii ii — 99 „ — 85 = 1'7 ,, ACETAMIDE. 29-4 1-59 12-8 3-12 8-62 4-27 4-65 6-39 4-15 6-92 2-86 8-20 2-13 9-41 1-54 10-8 0-95 12-1 0-51 12-3 Temperature coefficient between - 97° and - 92° = 1 -4 per cent. -97° „ -86°= 1-2 „ -97° -83°= 1-2 „ ACETONITRILE. 21-7 1-51 2-17 6-82 8-33 2-44 1-54 6-25 4-76 3-89 1-09 8-OS 3-22 5-25 0-81 9-61 126 DR. B. D. STEELE, DE. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD TABLE II.- — Solvent : Hydrobromic Acidt V. ,. V. P- TRIETHYLAMMO VIUM CHLORIDE. 143 50 27-7 15-6 8-33 0-19 0-22 0-50 0-83 2-00 5-26 3-33 2-17 1-61 3-29 4-90 6-20 8-19 ETHYL OXIDE. 16-6 5-55 4-00 2-00 1-54 0-005 0-014 0-024 0-106 0-129 1-23 1-03 0-68 0-47 0-152 0-164 0-182 0-726 ACETONE. 8-33 5-00 3-23 2-00. 0-10 0-34 0-77 1-40 1-64 1 35 1-07 0-75 2-32 3-24 4-30 5-63 ACETAMIDE. 90-9 58-8 23-3 14-5 10-2 0-06 0-10 0-27 0-42 0-57 6-66 3-85 3-03 *2-08 1-41 0-94 1-47 1-80 2-37 3-15 Temperature coefficient between - 83° and - 77° = 0 • 94 per cent. -83° „ -74° = 0-94 ACETONITRILE. 33-3 0-14 1-47 4-62 4-76 1-08 1-22 5-43 3-70 1-32 0-96 6-99 2-50 2-48 0-72 10-01 1-85 3-46 — ETHYL PROPIONATE. 12-5 0-05 2-63 0-82 7-14 0-16 1-92 1-19 5-26 0-38 1-39 1-69 3-45 0-49 ORTHO-NITROTOLUENE. 25 0-04 3-85 0-21 16-6 0-07 2-38 0-45 12-5 0-07 1-50 0-67 11-1 0-10 0-92 1-02 8-33 0-11 0-66 1-28 t The solutions marked thus t were measured by McINTOSH and STEELE. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 127 TABLE II. — Solvent : Hydrobromic Acid (continued). V. p- V. 11. 1 200 21-3 14-1 166 62-5 62-5 34-5 tTETRAMETHYLAMMONIUM CHLORIDE. 5-40 8-94 10-56 10-5 9-42 tTETRAMETHYLAMMONIUM BROMIDE. [12-6] 7-0 34-5 11-8 tTETRAMETHYLAMMONIUM IODIDE. 8-75 22-2 10-35 12-53 13-30 7-25 12-6 13-10 TABLE III. — Solvent : Hydriodic Acid. V. /*• V. p. TRI ETHYL AMMONIUM CHLORIDE. 27-8 0-07 5-55 1-15 21-7 0-11 4-50 1-48 15-4 0-23 3-85 1-91 10-4 0-43 3-13 2-37 8-55 0-65 2-50 2-97 7-14 0-80 2-17 3-58 ETHYL OXIDE. 10-0 0-02 1-49 1-11 5-88 0-07 1-25 1-40 3-33 0-22 1-06 1-79 2-46 0-61 *0-88 2-21 1-79 0-84 — — Temperature coefficient between - 50° and - 45° = 1 • 9 per cent. -50° „ -40°= 1-8 „ ETHYL BENZOATE. 16-6 0-014 2-56 1-65 7-14 0-170 2-04 2-30 4-76 0-47 1-66 2-98 3-45 1-02 1-37 3-60 128 DK. B. D. STEELE, DK. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD TABLE IV.— Solvent : Sulphuretted Hydrogen. V. /*• V. TRIETHYLAMMONITJM CHLORIDE. 71-4 12-8 8-33 0-12 0-21 0-33 4-00 3-13 *2-50 0-87 1-17 1-58 Temperature coefficient between - 80° and - 75° = 0'88 per cent. „ -80° „ -70° = 0-90 „ -80° , -65° = 0-85 „ NICOTINE. 66-7 14-3 6-67 4-00 9-09 1-18 0-90 0-03 0-04 0-06 0-16 0-02 0-29 0-39 2-27 1-92 1-03 0-38 0-50 0-76 PlPERIDINE. 0-75 0-64 *0'55 0-46 0-48 0'50 Temperature coefficient between - 80° and - 66° = 1 '82 per cent. -80° and -63° = 1-84 „ TETRAMETHYLAMMONIUM CHLORIDE. 34-5 11-0 4-35 1-71 3-41 3-85 3-33 2-93 4-02 3-85 Temperature coefficient between - 70° and - 64 '7° = 0'95 per cent. -70° „ -62-6J - 1-07 „ -70° -60-8°= 1-09 The foregoing results are shown graphically in the figs. 4 to 7, in which the molecular conductivities are plotted against the dilutions. It will be seen that in every case JJL decreases enormously with dilution, a variation which is exactly opposite to that which might be expected from analogy with aqueous solutions. These results indicate that, if conduction is due to ionisation, the degree of dissociation decreases with dilution, a result which is in opposition to the law of mass action. This subject will be discussed fully in Part IV. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 129 SOLVENT HYDROGEN CHLORIDE WOL EQULAF{\ CONBUC T/\VI TY 5 3-0 3-5 4-0 4-5 5-0 5'5 6-0 65 7-0 7-5 5 1-0 1-5 2-0 8-0 es VOL. CCV. — A 130 DR. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD ^& 26 24 ft £0 OIB ^ «'• 14 tl 10 8 6 a. ^ 0 \(%Hs 1 }3/W, :i \ SOLVENT HYDROGEN BROMIDE. \ u \ \ I 9 \C/j ^CQNh N i (p5 "V \ \ \ s ^v>, "^ •^ V bx ~- — ^ ^nS ^C//J CN "~--o *-- — ~- , ~Q— - -j **>— —, — o — -o 1 « ^ — c >ITY ' >— — o — ULAFt •5 l-O 1-5 2-0 2-5 3-0 3-5 4-0 4-5 5'0 5-5 6'0 6 Fig. 5. 5 7-0 7-5 8-0 8-5 ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 131 X k 00 X Q_ Z <" uJ > z O CO O O cc O I- s <0 - G A in which the molecular weight of the dissolved substance is expressed in terms of y, its weight in grammes dissolved in G-gramme of the solvent, and of the corresponding rise in boiling-point A, K being a constant in the case of a solute which is neither associated nor dissociated. The values of y, G, A, and K for the various substances investigated are given in the first four columns of Tables V, VI, and VII. The following example will show the method of making the calculations :— Toluene in Hydrochloric Acid. Apparent volume of liquid +0'39# toluene. . 38'3 cub. centims. ). ,, ,, beads ....... 17'0 „ Real volume of liquid ......... 21 -3 Volume of toluene ......... . . 0'4 „ „ hydrochloric acid ...... 20 '9 „ Weight (Part I.) .......... 25%. Rise of boiling-point ......... 0'42°. Constant ........ = 2480. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 135 VAN 'T HOFF has shown that the molecular rise of boiling-point can be calculated by means of the formula ,T _ 0-02T2 ~W~' where T is the absolute temperature and W is the latent heat of evaporation of 1 gramme of the solvent. We have calculated the values for the molecular rise of boiling-point of the various solvents by means of the latent heats which are given in Part I. The molecular weight of the dissolved substance has been calculated from the values so obtained for the molecular rise. The molecular weights are given under M' in the sixth column of the tables, and in the fifth column the concentrations of the solutions are expressed in grammes of solute dissolved in 100 grammes of solvent. 0-09T2 TABLE V. — Molecular Weights in Hydrogen Chloride, IT = 720. ff- G. A. K. C. M'. TOLUENE. 0-39 25-0 0-42 2480 1-56 26-6 0-88 24-5 0-93 2380 3-59 27-8 2-25 24-5 2-25 2250 9-18 29-4 3-25 23-9 3-35 2270 13-60 29-2 4-28 23-9 4-31 2210 17-91 29-9 ETHER. 1-54 38-4 0-27 500 4-01 107 2-99 36-3 0-96 860 8-24 61-8 3-62 33-9 1-56 1080 10-68 49-3 3-62 30-4 1-98 1230 11-91 43-3 4-29 29-2 2-95 1485 14-69 35-9 4-69 28-4 3-63 1630 16-02 32-8 4-69 25-5 4-82 1940 18-40 27-5 136 DE. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. MoINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD TABLE VI.— Hydrogen Bromide, -02T2 = 1770. 9- G. A. K. C. M'. TOLUENE. 1-82 51-3 0-77 2000 3'54 81-4 2-15 50-3 1-02 2200 4-27 74-1 2-71 49-3 1-27 2120 5-50 76-7 ;i • 45 48-3 1-62 2090 7-14 78-1 ETHER. 0-39 38-8 0-24 1745 1-02 75-1 0-79 38-1 0-48 1700 2-09 77-0 1-15 37-4 0-78 1870 3-08 69-9 1-69 36-7 1-27 2045 4-60 64-1 2-18 35-5 1-95 2350 6-14 - 53-7 2-64 34-0 2-94 2800 7-76 46-7 3-05 32 '6 4-18 3300 9-37 39-7 ACETONE. 0'55 45-4 0-22 1060 1-21 97-1 1-23 42-4 0-53 1060 2-91 97-1 1-89 39-4 1-20 1450 4 '80 70-7 2-76 37-4 2-94 2310 7-38 4-44 A-09T2 TABLE VII.— Sulphuretted Hydrogen, ^=jL = 620. 9- G. A. K. C. M'. TOLUENE. 1-25 2-25 3-29 4-22 22-1 22-1 22-1 22-1 0-44 0-72 1-01 1-16 670 650 625 560 5-64 11-51 14-89 19-10 79-5 87-8 91-4 102-1 TRIETHYLAMMONIUM CHLORIDE. 0-76 1-30 1-62 1-98 22-6 22-3 21-9 21-6 0-23 0-44 0-60 0-69 940 1040 1115 1035 3-36 5-83 7-40 9-17 90-7 82-2 76-5 82-4 ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 137 These results may be briefly summarised as follows : — Toluene, which is a non-conductor in each of the solvents, has an average molecular weight of about 30 in hydrogen chloride, 78 in hydrogen bromide, and about 90 in sulphuretted hydrogen, and therefore appears to be dissociated when dissolved in hydrogen chloride and hydrogen bromide and to a greater extent in the former solvent. KAHLENBERG ('Jour, of Phys. Chem.,' 1901, v., 344; 1902, vi., 48) has noticed a similar anomaly in the case of a solution of diphenylamine in methyl cyanide. Ether in hydrogen chloride and hydrogen bromide, and acetone in hydrogen bromide have molecular weights which indicate association in the more dilute solvents and dissociation in the more concentrated. Triethylamine hydrochloride appears to be dissociated when dissolved in sulphur- etted hydrogen, the dissociation being greater in the more concentrated solutions. VOL. COV. — A. 138 DR. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. MoINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD PART III. The Transport Numbers of Certain Dissolved Substances. By B. D. STEELE. THE strikingly abnormal variation ot molecular conductivity with dilution that we have found to occur in solutions in the liquefied halogen hydrides finds a possible explanation in the assumption that it is the solvent and not the solute which is ionised. As the transport number of the dissolved substance might be expected to yield information not only as to the correctness of this assumption, but also as to the constitution of the electrolyte, the transport numbers of a few substances have been measured, and the results are given in the following pages. The only measurements of the migration ratio which have hitherto been made in solvents other than water are those of a few salts in methyl and ethyl alcohol, and ol silver nitrate in pyridine and in acetonitrile. Direct measurements of the velocities of certain ions in liquefied ammonia have recently been made by FRANKLIN and CADY ('Journal of Amer. Chem. Soc.,' 1904, vol. 26, p. 499), who used a modification of MASSON'S method (' Phil. Trans.,' A, 1902, vol. 192, p. 331). Method of Measurement. It has been shown by the author (STEELE, 'Phil. Trans.,' 1902, A, vol. 198, p. 105) that the direct method of measurement gives trustworthy results only when the salt under examination is of the simplest type. Now HITTORF has shown that in alcoholic solution cadmium iodide and certain other salts are dissociated into ions which are much more complicated than those occurring in aqueous solutions of the same concentration. The only substances which we have found to be capable of forming conducting solutions in any of the solvents which we have been investigating are certain organic compounds, and although the nature of the ions into which these dissociate is entirely unknown, it is probable that the ionisation is even more complicated than that of cadmium iodide dissolved in alcoholic solution. From these considerations it was decided to use HITTORF'S method, notwithstanding the fact that it is much more tedious and presents greater experimental difficulties than the alternative method of direct measurement. HITTORF'S method consists in the analysis, after electrolysis, of the solution which surrounds one of the electrodes. The original concentration being known, the actual ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 139 amount of substance which has been carried to the electrode by the current can then be calculated. The current is usually measured by a silver voltameter placed in the same circuit as the electrolytic cell. The calculation, neglecting certain small corrections, is as follows : — If x grammes of the substance, whose equivalent weight is n, be transported by the current which deposits y grammes of silver on the cathode of the voltameter, then the transport number of the cation is given by p = — — . p represents the u fraction of the total current which is carried by the cation, on the assumption that one unit charge of electricity is associated with one equivalent of the dissolved substance. It is probable that this condition is fulfilled only in solutions of salts of the simplest type (STEELE, loc. cit.). Preparation of Solutions. The most convenient refrigerant which was available was a mixture of carbon dioxide and acetone, and as at the temperature of this mixture hydrogen chloride is a gas and hydrogen iodide a solid, the choice of solvent was limited to hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen bromide. Solutions in the former solvent are very much more difficult to analyse than those in the latter, and accordingly hydrogen bromide only has been used as solvent during the investigation. The hydrogen bromide was prepared and purified by the method described in Part I. In order to make the solutions for electrolysis, the gas was condensed in a graduated vessel in which a sufficient quantity of the substance under examination had been placed, the condensation being stopped as soon as the desired volume of solution had accumulated. A quantity was usually made sufficient for two experiments, and by placing the receiver in a good silvered vacuum vessel with a stiff paste of the carbon dioxide and ether, the solution could be kept for a period of twenty hours without renewal of the refrigerant. The apparatus in which the electrolysis was carried out was immersed in a bath of solid carbon dioxide and acetone contained in a large cylindrical silvered vacuum vessel. This mixture can be maintained at a practically constant tempera- ture by blowing a steady stream of air through it ; the temperature, moreover, may be varied within certain limits by altering the rapidity of the air current. The Validity of FAEADAY'S Law. The measurement of the transport number depends on FARADAY'S law, and although this is known to hold rigidly for aqueous solutions, there is no evidence as to its validity for solutions such as those under investigation. Experiments were therefore undertaken with the object of testing the law. This was accomplished by comparing the weight of silver deposited in a voltameter T '2 140 DR. B. D. STEELE, DE. D. McINTOSH AND DE. E. H. ARCHIBALD with the volume of the hydrogen evolved at the cathode during the electrolysis of solutions in hydrogen bromide. The apparatus used (fig. 1) consisted of a tube A with a coiled platinum wire p sealed through the bottom and projecting about an inch into the tube, the stem of the projecting part being covered with blue enamel glass. Electrical contact with this electrode, which was used as cathode, was made by means of mercury contained in the tube b. The inner cell C was provided with a long capillary d, which passed through the rubber cork e, and served for delivering the hydrogen into a measuring tube. The anode g consisted of a ring of platinum wire, which was attached to the tube /. In carrying out the experiments the tube A was first immersed in a bath of carbon dioxide and ether ; the solution to be electrolysed was then run in, and C, which had been previously cooled, placed in position. A silver voltameter was then placed in the circuit, and current from a battery of about 60 volts was passed through the cell. The hydrogen evolved in A escaped through d, and was collected and measured. Two experiments of this nature were carried out, the details of which are as follows : — Experiment 1. Solution of diethylamine in hydrogen bromide. E.M.F. = 50 volts. Current = 0'091 ampere. Silver deposited in voltameter = 0'1894 gramme, equivalent to 19 '8 cub. centims. hydrogen at 0° and 760 millims. Hydrogen evolved = 19'7 cub. centims. at 0° and 760 millims. Experiment 2. Solution of acetophenone in hydrogen bromide. E.M.F. = 60 volts. Current = 0'190 ampere. Silver deposited in voltameter = 0'1661 gramme. Hydrogen equivalent = 17 '31 cub. centims. at 0° and 760 millims. Hydrogen evolved = 17 '3 8 cub. centims. at 0° and 760 millims. These experiments were considered sufficient to show that FARADAY'S law is valid for solutions of organic substances in hydrogen bromide. Fig. 1. The Method of Analysis. As the total increase in concentration which had to be measured amounted to only a few centigrammes, it was necessary to carry out the analysis with a high degree of accuracy. This was found to be extremely difficult on account of the very high vapour-pressure of hydrogen bromide even at temperatures near its freezing-point, ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 141 and it was only after months of failure that an apparatus was designed, by means of which sufficiently accurate analyses were obtained. The apparatus consisted of two parts, the transferrer and the absorber. The transferrer (T, fig. 5, see p. 144) consisted of a wide H-shaped tube, with a capillary tube a passing through three of its branches, the two tubes being sealed together at b and &', as shown in the figure. By filling the space between the tubes with a mixture of carbon dioxide and ether, the capillary between 6 and I' could be cooled to —81°. In fig. 5 the transferrer is shown when placed in the electrolytic cell. The absorber (fig. 2) consisted of a stoppered tube A, connected by C with the -e Fig. 2. Fig. 3. bubbler B ; this bubbler was so constructed that it was impossible for water to be either ejected from the apparatus or sucked back into A. A smaller vessel b of the same type was contained within the apparatus. The calcium chloride tube d, which was provided with a stop-cock, was attached to B by a ground joint. The method of using the apparatus was as follows : — A quantity of moist garnets were first placed in the tube A, and a quantity of glass beads in the section c of the absorber. The requisite amount of distilled water was then placed in the bubblers B and b, and the tube d and stop-cock f were replaced. The apparatus was then weighed, a glass counterpoise of approximately the same size, shape, and weight being used. The tube A was next immersed in a mixture of solid carbon dioxide and ether, and after the cap k, fig. 3, had been placed in position by means of the rubber cork m, 142 DR. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD the limb of a transferrer was passed through k, and the whole apparatus made air- tight by means of a piece of rubber tubing, e. The object of the cap k was to prevent the limb of the transferrer from coming into contact with the rubber grease, with which the stoppers were lubricated, and it was constructed so that when in position its narrow portion was exactly in the axis of the tube g. The transferrer was then packed with the carbon dioxide and ether mixture, and the hydrogen bromide blown into A by means of a small indiarubber bellows. The rubber tube e was then cut away, after which the transferrer and then the cap k were removed, and the stop-cock f was re-inserted. The tube A was finally removed from the cold bath and the hydrogen bromide allowed to boil off. This always took place steadily, provided the vessel contained moist beads or garnets ; in the absence of these, or if they were dry, the violent bumping which resulted was liable to blow out one or other of the stoppers. The hydrogen bromide as it boiled off passed through C, and was almost completely absorbed at the surface of the water in the outer portion of B ; a small quantity ot gas bubbled through the hole h and was absorbed inside ; very occasionally a few bubbles passed through b, where any traces of acid which might have passed through the larger portion of the apparatus were absorbed. After all the hydrogen bromide had evaporated the stop-cock e was closed, the apparatus immersed in distilled water, carefully wiped and again weighed, the necessary correction being made for the increase of volume of the liquid contained in it. The increase in weight gave the amount of solution that had been used. The contents of the absorber were next washed into a large beaker and the hydrogen bromide determined by titration with a twice normal alkali solution, which had been carefully standardised and was free from carbonate. The difference between the amount of acid found in this manner and the amount of solution actually weighed gave the weight of the dissolved substance. The alkali was contained in a weighing burette of the pattern shown in fig. 4. In order to deliver from this burette, the cap 6 was removed and the stop-cock opened, when by blowing through the side tube d the liquid was forced through the tube c. The burette was weighed to 0-002 gramme, a glass counterpoise of approximately the same volume being used. Phenolphthalein was used as indicator, and an excess of one or two drops of alkali added, the exact amount of excess being determined by titration with a twentieth normal solution of hydrobromic acid. d. Fig. 4. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 143 In order that the determination of acid by titration should be strictly comparable with the weighing of the solution, the alkali was standardised by direct comparison with about 60 grammes of pure hydrogen bromide which was weighed in the absorber. Duplicate standardisations of the same alkali solution gave the following figures for the amount of hydrobromic acid equivalent to 1 gramme of alkali solution : (1) 1 gramme solution = 0'149293 HBr, (2) 1 „ 0-149301 HBr. The Electrolysis. In designing an electrolytic cell it was necessary to consider the changes of density which were brought about during electrolysis, and to construct an apparatus in which the lighter solution would be formed at the top and the heavier at the bottom. Preliminary experiments were undertaken to ascertain the influence of an increase in concentration of the dissolved substance on the density of the solution, and it was found that in all the cases examined the less concentrated solution was the heavier. The experiments which had been conducted to test FARADAY'S law having shown that the bromine is carried to the anode, the apparatus was designed to enable the cathode solution to be analysed. The anode solution was neglected, as its analysis was complicated by the presence of bromine. The apparatus which has been employed is shown diagrammatically in fig. 5. It consisted of a U-tube, both arms of which were provided with side tubes. The anode a consisted of a platinum wire, which was sealed through the bottom of the side tube 0, the other end of the wire projecting into the glass tube h, by means of which connection with the battery could be made. A small side tube n was also attached to the same arm of the U-tube, and there was a constriction at r into which the hollow stopper s was ground to fit tightly. The stopper A- was sealed to a branch of the transferrer T', and a hole was bored in its shoulder to allow the free passage of liquid through the transferrer. It was found in the preliminary experiments that a considerable amount of mixing was occasioned by the escape of hydrogen at the cathode, and in order to reduce this to a minimum, the side tube P was attached to the apparatus. In the centre of P a narrow tube u was fastened, inside which the cathode was placed, so that the escaping bubbles of hydrogen were confined to this tube and very little mixing took place outside P. A small hole had been blown in the wall of the tube u so that the pressure should be equal at all parts of the surface of the liquid. The tube P was made long enough to be held in the clamp outside the vacuum vessel in which the apparatus was placed and its end was closed by a stopper w, through which passed the platinum wire which was used as cathode. One end of the transferrer T was made long enough and bent so as to reach to the bottom of the U-tube, and both the 144 DR. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD transferrers were attached to the open ends of the main apparatus by pieces oi india- rubber tubing, t and t'. Fig. 5. In carrying out an experiment the method of procedure was as follows : — The apparatus was placed in the vacuum vessel and held rigidly by a clamp which grasped the tube P. The open ends of the transferrers T and T' were then closed by rubber tubing and glass plugs, and a tube filled with phosphoric oxide was attached to n. The stop-cock w with the cathode attached was then removed and a third transferrer (not shown in the figure) inserted in the tube P. The acetone was then placed in the vacuum vessel and solid carbon dioxide added till the temperature had fallen to the desired point. The outside arm of the third transferrer was provided with a filter of glass wool and reached to the bottom of a vessel containing 10 cub. centims. more of the solution than was necessary for the electrolysis. After the whole of this liquid had been forced into the apparatus by blowing air from a rubber bellows into the vessel containing the liquid, the transferrer was removed and the stopper w replaced. Before commencing the experiment three absorbers had been filled with distilled water and weighed. The transferrer T was next attached to one of these in the ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 145 manner previously described and 10 cub. centims. of the solution were taken out and analysed. This analysis gave the concentration of the solution before electrolysis. A silver voltameter and a milliampermeter having been placed in the circuit, the electrolysis was started by connecting the electrodes to the terminals of a battery, the voltage of which could be varied within wide limits, and the voltage was adjusted so as to give a current of not more than 12 or 14 milliamperes. If a larger current than this was employed, the heating effect was found to cause mixing of the liquid by convection. After the electrolysis had been continued for about two hours it was stopped by removing the cathode from the voltameter, and the liquid in the cell was separated into two portions by inserting the stop-cock ,s into its socket. An absorber was then attached to the transferrer T' and the column of liquid contained within the dotted lines was blown into the absorber, which was then removed. The third absorber was next attached to the transferrer T and the solution contained in the apparatus forced into it by blowing through w, the tube r acting as a syphon to remove the liquid contained in P, and finally the third absorber was removed and weighed. Three solutions were thus obtained for analysis, namely: (1) the 10 cub. centims. which had been removed before electrolysis and gave the original concen- tration ; (2) the small quantity taken out in the second absorber (which should be of the same concentration as (1)); and (3) the solution surrounding the cathode, which gave the change of concentration brought about by the electrolysis. In order that an experiment should be successful it was necessary that the foregoing procedure should be strictly followed. Identical values for the original concentration and that of the middle portion have never been obtained unless the whole solution was first placed in the apparatus and all three portions were taken from it. At least half-a-dozen other methods have been tried without success. Fortunately it is easy at the close of an experiment to see if any mixing has taken place, from the fact that bromine is liberated at the anode, where it forms a deep red solution in the hydrogen bromide. If the experiment has been successful, this solution remains as a very clearly defined layer surrounding the anode, and the coloration does not extend more than about 1'5 centims. up the tube. On the other hand, if mixing has taken place, as may happen either if the current is too large or if the temperature of the bath is allowed to vary, the bromine is distributed throughout the solution and no clearly defined layer is seen at the anode. Experimental Results. The results of the experiments are contained in the following table, in which the concentration of the various solutions is expressed under N, which gives the number of gramme equivalents of dissolved substance per litre of solution, the percentage also being given in the 3rd column. The 4th column contains the weight of silver deposited on the cathode of the silver voltameter, the 5th column gives the weight of substance transported, the 6th column the cation transport numbers. VOL. cov. — A. u 146 DR. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD Number of experiment. N. Percentage of composition. Deposited in cathode. Transported. f 1 SERIES 1. ETHER. N = 1 • 0 approximately. 2 3 7 1-07 1-14 1-06 3-96 4-26 3-92 •0995 •0918 •1120 •0567 •0530 •0607 Mean = •83 •82 •79 •82 SERIES 2. ETHER. N = 1-7 to 2-04. 6 8 17 1-72 1-80 2-04 6-61 6-85 8-03 •0988 •0997 •0918 •0489 •0212 •0366 •73 •31 •58 SERIES 3. TRIETHYI.AMMONIUM BROMIDE. N=-5to-75. 5 9 10 •75 •515 •622 6-54 4-47 5-37 •1064 •0921 •0817 0-382 0-288 0-300 Mean = •21 •18 •22 •20 SERIES 4. TRIETHYLAMMONIUM BROMIDE. N = 1-04. 11 12 1-04 1-05 8-98 9-01 •0907 •1051 •0473 •0700 Mean = •31 •39 •35 SERIES 5. ACETONE. N = TO. 15 16 1-05 1-01 2-98 2-87 •0863 •0938 •0151 •0141 Mean = •41 •36 •38 SERIES 6. ACETONE. N = 1-8. 13 14 1-83 1-82 5-37 5-32 •0931 •0878 •0361 •0372 Mean = •91 •99 •95 SERIES 7. METHYLHEXYLKETONE. 18 19 •90 •90 5-34 5-36 •0965 •0880 •0398 •0384 Mean = •38 •41 •39 SERIES 8. METHYLHEXYLKETONE. 20 21 1-80 1-80 11-83 11-87 •1015 •0943 •0815 •0830 Mean = •75 •82 •77 ON THE HALOGEN HYDEIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 147 SUMMARY. Substance. N. Mean value of p. Ether 1 -0 •82 Triethylammonium bromide .... » » .... » !> .... Acetone 0-5 0-62-0-75 1-04 1-0 •18 •2-2 •35 •38 1 -82 •95 Methylhexylketone 0-9 •39 1-8 •77 : With the exception of Nos. I and 4, which unfortunately were lost, all the experiments which have been made are given in the tables. The transport number of each substance has been measured at two concentrations, the more conceTitrated solution usually containing about twice as much solute as the other. It will be seen that the cation transport number is always increased by increase of concentration and that the amount of disagreement between parallel experiments, although in some cases approaching 10 per cent., is never sufficient to leave any doubt as to the influence of change of concentration. This change from analogy with aqueous solutions indicates an increase in the complexity of the cation as the solution becomes stronger, but the measurements of conductivity and of the molecular weight, which are given in Part II., do not appear to confirm this conclusion. The significance of the change will be discussed in Part IV. A special significance is to be attached to the results of Series 2, for the following reasons : — In the foregoing description of the method of analysis it has been explained that after the solution was transferred to the absorber the hydrogen bromide was allowed to evaporate and to become dissolved in the water. During the evaporation the temperature of the liquid in A gradually rose until finally it reached that of the atmosphere, when the liquid which remained was a saturated solution of hydrogen bromide in ether. At this stage little or no decomposition occurred in a solution which had not been electrolysed, or in a dilute solution which had, but in the case of the cathode portion of a concentrated electrolysed solution the decomposition which occurred was sufficient to give results so discordant as those tabulated in Series 2. This behaviour seems to indicate the formation at the cathode of some extremely unstable substance during the electrolysis of these solutions, and it is possible that a compound is formed by the union of two or more discharged cations by a reaction similar to that by which persulphuric acid results from the electrolysis of sulphuric acid. u 2 148 DR. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD PART IV. The Abnormal Variation of Molecular Conductivity, etc. •i By B. D. STEELE, D. MC!NTOSH and E. H. ARCHIBALD. IN discussing the nature of those inorganic liquids which are able to act as " ionising" solvents, WALDEN (' Zeit. fur anorg. Chemie,' 1900, 25, p. 209) states that "a measurable dissociation (ionisation) occurs only in combinations of the elements of the 5th and 6th groups of the periodic table and in compounds of these elements with hydrogen and the halogens." We have shown in Part I. of this investigation that the hydrides of the halogen elements and of sulphur belong to the class of " ionising " solvents, so that this class consists of compounds of the elements of the 5th, 6th, and 7th groups amongst themselves and with hydrogen. Attempts have been frequently made to arrive at some generalisation connecting the so-called " ionising" power with . certain physical constants of the pure solvents. Thus, according to NERNST and THOMSON, a close relationship exists between the dissociating power and the dielectric constant. These investigators were led to look for this relation by the consideration that the force with which two electrically charged bodies attract or repel each other depends on the magnitude of the dielectric constant of the separating medium, and as the ions are to be regarded as electrically charged bodies, the force attracting two unlike ions will be more weakened, and dissociation aided, in a solvent of high than in one of low dielectric constant. This expectation is only partially realised in the parallelism which exists for a great number of solvents between the two properties in question ; thus liquefied ammonia which possesses a low dielectric constant is a better dissociating solvent for some substances than water which has a high dielectric constant ; moreover, the majority of electrolytes are far more dissociated in water than in hydrocyanic acid or in hydrogen peroxide, although the dielectric constant of water is less than that of either of these liquids. No measurements of the dielectric constant of the halogen hydrides or of sulphuretted hydrogen have yet been made. DUTOIT and ASTON (' C. R.,' 1897, 125, p. 240) have attempted to show that ionic dissociation occurs only in solvents in which the molecules are associated, but, although numerous instances occur in which this parallelism obtains, it is by no means a general rule. Thus, although both ammonia and sulphur dioxide are unassociated liquids, both are able to form conducting solutions ; and although the hydrides of bromine, iodine, and sulphur are unassociated, and hydrogen chloride is ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 149 associated, all four compounds are equally able to act as conducting solvents, whilst this property is not possessed by hydrogen phosphide, which is associated. BRUHL (' Zeit. Phys. Chem.,' 1898, 27, p. 319) has pointed out that unsaturated compounds, as a rule, are good conducting solvents. A consideration of the non- conducting unsaturated solvents phosphorus hydride and trichloride, and of the conducting saturated solvent phosphorus oxychloride, is sufficient to show that this is not a general rule. The heat of vaporisation (OBACH, 'Phil. Mag.,' 1891, (5), 32, p. 113) is a fourth property which has been suggested as being intimately connected with the dissociating power of the solvent. In this case, as in that of the others considered, the connection is very obscure and many exceptions occur. The temperature coefficients of conductivity and of viscosity are approximately equal in the case of aqueous solutions. This is not so in solutions in the solvents examined by us, although in these, also, a rise of temperature conditions an increase of conductivity and a decrease of viscosity. It is interesting to note that the increase of conductivity is, in nearly all cases, greater than the decrease of viscosity. The foregoing summary shows that failure has attended every attempt which has been made to express the power of forming conducting solutions as a function of the solvent only. As a matter of fact, every solvent exhibits a very marked selective action an regards the nature of the conducting solute. Thus water dissolves the majority of salts to form solutions which conduct the current ; organic bodies also, other than salts, are in many cases soluble, but the solutions are not conductors. Hydrocyanic acid behaves similarly to water, but only a few salts are appreciably soluble in this solvent. Ammonia, sulphur dioxide, and some other solvents form conducting solu- tions, not only with many salts, but also with a few organic substances not usually classed as electrolytes. The halogen hydrides, on the other hand, form conducting solutions with non-saline organic substances, as well as with salts of the ammonium bases, but such solutions are not formed with metallic salts. It is evident, therefore, that the ability to form a conducting solution is a function of both the solute and the solvent, and this has been recognised in the various attempts that have been made to connect the ionising power of a solvent with its tendency to form compounds with the solute. Indeed CADY ('Jour. Phys. Chem.,' 1897, 1, p. 707) was led to investigate the conductivity of solutions of substances in ammonia from the analogy between the water and the ammonia compounds of copper sulphate. KAHLENBERG and SCHLUNDT (' Jour. Phys. Chem.,' 1902, 6, p. 447) express the opinion that conductivity is due to mutual action between the solute and the solvent ; and an attempt to obtain experimental evidence in support of this view has been made by PATTEN (' Jour. Phys. Chem.,' 1902, 6, p. 554). 150 DR. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD For many solvents the substances which dissolve to form conducting solutions may be broadly designated as those which enter into combination with the solvent. Thus the metallic salts as a class are characterised by their tendency to form compounds with water, while non-saline organic bodies as a class are not able to form such compounds.* Many, but not all, salts which form ammonia compounds dissolve in ammonia to form conducting solutions. Compounds of the solute with the solvent are also clearly indicated in the case of many conducting solutions in sulphur dioxide, and WALDEN and CENTNERSZWER (' Zeit. Phys. Chem.,' 1903, 42, p. 432) have isolated and investigated two such compounds containing potassium iodide and sulphur dioxide. In the halogen hydrides we find that the only substances which conduct are the amines, alcohols, ethers, ketones, &c., all of which are able to enter into combination with the solvents. Many similar cases have been observed amongst organic solvents, and as an example of these reference may be made to solutions in amylamine (KAHLENBERG and RUHOFF, ' Journ. Phys. Ch.,' 1903, 7, p. 254). The study of the behaviour of aqueous solutions has led to ARRHENIUS' theory of ionic dissociation and to VAN 'T HOFF'S theory of solutions ; and numerous investigations have been undertaken with the object of testing these theories, when applied to solutions in non-aqueous solvents. As a result it has been found that, as required by the theory, most substances, when dissolved in ammonia, sulphur dioxide, hydrocyanic acid, and some other solvents, show an increase of the molecular conductivity, /j., with dilution, but that the opposite change occurs in solutions of a few substances in the same solvents. This difference in behaviour cannot therefore be conditioned by the nature of the solvent only, although if we consider the inorganic hydrides as solvents, we find that n varies normally, that is to say, increases with dilution, in solutions in water and ammonia, hydrides, namely, of elements in the first series of the periodic table, whereas /A decreases with dilution in solutions in the remaining hydrides, the variation therefore being abnormal, t The results of the molecular weight determinations in non-aqueous solvents are, as a general rule, not concordant with the conductivity results, many conducting solutions being known in which, contrary to expectations, the dissolved substance appears to be associated. * The view that compounds of the solute and the solvent exist also in solutions appears to be steadily gaining ground, see MORGAN and KANOLT ('Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc.,' 1904, 26, p. 635) and JONES and GETMAN (' Zeit. Phys. Chem.,' 1904, 49, p. 390). t Amongst others the following cases have been observed of solutions in which the molecular conductivity decreases with dilution : Silver nitrate, cadmium iodide, and ferric chloride in amylamine (KAHLENBERG and RUHOFF, 'Jour. Phys. Chem.,' 1903, 1, p. 284); Antimony bromide and phosphorus pentabromine in bromine (PLOTNIKOFF, 'Jour. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc.,' 1902, 34, p. 466 ; 1903, 35, p. 794) ; Hydrogen chloride in ether and in amyl alcohol (KABLUKOFF, 'Zeit. Phys. Chem.,' 1889, 4, p. 429); Hydrogen chloride in cineol (SACKUR, 'Ber. D. Chem. Ges.,' 1902, 35, p. 1242), &c. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 151 The consideration of these abnormalities has led KAHLENBERG to conclude that the theory of ionic dissociation is not applicable to the majority of conducting solutions. It is our object to show that the abnormal behaviour of solutions in the solvents examined by us can be simply and consistently explained in terms of the theory of ARRHENIUS, if the assumption is made that the original dissolved substance, being itself incapable of undergoing ionic dissociation, either polymerises or combines with the solvent to form a compound containing more than one molecule of the solute, and that the polymer, or compound, as the case may be, then acts as the electrolyte. Those non-saline organic substances which are able to conduct the current when dissolved in certain solvents are considered by WALDEN (' Zeit. Phys. Chem.,' 1903, 43, p. 385) to be abnormal, in view of their usually well-known constitutions and their behaviour in aqueous solutions, but if the foregoing assumption of the formation of compounds be made, these substances are not more abnormal electrolytes than ammonia, which with water forms the compound ammonium hydroxide. It has been suggested that the existence of compounds of the solute with the solvent is proved by the abnormal variation of the molecular conductivity, to which reference has been made ; but the following considerations will show that an increase of fi with dilution furnishes no evidence for or against the occurrence of such compounds. Let us suppose that a reaction between the solute, AB, and the solvent, CD, takes place according to the equation AB + CD^±AB, CD, and let a b c be the active masses of the three substances. Now, provided that moderate dilutions are used, we are justified in regarding b as constant, when from the law of mass action - = constant. a Now if conduction is due to the dissociation of the compound ABCD, the number of dissociated molecules is given by etc, where a is the degree of ionic dissociation ; but c = Ka ; therefore the concentration of the ions is equal to poiKa if p is the number of ions formed from one molecule of solute. But the specific conductivity K of the solution is proportional to the ionic concentration, and therefore K = paJcKa = a.K'a (l), and since the molecular conductivity K = - = aK', a it must vary with a, that is to say, it must increase with dilution even when a compound of the solute with the solvent is formed. 152 DR. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DR. F, H. ARCHIBALD This is the case, for example, in an aqueous solution of ammonia, to which reference will be made later. If, however, we assume that two or more molecules of AB unite to form a compound which undergoes ionic dissociation, AB itself being unable to conduct the current, then the molecular conductivity may decrease with dilution whether the solvent enters into the composition of the electrolytic compound or not. If we consider the two cases :— (1) A compound of n molecules of solute with m molecules of solvent is formed according to the equation n (AB) +m (CD) ^± (AB). (CU)mf the active masses being a b and c. Then, if we again consider sufficiently dilute solutions, b may be regarded as constant, and kan = k'c or c = Ka". If ionic dissociation occurs so that a* of the compound is ionised, then, as before, the ionic concentration = pa.c = paKa*. The specific conductivity K = pVaKa" = aK'a" (2). The molecular conductivity a = - = aKV-1. a and since the dilution V = - a' K = aK'V-", or »cV- = aK'. * In the development of this relation no .assumption has been made us to the nature of the ionisation of the electrolyte. If we consider the second case, for example, there are a number of ways in which the compound A,,B,, can ionise. Thus 0 Q (1) AnB,t 7-*- A»Bn-i + B. «© (2) AA-^Att + and generally «0 (3) AnBn-^-»AA If dissociation takes place according to the first of these equations, 2 ions result from the dissociation of 1 molecule of the electrolyte. If according to the second equation, the number of ions is (n+1), and, generally, the number is (r+l). Now whatever value r may have, the number of ions present is given by a (r+l) and is therefore proportional to a. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 153 (2) Combination between the solute and the solvent does not occur, but an ionising polymer of the solute is formed. In this case the equation is ABB,,, the active masses are a and c, and from the law of mass action lea* = k'c and c - Ka", which leads to the same expression as before, namely K = «KV, p = aKV-', and *V" = «K'. Now, since the number of molecules always increases with dissociation, « must increase with dilution in whatever manner dissociation takes place ; but unless the increase in a is greater than the diminution in a""1 which is brought about by dilution, the sum of the effects due to the variation of a and of a"'1 in the equation /,„»-! p = aK'a* must produce a diminution in p. with increasing dilution. It follows, therefore, that the molecular conductivity may decrease with dilution in the case of any conducting solution in which the electrolyte is a compound of two or more molecules of the dissolved substance, whether it is a simple polymer or a compound containing one or more molecules of the solvent. It follows, also, from the equation K = aK'an that in the case of a solution in which the ionic dissociation was approaching completion, in which a therefore varied but slightly, the specific conductivity of the solution should be very nearly proportional to the nth power of the concentration of the dissolved substance ; for such solutions we therefore have the relation JL = ,cV" = K'. Although we have shown that it is not necessary that union with the solvent should occur in order to bring about an abnormal variation of p, we nevertheless consider that the formation of such compounds* affords the best explanation of the behaviour of solutions of organic substances in the halogen hydrides and in sulphuretted hydrogen. * See also WALKER, 'J. C. S.,' 1904, vol. 85, p. 1082, and WALKER, MC!NTOSH, and ARCHIBALD, 'J. C. S.,' 1904, vol. 85, p. 1098. VOL, CCV, — A, X 154 DE. B. D. STEELE, DE. D. McINTOSH AND DE, E. H. AECHIBALD We are led to this conclusion by a consideration of the following facts :— (1) Large quantities of heat are evolved when conducting solutes are added to either of these solvents. This heat evolution we take to indicate chemical union. (2) Compounds containing a varying number of molecules of solvent have been isolated (ARCHIBALD and MC!NTOSH, 'Jour. Chem. Soc.,' 1904, vol. 85, p. 919). (3) The ionisation of a compound such as ((CH3)2CO),lHBr is much easier to understand than that of a simple polymer such as ((CH3)2CO)n. In order to apply the foregoing conclusions to a specific case, we will consider a solution of acetone in hydrogen bromide. According to our hypothesis, such a solution contains a compound of acetone and hydrogen bromide, the formula of which we will assume to be Ac3(HBr)Bl. This compound dissociates simultaneously in two different ways, a certain number of molecules being dissociated into acetone and hydrogen bromide, other molecules being dissociated into ions, and the ratio of the number of molecules undergoing each dissociation will be constant. Applying the equation ^ = «K'as, we see that the molecular conductivity will increase with increasing concentration of the acetone, the increase — neglecting variation of a — being proportional to the square of the concentration. Similarly, we see that if a is nearly constant, the specific conductivity will be proportional to the cube of the acetone concentration. If, however, a is not constant, then K/a will be proportional to the cube of the acetone concentration. This conception of an intermediate compound which is able to break up in different ways is by no means new to chemists, and the solution of ammonia, which we have already referred to, furnishes an example of such a case, which, in many ways, is analogous to the preceding. The compound that is formed in this solution is ammonium hydroxide, and the dissociations are (1) NH4OH:z±NH3+H20; (2) NH4OH -± NH4 + OH. The relation between specific conductity and concentration for such a solution has been already developed in equation (1) K = aK'a, which is a special case of equation (2). Here again K T7" / M---.K', so that a = £ ; but a = JL K ^ so that K' is simply the molecular conductivity at infinite dilution. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 155 In order to test the conclusions that have been arrived at, we require to know the concentration of the unassociated solute for each dilution. If A gram-molecules of the solute are dissolved in one litre of solvent, and if there are formed c gram-molecules of the electrolytic compound, then, if n molecules are required to form one molecule of the compound, nc molecules of solute will have been used, when equilibrium is established, so that the equilibrium equation is k(A-nc)a = k'c, or c = K (A-wc)", and the general expression for the specific conductivity becomes ic = aK'(A-wc)". No solution of any substance in any one of the halogen hydrides lias yet been found with high value for the conductivity, a fact which may be assigned to one of three causes, namely, either (1) the concentration, or (2) the coefficient of ionisation of the electrolyte is small, or (3) the ionic velocities may be very small. If we assume the first to be the most probable cause, A— nc will not differ much from A, and we may without sensible error make use of the values for the total concentration in applying the above equation to our results. This has been done, the equation being used in the form of /cV" = aK', and the results of the calculations are given in Tables I. and II. Table I. contains the values of V and of /cV" (or aK7) for those solutions in which n = 2, that is, in which two molecules of solute combine with the solvent to form one molecule of the electrolyte. Table II. contains the similar value for those solutions for which n = 3. It will be noticed that in some cases the figures exhibit considerable irregular variation. This is to be expected from the fact that the measurements of conductivity and of concentration are subject to considerable experimental error. These errors were not specially guarded against, as our object was to establish beyond question the nature of the variation of p. with V rather than to obtain accurate measurements, which, in the present state of our knowledge, would not possess any special value. The figures for K at very high dilution are, in some cases, quite valueless as a test of our hypothesis, on account of the enormous influence of very slight errors of observation at these dilutions. The results contained in Tables I. and II. are shown graphically in figs. 1 and 2 respectively. x 2 156 DE. B. D. STEELE, DE. D. McINTOSH AtfD DE. E. H. AECHIBALD TABLE I. V 3.K = «V2 ACETONITRILE IN HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. = 21-7, 8-33, 4-73, 3-22, 2-17, 1-09, 0-81 = 32-8, 20-3, 18-5, 17-0, 14-8, 8-8, 8-3 ACETAMIDE IN HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. = 29-4, 12-8, 8-62, 4-65, 4-15, 2-86, 2-13, 1-54, 0-95, 0-51 = 46-7, 40-0, 36-8, 29-6, 28-7, 23'4, 20-0, 16-6, 11'5, 6'42 TRIETHYLAMMONIUM CHLORIDE IN HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. = 71-4, 37-0, 20-4, 16-1, 11-6, 9-43, 7 -69, 6-13, 5-00, 4-25, 3-64, 2-99 ZK = K-V2 = 128-6, 667, 465, 437, 3G5, 343, 334, 316, 302, 285, 281, 254 HYDROCYANIC ACID IN HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. V = 41-4, 21-3, 14-1, 10-2, 9-2, 7 -35, 4-90, 4-10, 3-12, 2 -56, 1-79, 1-23 =>-V2 = 21-6, 19-6, 14-0, 11-0, 12-0, 10-9, 10-.3, 11-5, 11-5, 11-5, 10'4, 9-4 ETHER IN HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. 12-5, 5-0, 3-12, 1-92, 1-45, 1-09, 0'88, 0-72, 0-61 1-75, 1-15, 1 22, 1-82, 2-05, 2-22, 1-93, 2-08, 1-88 TETRAMETHYLAMMONIUM CHLORIDE IN HYDROGEN BROMIDE. V 200, 21-3, 14-1, 10-5, 9'4 = K-V2 = 1080, 190-0, 149-0, 131-0, 125-0 TETRAMETHYLAMMONIUM BROMIDK IN HYDROGEN BROMIDE. = 62-3, 34-5, 11-8 2 | = 43-7, 25-0, 14-8 TETRAMETHYLAMMONIUM IODIDE IN HYDROGEN BROMIDE. V I = 62-5, 34-5, 22-1 aK = «V2 = 546, 360, 290 TRIETHYLAMMONIUM CHLORIDE IN HYDROGEN BROMIDE. 143-0, 50-0, 27-7, 15-6, 8-33, 5-26, 3-33, 2-17, 16-1 27-4, 11-0, 13-8, 12-9, 16-6, 17-3, 16-4, 13-5, 13-3 ETHER IN HYDROGEN BROMIDE. 16-6, 5-55, 4-00, 2-00, 1-54, 1-23, 1-03, 0-68, 0-47 •083, -078, -096, -212, -199, -187, -170, -124, -341 ON THE HALOGEN HYDEIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. TABLE I. (continued). 157 V O.K = * ACETAMIDE IN HYDROGEN BROMIDE. 90-9, 58-8, 23-3, 14-5, 10'2, 6-66, 3-85, 3'03, 2-08, 1-41 5-94, 5-88, 6-3, 6-1, 5-8, 6-25, 5-65, 5-45, 4-92, 4-45 ACETONITRILE IN HYDROGEN BROMIDE. 33-3, 4-76, 3-70, 2-50, 1-85, 1-47, 1-22, 0-96, 0-72 4-61, 5-15, 4-80, 6-2, 6-4, 6-8, G'7, G-7, 7-2 ETHYL PROPIONATE IN HYDROGEN BROMIDE. 12-15, 7-14, 5-26, 3-45, 2-63, 1-92, 1-39 •62, 1-14, 2-00, 1-7, 2-16, 2-30, 2-28 ORTIIO-NITROTOI.UENE IN HYDROGEN BROMIDE. 25, 16-6, 12-5, 11-1, 8-33, 3-85, 2-38, 1-50, 0-92, 0-66 1-00, 1-1G, 0-87, 1-11, 0-92, 0-71, 1-OG, I'OO, 0-94, 0-845 PIPERIDINE IN SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN. 9-09, 1-18, 0-90, 0-75, 0-G4, 0-55 •18, -34, -35, -34, -31, -28 TETRAETHYLAMMONIUM CHLORIDE IN SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN. = 34-5, 11-0, 4-25, 3-32, 2-93 = 59-4, 37-G, 16-4, 13-4, 11-3 158 DR. B. D. STEELE, DE. D. McINTOSH AND DE. E. H. AECHIBALD TABLE II. V. «V3. II V. KV3. 1 ACETONE IN HYDROGEN BROMIDE. 8-33 6-94 5-00 8-50 3-23 8-03 2-00 5-6 1-64 1-35 1-07 0-75 6-2 5-9 4-9 3-2 V. *V2. aK-«V3. V. (cV*. aK = «V3. TRIETHYLAMMONIUM CHLORIDE IN HYDROGEN IODIDE. 27-8 1-95 21-7 2-4. 15-4 3-56 .10-4 4-47 8-55 5-56 7-14 5-71 54 52 55 47 47-5 41 5-55 4-50 3-85 3-13 2-50 2-17 G-38 6-16 7-35 7-42 7-42 7-77 35-4 30-0 28-3 23-4 18-6 16-9 ETHER IN HYDROGEN IODIDE. 10-0 -2 5-88 -41 3-33 -73 2-46 1-50 1-79 1-50 2-0 2-42 2-44 3-69 2-69 1-49 1-25 1-06 0-88 1-65 1-75 1-90 1-94 2-46 2-19 2-01 1-70 ETHYL BENZOATE IN HYDROGEN IODIDE. 16-6 -233 7-14 1-22 4-76 2-23 3-45 3-54 3-8G 8-67 10-6 12-1 2 • 56 2-04 1-66 1-37 4-22 4 -69 4-94 4-93 10-8 9-6 8-2 0-68 TRIETHYLAMMONIUM CHLORIDE IN SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN. 71-4 8-G 12-8 2-69 8-33 2-75 61-3 34-4 22-9 4-00 3-13 2-50 3-48 3-66 3-95 13-9 11-5 y-88 NICOTINE IN SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN. 66-7 2-0 14-3 -57 6-67 -40 4-00 -64 2-67 2-56 2-27 1-92 1-03 •86 •96 •79 1-96 1-84 0-81 ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 159 o i Fig. 1. (1) Acctiimide in hydrogen bromide. (2) Tetramethylammonium bromide in hydrogen bromide. (3) „ iodide „ „ (4) Acetonitrile in hydrogen chloride. (5) Tetramethylammonium chloride in hydrogen sulphide. (6) Acetamide in hydrogen chloride. (7) Triethylammonium chloride in hydrogen chloride. (8) Tetramethylammonium chloride in hydrogen bromide. (9) Hydrocyanic acid in hydrogen chloride. (10) Ether in hydrogen chloride. (11) Triethylammonium bromide in hydrogen bromide. (12) Orthonitrotoluol in hydrogen bromide. (13) Piperidine in hydrogen sulphide. 160 DR. B. D. STEELE, DE. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD 5* i 10 V Fig. 2. (1) Triethylammonium chloride in hydrogen iodide. (2) Nicotine in hydrogen sulphide. (3) Ether in hydrogen iodide. (4) Triethylammonium chloride in hydrogen sulphide. (5) Ethyl benzoate in hydrogen iodide. (6) Acetone in hydrogen bromide. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. Fig. 3 contains typical curves showing the variation of *V = p. with V for (1) Substances dissolved in halogen hydrides ; (2) Potassium chloride in water ; (3) Sodium carbonate in water ; (4) A solution of ammonia in water. 161 10 I? 14 16 I/ 18 ?0 Fig. 3. The similarity between the variation with dilution of /cV2 (or /cV") for solutions in the halogen hydrides and that of «:V = p. for aqueous solutions is at once apparent. Since in the former case *V2 = «K', and in the latter p. = /cV = «/*, and since both p.^ and K' are constants, it is evident that both sets of curves represent a variation in a and that K' represents the value of the molecular conductivity at infinite dilution of the electrolytic compound. Although the majority of the curves in figs. 1 and 2 are analogous to those for water solutions, some of them exhibit a maximum value for /cV", whilst others are extremely steep, thus indicating a very rapid increase in the value of «. These irregularities are to be expected, since, as already stated, we have been VOL. CCV. — A. Y 162 DB. B. D. STEELE, DE. D. McINTOSH AND DE. E. H. AECHIBALD compelled to use, in the calculation of *V", the total concentration instead of that of the unassociated substance. It is also possible that more than one type of electrolytic compound is formed in a given solution, as, for example, the compounds ABCD and (AB)2CD ; in which case the total conductivity will be the sum of the conductivities due to the ionisation of each of these compounds. In such a case as this extremely complicated curves might result. Moreover, we cannot strictly apply the equation to the concentrated solutions, since for these the active mass (b) of the solvent is no longer constant. The fact that the curves, as a whole, are so analogous to those for a simple electrolyte in aqueous solution appears to indicate that, as a general rule, the main effect is due to the ionisation of a single substance. The equation «:V" = aK' should also be applicable to abnormal solutions in other solvents. This is the case for the solutions investigated by PLOTNIKOFF (' Zeit. Phys. ('hem.,' 1904, 48, p. 224), who found very abnormal variations of /u, for antimony tribromide and phosphorus pentabromide in bromine. The experimental figures for antimony tribromide lead to the following values for V and /cV" : — V KV3 251, 154, 312, 178, 356, 171, 418, 174, 445, 164, 552, 98, 918 168 ! The molecular conductivity of phosphorus pentabromide in bromine varies so irregularly as to suggest that some disturbing effect is at work rendering the figures valueless. Another solvent in which p. increases with concentration is amylamine (KAHLEN- BERG and HUHOFF, ' Jour. Phys. Chem.,' 1903, 7, p. 254), and the equation has been applied to the measurements of conductivity for cadmium iodide, ferric chloride and silver nitrate dissolved in this solvent. The results of the calculations when n = 2, 3 and 4 are given in Table III. It will be noticed that maxima are shown in each case. Passing on now to the consideration of the molecular weight determinations which are recorded in Part II., we find that some of these afford confirmation of our hypothesis, inasmuch as ether and acetone in dilute solutions possess a greater molecular weight than the theoretical. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. TABLE III. 163 V. *V. *V2. K-V3. SILVER NITRATE IN AMYLAMINE. •4001 •530 •212 0-085 •4351 •639 •278 0-121 •5096 •870 •443 0-226 •6206 1-128 •700 0-434 •8629 1-402 1-21 0-021 1-158 1-476 1-71 1-98 1-685 1-376 2-32 3-91 2-302 1-144 2-63 6-06 2-850 0-908 2-59 7-37 3-261 0-744 2-43 7-91 6-330 0-168 1-06 6 • 73 11-45 0-038 0-44 4-98 31-07 0-008 0-24 7-72 81-63 0-002 0-16 1 • 33 CADMIUM IODIDE IN AMYLAMINE. 0-7810 -465 •363 •284 •8909 •534 •476 •424 1-095 •542 •594 •650 1-237 •480 •594 •735 1-450 •346 •502 •728 1-738 0-187 •325 •565 2-473 0-034 •084 •208 5-482 0-002 •Oil •055 V. A. AV. FERRIC CHLORIDE IN AMYLAMINE. 5-021 0-217 1 09 13-43 0-158 2-12 18-34 0-138 2-53 27-05 0-086 2-32 We have been unable to ascertain whether the molecular weight reaches a limiting value with dilution, as the experimental errors incidental to measurements at the low temperatures involved prevented the examination of the more dilute solutions. KAHLENBERG, WALDEN, and others have called attention to many solutions in which, although p. varies normally, the solute is associated. Y 2 164 DE. B. D. STEELE, DR. D. McINTOSH AND DR. E. H. ARCHIBALD Thus WALDEN and CENTNERSZWER ( 'Zeit. Phys. Chem.,' 1902, 39, p. 513) found that the molecular weight of potassium iodide dissolved in hydrocyanic acid is twice as large as the normal. ABEGG ('Die Theorie der electrolytischen Dissociation,' p. 103) has pointed out that this can be explained by the assumption that the undissociated substance is polymerised ; in which case a high average molecular weight might occur even with considerable ionisation. A compound such as (KI)4, for example, if it were completely dissociated into two ions, would have an average molecular weight of 332. We find that in most cases the molecular weight increases with increasing concentration, and although the opposite change occurs in dilute aqueous solution, this variation is the same as that which takes place in more concentrated aqueous solutions. This will be seen from the following comparison of the figures for acetone dissolved in hydrogen bromide with those for lithium bromide dissolved in water, the latter figures being taken from a recent paper by JOXES and GETMAN ('Zeit. Phys. Chem.,' 1904, 49, p. 390). (a) Acetone in hydrogen bromide— c = concentration in gram-molecules per litre = 0'51, 1'17, 1'85, 2'5G ; - = molecular depression = 4 '5, 4 '5, G'5, 11 '5. C- (&) Lithium bromide in water — c = 0'48, 0-97, 1-94, 3'88 ; A = 4'07, 4'41, 5'31, 7'86. JONES and GETMAN attribute the apparent increase in the number of molecules in more concentrated solution to the formation of hydrates in solution. The low molecular weight which we have found for triethylammoniam chloride in sulphuretted hydrogen, although at first sight difficult to reconcile with the hypothesis of association, is not inconsistent with it. Thus if the compound formation and subsequent dissociation takes place according to the general scheme nAB+mCD ^± (AB),, (CD)W and mj.0 (AB), (CD)m — (AB),, (CD)m+mD, and if dissociation were nearly complete, it is evident that if m is equal to or greater than n, a larger number of molecules than n would be formed, and therefore the average would be less than the theoretical molecular weight. We can offer no suggestion as to why toluene, when dissolved in hydrogen chloride, although it absolutely fails to conduct the current, possesses such an extremely low molecular weight. Similar cases have been observed by KAHLENBERG, but no explanation has been suggested. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 165 A possible explanation of the abnormal variation of molecular conductivity might be found in the hypothesis that when acetone or ether is added to hydrogen bromide the acetone or ether acts as an ionising solvent, and the hydrogen bromide is ionised. When looked at from this point of view, the variation of p. which actually occurs appears as a normal one. This explanation is, however, shown to be incorrect when we come to consider the transport number experiments. Thus, during the electrolysis of ether in hydrogen bromide, the deposition of 1 gram-molecule of silver by the current is accompanied by a transport of -8 gram- molecule of ether to the cathode. But, if the ether did not take part in the electrolysis, the same result would be obtained by the transport of a sufficient quantity of bromine as anion from the cathode to the anode. A simple calculation, however, shows that in order to bring this about no less than 23 gram -molecules of bromine must be transported for every gram-molecule of silver. Now we have shown that FARADAY'S law is valid for solutions in hydrogen bromide, and accordingly we conclude that ether takes part in the carriage of the current, and that conduction is not due to ionisation of the hydrogen bromide. Information regarding the constitution of the electrolyte is also afforded by the transport number. If we again consider the case of ether dissolved in hydrogen bromide, there is in solution an electrolyte of the formula ((C2H5)20)2(HBr)n, which can ionise either + (1) into H ions and a complex anion ((C3H5)20)2BrB or (2) „ Br „ „ cation ((C2H,)2O)oH. If the former, the ether will be transported to the anode as a component of a complex anion ; if the latter, it will be carried to the cathode as a component of a complex cation. Experiment has proved that the latter is the case not only for ether but also for the other substances which have been examined. It has been found that the cation transport number increases considerably with concentration. This increase can be easily explained if we assume, with JONES and GETMAN (loc. cit.), that the number of molecules of solvent in combination with one molecule of solute is greater in the more dilute solution. According to the theory of ABEGG and BODLANDER (' Zeit. fur Anorg. Chem.,' 1899, 20, p. 453), the resulting change of constitution of the electrolyte would be conditioned as follows : Any salt in which one ion is much weaker than the other manifests a tendency to form complex ions by the addition of a neutral molecule to the weaker ion. In the solutions under discussion the weaker ion would undoubtedly be the complex cation, which, when the active mass of the solvent (neutral molecules) was increased by dilution, would tend to become still more complex by the addition of more solvent molecules. 166 DE. B. D. STEELE, DE. D. McINTOSH AND DE. E. H. ARCHIBALD The effect of this increased complexity would be that the velocity of the ion would be diminished without altering the ionic change, and also that the concentration change at the cathode would be lessened, owing to the carriage of extra solvent molecules to the cathode. Both of these effects would cause a diminution of the cation transport number as the solution was diluted. It will be noticed that this explanation involves a change in the active mass of the solvent, and, as a matter of fact, it was not possible to measure the transport number except in solutions which were so concentrated, that the assumption of a constant active mass for the solvent was no longer justified. We have not been able to calculate, even approximately, the velocity of the various ions, as we had no means of determining the actual nature, concentration, or degree of dissociation of the corresponding electrolytes. Summary. The foregoing pages contain an account of measurements of the vapour pressures, densities, surface energies, and viscosities of the liquefied hydrides of chlorine, bromine, iodine, sulphur, and phosphorus. The solvent action of these substances has also been investigated, and we have shown that, with the exception of phosphuretted hydrogen, they are all able to act as ionising solvents, and the conductivity, molecular weight, and transport number of certain dissolved substances have been measured. The results of the measurements, although abnormal, are not inconsistent with the ionic theory ; since we have shown that — (1) If in a given solution the electrolyte is a compound containing n molecules ot the dissolved substance, the concentration of this compound will be proportional to the nth power of the concentration of the dissolved substance, and therefore the expression for the molecular conductivity of the electrolyte becomes icV" instead of /cV. We have also shown that /cV" = aK', and therefore the molecular conductivity of the electrolyte increases with dilution in these solutions in the same manner as in aqueous solutions. The variation of the molecular conductivity of the electrolyte with dilution is probably complicated by the occurrence of compounds which contain a different number of solvent molecules at different dilutions. (2) The want of agreement between conductivity and cryoscopic measurements is a necessary consequence of the occurrence of polymers or compounds in solution, and may be taken as evidence of the existence of such compounds. (3) The conduction of organic substances when dissolved in the halogen hydrides is best explained by the occurrence of electrolytic compounds of the organic substance with the solvent. Transport number measurements have shown that the organic substance is carried to the cathode as a component of the complex cation. ON THE HALOGEN HYDRIDES AS CONDUCTING SOLVENTS. 167 In conclusion, we wish to express our thanks to Professor B. J. HARRINGTON, Director of the McGill University Chemical Laboratory, and to Professor JOHN GIBSON, of the Heriot Watt College, for placing facilities at our disposal and for kindly interest taken in the work. Our thanks are also due to Professor JOHN Cox, Director of the McGill Physical Laboratory, for the use of apparatus, and for kindly supplying us with large quantities of liquid air. We also wish to express our thanks to the Research Grant Committee of the Chemical Society for a grant made to one of us, by means of which a large portion of the expense of the work of Part III. has been met. [ 169 ] V. The Atomic Weight of Chlorine: An Attempt to determine the Equivalent of Chlorine by Direct Burning with Hydrogen. By HAROLD B. DIXON, M.A., F.R.S. (late Fellotv of Balliol College, Oxford), Professor of Chemistry, and E. C. EDGAR, JB.Sc,, Dalton Scholar of the University of Manchester. Received May 18,— Head May 18, 1905. CONTENTS. PART I. — GENERAL. PART II. — DETAILS OF EXPERIMENTS. Page 1. Preparation of hydrogen 172 2. The palladium bulb 175 3. Preparation of chlorine 177 4. The chlorine bulb 180 5. Preparation of reagents 181 6. Weighing the bulbs 185 7. Method of carrying out the combustion 189 8. Results of the experiments 195 Appendix ... .198 PART I.- — GENERAL. SOME apology seems needed in presenting a new research on the atomic weight of an element already measured with a precision which the highest living critic has emphasised as " the magnificent accuracy of STAS' determination."1* Moreover, the present experiments cannot claim an accuracy to be compared with any individual series of STAS' ratios. But, on the other hand, STAS' atomic weight of chlorine is derived indirectly from oxygen by a series of operations which include the deter- mination of (1) the oxygen in potassium chlorate, (2) the silver equivalent to the molecule of potassium chloride, and (3) the composition of silver chloride. STAS himself has assigned different values to these ratios at different times ; e.g., in 1860 he found that 100 parts of silver were equal to 69'103 of potassium chloride, in 1882 he * F. W. CLARKE, 'A Recalculation of the Atomic Weights.' New edition. 1897, p. 57. VOL. CCV.— A 391. Z 24.8.05 170- PEOFESSOE H. B. DIXON AND ME. E. C. EDGAE found 100 of silver equal to 69'119, and in his latest work to 69'123 of potassium chloride. Therefore, although STAS' value 35'457 (0 = 16) is in satisfactory agreement with CLARKE'S value 35 '447 re-calculated from all the best determinations, it is possible that some constant error may occur in some part of the long chain connecting the value of hydrogen with that of chlorine, an error which would be repeated from link to link, and would become evident only when the two ends of the chain were connected up. A direct comparison between hydrogen and chlorine might not only serve to detect any systematic error in this chain of ratios, but such a comparison, inasmuch as it does not involve the probable error of other ratios, would be cceteris paribus more exact. Again, the closing of the chain between hydrogen and chlorine with reasonable accuracy would permit the accidental errors to be distributed and prevent their accumulation at the unconnected end. The accumulated "probable error" in CLARKE'S recalculated value for chlorine is ±'0048 ; the " probable error" of our nine experiments is ±'0019. The suggestion to carry out this work was made to us by Professor EDWARD W. MORLEY, who happened to visit our laboratories when pure chlorine was being prepared by the electrolysis of fused silver chloride. He suggested that we should burn weighed hydrogen and chlorine in a closed vessel, just as he had burnt weighed hydrogen and oxygen. After some discussion we decided to make the attempt — an attempt which was rendered possible by the fact that one of us was enabled, by a research scholarship, to devote his whole time to the investigation. A year was spent in designing, making and testing the several parts of the apparatus. In the second year we put together the pieces and carried through preliminary experiments, which led to some modifications and further trials. In the third year the apparatus was got into Avorking order and the determinations made. After the three years' work we are painfully aware how far our attempt falls short of the precision of Professor MORLEY'S own determination, but the relation we have found between hydrogen and chlorine seems worthy of record on account of the directness of the method of comparison. Our method was, briefly, as follows : — Chlorine prepared by the electrolysis of fused silver chloride (with purified carbon poles in a Jena-glass vessel) was condensed and weighed as a licpuid in a sealed glass bulb. This was attached to a vacuous " combustion globe " and the chlorine allowed to evaporate slowly .nto the globe. The hydrogen prepared by the electrolysis of barium hydrate was dried and absorbed by palladium in a weighed vessel. The palladium on being warmed gave off the hydrogen, which was ignited by a spark and burnt at a jet in the combustion globe previously filled with chlorine. The gases were regulated so as to maintain the hydrogen flame until nearly all the chlorine had been combined ; then the palladium was allowed to cool and the hydrogen was turned off just before the flame died out. The hydrogen chloride, as it was formed in the flame, was dissolved by water standing ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 171 in the globe, which was kept cool by ice. A little hydrogen chloride was formed by the action of the water-vapour on the chlorine in the flame, a corresponding amount of oxygen being liberated. This oxygen was determined in the analysis of the residual gases, which contained, besides traces of air, the small quantity of hydrogen which filled the capillary tube between the tap and the jet when the flame was extinguished, and any that might escape unburnt from the flame. The chlorine remaining in the globe unburnt, as gas and in solution, was determined by breaking a thin glass bulb containing potassium iodide. The residual gases having been pumped out (and any iodine vapour caught by a wash-bottle), the liberated iodine was determined by standard thiosulphate in an atmosphere of carbonic acid. In calculating the unburnt chlorine from the iodine, the atomic weight of chlorine was assumed to be 35'195 and the atomic weight of iodine 126'015.* In each experiment we burnt about 11 litres of hydrogen and 11 litres of chlorine. The volume of chlorine left unburnt was about 2 per cent, of the volume burnt. The balance (by OERTLING) was fixed on a stone pedestal in an underground cellar. The vibrations of the pointer were read by a telescope, GAUSS' method of reversals being used. The chlorine and the hydrogen bulbs were counterpoised on the balance by bulbs of the same glass and of nearly the same displacement, and the small weights used in the weighings were reduced to a vacuum standard. In the following table are given the corrected weights of hydrogen and of chlorine burnt in the several experiments — the weights of hydrogen being rounded off to •1 milligramme : TABLE I. Hydrogen burnt, Chlorine burnt, Atomic Weight of in grammes. in grammes. Chlorine. 1 •9993 35-1666 35-191 2 1-0218 35-9621 35-195 3 •9960 35-0662 35-207 4 1-0243 36-0403 35-185 5 1-0060 35-4144 35-203 6 •988V 34-8005 35-198 7 1-0159 35-7639 35-204 8 1-1134 39-1736 35-184 9 1-0132 35-6527 35-188 Mean .... 35-195 ±-0019 In the whole of these experiments 9'1786 grammes of hydrogen combined with 323 "0403 grammes of chlorine ; hence the atomic weight of chlorine, calculated in mass, is 35-195. * G. P. BAXTER, 'Proc. Amer. Acad.,' xl., 419. z 2 172 PKOFESSOK H. B. DIXON AND ME. E. C. EDGAR The percentage composition of hydrochloric acid according to these deter- minations is : — Chlorine 97-237 Hydrogen 2 -763 100-000 The number we have obtained for the atomic weight of chlorine is appreciably hio-her than that calculated by F. W. CLARKE from the previous determinations, and is slightly higher than STAS' value :— CLARKE'S calculation. STAS. Dixox and EDGAR. 35-179 35-189 35-195 H = l 35-447 35 '457 35-463 0 = 16 After our experiments were completed, we heard that Professor T. W. RICHARDS was engaged on a revision of STAS' work on the composition of silver chloride. G. P. BAXTER quotes the value 35 '467 as having been obtained by RICHARDS and WELLS for the atomic weight of chlorine, a number slightly higher than our own.* It would not be difficult to extend our experiments, using larger quantities of the gases, if in the judgment of chemists it were thought desirable, t PART II. — -DETAILS OF EXPERIMENTS. 1. Preparation of Hydrogen. For the preparation of hydrogen we employed the electrolysis of a solution of barium hydrate, first proposed by BRERETON BAKER,! as a means °f preparing hydrogen free from traces of hydro-carbons. Since barium carbonate is quite insoluble in a solution of barium hydrate, any slight action of the carbonic acid of the air ' on the dissolved hydrate during its unavoidable exposure while filling the electrolytic apparatus might be safely neglected. We have to thank Mr. BRERETON BAKER for kindly supplying us with some of his highly purified barium hydrate. It had been re-crystallised fifteen times and was not radio-active. It still contained a very small trace of barium carbonate. The arrangement of the hydrogen apparatus is shown in fig. 1. Three preliminary * Professor RICHARDS writes (February 13, 1905) that he finds 100.00Q parts of silver yield 132,867 of silver chloride, whereas STAS considered 132,850 the most probable result. This new determination, combined with our value for chlorine, would give silver an atomic weight 107 '90. t As further experiments have shown that chlorine can conveniently be burnt in an atmosphere of hydrogen, one of us proposes to make a fresh set of determinations in this way and to condense and weigh the hydrochloric acid formed. — July, 1905. I ' Jl. Chem. Soc.,' 1902, vol. 81, p. 400. ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 173 C-™maEi.'..:i4&?='-?w>j&?i6 S23^23SSEngEj 1 tf\ I §" I bo S 174 PEOFESSOR H. B. DIXON AND MR. E. C. EDGAR drying tubes were employed, each 1 metre in length and 2 '5 centims. in diameter, filled with small pieces of purified potassium hydrate. The gas then passed through a U-tube containing platinised pumice, kept at a temperature of 220° C., in order to remove any oxygen diffusing from the + electrode, and then through a short horizontal tube and three long U -tubes filled with pure phosphorus pentoxide. As recommended by COOKE, the phosphorus pentoxide was packed closely into the drying tubes and was alternated at frequent intervals with plugs of clean glass-wool. To ensure efficient drying, the current of hydrogen was passed through these drying tubes at a rate not greater than 2 litres an hour. At the end of our experiments the last layers of phosphorus pentoxide had picked up so little moisture that a slight tapping of the tube threw the powder into a cloud. The drying tubes, when filled, were fused together, and to the last phosphorus pentoxide tube was fused the tap C. This, in turn, was fused to one limb of a T-piece, to the other two limbs of which were fused the bulb containing the palladium foil and the Toepler pump. To the first potassium hydrate drying tube at the other end of the apparatus was fused a three-way tap. The U-tube E. in which the electrolysis of barium hydrate was carried out, was also fused to D, whilst the third arm of D opened into the air. When the current was passed through the warm barium-hydrate solution between the platinum electrodes G and G,, the evolved gases were allowed to escape into the atmosphere until the air, which was originally contained in the two arms of the U-tube, had been replaced by hydrogen and oxygen respectively. Connection with the atmosphere was then cut oft' by closing the tap H and by fusing off the capillary portion of the opening F. During our experiments the solution showed no signs of milkiness and no precipitate settled at the bottom of the tube ; we believe, therefore, that no carbonate was present. The preparation and occlusion of hydrogen was carried out as follows : — Before the fusion of the palladium bulb to the apparatus, the tubes on the right-hand side of the tap D were exhausted as far as possible by means of the pump. The U-tube, containing the solution of barium hydrate, was raised to a temperature of 60° C. in a water-bath (in order to dissolve the hydrate which had crystallised out from the solution) and the electrolysis commenced. The evolved oxygen escaped into the air through the tap H and the tube K, filled with a dried mixture of CaO and Na2SO4, while the hydrogen was admitted, by very cautiously opening the tap D, to the evacuated part of the apparatus. The stream of hydrogen was continued until the bubbling of the gas through the manometer tube showed that the previously evacuated portion of the apparatus was now full. The electrolysis was discontinued, the tap D closed and the drying tubes again evacuated. This operation of filling and exhausting was repeated twelve times in order to get rid of all traces of air. The taps C and D were then closed and the electrolysis stopped. • The bulb A containing the thin palladium foil was then fused to the apparatus. ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLOEINE. 175 The palladium was raised to a very low red heat and the apparatus on the right-hand side of the tap C evacuated, arid then allowed to cool to the ordinary temperature. The tap C was cautiously opened, the electrolysis resumed, and hydrogen admitted to the palladium until it was saturated, care being taken that the pressure on the left- hand side of the tap C was always kept slightly above the atmospheric. This last precaution was easily effected by opening the tap D fully and regulating the admission of the gas to the palladium by means of the tap C. C was now closed, the temperature raised to a very low red heat, and the evolved gas sucked out by the pump. The operation of alternately filling the palladium with hydrogen and evacuating the bulb at a high temperature was repeated four times, when it was considered that all traces of nitrogen or other gases had been removed from the palladium bulb and the connecting tubes on the right-hand side of C. The palladium after the final exhaustion was maintained at a low red heat whilst hydrogen was admitted to it through C. When the pressure throughout the apparatus had become a little more than atmospheric — this was easily attained by so adjusting the tap H of the electrolysis tube that the rate of escape of the evolved oxygen through it was slightly less than its actual rate of evolution — the tap B was slightly opened and the current of hydrogen was passed through the palladium, the gas finally escaping through a capillary tube dipping under mercury. The palladium was now allowed to cool very slowly, the current of hydrogen passing through it all the time. Great care was taken that the rate of entry of hydrogen to the palladium was always greater than its rate of occlusion, or, in other words, that an excess of hydrogen was constantly escaping through the capillary tubing during the occlusion. At the temperature of maximum absorption of hydrogen from 07° to 100° C., the cooling of the palladium was interrupted and the temperature kept constant for one hour. The cooling was then allowed to continue, hydrogen passing through the apparatus all the while, until the temperature of the room was reached. The taps B, C, D, and H were then finally closed and the electrolysis discontinued. The palladium bulb was fused off from the rest of the apparatus, the outside cleaned and dried, and the whole was then ready for weighing. 2. The Palladium Bull}. The palladium vessel A (fig. 2) was a bulb of hard Jena glass of about 180 cub. centims. capacity, fitted on the one side with a tap B, the inner portion of a ground glass joint M, and a glass jet J, at which the combustion of hydrogen in chlorine was carried out ; and on the other with a capillary tube by which it could be attached to the rest of the hydrogen apparatus and afterwards separated by fusion with the blowpipe flame. Since the date when Professor E. W. MOELEY defined a tap as "a contrivance for 176 PKOFESSOR H. B. DIXON AND MR. E. C. EDGAR lessening the flow of -gas through a tube," improvements have been made which seemed to us to justify the use of one for regulating the flow of hydrogen from the palladium bulb. The tap B, fig. 2, was made with a long barrel with its bearings B Fig 2. The palladium vessel. ground to the sheath for a length of 30 millims. The barrel forms a portion of an elongated cone, its diameter at the wider end being 10 millims., and at the narrower end 8 millims. The bore of the tap is inclined so that one opening is 10 millims. above the other. The sheath of the tap ends in a closed bulb below and a cup above. The method of lubricating and fixing the tap was as follows : — After thorough cleaning and drying, the bulb b of the tap was filled with dry mercury to such a height that the barrel of the tap, when placed in position, just touched its surface. The mercury was then gently heated until it filled the whole bulb. The lubricant glacial phosphoric acid was melted and carefully rubbed over the barrel, which was placed in position, turned several times to ensure equal distribution of the lubricant, and then pressed firmly into the sheath whilst the bulb b containing the mercury was cooled. The bulb now contained no air, but the cooling resulted in the production of a partial vacuum, which kept the tap firmly fixed. We have tested this tap by a pump and found it to remain perfectly gas-tight. All the other taps used in the apparatus with the exception of the chlorine tap were made and used in the same way. We are indebted to the skill of the University glass-blower, OTTO BAUMBACH, for the accurate grinding of these taps, and for the joints by which he succeeded in fusing hard Jena to soft glass. It was of course essential that the weight of the palladium bulb should be most accurately determined before and after the combustion of its charge of hydrogen. To avoid change of volume the bulb was made of a hard Jena glass which preliminary hydrostatic weighings showed not to alter when heated to dull redness and cooled. The charged palladium bulb was heated and cooled alternately to ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 177 determine its change of volume, if any. When immersed in water to a mark on the stem the bulb weighed— Before heating 230-314 grammes. After heating for two hours to a dull red heat .... 230 '311 „ After a second heating 230-307 „ After a third heating 230-308 „ The alteration in volume of the bulb, after heating to dull redness, was there- fore so slight that the difference in its displacement of air was negligible. In the actual experiments the bulb was never heated beyond 550° C. The palladium was used in the form of thin foil. We are indebted to Messrs. JOHNSON and MATTHEY for kindly supplementing our stock for the purpose of this investigation. The bulb contained sufficient palladium foil (360 grammes) to absorb about li grammes of hydrogen. When the bulb A had been detached from the rest of the hydrogen apparatus and had been cleaned, it was suspended by platinum wire from one arm of the balance, from the other was suspended a counterpoise (of the same Jena glass) which had nearly the same displacement as the palladium bulb. It was then weighed by GAUSS' method of reversals. The balance case, after each reversal, remained closed at least half-an-hour before a new weighing was started. The air displaced by the small weights added to secure equilibrium was allowed for. By equalising the volumes of the systems suspended from the arms of the balance, errors due to variations of temperature in the balance case and to any deposition of moisture on the bulb were avoided. 3. Preparation of Chlorine. SHENSTONE,* in 1893, first proposed the electrolysis of fused silver chloride in a vacuum as the best means of obtaining pure chlorine. He stated that his chief difficulty was the rapid formation of silver trees, which eventually made contact between the electrodes and thus prevented any further decomposition of the fused chloride. In 1901, MELLOR and KussELLf substituted for SHENSTONE'S tube a V-tube of the hardest Jena glass, so that the silver tree had to travel along the two limbs of the V before making contact, and thus the decomposition of silver chloride could be carried on to a greater extent than in SHENSTONE'S apparatus. They fastened their carbons to glass tubes (ground into the necks of the V) by means of a plaster of Paris joint. We have modified their apparatus by drawing out the upper portion of each arm of the U, and melting it on to the carbon electrode for a length of about 2-5 centims. We fused a little silver chloride round the top junction of glass and carbon. A mercury cup completed the joint, and served for making electrical contact with the carbon. Such a joint, even with a vacuum in the interior of the tubing, is quite impervious. * ' Journ. Chem. Soc.,' 71, 471 (1897). t 'Journ. Chem. Soc.,' 82, 1272 (1902). VOL. CCV. — A. 2 A 178 PROFESSOR H. B. DIXON AND MR. E. C. EDGAR The arrangement of the apparatus is shown in fig. 3. A was the U-tube of Jena glass, having two delivery tubes B and Bt which united at C ; its capacity was such as to'admit of the fusion of 800 grammes of silver chloride introduced through the side tube F. The carbon electrodes D and D1} of 2 millims. diameter, were specially made for us by the Acheson Graphite Company, Niagara. Before being fixed in position they were heated to redness for twelve hours in a current of chlorine, and Fig. 3. Chlorine apparatus. were then kept in vacuo in a porcelain tube for three hours at a bright red heat. A special glass joint at G permitted the junction of the U-tube to the other portion of the apparatus, which was constructed of soft glass. This joint was made by fusing together a series of twelve very short pieces of tubing which varied by small gradations from hard Jena to soft glass. H was a small drying tube containing pure phosphorus pentoxide, which was kept in position by two plugs of clean glass-wool. K was a glass tube (capacity 25 cub. centime.) in which a sample of the prepared chlorine could be collected to test its purity. L was a T-piece, one limb of which was fused to the chlorine generator ; another led, via the absorption tubes M and N, to the mercury pump, whilst the third was fused to the " chlorine bulb." To prevent any residual chlorine reaching the pump, it was passed through the tube M (which could be filled with mercury to a suitable height by raising a reservoir), and then through a tube N, 1 metre in length and 4 centims. in diameter, packed closely with pure potassium hydrate. A little mercury, contained in the cavity 0, acted as a tenioin. The dulling of its bright surface would have indicated ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 179 that the absorption of chlorine had not been complete, but, at the end of our experiments, its lustre was unimpaired. Preparation of Silver Chloride. — Commercial silver nitrate was purified by re-crys- tallisation twice from water. A strong solution of hydrochloric acid was prepared by • cautiously distilling the pure concentrated acid, washing the evolved gas with a little water and then dissolving it in re-distilled water, kept cool by means of an ice and salt freezing mixture. A strong solution of re-crystallised sodium chloride was prepared, and into it was passed the acid gas evolved by heating the solution of hydrochloric acid previously made. The precipitated sodium chloride was washed with a little ice-cold water, dissolved in fresh re-distilled water and again re-precipitated by means of hydrochloric acid gas. This re-precipitation was carried out three times. Silver chloride was then prepared by adding a dilute solution of the re-crystallised silver nitrate to excess of a dilute solution of the purified sodium chloride. The precipitation of the silver" chloride and all subsequent operations were carried out in the absence (as far as possible) of actinic light. The supernatant liquors were decanted as soon as possible and the silver chloride washed repeatedly with boiling distilled water, until a test portion of the washings gave no cloudiness with silver nitrate. The silver chloride was then frequently agitated with more hot distilled water and allowed to stand in contact with it for some time. Then the final washings were decanted and the silver chloride was dried as completely as possible in large porcelain dishes on a water-bath. It was then cautiously fused in deep porcelain crucibles and kept in the molten state for twenty-four hours, care being taken to prevent contact, during the prolonged heating, between the acid gases of the flame and the molten chloride. The chloride was then poured into a clean silver trough so as to form thin sheets. These, on cooling, were easily detachable, and were cut into small fragments. The silver chloride prepared in this way was a colourless, horn-like, translucent substance, which could be easily broken or cut into small pieces. The operation of fusing the requisite amount of silver chloride in the U-tube A was carried out as follows: — The U-tube (filled through the side tube F with the solid pieces of silver chloride up to the level of the carbon electrodes) was gradually raised in temperature by heating the cast-iron box in which it was closely packed round with asbestos. A high-range thermometer, with its bulb resting on the bend of the U-tube, indicated the temperature of the chloride. When the contained silver chloride had fused, more was slowly added until the calculated amount, 800 grammes, had been completely reduced to the molten state. The side tube F was then sealed and the whole apparatus was exhausted by the pump. When the tubes were thoroughly evacuated the tap P was closed, and the current from one storage cell was passed through the silver chloride for a short time. The current was then increased by the addition of another cell, and chlorine was steadily evolved until the whole of the apparatus on the left-hand side of the tap was filled with chlorine at a 2 A 2 PKOFESSOE H. B. DIXON AND ME. E. C. EDGAR pressure slightly above atmospheric. Then the current was discontinued, the tap P cautiously opened, and the gas allowed to escape, first through mercury contained in the tube M and then through solid potassium hydrate. Any gas other than chlorine was then sucked out by the automatic pump, which, during 'the first part of the electrolysis, was kept constantly working. The operation of filling the apparatus with chlorine and exhausting was repeated four times. The gas from the first two fillings was not completely absorbed. In preparing chlorine for our determinations we filled the apparatus five times, and tested the fifth by fusing-off the side tube K and opening it under mercury. The absorption was so complete as to leave no visible gas residue. This test assured us that no air was left in our chlorine. The fact that the chlorine first evolved was allowed to escape was a safeguard against the possible presence of bromine or iodine, for any bromide in the silver chloride would have been decomposed by the chlorine, and the evolved bromine would have been carried over with the chlorine first escaping. The chlorine bulb (immersed in a cooling mixture of solid carbonic acid and ether contained in a silvered Dewar tube) was then filled with liquid chlorine. The current was increased and the condensation allowed to proceed until the liquid reached the level of a circular line etched on the bulb, when the current was stopped. About 37 grammes of liquid chlorine were collected in each experiment. Finally the chlorine bulb was separated by fusion. Irregularities, arising in the electrolytic cell, were shown by an ammeter placed in the electrical circuit. We found it advisable, as SHENSTONE says, to prevent these irregularities by frequently reversing the current for a short interval of time, thus shattering any incipient silver tree. 4. The Chlorine Bulb. Chlorine, prepared by the electrolysis of fused silver chloride in vacuo, and dried by phosphorus pentoxide, was condensed by means of a freezing mixture of solid carbonic acid and ether, or by liquid air, in an apparatus shown in fig. 4. The chlorine vessel, which was made of soft glass, consisted of a stout glass bulb, A, holding about 40 cub. centims. To this was attached one limb of a T-piece, made of capillary tubing ; another limb could be fused to the source of chlorine, whilst the third ended in a cul-de-sac (B). B was a contrivance by means of which we got over a difficulty, which threatened at one time to bring our work to a premature end. For a long time we were unable to discover any means by which liquid chlorine could be safely weighed, and, at the same time, be under such complete control as to admit of its subsequent regular entry to the combustion globe. The pressure of liquid chlorine at ordinary temperatures is from 6 to 8 atmospheres, and the difficulties of successfully controlling such a pressure by means of a tap were found very great. ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 181 After many failures we finally designed the vessel shown in fig. 4. The chlorine weighed in the bulb A could only reach the tap when the sealed end of the inner tube B was broken off by the rod of glass C falling on it. The tap D was an inversion of the ordinary form of tap, that is, its smallest diameter is at the top of the tap ; so that instead of the key having to be pushed into its socket, it has to be pulled into it to fit. Internal pressure, instead of tending to loosen the key, only made it fit more tightly. Of course, if the internal pressure became too great, the key was so firmly driven into its socket that it stuck, and then became useless. However, the taps we used, when lubri- cated with viscid phosphoric acid, with- stood a pressure of four atmospheres without sticking. Their chief disadvan- tages lay in the difficulties of cleaning and lubricating them, and in the fact that it was necessary to affix to them weights, suspended from a pulley, when carrying out exhaustions of vessels to which they were attached. We are not .aware that such taps have been used before in scientific research work ; they were made for us by the University glass-blower. The small space E (less than -5 cub. centim.) immediately below the key of the special tap D, and the glass tubes connected with it, were first evacuated and then filled with pure chlorine from the silver chloride through the tube F, which was sealed off while the apparatus was cooled by immersion in a freezing mixture. On the removal of the freezing mixture, the gas trapped between E and F (about 4 cub. centims.) tended to expand, and thus held the tap D firmly in position. The chlorine condensation bulb, filled with approximately 37 grammes of liquid chlorine, was weighed in a precisely similar manner to that detailed for the palladium bulb. 5. Preparation of Reagents. Iodine. — Pure iodine was prepared by the first of the two methods proposed by STAS. A strong solution of potassium iodide was saturated with resublimed commercial iodine. To this, sufficient water was added to precipitate one half of the dissolved iodine. The supernatant liquid was decanted and the precipitated iodine repeatedly washed with small quantities of distilled water. It was then divided into two portions. The iodine, in the first, was distilled in steam, the solid distillate Fig. 4. Chlorine bulb. 182 PEOFESSOR H. B. DIXON AND MR. E. C. EDGAR collected and dried in vacua over solid calcium nitrate, which was frequently changed. The iodine was then intimately mixed with 5 per cent, of its weight of purified barium oxide, and distilled to remove the last traces of water and hydrogen iodide. The wet iodine, in the second portion, was dissolved in a strong, cold solution of purified potassium hydrate until the solution had acquired a per- manent light yellow tinge. The solution was then evaporated to dryness on a water bath. The mixture of potassium iodide and iodate so obtained was then placed in a large platinum crucible, fitted with a platinum hood, and heated to dull redness for six hours. The resultant potassium iodide was re- crystallised five times from water and dried in vacuo over calcium nitrate, which was frequently changed. It was pure white in colour, and contained no trace of potassium iodate ; its solution in water was neutral and remained colourless when exposed to light. Standard Solution of Iodine in Potassium Iodide.— In a small weighing bottle, carefully cleaned and dried, iodine, purified as described, was placed. This was kept in a desiccator until ready for weighing. The details of the weighing are given below : — Temperature at start 16°'5 C., Barometer at start 759 -8 millims., Temperature at end, 15°'5 C., Barometer at end 757 '0 millims., Weight of bottle and iodine 52-28137 grammes. Weight of bottle 23-70084 28-58053 Vacuum correction + -00279 28-58332 The weight of iodine dissolved was therefore 28 '58332 grammes. This iodine having been dissolved in a solution of potassium iodide, the iodine solution was brought into a 2-litre flask through a drawn out funnel, and the residual solution carefully washed in. The flask was calibrated by means of a burette previously calibrated, the neck of the flask being drawn out in the blowpipe flame. After cleaning and drying, the flask was filled with pure water from the burette, at the same temperature as that at which the burette had been calibrated. The last drops were allowed to run into the flask by contact with the glass surface immediately above the water, which stood in the constricted part of the neck. A circular line was etched on the glass to mark the exact level of the liquid in the constriction. The iodine solution was brought up to the etched mark by slowly adding pure water, the solution being shaken after each addition of water. The final tempera- ture of the solution was almost identical with the temperature at which the volume ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 183 of the 2-litre flask was determined. It was assumed that no loss in weight of the iodine had occurred during its solution in the potassium iodide solution. We had then 28'58332 grammes of iodine dissoved in 2033'68 of our units of volume, which gives '014055 gramme of iodine in one of our units of volumes. The solution was kept in the tightly stoppered 2 -litre flask. Potassium Hydrate. — Potassium hydrogen carbonate was twice re-crystallised from water. The crystals were heated in a platinum crucible, fitted with a platinum hood, to a dull red heat for six hours. The potassium carbonate so obtained was dissolved in water, and silver carbonate added, and the mixture thoroughly agitated for three hours. The precipitate, composed chiefly of silver carbonate but probably containing traces of silver chloride and other substances, was allowed to settle and the supernatant liquid filtered into a silver dish through a filter filled with clean pieces of broken marble. The solution in the silver dish contained one part of potassium carbonate in twelve of water. It was heated to the boiling-point, and two parts of lime (prepared by heating calcium carbonate to bright redness in a platinum crucible, and previously slaked in ten parts of water) were added by degrees, the liquid being boiled for a few minutes after each addition of lime to ensure its complete conversion into calcium carbonate. The addition of lime completed, the solution was boiled for half-an-hour and allowed to clarify by standing. The clarified solution was then filtered through another marble filter into a silver dish and boiled down until the hydrate commenced to evaporate. The semi-solid mass was then poured into a silver dish and allowed to cool in vaauo over calcium chloride. It was then divided into four portions, the first was broken into small fragments and introduced as rapidly as possible into the potash drying tubes ; the second was broken into larger pieces with which the chlorine absorption tube (fig. 3) was filled ; the third was dissolved in pure distilled water and the solution employed in the preparation of potassium iodide, whilst the remainder was used in the purification of water. Pure Water. — The water used in these experiments was prepared by rectifying hot distilled water from the laboratory still. This was distilled over potassium hydrate (purified as described) and potassium' permanganate, twice re-crystallised from water. The retort employed was made of hard Bohemian glass, the condensing tube and receiver of Gerate glass. Immediately before use these were cleaned and steamed. 100 cub. centims. of this water, when slowly evaporated in a small platinum retort, gave no solid residue. Phosphorus Pentoxide. — KAHLBAUM'S purest pentoxide, contained in Jena hard glass tubes, was distilled, at a bright red heat, in a current of pure dry oxygen through spongy platinum, kept in position by two platinised asbestos plugs. The distilled oxide condensed as a fine white crystalline powder in the cooler part of the Jena-glass tubes. It was kept in a tightly stoppered bottle until its introduction into the drying tubes. It answered all the tests recommended by SHENSTONE and PROFESSOR H. B. DIXON AND MR. E. C. EDGAR BECK for the identification of pure phosphorus pentoxide : (l) it did not reduce a 10-per cent, solution of silver nitrate; (2) it did not reduce mercuric chloride when boiled with it ; and (3) on evaporating an aqueous solution of it to dryness and igniting moderately, no odour of phosphine was detected. Palladium Foil. — The palladium, which was used in the form of thin foil cut into very small pieces, was heated to dull redness in a current of pure dry air for twenty- four hours, in order to eliminate any grease which might have been acquired during rolling. It was then heated in glazed porcelain tubes to a bright heat, in vacua, for six hours. Sodium Thiosulphate. — The sodium thiosulphate used was re-crystallised from water four times and was dried, in vacuo, over calcium chloride ; it was pure white in colour and its solution was neutral to litmus. Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate. — The sodium hydrogen carbonate used for the preparation of carbonic acid, in an atmosphere of which the titration of the iodine contained in the combustion bulb was carried out, was purified by exposing the solid, at 70° C., to the action of a slow stream of carbonic acid gas passing through it. The carbonic acid was prepared by the action of hydrochloric acid on marble, and, before reaching the carbonate, was washed thoroughly with water. When the current of gas had been passing for three hours, the carbonate was allowed to cool in it until the ordinary temperature had been reached. Sodium hydrogen carbonate so prepared had no effect in impairing the accuracy of titrations of thiosulphate by means of the standard solution of iodine in potassium iodide. The gas obtained on heating the acid carbonate was completely absorbed by potassium hydrate. Starch Solution. — The solution of starch, used as an indicator, was prepared by adding soluble starch, in very small quantities at a time, to boiling water which had been purified. When the solution commenced to assume a faint opalescent blue, the addition was discontinued. The solution, on cooling, was preserved in a tightly stoppered bottle, and to prevent any fermentation, a little mercuric iodide was added and dispersed through the solution by vigorous shaking. Platinised Pumice. — Pumice stone was ground into small fragments and sifted through two sieves — the first of 2 sq. millims. mesh, the second 1 sq. millim. ; the part remaining on the second was transferred to a porcelain basin and washed thoroughly with aqua regia. After decanting the supernatant acid, the mass was washed with water until the washings were no longer acid. It was then dried in a porcelain crucible contained in an air-bath at 120° C. The dried product was saturated with a concentrated solution of platinic chloride, excess of ammonium hydrate added, and the mass stirred until the yellow colour of the platinic chloride had disappeared from the supernatant liquid, which was then decanted and the platinised pumice carefully dried. It was then heated in a deep porcelain crucible until fumes were no longer evolved. A lid was placed on the crucible and the whole heated to a dull red heat for twelve hours. On cooling, the platinised pumice was ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 185 packed into the small U-tube B (fig. 1), which was then fused to the apparatus for the preparation of hydrogen. Purification of the Mercury used in the Pumps. — The mercury was frequently cleaned as follows : — It was placed in a suction flask, and on to its surface was poured a weak solution of nitric acid. The side tube of the flask was attached to the water pump, which drew air through the mercury by means of a glass tube held in position by a cork in the neck of the flask. This stream of air, coupled with the intimate mixing of the mercury and the nitric acid, resulted in the rapid oxidation and solution of all metallic impurities contained in the metal. When this had been accomplished, the mercury was thoroughly washed with water, dried with filter paper, and filtered, by means of very fine holes, through clean white paper. Cleaning of Glass Apparatus. — Before use, all glass apparatus was filled with a hot mixture of potassium dichromate solution and concentrated sulphuric acid and allowed to stand for six hours. It was then washed out with boiling distilled water, and filled with hot concentrated nitric acid and allowed to stand overnight. The next morning the vessel was emptied, thoroughly washed out with hot distilled water, and steamed for three hours. Finally, a current of hot air, filtered through cotton-wool and dried through sulphuric acid, was passed through it until it was completely dried. 6. Weighing the Bulbs, The balance, made specially for atomic weight determinations, was placed on a stone pedestal in a cellar, situated in the basement of the chemical laboratories. Observations with a maximum and minimum thermometer showed that the tempera- ture in this cellar varied but little. Three filter funnels filled with calcium chloride were kept inside the balance case ; the air in it was assumed to be half dried. The doors of the balance case were closed and half-an-hour allowed to elapse before a weighing was made. The vibrations of the pointer over the scale were viewed through a mirror by means of a telescope. Assuming the number of divisions on the scale to be 1000, and the average zero at no load 500, then the range of the zero variations, during our experiments, was 9 divisions, between 49G to 505. The sensibility of the balance, during the weighings of the chlorine bulb, was approximately 206 divisions for 1 milligramme, with a range of variation of 8 divisions. During the weighings of the hydrogen bulb, the sensibility was approximately 198 divisions for 1 milligramme, with a range of variation ecpual to 10 divisions. The method of weighing adopted was GAUSS' method of reversals. Generally, five weighings were taken on one side and four on the other. The concordance of the individual weighings showed that their mean could be relied on to 4 divisions or •00002 gramme. VOL. CCV. — A. 2 B 186 PROFESSOR H. B. DIXON AND MR. E. C. EDGAR The weights employed were a brass hectogramme and its subdivisions to a gramme, and, for the submultiples of a gramme, small platinum weights. The hectogramme was taken as the unit and the separate weights were carefully compared with it. Since all our measurements of mass were relative and not absolute, it was not necessary to determine the absolute mass of our unit. In comparing the gramme of platinum with the brass gramme marked Z. a correction was applied for the different weights of air displaced by them. The values of all the weights are given below :— VALUES of the Brass Weights. Nominal value. Value found. 100 grammes (unit) 50 100-00000 grammes 50-00005 20 19-99973 10 (A) 10-00002 10 (B) 9-99986 5 4-99991 2 1-99994 1 (I) 1-00025 1 •99998 1 (H) •99993 VALUES of the Platinum Weights. Nominal value. Value found. • 5 gramme •2 •49998 gramme •19994 •1 •1 •05 (1) (2) •09996 •09992 •04995 •02 •02001 •01 •01 Ptri (1) :ler •01001 •01000 •01007 The palladium bulb, when charged with hydrogen and sealed off, varied in weight from about 419 grammes to 425 grammes. It was counterpoised by a vessel made of the same glass and of approximately the same volume, weighing 400 '00097 grammes. The brass and platinum standardised weights were used to complete the equilibrium. The only vacuum corrections necessary to apply to the weighings were — (i.) that for the difference in volume between the small weights used before and after the com- bustion, i.e., the volume occupied by (approximately) 1 gramme of brass, and (ii.) for possible changes in the buoyancy of the bulb. The glass counterpoise was made the same volume as the bulb when first used in Experiment I. It was not considered necessary to alter it so as to make it exactly ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLOEINE. 187 the same volume as the bulb in the subsequent experiments, since the maximum variation in the displacement of the bulb did not exceed 1'3 cub. centim. This variation in volume, caused by differences in sealing off the thick-walled capillary tube, may be assumed to be due to the solid glass drop at the sealed end. When the density of the air altered between the first and second weighings of the bulb, a difference between the displacement of the bulb and the counterpoise might affect the apparent weight of the bulb, but in only one experiment (No. 8) was a correction necessary, and that only a unit in the fifth place of decimals. The weighings of the chlorine bulb were carried out in the same manner, with a similar glass counterpoise. It was not, of course, necessary to obtain the same degree of accuracy in weighing the chlorine as in weighing the hydrogen, since a unit in the fourth place of decimals is insignificant. Variations in the displacement of the chlorine bulb, caused by sealing-off, though considerably larger than those of the hydrogen bulb, did not affect the determination of the " chlorine taken." In illustration of the method of weighing we may refer to Experiment V. The palladium bulb (charged with hydrogen) required the following weights to be added to the opposite pan : — Weights used. Value. Brass 20 grammes Ft '5 •02 „ •01 „ (1) •01 „ (2) Pt rider on 2nd division 19-99973 grammes •49998 •02001 •01001 •01000 •00201 20-54174 grammes Five weighings with the weights in the right-hand pan gave a mean zero of 398 '2 divisions on the sale. Four weighings with the weights reversed gave a mean zero of 597. With no load the mean zero was 497. The two differences are : Eight 98-8. Left lOO'O. Mean 99'4. The sensibility under this load was found to be 202 divisions of the scale for a difference of 1 milligramme. The mean displacement of the zero was, therefore, equal to a weight '00049 gramme to be subtracted. Adding these weights together Counterpoise + 400 • 00097 grammes Weights + rider + 20-54174 „ •00049 420-54222 2 B 2 188 PROFESSOR H. B. DIXON AND MR. E. C. EDGAR In this experiment the palladium bulb has a volume below that of the counterpoise by rather less than '5 cub. centim. The mean barometric pressure at the first weighing was 7G6'1 millims., and the mean temperature was 14°'5 C. At the second weighing, after the combustion, the mean barometric pressure was 761'2 millims., and the tempei'ature was 120-1 C. The difference in weight of -5 cub. centim. of air measured under these conditions is only -001 milligramme, and is therefore negligible. Subjoined are the details of the weighings of the palladium bulb in Experiment V EXPERIMENT V. Before Combustion. Temperature of balance (at start of weighing) 14° -5 C. (at end „ )14°-GC. Barometric height (at start of weighing) 766' 7 millims. „ (at end „ 765-5 Weights used were: — 20, -5, '02, -01 and -01. Rider on 2nd division on beam. Zero at no loud .... 498. ,, (weights in right pan) 393. Mean zero at no load 497. ,, ( ,, ,, left ,, ) 009. Zero (weights in right pan, mean of 5) 398 -2. „ ( „ „ right „ ) 390. „ ( „ ,, left „ ) 591. „ ( „ „ left „ „ 4) 597. „ at no load .... 49G. „ (weights in right pan) 404. Sensibility 202. „ ( „ „ left „ ) 599. „ ( „ „ right „ ) 408. „ ( „ „ left „ ) 589. „ ( „ „ right „ ) 396. „ at no load .... 498. Weight of bulb (before experiment) 420-54222 grammes. EXPERIMENT V. After Combustion. Temperature of balance (at start of weighing) 11° -8 C. „ (at end „ )12°-4C. Barometric height (at start of weighing) 760-5 millims. „ (at end „ )761'9 „ Weights used were:— 10 (A), 5, 2, 1 (I), 1 (Z), -5, -02, -01 (1), and rider on 5th division. Zero at no load .... 503. „ (weights in right pan) 480. Mean zero at no load 501. .. ( „ „ left „ ) 514. » ( » » rignt » ) 488. Zero (weights in right pan, mean of 5) 489 • 4. ,, at no load .... 501. „ (weights in left pan) 513. „ ( „ „ left „ „ 4)512-8. ,1 ( „ „ right „ ) 496. » ( » .. left „ ) 509. Sensibility 201. » ( ., ,i right „ ) 492. » ( ,, ,, left „ ) 515. „ ( „ „ right „ ) 491. ,, at no load .... 499. Weight of bulb after experiment 419-53605 grammes. ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 189 7. Method of Carrying Chit the Combustion. The weighings of the palladium bulb and the chlorine condensation bulb completed, the next step was to set up the combustion apparatus (fig. 5). This consisted of a stout glass globe A, the " combustion globe " made of Jena glass. Its capacity was about 750 cub. centims., and it was provided with three ground-glass tubulures. In order to ignite the hydrogen at the jet, two platinum-iridium wires* (totally enclosed, save for their extreme tips, in glass covers) were fused into the combustion globe on each side of the hydrogen tubulure. By the passage of electric sparks between their tips, the jet of hydrogen was easily ignited. Into the combustion globe was run sufficient water to absorb all the hydrochloric acid gas formed during the combustion, and to leave dilute acid of a not greater strength than one-seventh concentrated. Then two very thin glass bulbs (capacity of each about 6 cub. centims.), which had been previously filled with a hot, concentrated solution of potassium iodide and sealed, were cautiously slid into this water through one of the tubulures. The palladium bulb B, the chlorine condensation bulb 0, and the three-way tap D were then, respectively, fitted to the tubulures E, F, and G, care being taken that none of the lubricant (phosphoric acid) was squeezed into the combustion globe through -the interstices of the ground-glass joints. To one limb of the three-way tap D, a generator of carbonic acid in an atmosphere of which the subsequent titration of residual iodine was carried out, was attached by a short length of thick-walled indiarubber tubing ; to the third limb was fused the apparatus H, through which any residual gases from the combustion were drawn. It consisted of a wash-bottle which could be taken to pieces by means of the ground-glass joint J. The tap K controlled the passage of the gases through the liquid, an alkaline solution of sodium thiosulphate, contained in the wash bottle. The tube L was attached to the mercury pump by a short piece of thick-walled indiarubber tubing. These two short lengths of indiarubber tubing were employed so as to enable us to give a jerking motion to the combustion globe and the bulbs when fitted together : (i.) to break the drawn-out cul-de-sac of the chlorine bulb, and (ii.) to break the potassium iodide bulbs after the combustion. The only danger arose from a possible in-leakage of air through the tube connecting the wash-bottle with the pump, by which the residual oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen were withdrawn from the globe. This tube was wired on to the glass when hot, and was well " drowned" before being used to evacuate the globe. We found that no readable volume of air had leaked through into the highest vacuum attainable during three days. The different parts of the combustion apparatus having been fitted together, the strength of a neutral solution of sodium thiosulphate was determined by titrating a * The position of these wires is shown by the dotted lines P and PI ; they lie in a plane at right angles to the vertical section shown in fig. 5. 190 PROFESSOR H. B. DIXON AND MR. E, C. EDGAR I I o 60 ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 191 measured volume against the standard solution of iodine in potassium iodide. A measured amount (about 6 to 7 cub. oentims.) of the sodium thiosulphate solution was run into the wash-bottle and made alkaline by the addition of sodium hydrogen carbonate. The taps D and K were now opened, and the combustion apparatus evacuated (in a stream of water-vapour) as far as possible by the pump. A rapid stream of water- vapour was produced by immersing a large condenser, fused to the pump, in a freezing mixture of ice and salt, and by gently warming the lower part of the combustion globe with warm water. This was done to facilitate the removal of traces of air and nitrogen, and that this was accomplished we concluded from the small amount of nitrogen discovered in the subsequent gas analysis. During the last period of the exhaustion, the calcium chloride and ice freezing mixture, in which the bulb containing liquid chlorine was immersed during the combustion, was prepared, placed in a wide-necked, unsilvered Dewar tube, and packed well round the liquid chlorine bulb. The evacuation completed, the taps D and H were closed, and the glass cul-de-sac M broken by jerking the glass rod N against it. The heating of the palladium bulb, enclosed in a stout copper box covered witli asbestos sheet, was next started, the temperature being noted by means of a mercury- nitrogen thermometer. The temperature of the liquid chlorine was now between —25° C. and —30° C., and the pressure on the special tap Q was therefore not greatly above atmospheric. Q was slightly turned so as to admit chlorine slowly into the combustion globe. When the pressure of gas in the globe had become nearly atmospheric, the tap Q was closed. This point was determined by the change in the faint hissing noise which attended the entry of chlorine into the vacuum. When the palladium bulb had reached a suitable temperature, all lights were turned out. Next came the ignition of the jet of hydrogen. Whilst a rapid succession of sparks was passed between the platinum-iridium tips, the tap N was very cautiously opened so as to admit the hydrogen slowly into the combustion globe. The moment the jet of hydrogen had ignited the sparks were discontinued, and all attention was centred on the flame. To cool the globe during the combustion, ice was packed round the lower portion, while that part which was immediately above the flame was cooled by a stream of cold water. To avoid, as far as possible, any diffusion of hydrogen through the flame, the combustion was carried out at a pressure only slightly below atmospheric. The atmosphere of chlorine was constantly replenished through the tap Q, whilst the tap N regulated the admission of hydrogen to the flame. The combustion of hydrogen in chlorine at a glass jet is an interesting phenomenon. The flame can be divided into two zones — an inner zone of a light apple-green colour, with an outer zone of less pronounced hue. We learnt by experience that three points in connection with the flame were important for our purpose. Firstly, the !92 PEOFESSOE H. B. DIXON AND ME. E. C. EDGAE gradual elongation of the outer zone, together with a lessening of the luminosity ol the inner zone, indicated that the atmosphere of chlorine was riot being renewed quickly enough. Secondly, when the flame became smaller and more luminous, we knew that the pressure of chlorine was in excess, and that the gas was being admitted into the globe too quickly. Lastly, a gradual shrinking in the size of the flame, unattended by any change of luminosity, indicated that the supply of hydrogen was failing. This was, of course, remedied by raising the temperature of the palladium bulb. When the combustion had been carried to such a point that only a drop of liquid chlorine was left in the condensation bulb, the tap Q was finally closed and the flame made very small. As the atmosphere became rarefied, the outer zone of the flame became elongated and less luminous ; the inner zone changed also, but to a less extent. In one experiment (IV.), the flow of hydrogen not being reduced as the chlorine- atmosphere became rarefied, a flame passed through the whole globe. Just before the point of extinction the tap N was closed and the combustion was ended. The duration of the combustion was about three hours, during which constant watching was necessary. The palladium bulb was now allowed to cool to the ordinary temperature. The two small bulbs, containing concentrated solution of potassium iodide, were then 'broken by dashing them against the interior of the combustion globe, when the residual chlorine was absorbed with precipitation of iodine. The precipitated iodine, however, soon dissolved in the excess of potassium iodide. The tap D was opened and the residual gases were sucked out of the combustion globe in a current of water- vapour through the alkaline solution of sodium thiosulphate contained in the wash- bottle H, in which the vaporised iodine was absorbed. The residual gases were collected in the gas analysis apparatus. During this exhaustion the long glass tube R connected with the three-way tap D, and containing NaHCO:i, had been heated. The evacuation completed, D was turned and COa admitted until the combustion globe was full. This was indicated by the escape of gas through the manometer. The tubulure G was now opened, cleaned from adhering phosphoric acid, and the residual iodine titrated in the atmosphere of carbonic acid by means of the sodium thiosulphate solution of known strength contained in a calibrated burette.* As sufficient potassium iodide was originally contained in the thin glass bulbs to dissolve easily the precipitated iodine, the titration was quickly and accurately carried out, five drops of starch solution being added towards the end of the titration. f One drop of the standard solution of iodine restored the blue starch-iodide colour to the decolourised liquid in the combustion h The two burettes employed were carefully calibrated by means of an Ostwald calibrator of 2 cub. centims. volume. The mean results of two calibrations were tabulated and used in determining the volumes. t Owing to the action of hydrochloric acid on a solution of sodium thiosulphate, we were unable to add excess of the sodium thiosulphate solution and titrate back with the standard solution of iodine. ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 193 B- Fig. G. Gas-analysis apparatus. globe, so it was evident that the error in our volumetric determinations of iodine must have been small. The alkaline sodium thiosulphate solution in the wash-bottle was exactly neutralised with very dilute hydrochloric acid, and the residual thiosulphate estimated with the standard iodine solution. The determination of the residual gases was effected as follows : — Fig. 6 is a sketch of the gas-analysis apparatus employed.* It consisted of a graduated pipette A attached to a bent capillary tube, with stopcocks C and D and a graduated tube B. The weight of the apparatus, filled with mercury from ' the tap C to the end of the capillary tube E, having been determined, the whole was filled with mercury and placed in the trough. The gases, sucked out by the pump from the combustion globe, were collected in B and passed into A. It was assumed that the gases consisted of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. When the residual gases had been collected, the whole was transferred to the balance room and allowed to reach the temperature of the room. During this time the taps C and D (fig. 6) were, of course, left open ; they were then closed. In order to maintain the gases during analysis at not only constant temperature but constant pressure, it was necessary that the height of the mercury in the limb A of the gas-analysis apparatus above the surface of the mercury in the trough should be kept constant. With the aid of the two etched scales on A and B, the divisions of which were 1 millim. apart, this constant pressure could be easily attained by raising or depressing the apparatus in the trough until the mercury in the limb A stood the same height as before above the level of the mercury in the trough. When the gases had reached the temperature of the balance room, and the difference in level of the mercury in the limb A and of the mercury in the trough had been noted, the taps C and D were closed, B was emptied and the apparatus was then ready for weighing. The difference in the weights of the apparatus (i.) full of mercury, and (ii.) containing the residual gases of the combustion (corrected for the weight of these residual gases) gave, by an obvious process, their volume. After being weighed, the gas apparatus was transferred to the mercury trough, the platinum spiral F was then cautiously heated by an electric current so as to bring about the combination of all the hydrogen with the oxygen. Sometimes the oxidation was attended by an explosion ; this, of course, occurred when the percentage of hydrogen was relatively great. As can be seen from Table II., the oxygen was always in excess of that required * This form of gas-analysis apparatus was first used by D. L. CHAPMAN and E. HOPKINSON. VOL. CCV. — A. 2 C 194" PROFESSOR H. B. DIXON AND MR. E. 0. EDGAR for the complete combustion of the hydrogen. After B had been re-filled with mercury and the apparatus inverted in the trough, the taps C and D were opened, and consequent upon the contraction in volume of the gases, mercury rose in the two limbs A and B. When the whole had cooled to the temperature of the room, and the pressure had been equalised, C and D were closed and the apparatus again weighed as before. The difference between the second weighing and this last one gave the volume of contraction, i.e., gave the volumes of hydrogen and oxygen which had combined. The apparatus was again transferred to the mercury trough, C and D opened, and hydrogen admitted to the apparatus, sufficient to burn up the residual oxygen. The mercury levels were again adjusted, C and D were closed, and the apparatus again weighed. From weighings three and four the volume of the added gas was easily calculated. The gases were fired by heating the platinum spiral, and, on cooling, the apparatus was weighed as before. The final weighing, coupled with weighing four, gave the volume of contraction, i.e., gave the volume of residual oxygen. From the data thus obtained the composition of the residual gases of the combustion, assuming them to have been hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, was easily calculated.* The analysis of the residual gases from Experiment 2 is given below in illustration :— Mean temperature of balance room ............. 13°-8C. ,, barometric height ................. 768 '5 millims. Difference in level between mercury in limb A and mercury in trough . 198 '5 „ Weight of gas apparatus full of mercury ........... 489-029 grammes. ,, „ „ and residual gases .......... 413'756 „ ,, ,, ,, af tor combustion ........... 440 '846 „ ,, ,, addition of EL .......... 309-846 » „ „ „ combustion ........... 450-838 „ From these weights the composition of the residual gases was calculated to be as follows : — 4-12 cub. centims. of oxygen ~\ ftt 13°.8 c an(1 768.5 _ 198.5 millims. pressure. 1'33 „ „ hydrogen > •09 „ „ nitron-en I Gases saturated with aqueous vapour. These volumes gave, on reduction to N.T.P., 2-87 cub. centims. of oxygen from steam-) at 0« c alld 760 millimS- "93 ,, „ hydrogen S. •08 „ „ air J Gases dry. Now, in accordance with the equation 2-87 cub. centims. of oxygen were produced by the action on aqueous vapour of 5 -74 cub. centims. of chlorine. Weight of 5-74 cub. centims. of chlorine is 5-74 x -00317 = -0182 gramme. Weight of • 93 cub. centim. of hydrogen = • 00008 gramme. * In preliminary experiments, carried out in the same way, we failed to detect any trace of C02 in the products of combustion. ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 195 8. Results of the Experiments. In the following tables we have put together the results obtained in the nine experiments. Table II. contains the volumes of the several residual gases, reduced to normal temperature and pressure, as determined by the gas-analysis. We have assumed that the nitrogen found at the end of the experiments is due to residual air left in the evacuation of the large combustion globe. It is conceivable that a trace of this nitrogen came from the palladium bulb and was weighed as hydrogen. If that were so, the atomic weight of chlorine we have found would be too low. The total volume of nitrogen found in the nine experiments was '8 cub. centim. To make an extreme supposition — if all this nitrogen had been introduced from the palladium bulb, and weighed as hydrogen, and therefore all the oxygen had come from the steam, the atomic weight of chlorine found by us would be '005 too low. In Table III. we have put together the several portions of residual chlorine not combining with the weighed hydrogen : — (i.) that calculated from the iodine found in the globe ; (ii.) that calculated from the iodine vapour drawn over with the residual gases and caught in the wash-bottle; and (iii.) that calculated from the oxygen found in the residual gases less the oxygen assumed (from the nitrogen) to be present as air. In Table IV. the weights of the bulbs before and after the combustion are given, with the corrections for buoyancy and for the unburnt gases. We set out the hydrogen weighings to five places of decimals, although it is not, of course, suggested that the absolute weight of the palladium bulb can be determined to this degree of accuracy. The fifth figure does not affect the mean atomic weight deduced from the experiments. 2 C 2 196 PKOFESSOR H. B. DIXON AND ME. E. C. EDGAR TABLE II. — Determination of Volumes of Residual Gases, cub. centims. at N.T.P. Experiment I. II. III, IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Volume of oxygen liberated from 1 3-39 2-87 5-07 2-91 4-30 3-41 3-65 3-11 4-80 Volume of hydrogen unburnt. . . 1-51 •93 2-02 •08 •40 -74 1-04 3-61 2-45 Volume of residual air •11 •08 •06 •11 •1C -06 •18 •13 •12 TABLE III. —Determination of the Weight of Chlorine uncombined with the Weighed Hydrogen (in grammes). Experiment. I. II. III IV V VI VII VIII IX Unburnt chlorine calculated from iodine in globe •6941 •6603 •7865 •6238 •6767 •5981 •6838 • 7999 •7260 Unburnt chlorine calculated from iodine vapour Chlorine corresponding with oxygen liberated •0005 •0215 •0006 •0182 •0004 •0321 •0003 •0185 •0007 •0273 •0005 •0°16 •0005 •0231 •0006 •0197 •0005 •0304 Total excess of chlorine . . •7161 •6791 •8190 •6426 •7047 • 6202 •7074 •7425 •7569 ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 197 CO 03 -* 1C O3 CM ^ *i O3 CO co co t— co 1C 1C 2 8 0 O co CM CO O r-H CO I-H o 1C -* l-H 1C I-H to 1C 1C r-l 03 — O to ^H -* O 0 03 03 CO O 1C ~t< I— I— ic CO OO l-H r^H 0 I-H I-H I-H O •* to to 1C 1C CM CM O3 1C CO CO CO CO -* •* 1 1 t- to l-H l-H IO lO CM CO t— 00 O3 O i-H t~- CO °H* —* — O O3 l-H 1C CO CO CM CO O O CO O CO CM O C-l 1C CO C-l co CO r-H r-H -* CO *H< CO 1-H O O r-i O O i — i O l-H O £ O3 t- I-H CM CM O O3 O r-H -f O3 t- t- OO £> CO CM r-H I-H rl| CM CM O3 C3 O3 1C CM 0-1 O3 1C CO CO CO CO ~* •* 1 1 1 CO I-H CM 1C t*- C5 OO t— to l-H l-H O3 O OO CO CO O t- CO -f O3 •«*" OO CO O 10 O 10 I— O I- 10 P-Mt- CO 1C | ^ oo co I-H O I-H O I-H CO O3 1— O L- 0 CO o r— I to CD 0 0 0 0 o •H^ C3 ~-f O -f I— CM . *^ O 03 l-H l-H I-H CO CO CO CO 1C 1C CM r-l CO Ttl CO CO CO CO -* -* 1 1 I-H CO lO 1C O I— CO O3 O3 03 i-H 00 O t— 1— t— 0 CO t— ^1 1C t- oo OO O 00 O CO -*< oo CO lO o o o £^ r~ oo CO O oo o oo O t- CM O CM C] o C3 t^ O3 O3 03 O 03 0 O3 t- CM -n o -* to co 1 — I c-i l-H O •^ O3 1C 1C -H^ 1C o CM CM co ^ co co co CO o -* ^* 1 1 +1 CM IO r~ 10 (M •* oo 1C CM O I-H i — 1 o o O3 CO 03 ^H CO 1-H 1 — -f O3 CM CO -* CO to o 0 0 to o o o 1C o t— CM CM O -H 1C c-i o O3 -^ r^ 0 0 K^ 1C 1C 0 0 00 0 r-H O r_ 0 I-H t- -f 1C -CO O O3 ,_1 1 — 1 1 — 1 00 CM CO tO 1C 1C CM r-l 00 1C • CO CO CO CO _o -* -* 1 1 '•§ r-l CO 00 1C CO I-H CM j t4 C3 -* CO O CO 10 O 1C to O3 CO CO *2 CM OO CO O CM O ^ o CM O -* O CM CM I-H CM co ic CO O CM CM oo -* o oo JU P* 0 0 0 0 ? O3 CM CO O to to 0 1 — 1 "*< O3 OO r-H I-H - ! cot- CO CO CO 10 I-H l-H 03 1C CO CO CO CO ^ -* 1 I 1 O -* CO 1C r-l OO CO CM OO CO i-H CM i-H o O CO t— 1C CM O C-1 10 OO to O to o to CO 1C O 1C O O3 tO CO O3 O O3 O t- CO O3 O 00 I-H 0 o HH r— 1 1C 1C 03 O O3 O C3 O l-H CO O oo oo 0 c-i 1 ' r-H O CO t- 10 1C 1C 1C CM CM oo -* CO CO CO CO -* ^ 1 1 CO CM I-H 1C to oo OO >a • • "g • ^-^ • a • ^-^ ."So C ^ O-O- _ ^ 00 •!-* G ^ •*+ r-* CD a £ S "8 Sr§ £ -5 0 S i-^JH ,-« ^ j^ d) " ' w £* * _ t~t * fe " •+•* " '^ •c t-> g (_4 ^_ .-^ o> DH»* *fc2°* W O" • S •" Op^ ^ w . O §O-2»O *o S-^O*g ,— i [, ( 1= lilt }= s 1= Iff fi 1 °§ | §a^_ ^ ^ Sf2 ^^ 1 f2 PROFESSOE H. B. DIXON AND MR. E. C. EDGAR APPENDIX. 1. The Action of Chlorine on Glass. The following experiments were made to determine the action, if any, of pure, dry chlorine on soft glass. Two glass bulbs of approximately equal volume and weight were made. To one of these, A, was fused the inner portion of a ground glass joint ; it was then cleaned and dried. The two bulbs were then suspended from different pans of the balance and small weights added to one pan to bring them to equilibrium. A was then fitted to the apparatus for generating chlorine, and the whole was evacuated and filled with pure dry chlorine. The bulb was separated from the rest of the apparatus by fusion beyond the ground-glass joint and was then kept for one week. At the end of that time the ground-glass joint was taken to pieces, and the chlorine sucked out and replaced by dried air. It was then weighed, the other bulb acting as a counterpoise. Weight to counterpoise the bulb (before exposure to chlorine) . . 1 -32468 grammes. „ „ (after „ „ ) . . 1 • 32464 „ The experiment was repeated with two similar bulbs, but the chlorine was left in contact with the glass for a fortnight. Weight to counterpoise the bulb (before exposure to chlorine) . . 2-67931 grammes. (after „ ) . . 2-67925 Two more bulbs were subjected to similar treatment, the time of contact, in this case, being a month. Weight to counterpoise the bulb (before exposure to chlorine) . . 1 • 12884 grammes. (after „ ) . . 1-12879 These weighings show that on allowing chlorine to remain in contact with soft glass for a considerable period of time, the latter loses weight very slightly. The bulb used in Experiment 1 was again filled with chlorine, which was allowed to remain in contact with the glass for a week. Weight of bulb before exposure 1 • 32464 grammes. „ after „ 1-32465 „ An exposure for a further period of two weeks gave : — Weight of bulb before exposure 1 • 32465 grammes. „ after „ 1-32463 „ If any action of chlorine on the soft glass bulb may be assumed to have taken place, it must have occurred during the first week, as further exposure to chlorine gave a constant result. ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLORINE. 199 The solvent action of liquid chlorine, if any, on soft glass was also examined. The same bulb was employed. After its weight had been determined as above, 10 cub. centims. of liquid chlorine were condensed in it by means of a freezing mixture of solid carbonic acid and ether. The bulb was then separated from the chlorine apparatus by fusion between the ground-glass joint and the bulb, and was laid aside for a week. The ground-glass portion was cleaned and dried, a mark was cut with a clean glass cutter in the glass capillary tubing attached to the bulb, and a clean fracture effected. When the chlorine in the bulb had been totally replaced by air, the three parts of the original apparatus, i.e., the bulb, the piece of glass broken off from it, and the inner portion of the ground-glass joint were weighed, the companion bulb acting as a counterpoise. Weight of bulb before exposure 1 • 32464 grammes. „ after „ 1-32466 A similar apparatus was constructed, and, after being subjected to the action of pure dry gaseous chlorine for a week, the last experiment was repeated, the time of exposure being a month. Weight of bulb before exposure 3 • 49842 grammes. „ „ after „ 3-49839 There seemed to be no appreciable action of liquid chlorine on soft glass. Though the combined effect of gaseous and liquid chlorine on soft glass was so exceedingly small, the bulb of the chlorine condensation bulb was subjected, before use, to the action of pure dry gaseous chlorine for a fortnight. 2. The Reaction between Iodine and Sodium Thiosulphate in Presence of Carbonic Acid and of Hydrochloric Acid. Titrations of sodium thiosulphate by iodine in potassium iodide, carried out in an atmosphere of carbonic acid, showed that the gas had no influence on the accuracy of the residual iodine determinations. A known volume of sodium thiosulphate solution was run into a small Erlenmeyer flask and titrated with the standard solution of iodine in potassium iodide. An equal volume was run into another flask and pure carbonic acid (from sodium hydrogen carbonate) was passed through the solution for ten minutes, it was then titrated as usual. No difference in the volumes of iodine in potassium iodide solution required to combine with the thio in the two flasks could be detected. Several repetitions gave similar results. S. U. PICKERING* has shown that iodine in potassium iodide solution can be correctly titrated by thiosulphate in presence of hydrochloric acid, if allowance is made for the slow oxidation of the liberated hydrogen iodide by the oxygen from the * ' Jouru. Chem. Soc.,' 1880, p. 134. 200 ON THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CHLOEINE. air. We have confirmed these experiments with different strengths of hydrochloric acid and found that practically no iodine was liberated in the oxygen free solutions employed. Approximately equal volumes of iodine in potassium iodide solution were run into small Erlenmeyer flasks X and Y from the calibrated burette B. The iodine in X was then titrated by means of thiosulphate solution from burette A ; hydrochloric acid of known strength was then added to Y and the titration immediately completed. The experiments were repeated several times with the addition of hydrochloric acid of j concentration : EXPERIMENT I. 120 cub. centims. of -^ concentrated HC1 were added to the solution in flask Y. Volumes of iodine in K 1 taken. Burette B. Flask X, 25 • 04 cub. centims. Flask Y, 25 • 04 cub. centims. Volumes of thio required by above Burette A. Flask X, 25-13 cub. centims. Flask Y, 25 • 16 cub. centims. EXPERIMENT II. 120 cub. centims. of i concentrated HG1 were added to the solution in flask Y. Volumes of iodine in K 1 taken. Burette B. Flask X, 25-08 cub. centims. Flask Y, 25-10 cub. centims. Volumes of thio required by above Burette A. Flask X, 25-21 cub. centims. Flask Y, 25-20 cub. centims. EXPERIMENT III. 120 cub. centims. of i concentrated HC1 were added to the solution in flask Y. Volumes of iodine in K 1 taken. Burette B. Flask X, 25 • 23 cub. centims. Flask Y, 25 • 19 cub. centims. Volumes of thio required by above Burette A. Flask X, 25 • 31 cub. centims. Flask Y, 25 • 29 cub. centims. EXPERIMENT IV. 120 cub. centims. of i concentrated HC1 were added to the solution in flask Y. Volumes of iodine in K 1 taken. Burette B. Flask X, 25-05 cub. centims. Flask Y, 25-06 cub. centims. Volumes of thio required by above Burette A. Flask X, 25-14 cub. centims. Flask Y, 25 • 1 7 cub. centims. Since hydrochloric acid of ^ concentration has then no influence on the titration of iodine in potassium iodide solution by sodium thiosulphate solution, we felt justified in using, in our experiments, such volumes of water as never permitted of the acid solution attaining a greater strength than j concentrated. [ 201 ] VI. Researches on Explosives. — Part III. By Sir ANDREW NOBLE, Bart., K.C.B., F.R.S., F.R.A.S. Received June 8, — Read June 8, 1905. [PLATES 1-13.] THE Researches which I venture to communicate to the Royal Society are, for the new explosives cordite, modified cordite, and nitro-cellulose, a continuation of the same modes of research, adopted in the experiments I made many years ago upon fired gunpowder with regard to the pressure and other phenomena attending its decomposition, and which appeared in the ' Philosophical Transactions.' * In the present investigations the same general methods have been followed, but with apparatus greatly improved and of much greater delicacy. The Academy of Sciences of France did Sir F. ABEL and myself the great honour to appoint MM. le General MORIN and BERTHELOT to report on our paper, and after giving an extended analysis of the results of our experiments the reporters con- cluded t : " Par cette analyse trop succincte de rimportant travail que MM. NOBLE et ABEL ont soumis au jugement de 1' Academic, on pent voir que malgre" certaines critiques auxquelles nul travail humain ne saurait echapper, 1'ensemble de leurs recherches n'en constitue pas moins une oeuvre capitale, propre a, jeter un grand jour sur toutes les questions qui se rattachent aux effets des poudres." A paper by M. BERTHELOT in the same No. of the ' Comptes Rendus ' draws attention to the chief point upon which that eminent chemist differed from ourselves. A study of the variations in the products when the decomposition of gunpowder was conducted under pressures widely different, varying in fact between 1 ton per sq. inch and 35 to 40 tons per sq. inch, led my lamented friend Sir F. ABEL and myself to state that, according to our view, "any attempt to express even in a complicated chemical equation the nature of the metamorphosis which a gunpowder of average composition may be considered to undergo, would only be calculated to convey an erroneous impression as to the simplicity or definite nature of the chemical results, and their uniformity under different conditions, while possessing no important bearing upon an elucidation of the theory of the explosion of gunpowder. " * NOBLE and ABEL, 'Fired Gunpowder,' Part I., 1875. t ' Comptes Rendus,' vol. 82, p. 492. VOL. CCV.— A 392. 2 D 23.9.05 202 SIE ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. M. BERTHELOT, in the memoir to which I have referred, considers that the view which we took was contrary to all that was known in chemistry. It is no light thing to differ from so great an authority as M. BERTHELOT ; but the innumerable experiments I have since made with various modern explosives, in which the decomposition is of a simpler nature than that of fired gunpowder, have only confirmed me in the opinion that Sir F. ABEL and I then expressed. Thus in a paper published in the ' Proceedings of the Royal Society,'* I pointed out that when gun-cotton was fired under a great variation of pressure, the variations in the proportions of the resulting gases were both great and regular. In passing, for instance, from explosions under a pressure varying from 1'5 ton per sq. inch (2287 atmospheres) to 50 tons per sq. inch (76217 atmospheres) the volume of carbonic anhydride increased from 26'49 per cent, to 36'18 per cent., while the carbon monoxide decreased from 36'G6 per cent, to 27'57 per cent. There were also other differences, though not quite so marked, such as the steady decrease of free hydrogen and the large and steady increase of marsh gas. In the researches on gun-cotton to which I have alluded, certain data, such as the units of heat and the quantity of water formed by the explosion, although deter- mined, were not determined under the varying conditions with regard to pressure and the quantity and nature of the gases generated, under which the explosion took place. In the researches I am about to refer to, all the data connected with the explosion have been carefully determined, and I preface an account of the experiments themselves by a description of the varied apparatus adopted, or specially designed, for determining the tension of the gases generated by the explosion, the volume of the permanent gases and their nature, the quantity of water formed, the units ot heat generated, the time taken to complete the explosion under different pressures and different dimensions of the cords, tubes, or ribbons, these being the forms under which the explosives are generally made up. I have made experiments also to determine the time in which the exploded gases part with their heat to the walls of the vessel in which they are confined. These investigations have opened out many suggestive points, but in the present paper I propose to confine myself to a description of the apparatus used and the results obtained, giving also a resume of the calculations made to test the accuracy of the observations. Commencing with the apparatus for firing the explosives experimented with at different densities, obtaining the gases for analysis, and measuring their total volume, the vessel A., in Plate 1, is one of the explosion .cylinders used for these experiments ; B is the plug closing the vessel, on which also is shown the arrangement by which, when desired, the gas is allowed to pass at a small pressure through the tubes, either * ' Roy. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 56, p. 209. SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 203 to the gasometer C or at pleasure into the gas tubes D, which, before the experi- ment, are filled with mercury, the stop-cocks above and below being closed ; E is a thermometer for determining the temperature of the gas when its volume is measured. Immediately after the explosion, if the vessel be quite tight, the valve at B is very slightly opened and the gas allowed to pass slowly through the tube F, containing pumice-stone and concentrated sulphuric acid, into the gasometer. When it is quite certain that all air is removed from the conducting tubes, the gas is allowed to flow into one of the gas tubes D, and shortly afterwards or at fixed intervals of time into the other two tubes, the quantity of gas in the tubes being added to that measured in the gasometer, the height of the barometer and the temperature of the gas at the moment of measurement being also determined. When the whole of the gas has been transferred to the gasometer, and the temperature and barometric pressure taken, the cylinder is opened. A considerable quantity of water is always found ; as much as possible of this water is collected by means of a weighed sponge placed in a weighed vessel, and closed by a ground glass plate. The amount of the water so collected is determined by weighing in the usual manner. After all the water that it is possible to remove with the sponge is collected, a weighed vessel of calcium chloride is placed in the cylinder, which is then closed, and left for one or two days, when the same procedure is followed with a second calcium chloride vessel, after which the cylinder is generally found to be perfectly dry. The next point to be determined is the amount of heat generated by the explosion. For this purpose a strong steel vessel, the section of which is shown in Plate 2, and of which the heat capacity is carefully determined, is employed. The calori- meter used is practically of the same construction as that described by OSTWALD in his ' Manual of Physico-Chemical Measurements.' A section of this calorimeter is also shown in Plate 2, the corresponding inner and outer surfaces of the several vessels being nickel plated. For some hours before the experiment the calorimeter is kept in a room maintained at as even a temperature as possible, the explosion vessel itself with the charge to be exploded being kept in the water as shown, so that the whole system may assume practically the same temperature. The rise of temperature due to the explosion being approximately known from previous experiments, the water in the outer cylinder before firing is kept at a temperature about half way between the initial and final temperatures of the inner vessel. The thermometers employed for these determinations are calorimetric, specially made for calorimetric experiments, and are only used for observing changes of temperature, and not for determining absolute values. The range of measurement in the thermometers I used was about 8° C., but by a special contrivance these 8° 2 D 2 204 SIE ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. can be brought to any point of the thermometric scale that may be desired. The temperature can be read approximately to O'OOl0 C. Full illustrations of a few of the calorimetric observations will be given with the corresponding calculations, and a resume of the results of the experiments at the end of the paper. The analysis of the gaseous products of explosion was carried out by means of SODEAU'S gas analysis apparatus,* the principal features of which are shown in Plate 3. Mr. SODEAU'S apparatus is admitted to be the most convenient that has been yet devised. I am indebted to him for the description of his apparatus and the mode of analysis followed. The tubes used for measuring and correcting for variations of temperature and pressure are placed in a cylindrical water-jacket. The measuring tube M is of 50 cub. centims. capacity, and is graduated in -^-cub. centirn. divisions. Its upper end terminates in a capillary three-way stop-cock N, arranged so that the capillary K may be placed in communication either with the interior of the measuring tube or with the bent tube U containing water. The zero point of the graduation is at the outer side of the plug of the stop-cock N. The level tube L communicates with the measuring tube by means of a side branch, bent so as to prevent any entangled air bubbles from reaching the measuring tube. The lower end of the level tube is connected to a T piece, one end of which is provided with a stop-cock and leads to the mercury reservoir, whilst the other is prolonged across the table to a point near the reading telescope, where it terminates in a piece of thick-walled rubber tubing, the compression of which by a broad screw clip affords a means of accurately adjust- ing the level of the mercury without taking one's eye from the reading telescope. In order to render the apparatus more compact, the reading telescope is placed on the gas analysis table instead of on a separate support, and all graduations are consequently on the side opposite to that from which the stop-cocks are manipulated. An illuminating arrangement slides on the rod P. The corrections for variations of temperature and pressure are found by means of the "Kew Principle" correction tube C, which is so called because, as in the " Kew " barometer, the disturbance of the level of the liquid is allowed for in the graduation of the instrument, instead of being adjusted before each reading is taken. It consists of a cylindrical bulb having a stop-cock at its upper end, and attached below to a U tube, which is graduated on one limb and filled with water up to the zero mark whilst the stop-cock is open. The volume of air contained in the bulb is such that the water is displaced to the extent of one small division by a change of temperature and atmospheric pressure, which will cause a gas to experience an alteration of volume amounting to O'l per cent. These small divisions are further * 'Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry,' Feb. 28, 1903, page 187. SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 205 subdivided into tenths by eye estimation. Errors of parallax are avoided by the use of a mounted lens sliding on the rod E, and the corrections are thus read directly in percentages as easily as the temperatures would be read by means of a thermometer. Absorptions are carried out in separate pipettes, one of which is shown in position. About 20 cub. centims. of the absorbent is usually confined over mercury in the bulb E, which is slightly inclined in order to facilitate the return of the unabsorbed gas. The horizontal bulb D receives the mercury displaced by the gas. The bulb F contains clean mercury, and, like the bulb E, can be placed in communication with the capillary G by means of the three-way stop-cock H. The explosion pipette resembles that of DITTMAR, but has a three-way stop-cock and mercury bulb arranged as in the absorption pipettes. In conducting an analysis, the sample tube is connected to the measuring tube by means of a capillary tube previously filled with mercury, and the gas drawn in by lowering the reservoir. After the mercury has been roughly levelled, the stop- cock N is turned so as to connect the capillary K with the tube U, and an absorption pipette, containing caustic potash solution, connected to the measuring tube by means of thick- walled rubber tubing, the ends of the capillaries being made to meet. A little water is then sucked through the capillaries into the bulb F, and mercury allowed to run back and fill the capillaries. The stop-cock leading to the large mercury reservoir having been closed, and the level tube being open to the atmo- sphere, the mercury is accurately levelled, as already described, and the volume ol the gas read by means of the reading telescope. A reading of the correction tube is also taken. In order to determine the amount of carbon dioxide present, the gas is driven over into the absorption pipette, followed by sufficient mercury to clear the capillaries, and the pipette well shaken in order to make the absorption complete. A little more mercury is then run over in order to clear away the potash from the bottom of the capillary attached to the absorption bulb, and the stop-cock N reversed so that the mercury in the capillaries runs into the tube U. The stop-cock N is then again turned and the gas slowly passes into the measuring tube, the rate being controlled by the stop-cock H, which is reversed as soon as the absorbent reaches it, so that the gas may be swept out of the capillaries by means of clean mercury from the bulb F. The stop-cock N is closed as soon as it is reached by the mercury. The gas is again carefully measured and the decrease of volume (after the correction for alteration of temperature and pressure has been applied) is equal to the amount of carbon dioxide originally present. The residue is then treated with alkaline pyrogallol, in order to ascertain whether any trace of air has been left in the connecting tubes during the collection of the sample and has so contaminated the gas. (This is more likely to occur when the explosion has taken place under feeble pressures and but little gas been produced.) If any oxygen is absorbed by the pyrogallol, its volume is multiplied by 4 '8 and the product (representing the volume of air present) deducted from the 206 SIR ANDEEW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. volume of gas taken for analysis, in order to obtain the volume of uncontaminated gas in the sample, and hence the correct percentages of the various constituents. Carbon monoxide is next removed by prolonged treatment with two successive portions of acid cuprous chloride solution. After absorption in the first cuprous chloride pipette the gas is directly transferred to a second pipette containing a solution which has not previously absorbed more than a trace of carbon monoxide, this transference being accomplished in practically the same manner as the return of the gas to the measuring tube, which takes place after transference to a pipette containing a little water, which removes the traces of hydrochloric acid derived from the cuprous chloride solution. An excess of oxygen* is then added, and, after measuring, the mixture is transferred to the explosion pipette, where it is exploded by means of an electric spark after expanding to such a volume as to prevent any marked oxidation of the nitrogen, whilst ensuring the complete combustion of the methane and hydrogen. The residue is next measured in order to ascertain the reduction of volume resulting from the explosion, and the carbon dioxide, produced by the combustion of the methane, is determined by absorption with potash. The volume of the carbon dioxide produced is equal to that of the methane originally present. The contraction due to the combustion of the methane, or in other words, twice the volume of the carbon dioxide, is deducted from the total contraction resulting from the explosion, and two-thirds of the corrected contraction so obtained is equal to the volume of hydrogen. Finally, the excess of oxygen remaining after explosion is determined by means of alkaline pyrogallol as a check upon the amounts of hydrogen and methane calculated as above. The nitrogen is estimated by difference. The above represents the routine determination of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane and nitrogen, as usually carried out, but additional tests have also been employed in order to ascertain whether certain other bodies were present in measurable quantities, but with negative results. Thus some of the gas samples were examined for unsaturated hydro-carbons (ethylene, &c.) immediately after the removal of the carbon dioxide, by shaking the gas with fuming sulphuric acid,t and removing acid fumes in the potash pipette before again measuring. No change of volume was ordinarily observed, and in no case did the change exceed O'l per cent., hence the samples did not contain any appreciable quantity of unsaturated hydrocarbons. The ordinary determinations of contraction resulting from explosion, carbon dioxide * The oxygen is prepared by the electrolysis of dilute sulphuric acid in a Hof mann voltameter and freed from traces of hydrogen by treatment in a Winkler combustion pipette. A supply is stored over mercury in one of the ordinary absorption pipettes ready for use. t Fuming sulphuric acid was used in one of the ordinary absorption pipettes, provided with a guard tube containing sulphuric acid, in order to prevent moisture from gaining access to the upper bulb D. Of course no mercury was employed in the absorption bulb, and that in the capillaries was driven into the bulb F when sending the gas into the pipette. SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 207 produced, and oxygen consumed, do not afford a means of distinguishing methane from its homologues in presence of an excess of hydrogen ; thus ethane, together with its own volume of hydrogen, would give the same numerical results as two volumes of methane. A process of fractional combustion was therefore applied to some of the samples obtained from high density charges, as these contained large proportions ot saturated hydrocarbons. After removing carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and unsaturated hydrocarbons, an excess of oxygen was added and the hydrogen was removed by repeatedly passing over gently heated palladinized asbestos contained in a capillary tube attached to a pipette containing water, as in the ordinary Orsat- Lunge apparatus, until no further decrease of volume occurred. The residual mixture was then examined by explosion, &c., in the usual manner. In each case the volume of carbon dioxide produced almost exactly half that of the decrease, resulting from the explosion, which latter was equal to the volume of oxygen consumed. These ratios agree with those required by the equation CH4+2Oi = CO,+2H,0, but differ markedly from those which would result with the homologues of methane, thus even with ethane the proportions are 4:5:7 instead of 1 : 2 : 2. It therefore follows that the saturated hydrocarbons should be calculated as methane, none of the other members of the series being present in appreciable quantities. Examination of the water condensed in the closed vessel showed that the gas could not contain either ammonia or cyanogen in marked quantities, as the distribution under high pressure would so greatly favour the water. The presence of oxides of nitrogen is, of course, incompatible with that of a large proportion of hydrogen, as the gases have slowly cooled from a very high temperature. A trace of sulphuretted hydrogen, sufficient to markedly discolour mercury, exists in the gas when black powder is used as a lighter, but for all practical purposes the gaseous products of explosion may be regarded as consisting entirely of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane and nitrogen. One other arrangement of apparatus remains to be described, and that apparatus is used both for determining the time that explosives of various forms and natures require for their transformation, and for determining the rate at which they communicate the heat accompanying the explosion to the walls of the vessel in which the explosion takes place. The apparatus (see Plate 4) consists of an explosion vessel of the usual form, the explosion vessel being closed at its two ends by gas-tight plugs, through one of which pass the firing wires, while to the plug at the other end is fitted a pressure indicator. The pressure indicator is provided with a steel plunger of small area, which is exposed to the gas pressure. An enlarged continuation of this plunger engages the end of a spiral spring a, the 208 SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. resistance of which has been carefully determined. Attached to this plunger at I is a lever, the fulcrum of which, c, is fixed to the stationary bracket of the indicator, so that, when the spring is compressed, motion is given to the ends of the lever. Fixed to the lever are two electric magnets d, the one to record seconds, the other to perfect the firing circuit. A rocking bar e is coupled up over the seconds magnet, which is again coupled at the other end by a link /, thus conveying the seconds beats of the chronometer to the pen tracing its path on the revolving drum. The revolving drum itself is of light wood ; fixed to the frame are two rods gg, upon which slides the carriage for carrying the recording pen. The pen is held up by a detent, which is liberated by the firing current passing through the electro- magnet to which the detent is attached. There are two speeds given to the drum, the first a high speed (about 40 inches per second), the second very slow, about one inch per second. The drum is revolved by means of cord bands, which lead from the speed gear of the motor. Before firing, the fast-speed cord is made to drive the drum, the slow-speed cord running free ; about one or two seconds after the explosion the change speed lever is raised, thereby releasing the fast cord and tightening the slow cord. The fast speed is obtained approximately by watching the tachometer, but the actual speed is determined by measuring the length of the second on the recording diagram. The diagram is traced on a sheet of tin foil backed by paper. This is placed on the drum as shown on Plate 4, the edges being joined with gum, the surface being smoked black by camphor. The chronometer is of the ordinary marine type, but is furnished with a seconds make-and-break arrangement ; this being coupled up through a relay to the pressure lever, causes the recording pen to beat seconds till the desired curve is complete. The action of the apparatus during an experiment is as follows : — All connections being made, the chronometer is coupled up, the pen carriage beating seconds, but no mark is yet made on the recording tin foil, the pen being held by the detent. The drum is started, and when it has reached the desired speed, as shown by the tachometer, the button of the firing battery is pressed and the circuit is completed at the beat of the next second. The current simultaneously releases the pen and fires the charge. As quickly as possible the speed is reduced by raising the speed lever and at the same time reducing the speed of the motor. The chronometer continues to beat seconds, thereby giving the relation between time and pressure until the experiment is concluded. The diagram is then removed from the drum by cutting through the point where the pen dropped, this being the beat of the second firing the charge. The sheet is then laid on a tray face up, flooded with thin varnish, and hung up to dry. For the purposes of these reseaches, which are specially directed to ascertain the differences in the phenomena attending the transformation of explosives fired under diiferent pressures, I have employed three explosives, viz., the cordite known as SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 209 Mark I (for which the country has been indebted to the labours of Sir F. ABEL and Sir J. DEWAR), the modified cordite known as M.D., and a tubular nitrocellulose known as R. R. Rottweil. The general results, which I need not say have necessitated much calculation, are given in tables, but I think it necessary to give the results of a few experiments worked out in full, these being a fair sample of the whole series. In each case I give the reconciliation between the elements determined in the explosive and the same elements found in the gases after explosion. Taking into account the fact that the explosives themselves are not always of precisely the same composition, and also the nature of the experiments, the recon- ciliation to which I have referred is a very great deal closer than I expected. It has been suggested to me more than once that the mixture of the gases might not be homogeneous, that is, that tubes taken at different times from the explosion vessel might not give the same analysis. I have not found this to be the case. Thus, in an experiment where a charge of Rottweil R. R. was fired under a pressure of 20'5 tons per sq. inch (3125 atmospheres), and a tube of the resultant gases was taken so soon as it was certain that all the air contained in the conducting tubes, &c., was displaced, a second tube being taken 6 or 7 minutes later, the analysis gave for the two tubes of permanent gases the following percentages : — 1st tube. 2nd tube. C02 CO H CH4 N 28 '06 percentage volumes. 34-02 17-16 7-41 13-35 28-02 percentage volumes. 33-92 17-00 7-40 13-66 Taking now the data given by the explosion of a charge of 3 2 '6 8 grammes of M.D., which was fired at a density of O'l under a pressure of G-9 tons per sq. inch (1051 '8 atmospheres), the resultant quantity of gas was 27,486 cub. centims. at 160-6 C., and under bar. pressure of 75T33 millims. = 25,916 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 751 "33 millims. = 25,621 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. The quantity of water collected was 4136 grammes, equivalent to 5145'! cub. centims. aqueous vapour at 0° C. and 760 millims. The percentage results of the analysis of the permanent gases in volumes are given in Column I., the total volumes in Column II, the percentage volumes, including aqueous vapour, are shown in Column III., and the percentage weights of the total gases in Column IV. VOL. ccv. — A. 2 E 210 SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. I. II. III. IV. Percentage volumes, Total, permanent gases, Percentage volumes, total Percentage weights, total permanent gases. cub. centims. gases. gases. C02. 20-10 5,149-8 16-74 30-82 CO .... 40-70 10,427-7 33-90 39-71 H . . . . 23-10 5,918-4 19-24 1-61 CH4 . . . 1-00 256-3 0-83 0-55 N . . . . 15-10 3,868-8 12-57 14-74 H20 ... 16-72 12-57 The reconciliation between the amounts of C, O, H and N, contained originally in the explosive, and found in the products of explosion, were obtained as follows : — C,. 02. H2. N2. CO.,* CO ... H . . . CH4* . . N . . . 0-2010 0-4070 0-2310 o-oioo 0-1510 0-1005 0-2035 0-0050 0-2010 0-2035 0-2310 0-0200 0-1510 Total s . . . . 0-3090 0-4045 0-2510 0-1510 Multiplying the carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen by 12, 16, and 14 respectively, we obtain : - C2. grammes. 3-708 0,. grammes. ' 6-472 H2. grammes. 0-2510 N2. grammes. 2-114 And again multiplying by 2 • 295 25,621-0 , 11,160-7 Add the H20 In M.D. cordite Difference C2. grammes. 8-510 02. grammes. 14-85 3-67 H2. grammes. 0-57 0-46 N2. grammes. 4-850 8-51 9-11 18-53 18-66 1-03 1-030 4-85 4-49t -0-60 - 0-13 o-oo + 0-36 In this experiment the quantity of gas and water measured shows that 1 gramme of M.D. under the pressure named above gave rise to 788 '4 cub. centims. of permanent gases, or to 946 '4 cub. centims. including aqueous vapour. @ A * Using HOFMANN'S notation : t Including N in cylinder. SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 211 Again, with a charge of 99 '65 grammes of M.D. cordite and a density of 0'3, the gaseous pressure being 27'62 tons per sq. inch (4210'3 atmospheres), the quantity of gas measured, after being reduced to 0° C. and 760 millims. pressure, was 72,768 cub. centims., while the quantity of water collected was 11 '162 grammes, equals 13,885'5 cub. centims. aqueous vapour at 0° C. and 760 millims. pressure. I. II. III. IV. Percentage volumes, permanent gases. Total, permanent gases, cub. centims. Percentage volumes, total gases. Percentage weights, total gases. CO, . . . CO ... H . . . . CH4 . . . N . . . . H20 . . . 29-40 31-10 17-75 6-55 15-20 21,393-7 22,630-9 12,916-4 4,766-3 11,060-7 24-69 26-12 14-91 5-50 12-76 16-02 42-07 28-32 1-16 3-41 13-91 11-13 From the above data it appears that the explosion gave rise to 735 cub. centims. of permanent gas and 87 5 '3 cub. centims. total gas when reduced to 0° C. and 760 millims. pressure. RECONCILIATION. C2. 02. H,. N2. CO,. . . 0-294 CO ... 0-311 H . . . ; 0-1775 CH4. . . 0-0655 N . . . 0-152 0-147 0-1555 0-03275 0-294 0-1555 0-1775 0-1310 0-152 1-000 0-3352 0-4495 0-3085 0-152 x!2 x!6 xl4 = 4-022 7-192 0-3085 2-128 72 768'0 Multiplying again by — — = 6 '520, we have as the weights found in grammes :— Adding for H20 Totals In cordite before explosion Difference C2. 26-22 02. 46-89 9-92 H2. 2-01 1-24 N2. 13-88 26-22 27-05 56-81 56-26 3-25 3-33 13-88 13-36 -0-83 + 0-55 2 E 2 -0-08 + 0-52 212 SIR ANDREW NOBLE: EESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. Again, taking from Experiment 1416 an example of transformation at a high pressure, a charge of 81 grammes (including lighter) of Mark I cordite fired under a pressure of 22'5 tons per sq. inch (3429'8 atmospheres), the quantity of gas generated after being reduced to 0° C. and 760 millims. pressure was 54, 961 '5 cub. centims. As before, the percentage in volumes of the permanent gases is shown in Column L, of the total gas in Column III., and the respective weights of the total gases in Column IV. The quantity of H2O collected was 11 '96 grammes = 14,878'2 cub. centims. aqueous vapour at 0° C. and 760 millims. I. II. III. IV. Percentage volumes, Total, permanent gases. Percentage volumes, total •Percentage weights, total permanent gases. cub. centims. gases. gases. CO, . . . 31-30 17,203-0 24-63 41-95 'CO ... 29-50 16,213-7 23-22 25-15 H . . . . 18-50 10,167-8 14-56 1-13 CH4 . . . 1-95 1,071-7 1-53 0-95 N . . . . 18-75 10,305-3 14-76 16-02 H,0 . . . — — 21-30 14-80 These data give the quantity of permanent gases generated at 686 "4 cub. centims. and the total gases at 869 -7 cub. centims. per gramme. Proceeding to compare as before the elements in the cordite and in the exploded gases, we have : — C* 02. H2. N2. C02. . . CO ... H . . . CH4. . . N . . . 0-3130 0-2950 0-1850 0-0195 0-1875 0-1565 0-1475 0-0098 0-3130 0-1475 0-1850 0-0390 0-1875 0-3138 0-4605 0-224 0-1875 x!2 x 16 x!4 =3-766 7-368 0-224 2-625 SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 213 ' 11,1607 we nave lur > veigrits in Add for H20 Totals The cordite C2. 18-55 02. 36-28 10-63 H2. 1-10 1-33 N2. 12-93 18-55 18-47 46-91 46-94 2-43 2-43 12-93 12-46 Difference + 0-08 -0-03 0-00 + 0-47 Experiment 1401.— At a density of 0'4 a charge of 128'5 grammes of Rottweil nitrocellulose E.R., giving a pressure of 34 -9 tons per sq. inch (5320'0 atmospheres), generated 88,689 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. pressure, also 15 '2 3 grammes of water = 18,946'! cub. centim. of aqueous vapour at 0° C. and 760 millims. GAS ANALYSIS. I. II. III. IV. Percentage Total, Percentage Purcenta volumes, permanent gases, volumes, total weights, tc permanent gases. cub. centims. gases. gases. C02. . . . 33-70 29,888-2 27-44 45-80 CO .... 28-90 25,631-1 23-53 24-99 H . . . . 14-20 12,593-8 11-56 0-88 CH4 ... 9-85 8,735-9 8-02 4-87 N . . . . 13-35 11,840-0 10-87 11-57 H20 . . . — 18-58 11-89 Hence we have 690 '1 cub. centims. of permanent gases, or 8 46 "8 cub. centims. including aqueous vapour per gramme of explosive. Proceeding to reconcile the elements, we have : — C2. 02. Ha. N2. C02. . . CO ... H . . . CH4. . . N . . . 0-3370 0-2890 0-1420 0-0985 0-1335 0-1680 0-1450 0-0495 0-3370 0-1340 0-1420 0-1970 0-1335 1-0000 0-3625 0-4810 0-3390 0-1335 x!2 x!6 x!4 = 4-350 7-700 0-339 1'870 214 SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. Multiplying again by Add H20 Totals In the R.R. nitrocellulose Difference = 7'947, we have the weights :- C2. 02. H2. N» grammes. grammes. grammes. grammes. 34-57 61-08 2-69 14-83 — 13-54 1-69 — 34-57 74-62 4-38 14-83 35-85 73-33 4-06 15-16 -1-28 + 1-29 + 0-32 -0-33 In the reduction of the experiments hitherto considered, it has not been necessary to make any correction to the quantity of gas, as the weight of the gases sufficiently accurately represents the weight of the explosive experimented on, but it occasionally happens, especially at high pressures, that, at the moment of firing, a puff of gas escapes, the leak, however, being generally only momentary, the explosion vessel becoming later perfectly tight. In these cases of course the weight would be in defect, but in a few cases the weight of the gases was in excess, and I proceed to show how these experiments were dealt with. Experiment 1417.— At a density of 0'45 a charge of 143'91 grammes of M.D. cordite, giving a pressure of 43'22 tons per square inch (6588'2 atmospheres), generated 98,231-9 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. pressure; the water collected was 15'59 grammes = 19,384'0 cub. centims. The analysis of the perma- nent gases in volumes gave : — I. II. III. IV. Percentage volumes, permanent gases. Total, permanent gases. Percentage volumes, total gases. Percentage weights, total gases. C02 . . CO .... H . . . . CH, . . . N . . . . H.O . . . 36-6 24-8 11-9 10-7 16-0 cub. centims. grammes. 35,952-9 = 70-86 24',361-5 = 30-55 11,689-6 = 1-05 10,510-8 = 7-54 15,717-1 = 19-76 30-56 20-71 9-94 8-94 13-36 16-49 48-75 21-02 0-72 5-19 13-59 10-73 Now if to the weights given in Column III. we add the weights of water, it will be found that the total weight is 1'44 grammes greater than the charge actually employed. The volume of the gases has therefore been reduced to 97,589'5 cub. centims., thus giving 676'3 cub. centims. of permanent gases or 810'6 cub. centims. total gas for each gramme exploded. SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. RECONCILIATION. 215 C2. 02. H2. N2. C02. . . CO ... H . . . CH4 . . N . . . 0-366 0-248 0-119 0-107 0-160 0-183 0-124 0-054 0-366 0-124 0-119 0-214 0-160 1-000 0-361 0-490 0-333 0-160 x!2 x!6 x!4 = 4-332 7-840 0-333 2-240 Multiplying again by Add H2O Totals In M.D. Difference Q7 ' "* 11,160 •7 " C,. 0,. grammes. grammes. 37-88 68-56 — 13-86 37-88 82-42 39-06 81-24 = 8744:- -1-18 + 1-18 H2. grammes. 2-91 1-73 4-64 4-80 -0-16 N2. grammes. 19-59 19-59 19-29 + 0-30 Experiment 1496. — At a density of 0'5 a charge of 155 "84 grammes of cordite were fired under a pressure of 52 '84 tons per sq. inch (80547 atmospheres). On firing, a slight escape of gas passed the firing plug, which, however, became immediately tight. The quantity of gas measured was 93,1 99 -8 cub. centims., when reduced to 0° C. and 760 millims. pressure. 21 '135 grammes of water were collected, representing 26,291 cub. centims. aqueous vapour. At the standard temperature and pressure, the gas analysis was as follows : — I. II. Percentage Total, grammes. volumes, Total, permanent gases. permanent gases. cub. centims. grammes. C02 . . 41-95 39,097-3 = 77-06 CO ... 19-10 17,801-2 = 22-32 H . . . . CH4 . . . 12-05 7-05 11,230-6 = 1-01 6,570-6 = 4-71 -149-49 N . . . . 19-85 18,500-2 = 23-25 H20 . . . 21-14 - 216 SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. If the column of weights be added up, it will be found that there is a deficiency of 6 '3 5 grammes. The quantity of gas measured must therefore be increased to 97,158-9 cub. centims., and the corrected calculation will stand thus: — I. II. III. IV. Percentage volumes, Total, permanent gases. Percentage volumes, Percentage weights, total permanent gases. total gases. gases. cub. centims. grammes. CO, . . . 41-95 40,758-2 = 80-38 33-02 51-84 CO ... 19-10 18,557-3 = 23-29 15-03 15-03 H . . . 12-05 11,707-7 = 1-04 9-48 0-67 CH4 . . . 7-05 6,849-7 = 4-93 5-55 3-18 N . . . 19-85 19,286-0 = 24-26 15-62 15-65 H,0 . . . — 27,408-4 = 21-94 21-30 13-63 Total gases .... 124,567-3 =155-84 — — RECONCILIATION. C,. 02. Hg. N» C02 . . . CO ... H . . . CH4. . . N . . . 0 4195 0-1910 0-1205 0-0705 0-1985 0-2098 0-0955 0-0353 0-4195 0-0955 0-1205 0-1410 0-1985 0-3406 0-5150 0-2615 0-1985 x!2 x!6 x!4 =4-087 8-240 0-2615 2-779 Multiplying again by H20 Totals Originally in cordite J 11,1607 grammes. 35-58 O2. grammes. 71-73 19-50 H2. grammes. 2-28 2-44 N2. grammes. 24-19 35-58 35-65 91-23 90-69 4-72 4-68 24-19 24-05 -0-07 + 0-54 + 0-04 + 0-14 The heat units evolved by the explosion were, as has been already mentioned, determined in a calorimeter of the type of that described by Professor OSTWALD in his " Physico-Chemical Measurements." SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 217 The heat capacities of the explosion vessels were carefully determined, as were those of the calorimeters and their equipage, including the stirrers and the mercurial thermometers. The latter were of the differential type described by Professor OSTWALD, those I used having a range of about 8° C. Two observations for each density were sufficient if the observations were accordant. If not accordant, three were generally taken. Not unnaturally, the observations at the higher densities were considerably more accordant than those at the lower. Commencing with the Chilworth R. R. nitrocellulose (tubular) in Experiment 1344, 9'17 grammes were fired, the explosion vessel, when fired, being suspended in 4000 grammes of distilled water in the calorimeter, the water equivalent of the explosion vessel and the calorimeter being 680 cub. centims. It was then found that immediately before explosion the calorimeter differential thermometer showed 1°'1G1 (equivalent to 19° '9 C.). Degrees Cent. Difference. Temperature before explosion 1-161 „ 2 minutes after explosion . . . 2-600 — 4 „ „ „ ... 3-043 6 „ „ ... 3-055 8 3-057 - -002 » 10 ,, 3-055 - -003 » 12 „ ,, „ 3-052 - -001 i) 14 >, ,, >, 3-051 - -003 16 „ „ ... 3-048 - -004 18 „ „ ... 3-044 - -002 20 „ „ ... 3-042 C. It will be observed that the maximum temperature reached was. . 3° '057 Subtracting temperature before explosion 1°'161 we have 1°'896 Adding correction for lost heat during rise 0°'010 •1°-906 Hence ^— = 9727 heat units. VOL. CCV. — A. 2 F 218 SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. The temperature of the water in the outer vessel did not move during the experiment, being 21°'0 C. before and after. A second determination of the heat, developed under the same conditions, was made in Experiment 1345, which was simply a repetition of Experiment 1344. Here, immediately before explosion, the differential thermometer gave a temperature of 0°722 (equivalent to 19°'4 C.). Degrees Cent. Difference. Temperature at moment of explosion .... 0-722 „ 2 minutes after explosion . . . 2-050 4. 11 11 » 11 2-575 6 „ „ ... 2-604 ,. 11 11 it ... 2-618 -•001 „ iv -. ,, ,* ... 2-617 - -003 19 11 *•« 11 11 11 ... 2-614 -•002 11 11 11 ... 2-612 -•003 -| r> 11 11 11 11 ... 2-609 Here the maximum temperature reached in 8 minutes was Subtracting temperature before explosion Correction for loss of heat C. 2°-618 0°722 l°-896 0°'009 1°-905 Hence units of heat developed = 4680x1'905 = 972 '2 units. 9'17 The previous experiment having given 9727 heat units, the mean may be taken as 972'5. It is unnecessary to say that this degree of accuracy is exceptional, but still, considering the nature of the experiments, the accuracy, even at moderate densities, cannot be considered unsatisfactory. Thus in Experiment 1392, at a density of 0'25, 7737 grammes of M.D. were fired, the differential thermometer being at 2°'012 (equivalent to 18°'3 C.). Hence SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 219 Degrees Cent. Difference. Temperature at moment of explosion .... 2-012 93 2 minutes after explosion . . . 3-510 )» 4 j» » »» ... 3-707 » 6 „ ... 3-721 »» 8 „ „ „ ... 3-721 - -002 >i 10 „ „ ... 3-719 - -003 >) 12 „ „ ... 3-716 - -002 n 14 „ 3-714 - -003 i) 16 „ 3-711 C. . . 3°721 . . 2°'012 1°-709 Correction 0°'011 Hence maximum temperature reached . Less 1°-720 TT ., f , 4680x1-720 ,nono Hence units ot heat = = 1039 '2 units. 7737 The repeat Experiment 1393 gave TT -4. c v, 4. 4680x1-720 iriOAO •, Units of heat = = 1030 '2 units. 7'737 Again, in Experiment 1390, at the same density, 0'25, the same number of grammes were fired, the differential thermometer immediately before the explosion being at 0°-581 (equivalent to 18° "6 C.). Hence :— Degrees Cent. Difference. Temperature at moment of explosion .... 0-581 n 2 minutes after explosion . . . 2-362 11 4 „ ... 2-599 ii 6 „ ... 2-617 ii 8 „ „ „ ... 2-618 - -004 n 10 „ „ ... 2-614 - -003 ii 12 „,, „ ... 2-611 - -004 ii 14 „ „ ... 2-607 - -004 n 16 „ „ ... 2-603 220 SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. C. Hence maximum temperature reached . . . . 2° '6 18 Less 0°-581 2°'037 Add correction . 0°'012 2°'049 TT ., ,., 4680x2-049 10QQ K Hence units of heat = = 1239 '5. 7737 The repeat Experiment No. 1391 gave TT ., „, 4680x2-060 Units of heat = ^^ = 1246'2. To illustrate the remark I made as to increase of accuracy when taking the calorimetric observations at the higher densities, I give the whole of the observations on this point with Mark I cordite. Thus, at the density of 0'05 the three observations were, respectively, 1265'!, 1303'0, 1248'8, or a mean of 1272'3 units. With density O'l the three observations were 1275"8, 1240'5, 12357, or a mean of 12507 units. Density 0-15 gave 12597, 1247'2, 12427, or a mean of 1249'9. With density 0'20, 1245'2, 1246-5, 1241-0, or a mean of 1244'2. Density 0'25, 1246'2, 1239'5, and 1241'3, giving a mean of 1242'3. 0'3 density gave 1276*9, 1280'0, 1264'0, mean 1273'6 : for 0'4, 1305-0 and 1294'3 or 12997 mean, and for 0'45, 1326'3 and 1320'0 or mean 1323'2. We are now in a position to give in a tabular form the result of the series of experiments on the three explosives fired under a variety of densities and pressures, and with regard to which the essential constants have been determined. These tables give : — (1.) The densities under which the various charges were fired. (2.) The volumes of permanent gases generated at 0° C. and 760 millims. of barometric pressure per gramme of explosive. (3.) The total volume of gas per gramme, aqueous vapour being included. (4.) The percentage volumes of permanent gases. (5.) The percentage volumes of the total gases. (6.) The percentage weights of the total gases. (7.) The pressures at each density in tons per sq. inch. (8.) The same pressures in atmospheres. (9.) The units of heat determined, the water being fluid. (10.) The imits of heat, water being gaseous. (11.) The specific heat of the products of explosion for each density. (12.) The comparative temperatures of explosion determined by dividing the units of heat (water gaseous) by the specific heats in (11). (13.) The comparative potential energy, the highest energy determined being taken as unity. SIE ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 221 >n co oo m o m m m 02 r-H O O 00 01 eo oo in en o o o ••* m to co •* co t~ oo 10 co 00 O CO i— i to CD IO oo o CO ^^ CN O Oi 00 O O CM 'Ji O — i CT CO O t- O ° rH IO 0 CO 00 2 o eo c-j °°rtrt S •* O5 O o in o m o CO CD OO O CM CO i— i ^ t- O in r— ' 00 CO CJ2 i— 1 CO 00 IN in •* 1- ^ CD CO OO CO in CM oo CO t- CO t- CM to •^ 00 t~ •* CM O C3 O ^H 0 ••* CO IN r-H r-H O t~ i— i CO lO i— i CO I— 1 r— 1 r— 1 CM OO 00 O O •* •^ r— 1 r- 1 rH i— 1 O O5 CO O ° O •*»H r-H OT CM £• CO (M CM 2 to~~ g o co •«* co 0 0 O O 0 t~ OO IO CO t- t- r-H f-l CM to CO CO t- O2 tO OO IO CO OO •* 00 00 O5 o t- o in co oo •* O 05 00 .-H S IO r-H CJS O2 O O O O O r— 1 O5 IO CO O3 O O i— i «>• CO O 02 CM ^ ^* 02 o CM ca 1-1 •— t- O CO CO CM CO CO OO 10 0 '00 o oo C3 CO t- •^t in CJi CO - in o in 10 10 O r-H CN -^ 1 — 1 CO CO •* CD to IO O O r— 1 CO O CO ^H O CO f-l CM t^ CM t- r-H CM CO O OO i-H CM O2 CM 0 rtrt s o> • o fe OJ O CO bD c3 jps> §3 1° PH ^gca M • o-. ttlMl 51Sf^«SS .g.-g|||i| £Q MH *+-< JS CO t- 0 0 0 g g 1 11 II I (^AntJpccHO A o O 222 SIE ANDEEW NOBLE : EESEAECHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 1C -* CO CO o o o o o CD OO Oi i— O CD r-H -^ -^ CO O^ in t- o cu co •* m ° co o o oj °g oo ,-H o J£ in r-H r-H ^7 ^s1 O CO O CO o o m m o -^ r-H i— m CM O CT i— i O CD CM CD r-H OJ in t- O t~ CM CD r-H r-H CO O CO r— 1 •<* O5 r- 1 CM oo m O CO CM CO CO CD CO CM CO CM CO OO O m in CO I— t- oo o> r-H t~ so m CM CO i— < i — i •* CD -* in (N CD (M (M r-H 1— 1 r— 1 CM OO r-H CO CO r-H •^ CM r-H r-H £- O t— t— O ?-. O CM r-H CO O J2 CM 0 O J° -* ,-H ,-H ^* 10 CM 1O CO in 10 o in in t- CO 00 CO T— I in CO i — 1 O r-H O •* • 00 r-H 0 CT> £' CO r-H ^rP O (M i— I 1O o o o o o OO CO 1— •«* OO O3 O CO CO CO C5 as m co o o^ ^ ci m m in O r-H CO CD O5 OO co I-H t~ o co in O -* O5 oo o CO CM | S3 1* .4, S S e« 8 * ffgw M • o-. fe -g, S fe • fl O r*H-M 4-1 oj tn P< CO -g r* ^ O al^S -B^ <^ftf«le .S.sJ,SjB-l £ S'S'S o | g C£2 ® S g 53 M ao rs a, et, ra S .-g .-g o a a iisim § O O Q SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 223 in •** OS CO o in in o o O CO CO I-H -* co o •* in co o> l-H (M IO oo in tN CO os o •**< ^< CM os t- 000 OS -* co oo CO t- •<* OS IO CO • CO CO (M (M l-H l-H l-H in CO O -* CO r-H •* CM f-H l-H -* O l-H l-H O 1- O CO CM CM CO CO 0 OS 0 in rH «N o co os CM CO CM CO i— i ID O O r-H -* CO t- co in o i~- 10 -* •* CO (N I-H CO O OO CM CO 10 OS CM OS i-H OO CO -^ *< CO OO O CO t- CO i— 1 -* * CO l-H l-H 1-H t~ O OO° O CM r~ t- ^H co CM OS OS 25 « g CM CM CM CM CO O IO IO O O r-H in CM t- -* CO OS t~ t~ CO 00 CO O CO 00 O CO 00 IO CO C-l O CO oo ^H co in m m -* 10 oo in co 1>- CO -* •* CO O OS CM t~ t- O OS CM in CM t- OS IO CO O -* CO CM CO CM I-H O O CO CO I-H t- CO 1O O Jr- I-H o in o o in OJ -* -* CO CO OO CO I-H OS OS O CO CO O -* I-H O OS CO ^ "^ r-H OS I-H IO t^ CO t— -* CM t- OS t- CO IO CO CO CO t^- I-H CM CM r-H t^ O -* co 1-H OS OO OS t- CO -* O CO ^H •& (M l-H •* in O O r-H OO r-H CO CM l-H 1 — 1 OO CO i-H O CO CM CM •* r-H r-H CO O CO OS O ° O r-H OS CM J» IO CO OO "^T1 CO li ' §,' T3 £ . & . •HI 8 6oKKft QO^o d'Offiffitz^ §ows^w gSwgfcg 31 - ^ 1 -2 -s • o a cs • • to c • g s«^ II x S 2 § t J . ^ , ^ "ft® M S, Density of charge e Volumes of pe gases per gramn Volumes of total g gramme Percentage volumes of per- - manent gases Percentage volumes of total - gases o "o SpS j§ -4-1 OT T^ o w H O3 ir ^ « • 8 a if • • * • § I^J , ."s . -^ -^ .j''£5 CQ c8 -g j_, o> co c • c ® • Si fl.fc • "-1 .9 ^a fs co 2 5 -3 ^ CO .CO-rHS-ia1s=«h Nils Si III rhs~m^ P - - - 224 SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. If the figures given in these tables be carefully examined, it will be observed that in the three explosives the transformation on firing appears in all to follow the same general laws. Thus in all three there is, with increase of pressure, at first a slight increase, afterwards a steady decrease in the volume of permanent gases produced. This increase in the total gases is much less marked with cordite, and in the case of M.D. and nitrocellulose there is practically a steady decrease in the volume of the total gases. In all three explosives there is, with increased pressure, a large increase in the volume of carbonic anhydride and a large decrease in the volume of carbonic monoxide. In the case of hydrogen, this decrease of volume with increase of pressure is very great, while with methane, the percentage which with low pressures is quite insignificant, very rapidly increases and at the highest density is from twenty to thirty times greater than the lowest density. There are some variations in the percentages of nitrogen and H2O, but on the whole these constituents may be considered to be nearly constant. The units of heat with a slight decline at first afterwards increase and somewhat rapidly at the highest pressures. But the changes which take place under different pressures are more readily appreciated if the observations are graphically recorded by means of curves. Accordingly in Plate 5 I have given for three explosives the pressures in tons per sq. inch and in atmospheres, deduced from the experiments under consideration, and which pressures vary from about 3 tons per sq. inch (457 atmospheres) to (in the case of Mark I cordite) 53 tons per sq. inch (8078 atmospheres). It will be observed also that from densities of about 0'25 upwards the curve expressing the relation of pressure to density, both in the Mark I cordite and in the M.D., differs inappreciably from a straight line. This remark also appears to be, in some degree, corroborated by an experiment I once made at a density of unity, and which gave a pressure of about 112* tons per sq. inch (17,070 atmospheres). With nitrocellulose there appears, at high densities, to be a tendency to detonate, from which tendency Mark I cordite appears to be free. By way of showing the enormous superiority of the new explosives as regards potential energy, I have added to Plate 5 the curve showing the relation of pressure to density of fired gunpowder. In Plate 6 there are three sets of curves : — (l) The changes in the volumes of the permanent gases due to increase of density ; (2) The changes in the volumes of the total gases which do not differ very greatly from those of the permanent gases ; and (3) The changes in the units of heat at different densities (water fluid). It may be noted that, while at pressures under 20 tons per sq. inch the heat * On the occasion referred to, I was not sure that the pressure might not be higher, as there was considerable friction between the piston and the cylinder, due to compression of the gauge. SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 225 developed does not vary greatly ; at higher pressures the heat increases considerably, thus compensating for the loss of potential energy due to the decrement in the volume of gas generated. Plates 7, 8 and 9 show graphically the great changes that take place in the decomposition of the gases in passing from densities of 0'05 to 0*45. In all, carbon monoxide and dioxide change places, the two gases having equal volumes in the case of cordite 24'2 per cent, at a density of 0'19, in the case of M.D. 25 '5 per cent, at a density of 0'32, and with nitrocellulose 26 per cent, at a density of 0-36. The changes with hydrogen and methane are equally striking, the hydrogen in cordite falling from a maximum of nearly 16 per cent, in volumes to about 9 '5, while the methane increases from about 0'2 per cent, to about 5 '5 per cent. In M.D. the volumes of hydrogen fall from about 19 per cent, to about 10 '4 per cent., while the volume of methane increases from about 0'3 per cent, to nearly 9 per cent., and in nitrocellulose the volume of hydrogen falls from 207 per cent, to about 11 per cent., the methane increasing from 0'5 per cent, to a little over 9 per cent. In the tables I have submitted it will be observed that the specific heats and the temperatures of explosion have been given, but in regard to temperatures so far above those in regard to which accurate observations have been made the figures I give can only be taken as provisional. The specific heats of the various gases have been taken at the values usually assigned to them. Of course, it cannot be assumed that these specific heats remain unchanged over the wide range of temperature necessary, although I believe it has been found that the specific heats of some permanent gases such as nitrogen and oxygen are but slightly altered up to 800° C. The temperatures of explosion which, as I have said, can only be taken as provisional, have been obtained by dividing the units of heat (water gaseous) by the specific heats, and, although provisional, can safely be used in comparing the temperatures of explosion of the three explosives. The temperatures of explosion, for example, of cordite and nitrocellulose at the density of 0'20 may tolerably safely be taken to be in the ratio of 51 to 36. I am, from other considerations, inclined to believe that the temperatures I have obtained and given in the tables are not very far removed from the truth. I tried with cordite to confirm the results by using the equation of dilatability of gases. At the high pressures the results were satisfactory, but quite the reverse at the lower densities. The comparative approximate potential energies are obtained by multiplying the volume of gas produced by the temperature of explosion. The means for the three explosives are respectively: cordite, 0'9762 ; M.D., 0'8387 ; nitrocellulose, 07464. The highest potential energy (taken as unity), it will be noted, was obtained from cordite at a density of 0'5. I submit that the wide differences in the transformation of the three explosives VOL. OCV. — A. 2 G 226 SIR ANDEEW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. with which I have experimented justify the conclusion at which Sir F. ABEL and I arrived with respect to gunpowder, viz., that any attempt to define by a chemical equation the nature of the metamorphosis which one explosive may be considered to undergo would only be calculated to convey an erroneous impression as to the definite nature of the chemical results and their uniformity under different conditions. The apparatus shown in Plate 4 was employed for two purposes, (l) to determine the time for the complete ignition of various explosives, or for various forms and thicknesses of the same explosives ; (2) to determine the rate at which the exploded gases part with their heat to the walls of the vessel in which they are enclosed. The high and low speeds that can be given to the drum permit these two observations to be made by a single experiment. Thus, in Plate 10, I show the commencement and part of the curves of two experiments, the one (fig. 1) fired at a pressure of a little over 12 tons per sq. inch (1829 atmospheres), the other (fig. 2) nearly 18 tons (2744 atmospheres). At the point "A" the charge is fired, and it will be noted that the circumference of the drum is travelling at about 40 inches per second. From fig. 2 it will be seen that at 2 seconds after firing the speed has, in this experiment, been reduced to about an inch per second. The times required for the completion of ignition are given in Plate 11, and are obtained from the curves shown on Plate 10 and from two similar curves. The vertical scale in Plate 11 for the three last densities is doubled to make them accord with density O'l, the spring employed in that experiment being half the strength of that used for the last three. I may point out that when fired in close vessels the rate of combustion of the explosives, even in the cord form, appears to be very constant, the increase of pressure apparently nearly compensates for the reduction of surface, the differences in time of burning being due to want of uniformity in the lighting, which in many cases is very variable. This is illustrated by comparing the times of ignition of densities O'l 5 and 0'2 in Plate 11, where the total time from firing to complete ignition is less for density O'l 5 than for density 0'2. In reality, however, after complete lighting the latter is burning quicker, as may be seen by comparing the angles made by the curves with the axis of abscissae. But this question is too large to enter into fully in the present paper. I therefore only give the times of approximate complete combustion of cordite and M.D. cordite of different diameters when exploded at a pressure of about 9 tons on the square inch. SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 227 Diameter of cordite. Time of burning, seconds. Diameter of M.D. Time of burning, seconds. 0-033 0-0163 0-045 0-0172 — — 0-091 0-0207 — — 0-181 0-0274 0-192 0-0377 0-266 0-0337 0--235 0-0480 0-343 0-0395 0-263 0-0547 0-482 0-0499 0-318 0-0679 0-577 0-0570 — ' Comparing the times of burning of 0'2 cordite and rifle cordite, the times are approximately as follows :— 0-2 cordite. Rifle cordite. Tons per sq. inch. Seconds. Tons per sq. inch. Seconds. 3-5 10-0 11-5 0-03844 0-01896 0-01700 3-5 10-0 11-5 0-00972 0-00553 0-00498 The rates of cooling of cordite (charges and densities being as stated) are shown in Plate 12, the interior surface of the explosive vessel being 54'9 sq. inches (354'3 sq. centims.). The communication of heat to the vessel is extraordinarily rapid. The pressure and approximately the temperature of the exploded gases is in the case of Density O'l (32 grammes) reduced to one half in 0'87 second, and to one quarter in 270 seconds. Density O'l 5 (48 grammes) reduced to one half in 0'93 second, and to one quarter in 2 '8 2 seconds. Density 0'20 (64 grammes) reduced to one half in 1'54 seconds, and to one quarter in 3 '8 3 seconds. Density 0'25 (80 grammes) reduced to one half in 2'40 seconds, and to one quarter in 6 '04 seconds. 1020'6 grammes of the same cordite fired at a density of O'l in a vessel whose interior surface was 3271 sq. centims. reduced its pressure to one half in 3'1 seconds, to one fourth in 10 seconds. 1247'4 grammes fired at a density of 0'12 in the same vessel had the pressure reduced to one half in 4'2 seconds, and to one quarter in 13'8 seconds. 1360-8 grammes fired at a density of O'l 31 in the same vessel recorded a pressure of one half in 6 '3 seconds, and of one quarter in 31 seconds. 2 G 2 228 SIR ANDEEW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. I venture to allude to two other points of interest. I have always thought it probable that the dissociation, for example, of carbonic dioxide into carbonic monoxide and oxygen might be very greatly modified or extinguished by the extremely high pressure at which my experiments have been made ; and I thought it possible that, if dissociation did take place, some indication of the re-formation of carbonic dioxide would appear in the cooling curves, which have been obtained under a variety of conditions and pressures. These curves, however, are singularly free from any indication of disturbance, so that, if any recombination does take place, it has no effect on the extremely regular coolings to which I have alluded, and would seem to prove that the re-formation of CO2 and H2O must take place gradually and in no case per saltum. I have found also, and this point is of some interest, that gases I have taken from the chamber of a 9 '2-inch gun immediately after firing have, when corrected for the air with which they are mixed, the same composition as those which have been fired under similar densities in a close vessel. The experiments I have made on erosion with the three explosives referred to in this paper, and on some others, have satisfied me that the amount of absolute erosion is governed practically entirely by the heat developed by the explosion. I had thought that increase of pressure would considerably increase the amount of erosion, but in experiments carried on with cordite and nitrocellulose under pressures varying from 5 tons to 32 tons per sq. inch the erosion was practically entirely independent of the pressure both for the cordite and the nitrocellulose. The results of these experiments are given in Plate 13. APPENDIX. Abstract of Experiments Referred to in Paper. CORDITE MARK I. Experiment 1380.— Fired in explosion vessel Q, 16 '75 grammes of Mark I cordite. Density of charge 0-05. Pressure 2-9 tons per sq. inch (442 -1 atmospheres). Permanent gases 11,186-7 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 3296 • 6 cub. centims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in cordite . . . grammes 3-72 3-68 grammes 9-47 9-35 grammes 0-47 0-48 grammes 2-91* 2-48 Differences .... + 0-04 + 0-12 - o-oi + 0-43 * The N and 0 contained in air in cylinder not taken into account. SIE ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 229 Experiment 1383.— Fired in explosion vessel Q, 32-73 grammes of Mark I cordite. Density of charge 0-10. Pressure 7 -8 tons per sq. inch (1189-0 atmospheres). Permanent gases 23,124-7 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 6277 -2 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. Found by analysis .... Originally in cordite . . . Differences .... grammes 7-66 7-53 grammes 19-26 19-13 + 0-13 + 0-13 H. grammes 0-98 0-98 0-00 N. gram tnes 5-56 5-08 + 0-48 Experiment 1386. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 47 -77 grammes of Mark I cordite. Density of charge 0-15. Pressure 11-49 tons per sq. inch (1751-5 atmospheres). Permanent gases 33,646-2 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 9104-7 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in cordite . . . grammes 11-14 11-20 grammes 28-26 28-48 grammes 1-44 1'47 grammes 7-98 7-56 Differences .... - 0-06 - 0-22 - 0-03 + 0-42 Experiment 1371. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 63 -96 grammes of Mark I cordite. Density of charge 0 • 20. Pressure 17 -2 tons per sq. inch (2621-9 atmospheres). Permanent gases 46,440-3 cub. centims. at 0J C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 11,594-1 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in cordite . . . grammes 15-45 15-02 grammes 38-59 38-18 grammes 1-98 1-98 grammes 10-86 10-14 Differences .... + 0-43 + 0-41 o-oo . + 0-72 230 SIR ANDEEW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. Experiment 1389.— Fired in explosion vessel Q, 80-3 grammes of Mark I cordite. Density of charge 0 • 25. Pressure 21-08 tons per sq. inch (3213-3 atmospheres). Permanent gases 55,834 '4 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 14,480 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in cordite . . grammes 18-69 18-76 grammes 47-33 47-70 grammes 2-40 2-46 grammes 13-17 12-67 Differences .... - 0-07 - 0-37 - 0-06 + 0-50 Experiment 1375. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 95-94 grammes of Mark I cordite. Density of charge 0 • 30. Pressure 30'5 tons per sq. inch (4649 -3 atmospheres). Permanent gases 64,453- 7 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 16,653-4 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in cordite grammes 22-11 22-31 grammes 56-35 56-71 grammes 2-88 2-93 grammes 15-12 15-05 Differences .... - 0-20 - 0-36 - 0-05 + 0-07 Experiment 1497. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 124-67 grammes of Mark I cordite. Density of charge 0'40. Pressure 41 -4 tons per sq. inch (6310-8 atmospheres). Permanent gases 80,403-1 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 21,832 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. O. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in cordite . . . Differences .... grammes 28-54 28-67 grammes 72-79 72-89 grammes 3-74 3-76 grammes 19-36 19-35 - 0-13 - 0-10 - 0-02 + o-oi SIR ANDEEW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 231 Experiment 1496. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 155-84 grammes of Mark I cordite. Density of charge 0-5. Pressure 52-84 tons per sq. inch (8063 '8 atmospheres). Permanent gases 97, 158- 9 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 26,291 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. Found by analysis .... Originally in cordite . . . Differences .... grammes 35-58 35-65 1 - 0-07 - 0. H. N. ;rammes 90-52 90-69 grammes 4-63 4-68 grammes 24-19 24-05 0-17 - 0-05 + 0-14 Experiment 1387. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 16 grammes M.D. Density of charge 0-05. Pressure 2 -7 tons per sq. inch (411-6 atmospheres). Permanent gases 12,899-8 cub. ceYitims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 2861 -2 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. 1 Found by analysis .... Originally in M.D grammes 4-24 4-66 grammes 9-34 9-53 grammes 0-53 0-53 gnu 2 1 Differences .... - 0-42 - 0-19 o-oo + 0 N. 2-55* •97 * Chiefly due to air in explosion vessel. Experiment 1388. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 31-98 grammes M.D. Density of charge 0-10. Pressure 6 -9 tons per sq. inch (1051-8 atmospheres). Permanent gases 25,621-0 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 5145-1 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in M.D grammes 8-51 9-12 grammes 18-53 18-66 grammes 1-04 1-03 grammes 4-85* 4-49 Differences .... - 0-61 - 0-13 + 0-01 + 0-36 Including N in air. 232 SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. Experiment 1357. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 47 '97 grammes M.D. Density of charge 0-15. Pressure 10-2 tons per sq. inch (1554-8 atmospheres). Permanent gases 38,458-3 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 7600-8 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in M.D grammes grammes 13-58 28-00 13-53 28-13 grammes 1-59 1-66 grammes 7-24 6-69 Differences .... + 0-05 - 0-13 - 0-07 + 0-55 Experiment 1356. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 63 -96 grammes M.D. Density of charge 0-20. Pressure 15-2 tons per sq. inch (2317'0 atmospheres). Permanent gases 50,229 • 8 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 9,558-7 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. Found by analysis Originally in M.D. Differences C. grammes 17-17 17-66 - 0-49 0. H. N. grammes 37-00 36-74 grammes 2-14 2-17 grammes 9-32 8-74 + 0-26 -0-03 + 0-58 Experiment 1370.— Fired in explosion vessel Q, 79 -95 grammes of M.D. Density of charge 0-25. Pressure 20'74 tons per sq. inch (3155-4 atmospheres). Permanent gases 60,611 -2 cub. centims. at Oc C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 11,631-4 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis . . -. . Originally in M.D. , grammes 21-21 21-99 grammes 46-17' 45-74 • grammes • 2-62 2-71 grammes 11-52 10-8fi Differences .... - 0-78 + 0-43 -0-09 + 0-66 SIR ANDEEW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 233 1354. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 98-94 grammes of M.D. cordite. Density of charge 0'3. Pressure 27 '62 tons per sq. inch (4210 • 3 atmospheres). Permanent gases 72,768-0 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 13,885-5 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION'. C. O. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in M D grammes 26-22 27-05 grammes 56-81 56-26 grammes 3-25 3-33 grammes 13-88 1 V 36 Differences .... - 0-83 + 0-55 -0-08 + 0-52 Experiment 1405. — Fired in explosion vessel R, 128-48 grammes of M.D. cordite. Density of charge 0-40. Pressure 38'1 tons per sq. inch (5807-8 atmospheres). Permanent gases 89,410-2 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 17, 887 '2 cub. centims. at 0' C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in M.D grammes 33 • 63 35 • 87 grammes 73-06 73-37 grammes 4-25 4-06 grammes 17-50 15-18 Differences .... - 2-24 - 0-31 + 0-19 + 2-32 Experiment 1417. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 143-91 grammes of M.D. cordite. Density of charge 0 • 45. Pressure 43 • 22 tons per sq. inch (6587 • 3 atmospheres). Permanent gases 97,589-5 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 19,394-0 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. Differences Found by analysis .... Originally in M.D. . . C. grammes 37-88 39-06 - 1-18 0. H. N. grammes 82-42 81-24 grammes 4-64 4-80 grammes 19-59 19-29 + 1-18 - 0-16 + 0-30 VOL. CCY. A 2 H 234 SIR ANDEEW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. Experiment 1339. — Fired in explosion vessel L2, 41-5 grammes of Rottweil R. R. Density of chcirge 0-05. Pressure 3-35 tons per sq. inch (510-7 atmospheres). Permanent gases 33,811-8 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 7402-8 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in R. R grammes 11-26 11-59 grammes 24-49 23-71 grammes 1-44 1-32 grammes 5-79 4-91 Differences .... - 0-33 + 0-7S + 0-12 + 0-88 Experiment 1340. — Fired in explosion vessel L>, 83 grammes of Rottweil R. R. Density of charge 0-10. Pressure 6 -26 tons per sq. inch (954-2 atmospheres). Permanent gases 66,802-6 cub. centims. at 0' C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 13,646-7 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. Found by analysis .... Originally in R R . . grammes 22 • 38 23-17 Differences .... - 0-79 0. H. N. grammes 48-60 47-40 grammes 2-81 2-62 gramn 10-8 9-8 + 1-20 + 0-19 + i-c * Partly due to air in explosion vessel. Experiment 1341. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 47 • 97 grammes of Rottweil R. R. Density of charge 0 • 15. Pressure 10'4 tons per sq. inch (1585-3 atmospheres). Permanent gases 38,585-8 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 7949 -2 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in R. R Differences .... grammes 13-15 13-39 grammes 28-45 27-40 grammes 1-66 1-52 grammes 6-17 5-38 - 0-24 + 1-05 + 0-14 + 0-79 SIR ANDREW NOBLE: RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. 235- Experiment 1342.— Fired in explosion vessel L.>, 166 grammes of Rottweil R. R, Density of charge 0 • 20. Pressure 14-41 tons per sq. inch (2196-6 atmospheres). Permanent gases 127,643-1 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 26,721 -6 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. II. Found by analysis .... Originally in R. R. . grammes 44-7 46-6 grammes 96-5 95-6 grammes 5-7 5-4 gr< • Differences .... 1-9 * + 0-9 .. + 0-3 + X. grammes 20-9 19-7 1-2 Experiment 1338. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 70-99 grammes of Rottweil R. R. Density of charge 0-222. Pressure 16-47 tons per sq. inch (2510-6 atmospheres). Permanent gases 53,898-2 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 11,576-7 cub. centims. at 0' C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. II. X. Found by analysis .... Originally in R. R grammes 19-22 19-82 grammes 41-76 40 • 55 grammes 2-46 o . 05 grammes 9-06 x • .in Differences .... - 0-GO + 1-21 + 0-21 + 0-66 Experiment 1337. — Fired in explosion vessel Q, 92-74 grammes of Rottweil R. R. Density of charge 0-29. Pressure 21-5 tons per sq. inch (327 7 -4 atmospheres). Permanent gases 68,427 -3 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 13,972'6 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. o. H. X. Found by analysis .... Originally in R. R Differences .... grammes 25-55 26-24 grammes 54-12 53-68 grammes 3-19 2-97 grammes 11-54 11-10 - 0-69 + 0-44 + 0-22 + 0-44 2 H 2 236 SIR ANDREW NOBLE: EESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES. Experiment 1346.— Fired in explosion vessel Q, 95'94 grammes of Rottweil R. R. Density of charge 0'30. Pressure 20-54 tons per sq. inch (3131'0 atmospheres). Permanent gases 70.802'3 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 13,834-3 cub. centims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis .... Ori^inallv in R R . grammes 26-43 27-16 grammes 56-14 56-16 grammes 3-32 3-07 grammes 12-00 11-50 Differences .... - 0-73 - 0-02 + 0-25 + 0-50 Esperime-nt 1401.— Fired in explosion vessel Q, 127-92 grammes of Rottweil R. R. Density of charge 0-40. Pressure 34'9 tons per sq. inch (5320-0 atmospheres). Permanent gases 88,689'0 cub. centims. at 0" C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 18,946'! cub. centims. at 0" C. and 760 millims. RECONCILIATION. C. 0. H. N. grammes grammes grammes grammes Found by analysis .... Originally in R. R 34-57 35-85 74-62 73-33 4-38 4-06 14-83 15-16 Differences .... 1-2S + 1-29 4-0-32 - 0-33 Experiment 1402. — Fired in explosion vessel R, 144-54 grammes of Rottweil R. R. Density of charge 0'45. Pressure 40-5 tons per sq. inch (6173-6 atmospheres). Permanent gases 98,819'4 cub. eentims. at 0° C. and 760 millims. Aqueous vapour 19,568-1 cub. centims. at 0' C. and 760 millims. RECOXCILATIOX. C. 0. H. N. Found by analysis .... Originally in R. R grammes 39-29 40-27 grammes 83-47 82-38 grammes 4-86 4-56 grammes 16-61 17-03 Differences .... - 0-98 4- 1-09 + 0-30 - 0-42 [ 237 ] VII. Colours in Metal Glasses, in Metallic Films, and in Metallic Solutions. — //. By J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT. Communicated by Professor L ARMOR, Sec.R.S. Received May 15, — Read June 8, 1905. CONTENTS. Pages 1. Introduction 237-239 2. Expressions for the optical constants of media containing metal in amorphous or granular forms 239-242 3. Formulae applicable only when the volume proportion of metal is small 242-243- 4. Calculated numerical value of the optical constants of metal glasses, &c 243-248 5. Diffusions of gold. The nature and form of the suspended particles 248-255 6. Diffusions of silver. The nature and form of the suspended particles 255-259 7. Blue reflection from the stained face of silver glass 259-263 8. Diffusions of copper. The nature and form of the suspended particles 263-265 9. Colouring effects of the radiation from radium, cathode rays, £c 265-2G7 10. Numerical values of the optical constants of media containing large volume proportions of certain metals 267-276 11. Colour changes caused by heating metal films 277-282 12. The exceptional case of beaten metal leaf 282-283 13. CAREY LEA'S "allotropic" silver 283-285 14. HERMANN VOGEL'S silver 285-286 15. Allotropic forms of metal 286-288 1. Introduction. THIS paper is an extension of a previous memoir on the " Colours in Metal Glasses and in Metallic Films "* ; it is concerned with the application of mathematical analysis, akin to that already there developed, to the explanation and coordination of the colours which certain metals are, under a great variety of circumstances, capable of causing. * 'Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904, vol. 203, pp. 385-420. VOL. CCV. — A 393. 11.10.05 238 ME. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT From observations on gold and copper ruby glasses, it has been shown* that the first stage in the formation of a crystal of those metals is the small sphere ; and from observations on the growth of sulphur crystals in CS2, VoGELSANGt arrived at the conclusion that the small sphere is always the first stage in the formation of a crystal. He remarked, however, that it is by no means necessary that each of the small spheres, formed as crystallisation commences, should give rise to a separate crystal : the small spheres tend to coagulate; forming first rows and then groups of other and more complicated shapes, until the crystal is ultimately formed. To the intermediate bodies he gives the name of crystallites. That the spherical form of the nascent crystal is governed by surface tension, was suggested in the former paper.;}; If this suggestion is correct, we should expect that when the conditions are not the same in all directions, the spherical form of the nascent crystal will be replaced by an ellipsoidal form. In particular, when a very thin film of amorphous metal is heated until the molecules are sufficiently free to allow crystallisation to commence, the nascent crystals may be expected to be spheroids of the planetary type, having their axes normal to the film. Mr. G. T. BKILBY§ has observed such spheroids in thin films of gold and silver. Now it will appear below that metals are not only dichroic, exhibiting one colour by reflected light and, in thin films, another by transmitted light ; but that one and the same metal may, as its physical condition is altered, show a great variety of colours by reflected light, and a corresponding other series of tints by transmitted light. The ultimate cause of all these colours is to be found in the structure of the molecule itself. Juxtaposition, however, causes one molecule to afl'ect the vibrations of another. Thus consider a substance composed of molecules of a given metal separated from each other by the oether or by any other non-absorbing medium :|| the " effective free period " of the molecule of such a substance is dependent on the geometrical arrange- ment and density of distribution of the molecules in question. The optical properties of the substance will therefore depend on its microstructure. The object of this paper is to obtain information concerning the ultramicroscopic structure of various metal glasses, colloidal solutions, and metallic films, by calculating optical properties corresponding to certain assumed microstructures, and by comparing the calculated properties with those observed. * Lot:, cit. (pp. 388-392). When writing the former paper here cited I was unaware of VOGELSANG'S work. t H. VOGELSANG, "Sur les Cristallites," 'Archives Neerlandaises,' V. (1870), p, 156; VI. (1871), p. 223; VII. (1872), pp. 38-385. J Loc. cit., p. 392. The further suggestion there made that iu the colourless gold glass there are the molecules of gold present is, as will appear below, p. 251, erroneous. It is almost certain that in the colourless glass a gold salt is in solution, so that the heating has first to reduce the gold and then to allow the isolated molecules to run together into spheres. § 'Hurter Memorial Lecture,' Glasgow, 1903, p. 46. il As, for example, glass in a metal glass, or water in a colloidal solution. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 239 The microstructures to be assumed are suggested by the preceding remarks cm crystallisation. Calculations will be made for three types of microstructure, namely, (1) amorphous — that in which the metal molecules are distributed at random ; (2) granular — that in which the metal molecules are arranged in spherical groups ; (3) spicular* — that in which these small spheres are replaced by oblate spheroids. It will subsequently appear that when the surrounding non-absorbing medium is of refractive index unity, an amorphous and a granular microstructure produce the same colours. In order to calculate the optical constants — the refractive index and the coefficient of absorption — which correspond to any given microstructure, it is necessary to know the values of the constants for some standard amorphous state of the metal. Now BEILBY t has shown that the process of polishing a metal surface causes the surface layer to " flow " as a liquid, and thus the polished surface is that of the metal in the amorphous state. It follows that the optical constants which we are to use as data for our calculations should, so far as possible, be those which have been determined by means of reflection from the polished surface of the metal in its normal state according to DRUDE'SJ method, rather than those obtained by means of the light transmitted through thin prisms of the metal, after the method adopted by KUNDT. 2. Expressions for Optical Constants of Media containing Metal in Amorphous or Granular Forms. The optical properties of a homogeneous isotropic medium are determined when the values of the refractive index n and the absorption coefficient x, which correspond to light of every frequency, are known. We proceed to obtain the values of n and HK for a substance composed of molecules of metal embedded in an isotropic non-absorbing medium, the microstructure being amorphous. Consider then a medium consisting of one substance A, in solution in another C, so that the molecules of each substance are distributed at random. Let the number of molecules present per unit volume in the standard amorphous forms of A and C be respectively 9tfA and 9RC, and let the number of molecules present per unit volume of the composite medium be MA^A and /AC^C respectively. We shall assume /AA and p.c to be constant throughout the medium ; or, more precisely, we assume that a length •?•„, very small compared with a wave-length of light, can be found such that, for all values of r greater than r0, the number of molecules of A contained by a spherical surface situated wholly within the medium having a radius r and its centre being * The calculations for a spicular microstructure are reserved for subsequent publication, see note p. 241. t Loc. cit., Lord KAYLEIGH (Royal Institution Lecture on Polish, March, 1901) also holds the view that the process of polishing is a molecular one. J 'Ann. der Phys.,' XXXIX. (1889). 240 MR. J. C. MAXWELL GAENETT situated at any point, is independent of the position of that point; thus f w/i^S^r*' depends only on r : and similarly for C. Suppose that when electromagnetic waves traverse this medium, the moments of" the average molecule of A and C in the vicinity of the point (x, y, z) are fA (*) = (/*„ A, A) and fc(t) = (fCl,fc,fc). Then fA and fc are both proportional to E', the electric force exciting the average molecule* ; thus f* = 0,vE', fc = #cE'. The polarisation f ' (t) of the compound medium is given by Writing now E for E0 in the general equation t E' = E0+tnf', we obtain E' = so that ft (f\ _ ' But MAXWELL'S equations for the composite medium are . df'ft) clE , „ cZH , ,, 4?r — ji-i + — r = c curl H, - = — c curl E, dt dt dt where c is the velocity of light in racuo. These may be written N'2 — j- = c curl H, ^-=- = — c curl E, dt dt when we put If now we write N7 = «'fl iu-'\ (9\ r\ — /t \L iK ) \^j- then n' and /c' are the refractive index and absorption coefficient of the composite medium. But the same analysis will show that if NA = nA(l — IKA) and Nc = nc(l-iKc);, where WA> KA and nc, KC are the optical constants of A and of C, then h and * Of. 'Phil. Trans.,' A, vol. 203, pp. 392, 393. t Loe. cit., equation (9), p. 393. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 241 Substituting these expressions in equation (I) we obtain N/2-l NA2-1 Nca-l N'2+2 ~ MANA2+2 +McNc2+2 ' If, now, we suppose that C is a transparent isotropic substance of refractive index v, and that A is a metal, we have, by omitting the suffix A and putting /u,c = 1— ft, N/2-l N2-l , .v2-! N'2+2 /AN2+2 +( MV+2' or, 22 , N'3+2 When fj, is very small this equation becomes ......... (4). These equations give the optical constants of the metalliferous medium in the amorphous state. When the microstructure is granular, these equations (3) and (4) are, as has been already shown,* replaced by N'2-V = _N2-v2 /r, N'2+2v2 I so that when p. is small, Comparison of equations (3) and (5) shows that the optical properties of a metalliferous medium, containing a given volume proportion ju, of the metal, vary according as the metal is in small spheres or in a state of molecular subdivision, except when //,= !. Thus when metal is in solution in water or glass the colour of the compound medium will change as crystallisation commences. When, however, v = 1, the equations (3) and (5) both reduce to N'2-l N2-l m N/2+2 ^N2+2 ' It follows that the optical properties of a metal in a state in which its specific * Loc. tit., equations (11) and (12), p. 394. The mathematical treatment of the optical properties of media containing minute metallic ellipsoids, instead of the spheres which give the granular microstructure, is under consideration, but, with the exception of the case wherein the volume proportion, p., of metal is small, it is not yet complete. [Note added 1st August, 1905. — The investigation of the general case (any value of /*) has now been completed. The results for the case when p. is small, which, when this memoir was communicated to the Royal Society, were given in § 12, have therefore been reserved for subsequent publication in a more complete form.] VOL. COV. — A. 2 I 242 ME. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT gravity has any known value, are unaltered by a change in the raicrostructure from amorphous to granular.* Or, again, Professor R. W. WOOD'S clouds of sodium vapour, t for which v = I nearly, do not change colour as condensation commences. 3. Formula? Applicable only when the Volume Proportion of Metal is Small. The volume proportion of metal present in all the coloured glasses and colloidal solutions which we shall discuss below is small. We proceed to obtain, from equations (4) and (6) above, expressions for the optical constants of media, such as glass or water, holding in suspension metal in the amorphous and granular states. Let N" EE n" (I — LK") denote the optical constants of the compound medium when the metal is in the amorphous state — in true solution. Then, replacing N' by N" in equation (4), we have 2 say. Equating real and imaginary parts, we find that , ^(l-*"2)-^ K(K2+l)}2+ft2(*2-l)(v2-2)-2v2 2--* (2 + j/V " K(/c2-l)-2}2+4nV J From (8) we have n"2 ( 1 - K"2) = S + (2 + v2) pa', n"*K" = (2 + v2) /*£', so that, neglecting ju,2, we obtain wV = (2 + !/»)/?. ^ n" = v{l + (2 + v2)/2v2.ljM'} .... (9). The corresponding values of W = n'(l — iKf), the optical constants when the metal is in the granular state, have already been obtained.! They are reproduced here for convenience of reference : thus n'K' = 3fjLV/3, w' = v(l+|./4«) ....... (10), where a = , , * For example, the tables given in the previous paper ('Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904, p. 406), and the curves shown (loc. cit., pp. 411-414), as well as the tables and curves given in § 10 of the present communication, represent optical properties of the media as /* diminishes from unity to zero, whether that diminution is associated with the formation of small spheres or whether the metal retains its amorphous state throughout the change in /«. t Brit. Assoc., Cambridge, 1904. t Loc. cit., § 5, pp. 394, 395. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 243 Thus, when light of wave-length X traverses a thickness d of a metalliferous n"n" n'n' medium, the intensity of the light is reduced in the proportion* e~M A or e~M * according as the metal is in true solution or in spherical aggregates. Suppose now that two kinds of monochromatic light, of wave-lengths Xj and X2, are, by traversing a distance d in an absorbing medium, reduced in intensity by e~Kd, which is a function of d. Thus the tint of a coloured medium, viewed by transmitted light, depends on its thickness.! We shall, however, speak of two absorbing media as possessing the same colour when, whatever be the values of Xx and X2, the ratio KI : K2 is the same for either medium ; for, if suitable thicknesses of such media be chosen, the light transmitted by them will be of precisely the same tint. Since, therefore, it appears from equations (8) and (9) above that the ratio is independent of v, it follows that a niolecularly subdivided metal produces the same coloration (by transmitted light) in all non-dispersive transparent isotropic " solvents," irrespective of their refractive indices. \ Thus, neglecting the small dispersion, a borax bead and a glass bead, each containing a metal in solution, will be of the same colour ; but so soon as crystallisation of the metal begins, so that part of the metal is in small spheres, the beads will cease to be of the same colour, since the ratio is not independent of v. 4. Numerical Values of Optical Constants of Metal Glasses, &c. Consider any transparent isotropic non-dispersive medium of refractive index v, containing either molecules or small spheres of a metal, the optical constants of which, for light of wave-length X, are n and UK, the particles of metal being so distributed that there are many of them to a wave-length of light. The "absorptions," nV/X and w'V/X, of the compound medium can be easily determined by means of equations (9) and (10), when the values of a, ft, a!, /3', are known for light of wave-length X. These values can be calculated by means of equations (11) * Of. 'Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904, p. 395. t Thus, for example, a thin sheet of gold ruby glass will appear pink, a considerable amount of blue light being transmitted, whereas a thick sheet of the same glass will appear deep red, almost like a copper ruby. Again, by increasing the depth of a silver stain on glass, we get all gradations in colour from canary yellow through amber to red. | This, then, must be the colour of the vapour of the metal provided that the molecules are monatomic, or, at least, do not dissociate when the metal is vapourised. We shall term it the " vapour colour." 2 I 2 244 MR. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT and (8), when the quantities n and UK have been determined for the light in question by direct experiment on the metal in the standard amorphous state. R. S. MINOR* has made such experimental determinations, for various kinds of monochromatic light, from the polished surfaces of silver and copper. His values of n and n/c for silver and copper, together with the numerical values of a, ft, a!, ft', and of certain other functions as calculated for various values of v, are shown in Tables II. and III. The values of n and n/c, for X = '630 and X = '589 only, have also been determined by DRUDEf from the polished surface of gold ; but values of n and HK for other values of X have been obtained by HAGEN and RUBENS J from gold prisms deposited on glass. Since however the state of the metal in the prisms is not known, these latter values cannot be depended upon for our purpose ;§ but as a rough estimate of the values of a, ft, a', ft', &c., may be formed by their means, the numerical values of these quantities have been calculated ; the results are shown, together with all the observed values of n and UK, in Table I. The wave-length X of the light will throughout be measured in thousandths of a millimetre. All the calculated numbers given in Tables I., II., and III. have been carefully checked with a " Brunsviga " machine. I believe that in no case does an error amounting to 1 per cent, survive in these Tables, which must accordingly supersede those -given in the former communication. || * R. S. MINOR, 'Ann. der Phys.,' vol. X., 1903. t 'P. DRUDE, 'Physik. Zeitschr.,' January, 1900. \ RUBENS, ' Wied. Ann.,' vol. XXXVIL, 1889. § It will appear in the sequel that on this account the optical properties of silver glasses and of colloidal solutions of silver are much more accurately represented by our calculations than is the case with gold ruby glasses and colloidal solutions of gold. || Lot. tit., p. 396. ON COLOURS TN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 245 TABLE I.— Gold. X . { •6562 •6300 •5892 •5269 •4584 /F + QX I (C). (D). (E). ( 2 / UK 2-91* 3-15t 2-82t 1-86* 1-52* • n •38* •31f •37f •53* •79* a. 2-50 2-27 2-65 •83 •46 ft •479 •251 •584 1-068 •552 a? + ±p C ft . 1 Q 00 . J 0 Glass \ v = 1-56 / ' A4 38 Go o4 44 oy o< ri'ic" (v* + 2)P H*A. vX 47 oU Oo M'K' 3^ TX x~ 3-42 1-86 4-64 9-49 5-63 Glass \ v = 1-5J- ' «V 3vj8 7U ~ "T 2-33 1-30 3-12 8-97 5-17 Water at 19° C.\ v= 1-3333 J UK 3vft ~jl\ T 1-293 •766 1-687 9-906 6-034 Vacuum v = 1 • 0 "1 (Vapour colour) J TI'K' 3/2 TA ~: T •338 •214 •417 3-191 4-019 RUBENS. t DRUDE. 246 MR. J. C. MAXWELL QARNETT (H CD H A M <) H 0 CO to * to OS (M OS O to to OS 0 to t- t- to -* t- OO o C-1 to CO o CO 0 oo I-H o to o CO I-H 01 I-H T~H i-H OS oo 00 CO to *- I-H I-H 0 to IO IO oo to to o 0 to co OS oo 0 IO IN IO CS 01 to 01 co co t— t- 0 CO 1-1 CO I-H 1 I-H 0 "O 10 1 to I-H (M I-H to I-H 0-1 I-H I-H 01 t- to I-H Ol IO to I-H t- IO OS OS oo o 10 I-H co "-1 01 •* d . o o I-H OS CS to to oo 01 0 00 j OS Cl IO Cl § CO to Os 1 1 'Sb I 8 -o o 71 1 • 1 1 f\ . KQQ i/ = 1-56 / ' ' /.A mV TX 5-875 6-661 7-107 6-559 6-829 7-579 9-279 7-065 3-453 Glass \ v = 1-5J wV TX 5-797 6-420 6 • 568 5-897 6-180 6-890 7 • 634 5-699 2-759 Vacuum v = 1 "1 (Vapour colour) J T>'K' 7IT 1-104 •921 •642 •492 • 504 • 530 •404 •268 •142 We have now to compare the observed optical properties of various media coloured by gold, silver, and copper with those corresponding properties which, according to the Tables I., II., and III., would be exhibited by the media if the colouring agent were the metal itself, in either the molecularly subdivided or the granular state. The simplest of the optical properties to observe and to measure is the absorption of light by the medium. Although the absorptions of colloidal solutions of various metals, and even of suspensions of metals in gelatine, have already been measured for several values of the wave-length, X, of light, no such measurements of the absorption of glasses coloured by metals appear to have yet been made.* Owing, however, to their permanence, such media seemed likely to yield the surest information as to the chemical and physical nature of their colouring agents. The absorptions of a series of glasses coloured with gold, silver, and copper have therefore been measured for me at the National Physical Laboratory, under the supervision of Mr. F. J. SELBY. The silver glasses consisted of a silver stain on one side of a colourless glass, the refractive index of which was, for sodium light, equal to v = 1'579. The gold ruby glasses were flashed on to colourless glass. Both the silver and gold glasses were, to ensure purity of materials, specially prepared at the Whitefriars Glass Works by * Except two gold glasses, the absorption curves for which are given by ZSIGMONDY ('LiEB. Ann.,' vol. 301, pp. 46-48). 248 MR. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT Mr. H. J. POWELL, to whom I am much indebted for the trouble he has taken on my account. The copper ruby glass used was the ordinary commercial flashed glass. The absorptions of the various glasses are indicated by the curves marked Au (A) and Au (B) in fig. 2, Ag (B) in fig. 4, and Cu (X) in fig. 7 ; the ordinates representing the quantity K, where e~K represents the proportion of light of wave-length X, transmitted by the glass after allowance has been made for reflections, and the abscissae representing the corresponding values of X. The scales on which Au (A) and Au (B) are represented are such that K has the same value for both at the D line (X = -589). The following are the values of K measured at the National Physical Laboratory for the respective glasses :— TABLE IV. Glass Au(A). Au (B). Ag(B). Cu(X). X. K. K. X. K. X. K. •698 •080 •696 0 •698 •300 •696 •113 •664 0 •664 •378 •664 •154 •140 •606 •063 •634 •563 •606 •324 •406 •562 •112 •606 1-038 •562 •878 1-532 •528 •210 •584 2-496 •553 1-400 2-175 •500 •384 •573 3-309 •544 1-990 3-0065 •478 •809 •567 3-484 •537 2-487 3-7485 •458 1-363 •562 3-484 •528 2-551 4-050 •442 2-514 •544 3-091 •514 2-122 3-224 •436 2-894 •528 2-952 •500 1-495 2-344 •429 3-003 •514 2-985 •478 1-030 1-628 •422 2-225 •500 3-023 •458 •954 1-456 •406 1-520 •478 3-270 •442 •981 — •458 3-484 •441 3-789 — — — — • •436 3-807 5. Diffusions of Gold. TJie Nature and Form of the Suspended Particles. The present section will be concerned with the colours produced by diffused particles of gold. The values of the expression nV//A for v = 1'5, v = 1'3333, and v = 1 given in Table I. are plotted in fig. 1. The curves shown in that figure have been drawn to pass through the plotted points, the coordinates of the maximum for each curve being determined by assuming n and n/c to vary continuously for values of X intermediate between the abscissae of the plotted points on either side of those maxima. According to the remarks in the preceding section, these curves must not be regarded as accurately representing the absorption of gold spheres in glass, of gold spheres in water, and of gold vapour (or gold spheres in vacuo) respectively ; they should, however, enable us to form a fair estimate of the absorption in question.* * See footnote §, p. 244. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 249 Fig. 1. GOLD— calculated values of -^- . A Fig. 2. GOLD. (1) K, observed fov gold ruby glass Au(A) : (1) Spheres (or molecules) in vae.uo, v= 1 • 0 : (3) K, observed for gold ruby glass Au(B): - (2) Spheres in water at 19° C., v= 1-3333: - Observed values : 0 . (3) Spheres in glass, v = 1 • 5 : Calculated values are shown thus : 0. (3) _, calculated for gold spheres in A glass, v — 1 • 5 : Calculated values : x . VOL. CCV. — A. 2 K 250 MR. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT In fig. 2 the graph of nY/X for glass (v = I'd), shown by a broken line in fig. 1, is again represented ; but here on such a scale as to have the same ordinate at X = '589 as that of the graphs of the observed absorptions of Au (A) and Au (B). The calculated and observed curves resemble one another in having a minimum in the red and a maximum in the green, although the calculated maximum occurs at about X = '550, while the observed maximum falls at X "= '533. Also both calculated and observed absorptions fall from green to blue, while the dotted curve in fig. 1 shows that the absorptions produced by molecularly divided gold will increase from green to blue, having a maximum at about X = '475. These results then, so far as they go, are in accordance with the suggestion, put forward in the former memoir, that the colouring agent of gold ruby glass consists primarily of diffused spheres of gold, although some discrete molecules may also be present. The following is the evidence which has accumulated to show that a gold ruby glass contains minute spheres ot gold, many to a wave-length of light, and that it is to these small gold spheres that the pink colour of the glass is primarily due : — - (1) There are particles, presumably of gold, visible in all specimens of gold ruby glass in which the colour has been developed.* (2) Whenever these particles are of diameter less than 10~5 centim. they are spherical in shape.t (3) SIEDENTOPF and ZSIGMONDY statej : " It is only in the case of ruby glasses that the particles are so dense that they cannot be fully separated under the microscope." In other words, whenever there are many small spheres to a wave-length of light, the glass is ruby. (4) We have just seen that, within the limits of experimental error, this ruby colour is that which would be produced by small spheres (but not by molecules) of gold, many to a wave-length, embedded in the glass. (5) The polarisation of the cone of light emitted by the particles in the path of a beam of white light traversing any of the three ruby glasses examined by SIEDENTOPF and ZsiGMONDY§ is that which would be possessed by the cone of light emitted by small spheres of metal embedded in the glass. Further, the colour of the cone of light in the case of these three glasses was green, while it has been shown in the former paper|| that the intensity of light of wave-length X emitted by small spheres of gold embedded in the glass is proportional to (a2 + 4y8a)/X4, and, according to Table I. above, this expression for gold spheres in a glass of refractive index v = 1 -56 has a maximum in the neighbourhood of X = -560, i.e., in the yellowish-green. We conclude then that the colouring agent of gold ruby glass is metallic gold,! the major portion of which is in the form of small spheres. The irregular blue and purple which often appear, instead of the ruby at which the glass manufacturer aims, can be explained as indicated in the appendix to the former * SIEDENTOPF and ZSIGMONDY, ' Ann. der Phys.,' January, 1903. t Cf. former paper, 'Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904, p. 391. I Loc. tit., p. 27. § See their table reproduced at p. 397 of the former paper and discussion following it on pp. 398-401 ('Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904). || Loc. cit., p. 400. U Not aurous oxide, as stated in the text-books on glass making. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 251 paper. We have already* seen that if gold glass when first made in the furnace be rapidly cooled, the glass remains colourless. In order to obtain ruby glass, the molten glass must be left in the annealing oven and maintained at a high temperature for about three days. If the glass is too violently heated or is kept too long at a high temperature, it becomes turbid, reflects brown light, and develops first an amethystine and then a blue tint by transmitted light. But it now appears that the gold cannot, as previouslyt suggested, be in solution in the colourless glass when first heated ; for if metallic gold were in true solution in the glass it would have the vapour colour indicated by the dotted curve in fig. 1. The gold must therefore be gradually reduced during the annealing process. So long as the glass remains hot enough to admit of molecular movement, the molecules of gold go together to form spheres, and these small spheres tend to coagulate into crystallites.} If the glass cools before the coagulation of the small spheres, a gold ruby glass is obtained. If, however, some of the small spheres have coagulated into crystallites, the density of which exceeds '6 of that of normal gold,§ these crystallites will reflect light which is predominantly yellow or red.|| The glass will thus reflect brownish light; and since the more refrangible rays are less reflected than those of longer wave-length, the red end of the absorption curve will, owing to the crystallites, be raised relative to the blue. The glass will thus appear bluer than when no coagulation has occurred. Further, as these crystallites may be of dimensions comparable with a wave-length of light, they destroy the optical continuity of the medium and produce turbidity. Now the blue colour of a gold glass is always associated with turbidity and a brown appearance by reflected light, so that the formation of crystallites of gold in the glass accounts for the irregular blue and purple colours which gold glass sometimes exhibits. 1 Diffusions of gold particles in water — the so-called "colloidal solutions" of gold- have been prepared by FARADAY**, ZsiGMONDY,tt and STOEKL and VANINO^, who * Loc. cit., p. 392. t Loc. cit., p. 392. J In the case of copper ruby glasses the process continues until actual crystals of copper are formed, but I have not seen gold crystals in a glass, although it is probable that they are occasionally formed. § KIRCHNER and ZSIGMONDY ('Ann. der Phys.,' XIII., 1904, p. 591) estimate that a clump of gold particles in a blue gold-gelatine preparation contains at least 50 per cent, of gold. See below, p. 254. || See fig. 12, below. U The blue and violet [purple] colours of the glasses D and E in SIEDENTOPF and ZSIGMONDY'S table (see ' Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904, p. 397), as well as the red, yellow and brown colours of the cone of light emitted by them, are thus explained. STOKES (Royal Institution Lecture, 1864, 'Collected Works,' vol. IV., p. 244), without entering into the question why gold glass ordinarily transmits pink light, says that, it being the property of gold to transmit bluish light, the metallic gold in suspension causes the blue appearance. ** FARADAY, Bakerian Lecture for 1857, printed in 'Phil. Trans.' for 1857, and reprinted in his 'Researches in Chemistry and Physics.' References will be made to the pages of the reprint. ft ZSIGMONDY, 'LiEB. Ann.,' vol. 301 (1898), p. 29, and 'Zeitschr. f. Electrochem.,' vol. IV., p. 546. II STOEKL and VANIXO, 'Zeitschr. f. Phys. Chem.,' XXX. (1899), p. 98. 2 K 2 252 ME. J. C. MAXWELL GAENETT precipitated the gold from its chloride by means of various reducing agents ; and by BREUIG* and later by EHRENHAFT, t who used a gold terminal for an electric arc which was caused to spark under water. All these preparations exhibited a gradual change in colour from red through purple to blue ; this change was greatly accelerated by the introduction of a trace of salt into the water. ZSIGMONDY^ gives the absorption curves of a number of "solutions" of gold. STOEKL and VANINO§ measured the absorptions of a red suspension con- taining a known volume proportion of gold. Lastly, EHUENHAFT|| has made careful measurements of the absorptions of "colloidal" gold. The curves plotted from his measurements of the red "solutions" resemble the continuous curve shown in fig. 1. Again, EHRENHAFT statesll that the absorption band of a gold suspension which possessed a beautiful red colour began at X = "560 and attained a maximum at X = -520, while the solution was almost transparent in the ultra-violet. Now the maximum of the calculated absorption curve for spheres of gold in water (v = 1/3333) occurs at X = '533.** Again, the dotted curve in fig. 1, which will represent the absorption produced by a true solution of gold, does not sufficiently agree with the measured absorptions to admit of the gold being in true solution in the water. These results suggest that the coloration is due to diffused spheres ft of gold, although some discrete gold molecules may also be present. * BHKDIG, ' Zeitschr. f. Phys. Ghcm.,' XXXIL, p. 127. t F. EHREXHAFT, 'Ann. der Phys.,' XI. (1903), p. 489. { ZSIGMONDY, 'LiKP,. Ann.,' vol. 301 (1898), pp. 46-48. § Loc,. cit., p. 108. For a discussion of their rusults see below (footnote, p. 253). |[ Loc. fit., pp. 505, 506. H Of., table given, lor. fit., p. 507. ** Thus the differences in wave-length between the observed maximum absorption of gold ruby glass and of the calculated maximum for gold spheres in glass (;' = 1'5), and between the observed maximum for colloidal gold and the calculated maximum for gold spheres in water, are respectively '017 and "013, and these differences are of the same si/.e. ft EHREXHAFT also supposed that the gold was present in the form of small spheres ; but he proceeded to define the average size of these spheres (and also of those of Ag, Pt, &c., in the " colloidal" solutions of these metals) by means of J. J. THOMSON'S equation connecting the radius of a conducting sphere with the wave-length corresponding to the free periods of its vibration, this wave-length being assumed to be that of the absorption maximum. KIRCHXER and ZSIGMOXDY (' Ann. der Phys.,' 1904, p. 575), however, point out that there is no connection between size of particles and the absorption of light produced by them, and this we have seen to be the case, provided there are many particles to a wave-length ; also the very small size (if spherical, their average diameters would be 7///J.) of the particles of gold, the gold content of which ZsiGMONDY measured would require the absorption maximum to be in the ultra-violet. KlRCHXER and ZsiGMOXDY add that it would only be possible to get a large enough linear dimension to give a free period if the particles were not iso-dimensional, and they conclude therefore that the gold particles must be in the form of leaves or of rods ; but they do not reconcile such a form with the polarisation and green colour of the cone of light emitted by the smaller particles. Since, however, we find that the small-sphere hypothesis accounts for the observed phenomena, we must agree with EHREXHAFT that the particles are spherical, although we cannot admit that the average diameter of the spheres is correlated to the wave-length of the light most absorbed. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 253 This view enables us to explain the change of colour from red to blue, by the coagulation of the small spheres, just as in the case of the glasses coloured by gold ; the simultaneous development of a brown reflection and a turbid appearance is at the same time explained. The following quotations must suffice to describe the phenomena in question. FABADAY observes that "A gradual change goes on amongst the particles diffused through these fluids, especially in the cases where the gold is apparently abundant. It appears to consist of an aggregation. Fluids at first clear, or almost clear, to ordinary observation, become turbid; being left to stand for a few days, a deposit falls."* When common salt, or any other substance which dissociates in water, was added to the fluid "... The salt diffused gradually through the whole, first turning the gold it came in contact with blue, and then causing its precipitation.! " Such results would seem to show that this blue gold is aggregated gold, is., gold in larger particles than before."} Again " The supernatant fluid in specimens that had stood long and deposited was always ruby . . . there was every reason to believe that the gold was there in separate particles, and that such specimens afforded cases of extreme division."§ Observations made by subsequent physicists agree with those of FARADAY. Thus ZSIGMONDY writes " In every case the bright red colour [of suspensions of gold in water] changed to blue on the addition of salt; and decoloration of the upper part of the liquid showed that precipitation has then begun."]] Again, STOEKL and VANINO, who examined a large number of suspensions of gold in water prepared by many different methods, state that " When the particles [of gold] are very small ... the fluid appears red-yellow, ruby-red. When, however, the particles increase in size, the red and yellow rays are quite cut off and the transmitted light consists only of blue and violet rays, the fluid appearing blue-violet. "U * ' Researches in Physics and Chemistry,' p. 414. t We may suppose that by friction against the water the gold spheres obtain that negative change which ZSIGMONDY (' LIEB. Ann.,' vol. 301, p. 36) found that they possess. The mutual repulsion of these like charges prevents the spheres from coagulating and thus keeps the gold in suspension in the water. But when an electrolyte is introduced into the fluid, the positive ions discharge the gold spheres, so that coagulation and precipitation result. \ FARADAY, loc.. cit., p. 420. § FARADAY, loc. cit., p. 418. || ZSIGMONDY, ' LIEB. Ann.,' vol. 301 (1898), p. 34. II ' Zeitschr. f. Phys. Chem.,' XXX. (1899), p. 108. As already stated, STOEKL and VANINO measured the absorption of light, for six different values of \ by a suspension containing a known volume proportion of gold. Using their value of /x(- 000003) to determine the scale of the continuous curve in fig. 1, and comparing the values of wV/A so obtained with 254 MR. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT Finally, KIRCHNER and ZSIGMONDY record that in a gold suspension in water "... A given (generally large) number of particles which diffract green light [i.e., small spheres] were brought together by the addition of an electrolyte into a single particle which diffracted yellow or red light with much greater intensity* than its components. With this uniting of particles occurs the change in the colour of the fluid from red to blue."t We have already shown that, theoretically, the coagulation of the small spheres of gold should produce a colour change in the fluid, from red through purple to blue ; and the above quotations have indicated that coagulation accompanies the change of colour. But that the coagulation takes place in the manner assumed for the purposes of the theory has been shown by KIRCHNER and ZSIGMONDY, who prepared suspensions of gold in gelatine, some of which preparations were red when wet, and changed to blue on being dried, at the same time developing a gold-bronze reflection. J Now these dry blue membranes contained a number of clumps, each composed of hundreds of ultra-microscopic resonators^ (small spheres) ; and these clumps were comparable in size with a wave-length of light, being directly visible when examined with a numerical aperture of T4 : they would therefore be capable of reflecting light. Further, the change of colour to blue was most marked in those preparations in which the individual clumps were most dense, || and it appears from fig. 12 below that the selective absorption of red and yellow light by a gold crystallite is greater the greater its density. The theoretical explanation of the change to blue requires the rays of lower refrangibility to be stopped by reflections from crystallites,!! and this requirement is thus satisfied. the absorption curve obtained from STOEKL and VANINO'K observations, we find that the observed curve lies below the calculated curve, except for red light. But SroEKr, and VANINO record that the observed fluid had a yellowish reflection, so that large particles (crystallites) must have been present in it ; and the presence of these crystallites requires the volume // of gold, which per unit volume of the liquid is in the form of small spheres, to be less than the total volume proportion /x This diminishes the absorptions throughout the spectrum. But the volume proportion /*-/*' of crystallites produces absorption which is much greater for the red and yellow than for the green and blue rays. The superposition of the absorptions produced by /<,' and by //. - // would thus produce an absorption curve in accordance with that observed. ^ The aggregate may be supposed to be comparable in size with a wave-length of light ; the intensity of the light reflected from it would thus be proportional to the square of its diameter, while the intensity of the light diffracted by the small spheres is proportional only to the sixth power of their diameters. t KIRCHNER and ZSIGMONDY, he. tit., p. 592. | Loc. cit., p. 589. § KIRCHNER and ZSIGMONDY, loc. cit., p. 576. || Loc. cit., p. 577. U A similar explanation possibly applies to the fact that when light, transmitted through a stretched membrane containing gold in suspension, is polarised in the direction of stretching, the emergent light is red, but when the incident light is polarised in a perpendicular direction the colour is blue, the gold clumps being comparable with a wave-length in the direction of stretching, but not in a perpendicular direction. (Of. AMBRONN, 'Ber. d. math.-phys. Kl. d. k. Sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch.,' December 7, 1896, and AMBRONN and ZSIGMONDY, do., July 31, 1899). ON COLOUES IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 255 In conclusion, we remark that most " colloidal solutions" of gold, even those which are of a ruby colour, contain crystallites in addition to the small spheres to which the colour is primarily due. Thus FAKADAY could detect the green " cone of light," which indicates the absence of large aggregations, only in those liquids which had been cleared by prolonged precipitation and frequent decantation ; and STOEKL and VANINO found that all the gold suspensions which they examined showed a yellowish reflection. A small number of the large aggregations may, however, cause the cone of light to appear yellow or red without appreciably altering the colour of the transmitted light. For, whereas the intensity of the (green) light emitted by a small sphere is proportional to the sixth power of the diameter, the intensity of the (brown) light reflected from a gold crystallite is proportional to the square of its linear dimensions. Gold solutions prepared chemically appear, however, to be freer from aggregated gold than are those prepared by BRE DIG'S method.* 6. Diffusions of Silver. TJie Nature and Form of the Suspended Particles. We proceed to consider the absorption of light produced by diffused particles of silver. The values of nY//nX for v = T6, v = 1P5, v = 1'3333, and v = I'O given in Table II. are plotted in fig. 3, the positions of the maximum of each curve being determined as in the case of gold. Since (cf. above, § 4) the values of n and HK for silver were all determined from the polished surface of the metal, these curves should represent the absorption produced by diffused spheres of silver in glass, in water, and in vacua, with only a small error, t The dotted curve in fig. 1, which represents the absorptions of diffused molecules of silver in vacuo (and, on different scales, in other non-absorbing and non-dispersive media), shows that the silver molecule has a free period corresponding to X = "3GO, about. The existence of this free period is possibly responsible for the sensitiveness of silver salts to ultra-violet light. In fig. 4 the graphs of wV/X for glasses of refractive indices v = 1'GO and v — 1'56 are shown on such a scale as to have the same ordinate at the D line as the graph of K for the measured glass Ag (B), of which the measured refractive index at the D line was T579. The measured curve resembles those calculated, following them very closely from X = '600 to X = "475, and having a maximum for a value of X intermediate between those values of X which correspond to the maxima of the two calculated curves.^ This close approximation of the observed absorptions to those * Cf. ZSIGMONDY, ' Zeitschr. f. Electrochem.,' p. 547. BREDIG'S remark, that his gold solutions were blue red, points to the same conclusion. t These curves show that in each case the absorption is less for red than for yellow. This is contrary to statements made in the previous paper (loc. tit., pp. 399 and 420) ; the errors therein made were due to miscalculation for silver (red) (loc. cit., Table I., p. 396). J The cause of the depression of the observed maximum below those calculated is doubtless to be found in the fact, to which Lord RAY LEIGH has called attention in a recent lecture at the Royal Institution, that 256 MR. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT IIK ,„ „ Fig. 4. SILVER. Fig. 3. SILVER— calculated values of —. ,,»«•! j * i A /D\ A. (1) K, observed for glass Ag (B) : Observed values : x . (1) Spheres (or molecules) in vacua, v=\-0: (2) Spheres in water. v=l- 3333 : (3) Spheres in glass, v = 1 • 5 : (4) Spheres in glass, v = \ • 6 : Calculated values shown thus: O- (2) ^-, calculated for silver spheres in A glass, v = 1 • 56 : (3) -— , calculated for silver spheres in A glass, v -• \ ' GO : Calculated values : Q . ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 257 calculated suggests that the colouring agent of the yellow silver glass consists primarily of diffused spheres of silver. Since discrete silver molecules would produce an absorption maximum at X = '360, not more than a comparatively small amount of silver can be present in the molecularly subdivided condition. The conclusion that silver glass owes its colour to diffused spheres of silver will be verified in the following section. The absorption spectra of some colloidal solutions of silver, prepared by BREDIG'S method,* have been measured by EHRENHAFT. The continuous curve shown in fig. 3, representing the calculated absorptions of a diffusion of silver spheres in water, is of the same form as that which, according to EHRENHAFT'S measurements, represents the absorption of visible light by a colloidal solution of silver.! Using ultra-violet light, he further found that a brown colloidal solution of silver, examined before coagulation had seriously affected its colour, showed an absorption band which began a,t X = '503 and attained a maximum at X = '380, while the fluid was again quite transparent at X = '335. Except for the fact that the maximum ordinate of the calculated curve for silver spheres in water is at X = '389 instead of at X = '380, the above observations admirably describe the continuous curve shown in fig. 3. Since the dotted curve given in that figure shows a maximum at X = '360, and the absorp- tion band does not begin until X = '450, about, the colour of the " colloidal " solution is not that which would be exhibited by a suspension of discrete silver molecules, i.e., by a true solution. We conclude, therefore, that the silver in a " colloidal " solution is present in the form of small spheres ; discrete molecules may, however, also be present, and, as indicated above in the case of gold, prepared by BREDIG'S method, probably also crystallites, the number and size of which will increase with the age of the solution. That the silver in a colloidal solution is in the form of small spheres is further shown by an experiment of BARUS and SCHNEIDER j who measured the refractive index of such a fluid. Their results are given in the following table, § in which n represents the measured refractive index :— the spectrum formed by the light which has traversed the glass is not quite pure, so that that image of the slit which should be illuminated only by light of wave-length, say, A = -433, is also, owing to reflections from dust particles, &c., illuminated by light of other wave-lengths which has experienced a less absorption. * BREDIG, ' Zeitschr. f. Electrochemie,' 4, pp. 514, 547. t EHRENHAFT, loc. cit., p. 506. J BARUS and SCHNEIDER on "The Nature of Colloidal Solutions," 'Zeitschr. f. Phys. Chem.,' VIII., p. 278. § Tabelle 5, loc. cit., p. 296. VOL. CCV. — A. 2 L 258 MR. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT TABLE V.— Index of Refraction of Colloidal Solution of Silver for Sodium Light (X = -589). Solution. Percentage of silver. Percentage of foreign salts. Temperature, °C. n. 0 0 18-0 1-3306 0 0 18-2 1-3315 1-16 0-18 18-6 1-3369 Silver Solution* . . . < 1-16 0-18 18-6 1-3363 1-16 0-18 18-6 1-3369 1-16 0-18 17-0 1-3363 Water J 0 0 18-7 1-3331 0 0 19-0 1-3333 * The solutions were prepared by CAREY LEA'S method of precipitating silver nitrate with ferrous citrate — they were subsequently dialysed for 60 hours. Thus the mean refractive index of silver in water at 18°'6 was n = T3367, while the refractive index of water at 18°7 was v = 1-3331. Taking the specific gravity of silver as 10, the volume proportion silver was /x = '00116. The values of the functions « and a! for sodium light and water at v = T3331 are, according to Table II., a= 1-571 and a' = 1-333. Substituting these values of v, p., and a in equation (10), namely we obtain n' = *(l + f/ia), n' = ^(1-00273) = 1-33674. Similarly, from equation (9), n" — v \ 1 H — ua' 2f we have n" = v (1-002078) = 1-33587. Comparison of these values of n' and n" with the observed value, namely n = 1'3367, ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 259 requires that practically the whole of the silver must have been in suspension in the form of small spheres.* Once more, CAREY LEAt prepared suspensions of silver in water by precipitating the silver from the nitrate by means of a mixture of ferrous sulphate and sodic citrate. He describes how, after careful washing, the silver frequently " dissolved," forming a liquid which varied from red to yellow^ and was generally blood red ; he adds :— " On one occasion the substance was obtained in a crystalline form. Some crude red solution had been set aside in a corked vial. Some weeks after the solution had become decoloured with crystalline deposit on the bottom, The bottle was carefully broken ; the deposit, examined by a lens, consisted of short black needles and thin prisms." If, then, the diffused particles of silver when aggregated and precipitated had become crystalline, they must before have been in the form of nascent crystals, and for gold and for all the substances examined by VOGELSANG, § such nascent crystals were spherical. 7. Blue Reflection from the Stained Face of Silver Glass. When clear glass is flashed with silver glass, or when a clear glass is so stained on one face with silver that the volume proportion /A of silver does not gradually diminish to zero as we proceed inwards from the stained face, but that the stained region ends abruptly, a blue reflection from the interface can be observed if the glass is held with the stained face away from the eye. No blue reflection can be seen from the air-glass interface when the stain is held towards the eye. STOKES observed this blue reflection, and stated that the interface presented the appearance of being coated with a fine blue powder. || We proceed to examine whether the presence of small spheres of silver, which has been shown to account for the colour of the light transmitted by silver glass, will also account for this blue reflection. Consider, then, plane polarised light travelling in a medium of refractive index v' and directly incident on the surface, z = 0, of an absorbing medium whose optical constants are n' and K', where N' = n' (I— IK'). Then we may take as the electric and magnetic vectors for * BARUS and SCHNEIDER (foe. cit., p. 297) make the following comment on their experiment: — • "KuNDT has found for normal metallic silver a refractive index of about 0'27. It would, therefore, be expected that the presence of the silver would diminish the refractive index of the water. It is by no means denied that it might be possible to explain the normal refractive indices of the above table in accordance with MAXWELL'S Theory of Light." The investigation in the text attempts to give such an explanation. t CAREY LEA, ' Amer. Journal of Science,' 1889, and 'Phil. Mag.,' 1891. I Cf. above, p. 243, especially second footnote. § Cf. above, § 1. || STOKES, 'Collected Works,' vol. III., p. 316. 2 L 2 260 MR. J. C. MAXWELL GAKNETT Incident light : — X = exp {tp (t-i/z/c)}, Y = 0, Z = 0, a = 0, /3 = v' exp {ip (t—v'z/c)}, y = 0. Reflected light : — X = B exp {ip (t+v'z/c)}, Y = 0, Z = 0, a = 0, /3 = — z/B exp {ip (t + v'z/c)}, y = 0. Light inside absorbing medium : — X = C exp {ip (t-Wz/c)}, Y = 0, Z = 0, « = 0, /3 = N'G exp {ip (t-Wz/c)}, y = 0. Making X and /3 continuous at Z = 0, we have C=1+B, N'C = »/(1-B). Hence B = — Taking the square of the modulus, we have, for the value II of the ratio of the intensity of the reflected light to that of the incident light, R = (B)* = ="±! ........ (12). ' ''2IJ If, now, the absorbing medium consist of minute spheres of metal embedded in a transparent medium of refractive index v, we have equations (10), namely, n'K' = Sfjiv/3, n'= y(l+f/ta) ....... (10). Substituting these values of nV and of n' in (12) we obtain ...l - - (13), in which powers of /t higher than the second have been neglected. Suppose first that v' = 1, so that we consider the reflection at the front face of the stained glass. Omitting powers of p. except the lowest which occur, we then have from (13) It appears from equation (14) that light is reflected from the stained glass almost as if the stain did not exist, the effect of the stain being slightly to increase the reflection of those colours (in the blue) for which, according to Table II., a is greatest. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 261 Now, however, suppose that v' = v, so that the light is reflected at the interface between colourless glass and the same glass containing small spheres of metal. Neglecting p.3, equation (13) then reduces to (15). Since this expression for R contains no large constant term, the light from the interface will in this case be highly coloured in the case of those metals for which a3+4/82 varies greatly for different values of X. If, however, the absorbing medium contain molecularly divided metal, equations (10) are replaced by 2 + "2 -A (11). n" = Replacing 3/*/3 and 3/j.a. in equations (14) and (15) by (2 + v2)/v2 . /3' and (2 + v2)/v2 . a' respectively, we obtain, as the intensities of the light reflect from the front face of the stain and from the interface respectively, <>«>• (17). As before, it appears that when the stain is held towards the eye the reflection R/ is almost as if the stain were not there ; while when the stained face is away from the eye, the reflection is highly coloured. Sir WILUAM ABNEY has kindly measured for me the intensities R0 of light reflected from the interface between the unstained and stained regions of one of STOKES' specimens of silver glass. The values of R0 are given in the following table : — TABLE VI. — Blue Reflection from Silver Glass. Measured Value of v at D Lines = T532. A. Ro. A.. RO. A. Ro. •4200 •25 •5000 •067 •5800 •014 •4300 •285 •5100 •050 •5900 •016 •4400 •290 •5200 •042 •6000 •018 •4500 •267 •5300 •032 •6100 •020 •4600 •237 •5400 •025 •6200 •021 •4700 •195 •5500 •020 •6300 •022 •4800 •146 •5600 •018 — — •4900 •095 •5700 •016 •6800 •022 262 ME. J. C. MAXWELL GAENETT Fig. 5. (1) E Blue reflection from silver glass. Calculated values : O- • spheres in glass, v = 1 • 56 : (2) E' -r- molecules in glass, v = 1 • 56 : Observed values : x . (3) BO ~f~ observed : •350 -400 -450 -500 •550 -600 •650 •700 Fig. 5. The continuous curve shown in fig. 5 has been fitted to the plots of these values of E.0. In the same figure are also shown the calculated values of E and of E/, obtained from equations (15) and (17) by means of the values of a2+4/32 and of a'2 + 4/3/2 given for silver and glass of refractive index v = I' 56 in Table II. The scales on which E and E' are represented are so chosen that the ordinates corre- sponding to X = '589 shall be the same as that for the continuous curve. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 263 It appears that while the graphs of R' and R0 widely differ, the positions of the respective maxima falling near X = '360 and X = '436 respectively, the graph of R closely resembles that of R0)* the maxima of R and of R' occurring at almost the same value of X. We conclude that the presence of small spheres of silver throughout the stained region of the glass will account for the blue reflection ; and we thus confirm the view, to which absorption phenomena led us, that silver glass consists of a suspension of small spheres of silver in a colourless glass. Before leaving the consideration of the blue reflection from silver glass, it may be noticed that the light is not reflected as from a plane interface between glass and silver glass. Thus when the source of light is an electric arc, the blue colour is clearly discernible by an observer whose eye is not in the straight line determined by the ordinary law of reflection. This effect is due to the irregularity of the interface, the silver not having penetrated the glass to a uniform depth. AH alternative explanation, however, suggests itself, — the blue colour might be due to independent radiation from discrete spheres (or molecules) of silver so far apart as not to form an optically homogeneous medium. The intensity of the emitted light would then be proportional to (a2+4/32)/X4 (in the case of spheres, or (a'- + 4/3'-)/Xl in the case of molecules). Further, the blue colour would be equally visible if the light illuminating the discrete spheres (or molecules) entered the silver glass from the air side or the clear glass side ; and this is not the case. It is of interest to notice that while each individual sphere in glass radiates out light of an intensity proportional to (a*+ 4j62)/X4, a surface separating a glass, containing many of the spheres to a wave-length of light, from a region of the same glass in which no spheres are present, reflects light with an intensity proportional to or + 4/3". This is due to the fact that the number of spheres (on the reflecting surface), the phase of the forced vibrations of which lies at any instant between given limits, is proportional to X2 ; so that the intensity of the reflected light is proportional to X' times the intensity of the light emitted by a single sphere. 8. Diffusions of Copper. The Nature and Form of the Suspended Particle*. We proceed to discuss the colours produced by diffused particles of copper in order to discover the cause of colour of copper ruby glass. The values of the expression nV//iX for v = 1-56, v = 1'5, and v = I'O given in Table III., are plotted in fig. 6, the maxima being determined as in the case of fig. 1 (cf. § 5 above). As in the case of silver, these curves should fairly accurately represent the absorptions produced by copper spheres in glass v = T56, in glass v = 1'5, and by copper spheres or molecules * The fact that E0 increases from yellow to red, while E diminishes in the same range, would be accounted for if the black paper with which Sir WILLIAM ABNEY backed the stained face of the glass reflected 2 per cent, of the light incident on it. Further experiments are to be made on this. Fig. 6. COPPER — calculated values of -^-. Observed values : x . 264 MR. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT Fig. 7. COPPER. ( 1 ) K, observed for copper ruby glass Cu (X) : (1) Spheres (or molecules) in vacuo, v = 1 • 0 : (2) Spheres in glass, v = 1 • 5 : (3) Spheres in glass, v = 1 • 56 : Calculated values shown thus : Q. tv~ (3) n-!L! calculated for copper molecules in glass : Calculated values : O. (2) ~, calculated for copper spheres in glass, if - . tf .( 60 E ON COLOUKS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 265 (copper vapour) in vacuo respectively. The absorption band in the yellow green shown by the top two curves in fig. 6 was observed by STOKES in the spectrum of a copper ruby glass. In fig. 7 the graphs of nV/X for glass (v = 1'5) and of H"K"/\* are reproduced from fig. 6 on such a scale as to have the same ordinate at the D line as that possessed by the continuous curve which has been fitted to the plots of the measured absorption K of the glass Cu (X). The curves in fig. 7 all have a minimum in the red or infra red and a maximum in the yellow-green ; but while that (nV/X) which represents the absorptions of spheres in glass has a secondary maximum near X — '480, the dotted curve shows that the absorption of copper molecules in glass continues to increase till X<-350. Also the maximum in the yellow green for the "sphere" curve occurs for approximately the same value of X as corresponds to the maximum observed absorption ; while the value of X at the maximum of the dotted ("molecule") curve is about lO^i/A less, and the latter maximum is much less marked than are the former two. Finally, the last readings obtained for K in the violet indicate that the continuous (observed) curve rapidly approaches a maximum near X = '480. We conclude that copper ruby glass is coloured by metallic copper,! and that the greater part of the copper is present in the form of small spheres, although some probably remains in the form of discrete molecules.| The manufacture of copper ruby glass closely resembles that of gold ruby.§ Like gold ruby, the copper ruby glass becomes turbid if kept too long at a high temperature. This turbidity is also probably due to the formation of crystallites by the coagulation of small spheres, since, when the conditions necessary for the development of turbidity are long maintained, actual crystals, apparently of copper, are formed in the glass. || 9. Colouring Effects of the Radiation from Radium, Cathode Rays, &c. It has long been well known that cathode rays produce a blue-violet coloration in soda glass. Soda glass tubes, after containing the emanation from radium, show the * The graph of »V/A for v = l can, by increasing all the ordinates in the proper constant proportion, be changed into the graph of w'V'/A for any value of A. Of. § 3 above. t STOKES (' Math, and Phys. Papers,' vol. IV., p. 242) supposed that the colouring agent was suboxide of copper. The blue colour exhibited by overheated specimens of the glass (lo>;. cit., p. 243) is probably caused by the coagulation of the small spheres into crystallites and crystals which reflect out the red light. | Measurements will have to be made with ultra-violet light in order to determine how much copper remains in the molecularly subdivided condition. § Of. above, §5, p. 251. || Of. 'Phil. Trans.,' A (1904), p. 392. Some of the crystalline glazes made by Mr. BURTON at PILKINGTON'S tile works exhibit the same effect. I have seen a pot with a copper glaze in parts of which the copper was apparently reduced, for in passing from the colourless glaze (where the copper was not reduced) into regions where the reduction had been effected, a deep red (copper ruby) was first reached ; that colour increased in intensity until, in the central portions of the region, crystals, apparently of copper, could be seen. VOL. CCV. — A. 2 M 266 ME. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT same colour, and crystals of each salt acquire iinder cathode rays a beautiful violet tint.* Experiment has also shown that exposure to the emanation from radium gives to gold glass a ruby colour, to silver glass a yellow colour, and to potash glass a brown colour. Now we have seent that a molecularly subdivided metal possesses the same colour by transmitted light whatever be the nature of the surrounding transparent medium, supposed non-dispersive and isotropic. This colour may be called the vapour- colour of the metal. It has further appeared that although the transmitted colour of a metal subdivided into small spheres, many to a wave-length of light, does depend on the refractive index v of the medium in which the small spheres are " embedded," yet this colour approaches to the vapour-colour as v approximates to unity. As is shown by the dotted curve in fig. 1, the vapour-colour of gold must be red.| The colour of glass containing molecularly distributed gold is thus red,;}; although when the gold is collected into spheres the glass is pink. Similarly, reference to the relative values of /3'/X in Table II. shows that the vapour-colour of silver is yellow. Glass coloured by small spheres of silver is also yellow. Again, Professor R. W. WOOD showed to the British Association^ in Cambridge that the vapour-colour of sodium is violet, this colour being due to the absorption at the D lines. This violet colour is also produced at the cathode in the electrolysis of sodium chloride, || the molecules of sodium formed at the cathode being distributed throughout the water in its neighbourhood and giving rise to the vapour-colour. 'I Analogy with the cases of gold and of silver indicates that small spheres of sodium would produce in glass a colour not greatly different from the vapour-colour produced by the molecularly subdivided metal. Thus the colours developed in gold, silver, or soda glass by the radiation from the emanation from radium are approximately the same as the colours which would be given to the glass by the presence of the reduced metal, either molecularly divided or in small spheres (nascent crystals). It is therefore very probable that the metal in the glass is reduced by the action of the radiation. This view finds considerable support in the discovery of VILLARU,** that cathode rays exert a reducing action, as well as from the fact, already cited, tf that ELSTER and GEITKL found the salts of the alkali metals, which had been coloured by exposure to cathode rays, to exhibit photo-electric effects as if they contained traces of the free metal. * GOLDSTEIN, ' WIED. Ann.,' liv., p. 371, 1898. t Fide ante, p. 243. I Or yellow ; see the second footnote, p. 243. § August, 1904. || Cf. J. J. THOMSON, 'Conduction of Electricity through Gases,' pp. 495, 496. IT BUNSEN found that common salt, after heating to about 900° C., exhibited a violet colour, due apparently to the reduced metal, although BUNSEN suggested a, subchloride, ** 'Journal de Phys.,' 3™' Series, VIII., p. 140, 1899. tt See 'Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904, p. 400. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 267 Sir WILLIAM RAMSAY, when I first called his attention to the explanation of the coloration of glass by radium which is afforded by supposing the radiation to reduce metal in the glass, suggested that the reduction might be effected by the discharge of free ions of the metal. Since that time the further evidence that has accumulated seems to 'favour the truth of this theory. Thus, as all the colour-changes from pink to blue exhibited by gold glass can be imitated with suspensions of gold in water, the glass appears to behave as a liquid, although a very viscous one ; and it seems, therefore, reasonable to suppose that the salt of a metal which will dissociate in water will dissociate also in glass. As an alternative hypothesis, we might suppose the compound molecules broken up by the rays. But, were this the case, the a-rays would be far more efficient than the /3 in producing the colour. And this is not true ; for the coloration produced in the splinters of gold and silver glass, as well as in soda and potash glasses, are not, apparently, stronger on the sides of the glass, but seem to be of uniform strength throughout. From this it appears that the /8-rays are alone capable of producing the colour. This is in accord with the former hypothesis. For the ions of the metal in the glass would be positively charged, and their discharge by the negatively-charged /3 particles (or cathode rays) would change them into molecules — just as the sodium ions in the electrolysis of common salt are discharged at the cathode, and thus are transformed into molecules of sodium, imparting a violet colour to the water and capable of forming caustic soda. It appears, therefore, possible that all glasses contain free ions of metal, and that it is by the discharge of these ions, and consequent reduction of the metal, that cathode and Becquerel rays are able to produce coloration in them. 10. Numerical Values of the Optical Constants of Media containing Large Volume Proportions of Certain Metals. The preceding sections of this paper have treated only of the optical properties of those media for which the volume proportion, //., of metal is very small. The consideration of media in which p. may have any value up to unity will now, however, be resumed, in order to discover what may be the physical explanation of those colours and changes of colour which FARADAY,* BEILBY,! and others have found to be exhibited by thin metallic films. In § 11 of the former communication J the question whether films built up of small spheres of silver or of gold would, for any given volume proportion of metal, transmit red or yellow light more easily, was dis- cussed, and the conclusions reached were compared with the results of Mr. BEILBY'S experimentsf on the effect of heat on thin films of metal. The present section extends the scope of that enquiry. * Bakerian Lecture for 1857, 'Phil. Trans.,' A, 1857. Reprinted in FARADAY'S 'Researches in Chemistry and Physics,' pp. 391 et seq. (Reference will be made to the pages of the reprint.) t 'Roy. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 72, 1903, p. 226.. t 'Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904, p. 415. 2 M 2 26 g ME. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT It has been shown that the optical properties of a metal, so diffused in vacuo (v = 1) that p. has some definite value, are the same whether the microstructure be amorphous (molecularly sub-divided) or consist of small spheres, these optical properties being in either case deducible from equation (7), p. 241.* If then, in accordance with the notation adopted in the former communication (pp. 403 et seq.), the accents' hitherto used to denote the optical constants, n and HK, when p. differs from unity, be now omitted, and the values of those constants corresponding to any particular value /*' of p be denoted by a suffix (e.g., HK^^), the values of n and HK are given by equation (17), p. 404, t namely, a — ; where, as in equation (13'), p. 403, t - {n'(K'-l)-2}'+4nV > K(^-l)-2 By these equations the values of n and UK, determining optical properties of amorphous or " small-sphere " metallic media of any density, may be calculated for light of wave-length X, in terms of the values of n^=l and of nKIL=l for the same mono- chromatic light. The values of n and of UK for gold and for silver have already been calculated for all values of \L in the case of red light (X = '630) and in that of yellow light (X = '58 9). The results are given in Table IV. of the former com- munication. | But in order to obtain a true conception of the colours of such media, corresponding calculations must be effected for other colours also. Now, in the case of silver, the numerical values of all those functions of HK^I and «M=1 which have hitherto been calculated for the case of v = 1— those functions, in fact, which relate to molecules or small spheres of silver in vacuo — vary continuously from red (X = -630) to blue (X = '450). If, therefore, the values of n and UK corresponding to X = '450 and X = '500 be now calculated for all values of p., the values of n and n/c for other colours may be obtained approximately by interpolation between X = '630 and X = '450. The values of n and UK corresponding to X = '450 and X = '500 have therefore been calculated for certain values of /A, by means of equations (18) and (19). The values of ?i/c/1=1 and n^=l used for the calculations were carefully determined by B. S. MINOB.§ The results are tabulated below (Table VIII.). In the case of gold it is not so easy to apply this method of interpolation. The values of n and HK corresponding both to blue (X = '458) and to green (X = '527) * 'Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904, equation (16), p. 403. t ' Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904. I ' Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904, p. 406. § Loc. cit. (vide ante, Table II). ON COLOUES IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 269 r-M 8 II a. to % f-H O A l-H 0 (M f-H 0 to oo I-H g 10 OO in oo 03 05 II a. 05 in o> t~ C-l 00 r— t to II a. t- in ^H T" I-H O5 10 to i-H ^* 00 •* CO to "* CM •jH II a. to O •* •* GO CM in I-H l-H C5 03 O CO in (M CT l-H C c > 4 •4 H to I-H o C5 10 ^ h H > oo -* O to in a oo I-H oo t~ i— i r-H co •«* «* l-H t- If 0 V a. i > 1 r~ r-H O t^ to 1— t i o 'o O 0s $% « II ^ o" c o S1? o u ^% r-1 y> a m ^ >-» OO 10 •^< II ^ r- ' t- C (t—z/<-)}, 0 ; H = -exp {ip (t-zjc}, 0, 0. Reflected wave is E = 0, B exp { ip (I + z/c)} , 0 ; H = B exp { ip (t + z/c) } , 0, 0. Wave in film, i.e., hot ween z = 0 and z = d, is E = 0, A' exp {q> (/-c/V)} t-B' exp {lp (t + z/V)}, 0, H = -c/V[A' exp {tjp(«-*/V)}-F exp {q>(f + z/V)}], 0, 0. Transmitted wave is E = 0, Cexp{ip(*-z/c)},0; H= -(! exp [q, ((-z/c)}, 0, 0, where c/V = H (1 — IK). We shall suppose:]: that TrdnK/\> 1, so that we shall be correct within 2 per cent. when we neglect B' in comparison with A'. The boundary conditions at 2 = 0, namely the continuity of the components of E and H which are parallel to the interface, then give 1 + B = A'; (l-B) = e/V. A' = »(!-«) A'. Eliminating A' we obtain, by taking the squares of moduli, * Loc. cit. t Cj. above, § 4. | Of. 'Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904, p. 409. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 271 In equation (26), on p. 409,* we have already proved that T = I 0 1 2 - 16^(1 + *") -^./A (9 - \ •»s If we write M 16n2(l + K2) , -{(l + n)2+nV}2 equation (21) may be written T0 = Mo e-""'""/A ......... (23). Equations (20) and (21) are thus correct within 2 per cent, for directly incident visible light, and for /A = 1 in the case of gold if c/>91ju//, or in the case of silver if (/> 60/J./A, where Ip-p EE 10~" millim. For convenience of reference the corresponding results for obliquely incident light are given below. Let 0 be the angle of incidence. When the incident light is polarised in the plane of incidence, the ratios R, T of the intensities of the reflected and of the transmitted beams to that of the incident light are given by '8ay ..... (2o)' where u and v are defined by the equation (u, v) cos (9 = [{(nV-1 + sin2 0}2 + 4nV}» + (n3/?^! + sin2 ^)]5 . . (20). v 2 When, however the incident light is polarised perpendicular to tlie plane of incidence, the corresponding ratios are given by where u'-<.v'={n(l-iK)YI(u-<.v) ........ (29). Putting 9 = 0, we obtain R = If = H,h T = T' = T0, u = u' = n, v = v' = HK. It appears from equation (23) that the colour of the light transmitted by a metallic film, although principally dependent on the values of nK/k for different values of X, is also affected by the corresponding values of M0. The thicker the film, however, the less important is M0 in determining the colour. * 'Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904. 272 ME. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT The values of n/c/\, calculated from Table IV. of the former paper,* using however new and more accurate values in the case of silver with red light, and from Table VII. above, are shown in Table VIII. The corresponding values of M0 are given in Table IX., in which table the values of the reflecting power R0 have also been included. In order to facilitate the consideration of the colours which should, according to the above analysis and calculations, be exhibited by gold and silver films when their specific gravities vary but their microstructures remain amorphous or granular (small spheres), graphs of n/c/\, of M0, and of R0 are given in the accompanying figures (figs. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13). In these figures the abscissse represent the volume proportion, /A, of metal, and the ordinates the value of the function. The curves have been fitted to the plots of the numerical values shown in Tables VIII. and IX. In each case the positions of the plots of calculated values have been indicated by small circles. TABLE VIII. —Value of nK/K. ~a 43 y> M <5 o "3 • U -4 i — i II a. ci 11 a. •* II 3, id II a. o II a. i-^ II a. oo" II a. a> II a. 0 II a. ,-H 1 « II a. 1 a Blue . •458 •420 •879 1-845 2-279 2-637 2-908 3-099 3-240 3-319 — — r— ' "3 i Green . •527 -.360 •861 2-432 3-149 3-526 3-646 3-642 3-592 3-529 3-524 •599 O Yellow •589 •046 — — •896 2-555 6-90 6-45 5-42 4-79 6-47 •685 Red . •630 •022 — — •381 •960 4-56 7-95 5-96 5-00 7-76 •734 Blue . •450 •064 — •902 3-50 10-16 7-81 6-49 5-76 5-30 9-17 •561 |H to £ \ Green . •500 •022 •053 •197 •431 1-401 12-557 8-901 6-850 5-882 11-585 •693 a Yellow •589 •008 — — •112 •238 •762 14-84 8-33 6-23 13-52 •791 1 Red . •630 •006 — •046 •082 •163 •444 4-885 9-005 6-286 13-599 •822 'Phil. Trans..' A, 1904, p. 406. ON COLOUKS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 273 TABLE IX. M " /c ~ _ a> ' u ~ Colour. 1 a /»=•! ^=•4 P--6 /x=-6 /x=-7 .>=-8 ^=•9 ./i=l-0 /*--. a Bed 1 •822^ ' Mo •985 •801 •695 •560 •380 •123 •430 •858 •087 A -630 j I . RO •007 •105 •167 •252 •385 •669 •928 •953 •792 Yellow 1 •79lJ ; MO •984 — •675 •529 •331 •105 •563 •972 •100 Silver "{ A-589 j I RO •008 — •179 •274 •419 •800 •930 •951 •778 Green "1 •G93, 1 1 ' I Ks / 1 X ^x i / \_ '• — /< >r£LLOW i i f ..< a ^ ,G/?ffA/ ^BL'J£ < 1 i -•* 4 ^..•f r ' i i i i ..>" •:>•* / / / / i // •zzf-, ^ ' . — — • '-— " i ; / ^ •2 -3 -4 Fig. Red (X Yellow Green ( Blue (A ; H ). S = -6C i\ > •! ILVE 10): •589' 500) 50): ^ // )' •: -3 •' Fig Red (X Yellow Green Blue (; \- 8. - -6 > •< GOLI 30): •589 527) 58): , -7 -B -3 1-0 0 UK ~T' •i -a -"• •9 1-0 0 - \ . V (X=- i= -4 1 • VA- \ - • : _ . _ . _ = •4 ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 275 Fig. 10. GOLD — M0. Fig. 11. SILVER — M0. Yellow (. Green (X Blue (X = v •. 1 • 589): 27): 0' 1 itea (*.= Yellow (X Green (X = Blue(X = 5 M Q S ^ 'DJU; . K : 89): 0): ) = = -5 •451 = •50 •450 """ — • — • — v> •".^ ^~^- :^ "~^i -*-Q^ ""'-• """•••. ,_ ^~— ^. — — — ^C " — -few 9 •»•. '—•**.. ^ 0>9'^ ^ " -._. "'^ «-•" y * ^ y .S" tf // // ,-• s-' r^ ' I / _s' / I/ f 38 S! -''**-. 2 N 2 '276 MR. J. C. MAXWELL GAKNETT Fig. 12. GOLD — RQ. Red (A =-630): Yellow (A =-589): - Green (A =-527): Blue (A= -458): Fig. 13. SILVER — RO. Red (X= -630): Yellow (A =-589): — Green (A =-500): Blue (A. = "450): I ON COLOUES IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 277 11. Colour Changes Caused by Heating Metal Films. In the Bakerian Lecture* for 1857, FARADAY described a, number of experiments concerning the colours which gold and other metals were, in various conditions, capable of exhibiting. Mr. G. T. BEILBY'S investigations on the colour and structure of films of metal are described in his paper on " The Surface Structure of Solids."t The average thickness of the gold leaf which FARADAY used in his earlier expei'iments was about 90 /i/i.| Reference to p. 271 above will show that, with a probable error of 2 per cent., the optical properties of such a leaf will be subject to the analysis given in § 10 above. Thus, for example, if we assume that, in a gold leaf as it leaves the beater, the gold is in an amorphous state, its colour by directly transmitted light is that for which T0, as given by equation (23), namely T0 = Muexp {-4ml. riK/X} (23), is a maximum. If, further, the metal has its normal specific gravity, so that /j. = 1, the values of nx/K and of M0 in this equation are those given for p, = 1 in Tables VIII. and IX., or figs. 8 and 10. Now, when /JL = 1, the value of n/c/A. is much smaller for blue and green than for yellow and red, and is slightly smaller for blue than for green ; while the value of M0 is greater for green and blue than for yellow and red, and is considerably greater for green than for blue. Thus both the factors of T0 in equation (23) are greater for blue and green than for yellow and red. The former colours therefore predominate in the transmitted light. Further, in very thick films, for which n/c/A. is of supreme importance, blue should, in the transmitted beam, predominate over green ; while in thinner films, on account of the greater value of Mu for green than for blue, green light should be more intense. FARADAY found that all his gold leaf appeared olive-green by transmitted light. Again, Table IX., or fig. 12, shows that the reflecting power, R0, is, when p = 1, much greater for red and yellow than for green and blue ; and this result is again in accordance with the observed colour of gold leaf by reflected light. FARADAY,§ however, states that gold leaf still appeared green by transmitted light when its thickness was reduced to only 10 JU./A or 5 pp,. Now equation (24) of the former communication, || namely, T0 = l-47rd.n2K/\, * Reprinted from the 'Phil. Trans.' in his 'Researches in Chemistry and Physics,' p. 391. References will be made to the pages of this reprint." t Glasgow, 1903. t Loc. tit., p. 394. § Loc. tit., p. 395. || 'Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904, p. 408. 278 MR. J. C. MAXWELL GAKNETT shows that, for a film of such thinness, the intensity T0 of the transmitted light is greatest for red light.* This red colour has been seen both by FARADAY! and by BEILBY| in parts of their green films. FARADAY says the red colour was extremely faint but appeared to have an objective reality, while BEILBY describes the effect as that of " an irregular film of pink jelly." It appears that extremely thin films of gold are, by surface tension, drawn up into green patches, leaving larger areas covered by an almost transparent, but faintly red, film. The effect on the unaided eye is that of a transparent green. The silver leaf used by BEILBY was over 300 p,^ thick. It therefore comes well inside the range for which the analysis of § 10 applies. Now Table VIII. , or fig. 9, shows that, for amorphous silver of normal specific gravity (//. = 1), «/c/X is least for the more refrangible rays. Again, Table IX., or fig. 11, shows that, for p. = 1, M0 is greatest for the same rays. It follows therefore, from equation (23) above, that, on both these accounts, the light transmitted by silver leaf should be blue ; and, in fact, silver leaf transmits a deep blue light. The approximately equal values of the reflecting power, R0, shown in Table IX., or fig. 13, for /A = 1, correspond to the almost colourless reflection from polished normal silver. Consider now the colour changes which, according to figs. 8 to 13, deduced from the calculations of § 10, should accompany a diminution in the density of gold and silver films from its normal value (/u. = 1) to zero (p. = 0). This diminution of density may be conceived either as an increase of the distance between adjacent molecules or as due to the aggregation of groups of neighbouring molecules into small spheres. For geometrical considerations show that so soon as two spheres form adjacent to one another in an otherwise amorphous mass of metal, the density of the mass must begin to diminish. And it has been shown that the calculations in question are applicable whether the metal is in small spheres or in an amorphous state, and thus when it is partly in the one condition and partly in the other. Taking first the case of gold, it appears from figs. 8 and 10, in conjunction with equation (23), that, as /x begins to diminish from unity, the absorptions of red and yellow light increase rapidly, owing both to the increase of HK/\ and to the decrease in M0. Meanwhile, owing to the decrease of the ratio of M0 (green) to M0 (blue) and to the increase of (wic/X) (green) — (w/c/X) (blue), the relative intensity of green to blue in the transmitted beam diminishes. Thus the first effect is to make the transmitted light bluer, and this effect continues until //. = about 75. As p continues to diminish below this value, the absorption of red rapidly decreases until, at /u, = '68, in a very thick film,§ the absorption of red has become as small as that of blue. The film is * Cf. Table IV., p. 406 of former paper, and Table VIII. above, t Loc. cit., p. 400. I Loc. cit., p. 40. § When exp ( - iird . WK/A) is the dominating factor in T0. The corresponding value of /* is less in thinner films for which M0 is very important. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 279 then purple. As p. still further diminishes, the relative absorption of red continues to become small, so that the film becomes pink. Finally, at p. = 0, the absorption of green is less than that of blue, and the colour has changed from pink to red.* It is further seen, from fig. 12, that the reflecting power E,0 has, as p, began to diminish, become more yellow. At p, = '60, when the colour of T0 is still purple or pink, the colour of R0 has become green ; and thenceforward R0 remains green as p. diminishes from '6 to zero. Similar consideration of figs. 9 and 11 shows that in the case of silver, as p. begins to diminish from unity, the colour by transmitted light becomes at first bluer, then changes to purple in the neighbourhood of p, = '8, and thence, through pink, to red or " amber " as p, further diminishes to /A = 0. In fact, it appears from the four colours for which calculations have been made, that there is, for any value of p., a well-defined absorption band at some position in the (visible or invisible) spectrum, and that, as p. diminishes, the position of this absorption band moves from the infra-red through the visible spectrum towards the shorter wave-lengths, being at X = -630 for p, = about '83, at X = "589 for p, = about '80, at X = '500 for p, = about '69, and at X = '450 for p. = about "55. Fig. 13 shows that the colour of the reflected light becomes distinctly blue at about p = '75, and remains blue down to p. = 0. With a view to determining what may be the explanation of the colours and changes of colour exhibited by gold and silver films, we have now to compare the latter colours with those which we have found above to be consequent upon a mere isotropic change in density. BEiLBYf has prepared gold films by using paints in which " the metal had been brought into solution in an essential oil." Having smoothly coated a plate of glass or mica with the paint, he heated it to a temperature of about 400°, thereby driving off the oil and other volatile constituents. A film of pure gold with full metallic reflection, and transmitting green light, is left adhering to the glass. When these films are kept at a high temperature for some time, they change colour. By transmitted light, the original olive-green colour becomes at first bluer, then changes to purple, in which, as the annealing process is still continued, the red predominates more and more over the blue, until finally the purple has given place to pink. The reflecting power of the film has, meanwhile, diminished. But the colour of the light reflected from the blue films remains yellow, while the pink films reflect a green colour. I have before me a gold film prepared in this way and subjected to lengthy annealing. By transmitted light it appears striated with pink and blue bands. By reflected light the blue striae become golden, but the pink striae green. Under the microscope the film appears continuous, and is quite thick. These colour changes, both with transmitted and with reflected light, are just * Or yellow, if the colour is faint. See the second footnote on p. 243 above. - t Loc, cit., p. 40. 2go MR. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT those which have been shown above to be consequent upon a continuous diminution in the density of a gold film, which throughout remains either amorphous or "granular" (i.e., possessing a microstructure of small spheres). The view that the film is initially amorphous or granular, and that heating diminishes its density, is supported, as has already been pointed out,* by the fact that the curves in figs. 8 and 10 show that the absorption of light increases rapidly as /* begins to diminish from unity, while BEILBY'S films exhibited just such an increase of absorptive power when first heated. This view is also in accordance with the loosening of structure which is suggested by the great decrease in electric conductivity which accompanies heating. But direct evidence of the correctness of the view that heating produces decrease in density is not wanting, for BEILBY! has estimated the thickness of a film which had been annealed to the purple stage. He found, by weighing the gold from a given area, that, had the density of the gold been then normal (p = 1), the film would have been lGO/x/.t thick, whereas, under the microscope, the thickness seemed to be much greater than this. The density of the gold in the purple film thus appeared to be less than in the normal green films. We conclude, therefore, that (a) the films, as first prepared, are amorphous or granular in structure; and (/*) heating diminishes the density of the film, while pressure is able to increase the density ar/ain.^ Further, BEILBY found t that, when the heating of a film was continued after it had reached the purple stage, " the film assumes a frosted appearance by reflected light and becomes paler by transmitted light." The frosted surface appeared, under the microscope, to consist of granules at least lOO/x^a in diameter. This phenomenon suggests that in the earlier stages of annealing, smaller granules were formed, which, as annealing proceeded, ran together to form larger granules : and the formation of such minute granules, while, according to our analysis, it does not aft'ect the optical continuity of the film, will explain the diminution in density which occurs on heating. It is, therefore, most probable that (c) tl\e diminution in density produced by heating is effected by the passage of metal from the amorphous to the granular phase and the growth of the larger granules at the expense of the smaller; and the increase in density produced by pressure may be accompanied by the passage of metal from the granular to the amorphous phase. \ The optical properties of the films of gold whicli FARADAY produced by reducing that metal from its solution by means of phosphorus, tend to show that these films are composed of amorphous or granular gold of density less than the normal. The films appeared to consist of pure gold ;|| when first prepared the films appeared of a grey * 'Phil, Trans.,' A, 1904, p. 415. t IMC. cit., p. 41. I Of. the effect of pressure on FARADAY'S " phosphorous " films after heating— see next page. § [Note added 31st August, 1905. — Subsequent analysis has, however, shown that a sufficient flattening of the granules would cause the colours of the standard metal (//. = 1) to be exhibited.] || FARADAY, loc. cit., p. 408. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 281 colour, which was frequently resolvable into a mixture of green and amethystine striae. These colours would be shown by an amorphous or granular film for which the density was in parts as low as p. = 7. Moreover, such a structure agrees with the fact that " the films did not sensibly conduct electricity " and that " the films cannot be regarded as continuous."* FARADAY further statest that, though they are certainly porous to gas and to water-vapour, the films have evident optical continuity. Heating diminished the conducting power and changed the colour to amethyst or ruby, just as with BEILBY'S films, pressure, which we should expect to increase the density of the film, changed the transmitted colour to green and increased the reflecting power ; and these are precisely the changes which would, according to calculation, accompany an increase in /A to the neighbourhood of unity in the case of an amorphous or granular film. Closely allied to these phosphorous films are the deposits of gold on glass which FARAD A Yj obtained " by deflagrating a gold wire by explosions of a Leyden battery." " There is no reason to doubt that these deposits consisted of metallic gold in a state of extreme division." This method of preparing these deposits is similar to BREDIG'S§ method of obtaining suspensions of gold in water ; it is, therefore, to be expected that the deposits consist of small spheres of gold .together with some large crystallites. The films were so discontinuous as to be unable to conduct electricity ;|| but they were such as to present an optical continuity.il FARADAY sums up their colour changes as follows :— " Fine gold particles, loosely deposited, can in one state transmit light of a Hue-grey colour [/j. = about • 8], or can by heat be made to transmit light of a ruby colour [/* < • 7], or can by pressure from either of the former states be made to transmit light of a green colour,** all these changes being due to modifications Of gold as gold and independent of the presence of the bodies on which for the time the gold is supported." It appears, therefore, that the conclusions (a), (b), (c), arrived at on p. 280 for BEILBY'S films, are also applicable to FARADAY'S "phosphorous" films and to FARADAY'S " deflagration " films. One more experiment of FARAD AY'stt on coloured gold deposits remains to be noticed. When a drop of solution of chloride of gold is evaporated in a watch-glass until the gold is reduced, a portion of the gold is generally found to have been carried by the vapour on to the neighbouring part of the glass. This part has the ruby tint ; and we have seen that a ruby tint is characteristic of the light transmitted by * Loc. cit., p. 407. t Loc. cit., p. 439. J Loc. cit., p. 401. § Cf. above, p. 252, and footnote, p. 255. || Loc. cit., p. 402. U Loc. cit., p. 439. ** Probably /A = 1 nearly ; but see fourth footnote on p. 280, above, ft Loc. cit., p. 428. TOL. COV. — A. 2 O 282 MR. -I. C.' MAXWELL GARNETT amorphous or granular gold, the density of which is in the neighbourhood of '6 of that of normal gold. The similarity of this method of preparing a metallic film with \L < 1 to that by which Professor R. W. WOOD prepared the sodium and potassium films, described in § 12 of the former communication,* is deserving of notice, and, from a different standpoint, tends to confirm the view there expressed as to the physical nature and structure of Professor WOOD'S films. The conclusions (a), (b), (c) arrived at above (p. 280) as to the effect of heat and pressure on metallic films do not apply only to gold, as the following observations on silver films show. FARADAY! obtained silver films by reducing silver from a solution of the nitrate. The thinner parts of these films transmitted light of a " warm brown or sepia tint [//, < '8]. Pressure brought out the full metallic lustre and converts the colour from brown (ju, < '8] to blue [p. > '8]." The behaviour ot these films corresponds to that of the gold films obtained with phosphorus. Again, ft. W. WOOD| prepared films by chemically depositing silver on glass. These films, as originally prepared, show the same reddish-brown colour by transmitted light, and have a good blue-green reflection. It has been shown above that both these colours are characteristic of amorphous or granular silver, for which p. is appreciably less than -8. These films showed no electrical conductivity ; § so that, as in the case of BEILBY'S gold films, || the evidence of a loose structure afforded by the colours exhibited is confirmed by the evidence from conductivity. 12. The Exceptional Case of Beaten Metal Leaf. There is one class of metallic film which, when heated, does not exhibit the colour changes that, according to our calculations, correspond to a gradual diminution in the density of the film. To such films the conclusions (a), (b), (c) of p. 280 do not directly apply. Instead of being obtained from finely divided metal by chemical deposition, deflagration, &c., the films in question are prepared by beating sheets of the solid metal into thin leaves. FARADAY IF observed that heat caused gold leaf to lose its olive-green colour and silver leaf to lose its deep blue colour, the films at the same time becoming more * Loc. cit., p. 412. t Loc. cit., p. 409. | 'Phil. Mag.,' August, 1903. The silver was prepared by the method of CAREY LEA (' Amer. Journ. of Sc.,' 1889). A further memoir on WOOD'S silver films is now in course of preparation. § Of. BARUS and SCHNEIDER, ' Zeitschr. f. Phys. Chem.,' VIII., p. 285, 1891, who attempted to measure the conductivity of a silver film prepared by CAREY LEA'S method, and found that, so soon as a drop of the silver suspension dried, so that the charged particles of silver could no longer move about, the conductivity of the drop vanished. || See above, p. 280. f Loc. cit., p. 395 et seq. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 283 transparent and tending to shrink during the process.* Thus a silver leaf which before heating was opaque, or only able to transmit deep blue light, and that very feebly, was so altered by heating that the light of a candle could be seen through forty thicknesses.! But in every case the original colour of the leaf, whether of gold or of silver, returns when the leaf is subjected to pressure. The differences between the effect of heat on chemically prepared films and on beaten leaf correspond to differences between the laminatedf structure of the leaf and " the closer and more horn-like texture of the films deposited by chemical agents.''^ The optical properties of a laminated metal leaf may be estimated and compared with the corresponding properties of an amorphous or granular film of the same metal, if the optical constants of a plate built up of a number of flat spheroids§ with their polar axes normal to the plate can be calculated. The general problem of the transmission of electromagnetic waves by a medium composed of a number of minute similar and similarly situated ellipsoids, distributed at random many to a wave-length, has now been solved, and it is hoped that the discussion of the optical properties of gold and silver leaf, of the change in those properties which is produced by heat, and of the relations of metal films (spheroidal, granular, and amorphous) to polarised light, may form the subject of a future memoir. With these exceptions, namely, the properties peculiar to beaten leaf and the relations of metal films to polarised light, all the experimental relations of gold (and other metals) to light, which FARADAY described in his Bakerian Lecture have now been discussed, and we are led to the conclusion that the phenomena exhibited— whether by chemically or electrically deposited films, or by particles of gold diffused in glass, jelly, or water — are due to different groupings of the metal molecules and to variations in the mean distance between adjacent molecules, and in no case are they due to allotropic modifications of the molecules themselves. 13. CAREY LEA'S "Allotropic" Silver. In the former communication] | it was suggested that CAREY LEA'S "allotropic" silver was in reality only finely divided silver, the division being sufficiently fine to admit of the films being optically continuous. 11 He advances** two principal arguments * Loc. cit., p. 396. t FARADAY, loc. cit., p. 399. t BEILBY. loc. cit., p. 43. The difference in structure is shown by the fact that while mercury will diffuse slowly and uniformly in the compact film, in the leaf thin streams of mercury may be seen shooting rapidly in all directions. § BEILBY (loc. cit., pp. 48 et seq.) has shown that a layer of exceedingly flat spheroids is generally found on the surface of a metal. || 'Phil. Trans.,' A, 1904, p. 419. U It is not necessary to suppose the microstructure of the finely divided silver to be granular, as was done in the former paper. It may be in part granular and in part amorphous. ** Fide ' Amer. Journal of Science,' 1889, and 'British Journal of Photography,' March, 1901. Also 'Phil. Mag.,' vols. 31, 32 (1891). 2 O 2 284 MR- J- C. MAXWELL GARNETT for the allotropy of silver in the form in which he prepared the metal. We proceed to examine these arguments. In the first place, then, all CAREY LEA'S silver films were prepared from silver suspensions. He claims that these suspensions were "true solutions," and that the ability of the silver to remain in solution in water was evidence that the molecules of the silver in question differed from those of normal silver, or, in other words, the silver was in an allotropic form. We are now, however, familiar with the fact that particles of normal silver, as of many other metals, are able, in consequence of mutual electrostatic repulsions,* to keep themselves in suspension in quite pure water. Again, we have seen that, when a silver solution is prepared by BREDIG'S method, its refractive index is that which is possessed by a suspension of small spheres, but not of molecules, of silver in water, f and in the same case there is a strong absorption band at exactly that point of the spectrum at which small spheres, but not molecules, of silver in water would produce a maximum ;J so that in this case the greater part of the silver is certainly present in the form of small spheres. Further, if, when prepared by deflagration, silver in suspension in water takes the small sphere form, it is primd facie probable that it does the same when obtained by CAREY LEA'S method,§ and this probability is increased by the fact that CAREY LEA'S silver suspensions exhibited the same red, yellowish-red, and yellow colours which are shown by BREDIG'S suspensions of different densities. We conclude that CAREY LEA'S " solutions of allotropic silver " consisted of small spheres of normal silver in suspension. || We should therefore expect that the films obtained by CAREY LEA would be similar in constitution and behaviour to BEILBY'S " gold paint " filmsH and to FARADAY'S phosphorous films.** This leads us to CAREY LEA'S second argument for the allotropy of his silver ; he states :— "The brittleness of the substances B and C [blue and gold coloured respectively, by reflected light], the facility with which they can be reduced to the finest powder makes a striking point of difference between allotropic and normal silver. It is probable that normal silver, precipitated in fine powder and set aside moist to dry gradually may cohere into brittle lumps, but there would be mere aggregations of discontinuous material. With allotropic silver the case is very different, the particles dry in optical contact with each other, the surfaces are brilliant, and the material evidently continuous. That this should be brittle indicates a totally different state of molecular constitution from that of normal silver." ft * See footnote p. 253 above, t See above, p. 258. t See above, p. 257. § Above p. 259. Cf. also the fact that the silver in a silver-stained glass is in the form of small spheres. || Cf. also evidence given on p. 259 above. H See above, p. 279. ** See above, p. 281. This expectation is verified by a further examination of WOOD'S films. See note above p. 282. tt 'Brit. Jour. Phot.,' March 1901, p. 21. ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. 285 All these properties are shared by FARADAY'S " phosphorous " gold,* so that our expectation is, so far, fulfilled. We are, in fact, perfectly familiar with " mere aggregations of discontinuous material " which are optically continuous — for example, gold ruby glass. Many of the observations which CAREY LEA has recorded on the colours of his silver films are in accordance with the expectation that these films, like BEILBY'S gold films and FARADAY'S " phosphorous " gold, should behave according to the laws (a), (6), and (c) stated above. But two difficulties arise in the way of this accordance, for, in the first place CAREY LEA'S recorded observations do not sufficiently distinguish between transmitted and reflected light. For example he recordst that his freely precipitated silver dissolves to a blood-red colour, and proceeds "When the substance is brushed over paper and dried rapidly it exhibits a beautiful succession of colours. At the moment of applying it it appears blood red| ; when half dry it has a splendid blue colour and lustrous metallic reflection;! when quite dry this metallic effect disappears and the colour is matt blue."|| Lastly, in the case of the films discussed in § 11 above, the colour depended on the fact that the density of the film was less than that of the metal composing the film when in its normal state ; but pressure increased the density to its normal value, at the same time bringing out the normal colour, both by reflected and by transmitted light, of the metal. And CAREY LEA'S silvers " show a lower specific gravity than that of normal silver ; "1 and pressure "instantly converted gold-coloured allotropic silver into normal silver."** We conclude from the above evidence that this silver was not " allotropic," but consisted of normal silver in a finely divided state. 14. HERMANN VOGEL'S Silver. Before leaving the consideration of these discontinuous forms of silver, reference O must be made to a paper by HERMANN VoGEL,tt in which the author describes how * " The least touch of the finger removed the film of gold. . . . These films, though they are certainly porous to gas .... have evident optical continuity " (FARADAY, loc. cit., p. 439). Of. also the facts that films analogous to CABBY LEA'S did not conduct (BARUS and SCHNEIDER, loc. cit., p. 285), and that the phosphorous films did not sensibly conduct electricity (FARADAY, loc. cit., p. 407). t 'Brit. Journ. Phot.,' March, 1901, p. 19. \ This is the colour by transmitted light when /* is fairly small. Cf. figs. 9 and 11. § This is the reflected colour for values of p from zero to nearly -8. Cf. fig. 13. || Professor R. W. WOOD repeated this experiment, using glass instead of paper to support the silver film. The metallic effect, then, does not disappear, but remains after the film has become quite dry. Cf. above, p. 282. H 'Brit. Journ. Phot.,' March, 1901, p. 21. ** 'Phil. Mag.,' vol. 31, p. 244, 1891. tt 'Pogg. Ann.,' CXVIL, p. 316, 1861. 286 MR, J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT he prepared silver of less specific gravity than that of normal silver, by depositing that metal on the platinum electrode of a platinum-zinc battery. He also prepared silver in suspension in water by chemical means, observing the characteristic amber colour and noticing that precipitation could be accelerated by the addition of salt to the water. VOGEL concludes (loc. cit., p. 337) that there are three forms of silver, (1) regular dendritic silver [crystalline] ; (2) granular powdery silver [small spheres] ; (3) mirror silver [amorphous]. He found that the second type " tended to the formation of a coloured powder," but could be changed into the third type by pressure. He adds (loc. cit., p. 441) that the silver precipitated by photography is of the second type, and this is the view suggested in the preceding memoir (p. 417), because of the red- brown transmitted colour and the green colour of the reflection from fogged photo- graphic films, which, according to the analysis given above, § 10, are the colours exhibited by films of amorphous or granular silver,* of less than standard density. 15. Allotropic Forms of Metal. In the course of the preceding investigations we have been led to recognise that variation of the relative position of the molecules of a metal will cause the metal to change colour, whether it be examined by reflected or by transmitted light. It has been shown, for example, that mere variation in density causes gold in one state to transmit green light, in another blue, in another purple, and, in another again, ruby. Further, this discovery has led us to the conclusionf that, in order to account for the properties of CAREY LEA'S anomalous silvers, it is not necessary to assume the existence of an " allotropic " molecule of silver. The question thus arises : Are there any other cases in which an allotropic molecule has been unnecessarily postulated ? EGBERTS- AUSTEN^ has collected particulars of a large number of supposed cases of allotropic § states of metals. We proceed to the examination of these particulars in order to determine whether the effects, for the explanation of which the allotropic molecule was postulated, are not merely those which, according to the analysis of § 10 above, would be due to a decrease in the density of the metal in a granular or amorphous state. In the first place, then, the discovery that metals in different states, corresponding to different methods of preparation, possessed different densities and had widely different properties, although chemical analysis could detect no change in the * Cf. figs. 9, 11 and 13, and also p. 282 above, where the same colours, exhibited by one of E. W. WOOD'S silver films, are discussed. t Above, p. 285. J ' Metallurgy,' pp. 87 el seq. § ROBERTS- AUSTEN defines "allotropy" as follows (loc. cit., p. 89): "The occurrence of elements in .... allotropic states means that .... the atoms are differently arranged in the molecules." ON COLOURS IN METAL OLASSES, ETC. 287 composition,* does not require those different states to have been allotropic. Again, it is unnecessary to suppose that BOLLEY'S lead,t prepared by electrolysis, and similar in composition to sheet-lead, is allotropic because it oxidises rapidly in air while sheet- lead does not : for the electrolysis gives the essential fine division, and the consequent large amount of surface exposed to the air greatly accelerates oxidation. Lastly, SCHUTZENBERGER| supposed that the copper deposited on the platinum electrode of a copper- platinum cell was allotropic because it was very fragile, its density was only about '9 of that of normal copper, it oxidised rapidly in air, and it could be converted into normal copper by prolonged contact with dilute sulphuric acid. Here, too, the supposition of allotropy is not required to account for the facts. For the low density, the fragility and the rapid oxidation are all accounted for by the loose structure which we should expect in such a deposit of copper, while CAREY LEA found that his silvers, which, if our conclusion at p. 285 is correct, were only finely divided silver, could be transformed to normal silver by contact with sulphuric acid. Similar remarks apply to SCHUTZENBERGER'S silver.^ Consider now MATTHIESSEN'S important generalisation^ that metals may sustain change in their molecular condition by union with each other in a fused state. ROBERTS- AUSTEN points out|| that the evidence that metals ever assume allotropic states, when they enter into union with each other, is difficult to obtain. When obtained, the evidence is generally composed of the facts that the specific gravity of the normal metal is greater than that of the metal in the state alleged to be allotropic ; that the chemical activity is less in amount, although the same in kind, for the former than for the latter state ; and that the appearance of the metal is different in the two states. Reference is also sometimes made to a difference in physical properties which is accounted for by lack of continuity, and consequently of electric conductivity, in the supposed allotropic state. IT Occasional reference is also made to a readiness to form hydrates which the metal in the latter state exhibits. Setting this last property aside, as not yet established, the remaining evidence is not conclusive, for all the facts in question are also characteristic of optically continuous granular (or amorphous) pieces of metal. Increase of chemical activity, for example, is a consequence of the enormous effective surface in a medium built up of independent granules. Further, when one metal is united with another in a fused state, a chemical compound is not, in general, formed, but the molecules of the two metals freely mix. Thus one metal is in solution in the other. So long, therefore, as the temperature remains sufficiently high to permit the molecules to move about freely, the molecules of each metal tend to segregate, and to group themselves into separate crystals as the * JOULE and LYON PLAYFAIR, 'Memoirs of the Chem. Soc.,' vol. iii., p. 57 (1846). t EOBERTS-AUSTEN, loc. tit., p. 90. J 'Bull. Soc. Chim.,' XXX., p. 3 (1878). § ROBERTS AUSTEN, loc. cit., p. 87. || Loc. cit., p. 91. IF Of. PETERSEN on "Allotropic Forms of Metals" (' Zeitschr. f. Phys. Chem.,' 8, pp. 601, 1891). 288 MR. J. C. MAXWELL GARNETT ON COLOURS IN METAL GLASSES, ETC. temperature is slowly lowered. It is, however, probable that, as in the case of gold and copper ruby glasses, the molecules of each metal first group themselves into small spheres. If the temperature were rapidly lowered at this stage, this granular structure would be fixed in the alloy. If, then, one metal— that, suppose, of which the larger volume is present — were suddenly annihilated, the other metal would remain in a granular form, possessing a colour* quite different from that exhibited by the normal form of that metal. Now when an alloy of potassium and gold containing about 10 per cent, of the precious metal is thrown on to water, the potassium is, in effect, annihilated, t and the gold is released as a black or dark brown powder. It will be seen from fig. 12 that granular gold, with a density slightly over '6 of that of normal gold, would reflect light of a brown colour, while the reflecting power would not exceed '5. A granular structure is thus in accordance with the dull appearance and with the colour of the powder. Similarly when a silver-gold alloy containing two parts of silver to one of gold is treated with nitric acid the silver is removed, the gold remaining in the form of a dull brown powder, which can be converted into bright metallic gold by slight pressure or by heating to redness. It appears, therefore, that this brown powder is probably granular gold, the component particles being small compared with a wavelength of light ; so that, once more, the evidence J does not require us to suppose this form of gold to be allotropic. Finally, it seems unnecessary to assert that iron released from its amalgam by distilling away the mercury is in an allotropic form because it takes fire on exposure to the air. For this burning of the iron would be the consequence of the large surface exposed to the air by an extremely finely divided form of the metal. We conclude, therefore, that in none of the cases of supposed allotropy, which we have examined in this section, has the existence of an allotropic form of metal been established. * See § 10 above. t Of. ROBERTS-AUSTEN, loc. dt., p. 91. The potassium does not catch fire, but combines with the water to form KHO (which immediately passes into solution and is thus removed) and H which catches fire. t We must except that of the alleged formation of auric hydrate, but I have been unable to obtain any confirmation of the existence of such a compound. VIII. On the Intensity and Direction of the Force of Grarity in India. By Lieut.-Colond S. G. BCJRUABD, H.E., F.R.K. Received March 30, — Read April 13, 1905. ['PLATES 14-20.] (1.) The Pendulum Observations of /.sv/,-7-7'.^. BETWEEN 1865 and 1873 observations were taken at 31 stations in India by Captains BASEVI and HEAVISIDE with the Royal Society's seconds pendulums. The results were published in Vol. V. of the ' Account of the Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India,' and have been subsequently discussed by many authorities.* Captain BASEVI expressed his results in terms of N, the number of vibrations of the mean pendulum observed in a mean solar day. The International Geodetic Association show their results in dynes, and it is desirable that we should follow their example. We have, therefore, to change the notation employed by our predecessors. The fundamental formula, expressing the relation between the length of a pendulum, its time of vibration and the accelerating force g, is t = TT \/(l/g)- If N be the number of vibrations, which a pendulum of length / makes in a mean solar day of 86,400 mean time seconds, then M _ 86400 _ 86400 /g T~ ~ \f 1 ' v 77" r ' where t is the time of vibration. If N becomes N + c/N, when g becomes g + dg, then > By this formula, if certain values of N and g be adopted for a Standard Station, the results of the older pendulum observations can be converted, and the symbol g substituted for N.t The pendulum observations in India were undertaken, and are now being extended, with the object of determining the difference between the force of gravity as observed * See 'Phil. Trans.,' A, vol. 186, 1895; HELMERT'S 'Die Schwerkraft im Hochgebirge ' ; HELMERT'S 'Hdhere Geodiisie'; CLARKE'S 'Geodesy'; FISHER'S 'Physics of the Earth's Crust.' t dg = 0'0226(/N is a rough rule, sufficiently accurate for many purposes. VOL. CCV.— A 394. 2 P 12.10.05 290 LIEUT.-COLONEL S. G. BURRARD ON THE at the standard stations of Europe and as observed in India ; the determination of the absolute value of the force of gravity did not and does not form any part of the operations. The values of gravity exhibited in Table I. are taken from Professor HELMERT'S Report to the International Geodetic Conference, which was held at Paris in 1900. TABLE I. — -BASEVI'S and HEAVISIDE'S Results Expressed in Dynes. Station. Latitude. Longitude. « I 3 E Observed value. Correction for unevenness of ground. i 0-*. II i£ + ^ <70 — attraction of the mass above sea-level = ga". Tlleoretical value. -£ I "* A 1 ft Metres. .'/ eentims. 3' -9- eentims. eentims. Yo eentims. eentims. eentims. 0 / Punnae .... . . . ' + 8 9 '5 + 77 37'- 7 15 978 -095 •000 978-100 978-098 978*105 -0*007 -0*005 + 77 41 '5 51 978 *090 0 978-108 978-100 978*105 5 + 1 + 73 0 '0 2 978 '191 0 978-192 978-191 978*108 + 83 -r 84 0 978-167 978-166 978-141 + 25 + 26 o • Mangalore +12 51 '6 + 74 49*6 8 978-231 978 '237 0 0 978-235 978 -239 978 -234 978 -239 978 -257 978*266 - 23 - 27 - 22 - 27 3 978 '4 17 978 "448 978-447 978*441 + 6 + 7 Colaba Observatory (Bombay) . . +13 53 -8 + 72 48-8 11 978-605 0 978-608 978-607 978 *545 + 62 + 63 Mallapatti + 9 28 '8 Pachapaliam . +10 59 '7 + 78 O-H + 77 37 '5 88 296 978 -091 978 -084 0 0 978-118 978-175 978-108 978-140 978*141 978 *189 - 33 - 49 - 23 - 14 Bangalore South . . + 13 0 '7 + 77 35 '1 950 977-998 0 978 -289 978-179 978*263 — 84 + 2« Bangalore, North + 13 4 '9 Namthab&l . . . . . +15 5 '9 + 77 39-3 + 77 36 '5 917 358 978 -018 978 -"07 0 0 978-299 978-318 978 -193 978 '275 978*266 978 -352 - H + at - 34 + 77 38 '5 584 978 '213 0 978*461 978 '394 978-451 — "7 + 10 Damargiila +18 3 '3 + 77 40'1 593 978 -283 0 978'484 978-396 978-499 - 103 - 35 522 Q78 -402 978 '563 978 "502 978 -555 — 53 -r 8 i 342 978 "539 o 978'642 978 • ••(•3 978*651 — 48 — 9 M Cak-utta, Survey Office .... +22 32 '9 + 33 21T> + 77 40 '9 6 516 978 -776 978 "674 0 + 2 978-778 978 "832 978-777 978*774 978*764 978 *833 + 13 — 59 + 14 - 1 538 478-7*3'{ 978*867 42 + 21 978*835 88 — 30 Usira + 26 57 -1 Datairi + '•'8 44'1 + 77 37'9 247 *J18 978-972 q;q -QQ5 + I 979 "048 979-021 979-137 979*067 979*200 - 46 63 - 19 — 38 Kalh'tna + 29 30*9 + 77 T-t'2 247 979-107 I 979*154 979*260 — 106 — 77 Nojli . . +29 53 '5 269 979-110 o 979-198 979-167 979*290 — 123 — 92 Meean Meer . . +31 31 •& + 74 23 '3 •>15 979 -273 979 -339 979*314 979 *420 — 108 — 81 is Dehra Dun Observatory .... + 30 19'5 + 78 3-3 + 78 4*4 683 2109 978 -962 978 '751 + 7 + 27 979-172 979*100 979*181 979*324 979*335 - 224 154 - 152 + 65 X*' More +33 ljj'7 + 77 52*0 46% 978-137 + 9 979*580 979 *044 979 *562 — 518 •*. 18 EXPLANATION OP SYMBOLS EMPLOYED. For fuller details as to the manner in whirl* these numbers are derived, see the explanation of Table II. / 2H\ /H + R\2 ?V' + ~K I ''ppresonts g \ % / ; the third place of decimals in expressions for gravity at high stations may differ by two or three units according to the form of the formula used. g = the value of the force of gravity as observed at the height H, the value at Kew being assumed 981 -200. g' = the observed value of gravity reduced to an infinite horizontal plain of height H. g' - g = topographical correction due to the irregular distribution of mass in the vicinity of the station. ga = the observed value of gravity reduced to sea-level for height only. ga" = the observed value of gravity reduced to sea-level both for height and for mass above sea-level. y0 = the theoretical value of gravity computed from HKLMERT'S formula of 1884, namely, 978 -000 eentims. (1 + 0 -005310 sin" •(>). 9o" - Yo = load variation of gravity from the normal, as computed by BOUQUKR, and as used for the determination of mountain-compensation. ?o - Yo = 'oca' variation of gravity, as used by HELMKST in his determination of the Figure of the Garth. INTENSITY AND DIRECTION OF THE FORCE OF GRAVITY IN INDIA. 291 The differences between the observed and computed values in Table I. correspond very nearly to the differences between the observed and computed values of N, as formerly given by General WALKEK. That the correspondence is not exact is due to the adoption by HELMERT and WALKEK of different constants in CLAIRAUT'S law. The physical meaning of BASEVI'S pendulum results was for many years the subject of controversy.* The deficiency of gravity which he had found to exist in Himalayan regions was attributed by some authorities to the elevation of the level surface above the surface of the mean spheroid, and by others to the defective density of the under- lying crust; by the former the surface of the geoid was held to depart largely in certain places from that of the spheroid, and by the latter the two surfaces were assumed to be almost identical. In his ' Schwerkraft im Hochgebirge,' published in 1890, Professor HELMERT gave a mathematical solution of the problem, and his writings have closed the controversy. A graphical interpretation of the results of Table I. is given in Plate 14, the method by which the several ordinates are computed being explained in Table II. below. The first figure of the Plate shows the height above sea-level, as determined by spirit levelling, of the surface of India along its central meridian. The second figure shows the deficiency of matter in the underlying crust, as deduced from BASEVI'S pendulum results. The third figure gives the differences between the ordinates in the two upper figures, and shows the surface of India as it would be if the crust were everywhere of equal density. An examination of the figures of this Plate brings to light four significant facts :— (1) That there exists in the earth's crust throughout India a general deficiency of matter as compared to Europe ; t (2) That the apparent excess of matter above sea-level, which the eye observes at More (Station 43) under the form of mountains, is largely compensated by subjacent deficiencies ; (3) That an extraordinary deficiency of matter underlies the stations of Dehra Dun, Kaliana and Nojli (Nos. 38, 37, 36), stations situated not in the Himalayas, like Mussooree (No. 41), but in the plains at the foot of the Himalayas ; this deficiency leads one to beliere that the pressure of the Himalaya Mountains upon the crust is diminishing the density of the latter under the surrounding plains ; (4) If we disregard the evidence of fig. 1, and if we consider only the distribution of mass in the surrounding crust, we see that stations in the plains of * See preface to Vol. V. of ' Account of Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India.' t The peninsula of India is composed of crystalline and volcanic rocks ; the great age of the former and the great weight of the latter would lead us to expect a high value for g ; that g should be abnormally small is, from a geological point of view, surprising. 2 P 2 292 LIEUT.-COLONEL S. G. BURRARD ON THE Northern India, such as Nos. 36 and 37, are situated in a deep wide valley between two ranges of mountains, one of which, the Himalayan, is visible, the other, with its summit at Station 24, invisible.* The northern end of the section in Hg. 3 conveys the idea that the Himalayan mass is pressing upon the crust and producing a dimple, such as that described in Chapter VII. of Professor GKOIWSK DARWIN'S work on 'Tides and Kindred Phenomena.' The sections given in tigs. 2 and 3 of Plate 14 are based on Professor HKLMERT'S condensation theory and have been constructed by means of his formulas from the data in Table II. The numbers of the stations are not continuous, because pendulum observations were not taken at all the astronomical stations. After 1874 no pendulum observations were taken in India, but the deflection of the plumb-line continued to be determined in different parts of the country. By the year 1900 the astronomical latitude of 159 stations, the astronomical azimuth at 209, and the amplitude of 55 arcs of longitude had been observed, and thus a large amount of evidence relating to the direction of gravity had accumulated. A discussion of the datal; then available showed that it would be desirable to associate determinations of the intensity of the force of gravity with observations of the plumb-line, and in 1902 the Indian Government sanctioned the re-opening of pendulum observations and the purchase of a new apparatus of VON STERNECK'S pattern. (2.) Tin1 Pendulnin Observations of 1003-04. The new apparatus was standardised at Kew and Greenwich in the autumn of 1903, and was taken to India by Major LENOX CONYNGHAM in November of that year. Upon its arrival he thought it advisable to commence work at some of BASEVI'S stations. The accuracy of BASEVI'S results, as given in Tables I. and II., had been questioned by Professor HELMERT in his report to the International Geodetic Conference of 1900. It had been there pointed out that the observer had had no means of measuring the flexure of the pendulum stand, that during his standardisation at Kew his pendulums had not been supported on the stand subsequently used in India but between a stone pillar and a wall, and that when he visited the high Himalayan station of More he had substituted a light portable stand for that belonging to the Royal Society's apparatus. * Fig. 1 of Plate 14 shows that the altitude of Station 38 above sea-level is 145 metres greater than that of Station 24; fig. 3 shows that if the underlying crust were brought to a uniform density of 2-8 the altitude of Station 38 would be 1430 metres less than that of Station 24. The visible fall of nearly 500 feet from Station 38 to Station 24 is converted by the pendulum diagrams into a rise of nearly 4*700 feet. t 'Professional Papers of the Survey of India,' No. 5 of 1902. "The Attraction of the Himalaya Mountains upon the Plumb-line in India," INTENSITY AND DIRECTION OF THE FORCE OF GRAVITY IN INDIA. 293 TABLE II. u S Hal -3. §5 11 Station. Latitude. 11*5 5 - •5 ° ._Q^..._ .. a Millinis. i Punnap 0 / 8 9 '5 0 Kudankolain . . . M Kl-4 1 4 Mallapatti. . . . 9 29 '0 108 5 Pachai>aliain . . . 10 59-7 227 1) Bangalore, South . 13 0-7 388 7 Bangalore, North . 13 4-9 391 10 Namthabad . . . 15 5 -II 555 12 Kodangal .... 17 8'0 718 13 Damargida . . . 18 3-3 791 15 Somtana .... HI 5-0 874 17 Badgaon .... 2ll 4I'I 1006 20 Ahmadpur. . . . 23 36-4 1238 21 Kalianpur .... 21 7'2 1276 29 31 PahArgarh. , . . 24 56'1 1342 1503 Datairi 28 4 1 ' 1 16(6 38 29 30 '9 17O9 37 Nojli . . . 29 53 '5 38 Dehra Dun . . . 30 HI '5 1771 41 43 Mussooree. . . . More 30 27'7 :t3 15 -7 1 783 2008 +3 1) S-J l| M_.| 11 -D. j H = Hei ^ ' above sea- 1 i II to scale ill millims. 0-1 £3 i :1 ~ta '-- a! £~^ M<1-- ",nii!i± Metres. To scale in millims. for fig. 3. 15 7 +61 + 0-5 - 46 - o-l 51 n -1 5 + 43 + H '3 + 8 + o-l 88 0'7 — :13 + 2xi| + 2 '3 - 1118 - 1'6 29fl 2'1 - 49 + 121 + 3'l - I2« - I'd 950 7-6 -84 + 727 + 5'8 + 223 •f 1 '8 917 7-3 - 73 + 032 + 5-1 + 2X3 + 2 '2 355 2-11 - 77 + 6H7 + 5-3 - 3011 - 2-1 581 4'7 - 57 + 193 + 311 + HI + II 'S 5113 4'8 - Iii3 + S02 +7M - 2911 - 2-3 522 1 '2 - 53 + 159 + 3 '7 4- l'3 -f n "5 312 2'7 - 48 + 111. + 3-3 - 71 - M 'H 516 I'l - 511 -f 511 + I'll -t- 5 + ii'l 538 4 '3 — 12 + 361 -I- 2-H + 171 + 1-1 500 4'0 - 88 + 762 + 6-1 - 2li2 - 2-1 217 2-0 - 46 + 398 1- 3'2 - 151 - 1 -2 218 1-8 - 63 + 515 + I'l - 327 , - 2'6 217 2'll - lilt. H- HIS + 7'3 - 671 - 5'3 261) 2'1 - 123 + 1(165 + 8-5 - 7H6 - «'l 883 5-5 - 221 + 19311 + 13-3 -1256 - lil'O 2109 16-9 - 154 + 1333 4- 10-7 + 876 + 6 '2 469H 37 '6 - 318 1 + 4484 ; + 3.V9 1 + 212 + 1'7 l EXPLANATION OF TABLE II. Given the amount of matter in tlie crust at a stauJaril station, we wish to find from pendulum observations, the excess or deficiency of matter underlying any other station ; from observation we find ilrj, the local variation of gravity from the normal, and we wish to determine the mass whose attraction at sea-level is equivalent to dg. From its attraction only we cannot determine both the height and density of a hidden mass, but If we assume that the density is equal to 2 '8, the normal density of surface rocks, we can then ascertain the height; by this assumption we. mean that the density of a hidden disturbing mass is 2 -S in excess of the normal density of the surrounding crust . The problem to lie solved is, therefore : given a small attraction dij, what is the height of the attracting mass, its density being 2-8? It is necessary to consider how dij is obtained ; by observations taken at a station of height H we find the value of gravity to IK; y. To oblain the corresponding value of gravity at sea-level, <70, we have firstly to correct for the amount H, by which the distance of the station from the centre of the earth exceeds the earth's radius, 2l' = fj R- 0 = ij (\ + —\. \ R / This correction would be sufficient if the obser\ ing station were in mid-air and over the wean, but when we observe at a station on land, wr have to consider the attraction of that portion of the crust that lies between sea-level and the station ; this attraction tends to increase Un- observed value of g, and the correction for it is ncgat ive. The attraction of a horizontal plateau of height H and density S upon a pendulum situated at the centre of its upper surface is A = 2*611. The force of gravity at sea-level is g = JirRA, where A is the mean density of the earth. Then if ya" be the value of gravity at sea-level corrected Iwth for height of station and for the attraction of the intervening mass, we get the well-known formula of UOUGUEK, ya" = ya — A = ij ( 1 + — - ^-|f ). (/„" gives then the obsen-eit value of gravity at an ideal station, situated upon \ R 4 K / a continent, whose surface is level with the sea. Now