lORnNli! ?; Mathk mati cai. Society. ' GENERAL INDEX T O T H K ILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS, FROM THE FIRST TO THE END OF THE SEVENTIETH VOLUME. By PAUL HENRY MATY, M,A. F.R.S. Under Librarian to the" British Museum. LONDON: Printed for Lockyer Davis and Peter Elmsly, Printers to the Royal Society. MDCCLXXXVIi .^\ 1/ ^ A ^ ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF THE MATTER CONTAINED IN THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS, A 2 i « J A N ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS- l-he firfl column refers to the Tranfaaions at large, and the other to the AbrJilsraent. The Roman numbers denote the volume, and the Arabic figures the page. ABC ABD Abcess. Anatomical obfervations of an abcefs in the liver ; a great number of ftones in the gall- baa and bilious veflels; anunufual conformation of the emulgents and pelvis ; a ftrangeconjunaion of both kidneys and a great dilatation of the vena cava - - ' lyjoti Abdomen. An account of the dideaion of a bitch whofe cornua uteri, being filled with the bones and flefh of a former conception, had, after a fe- cond conception, the ova affixed to fevcral parts of the abdomen - - - , . An account of a great quantity of hydatides found in the abdomen - Thorpe An account of a dropfy in the left ovary of a woman aged 58, cured by a large incifion made in the fide of the abdomen - Houfton J Extrrefervition of bodies Pap'n and Huygens Some experim-ents touching animals, inaJe in tht air pump - Huygens and Papin Promiicuous experinients made in the air-pump - - Huygens and Papin An accour t of an experiuK'nt uf fliouting by the rarefaftion of the air - Papin A demonftration of the veloci-ty wlicrewith the air ruinvs into an exhaufted receiver Papin — Concerning the applicaiion of an air-pump to cupping-glalfes - Lvffkin — Let er c ncerning the application 0/ the pneum tick eng.ne to cupping-gLfli.s LuffYm K: XVI 269 I 484 ■ ■ - An experiment fliewing, that the fpringsor con ftituent parts of air are capable to fuffcr fuch diforder by a violent impulfc, as to require time to recover their natural Itate Hcukjbee XXV 241^ IV 2 181 1 here are two pages of this No. in this vol. and this is the fccond. ■ Experiments concerning the time required in the defcent of different bodies of different magni-i 6 tudes A I Fv tudcs and weights in common air, from the fame height - -_ Haukjhec r - Barometrical experiments for difcovering the various elafticity of the air in different parts ot Switzerland - Scheuchzer An account of fome experiments made on the 27th of April, 1 7 19, to find how much tht refinance of the air retards falling bodies Defagulien ■ .- — Further experiments - Defagtdier. An account of fcveral experiments concernin the runnios; of water in pipes, as it is retarded by friSion and intermediate air, with a defcrip tion of a new machine, whereby pipes may be cleared of air, as the water runs along, without hand-pipes, or the help of any hand Defagulien •— — An attempt made to fliew how damps oi foul air may be drawn out of any fort o' mines, &c. by an cMigine - DefaguUeri — — An account of an inftrunaent or machine fo: chansing the air of the room of Tick peoph in a little time, by either drawing oat the tou air, or forcing in frefli air; or doiig both fuc- ceflively, without opening doors or windows - - - Defagulien ■ — A calculation of the velocity of the air movec by a new-invented centrifugal bellows of 7 feet in diameter, and 1 foot thick, within, which a man can keep in motion with very little labour, at the rate of two revolutions in one fecond - - - Defagulien The ufes of the foregoing machine ♦ An account of an invention ami method of chan'iing the air in the held, and other clole parts of a fhip - Sutton < Obfervations upon Mr. Sutton's invention to extraiSt fo.il and (linking air out of fhips, with critical remarks upon the ule of windlails It ' at f 07, ' An account of the great benefit of blowing iliowers of frefh air up through difliliing li- quors - - Jlc.'ei llioucrhts on Dr. Halcs's nc.v method of dillil- ling by the force of air and fire Brownrigg Air (Kledricity of the). Ob'ervations upon the elcftricity of the air, made at the Chateau de B Tranf, XXVII 196 XXIX 266 XXX 1071 — 107s XXXIV 77 9 Abrldg. IV 2 182 IV 2 16 IV 2 175 — - 178 VI 347 XXXV 353 VI 2 193! XXXIX 41 VIII 270 XXXIX 44 — 47 XLII42 XLTI 62 XLIV 312 XLIX 534 VIII 271 — 273 — 62S 630 Main- tAO A I R Malntenon in June, July, and 0£^uber 1753 - - - Maz^fis hlR (Fixed). A Letter on the folubility of iron in fimple uater, by the intervention of fixed aii " - - Lant " ■ Tbe defcription of an apparatus for impregnat- ing water with fixed air, and of the manner ot conducting that procefs - Ncsth Air (Gravi-y and temperature of the). Letter con taining particulars of aphilofophical nature, viz. a narrative of the llrangeefFefts of thunder upon a magnetic card ; fomc remarks concerning tht giadual alteration of the temperature of the air in divers countries; a contrivance of an un- common hygrofcope ; the mufky fcent of cer- tain parts of the animal called the mufk-quafii - - - Anon. ■■ - A difcourfe concerning the air's gravity '. A letter giving an account of feveral obferva tions in Virginia and in his voyage thither, more particularly concerning the air C/cjyto/. — — Second letter of farther obfervations on Virgini;' - - - Cl(iyto> ■ An account of an experiment, touching the jro- portion of the weight of air, to the weight of ; like bulk of water, without knowing the quan tity of either - Huukjla — — An obfervation of extraordinary warmth of tin air in January 1741 - AIUc: • On the corrcfpondi.nce of the b;uometcr will. the ?. rand weather - I-Jol?no}. — — Rernaiks on the heat of tlic aii- in July 1757 ^ Hhxha.: '• •- AJilitionrfl .emaiks - / fat/or • •• ■ An acco'jrit of the extra rdinary hrat of th> weather in July 1757, and of the cfFcCls of i - - - Huxlan ■■■ Keina'-k:: on the difierent temperature of tlie aii ?.t Eddylione, from that obCcvcd at Plymouth. beiwctn the 7th ;:nd 14th of July 1757 ' " - S'tiector, An invcfligation of the difTercnce between tlu prefent temperature of the air in Italy and icim other countries, and what it was fevcntcen cen- turies ago - Bcrriugth w— An account of a mof^ cxt.aordinarv dc^r.c o( Tranf. XLYIIl 377 LIX 216 LXV 5y Abrid^. XI 647 XV 1002 XVII 78 i — 790 XXV 2221 XLII20 XLVI 101 L 428 — 429 — 523 — 488 LVIIf c8 II 42 43 III 122 111 575 iV 2 180 III 469 X 428 cold A I R ft cold at Glafgow in January 1780; together with fome new experiments and obfer>ationson the con^paralive temperature of hoar-froft, antl the air near to it, made at Glafgow - lyUjoyi LXX 451 AtR (Hiilory of the). A phyficdl hidory of the earth and air for the year 1732 - Cyrillm XXXVIII184 Air (TnflammaMe). A chemical experiment, Serv- ing to ill uitrate the phaenomenon of inilammabh a r, fhewn to the Royal v^ociety by Sir James Lo-.vtiier^ and defcribed in the Tranfaftions, N°429 - - y^^«'. XXXIX 287 Account of a new kird of inflammable air or ga<5, which can be made in a moment with out apparatus, and is as fit for explofion as other inflammable gaffes in ufe for that pur- pofe ; together with a new theory of gun- powder - Ingen-Houjz LXIX 376 ^ — ' — Experiments and obftrvatlons on the inflam mable air breathed by various animals - - - Fontana — - 337 Air (Nitrous). Eafy methods of meafuring the di- minution of bulk taking place upon the mix ture of common air and nitrous air; togethci with experiments on platina Ingen-Hcufz LXVI 257 Air (Produftioij of). An account of an experiment to try the quality of air produced from gun- powder, fired in vacuo Boyliano Haukjhee XXIV 1807 • " ' An account of an experiment touching the quantity of air produced from a certain quan tity of gunpowder fired in common air Haukjhee XXV 2409 Three papers contaihing experiments on faftiti ous air ^ - Cavendijh LVI 14I — — Accountof the airs extrafted from different kinds of waters; with thoughts on the falubrity of the air at different places - Fontana LXIX 432 Air (Promifcuous properties of). Obfervations on fe- veral palTages in the Tranfa61ions, relating to fome unobferved qualities of the air; to the mixing fermenting liquors in vacuo; to the hiftory of birds; the anatomy of the trunks of vegetables, barofcopes, &c. - Anon. X 533 ■" ■' ' An experiment touchins: the freezing: of com- mon water, and water purged of air Haukjhee XXV 1 302 »'•'•' '■ An experiment touching the weighing of bodies of the fame fpecies, but of very unequal fur B 2 Tranf. Abridg. VIII 625 1X396 IV 2 172 IV 2 181 IV 2 182 faces u A TTi ALG faces in common water, being of an equal we'ijht in common air - Haukjbei Air (Refraf^ion of the). An experiment of the refracflion of the air, made at the command ol the Ro)n! Society - Lowthorf borne allowances to be made in aftronomical ob- fervations for the refraction of the air, with ai accurare table of refraciions - HalU-) AiR-PuMP. An account of fome improvements in thi. air-pump «- Suieatot, . r- n account of fomccNperimcnts made with an air-pump on Mr. Smeaton's principle; toge- ther with fome experiments with a common air-pump - - Naimt ALBATf.Nius. Emendations and notes upon the anti- ent aflronomical tables of Aibatenius, with the rcftoration of his luni-lblar tables Halie\ Alcali. Two letters, giving an account of a red CjIout produced by mixture of a fulphureouj fpirit with a volatile alcali - Gthbom Alcai iME Salts. A differtation on fixed alcaline falts - » Neinnan Continued - Neumat -r- A chemical experiment of the effe£l of quick- lime upon volatile alcaline - SchlolJ(r Experiments on the diftillation of acids, vc^- latile alkalies, &c. flicwing how they ma) be condenfcd without lofs, and how thereby Ui avoid difagrce.ible and noxious, tumss IP'oulje -. See Salt. Alcanna. Concerning rufma and alcanna Phil. Sec. Ox/. Aldebaran. An obfervation of the moon's tranlit by Al.iebarnn, Apr. 3, 1736 - Uivli An occultation of Aldcbaran by the Moon, Dec. 12, 1738 - - Grahcim Aleppo. A relation of a voyage from Aleppo to Pal- myra in Syria - Halltjox Alga. Obfervations on the fca alga with broad leaves - ^ - - _ P.yjp.n.l Algebra. Thoughts about fome drfe(5ls in algebra - . - - Collim A treati(c of algebra, both hiftorlcal and pr.icti- cal ' - - fValin A corrC(ftion of the 109th. chapter of Wallis's ah'tbra - - II alin An jnftancc of tnc excellence of the modern a!- Tranf. -306 XXI 339 XXXI 169 XLVII 415 LXVII 614 XVII 913 XIX 542 XXXIV 3 — 45 XLIX 222 LVII 517 XX 295 11 64s XL 90 VIII 133 XL! 632 — U5 XIX 83 III 503 L631 XIV 575 XV 1C95 XIX 759 Abridg. - 181 22^ VI 167 III 522 — 3^7 VII 700 — 717 gcbr: ALG ALU gebra in the refolution of the problem of find- ini^ the foci of optick-glafles univcrfally Halley „ . .. A I'tcond letter concerning the roots of equa- tions) with the demonliiatioa of other rules in algebra - - A'laclaurh. -^ — — An ale;fcbrric problem, and of the evolution of a certain mechanic curve amongft infinite hyper- inechanical ones, which refolve a certain equa- tion (Lat.) - - Fantoui mK.. Obfervations on the limits of algebraical equa- tions ; and a geneial dcmonftriition of Des Cartes's rule for finding their number of afiir- mative and negative roots - Miliui . On the general refolution of algebrai- cal equations - iVaring ' See Eqiiat'iom, -,,rrr— See Opticks. Alhazen. Letters Ixtween M. Slufius and M. Hu- genius relative to an optic problem of Al- hazen, - ^ ^ Alicant. See Soap. Aliment. An account of the bones of animals bein^ changed to a red colour by aliment only Belchier A further account of the bones of anin als being made red by aliment only - BeUh'ei AlI'ANTOIS. Tlie humane allantois fully difcovered, and the reafons afligned why it has not hitherto been found out, even by thofe who believed its- exiftence ; with an anfwer to their obje^lion;- who deny it flill - JHaii Alligator. Aa account of- ths follile bones of an alligator, found on the fea-fliore near Whitby in Yorklhire - Lhal-man • Another account of the fame - Jl'ooUer Aloe Americana Serrati-folia. An experiujent on Aloe Americana Sen ati-folia weighed, feem- ing to import a circulation of the iap in plsnti Merrei Alum. A defcription of a Swedifh' ftone, which af- fords fulphur, vitriol, allum, and minium Talb:i ■—- A continuation of the difcourfe concerning vi- triol, fliewingj that vitriol is ufually produced by iulphur, afling on, and coagulating v.ith, a metal; and then making out, that alum is likewife the refult of the faid fulphur; as alfo evincing, that vitriol, fulphur, and alum, do agree in the. faline principles : and, lailly, dc- Tranf. XVII 960 XXXVI 59 • LVil 358 LXVIII 380 LXIX 86 vin 61 19 — 6139 XXXIX 287 — 299 XXII 835 L68S --786 II 455 I 375 13 Abridg. j I I'^d^ i i I I 172 — '74 IX 102 — 103 V314 645 II 53; daring , u ALU ALT cUiing the nature of the fait in brirrilone, and whence it is derived - Jnon. Ai.uM-^VoRKS. An account of the Englifli alum- works - - Colwa'i ALTHABKT.An cfl'ay towards a univcffal alphabet, and r.ew pritiKr - Lodivick A letter containing Ibme remarks on Mr. Lod- wick's alphabet - Byrom Further remarks upon M. I'Abbc Barthclemy'!« Memoir on the Phoenician letters ; containing his relieOions on certain Phceniciail monu- ments, and the alphabets rcfulting from thcni - - - Swiriton Al.i'isE Mousi:. The anatomy of the Alpine m'ufe - - Scheuchzer '■ A fhort natural hiftory of the Alpine moufe (Lat.) - - Klein Altar (Roman). Account of a Roman altar found at Cheiier - - Halley An account of two Roman altars lately found inthe North of England, with n-jtesj by 1 ho. (iale - - 7horeJhy An attempt to explain two Roman infcriptions, cut upon two altars, which were dug up fomo. time fince at Bath - Ward * The infcription upon a Roman altar found near Stanhope, in the biflioprick of Durham Birch '—=^-^ An account of a Roman altar, with an infcrip- tion upon it, found in April laft at York, and communicated to the Society of Antiquaries by F. i3rakc; as alfo a brief explication of the infcription by John Ward Alteruations. The dodlrine of combinations and alternations improved and Compleatcd Thornycroft Altitude, Table of the barometrical altitudes at Zurich in Switzerland, in the yciar 1708, by Scheuchzer; and at Upminller in England, by Derham ; as allb the rain at Pifa in Italy, in 1707 and 170^, hyTilli; and at Zurich in 1708 ; and at Upminftcrin all that time : with remark"; on the fame tables; as alio on the winds, heats, colds, and divers other matters occurring in thofc three parts of Europe Derham XXVI 342 •Altitudes. The dcfcription of a new quadrant for taking altitudes, without an horizon, either at feaorland - . £/<^« XXXVII 273 Tranf. 1X66 XII 1052 XVI 126 XLV 401 J^IV 393 XXXIV 237 XL\^ 180 XIX 316 -663 XLIV 185 XLV ,73 XLVIII 33 XXIV 1961 AbrlJg. II 544 -538 in 373 XI 1386 VII 452 XI 900 III 425 — 424 XI 1272 IV 60 Ac ALT A MB — — Acc(-unt of a fpirir-Ievel to be fixed to aquadran- for taking a meridional altitude at fea, when the hori/.on is not vifible - Hadiy - A defcripti jn of a water-level to be fiiced to Da- vis's quadrant for taking the fun's altitude at fea in thick and hazy weather without an ho- rizon - - Lei^J Tlie dcTcription and ufe of an apparatus, addec' as an improvement to Davis's quadrant, con lifting of a mercurial level, for taking the cc-al- tirude of fun or ftar at fea, without the ufua' afliflance of the fenfiblc hnrizon, which fre- quently is ohfcured - ^^'g^' • A new method of finding time by equal alti- tudes - - Juheri — — An account of the apparatus applied to the equa- torial inftrument, for correfling the errors arif ing from the re.'ra£^ion in altitude Do'lonj Amalgam. On the ufe of an aijialgam of zinc for the purpofe of cleitricdi excitation - - - Higgini Amand (St). MiKKRAL Waters. Letter concern ing the mineral waters of Si. Amand, near Tournay and \'alenciennes - G^offr;^ Ambe. The ambe of Hippocrates, for redu:ing luxa- tions of the arm with the fliouldcr, rediifi.d M. le Cat Amber. Account cf a curious piece of Heveliui An oblervation aliout white amber KirHy A c.-nipendiou'; hVAo y and demonftration of the Pruilijn amber - Hartman>. All account of feveral curiofities rdatinc to am- A Treatifc on amber - Camdi ■ -- Experiments on the lutr.inous qua'iiics of arrj- ber, diamonds, and gu]ac - H ah — — An oljfcrvation o*" a piece of amber with a h?.{ of a plant imprcficd on it - Breyniu: An extract fiom a letter on the nature of ET-jber ~ - - beurer Extraftfrom an cfTay on the origin of ambtr ~ - - Fo'.herg'Jt Ambercrease. Letter concern ng ambergreafc, anc' its being a vegetable production Bcyl, • ■ An account c\ a great j-.icct cf ambcrgresi"-, thr.wn on the iiland of Jamaca Tred-jiw, — — Found in whaU-s -' - Byjljiir. 3 Tranf. XXXVIII167 XL 413 XL 417 LXVI 92 LXIX 332 LXVHl 861 XX 430 XLII 387 V 2o5i VII 4C69 XXI 5 — 49 XXIV 1591 XXVI 69 XXXIV ,54 XL[f 322 XLIII 21 VIII 6113 XIX 711 [ XXXill J93 j »5 Abridg. j VIII 357 362 IX 257 II 4go — 491 — 473 — S<59 IV 1 27S 275 VI 2 2 ^2 VIII 734 ' ^774 n 492 VII 423 hi. 10 'A M B A M I — An elTay nnonthe natural hlftory of whales, with a particular account of the anibergreafe found in the fpermacetl whales Dudhy . A tieaiile on an-,bergrealc, Par. I - Neumann Par. II - h!cun:ann Par. Ill - Neumanh A review of the experiments on ainbergreafe matlt hv Mcltrs. Brov»'ne and Hanckewits, by Dr. Martiiie, with Mr. Neui:ii.inn's vindication of his own experinient - Neumann A>rERiCA. A narrative of fome obfervations made upon fevcral voyages to find a way for lailing about the Nort4i to the Eail Indies, and for re- turning^ the fame way from thence hither; to- (relher with the inftruftion given by the Dutch Eaft India Company for the diicovery of JelTo, near Japan. To which is added, a relation of failing through the northern America to tht Eali fnclies - /^^« ^'{^'P Some obfervations concerning a pofTible paflage to the Eaa Indies by the Northern America, Weft ward - - , .^"^'^ An account of that part of America which is neareft to the land of Kamtchatka ; cxtraded from the deicription of Kamtchatka, by pro- feffor Krafliennicoff - Dumatefque . A dUfertation on the boncs and teeth of ele- phants, and other beafts, found in North Ame- rica, and other Northern regions; by vvhich it appears they are the bones of indigenous beafts - - ^'^fp' Obfervations of eclipfes of Jupiter's firft fale!- litc at Greenwich, compared with obfervation' of the fame made by Samue4 Holland in North America, and the longitudes of places thence deduced - - _ Mc-Jkelyne Immerfions and cmerfions of Jupiter's fiift laiel lites obfcrvcd at Jupiter's inlet, on tnc ifland o' Anticofti, North America, and the longitude of the place deduced from companion with ob- fervations made at the Royal Oofervatory at Gicenwich, by the Aftronomer Royal If^iight Amianthus. A curious relation, tak-en out of the third Venetian journal de Lcttcrati, of a fub- ftancc fojnd in great quanthties in fome mini-s of Italy; out of which is made a kind of i - •combuftlblc fubftance, both 1km, paper, and Tranf. xxxin 256 XXXV III 344 — 371 — 417 — 437 Abridc:. VII 424 1X339 — 34^ -358 ?66 IX 197 — 2C7 LI 477 LIX 126 LXIV 184 — 190 candle- A M i ANA csndle-wick, together w'nh foxc expciiment made therewith - Caji'.igr.a Amianthus. See Afiejliv, AviLWCH Waters. An account of the vitriolic wa- ters of Anilwch, in the iiJe of /\ngleiey Rutt) Ammonit.^. a letter conccrnirig fome vertebriL* of ammonitae, or cormu amiiianis Milei Amxii LifUJOR. Some ohfervations, proving that the i'cetus is in part nourillied by the liquor Amnii - - Flftniri'^ AiMOMUM. A tlefcriptif n and figure of the true Auio- mum, or Tugus of the Philippines Came'li Amounts. Rules f . r corredting the ufual methods of computing amouius and prei'cn: values by rom- pound, as well as fimple interell; and of ftat- ing intereft-accouncs - li'atk'm Amphibious Animals. An account of an amphibi- ous bipes - - EHu ■ — — A fupplement to the account of an amphi- bious bipes, bemg the anatomical defcriprion of the fiiid animal - EU''> ■ Obfervations upon animals, commoJily called amphibious by authors - Parjon- ■ An account of the lymphatic fyftem in amphi- bious animals - - tieivfov Amputation. A letter concerning the ufe of lycoper- don in flopping blood after amputation Parjcm An account of the fuccefs of Agaric, and Fun- gus Vinofus, upon amputations - F) d - ■ Remarks and conliderations relative to the per- formance of amputation above the knee, by the fingle circular incifion - Gooch — — See Jgaricj Fungus FinofuSy Lycoperdon and Styptic. Analysis. Experiments by way of analyfis upon the water of the dead fea, upon the hot fprings near Tiberiades, and upon Hamman Pharoan watei - - - Perry An'ALYtical. Univerfal folution for quadratic and biquadratic equations, viz. analytical, geome- trical, and mechanical - Colfor, Analytical folution of certain infiniteflmal equa- tions - - De iVIoivrt Anasto?.ioses. An account of fome uncommon anai- tomofes of the fpermatic veflels in a woman - - - Afo> timer Anatomy. Obfervations of milk found in the veins in- dead of blood - Boyic C Trn nf. VI 2167 LI 470 XLVI 37 XLIX 254 XXI 2 XXIX m LVi 189 — 30- — 193 LIX 198 XLIX 38 — 93 LXV 373 XLII 48 XXV 2353 — 2368 XXXVI 373 I 100 17 Vbriog. I > \v.,. II 548 XG41 II 616 V 2243 VIII 643 IV 66 — /7 VII 553 II12 7Q AWA Ana A N A TOMV. An account of fome chemical, medici- nal, and anatomical particulars - Bchrit ■ Some anatomical inventions and obfervations, particularly tiic origin of the iiijeclion into veins, the transfufion of blood, and the part.^ of generation - Clurck ' Anatomical obfervations made at Venice Grandi • Account of two new anatomical difcoveries madt in France - - Jnon. • Account of fome anatomical engagements Bellini • Anatomical obfervations on the ftrucfure of the nofe - - Vernay - Anatomical obfervation on the body of a wo- m.an, about fifty years of age, who died hy- drnp'cal, in her left tefticle - Sampjo) - ^^ile ana omy or a monftrous pig - The anatomy of the Mexico muJk-hog Tyfon - Oblervations of wh.it did pra;ternaturally occur in the opening of the body cf Mr. baiith ot Highgate - - Tyjo-u - Oblervations made in the heads of fowls at feve- ral times - - Mouier, - Aw anatomical accou "t of Ib-re remarkable things found ow tlie diflcilion of a woman who died of a dro[)fy after the paracentclis was per- formed -, wilii a fmall rcHeftion on the caufe;- of the dropl'y - Pre/ioi. - A letter, giving an account of fome anatomical obfervations made on a body diliedied ac Padua, by John Ray - - Dai - An anatomical defcription of the heart of lanci tortoifcs from America - Bujjlr, - Sor.e anaomical obfervations - Chejelden - The anatomy of a decrcpid old man of 109 years old - Scheuchzet - The anatomy of the poifonous apparatus of a rattle-fnake, vvith an account of the cjuick cl- fefts of its poifon - Ran''y - Two anotomico-pratSlical obfervations; one ot an infant born with a bag full of water 'hang- ing from the Os Sacrum t > the ankles (Lat.) - - Hajlet - An account of glafTes of a new contrivance; for prcfcrving pieces of anatomy or natural hif- tory in fpirituous liquors - Le Cat Additions - - Le 0*1 - Anutomico medical obfervations of a moiiihjus Tranf. Ill 650 III 672 V 1188 — 2083 — 2093 XII 976 — 1000 xm 183 — 359 XVI 332 XVII 711 XIX 330 XXV 2282 XXVII 170 XXVIIl 28 i XXX1I3I3 XXXV 377 XLII277 XL VI 6 — 88 Abridg. [ -84351 III 290 — 8+301 78 566 III 56 I 366 206 218 il 904 — ^73 ni 347 II 860 111 MI V 184 — 74 -253257 Vll 6S9 — 416 I^ 235 XI IJ49 doubk- ANA ANE double-bodied child, born Oft. 26, 1701 Pannonia, and who died Feb. 23, 1723 (Lat.) - - - Torkoi Another account - Bumei Another account - Du Plejfn Another account (Lat.) - Driefchiui — — An uncommon anatomical obfervatlon of a de- feft in the right lobe of the lungs Paitoni — — Anatomical obfcrvations on the torpedo - - - Jobn Hunter •— — See DiJfc£lion, Anatomy of Vegetables. Obfervations on feveral paffages in the two laft months Tranfaftions re- lating to fome unobferved qualities of the air; to mixing and fermenting liquors in vacuo; to the hiftory of birds ; the anatomy of the trunks of vegetables ; barofcopes, &c. Anon. ' The anatomical preparation of vegetables Sela Ancients. Experiments concerning the encaaftic paintings of the ancients - CoUbrookt A letter concerning the fuccefs of the former ex- periments Colebrooke - Some obfervations concerning the lyncurium of the ancients - IVilliam IVatJon —— — Some attempts to afcertain the utmoft extent of the knowledge of the ancients in the Eall-Indies - - - Caverhill Anderida. An accurate account cf a telTellated pavement, bath, and other Roman antiquities, lately difcovered at Eaft Bourne, in Suffex - " - Tabor — — The reft of the treatife concerning the fite of the ancient city of Anderida, and other re- mains of antiquity in the county of SulTex Taboi Andrachne. a defcrlption of the andrachne and its botanical charaiiers - Ehret Anemonies (Sea). An ellay towards elucidating the hiftory ot the fea-anemonies Dlcqueman • - ' A fecond eflay on the natural fea-anemonies " - - Dtcquemati A third eflay on - Dicquemart Anemoscop£. Defcription of the anemofcope " - - Pickering Aneurism. An account of an extraordinary aneu- rilm of the aruria aorta near the bafis of C 2 Tranf. L 311 — 317 - 31B LV79 LXIII481 ^5 Abrldg. I XXXVi44i LI 40 — SZ — 394 LVil 155 XXX 549 — 783 LVII 114 LXiri 361 LXV 207 LXVII I 56 XLIII 9 VI 2 338 V 263 — 2 the 20 ANE ANl the heart, vviih \.\\i 440 LXV 378 i Tranf. fyiTsntoms thereof Li^/agel XX! I 666 ■ An account of an aniirifm of the aorta Did XXXV 436 Some obfervations on aneuriims in genera!, anJ in particular on the foreooinu; Nicho.h •i A remarkable cafe of an aneuriun, or difcafe ol the principal artery of the thigh, occalioned by a fall. To v/hich is prefixed, a Ihorc account of the uncertainty of the diftinguiihing fymp- toms. - - learner • Concerning aneuriims in the thigh Gcoc/j Angle. A direft and geometrical method hy which the aphelia, excentricities, and proportion of the orbs of the primary planets, may be invefci- gated without fuppofing the equality or the angle of motion at the other focus of the pla- net's ellipfis - Haliey « An account of an experiment concerning the angle required to lufpend -a drop of oil of oranges, at certain ftations, between two glafs planes, placed in the form of a wedge - - - Haukfoee - Anew univerfal method of defcribinrr all curves of every order mechanically, by the alTiftance of angles and right lines - Madaurin — — Solution of the problem relating to the inven- tion of curves, which, difpofed in a certain manner in an inverfe htuation, may cut cich other in a given angle - Anon. Of the feftion of an angle De Moivre A defcription of a new inflrument for taking angles - - Hadley An account of obfervations made on board the Chatham yacht Augult 30-1, and September I, 1732, for the trial of an inHrument for tak- ing angles - Hadley — — A defcription of a contrivance for meafuring fmall angles - - DollondYlSWWl x^^ • An explanation of a new inflrument made for meafuring Imall angles - Doi.ond Account of a new Inflrument for meafuiino Imall angles, called the Fril'matic Micromerei" - - - Mnjkelyne See Micrometer, Anglesey. See Population. Animals (in General). Defcription of a microf- copc, by the means whereof there has been XI 683 XXVII 473 XXX 939 XXXII 106 — 228 Al-ndo;, VII 566 XXXVII 14 341 — 551 LXVII 799 I 258 IV 2 1S2 — 57 VI 85 - ^5 — 139 — 42S feen A N I 21 Tranf. foen an animal lefil-r than any of thofc hitherto fcjn - - Divtni HI 842 I Obfervations of fome animals, and of a rtran^e plant, made in a voyage into the kingdom o? Congo, M. Ang. de Guattini., and Dionyftin of Placenza. XII 977 Miciofcopical obfervations about animals in the Icurf of the teeth ; the fubftance called worms in the nofe; the cuticula confiiHngo' Icales - - - Leettwe^hoek XIV ^68 ■ Lumbricus Hydroplcus; or an efTav to prove, that the hydatidcs, often met with in morbid animal bodies, are a fpecies of worms, or im- perfecl animals - - Tyfon XVII 506 ■ - Letters concerning the feeds of pUnrs, with ob fer^ations on the manner of the propa;^ation of plants and animals - Leewenhoek XVII 700 — — An account of an animal refembling a whelp voided per anum by a male greyhound Halley XIX 316 ' Remarks on fome animals, plants, 5cc. fent from Maryland - - Pether XX 393 An account of fome animals fent from the Eaft Indies, with remarks by J. Pctiver Btown XXI ' 859 — — Account of more animals - Brown — 1^)23 «— — Account of more animals o'^ferved in the Phi- lippine Iflands - Cam e Hi yi^lW 1065 ■ >■ A new divifion of terreftrial brute animals par-{ ticularly of thofe that have fheir feet formedi like hands ; where an account is given ofl fome animals not yet defcribed Tyfon\'iCK\Y 1565 — — An ace unt of animals and ihclls fent from Ca- rolina - - PeiiveA — 1952 — — — An account of the animals in the Philippine' Iflands - - Camelli XXVI 241 ' ■ Ob.ervacions on the mouths of the eeLs in vine- gar, and alfo a flrange aquatic anir.aj Baker XLII 416 • A defcnption of the female muik animal, by the j-'luits at Pekin - XLVII 321 An account of worm'? in animal bodies N'lcholh X.-1X 246 — — Obfervations on corallines, and the polypus, and other fea animals - BcJJer L 258 Remarks on the above obfervations Ellis — 280 Obfervations on noxious animals in England Forflcr LI I 475 Animal Flowers. An account of the urtica ma- rina (animal flowers) - Gaenmr — 75 Abrld^r. I 207 11157 — 684 — 133 III 685 II 904 — 253 V i8q IV 2 321 V,83 1X38 Let- £2 A N I Letter on the anima! nature of the genus of zoophytes, called corallina Elli. On the nature of gcrgonia ; that it is a real ma- rine animal, and not of a mixed nature, be- tween animal and vegetable Elli. Animals (Parts of"'. An obiervation about the epi- ploon, or tlie double membrane, which covers the entrails of animals, and ii filled with fat Malpi^bi and Fracoljati An account of fome animals thar, having lungs, are yet iound to be without the arterious vem ; together with fome other curious par;icnlars - - - Szvatiimerdani ■ An abftraf^ of a letter concerning the parts ol brain of feveral animals, the chalk-fxoncs of the gout, the lcprofy,and the fcales of eels Leewenhoek An extract of a letter containing feveral obfer- vatioiis on the texture of the bones of animals, compared with that of wood Leevjcnhoek Ohfeivations on the mufcular fibres of different animals - Leeivethoek Continued. - Lcewenhoeok An etiay upon 'he ufe of the bile in the animal ceconomy, to^inded on an obfervation of a wound in the Cfall-bbdder Stuart Explanation of an elTay on the ufe of the bile in the animal ceconomy - Stuart Animals (Experiments on). — An experiment of pre- fervin^' animals alive, by blowing through their lungs with bellows - Hook Account of two animals included with lar:;t wounds in the abdomen in the pneumatical rec:iver - - Boyli • Of the motion of the feparated heart of a cold animal in the exhaufted receiver Boy e A comparifon of the times wherein animals may be killed by drowning, or withdrawing of the air - - Boyle ' Of the accidents that happen to them in air brought to a confiderable degree, but not near the utmoft one, of raref.i6tion Boy/i - Of the obftrvations produced in an animal in changes, as to rarity and dcnfity made in the felf (ame air - - B'yh - Of an unfucccfsful attempt to prevent the ne- ccffity of refpiration by the produdion or growth of animals in our vacuum Boyle Tranf. LVII 4C4 LXI I n 553 Vill 6040 XV 883 XVII 838 XXXI 134 XXXII 12 XXXVI 341 XXXVIII 5 " 539 V 2026 — 2027 — 2028 2036 — 2039 — 2040 Abrldg. II 658 111256 — 684 11685 VI 2 336 VII 468 Vil572 IX 195 III 66 I 250 II 490 — 225 Of Ani Tranf. V 2045 X542 XVII 700 XVIII 150 XXVIl 485 XXXII 438 XXXIX 287 — 299 XLI 390 ^LIII 473 A N I — Of the power of alTuefafllon to enable animals to hold out in air by rarefaftion made unfit for refpiration - BcyU — Some experiments, touching animals, made in the air-pump - Huygens and Papbi — Obfervacions on the manner of propagation of animals and planis - Leewenhoeh — Letter on the generation of animals yojephus de Aromatarli'. — Experiments and obfervations on tlie eft'ects of feveral forts of poifons upon animals, made at Montpellier in 1678 and 1679 Cowpei — Letter on the generation of animals Leeivenhoek — An account of the bones of animals being changed to a red colour by aliment only - - - Bekhler — A further account - helchitr — Obfervations and experiments with madder roots, which has the faculty of tinging the bones of living animals of a red colour Du Monceau — Letter concerning the natural \\t^^\. of animals - - Mvthnei — Part of two letters concerning the fparkling of flannel, and the hair of animals in the dark Cooke XLV 394 — E.^pcriments made on a great number of ani- mals with thspoifonoi" Lama's and of Ticunasl Henffam\ XLVII 75 — An account of fomc experiments on the feniibi- lity and irritability of ihef.vcral p^rts of ani- mals - - i'irocklfoy XLIX 240 — The effe£ls of the opuntia, or prickly pear, and ot the Indigo planr, in colouring tht juices of living animals - Baker L 296 — Experiments on animal fluids in the exhaufted receiver - - Darwin LXIV 344 — Experiments on animals and vegetables, with refpect to the power of producing heat - - - 'John Hunter LXV 446 — Of the heat of animals and vcf^etablts John Hunter LXVIII 7 — Experiments and obfervations on tVi . inflamma ble air breathed by f:2veral animals Fonlanc IvXIX 337 MAJ.S (;)iiord.f3 of}. — Some obfervations on the motion of dildafes, and on tlie births and deaths of tnen, and other anisnals in diflerenl tiuies of tlie No_^Jv---i' - P^/;/(>fl//| XVII 815 23 Abridcr. II 250 III 685 V 38 VII 473 IX 102 — 105 IX J 03 XI 901 X343 Illqll Of A N I Tranf. Of an ol)(lru£lion of the biliarv- du£ts, and nn iinpof^umation of the gall-hla'^dcv, ciifcharglng upwards of 18 quarts of bUious matter in 251 clays, \vi:boatanv apparent defeat in the aniinail fun a ions ' - /f'rrj77^ XL 317 .Animal (Folnle). — An accoui t of tlie iir.p^e'T.on of the almoft entire Ikelcton of a large animal in a very harJ fione f.ninJ at Elfton, near Nevx'-; aric, Nottinghamfliire - ^tiikd-y' XXX 963 An accOLint of a pair of very extraordinary large! horns found in Wapping fome years fince; with a proL.able account whence thty cam.\j a;)d to whai animal they belonged iV/f^«f XXXIV 222 < An a count of a foffile thigh-bone of a large animal dug up at Stone's-field, near Wood ftock, in >)xfordfhire - Flatt L 524 See F'.Jfile, Generation. Antimal Juices. See Juices. Animalcula. Obfcivations concerning fome littl animals obl'erved in rain, well, lea, and (now water ; as alfo in water where pepper had lain iufufed Leetvenbo'k L eewenhoek Lecvjer.hoek Oldenburg hee'tVenijoek Leevjenhoek Obferved in v'^eminc Humano Leewenhoek anfwered by Oldenburg anfwered by Extra6ls from other letters of Concerning animalcula found in the teeth - - - Leevjerihoek Several obfci vations and experiments on the ani- malcula in pepper-water Sir Edmund Kin^ Some microfcopical obfervations of vaftnumber? of animalcula ft en in water Harris Anfwer to the objections made to Lccweiihoek' opinions concerning the animalcula in femine in mafculino - Leeivenhock Concerning the animalcula in femine humano - - - Leeivenhoek Further obfervations on the animalcula in fe- mine mafculino - Leewenhoek Several n^icrofcopical obfervations and experi- ments concerning the animalcula in lemme malculino of cocks and fpiders Leevornhod Letter concerning green weeds growing in wa- ter, and animalcula found about them - - - Leewenhoel Abridg. VIII 503 IV 2 272 VII 441 XII 821 III 6S3 - 844 — 1040 — 1045 — 1044 — 1045 XVII 646 — 684 XVII 861 — 654 XIX 254 -652 XXI 270 — 301 XXII 739 xxni 1137 — 1304 686 V 2 264 Two A N I ANN Animalcula. Two letters fom a gentleman in the country relating to Ob{ervati(jns on feme aninulcula in water - - Leeweuhoel A letter concerning animalcula, on.tb.e rcors of duck -weed - Leeibenhoek • Part of a letter concerning fome microfcopica obfervations upon the animalcula in feaiinc of youiig rams - Leevjenhcek — — A letter containing fome further n^icrofcopica obfervations on the animalcula found upon duck-weed - Leeivenhoek Obfervations on a particular manner of increafe in the animalcula of vegetable infufions, with the difcovery of an indifloiuble fait ariling from hemp-feed put into water till it becomes pu- trid \ - - Ellis Annuities. An eflimate of the degrees of the mor tality of mankind, drawn from curious tables of the births and funerals at the city of Bref- lavv ; with an attempt to afcertain the price of annuities upon lives - HalUy The eafieft method of calculating the value ot annuities upon lives from tables of obfervations - - - De Jldoivre • A letter concerning the value of an annuity for life, and the probability of furvivorfhip - - - Dodfcn ■ A letter concerning the method of conftru6lin!3 a table for the probabilities of life at London - - - Brakemidge »-■ A letter with a table of the value of annuities on lives- - - Dodji - A letter concerning the term and period of hu- man life: in which the inequalities in con- firufting, and the falfeconclufiohs drawn from Dr. Halley's Breflaw table, are fully proved ; thefuppofed extraordinary healthfulnefs of that place is particularly examined, and confuted ; and its real flate fliewn to be ec|ualied by divers places in England ; the iniperfe£llon of all tht tables formed upon lOOO lives fliewn; and a method propofed to obtain one much better - r - r, IV. ' Obfervations on the expedations of lives, the iacreafe of mankind, the influence of great D Tranf. A XIII 1494 — I A 30 XXIV 1784 XXVII 316 XXVllI 160 LIX 138 XVII 596 XLIII 6s XLVIII 487 XLIX 167 — 891 2'S Abridfj. V LII 46 2 225 - 226 - 267 towns 2i A N N ANT towns on population, and particularly the ftate of London with reipefl to heakhfulnels and number of inhabitants - Price x\NfNUlTiEs. Short and ealy theorems for finding, in all cafes, the diitereaces between the values ol annuities payable yearly, and of the fame an- nuities payable half-yearly, quarterly, or monthly - - Price AxNULUs. See Saturn. Anomalies. Conliderations concerning Mercator's geometric and direft moth- d for finding the apogees, excentricities, and anomalies of the planets - - AUrcator Amomaly. See Planet. Anthelium. Obfervation on an anrhelium feen at W^itemberg Jan. i--S, 1738 (Lat,) IP culler • An account of an anthelium obferved near Ox- ford July 24, 1760 - Stointon Anticosti. Immerfions and emerlions of Jupiter's firft fatellite, obferved at Jupiter's inlet on the illand of Anticofti, North America, and the longitude of the place deduced from compa- rifon, with oblVrvations made at the Royal Ob- fervatory at Greenwich, by the Afironomer Royal - - 1 1 right Antient Shrine, An account of an antient flirine formerly belonging to the abbey of Croyland - - - Siukeley Antilles. See Currents. Antimony. On the virtue of antimony J'tsn. Experiments of refining gold with antimony - - - God.ard Obfervations on the efrects of the vitrum aoti- monii ceratum - i.ieoff'f/y Medical and chemical obfervations upon anti- mony - - Huxham Antiquities. An account of a Roman monument found in the bilhoprick of Durham, and ot feme Roman antiquities at York. Lijltr • Some obi'ervations upon the ruins of a piece ol a Ilonian wall and Multangular tower at York - - Lijiei -— — An account of an anticnt mantle-tree in Nor thamptonfhire, on which the date of it (for the year of ourLurd 1 133) is c.xprdied by the nu- \ Tranf. LIX S9 LXVI 109 V 1168 XLI 221 LII 94 ♦ Abrldff. LXIV 190 XLV 579 111 774 XII 953 XLVII 273 XLVIII 832 XIII 70 - 238 I 253 VIII 516 XI 1313 II 56 '1 595' 597' 598 III 423 — 419 Hieral ANT meral figures, which flievvs the great antiquiu of iliofe figures in England An account of f mc antiquities found at Kirk- bythore, in Weftmoreland - Machel An account of an earthen vcffel lately fojnc! near York - - J^ncn. The figures of fome antiquities explained ^^myi. An explanation of the figures of feveral anti quities - - Anon A difcovery of fome antiquities made upon tht inundation of the Tiber =- Anon Account of fome Roman antiquities found in York (hire - Thorefi) Letter concerning fome Roman antiquities late- ly found in Yorkfhire - Thorefb) Letter concerning a piece of antiquity lately found in Somerfetfliire - Mufgrav, Letter concerning the Saxon aotiquity mention- ed in Vol. XX. p. 441 - Hickei Letter concerning fome Roman antiquities in Lincolnfliire - De la Prymi Letter concerning feveral Roman antiquities found near the Devizes in Wiltfhire Clavt. An account of fome Roman, French, and Irifb infcriptions and antiquities lately found in Scot- land and Ireland - Llwy Letter concerning feveral Roman infcriptions. and other antiquities, in Yorkfliire Chr'ijl98 - - 47 - » 120] *Se. nt ANT Several obfervations relating to the antiqultlc and natural hiftory of Ireland, in his travels through t^at kingdom - Lhiv)d Lbvuyd Ix:ra6l5 of letters containing ohiVrvations in natural hii^orv and antiquities, in h s travel'- th rough Wales and Scotland - Lhwyd ■ Part ot a Icitcr containing a relation of fevcrai urns and iepulchral monuments lately found in Ireland - - NevHl An account of fome ancient trumpets, and other pieces of antiquity, f>.und in the county oi T)rone in Ireland - Neviii • An accurate accoun'; of a telTellated pavement bath, and other Roman antiquities lately diibo- vered at Eait Bourne in Suflex Tabor The reft of the treatife concerning the fite ol the ancient city ot Anderida, and other re- mains of antiquity in the county of SufTex Tabor Seme amendments and additions to the account of things found under ground in Lincolnlhire - - - Thorejhy — Ex veterum Pruflbrum re Antiquaria Schediafma Klein An attempt to explain fomc remains of antiquity lately found in Hertfordfiiire IVard Extract of a letter concerning an antique obelifk in Rudllone church-yard Knowlton A k-tter concerning an antiquc-flioe found in the ifle of Axholm, in Lincolnfliirc - - Stovin E-jtter concerninsr the antiquities dug up from the antient Herculaneum Paderni • - - Speticc " •" - Faderni " - - Nixon ~ - - Padi.rni An account of fome antiquities found in Corn- uall - - Borlofc Account of feveral antiquities lately difcovercd in Italy - - l/^nuti Account of feveral antiquities in Italy Venuti With remarks - Nixon !^ee Here Ian eum. Coin, Infer ipt'ion^ Lamp s^ Rome. Antiseptic. Part of a letter on the antifeptical re- gimen of the natives of Ruflia Guthrii 6 Tranf. XXVII 503 — 524 XXVIIi 93 — 252 — 270 XXX 549 — 783 XXXII 344 XLI 384 XLIII 349 XLIV loi — 571 XLVIIl 71, 490 — 488 L 49 — 88 — 619 LI 13 — 201 — 636 — 639 LXVIII 622 Abrlds:. iV 2 182 V 2 125 V 2 126 - 120, 12^ 95 63 VII 4 22 IX 414 XI 1298 Ant. ANT APH Ant. Obfervations concerning emmets, or snts ; their eggs, production, progrefs, coming to maturity, ufc, 5* APP AR A 3f the longitudes and latitudes of both bein^ given, with demonftrations of the laoie Majloilyne Appulses. Appulfes of the moon to Saturn, and tlie fixed ftars obfervable in the year 167 1 foretold, and reduced .to the meridian and latitude of London - - Flamjiead ■ ■ ' - Letters concerning the appulfes of the moon for 1673, ^"<^ t^<^ other planets to the fixed ftars, together with an obfervation of the planet i\'lars ~ - - Flamjiead • The appulfes of the moon, and other planets to the fixed ftars, predidled for 1674 " - - Fiamfiead • " ■ An advcrtifement to aftronomers, of the advan- tages that may accrue from the obfervations of the moon's frequent appulfes to the Hvades, during the courfe of the three next enfuing years - _ _ — — On the method of determining the places of the planets, by obferving their near appulfes to the fixed ftars - - Halley ' A new method of calculating eclipfes, particu ly of the earth, and of any appulfes of the moon to planets and fixed ftars Gerjlen An account of an appulfe of the moon to Jupi ter, obferved at Chelfea - Dunn Aquafortis. A letter containing fome microfcopi- cal obfervations upon the chryftallized particles of filver dillolved in aquafortis Leewenhoek --^ — Sequel to the cafe of Mr. Butler of Mofcow, who was ftrangely aFe^ied by mixing verdi- greafe and falfe leaf-gokl with aquafortis Baker Aquatic^ Animal. Account of a ftrange aquatic animal as viewed in the microfcope Baker Aquatic Insect. A defcription of a very remark- able aquatic infe^, found in a ditch of ftand- ing water near Norwich - /T/W Aqueduct. An account cf an aqueducldefigned for carrying the river Eure to Verfailles /Imn. ' A larther account of the aqueduct near Ver- failles - - Jjiofl. Arabian Figures, An account of an antient date in Ar,.bian figures upon the north front of the p.irifli church of Rumney in Hampfliire Barlozv -— ■ A brief inquiry into the reading of two dates in £ Tranf. LIV 263 V 2029 VII 5118 VIII 6162 XXX 692 XXXI 2C9 XLIII 22 LIM 31 XXVII 20 LIV 15 XLII416 LVII 72 XV 1016 — 1206 XLI 652 Abvldf?. I 453 265,4.24 ill 149 IV 298 VI 170 V 2 267' 1 594 1X432 Arabian 3a AR A ARE Arabian figures cut upon fion?s, which wf-n foijnti in lahmd - IVara . A defcription of an anticnr date in Arabian fi- •iures at Walling, near Aldermarllon, Herk- 11 lire - - If arc ■■ See Date, Araliastrum. Account of a new genus of plant."- called Ar-liaftrurn, of which the famous Nin- Zin, or Gin-feng of the Chincfe, is a fpcci;- - - - lailiant Arc. An invclTigation of a general theor.-ni forfind- • inj the length of any arc cf any conic hyptr- Iwla by means of two elliptic arcs, v\ith lomc o her new and ufet'ul theorems deduced there from - - Landei. Arch. An account of the appearance of feveral un- uiual parhelia, or mock funs, together with fe- veral circulararches lately I'ecn in the air Haley J Extra£ls of feveral letters concerning the ap- pearance of feveral arches of colours contiuu- ous tci the inner edcc of the common rainbow at Pctworth - i^angwi(l> Another I trer, with fome reflexions on the fame fubjcft - P ember ten — — Account of a luminous arch, Feb, i6, 1749 - - - Ccopei Archime^)ES. Extra<5>of alettcrconcerningIVIr.de Buffon's re-invei.tion of Archimedes's burning fpecula - - Buffoii Obfervations upon father Kirchcr's opinion con- cerning the burning of the fleet ot Marcelluv by Archimedes - Parjon Archipelago. A relation of the raining of a(he> in the Archipelago, upon the eruption oi mount Veluvius, fome years ago Rcbhfot. Obfci vations in travels from Venice through ifhia, Dalmatia, Greece, and the Archipelago, to Smyr-ia - •- Vemo^. Arctl'Kus. An enquiry into the quantity and di re(^ on of tht: p-oper motic u of Ardlurus wit!i fome remarks on the diminution ot tin obrujuity of the tchptic - Homfiy Arcutio. tx.racl of a letter concerning the arcuti to lay children in, to prefcrvethem from beini; overlaid - - St. 'john Area. A fpccimcn of a new method oi crmparin;. curvilincal areas ; by which m.ny iuch areaj Tranf. XLII283 XLV 603 XXX 705 LXV 283 XXIII 1 127 XXXII 241 VI 122 — 245 — 123 XLVI 647 X507 XLV 304 — 19s XLVIII 621 I 377 11143 XI 573 LXIII 93 XXXVII 256 Abridg. XI 126c — 1267 IV 2 319 — 22! VII 4 46 may AKt AR U 3i Tranf, LVIII 174 may be compared, as have not yet appeared to be comparable by any other method Landen — — Theorems concerning the greateft and leafl areas of polygons infcribing and circumfcrib- ing the circle - - H.orJle\ LXV 301 — — Some new theorems for computing the areas ot certain curved lines - Landen LX 441 . See Curve. Areometer. Defcription and ufe of a new areome- ter - • - Fahrenheit Y^XXIW \\0 Areometry. An elTay on pyrometry, and areouie- tr\-, aiid on phylical meafures in general De Lf/f LXVIII419 Arithmetick. An extract of two eflays in politi- cal arithmetick concerning the comparative magnitude of London and Paris Pett) XVI 152,237 - ■ An arithmetical paradox concerning the chances of lotteries - - Robtris XV^II 677 — - An account of a perfon who can neither read nor write, yet will reckon fums wiih great ex- aanefs - - LockA XXII 893 . A fhort account of negativo-affirmative arith-i metick - - C5^^«|XXXIV 161 — — The defcription and ufe of an arithmetical ma- chine invented by - Gerjlen XXXIX 79 — — On the arithmetic of impofTible quantities P/^;/fl/>LXVIIl3ii Arm. An account of the cure of two finuous ulcers poffefling the whole arm, with the extraordi- nary fupply of a callus which fully anfwers the purpofi-sof the Os Humeri loft in time of cure - - - Fawlet XXV" 2466 • An account of the man whofe arm, with the ihoulder-bone, was torn o!f by a mill, Aug. ^5>^737 " " Bekhier XL The cafe of Mary Howell, who had a needle run into her arm and came out at her breaft - - - Anon, XLI 767 — — An extraordinary cafe of a fra£lure of the arm - - - Freke XL^'I 397 ■ An account of a cure of a paralytic arm by elec- tricity - - Hayt XLIX 558 • ■ ■ An account of a remarkable operation on a broken arm - - li hiis LI 657 — — An account of the extrai£\ion of three inches and ten lines of the bone of the upper arm, which was followed by a regeneration of tlie L 2 jM Abrid- VI 326 III 679 V 2 219 VI I VIII 16 V388 IX 266 - 238 Xi iioS bom 34 A R IM ART bonv matter; \Mth a defcrlptlcw of a machine made ufc ot to keep the uppir i;nd lower piecct of the bone at their proper diflranccs^ dur ng[ the time liiat the rcgcnciation was raking plucc ; and which m?.y al fo be <.f ft-rvice in nadures haj^pening near die head of that bone Le Coi — — — Arcount of a woman enjoying the ufe of her rigtit arm after the head of the Os Humeri was tut away - - Be>.t Armadilla. An account of an American aioia d;ila - - IV. IVmfyu Akmlnus. Of an Hungarian Bolus of the fame tf- fccis with the Bolus Arnicnus j^Koti. Aromatic. An fccounc of an infe£l feeding upon henliane, the horrid fmdl of which is in that cieature fo quahtied thereby, as to become in fome mcafure aromat.cal; together with the colour yielded by the eggs of the fame Lijhr Arsenic. Letter concerning cobalt, and the piepa- rarious of faialt and arfenic Kreig Arteries. An account of fo.T:e animalsthat, having lungs, are yet found to be without the artcrious V(.ini tcgvther v.'iih fome other curious parti- culars - - Swamnierdain • Snrr.c probable thoughts of the whitenefs of the chyle, and what it is after it is conveyed within the arteries - - L'jlrr An account of divers fchemes of arteries and vein-, dillcdlcd from adult human bodies by J. Evelyn. To which are fub.oined a de- fer! ption of the extremities of thofe vefl'els, ?.nil the manner the blood is feen by the mi- crofcope to pafs from the arteries to the vems in c]U.i.jrupcds when livina : with fonie chirur- gical cbllrvations and figures after the life - - - Covjper Of cfTifications or pctrefaftions in the coats of artcri'-s, particularly in the valves of the great artery - - Coivper A letter concerning the ofTification of the crural artery - - Naijh 'J'wo newly-difcovercd arteries in women "oiny an afthmatic peribn - Nuholl. ' An account of what appeared on opening the body of an afthmatic perfon ff^. IVatfon Astronomy. An account of fuch of the more not abbj cclcftial phenomena of the year 1670 as will be conlpicuous in the Engl fh horizon - - - F,amji(ad Tranf. XLIII47 I 377 XXiV 1740 - 1859 XI 711 — 751 XLIV42I — 471 XLIX 251 LVI 204 LXX 30 XXIII 1 137 — "43 XXVII 534 XXXVII123 LIV 239 IV 1099 Abridg, 11143 V 2 267 V13 X251 X252 t V 2 264 VII 504 ^ 453 - Emen. AS T — — Emcrivlatlons and notes upon the ancient aflro nomical tables of Albatenlus, with the reftora- tio!) of his luni-folar tables - Halley ■■ ■ An advertifement to aftronomers, of the advan- tages that may accrue from the obfervation of the moon's frequent appulfes to the Hyades, during the three next eniuing years : — ■ Of great and final! things which occur in the motion of the heavenly bodies - Some allowances to be made in agronomical ob fervations for the refraction of the air, with an accurate table of refraftions - Halky — — A letter concerning the Chinefe chronology and aftronomy - - Cojiard — — Remarks upon thefolarand lunar years, the cy- cle of 19 years, commonly called the Golden Number, the Epaft, and a method of finding the time of Ealier, as it is now obferved in moft parts of Europe Earl of Macclesfield ■ Eflay on the preceflion of the equinoxes and the nutation of the earth's axis IValmeJlcy " A theory of the irregularities that may be occa- fioned in the annual motion of the earth by the adlions of Jupiter and Saturn Wahnejley Introdudion to two papers of Mr. John Smea ton - - Majhelyn, • ' A difcourfe concerning the menflrual parallax, arifmg from the mutual gravitation of the earth and moon : its influence on the obferva- tion of the fun and planets ; with a method of obferving it - Smeaton Defcription of a new method of obferving the heavenly bodies out of the meridian " - - SmeaiOH Geometrical folutions of three celebrated aflro- nomical problems - Pemberton ——A propofal for meafuring the attradion of feme hills in this kingdom by aftronomical ob- fervations - - Majhelym Astronomical Observations. An account of fome obfervations made in Spain by the Earl of Sandwich ' • Aitroncmical obfervations partly already made partly to be made - Flamjlead — 1 he ufe of telefcopic fights in aftronomical ob- fervations _ - - Hevelim ■" ' An aftronomical dilTertation on the vifible con- 37 Tranf. Abridnr. 0 XVII 913 III 522 XXX 69a IV 298 — 952 XXXI 169 VI 167 XLIV 476 XI 1232 XLVI4I7 XLIX 704 — 737 LVIII 154 -156 — 170 LXII 434 LXV 495 J 390 VII 5034 IX 27 X 13] 1 562 II 185 1 348, 3S5.424 — 221 jundion :8 AST junclion of the inferior planets with the fun Halley — — Aftronomical obfcrvations at China 'j^^its ... Letter relatino; tofome aftronomical obfcrvations at China - - Cajjtni ■■ Obfervations at Greenwich in 17 ii, 17 12 - - - Fiamjiead Britifli aftronomical obfervations made at Green- wich in 1713 - Flam/iead Some late curious aftronomical obfervations made at Wanfted - Pound — — Accurate aftronomical obfervations made in the laft and the current year - j^non, . Aftronomical obfervations communicated to the Royal Society - - jinon, . Aftronomical obfervations made at Southwick, Northamptonlhire, with a 13 foot telefcope, by apparent time - Lynn . Aftronomical obfervations at Lilbon in 1725 and 1^26 - - Carbon i . Altronomlcal obfervations made at Toulon Laval — — Aftronomical obfervations made at Vera Cruz by Mr. Harris ; revifed and communicated by Halley Aftronomical obfervations made at Lift)on in 1726 - - Car bone — — Aftronomical obfervations made at Lilbon Carbone Aftronomical obfervations made at Bologna - - - Manfredi — — Aftronomical obfervations made at Pekin, 1724 • - Kogle . Aftronomical obfervations made at Ingolftad, 1726 - - 7^/"'^ — — AHronomical obfervations made at Pekin from Nov. 1727 to Nov. 1728 Mijponarics ■ Aftronomical obfervations made at Pekin in 1728 and 1729 - Mijjlonarici ■ Aftronomical, phyfical, and meteorological ob- fcrvat ons in 1733 at Witembcrg lyddler — — Aftronomical obfcrvations made at Pekin by the jcfuits, from Nov. i740to 0£\:. 1741 ITodgfo". ■— — Aftronomica' obfcrvations made at Paraguay, in Soutii America, from 170610 1730 De Ca/ho Sjrmen^o Tranf. XVII 511 XX 53 — 371 XXVIII 6s XXIX 285 — 401 XXX 847 ■ — 1 109 XXXIV 66 — 90 — 100 XXXV 388 — 408 — 471 ■- 534 — 553 -556 XXXVI 366 — 455 XXXIX ^38 XLII 306 XLV 667 Abrid Cheva'ier< A letter on the advantage of taking the mean of a number of obfervations in praftical aftro- nomy - - Simpfon A fhort account of nev/ aftrcnomical and phylical obfeyvations made in AGa Porter Remarks on a paftage of the editor of the Con noi|l:ance dps Mouvemeuts Csleftes pour PAn- nht ^[762 - - Raper Aftronomical obfervations at Sweizingen Mayer Aftronomical obfervations made at the Ifland of St, Hplena ^ - M'/Jkelyne Aftronpmjcal obfervations made at the Ifland of Barbadoes ; at VVilloughby Fort, and at the Obfgrvatory on Conftitution tlill, both ad joining to Bridge Town ^ Mcfielyne Aftronomical obfervations made at Vienna Bfvh Aftronomical obfervations made in feverai parts of the kingdom of Naples ani Sicily Zannon'i Aftronomical obfervations mads in the forks of the river Brandivvine in Pennfylvania, for de- tevmining the going of a clock fent thither by the Rpyal ir'ociqty, in order to find tho differ- ence of gravity betweeii the Royal Obfervatory at Greenv4ch, and the place where the clock was fet up in Pcnnfylvania Mafon ond Dixon Aftronorr.ical obfervations made at Swetzingen, 1767 &nd_i768 " Mayer Aftronomical obfervations made by Samuel Hollands Efq, and others, in North America Aftronomical obfervations made at the North Cape for the Royal Society - BayU;^ Aftronomical obfervations made by order of the Eoyal Societyj at Prince of Wales's Fortj on Tranf, Abrldg, XL VI 8 X123 — 30s — 124 XLVII 319 — 376 XLVIII 301 -548 XLIX 82 ^ 2si LII 366 LI V J 65 ^ 389 LV 130 LVIII 196 ^ 329 — 341 LIX 847 — 26a thf 40 AST ATM the north'WCil coaft of Kudlbn's Bay IVales and Dymond Ailronomical obfervations made at Cavan, near Strabane, in the county < f Donegal, Ireland, by appoimmcuc of the Ro.al Society, 1769 _ - - Mojor. Aftronomical obfervations in America Pingrc Agronomical obfervations at King Geor.je's llland, in the South Seas - ijrcen Several aih-onomical obfervations made atPoitf- mouth - - WuheU Allronomical obfervations made at Chi11cliu;ft in Kent, 1772 - JVollajhn Af!:ronomical obfervations by the milBonaries at Pekin - - C'lpoUa Aftronomical obfervations for afcertaming the longitude of ieveral places in the North dil- tri6t of North America Holland Aftronomical obfervations made at ChiHlehurft, in Kent, 1773 - Ji/ollajlon Aftronomical obfervations made at Leiceiler for determining the latitude of the place Ludla^ All;ronomical obfervations made in the Auftrian Netherlands in 1772 and 1773 Pigoit Afl:ronomical obfervations made in the Aulirian Netherlands in the years 1773, ^774' ^""^ 775 Phott Extracts of three letters containing fonie afl;ro n ;mical obfervations; together with the longi- tude of Cork deduced from the faid obferva- tions - - Lovgfidd AftronouHcal obfervations relating to theMoun tains of the Moon - Ile'fcbel Atmosphere. A new experiment concerning an tffei5l of the varying weight of the atmofphere upon fome bodies in the water BoyL The barometrical method of mcafuring the hci":hts of moun'ains, witli two new tablcj fhewing the heiglit or the atmofphere at given altitudes of Mercury - Scheuchzct An aftronomical diflcrtation on the lunar atmof- phere - - De Fouch) .— — Some obfervations of the planet Venus, on the difk of the fun, June 6, 1761 ; with a preced- ing account of the method taken for verify in;. the time of tliat j)hxnomcnon ; and certain Tranf. LIX 467 T-X 454- — 497 LXI 397 LXU33 LXIII 67 LXIV 31 — 1S2 — 329 LXV 366 LXVi 182 LXVIII 637 LXIX 163 LXX 507 VII 5156 XXXV 537 XLI 261 AbrlJp;. II 204 VI 2 30 VIII 172 rcafons ATM ATT reafons for believing there is an atmofj^here about Venus - - Dunn ~ Certain reafons for a lunar atmofpliere Dunn Theorems concerning the eleflrical atmofphere - - - Bcccaria • A letter inclofing an account of fome obferva tions on atmofpherical electricity ; in regard to fog, mills, &c. with fome remarks Ronayne Extraordinary electricity of the atmofphere ob ferved at Iflington in Odober 1775 Cavnlk — — Obfervations on the annual evaporation at Li verpool, in Lancafhire, and on evaporation confidered as a teft of the moifture or drynefs of the atmofphere - Dohfon " Obfervations made in Savoy in order to afcer tain the height of mountains by means of the barometer ; being an examination of Mr, de Luc's rules, delivered in his " Recherches fur les Modifications de I'Atmofphere" Shuckburgh - See Jir. Attraction. A letter in which the laws of at traftion, and other principles of phyfic, are fliewn - - Keill «— - A vindication of Dr. Freind's chemical leftures, wherein the obje£^ions (in Adtis Lipfienlibus, Sept, 1710) brought againft the attradlive force of matter are removed - Freind -— — An account of an experiment in order to difco ver the law of the magnetical attraction - - Taylor and Haukjhee - Experiments and obfervations upon the light that is produced by communicating eleftrical attraction to animal or inanimate bodies, toge ther with fome of its moll furprifing efFe£ls - - Gray — — Iveftigations to prove that the figure of the earth nearly approaches to an ellipfis, according to the laws of attraClion, in an inverfe ratio of the fquare of the diftances - Cla'irault — A refolution of a general propofition for deter- mining the horary alteration of the pofition of the terrellrial equator from the attraction of the fun and moon, with fome remarks on the folutions given by other authors to that diffi- cult and important problem Simpfoti <-=—- Oi the irregularities in the planetary motions, F 2 4t Tranf. I Abrid-r. I LII 184 -578 LX277 LXII 137 LXVI 407 LXVII 244 — 5^3 XXVI 97 XXVII 330 XXIX 294 XXXIX 16 XL 19 L 416 IV 353 V428 IV 2 297 VIII 397 592 caufed 4? ATT A UR caufed by the mutual attracTion of the j^lsnets _ - - IVidmcJliy — — A propofal for ineafuring the attracllon of fome hills in this kingdom by agronomical o'ftrva- tions - - Mnjl:elyne An accoun'- of oblcrx ations made on the mountain Scheha'.lien for finding its at;ra6iion Mnjk lync On the precefiion of the equinoxes produc- d by the fun's attraftion - Mllncr Calculations to dcterniir;e at what poir.t in the fide of a hill its atLraftion will be the greatcft - - - Hutto>. Attrition. Several experiments on the attrition of bodies in vacuo - Hank/bct • An account of an experiment touching the ex- traordinary electricity of plafs produceable on a fniart attrition of it; with a continuation of experiments on the lame fubjcct, and other phenomena - - Hauvfhee Uaukjht Several experiments fliewing the {1 range effci^ts of the effluvia of glafs, produceable on th' motion and attrition of it - Haukfbct '■ An account of fome experiments touching the clecSlricity and light produceable in the attrition of feveral bodies - tiauifbe<. — — An account of an experiment fhewing^ that an objedt may become vifible through fuch an opake body as pitch in the dark, while it is \mder the circumftances of attrition and a va- . cuum - - Haukjhec Aurora Australis. An account of an Auror;i Aufiralis obferved at Rome Jan. 27, 1740. (Lat.) - - Revillas An obfervation of the lights feen in the air, an Aurora Auftralis, March i8, 1738-Q ?.t London - - Ado) timer Another account of - A'Ja-tyr, Another obkrvation of, at Peterborough NeVi Seen at Cheifea January 23, 1749-50 - - - AJartyti /Aurora Borealis. An account of two late nor- thern Aurora's, obferved at Sutton, and Hont in Kent, on Feb. 5, 1716-7, and March 30, 1716 - - Barreli An account of that fcen 30th of March at London - - Folka 7 Tranf. LII 275 LXV 495 — 500 LXIX 505 LXX I XXIV 2165 XXV 2327 — 2372 XXVI 87 391 XLI 744 - 839 - 840 - H3 XLVI 319 XXX 584 — 586 x^bridg. IV 2 i8o VIII 554 — 553 — 552 — 554 X48S IV 2 153 - - 154 An A U R — r~ An account of a very exfraordii ary Au rora Boreaiis feen at London Nov'. lO, ''"/ic^, both morning and evernng - Hallry Another account of the above ften at Cruwys Morchard in nevonfhire - Maunder Seen at Dublin Another feen Dec. ii, at Streatham, Surrey - - - Hearne An account of an Aurora Boreaiis, i^'< b. 6, I 720-1, obferved at Dublin J. I'/ Another fecn the fame day at Cruwys ^'JO^e hard, in Devorifjiire ; with an account of the weather both befcre and after it (.ruwys Obfervations on Aurora- Boreales made for four years, at Lynn in Norfolk j^hon. Obfervations on a northern light, feen Sept. 20, 17:7, near Upfal - Burrho}: An account of an Aurora Boreaiis feen Sept. 1725, in Ir:^land - Dcbbs Petworth,. SulTex, Oa. 8. Langwuh Plymouth, Oa. 8, 1726 Huxbam E.xon, oa. 8, 1726 HalUt Hadley Geneva, Oa. 8, 1726 - - - Cdlandrijii Obfervations on the Lumen Boreaie, or flreaming, on Oa. 8, 1726 Derhatn 43 Tranf. XXX 1726 Southwick, in Northamptonfhire, Oa. 8, 1726 - - - Lynn A regifter of obfervations of the northern lights for four years - Rafir'ick An account of the Lumen Borcale, as feen at feveral times, Jan. 4, 1726-7 Langwith Another defcription of an Aurora Boreaiis, Jan. 4, 1726-7 - Anon, Lxtraa of feveral letters, &c. from dif- ferent parts of Europe relating to the Aurora Boreaiis feen Oa. 19, 1726, N. S. ■ ' A letter containing a defcription of fome uncommon appearances obferved in an Aurora Boreaiis - - Durham An account of an Aurora Boreaiis, at tended with unufual appearances Cramer An account of an Aurora Boreaiis feen in New England Oa. 22,. 1730 Gnenwood 1099 — I lOl — 1 104 — IIC7 XXXI 180 — 186 XXXII 300 XXXIII 175 XXXIV I2& — 132 — 137 — 143 — 14b — 15° — 245 — 253 — 255 XXXV 301 — 304 — 453 XXXVI 137 — 279 XXXVII 5c Abrld< IV 2 16? — - 16 VI 16; 86 - 89 - 92 - 84 - 93 - 95 - 97 - ICC - 102 - 1O4 - 105 1091 113 Ill 112 292 : 113 114 Ac 44 A U R At Annapolis, in Maryland, 0£l. 22, 1730 - - - Lewis A defcrlption of the Aurora Borealis feen at Wirtemberg 1732 - Wadler Obfervations on an Aurora Borealis at London, Sept. 13, 1735, and Oct. 4. Ceirim Obfervations on feveral Aurorae Boreales - - - Weidler — — Obfervations of one Dec ii, 1735 ^^ve Letier from Edinburgh giving an account of an Aurora Borealis - Short A colle£lion of the obfervations of the remarkable red lights feen in the air Dec. 5, 1737, at Naples - Prince of Cafim Padua Bononia Rome Edinburgh Suffex Marq. Polem Zanotti Revilii Short Fuller Obferved at Chelfea Feb. 16, 1749-50 - - - Jidartyn Obferved at Tooting Jan. 23, 1750-1 Milei Obfervations on the northern lights feen Feb. 15 and 16, 1749-50 - Huxham Abftrads of feveral obfervations of Au- roras Boreales lately feen - Baker An account of an Aurora Borealis ob- ferved at the Hague Feb. 27, 1750 Gabrias An attempt to account for the regular di- urnal variation of tiie horizontai magnetic needle, and alfo fjr its irregular variation at the time of an Aurora Borealis Canton Extract of a letter relatinn; to a remark- Tranf. KXXVII 69 XXXVlIhgi XXXIX 241 — 266 ' XL 52 XLI 36S — 583 -587 — 593 — 601 — 605 -— 606 XLVI 345 — 34^ — 472 — 499 XLVII 39 able Aurora Borealis at Philadelphia, and at London, Nov. 12, 1757 - Bartram Obfervatioiii on an Aurera Borealis in Sweden - - Bsrgman An account of a remarkable Aurora B rcal.sobftrved at Paris Aug. 6, 1768 A'J.Mejfier An account of two Aurorae BoreaKs ob- ferved at Oxford Feb. 26, 1769, and Sept 9, 1769 - - Swinion Obfervations of two Aurorae Boreales {t'^n Aug. 6, ad Dec. 5, i;68 M. MeJJiei R'.marKb on the Aurora Borealis in Sept. 1 769 - - TFinti See Lights in the Jir^ Meteor, LI 398 Lll 474 — 479 LIX 86 — 367 — 454 LXIV J28 Abridg. VI 2 122 VIII 574 — 548 — 550 -508,551 — 552 527 529 532 536 538 539 X484 -485 AURUM AU R AXI AuRUM MosAicuM. Experiments to fhew the na- ture of Aurum Mol'aicum - Wouifc AvERDUPOiSE. An account of a comparifon lately made by fonie gentlemen of the Royal Societ\ of the rtandard of a yard, and the feveral vvei:ihts lateh' made for their ufe, with the ori- ginal ftandaids of meafures and weights in the K>:chequer, and fome ethers kept for public ufc, at Guildhall, Founders-hall, the Tower, 6c c. - - Grahani ■■■ A ftate of the Englifli weights and mcalures of capacity, as they appear from the laws, as v>'ell antient as modern, with fome coniiderations thereon ; being an attempt to prove that tht prefent averdupoile weight is the legal and an- tient ftandard for the weights and meafures of this kingdom - Reynardfor. —— Short and eafy methods for finding the number of troy pounds, contained in any given num- ber of averdupoife pounds, and vice verfa - - - Fergufon AvERNi, En extraft of an efliiy entitled, * On the ufes of a knowledge of mineral exhalations when applied to difcover the principles and properties of mineral waters, the nature of burning foun- tains, and of thofe poifonous lakes which the antients called Avcrni' - Brownri^g Austria. Dire£lions and enquiries, with their an- fwers, concerning the mines, minerals, baths, &c. of Aultria Oldenburg and Brown Authors, Letter on judging of the age of learned authors by the flyle - IVanley Axis. Of a permanent fpot in Jupiter: by which is manifeiled the converfion ot Jupiter about his own axis Hooke^ Cojfin'i^ and Oldenburg — — Defcription and ufes cf an inllrument for find- ing the diftances of Jupiter's fatellits from his axis, with the help of the table of parallaxes and catalogue of eclipfes, printed in the pre- ceding tranfailions - Flamjiead — — The dimenfions of the folid generated by the converfion of Hippocrates Lunula, and its paitb about feveral axef, with the lurfaces generated by that converfion - Demoivre An examination of a new-invented axis in Pe- Tranf. LXI 114 XLll 541 XLVI 54 LV61 — 236 V 1189 XXIV 1993 1 143 XV 1262 XXn624 45 Abrid?. IX 491 XI 1356 II 523^ 585 III 631 V 2 I 1 383,400 — 404 — 29 ritrochio. 46 AXI B AL rltrochlo, fald to be void cF friaion; with an experiment to confirm the reafonmg made upon Tranf. Abildc — 228 an axis m Peritrochio, firft ufed .n M. Per rauU's manncv, then in th. "'"-- -J^,,,, xXXVI^.W A farther examination of the above Dcfagulien ^^ An enquirv concerning the figure of fuch pla- nets as revolve about an axis, fuppoimg the denfity continually to vary from the center to the lurrace - . . ^ , Two letters concerning the rotatory motion ot alaCs tubes about the.r axes, when placed in a Certain manner before the fire . ^^'^^^ur , Effay on the preceffion of the equinoxes and the nutation of the earth's axis iralm.py A theory of the irregularities that may be oc- cafioned in the annual motion of the earth, by the aaions of Jupiter and Saturn /. ^^/^cAO Az-iMUTH. The ufe of a new azimuth compais for findin" the variation of the compafs, or mag- netic Stedle, at lea, with greater eafe and ex- adtnefs than by any yet calculated for that pu ^ pole " ' Azimuth Compass. See Covipafs, VI 317 XL 277 I Vlil 90 XLIU34J ^55^ XLIX 704 ^h 391 vm 374 BACK. A cafe of an extraordinary exQ^ofis on the back of a boy ' /''f^l BivcK-BoNE. An account of a ftone fa^ened to the ba.k-bcne of a hoTe G^rrK^le d-- Uttcr(iV Bagfoku. An cflav or. the invention of pnntmg b) |<;hn hJ.aford ; with an account of his collec-^ tioc'.for^hcfame - ^^f-y Bahama. Account of a poifonous fifh m one of the Bahama :fl.ndB - ^. .' ^ ^^.''^^^ B \LANCEs. An Invention for eftimating the weigh of water in water, by ordinary balances ^>nci weights •' ' , ^'J-^ A pro.olV.ion on the balance, not taken notice of by mechanical writers, explamecl and con- firm- d by an exi^criment , Defagu'.icn An account of au experiment explammg a me- chanical para i. x, viy,. thai two bodies* of ccjual wc'iiht, fufpendcd on a certain fc rt of br.lancc, - ^imon KLVIIi 320 . Oblervations on the barometer, thermometer, and rain in 1767, at Plymouth Farr LVIII 136 Extra6t of a regiikr of the barometer, thermo- meter, and rain, at Lyndon in Rutland, 1772 Barker LXIII 221 Extraft of a regifter of the barometer, thermo- meter, and rain, at Lyndon in Rutland, 1773 Barker LXIV 202 Meteorological journal for 1774 at Briftol Anon, LXV 194 Extrad' of a regifter of the barometer, thermo- meter, and rain, at Lyndon in Rutland, 1774 Barker — 199 . ExtrafTt of a regifter of the barometer, thermo- meter, and rain, at Lyndon in Rutland, 1775 Barker LXVI 370 L Extra£l of a regifter of the barometer, thermo- meter, and rain, at Lyndon in Rutland, 1776 Barker LXVII 35O An abflraftof a regifter of the barometer, ther- mometer, and rain, at Lyndon in Rutland, 1777 - - 5ar^^r LX VIII 554 - Abftraft of a regifter of the barometer, thermo- meter, and rain, at Lvndon in Rutland, 1778 Barker LXIX 547 r . Regifter of the barometer, thermometer, and rain, at Lyndon in Rutland, 1779 Barker LXX 474 Barometer (Applied tothemeafurement of heights). Obfervations concerning the height of the ba- rometer, at different elevations above the fur- face of the earth - Neukton XXXIIl 3°^ IV 2 16 VII 4 71, 86, 90 X428 VI 2 44 5^ BAR BAT M. de Luc's rule for meafurlng heights by the barometer, reduced to the Englifh meafure of length, and adapted to Fahrenheit's thermo- meter, and other Icales of heat, and reduced to a more convenient expreflion AJofke lytic — M. de Luc's rules for meaiurement of heights by the barometer, compared with theory, and reduced to Englifli meafures of length, and adaptrd to Fahrenheit's fcale of the thermome- ter ; with tables and precepts for expediting the practical application of them Horjley — — Obfervations on the depth of the mines in the Flartz - - De Lui • Obfervations made in Savoy, in order to afcer- tain the height of mountains by means of the barometer being an examination of Mr. De Luc's rules, delivered in his " Recherches fur les Modifications de I'Atmofphere" Shuckburgh - Experiments and obfervations made in Britain in order to obtain a rule for meafuring heights with the barometer - Roy — *= — Comparifon between Sir George Shuckburgh and colonel Roy's rules, for the meafurement of heights with the barometer Shuckburgh A fecond paper concerning fome barometrical meafures in the mines of the Hartz De Luc Barrenness. An abftradt of a letter giving an in- ftdnce of the bath curing the palfy and barren- nefs - - Peirce Barrows. An attempt to examine the barrows in Cornwall - - IViliianis Basalt Hills. A letter containing a Ihort account of fome Bafalt Hills in HtfTia Rafpe — — An account of two giants caufeways, or groups of prifmatic bafaltine columns, and other curious volcanic concretions, in the Vene tian ftatc in Italy, with fome remarks on the characters of thefe and other fimilar bodies, and of tlic phylical geo2i'aphy of the countries in which they arc found - Strange Bath. An accurate account of a tefTL-lIatcd pave- ment bath, and other Roman antiquities, lately diicovt-r d at I'.all Bnurne, in Siillcx Tabor - See Anti'^ititifiy Injirtptioui. Baths (Aponcnhan). An account of the Aponcn- lian baths near Padua - , DrJington Tranf. LXIV 158 Abridc"', : — 214 Lxvn 401 - 513 — 653 LXVIII 681 LXIX 485 XV 944 XLI 465 LXI 580 LXV5 XXX 549 VII 4067 II 399 IX 445 V 2 63 II 344 Baths BAT BEA S3 Baths (Of Rath). Obfervations concerning the Barb fpri -gs - - iylanv'iU — — A<'\ abftrail of a letter giving an inRance of the bath in curing the paTy and barrennefs - - - Peirie -m Some obfervations on the heat of the wa- ter-- at Bath - Howard Other obfervations on Bath waters Canton , (Of Carlfbad). Part of a letter concerning the baths at Carlll)ad - Mounfey — — « (Of Gerniany, &c.). Direilions and enqui- ries, with their anfwers, concerning the mines, minerals, baths, &c. of Hungary, Tranfylva- nia, Auftria, and other countries neighbouring to thofe Uldenburgh and Brown - - - Brown m (Of Jamaica). Obfervations of a hot-bath in the ifland of Jamaica - Beejlon .. (Of Vinadlo). An account of the hot-baths of Vinadio, in the province of Coni, in Pied- mont - - Bruni Bay Tree. The figure and chara(5ters of that ele gant Amf^r'can evergreen, called hv the gar deners Loblolly Bay, taken from blofToms blown near London - - Ellis Bayles (John). An account of the death and dif- feftion of John Bayles, of Northampton, re- puted to have been 130 years old Keil Beans. An account of four forts of ffrange beans frequently caft on fhore on the Orkney Iflands, with fome conje£tures about the way of their being brought thither from Jamaica, where three forts of them grow - Sloane Beasts. A dilfertation on the bones and teeth of elephants, and o her beafts found in America, and other northern regions, by which it appears they are the bones of indigenous beafls Rafpe Beatification Letter declaring that Dr. Watfon, as well as many others, have not been able to makt odours pafs through glafs by means of eledricity ; and giving a particular account of profeflbr Bon; his experiment of beatifica- tion, or caufing a glory to appear round a man's head by eledncity - fV* Watfon BlAUCASTLL. See Jnfcription, Tranf. IV 977 XV 944. LVII 201 — 203 XLVI 2T7 V 1189 — 1044 XIX 225 LI 839 .LX518 XXV 2247 XIX 298 LIX 126 XLVI 348 AbriJg. ^I 336 — 339 X 569 III 631 ^I 339 III 605 ^^344 V351 III S40 X 410 BeaveiT, S4 BE A BEE Beaver. The anatomy of a female beaver, and ar account of callor found in her Alor timer Beech Tree. Account of letters found in the mid- dle of a beech tree - Kleh] Be'Es. Some communications about an early fvvarm of bees - - Reed ' Some confiderations on an apiary, or difcipline of bees - - Beal " An account of the hatching of a kind of bee lodged in old willows - I'f^illiighb^ A defcription of a bee-houfe, ufeful for pre- venting the fwarming of bees, ufed in Scot- land - - Anon. -. Account of bees breeding in cafes made of lenves - • - Lijier m An account of a ftrange fort of bees in the Weft Indies - - M. L /! Extraft of a letter concerning the probofcis of -bees - - Garden .. Letter concerning the late Svvammerdam's trea- tife De Apibus - Ho/ton — — An account of a method lately found out in New England, for difcovering where the bees hive in the woods, in order to get their hone) Dudky , Of the Bafes of "the cells wherein the bees de pofit their honey - Macianrin Letter concerning bees, and their method ol gathering wax and honey - Dobir — — — An account of a fpecimen of the labour of a kind of bees, which lay up their young in cafes of leaves, which they bury in rotten wood — - Styli ■»■ Difcoveries on the fex of bees, explaining the manner in which their fpecies is propagated; with an account of the utility that may be de- rived from thofe difcoveries by the aftual ap- plication of them to practice Dcbrciv ' A letter on Mr. Debraw's impro'/einents in tht Culture of bees - Po'.bUl Beetle. Curious experiments and obfervations on a beetle tha: lived three years without food Baker • An account of a Capricorn beetle fourd nlivx; in a cavity, wiihin a found piece of wood - - - A'JorUnu, Tranf. Abridej. XXXVIII172 IX 78 XLI 231 VIII 845 VI 2128 — 2H4- — 2221 II 174 VIII 6097 XIV 592 XV 1030 — 775 — 1148 XXI 365 XXXI 148 XLII 565 XLVI 536 LIS44 IXVil 15 LXVIII 107 XLI 441 VII 403 1X2 XI 841 1X8 — 861 II Belem- BEL BEN 55 Belemnites. a difTertatlon on thofe foflll-figured ftones called belemnites Mendez da Co/la — — — A letter containing confiderations on two extra- ordinary belemnitae David Erjkln Baker A diirertation on the belemnites Brander — An attempt to account for the origin and for- mation of the extraneous foffil commonly call- ed the be'emnite - Plati Bell. The art of living under water; or, a dif- courfe concerning the means of furnifliing air at the bottom of the fea, in any ordinary depth Halley ' A letter concerning an improvement of the div- ing-bell - - Trlewald Bella Donna. A brief botanical and medical hif- tory of the folanum lethale, bella-donna, oi deadly nightlliade - IV. U^atfon Bellows. An experiment of preferving animah alive by blowing through their lungs with bel- lows - - Hook Letter concerning an improvement of the Hef- fian bellows - - Papin A calculation of the velocity of the air moved by a new-invented centrifugal bellows of 7 feet in diameter, and i foot thick within, which a man can keep in motion with very lit- tle labour, at the rate of two revolutions in one fecond - Defagulier. The ufes of the foregoing machine A defcription of a new invention of bellows called water-bellows - Triewaid Belluga Stone. Some obfervations on the Bellugai ftone - - Colitnjon Belly. Relation of a child that remained 26 years in the mother's belly - Bayh An account of a foetus lying without the uterus in the belly - - Savard ■■ The hiflory of a tumor in the lower part of the belly - - Giles A cafe concerning a child born with the bowels hanging out of its belly - Amyana Belt. See Jupiter and Saturn, Bengal. An account of the heat of the climate at Bengal - - Martin ■ Two letters of a voyage to Bengal, v»'ith cbfcr- vations made there - Rofe H Tranf. XLIV 397 XLV 5r)8 XLVIIl «03 LIV38 XXIX 492 XXXIX 377 L62 n 539 XXIV 1990 Abridg. X628 — 639 IV 2 188 VIII 634 III 66 IV 447 XXXIX 44 — 47 XL 231 XLIV 451 XII 979 XIX 314 — 420 XXXVII258 LVII 217 LX 444 VIII 271 — 23 — 272 XI 266 III 127 — 214 VII 516 Ber- 56 BER BIL I Tranf. Bermudas. Inquiries for Virginia and tlie Bermu- das - - Royal Socie!)\ II 420 ■ An account of the courie of the tidts at Ber-j mudas; of wells, both fait and fwect, digged near the fea ; and of tlie whale- fifhing there pradifed answ, and of fuch whales as have the fpermaceti in them - Norwood — 565 — — Letter concerning the tides at the Bermudas ; as a!fo whales, fpermaceti, Ihange fpider's webhsj and the longevity of the inhabitants Stafford III 79: Bernoulli. A folution of two mathematical pro blems propofcd by John Bernoulli /Inon. XIX 384 A folution of the problem propofed in the French Diarv by Jr Bernoulli - Cr^zV XXl V 1527 Apology againft J. BernouUi*s objef^ions Taylor XXX 955 Berries, An account of a new die from the berries of a weed in South Carolina Lindo LIII 238 Bezoar. A letter concerning the Pletra de Mom- bazza, or the rhinoceros Bezoar Shane XLVI 118 Bi'ANCHiNi. The pha^nomena of Venus reprefented in an orrery made by Mr. James Ferirufon, agreeable to the obfervations of Signior Bian- chini - - XLIV 127 Bile. Anatomical obfervations of an abfcefs in the Fiver; a great number of ftones in the gall- bag and bilious velfels ; an unufual conforma- tion of the emulgents and pelvis; a ftra.ige conjunction of both kidnies, and a great dila- tation of the Vena Cava ^^yfi-- XII 1035 Extract of a letter concerning an experiment made with the bile of perfons dead of the plague - - Deidter XXXII 105 ■■ An cfiay upon the ufe of the bile in the animal ce onoiny, founded on an obfervation of a wound in the gall-bladder - Stuart XXXVI 34] Explanation of an eflay on the ufe of the bile in the animal oeconomy - Stuart XXXVMII 5 ' Of an obftrudicn of the biliary du£ls, and an impoRumation of thegall-bl.iddcr, difchargin> upwards of 18 quarts of bilious matter in 25 days, without any apparent defedl in the ani- mal fundions - Amyand XL 317 Obfervations on the cafe of Mr. Le Grange Stuart — 325 Kills of Mortality. Sec Annuity^ Mortality ^ and Populations Abridg. IJI631 n 268, 298, 844 - 268,845 Hi 561 f 335463 1^35 V244 XI 910 ; X95 III 81 VII 6co — 572 IX 195 VIII 503 IX 146 B1Q.U.V- BIQ. BIR 57 "Biquadratic. Cubic anri biquadratic equations con ftru(5ted bv one fmg'e parabola and a ciicle - - - Hollry — — Univcrfal folntion of quadratic and biquadratic equations, viz. analytical, geometrical, and mt'chaiiical - - Co'for. Birch. Ways of ordering bircb-wa^c ^"-^iT' JBiRDS. A way of prefefving birds taken out of tb- eg;, and other finall fcetus's Boyh - — — Obiervations on feveral piflages in the two lart months Tranfadtions relating to the hiftory of birds - - Jnov. ■■■■ Letter to Mr. Ray, concerning fome parti- culars that might be added to the ornitholocy Ujfr, Anatomical obfervations made on the heads of fowl at feveral times - MouUk O'^fervations on tbe birds of the Philippine iflaiids - - CamelU P?rt of a letter concerning the migration of birds - - Derham — — A ktter containing feveral obfervations in the natural hiftory of birds, made in travels through Wales - Lhmyd - - Lhwyd Lhwyd An account of birds of paflage Catejhy ' Divers means for preferving from corruption dead birds, intended to be fent to remote coun tries, fo that they may airivc there in good condition. Some of the fame means may be employed for preferving quadrupeds, reptiles, fi flies, and infe6^s - Reaumur An account of a bird fuppofed to have been bred between a turkey and a pheafant Edwardi • An account of the different fpecies of the birds called pinguins - Pennant - '■ ■ An account of the lymphatic fyilem in birds - - - He-wfon " ^'Iethod of preparing birds for prefervation - - - Dav'iei Four letters on the prefervation of dead birds ■ - - Kuckahn ' A defcription of a bird from the Eafl: Indies ■ ' - - Edwards - — I — A letter containing a tecbn-cal defcription of ; an uiiccmmon bird from Malacca Badenach H 2 Tranf. , Abridg. '<7 r . V 1 000 XXV 2353 V^ 2070 I 199 X533 XV 1159 XVII 711 XXIII 1394 XXVI 123 XXVII 462 — 466 — 467 XLIV 435 XLV 309 LI 833 L VIII 91 — 217 LX184 — 302 LXI55 LXII I IV 66 II 684 III 6.-0 11849,853 — 860 V183 — T^ — 34 V 2 118 XI 886 — 891 An 58 BIR B I T An efiay on the periodical appearing and difap pearing of certain birds, at different times of the year - - B.irringtJ An account of birds fent from Hudfon's Bay ; with obfervations relative to their natural hif- tory; and Latin deferiptions of fome of tht moft uncommon - For(ler Experiments and obfervations on the fmging of birds - - Barringtoh : An account of certain receptacles of air in birds, which communica'.e with the lungs, and are lodged both among the flcfhy parts and in the hollow bones of thofe animals J^hn Hunter See particular birds in their places. Birth. An account of an extraoixlinary birth in Staftbrdfhire - - Bvcb • Some cofervations on the motion of difeafes, and on the births and deaths of men and other animalsj in different times of the Kvx^^i^^fon Pafchall — — An argument for Divine Providence; taken from the conffant regularity obferved in the births of both {qxzs - Jrbuthtiott ' An account of an extraordinary acephalous birth - - Cooper See Child, Monjlcr, Bitch. An account of the diffec^ion of a bitch whofe cornua uteri, being filled with the 'eones and flefli of a former conception, had, after a fecond conception, the ova affixed to feveral parts of the abdomen - Ano), An account of the cutting out the csecum of n bitch _ - - Mufgrave Bite. Relation of a man, bitten with a mad d.i>^, and dying of the difeafe, called hydrophobia Lijler Letter concerning the cure of the bitings of mad creatures, with a remark on the fame by Hans Sloane - Dampio Letter con.crning the bitings of mad dogsj &c. - - - De La Pryme Part of a letter concerning the viper-catchers, and their remedy for the bite of a viper Bwlon • A narration of the experiments made by the viper-catchers June 1734, before tiie Royal 7 Tranf. — 265 ~ 382 LXIII 249 LXIV 205 XIII 281 XVII 815 XXVII 186 LXV311 XIII 183 — 324 — 162 XX 49 XXIII 1073 XXXIX312 AbrFdj. Ill 221 — 311 V 2 24c II 904 III 112 II 276 III 284,285 IV 2 218 1X61 Society j BIT B L A 59 Society ; and fome remarks on the bite of a mad dog - Mortimer — — The cafe of a lad bitten by a mad dog NsurJ, .. ♦■ The efFecls of Dampier's powder in curing the bice of a mad dog - FulUi Another cafe drawn up by Hartley and Sandys Letter concerning the virtues of the flar of the earth, coronopus, or buck's horn plantain, ir the cure of the bite of a mad do? Steward O ' Cafe of a perfon bit by a mad dog Peters A letter containing an account of what Mr Breintal felt after being bit by a rattle-fnake - - Breintal — — An account of a horfe bit by a mad dog Starr An account of the fuccefsful application of fait to wounds made by the bite of rattle-fnakes Ga/^ ■ See Dog, Bivalve Insects. Obfervatlons on fome bivalvt infedls found in common water Aduller Black. Experiments on dying b'ack Clegg Black Assize. An account of the black affize at Oxford in 1577, from the regiller of Merton College - - IVara - - - Birch Black Dust. An account of an extraordinary fliovver of black dufl that fell in the illand of Zetland Oa. 20, 1755 - Mitchell Black Lead. Obfervations concerning the Tubftance commonly called black lead - Plot Black Vomit. An extradl of fo much of A. de Ulloa's account of his voyage to South Ame rica, as relates to the diftemper called the Vo mito Priero, or black vomit William IVatfon Blackness. An account of an unufual blacknefs of the face - - Yonge - - - Yong. Bladder. Account of a great number of ftones found in the bladder - Goodrich '—— An account of an human body opened at Dant- zick, and 38 ftones found in the bladder there- of - - Kirkby ■ Letter concerning a triple bladder Bujfiere — — A relation of the cutting an ivory bodkin out of the bladder of a young woman in Dublin Proby Tranf. XXXIX 31^ XL 5 — 272 — 274 — 449 XLill 257 XLIV 147 XLVI474 LV 244 LXI 230 LXIV 48 L 699 — 702 — 297 XX 183 XLVI 134 XXVI 424 — 432 II 482 VIII 6155 XXil 752 — 455 Abridg. IX 221 — 222 — 224. VIII S3 XI 856 — • 913 II 462 XI 1063 V 199 II 382 III 149 V 289 III 162 Ah ^o BL A BLO tne fwimming-bLddcrs in An account of a pin taken out of the bladder of a child - - Gregory - " • Account of a fhuttle-fpire taken out of the bladder of a boy - Jrdiror • • •• A propofal to bring fmall paiTable ftones with eaf-i out of the bladder - H,il<-s ■ The cafe of a '•umour srowinjj on the infide of the bladder, I'uccefsfully extirpated li^arner < ' Obfervations on fungous excrefcences of the bladder ; a cutting forceps for extirpating thefe excrefcences; a canula for treating thefe dif- eafes - - Le Cut — A defcription of the lymphatics of the urethra and ne'-k of the bladder Henry II atfon - An account of a fuppreffion of urine cured by a punfture made in the bladder through the anus - Robert Hurnilton — — Se? Stone. Bladders (Natural Hiftory). A conjecture con- ccrninc; the bladders of air tliac are found in hfhes, by A. J. illuftrated by an experiment fuggefted by the Hon. Robert Boyle — — Confiderations on fiflies - - Rny Blemish. An obfervation concerning a blemifli iti an horfe's eye, not hitherto difcovered by any author - - Loiver Blindness. Philofophic folutir.n cf the cure of a young man who grew blmd in the evening Bngg- ■ An account of fome obfcrvations made l-)y a voung gentleman who was born blind, or loft his light fo early that he had no remembrance that he had ever fecn, and was couched be- tween 17^ and 14 years of age Chejdden Blister. A difcourfe of the operation .of a bliiler when it cures a fever - Qockburne ■ Cafes of the remarkable efFecSls of bliiturs in leflcnin^ the quicknfs of the pulie in coughs aaciided with an infarilion of the lungs and fever - .- Whytt Blood. Anatomical obfcrvations of 1- !c found in the veins inftcad of Mood - H'j'd, A farther account of an obfcrv.aion aliout white blood - - B'jj t^ A further account concerning the ^xiftence ol veins in all kind of plants ; t^^^ether wiili a Tranf. Abridg. XL 367 IX 185 XLIII 194 XI 1006 — 502 — 990 XLVI414 — 1006 XLVII 292 LIX 392 LXVl5;8 X 310 — 3!9 II 613 XIV 804 XXXV 447 XXI 161 L 569 I 100 — 117 II 846 I 846 W 864 III 39 VII 491 111 260 — 239 difcovery B L O ^"ifcovery of the membraneous fubftance of , thole veins, and of fome acls in plants refem- M'ns: thofe of fenfe j and alfo of the acjree- iiivHtof the venal juice in vegetables with the Mood of animals - Li/icr Nctice of an admirable liquor, inftantly flop- ping the blood of arteries pricked or cut, with- out any iuppuration, or without leaving any fear or cicatrice - Denys Experiments made with the liquor at Lon- don - N:.'-;dha/!i and IViJeman At Pc Denis Anon. An en. Anon. blood. An addition to the experiments Experiments in St. Thomas's Hcfpital Further r.ccefs in the Fleet Microfcouical obfervations concerning &c. - - Leewenhoek A relation concerning a ftrange kind of bleed- ing in a litt'e child - Card Microfcopical (ibfervations concerning the tex- ture ot the blood - Leewenhoet An account of a periodical evacuation of blood at the end of one of the fingers - - - Dublin Society Letter concerning the circulation of the blood as feen by the help of a microfcope, in the la certa aquatica - Molynsux A coujCCiure of the quantity of blood in men together with an eitimate of the celerity of its circulation - - Moidh, i\n account of an experiment of the injeiiior) of mercury into the blood, and its ill tiled: oi; the lungs - - Mcidin An experiment of a furprizing change of co- lour, from a pale tranfparent, cr clear li- quor, ro a very blue ceruleus one, and that iii an inftant by the adniiiTion of air only, ap- plied to illuftrate lome changes of colour, and other effefts on the blood of refpiring animals - - hlart Letter on the human blood - Fieujjens Letter concerning the circulation and ftagnatioi- of tne blood m tadpoles Anfvver of the College of Phyficians at Romc- to the letter of M. Vieuffens, on the exiftence of acid fait in the blood, and its proportion Tranf. VII SM^ VIII 6039 — 6052 — 6054 — 6074 — 6078 — 6115 IX 121 — 193 X380 XV 989 — 1236 XVI 433 XVII 486 — 898 XX 224 Abridg. II 693 III 25: — 253 — 291 — 254 - 255 - 68^3 '— 251 -683 - 252- II 133 III 22s 62 B L O " An account of divers fchemes of arteries and veins diffected from adult human bodies, by J. Evelyn. To which is fubjoinea a defcrip- tion of the extremities of thofe velTcls, and the manner the blood is feen by the microfcope, to pafs from the arteries to the veins in qua- drupeds when living: with fome chirurgi- cal obfervations and figures after the life - - - Coivprr K An account of an eruption of blood from almuft every part of the body Mefaporitm Microfcopical obfervations on the blood-vef- fels and membranes of the inteftines - - - Leewenhoek ' A letter concerninjj the circulation of the blood in fifhes - Leewenhoek — — Manner of obfervinGf the circulation of blood in an eel - - Leewenhoek A letter containing obfervations upon the femi- nal veffels, mufcular fibres, and blood of whales - - - Leewenhoek An account of fome experiments relating to the fpecifick gravity of human blood lurin Part of a letter concerning a new experiment made with the blood of a perfon dead of the plague - - Courier Of the magnitude of the globules of the blood - - - Leewenhoek An account of an extraordinary flux (.f the blood by the penis - Hcwman Of the globules in the blood, and in dreggs of wine - - Leewenhoek " ■ ■ Obfervations on a treatlfe of Mr. Hcvclius ; dcfigncd to prove that the lungs do not divide and expand the blood, but on the contrary cool and condenfe it - NichoUs ' An account of a perfon vomiting blood, cured by drinking exccflive cold liquors in water Muhehiti — — All obfervation of a white liquor rcfembling milk, wh'.cli appeared inftead of ferum fcpa- ratcd from the blood after it had ftood fome lime - - Stuart Some remarks concerning the circulation of the blood, as feen in the tail of a water eft through a fjlar microfcope - Miia Tranf. XXIII 1 1 77 V334 XXIV 2144 XXVI 53 V 2 267 — 250 — 444 - - 3^8 XXVII 438 267 XXX 1000 — 326 XXXII 103 VII 601 -- 34^ — 562 — 418 — 539 ~ 436 — 562 XXXVI 163 Abrldor. — 5OO XXXVII 129 — 508 XXXIX 289 XLI 72c IX i(?3 -69 Ml B L O ».«-«. Mlcrofcopic obrcrvatJons on the human blood • - - Styles and Torre ■ Experiments on the blood, with Ibme remarks on its morbid appearances Hewfon On the degree of heat which coagulates the limph and the ferum •£ the blood, with an en quiry into the caufes of the inflammatory cruft or fize, as it is called - Hewfon ... .. ■ Further remarks on the properties of the coagu- table limph, on the flopping of haemorrhages, and on the effefts of cold upon the blood - - - Hewfon ■ ■ ■■ On the figure and compofition of the red parti- cles of the blood, commonly called the Red Globules - - Hewfon ■ I ■■ ■ Obfervationson refpiration, and the ufes of the blood - - PrieJlUy Blood (Thetransfaflon of). Account of the rife and attempts of a way to convey liquors immedi- ately into the mafs of blood Oldenburgh The fuccefs of the experiment of transfufing the blood of one animal into another Levuh • The method ohferved in transfufing the blood out of one animal into another Boyh : i Trials propofed to be made for the improve- ment of the experiment of transfufing blood out of one live animal into another Bcyle — — An account of an eafier and fafer way of trans fufmg blood, viz. by the veins only King — — An experiment of bleeding a mangy into a found dog - - Cox ■ Letter touching the transfufion of blood Denit - An account of fonie effedls of the transfufion of blood at Paris - Jnon. ■ • An advertifement concerning the invention of the transfufion of blood Oldenburgh Some experiments of injefling liquors into tin veins of animals - Fracnjfati •- An experiment upon blood grown cold Fracaffati An account of more trials of transfufion, ac- companied with fome confixderations thereon. chiefly in reference to its circumfpecV praifticc on man j tofrethcr with a further vindication of this mvention from uiurpers Oldenburg — — A confirmation of the experiments made b) SiiiH. Fracafi'ati in Italy, by injefting acid li- q'jors into the blood i^^v-V Tranf. LV2S2 LX368 — 384 — 398 Lxiir 303 LXVI226 I 128 — 352 — 353 — 385 11 441 — 451 — 453 — 479 — 489 — 4Q0 — 493 — 5^7 — 551 Abrldg. in 364 — 226 — 229 — 229 — 232 — 456 — 2-10 An 64 BLO BL U An account of an expeijment of transfufioHj pradiled upon a man in London _ . - Lotver and King , . A relation of feme trials of the fame operation lately made in Fran.e - Dcnii m.-~~ An account of the cure of an inveterate phren- zy, by the transful:on of blood at Pans Denu - Some anatomical inquiries and obfervatlons, particularly on the origin of the injeilion into veins, the transfufion of blood, and the parts Oi generation - - Clarck An extracl of a printed letter touching difier- ences rilen about thetranslufion of blood Denn . An account out of the Giornale de Letterati, about two confiderable experiments of the transfufion of blood Of the antiquity of the transfufion of blcod from one animal to another Oldenburg A letter from Paris concerning ibme tranfadlions there, relating to the experiment of the trans fufion of blood - - ^"on. Experiment concerning the expanfion of blood, and other animal juicts - Boyl Blossoms. The efPcfts which the farina of the blol- Ibms of different forts of apple-trees had on the fruit of a neighbouring tree Ccok Blow. An account of a blow upon the heart, and its effecls - _ - Akerijlde Blue. An experiment of a furprizing change of colour, from a p^le tranfparent or clear 1 quor, to a very blue or ccruleous one, and that in an Inftant, by admiiT.on of air only : applied to illuftrate Tome changes of colour, and other effects en the blood of refpiring ani- iBals - - Slare Letter concerning powdered- blue pafling the lafleal veins - - Lif^^r An experiment made for the tranfmitting a blue- coloured liquor in'o the ladieals Mujgravt Account of the preparation of the Pruiuan blue - - ^^o^-- . Observations and cxpei-iments on the foregoing preparation - - B>ou;h . A letter concerning the blue well near Nevv- caftle upon Tyne - Duiar.t . Experiments and obfcrvations on a blue lul Tranf. H557 — 5i9 — 617 111672 — 710 — 840 — 73.1 IV 1075 V 2043 XLIII 525 Lin 353 AbriJg. ni 231 — 230 — 291 — 29") — 292 — 230 — 291 ■ XVII 898 XXII 819 — 996 XXXIII 15 — ^7 XLIV 221 X75I V 259 VII 748 X588 I I {lance ; Bod BOD ilance ; found in the Peat Mols in SjoilanJ lEs (Human). Obfervables in the body of the earl of XJalcarras - - Jncn. Some obfeivabl-'s of odd conftitutions of bodirs _ - - Oldenburg • Some confidcrations touching the jiarcachy- mous parts or the body - Kin? - Obfervations on a human body, dead of odd difeafes_ - . f air/ax • A narrative of two petzifaiilons in human bo- dies - - Kiril?y • A new way of orthographicaily delineating by paralJed vifual rays the poftures and anions of an human body, cxaflly obferving the fymme- try and proportion of the parts Saint-Clare ■ Anatomical obfervations in tlie body of a wo- man about 50 years of age, who died hydro- pical in her left teftlcle - Sampfon An anatomical obfervation of four uterers in an infant - - Tyfcn Account of a kidney of an unufual fhape and texture taken out of the body of a man ; with obfervations on horns and glandules in eeneral Malpigbiu An account of a girl in Ireland, who had feve- ral horns growing on her body JJ}j Letter concerning worms found in the tont^ue, and other parts of the body Dent Letter concerning the fame operation Lewii An account of the opening of the body of a boy who died fuddenly, and what obfervables were found therein - Pre/ton A relation of a ftrange fymptom attending a hy- drops peftoris, and the reafon of it, as'"it ap- peared en the difleclion of the body Dcudy Extract: of a letter giving an account of Mr. Malpighi; the circumflances of his death, and what was found remarkable at the opening of his body - _ Lancift An account of a negro-boy that is dappled in fe- veral parts of his body with white fpots Byrd Some uncommon obfervations on the dlfTedion of morbid bodies - Vaunhan Obiervations concerning the worms of human 'J'r.iif. I-.Vlll i^i 1 86 ^38 -31S II 546 VI 2158 Vill 6079 XII 1000 — 1039 XIV 601 XV 1202 XVIII219 — 222 XIX 362 — 39^ — 467 - 781 XXIII 124.4 — 1296 I AbnJc. " III 158 — 10 I -i50;i58 ^599 III 206, 218 — 146 — 682 — J2 — '37 — 62 — 11 — 31 118 V 272, 291 — 199 €6 BOD — — A letter chiving an account of Tome anatomical obfervations made on a body diflefted at Padua by John Ray - - Dalt Account of feveral folid bodies voided by urine - - - Tcnge — — An account of what appeared on the dilTeiflion of the body of Mr. Dove - Cowper . Account of a fc:etus that continued 46 years in the mother's body - Stei^erthal ■ ■ • Account of an extra-uterine fcetus, taken out of a woman after death, that had continued five years and a half in the belly Hcivjion ■ ■ ■ Part of a letter concerning the difference of the height of a human body, between morning and night - - IVaJJi Some remarks on the above Beckett > An account of an human body found in a cop per mine - - Legel An account of wliat appeared moft remarkable in opening the body of Anne Edwards, who died Jan. 1729-30, having a large umbilical rupture - - Ranby ■ ■ ■ An account of the dead bodies of a man and womsn, who were preferved 49 years in the Moors of Derbydiire - Balguy -^ An account of what was obferved upon opening I the corple of a pcr!bn who had taken (everal I ounces of crude mercury internally ; and of a I plumb-ftone lodged in the coa.s of the rectum ' - - - Madden • ■ " Two obftrvatlor.s of a difeafed conformation in bodies - - Hallo . A leticr concerning the body of a wom:m found in a morals in the iile of Axhclm, in Lincoln- fllire - - Stov'ni Extrafl of fe-eral letters concerninc; a bodv found Hi a v;.ult in the church ot ^taverton, in Devonfliire, entire, after having been bu- rled upwards of ho years Huxhatn atul'Tript An ar.count of a very remarkable cafe of a bov, who, notwithllandlng that a confiderable part of his inteltmcs were forced out by the fall of a cart upon him, ani • Experiments on ignited bodies Roebuck Experiments on ignited fubftances lykitchurji 67 Bodies (EiecStrical). An account of fome experiments touching the eleftricitv and light produceabit on the attiiticn of fcveral bodies Haukfi),,\ XXVI 87 - — - Lxper;ments and obfervatlons vipcn the I oh; Tranf. L 311 — 315 — 317 — 318 — 265 LX94 LXII 465 LXVII 608 XVII 506 XLIX 246 Abridg. Ill .zz I 27 XXIV 2165 UV 2 180 XXXI 81 V X LV 95 LXVl 509 — 5? 5 tt:;ic 6? Bod Bod BOD t!-.at Is produced Uy ccniiriiinicat'uig ele(5\rical attraction to aniiusil or inaiiimaie hodici ; to- gecher with I'oa.t: of its nioft fuipriliiig dt'eCl - - - Gra - A letter concerning the revolutions which fniali pendulous bodies will, by clei^ricity, make round larger ones from eafl to welt, as the pla- nets do round the fun - Gray - 1-ome eledrical experiments chiefly regarding the repulfive force of electrical bodies fVheler - Obfervations of luminous emanations from hu- man bodies and from brutes ; with fome re- marks on eleiSlricity - Afihi lES (Natural hiftory). Account of fundry experi- ments made upon a chryftal-likebody fent from Ireland - - Bartholin - An account of fome uncommon foflil bodies Baker - An account of fome foffile fruits, and other bo- dies found in the illand of Shepey Pa^fom - Cafe of an extraordinary body forced into the lungs - - Marthi lES (In motion). A difcourfe concerning gravity, and its properties, wherein the defcent of heavy bodies, and the motion of projedts is briefly, but fully handled; together with the folution of a problem of great ufe in gunnery Halley - Experiment concerning the time required in the defcent of different bodies, of difterent mag nitudcs and weiglits, in common air from a certain height - Haukfbee - A letter concerning an experiment, whereby it has been attempted to fhew the falfity of the common opinion, in relation to the force of bodies in motion - Pemberton ■ An account of fome experiments made to prove that the force of movmg bodies is proportion able to their velocities - Defaguliers - Animadverfions upon fome new experiments re- lating to the force of moving bodies ; with two new experiments on the fame fubjed - - - Defaguliers ■ A remark upon the new opinion relating to the force of moving bodies, in the cafe of the collifion of non-elaflic bodies Eaniei ■ Remarks upon a fuppofed demonftration, that the naoving forces of the fame body are not a^ TrunC. ' Abridn. r. XXXIX 1 6 — 220 XLI 98 XLIII 441 V 2039 XLVIII 117 L 395 LV39 XVI 3 XXVII 196 XXXII 57 — 269 — 285 XXXIV 183 VI'l .97 — 406 X278 1472*473 IV 2 182 VI 276 — 281 ^ 285 — 287 the BOD the velocities, but as the fquarcs of the velo- cities - - Eamei ■ Remarks upon fome experiments in hydraulics, which feem to prove, that the forces of equal moving bodies are as the fquares of their velo- cities - - Ea7jies m A letter occafioned by the prefent controverfy among mathematicians, concerning the propor- tion of velocity and force in boaies in motion - - - Samuel Clarke - — - An account of an experiment explaining a me chanical paradox, viz. that two bodies of equal weights, fufpended on a certain fort of ba- lances, do not lofe their equilibrium, by be- ing removed one farther from, the other nearer to the center - Defagulien .. An account of an experiment contrived by G. J. s'Gravcfande, relating to the force of mov- ing bodies; fhewn to the Royal Society by - - - Defaguliers — — An inquiry into the merifure of the force of bo- dies in motion : with a propofal of an experi- mentum crucis, to decide the controverfy about it - - - Jurin A letter containing a demonftration of a law of motion in the cafe of a body deflefted by two forces tending conflantly to two fixed points - - - Robert/on " ■ An experimental examination of the quantity and proportion oi mechanic power, neceiTary to be employed in giving difierent degrees cf velocity to heavy bodies from a ftate of red - - - SmeaicTi A new theory of the rotatory motion of bodies affctSled by forces difturbing fuch motion - - - Landtn BoMES (Gravity of). Of the weight of a cubic foot of divers grains, he. - .4no7i. - A further lilt of fpecific gravities of bodies Anon, ' A difcourfe on this problem ; why bodies dif- folved in menftrua fpecihcally lighter than themfelves fwim tlicrein //^. Molyneux With fome rerleciions T. Mclyneux " Obfervations on the comparative, Intenfive, or fpecific gravities of various bodies J. C. ' An experiment touching the weighing of bc- Tranf. XXXIV i! XXXV 343 69 Abrldg, ■ VI 2F9 — 292 — 291- XXXVII12S XXXVIII143 XLIII 423 LIX 74 LXVI 450 LXVII 266 XV 926 — 927 I 522 — 523 XVI 88 — 93 — 535 — 537 XVII 694 QIO VIII 235 X 174 — 524 20 BOG BON Eocs. dies of the fame fpecles, but of very unequal furfaces in common water, being of an equal weight in common air - Haukjlee Of the bogs and loughs of Ireland King — — An account of a moving bog in Ireland Anon, — — A true defcription of the bog of Kapanihane in the county of Limerick; with an account of the motion thereof, June 7, 1697 - • Molyneux Boiling Fountains. Some obfervations on boiling fountains and fubterraneous fleams Robinfon " • • •' An account of boiling and other foun- tains - - Rcbinfon Boiling Water. Experiments about the degree of heat of fome boiling liquors Fahrenheit A propofal for warming rooms by the fteam of boiling water conveyed in pipes along the walls - - Cook A dilTertation on the nature of evapora tion, and feveral pha^noinenaof air, water, and boiling liquors - - Hamilton — — ^ The fuppofed effedt of boiling upon wa- ter, in dilpofing it to freeze more readilv, af- certained by experiment - Black On the variation of the temperature of boiling water - Shuckburgh BoToGNA Bottles. An account of the Bologna bottles - - Brum BoLoGMAN Stone. A relation of the lofs of the , way to prepare the Bolognian ftone for Iliining, ~ - - Anon. — — An account of a faflitious flony matter or pafte, /hming in the dark like a glowing coal, after it hath been a little while cxpoiedto the day or candle-light - Baldwin An improvement of the Bolognian (lone Malpighi — '— An cafy method of making a phofphorous, th.-ic wul imliibc and emit fight like the Bo- lognian Ilonc ; with experiments and obferva- tions - - Canton — >■ — Sec Phofpho}-m. iiOLOGNiNi. A iliort hiftoryof the difeafcof which Jull'ph Bolognini died De Camdln B'3S'E5. ivi icrofcopical obfervations concerning bone^ '■ ~ - Lcc'iCenhocl Tranf. XXVI 3C6 XV 948 XIX 714 Abridg, [V2 181 II 732 — 737 XV 922 — 349 — 1036 - 320.349 XXXIII I VI 2 49 XLIII 370 XI 1391 LV 146 LXV 124 LXIX 362 XLIII 272 I XI 1343 I 375 III 346 XI 788 XII 842 XI 1059 LVIII 337 XLIII 40 1 IX 121 j III6S3 ' Mi- r BON Microfcopical obfervations of the flruf^urc o'^ teeth and other bones - Leewenh'jd Part of two letters concerning a prodigious Os PVoatis in the Medicine School at Leyden Molyneux Ku. extra£l of a letter containing fcveral obfer- vatiens on the texture of the bones of animaL> compared with that of wood Leewenboek Ofteographia Elephantina; or a full and exa£l defcription of all the bores of an elephant, vvich their feveral dimenlions'. to which are premii'ed, an hiftcrical account of the natural endowments and feveral wonderful perform- ances of elephants, with the manner of talcing and taming them, hw anatomical account of their parts, &c. - - Blair Blair Obfervations upon the bones and the periefteum - - - Leeivenhoek An account of a praeter- natural bony fubftance found in the cavity of the thorax R.utty An account of a l%rge bony fubftance found in the womb, 1733 - Hody An account of the bones of animals beinir changed to a rt d colour by aliment only Belchitr A further account of the bones of animals be- ing made red by aliment only Belchier A piftureof the fize of a gigantic lx>ne; with a problem f)r determining the fize of the giant art of dravv'ing Ktein Obfervations and experiments with madder root, which has the faculty of tinging the bones of living animals of a red colour - - - Du-Monceau An account of tumours which rendered the bones foft - - Pott An account of a large piece of the thigh-bone. which was taken out and its place fupplied by a callus , - - liichardpjii An account cf an extraordinary cafe of the bones of a wosnan growing foft and flexible - - - Bevat. The cafe of a young child at Houghton, ii Huntmgdonihire, born with i.!I its bones dif- |»l»ced - - Davi K according to the rules of th? Tranf. XII J 002 XV 880 XVII 838 XXVII 53 — 117 XXXI 91 XXXIV 152 KXXIX 189 — 287 — 299 XLI 308 — 390 — 616 — 761 XLII 488 XLIV 539 7» III 68d Abrldg. — 2 II 685 V82 VII 672 — 505 IX 191 — 102 — 105 XI 311 I IX 103 XI 247 I X 251 72 BON Tranf. XL V 111 26 — 660 LII 143 - - - Cnfc of Annc-Elizabcth Queriot of Paris, whole bones were diltorteil and t'oftcned j-i:!:y . A rcirrivkr.hle cafe of fragility, tlcxibility, and dilioiution of the bones - Priri^h — 297 ■ Cafe of VVilliarn Carey, ^^td 19, whole t;;ii dons and Tiiufcles were turned into bones Ha/r) LI Sc Further account - h\'r:i) — qz An account of a bone found in the pelvis ot a man at Brufflls - Brady ■ A further account of the czie of William Ca- rey, whole mufcles began to be oflificd Henry —— A account of the extraction of three inches and ten lines of the bone of the upper arm, wh ch was followed by a regeneration of the bon\ matter; with adefcription cf a machine made ufe of to keep the upper ?.\k\ lower pieces of the cone at tiieir proper diflanccs, durir.g the time that the regeneration v/as talking place; and wliich m.ay aifo be of fervice in fradlures hj;ppening near the head of that bone Le Cat LVI 370 Bones (FojTiI). Chartham news: or a brief relation of fome ftrange bones lately digged up in foiye grounds of Mr. John Somner's m Canterbury Wails XXII 882 Second letter relating to Mr. Somner's treatiie of Chartham News - Wallis — 1022 — — Account of fome large bones lately found in a grav.l-pit near Colcheftcr Lvffkin — 924 ■ The dimenfions of fome human bones of an ex- traordinary fize, which were dug up near St. Alban'.s in Hertfordlliire Chef, id, n XXVII 436 - An account of elephants teeth and bones found under ground - - Slomie XXXV 457 Part fecond - - Slmne — 497 An account of feveral bones of an elephant found at Lcyfdown, in the ille of Shepey JacobY^LSfm 626 — — Obfervations on the bones, commonly fuppolcd to be clephan's bones, which have been found near the river Ohio in America IVilliam Hunter LVIII 34 — — Account of fome bones found in tiie rock of Gibraltar ; with remarks by Dr. Hunter - •- - BoddiTi^:!^ton LX414 Bones (Incrufied). An account of fome human bones iiicrudcd with ftonc, now in the Villa Ludovilia at Rome - /uifon, for eftablirtiing a rule for the probable duration of the life of man - Kerjjebootn Building. Diredions for inquiries concerning ftones and other materials for the ufe of building ; together with a fuQ-oeftion for retrievino; the art of hardening and tempering Iteel for cut- ting porphyry and other hard marbles Oldenburg An account of the advantage of Virginia for building fhlps — — Defcription of a moft effeilual method of fecur- ing buildings againfl fire Lord A'Jahon Buldous i.'g WtLL. A letter concerning a burning well at Brofeley - - 'Majon EuTLiK.. Sequel to the cafe of iVIr. Butler of Mofcow, who was flrangely aftefted by mixing ?crdi- greafe and fulfe leaf-gold with aquafortis. See Aquafortii - - Baier Tranf. IV 986 VI 3060 XVI 352 XXVI 374 XXX 9-6 XLIV 493 — 495 XLV 504 XLVIII 626 LIX 4 XIX 42 — 529 LII415 XXVII 475 XLIV 370 LIV 15 Abridg. I 242 III 325 I 213 IV 190 - 198 X 194 — 195 — 195 II 392 — 394 IV 2 195 X586 Butter! BUT C AL 8i Butter. Account of an extraordinary meteor, or kind of dew rcfembling butter, that fell in Ireland - - V^ni B'lJIr.p of Cloyni Butts. Letter concerning the circulation of the blood in butts - Leewenhoek Buxton Water. Experiments and obfervations on the water of Buxton and Matlock in Derby fliire - - Per civ al C. CABBAGES. An account of fome trials to cure the ill tafte of milk, which is cccalioned by the food of cows, either from turnips, cabbages, or autumnal leaves, Sec ; alfo to fweeten ftink- ing water - - Hales Cabbage-Bark Tree. Defcription and ufe of the cabbage-bark tree in Jamaica Wright Cacao-Tree. An accurate defcription of the cacao- tree, and the way of its curing and huibandry 8cc. - - Anon, Cachalot. Defcription of the blunt-headed cacha lot - - Robert/on Cactus Opuntia. An account of the male and fe- male cochineal infefts, tliat breed on the caiftus opuntia, or Indian fig, in South Carolina and Geortiia - - Ellis Caerleon. See Infcription. C-s:sar. A difcourfe tending to prove at what time and place Julius Ca^Uu' made his firft defcent upon Britain - Halley C^s'arian Operation. An account of the Caefa- rian operation performed by an ignorant but- cher - - Copping Cairo. An account of E. W. Montague's journey ■from Cairo in Egypt, to the Written Moun- tain in the Defart of Sinai Montague Calais. Letter relating to that ifthmu?, cr neck of land, which is fuppofed to have joined England and France in former times, where now is the palTage between Dover and Calais IVallis Calaminaris. An account of digging and pre- paring the lapis calaminaris Pooley Calcination. A retradation of the 7th and iaii paragraph of Mr, W. Molyneax's letter, vol. L f Tranf. XIX 223 XXII 552 LXII 455 XLIV 339 LXVII 507 VIII 6007 LX 321 LII661 XVII 495 XLI814 LVI 40 XXil 967 XVII 672 Abrid: III 686 II 662 in 412 1x239 IV 2 227 "554 AiA. %z C A L XIX. p. 552, concerning Lough Neagli ftone, and its non-application to the magnet upon cal- cination - - Molyneux See Lake, Calculus. See Stone. Caledonia. Part of a journal kept from Scotland to New Caledonia in Darien j with a fhort ac count of that country - Wallace Calendar. Remarks upon the folar and lunar years, the cycle of 19 years, commonly called the Golden Number, the Epaft, and a method of finding the time of Ealirer, as it is now ob- lervcd in moft parts of Europe Earl of Macclesfield — - See Style. Calenture. A letter concerning a calenture Oliver Calesh. Part of a letter concerning a new fort of calefli - - R.B. Calf. An account of a very odd monftrous calf - - - Boyle An obfervation touching fome particulars fur- ther confiderable in the monftrous calf Thomas Account of a monftrous calf with two heads - - - Southwell Part of a letter concerning a monftrous calf - - - Adams . A defcription of the head of a monftrous calf - - Craip O ' An account of double foetus's of calves Le Cat See Foetus, Calf (Sea). Some account of the phoca, vitulu marinu«, or fea calf, (hewn in London in 1743 - - Par Jons California. An extraft of a rricmoir concerning the difcovery of a paftage by land to Califor nia; with a map and defcription of that coun try - - Picoh Callus. An account of the cure of two fmuous ul cers policffing the fpacc of the whole arm with the extraordinary fupply of a callus, which fully anfwers the purpofes of the Os Humeri, loft in time of cure Fazvlei Obfcrvations upon the callus of the hands and feet - - Lcewcnhoek ' An account of a large piece of the thigh-bone, which was taken out, and its place fupplicd by a callus R'tchardfin Tranf. XIV 820 XXII 536 XLVI4I7 XXIV 1562 XV 1028 Abridg. n 323 III 561 I 10 — 20 XX 79 XXV 2414 XXVII 429 XLV 497 XLII 383 XXVI 232 XXV 2466 XXXII 156 XLI 761 V364 1 504 II 899 V34 — 35 XI 1216 1X74 V 2 191 - 38S VII 480 C/\MDEN. CAM- CAN 83 Camden. An account of feme obfervables in Lin- cclnfliire, not taken notice of by Camden, or any other author - Merret Cameleon. Some obfervations on a cameleon - - - Goddard An account of a particular fpecies of cameleon - - - Parfons Camelopardalit. a letter on a camelopardalis about the Cape of Good Hope Carteret Camp. A letter concerning two ancient camps in Hampfhire - - IP right A letter giving an account of the prefent condi tion of the Roman camp at Caftor in Norfolk, with a plan of it - Baker Camphire. An account of camphire Neuman - - - Brown ' ' ••' A letter touching the efficacy of camphire in maniacal diforders - Kinnier — — Differtation on the camphire of Thyme "Neuman Experiments with camphire Alexandn Canals. Treatife on rivers and canals Man Canary Seed. The husbandry of canary feed - - - Tail fan Cancer. Letter concerninoj a ftrange cancer c which his father died - Kay • ■ Two hiftories of internal cancers, and of what appeared upon dilTedlion - Bur ten —— ^ A differtation upon the cancer of the eye-lids, nofe, great angle of the eye, and its neigh bouring parts, commonly called the noli-me- tangere, deemed hitherto incureable by both antients and moderns, but now fhewn to be as cureable as other diftempers Daviel «- — ' An account of a cafe [fwellings in the breafts or cancer] in which green hemlock was applied - - - Colebrcok Cancer-major. Some obfervations on the cancer- major - - Collin fon Further obfervations - Collinfon ' See Crab, Candle. A ready way of lighting a candle by a very fmall eleflrica! fpark IngenhovJ'z Canella. a difcourfe on the cinnamon, cailia, or canella - - IP hit c Letter on cinnamon - Cornier Canker Worm. A narrative of the deflrudion of the canker-worms and locufts which deflroyed Tranf. XIX 343 XII 930 LVIII 192 LX27 XLIII 273 XLVI 196 XXXIII 321 — 361 XXXV 347 XXXVIII202 LVil 65 LXIX 555 XXVIII 91 XXIII 1069 XLII 99 XLIX 186 LIII 346 LXIV 70 XLVJI 40 LXVIII1C22 L 860 Abridg. II 267 III 533 II 816 XI I 295 — 1295 Vil 692 — 697 — 632 1X382 IV 2 309 V 217 IX 225 i XS64 the 84 CAN CAR the fields near Witcmbcrg for feveral vcars Cannara. An explanation of the figures of a Pa- gan temple, and unknown chara6\ers, at Can- nara in Salfet - Stuart Cannon Balls. The force of fired gunpowder, and the initial velocities of cannon-balls, de- termined by experiments: from which is alfo deduced the relation of the initial velocity to the weight of the fliot and the quantity of powder - - Hutton LXVIII 50 Canon. A queftion in muficlc lately propofcd to Dr. Wallis concerning the divifion of the mono- chord or ft£lion of the mufical canon, with his anfwer to it - IFaUis XX 80 Cantharides. Letter concerning the internal ufe of cantharides - Tongc^T^lll 1210 Canton-. New eleitrical experiments and obfcrva- tions, with an improvement of Mr. Canton's eleftrometer - - CavaVo LXVII 388 Caxl'LA. Obfervations on fungous excrefcences of the bladder; a cutting -forceps for extirpating thefe excrefcences ; and canulce for treating thefe difeafes - Le Cat — 292 Cape Corse. Two letters giving an account of the cuftoms of the inhabitants, the air, &c. of Cape Corfe ; with an account of the weather there from Nov. 24, 1686, to Nov. 24, 1687 Hillier XIX 687 Cape of Good Hope. An account of two plants lately brought from the Cape of Good Hope I - - - Slcane XVII 664 An account of the Cape of Good Hope - - Maxwell XXV 2423 . An obfervation of the end of the to- tal lunar eclipfe Mar. 5, 17 18, obferved near the Cape of (jood Hope, ferving to determine ■the longitude thereof; with remarks thereon '^ - Halley XXX 992 Cape Town. An account of three journies from the Cape Town into the fouthern parts of Africa ; undertaken fir the difcovery of new plants, towards the improvement of the Royal Bota- nical Grrdcns at Kev/ - MaJJ'on LXV'I 268 Capili ARY TuBrs. 'izz IVaicr. Card. A dcfcription of a mariner's compafs, con- trived iiy - Gnvcn Knight XLVl 505 Tranf. XXXVIII 294 XXVI 372 Abridf V 2 60 I 610 V405 1153 II 672 IV 451 X689 A I CAR An account of fome improvements of the ma- lincr's compafs, in order to render the card and needle, propofcd by ]3r. Knightj of general ufe - - Smeaion Cardak. a method of extending Cardan's rule for' refolving one cafe of a cubic equation a-^ — qx "zz r lo the other cafe of the fame equation, which it is not naturally fitted to folve, and which is therefore called the irreducible cafe - - - Majeres Cardoide. Of a cardoide curve, and of thr figure fo called - Cafliliotieus Carey (William). The cafe of William Carey, whofe tendons and mufcles were oflified Henry Further account - Henry Further account - Henry Caribbee Islands. Obfervations made by a curi- ous and learned perfon failing from England to the Caribbee jflands - Stubbes With an enlarAater.) cataract near Gcttcnburg Catarrhal Disorder. Extrafl of a letter con- taining fome remarks upon the catarrhal difor- der, which was very frequent in London and in its neighbourhood in May 1762; and upon the dyfentery which prevailed in the following autumn - - IVatfon Catenaria. Account of the curve called catenaria - - - Gregory — — — Anfwertothe anlniadverfions on Dr. Gregory's curva catenaria made in the Leipfick a6ls - - - Gregory ■ An eafy mechanical way to divide the nautical niendian line in Mercator's projedion ; with an account of the relation of the fame meridi- an line 10 the curva catenaria Perki Caterpillars. Letter concerning caterpillars that deftroy fruit - - Garden - An account of the cornel caterpillar - - - Skelton • ■ ■ An abftraft of Mr. Bonnet's memoirs concern- ing caterpillars ; drawn up in French by Mr Abraham Trembley, here tranllated into Eng- lifh - - Jnon. Catharticum. Obfervations and experiments on the Sal Catharticum Amarum, commonly call ed the Epfom fait - Brown Further obfervations - Brown Catoptricks. An univerfal fpherico-catoptrick theo- rem - - Dutton Account of a catoptrick microfcope - - - Robert Barker Cattle. Account of a pond in Somerfetfhire, to which pigeons rcfort, but cattle will not drink at - - Beak Further account of this pond, with fome par Tranf. XLVII 530 XL VI II i6i — 322 LIIS19 XXil 691 LII 646 XIX 637 XXI 419 XXIX 331 XX 54 XLV281 ticulars louchino; water Bcah — 300 IX 831 XXXII 348 VII 729 — 372 — 732 XXIV i&io IV 184 XXXIX 259 VIII 120 1 323 n 3Z0. — 359 Abrldo;, 11325 I 39 — 50 IV 456 11759 All CAT CAY 89 An account of a murrain in Switzerland, and the method of its cure - IVhcler - • - Slare A differtation concerning the dreadful contagi- ous diftemper feizing the black cattle in the Venetian territories, and efpeciaily about Pa- dua - - Ramazzini Recipe for the diforder amongft the cattle; fcnt from Holland - Jnon. A brief account of the contagiou9 difeafe which raged among the milch- cows near London in 1714 ; and of the methods that were taken for fupprefling it - Bates An account of the diftemper raging Rmong thq t cow-kind in the neighbourhood of London ; together with fome remarks propofed for their recovery - - Mortimer Further obfervatlons - Mortimer A third account of the diftemper among the cows - - Mortimer Concerning the burying of cows dead of the prefent reigning diftemper, in lime or not Milner A difcourfe of the ufefulnefs of inoculation of the horned-cattle, to prevent the contagious diftemper among them - Layard " '■•■'■■ Letter relative to the diftemper among the horn- ed-cattle - - Layard Caverns. A defcfiption of the cave of Killarny, in the barony of Burren in Ireland Lucas — — A letter concerning a fubterraneous cavern in Weredale - <- Durant ' An account of large fubterraneous caverns In the Chalk Hills near Norwich Arderon •' A letter containing an account of the cavern of Dunmore Park, near Kilkenny in Ireland Walker Caul, Obfervations on a large omentum Huxham Caumont (Marquis). See Stone,, Causway. See Giants Caufway. CaYLUs. Extraft of a letter concernin* an antient method of painting, revived by Count Caylus Mazeas ■" Obfervations on the Abbe IVIazeas's letter on the Count dc Caylus's method of imitating the antient painting in burnt ware Parjons See Encanjlick M 2 Tranf, XIII 93 — 94 XXIX 46 =- 50 XXX 872 XLIII 532 — 549 XI 916 — 9^7 XLIV4 — 921 — 224 — 925 L528 LXX 536 XLI 360 VIII 668 XLIV 221 X588 XLV 244. — 593 LXIIT 16 XXXIII 60 VII 08 XLIX 652 (>ii Abridge II 869 — 870 V 183 -48 Ceila^\ 90 CEI CH A Cr:iLAN'. Mcthof^ of catching fowl and deer in the Illand of Ceilan, with an account of the cin- namon - - Strnchay. . Some obfervations made in Ceilan Strachcn. Celandine. A letter concerning the tubes or ca nals that convey the yellow fap in the herb called Chelidonium Majus, or Celandine . - - Leewenhoek Cement Waszser. An hlflorico-phyfical obferva- tion of thv brafs waters of Neololis, commonly called Cement VVafzfer, changing iron to brafs _ - - Belius Center. On the finding of the center of ofcillation - - - Taylor An account of an experiment explaining a me chanical paradox, viz. that two bpdies of equal weight, fufpended on a certain fort of balances, do not lofe their equilibrium, by being re- moved one farther fr«m the other nearer to the center - - Defagidurs Centrifugal Force. A commentary of fome new obfervations to difcover whether pendulums are obftructed by any centrifugal force Polcnui Centrifugal Bellows. See Bellows. Centripetal. On the laws of the centripetal forces KeiL Obfervations on the phyfico-mathematical com- mentaries of J. Bernoulli on centripetal force Keili Cepphus. a defcription of thecepphus Lyfons Cerebellum. An oUfervation on a fchirrus of the cerebellum - - Haller Cereus. a defcription of the Cereus Peruvianus, which flowered at Norimberg in 1730 - - - Steigertahl CftRUss. A relation of the making of cerufs Vematii Chaffe. A way of preferving ice and fnow by chaffe - - Ball Chalk. A letter containing certain chalky tubulous concretions called malm - Needham . An account of large fubtcrrancous caverns in the chalk-hills near Norwich Ardiron Remarks upon a petrified echinus of a fingular Kind, found on Bunnan's land, in the parifh of Bovingdon in Hertford (hi re, which is a clay, and fuppofcd to have been brought with the ckalk dug out of a pit in the field Parfom Tranf. XXIII 1094 — 1248 XXIV 1730 XL 351 XXVIII 2 Abridg. V 2 179 — - 181 — - 267 VIII 645 1V384 XXXVII 125 XLII 299 XXVI 174 XXIX 91 LII 135 XLIII 100 XXXVI 462 XII 935 I 139 XLII 634 XLV 244 XLIXJ55 VI 310 VIII 250 IV 359 — 367 VI 2 330 II 576 III 240 VIII 732 X593 Chalk- C H A Chalk-Stones. On the chalk-fioncs of ilie gout - - - Leewenhoek Chalybeate. A fliort account of the nature and virtues of the Pyrmont waters, with fome ob- fervations on their chalybeate qualities Slare Chance. An arithmetical paradox concerning the chances of lotteries - Roberti ■ The laws of chance in a fet of problems - • - - De Moivre " A folution of the 15th general problem, pro- pofed by De Moivre in his treatife de Men- lura Sortis - Bernoulli Another general folution of the preceding pro- blem, with the affiftance of combined and in- finite feries - De Aiohre — — An eflay towards folving a problem In the doc- trine of chances - Bayei •" " A demonftration of tlie fecond rule in the eflay towards the folution of a problem in the doc- trine of chances, publillied in vol. LIU, Price Channel. An advertifement neceffary for all na- vigators bound up the channel of England - - - jinon. Characters. A letter containing the exa£l draughts of' feveral unknown characters, taken from the ruins at Perfepolis - Flowers " A paper containing fome unknown antient clia rafters, with remarks thereon, by Francis Af- ton, Efq. - - Flowers ■< > ' An explanation of the figures of a Pagan tem- ple, and unknown characters, at Cannara in Salfet - - Stuart — An explanation of the Runic characters of Kel- fingland - - Cel/tus ^— — Extract of a letter concerning a fuppofed con- nexion between the hieroglyphical writing of antient Egypt, and the charaCteriftic writing which is in ufe at this day among the Chinefe - - - Alotoji " " ■ See China. Charcoal. Experiments and obfervations on char- coal . - Prieftley •«— Extract of a letter on fome eleCtrical experi- ments made with charcoal Kinnerjley > Account of the manner in \Yhich the Rufiians 91 Tranf. Abridg, XV 883 III 6S4 XXX ^64 IV 2 201 XVII 677 in 679 XXVII 213 V 2 a66 XXIX 133 — - 255 — 145 - - 266 LIII 3-0 LIV 296 XXII 725 XVII 775 — 872 XXVI 372 XL 7 LIX 48 9 LX 211 Lxrii 38 1 585 lil 526 Y 2 60 IX 438 trvat ca A CHE treat peifons affc'i^led by the fumes of burning cUarcoalj mid other effluvia of the fHme na ture - - Guthrie Charm, Conicflures on the charming or fafcinating power attributed to the rattlc-fnake j grounded on credible accounts, experiments, and obfer- vations - - Sloane Charr-Fish. Some account of the charr-fifli, as found in North Wales Farritjgdon Charts. Some remarks on the variation of the mag- netical compafs. puhlifhed in the memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, with regard to the general chart of thofe variations made by E. idalley; as alfo concerning the true longitude of the Magellan Straights . A fliort diflertation on maps and charts -. - - Mountaine Remarks on the cenfure of Mercator's chart, in a pofthumous work of Mr. Weft of Exeter - - - Dunn — — A defence of Mercator's chart againft the cen- fure of Mr. Weft Mountaine .. A letter concerning a new chart of the Red Sea, with two draughts of the roads of Mocha and Judda, and feveral obfervations made dur ing a voyage on that fea - Newland — — — Particulars of the country of Labradore; ex- traded from the papers of Lieut. Roger Clarke, of his majefty's floop the Otter, with a plane chart of the coaft - Curtis Chartham. See Bones, Cheek.. An account of an extraordinary tumour or wen lately cut off the cheek of a pcrfon in Scotland * - Bower — — Account of a rottennefs of the cheek-bone, oc cafioncd by a valt quantity of matter flowing from the mouth of a boy for three years - - - Hardifway Cheese. Obfervations on infedls bred in cheefc, &c. by - - Leewenhoek Chelidonium Majus. a letter concerning the tubes or canals that convey the yellovi^ lap in the herb called Chelidonium Majus, or Ce- landine - - Leewenhoek Cherry Trees. An experiment of making cherry- treco, that have withered fruir, to bear full I Tranf, LXIX 325 xxxvin32i XLIXaic? XXIX 165 L 563 LIII 66 =-69 LXII 77 LXIV 372 XXX 713 XXXV 374 XVIII 194 XXIV 1730 Abridg. 1X55 IV 453 V 217 VII 494 III 685 V 2 267 and CHE CHI 93 and good fruit J and of recovering the almcft withered fruit - Merret Cheshire. Obfervations on theKoinan colonies and flations inChefhire and Lancalhire Perdval Chesnut Trees. A letter concerning chefnut-tre - - - Ducarel Another letter on chefnut- trees Thorpe Another - - Hajied Another - - Barring ton Chester. Obfervations on the population and dif- eafes of Chefter in the year 1774 Haygarth — — See Jliar, Chichester. See Infcription. Chickens. Manner of hatching chickens at Cairo - - - Graves Child. An account of two monflrous births at Paris - - j^non. — — — An account of two monftrous births in Devon - (hire - - Coleprejp ■ An account of two odd births Grandi — — Anatomical obfervations on a monilrous birth at Pl\ mouth - - Durfton ■■I Extra(Sl of a letter containing fome relations concerning fome odd worms vomitted by chil- dren - - Lifter — — ^ A relation of a monftrous birth Morrii ■ Relation of a child that remained 26 years in the mother's belly - BayU — — An account of an extraordinary birth in Staf- ford/hire - - Birc}) With reflexions thereon - Tyjor, ' The defcription of a monftrous child born in South Jutland - Krahe • Relation of an extraordinary child of fix years old, who in face, &c. was as large as a full- grown woman ; and of what appeared on the dilledion of the body - Sa?rip/on '• An account of a child born with a large wound in the breaft, fuppofed to proceed from the force of imagination - Cyprianvs Letter concerning a child who had its inteflincs, mefcntery, &c. in the cavity of the thorax Holt - Part of a letter concerning a monftrous birth ■ - - Taylor ,;-«.— Account of fome monftrons births in Ireland in 17^8 - - Derham\ Tranf. "455 XLVII 216 LXI 136 — 152 — 160 — 167 LXVIII 131 XII 923 II 479 — 480 V 1188 — 2098 X39I XII 961 •— 979 XIII 281 XIV 599 XIX 80 — 291 XXII 99- XXV 2345 XXVI 30S Abridg. o 11652 i in 301 — 135 — 302 — 127 — 221 — 304 20 — 222 V 269 Ao 94 C H I j Tranf. Account of a child crying in the womb Dfrham* XXVI 485 A fliort dilTertation on a child's crying In the| womb - - . Derbafr^ An account of a raonftrous double birth in Lor- A^jc!< — 487 XXXII 346 rain , Two extraordinury cafes of a large I'l one in the ure'.hra, brought on by the venereal infec- tion, and a child born with a remarkable tu- mour on the loins - Huxham XXXVI 257 , . A cafe concerning a child born with the bowels hanging out of Its beily - JmyandY^'^XV\\2^% . Account of amonftrous boy Cantwdt XLI 137 Account of a monflrcus child born of a wo- man under fentence of tranfportation Sheldrake — 341 An account of a monlirous foetus refembling an hooded monkey - Gregory — 'jd,^ . Cafe of the heart of a child turned upfide down _ - - Torret — 776 . A remarkable conformation, or lufus natura-, in a child - - , IVarwick XLII 152 Part of a letter concerning a child of a mon- ftrous fize - - Ceoffroy — 627 Account of a child's being taken out of the ab- domen after having lain there upwards of 16 years - - Ahddleton XLIV 617 A letter concerning a child born with an extra- ordinary tumour near the anus, containing feme rudiments of an embryo in it Huxham XLV 325 An account of a praeternatural conjunftion of two female children - Parfom — 526 Part of a letter concerning a child born with the jaundice upon it, received from its father ; and of the mother taking the fame diftemper from her huiband the next time of being with child - - Ccoki XLVI 205 . An account of a monflrous foetus without any mark of fex - - Bcijl.r — 469 An account of a double child born at Hebus, near Middlcton in Lancaflrire Perdval XLVII 360 . An account of an extraordinary cafe of a chile Guy XLIX 34 , Anatomico-mcdical obfervations of a monflrou!- double child born (J<^. 26, 1701, in Pannonia and died Feb. 23, 1723. (Lat.) Tcrkoi Another account - Bnrnei Another account - Dii Plrjfu Another account (Lat.) Vrirj'chius\ Abrid^. V 310 VII 688 — 560 -516 IX 314 — 313 — 315 — 135 — 31^ — 317 XI 807 — 1020 — 1209 — 106^ — 1208 L 311 — 315 — 3^7 — 3»8 An C H I m—mm. An account of a jnonflrous human foetus, hav- ing neither head, heart, lungs, flomach, fpleen, pancreas, liver nor kidnies Le Cat — — An account of a very fmail foetus brought into the world at the fame time with a child in its full growth - Warner m An account of an extraordinary acephalous birth - - Cooper Child-Bed. Diffedlion of a woman who died in child-bed - Silvejire Child-birth. See Fcetus, Monjier, Parturition. CHILTE^fHAM (Mineral water of). An examination of the Chiltenham mineral water ; which may ferve as a method in general for examining mi- neral waters - Senckenberg Chimney-pieces. An account of two large ftone chimney-pieces, with a peculiar fort of arch- w^ork. thereon - IVallis China. A voyage of the emperor of China into the Eaftern Tartary, 1682 - Anon. — — A voyage of the emperor of China into the Weftern Tartary, 1683 - Jmn, An explanation neceflary to juftify the geo graphy fuppofed in thefe letters Anon. • Obfervations and conjedures concerning the Chinefe characters - R. H. " An account of a voyage to Chufan in China ; with a defcription of the illand, of the feveral forts of tea, of the fiOiing, agriculture, &c. of the Chinefe, &:c. with feveral obfervations not hitherto taken notice of Cunningham '" An account of fome plants collected at Chufan in China, by - 'James Petlver — — An explanation of the new chronological table of the Chinefe hiftory ; tranflated into Lain from the original Chinefe by father John Fr. Foucquet - Dereham and Foucquet • A letter concerning the Chinefe chronology and artronomy - - Cojlard " ■ ■' Account of the knowledge of geography amongft the Chinefe - Gaubil Some account of the paper money current among; the Chinefe - Gaubil A letter giving an account of feveral of the na- tural and artificial produdions of China - ' D'Incarville N Tranf, LVJI I LX 453 LXV 311 XXII 787 XLI 380 XIV 800 XVI 39 — 52 — 62 -63 XXIII I20I — i4'9 XXXVI 397 XLIV 476 XLVI 327 XLvni 253 95 Abridg. . 303 VIII 650 I 595 III 632 V 2 171 IV - 286 vn 4 13 XI 1232 X 25s XI 1364 — Two c,o CHI C HR [ Tranf. Two letters concerning the Chinefe chronol g\\ and afironcmy - G'd?//^/7'XLVIlI 309 On .he fuppofed connec'^tion between the hiero- IvDhical j,^, J wrKinir of antient Egypt, and the chara<5leriftic writing which is in ufe at this time among the Chinefc Alorton China Caeinet. An acccui.t of a Cliina cabinet filled wirh feveral inftruments, fruits, &c. ufed in China - - Buckley Further account - Shane Further account - Sloaue Further account - Sham CiiLNA Dishes. An intimation of a way found in Eur(>pe to make China difhes Jnon. CuJNA Stoves. A letter containing an account ot the manner in which the Chinefe heat thei. rooms - - De Vij'mi An account o' the Kang, or Chinefe floves - - - Gramont China Varnish. The way of making feveral China varnifhes ; fent from the Jefuits in China to the great duke of Tufcany Sherard Chirurcery. An argument for the more frequent ufe of laryngotomy, urged from a remarkable cafe in chirurgciy - Mnjgravt — — — A relation of a deaf and dumb pcrfon who re covered his hearing and fpeech after a violeni fever : with fonie other medical and chirurgi- cal obfcrvations - Martin . Part of a letter concerning a cafe in chirur gery, which is commonly millaken for a frac- ture of the patella - Deverei - ■■ - Two medico-chirurgical obfervations on the hy- datides and confcquenccs of an incomplete hernia, and on the fun6lions of the inteflincs expofed to fight - Le Cai Various medico-chirurgical obfervations (Lat.) - - - Scblichlin^ Choroeides. Anfwer to Mr. Pecquet about the opi- nion, that it is the principal organ of fight; with other confidcrablc experiments Marrioi Chorocrapmy. A folution of a chorographical pro- blem, propofed by Richard Townlcy Collim • The folutioiib of three chorographical problem; - - - ylfion Chrok<'I.ocy. Remarks upon the obfervations mad( upon a chronological index of Sir ifaac New LIX 489 XX 390 — 461 XXI 44 — 70 I 12' LXI59 — 61 XXII 72s XXI 398 XXV 2469 XXXI 44 XLI 712 XLII270 V 1023 VI 2093 XV 1231 Abrldgv II 252 — 646 — 252 III 658 1585 III 61 V [357] V 2 127 VII 678 IX 189 ■— 232 1 366 — 222 tons CHR CH Y 97 ton ; tranflated into French by the obP^rvatOi and publifhed at Paris - Newton ■— — Remarks upon fome diflertations lately publifh- cd at Paris by the Pv.cv. P. Souciet, again ft Sir Ifaac Newton's chronology Halley ■„ — Some farther remarks on P. Souciet's difll-rta- tions agalnlt Sir Ilaac Newton's chronology HalUy — — An explanation of the new chronological tabk of the Chinefe hifto-y; tranllated into Latin from the original Chinefe by father John Fr. Foucquet Dereham and Foiicquet — A letter concerning the Chinefe chronology and aflronomy - - Cojiard •— — The application of Dr. Saunderfon's theorem for folving unlimited equations to a curious queftion in chronology Horfefall Chrystalline Mumour. Obfervations about the chrvilalline humour of the eve Lecwenhoek m. Letter concerning the chryftalllne humour in the eye of whales, fifli, and other creatures and of the ufe of the eye-lids Leewenhoek CnusAN. An account of a voyage to Chufan in China, with a delcription of the ifland, o th.e feveral forts of tea, of the filhing, agri culture of the Chinefe, h.c. with leveral ob- fervations not hitherto taken notice of - - - Cimninghani — An account of fome plants colle61ed at Chufan in China, by - Ja?nes Petiver Churchil River. Journal of a voyage made by order of the Roval Society to Churchil River, on the north-wc(t coafl of Hudfon's Bay; o\ thirteen months refidence in that country ; and of the voyjge back to England in 176S, 1769 IVak: Chyle. Some anatomical obfervations and experi- ■iiients concerning the unalterable charaftcr of the whitenefs of the chyle within the ladeou- veins; together with divers particulars ob- ferved in the guts, efpecially fome forts of worms found in them - Lijhr > An account of an experiment made for altering the colour of. the chyle in the lafteal veins Lijm ' Some probable thoughts of the whitenefs of the N z Tranf. XXXIII 316 XXXIV 205 Abridg. VII 4 7 XXXV 296 j — ■ - ir XXXVI 397 12 XLIV476 XI 1232 LVIII 100 XIV 790 XXIV 1723'y 2 267 xxnii2oi — - 171 — 1419 IV - 286 LX ioo VIII 6c6o XiII6 III lOJ — 102 chyle. ^8 CHY CIC chyle, and what it is after it is conveyed with- in the arteries - - Lijier An account of chyllfication _ Ccwper Ckymistrv. An account of feme chymical, medi- cal, and anatomical particulars Behn Some reneaions made on tfie enlarged account of Dr. Wittie's anfwer to hydrologia chymica, chieflv concerning the caufe of the fudden lots of the virtues ot mineral waters Foot . Obfervations on thefe three chymical opera- tions, digeftion, fermentation, and triture or grinding (hitherto in the author's opinion not' fufficiendy regarded) bv which many things of admirable ule'may be p.-rformed Langelot . The chvmical touch-ilone of Mr. John Kuncle, De acido k urinofo fale calido Sc frigido, con- tra Dodlor. Voight's fpirit. vini vindicatum _ _ - Kuvcle Two propofitions in chymiftry delired to be an- fwered in a year and a half by any perfon ; ii they are not'in that tme, the propofcr promifes he will do it himfelf - ^non. , Obfervations on the clafs of fweet taP.cs, made bv comparing the talks of fweet plants with Mr. L'Emery's chymical analyfis of them in his trcatife of drugs - Flcyer A vindication of Dr. Frelnd's chymical lecluics, wherein the ohjeflions (in the Leipfic Tranf- aftions, Sept. 1710) brought againft the at tracflive force of matter are removed Freind A difcourfe ccncernmg the ufefulnefs of ther- mometers in chymical experiments, and con- cernino- the principles on which the thermome- te s now in ufe have been conftrufted ; toge- ther with the defc iption and ufes of a metal- line thermometer newly invented by _ - - C. jMortimn —— h chymical experiment of the effecl of quitk- lime on alcal ne fal volatile SchlcJJet Experiments and obfervations on lead-ore Richard IV ■tfoh Cicada. Obfervations on the cicada or locufts o' North America - CoUinJon . See Locufl. CiciNDELA VoLANS. Obftrvations on the ci in- della volans, or flying glow-worm with trt figure - - IVallv o 1 Tranf. XIII 242 XIX 231 IK 650 IV 1050 VII 505^ XV 896 XXI 186 XXIII 1 160 XXVII 330 Abridg, III 106 — 351 II 365 III 315 XLIV 672 XLIX 222 LXVIII 863 LIV65 XV 841 V 406 — 428 X435 II 761 CiCUTA. CIC CIR CicuTA. See Hemlock. Cinnabar. Extracfl of a letter containing feveral obfervations on cinnabar and gunpowder - ^ - Leewenhoe^ Cinnamon. A defcription of the cortex Winter anus, or wild cinnamon tree - Shane - An account of the cinnamon in the ifland of Ceilan - - Strochan — — An account of the cinnamon-tree in Ceylon, and its feveral forts; communic.ted by the chief infpeftor of thee nnamon trade and ma- nufafture in that ifland to ^Ibertus Seba Jnon. Some additions to tht foregoing account Seha ' An account of the cinnamon- tree W. Watfon ' A difcourfe on the cinnamon, caffia, or ca- nella _ - - ^^J,//,, Letter on the cinnamon - Combes Circle (Astronomy). An obfervation of an ex- traordmary lunar circle, and of two parafelenesi made at Paris 05i. 20, 1747 Grejchow Circle (GtOMETRy). Anfwer to the animadverfions of Mr Hugenius upon Dr. Ciregory's book, De vera Circuli &, Hyperbolae (i^iadratura, a^ pub lifhed in the Journal des Scavans Gregory — — Some cnnfid'-rations on Mr Huygens's letter, printed in vindicafion of his Examen of the book mtitled, De vera Circuli & Hyperbola Quadratura - - Gregory — — The quantity of a degree of a great circle m Englifh meafures - Oldenburg • Cubic and biquadratic equations conflruded by a parabola and circle - Hnl.ey — — Tht- conftruction of a quadratrix to the circle^ being the curve defcribtd by its equable ev lu- tion . - - Jnon, — — An invefligation of fome theorems which fu»- geft fome remarkable pro ernes of the circle, and are of u(e in refolving (ractions, whole de- nominators are certain mul inomials, nto more fimple ones - La^iden *- — Of triangles defcribed in circles and about them - - Strd,nan — — Theorems concerning polygons of greatelt and leaft areas and perimeters inlciibino- and cir- cumlcribing theci.cle - HorJIe. — - A new and general method of" finding fim'pl and quickly converging ferics ; by which the Tranf. XVII 7J4 462 XXIil 1094 99 Abrldg. Ill 685 [I 663 V 2 179 XXXVI97IVI2 321 — 106 XLVll 301 L 860 -- 873 XLV 524 X 483 III 732 — 882 X[ 636 I 587 ^^I 335 — 63 XXII 445 -56 XLVIII 566 LXV 296 — 301 I propor- 100 CIT CLO proportion of a diameter of a chcle to Its cir- cumference may eafily be computed to a great number of places of figures Hutton Citron. Some hortulan communications about the curious engrafting of oranjjes and lemons, or citrons, upon one another's trees ; and of one individual fruit, half orange and half lemon, rrowing on fuch trees, &c. - Anon. CiviTA TuRCHiN'o. An account of fome fubter- raneous apartments with Etrufcan infcriptions and paintings, difcovered at Civlta Turchino in Italy - - IP'ilcox Claret. A further account of feme experiments of injccfting claret, &c. into the abdomen, after cupping - - IVarrick Clay?; An ingenious propofal for a new fort of maps of countries ; together with tables of fands and clays, fuch chiefly as are found in the north partj of England - Ujhr An account of curious wafps nellii made of clay in Pennfylvania - Barira?n Remarks on a petrined echinus of a fingular kind, found at Bunnan's Land, in the parilli of Bovingdon in Hcrtfordfliire, which is a clay, and fuppofed to have been brought with the chalk dug out of a pit in the lield Parfons Clepsydra. A defcription of a clepiydra, or wa ter-clock - - H(vnilton Cluts. Extra6l of a letter containing obfervations on the precipices and clifFs on the north-eaft coart of Norfolk - Ardcron Climate. An ellay upon the caufes of the different colours of people in different climates Mitchell Clifton. See Colm. Circulation of the Blood. See Blood. Clock. A new invention of a clock afccndant on a pbne inclined - De Gennei A letter wherein Mr. Williamfon allerts his richt to the curious and ufeful invention of making clocks to keep time with the fun's ap parent motion - lyill'mmfon A contrivance to avoid the irregularities in a clock's motion, occafioned by the aftion of heat and cold upon the rod of the pendulum - - - Graham I ■ An account of fome obfervations made in Lon- don by Mr. Graham, and at Black River, in Tranf. LXVI 476 II 553 LlII 127 XLIX 485 XIV 739 XLin 363 XLIX 155 XLIV 171 — 27s XLIII 102 XII 1006 XXX 1080 XXXIV 40 Abrid*;, II6B5 — 450 XI 847 X428 - 589 XI 926 I 468 IV 39+ VI 297 Jamaica, C L O Trjnaica, by Colin Camphell, concerning the going of a clock, in order to determine the difFeience between the lengths of ifochronal pendulums in thofe places Bradley — — An account of the influence which two pendu- lum-clocks were obferved to have upon each other' - - Ellicott Subjeft continued - Ell'uoti A deTcnption of a clepfydra, or water-clock _ - - Hamilton . Two methods by which the irregularity of the motion of a clock, arifmg frem the influence of heat and cold upon the lod of the pendu- lum, may be prevented - thicoti ^ - ■ Letter concerning the inventor of the contriv- ance in the pendulum of a clock to prevent the irregularities of its motion by heat and cold - - Short — — Obfervations on a clock of Mr. John Shelton made at St. Helena - Majkelyne Obfervations for proving the going of Mr. El- licott's clock at St. Helena Majon — — An account of Mr. Mafon's paper concerning the going of Mr. Ellicott's clock at St. Helena _ - - Short ■— — Remarks on the foregoing account Majkelyne m Aflronomical obfervations made in the P'orks of the river Brandivine in Pennfylvania, for de termining the going of a clock lent thither by the Royal Society, in order to find the difFer- ence of gravity between the Royal Obferva- tory at Greenwich, and the place where the clock was fet up in Pennfylvania - - Majan and Dixon ■ An account of the going of an aflronomical clock - - WoUaJlon See Pendulum, Watches. Clogher. An account of the fubfiding or finking down of a hill near Clogher in Ireland - - - Bijhop of Clogher Cloth. A new engine to make linen-cloth without the help of an artificer De Gennei Clouds. An attempt to folve the phaenomenon of the rile of vapours, formation of clouds, and oefcent of rain - Dejagulier. ==— Extrads of two letters relating to the extracting eledricity from the clouds Nolkt loi Tranf. XXXVHI302 XL! 125 — 128 XLIV 171 Abridf VII 238 VIII 246 X 428 XLVII 479 — 517 LIT 434 — 534- — 540 LIV 580 LVIII 329 LXI 559 XXVIII 267 XII 1007 XXXVI 6 XLVII 553 IV 2 250 I 501 VI 2 61 Clouds, J 02 CLO CO A Tranf. Clouds. Another letter relating to the extracting eleilricity from the clouds - Alylins XLVII 559 Cloves. An extradl of a letter containing micro;co- pical obfervations on cloves Leewenhoek XLII 949 Clustered Animal-Flower. An account of thi aflinia fociata, or cluftered animal flower, lately found on the fea-coafts of the new- ceded IHands - _ Eili\ LVII 428 Cluster Polype. Letter concerning a clufter po lype, found in the fea near the coall of Green- land - ^ - ^ Etlb XLVIII 30s Coal. Obfervations and trials about the differences between a burning coal and (hining wood Bcyie II 605 I An account of two uncommon mineral fub- flances found in fome coal and iron mines in England - - _ Jejfop Vlli 6179 ■ ■ Obfervations on a fubterranean fire in a cc al mine near Nevvcaflle - Hodgfon XI 762 I A relation of fome ftrange phaenomena, accom- panied with mifchievous effects, in a coal-work in Flintfhire - Mojljn XII 895 , The different ftrata obferved in boring for coals in feveral parts of Yorkfhire, with the expence of the fame - Malevtrerer XXI 73 1 A letter concerning a colliery that took fire, and was blown up near Newcaftle, killing 69 per- fons, on Auguft 18, 1708 Charlett XXVI 215 . A defcription of the feveral ftrata of earth, ffone, coal, &c. found in a coal pit at the weft end of Dudley, Staffordfhire. To which is added, a table of the f^ecifick gravity of each ftratum Fetiipiace and Hau^^jbet XXVII 541 ■ ■ ■ A curious defcription of the ftrata obferved in the coal-mines of Mendip m bomerfetfliire Strachey XXX 968 ■ An account of the ftrata in coal mines j XXXlIi 395 ^ An account of the damp air in a coal pit of Sir James Lowther, Bart, funk within 20 yards of the fea - Loivther XXXVIII109 ■ An experiment concerning the fpirlt of coals Clay tot, XLI ^9 ' n account of coal-balls made at Liege ^fl«/'in of an- in a coalp.tat Middleton, near Leeds in York (hire - Bernard * ■ See Bovey y Damp. CoA ri MoMDi. A letter concerning tlie Coati Mondi of Bra ill - Mackenzie Con/VLT. Part of a letter concerning cobalt, and the preparations or fmali: and arlenic AV^/j, — — ^ Commentary on cobalt - Linckius Coccus Radicum. Some corrections and amend- ments concerning the generation of the infefl called coccus radicum >^ Breynius CocHEREL. 'Sqq Sdpulchre, Cochineal. Oblervations concerning cochineal, accompanied with fome fuggeftions for finding out and preparing fuch like fubftances out of other vegetables - Anon, ' "> Letter enlarging and corre6ling his former notes uponKermes; and withal infmuating his conjectures of cochineal's being a fort of Kermes - - Liftt} — — Obfervatkons on the making of cochineal, ac- cording to the relation had from an old Spa- niard at Jamaica - Jnon. • A letter concerning cochineal Leewenhoet - *f The natural hiftory of cochineal Rutiy ■' An account of the male and female cochineal infe£ls, that breed on the caclus opuntia, 01 Indian fig, in South Carolina and Georgia Ellis — — An account of thcPolifh cochineal ^oi/i Further account - If^o/fi ' A further account of the Pol ifh cochineal fp'elfe Cochlea. A defcription of the organ of hearing in the elephant, with the figures and fituation of the officles, labyrinth, and cochlea, in the ear of that animal - Blair Cocks. Microfcopical ohfervations and experiments concerning the animalcula in femine-mafcu- lino of cocks and fpiders, lliortnefs of breath, ^c. » - Leewenhoek Cod Fish. Letter concerning the fpawn of cod-fifli - - - Leewenhoek XXII 82 1 Cod (Of the feed of plants), Inftances Ihewing th<^ O TranC, U534 Abridiz. Vn 449 V 420 VI 2 236 XXXVir444J VII 466 III 796 VII 5059 XVII 502 XXIV 1614 XXXVI 264 LII66I LIV9I — 95 LVI 184 XXX 885 XXIII 1 137 II 784 — 785 V 2 266 VII 478 V 82 - 2 264 - - 266 correl- 2 04 COE COI Tranf. corjefpor.dence of the pith and timber with tlis feed of the plant ; as alfo of the bark ov fap in the bark with the pulp of the fruit, or feme encompanina; coat or cod containing the kcd -^ - ^ ^^ IV 919 CoECUM. An account of the cutting out of the coe cum of a bitch - Muf>rrve XIII .^24 A letter in anfwer to Mr. Oldenburgh, Vv herem he defired an eicplanarion of a^ paragraph, touching the ufc of the inteftinum ct^cum LyJIir XIV 457 Of an inguinal rupture, with a pin in the ap pcndix ccij.ci incrufted with a flo ^e, and feme obfervations on wounds in the guts ^/m-^^^ XXXIX 329 Coffee. An account of the coffec-fbrub Sloatie XVIll 61 —l- A difcourfe of coffee - JJoughlot. XXI 31 1 Cohesion. Some experiments concerning the cohe- fion of lead ' - De/^gulUn XXXIII 345 Queries concerning the caufe of cohtfion of the parts of matter - Tnewai'd XXX^l Sg A remarkable cafe of cohcfion of all the intei- tines in a man about 34 years of age Jemy L 55O New experiments and obfervations concerning eleclricity - - Symmer LI 340 Experiments on ele£tricity; with a letter con- cerning the force of electrical cohefion Mitchell — 393 Coins. A letter giving a further account of lome coins foundat Honedon in Suffolk Doh XVII 874 .. Letter concerning pewter money coined in Ire- land by the late king James _ Th'jrejhy XXIV 1875 , Ancafy method of procuring the true imprcffion or figure of medals, coins, &cc. Baker XLIIl 77 Lxplication of an incdiiedcoin with two legcr.ds, in different languages, on the revcrfe Sw'mton LXI 78- CoI^Ji (KiRi^bCAN}. Lxplication of a moft remarka- ble monagram on the revcrfc of a very antient t quinariui», never befo.c pul)lilhed or exp'ained . - . i^winton LXIV 31& , Obfervations upon two antient Etrufcan coins never before illullrated or explained _ , - Siuinion LIV 99 Klucidation of an Etrufcan coin of Pjtftam in Lucania, emitted from the mint there about the time of the focial war Swinton LVIII 246 . Rt-marks upon two Etfufcan weights or corns n.-vcr 1 tfore publilbcd - Swluton LXI 82 CoiN5 (Norman). Letter concerning feme Norman ^oins found at York • 1uoveJhy\XX\y zii^ Abridi>. II 710 III 112 — 425 IX 153 II 6c9 — 660 — 2 5 HI 441 V2 31 XI 1339 V 1 30 Gouts C O 1 Coins (Parthian). Adlflertatlon upon a Parthinu coin, with charad^era on the reverie icCem- blingthofe of the Palmyrencs Sainton II — ••. Remarks on a i^archian coin with a Greek and Parthian legend - Swinton m .1 ■ — — Conjefturcb upon an inecliteU Parthian coin - - Swinton ■ ■ ■" Defcriptlon of two Parthian coins never hitherto publiOied - Swiutr.n Coiv (Persian). Obfervations upon five antient Perfian coins ftruck in Faleftine, or Phcenicia, before the diflblution of the Perfian empire - • - Stvl'iton CojN (Phoenician). An attempt to interpret the legend and infcription of a very curious Phce- nician medal never hitherto explained Siuintofi Coin (Punic). Interpretation of the inlcription of a Funic coin ftruck in che Ifle of Gozo Swinton Defcription of a Punic coin appertaining to the lile of Gozo, hitherto attributed to that of Malta by the learned - Swinton • Obfervations on an inedltedcoin, adorned with two l^unic charafters on the reverfe - - - Swinton Interpretation of two Punic infcriptions on the reverfes of two ^icu!o-Punic coins,! publiflied by the prince de 1'orremuzza, and never hitherto explained Swinton Coins (Koman). Letter concerning fome Roman coins, and other matters lately obfcrvetl in Lincolnfliire Further account - Thofe/i^ — — »■ An account of fome Roman coins found at Clifton, near Edlington, Yorkfliire Thorejly — — — ■ Part of a letter concerning fome Roman coins found in Yorkfliire - Thorejby A defcription of fome clay-mould, or concaves of antient Roman coins found in Shropfnire - - Baker An abfirad of a difcourfe intituled, Re- flections on the medals of Pefcennius Niger, and fome circumftances in the hiftory o\ his life, written in French by J\i. Claude Gros de Bofi An account of an ineditcd coin of the emprefs Crifpina - Svuinton — •• Remarks upon a Denarius of the Vetu-' O a loj Tranf. XLIX 591 L 17s LIOSo LVI 296 LXI J45 LVir 266 LVIII 235 — 261 — 265 LXI 91 /f«5«.|XXIIl II 56 XXIV 2149 XXVI 134 XLIV 557 XLVI 452 LVI 27 Abridg. IV 2 246. V-34 - 3^- XI 1320 — 1314 run io6 COI COL nan family, with an Etrufcan infcription on the rcverft- - Sivinton An account of a fuba-n-ated Denarius of the Plstorian family } adorned with an Etruf- can infcription on the reverfe, never before publilhed or explained - Swivian P\irtlier remarks upon a Denarius of the Veturian family ; with an Etrufcan infcrip- tion on the reverfe, formerly confidered Siv'rr.ton Coin (Samnite). Some obfervatiens upon a Sam- nite pltrufcan coin, never before fully explained Su if it on ^ . . A dilTertation upon a Samnite Denarius _ - - Swinton .. An attempt to elucidate twa Samnite coin?, never before fully explained Swinton Coins (Saxon). An account of fome Saxon coins lately found in Sufi^blk ; communicated by . - - Sir P. S. Remarks by - _ //^'. f^. Coins (Swedish). Letter concerning fomc Swedifh coins - - ^ Thorejly Coins (Syracusan). Some obfcrvations on an in- edited Greek coin of Philiftis queen of Syra- cufe, Malta, and Gozo, who had been palied over in filenceby all the antient writers Swinton Cold Aximal. See Animal. Cold (Chemistry). A new frigorific experiment, flievving how a confiderable degree of cold may be produced without the help of fnow, ice, hail, wind, or nitre, and that at any time of the year - - i^^v/^ An account of fome experiments relating to the produdtion of fire and flame; together with an explofion made by a mixture of two liquors actually cold - - Slare Obfcrvations upon the diffolutlons and fermen- tations, wliich we may call cold, becaufc they arc accompanied with a coolnels ot the liquors into wl'.ich they pafs - Giojfioy Cold (Disease), i^ome fuggeflions for remedies again ft cold - Oldinburgh Hiftorical account of the late general coughs. and colds, with fome obfcrvations on other epidemical difttmpers - Molyncux Extract of a letter concerning the bark pre- venting catching cold - Saho Tranf, LVJII 253 LXII 60 LXIII 22 LI 853 LII28 LIX 432 XVI 356 XXIV 1 901 LX 80 Abrids. I 255 XVIII 201 XXII 951 I 379 XVIII 105 XLIV I III 436 -438 V 2 30 n 161 III 359 V 421 II 639 III 271 X 762 Re- COL i Remarks upon its cffctSls upon the blood Heivfon Cold (Natural philofophy). Account of the experi- mental hiftory of cold - Boyh «■ A further account of Mr. Boyle's experimental hiftory of cold - Oldenburg ■ Promifcuous inquiries chiefly about cold ; with antvvers to fome of them by Heveliui m ■ , Tables of the barometrical altitudes at Zurich in Switzerland, in the year i 708, by Scheuch- zer ; and at Upminfter in England, by Der- ham ; as alfo the rain at Pil'a in Italy, in 1707 and 1708, by Tilli; and at Zurich in 1708; and at Upminfter in all that time; with remarks on the fame tables ; as alfo on the winds, heats and colds, and divers other matters occurring in thofe three different parts of Europe - - Derhaiti — ^ — A contrivance to avoid the irregularities in a clock's motion, occafioned by the aftion of heat and cold upon the rod of a pendulum Graham ^ An obfervation of the magnetic needle beinsz fo affe£led by great cold, that it could not tra- verfe - - A^iddleton •— — The effe£ls of cold; together with obfervations of the longitude, latitude, and declination o\ the magnttic needle at Prince of Wales's Fort, upon Cnurchill River in Hudfon's Bay, North America - MiddUion - ■ ■ A letter concerning a very cold day, and an- other concerning a very hot day, in June and July 1749 - Miles ' A letter concernino; the difference of the decrees of cold, marked by a thermometer kept with- in doors, or without in the open air AHln Two methods by which the irregularity of the motion of a clock, ariiing from the mfluence of heat and cold upon the rod of the pendu- lum, may be prevented - Ellicott — — » Letter concerning the inventor of the contriv- ance in the pendulum of a clock, to prevent the irregularities of its motion by heat and cold - - SbsTt " Obfervations on the late fevereand cold weather ~ - - yirdrot. ~— — An account of ar;ificial cold produced at Pe- ter lb urg - , JHimJti 107 Tranf. ] Abridfj. LX398 I 8 -46 — 344 in 631 XXVI 342 XXXIV 40 XL 310 XLH 157 XLVI 208 XLIV 613 XLVII 479 — 517 XLVIII 507 L16?o VI 297 VIII 741 — 469 X47I — 43: Stat ate lol COL ,, ^. State of the cold at Berlin In the winter of 1752-2 - - Prdlas — — Accou'.it of the degree of cold obferved in Bed- foidlhire, Nov. 22, 1763 Hoxvarc ^._j— Some account of the late cold weather, Jan. and Feb. 1767, it London /^. fVatfoh At Plymouth - ^mri,^ ^-.*^ A note concerning the cold of 174O and 1708 , - - Bev Obfervaiions on the fame fubjefl S'-ort J Some remarks on die cttefts of cold in February 1^71 - Richardl'VatJfjn , . An account of the ren-arkable cold obferved at Glalgow in January i/GS- IVtlfon — — Obfervations on the intenle cold in the months of Jan. 1767 and 1768, and Nov. 1770, at Franckcr - Van Sivinden ^ An account of a mofl extraordinary degree of cold at Glafgow in January 1780 ; together with fome new experiments and oblervacions on the comparative temperature of hoar-fiort and the air near to it, made at Glalgow PVii/on See Heat and Thermometer. Colic. Letter concerning an unufual colic Davifi ,-^ An account of an extraordinary efte£l of ih colic - - ^ St. Andre ^ An account of an extraordinary colic lluxham Collision. A remark upon the new opinion re- lating to the forces of moving bodies, in the cafe of the colli fion of non-claflic bodies Eames Cologne. Remarks on the itones in the county ot Naflau, and the territories of Treves and Co- logne, refembling thofe of the Giant's Cauf- way in Ireland - - Trernbley Colon. An account of part of the colon hanging out of a wound for 14 years V'ttt Colonies. Obfervations on the pvoman colonies and ftations in O^iclhireand Lancafhire Percivai Colour. An eflay upon the caufes of the difFereni colours of people in difterent climates Mitchel, CoLouRb (Chemistry). An experiment of away ol preparing a liquor that ihall fink into and co- lour the whole body of marble, cauflng a pi£\uu drawn on a f irfacc to appear alfo in the inmoi*. parts of the ftone Kircher and bin. An account of the ufc of tlie grain kermes fot colouration - - Vtm^ Tranf, LIII 62 LIV 118 LVII 443 — 446 LVIII 54 — 55 LXI213 — 326 LXIII 89 LXX 451 XXII 965 XXX 580 XXXVil236 XXXIV 1S3 i XLIX 581 XXXI 89 XLVII216 XLIII J02 I 125 362 Abridg. V 268 — 270 Vil5'7 VI 287 VII 5'3 XI 926 COL A v^ay of colouring fniit - Tongt A way of colon rin/ leaves - Tongt Some obierv.'tions touchin;^ colours, in order to the increafe of dies, and the fixatiun of co- lours - - ^'J^^'> An 'ccoant of an infecSt feeding upon henbane ^ the horrid fmel! of wliich is in that creature fo qualified, as to bpconie in fome nicafure aro- matical; together wiih the colour ytildcd by the cqgs of ih- fa ix - Lij'itr An account of an extraordinary tindlure given to a ftone - - ReiftI A I-atin and Englfli catalogue of fimple and mixed colours, Vv/ith a I'pecimen of each colour fixed to its p:oper name - U- allcr An experiment in which a lurprifing change oi colour, from a pale tranfp.irent or clear li- quor, to a very blue ceruleous one, and thai in an inftant, by the admiffion of air only : was applied to illuftraie fome changes of colour, .and other efFedfs on the blood of refpiring ani- mals - - S'arc Two letters givin? an account of a red colour productd by the mixture of a fulphureous fpirit with a volatile alcali - Gibbsm To give iron the colour and tinfture of copper - ■ - - Southwell A way to make two clear fpirituous inflammable liquors, which differ very little in tafte and fmcll ; and being mixed together, do give a Jinc carnation colour, without either fenlible fermentation or alteration Geoffrey Method of col'jurinjj marbles Anon. An account of two obfervations in gardening, upon the change of colour in grapes and jelia- mine - - Cant An account of the bones of animals being changed to a red colour by aliment only - - Belihiet Obfervations and experiments with madder root, which has the faculty of tinging tht bones of living animals of a red colour ' - - - Du-Monceau Obfervations of the cffeils which the farina of pca5 of difierent colours liave on each other "» «• - Henchman Tranf. V 2074 VI 21^2 2176 XVI 22 — 24 XVII 898 XIX 542 XX 296 XXI 43 XXII 727 XXXI 102 [XXXIX 28: XLI 390 XLIII 477 109 Abridg. 11 752 III 638 11783 I 604 6oi,6oj; — 214 III 657 — 367 IV 2 205 VI 2 340 IX 102 — »03 ! An no cor. C O M • — ». An account of a new die from the Ixsri'ie? of a weed in ^outh Carolina - Linds . Experiments and obrcr\»ations on the agreement between the ipecific gravities of the fevera! metals and their colours, when united to glals, as well as thole of their other proportions ... - Delaval ' " An accou.-'.t of rings confining of all die pril-1 matic colours made by elei^tiical explolions on' the furfaces of pieces of metal Prie/Uey] A letter on his new phoiphorus receiving ieve-j ral colours, and only einUting the lame Beccaria\ A letter giving fome account of the roots ufed] by the Indians in the neighbourhood of Hud- fon's Bay, to dye porcupine quills F^lier Experiments on dying black - Cl''gg ■ Experiments on a new colouring fubftance from the iiland of Amfterdam, in the South Seas IVoulfe Colour (Natural philofophy). Letter containing his new theory of light and colours Newton ■ Extra£ls of feveral letters concerning the ap- pearance of feveral arches of colours contigu- ous to the inner edge of the common rainbow at Petworth - Langwith Another letter, with fome reflections on the fame fubjeft - P ember ton — — An account of perfons who could not diftin- guifh colours - Huddart ■ Sec Light. Colt. Obfervations upon amonftrous head of a colt • - - Boyle Cobra de Cabelas Pietra de. See Serpent-Jione. Coluber Cerastes. A letter on the coluber ce- raftcs, or horned viper of Egypt Ellis CoLUAfNs. An account of two giants caufways, or groups of prifmatic bafaltine co'umns, and other curious volcanic concretions, in the Ve- netian ftatc in Italy ; with fome remarks on the charadters of thofe and other fimilar bo- dies, and of the phyfical geography of the countries in which they are found Strange . ■ .- An account of a curious Giants Caufway, or group of angular columns, newly difcovcred in the Euganean Hills, near Padua in Italy - - - Strange Combinations. The doitrine of combinations and Tranf. LIII 238 LV 30 ' LVIII 68 LXI 212 LXII 54 LXIV 48 LXV91 VI 307s XXXII 241 — 24s LXVIi p. I. f. 260 I 8s LVI 287 Abridg. ' LXV5 -^418 I 128 VI 122 - 123 alternations COM I alternations iiBproved and conipieated - _ - ThcrnycroJ} ' Comet. The motion of the late comet predicSted : - - - Ju~1H1 — — Letter from Rome touching the late comet, an( a new one - - j^non Letter from Paris, containing refleclioas on jxirt of the letter from Rome - Jnon. — — — The motion of the fecond comet predicted, by the fame genLleman who predifted the former - - - Auzovt •— — An account of Hevelius's prodromus comcticus, together with fome obfervations upon it, by a French philofopher - Oldenburg — — Of the judgment of fome of the Englilh aftro nomers touching the difference between two learned men, about an obl'ervation made of the firft of the late two comets EngltJJj ■'Iftronojmn — — Obfervations conierning the comet of 1668, which lately appeared in foreign parts, from Italy - - Cajftm From Portugal - - Jnon. — — — An account of a new comet feen at Dantzick, March 1672 - Heveliui — ■■ — Obfervations of a new comet made at Paris - - - Cajfini Rc-fl £lions on the foregoing obfervations Cajjini Obfervations concerning the comet that was feen in Brafil, 1668 - Ejiancel — — Obfervations of the comet of April and May 1677, made at Paris - CaJfini At Dantzick - Hevelius At Greenwich - Flamfitad <— — An account of the comet of Aug. 1682, at Dantzick - - Hevelius - Short hiftory of the comet of 1683, ^'^ Dant- zick - - Heveliui • An extraft of a letter concerning a late comet feen at Rome, June 30, 1084 Ciampim ' " An account of a comet feen at Leipfick in Sept. 1 686 - Ai^a Eruditcrum Obfervations of the fituation of the new comet of Feb. 1699, at Paris Jnon. ■ A fynopfis of cometic ailronomy Halley — — Obfervations made at Rom (^ of the comet which appeared anno 1664 - Ray — — » Accurate obfervations of the remarkable comet P Tranf. XXIV 1961 I3 — J7 — 18 -36 — 104 — 150 III 683 — 684 VII 4017 — 4042 — 4048 IX 91 XII 868 — 869 -873 XIII 16 — 416 XV 920 XVI 256 XXI 79 XXIV 1882 XXV 2350 Abridg. IV 60 I 436 — 438 ~ 437 -438 — 439 — 440 — 370 — 443 — - 444 — 445 — 446 — 448 — 451 — 452 rv^5 — 339 feen 7 12 C O M fcen at the end of the year 1680, at CoVu'-p 'u\ Saxony, 1 3 days before anv where ell'e Kirai An account of a i'lnall telefcopical comet feen at London on the 10th of June 17 17 fJal/n Account of the comet kci^ at BerHn in T^n. 1718 - - Kirch — — Obfcrvations on the comet feen at Berlin fan. 18, 1718 - - Khd •— — Obfcrvations upon the com-'t that appeared in the rronths of Oclober, November, and De- cember 1723 - Bradley With fome curious figures Lord Paifiey Obfervcd at AII)ano - Bianchini Ar Lifbon - - Ca'b^ni Obfervations upon the comet that appeared in 0£loberi723, made at Bombay Saunderfon ——— A letter containing an account of a comet feen on February 29, 1731-2, from on board the Monmouth, in Table Bay - DoVf ■ A colle£lion of obfcrvations relating to the co- met that appeared in January, F'ebruarv, and March 1736-7, at Oxford Bradley At Rome - - Revillas At Philadelphia - Kearjl,y At Jamaica » - Fuller At Madras - - Sartor lus At Lifbon - - Vanbruoh - The parabolic orbit for the comet of 1739, ob- ftrved at Bologna - Zanottl . Qhfervations on the comet of 1743, made at Vienna (Lat.) - Camabc m Obfcrvations on the late comet made at Sher- born and Oxford ; with the elements for com- puting its motions - hett^ - — Obfcrvations on the comet of March 1742, bv the Jeluits at Pckin - Hod^fon — — Paths of 19, according to the hypothefis which makes them, defcribe a parabola about the fun - - - Struyck Obfervations on the comet fcen at Pekin, 1748 - - - linlierjlein ■ Thoughts on comets - Duuthortn • - ■ Extract of a letter concerning the return of the ccmet expe<5)ed 1757 or 1758 liarker "' Obfcrvations on the comet of September and October 1757, at (JrccnwicU Bradley 5 Tranf. I XXIX 170 XXX 721 — 820 XXXII 238 XXX11I4I — 50 — 51 XXXIV 213 XXXVII 393 — ■— XL HI VIII 210 — 118 — 213 — 119 — 214 — 122 — 215 — 123 XLI 809 XLII 457 — 216 XLIII 91 X HI XLIV 264 — 116 XLVI 89 - 117 — 30s XLVIl 281 - 124 XLIX 347 L408 Abridg. IV 340 — 344 — 342 VI 258 — 259 — 265 — 266 — 267 Ob- COM - Obfervatioivi on the comet of Sept. and OtSl. 1757, at the Hague - Kllnkenberg • ' An account of the comet of May 1759 Bivii Another account - Munckley " Obfervations on the comet of Jan. 1760, at London - - Short At Camhriclge - M'uhelt At London - - Munckley At Lovvick, near Thropfton, Northampton- fliire - - Day — — Obfervations of the comet feen at Paris, Feb. 17^0 - - De la Caille An account of the comet feen at Paris in June I7<^2 - - De la Lande • ■ ■ Obfervations of the comet of May 1759, made at the Hague - - Gabry '. A tabic of the places of the comet difco- vered at the Oblervatory of the Marine at Paris, Jan. 3, 1764, about 8 o'clock in the even- ing, m the conftcllation of the Dragon, con- cluded from its fituation with regard to the ftars - - Mejfur ■"■ ■ A memoir, containing the hiftory of the return of the famous comet of 1682 ; with obferva- tions of the fame made at Paris from January to June 1759 - JldeJJt. ■ " ' • A difcovery ; v% ith obfervations of two new co mets in the Marine Obfervatory at Paris, March 1766 - Mejfur ■■ ■ ■■ A letter giving an account of a comet leen April 9 1766 - ^ Brice — —— Thoughts concerning comets IVinthorp — — — Extraft of two letters on a new comet obfervcd Jin. ID, 1771, at Paris MeJJler — — A difquifition of the periodical time of the co- met of 1770 - - Lexell Compass, Undertakings concerning the variation of the magnetical compafs, and the inclination of the inclinatory needle, as the refult and conclufion of 38 years magnetical ftudy Bond A theory of the variation of the magnetical compals - - Halley — — - Letter concerning a new fort of a magnetical compals ; with leveral curious magnetical ex- periments - De ia Hire - ^ he variation of the compafs, or magnetical P 2 »i3 Tranf, L 4S3 LI 93 — 94 — 465 — 466 •— 467 — 469 -635 Lll 581 LIIl :. AbriJg. LIV 151 LV 294 LVI57 — 66 LVII 132 LXI 104 LX:X 68 VIII 6065 XIII 208 XVI 344 1 587 II 610 — 620 needle. ri4. C O M needle, in the Atlanuck and Ethiopick. Oceans, 1706 - - AliiX-iVPll — — — Some remarks on the variations of the nvio;ne- tical compals, pubiifticd in the Memoirs ot the Academy of Sciences, with regard to tht general chart of thofe variations made by E. Halley ; as alio concerning the longitude of the Magellan Strcights - Hallry — — — The vaiiation of the magnetical compafs ob ferved in a pafiiige from Cape St. Lucar, in CahM'.jrni^, to tlie iile of Guan, or Guana, om of tiie Ladronea ; with fome remarks thereoi Roga s — — A new and cxa^fl table, collected from feverai obfervations taken in four voyages to Kudfon's Bay fiom London-, fliewing die v:;riat!on of the magnetica! needle, or fea compafs, in the pathway to the faid bay, according to the fe- verai longitudes and latitudes^ froir 1721 to 1725 - - A^iddleton ■ A new and exacTc table colle^led from feverai obfervations taken from the year 1721 to 1729, in nine voyages to Hudfon's Bay, in North America : fhevving the variation of the com- pafs, according to the latitudes and longitudes, accounting the longitude from the meridian of London - - Middleton • — ' The ufe of a new azimuth-compafs for finding the variation of the compafs, or magnetic needle, at fea, with greater cafe and exaetneft^ than by any yet contrived for that purpofe Middleton ——- A letter fliewing, that the elcdricity of glafs difturbs the mariner's compafs, and alfo nice balances - - Robins ■'■ On the effecls of lightening in deflroyin^j the polarity of the mariner's compafs ; to which arc fubjoined, fome remarks by Gowin Knight ,_ -_ - iVaddelJ ■■ ■ ■ A dcfcription of a mariner's compafs contrived by Gowin Knight — — An account of lome improvements of the ma- riner's compafs, in order to render the card and needle pro))ofed by Dr. Knight of general ufc - - Smeatoii — — The ■variation of the compafs ; containing 1719 obfQrvationb to, in, and from, the Eaft Indies, 7 Trani. XXV 2433 XXIX 165 XXXI 173 XXZiV 73 XXXVII 7 XL 395 XLIV 242 XLVI 1 1 1 — 505 Abridir. IV 453 VI 2 286 297 — - 300 VIII 374 X328 X 69s — 689 — 693 Guinea, CON Tranf, LXVIII1057 Guinea, Weft Indies, and Mediterranean, with tiie latitudes and longitudes at the time of cbfervations - Douglas LXVI 18 Tiasft of his majel^y's armed brig Lion, from England to Davis's Srreights and Labrador ; with obfervations for determining the longi- tudes by fun and moon, and errors of com- mon reckoning ; alfo the variation of thecom- pafs and dip- of the needle, as obferved during the faid voyage in i^y'S Fkherfgili - ■'- See Njedle. Conception. An account of the difTedion of a bitch I whofe cornua uteri being filled with the bones andfl.rn of a former c-nception, had, after a fecond conception, the ova affixed to fevcral i parts of the abdomen - ^non. • A letter on a falfc conception Cole Account of the bones of a foetus voided per anum, fome years after conception Morley ■ An account of an extra -uterine conception Myddelton Concoction. A fliort difcourfe concerninfr concoc O tion - - Haver Concretions (Anatomy). The figures of fome ve- ry extraordinary calculous concretions found in the kidney of a woman - iMcai Concretions (Natural hiftory). A letter concern- i ing certain chalky tubulous concretions, called malm - - Nee:iham - An account of two giants caufvvays, or groups of prifmatic bafaltine columns, and '_,the! ' volcanic concretions, in the Venetian ftate in Italy ; with fome remarks on the cha- rafters of thefe and other fimilar bodies, and ■ on the phyfical geography of the countries in which they are found - Strange LXV 5 Conductor. An account of the appearance of lightening on a conduflor, fixed from the fum- mit of the main-maft of a Ihip down to the water - - h'bui LX il *■ ' ■ An account of the efFecls of lightening; on a houfe whicn was furnilhed with a pointed con- ductor, at Tenterden in Kent; to which are added, fome remarks by Mr. Henley Haffenden LXV 336 ■ New experiments and obfervations on the na- ture and ufe of cojiduaprs IVilfon LXVIII 245 XIII 1S3 XV 1045 XIX 486 XLIII 336 XXI 233 XLIV 465 XLII 634 '15 Abrid^. II 904 III 220 XI loio 11195 XI icoi VIII 732 Ex- xi6 G O N — — Experiments ine!e£lricity ; being an attempt to fhcw the advantage of elevjiied condu^ors New cxper'in'.cnts upon the Leyden phial, re- lpe om ■ • - Go'z.e . . JVall - An ;3Ccount of fome extraordinary efFefts arif- ing from convulfions - JV. O^'atfon Cookery. An account of the Moorifh way of drel- fino; their meat (with ibme remarkb) in Weft Baibary, from Cape Spartel to Cape de Geet - - - - Jones Copernicus. An account of a portrait of Coperni- cus, prefented to the Royal Society by ]3r. Wolf of Daiitzit- k - IVolf Copper. Account of the copper-mine at Herrn Ground in Hungary » Br:wn Tranf. IV 1135 XIII 335 XIV 431 XIX 597 L 525 I 138 LXVIII97 XXXVII 195 XL 61 XV 1 1 13 ~ III5 XXII 756 XLIIi 212 L518 — 521 — 836 — 743 XXI 248 LXVIIp.i f33 1 V 1042 Ab ridg. II 3^3 III 465 473 — 10 VI 2 33' IX 160 III 35 — 36 V 355 XI 1044 III 626 i8 COP COR The method, manner, and order of the tranf- matation of copper into brafs, &c. Povey Letters concerning feveral copper- mines, in an- fwer to feme queries of Dr. Lifter Dav:es The method, manner, and order of tranfmuting of copper into brafs, &c. - Povey An account of an human body found in a cop per-mine Z eye! , Letter concerning the copper-fprings in the county of Wicklow, in Ireland Henry — — Second letter concerning the coppcr-fprinps in the county of Wicklow, in Ireland Hnry — A letter containing experiments on the copper- fprings in Wicklow, in Ireland, and o'oferva- tions thereon - - Bond ■• An account of the copper-fprings lately difco- vered in Pennfylvania - Ruti) ■ Attual fire in detonation, produced by the con- tact of tinfoil, with the fait compofed of cop- per and the nitrous acid - Hlggim • A new method of aflaying copper-ore Fordyce Copperas. An account of the way of making Eng lifli gret n copperas - Colwall Coral. Some obferyations, on coral, large oyfters, rubies, the growing of a fort of Ficus Indica, the gods of the Ceylanefe, he. made in Ccilan - - - Strachah — — A defcnption of forae corals, and other curious fubmarmes, lately fent from the Philippine Ifles by G. J. Camel i - Petiver ■ Microfcopical obfervations on the pumice (lone, coral, fpunges, &c. - Lecwenhoek ■ Micro'copicai obfervations on red coral - - - LeevJenhoek — — New difcoveries relating to the hiflory of coral - - - Donati An account of a MS treatife fent to the Roya! Society, intituled, *' A treatife upon coral, and feveral other produdlions of the fea, in order to illultrate the natural hiftory thereof," by the Sieur de PeylTonel fV, li'aifon .. Letter concerning the formation of corals and corallines - - Parfom ... An account of a curious flefliy coral-like iub {lance, with fomc obfervations on it by Mr John Lllis - - ^chlojjc Tranf, XVII 735 — 737 XXII 474 XXXlII 136 XLVII 500 XLVIII 94 — 181 XLIX 648 LXIII 137 LXX 30 XII 1058 XXIII 1248 ~ 1419 XXIV 2158 XXVI 126 XLVII 95 — 445 — 505 XLIX 449 Abrldg. VI 2 2O4. V 2 18 IV 2 286 VI 2 267 Ex- COR -*=-*— Extra6l of a letter giving an account of coral, and that it is a maCs of animals of" the polype^ kind - - Trembley •- An account of a red coral from the Eaft Indies of a very fingular kind - hlis • ■ See Polypus. Coralline. Obfervations on a remarkable coralline Ellis A letter concerning the animal life of thofe co- rallines that look like minute trees, and grow upon oyfters and fucus's all around the fea- coaft of this kingdom - Ellis — — Letter concerning a fpecies of corallines Ellis - An account of fome fungitse, and other curious coralloid foffil bodies - Pennant — — Obfervations on corallines, and the polypus's and other fea animals living on them Bafter Remarks on the above obfervations Ellis ' An hillorical memoir concerning a genus of plants, called Lichen by Micheli, Hailer, and Linnaeus, and comprehended by Dillenius un- der the terms, ufnea, coralloides, and lich- noides; tending principally to illuftrate their fever al ufes - - ' W. IVatfon ■ Letter on the animal nature of the genus of zoophytes called corallina - Ellis — An account of the adlinia fociata, or cluftcred animal-flower, lately found on the fea-coafts of the new-ceded iflands - Ellis CoRBRiDGE. See Antiquities, Cord. Part of a letter concerning the improvement of the weather-cord - Arderon Cork. A courfe of experiments to afcertaln the fpe cific buoyancy of cork indifferent waters ; the refpe£live weights and buoyancy of falc water and freih water; and for determining the exa£l weight of human and other bodies in fluids - - - IVilkinfon CoR Leonis. An obfervation on an occultaiion of cor leonis by the moon, on Thurfday, March 12, 1747, in Surrey Street in the Street, Lon- don, with a reflei^ling telefcope, made by Mr. Short, which magnified about 100 times Bevis Corn. Letter concerning the fmut of corn \ tranf- lated from the French by T. S. Pluche - ■ A letter with fome microfcopical obfervations on 119 Tranf. L 59 — 188 XLVIII 115 — 627 — 5^4 AbriJg. XLIX 5^3 L 258- — 280 — 652 LVII 404 -— 428 XLIV 169 LV95 XLIV 455 XLI 357 X453 — no VIII 817 the 120 COR Tranf. the farina of the red lily, and of worms difco- vered in fmutty corn - Needhom XLTI 634. An account of the maize, or Indian corn Cooke XLVl 205 Cornea. Obfervations upon incilions of the cornea _ . ^ - Gandolphe XXVI 387 . The cafe of a wound in the cornea of the eye, cured by - ^i ham as Baker XLI 1 35 Extra6l of a letter concerning the particulars of the cure of a wound in the cornea, and of a laceration of the uvea in the eye of a wom.an Jery XLV 4I I . A defcriptlon of a new method of opening the cornea, in order to extraft the cryflalline hu- mour - - Sharp^LVm 161 A fecond account of a new method of opening the cornea for taking away the cataraft Shaj-p — qi2 See Catara^i, Couching^ Eye^ CoRKUA Uteri. An account of the difTeflion oT a bitch, whofe cornua uteri being filled with the bones and flelh of a former conception, had after a fecond conception, the ova affixed to feveral parts of the abdomen Anon. XIII 183 Cornel. An account of the cornel caterpillar Skelton XLV 281 Cornish Diamonds. An enquiry into the original ftate and properties of fpar and fparry produc- tions, particularly the ipars or cryftals found in the Cornifh rnines, called the Cornifh dia- monds - - Borlace XLVI 250 CoRNUA Ammonis. A letter concerning fome ver- tebra of ammonite, or cornua ammonis Miles — 37 Cornwall. An account of fome mmeral obferva tions touching the mines of Cornwall and De von ; wherein is defcribed the art of training a load; the art and manner of digging the ore, and tlie way of dreffingand blowing tin Jnon. VI 2096 . The improvement of Cornwall by Tea fand-^woH. X 293 See Antiquities, Barrows. Corona Solis Marina Americana. Obferva- tions upon the corona folis marina Americana ; the American fca fun- crown Peyjfonel L 84^) CoRONOPUS. Letter concerning the ufe of the ftar o\ tlie earth, cc/ronopus, or buck's-horn plantain in the cure of the bite of a mad dcg Steward XL 449 Corruption. Divers means for preferving from cor- ruption dead birdi, intended to be fer.t to re- mote countries, fo thr.t they may arrive there in good condition. Some of the fame mear.s Abridg. VIII 817 V286 [X 121 Xi 954 II 904 X642 — 641 11365 — 729 VIII 83 may COR COW may be employed for preferving quadrupeds reptiles, fifhes, and iqfecls Reaumur Cortex ELEUTHERiiE. An account cf the quanti ty of refin in the cortex eleutherijc Brown Cortex Peruvianus. See Bark. Cortex Winteranus. An account of the true cortex winteranus, and the tree that bears it - - - Shane — — ■ See Cinnamon Tree. Costerus. See Printing. Costive. An extraordinary cafe of a coftive perfon, with a note, by W. Cowper Sherman Cotton. Microfcopical obfervations on the corneous fibres of a mufcle, and the cortical and me duilar part of the brain ; as alfo of moxa and cotton - - Leewenhoek -■ An extra£l of a letter containing microfcopi cal obfervations on the feeds of cotton - - - Leewenhoek Couching. An account of fome obfervations made by a young gentleman who was born blind, or loft his fight fo early, that he had no remem brance that he had ever feen, and was couched between 13 and 14 years of age CheJJelden ■ See Catara£i^ Cornea^ Eye. Coughs. Hiftorical account of the late general coughs and colds, with lome obfervations on other epidemical diftempers Molyneux • Letter concerning a fubftance coughed up re femblingthe veflels of the lungs Bujfiere — — An account of a polypus coughed up by the wind-pipe - - Samber — — A cafe wherein part of the lungs were coughed up - - PF. Watfon — — Cafes of the remarkable effefts of blifters in lef- fening the quicknefs of the pulfe in coughs, attended with infarftion of the lungs and fever Whyit Cow. Letter concerning the bones of a dead foetus taken out of the uterus of a cow Sherman • An account of fome trials to cure the ill tafte of milk, which is occafioned by the food of cows, cither from turnips, cabbages, or au- tumnal leaves, &c j alfo to fweeten ftinking water - . Hales — — * See Caitlfy Dijiemper. 0.3 Tranf. XLV 309 XXXII 81 XVII 922 XXIV 2111 XII 899 XVII 949 XXXV 447 xvin 105 XXII 545 XXXIV 262 XLI 623 L 569 XXVI 450 XLIV 339 t2I ' Abrldg. VII 738 II 666 ^273 III 684 - 685 VI 2 251 III 271 — 68 VII 503 IX 137 V54 Cow C R A CRY Cow . made of Crab. Sonis obfprvatlons on the cancer Further obrcrvations ' — — L'.'ttcr concerning the iBeHs of cr&bs CraBs Eves. Leucr concernino; cr?.bs eye Shiddh.rm Tranf. XLV 249 XLiV 70 XLV!l4o — 439 XXii 672 XLV 174 XLI 557 V 2074 XXII 799 XXXVI 194 LIV 24 (Sea). Accour.t of t.hc Tea cow, anci the ufe made of ic i.oilinfoh C'Alinfor. Par J urn A letter Cv.nicernin'j; an extraordinary fifli. called in Ruffia quab, and concernirg theitone^ called crabs eyes - Baker Crab Stones. An obfervation of the immoderatt and fatabufe of crab ftones, and fuch like ab- forbent earths ; and from- whence have pro- ceeded flones in the ilomach and reins Breynha Crab Trees. How to multiply crab ilocks, and propagate tices by layers - 7o>igc Cr.AM'.'. An account of an extraordinary crainp _ - - FrtAnd Crake. Some obfervations on the crane, with im- provements on that machme DefaguUen The defcription of a new and fafe crane which has four different powers, invented by Fergujon Credibility. A calculation upon the credibility of human teftimony - Amn, Crispin'A.. See Coin, Crocus Autumn alis Sativus.. See Saffjo^. Crocodiles. An account of lacerta (crocodilus) veirtre-marfupio donato, faucibus merganferis roflrum xmulantibus - Edxvards Crot.on .-^plcatum. a defcription and figure of thi croton fpicatum, a new fpecies of plant from America - - Be3giu:\ LVIII 132 Crounian Lectures. See Afujclts. Croyland. See Shrine. Crural Art ERY. See Jrttry. Ckust. Of hydatides inclofed with a flony cruft in the kidney of a fheep - Cowpcr i Crystal. An obfervation of optick glafies made cr Irock-cryhal - - ' Dtvini ^ - Account of iundry experiment- made u[)cn cr\ftal-i)ke body lent from Jfland Barthoin. • Refl'.6lions coricerning the formation of cryfla' -\ ' - - Lanc^ — — Of the origin of white vitriol, and the figure of its-cryflals, not yet accounted for Lijh — A letter containing fome inicrofcopical obferva- XXI J59 XLIX ,639, Abriikr. X 864 II S31 XI 876 IX 171 II 752 V 208 XXV 2304 1 362 V 2039 VII 4068 XXI 331 III 662 V54 1 195 II 465 — 537 tions C R Y cue tions upon the cryfiai;;/,ccl particles of filvei dillblvcd in aquafoitis - Leewnihoek A defcripti-n of feme rare cryflals Idtely difco- ypj-ed - - Scheuczer An account of pcrfeft minute cryftal ftones _ - - Parjons An enquiry into the original ftare and pro- perties of fpar and fparry produ6lions, par- ticularly the fpars orcryilals found in the Cor- nilh mines, called the Cornifh diamonds - . - B or lace — - An account of the double refiadlions in cryftals _ - - Bfcca-'ia ■ An attempt to account for tlie formation ot fpa! b and cryuals - 1^'n^ On the cryllallizations obferved on glafs Keir Crystalline. Letter concerning the icy and cry Italline mountain of Helvetia, called the Gletfcher - - Muraliu » .-- A farther defcription and reptefentation of the icy mountain called the Gletfcher, in the can ton of Berne, in Helvetia - "juftel Crystalline Humours, An extracEl of a letter containing microfcopical obfervations on cry ftalline humours - Leewenhoek ■■ A delcription of a new method of opening the cornea, in order to extraft the cryilalline hu mour - - Sharp Cube. Of the weight of a cubic foot of divers orain - Phil. Soc, at 'Oxford Further lift of fpecific gravities of bodies ibid. — — Cubic and biq'iadratic equation conftrudted by a parabola and circle - Hailey » ■■ The fpecific giavity of feveral metalhne cubes in companion with their like bulks of water - - - Haukjhee A method of extending Cardan's rule for e- folving one cafe of a cubick equation x qx ~ r to the other cafe of the fame equaiion, which it is not naturally fitted to folve, and vv'hich is therefore called the irreducible cafe Maferes Maferes • Of cubic equations and infinite feries Hutton CuCKOW. A defcription of a new fpecies of cuekow - - - Sparrman Tranf. XXVII 20 XXXIV 260 XLIII 468 123 Abridg. V^ 2 267 VI 2 226 X 612 XLVI 250 — 642 LIT 486 LVK 58 LXVl 530 IV 9S2 1X465 VIII 6191 XVII 949 Ill 685 XLVIII 161. XV 926 — 927 I 522 — 523 XVI ZoS XXVII 521 LXVIII 902 LXX 85 - 387 Lxv:i p. I. fol. 2^. H A T14 CUN CUR A defcriptlon of the cuculus laevis ceruleo fla- vcTcens cui in fupremo Branchiarum opercula; or the yellow gurnard - ^Y^" Cl'NTUR. An account of a prodigious large feather of the bird cuntur, brought from Chili, and fuppofed to be a kind of vultur Sloane Cup. An attempt to explain an antient Greek in- fer! ption engraven upon a curious bronze cup with two handles, and publifhed with a draught of the cup by Dr. Pocock, in his de(cription of the Eall, vol. II. part II. page 207 IVard Cupping. A farther account of fome experiments of injefting claret, &c. into the abdomen after cupping - - fVarrick Cupping-Glasses. On the application of an air- pump to cupping-glalTes - Luffkin • Letter concerning the application of the pneumatick engine to cupping-glafles Luffkin Core. An extraordinary cure of a horfe that was flaked into his ftomach - fVallii .. . - An abftra6t of a remarkable cafe and cure of a woman from whom a foetus was extrafted, which had been lodged in one of the fallopian tubes thirteen years - Mounfey XLV 131 Curiosities. Account of fome natural ones from New England - IVimhrop V 115 1 •— Extract of >vo letters from Rome, concerning fome ftatues, pictures, and other curiofities, found in a fubterraneous town lately difcovered near Naples - - Paderni XLI 484 Extraft of another Xtv.n- on the fame lubjedl - - - Knapton — 489 Extradl of another letter on the fame fubjeft Crifpe — 493 Currants. An extraft of a letter containing mi- crofcopical obfervations on currants Letwenhoek XVII 949 — — Some obfervations concerning the virtue of the jelly of black currants in curing inflammations in the throat - - Baker XLI 655 Current. An account of the current of the tides about the Orcades - Anon. VIII 6139 A conjefture about an under-current at the Streights mouth - Thomas Smith XIV ^64 — — Of the currents at the Streights mouth Anon. XXXlIi 19: Obfervations upon the currents of the fea at the Antilles of America - PeyJJmel\ XLIX 624 Mediterranean - PeyJ[onel\ — 634. Tranf. XXIV 1749 XVIII 6: XLVI 4S8 XLIX 485 XXI 287 — 408 XIX 118 Abridg, IV 2 181 II 860 XI 1278 III 265 XI 1202 II 832-3 III 564 IX 440 — 442 — 444 -685 VIII 838 II 290 — 288 VI 2 171 Bizcrty CURV CUR Bizerty In Barbary, 1724 - PeyJJhnd Marfeilles - - Pe7[Jonci Bonne (called alfo Hipone) in Barbary Peyjjhnei E. Short and ealy method of drawing tangems to all geometrical curves, without any labour of calculation - - Slufiui Ealy vvi^y of demonftrating his method of draw- ing tangents to all iorts of curves, without any Ubour of calculation - Slufius Analytic inveftigation of the curve of quickefi defcent •• - ^auit Some eafy methods for the meafuring of curve- lined ;.gures, plain and Iblid fVallis The me^iod of Squaring any kind of curves, or reducing them to more fimple curves De Moivre Of the tangents of curves deduced immediately from the theory of Maxima and Minima Ditton The curve affigned by Caffini to the planets a? their orbit, confidered and reje£led Gregory On the length of curve lines - Craig A ready defcription and quadrature of a curve of the third order, refembling that commonly calud the foliate - De Moivre Treatife on the conftrudion and meafure of curves - - Maclaurin A new univerfal method of defcribing all curves of every order, by the help only of given an files and ri«ht lines - Maclaurin Id o ..... The genera^ quadrature of trmomial hyperbolic curves contained in two theorems Klingerjlein A general method of defcribing curves by the im^rfection of right lines ; moving about points in a given plane - Brakenridge A letter concerning the defcription of curve lines - - Maclaurin An abftract of what has been printed lincc the year 1721? as a fupplement to a treatife con- cerning the defcription of curve lines publifhed in 1719, and of what the author propofes to add to that fupplement - Maclaurin Of the cardoide curve, fo called from its figure - - - Cajiilioneui A general invcfligaiion of the nature of the curve, formed by the ftiadow of a prolate fphe- roid, upon a plane ftanding at right angles to the axis of the Ihadcw - Wiuheli I Tranf. XLIX 635 — 637 -638 VII 5143 VIII 6059 XX 425 XXII 547 XXIII 1113 — 1333 XXIV 1704 XXVI 64 XXIX 329 XXX 803 -- 939 XXXVII 45 XXXIX 25 - 143 125 Abridg. I — 148 XLI 778 LVII 28 I 18 — 21 — 463 -5S IV 15 — 7 — 206 — 43 ■— 24 — 5^ — 57 VI 82 VIII 58 — loS '26 CUR C YD " A fpeclmen of a new method of comparing cur vilineal areas; by which many fuch areas may be compared, as have not yet appeared to be comparable by any other method Landen ' Some new theorems for co^-Hputing the areas of certain curved Imcs - Landen Dueclions for making the beft compofition for the metals of re tie fling telefcopes ; together with a defcription of the procefs for grinding, poiifliing, and giving the great fpeculum the true parabolic curve ^ - Mudge CusANUs. Sec Cycloid, CusTOiMs. Extradts of feme letters on the cuftoms, manners and language of the northern Indians of America - - Johnfon CuTicuLA. Microfcopical obferrations concerning the cuticula - Lecwenhoek Microfcopical obfervarions about the cuticula - - - Leewenboek CuTicuLAR Glove. See ^h'm. Cutting, Margaret. See ^pnch^ Tongue. Cyanus. Account of the Cyanus foliis radicalibus partim integris, partim pinnatis, bradea ca- lycis ovali, flore fulphurco - Haller Cycle. A method for finding the number of the Ju lian period for any year afligned ; the number of the cycle of the fun ; the cycle of the moon, and of the indiftions for the fame year being given ; together with a dcmonftration of that method - - Collin. Cycloid. A dcmonftration of the fynchronifm of the vibrations made in a cycloid Anon Letter alTerting the hrft invention and dcmon- ftration of the equality of the curve line of a paraboloid to a ftrait line to Mr. Wm. Ncile; and next the finding a ftrait line equal to that ot a cycloid, and of the parts thi-rcof to Sir Chriftopher Wren - IValli Another letter to the fume purpofeior^i^r^i/^/fr Another - - Wren Letter concerning the fpaccs in the cycloid, which a e perfectly quadrable IVnlln Letter concerning the cycloid known tocardir.al Cufanus about the year 145O, and to Carolus Bovillus about 15OO - lyailis Cyder. Of an excellent liquor made with cydtr - atopics and mulberries - Coicprtj: Tranf. LVIII 174 LX 441 LXVII 296 LXIII 142 IX 121 XIV 568 XLIII 94 n 568 VIII 6032 — 6146 — 6149 — 6150 XVIII III XIX 561 II 502 Abridg. in 683 — 684 X 702 III 399 I 462 116 Some CY« DAM Some communications concerning cyder ReeS Some confiderations of what choice of apples for the delicacy of the liquor in peculiar fea- fons ; and for eafy and fpeedy propagation : pears for fome lands proper ; their choice for manifold ufes, efpecialiy for pleafanr, or foi laftinij liquor; and how to be planted or or- dered to the W:{\. advantage - Bed — • An account of foine improvements which may be made ill cydtT and perry - MIL Cygnu?. a figure of the ftars in the confiellation of Cygnus ; together with the new (tar in it, dif- covered fome years iince, and very lately feen by M. Hevelius again - Hevrlius ■■■ ' ■-' See Sivan. Cylinders. The bed proportions for fteam-engine cylinders of a given content confidered Blakv Cylindroio. The generation of an hyperbolical cylindroid demonftrated, and the application thereof for grinding hyperbolical glaff;s, hint- ed at - - Wren Cyprus. A letter concerning tiie Cyprus of the an- tients - - Garcin CvsTis. Cafe of a large quantity of matter or water contained in cyftis's or bags adhering to the peritonaeum, and not communicating with the cavity of the abdomen - Graham — — An account of an extraordinajy cyftis in the li ver, full of water - Jernegan D. DALMATIA. Obfervations on travels from Venice, through Iftria, Dalmatia, Greece, and the Ar- chipelago to Smyrna - Vernon Dampier's Powder. The effe«Sls of Dampier's powder in curing the bite of a mad dog Fuller Another cafe drawn up by - - Hartley and Sandys Damps (fn mines, pits, &:c.) A relation of perfons killed with fubterraneous damps Moray Letter concerning the damps in the mines of Hungary, and their effeds Browne — - Extra£l of a letter containing fome obfervations about damps - - Lijur R Tranf. VI 2128 1 — 2144 XLIII 515 I 372 XLVII 197 IV 961 XLV 564 XLI 708 XLIII 30s XI 573 XL 272 — 274 I 44 IV 965 X391 X27 Abridg, 1165b [ U5: X74I IX 187 XI 971 IX 224 — 224 II 373 — 375 A 17\ DAN DAT Tranl. A letter containing a farther account of damp in mines - - Jd/^/' X 450 Obfervations on a fubteiranean fire in a coa mine near Newcaftle - Hod^Joi] XI 762 A relation of feme ft.an^e pha^nomena, accon panied with mifchievous effects in a'cole-vvoi in Flintfliire - Mofiyh XII 895 An account of the burning of ftvcra! hay-ricks by a fierv exhalation or damp : and of the in- fcdtious quality of the gral"» of i'evcral grounds Fkyd XVIII 49 Farther account of the fiery exhalation in Me- rionydhfliire - - Lhwyd An attempt made to fhew how damps or foul air may be drawn out of any fort of mines, Sec. bv an engine - Defagnlien, XXXV" 353 A brief account of fome of the effefts and pro- perties of damps, from obfervations of the ef fe£ts of opening an old well at Bofion in New England, July 19, 1729 Gr^^wtyW XXXVI 184 An account of the damp air In a coal-pit of Sir James Lowther, Bart, funk within 20 yards of the fea - - Zow;//;t7-XXXVIIIi09 An experiment to (hew that fome damps in mines may be occafioned only by the burning of candles under ground, without the addition of any noxious vapour, even when the bot torn of the pit has a communication with the outward air, unlefs the outward air be forci bly driven in at the faid communication o pipe - - Defagid'un X X X 1 X 2 1 An obfervation of an extraordinary damp in a well in the Ifie of Wight - CookA XL 379 — — See Flame. Dantzick. a relation of an inland fea near Dant- zick, yeilding at a certain feafon of the year a green fubftance, which caufeth certain death - - Kirkhy VII 4069 Darien. Part of a journal kept from Scotland to New Caledonia in Darien, with a (hort ac- count of that country - Wallace XXII 536 DAttKNEh?. An account of a remarkable darknefs a Detroit in America, 06t. 19, 1762 Stirli-ig LIII 6 Date. An account of an antlcnt mantle-tree in Noriliamptonftiirr, on which the date of it (for the year 1133) it expr lied by the nume ALndg. j 11376 — 3S3 ' I -378 — 181 — 180 VI 2 193 — - 195 VIII 6c6 - ^'58 II 491 ill 561 r«i DAT DE A yA figures, vvlilch fliews the great antiquity of thofe figure's in England - iVallh *— — — Extract of a letter concerning an antient date found at Widge Hall in Hcrtfordfliire Ccpc Remarks on tlie above date IVr.rd Further account of it - Gulfto)! i Roinarks upon an antient date, over a gateway, near tlie cathedtal at VVorcellci" fVard —— — An account of an antient date in Arr.bian fi- gures, uj'on the north front of the parilh church of Rumfey in Hampihire Barhu^ — — A brief inq^uiry into the reading of two dates in Arabian figures cut upon flones, which were found in Ireland - /Ao/vf ■■■ A defcription of an antient date in Arabian fi gures at Walling, near Aldermanflon, Berk Ihire - - ff^ard Date-Stones. An extract of a letter containing: microfcopical obfervations on date flones Leewcnhoek Davenport (Ann). The cafe of Ann Davenport - - - Fynney Davis's Quadrant. A defcription of a water-level to be fixed to Davis's quadrant, whereby an obfervation may be taken at lea in thick and hazy weather without feeing the horizon - - - Leigh Davis's Streights. Track of his majefly's armed brig Lion, from England to Davis's Straights and Labrador ; with obfervations for deter- mining the longitude by fun and moon, and error of common reckoning; alfo the variation of the compafs and dip of the needle, as ob- ferved during the faid voyage in 1776 Picker/gill Day, Letter propofing a new place for the firft meri- dian, and pretending to evince the equality of all natural days ; as alfo to fhew a way of knowing the true place of the moon Jnon. Anfwered by - Flamjlead — — A letter concerning a very cold day, and an- other a very hot day, in June and July 1749 Milei Dead Bodies. A letter concerning the body of a woman found in a morafs in the Ifle of Ax- holm in Lincolnfhire - Stovin R 2 119 Tranf. Abridsr. 0 XIII 599 I 107 XXXIX 119 1X420 — 120 — 421 — 122 — 136 . XLI652 — 432 XLIII 283 XI 1260 XLV 603 — 1267 XLII 949 III 685 LXVII 458 'L4I3 LXVIIII057 X42S — 429 XLVI 208 XLIV571 VIII 360 I 270 X47I ?3« D E A Art account of the dead bodies of a man and woman who were pre'erved 49 years in the Mo< rs in Derbyfliire - Balgu Extraft of feveral letters concerning; a body found in a vault in the church of Stavtr- ton in Devonfliire, iniire, after bL-ing buried upwards of 80 years Huxham and Tripe Some account of a body lately found in uncommon preftrvation under the ruins of the abbey at St. Kdmundfbury, Suffolk; with feme lefleftions upon the fub)t(ft CoUignon Dead Sea. Experiments by way of analyfis upon the water of the dead fea, upon the hot fprings near Tiberiades, and upon Hammon Pharoan water - - Perry Deafness. An account of an experiment concern ing deafnefs - - Holdir ■■ . - Method of inftru6iing perfons deaf and dumb IFallis . . - An account of a young lady born deaf and «lumb taught to fpeak - Ellis — — — An account of two deaf perfons who can fpeak and underftand one another by the motion of the lips - - Waller •— A relation of a deaf and dumb pcrfoa who re- covered his hearing and fpeech after a violent fever : with fome other m.-dical and chirur^i- cal obfervations - Martin " A tneth'jd propofed to rcflore the hearing, when injured from an obHrudfion of the tuba enfta- chiana - - If^cthen f" Upon the found and hearing of fifties by Jac. '1 lieod. Klein ; or fome account of a truitift intitled, An enquiry into the reafons why the author of an epifllc concerning the hearing of fiflies, endeavours to prove they arc all mute and deaf - - Brocklejhy See Speech. DiiAL Rod. The defcription of an hygrometer made of a deal rod - Arderon Dean. An account of the iron works in the forcit of Dean - - Powle Deaths. Some obfervations on the motion of dil- eafes, and on the births and deaths of men, and other animals, in different times of tiie Ni/;^C»i/-i«^t» - - Pofchclil — — . Ao i'Ccouni of the opening of the body of ;< Tranf. XXXVIII413 XLVII 253 LXil 465 XLII 48 III 665 XX 353 XXIII 1416 XXV 2468 — 2469 XLIV 213 XLV 233 XLIV 184 X1193I XVII 815 Ab ridg. 1 VIII 706 — 645 Ill 42 — 393 V2 134 - ""~ • • 219 — 357 1 XI 883 X ' 757 11 558 III 3'^ boy DE A DEE boy who died faddenly, and what obfervable was found therein - Piejion . . Oblervations on the death of a dog, on firing a volley of fmall fhot - U.^rl Obfervations on a cafe publifheJ in the laft vc lume of the Medical hilays, ^c. of lecover. in, or death-warch ; ferving to the more perfect natural hirtory of that infe£t - - - Derham An account of the fcarabaeus galeatus pulfator, or ihe death-watch Stackhoufe Decimal. See FraSlions. Di:cLiN ATioN. Some remarks upon the method of obferving the differences of right afcenfion and declination by crofs hairs in a celefcope Ha'ley ' Defcriptinn of a method of meafuring differ- ences of ri2;ht afcenfion and declination with Dollond's micrometer; together with other new applications of the fame Maf^clyne A difcourfe concerning, tiie large horns fre- Debr. quently four.d under ground in Ireland; con- cluding from them, that tlie grt-at American deer, ca led a nioofe, was tormerly common in that ifland - Molyncux Method of catching fowl and deer in the ifland of Ceilan - - Strachan A defcription of the moofe deer of New Eng- land - - Dudley Dale Tranf. XIX 362 — 779 XLIII 27s — 447 LXII 447 XX 376 XXII 832 XXIV 1586 XXXIII 159 XXXI 113 LXI 536 XIX 489 XXIII 1094 XXXI 6< XXXIX 384 Abfidg. 11132 — 650 XI 969 — 106S 11785 V 27 — 8 VII 407 VI 165 II 432 V 2 179 134 DEG DEL Trr.nf. XLI 235 XLIV 124 XLI 383 LVI 119 LVIII 15 m Account of the horn of a large deer found in the heart of an oak - Chrk An account of two extraordinary deers horns, found under ground in diiferent parts of York- fliire - - Knowlton Degree. Letter concerning a place in New York for meafurin^: a decree of latitude Alexander — — Propofal of a method for meafuring degrees on longitude upon parallels of the equator iVlitchem Letter containinc; a fliort account of the mea-; furement of three degrees of latitude under the meridian of Vienna - Li^f^anig\ — — Introduction to the followins: obfervations made J, by Ch, Mafon and Jer. Dixon, for determin-j ing the length of a degree of latitude in thej provinces of Maryland and Pcnnfylvania, inj North America - Alajkclynt^ — 270 Obfervations, he. Mafon and Dixon\ -^ 274 Length of a degree of latitude in the province* of Maryland and Pennfylvania, deduced from the obfervations of Mefl", Malbn and Dixon - - - AhJkJyne — 323 Kepler's method of computing the moon's pa- rallaxes in folar eclipfes, demonflrared and ex- tended to all degrees of the moon's latitude ; as alfo to the ailigning the moon's corrcfpon- clent apparent diameter: togeiher with a con- cile application of this form of calculation to thofe eclipfes - - Pemherton LXI 437 Delgovicia. Extrat^ of a letter concerning the fi- tuation of the antient town Delgovitia - - - KnowUon XLIV lOO A difTertation on the fituation of the antient Roman ftation of Dclgovitiu in YorkQiire - - - Eurioni -—541 Delirium. Account of one who had no ear to mu- fic naturally, finging feveral tunes when in ai delirium - - Doddridgk — 596 Cafe of the efficacy of bark in the delirium of a fever - - AlnncHey\ L 609 Deluge. Some confideratlons about thecaufe of the UHiverfal deluge - //a%|XXXIII 118 Some further thoughts on the fame ILillcy\ — 123 An extraft of a philofophical account of a new' opinion concerning the origin of petrefaflions found in the carili, which has hitherto been Abridjr. Vill 847 X 601 XI 1245 — 1246 X 1084 VI 2 I 4 afcribed DEN DEW afcrlbed to the unlverfal deluge, by Lazzan Moio Ant'inio - Ehrhan An attempt to account for the univcrfal delugt Denarius. See Coin. Denmark. Remarks in a late journey into Den- mark, and Holland - OUvcr Density. An accounc of an experiment touchin-j the different dcnfities of common water from the greatefl degrees of heat in our climate, to the freezing point obferved by a thermometer - - - Haukjhce — — An enquiry concerning the figure of fuch pla- nets as revolve about an axis, fuppofing ihc denfity continually to vary from the center to the furface - Clairant « An elfay on the coime^lion between the paral- laxes of the lun and moon ; their denlities, and their difturbing motions on the ocean Murdoch ■ An account of tlie calculations made from the furvey and meafures taken at Schehallien, in order to ascertain the mean denfity of the earth - - - Hutton ■■ See Jir. Dentaria Heptaphylos. An account of aphyl- lon and dentaria heptaphylos of Clufius, omit- ted by Mr. Ray - fV, IVatfon Descartes. See Equations. Detonation. Adlual fire and detonation produced by the conta6l of tin-foil with the fait com- pofedof copper and the nitrous acid Higgin^ Detroit. An account of a remarkable darknefs at Detroit in America, Oft. 19, 1762 Stirling Devizes. See Antiquities. Devon. An account of fome mineral obfervations touching the mines of Cornwall and Devon; whereby is defcribed the art of training a load, the art and manner of digging the ore, and the way of drefling and blowing the tin Anon. Dew. Account of an extraordinary meteor, or kind of dew like butter, that fell in Ireland Van - - - Bp. of Cloync A relation of obfervations concerning the falling dew, made at Medioburg in Zeland by Leo Hard Stocke, upon an open lead plain of the aftroftomical turrit of John Munk, in the Tranf. XLIV 163 LVII 44 XXIil 1400 XXVI 267 XL 277 LVIII 24 LXVIII 689 XLVII 428 LXIII 137 LIII 63 VI 2096 XIX 224 133 Abridfv. X615 V 2 128 VI 2 181 VIII 90 11565 night ^34 D I A iilght between the 25th and 26th of July 174.1 ; with figures of the iiocks of Inow oblerved at the fame place, Jan. 1742 (Lat.) Stockc Diagonals. A letter gratulatory to M. Hevelius tor his oro-anooraphia, and particularly concern- ing dlvilions by diagonals - Iraiiis Diameters. A way for taking the diameters of planets - - Juzout A way for knowing the parallax of the mo n ; as alio why, in the folar eel i pie of July 2 1666, the diameter of the moon did increafe about the end - Juz^ut A letter touching the invention of dividinga foot into many thoufand parts, for mathemati- cal purpofes - - Tovjnley More ways for the fame purpofe _ H'ok A dcfcription of the inftrument for dividing a foot into many thoufand parts, and thereb) meafuring the diameters of planets to great ex- actnefs - - TownUy — — . Kepler's method of computing the moon's pa- rallaxes in folar eclipfes, demonftrated and ex- tended to all degrees of the moon's latitude as alio to the afligning the moon's correfpon- dent diameter ; together with a concife applica- tion of this form of calculation to thofe eclipf^i . _ - PenibertGri _ A new and general method of finding fimplc and quickly-converging feries ; by which th< proportion of thediameterof a circle to its cir cumferencc may eafily be computed to a great number of places of figures Hutto)., Diamonds. A note about fome unufual diamonds //«7g Digestion. Obfervations on thefc three chemical operations, digeftion, fermentation, and tri- ture or grinding (hitherto in the author's opi- nion not fiifliciently regarded) by which many things of admirable uie may be performed ~ ~ - Langeloi Obfervations about digeftion, and the motion of the blood in a fever - Leewenhoek ' A difcourfe concerning digeftion Leigl — — Experiments relating to digeftion Mu/grave ' On the digeftion of the ftomach after death " - - John Hunter DioPTRiCK Problem. Why four convex glafles in a telefcope ftiew objeds ereft Molyneux Dipping Needle. See Needle, Diseases. Obfervation on a human body dead of odd difeafes - - Fairfax '—— An account of the difeafes of dogs, and feveral receipts for the cure of their madnefs, and of thofe bitten by them : extrafted from the pa- pers of Sir T. Mayerne, by 7 Sir Theodore de Faux — — Some obfervations on the motion of difeafes, and on the births and deaths of men and other animals, in the diff"erent times of the Ni;;)(^en>£^o» Pafchall An account of a very largedifeafed kidney found on the diftedion of a body ; with the fymp- toms of the difeafe before death, and an ex- planation of the phenomena Cooper S Tranf. I Abridg. XXXir 400 VII 687 435 4j6 XLIV II XXX 923 — 1050 VII 5052 XIII 347 XIV 694 — 699 LXII 447 XVI 169 II 546 XVI 408 XVII 81 XIX 301 562 xr 107'- IV 162 — 141 — 684 — 94 — 93 I 189 III 76 ir 870 III 283 311 136 Di Di D T S — Part of a letter giving an account of feveral nnagnetical experiment?; and of one who pre- tei.:;ehe moi^ure or dirynefir of the atmwfphere - Dobjon DcDi.iN. An account of the lioufes- and hearths in Dublin, in 1695 and 1-696 - Jnoti. DbCKS. Obfervalions made about the lafting of ducks, included in the exhaulkd receiver Boyle S5t;cK\VEET>. A letter eoncerning anlmaleuki on-iho roots of duckweed,, ^c. - Leewenhoeky^y^iy '7*^4 A letter concerning fome fuithcr microfcopicalj obfervations on the animalcu'a found upc;n| duckweed - Le%uenhock)^y^^\.\\ l6c Ducts, A new difcovery of the communication of the duftus thoracicus vvitli the emulgcnt vein - - - Pecquet II 461 - — — \ letter concerning the i'.undice; cccalionsd by a flune fobliru6ting th« dui^lus c< lumuuis bila- rius, whicli was afterwards voided by ffool Mujpavc\ XXV 223 j Annotations upon a difcovcry pretended to have been made by iVJ. Pecquet, of a communica-i tion Ijctween thedu»Stus thoracicus and the ii;-| ((.• ior vt-na cava - Nci'<-hom\ VI I 5007 Oblervations on the falival ducts, lately difcovered in huinan 'joilics ' Coitpir XXI 3^)4 i XXII 759 — 699 " 843 — 9 2 — 1007 XXlIi 1C55 — 1251 — 1450 — 1160 LXVll 244 XXII 518 V 20] I Abrld^;. II 752 iV 2 S25 V 183. lV 2 325 V406 III 665 II 215 V s 267 III 258 V 279, III 2c;9 - 5« — 194 DUD D YI Abridg. VII 540. Tran — — An account of an excretory ., cbanices metaphyfica - Jwin >YSENTERY. Extraft of a leiter containing fome re- marks upon the dyfentery in 1762 IK ff^at/a?, m E. jfeAGLES. Letter on the Roman eagles Mufgravt Ear. Letter concerning the organ of hearing yieujjeni • Fart of a letter concerning fome things oblerv- - able in the anatomy of a human ear ^dann, —— — A defcri-ption of the organ of hear ng in thi elephant, with the figures and fituation of thi ofiicles, labyrinth, and cochlea, in the ear oi that animal - - Bhu) — — Ac'efcriptioiiof fomeinfirumentsfortheearsC/^/rtnW , ■ Account of one who had no ear to muiic natu- rally, linging feveral tunes when in a delirium _ - - Doddridge . An account of the cafe of a boy who had the malleus of each ear, and one of the incus's, dropt out - - Morant Earth (Agriculture). Advertifcments occafioncd by the remarks printed in No. XIV. upon frofts in feme parts of Scotland, differing in their anniveifary feafons and force from our ordinary frofts in England : of black wind< and tempefts, of the warm and fertilizing tem- perature and fleams of the earih, ftones, rocks, fprlngs, waters (fome in fome places more than others in other places), of petrifying and me- tallizing waters ; with fome hints for the horti- culture of Scotland • - Bcal Earth. Speculations of the changes likely to be dif- ccvered in the earth and moon by their refpec tive inhabitants - Awzoui I Inflance to Mr. Hook for communicating aeon trivancc of making, with a glafs of a fpherc of 20 or 40 feet diameter, a telcfcope drawing ; federal hundred feet; and his oflt-r of rccom penfmg that fccret with another, teaching to meafure with a tclefcopc the dillances of ob jedts from the earth - Au-z.oui . . ... C3f the correfpondency to be procured for the finding out the true diftancc of the fun and moon from the earth, by the parallax obferved under or near the fame meridian Oldfnburg Tranf. XLIV 103 LII 646 XX 145 XXI 370 XXV 2414 XXX 885 XLI 847 XLIV 596 LII 264 X337 I 120 122 — 151 Abridg. X 11143 V 206 — 82 IX 124 XI 1084 1 198 300 EAR -An account of a controversy between Stepliano de Angelis of Padua and J. B. Riccloli, con- cerning the motion of ihe earth Gregory ■ Extradt of a letter touching Kiigcns' thoughts of Mr. Hooke's obfervations for proving ihe mo- tion of the earth - " Hugeti Extract of a letter on the faid fubjeft Cajfvu . A breviate of Mr. Picart's account of the HiCa- fu re of the earth - Oldenburg • An account of the caufe of the change of the va liation of the magnetical needle; with an hy pothcfis of the ikudure of thje internal parts of the earth _ - - Ha//ey. A dill.rtation concerning the figure of the ^arth - - Defagulic-n The differtation concerning the figure of the earth continued - DefaguVurs A diflertation concerning the figure of the earth, part II. - Defagullers An experiment to illuilrate what has been faid concerning the figure of the earth Defaguliers A phyfical hiitory of the earth and air for the! year 1732 - ' - Cyriilus Of the figure of the earth, .and the variation of gra^'ity on the furface - . Stirlhg Obfervaticns on an eclipfe of the earth, May 3, 1734 . - - De Revillas Inveftigations to prove, that the iigure of the earth nearly approaches to an ellipfe, accord- ing to the laws of attradlion in an inverfe ratio of the fquare of the diftances Clairauet A propofal for the meafurement of the earth in Ruffia ; read at a meeting of the Academy of Sciences of St. Peterfbourg, Jan. 21, 17 -^7^ ^y ; Mr. Jo/. Nk. de ri/e Letter containing the adual menfuration of the bafis - ^ . DeClJh An account of a machine to reprefent eclipfes of the earth - - Segner A new and particular method of calculating eclipfes of the earth ; and of any appulfes of the moon to planets and fixed flars Gcrjlen The motion of projediles near the earth's fur- face, Gonfidered independent of the properties of the conic fedions - Sivipfcn Some obfervations on Norwood's meafure of the figure of the earth - Dg la Undi i4r Tranf, III 693 1X90 X 261 XVII 563 XXXIII 201 — 239 — 277 — 344 XXXVIII184 XXXIX 98 I — - 294 XL 19 — -7 — 50 XLI 7S1 lLTff22 Abridff. - ^<^1 116: VI 2 250 VI 384 — 400 VIII 625 — 324 - 138 — 329 — 339 — 351 X 157 :48 EAR An account of the calculations made from the furvey and meafures taken at Schchallien, in order to afcertain the mean dcnlity of the earth Hiitlon Earth (Natural philofophy). The defcription of a well and earth in Lancafhire taking fire by a candle approached to it - Shirley . . I ■ An account of a ftrange kind of earth taken up near Smyrna, of which is made foap ; toge ther with the way of making it Smith — — An account of a very odd eruption of £re out of a fpot of earth near Fierenzola in Italy 6V. Claiy .^ A defcription of the feveral ftrata of earths, flone, coals, he. found in a coal-pit at the weft end of Dudley, StafFordfliire : to which is add- ed, a table of the fpecifick gravity of each ftra- tum - Fet tip lace and Haukjhee — — A letter giving an account of a very uncommon finking of the earth, near Folkeltone in Kent - - - Sachett -■ An account of the feveral ftratti of earths and foflils found in finking the mineral wells at Holt - - Lewis ■ I ■ An extraft of a philofophical account of a new opinion concerning the origin of petrifa6tion^ found in the earth, which has hitherto been afcribcd to the univerfal deluge Ehrhart .. An account of an uncommon phcenomenon in Dorfetfliire, of flame arifmg out of the earth - - - Stephem Earth (Medicine). An obfcrvationof the immode rate and fatal ufe of crab-ftones, and fuch like abforbent earths, from whence have proceeded ftoncs in the ftomach and kidnics Breynius Earthen-Ware. A method of making a gold-co- loured glazing for earthcn-warc iLinftus Earthquakes (Nature and caufes). Of the nature of earthquakes; more particularly of tlic origin of the matter of them, from the pyrites alone Lijie . On the caufes of earthquakes StukcLy Continued - - StukeUy — — Some confiderations on the caufes of cartl;quakei Halci . — Conjectures concerning the caiife and obfcrvations Tjp■ . ,- An account of the earthquake at Oxford, and the parts adjacent, Sept» 17, 1683 Pii^^ot » A letter with an account of the late earthquake in Sicily - - Hartop Anotiier account from an Italian paper of P. Ales Burgos - J. ■ An account of the earthquakes in Sicilia on Jan. 9 and II, 1692-3 - Banajutus — — — A letter with an account of the earthquakes in Peru, Oft. 20, 1687; and at Jamaica, Feb. 19, 168-7-8, and June 7, 1692 Sloane ■ An account of the earthquake at Lima, Od. 20, 1687 - Alvarez dc Toledo m. A rehition of the bad condition of the moun tains about thel\ingaroufe, and Batavian Rivers having their fource from thence, occafioned by the earthquake between the 4th and 5di of Jan. 1699 : drawn up from the account given by Tommagon PorboNata (wliohath been there) ► - Tommagon — — Part of two letters concerning an earthquake, which happened in fome places of the north of England Dec. 28, 1703 - Thorny — — A letter concerning a ihock of an carthcjuake- felt in the neighbourhoc d of Sutton, near 13art ford in Kent, Augull: 1727 Barrel ■ Part of a letter "ivino- an account of the late earthquake at Bolton in New England, Oft. 29, 1727 - - Colman The hiftory of the earthquake felt at Apulia, and almoft all the kingdom of Naples, 1731 - - - Cyriilus A letter containing an account of an earthquake at Annapolis in Nlaryland, Sept. 5, 1725 Leivis - An account of the feveral earthquakes which have happened in New England fince theliri^ fettlenient of the Englifli in that country, cfpicialiy of the laft, which happened in Oct.. 29, 1727 - - Dudley •— — An account of a fhock of an earthquake felt in Suflex Oft. 25, 1734 Duke of Richmond Another account at Ha-vant Bayky Tranf. XL VI 731 I 166 — 179 XIII 311 XVIi827 — 830 XVIII 2 -78 — 81 xxn 595 XXIV 555 149 Abrldg, X541 n 39S - 396,400. — 401 — 406 — 410 — 419 IV 2 210 XXXV 305 VI 2 2C0 XXXVI I24_ 201 XXXVII.I79VIII682 119 XXXIX 63 — 36i 685 t ;» EAR Accoujt of an earthquake in Northamptonfliire, Oaober I73I - - ^^'ojft Account of an earthquake at Naples Temple An account of an earthquake at Scarborough _ _ - 'Johnfon A journal of the fhocks of earthquakes felt in New England, from the year 1727 to the year 1741 - - ^ ^^^"^ Account of the earthquakes felt at Leghorn Jan. 1 742 ; with fome obfervations Pedini A letter concerning the earthquake at Taunton Fojlcr Account of an earthquake Feb. 8, 1749-50, felt at London Baker Knight Freeman Miles Martyn TrembUy Lethieullier Barlow Vanbrugh - - - Slade An account of an earthquake March 8, 1 749-50, At Eltham Tooting Chelfea Harwich Danbury in ElTex Plymouth Folke Birch Baker Miles Clare Layard P icier in o- at London Tooting Kenfington Gravel Pitts London London - - As ieen in the Inner Temple garden by Robert Shaw - - Burrow A more full account from Tooting Miles Chelfea - - Martyr. London - - -^'^^ London - - Parjons Southwark - - Burrow London - - Mortimer Addition to his former accounts from Tooting Miles London - - Cooper Kenfmgton ; given by Tho. Burrat Folkes Account of tlic roof of a pot-houfe at Lam beth being thrown down by the earthquake - - - "Jackfon Tranf. XXXIX XLI 340 — 804 XLII 33 — 77 XLV 398 XLVI 601 — 603 — 605 — 607 — 609 — 610 — 611 — 692 — 693 — 694 — 613 — 615 — 617 — 619 — 620 — 621 — 622 — 626 — 628 — 630 — 631 — <^33 — 637 -638 — 639 — 647 — 681 — 700 Abridg. VIII 692 — 684 1X502 VIII 693 — 697 X488 -489 — • 490 — 491 — 492 — 4v3 -- 493 — 47^ ■ 494j49S — 496 — 497 — 498 — 499 — 5°o — 501 — 502 — 503 — 504 — 505 E A R Account of an earthquake March iS and 19,1 1749-50, at Portfrnouth Another account from Portfinouth Portfrnourli lllc of Wight Southampton Hackney Eaft Sheen Bridgeport Tranf. ' Oake] XL VI 646 Cooke Anon . Nezvcome Bun oui ' Account of an earthquake ftit at Chefter Apr. 2, 1750 - - Jnon. Flintfliiie - - Pennant Warrington, Lancafhire - Scddon Account of an earthquake felt Mar. 14, 1749-50 at Eaft Molefey - Bowman An account of an earthquake felt May 4, 1749, at Wenbourn in Dorfetfliire - Baker An account of an earthquake felt July r, 1747 at Taunton in Somerfetlhire - Baker An account of an earthquake felt 06t. 1 1, 1749, in France - - Reaumur Letter concerning earthquakes at Smyrna - - A^lackenzic Letter concerning the fliock of an earthquake felt at Newton in Nortliamptonfliirc Sept. 30, 1750 - - Folkes St. Edmund's Bury, Suffolk - Burrow Narborough, Leicefterfliire - Burrow Northamptonfliire - Nixon and Cave Further particulars - Nixon - - - Dodderidgc Dean - - Anon. Tooting - - Miles Peterborough - - Smith An account of an earthquake felt Aug. 23, 1750, at Spalding in Lincolnfhirc 'John/on Ditto - - Green An account of an earthquake felt at York Apr. I9j 1754 Bakc) Account of an earthquai<.e at Conftantinople Sept. 16, 1754 - Mackenzie An account of fcveral earthquakes lately felt at Conilantinople May 15, 1755 Porter An account of an earthquake Nov. i, 1755, as telt in the lead-mines in DerbyJliire " - - Bullock U — 647 — 649 — 631 — 652 — 653 — ^55 — 6bji - f 53 — 087 — 695 ~ 684 — 689 — 691 — 700 — 701 — 702 — 705 — 710 — 712 — 723 — 726 — 727 — 725 XLVIII 564 — 819 XLTX 115 — 398 151 Abridg. t X507 — 50.5 — 507 — 508 — 50B — 509 — 510 — 5W 509 512 — 526 — 514 515 516 5^7 524 An '52 EAR An account of the earthquake at LIfbon Nov.| 1,1755 Zfufqueira - - Colares (20 niiies from Lifbon) Oporto Ditto Ditto Ditto Madrid Cadiz Ditto Barbaiy Madeira Ditto Neufchatel in Swifferland Geneva, Nov. 9 IVolfal Saccheti\ Latham Stsqut'lt-r Henkel Plumrner Knoivler MuyJJ'on Anon. Bewick Ulloa Fowke Hcherdcn Chambers De Valiravers Trenibhy Bofton in New England, Nov. 18 Anon ISew York, Nov. 18 - Colden Pennfylvania, Nov. 18 - Anon. An extraordinary and furprifing agitation of the waters, though without any perceptible motion of the earth, having been obferved in various parts of this ifland, both maritime and inland, on the lame day, and chieHy about the time tliatthe more violent commotions of both earth and waters fo very extcnfively affected many very diflant parts of the globe, the fol- lowing accounts relating to the former have been tranfmiitcd to the Society; in which are fpecified the times and places when and where they happened Portfmouth - - Robertfon SuiTex and Surrey - JVebb Guildford - - A dee Petworth - - Hodgfon Cranbrook. - - TempeJ] Chevcning - - Fringl Rothcrhith - - Mills Peerlefs Pool, London - Birch Rochford in Eflex - Thomlinfon Reading - - Philip Ditto - - Blair Shirburn Caftle, Oxfordfhire Lord Parker Devonihirc, Cornwall, Plymouth, Mountfbay, Penzance, he. - Huxharn Mountfbay - - Borlace Tranf. XLiX402 — 409 — 411 " 413 — 418 — 419 — 421 — 422 — 423 — 424 — 427 — 428 — 432 — 43? — 4j6 -438 — 439 — 433 — 444 — 351 — 353 — 357 — 358 — 3^0 — 361 — 362 — 364 — 3^5 — 3^7 — 368 — 371 — 373 Swanzey EAR Swanzey - • Blcjiy Norwich • - Jrderon Yarmouth - - Barber Hawkeihead In Cumberland Harrifon Durham - - Cowper Edinburgh - - St even/on Lufs in Scotland - Colquhoun Kinfale - - Nicola Toplitz in Bohemia - StepUn Hague ' - De Hondt Leyden - - Jllamand Extra£t of a letter concerning the earthquakes at Manilla, 1750 - Pyt An account of the earthquake felt at Glafgow Dec. 30, 1755, and Dumbarton; alfo of a fhower of duft falling on a fhip between Shet- land and Iceland - Whytt Extraft of a letter concerning the earthquake on the 14th of November 1755, in Valais in SwilTerland - - Tre?nbley Extraft of a letter concernino; the earthquake felt at Leyden, Leige, Maeftric'ht, Nimeguen, Arnheini, he. Dec. 26, 1755 Jllamand An extraft of a letter concerning an earthquake at the Hague, on Wednefday the 18th of Fe- bruary 1756 - Grovejiim An account of an earthquake felt in Holland Feb. 18, 1756 - AUamayid An account of the earthquakes felt at Bruffels Dec. 26, 27, and Feb. 18, 1756 Pringle An account of the agitation of the waters on the I ft of November 1756, in Scotland and Hamburgh - - Pringle Account of the earthquake felt Feb. 18, along the coaft of England, between Margate and Dover - - Warren Extract of a letter concerning the earthquakes felt at Turin Dec. 9, 1755, and March 8, 1756 - - Donati An account of a continued fucceflion of earth- quakes at Brigue in Valais ReElor of the College of fifuits Extra£l of a letter relating to the agitation of the waters obferved at Dartmouth Nov. i 1755 - - Holdfworth An account of th-s late earthquakes felt at Maef- U 2 15s Tranf. Abridg. — 379 — 380 - 381 -38s - 387 - 389 — 393 — 395 — 396 — 397 — 459 — 509 — 5^1 — 512 — 544 "- 545 — 54^ — 550 — 579 — 612 — 616 — 643 trichr. 154 EAR tricht, from Feb. 18, to the beginning ot April 1756 - - P'ernede — — At) account of the aciiauon of the fca at An- iigu.1 Nov. I, 1755 " ^ffl''^^ ' An account of the extraordinary agitation ol the waters \\\ llveral ponds in Hcrtfordfliirt Nov. I. 17^5 - Ruthcr forth — — An account of an earthquake fc!t at Colen. Leige, MacHricht, &c. on the i9th of Nov. 1756 - - Trembley - An account of the earthquake felt in New Eng- land, and the neighbouring parts of America. Nov. 18, 1755 - ll'inthrop — — Extract of a lectcr mentioning a flight fl>ock o; an earthquake Aug. 13, 1756, at Turin, and another Nov. 9, 1756, atUenoa Tren^bhy — — An account of an earthquake in Cornwall Ju!) ^5' '757 " ~ Huxbam ■ An account of an earthquake felt in the ifland of Sumatia in the Eafl Indies, in Nov. and Dec. 1756 - - Perry An account of the earthquake in the weft parts of Cornwall July 15, 1757 - Borlace An account of an earthquake felt at Linghcld in Surrey, and Eden Bridge in Kent, Jan. 24, 1758 - - Burroiv Obkrvations upon a flight earthquake, though very particular, which may lead to the know- ledge of the caufe of great and violent ones Pcy£onel An account of the late earthquakes in byria - _ - i?#// Con;ec5iures concerning the caufc, and obferva- tions upon the phaenomena of earthquakes, particularly that of Nov. 1, 175^ Michcll An account of an earthquake at Lifbon May 31, 1 761 - - Jnon. . Another account of the earthquake at Lilljon May 31, 1761 - MoIIoy An account of the earthquake felt in the ifland of Madeira Mar. 31, 1761 Thomas HcbcrJat An accouiil of an earthquake in biberia Nov 28, 1 76 1 - - IVe^^maryx -— — An account of an earthquake Apr. 2, 1762, ai Chaltijjaon : tranllated from the Perlian GulJIon Another account from Calcutta HirJ: Another account from Chatrigong Gulflon Tranf. XLIX 663 — 668 — 684 — 893 -58 — 429 — 491 — 499 — 614 — 645 LI 529 — 566 LII 141 — 142 — 155 LIII 201 — 252 — 256 — - 263 Abrldg. Another EAS ECH —■'— ■ Another account of feveral from Apr. 2 to 19 1762, in the province of Iflamahad, with the daiDagcs attending them : tranfl^.ted from tlu Perfian - - Vercljl An account of an carthquaice felt at Lifbon Dec. 26, 1 764 - - y//«« — — Abflraft of a letter containing an account of an earthquake at Macao Nov. 23, 1767 De Vifme - An account of the earthquake which w.-s felt at Manchefter and other places, on Sept. I4, 1777 - - HeKry East Burne. See Antiquities. Easter. Letter concerning the obfervation of Eaf- ter on April 24, 1698 - fValis - A calculation for finding Eafter Thneft^y An explanation of the rule far finding Eafter - - - Jacktnan Indies. A narrative of feme obfervations made upon feveral voyages, to find a way for failing about the North to the Eaft Indies, and for returning the fame way from hence hither; together with innructions given by the Dutch Eaft India Company for the difcovery - f Jello, near Japan: to which is added, a relation of failing through the Northern America to the Eaft Indies - Van Nierop Part of a letter from Fort St. Georae in East the Ea(t Indies, giving an account of the long worm, which is troublefome to the inhabitants of thofe parts - - LiJIer Account of fome animals fent from the Eaft Indies, with remarks by J. Petiver Brown A defcription of a bird from the Eaft In- dies - - Edivards The procefs of making ice in the Eaft Indies - Sir Robert Barker Journal of a voyage to the Eaft Indies, in the ihip Grenville, in the year 1775, captain Burnet Abercrombie - Dalrymple Eaton. See Stiptick. EccHOES. A letter concerning fome extraordinary ecchoes - - Southwell EcHiNiTEs. A defcription of a curious echinites - - - Baker ' ' ■ ■ A letter concerning two beautiful echinites Da Cojla ?CHiNus, Remarks upon a petrified echinus of a 2 Tranf. L!II 265 LV43 LIX 71 LXVIII 22: XX 185 XXIV 1 90 1 — 2123 IX 197 XIX 417 XXII 859 LXI55 LXV 252 LXVIII 389 XLIV 219 — 432 XLVI 143 155 Abridg. Ill 402 V2 27 III 138 X246 — 634 -635 lingular 156 E C L finjular kind, found on Bunnan's Land, in tiic" parilli of Bovingdon in Hertfordfhirc, which is a clay, and fuppofed to have been brought with the chalk dus, out of a pit in the held - - _ FarJor:s , An account of a remarkable echinus Brander iLCLiPSEs. A method for obferving the eclipfes of the moon free from the common mconvenicncies Rooh «— - Cbfervations on an cclipfe of the earth May 3, iyo4. _ - De Revillas An account of a machine to reprefent eclipfes of the earth (Lat.) - Segncr A new and particular method of calculating eclipfts of the earth ; and of any appulfes of the moon to planets aiul hxed ftars Gerften Letter concerning the year of the eclipfe fore told by Thales ' - Cojiard ' Letter concerning the cclipfe mentioned by Xe nophon •- - Coftard An account of the eclipfe predi(5led by Thales Stukeh .,- . Kepler's method of computing the moon's pa- rallaxes in folar eclipfes, demoniltated and ex tended to all degrees of the moon's latitude ; as aUb to the affigning the moon's correfpon- dent apparent diameter ; together with a con cife application of this form of calculation to thofe eclipfes - Pemberton Eclipses of the StFN and Moon. See 5««, A'loon, Ecliptic. Some more accurate cbfervations about Jupiter's tranfits near fixed ftars ; ufcful for de termining the inclination of that planet to the ccliptique - - Flamflead I I An account (hewing, that the latitude of Nu' renburg has continued without fenfible altera- tion for 200 years laft pad ; as likewife the ob liquity of the ecliptick, by comparing them with what was obfervcd by B. VValther in 1^87 - - JVuriz Ibaur — — A propofal to make the poles of a globe of the heavens move in a circle round the poles of the ecliptic - - Latha?n . I.. A contrivance to make the poles of the diurnal motion, in a coelcftial globe, pafs round the poles of the ecliptic - Senc.\ Tranf. XLIX 155 — 295 I 388 XXXIX 294 XLI 781 XLIII 22 XLVIII 17 — 155 ■— 221 Abridg. LXI437 VIII 6033 XVI 40: XL 201 — 2C7, ?C0 VIII 1^8 — 157 I 401 262 VIII 217 A E D E E F F • ■■■ A treatife on the preceilion of the equinoxes, and in general on tlie motion of the nodes, and the alteration of the inclination of the orbi of a planet to thcecliptick S':lvabe!lc • An enquiry into the quaritity and diredion of the proper motion of Ar<^uru9 ; with fome re- marks on the diminution of the obliquity of the ecliptic - - Ho>n/by Eden. An account of a remarkable decreafe of th river Eden in Cumberland Dec. 28, 1762 - ' - A'lilhourne Edinburgh. A comparifon of the heat of London and Edinburgh - Roebuck Edwards. An account of what appeared moft re- mrirkable on openir.v the body of Anne Ed- wards, who died J. in. ^, 1729-30, havincr a large umbilical rupture - Ranhy Eels. Method of taking eels in frofty weather Anon. An abftraiEl of a letter concerning the fcales of eels - - Leewenhoek • Microfcopical obfervations on eels, mites, the feeds of figs, ftrawberries, &c. Leewenhoek — — Of the manner of generation of eels Jl/en — — An account of a very large eel lately caught at Maiden in EfTex ; with fome confiderations about the generation of eels - Da/e « Manner of obferving the circulation of blood in an eel - - Leewenhoek Obfervations on the mouths of the eels in vint- gar, and alfo a flrange aquatic animal Baker — — - A letter concerning the mmute eels in pafte be- ing viviparous - Sherwood • Abfirad of a letter concerning the peculiar af- cent of eels - - Arderon Effervescence. A memoir on the lacryma^ bata- vicae, or glafs drops, the tempering of fteel, and effervefcence, accounted for by the fame principle - - Le Cat — The ihange effeds of fome effervefcent mix- tures ^ - _ Mounfay Effluvia Several experiments fhewing the flran:^- effefts of the eiBuvia of glafs, produceable on the motion and attrition of it Haukjiee —— An account of the repetition of an expe- riment touching motion given bodies, in- cluded in a glafs by the approach of a linger 4 Tranf. XLVIII 385 LXIII 93 LIII 7 LXV 459 XXXVII 22] I 323 XV 883 XIX 269 — 664 XX 90 XXV^I 444 XLII416 XLIV 67 — 395 XLVI 175 L 19 XXV 2372 157 Ab rider. ] VII 5,6 II 837 III 684 — 68^ II 83/ V 2 388 IX 38 XI 799 — 874 X 560 IV 2 180 158 EFT EL A Trail f. near its outiide ; with other experiments on the effluvia of glafs - Haukjht XXVI 82 A letter of weighing the flrength of elecStrical effluvia - - Elticof XLIV 96 Experiments upon air, and the effecls of dif- ferent kinds of effluvia upon it U'hitf r>XVIII 194 Account of the manner in which the Ruffians treat perlons afFefted with the fumes of burn- inji charcoal, and otlier effluvia of the fame nature - - Guthrie LXiX 325 Eft. Some remarks concerning the circulation of the blood, as f.en in the tail of a water-eft through a folar microfcope - Miles XLI 725 A letter concerning the property of water-efts_ in flipping ofF their fkins as ferpents do Baker XLIV 529 Eggs. An account of an infeft feeding upon her bane, the horrid fmell of which is in that crea- ture fo qualified thereby as to become in fomt meafure aromatical ; together with the colour yeilded by the eg^s of the fame Lijlcr VI 2176 An account of what hath bec^n of late obferved of eggs to be found in all forts of females Kit kringius VII 40 i 8 Account of a fmall egg found within an ordi- nary one - De FalUmont XIX 632 Egypt. Inquiries to be made in Egypt Henjkaw II 470 A narrative of fome obfervations lately made by certain miffionaries in the Upper Egypt Anon. VI 2151 An explanation of the cuts of two porphyry pillars in Egypt - Huntington XV 1252 ■ Extract of a letter concerning a fappofcd con- nexion between the hieroglyphical writing of antient Egypt, and the characteriftic writing which is in ufe at this day among the Chinefe Morton LIX 489 Ilasticity. a remark upon tbe new opinion re- lating to the forces of moving bodies, in tht cafe of the collifion of non-elaflic bodies EameiXY.yi\Y 183 An experiment to prove tliat wafer, when agi- tated by fire, is infinitely more elaftic than air in the fame clrcumftanccs - Clayton XLI 162 A narrative of a new invention of expaniling fluids, by their being conveyed into certain ijinited vefiels, wher.- they arc immediately ra rified into an claftic impellino; force, fufficient !• give motion to hydjaulopncumatical and Abndg, IV 2 181 X 324 IX 69 XI 857 n 783 I 251,440 II 904 III 632 VI 287 VIII a66 other ELD ELE other engines, for ralfing water, and other ufes &c. - - Payne II An attempt to explain feme of the principal phaenomena of eleftricity by means of an eUif- tic fluid - - Cavendifn — — Continuation of an experimental enquiry con- cerning the nature of the mineral elaftic fpirit or air contained in the Pouhon water, and other acidulas - - Brownrigg — — Experiments for difcovering the various elafti- city of the air in different parts of Switzer- land - - Scheuchzer I Some thoughts and conjeiSlurcs concerning the caufe of elafticity - Dejcgulien — — See Air, EldEN Hole, An account of Elden Hole in Derbv- fhire, with fome obfervations upon it King and Lloyd Elder. A letter on the effedls of elder, in preferv ing growing plants from infefts and flies Guilt Electricity. A catalogue of eledlrical bodies Plot — — An account of an experiment touching the ex- traordinary electricity of glafs, produceabie on a fmart attrition of it; with a continuation of experiments on the lame fubjedt, and other phaenomena - - Haukjbee A continuation - Haukjhee — — • An account of fome experiments touching the eleftricity and light produceabie on the attri- tion of fever al bodies - Haukjhee — — An account of fome new ele£lrical experiments - - - Gray ■ A letter containing feveral experiments concern- ing eledricity - - Gray ■■' A letter concerning the ele6tricity of water Gray —— — A letter containing a further account of his ex- periments concerning electricity Gray ■ Tvvo letters containing farther accounts of his experiments concerning elecftricity Gray — — A letter concerning eledtricity Du Fay — — Experiments and obfervations upon the light that is produced by communicating eledtrical at- tradion to animal or inanimate bodies ; toge- ther with fome of its mofl furprifing effeds - - Gray '• — A letter containing fome experiments relating to eledricity - - Gray Tranf. XL! 821 LXI 584 LXIV q 57 XXIX 266 XLI 175 LXI 250 Lxn 348 XX 384 XXV 2327 — 2332 XXVI 87 XXXI 104 XXXVII 18 — 22J — 397 XXXV1II258 XXXIX 16 — 166 ^59 Abridg. VIII 638 IV 2 16 VIII 439 III 491 IV 2 180 VI 2 7 — - 9 — - 22 — - 139 VII 4 96 VIII 393 i6d E L E . A letter concerning the revolutions wlilch fmall pendulous bodies will, byeleftricity, make round larger ones, from Q?^\^ to weft, as tht plan.ts do round the Tun - ^*^^y . An account of Ibme elearical experiments in tended to be communicated to the Royal So- ciety - - G^'-y . Some elearical experiments chiefly rega^rchng the repulfive force of elearical bodies lU'hsler Accourt of fome of the elearical experiments maae by Granville Wheeler at the Royal So- ciety's houfe iMay n, 1731 Mortimer Letter of remarks on the late Stephen Gray ; his elearical circular experiment _ ^f'heler Some thoughts and experiments concerning elec tricitv - ~ Dejaguliers Experiments made before the Royal Society Feb. 2, 9, and 16, 1737-8 Defaguliers . Some ekarical experim.ents made at the prmce of Wales's at Cliefden Apr. 15, 1738, where the elearicity was conveyed 420 feet in a di- rea line - - Defaguiien Somehing concerning elearicity _ Defaguiien An account of fome elearical experiments made before the Royal Society Jan. 22 and Mar. 15, 1 741 - - Dejaguliers . Several elearical experiments made at various times before the Royal Society • DefaguUers Further obfervations concerning elearicity _ _ - Dejaguliers . Some conjeaurcs concerning elearicity, and the rife of vapours - Dejaguliers An account of the elearical fire _ _ Holhnan Letter on firing phofphorus by elearicity Miles ■ Some new obfervations in elearicity fVinkler Obfervations of luminous emanations from hu- njnn bodies and from brutes : with fome re- marks on elearicity - Miles Abllraaof a letter on elearicity De Bczn • Experiments and obfervations tending to illuf- trate the nature and properties of elearicity IK iratjon Lxtraas of two letters concerning the cffeas of a A iequel to the experiments and obfervations tending to illufirate the nature and propertie of electricity - - IV. IVatfon • A collection of eleCirical experiments IVJFatJon • Some further inquiries into the nature and pro- perties of electricity - IV, fVutfon • Part of a letter concerning eleCtricity Nollet • Several eflays towards difcovering the laws of electricity - - EUicott • A letter concerning a fuftlan-frock being fet on fire by eleCtricity - Kcch X 2 iG! Tranf. Abrldg, XLIV 41 X 290 — 53 -- 3^9 -58 -^- 78 ~ 322 -96 — 324 - 158 — 32s — 211 - 327 — 242 — 328 — 247 — 329 — 290 -336 — 373 — 342 -388 — 339 — 497 — 345 — 69s — 704 XLV49 — 290 — 347 — 93 - 187 - 368 — 3 -'2 — 195 - 203, 213 — 386 -3^9'394 — 323 — - 406 Ex l62 E L E ■ Extra£l of a letter concerning feme electrical experiments - - Halts •— — An account of the experiments made by fonic gentlemen of the Royal Society, in order t( meafure the abfolute velocity of ele£lricity fV, IVatfir. Extract of a letter on the electricity of gl that has been expofed to flrong fires b ■ Letter declaring that he, as well as many others, have not been able to make odours pals througl glafs by means of eleftricity ; and giving a particular account of profellor Bofe at Wit- tember^;, his experiment of beatification, or caufing a glory to appear round a man's head by electricity - - JV. IVatfor. — — Extract of a letter accompanying an examina- tion of certain phaenomena in electricity Ncllel ■ An account of B. Franklin's treati e of experi- ments and obfervations on eleClrlcity, made at Philadelphia - - IV. Watjon ■ An account of experiments relating to odours palling through eleClrified globes and tubes Winkla An account of the refult of forne expe- riments made here with globes and tubes tranfmitted by Mr. Winkler, in order to verify the fa<5ls above-mentioned W. Watfon . ' An account of the phaenomena of electricity in vacuo - - W, Watfon Letter concerning the fuccefs of the late experi mcnts in France - A^azeas ' ExtraCis of two letters relating to the extract- ing ckCtricity from the clouds Nollet Another letter on the lame - Molitre Letter conccrnino; an eleCtrical kite Franklin Letter concerning the clcCtrical experiments in England ufon thunder-clouds IV. H-'atJon Letter concerning fome eleCtrical exjierimcnts made at Paris - - lUlfon , EleCirical experiments, with an attempt to ac- count for their fcvcral phaenomena ; together with fome obfervations on thunder-clouds - - - Canton Obfervations upon the eleClricity of the air made Tranf. XLIV 409 XLV 491 XLVI 189 — 348 — 368 XLVII 202 — 231 — 236 — 362 — 534 — 553 — 559 — 565 — 5^7 XLVIII 347 — 350 Abrlds:, X 406 ~ 407 — 329 410 — 4H at E L E at the Chateau de Maintenon in June, July and Oftober 1753 - Mazeas - An additional remark to one of W. Watfon, in his account of the Abbe Nollet's letter con- cerning cleftricity - Birch - Anfwer to feveral queries concerning his exp rinient of eledlricity with a kite Lining - Anfvvrr to Dr. Lining's query relating to the death of profeffor Richman /K JVatJon - Account of two electrical experiments IVtnkUr - Letter concerning fome new eleftrical experi- ments - - OjKton • An account of the death of Mr, George-Wil- liam Richman, occafioned by an elef^rical fhock collefted from thunder ; tranflated from the High Dutch - jinon. • Electrical experiments made in purfuance of thofe of Mr. Canton, dated Dec. 3, 1753; with an explanation by - Franklin • Extradt of a letter concerning cleftricity - - - Franklin ■ A retra£lation of his former opinion concerning the explication of the Leyden experiment mifon An account of fome eledlrical experiments Wiljon " - - Delaval Experiments on the tourmalin IVilfon New experiments and obfervations concerning eleftricity - - Symmer A letter concerning the force of ele£irical co- hefion _ - - Mitchell Experiments in ele£lricity - Beccaria With remarks - Franklin Further experiments in electricity IVilfon A letter to Mr. B. Wilfon conccrnins: eleftri c'ty - - Bergman An account of feveral experiments in eledhi- city - - Delaval A letter concerning Mr. Canton's experiment " - - Franklin A letter containing fome remarks on Mr. De- laval's electrical experiments - Canton New experiments in electricity Kinncrpy Obfervations in eledricity, and on a thunder- ftorm . . Bergman 163 Tranf. Abridg. KLVIII 377 — 484 -- 757 — 765 — 772 — 780 XLIX 6: XLIX 300 — 682 LI 83 — 308 — 340 — 390 — 514 — 525 — 896 ~ 907 LII 353 —.456 — 457 LIIl 84 — 97 E.- 1 64 E L E . ■ Experiments on the tourmalin - IfV/on A letter containing fome experiments in elec- tricity - - Bergman — — ■ New experiments in eleftricity Beccaria . On the nature of the tourmalin Bergvian . A defcription of an approved apparatus for per- forming electrical experiments, in which the le(R:rical power is increafed, the operation en- tirely fecured from receiving any accidental fhocks, and the whole rendered more conve- nient - - _ UEpinaJjl' A fpecimen of fome new experiments in elec- tricity - - Beccaria — — An account of rings confifting of all the pril- matic colours, made by electrical explofions on the furface of pieces of metal Priejlley Experiments on the lateral force of eleC^rica explofions - - PrieJiUy . Various experiments on the force of ele£lrical explofions - - Pricjlley An inveftigation of the lateral explofion, and of the eleiStricity communicated to the elec trical circuit, in a difcharge PriejUey Theorems concerning the electrical atmofphcre - - - Beccaria An attempt to explain fome of the principal phnsnomena of eledricity by means of an claf- tic fluid - - Cavendijh . — A letter inclofing an account of fome obferva- tions on atmofpherical ele£lricity, in regard of frogs, mites, &c. with fomc remarks _ - - Ronayne — An account of feveral eleftrical experiments made by Mr. W. Henley - PricJlUy ■ ExtraCl of a letter on fome eleCirical cxperi ments made with charcoal - Kinnerjley — — A letter containing fome new eleClrical experi- ments, July 7, 1772 - Brydone . An extiaCl of a letter on fome improvements in the elcClrical machine - No th -. Of the eleClric property of the torpedo IValjh Electrical experiments made with a machine of his own workmanftiip ; a defcripuon of which is prefixed - - Nair>u ......I. An account of fome new experiments in elcc-t tricity, containing, i. An enquiry whethci vapour be a conduClor of tkClrioty. 2. Some 3 Tranf. LIU 436 LIV84 LVI 105 — 23^ Abridg. LVII 186 — 297 LVIII 68 LIXS7 -63 LX 192 — 277 LXI 584 LXII 137 — 359 LXIII 38 — 163 — 333 — 461 LXIV 79 experiments E L E experiments to afcertain the dire£lion of the cleftric matter in the difcharge of the Leyden bottle. 3. Experiments on the lateral explo- iion in the difcharge of the Leyden bottle. 4. The defcription and ufe of a new prime con- ductor. 5. Mifcellaneous experiments made principally in 177 1 and 1772. 6. Experi- "jiients and obfervatiuis on the electricity of fik)gs, in purfuance of thofe made by Thomas Ronayne, Efq; with a plan of an eleftrical journal - - Henly An account of feme attempts to imitate the ef- fe£ls of the torpedo by eleftricity Cavcndijh Extraordinarv ele<5tricity of the atmofphere, ob ferved at Illint^ton in the month of Odober 75 Cavallo Experiments and obferyations on a new appara- tus, called, a machine for exhibiting perpetual electricity - - Henly An account of fome new experiments in electri- city - - Cavallo Experiments and obfervations in eleCtricity - - - Henly New electrical experiments and obfervations - - - Cavallo An account of fome eleCtrical experiments Swift Reafons for diilenting from the report of the committee appointed to confider of Mr. Wil- fon's experiments ; including remarks on fome experiments exhibited by Mr. Nairne - - - Mufgrave Experiments on eleCtriclty ; being an attempt to fliew the advantage of elevated pointed conduc- tors - - Nairne On the ufe of an amalgam of zinc for the pur- pofe of electrical excitation - Higgins New experiments upon the Leyden phial, re- fpeCling the termination of conductors H'llfon A ready way of lighting a candle by a very mo- derate electrical fpark - Ingenhoufz Obfervations and experim nts tending to con- firm Dr. Irgenhoufz's theory of tie eleCtro- .phorus; and to fnew the impermeability of glafs tothe eledric Huid - Henly Account of fome experiments in eleCtricity - - Svjift Improvements in eltCtricity by Ingenhoujz Tranf. LXIV 389 LXVI 196 — 407 — 513 LXVII I 48 — I 85 — 388 LXVllI 155 — «oi — 823 — 861 — 999 1022 — J 049 LXIX 454 — 661 '65 Abridg. An i66 E L E — — An account of fame new experiments in elec- tricitv, with the defcription and trfe of two new eledrical inftruments - CavaHc . An account of the effeft of eleftricity in iliort- ening of wires - Nairne Electricity (Medicine). A difcovery in eledtri- city ufeful to medicine (Lat.) li'ivkler ■ A letter concerning feveral medical experimep.ts of electricity - - Baker .. Accounts of the effc6>s of ele£^ricity in the county hofpital at Shrewfbury Han An account of a cure of a paralytic arm b} eleclricity - - Hart An inllance of the eledrical virtue in the cure of a paify - - _ Brydone An account of the effecls of ele£lriclty in para- lytic cafes - - Franfiljn __ A further account of the effedls of eleclricity in the cure of fome difeafes - Brydone _ Cafe of a paralytic patient cured by an eledri- cal application - Himfel Obfervations upon the efFefts of eledricity ap- plied to a tetanus, or mufcular rigidity of four months continuance - f^\ IVatfon Account of a locked jaw and paralyfis cured by eicclricity - - _ Spry . A cure of a mufcular contradtion by eledlricity - - - Partington - An account of the cure of St. Vitus's Dance by eledlricity - ^- Fothergill Electrical Eel. See Gymnoius Eknricus. Electrometer. Defcription of an electrometer in- vented by Mr. Lane ; with an account of fome experiments made by him with it Lane An account of a new eledrcmeter contrived by Mr. William Henly, and of feveral electrical experiments made by him - Priejiley ■ New elcdtrical experiments and obfervations, with an improvement of Mr. Canton's elec- trometer - - Cavallo 'Electrophorus. Electrical experiments to explain how far the phzenotxiena of the elcftrophoruf may be accounted for by Dr. P'ranklin's thcor\ of pofitive and negative electricity IngenhouJ'^ -— - Obfervations and experiments tending to con firm Dr. Ingenhoufz-'s theory of elcCtropiio- Tranf. LXX 15 XLV 262 — 270 XLVIII 786 XLIX 558 L 392 — 481 — 695 LI 179 LIII 10 LVII 88 LXVIII 97 LXIXi LVII 451 LXII 359 LXVII 388 LXVIII 1027 Abridor. X399 ->404 I us J ELE ELL lus ; and to fhew the impermeability of glafs to eleilric fluid - - Henly £lephant. An account of the fkeleton of an ele- phant lately dug up at Tonna Tent%elius 1. An account of the taking and training of ele- phants in Zeylan - Strachan ... II I A full and exaft dpfcription of all the bones of an elephant, with their feveral dlmenfions. To which are premifed, an hifto'lcal account of the natural endowments and feveral wonder- ful performances of elephants, with the man- ner of taking and training them j an anatomi cal account of its parts, &c. - Blair A continuation - - Blai »' "-■ Some remarks upon the difpofitlon of the parts and microfcopical obfervations upon the con- texture of the ikin of elephants Leewmhoek ■ ■ ■ A defcription of the organ of hearing in the ele phant, with the figures and fituation of the officles, labyrinth and cochlea, in the ear of that animal - - Blair ' •• '■ An account of elephants teeth and bones found under ground, Part I. - Sloam Part II. - - Sloan^ ■ ■ ■'■ Obfervations, and a defcription of fome mam- moth's bones dug up in Siberia, proving them to have belonged to elephants - Breyne *— — Letter concerning an extraordinary large foflil- tooth of an elephant - Baker •—— An account of feveral bones of an elephant found at Leyfdown in the Ifle of Sheppey - - - yacob — ■■■ Obfervations on the bones commonly fuppofed to be elephants bones, which have been found near the river Ohio in America IVilliam Hunter •— — A diifertation on the bones and teeth of ele- phants, and other beafts, found in North Ame- rica, and other northern regions, by which it appears they are the boiies of indigenous beaft.N Rnfie Ellicott. Obfervations for proving the going of Mr. Ellicott's clock at St. Helena Mafon — — See Clock. Ellipse. A dire£l and geometrical method by v/hich the aphelia,excentricities, and proportions of tht orbs of the primary planets may be determined, without fuppofingthe equality of the angle ot Tranf. LXVIII 1049 XIX 757 XXIII 105 1 XXVII 53 — 117 V82 -518 XXX 885 — 82 167 Abridg. 11438 V 2 176 XXXV 457 — 497 XL 124 XLIII 331 XLVIII 626 LVIII 34 LIX 126 LII 534 VI 2 205 • 211 IX 87 X599 motion 168 ELL ENC motion at the other focus of the planet's ellipfis Hal'ey Inveftigation to prove, that the figure of the earrh approaches nearly to an ellipfis, ac- cordinc: to the laws of attraftion in an inverfe ratio of the fquaie of the diftances Clairault Elliptic. An invellioationof a general theorem for finding the lengtli of any arc of any conic hy- perbola by means of two elliptic arcs ; with fome other new and uleful theorems deduced therefrom - - Landen Elms. An extradl of a letter concerning the propa- gation of elms by (ee«.! - Buckley Embalming. An abliradt of Nexgo^r.^sia ; or the art of embalm ino" - - Grecnhill Embryo. Hifforia et explicjtio figurarum embryon feptimanarum 6c placentam cotiledoformen ex- hibentium - - Hartmann A letter concerning a child born with an extra ordinary tumour near the anus, containing fome rudiments of an embryo in it Hnxharn Emery. Some obfervations on the formation of eme- ry-flone - - Br'tce Emetick. a folution of the problem for determin- ing the dofes of purging and emetick. medi- cines, to be given according to the different ages and conftitution^ of the patient Cockburn Empiricism. Poftfcript agaii.lt empiricifm Banyer Empyema. Cafe of the operation of the empyema - - - IVarner . The cafe of the operation for the empyema fuccefsfully p rformed - ll^armr A remarkable cafe of an empyema JVamer Emulgent Vein. A newdifcovery of the commu- nication of the duftus thoracicus with the i mul- gent vein - - Pecquet Emulgents. Anatomical obfervations of an abcefs in the liver; a great number of ftones in the gall- bag and bilious veflels ; an unulual con- formation of the emulgents and pelvis; a (f range conjunflion of both kidnies, and a great dila- tation of the vena cava - Tyfon En'caustic- Experiments concerning the cncaultic painting of the ancients - CoUbrooke A letter concerning the fuccefs of the former experiments Sec Painting, CoklrooL Tranf. X[683 XL 19 LXV 283 XVII 97 1 XXIV iioi XX 66 XLV 325 LVI 229 XXIV 2119 XLII 633 XLVII 407 xr>viii 270 LI 194 Abridg. 1258 VIII 329 II 667 III 20S ' XI 1020 V27; II 461 111258 XII ,035 LI 40 bo 81 ,J.NCRINUS< E N G Encrinus. See Star Fijh. Engine. A defcription of Dr. Charles Wren's en gine defigncd for grinding hyperbolical glallcs^ as it was in a manner promifed, vol. ill. p. g62 - - Ih't'n A new engine to make linen cloth without tht help of an artificer - De Genna Letter concerning Dr. Papin's way of raifmo water - - Vincent Letter concerning Dr. Papin's new water en- gins - - Tenon - A full defcription, with the ufe, of the new c:n- trivance for raifing water - Pap'in - An account of an engine that confumes fmoak, ihewn lately at St. German's fair in Paris "JiifttU ' Anfwer to feveral objeflions made by Mr. Nui. againft his engine for raifm)- water bv the rare- faction of the air - Pap'in ■ A defcription of an engine to raifc water by tht help of quickfilvei-, invented by J.HaJJc'iKi And improved by - DefaguUers An account of feveral experiments coneernino the running of water in pipes, as it is retarded by fri^ion and intermediate air; with a de- fcription of a new machine, whereby pipes may be clearedof air as the water runs along without ftand pipes, or the help of any hand Difaguliers An account of a new engine for raifing watei by horfcs, or other animals drawing, v/ithout an\ lofs of power J with the ftrokes of the piftoii made of any length, to prevent the lofs of watei by the too frequent opening of valves Churchman A narrative of a new invention of expjndina fluids, by their being conveyed into certain ignified vefTcls, where they are imm.cdiir^tcly ra- rified into an elaftic impellmg force fufficient to give motion to hydraulopncumatical and other engines, for raifing water, and other ufes, &e. - - Paym The greateft efFe£l of engines with uniformly accelerated motions confidered BUik> A method of leilenlng the quantity of friiSlion in engines - - Fit-zgeralc. Short and eafy methods for finding the quantit\ and weight of water contained in a full pipe ol any given height and diameter of bore; an', confequently, to find what degree of powei Y 2 169 Tranf. | Abridg. IV 1059 XII 1007 XV 1238 — 1254 — 1274 XVI 78 — 263 XXXII 5 XXXIV 77 XXXVIII40. XLI821 LI I LIU 139 I 189 — 501 — 539 III 638 I I 542 VI 352 j -■ 347 VIIT -22 638 would 170 ENG EPI would be required to work a common pump, or any other hydraulic engine, when the diameter of the pump-bore, and the height to which the r water is to be raifed therein are given Fergiijon m An account of a machine for raifing water, exe- cuted at Oiilton in Chcfhire in 1772 f'f'hltehurft A new theory of the engine for driving piles Bugge - The principal properties of the engine for turn- ing ovals in wood or metal, and of the inftru- ment for drawing ovals upon paper, demon ftrated - - Ludlam . See Cloth^ Fire, Hydraulic, Alachiue. England. A difcourfe tending to prove at what time and place Julius Caefar made his firft de fcent upon Britain - Halley , . — An advertifement neceflary for all navigators bound up the Channel of England Jnon. — Letter relating to that ifthmus, or neck of land, which is fuppofed to have joined England and France in former times, where now is the paf fage between Dover and Calais WalUs , A demonftration of the numbers of acres con taincd in England, or South Britain, and the ufe which may be made of it Grew Engrafting. Some Hortulan communications about the curious engrafting of oranges and lemons, or citrons, upon one another's trees; and of one individual fruit, half orange and half le- mon, growing on fuch trees, c^c. Engraving. Some obfcrvations upon gem.s, or pre cious ftones ; more particularly fuch as the an- cients ufed to engrave upon Dinghy Entrails. An obfervation about the epiploon, or the double membrane, which covers the en- trails of animals, and is filled with fat Afalpighi and Fracajfati Ephemeron. Some obfervaticns on a fort ot libella, or ephemeron - - CoUinfon Epicycloid. The quadrature of a portion of the epicycloid - - Cafwd Epidemical Diary. A meTeorologica], barometri- ca', thcrmomctrical, epidemical and mngnetical diary kept at Utrecht 1729 Pan Mujchenbroek 1730 and 1731 Epidemick Diseases. Hlftorical account of the late general coughs and colds; with fome ob ~ fcrvations oa oUur epidcn^jck diftcmpcrs AnQv, Tranf. LV61 LXVa77 LXIX 120 LXX 378 XVII 495 Abridg, III 412 XXII 725 I 585 — 967 XXVII 266 II 553 II 658 IV 2 227 — 449 XLIV 502 11553 XLIV 329 XIX 113 XXXVII 357 — 408 XVIII 105 X6IO 11658 XI 844 Iql VII 2 71 - 4 86,90 ELI EQ.U ■ I m ... . ' Extra£l of a letter relating to an cxtraor dinary agitation of the fea at Barbadoes Mar. 31, 1761, and an epidemical dilorder in that ifland - - Mafon Epileptic Fits. An account of a polypus found in the heart of a perfon who died epileptical Gould — — An account of ftrange epileptick fits Leigh — — — — Obfervation of remarkable appearances in the brain of three perfons who died of epilep- fies - - Rhcetu Epiploon. An obfervation about the epiploon, or the double membrane, which covers the entrails of animals, and is filled with fat Ji^alpighi and Fracajfati Epsom Salt. Obfervations and experiments on the fal catharticum amarum, commonly called the Epfom fait - - Brown Further obfervations - Brown Equations. An account concerning the refolution of equations in numbers - Collins " Cubic and biquadratic equations conllrufted by a parabola and circle - Halley ■ Of the number of roots in cubic and biqua dratic equations, and their limits Halley <,' A new, accurate and eafy method of finding the roots of equations of every kind, without pre- vious reduftion - - Halley e A method of extracting the root of an infinite equation - - De Moivre • ' Univerfal folution of cubic and biquadratic equations, viz. analytical, geometrical, and mechanical - - CoI/ok *— — Analytical folution of certain equations of the third, fifth, feventh, ninth, and higher dimen- iions to infinity in finite terms, like that by Cardan's rules for cubics - De Moivre • An attempt towards the improvement of the method of approximating, in the extradiion of the roots of equations in numbers Taylor ■■' ■ A letter concerning equations with impofiible roots - - Aiaclaimn ' A method of determining the number of im- poffible roots in adfefted equations Campbell — — A fecond letter concerning the roots of equa- tions, with the demonftration of other rules in algebra -. - Madaurin Tranf. LII 477 ^IV 537 XXIII 1174 XXXV 315 I 553 XXXII 348 IV 929 XVI 335 - 3S7 XVIII 136 XX 190 XXV 2353 — 2368 XXX 610 XXXIV 104 XXXV 515 XXXVI 59 171 Abrlde. ni 70 V211 VII 486 II 658 VII 729 — 732 1 60 — 68 ~ 81 — 95 IV 66 — 77 — 80 VI 19 — 9 25 Of 172 E Q^U . Of the redu£lion of radical expreffions (or of the extra£lion of any root of a poffible or itnpofTible binomial) to more fimple terms (Lat.) De Aloivre . Extract of a letter containing a commodious tlifpofition of equations for exhibiting the rela- tions of goniumetrical lines - Jones . The application of Dr. Saunda-fon's theorem for folving unlimited equations to a curious queftion in chronology - Horsfall Diredions for making a machine for finding the roots of equations univerfally; with the man- ner of ufmg it - Rcivnhig Aiiiethodof extending Cardan's rule for refolv- ing one cafe of a cubic equation x^ — qx = r to the other cafe of the fame equation, which it is not naturally fitted to folvc, and which is therefore called the irreducible cafe Maferes Appendix - - Maferes »— — . A conjedlure concerning the method by which Cardan's rules for refolving tlie cubic equation x" -f qx — r in all cafes (or in all magnitudes of the known quantities q and r) and the cubic equation x"" — qx zzr in the lirft cafe of it (or , . , iq s/q f'f • when r is greater than -J-— J, or — is greater 3 V^3 4 than — ) were pvobably difcovered by Scipio 27 Ferreus of Bononia, or whoever elfe was the fird: inventor of them - Maferes Of cubic equations and infinite feries Hutton Eci^^ATioN OF Time. Some remarks upon the equa- tion of time, and the true manner of comput- ing it - - Majkelyne Equator. A refolution ofa general proportion for de- termining the horary altcrarion of the pofition or" the terredrial equator f;om the attraction of the fun and moon; with fome remarks on the folutions given by other authors to that diilicuh and important problem - Simpfoti Piopolai of a method for rneafuring degrees of longitude upon parallels of rhe equator Alichell Eo'jATORiAL Telescope. The defcription and ufcs of an equatorial telefcopc - Short Delcription and ufe of a new-con (Iruilcd equatorial telefcope, or portable obfcrvatory - - - Nairne Tranf. XL 463 XLIV 560 Lvai 100 LX 240 LXVIII 902 LXX 85 Ab/ids:. VIII X 14 LXX 221 -387 LIV 336 L416 LVl 119 XLYI 241 LXl 107 154 An EQ^U EVA •i An account of an apparatus applied to the equa- torial initruinent for corre6iinr.>; the errors arif- ino from the retraction in aUltude DoHond Equilibrium. An account of an experiment ex- plaining a mechanical paradox, viz. that two bodies of equal weight, fufpended on a certain fort of balances, do not lofe their equilibrium by being removed one faither from, tlie other nearer' to, the center - Defagul'uri Eql'INOxes. A treatife on the preceuion of the equi- noxes, and in general on the motion of the nodes, and the alteration of the inclination of the orbit of a planet to the ecliptic SUvabclle ' Eflay on the preceflion of the equinoxes, and the nuiation of the earth's axis JValmefley - A theory of the irregularities that may be occa- fioned in the annual motion of the earth by tht aftions of Jupiter and Saturn WatmePcy — — On the preceihon of the equinoxes produced by the fun's at-traflion - M'urier Equuleus. An account of the equuleus (f^'^ayd Eratosthenes, Koo-xtwv E^atrocrQevoyf, or the fieve of Eratofthenes; being an account of his method of finding out the prime numbers Horjly Ergot. An account of the difeafe called Er^ot in F rencb,. from its fuppofed caufe, viz. vitiated rye - - TiJJot Eriocaulon. A letter on a rare plant found in the Ille of Skye, fuppofed to be the eriocaulon de- , cangulare - - Hop Essay Instrument^. A new-invented efTay-inftru- ment defcribed, with its ufes - BoyL Extract of a letter relating to the efTay-inftru- ment . - Etruscan. See Coin, Infer iptlon. Evacuation. A new trocart for the pundure in the hydrocephalus, and for other evacuations which are neceffary to be made at different times - - Le Cat Evaporation. A diflertation on the nature of eva- poration, andfeveral phgenomena Oi' air, wat-r, and boiling liquors - Hamilton ■ Obfervations on the annual evaporation at Li- verpool in Lancafhire; and on evaporation confidered as a teft of the moifture or drynefs of the atmofphere - Dohfon Tranf. LXIX 33a 173 Abridg. XXXVII 125 XLVIII 385 XLIX 704 — 737 LXIX 505 XXXVI 231 LXII327 LV 106 LIX 241 X329 — 353 XLVII 267 LV 14O LXVU I 244 VI 310 VII 4 3' I516 - 520 Euclid. 174 ERT EXC Euclid. A new and eafy v/ay of demonftrating fome ])ioporKions IP. Euclid - J^Jh . -I Pappus of Alexandria's two general propofitions taking in a great part of Euclid's porifms, re- ftored by - - Siuipfon EugakEan Hills. An account of a curious giants caufeway, or group of angular columns, new- ly difcovered in the Euganean Hills, near Pa- dua in Italy - - Strange EuPHOREiuM. An account of a lady who fwallowed euphorbium - - Willis EuRE. An account of an aqueduct defigncd for carrying the River Eure to Verfailles - - - Anon, EuRiPUs. A letter concerning the flux of the Euri- pus - - Babin ExcENTRiciTiEs. Confiderations concerning M. Caffini's geometr cal and dire£l method for find- ing the apogees, excentricities and anomalies of the planets - Mercator m A direft and geometrical method by which the aphelia, excentricities, and proportions of the orbs of the primary planets may be deter mined, without fuppofing the equality of the angle of motion at the other focus of the pla- nets ellipfis - - Halley ExcENTRiciTY. See Planet: Excrements. Letter on animalcula in the excrc ments of frogs - Leewenhoek Excrescences. A confiderable account touching vegetable excrelcences - Lifter Another letter enlarging his communication on vegetable excrefcences - Lifter With fome additions - ■^i/?'^' — An account of one who had horny excrefcen- ces, or extraordinary large nails on his fingers and toes - - Locke • Two letters concerning horn-like excrefcences growing on the fingers, 6cc. - ff^roe ■ Letter concerning the extirpation of an excref- cence from the womb - Burton • Obfervatioiis on fungous excrefcences of the bladder ; a cutting forceps for extirpating thofc excrefcencies j and canulas for treating thefe difeafcs ' - Le Cat Excretory Ducts. An account of two glands, 4 Tranf. XIV 672 XXXII 330 LXV 418 LI 662 XV 1016 VI 2153 V 1168 XI 683 XXII 509 VI 2254 — 2284 — 3002 XIX 694 XXIV 1899 XLVI 520 XLVII 292 Abridg. VI 76 1594- II 289 I 253 — 258 III 688 II 768 • 768,770 — 76S V387 X 1022 and EXH EXP Tranf. XXI 364 QI 7V and their excretory dutfls, lately dlfcovered In human bodies - Covjper An account of an excretory clu£t froai the glandula renalis - Vidfalvct\)i'KX\\\ 19-: An enquiry into a difcovery, faid to have been made by Sig. Valfalva, of an excretor} d^ac^, from the glandula renalis to the epidi- dymis - - Ranhy — 270 Exhalation. Letters concerning the caufes of the afcent of vapour and exhalation, and thofe of winds; and of the general phsencmena of the weather and barometer - Eela XLIX 1 24 « ■'• An extraft of an efTay entituled, On the ufes of a l 548, 555' 624 III 35O' 352 S. A 176 EX P EYE Exp 5. A new experiment with ebullition and in- calelcence. 6. Of cold produced without ebulli- tion ; giving Ibme account of hyflerical pa- roxyfins. 7. Of cold produced by a very great ebullition, wherein the cold and hot fits of an ague are refembled by a mixture of liquors A mucellaneous catalogue of mean, vulgar, cheap and hmple experiments - Petty LOSiCN. An account of fome experiments relat- ing to the production of fire and flame, toge- ther with an explofion, made by the mixture o\ two lii^uors a£Lually cold - Slave An account of a fire-ball feen in the air, and of an explofion heard Dec. 11, 1741, near Lon- don - - Lord Beauchamp Jn Suflcx - - Fuller In Kent - - Gcjllin Letter concerning an explofion in the air, heard at Norwich June 7, 1750 - Arderon An account of rings, confifting of all the prif- matic colours made by eleflrical explofions on the furface of pieces of metal Prhjlky Experiments on the lateral force of eledricaJ explofions - - PricjUey "Various experiments on the force of elc(5lrical explofions - - Priejilcy An inveftigation of the lateral explofion, and of the electricity communicated to the ele<^rical Tranf. circuit in a difcharge PriejJley Eye. A letter containing a fliort account of an explo fion of air in a coal-pit at Middleton, near Leeds in Yoricfhire - Bernard At\ obfervation containing a blemifli in a horfe's eye, not hitherto difcovtred by any author Lov:r Several cafes relating chiefly to the eyes " - - Turhervile Obfcrvations about the chryflalllne humour ol tlieeye - - Leewenhoek An account of an extraordinary ha.MTiorrhagc at the glandula lacrimalis - Havers Lettei concernmgthe eyes of beetles Leewenhoek Leitercunccrning crabs eyes - Kivz An account of tlic Frieiland boy with letters in his t ye - - Eilis Ltttcr concerning the chryftallinc hui^nour in the 2 XV 849 XVIII 201 XLI 870 - 871. — 872 XLVI 698 LVlir 68 LLX 57 LX 192 LXIII 217 11613 XIV 737 — 790 XVIIl 51 XX' [^9 — 672 XXIU 1416 Abrlds:. III 683 — 359 TOl£3 — 524 X513 II 864 ni34 ir 252 III 685 11 831 ^ 2 235 »yc EYE FAB 177 Eye eye of whales, fifb, and other creatures, and of the ufe of the eye-lids - Leciucnhoek An extraordinary cafe of a partial fight of ob- jedls - - Vater An explication of the inftruments ufed in a new- operation of the eyes - Che/elder- A letter concerning a very large tumour of the eye - - Klein The cafe of a wound in the cornea of the eye cured by - Thomai Baker A defcription of needles made for operations on the eyes - - Cle'ana A remaikable cure performed on the eye of a young woman in Scotland - Hope A letter concerning the ftones called crabs eye^ - • Baker Extraft of a letter containing the particulars of the cure of a wound in the cornea, and of a laceration of the uvea in the eye of a woman - - - Aery A letter concerning a large piece of lath bein- thruft into a man's eye, who recovered of it - - - Hajfel A defcription of a new method of opening tht cornea, in order t£> extract the cryftalline hu mour - - Slmrp A fecond account of a new method of opening the cornea for taking away the cataract Sharp A remarkable cafe of a morbid eye Spry An account of a cafe of a difeafed eye Layard Cafe of a man wounded in the left eye by a fmall fword - - Geach Lids. Letter concerning the chryftalline hu- mour in the eye of whales, fifh, and other creatures, and of the ufe of the eye-lids - - - Lcewenhceh Letter concerning an uncommon palfey in the eye-lids - - Cantwell Tranf. XXIV 1723 XXXIIT 147 VII ^90 j Abrid; V 2 26' XXXV 451 XXXVII427 XLI135 ~ S47 XLIII 194 XLV 174 — 411 — 520 LXVIII 161 — 322 XLIX 18 L747 LIIl 234 XXIV 1723 XL 311 F. FABA S. IGNATII FabaS Ignatii Further account of the fame — 493 IX 121 — 124 XI 951 — 876 — 954 — 955 An account of the virtues of Ation. Camelli Letter on Swammerdam's treatife, De Faba S. Jgnatil - - Hutton Z 2 XXI 87 — 88 ~ 365 V 2 267 IX 121 II 648 — 649 Face. TjS F AC FAR Face. A rehtlcn of two monHrous pigs with tlie re- femblance of human faces - Floyer — — An acccunt of an unuiuil blacknefs of the face - - Yonge Further account - K^ongL Faireurn. An account of the fulphureous mineraJ waters of Caflle Leod and Fairburn in the county of Rofs, and of the fait puiging water of Pitkeathly in the county of Perth, Scot- land - - Monro Falkland Islands. An account of Falkland Ifland-- - - - Clayton Fall cf Water. Part of a letter giving a relation of a wonderful fajl of water from a fpout up- on the Moors in Lancafhire Richan^fon FALLi. An account of the falls of the river Niagara, taken at Albany Oft. lo, 1721 Bcrajfavu Fallopian Tube. An account of an egg found in the tuba fallopiana of a woman lately diflefted ; with feveral ren^.arks touching generation Buijfure Fallopian Tubes. Kr\ abftracl of a remarkable cafe and cure of a woman, from whom a foe- tus was extra(Sled that had been lodged in one of the fallopian tubes thirteen years A'kunfcy P'arin'A. S nic experiments concernmg the impreg- nation of the feeds of plants - Logan A letter with fome niicrofcopical obfervations on the farina of the red lily, and cf worms dif- covered in fmutty corn - Needham Obi'ervatlons of the effcfts whidi the farina of peas of different colours have on each other - - - Henchman The efied^s which the farina of bloffoms of dif- ferent forts of apple-trees had on the fruit of a neighbouring tree - Cook A letter containing fome microfcopical obferva- tions on the farina foecundans of the holyoak and the palhcn flower - Badcock Further obfervations and experiments on the pafTion flower and its farina Badcock A letter concerning the farina foecundans of the yew-tree - - Badccck ■ A letter concerning a mixed breed of apples from the mixture of farina - Cooke — .-^ Part of a Utter concerning the effedts of the niixUue of the faftna of apple-trees Cooke Tranf, XXI 431 XXVI 424 — 432 LXII 15 LXVI 99 XXX 1097 XXXII 69 XVIII II XLV 131 XXXIX 192 XLII 634 XLIII 477 — 525 XLIV 150 — ]66 — 189 XLV 602 XLVI 205 Farthings, Abridg. II 900 V .99 IV 2 ic8 VI 2 173 III 211 XI 1012 Vill 804 — 816 X75T — 753 -756 — 757 — 752 FAR FE R 179 Farthings. An account of what happened tc a child who fwallowed two copper farthings Baynard Fascination. Conjeciures on the charming or faf- cinatinf^ power attributed to the rattlc-fnake ; grounded on credible accounts, experiments, and obfervations - Sloane Fat. An obfervation about the epiploon, or the dou- ble membrane, which covers the entrails of animals, and is filled with fat Malpight and FracaJJati . Microfcopical obfervations concernirg fat - - - Leswenhcek — - A letter concerning the particles of fat - - Leewenhoek • Extra£l of a letter concerning two men of an extraordinary bulk and weight Knovjlton . • Letter concerning Mr. Bright, the fat man, at Malaen in EiTex - Coe Fecundity. Remarks on the very different accounts that have been given of the fecundity of fifh, with frefh obfervations on that fubjecl Harmtr Feet. The defcription and ufe of the pores in the fkin of the hands and feet - Grew Cafe of Nicholas Reek?, who was born with his feet turned inwards, v/hich came to rights after beinsr feme time ufed to lit crcfs-Iesaed - - ATiiner Females. An account of what has been of late ob ferved of eggs to be found in all forts of fe- males - - Kerkring'ius Fermat (\'I, De). Character of M. de Fermat - - - Oldsnbourc Fermentation. Obfervations on thefe three chy- mical operations, digeflion, fermentation, and triture, or grinding (hitherto, in the author's opinion, not lufficiently regarded), by which many things of adniirable uic may be performed - - - Langelot = A way to make two clear fpirituous inflamma- ble liquors, which differ very little in tafte and fmell ; and being mixed tojiether, do "ive s nne carnation colour, without either f;nfible fermentation or alteration - Geoffrey • Obfervations upon the difTolutions and fermen- tations which we may call cold, becaufe they are accompanied with a coolnefs of the liquors into which they pafs - Geoffro) Tranf. XX 424 XXXVIIIsai ^553 IX 128 XXXII 93 XLIV 100 XLVII 188 LVII 280 XIV 566 XLVI 239 VII4C1S VII 5C52 :Xl43 XXII 951 :\di\i<. III 92 II 658 VII 469 XI 124s III ^ 9 XI 1 1 13 III 315 - 367 V421 FSRN. .iSo F ER FIB MlUi Fern. A letter concerning the feed of fern FeRREUS ScIFIO. See Equatic?i. FERTILITY. Inftances, hints, and jatinfT to a main point, folicited in the pretacc to this fourth volume, concerning the ufe to ht made of vaults, deep Vv'ells, and cold con- fervatories, to find out the caufe or to pro- mote the generation of fait, minerals, metals, cryftals, gems, ftones of divers kinds ; and helps to'conibrve long or to haften putrefaftion, fer- tilitv of anv kind of land, Sec Beak Fever. Obfervat'ions on difledion, and the motion of the blood in a fever - Lecwoihoek A difcourfe of the operation of a blifter when it cures a fever - Lockbiirn A letter concerning the whitenefs on the tongue in fevers - - Leeiuenhoek A relation of a deaf and dumb perfon who re- covered his hearing and fpeech after a violent fever; with fome other medical and chlrurgi- cal obfervations - _ Martin .^ , A letter containing his obfervations upon the white matter on the tongues of feverifh perfons _ _ - Leewenhoek , Of the ufe of cold water in fevers ^ Cyrillus A letter relating to the cure of intermitting fe- vers at Tunis - - Shaw . The cafe of Mr. Cox, furgeon, of Peterbo- rough, who fell into a peftilential fever upon tapping a corpfe late dead of an hydropfy , An account of feveral perfons feized with^ the gaol fever working in New^gate, and of the manner in which the infedtion was communi cated to one intire family - Pringie An account of thofe malignant fevers that raged at Rouen at the end of the year 1753, and the beginning; of 1754 - -^^ ^'^{ . Cafe of the efficacy of bark in the delirium of a fever - - Munckky - Letter on the good efFe£\s of the quafli roots in fevers at Antigua - Farley Obfervations of a fick man furprizingly reco- vered from a fever - benvenuti Cafe of a man feized with a fever from the cf- fefts of mcal-dufl - _ Latham FiURES. A difcourfe concerning thefpiral, inftcad o Tranf. XLl 770 Abrldg. VIII 809 IV1135 XIII 347 XXI t6i XXV 2456 — 2469 XXVI 210 XXXVI 142 — 177 XLI 168 XLVIII 42 XLIX 49 L 609 LVIII 80 — 189 LX451 II 728 III 384 — 260 V 2 267 V [357] V 2 267 VII 63s — 640 1X212 tlic FIE FIG the fuppofed annular ftrudure of the fibres of the intcftines - - Cole — — — Extradt of a letter concerning the fibres of the mufcles - - Leewcnhnch — — Obfervatlons upon the membranes enclofing the fafclculi of fibres, into which a niufcle is di- vidciH - - Leetvenhoe'. Obfervatlons en the mufcular fibres of differ- ent animals - Leewenboek - - - Leewenhoek —— An obfervation on the double fibres obfervable in the iTceletons prepared from green leaves Holbnan Conje6lures on the ufe of double fibres in fome leaves, &c. - - Holhv.an Fielding. A brief narrative of the (hot of Dr. Robert Fielding with a mufket bullet, and its flran2;e manner of comin^ out of his head, where it had laid near 30 years : written by himfelf - - Fielding Figures. An account of an antient mantle-tree in Northamptoiifiiire, on which the date of it (for the ye:r 1 133) is exprefled by the numeral figures, which Ihcvvs the great antiquity of thofe figures in England — — On the ufe of numeral figures in England, as old as 1090 - - Luffkin — — Letter concerning the ufe of the numeral figures in England in 1090 - Wallis ■ Extradl of a letter concerning an antient date found at Widgel Hall in Hertfordfhire Cope Remarks on the above date - Ward Further accounts of it - Guljion ■' ■ ■ Some conliderations on the antiquity and ufe of the Indian characters or figures Cop — — Remarks upon an antient date over a gateway, near the cathedral at Worcefter IVard An account of an antient date in Arabian fi- gures, upon the noith front of the parifh church of Rumfey in Hampfliire Barlow A brief inquiry into the reading of two dates in Arabian figures cut upon ftones, which were found in Ireland - Ward . A. defcription of an antient date in Arabian fi- gures at Walling, near Aldermarfton, Berk- ^fhire _ - . ^f/ard ' — Concerning the various figures of the falts con- tained in feveral fubftances Leewcnhofh Tranf. XI 603 XXIX 55 XXXI 129 — 134 XXXII 72 XLI 789 — 796 XXVI 317 XIII 399 XXI 287 XXII 677 XXXIX 119 — 120 122 — 131 - 136 XLI 652 XLIII 283 XLV 603 XV 1073 Abridg, III 88 V 390 VII 464 — 468 VIII 818 V 205 I IC7 — 108 IX 420 — 4.21 — 426 — ?54 XI 126c — 126; III 685 . Sonv^ l82 FIL FIR Some eafy methods for the meafurlng of <^^J^^'^- lined figuies, plain and folid [Vtilns , A fpecimen of the general method of deterniin ing the quadratures of figures Crt^tg . An inquiry concerning the figure of fuch pla- nets as revolve about an axis, fupporing the denfity condnually to vary from the center to the furfacc - - fJalrauh File. Account of a file residered mngnetical by lightening - - Bretnotid FiLTRiNG Stone. An account of the filtilng Hone of Mexico, aiid compared with other ftonc-s; by which it is fliewn, that it is of little or no ufe in purifying the waters which have paffed through it - _ _ - Vaterus^ FiKGER, An account of a periodical evacuation of blood at the end of one of the fingers _ - - Dublin Society . An account of one who had horny excrefcences or extraordinary large nails on his fingers and toes - - ^'-^^'^ . Two letters on horn-like excrefcences growing on the fingers, he. m-ce FiNLANDET^s. A letter giving an account of the Nor weiJ^ian Fins, or Finlanders - Kinck Fire. An experiment to prove that water, when agi- tated by fire, is infinitely more elaflic than air in the fame circumftance - Clayton . A propofal for checking in fome degree the pro- grefs of fires * - ^^l^s Additions - - Afortimer . Extraft of a letter concerning the everlafting fire in Pevfia - Mounjey ^M — An account of the cafe of a man who died of the efFeds of the fire at Edd)flon Lighthoufe, by melted lead running down his throat Spry Another account - Huxham An account of a woman accidentally burnt to death at Coventry - Wilmcr Dcfcription of a moft effccflual method of fi- curing buildings againft fire Lord Afahon Fire Ball. A letter giving an account of a fiery meteor fccn in Jamaica to ftrike into the earth, with remarks on the weather, earthquakes, he. of that illand - - Barha??} ^ - . An account of a fir€-ball feen in the air, Tranf. XXII 547 XXIII 1346 XL 277 ' XLI614 XXXIX 106 XV 989 XIX 694 XXIV 1899 XXXV 357 XLI 162 XLV 277 — 382 — 296 XLIX 477 -483 LXIV 340 LXVIII 884 XXX 837 Abridg. I 58 IV 26 VIII 90 — 506 III 252 — ^3 V378 VII 4 44 VIII 466 XI 1 39 1 — 1392 X267 IV 2 31 and F I R and of the explofion heard Dec, i !, 17415 near London - Lord Beauchamp Jn Suffex - - Fulk In Kent - - Gojil'm Account of a fire-ball feen in the air Dec. II, 1 74 1 - Mafon An account of a fire-ball feen Dec. n, 1 741 - - Cooke . An account of the fire-ball feen Dec. ii, 1 741 - - Gordon - - - CoUinfon The appearance of a fiery meteor as feen by - - - Cradock Account of a fiery meteor feen in the air ,'uly 14, 1745 - - Cofiard Account of a fiery meteor feen Dec. 16, 1742 - - - Mortimer An account of an extraordinary fii-e-bail Chalmer An account of a fire-ball feen in the ai July 22, 1750 - Smith Another account of the fame *- Baker Account of a fire-ball leen at Hornfey Hirji Several accounts of a fiery meteor which appeared Nov. 26, 1758; coUefted by - - Pr ingle Remarks on the feveral accounts of the fiery meteor which appeared Nov, 26, 1758, andoii other fuch bodies - Pringle Account of a fiery meteor feen at the Hague - - Gabry An account of feveral fiery meteors feen in North America - IVinthorp 183 burfting at fea Tranf. XLI 870 -871 — 872 XLII I — ?'S -58 — 60 XLIII78 — 522 — 524 XLVl 366 XLVIT I XLVIII^773 Account of a fiery meteor feen on the loth of February in the fnire of Berwick Brydone PiRE (Chemiftry). An account of fome experiments relating to the produclion of fire and flame j together with an explofion made by the mix- ture of two liquors adualiy cold Slare — Thoughts on Dr. Hales new method of diftil- lation by the united force of air and fire - - - Brownrigg *■■ Aftual fire in detonation, produced by the con- tail of tinfoil, with the fait compofed of cop- per and the nitrous acid - Higgiyu Experiments on ignited bodies Roebuck Fire (Eledricity). Two letters concerning ;he rc- A a LI 218 — 259 LIII5 LIV 185 LXill 163 xvm 201 XLIX 534 LXIII 137 LXVI 509 I Abridjr. '•'III 523 -■ 524 — 525 X 480 HI 359 tatory iS4 FIR FIS Fire Fire Fish tatory motion of glafs tubes about their axes, when placed in a certain manner before the fire JVhler Letter corcerning eleftrical fire Miles A letter conceTiing a fudian -frock being fet on fire by ekdiricity - Rocke Extraft of a letcer concerning the ele£lncitv of glafs that has b en expofed to ftrong fires Boje Engine. l\r\ accoun. of Mr. T. Savery's en- gine for raifine water by the help of fir<" Savery . • The b' ft proportions for fieam-engine cy- linders of a given content conhdered Blah An engine for raifing water by fire: be- ing an improvement of Savery's conftrudion to render it capable of working itfelf ; invented by M. de Moura of Portugd ; defcribed by - - 'J' Sff'£oton Experiments on applying the Rev. Dr. Hales method of diftilling fait water to the ileam-engine - Fitzgerald P^arther experiments for increafing the quantity of fteam in a fire engine Fitzgerald An attempt to improve the manner of working the ventilators by the help of fire-en gint-s - - Fitzgerald (Natural hiflory). A letter rectifying the rela- tion of faFamanders living in fire Steno The defcription of a well and earth in Lanca- fhire taking fire by a candle approached to it - - - Shirley Obfervations on a fubterranean fire in a coal mine near Newcaftle - Hcdgfon An account of a very odd erruption of fire out of a fpot of earth near Fiercnzola in Italy 5/. Clair See Dijlillation, . Account of a flrange and curioufly-contrivcd fifli from New England - IVinthrop Thoughrs about the ftellar fifh defcribed vol. V. p. U 5 1 - IfitlcKghby Phxni mcna afforded by Ihell-fiflies in an ex- hauftcd receiver - - Boyle ' Of the pha-nomena of a fcale-fifh in an ex- hauOed receiver - Boyh ' A conicflure concerning the bladders of air that are found in liflies by A. 1. and iiluftratcd by Tranf. i Abridg. I XLin 341 XLIV 78 XLV 3,23 XLVI 189 XXI 228 XLvn 197 436 X551 — 322 — 406 — 329 1 544 L53 ■ — 370 — 727 I 377 II 816 II 482 III 149 . XI 762 11383 XX 378 - 385 V 1151 -832 — 1201 — 2023 I 304 — 2024 aa F I S an experiment fuggefted by the Hon. Robert] Boyle - - A.L Account of a poifonous fifii in one of the Ba- hama Iflands - - Locke Confiderations on the fwlmming-bladdtrs in fifhcs - - Ray Obfervations on the purple-fifli - C'Ae A £>"eneral idea of the ilruflure of the internal parts of fifh - - Prefion Letter concerning a fliovver of fiflies Conny Letter concerning the chryftalllne humour in the eye of whales, fifli, and other creatures, and of the ufe of the eye-lids Leewsnhoek A letter concerning the circulation of the blood in fifties - - Leezvenhock An account of fonie experiments touching th^ keeping of fifhes in water under different cir cumftances - - Haukjbee Obfervations on the mufcular fibres of fifh - - - Leswenhoek An account of a narhual, or unicorn fifli, lately taken in the river Oft, in the Dutchy of Bre- men, 1736 - - Steigerthal A defcription of the fame fidi Hampe A method of preparing fpecimens of fifli by drying their fkins - Gronovius A letter on keeping of fmall fifh in glafs jars ; and of an eafy way of catching fifh Arderon Abftracl of a letter concei-ning fome obferva- tions made on the banfticle, or prickleback, and alfo on fifh in general - Arderon Extrail of a letter concerning the hearing of fifh - - Arderon A letter concerning an extraordinary fifh, called in Rufiia, Quab ; and concerning the ftones call- ed crabs-eyes - - Baker Upon the founds and hearing of fifhes by Jac. , Theod. Klein ; or fome account of a treatife intituled, " An enquiry into the reafons why the author of an epillle concerning the hearing of fiflies endeavours to prove they arc all mute and deaf - - Brocklejhy Divers means for preferving from corruption dead birds intended to be fent to remote coun- tries, fo that they may arrive there in good cond^ition. Some of the fame means may be A a 2 Tranf. X310 X 312 — 3^9 XV 127I xi: 419 XX 289 xxrv 1723 XXVI 250 18S Abrldg. II 846 — 824 1 846 1X823,832 — 847 — 1 44 V 2 267 ; , XXVII 431 LV 2 182 XXXI 190 VII 431 XL 147 IX 71 — 149 — 72 XLII 52 XLIV 23 XI 869 — 424 -872 XLV 149 — 880 — 174 — ^Zl — 876 — 883 employee iS6 F I S employed for prefervlng cjuadrupeJs, reptiles. fifhes, and infecis - Rsaiimzir • — — Oblervations on keeping fiih ia glafles Arderon - The defcription of a fifh fhewcd to the Roya! Sccietv by Ralph Bjgland iXlortwi.-r Experiments of fifh and flcih prercrved in lime water - - iiumi — — — An account of feme trials to keep water and fifh fweet with lime-water - Hale> — An account of Mr. TuH's method of caftratinv flfn - - IK IFaifi?. An account of four undefcribed fiflies or A'epp;, Rujfel — — An account of a remarkable fifli taken in the King's Road near Br.ftol - Fergufcn ■ .. I Account of a nfli from Batavia, called Jaculator - - - Sch.cjfer Some farther account of the Jaculator fifli, from Mr, Hommel of Batavia ; together with the defcription of another fpecies by Dr. Fallas - - Hommel a^d Pailm ■ ■ " A letter on fome particular flfli found in Wales - - - BarrhigiGti ■ ■■■ Remarks on the very different accounts that have been given of tlie fecundity of fi(h, with frefh obfervations on that fA.ibjedi Harmer — — An account of the lymphatic fyftcm in fifh - - - Hewjon A letter containino; an account of a fm^ulai fifh from the South Seas - Tyfon — — An account of fome curious fiflies fent from Hudfon's Bay - - Forjler An account of fome poifonous fifli in the South Seas - - Anderfon A defcription of the exocaetus volitans, or fly- ing-fifli - - Brown Fishery. A letter concerning pearl-fifliing in the north of Ireland - Redding ■ An account of a voyage to Chufan in China; with a defcription of the ifland, of the fe.r rai forts of teas, of the fiflimg and agriculture of the Chinelc, he. vrith fever il obfervations not hitherto taken notice of - Cunningham - An account of the difcovery of the manner of making ifinglafs in RufTia; with a )>articular defcri. tion of its n^anufadure in England, from Tranf. XLV 309 — 321 XLVI 518 XLVIII 163 - 826 XLIX 445 LIII 170 LIV 89 LVi 186 LVII 204 — 280 LIX 204 LXI 247 LXIII 149 LXVI 544 LXVIII 79] XVII 659 XXIII 120J Abridg. XI 071 - S79 the produce of Bricifh fiflieries Jaclifon\ LXIII i II 828 V 2 171 FiSTULA FIS FLO Fistula Lacrymalis. Some thoughts on the ope- ration of the flrtula lachryiuiilib Hiinauld ■^ A new method of treating the fiftula la- chrymalis - - B'l'zcird Fits. An account of iTrange epileptick fits Z-if/g-/ Cafe of a bny troubled with con \'ulfive fits cured by a (Jifcharge of worms - Oram Another account - Gc.%e More ou.ervaticns - IVjU Fixed Air. See Air. Tlame* An account of fome obfervations relating to the production of fire and flame ; together with an explofion madc^by a mixture of two liquors aftually cold - - Slare " An account of an uncommon phaenomenon in Dorletfliire, of flame arifing out of the earth - - - Stephens Flamingo. The natural hiRory and defcription of the phzenicopterus, or flarnineo; with two views of the head and three of the tongue - - - Douglafs Flanel. Ext raft of a letter concerning the property of new flanel fpaikling in the dark Cockt Fleas. Letter concerning the generation of fleas - - - Cejione ■ Microfcopical obfervations on the probofcis of fleas - - Leewenhoek J'lesh. Experiments on fifli and fiefh preferved in lime water - - Hume ■■ " An account of a curious flefliy coral-like Tub' ftance, with fome obfervations on it by Mr John Ellis - - Schlojfer Flies. A letter on the effeils of elder, in preferving growing plants from infefts and flies GuiLt Flood, Letter giving an account of a vifcous flime left after a flood in the territory of the Land- grave of Thuringue ; with obfervations Bofe Florentine Philosophers. See Frofr. Flowers. Several experiments concerning the pre- ferving of flowers, fruit, &c. Soutbivell — — A letter giving an account of tulips, and of fuch bulbous plants, flowering much fooncr when their bulbs are placed upon bottles filled with water, than when planted in the ground - - - Trieivald An account of the fame experiments tried the Rcxtye^by - - Miller\ Tranf. XXXIX 54 LXX2:q XXIII 1174 L518 — 521 — 8-6 XVIII 201 LII 119 XXIX 523 XLIV 457 XXI 42 XXV 2305 XLVIII 163 XLIX 449 LXII 348 XLVIII 358 XX 42 Abridg. IX 122 V366 III 259 V63 X 343 II7S9 V 2 267 ^623,75^ XXXVII 79 VI 2 5 — 81 I 35i iLX- SS FLU .^ Experiments and obfervatlons on bulbous roots, plants, and feeds, growing in water Curtcis — A letter concerning a zooph) ton fomewhat re- ff moling the flower of marygold Hugka Obfervations upon the fex of iiower?, occafioned by a letter upon the fame fubjed by Mr. My- 11 us of Berlin - - IV. IVatfon Fluents. Of the fiuents of multinomials and fe- nes afreiled by radical figns, which do not begin to converge till after the fecond term - - Shnpfon A difquifition concerning certain fluents v/hich are affi^^nable by the arcs of the conic feclions; wherein are inveftigated fome new and ufeful theorems for computing fuch fluents Landen Fluid (Animal). Experiments to prove the exift- ence of a fluid in the nerves - Stuart k Experiments on animal fluids in the exhauft- ed receiver - Darvjin Fluids (Natural philofophy). New experiments made about the fuperficlal figures of fluids, efpeciaiiy of liquors contiguous to other li- quors - - Boyle - ■ Boyle A defcriptlon of the apparatus for making ex- periments on the refradtions of fluids ; with a table of the fpecifick gravities, angles of ob- fervations, and ratio of refradions of feveral fluids - - Haukjbee Experiments relating to the refiflance of fluids made before the Royal Society DefaguUers -^ A narrative of a new invention of expanding fluids, by their being conveyed into certain ig- nited veflels, where tlicy are immediately rari- fied into an elaftic impelling force fufEcicnt to give motion to hydraulopneumatical, and other engines, for raifing water, and other ufcs, &:c. - - - Payne Experiments and obfervations on the compreili- bility of water, and fome other fluids Canton . A courfe of experiments to afccrtain the fpecific buoyancy of cork in different waters; the rc- fpcctive weights and buoyancy of fait watei and frefli water ; aui,! for determining the exact weight of human and other bodies in fluids - - - ^Vilkinjori An attempt to explain fome of the princi];)al pha;- Tranf. XXXVIlh67 XLII 590 XLVir 169 XLV 32S LXI 298 XXXVII327 LXIV 344 Xr775 — 799 XXVII 204 XXXI 142 XLI82I LIV 261 LV95 Abridg. VIII 82s IX III X I VI 2 22 I 526 IV 2 182 VI 299 VIII 638 1:0m cna F L U FOE nomena of eleclricity by means of an elafllc fluid - - Cavcridifb m Ohfervations and experiments tending to confirm Dr. Ingeoljoufz's theory of the ele£trophorus, and to fhew the impermeabihty of glafs to elec trie fluid - - Henly — — See PJ^ater. Flux. An account of an cKtraordinary flux of the blood by the penis - Howmar. ' A difcourfe concerning the difficulty of curing fluxes - - Cockhurii Fluxions. Some remarkable fpecimens of the doc- trine of fluxioi'S, or examples wherein the ufe and excellence of that method in folving geo- metrical problems is fhewn De Moivre ' A letter cone; rnlng the difpute about the inven- tion of the method of fluxions, or differentia] methiid ; with M. Leibnitz's anfwer Conti Fly. An account of a kind of fly that is viviparous - - - Lijier — — Account of a viviparous fly - Lijlcr ' An account of the infed called the vegetable fly Focus. A method by which a glafs of a fmall piano convex iphere may be made to refraft the ray of lic-ht to a focus of a far srreater diftance than is ufual - - HooJi — I A direct and geometrical method by which the aphelia, excentricities, and proportion of the orbs of the primary planets may be determiiied, without fuppofiiig the equality of the angle of motion at the other focus of the planet's ellip- fis - - Ha/ley >• ■> An inftance of the excellence of the modern al- gebra, in the refolutionof the problem of find- ing the foci of optick glaflTes univerfally Halley • Some fimple properties of conic fedlions, de- duced from the nature of focus's De Moivre Foetus. A way of preferving birds taken out of the fhells, and other fmall foetus's Boyle • ■ ■ Extract out of the third and feventh Venetian Giornale de Letterati, concerning the forma- tion of foetus's An account of an odd foetus lately born at Paris - - - - Denys — — An account concerning the formation of a foe- tus in the tefticle - St, Maurice Tranf. LXI 584 LXViIIio49 XXXII 418 VII 539 XXXVII 385 — 641 XIX 52 I 34 XXX 923 IV 162 VI 2170 XIV 592 11787 Lin27i 1 202 XI 683 XVII 960 XXX 622 1 199 VI 2224 VIII 6157 XIII 285 189 Abridg. I 193 — 258 - 183 IV 3 III 650 I 190 FOE .. An account of a fcetus lying without the uterus| in the belly - - Savard . A letter giving an account of the bones of a fce- tus voided per anum, foiiie years after concep- tion - - A'/orley » An account of a foetus voided by the ulcerated navel of a negro - - Brodie Account of a woman who voided the bones of a fcetus above the os pubis, ond by other extra- ordinary ways Philofophical Society at Oxford ^ An extra6t of a relation containing a remarkable hiftory of a foetus v/ithout the womb Fern . . An account of a woman who voided the great eft part of a fcetus by the navel Birbeck , Letter concerning the bones of a human fcetus voided through an impoilume in the groin _ - - Sk'ippon An account of a puppy in the womb, that re ceived no nourifhment by the mouth Brady Tranf. XIX 314 — 486 — 580 XX 292 XXI 121 XXII 1000 XXIV 2077 — 2176 , An account of feveral extra^uterine foetus's J''a?7^^ XXVI 424 Further account - Tong Letter concerning the bones of a dead fcetus taken out of the uterus of a cow Sherman . Account of a child's crying in the womb _ - - Derhatn A fhort difTertation on the child's crying in the womb - - _ berham — - An account of a fcetus that continued 46 years in the mother's body - Stelgntabl ; , An account of an extra-uterine foetus taken out of a woman after death, that had continued five years and a half in the body Houjlcn — — Cafe 'of the head and ribs of a fcetus brought forth by the anus - Lindejiolpe , An account of the prseternatural delivery of a foetus at the anus ^ Nourfe y Cafe of a woman who had a fcetus in her abdo men for nine years - Bromfald u. An account of a monflrcus foetus rcfcmbling a hooded monkey - _ Gregory — — Cafe of the bones of a foetus coming away by thcanus - - iVinthrop . A letter concerning the bones of a foetus voided per anum - - Simon .—— An account of a child being taken out of the abdomen, after having lain there upwards oi 16 yeara - - My.ddUton< — 432 — 450 — 485 -487 XXXI 126 XXXII 387 XXXIII 171 XXXVI 435 XLI 697 — 764 XLIII 304 — 529 XLIV617 Abridg. Ill 214 — 219 ■ 214,216 V305 — 306 -34[353] — 54 — 3!0 VII 554 — 555 — 557 559 IX 191 — 3^5 XI 1015 — 1016 FOE FOL — — A letter concerninp; the bones of a foetus being difcharged through an ulcer near the navel - - - Drake — — An abJlra£l of the remarkable cafe and cure of a woman, from whom a foetus was extracted that had been lodged in one of the fallopian tubes thirteen years - Mcunfey »— — An account of double ftxtus'sof calves LeCai — — Some accounts of the foetus in utero, being dif- ferently afFe£ted by the fmall-pox IF. lUatfot: w. An account of a monftrous foetus without an\ mark of fex - - Bailer . — — Cafe of a woman from whom the bones of foetus were extrafted - Debenham " Some obfervations proving, that the foetus is in part nourifhed by the liquor amnii Fleming — An account of a monftrous human foetus having neither head, heart, lungs, Itomach, fpleen, pancreas, liver nor kldnies - Le Cat — — Hiftory of a foetus born with a very impcrfedi brain ; to which is fubjoined, a fupplement of the eflay on the ufe of ganglions Johijlon — — An account of a very fmall foetus brought into the world, at the fame time with a child at its full growth - - IVarner Foes. A letter inclofing an account of fome obfer- vations on atmofpherical ele£lricity, in regard of fogs, mifts, &c. with fome remarks Ronayne — — An account of fome new experiments in eleftri- city, containing, i. An enquiry whether va- pour be a conductor of eleftricity. 2. Some experiments to afcertain the direction of the electric matter in the difcharge of the Leyden bottle. 3. Experiments on the lateral explo- fion in the difcharge of the Leyden bottle. 4 The defcription and ufe of a new prime con- duftor. ^. Mifcellaneous experiments made principally in 177 1 and 1772, 6. Experi ments and obfervations on tne electricity of fogs, in purfuance of ihofc made by Thomas Ronayne, Efq. with a plan of an eledtricai journal, &c. - - - Henley Foliate. A ready defcription and quadrature of a curve of the third order, rcfembling that com monly called foliate - De Moivre Folkestone. Account of a very uncommon finking of the earth near Folkeftone in Kent Sachett B W Tranf. XLV 121 — 497 XLVf 235 — 479 XLVII 92 XLIX 254 LVir I ~ 118 LX 453 Lxn 137 191 Abridg. Xr iOig I0I2 I2I6 I 1042! i 1208 LXIV 389 XXIX 329 — 469 IV 34 (IV 2 248' Food. i^a FOO FOR Food. An abflrafl concerning a Grange prefervation of four men in a mine 24 days without food - - Jnon. — — A query concerning the food of the humming bird - - G}i"u.' — — Letter concerning men's feeding on flelh H'ollis Anfwer - - Tyjhi Second letter - - U'aliis — — Copy of an affidavit made in Scotland of a boy's living a confiderable time without food Blair — - An account of fome trials to cure the ill tafle of milk, which is occafioned by the food of cows, either from turnips, cabbage?, or autumnal leaves, &c : alfo to fweeten ftinking water - - - Haki *. An account of a woman in the fliire of Rofs living without food or drink Aiacken%ie ' See Bculimia. Foot (Mathematics). A letter touching the invention of dividing afoot into many thoufand parts for mathematical purpofes - Towniey More ways for the fame purpofes A defcription of the inftrument for dividing a foot into many thoufand parts, and thereby meafuring the diameters of planets to great ex- aftnefs ■ I An enquiry into the mcafure of the Roman foot Rape-r Foot (Phyfic). Account of a briftle that was lodged in a gentleman's foot, and caufed a violeni inflammation - - Arde'cti Foramen Ovale. An extraordinary cafe of the foramen ovale of the heart being open in an adult - - Amya- d A letter concerninsr the foramen ovale bein^ found open in the hearts of adults, and of tht figure of the canal of the urethra Le Cm Force. An account of fome experiments for trying the force of great guns - Grcavc; ■ Some experiments and obfervations on the forci of the predure of the water at great depths • On the laws of centripetal force - KeiL ■ A letter concerning an experiment, whereby i; has been attempted to fhiew the falfity of tin common opinion in relation to the force of bo- dies in motion - P ember tor. 1 Tranf. XVII 815 XXII 769 — 774 - 783 XXXI 28 XLIV 339 LXVII I 11457 — 459 Abrldg. II 854 V I VII 668 i 2I« — 220 — 541 — 219 LI 774 XLIV 192 XI 1114 :, vol. I. p. 21, as enlarging the fame with fome additions - Brown Frogs. The phsenomena aftbrded by them in an ex- haufted receiver - BoyL Anatomical obfevvations on the ftrut^ure of the lungs of frogs, tortoifcf, he. andperfefter ani- mals - - Malfighi - Obfcrvations about generation by an animalcula of the male feed : animals in the feed of a fiog: and fome other obfervables in the parts of a frog - - Leewenkoek • Some obfervations made on the fpawn of froas, and the production of tadpoles therein Waller - Letter on animalcula in the excrements of froes o - - Leewenhoek Frog Fish. Some account of the rana pifcatrix ~ - - Pa>'foni An account of the frog-fifli of Surinam Edwards Tranf, XXXIV 77 XXXVI 222 — 228 XXXVII394 LIII 139 XLV 148 I 21 IV 1080 V 2015 VI 2149 XIII 347 XVII 523 XXII 509 XL VI 126 LI 653 Abndg. VI 347 — 3^7 — 20 — 3:2 XI95S- 1^577 — 579 — 523 - 817 III 684 II 818 III 688 XI 866 Frost, 198 Frost. FRO IMcthod of taking eeles in frody weather - - - jifion. An experiment concerning the progrcfs of arti- ficial conglaciation, and the remarkable acci- dents therein, obiervxd by the Florentine phi- lofophers - - ^ J^on. An account of a ftrange froft which hath done niuch hurt about Briflol ; together with fomc ufeful hints fuggefted upon th^t occafion Bea/e A confirmation of the account IFallis Advertifements occafioned by the remarks print- ed in N'^ 14, upon frofts in fome parts of Scot- land, differing in their anniverfary leafons and force from our ordinary frofts in England Bea/e A difcourle concerning the effedts of the great froft on trees and other plants in 1683 ; drawn from the anfwers to fome queries fent into di- vers countries by R. Plott, and from feveral obfervations made at Oxford by J. Bobart - - - Jnon, A difcourfe concerning the riling and falling of the quickfilver in the barometer, and what may be gathered from its great rife in frofty weather, as to a healthy or fickly feafon Lijhr Some experiments about freezing, and the dif- ference between common frefh water ice, and that of the fea water : alfo a probable conjec- ture about the original of the nitre of Egypt Itjler Some experiments about freezing Defmajiers Further experiments about freezing Defmajiers An account of an experiment touchiog the dif- ferent den fi tics of common water from the greatefl: degrees of heat in our climate, to the freezing point obfcrved by a thermomoter - . - Haukjhee An experiment touching the freezing of com- mon water, and water purged of air Haukjbee An account of an experiment touchiua: the freezing of common water tinged with a liquid, faid to beextraded from fhcll-iac Haukjhce . The hiflory of the great froft in the winters 1708 and 1709 - - Derhaiv ■ A letter concerning the froft in January 1730-1 _ - - Dcrham . Experiments and obfervations of the freezing of water in vacuo - Fahrenheit Tranf. V 2020 VII 5138 VIII 5196 X337 Abridge \ II 837 2c2 " 150 — 152 XIV 766 — 790 XV 836 XX 384 — 439 XXVI 267 -i55)7S» — 11 — 164 - 165 IV 2 182 .^02 — 304 — 454 XXXVII 16 XXXIII 78 — 113 IV 275 VI 2 SI — A lee- F R. U - ' ' A letter concerning an extraordinary inftancc of the almoft inftantancous t'tcezimr of water; and giving an account of tulips, and fuch bulbous plants, flowering mucli foone when their bulbs are placed upon bottles filled with water, than when planted in the ground - - - 'Triezvald — — An examination of fea water frozen, and melt- ed again, to try what quantity of fait is con- tained in fuch ice : made in Hudfon's Straights by captain Chriftopher Middleton, at the re- queft of C. Mortimer - ATiddkton • The fuppofed efFeft of boiling upon water, in difpofingit to freeze more readily, afcertained by expeiiments - Bhicl' • ••• An account of the fuccefs of fome attempts to freeze quicklilver, at Albany Fort in Hudfon's Bay, in the year 1775; with obftrvations on the dipping needle - Hutch'nn •' Obfervations made during the late froft, at Nor- thampton Jan. 1776 - J. Fothergili ■ An account of a moft extraordinary degree of cold at Glafgow in January 1780 ; together with fome new experiments and obfervations on the comparative temperature of hoar-froft and the air near to it: made at Giaf^row ■ - - Patrick IPilfon Fruit. An experiment of making cherry-trees that have withered fruit to bear full and good fruit, and of^ recovering the almofl-vvithered fruit Merrct — — Inftances fiiewingthe correfpondence of the pith and timber with the feed of the plant; as alfo of the bark, or fap in the bark, with the pulp of the fruit, or fome encompaffing coat or cod containing the feed - heal — — A way of colouring leaves, fruit, &c. Tor,ge Aneafyvvayof railing Fruit Trees Lcvjn — — A Hallcy ■ Some remarkable fpecimens of the doctrine of fluxions, or examples wherein the ufe and ex- cellence of that method in folving geometrical problems is (hewn - De Molvre » ■ ■■■ Univerfal iolution of cubic and biquadratic equations, viz. analytical, geometrical, and mechanical - - Colfon . A handful of geometrical flowers exhibited to the Royal Society by - Ciado Grani'i A difcourfe on the locus for three and four lines celebrated among the ancient geometers - - - Pemberton — *— Geometrical folutions of three celebrated agro- nomical problems - Pernbtrton » Propofitions felcdfcd from a paper on the divi flon of right lines, furfaces, and folids Gler.ie Gkouge li. Obfervations concerning the body of his late majcfly, Odi. 26, 1760 Ntcholls Germany. Some obfervations on the country of Germany - - Bria Giant. Account of one Edward Mellooi\, b irn at Port Leicefter in Ireland, who was of an ex- traordinary h'/e ^ - Mujgrave An eday concerning giants; occafioned by fome further remarks on the I 'rge human os frontis, or foreliead bone, mentioned in the Ph. Tranl. vol. XV. ))age 8H0 - Molpieux "'• -- A pidfurc of the fixe of a gigantic bone ^ with a Tranf. LXV5 I 289 "VI 2202 V 1 168 XI 68- XIX 52 XXV 2353 XXX ^l355 LIII 496 LXII 434 LXVI73 1 LII 265 LVI 229 XX 184 XXII 487 Abrkla:. I 247 2C :)j 258 34 IV 66 VI 67 III I — 2 problem GIA GIL problem for determining the fize of the giant accordino- to the rules of the art of drawing _ - - Klein ■ ■ See Skeleton, Giants Causeway. Letter concerning the Giants Caufeway in Ireland - Sir R, B An account of the Giants Caufeway in Ireland - - foley Anfwers to Sir Richard Buckeley's queries re- lating to the Giants Caufeway; wrote down when we were upon the caufeway Jnon Some notes upon the foregoing account, ferv ing to further illuftrate the fame Molyneux Some additional obfervations on the (j iants Caufeway in Ireland - Molyneux An account of the Giants Caufeway in Ireland - - Pococke Further account of the Giants Caufeway in the county of Antrim in Ireland Pococke Letter on the fame fub^eil - Pococke Remarks on the ftones in the county of Naffau, an'ef>re/Jt ' A method of makinfja 2old-coloured jilazin^f .r ; earthen ware - - Heinfiui .^ A dilTertation on the antiquity of glafs in win- dot/s - - ■ Nixon Additional obfervationo upon fome plates of white glafs iound at Herculaneum Nixon. IJLASS. (Llectricity), An account of an experiment touchinir the extraordinary eleitricitv of , proJuceablc on the] motion and attrition of it - Hnukjhen — — - An account of the repetition of an expennienc touching motion in s,iven bodies included in a glafs by the approach of a finger near its out fide : with other experiments on the effluvia of glafs - - Haukfbee ' Part of a letter concerning the light caufed bv quickfilver Ihaken in a glafs tube, proceeding from elecfricity - TremhLy ' A letter (hewing, that the ele£lricity of glafs dilturbs the mariner's compafs, and alfo nice balances - - Robim • Extradt of z letter on the ele»f\ricity of glafs that has been expofed to ftrong tires tio/e — — Letter declaring that he, as well as many others, have not been able to make odours pafs through glafs by means of eledricity ; and giving a particular account of profcflbr Boi'e at VVii- temberg, his experiment of beatification, or caufing a glory to appear round a man's head by electricity - M'illiam IVatfoi. ' Obfervatioiis and experiments tending to con- firm Dr. Ingenhouf/.'s theory of the eiediru- phorus ; and to fhew the Impermeabilitv o- glafs to the eleilric tiuid - Henly Glasses. (Natural Hiftory). Obfervatioas concern- ing keeping fifh in glalTcs - Ardero? — — An account of glafTcs of a new contrivance foi D a Traiif. XL ^39 1^1 743 XLII i88 L 6oi Lll 123 ■ '-as 2. XXV 2327 — 2332 — 2372 107 Abndi:i". IX 184 III 685 IX 499 lVp.2.i8o XXVI 82 — - 181 XLIV 58 — 242 XLVI J 89 — 348 LXVIIIio4( XLV 231 X321 - 328 — 329 — 410 preforving^ ac8 G L A preferving pieces of anatomy> or natural hif- tory, in (pirituous liquors - •l-^ ^'^^ Continued - - ^^^'^^ . On the cryftallizations obferved on glafs Keir Glass (Optics). An account of the improvement of optic glaffes - Campani . - Mr. Hook's treatife entitulcd, An account of micrographia, or the phyfiological dcfcrip- tion of minute bodies made by magnifying glafles - - OlUnburg Judgment tbuching the apertures^ of objedt glaifes and their proportions, in rcfpeft of the leveral lengths of telelcopes, togeih.r with a table thereof - . ^I'^-^^i Confiderations upon !Vlr. Hook's new inftrument for grinding of optic glafles - Juzout Mr."Hook's"anrvver - ^^^j^ ^ ^ farther account touching Signer Campani's book and performances about optic glaHes _^ _ _ y^UZClU Sig. Campani's anfvver, and M. Auzout's ani- madverftons thereon Campani and Juzout , Of M. Hevelius's promife of imparting to the world his irivcntion of making optic glafles, and of the hopts given by M. Hugcns of Zu- lichem, to perform fomething of the like na- ture; as alfoof the expeaations conceived o; fome ingenious perfons in England to improve telefcopcs Heveliui^ Hugens, and Du-Som , Of M. de Sons progrefs in working parabolar glaflbs - - 0!d,r:burg , Inflance to Mr. Hookf r communicatinjz a con- trivance of making, with a glafs of a fphere of 20 or 40 foot diarrreter, a telefcope drawing fe- ; veral hundred feet; and his offer ot recom- penfing that fecret with another, teaching to mea*u?e wi'.h a telefcope the dillances of ob- jects fronj the earth - Jnzoui « An account of the trials made in Laly of Cam- pani'b new optic glalTes - ^"^or.. A method by which a glafs of a fmall plano- convex fphere may be made to refrad the ray of light to a focus of a far greater diltance thar isofJa) - - . f^^- , A conteft between two artifts about optic glalies Ciumpani and Divmi Tranf. XLVI6 go LXVl 530 I 2 I 27 — 55 -56 -69 — 74 98 119 122 202 2^9 Abridg. '' ^349 I »95 I 191 — 215 — 192 193 [ 4«5 I 193 An Gla G L A An obfervatlon of optic glaffes made of rock cryftal - - Divim An account of the invention of grinding optic and burning glafles of a figure not fpherical - - - Smethw'ick Method of polifhlng telefcopical glafles by a turn-latiie; as alfo the making of an extraor- dinary burning glafs at Milan - Anon. The defcriptioii of a way faid to be new an-d univerfal, for working convex fpherical glaffes upon a plane for all practicable lengths, without other diflies or concave moulds Mancini The generation of an hyperbolical cylindroid demonftrated, and the application thereof for grinding hyperbolical glafles hinted at IVren A defcription of Dr. Chr. Wren's engine de- figncd for grinding hyperbolical glafles, as it was in a manner promifed, vol. III. p. 962 - - - {Pren The effeds of the different refraflions of the rays in telefcopical glalTes - Anon A fure and eafy way to make all forts of great telefcopical glafles, with a generous offer of furnifhing induih-ious aftronomers with them Borelli Letter about the making of microfcopes with very fmall and Angle glafles, and of lome other inftruments - BuiterfiAd A dioptrick problem why four convex glaflls in a telefcope fliew objects ereft Molyneux A wayfor myopes to ufe telefcopes without eye glafles; an objedt becoming as uleful to them, and fometimes more, than a combination of glafles - - DefaguUers A new method of improving and perfedting ca tadioptrical telefcopes, by forming the fpecu lumsof glafs infl:ead of metal Smith Letters relating to a theorem of Mr. Euler, for Corre£l:ing the aberrations in the objeii -glafles of refra^^ting telefcopes; by - V - Short, Euler, and Dollona A report concerning the microfcope glafTes fent as a prefent to the Royal Society by father Torre of Naples - Baker ' A method of working the obje<5t glaffes of re- tracing telefcopes tru'y (pherkal Short ss. (Natural Philofophv), An account of an expt P d a 20^ Tranf. Abrldg. — 362 — 195 III 631 — 194 — 795 HI 837 IV 961 I 188 — 1059 — 189 VIII 6086 -■S6 XI 691 XII 1026 — 208 XVI 169 — 189 XXX 1017 IV 188 XLI 326 VIII 113 XLvm 287 LVI67 LIX 507 — 195 riment ?io GL A GLO riment touching the dlrcdion of a drop of oil of oranges, between two glafs phincs, towards any Tide ot tTiem that is luartil prclicd togeth-.r Haukjhet - An account o'^ an experiment concerning the an^le required to fulper.d a drop ot oil ot ofcjnges at certain flations, between two glals planes, placed in the form of a wedge - - - Haul'Jlce — — Part of a letter concerning the afcent of water between two glafs planes - Tayhr - - - Haukjhet: ■ An account of an experiment touching the pro- portions cf the aiccnt of fpirit of wine between two olafs planes, whofe (orfaces were placed at - . certain different diftances from each other 1 - - - Haukjlec Acco'jnt of fomc further experiments Haukjhee further account - Haui^feee . An account of Ibme new experiments relating to the action of glals tubes upon wattr and quickfilvtr - - ^w^'" — — Two letters concerning the rotatory motion of glafs tubes Jibout their axis, when placed in certain manner lefore the fire JVheky — — An account of lome experiments lately made in ; Holland, upon the fiagility of unanncaled glafs vfcirds - - Jlt>oiu '• A memoir on the L^.cr^nv.e l^atavicj;, or glafs drops , the tcm])ering of fteel and cfllrvef- cence, accouptcd for bv the lame principle ' Le Cut Experiments and obfervations on the sgrcement l>etween the Ipecific gravities of the feveral metals and their colours, when united to glafs, J as well as tliofe of their other proj)ortions ■ , . - - - Delavnl Gle'tcher. Letter concerning ilic icy and cryftal- I line mounta.ns of Helvetia, called the Gletf- chcr - - Murahui • A farther description and reprefentation of the J icy mountain, called the Glttfcher, in the I canton of Berne in Helvetia - Ju/ia Globe. The defcripticn of a cttlefiial globe made by M. Difbtr - VJlUmo,. -~-— A propofal to make the poles of a globe of the Tranf. XXVII 395 — 473 -538 — 539 XXVIII 151 — 135 XXX 1083 XLllI 341 — 505 — 175 LV 10 IV 982 VIII 6191 Xll 905 Ab ridg. IV : I 182 IV 423 2 182 -183 IV 428 X SSI XI ^343 X 560 11 46s — 378 heavens GLO GOR heavens move in a circle round the poles of the I ecliptic - - Latham ^ I ■ A contrivance to make the poles of the diurnal motion in a cncleftial globe pafs round the poles of the ecliptic - - iienex m. - ■ An account of an improvement in the terrertrial globe - - Hiirrii[ -~— An improvement of the coeleftlal globe Fergufon • Letter concerning the large globes prepared by her late hulband, and now (old by herfelf - - - Mrs. Ser.ex Globes (Natural philofophy). An account of ex- periments relating to odours pafllng through eledlrified globes and tubes WiiikleA An account ot the refult of fome cxperi-' ments made here with globes or tubes, tranf- mitted by M. Winkler, in order to verify the, fadls above-mentioned - IF. ifatfon' Glow-Worms. Some obfervatlons concerning glow-' worms - - Temp/erl Further obfervatlons - 7empter • — — Obfervatlons on the cicindela volans, or flying glow- worm ; with the figure I'Falhr Gnats. Letter concerning gnats Leeivenhoek — — — Some obfervatlons on fwarms of gnats, particu larly on one feen at Oxford Aug. 20, 1766 - - - Swinton ■Godfrey. See ^adrant^ Gold. Of the Incalefccnce of quickfilver with gold ^ B. R. ' ■ ■ Experiments of refining gold with antimony - - - Goddard '■■ A way of gilding gold upon filver Southwell A method of making a gold-coloured gla/ing for earthen-ware - Heinfim •— — Sequel to tlte cafe of Mr, Butler of Mofcow, who was ftran^elv affefted by mixinc: verdigris and falfe leaf-gold with aquafortis Baker GoNiOMETRY. Extra£l of a letter containing a com- modious difpofition of equations for exhibiting the relations of goniometrical lines JoKes Good Hope. See Cape. Gooseberries. An extra61: of a letter containing microfcopical obfervatlons on the feeds of goofeberries - - Leewenhoek GoRCONiA. On the nature of th« gorgoniai that it Tranf. \ XL 201 — 203 XLI 321 XLIV 535 XLVI 290 XLVII231 — 236 Yl 2177 — 3035 XV 841 XXII 509 LVII Hi X515 xir 953 XX 296 XLII 188 LIV 15 XLIV 560 XVII 949 &11 Abridg, VIII 217, — 217 VIII ^C2 X 156 ~ 158 II 760 — 761 ;. Ill 688' 11580 — 595 III 657 1X499 X 14 III 685 is 212 GOU GR A is a real marine animal, and not of a mixed nature, between animal and vegetable E/Ih Gout. An abftrad: of a letter concerning the parts of the brain of feveral animals, the chalk- ftones of the gout, the leprofy, and the fcales ^' ^"^^^ " - Leewenhoek Ad extrad of a letter concerning the caufes of the gout - . pifj^ii Gozo. See Coin. GRAf T. Some communications on the defcent of fap - - - Reed Some confiderations on Mr. Reed's letter, fhew- ing in what fenfe the fap may be faid to de- fcend, and to circulate in plants, and the graft to communicate with the flock - Beal Grain. Of the weight of a cubic foot of divers grain ^ - _ PhU, Soc. at Oxford Further lift of the fpccific gravities of bodies ~ ~ ~ - Anon ' Letter about the grains refembiing wheat which fell lately in Wiltfliire . Colt Granaries. A defcription of feveral kinds of gra- naries, as thofeof London, of Dantzick, and in Mufcovy - Merret and others Grange (Le). Obfervations on the cale of Mr. Le Grange - . Stuart Grantham. See Pavement, Grapes. An account of two obfervations in o-ar dening, upon the change of colour in grapes andjclfamine - _ Qane Grass. An account of grafs found in the wind-pipes of feme animals - _ A}2on. An account of the burning of feveral hdv-ricki- by a fiery exhalation or damp; and oj-" the in- fectious quality of thcgrals of feveral grounds ■ ^ - - F!oy2 XVIII 49 \ art of two letters concerning feveral plants which may be ufcully cultivated for producing grafs or hay - _ i,j}^^ A letter concerning ^he grubbs deftroying the grals in Norfolk - Baker An account of an inverted iris obferved on tht grafs in September, and another in 0£tobn- »7Si - - irbh Grasshoi-i'F.rs. An account of an extraordinary Iwarm of grafshoppers in Languedoc 'JfJitlR Okavidation. An account of a notable cafe of a| 7 Trarif. LXVIi XV 883 XXXV 491 VI 2128 — 2144 XV 926 — 927 XVI 281 II 464 XL 325 XXXI 102 I 100 XIX 412 XLIV 576 XLVII 248 XVI 147 Abridg, III 684 VII 623 1690,775 — 690 I 522 — 5^^ II 628 IX 146 VI 2 340 II 869 — 181 I 748 XI 821 11 7S8 dropfy. G R A dropfy, miftaken for gravidation in a yoang wo- man ; enlarging the obfervation of the fame cafe, made by Dr. Tulpius ^ jinon. Gravity (in general). On the center of gravity, of hyperbola's - - fValU . A difcourfe concerning gravity and its proper- ties, wherein the delcent of heavy bodies and the motion of proje6ls is briefly but fully hand- led : together with the folution of a problem of great ufe in gunnery - Halley . Experiments concerning the time required in the defcentof difFeient bodies, of different magni- tudes and weights, in common air, from a cer- tain height - - Haukjbee — — Of the figure of the earth, and the variation of gravity on the furface - Stirling » ■ ■■ Aftronomical obfervations made in the forks of the river Brandivine in Pennfylvania, for de- rermining the going of a clock, fent thither by 4he Royal Society, in order to find the difrer- ence of gravity between the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich and the p'ace where the clock was fet up in Pennfylvania Mafon and Dixon — — On the computation of the fun's diflance from the earth by the theory of gravity Horjley • Reflections on the communication of motion bv impadt and gravity - Milner Gravity. (Specific). An invention for eftimating the weight of water in water with ordinary ba- lances and weights - Boyle • Of the weight of a cubic foot of divers grains Phil. Soc. at Oxford — ■- A further lift of fpeclfic gravities of bodies - - - - j^non — — A difcourfe on this problem ; why bodies, dif- folved in menftrua fpecilically lighter than therafelves, fvvim therein W. Molymux Some refleftions on the foregoing paper Y. Molymux — — Obfervations on the comparative, intenave or fpecific g^ravities of various bodies "J C. An account of an experiment touching the pro- portion of the weight of air to the weight of a like bulk of water, without knowing the quantity of either - Haukfiee -— — An experiment touching the weighing of bodies of the fame fpecie?,. but of very unequal fur-| Tranf. IX 131 VII ^074 XVI 3 XXVII 196 XXXIX 98 413 Abrido. Ill 139 — 472 182 VIII 324 LVIII 329 LIX 153 LXVIII 344. IV loor XV 926 — 927 — 88- — 93 XVII 694 XXV 2221 I 520 — 522 — 523 — 355 — 537 — 524 IV 2 180 ; faces 2H Gr Gr Gr G RE faces in common water, being of an equal weight in common air - Houkjhee - Of ieverat metalline cubes, in comparifon with their like bulks of water - Haukfoee - A defcription of the feveral ftrata of earth, ftone, coal, &:c. found in a coal-pit at the weft end of Dudley, StafFordfhire. To which is added, a table of the fpecific gravity of er.chftratum Fettlplace and Homfipe - A caution to be ufed in examining the fpecific gravity of folids by weighing them in water _ - - yurin - The fpecific gravities of certain matters ob- ferved at different times for various purpofcs _ - - Fahrenheit - A letter concerning the fpecific gravity of dia- monds - - Ellicott - Tables of fpecific gravities ; extra£led from va- rious authors ; with fome obfervations upon the fame - - Davjes - An eflay towards afcertainingthe fpecific gravity of living men - Robertfon - Experiments and obfervations on the agreement between the fpecific gravities of the feveral me- tals and their colours when united to glafs, as well as thofe of their other proportions - - - Dckval - Acourfeof experiments to afcertain the refpec- tive weights and buoyancy of fait water and frefli water, and for determining the cxa£t weight of human and other bodies in fluids « - - lyUk'mfon EATRix. A letter concerning the cures done by Mr. Greatrix the ftrokcr - Thorejhy EECE. Obfervations in travels from Venice through Iftria, Dalmatia, Greece, and the Ar- chipelago to Smyrna - Vernon EEK. An attempt to explain an aniient Greek infcription engraven upon a curious bronze cup with two handles, and pabllllied with a draught of the cup by J^r. Fococke, in his defcription of the Eaft, vol. II. part II. pag 207 - - IVara - Remarks on a Parthian coin with a Gretk and Parthian legend - Sw'intan - Some obfervations on an inedited Greek coin of Pliilill:^ queen of byracuff, Malta and Tranf, XXVI 306 xxvir52i — 541 XXXI 223 XXXIII 114 xLiir 468 XLV 416 L 30 LV 10 — 95 XXI 332 XI 573 Abrldg. — - 181I 182 VI 327 VI 329 X612 — 206 II II XLVI 488 L 1/5 X 1278 CjO/O, GRE GRU Gozo, who had been pafied over in filence by all the antient writers - Swinton 1.1 ■! ■ " . An enquiry into the value of Greek and Roman money - Raper Greek. See Coin. Green House. An account of the lately-invented ftove for preferving plants in the green-houfe in winter - - CuUum Greene. An account of the death of Dr. Greene, by a hurt in riding out - Cameron Greenland. Inquiries to be made in Greenland - - - Royal Society Green weeds growing w water. Lettc-r con- cerning green weeds growing in water, and animalculse found about them Leewenhcek Two letters from a gentleman in the country relating to the fame - Jnon Greenwich. A letter concerning obfervations to be made on the parallax of the moon at St. He- lena, and recommending the fame to be made at Paris and Greenwich, to fettle the difference Helena De La CailL Majkelyne Greyhound. An of longitude between Paris and St. account of an animal refembling a whelp voided per anum, by a male hound Tranf, LX80 LXI 462 XVIII 191 XLIV 609 "554 XXIII 1304 — 1494 grey Halley Grinding. An account of the invention of grind- ing optick. and burning glalTes of a figure not fpherical - - Smethwick Groin. Letter concerning the bones of a human fcE- tus voided through an impofthume in the groin - - - Skippon Of a bubonocele, or rupture in the groin, and the operation made on it - Amyand Grotta de' Cani. Extra6l: of the obfervations made in Italy on the Grotta de' Cani Nollet Ground. An uncommon finkino; of the ground at Lymne in Kent - - Anoyi. ■ ■ A narrative of an extraordinary fiaking down and Aiding away of fome ground at Pardmes, near Auverirne - - Juon, An account of the finking down of a piece of ground at Horfeford in Norfolk Arderon — — Obfervations on the heat of the ground on mount Vefuvlus - "- Howard Grubbs. a letter concerning the grubbs which dellroy Baker E e the grafs in Nurfblk LII 21 — 26 XIX 316 III 631 XXIV 2077 XL 361 XL VII 48 XXXV 551 XLI 272 XLIII 527 LXI 53 XLIV 576 2J5 Abridg, II 750 XI 1 1 12 HI 631 V 2 225 II 904 1 194 IX 161 VI 2 203 VII [ X5 704 S7 ' XI 82 1 Giu 2}6 GU A GUN Tranf. GuAiANA- Inquiries for Gasisna and Brafil Royal Society II 422 GuiLDiNG. A way or gilding gold upon filver - - - Southwell XX 296 GuiN'EA. Inquiries to he made in Guinea Hi. I II 472 ■ A catalogue of fome Guinea plants fent to James Petiver, with their native names and vir- tues, and remarks on tliem by Petiver XIX 677 Gullet. An account of a wound which the late lord Carpenter received at Brihuega, where a bullet remaineil near his gullet for a year, want- ing a few days - Carpenter XL 316 Cum Lac. Experiments of (he luminous qualities of amber, diamonds, and gum lac U aL XXVl 69 GuN'N'ERY. Experiments for imp-'ovemcnt in the art! of gunnery, viz. the point-blank diflance, the quantity of powder for the jufl charge of any' piece, and what gun fhoots fanheft A'Ioray\ II 473 — — A defcription of theufesof a certain powder fori yeildmg very clofe and fmooth metal, and ofi cafy carriage, &c. (forcafting of guns) Anon.\ VIII 6040 — — An account of fome experiments for trying thci force of great wuns - Greaves\ X\' IO90 — — A difcourfe concerning gravity and its proper- ties, wherein the defcentof heavy bodies, and tiie motion of p'oje£ls, is briefly but fully handled ; together with the folution of a pro- blem of 2re-.t ufe in jjunnery H alley XVI 3 — — An account of an experiment of fliootingby the raiefadion of the air - Papiji — 21 A propofition of general ufe in the art of gun- nery; fhewing the rule of laying a mortar to pafs, in order to ftrike any objeft above or be- low the horizon - Hailcy XIX 68 — The rcpo'.t of the committee of the Royal So- ciety a jiointed to examine f me queflions ir. nunnery Ccmmitiee of the Ro)qI Society XLII 172 Gun Pr.WDER. Experiments for improvement in th WW of ^unncrv, viz. the point-blank diftance, the quaniitv of powder for the juft charge o! any piece, and whut ^un flioots faitheft Mo>a) II 473 — An extract of a letter containing fevera obfcrvation-. on gun powder Lecivenhoel XVil 7^4. An expmmcnt of firing gun-powder or a rtd-hot iron in vacuo Doyli.mo Haukfbe, XXIV i8c6 > An account of an experiment touching. liic quaiitity cf air produced fiom a ceita.r. Abridg, III 632 — 657 — 632 II 752 IV 2 275 I 493 ns57 I 495 — 496 -481,483 VIII 053 I 493 III 685 IV 2 1711 I quantity OUH HJR M quantity of gun-powder fired in common air - - - Haukjhee *—— — The force of fired gun-powder, and the initial velocities of cannon balls determined by experiments; from which is alio deduced thf relation of the initial velocity to the weight of the {hot and the quantity of powder Huticn m ' A new theory of gun -powder Ingenhonpz Gun-shot wound. Cafe of a boy who died of a gun-fliot wound - IVoolcomh .Gunter's Scale. The con{lru<^ion of the loga- rithmic lines on Gunter's fcale Robert/on Gurnard (Yellow). A defcription of the cucu- lus /avis cceruleso-flavefcem., cm in fupremo ccipite bronchiarum opercula, or the yellow gurnard Tyfon Guts, Some anatomical obfervations and experi- ments concerning the unalterable characlers of the whitenefs of the chyle within the la6leoui veins ; together with divers particulars obferv ed in the guts, efpecially leveral forts of worms found in them - Lijiei- — — The anatomy of the flime within the guts, and the ufe thereof - Leevjenhoek • — — Some obfervations on wounds in the guts - - - Amy and — — An inftance of the gut ilium cut through by a knife, and cured - Travers Gymnotus Electricus, Experiments and obferva- tions on the gymnotus electricus, or eledrica eel - - IVilUamfon '<• — — An account of the ele£lrical eel Garden '-'-" -I ■■■ An account of the gymnotus eleflricus - -» y. Hunter H. HADLEY. A letter concernino; obfervations with Mr. Hadley's reflecting telefcnpes Pound Hematites. Extra6l of lome letters concerning iron ore, and more particularly of the hreriia- tites wrought into iron at Melthorp forge in Lancafhire - - Sturdte HAEMOPTYSIS. An uncommon cafe of an haemop- tyfis - - Darwen Tranf. XXV 2409 LXVIII 50 LXIX 376 LX 94 XLVIII 96 XXIV 1749 5^7 Abri dg, rV 2 181 Viri 6060 XIV 586 XXXIX 329 L35 LXV94 — 102 — 395 XXXII 382 XVII 69s LI 526 V36 II 696 III 684 IX 153 E e 2 VI 221 11551 HiEMOR- 2l8 UJEM H AI HAEMORRHAGE. An account of an extraordinary hae- morrhage at the sliindula laciimalis Anon - Letter conctrning a very extraordinary periodi cal hcemorrliage - Mufgrovc • Two remarkable medical cafes ; one of an ex- traordinary hremorrhage, the otlier of an af- citts, cured by tapping - Bcmytr Experiments concerning the ufe of the agaric ot oak in flopping ha'morrliagcs Sharp and IVarna Hail. An account of hail-liones of an unufual big- nefsj with reflections on them Fa'irfa « The relation of a ftorm of thunder, lightening, and hail, at Ounale in Northamptonfhire U'. R — — Extract of a letter giving an account of an un- ufual ftorm of hail, which fell at Lifle in Flanders May 25, 1686 - Anon Account of an extraordinary hail in Chcfliire April 29, 1697 - HalU) A larger account of the fame ftorm Anon. - • An account of a great hail-ftorm at Hitcliin in Hertfordfhire May 4, 1697 - Tai/or Relation of a great hail-ftorra in Herefordfhirc in June 6, 1697 - Anon. Another account of the fame ftorm in Mon- mouthfhire - - Lhwyd ■■■■ Letter concerning the generation of hail, thun- der and lightning, and the effect thereof IValiis — — A letter giving an account of the damage done by a ftorm of hail, which happened near Ro- therham in Yorkfliire - Thorejhy '■ " ' An account of an extraordinary ftorm of hail in Virginia July 9, 1758 - Fauquier Hair. Microfcopicai obfervations on the ftru£lure of the hair - - Leeusmhoek — — An account of balls of hair taken from the ute- rus and ovaria of feveral women Yonge Account of a bunch of hair voided by urine - - - 1 ongc Obfervations ou the cafe related by Mr. Yonge - - Lcewenhoek Cafe of a gentlewoman who voided with her urine hairy cruftaceous fubftances ; with Sir H. Sloane's anlwcr,. containinc; feveral obfer- vations of extraordinary fubhanccs voided b) the urinary pallages Foiucll and S/cani «- ■— Cafe of liuir voided by urine - Knight ' Tranf, XVIII 51 XXn 864 XLII 628 XLVIII 588 II 481 XVII 710 -858 XIX 570 — sn — 577 — 579 — ^53 XXVII 514 L746 XII 1003 XXV 2387 ' XXVI 414 — 416 XL! 699 — 705 Abridg. HI 252 V 239 IX ^Sh 193 II 145 — 146 - 147 — 148 - 183 IV 2 109 V 284 IX 180 — 182 Ob- HAI HAL — — Obfervatio de ovarii fieatomate & de plUs ibi- dem inventis - - Haller Part of two letters concerning the iparkllng of flannel and the hair of animals in the dark _ _ - Cooke Hair (Aftronomy). Some remarks upon the me- thod of obferving the differences of right af- cenfion and declination by crofs hairs in a te- lefcope - - Halley Hales. The conclufion of Dr. Defaguliers* account of Mr. Hales's vegetable ftaticks Defagul'iers — — Thoughts on Dr. Hales's new method of diftil- lation by the united force of air and fire - - - Brownrigg Halesia. An account of the plants halcfia and gar- denia - - Ellis Halley. Som^ remarks on the variation of the mag netical compafs, publifhed in the memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, with regard to the general chart of thofe variations made by Hal ley ; as alfo concerning the longitude of Ma- gellan Straights - Antn. — — — A true copy of a paper found in the hand-writ- ing of Sir Ifaac Newton, among the papers of the late Dr. Halley; defcribing an inftrument for obferving the moon's diftances from the fix ed ftars at fea - - Newton — — A view of the relation between Dr. Halley's ta- bles and the notions of Mr. de BufFon, for eftabling a rule for the probable duration of the life of a man - Kerjfcboom Halo. Obfervation of one May 12, 1667 Philojhphlcal /Academy at Paris Difcourfe concerning the caufe of halo's and parelia's - - Huygens — — An account of an unufual parhelion and halo Apr. 7, 1699 - - Gray — — An account of two mock fun^s> and an arc of a rain-bow inverted, wi;h an halo, and its bright- eft arc feen on Sunday and Monday, Oft. 22 and 23, 1 72 1, at Lyndon in Rutland Ifhljlon — — An account of an halo obferveu at Rome Aug. 11,1732 - De Revilla: — — A letter giving a reprefentation of an halo, or mock fun, obferved July ii, 1749 Arderon Tranf. XUir 71 XLV 394 XXXI 113 XXXV 323 XLIX 534 LI 929 719 Abridg. XI 1009 X343 r VI 165 VI 2 158 XXIX 165 XLII 155 XLVIII 239 V 1065 XXII 535 XXXI 212 XXXX 118 XLVi 196 IV 453 n 188 VI 2 76 VIII 108 XI 1295 — hi «at MAM ^^SA - All aeeountof aremarkabje halp May 20, 11$J 'KammI*4 Pkaroan Water, Exper ments, by way of analyfis, upon the water of the dead fea, upon hot fprings near Tiberiades, and up on Hamman Pharoan water - P^''^ Hampshire. See 6W/>i. ^ , , • ,, Hands. The delcriptlon and ufe of the pores in the ikin of the hands and feet - ^ Gmv Harbours. A reco-.mendatlon of Kadley's qua- drant for lurve . incr, efpeclally the lurveymg of Larboursj together with a pa:t,cular apphca- tion of it to iomc cafes of pilotage A'luhell ' Hardouin. a remark on F. Hardouin's amendment of a paffage in Pliny^s natural hiftory, hh. 11. p. 74, by " Hares Obfervations on various forts of worm , as well human as from hares - Lnnbourg . . Inveftigation of the'fpecific charaaer which dif- tinguifli the rabbit from the hare Barroi^ion Harrowi'ng. See Semhradore. HART3ELL Spaw Water. Occafional remarks on the Hartfcll Spaw, and their companfon with other waters of the fame clafs - Rt^t^y H^RTz Mines. Barometrical obfervations on the depth of the mines In the Haitz - De Luc „ , A fccond paper concerning fome barome- trical meafures in the mines of the Hartz DeLuc Harwich. A letter concerning Harwich ChU, and the fofiil fliells there - ^.^^^ Hatchet. Part qf a letter concerning the remains of an ancient temple in Ireland, and ol a (lone hatcliet of the antient Irifh Bp. of Cork ■Hay. An account of the burning of feveral hay ricks by a fiery exhalation or damp ; and of the infeaious quality of the grals of fevera^ grounds - ~ r \ \ Part of two letters concerning feveral plants which may be ufefuUy cultivated for producmg • grafsorhay - ' ^'f'' Obfervations upon a monUrous head ot a Tranf, LII3 XLII 48 XIV 566 LV70 XLIV 365 LVI 126 LXII4 LI 470 LXVII 401 LXIX 485 XXIV 1568 XLII 5S1 XVIII49 Abridg. VIII 643 III 9 Head Anatomical obfervations in the heads of fowl, made at ftveral times - . ^^''"''.^ An abftract or an account (;i live pair of muf- cle^ which fcrve for different motions of the head - -T/ r^ \. With remarks by - i^'^- Cowper XIX 412 I 8s XVII 711 XXI 13 XI 1378 IV 2 264 IX 457 II 181 I 748 II 860 A H E A — — A letter concerning worms In the heads of flieep Thorp. - •■■'■ A remarkable cure of a wound of the head, compUcated with a large fradture and deprelTion of the ikull, the dura inater and brain wounded and lacerated - Ca^na — — An account of fome extraordinary tumours up- on the head of a labouring man Par Cons An account of a monftrous human foetus, hav- ing neither head, heart, lungs, ftomach, fpleen, p.ancreas, liver, nor kidnics - Le Cat — — Account of an extraordinary large head Be'nvenuti Health. A difcourfe concerning the rifinp- and fall- ing of the quickfilver in the barometer, and what may be gathered from its great rife in frofty weather, as to a healthy or fickly feafon - ' Lifier - Obfervations on the expedl^tions of lives, the increafe of mankind, the influence of great towns on population, and particularly the ftate of London with refped to heakhfulnefs and number of inhabitants - Price — — The method taken for preferving the health of; the crew of his majefly's fliip the Refolution, during their late voyage round the world Cook Hearing. A defcription of the organ of hearing in the elephant ; with the figures and fituation of the officles, labyrinth and cochlea in the ear of that animal - - Blair Extract of a letter concerning the hearing of fifl"! - - Arderon Upon the founds and hearing of fifh by Jac. Theod. Klein, or fome account of a treatife entituled, An enquiry into the reafons v/hy the author of an epiflle concerning the hearino- of fifhes, endeavours to prove they are all mute and deaf - - Brockkfiy See Deajnefi. Heart. O.' the motion of the feparated heart of a cold animal in the exhaufted receiver BoyU Obfervations upon the motion of the hearts of two urchins, after their being cut out Templer * An account of a polypus found in the heait of perlon who died epileptical - Gould An cxtraftgivrng an accou-.t of a large prater- natural glandulofe fubflance found between the heart and pericardium of an ox Tranf. XXIV 1806 XLI 495 LVir I LVIII 190 XIV 790 LIX89 LXVI 402 XXX 885 XLV 149 — 23: V 2027 VIII 6ci6 - III 69 XfV 537 I 279 XV 860 121 Abrldg. V 16 IX 118 \ II 18,274 V82 XI 880 -- 883 III 69 An 122 H E A ^n account of an c-xtrao-dinTV a'curifma of the ar-e la ao! a near tin; balls o;' the hea t, 7£ 1217 XXIX 326 XXX 863 — 929 — 995 — 1039 with the lyinptoms thcrenf - L Fag. - — — A difcourfe concerning fome influence of refpi- rati' n on the motion of the heart, hitherto un- obferved - - DrM XXIII — — An account of the hft ventricle of the heart of an amazing magnitude - Doug'als .— — A difccurfe of the power of the heart Jurin I Conclufion of tlie difccurfe - yurin "-,. Letter on the ftrength of tlie heart R'eill .. .■■ Letter in defence of his doftrine of the power i of the heart againft the objedlions of Dr. Keill I - - - Jurin '— .. An extraordinary cafe of the foramen ovale of the heart, being found open in an adult Jmyand\XXX\X 172 — — Short account of Dr. A. Stuart's paper concern ing the mufcular Ilru6lure of the heart - - Mortimer XLI 675 —— A letter concerning the foramen ovale being found open in the hearts of adults, and of the figure of the canal of the urethra Le Cat — 681 ■ Cafe of the heart of a child turned upfide down - - - 7orrei — 7 '7 6 — • A letter concerning a polypus at the heart TefnpLmati XLIV 285 — — The cafe of a man whole heart was found en- larged to a very uncom-TiOn fize Fultene) LII 344 An account of a blow upon the heart, and of its effeds - - Akenfide LIII 353 An account of a monftrous human foetus, hav- ing neither head, heart, lungs, ftomacli, fpleen, pancreas, liv*;r, nor kidnies - Le Cut LVII i See Polypus. Hearths. ^n account of the houfes and hearths in Dui^iin in 1695 and 1696 XXII 511 A fcale of the gradation of heat XXII 824 An account of an experiment touching the dif- ferent dcnfitics of common water from the grcateft degrees of heat in our cliniatf, to the freezing point, obfcrvcd bv a thermometer - Haukfl^er XXVI 267 Heat (Pfil fophy). An account of an experiment made to afccitain the proportion of the expan- Tranf, XXII 666 Abridff. V253 — 231 — • 244 — 247 IX ,34 — 131 — 134 — ^3S XI 1021 11166s IV 2 I 18: .)U HEA fion of the liquor in the thermometer, with re- gard to the degrees of heat - Taylor — — Experiments about the degrees of the heat of feme boiling Jiquors - - Fchrenhei — — A contrivance to avoid the irregularities in : clock's motion, occaiioned by the atlion of heat and cold upon the rod ot the pendulum - - - CrahaTtt\ — — The dcfcription and manner of bfing an inftru- inent for meafuring the degrees of tiie expan- fion of metal by heat - - Ellnot Two methods by which the irregularity ot the motion of a clock ariling from the influence of the heat and cold upon the rod of the pendulum may be prevented - - Ellicot — — Letter concerning^ the inverter cf the contri-. vance in the pendulum of & clock to prevent the irregularities of its motion by heat and cold - - - - Short — — Obfervations for fettling the pfoportion which the decreafe of heat bears to the height of fit nation - - Thomas He her din — ~ Experiments on animals and vegetables, with re fpedl to the power of producing heat - - - J°kn Hunter — — Experiments on ignited lx)dies - Rotbuck - Experiments on ignited fubftances l^hitehurji — — Of the heat of animals and vegetables - - - - John Hunter •" • " On the variation of the temperature of boiling water - - - Shuckburgh Heat (Meteorology). Tables of the barometrical alti- tudes, at Zurich in Switzerland, in thcycar 1708, by Scheuchzer 5 and at UpmlnlTer in England, by Derham. As alfo the rain at Pifa, in Italy, in 1707 and 1708, by Tllli ; and at Zurich in 1708, and at Upminfter in all that time: with remarks on the fame tables; a> alfo on t;he winds, heats, and colds ; and divers other matters occurring in thefe three different parts of Europe - Derham — — A letter concerning a very cold day, and an other a very hot day, in June and July 1749 ' - - - - AfiUi — — Two letters concerning the heat of the weathei in July and September 1750 - - Mi'^^ F £ Tranf. XXXII 291 XXXIII I XXXIV 40 XXXIX 297 XLVII 479 XLVII517 LV 126 LXV 446 LXVI 509 — 575 LXVIII 7 LXIX 362 Abride. VI 2 49 VI 297 VIII 464 XXVI 342 XLVI 208 XLVI 571 X47I X474 Letter d24 HE A HEI — - Letter concerning the hot weather July 1750 - - - " 4raeron " An account of extraordinary heat in February 1749-50 - - Mies — — Remarks on the heat of the air in July 1759 - - - - Huxham — — An account of the heat of the weather in Georgia Ellis -■• ■ ■ Account of the heat of the climate at Bengal - - - - Martin * Account of the extraordinary heat obferved at Rome in the fummer 1768 •■ - Byres Oblervation on the heat of the ground on Mount Vefuvius. - - - Hozuara — — A comparifon of the heat at London and Edin- burgh - - ., - Roebuck Heated Room, Experiments and obfervations in an heated room - - - Blanrden o • ■ Experiments in an heated room Dobfon — Further experiments and obfervations in an heated room - - Blogden Heavens. An account of a pyramidal appearance in the heavens, obferved near Upminiter in EfTex --;.-- Derha'fi Heel, An account of ftitching the great tendon be- tween the calf of the leg and the heel, with its union, and cure after an entire divilion of it, with remarks - - - Cowper Height, (in gcheral) Experiments touching the time required in the defi^ent of different bodies of different magnitudes. 3;id weights, in com- mon air, from a certain height - Hauhfbet ■■■ ■ ■ An account of an extraordinary meteor, fcen al over England, on the 19th of March 1712-3,' with demonflration of the uncommon height thereof - - _ _ HaiLy -»— — Obf'jrvatlon on the liei^ht to which rockets will afcend - - - Robim "■■ ■ • Some experiments in order to difcover the hcigiit to which rockets may be made toaCccnd, anc'. to what diftance rhcir liglit may be ktn - - - Ellicotx •' " Obfervations for fettling the proportion whici the decreafc of heat bcarcth to the height oi fuuation - « Thomai Hebcrdcr. Tranf. | Abridor. XLVI 573 — 619 L 428 — 429 — 75+ LVII 217 Lvnr 337 LXI53 LXV 459 — Ill — 463 — 484 XXV 241 1 XXI I*:- XXVII 196 XXX 978 XLVI 131 578 LV 126 X474 [V 2 133 III 298 IV 2 182 IV 2 156 X 201 X 202 Of HEI HEL ^^5 "=— - Of the different quantities of rain which appear to fall, at different heights, over the fame I'pot ofg round - - IP', Hcberden ■— — A lerter giving an account of fome experiments made in North Wales, to afcertain the different quantities of rain, which fell at the fame time, at different heights - Barringion Heights (meafured by the barometer), A difcourfe of the rule of the decreafe of the height of the mercury in the barometer, according as places are elevated above the furface of the earth; with an attempt to difcovcr the true reafon of the rifing and falling of the mercury upon change of weather - Halley -" ' ' A profpe£t of the weather, winds, and height of ; the mercury in the barometer, on the firft day of the month, and of the whole rain in every month, in 1703 and beginning of 1704, at Towniey, in Lancafliire, by R. Tovjnley; and at Upminfler by - , IV. iJerham. "^ — A propofal for meafuring heights of places by help of the barometer of Mr. Patrick, in which the fcale is greatly enlaj-ged - - Halley ' Obfervations concerning the height of the baro- meter, at different elevations above the furface of the earth - _ _ Nettleton " Experiments and obfervations made in Britain, in order to obtain a rule for meafuring heights with the barometer - - Roy Helena (St.) A letter recommending to make at St. Helena a feries of obfervations for difco- vering the parallax of the moon Dela Caille — ' • — A letter concerning obfervations tp be made on the parallax of the moon at St. Flelena, and recommending the fame to be made at Paris and Greenwich, to fettle the longitude between Paris and St. Helena - - Mqfkelyne Helsingland, An explanation of the Runic charac- ters of - - - Celjlu^ Helmont. S^ Laudanum. Helvetia. Letter concfc:ining the icy and cryfl-alline mountain of Helvetia, c-alled the Gletfcher -, - Muraltus " A farther defcripticn and reprefentauon of the icy mountain cailccl the .Qletfcher, lathe can- tQ-nof Berne, in. Helvetia - - Jujhi F f 3 Tranf, [ Abridg LIX 359 LXI 294 XVI 104 XXIV 1877 XXXI 116 II 14 VI 2 28 XXXIII 308 VI 2 44 LXVII 653 LII 21 r- 25 XL 7 IV 982 VIII 619 1 1X438 II 465 Hem ia6 HEM HER Hemlock. Two obfcrvatior.s, the one conccrn'mp llie tfTcfts of a poifonous one; the other con- cerning the virtues of the leaves of hemlock Ray An account of the poifonous qualities of hem- lock-water- drop-wort - - Rfiy - An account of fome pcrf >ns poifoned by eating boiled henilcck - IV. IVatfou * A farther account o^ the poifonou? efPccSls of the ocuitnthe aquaiiea fucco virofociocante, of Lo- bel, or hemlock-drc^-wort JV. JVatfou An account of the cicuta, recommended by Dr Storke - - -IF. U'atfon Cafe of a cancer in which green hemlock was ap- plied - - - Caleb' ook •— — Obfervations and experiments on different ex- trails of hemlock - - Morris ' Sequel to the cafe of Anne James, who had tnken the green hemlock - Cokbrooks HzMP-sEED. A difcovery of an indiffoluble fait arifmg from Hemp-fefd put into w^ater till it becomes putrid - - ^ - Ellis Henbane. An account of a colour yielded by the eggs of an infeit feeding on henbane An account of fymptoms arifing from eating the feeds of henbane, with their cure, &c. and fome occafional remarks - Sloane ..«■ L'-tter concerning the poifon of henbane roots Patcuillet I The eflefls of the hyofcyamus albus, or whi^c. henbane - - Stcdman Hephatitis. A hephatitis, with unfavourable fym ptoms, fuccefsfully treated - Smith Hei^b. Some a tempts made to prove that herbs ot the fame make or clafs, for the g^-neralit) , have the like effe£4 and tendency to work the fame ef- feds - - - Petiuer Hsrculaneum. An account of the difcovery of the remains of a city under-ground, near Naples • - - - Shane ■■ Extrafts of two letters from Rome, concerning fome antient ftatues, pidurcs, and other curio- fities, found in a fubterrancous town lately dif- covered near Naples - Paderni Extract of another letter on the fame fubje»^l •i - - - Knaptoti Trajif. Abridg. 1 XIX 634 ' II 641 XX 84 . XLIIl 18 L856 LII 89 ( Llll 346 LIV 172 LV271 LIX 138 1 VI 2176 11783 XXXVIII 99 VIII 841 XL 446 XLVII 194 LVI92 XXI 289 11 704 ,■ XLI 345 IX 440 XLI 484 -489 1X442 1 Ex (raft HER Extra£l of another on the f^ifne fubjcft Crlfpc «-«— Extra£l of a letter, giving a fhoit account of fomc of the principal antique pi^ures found in the ruins of Herculaneum at Portici, Naples - - - Hoare . Account of the method of opening the maftu- fcripts found at Herculaneum Condamine m. Remarks on the principal paintings found in the fubterraneous city of Herculaneum Blondeau — — Letter concerning the ruins of Herculaneum - - - Freeman — — Extract of a letter from Naples concerning Her- culaneum, containing an account and defcrip- tion of the place, and what has been found in it - - i^ii* Letter concerning the antiquities dug up from the antient Herculaneum, Nov. 18, 1752 - - - Padern'i • »■■ Letter relating to fome antiquities at Mer<;ula- neum - - S pence ■• <*■ '■» Extract of a letter from the keeper of the Mh- feum Herculaneum at Naples Padcmi — — Letter relating to the late difcoverles at Hercu- laneum - - Paderni Another letter - - Gray — — Extracts of two letters concerning the late difco- veries at Herculaneum - Paderni " — - Copy of a letter concerning the books and ap-,, tient writings dug out of the ruins of an edi- i fice near the fite of the old city of Hercula- '■' neum, to Monfignor Cerati of Pifa; with a tranUation by Mr, Locke - Anon. • An account of the late difcoverles of antiquities at Herculaneum, Sec. - ^ Paderni •" - An account of the late difcoverles of antiquities at Herculaneum, &c. - Paderni •' An account of fome of the antiquities difcover- ed at Herculaneum, &c. - I^ixon — — An account of the late difcoveries of antiquities at Herculaneum, and of an earthquake there, and eruption of mount Vefuvius Mar. 24, 1758 - - Paderni -■ Additional obfervations upon fome plates of white glafs found at Herculaneum Nixon lliRMAPHRoDiTE. An exaft oarrativc «f an herma- phrodite in London - Jiien Tranf. XLl 493 XLIV 567 — 622 XLVI 14 XLVII 131 — 150 XLVIII 71 ■^ 486 — 634 -— 821 — 825 XLIX 109 — 112 — 490 L49 227 IX 444 Ahrido". XI 1305^ — 1307 a%8 HER HIE - Letter concerning a very extraordinary herma- phrodite at Thouloule - Veay. _ An account of an hermaphrodite lobfier exa mined and differed purfuant to an order of the Society - - NichoUs . . Letter concerning the hermaphrodite fliewn in London - ' - ^^'/^^" Herkia. An account of an extraordinary Hernia Inguinalis - - Huxham Two medico-chirurgical ohfervationson the liy- datides, and confcquences of an incompleat hernia, and on the fuuclion of the inteftines expofed to fight -_ ^ Le Cat ^ An account of leveral cafes of hernias, anddif- orders of the uretlpra - / Le Cat An account of a hernia of the urinary l?iad(^sr including a ftonc - . - _ Pptt ^ An account of an uncommon large hernia CarVJlc An account of an hydro-«nterocele appearinoj like a hydro-farcocele, and*cnding in the death of the p'atient,' 'in which the inteitine had palled frorh the hernial fac into that of the hydro- cele, by which the ftrangulation was formed „ « - Le Cat See Rupliire, Herrn Ground. Account of the copper ground in Hungary ' . . . " ■ ^''■■'^' Hertfordshire, ^t Antiquities, , . Hesiod. a letter concei|ning the ages of j^pmer and Hefiod - ' ■ -■ ■ ". Cofiart^. Hessia. a letter contaiping a fhprt account of forne bafalt hills .in Hel^a - ' ' R'jjp ^Pissi AN Bellows, SccJSJk'tus, HiiVELius. Obfervations on a treatifeof Mr. Hcve lius, dcfigned to prove, that the lun^s do not divide and expand the blood, but on' the con trary cool and condcnfe it - NuhoLs HiERO. Defcriptio Foni;is Hieronis in Metallifodini- Chemnicenfibiis in Hungaria, anno i7->6 cx- ^ tru^i* with a theory of congelation, drayvn from fome appearances of ice and fnow there - I - ' •' - '_' ^^ol[t HiEROCLYPHics. Extra(5l of a letter conccrnino a fuppoled connexion between the hic:pgl.) jTi^)i cal ^ritmg of antient Kgypt, ,and^ t,lie chmac- teriftic writing which is'ii'i ufc at thisjclay among thcthincfc ' - - ' J/wr./; Tranf, XVI 282 XXXVI 290 XL VII 142 XLI 640 — 712 XLVII 324 LlV6i LVi 133 Abrtdg, III 606 VII 421 IX 164 — 1S9 LVII 293 V 1042 XLVIII 441 LXI 580 XXXVI 163 LII 542 LIX 489 II 562 VII 500 Hill. HIL HOR IliLL* An account of the fubfiding or finking dawn of a hill near Clogher in Ireland Bijhop of Clogher m ■ A propofal for meafuring the attradion of JdOmc hills in this kingdom by aftronomical obferva- tJons - - Mafkelyne ■ ■ .11 '■ An account of a volcanic hill near Invernefs IPeft ^. Calculations to determine at what point in the fide of a hill its attraction will be the greateft, &cc. - - Hutton ■■ See Mountains. HippocBiATES. Letter concerning the quadrature of the parts of the lunula of Hippocrates Chius, performed by Mr. John Perks j with the fur- ther improvement of the fame by Dr. David Gregory and Joha Cafwell - ll^aUis «wii ' The dimenfion of the folids generated by the converfion of Hippocrates lunula, and of its parts about feveral axes, with the furfaces ge- nerated by that converfion De Moivre HiRTA. Adefcriptionof the iiland Hirta Moray HiRUDiNELLA Marina, A defcription of thehiru- dinella marina, or fea leach - Gardn History. A defcription of a mathematical hiftorical table - - Mangold Hitchcock. Cafe of Hannah Hitchcock ; one of whole ureters was grown up Huxhavi HiTCHELL (John). An account of the death of John H.itchell, who was burnt to death by lightning Roiit Hog. The anatomy of the Mexico mufk-hog T^yfr' Holland. Remarks in a late journey into Denmark and Holland - - Oliver HoLLANDTA (Nova). Some late obfervations in Nova Hcllandia - IVitjen Holly, A remark concerning the fex oi HoJiy - . - - Martyr, Holt Waters. An account of the feveral ftrata of iirih found in finking the mineral wells art Holt . . Le'wn «" '— "^ A letter giving a farther accouiit (^^ the nature and virtues of the Holt vt-aters ■ Lcvch ^OLY-Oak. a letter containing feme microfcopical obfervations en the fari a fcecundans of the holy~oak and die paffion flower BadcKk Tranf. >CXVIII 267 LXV 495 LXVII 385 LXX 1 XXI 411 XXII 624 XII 927 XXXVI 377 XI 667 XLIII 207 — 447 XIII 359 xxm 1400 XX 361 XLVIll 61 XXXV 489 XXXYI 43- 229 Abrldg. IV 2 250 XLIV I 50 I 27 -^ 29 "I 541 VII 418 XI ICC 7 -^ ic68 IIS73 V2 128 III 620 vr 2 Z2- X 753 Further 53® H O M HOR Furtlier obfervatlons and experiments on the pafllon flower and its farina Badcock Homer. A letter concerning the ages of Homer and Hefiod - - Cojiard Horace. Some thoughts concerning the antient Greek and Roman lyre ; and an explanation of an «b- fcure paffage in one of Horace's Odes Molyreux Horizon. A propofition of general ufe in the art of gunnery; fliewing the rule of laying a mortar to pafs, in order to ftrike any objed above or below the horizon - Hally . The defcription of a new quadrant for taking an altitude without an horizon, either at feaor land - - £^*<»' .. A fnirit-level to be fixed to a quadrant for tak- in-y a meridional alrftude at fea when the hori- zon is not vifible - Halley . ^\n attempt to explain the phsenomenon of the horizontal moon, appearing bigger than when elevated many degrees about the horizon i lup ported by an experiment - Dejaguliers An explication of the experiment Defagulien Some thoughts on the fun and moon when near the horizon, appearing larger than when in the zenith - - Logan , A defcription of a water-level to be fixed to Da- vid's quadrant, whereby an obfervation may be taken atfea in thick and hazy weather, without feeing the horizon - ■ - Leigh . The defcription and ufe of an apparatus added as an improvement to Davii,'s quadrant, con- fiding of a mercurial level for taking the co- altitude of fun or (lar at fea, without the ufual afliftance of the fenfible horizon which fre- quently is obfcured - Leigh I Sec Moon and Sun. Horns. Account of a kidney of an unufual fhape and texture taken out of the body of a man ; with obfervations on horns and glandules in general - - Afalpigbius _ An account of a girl in Ireland who had fcveral horns growing on her body - Jjh _ An account of one who had horny cxcrcfcences, or extraordmary large nailj on his fingers and toes - " LccKe ■ Two letters on horn-like excrcfccnccs growing Tranf, XLIV i66 XLVIII 441 XXIII 1267 XIX 68 XXXVII273 XXXVIII1&7 Abrldg. X756 IV 474 I 481,483 XXXIX 390 — 390 — 404 XL 413 Oil the fingers, &c. fVroe — 4»7 XIV 601 XV 1202 XIX 694 XXIV 1899 VIII 357 — 1^0 131 VII 377 VIII 360 362 II 865 III 12 V 387 A HOR HO »ii A letter containing an account of a rhinoceros with a double horn with a figure Slcani — — Some account of a flieep having a monftrous horn growing from his throat Parfom -' «■ A letter concerning the double horns of the rhinoceros - - Parfons Horns (FofTil). A dlfcourfe concerning the large horns frequently found under ground in Ireland; concluding from them, that the great American deer, called a moofe, was formerly common in that iiland - Alolyneux » An account of horns found under ground in Ire- land - " Ke^ly ■ An account of a pair of very extraordinary large horns found in V/apping fome years fince ; with a probable account whence they came, and to what animal they belonged Slcane • ' A letter ferving to accompany the piftures of an extraordinary foflil TkuU of an ox with the cores of the horns - - Klein - ' ■ Of the horn of a large deer found in the heart of an oak - - Clark ■* An account of two extraordinary dcers horns found under ground in different parts of York- ihire - - Knoioltcn HoRROx. A letter concerning Mr. Horrox's lunar fyftem - - Flaw/lead Horses. An obfervation concerning a blemidi in a eye; not hitherto difcovered by any author * - * Lower — — An account of a flone fafiened to the back-bone of a hoife - Giornale de Letlerati " - • An extraordinary cure of ahorfethat was flaked into his ftomach - WaUn An account of a new engine for raifing water by horfes ^ -• Churchman > '■ Account of a horfe bit by a mad dog Stan- ■ ■ ■ ■ Extraft of a letter concerning fome remarkable experiments made upon the arteries of horfes with the powder of lycopherdon, or lupi cre- pitus : by iMonlieur La Foffe Latterman HoRSEFoRD. An account of the linking down of a piece of ground at Horfeford in Norfolk - - - Ardcron Hot Houses. An account of the Indian hot houfes Dudk-j Tianf. XLVI i]8 XLIX 183 LVl3a XIX 489 XXXIV 122 Abridg. XI 910 11432 111 544 VI 2 224 XXXVII427 XLI 235 XLIV 124 X 368 II 613 VII 4094 XXXVIII402 XLVI 474 XLIX 37 XLIII 527 XXXIII 129 VII 441 — 495, IV 4-101 VIII 847 X 601 II 684 III 164 VIII 322 XI 913 X587 VII 669 Houses* 2^2 HOU HUS Houses. An account of the houfes and hearilis in Dviblin in 1695 and 1696 Hour. Letter concerning the drawing the meridian iii.e by the pole ftar, and finding the lour by the fame - - Gray Howell (A4ary). The cafe of Mary Howell, who had a needle run into her arm and came out at her hreafl Hudson's Bay. Obfervations on the flate of the air, winds, weather, &c. at the Prince of Wales's Fort on the north-vvcit coafl: of Hudfon's Bay, ini768andi769 - Dymond and IVales An account of birds fent from Hudfon's Bay ; with obfervations relative to their natu- ral hiftory ; and Latin defcriptions of fome of the moll uncommon - Forjiir HuMBER. -An account of the fur.k ifland in Hum- ber, fome years fince recovered from the fea - - (Ihamberlayne Humming Bird. The defcription of the American tomineius, or humming bird - Grew Aqueiy concerning the food of the hum- Gm Humour. Obfervations about the chryfl:alline hu mour of tlie eye - Lecvsenhoek Hungarian Bolus. Of the Hungarian bolus of the fame eftefts with the bolus armenus jinon. Hungary. Liquiries to be made in Hungary and Tranfylvania - Royal Society Letter concerning the damps in the mines of Hungary, and their effciSls - Browne ■ Direftions and enquiries, with their anfwers, concerning the mines, minerals, baths, he. of Hungary, &c. Oldenburg and Brown Account of flone quarries and talcum rocks in Hungary - - Jnon. An account of the tokay wines in Hungary - - - DouglaJ: Hurricanes. Relation of two hurricanes in Nor- thamptonfliire 0(5l. 30, 1669, and 0£^. 13. 1 670 - - Temple > " Obfervations of his own experiences upon hurri- canes, and their prognoftics - Langfoic, '■ An account of a violent hurricane in Hunting- donfliire Sf-pt. 8, 1741 - Full, Husbandry. Divers rural and oeconomical cnqui ties recommended to obfcivation and trial /inon. Tranf. XXII 518 -815 XLl 767 LX137 LXII 382 XXX 1014 XVII 760 - 815 XIV 790 I II 11467 IV 965 V 1189 — 1044 LXIII 292 VI 2156 XX 407 XL! 851 1X240 Abridg. III 665 IV 462 1X238 IV 2 251 II 854 — 457 III 631 11 373 -523'585 - 339 -102,103 — 105 VIII 491 III 683 ■— Some HYA H YD — — Some agreflic obfervatlons and ads'crtifements - - - Beate Continuation of the hortulan and rural adver- tilements - - Beale Hyades. An advertifement to allronomers, of the advantage that may accrue from the obferva- tion of the moon's frequent appulfes to the hy- ades, during the three next enfuing years Jnon. HvDATiDEs. Lumbricus hydrf^picus, or an tlTay to prove, that hydatides, often met with in mor- bid animal bodies, are a fpecies ot worms, or imperfedl animals - Tyfoti . A relation of a perfon who voided many hyda tides in her urine - Davles - A letter concerning hydatides voided by ftool - - - Mufgrave Of hydatides inclofed with a ftony cruft in the kidney of a fhcep - Cowper m An obfervation of a tumour on the neck full of hydatides, cured by - Hewnden . An account of a great quantity of hydatides found in the abdomen - Ihorpe An obfervation of hydatides voided per vasinam ir.tVatfon . Two medico-chirurgical obfervatlons on the hy datides, and confequences of an incomplete hernia, and on the functions of the inteftines expofed to fight - Le Cat Hydraulics. Remarks upon fome experiments in hydraulics, whxh feemto prove, that the forces of equal moving bodies are as the fqua'cs of their velocities - Eamei Short and eafy methods for finding the quantity and weight of water contained in a full pipe of any given height and diameter of bore ; and, confequently, to find what degree of power would be required to work a common pump, or any other hydraulic engine, wlien the diameter of the pump-bore, and the height to which tlit water is to be raifed therein, are given Fergufoyt Hydraulic Engine. A defcription of an hydraulic engine - 'Joumai des Scavarii HYDRAULOPNEur^ATics. A narrative of a new in- vention of expanding fluids by their being con- veyed into certain ignified veflel<^, where t]ie\ are immediately rarifi^d into an elaftic impel- ling force fufficient to give motion to hyd au^ Tranf, XII 816 — 846 XXX 692 XVII 506 I 'XXII897 XXIV 179; XXV 2304 — 2344 XXXI 17 XLI 711 — 712 XXXV 343 LV61 XI 679 Abridg. J I JI 744 - 745' ! IV 298 III 133 V 2 283 V281 — 54 — 216 IX 188 — 189 VI 292 ?57 lopneumaticai 234 H Y D lepneum^tJcal and other engines for rnifirg wa- ter, and other ufrs, o.C. - Fuy>:t Hydrocf.phalu?. a new tree,-; rt for the pun^S^urc ia the liydrocepV.aJu^ and for other evacuations, which are ne.ci!a;y to be made at different times ~ ~ Ls Cat Hydro-enteroc.ilk. Ad account of an hydro-en- terocele, appearing like a hydro-larcocele, and end nj in the death of the patient, in which the inteft'nes had pafjed from the hernial fac into that of the hydrocele, by which the ft: an- gulation was formed - Le Cat ilYDROLOGiA. Sonne reflexion- made on the enlarged account of Dr. Witties anfwer to hydrologia chymica, chiefly concerning the caufe of tlie fudden lofs of the virtues of mineral waters . - - Foot Hydrometlr. Account of a new kind of hydro meter - - Clarke Hydrophobia, Relation of a man bitten with a mad ddg, and dying of the* difeafe called hy drophobia - - Lijhr ■ . ■ A remarkable account of an hydrophobia - - - Howman An account of three cafes of the hydrophobia Mead - ■ — An account of the cafe of a fuppofed hydropho- bia - - Earl of Morton Hydro-sarcocele. An account of an hydro-ente- rocele appearing like a hydro-farcocele, and ending in the death of the patient; in which the intcfiine had paflcd fiom the hernial fac into that of the hydrocele, by which the flrangula- tion was formed - Le Cat Hydrops Ovarii. An account of an hydrops ova- rii, with a new and exact figure of the gla;i- dulae renales, and of the uterus in a puerpera Dougldi m A remarkable cafe of a gentlewoman who died of a hydrops ovarii in the 33d year of her age, after having been tapped lifty-fevcn time? - - - Belchur Hydrostatic. A defcription of a new eflTay-inflru- mcnt, topetlier With the hydroftatical principU it is founded on - - Ijoyh Extract of a letter relating to the elTay-inftiu- mcnt - - Anan, Tranf. XLI 821 XLVII 267 Abridg. VIII 638 LVII 293 iV 1050 XXXVI 277 XIII 162 XV 916 XXVI 433 LV139 LVII 293 XXV 317 XXXVII279 X 329 — 353 11365 VI 326 II 276 III 280 V 367 294 VII 544 I 516 — 520 Hycro- H YG HYP 235 Hv'GRGMETEPv. Letter of a contrivance of an un- comnion hygrofcope - Anon. A delc' iption of bis hygrofcope in tv.'o fcvcrdl contrivances J together with fome obfervations made thereon - - Conicrs - A letter concerning a new hygrofcope invented by - - Molyneux Defcription of the hygrometer Pickering — Extracfl: of a letter defciibing an improved hy- grofcope - - Arderon > Part of a letter concerning an improvement ofj the weather cord - A'dercn — — The defcription of an hygrometer made of a deal rod - - Arderon — — The defcription of a nev/ hygrometer invented by - - Ja?nes Fergufori^ Defcription of a new hygrometer hmeaton\ Account of a new hygrometer De Lui HyGROSCOPE. S?e H\grorneter. Hyosc YAMUs Albus. The effe£^s of the hyofcyamus albus - - Stedman HYPER.BOLA. The fquaring of the hyperbola by an infinite feries of rational numbers : to2;tthei with Its demon ftration - Brounckcr •— — Anfwer to the animadverfions of Mr. Hugenius upon Dr. Gregory's book, De vera circuli & hyperbola quadratura, as publiflied in the jour- nal Des Scavans - Gregory — — Some confiderarions upon-M. Hugens's letter, printed in vindication of his examen of the book entituled, Veracirculi Sc hyperbolae qua- dratura - - Grfgcry • The generation of an liyperbolica' cylindroid demonflrated, and the application the;eof, for grinding hyperbolical glaffes, hinted at IVren ■ ■ A defcription of Dr. Chr. Wren's engine, de- figned for grinding hyperbolical glalfes, as it -was in a manner p;omifed, vol. HI. p. ^62 •' - - Wren • On the center of gravity of hyperbolas Wo'Hs • ' A compendious and facile method for conftruft- ing the logarithms, exemplified and demon- ftrated frcMn the nature of number-, without any regard to the hyperbola ; Vv'ith a fpeedy method for finding the number from the loga- tithm given - - j^alUy Tranf. XI 647 — 7^5 XLIII b XLIV 95 — 169 — 104 LIV 259 LXI 198 LXiJI 404 XLVII 194 III 645 — 732 — 832 IV 961 — 1-59 VII 5074 XIX 58 Abrii'g II 36 — 37 — 40 ^453 454 1 10 — 407 — 109 — 10^ The 236 HY P JAP -. Theconflru6lion and properties of a new qua- dratrix to the hyperbola - Perks . . The general quadrature of trinomial hyperbolic curves; delivered in two theorems Kl'mger/iebi . ;\n inveiligation of a general theorem for find- ing the length of any arc of any conic hyper- bola by means of two elliptic arcs; with fome other nevv and ufeful theorems deduced there- from - - _ Landen HyPNUM Terrestre. a letter concerning the feed- ip.o- of mofTfs ; and in particular of the hyp- nuni terrertrc trichoides, luteovirenus, vul- gare, majus capitulis eredis. Raii Synopf. Edit. III. p. 84 - - Hill HvPOCAUSTUM. A defcription of a Roman fudatory, rr hypocauftum, found at Wroxeter in Shrop- fhire, 1701 - - Lijier _ _ - Hariiood Two letters relating to Wroxeter, and the hy pocaufti of the antienis - Baxter , An account of the remains of a Roman hypo cauftum, or fweating room, difcovered under ground at Lincoln in 1739 - Sympfoti J. JACULATOR. An account of a fifli from Batavia called jaculator - Schlo[lcr — — Some further intelligence relating to the jacula- tor fifh, from Mr. Homncl at Batavia ; toge- ther with the defcription of another Ipecies by Dr. Pallas - - SchlcJJer Jamaica, Obfervations made at Jamaica Stw>hes An enlargement of the obfervations Stuhbes Some particulars referring to the obfervations made at Jamaica - ISlorwood — — Obfervations on the cclipfc of the moon June 1 8, 1722, and the longitude of Port Royal in Ja- , maica determined iliertby - Hailcy James (Anne). See Hemlock. JaI'AN. Some obfeovations concerning J-ipan, in an- fwer to queries feat by M'. Oidenburg M. 1. . A fummary relation of what ha h been hithcito dilcovcred in the matter of the Nurib Ead pil- lage - - Anon, Tranf. XXV 2253 XXXVII 45 LXV 283 XLIV 60 XXV 2225 — 222B LIV89 LVI 186 II 495 HI 699 — 82J. XXXII 235 IV 983 Abrlcig. IV 37 VI 82 X758 XLI 855 IX 455 III 559 VI 190 VII 617 III 620 X 417 JAV ICE » Extraft from a journal kept by C. P. Thunberg, M. D. during his voyage to, an J rcficlence in, the empire of' Japan - thunberg Java-Major. Anfwcrto feme of the queries which were recommended by bir R. Moray to Sir V. Vernatti, prefident at Java Majt)r I'eynatti Jaundice. Letter concerning a contumacious jaun- dice, accon)panied vi'ith a very odd cafe in vi- fion - - Dale m A letter concerning the jaundice, occafioned by a ftone obflrufting the dudus communis bila- rius, v^hich was afterwards voided by fi:ool - - - Amfgrave Part of a letter concernin? a child born with the jaundice upon it, received from its father ; and of the mother taking the fame dilfemper from her hufband tlie next time of being with child - - - Cooke Jaw. Obfervations upon the effefts of eleiffricity ap- plied to a tetanus, or mufcular rigidity of four months continuance - IV.lVatfon Cafe of a locked jaw - lyoolcombe — '• — Account of a locked jaw and paralyfis, cured by elcilrlcity - - Spry Ice. a way of prcferving ice and fnow by chaff ^o/y ' Some experiments fhewing the difference of ice made without air, from that which is produced with air - - Riualdim - Some experiments about freezing, and the differ- ence between common frcfh water ice and that of the lea water: alfo a probable con^e(ffure about the original of the nitre of Egypt LiJ?er *• New experiments upon ice - NolUt — — — An examination of fea water frozen and melted again, to try what quantity of fait is contain- ed in fuch ice; made in Hudfon's Straights by Capt. Chriftopher Middleton, at therequeftof C, Mortimer - Middleton ■ ■■ ■■ The procefs of making ice in the Eaft Indies Sir Robert Barker " Experiments on water obtained from the melted ice of fea water, to afcertain whether it be frefh or not, &c. - Kairne ■ See Froji. Iceland. Account of fundry experiments made upon a cryftal-like body lent from Iceland - - " BartboUn Tranf. LXX I III 863 XVIil 158 XXV 2233 XLVI 2C5 LIII 10 LV85 LVJI 88 I 139 VI 2169 XV 836 XL 307 XLI 806 LXV 352 LXVI 249 V 2039 537 AlridiT. — C17 — 286 V279 XI 1063 III 240 II 164 VIII 503 — 643 I Aa ICH JES An anfwer to feme philofophica! inquiries con cerning that country - Biornonius IcH^•EUMO^r Worms. Some conuderable obferva- tions upon that kind of wafps called Vefpas Ichneumones, efpecinlly their feveral ways of breeding : and among thcra that odd way ot laying their eggs in the bodies of caterpillar:-, tie. - - Jniini^hby A letter enlarging his obfervations about Ich- neumon worms - - Lijhr - - - - Li lie) IcoN'ANTiDiPTic TelescoPe. An account of an Ico- nantidiptic telefcope - yeaurat Icy Mountain. Letter concerning the icy or cry- flalline mountains of Helvetia, called th'. Gletfchcr - - Muraltm A further defcription and reprefentation of the icy mountain, called the Glctfcher, in the canton of Berne m Helvetia - J^tft'^^ — Part of a letter concernincr the icv moun- tains in Switzerland - Burnet Idiot. An account of an idiot at Oftend - - - Amyand Jelly. Some obfervations concerning: the virtue of the jelly of black currants in curing inflamma- tions in the throat - Baker Jenkins (Henry). Account of one Henry Jenkins who attained the age of 169 years; with re- marks - - Rob'mfon Hill Jessamine. An account of tVv'O obfervations in gar- dening, upon the change of colour in grapes andjeffamine - - Cane Jesso. a narrative of feme obfervations made upon feveral voyages, to find a way for falling about the North to the Eaft Indies, and for returning the fame way from thence hither ; together with inftrudtions given by the Dutch Eaft India Company for the difcovery of ]^^o near Japan. To which is ^.dded, a rela' ion of failing through tjje Northern Amei-ica to the Eaft Indies - - - Van Nierop Jessop's Well. An examination of the fhength of feveral of the purging w ters, elpecially that of JefTop's Well - - Hales Letter on the virtues of Jcflbp's Well Jdee Tranf. 1X238 VI 2279 — 2284 — 3002 LXiX 130 IV 982 Vm6i9i XXVI 316 — 170 XLI 65s XIX 266 — 543 XXXI 102 IX 197 XLVI446 X574 AbfiJg, III 609 11769 — 770 — 912 465 V 278 VIII 838 111307 VI 2 340 Ignis iGisr INC I Tranf. Ignis Fatuus. Of the meteor called an ignis fatuus, from obfervations made in England, and others in Italy - Derham and Dereham Iliac Passion. Of an iliac paffion; occafioned by an appendix in the Ilium - Amyand -— — An accoucit of an Iliac paffion, from a pally in the large inicftines - De Cajlro Ilium. Account of a rupture of the Ilium, from an exiernal contufion, without any external wound IVolfii • An inftance of the gut ilium, cut through by a knife, and cured - Travers Illness. A (hort account of Dr. Maty's illnefs, and of the appearances in the dead body Hunter and IV, IVatfon Imagination. A relation of an extraordinary effeft of the power of imagination - Aflo . An account of a child born with a large wound in the hreaft, fuppofed to proceed from the force of imagination - Cyprianus *— — - Letter concerning the efFciStsof imagination, &c. JJJo Imitation. An account of a man of a ftrange imi tating nature - - Garden Impact. Refle£lions on the communication of mo- tion by impaft and gravity - Afilne; Impostume, Letter concerning the bones of a hu- man foetus voided through an impoftume in the grom ^ik'ippon — -— Account of an extraordinary impoftumation of the liver - - Short — — Account of a young lady vi'ho had an extraordi- nary impoftume formed in her ilomach Layard Impregnation. Some experiments concerning the impregnation of the feeds of plants Logan — — Thoughts on the different impregnations of mi- neral waters; more particularly concerning the exiftence of fulphur in fome of them iiutty ' ■" ■ A letter on the itf^ti of plants, and impregna- tion of vegetables - Styki Incalescence. Of the incalefcence of quickfilve with gold B.R, Incision. An account of a dropfy in the left ovary of a woman aged 50, cured by a large incilion made in the fide of the abdomen Houji.un Incrustation. See Bones. \>^cus. A.n account of the cafe of a boy who had the H h XXXVI 204 XLIII 369 XLVII 123 XL 61 LXVII 608 XVI 334 XIX 291 XX 293 XII 842 LXVIII 344 XXIV 2077 XXXVni84 XLVI 406 XXXIX 192 LI 275 LV 258 XXXIII 8 ^-39 Abridg. I VI 2 i47j Xi 1066 IX 160 III 222 -- -8 V 3c6 VII 506 XI 1023 VIII 804 115^0 VII 541 malleus Tranf. Ui 264 LXII 99 240 I N D malleus of each ear, and one of tlie incus's, drop out - - Mora?:t I'KDEX Glas«. Remarks on Hadley's quadrant, tend- ing principally to remove the difficulties which have hitherto attended the ufe of the back ob- fervation, and to obviate tlie errors that might arife from a want of pavallelifm in the two fuv- faces of the index glafs - Al'/I:elyr:c- Indictions. a method for finding the numbers of the Julian period for any year afPigned, the number of the cycle of the fun, the cycle of the moon, and of the indiiStions for the fame year being given ; together with a demonftra- tion of that method - Collifis II 568 Indies. Some observations concerning a poflible paf- fage to the Eaft Indies, by the Northern Ame^ ricii, weftward - - _ ^"on. IX 207 . Some obfervations fent from the Eaft Indies, in anfwer to fome queries fent thither H' alley- XX 27 j . An account of fome Indian plant?, &c. with their names, defcriptions, and virtues P ether — 313 " Letter concerning fome Indian manufcripts late- ly fent to the univerfity of Oxford Lewis — 421 — — A letter containing fome obfervations on the mechanic arts of the Indians - Papln XXVJII 225 A letter containing fome obfervations on the phy- ficic of the Indians - Papi?! An account of the Indian hot-houfes Dudley XXXIII 129 An abflra£l of a letter concerning experiments made on the Indian magnetick fand AfufchenbroekXXXWmic)) ... Some confiderations on the antiquity and ufe of the Indian charafters or figures - Ca/)^ XXXIX 131 Account of an antidote to the Indian poifon in the Weft Indies - Milward XLII 2 — — An account of the male and female cochineal infe£l that breed on the cactus opuntia, or In- dian fig, in South Carolina or Georgia ElUi LII 66: An account of an extraordinary difcafe among the Indians in the iflands of Nantuket and Martha's Vineyard in New England Oliver LIV c>86 • Some attcmps to afcertain the utmoft extent of the knowledge of the antients in the Ead Indies - - Caver hill LVII 155 ^11 ' A defcrlption and figure of the nyi^anthcs elon- gata, a iVvVV Indian plant - Bdgiui LXI 289 I Abridg. Ill 399 — 6i8 II 725 — 397 18: Vli 669 IV 2 253 1X426 — 335 A INH INF ■■ ■ A letter giving fome account of the roots ufed by the Indians in the neighbourhood of Hudfon's Bay, to dye porcupine quills - - - Forjler •m Extra£ls of fome letters on the cuftoms^ man- mers and language of the northern Indians of America - - 'Johnjcn Indian Corn. See Maize. Indigo Plant. The efFe£ts of the opuntia, or prickly pear; and of the Indigo plant in co- louring the juices of living animals Bakc^ Industria (City). Some account of a curious tri- pos and infcription found near Turin, ferving to difcoverthe true fituation of the antient city of Indullria - - Baker Infant. An anatomical bbfervation of four ureters in an infant - - Tyfon ■ Account of an infant muficlan - Burney Infection. An account of feveral perfons feized with the gaol fever working in Newgate, and of the manner in which theinfe£lion was com- municated to one intirc family Pr'ingh Infinite. The fquaring of the hyperbola by an in- finite feries of rational numbers J together with its demonftration - Brounckir ■ An account of the feveral fpecies of infmite quantity, and of the proportion they bear one to the other - - Halley «■ A method of raifing an infinite multinomial to any given power, or extradling any given root of the fame - De Mo'ivn --— A method of extrafting the root of an Infinite equation - - De Aloivre ^ '" Analytical folution of certain infinitefima! equa- tions ' - De Moivri "■ Some theorems refpciling the infinite divifibi- lity of matter - - Kciii — — A folution of the 15th general problem propofec by D. De Moivre, in his treatife De Menfuri. Sortis - - Bernoulli^ Another general folution of the preceding pro- blem, with the affiliance of combinations or in- finite feries - De Mo'ivrt . . Of cubic equations and infinite feries Hutto) iKf LAMMABLE LiQUORs. A way to make two cleai fpirituous inilammable liquors, which diflei Hh 2 Tranf. LXII 54 LXIII 142 L 296 XLIII 540 XII 1039 LXIX 183 XLVIII 42 III 64s XVII 556 XIX 619 XX 190 XXV 2368 XXIX 82 — n'i — 145 LXX 387 241 Abrldg. XI 1240 HI 146 1 10 — 102 — 90 1 95 IV 77 IV 4- V 2 255 - 266 very 242 INF INO Tranf. very little in tade and fmell; and being mixed together, do give a fine carnation colour, with- out either fenfible fermentation or alteration _ _ _ Geoffrey Ikflammations. Some obfervatlons concerning the virtue of the jelly of black currants m curmg inflammations in the throat - Baker An account of abriflle that was lodged in a gen- tlen^an's foot, and caufed a violent infiamma tion - - ^*-^''f'' , Cafe of a young lady who drank fea water for an inflammation and tumour in the upper lip _ _ - Lnvit^gtoTj Infusio"n into Veins. Account of the luccefs of] fome experiments of infufmg medicines into human veins - " ^"°"' Inguinal Ruiture. Of an inguinal rupture, with a pin in the appendix coeci, incruftcd with ftone St^ blood - - ^"^y^'f Injection. A confirmation of the experiments niade by Sig. Fracailati in Italy, by injeaing acidli- quors'into the blood - _ Boyle . Anatomical inventions and obfervatlons, parti- cularly the origin of the injeflion into veins . '^ _ - Claick An account of the difleflion of a dog who had mercury injeaed into one of the jugulars Pitt Further accounts of the fuccefsof injeding me- dicated liquors into the abdomen, in the cafe of anafcites - - ^^'^'^''^^ Inoculation. An account, or hiftory, of the pro- curing the Imall-pox by incifion or inoculation, as it has for fome years been praaifed at Con- l^.ntinople, 1713 - Timofiim XXIX 72 .^ A new and fate method of procuring the fmall- pox by tranfplantation, lately invented anc' drawn into ufe - Pybrinu: . ^ The way of proceeding in the fmall-pox inocu- lated in New England - Ncwmar. ', . A letter concerning the inoculation of the fmall pox - - Nettletoi Further account - _ Ndtlctot: part of a letter concerning the Inoculation ol the fmall-pox, and the mortality of that dil temper in the natural way - NcttUtoi A further account, containing a comparifon 0. XXI 43 XLI 655 XLIV 192 LV 6 HI 766 XXXIX 329 II 551 III 672 XX 184 XLIII 47 Abridg, III 367 VIII 838 XI 1114 — 393 XXXII 33 — 35 — 49 — 209 III 234 IX 153 III 233 — 290 — 234 X 1009 V 370 — 377 VII 601 — 602 — 608 — 6c9 ' the INO INS the danger in the natural way, and by inocu- lation - - Jurin Succefs of inoculation at Bofton in New Eng- land - - - Ojbome » ■■■■ A method of procuring the fma!l-pox, ufed i-, South Wales - W-lhams Another letter on the fjine fubje£l Williams Another account from Haverford-Weft Wright . Part of a letter concerning the efFecls of inocu- lation in New England - Robie — — A letter concerning fome children inoculated with the fniali-pox, at Haverford-Wefl :n Pern- brokefhire - - Davis Anabitracl from Timonl's hiftory of the inocu- lated frnall-pox - Hurjeman A letter concerning inoculation Brooke - Letter from Geneva concerning the fuccei's of inoculation there - Jnon - Letter from Salifbury concerning the fuccefs of inoculation - - Broiun ■ Letter on the fuccefs of inoculation at Geneva - - - Bonnet ■ "■ Acco-unt of the praftice of inoculation at Co-- ftantinoplc - - Porter - An account of inoculation in the year 1736 - - - Sloine •• Hiftorical memoirs relating to the praclice of in- oculation for the fmall-pox in the Britifii Ame- rican provinces, particularly in New England Gale - A fliort account of the manner of inoculatin;; the fmall-pox on the coaft of Barbary, and a; Bengal in the Eaft Indies - Chais - • ■ An account of inoculation in Arabia RuJJch See Small Pox, Inoculation of Cattle. A difcourfe on the ufe- fulnefs of inoculation of the horned cattle, to prevent the contagious diftemper among them - - - Layard Inscription. Letter concerning a Runic infcriptior at Beau-Caftle - NicoI/ok Letter on a Runic infcription at Bridekirk - - - Nicoijo}, «— — An uncommon infcription lately found on a ver\ great bafis of a pillar dug up at Rome; with an interpretation of the fame - ' Vojfiu^ — . Some account of the antient ftate of the city ol Tranf. I XXXII 213' — 225 — 262 — 264. — 267 XXXIII 67 XXXVIIII21 — 296 XLVII 470 — i^3 — 570 XLVIII818 XLIX 104 -516 LV193 LVIIInS — 140 L528 XV 1287 — 1291 XVI 172 243 Abridg. VII 611 — 617 — 618 — 619 — C20 — 621 1X210 in 433 — 435 — 446 Palmvfa? =44 IN S Palmyra, \v'ith fhort remarks upon tlie inl^rip- tions found there -. . ^f') An account of an Etrufcan Infcription found oi, an old urn at Rome - FuLep . An account of an infcription found at Rome in the ?anguage of the Palmereni ^ Pulleyn „ Letter concerning fomc Roman infcriptions found near Durham Chrijlopher Hunter , Letter on the various readmgs of an infcription which is written upon the flatue of Tages by four Etrufcan alphabets - ^ , Hickei ^ . Letter concerning a Roman infcription lately found at York - Thorejhy , . A letter concerning fome Roman infcription. found at York ; proving, that the ninth legion fome time refided there - Thorefiy , InfcriptioTarraconenfis, with a comment ^ _ . Alufgrave . Extraa of a letter giving an account of a Ro- man infcription lately dug up m the north ot Enn-land; with fome hillorical and chronolo- gical remarks thereon - Chr, Hunter . R'emarks on a fragment of an old Roman in- fcription lately found in the north of England ^ _ _ jurin A'difcourfe occafioned by an infcription found at Langchefter, in the Bilhoprick of Durham , Extracl of a letter giving an account of an an- cient Roman infcription found at Caerleon up- on Ufk ; with fome conjeaures thereon Rice -.^ An account of a Roman infcription found at Chichefter - " , ^Pf' Account of two pigs of lead found near Ripley with this infcription on them, Imp. Caes. Do- mitiano, Aug. Cof. VII. - Kirjhaw ^ , Remarks upon an infcription cut formerly m a window belonging to the parifil church of Rumfcy in Hamplhire - ^^"'"^^ . A letter ferving to accompany a copy of an au- tient Roman infcription at Rocheftcr in Nor- thumbtrland, and two others at Rifingham Chr. Hunter An explanation of a Roman infcription found not loner fince at Silchc^ r in Hamplhirc _;/«/-.:/ . Some account of a curiou. tripos and mfcnptioi 4 Tranf. XIX 160 — 537 XXII 657 XXIV 2076 — 2145 XXV 2194 XXVIII 157 — Abrldg. Ill 518 — 448 — 526 — 426 V306 V2 35 — - 41 XXX 701 -813 — 823 — 945 XXXII 391 XLI 560 XLIII 79 — 159 ' — 200 no 49 — - 43 — - 50 VII 4 23 IX 420 X 1271 XI 1264 found I N S found near Turin, ferving to difcover the true fituation of the antient city Induftria Baker ■ An explanation of an antient infcription difco- vered atRutchefter, the laft ftation in England, upon the Roman wall, 1744 ' Taylor •— — Copy of a Roman infcription found at Bath - - - Stukeley ■ Remarks upon an antient Roman infcription found in that part of Italy which formerly be- longed to the Sabines - fVard — II ■ An attempt to explain an antient Greek infcrip- tion engraven upon a curious bronze cup with two handles, and publifhed with a draught of the cup by Dr. Pocock, in his defcription of the Eall, vol. II. part 11. pag. 207 PFavi ■I 'II An attempt to explain an antient Roman infcrip tion cut upon a ftone lately found at Bath IP'anl ■ An account of a Roman infcription found at Mai ton in Yorkfhire, in the year 1753 JVard — — — An account of four Roman infcriptions cut upon three large ftones found in a ploughed field near Wroxeter in Shroplhire, in the year 1752 ; with fome oblervations upon them fi ard •• Some confiderations on two large pieces of lead with Roman infcriptions upon them, found feveral years fmce in Yorkiliire /^Vatd — — An account of fome fubterraneoiis apartments with Etrufcan infcriptions and paintings, dif covered at Civita Turchino in Italy IVilcox • Obfervations on two antient Roman infcriptions difcovered at Netherby in Cumberland Taylor — — Copies of fome Roman infcriptions at Tunis in Africa - - Caril's — — An attempt to explain a Punic infcription lately difcovered in the illand of Malta Swinton ■ Some remarks upon the firft part of Mr. L'Abbe Barthelemi's memoirs on the Pbcenician letters, relative to the infcription in the ifland of Malta - - - Sivmton •• Rem,arks on the Palmyrene infcription at Teive ~ - - Sivinton • An attempt to explain the legend and infcription of a ver)' curious Phoenician medal never hi- therto explained - Swiiiion — — Interpretation of the infcription of a Punic coin ftruck in the ifle of Gozo' - Swinion ' Defcription of a Punic coin appertaining to the, 245 Tranf. XLIII 540 XLIV 344 XLV 409 XLVI 293 — 488 XLVIII 332 XLIX 69 — 196 — 686 LIII 127 — 133 — 211 — 274 Liy 119 LVI 4 LVII 266 LVIII 235 Abrido; X 1240 XI 1284 — 1272 — 1273 — - 1278 if]? 24.6 I xNf S ifle of Gozo, hitherto attributed to that of Malta by the learned - Swinion .. Interpretation of two Punic infcriptions on the reverfes of two Siculo-Punic coins, publifhed by the prince of Torremuzza, and never hi- therto explained - Swifitofi «— — An account of a fubaerated Denarius of the Pi jc- torian family ; adorned with an Etrufcan in- fcription on the reverie j never before publifhed or explained - - Swinton Insects. Some obfervations of fwarms of ftrange in- feiEls in New England, and the miichiefa done bv them - - Jnon. Obfervations on fome infedls and their innoxi- oufnefs - - Fairfax ., ■ .. . Experiments on what happened to fomc creeping infeds in vacuo Boileano - Biyle . Phenomena fuggefted by winged infefts in va- cuo Boileano - - Bo^/e — — — Account of an infe6l likely to yield an acid li- quor - - Lifter Obfervations on infeds lodging themfclves in old willows - - King - - - - TVtlloughby ■^ An obfervation concerning certain infe^t-hufks of the kermes kind - Lifter . An account of an infe£l feeding upon henbainj the horrid fmell of which is, in that creature, fo qualified thereby, as to become in iome meafure aromatical, together with the colour yielded by the eggs of the fame L'tjler ■* Account of the kind of infect hatched of the Englifh kermes, alfo the ufe of theCe purple infect-huiks for tinging ; together with a com- parifon of this Englifh kermes with the fcarlet kermes of the fhops - Lifter . An account of theinfeifls fmelling of mudc R^y — — Confirmation of the obfervation about muik- Iccnted infedfs; adding fome notes upon Dr. Swamrnerdam's book of infects, and on that of Steno concerning petrified fhells Lifter ■«— — Difcovery of another mullc-fcented infeft Lijhr A letter concerning animated horfe hairs; redi- fying a vulgar error - Lijier An abftrad of a letter concerning generation by an infe(St - - Leewn-hoek » The hirtcry of the gjncration of an mkdi by Tranf. LVIII 261 LXI91 LXII 60 1 137 II 752 — 392 V 2051 — 463 — 2053 — 2067 — 792 ■^ 2098 — 772 — 2100 — 773 VI 2165 — 2176 2196 2219 — 22SI — 3002 VII 4064 XV II20 Abrldcr. -776 - 783 — 766 - 7^5 I — 783 -784,792 — 77^ — 911 him INS him called tlie wolf; with obfervations on in- feds bred in rain water, in apples, cheefe, &c. - - Leewenhod Letter concerning fwarms of inre£ls that of late years have much infefted feme parts of the pro vince of Connought in Ireland Molyneux Part of a letter concerning feveral infefts Dal Letter concerning fome infeils obferved upon fruit trees - - Lee-ucyr^ck Letterconcerning the infefSt called libella Poupart Some obfervations concerning infers in Virgi- nia; with remarks by J. Petiver Banijicr Letter concerning fome remarkable plants and infers obferved in Spain - Breynhis Two cafes of infers voided by the urinary paf- fage - - 'Turm Some correftions and amendments concerninp: the gen ration of the infedl: called coccus radi cum, in his natural hiftory thereof Breynius A letter containing the account of a remarkable generation of infefts at Annapolis in Mary land - - Lewi A picture and defcription of a water-infeft not before defcribed (Lat.) - Klein A defcription of the fame fort of infe£t found in Kent; with an addition by - - Mortimer and Brown An abftra£l of fome new obfervations upon in feils - - Bonne Obfervations upon feveral fpecies of fmall wa- ter-infe£ls of the polypus kind Trembley Divers means for preferving from corruption dead birds intended to be fent to remote coun- tries, fo that they may arrive there in good condition. Some of the fame means may be employed for preferving quadrupeds, reptiles fiflies, and infedls - Reaumu. Letter concerning a non-defcript petrified infect - - Lyttelton Further account of the before-mentioned Dud ley foilil - - Mortt7ner An account of fome remarkable infefts of the polype kind, found in the waters near BruiTels in Flanders - - Brady Account of a remarkable marine^ in feci Dupont Obfervations on fome bivalve infects found in common water' - AluUer I i Tranf. XVIIl [94 XIX 741 XXI 50 11778 — 912 XXII 659 111 686 11 762 — 807 V 183 XXIV 2045 — 10 XXXIII 410 VII 539 XXXVII444 - 47^ XXX villi 19 IX I XL 150 — 6 — 153 — 7 XLII 458 — 39 XLIV 627 XI 807 XLV 309 XL VI 598 — 600 XLIX 248 Llll SI LXI2-^0 «4r Abrldg. Ill 685 X6s6 «4^ I N S A letter on the effe£ts of elder, in preferving growing plants from infecls and flies GulUt InstrUMhnts (for anatomical ufes). An explication of the inftruments ufed in a new operation of the eyes - - Ch-feldeti A defcription of fome inflruments for the cars - - - CLIanJ — ^ A letter concerning the cure of a dry gangrene; together with a new-invented inftrument for the extirpation of tvimoius out of the reach ©f the furgccn's fingers An account of a new-invented inflrument for. fractured legs - - Sharp Instruments (Mathematical). Coafiderations upon Mr. Hook's new inftrument for grinding of op- tick glalies - - Juz:ut Anfwer - -• - Hook A letter touching the invention of dividing a foot into many thoufand parts for mathematical purpofes - - Townfey More ways for the fame purpofe Hook A defcription of the inftrument for dividing a foot into many thoufand parts, and thereby meafuring the diameters of planets to great ex- adtnefs - - Hook — — The defcription of an inftrument invented di- vers vears ago for drawing tlie out-lines of any objed in perfpe£livc - IVren ■ Extraftof two letters concerning an inftrument to ftievv the moon's true place to a minute or two - - Flamjhad I Account of a new eftay-inftrument BoyL Extradl of a letter relating to the efTay-inftru- ment I Letter about the making of microfcopes with very fmall and lingle glaflTes, and of fome other inftruments - - Butter jield — — Further remarks on the inftrument, propofed by an anonymous French author, for elfedting a perpetual motion - Anon, — — An inftrument for feeing the fun, moon, or ftars, pafs the meridiau of any place : ufefui for fet- ting watches in all parts of the world with the greateft exaftnefs, to correct fun-dials, to af- ftft in the difcovcry of the longitude of places - - - - Diiham Tranf. LXII 348 XXXV 451 XLI 847 XLVI 72 LVII 80 I 56 ■63 II 457 -- 459 541 IV 898 IX 219 X329 — 353 XII 1026 XVI 138 XXIV I57« Abridg. ' VII 493 IX 124 XI 1084 1 215 — 192 1 — 2Ib 220 219 -598. — 453 -5.6 — 520 -127,208 IV 464 INT Extrafts from Mr. GifccigHC^s. and JMr. Cral> tree's letters, proving Mr. Gafcoigne to have been the inventor ot the telefcopick. fights of mathematical inftrunientSj and not the French - - - Derham A defcription of a nev/ inftrunient for taking an- gles - - Hadley An account of obfervations made on board the the Chatham Yatch Aug 30-31, and Sept. 1, 1732, for the trial of an inll.umcnt for taking angles - - Hadley The defcription and ufc of an inftrument for taking the latitude of a place at any given time of the day - - Graham A true copy of a paper found in the hand-writ ing of Sir liaac Newton, among the papers of Dr. Halley, defcribing an inftrument for ob- fervins the moon's diftance from the fixed ftars at lea - - Newton • An explanation of a new inftrument made for meafuring fmall angles - /) INT JOI fxead of the fuppofed annular ftruiSlure of the fibres of the inteftines - C°^f .— ~ Letter concerning a child who had its inteftines, rr.elenterv, ice. in the cavity of the thorax H'Ji » Ob^e^Vv^tions on part of the"^ inteftines of a clog fuccefsfuliy cut away - Shlpicr. Account of a pain in the belly arifing from t!ie intedines being concreted into a cartilaginous fubftance - - M.faporitus Microfcopical obfervations on the blood vef- feis, and membranes of the inteftines - - Lutvcnhoik Account of a rupture of the ilium from an ex- ternal contufion, attended with no externa %vo nd - - _ IVolftui — — Two iTicdico-chir.urgical obfervations on the hy- d^.tides, and confequences of an incompleat hernia an i on tlie fun(5tions of the inteftines expoftd to -fight - Le Cot , An account of an iliac paftion from a palfy in the large inteftines - De Cafirc An account of a verv remarkable cafe of a boy who, notwithftanding that a confidcrable part of his inteftines were forced out by the fall of a cart upon him, and afterwards cut oft", reco- vered, and continues well Needham A remarkable cafe of cohefions of all the intef- tines ill a nan of about 34 years of age Jenty An extraordinary cure of wounded inteftines Nourji — — . See Particular intefllnes in their places. Inventions. A paper aflerting fome mathematical inventions to their true authors Gregory Inundation. An account of an extraordinary inun- dation in the illand of Mauricius Diodati —- — A letter giving an account of fome inundations in Ireland, 1708 - Do ham — — An account of a furprizing inundation in the valley of St. John's, near Kefwick in Cum- berland, Aug, 22, 1749 - Jnon. Jointed Worm. Lombricus latus, or a difcourfe of the jouted worm - Tyfon Joints. Two Angular cures of difeafed knee-joints fuccefsfully treated; the firft by topical appli- Q.x OPS, the fecond by operation Warner ♦— — Account of the cafe of the ftrft joint of the XL 61 XLI 712 XLVII 123 XLIX 238 ^ 550 LXVI 426 XVIII 233 XX 268 XXVI 308 XLVI 362 XIII 113 XLIX 452 I 116 II 329 IV 2 193 X584 III 121 thumb IPE IRO thumb torn off, with the flexor tendon in its whole extent torn out - Home Ipecacuanha. Of the ufe of the roct ipecacuanha for loolenefTes ; tranilated from a French pa per, with notes, by - H. Shane ■ A fhort account of the different kinds of ipeca- cuanha - - Douglas I Medico-phyfical obfervations on ipecacuanha (Lat.) - - Gmelin Ireland. Of the bogs and loughs of Ireland King — — A difcourfe concerning the large horns frequent ]y found under ground in Ireland; concluding from them, that the great American deer, call- ed a moofe, was formerly common in that ifland - - Molyneux Several obferva.inns relating to the antiquities and natural hiftory of Ireland, in travels through that kingdom - - Lhivy Some further obfervations relating to the anti quities and natural hiftory of Ireland Lhvuyd «■ An account of horns found underground in Ire- land - - King — — Part of a letter concerning the remains of a; antient temple in Ireland, and of a ftone hat- chet of the antient Irifli - Bp. of Cork ' See Figures, Population. Iris. Obfervations on an evening, or rather no<3.ur- nal folar iris, June 5, 1757 Edwards — — See Rainbow. Iron. An account of two mineral fubftances found in fome coal and iron mines in England Jiffop • An account of the iron works in the forefl: of Dean - - Powie — — — Several obfervations of the refpeft of the needle to a piece of iron held perpendicular ; made bv a mafter of a fhipcroffing the equino 409 " 55; S63 40/ sy. xvm 237 1 — 409 ■ »-» Curious 256 J U P Curious obfervatlons of the trsnfit of the body and fliade of Jupiter's fourth fatellite over the difc of the planet - pound — — New and accurate tables for the ready computing of the eclipfes of the firft latellite of Jupiter by addition only - Pound Obfervations on the fatellitcs of Jupiter and Saturn made with his reflecting telefcope Had!e ■ Obfervations of the eclipfes of the firft fatellite of Jupiter in 1723 and 1724, at New- York _ _ _ Burnet Obfervations on the immerfions and emer- fions of the innermofl (iitellite of Jupiter 172-^ and 1724, at Lifbon Carbone and Capajji. The longitude of Lifbon, and the fort of New York, from Wanfted and London ; de- termined by eclipfes of the firft fatellite of Ju pitcr - - Bradley Obfervationes aliquot circum-Jovialium habit-.T? anno 1724 - Biaiichin'i Obfervations of the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites from 1 700 to the year 1727; with re marks - - Derha?n The difference in time of the meridians Feterfburgh of divers places, computed from obfervations of the eclipfes of [upiter's fiitellitcs Derhatn Obfervations of the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites made at Rome and other places Blanchini Extra£l of a letter containing obfervations of the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites, from July 10, 1726, to April 12, 1728; taken at -De L'ljle A catalogue of the eclipfes of the four fa- tellites of Jupiter ior the year 1732 Hodgfon ■ ■ Obfervations of the immerfions and emer- fions of Jupiter's fatellites, made at Pekin ini730andi73I - Krgler and Perelra • A catalogue of eclipfes of Jupiter's fatel- lites for 1733 - - Plodgfon A catalogue of the eclipfes of Jupiter's fa- tellites for 17 "^4 - Hod^jon Obfervatins on the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites - - Manfredui A catalogue of eclipfes of Jupiter's fatel- lites for 1735 - Hcdgfon Tranf. XXX 900 — 1021 ■ Abrldg. IV 07 IV 308 XXXII 385 VI 221 XXXIII 162 - 185 XXXIV 85 — 176 XXXV 415 XXXVI 33 — 35 — 31 XXXVII 109 — 31'^ — 321 XXXVIII 26 — ^17 — 279 — 4C9 — 412 — 238 — 225 — 414 — 243 — 270 — 249 JUP A catalogue of the eclipfes of Jup'ter's fa- tellites for 1736, computed to the meridian o* the Royal Oblervatory at Greenwich Hodgfov The apparent times of fuch of the immer- fions and emerfions of Jupiter's fatellitcs as are vilihle at London in 1736; together with their configurations at thofe times - Hjdgfon An account of fome obfervations of the eclipfes of the firft fatelllte of Jupiter com pared with the tables - Hodgjcn The apparent times of the imme:fions and emerfions of Jupiter's fateliites which will happen in the year 1737 : computed to the me- ridian of Greenwich - Hod;^f'.n\ Some obfervations of ecHpfes of Jupiter'i,: fateliites, made at Southwick. 1730, near Oun- dle in Northampton Hi ire - Lynn Extrad of a letter concerning the eclipfes of Jupiter's fateliites Annis 1731 and 1732 De n/ie The immerfions and emerfions of the four fateliites of Jupiter for the year 1738: com puted to the meridian of Greenwich Hcdgjon ■ The apparent times of fuch of the im- merfions and emerfiorrs of Jupiter's fateliites as are vilible at London in i 738 Hodgfon. The apparent times' of the immerfions and emerfions of Jupiter's fateliites for the year 1739 : computed to the meridian of the Royal ObfervHtory at Greenwich - Hodgfon The apparent times of fuch of the immer- fions and emerfions of Jupiter's fateliites as are vifible in London in the year 1739 Hodgfon The apparent time's of the immerfions and emerfions of the four fateliites of Jupiter, 1 740, at Greenwich - Hodgfon At London - - Hcdgjon . An occultatlon of Jupiter and his fatel- iites by the moon Oft. 28, 1740 Bevis and Short A catalocrue of the immerfions and emer- ^^1 Tranf, XXXLY 5 XXXIX 15 fions of the fateliites of Jupiter that will hap- pen in the year 175O; of which there are 173! of the firft, 85 of the fecond, 94 of the third, and none cf the fourth, by reafon of its great latitvidc; in all 322: computed by the Flam- fieadian tables, correfted - HodgfJ XLV 373 Kk2 — 332 — 340 XLI 647 AbriJc — 227 VIII 227 — J77 — 196 — 221 — 301 — 309 XL 69 — 76 — 180 \ — 228 — 1S4 Xr5g A> «5S J U P , . A cata-onue of the immerfkons and emer- lions of the iatellites of Jupker for 1751 . Obfervations on the eclipfes of Jupiter'.- fatellites made at Lllbon in 1753 Chcvalin . Obfervations on the ecliples of Jupiter'; fatellites at Lilbon in 1754 - Cbevilit) ^ . Obfervations on the eclipfes of Jupiter% fatellites made atLifbon in 1757 ChevaHt) ■^ Elements of new tables of the motioius of Jupiter's fatellites - Dunikorm - . A letter containing an eflay of a nevi^ me- thod for determining the longitude of places, from obfervations of the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites - " fVargentin „. . Obfervations of fome immerfions of Ju- piter's firft fatellite, obferved in Pennfylvania _ . - Mafon and Dixo/i , Eclipfes of Jupiter's firft fatellite obferveci at Greenvi'ich indie year 1769 Majhelyne , Eclipfes of Jupiter's firft fatellite; ob- ferved at (ilafgovv with an eighteen-inch re- tieaor of Mr. Short's - . ty'ilfiri . A feries of aftronomical obfervations at the Obfervatory of the Marine at Paris : to wit, I. Of Jupiter's fatellites in the years 1767 and 1768. 2. On the (hadows of Jupiter's fatellites. 3. On the variation of the belts on the difc of that planet. 4. Of a fpot on the difc of the third fatellite - M. MeJJier _« , Obfervations of the immerfions and emer fions of Jupiter's firft fatellite, made at Fun chal in Madeira, from 1763 to 1768, with a refleaing telefcope of eighteen inches focus __ _ _ Hcherden ,«„«. _. A letter containing a propofal of fome new methods of improving the theory of Ju- piter's fatellites - . ^/'^b . Account of fome eclipfes of Jupiter's fa- tellites obferved near Quebec - Holland Obfervations of the immerfions and emer fions of the fatellites of Jupiter, taken at Gafpeeini768 - " Sproule Obfervations of eclipfes of Jupiter s fatel lites at fevcral places of North America Holland Obfervations of eclipfes of Jupiter's firft Tjranf. xLvr 282 XLVIII 546 XLIX 48 L378 LII 105 1 LVI 278 LVIII 329 LIX 399 — 402 f AbrldiT. 454 LX 502 LXIII 185 LXIV 171 — 177 — 182 fatellite KAM KER fatelllte at Greenwich, compared with obferva- tions of the lame made by Samuel Holland, Efq. in North America, and the longitudes of the places thence deduced - Majlceipu Immerfions and emernons of Jupiter's firft fatellite obferved at Jupiter's inlet, on the illand of Anticofra, North. America, and the longitude of the place deduced from compari- fon with obfervations made at the Royal Ob- fervatory at Greenwich by the Adronome. Royal - ll^'right and Ma/kelyne The difference of Longitude of Greenwich and Paris daduced from theeclipfes of Jupiter's firft fatelllite obferved during the laft ten yeati, together with a comparative table of the corre- Iponding abfervatiun> of the firft Satellite made in the principal obfervatories from 1765 to 177^ - ~ fVargentin K. Kamtchatka. An account of that part of America which is neareft to the coaft of Kamtchatka, extradled from the defcription of Kamtchatka, by ProfefTor KrafhennicofF Dumarefque Kapanihane. An account of a moving bos; in Ire- land _ _ _ _ y^ww —■■"■■■ A true defcription of the bog of Kapanihane in the county of Limerick, with an account of the motion thereof, June 7, 1697 Molynewx Kepler's Manufcripts. Account of Hevelius — — — Solution of his problem - Machin • ' ■' — His method of computing the moon's parallaxes in folar eclipfes, demonftrated and extended to all degrees of the moon's latitude, as alfo t6 the afiigning the moon's correfpondent apparent diameter, together with a concife application of this form of calculation to thofe eclipfes F ember ton. Kermes. An account of the ufe of the grain Kennes for colouration - - Verm. '•■ ' An obfervation concerning certain infe£t hufks of the Kermes kind - Liji^r. Tranf. 184 — 190 LI 477 XIX 714 XIX 714 XI 27 XL 205 LXI 437 I 362 Ab 259 •idg. LXVII 162 VI 2165 I II 766 Account n 737 II 737 VIII 73 II765 t^o KID KIR Tranf. Account of the kind of Infea batch dofth. Ena Pa Kermes above defcrlbed, a"o the u,e of f efe purple infea hulks for ting, -g, toge ther with a comparifon of this EngUm purp Kerme., with the fcarlet Kermcs of the ^.o^s^ ^^ ^^^^ Letter enlarging and correcling his for"Kr notes upon kc?mes ; and withal .rfinuat.ng his conjeauresof cochinears^being a fon^otj ^^^ ^^^^ Kidney? "^Anatomical obfervatlons of an ^bfcefs in ' the 'iver ; a ^reat number of ftones m the gall- baa and bilious veffels ; an unufual conforn-.a- tkTn of the emulgenrs and pehns ; a flvange coniunftion of both kidneys, and a great dila ^^^ ticn of the vena cava - 'y • -^^ Account of a kidney of an unufual fliape an texture, taken out of the body of a man, w,th obfervatlons on horns and g^andules^m ge^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ . An account of a very large dlfeafed kidney found on the dilTeaion of a ad;, wjtn the fvmptoms of the d.feafe before her death, and an explanation of their ph..nomena Ou^pn XIX ,0i Ofhydatidesinclofedw-.hailonycruftm the ^^^ kidney of a flieep - " J An ac'count of the ^^ifi^^^.;- .^/^^/^^^^ XXVII ,2 died of an ulcer in the right kidney uo...g^a :> An anatomical defc.ption of worms, f«"^ -L^xVI 269 the kldnicsot woWes " •• An uncommon dropfy, from the want of a kidney , and a large faccu. that contained ^ ^^^^ ^^^ , ThTfi^ures of fome very extraordinary calcu- lous concretions formed in the kidney of a^wo- ^ ^^^ ^An"account of a monftrous human fcctus hav ing neither bead, heart, lungs, (lomach fpleen, pancreas liver, nor kidnics - le Ut.\ LV il i KiLcoRNY Cave of. A defcr..p:.on of the Cave o, Kilcorny in the Barony of Barren m Irela^nd^^^ ^^^^ ^^ KiaBVTHORE. See Antic>uities. KiRUiER. Obfervations upon father kircher .s opi- nion concerning the burning of the fleet of ^brldg. Ill 81 III 685 III 143 V54 V 257 VII 456 IX 1027 XI 100 I VIU 668 Marcellus KIT LAC Marcellus by Archimedes - Pcrfons Kite. Letter concerning an-elecStrical kite franklin " Anfwer to feveral queries concerning his ex- periment of eleftricity with a kite Lining Kittling. The pha?nomena afforded by a r'^wly kittened kitling in the exhaufled Receiver Boy/c' Knee. An account of an extraordinary tumour in the knee of a perfon whofe leg was taken off" Pierre -Two fingular cafes of difeafcs at the knee joint.' Tra n f. XLVIII621 XLVII 565 XLVIir 757 V 2017 XLI 56 fuccefsfuily treated, the iirft by topical appli- cations, the fecond by f^'arnerl XLIX 452 Knife. Cafe of one who fwallcwed a knife, which lay in his ftomach a year and feven months, and then worked out at an apofthem on his breaft - - . S/oane XIX 180 Knight. An account of the magnetical machine contrived by Dr. Knigrit - Fothergill LXVJ 591 L. Labourer. Account of fome extraoidinary tumours upon the head of a labouring man Parjons Labradore. Particulars of the country of Labra- dore, extraded from the papers of lieutenant Roger Curtis, of his majefty's lloop the Otter, with a plane-chart of the Coafl: - Curtis — — — Tra6t of his majefty's armed brig Lion from England to Davis's Straights and Labrador, with obfervations for determining the longi- tude by fun and moon, and error of common reckoning ; aUb the variation of the compais and dip of the needle, as obferved during the faid voyage in 1776 - Picker/gill Two meteorological journals kept at Nain in 57 degrees north latitude, and Okak, in 57 degrees 30 minutes north latitude, both on the coaft of Labrad re - Delalrobe Labyrinth. A defcription of the or^an of hearing in the elephant, with the figure and iituation of the officles labyrinth and cochlea in the ear of that anim.al - _ Blair Laceration. Extraa of a letter, containin? the IV 550 LXIV 372 LXVIII 1057 LXIX 657 XXX 885 26 Abrldg. IX 271 82 parti- 162 LAC LAK prirtlcula-s of the cafe of awoiind in the cornea, and of a laccracion cf the uvea in the eye of a wo in an - - ^ ^i^y •Lacerta. Letter concerning the circulation of the blood, as fcfn by the help of a nnnofcope, in lacerta aquatica - Mclyy.mx An account-oflaceita'(crocodillDs) ventre mar- Uipio donato faucibus merganferis roftruni aemulantibus - - Edwards 'Lac vm.« Batavic-s:. A memoir on the Lacrymas l^atavics ; or glafs drops, the tempering of fteel and cfrervefcence accounted for by the fame principle " - . ' ^^ ^^'* Lacxeals. Some anatomical obfervations and expe- riments concerning the unalterable charafter of the vvhitensfs of the chyle within the lade ous veins ; together with divers particulars ob- ferved in the guts, efpecially feveral forts of worms found in them - Lifier An account of an experiment made for altering the colour of the chyle in the lafteal veins Ltjler , Endeavours to prove that the laclcals frequently convey liquors that are not white Mufgrave . Letter concerning powdered blues paffing in the lacteal veins - Ujier -^ An experiment made for the tranfmitting of a] blue co'ourcd liquor into the lafteals Mnfgrave\ Account of an experiment, by which it appears that fait of fteel does not enter into the la<£teal XLV 411 XV 1236 XLIX 639 XLVI175 veffels : with remarks JVrizht Lagopus. Obfervations on the lagopus, or ptarmi- oan - - " Bart ivgton ■Lakes. Extra(£ls of feveral letters from Edinburgh, giving an account of an obcliflc thrown down by a violent wind, of an extraordinary lake in lord Lovat's lands in Scotland, of Lake Nefs, and of a petryfiing rivulet - Mackenzy Obfervations concerning the lake of Mexico 'Journal da S^avam -.. ., ■ — Letter concerning the lake Nefs, &c, Frafer Obfervations on the lake Vetter Heame ^ A defcription of a large lake called Malholm tarn, near Shipton in Craven, Yorkfhire Fuller — ....^-Account of vegetable balls which grow in lake near the Humber in Yorkfliire, with re VIII 6060 XIII 6 XIV 8i2 XXII 819 XXII 996 L 594 LXIII 224 X307 XI 758 XXI 230 XXIV 1938 XLI6I2 XI 954 " '33 HI 225 X 560 III 101 III 102 V 259 V 259 III 603 II 320 — 322 VIII 641 marks LAM LAP marks by W. Watfon - - Dixat7 Xama. Experiments made on a great number of animals, with the poifon of Lama's and of Ti- cunas - - Heriffant Lamb. Account of a monftrous lamb Daddridge Xampas. Declaration of the CouncU of the Royal Society pafled Nov. 20, 1676. relating to fome paflages in a late book of Mr. Hook, entituled, Lampas, ^C. - Council of the Royal Society Lamps. A difcourfe concerning the fepulchral lamps of the ancients, flievving the poffibility of their being made divers ways - - Plot An eafy contrivance of a lamp to be always kept full whilft it burns - - St. Clair Lancashire. Obfervations on the Roman coloniss and ftatlons in Chefhire and T.ancafhire Percival Lakd. Inftances, hints, and appl'cation^ relating to a main point folicited in the preface to the fourth volume; concerning the ufe may be made of vaults, deep wells, and cold conferva tories, to find out the caufe, or to promote the generation, of fait, minerals, metals, crlftals, gems, ftones of divers kinds, and helps to con- ferva long, or to haften putrefaction, fertility of any land, he. - - BeaU — — — — Part of a letter concerning the manuring of land in Devonfhire with fea fand - Bury A letter concerning the manuring of land with folTil fhells - - Pickering Langciiester. V. Infcription Language. An explication of all the infcriptions in the Palmyrene language and chara6ter hitherto publifhed - - Sivinton •■ ■■ ■ Extrafls of fome letters on the cufloms, man- ners, and language of the Northern Indians of America - - Johnfoti — — An account of the Romanfli language Plania -■ — See Deafnffi^ Speech Languedoc. See Ucean Lapis Calaminaris, An account of digging and preparing the Lapis Calaminaris Poohy Lapland. A relation of the fmall creature calleo fable mice, which have lately come in troops into Lapland, about Thorne. and other places adjacent to the mountains, in innumerable multitudes - . Rycaut LI tranf. XLVII 498 75 5< XI 7 749 XIV 806 XX 378 XLVil 216 IV 1135 II 728 XXVI 142 iV 2 301 XLIII 191 X796 XLVIII 690 LXIII 142 LXVI 129 XVII 672 XXI no : Abridg. XI1218 I5S6 III 636 II 38s n 554 II 87 1 Larum*' •2^4 L A R LAT Larum. Account cf the weavers alarm, vulgo la- rum - - - Araerfon Laryngotomy. An argument for thie more fre- quent ule of laryngotomy, urged from a re markable cure in chirurgery ^ - Mufgrav^ Lath. A letter concerning a large piece of lath be- ing thru ft into the eye of a man who reco- ve°ed of it - - - . ^P^^ Latitude. The defcription and ufe of an inftru ment for taking the latitude of a place at any time of the day - - Graham Some confiderations on a late treatife intituled A new Set of logarithmic folar 'J'ables, &c. intended for a more commodious method of finding the latitude at fea by two obfervations cf the fun - ,- P ember ton ' A new method of conftrufting fun-dials for any given latitude, without the affiftance of dialling fcales or logarithmic calculations Fergufon Latitude of Places. An account of the latitude of Conftantinople and Rhodes - Greaves .. An account Ihewing that the latitude of Nu- renburg has continued without fcnfible altera- tion for 200 years laft paft, as likcwife the ob- liquity of the ecliptlck, by comparing them v/ith whatwasobfervedby B. Wakher in 1487 IVurtzelbaiir .^ An account of the ecllpfe of the moon ob- ferved at Mofcua in Ruffia, April 5, 1688, com.pared with the fame obleived at Leipfick, whereby the longitude of the former is afcer- tained, together with the latitude of feveral principal places in the empire of Ruffia Timmerman A new and cxacT: table, coUedted from feveral obfervations taken in four voyages to Hudfon's Bay from London, {hewing the variation of the magnetical needle, or lea compafs, in the pathjway to the faid bay, according to the feveral longitudes and latitudes from 1721 to ,-25 - - Ml -idle ton »A newandexa£l tabic, collected from feveral obfervations taken from the year 1721 to 1729, in nine voyages to Huufon's Bay, in ^Ol•th America, (hewing the variation of the Tranf. XLIII 555 XXI 398 XLV 520 XXXVIII LI 910 LVII 389 XV 1295 XVI4 3 XVII 453 Abridg. XI 1392 III 61 XT 955 III 371 XXXIV 73 I 564 I 262 I 564 VI 2 29; compafs, L A T compafs, according to the latitudes and longi- tudes, accounting the longitude froni th-' me- ridian of London - 'Uiia.iletcn — Obfervations of latitude and variation taken on board the Hartford, in her palTage froii> Java Head to St. Helena, 1 731-2 - J-ialUy — Obfervations made of the latitude, variation of fhe magnetic needle, and weather, in a vr.yagc from London to Hudfon's Bay, 1735 Miidl^nn —Letter concerning a place in New York for meafuring a degree of latitude - /Alexander —The effeds of cold, together with obfervations of the longitude, l-ititude, and declination of the magnetic needle at Prince of Wales For upon Churchill River in Hudfon's Bay, North America - - Middietin —A letter concerning the variation of the mag- netic needle, with a fett of tables annexed, which exhibit the refult of upwards of fifty thoufand obfervations in fix periodic review!^ from 1700 to 1756, and are adapted to every five degrees of latitude and longitude in the more frequented oceans Mountain and Doafon —Letter containinc^ a fhort account of the mea- furement of three degrees of latitude under tae meridian of Vienna - Liejgamg — Obiervaiions made on the iflands of St. John and Cape Breton, to afcertain the longitude and latitude of thofe places, agreeable to the orders and inftrudtions of the commiffioners for trade and plantations - Holland —Introdudion to the following obfervations made by Ch. IVlafon and Jer. Dixon, for de- termining the length of a degree of latitude in the provinces of Maryland and Pennfylvania in North America - - AJaJkelyr.e Obfervations, &:c. - Mafon and Dixon —■Length of a degree of latitude in tlie province of Maryland and Pennfylvania, deduced from the obfervations of Mellieurs Mafon and Dixon Maficelyne —A determination of the latitude of Stamforc! in Llncolnfhire - - Barker — Aftronomical obfervations made ?it Lelcefter for determining the latitude of that place LtiJlou L 265 Trr.nf. Abrld;^. XXXVII 71 33^ XXXiX 270 XLI 3S3 XLII 157 — 2 qOO — 421 Vill 376 L329 LVIII 15 -46 270 274 — 323 LXI 227 LXV 366 VIII 469 -The 266 L A U LEA Trani. LXVI ,8 LXIX 182 — 657 IX ,47 , The variation of the compafs, containing i^f'Q i.brervations to, in, j.nd from, the taii- Indies, Guinea, Weft Indies, aiul Mediterra- nean, with the latitudes and Jongitudes at the time of cbfervajion - - J)ouglas The ^latit'jde of Madr.ifs ii^ the Eaft Indies, d^educed from obfervations - Suphem . Two meteorological lournals kfpt at Nain in 57 degree no.th latitude, and at Okalc in 57 degrees 30 minutes nortli laticudt, both on thr; coaft of Labradore - D-. la Trobr Laudanum. An account of two forts of Helmo.:tian laudanum, together wiih the way of F. M Van Hehiionc preparing his laudanum BoyU Laurel Water. A letter giving an account of two women being poifontd by the fimple diftilled water of laurel leaves ; and of feveral experi- ments upon dogs, by which it appears that this laurel \va;er is the moft dange.-ous poifon hitherto known - - ALddcn XXXVJI 85 ———Some exptriments concerning the poilonous quality of the fimple diftilled water from the lauro-cerafus or common laurel, made upon do^s atToppingo Hall, Eflex ; and others made before the Royal Society in their repofitory Mortimer .. Letter on the poifon of laurel water Rutty X^ay-Well. An extraa of a letter, giving an ac count of an experiment made in the Bay of Bilcay of finking a bottle, clofe corked, under various depths cf water, and of Lay-weli, which ebbs and flows - - Oliver XVII 908 Anfwer to feveral queries relating to Lay-Well Olive' — 910 L \ YERS. How to multiply crab-ftocks, and propagate trees by layers - _ - Torge V 2074 Leach. A deicription of the birudinella marina, or Sea Leach - - - G^ra^ XXXVI 377 Lead. Of a peculiar lead ore in Germany, and the ufc thereof - - ^"^" I ^O — A further account of fomc rock plants grow ing in the lead mines of Mcndip Hilis Be!2umont XIII 276 — — — Some experiments concerning the cohcfion of LcAd - " ' Dcjagulien XXXIIl 345 Abri^g. II 642 VI 2 374 — 163 XLI 63 Vlil 844 II 305 — 752 VII 4i8 II 576 — 503 VI 325 An LEA LEG ——-—An accoutit of the cafe of a man who died of the effects of the fire at Eddyftone light-houfc by melted lead running down his throat Spry Huxham ' A Ihort account of fomt fpeclmcns of native lead found in a mine of Monmouthfhire Alcrris « — Chemical experiments and obfervations on lead-ore - - Richard fVatfon Leaden Coffin,. V-ide Jntiquities Learning. Letter concerning the fiate of learning, and feveral particulars obferved by him lately in Italy - - Silveji-t Leather. Brief directions how to tan leather ac- cording to the new inventiofl of the honourable Charles Howard of Norfdk, experimented and approved of by divers of the principal tannery ufing Leadenhall-iVIarket - Howara — — An improved method of tanning leather Macbride Leaver. Away of colouring leaves, fruit, &c. Tong ———Two obfervatioiis, the one concerning • the effe£ls of a poifonous root, the ether concern- ing the virtues of the leaves of hemlock Ray •— — — An account of the veins and arteries of leave; Nicholl. An obfervation on the double fibres obfervable in the Ikeletons prepared from green leaves Hollman ■• Co? jeflures on the ufe of double fibres in fome leaves, &c. - - Hcilman Leech Of trie long continuance of one alive in the vacu im mace in the pneumacical engine Boyle ' — The anatomical hiftory of the Leech Poupart Leo. An account of ititching the great tendon be- tween the calf of the le^; and heel, with its union and cure, after an entire divilion of it'; with remarks - - Cowper -" - — A-Jetter concerning a wcman of 62 years of age, that loft her leg and greateft part of hei thigh, by a gangrene - - Cal,-p — An account of an extraordinary. tumour in the knee of a perfon whof^ leg was taken OiT Pdru Tranf. XLIX477 -483 LXIII20 Lxviir 863 XXII 627 IX 93 LXVIII III V 2074 XIX 634 XXXVI 371 XL! 7&9 — 796 V 2049 XIX 722 XXII53 XXVI 41 XLI 56 267 Abridg. Ill 603 ; ir668 — 752' — 640.; VI 2 34c VIII 818 III 147 II 819 III 298 V3S9 IX 271 An 26S LEG LET An account of a new-invented Infiriiment fori fractured legs - - Sharp\ Legion'. ^Letter conccning the Roman legion ' Mufgrave\ Legums. 'A way of nviking all forts of plants, tre s, fruits, and Itgums, grow to an extraordinary bigrfcfs - - Anon Leibnitz.1 Letter of Dr. Wallis giving an account of foftie l?.:e pafTages between him and Myn- j heef Leibnitz of Hanover - Wallis tester of Dr, Wallis to G. G.Leibnitz Wal/is A folution of the problenj of G. G. Leibnitz, propofed to the Englifti - Taylor i^EiCEsTER. Aftronomical obfervations made a-r ■ Leifcefter for determin'ng the latitude of that place - - Ltidlam L'emery.. Observations on the cfafs of fweet tafte-, made by compari^-g the tarte > f fweet plants, with Mr. L'Kmeiy's cnymical analyfis of them in liiis treatife of drugs - Fioyer Lemon. Some hortjalsr communications about tHe curious engrafting of oranges and lemons or citrbiis, \i]5on one anothers trcis, and of one individual fiuit half orange and half lemon gro^virig on fuch trees, &;c. - Anon Len5. a propolition -relating to the combination of tranfparent lenfes, with refle^ling planes Iladk) * ' The figure of a machine for srrindir.p- lenfes ; .fpherically, invented by Samuel Jenkins Leprosy.' An abftrafl: of a letter concerni'jor the paHts of brain of feveral animals, the chalk ftones of the gout, the lepro'v, and the fcales of eels - - Lew nkcck An account of a vifitafion of he leprous per fons in the ille of Gaudtloupe - Pcffjhncll Letters ( Antiquities j. Some remarks on the firft part of Mr. L'Abbe Barihelcmy's me- n-ioir on the Pha?nician letters relative to a Phoenician inicnption in tlic ifland of Maha . Farther remarks upon Mr. I'Abbc Tarthelemy'i- memoir on the Piioenician Icitc-s, containing his refleilions on certain Phoenician monu- ments, and the alphabet re iu Icing from them - - S'tvini-.n Letters (Natural Hiftory) AnaccountofthcFricflandj 2 Tranf. LVII 80 XXVIII So X356 XXI 273 — 280 XXX 695 LXV 366 XXIII 1 160 "553 Abridg. \ V 2 110 II 749 II 2 IV 46 V406 II 658 XXXIX 185 VIII III XLI 555 XV L38 LIV 119 VIII 281 III 684 ■—^ If) '^ boy LEV LTC ;69 Tranf. XXili 1416 XLI 231 XXXIII i6c XL 413 ; boy with letters in his eye - Ellis j- ■ ■ i — Account of letters found in the middle of a I beech tree - - Kliin ILevels. a new contrivance for taking levels I - . _ _ DeJ'aguUers •■■ — A defcription of a water-level to be f:xcd tc ] Davis's quadrant, whereby an obfervation may ; be taken at fea in thick and hazy weather without feeing the horizn - Leigh U — The defcription and ufe of an apparatus added as an improvement to Davis's quadrant, con- lifting of a mercurial level for taking the co-al- titude of fun or ftar at fea without the ufual afliftance of the fenlible horizon which fre- • quently is obfcured - Leigh XL 4.17 -Levers. An account of the advantages of a newly invented machine much varied in its efFe£ls, and \ very ufeful for determinirg the perfecJt propor- j^ tion between different moveables adting by le- • vers and wheel and pinion - Le C'He — c^G Light (Phoiphorus) Experiments on the ()rodu6\iorj and propagation of the light from the plio!- phoriis in Vccuo - llnu^Jbn XXIV 1 865 ,.i.n eafy method of nrakir.g phofplioru? that will imbibe a;-d emit light like the I'oiognian flonc, with experimtnts and obfervations - - - CantorA LVllI 337 TNING. An account of a young man flain with thunder and Iightnin^-, Dec. 22, 1698 T horijhy Two letters of' the ifieds of lightning in Nor- thamptcnlhirc, July 3, 1725 - li' ojje An account of perfcns killed by lightning at Woicefler _ _ - Bcurd An account of an extraovdinarv cfFc6l of ligln- Abridj;.. LlGH ning in coinmunicaiir.g magnetifm at \A ake- field in Yoiklhire - - DoA A farther account of the above lightning _ - - - Cookfo'i An extracSl of a letter concerning the crooked and angular parts of lightnings in thunder ftorms - - _ Loga-i An account of a file rendered magnetical by liiihtnino; - - Bremomx Part of a letter conccrnmg lome cxtraordmary effects of lightning - - Lord Pettc An cxtiaft of an Italian treatife, written by Jof. P)ianchini, upon the death of the Countcfs Cor nelia Zangari and Bandi < f Cefena ; to which are fubjoined accounts of the death of Jof. Hitchell, who was burned to death by liihtmng, and of Grace Pert at Ipfwicn, whofe body was con fumed to a coal - - Roiii A letter concerning the c.Tecls of lightning in deftro^ing the polarity of a mariner's com- p;ifs ; to which are fubjoined feme renrarks thereon "by Gowin Knight - U^a'dell An account of the burnini; of the (lecple of Danbury jaKflex, Feb. 5, 1749-50 Leth'uulticr XXI 51 XXXIII 366 XXXI V :i8 iV 2 18: XXXIX 7d — 75 XXXIX 240 XLI 614 XLII 136 XLllI 4+7 11179 VI 2 70 - - 72 VIII 504 — 505 — 507 — 50^ — 507 XI 10C8 LTG Letter concerning the cfTecls of liglunlng _ _ -Ft anklin An account of the effects of lightning at Sout! Mohon in Devonfliire - ValnK. Part of a letter in relation to the eff'^'ts . 1 lightning at Plymouth - Hucham An account of the efFffls of lightning in the Danifli church in VVellclnfe-'Tqunre Brandc A letter concerning the eff'tds of lightning ai Darking in Surry - Chi I,. An actour.t of the effefts of lightning upc^n tlie fteeple and church of Leftwiihicl in Cornwall, Jan. 25, 1757 - Srreaton An account of fome extraordinary efRiSls o I'ghtning, July 16, 1759 - Motintalve With remarks - - Kn'ighi Extradl of a letter concerning a perfon firuck by lightning at Duloe, June 26, 1756 - - Huxhan, Some fugcrertions concerning the preventing the mifchiefs which happen to fliips and their marts by lightning - IV.JVatjon An account of the effe'f^s of lightning at touth \^'eald, in Ellex, June 18, 1764 Heberdjn Obfervatioa upon the effects of lightning, with an account of the apparatus propofed to pre- vent its milchiefs to buildings, more particu- lar to powder inag;szines, being anfwers to queftions propofed by Ai. Calandrini of Geneva IV, Watfon An account of the effe£ts of lightning on St Bride's Church, Fleet-Street, June 18, 1764 - - . - Delaval in ElTcx-Street - - Laxvrence Confiderations to prevent lightning ffom doini: niifchief to great worics, high buildings, and large magazines - - IVilJm An account of the effects of lightning on three fliips in the Eaft Indies, Aug. i, 1750 Veicht Propofal of a method for fecuring the cathedral of St. Paul's from damage by lightning ; in confequence of a letter from the dean and chapter of St. Paul's to James Weft, Efq. Cornvjiitee of the Royal Society An account of the appearance of lightning on a condudtor fixed from the lee-piaft of the main- /> Tranf. XLVII 23o XLIX 16 — 290 — 3-9 L 190 LI 286 — 294 Lll 517 — 629 LIII 19S Al- -irUp-. LIV 201 — 227 — 247 — 284 LIX 160 mafil maft of a Hro down to the wafer - Ifunn' An accour.t of the death of a perfon deflroyed hy lightning in the chapel in Tottenham- Court-Road, and its effects on the building, as obferved by Mcllrs. Henley, Nairne, and Jones - - Henley •' A report of the committee appointed by the Roynl Society to confuicr of a method for fe- curing the powder magazine at Purfleet from lightnmg - Committe of th; Rcyal Society "Mr. VVilfon's dlHcnt to part of the above re- port - - jyHjn: Anfwer of the committee to the obie£lions Committee of the Royal Society Obfervations upon lightning, and the method of fecurinc: buildinfis from its effeiSls IVilfon * A letter to Sir John Pringle on pointed con- duflors Cavvdi/h, iFaiforu Franklin^ Rcbertfon — - An account of the effeffis of lightning at Steeple Auon and Holt, in the county of Wilts on th( 20th of June, 1772 Elioty IVainhoufe^ Pitcairn, Paradije — — Experiments concerning the different efficacy of pointed and blunted rods, in fecuring buildings againft the ftroke of lightr.ing - Henley I An account of a llorm of lightning obferved on the I ft of March, 1774, near Wakefield in Yorkfliirc - - Nicholfon An account of the cfFefts of lightning on a houfe, which was furnifhed with a pointed condudor, at Tenterden in Kent ; to which are added feme remarks by Mr. Henley Haffenden — — An account of a very extraordinary cfFcft of lightning on a bwllcck, at Swanborow, in the parifti of llford, near Lewes in Suffex, in fun- dry letters from - Lamticrt and Green m Sundry papers lehtlve to an accident from light- ning at Purtlcer, May 15, 1777 Nickfon P\.eport of the committee appointed by the Royal Society for examining the above Commitee of the Royal Society Mr, Wllfon's dllTtn; Irom the above r^ port IVilfoti Mr. Wllfon's letter to the king Nov. 12, 1777 iyiijo7> Tranf. LX 188 LXII 131 LXIII 42 -48 — 66 — 49 — 66 — 231 LXIV 133 — 350 LXV 336 LXVI463 LXVIII 232 — 236 — 239 — 243 Abridg, New LIL LIN «—— New experiments and obfeTvatlons on the na- ture and ufe of conclu6\ors - IVilfcn » I . Account of the effects of liglrning on board the Atlas - - Coope^' Lily. A l-ttei* -vith fome microfcopicdl obfervations oa the Farina of the rt-.i lily - Necdkam LiMAX. Obferva'ions on the limax non cochlcata purpur ferens, the naked fnail producing purple Tranf. LX!X i6o -- 245 XLII 634 Limbs. £xtra£l of a letter relating to the caic of inortihcatlon of limbs in a family at Watrif ham in Suffolk - - IVollalion Another account - - honei Second account - - Bonei Further account - - IT'oUaJim Lime. A letter concerning the relief he found in the Hone in the ufe of Alicant foap and lime-water Lucas] .. . Two letters on the property of quick lime Alf.on — - Experiments of fifh and flefli preferved in lime; waier - - hlitme — — An account of fome trials to keep water and flOv fweet with lime-water - Haies\ ■ Obfervations on the lithontriptic virtue of lime-j water - - - Jf^hytt\ Lime-Trees. An exu-acl of a letter containing mi- crofcoplcal obfervations oa lime-trees Leewenhoek^ Limpet Fish. An account of the patella, or limpet^ filh of Bermuda - - Foibes\ Lingolnshii'.e. An account of fome obfervphles in' Lincolnfhire, not taken notice of in Camden or any other author - Merret table of the waflies in Lincolnfhire Merret Three letters aflerting the f.rfl: invention and demonftration of the equalirv of the curve line ok a paraboliid to a ftra'-^,ht Hne, and next the finding a ftraight line, equal to that of the cycloid, and of the parts thereof IPalliSf Brouncker^ and IVren A new univerfal method of defcrihing all curves of every order by the afliftance only of angle: rnd right lines _ Alacluvm- A general method of defcribing curves, by tht imerfed^ion of right lines, moving about Peyjfme^ L 585 Line. Lir 523 — 529 - 5B4 XLIV 463 XLVII 26c XL VIII 163 — 826 L386 XVII 949 L8S9 XIX 343 — 392 VII 6146 XXX 939 '^ 77 Abrlda.. VIII 816 XI 1000 HI 685 ill 333 II 267 I 116 IV 57 poiaU 1/8 LIN LICL points in a given plane - Braikenridgt Letter concerning two fpecies of lines of the third order not mentioned by Sir Ilaac New- ton nor Mr. Sterling - ^/^"^ Extrai^ of a letter containing a commodious Tranf. XXXIX 25 diipolition of equations for exhibiting the re lations of goniometricallines - Jones . . A difcourfe on the locus for three and fom lines celebrated among the ancient geometers - - Pembertor. Linen' Cloth. A new engine to make linen cloth without the help of an artificer - De Gennes Lips. Part of a letter concerning two deaf perfons who can fpeak and underftand one another by the motion of their lips - ^^^^aller Cafe of a young lady vvho drank iea-vv?.ter toi an innammation and tumour in the upper lip _ _ _ Laviti^ton LiouoR. An experiment of a way o? preparing .. ^ liquor that fliall fink int j and colour the whole body of marble, caufing a pidure drawn on a furface to appear alfo in the inmoft parts of the flone - - Kircher and Di d , Of an excellent rRiuor made with cytler, apples, and mulberries - " CouprfjA Liquors (Chemiftry) The ftrange and fecrct changes of liquors examined - ^ - ^t^^' Obfervations on fcveral pafTages in the two laft months Tv.miaaions relating to mixing and fermenting liquors in vacuo - Jnon. . An hirtorical account of a ftrangely felt moving liquor - - . ^^y^ .. An account of fome experiments relatmg to the produdion of fire and fl.me, together with an account of an cxplofion made by the mixture of two liquors. actually cold - Slarc , A way to make two clear fpirituous inflamma- ble liquors, which difTcr very little in taftc and fmell and b^ing mixed together do give a fine carnation colour, without either fenfiblc fcr- mentation or alteration - Geojfioy ^ Obfervations up- n the difTolutions and fcrmi.n tation which we may call cold, becaufc the\ are accompanied with a co^dncfs of the liquor: into which they pafs - Geofrr.) An account ot the great benefit of blown.- XLI 318 XLIV 560 LIII 496 XII 10C7 XXV 2468 LV 6 I 125 II 502 V 1131 X 533 XV 1188 XVIII 201 XXI 43 XXII 951 Abrldg. I VIII 58 . — 72 X 14 I 501 V 2 219 1 603 II 712 III 367 in 359 III 367 V 421 fhowers L I O LI V fhowers of frefii air up through difliHln.T li- 'quors - - Ha la Tranf. XLIX312 [40 I 128 II 490 A diflertation of the evaporation and fcvcral phaenomena ol'air, water, and boilinjr liquors Harni'to:: LV •Liquors (Medical) Account of the rife and attetr.pts of a way to convey liquors iiinnediately intc the mafs of blood ~ Uldenhwg .< Some experiments of lniecl:ing liquors into thi veius of animals - - Fracnjfat: *- A confirmation of the experuiients made bv Sign. Fracafl'ati in Italy, by injc£ling acid liquors into the blood - BoyU \\ ^^i — — Endeavours to prove that the laftca's frequently convey liquors that are not white Mufgravi XIV" 812 — — An experiment made for the trar^fmitting of a blue coloured liquor intc the laflcals Alufgravt XXII 996 '- An account of a perfon vomitting blood by drink- ing excelTive cold liquors in winter Micbeloiti XXXVII 12c •"-^=-*— An obfervation of a white liquor refembling milk, which appeared inftead of ferum, fcparated from, the blood after it had ftood fome time Stuart XXXIXC89 •« — An improvement on the practice of tapping, whereby that operation, inftead of a relief tor fymptoms, becomes an al)folute cure for an afcites, exemplified in the cafe of Jane Ro-' man - - _ _ IVarrich XLIIl 12 A method of conveying liquors into ihs abdo-i men during the operationof tapping Hulei\ — 20 > Some obfervations proving that tiie tostus is in part nourifhed by the liquor amnii Fhmvg LXIX 254 Liquors (Natural Hiftory) 1 lie caufes of mineral fprings further enquired ; and the ilrange and fecret changes of liquors examined BcaU IV ii.^l ■ Account of an infefl likely to yield an acia liquor - - Lifier V 2067 Liquor (Natural Philofophy) Experiments about the decree of the heat of fomc boiling liquors Fahre7/heit\ XXXIII I Lisbon. The longitude of Lifoon, and the Fort of New York, from Wanftead and London, de teimined by eclipfes of the firft fatellite of Ju- piter _ . . Bra^/ey XXXIV 85 XrvER. An-atomical obfervation of an abfcefs in the liver ; a great number of ftones in the gall bag and bilious veffels j an unufual conformation N n Al rl jg. 11 364 III 232 : III 102 V 259 Vil S08 . iX 193 I jXI 1030 II 712 i — 792 I \ VI 2 49 i VI 412 [ 2So L I Z LO A of the emulgents and pelvis; a ftrange con- jundlion of both kidnjes, and a great dilatation of the vena cava - Tyfon A remarkable account of a liver appearing g'.an- d ulcus to the eye - - Br:)ivn Letter concerning the worms in fheeps livers - - ~ Leetivjenhoek ■ ■ Part of a letter concerning worms obferved in flieeps livers and pafture grounds Lecuwenkoek, Account of an extraordinary impoftumation of the liver - - Short III An account of an extraordinary cyftis, in the liver, full of water - Jemegan . . An account of a monflrous human foetus, hav- ino' neither head, heart, lungs, ftomach, fplecn, pancreas, liver, nor kidnies Le Cat Lizard. An advertlfement neceflary for all navigators bound up the channel of England on account of the Lizard and Scilly bcng laid down too far northerly, and the change of the variation of the compafs - - Jnon Lizard Scaly. An account of a new fpecies of the manis or fcaly lizard, extra61ed from the Ger- man relations of the Danifh Royal Miflionaries in the Eaft Indies of the year 1765, publifhed at Hall, in Saxony - Hampe Load-Stone. Of a confiderable load-ftone digged out of the ground in Devonfliire Cotton Obfervations concerning load-ftones and fea comp.ifles - - Oldenburg A letter concerning the load-flone; where chitfly the luggeftion of Gilbert, touching the circumvolution of a globous magnet, called Terrella ; antl the variation of the variation is examined - - - Petit An account of experiments concerning the proportional power of the load-fl^one at dif ferent diflances - - Haukjbee An account of a treatife entituled calcula- Tranf. XII 1035 II 81 XV 1266 — 2^ XXII 509 ^ — 688 XXIV 1522 V 2 266 XXXVII184! VII 506 Abridg. tions and tables relating to the attradlive vir- tue of load-f^ones by lord Paifley j^non. An abflra£t of a letter concerning the niaking of magnets without a load-ftone Marcel Account of Dr. Knight's method of mak ing artificidl load-ftoncs - IVUfon bee Magnet XLIII 305 LVII I XXII 725 LX36 II 423 — 423 — 27 XXVII 506 XXXVI 245 XXXVII 294 LXIX SI XI 971 1 585 — 601 — 607 IV 2 295 I VI 2 304 — - 270 Loam. L O A LOG Loam. A letter concerning Windfor loam Hi/i Lobe, An uncommon obfervation of a defcft in th^ right lobe of the lungs - Paitot, Loblolly Bay. The figure and charaiflers of that elegant American evergreen called by the gar diners Loblolly Bay, taken from bloffoni^ blown near London - Elli: Lobster. An .account of an hermaphrodite lobftei examined and difieaed purfuaat lo an ordei of the fociety - - Nihoii Licus. A dif ourl'e on the 'ocus for three and four lines celebrated among the ancient geometers Fembertor. Locusts. An account of loculls lately cbferved ir. Wales - - Flo)d Another account - - J*}on A I arraiive of the d flru^ion of the canker- worms and locufts which deftroyed the field> near Wirtemberg for feveral years fVardle -' -- An account of the locufts which did vafi damage in Walachia, Moldavia, and Tran fylvi.nia, in the year 1747 ^"^ 1748; 2nd of fonie fwa.ms of them, which in the months of July and Augull 1748 came into Hungary and Poland _ _ » ■~ An account of a fingular fpecies of locuft Feltor Obfervations on the cicada or lociift of North America - - Ccllinfot, Log. An account of a new machine, called the ma rine furveyor, contrived for the menfuration of the way of a fliip at fea, more corre£ll\ than by the log, or any other method hithercc ufed for that purpofe, together with feveral teftimonials fetting forth the ufefulnefs of thi^ invention - - ^aumaiez A further account of a new machine called the marine furveyor, defigned for the menfuration of the way ot a fliip at fea, more certainly, than by the log at prefent in ufe, or any other me- thod hitherto invented for that purpofe - - - Saumarez Logarithm. Account of the logarithmotechniacf Mercator - - l^ailn Illuftration of the fame * Mercator *=— — ■ A compendious and facile method for conftruding the logarithms, exemplified and demonilratcd from tfee nature of numbers N n 2 Tranf. XLIV 4.8 LV79 LX5.8 XXXVI 290 LIII 496 XVIII 45 - 4^ XXXVIII 294 XLVI 30 LIV53 -65 XXXIII411 XXXVI 45 III 759 — 759 281 Ahi'idg. X 605 VII 421 n 777 X[ 840 VII 441 VI 456 \vi ihout 2?2 LOG on: Without any regard to tne hyperbola, with a fpeedy method for finding the number fom the logarithm given - llci'le) An eafy demonftration of the analogy of the locrarithmic tangents to the meridian line, or fum of the fecant?, with varic-us methods for computing the fjnie to the uta.ofl cxacl- ncfs - - H alley The quadrature o^ the logarithmic curve - ^ - - J. Craig Logaritfimotechnia generalis y. Craig. Logometria - - Cctes A nev/ method for making logarithms, and finding the number correfponding to a lo- garithm given, with tables - Long Letter containing an explanation of the late Dr. Halley's demonftration of the analogy of the logarithmic tangents to the meridian line or fum of the fecants - Robcrtfon The conftruiStion of the logarithmic lines on the Gunter's fcalc - Robertfon Letter a'urut logarithms - Dodjhti Some confiderations on a late treatife intituled, A new fet of Logarithmic Solar Ta bles, ficc. intended for a more commodious method of finding the latitude at fca by two ohfcrvations of the fun - Pembertot) Ohfervaticns on an infinite feries fa id to exprefs the va'ue of the fum of the logarithms ofthe natural numbers from unity to any number Bayci A new method of conftrudtino; fun-dials 3 for any given latitude, without the alTiftance of dialling fcalcs or logarithmic calculations - - Fir gii fori On the nature and conflrutflion of looa- o r;thms - - Jones Tlicorcms for computing logarithms Heilin I on i>oiNS. An account of a pra£ternatural tumour on the loinr of a:i infant, attended v/irh a cloven fpine - . - Riity LoNDOi;. An extract of two eflays in jjolitical ariti.- inetic, concmin v; the comparative magnitude of London and Paris - - Rdty A furcher afiertion ofthe proporui'.je6rion of lome learnefl pcrfons of the French Nation - P(tt)\ Tranf, XIX 58 — 202 xxvir 191 XXIX 5 — 52 XLVI 559 XLVIII 96 — 273 LI 910 LIII 269 LVII 389 LXI 455 LXX 307 XXXI 98 XVI 152 — 2 37 Abrlda. o I 108 — 577 -56 IV 156 IV 171 — 160 X 256 V1I676 S .me LONT Tranf. »-— Some refleilions on Mr. de Lifle's compaiilbn of the magnitude of Paris with London, and feveral cities, printed in the memoirs of the academy of faiences at Paris in 1725 Z)a^'^//XXXV 432 »—— A letter concerning the number of inhabitants within the London bills of mortality BrahnridgeXLVlU'j^S >■ ■ Obfervations on the expectations of lives, the increafe of mankind, the influence of great cities on population, and particularly the ftate of London with the refpeft to healthfulnefs and tiie number of its inhabitants - Price LIX 89 A comparifon of the heat of London and Edin- burgh - - Roebuck LXV 459 London Bridge. Problems concerning the fall of water under Bridges, applied to the falls under London and Weftminfter Bridges Robert/on L 492 Longevity. An account of the longevity of the inhabitants of the Bermudas - Stafford III 792 ■ An anatomical account concerning Thomas Parre, who died in London aged 1.52 years and nine months - - Harvey — 886 — — A letter concerning a way for the prolongation of human life - - DeMartel V 1 179 — — Account of fome very aged perfons in the North of England - Ltfler XIV 597 Account of Henry Jenkins, a Yorkfhire man, who attained the age of 169 years, with re- marks - - Rohinfou XIX 266 — — Note confirming the great age of Henry Jenkins mi - 543 • An account of examples of long life Dego XXXV ^6'^ Longitude (Attempts for the discovery of) A narrative concerning the fuccefs of pendulum- watches at k-a for difcovering the longitude Holmes I 13; — — Inflrudlions concerning the ufe of pendu- lum-watches for finding the longitude at fea, together with a methed of a journal for fuch watches - - Huygens IV 937 ' — — An inftrument for feeing the fun, moon. or ftars pafs the meridian of any place. L^Ilful for fetting watches in all parts of the world with the greateft exadtnefs, to corre£t fun- dials, and to affifl in the difcovery of the longi- tudes of places - - Z)^r^tf7;i XXIV 1578 A new and exafl table colle^ed from feve-j 283 Abridg. VI 426 III 561 — 306 — 309 I — 304 — 307 — 367 VI 4 29' I 555 — 547 — 555 IV 464 ral 2^4 L O N Tal cbfervations taken in four voyages to Hud- fon's Bay fiom LonJcii ; fl^euing the varia- tion oF the magnL'tical needle or lea-coiiipars, in the path way ro the faid Bay, according to the ieveral lar.tudes and longitudes fiom 1721 to 1725 - - Middietov A method for deteriiiining the geograp i- cal longitude of places, from the appearance of the common rntteors, called falling (lars Lynn = A propofal of a method for findii\g the longitude at fa, Vvitlnn a degree or twenty ha(;ue> ; with an account of the progrei^ made therein, bv a continued feries of accu rate obfervations of the moon Hallry A letter concerning the variaition of the magnetic needle, with a fet of tables annex79 II 732 tion, LOW LUN tiors of Louffh Nea^h in Ireland : to which is annexed a lettter froni the right reverenc doctor George Berkley, lord bifhop of CloviC. to Thomas Prier, Efq. - Simo- LoWDELL. The cafe of Grace Lowdell, aged aboui: fixty, who had an extraordinary tumour on her thigh - - Chandh Lumbago. fhe hiftory of a convuliive rheumatic lumbago - - Pitt LuMBRicus Hydropic us, or an elTay to prove that the hydatides, often met with in morbid animal bodies, are a fpecies of worms or imperfect animals - - T}/?,"; •—— Latus, or a difcourfe on the jointed worm Ty/on — — — Teres, or fome anatomical obfervations on the round worm bred in human bodies Luminous Appearances in the air. V;de Light (Aftronomical) Li^MiNous Emanations. Vide Lights (Natural Hiilory) LuNA-TioKS. Short and eafy methods for finding the quantity of time contained in any given num- ber of mean lunations, and the number of meat lunations in any given quantity of time firgufcti Lungs. An experiment of prefervlng animals alive b\ blowing through their lungs with bellov/s Hook Some anatomical obfervations about the flruftmre of the lungs of frogs, tortoifes, he. and perfefter animals, as alio on the texture of the fpleen, &c. - - Mo'pigh. — — • Letter concerning the ftrudure of the lungs Templet — -— An account of fome animals, that having lungs are yet without the aiterious vein ; togetht i with fome other curious particulars Swammerdari •—— An account of an experiment of the injection ct Mercury into the blood, and its ill effects oi the luiigs . - Moui'i "• Obfervations about the polypus of the lung.--, with Dr. Lifter's opinion - ClarA •— Letter concerning a fublW.ce coughed up re- 1 Ogi Tranf. XLIV^ 3^5 XLI 365 XVIII 58 XVII 5c6 XIII 113 — 154 LV61 I 539 VI 2149 VII 5031 VIII 6040 XVII 486 XIX 779 287 Abrlvig. X 616 IX 236 III 263 — ^Si — 121 — 130 III 66 II 817 III 64 1 — 256 — 233 — 68 fcmbling •2S LUN LUS TemWing the vefTels of the lungs Bujfiere — — A letter concerning the cure of an apoflemation cfthehmgs - - JVr'ight An anfwer - - Cowpe ObkTvations on a treatife of M. Hevelius, de- ligncd to prove that the Kings do not divide and expand the blood, but on the contrary^ coo! and condenfe it - - Nicholls A cafe wherein part of llic lungs were coughed up - - ~ IV. IVaifou — — Cafe of a lad fliot through the lungs drawn up by N. Peters - - H alien Obfervations on a cafe published in the lafl vo lume of the Medical Ellays, ^'c. of recovering a man dead m appearance by difiending the lungs with air - FothergiU Caies of the remarkable efFe(£ls of blifters in leliening the quicknefs of the pulfe in coughs attended with an infarction of the lungs and a fever - - - IVI.^ ■ Cafe of an extraneous body forced into the lungs _ - _ Afar tin An uncommon anatomical obfervatlon of a de feft in the right lobe of the lungs Paitoni ■ !■ An account of a monftrcus human foetus, hav ing neither head, heart, lungs, ftomach, fpleen pancreas, liver, nor kidney - Le Cat LiTNi-SoLAR Tables. Emendations and notes upon the antient aftronomical obfervations of Alba- tenius, with the reftoration of his luni-folar tables - - JHalley Lunula. Letter concerning the quadrature of the parts of the lunula of Hippocrates Chius, per- formed by Mr. John Perks; with the further improvements of the fame by Dr. David Gre- gory and John Cafwell - lyalUs , The dimcnfions of the folids generated by the converfion of Hippocrates's lunula, and of its parts about fevcral axes, with the furfaces generated by that converfion De Mo'ivre Lupi-Crepitus. Extraft of a letter concerning fome remarkable experiments made upon the arteries of horles, with the powder of lycoper don, or lupi-crepitus, by Monfieur La FofTe Lotterman Lusus Naturae. A remarkable conformation, or t 5 Tranf. XXII 545 xxin 1379 — 1586 XXXVI 163 XLI 623 XLIII 151 — 275 L569 LV39 — 79 LVII I XVII 913 XXI 411 XXII 624 XLIX 37 Abrldg. Hi 68 V 223 — 227 VII 500 iX 137 XI 966 — 969 III 522 I 27 I 29 lufus LUX L Y H lufus naturae in a chilJ - IFarwic:^ LuxATio.v. At) account of a co;iiplete lux tion of a thigh-bone, in an adult perion, by external violence - - IVhite An account of a caf' of a luxated thigh- bone reduced - - Houng LvcofERDON. Extra£l of a letter concerning fomt- remarkable experiments made upon the arte- ries of horfes, with the powder of lycoperdon, or lupi-crep.tus, by Monfieur La Fofle Latte'-mayi ——— A letter concerning the ufe of lycoperdon, in flopping blood after amputation Parfons Lymne. An uncommon finking of the ground at Lymne in Kent - - j^non. Lymphatick Vessels. Letters touching the true ufe ot the lymphatick vefTcIs, &c. De B'llL Obfervations on the oricrin and ufe of the lymphatick velTels of animals, being an ex- tract from the Gulftonian lecture Akenfidt An account of the lymphatick fyftem in birds - - Hew f on An account of the lymphatick fyrtem in amphibious animals - Heivf-n An account of the lymphatick fyftem in fift _ - - Heu'fin A defcription of the lymphaticks of the Tranf. XLII 152 LI 676 •— 846 urethra and neck of the bladder Henry JVat fan On the decrees of heat which coacru- lates the iimph and ferum of the b'cod, with an enquiry into the caufcs of the intlainma- ting cruft, or fize as it is called Hewjon Lyncurium. Some obfervations concerning the lyncurium of the ancients - /A'. IVatfon Lynus. Account of Kr. Lynus's dials at Liege Ellh Lyre. Some thou^lv.s concerning the ancient Greek and Roman lyre, and an explanation of an obfcurc pafiagc in one of Horace's odes Molyneux XLIX 37 -38 XXXV 551 III 791 L 322 LVIII217 LIX 198 — 204 — 392 LX384 LI 394 XXIil 1416 — 1267 2^9 Abridg. 1X316 VI 2 203 III 262 V 2 134 IV 474 O o ^ I Machines 'liJO M A C M. Machines (Clilruvgical). The defcnption anddraught of a niachirc tor reducing t'radures of tlu thigh - - Eitric - — -» Deicriprion of a machine for drefling and c:r- ing unwieldy paiients - LeCat. — — An account of the extra£lion of three inches an ; ten lines of the bone of the upper arm, which was followed by a regeneration of the bopy matter ; with a deicription of a machine made ufe of to keep the upper and the lower p'cce- of the bone at their proper diilances during the time that the re:^enerat:on was taking: place ; and which may alfo be of fcrvice in frailurcs happening near the head o! tl.?.r bor.e Le ' at Machines (Mechanical) An account of a catadiop- trick tclefcopc, made by John Hadley, Eiq. wiih the -deicription of a machice cc nr ived for applying it to ufe - Hadhy ■ An account of a new machine called the marine furveyor, intended for the menfuration of the way of a (hip in the lea, more corrc^clly than by the log, or any other method hitherto ufed for that purpofe, together with fevcra! teftimo- nials fetting forth ttic ufefulnefs of this inven- tion - - - Saumaris ' Account of a machine to reprefent eclipfes of the earth - - Segner . . A fcheme of a di. ry of the weather, together with draughts and defcriptions of machines fubfervient thereto - - Pickering , A dcfcription of a machine to blow fire by the fall of water - - Stirling .. A machine for f undincr the fea at nnv depth, or in any pat, invented by Mr. William Cock in the year 1738, in a voyage to Giorgia /inon. m.. . ■ Account of a machine to write down exttmporr voluntaries, or other pieces of mufic Crtcu An account of a machine for killin" whales Bona Tranf. XLI 562 XLII 364 LVI 270 XXXII 303 XXXVI 45 XLI 781 XLIII I — 315 XLIV 146 — 445 XLVII 429 Abridg. IX 254 — 272 VI 456 VIII 157 XI 1226 X 205 — 261 — 265 Some MAC MAG •m.. I- Some experiments upon a machine for mea- furing the way of a Ihip at lea - Smeaton y. An experimental enquiry concerning the natura powcis of water and wind to turn mills and other machines depending on a circular motion Smeaton ... Dire£tions for making a machine for finJin. the roots of equations univerfally, and the means of ufing it - - Rozvning An account of the magnetical machine con- trived by Dr. Knight - FothergUl *— — Of thedegiees and quantities of winds neceffary to move the heavier kinds of wind-machines Stedman . Account of advantages of a newly-invented ma- chine much varied in its eft'eils, and very ufe- ful for determining the peife6t proportion be- tween different moveables a6iing by levers and wheel and pinion - Le Cerf Mackenboy. Letter concerning the effects o Mackenboy, or Tithimalus Hib'rnicus AJh Macreuse. Some obfcrvations on the French Ma- cieufe - - Robinfon A letter concerning the French macreufc Ray Madder Roots. Obfcrvations and experiments with madder root, which has the faculty of tinpin» the bones of livins; animals of a red colour - - DuMonceau See Bones Madeira. Of the increafe and mortality of the in habitantsof the ifland of Madeira Madness. An account of the difeafes of dogs, and feveral receipts for tlie cure of their madnefs, and of thofe bitten by them, extra£led from the papers of Sir T. Mayerne by Sir Theodore de Vaux - - - Alayerne •— — A letter touching the efficacy of camphire in maniacal diiorders - Kinneir " See Dog^ Hydrophobia Madrass. The method of making the bed mortar at Madrafs in the Eaft-lndies - Pyk. Magellan. Some remarks on the variation of the magnetical compafs publilhed in the memoirs of the academy of fciences, with regard to the general chart of thofe variations made by E. Halley, as alio concerning of longitude of Magellan Straights - HalUy Tranf. XLVIII 532 LI 100 LX 240 LXVI 591 LXVII 493 LXVIir 950 XX 293 XV 1036 — I04I XLI 390 LXII 461 XVI 408 XXXV 347 XXXVII231 XXIX 165 291 Abridg. II 850 IX 103 II 870 III 2b 2 VII 632 VI 465 ^V453l Magnei . :92 M A G lA Tranf. kCNET. Accounts of a conflderable loaJ-ftone diocrcd ouc Oi the o;i-ound ill Devonfliire (yJtton II 41^ Oblervaiions aboi:t loaJ-iiones and iea-com- pafles _ _ - ULlnburi — 423 Anfwcr to foire magr.etical enquiries Sellen — 478 A letter about the load-ftone ; where chiefly the fu2gcft;on of Gilbert toucliing the cir- cumvolution of a globous magnet, called ter- rella, and the variation of the variation is ex- amined - - Pttii n 527 A r tradion of the feventh and lad paragraj ' oiMr. VV. Mohncux's 'eiter, v. XiV. p. 552, concerning lough- nea^h (lone, and its non-ap plication to the magnet upon calcination Molynetix XIV 820 — A paper about magnet! fin, c concerning the cbant^ins; and fixing the polaiity of a piece of iron" - - J. C XVIII 257 — An account of experiments concerning the pro- portion of the power of the load-ftone at dif- ferent diftances - - Hauhjbet XXVII 50& An account of fome magnetical obfervations made in the months cf May, June, and July, 1732. in the Atlantic and weittrn ocean ; a;- alfo the defcription of a water -fpout Harrh XXXVIII 7 15 — An account of an experiment in order to dif- cover the law of magnetical at ra£\ion raylor, Hauk/bn XXIX 294 — A meteorological, barometrical, thermometiieal, epidemical, and magnetical diary kept at Utrecht, 1729 "- Van Mufchenbrocky^XYNM^iSl 1730 and 1731 - ^on Mufchenbrock — 408 — An obfervation of the magnetic-needle be- ing fo affected by great cold that it could not traverfe - - Midcdctoj) XL 310 — Abftraiil of a letter on giving magnetifm and polaiity to brafs - - yirchrcn L 774 AGNET (Artificial) A letter concerning the magne- tick quality acquircti by iron, upon Handing for a long time in the (ame pofture Leeuenhotck XXXII 72 — An abftrait cf a leitcr concerning the making cf magnets without a load-flone - y] — — " A letter concerning feme Indian raanufcriptSj lately fent to the univerfity of Oxford Leivis ' Extraft of a letter concerning feignior Rcdi's manufcripts _ _ _ Jnon. '■ Letter judging of the age of MSS. the ftyle of learned authors, painters, muficians, Sec. IVanky — ■ - A letter giving an account of what manufcripts were left by iVlr. John Ray - Da/t = Remarii-S on a vellum aianufcript Schelham7ncr ' Account of the method of preferving the ma- nufcripts found at Herculaneum Condamiri: Mjvfs. An advertilement of a way of making more lively counterfeits of nature in wax, than are extant in painting ; and of a new kind of maps in low relief ; both pradifed in France Juoh «— — An ingenious propofal for a new fort of maps o: countries, together with tables o' fands anc clays, fuch chiefly as tre found in the north parts of England - - Li/iet — — An account of a large and curious map of the great Tartary - - IFitfer^ '• A letter containing a geographical defcription and map of the kingdom cf Tunis, with s portfcript relating to the cure of intermittent ft^vers, in thofe parts - - t>hazt The conilrudlion and ufe of fpherical maps, or fuch as are delineated upon portions of a fphe- rical furface. - - - Colfon — — « Of the bcft form of geographical maps Murdoc/^ \ Tranf. XIII 399 Lxrii I XXVi 242 XLIII ]9i IX 27 XX 421 XXI 42 XXIV 1993 XXV 2282 XXVII ^59 XLIV 622 I 99 XIV 739 XVII 499 XXXVI 177 XXXIX 204 L 553 i 299 Abridge ^ I 107 -V 2 30I' X 796 II 397 -789 V 2 I V 184 '■ I 193 II 450 VI 423 VIII 3M! 3O0 MAR '— — A fliort differtatlon on maps and chart? Afountaine Some account of a new map of the river Volga Fcrfrer Marbles. An experuiient of a way of preparing a li- c|uor that lliall fmlc into and colour the whole body of marble, caufing a pi61ure, drawn on a furface, to appear alfo in the inmoft parts ot the flone - Kei chcr and Blra ' A kiggeftion for retrieving the art of har- dening and tempering Aeel for cutting por- phyre and other hard marbles - /inon. . • Me;hod of colouring marbles - Jaofi. ■ . An extract of a letter concerning a quarry of marble in the county of Farnan?gh in Ireland Nevi/l Experiments on feveral pieces of marble ftained by Rohcrc Chambers - -Da Cofia . A diflertation on the manner of prodiicing wnite marble - - R.^ifpe Marine Insvct. An ace ut of a remarkable ma- rine infect - - Dupont M\R-'E Production. An account of a rcmaricable marine produftion - - Rnjjell Mariners Bow. An account of Thomas Godfrey's im{)rovcment of Davis's quadrant transerrcd to the nrariners bow - - Lognn Marle. Lxperiments upon the difterent kinds o[ Marie found in Stafford (hi re - Withering Mars. Obf.rvatiuns of the planet Klar^ made at London in February and March, i66';;-6 Hook Obfervations made in Italy, confirming the former and withal fixing the period of tht revolution of Mars - - - CnJJlni >. An obfcrvation of the planet Mars Flamliead m Obfervations on Mars in the autumn of 1736 mide at Berlin - - A2>c . ((JccLiltations of) An occultation of Mars, and certain fixi f'ars, obferved at Dant/ig, icp- temiv;r i, 1676 - - If, veil us " An oblervation cf Mars covered by the Moon Au^L. 21, at Greenwich - FUwiJliad Oxford - - Hallry - ■ ■ Obleivatioti? of the occultation of Mars by tht the moon, Odober ;, 1736, Flcct-ftrcet' Grahavi\ TranT. • Abrlde. ^5^3 LVIII 214 I 125 VIIT 6010 XXII 7:7 XXVIII 278 IJ30 LX47 LTII 57 LH 554 XXXVlil 441 LXllI i6j I 239 I 242 VJl 5118 XLI 573 I 603 II 599 IV 2 205 — - 206 XI :2I — 723 — 724 XL 100 VIII 366 I 423 — 424 150 VJU 186 Covcnt MAR Cove nt- garden MAT — — (Conjund'iions of) A fliort account of three great conjunctions of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, at Dantzick, in 1682 and 1683 Heveliu ■ (Parallax of) Compariron of obfervations nriacc relating to the parallax of Mars at tin; Cape of Good Hope, by Mr. Dc La Caillc, and ar Greenwich by Dr. Bradley De Ulp Marshes. Oii the noxious cuaiity of putrid marlhes i^r'ujiley Farther Proofs of the infaluhri'.y of marfliy fituations - - Pricf Marsupiale Americanum leu Carigueyx, the anatomy of an Opofium - Tyfon Martin. Al count of the houfe martin, or Martlet //;;//, Of the houfe and Sand-iMartin - White Of the torpidity of Iwallovvs and martins Corr.ljh Account of ihe free martin - Hi^vtn- Marycold. a letter concerning a zoophyton Tome what refembliiig the flower of the marygold Hughes Maryland. Remarks on fome animals, plants, &c fent from MaryUnd - Petlver ——''Letter concerning leveral obfervables in Mary- land - - - - Jones Mathematics. A letter concerning fome mil takes, to be found in a book intituled, " Sptcimira Mathematica F. du Laurens," efpecially touching a certain problem affirmed to have l>een propofed by Dr. Wallis, to the mathematicians of all Europe, to Live it Ap.imadverfions on a printed paper intituled, refponiio F. du Laurens ad epiih D. Wallitii IFaili tier on the fame paper - IValliA ContinuatU^n of the fccond letter - li'alii}\ An anfwer to four papers of Mr, Hobb's,j lately publifhed - - '-t alin\ Anfwer to the book, intituled Lux Mathema icai A defcripti ;n of a mathematic hiilorical table Mangola aa 01denburo;ium oecono Tranf. XL loi xiir 325 XLvirr5i2 LXIV 90 LXFv^ 96 XX 105 LXIV 196 LXV258 — 343 LXIX 279 XLII 590 XX 393 XXI 436 III 654 — 744 — 775 b25 VI 2241 VII 5067 XI 667 301 Abridoj. I 357 II 88: IX III II 253 III 6co Mathe. ^a IM A f Mattiematics a paper aiTcriing ferae mathematl cal inventions to their true authois Gregory »- A folution of two mathematical problems pro- pofed by John Bernouilli - Jncn. •— ~^» Letter of Dr. Waliis. piving an account of fome late palJ ^ges between hirii and Myn Hcer Leib nitz of Hanover - - IValii '— — Some cafy methods for the meafuring of curve- lined figare?, plain and folid - IVallh >^ A folution of ;he problem propofed in the French DiarVj Feb. 1403, by John Bernoulli Craig ■= A general folution of a m.athematical problem formerly prcpofcd to the Englifli in the Afta Lipfienfia - - j^non *— — Extra£ls from Mr. Gafcoigne's and Mr. Cra- brie's letters, proving Mr. Gafcoigne to have been the inventor of the telefcopick figb.ts of mathematical inftruments, and not the French Derham «►— — A folution of the problem of G. G. Leibnitz, lately propofed to the Englifli Taylor m Problem folved by - - f Faring " Two theorems - -> PFaring •"• A demonftration of two theorems mentioned in Article XXV. of the Philofophical Tranfac- tions for the year 1775 " Hutton * The general mathematical laws which regulate and extend prof^ortion univerfally ; or a me- thod of comparing magnitudes of any kind together, in all the poflible degrees of increafe and decreafc _ - - _ Gleni Matlock. Account of the petrefa£\tons near Mat- lock Baths in Derbylhire, with conjcdlures corcerning petrefaciicns in general Gilki •— — Experiments and obfervations on the waters of Buxton and Matlock in Dcrbyfhire Percival — — -• A defcription of a petrified flratum formed from the waters of Matlock in Dcrbyfliirc Dobfon Mattkr. Some theorems rcfpe£ling the infinite di- vifibility of matter - - Ktil ——— An account of un experiment to flicw by a new i)roof, that bodies of the fame bulk do not contain ((jual (juantitics of ma ter, and, that therefore ihtrc is an intcriptrfed vacuum Defag lit/en Tr a nf. XVIII 233 XIX 384 XXI 273 XXII 547 XXIV 1527 XXIX 399 XXX 603 XXX 695 LIU 294 LV143 LXVI 600 LXVII 450 XLI 352 LXII455 LXIV 124 XXIX 82 XXXI 81 Abridg. I 116 — 463 II 2 I 58 1 IV 35 IV 45 — 345 — 46 VIII 707 IV 423 VI 2 157 Q^.'eri» «— — Queries concerning the csufe of cohefion of the parts of matter - - Triewald -■ ■ (Phyfic) Cafe of a large'quantity of matter oi water contained in cyftes or bags adhering to the peritonaeum, and not communicating with the cavity of the abdomen - Graham jMatrix. An account of a woman who had a double matrix - - - FaJ/al Maty. A fliort account of Dr. Maty's illnefs, and of the appearance in the dead body, which was examined on the 3d of Augull; 1776, the day after his deceafe Hunter and iVatfon Maxima. Of the tangents of curves deduced imme- diately from the theory of maxima and minima Ditton May-dew. Some obftrvations and experiments upon May -Dew - - - Henjhaiv May-Flies. A further account of the libelLv or May-flies - - Bartram iMead. An abflraft of Dr. Mead's mechanical ac- count of poifons - - Mariana Meal Dust. Cafe of a man felzed with a fever from the effe£ls of meal duft - Latham Measures. An account of the ftandard meafurei. preferved in the capitol at Rome - Folka «— — Of the meafure and motion of running water "=— — An account of the analosrv betwixt Eno-ilfn weights and meafures of capaciry Barloiv *— — An account of the proportions of the Englilli and French meafures and weights from the flapdard of the fame I^ept at the Royal Society '•— — A new experiment of the proportion of the Englifh and French mealures Mafliel'snc and Bird MECHANtcs. Univerfal folution of cubic ani bi- quadratic equations, viz. analytic-!, geome- trica', and mechanical - - Co'for; MechanjcS; An account of an experiment explain- ing a mechanical oaraJcx, viz. that two ijo ■dies of equal \v eight, fufpendcd on a certaii fort of balance, do not lofe their equilibrium, by being r; moved one farther from, the other' -nearer, to, the center - Dejaguiicn «*-— A letter containing fomc obfervarions upon the Tranf. XXXVl 39 XLT 708 IV 969 LXVII 6c8 XXIII ,333 XLVI 400 XXIII 1320 LX 451 XXXIX 262 XLI5 XLI457 Ahrid^. 5 IX 187 III 205 IV 7 II 141 XI 846 IX 486 VIII 282 IX 488 XLII i%s j IX 4S9 LVIII 326 XX V 2353 :edlcinal cafe Monghiot A relation of a deaf and duin^b perfon who rcr covered his hearing and fpeech after a violent fever : with fome other medical and chirurgi cal ohfcrvations - - Martin Two medico-chirurgical obfervations on t!:c hydatides and confcquences of an incomplcat hernia, and on the fundlions of the intcltincs cxpofed to fight - - ^t Cat Various medlco-chirurgi.al obfervations Schlichting Obfervations on a cafe publifhed in the lad vo iume of the medical cllny.s &c. ofrccovciing a man dead in appearance, by diflending the lungs with a,ir - - Fothergilt\ Abridg, V 2 182 X 183. XLIII 77 II 564 III 650 VIII 6093 XV 839 XXII 617 — 756 XXV 2469 XL! 712 XUI 270 XLIII 275 III 234 III 84 . — 351 — 110 — n — 113 V 355 V [3571 V 2 127 IX 189 — 232 XI 969 Medi- MED MEL Medi-cinal Spring. An account of fpring in Dorfetfhire Letter concerning Glamorganfliire An account of a a meJica Highmore medicated fpring in Auhry new medicinal wel lately difcovered near MofFat in Annandale, in tlie county of Dumfries - - IValkei 'Medicines. K problem propofed to the praftifers of phyfic,_ by - - - Cockburn *^ A folution of the problem for determining the dofes of purging and emetic medicines CoMurn ' A letter containing fome obfervatlons upon the phyfic of the Indians - Paph — — A letter concerning the operation of medicines - The effei^s of the Tonquinefe medicine Reid — — Mead's phyfical obfervations on ipecacuanha Grnelln • A brief botanical and medical hiftory of the folanum lethale, bella donna, or deadly night- fhade _ _ . /// U/atfon — — A letter concerning the medicinal effedsofa poifonous plant exhibited inftead of the water parfnip - ^ -Pulteney — *• A dcfcription of three fuMances mentioned by the Arabian phyficians, in a paper fent from Aleppo, and tranflated from the Arabic by Chamnng Mediterranean. Advice touching the conjunc- tion of the Ocean with the Mediterranean Petit "'—"-■ A narrative of the conjunAion of the Ocean and the Mediterranean by a canal cut through Lan- guedoc in France - « j^non. " — — Some additions to the narrative about the con- jundlion of the Ocean and Mediterranean by a canal in France - - Froidour MEGAMETiER. Account of a new megameter Bofcov'ich Melloon. Account of one Edward Pvlelloon, born at Port Leiceiler in Ireland, who was of an extraordinary fize - - Mujgravi Melons. Way of ordering melons De la 3uintenif De la ^ulntinii Further direflions Some microfcopical obfervations and ourious rc- Q^q2 Tianf. IV1128 XIX 727 L 117 XXIV 1753 — '1iii9 XXVIII 225 XXXI 71 XLIII 212 305 Abrid. II ^2^ L62 XLII 469 LVII21 I 41 IV 1 123 VII 4080 LXVII 789 XX 184 IV901 -^ 923 V273 -2 182 VII 586 XI 1C44. ' ■ * X 761 III 68 0 — f - T I II 638 — 639 marks 3o6 MEM MER I Tranf. XXIX 490 XLII 115 XLIII 265 VII 51 u marks on the vegetation and exceeding quick propagation of moidineis, on tiie fubiknce of a melon - - - BradUy ». A let:er concerning the vegetation of melon-feed forty- two years old - Trhivald Letter concernin2 the vegetation of melon-feed thirty-three years old - - Gah Membrane?. A further account concerning the exiftence of veins in all kinds of plants; to- gether with a difcovery of the membranous fubftance of thof- veins, and fome a<^s in plants refembiing thofe of fenfe ; and alfo the agreement of the venal juice in vegetables vvith the blood of anim?is, he. - Lifter Microfcopical obfervations on the blood-veffels and membranes of the inteftines Lee'uenhoek XXVI 53. Obfervations upon the membranes enclofmg the fafciculi of fibres, into vi^hich a mufcle is divided - - Leeuenhoek XXXI 129 Memory, Account of the flrength of memory when applied with due attention - Wallis XV 1269 Men DIP. A curious delcription of the firata ob- jerved in the coai-mines of Mendip in So- merfetfhire - - Strachey XXX 968 Mene. Letter concerning the flocking the river Mene with oyfters - - Rowlands XXXI 250 MexsEs. a letter containing the cafe of a woman who had her menfcs regularly to 70 years of a^re « - - Tonge XXVIII 236 Menstrua. A difcourfe on this problem; why bodies diilolved in mendrua fpeciflcally lighter than thcmfelves fwim therein JV. Molyneux XVI With fome reflexions - T. Molyneux — 93 Mercator, An eafy mechanical way to divide the nautical meridian line in Mercator's projection with an account of the relation of the fame meridian line to the curva catenaria Perks XXIX 331 — Remarks on the cenfure of Mercator's chart, in a podhumous work of Mr. Weft of Exeter Dunn LIII 66 A defence of Mercator's chart againfl the cenfure of Mr. Wtft - Mountaine — « 69 ^Mercurial Level. The defcription and ufe of an apparatus added as an imj)rovement to Davis's quadrant, ccniifting of a mercurial level, for i^ikint: the altitude of i^i\ or ftir, at fea, with- Abridg. IV 2 308 VIII 824 X761 11693 V 2 267 VII 464 III 661 IV 2 260 VII 420 V360 I 535 — 537 IV 456 out Tranf. LX417 XVII 875 I 21 XVII 486 XX 184 XXXIX 244 — 291 M E R out the ufual aflliftance of the fenfible horizon, which frequently is obfcured - J-'^i^^' Mercury. Part of a letter concerning the ftrange effects from the eating Dog Mercury, with remarks thereon by Hans Sloane Baxter ■ (Mineral) Letter concerning the mines of Mercury in Friuli - Pop m (Medicine) An account of an experiment of the injection of Mercury into the blood, and its il! erFecls on the lungs - Moulin An account of tlie diiTe£tion of a dog who had ]\Iercury injefted into one of the jugulars Pitt «— — — A Letter containing fome experiments made upon mad dogs with Mercury - James •< An account of what was obferved upon opening the corple of a perfon who had taken feverai ounces of crude Mercury internally; and of aplum-ftone lodged in the coats of the redlum Madden ■' An account of a lai'ge glandular tumor in the pelvis ; and of the pernicious effects of crude Mercury given inwardly to the patient Cantwell Mercury (Barometer) A relation of fome mercurial obfervations, and their refult - Oldenburg *' A profpeft of the weather, winds, and height of the Mercury in the barometer, on the hrft day of the month, and of the whole rain in every month in 1703, and begin- ning of 1704 at Townley in Lancafhirs, by' R. Tov/nley, and at Upminfter, by W. Derham Townley and Derham XXIV 1 87 7 - Several experiments on the mercurial phofpho- rous - - - Haukfbee — 2129 Mercury (the planet) An obfervation of a tranfit of Mercury under the fun, Od. 31, 1690, at Nuremberg - - lPurtzelbaur\ XVII 483 *■ An account of the appearance of Mercury, paf- fmg over the fun's difk, on the 29th of Octo- ber, 1723, determining the mean motion, and fixing the nodes of that planet's orb Hall'') XXXIII 228 ' Obfervations of the tranfit of Mercury over the fun, Odi. 31, 1736, Fleet-Street G rah an. XL 102 Manfredi — 103 f'VeidUn — 1 10 307 Abridg. VIII 362 II 640 11577 III 233 XL '39 ':):> — 234 IX 218 — 152 ~ 184 II 2 IV 2 180 1 426 VI 253 VIII 194 -158 — — Aft -30^ Mlb. An account of Mercury eclipfed by Venus, obl'crved at Greenwich, May 17, 1737 Bevis An account of a tranfit of Mercury over Venus, May 17, i737> at Greenwich - Bivis A lynoplis of the calculation of the tranfit of Mercury over the dilk of the fun, 25th of Odober, 1743 - - CaiJyn A i^ner ccuiccrning the tranfit of Mercury over the fun, A^nilai, 1740, at Cambridge in New IVinthrop An accou.nt of the tranfit of Mercury over the fun, Odl. 25, 1743> in the morning Graham A letter of the tranfits of Mercury over the fun, OcV. 31, 1736, and Oct. 25, 1743 Btvis Some obfervations concerning Mercury Bevis Obfervations of Mercury feen over the fun, "Nov. 5, "4743, at Giefa - Gerjhn Obfervaiicns on the tranfit of Mercury over the fun, IVIay 6, 1753 - - ^hort Letter concerning the tranfit of Mercury over the fun. May 6, 1753, asobfervedat the illand of Antigua - 'Tyrrel and SheriiingtcJi An account of a memoir read at the academy of fcienccs at Paris'by M. de Barros, concern- ingcertain ph^cnomena, cbiervfd by himatParis in the laft tranfit of Mercury over the fun Short Tlie difference of longitude between the Royal Obfervatories of Greenwich and Paris, deter- mined bv the obfervations of the tranfits of Mercury over the Sun in 1723, 1736, 2743, 1753 . - - - ^■■'^'■' Oblervation of the tranfit of Mercury over the fun, 0£t. 25, 1743 - - U''"tnthrop^. An account of the tranfit of Mercury at Nori-I ton in Pennfylvania, Nov. 9, 1769 Smith Account of an obfcrvation of the tranfit of Mer- cury over the fun, Nov. 9, 1769, at Cambridge in New England - - Jfinihtop[ IDIAN. Of a correfpondency to be procured for the finding out the true dillance of the (un and moon, from tiic c-rth by the parallax, obfcrved under, or nc.r, die fame meridian Oldenburg Letter propofing a new place for the tirll mcri-1 5 Tranf. XL 394 XLI 630 XLII 235 — 572 -578 — 622 XLTII 48 XLIV 376 XLVllI 192 — 31S — 361 LIII 15S LLX 505 LX 504 LXlsi I 151 Abridg. VIII i07 10 i. 199 — 202 — 198 A 10 « I 30: diari M'£ S MET S^O' 1 dian, and' pretending to-evlnce the equality of all natural dnys, as alfo to llievv a way ot Knowing the true place of the moon Prop for of Seviiu Anfwer to the above let:er - Flamjlead — — — Au indrumect for leeiag the fun, moon, or flars pafs the meridian of any place, ufefui for fetting watches in all parts of :he world with the greateft exa£lne(s, to correcft fun-dials, to afliil in the difcovery of the longitudes of places > _ - Derham ' - ■ Obfervations on the nierididn helghth of the fun, to inveftigate the elevation of the pole at Lilbon - - C.rboie - The difference in time of the meridians of di- verfe places, computed from obfervations of the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatcllites - Derham ——— See Longitude Meridian Line. Ah eafy demonftration of the ana- logy of the logarithmic tangents to the meirdian line, or fum of the fecants, with various me- thods for computing the feme to the utmofi exadnef} - - Ha^ley • '■ Letter concerning fome fuppofed alte.ra- ration of the merician line ; which may affect the declination of the magnetic needle, and the poles elevation - - fVallis ' ■ New way of drawing the meridian line Gray " Letter concerning drawing tlie meridian line by the. pole ftar, and findiiTg the hour by the fame - - Gra^ — — An eafy mechanical way to divide the nau- tical meridian line in Mercator's projeflion, with an account of the relation of the fame meridian line to the curva catenaria PerJt. «— — Letter containing an explanation of the late Dr. Haliey's demoniiration of the analogy of the logarithmic tangents to the meridian line, or the, fum of the fecants - Robcrtjcn Mesentery. Account of an unufual rupture of the mefentery' - - Stvammerdam — — Letter csncerning a child who had its intef- tines, mefentery, kz. in the cavity of the thorax = - 1 jj^lt Metal (In general) A defcription of the ufesof a 1 Tranf. X 425 - 429 XXIV 1578 XXXIV 95 XXXVI 2Z XIX- 202 XXI 285 XXII 762 - 815 XXIX 331 XLVI 559 XXII 992 Abridi:. '-\ r 270 - 556 IV 464 VI 414 I 577 20: IV 461 A.^2 456 X 256 • III 118 V 260 I certam . 310 M E T certain powder for yielding very clofe and fmooth metal, and of eafy carriage, &c. for caftinti of guns Anon. — — A catalogue of foffiis, (hells, metals, minerals, &c. which J. J. Scheuzhzcr of Zurich fent to J. Petiver - - Pdwer Experiments concerning the efFe6ts of air palTed through red-hot metals - Haukjhce — — The fpecific gravity of metalline cube-, m com- parifon of their like bulks of water Haukfoe Some obfervations towards compoling a natural hi (lory o(" mines and metal- - Nicholh — — A fecond letter containing farther obfervations towards compofmg a natural hiftory of mines and metals - - Ntcholh ^ The defcription and manner of ufmg an initru- ment for meafuring the degrees of the exp ..!- fion of metals by heat - EUicott Metal. (Ufc of, in mai-:ing inftruraents) A new me- thod of improving and perfecting catadioptrlca telefcopes, by forming the fpeculums of glafs inftead of metal - - Sjnith ■■ A difcourfe concerning the ufefulnefs of thermo- iiKters in chemical experiments, and concern- ing the principles on which the thermometeis now in ufe have been conflrudted : together with the defcription and ufes of a metalline thermometer newly invented by Alortvner • • A letter concerning a metalline thermometer in the muleum of the Society at Spalding jfohnfon ■ ■ '- A defcription of a metalline thermometer Fit zverald — — Directions for making the beft compolition for the metals of rcflcccinir telefcoDes; totfethcv I'D with a defcription of the procefs for grinding, j)oliniing, and giving the great fpeculum the true parabolic curve - A'li.'d^ 1 !>e principal properties of the engine for turn irig ov^ls in wood or metal, and of the inflru mt-nt for drawmg ovals upon paper dtmcn flrated - - - Luuiarr. 7 Iktal. (Chcmiftryj How tcrrcftrial llieams may h( the generative caufe both of minerals and me- tats, and of all the peculiarities of fprings Bead A Lontinua'ioii ol the dilcouife ccnceriiin^ Tranf. VIII 6040 XXIV 2042 XXVII 199 — 521 XXXV 401 — 480 XXXIX 297 XLI 326 Abridg. I: 11557 IV 2 286 ■- 182 VII 4 102 II 187 VIII 464 - 113 XLIV 672 XLV 128 LJ82Q LXVII 296 LXX378 V II54 X435 — 446 vitiiol M E T \itrlol, fliewing, that vitriol is ufually prc- duced by fulphur, actinjj on and coagulatino- with a metal, and then making our, that alum is likewiie the rcfult of the (aid flilphur; as alfoevincing, that vltrio!, fulphur, and alum do agree in the laline principle; and laHly, declaring the nat^3rc of the fait in brim *i one. and whence it is derived - - ^non, ^' ' '■ Experiments and obfervations on the agree- ment between the fpecific gravities of the fe- veral metals and their colours when united to glafs, as well as thofe of their other propor- tions .. ^ - - Dclaval ■••— — An account of rings confifting of all the prif- matic colours, made by explolions on the fur face of pieces of metal - Prie/Uy Metaphysics. Principia dynamica five principia mechanices - - - 'Jurin Meteors. An account of a confiderable meteor feen in many djftant places in England, Sept. 20, 1676 - - - lyrAlis •— — An account of an extraordinary meteor, or kind of dew refembling butter, that fell laft winter and fpring in Ireland - - l^an Bifliop of Cloyne *" A letter giving aQ account of fome appear- ances in the heavens in Ireland, 170S Derham ' ' A letter giving an account of a meteor which was feen in Yorkfliire, and other neighbour- ing counties, upon May 18, 1710 Thorejhy * " Account of feveral meteors or lights in the fky Halle, "= A letter giving a relation of a fiery meteor feen in Jamaica, to ftrike into the earth ; v/ith re marks on the weather, earthquakes, &c. of thatilland - - Barban: '" An account of the extraordinary meteor k^n all over England, on the 19th of March, 1 7 18-9, with a demonftration of the uncommon heighth thereof - - Hacilcy ' A defcription of the great meteor feen on the 6th of March, 17 15-6 - - Cote^ «— A method for determining the geographical longitude of places from the appearance oi the R r ' Trail r. IX 66 LV 10 LVIIi 68 XLIV 103 XII 863 XIX 224 XXVI 30S XXVil322 XXIX 159 XXX 837 -^978 XXXI 66 3n AbridfT. n 544 X 18 II 200 iV 2 134 193 — - 134 IV -135 — - 131 --156 — - 82 common. ^la M fervations made in Enjilafid and others in common mef?ors ca'Ie^ faH'nj fi-rs Lynn A n..-v/ methrod for cumpofing a natural liiilor* of mereurs - - Grc}v.w:.oo Of t-he meteor called ai-i I"-nis ratuvi<:, from ob- it.!s Dcrham anl Dirch.'vu — An accvTunt of a meteor feen in the air in the day-lime on. Dec. 8, 1733 - Crcckir — Notices of feme meteors obfei veJ at Philadcl- ph'a - - Breintnail — An account of feveral - - ' Shov — An account of a meteor feen at Pc^ckliam IXc. II, 1 741 - - - - Milne — A.i account of a met. or feen near Holkam ii Norfolk, Aug. 1 741 - Lord Uvsli — Appearance of a fiery meteor feen, by Cra jdcck — Account of a fiery meteor feen in the air Jul) 14, 1745 - - . - Ccjlirc. December ]6, 1 742 - - Moritmr — An extraordinary meteor feen in the countypf Rutland, which refcmbled a water-fpout Barker — Several accounts of a fiery m.eteor which ap- peared Nov. 26, 175S, coliefted by J. Fringle. Remarks on the feveral accounts of the herv mcte^.T which, appeared Nov. 26, 1718, and ec.'.er fuch bodies _ _ „ Pringti — An account of a meteor feen at Shefford in Bcrkfliire, Ock. 20, 1.759 '■> ^''^'^ ^'^'^-^^ °^^''^'" vatiuns of the weather ot the preceding winter For/ier Another account of the fame meteor at Bath Colebrocke Another account at Chigwell-Row^, Efiex Duiten — An account of a meteor feen in New Englaml; May 10, 1760, and of a whirlwind felt in that country July 10, l'?6o lyiniharp — An account of a remarkable meteor feen at Ox- ford, Sept 21, 1760 - Swintou — An obfervation of a fiery meteor feen at the Hague, Dec. 21, 1758 - Gohy — y\n account of a reuia.kable meteor October 0, 1-^63 - - Dunn — An account of feveral fiery meteors feen in North-America - - fp^mthor^ Tr.inf. XXXV 351 Abrjcl g VI 40 D ov QO XXXVI 0C4 XLI 346 — 359 — 6.5 Xf 11 138 — 183 XLIli 78 XLIH 522 — 524 XLVI 248 LI 218 — 259 — 299 — 301 — 3c 2 LII 6 — 99 11:15 — 351 LIV 185 V I 2 39' "- 147 VIII 517 — 521 X478 — 479 An i Met MET ■ An account of t remarkable meteor fcen at Oxford, March 5, 1 764. - - Svjtnion ' An account of a remarkable meteor fee n at Ox- ford, April 23, 1764 - - StvifJton ■ Dcfcriprion of a meteor feen at Oxford, Oct. 12, 1766 _ - _ Swinton ■ An accour^t of ?.n extraordmary meteor fen a; Oxford, 061. 24, 1769 - - Svuinton A letter containina; an account of a fiery meteor feen on the loth of February 1772, in the fliire of Berwick - Brydoru See Aurora Bcealis, Lights in the Air EOROLOG!C-j*L OBSERVATIONS, A letter con cerning the ufe which may be made oi the fol- lowing hiftory of the weather - Plot Obfervations of the wind, weather, and height of Mercury in the barometer at Oxford Plot — Adifcourfe concerning weather Gar.:cn A difcourfe of the rule of the decreafe of the height of the JVlercury in the barometer, according as places are elevated above the furface of the earth, v. ith an attempt to difcover the true r^afon of the rifing and fall- ing of the Mercury upon change of weather Plall An account of the quantity of rain fall- ing monthly for feveral years fuccelfively at Townley in Lancafuire - Townley ■ A letter ab >ut a contrivance to meaf're ?i3 the height of the Mercury in the barometer bv a circle on one of the weather plates, with a regifter of the weather, &c. for i6;;9 - - - Derhatn Part cf a letter accompanying his o'fer- V tions of the Mercury in the barometer, rains, winds, &c. for the year 1698 Dtrhm Obfervations on wnat rain fell at Town- ley ill Lancafliire in 1697 and 1698, w.th fome other obfervations on the weather S-me ob.'ervations on the fun's altitude. with the changes of the weatlier at Eitiay, China - ^ Cunningb.in Obfervations on the weather 1699, '"'^^' at Upminfl.r in EUex - Do ham R r 2 Tranf. LIV 326 — 2Zt Lvir 108 LX ,Cj2 LXrii 163 XV 930 — 932 — 991 XIV 104 XVIiI 51 XXI 47 ?2 XX1I5.7 Abridtj. XX 45 -12 II A.6 — iiS — 14 73 So 93 • Soa:c 3H M E T Dome obCervatlcn" on the weather, c^c. for feme years paft - - Derhum Obfervations cf the weather made in a voyage to China, lyco - Cuvmngham A regifter of th.e wind and weather in China, with the obfervations of the mercurial barome- ter at Chufan, from Nov. 1700 to Jan. 1702 Cunningham ■ ■ A profpeft of the w^eather, winds, and height or the Mercury in the barometer on the firft day of the month, and of the whole lain in every month in 1703 and beginning of 1704, at Townley in Lancafliire, and at Up- m in tier, - Townley and Dcrham • A regifter of the weather kept at Gates in ElTex, 1692 - - Lcckf • An account of a liorm of rain that fell at Denbigh in Wales - - j^ncn. i\Ieteorological tables kept at Upminfter, 1705 Derhajn Part of a letter concernins: a ftorm of tiiunder, hghtning, and rain at Leeds in Yorkfliire, Aug. 5, lycS • Ihorefby Tables of the barometical altitudes at Zurich in Switzerland, in the year 1708, by Scheuchzer, at Upminfter, in England, by Derham ; as alfo, of the rain at Pifa, in Italy, in 1707 and 1 708, by Tilli ; and at Zurich, in 1708 ; and at Upminfter in all that time : with remarks on the fame tables, as alfo on the winds, heats, and colds, and divers other matters occurring in thofe three diflerent parts of Europe _ _ _ Derham > A meteorological, barometical, thermometri- cal, epidemical, and magnctical diary kept at Utrecht, 1729 - Fan Mufcbenbroeh i730> 1731 . . - — — An account of the rain which fell every ye^r at Upminlter, in EiTcx, during the laft eighteen years, with rem;irks upon that of the year J 7 14; alfo a comparifon of what has been obfcrved of that kind at Paris bv M. De la Hire - - Derham An account of an Aurora Borealis feen at Cruwys More'and, in Devonlhire, Fc- Tranf. I Abri dg. XXIII 1443 I^ 2 62 XXIV 1639 1648 — 1877 — 1917 XXV 2342 -2378 XXVI 289 XXVI 342 XXXVir357 — 408 XXIX 130 — -26 -48 — 70 V 2 40 VII 4 71 — - 86 — -90 [V 2 100 bruary M ET traary 6, i)20-i, with an account of the weather before and af:er it - Cruvjyi A letter concerning the efFc£is of a vio- lent fliovver of rain in Ycrki1}ire, May i8, 1722 - - Iher.fiy — — An account of the depth cf lain fallen from April i, 1722 to Ap; il i, 1723, at Waddrington, in Northumberland Horjley i An invitation to an aflociatlon for fo, m- ino- meteoroiog.cal diaries, with a fpecimen -Jiirh. - — Ohfervations on the weather in a voyage tc Hud Ton's Bay, 1730 - Middle ton Ohfervations made at Padua in fix years Polenus An ahftrafl of meteorological diaries com- municated to the Royal Society, with remarks, Part I. - - Derham —=■ — An ahftract of the meteoroiOgical diaries, made at Peterll)urg, and atLunden in Sweden, 1724 and 1725, Part II. with remarks upon tliem - - Confett and Derham Ohfervations on the variations of the nee- dle and weather, made in a voyage to Hud- fon's Bay in 173 1 - Middldon An abftraft of the meteorological diaries 3^5 communicated to the Royal Society for 1726, with reoiarks upon them. Part III. Derham An ahftrafl of meteorological diaries. communicated to the Royal Society in 1727, with remarks, Part IV. - Derham Aftronomical, phyfical, and meteorologi cal ohfervations in 1733, ^^ Wirtemberg midler Ohfervations made of the latitude, vaiia- tion of the magnetic needle and weather, madt in a voyage from London to Hudlon's Bay. 1735 - - Middleto; ~ An account and alftra£l of the meteo rological diaries, communicated to the Royal Society for 1729, 1730 - Ha'de) A fummary of iix years meteorological ohfervations made at Padxu - PoUnia Tranf. XXXI 186 XXXII iGi -328 Abrid: VI 2 89 iS 76 — 422 XXXVII — 201 — 261 XXXVIII lOI — 127 — 334 — A-^S XXXIX 238 — 270 XL 154 — 39 12: - SS i-^i ^39 VIII 555 268 IX 339 VIII 17^ - 550 -376 57S Collec- yJS M E T — Collecfions from the diary of the weather and barometer, in order to fettle rules for foretelling the weather by the barometer A defcription of a water-JevcI to be Hxed to Davis's qLjadrant, whereby an cbCervation may be taken at fea, in thick and hazy \ve;;- ther, without feeing the horizon Le'.g/j Extract from the diaries of the weather, kept at Rome - - Revillas An inquiry into the caufes of a dry and wet fummer - - Anon. A letter containing rem.arks on the weathtT, and accompanying three fynoptical tables of meteoroIoi>ici Tranf. XL 259 XL 413 XLI 193 — 519 — 686 XLII 243 — 491 XLIII I XLV 336 XLVI loi — 571 — 573 XLVil 357 — 360 XLVLI 221 204 AhriC'];. VIII 360 — 422 — 482 — 604 — 5^9 IX 276 XI 1226 X 456 — 428 — 474 I.cliei MET Letter concerning the late hard wcatlicT Mil. A conrinuation of r.n account: of the v/ea- tiier. in .Macieira - - licbcrdei vr Letters concerning the caufe of the afcent of vapour and exhal-itioi-!, and thofe of winds; and t''e general ph^noincna of tlie weatlKT and barom'^ter - - Eties An account of the qu'intity of rain falieu in Antigua for four years 1750 to 1754 Journal of the weather in Dublin for the year 1753, 1754, 1755 - 5/>/75« An account of the heat of the weather ir. Georgia - - E'li:^ A therjTiometrical account of the wcathef in Maryland for one year from Sept. 1755 Broot Ditto from three years from Sept. 1754. .n account of a meteor at Shefford ir Bcrkfnirc, O^. 20, 1759, with fome cbrerva tions of the weather of the preceding, winter State of the weather at Turin, 1759 Forfter An account of the rain fallen in a foot lc]uare at Norwich from 17^0 to 1762 Andc-fon An account of the quantity of rain fallen ConWdll in 1762 - - Borlj't An account of the late mild weather in Cornwall, winter of, 1762 - Borlafi An account of the quantity of rain fallen at Mount's Jjay in Cornwall, and of the wea ther at that place in June and July 17^3 Phyfical obfervations, conje6lures, anci luppofitions - - Frankllri abftrait of a journal of the weaiher i Quebec, between the hrft of April 1765 to the 30ch of Aprl 1766 - - Miirdock ■ Obfervations for 1767 made at Carlylle Carljit Brid_e\vater - - « _ Lud^vaa ia Cornwall - - Borlaft Trnnf. - 617 ;lix 124 -9j -759 L 754- LI 58 — 209 — S39 LIII 9 LIV 59 LV 1S2 LVI 291 LVIII 8 - 8.7 bridg. Obfer 3i3 M E T Obfervations on the barometer, thermometer, and rain at Plymouth 1767 - /v;rr Obfervations in Poland on the winter of 1768 Obfervations made at Stockhohn in the winter of 1767-8 - - - ff'cirgentin Abftract from a meteorological regifter kept at Plymouth during the year 1768 - Fan Meteorolo:Zical Obfervations for 1 760, made at Bridj;e\vater in Somerfetfhire, and at Ludg- van in Mount's Bay, Cornwall Adiii Of the difreretit quantities of rain which appear to fall, at different heights, over the fame fpot ofsround - - - Hcberden Obfervations on the flate of the air, winds weather, ^'c. ax Prince of VValc 's Fort, on the nortli-vvefl coall of Hudfon's Bay in 1768 and tt6q — - Dymoni and M^ aUs Meteorological obfervations for 1769 made at Bridgewater in Somcrfetfhire - Miller At Ludgwan in Cornwall - Borlafe Mcteororogical obfervations at Ludgvan in Mount's Bay, Cornwall, 1770 - Borlaft A letter concerning obfervations of the quanti ties of rain fallen at Lyndon, in Rutlandshire, for feveral years - - Barker A fecond letter on the fame fubjefV, and de- termining the latitude of Stamford in Lincoln- fliire - - - Barhr Meteorological obfervation at Caen in Nor mandy, for 1765, 66, 67, 68, and 1769 Pirot A letter giving an account of fome experiment made in North Wales, to afccrtain the difFe rent quantities of rain, which fell at the fame time at different heights - Barrington Extract of a meteorological regifter at Lyndon in Rutlandfliire - - Barker Meteorological obfervations at LuJgvan in Mount's Bay, Cornwall - Borlaje ■ Extract of a regifter of the barometer, thermo- meter, and rain at Lyndon in Rutland, 1773 Barker ■ A meteorological journal for ihc year 1774, kept at the Royal Society's houfe by order of the Prefidcnt and Council Tranf. — 136 — 151 LVIJI 152 LIX 81 — ^SS — 359 LX 1^7 — 228 — 230 LXI 195 221 — 227 — 274 — 294 LXII 42 -365 LXIV 202 LXV 139 Abi idg. Am MET An abridged ftate of the weather at Lon- don in thi- year 1774, collefted from the me- teorologicaljournal of the Royal Society HorJJey Extra£t of a regiftei* of the barometer, thermo- meter, and rain, at Lyndon in Rutland, 1773 Barker Meteorological obfervations made at ChidehurO in Kent in 1774 - - IVollaJlon Meteorological journal kept at the houfe of the Royal Lociety by order of the Prefident and Council for 1775 and 1776 An abiidged ftate of the weather at London for one year, commencing wich the month of March, 1775, colleiled from the meteornlogi cal journal of the Royal Society Horjley ExtraS'> LV 246 IV 199 .^ 203 VI Vill 129 120 — 121 X 29 — 761 S 82 322 M I C I A report concerning the microfcope gbflfes, fent as a prefent to the Royal Society by Father di Torre of Naples - - Bake* Microscopic Ob.^ervations. An account of mi- crographia, or the phyliological defcriptions of minute bodies, made by magnifying glaffes Oldenburg — — Some obfervations made with a microfcope contrived by M. Leeuwenhoek Leewivenhoek — — Figures of fome of Mr. Leeuwenhoek's micro- fcopical obfervations with their explication Leeuwenhoek More inicrofcopical obfervations Leeuwenhoek Microfcopical obfervations concerning blood, milk, bones, the brain, fplttle, cuticula, &c. Leeuivenhoek Obfervations about fv/cat, fat, tears Leeuwenhoek More obfervations from Mr. Leeuwenhoek, Sept. y, 1674 - - Leemuenhoek — -— Microfcopical obfervations concerning the optic nerve - - Leeuwenhoek Microfcopical obfervations about the texture of the blood, the fap of plants, the figure of fugur and (alt, and the probable caufe of the difference of their taftes - Leeuwenhoek . Concerning the texture of trees, and a remarka ble difcovery in wine, with notes thereon Leeuwenhoek m. Obfervations concerning fome little animals ob ferved in rain, well, iea, and fnow-water; as alfo in water wherein pepper had lain infufed I^eeuwenhoek With the manner of obferving them Leeuwenhoek '■■ Obfervations of the carneous fibres of a mufcle, and the cortical and medullar part of the brain ; as alfo of moxa and cotton Leeuwenhoek Microfcopical obfervations of the ftnifture of teeth and other bones - Leeuwenhoek — — Obfervations of ivory - Leeuwenhoek < Microfcopical obfervaiions of the flrufture of the hair - - Leeuwenhoek Animalculae obfervcd in femine humano Leeuwenhoek Anfwercd by « - Oldenburg Tranf. LVI67 I 27 VIII 6c37 — 6116 1X23 — 121 — 128 •— 178 X378 — 3S0 XI 653 XII 821 - 844 - 899 — 1002 — 1003 1040 1043 Abridg. Ill 68: 11873 I 368 III 683 — 684 An. M I C Anfwered by •» - Leeuwenhock With extrads of feveral other letters Leeuwenhoek Obfervatlons about generation by an animalcule of the male feed ; animals in the feed of a frog ; feme other obfervabjes in the parts of a frog - - - - Leeuwenhoek Microfcopical obfervations about animals in the fcurf of the teeth, the fubftance called worms in the nofe, the cuticula confiding of fcales Leeuwenhoek An abftraft of a letter concerning the parts of the brain of feveral animals, the chalk-ftones of the gout, the leprofy, and the fcales of eels Leeuwenhoek An abftradl of a letter concerning generation by an infeft - - Leeuwenhoek Letter concerning the circulation of the blood, as fecn by the help of a microfcope, in the lacerta aquatica - - - Molyneux Microfcopical examination of the teflicles of a rat, and the feed of mufcles, oyfters, tec. Lecuivetihoek concerning animalcules found in teeth, of the fcalinefs of the fkin, &c. Leeuwenhoek An extratSl of a letter containing feveral obfer- vations on the texture of the bones of animals compared v/ith that of w^ood, on the bark of trees, on the little fcales found on the cu- ticula, &c. - - Leeuwenhoek An extract of a letter containing obfervations on the feeds of cotton, palm, or date-Itones, cloves, nutmegs, goofeberries, currants, tu- lips, caflia, lime-tree ; on the fkin of the hand, and pores, of fweat, the cryftalline hu- mour, optic nerves, gall, and fcales of fifli ; and the figures of feveral fait particles, he. Leeuwenhoek Some microfcopical obfervations of vaft num- bers of animalcula ften in water - Harris Microfcopical obfervations on eels, mites, the feeds of figs, ftrawberries, ho.. Leeuwenhock Microfcopical obfervations and experiments ^ • Gra) Letter concerning the eyes of beetles Leeuwenhoek Tranf. — 1044 ~ 1045 XIII 347 XIV 568 XV 1120 — 1236 XVII 593 — 646 -838 ~ 949 XIX 254 — 269 ■— 280 XX 169 32: Abridg. HI 684 — 225 — 685 — 6S4 - 68s -- 6 52 — 685 I 209 III 653 -685 — Letter M I C — = — L-^^t'T concerning the circulation and Aagna- l. .n of Mood in ta-lpoies - Leeuivenhoik — — Letter coj remind the worms in flieens livers, gn^t^ iud animalcula in the excrement of fro2': &c. - - L: suu:nhoek . Ob^rvat'ons on the circulation and globules in the '^'ooc of butts - - Leeuiv.:nhoek Letter concerning worms pretended to be taken from the teeth - - Letuwmhoek . Letter concerning excre'cences growing on wil low leaves - - Leeuivenhoek Letter concerning '.he fpawn of codfifh i^c. Leeuwenhoek Letter concerning fevetal microfcoplcal obferva- uons _ _ - leeuwenhoek Several niicrofcopica! obfervations and experi m-^nts Concerning the anlmalculae in lemine mafculino of cocks and fpiders, Leeuwenhoek . Microfcopical obfervations 'cnt to Sir C, H. Jnon. Letterconcernin >• the feeds of oranges Leeuxvenhoek A letter concerning the flefb_ of whales, cryita- line humour of titie eyes of whales, lifli, and .other creatures, and the ufe of the eye-lids Leeutvenhoek .— — A letter concerning animalculse on the roi ts of duck-v/ecd - - Leeuw-nhoe* Several microfcopical obfervations on the puinire- flone, cora , fpunges, &c. Leeuwenooek Microfcopical obfervations on the feeds of feve- ral Eaft-India plants - - Leeuwenhoek — — Microfcopical obfervations on the blood vefTrls, and membranes of the inteftines Leeutvenhoek Microlcopical obfervations upon the tongue Leeuwenhoek Microfcopical obfervations on red coral Leeuwenhoek Microfcopical obfervations on the palates of oxen _ _ _ Leeuwenhoek . ■ ■■ A letter containing fomc microfcopical obferva- tions upon the chryftali/xd particles of filvcr diflblved in aqua-fortis - Leeuwenhoek Part of a letter containing fome microfcopical obfervations upon the aniuialculae in fcmine of voung rams _ - - Leeuwenhoek ■I . /> Uuer containing' ihe obfervations upon the feminal vcflcls, mufcuiar fibres, and blood of whales - - Leeuxvenhoek Tranf. Abridg. XXII 447 Ill 685 — 509 ^ 683 ---552 — 686 — 635 — 6S6 — 786 V 2 266 — 821 — 903 238 XXIII 1137 — 1357 — 146 1 264 229 2C6 XXIV 1723 — 1784 — . 2158 XXV 220^ XXVI 53 — Ill — 126 — 294 XXVII 20 — 3^6 -438 267 267 Some MIC MIL 325 — — Some remarks upon the difpofition of the parts and microrcopical obfervations upon the con- texture of the ilcin of elephants Leeuwenhoek — — Some microfcopical obfervations upon mufcles. and the manner of their produ£tion Leuwenhoek A letter containing fome further microfcopical obfervations on the animalculae found upon duck-weed, h.c. - - Leeuwenhoek «— — Some microfcopical obfervations and curious remarks on the ve^etarion and exceeding quick propagation of mouldinefs on the fubftance of a melon - - Bradley — — Obfervations upon the veffels in feveral forts of wood, and upon the mufcular fibres of differ- ent animals - - Leeuwenhoek ■ Obfervations upon a foetus, and the parts of generation of a fheep - Leeuivenhoek ——— Some remarks concerning the circulation of the blood, as feen in the tail of a water eft, through a folar microfcope - - Miles • A letter with fome microfcopical obfervations concerning certain chalky tubulous concretions called malm, on the farina of the red lily, and on worms in fmutty corn - h'eedham -—— Microfcopical obfervations, Dec. 26, 1755 fVrighi ■ ■ Microfcopic obfervations on the human blood Styles and 'Torre Miguel, Saint. An account of the ifland of St. Mi- guel _ _ _ Maijon Milk. Anatomical obfervatios of milk found in the veins inftead of blood - - Boyh A further account of an obfervation about white blood - - Boyle ' 'Microfcopical obfervations concerning blood, milk, bones, the brain, fpittle, and cuticuli LeetiWenhoek ■■ An obfervation of a white liquor refembling milk, which appeared inftead of feruni fepa rated from the blood after it had ftcc d fome time - - - Stmrt — — An account of fome trials to cure the ill tafte of milk, which is occaiioned by the food of cows either from turnips, cabbages, or autumnal leaves, Stcalfo to fweeten {linking water JtJalei Mills. Part of a letter containing a defcription of a Tranf. XXVII 518 — 529 XXVIII 160 XXIX 490 XXXI 134 XXXII 151 XLI 725 XLII 634 XLIX 553 LV 252 LXVIII 601 I 100 — 117 IX 121 XXXIX 289 XLIX 339 Ab ndg. V 2 267 IV: ^308 VI 2 336 VII 445 IX 69 VIII 816 — 817 II 869 III 239 — 683 IX 193 water 326 MIL MI N Mil Mi: wztcr wheel for mills Invented by Mr. Philir Willi. Tins - - j^rde'o?^ [LTHORPE FcRGE, Kxtrads of romc letters con cerning iron ore, m.rf^ pafticuiarly of the hte niatites wrought into ir.^n at Milthorpe toig'f in La ncafii ire - - Stuecl . INKS AN'D iViiKERALs. Letter concrrning the mines of iV'crcury in FriuU - Pcp' .— — Of the minera! of Liege yielding botii brim- llone and vitriol, and the way of ex.ra' Account of the copper mine in Hern Groun. in Hungary Brox A relation concerning the quickfilver mines of Friuli ; confirming as well the account given on that fubject, vol. I. p. 21. as enlarging th fame, with fome additions - Brown ~— — Inlbinces, hints, and applications relating to a main point folicited in the preface to this fomth volume ; concerning the ufe may be made of vaults, deep wells, and cold confervatories, to find out the caufe or to promote the genera- tion of fait, minerals, metals, cryltal, gems, ftones of divers kinds, and helps to conferve long, or to baften putrefadtion, fertility of any kind of ground, &c. - - Beale m ■— A relation concerning the fal-gemmas mines in PoLnd - _ .. J>tf>ri. ■ How terreftrial fircams may be the generative caufe both of minerals and metals, and of all the peculiarities of fprings - Beai< — Dircilions and enquiries, witli ibcir anfwers, concerning the mines, 6cc. of Hungary, Tranf. XLIX I XVII 695 I 21 11551 l49« n 577 I 45 "530 — 79 — 372 — 342 il 481 — 105 - 525 — 573 III 767 -817 — 574 111 588 IV 1041 II 390 V 1 042 — . 562 lY 1080 — 1135 V 1099 V 1154 Abridg. X 247 — 579 11524 Tran- MIN Tranfylvania, Auftria, and other countries neighbour i no- to thofe Oldenhur^h and Brcwn. An account of fome mineral obfervations touch- ino- the mines of Cornwall and Devon ; where- in is deCcribed the art of training a load ; tht art and manner of digging the ore, and the way of dreffing and blowing tin Anon. An account of two uncommon mineral fub- ftances found in fome coal and iron mmes in . England ^ - - J€4^ Some obfervations and experiments about vi- triol, tending to prove the nature of thit Jub- ilance, and to give further li^ht in the enquiry after the principles and properties of other mi- nerals _ _ _ Ay.on, Two letters concerning rock plants, and their growth - - Beaumont A defcription of the diamond mines Earl Marjhal of England, A relation of the tin-mines, and working of tin in the county of Cornwall - Merret A further account of fome rock plants grow ing in the lead mines of iVIendip Hills An account of a flrange prefervation of four men in a mine 24 daysVithout any food y^non A catalogue of foflils, fhells, metais, minerals, &c. which J. J. Scheuchzer of Zurich fent to Mr. Petiver - - Jnon. A curious defcription of the ftrata obferved in the coal mines of Mendip in Somerfetfliire Stracha Some obfervations towards compoling a natural hiflory of mines and metals - Nichous A fecond letter to Dr. Rutty, containing farther obfervations towards compoling a natural hif- tory of mines and metals - Nichslls • An account of the feveral ftrata of earths ar.d foffils found in iinkino; the mineral well at Holt - - Lewis • Some obfervations on the mines of Spain and Germany - - Bcw'a ■ A {hort account of fome fpecimens of native lead found in a mine in Monmouth![hire ft^orrii • Barometrical obfervations on the depth of the mines in the Hartz - -De Luc A fecond paper, concerning foma barometrical T t Tranf. — 1:89 VI 2096 VIII fn-Q IX 41 XII 724 — 907 —949 XIII 276 XIV 577 XXIV 2042 llV 2 286! 327 Ahridg. - 585 - S'^5 — 45^ \ — 45^ II 503 -467 ~ 572 — 503 XXX 968 XXXV 402 — 480 XXXV 489 LVI 229 LXIII 20 LXVII401 260 VI 2 185 --187 VI 2 225 ineafures 328 M I N me?irures in the mines of the Kartz De Luc Experiments on fome mineral fubftances n'oulfe ' (Damps in) A relation of rerfons killed with fub.erraneous damp - - Murray . Letter concerning the damps in the mines of Hungary, and their efFeds - Brozvfic • Some ob'ervations about damps £//? ■ An experiment to fliew that fome damps in mines may be occaiioned only by the burning of candles under ground, without the addi- tion of any noxious vapour, even when the bottom of the pit has a commuhicatio.i with the outward air, unlefs the outward air be forceably driven in, out of the faid communi cation or pipe - DffaguUe) i — — An obfervttion of an extraordinary damp in a well in the Ifle of Wight - Cooke Mineral Waters. Sec IFafer Minima. Of the tangents of curves deduced imme- diately from the theory of maxima and mi- nima - - - Ditto, Minium. A defcription of a Swedifh ftonc, which Tranf. LXIX 485 LXIX 1 1 1 44 IV 96s X 391 — 450 XT 762 XII 895 XVIII 49 — 223 XXXV 353 XXXVI 184 XXXVIII 109 XXXIX 281 XL 379 XXIII 1333 Abridg. II 373 — 3^5 — 376 — 383 — 378 — 181 — 180 VI 2 193 — - 195. VIII 656 658 IV 7 affords MIN MOI 3^9 affords fulphur, vitriol, allum, and minium Talbot Minorca. Extraft of a letter from Minorca, being an addition to Dr. Cleghora's account of Mi- norca, 1775 " . " " Snail Mirror. Part of a letter givine an account of a new mirror, which burns at fixty-fix feet dif- tance, invented by M. de Buffo 11 Needham Concerning the lame mirror burning at 150 A' icolin. feet diftance Sec Burning-glafi MisLETO. A letter concerning the propagation of mifleto - - Barrel Obfervations of a difference of fex in mifleto Barrel MisT?. A letter inclofing fome obfervations on at- mofphetlcal eledlricity ; in regard to fogs mills, &c. with fome remarks - Ronayiu • Account of an extraordinary appearance in a niifl: - - - - Cockin Mites. Experiment on the neceffity of air to the motion of mites - - BoyU ■ Microfcopical obfervations on mites, Leeuiuenhoek • Additional obfervations upon the production of mites - - Leeuwenhoek Mithras. Account of a bas-relief of Mithras found at York, explained by - Stukeley Mixture. Two letters, giving an account of a red colour produced by mixture of a fulphureous fpirit with a volatile Alcali - Gibbons The ilrange effecls of fome effervefcent mix- tures - - Mounfey Mocha. A letter accompanying a n»w chart of the Red Sea, with two draughts of the Roads of Mocha and Judda, and feveral obfervations made during a voyage on that fea Newland Remarks and obfc^rvations made on board the (hip Kelfall, on a voyage to Judda and Mocha in 1-69 - - Neivland Modes. An explanation of the Modes or tones in the ancient Grecian mufic - Styles MoFFATT. An account of a new medicinal well lately difcovered ne^r Moffatt, in Annandale, in the county of Dumfries - IValker Moisture. Obfervations on the annual evaporation at Liverpool, in Lancafliire, and evaporation Tt2 Tranf. I 375 LXVI 439 XLIV 493 — 495 XXXIV 215 XXXV 547 LXII 137 LXX157 V 2054 XIX 269 XXVII 398 XLYI 214 XIX 542 L 19 LXl. 77 — 79 LI 695 L 117 Ab ridg. III 3^M X 195 — 194 VI 2 348 —^m - 251 III 685 V2267 XI 1311 I 214 con- $3<^ MOI MON confidered as a tcft of the moifture or dryneft of the atmofpliere - - Dob/on Mole. Several letters concerning a particular naevus m.iternus, or mole - SteigiriahlXX'KllI 347 Account of a mole from North America Barrjnrtoi: LXI 292 McLossES. An account of a new fort of molofl'e madeofapp'es - - Z)z/^//r^ XXXII 231 Moi.ucco 'sLANDS. A farther relation of the horri- ble buninw of fome mountains of the Mi)- » lucco if! nds - - ' IJ'iifen XIX 5-29 See V(.lcnn:ts MoMBAzzA PietraDi. A letter concerning the pietra di momb zza, or the rhinoceros flone Sloaue XL VI 118 MoN'AGRAM. Explication of a moft remarkab'C mo-j na;.ram, on the reverfe of a very ancient qui- narius, never- before publifhed or explained Swinior, LXIV 3: ^loNEY. An enquiry into the value of Greek and Roman Money - - Rapa LXI 462 Monkey. Account of a monftrous fcetus, tefem- bling a hooded monkey - Gregory XLI 764 . An account of a very fmall Monkev Paijons XLVIi 146 Al)ftra6i of a letter containing a fhort defcrip- lion of a finjTuIar fpecics of monkies without tails, found in the interior pait of Bengali De Vifme LIX 7 Monks-hood. The cafe of a man who was poi- foned by eatii g monks-hood, or napellus Tranf. LXVII 244 Abrldg. VII 485 Baccn IMoNoCiiORD. A queftion in mufick lately propofed to Dr. Wallis concernins; the divilion of the inonochord or feftion of the mufical canon, with his anfwfr to it - - Jl^allh Monsoons. An hiftoiical account of the trade-winds, and mon'^oons, obfcrvable in the feas between and near the tropick?, with an attempt to af- fign thephyfical caufe of the faid winds IluUcy See Hinh Monsters. Obfervations upon a monflrous head o! a colt - - - Ho)li An account of two monftrous births at Paris Anon. -. An account of two monflrous l)irihs in De- von fhi re - - - CoUprcjj Account of two odd monflers - Gratui, XXXVIII 287 VI 2 379 II 394 XI 910 IX 315 XX 80 XVI 153 I 8s II 479 — 480 V ii83 VIII 842 1 610 II 153 Jfl 900 10 1 Anato- MON Tranf. ■ Anatomical obfervatlons on a monftrous birth at Plymouth - - Durjlon - A relation of a monftrous birth - Morris - The anatomy of a monftrous pig Anon. - The defc-iption of a monftrous child born in South Jutland - - Krah, - A difcourfe on the difteftion of a monftrous double cat - - - Mullen • An account of a child born with a large wound in its breaft, fuppofed to proceed from the force of imagination - Cyprianus ■ A relation of two monftrous pigs, with the re femblance of human, faces - Fioyer • Letter concerning a child w"ho had its inteftines, meientery, he. in the cavity of the thorax Holt • Account of monfterSj and monftrous productions Camelli • Part of a letter concerning a monftrous birth Taylor • A letter giving an account of fome monftrous births in Ireland, 1708 - Derham An account of a monftrous birth in Lorrain Mac Laur'in Cafe of a child born with the bowels hanging out of its belly - - _ 4tnyand Account of a monftrous boy - Cantwe-l Some obfervations on generation, and on mon- fters, with a defcription of fome particular monfters - - De Superville Account of a monftrous child born of a woman under fentence of tranfportation Sbeldrak An account of a monftrous foetus refembling a hooded monkey - - Gregon, A cafe of the heart of a child turned upfide down - - - Torres A remarkable conformation, or lufus naturae in a child - - IVarwick Account of a monftrous lamb - Dodduige An account of a preternatural conjudion of two female children - Parfons An account of a monftrous foetus without any mark of fex - - Bafter An account of a double child born at Hebus, near Middleton, in Lancafhire - Pi?.'v;y«/ XLVII 360 Anatomicomedical obfervations of a monftrous) double-bodied child, born 06t. j6, 1701, in V 2096 XII 961 XIII 1 88 XIV 599 XV 1135 XIX 291 XXI 431 XXII 992 XXV 2266 — 2345 XXVI 308 XXXII 346 XXXVII 258 XLI 137 — 294 — 341 — 764 — 77^ XLII 152 XLV 502 - 526 XLVI479 Abrldg. j III 301 11 302 904 III 304 11 901 III 222 II 900 V 269 — 183 309 VII 688 -516 IX 314 — 304 — 3,^y — 315 — 315 — 316 XI 1281 XI 1209 — I2C8 Pannonia. 33^ MON MOO Pannonia, and who died Feb, 23, 1723 Tofl-es Another account - - Btirnet Another account - - Du PleJJts Another account - Driefchiui .. .. - An account of a monflrous human foetus, hav- ing neither head, heart, lungs, ftomach, fpleen, pancreas, liver, nor kidnies. - Le Cat. — — An account of an extraordinary acephalous birth - - - Cooper See Calf, Child, Fcetus Monument. An account of fome experiments about the height of the Mercury in the barometer at the top and bottom of the Monument, and alfo about portable barometers Derham . ' An account of a remarkable monument found near Afliford. in Derbyfhire - Evatt Moon. Speculations of the changes likely to be dif- covered in the earth and moon by their re- fpeftive inhabitants - Au-z.out — — Of the correfpondency, to be procured, for the finding out the true diftance of the fun and moon from ihe earth, by the parallax obferved under (or near) the fame meridian Oldenburg m A method for finding the number of the Julian period for any year afllgned, the number of the cycle of the fun, the cycle of the moon, and of the indidlions, for the fame year, being given, toi^ether with a demondration of that method - - Colllfis — — Its appulfes to Saturn, and the fixed ftars ob- fervable in the year 1671 foretold and reduced to the meridian and latitude of London ^ Flamjlead Letter concerning the appulfes of the moon for 1673, and the other planets to the fixed liars, together with an oblervation of the planet Mars - - - Flamflcaa - The appulfes of the moon and other planets to the fixed ftars prcdic'ccd for 1674 Flamftead '^ — Letter on Mr. Horrcx's infirument to Ihew the moon's true place to a minute or two Flam /had '- '— A letter concerning Mr. Horrox's lunar fyfiem, Flamjlead \ Tranf. L 311 -^318 LVII I LXV 311 Abrldg. XX 2 LII 544 I 120 1 151 II 568 V 2029 VII 5118 VIII 6155 IX 219 X368 II 14 1 198 I 300 III 399 I 453 I 424 III 149 I 453 — Letter M O 0 Letter propofing a new place for the firft meri- dian, and pretending to evince the equality of all natural days, as alfo to fhew a way of knowing the true place of the moon Jnon Anfvvered - - Fhmjlead Obfervations of the fpot Plato in the moon the 1 6th of Auguft, 1725, with a telefcope of his own 150 palms long - - Campani A letter giving an account of a lunar rainbow obferved in Dcrbyfj-iire, 1710-11 Thorejh An advertifeinent to aftronomers of the advan- tages that may accrue from the obfervations of the moon's frequent appulfes to the hyades, during the three next enfuing years Halley An attempt to explain the phaenomenon of the horizontal moon appearing bigger than when elevated many degrees above the ho rizon, fupported by an experiment DefaguUers An explication of the above - Dejagulien Some thoughts concerning the fun and moon, when near the horizon, appearing larger than when in the zenith - Logan An aftronomical dilTertation on the lunar at- mofphere - - T)e Pouchy A true copy of a paper found in the hand- writing of Sir Ifaac Newton, among the papers of the late Dr. Halley, contain jnga defcription of an inftrument for obferv- ing the moon's diftance from the fixed ftars at fea _ _ _ Newton A new method of calculating eclipfes, particu larly of the earth, and of any appulfes of the moon to planets and fixed ftars - Gerjien A letter concerning the moon's motion Dunthorne An obfervation of an extraordinary lunar circle, and of two parafelenes made at Paris, Odl. 2c, 1747 • ~ " Gre/chow A letter concernins: the acceleration of the moon Dunihorni A letter concerning the mean motion of the moon's apogee - - Murdoch e An account of a remarkable appearance in tht moon, April 22, 1751 - - Short An account of a prize of 100 ducats, offered byj Tranf. X425 IS56 — 429 ' - XXIV 181 VI 220 XXVII 320 LV 2 131 XXX 692 XXXIX 390 — 392 -— 404 XLI 261 XLII 155 XLIII 22 XLIV 412 XLV 524 XLVI 162 XLVII 62 XLVII 164 333 AbridcT. IV 298 VIII ,3c — 131 — 377 — 172 VIII 129 X55 -78 483 - H the 334- M O O ' the Academy of Sciences at Peterfburg, for the b,il: anfvver to the qu-ftion, " Whether the <' ci eory of Sir Ifaac Newton is fufii"ient to '*' explain all the irregularities which are found *• in the motion of the nii on ?" £uk » A relblution of a general propofition for deter mining the horary alterati'm of the pofition of ■ the terreftrial equator, from the attraction of the fun and mi on : with fome remarks on the folunotis given by other authors to that dif- ficult and important problem - Sirnppn ■m A letter concerning obfervations to be made on the parallax ©f the moon at St. Helena. and recommending the fame to be made at Paris and Greenwich Le Caille and Adajkelyne •- Certain reafons for a lunar atmofphere Dun?! -• An account of an appulfe of the moon to the planet Jupiter obferved at Chelfca Dunn Of the moon's diflance and parallax Murdock Concife rules for computing the efFe^ts of re- fra£lion and parallax in varying the apparent diftaiice of the moon from the fun or a flar alfo an cafy rule of approximation for com- puting the diflance of the moon from a ftar, the longitudes and latitudes of both bcins given with demonftrations of the fame A'L'fkelyne • Short and eafy methods for finding the quantity of time contained in any given number of mean lunations, and the number of mean lu- nations in any given quantity of time Fergufon •■ ■ '-■ An effay on the conneiSion between the paral- laxes of the fun and moon; their densities ; and their difturbin"; forces on the ocean Alurdcck • Kepler's method of computing the moon's pa- rallaxes in folar ecliplts, demonftrated and extended to all degrees of the moon's latitude, as alfo to the aHignin^ the moon's corre- fpondent apparent diameter, together with a concife application of this form of calculation to thofe cclipfes - Pcmbtrtor, — — AOroiiomical obfervations relating to ;hc moun- tains of the moon - ILrfchil MooN. (Occultations, tranlits, and conjunftions) Conjundion of the moon and Venus on the 2 Tranf. XLVil 263 L 416 LIT 21 & 26 -578 LIU 31 LIV 29 — 263 LV 61 LVIII 24 LXI 437 LXX 507 Abrido;. nth MOO Tltli of October, 1670 - Hevehus Obfervations of a tranfit of Jupiter near the moon, Sept. 2.0, 167 1 - Heveliui An obfervation of Mars covered by the moon. Aug. 2«, 1676, at Dantzig - Heveliui At Greenwich - - Flamftead At Oxford - _ - H alley An account of an occultation of Venus by the moon, Sept. 19, 1729, at Berlin Kirchim An obfervation of the moon's tranfit by Alde- baran, April 3, 1736, London - Bevh Obfervations of the occultation of Mars by the moon, OdobcT 7, 17 16, Fleet-ftreet Graham Covent-garden - - - Bevh An occultation of Aldebaran by themoon, Dec. 12, 1738 - - Graham An occultation of Jupiter and his fatellites by the moon, 0£l. 28, 1748 - Graham An account of an occultation of Jupiter by themoon, June 6, 1744. - Bevh An obfervation on an occultation of Cor Leonis by the moon, on Thurfday March 12, 1747, in Surry-ftreet, in the Strand, Lon- don, with a refledling telefcope made by Mr. Short, which masnificd about 100 times Bevti An occultation of the planet Venus by the moon in the day-time obferved at London, April 16, 1751 - - Bevis The fame obferved at Greenwich Bradley Account of occukaiions of Anta es. Mars, and Mercury by the moon, that will happen in the year 176'^, proper to determine the exacl difference of longitude betwixt London, Paris, and Greenwich - - La Landi Occultation of fixed ftars by the moon, obferved at Greenwich, 1769 - Majli'-lync Oblervation of the moon's paffage over the Pleiades in 1767. - M. Mejper An account of an occultation of the flar ^ Tauri by the moon, obferved at Leicefter Ludiaui Occultation of the ftars a and y Tauri, and other ftars, by the moon IVargentin and Lexe Occultation of « and y Tauri obferved at Lei ceiler - - Ludlaw Uu Tranf. V 2023 VI 3031 XI 721 — 723 ■— 724 XXXVI 256 XL 90 100 XLI632 — 647 XLIII 65 XLIV455 XLVIl 159 — 201 Lll 607 UX 399 LIX 454 LX3S5 LXV280 — 370 335 Abridg. i 304 — 347 — 350 VI 352 VIII 133 — 186 — 135 — 184 X I o 1 Moon. 336 M O O \ MooN'. (Eclipfe of the) Obfervatlon of an eclipfe of, St-pt. 29, 1670 - - HcvcHus — — Ohfervations on the eclipfe of the moon, Sept, 8, l57t London - - Srcct Ec^im, in No.thamptonfl-\ire, - Palma Paris - - - BulUaldu^ Olvcrvations upon the eclipfe of the moon, Sept. 8, 1671 - - Hcok — — Obfervatlons on a lunar eclipfe, Sept. 18, 1671 Ilevelius . Obfervatlons on the eclipfe of the moon, Sept. 8, 167 1 - - Fogeliw . - . An account of what hath been obferved con- ccrnin2; the late eclipfe of the moon, Jan. i 1674-5, London - - Hooi Derby - - - Flam /lead Paris - - Bullhilcius ^ A more particular account of the hft eclipfe of the moon, Jan. it, 1675, as it was ob- ferved at Paris - Cafji.ii^ Picord, and Rocns . Obfervation on an eclipfe of the moon, Jan 111 1675, with the occultation of ceriain fixed ftars at Dantzig - Heveliui »— — . Account of the total eclipfe of the moon, June 26, 1^75} obftrved at London - Fiamfteaa AtParis - - BuUialdia ._ Ob'ervatlons en the fame made at Pari--, proper to conlp^re with thole made in London A letter relatin"- to the foregoing obfervatlons , A letter containing observations of the late lunar eclipfe, Dec. 21, 1675 Fiatrftian Confider^tions en Mr. flamltead's account of the fau.e, and obfcrvationson the fame O'jjini Anfwer - - Flamjim Obcrvaiion of the lunar eclipfe cf Oct. 29; 1678, at Pnris - - Cojfim An i.bierv^-tion o^ the lunar eclipfe Aug. 19, 1681, iTiaJc ut St. Lawrence ur Mada-al'car ll.a-.hco. . Obfervati'm-' on the eclipfe of the moon, Feb. 1 1, I082, - " Fiorn'icaa Oblervationi on the fame 11, 1682, at P.iris Anon. At Daiitzirk - - H^veiiui -.. . Aa avc'juit of a finall lun r eclipfe -of June i6» Tranf. / V 2023 VI 2272 "VI 2296 — 3028 — 3033 IX 237 238 X257 — 289 — 37 i — 372 — 38S — 390 — 495 XI 561 -- 5(>S X!I 1015 XllI 15 - 89. — '45 — 146 Abrldg. I 304 — 306- — 307 VI 2272 I 227 — 307 — 308 — 310 — 314 — 315 560 316 317 562 568 326 330 331 168+ MOO 1684, obfcrvcd at Greenwich - Flamftena Ecliples totalis luna: cum rao-a, Dec. 10, 1685, cbfervata Gedani - - Heveliui Two obfervations on the eclipfe of the moon, Nov. 30, 1685, at Nuremberg Eimmart and JVurixelhan; Ohfervanons on the eclipfe of the moon, Nov 30, 1685, at Paris - Jacobs Obfervations on an eclipfe of the moon, Nov. 19, 1686, Dublin - - Molyneux An account of an eclipfe of the moon, obferved at Mofcua in Rufiia, April 5, 1688, com- pared with tlie fame, obferved at Leipfick, whereby the longitude of the former is afcer- tained : together with the latitude of feveral principal places in the empire of Rufiia Tinnermann Eclipfe of the moon, obferved Ocl. 19, 1697, at Chefter •• - Hailey At Rotterdam _ - - Cojfmi Eclipfe of the moon, April 17, 1707, obferved at Zurich - Jacobs and Scheuch%er The fame obfervedat Bofton, in New-England Brattle A letter giving an account of the eclipfe of the moon, Sept. iS, 1708, at Upminfter Derbam An account of the moon's eclipfe, Feb. 2,, 1709-10, obferved at Streatham, near Lon- don, and compared with the calculation CreJJener Obfervation of the eclipfe of the moon on Jan. 12, 17 11-2 - - Derham An obfervation of the end of the total lunar eclipfe on the 5th of March, 1718, obferved near the Cape of Good Hope, ferving to deter- mine the longitude thereof. With remarks thereon _ - » Halhy Obfervations on the eclipfe of the moon, June 18, 1722, and the longitude of Port Royal in Jamaica, determined tliereby Hailey Obfervations made in Italy of an eclipfe of the moon, Sept. 8, 17 18 Polem and Ma'-gagm Bologna - Rondelli^ Nadlo. Uf Parlfi. Eujiachius Cf Monfrcdi - - Ghifilicri An obfervation of the eclipfe of the moon, UU2 Tranf. XIV 689 XV 12-0 XVI 146 — 199 - 236 337 Abrldg. — — '^ "* r - 338 ;' XVII 453 XIX 784 XX 15 XXV 2394 — 2471 XXVI 308 XXVII 16 — 522 XXX 992 XXXII 235 VI 190 XXXIII 71 ^ 185 — 72 — 186 — 75 — 77 - 187 — 189 — '^39 I — 340 I — 301 — 340 IV 272 — 271 — 275 — 277 — 451 Nov. 33« M 0 O Nov.*!, 1724, at Lifbon Carhone and Capajfo A coinparifon of the obfervations made at Lifbon and Paris - - Carbone Obfervations of the ecHpfe of the moon, O(fto ber 10, 1725, made at Briftol Burroughs Eclipfe of the moon at Padua, 06^ober 2, 1726 - - Pole.mi Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Moon, 0£l. 21, 1725, at Albano - Biancbini Obfervations upon an eclipfe of the moon, Oct 21, i';24^ at Gomroon, in Perfia Saunderfo» An account of an eclipfe of the moon, 06k. 10 1726, Lifbon - - Carbone An obfervation of the eclipfe oi the moon at Caftle Dobbs, near Carrickfcrgus, in Ire- land, Feb. 2, 1728-9 - - Dob Obfervations of an eclipfe of the moon, Feb. 2, -^729, at Rome and Paris - Carbone Padua - - Polenus Obfervations on an eclipfe of the moon, Od 31, 1724, at Rome - Bianchim Obfervations of an eclipfe of the moon, July 29, 1729, Wirtemberg - IVeiaL Padua - - Polenus Two obfervations of the toal eclipfe of the moon, July 28, 1729, Bologna AJanfreth Obfervations on an eciipfe of the moon, Feb. 2 1730, at Lifbon - _ - Car bom Extract of a letter containinc: an account of an obfervation of an eclipfe of the moon, July 29 1729, made in Barb^does - Sttven/on Obfervations of the eclipfe of the moon, June 28, 1721, at Cambridge, in New England Robi. An obfervation of the eclipfe of the moon, Dec. ^) ^732, made at Rome Bottarius and Manfredi An obfervation on the eclipic of the moon, Nov, 20, 1732, London - Graham Obiervations on the eclipic of the moon, 0£t. 2, 1735, at Wirtemberg - - IVeldler A collection of tne obfervations made on tlic eci'pfe of the moon on March i^, i73';-6, which were communicated to tlic Royal Society In Fieet-ftrcet - - CraDaih At Greenwich - - Hallcy i'leet-flrect, Lc^don - Cc'ifiui Tranf. XXXlil 180 — 187 XXXIV 37 -158 — 179 — 213 XXXV 338 XXXVI 140 — 170 — 174 — 176 — 215 — 363 — 440 XXXVJI272 XXXVIII 85 XXXIX 359 XL 14 — IS Abridg. VI 191 VII 58o VI 196 — 194 — 267 — 196 — • 201 — 202 — 203 — 205 — 206 — 207 — 213 / ^ 215 VIII 161 — 164 - 164 — 165 Coveut- Graham Bevcs Weidler Middleton MOO ■i Covent-Gardea - - "Bevh Yeovil in Somerfetiliire - Milner - A collection of the obfervations of the lunar eclipfc, Sept. 8, 1736 - In Fleet-ftrect, Covent-garden Wirtembtrg Hudfon's Bay - Obfervation of an eclipfe of the moon, Jan. 2, 1740 - - Graham - Obfervation of the eclipfe of the moon, Dec. 21, 1740, at the ifland of St, Catherine, on the coait of Brafil - - Legge - A letter concerning the fame eclipfe. New Eng- land - , _ iVinthrop - Eclipfe of the moon, Oil. 22, J743> in the morning - - Graham - Eclipfe of the moon, Dec. 12, 1749, obferved at Earith, near St. Ives, Huntingdonfhire Elfiobh -The fame obferved at Rome, - Mairu - Eclipfe of the moon obierved in London, June 8» '750 - - Catl'in and Short - The fame obferved at Wirtemberg, June ig, 1750 - - - Bojc - Eclipfe of /he moon obferved at London, Dec. 2, 1750 - - Bevis and Short - An account of the eclipfe of the moon, Nov. 21, 1751 - - - Short - Luna: defeftus elbis obfervatus, 27 Martli, T75C Bmboja - The fame made at Lifbon - Chevalie - Obfervations on the eclipfe of the moon, Feb 4, 1757, made at Lifbf>n - Chevalier - Obfervations on the eclipfe of the moon, July 30, 1757, at Madrid, and Jan. 24, 1758 IP endi'tngen - Obfervations on the eclipfe of the moon, July 30, 1757, made at Lifbon Chevalier - An account of the eclipfe of the moon, Nov. 22, 1760, London - - - Short - Obiervations on an eclipfe of the moon, May i S, 17.61, in Sweden - - ^P'argenit/. - An account of the eclipfe of the moon, May 8, 1 762, in the morning obferved in London- Short Tranf. XL 16 — 18 — 92 — 9^1 -9b XLI 633 XLII 18 — 572 — 580 XLVI 280 — 321 — 323 — 570 — 575 [XLVII3J7 XLIX 265 L374 -376 — 640 — 769 LI 936 LII 2o3 LII 542 Abridg. VIII 172 — 170 — 172 X 91 ~ 92 — 94 An S40 MOO Bevii . . " An nccount of ihc fame at LcyJen Lukfi _- Obrtrvations of an ecliple of the moon, Nov. 28 1762. at Calcutta - - ^if^ ■ Obfervation of the cclipfe of the moon, March 17, 1764, London - Bevis ' Obfervaaons on the fame at Schwczinga -— — Obfervation of the end of the fame eclipfe obferved in Pennfylvania A'lafcn and Dixon An account of the eclipfe of the moon, No- vember 12, 1769, made at Hawkhill, near Edinburgh - - Lind Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Moon, Dec. 12, 1769, Greenwich - Majkelynt Obfervation of a partial eclipfe of the moon, Jan. 3, and of a total one, Dec. 23, 1768 M. Mejjier - An account of an eclipfe of the moon at Pekin Oft. 23, 1771 - - Cipollu An account of an eclipfe of the moon at Pekin, Nov. 12, 1 76 1 - - Cipolla An account of the lunar eclipfe, Oft. 11, 1772 obferved at Canton - Blake Moon. (Applied to finding the longitude) An inflru- ment for feeing the fun, moon, or ftars pafs the meridian of any place ; ufeful for fetting watches in all parts of the world with the greatefl: exaftnefs, to correft fun-dials, to af fift in the difcovery of the longitude of places Dcrham A letter containing the refults of ol)fervations of the diftance of the moon from the fun and fixed ftars, made in a voyage from England to the ifland of St. Helena, in order to determine the longitude of the fliip fioni time to time ; together with the whole procefs of computa- tion ufed on this occafion - Majhelym ' Letter giving an account of obfervations at {tA for finding out the longitude by the moon — — Traft of his majefly's armed brig Leon from England to Davis's Streiglits and Labrador, with obfervations for dctcrminincf the lonG;i- tudc by fun and moon, and error of common Tranf. — 543 LII 650 LIII 262 LIV 107 - 165 LVIII 329 LIX 363 — 399 — • 454 LXIV 39 — 43 -46 Abrldg. XXIV 1578 IV 464 LII 558 LIV 329 reckon. MOO IMOR 341 Tranf. LXVilf ics7 reckoning ; alfo the variation of the compafs and dip of the needle as obfervcd during the fa id voyage in 1776 - Pickerf^ih Moors. An account o? the ''oorifh way of cirefTing their meat (with fome remarks) in Welt Bar- biry, from Cape Spariel to Cape de Geer Jones iMoosE Deer. A difcourfe concerning the large horns frequently found under-ground in Ire- land, concluding from them that the great American deer, called a Mooff, was formerlv common in that il]and - Aloiyneu>. A defcription of the moofe deer in America Dudley A letter containing the defcrip:ion of the moofe deer of New Eng and - £)«/f|XXXIX 384 IMoRAss. A letter concerning the body of a woman found in a morafs, in the Ifle of Axholm, in Lincolnflure - - Stovin Morbid. Sonrre uncommon obfervation on the dif- fe6\ion of morbid bodies - Vaughan A remarkable cafe of a morbid eye Spry Morbus Strakgulatorjus. An acccunt of the morbus ftrangulatorius - - Starr Mortality. An eflimate of the degrees of the moriality of mankind, di.v/n from various tables of the births and funerals at the city of Brellaw, with an attemj)t to afcertain the price of annuities upon lives Hl — — A view of the relation between Dr. Halley'i tables, and the notions of M. ce Bufi'on, for eftabling a rule for the probable duration of the life of man - - Kerfe.b:om • ■ A letter concerning the value of an annuity for life, and the probability of furvivorihip Do:^pri • Obfervation s en the expcffations of lives, th- increafe of mankind, the in^uence of sreat tov.as on popu ation, and particularly the flate of London- with relpcv^f to hcaltiiful- nefs, and the number of inliabitanrs Fnu Mortality (Biiis of) The general bill of chrif- t- nin^s ano buriaU in Londcj, 1685 — — Bill ofniorL^lity of London, i5i6, and 1687 — — Som-e furiiier confuerations on the Breflaw bills of mortality, by ihe fame as the former Abrld£ XXI 248 XIX 4S9 XXXI 165 XLIV57I XXIfl ,244 LXIX i« XLVI 435 III 626 11432 IH 544 VII 447 1X84 vm 187 V261 XI 959 XVII 596 XLV111239 - 487 LXX 89 XV 1245 XVI 445 XVII 655 III 665 -677 An 542 M O R. ■ An ex{ra£l of all perfons that d'ed In 1695. '" Frarkfcrt on the Maine, confuramat-' iiia- trim -nv- receive l.iaptifm, and vvhcc buried The number of perions who have been chrii tened, mari'd, and burie ' in the Gid, Mid- dle, and Lower Marck, 1698 An accou.t of the perfons married, cliriflened, and deceai'ed in all .he dominions of the i lee tor of Brandenburg ia 1698 • Of f'^' vera! co iidc^able towns in Europe, from Chrilhna; 17 16 to Chnftmab 1717, extraded from the A^ ' Brellavientia - Sprengell - The remainder of the bills of mortaliy, &c. of the feveral towireof Europe, extradled from the Breflaw Ads Spreni, Tranf. XIX 559 XXII 471 — 5c8 XXXII 454 XXXIII 24 XXXV 365 Abrldg. Ill 667 VII 4 46 An farther account of the bills of mortalit), &c. of feveral confiderable towns in Europ for the years 1722 and 1723, extrafted from the Ac^a Breflavienfia - Sprengeli Bills of inortali'y in feveral parts of Europe, for the years 1724 and 1725, extracted ircm the Ada Breflavienfia - Scheuchzer KXyiNl llO For the town of Drefden, from the yeai 161 7, to 17 1 7, containing the numbersot mar- ria-es, births, burials, and communicants 5;.r^«^f//tXXXVlII 89 For the imperial city of Augfburg, from the year i coi to 1720 inclufive, containing the number of births, marriages, and burials Sprengel -—94 Remarks upon the af n-efaid bills of mortalit) for the cities of Drefden and Augfburgh Maitland — 98 An account of births and burials, with the number of inhabitants at Stoke Damerell, in the county of Devon - Barrou,, XXXIX i 7 1 An abftract of the bills of mortality in Bridge- T'own, in Barbadocs, for the years 1737 — 1744 - - - (-^ierk XLV 345 A letter concerning an improvement of the bill ofmorta'ity - - - Dodfo>. LXVII 333 An cxtraiS'c of the regifler of the parifli ol IJolv-Crols, in Salop, from Michaelmas, 1750. to Michaelmas, 1760 ~ A'Juit LII 140 An cxtrad from the regifler of Holy-Crofs, in balop, from Michaelmas, 1760, to Michael ina''. //' Gcrfucl' LXJ 57 - -60 --64 IX31S — • 322 — 325 XI 1219 Ob- MOR MOS Tranf. LXIV 67 -438 LXV 85 343 — 424 LXVIIi 615 XIX 68 ^ Obfcrvations on tlie Lill of mortality In Chcftei for tlie year 1772 - Hay garth ■ Bill of murtality of the town of Warrington, for 1773 - - - Aikm — — Bill of mortality for Chefter, for the year 1773 Hiiygarth . . . Obfcrvations en the difference between the du- ration of human life in towns and in country parifhes and vi'dages - - Price An account of baptifms, marriages, and bu- rials during forty year?, in the parifli of Blandford Forum, Dorfet - PuUency Mortar. A proportion of general ufe in the art of gunnery, fliewing the rule of laying a mortar to pafs, in order to ihike any objed above or below the horizon - - Halley • • The method of making the beft mortar at Ma- drafs in Eaft-India - - Py-^^ XXXVII 231 -■■ See Gunnery - - ■» Mortification. Part of a letter concerning the coming off of the fcapula and head of the os humeri, upon a mortification Derante^ XXXII I 5 — — An abftradl of a book, entituled, A fhort ac- count of mortifications, and of the furprizingj efFefts of the bark, in putting a flop to theirj progrefs - - Z)(jif^/(jiXXXVll429 — — A remarkable cafe of the efficacy of bark in a! mortification _ _ - Grindall ' Extract of a letter relating to the cafe of mor- tification of limbs in a family at Wattifliam, in Suffolk - . IVollaJion Another account - - Bones Second account - - - Bones Further account - - IVoUaflon Mosaic Work. Part of a letter concerning an an- tient teffeliated, or Mofaick, work at Leicefler Carte XXVII 324 Mosses. An account of mofles in Scotland Earl of Cromertie An anfvver to the above - Sloane ' An account of a moving mofs in the neigh bourhood of Church-Town in Lancafhire Richmond — — A letter concerning the manner of feeding mofTcs ; and in particular of the h)pnum tcr reilre trichoides lute-ovirens vulgare ma Xx L379 LII 523 — 526 — 529 ■ — 584 — 296 — 302 XLIII 282 I81 VI 465 VII 676 — 645 IV 2 253 — 256 X 596 i jus. 344 MOS MOT Mot ius, capltulis eredtis ; Raii Synopf. Ed. III. p. 84 - - - Hill The fubftance of fome experiments of planting of leeds in mofs - - Bennet Experimenis and obfervations on a blue fub- flance found in the peat-mofs in Scotland Dou^llas ION. A fummary of the general laws of motion IV.Mh Theory of motion - _ _ IVnn A fummary account of the laws of motion Hugens Some propofitions on the parabolic motion of proiecWts, written in 17 10 - laylor (Aftronomy) A letter concerning the moon's motion - - Dunthome A letter concernins: the mean motion of the moon's apogee - Muyaocke An account of a prize of loo ducats of- fered by the Academy of Sciences at Peter f- burg, for the bcft anfwer to the queftion, ** Whether the theory of Sir Ifaac Newton is " fufficient to explain all the irregularities *' which are found in the motion of the *' moon ?'' - - - Elder • Of the Irregularities in the planetary mo- tions caufed by the mutual attra<5lion of the planets - - Walmejli'y — — An effay on the conneiStion between the parallaxes of the fun and moon ; their denli- ties ; and their difturbing forces on the ocean - - Murdoch (Mechanics) Letter concerning a movement that meafure-; time after a peculiar m nner, with an account of the reafon of the faid mo- tion - - - II heeler A difcourfe proving from experiments, that the larger the wheels of a coach, &c. are, the more eaflly they may be drawn over a ftonc, or fuch like obftacle that lies in the way Jnon. Obfervations on a French paper concern- ing perpetual motion - Papin A difcourfe concerning gravity, and its proper- ties, wherein the defcent of heavy bodies, and the motion of projedls, is briefly, but fully Jiandled ; together with the folution of a pro- blem, of cjrcat ufe ift o M U S ►^ A letter concerning t"he mufcular fibres in federal animals - - Leeuwenkoek Crounian lefture on ir.ufcular motion . The Crounlan leftures on mufcular motion. read before the Royal Society in 1744 and 1 745 - - - (r'arjom Oblcrvatiops concerning the fait marfli mufc'e. the oyfter-banks, and the frefh -water mufcle of Pcnnfylvania - - Bartrotn Obfervations of a fraflure of the os humeri, by the power of the mufcles only - Amyana ^ Obfervations and experiments upon animal bo- dies, digefted in a philofophical r-nalyfis, or enquiry into the cauTe of voluntary mufcular motion - - Merlon . The cafe of William Carey, whcfe mufcles be- gan to be offified - Henry A further account - - H^^nry A further account - - Hemy Obfervations upon the efFeiSs of eleflricity ap- plied to a tetanus, or mufcular rigidity of four months continuance - liatfon — — A cure of a mufcular contraction by electricity Partington Soniemicrofcopical obfervations upon mufcles, and the manner of their produftion Leeuwenhoek Mushroom. A defcription of an odd kind of mufh- room yielding a milky juice, much hotter to the tongue than pepper - Lijier ,^ A letter concerning the feeds of mufhrooms Pickering Some remarks of the above JV. TVatfon — — — Further remarks concerning mufhrooms, occa fioned by the Rev. Mr. Pickering'^ paper ■with obfervations on the poifonous faculty of fome fort of fungi - f^. fVatfoh On the propagation and culture of mufhrooms Pickering See Fungus Music. Letter concerning a new mufical difcovery TVallii A difcourfe concerning the mufical notes of the trumpets and trumpet-marine, and of the defects of the fame - Roberts A queftion in mufic lately propofed to Dr. Wallis, concerning the divifjon of the mono Tranf. XXXII 72 XL Supplern. xLiir I — ^57 — 293 XL VII 305 LI 89 — 91 LII 143 — 10 LXVIII 97 XXVII 529 VII 5116 XLII 593 — 599 XLIII51 -96 XII 839 XVII 559 Abridg. — 468 XI 1226 XI 860 — 1 103 1I623 VIII 812 -815 X 790 X 78S 1 606 — 607 chord MUS M Y O ^5t chord, of fecRion of the mufical canon; with his anfwer to it - - IVallii — — Letter concerning the ftrange efff _ Sloane Some natural obfervations made in the pa- rifties of Kinardfey and Donington, in Shrop- fliire - - Piaxton A letter containing feveral obfervations in natural hiftory, made in travels through Wales Lhwyd With further account of the birds mentioned in it - - - Lhwya And farther obfervations - Lhwyd Letter giving a further account of what he met with remarkable in natural hiftory and antiquities in his travels through Wales Lhwyd ^ Several obfervations relating to the anti- quities and natural hiftory of Ireland, in his travels through that kingdom - Lhwya Some farther obfervations ^ Lhwyd Extrafts of letters containing obfervations in natural hiftory and antiquities in his travels through Wales and Scotland - Lhivyd Several obfetvations in natural hiftory, made at North Bierley, in Yorkfhire Richardfon An account of fome obfervatiens relating to natuial hiftory, made in a Journey to the peak in Derby fllire - - Martyn A remark on T. Hardouin's amendment of a paflage in Pliny's natural hiftory, lib. II. 74 - - - Folkei > An account of glaftcs of a new contrivance Y y 2 Tranf. il 549 VIII 6158 X 396 XVII 667 — 691 XXI 113 XXV 2418 XXVII 462 — 466 — 467 — 500 — 503 — 52 4 XXVIII 93 XXVIII 167 XXXVI 22 XLIV 365 353 Abridg. Ill 191 — 287 II 492 — 493 — 821 III 539 ' II 822 III 631 { II 786 ^ — 669 \ V 2 112 I V 34 V 2 117 V34 V 2 118 120 - 125 - 120 120 — - 123 — - 115 VI -190 XI 1378 for 354 NAT NEA Tranf. XLVT6 — 88 for preferv^ng pieces of anatomy or lutujal hiftory In fpirituous liquors^ - -^^ ^^, Addition - ~ 1 t,-n-^-,, r>f tlie A fp=cn..en of the -tural h.ltory of the^ ^^^^ ^^^ Jl'^An account" of birds fcnt from Hudfon's ■ Bav with obfervatioos relative to thur na.ur- K.v^r^AccrtTa ft^joided by the ....a _. -lot :fT:.i;'w- voided the grea.n p,rt of a foetus by the navel - B^rira \rrnnnx of a rupturc or the - ZZ ^eter concerning the bones of a cetus be.ng ^'diSarged through an ulcer near the nav^l^^^^ Navigation. Certain problems touching fon^^p^oims _ A rurmir; relation of w'hat hath hitherto been dilcovered in the matter of the North-Eafi I Abridg. XI 1349 LXII 382 XIX 580 XXII 1000 XL1I150 Paffaoe Jnon. Ill 219 XI 1027 wlaSfcompIeat tr;atlfc of navigation ihoM contain " /- • „ ^-,'™ A method for rowing men of war m a^a m^^^^^ An account of a new machine called the ma rme fur.eyor, contrived for the menfurat.on ^"the wa/of a fhip in the fea, -re cor^^^^^^^^^ than by tL log, or any - - -etho h.h t^o ufed for that purpole, together ^uu 1 «ftin,cniaUfctung forth the ufefulnefs^of^th. NAVicTo^r An advertifement ""^^^ /°"^'^^;. zard and Scilly navigators bound up the chan ncl of England laid down too far "0"'«'ly^^^^_ Nautiht^s. a beautiful Nautilite (hewn to the Roy'a Society by the Rev. Charles Lyt.letcn Neach A letter concerning Lough-Neagh ,n Ire- knd, and its petrifying qua it.es Md,.eu, _ A re,'raa>on of the _7th -J 'f ^Tv T'l" Mr W. Molyneux's letter, vol. AlV. p. 552, con'cerning Lough-Neagh btone, and us nun- ^pUcation^otLcnasnetuponcalcnat^^^^^^ — 820 NEB NEW *■ ■'- An anfwer to fome queries concerning Lough- Neagh - - - Smyth ■ ' ■ Some obfervatioRS of Lough-Neagh in Ireland Nevili - A letter concerning the petrifaction of Lough Neagh, with a letter from the bifhop of Cloyne on the fame fubjecl - Simon and Berkley NzBULiE. An account of feveral n.-bulae, or lucid fpots like cloud?, lately difcovered among the fixed ftars by help of the telefcope - Hadey Neck. Letter concernins; a horn hanjjino: to the neck of an ox, with obfervations on horns and glandules in general - - Mdpighiui * An obfervation of an infant, where the brain was depreffed into the hollow of the vertebrae of the neck - - - Tyjon ^ An account of a very large tumour in the fore part of the neck - - _ Dougla ^— — An obfervation of a tumour on the neck full of hydatides cured by - Hewnden Needle. See Magnet Negro. An account of a negro boy that is dap pelled in feveral parts of his body with white fpots - - . _ 2yy^ *• ' An account of the remarkable alteration on the colour of a negro woman - Bat * An account of a white negro fhewn before the Royal Society - - Parfom Nerve. Obfervations concerning the optic-nerve Leewjuenhoek - Obfervations on the optic -nerve Leenwenhoek '- ■— Experiments to prove the exiftenceof a fluid in the nerves - - Stuart — — ElTay on the ufe of the ganglions of the nerves Johnjlone Ness. Letter concerning the Lake Nefs, &c. Frcifer Nests. An account of fome very curious wafps nelts made of clay in Pennfylvania - Bartran. ' Some obfervations upon an American wafps neil Maiuiuit New Caledonia. See Darien N£W England. Account of fome natural curiofi- ties, and a very ftrange and curioufly con- trived filh from New Englai.d - Winthrop 355 Tranf. Abridg. . XV 1108 11 324 XXVIII 260 V 2 193 XLIV 305 X616 XXIX 390 IV 225 XIV 6oi 11865 XIX 533 III 26 XXV 2214 V2I3 — 2344 — 216 XIX 781 II 8 LI 759 LV4S X 378 III 6S3 XVII 949 — 685 XXXVII.327 VII 585 LIV 177 XXI 230 II 322 111538 • XLIir363 XLIX 205 XI 847 V 1151 III 564 Natural. 356 N E W NIN Natural obfcrvations made at Boflon in New England - - BuUivayit An extraft of feveral letters from Cotton Mather from New England - uMather Obfcrvations of remarkable inftances of the nature and power of vegetation in New Eng land _ _ - Dudley An account of an extraordinary difeafe among the Indians in tlic illands of Nan- tucket and Martha's Vineyard an New Eng- land - - - Olivet Newgatf. An account of feveral perfons feized with the gaol fever, working 'n Newgate, and of the manner in which the infeftion wa? communicated to one intire family Pringh Newton. A dcmonlivation of the nth propornion of Sir Ifaac Newton's treatife of quadratures A demonftration of Sir Ifaac Newton's formul* for railing a multinomial to any power Caflilloticu: ■ A true copy of a paper found in the liand-writ- ing of Sir Ifaac Newton, among the papers of the late Dr. Halley, defcribing an initru- ment for obferving the moon's diflance from the tixed {l:rs at fea - - Jnon. — — — An account of a prize of lOO ducats offered by the Academy of Sciences at Peterfourg, for the beft anfwer to the quertion, " Whether the " theory of Sir Ifaac Newton is fufHcient to " explain all the irregularities which are " found in the motion of the mconr" Euler Remnks upon a paflage in Caftillione's life of Sir Ifaac Newton - - IVinthrop • See Chronology^ Equation^ Light Ntw York. The longitude of Liflwn, and the Fort of New York, from Wai.flead and London determined by eclipfes of the firft fattllite of Jupiter _ > - bradey Niagara River. An account of th" Falls of tht river Niagara taki.n at Albany, 06t. lO, 1721 BorcijJoZL Nightshade. A biief b- tariical and medical hif- tory of the (olaoum Icthale, bc'la donna, 01 deauly nightfliade - IV, IVutfr.n NiN 7,IN orGiNjENG. A new genus of plants, callix Aralialbum, of which the faii.ous nin-zHio,i Tranf. XX 167 XXIX 62 XXXIII 194 XLIV 386 XLVIII 42 XXXIV 230 XLII 91 — 155 XLVII 263 LXIV 153 XXXIV 85 XXXII 69 L 62 Abridff. III 563 V 159 VI 2 342 VI 60 VIII ic I2C, VI 41 2 VI 2 173 ginfcng NT. T NOR ginfer^g of the Chinefe is a fpecies Valllant NrsOL. Aa hiilorico-phyfical obfcrvation on the brais-waters of Nlfol, commonly called Ce- men. Waizfer, changing iron to brafs Bel'tui Nitre. /' probab'e conjetSlure about the original of the nitre of ^gypt - - Lijhr • A catalogue of thofe oils that will take fire with a great noile, when the compound fpirit of nitre is poured upon any of them ; and of thofe oils which do only make, a great noife and explofion, but will not taice fire, and a]fo of them that do not make eiFervefcence or ex- plofion - - Jnorj. - An experiment concerning the nitrous particles in the air - - _ Clayton » Manner o-f preparing nitre in Poland Wolf NiTRiAN Water. Experiments and obfervations about the natron of Egypt, and the nitrian water _ _ _ Leigh Nitrous Acid. A6lual fire in detonation, pro- duced by the contaft of tinfoil, with the fait compofed of copper and the nitrous acid Hi^gins • ■ See j^dd Nitrous Air. See /^Ir Nodes. An account of the appearance of Mercury paffing over the fun's difk, on the 29th of Oc- tober, 1723, determining the mean motion, and fixing trie nodes of that planet's orb Halley • ' A treatife on the precellion of the equinoxes, and in general on the moiion of the nodes, and the alteration of the inclination of the orbit of a p'anet to the ecliptic - Silvahdh Noli me tangere. See Cancer Norfolk. Extrad^ of a letter concemins; obferva- tions on the precipices or cliffs on the north eaft coaft of Norfolk - Arderon — — An account of large fabtrraneous caverns in the chalk hdls near Norwich - Arderon Norfolk Boy. Obfervations on the hiftory of the Norfolk boy - - Wall North East Passage. A fummary relation of what hath been hitherto difcovered in the matter of the North tail Paffage - Anm. Tranf. XXX 705 XL 351 XV 836 357 Abrido;. IV 2 219 VIII 645 II 529 XVIII 200 XLI62 Llil 356 XIV 609 LXIII !37 III 358 VIII 465 III 52s XXXIII 228 XLVIII 385 XLIV 275 XLV 244 L836 VI 2eing an account of his method of finding all the prime numbers HorJIcy XXX 610 Abridg. II 660 11156 — . 684 I 607 — 570 V 24 I 10 — 60 LXli 327 — loS III 265 I 108 IV 80 See Equations NUR OBJ — — See Equations Nuremberg. An account fhewing that the latitude of Nuremberg has continued without lenliblc alteration for 200 years laft paft, as likewilt the obliquity of the ecliptic, by comparinL them with what was obferved by B. VValther. in 14S7 - - IVtirt'Z.elbaw I^UTMEGS. An extra£l of a letter containing micro- fcopical obfervations - Leeuwenhoei^ Nux Vomica. An account of the virtues of Fabn S. Ignatii - - Anon. Farther and more exa£l account of the fame Igafur, feu nux vomica legitima fcrapionis Cornell. Letter on Swammerdam's treatife ** de Faba S. Ignatii" - - - Hottoh^ Kyctanthes Elongata. a defcription and fi gure of the ny6tanthes elongata, a new Indian plant _ _ _ Berglui Nyl-GHAU. An account of the Nyl-ghau, an Indian animal not hitherto defcribed Ifiiliam Huntct O. Oak-Trees. An account of grafs in moors foon parched up in the fliape of trees, under which oak trees are found - - Beale • ■ ■ Thoughts about the dwarf-oaks defcribed in vol. V. p. 1151 - - IVilloughb) ■ »■■-» An account of two oak trees ftruck by thunder, and of the horn of a larsre deer found in the heart of an oak - - Clark — — Experiments concerning the ufe of the agaric of oak in Hopping haemorrhages Sharpy Warne — — A letter giving an accourtt of a new Ipecies of oak - _ - Hoiweii See Agaric Object Glasses. Judgment touching the aper- tures of objeft-glaffes, and their proportions, in refpe£^ of the feveral lengths of telefcopes, together with a table thereof Auwut Zz Tranf. XVI 403 XVII 949 XXI 87 — 88 — 365 LXI 289 — • 170 55^ Abridsj. V 1200 XLI 235 XLVIII 588 LXII128 155 I 262 III 685 II 648 — 649 — 648 — 652 Rio VIII 847 I 191 Ijaflance 360 OBS occ Tnflance to Mr. Hooke for communicating a contrivance of making, with a glafs of a fphere of 20 or 40 feet diameter, a telefcope, drawing feveral hundred feet ; and his cfFer of recompenfing that fecret with another, teaching lo meafure, with a teiefcope, the diftances of objects upon the earth Juzoui — — A way for IMyopes to ufe telcfcopes with out eve-glaffes, an obje(n-glafs alone be coming as ufeful to them, and fometimes more than a combination of glaffes DefaguUen Letters relating to a theorem of Mr. Euler for corre£ling the aberrations in the obje£l-giailes of refra£ling telefcopes, by Shorty Euler, and Dollond An account of fome new microfcopes made at Naples, and their ufe in viewing the Tranf, fmalleft objeds - - Stiles A method of working the obie£l-gla{fes of refradtlng telefcopes truly fpherical Short See Telefcopes Observatory. Letter concerning the remains of the obfervatory of the famous Tycho Brahe Gourdon — — The difference of longitude between the Royal Obfcrvatories of Greenwich and Paris, deter- mined by the obfervations of the tranfits of Mercury over the fun in 1723, 1736, 1746, 1753 - - - Short •— — Defcription and ufe of a new-conilru£led equa- torial or portable obfervatory - Nairne -" • A comparative table of the correfponding ob fervations of the firft fateliite, made in the principal obfcrvatories - JVargent'ni — — An account of the Bramin's obfervatory at Be- nares - - Barker Obstruction. A method propofcd to reftore the hearing, when injured from an obftruftion of the tuba euftachiana - JVatheii OccuLTATioN. An cccultation of Mars, and cer- tain fixed ftars, obferved at Dantzig, Sept. i, 1676, . - - Heveliui — — An obfervatipn of Mars covered by the moon, Aug. 21, 1676, at Greenwich - Flamjiead Halley > An accouit of an occultation of Venus by the I 123 XXX 1017 XLVIII 287 LV246 LIX 507 XXII 691 LIII 158 LXI 107 LXVII 162 -598 XLIV213 XI 731 — 723 — 724 Abridg. IV I216 I 350 mooD, occ OCE moon, Sept. 19, 1729, at Berlin Klrchius ^— — Obfervadons of tke cccultation of Mars by the moon, Oa. 7, 1736, Fleet-flreet Graham Covent-garden - - Bevh >■■ .1 . Obfervations of an cccultation of Palilicius, at Berlin, Dec. 23, 1738 - - Kirchiu Witenberg - » « WeidUr ■■ An cccultation of Jupiter and his fatellites by the moon, Oft. 28, 1740 - Graham •— An account of an cccultation of Jupiter by the moon, June 6, 1744, London - Bevis •^m^^ An obfervation on an cccultation of Cor Leonis, by the moon, on Thurfday, March 12, 1747* ii^ Surry-flreet, in the Strand, London, with a refledling telefccpe, made by Mr. Short, which magnified above loo times Bevii ■aw An cccultation of the planet Venus by the moon in the day-time, obferved at London, April 16, 1 75 1 Bevis •— — Obfervations ot the occultations of Venus by the moon, April 16, 1751 Bradley • Account of occultations of the fixed ftars by the moon, that will happen in 1763, proper to determine the exaS ditFerence of longitude betwixt London, Paris, and Greenwich De la Lande % " Occultation of fixed ftars by the moon, ob- ferved at Greenwich, 1769 Majkelyn "' An account of an occultation of the ftar ^ Tauri by the moon, obferved at Leicefter Ludlam — — — Occultation of a and y Tauri by the moon Lexei • See particular Occu!'atic72S in their Places Ocean. Advice touching the conjunction of the Ocean with the Mediterranean - Petit •— — A narrative of the conjun£lion of the two feas, the Ocean, and the Mediterranean, by a chan nel cut out through Lan2;uedoc in France Oldifihurg — — Additions to the narrative about the conjunc- tion of the ocean and the Mediterranean, by a channel in France - Froidour — — An effay on the connexion between the pa- rallaxes of the fun and moon, their denfities, Tranf. XXXVI 256 XL lOo — lOI XLI 223 — 225 XLI 647 XLIII 65 XLIV 455 XLVII 159 — 201 LIT 607 LIX 399 LX 355 LXV 280 I 41 IV1123 VII 40S0 361 Abrldg. VIII 186 — 134 — 184 X95 — no III 68 III 6S3 Z z 2 and 362 ODO OMB and their difturbing forces on the ocean Murdock Odours. Letter declaring that he, as well as many others, have not been able to make odours pafs through glafs by means of eleclriclty, and giving a particular account of ProfelT> r Bofe^ at VVittembe'g, his experiments of beatifica tion, or caufmg a glory to appear round ; man's head by eleftricity - IV. JFatfon III ■ iM An account of experiments relating to odours paffing through eled^rified globes and tubes JVinkhr With nn account of the refult of fome experiments made here with globes and tubts, tranfmittcd by Mr. Winkler, in order to verify the fads above mentioned W. Watfan Oenanthe Aquatica. Critical obfervations con cerning the oenanthe aquatica fucco virofo crocante, of Lobel - IV. IVatJen An account of the making pitch, tar, anj oil, out of a blackifli ftone in Shropfliire Ele .1 Letter concerning the efficacy of oil of olives Oil. in curing the bite of vipers IVilliami — — An account of fomc cafes of dropfies cured b) fweet oil - - Oliver Oil of Granges. An account of an experiment touching the dire£lion of a drop of the oil of oranges, between two glafs planes, towards any fide of them that is neareft preffed toge- ther - - Haukjlee ■ ■ I I.I. An account of an experiment, concerning the angle required to fufpend a drop of oil of oranges, at certain ftati®ns, between two glafs planes, placed in the fcrra of a wedge Haufiihc Oxlak. Two meteorological journals kept at Nain, in 57 degrees north latitude, and at Okak, in 57 degrees 38 minutes, north latitude, boih on the coaft of Labradore De laTrohc Ombri^. An account of certain tranfparcnt peb- bles, moflly of the fliapc of the ombria: UJla OMBROMtTiK.. Defcription of the ombrometer Piikcring Tranf, LVIII 24 XLVI 348 XLVII 231 — 236 XLIV^ 227 L856 XIX 544 XL 26 XLIX 46 XXVII 395 — 473 LXIX 657 XVII 778 XLIII 12 Abrldg, X 410 -765 1X66 IV 2 182 II 467 XI 1030 Omentum,. OME OPT Omentum. Obfervations on a large omentum Huxhan. Opal. Letter about the making of counterfeiteo opal - - ColepreJ Ophris. An account of a fpecies of cphris, fup- p.-ifed to be the plant mentioned by Gronovius in the Flora Virginica, p. iSq Ehret Opium. Of the ufe of opium amongft the Turks — — An account of a perfon who took a great quan- tity of opium without caufing deep Jnon. Opossum. Carigueya feu Marfupiale Americanum, or the anatomy of an opoffum - '^yfi*' — — The anatomy of a male opolTum with obfei va- tions - - Cowper ——•— The anatomy of a male opofium, with obferva- tions on the opofium, and a new divifion of terreftrial brute animals, particularly thufe that have feet formed like hands, where an account is given of fome animals not yet de leribed _ _ - Tyfon • A letter to Dr. Tyfon, giving an account of the anatomy of thofe parts of a male opoflum that difter from the female - Cowper Optick Glasses. An account of an improvement of optick glafles - Ciampafv - - Coniiderations upon Mr. Hooke'a new in- ftrument for grinding of optick glalTes Anfwered - - Hooh ■*■ — — — A further account touchlnor Sisnor Cam pani's book and performances about optick glaffes - . j^uzout Sig. Campani's anfwer, and M. Auzout's animadverlions thereon — — — ■ Of M. Hevelius's promife of imparting to the world his invention of making optick gialfes, and of the hopes given by M. Hugens of Zulichem, to perform fomething of the like nature; as alfa of the expeftations con- ceived ot fome ingenious perfons in England, to improve telcfcopes Htvelius Hugens Iff Du Som An account of the tryals, made in Italy, of Campani's new optick glaffes - Jnon. ' A conteft between two artifts about op- tick glaffes - Camparii U Divim Tranf. XXXIII 60 "t 743 LIII 8r XIX 288 XXII 999 XX 105 XXIV 1565 - 1576 I 2 -56 -69 - 74 -98 I 131 — 209 3^3 Abiic!i2:. Vil 518 III 685 II 643 V3S7 II 881 V 177 — 169 I 193 — 215 — 192 9 I 193 II 845 3^4 OPT ORA . — — An obfervatlon or optlck glafTes made of roclc-cryftal - - Divini , . An account of the invention of grinding optic and burning glades of a figure not ! fpherical - - Smethivick I A letter concerning an optical experiment conducive to a decayed fight - Anon Another, confirming the former, and adding fome other obfervations about fight Jno7i. A note relating to the above Anon. Another note on the fame, about the fmall empty tubes *• - Anon. .. A contrivance to make the piclure of any thing appear on a wall, cup-board, or within a pic- ture-frame, &c. in the midft of a light room Hooke . Letters about an optic problem of Alhazen S'ufius^ Hugenlus Continuation of the letters Slufius, Hugeniu Some optical affertions concerning the rain- bow - - - Linui An inftance of the excellence of the modern dern algebra in the refolution of the problem of findmg the foci of optic glaffes univerfally Halley .. An account of an optical experiment made be- fore the Royal Society - Defagui'iers — , — Experiments made in A ugull, 1728, before the Royal Society upon occafion of Signer Riz zetti's opticks with an account of that book Defaguliers . An obfervation made in opticks Edwards • See Light and Colours, Optic Nerve. Microfcopical obfervations con- cerning the optic nerve - Lecuwcnhoek Obfervafions on the cryftalline humouis, optic nerves, 5cc. - Lceuwenhoek Opuntia. The clfcfts of the opuntia, or prickly- pear, and of the indigo plant, in colouring the juices of living animals - Baker Orang-outang. Account of the organs of fpeech of the Orang-outang - Camper ORANGts. Some Imrtubn communications about tb.e curious engrafting of oranges and lemons, or citrons, upon one another's trets, and of one individual fruit, half orange and half lemon, growing on fuch trees - Anon. TranC Abridg, I 362 I 195 III 631 — 194 — 727 III 41 — 729 - 765 II 864 — 802 -- 741 1 206 — 172 nii6ii9 — 6140 — 174 11 ago X386 XVII 960 XXXII 206 XXXV 607 LIII 229 X 378 XVII 949 L 296 LXIX 139 "553 I 315 - 183 VI 145 - 110 III 683 - 685 ORA CRT 365 ... I m A philological obfervatlon concerning oranges and lemons, both fcparately, and in one piece, produced on one and the fame tree, at Florence Natu Or AT A V A. An account of a journey from the port of Oratava, in the illand of Teneriffe, to the top of the pike in that ifland, in Aug. 17 15, with obfervations nriade thereon, by Edem ChiBs. A direft and geometrical method by which the aphelia, excentricities and proportions of the orbs of the principal planets may be de- termined without fuppoling the equality of the angle of motion at the other of focus the planet's ellipfis - - Halley -11 An account of the appearance of Mercury paf- fing over the fun's diik, on the 29th of Odto- ber, 1723; determining the mean motion and fixing the nodes of that planet's orb Halley Orbit. The curve affigned by Caflini to planets as their orbit, confidcred and refuted Gregory — — The parabolic orbit for the comet of 1739, ob I Tranf. X 0^3 XXIX 317 ferved at Bolosjna Zanctt — — A treatife on the preceffion of the equinoxes, and In general on the motion of the nodes and the alteration of the inclination of the orbit of a planet to the ecliptick Silvahelle Orcades. An account of the current of the tides about the Orcades - - Jncn. Ores. An examination of various ores in the mu feum of Dr. W. Hunter Fordyce and Alchorne Organ. Letter on fome fuppofed imperfecSlions in an organ - - I'Vallii Orkney. An abftrafl from an account of the iflands of Orkney, by James Wallace Orrery, The phaenomena of Venus reprefented in an orrery made by Mr. James agreeable anchini Orthoceratites. An account of a remarkable foflil orthoceratites - IVrigbt Another account - Wright ' An account of a rare fpecies of, found in Swe- den - - - Hirnfcl Oscillation. On the findins: of the centre of of Fergufon. to the obfervations of Signior Bi- cillation Taylo7 XI 683 XXXIII 228 XXIV 1704 XLI 809 LXVIII 385 VIII 6139 LXIX 529 XX 249 XXII 543 XLIV 127 XLIX 670 — 672 L 692 XXVIII II Abridc:. --658 V 2 148 I 258 vr 253 IV 206 VIII 215 II 290 1 612 X 95 IV 384 Os 366 OS OST Os Femoris. Account of a callus that fupplied the loTs of the OS femoris - Sherman Os Frontis. See Bsnc Os HuMiiRi. An account of the cure of two finuous ulcers poifefling the fpace of the whole arm with the extraordinary fupj)!y of a callus which fully anlwers the purpofes of the os' humeri loft in time of cure - Fowler Part of a letter concerning the coming ofF of the fcapula and head of the os humeri, upon a mortification - - Derante Obfervations of a fraflure of the os humeri by the power of the mufcles only - Amyartd An account of a woman enjoying the ufe of her right arm after the head of the os humeri was cut away - - Bent A cafe in which the head of the os humeri was fawn off, and yet the motion of the lim preferved - - Orrcd Os Ilium. An account of a frafture of the os ilium, and its cure - - Layard Os Pubis. Account of a woman who voided the bones of a foetus above the os pubis, and by other extraordinary ways Phil. Society at Oxford Ossicles. A defcription of the organ of hearing in the elephant, with the figures and fituation of officles, labyrinth, and cochlea, in the ear of that animal - - Blai Ossification. Account of an ofllfication of the thoracic du6t - - Che/ion Continuation of the cafe of James Jones Chf/?on OsTEOCOLLA. Letter concerning ofteocoUa, and other obfervablcs near Francfort on the Oder Beckman - An enquiry concerning theftone ofteocolla Beurerui OsTRACiTEs. Part of a letter concerning the vir- tues of the oftracites, with a remark of Mr. Lifter's on it - - Cay Ostrich. Some obfervations made in an oftrich diflcifted by order of Sir Hans Sloanc Ranb) mm Obfervations upon the diflcdion of an oflrich fVarrer} Tranf. XXVI 450 XXV 2466 xxxir 15 XLIII 293 LXIV 353 LXIX6 XLIII 537 XX 292 XXX 885 LXX 323 -578 III 771 XLIII 373 XXI 81 XXXIII 223 XXXIV 113 VII 676I XI 110' Abridg. V 54 X iiio III 219 V 82 II 461 X602 11505 OTI OYL 3^7 •— — Some material obfervatlons upon dlflc(51ing an oftilch - - - Ranb^^ XXXVI 275 Otis Minor. Letter concerning the pheafant otl Pennfylvania - - Edwards\XL,Y ill <^^g Ova, An account of the difTedion of a bitch, whofe cornua uteri bein* filled with the bones and flefli of a former conception, hr.d, after a fecond conception, the ova affi>red to feveral parts of the abdomen - - Anon. XIII 183 Ovals. The principal properties of the engine for turning ovals in wood or metals, and of the inftrument for drawing ovals upon paper, de- monftrated - - Ludlam LXX 378 Ovarium. An obfervation concerning a very odd kind of dropfy or fwelling of one of the ova- ries of a woman - - Sloane XXI l^o — — An account of balls of hair taken from the uterus and ovaria of feveral women Tonge XXV 2387 ■ An account of a dropfy in the left ovary of a woman aged 58, cured by a large inci- fiOH made in the fide of the abdomen Hou/ioun XXXIII 8 — — Two newly difcovered arteries, in women, going to the ovaria - - RanbyXXXlV 159 Ox, Letter concerning a horn hanging to the neck of an ox, with obl'ervatlons on horns and glan- dules in general - - Malpighius XIV 60 1 ■ An extract givin* an account of a large pra- ter-natural glandulofe fubftance, found be- tween the heart and pericardium of an ox Jnon. XV 860 * Microfcopical obfervations on the palates of oxen] Le£Uwenboek\ XXVI 294 — — A letter ferving to accompany the pidures of an extraordinary fofril-Hiull of an ox, with' the cores of the horns - Klein XXXVII427 OxYoiDEs. Memoirs containing a defcription of a new family of plants called oxyoides Garcin XXXVI 377 Oyls. A catalogue of thofe oyls that will take fire with a great noife and explolion, when the compound fpirit of nitre is poured upon any of them, and of thofe oyls which do only make a great noife and explofion, but will not take fire ; and alfo of thofe that do not make ef- fervefcence or explofion - jinon. XVIII 200 Abrids;. Wli 43/ II 904 III 207 VII 541 — S41 II 865 III 69 V 2 267 VII4IOI VI 2 357 A a a III 358 Oysters. OYS PAI Oysters. Obfervatlcns about fliining worms in oyfters - - Auzout > jNl crofcoplcal exnminaiion of the teRicles ot a rat, aod the feed of mufclcs and oyflers, &c. Leeuwenhoeh ' Obfervations on young oyft^rs Leeiiivenhoek Account of beds of oyiier-fiiells found near R.eadinar, Berkfhire - - Brezva Part of a letter concerning the ftocking the river Mene with oyfters - Rowlands *— — Obfervations on the oyfter-banks o.' Pennfyl- vania - - Bartra?n — — A letter concerning the anirnal-life of thofe co rallines, that look like minute trees, and grow upon oyfltrs and fucus's all around the fea- coaft of this kingdom - Ellh P. P^sTUM. Elucidation oFan Etrufcancoin of Paeftum in Lucania, emitted from the mint there about the time of the focial war Sivinton Pagan Temple. A.i explanation of the figures of a Pagan temple, and unknown characters, at Canara, in Salfct - - Stuart Paik. An account of the probable caufes of the pjin in Rheumatifms ; as alfo of the cure of a total fupprellion of urine, not caufed by the ftone, by the ufe of acids - Baynnrd Painting. A relation of the conferencts held at Pari?, in the Royal Academy, for the im- provement of the arts of painting and fculp- tuie - Journal des Scavaus Letter judging of the age of painters by tlic ftylc - - IVanley •—— An account of the principles of printing, in iniitaMon of painting - Blon — — Extrad^ of a letter concerning an ancient me- thod of painting, revived by Count Caylus ■ Mazcai Tranf. I 203 XVII 593 XIX 790 XXII 844 XXXI 250 XLIII 157 xL^aii 627 Lvni 246 XXVI 372 XIX 19 IV 953 XXIV 1993 XXXVIIioi XLIX 652 Abridg. Ill 826 — 685 - 685 VII 420 XI 860 V 260 III 265 I 603 V 2 I VI 469 — Obfer. PAL - . — Obfervations on the Abbe Mazeas's letter on the count de Caylus's method of imitating the ancient painting in burnt- wax — Parfons ■m Experiments concerning the encauftic painting of the ancients - - Colebrooke A letter concerning the fuccefs of the former experiments - - Colebrooke > An account of Tome fubterraneous apart- ments with Etrufcan infcriptions and paint- ngs difcovered at Civita Turchino, in Italy JVilcoi< Palate. Microfcopical obfervations on the palates of oxen - - Leeuwenboek Palilicius. Obfervation of an occuitation of Palilicius, at Berlin, Dec. 23, 173S Kirch'ius VVirtenbero; - - IVeldler Palm Stones. Microfcopical obfervations on palm and date ftones, &c. - Leetnvenhoek Palmyra. A relation of a voyage from Alepppo to Palmyra, in Syria - Halifax • An extra(5i of the journals of two feveral voy- ages of the Englifli merchants of the faftory of Aleppo, to TadnTior, anciently called Pal- myra _ _ - Jfjon. — — Some account of the ancient ftate of the city of Palmyra, wi';h fhort remarks upun the in- fcriptions found there - Haiiey — — < A differtation upon a Parthian coin, with c\\\ ra6lers on the reverfe, refembling thofe of the Palmyrencs - - Sivinton Palpitation. On the palpitation of the diaphragm Leeuwenboek Palsy. An ab{tra6l of a letter, giving an inftance of the bath water curing the paKy, and barren- nefs - - - Pierce ■■' ■ • Letter concerning a periodical palfy A'lufgrave - • - Letter concerning an uncommon palfy in the eye -lids - - Cant we 11 An account of an Iliac paffion from a palfy in the large inteftines - De Ca,iro Ai\ account of a cure of a paralytic arm by ele.:}ricity - - Hart An inftance of the eleclrical virtue in the cure of a palfy - . Brydmt A a a 2 369 Tranf. XLLX 655 LI 40 — S3 Lm 127 XXVI 294 XLI 223 — 225 XVII 949 XIX 83 — 129 — 160 XLIX 593 XXXII 436 XV 944 XX 257 XL 311 XLVni23 XLIX 558 L 392 Abridg:, V 2 267^ 1 VIII 134I III 685 — 505 — 492 VII 562 II qqo III 33 IX 121 ■:An 37^' PAN PAR . An account of the eflc£ls of eletJ^rkity in para lytic ca es - - Frankliri . The cafe of a paralytic patient cured by an e!e6trical application - Himfel Pancreas. An account of a m.onftrous human fcEtus, having neither head, heart, lurgs, ftomach, Tplcen, pancreas, liver, nor kidneys Le Cat Fantiif.on. An account of the alterations making in the piintheon ^t Rome - /inon. PapavER C'orniculatum Luteum. An account of fome effe£ts of the papaver corniculatum luteum Newt or, Paper. vSome account of the paper money current among the Chinefe - Ganbh An account of an eHay on the origin of a natu- ral paper, found near the city of Cortona, in Tufcany - - Strange Of the culrure and ufe of the fon or fun- plant of Hindoftan, with an account of the manner of manufa£luring the Hindoflan paper lronfi4t • The principal properties of the engine for turn- ing ovals in wood or metal, and of the inilru- ment for drawing ovals upon paper demon- ftrated - - Ludlam See y^Jbejlus Papin. Letter concerning Dr. Papin's way of raif- ing water - - Vincent - Letter concerning Dr. Papin's new water en- gine _ _ _ Tenon Pappus OF Alexandria. Two general propofitions of his, taking in a great part of Euclid's po- rifms reftorcd - - S'nnpfon Parabola. Cubic and biquadratic equations con- ftruded by one parabola and circle Halley -—— Some propofitions on the parabolic motion of projedilles, written in 1710 - Taylor - ■ The parabolic orbit for the comet of 173^, ob- ferved at Bologna - Zanottt -' ■' ■ A fliort narrative of the ftrudlure and efFeft of parabolic burning-glafTcs, made by Mr. Hoefen, of Drefdcn, and an account of expe- riments made with them on the fufion of dif- ferent fubftances - - IVo/fe ' Directions for making the bcft compofition for Tranf, — 481 LI 179 LVII I L 115 XX 263 XLVI327 LIX50 LXIV 99 LXX 378 XV 1238 — 1254 XXXir33o XVI 335 XXXI 151 XLI 809 LIX4 Alridg. in 297 XI 1364 1 539 VI 76 1 63 VI 299 VIII 215 the PAR the metals of refleSllng; telefcopes ; togethe with a defcription of the procefs for grinding, polifliing, and giving tl)e great fpeculum tht true parabolic curve - Mudg Paraboloeid. Letter aflcrting the firft invention" and demonftration of the equality of the curve line of a paraboloeid to a ftraight line, and next the finding a flraiyht line equal to that ot a cycloid, and of the^part^ thereof H allu Two other letters fpHhe fame purpofe ;■■; ■; /Inon. Parabolic Glasses of M. deSons, Progrefs in working parabolar gUiles - OUenburg m A (hort narrative of the flru61ure and effeft of parabolic burning glaffes made by Mr. Hoefen, of Drefden, and an account of experimentb made with them on the fufion of different fubftances - - f^'^olft Parallax. See Eclip/e, Mocn, Planets^ S'trius, Sun Paracentesis. An anatomical account of fomr remarkalDle things found on the diire£tion of a woman who died of a dropfy, after the Para- centefis was performed, with a fraall reflec- tion on the caufes of the dropfy - Prejrcn Paraguay. Aftronomlcal obfervations made at Paraguay, in South America, from 1706 to 1730 - - De Cajtro Sarniento Paraselenes. An obfervation of an extraordinary lunar circle, and of two parafelenes made at Paris, 0£l. 20, 1747 - Grefchcw Pardines. a narrative of an extraordinary finking down and Hiding away of fome ground at Par- dines, near Auvercfne - Jnon. Pareira Brava. An extra who died in London, aged 152 years and nine months - Harvey Parsnip, A letter concerning the medicinsl effefts of a poilbn.-us plant exhibited, inflead of the water-JDarl'nip - . - Puhene) Parthian Coin. A dilTertation upon a Parthian coin, with chara£lers on the rcverfe, refem- bling thofe of the Palmyrene's Szvinton ■ Conje£iures upon an in-edited Parthian Coin Swinton •— — Defcription of two Parthian coins, never hi therco publilbed - - Swinton Partur ition. DilTeftion of a woman who died in child-bed - - Shvejlre • An account of an hydrops ovarii, with a new and exadl figure of the gianduUe renales, nnd of the ureruf in a puerpera - DjUghi ■' An account of the Casfaran operation per formed by an ignorant b^itcher - Ccpp'in^ Passion Flower. A letter containing forrte micrc- fcopical obfervations on the farina foccundans of the holyoai<. and the pallion fiower Badcock Further oblervations and experiments on the pa/Tion flower and its farina - Badccck Paste. A letter concerning the minute eels in pafle being viviporous - Sherivo Pastinaca Marina. An account of the tongue of a f aftinaca marina, frequent rn the feas about Jam-lie 1, and lately dug up in Maryland and England - - Shar.^ Pasture. Part of a letter concerninG: worms ob ferved in fheeps livers, aiid pafture-grounds Leeuw?nho. ■ Patagonia. An account of the very tall men feen neap the Straitjhts of Magellan, in 1764. by t;ie equipage of tne Dolphin man of wa', under the ccmm:=nd of captain Byron Clai kt •- Letter on the inhabitants of t:.e coafl of Pata gonia - - Caruret Tranf. LII 26 XVIII 153 III 886 LXII 469 373 Abridg. n 85s III 306 XLIX 593 LI 6S0 LVI 296 XXII 787 V 303 XXV 2317 — 294 XLI 814 XLIV 150 X 753 — 166 - 756 - 67 XI 799 XIX 674 XXIV 1522 LVII 75 LX -'o H431 V 2 266 Patella. 5U PAT PEA Tranf. Patella. Part of a letter concerning a cafe In chl- rurgery, which is commonly miftaken for a fra£^ure of the patel!a - - Diverel XXXI 44 — — — An account of the patella or limpet fifli of Ber mudas - - Forbei L 859 Pavement. An accurate account of a teflellated pavement, bath, and other Roman ant'quities lately difcovered at Eafl Bourne, in SulTex Tabor XXX 549 ? The reft of the treatife concerning the fcite of the ancient city of Anderida, and other re mains of antiquity in the County of Suflex Tabor — 783 — — A defcription of a Roman pavement found rear Grantham, in LincolnOiire, with the oeco nomy of the Roman times in this part of Eng- land - - StukeleyXXXV /^%% Paul's, Saint. Propofal of a method for fecuring the cathedral of St. Paul's from damage by lightning, in confequence of a letter from the dean and chapter to James Weft, Efq. Committee of the Royal Society LIX 1 60 Peak. An account of fome obfervations relating to natural hiftory made in a journey to the Peak in Derbyfhire - - Martyn XXXVI 22 p£ARs. Some communications concerning cyder Reed VI 2128 — — The propriety of pears for fome lands; their choice for manifold ufes, efpecially for plca- fant, or for lafting liquor ; and how they arc to be planted and ordered to the beft advantage Bmi — 2144 — — Account of a double pear - Anon. ^Yk.\\ 470 ■ ■ See Opuntia Pearls. Extradl of two letters concerning the ori gin of pearls - - Sanslius IX 1 1 — — A letter concerning pearl-fifliing in the North of Ireland - - - Redding XVII 659 p£AS. Obfervations of the effefls which the farina of peas of different colours have on each other Henchman XLIII 477 Peat. An account of the peat- pit near Newbury, in Bcrkftiire - - Collet L 109 ■ Experiments and obfervations upon a blue fub- flance found in the peat-mofs, in Scotland Douglas LVIII 181 Abridg. I vir 678 V263 — -71 Vll 4 29 VI 2 190 II 687 — ^53 — 827 I 607 Pebbles PEE PEM Pebbles. An account of certain tranfparent pebbles, raoftly of the {hape of the Ombriae or Brontia; L'tftei M. ■■ Part of a letter concerning the formation of pebbles - - Arderon Pecquet. Anfwer to him concerning the opinion that the choroeides is the principal organ of fight - - - Marrioite Peculiarities. Divers inflances of peculiarities of natures, both in men and brutes Fairfax Pediculus C-ffiTi. A defcription of the pediculus caeti « . - Sibbala Pediculus Pulsatorius. Letter concerning an infcft that is commonly called the deat watch - - Derham •— » A fupplement to the account of the pediculus pulfatorius, ordeath-watch, ferving to the more pcrfeft natural hiftory of that infedt Derham Peking. A defcription of the plan of Peking, the capital of China - - iiaubil Pelvis. Anatomical obfervations of an abfcefs in the liver; a great number of ftones in the gall bag and bilious velTels ; an unufual conforma tion of the emulgents and pelvis; a ftrange conjundfion of both kidnies, and a great dila- tion of the vena cava - - Tyfon » " ' An account of a large glandular tumour in the pelvis ; and of the pemicious effects of crude Mercury, given inwardly to a patient Cantwell «— — An account of a bone found in the pelvis of a man at Bruffels -' - Brad) Pen-Fish. An account of the fea-pen, or Pennatuia phofphorea of Linnaeus ; likevvH'e a defcription of a new fpecies of fea-pen found on the coaft of South-Carolina, with obfervations on fca- pens in general - - Elli^ Pendulum. A narrative concerning the fuccefs of pendulum-watches at fea for difcovering the longitudes - - HAmes ^ Inftru£tions concerning the ufe of pendulum- watches, for finding the longitude at fea, to- gether with a method of a jouinal for fuel watches - - Iliigem lY 937 — — ^ Experiments about the motion of pendulums in vacuo - - D^/Z^^r/^] XXIV 1785 n A. contrivance to avoid the irregularities in B b b Tranf. XVII 778 XLIV467 V 1023 II 549 XXV 2314 ■ XXII 832 XXIV 1586 L 704 XII 1035 XL 139 LI 660 LIII419 I»3 375 Abridg. » II 467 X 608 II 833 III 191 — 287 V 25 28 III 81 IX 184 I55S — 547 IV 2 168 clock's 376 PEN PEP clock's motloi), occaftoncil by the a£\ion of heat ai'.ci cold upon the rod of the pendulum Graham Pendulum. An account of fome obfervations made in London by Mr. Grah-im, and at Black River, in Jainaica, by Co'in Campbell, con- cc'iiir.cp the going of a clock, in order to de- teriBine the difference between the length- of ifochronal pendulums in thofc places Grahajn^ Campbell^ and Bra h: — — Experiments concerning the vibrations of pen dulums- - - Derho'i. _ j^,-) account of the iafluence which two pendu- lum clocks were obfcrved to have upon each other - - - EUicott Further obfeivations and experiments El icoit „ A commentary of Tome new obfervations to di - cover whether pendulums are oblhudted by any centrifugal farce - - _ Polenui Two methods by v.'hich the irregularity of the motion of a clock anling from the influenct of heat and cold upon the rod of the pendu- lum may be prevented - Elhcoi . Letter concerning the inventor of the contri vance In the pendulum of a clock to prevc t the irregulariti-s of its motion by heat aad cold - - - ^'-'o^' •— — See Clock Penguin. An account of the different fpccics of the birds called penguins - - ^ Pennant Penis. An account of an extraordinary flux of the blood by the per, is - Ihwnian Pennatula Phosphorea. A'i account of the lea pen, or pennatula phofphorea of Linn-eus ; likevvife a defcription of a new fpecies of fea pen foimd on the coaft of South Carolina, with ot>fcrvations on fea pens in general Ellh Pen-Park-Hole. A defcription of Pen-Park-Hole, in Glouccftcrniire - - SouthiveL Pennsylvania. Obfervations on the o^fler banks of Pennfylvania - - Bartram Pepper. A defcription of an odd kind of mufhroon) yielding a milky juice, much hotter upon the tongue than pepper - Z,//?fr Tranf. XXXIV 40 XXXVIII 302 XXXIX 201 XL! 126 — 128 XLII 299 XLVII479 LVIIIgi XXXII 418 LIII419 XIII 2 XLIII 157 VII 5116 Abrldg., » VI 297 VII 238 VIII 245 — 246 — 250 VII 539 II 370 XI 860 II 623 Obfer- PER PET m Obfervatlons concerning ijbme little animals ob- ferved in rain, well, fea, and fnow water ; as alfo in water where pepper had laid infuftd Leeuwenhoek With the manner of obferving them Leeuwenhoek — — A defcription of the pimienta, or Jamaica pep- per tree - -. Sloane I. Several obfervations and experiments on the animalcula in pepper-water Sir Edmund King Percussion. An eHay on the force of percuflion Richard/on Pericardium. An extra£l, giving an account of a large praeter-natural fubftance found between the ht-art and pericardium of an ox Jnon. Periosteum. Obfervations upon che bones and the perioiteum - -- Leewwenhoek Peritoneum. Cafe of a large quantity of matte or water contained in cyllis's or bags adhering to the peritonaeum, and not communicating with the cavity of the abdomen Graham Perry. An account of fome Improvements which '•■ may be made in cyder and perry - Miles PeRsepolis. a letter containing the exaft draughts i of feveral unknown characters, taken from the ruins at Perfepolis - Flowen • A letter, with two draughts of the famous Per- fepolis - - Wit fen Persia. Inquiries for Perfia - Royal Society ■ Obfervations upon five antient coins flruck in Paleftine, or Phoenicia, before the diffo- lution of the Perfian empire - Swintort Person. Fart of a letter concerning a perfon who had a new fet of teeth after 80 years of age with fome obfervations upon the virtues and Tranf. XII 821 — 844 XVII 462 — 861 LVIII 17 XV 860 XXXI 91 XLI 708 XLIIIS16 XVII 775 XVIII 117 il 420 LXI 345 properties of fugar Slare 377 Abrldg. Ill 683 II 66^3 III 654..- -69 VII 672 IX 187 III 526 — 527 — 632 Perspective. The defcription of an inflrument, in vented divers years ago, for drawing the out- lines of any obje£l in perfpeciive Wren Petrifaction. Of a place in England, where, without petrifying water, wood is turned ino ftone - - Boyle — - — Obfervables touching petrifadlion - Beak An addition to the inftances of petrifaction Packer — — A narrative of two petrifaftions in] human bodies Bbb 2 Kirkb) XXVIII 273 IV89S I lOI — 320 ■— 329 Vl'2158 V353 I 598 II 325 III 149 III ISO - 158 Petri- 578 PET PHK Petritactiom. a dcfcriptlon of certain .ftnnci figured like plants, and by obferving men tfleemed to be plants petrified - Lifie) fc F.xtrafls of feveral letters from Edinburgh of a petrifying rivulet, &c, - Mackenzy Advertifements of petrifying and metallizing waters in Scotland - Beat — — A letter concerning Loxigh-Neagh, in Ireland, and its petrifying qualities - Alolyneux "' A catalogue of the minerals, petrilicd fhells, and other foflils, fent from C. M, Spencer of Berlin to J. Peiiver - Anon. — — — An account of part of two human fk.eieton> petrified - - Scheucz-er — — Ai:coiint of the petrifadicn near Matlock Baths in Dcrbyfhire ; with conjeftures concerning pctrifadion in^jeneral - - Gilh — — An extradt of a philofophical account of a new opinion concerning the origin of petri faiflions found in the earth, which has hi- therto been afcribed to the univerfai deluge, by Sig. Antonio Lazzaro Moro TLolL 'man Tranf. VIH6181 X 307 — 357 XIV 552 XXIV 2082 XXXIV 38 XLI 55^ XLIV 16' — — A letter concerning the petrilaftion of Lough- Neagh in Ireland, to which is annexed a letter f.om Dr. Berkley, Bifliop of Cloyne, to Tho- mas Prior, £f(j[. - - Simon » Letter concerning a non-defcript petrified infect ! _ _ Lyttelton XLVI 598 ' A defcription of a petrified flratum, formed from the waters of Matlock in Dcrbvfhirc bob/on LXIV 124 — — Account of a petrifa£fion found on the coaft of Eaft Lothian - - King LXIX 35 Pett. An account of GraccPett, at Ipfwich, whofe body was consumed to a coal - Rolli XLIII 447 aEU'TT-R Money. Letter concerning pev\tcr money coined in Ireland, by the late King James 7horeJbyXXlY 1875 Ph.^nomena. Letters concerning the caufc of the afctnt of vapour and exhalation, and thofe of winds, and of the general { haenomcna of the weather and barometer - Ee/es XLIX 124 f HE AS AKT. Letter concerning the pheafant of Penn- fylvania - - Edwards XLVJII 499 •— — An account of a bird, fuppofed to have been bred between a turk'-y .'md a pheafant Edwardi LI 833 Abiidg. " 493 — 321 ~ 322 fV 2 2S6 VI 2 205 vin 707 X 6 IS ~ 616 — 656 XI 1068 V 2,31 A PHI PHOE ta— — A defcrlptlon of a beautiful Ciiinefe pheafant Edivardi — — An account of an extraordinary pheafant John Hunter Philippine Islands. An account of the animals in the Pliilippine Iflands - Cawell Obfervations on the birds of the Philippine lilands - - Camelli — — A defcription of fome corals, and other curious fubmarines, lately fent from the Philippine Ifles, by G. J. Camelli - - Petiver An account of the quadrupeds in the Philippine Iflands ~ - CarnelL <•' ■■■ Account of fome monfters and ferpents there Camelli ■ '■.! An account of the fliells, minerals, and foffils there - - Cam elk m" An extradl of two letters concerning the dif- covery of the New Philippine iflands, with ?. map of the fame - Mijfionary Jefuii Philistis. Some obfervations on an ineditcd Greek coin of Philiftis, Queen of Syracufe, Malta, and Gozo, who had been paffed over in filence by all antient writers - Swinton Philosophy, particulars of a philofophical nature Hevelius «-'■ An intimation of divers philofophical particulart now undertaken and confidered by feveral in- genious and learned men, here inferted to ex- cite others to join with them in the fame or like attempts and obfervations Jnon. — — > Some reflections on the Tranfa£lions of April, 1675, fent to the publiftier out of the country ■■■ Confiderations upon N° 133 of thefc trads Anon. • Some philofophical experiments Southwell Phoca. Some accounr of the phoca, . vitulus ma- rinus, or fea calf, fhewed in London, in 1743 ParfoJii " A diflertation upon the clafs of phocx ma- rinae - - _ Parfatu P«0£NiciAN. Some remarks upon the firfl: part of M. I'Abbe Barthelemy's memoir on the Phce nician letters, relative to the infcription in the ?fiand of Malta - - Siuintoh — — Farther remarks upon M. I'Abbe Barthelcmy'^ memoir on the Phoenician letters, coJitaining 379 Tranf. Abridg. LV 88 LXX 527 XXIII 1065 V183 — 1394 _ — — I4I9 [V 2 286 XXV 2197 — 2266 V 183 — 2397 XXVI 189 V 2 185 189 LX 80 V 2023 I 304 VI 22 16 11 2 X305 XII 890 ^X 363 ■ I 214 1 XLII 383 IX 74 XLVII 109 LIV 119 h. jSo FHOE PHY Tianf. his refleflions on certain Phoenician monu- ments, and the alphabets refulting from them - - - Siuinton LIV 393 — — An attempt to interpret the legend and infcrip tion of a very curious Phoenician medal never hitherto explained - - Siuinton LVII 266 Phoenicia, Obfervations on five antient Perfian coins, ftruclc in Paleftine or Phoenicia, before the dilToIution of the Perfian empire Swinton LXI PhoENicopterus. The natural hiflory and de- Icription of the phoenicopterus or flamingo with two views of the head, and three of the tongue - - Douglafs PiioLAs CoNoiDEs. An account of the pholas co noides - - Parfons Phosphorus. An account of making phofphorus, de pofited with the Secretaries o'^^ the Royal So- ciety, Gft. 14, i68c, and opened fince his death - - Boyle XVII 583 - Experiments on the produ£lIon and propagation of the light from the phofphorus in vacuo Haitkfiee Several experiment; on the mercurial phofphoru-^ Haukfoee A letter concerning firing phofphorus by elec- tricity - - Aides — — An eafy method of making phofphorus, that will imbibe and emit light, like the Bolog- nian flone; with experiments and obfervationsj Cantoris LVIII 337 — — A letter on his new phofphorus receiving feveral colours, and only emitting the fame Beccarid LXI212 Phrensy. An account of the cure of an inveterate phrenfy by the transfufion of blood, at Paris Denii II 617 Physic. See medicine Physics. (Natural philofophy) Dr. Wallis's opinion concerning the hypothefis phyfica nova of Dr. Leibnitius - — fVallis — — A letter in which the laws of attra£lion and other principles of phyfics arc fliewn Keih m Aftronomical, phyfical and meteorological ob- fervations in 1733 ^^ Wirtcmbcrg IVe'idUr ■ A fbort account of fomc new agronomical and phyfical obfervations made in Afu Porter Abrids. V 63 III III 291 Vr353 vm 178 — 550 Physics. PHY PIL 38, Fhvsics. Phyfical and meti'orologlcal obfcrvations, conjeftures, and fuppofitions Franklh' •— — An efTav on pyrometry and areometry, and on ihylica! nieaTires in genersl - De Lu^ Physiognomy. Difcourfe of phyfiognomy G wither Picture. An experiment of a way of preparing a liquor that fliall fink into, and colour, the whole body of marble, caufing a picture drawn on a furface, to appear alfo in the ininofl: p^rt of the ftone - Kircher and Bird — — h contrivance to make the pi<5ture of any thing appear on a wall, cup-board, or within a pic- ture frame, &c. in the midit of a 1 ght room I'.ooh — Extraifls of two letters from Rome, conrernin fome antient ttatues, piftures. and other curiofi- ties found in a fubterraneous town, lately dii- covered near Nap'es - Pademi » Extradl of another letter on the fame fuhjecf^ Kna])ton Extrad of another letter on the fame fubject Crijp ■' Extract of a letter giving a fhort account of fome principal antique piftures, found in the ruins of Hcrculaneum, at f ortici, Naples Hoare '• Remarks on the principal paintings found in the fubterraneous city of Herculaneum Blondeau — — Se« Herculaneum Pig. The anatomy of a monftrous pig Jnou. — — A relation of two monftrous pigs, with the re- femblance of human faces - Floyer Pigeons. Account of a pond in Sornerfetftiire, to which pigeons refort, but cattle will not drink at it - - - Beau Further account of the (pond) vitriolate wa- ters, with fome particulars touching water /^nor. Pikes. Obfervaiions of a large bed of glands, obferved in the ftomach of a pike - Mufgrave Pile Engine. A new theory of the pile engine Buggt Pilotage. A recommendation of Hadley's quadrant for furveying, elpecially the furveying of har- bours, together with a particular application of Tranf. LV 182 EXVIII419 XVIII 118 I 125 III 741 XLI 484 — 489 — 493 XLIV 567 XLVI 14 XIII 188 XXI 431 I 323 — 3S9 XIV 699 LXIX 120 Abridg. Ill 8 T 192 — Gc-2 20D IX 440 — • 442 XI 1305 — 1307 II 904 — 900 — 332 — 332 in 93 IE %%% PIM PIT Tranf. LV 70 it to fv.mc cafes of pilotage - Micheli PiMJENTA. A defcription of the pimicnta, or the Jamaica pepper tree - - Sloane XVII 462 Pis. Letter concerning a pin, found in the gizard of a fowl - - Regnart XXIV 2055 , Of an inquinal rupture, with a pin in the ap- pendix cceci inc:uftcd with ftone Amyand XXXIX 329 An extraordinary cafe of three pins fwallovved by a girl, and difcharged at her fhoulder Ly[oni LIX 9 Pi\E Apples. On the culture of pine apples Bajlar^ ULNll 649 PjNioNs. Account of advantages of a newly invented machine much varied in its effedls, and very ufeful for determining the perfefl proportion between different moveables a£ling by levers and wheel and pinion - Z*^ Cifr/ LXVIII 950 Pipes. An account of feveral experiments concern- ing the running of water in pipes, as it is retarded by fridtion and intermixed air ; with a defcription of a new machine, whereby pipes may be c'eared of air, as the water runs alone, without ftand-pipes, or the help of any hand^ - - Defaguliers XXXIV 77 .. A propofal for warming rooms by the fleam of boiling water conveyed in pipes along the walls - - Cook XLIII 370 .,, ... Short and eafy methods of finding the quantity and weight of water contained in a full pipe of any given height and diameter of bore, and confcquently to find what degree of power would be required to work a common pump, or any other hydraulic engine, when the diame- ter of the pump-bore, and the height to which tlic water is to be raifed, are given Fergnfon LV 61 Pitch. An account of the making pitch, tar, and oil out of a blackiQi ftone in Shropfliire Ele XIX 544 . The way of making pitch, tar, rofm, and tur pcntine near Marfcilles - Bent XX 291 PiTii. Inftances fhcwing the correfpondence of the pith and timber wjth the feed of the plant ; as alfo of the bark or fap in the bark with the puljjof the fruit, or fome encompafling coat 01 cod containing the feed - Btal IV 919 PiTKEATiiLY. An accountof the fufphureous mine ral waters of Caftle Lead, and Fairburn, in the Abridg. \ II 663 IX 15: VI 347 XI 191 II 710 country PL A county ofR.fs and of the fair purging water of Pitkeathly, in the county of Perth, in Scorlanci Placenta.. Account of a placenta cotyledonifoi mis Har t'tianu pLiETORIAN. Sc" Co'lH Plague. An abridgment of a book intltled, A J - fcription of the plague, which happened i: Dantzick in 1709 - Go.rujal! — — Remarks upon the plague at Copenhagen in 1 7 1 1 - - Chamberlayn An account of the plague at Confl;antinopl?t — — An account of fom? experiments m.ide with the bile of perfons dead of the plague at Mar- feilles, with what appeared upon the dif- fetflion of the b(idies ; as likevvif. Ibme experi- ments made wiih the b;le of perfons dtad of other dif^afes - - D^iaier .. Part of a letter concerning a new experiment made with the blood of a perfon dead of the plague - - Couzier ——— Extra£l of a letter conceininj> an experiment made with the bile of perfons dead of the plague - «. _ Dc'idie] m Extracts of feveral letters concerninG[ the p!ao-uc at Conuantinnple - Macken/ic Farther account of the late plague at Conftanti- nople - - A'ludenfu '< ■ ■ Anfwer to queries fent to Conftantinople con cerning the plague - Porter - An aocount of the plague at Aleppo Dawes " An account of th,; plague at Conftantinople Mcuk nfu Plane. A new invention of a clock ascendant on a plane inclined - De Genne^ — — — An account of an experiment touching the di- reftion of a drop of the oil of oranges, between two glafs planes, towards any fide of them that is neareft preffcd together - Haukfuci — An account of an experiment concerning the an^le required to fuipend a drop of oil of oranges, at certain ftations, between two glafs planes, placed in the ionn of a wedge — ' ' An account of an experiment touching the pro- portion of the afcent of fpiri: of vine between C c c Tr?.nf. LXII 15 XX 66 XXVIII 101 — 279 XXXI 14 XXXII 20 — 103 — 105 XLVII 384 — 514 XLIX 96 Lill9 LIV 69 XII 1006 XXVII 395 — 473 3S3 Abvidir. Ill 208 V381 VII 668 VII 601 ■ — 600 I4C8 IV 2 182 tw« 3?4 P L A two glafs planes, whofe furfa'-es are p'accd at certain different diilances from each other Haukjhst All accuunt of ibme further expcr/ments Haukjbee Far her account - Haukjbee Plan£. a gc-nera! method of defcribing curves, by ; the interfeftion of righ: lines, moving about points in a given plane Emikenridge A propofition relating to the contraiVion ot • traiiijparent lenfes with rcfleding planes A general inveftigation of the nature of the curve, formed by the Ihadow of a prolate fphefoid upon a plane ftanding at right angles to the axis of the fhadow - Witcheli A way for taking the diameters of planets — — A letter touching the invention of dividing a foot linto many thoufai-d parts lor mathematic purpofes - - Townlty More ways for the fame purpofe Hook A detcription of th.e inftrument for dividing a foot into many thoufand parts, and thereby meafuring the diameter of planets to great ex- amine Is Hook Confiderations concerning the geometriclc and direct nethod of Signer Caffi.ii for finding the apogees, excentriciiies, and anomalies of the planets - - Mcrcator » Letter concerning the appulfes of the moon for 167?, ^nd the other planets to fixed ilars, toiiether v/ith an obfervation of the planet Mars - - Fi. mile ad . 'i'hf; appulfes of the moon and other planets to lixed Itais, predicted for 1674 Flatnfiead A diredl and geometrical method by which the aphelia, excentricities, and proportion of the orbs of the primary planets may he found, without ruppohng the equality of the angle of motion at the other focus of the planet's e!lij>iis - - HalUy An agronomical tliircrtation of the vifible con- junction of the inferior planets with the fun Halley The curve afligned by Caflini to planets as their orb.t, confidcred and rcjefled Gregory Tranf. XXVIII 15: XXXIX 25 -185 LVII 28 I 373 "457 - 459 — 541 V n6S VII 51 18 Vlil 6162 Abridg. IV 2 18' VIII 58 XI 683 XVII 511 XXIV 1704 III 1 217 -- 218 — 220 — 219 — 253 III 149 I 258 — 427 IV 206 Pl-AN£TS. TLA Planets. On the method of determining the places of the planets by obferving their near appulfes to the fixeth ftars - HalUy — — An inquiry concerning the figure of fuch pla- nets as revolve about an axis, fuppofmg the denfity continually to vary from the centre towards the furface - Ctairaiit «— — A new and peculiar method of calculating eclipfes of the earth, and of any appulfts of the moon to planets and fixed fiars Gerfien — — Letter concerning the contraction of the orbits of the planets - - Euler ■■ A treatife on the preceflion of the equinoxes, and, in general, on the motion of the nodes, and the alteration of the inclination of the orbit of a planet to the ecliptic - Silvabell «— — Of the irregularities in the planetary motions, caufed by the mutual attradiun of the plan t& IVabnJley -■ See particular Planets in their Places Plants. An exp riment on aloe Americana ferrati- folia weighed ; feeming to import a circula- tion of the fap in plants - Merrel •— — Obfervations concerning quickfilver found at the root of plants - - Septaliu: — — An account of fome rare plants in the Bermudas Staford Inilances Ihewing the correfpondence of the pith and timber, with the feeds of the plant ; as alfo of the bark, with the pulp of the fruit, or fome encompaffing coat or cod containing the feed ^ - - Qgai - ■ ' ■' Some communications on the defcent of fap Rt Some coniideratlons on Mr. Reed's letter, fliewing in wh..t fenfe the fap niay be fai'i to defcend and to circulate in plants, and tht graft to communicate with the flock. Benl An ingenious account of ve ns by him obferved in plants, analogous to human veins Li/hr — — A further account conctrninj? the exigence of veins m aW kmd of plants ; together with s difcovery of the membranous fubllance of thofe veins, and of fome afts in plants refembling thofe of fenfe ; and alfo of the agreement of C C C 2 Tranf. XXXI 2og XL 277 XLIII 22 , XLVI 356 XLviir 385 L1I275 II 455 II 493 III 792 IV 9:9 VI 2128 — 2144- — 3052 385 Abridg. VI 170 VIII 90 ^ 55 — 1 4.2 11645 II 425 III 561 — 710 — ^^55 — 6«7 — 600 655 ' 690 691 thi 3S6 Pi P L A the venal juice in vegetables with tlie Mooc cf ar.lma!:>, tTs. A wny of making ail fcris of plants, trct..-. frui s, ;;ncl h^gums, grcr.v to an c.xtraordi:,ar\ bi^nefs - - Ar.oH. M crofcopica! obfcrvations about the texture of tb.c b'o. d, fap cf plant?, txc. Le and plants in 1683, drawn from the ani\'. r to fonv.r qucrifs ler^t into civcrs cruntries, by R. Plot-t, anJ fro ii feveral ob- feivations made at Oxfoid - J-. Bchd't An account of tv.opl.:tts lately brongiit from the (-'ape of Ciiooi Hope - Shani Letters concerning t e feeds of plants, with obfcrvations on the inanntrr of the propagatio;; of piantis and anmials - Lieuvcenhick Letter concerning the ftcds of plants 'Jojcphus de Arnmatarin An account of the lately invented (love for preferving plants in ih- green houfe in winter (>ul!u})> A ca'alof;uc of plants growing within the tor- tihcations of 1 angiei, in 1673 Spoitfivood Part o£ tv;o letters corcerning f^ vera) plants, that may be ufefuUy cultivated for producing grafs or hay Liftei A catalogue of fomc Guinea plants, with thtjr native names and virtues fent to James Pctiver, and remarks on them by Peiivc An account of fomc Indian plants, with tiicir names, dcfcliptiun^, and virtues Peiivir Remarks on feme animals, plants, 6cc. fent from iviarvland PetiveA Some obfcrvations concerning fome wonderful Tr anf. VII 5^31 Vlli cc6o X ^56 — 3^0 XI 724 XII 977 XIV 766 XVii 66u. XV 111 150 Abridi^. 1169^ — 696- — 749 III :>B^ 11 407" — 5". — 155 — 672 III 685 — 191 11 750 XLX 239 II 752. — 412 I 748 -677 n 75^ XX 313 II 725 — 393 — 253 con. P L A rontrr^anccs of nature, in a family of planis in Ja 'K.ica, to pcrte£l the in lividuum, 'iid propa ite the fp.cies with ftrv ral inficuicc aualo'ous to them in European V' (letables O AD Plants. An account of part of a colleftlon of ouriou plants and dru^'. iatc-ly given 'o the Royal Societv by t'.e H aft India Compiin' ■/oafh' F'Im hook, of E. inJ;ap}'ants, vvi'htlieir mmcs vi rues and c'efcrip,ions, by S. Bro^n, wih f'vne eravik^, "dy '?'• P^'i'V'' S c nd book, \v 1 1'^, remark s, by T Pctiver 1 hirJ bo ., wiin rem ,rks, by J. Pttivei Fou'th liook, wth remarks, by % Petiver Fifth book, vvi;n remarks, !w Y- Pef've" Sixth book, vvlt'n rem rkv by J P t've' Seven hbcok, w'tti remarks, by "J. Petiver 1 he ei^ht'^ book, with remarks, b-. / >^etivtr An account of fonie fiun s nd plants late.y found in ^"^cot'and - Si'.hal An a'Xount oi i' me pla ts coliedl.d at Chufan, m ^-hina, by James "' unniouham F'-iiver N':\v /^-ll S5 4^)|- Li I ,2,LIV 137, LV 91, LVI 250, L\ 47o,LVni227, LIX 384, LX54T, L.J .90, LXllI 30, LXIV 302 Plants ^ChymiAry.) A way ot extraau g volatih fak aiul fpirit out of vcgctah c^, - C'x A coatinnaiion of the alfcrticn, that alcaii- zate or fivcd fait, extncted out of the afhcs ol ve-^etablc, do not difilr from ea.h other Acontin.a-.ionofthe difiourfc on the iden- tity of all volatile fa.is and vinous fpirit^ with two experimpnts eoncernin^;^ v'get?.blr iVts perfcaiy rc:embling the lliap^ of^thc P'ants whence they had been obtained to^, „ Cfhrcrvation^ on the clafs of fweet taftes, made bv coT-.p rinsitht taftes of fwcet pants wii Mr. l/Eme y'-^ chymical analylv. ot them u his ireati e of drues - - , ^^^9'^' Plants. (Fcffil) A dcfcription of cevm-n ftone fi.'ured like pUnrs, ar.d by fome obfervir.- nT-n eftefmed to be plants pctrifxd L C, Extraft of a letter on giving magnetifm and polarity to brafs - - Arderon Pole. Letter concerning fome fuppofed alteration of the meridian line, which may affeft the decl.- nation of the magnetic needle and the pole's elevation - - Ifallh ". Obfervations on the elevation of the pole at Lifbon - - Carbone Obfervations on the meridian height of the fun, to invelHgatc the elevation of the pole at Lifbon - - Carbone — — A propofal to make the poles of a globe of the heavens move in a circle round the poles of the %n Tranf. ecliptic Lath — — A contrivance to make the poles of the diurnal motion in a coe eftial gldlje pafs round the poles of the ecliptic - Scne^ Pole Star. Letter concerninT- the drav/ins; the meridian hne by the pole ixar, and finding the hour by the fame - Gray PoLYGOKs. Theorems for making the rolut;oi\ of them as eal'y as that of triangles by conv^i on trigo- nometry - - Lexei • Theorems concerning polygons, infcribingorcir- cumfcribing the circle, having the grcateft or lead area, or greateft or lead perimeter Horjlty PoLYNOMiUM. A demonftiation of the binomial theorem of Sir Ifaac Newton Cajiil.isneui PoLYPODiUM. Obfervations on the feed veifels and feeds of polypodium - Leeuwenhoek Polypus (Difeafe) An account of a polypus found in Dd d 2 LV 236 LXVI 544 LXX 163 V 1099 XVIII 257 I- 774 XXI 285 XXXIV 92 — 95 XL 201 — 203 XXil 815 LXV281 — ZO\ XLII 91 XXIV 1868 Abridf II 524 — 60^ I 265 VIII 217 IV 462 VIII 10 V 2 267 the 394 POL the heart of a perfon who died epileptical Gould — — The original of a polypus - ^'^'^^ , Obrervation ahout tlie polypus of the lung-, with Dr. Liflcr's opinion of this oblervation Clarke - An account of a polypus taken out of the vena pulmonaris, and of the fxruaure of that veiTel C:vJpei Letter concerning a polypus fovand in a dog A'luj grave An account of a polypus coughed up by the wind-pipe - - iiomher . A letter giving an account of a polypus, re- fembling a branch of the pulmonary vein coughed up by an aflmatic perfon Nicholls A letter concerning polypi taken_ out of the hearts of feveral Yailors, juil arrived at Ply- mouth from the Weftlndies - Huxharf^ Polypus. (Animal) Extraaof a letter concerning a water infed, which, being cut into feveral pieces, becomes lb many perfecSt animals Gronovius Part of a letter from of Cambridge, occafxonc-d by what has been reported of the above infcft ^"''"' - Several papers relating to the frefli water poly- pus - - Bent id .Tremhley Reau?)iuy TJ.'efe pages come between page 280 and 299 Another account - - tolkei A further account of the polypus Duke of Richmond Obfervations upon feveral fpecies of fmall water infers of the pc'Iypus kind -_ Iremhley An account of fome remarkable infers of the polype kind, found in the waters near BrufTcls in Klandcrs - - Brad^ Some obfervations on a polype dried Baker Oblervation upon feveral newly difcovcrcd ipe- cics of frefli water polypes - Trembley , Extiaiit of a letter giving an account of coral, and that it is a mafs of animals of the polypi kind - - Tremble) , Obfcrvation on corallines, and the polypus. and other fca animals living on them Bajler Tranf. XIV 537 XIX 472 — 779 XXII 797 — 690 XXXIV 262 XXXVII 123 XLII 123 — 218 — 227 XLII ii — iii — xii — 422 — 510 XLIV 627 XLIX 248 — 616 XLIII 169 L 59 - 258 Abi idg. ill 70 -58 — 68 V 221 III 85 VII 503 — 504 1X135 IX 17 — 19 — 22 — 23 — 26 VIII 29 IX 35 - 36 Remarks POM POP Remarks on the above obfervations EUi — — See coral PoMERANiA. See Thunder Pompey's Pillar. New obfervations on what is called Pompey's Pillar, in Egypt Montagu Pond. Account of a pond in Somerletfhire to whicli pigeons refort, but cattle will not drink at it Beale Further account of the (pond) vitriolate water. With fome particulars touching waters Beal — -^>- An attempt t.> account for the rifing and falling of the water of fome ponds near the fea, or ebbing or flowing rivers, where the water is loweft in the pond, at the time of high )vatev in the fea or river, and the water is the highef] in the pond, at the time of low water in the fea or river ; as alfo for the increaflng or de- creafing of the water offuch poolsor brooks as are higheft in the dry feafons, and loweft in the rainy feafons; with an experiment to illuftrate the folution of the phaenomena DefagulUn Poplar. Obfervations on the black poplar Willoughby Population. An extraft of two eflays in political arithmetick, concerning the comparative mag- nitudes of London and Paris Pett^ A further allertion of the propofitions and vin dication from the objeilions of fome learned perfons of the French nation - Petty ^ An account of the number of people in the counties of Ardmagh, Lowth, and Meath, and the city of Dublin ; with an eftimate of the number of people in the kingdom of Ireland 1695-6 - - South ■■ An account of the Romifti clergy in Ireland according to the return made 1698 South " The number of people in the city of Briftol calculated from the burials for ten years fuc- ceilively, and alfo from the number of houfet Browning "■' ■ A letter concerning the number of .inhabltant^ within the London bills of mortality Brakenridgc — — Anfwer tofome queries refpe£lingthe population of Conftantinople - Pcite? — — A letter concerning the number of people iu England - - Brakenridge 6 Tranf. L 280 LVII ^38 I 323 — 359 39S Abridg. XXXIII 132 V 1201' XVI 152 XXII 520 — 521 XLVII12I7 — 788 XLIX 100 ~-26S II 332 VI 2 165 III 667 A 39^ POP l>OR — — — A letter concerning the prefcnt increafe of the people in Britain and Ireland Brahenrlige — — An extract of the regiller of the panfhof Great Shefford. in Berkfliire, for ten years j with obfervations on the fame - Forjier ■ Letter cx)icerning the number of people in Eng- land - - Forjler An anfwer to the account of the numbers and increafe of the peopU of England Brakenri !ge — — Of the increa(eand murtality of the inhabitants in the lland ot" Madeira Thomas Hebcruen Obfervations on the expeflations of lives, the increafe of mankind, the influence of gre.t towns on population, and particularly the ilate of London with refp'^dl to hcakhfulnefs ana number of inhabitants - Price Extrafl: of a letter concerning the increafe of population in Anglefey - Panton Obfervations on the ftate of population in Man cherter, and other adjacent phces Percival — — Obfervations on the llate ef population in Man- chefter, and other adjacent places concluded Percival . A fupplement to a paper, entitled, *' obferva tions on the population of Mancheller" Percival . Obfervations on the population and difeafes of Chefter, in the year 1774 - Hciygarih See Mortality Porcupine Quills. A letter giving fome account of the roots ufed by the Indians, in the neigh- bourhood of Hudlon's Bay, to dye porcupine quills - - Forjler PoRF.s. The defcription and ufe of the pores in the fkin of the hands and feet - Grew Microfcopical obfervations on the pores Lceuvjenhoek P0R13MS, Two general proportions of Pappus of Alexi^ndria, takijig in a great part of Kuclid's porifni.', r'flored by - - Simfen PoRPiiYRL. Diicdlions for enquiries concerning {tones, a;. d otht.r materials f.r the ufc of build- inc, together with a fujjiicflior; t.ir rerricvin" the ar- of hardening flcei for cutting porphyre and < rj\cr i ard marbles - O/'V^rn, ./;'/' . L(.ttcr concerning the poiphyry pillars in l^gypi R. JrJ. Tranf. XLIX 877 L 356 — 457 L465 LVII a6i L1X89 LXIII 180 LXIV 54 LXV 322 LXVI 160 LXVIII 131 LXII 54 XIV 566 XVII 949 XXXII 330 VIII 6010 XIV 624 Abridg. Ill 685 VI 76 III 528I PoRI'OlSE. "POR POW Porpoise. An account of the dlfTeftion of a porpclfe, with feme oblervations, omitted by Rondeletius Ray ^. . Of a venomous fcratch with the tooth of s porpoife, its fyniptoms and cure Lifter Portland, Isle of. An account of fhe damag which happened in the Ifle of Portlano. Feb, 3, 1695-6 - Southxucil PoRT-RoYAL. Obfervations on tlie eclipfe o[ the mcon, June 18, 1722, and the longitude of Port-Royal in Jamaica determined thereby Hall. Posture Master. Of the pofture mafler j^non. poT-AsH. An account of the preparation and ufes of the various kinds of pot-afhes Mitchell .. An account of a new and cheap method of preparing pot-afli, with obfervations Percival Pottery. An account of a Roman pottery near Leed-', in Yorkfhire - Thorejhy Pouhon-Water. An Experimental inquiry into the nature of the mineral elaftic fpirit or air, contained in Spa water, as well as into the mephitic qualities of this fpirit Brownri^g Continued - - Brownrigg Powder. A defcription of the ufes of a certain pow- der for yielding very clofe and fmooth metal, and of eafy carriage, he. for cafting of guns Ancn, ■ Part of a letter, giving an account of feveral magnetical experiments, and of one who pre- tended to cure or caufe difeafes at a dilhncc, by applying a fympathetic powder to the urine Leeuvjenhcek — The efFecls of Dampier's powder in curing the bite of a mad dog - FuiUr Another cafe drawn up Hartley znd Sandy • A report of the Committee appomted by the Royal Society to confider of a method for fe curing the powder magazines at Purflcet Committee of the Royal Soceiiy Mr. Wilfon's diffent to part of the preceding report - Committee of the Royal Society Anfwer of the Committee to the objedtions Power. Short aad cafy methods for finding the Tranf, VI 2274 XIX 726 — 660 XXXII 235 XX 262 397 Abridcr. I LXX 345 XIX 319 LV 218 LXIV 557 VIII 6040 XIX 512 XL 272 — 274 LXIII 42 -48 — 66 I II 839 — 824 III 649 VI 190 III 297 XLV 541 X 777 111418 11557 :iii 685 IX 224 quantity l^^ PRE VRI Tianf. AbvlJg. cuarthv and weight of water contained in a ?:U Ipe of any ^vcn ,^-ght and dKU.eter o bore • and confequently to f\nd what uegiee of power would be required to work acommo. Imp or any other hvdrauhc engine whn TlH ;meter If the pamp-bore and the he.g u to which the water is to berated therein, ^^^^^^ p,.ctc^Xo.HS. , W remarks on the^ious ^^^^ (lone called tr.etuiquoile j . Some observations upon gems or pre — "s ftones , n,ore p3r.icularly luch as ,1. ,„eie„„ "f=J » -S-'^JP^^f , ,e Jr /on!' ^^^"Va":n::b^r""ns cfthe precipices and cUffs r„r..e=„or.h-eaftcoaftcfNor,ol. ^^,^^^ ^^rss";r's:>:e%';er?r:;n,n„f otrvarlons en l^Kt.53^*^'^* " i n- ^r ..t- ix-att^r at great the force ot the p.eflure ol^t,.c water at g^^^^^ V.,rJ.ll% AblVraa of a letter concerning fome ^""Xvations made on the banfticle or pnckle- back and a'.fo on fifl. tn gei,e.al ^'■'''""l P , w, V PfaR The effefls of the opuntia o. ^^■^'■p ickly P--, and of the ,ndi,oplant .n c^our in<.thee;ces of living animals A^*" P„..;,sC ^hat Coftevus lirlf invented P-t,n,,.^^_^_ ^^^^ S'mfobrervations c'oncernlng the invention and Syo^n ri:inr,o\fcl printing b,Joh„ - ^:fo^d;«ltha„aeco,>„tofluscollea,ons /ratoTcfMr.LeBlon's principles of printing in imi.ation of paintings, and oil i:::v,n|oftapeftry.n.he_famenianne^^«W The" fcrlp.in'n of an antique nutal ftam;-, in ,hecoleaa>noftheDukeofK.ch.«nd, being one o the inC.ances how near the Romans had arrived to the att of priming; with fome te- arrivcu w^ Mortimer V. ..rtl account of rings, confifting of all the ^^^""prifn^atf^colours, made by elcarical cxp^oW on the furfacc of pieces of meial Pnejiley LV 61 502 •— 27s XVII 504 XLIV 424 L 296 — 1507 XXV 2397 l! XXXVII 101 VI 469 XL 388 LvmoB 1X407 Tranf. LXV5 LXVII 799 XXV 2305 XXXI 151 PRO P:b.ism. An account of two giants caufeways, or groups of prifmatic bafaltine columns, and other volcanic concretions in the Vcne i^n State in Italy ; with fome remarks on the charadiers of thofe and other fimilar bodies, and on the phvfical geography of the countries in which they are found - Strange — — Account of a new inftrument for meafurinf fmall angles called the prifmatic micrometer Majke/yae Problem. Sec Math matics Proboscis. Microfcopical obfervations on the pro- bofcis of fleas - - Leeuwinhoek Projectiles. A difcourfe concerning gravity and its properies, wherein the defcent of heavy bodies, and the motion of projefts. Is briefly, but fully handled ; together with the folution ofaprobleqi of great ufe in gunnery Halley -^ Some propofitions on the parabolic motion of projedtiles written in 17 10 - Taylor " The motion of projectiles near the earth's fur- face confidered, independent of the properties of ;heconic-feftions - Sirr.pjon Propagation. Lcttcrc-nceming the feeds of plants. With obfervations on the manner of the propa g<.tion of p'ants and animals Leeuwenhoek XVII 700 — — Some microfcopical obfervations and curious remarks on the vegetation and exceeding quick propagation of moldinefs on the fubftancc of a melon _ - - Bradley XI X 490 — — A letter concsrning the propagation of mifleto Barreiy^XXW 215 Proportion. An account of the feveral fpecics of infinite quantity, and of the proportions they btar one to theothir - Hal.ey — — An account of the proportion of the Englifh and French meafuics and vi'eights from the ftandard of the fame, kept at the Royal Society j^ncn. • Experiments and obfervations on the agreement between the fpecific gravities of the feveral me- tals, and their colours, when united toglafs, as well as thofe of their other preparations Delaval — — Obfervations for fettling the proportion which the dtcreafe of heat bears to the heigh: of litua- ^'on - Heberden E c e 399 Abridjr. XLV 137 XVII 556 XLII 185 LV 10 LV 126 V 2 267 I 472 VI 299 X 196 III 685 IV 2 308 VI 2 348 I 102 1X489 Pro- 400 PRO PUM Proportion'. The general mathematical laws which regulae and extend propo.tion univcrfally, as a n'jeihod of conipaiing magnitudes of any kind t>c;ether, raall the pebble degrees of increa!e and decrcafe - - Glev.ir Providence. An argument for Divine Providence, taken fr rr the conftant regularity obferved in the births of boih fcxcs - A buthn'jtt Prusa. An account of the «ty of Prufa, in Bythinia Ptarmigan. Obfervation? on the lagopus, or ptarmi- gan - - Barrivo^ton PuDEN'DA. A letter concerning the praeter-/ atura! ftru£lure of the pudenda in a woman Bict PuERPERA. An acc< unt of an hydrops ovarii, wirh a new and exait figure of the glandulx renalcs, and of the uterus in a pucpera Douglas PuLLiF.s. An account of two experiments of the fri61ion of puliies - Defaguliers • A dcfcription of a new tackle or combinaton of puilies - - Smeaton Pulmonary Vein. A letter, giving an account of a polypus refcmbling a branch of the pul monary vein, coughed up by an aftmatic per- fon - - N'lcholh Pulp. Inftances flievving the correfpondc'nce of the pith ani timber, with the feed of theplatit, as alfo of the bark, or fap in the bark, with the pulp of the fruit, or fome encompafling coat or cod containing the feed - Beal Pulse. Ca;cs of the remarkable efFefls of blifters in lefien'ng the quicknefs of the pulfe in coughs, attended with an infarction of the lungs and fever - - IVbytt Pumice stone. Mi.rofcopical o'ofervations on the pumice Hone - Leeznvenhock ■ ■— A letter r'hiting to a furprifmg llioal ol pumice floncs, found floating on the lea T)ov, Pump. A draught and defcriptionof a ufeful and cheap pump, contrived by iMr. Conyers, a tiial ol which was made at the repairing of the neu canal of Fleet River, in London, and elfcwherc Consen '■' ■ Short and cafy methods for finding the quantity Tranf. LXVII450 XXVII i85 XIV 431 LXIII 224 XXXIil 142 XXV 2317 XXX VII 394 XLVII 494 XXXVII 1 23 IV 919 L569 XXIV 2158 XXXV 446 XII 888 Abrldg. V 2 240 HI 473 VII 551 V 294 VI 322 VII 504 II 710 V 2 267 1 545 and PUN PUT and weight of water contained in a full pipe ; of any given height and dian:ieter of bore ; and ronrecjue:;t!y to find what degree of power would be re Quantity. An account of the federal fpecies of infinite quantity, and of the proportions they bear one to the other - Halley ■ ■ ' An cflay on quantity ; occafioned by reading a Tranf. XXV 2353 III 73: - 882 XIX 373 XX 373 XXI 411 XXIII 1346 XXIX 329 XXXIV 230 XXXVII ^5 XXV 2197 XLIII 465 XLV 309 LXII 370 XVII 556 Abrldg. IV 66 I 407 -56 I 27 IV 26 — 24 VI 60 — 82 XI 899 I 102 treatife. Q.UA Q.UI A^S treat'ife, in which fimple and compound ratios are applied to virtue and merit t;r found at the roots of plants Septaliu — — A relation concerning the quickfilver mines oi Fri di ; confirming, as well the account given on that fubjeft, vol. 1, p. 21, as enlarging the fame, with ("ome additions - Broibn •— — An attenipt to render the caufc of that odd phai nomenon of thequlckfiler remaining fufpended far abovf the ulual height in the Torricellian experiment - Hugen •■' Of the incalefcence of quickfilver with gold R,B, ■ ■ An account of fome new cxpcrim nts relatinc; to the aflion of glafs tubes upon water and quickfilver - - J win — A defcription of an engine to raife water by help of quickfilver. invented by Hilkins, and ini proved by Defagul'ier Experiments on quickfilver Boerhaave Experiments on quickfilver Bcerhaave More experiments - - Boerhaave ■ — l''art of a letter concerning the light caufed by quickfilver fhaken in a glafs tube, proceedini; from electricity - tremble) • An account of the fucccfs of fome attempts to frerze quickfilver, at Albany Fort, ia Hud- fon's-Bay, in the year 1775, with obfervations on the dipping-needle - Hutchlm Quills. A letter giving fome account of the rout ufed by the Indians, m the neighbourhood of Hudfoii's Bay, to dye porcupine quills Forjie) QyiNARius. Explication of a mofl remarkable mo- Tranf. XLVS05 V 1044 XXVIII 278 LV1I180 XLIX 222 II 493 IV loiio VII 5027 X315 XXX 1083 Abridg, A 22 II 339 XXXII 5 XXXVliI 145 XXXIX 343 - 368 XLIV 53 LXVI 174 — 425 ~ 579 ~ 23 — 5^'o IV 428 VI zs- VIII 709 — 717 — 72s X 321 LXII ,H nogratn 4^ QJJl tiAl nogram on the reverfe of a very antient qui narius, Hrever before publiflied or explained Swintcn Qi'iKSY. An account of a ftone bred at the root of the tpngue, and cauiing a quinly Bonavert R. Rabbit. Invef^Igation of the fpccific characflers which diftingufh the rabbit from the hare Barringt&fi Rain. A particular account of the origin of fouti- tains, and to fhew that the rain and Inow waters arc fufficient to malcc fountains and rivers run perpetually - jlnon . Obfcrvatlons concerning fome little animals ob- ferved in rain, well, fea, and fnow water, where pepper has lain infufed - Leeuvuenhoek With the manner of obfervins; them Leeutvennoek m Obfervations on rain water Leeuivenhoek .. An attempt to folve the phenomenon of the rife of vapoure, formation of clouds, and de(cent of rain - - Defagulier^ — — The fill of, in various places. See Meteorological Obfervai'tons RainB'Ws. An account of two rainbows, unufually pofited, lately feen in France Journal des Scavans ■ Some optical aflertions concerning the rainbow from Leige - - Linui - All account ofthe appearance of a'l extraordinary iris leen at Chefter, Aug. 6, 1697 Halle) m A geometrical dilTertatlcm en the rainbow, flicw- inc the means of o'htrfinint); the diameter of each l/ow, the ratio of refradtion bemg given, with the lolutton of the reverie problem, or that of findirg ti.c raiio of the rcfratSlion, thcdiameter of the boA' being given - Halley ■ A letter g v'ng an account of a lunar rainbow ken in Dcrbyfhire, 1 7 10- ii Thorejhy Tranf. LXIV 318 XX 440 LXII X447 Abrldg, III 156 XII 821 — 844 XXIll 1152 XXXVI 6 I 219 X386 XX 193 II 329 III 683 XXII 714 XXVII 320 VI 2 61 II 188 — 194 — 188 — 19s IV 2 131 An RAM RAT 407 Tranf. XXX[ — 229 XXXII 241 — 245 XLVI 193 XLVIl 248 L 293 XXVII 316 "Rainbow. An account of two mock funs, and an arc of a rainbow inverted with an halo, and its brighteft arc, feen on Sunday and Monday, 0.5. 22, and 23, 1 72 1, at Lyndon, in Rut- land - - Whijion — — An account of a rainbow feen on the ground Langwith ■ Extracf^s of feveral letters concerning the appear- ance of feveral arches of colours contiguous to the inner edge of the common rainbow at Pet- worth - - Langwith Another letter with fome other reflections on the fame fubjeft - P ember ton — — A dcfcriptiv n of an extraordinary rainbow ob ferved July i^, 1748 - Daval An account of an inverted iris, obferved on the grals in September, and another in Odlobei 1 75 1 - - IVehb Obfervatlons on an evening, or rather noctur- nal folar iris, June 5, 1757 - Edwards Ram, Part of a letter containing fome microfcopi- cal obfervatlons upon the animalcula in femine of young rams - Leeuwenhoek Rana PisCATRix. See Frog-F'tjh Rarefaction. An account of an experiment of fhooting by the rarefaction of the air Papin Rareties, Account of the chamber of rareties at Bohn - - Ellis Rat, Examination of the tefticles of a rat Leeuwenhoek - Obfervatlons in the diiTedfion of a rat R. IV. Rathbone-Place Water. Experiments on Rath- bone-Place waters - - Cavendi/h Ratio. Aneilay on quantity, occafioned by reading a treatife, in which fimple and compound ra tic's are applied to virtue and merit Reid Rattle Snakes. The way of killing rattle fnakec- Taylor A note touching this relation Jnon^ The anatomv cf a latle-fnake diiTcded at the repofitory of the Royal Society Tyfon r— •<— An account of the rattk-fnake DudUy Some obferv-ations upon vipers on cccaiion of thi: above relation - Sprcnge:/] — 296 i Fff 212 XVI 21 I 496 ^XIII 1416 V 2 134 XVII 593 III 685 - 594 LVII92 XLV 505 I 43 -76 XITT 05 XXXII 292 Abridg. VI 2 76 — -80 VI 122 — 123 X 4S1 V 2 26' X 22 JI 373 — 811 — 797 VII 4-0 — 409 I RAttle. 4o3 RAY REC Kat tle-Sn ake. An account of fome experiments on the effects of tlie poifon of the rattle-fnake Hall The anatomy of the poifonous apparatus of a rattle fnake, with an account of the quick effects of its poifon - Rar.by Conjedures on the cfearir.ing or fafcinst- ing power attributed to the rattle-fnake, grounded on credible accounts, exptriments, and obfervations - Sicani A letter concerning a clufter of fmail teeth obferved at the root of each fang, or great tooth, in the head of a rattle-fnake, up- on diirciSling it - BartTam A letter containing an account of what lie felt after being bit by a rattle-fnake Breintal An account of the fuccefsful application of fait to wounds made by the bite of rattle- fnakes - - GaL Ray, John. A letter to Mr. Ray concerning fome particulars that might be added to the ornitho logy - - Lijier .. A letter civinG: an account of what manu- fcripts were left by Mr. John Ray Dal Rays. (Natural Philofophy) A method by which a glafs of a fmall piano- convex-fphere may be mnde to refra6l the rays of light to a focus of a far greater diftance than is ulual Hook — — A new way of orthograpliically delineating, b\ parallel rays, the poitures and adlions of an human body, exa£Uy obferving the fymmetry and proportion of the parts Samt Clare . — The efie6{s of the different refradlions of the rays in tclefcopical glafies - Jnm Hopes of perk (Sting telefcopes by rcfiecStions, rather than refractions - Newtoh Razors. letter on the edge of razors Leeuwenboek '. Obfervations upon the edge of razors Lceuwenhoel Second letter on the fame LeeuiveJihoek Rlceiver. Fliaincmena afforded by flieil filhes in an cxhaulled receiver - Beyle A letter concerning a new contrivance of apply- ing receivers to retorts in diftillation LnngriJ}:) Rectum. An account of what was obferved upon opening the corpfe of a perfon who hid taken leveral ounces of crude mercury internally ; Tranf. XXXV 309 — 377 XXXVIII 321 XL! 358 XLIV 147 LV 244 XV 1 159 XXV 2282 I 202 VIII 6079 — 60S6 — 60Q1 XXII 899 XXVI 493 V 2023 XLIII 254 Abrldg. VII 412 — 416 1X55 — 60 — 856 II 849 -853 V 184 I 193 — 599 - 156 -158 V 2 266 267 I 304 XI 1225 and REC REF and of a p'um flone lodged in the coats of the reflum - - Madden Reculver. Obfervations on the folTils of Reculver Cliffe, with a note by the publifher, H. Sloane G> a\ Red Colour. Two letters giving an account of s red colour produced by mixture of a fulpliure- ous fpirit with a volatile alcali - Gibbom A further account of the bones of animals being made red by aliment only - Be'chier Obfervations and experiments with madde root, which has the faculty of tinging the bones of living animals of a red colour Du Monceau Red Sea. A letter accompanying a new chart of the Red Sea, with two draughts of the roads of Mocha and Judda, and feveral obfervations made during a voyage on that fea Neiv'iana Redi. Kxtra£t of a letter concerning Signor Redi's manufcripts - - Anon, Reeks, Nicholas. Cafe of Nicholas Reeks, who was born with his feet turned inwards, which came to rights after being fome time ufed lo fet crofs legged Milne Refining. Experiments of refining gold with an timony - - Godiara ■ The art of refining - Alcrrit Reflecting Telescopes. S>qq Tekfcopes Refraction. A method by which a glafs of a fmall plano-convex fphere, may be made to refraft the rays of light to a focus of a far greater diftance than is ufual - Hook • The effefls of the diff^erent refradions of the rays in telefcopical glafles - Anon. Hopes of perfecting telefcopes by reflexions rather than refra ft ions - Newton • Extraft of two letters concerning an inl^rument to fliew the moon's true p'ace to a minute or two ; alfo the writer's defign of correcting the hitherto afligned motions of the fun ; the other touching the necelhty of making new folar numbers, tooether with an expedient of making trial whether the refraction in Signor Cafiini^ table be juft - FlamJUad ■ An experiment of the refraCtion of air made at the command of the Rcya! Society Lovjthorp Ff f 2 409 Tranf. | Abridg, XXXIX 291 XXII 762 XIX 542 XXXIX 259 XLI 390 LXII 77 XXI 42 XLVI 239 xn 953 — 1046 I 202 VIII 6086 — 6091 1X219 I XXI 339 IX 152 IV 461 III 367 u 105 lOQ ir 789 XI 1113 II 595 — 597 — 598 — 591 ^ 193 — 156 - 158 — 16: 1 228 Refraction. 4^0 REF RES I Tranf. Refh ACTION. A geometrical diflertation on the rain- btivv, (hewing the means of obtaining the dia- meter of each bow, the ratio of refraftion being given, with the lolution of the reverfe problem Halh . A delcription of the apparatus for making ex- ])eriments on the refraiSlions of fluids, with a table of ihe fpecil'ic gravities, angles of ohfcr- vjtionSj and ratio ofrefradtior.s of Icveral fluids Haui/I'cr Some allowances to be made in ?flronomical obfervations, for the refraftiun of the air, with an accurate table of refractions HalUy > An account of the double lefratStions in cryflais Beccarui " Concife rules for computing the effefls of refrac- tion and parallax in varying the apparent dif- tancc of the moon from the fun or a liar ; alio an ea^'y rule of approximation for computing the diftance of the moon from a Bar, the Ion gitude and latitude of both b.ing given, with dcmonflrations of the fame - Majkelyn, Sec Jir, Cry/ialy TeUfccpes Refractions of Fluids. See Fluids Regimen'. Part of a letter on the antifcptical regi- men of the natives of Ruilia - Guthrie Reins. An obfcrvation of the immoderate and fa tal ufc of crab-ftones, and fuch like absorbent earths, from whence have proceeded flones in the llomach and reins - Btrynius Remedies* Of the difeafes incident to, and reme dies of. Northern countries - Lioyd Rlptiles. Divers means for preferving from cor- ruption dead birds, intended to be fent to re- mote countries, fo that they may arnve there in good cojidiiion ; Ibme of the fame means may be employed for preferving quadrupeds, repriles, fi{hes, and ii fccts Rcaumw RcPULiivE. Some chftrical experiments, ciefly regarding ilie repulfive force of eleftrical bodies - - - JVhale Resin. An account cf the quantity of refm in the cortex eleutheriae - Brown Resistance. Experiments relating to the refinance f.f fluids - - Dejaguliers — — Experiments to determine the law of the reflfl- ance oi bodies on the furfacc of the water Hcc XXII 714 XXVII 204 XXXI 169 LIT 486 Abrldg. "195 IV 2- 1 82 VI 167 LIV 2&3 LXVIII 622 XLI 557 XXI 310^311 XLV 309 XLI 98 XXXII 81 XXXI 142 IX 171 III 606 XLIX I Respiration. VIII 40b VII 7:58 VI 299 RES RHE 411 JIespiration. New pneuraatical experiments about Bcyu Experiments concerning refpiraticn upon ver\ hioh mountains - Boyl- — — — Account of an unfticcefsful attempt to prevent the neceffity of refpiraticn by the produ6lion or orowth of animals in our vacuum BoyL Of the power of alTuefadion to enable animals to hold out in air, by rarefaction made unfit for refpir^tion - - Boyie • ■ Experiments (hewing that air unfit for it may retain its wonted prefTure - Boyh : An experiment of a furprilTng change of colour, from a pale tranfparent or clear liquor, to a very blue ceruleous one, and that in an inflint, by the admiffion of air only, applied to illuf- trate fome changes of colour, and other effects on the blood of refpiring animals Slarc A difcourfe concerning fome inftuence of refpi- ration en the motion of the heart, hitherto unobferved - - Drake — — Experiments on the perforation of the thorax, and its^effeCts on refpiraticn HouJIon •— — Some experiments relating to refpiraticn Hallcr Obfervations on refpirations, and the ufe of the blood - - Frieftley • See Lung^ Rest. An experimental examination of the quantity and proportion of mechanic power, neceflary to be emploved in giving different degrees of velocity to heavy bodies from a ftate of reft Smcaton Retorts. A letter concerning a new contrivance of applying receivers to retorts in diftillation Langrijh Reversion's. Obfervations on the proper methods of calculating the values of reverfions dependent on furvivorfhips - - Price Rey. An account of a ftrange fort of rey growing fometimes in certain parts of France Journal des Scavam Rheum Palmatum. See Rhubarb Rheumatism. An account of the probable caufes of the pain in rheumatifms ; as alfo of the cure of a total fupprefiion of urine, not caufed O) the fione, by the ufe of acids Baynaru 5 Tranf. V 201 1 — 203S — 204.0 204 4 J) — 2046 xvir 898 XXIII 121 7 ,'XXXIX 230 XLVI 325 LXVI 226 — 450 XLIII 254 LX 268 XI 758 Abrldg, II 215 ^ 253 IX 138 XI 965 — 1225 XIX 19 n 625 III 265 Rhinoceros, 411 RHU RI V Rhin'oceros. a letter containing the natural hil^ory of the rhinoceros - Pa- Jon A letter on the double horns of the rhinocero: Par/on Rhinoceros Bezoar. A letter concPrning the pietra di inombazza, or the rhinoceros bezoar Sloane Rhubarb. An account of the rheum palmatum. or rhubarb plant, raifed at Edinburgh Hop RiCHMAN. Anfvver to Dr. Lining's query relating to the death of ProfelTor Richman //'. iVat^oy. An account of the death of Mr. George Wil- liam Richman, occalioned, by an eleilrical ftroke col ec^ed from thunder, tranilated from the Dutch - - Anon Riding. An account of the death of Dr. Greene by a hurt in riding out - Cameron RiGHT-i\scEN'sioN. Defcription of a method of meafuring differences of right-afcenfion and declination, with Do'lond's micrometer, toge ther with other new applications of the lame A'I'tJhelyn Right Lines. Proportions fele6led from a paper on the divifion of right lines and folids Glenie Rings. An account of rings confiding of all the prlfmatic colours made by electrical expiofions on the furface of pit ces of metal Prie/lUy R I SINGH AM. Vide Injcription Rivers. (In general) A particular account of thtr origin of fountains, and to ihew that the rain and fnov^' waters are fufficicnt to make foun^ tains ruii p'-rptually - - Anon — — An attempt to account for the riling and falling of the water of fome ponds near the fea, o ebbing or flowing rivers ; where the wa er i lowefl in the pond, at the time of high water in the fea or river ; and the watrr is the higheft in the pond, at the time of low wa er in tht fea or river; as alfo for the increafing or dc- creafing of the water of fuch pools or brooks as are highell in the dry fealons, and lovveft in the rainy fcafons ; with an experiment to illuf- trate the folution of the phaenomena Defagulieri, An account of the ufe of furze in fencing the banks of rivers - - iVark " Treatife on rivers and canals Mann 7 Tranf. XLII 523 LVI 32 XLVI 118 LV 290 XLvm 755 XLIX6I XLIV 609 LXI 536 LXVI 73 LVIII 68 X 447 Abridg. 1X93 XI 910 XI 1112 XXXIII II LII I \ LXIX 555 I II 329 VI 2 165 River; RIV ROM 413 Rivers (Particular) Relation of the effefls of a vio- lent fiorm at Acomack in America, Oift. 19. 1693, on the ri'Crs of that country Scarburgh — — A relation of the bad condition of the mountain> about the 'rungaroule and Batavian rivers, havintjr their fource from thence, occaiioncd by the earthquake between the 4th and 5th ot Jan. 1699, drawn up from the account given by Tommagan Porbo-Nata (who had been there) - - jinon. — — Part of a letter concerning the flocking the river Mene with oyfters - Rowland An account of the river Niagara, taken at Alba- ny, OfX. 10, 1 721 - Ba^aJJar ■ Account of the rife of fome of the moft conlider- able rivers of Europe - Scheuchzer An account of the finking of a river near Ponty- pool,. in iVIonmouthftiire, Jan. 1, 1756 Matthews RizzETTi. Experiment made in Auguft, 1728. before the Royal Society, upon occalion of Signor Rizzetti's opticks, with an account of that book - - Defagulien Rochester. Vide hifcriptlon Rocks. A way to break ealily and fpeedily the hardeH rocks - - Du Son «— — Advertifement from Scotland, concerning the furface of the earth, flones^ rocks, &:c. Beal] — — A lettter concerning a new method of cleaving rocks - - Beaumont Extraft of a letter from Calcutta concerning; bu-ning rock, and a burning well Rock Crystal. An ob'ervation of optick glaffes made of rock-cryftal - - y^no^. Rock Plant. Two letters concerning rock- plants, and their growth - Beaumoni A iurtlier account of fome rock-planti growing in the lead mines of Mendip Hills Beaumont Rockets. Obfr^rvations on. the heights to which rockets afcend - - Robim — — Some experiments in order to difcover the height to which rockets may be made to afcend, and to what diftance their light may be feen Eliicoti Roman, Jane* An iroprovemem on tjie practice IPocd Tranf. XIX 659 XXII 595 XXXI 250 XXXII 69 XXXV 577 XLIX 547 XXXV 607 I 82 X337 XV 854 LII 415 I 362 XI 724 XIII 276 XLVI 131 -578 Ab ridg. III 667 II 419 VII 420 VI : 2 ^73 VI 2 174 VI no II 367 368 Ii 95 — 5^9 II 503 X 201 — 202 of 4H ROM ROO of tapping, whereby that operation, inftead of a relief for fymptoms, becomes an abfolute cure for an afcites, exemplified in the cafe of Jane Roman - - IVarwuk A methoJ of conveying liquors into the abdo- men during the operation of tapping Halei RoMANSH Language. An account of the Romanfh language - - Flanta Rome. Account of a way of reftoring the falubrity of the country about Rome - Donius Mifcellaneous obfervations m.ade about Rome, Naples, and Ibme other countries, in 1683 and 1684 - - Robinfon Account of an extraordinary heat obferved at Rome in the lummer, 176S - Byrei Rome. See Altar ^ Antiquities^ Camp^ Chyrograph^ Coins, CAonies^ Delgovitia, Eagle, Hypocaujium, Infcriptions, Legions, Mcafure;, Money ^ Pave- ment, Pottery, Printing, Shield, Sweating-room, TeJJera, TcvJn, Urns RoNDELETius. An account of the dilfeftion of a porpoife, with fome obfervations omitted by Rondclctius - Ray Rooms. A propofal for warming rooms by the fteam of boiling water, conveyed in pipes along the walls - - Cook Experiments and obfervations in an heated-room Elr.gden Dcbf-.n Blagdcn Roots (Mathematics.) Of the number of roots in fcveral equations, their power and u^'e Hal ley A new and accurate method of finding the roo s of equations of every kind without previous reduftion - - Halky —— A method of raifina an infinite multinomial to any given power, or cxtraamg any given root of the fame - De Moivre A mahod of extra£\ing the root of an infinite equation - - •^•' ^'^oivre An attempt towards the improvement of the method of approximating, in the extenfion of the roots of crjuatior.s in num.bcrs Taylor — — A letter concerning equations with impofiihle: ioois - - il/<:;^" La:oin\ Tranf. / Abrldg. XLIII 12 — 20 LXVI 129 V 2017 XXIX 473 LVIir 337 VI 2274 XLIir37o LXV III — 4''3 - 484 XVI 387 XVIII 136 - 81 XIX 619 -■- 90 XX 190 ■- 95 XXX 610 IV 80 XXXIV IC4 VI 19 XI i07,o V 2 142 II 839 XI 1 39 1 I 68 A ROO RUP J 4IS Roots. A method of determining the number impoflible roots in affeded equations Campbell — — Directions for making a machine for finding the roots of equations univerfally, with the man ner of ufing it - Rowning • See Equations Roots of Plants. Obfervations concerning quick- filver found at the roots of plants Septalius ' Two obfervations, the one concerning the effefts of a poifonous root, the other concerning the virtues of the leaves of hemlock Ray ■ ■ ■ Obfervations on the roots of vegetables Leeuwenhoek — — A letter giving fome account of the roots ufed by the Indians, in the neighbourhood of Hud- fon's Bay, to dye porcupine quills Forjler Rosa Mallas. The manner of making ftyrax li- quids, alias rofamallas - - Petivfr RosETUM. An anfwer to Mr. Hobbes's rofetum 2;eo- mctricum _ _ _ IVallis RosiN. The way of making pitch, tar, rofin, and turpentine near Marfeilles - Be}U Rotation. A new theory of the rotatory motion of bodies affected by forces difturbing fuch motion Landen RoTHERTON. Vide Salt RouEN. See Fever Round Worm. Lumbrlcus teres, or fome anato- mical obfervations on the round worm bred in human bodies - l^yfon RoY. See Barometer Rubies. Some obfervations on rubies made in Ccilan Strachan RuDSTONE. See Antiquities Ruminating Man. An account of a ruminating man, lately living at Bnftol - Slare RuMSEY. See Figures, hfcription Runic Character. An explanation of the Runic charafters of Helfingland - Celfius Rupture. Account of an unufual rupture of the mefentery - - Swammerdam - An account of what appeared moft remarkable on opening the body of Anne Edwards, who died Jan. 5, 1729-30, having a large umbili cal rupture - - Ranl> Tranf. XXXV 5^5 LX 240 II 493 XIX 364 — 790 Lxir 54 XXVI 44 VI 2202 XX 291 LXVII 266 XIII ^54 Abridg. VI 9 II 425 III 685 V417 I 247 m 130 XXIII 1248! V 2 18: XVII 525 XL 7 X 273 G III no III 438 I lo XXXVil22I VII516 Rupture 4i6 RUS S A I Tranf. XXXIX 329 XL 61 — - 361 XLIII 50 XLVII 341 XX 295 RuPTURF, Of an inguinal rupture, with a pin in the appendix coeci, incrufted with ftone Amyand • • An account of a rupture in the ileuin, occafioncd by a brulfe without any wound IVclJius Of a bubonocele, or rupture in the groin, and the operation made upon it Jrnyand . Account of a rupture of the navel Tanbe » . ■ Letter concerning the dlfleclion of a rupture Le Cat See Hern' a RusMA. Concerning Rufma and Alcanna PhiL Soc. Oxford Russia. Propofals for the improvement of the hif- tory of Ruffia, by publiflVing from time tc time, fcparate pieces, to ferve for a colleflion of all forts of memoirs relating to the tranf- XXXVIII adlions and ftate of that nation Midler 136 . . Letter concerning the RufTia cailor Mounfey XLVI217 ■— Part of a letter on the antifeptic regimen ol the natives of Ruffia - Guthrie LXVIII 622 Rye. An odd efFe£l of thunder and lightning upon wheal and rye in the granaries at Dantzick Kirkb) — — An account of the difeafe, called ergot in French, from its fuppofed caufe, viz. vitiated ry» . - - Tijot s. Saccus. An uncommon dropfy from the want of a kidney ; and a large faccus that contained the water - - ^^^/^ Saffron. An account of the culture or planting and ordering of faffron - Howard — — A botanical defer iption of the flower and fccd- veffels of the plant, called crocus autumnalis fativus, that produces the true Englifli faffron, with a figure - - Douglafs — . — An account of the culture and management of faffrc n in England - Douglafi Saint Alban's. See Bones Saint Edmukd's Bury. Some acconntofa body 4 VIII 6092 LV 106 XLIV 337 XII 945 XXXII 441 XXXV 566 Abridg. IV 24 IX 160 -i6r XI 1027 ' II 458 IX 399 XI 925 II 174 XI 1027 II 635 VI 2 309 lately SAL lately found In unctjiTHiion prefervation, unde the ruins of the abbey, at St. Edmund's Bury Suffolk, with fome refleclions upon the fubjcc\ Colhgnon Salamanders. A letter re£lifying the miftake of falamanders living in fire Ste-n Salep* a letter containing a new manner of pre paring fa'ep - - Moitli Saliva. Obfervations on the falival dudl Bartholin'; ' An account of the external maxillar, and --thci falivary glands ; alfo of the infertions of all the lyinphaticks (as well above as below the fubclavians) into the veins ; which glands and infertions have not hitherto been mentioned or not truly defcribed by any author Halt — — Obfervations on uncommon coloured faliva Huxham Sal Ammoniac Method of making fal amm< niac in Egypt - - HoJplquiJ: Salt. The whole procefs ufed in France for making fea-ftlt by the fun - Anon. — — Some enquiries and fuggeftions concerning fait for domeftic ufes ; and concerning (beep, to preferve them, and to improve the race of fheep for hardnefs, and for the fineft drapery Beai ->— — A continuation of the difcourfe concernino vitriol, fhewing, that vitriol is ufually pio- duced by fulphur, ailing on, and coagulatiug with a metal ; and then making out, that allum is likewile the refult of the faid fulphur ; as alfo evincing that vitriol, fulphur, and al- lum, do agree in the faline principles; and, laftly, declaring the nature of the falc in brimflone, and whence it is derived Jnon, ■ Microfcopical obfervations of the figure of fugar and fait, and the probable caufe of the differ- ence of their tafte - Leeuwenhocl - >■■ An extract of a letter concerning the falts of wine and vinegar - - Leeuivenhoek ■ An abftradl of a letter concerning the various figures of the falts contained in feveral fub- ftances - - Leeuwiuhoel. Tranf. LXII 465 I 377 LIX I XIV 749 417 Abridg. II 816 III 58 XXXI 5 XXXIII 63 LI 504 IV 1025 1X48 — 65 X3S0 XV 963 VII 459 -583 II 363 II 364 1073 — 544 I III 683 - 685 Salt. 4i8 SAL Tranf. XVII 949 XX IV 1 906 XXV 2416 VI 3060 VIII 5185 1X4 Salt. Microfcoptc obfervations on the figures of feveral fait particles. Sec, Leeuwenhoek Letter concerninii the fisures of the falts of cryftal - - Leeuwenhoek An extradl of a letter containing microfcopical obfervations on the falts of pearls, oyfter-fiiells, &c. - - Leeuwenhoek Salts (Chemiftry.) An account of an odd fait ex- extradted out of a metallic fubftance Lana — — The principles and caufes of the volatilization of fait of tartar, and other fixed falts Von der Bccke '• A way of extrafting a volatile fait and fpirit out of vegetables ; intimated in vol. viii. p. 7002 Coxe - ■ ' Adifcourfe, denying the prae-exillence of alca lizate or fixed falts in any fubjeft, before it were expofed to the afiion of the fire ; to which is added, a confirmation of an affertion, tion, delivered in vol. ix. p. 4, 5, and 6, viz. that alcalizate or fixed falts, extr.'.fted out of the afhes of vegetables, do not differ from each ] other; the fame being affirmed of volatil falts and vinous fpirits - Coxe A continuation of a dlfcourfe, begun in vol. ix. p. 150, touching the identity of all volatile falts, and vinous fpirits ; together with two furprifing experiments concerning vege- table falts, perfe6\ly refembling the fhape of the plants, whence they had been obtained Coxe — 169 ■ Remarks concerning faditious falts F.ReJi XX 281 — — The exaft quantity of acid falts contained in acid fpirits - - Geoffrey XXII 530 Part of a letter concerning the vitrified falts cf calcined hay - Leeuxvtnhoek XXIV 1856 Kx\ account of a large quantity of alcalious fait produced by burning rotten wood Rohle XXXI 121 Obfervations and experiments on the fal ca- tharticum amarum, commonly called the Eplbm fait - - - Brown. XXXII 348 Further obfervations - Brown — 372 Extradt of a letter concerning Mr. Scignettc's IX 50 Abridg. Ill 685 V 2 267 III 325 — 320 — ' 326 — 32! — 333 — 339 V 2 267 VII 727 VII 732 fal SAL fal polychreftus Rupellenfis, and fome other chemical falts - - Geojffroy Salt (Chemiftry.) Experiments on applying the Rev. Dr. Hale's method of diftilling fait wate-- to the fleam engine - - Fitzgerald m ..■ . An account of fome neutral falts made with vegetable acids, and with the fait of am- ber ; which (hews that vegetable acids differ from one another ; and that the fait of amber is an acid of a particular kind, and not the fame with that of fea fait, or of vi triol, as alledged by many chemical authors Aion. Difcovtry of" a rock of natural, at Rothercon in Chelliiie - - MartindaU An account of the fait v/aters of Droytwich in Worccfterfliire - Rajiell Obfervations on the fand found in the biine of the fait works in Staftordfhire Plott Obfervations of the JViidland falt-fprings of Worcefterlliirc, Stafford Hiire, and Cheihire, of the crude fait which grows from the ftone powder dejcdcd by the faid brines in boiling ; of the fpecific difference between fea fait and common fait - _ - Lijler An account of a fait fpring on the banks of the river Wcare, or Ware, in rtie Billioprick of Durham - - Todd An account of the imperial fait works of Soowar in Upper Hungary - Bruckman Part of a letter concerning the fait mines near Cracau, and various other notices Monnfey Some account of a fait found on the pic of Tc- neriffe - - Heherdtn An account of a pure native cryftallizcd natron, or fofhl alkaline fait, which is found in the country of Tripoli in Barbary Monro ADORA. The cftablifliment of a new genus of plants, called falvadora, with its dcfcription Garcin Tranf. I 127 IV 1060 — 1077 — 1128 — "35 V 1099 — 2015 XII 1059 XIII 96 Abrldg. 11 305 — 352 — 351 II 728 — 523 — 365 — 360 XIV 489 — 726 XXXVI 26c XLVI2I7 LVS7 LXI 567 XLVI 47 — 361 — 351 VI 2 233 XI 925 X 699 Salu- SAM SAP Salubrity. Account of the air extrafted from dif- ferent kinds of waters, with thoughts on the faiubrity of the air at different places Fontana ■ On the degree of faiubrity of the common ^irs at fea, compared v/ith that of the fea- fhore, and that of places far removed from the fea - - Ingenhouze Samnite. Some obfervatlons upon a Samniie Etruf can coin, never before fully explained Svuinton -—— An attempt to elucidate two Samnite coins, never before fully explained Sivinton Sand. A curious and cxa6i: relation of a fand flood, which has lately overwhelmed a great trait of land in the county of Suffolk, together with an account of the check, in part, given to it IVright ■" ' An ingenious propofal for a new fet of maps oN countries, together with tables of fands and clays, fuch chiefly as are found in the north part of England - Lijier " • Some experiments on a black fhining fand brought from Virginia, fuppofed to contain iron - - Moulin ^— Part of a letter concerning the figures of fand Leeuwenhoek ' ' • Part of a letter concerning the manuring of land in Devonfhire by fea fand Bury " ■■ An abftradl of a letter concerning experiments made on the Indian magnetick fand Mufchenhroeh • Obfervations on fand iron Ellicoi Santerini, ^ An account of a new illand raifed near Santerini, in the Archipelago Sherard ' A relation of a new ifland thrown up near the Ifland of Santerini - Bourgnlrrnon A relation of a new ifland, which was raifed up from the boitom of the fea, on the 23d of May 1707, in the bay of Santerini, in the Archipelago - . Qoree An experiment on Aloe Americana ferrati-folia weighed, feeming to impart a circulation of the fap in plants - Mcrrel Experiments concerning the motion of the fap in trees . JViiloughhy andlVray Tranf. LXIX 432 LXX 354 Sap. LI 853 LIX 432 III 722 XIV 739 XVII 624 XXIV 1537 XXVI 142 XXXVIII 297 LIII 48 XXVI 67 — 200 XXVII 353 "455 IV 963 421 Abrids:. "455 — 450 V 2 266 IV 2 301 VIII m V 2 196 — - 197 II 645 — 682 Sap, 422 SAP SAT Sap. Obfcrvations, dirc^llons, and inquiries concern- in'^ the motion of fap in trees in purfuance of what was begun there in 1668, and the fpring after - Tonge and lyUlougbby . Some obfervations concerning the variety of the running of fap, compared with a weather glafs in April, 1670 - Tonge . Particulars about retarding the afcent of fap, with other queries relating to that fubjeft Tonge Farther enquiries concerning the running of fap in trees, the keeping of fuch fap, and brew- ing with it - - 1°^g( Extrads of divers letters touching feme inquiries and experiments touching the motion of fap in trees ; and relating to the queftion of the cir- culation of the fame - L[ftei A letter relating to feme particulars in Mr. Lyfter's communication - IVilloughby Extradl of a letter, both in relation to the furtlier difcovery of the motion of juices in vegetables, and removing the difference noted in Mr. Willoughby's letter Anon. . Microfcopical obfervations about the fap of plants _ _ - - Leeuiuanhock A letter concerning the tubes, or canals, that convey the yellow fap in the herb called Che- lidonium Majus, or Celandine Leeuwenhock XyiYV 1730 .^ Obfervations and experiments relating to the motion of fap in vegetables Bradle\ XXIX 486 . An account of fume new experiments, relating to different, and fometimes contrary, motion, of the fap in plants and trees Fairchildu^yi^Wl 127 Sassafras. An account of fome oil of fafTafras cryf-j tallized - - Alaua XL 378 Saturn. Of an obfervation, not long fmce made in England on Saturn - Bal I 152 — A late obfervation upon Saturn, June 29, 1666, Hook — 246 ^ An obfervation of Saturn made at Paris, Aug. 17, 1668 - Hugcns and Picari IV goo .^ The appearance of, in 1670 - Hevelius V 2089 Obfervations of a late appearance of Saturn, Sept. 11 and 12, 1671 - Hevdim VI 3032 Obfervations touching fome late appearances of Saturn - - Flamjicad — 3034 Tranf. V1165 V 2070 — 2072 — 2074 VI 2119 — 2125 — 2126 X380 Abfidg. -683 — 684 I 681 II — — 686 — 689 — 752 — 685 — 686 — 688 III 683 V 2 267 IV 2 302 VI 2 352 IX 394 I 365 - 366 Saturn. S A T i Saturn. A remarkable obfervation on Saturn CaJJini — — — A theory of the irregularities that may be ccca- Honed in the annual motion of the earth by the actions of Jupiter and Saturn IValmrJley ■ (Appulfes) Of the moon to Saturn, and the fixed ftars, obftrvab.'e in the year 1671, foretold, and computed to the meridian and latitude of ■London - - Flamjiead — — (Belt) Obfervation on two belts of Saturn in 1766 - - - M, Mejjier — — - A belt on the difc of Saturn defcribed M. Mejfur — (€;onjunftion) An account of three late con- junctions of Saturn and Jupiter, within the fpace oi feven months ; t' gether with an ac count of what other conjunftions of them have happened for m re than 100 years laft pafl, be- ginning at 1 563 ; and a table computed, where- by to make an eftimate of what other conjunc- tions have happened for the time paft, or what will happen for the time to come Flam/iead — — A fhort account of the three great conjunftions of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, at Dantzick in 1682 and 1683 - Heveliiis •• (Occultation of) ObGrvations concerning Saturn obfcured by the moon, June 1, 1671 Heveliu^ Obfervation on the occultation of Saturn by the n)Oon. Feb. 7, 1678 - Buliia/dus •— — An account of an occultation of Saturn by the moon, March 19, 1687 obferved at Totteridge, near London, latitude 51° 39' - Haines (Ring of) Appearance of his ring in 1670 Hugens and Hook • Obfervations concerning Saturn's ring, made at Paris . - _ yi.'V,n, ——— Letter on the forc^oinfj obfervations on Saturn's ring - - Hugem Ot tJie difippearing of Saturn's ring in 1743 and 1744 " " H irifius Thrdifp.intion of Saturn ring in 1773 Varelaz (Satellites) Adi'covery of two new planets about Saturn, made at Paris - - Ca£in Some new obfervation- concerning the two planets about Saturn, formerly difcovered by him - - - CriJj'in'K H h h Tranf. XI 689 XLIX 737 . V 2029 LIX 454 LXVI 543 423 Abridg, ' • I 367 XIII 244 — 325 - 389 453 — 395 VI 3027 — 347 XII 969 — 353 XVI 26S -365 V 2093 — 366 VI 3024 , . — 3026 1 XLII 602 LXIV 112 VIII 228 i i VIIl5i:8 i36r XII S31 — 368 Satuan 424 SAT SCA Saturn ("atellites.) Acorre(rlion of the theory of the motion ot the fourth fatellite of Saturn Halley An account of two new fatellites of Saturn, l.: Corrcclions of the theory of the five fatellites of Snturn, with tables of the motions of thofc fatellites, adapted to the meridian of London, ar.d the Julian account - CaJJini Arectinration f the motions of the five fatellites of Saturn ; with fome accurate obfervat: ns of them - - Pounf' -■ ■ Correfled tables of the motion of the five la tellitLS of Saturn Ca[ftni and Pcuna ObfeiVdtions on the fatelUtes of Jupiter and Saturn - - Hadley Savery. Letter concerning a paper of Servington Savery, relating to his invention of a new mi crometer by means of divided object -glnfles, or divided objedt-fpeculum - iihort Sauxderson. See Equations Saxon. Vide Coins Scale. A fcale of the gradation of heat jAnon. Scale of Music. A letter of the various genera and fpecies of mufic among the antients, with fome obfervations concerning their icale Pepufch Scales of the Mouth. Letters concerning fcales within the mouth, and the fcaly child that was fliewn - - - Leeuwenhoek Scales of Fish. Of the phasnomena of a Icalc fifh in an exhauffcd receiver - Boyle An abiiradl of a letter concerning the fcalcs of eels - - Leeuwenhoek Microfcopical obfervations on the Icales of fifli, &c. - - Leeuwenhoek Scallop. The anatomy of the fcallckp Lijlet Scapula- Part of a letter concerning the coming off of the fcapula and head of tfic os humeri, upon a mortification - Derante ScARABiEUs Galeatus Pulsator. An account of ^ ihc fcarabseus pulfator, or the death-watch Siackhoufe Scarborough Si'aw\ Some confideratlons relating to Dr. Wittie's defence of Scarborough Spaw, with a brief account of a Icfs confiderabic fah- fpring in SomcrlctlhirCj and of a medical Ipring Tranf, XIII 82 XVI 79 — 299 XXX 768 -776 XXXII 385 XLVill 165 XXII 824 XLIV 266 XIV 586 V 2024 XV 883 XVII 949 XIX 507 XXXII 15 XXXIII 1 59 Abridg. I 370 — 369 — 376 IV 320 — 323 VI 221 IV 2 I X26I III 684 — 685 U 829 VII 676 — 407 in SCH SCO in Dorfetfhire - - Htghmore ScHEHALLiEN. An account of obfervations made on the mountain Schehallien for finding its actraftion - - Mafnelyne «»»=»- An account of the calculations made from the furvey and meafures taken at Schehallien, in order to afcertain the mean dcnfity of the earth Hutton SciLLY. An advertifement necefiary for all Lizard and Scilly navigators, bound up the channel of England, laid down too far northerly Anon. Scirrhous Tumour. A relation of a fcirrhous tumour Included in a cyftis, &c. Rujjel — — An obfervation on a fchirrus of the cerebellum Holier » ' ■' A letter concerning a fcirrhous tumour of the uterus - - Tempkman SciURUs VoLANS. De fciuro volante, five muro Pon tico aut Scythico Gefneri, j3c vefpertilione ad mirabili Bontii, diflertatio - Sloam ScoLOPENDRA Marina. Accouut of a not vet de- fcribed fcolopendra marina - Molyneux A fupplement to the account of a (colo- pendra marina - - Molyneux Scotland. Advertifements occafioned by the re marks printed in N° 14, upon frofts in fome parts of Scotland, differing in their anniverfary feafons and force from our ordinary frofts in England ; of black winds and tempefts ; of the warm and fertilizing temperature an') fleams of the earth, ftones, rocks, fprings, waters (fome, in feme places, more than others in other places) of petrifying and metallizing waters j with fome hints for the horticulture of Scot- land - - Beat " Several obfervations in the north iflands of Scot land - - Martin •— — An account of fome ftones and plants lately found in Scotland - Sibhala — -— Letter concerning a feccnd volume of his Pro dromus hiftoris; naturalis Scotiae Sibbala • Extrafts of letters containing obfervations in natural hiftory and antiquities in his travels through Wales and Scotland - Lhwyd An account of a produ(i:iion of nature at Dun . H h h 2 Tranf. IV 1128 LXV SCO LXVIII 689 XXII ^25 XXVIII 276 XLIII 100 XLIV 28s XXXVIII 3: XIX 405 XXI 127 X357 XIX 727 XXII 6;3 XXV 2314 XXVIII93 Abridg. I 585 V 220 XI 1021 1X76 n 833 - 836 11151 396 744 749 III 54- V 25 V2123 bar 426 SCR SEA bar in Scotiand, like that of the Giants Caufe way in Tre'and - Bi/hop of^^jjo'y An account of fome proJu£lions of nature in Scotlapd refembling the Giant- Caufeway in Iseland - Mendezda Ccjla - ■ Vide Aiit'iquhiii^ Natural Hijlory Scratch. Of a venomous fcratch with the tooth cf a p >rpoife, its fyniptoms and cure Lijl hcuLPTURE. A reli.tion of the conference held at Paris, in the Academy Royal, for the im provement of the art of painting and fculpture "Journcd dcs Scavam — — An account cf feveral Roma.i iepulchral in- fcriptions and figures in has relief, difcovered in 1755 at Bonn, in Lower Germany Strange Scurvy. A re'ation of fo:rie ftrann;e and wonderful cfFe6ls of thefcurvy, which happened at Paris in the year 1699 - Poupart — — — Obfervations on the fcurvy - Mertem Scurvy-Grass. Query concerning the fcurvy- grafs of Greenland, propofed to fuch as ufe the Greenland trade - Nicholfon Sea. Some coniiderations touching a letter in the Journal des Scavans concerning ways of found- ing the depth of the fea without a line, and fetching up water from the bottom of it Oldenburg " Obfervations made in mines, hnd at fea, oc- cafioning a conjecture about the origin of wind ColeprtJJ', • Animadverlions upon Dr. Wallis's hypothefis about the fiux and reflux of the Childrey Anfwer to the above - IValln An eilimate of the quantity of vapour raifed out of the fea by the warmth of the fun ; derived from an experiment flicwn before the Royal Society - - Halley An account of the circulation of the watry va pours of the fea, and of the caufe of fprings Halley — — — A letter concerning the luminous appearance ohfervablc in the wake of (hips in the Indian feas - - Bour'zes — — A fhort account of the caufe of the faltnefs of the ocean, and of the feveral lakes that emit Tranf. LII98 — 103 XIX 726 IV 953 LIX 195 XXVI 223 LXVIilbOi XLI317 I 228 II 481 V 2061 — 2068 XVI 366 XVII 468 XXVIII 230 Abridg. II 842 I 603 V [359} VIII 765 II 364 — 105 — 279 — 283 — 126 V 2 213 fio I SEA no rivers; with a propofal, by help thereof, to dircover the age of the worlJ Halley Sea. The art of Jivmg under water; or, a dircourie concerning the means of furni'liing air at the bottom of the lea, in any ordinary dei-ths ' Halley — — — An attempt to account for the rifmg and falliutj of the water of fome ponds near the fea, of ebbing and flowing rivers ; where the water i^ loweft in the pond at the time of high water in the fea or river, and the water is hiwheil in the pond at the time of low water in the fea or river ; as alfo for the encreafing or decrtahng of the water of fuch pools or brooks as are higheft in the dry feafons, and loweil in the rainy feafons ; with an experi- ment to illuftratc the folution of thefe phasno- mena — - Defaguliers — — A letter relating to a furprifing fhoal of pumice ftones found floating on the fea Dqvi — — An account of an extraordinary fire-ball burft- ing at Tea - - Chalmer: - An account of an unufual agitation of the fea at lldfarcombe in Devonfhire, Feb. ay, 1756 Prince — — An account of the agitation of the fea at An tigua, Nov. I, 1755 - Jfieck - Extrad of a letter relating to an extraordmary : agitation of the fea at Barbadoes, iVIarch 31, 1761, and an epidemical diforder in that illand . . Mafon ' Experiments to prove that the luminoufnefs of ' 'the fea ariles from the putrefadioii of its ani mal fubfiances - Canton An account of the refult.of fome attempts made to afcertain the temperature of the fea in great depths, near the coafts of Lapland and Norway ; as alfo fome anecdotes colle<5fed in the former Dougiai — — Obfervations on the milky appearance of fome fpots of writer in the fea - Newland — — Ol the [tilling of waves by means of oil I Franklin^ Brownrigg, and Farijk\ — — On the degree of falubrity of the common air at fea, compared with that of the fea fhore, and that of places far removed from the fea Jngenhouze Tranf. \ Abridg. XXIX 296 -- 492 XXXIII 132 XXXV 446 XLVI 366 XLIX 642 — 668 LII477 LIX 446 LX39 LXII93 LXIV 445 LXX 354 2l6| 1 V 2 I u-(5 VI 2 165 X 480 Sea, 4aS SEA Sea. See Navigation^ Tides Sea Animals. An account of the fea polypus XV1193 Bake', , I, .. . . Obfervations upon the fea fcolopendre or fea millepes - Feyjfonel — — Sea-Leach, See Hirundinella marina Sea-Chart. Letter concerning the colleftion of fec^nts, and the true divilion of the meridians in the fea-cha t - - ffallis Sea-Plant. A defcription of a curious fea plant, frutex marinus fla-elliformis cortice verrucofo obduftus. Doodii. Raii Hift. torn, ill, p. 7 et Synopf. edit. 3, p. 32. Corailoides gra- iiulofa alba, J. B. torn. III. p. 809. £rica marina alba frutefcens. Muf. Pet. 50. Ke- ratophyton flabelliforme, cortice verrucofo obduclum, Raii Syn. edit. 3, p. 32 Shane Sea-Sand. The improvement of Cornwall by fea fand - - - _ ■ Part of a letter concerning the manuring of land in Devonfliire by fea-fand Bury Sea Water. Way of making it fweet Hauton Circumllances relating to the precedent inven tion - - Hauton I-..— A table (hewing to what degree air is comprefli- ble in fea water, from the depth of one foot, to 1947 feet, ufeful to divers jinon. A fupplement - - Jnon. Obfervations concerning feme little ani- mals obfcrved in rain, well, lea, and fnow water; as alio in water where pepper had lain infufed - - Letuwcnbock With the manner of obferving them Lecuwenhoek . Some experiments about freezing, and the difference betwixt common frcfli water ice, and that of the fra water ; alfo a probable con- jecture about the original of the nitre of ^Egypt Lijier ■ A true method of nature of diftilliii" Iwcet and ficlh water from the fea water, by the breath of fea plants growing in it I Lij'icrl XIV 489 — — An account of R. Boyle's way of exa- Tranf. | Abridg. L 777 LI 35 XLIV 51 X706 X293 H 729 XXVI 142 IV 2 301 V 2048 II 297 — 2049 VI 2192 201 — 2239 202 1 527 XII 821 - B44 XV 836 III 6S3 II 164 — '-97 mmmcc SEA mining water as to frefhnefs and faltnefs ; to be fubjoined as an appendix to his piinted let- ter about fwcetned fea water BoyL Sea Water, An account of Mr. Appleby's procefs to make lea water frelh ; with fome experi therewith - - {V, Watfon An account of the diftilling water frefh from fea water by wood afhes Chapman Cafe of a young lady who drank, fea water for an inflammation and tumour in the upper lip - - Lav'ington — — Experiments on water obtained from the melted ice of fea water, to afcertain whether it be frefli or not ; and to determine its fpecific gravity with refpeft to other water ; alfo expe- riments to find the degree of cold in which fea water bejj-ins to freeze Nan SeAi (Inftruments ufed at) Patterns of the tables pro- pofed to be made for obferving the tides pro- mi fed in the foregoing tran (actions Moray With other enquiries touching the fea • Boyl — ■ Obfervations about load-ftones and fea-compaPfes idenburg Anfwer to fome magnetical enquiries propofed in the above obfervations - telle M An account of a machine for meafuring any depth at the fea with great expedi'ion and cer- tainty - Haki and Dejaguliers -I A propofal of a method for finding the longi- tude at fea, within a degree, or twenty leagues ; with an account of the progr'-fs he hath made therein, by a. continued feries of accurate ob- fervations of the moon - Halley — — A defcription of a water-level to be fixed to Davis's quadrant, whereby an obfervation mav be taken at fea, in thick and hazy wcathe^ without feeing the horizon - Leigh -" The defcription and ufe of an apparatus, added as an improvement of Davis's quadrant, co fin- ing of a mercurial level, for taking the co-a'- tiiude of fan, or ftar at fen, without tlie ufual afiiihu-.ce of the fenfible horizon which fre- quently is oblcured - Letgh — ■■' A true copy of a paper found in the hano-writ- ing of Sir Ifaac Newton, among the papers of the late Dr. Halley, defcribing an inftrumenl Tranf. XVII 627 XLVIII 6q L63S LV 6 LXVI 249 1 311 II 365 — 3^5 — 297 II 423 I 584 - 478 11 601 XXXV 559 XX XVII 1 85 XL 413 — 417 429 Abrldg. — 298 VI 2 163 VI 40 1 VIII 360 362 for 43^ SEA SEE for ohferving the moon's diflance from the fixed - . - Anon, I- liars at fea Sea. (Ir.rrvuments ufcd at) A machi-.c f -r foundir): ilie lea at any depth or Irt any part, inventtd by Mr. William Cock, in.ihe year 1738 /imn, • An account of the bucket fea-gage to fiid the different degrees ofcoolnels and faltnels of the fea - - Hale\ Some experiments upon a machine for mea- furing the way of a (hipat i'ea - Smciton A Ict:tr containing the refult of obfervations of the diftance of the moon from the fun and fixed 'ftars, made in a voyage from England to the ifland of St. Helena., in order to determine the ; longitude cf the fliip, from time to time ; to- oether with the \vhoIe pvocefs of computation ufed on this occafion - Mojkelync — — Letter "ivln[: an account of obfervations at fea for finding out the longitude ly the moon Horfely Seamen Dire£\ions for feamen bound for far voy ages - ^ Royal S ciety An appendix to the dire6fipns R^yal Societ , A lift of all the feamen and watermen of every denomination in Ireland in 1697 South Secants. An cafy dcnionftrati ;n of the analogy of the logarithmic langents to the meridian line, or fum of the fecants, with various mcth£ED SEE ""Seeds. A metuod of raifing feme exotick feeds whlc'r, have been judged almoft impofiible to be raifcd in England - - Millet -»i I ' Some experiments concerning the impregnation of the feeds of plants - Logan The difcovery of aperfe£l plant in fcmine Baker -e— — A letter concerning the wonderful increafe of iQt<^ of plants, e, g. of the upright willow Hobfon m Some obfervatlons relating to vegetable feeds Par/ons — — Obfervatlons upon the minutenefs of fome feeds of plants - - Bahr — — An account of fome experiments relating to the prefervation of feeds - Ellis < A letter on the fuccefs of fome experiments for preferring acorns for a whole year without planting them, fo as to be in a flate fit for vegetation, with a view to bring over fome of the moft valuable feeds from the Eaft-IndieSj to plant for the benefit of our American colonies Ellis Seeds (particular.) An extract of a letter concerning the propagation of elms by feed Bulkley — — Microfcopical obfervations on eels, mites, the feeds of figs, ftrawberries, &c. Leeuwenhork\ «• - Letter concerning; the feeds of oransres Leeuwenhoek >-- — Obfervations on the feed vcfTels and fee is of po lypodyum . - _ Leeuwenhoek — ' ■■■ Microfcopical obfervations on the feeds of fevera Eaft-India plants - - Leeuwenhoet; *— — A letter concerning the feed of fern Mua •" A letter concerning the vegetation of melon iced 42 years old - - TrievaU "' A letter concerning the feeds of murnrooms Pickering Watjon —— Letter concerning the vegetation of melon feed 3 3 years old - - Gale — — A letter concerning the manner of feeding molTes ; and in particular of the hypnum ter- reftre tricholdes luteo virefcens vulgare majus! capitulis eredis, Raii Synops : ed. 3, p. 84 Hill lii Tranf. XXXV 485 XXXIX 192 XLI 448 XLII 320 XLllI 184 XLVI 336 LI 206 LVIII75 XVII 971 XIX 269 XXIII 1461 XXIV 1868 XXV 2205 XLI 770 XLII 115 — 593 — 599 XLIII 265 XLIV 60 431 Abridg. VI 2 353 VIII 804 — 806 — 824 X750 II 667 III 685 V2 266 267. VIII 809 824 — 812 -81S X 761 - 758' Seeds, 43* SEE SEP Tranf. XLV 156 V 1056 XXI 270 XXII 739 Seeds. The fubflance of fome experiments of planting the feeds of mofs , Sembrador. Defcriptlon of the Span.fh Semoraooi or rew engine for ploughing, and equal ioA- in^rall forts of grain, and, harrowing at once, bv^which a crreat quanfty of feed-corn is faved, and a rich increafe yearly gained Lucateloaiid tvrlyn Semek. Anlmalcula: obferved in femine humano ^ Leeuivenhoek An we red hy " ^ ', Anfwcrcd bv " Leeuwenhoek With extradls from other letters Leeuvjcnhoek , Microfcopical examination of the teft.cles of a rat, anJ the feed of mufcles, oyfters, &c. ' Leeuivenhoek\ AVii 593 . Anfvvertothe objeaions made to his opinions concerning the animalculae in femine mafculmo ° ■> Leeuivenhoek Further obfervatlons on the anlmalculae in femine mafculino - Leeuwenhoek . Several microfcopical obfervatlons and exp ri- ments conctrning the animalculse in femme, ui.fculino of cocks and Ipiders ^^^^^^^^^^^^j^xiH ,.37 Part of a letter containing fome microfcopica' obfervatlons upon the animalcute in femine o young rams " - . Leeutvenooek A letter con-aining obfervatlons upon the fe mlnal velTels, mufcular fibres, and blood ot ,1 . - Lecuwcnhoek whales jj ., Obfervationes de vils femnis - ««"^'' Seneg AMBIA. Remarks on the country of Senegam- Sense a further account concerning the exlftcnce of veins in all kinds of plants, together vvith a difcovery of the membranous fubftance of thole veins, and of fome aas in plants refcmblmg thofe of fenfe ; and alfo of the agreement of the venal juice in vegetables, with the blood of animals, Dcc. ^ Sepulchre. The verbal procefs upon the d,fcovcry of an anticnt fepulchre, in the village ol Cocherel, upon the river Eure, ^'^ ^"^^"^j^^^ A copy of an antient chirograph, or convey- Abridg. X79S XXVII 316 - 438 XLVl 340 LXX478 III 685 — 686 V 2 264 — -267 i XI 109 VII 5131 XVI 221 II 693 III 44 3 I ance SEP SESl 433 anee of part of a fepulcKre cut in marble, lately brou^iht from Rome, with fomc obfer- vations upon it - R- Gale Sepulchral Inscriptions. Anattempt to explain two Roman infcription<;, cut upon two altars, which were dug up fome time fmce at Bath fVara - An account of fevcral Roman fepulchral infcrip- tions and figures in has relief, difcovered in 1755, at Bohn, in Lower Germany Strange Sepulchral Monuments. Vide Antiquities Serapis. An account of the temple of Serapls at Pozzuoli, in Naples - Nixon Series. A folution of the 15th general problem pro- pofed by Mr. de. Moivre, in his treatife De Menfura Sortis - Bernoulli Another general folution of the preceding problem, with the aflil^ance of combinations and infinite feries - De Moivre —— A treatife of infinite feries - Momnort Appendix, in which the matter is treated in a different manner - Taylot An addition Taylor — — Of the fluents of multinomials and feries affefted by radical figns which do not begin to converge till after the fecond term Simp/on ■ An Invention of a general method for determin- ing the fum of every 2d, 3d, 4th, or 5th, Sec term of a feries, taken in order, the fum of the whole being known - Simp/on — — A new method of coinputing the fums of certain feries - - Landen — — - A new and general method of finding fimplc and quickly converging feries ; by which the proportion of a diameter of a circle to its cir- cumference may eafily be computed to a great number of places of figures - Hutton — — A method of finding the value of an infinite feries of decreafmg quantities of a certain form, when it converges too flowly to be fummed in the common way, by the mere computation and addition or fubflra£lion of fome of its ini- tial terms - Afafres — — A method of finding by the help of Sir Ifaac I i i 2 Tranf. XXXIX 211 XLIV 285 LIX 19s L 166 XXIX 133 — 145 XXX 633 — 676 — 683 XLV 328 L757 LI SSZ LXVI476 LXVII 187 Abi •idg. IX 433 XI [021 V2 255 266 IV 90 — 130 ^ZS X I - Newton's 434 SER SHE Newton's binomial theorem, a near value of the very, llowly converging infinite feries x -\- X'' x^ x^ — ^j. — -f- — J &c. when x is 3 4 5 verv nearly equal to i - Afuferc Series. Of cubic equations and infinite feries Huiton XX - + 2 Tranf, LXVni8o5 LXX 387 302 Serpent. Of the nature of a certain flone found in the Indies, in the head of a fcrpent Vernati -■■■ ■' Obfervations touching the bodies of fnakes and vipers - - - Oldenburg — 138 A relation of the fymptoms that attended the death of Mr. R. Burdett, an Englifli merchant at Aleppo, who was killed by the bite of a ferpent - - Goodyear .A. A 351 — — An account of the ferpents in the Ifland of Cellan - - Suachmi XXIII IQ94 . Account of ferpents at the Philippines Camelh XXV 2266 Letter from Bombay, giving an account of a porcupine (wallowed by a fnake Ancn. XLIII 271 ■ ■■> A letter con^erninj the property of water efts, in flipping off their Ikins as ferpents do Baker XLIV 529 Serpent Stone. A letter containing accounts of the pretended ferpent (lone, called Pietradc Cobra deCabelos - - Sloane XLVJ 1 18 Serum. An obfervation of a white liquor, refem- bling milk, which appe^^red inftead offcrum, feparatcd from the blood after it had flood fome time - - Stuart XXXIX 289 Sex. Obfervatlons of a difference of fex in miileto BarnlXXXY 547 Account of a monflrous foetus without any marks of fex - Brtjhr XLVI 479 Sjiark. An account of the blue fhark, togctherj with a drawing of th6 fame /^. IFni/on, jut,. LXVIII 789 Sheep. Method to prevent the ret in fheep Boyle Vlli 7002 — — tome inquiries and fuggel^ions concerning fait for domtftic ults ; and concerning fhcep, to preferve them, and to improve the race uf ll»ccp for hdrdintfs, and for the fincR. drapery Ben] IX 48 »— — An account of a lamb furklcd by a wether fliecp for fcveral monllis after the death ot the rwe - - Kirke XVIII 263 Second letter on the fame Kiike — 264 ' Abridg. II 814 — 811 -813 V 2 179 V183 XI 855 -857 — 910 IX 193 VI 2 251 XI 120S II 912 — 869 Sh££?. SHE Sheep* tester concerning the worms in fheep's livers Leeuwenhock m Piirt of a letter concerning worms obferved in flieep's livers and pafture groundi Leiuwenhoek p- ■ A letter concerning worms in the heads of iheep Thorpe — — Of hydatides inclofcd with a ftony cruft in the kidney of a fiieep - Cowper — .. — Obfervations upon a foetus, and the parts of generation of a Hieep - Leeuwenhosk ■— — Kxtradl of a letter concern injj a wether srivino fuck, to a lamb; and of a monftrous lamb Doddrige — *— Some account of a (heep having a monftrous horn growing from his throat Parfans Shell. Obfervations upon fhells found upon inland mountains - - SeptaHus\ ■ Obfervations concerning the odd turn of ibme (hell-fnaJes - - j^nort, ■■ Pliaenomena afforded by Ihell-fi/hes in an eX' haulted receiver - Boyl ■— ■• An abftratt of a letter, giving an account of a iliell found in one of the kidneys of a woman Peirce «— — Some notes en Dr. Swammerdam's book of in lc£ls, and on that of Steno concerning petrified ill el Is - - Lijhr <— — Obfervations upon Steno*s book of petrified fhells Ltjie " Three queries relating to (hells propofed by S, Dale, and anfwered by - Lifte - - The defcription of certain fhell": found in the E.aft-Indies - lVit%tn andLijier — — An account of feveral fliells obferved in Scotland Siioala *■" ■ A catalogue of fhells, &c. gathered at the illand of Afceniion, with plants obferved thereon Cunningham •"- * Letter concerning Broughton, in Lincolnlhire, with obfervations on the fheii-fifh obferved in the.quariefi about that place De la Pryme « ■ ■ Account of beds of oyfter-fhells found near Reading, Berkfnire - - Breiver — ' A defcription of fomc fhells found on the Mo lucca Iflands - - Pgtiver Tranf. XXII 509 XXIV 1522 — 280a XXV 2304 XXXII 351 XLV 502 XLIX 183 II 493 IV loii V 2023 XV ioj8 VI 2219 — 2281 XVII 641 — 870 XIX 321 XXI 295 xxir 677 — . 844 435^ Abridg. III 688 V 2 266 V 16 — 54 VII 445 {X1218 " 42s — 822 I 304 III 162 II 765 — 425 Ill 212 II 826 — 831 — 325 Ill bS5 II 252 — 428 — 9 27 IV 2 285 , Shell, 43^ SHE SHI minerals, petrified fliells. Shell. A letter concerning Harwich ClifF, and the foHil {hells found there - Dale . An account of animals and fliells f^nt from Ca- rolina - - Petiver m A catalogue of foflils, fhells, metals, minerals, k':. which J. J. Scheuchzcr. of Zurich, ftnt to J. Pttivcr — — A catalogue of the and other foflils fent from C. M. Spener, of Berlin to J. Petiver — — A letter containing a relation of river, and other {hells, digged up, together with various vegetable bodies, in a bituminous roar{liy earth, near, Meat's A{hby, in Northampton- fllire - - Morton , An account of fome turbinated, bivalve, and univalve Ihells from the Philippines Qunelli ■ An account of petrified fliells by Corn. le Bruyn, illullrated by - - Klein fc Obfervations on the hardnefs of fhells Collinfon — — A letter concerning the manuring of land with fo{lil fliells - - Pickering ■ A letter containing fome obfervations upon cer- tain {hell-n{h lodged in a large flone brought from Mahon harbour, by Mr. Samuel More Porfom m ■ — Letter concerning the fliells of crabs Parfons Shell-Lac. An account of an experiment touching the freezing of common water tinged vvith a liquid faid to be extradtcd from Ihcll-lac Hauljhee Shelton, Obfervations en a clock of Mr. John Shclton, made at St. Helena Mafkclyne Shield. Letter concerning a Roman fliicld T.horcjhy Shining, Obfervations about (hining worms in oyf- ters - - Anon. Some obfervations about fhining flefli Bo)li: • Two inftances of fomething remarkable in fliin- ingflclh - - - Beril ■ — An account of four foits of fadlitious Alin- ing fub{lanccs - - OUenburg Ships, A letter about prcfcrving fliips from being worm-eaten - Journal Ucs Scavam Tranf, XXIV 1568 — ^952 — 2042 — 20S2 XXV 2210 — 2397 XLI 568 XLIII 37 — 191 XLV 44 XLVII 439 xxvr 304 LII 434 XX 205 I 203 VII 5108 XI 599 XII 867 I 190 Ahrldg. IV 2 264 -- 323 — - 286 i«i V2 18 VII 735 XI 861 X796 XI 862 VI 2 182 III 826 — 641 — 644 — 34S I 596 Snips. S H I Ships. An account of the advantage of Virginia for building {hips - - Jnon. «— — A n'vv way, by an Englifh manufadlure, to preferve the hulls of fhips from the wornij &c. better for failing, and more cheap and durable, than any flieathing or graving hither- to ufed - - Bulteel An account of the manner of bending planks in his Majefty's yards at Deptford, &:c by a fand heat invented by Captain Cumber- land - - - Ca) — An account of a new machine called the marine furveyor, contrived for the menfuration of the way of a (hip in the fea, more correftly than by the log, or any other method hitherto ufed for that purpofe, together with feveral tefti- monials fetting forth the ufefulnefs of this in- vention - - Saumarez " A further account of a new machine called the marine furveyor, defigned for the menfuration of the way of a fliip at fea, more certainly than by the log, at prefent in ufe, or any other me- thod hitherto invented for that purpofe De Saumarez — — An account of the horn of a fifh ftruck feveral inches into the fide of a Ihip Mortimer ■ Method of preventing Ihips from whofe bottoms are eaten by the worms Cook — — An account of the great benefit of ventilators, in many inftances, in preferving the health and lives of people in flave and other tranfport fliips - _ - Hales — — Obfervations on the utility of ventilators in a fhip - - Hates —— Some experiment upon a machine for meafuring the way of a ihip at fea - Smeaton An account of an extraordinary operation in the dock yard at Portfmouih "Robert/on ' Some fuggeflions concerning the preventing the mifchiefs which happen to fhips, and th'^ir mafts, by lightning - /F. fFatfofi — An account of the efFeas of lightning on three fhips in the Eaft- Indies, Aug. i, 1750 Feicbt -— An account of the appearance of lighteni^jg on Tranf. VIII 6015 — 6192 XXXII 75 leaking, XXXVI 45 XLI 86i XLIir 370 XLIV 332 XLVII211 XLVIII 532 L288 LII 629 LlV 284 437 Abridg. Ill 255 I 596 VI 467 XXXIII ^11 VI 444 — 456 IX 72 XI 1391 a con. 43^ ^HO %lfi Tranf. LXil T ^ XX 100 XVI 21 XIX 779 XLIII 151 XLV 345 - 388 XLII 556 LVI 39 LIX9 XLIII 194 XLVI 22 ,a conduaor, fixed from the fummit of the main maft of a ihip down to the water frzn?7 An account of a mctho ? for the fafe removal of flV'ps that have been driven on Ihore ano da- maged in their bottoms, to places (howeverj difiani) for repairing them Barnard Shoe, See Antiquities r n .• Shootin-g. An Recount of an experiment of fiiooting bv the rarefaction of the air - P'-pi" , Oof-rvations on the death of a dog on firing a volley of fm .11 fh^t - Clarke A brief narrative of the (hooting of Dr. Robert Fielding ; with a mufket ball, and its llrangc mann-r of coming out of his head, where it had lain near 30 years, written by l^imlelf ticlding\ AXVI317 Cafe of a lad (hot through the lungs, drawn up by N.Peters - ' ^ /^^^^''^ Short-Hand. The elements of a fiiort-hand A letter contrJhing feme remarks on Mr. Teake's plan for (liort-hand Byrow Shoulder. The delcription of an inftrument tor reducin£T a diflocated fhoulder J^rckt , An accoSnt of a cafe in which the upper head of the OS humeri was fawed off, a large portion of the bone afterwards exfoliated, and yet the entire motion of the limb was preferved TVhite . An extraordinary cafe of throe pins fwallowed bv a eirl, and difcharged attlie Ihoulder •' '^ Lyjom f^iiROPSHiRE. SeeCcm S'lUTTLE. Account of a fliuttle-fpirc taken out of the bladder of a boy - /^''^f;" i. An account of new invented arith nietical inftruments, called a fwhan-pan, or Chinefe account table . - Smethurjt ^IBERIA An account of fome obfcrvations and expe- riments made in Siberia, extraaed from the preface to the Flora Sibcrica, live hiftona plan- tarum Siberiae cum tabulis src incifis audt. 1) Chnelin - " ,. FctJ:crM^LY 2A^ Account of the iion ore lately found in Sibcr.a rallas\ LA VI 523 I Abrldg. j. I 496 III 650 V 205 XI 966 XI 1381 - 1384 1X264 XI 951 XI3 XI 1333 SiDON. SID SIL 439 SsDON. A dilTertatlon upon the Phoenician nu- meral charailers anticntly ufed at Sidon Swinton Sieve, '^og-kivov "Epc^ooSsvoug or the fieve of Eratof thenes, being an account of his method of find- ing all the prime numbers - Horfeley Sight. A letter concerning an optical experiment conducive to a decayed fight Annn. With another confirming the former, and add- ing forae other obfervaticns about fight Jmn. And a note relatino" to the fame Jnon And another note about the fame empty tubes Anon. «-— The ufe of telefcopic fights in agronomical ob- fervations - - Hevelius " Extra£ts from Mr. Gafcoigne's and Mr. Crab trie's letters, proving Mr. Gafcoigne to be the inventor of the telefcopic fghts of mathemati- cal inftruments, and not the French De>'ham — — ■ Obfervations on feme deceptions of light through compound microfcopes Gmelin - An account of a remarkable imperfetStion of fight _ - - Scott — — See Micro/cope^ Tele/cope SiLCHEsTER, A defcription of the town of Silchefter in its prefent ftate - - Ward SiLlC. Obfervatioas made on the ordering of fdk- o worms - - I^igg^i — =— =• Account of a book on the defigned progrefs to be made in the breeding of fdk-worms, and the making of filk in France - Oldenburg *— — • A letter concerning an unufual way of propa gating mulberry trees in Virginia, for the bet- ter improvement of the filk work ; together with fome particulars tending to the good of that plantation - Moray '• Of the nature of fdk as it is made in Piedmont Jglionby ■' ' A letter giving fever^l experiments and obfer- vations on the produ6lion of fdk worms, and of their filk in England, as made lall fummer Barham Silk-Pod. An account of a particular fpecies of cocoon, orfilk-pod, from America Pullein Kkk Tranf. L 791 LXir 327 III 727 — 729 — 765 — Soz IX 27 XXX 603 XLIII 382 LXVIII 611 XLV 603 I 26 -87 I 201 XXI 183 XXX 1036 "' LI 54 Ahrlde, III 41 II 684 I 22t IV 345 X 761 XI 1267 II 756 ^ 653 — 757 V 19 SiLK' 44© SIL SIR Tranf. Abridg. Ill 657 V 2 266 — - 267 Silk-Reel. A new improved filk-reel Pullein Silver. A way of guilding gold upon filver Southwell XX 2cj6 Obfervaticns on the diflblution of filver Leeuwenhoek XXIII 1430 — — Obtevvations on ftalning the fingers with a folution of filver in aqoa fortis Leeuvoenhoek XXIV 1794 Part of a letter concerning the particles of filver diflblved in aqua fortis - LeeiiWer,koek XXV 2425 A letter cOi taining fome microfcopical obfer-i vations Uj on the chryftalized particles of filver dilTolved in aquafortis - Leeuwenhoek\ XXVII 20 Simpson, Matthew. See Stone Sinai, A letter containing an account of his journey from Cairo, in Egypt, to the Written Moun- tains in the Defart of Sinai Montagu LVI 40 Singing. An account of one who had no ear to mu- fic, naturally finging feveral tunes in a deliriun: Doddrifge XLIV 596 XI 1084 Sinking. An account of the fubfiding or finking down of a hill near Clogher, in Ireland Bijhop of Clogher XXVIII 267 IV 2 250 ' Account of a very uncommon finking of the earth near Folkefione in Kent Sachetti XXIX 469 248^ — — An account of the finking of three oaks into the ground at Manington, in Norfolk Nev)^ XXX 766 [— - 252 — An uncommon finking of the ground at Lymne in Kent - - Jncn. XXXV 551 VI 2 203 I. A narrative of an extraordinary finking down and Hiding away of fome ground at Fardiccs near Auvcrgnc - ylnori. XLI 272 VIII 704 An account of the finking down of a piece of ground at Horfeford, in Norfolk Arderon XLIII 527 X 587 ' Sinuous Ulcers. An account of the cure of two finuous ulcers polTeffing the fpace of the whole arm, with the extraordinary fupply of a callus, which fully anfwcrs the purpofes of the os humeri, loll in time of cure FawUr XXV 2466 V 388 Siphon. A letter concerning the Wurtemberg engine Dav'ii XV 846 1 537 — — The defcription of a fiphon, performing the lame things with the Sipho VVurtcmburgicus tapin — 847 — 538 — ■ ■ ' Letter concerning the Sipho Wurtemburgicus Reiffliui — J 272 — 539 S I R ! us. Some remarks on a late eflay of Mr. Calfini, wherein SIR SKI wherein he propo'es to find by obfer\'atIon the parallax and magnitude of Sirius HalUy SiRiUS. A pro ofal for dilcovering the annual pa- rallax of Sirius - Mq/kelyne Situation. Obfervations for fettling the propir tion, which the decreafe of heat bears to the height of fituation Thomas Bcberden Size. On the degree of heat which coagulates the blood, the limph, and the ferum of the blood, with an enquiry into the caufes of the inflam- matory cruft, or fize, as it is called Heivfon Skeleton. An account of an extraordinary human fkeleton, whofe vertebrae of the back, the ribs, and feveral bones down to the os facrum. were all firmJy united into one folid bone. without jointing or cartilage Cmnor ■ An account of the fkeleton of an elephant lately dugupatTonna - Tentzelins • An accountof theimpreflion of the almoft entire Ikeleton of a large animal, in a very hard {lone, found at Ellton, near Nevvaik,Nottingham(hire Stukeley — — An account of part of two human Ikeletons pe trifled - - Scheuchzer • An account of an human fkeleton of an extra^ ordinary fize, found in a repofitory at Repton, in Derbyfhire, together with fome examples of long life - - Dfgg - An account of an extraordinary fkeleton BiJJjop cfCorle Another account - Copping Another account - Shadweli ' Letter giving an accountof a foflil fkeleton of a man found near Bakewellt in Derbyfliire Gah Skin. The defcription and ufe of the pores in th* (kin of the hands and feet - Grevc • Of the fcalynefs of the Ikin Leeuwenhoek An extraft of a letter on the little fcales found on the cuticula - Leeuwenhoek — - Microfcopical obfervations on the Ikin of the hand, he. - Leeuwenhoek Some remarks upon the difpofition of the parts and microfcopical obfervations upon the con texture of the {tin of elephants Leeuwenhoek XXVII 518 An abftracl from the minutes of the Royal Kkk 2 Tranf, XXXI I LI 889 LV 126 LX 384 XIX 21 — 757 XXX 963 XXXIV 38 XXXV 363 XLI 810 -- 816 — 820 XLIII 266 XIV 566 XVII 646 — 838 — 949 44t Abtidg. VI 163 III 292 11438 tV 2 272 IV 2 205 VII 4 29 IX 245 — 247 X793 III 9 — 684 — 685 Society. 442 SKI SLO Tranf. ; S'»ci-. An account of an extraordinary difeafe of the llcin, and its cure, accompanied with a letter of the Abbe Nollet - _ Cruji' A fupplement to the account of a diftempered ikin, puhlifhed in vol. xxxvii. p. 299, of the Philofophical Tranfaftions Baker Exuaa of a letter concerning the cuticularglove Cooch Skins (Buck and Doe) The method the Indians, in Virginia and Carolina, ufe to drefs buck and doe jkins - - Southwell Skull. An extra£l concerning a deformed human fkull - - _ ^^'P^e A letter, ferving to accompany the piilures of the extraordmary fofiil Ikullofanox, v/it!i the core of the horns - - KLe7?i Sky. Account cf a luminous appearance in the iky, fcen at London, March 13, 1734-5 Bevis Slate. Account of Irifh flate Phil. Soc ot Ox Some confiderations touching the variety of ilate, together with a computation of the charges in general for covering houfes therc- ■^^\i\\ - - Coleprefs Sleep. An account of a perfon who took a great quan- tity of opium without ciufing llcep Anon. ' A relation of an extraordinary fleepy perfon at Tinftury, near Bath - _ _ Oliver Slime. 'Ihe anatomy of the flime, within the guts, and the ufe thereof - Leeuw.nhoek — — Letter giving an account of a vifcous ilime, or liyfius, left after a flood in the territory of the Landgrave of Thurlingue, with obferva tions thereupon by Mr. Watfon Boje Sloes. An account of the mifchiefs enfuing the fwallowing of the flones of bullace and does Derha}n Slow-worm. Of the long continuance of one alive in a vacuum made in the pncumatick engine Boylil Abrldgr. XXXVil299 IX 105 XXXIX 1 99 XLIV 529 XLVIII 579 XLIX21 LIX 281 XVII ^^^ XXI 138 — 117 XI 857 II 825 III 295 XXXVII427 VII 4 loi XLI 347 XX 271 IV 1009 XXII 999 XXIV 2177 XIV 586 XLVIII 358 XXIX 484 V 2049 VIII 670 II 462 1 588 V [357] V [353] III 684 V 267 III 147 Small SMA SMY Small-Pox, The cafe of a woman bi^ with child who recovered of the fmall-pox, and was after- wards delivered of a dead child full of the puftules of that diftemper Derham ■■(■■ • ' ' An account of a remarkable inftance of the infection of the fmall-pox Jurir, ■■'■ Part of two letter^ concerning a method of procuring the fmall-pox, ufed in bouth VVale- Williams ■ Another letter upon the fame fubjed Another from Haverford-Weft IVrlgU A fliort account of the anomalous epidemic fmall-pox, at Plymouth, beginning in Auguft, 1724, and continuing to June, 1725 Huxham A letter giving an account of the condi- tion of the town of Haflings, after it had be-n vifited by the fmall-pox - Fre%veh\2 A letter concerning a perfon who made bloody urine in the fmall-pox, and recovered Dodd A letter concerning the ufe of the Peru-' vian bark in the fmall-pox - M^iitnot Cafe of a lady who was delivered of a child, which had the fmall-pox appeared in a day or two after its birth - Mortimey Some account of the foetus in utero, differently affeded with the fmall - pox William Wat [on A letter of the ufe of the bark in the fmall- Account of a woman who had the fmall- ( Tranf. Abri-' XXVIII 165 XXXII 191 — 262 -264 — 267 —618 XXXIII 379 — 623 XXXVflioSJ ^ 632 XLII 559 XLIV 5S3 pox during pregnancy, and who fcemed ro havr communicated the fame difeafe to the foetus John Huntir ■' " See Inoculation Smalt.^ Letter concerning cobalt, and the prepara- tions of fmalt and arfenic - JCrieg Smelts. An account of the degenerating of fmelts C Dudley OMOAK. An account of an engine that confumes foioak, fliewn lately at St. Germain's fair ii < An account of a cafe of a young man ftupified by the Imoak of fea coal - Frewen Smyrna. Obfervatlons in travels from Venice through Iftfia, Dalmatia, Greece, and the XLVI 233 — 235 XLVil 27 LXX 128 XXIV 17^4 XXXII 231 XVI 78 LII 454 III 6^8 Archie 444 SNA SNO Archipelago, to Smyrna - Fern'jti Snails. Extract of a letter concerning the firft pat of his taMes Oi fnails, together with fome que- ries relating to thofe infefts, and the tables themfelves - - Liiier Obfervations concerning the eggs of fnails, &c. Leeuwenhoek — — Obfervations on the Umax non cochleata purpu- ram fcrcns, the naked fnail, producing purple PeyJJonel -< A letter concerning the revlvifcence of iome fnails prelerved many years in Mr. Simon's ca- binet - - Macbride and Simon Snake. See Rattle-Snake. Serpent. Snipe. An account of a new-difcovered fpeciesof fnipe or tringa - - Edwar.ts Snow. A way of preferving ice and fnow by chaffV Ball Obfervations touching the nature of fnow Greiv — A particular account of the origin of fountains, and to fhevv that the rain and fnow waters are fufficient to make fountains and rivers run per- petually - - - Jnon. — - — Obiervations concernins: fome little animals obferved in rain, well, fea, and fnow water ; as alfo in waters where pepper had lain infuled Leeuwenhoek With tlie manner of obfcrving them Leeuwenhoek • ■ ■ Account of a red fnnw at Genoa j^non — — Part of a letter, giving an account of a woman who had lain fix days covered with fnow, without receiving any nourifhment, tic. Bowdick - Obfervations on the figures of fnow Langwith ■ A relation of obfervations concerning the fall ing diw, made at Middleburij, in Zealand, by Leonard Siorke, in the mght between the 25th and 26tli of July, I74i> with figures of the flocks of fnow cbfervcd at the fame place, Jan. 1742 _ _ - /Inon. — — An account of a method o*^ obferving the won derful tonfi'.);ur;itiofis oi the (mallcft fliining particles of inovv, with feveral figures of then* Nettis Tranf. ^^I 57S 1X96 II 112 XIX 790 III 685 L585 LXIV 432 L255 I 139 — 240 VIII 5193 II 148 X447 XII 821 — 844 — 976 XXVI 265 XXXI1298 XLII 112 XLIX 644 Abridg, — 329 III 683 II 148 V [358J VI 2 59 VIII 502 Snow. SOA SOL Tranf. Snow. An account of what happened at Bergemoletto, by the tumbling down of vaft heaps of fnovv from the mountains there, in March 19, 1755, and leveral perfons taken out alive after being buried under the I'fiow to April 24, Bnmi ULlji 796 — — A letter containing an experiment to afcertain to what (juantity of water a fall of inow h equal - - Brice LVI 224 SoAL-FisH» Obfervations on the food of the foal-fini Colilifov XLIII 37 Soap. An account of a ftrange kind of earth taken up near Smyrna, of which is made foap, with , the meth'.d of making it - Smith XIX 228 «c (Ufed as a medicine) Method of making foap lees and hard foap for medicinal ufes Geoffrey XLIl 71 A letter concerning the relief he found in the ftone from the ufe of Alicant foap and lime water - - Lucat XLIV 463 »— — An account of the virtues of foap in diffolv- ing the ftone, in the cafe of the Rev. Mathew Sin^on - - _ Pr ingle L 221 ■ Obfervations on the lithontriptic virtue of foap f^hytt — 386 - See Stone Social War. Elucidation of an Etrufcan coin, of Poeftrum in Lucania, emitted from the mint there about the time of the Social War Swlnton LVIII 246 Soil. Remarks upon the nature of the foil of Naples, LXI 1 and its neighbourhood - Hamilton — 48 SoLANUM Lethale. A brief botanical and medi- cal hiftory of the folanum lethale, bella donna, or deadly night fhade - IV. IVatfon L 62 Solids. The dimenfion of the folids generated by the converfion of Hippocrates' Lunula, and of its parts about fcveral axes, with the furfaces ge- nerated by that converfion De Moivrt XXII 624 A vindication of his problem for finding the folid of leaft refiftance - Facim XXVIII 172 — — A caution to be ufed ia examining the fpecific gravity of folids by weighing them in water Jurin XXXI 223 ■ A letter concerning the fedlions of a folid hi- therto not confidered by geometers Brakenridge LI 446 — — Propofitions felc6led from a paper on the divi- 44S Abridg. XI 861 II 457 1X368 XI 1000 29 VI 327 flOil ^+6 SOL SOU fion of right lines, furfaces, and follds Glenh Solution. A letter on the folubility of iron in fim- ple water by the intervention of fixed air Lam SoLWAY Moss. An account of the irruption of Sol- vvav Mofs on December l6, 1772 PFalker Somersetshire. Promlfcuous obfervations madt in Somerfetniire - ■^^^•^ Vide Antiquities Somersham-Water. a letter giving an accoun of the Someifham water, in the county of Hun tinzdon - - L^y""! Experiments on Somerfham water Ahr'is SorbusPyriformis. Account of the forbus pyn- formis - ' r L r „ ^['' Sore A. An account of the fad mu'"chief befallen the inhabitants of Sorea, near unto the Molucco's, by fubterraneous fire, for which they were forced to leave their country - IVitzen Sounds. An introduftory effay to the doarine ol founds, containing fome propofals for the im- provement of acoufticks Narcijfus Bijhop of Ferns ani Leighlin ^ Some experiments and obfervations concerning founds - - /^«^^^- An experiment upon the propagation of found in condenfed air ; together with a repetition of the fame in the open tield Haukfie, An, experiment touching the diminution of found in air rarefied - Haukjhei . Experiments and obfervations on the motion o; found - - . Derham . Letter on the nature and properties of found Grandi An account of an experiment, fhewing that aftual foimd is not to be tranfmitted through a vacuum - - Haukfoei . An account of an experiment, touching; the propagation of found, pafhng from the fono- rous body into the common air, in one direc- tion only - Haukjhc. ^ . An experiment touching the propagation o found through water - Haukjbe, , . Enquiry concerning the refpedtive velocities of cledricity and found - ff^* iVatjoj. Tranf. LXVI 73 LIX 216 LXII 123 I 323 — 359 LVI 10 — 22 XII 978 XIX 49 XIV 472 XX 433 XXIV 1902 — 1904 XXVI 2 — 270 — 367 — 369 ~ 371 XLV49 Abridg. 423j 8:j7 — 652 — 391 1 508 — 506 IV 2 181 IV 414 IV 2 182 X347 Sound. sou SPE Sound. Upon the founds and hearing of fifhcs by Jac. Theod. Klein, or forne account of a treatife intitled, An enquiry into the reafons why the author of an epiftle, concerning the hearing of fiflies, endeavours to prove they are all mute and deaf - - BrockUfi) Sowing. See Sembrador Space. An account of the repetition of an experi ment of the late Dr. Hooke's, concerning twc liquors, which, when mixed together, wil podefs lefs fpace, than when feparate ; with ano ther experimtrnt confirming the fame tJauk/bei Spa-Waters. An cxamen of the chalybeat, or ipa- waters, called by the Germans acid, or ^ow t brunns, or fountains; but proved to be of contrary nature, that is, alkalis S'are An enquiry into the mineral elaftic fpirit m Spaw-water - - Brownrigg Continued - - Brawnrigi: SpAit^, Letters concerning fomr remarkable plant? and infefts obferved in Spain - Breynius • ■ Some obfervations on the country of Spain Brice Spar, An enquriy into the original ft .te and pro- perties of fpar and fparry produdions, parti- cularly the fpars or cryftals found in the Cor- nifh mines, called the Cornifli diamonds Borlaje = ■ An attempt to account for the formation of fpars and harder cryflals - ^'"g — — A letter containing fome obfervations on a fin gular fparry incruftation found in Somerfet- fhire - - King Spawn. Letter concerning the fpawn of cod fifli, Leeuwenhoek Specific Gravity. See Gravity Speculum. Experiments about making a concave fpeculum, nearly of a parabolick figure Gray — A new method of improving and perfe61ing catadioptrical telefcopes, by forming the fpeculum of glafs inflead of metal Smii/j — — See GlaJJiSy Telefcope Speech. Letter to Mr. Boyle concerning an effay of teaching a perfon deaf and dumb to fpeak and underftand a language, with the fuccefs of it IValli Lll Tranf. XLV 23: XXVII 325 XXVIII 247 LV 218 LXIV 357 XXIV 2045 LVI 229 XLVI 250 LVII 58 LXIII 241 XXII 821 XIX 787 XLI 326 447 Abridg, XI 883 IV 2 182 — - 19S 10 -^ 1087 X 642 V 2266 I 214 Vlfl 113 III 388 Refle(Slions 448 SPE SPH ReSe^lions on Dr. Wallis's letter Holde Speech. An account of a young lady, born deaf and dumb, taught to fpeak - Ellis An account of two deaf perfons, who can fpeak and underftand one another by the mo- tion of their lips - Waller •— — A relation of a deaf and dumb perfon, who recovered his hearinjrand foeech after a violent fever; with fonie otner medicinal and chirur cical obfervations - Aiarun «- An account of Margaret Cutting, who fpeaks readily and intelligibly though fhe has loft her tongue - Boddington and Baker — — — The cafe of Henry Axford, who acquired the ule of his tongue, after having been tour years dumb, by means of a frightful dream Squire ■■ Account of the organs of fpsech of the Orang- Outang - - Camper See Deaf, Dumb Spelter. A letter concerning fpelter melting iron with pit coal - Alafon Sperma-ceti. An account of fuch wha'es as hav the fperma-ceti in them - Norwood ■ ■ - Account of the fperma-ccti of Bermudas Slaford Spermatic Vessels. An account of fome uncom- mon anaflomofcs of the fpermatic vefTels in a woman - - Mortimer Sphere. A method by which.a glafs of a fmall p'a- no-convex fphcre may b- mads to refraft the rays of light to a focus of a fa.r greater dillance than is ufual - - Hook • The conftruclion and ufe of fphcrical maps, or luch as are delineated upon portions of a fphe- riral furface - - (Jolfon A letter concerning the true delineation of the aftcrifms in the anticnt fphcre Lathcin. A rule for finding the meridional parts to any ipheroid with the fame exadlnefs as in a fphert A'fac Laurhi Some conjeftures concerning the pofition of tlu antient fphcre - ^ Latham — ■■ 7 heory of the parallaxes of attitude for the fphcre AJallct '•'" A general invefli^ation of the nature of a curve, fjr'i.ed by the fliadow of a prolate fphcroJd, 7 Tranf. Supp, Tranf, XXUI 1416 XXV 2468 — 2469 XLII 143 XLV 148 LXIX 139 XLIV 370 "565 III 792 XXXVI 373 I 202 '- Abridg. July, lb-] ^ V 2 134 219 V [357] XXXIX 204 XLI730 — S08 XLII 221 LVl"344 XI 958 X 671 II 844 — 845 VII 553 I 193 VIII 354 — 218 — no — 216 upon SPH SPI 449 upon a plane {landing at riglit angles to the axis of the {hadow - - IVitch he| Tranf, LVII 28 LIX 507 Sphere. A niethocl of working the obje£b glafTcs refrailing telcfcopes truly fpherical Short SpHONDYLIUM VulGARE HlRSUTUM. A letter concerning a miftake of ProfelTor Gmelin, con- cerning the iphondylium vulgare hirfutura of Cafpar Bauhin - - Miller XLVIII 153 Spiders. Account of ftrange fplders-webbs in the Bermudas - - Stafford III 752 — Obfervations concerning the darting of fplders 4non. IV ion — — A confirmation of what was printed in N^ 50, about the manner of fpiders proje£ting their threads - - IVray V 2103 • ^ _ ^ Li/ier — 2104 m. . A fet of curiou* inquiries about fplders, and a table of the feveral forts of them to be found in England, amounting to, at leaft, 33 Li/iet VI 2170 — — Letter on the projeflion of the threads of folders ^Li/ier XIV 592 ■ Letter concerning fpiders, their way of killing their prey, fpinning their webbs, generation, &c, - - Leeuwetihoek XXII 867 ni Several microfcopical obfervations and experi-j ments concernins; the animalculse in femine mafculino of cocks and fpiders Leeuwenhoek XX III 1 1 3 7 — — A difcourfe upon the ufefulnefs of the filk of fpiders - ^ - Bor. XXVII 2 — — An account of fome fpiders from the Philippines Camelli -— 310 ■ Part of a letter concerning the venom of fpiders Robi. XXXIII67 Spine, An account of a preter natural tumor on the loins of an infant, attended with a cloven fpine - - - Rutty XXXI 98 — - An obfervatlon of a fpina bifida, commonly fo termed _ . - Jyigi^ XLIII 10 Some obfervations on the fpina ventofa Amyanr. XLIV 193 Spirit. A way of extra£ting a volatile fait and fpirit out of vegetables, intimated in vol. viii. p. -002 Coxe IX 4 — — A contin«ation of a 'iifcourfe, begun in vol, ix. LIU Abridg. Ill 561 II 794 — 795 — 796 — 793 -- 79^ V2 266 — - 264 V 21 — 183 VII 408 VI 676 XI 1093 — 1094 III 326 touching 45^ SP I SPL touching the identity of all vobtilc falts and vinous fpirits ; together with t\*o furprif- in^ experiments concerning vegetable falts, per- fedlly refsmbling thefliape of thofe plants from whence they had been obtained Coxi Spirit. An account of an experiment touching the proportions of the afcent of fp rit of wine be- tween two glafs planes, whole fu; faces were placed at certain diftcrer.t diftances from each other - . - Hdukfbee Account of fome farther experiments Haukjhee\ Farther accouft - - Haukjbee\ — — An account of a fpiritus vini aethereus, together with feveral experiments tried therewith ! Frobenius - An experiment concerning the fpirit of coals Clayton . .. ■ Abftraft of the original papers communicated to the Rnyal Society, concerning his fpiritus vini sethereus, coile<5led by C. Mortimer Frobenius — — An experimental enquiry in'o the mineral elaftic fpirit, or air contained ici Spa-water, as well as iato the mephitic qualities of this fpirit - - Brownn'gg A continuation of an experimental enquiry con- cerning the nature of the mineral elaftic fpi- rit or air contained in the Pouhon water, and other acidiilse - - Browmigg Spirit I.evel. A f})irit level to be fixed to a qua- drant for taking a meridional altitude at fea, when the horizon is not villble Hadley Spittle. Microlccp cal obfervations conccrnirg blood, milk, bones, the brain, fpitt'e, cuticula, &c. - - hituvoinhoek Spleen. The texture of the fpleen, he. Malp'ighi Some remarkable ob.fervations on a di leafed folecn - - Grew Microfcopical obfervations on the f^ruiffurc of the fplecn - - Lceuiunthoek • Obfcfvations on the glands in the human fplecn Douglafs An account of tlie extirpation of part of the fplcen of a mat) - - Firgufon — — An account (jf amonftrous human foetus, having neither head, heart, lung^, flomach, f^ Icen, 6 Tranf. IX 169 XXVIII 151 — 153 1 — 155 XXXVI 283 XLI59 XLI 864 LV 218 LXIV 357 XXXVIII 167 IX 121 VI 2149 XVII 543 XXV 2305 XXIX 499 XL 475 Abridg. Ill 333 IV 2 283I, VII 744 IX 395 — 379 VIII 357 III 683 -84 - 85 V 2 267 V256 IX 149 pnncreasj SPO SPR 4SX pancreas, liver, nor kidneys - Le Cat SfONGE. Microfcopical obfervations on fponges, &c. Leeuwenhoeh m Obfervations upon the worms that form fponges PeyJJonei ~. ... On the nature and formation of fponges Ellis — — An account of fome very perfefl: and uncommon fpccimens of fponges from the coafl of Italy Strange Spots. An account of a negro-boy that is dappelcd in fcveral parts of his body with white fpots Byra ' See Jupiter, Sun Spout. Letter concerning a fpout of water that hap pened at Toplham, on the river between the fea and Exeter - - Mayne ■ An account of a water-fpout obferved in the Downs - - Gordon «— — Letter concerning fome water-fpouts he obferved in the Mediterranean - Htuart Letter concerning a water-fpout obferved by him in Yorkfhire - De la Pryme • • Letter concerning a fpout lately obferved by him at Hatfield - De la Pryme ' Part of a letter, giving a relation of a won- derful fall of water from a fpout upon th Moors in Lancafliire - Richnrdfon — — The defcription of a water-fpout Harris • An extraordinary meteor feen in the county of Rutland, refembling a water-fpout Barker > An account of a water-fpout raifed off the land in Deeping- Fen, Lincoinfliire Ray Spring. An account of an ebbing and flowing fpring in Weftphalia, together with an information touching falt-fpnngs, and the ftraining of falt-water - - Jnon. - Of a remarkable fpring about Paderborn, in Ger- many - - J,jon — ^ — Of fome other not common fprings at Balil, and in Alfatia - - ^>7on. An account of a medical fpring in Dorfetfhire Piightj'orf ' Reflections relating to mineral fprings confidered, in vol. iv. 1050, with an account of fonic fuch Tranf. | Abridg. LVII I XXIV 2158 L 590 LV 280 LX ijrg XIX 781 — 28 XXII 805 XXIII 1077 — 1248 — i33» V 2 267 118 — 104 IV 2 103 106 107 XXX 1097 i 108 XXXVIII 75 VIII 655 XLVI 248 XLVII 477 I 127 — 133 — 134 IV 1128 X 479 II 30s — 331 — 332 fprings 452 SPR STA Tranf, fprin2;s In England anJ other places, fpecifylng how terrefl;:ial ileams m'»y be the generative caufe of minerals and metals, and of all the peculiarities of fprings - Efol V 11^4 Springs. Advertifements relating to fprings, water, 6cc. - - - -^non X 357 ■ An account or a medicinal fpring on the banks of the river Weare, or VVare, in the M ihoprick of Durham - Tod-- XIV 726 — — An account of the circulation of the watry va pours of the fea, and of the caufe of fprin^^s HalUy XVII 468 Letter concerning a medicated fpring in Gla- morganfliiie - Aub y XIX 727 .. Conjifturcs upon the nature of intermitting and reciprocating fp ings - ^fO/^/i XXXVII 301 —— An account of a new purging fpring difcovered at Dulwich, in Surrey - Martin XLI 8 ?5 — — Experimen'-s by way of analyfis upon the wa- ter of the Dead Sea, upon the hot fprings near Tibcriades, and upon Hammon hharoah watei Perry XLII48 Letter concerning the adions of fprings Jurin XLIII46 - See Mineral Springs in their Places Square. 1 he method of fquaring any kinds of curves, or reducing them to more fimpieones De Moivrc XX HI 1 1 1 3 Squilla Aq^J£ Duicis. Part of a letter concern- XXXVIII ina; thf fquilla icjuae dulcis Richa- dfon 331 Squinting. A new cafe in fquinting Darwin LXVllI 86 Squikrel. a letter containing fome remarks rclatini: to Mr. Ray's defcription of the flying fquirn.! of America - - Dak XXXIX 384 Stag. Extraf^. of a letter concerning an extraordinary Ia:.'^e iiorn, of the flag kind, taken out of tht fca on the coaft of LanciHiire hlopkim A. I'-'tter containing the defcription of a fot of ftag in Virginia DaU iTAKE. An caraordir.aiy cure of a horfe that was flaked into *"is flomach - IValiii Stalactites. Account of a beautiful flalactites, now in the Mufcum of the Ro)al Society Huxhum G;amp. Tie defcripti'-n of an anti(|ue metal flanij- in the collection of the Duke of Richmond, I XXXVII 257 XXXIX 384 XIX 118 XLIII 207 Abrldg. II 332 — 396 — 126 — 333 V'l 2 177 VIII &53 — 643 X 160 IV 15 IX 54 -.78 VII 449 1X84 X 627 beinc S T A being one of the Inftances how near the Ro- mans had arrived to the art of printing ; wit*. fome remarks . Mortimei Stars, Fixed. Some more accurate obfervations about Jupiter's tranfits near fixed flars, ufeful for determining the incUnation of that planet to the ecliptic - - Flamjiead ' New oblervations made after a new and accu- rate v/ay, o'' the fartheft elongations of the Medicean ftars from the center of Jupiter ; touether with fome uncommon ones concern- o iris; the diameters of the planets, and tlieir diftances from fixed ftars, as alfo of the paral lax of Mars, in oppofition to the fun and in perigee, &c. - - Flamjiead The longitudes, latitudes, right afcenfions, and declinations of thechiefeft fixed ftars accordinc, to the obfervations of the ancients Bernard ■ A propofal concerning the parallax of the fixed ftars, in reference to the earths annual orb Walits - Concerning the diftance of the fixed ftars Robert m An inftrument for feeing the fun, moon, or ftars, pafs the meridian of any place ; ufeful for fetting watches in all parts of the world with the greatell exaf^nefs, to correcl fun-dials, to affift in the difcovery of the longitude of places - - Derharr ■ ' An account of feveral nebu'x or lucid fpot^, like clouds, lately difcovered in the fixed ftars by help of the telefcope - Haltey — — — Confiderations on the change of the latitude of fome of the principal fixed ftars Halley Of the infinity of the fphere of fixed flars HalUy Of the number, order, and light of the fixed ftars ^ - Hadty - ■- A letter giving an account of a new difcoveredj motion of the fixed ftars - BradUy "— — Obfervations of the appearances among the fixed ftars, called Nebulous ftars, owing to the motion of the earth, and the motion of light compounded together Derham — — The defcription and ufe of sn apparatus added as an improvement lo Davis's quadrant,, con- Tranf. XL VIII 6033 — 6094. XiV 567 XVII 844 XVIII loi XXLV 1578 XXIX 390 XXX 736 XXXI 22 «- 24 XXXV 637 XXXVIII 70 453 Abridg. IX 417 T 401 m IV 464 — 225 — 227 VI 147 — T48 WW 172 fift \v\z 454 S T A fifllng of a mercurial level, for taking iKc co altitude of iun or ftar at fea, without the ufual aflillance of the fenfible horiion, which fre- quently is obfcured - Leioh Stars. (Fixed) A letter concerning an apparent mo tion obferved in fonie of the fixed ffars, ovv ing to a nutation of the earth's axis Biad'ey • Remarks on the mutations of the tlars Barker — — A letter containing the refults ofobfervations of the dillance of the moon from the fun and fixed ftars, made in a voyage from England to the ifland cf St Helena, in order to determine the longitude of the fhip from time to time, together with the whole procefs of computation ufed on the occafon - A'']oJk lyne -—— Concife rules for computing the effefts of re- fraction and parallax in varying the apparent diftance of the moon fiom the Iun or a ftar ; alfo an eafy rule of approximation for com- puting the diflance of the moon from a liar, the longitude and latitude of both being given ; with demonftrations of the faine Mujkelyne • An inquiry into the probable parallax and magnitude of the fixed ftars, from the quantity of light which they afford us, and the par- ticular circumflances of their fituation Michel/ Stars. (Particular) Obfervations of the ftar, called Ncbulofa, in the girdle of Andromeda, and of the wondrous ftar in the neck of the Whale Bullialdus Obfervations on the new ftar near the beak of the Swan, and the other in the neck of the Whale - - - Hevellu Account of a new one difcovered in the conftel- laticn of the Swan in 1670 - Hevd'ius Account from Paris of the earlier difcovery of the fame flar - Vldenhurg Further obfervations of the new ftar, near the beak of the Swan - - Heveliui Another account from the Journal des Scavans Obfcrvr.tions concerning three new flats, one in the Whale's neck, tie other two near the he d and in the bread of the Swan Hevelius Letter concerning drawing the meridian line \ Tranf. XL417 XLV I LI 498 LII S58 LIV 263 LVII 234 11459 V 2023 — 2087 — 2092 VI 2197 2198 XII 853 Abridg, VIII 362 X 32 I 251 — 304 — 248 — 250 — 247 by S T A by the pole flar, and finding the hour by the fame _ - - Qr^y Star, An account of the variations of appear- ance of a new ftar in the neck of the Swan Kirchlus — — A fhort hiftory of the feveral new ftars that have appeared within thefe i^o years ; with an account of the return of that in collo cygni, and of its continuance obferved in 17 15 Halley The declinations of fome fouthern ftars of the firft andfecond magnitude, June 1738, and the way of finding the hour of the night at fea from looking at the fouthern crofs La Condamine Aftronomical obfervation on the periodical ftar in Col'o Ccti - - Herfchel Star. (Appulfes) Obfervable appulfes of the moon to the fixed ftars in the year 1671, foretold, and computed for the meridian and latitude of of London - - Flawjlead " Letter c ncerning the appulfes of the moon for 1673, and the other planets to the fixed ftars, together with an obfervation of the planet Mars - Flamjiead — — The appulfes of the moon and other planets to the fixed ftaro prrd idled for 1674 Flanijiead — — On the method of determining the places of the p'anets, by obferving their near appulfes to the fixed ftars - Ha!Uy ■ A new method of calculating the eclipfes, par- ticularly of the earth, and of any appulfes o the iroon to planets and fixed ftars Gerjhn Star. (Occultation) Obfervations on a total eclipfe of the iTO-n, Jan. 11, 1675, with the occultatioiis of certain fixed fiars Heveliui " ' ■ An account of an occultation of a fixid ftar by the m' on, Feb. 29 - Cajfim An occultation of Mars and certain fixed ftars obferved at Dantzick, Sept. i, 1676 Hevcliu^ ' Obfervations on the occultation of fixed ftars in 1683, at Dantzick - H.velius — — Obfervations of an occultation of a fixed ftai in Gemini by the body of Juplterjan.i i, 17 1 -, and of a very clofe tranfit of Mars below the M m m Tranf. XXII 815 XXIX 226 — 3S4 XLVI 139 LXX 338 V 2029 VII 5118 VIII 6162 XXXI 2C9 XLIir22 X 289 XI 564 — 721 XIII 331 455 Abrlds:. IV 462 — 222 — 224 X53 I 453 424 VI 170 X55 I 310 — 349 — 350 ncvthera- 4S^ S T A Tranf. XXX 546 LII 607 199 northernmoft flar Iri the fcorpion's forehead, Feb. 5, 1 71 7 - - - JnoT2. Star, (Occultation) Proposal of obfervations of oc- cultations of the fixed ftars by the moon, made at Paris, to determine the exa<5l difference of longitude betwixt London, Paris, and Green- wich - P/lafli; Abri dg. IV 304 VI 400 357 11 832 — 503 VIII 278 Statics. (Vegetable) Account of Mr. Hale's vege- table fiatics 4 XLIII 31^ XXXIV 264 Dcfaguliers\XXXV 323 IX 276 XI 1350 VI 2 158 Station, STA STE Station. See Rome \ Statues. Method of carting ftatues lit metal ; to- gether with an invention for making fuch caft llatues, of an extraordinary thinnefs, beyond any thing hitherto known or practifed Vak'ofor — >- Extrafts of two letters from Rome corcerninii fomeantientftatues, pictures, an J other curio- iitie?, found in a iubterraneous town lately difcovered near Naples - Paderm Extract of another on the fame fubjeft KnaptoK Extraft of another letter on the fame fubjeft Crijp — — See Htrciilaneum Steam. How terrellrial fleams may be the gene rative caufe of both minerals and metah, and of all the peculiarities of f^n-ings - Bcal » M i Of the ufe of the air to elevate the fleams of bodies » _ _ Boyle • Advertifements occafloned by the remarks, printed in vol, X. p. 307, of the warm and fer tilizing temper.iture and fleams of the earth Bed Steam Engine. The beft proportions for fteam engine cylinders of a given content, conliiered Blak — — — Further experiments for encreailng the quanti- ty of fteam in a fire engine Fitzgerald — — See Engine^ Fire Engine, Fountains Steatomatous Tumour. Account of an extracr- dinary fle^tomatou3 tumour, in the abdomer of a woman - - hL'mlj Steel. A fu2--e{lion for retrlevino- the art of har- dening and tern, eringfteel for cutting porphyrc, and other hard marbles - Jnon. The manner of making fteel, and its temper; with a guefs at the way the antients ufed tt fteel thetr picks, for the cutting and hewing of porphyry - - Lifter A Memoir on the lacrymae Bataviae, or glab drops, tl- e tempering of fleel, and efFervefcence accounted for by the fame principle LeCai ' An account of an experiment, by whic! it appears that fait of fteel does not en ter into the lacteal veffels j with remarks iVrigh M m m 2 Tranf. 45? Abridg. XVI 259 XLI 4^4 -489 — 493 V1154 — 2048 X357 XLVI 197 I- 370 LXI 131 VIII 6010 XVII 865 XLVI 175 LS94 I 599 IX 440 — • 442 — 444 II 833 — 297 — 599 — 560 Xs6o Steel- 458 STE STO Steel Yard Balance Swikg. D^fcription and ufes of the fteel yard balance Twing Sheldrake Stellar Fish. See Star Fijh Steno, Some notes on Dr. Swammerdam's book of infers, and on that of Steno, concerning pe- tified (hells - - Lt/ie? SteviN. An explanation of an obfcure paflage in Albert Gerard's commentary upon S. Stevin's works - - Simpftr, Stock. Some communications on the defcent of ia Reert S'ome confiderations on Mr. Reed's letter Ihewing in what fenfe the Tap may be faid to delccnd and to circulate in plants, and the graft, to communicate with the ftock Bea Stomach. Obfervations of a large bed of gland; obferved in the ftomach of a pike Alufgrave w^ An extraordinary cure of a horfe that was ftaked into his ftomach - It^alia • • «■ Cure of a perfon who fwallowed a knife which lay in his ftomach a year and 7 months, anJ then worked out at an apofthem on his brcaft — — Of the motion of the ftomach obferwd m a do Pitt » ■ ■ A letter concerning two cafes of wounds In i\u ftomach - - Field ■ A letter concerning an impoftumation in the ftomach - - Aikinfon — - ■ A preter-natural perforation found in the upper part of the ftomach, with the fymptoms it produced - - Rawlinfon ' Letter relatin?: to the villi of the ftomach of o oxen, and the expanfton of the cuticle through the du6tus alimentalis - Ptia — — A cafe of a (triiflure in t^e middle of the fto- mach in a girl, dividing it into two bags An obfervation of the immoderate and fatal ufe of crab-ftones, and fuch-like abforbent earths, and from whence have proceeded ftone^ in the ftomach and reins - Breyuiu • The cafe of Mr. Smith, furgcon, at Sudbury, in S jfTolk ; the coats of whofe ftomach were changcj into an almoft carlilcgenous fubftance Murdock Tranf. XLII 20 VI 2219 XLVIII 368 VI 2128 — 2144 XIV 699 XIX 118 — 120 XX 278 XXXII 78 — 80 XXXV 361 532 XXXVII25B XLI 557 XLVI 39 Abridg. IX 499 I 216 II 687 — 690 III 93 II91 VII 508 — 507 VI 441 VII 508 IXI7I Stomach. STO Stomach. Account of a young lady who had an extraordinary impoftume formed in her ftomach Layara ^ An account of a monftrous human foetus, having neither head, heart, lunss, ftomach, Ipleen, pancre-.s, liver, nc kidneys Le Cat > On the dgeftion cf the Komach after death, Hunter Stone. (Natural hiilo-y) Of a p'ace in England where, without petrifying water, wood is turned into ft-.ne - _ Boyle Of the nature cf a certain ftone, found in t.'-e Indies, in the head of a ferpent Vemati m — A relation of worms that eat out flones De la Vcyt •—— A Defoription of a S^vedifh flone, which affords fulphur, vitriol, allum, and mimum Jaibct Inftanr's, hints, and applications reiati-^g to ftcnes cf divers kinds, &c. - Beat — ■ — ■• Account of fome ft-,ne-quaries in Hungary Brown — — Account of a ftone quary near Maeftricht Anon. ■ A defcription of certain Hones figured like plants, and, by fome obferving men, efteejned to be plants petrified - Lifier ' ■■ Advertifements relating to ftones, recks, he. Beal - A letter concerning fome formed Hones found at Hunton, in Kent - Hatlc% • A refradtion cf the 7th and laft paragraph d' Mr. W. Molyneaux's letter, vol. XIV. p. 552, concerning Lough- Neagh ftone, and its non- application to the magnet upon calcination Molyneux ■ An account of an extraordinary tinfture given to a ftone - - Reijel An account of the making pitch, tar, and oil out of a blackifh ftone in Shroplhire Ele ' Letter concerning feveral figured ftones lately found by hini - - Lhwyd -— — Account of a figured ftone found in Wales p with a note on it by Hans Sloane Lkvyd — — An account of ibme ftones and plants lately found in Scotland - Sibbnlti »»■■ Account of the nuarrv at Maeftricht Ellis 459 Tranf. Abridg. XLVI406 XI 1023 LVII I LXII 447 I lOI — 102 - 321 375 IV 1 135 V 1044 — 2051 VI!I 6181 X357 XIV 463 — b20 XVI 22 XfX 54J. XX 279 XXI 187 XXII 603 XXIII iAi6 II 325 — 814 -787 — SOI -- 148 — 339 — 463 — 493 — 396 — 426 — 6-6 1 604 II5TI V 2 i34 Stone. 4'^'0 S 1* O 6toN£. Microfcfipical obfevvations on tlie pumice {lone, coral, fpunges, kc. Leeuwanhoek -, — ^ A defcripton &f the feveral ftrata of earth, iVones, coals, &c. found in a coal pit, i^t the ueft end of Dudley, Staffordfhire ; to which is added a table of the ipscitick gravity of each lliatuai - Fettiplace and Haukfbec — =-~ An account of the impreilion of the almoft en tire ikeleton of a large animal in a very hard Itone found at Elfton, near Newark, Norting- hamfliire - - Stukely — — — An account of the fiitring ftcne of Mexico, and compared with other ftones, by which it is fhewn that it is of little or no ufe in purify ing the waters which have paffed through it Fatcn — Remarks on ftones of a regular figure found near Bagneres, in Gafcony M'-mtejquicu — An enquiry concerning the Aone ofleacolia An account of perfect minute cryftal flones . A letter concerning an extraordinary fifh, called in RuiTia, quab, and concerning the ftones called crabs eyes - Baket , Letter concerning a flat fpheroidal ftone, having lin s regularly croffing it - Piatt . Adefcription and figures of a fmall flat fpheroidal floiie, having lines formed upon it Mortimer , An account of the impreffion on a ftone dug up in the ifland of Antigua - Hyam . A letter concerning the ilones found in Antigu.i Port — — Remarks on the fboncs in the county of Nalfau, and the territories of Treves and Colen, re- fembling thofc of the Giants Caufeway, in Ire land - - Trembly - An account of a large ftone near Cape-Town, with a letter from Sir William Hamilton, ou having fetn fome pieces of the faid itone Anderfon Stone. (Diforderfo called) Account of a great num- ber of ftones found in one bladder Good'id .. An account o*^ a ftone cut out from under the tengue of a man - Lijler Tranf. ' XXIV 2158 XXVII 541 XXX 963 XXXIX 106 XLIII 26 — 373 — 468 XLV 174 XLVI534 — 602 XLIX 295 -- 297 -581 LXVIII 102 II 482 VII 4062 Abridg. VI 2 267 IV 2 182 vm 728 X788 — 602 — 612 XI 8-6 X 630 639 III 149 Stone^ S T O Stone. (Dlforder) An account of a flone founcl in the bladder of a dog, and of another faftened to the back-bone of a horfe Giornale de Letterati • • . • Two obfervations about ftones, one found in the bladder. of a dog, the other faftened to the back-bone of a horfe Giornale de Letterati • A relation of an human body opened at Dant- zick, and of 38 ftones found in the bladder thereof _ - - Kirkby - An obfervation concerning fome flones of a per fedl gold-colour found in animals Jolmjiom - An account of feveral human calculus's of an unufual bignels - Ga^de?: ' Anatomical obfervations of an abcefs in the liver, a great number of ftones in tne gall bag and bilious veflcis, an unufual conformation oi the eni'jlgents and pelves, a ftrange conftruc- tion of both kidneys, and a great dilatation of the vena cava - Tyfon '■ An abfiraft of a treatife on the calculus, in an- fwer to feveral queries propofed by Sir John H:%ns - - Slare With a poftf.ript concerning two human cal- culi of unufual form and bitrnefs S/arc ■ An account of a ftone grown to an iron bodkin in the bladder of a boy - Li/hr ' Ana^ftract of a letter giving an account of ftones voided by fiege Threapland ' The defcripdon of a flone of the bladder — — Account of ftones voided per penem Cole • Defcription of a large ftone voided by urine Jlnon. - An account of the cafe of Margaret Lower from the year 1 68 1 - - Konig An examen of the ftones fent from Berne Slar£ Further trial of them by chymical diftillations Slare — — Account of a ftone of an extraordinary bi^nefs. fpontaneoufly voided though the urethra" of a woman at Dublin - Mulllneux — — An uncommon obfervation of a ftone found in the kidneys - . li^ittte — - An account of a ftone of a prodigious ftze ex- Tranf. VII 4094 — 4094 VIII 6155 IX 9 XII 843 — 1035 XIV 523 — 534- XV 882 — 961 — 1015 — 1 162 — 1269 XVI 94 — 140 — 145 XVII 817 XVIII 30 461 Auridg. Ill 164 — 149 — 166 — 150 -- 178 — 162 — 160 — i^o — 170 — 1S2 — 151 traced 40 2 S T O trst^.d Iv/ ftilion out of a woman's bladder, who is living - fycod Ston-e. (Diforder) Cf a flone found in the gall bladder of a woman - - J'T^- — — An account of two large ftones which lodged in ths meatus urinarius for twenty years paft, and were from thence cut out Bernard — - — An account "-f a ftone of the bladder which weighed 5! ounces, or three pounds three ounces and a (lone out of the bladUer which a.lht'red 10 it - - Pre/ion ' An account of a irentleman's beino; cut for the Hone in the kidney, with a brief inquiry into tne antiquity and pradtice of nephrotomy Jnon. Some additional remarks on the extra£^ing the ftoiie (.ut of the bladder of thofe of the female fex - Molyneux Letter concerning feveral ftones voided by a boy - - Sibbald • An account of a ftone bred at the root of the tongue, and caufing a quinfey - Bonavcrt An account of a Hone t^urd n the ftomach of a 'ady on diffe.'iion, another in the Icfc kidney, and lome fmaller ones in the gall bladder Clrk . — f— Fart of a letter giving an account of the new way of cutti. g for the ftone by the Hermit, w ih his opinion of it - BuJJtsre • Aicc unt of a difeafe occafioned by fwallovvmg pebble ftonts j with remarks by H..ns ialoane Hoi — ^ — Letter concerning a flonc cut from a chil , haviig a fl nt within it - Garden - Letter concerni; p; a flone cut out of the blad der, having hair on it - Ifaduce A further account of the perfon mentioned to ha c fwalloe ed fto.ies - Holt Account of a ball extra£led from a perion who had loffcred by it 30 years, in which was a(.dumb-flo.)e - Young Some inf'ances of other perfons who were hurt by fwallowin^i j lumb {tones Stoam — — An account of very large flones voided per ur ;hr,in - - Lhw)'-i Two extraordinary cafes of a large flone in the urethra, brought on by a venereal infection, Tranf. XV HI 1 03 — Ill XIX 250 — 310 — 333 XX II — 264 — 440 XXI 95 ■ — 100 — 190 XXa 68; — 688 — 992 XXIII 1279 — 1283 XXIV i?04 Abrldg. Ill 18s - 154 — 188 ■— 184 - 156 — 159 ~ 185 — 92 — 164 — 155 — 164 V 260 — 261 — 264 — 288 and' S T O i Tranf. and a child born with a remarkable tumour! on the loins - - HuxhArii XXV 257 Stone (Diforder.) A letter concerning the jaundice, occafioned by a ftone obftruding the duftus communis bilarius, which was afterwards voided] by ftool - - Margram — — Of hydatides inc'ofed with a ftony cruft in the kidney of a fheep - Cowper — — An abftracfl out of a letter concerning ftones voided by ftool ; with an anfwer to it by Dr Cole - - Holbrooke • A letter concerning large ftones voided per ure- thram - - ThorePi)} An account of a new method of cutting for the ftone - Douglas • Obfeivations upon difiefting the body of a per- fon troubled with the ftone Williams — — — An account of the cutting of a man who died of the ftone in the kidnies - Hardifway • A letter concerning Hones voided per anum A'/artineau — — Remarkable obfervations on the diflTedion of a body of one who died of the ftone FateryiX'KlV 1O2 — — An account of a large ftone voided through the urinary paflTages of awomari Beard ——— An account of a ftone t.kcM out of a horle, at Bofton, in New- England, 1724 Dudley *— — An account of feveral ftones found in the k'dneys of a perfon - ~ Dobyns - ■ • An account of a ftone in the bladder breaking fpontaneoully, and paffing off through the ure-j thra ^ - - _ //.//y^rXXXVir 13 • Of an inguinal rupture, wifh a pin in the appen-| dix cceci, incrufted with ftone Jmyand'K^'KlX 329 • ' ' A defcription of a very extraordinary ftone orj calculus taken out of the bladder of a man after' teath - . Caurnont Another account of the fame cafe Z oilman Anfwer to the Marq. de Caumont's account Sloane • An account of the cafe of a calcu'us making; its way through an old cicatrix in the perinaeum Harthy An account of a ftone or calculus making its way out through the fcrotum - Sloane ■" Cafe of an extraordinary ftone voided by the anus - - Mackarn:Ji N n n — 2233 — 2304 XXVII 28 — 536 XXXIl 83 — 326 — 327 — 433 — 211 — 261 XXXV 452 463 ' Abridcr. VII 53^ V 279 — 54 — 265 ~ 288 VII 527 — 530 — 520 — Sl^ — 534 — 440 — 53^- — 534 XL 369 — 371 — 374 XLI 349 — 351 — 500 IX I Jjj 172 173 174 176 — 170 Stonx 464 Ston S T O E (D'r'orr'er.) An obfervatlon of the immoderate and fatal ufe of crab ftones, and fu' h like abforbent earths, from whence hrive proceeded Hones in the ftomach and reins Bre\'nhi> An account of Tome remarkable flones taken out of the kidney's of Mrs. Felles after her de- ceafe - - Sherwood. An account of feveral ftones found in bags form- nied by apiotulion of the coats of the bladder, as appeared on opening the body of Mr. Gar- diner - - Nourfe An account of the cafe of William Payne, with what appeared upon examining his kidney and bladder' - - Belt An account of a large ftone voided by a woman with her urine - - Revilas An account of an extraordinary calculus taken out of the body of a boy Huxham Letter concerning a large flone found in th f^omach of a horfe - JV. IVatfon An account of a very large flone found in the colon of a horfe ; and of feveral Hones which were taken from the intethnes of a maie ; with fome experiments aod obfervations theieupon Bailey A letter concerning a ftone taken out ot the bhdder of a dog, with a piece of dog grafs in its center - - ^'''g A'^ account of a lady at Cottcrcd, Hertford- lliire, who had a ftone under her tongue Freetnan Concerning a boy who had a calculus formed between the glans and the prccputium Clark An account of a very large human calculus Htberden Cafe of a piece of a bone, together with a flone in the bladder, fucccf>fully extra£lcd Warner Relation of a large calculus found in a mare W, liatjon An account of two extraordinary cafes of gall ftoncs - - John/lone A remarkable inftance of four rough ftones that weredifcovered in an human urinary blad- der, contrary to the received opinion j and Tranf. XLI 557 610 XLII II 54 XLIII207 ~ 268 XLIV 296 — 335 XLVI5 — 45 — 596 XLVII 475 XLVIII 800 L 543 Ab ric%. IX 171 — 502 — 176 — 177 — 179 XI 976 — 904 — 905 — 909 — 959 — 1004 — 1005 fut- S T O fuccefsfully extra£led by the lateral method of cutting for the ftone - IVarney Stone (Diforder.) An account of two ftones of re- markable fliapes and fizes, which, for thefpace of fix year-, were firmly lodged in the urethra of a young man, and fuccefsfully cut cut from thence - - Warner - ■ An account of a ftony concretion taken from the colon of a horfe - Baker «— — The ca'e of a patient, who voided a large ftone through the perinscum from the urethra Frewen ■ ' Cafe of a man who had fix ftones taken out of the gall bladder - Geach — — An account of a hernia of the urinary bladder including a ftone - Pott " ' An account of a ftone voided, without help, from the bladder of a woman - Heberden "'" The cafe of a patient voiding ftones through a fiftulous fore in the loins, without any con- comitant difcha'ge of the urine of the fame pail'age - - Simmons Stone. (Remedies for the) An account of the ace- meiia and its ftone-diflblving faculty Hotton ■ • A propofal to bring fmall paflable ftones with eafe out of the bladder - Hales • The effefts of the lixivium faponis, taken inwardly by a man a2,ed 75 years, who had the ftone, and in whofe bladder, after his deceafe, were found two hundred and fourteen ftones C^efelden ■*■■ ■■ A le.'ter concerninn; the relief found in the ftone from the ufe of Alicant foapand lime wa- ter - - Lucas ■ The cafe of Horace WalpolCjEfq. drawn by him- felf - - iValpoIe A fequel to the cafe of Horace Walpole, E*q. ii'alpoh Cafe of the la'e Horace, Lord Walpole, being a fequel to his own account at vol. XLVll, p. 43, and 472 - Pringk ©blervatioris on the cafe ' IVhytt f An account of the virtues of foap in difloKing the ftone in the cafe of the Rev* Mr. Mathew Sirapfon - - Pringle — »— Polifcriptto obfervaticns on Lord Wal pole's cafe, With obiervation? on the Lithoniriptic virtue N n n 2 Trat^i. L 579 LI 304 — 694 LII 258 LIII 231 LIV61 LV 128 LXIV 108 XXII 760 XLllI 502 XXIV 36 — 463 XLVII43 L 205 — 209 — 221 Abrido;. XI 990 — 992 ^— 1000 of 466 S T O of the Carlfbad waters, lime-water, and foap // hyti Stone. (Operation for the) A clefcription of a ca- theter mace to rea.edv the inconvenicncies which occafioned the leaving oft' the high ope- ration for die ftone - Cltland\ — — Remarks on the operation of cutting for the| ftone - - Le Cat\ <—— A remarkable cafe of a perfon cut for the ft;)ne| in the new wav, commonly called the lateral ; by William Chefeldcn, Efq; Re'nl\ — — An obfervatioa of an operation made by thel high apparatus according to M. le Cat's rae-l thod, in the year 1743, from Philip Henry Zollman - - Le Cat . Part of a letter concernintj the extraclins; large ftone by an aperture in the urethra Howell . ■ ■ Extract of a letter enclcfing a propofal for en tirely removing the only real defeil in the lateral operation for the ftone Mudg The operation of lithotomy on women Le (^at Stones. (Precious) Some obfervations upon genis, ex precious lions ; mrre particularly fuch as the ancients ufed to engrave upon Dinzly Obfervations upon I'orae gems ftuiilar to the tourmalin - - H'tly.n Stool. A letier concerning h^datitldcs voided by (iool — — A Ictt.^r concernmg the jaundice occafioned by ftone <)bli;rui!:ting the duftus communis bilariu-, which was af.crwards voided l>y ftool Mufgravs Storm. Extrai^ of a letter, giving an account of an unufual (iorm of hail, which fell at Li'^e, iu Flanders, May 25, 1686 An account of a great hail ftorm at Hitchen, in Hertfordfhire, May 4, 1697 Tailor . A relation of a great hail ftorm, in He re ford 111 ire^ June 6, 1697 Of the fame llorm in Monmouthfliire Lhwyd • Relation of the efle£ls of a violent ftorm a Aconr.atk, in America, Odt. 19, 1693, "^^ ^^^ rivers of that country - ^carburgk • • Part of a letter concerning a flrange effedi of the Tranf. L 386 XLI 844 XLIII 391 XLIV 22 ~ 175 — 995 - 215 — 999 JtLVI 24 — 1002 — 97 — 975 XLIV 502 X610 Lll 443 XXIV 1797 V 281 XXV 2233 XVJI 858 XIX 577 — 579 — 659 Abridg. IX 179 XI 976 — 991 — 279 n 145 — 147 — 148 104 late S T O late great ftorm in Suflcx, 1703 Fiillet Tranf. XXIV 153c 1535 ^544 Storm. A letter containing Dbfervations concernin- the late fiorm at Upminl^er - Derhurn -. P;irt o a le ter concerning the Ute great fturni obk-rved at Delft - Leeu'we..hoek Further account of the faid ftorm Leeuwenhock - An experiment to fliew the caufe of the dcfcent of the mercury in the baro.Tieter in a Itorm He ukjhce ~ Part of a letter, giving an account of a florm of thunder and lightn ng that happened at Ipfwich, July 16, 1708 - Bridgmayi The effeds of the above fiorm at Colchelier Nelfiin — — Part of a letter concerning a ftorm of thunder, lightning, and rain, at Leeds, in Yorkfhire Auguft 5, 1708 - Tkorejly A letter criving; an account of a ftorm of thunder • • 1 T and lio^htning which happened ne^r Leeds, in York ill ire - - fhorefby - A letter "ivinsf an account of the daniage done by a llorm of hail which happened near Ro-! thetam, in Yorklliire - Thorejby • A relation of the effe£ls of a dorm of thunder and lightning at Sampford Courtney, in De- \onlhire, on Odl. 7, 171 1 Chamherlayne A letter concerning the Itorai, Jan. 8th, 1734-5, at Darlington - r'j'/^XXXiX 28^ A letter concerning the Rorm of thunder which happened June 12, 1748 A-Iiles An account of a ftorm ot thunder and liffhtnina near Ludgvan, m Cornwall, Dec. 20, 1752 Borlafe An account of the effeds of a florm of thunder and lightning in the parifhes of Looe and Lanreath, in Cornwall, June 27, 1756 Dyer Letter on the fame fubjeft Miller An account of the effe6ts of a ftorm at Wigton, in Cumberland - Thomlinfon - An account of an extraordmary ftorm of hail in Virginia, July g, 1758 - Fauquie i An account of a ftor mof thunder and lightning at Norwich, Ju y 13, 1758 Cooper An accouni «f tlie effeas of a ftorm of thunder — 1629 XXVI 137 — 140 — 289 XXVII 320 — 5H -5-^ XLV 383 XLVlil 86 L 104 — 107 — 194 ■— 746 LI 38 467 Abridg.. ■ V 2 109' ibJ — 2 12^ V 2 40 IV 2 131 — - ro9 X 475 anc 4^3 STO STR and lightning at Rlckmanfvvorth, In Hertford- lllire, July i6, 1759 - Vhiifiek Storm. An account of two thunder ftorms, on July 28, 1761, at Ludgvan church, the other Jan. II, 1762, at Breag - Borlajt Account of the eftecls of a ftorni of thundtr and lightning on Pembroke college, Oxford. Jan 3, 1765 - ^^r'lffii' Obfervations upon a thunder dorm Bergman A letter defcribing a remarkable florm at Buck- land Brewer, Devon, March 2^ 1769 Paxtoa An account of a remarkable thunder florm, Feb. 18, 1770, at St. Keverne, in Cornwall lVil!iaHi> — — ExtravR: of a letter concerning a thunder and lightning ftorm, by which Mr. Heartiy, of Harrowgaie, was killed, Sept. 29,1772 Rirkfiaix Account of the effedls of a thunder ftorrn on the 15th of March ,1733, upon the houfe of Lord Tylney, at Naples Sir If'iliiaTri Hamilton See Hail., Lightnings Rain, Thunder biovE. An account of a lately invented ftove for prcferving plants in the green-houfe in winter, publifhed at the end of the Calendarium Hor- tenfe - - Odium ' The manner in which the Chinefe heat their rooms - - _ . DeVifmc An account of the kang, or Chinefe ftovc Gramont Straight's-Mouth. a conje£lure about an under current at the Straight's-Mouth Of the currents at the Straight's Mouth Stralsund. See Thuna.r Strata An account of the flrata met with in dig- gingfor marie, and of horns found under ground in Ire 'and - - Kelly ■ A defcription of a petrified ftratum formed from the waters r)f Matlock, Derhyfhire Dohjoh Strawberries. Micmfcopical ohicrvation; on the fiieds of figs, l\(awbcrricf=, &c. Lnuwenhoek String. Concerninij the motion of Ilretched ftring STLPtFAC')' ION. An account of a cafe of a youni' m<:n (lupified by the imoke of fca-ccal Freweh Style. Ltitcr judginj; of the age of the MS3 of 7 Tranf. LI 282 LII 507 LV 273 LVII 97 LIX 79 LXI7I LXIII 177 — 324 XVIII 191 LXI59 — 61 XIV 564 XXXIII 191 XXXIV 122 LXIV 124 XIX 269 XXV1II26 LII 454 Abrldsr. II 750 VI 2 171 224 III 685 IV 391 icurned STY SUB 469 learned authors, palates, rr.ufitians, &c. by the jyanr, Style. (i.^ftronomy) Two ] tiers ccnretning the al- teration (luggeliecl) of the Julian account for the Gr oorian - - I'f' allii -r . • ' The report made by Lord Trealurer Burleigh to the Lords of the Council of a conful- lation had, and ihe examination of the plain and brief difcourfe by John Dee, for reforming the calendar - - Anon. Refle(Slions upon the foregoing paper GT'eaves — — The conclufion of the ProteHant empire Sept 23, 1699, concerning the calendar Houghton • Remarks upnn the folar and lunar years, the cycle of 19 years, commonly caUed the Golden Number, the Epad, and a method of finding the time of Eaiier, as it is now obferved in moft parts of Europe Earl of Macdesjield Styptic. Notice of an admirarie liquor, inftantly flopping the blood of arteries pricked or cut, without any fuppu'ation, or without leaving any fear or cicatrice - Denys Experiments made with the liquor at London At Paris - - - Jnon. An addition to the experiments Jnon. Experiments in St. Thomas's Kofpital yincn. Further fuccefs in the fleet - Anon. ' An iiccount of (ome experiments lately made on dogs, and of the effecls of Mr. John CoL batch's ityptics on human bodies, by W. Cooper — Some obfervatiojis upon Dr. Eaton's ftvptic Sprengell — — - Remarks on the ufe of the ftyptic, purchafed by his mott Chriftiar. A-iajefty Fagei • See .'igaric^ Lycipe'don Styrax Lktliida. The manner of making ft v^ax liquida, alias, rola mallas - Petiver Submarines.. A defr-iption f fome coralls, and other curious fubmarines, Itely fent from the Phillippine ifles, by li. 1. Gamel Petivir Substances. An ace .unt of two - ncommon mineral lubiiances m fome coal and iron mings in Eng land - . Jejpp Tranf. XXIV 1998 XXI 343 355 356 :XII 459 XLVI417 VIII ^039 — 6052 — 6054 — 6074 — 6078 — 6115 XVIII 42 XXXill 108 XLVII 56c XXVI 44 XXIII 1419 o V 2 I l\\ 406 I 404 — 405 III 40S X i^i III 252 — 254 — 255 VIII 6179 VII 5&3 V417 V2 286 II 458 Substances 470- SUB SUG Substances. Concern in:!j the vanous figures of the {'alts contained in the levcral fuoftances Leeuivenhoefr Letter concerning; a fubftance coughed up re- lembiing the vdVels of the lungs Bujjieri Cafe of a gentlewoman who voided with her \iri:ie hairy cruftaceous fubftances ; with Sir H. Sloane's anfwer, containing feveral obfer vations of extraordinary iubBances voided h) the ur nary palTagcs Poweland Shave Cafe of hair voided by urine Knighi A fummarv of f rne late obfervations upon the generation, coinpofition a d decompofition of animal and vegetable fubftances Needham An account of a curious fleihy coral-like fub- flance, with fome obfervations on it by Mr. John Ellis - Schloffer A defcription of three fubflances mentioned by the Arabian phyficians, in a paper fent from Aleppj, and tranilated from the Arabian by y. C banning A fliort narrative of the ftru£lure and effed of parabolick buning fpeculums, made by the late Mr. Hocfen, of Drefden ; and an account of exjKrinients made with them on the fufion of different fubftances - llolfe Experiments on ignited bodies Rcebuck , Experiments on ignited (ubftances IPiyitehurji Experiments on fome mineral fubRanccs IVolfi SuBTKRRANEOL's Fire. A fpecies of fubterancous fire obLr\ed in Kent - Nefhitt Subterraneous Steams. Some obfervations on fubtcrr.incous Heams - Robin/on Subterraneous Tree. Obfervatirns concerning fubtcrraneous trees in Dagenlum, and other marflies bordering upon the river '1 hames, in! the county of Elfex - Dcrhani Suck. Relation concerning an aged woman of 6o years, giving fuck to her grand child yf«o«. Account of a woman 68 years of age, who gave fuck to two of her grand children Siack\ An account of a man who gnve fuck to a child Roll. B'-Jhop of Cork'}; Sugar. Microfcopical obfervations on the figure of fugar an ) fair, and the probable caufe of the ditierence of llicir til:e Lecuwenhoek Tranf. XV 1073 XXII 545 XL! 699 — 705 XLV 615 XLIX 449 L VII 21 LIX 4 LXVI 509 — 575 LXIX II XXXV 307 XV 922 XXVII 478 IX 100 XLI 140 — 8l3 X 380 Abridg. y III 685 — 68 IX I So — i«3 X797 VI 2 199 II 349 IV 2 219 III So 1X206 — 20S i;i r-83 S U G A l<. S UG SUL 47 1 SuOAR. An account of a fort of fugar made of tlu juice of maple in Canada - /^nor,. — — Microfcopical obfcrvations on the particles of chrvftalized fugar - Leeuxv.-nhoek — — Obfervations upon the nature and properties of fuoar - - - ^^^^^ An account ot the method of making fugar from the iuce of the maple-tree in New England Dudley Account of the method of cultivating the fugar cane - - Cazaua .. Knowledge necefTary to judge of any kind of fugar - - ' Mill. Sulphur A defcription of a Swedifh ftone which affords fulphur, vitriol, allum, and minium Talbot • Some obfervations and experiments about vitriol, tending to find out the nature of that fubftance, and to give further light in the inquiry after the principles and properties of other minera's Anor. . ■ . A continuation of a difcourfe concerning vitriol, fliewing, that vitriol is ufually poduced by fulpnur, acting on, and coagulating with, a metal; and then making out, that allum is likevvife the refult of the faid fulphur ; as alfo evincing, that vitriol, fulphur, and allum, do agree in the faline principle ; and lailly de- claring the n..ture of the fa't inbrimftone, and whence it is derived - /^non. »< Two letters giving an account of a red colour produced by mixture of a fulphureous fpirit with a volatile alcali - Gibbon — — A rrlation of a ftone quarry at Pyrmont, from which a fulphu-^ous fmoke iflues like that from the cave at Naples, calkd the Grotto of Dogs, defcribed by Miffon, and others - Seip - A letter concernincr a ball of fulphur fuppofed to to be generated in the air Cooi • ■ » An account of two caves, one of ice, the other throwmg out noxious cxhala ions Belius An eafy method of procuring the volatile acid of fjlphur - Seehl — — Thoug. ts on the different impregnations of mineral waters ; more particularly concerning the exiftence of fulphurin fome o them Rutt, . An account of the fulphureous mine:al waters^ O o o Tranf. XV 988 XXVI 444 XXVIII 273 XXXI 27 LXIX 207 LXX 318 I 375 IX 41 1X66 XIX 542 XL 266 — 427 XLI41 XLIII I LI 275 Abridg. II 668 V 2 388 V 353 VI 2 379 II 531 — 544 III 367 VIII 659 — 522 — 662 XI 1226 et 47« SUMM Sun. Bun. Sun, SUM SUN of Caflle-Leod and Fai Rofs, and of the fait keathly, in the county Monro ER. An inquiry into the caufes of a dry and wet fummer - - A^iov. (In general) A method for finding the numbei of the Julian period for any year afligned, the number of the cycle of the fun, the cycle of the moon, and of the indi(^ions for the fame year, being given together, with a demonftratioi^ of that method - Collin: A certain phsenomenon feen in Pruflia, about the fun, a little be moon's conjunction, and the fun's eclipfe, (which was not feen by him) Heveliu-. A letter for corre£ling the hitherto afligned mo tions of the fun - flam/lead Concerning the apparent magnitude of the (un and moon, or the apparent difiance of two liars, when nigh the horizon, and when highei elevated - - Moiyneux The fentiments of Dr» Wallis on the aforelaic appearances - - H^all'n A difcourfe concerning a method of difcovering the true moment of the fun's ingrefs into the tropical figns - Halley Obfervations on the meridian height of the fun to inveltigate the elevation of the pole at Lifbon Carbont An obfervation of an uncommon gleam of light proceeding from the fun C-'llinJ'o Part of a letter toncerning the gradual appr^ ach of the earth to the fun - Euh (Aitradli( n of the) An eflimate of the quanti') of vppour raifed out of the fea by the warmth of the fun, derived from an experiment fliew before the Royal Society - Flalic A refolutioa of a general prupofltion for determin- ing the horary alteriition of the polition of tin terreftial equator, from the attradtion of the (un and moon, with fome remarks on the fo lutions given by other authors to that difficult and important problem - Simpjor. ■ On the prtctfTion of the equinoxes produced by the lun's atlrafticn - Mi/nd (Conjunction with) An allronomical dillcrta- Tranf. LXII 15 XLI S19 II 568 IX 26 — 219 XVI 314 — 323 XIX 12 XXXIV 95 XLIV 456 XLVI 203 XVI C.66 L 416 LXIX 50s Abridg. VII^S: III 399 I 162 I 221 — 225 — 266 X481 — 141 II 108 tlOD SOL SUN tlon on the vifible conjun£lIon of the inferior planets with the fun - Halhy Sun. (DIflance from the earth) A computation of the diftance of the fun from the earth Horjlsy - • ■ On the computation of the fun's difiance from the earth, by the theory of gravity Horjley Sun. (Eclipfes of the fun) Obfervations of the eclipfe of the fun June 22, 1666, at London IViikughhy^ Pope, Hooky and Philips Mad r id - Earl of Sandwich Paris - - Paven •' Calculation of the folar eclipfe, July 2, 1606 Hevtlius The reafons why, in this eclipfe, the diameter of the moon did increafe about the end J^UZOUl ■ ■ Obfervations of the folar eclipfe of the fun, June 1, 1676 - Smethivick Coijon *— — Obfervations on the eclipfe of the fun, June 23, 1675, atDa.'.tzick - H^veliu ■ ■ ' ■ Oblervations on the eclipfe of the fun, June 1 1, 1676, in Er.gland Fiamjlead^ 'Townleyy and Halt on Paris - - Cojfini Dantzick - - Heveiius ' An obfervation on the folar eclipfe of June ii, 1676, at Avignon - Jallet - Obfervation on an eclipfe of the fun at Green wich, July 2, 1684 Flaynlieaa Paris - BulUaldus an'd Ccjfint Calculation of the fame eclipfe, according to the Philolaic tables - Flamftead ■" Obfervations of the folar eclipfe, July 2, 1685, at (Jxford - Bernard Lifbon - - - _ "Jacob Dublin - ^Jh and Malyneux Tredagh - OJbum • '• Some obfervations on the eclipfe of the fun. May 1, 1687, m^.de at various places and fent to the Royal Society — — Obfervations on the eclipfe of the fun, Ju'y 12, 1684, ^t Bologna - Gulielnnni — Obfervations on the eclipfe of the fun, Sept. 13 1699, at Oxford - Gregory — — Of tne fclipie of the fun, Sept. 13, 1699, at Nuremberg - iVur%eLbaur\ O o o 2 Tranf, XVII 511 LVII 179 LIX 153 I 2nc — 296 ~ 369 — 373 }a637 — 660 — 662 — 664 — 666 XII 1020 XIV 691 — ^93 — 747 — 749 XVI 370 XVII 858 XXI 330 XXII 619 473 Abridir. I 427 I 2B0 — 2B1 ~ 282 — 217 I 284 — 284 — 285 — 287 — 288 — 289 — 291 — 292 294 296 — 296 — 295 bUN 474 SUN Sun (Eillpft?.) J-^ne is, 1694, and Nov. 27, 1703. o^ictved atCamb.'idge, four miles from Bol Brattle ton, in New -Engl and May 12, 1706, obferved at Greenwich Tranf. 1 Abridj. XXIV 1630 Canteibury Horton, near Bradford, Yorklhire Bern, in Switzerland Geneva - * Marfeilles Zurich Flamjhad XXV 2237 Gray — 2238 Sharp — 2239 Stannyan — 224O Duillier — 2241 Chazelles — 2244 Scheuchzer — 2246 XXVI 308 XXIX 245 — 314 XXX 820 XXXII 197 — 198 ■— 199 . A letter giving his obfervations on the eclipfe of the fun, Sept. 3, 1708, at Upminfter Dnharn . Obfervations of the late total eclipfe of the fun, on the 22d of April, 17 15, with an account cf what has been tranfn^itted from abroad con- cerning the fame - Halley More accounts of the above from abroad Anon. Obfervations on the eclipfe of the fun, Feb. 19, 1718, at Berlin . - - Kirch At Nurenberg J- - Wurtzelbaur An obfervation of an eclipfe of the fun, Nov. 27, 1722, at Greenwich - Halley London - - Graham At Wakefield - - Hawkins . Part of a letter concerning the eclipfe of the fun, November 27, 1722 - RobiAXXXlUb'j , Obfervations on the eclipfe of the fun, Sept. 23, 1726, at Padua - - P^/,'k«; XXXIV 157 An obfervation of a folar eclipfe made at Lifbon, Sept. 25, 1726 - Carbone XXXV 335 An account ot the eclipfe of the fun, July 15, 1730, N. S. at Wirtemberg - JVeidlei XXXVl 394 Obfervation of an eclipfe of the fun, June 14, 1730, at Padua - Polenus 39^ An obfervation of an eclipfe of the fun, July ^S-> ^ ^^j-., 1730, made at Pekin Kegler andPereyra XXXV 11 1 79 , Obfervation on the fo'ar eclipfe, Nov. 27, 1722 Robit — 273 An obfervation of the eclipfe of the fun on May XXXV III 2, 1733, at London Graham 1^3 An account of the fame eclipfe at Norton- Court, and Ottcrdcn place H/hee> — I14 Of the fame eclipfe at Yeovil in Somcrfetfiiire Mune^ — 1 16 Obfervation of a total eclipfe of the fun, ni;ide 247 249 250 251 252 253 254 — 255 — 267 — s68 VI 171 172 173 174 182 183 VIII 135 — - 13^ — 137 at ' - SUN at HotlioSurg, in SweJen, May 2, 1733, ?" latirude 57" 40 54" - Vaffinius Sun (Ec'.lples.j An account of the eclipfe of the fun cbferved May 2, 1733, at Wirtemberg fVeidler . Obfervation on the folar eclipfe, Sept. 23, 173^? at London - - Bevis — — Obferva i-'H on an eclipfe of the fun, Feb. 18, 1736-7, at Philadelphia Kearjley — — A colleftion of the obfervations of the folar eclipfe, Feb. 18,1736-7, Fleet-Street Graham Greenwich - - Bev'u Edinburgh - Mac L'aurin Edinbur^ih - - Clerk Kettering and Mafon Anon Revillas ^ - - JVeidle A colleftion of the obfervations of the eclipfe of the fun, Aug. 4, 1738 London - - Graham and Short Upfal • - Cdfius Wirtemberg - - JVeidler Bnnonia - Manfred: us * Obfervations on the eclipfe of the fun, Aug. 4, 1739, atWitenberg - JVeidler . Oblervation of an eclipfe of the fun, Dec. 19, 1790 - - Short .-— . The fun's eclipfe of July 14, 1748, obferved at Marlborough Houfe, with a twelve-foot refract- ing telefcope, fixed as a finder to the tube of the great twelve-foot refleftor Bevis , ■ - An obfervation of the eclipfe of the fun at Berlin, July 14, 1748 - Grefchow - An eclipfe of the fun, July 14, 1748, obferved by the Earl of Morton, Mr. le Monnier, and Mr. James Short .. July H* 1748, made at Madrid Vlloa Obferved at Rome, Jan„ 8, 1750 Maire Obferved at Berlin Jan. 8, 1750 Grifcow and Kies — — A defcription of a piece of mechanifm, con- trived by James Fergufon, for exhibiting the time, duration, and quantity of folar eel ipfes in all places of the earth - Fergufon ly An obfervation of an eclipfe of the fun made at Lifbon, O^. 26, 1753 Chevalier Cambridge Bologna Rome Wirtemberg Tranf. XXXVIII 134 -- 332 XL 98 — 121 — 17s — 176 — ^77 — .195 — . 197 — . 199 — 200 — 201 XLI91 — 92 — 94 226 — 633 XLVS2I — 524 — 582 XLVIio XLVI 322 — 339 XL VIII 520 JaVIII 546 Abrldg. VIII 137 - 138 — 139 — 140 — 149 — 151 153 — 113 — 172 X 6 8 -483 -69 — 77 ^ 78 Sun, 476 SUN Sun fEclipfes.) An account of the ccHpfe of tlie fun, Oft. 1 6, 1762 - - Dunn " ■■-' An account of the ccHpfc of the fun, April i, 1764 - - Fergujon '— • Obfcrvations on an cdipfe of the fun. Oft. 17, 1762, atGhyrotty, in the Eaft Indies #- — Obfervation of the eclipfeofthe fun, April i, 1764, London - - Short Bevis Liverpool - Fcrgufon Brompton Park - Dunn Greenwich — - -^A'A Shirburn Caftle - - Anon. Oxford - - Horn/by Thorley Hall - Raper Chatham - - Munay — — Obfervations on the eclipfe of the fun, April i, 1764, atSchwetzing - Mayer An obfervation of an eclipfe of the fun, April i, 1764, in the Roman college, by the Jefuits .— • Dbfeivations on the eclipfe of the fun on the i6th Augufl, 1765, made at Colombes, near Paris - - Mejfie - — Obfervation of the eclipfe of the fun of Auguft 16, 1765, made at Leyden Lulof • Obfervations on the eclipfe of the fun of Auguft 5, 1766, made at Colombes Mejfie. — — A letter containing the o'-fervations of the ecliple of the fun ot Augufl 16, 1 765, and of the 5th of Augult, 1706, made at Calais, to- gether with fome remarks on the firft ot thefe edipfes - - Prince de Cray »■■■ ■ An obfervation ■ The defcription and ufe of an appr^-?tus, added as an improveir^ent to Davis's quadrant, con- fifting of a mercurial level, fir taking tiiC co altitude of fun or ftar at fea, without the ufual alTiftance of the fenfible horizon, which is often obfcured - - i^^^gh • • • An attempt to aflign the caufe why the fun and moon appear to the naked eve larger when they are near the horizon ; with an account of feveral natural pha:nomena, relative to this fubjehm - Obfervations made on the fpots upon tht:; bod\ of the fun in the months of May, June, an ' July, 1704 St amy an - Obiervations upon the fpots tliat have been u. or the fun from the year 1703 to i/H ; with a letter of Mr. Crabtree in the year 1640 upor. the fame fubjedt - I'^erhan: Further account - Derharu Ppp Tranf. LVIII 24 — 107 LXI 574 479 Abridg. I LXII69 VI 2238 — 2250 — 22C5 I 227 — 30-0 — 2 ^ — Z'^IZ — 277 XI 687 — 278 -639 — 279 XIV 535 xx;ii 150: — 1504 XXIV 1756 iV 229 — 230 — 23-- xxvn2 7o — 235 — 278 1 — 20 Sun. 480 SUN SUR Sun. (Spots in the) An attempt to determine the height of the fun's atniofpherc from the height of the folar fpots above the fun's furface Horjley m Obfervations on the folar fpots Wtlj'on . Sketches of the folar fpots Mar/hail Sum. (Solar tables) Some confiderations on a late tresnife, intitled, Anew fet of logarithmic folar tables, &c. intended for a mc-e commodious method of finding the latitude at fea by two obfervations of the fun Pemberton Sun. (Tranfit of Mercury) Anaccount of the appear- ance of Mercury, paffing over the fun's dilk on the 29th of October, 1723; detern-.ining the mean motion, and hxing the nodes or that p'anet's orb - - Hatley ,.i An obfervation of the paiTage of Mercury over the fun, Oft. 31 ; 1738 Huxham — — Tlie differences of longitude between the Royal Obfervatories of Greenwich and Paris, deter mined by the obfervations of the tranfits of Mercury over the fun in 1723, 1736, 1743, 1753, - ' r :, ^^'''' — Obfervations on the tranfit of Mercury over the difk of the fun - - Mohr Sun. (Tranfit of Venus) Differtation on the next tran- fit of Venus over the fun Bofcovich ■■ The obfervations on the internal contaft of Venus with the fun's limb, in rhe late tran- fit, made in different parts of Europe, com pared with the time of the fame contaft, ob- ferved at the Cape of Good Hope, and the parallax of the fun thence determined Short I Obfervations on the tranlit of Venus over the diik of the fun - • Mohr — See Venus Sun Dials. Vide Dials Sun Fish. A paper concerning the molafolis, orfun- fifh, and a glue made of it Barlow Sun-Plant. Of the culture and ufes of the fon or fun plant of Hindoftan, with the account of the manner of manufafturing the Hindoflan paper - - Ironfide SuRATTE. Inquiries for Suratte, and other parts of the Eaft-Indies - Royal Society Surd Roots. A difcourfc concerning the methods ol approximation in the cxtiaftion of furd roots IVallii Tranf. | Abridg. LVII 398 LXIV I — 194 LI 910 XXXIII 228 VI 253 XLI 640 IX 164 LIII158 LXI 433 LI 865 LII611 LXI433 LXI 5:3 LXIV 99 11415 XIX a IX 73 III 632 I 98 Surface, SUR SWA Surface. An experiment touching the weighing of bodies of th' lame fpecies, but of very unequa furfaces, in common air Haukjhe — — Propofitions feleted from a paper on the di- vilion of right lines, furfaces, and folids Glenu Surgery. Two chirurpical cafes Jmyand — Various obfervations in a journey through Italy, begun 1703 - Breyniui ■ Remarks on a colle£lion of ancient chirurgic^l writers in the Grand Duke's library i'chelhammer — — An account of two remarkable cafes in furaery Sterner t hall — — An extraordinary cafe in furgery, of tumours •— — Three extraordinary cafes in furgery Shierman «— — A defcripiion of a machine for drelling and curing unweildy patients - Le Cat — — Extract of a letter relating to two remarkable cafes in furgery - Huxhdm Surveying. A demonftration of an error coin mitted by common furveyors, in comparing of furveys taken t long intervals ( f time, anling from the variation of the magnetic needle Mo'yneux ■ ■ A new plotting table, for taking plans and maps in furveying, invented in lyai Beighton • A recommendation of H dley's quadrant for furveying, efpecially of harbours, together with a particular application of it in fome cafes of pilotage - - Michell Survivorship. A letter concerning the value of an annuity for life, and the probability of furvi vorfhip - - Dodfon ■■■■— Obfervations on the propermeihods of calcula;- ing the values of reverhons dependent on fur vivorfhips - - Price See /Innuities^ Mortality Sussex. See Anticjuities Swallows. Letter concerning the migration of fwal- lovvs - - Klein — — Remarks on fwallows on the Rhine Colinfon ■ Of the houfe-Availow, fwift, and fand-martin Hb4t Pppa Tranf. XXVI 305 LXVr 73 XXVI 170 XXVII 447 ~ 459 XXXI 79 XXX 11340 XlI 13S XLII 364 LII515 XIX 625 XLI 747 LV 70 XLVli:48; LX 268 LI 459 Lill loi ♦8r Abridg. IV 2 i8i V 204 - 389 V 2 136 VII 665 IX 666 253 — 272 125 VIII 228 LXV 258 Swallow*. 482 SWA SYC Swallows. Of the torpidity of fwallows and martins CorniJ}j ^WAMMERDAM. Notes upon his book of infcdls . Lifier Swan. Remarks about the new ftar, near the beak of the Swan - - Hev.llus ■ A new ftar difcovered in the conftellation of the Swan in 1670 - Hevellm m. Account from Paris of the earlier difcovery of the fame fear - - Oldenburg Sweat. Microfcopical obfervations concerning fweat, Leeuivenkoek ■■I. An extraft of a letter containing niicrorcopical obfervations en fweat, he. Leewwenhock SwEATiNG-RooM. A defcription of a Roraan fuda- tory, or hypocauftum, found at Wroxeter, in Shropfhire, 1701 - Lijlir Another letter - Uarwood Two letters relating to Wroxeter, and the hy- pocaufta of the ancients Baxter •111. An account of an extraordinary cure by fweat- ing in hot turffj with a defcription of the Indian hot-houfes ~ Dudley — • ■ An account of the remains of a Roman hypo- caudum, or fweating-room, difcovered under ground at Lincoln, in 1739 Sympfon Sweden. See Coins — — A fhovt account of fome Swedlfh minerals, fent to Pvlr. James Petiver - Angejle'm Sweets. Obfervations on the chfs of fweet taftes, made by comparing the tafles of fweet plants with M. L' Emery's chymical analyfisof them, in his treatifc of dru;^s - Floytr Swelling. An obfervation concerning a very odd kind of dropfy, or fwelling, in one of the ova- ries of a woman - Sloane Swift. Of houfe-fwallows, fwifts, and fand-mar- tins - - - H'hit, Swimming. Confiderations on the fvvimming blad- ders in fifiics - liny Sword, Cafe of a man wounded in the left eye by a fmall fword - (^each Sycamore. Obfervations on fome fycamore trees l^illcughhy Account of the bleeding of Lijirr Sylley. An account of the great alterations wliich Tranf, Abridg LXV 343 VI 2281 V 2023 — 2087 I 248 — 2C92 — 248 IX 128 XVII 949 III 685 XXV 2225 — 2228 XXXIII 129 XLI 855 XXVIII 222 XXIII 1160 XXI 150 LXV 258 X 349 LlII 234 V 1201 — 2067 VII 669 1x455 IV 2 286 V 406 III 207 II 846 II 686 the SYL TAB the ifiands of Sylley have undergone fince the times of t^e antients, who mention them as to their number, extent, and pofitiDn Borlafe Sympathy, Of one who pretended to cure, or cauie dik-afes, at a diftance, by applying a fympathe- tic powder to the urine Leeuvuenhjek Syringing. An account of what happened on t of mountains, with two new tabbies fnev-mp, the heigh of the aimofpherp ai g vt; alticuoes of VJercu.y - Sc' uch%. Table>-. Calculations and taWes relating to th . at tradive virtue of load-fton^ s /Inon, — — Thermouietrical tables ai.d oblervations Stedman A viewof the relation between Dr. Hallev's cable ^nd rh notu-nsof Mr. de BuiTbn, for eilabi.fh- ins a rule for the probaole d (ration of t^e life of man - - Kerjphoom — — Elements of new tables of the motions o Japi ter'- fate 111 tes - Dunthorne ■^ A comparative table of the correfponding obler Aations or the fvrft fateliite of Jupiter, n^.ade in the principal obitrvatories IVarg titin Tackle. A dcfcriprion of a new tacki:.-, or combina- tion of pullies - - Srneaton Tadmor, An ex trail of the Journals of two feveral voy.'ges of the Ei glifh merchant:-, of the fac- tory of Al ppo, to Tadmor, antiently called Palmyra _ _ _ /^,,(jy, Tadpoles, borne ohfervatlons made on the fpawn of irogs, and the produdion of tadpoles there n . ti - Letter concerning the circulation and ftagnat.on of the blood in tadpoles Lecuwenhoek Taiaca. Scu /iper Mexicanus Mofchiferusy or the anatomy of the Mexico mufk hog Tyfon Talo Account of ftone quarries and talc rorks in Hungary - Oldenburg and Brown Tangents. A breviat concerning Dr. Wallis's two methods of tanfients IVU'li , I.. . Shart and eafy method of drawing tangents to all gt'ometrical curves, without any labour of calculations - - Slufius — Eaiv way ut demonflrating his method of drj- ing tangents to all forts of curves, without any labour of calculation - ^luftm .. I . . An eafy dcmo:>liration of the analogy of the lo' garithmi-V 537 XXXVI 245 XLVII 4 XL VIII 239 LII 105 LXVII 162 XLVil 494 XIX 129 III 489 — 492 XVII 523 II 8x8 XXII 447 1:1 685 XIII 359 II 873 V 1C44 VII 4010 I 116 — 5H3 VIII 6059 XIX 202 Abrldg. VI 2 30 304 — 21 577 from TAN TAS from the theory of maxima and minima D'ltton Tangents. Letter containing an explanation of the late Dr. Halley's demonllration of the ana- logy of the logarithmic tangents to the meri dian line, or fum ofthefecants Robertfon Tangier. A catalogue of plants growing within the fortifications of Tangier in 1673 Spottfivood Tanning, An improved method of tanning leather Macbride Tapestry. An account of weaving tapeftry in the fame manner as brocades Martlne Tapping. A remarkable cafe of a gentlewoman who died of an hydrops ovarii, in the 33d year of her age, after having been tapped 57 times Belchier »■■ i» I - The cafe of Mr. Cox, furgeon at Peterborough, who fell into a peftilential fever upon tapping a corpfe dead of an hydropfy Cox — — — Afcites, cured by - Bmnyer •• An improvement on the prae Halley An account of a catadioptrick telefcope macie by John Hadlcy, Kfq. with the description of a machin'-, cuntrivcd b) him, for applying it to ufe - - - Hadlry A letter concerning obfcrvations made with Mr. Hadlcy's refic^iniz telefcope Pound Obfenations on rlie fatcllites of Jupiter and Saturn, inatle with the fame telefcope Hadley A new method of improving and pcrfefting cata drptrical telefcopes by forming the fpcculnms 1 Tranf. — 4032 -• 4034 — 4056 VIII 6086 — 60B7 IX 27 XI 69 T XII joo^ XIV 668 XVI 169 XXX 603 — 1017 XXXI 113 XXXII 303 — 382 Abridg. — 200 — 201 — 204 -^ 156 — 158 — 221 195 19s — 189 IV 345 -. 18S VI 165 of^lafs inftcad ol metal ^mm Xrj 326 VI 221 viitiia! TEL TEN Telescopes. The defcrlptlon and ufcs of an equa- torial tclelcope - ShQ7-i " Letter concerning an improvement of refraft- ing telefcopes by increafing the number of cye- glaffes to enlarge the field of view Dollonu '' " Letters relating to a theorem of A4r. Euler, for correfting the aberrations in the objeft glaflcs of refracting telefcopes Short, Euler, oiidDollond •— — An account of fomc new experiments concern- ing the different refrangibility of light by wa-' ter, and different kinds of glafs ; and of a me- thod thence deduced, of correfting the errors arifing from the different refrangibility of light in the objeft-glaffes of refraining telefcopes DoUond •--- — An account of an improvement made by Mi Dollond in his new telefcopes, by compofing his objed-glafs of two convex lenfes of crown glafs, and one concave lens of white flint DoUond •••' A method of working the objeft glafles of re- frading telefcopes truly fpherical Sho? " Defcription and ufeof a new conftru6led equate rial telefcope, or portable ohfcrvatory Nairy.e •" An improvement propofed in the crofs wires of telefcopes - Wtlfon ' "t ' Diceftions for making the bell compofition for the metals of refleding telefcopes ; together with a defcription of the procefs for grinding, polifliing, and giving the great fpeculum the true parabolic curve - Mudut ' Account of an iconamidiptic telefcope Jeaurat Temperature of the Earth. Advertifementi of the warm and fertilizing temperature of the earth, ftones, rocks, Sec. - Beat Tempers. An elfay tending to make a probable conjedture of tempers by the modulations of the voice in ordinary difcourfe - Ent Tempests. Advertifements of black winds, tempefls, ^C- - - Beai Temple. An explanation of the figures df a Pagan temple, and unknown charadlers at Cannara. in Salfet ^ . Siuart «— Part of a letter concerning the remains of ari antient temple in Irelcnd, and of a (lone hatchet of the antient Irilh BIJhop of Cork Tendon. An account of Hitching the great tendon Q^qq2 Trani'i XL VI 241 XL VIII 103 287 L73 LV54 LIX 507 LXI 107 LXIV 105 LXVII 2q6 LXIX 130 X3S7 XII loio XXVI 372 XLII 581 Abridg. X 154 I . 11741 III 61 V260 IX 457 between 490 TEN TES between the calf of the leg and heel, with its union and cure, after an entire divifion of it, with remarks - Cowper Tekdon. An account of the cafe of the firft joint of the thumb torn off, with the flexor tendon in its whole extent torn out - Horm = Cafe of William Carey, aged 19, whofe ten- dons and mufcles were turned into bones Henr) Further account - Henry Teneriffe. An account of a journey from the port of Oratava, in the iiland of TenerifFe, to the top of the pike in that iiland, in Aug. 17 15, with obfervations thereon by Edem m. . Obfervations made in going up the Pic of Te- neriffe - - Heberden . Some account of a fait found on the Pic of Te- neriffe - - Heberdei TeRCERA. Part of a letter concerning a new IlLmd lately raifed out of the fea nearTercera Forjle- Ternata. An account of the upper part of the burning mountain in the ifle of Ternata, according to the view taken thereof lVit%cn Terrella. a letter about the load-ftone, where chiefly the fuggeftion of Gilbert, touching the circumvolution of a globous magnet, called terrella, and the variation of the variation i,s examined - - Petit Tessellated Work. Part of a letter concernin an arrtient teflcllated or Mofalck work at Lei- cefter - - Cart' Tessera. A brief account of a Roman telTera IV ar^ Testicle. Tellis examinatus, formerly printed at Florence, by Vauclius Dathirius Bonf^laru , now reprinted, bccaufe the fubjedt is under a fcverer examination among the curious ana- tomifts both here, in France, and Holland horiglaru ■ Anatomical obfervations in thelx)dy of a wom^n about 50 years of age, who died hydropical iti her left tefticle - Sumpfor ■' An account of the forming of a foetus in the tefticle - - M'luruc - Examination of the tefticle of a rat, and the feeu of mufcle^, oyltcrs, &c. LeeuwetilKek Testimony. A calculation upon the credibility ol human teftimony - - Arwu. Tranf. XXI 153 L 617 LI 89 — 92 XXIX 317 XLVII 353 LV 57 XXXII 100 XIX 42 11527 XXVII 324 XLV 224 III 843 XII loco XIII 285 XVII 593 XXi 359 Abridg. Ill 498 V2 148 VI 2 20^ II 392 — 607 XI 1321 III 191 — 206 — 2l8 — 2:2 — 685 — 662 ''Jetakus TET THE Tetanus. Obfervations upon the efFecls of elc£^r: CI y -ipplied to a tetanus, or mufcular rigidity of four months continuance W. 't at/./. Thales. Letter concerniiig the year of the eclipfe foretold by rha^es - Ccjiurd . ■ ■ An account of the eclipfe pred £led by Thales Stu ^eley Thermometer. An account of fevcal experiments made to exarnine toe nature of the expanlion and contradtion of fluids by heat and cold, ui order to afcertain the divifions of the thcrmo- met- r, and to make that inftrument in all places, without adjufting by z ftandard HulUy — ' Obfervations on the thermometer and m-ignetu needle, m his voyage to the Cape of Goo Hope, 1700, - - Cuyininghai. * ' " Account or a new thermometer depending on the variation of the fpring of the air by he.-t and cold - - Geoff- O) •— « An account of an experiment made to afcertain the proportion of the exp.infion of the liquor in the thermometer, with regard to the degrees of heat - - Taylor •" '• A meteorological, barometriral, thermome tricai, epidemical, and magnetical diary, kept at Utrecht, 1729 Van Mujchenbrock 1730 and 1 73 1 Van Mufchenbroek *■ Extract of a letter concerning the confirudtior of a quickfiiver thermomeier, and his obfer- vations on the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites in the years 17 31 and 1732 DellJJi — — Delcription of the thermometer Pickering •- A letter concerning the difference of the degrees of cold, marked by a thermometer kept with- in doors, or without in the open air, Dec. i, 2, 3, 1747 - - Mites *■' A difcourfe concerning the ufefulnefs of thermo meters in chymical experiments, and concern- ing the principles on whi.h the thermometers now in ufe have been conftruded ; 'Ogether with the defcription and ufes of a meta line thermometer, newly invented C. Mortimer »■ A letter concerning a metalline thermometer^, in the Mufeum of the Gentlemens' Society, at Spalding - - Johnfon ■— « A kttcr concerning thermometers, and foiiie Tranf. LIII TO XLVm 17 — 221 XVII 650 XXII 577 — 962 XXXII 291 xxxvn357 — 408 XXXIX 221 XLIIi 5 XLIV 613 — 672 XLV 128 45' Abrld-g. II 33 Vl2 49| VII 4 71 — - 86 — -90 VIII 467 X433 — 435 — 426 obfervations A9^ THE o'rtfervations of the weather - MH^'^ . ^ A letter of the near agreement of thermometers in London and at Tooting ^ ^^'^e.\ TherMvOMETER. Tables and o^tervations Stedmaii . Thermoraetrlcal obfervations made by M. De- midofT, ai S>likam(ky, on the l>.rders of M- beiia, lat. ^(fy in 1751, by a t ermometer adapted to M. de L'Tfle's 'caie, wh rh, in this extraft, are reduced, likewifeto thof of Fah- renheit, and M. Reaumur E. cf Macclesfield *— A comparifon of different thermometrical ob fervations in Siberia - /^. ^{''atjoti . An account of the ftate of the thermometers, on ihe 8th and 9th of Feb uary, 1,755 MUes An account of the ftate of the theimometer at the Hague, Jan. 9, 1757 Tremb.y , A defcription of fome tliermometers for particu lar ufes - - Cavenaifl) . Thermometrical account of the wea;her in Maryland for four years, 1753 to 1757 Brooke ^ A defcription of a metalline thermometer Fitzgerald ^ . A defcription of a new thermometer and baro meter - - Fitzgeralc^ .^ Thermometrical obfervations at Derby irhltehurji J. Obfervations on the barometer, thermometer, andr.ir, at Plymouth, 1767 _ F^rf Account of an experiment made with a thermo- meter, whole bulb was painted black, and ex- pofed to the dlrcd rays of the fun R. IVatfon Extract of a regifler of the barometer, thermo- meter, and rain, at Lyndon, in Rutland, 1772 Barker . . Extraft of a reglfter of the barometer, thermo- meter, and ram in LynJon, in Rutland, 1773 Biirhr J Extracl of a rcgifter of the barometer, thcrmo- nieter, and ram, at Lyndon, in Rutland, 1774 Barker «— An account of fimc thermometrical obfervatons at Allahabad, in the Eaft Indies, in latitude 25° 30' N. durin; the year 1767, and alio during a voyage from Madrafs to tnglnnJ, in the year 1774 • Sir Robert Bai her 1 Tranf. XLVi 1 .XL VI 208 XLVII 4 Abridg. X447 -- 471 XLVIII 108 — 108 XLIX 43 L 148 — 300 LI 58 70 — 823 ; Lll 146 LVII 265 LVIII J36 LXIII 40 — 221 LXIV 202 LXV [99 — 202 Thermo- THE T*HO 493 Thermometer, Extra^ of a rcgifter of the baro meter, thermometer, and ram, at Lyndon, in Rutland, 1775 - - Barker — — Extract of a regifter of the barometer, thermo- meter, and rain, at Lyndon in Rutland, 1776 Barker « ■■ The report of the Committee appointed by the Royal Society to confider of the beft method of adjufting the fixed points of thermometers and of the precautions neccfliary to be ufed in making experiments with thofe inftruments Committee of the Royal Society w— Abftra£l of a regiiler o( the barometer, thermo meter, and rain at Lyndon, in Rutland, 1777 Barke7 - - — A regifler of the barometer, thermometer, an■ The cafe of Grace Lowdell, aged about 60 years, who had an extraordinary tumour on her thigh - - Chandler The defcription and draught of a machne for reducing the fradure of the thigh Ettrick " An account of a large piece of the thlgh-b^ne which was taken out, and its place fupplied by a callus - - Richardjou Thigh. See Anewifm^ Luxation Thoracicus' Ductus. A aew difcovery of the com- munication of the dudus thoracicus with tht emulgentvein - Pecquet — — Annotations upon a difcovery pretended to have been made by M. Pecquet of a com- munication between thedudtus thoracicus and the vena cava - Needham Tranf. » Abridg. \ LXVI 370 LXVII 350 816 Lxvni 554 LXIX 547 LXX 474 -587 IV 1113 II 32 LXVII 465 XXVI 41 V389 XXIX 499 — 3S8 XLI 365 1X236 -"562 — 254 -76t II 461 III 258 VII 5007 j — 259 Thoracic 494 THO THU Thoracic Duct. Account of an offification of the thoracic duiSl •■ - Chejicn Chejlon Thorax. An account of what happened on fy- ringing warm. water into the thorax of abitrh Mufgrav^ Letter concerning a child who had its inteftines mefeniery, &c. in the cavity of the thorax Uolt — — An account of a prxter-natural bony fubftance found in the cavity of the thorax Rutty Throat. Some obkrvations concerning the virtue i of the jelly of the black currants, in curing in- flammations in the throat Baker — — Some account of a flieep having a raonftrous horn growing from his throat Parfons • An account of the cafe of a man who died of the effects of the fire at Eddyftone light-houfe by melted lead running down his throat Spry Another account - Huxhafn Thumb. An account of the cafe of the firfl: joint of the thumb torn off, with the flexor tendon in its whole extent torn out - Home TiiUKDER. A relation of an accident by thunder and lightning at Oxford, May lO, 1666 — — A relation of the fad effe£ls of thunder and lightning in Hampfhire, Jan. 24, 1665-6 Neale — — Odd effects of a dreadful thunder-clap at Stral- lund, in Pomerania, June 1670 Jnon. ■" An odd efte£l of thunder and lightning upon wheat and rye in the granaries at Dantzick KirUy — — — Letter containing particulars of a philofophica nature viz. a narrutiveof the flrange effeds of thunder upon a magnetic card Jnon. Obfervation conccrnincr thunder and liohtnin^i being from the pyrites * Lifter ■ . A relation of the cffcft of a thunder clap on fic compafsof a(hipon the co aft of New-En<;land, July 24, 1 68 1 - Olderiburg A letter concerning former relations Sir R, S. Tranf. LXX 323 -578 XX i8i xxir 992 XXXIV^i52 XLI 655 XLIX 183 — 477 -483 L 617 I 222 — 247 V 2084 VIII 6092 XI 647 XIV 517 ~ 520 — 521 Abridg. Ill 78 V 269 VII 505 VIII 838 II 172 — 174 — 180 -^ 182 Thunder. THU Thunder. Some remarkable effefts of agreatflorni of thunder and lightning atPortfmouth, Cd. 23. 1685 - - - ^non m. 1 Therelationof a ftorm of thunder, h'ghtning, and hail, at Oundle, in Northamptonfhire iK R. ■ An account of the efFedts of a very extraordi nary thunder near Aberdeen in Scotland m Letter concerning the generation of hail, of thun- der, and lightning, and the efFedts thereof ■ ■■ ' • ' Some additions to his letter about thunder and lightning; - - ^Val/is m • ■■ A true and exa£l relation of the difnial and furprifing effefts of a terrible and unufual clap of thunder and lightning that fell upon the Trumbull galley, Nov. 26, 1696 Afawgridgt » ■"■- Letter concerning the elFedls of thunder and lightning at Everdon, in Northamtonfhire, (wherein divers perfons were killed) July 27, 1 69 1 - - - f^alii: ■ftt An account of a young man flain with thunder and lightning, Dec. 22, 1698 Thorejby — Of an accident by thunder and lightning, a Leeds, April 27, 1 700 Thorejb) m A relation of the ftrange effects of thunder and lightning which happened in the county of Down, m Ireland, Aug. 9, 1707 Molyneu:i •— — part of a letter giving an account of a {form oi thunder and lightning that happened at ipf- wich, July 16, 1708 - BrUgman The efFefts of the above ftorm at Colchefler Ndhr, * Part of a letter concerning a ftorm of thunder. and lightning, and rain, ai Leeds, in Yorkfhirc. Augull 5, 1 70 1 - Thorcjh m A letLcr giving an account of a ftorm of thun- der, andlightinng, which happened near T.eeds inYorklhire - Thorefiy * A relation or the effects of a ftorm of tliundei and lightning at Sampford Courtney, in Dc- vonftiire, on Ocl. 7, 171 1 Chamberlayne 'i—t — • An account of what happened from thund.-r in Carmarthenftiire, Dec 6, 1729 Davics' " An extraft of a letter concerning the crooked and angular darts of lightning in thunder ftorms - - Logan] Rrr Tranf. XV 1212 xvn 710 XIX 31T — ^sz — 729 — 782 XX 5 XXI 5/ XXII 507 4^5 Abridg. I I 174 715 — - 183 — 140 — 289 XXVII 320 — 528 XXXVI 444 — 176 — 177 — 179 IV 2126 Ill V 2 40 [V 2 131 VI 2 74 XXXIX 240 VIII 507 TliUXDEf 495 T H U Thunder. An account of two oak trees ftruck by thunder - ^ <^/5f A letter concerning the ftorm of thunder which happened June 12, 1748 - ^'^'^^ Letter concerning the caule of thunder teiej . Letter cortcerninjr the eleflrical experimnts made in England under thunder clouds /K f^ai/on An account of a ftorm of thunder and light- ninfrtiearLudgvan, in Corn-wall, Dec. 20, 1752 '^ Borlaje Eleftrical experiments, with an attempt to ac- count for their feveral ph?enomena ; together with fome obfervations on thunder clouds Canton . An account of the death of Mr. George Wil liam Richman, cccafioned by . an eleancal ftroke colleaed from thunder, tranflatcd tiom the Dutch - - ^^T" .. An account of tlie effeas of a florm of thunder and lightning in the pariOies of Lone and Lan- reath, in CornwaU, June 27, I7s6 Dye, Letter on the fame fubjea ^Ji^^^ An accoui-.t of a ftorm of thunder and light- ning at Norwich, July 13, 1758 (^'ocp" An ?^ecount of the effeas of a ftorm of thunder and lightning at Rickmanfworth, in Hert- fordfhile, July 16, 1759 fn^iM' Of two thunder ftorms in Cornwall, one broke over Ludgvan church, the other at Breag, Jan. II, 1762 - - ^"^f . Obftrvatlons in eleftricity, and on a thundtr ftorm - - , Beramar, Account of the cffefls of a ftorm of thunder and liahtning on Pembroke college, Oxford, June 3; 1765 ■ - , ^r^'^' An account of a remarkable thunder ftorm, Feb. 18, 1770, at St. Keverne, in Cornwal" IVilliotn Extraa of a letter concerning a thunder and lightning ftornn by which Mr. Heartly, of Harrowjiate, was killed, Stpt. 29, 1772 ° Kirkjljcnv Account of the cflrccls of a thunder ftorm 0.1 the icjihof March, 1773, upon the houfc of Lord Tylney, at Naples Sir ffilliam Hamilton •m. Sec Lightnir.g Tranf. XLI 235 XLV 3S3 XLVIl 524 — 567 XLVIII 86 — 350 XLIX 61 L 104 — 107 LI 38 2^2 LIT 507 LlII 97 LV 273 LXI 71 LXIII 177 — 324 Abrldg. \ VIII 507 X47S ThYM£« THY TlD 'Thyme. DIlTertation on the camphire of Thyme NeumatiK Tiber. See Antiquities TiBERiADEs. Experiments by way of analyfis upon the water of the dead fea, upon the Hot fprings, near Tiberiades, and upon Hammon Pharoan water - Perry TiCDNAs. Experiments made on a great number ol living animals with the poifon of lamas and ol ticunas - - HeriJJant e— An account of the American poifon ticunas Fontayia — — — Tranflation of Fontana's account of the Ame- rican poifon, called ticunas (Appendix) Tides. A relation of fome extraordinary tides in the Weft Ifles of Scotland - Moray •— — An eflay exhibiting the hypothefis about the flux and reflux of the fea fVallis An appendix by way of anfwer to fome ob- je£lions made to the precedent difcourfe TVallis — " Some inquiries and directions concerning tides, propofed by Dr. Wallis, for the proving or difproving his lately publiflied difcourfe con- cerning them - - fi^allis Confiderations and inquiries concerning tides, lilcewife for a furtiier fearch into Dr. Wallis's newly publiflied hypothefis Moray mm •'• Patterns of the tables propofed to be made for obferving of tides, promiled in the next fore- going tranfatSlions - Moray Other inquiries touching the fea Boyl •— — An account of feveral engagements for obferving of tides - - Oldenburg «>■ An account of the courfe* of tides at Bermuda Norwood '• An account of fome obfervations made at and near Plymouth, 1697, by way of an anfwer to fome of the queries concerning tides, in vol. I. 298, 311 - Coleprefft tP' ' • A letter concerning the variety of annual high tides, as to feveral places ; with refped to his own hypothefis vol. I. p. 263 If^allii The true time of the tides Philips — A letter concerning the prefent declination of R r r a / Tranf. XXXVIII 202 XLII 48 XLYII 75 LXX 163 LXX ix — 263 — 281 — 297 — 298 ~ 311 — 315 -378 11565 III 632 — 652 - 655 497 IX 382 Abridg. Vill 6^? 11 291 — 268 — 365 — 260 — 365 — 297 — 365 — 268 — 264 — 278 — 261 tkQ I 49S T I D the magnetic r.cedle and the tides D. B. Tides. Letter^oncerning the tides at the Bermudas ' Staffcra *•— . — Ohfervations made in the Stony road, near >iri- ilol in aniwer to fome queries concerning the tKles - - Shtnmy i Animadverfions upon Dr. Wallif^'s hypotheiis about tlie flux and reflux of the fea Childye) Di, WaUis's raifwer to the above IVallii Letter concerning tlie flux of the Euripus Bahin . An account of the current of the tides about the Oi cades - - ^non. . A correct tide t?ble, fhewing theexa^l times o{ high water at London Bridge, to every day Id 26^-7 - - Flamjlead Account of the foregoing tables Fiamlhad ^ A tiile table of high water at London Bridge, in 1684, with clireiiions for the ufe of it Flamjiead I. Account of the tide on the coaft of Guinea Hcathcott . An account of the courfe of the tides, at Ton queen, with the theory of them at the bar of Ton queen - - Haliey - - Tide table of the times of high water at Lon- don Bridge, for 1685, withdiredlions Flam flee d . Tide table of high water at London Bridge for 1686 - - _ Flamfieud . An account of the courfe of the tides at Dublin Molyneua. Remark - - Oldenburg . Table of the high water on thecoafts of France, upon the day of the new and full moon, taken from the French almanac, called La connoif- fance des temps, for 1687 __ Table of high water at London Bridge, for l5b7 - - Flamjiead . Toble of high water at London Bridge, to: 1688 - - Flamfleaa _ An extra<£l of a letter giving an account of an experiment made in the Hay of 'Jilcay, o'"rink- ing a bottle clofe corked under various depths cf water, and of Lay Well, which ebbs and liows Oliver Tranf. HI 726 — 792 -813 V 2061 ~ 2068 \T2153 VIII 6139 XIII 10 — 12 XIV 458 -578 — 677 — 821 XV 1226 XVI 192 — 193 — 220 — 232 — 428 XVII 908 Abridg. 11 6^7 — 268 265 279 283 289 2QO 263 — 365 — 268 292 — 263 — 267 — 305 Anfwer T 1 D Anfwer to feveral inquiries relating to Lay- Well - - Oliver ^IDES. The true theory of the tides extra£\:ed from Newton's philofophiae naturalis principia ma- thematica - - Hality imt — An extraordinary high tide in the river Thames. jfone^ Obfervations upon the cides in the river Thames - - Sou?nares >»■■■ A tabular account of the tides in the river Thames, as obferved in Lambeth Reach, with a new inftrument called the marine (urveyor, on the 9th and i8th of June, 1720 Jnon, ■ < A letter concerning the high tide on the river Thames, on Feb. 16, 1735-6 Jonei The ftate of the tides in Orkney Mackenzie ■ Account of an extraordinary tide in the river of Forth - - Wright Account of the irregularities of the tides at Chatham - - Godden Sheernefs - - Monarty Wool vich - - Taylor Deptford - - Anon. ' An account of the irregularities of the tid s in the River Thames, on the 12th and 13th of February, 1756 - Dinghy ■ Some account of the extraordinary agitati n of the waters in Mountfbay, and other places, on the 31ft of March 1 76 1 - Borlafe — — Obfervations on the tides in the Straits of Gib- raltar - - More — An account of a remarkable agitation of the fea July 28, 1 761, and of two thuuder ftorms in Cornwall - - Borlafe • Obfervatioas on the tides in the ifland of St. Helena - - AJaJkelyne • An account cf a remarkable tide at Briftol, Feb. II, 1764 - Tucker " An account of the flowing of the tides in the South Seas, as obfervedon board his Majefty's bark the hndeavour - Cook — Of the tides in the South Seas Cook --— An account of the tides in the Adriatlcj Toaldi, Tranf. XVII 910 XIX 445 XXXIV68 — 69, 71 XXXIX 198 XLVI 149 — 412 XLIX 523 — 525 — 526 — 529 — 530 LIT 418 — 447 — 507 -586 LIV83 LXII 357 LXVI 447 LXVII 144 499 Abrids:. II 30s — 285 VI 2 167 VIII 643 X577 -- S83 Tides.- 500 TID TIN Tides. An account of the tides in the Adriatic Strange Timber. Intlances fliewing the ccrrefpondcnce of the pith andtimher, with the feed of the plant; as alfo of the bark, or fap in the bark, with tlie pulp of the fruit, or fome encompaffing coat or cod containing the feed - Beal — -— A difcourfe concerning the moft feafonable time of felling of timber ; written by the advice of S. Pepys - - Plott — — Letter concerning the difference of timber grow- \t\ TUB TUM trumpet, and trumpet-marine, and of the de fe6ts of the fame - - Roberts Tuba Kustachiana. A method propofed to reftorc the hearing when injured from an ob- ftfuclion of the tuba euftachiana IVathtn TwBES. An experiment, fhewing that the feemingly fpontaneous afcenfion of water in fmall tubes open at both ends, is the fame in vacuo as in the open air - - Haukjhee ' An account of fome experiments, with an en quiry into the caufe of the afcent and fufpcn fion of water in capillary tubes J^^^n — — An account of lome new experiments relating to the action of glafs- tubes upon water anc! quickfilver - - "Jurin I Two letters concern/ng the rotatory motion of glafs tubes about their axes, when placed in a certain manner before the fire - IFhele^ — — An account of experiments relating to odours pafling through eledlrified globes and tubes Ifinkler An account of the refult of fome experi- ments made here with globes and tubes, tranf- mitted by M% Winkler to verify the fa6ts above mentioned - - fi^\ IVatJon Tulips. Microfcopical obfervations on tulips, &c Leeuvji.nhoek — A letter giving an account of tulips, and other fuch bulbous plants, flo^'ering much fooner when their bulbs are placed upon bottles filled with water, than when planted in the ground J rievualtl An account of the fame experiment tried the next year by - Miller Tull. Account of Mr. Tull's method of caftrating fifh - - IVatJon Tumour. The hiftory of a tumour in the lower part of the belly - - Gi,ei • An account of a very large tumour in the fore pait ot the ceck - - Douglas — — An obfervation of a tumour on the neck full of hydatides, cured by - Hewnden '" An account of an extraordinary lumour or wen lately cut off the cheek of a perfon in Scotland — An aeeount of a prster-naturAl tumour on the Tranf. XVII 559 XLIV 213 XXV 2223 XXX 739 — 1083 XLIII 341 XLVII231 — 236 XVII 949 XXXVII 79 507 Abrldg. I 607 V2 i8r IV 423 — 428 X 551 III 685 XLVIII 870 XX 420 XXV 2214 -- 2344 XXX 713 ^'I 2 255 — - 355 V 213 J — 216 — 217 Icins- 5oS TUM TUN Tranf. loins of an Infant, attended with a cloven fpine Rutty XXXI 98 An extraordinary cafe infargery of a tumour MinfoK XXXIII 340 Extra£l of two uncommon cafes of tumours in the abdomen, from a Latin trait publifhed at Strafburg, anno 1728, entitled Boeckri, &c ad exteros medicos epiftola - Ruity XXXV 562 »— — Two extraordinary caies, one of a large ftone in the urethra, occafioncd by a venereal infeclion, the other of a child born with a remarkable tumour on the loins - Huxhan, XXXVI 257 . An account of a large glandular tumour in the pelvis ; and of the pernicious effefts of crud- mercury given inwardly to the patient Cantweil XL 139 An account of an extraordinary tumour in the knee of a perfon whofe leg was taken off Pierce XLI 56 — The cafe of Grace Lowdell, aged about fco years, who had an extraordinary tumour on her thigh - - Chandler — 365 . An account of tumours which rendered the bones foft - - Pott — 616 ■ A letter concerning a child born with an extra- ordinary tumour near the anus, containing fome rudiments of an embryo in it Huxham XLV 325 . A. letter containing the deicription of a new in- vented inftrument for the extirpation of tu- mours out of the reach of the furgeon's finger*; Le Cat XLVI 72 . The cafe of an extraordinary tumour growing on the inlide of the bladder fuccefsfuUy extir- pated - - Warner — 414 — — An account of fome extraordinary tumours upon the head of a lal curing man - Parfons L 350 — — — Cafe of a young lady who drank fea water for an inflammation and tumour in the upper lip Lavington LV 6 — — Account of an extraordinary fteatomatous tu- mour, in the abdomen of a woman Hani) LXI 131 Tumuli. Exlraft of a letter concerning fome tumuli at Danes Graves, near Kilham, Yorkfliire Knowlton XLlV 10 1 TuNQUiNEsE Medicine. The effefts of the tun- quinele medicine - Reid XLIll 2 1 2 Abridg. VII 676 — 666 — 522 IX 184 — 271 — 236 — 247 XI 1020 — 1084 — 1006 — 1044 Tunis. TUN TYR Tunis. A letter containing a geographical defcrlp- tion and map of the ki.gdom of Tunis, with a poftfcript relating to the cure of intermittent fevcM-s in thofe parts - Shaw Turkeys. An account of two young turkeys joined together hy their breafts - Floy&r m An account of a bird, fuppofed to have been bred between a turkey and a pheafant Edwards TuRKY. Inquiries for Turky - Mr, H. ' Some communications out of Turky j^non Turnips. An abftrad of a letter concerning the making of turnip bread, in EfTex Dale — — Some inftances of the very great and fpeedy v •- getat'on of turn'ps - Defaguliers — — An account of fome trials to cure the ill taik of milk, which is occjfioned by the food of cows, either from turnips, cabbages, or au- tumnal leaves, &c. aUb to fvvee.en ftinking water - - Hales Turning. The principal properties of the engine for twrning ovals in wood or meial, and of the inftrument for drawing ovals upon paper de monftrated - - Ludlam Turn-Lathe. Letters about the method of po lifhing telefcope giaffes by a turn-laihe, and alfo of the making of an extraordinary burning-glafs at Mil in - - Anon Turpentine. The way of making pitch, tar rolin, and turpentine near Marfeilles Bent Turquoise. Some remarks on the precious fton^ called the turquoife - Mort'imei Ttcho Brahe. Letter concer fining the remains of the obfervatory of the famous Tycho Brahe Gourdon Tyrol. Remarkable obfervations In a journey over the Tyrol Alps, with a catalogue of the plants obferved - - Ehrhart Tyrone, Vide Antipuities Tranf. XXXVI 177 XXI 434 LI 833 I 360 Vlil 6017 XVII 971 XXX 974 XLIX 339 LXX 378 III 795 XX 291 XLIV 429 XXII 691 XLI547 Abridg, VI 423 II 898 III 631 . — 605 II 667 IV 2 311 I 194 X 633 1 216 IX 462 V11I768 Ulcer, 510 ULC URE Trarif. U. Ulcer. An account of an ulcer in the right groin emitting the foeces of the inteftines Earnjhaw • An account of a foetus voided by the ulcered navel of a negro, at Nevis - Brodie — I An account of the diffeftion of a perfon who died o\ an ulcer in the right kidney Dougla ■ Concerning the bone^of a foetus being difcharged through an ulcer near tne navel Drake Unicorn Fish. An account of a narhual or unicorn fifh, lately taken in the river Oft, in the Dutchy of Bremen, 1736 - Sie'tgertahl A defcription of the fame fifti - Hampe Urchin. An obiervation upon the motion of the hearts of two urchins, after their being cutout Tempter Ureters. An anatomical obfervation of four ure- ters in an infant - - Tyfon — An accoantof two large ftones, which, for twenty years paft, lodged in the meatus urinarius, and were thence cut out - Bernard — — Two cafes of infefts voided by the urinary paf- fage - - Turner ' A letter concern'ng the foramen ovale being found open in the hearts of adults, and oftht figure of the canal of the urethra Le i^at — — Cafe of Hann — — An account of a hernia c^f the urinary bladder including a {lone - - Fott ' An account of a fuppreflion of urine cured by a punfturemade in the bladder through the anus Robert Hamilton Urns, An extra£l of a letter giving an account of a large number of urns dug up at North Elmham in Norfolk - - NeVt Urtic A Marina. An account of the urtica marina Gaertmi UsNEA. An hiftorical memoir concerning a genus of plants called lichen by Micheli, Haller, and Linnaeus and comprehended byDillenius under the terms ufnea, coralloides, anJ lichnoides j T tt Tranf. Ill 803 V 20:f9 XII 1009 I XIX 19 — 512 XXil 897 XXVI 414 — 416 — 420 XXXVI 138 XXXVII 258 XLI 699 — 705 iX 180 — 182 - 183 LI 215 LIV61 LXVI 578 XXVIII 257 LII 75 Abrid?-. o m 160 — 147 — 135 — 148 — 685 V 2 2S3 V 284 — 286 VII 540 — 540 V 2 97 .tending 512 UT E UVE tending principally to illuflrate their feveral ufes - - JV. V/atfor. Uterus. An account of the dilTeclion of a bitch, whole cornua uteri being filled with the bones and fle{h of a former conception, had, after a fecond conception, the ova affixed to feveral part; of the abdomen — — Account of a foetus lying without the uterut in the belly - - Savard An account of an hydrops ovarii, with a new anl exacl figure of the glandulre r^nales, and of the uterus in a puerpera Douglas .. . ■ An account of balls of hair taken, from the ute- rus andovaria of feveral women Tangt —— An account of feveral extra-uterine foetus Tongi — — Letter concerning the bones of a dead tcetus taken out of the uterus of a cow ShermoK Account of an extra-uterine fcetus taken out of a vroman, after dt-ath, that had continued five years and a half in the body Houjlon ■ An account of an extra-uterine conception MyUkton . A letter concerning a fchlrrous tumour of the uterus - - Temphrnart - Some account of the foetus in utero being dit- ferently affected by the fmall-pox IV. IVatfon - Defcription of a double uterus and vagina Pttrcell Uvea. Extra£l of a lettrr containing the particulars of the cure of a wound in the cornea, and of a laceration of the uvea, in the eye of a wo- jnan - - ^^ry Tranf, L 652 xm 183 XIX 314 XXV 2317 — 2387 XXVI 424 — 432 — 450 xxxn387 XLIII 336 XLIV 285 XLVI 235 LXIV 474 XLV 411 Abrldg. II 904 III 214 V 294 — 306 — ' 199 — 54- ^n 5.-5 XI lOio — 102 — 1042 — 954 Vacwuw. VAC V. Vacuum. Of the long continuance of a ieach alive in the vacuum made in the pneumatic engine Boyle — — Experiments about the motion of pendulums in a vacuum - - Derham ' An account of an experiment to try the quality of air produced from gunpowder, fired in va Clio Boyliano - . Haukjhee — — Experiments on the produdtion and propagation of the light from the phofphorus in vacuo Hauljbee — Experiments on the refilition of bodies in common air, in vacuo, and in air condenfed Haukjbee — — Several experiments on the attrition of bodies in vacuo ^ - - Haukjbee — — An experiment flievving that the feemingly fpon- taneous afcenlion of water in fmall tubes open at both ends is the fame in vacuo as in the open air - _ - Haukjbee — — An account of an experiment fhewing that actual found is not to be tranfmitted through a va- cuum - - Haukjbee «— — An account of an experiment touching the pro pagation of found paffing from the fonorous body into the common air inone diredion only Haukfbee " An account of an experiment touching propaga tion of found through water Haukjbee • An account of an experiment, fhewin'^ that an obje£l may become vifible through (uch an opalce body as pitch in the dark, while it is under the circumftances of attrition and a va- cuum - - Haukjbee — — An account of an experiment to prove an in- terfperfed vacuum ; or to fliow that all places are not equally full - DeJaguUers " An account of an experiment to fhew by a new proof, that bodies of the fame bulk do not con- tain equal quantities of matter, and, therefore that there is an interfperfed vacuum DefaguHen A Tt t 2 Tranf. ^'3 Abrida. V 2049 XXIV 1785 — 1806 -1865 — 1946 — 2165 XXV" 2223 XXVI 367 ~ 369 — 371 — 39^ XXX 717 XXXI 81 III ,47 IV 2 168 172 — -181 -- 180 -- 181 I«2 — - 173 VI 2 157 Vacuum. 5^4 V AG V AR Vacuum. Experlrr.ents and obfervatlons of tkefreez in 2; of water in vacuo - FahrenLit — — An account of tiie phaenomena of eledricity in vacuo - - J^' Watjon Vagina. An obfervation of hydatides voided per vagi- nam - " IVatjon — — Defcriptionofadouble uterus, and vcigina Fur eel Value. Rules for correv'-ing the ufual methods of computing amounts and prefeiit values, by compound as well as fimple intercft'; ard of ftatir.2 interefl: accounts - Watk'ms Vapour. An eftimate of the quantity of vapour raifed out of the fea by tlie warmth of the fun ; derived from an experiment fcewn before the Rova! Society - Hailey — — An account of the circulation of the watry va- pours of the fea, and the caufe of fpri rgs Hailey An account of the evapor?tion of u'ater, as it v/as exp..r;niented in Grefiiam College, in 1693, with fome obferv:.tions thereon Halhy An. attempt to folve the phaenomenon of the rife of vapour;, ft;rmation of clouds, and defcent of rain - - Defaguliers An experiment to fhew that fome damps in mines may be occaiioned only by the burning of candles, under ground, without the addition of aiv noxious vapour, even when the bottom of the pit has a communication with the out- w.ird air, unlefs the outward air be forcibly driven iri at the faid communication or pipe Dejagulien Some coiijcftjres concerning the rife of vapours Di'fagulieis Letters concerning the caufe of the afcent 01 v-ipour and exhalation, and thofe of winds; and of the general phaenomena of the weather and barometer - Eila Remarks on the opinion of Henry Eeles con- cerning tlie afcent of vapours Darwin An account of fome new experiments in elec- tricity containing an enquiry whether vapour be a conduf^or of elcftricity, &c. Henln Varnish. 1 iie way of making f-veral China var- nilTi'/s, fcnt from tlie Jefuits in China to the great ]]) ike of Tufcany - Sheraru An account of the ftrange cfFedls of the Indian varnifh - - DdPapn] 7 Tranf. XXXIII 78 XLVIf 362 XL! 711 LXIV 474 XXIX III XVI 366 XVII 468 XVIII 1S3 Abr'.dg. V251 JX 188 V 2 243 II icS — • 126 — no XXXVI 6 VI 2 5i XXXIX 281 XLiI 140 XLIX 124 L 240 LXIV 389 XXII 525 VII 437 I 602 — 947 (V417 Varnish. VAR VEG Varmsh. TwoTetters on tlie texicodcndron. ylbbe /1'hzeas and Miller A letter attempting to afcertain the tree that yields the cnrrmon varnilli u!ed i:i China and Japan; to promote its propagation in oui American colonies; and to fee right fome mil' takes botanifts appear \.o have entertained con- cerning it - - Elih Remarks on Mr. J. Ellis's Letter on the tcxico- dendron - - Miller Anfvver to the Remarks - Ellis Vaults. Hints of tne ufe to be made of vaults, he. Beale Vegetables. Obfervatlons concerning cochineeis, accompanied with fome fuggeftions for finding out and preparing fuch like fuhflances out of other veo;etables - Anon, Some communications on the feafon for tranf- planting vegetables - Reed ■ Some confiderations on the beft feafon for tranfplantation - heal ' A conliderable account touching vegetable ex crefcencies - - Lijitr Another letter enlarfrinp- his communications on vegetable excrefcencies Lijier Some additions - Lifter Obfervations on the anatomy of the trunks of vegetables, &:c. - Anon. An account of the nature and differences of the juices, more particularly of our Englifh ve.,^e- table - - Lijier ■ Obfervations on the roots of vegetables Leeuwenhotk Some obfervations concerninsi; fome wonderful contrivances of nature in a family of plants in Jamaica, to psrfecl the individuum, and pro- pagate the fpecies, witrt feverai inflances ana- logous to them in European vegetables Sloane The anatomical preparation of vegetables Seba Part of a letter concerning the elc6tricity of ve- j, getables - - Brownbi^ Account of vegetable balls which grow in a lake near the Humber in Yorkfhire Dixon With remarks - W^Watfon^ Tranf. XLIX 157 — 866 L 430 -^ 441 IV ^035 III 796 VI 212S — 2144 — 2254 — 2284 — 3002 XIX 365 — 790 XXI 113 XXXV144) XLIV 373 XLVII 49B Abrid-. I 212 II 6^5 — 6S7 — 690 -653 — 690 i i — 768 I — 770 — 77^ -^656 III 63i I II 669 [y 2 33^ X 342 V£GE :i6 V E G Vegetables. A letter on the fexes of plants and impregnation of vegetables Styles ^. On the nature of gorgonia, that it is a real marine animal, and not of a mixed nature between animal and vegetable Ellis .. Experiments on animals and vegetables, with reipeft to the power of producing heat John Hunter ~— Of the heat of animals and vegetables John Hunter Vegetables. (Chymical preparations from) A way of extracting a volatilfalt and fpirit out of vegetables; intimated in vol. viii. p. 7002 Coxe A continuation of a dircourfe begun in vol. IX. p. 4, touching theidentity of all volatil faltsand vinous fpiri(s, together with two furprifing ex periments concerning vegetable falts pertedly refembling the fhape of the plants whence they had been obtained - - (^oxe Vegetable Lamb. An account of the Scythian ve- iietable lamb, called borametz Breynius Vegetation. Queries concerning vegetation, efpeci- ally the motion of the juices of vegetables Anon. '■ Some communications relating to the queries about vegetation - Beal A continuation of the anfwers Tsnge Additional anfwers to queries Tonge Promifcuous additions to what was formerly puhliflied in N° 43 and 44 - Tonge inflances llicwing the correfpondcnce of tlic pith and timb.r, with the feed of the plant ; as alfo of the bark or fap in the hark with the pulp of the fruit of fome encompafling coat or cod, containing the feed - Beaie Experiments concerning the motion of the fap in trees - ll'illoughby and IVray Hints tending to encreafe the fertility of any kind ' f land, &c. - Beul Exttadl of divers letters, touching fome en- quiries and experiments; touching the motion of fap in trees, and relating to tlie (jucftion of the circuiati'.n of the fume Lifter A letter relating to fome particulars in Mr. Lifter's commun!r.ations IVilloughby Extrad\ of a letter both in rckiion to th.c fur- Trjjnf. LV 258 LXr I LXV 446 LXVIII 7 IX 4 Abrldg, III 326 — 169 XXXIII 353 III 797 ~ 853 — «77 — 880 IV 913 — 9^9 — 963 — 1135 VI 2119 — 2125 — 333 VI 2 317 II 752 — 676 -677 — 676 -678 — 710 — 682 — 728 — 686 — 685 thcr VEG VEI 5^7 ther dlfcovery of the motion of juices in vege- tables, and removing the difterencs noted in: Mr. Willoughby's letter Anon. Vegetation. Some communications on the deicent of fap .. - - Rcea Someconfidcrations on Mr. Rted's letter flievv ing in what llnfe the lap may be (aid v^ delcend, anJ to circulate the plants ; and the graft to comniunicate with the ftock. Bcai — — Sniie thouglits and experiments concerning ve- 2 r tat ion - - JVoodwa <■ . Some observations concerning vegetanon De la Prynie >..- — Obftrvations and experiments relating to the motion of fap in vegttahles Bradley .,. SoTie microfcopical obfcrvations, and curious remarks on the vegetation, and exceeding quick propagation of moldineis, on the fub- ftance of a melon - Bradley 0-. Some inftances of the very great and fpeedy ve- getation of turnips - Defagulie'.^ Obfervations on fome plants iti New England, with remarkable inilances of the nature and power of vegetation - Dudley - Letter concer-iino; the vegetation of melcn feed 3 ^ ye rs old - - Gale ■ • New onfer\ation5 upon vegetation Muliel ViiNS. Anatomical obirrvations of milk found in the venr- infi ad of blood Boyh A farther account of oblervations about white bio d - - Lovu — — A new difcoviry of the communications o^ the dudu- thoracicus, with thecmulgent vein Pecquet Some experiments of injefting liquors intotlit veins ut animals - - Fraca'Jat, — — Some new experiments of inje^^ing medicated liquor .nto the veins, t02ether with the ccnlider- able Cures perform.ed thereby Fahrit'ui ——— Some nnatomical inveiuions and obfervati ns, paiticui riy about the origin of the injec- tion in'o the veins - - C'a^ck '■■■ An ng nio s dcount of veins obferved in plants Hi alogous to human veins Liji •— — An otations upon a difcovery pretended to liave been made by M, Pecquet of a cgmmunicaiton Tranf. Abridg. VI 2126 II 688 — 2128 II 65^ — 2144 — 61.0 XXI 193 — 7^3 XXlil I2M IV 2 310 XXIX 486 V 267 •— 49^ IV 2 QC8 .x.'v.v 974 I jii XXXIII 194 XfJIl265 LXllI 125 I 100 — 117 II 461 ~ 490 — 564 III 672 VI 3052 VI 2 3421 X 761' III 239 258 2^2 — ' 234 290 I 69: oetween 5t3 VEI VEL between the du6lus tlioraclciis and the inferior vena cava - - Ncedham Veins. A further account concerning the exiftence of veins, in all kinJs of plants, together with a difcov'ery of the membranous funftanccs of thofe veins, and of fome adls in plants refem- bling thofe of fenfe, and alfo the agreement of the venal juice in vegetables vrith the blood -.-f animals, iic. - - Li/itr ■ , .. A note upon Mr. Lifter's obfervations concern- ing the veins of plants - IVallii Remarks on Mr. Wailis's obfervations Anatomical obfervations of an abcefs of the liver; a great nnmber of {lones in the gali bac^ and biiious veilels ; an unufual conforma- tion of the emulgents and pelvis ; a ftrange conjunftion of both kidnies and a great dila- tation of ibe vena cava - Tyfoji ... Le ter concerning powdered blue paffing the lafteal veins - - Lijier An account of a polypus taken out of the vena pulinonalis, and of the ftrudure of that vefFel Cowper An account of divers fchemes of arteries and veins, didectcd from adult human bodies by T. Evelyn, to which are fubjoined a defcrip- tion of the extremities of thofe v^fiels, and the manner the ivood is feen by the microfcope, to pafs from the arteries to veins in quadrupeds when living, with fome chirurgical ob'crva tions and lii£ures after the life Coivpcr — — An account of the veins and iirteries of leaves Nichoih See particular Feins in their Places Velocity. Remarks upon a fuppofed demonftra- tion, that the moving forces of the fame body, are not as the velocities, but as the Iquares of the velocities - - Eamei Remarks upon fome experiments in hydraulics, which feem to prove that the forces of equal moving bodies areas the fquares of their vclo cites - - Eamei ■ A Ictt' r occafioned by the preTcnt controverfy among rr'.athematicians, concerning the pro- portion of velocity and force in bodies in mo- Tranf. V'll 5007 VIiI6o6o XII 1035 XXII 819 — 797 tion Sivniul Clarke XXIII 1177 XXXVI 371 XXXIV 1 88 XXXV 343 — qSi Abridg. Ill 259 II 693 — 696 III 81 V 259 — 221 — 335 VI 2 q^c VI 289 — 292 - 294 Velocii y. VEL VEM Velocity. A letter containing a new manner of, nieafuring the velocity of wind Brice •— An experimental examination of the quantity and proportion of mechanic rower, necelfar) to be emplpyed in giving different degrees of velocity to heavy bodies from a ftate of reft Smeatsn — — The force of fired gunpowder, and the initial velocities of cannon balls, determined by experiments; from which alfo is deduced, the relation of the initial velocity to the weight of the (hot and the quantity of the powder Huiton Venereal Disease, Two extraordinary cafes of a large ftone in the urethra brought on by d venereal infcftion, and of a child born with a remarkable tumour on the loins Huxharr. An attempt to prove the antiquity of the venereal difeafe, long before the difcovery of the Weft Indies - Becket A letter concerning the antiquity of the venereal difeafe - - Becket A letter to Dr. Halley, in anfwer to fome objeflions made to the hiifory of tlie antiquity of the venereal difeafe - Becket An extraordinary venereal cafe Huxham An extract from the books of the town council of Edinburgh relating to a difeafe there fuppofed to be venereal in the year 1497 Macky Venom. Of a venomous fcratch with the tooth of a porpus, its fymptoms and cure L'ljler Ventilators. An account of the great benefit of ventilators in many inftances, in preferving the health and lives of people in llave and other tranfport fhips - Hales ' " ■- Obfervations on the utility of ventilators in a fhip - - £///c -' ' An attempt to improve the manner of working the ventilators by the help of the fire-engine Fit%gerah Ventricle. An account of the left ventricle of the heart of an amazing maenitude Douflali Venus. An account of fevera! fpots lately difcovered in the planet Venus, at Rononia, extracted from the Journal des Scavans - Cajfinl U u u Tranf. LVI 224 LXVr 450 LXVIII50 XXVI 257 XXX 839 XXXI 47 — 108 XLI 667 XLII 420 XIX 726 XLV 410 XLVII 211 L 727 XXIX 326 n 615 5J^ Abridg. t VII 536 IV 329 VII 652 — 663 IX 214 — 2^3 II 842 X634 V231 I 425 Venus. 520 V E N Tranf. V 202: Venus. Conjunftlon of tne moon and Venus, on the 1 1 th of October, 1670 - Hevelius m. An account of tlie came cf the iate remarkable appearance of the planet Venus, feen ihi- luni- mer for many days together in th.e d.iy-time Halley XXIX 466 ■ An account of an occultation of Venus by the moon, Sept. ig, 1729, at Berlin Kirchius^^Wl 256 . An accourt of Mercury eclipfed by Venus ob ferved at Greenwich, May 17, 1737 Bt-i^is XL Tranfit of Mercury oyer Venus, May 17 \']2,li 3t Greenwich An obferyation of the planet Venus (witl regard to her having a fatellite) made at fun- rile, Oft. 23, 1740 - Short ■■ The phenomena of Venus, reprefented in an orrery, made by Mr. James Fergufon, agree- able to the obfervations of Sei^niir Bianchini , -. Obfervation of the occultation of Venus by the moon, April 16, 1751 - Bradley ' An occultation of the planet Venus by the moon, in the day time obferved at London, April 16, 1 75 1 - - Bevis — — DiiTertatlons on the next tranfit of Venus oyer the fun - - Befcovich ■■ Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus over the fun, on the 6th of June, 1761, taken at Greenwich - - Blifs At Savile-Houfe, London - Short In Spital-fquare, London - Canton With a preceding account of the method taken for verifying the time of that phenomenon ; and certain reafons for an atmofphere about Venus, made at Chelfea - Dunn — — In the ifland of St. Helena Majkelyne At Lefkeard - Heydon " Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus over the fun, on June 3, 1761, st Stockholm JVargentin Further inSweden - IVargentin At Paris - - De la Lande In and near Paris - Femer At Conftantinople « '".t Porter At Upfal in Sweden - Betgmayi At Cafeneburg in Sweden - Wargentin At Greenvyich and Shiiburn Caftle BH/i Ac Madrid - - Eximgnui 594 XLI 630 — 646 XLIV 127 XLVI 201 XLVII 159 LI 865 LI[i73 - 178 — 182 — 184^ — iq6 — 202 — 208 — 213 — 216 — 221 — 226 — 227 — 231 — 232 — *5i Abr riJg. H7 IV ^co VI 35- vni 207 — 208 X9S Venus. V E N Venus. At Tobolfk In Siberia, by Abbe Chappe Di la Land At Ley den - - Lulofi At the Ifland of Rodrigues Pingre At the Cape of Good Hope Mafon C? Dixon At Madrafs Hirfi At Bologna - - Zanotti At Calcutta in Bengal, communicated from thi Court of diredtors of the Eaft India Company Magee ■ .■■— The obfervations on the internal contaft of Venus with the fun's limb, in the late tranfit, made in the different parts of Europe, com- pared with the time of the fame contaft ob- ferved at the Cape of Good Hope, and the parallax of the fun thence determined Short A delineation of the tranfit of Venus, expected in 1769 - - Fergufon .. A letter from Sweden relating to the late tran- fit of Venus, containing the obfervations made at Cajaneburg - - Wargentin ■■ An account of the tranfit of Venus, at Schwe- zinga - - J\/[aye. — — Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus at St. John's in Newfoundland - ^inthrop I • Account of improvements to be made by obfer- vations of the tranfit of Venus in 1769 Hornjby ■I. The tranfit of Venus over the fun's difc, ob- ferved June 6, 1761, atUpfal Mallet — — « Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus, over the fun ; and the eclipfc of the fun, on June 3, 1769 - - Majkelyne At the Middle Temple, Londm Horsfall At Shirburn Caftle, and Oxford Hornjhy At Oxford - - Horfley At Kew - - Bevii At Spital-fquare - Canton At Leicefter " - Lud'am Near Quebec Holland and St. Germain At Hammerfoft for the Royal Society Dixon At the North Cape - Bayly At the Ille Coudre near Quebec TVright At Grypfwald - Mayer At Norriton in Philadelphia Smithy Lukins, and Sellers In Sweden - - Wargentin At GlafgovT ^ - IVilfon U u u 2 5^^ Tranf. — 254 — 25s — 371 — 378 — 39^ — 399 — 582 Abridjr, - 611 LIII 30 — 59 LIV 163 — 277 LV326 LVI 72 LVIII355 LIX 170 — 172 — 183 — 189 — 192 — 236 — 247 — 253 — 266 — 273 — 284 — 289 — 327 Venus. V E N 522 Venus. At Hawkhill near Edinburgh, to which are added, iomeremark. by the Aftronomer Royal, and further particulars relative to the obefrva- tions communicated in other letters Lina^ At Gibraltar - " jJ^'V '! At Cambridge In New England Wtnthrop , At Paris and other places extraaed from the let- ters ot M. de la Lande, and from a letter from Mr. IMeiTier - ." „ „- Tranfit obferved June 3, 1769^ ^ith a Caile- grain refleaor of J. Short, hav.ng a metal fpeculumof two feet focal length, and mag. ^r • I *■ .^ tl.-nfa - Hubert mfvms; about no tunes At Stockholm ^ At Eaft Dereham in Norfolk Jfjlff At Leweftown in Pennfylv.nia BtdJh & Bay ley At the Round Tower, in Wmdfor Caltle " Harris T •» T I J . Leeds In Maryland - „ jr » X3 At Prince of Wales's Fort, Hudfon s Bay PVales and Dymond Account of feveral phenomena oblerved dur- incT iheingrefs of Venus into the folar dilc Hirjl , A determination of the exad movements of time when the planet Venus was at external and in- ternal contad with thefun's limb, in the tran- fitsofJune6, 1761, and Junes, 1769 ^"«« , Obfervations made at Dioapoor on the planet Venus, when paffing over the fun's dilk, with three different quadrants, and a two ff.ot re- fieaingtelefcope ■■ "^ ^'^V/' Obfervations on the late tranfit or Venu' at Caen, in Normandy - ^^S''^ Phafe^ of the tranfit of Venus, fuppofed to oe retarded by th aberration of light IVmthrop Obfervations on th- tranfit of Venus at Geneva Mullet At Cavan, in Ireland - Mofon At Cape Francois - - Pingrc , On the effea of the aberration of light, on the time of a tranii' of Venus over the lun Price . . A (iiort acc-.unt of the oblcr»ations of the late tranfit of Venus, made at St. Jofeph's in Cahfornia - " " ,^^=^ . Sl.ort a c unt of the late Abbe's Chappc s obfer vations ot ihe iranfu of Venus in California BourriQt Tranf. 1 Abridg. 339 347 351 — 374 -378 — 404 ~ 407 — 414 ■ — 422 — 444 — 480 — 228 LX65 —"239 — 257 -358 — 363 — 488 — 497 — 536 — 549 — SSI Venus, VEN VES X^ENUs. A deduftion of the quantity of the fun's pa rallax from the comparifon of the feveral ob- fervations of the late tranfit of Venus, mad( in Kurope, with thofe made in George liland, in the South Seas, by Mr. Lexell Enter, Junto Venus. (Statue of) An account of the difcovery of an antient ilatue of Venus, at Rome Mack inlay Verdigris. Sequel to the cafe of Mr. Butler of Mofcow, who was ftrangely affeded by mixing verdigris and falfe leaf gold with aqua fortis Baker Vertebra. An obfervation of an infant, where the brain was deprefled into the hollow of the vertebrae of the neck - Tyfon Vessels. Letter touching the true ufe of the lym- phatick. veffels - De Bills «»■■ Anatomical obfervations of an abcefs in the liver ; a great number of ftones in the gall bag and bilious vefTels ; an unufual conforma- tipn of theemulgents and pelvis ; a ftrange coa- junftion of both kidnies, and a great dilatation of the vena cava - 7'}fo}i *— — Letter concerning a fubftance coughed up re- fembling the veffels of the lungs tujjtt^e m Obfervations on the feed veircls, and feeds of pojypodium - - Leeuvuenhock "— — . An account of fome uncommon anaftomofes of the fpermatic veffels in a woman Mortimer ■ Obfervations on the origin and ufe of the lym- phatic velf: Isof animals, being an extradl from the Gulflonian Leftures - Akenftde ■■' Account of an experiment, by which it appears that fait of fteel does not enter into the lac teal veffe!'^, with remarks - IVright Vessels in Wood. Account of the appearance of feveral woods and their veflels Leeuwenhoek Vesuvius. A relation of the raining of afhes, in the Archipelago, upon the eruption of Mount Vefuvius, fome years ago - Roh'infon ——— Of the burning aud eruption of Mount Vefu vius, 1707 - - Faietta «— — Extract of a letter givinsr feveral curious obfer vations and remarks on the eruptions of fire and fmoak, from Mount Vefuvius Berkley «— — An account of an extraordinary eruption of Tranf. LXII 69 523 Abridp LII 44 LIV15 XIX 533 III 791 XII 1035 XXII 545 XXIV 1868 XXXVI373 L 322 — 594 XIII 197 I 377 XXVIIIaa XXX 708 III 26 — 262 — 81 — 68 V 2 267 VII 553 — 684 " 143 IV 2 207 209 Mount VES VIN Tranf. Meant Vefavius In March, 1730, extra?led from the meteorological diary of that year at Naples - - Cyrf////i!XXXVIl336 ■^ — An account of the eruption of Vefuvius, May, 1737 - - Prince of Cajfano XLI 237 Another account from an Englifti gcntlenun Anon. — 252 ■ An account ef the eruption of Mount Vefuvius in 1 75 1 - - Supple XLVII315 , ^„^ An account of the eruption of Mount Vefuvius in 17 51 J in a letter to Sir Mathevv Fetherfton- haugh - _ _ Anon. — 409 I A letter concerning the late eruption of Mount Vefuvius - - Barker — 474 An extraft of the fubftance of three letters con- ccrninc; the late eruption of Mount Vefuvius Jamineau XLIX 24 Some account of an eruption of Mount Vefu- vius, March 24, 1758 - Paderni L 622 An account of an eruption of Mount Vefuvius, Dec. 23, 1760 " Styhi LII 39 Another account of the fame eruption Styles — 41 An extradl of a letter concerning the late eruption of Mount Vefuvius, dated at Rome, 9th of [anuary, 1761, and the difcovery of an an- tient flatue of Venus, at Rome Mackinla\ — 44 Two letters giving an account of the late eruption of Mount Vefuvius, Nov. 17,1764 Hamilton LVII 192 An account of the eruption of Mount Vefuvius in 1767 - - Hamilton LVII! i — — A letter containing forae farther particulars on Mount Vefuvius, and other volcanos in the neighbourhood - Hamilton LIX 18 Obfervations on the heat of the ground on Mount V^efuvius - Howartj LXI 53 An account of an eruption of Mount Vefuvius in Aug, 1779 - Hamihou LXX 42 Vetter. Some remarkable obfervations on the Lake Vetter - - Hemy^e XXIV 1938 Veturian. R.cniarks upon a Denarius of the Vttu- rian family, with an Etrufcan infi.ription on the reverfe - - S win ton LVIII 253 ViGiLi^ Flokum. See Plant Villa LuDovisiA. See Bones ViLLETTE. See Burning-Glnfs ViNADio. An account of the hot baths of Vinadio, in the Province of Coni, in Piedmont Brum LI 839 Abrldf VI 2 199 VIII 670 — ^77 Vinegar. VI N VIR Vinegar, The way of making It in France /inou. • Obfervations on the mouths of the eels in vine- gar, and alfo a ftrange aquatic animal Ba^e' Vines. A way of making vines grow to advaniaj:e, all over the roof of a houfe - TimpUf Vipers. An obfervation touching the bodies of fnakes and vipers - OUeuburg 6 Some obfervations on vipers - Kedi ' The pha;nomena afFcrded by them, included in an exhaufted receiver - BoyL — — Experiment", made upon vipers at Florence Plan — — — A difcourfe of the viper, and fome other poi- fons, wrote by Sir Theodore de Mayerne, after difcourfing with Mr. Pontseus Mayerne ' '■' Some obfervations upon vipers Sprengell ■ '■ A letter containing fome obfervations on a man and woman bit by vipers - Atwell — — Letter concerning the viper catchers, and the efncacy of oil of olivcb in curing the bite of vipers r > WiUiaim — — Two lettc's concerning the efficacy of oil of olives in curing the bite of vipers Dufay — — ~ A letter on the coluber ceraftes, or horned vi- per of Egypt - > Elli Virginia. A letter concerning an unufual way of propagating mulberry trees in Virginia, for the better improvement of the filk work, to- gether with fome particulars tending to the good of that plantation - Moray — ■ Inquiries for Virginia, and the Bermudas Royal Society ■' ■■ " An account of the advantage of Virginia for building fhips — - An account of Virginia, its fituation, tem perature, produdions, inhabitants, and their manner of planting and ordering tobacco, he. Glover — Extraft of four letters relating to the natural produaions of Virginia - Banijier With an additional note Anon, — — . A letter giving an account of feveral obfervabley in Virginia, and in his voyage tl\ither, more particularly concerning the air Clayton Second letter of farthei obfervatigns qh Virginia Clayton I Tranf. V 2C02 XLfI+i6 VIII 6016 I 1^8 I 160 V 2012 VII 5060 XVI!ri62 XXXII 296 XXXIX 394 525- Abrid;r. 1X38 ; II 656 — 811 XL 26 — 444 LVI 287 I 201 II 420 viir 6015 XI 623 XVII 667 — 691 -781 _ 790 — 014 VII 409 IX 6q — 66 — 68 II 653 1^631 1X566 III 566 II 822 in 575 Virginia, 526 VIR VIT ViRCiNiA. A continuation of the account of Virginia Clayton A letter giving a farther account of the foil, and other obfervables of Virginia Clayton ——A continuation of an account of Virginia Claytoti ■ Anfwer to feveral queries of Dr. Grew's, in 1687, relating to Virginia Clayton Viscous Slime. Letter giving an account of a vifcous ilime left after a flood in the territory of the Landgrave of Thuringue, with oblervations thereupon by Mr. Watfon - Boje VisioM. A new dilcovery touching vilion Ahriottr An anlvver - - Fecqnet . Anfwer to Mr. Pecquet, concerning the opi- nion that the choroeides is the principal organ of - - Muriotte ., A continuation of a difcourfe about vifion, with an examination of fonie late objedions againli it - - Briggi Two remarkable cafes relating to vifion Brigp I Letter concerning a contumacious jaundice, ac- campanied with a very odd cafe in vifion Dale — — See Opticks Vitriol. Of the mineral of Liege, yielding both brimftone and vitriol, and the way of extrai5t- ing them out of it ufed at Liege jinon — — Account of a pond, in Somerfetfhire, to which pigeons reforc but cattle will not drink at it jinon Further account of the (pond) vitriolate water with fome particulars touching water jfnon m. .- A dcfcription of a Swedifh ftone, which affords lulphur, vitriol, allum, and minium Talbot ■ . Some obfcrvations and experiments about vi triol, tending to prove the nature of that fub- fcance, and to give further light in the inquiry after the principles and properties of other ini nerals - - _ — — A continuation of the difcourfe concerning vi triol, fhewin •., that vitriol is ufuaily produced by fulphur, adtrng on, and coagulating wiih a metal ; ard then making out, that allum is likcwifc the rcfuU of the faid fulphur; as alfo 6 Tranf. XVII 941 -978 XVIII 121 XLI 143 XLVIII 358 III 6-^8 — 669 V 1203 XIII 171 XIV 559 XVIII 158 I 45 Abridg. Ill 581 -589 — 592 IX 465 — 359 — 375 IX 41 III3S — 286 il530 332 — 531 — 45^ cvincinjj VIT VOL evincing that vitriol, fulphur, and allum do agree in falin^i principles, and laftly declaring the nature of the lalt in briniftonc, and whence it is derived - - Anon «— — An account of the increafe of weight in oil of vitriol, expofed to the air - Gould « Of the origin of white vitriol and the figure of its chryftais, not yet accounted for Lijitr ViTRUM Antimonu Ceratum. Obfervations On the effecls of the - Geoffrey ViTULUS Marinus. Some account of the phoca, vituius marinus, or fea calf, fliewed in London 1743 - - Parfom ViTUs's Dance. An account of the cure of St. Vitus's Dance by electricity J. Fothergill Viviparous. An account of a kind of fly at this viviparous - - Li/^er »' Account of a fly that is viviparous LiJ)er 1^ A letter concerning the minute eels in pafl;e be ing viviparous - Sherzvocd YoiQE. An eliay tending to make a probable conjec- ture of tempers by the modulation of the voice in ordinary difcourfe - Ent Volatile Salt. See Salt Volcano. An account oftheupper part oFthe burn- ing mountains in the ifle of Tcrnata accord- ing to the view taken thereof IVifi^en m A farther relation of the horrible burninfr fome mountains of the Molucco iflands IVitzen *— — An account of a very odd eruption of fire out ol a fpot in the earth near Ficrenzola in Italy St. Clair ■■ A letter containing fome farther particulars on Mount Vefuviub, and other volcap.os in the neighbourhood - Hamilton » ■— An account of two Giants Caufeways or Group of prifmatic bafaltine columns, and other cu- rious volcanic concretions, in the Venetian ftates in Italy, with fome remarks on the cha- ra£ters oF thefe and other fimiiar bodies, and on the phyhcal geography of the countries in which they arc; found - Strange --— An account of a Volcanic hill near Invernefs H'e/i — — A letter giving an account of certain traces of Xxx Tranf. 1X66 XIV 496 XXI 331 XLVIl 273 XLII 383 LXIX I VI 2170 XIV 592 XLIV 67 XII loio XIX 42 — 529 XX 378 LIX 18 LXV 5 XVII 385 527 Abrldg. if 544 -- 534 — 537 IX ?4 II 787 XI 799 III 61 II 392 — 394 — 385 volcanos 5*8 VOL VOY volcar.os on the banks of the Rhine Sir IV. Hamilton m See /Etnoy Vefuviui Volga. A fpecimen of the natural hiftory of the Volga - - ^ For/h> — — Some account of a new map of the river Vo'ga Forfter Voluntaries, ^ce Muftc Vomit. Extraft of a letter containing feme relations concerning odd worms vomited by children Lifter Vomiting Medicines. The pra£lice of purging and vomiting medicines, according to Dr. Cockburn's Iblution of his problem ; with tables fiiewing their dofes in particular ages and conftitutions - Cockhurn Vortices. A phyfico-mathematical demonflration of the impoffibility and infufficiency of vortices ^igorgne Voyages. Dlrtfticns for Teamen bound for far voy- ages - - RM'jal Society — — An appendix to the ciire6lions yinon. .... Obrervaticns made by a curious and learnecl perlbn failing from England to the Caribec jllands - - Stubbei An enlargcinent of the obfervations Stubbes The remainder of the obfervations in the fame voyage - - — Stubbes ——Narrative of a voyage from Spain to Mexico, and of the minerals of that kingdom Anon, — — An account of a paflage by lea to the Eaft Indies Smithfon *— — A narrative of fome obfervations made upon feveral voyages to find a way for failing about the north to the Eaft Ind.cs, and for returning the fame way from tlience hither ; together with inflructions given by the Dutch Eaft- India Company for the difcovcry of Jcffoj near Japan ; to which is added a relation of failing through the northern America to the Eaft- Indies - Van Nicrop . A relation of a voyage froni Aleppo to Palmyra in Syria - - Halifax — — « An extracl of the journals of two feveral vcyages of the Englilli merchants of the factory of Aleppo, to Tadmor, anciently called Palmyra Tranf. LXVin I LVII 312 LVni 214 X 391 XXVI 46 Abridf XLI 409 I 140 — 147 II 493 III 699 IK 135 V 397 VIII 378 III 631 II 257 HI 546 — 551 — 717 — 557 -817 IV 1003 IX 197 XIX 83 •— 129 II 588 111416 - 505 — 489 — 49- Voyages- VOY VUL Voyages. Journal of a voyage from London to Con- ftantinople, 1668 - Smitl ... An account of a voyage to Chufan in China, with a defcription of theilland, of the feve.al forts of tea, of the fifhing, agriculture of the Chinefe, &c. vi^ith feveral obfervations not hitherto taken notice of Cunningham m. .. Journal of a voyage made hy order of the Royal Society to Churchill River on the North Weft Coaft of Hudfon Bay ; of thirteen months re fidence in that country ; and of the voyage back to England, in 1768, 1769 fP'ales — — Two letters of a voyage to Bengal, with obfer- vations made there - Rofe -— Remarks and obfervations made on board the fhip Kelfall, on a voyage to Judda and Mocha, in 1769 - - New- and ' The method taken for preferving the health of the crew of his Majefty's Ibip the Refolution fduring her late voyage ruund the world CooJIr I-..— Journal of a voyage to the Eaft-lndies, in the fliip Grenville, Burnet Abercrombie Captain in the year 1775 - - Dalrymple m Tradl of his Majefty's armed brig Lion from England to Davis's Streights and Labrador with obfervations for determining the longitude by fun and moon, and error of common reck oning ; alfo the variation of the compafs and dip of the needle as obferved during the faid voyage in 1776 - Fickerfgill Vulture. An account of a prodigioufly large fea- ther of the bird cuntur, brought from Chili, and fuppofed to be a kind of vijture Sloant Tranf. XIX 597 XXIII 1201 LX 100 LXVI 402 LXVIII 389 — I0S7 XVIII 61 II Abr V 2 171 X X X a Wales. SSt WAL WAS Tranf. I Abridge i W. Walts A letter contammg feveral obfcrvations in ■ natural hiftory ir.ade in his travels through Wales - - . ^^^^y.'' With a further account of birds mentioned m - - Lhwyd Farther obfervations - J^^'^y^ , A letter giving a further account cf what he met with remarkable in natural hiftory and antiquities in his travels through Wales ^ Lhwyd - Pxtraas of letters containing obfervations in ^natural hiftory and antiquities in his travels through Wah sand Scotland L/i>tyj^ Wall. Vide Figures Walling. \\i,c /Intiquities , ,, ,. , Walnuts. Enquiries relating to the bleeding of walnut trees - ' „,.., "'■f «_ Obfervations on • - WtUcughby A defcription of a uew kind of walnut tree* difcovcred by - " Rertemme Walpole, Horace. See Stone Warming Rooms. A propofal for warming rooms by the fteam of boiling water conveyed in pipes along the walls - (-^°°'^ Washi^s. a tabic of the wafhes in Lmcolnlhire Merret Wasps. Obfervations about wafps, and the difter- ence of their fexes ■ . /^"'^^f An account of lome very curious wafps neits made of clay in Pennfylvania Bartram . A dclcription of the great black wafp from 1 enn lylvania - . , . -k t ir - j , Two letters from Canibridgc in New England, XXVII 462 _ 466 — 4^7 — 5CO XXVIII 93 V 1196 — 1 20 1 XXII 908 V34 V 2 117 V34 V2 118 — - 120 II 676 — 684 IV 2 323 XLIII 370 XIX 392 XXXIII 53 XLIII 363 XLVl 278 I 1 XI 1391 II 267 VII 404 XI 847 — 848 concern- WAT concerning two fmall fpecies of wafps j Harrifon Wasps. Some obfervations upon an American vvaip's neft - - - Afauduit — — Obfervations on the yellowlfli wafp of Pennfyl vania - - Collinfon — — An account of a lingular fpecies of wafp Fehon Watches, A narrative concerning the fuccefs of pendulum watches at fea for the longitudes H'jlme; ■ Inftruftions concerning the ufe of pendulum watches, for finding the longitude at fea; together with a metnod of a journal for fuch watches - - Hugens — — An extradi concerning very exaft and portative watches - - Hugen • Extract of a letter concerning the principle of exadtnefs in the portable watches of his inven- tion - - Leibnitz — ■' ' An inflrument for feeing the fun, moon,orftars pafs the meridian of any place, ufeful for letting watches in all parts of the world with the gieateft exaftnef^, to correal fun d'als, to afliit in thedifcovery of the longitudes of pi ices Derhcm »-- - xAccount of advantages of a newly invented machine much varied in its effe£^s, and very ufsful for determining the perfect pro- portion betv.een dirferent moveiibies acting by levers and wheel and pinion Ls Cerf Waters. (Agi-ation of various) Twenty feven let- ters giving an account of an extraordinary and furprifing agitation of the waters, No.-, i, 1755, though without any perceptible motion of the earth, having been obferved m various parts of this ifland, both maritime and inland on the fame day, and chiefly about the time, that the more violent commotions of both earth and waters, fo very extenliveiy afieftec' many very diflant par»-s or the globe ; in mans letters tranfinitted to the Society ; in v^'hich are (pecified the times and places when and where they happened Portlmouth - - 'Robertfon Suflex and Surry - » IVibb Guildford - « Ada Tranf. 1 ^Abridg XLVII 184 XLIX 205 LIII 37 LIVS3 I 13 IV 937 X 272 I 555 — 547 — 465 I 466 XXiY IC7 8 LXVIII 950 XLIX 351 — 551 — 353 — 357 IV 464 VV ATERS, So^ \y A T ^Vatet.s. (Agifat'ion of v.alcus) Pctworih C ran brook HoagfcH Temp:/t Pr ingle A^iits Birch Thom'.infon Philip: Blair Parker Cheveniijg Rothcrl h Peerlcfs Poole, Lcirion Rochfoid, Ellex Readincf Micrburii Cafile, Oxforclfiiiie Dc^'onflilrc, Cor-invall, Plymouth, Mount's bay, Penzance, kc. - Huxham Mount's bay - - Borlafe buianzey - - Blair Norwich - - A'deron Yarmouth - - Barber riavvkeniead, Cupxib^rland - Harrifon Durham - CoiLper Edinburgh - - Stevenjon Lufs in Scotland - Colquhoun Kinfale - - Nicola 'I'oplitz, Bohemia - Staplin Hague - - De Hcndt Ley den - - Alimand ' An extrail of a letter, with an account of an extraordinary a^'itation of the water in a fmall lake at Clcleburn, in the fhire of Dumfries, Feb. I, 1756 - - Kilpairick — — F.xtrafl of a letter concerning an extraordinary motion in the waters in ths2 lake Ontario in North America * Belchrr An account of the agitation of the waters on the ift of November, 1 755, in Scotland and Hambur;^h Pringle — — ExravStof a btter relating to the agitation of the waters oblcrvcd at Dartmouth, Nov. i, ^755 HoU/worth • ■ An account of the afiitatlon of the fea at Anti .-zua Nov. I, 1755 ~ J^eck — — An account of the extraordinary agitation of the waters, in feveral ponds in Hertford/hire, Nov. I, 1755 - Rutherford Some account of the extraordinary agitition of the waters in Mount's bay, and other places, on the 31ft of March, 1761 Borlaje Water. (Chemiftry) Way of examining waters as Tranf. XLIX 358 — 360 — 361 — 362 — 364 -365 — 3^7 — 368 ~ 371 — 373 — 379 — 380 — 381 — 385 — 3«7 — 389 — 393 — 395 — 39<^ — 397 ~" 521 — 544 — 550 — 643 — 668 — 684 LII 418 Abrldo-, to WAT to frefluief* and faltnefs - Boyle Water. (Chemiftry) Sfvera! experiments about giving variety of tindures to water, he. Southwell — — An account of the filtring ftone of Mexico, and compared with other ftones, by whicii it is fhewn that it is of little or no ufe in purify- ing the waters vi^hich have palkd through it Vaterui — — An account of fome trials to keep water and fifh fvveet 'w'nh lime-water - floks — — An account of fome trials to fvveeten ftinking water - - HaUs - A letter on the folubility of iron in fimplc water by the intervention of fixrJ air •— — The defcription of an apparatus for impregnat- ing water with fixed air, and of the manner ot conducting that procefs - Nocth Water, Lime. See Lims Water. (Gravity) An invention for eftimating the weight of water in water, with ordinary ba lances and weights - Boyi • A rew experiment concerning; an effect of the varying weight of tlie Atmofphere upon fome bodies in tre water - Bojl — — Some experiments and obfervations on the force of ihe preiTure of the water at great depths " An extraft of a letter giving an account of an expermient made in the bay of Bifcay of the preffure of water at various depths on a bottle clofe corked, and of Lay Well wnich ebbs and flows - - Oliver • ■" An account of an experiment touching the proportion of the w^eight of air, to the weight of a like bulk of water, without knowing the quantity of either - Haukjbee • An account of fome experiments in relalioa to the weight of common water under different circumftances - - Haukjbee — — — An account of an experiment touching the dif ferent denfities of common water from the greateil: degrees of heat in our climate, to the freezing point, obferved by a thermometer Haukjhee Tranf. XVII 627 XX 87 XXXIX 106 XLVIII 826 ^LIX 339 LIX 216 LXV 59 IV looi M\\ 5'^S^ XVII 504 XVII 908 XXV 2221 XXVI 221 - 267 535 Abridg. II 298 III 656 VIII 728 I 520 II 204 I521 IV 2 180 VI 2 i8i Wa-ter. 534 WAT Water. (Gravity) An account oFfome cxperlmentb in relation totiie weighr of common water under different circumftances - Haukjlec — — An experiment touching the weighing of bodies o\ the fame fpecies, but very unequal furfaces in common w.ter, bdng of an equal weight in common air - - Haiikjbce . The fpecific gravity of feveral metalline cubes, in comparifon with their like bulks of water Haukjbee A caution to be ufed in examining the fpecific <-iavity of folids by weighing them in water '^ ^ Jur'in . A courfe of experiments to afcertain the foecific buoyancy of cork in different waters, the refpcftive weights and buoyancy of fah water, and frefli water, and for determining the exad v.'ei^ht of human and other bodies in fluids ° - - JVilklnfon Water. (Hydraulics) A way of producing wind, by the fall of water P-pt Undertaking for raifmg of water Moreland . -. A new way of raifing water Papin . , Letter concerning Dr. papin's way of raifirg water - - Fincen: Letter concerning Dr. Papin's new v/ater en cine - - Tenon . . A full defcription, with the ufe, of a new Tranf. XXVI 269 — 306 XXVill 521 XXXI 223 Abridg. IV 2 181 181 contrivance f .r raifing water Papi LV 9S I 21 1X25 XV 1093 — 1238 — 1254 — 1274 XVI 263 XXX 748 XXXII 5 - 179 VI 327 Anlwer to feveral objections made by Mr. Nuis againft his engine for raifing water by the rarifadion of the air - Popin An account of the motion of running water Jurin A d-fcription of an engine to raife water by help of quicklilver, invented by Hafkins, and improved by Defagiiliers - ^/«w. A defence of the differtation on the motion of rur.nir.f^ water ?.gaifift the animadverfions of 1-*. A. Tvliciielotti - Jttrin An account of feveral experiments concaning the running of water in pipes, as it is reiardeo by fiidlion and intermixed air, with a dclcrip- lion of a new machine, whereby pipes may bt cleared of air, as the water runs along, with- t,utlland-p;pts, or the help of any hand ^^y.^ ^, I 498 — 537 — 539 — 450 -- 542 IV 435 VI 352 - 431 — 347 Water WAT xxxviir 402 XLI5 - 65 XLI 821 XLIV 1 LI 100 "rtr /TT , • / Traiif. Water (Hydraulics) A defcnption of the watcr-f works at London Bridge _ - BgighioJ XXXVII 5 * ■• An account of a new engine for raifing water/ byhorfes - - - Churchman " -' Ot the meafure and motion of running waters Jurin With the conclufion - yurin " A narrative of a new invention of expanding fluids by their being conveyed into certain ig- nited veffel?, where they are immediately rari- fied into an elaflic impelling force fufficicntto give motion to hydraulo-pneumatical and other engines for raifing of v/ater and other ufcs, &c Payne ■ " " Part of a letter containing a defcription of a water-wheel for mills, invented by Mr. Philip Williams - . Arderon A defcription of a clepfjdra, or water clock Hamilton '" - An experimental enquiry, concerning the na- tural powers oF water and v/ind to turn mills, and other machines depending on a circular motion - - hmeaton * ' ■ Problems concerning the fall of water under bridges, applied to the fall under London and Weftminfter Bridges - Robertfon •— — Short and eafy methods for finding the quantity and weight of water contained in a full pipe of any given height and diameter of bore, and confequcntly to find what degree of power would be required to work a common pump, or any other hydraulic engine, when the diameter of the pump bore, and the height to which the wa:er is to be raifed, are given Fergufon ■" A memoir concerning the nioft advanta gepus conftrudtion of water-wheels, he. Mal'et -■■ ■■ An account of a machine for raifing water, executed at Oulton in Chefliire, in 1772 IVhitehurft Water. (Medicine) An account of what happened on fyringing warm water into the thorax of a bitch . _ Mufgrave -i The art of living under water ; or a dircourre concerning the means of furnifl-iing air at the bottom of the Tea in any ordinary depths Halhy Yyy 492 LV 61 LVII 372 LXV 277 XX 181 XXIX 492 o yi3 58 VIII 322 ~ 282 VIII 638 X 247 — 4t8 III 78 IV 2 il Water 53^ WAT Water (Medicine) An addition to the defcription of the art of living under water - Rogers — — Of the ufe of cold water in fevers Cyrillui - ' Relation of a girl three years old, who remained a quarter of an hour under water without drowning - - Green — — Cafe of a large quantity of matter or water con tained in cyltls or bags adhering to the perito neum, and not communicating with the cavity of the abdomen - Graham ' A letter concerning a man who lived eighteen years on water - Campbell An account of an extraordinary cyftis in the Jiver, full of water - 'Jemegan • ■ " A propofal for warming rooms by the iteam of boiling water conveyed in pipes along th walls - - - Cook - Account of the airs extrafted from different kinds of waters, with thoughts on the falu brityof the air at different places Fontana Waters (Mineral.) Account of a pond in Somer jfhire to which pigeons refort, but cattle will not drink at it - Anoji Further account of the (pond) vltriolate water, with fome particulars touching waters Anon — — An account of fome fanative-waters in Here fordihire - - - Beale An anfwer to the hydrologla chymica of Mr W. Sinipfon - Witt'ie The anfwer enlarged - IVittie Some reflexions made on the enlarged account of Dr. Wittie's anfwer to hydrologia chy mica, chicfiy concerning the caufe of the ludden lofs of the virtuesof mineral waters Foot • Some confiderations relating to Dr. Wittie'j defence of Scarborough Spaw, with an account of a fait Ipring in Somerletfliire, and of a me- dical fpring in Dorfctfliire h'tghmori ■■ ■ Pifcourfc relating to the notes of Dr. Foot in vol. IV. 1050, and of Dr.Highmorc in vol. IV. 1 128, concernirg mineral waters, and extradl^ made out of them - IVittit — — - Advcrrifcmcnts concerning fprings, waters, pe- trifying and metallizing waters. Sec. Beal - - - Some queries whereby to examine mineral wa terji - - - Pftty \ Tranf. XXXI 177 XXXVI 142 XLI 166 — 708 XLK 240 XLIII 305 ^370 LXIX 432 I 332 — 359 — 358 IV 999 — iosS — . 1050 — 1128 V 1074 X357 XIV 802 Abrldgr VI 350 VII 63s IX 241 - 187 - 238 XI 971 — I39I n 332 — 365 Watek WAT iWATER (Mineral) Two letters concerning fome mi- neral waters - - Cay ■ "■ Obfervations on rain-water - Leeuwenhoek -' - ' A fliort account of the nature and virtues of the Pyrmont waters, with fome obfervations on their chalybeate qualities ^lare ■I ■ ' An hiftorico-phyfical obfervation on the brafs waters of Nifol commonly called cement watfzer, changing iron to brafs Belius » An examination of the Chiltenham mineral water, which may ferve as a method in gene- ra! for examining mineral waters Seckenburg — • '- Experiments by way of analyfis upon the wa ter of the Dead Sea, upon the hot fpring near Tiberiades, and upon Hamman Pharoan water - - . Psrry " An account of the Carlfbad mineral waters in Bohemia - - Milles ■ ' ' ' Thoughts on the different impregnations of mi neral waters ; more particularly concerning the exiftence of fulphur in fome of them Rutty -> Extraft of an effay entituled. On the ufes of a knowledge of mineral exhalations when ap plied to difcover the principles and properties of mineral waters, the nature of burning fountains, and of thofe poifonous lakes which the antients called Averni Brownrigg • ' Experiments on Rathbone-Place water Cavendijh ' ' " An account of the fulphureous mineral waters of Caftle-Loed and Fairburn in the county of Rofs, and of the fait purging water of Piikeathly in the county of Perth, in Scotland Monro •• Continuation of an experimental inquiry con- cerning the nature of the mineral elaftic fplrit or, air contained in the Pouhon water, and other acid u las - — Brownrigg • See Bathsy Birch, Sea, Spout Water. (Natural hiftory) Of a place in England, where, without petrifying water, wood is turned into ftone - BcyL ■'■ The caufes of mineral fprings further inquired into and the ftrange and fecret changes of li- quors, examined - - Beale — A particular accotint of the origin of fountains Y y y 2 Tranf. XX 365 XXIII1152 XXX 564 ^37 Abridg. 1 XL 351 XLI 830 XLII 48 L 25 LI 27s LV236 LVII 92 LXII 15 LXIV 357 I lOI IV 1131 IV 2 201 VIII 64s — 650 — 643 II 325 — 712 and 53S WAT an3 to (hew that the rain and fnow waters are fufEcient to make fountains and rivers run per- petually - - yi^sn- Water (Natural hiftory) Obfervations concerning jome little animals obferved in rain, well, fea, and fnow water; as alfo in water where pepper had lain infufed - Lecw-venhoek With the manner of obferving them Leeuwenhofk ... .... Experiments and obfervations about the natron cf Egypt, and the Nitrian water Leigh I ■ , Several oblerv-aiions and experiments on tht ; anitnaicula in pepper water i Sir Edmund King The hiflcry of the generation of an infed by him calh'd the Wolf; with obfervations on in 'ccts bred in rain water, in apples, cheefe, gjc. - - Leeuwenhoek — - Some microfcopical obfervations of vaft nuni bers of aninialcula feen in water Harris An account of an extraordinary eruption ©f wa ter, in June, 1686, inYorkfliire R,'P, Cblervatjons on feme animalcula in water Lseuzvenhoeh ■ Fart of a le ter giving a farther account of an erupti&n of waters m Craven Thorefhy A pi£\ure and defcription of a water infeft not < before defcribed - Klein \ A defcription of the fame fort of infetSt found t in Kent - - Brown With an addition - Mortimer " Obfervatiins on the mouths of eels in vinegar, and alfo a flrange aquatic animal Baier ,.. ■ Obfervations upon feveral fpecies of fmall water infecls of the polypus kind - Tremhh} m — . An account of ivmt remarkable inff£^s of tht polype kind found in the water near Bruffels in Flanders - - brady Waters. (Natural phijofophy) Some trials aboui the air ufually harboured and concealed in the pores of water - - BoyL ■^ Some experiments about freezing, and the dif ference betwixt common frefh water ice, and that of the fea water Lifter _, An account of the evaporation of Water as it was experimented in Grtlham College in Tranf. X 447 XII 821 — 844 XIV 609 XVII 861 XVIII 194 XIX 254 XX 382 XXIII 1430 XXV 2236 XL 150 XLIl4i6 XLIV 627 XLIX 248 V 2018 XV 836 Abridg. II 329 HI 683 "525 III 654 — 685 — 652 II 328 V 2 266 IV 2 192 1X6 — 7 -- 33 XI 807 II 164 WAT 1693, with Tome obfervations thereon Haliey Waters (Natural Philofophy) Microfcopical obler- vations and experiments <— — Letter concerning the different taftes of waters Leetiwenhoek — — Letter concerning making water fubfervient to the viewing both near and diflant obje£ls» with the delbriptlon of a natural vefieding mi- crofcope - - - - - Gray Farther accountof his water microfcope Gray An experiment fcsewing that the feemingly fpontaneous afcenGon of" water in fmall tubes, open at both ends, is the fume in vacuo as in the open air - - Haukjbee Several experiments touching tlie feeming fpontaneous sfcent vratcr - HaukfOee Continuation - - Haukjbee, ■ An experiment touching the freezing of com- mon water, antl water purged of air Haukjhce • An account of an experiment tot'chins the freezing of common water tinc;^-d with a liquid faid to be extra6led fiom fliell-lac H.ndfo-e — — An account of feme experiments touchmo; the kfeping of hfhes in water under different cir •cumftances - - Haukjbee ■ Part of a letter concerning the afcent of wate between two glafs planes - fayio. Haukjbee — — — An account of fome experiments, with an en- quiry into the caufe of the afcent and fufpen fion of water in capillary tubes yurin • An account of fome new experiments relating to the a6lion of glafs tubes upon water and quick- filver - - 'jurin Experiments an 1 obfervations of the rreezine of water in vacuo - Fahrenheit A Utter concerning the eleclricity of water Gray An experiment to prove that v»ater when agi- tated by fire is infinitely more elaftic than air in the fame circumflances - Clayton — — A differtation on the nature of evaporation, and feveral pha;nomena of air, water, and boiling IJqiiors . . Ham i: ton - Experiments to prove that water is not incom- prcfTible - - Canton Tranf. XVIII 183 XIX 280 XXII 899 XVIII _5-3Q XIX 353 XXV 2223 XXVI 258 — 265 — 304 XXVII 431 - 538 — 539 XXX 739 — 1083 XXXIII 78 XXXV1I227 XLI 16a I I 146 Lll 640 539 Abridg. II LIO V 2 266 I I 95 209 V279 IV 2 181 182 — - .82 IV 2 182 IV 423 IV 2 182 IV 423 — 428 VI 2 51 22 VIII 466 Water« 540 WAT TVEI Water? {Natural PhilofopKy) Experiments and ob- fervations on the compreflibihty of water, and Ibme other fluids - - Canton • ' The fuppofed efteft of boiling upon water, in difpofing it to freeze more readily, afcertained by experiments - Black On the variation of the temperature of boiling water - - Shuckbiirgh Wax. An advertifement of a way of making more lively counterfeits of nature in wax, than are extant in painting ; and of a new kind of maps in low relievo, both pradifed in France j^non. — — Extraft of two letters concerning the efFeds of a cane of black fealing-wax, and a cane of brimftone, in electrical experiments Miles — — Obfervations on the Abbe Mazeas's letter on the Count de Caylus's method of iml tating the ancient painting in burnt wax Parfom Weather. See Barometer^ Meteorological Objerva tionSy Thermometer Weather Cord. See Hygrometer Weavers. Account of the weavers alarm, vulgo larum - - - Arderon Weaving. An account of Mr. Le Blon's principles of printing in imitation of painting, and of weaving of tapeftry in the fame manner as brocades - Mortimer Wedge. An account of an experiment concerning the angle required to fufpend a drop ol oil of oranges, at certain ftations, between two glafs planes, placed in the form of a wedge Haukjbee Weed. An account of a new dye from the berries of a weed in South Carolina Lind Weights. An invention for eftimating the weighi of water in water with ordinary balances and weights - - BoyL • Of th€ weight of a cubic foot of divers grain - - Jnon. Further lift of fpeclfic gravities of bodies /fnon. — — An account of fome experiments in relation to the weight of common water under different circumftances - - Haukjlcc Tranf, LIV^ 261 LXV 124 LXIX 362 I 99 XLIV 27 XLIX 655 XLIII 555 XXXVIIio] XXVII 473 LIII238 IV 1001 XV 926 — 927 Abricfg. XXVI 221 I 193 X317 XI 1392 VI 469 [V2 182 I 520 — 522 — 523 Weights. W E I Weights. An account of fome experiments In re- lation to the weight of common water under different circumftances - Haukjhee »-.. Experiments touching the time required in the defcent of different bodies of different magni tudes and weights in common air from a cer- tain height - - Haukfhee ■ ■■-. An account of an experiment explaining a mechanic paradox, viz. that two bodies of equal weight fufpended on a certain balance do not lofe their equilibrium, by being re moved one- farther from, the other nearer to., the center - - Dffagullers — — A letter of weighing the flrength of eleilrica effluvia - - Eliicot III II A courfe of experiments to aicertain the re fpedllve v;eights and buoyancy of falt-water and frefh water, and for determining the exa£l weight of human and other bodies in fluids - - - IVilkinJon Weights AND Measures. An experiment to com pare Paris weights as they are now ufed with the Englifti weights - Defagulien = An account of the analogy betwixt Englifh weights and mealures of capacity Barlou} •~—— An account of the proportion of the Eng lifh and French meafures and weights from the flandard of the fame kind at the Royal Society - > _ y^non. •— An account of a comparifon lately made by fome gentlemen of the Royal Society of the flandard of a yard, and the feveral weights lately made for their ufe; with the original flandards of meafures and weights in the Exchequer, and fome others kept for public ufe at Guddhall, Founders Hall, the Tower, &;c. - - Graham • • ' A flate of the Engllfii weights and mea fures of capacity, as they appear from the laws as well ancient a§ modern ; with fome confiderations thereon ; being an attempt to prove that the prefent avoirdupoife weight is the legal and ancient flandard for the weights and meafures of this kinirdom Reynardfot Tranf. — 269 xxvn 196 541 Abridg. IV 2 i8i 1S2 XXXVII125 XLIV 96 LV95 XXXI III XLI 457 XLII 185 — S4-I VI 310 X 324 VII 4 46 IX 488 — 489 — 491 XLVI54 j XI 1356 Weights 542 WEI \V E L Weights and Measures. Short and eafy me- thods for finding the number of Troy pounds contained in any given number of avoirdu poife pounds, and vice verfa Ftrgufon Weights. Remarks upon two Etrufcan weights or coins never before pubiifhed Swtnton An inquiry to fliew vvb.at was the ancient Englifli weight and meafnre according to th laws or flatutes prior lo the reign of Henry the Seventh - - Norns Weights. See Ccins^ Meafnre s Weight. Extracl of a letter concerning two men of an extraordinary bulk and weight Knowlton Well. The cefciiption of a well and earth in Lan cafhire, taking fire by a candle approached to it - - - Shirley An account of wells, both fait and fwcet, digged near the fea at Bermudas Norwood ' Inftances, hints, and applications, relating to a main point, folicited in the preface to this fourth volume, concerning the ufe may be made of vaults, deep welh, and cold confer- vatorics, to find out the caufe, or to promote the generation of fait, minerals, metals, cryftals, gems, flones of divers kinds, he. Bea!e — — Obfervations concerning fome little animalt oblerved in rain, well, fea, and fnow-watcr ; as alfo in water where pepper had lain infuftd Leeuimeyiboek With the manner of obferving them Leeuxvenhoel — — A letter from the king's ofEccrs at Shecrnefs givin-^ an account of what they met with in opening an ancient well near Qiicenfborough. in Kent, Jan. 8, 1729 - Collifor, — — An obfcrvation of an extraordinary damp in well in the iflc of Wight - Cook. A letter concernirig a burning well at Brofcly Mc'Jhi — — An account of a new medicin-il well, lately Hif- covertd near Moffat in Annandale, in tlu county of Dumfries - JVa'ke^ «... . Extradt (-f a letter from Calcutta, conc( rn- ing a burning rock, and a burning well | n'ood Tranf. LV61 LXI 82 LXV48 XLIV 100 II 482 — 565 IV 1135 XII 821 — B44 XXXVI 191 XL 379 XLIV 370 L 117 LII415 Abridg. XI 1245 III 149 II 298 III 683 IV 2 244 VIII 658 X586 We* WEN WHE XXX 713 XLIV 221 XLI828 L 492 V 2023 1 II H III 565 792 WfiK. An account of an extraordinary tumour or wen lately cut off the cheek of a perfon in Scotland - - Bower Weredale. a letter concerning a fubterrane cavern in Weredp.'e - Durart WESTAsitTON ^VELL Water. An exaininatioi) of VVeftafhton well water Hiiniewit: Westminster Bridge. Problems concerning the fall of water under bridges, applied to the fall: under London and Weftminltcr Bridges Robertfcn \V1hal£. (Aftronomy) Remarks about the new flar in the neck of the - Heveliu^ V/hale. (Fifh and fifhing) Of the new American whale fiftiing about the Bermudas /Inon. ••• A further relation of the whale fiftiing about the Bermudas, and on the coaft of New-Eng- land, and New Nethcrland Jnon. • An account of the whale fiQiing at Bermudas, and of fuch whales as have the fpcrma-ceti in them - - Not wood A letter concerning the whales at Bermudas and fperma-ceti - - Stafford ■— — A letter concerning the flefli of whales, cryfta- I'ne hum'ur of the eye (.--« WH,a"° Account of a whirlwind -Northarnp. Accent of a whirlwind which happened ai Cerne Abto in Dorfetfhire, Oft. 30. mj^^ An account of a meteor feen in New England country, July lO, lyou r WiDGELL Hall. See Figures 'WiTTiAMS. See IVater-lyheeL W..LOW Obfervations on infe& Icdg.ng them- felvesjn^ldwillows ^ WUbuihb, _ Letter concerning excrcfcences S-^^S^- J'^^J _ A'raccr:of thefucce'r, of the bar. of the willow in the cure of agues - • '«« W.SD. A way cf producing w.nd by the f.ll^ol Obftrvaiionsroadein mines, ='"A=" ^f ' °';"" fionin3acon3eaureabou.thcor.gmof^w,nd^^^ E^traa of fevcral letters from E.Hnburg, giving an account of an obeliO: thrown down by a violent wicd, of an ex.raordmary lake ,n Lord Cat's lands in Scotland, of Lake Nefs and cfaFCtryfying rivulet - Mf^'^y Advertifements concerning black-wmds and n — ~ riiCii TUbrelth of the fca plants probably the matc- Tranf, XV 856 LXVIII9S0 LVll 37a XIX 316 XXV 2456 XVIII 192 XLI229 LII6 V 2098 — 2100 Abridg. I 503 II 904 V 2 267 II 104 VIII 499 II 772 V 2 26G I49S II 105 — 104 rial W I N rial caufc of the trade or tropick winds Llpr Wind. A letter concerning the ufe which may be made of the following hiftory of the weather Plot Obfervatlons of the wind, weather, and height of Mercury in the barometer, at Oxford Plot L Extraft of a letter concerning the caufes of feveral winds - - Garden ■ An hlftorical account of the trade winds, and xnonfoons, obfervable in the Teas between and near the tropicks, with an attempt to aflign the phyfical caufe of the faid winds Halley u,»- - Part of a letter accompanying his obfervations of the height of the Mercury in the barometer rains, winds, &c. for the year 1698 Derhani •— — Obfervations of the weather made in a voyage to China, 1700 - Cunningham A regifter of the wind and weather at China, * with the obfervations of the mercurial barome- ter at Chufan from Nov. 1700, to Jan. 1702 Cunningham ■a— I A profpeft of the weather, winds, and height of the Mercury in the barometer on the firfl day of the month, and of the whole rain in every month in 1703, and beginning of 17O4, at Tovvnley in Lancalhire Townley And atUpminfter - Derham yi . I .. Tables of the barometrical altitudes at Zurich in Switzerland, in the year 1708, by Scheuh- ter, and at Upminfter in England, by Der^ ham, as alfo the rain at Pifa in Italy in 1707, and 1708, by Tilli, and at Zurich in 1708, and atUpminfter in all that time : with remarks on the fame table, as alfo on the winds, heats, and cold, and divers other matters occurring in thofe three diiferent parts of Europe Derham yr- An account of an extraordinary ftream of v/ind which fhot through part of the pariftits of Ter monomumgam and Urney, in the county of Tyrone, Oft. ii, 1752 Henry % Letters concerning the caufe of the afcent of va- pour and exhalation, and thofe of winds ; and of the general phjenomena of the weather and barometer - - Eelei Tranf. 545 Abridg. 1 XIV 489 II 129 XV 930 -.46 — 932 - — 1 148 — 129 XVI 153 — "^$3 XXI 45 - 73 XXIV 1639 — 1648 IV 2 26 -- 1877 XXVI 342 XLVIII I XLIX 124 Wind* 546 SV I N WOL Ttanf. LI loo LVl 224 'J7 353 'Wind. An experimental caqulrv concerning the na- tural powers of wjter anj wind to turn mi'l^ and other mati-.ines depend ng on a circular mo- tion - - Stmator A letter containing a new manner of meafunng I the vel city of wind - Br::f \ Onferv^tio.ns on the Urate ol"air, winds weather, t\c. made at Pnnce of "Wales's Fort on tht norrh-weft co^iil of IlaJibn's Bay 'n 1768. ' an'! 1760 - Dytnond ar,ii IVales LX \Vp;d CrACE. Defcription and ufe of a portable w nd gage - - Lmd LXV WiKD Machikf. Obfervations on Mr. Su ton's in- ventiun toixt act foul and ftinkingair out of iliips, vvidi critical reniai-ks upon the ule of W! lid fails - - IV. U at for. , Of i!ie degrees and rj'iantitics of wind reqtiifite to move the heavier kinds of wind machines. Stedrtiay, W lUDVivY.. An account of grafs found in the wind pipes of fome anin^als - /Inon, , An account of a polypus coughed up by thej windpipe ' - SambnliLX^W 262 . An account of fome peculiar advantages in the ftru^^ure of the afperiie arteria^, or windp-pes of fevert.1 biros, and in the land tortoifc Parfom LVI 204 Windows. A diflertation on the antiquity of olafs in windows - Ni.vifi L 601 See Glajs \v'iND5oa Loam. A letter concciTilng Windfor loam mi XLIV 458 WiKE. Of lire globules in tire blood and in the drevs t)f\vine Leemvenhocl XXXII 436 . An account of the Tokay and other wines in Hungary Dougla LXITl 292 Wjs'TKR. AcC'u:nl: of damage done in his garden Iv the preceding wincr - Evelyt. XIV ^rg . An account of the late:y inventr-il ftove for pre icrving plants in the green-houle in winter Culhwt Abrid{T. ? ! XLII 62 LXVII 493 I 100 WiRF. An account rf the cffeft of clci^ricity in lliortcning of wires - Nairn- ^VoLF. The hiftorV of the generations of an infcc\ by him called the wolf; with fome ohfciva- tions on infects bred in rain water, in a[iplcs,^ cheefe, ;?cc. - leiuwtnhcei\ XVIII 19^ XVIII 191 LXX 334 VIII 630 II 869 VII 503 X 6c5 VII 562 n 153 — 750 HI 685 1 Wolf. VV O M Tranf. XXXVI 269 IV 969 Wolf, An anatomical defcrlption of worais found in the kidneys of wolves - A7^/;- Woman. An account of a woman who had a douh!< matrix - - f^afai -< I . A letter concerning a woman of 62 years of age, that lo(t her leg and greateft part of her thigh by a gangrene - Ci i XI 1012 — 411 LI 759 LXl 131- X-IV 630 XV HI 20 XXIV 2076 - 95+ L III 197 — 705 V 310 548 WOM WOR Womb. Account of a cbild*8 crying in the womb Dcrham An account of a large bony fubftance found in the womb, 1733 - ^°^y Letter concerning the extirpation of an excref- cence from the womb - Burior, Wood. Of a place in England, where, without pe- trifying water, wood is turned into ftone Boyle — — Of the abundance of, found under ground inLincolnfhire - - ^''°^- An account of the appearance of feveral woods and their veffels - Leeuwenhoek ,, An extraft of a letter containing ieveral ob fervations on the texture of the bones of am mals compared with that of wood Leeuwenhoeh — Obfervations upon the veffels in feveral forts of ^,QQ(j « - Leeuwenhoeh An account of the poifon wood tree in New England - - ^"% _ Sherara — An account of a capricorn beetle found alive in a cavity within a found piece of wood Mortimer . A fhort defcription of fome high mountains on which are a great quantity of foflil wood HoUman ■ The principal properties of the engine for turn- ing ovals in wood or metals, and of the inftru- ments for drawing ovals upon paper, demon- ftrated - - Ludlam Wood-Pkckers. a defcription of that curious na- tural machine, the wood- pecker's tongue IVallei Woollen Manufacture. An account of a balance of a new conftruftion fuppofed to be of ufe in the woollen manufacture - Ludlam Worcester. See Figures Worms. ObLrvations about Ihining worms in oyf- ters - - ^"-°"^ ^ A relation of worms that cat out flones De la Voyc — — Obfervations on feveral forts of worrtis found i; the guts : - ^y^"' 6 Tfanf, XXVI 485 — 487 XXXIX. 1 89 XLVI 520 I lOI V 2050 XIII 197 t XVII 838 XXXI 134 — us — 147 XLI 861 LI 506 LXX 378 XXIX 509 LV 205 I 203 — 321 VIII 6060 Abrldg. V 310 IX 191 XI 1022 "325 — 423 III 684 -685 VI 2 336 307 — -308 IX II ^ ss III 826 11787 III 119 Worms, W O R Worms,' Extra£i: of a letter concerning odd worms vomited by children - Lijie ■■ Relation of a worm voided by urine Ent Microfcopical obfervations about animals in the fcurlTof the teeth, the fubftance called worms in the nofe, the cuticula of fcales Leeiivuenhoek — — A letter giving an account of the Connough worm^ - - Molyneux ■' Lumbricus hydropicus, or an elTay to prove that bydatides often met with in morbid ani- mal bodies, are a fpecies of worms or imper- fe£t animals - > Tyfon " ■ ' ■ - Letter concerning worms found in the tongue and other parts of the body, with the manner of extra^ing them - - Dent Another letter confirming the fame operation •— . Part of a letter from Fort St. George, in the Eaft Indies, giving an account of the long worm which is troublefome to the inhabitants of thofe parts - - Lifler •— — Letter concerning the worms in fheeps livers Leeuwenhoek — - Letter concerning worm.s pretended to be taken from the teeth - Leeuwenhoek — Obfervations concerning the worms of human bodies - ^ _ Bommi - • Part of a letter concerning worms obferved in fheeps livers, and pafture grounds Leeuwenhoek — — A letter concerning worms in the heads of fheep Thorpe ■ An anatomical defcrlption of worms found in the kidneys of wolves -" Klein "- — A dilfertation on the worms which deftroy the piles on the coaftof Holland and Zealand Ba/!er Part of a letter concerning fome worms whofe parts live after they have been cut afunder *- — A tetter with fome microfcopical obfervations on the farina of the red lily, and of worms difcovered in fmutty corn Needhcm An account of worms in animal bodies Nicholh Cale of a boy troubled with convulfive fits cured b y the difcharge ofworraa - Qran\ 549 Tranf. XII 1009 XIV 568 XV 876 XVII 506 XVIII 219 — 222 XIX 417 XXII 509 ' — 635 XXIII 1296 XXIV 1522 — 1800 XXXVI 269 XL! 276 XLII 522 — 634. XLIX 246 L 518 Abridc:. III 135 — 684 II 758 III ^ZZ — 137 — 688 — 686 V 199 V 2 226 V 16 VII 456 IX 12 — 117 VIII 816 Another ss<^ WOR WRI Another account •• Oaz, More obfer.vations - ^^''<3/. Worms. Obfervations on various forts of worms as well human as from horfes - Limhour^ WoUKD. Account of a child born with a large wound in the breaH fuppofcd lo proceed trom the force of imagination Cyprianui __»-. A brief narrative of the (hot of Dr Robert Field- ino- with a mufktt ball, and its Ibange manner of coming out of his head, where it had lain near thirty year-, written by himfclf Flelditig , An account of part of the colon hanging out of a wound for 14 years - Vata _._ An elVay upon the ufe of the bile in the animal oecononiy fount! on an obfervation of a wound in the gall bladder - Stuart Some obl'eivationson wounds in the guts /iniyand _^ An account of a wound which the la'e Lord Car- penter received at Brihuega, whereby a bullet remained near his gullet for a year wanting a few days - - Carpenter _^ The cure of a wound in the cornea of the eye: cured by - Thomas Baker A remarkable cure of a wound of the he^idcom plicated with a large fr^fture and depreflion of the Ikull, the dura mater and brain wounded xind lacerated - _ - _ Cngiio — — Extradof a letter concerning the particulars of the cure of a wound in tlie cornea, and of a lace ration of the uvea in the eye of a woman Jery Cafe of a man wounded in the left eye by a fmall fword - - - 7 ^ Geach An account of the fuccefsful application of fah to wounds made by the bite of rattle fnakes Gale An extraordinary cure of wounded inttllines Nourfe Writings. Copy of a letter concerning the books and anticnt writings dug out of the ruins of an edifice near the fite of the old city of Hercu- laneum, to MonfignorCerati of Pifa j with a tranflation by Mr. Locke - jInoK ^ Extract of a letter coucerniu'i a fuppofed connec tion between the hicroglyphical writing of an liejit Egypt, and the charadcrillic writing whicl; Tranf. L 521 — 836 LVI 126 XIX 291 XXVI 317 XXXL89 XXXVI 341 KXXIX 329 XL3i6 XL! 133 — 495 XLV411 LIII 234 LV 244 LXVI 426 XLIX 112 Abridg. Ill 222 V 205 VII 515 — 572 VIII 131 ]Xl21 — Ill XI 954 19 W RI YOU is In ufe at thi« day among the Chinefe Morto7 Writing. The elements of a fhort hand Jeaki Remarks on Mr. Jeake's plan for ihort-hand Byrom Written Mountains. A letter containing an ac count of his journey from Cairo in Egypt to the Written Mountains, in the Defart of Sinai Wroxeter. Two letters relatinjr to Wroxeter in Shropfliire - - Baxter WiRTEMBERG JlNGlNE. SqC Sypketl X. !Xenophon. Letter eoncerning an cclipfc mentioned by Xenophon - Cojlard Y. Yard, An account of a comparifon lately made by fome gentlemen of the Royal Society of the flandardof a yard, and the fevcral weights lately made for their ufe ; with the original ftandards of meafures and weights in the Exchequer, and fome others kept for public ufe, at Guildhall, Founders-hall, the Tower, &c. Graham XLIl 541 «— A problem for finding the year of the Julian period by a new and very eafy method De Billy I 324. Yew Tree. A letter concerning the farina foecun- dans of the yew tree - Ba-Jcod XLIV 189 York. Vide Antiquities^ Bas- Relief Younes Ebn. Iranflation of a pafTagc in, with fome remarks thereon - Co/lard LXV^^l 231 5S« Tranf, A!)rTdr. LIX 489 XLV 345 - 3S8 LVI 40 XXV 2228 XLVIII 155 XI 13B1 -1384 1X491 III 398 X 757 Z A ngah: 552 ZAN ZOO %, Zangari andBandi, Countess Cornelia. An extraiSt of an Italian treatlle, written by Jofeph Bianchini upon the death of the Countels Cor- nelia Zangari and Bandi of Cellna Roh't Zenith. Some thoughts concerniig the fun and moon, when near the horizon appearing, larger than when in the zenith Logan Zetland. Two letters concerning the Iflands of Zetland - - Frejion ZiKC. On the ufe of an amalgam of zinc for the purpofe of electrical excitation t^'-gg^^ ZiRCHNiTzER Sea. An sccount concerning an uncommon lake, called the Zirchnitzer fea in Carniola - - Brown — — Some queries and anfwers concerning a ftran=!e lake in Carniola, called the Zirchnits fea Brown A fu'l and accurate dcfcription of the won derful Lake of Zirknitz m Carniola Vahafor Zodiac. The obfervations of the ancients concern- ing the obliquity "f the Zodiac Bernard A leitcr containing a (ketch of the figns of the zodiac, found in a Pagoda, near Cape Camo- ri:i in India - - Call Zoophytes. A difTertation on zoophytes B.Jl Letter on the animal nature of the genus of zoophiles called Coralhna Ellis ZooPHYTON. A letter concerning a zoophyton fomcwhat rcfcmblirg the flower of the mary- "old - - Huzhci Tranf. XLIII 447 XXXIX 404 XLIII 57 LXVIII 861 IV 1083 1X194 XVI 411 XiV 721 LXII 3.53 LII 108 LVII 404 XLII 590 Abridg. xr 106S VIII 377 XI 1328 II 3C6 — 3^6 — 307 I 260 XI HI A N ALPHABETICAL INDEX O F T H E WRITERS I N T H E PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. C 5SS ] A N ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF THE WRITERS IN T H E PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. A. Adams, Archtbald, M. D. Account of a mon- ftrous calf, and of feme things obfervable in the human ear - - - On the making of microfcopes Adee, Swithin, M. D. On the virtues of Jeflbp's Well - - - - 1 On the agitation of the waters at Guilford, Nov. I, 1755 Aery, Thomas, M. D. On the cure of a wound - in the cornea of the eye, and of a laceration of the uvea - - _ Affleck, Captain. On the agitation of the fca at Antigua, Nov. I, 1755 Aglionby, William. Of the nature of filk as it is made in Piedmond A I KIN, Rev. John. Bill of mortality of War rington, 1773 Akf-nside, Mark, M. D. Obfervations on the lym phatic veflels of animals ~ 4 A 2 Tranf. XXV 2414 XXVII 24 XLV145I XLIX 357 XLV 411 XLIX 668 XXI 1S3 LXIV 438 L 322 ' Abridg» - V IV 34 20s X 574 XI 951 II 757 Akens'.de, 55^ AKE AMY Account of the agitation of wa- On the manner of genera- Akenside, Mark, M. D. Account of a blow upon the heart, and its effefts Alchorne, Stanesby. Catalogue of fifty plants from Chelfea, 1770 1771 — — Examination of the ores in the Mufeum of Dr. Hunter - _ . Alemoor, Lord. Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus June 3, 1769, at Hawkhill Alexander, J. Letter concerning a place at New York for ineaiuring a degree of latitude — — Experiments with camphire Alleman Didier l', Defcriptioii csf a celeftial globe Allemand, M. ters at Leyden, Nov. i, 1755 .. Of the earthquake felt at Leyden, Leigc, Maeflricht, Nimeguen, and Arnheim, Dec. 26, 1755 — Of an earthquake felt in Holland, Feb. i8, 1756 Allen, Benjamin. tion of tels — — Account of the death-watch — — Of the gall-bee - - Allen, Thc mas, M. D. Narrative of an herma phrodite fliewn in London Almond, Rev. Edmund. Account of the gigantic boy at VVillingham, near Cambridge Alston, Charles, M. D. On the property of quicklime - - - Amyand, Claudius. Relation of an idiot at Oflcnd, and of two chirurgicalcafes — — Cafe of a tlrifture in the middle of the fto- mach of a girl, dividing it into two bags of a child born with the bowels hang- ing out of its be ly ■ of a fuppreflion of urine In a woman oi the foramen ovale of the heart, be- ing found ofx;n in an adult of an inguinal rupture, with a pin in tli£ appendix coeci, incrufted with a ftone ; ami fome obitrvations on wounds in the guts Of an ob{tru _ _ Account of the agitation of the v/aters ob- Terved at Norwich, Nov. i, 1755 'r On giving nnagnetiim and polari:y to brafs • The quantity of rain fallen in a foot iquare at Norwich each sear, from 1750 to 1769 Aromatariis, JostPH DE. On the generation of animals, and on tiie feeds of plants AsCANius, Petf-K, M. !). Account of a mountain of iron ore at Taberg in Sweden Ash, George, Bp. of Cloyne. A new and eafy me thod of demonftrating fome proportions in Euclid - - Obfervations on an cclipfe of the fun, July 2, 16S4 - Account of a girl in Ireland who had feveral liorns growing on her body A relation of an extraordinary effe£l of the power of imagination Account of a meteor, or dew, refembling but- ter, tbst fell in Ireland ^ — T'lie effects of Mackenboy, or Tithimalus Hi- bernicus _ - _ On the efi'e6li; of imatrination . Account of the linkino; of a hill in Ireland Atkinson', Joseph. Cafe of an impofthumation in the llomach - _ _ Extraordinary cafe in furgery, of tumours Atv/ell, Joseph. Conjcdlures on the nature of intermitting and reciprocating fprings — Obfervations on a man and woman bit by vipers AuBEKT, Alexan'dep.. ObfervatioHs of the tranfit of Venus, June 3, 1769 A new method cffmdingtime by equal altitudes Auery, Mr. Account of a medicated fpring in Gla morganfliirc AuzouT, M. Adrian. The motion of the late comet predi(Sled - _ _ The motion of the fccond comet predifted — Judgment touching the apertures of objeft- glafies, and their proportions in refpeft to th feveral lengths of tclefcop'fs, with a table Tranf. xLvr 573 — 698 XLVIIf 507 XLIX 380 L 774 LIII 9 XVIII 150 XLIX 30 XIV 672 — 749 XV 1202 XVI 334 XIX 224 XX 293 XXVIIl 267 XXXII 80 xxxm 340 XXXV11301 XXXIX 394 LIX 378 LXVI 92 XIX 727 I3 -^ 55 Abtldg. . X474 — 513 I 7 III 12 — 222 IV 2 250 VIIso; — 066 VI 2 177 1X63 n 333 1 436 -438 — 191 1 AuzouTj AUZ BAB AuzouT, M. Adrian. Confiderations upon Mr. Hook's new inftrument for grind«g of optick- glaffes, with Mr. Hook's anfwer m. . Of a means to illun)in3te an objefl in what proportion one pleafeth, and of the diftanccs requifite to burn objc£ls by the fun . A further account touching Sig. Campani't book and perfonr.r.'"'ces about obje<5^-gIafles — — Sig. Campani's anAver, and M. Auzout's ani- madverfions thereon ■ Speculaticns of t-he changes likely to be dlf- covered in the earth and moon, by tlieii refpeftive inhabitants ■I Inftance to Mr. Hook for communicating hi^ contrivanc(i of making, with a glafs of a Iphere of 20 or 40 feet diameter, a telefcope, draw ing feveral hundred feet, and his offer of re compenfing that fecret with another, teaching to mea.ure, with a telefcope, the diftances of objects upon the earth — Obfervations about fliining worms in oyfters — — The reafons why, in the eclipfe of the fun, July 2, 1666, tlie diameter of the moon did increafe about the end _ . _ — — A way for taking the diameter of planets — — A way for knowing the para'lax of the moon — ■ An obfervation concerning the declination of the magnet, made at Rome about the begin- ning of 1670 Aylett, George, (Surgeon). An obfervation of the fpina bifida B. B, D. On the piefent declination of the magnetic needle, and on the tides B. Sir R. On the Giants CaUfeway in Ireland B. R. On the incalefcence of quickiilver with gold '■ On a new fort of caleHi Babin, Jaqu£s Paul. On ilxc flux of the Euripu 4 B Tranf, I 56 — 68 — 69 — 74 — 120 122 203 373 5S^ Abridt^. I 192 — 2S0 V 1184 XLIII 10 — 198 III 726 II 607 XV ni 708 -- Sii X,5'5 — 580 XV 1028 1 504 VI 2133 II 289 III 826 I 217 — 194, 217 — 217 II 608 XI 1093 Bacon, 560 BAC B A k: Bacon, Vincent, (Sargcon). Cafe of a man poifoned| bv eating monk's-hood, or napellus - i Kadcock, R. Microfcopical obfervations on the ferina fnecundans of the holyoak, and the pailion flower - - " Further obfervations and experiments on the pailion flower, and its farina On the farina fcecundans of the yew tree Badenach, James, M. D. A technical defcription of an uncommon bird from Malacca Bailey, An account of a very large flone found in the colon of a Horfe ; and of (everal liones which were taken from the inteftines of a mare; with fome experiments and obferva- tions thereupon - - Bailley, M. a propofal for fome new methods of improvmg the theory of Jupiter s fatellites Baker, David Erskline. Account of a tripos and infcription found near Turin, ferving to dif- cover the true fituation of the city Induftria I On water efts flipping off their fkins Account of two extraordinary belemnitas . — of a dwarf - - - ■ , of an earthquake fcltatYork, April ig, 1754 Baker, Henry. Experiments and obfervations on a beetle that lived three years wi'hout food Difcovery of a perfeft plant in femine Account of Mr. Leeuwenhoek's microfcopes . On the jelly cf black currants curing inflam mations in the threat . Account of Margaret Cutting, who fpeaks though fhe has left her tongue Obfervations on the mouths of the eels in vinerxar, and alfo a ftrange aquatic animal , Obfervations on a polype dried Account of the eye-fucker . Method of procuring the true impreflion or figure of medals, &c, - - . Account of a lartre foffil tooth of an elephant . of t!i(.' ancient Bridewell at Norwich A defcription of a curious cchinites . of fome clay moulds, or concaves, of ancient Roman coins found in Shopftjirc . Account of the gruhbs that dtftroy the grafs in Norfolk - - . On the Rufllan fifh called Qijabb, and the ftones called Crabs Eyes Tranf. XXXVIII 287 XLIV 150 Abridg. VIII 842 X753 — i65 I — 756 — i^ — 757 LXII I XLIV 296 LXIII 185 XLITI 540 XLIV 529 XLV 598 XLVi 467 XLVIll 564 XLI 441 — 448 — 503 -655 XLII 143 — 416 — 616 XLIII 35 — 77 — 33 » — 520 XLIV 432 — 557 -5/6 XLV J74 XI 90s — 1240 - 857 X 639 XI 1207 1X8 VIU 806 — 121 - 838 1X38 - 36 XI 800 — 1339 X 599 XI 1304 X634 XI 1320 — 821 - 876 Baker, bak: BAN Baker, Henry. Medical experiments of electricity .1 I. Account of tiie prcfent condition of the Roman camp at Callor, in Norfolk — — of an halo, or mock fun, obferved July II, 1749 . Obfervations on the minutenefs of fome feeds of plants - - - —— on the Aurora Borealis lately fee n — — Account of the earthquake at London, Feb. 8, 1749-50 - , at Winborn, in Dorfetihire, May 4, 1749 - ^ - - ■ at Taunton, in Somerfetlhire, July 11, 1747 - . " . - i—— . of a fire ball feen in the air, July 22, 1750 " " ."" .. of fome uncommon foflil bodies Supplement to M. Crufio's account of a diftem pered fkin _ - - ■ EfFefts of Opuntia, or prickly-pear, and of the indigo plants in colouring the juices of living animals ■ On giving magnetifm and polarity to brafs ■ , Account of the fea polypus ■■- of a flony concretion taken from the colon of a horfe ■ .. . Cafe of Mr. Butlerof Mofcow, who wasftrangely affecfled by m.xing verdigres and falfe leaf gold with aquafortis «— — . Report concerning the microfcope glafles, fentas aprefent to the Royal Society, from father Di Torre - _ _ Baker, Thomas. Cafe of a wound in the cornea Baldwin, Christianus Adolphus. Account of a factitious ftony matter or pafte (hining in the dark like a glowing coal Balguy, Charles, M. D, Account of the dead bodies of a man and woman which were pre ferved 49 years in the Mo rs of Derbyfhire Ball, William. A way of prefervingice and fnow by chaffe — . — An obfervaiion not long lince made in England of Saturn Ballard, — Tranf. XLV 270 XLVI 196 — 336 — 499 — 601 — 689 XLVII3 XLVmii7 On the maenetifm of drills Banister, John. On the natural produdlions of Jamaica - - . With an additional note 4B2 XLIX 12 L 296 — 777 LI 694 LIV I r LVI67 XLI ,35 XI 788 XXXVill 413 1 139 — 152 XX 417 XVH667 — 691 561 Abridg. X 4O4 XI 129s X485 — 4S9 — 512 IX 121 VIII 706 III 240 1 365 II 822 III 631 i II 7S5 1 BaN'ISTERj 1^62 BAN BAR Banister, John. Observations concerning infeas in Virginia, with remarks by J. Petiver Banyer, Hrnrv, M. D. Two ^afes, one of an extraordinary H.rmorrliage, the other of an ascites, cured by tapping — Againft etnpiricimi • • ' - u Barber, Thomas. Account of the agitation ot the water, at Yarmouth, Nov. i, 1755 Barbosa, Joh. Mendesio Sachetti. Lunac de- feaus Elbis obfcrvatus, die 27-28 Martii, Barh JM?f-lENx-iY. 'Relation of a fiery meteor feen in Jamaica, with remarks on the weather, earthquake:, 6cc. of that iiland -_ On the produaion of filk worms, and thtirhlk in England - " . Barker, Robert. Accountof acatoptnck micro 'cope - - '. . , r ' • Barker, Sir Robert. Thermometrical obfervations at Allahabad, in the Eaft Indies, Lat. 35' 30' during the year 1767, and in a voyage from Madras to England, 1774 - . The procefs of making ice in theEalt Indjes Account of the Bramins obfervatory at Benares BARKER, Thomas. Account of a meteor feen in the county of Rutland, which refembled a water fpout On the return of the comet expefted in 1757, or 1758 - - On the mutations of the ftars , Account of a remarkable Halo, Mav 20, 1737 Obfervations on the quantities of rain fallen at Lyndon, in Rutland, for fevcral years , A lecond letter on the fame fuhjeft, with obfer- vationsfor determining the latitude of Stamford, u\ Lincolnfhire Reniflcr of the barometer, thermometer^ and rain ai Lyndon, in J771 1772 ' 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 » 1778 1279 Tranf. XXII 807 XLII 628 — 633 XLIX 380 — 265 XXX 837 — 1036 XXXIX 259 LXV 202 — 252 LXV II 598 XLVI 248 XLIX 347 LI 498 LII3 LXIaai — 2127 LXII 42 LXllI 221 LXIV 202 LXV 199 LXVJ 370 LXVIl 350 LXVIU554 LXIX 547 LXX 474 Abridg. V 183 IX ,51, 193 IV 2 131 V 19 VIII 120 X479 Barlow, BAR Barlow, Rev. William. On the mola fala or fun fifti, and the glue made of it ■ I Account of the analogy betwixt Engllfli weights and meafuies of capacity of an antient date in Arabian figures on the church of Rumfey in Hamplhire _ — Obfervations made at Plymouth, on an earth- quake, Feb. 8, 1749-50 Bernard, William. Of anexplofion in a coal-pit — — Method for the removal of (hips that have been driven on fhore and damaged in their bottoms Barr, ' Journal of the weather at Montreal from Dec. 14, 1776, to March 31, 1777 — - from Dec. 1778, to April 1779 Barrell, Rev. Edmund. Account of two northern auroras obferved at Sutton and Hope, in Kent, Feb. 5, 1716-17, and March 30, 1716 ■ ' ■ On the propagation of Mifleto »■■. I . Account of a fhocic of an earthquake felt at Sut- ton, in Auguft, 1727 — — On the difference of fex in milleto Barrington, Hon. Daines. Letter on fome par- ' ticular fifh, found in Wales I An inveftigation of the difference between the prefent temperature of the air in Italv , and fome other countries, to what it was feventeen centuries ago ^■11 On the trees, which are fuppofed to be indige- nous in Great Britain ■— — Account of a very remarkable young mufician ■ Letter concerning chefnut trees ■' Account of a mole from North America ■ Some experiments made in North Wales, toaf- certain the different qt S37 — 332 ■- 656 — 676 — 710 - 5' 32 — 7^2 long. 566 B E A long, or to haflen, outrefaftlon, fertility of any kind of land, ":: Be ALE, J. D. D. Refi. dions relating to medical fprings, vol. IV. 105O, confidered, with an account of fon^^ fuch fprings in England and other places, kecifying how terreftrial fleams may be the generative caufe of minerals and metals, and of all the peculiarities of fprings *- Some confiderations of what choice of app es for the delicacy of the liquor in peculiar fea- fons, and for eafy and fpeedy propagation : pears for fome lands proper, their choice for manifold ufes, efpecially for pleafant, or for lafting liquor ; and how to be planted and or- dered to the beft advantage ■ «' ■ - Confiderations on an apiary — ■ Some confiderations on Mr. Reed's letter, {hew- ing in vvhatfenfe the fap may be faid to defcend and to circulate in plants ; and the graft to to communicate with the flock ■ On thebeft feafon for tranfplanting — — An account of a ftrange froll which hath done much hurt about Briftol -■ ■ ■ Some inquiries and fuggeflions concerning fait for domeflique ufes ; and concerning fheep, to preferve them, and to improve the race of fheep for hardinefs, and for the finefl draperv Advertifementsoccafioned by the remarks printcil in vol. X, 3O5, upon frofts in fome parts of Scotland, differing in their annivtrfary feafons and force, from our ordinary froHs in Eng- land ; of black winds and tempcfls ; of the warm and fertilizing temperature and fleams of the earth, Oones, rocks, fprings, waters, (fome, in Ibme places, more than otlicrs, in other places) of petrifyi'g and metallizing waters; with fome hints for the horti -culture of Scotland — — . Obfervation on the Vinetum Britannicum — Two i.nflr.nccs of fomething remnrkable i (hiningflefh - - - o . Acrcftic obiervations and advertifements • Hortuhn and rural advertidments Beard, i^. i\I. D. Account of a perfon killed b; li-liining -It VVorcefler ' of a larce flone void>d thronch the uri nary parts of a woman Tranf. IV 1 135 V 1 154 VI 2144 VII 5138 1X48 X 357 XI 583 — 5Q9 Xil 8.6 AbriJg, H 363 — 332 - 833 — 846 XXXIV ii8i VI2 72 653 — 653 -655 — 690 -655 — 150 — 912 - 15I: 396, 74I' 744^ 749 III 644 11744 — 745 — 211 VII 534 Beau- BEA BEL Beauchamp, Lord. Account of a fire ball feen in the air, and of an explofion heard, Dec. ii, 1741J near London Beaumont, John, On rock plants, and their growth Further account of fome rock plants of Mendip Hills ' A new method of cleaving rocks Beccaria, John Baptist. Experiments in eledri- city - ■ On the double refraftions in cryftals ■ New experiments in eleftricity .. On the electrical atmofphere — — On a new phofphorus receiving feveral colours and only emitting the fame Becke, David Van der. Principles and caufes of the volatilization of fait of tartar, and other fixed falts Beckett,William. Ontheantiquity of the venerea diftafe Anfwer to the objection to his hiftory of the venereal difeafe — — On the difference of the height of the hu man body in the morning, and in the even ing - - - Beckman, John Christopher. On the ofteocolla, and other obfervables near Francfort on the Oder - - - Beeston, Sir V\^illiam. Obfervatlons on the baro meter at Jamaica on an hot bath in Jamaica Behm, Michael. Account of fome chymlcal medicinal, and anatomical particulars Beighton, Henk-Y. A defcription of the water works at London Bridge — — The imperfeftions of the common barometers, and the improvement made in them by Charles Orme, with fome obfervations, remarks, and rules for their ufe ' ' ' Colleflions from the diary of the weather and barometer, in order to fettle rules for foretellins: the weather by the barometer - A new plotting table, for taking plans and map infurveying, invented in 1721 Belcher, Mrs. On an extraordinary motion of the waters in the lake Ontario 4C 567 Tranf. Abridg. KLI 870 XI 724 XIII 276 XVSs4 Vlil 523 n 497» 5^9 -- 503 - 368 LI 514 LII 486 LVI 105 LVn297 LX277 LXIai2 VIII 5185 III 320 XXX 839 IV 329 XXXI 108 VII 6&3 XXXllI 89 III 771 II 148, 461, 603 XIX 225 III 650 •—9 -- 344 III 84, 351 XXXVII s VI 358 XL 248 VIII 455 — 259 XLI 747 — 228 XLIX 544 Belchier, 568 BEL. BER Belchier, Johm. a remarkable cafe of a gentle- woman who died of an hydrops Ovarii _, An account of the bones of animals being changed to a red colour by aliment only ., Account of a man whoib arm with the fhoulder bone was torn off by a mill Bellers, Fettypl ace. Defeription of the ftrata of earth in a coal-pit at Dudley, StafFordfhire Belius, Matthew. Or. the brafs waters of Nifol, commonly called Cement VVazter, changing iron to brafs - — . Account of two extraordinary caves, the one of ice, the ot^er throwing out noxious exhalations Bell George. Cafe of William Payne, with what appeared upon examining his kidney and blad- der - - ~ Bellini, Laurence. Account of fome anatomical cno:agements Benevoli, Antonio. Two obfervatlons upon the cataraft of the eye Bent, Thomas. The way of making pitch, tar. rofm, and turpentine, near Marlcilles Bent, James. Account of a womr.n enjoying the ufe of her right arm after the head of the os humeri was cut away Bentinck., William. On the frefh water poly- pus - - ~ Benvenuti. Obfervations on a man furprifingly recovered from a fever . Account of an extraordinary large head BiiRGius, Peter Jones. Defeription and figure of the croton fpica:um, a new fpecies of plant from America of the nyctanthcs elongata, a new India' plant - - - . , of a rare American plant of the brovvnaca kind, with fome remarks on this genus Bergman, Thoreern. Letter to Mr. B. Wilfon concerning eleftricity Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus, June 6 1761, made at Upfal in Sweden Obfervations on an aurora borealis, made i; Sweden — - Obfervations in electricity, and on a thunde ftorm - ^ ~ — - iLxperiments in clci^ricity Tranf. XXXVIT279 XXXIX287 — 299 XL 313 XXVII 54.1 — 35^ XLI 41 XLII 54 V 2C93 XXX II 192 XX 291 Abiidg. VII 544 IX 102 — 10.3 — 266 IV 2 181 I VIII 645 — 662 IX 177 1 366 VII 489 LXIV 35.3 XLII li LVIII 189 — 190 — 132 LXI 289 LXIII 173 LI 907 Lll 227 — 479 LIII 97 LiV 84 1X22 Bergman, BER BEV SEE.G^rAV, Tmorecrw. On the cleftrical natare o Tourmalin - - Berkley, Et-wARD. Obfervations on die eruptions of fire and fmoak from Mount Vefuvius Berkley, Grorge, Bifliop of Cloyne. On the Petrefa6tion of Lough Neagh Bernard, Charles The longitudes, latitudes, right afcenfions, and declinations of thechiefeft fixed ftars according to the beft obfsrvers — '^ — Obfervations of the ancients concerning the obliquity of the zodiac made at Oxford on the folar eclipfc, July 2, 1684 « Account of two lare:e ftones lodged in the meatus urinarius, and from thence cut out Bernard, William. of theexploiion of the air in a coa! pit Bernouili, Nicholas. A folution of the 15th pro- blem of D. de Moivre in his treatife " d Menfura Sortis" Betts, Rev. Joseph. Obfervations on the late comet, ma.de at Sherborn and Oxford, with the elements for computing its motions Bevan, Sylvanus. Cafe of the bones of a woman growing foft and flexible Beurer, John Ambrose. On the nature of amber - Inquiry concerning the flonc ofteocoUa Bevis, John, M. D. Obfervations on an eciipfe of the moon, March, 15, i 735-6, at Covent garden _ . _ on the moon's tranfit by Aldebaran, made at London, April 3, 1736 On the eciipfe of the moon, Sept. 81 1736 - . On the folar eciipfe, Sept. 23, 1736, at London _ _ _ On the cccultation of Mars by the moon, 0&. 7, 1736, at London On the folar eciipfe, Feb. 18, 1736-7, at Greenwich of Mercury eclipfed by Venus, obferved at Greenwich, May 17, 1737 of a luminous appearance in the fky feen at London, March 13, 1734-5 of an occultation of Jupiter and his fa- tellites by the moon, Ocl. 28, 1740 4 C 2 Tranf. LVI 326 XXX 708 XLIV 305 XIV 567 — 721 — 747 XLX 250 LXIII 217 XXIX 133 XLIII91 XLII 488 — 322 XLIll 373 XL 16 — 90 — 93 — lOI — 176 — 394 XLI 347 — 647 ' Abridg. iV 2 209 X316 I 260 — 294 III 153 V 2 255 X 1 IX 251 VIII 734 X602 'vm 133 ~ 139 - 207 670 - 184 Bevjs! 570 BEV BIL Bevis, John. Obfervations of a tranfit of Mercury over Venus, May 17, 1737, made at Green- wich - - - on the tranfit of Mercury over the fun, Oa.31, 1736 concerning Mercury — — on an occultation of Jupiter by the moon, June 6, 1744 on an occultation of Cor Leonis by the moon, March 12, 1747 on an eclipfe of the fun, July 14, 1748 ■ on an eclij^fe of the moon, Dec, 2 1750 - _ - on an occultation of the planet Venus by the moon, April 16, 1751 Extracts from the allronomical obfervations made at Pekin, 1744-7 by the Jefuits — — On Mr. Gafcoigne's micrometer — — Aftronomical obfervations ■ Account of the comet of May, 1759 - — Obfervations on an eclipfe of the moon, May 8, 1762 _ - - ' on an eclipfe of the fun, April i, 1764 on an eclipfe of the moon, March 17, 1764 - - - — — Aftronomical oblervatinns made at Vienna Obfervations on th^ cold of 1740, and 1768 »■ Obfervation on the tranfit of Venus and the eclipfe of the fun, June 3 and 4, 1769 Bewick, Benjamin. Obfervations on the earth- quake at Lifbon, Nov. i, 1755, made at Cadiz BlANCHiNi, Francis. Obfervation of the occul- tation of the (iar at the north end of the bull's horn, under the moon, Nov. 21, 1713 ■■■ — — on the comet of 1723, at Albani — — Obfcrvationcs aliquot circum-jovialum habitse, anno 1724 ■— — on the eclipfe of the moon, 0£t. 21, 1725, made at Rome — — on the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites made at Rome and other places BiDDLE, Owen. Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus, June 3, 1769, made at Lewefcown in Penfylvania _ - _ Bills, Louys De. On the ufe of the lymphatic veflels - - - Tranf. XLI 630 XLII622 XLIII 48 XLIV 455 XLV521 XLVI 575 XL VII 159 — 376 XLVllI 190 — 301 LI 93 LIT 543 LIV J05 •— 107 LV 130 LVill 54 LIX 189 XLIX 424 XXIX 88 XXX1II5I XXXIV 176 XXXVI 35 LIX 414 III 791 Abrido:. VIII 198 X 104 — 95 — no — 68 — 94 IV 302 VI 266 — 238 — 194 III 262 Bills, BIL BLA Bills, Louvs de. A problem for finding the year of the Julian period by a new and very cafy method _ _ _ BioRNius Paul. An anfwer to fome philofophical enquiries concerning Iceland BiRBECK, Christopher. Cafe of a woman who voided the greateft part of a foetus by the navel Birch, Sampson. Account of an extraordinary birth in StafTordfhire Birch, Thomas, D- D. The infcription upon a Roman altar found near Stanhope, in the Bifhoprick of Durham — — Account of an earthquake felt at London, March 8, 1749-50 ■ Additional remark on the Abbe Nollet's letter on ele>5tricity • Account of an agitation of the waters of Peerlefs Pool, London, Nov. i, 1755 ' —— of the black alBze at Oxford, 1577 Bird, Mr. A way of preparing a liquor that fhall fink into and colour the whole body of marble, cauling a pifture drawn on the furface to ap- pear alfo in the inmoll parts of the flone Bird, . New experiments on the proportion of Englifh and French meafurss Black, Joseph, M. D» On the efFeif of boiling upon water in difpofing it to freeze more readily _ - _ Blagden, Charles, M. D. Experiments and obfervations in an heated room Blair, John, L. L, D. On the agitation of tht vraters at Reading, Nov. i, 1755 at Swanzey, Nov. i, 1755 Blair, Patrick, M. D. Oftcographia elephantina, or a full and exa£t defcription of all the bones of an elephant, with their feveral dimenfions, to which are premiled an hiftorical account of the natural endowments and feveral wonderful per- formances of elephants, with the manner ol taking and taming them; and an anatomicai account of its parts, &c. A continuation • Account of the afbell:us or lapis amiantus found in the Highlands of Scotland — — The difleftion of a child — A defcription of the organ of hearing in the ele- Tranf. I 324 IX 238 XXII 1000 XIII 281 XLV 173 XLVI615 XLVIII48 + XI.IX 362 L 702 I 125 LVIII 326 LXV 124 — Ill, 484 XLIX 367 — 379 XXVJI 53 — 117 — 434 XXX 631 571 Abridg, III 398 — 6og V 305 III 221 XI 1272 X 496 1 603 V 82 IV 2 285 V 275 phant. 57^ BLA BOI^ pliant, with the figures and fituation of the odicles, labyrinchj and cochlea, in the ear of that animal 'Blair. Patrick, M. D. Copy of an affidavit of a bov's living a confiderable time without food Method of difcovering the virtues of plants by their external ftru.; are On che generation ot plants ^ BlaKE, Francis. On the lcH proportion for fteam engine cylinders, of a ^>^iven content . Spherical trigonometry reduced to plain On the grcateft tiTcfl of engines, with uniformly accelerated motions . Account of a lunar eclipfe, Ocl. ii, 1772, ohferved at Canton Bliss, Nathaniel. Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus over the fun June 6, 1761, talcen at Greenwich ^^ . at Oxford _. . on the eclipfe of the fun, April i 1764, made at Oxford Blizard, William. A new method of treating the fiftuia lachrymalis Blon^, James Christopher le. On the principles of printing in imitation of painting Blondfau. Remarks on the principal paintings found at Herculaneum .BoBART, Jacob. On the efFcfts of the great froft on trees and other plants in 1683, drawn from the anfwer to fome queries fent into divers countries by R. Plott, and from feveral obfer- vations made at Oxford BoDDiNGTON, B!:?:jAMiN. Account of Margaret Cutting, who fpeaks though flie has loft her tongue BoDDiNGToN, JoHN. Account of fouie bones found in the rock at Gibraltar, witii remarks by Dr. Hunter BoERHAAVE, Herman. Experiments on quick- filver Bon, . On the ufcfulnefs of the filk of fpiders Bonajutus, Vincent. Account of the earthquakes in Ijicily, Jan. 9 and ii, 1692, 3 '80NAVERT. Account of a ftone bred at the root of the tongue and cauling a cjuinfy Tranf. XXX 885 XXXI 28 — 30 — 2i6 XLVII 379 — 441 LI I LXIV 46 LII 173 — 232 LIV 141 LXX 239 XXXVlIioi XLVI 14 XIV 766 XLII 143 LX 414 XXXVIII 145 XXXIX 344 — 368 XXVII 2 XVIII 2 X440 Abridg. V 82 VI I 668j VI 2 362 34S VI 469 XI 1307 II 15s, Hi 684 VIII 709 — 717 — 725 V 21 II 406 III 156 Bond, BON BOR BoTTD, Henry. On the variation of the variation of the magjieticcompafs, &c. Bond, John, M. D. Account of a machine for icilUng whales — — Experiments on the copper fprings at Wicklow in Ireland Bones, Rev. John. Cafe 9/ mortifications of limbs in a family at WattilTiam in Suffolk . Second account BoNFA, R. P. Obfervations of the eclipfe of Jupiter by the moon, March 31, i685 BoKGLARUs,. Vauclius Dathirius. Tcftis exa- minatus Bonnet, Charles. New obfervations uporvinfefts Experiments of planting feeds in mofs Abftradl of his memoirs concerning cater- pillars - . . On the fuccefs of inoculation at Geneva Tranf. VIII 6065 XLVII 429 XLVIII i8i LII 526 -- 5^9 XVI ,76 HI 843 XLII 458 XLV 156 XLVili 818 XXXIII 142 Bonnet, John. On the praeter-natural ftrufiure of the pudenda in a woman Bonomo, . M. D. On the worms of human bodies XXIII 1296 BoRAssAvv, , Accouiit of the falls of the river Niagara - - XXXII 69 BoRELLi. A fure and eafy way of maki-ng telefcopi- cal glaffes ■ The price of his telefcopes BoRLASE, Rev. William. The origin and pro perties of Cornilh diamonds On the alterations of the illands of Sciily - Account of a thunder fiorrn in Cornwall, Dec. 20, 1752 » On the agitation of the water at Mount's Bay, Nov. I, 175^ — — — Account of trees difcovercd under ground at Mount's Bay = Account of an earthquake felt in tlie weft parts ofCornv/all, July 15, 1757 - of Ibme antiquities found in Cornwall ' of an agitation of the waters in Mount's- bay, March 31, 1761 - — — at Mount's- bay, Falmouth, Fowey, and Plymouth, July 28, 1761, and of two thunder ftorms, Jan. u, 1762 - — — of the rain fallen in Cornwall in 1762 - - — — the mild weather in Cornwall, in the winter of 1762 XI 691 XII 1C05 XLVI 250 XLVIII 55 — 86 XLIX 373 L 51 — 499 LI 12 LII 418 — 507 Llli 27 51 S Abridg. I 587 III 191 1X39 X 795 IX 831 V 199. VI 2 173 I 195 X6a2 EORLASE 574 BOR BOY BoRLASE, Rev. William. Account of the rain and weather in June and July 1763, in Cornwall ... ■ ■ . of the native tin found in Cornwall — — Meteorological obfervat ons at Ludgvan, 1767 ■ - Account of a fpecimen of native tin found in Cornwall . Meteorological obfervations at Ludgvan^769 BoscovicH, Abbe, On the next tranfit of Venus Account of a new megameter and ;nicrometer BosE, Professor. Letter on electricity . On the eledricity of glafs that has been expofed to a ftrong fire Refleclion on the medals of Pefcennius Niger . Obfervation on a total eclipfe of the moon June 19, 1750, made at Wirtemberg . Accountof a vifcous flime BoTTARius, JoHNi Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Moon, Dec. i, 1732, made at Rome BouRGUiGNON, . Of an ifland thrown up near the illand of Santerini BoURRioT, . Account of the Abbe Chappe's obfervations of the tranfit of Venus, made in California BouRzES, Father. Of the luminous appearance in the wake of fliips in the Indian feas BowDiTCH, Samuel. Account of a woman who lay fix days covered with fnow Bower, Thomas, M. D. Of an extraordinary wen cut off the cheek Bowles, William. Obfervations on the mines of Spain and Germany , - - Bowman, . Account of an earthquake felt March 14, 1749-50, at Eaft Molefey Boyle, Hon. Robert. Experimental hiftory of cold Account of a monftrous calf - On the monftrous head of a colt Of a place in England where, without pe- trifying water, wood is turned into ftone — — Of milk found in the veins inftead of blood Further account of the white blood . Obfervations upon the barometer Obfervaiions about Jupiter ■ Account of an earthquake near Oxford, June 19, 1665 Tranf. LIV59 LV[ 35 LVIil 89 LIX 47 LX230 LXI 195 LXI! 365 LI 865 LXVIl 789 XLIII 419 XLVI 189 — 452 — 570 XLVill 358 XXXVIII 85 XXVI 200 LX551 XXVIII 230 — 265 XXX 713 LVI 229 XLVI 684 18 — 10 - 85 lOI • — 100 — 117 — 163 — 171 — 179 Abrldg. X 277 — 329 — 1314 — 92 VIII 161 V 2 197 — -213 V [358] V 217 X 209 II 899 — 325 — 869 HI 239 II 4 I 400 II 395 Boyle, BOY Boyle, Hon. Robf.rt. Obfei-vations on the baro- metcr _ - — — • General heads for a natural hiftory of a coun- try - - ... A way of prefcrving birds taken out of the fhelis, and other fmall foetus's — — Account of a new ftatical barofcope 1 A new frigorific experiment — — Inquiries touching the fea Method of transfufing blood -. Trials of transfusing blood propofed — — Inquiries concerning mines A confirmation of the experiments of Sig, Fra- cafTati, of injecting acid liquors into the blood Experiments on the relation between light and air, in fhining wood, and fifh On the difference between a burning coal and fhining wood .1 An invention for eflimating the weight cf wa- ter with ordinary balances and weights - ■ ■ New pneumatical obfervations about refplra- tion . - - . On the lafting of ducks in an exhaufled re- ceivers - - .. The phenomena afforded by vipers in an ex- haufted receiver .11 . by frogs , ■■ by newly kittened kitllngs .. Trials aboiit the air harboured and concealed in the pores of water — — Phaenomena afforded by flieli fifhes in an ex- haufled receiver . , -^ by fcale fifh Account of two animals with wounds in the abdomen, included in the exhaufled receiver »■ . ■ Of the motion of the feparated heart of a cold animal in the exhaufled receiver ■ ■ . » A comparifon of the times by which animals may be killed by drowning or withdrawing the air - - - .■ Of the incidents which happen to animals in air brought to a ccnfiderable degree of refpi ration, but not near the utmofl rarefadion » Experiments on refpiration upon very high mountains ■ Obfervations on an animal in changes of air as to rarity and denfity 4D Tranf. I i8i — i86 ~ 199 — 231 — 255 — 31S — 342 — 353 -38s 11551 ~S8I — 605 IV 1001 V 201 1 V 2012 — 2015 — 2017 — 2018 — 2023 •^ 2024 — 2026 — ' 2027 — 2028 — 2036 — 2038 — 2039 S7S Abridg. lis, 8 III 361 — 650 II 28 — 161 — 297 III 226 — 232 II 206 III 646 I 520 II21S — 523 I 304 I 250 II 490 — 225 — 121, 225 BoYLEj 576 BOY BRA Boyle, Hon. Robert. An unfuccefsful attempt to prevcRt the neceflity of refpi ration, by the prodi;6tion or growth of animals in a vacuum Experiments on the expansion of animal juices — On the power of afTuefadlit n to enable animals to holdout in air by rarefaction made unlit for refpiration . . ■- Experiments (hewing that air become unfit for refpiration may retain its wonted prciTure On the ufe of air to elevate the fteams of l)odies On the long exiftence of a leach in the vacuum . Experiments on creeping infedls in the vacuum Phenomena of winged infefts in the vacuum i— On the ne.efTity of air to the motion of ants and mites - - - Obfervatlons on fliining fifh : On the effeft of the varying weight of the af- mo'phere upon fome bodies in water — — On ambergris and its being a vegetable pro- du61ion - _ - Method to prevent the rot in fheep , On two forts of h- linontian laudanum .. Conjectures on the bladders of air in f.flies Defcription and ufe of a new ttfay inflrument Letter on the cfi'ay inlrumer.t On the weakened fpting, and fome unobfcrved cffefis cf the air On the fuperficia! figures of fluids Account of a ilrangely felf-moving liquor Account of making phofphorus Way of examining waters as to frefhncfs or faltnefs - - - BoYLSTON, , M.D. On ambergris found in whales Bradley, Rev. James. On the motion of the fap in vegetables - - - Microlcopical o'-.f rvations on vegetation, and on the quick propagation of mould) ncfs on -a mtion _ - - Obf rvattnns on the comet of 1703 1'he longitude of Lifbon, and of the Fort ol New York from Wanftcd znd London dctenni nedby the eclip'eof the fufl lateilit: of Jupiter An account of a new difcovered motion of the fixed ftars i— — On the going of clocks with ifochrona' pen- dulwm.s Tranf. V 2040 — 2043 — 204s — 2046 — 2048 — 2049 — 2051 — 2053 — 2054 VII 5108 — 5156 VIIT 6fi3 — 7C02 IX 147 X 310 — 329 — 353 . Abridg. f — 467 XI 775> 7<;9 XV 1188 XVII 583 " — 627 XXXIil 193 XXIX 486 — 490 XXXIII 41 XXXIV 85 XXXV 637 XXXVIU 3c 2 11 2Q7 III 147 II 463 ill 641 II 204 ■— 492 — 642 — 846 I5I6 — 520 "^I 235 1526,531 III 367 — 346 II 298 VII 423 IV 2 302 V 267 IV 2 308 VI 259 V 412 IV 149 VII 238 Bradley,' BRA BRE Bradley, Rev. James. Obfervations on the comet of 1736-7, made at Oxford - on the apparent motion of the fixed ftars ... on tVie occultation of Venus by the moon, April 15, 1751 On the comet of 1757, at Greenwich — — Diredlions for ufing the common micrometer Brady, Samuel. Account of a puppy in the womb that received no nourifhment from the mouth _ _ - Brady, T. M. D. Account of fome infefts of the polype kind Account of a bone found in the pelvis of a man at Bruffels Breintal, J. Account of what he felt on being bit by a rattle- fnake Braikenridge, Rev. William. Method of de- Icribinc: curves ■ ■ ■ On the number of Inhabitants v/ithin the bills of mortality of London — — Method of conlkudting a table for the probabi lities of life in London Oil the number of people in England — — On the increafe of the people in Britaie and Ireland _ _ _ • Anfwer to Forfter's account of the number and increafe of the people of England - On the fedlions of a folid, hitherto not confi dered by geometers Brander, Gustavus. On belemnites On a remarkable echinus » The eftefts of lightning in the Dani(h church, Well-clofe-fquare Brattle, Thomas. Two eclipfes of the fun, June 12, 1692, and Nov. 27, 1703, ob- ferved at Cambridge, near Boiton, New Eng- land . . - •■" Eclipfe of the moon, April 5, 1707, obferved af Bofton, in New England JbREiNTNALL, Joseph. Obfervations on fome me teors feen at Philadelphia Eremowd, M. De. Account of a file rendered mag- netical by lightning Brewer, James, M. D. of beds of oyfter- (hells found near Reading, Berkfliire 4E)2 Tranf. XL III XLV I XLVI201 L408 LXII 46 XXIV 2176 XLIX 248 LI 660 XLIV 147 XXXIX 25 XLVIII 788 XLIX 167 — 268 -877 L 465 LT 446 XLVIII 803 XLIX 295 -. 298 XXIV 1630 XXV 2471 XLI3S9 - 6u XXII 484 5)7 Abrldg. VIII 210 X32 V3+ [3S3J XI 856 VIII 58 IV 247 249 _ 271 VIII 518 - 506 !3reynius. 578 BRE BRO Tranf. Breynius, JoH. Phil. Accountoffome remarkable plants snd infeds found in Spain - XXIV 2045 — — Obfervations in a journey through Italy, begun 1703 . - - - XXVII 447 — — of the Scythian vegetable lamb, called Borametz - - - XXXIII 353 - ■ of a piece of amber, with the leaf of a plant impreffed on it - - XXXIV 154 ■I Amendments in the account of the generation of the coccus radicum tinclorius, given in bis natural hirtory of that infe^: - XXXVII444 -^— Obfervations on fonie Mammoths bones dug up in Siberia, proving them to have belonged to the elephant - _ - XL 124 ■ ■ On ftones in the ftomach and guts, which pro- ceeded from the immoderate ufe of crab-fiones, and other abforbent earths - XLI 557 Brice, Alexander. Account of a comet fecn April 9,1766 - - - LVI66 — — A new manner of meafuring the velocity of wind - - _ — 224 — — An experiment to afcertain to what quantity of water a fall of fnow is equal - — — Bowles, William. Obfervations en the country and mines of Germany and Spain - — 229 ^RiDGMAN, Orlando. Account of a ftorm of thunder and lightning at Ipfwich, July 16^ 170S - - - XXVI 137 Briggs, William. A difcourfc about vifion, with an examination of fome late objeftions XIII 171 « Two remarkable cafes in vifion - XiV j^jjg — — Philolophic folution of a cafe of a young man who grew blind in the evening Brocklesby, Richard, M. D. On the Indian poifon On the founds and hearing of fifh On a poifonous root lately found among gen- tian - - . , Experiments on the fcnfibility and ifritability of the feveral parts of animals PiRoniL, James. Account of a foetus voided by the ulcerated navel of a negro, in Nevis Bromfield, William. Cafe of a woman who had a foetus in her abdomen for nine years Brooke, Rictiard. On inoculation "■■ ' i hermometical account of the weather in Ma- ryland, for one year from Sep;, j-53 — 804 XLIV 408 XLV 233 — 240 XLIX 240 XIX 580 XLI 697 XLVH470 LI 58 AbriJg. V 10 V 2 136 VI 2 317 — 232 VII 476 1X87 — 17^ IV 2 128 III 38 — 39 X 1224 XI 883 X772 III 219 IX J91 i Brooke, B R O Brooke, Richard. Thermomctrlcal account of the weather in Maryland for three years from Sept. 1754 Brother, TON, Thomas. Obfervatlons and experi- ments on the growth of trees Brounker, Lord. The fquaring of the hyperbola, by an infinite feries of rational numbers, toge- ther with its demonftration ■ On the proportion of a curve line of a paraboliad to a ftraight line, and of the finding a ftraight line equal to that of a cycloid Brown, Edward, M. D. Of two parhelias or mock funs, feen in Hungary, Jan. 30, 1668 ■ On the damps in the mines of Hungary — Relation of the quickfilver mines of Friuli — — Account of the Zirchnitzer fea in Carniola ■ of the copper mine of Hern Ground in Hungary - _ _ — — — of the ftone quarries and talc rocks in Hungary - - — — On the mines, minerals, baths, &c. in Hun- gary Queries and anfwers concerning the Zirchnitz fea - - Brown, John. Account of a liver appearing glan- dulous to the eye — — On the quantity of refin in the cortex eleu therius - - - - ■ Obfervations and experiments on the Epfom falts - - - - •— — Further obfervations on the Epfom falts ■ ■ Obfervations and experiments on the Pruffian blue - - - Account of camphire Brown, Rev. Littleton. Defcriptlon of a water infedt found in Kent • On the fuccefs of inoculation at Salifbury - Defcription of the exocoetus volitans, or flying fifh - - - Browning, John. On the effe£l of eleftricity on vegetables - - - ■ Account of a dwarf ■ On the number of people at Briftol Brownrigg, William, M. D. Thoughts cnDr Hale's method of diftillation 7 Tranf. LI 70 XVI 307 111645 VIII 6149 IV 953 — 965 — io8a — 1083 V 1042 — 1044 — 1189 IX 194 XV 1265 XXXII 81 — 34» — 372 XXXKI 17 — 361 XL 153 XLVIl 570 LXVIII791 XLIV 373 XLVU 278 XLVIII217 XLIX 534 579 Abridg. II 707 I 10 — 116 II 186 — 373 — 579 — 306 — 562 rrT339 III 605 J^ 523> 5«5 III 304, 631 II 306 III 83 VII 738 — 729 — 732 — 748 — 697 IX 7 X 342 Brown- 58o ERO BUL Bro-wnrigg, William, M. D. Enquiries into t'.ie mineral elaliic fpirit or air contained in tne Spa water ; as well as into the mephitic qualities of this fpirit . An extract of an effay, intituled, *' On the Ui'es of a KnovvledG;e of ivlineral Exhalations when applied to dii'cover the Principles and Properties of Mineral Water--, the Nature of EurninfT Fountairs, and of thofe poiionpus Lakes \vhich the Ancients called Averni" , An experiiucnra! enquiry concerning the na ture of the mineral elaftic fpiiit or air, con tained 'r^ the Pouhon-water, and other aci dul^ - ' _ " . On the ftilling of the waves by oil _ On fome fpccimcns of native fait Bruckman, Erkest. Account of the Imperial fait works of Soowar in Upper Hungary Bruce, Jamef. Obfervations upon Myirh made in Abyflinia _ - - Bruni, Jos. Lawrence, M. D. Account of the Bologna bottles .^ An account of what happened at Bergemoletto, by the tumbling down of vaft heaps of fnow from the mountains there, on March 19 1755' ^^^ feveral pcrfons taken out alive after being buried under the fnow to April 24 — . An account of the hot baths of Vinadio, in the province of Coni, in Piedmont Account of the weather at Turin, 1759 Brydone, Patrick. Inftance of a pally cured by ele61ricity - - ' _ Effcfts of eledlricity in the cure of fome dif- eafes - ~ .. New eleftrical experiments — AccOi^Mt of a fiery meteor feen Feb. 10, 1772, in the i>iire ot Berwick BucKLY, ■ . Account of a China cabinet BuFFON, M. . On the re-invention of Archi- medes's burning fpecula BucDEN, foHN'. A remarkable conformation of the urinary parts - - - BuGGE, Thomas. A n;w theory of the pile-en- gine BuLKLEY, Sir Richard. On the Giants Caufeway in Ireland - - " On the improvements to be made in maize Tranf. LV218 I AbridfT. LXIV 357 — 445 — 481 LXV 408 XLIIl 272 XLIX 796 LI 839 L392 — 695 LXIII 163 XX 390 XLV 504 XXXVI 138 LXIX 120 XVII 708 -938 VI 2 233 XI 1343 II 252 XI95 VII 540 11 511 BULKLEY, BUL BUR 5S1 BuLKLEY, Sir Richard. On the propagation of elms by feed - - BuLKLEY, PIdvvard. Account of fome animals fent from Fort St. George BuLLiALDUs, M. . Obfervations of the ftar called Nebulofa, in the girdle of Andromeda, and of the wondrous ftar in the neck of the whale - - - — — Obfervations on the eclipfe of the moon, Sept. 8, 1671, at Paris •— — Obfervations on the eclipfe of the moon, Jan. i, 1674-5, at Paris — — Obfervations on the eclipfe of the moon, June 26, 1675 Obfervations on the occultation of Saturn by the moon, Feb. 7, 1678 Obfenations on an eclipfe of tiie fun, July. 2, 1684, at Paris Bullock, William, D. D. An account of the earthquake, Nov. i, 1755, as felt in the lead mines in Derbyfhire BuLTEEL, John. A new way, by an Fnglifli ma- nufadure, to preferve the hulls of fliips frcm the worm, 6ec. better for failing, and more cheap and durable, than any Iheathing or graving hitherto ufed Burma N, E. J. Obfervations on an aurora borealis, Sept. 20, 1 717, feen at Upfal Burgos, Alessandro. Account of the late earth- quake in Sicily Burnet, William, On the Icy Mountains in Switzerland - Obfervations on the eclipfe of the firft fateliite of Jupiter, in 1723, made at New York Account of a double-bodied child BuRNEY, Charles, Muf. D. Account of an infant muflcian - - _ BuRROuGH, James. Onaboulimia On an eclipfe of the moon, Oft. 10, 1725. made aiBriftol Burrow, James. Account of an earthquake, Mar, 8, 1749-50, as feen in the Temple Garden by Robert Shaw (a fenfible Scotch man) - - . *— • at Southwark, from Mr. Boyfield's in- formation - . . Tranf. XVII 971 XXII 859 II 459 VI 2272 1X238 X372 Xng69 XIV 693 XLIX 398 VIII 6192 XXXIII 175 XVII 830 XXVI 316 XXXIII 162 ^ 315 LXIX 183 XXII 598 XXXIV 37 XLVI 626 -637 Abridg. II 667 I 251 — 308 — 3^5 — 353 — 292 — 596 VI 2 84 II 401 VI 409 III III VI 196 X499 — - 503 Burrow, ^u BUR BYR Eu^ROW James. Account of a., earthquake felt a: felt Sept. 30, i7:>°' , u • r p; 5:;;, In Suffolk,' and at Narborough, ,n U,- A„ account of an earthquake ?-'' ''/-'"= in Surrey, and Edenbndge, m kent, Jan. 24 Buaro'^.^HK. Cafe of ,h= Extirpation of an ex- crefcence from tl^«-">^ , ,,,ehers, ^'--^'':;a^:";eSrf-He°^-cfa^v.pet -S-bttutlfrrnranUonofOe, Buav fcT'S.'Hl:'S;rthe,nanurIn, of Und in ^""'"he tuto fallopiana of a woman lately d.fleaed , Sri rr^tr^^c-:^^^^^ r:Hu^a=ovrSdl'^^^ Account "o" a fubftan'ce coughed up refernbling the veffels of the lungs _, of a triple bladder ~ -- . a.^*. m A'iil^mfcal delription of the heart of the Ame rican land^tortmle '^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^.^^ „f ^"""microfcopes wi,h very fmall and fingle glafles, and of fome other inftruments On magneticaljand -^^ ^^^ .^^^^^^^^ BVAM, France. An Ant gua, and :br;a^t,fy"oVr::J«l"e„ therefor four years, 1751 — 1754- Tranf. XLVI 65,5 — 702 — SH L 614 XLVI 520 JXI iC22| XXXIX 312 XLII 99 XLIV 541 XXVI 142 XVlIIii I "l2i» XXI 100 — '^5 — 141 XXII 545 — 752 — 26 — 68 V 5.89 XXVlIi7o|-' 74 Byi^-Dj years, 1751—^54 .r _ nearn-bov that William. An account of ^/!^5'° ^ ^j J is dappellcd in feveral parts of his body wit BVKBS ^MB^^ccount-of theh;at of the fummer ^ rU^' ^'!ir'Ren^aron Mr. Je;kc's plan Byrom, John, m. y* I for (hort-hand " ' , . __ Remarks on Mr. Lodwick's alphabet XII 1026 XX 336 XLIX 29s I 127 — 208 II 577 XIX 781 I — 8 LVIII 337 XLV 388 — 401 XI 1384 -,386 C.J. C. J. C A M 583 C. C. J. On the fpeclfic gravities of various bodies A paper about magaetiliTi, or concerning the changing and fixing the polarity of a piece of iron ... Cagua, John. A cure of a wound of the head Caille, Abbe De la. Obfervations on the comet feen at Paris in February, 1760 — — A feries of obfervations to be made at St. Helena for difcovering the parallax of tlie moon Calandrini, Joh. Ludov. An account of an au- rora borealis feen at Geneva, O^ft. 8, 1726 Calep, Ra.. Cafe of a woman that loft her leg, and greatefl part of her thigh, by a gangrene Call, John. A fketch of the ligns of the zodiac, found in a pagoda near Fort Caniorin, in Ind-a - - - Camelli, George. Defcription and figure of the true amomum, or tugus, of the Philippines >• Account of the virtues of the Faba S. Ignatii Account of the animals in the Philippine Iflands .. Obfervations on the birds of the Philippines — — Treatife on amber » Account of the plants font from the Philip- pines to James Petiver — — - Accou'.t of the fifn and cruftaccous animals of the Philippines ■ of the quadrupeds in the Philippines of the animals in the Philippines of the ferpents, monfters, and monftrous Tranf. XVil 649 xviir 257 XLI 495 LI 635 LIl 21 & 26 XXXIV 150 XXVI 41 LXII 353 xm 2 Abridg. I I 524 11 60-? I IX ii8i XX1II.I065 — 1394 XXtV 1591 1707, productions of the Philippines . — — of fome turbinated, bivalve, and un- valve (hells from the Philippines - . of the animals of the Philippines of fome fpiders from the Philippines Cameron, Thomas, M. D. Account of the death of Dr. Greene, from a hurt in riding Camillis, Joh. Fr. De. Hiftory of the difeafe of which Jofeph Bolognini died Campani, Joseph. Account of an improvement of optick-glafles 4E 1763,, 1816 .09, VI 104 V389 11646 — 649 V183 — 2085 XXV 2197 — 2241 — 2266 — 2397 XXVI 241 XXVII 310 XLIV 609 XLIII 40 I2 IV 2 278 — - 325 V 185 — 1^83 V2 18 --I85 - 183 XI 1 1 12 — 1059 1 193 Campani^ 58* CAM CAN Campaki, Joseph. Anfwer to Mr. Auzout's ob- Icrvations on objea-glafles . ' , rr Conteft with M. Divini about optick-glallcs Account of a comet feen at Rome, June 30 1684 " " ' c r • of the afbcftus and the manner of Ipin- nine and making cloth of it Obfervations on the fpot Plato in the moon, Aug. 16, 1725* ' ' '■ ..x. Campbell, CoLiN. Method of determining the number of impofTible roots in adleftcd cqua Obfervations on the going of a clock at Black water, in Jamaica - " Campbell, Robert. Account of a man who hved eighteen years on water - Camper: Peter, M. D. Account of the organs of fpeech of the Orang Outang Cane, Henry. On the change of colour m grapes and in jelTamine ', r ,•" .-c Canton, John, A. M. Method of makm. art.fi cial maanets, without the ufe of natural ones . Attempt ?o account for feme of the phenomena of eledlrical experiments, together with obfer- vations on thunder clouds New elearical experiments - An attempt to account for the regular diurnal variation of the horizontal magnetic needle, and alfo for its irregular variation at the time of an aurora borcalis - " 1 Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus, June 6,' 1761, made in Spital -Square, London Remarks on Mr. Delatal's cleancal expen- ments - ' . ' ^ Experiments to prove that water is not comprel- fible - ." , ' /r Experiments and obfervations on the comprelli- bility of water and other fluids - Obfervations on the heat of the waters at Jiath and Briiiol • " ~ . An eafy method of making phofph^rus Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus, June 3, Vxperuncnts to prove that the luminoufnefs of "the fea arifcs from the putrefaaion of its ani- mal fubdances Tranf. I Abridg. I 74 — ao9 XV 920 XXII 911 XXXIV 181 XXXV 51s XXXVill 302 1 193 — 451 IV 2 282 VI 220 — 9 VII 238 1X238 VI 2 340 KLVIII 350 — 78*0 LVII 203 LVIII 337 LIX 192 — 446 Cant- CAN CAR Cantv/ell, Andrew, M. D. Account of a large glandular tumour in the pelvis ; and of the pernicious effects of crude Mercury given in - wardly _ _ . On an uncommon palfy in tlie eye-lids — — Account of a monftrous boy —— of a monftrous child born of a woman under fentence of tranfportatian — — of the fucccfs of M. David's method of extrailing catarads Capasso, Dominicc, Obfervations of the eclipfe of the moon, Nov. i, 1724, at Liibon — — on the immerfions and emerfions of the innermoft fatellites of Jupiter, 1723, 1724, at Lifbon Carbone, Joh. Bapt. Obfervations on the comet of 1723, made at Lifbon ■ — of the eclipfe of the moon, Nov. i, 1724, at Lifbon • Obfervations on the immerllons and emerfions of the innermoft fatellites of Jupiter in 1723, 1724, at Lifbon — — The difference of the meridians of Lifbon, Paris, and London " A comparifon of obfervations made at London and Paris _ ^ . — — Aftronomical obfervations made at Lifbon, 1725, 1726 - . _ Obfervations on the elevation of the pole at Lifbon _ « _ ■ • on the meridian height of the fun, in order to inveftigatc the elevation of the pole at Lifbon - _ _ ' ■ on an eclipfe of the fun, Sept. 25, 1726, made at Lifbon " '■■ on an eclipfe of the moon, 0£l. 10, 1726, at Lifbon ■ Aflionomical obfervations made at Lifbon in 1726 - - - ' in 1727 - - - — — Obfervations on an eclipfe of the moon, Feb. 2, 1729, at Rome and Paris - ' on an eclipfe of the moon, Feb. 2, 1730, at Lifbon - _ _ Carlilcs, Dr. Copies of fome Roman infcriptions at Tunis, in Africa 4 E 2 Tranf. 585 Abridg. XL 139 — 3^1 XLl 137 iX 184 — 121 — 314 — 341 — 313 LII 519 XXXIII 180 VI 191 - 185 — 51 — 266 — 180 ~ 191 ~ 185 — 186 — 410 - 187 Vil 680 XXXIV 90 V 240 — 92 — 95 XXXV 335 VI .74 - 338 — 196 — 408 — 471 — 241 — 177 XXXVI 170 — 202 — 363 — 213 LIII2H C Iarlisls, SB6 CAR CAS CarI-isls, George, M. D. Account of an uncom- mon large hernia Carlyle, . Meteorological obfervations made at Carlifle in 1767 Carnebe, Rev. Pet. Is. Obfervations on the comet of 1743, made at Vienna Cakfenter, Lord. Account of a bullet which lay in his gullet for near a year Carte, Rev. Samuel. Account of an ancient tef- felated or Mofaick work at Leicefter Carteret, Philip. On the inhabitants of the coaft of Patagonia - - ^ " — On the canielopardalis found about the Cape of Good Hope - - " Cassano^ Prince of. Account of the eruption of Vefuvius in May, 1737 Obfervations on the red lights feen in the air at Naples, Dec. 5, 1737 Cassini, Jo. Dom. Obfervations on a permanent fpot in Jupiter , on the revolution of Mars . on feveral fpots in the planet VenUf, lately discovered at Bononia - ^ on the comet of 1668 Prcdiaions of the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatcllitcs in 1671 _ _ - . Account of fome fpots in the fun, obferved at Paris in AuguO, 1671 , . of the return of a great permanent fpo4 in the planet Tupiter ^i Obfervations of a new comer, made at Paris Refle£lioi)S on the obfervations . A difcovery of two new planets about Saturn, made at Paris Thou'rhts on Mr. FJooke's obfervations for proving ihe motion of the earth ■ Account of the edipfe of the moon, Jan. u, 1675, at Paris - - " — Obf'jrv'ations on the eclipfe of the moon, June 26, 1675, compared v.'ith thofe made at Lon- don - - ~ . . , on Mr. Fiamflcad's account of the lunar ec.ipfc, Dec. 21, 1675 , AcrouDt of an occullation of a fixed flar ly the moDn, Feb. 29 - " . Obiqrvations on the eclipfe of the fun, June 11, 1676, at Paris Tranf. LVl 133 LVIII 83 XLII 457 XL 316 XXVJI 324 LX 20 — 27 XLI 237 - 583 I 143 — 242 x^brids:. VIII 216 II 615 III 683 VI 9238 — 2238, 2250, 3020 VII 4039 — 4042 — 4048 VIII 5178 1X90 X257, 390 - 388 XI 561 — 564 ~ 664 — 670 400 — 425 — 438 — 275 1382,4^0 ^ 440 ' — 3^7 — 3o5 — 315 — 317 — 349 — 287 Cassini CAS Cassini, Jo.DoM. Advertifement to aftronomcrs about the confitju ration of the latellitcs of Jupiter for ife*6 and 1677 - - - Remarkable oiolervatioiis on Saturn Obfcrvations on a fpot lately feen in the fun New obfei-vations on the two planets about Sa- turn - _ - Obfervations on the comet of April and May, 1677, made at Paris on the eclipfe of the moon, Oct. 29, 1678, made at Paris ©n the eclipfe of the fun, June 2, 1684. made at Paris on the eclipfe of the fun, July 12, 1684, at Paris - - - Account of the two new fatellites of Saturn Obfervations on the eclipfe of Jupiter by the moon, March 31, 1686, at Paris Corredlions of the theory of the five fatellites of taturn - - - Tables for the eclipfes of the firfl: fatellite of Ju- piter - , _ Obfervations on the eclipfe of the moon, 06t 19, 1697, 2^ Rotterdam Agronomical obfervations at China Correfted tables of the motion of the five fa tellites of Saturn Castagna, Mar. Ant. Ofafubftance found in fome mines of Italy, out of which a kind of incombuftible fubftance, both fkin, paper, and candlewick is made • Obfervations and experiments concerning a mineral balfam found in the mmes of Italy Castilidneus, Joh. Of a cardolde curve, a figure by him fo calltd •— — A dcmonftration of the polynomiqm of Sir Ifaac Newton - - _ Castro, Dr. De. An account of an iliac paffion, from a palfy in the large inteftmes Castro Sarmento, Jacoeus De. Agronomical obfervations made at Paraguay, from 1706 to 1730 V'AswEL, . The quadrature of a portion of the epicycloid - ' Account of his new invented barofcope Tranf. XI 681 — 689 XII 831 — 868 — 1015 XIV 693 — 7^5 XVI 79 — 175 — 299 XVIII237 XX 15 — 371 XXX 776 VI 2167 — 3059 XLI778 XLII 91 XLVII 123 XLV 667 JAX 113 XXIV 1597 587 Abridg. ' I 409 — 367 — 279 — 368 — 443 — 320 — 292 — 369 — 3^3 — 376 — 409 — 340 — 42-7> 569 IV 323 11548 — 460 VIII 108 — 10 X 118 1 31 IV 2 6 Cat, 588 CAT Cat, Claude Nicholas, M. D. On the foramen ovale, being found open in the hearts of adults, and on the ligure of the canal of the urethra Oblervations on the hydatides and confequcnces of an incomplete hernia, and on the fundions of the intefxines expoled to fight ^ Defcription of a machine fcr drefling and curing unweildy patients The ambe of Hippocrates re<3ified On the operation of cutting for the ftone An obfervation of an operation made by the high apparatus according to IVI. le Cat's me- thod, in the year 1743, from the French by Philip Henry Zollmm Account of double foetus's of calves .^ Account of glaffes, of a new contrivance, for prefervina; pieces of anatomy, or natural hif tory in fpiricuous liquors Addition _ On the cure of dry gangrenes, together with a new invented inftrument tor the extirpation of tumours out of the reach of the furgeon's fingers _. The operation of lithotomy on women ——On the lacrymae bacavise, or glafs drops ; the tempering of fteel, and effervefcence, accounted for by the fame principle . . A nevv'trocart for the punfture in the hydroce phalus, and for other evacuations which are necellary to be made at diffcrenr times . Obfervations on fungous excrefcences of the bladder; a cutting forceps for extirpating thefc excrefcences; and a caniila for tieating thefe difeafes - - - .. Several cafes of hernias and diforders of the urethra .. Letter concerning the difTeftion of a rupture . . An acco\lnt of thofe malignant fevers, that rage' at Rouen, at the end of the year 1753, and the bci inning of 1754 ^ An account of the extra^i m of three inches and ten lines of the bone of the upper arm, which was followed by a regeneration of the bony matter; with a defcription of a machine made ufe of to keep the upper and lower pieces of the bone at their proper diftances, during the time that the regeneration was tatiing| Tranf. Abridz. XLI 681 IX 134, — 712 XLII 364 - 387 XLIII 391 XLIV 175 XLV 497 XL VI 6 — 88 97 — »75 XLVII267 — 292 — 324 — 341 XLIX 4 9 ' — io9 — 272 — 257 XI 976 — 995 1216 — 1216 — 1349 — 1084 — 975 X560 place ; CAT CAV place ; and which may alfo be of fervice in fraftures happening near the head of that bone _ - _ Cat, Claude Niale, jVI. D. An account of a monftrous human foetus, having neither head heart, lungs, ftomach, fpleen, pancreas, liver nor kidnies _ » - ■ An account of an hydro-enterocele appearing like a hydro-farcocele, and ending in the death of the patient, in which the inteiline had paffrd from the hernial fac, into that of the hydrocele, by which the ftrangulation was formed _ - - Catesby, Mark. Account of birds of paffage Catlyn, John. A fynopfis of the calculation of the tranfit of Mercury over the difk of the fun, Oi>. 25, 1748 — — Eclipfe of the moon, June 3, 1750, obferved in London _ _ . Caumont, Marquis, De. Account of a very ex- traordinary ftone, or calculus, taken out of the body of a man after death Cavallo, Tiberius Extraordinary ele£lrlcity of the atmofphere obferved at Iflii gton, in Odo- ber, 1775 _ - . . ■ New eled^rical experiments . New eledlrical experiments and obfervations, with an improvement of Mr. Canton's elec- trometer ^ _ - ■ New experim^ents in electricity, with the de- fcription and ufe of two new etedlrical inftru- menis . _ _ — — Thermometrical experin-;ents and obfervations Cave, . Account of an earthquake felt in Norrhamptonfnire, Sept. 30, 1750 Cavendish, Lord Charles, Thermometers for particular ufes defcribed CavcNdish, Hon. Henry. Experiments on fadi tious air - - - — — Exp' riments on Rathbone-place water An attempt to explain fome of the principal phaenomena of elediricity, by means of an elaftic fluid — — — On pointed conduflors Some attempts to imitate the effeds of the tor- pedo by eleftficiry Tranf, LVI 270 LVII 1 589 Abridg. — 293 XLIV 435 XI 886 -TJJ XLII 235 VIII 204 XLVI 523 X92 XL 369 IX 172 LXVI407 LXVII 48 -388 LXX 15 -587 XLVI 705 Xsi5 L 300 LVI 141 LVII 92 LXI 5?4 LXIil 66 LXVI 196 CavjendisHj 59=' CAV CHA Cavendish, Hon. Henry. Account of the meteo- rological inftruments ufcd at the Royal bociety b houle - ~ /■ " • 1 Caverhill, John. Some attempts to afcertain the utmoil: 'extent of the knowledge of the ancients in the Eaft Indies - " . , Q^y ^ M. D. Obfervations on fome mineral waters - ~ " . On the virtues of the oftracites Cay Robekt. Account of the nianner of bending ' planks in his Majcftv's Yard, at Deptford Cazaud, the Marquis of. The method of cultivating the fugar cane - ' i • j f . Knowledge neceiTary to judge of any kind ot fugar-mills - '. ^, Celsius, Andrew. An experiment made m a ulver mine at Sala on the alcent of Mercury m the barometer - " • t j . Obfervati'ons on the aurora borealis at Lond-^n , An explanation of the Runic charafters of Hel fingland - - ' a/, ^ ^ Obfervations on an eclipfe of the moon, March 15, 1735-6 - - - «. Aug. 4, 1738, at Upfal CerFjM. LE. Account of advantages of a newly invented machine much varied in its cffefts, and very ufeful for determining the perfea proportion between different moveables aaing by levers, and wheel and pinion Cestonb, D'iacinto. On the generation of fleas Chais. A {hort account of the manner of inoculat- ing the fmall-pox on the coaft of Barbary and at Bengal, in the Eaft Indies _ - Chalmers, ■ . Account of an extraordinary fire- ball burfting at fea - " a- a Chamberlayne, John. A relation of the eftcdts of a ftorm of thunder and lightnmg at bamp- ford Courtney, in Devonlhire, on 06\ober 7. 1711 - " " . Remarks upon the plague at Copenhagen, in 1710 - - ■ Account of the funk ifland in the Humber, lome fome years fincc recovered from the fea Chambers, Charles. Obfervations on the earth- quake of Lifhon, Nov. 1, 1755, made at Ma dcira - 7 Tranf. 1 Abridg. LXVI 375 LVIl 155 XX 365 XXi 81 XXXII 75 LXIX 207 LXX 318 n5°5 VI 467 XXXIII 313 XXXIX 241 XL 7 - 15 XLI92 LXVIII 950 XXI 42 LVIII 128 XL VI 366 XXVII 528 XXVIII 279 XXX 1014 vr 2 48 VIII 548 IX 438 vni 165 — 154 XLIX 435 II 789 X 480 V38I iV 2 251 Chandler^ GHA CH an Chandler, John. Cafe, of a woman who had extraordinary tumour on her thigh Channing, J. A defcription of three fubftances mentioned by the Arabian phyficians, in a paper fent from Aleppo, and tranllated from the Arabic - - - Chapman, Capt. William. An account of diftlU ing water frefh from fea- water by wood-aflies ■ , M „ — of the foflil bones of an aUigator found on the fca {here near Whitby, in Yorkdiire (^HARLETT, ARTHUR, D. D. Account of a colliery ! that took fire, and was blown up, near New- caftle, killing 6q perfons, on Auguft iS, 1708 Chazelles, . Account of an eclipfe of the fun, May 12, 1706, at Marfeilles Cheselden, William. The dimenfions of fome human bones of an extraordinary fize, which were dug up near St. Alban's, in Heitford- (hire _ _ _ ■-■ Some anatomical obfervations *— — Obfervations made by a young gentleman who was born blind, on receiving his fight 1—— An explication of the infl:ruments ufed, in new operation on the eyes •■ The efFeds of the lixivium faponis, taken in- wardly by a man aged 75 years, who had the flone, and in whofe bladder, after his deceafe, were found two hundred and fourteen ftones Cheston, Richard Brown, (Surgeon.) Account of an offification of the thoracic du6t *— — Continuation of the cafe of James Jones Chevalier, John. An obfervation of an eclipfe of the fun made at LilLon, Oft 26, 1753 — - Aflronomical obfervations made at Lifbcn, 1753 ■ Obfervations on the eclipfes of Jupiter in 1754, made at Lifbon — — — on the eclipfe of the moon, March 27, 1755, at LifiDon — — ■ on the eclipfe of the moon, Feb. 4, 1757, at Lifbon — — •■ on the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites, at Lifbon' <-" on the eclipfe of the moon, July 30, 1757, ^^ Lifbon Child, William. Accounts of the effefts o! Lightning at Darl^ing, in Surry * 4 F Tranf. XLI 36s L VII 21 L 635 — 688 XXVI 215 XXV 2244 XXVII 436 XXVIII 281 XXXV 447 — 451 XLIV 36 LXX 323 - 57^ XLVIII 546 - 548 XLIX 48 L374 -376 - 378 — 769 XLIX 309 59 1 Abridcj, IX 236 IV 2 206 IV 253 V 2 267 — 7^ vn49i VII 493 XI 992 Childrey, 59^ CHI CLA Childrev, Joseph. Aniinadverfions on Dr. Wal- lis's hypothefis of the flux and reflux of the fea ' - Churchman, Walter. Account of a new en- gine for raifing water by horfes CiPoLiA, Rev. Lewis. Agronomical obfervations by the Miffionarles at Pekin^ Oa. 23, 1771 . Account of an cclipfe, Nov. 12, 1761 CiRiLLO, DcMiNico, M. D. Account of the manna tree . Account of the tarantula Clairaut, Alexander. Invcftigations to prove that the figure of the earth nearly approaches to an cllipTe, according to the laws of attrac- tion, in an inverfe ratio of the fqaare of the diftances . An enquiry concerning the figure of fuch planets as revolve about an axis, fuppofing the denfity continually to vary from the center towards the furface _- A comparifon between the notions of M. de Courtivron and Melvil, concerning the dif- ference of rcfrangibility of the rays of light Clarck, Timothy, U. D. Some anatomical in- ventions and obfervations, particularly relative to the origin of the inje£lion into veins, the transfufion of blood, and the parts of generation Clare, ■ ■. Account of the earthquake, March 8, I749"'J°» at Kenfington Gravel Pits Clarke, — • Cafe of a boy who had a calculus formed between the glands and praputium Clarke, I. Account of feveral Roman antiquities found near the Devizes, ia Wiltftiire Clarke, Rev. John. An abftraft of the bills of mortality of Bridge town, in Barbadoes, tor the years 1737 — 1744 Clark, Sir John. An account of two oak trees struck by thunder, and of the horn of a large deer found in the heart of an oak Clarw:, Robert. Obfervations on the death of a don, on firing a volley of fmall fliot .^ upon the polypus of the lungs Clarke, Roger. Particulars of the county of Labradore - " " A new kind of hydrometer Clarke, Samull. A letter occafigned by th Tranf. \ Abrtdg. V 2061 XXXVIII 402 LXlV 31 — 39 — 43 LX233 II 279 VIII 322 XL 19 — 277 XLVIII 776 III 672 XLVI 620 — 45 XXII 758 XLV 345 XLI 235 XIX 779 XXXVI 277 LXIY 372 — 329 — 90 III 290 X 497 XI ioo4„ V 2 31 XI 1219 VIII 507, 847 III 650 — 68 VI 326 prefcnt CLA coc prtfent controverfy among mathematicians, concerning the proportion of velocity and force in bodies in motion "Clayton, John. Obfervations in Virginia, and in his vpyagc thither, particularly concerning the air - - - - ■ '■ Further obfervations on Virginia " ■ ■ • A continuation of the account of Virginia '"«■- ■ Farther account of the foil, and other ob- fervables of Virginia ■" A continnation ot the account of Virginia Clayton, Robert, Bifliop of Cloyne. Experi- ments concerning the fpirit of coals - ■ ' on the nitrous particles in the air — — Anfwer to feveral queries of Dr. Grew, made in 1687, relating to Virgmia *' '■ An experiment to prove that water, when agitated by fire, is infinitely more elaftic than air, in the fame circumftances ■■ Account of a man who gave fuck to a child — — ■ of an extraordinary ficeleton ■- ' ■ On the remains of an ancient temple in Ireland, and of a ftone hatchet of the antient Irifh Clayton, William. Account of Falkland ifland Clegg, James. Experiments on dying black Cleland, Archibald, (Surgeon). A defcriptlon of a catheter made to remedy the inconveniences| which occaiioned the leaving off the hi^h ' operation for the ftone •"■ A defcriptlon of fome inftruments for the ears ' •■■ of needles made for operations on the eyes Clerke, Charles. An account of the very tall men, feen netir the Straights of Magellan, in 1764 in the equipage of the Dolphin man of war under the command of Captain Byron Clerk, Sir John. Obfervations on the folar eclipfe, Feb, 8, 1736-7, at Edinburgh Clerk, William, (Surgeon). An account of a ftone found in theftomachof a lady, on difTec- tion, another in the left kidney, and fomc fmaller ones in the gall bladder Cocks, William. A machine for founding the fea at any depth, or in any part, invented by him in the year 1738 4 F2 ^ Tranf. XXXV 38] XVII 781 — 790 — 941 — 978 XVIII 121 XLI59 — 62 — 143 — • 162 — 810 XLIIc8r LXVI 99 LXIV 48 XLI E44 - Hi LVII 75 XL 195 XXI 95 XLIV 146 Abridg. I VI 294 «r 575 - 581 II 862, III 584, 589 — sV ^^ 395 , VIII 46s« 1X465 VIII 466 I IX 208 — 245 f 457 ; ■ ~ 179 — 124 — 124 VIII 149 III 159 X 261 Cock. 594 COC COL iCocKBURK, William, M. D. On the operation of a blifter when it cures a fever j , A problem propofed to the praaifers of pbyfic . A folution of the problem for determ.nmg the dofes of puroirg, and emetick i^^d'anes '. The nraaice of purging and vomitrng medi cines, according to Dr. Cockburn's folution o his problem -/with tables iheiving their doies in particular ages and conftitutions ^ On the difficulty of curing fluxes - CocKiN, William. Account of an extraordmary appearance of a mill - " PoF T M D. Letter on Mr. Bright, the fat-man CoLDEN*, Cadvvallader. Obfervations on the Earthquake, Nov. i8, I75_5> made ^at New Cole, WillIam, m" D. A difcourfe concerning the fpiral, inllead of the fuppofed annular ftrufture of the fibres of the inteftmes Letter on a falfe conception - Phenomenon in the body of a woman who died of an apoplexy - _ . Hiftorv of periodical conceptions ^ - ___: of a convulfive difeafe, returning every eight years , Account of {tones voided per penem Obfervations on the purple fifli - Account of the grains refembhng wheat which i fell lately in Wiltfhire - Account of fome (fones voided by floole _ CoLEBROOKE, JosiAH, Experiments conccming thc encauftlc painting of the ancients - . A letter concerning the laccefs of the former ex pcriments - r^cy' '. Account of a meteor, feen Oa. 2, i759» ' Kath - - , "i , . . Cafe of a cancer in which green hemlock was applied . Sequel to thc cafe ' r 'r CoLEPREssE, Samuel. Two cafes of perfons cut- tino; teeth in thtir old age ' . ^^ Account of two monllrous births, in Devon . Obfe^vaticns made in mine^. and at fca, occa fioning a conj^aure about thc ongin of wmds Account of an excellent liquor made with cy der, apples, and mulberries - Tranf. I Abridg, III 260 at XXI 161 XJ^IV 1753 — 2II9 XXVI 46 XXXVilsSs LXX 157 XLVII 188 XLIX 433 XI 603 XV iC4S — 1068 — 1113 — 1115 — 1162 — 1278 XVI 281 XXVII 28 LI 40 — 53 — 3^^! V 273 — 397. I VII 641 LlII 346 LV271 I 3S0 11480 — 48 1 — 5ca III 88 — 220 — 29 — 35 -36 — 151 — 823 V265 — 297 — 30^ II 105 Cqle COL Account of fome ma»ne- CoLEPREssE, Samuel. tical experiments » ■ . An account of Ibme obfervations made at and nigh Plymouth, 1667, by way of an anfwer to fome of the queries concerning tides (vol. I. 298.311) - - - ■ On the making counterfeited opal — ' — Some confiderations touching the variety of flate, together with a computation of the charges in general for covering the houfes there- with Collet, John, M. D. Account of the peat pit, near Newbury, in Berkflilre CoLLiGNON, Charles, M. D. Some account of a body lately found in uncommon prefervation. under the ruins of the abbey, at St. Edmund's Bury, Suffolk j with fome refleclions upon the fubjCv^l - '- Collins, John. A method for finding the number of the Julian period for any year aiTigned, tlie number of the cycle of the fun, the cycle of the iiioon^ and for the indiclionsfor the fame year, being given ; together with a demonftration ot that method ■■ ■ , A refolution of equations in numbers — - — A folution of a chorographical problem, pro- pofed by Richard Townley ■ Thoughts about fome defefts in alf^ebra CoLLiNsoN, Peter. Obfervations on the hardnefs of fhells, and on the food of fhell-fifh ■ Obfervations on the cancer major -^— • Obfervations on a fortof libella orephemeron — — Obfervations on the Bellu^a flone Tranf. 11502 III 632 — 743 IV 1009 L 109 LXII 465 of an uncommon crleam o ceeding from the fun of light II 568 IV 929 VI 2093 XIV 575 XLIII s7 XLIV 70 — 329 — 45* ■ ^ 45? .' Lin 37 10 1 " Further obfervations bn the cancer major — ■ — Obfervations on the yellowifh wafp of Pennfyl- vania . - — — Remarks on the fwallovvs on the Rhine — — Obfervations on the cicada or locull of North- America - - - ! LIV 65 ■■ Account of fome very large fjff:l teeth found! LVII 464 in North America ' - 4.63 — — Account of the opening an antient well, near (^eenborough, in Kent CotMAN, Rev. Benjamin. Of an earthquake at Eoflon, in New England, Oft. 20, 1727 ' — 124 Co XXXVI 191 595 Abridg. II 264 III 685 I 588 III 399 I 60 -366 XI 861 X 864 Xt 844 — 260 X48I ^^i 2 24^ — - 201 LQUHOUN, 59^ COL COO Of an agitation of in Scotland, Nov. i, CoLQUHouN, Sir James. the waters, at Lufs, 17 re CoLsoN, Mr. Obfervations on the eclipfe of the fun, June I, 1676 - ', • J CoLSON, John. Univerfal folution of quadratic and biquadratic equations, viz. analytical, geo- metrical, 2nd mechanical . Account of negativo-affirmative arithmetic The confti uftion and ufe of fpherical maps CoLWALL, Daniel. Account of the Englifti alum of the way of making Engliih green copperas - " ' CoMEEs, Thomas. On cinnamon ;. CoNDAMiNE, M.De LA. Account of thc Indian poi- . The declination of fome fouthern liars of the firft and fecond magnitude, June, 1.738, and the way of finding the hour of the night at fea by looking at the fouthern crofs . The method of opening the MSS. found at Herculaneum - " •CoNDUiTT, John. On the fituation of the antient Cartei'a, and fome other of the Roman towns near it - ~ , , r CoNiERs, ]oHN. A defcription of his hygrofcope Connor, Bernard, M. D. An account of an ex- traordinary human fkeleton, vvhofe vertebrae pf the back, the ribs, and fcveral bones down to th- OS factum, were all firmly united into one folid bone, without jointing or cartilage CoNNY, Robert, M. D. Account of a fhowcr of CoNSETT, Rev. Thomas. Abftraft of the metcoro- rological diaries, made at Peterlburg and Lon'don, 1724,-1725 . rr 1 . CoNTi, DeL' Abbe. Letter on the difpute about the method of fluxions or difterential metkod CoNYKRs, John. A draught and defcription of a ufcful and cheap pump ^ , , , '„ , , . His improvement of Sir S= Morland s fpeaking trumpet - " CooKi, Benjamin. Account of an extraordinary damp in a wall, in tlic Ifle of Wight ^, of a ball of fulphur fuppoled to be ge neratcd in ihc air Tranf. XLIX 389 XI 63.7 XXV 2353 XXXIV 161 XXXIX 204 XII 1052 — 1058 L 873 XLIV 408 XLVI139 XLIX 622 XXX 903 XI 715 XIX 21 XX 289 XXXVIII lOI XXX 923 XII 888 — 1027 XL 379 — 427 Abridg. I 284 X\r 66 VI I VIII 354 ns38 XI IJ24 X53 V 2 83 II 37 III 292 II 144 VIII 555 IV 162 I 545 — b^S VIII 658 — 522 ' Cooke coo Cooke, Benjamin. Account of a fire ball, feen Dec. 1 1, 1 741 ^m— A propofa! for warming rooms, by the (learn of boiling water, conveyed in pipes along the walls - m - The effefls which the farina of the blolToms of different forts of apple trees had on the fruit of a neighbouring tree ,. On the property of flannel fparkling in the dark - - _ — , . ... On the fparkling of flannel, and the hair of ani mals in the dark — — On a mixed breed of apples, from a mixture of the farina — — Account of a child born with the jaundice upon it, received from its father j and of the mother taking the fame diftemper from her hulband, the next time of being with child ■ — — of the mayze or Indian corn • — — of an earthquake felt in the ifle of Wight, March t8, 19, 1749-50 GooKE, James. Obfervations of an eclipfe of the fun, Aug. 5, 1766, made at Newfoundland — — Tranfitus Veneris h Mercurii in eorum exitu e difco folismenfis Junii, & 10 Nov. 1769, obfervatus ■ . ■ An account of the flowing of the tides in the South Seas, as obferved on board his Majefty's bark the Endeavour — — The method taken for preferving the health of the crew of his Majefty's fbip the Refolution during her late voyage round the world — — Of the tides in the South Seas CooKSON, I. M. D. Account of an extraordinary effeft of lightning communicating magnetifm * ■ ' ■ — — of the furprizing quantities of food devoured by a boy of J2 years of age in fix fucceflive days Cooper, . Account of an earthquake, March 8, 1749-50, at London of a luminous arch, Feb. 16, 1749 CooPE'R, Samuel. Account of a ftorm of thunder and lightning at Norwich, July 13, 1758 Cooper, W, M. D. — — of an extraordinary ace- phalous birth Cooper, Allen. of the cfFe^ta of lightning on board the AtUs Tranf, XLII 25 XLIII 370 XLIV 457 XLV 394 — 602 XLVl 205 -651 LVII215 LXI433 LXII 357 LXVI 402 — 447 XXXIX 75 XLIII 380 XLVI 647 — 647 LI3B LXIX 160 59? Abridg. 1 ¥111525' XI 1391 X751 — 343 — 752 \ XI 1063 X 752 — C08 Vill 5C5 XI 1086 X 505 — 507 Cope,, 598 COP COT Tranf. 1 Abildg Cope, John. On an antlsnt date at WidgehiU in Hevtfordfhire - r ",- u On the antiquity and ufe of the Indian charac- ters or figures - r i' o r ;„., Copping, Rev? John. Account of the pfanan operation, performed by an ignorant butcher ^ , of an extraordinary fkeleton CoRKELio, Thomas, M. D. Ohfervations on per fons pretending to have been ftung by taran- CoRNIsh,^1ames. On the torpidity of fwallows and r^i^KuvTiL^Capt Obfervations on the variation ^"^ of d^ neidle on board the Royal African pae- nuctini7oi, in the Ethiopic ocean Co.■r^%^^«i-, Mekdesba. Difo.at.on on the beleninites ^ on two beautiful echinites - , . , on a fofhl found at Dudley in Stafford 12!11 on the imprefllon of plants on the flates . Expe^riments on feveral pieces of marble ftained bv R. Chambers - . " .1 Remarks on Mr. Hubner's obfervations on the produftion of Tripoli - . Account of fome produaions in Scotland le fcmbling the Giants Caufeway in Ireland . An account of an encrinus, or ftar-fi(h, with a iointed ftem, taken on the coaft of Barbadoes, which explams to what kind of animals thoie kind of loffils belong, called ftar ftones, ailense, and ailropodia - " r l jt . Supplement to Mr. Borlafe's account of the di(- covery of native tin - " Costard, Rev. George. Account of a fiery me teor feen in the air, July 14, i745 On the Chinefe chronology and aftronomy On the year of the eclipfc, foretold by Thales On the cclipfe mentioned by Xenophon On the ages of Homer and Hefiod - _ . . Tranllation of a paflage in Ebn Younes, with fome remarks thereon Cotes, Roger. Logomctria " x^ , ^ . A dcicription of a great meteor, March 0, XXXIX 119 — 131 IX 420 d26 XLI814 — 839 ~ 816 — • 247 III 285 XXXII 55 VI 2289 XLIV 397 X 648 XLVI 143 1 — 63s — 357 LVI 305 XLIII 522 XLIV 476 XI 1232 XLVIll 17 — 155 — 441 LXVIII 231 XXIX 5 IV 171 XXXI 66 VI 2 82 Cotton, COT COX Cotton, Rev. Edward, D. D. On a load-flone found in Devonfliire CouRTEN, William. Experiments and obferva- tions on the effects of feveral forts of poifons upon animals CouziER, M . Experiments on the blood of a perfon dead of the plague CowPER, William. Experiments with Mr. John Colbatch's ftvptic - Account of chilification "—J— of a very large difeafed kidney — Remarks on Dupre's account of five pair of muf- clesofthehead — — — An account of Pitching the great tendon be- tween the calf of the leg and heel, with its union and cure, after an entire divifion of it with remarks — — An account of two glands, and their excretory dufts, lately difcovered in human bodies — — An account of a polypus taken out of the vena pulmonalis, and of the ftrufture of that veflel ■■ An account of divers fchemes of arteries and veins, difledied from adult human bodies by J. Evelyn, to which are fubjoined a defcription of the extremities of thofe veflels, and the manner the blood is feen by the microfcope, to pafs from the arteries to veins in quadruped when living; with fome chirurgical obferva tions and figures after the life ■ AnfAerto Mr. Wright's cafe of a cure of an apoftemation of the lungs ■ T he anatomy of a male opoffum ■ An account of the anatomy of tlmfe parts of a male opofTum that differ froni the female — — Of ofiifications or petrefadions in the coats of the arteries - Of the hv datides inclofed with a ftony cruft in the kidney of a flieep — — • An account of what appeared on the diffe^lion of the bodv of Mr. Dove — — — — ' on the opening of the body of Mr. St. John, who died of an afthma CowPER, Rev. Spencer. of an agitation of the water at Durham. Nov. i, 1755 Cox, , Surgeon. Cafe of a furgeon of Peterbo- rough who fell into a peftilentia! fever upon tap- ping the corpfe of a man lately dead of adroplV 4G Tranf. II 423 XXVil4C5 XXXII 103 XVIII 42 XIX 231 — 301 XXi 13 — 153 -' 364 XXII 797 XXIII 1177 XXIII 13S6 XXIV 1565 XXIV 1576 — 1970 XXV 2304. XXVII 512 — 534 XLIX 385 , XLI 168 599 Abrldg. V38 VII 601 III 255 — lob — 143 — 298 — 194 V 221 335 227 169 347 54 ' IX 212 COXE. 6oo cox CRO CcxE, Damiel, M. D. a way of extraftinga vola- til fait and fp'irit out of vegetables — ^ Adircourfe.denyingthe pre-exiftenceofalcalizate or Sxed fatts in any fubjeit, before it were ex- pofed to the atilion of the fire ; to which is added, a confirmation of an allertion, delivered in vol. IX. p. 4, viz. that alcalizate or fixed falts, extraftcd out of the afhes of vegetables, do tiot differ from' each other ; the fame beinL: affirmed of volatil falts and vinous fpirits — — A continuation of a dilcourfe begun in vol. IX. p. 150, touching the identity of all volatil falts ! and vinous fpirits ; together wiih the furprifing experiments concerning vegetable falts pcrfe6ily refembling the fliape of the plants whence they had been obtained CoxE, Thomas. Experiment of bleeding a mangey into a found dog CRAteTREE, - Obfervations on the fpots in the fun, 1640 - -'" 'l^'^^l •^•-'' Cradock, Zach. Account of a fiery hietfdr Craig, John. On the quadratures of figures, geo- metrically irrational - - — — An addition to the fcheme of quadratures The quadrature of the logarithmic curve Solution of a problem relating to the folid of leaft refiftance — — Specimen of the general rnethod of determining the quadrature of f.gures • A folution of the problem propofed by J. Bernoulli On the lencith of the curve lines Logarithmo-technia generalis Craig, Rev. John. Delcription of the head of a monftrous calf Cramer, ,G. Account of an aurora borealis, with unufual appearances Creed, Rev. . Account of a machinetawritedown Tranf, 1X4 IX I 50 extempore voluntaries, or other pieces of mufic Crellius, P . L. F. M. D. Experiments on putrefac- faclion - - Experiments on a new mineral acid Cressener, Rev. H. Account of an eclipfe of the mcon, Feb. 2, 1709-10 Crispe, . Letter on fome curiofiiies, ^c. tound in a fubierraneous town near Naples Crocker, . Account of a meteor fcen in the day lime, Dec. 8; 1733 — 169 "451. XXVII 270 XLIII 78 XIX 708 - 785 XX 375 XXII 746 Abridg. Ill 326 XXIII 1346 XXIV XC27 XXVI 64 XXVII 191 — 429 XXXVI 279 XLIV 445 Lxr 332 LXX 109 XXVII 16 XLI 493 ~ 346 — 323 — 229 IV 235 X478 I 407 — 5& IV 26 — 35 — 43 — 156 V 35 V 2 114 X265 IV 275 IX 444 VIII 517 I CromertiI'j CRO CUR 6or Cromertie, Earl of. Account of moffes in Scotland Croy, Prince of. Obfervations of the eclipfes of the fun, of Auguft 1 6, 1765, and of the 5th of Auguft, 1766, made at Calais, together with fome remarks on the firft of them Cruquius, Nicholas. The middle height of the barometer, thermometer, and hygrometer, for a year at Leyden Crusio, Charles. Cafe of an extraordinary difeafe of the fkin, and its cure Cruwys, Samuel. Account of an aurora borealls feen at Cruwys Morehard, Devonfhire, Feb. 6, 1720-1, wi:h an account of the weather be- fore and after it CuLLUM, Sir Dudley. Account of a lately in vented ftove, for preferving plants in the green- houfe in winter Cumberland, Captain. An account of the manner of bending planks in his Majeily's yards at Dept- ford, Sic. by a fand heat, invented by him CuNiNGHAM, James. A catalogue of fhells, kc gathered at the ifland of Afcenfion, and alfo of plants obferved there -~-^ Obfervations on the Mercury's altitude, with the changes of the weather at Emiiy in Chinai ' OH the thermometer and the magnetick needle in his voyage from the Cape of Good Hope, 1700 ■ An account of a voyage to Chufan in China, with a defcription of the illand, of the fevera forts of tea, of the fifhing, agriculture of th( Chinefe, &c. with feveral obfervations not hitherto taken notice of An account of fome plants collefted at Chufan in China, by J. Petiver — ^ Obfervations on the weather, made in a voyawt to China, 1700 — — » A regifter of the wind and weather at China, with the obfervations of the mercurial baro meter at Cnufan, from Nov. 1700, to Jan. 1702 - _ _ Curteis, William. Experiments and obfervations on bulbous roots, plants and feeds growing in water _ _ . Curtis, Roger. Particulars of the country of La-. bradore, extra£led from the papers of Lieut. 4 G 2 Tranf. XXVII 296 LVI 262 xxxirr 4 XLVIII 579 XXXI 186 XVIII 191 XXXII 75 XXI 295 — 323 XXII 577 XXIII 1201 — 1419 XXIV 1639 — 1648 XXXVIII 267 Abrid£[. IV 2 2^C VI '9 II 750 VI 467 II 252 — 86 V 2 171 -V 2 286 — - 26 VIII 825 Ro: er 602 CYP DAL Roger Clarke, of his Majefty's floop the Otter, wi h a plane chart of the coaft CypRIANUS, — — , M.D. An a.connt of a child born v.'i!h a large w. unJ in the breuft, fuppofed tr- proceed from the force of imaginatiin Cyrtllus, Nicholas. On the uleof cold in fevci? • Account of the eruption of Vefuvius, in March, ^.73^ - - - . *— — Hiltory of the earthquake, felt at Apulia, and arNapLs, .1731 - _ - XXXVIII 79 Phyfical hiftory of the earth and air, 1732 — 184 Tranf. LXIV 372 XIX 291 XXXVI 142 XXXVII336 Abridg.. I^I 222 VII 63c VI 2 199 vm 6:^2 — 625 D. Dale, Samuel, Account of fome coins found at Honedon in Suffolk - XVII 874 — — Method of making turnip bread, in Efiex — 971 — Cafe of a coiuumaceous jaundice, accompanied with a very odd cafe in vifion - XVIII 1^8 Account of a very large eel, with confiderations about the generation of eels - XX 90 •— of feveral infefts - XXI 50 ____ of Harwich Ciiff, and the foflll fhells found there - - XXIV 1568 .■ Anatomical obfervations made on a body dif- fea. d at Padiia, by John Ray - XXV 2282 Account of the MSS. left by Mr. Ray — — — — D^fcription of the moofe deer of New England XXXIX 384 — — of a flag of Virginia Remarks on Mr. Ray's dcfcription of the fly ing fquirrel of America Dalrymple, Alexander. On the formation of iflands - - LVII 394 — Journai of a voyage to the Eaft Indies, in the Cirenville, 1775 - LXVIII 389 DAMPitR, George. On the cure of the bitlngs of mad creatures - - XX 49 Darwin, Erasmus, M.D, Remarks on the opi- nion of Henry Ecies concern ng the aicent of vapours - . L 240 III 441 II 667 III 286 II 837 — 912 IV 2 264 V 184 IX 84 - 78 III 284 Darwiji, D AR DEB fo3 Darwin, Erasmus, M. D. Aa uncommon cafe of an haemoptyfis '■ E^vperiments on animal fluids, In the exhaufted receiver _ - . -^ A new cafe in fquinting Da V ALL, Peter. Rtfiedions on Mr. de I'Jfle's comparifon of the magnitude of Paris with London, and fcvsial other cities, printed in the memoire ot the Academy of Sciences at Paris in 1725 ■ . Defcription of an extraordinary rainbow, ob- Itrved July 15, 1748 — ^ An account of tive fun's diftance from the earth, deduced from Mr. Short's obfervations relating to the horizontal parallax of the fun Daviel, M . A diflertiition upon the cancer, commonly called the noli-nie-tangere Davies, , M. D. Cafe of a perfon who voided many hydatides in her urine ■ Cafe of an unufual colic Davies, David. Letters concerning feveral copper mines > - •— — A further account Davi£s, Evan. Account of what happened from thunder in Carmarthenfhire, Dec. 6, 1729 Davies, Richard, M. D. Tables of fpecific gravi- ties, with obferva ions Davies, Thomas. Method of preparing birds for prefe.vaiion Davis, Edward. Ca:"e of a child born with all its bones diiplaced Davis, Evan, tafe of fome children inoculated for the fmal! pox at Haverfo, dwelt Davis, Kev. John. Account of the Wirtemberg engine - - Dawes, Rev. Thomas. Account of the plague at' Aleppo - _ - I Dawkes, Thomas. of the gigantic boy at Willingham near Cambridge Dawson, Ambrose, M. D. Cafe of a very Ion fyppieffion of urine Day, Mark. Ohlervauon on the comet of Jan. 1763, made at Lowich near Th;apiton Noi ihamptonfr.ire Debenham, Thomas. Caie ' f a woman from whom the bjnes of a foetus were extracted Tranf. LI 526 LXiV 344 LXVIU 8b - XXV 432 K.LVi 193 LIII I XLIX 1 86 XXII 897 — 965 XVII 737 — 741 XXXVI 444 XLV4,6 LX 84 XLIV ;J09 XXXV III 121 XV 846 LIII 39 XLIII 251 LI 215 — 4^ XLVil 9a Abridg. VI 426 X481 V 2 283 — . 268 II 563 VI 2 74 X 206 XI iiio I 537 XI 1205 DEBRA\r, 604 lEB DER npn^Avv John. Dhfcoveries on the Tex of bees DeBRAU, JOHN. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^"'^'llceletonofan extr.o.dinary f.ze, together with fome examples of long life - DrrLCSs Lewis. Obfervations made at Dmapoor on ^ the planet Venus when paffing over the funs -^ ^^ , M D. Experuiients made with ^'^"^h; ^of perron; dead 'of the plague at Mar- feiUe , with what appeared upon the d.ffea.on of he bodies; as likewife fome expenmen s n.adewith the bile of perfons dead of ^ other _ Experiments made'with the bUe of perfons dead DEL.vfL'L'wT-. Several elearical e'xperiments - Several experiments m ekanc.ty m Account of the etFeas of lightning on St. Bnde s church, Fleet Street, June i8, 17H ■ Experiments and obfervations on the agree- ment between the Ipecific grav.t.es of he fcveral metals, and their colours when united to ghfs, as well as thofe of their other p'o- T^ .Tp'^'^Abr 'The dimenfions"of the fo- ^^^^"rdNetra'ted by the converfion of Hippo- «cates% lunula, 'and its parts, about feveral Txes, with the furfaces generated by that con- Dttnis^^'ohn. On transfufton of blood ^^^ Some trials of the fame operation, made m , Account of thc-cure of an inveterate phrenzy, by the transfufion of blood - On the differences which have rilen upon the transfufion of blood - \^^c Dpkt Rev. Thomas. On the extraamg w^rms ^''^ found in the tongue, and other pans of the n.^.s^'^M Notice of an admirable liciuor ^'^'inftantly topping the blood of -tenes.pncU^ or cut, without any fuppuraiion, or without leaving any fear or cica rice HI A^^nt'of an'odd f^tus lately born at Paris D.ERANTE, Peter. Tranf. t Abvldg. LXVII 15 ^ XXXV 363|VIl4 29 LX239 XXXII 20 — 105 VII 600 LI 83 Lll 353 LIV 227 LV 10 XXII 624 I 29 I il 453 ^^^ -^9 - 559 - ^3^ — 617 — 291 III 710 XVIII 2x9 — 137 Cafe of the coming oh ot tluj VIII 6039 — 252 — 6054 — "'^■' — 6157 — ^'■ fcapula D E R fcapula and Keai of the os humeri upon a mor- tification Derby, J. Account of a whirlwind at Corne Ab bas, in Dorletiiire, 0£t. 30, 1731 Dereham, Sir Thomas. Obfervatins fatuus, made in England and Italy ■ Explanation of a new chronological table of Chinefe hiftory - - - Derham, Rev. William. An account of fome experiments about the height of the mercury in the barometer at top and bottom of the monument : and alfo about portable barome- Obfervatins on an Izn'n, ters _ . . - A contrivance to meafure the height of the mercury in the barometer, by a circle on one of the weather plates, with a regifter of the weather, &c. for 1697 • A letter, accompanying his obfervations of the height of the mercury in the barometer, rains, winds, &c. for the year 1698, at Upminfter in Eflex - . - ■ Obfervations of the weather, 1699, made. at Upminfter, in Effex . Account of the infe£l commonly called the death watch - - r . ■ Obfervations on the weather, &c. for fome years paft - - _ - . • Account of the fpots of the fun obferved in June, 1703 ■ Obfervations on a ftorm at Upminfler An inHrument for feeing the fun, moon, cr liars pafs the meridian of any place ■ A fupplement to the account of the pediculus pulfatorius _ _ _ ■ Experiments about the motion of pendulums in vacuo . _ _ A profpe£l of the weather, winds, and height of the mercury, in the barometer, on the firit day of the month, and of the whole rain in every month in 1703, and beginning of 1704. at Upminfler An account of fome magnetical experiments and obfervations - - - Account of a glade of light obferved in the hea- vens, March 28, 1706 Meteorological tables kept at Upminfter, 1705 605 AbrioV. VII 676 VIII 499 VI 2 147 VII 4 13 Tranf. XXXII 15 XLI 229 XXXVI 204 -- 397 XX 2 — 45 XXI 45 XXII 527 — 832 XXIII 1443 — 1504 XXIV 1530 - 1578 - 1586 XXIV 1785 JIV 2 168 11 10, 12, 14 — 12 — 73,102 — 90 V 27 IV 2 62 IV 230 IV 2 109 IV 464 V28 -1877 — 2136 XXV 2220 — 2378 290 Detham, 6o5 D E R Derham, Rev. William. Account of a pyramidal appearance in the heavens, obferved near Up- minfter — - Experiments and obfervations on the motion of founJ - - - - - - ■ . On the migration of birds - - Obfervations on the eclipfe of the fun, Sept. 3, 1708, at Upminfter - - - . — — an eclipfe of the moon, Sept. l8, 1708 Account of fome inundations, and fome appear- ances in the Heavens obferved in Ireland 1708 - -... of fome monftrous births in IreLnd 1708 - - - ^ Barometrical altitudes in 1708, at Upminfter, and of the rain, winds, heat, cold, &c. with remarks - - - _ Hiftory of the great frofl of 1708-9 Account of a child's crying in the womb Obfervations upon the fpots in the fun from 1703 to 1711 Further account Obfervations concerning fubterraneoas trees in Dagenham, and other marflies bordering upon the river Thames, in the county of Eflex Obfervations on the eclipfe of the moon, Jan 12, 1 7 II- 1 2 The cafe of a woman big with child, who re- covered of the frnall-pox, and was afterwards delivered of a dead child full of the puftulc? of that diftcmper - - - - Account of the rain which fell every year at UpminOer in Klfex, the laft eighte. n years, with remarks upon that of the year 17 14 from 1697 to 17 14; aho compared with what has been obferved of that kind at Paris, by JM. De la Hire . . - • Accoui.t of rlie mifchiefs enfuing the fwallow- io" '- cclipfes of Jupiter's fatcllites from O^r J 700 to 1727; With remarks Tranf. XXV 241 1 XXVI 2 — 123 - 308 Abridg. tVa 133 — 342 — 454' - 485* 487 XXVII 270 — 278 475 — !;22 XXVIII 165 IV 255 — 275 IV 2 734 — - 193 V 309 IV 2 113 V'310 IV 235 — 240 219 — 277 V 313 XXIX 130 — 484 XXX 603 XXXIII 53 XXXIV 245 XXXV 415 IV 2 100 V 267 IV 345 VII 404 VI 105 I — '25 Derham, DER DES Derham, Rev. William. The differences in time of the meridians of diverfe places, computed from obfervations of the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites .. - - m Defcription of fome uncommon appearances ob- ferved in an aurora boreal is « Obfervations on the ignis fatuus Account of the froft in Jan. 1730-1 m Abftradl of meteorological diaries, communi- cated to the Royal Society; with remarks — — Obfervations of the appearances among the fixed ftars, called Nebulous ftars — ' — Abftraft of the meteorological diaries of 1724 and 1725 . . - — — 1727 - ^ - Experiments on the vibrations of pendulums Desaguliers, J. T. LL. D. An account of fome experiments of light and colours, formerly made by Sir Ifaac Newton, and mentioned in his Opticks, lately repeated before the Roya Society . ^ . ■' A plain and eafy experiment to confirm Sir Ifaac Newton's doftrine of the different lefrangibi lity of the rays of light 11 Remarks on the fecond paper in the hiftory o! the Royal Academy of Sciences for 1711 concernmg the caufe of the variation of the barometer - _ . ■■ An experiment to prove an interfperfed vacuum — — — Inftances of a very great and fpeedy vegetation of turnips - * _ «— — Experiments tried with M. Villette's burning concave - - - — — A way for myops to ufe telefcopes without eye- glafles, and becoming as ufeful to them, and fometimes more, than a combination of glaffes ■■ ■ An account of fome experiments to find how much the refiftance of the air retards falling bodies - - - — — Further experiments — — An account of an experiment to fhew, by a new proof, that bodies of the fame bulk, do no contain equal quantities of matter, and, there- fore that there is an interfperfed vacuum »■■ "■- A comparifon of Paris weights, as they are now ufed, with Englifli weights 4H Tranf. XXXVI 33 — 137 — 204 XXXVII 16 — 261 XXXVIII 70 — lOI — 334 — 405 XXXIX 201 607 Abridg. VT414 VI 2 113 — - H7 IV 275 VI 2 139 VIII 132 -555 IX 339 VIII 245 XXIX 433 — 448 XXX 570 T 7^7 — 974 — 976 — - 1017 1071 1075 XXXI 81 — 112 IV 173 — 481 IV 2 10 173 — - 311 IV 198 — IS8 IV 2 175 -- 178 — - 157 VII 4 46 Desa. 6o8 D E S Desagulters, J. T. LL. D. Experiments relating to the refiftance of fluids . Remarks on fome attempts made to obtain a perpetual motion - - . Improvement of Mr. Ha(kin's engine to raife water by help of quickfilver Account of an optical experiment made before the Royal Society , Experiments made to prove that the whole force of moving bodies is proportionable to tbeir velocities Animadverfions upon fome experiments relating to the force of moving bodies ; with two new experiments on the fame lubjeft -- An attempt to account for the rifing and falling of the water of fome ponds near the fea, or ebbing or flowing rivers ; where the water is loweft in the pond at ihe time of high-water in the fea or river, and the water is the hio'heft in the pond at the time of low-water in^the fea or river ; as alfo for the increafing or decreafing of the water of fuch pools or brooks as are higheft in dry feafons, and lowed in the rainy feafons; with an experi- ment to illuftrate the folurion of the phasno- niena - - - A new contrivance for taking levels , A diflertation concerning the figure of the earth . . continued An experiment to Illuftrate what has been faid concerning the figure of the earth Experiments concerning the cohefion of lead Experiments concerning the running of water in pipes Account of Mr. Hale's Vegetable Statics . . An attempt made to fliew how damps or foul air may be drawn out of any fort of mines, &cc. by an eng ne Account of a machine for meafuring any depth at fea - - " Experiments made in Augnft, 1728, before the Royal Society, upon occafion of Sign r Riz zctti's opticks, with an account of that book — — An attempt to folve the ph.-enomenon of the rife of vapours, formation of clouds, and de fccnt of rain - - " Tranf. XXXI 142 — 234 XXXII 5 — 206 — 269 — 285 Abridg. VI 299 — 323 — 352 — 145 — 281 — 221, 285 XXXIII 132 - 165 201, 238, 277 ■- 344 — 34S XXXIV 77 XXXV 323 — 3-53 — 559 — 607 XXXVI 6 VI 2 16c VI 271 VI 2 25O VI 384 — 4CO — 325 — 347 Vi2 158 - - 163 VI no VI 2 61 Desa D E S Desaculiers, J. T. LL. D. A propofition on the balance, not taken notice of by mechanical writers, explained and confirmed — r- Obfervations on the crane, with improvements on that machine - _ - _ Examination of a new-invented axis in peritro- chio, faid to be void of fri£tion .., . I An account of an experiment explaining a mechanical paradox, viz. that two bodies of equal weight, fufpended on a certain fort of balance, do not lofe their equilibrium, by be- ing removed one farther from, the other nearer to, the center — . ■ - An experiment to fhew that the fri(f^ion of the feveral parts in a compound machine, may be reduced to calculation . ■ ■- Two experiments of the fri£llon of pullies — — An account of an experiment, contrived by G. J. s'Gravefande, relating to the force of moving bodies, Ihev/n to the Royal Society ,, — An account of an inftrument, or machine, for changing the air in the room of fick people - - - , . ■ A calculation of the velocity of the air, moved by a new-invented centrifugal bellows of feven feet in diameter, and one foot thick within, which a man can keep in motion with very little labour, at the rate of two revolutions in one fecond _ _ _ . The ufes of the foregoing machine — — An experiment to fhew, that feme damps mines may be occafioned only by the burning ^ of candles under ground, without the addi tion of any noxious vapour, even when the bottom of the pit has a communication with the outward air, unlefs the outward air be forceably driven in - - . An attempt to explain the phjenomenon of the horizontal moon appearing bigger when near, than when elevated many degrees above, the horizon; fupported by an experiment, with an explication _ - - te— - Account of fome new ftatical experiments ■ . ■ An account of fome magnetical experiments made before the Royal Society, June 24, 1736, and April 21, 1737 Tranf. XXXVI 128 — 194 2 >2 228 6c<) Abridg, vr 3'7 •520 XXXVII125 — 292 — 394 XXXVIII 143 XXXIX 41 — 44 — 47 — 281 — 390 XL 62 - 3S5 — 3'o 321 322 VIII 235 270 271 273 4H 2 130 278 - 740 Desa- 6io DES DIV Desaguliers, |. T. LL.D. Thoughts and con- jcaures on the cauCe of ele«aricity Thoughts ai>d experiments concerning electricity Experiments made before the Royal Society, Feb. 2, 9, and i6, 1737-8 — — Some eleftricai experiments made at the prince of Wales's at Cliefden, April 15, 1738, where the eleflricity was conveyed 420 feet in a di rcct line -^ Something concerning electricity An account of fome elearical experiments made before the Royal Society, January 22, and March 15, 1 741 — Several eleflrical experiments made at various times before the Royal Society . Further experiments in electricity Some conjeftures concerning electricity, and the rife of vapours - - - Desmasters, Deverel — . Experiments about freezing (Surgeon). Ca'e in fjroery, com monly miftakcn for a fraCture cf the patera DiCQUEMARE, Abbe. Eflay on fea-aiiemonics ■ Second effay ■ ■ ■ 1 bird effay ' " ". DiGGEs, Edward. Obfcrvations on the orderin. of iilk-worms - " - DiNGLEY^ Robert. Some obfervations upon gem^ or precious ftones ; more particularly fucli a the ancient? ufed to eni'rave upon - — - Accounts of the irregularities of the tides in tri< river Thames, on the 12th and 13th of Fe bruary, 1756 DiONYSius of Piaccnza. Obfcrvations on fome ani mals, and of a ftrange plant m the kingdon of Congo - - - DiODATi, RoELOF. Account of an extraordinary inundation in the ifland of Mauritius •DiTTON, Humphry. Of the tangents of curve; deduced immediately from the iheory of Max ima and Minima An univerfal fpherico-catoptric theorem DiviNis, EusTACHius I)e. A coutcft between tw. artifts about optick-glaffcs , An obftrvation on optick-glalTcs made of rocl> cryAais - " " Tranf, XLI175 — 186 — 193 — 209 — ^34 — 637 — 661 XLII 14 - 433 — 435 ' ' — 140 XX 384, 439 — 437 II 165 XXXI 44 LXlil 361 LXV 207 LXVIl I, 56 VII 678 I 26 II 756 XLIV 502 X6I0 XLIX 530 XII 977 III 57 XX 268 II 329 Kx;ii 1333 XXIV 181Q IV 7 — 184 I 209 I 193 — 3^2 — 195 D1YINIS5 Abrldg. VIII ^39 — 419 — 422 — 429 — 430 — 432 DIV DOD 6i DiviNis, EusTACHius T)e. A dcfcripticH of a ivu- drofcopc of a new fafhion Dixon, Jeremiah. Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus over the Sun, June 3, i'r6i — — Oblervations for determining the length of a degree of latitude in the provinces of Mary land and Pennfylvania I Aftronomical obiervations made in the forks of the river Brandivine, in Pennfylvania . .1 ■ Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus made off the ifland of Hammerfoft l^ixoN, William. Account of vegetable balls which grow in a lake near the Huniber, in York (hire _ _ . DoBBs, Arthur. An account of a parhelion, feen in Ireland, March 172I — — Account of an aurora borealis, feen Sept. 1725, in Ireland An obfervation of the eclipfe of the Moon at Caflle Dobbs, near Carrick-fergus, in Ire lan>^, Feb. 2, 1728-g — — On the diflar.ce between Afia and America — — Obfervations on bets, aid their method of ga- thering wax and honey DoBSON Matthew, M, D. A defcrlption of a pe- trified itratum, fomed from the waters of Matiockj.in Dcrliylhire — — Experiments in an hea.ed room — — Obiervations en the annual evaporation at Li- verpool, in Laricafliire ;■ and on evaporation' confidered as a ted of the moiflure or drynef^ of the vitmofpht-re - - - DoBYNS, John. Account of feveral Hones found if the kidnies of a perfon DoD, Pierce, M.D. Account of an aneurifm of the aorta - - - ■ An account of an extraordinary cf[e£i of light ning in communicating ni.ignetifm, at Wake- field in Yorkfliire — — Cafe of a perlon making bloody urine in the fmall pox, and recovered Doddridge, Fhilip, D. D, Account of one who had no ear to mufic naturally, finging feveial tunes when in a delirium »= Account of a wether givirg fuck to a lamb ; and of a monftrous lamb of an earthquake, Sept. 30^ 1750 Tranf. Abridg. Ill S42 I 207 LII 378 LVIII 274 — 329 LIX253 XLVII498 XXXII 89 VI 2 77 XXXIV 128 VI 93 XXXVl 140 XLIV 471 -- 201 X 252 xLvi 536 ; XI 841 LXIV 124 LXV 463 LXVIII 24.; XXXV 452 — 436 XXX iX 74 XLII 559 XLIV 596 XLV 502 XLVI 712 VII 532 — i66 Vill i04 IX211 XI 1084 — 1218 X517 DODINCTON. Account of the Aponenfian Tranf. VII 4067 XLVTI333 XLVIII 273 6ii DOD DOV DODINGTON, baths near Padua DoDsoN, James. Of an improvement of the bills of mortality _ _ - . Letter about logarithms On the value of an annuity for life, and the probability of Turvivorfliip - - — 487 — — On the advanta2:es which will accrue from a periodic review of the variation of the magne- tic needle - - - — 875 Table of the value of the annuities for lives XLIX 891 On the variation of the magnetic needle, with tables of 50,000 obfervations - - L 329 DoLLoND, John. On an improvement of refra£\ing telefcopes, by increafing the number of eye- glalTes - - - XLVIII 103 - Defcription of a newinilrument for taking fmall angles - - - — 178 ... I. ■ Remarks on a theorem of Mr. Euler for corre£l- ing the aberrations in the objeft-glafles of refradiing telefcopes - - — « 287 .. An explanation of a new inftrumeat made for ineafuring fmall angles - - — 551 — — Experiments concerning the different refrangi- bility of light - _ - L 733 DoLLOND, Peter. Account of an improvement in his new telefcopes - - LV 54 i— — Defcription of fome additions and alterations made to Hadley's quadrant, to render it more ferviceable at fea - - LXII 95 An account of the apparatus applied to the equatorial inftrumcnt for corretiing the er- rors arifing from the refradion in altitudes LXIX 332 DoNATi, ViTALiANO, M. D. Nevv diicoveries re- lating to the hiftory of coral - XLVII 95 Account of the earthquake felt at Turin, De comber 9, 1755, and March 8, 1756 XLIX 61 2 DoNius, John Baptist. Account of a way of re fioring the falubrity of the country about Rome - - - V 2017 DouDY, Samuel. A relation of a ftrange fymprom attending a hydrops ped^oiis, and the na(on of it, as it appeared on the diflcdliun of tht body - - - XIX 390 Dove, John. Account of a furprizing fhc.il of pu- mice Hones found floating on the fea - XXXV 444 Abriclg. n 344 III 77 Dove, DOV DOW 613 Dove, John. Account of a comet chferved, Feb 29, 173 1-2, on board the Monmouth, ii Table Bay Douglas, Charles. Experiments and obHrvation^ upon a blue fubflance, found ii) the Peat Mo; in Scothad _ - _ — — All account of the refult of fome attempts mad'. to afcertain the temperature of the fea at grca depths near the coafts of I.apland and Nor way ; as alTo fome anecdotes colleced in th-. former account Douglas, J-*mes, M. D. An account of a ver\, large tumour in the fore part of the neck An account of an hydrops ovarii, with a new and exadt figure of the glandulae renales, an of the uterus in a puerp^ra of the difleiiion of a perfon who died ot an ulcer in- the right kidney An account of the left ventricle of the hear' of an amazin.; ma^^jnitude Obfervations on the glands in the human fpleen on a fradlure in the upper pajt of t^t thigh, bone ■ ■ The natural hidory and defcription of the ph^e nicopterus or flamingo, with two vjews of tht head, and three of the tongue — A new method of cutting for the (lone i- A botanical defcr'ption of the flower and feed veiTel of the crocus autumnalis fativus — — — Two chirurgical cafts ftated and anfwered — — The culture and management of faffron in Eng- gland , _ _ Of the different kinds of ipecacuanha — - — Au abftraft of a book, intituled, " A fhort Ac *' count of Mortifications, and of the fur ** prizing Effedls of the Bark, in putting . *■* Stop to their Progrefi." Douglas, Robert. The variation of the compafs containing iJiQ obfervations to, in, an. from, the Eaft Indies, Guin(Tl, "VVeft Indie . and the Mediterranean, v.'ith the laiitudej • and longitudes at the time of obfervation Douglas, Sylvester. Account of the tokay anc other wines of Hungary DowNE -^ . Account of an car(hquake ftJt ai Bridgport, March j8j 1749-50 Tranf. XXXVII395 LVIII 181 LX39 XXV 2214 — 2317 XXVII 32 XXIX 3N XXIX 499 — 523 XXXIl 83 — 441 XXXV 318 — 566 KXXVI 15c XXXVII42C, LXVI 18 LXIIi 292 XLVI 688 Abridg. VI 267 V 213 — 294 — 257 231 256 - 388 - 63 VII 527 yi 2 309 va536 -327 vn 645 Doz,; 6i4 DOZ DUD Doz, ViKCEN-T. Obrdrvauons 6f ttie-trahfil 'of ^e nus made in California - - Drake, Frakcis. On the bones of a foetus dil- char^^ed through an ulcer near the navel_ _ . . Accoimt of a Roman altar, with an mfcnption on it, found near York - - Drake J. M. D. On fome influences of refpira- tion on the motion of the heart, hitherto un- obferve^i - ' , " r 1 Dri-sgfius, Gerard Cork elius. Account of a l^ double-bodied child born in Pannonia, 1701, which lived 22 years - , ' Dublin Society. Of a periodical evacuation of blood at the end oF one ot the fingers Dublin, Archbishop of Of the manner of ma- nurinc. land by fea-fhells, as praaited m the countfes of Londonderry and Donnegal, m Ireland - ^ "^ -r^ -^ ~ , r DucAREL, Andrew CoLTEE,LL.D. On chefnut tre^s - - ■ "it 1 J , On th? early cultivation of botany m Lngland ; and fome particulars about John Tradefcant o-ardencr to king Charles]. - ^ Dudley, Sir Matthew. Account of the infecu in the barks of decaying elms and allies Dudley, Paul. An account of the method of mak ing fugar from the juice of the maple-tree in New England , A defcription of the moofe deer m America Account of the poifon-wood-tree in New Eng- land - " - -KT 'r 1 J A method lately found out in New England. for difcovering where the bees hive in the woods, in order to get their honey , Of a new fort cf molofTes made of apples . . Of the degenerating of fmelts . Account o'^f the rattle-fnake . An account of an extraordinary cure by fwcat ing in hot tt.rf ; with a defcription of the In dian hot-houfes - '^ , . , . Obfervaiions on fome plants in New England, with remarkable inftances of the nature and power of vegetation - ^ " ^ An eOay upon the natural hiftory of whales, with a particular account of the ambergris found in the fpermaccti whales Trajif. XLV 12! XLVIII 33 XXlIIi2i7 L 318 XV 989 XXVI 59 LXI 136 LXIII 179 XXIV 1859 XXXI 27 - 165 — 14s — 148 XXX11231 — 292 XXXIII — 194 Abridg. . XI 1019 V253 III 252 IV 2 298 V13 VI 2 '379 VII 447 VI 2 307 VII 403 v'l 2 379 — 256 Dudley. DUD DUM Dudley,, Paul. An account of a ftone taken out of a horfe at Boilon, in New England, 1724 — — An account of the feveral earthc^uakes which have happened in New-England (ince the fiift fettlement of the Englifh in that country, efpe- cially of the laft, which happened in Odlober 29, 1727 DuFAY, M. . On the efficacy of oil of olives in the bite of vipers DuiLLiER, Facio. Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Sun, May 12, 1706, made at Geneva DuMARE?quE, Rev. D. An account of that part of America which is neareft to the land of Kamtchatka, extraSted from the defcription of Kamtchatka, by ProfeiTor KrafliennicofF Dunn, Samuel. Some obfervations of the planet Venus, on the difk of the fun, June 6th, 1761. with a preceding account of the method taken for verifying the time of that phaenomenon ; and certain reafons for an atmofphere about Venus _ - _ An attempt to aflign the caufe why the Sun and Moon appear to the naked eye larger when they are near the horizon ; with an account of feveral natural phsenomena relative to this fubjedl - - - — — Reafons for a lunar atmofphere ♦-■ An account of the eclipfe of the Sun, October 16, 1762 — — — An account of an appulfe of the Moon to the planet Jupiter, obferved at Chelfea -— — Remarks on the cenfure of Mercator's chart, in a poiihumous work of Mr. Weft of Exeter <— — Account of a remarkable meteor October 6, 1763 - - ... Obfervations on ^he eclipfe of the Sun, April 1, 1764, at Brompton-Paik — — A determination of the exad movement of time when the planet Venus was at external and internal contact with the Sun's limb in the tranhts of June 6, 1761, and June 3, 17^9 DuNTHORNE, RiCHAR.1). On the Moon*s motion ■ On the acceleration of the Moon . Thoughts on comets - . - Elements of new tables of the motions of the fatellites of Jupiter 41 ' Tranf. XXXIV 261 XXXiX 63 XL 444 XXV 2241 LI 477 LII 184 — 462 -578 — 644 LIil3i — 66 — 351 LIV 114 LX 6s XLIV 412 XLVI 162 XLVil 281 LII 105 615 Abridg. VII 440 VIII 685 1X68 IV 252 X 78 - 84 DU/ONT^ 6i5 DUP DYO / DupoNT, An'drfw Peter. Account of a remark able marine infefl - - - PuPRE, M. — — . Account of five pair of muf ■- which ferve for different motions of the heat' . and of a deformed human fkall DuRANT, J. Account of a fubteriancous cavern ii Weredale. of "the Blue Well ne — — All obferyation in opticks — — — Defcription of a Chinefe pheafant - - of a bird from the .-.alt Indies Eeles, Henry. On the csufe of thunder ■ On the caufe of the afcent' of vapour and ex- 4 I 2 TranT. XXXIV 183 XXXV 343 XL 383 XV 1204 XXIX 317 XLVIII 499 XLIX 639 L 25s — 293 LI 653 — 833 LIII 229 LV 88 LXI55 XLYII 5?4 Abridg. VI 287 — 289 — 292 VIII 740 III 119 V2 14^ hal&tion. 6rS EHR ELL Tranf. XLIX 124 halation, and thofe of winds ; and of the general phaenomena of the weather and baro meter - - - . Ehrhart, Balthasar, M. O. Ohfervations in a journey over the Tyrol Alps, with acatalogue of the plants obierved - - '^^'\^^I On the origin of petrefadlions - XLiV 163 Ehret, George Diokysius. An account of a fpecies of ophns, luppofed to be the plant mentioned bv Gronovius, in the Flora Vir- ginica, p. 185 - ' .. An account of a new Peruvian plant, lately in- troduced into the Englifh gardens ; the fcveral cbaraaers of which differ from all the genera hitherto defcribed A defcription of the andrachne, and its botani- cal characters EiMMART, G. C. Obfervations on the variation of the magnetic needle, made at Norimberg, 1685 - - on the eclipfe of the Moon, Nov. 30, Ele, Martini. An account of the making pitch, tar, and oil out of a blackifli Hone in Shrop- (hire - - " Eliot, Rev. L. The efFefts of lightning at Stee- ple Afhton, and Holt, Wiltfhire, June 20, 1772 - - ' Ellicot, John. The defcription and manner of ufing an inftrumcnt for meafuring the degrees of the cxpanfion of metal by heat An account of the influence which two pendu- lum clocks were obferved to have upon each other - - - Ohfervations and experiments On the fpecific gravity of diamonds On weighing theflrength of eledlncal effluvia . EiTays towards difrovering the laws of elc£lricity Lxperiments in order to difcover the height to which rockets may be made to afcend, and to what diftance their height may be feen .. Two methods by which the irregularity of th motion of a clock, arifing from the influence of heat and cold upon the rod of the pendulum, may be prevented " Abridg. VIII 768 IX 462 X615 LIII81 — 130 LVII 114 XV 1253 XVI 146 XIX 544 LXIII 231 XXXIX 297 XLI 126 — 128 XLIII 468 XLIV 96 XLV 195, 203, 213 XLVI 578 XLVII 479 II 609 I 338 VIII 464 — 246 X612 — 324 — 386 389. 394 — 202 Ellicot, ELL Ellicot, John. Obfervatlons on fand lion Ellis, Charles. Account of the phyfic garden at Amfterdam — ■ — — of tlie Frlefland boy with letters in his eye . - - — — - of a young lady born deaf and dumb. taught to fpeak of F, Lynus'ji dyals at Leige of Sir John Mandevil's tomb at Leige of the cachol, or rooms cut in the rock of the caftle of Namur of the chamber of rarities at Boln of the quarry at Mjcftricht ■ That Cofterus firft invented printing in 1430 Ellis, Hekry. On the ufe of ventilators in a Ihip Ellis, John. Obfervatlons on remarkable corallines ■ • on a clufter polype, found in the fea near the coaft of Greenland ■ — — on a fpecles of corallines — — — — on the animal life of thofe corallines that look like minute trees, and grow upon oyfters and fucus's all around the fea coaft of thi? kingdom _ > _ - ' ■ — — on M. Schlofler's account of a curious flefhy coral-like fubftance — — A letter attempting to afcertain the tree that yields the common varnifli ufed in China and Japan - - - ■ An account of a red coral from the Eaft Indies of a very lingular kind Remarks on Bafler's obfervatlons on corallines polypus, and other fea animals — — Anfvver to Miller's remarks on Ellis's letter or the toxicodendron - - _ «■' Account of the heat of the weather in Georgia ■ Experiments relating to the prcfervation of lecds Account of the plants helefia and gardenia — — An account of the male and female cochineal infefts - > -. " of the fea pen or pennatula phofphorea of Linnaeus ; likewife a defcription of a new fpeciet- of fea pen found on the coaft of South-Carolina with obfervatlons on fea pens in general Oa the nature and formation of fponges -^ Account of an amphibious bipes •— — A letter on the coluber ceraftes, or horned viper of Egypt - „ . 6r#f" Tranf. j Abridg. I LUI48 I' XXIII 14161 V 2 II I - - 135 XLVII2II XLVlil 115 — 3^5 — 504 — 627 XLIX 449 — 866 L 188 — 280 — 441 — 754 LI 206 — 929 - II LII 661 LIII419 LV 280 LVI 189 — 287 Ellis, (no ELL ETT Ellis, Johk. A fupplement to the account of an amphibious bipes - " . ., Account of the animal nature of the genus ot Zoophytes called corallina ^ An account of the adlinia fociata, or animal flower, lately found on the Tea coalls of the new ceded iflands .^ Account of the fuccefs of fome experiments for preferving acorns for a whole year without planting ^hem, foas to be in a ftate fit for vct^e- lation, with a view to bring over (ome of the mod valuable feeds from the Eafl: Indies, to plant for the benefit of our American Colonies . Obfervations on a particular manner of increaf* in the animalcula of vegetable infufions, with a difcovery of an indiffoluble fait, arifing from hemp feed, put into water till it becomes putrid - " " ^ The figures and chara£lers of that elegant Ame- can evergreen, called by the gardiners Loblolly Bay, taken from blolToms blown near London — — An account of a new fpecies of illicium Linna^i, or flarry annileed tree, lately difcovered in Weft Florida - - , _ , On the nature of Gorgonia, that it is a real marine animal, and not of a mixed nature be tween animal and vegetable Obfervations on an eclipfe of the 1749, made at Earith near St. Ives. Huntins^donfliiie Tranf, \ Abridg. LVr307 LVli 404 — 42S Elstobr, Moon, Dec, 12 Eltov, John, 'i he defcnption of a new quadrant for ralcinfor performing cleftrical exp.riments EsTANCE, Valentin. Obfervations on the comet feen in 166H, at Brafil Ettrick, HrwRY. The deicription and draught of LVIII7S LIX 138 LX518 — 524 LXVl 1 XL VI 280 XXXVII273 xir 1C09 — 1010 XVII 533 LVII 186 IX 91 X91 III 13s — 61 II 825 I 370 a machme EVA EXl a machine for reducing fra*5tures of tht thigh EvATT, Rev. Samuel. An account of a remark- able monument found near Afliford in Der- ' byfhire . - _ Evelyn, John. Defcription of the Spanlfh fembra dor, or new engine for ploughing, fovving. and harrowing — — — Account cf the damage done In his gardei by the preceding winter EuLKR, Leonard. Account of the difcoverIe^ of the Ruffians, on the north eaft coaft ol Afia •— — On the gradual approach of the Earth to thi Sun - - — — On the contradtion of the orbits of the planet • An account of a prize of one hundred ducat offered by the Academy of Sciences at Peterf burg for the befi anfwer to the queftion *' Whether the theorv of Sir Kaac Newton 's J fufficient to explain all the irregularities which are found in the mot on of the Moon" Defcription of a new inftrument for taking fmal angles - - - On his theorem for corre£ting the aherraiions ii the objrft glalTes of refracting telefcopes - A deduction of the quantity of the Sun's parallaj trom the comparilon of the feveral obfervation* ol the late tranfil of Venus made in Eurfjpe, wi'h thofe made in George llland in the Souti. fea; - - « EusTACHids • Ohfervations on an eclipfe oi tne Moon, Sept. 8, 17 18, in Italy Exi MENUS, Anthony. Obiervation on the tranfit of Venus over the Sun, June 6, 1761, a> Madrid - ". 1 Tranf. XLI ^62 LII 544 V 1056 XIV 559 XLIV 421 XLVI 203 — 356 XLVII 263 KLVIII178 — 287 LXII 69 KXXIIl 75 Lil 251 b2i Abiids. 1 1X254 "153 X251* — 141 — 142 VI 187 Faeritiuj, 6z2 FAB FAR F. Fabritius, , M. D. Some new experiments of injedlina medicated liquor into the vens, together with the coniiderable cures performed thereby . _ - Facio, Nicholas. A vindication of his problem for finding the folid of leaft refiftance Fagk, M. La. An account of an extraordinary an- eurifm of the aiteria aorta, near the bales of the heart _ - - Facet, M. . . On the ufe of the ftyptics pur- chafed by his moft Chiiftian Majefty Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel. Experiments about the degree of the heat of fome boiling liquors - - - . Experiments and obfervations of the freezing of water in vacuo The fpecific gravities of certain matters dif- covered at different times for various purpofes Defcription and ufe of a new aerometer A defcription of a new barometer Fairchild, Thomas. An account of fome new ex- periments relating to different, and fometimcs contrary, motion of the fap in plants am; trees - - - Fairfax, Nathaniel. Obfervations on fome in- fers and their innoxioufneis Account of hailftonesof an unufual bignefs ■ Obfervations on an human body dead of odd difeafes - - - Inftances of pcculiaritiea of nature both in men and brutes Accountof a bullet voided by urine Fantoni, Pio. An algebraic problem, and of the folution of a certain mechanic curve amongft infinite hypermechanics which prove a deter- timate equation Farish, Rev. — -. Of the ftilling of waves by means of oil - - - Tranf. II 564 XXVIII 172 XXII 696 XLVII 560 XXXIII I -78 — 114 — 140 — 179 — 127 11 481 — 546 — 549 III 803 LVII 358 LXIV 445 Abridg. Ill 234 VI 2 49 — - 51 VI 329 — 326 VI 2 28 — -35- III 76 — 191, 287 — > 160 Farley, FAR FER 623 Farley, ■ On the effe£ls of the quafli root in fevers, at Antigua Farr, William, M. D. Obfervations on the barometer, thermometer, and rain, in 1767, at Plymouth . 1768, at Plymouth . . . - ■ 1775, at Briftol 1776, atBriftol 1777, at Briftol - 1778, at Briftol Farringdon, Rev. Account of the charr- fifh, in North Wales Fauquier, William. An account of an extraordi- nary ftorm of hail in Virginia, July 9, 1758 Fawler, John. An account of the cure of twc fmuous ulcers polTefling the fpace of the whoh arm, with extraordinary fupply of a callus, which fully anfwers the purpofes of the os hu- meri, loft in the time of cure Fav, M. Du. Letter on eleftricity Felton, Samuel. Account of lingular fpecics of locufts and vvafps Ferguson', James. An improvement of the celeftia' globe . - _ ■ A defcription of an inftrument to defcribe folai eclipfes _ _ _ ■ A d Jineation of the tranfit of Venus, cxpefted in 1769 _ , - — — Account of a remarkable fifh taken in the King's Road, near Briftol — — Account of an eclipfe of the Sun, April i, 176^; ■ Defcription of a new and fafe crane, which has four different powers ■m Obfervations on the ecIipfc of the Sun, April i. 1764, at Liverpool ■ Defcription of a new hygrometer — — Short and eafy methods for finding the quantity and weight of water contained in a fuU pipe of anv iriven height and diameter of bore — — Short and eaiy methods for finding the quantit} of time contained in any given number of meai' Junations, and the numl^er of mean lunation in any given quantity of time •■— ■■ - Short and eafy methods for finding the numbe: of troy pounds contained in any given numbti of averdupoile pounds, and vice verfa 4K Tranf. LVIll 80 — 136 LIX 81 LXVl 367 l.XVII 353 LXVl II 567 LXIXS51 XLIX210 L746 XXV 2^66 xxxviii 258 LIV 53 XLIV 535 XLVIII 520 LIII30 — 170 — 240 LIV 24 — 108 — 259 LV61 Abfidc V388 vm 393| X 156 Fe.<«'USON 624 FER FLA Ferguson, James. A newmcthod of conftruain;? fun-dials for any given latitude, wiihout the affiftance of dialing fcales, or logarithmic calcu- lacions - - . '. . Ferguson, John. Account of the extirpation o. part of the fpleen of a man Fern, , M. D. Hiftory of a remarkable foetus without the womb - ' r ( Ferner, Benedict. Obfervations on the tranfu of Venus over the Sun, June 6, 1761, in and near Paris - " ~ ^ June 3, 1769, at Stockholm Feuillee, Pere. The longitude of Buenos Ayres determined - " " , Fidge William. Account of a (lone taken out of the bladder of a dog, with a piece of dog-grafs in its center " " .' Field, Rev. James. Two cafes of wounds in the ftomach Fieldin'g, Robert, M.D. Narrative of the {hot of Dr. Robert Fielding with a muiket bullet, and its ftrange manner of its coming out of his head, where it had lain near 30 years, written by himfelf Fitzgerald, Keane. Experiments on applying the Rev. Dr. Hale's method of diftilling fait v/ater to the (learn engine . Farther experiments for encreafing the quantity of fleam in a fire engine ^ An attempt to improve the manner of working the ventilators by the help of the fire engine Defcription of a metalline thermometer .^ Experiments on checking the too luxuriant growth of fruit trees, tending to difpofe them to produce fruit A defcription of a new thermometer and baro- meter - - " _ . A method of leffening the quantity of fri<51ion id engines - - ~ — — An account of fome improvements made on .1 new wheel barometer., invented by him Flamste AD, John. An account of fuch more notabU celeftial pha^nomcna of the year 167O, as will be confjjicuous in the En^lifh horizon Thcappulfcsofthe Moon to Saturn and the fixeC ftars, obfcrvable in the year 1671, foretold, Tranf, LVir 389 XL 425 XXI 121 Lir 221 LIX 404 XXXII 2 XLIV 335 XXXII 78 XXVI 317 L53' — 370 — 727 LI 823 LIT 71 — 146 LIII139 LX74 IV 1099 Abridg. IX 149 III 214 XI 909 VII 508 V 205 I 453 and FLA and reduced to the meridian and latitude of London - - - FtAMSTEAD, John. Lun?e ad fixas appulfus viii- biles, necnon ar61ioncs jaxta eas tranfitus ob- fervablles A. 1672 prcedicli, et ad meridianun) latitudinemque Londini e Tabulls Carolinis accurate fupputati . Obfervations touching fome late appearances of Saturn _ . - . Appendix to the paper concerning fome appulfes to the Pleiads in 1672 Aftronomical obfervations partly already made and partly to be made Obfervations of Jupiter's tranfit near two fixt ftars in February and March 1671, at Derby _ _ - On the appulfes of the moon for 1673, and the other planets to the fixed flars, together with an obfervation on the planet Mars — — Some more accurate obfervations about Jupiter's tranfit near fixed ftars ; ufeful for determin- ing the inclination of that planet to the eclip- tique - - - — — New obfervations, made after a new and accurate way, of the fartheft elongations of the Medi- cean flars from the center of Jupiter ; together with fomeother uncommon ones concerning the diameter of the planets, and their diftances from fixed ftars, as alfo of the parallax of Mars, &c. — — The appulfes of the Moon and other planets to the fixt ftars predicted for 1674 Account of an inftrument to fhew the Moon% true place to a minute or two ; as alfo the wri ter's defign of correfting the hitherto affigned motions of the Sun; the other touching thr neceffity of making new folar numbers, to- gether with an expedient of making trial whe- ther the refradiions in Signor Caflini's table be juft - - Oblervations on the eclipfe of the Moon, Jan. i, 1674-5, at Derby — — Letter o;) Mr. Horrox's lunar fyftem — — Account of a total eclipfe of the Moon, June 26, 1675 . Anfvver to a letter propoiing a new place for the 4^2 6as Tranf, V 2029 — 3034 VI 3061 VII 5034 — 403S — SI18 VIII 6033 — ' 6094 — 6162 U53 '66 — 348, 3^'5> 424 424 381 40 1 III 149 IX 219 1 162 453 — 237 X368 I 308 — 453 — 371 -314 firft e^e FLA fift meridian, and pretending to evince the equality of all natural days, as alfo to fhew a way of knowing the true place of the rHoon pLAiMSTEAD, John. Obfervations on the lunar eclipfe, Dec. 2i, 1675 - -; AnfwertoM. Caffini's confiderations on Flam- ftead's account of the lunar eclipfe of Dec. 21, 1675 - . - . .. . Oblervations on the eclipfe of the fun, June 1 1, 1676 - -■ - . on the fpots of the fun, in July and Au- guft, 1676 on Mars covered by the Moon, Au- guft 21, 16 76) atGresnwicli on the Comet of April and May, 1677, at Greenwich A corrc£l tide tabic, (hewing the exa£l time of high water at London Bridge, on every day in 1683 - - ' Account of the foregoing table Obfervations on the ecliple of the Moon, Feb. 1 1 1682 - -. . - An account of three late conjunilions of Saturn and Ju});t-cr, vviihin t^e fpace ot feven months ; tojciher with ?.n account of what other con- jun^lions of thcni have hap, cned for more than 100 years h\{\ paft, beginning at 1563; and arable computed, whereby to make an eftimate what other conjunftions have happened for the time pafV, or what will happen for tht time to come An account of the edipfes and ingrefles of Jupi ler's latellites into his (hadow, and fuch emer lions of them as will be vilible at Greenwich in the laft three months of 1683 Account of the eclipfe of Saturn's fatellites for 1683, with a catalogue of them, and informa- tionb concerning its ufc A tk!e table of high water at London Bridge, in 1684, with directions for the ufe of it An account of a (pot feen in the Sun from Apiil 25 to May 8, 1683, with a line of its courfe p: edited if it make a fccond return Account of a fmall lunar eclipfe on June 16, 1684, obferved at Greenwich Obfervations on an eclipfe of tlie Sun, July 2, i684, ai Green wirh Tranf. X 429 — 495 XI 56s ~ 662. — 687 —• 723 XII 873 xiir 10 — 12 — 89 — 244 — 32a — 404 XIV 458 — 535 — 689 — 691 Abridg. 270,556 — 316 — 562 — 285 — 27B — 445 n 365 — ■^<^'»3 I 326 3^■ — 453 II 365 1 279 — 334 — 291 Flamsxead, FLA FLO FlamsT£ad, John. Calculation of tkc fameccJipfc, according to the Philolaic tables •~~— Account of the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites for 1685, wiih a catalogue of them, and infor mation concerning its ufe "' ■ - Table of high water at London Bridge for 1685, with diredtions — — An account of the cclipfcs of Jupiter's fatellite for 1686, and a table of the parallaxes of Jupi- ter's orb; and an ephemeris of Jupiter's geocen- tric places for the fame year ■ Table of high water at Londou Bridge for 1686 ' Defcription and ufcs of an indi ument for finding the diftances of Jupiter's fatellites froni hii axis with the help of the tabic of parallaxes and catalogue of eclipfes, prinled in the preceding Tranfaftions • Obfcrvations on the eclipfes of the Moon Nov. 30^ i68j,- ——Calculation of the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites for 1687, &c. — — Table of high water at London Bridge for 1687 .^ ,688 - - • A catalogue of all the eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites vifible in 16B8 ^— — Obfervations-oi; an eclipfe of the Sun, May 12. 1706^ at Greci-iwicli — — - Aflronoraical cbfevvations at Greenwich in 1711, 1712 — — Briti{h aftronoiiiicalobfsrvations made at Green- wich in 1713 Fleming, Malcolm, M. D. Some obfervationsj proving, that the fce;us is in pait nourillied bv the liquor aninii Flowers, S. Exaft draughts of fevsral unknowr characters, taken from the Ruins at Perfepoli; .»■» A paper containing foiue unknown antienii charadlers, with remarks therein bv Franci^| Aftoii Tranf, XIV 693 — 760 — 821 XV 1 2 15 — 1226 — i>:02 XVI icn — 232 — 428 — 435 XXV' 2237 XXVill 65 XXTX 285 XLLY 2^4 XVII 775 Floyd. Edward. Account of Iccufis lately obferved in Wales . - .. — — An acrount of the burning of fc.vcral hay ricks by a fiery exhalati -n or damp ; and cf the in- fe^ious quality of the gvafs of Icveral grounds Floyer, Sir John. A relation of two ruonilrous pigs, with the refemblance «jf human faces — 872 XVill 45 -" 49 XXI 431 Abridjij. ^557 II 36s U53 11 365 I 404 33^ — 559 IV 249 — 281 — 291 1115:6 . — 5oO II ""7 — i2i — 9C0 Floyer J. 628 FLO FOR FtovEE, Sir Jojm, An aeeount of two young turkies joined together by their breads •.^ Obfervacions on the clafs of fvvcet taftes, made by conipnrin^ the taP.es of fvveet plants, with Mr L'Eincry's chymical anaiylis of them in his treatife of drugs FoGELius, • . Obfervatlons on an eclipfeof the iViOon, Sept. 8, 1 67 1 . . — l— on the fpots of the Sun, returned Nov. 1, 1671 - r - Foley, Samuel, D. D. Account of the Giant.s Cauleway. in Ireland FoLKE-, Martin. Account of an aurora borealis, leen \iaich 30, 17 16, at London of Mr. Leeuwenhoek's cufious raicrofcope — — An account of the ilandard mealures preferved in the capital at Rome An obfervation of three mock-funs, feen atLon don, Sep'. 17, 1736 . On the frdh water pjlypus .— — An account of fome human bones incrufled with fione, no.v in the Villa Ludovifia at Rome A remark on F. Haidouin's amendment of a paf- fage in Pliny's Nat. Hift. lib. IL § 74 . Account of the earthqviake at London, March 8, 1749-50 . ' , " . ", at Kenfingtcn, fiom the account given by Tho.Tas Eurrat . Account of the fliock of an earthquake felt at Newton, in Northamptonfliire, Sept. 30, 1750 FoNTANA, Abbe. Experiments and obleivations on the iiitiamniable air breathed by various animals _ _ - .— — Account of the airs extra(51:ed from different kind^ of waters; with thoughts on the falubrity of the air at different places — — Memoir concerniug the American poifon called Ticunas - - Tianilation Foot, Daniel, M. D. Some reflections made on the enlarged account of Dr. Wittie's anfwer to hydrolo^ia chymica, chitHy concerning iIh cauk of the fuddcn lofs ot the virtues of mineral waters _ - . Forbes, George, M. D. An account ofthe patella cr limpet filh of Bermuda Tranf. XXI 434 XXIII 1 160 V^ 3033 XVIII 170 XXX 586 XXXII 4^6 XXXIX 262 XL 59 XLil422 XLIII 557 XLIV 365 XL VI 613 — 681 — 701 LXIX 337 — 43^ LXX 163 — ix IV 1050 L 859 Abrldg. II 898 V406 I 308 — 277 11 512 IV 2 154 VI 129 IX 486 VIII 29 X 598 XI 1378 X492 — SH II 365 Ford, FOR For 629 FoRDi James, An account of the fucccfs of agaric, and fiingiis vinofus, in amputations FoRDYCE, George, M, D. Of the light produced by inflainmation — — Examination of various ores in the mufeum of Dr. W. Hunter . A newmethod of eflaying copper ore [ FoRSTER, Rev. John. Account of an earthquake at: Taunton - - • I FoRSTER, J'^HN Reinhold. A fpecimcn of the^ natiirul hiftory of the Volga - j — — Account of a new map of the river Volga The management of carp in Polifli Pruffia — AiCCount of the roots ufed by the Indians in the neighbourhood of Hudfoii's Bay, to dye por- cupine quills — — Account of feveral quadrupeds from Hudfon's' Bay - . . I ».. An account of birds fent from Hudfon's Bay ;' vviih obfervations relative to their natural hif- tory ; and Latin defcriptions of feme of the moft uncommon — — An account of fome curious fiflies from Hudfon's Bay - - - FoRST£R, Rev. Richard. Extract from the regifter of the parish of Great Shefford in Berklhire, for ten years, v/ith obfervations On the nunber of people in England - j An account of a meteor feen at Stafford In, Berklhire, Oct. 20, 1759; with fome ob- fervanons of the weather of the preceding wmter — — Obfervations on noxious animals in England iFoRsTER, i HoMAs. Accounc of a new i/land lately raifed out of the fea near Tercera Forth, Henry. Account of a ftorm, Jan. 8, 1734-5, ^t Darlmgton P'oTHERGiLL, ANTHONY, M. D. Obfervations during the froft of Jan. 1776, at Norfhampro: — -^ — Account of the cuie of St, Vitus's dance by elec^ricitv _ - . FoTHERGiLL, JoHN, M. D. On the origin of amber - - - — — Obtcrvations on the Manna Perficum ■ With ad itions in the abridpement — — — Obiervatnns on a cafe puhlifhcd in the lad vo lume of the medical effays, &c. of the recover I Tranf. XLIX 93 LXVI 504 Lxrx ^29 LXX 30 XLV 398 LVII312 LVIII214 LXI310 LXII 54 — 37° - 382 LXITI 149 356 457 LI 299 LII 475 XXXII 100 XX-XIX 285 LXVI 587 XLIX I XLIII 21 — 86 Abridg,, VI 2 20^ XI 1299 inf FOT FRE ing a man dead in appearance by dlftendlng tht lungs with air - 7 r ,• j- FoTHr.aaiLL, John» M. D. Hiflory of a fplit dia- phragm in a child often months, accompaniet with^part of the inteftincs being thrown into the thorax - - • c-u • „ Obfervauons and experiments made in Siberia, extraded from the preface to the Flora Sibuici. ..^ Account of the magnetical machine contrived b) Dr. K.ni[;ht FoUCHY, John Paul Grandochamp. Aftronomi- cal diflertationon the lunar atmofphere FoumJET, joH. Fr. An explanation of the new chronological table of the Chinefe hiftory FouRNEAUx, Capt. Account of a mufical inftru- ment brought from the ille of Amlterdam u the South Seas, 1774 FowKE, General. Obfervations on the cnrthquakf ofLill»on, Nov. I, T755, made in Barbary Fracassati, Charles. Experiments of injeding liquors into the veins of animals —-- Expetiinents upon blood grown cold . . Cokhnnation ot ihc experimenis of inje£ling liquors, S:c. - * j 1 1 ^ , An obiervation about the epiploon or the double membrane, which covers theentrails oi anmial^ and is filled with fat FRAyKLiK, Benj. Or the effeds of lightning «-^,_ Account of an eleftrlcal kite . Eleclfical experiments made in rurfuance ot ihofe of Mr. Canton, dated Dec. 3, 1753; with explination by P^-anklin .^ Extraa of a letter concerning ekaricity On the effcds of elecftncity in paralytic cafes _ , Remarks on Bcccaria's experiments inelc£lricit\ .—- Account of Mr. Canton's experiments in elec- tricity - ' " ^. Meteorological and phyfical obfervations, con- jedfures, and fuppofions Obfervations on the tranfit of Mercury over tin Sun, Nov. 9, J 769 «.- — On pointed condutiors On the ftiUing of waves by oil Fr a?er, Tames. Account of Lake Nefs, kc, -Freeman, ■ . Cafe of a lady whobad ftonc. un. dtr her tongue Tranf. XLIII 27s XLIV II XLV 248 LXVIS9I XLI 261 XXXVI 397 LXV 67 XLIX428 n 490 — 493 — 551 Abridg. XI 969 XI 1078 — »333 VIII 172 VII 4 13 — 5S3„ XLVll 289 -565 XLIX 3C0 — 30s L481 LI 525 LI I 456 LV 182 LXI 51 LXIir66 LXIV 445 XXI 230 XLVI s III 232 — 456 11658 II 322 I III 538 I XI 959 > REEMAN, FRE FUL Freeman, •— . Account of an earthquake, Feb.5, i74.9-i;o, at Eltham • On the ruins of Herculaneum Freind, John, M. D. Cafe of a hydrocephalus ' Cafe of an extraordinary cramp "' A vindication of his chymicai Iei£^ures wherein 't the ohjeftions (in the Leipiic Tranfactions. 1 Sept. 1 710) brought againfl the attractive force of matter, are removed Freke, John. Cafe of an extraordinary exoftofis on the back of a boy - - . . — — Defcription of an inftrument for reducing a dif- located fhoulder — — A letter, inclofing a paper of the late Rev. Mr. C^eed, concerning a machine to write down extempore voluntaries, or other pieces ol' mufic - - . — — An extraordinary cafe of a fraf^ure of the arm Frewen, T. An account of the condition of the town of Haftings, after it had been vifited by the fmall pox . Cafe of a patient, who voided a large ftone through the perinasum from the urethra p Cafe of a young man flupified by the fmoke of fea coal _ _ , Frobenius, Sigismond Augustus, M. D. An account of a fpiritus vini sethereus, together with feveral experiments tried therewith - Abftraft of the papers communicated to the Royal Society, concerning his fpiritus vini sethcreus _ - - Froidour, M. De. Some additions to the narrative about the conjundHon of the ocean and Mediter- ranean, by a channel in France FulleR; John. A ftrange efFe£l of the great ftorm in Suffex in 1703 Fuller, Rose, M. D. Obfervations on the comei of 1736-7, at Jamaica ■ The effects of Dampier's powder in curing the bite of a mad dog - Obfervations on remarkable red lights feen in the air, Dec. 5, 1737, in SufTex •— — A defcription of a large lake called Malboln: Tarn, near Skipton in Craven, Yorkfhire •— A account of a violent hurricane in Huntington- ihire, Sept. 8, 1741 - T "T 6.3* Tranf. Abridg. XLVr 605 XLVII 131 XXI 318 XXII 799 X491 III 2$ V 208 XXVII 330 — 428 XLI 369 iX235 XLII 556 — 264 XLIV 445 XLVI 397 X255 XI 1 108 ' XXXVIIioS VII 632 LII258 — 254 XXXVI 283 VII 744 XLI 864 1X379 vir 4080 III 683 XXIV 1530 XL 122 VIII 215 — 272 IX 224 XLI 606 — 612 VIII 641 -^851 — 491 Fuller, 1632 FUL GAR VIII 523 III 2\ Traaf, \ Abridg. Fuller, Rose, M. D. Account of a fire ball feen in the air, and of an explofion heard, Dec. 11, ^^^ ^^^ FvNN.Y!'FirLplfrBBST. Cafe of Ann Daven- ^^^^^^ ^^^ port G^ r.T^RY P^TtR. AcccTint of an aurora boreahs oV ^"^ Wved at the Hague, Feb. 27, 1750 " ^ . obr^rvations on the comet of May 1756, made , !ll!rof''a^ finery meteor feen ^t tlie Hague, GAERTNErjosF-PH! M. D. AccouHt of the urtlca GULHrnr— . J-- M.D.' Obfervationsupon different maladies T« . , " - Gale Benjamin, M. D. Hiftoncal metiioirs, relatincr to the praaice of moculation for the fmall ^x in the Brit.ih American Provmces particularly in New England - ^ An account of the fuccefsful application o. fait] to wounds maxlc by the bite of rattle fnakes r^ r- RnrvR A difcourle occaHoncd by an mlcnp- ^'' ' ^on found at Langchefter in the Bill.oprick of Durham ' . , T . r j „. . An account of a Roman mfcription, found at Chicheller - , ' I . A copv of an ancient chirograph, or conveyancel of part of a fepulchre, cut in marble, lately brought from Rome j with feme oblervations upon it ' . ^ ' , 1 J On the verretation of melon feed 33 years old Zn An account of a foffil ficeleton of a man found nearBakewcllin Derbyfhne - Calllt M An obfervation of the folar eclipfe, Ju'neii, 1676, at Av.gnon - Gandolpke, M. Obfervations upon incifions of tli GARCiNrLAURENCP,' M D Remarks on th family of plants called MuU 1 XXX 823 XXXII 391 XXXIX 211 XLIIl 265 V 2 50 VII 4 23 IX 433 X 761 — 266 — 79j XII 1020 I I 289 XXVI 387 V 286 XXXVI 3771^12 3^>i Garcin, GAR GEO I Tranf^ CarciN, Laurence, M; D. Defcrlption of a new family of plants called Oxyoides XXXVI 377 — — - — — of the hirundinella marina, or fea leach — — — — The fettling of a new genus of plants called, after XXXVIII the Malayans, Mangoftans - 232 < On the Cyprus of the antlents - XLV 564 ■ The eftablifhment of a new genus of plants, called Salvadora, with its defcrlption XLVI 47 Gard, Rev. Samuel, Du. A relation of a flrange kind of bleeding in a little child - IX 19J Garden, Alexander, M. D. Account of the eleilrlcal eel - - LXV 102 Garden, George, M. D. Account of a man of a Ilrange imitating nature - XII 042 '■■' ■ ' of feveral human calculus's of an unufua! bignefs _ - . — 843 «■ ■ ■ A difcourfe concerning weather - XV 991 On the probofcis of bees - — 1148 ■ On the caufes of feveral winds - — — On the modern theory of generation XVII 474 « Account of a thunder ftorm near Aberdeen XIX 311 On the caterpillars that deftroy fruit XX 54 '"■ • Account of a ftone cut from a child having a flint with'n it - - XXII 689 Gaubill, Father. Of the knowledge of geography amongft the Chinefe - - XLVI 327 ' Account of the paper money current among the Chinefe ^ - - Two letters concerning the Chinefe chronology and aftronomy - - XLVlil 309 •~— A defcription of the plan ofPekin - L 704 Gaze, John. Cafe of a boy troubled with con- vulllons cured by the difcharge of worms — 521 Geach, Francis. Cafe of a man who had fix ftones taken out of the gall bladder LIII 231 ~- — Cafe of a man wounded in the left eye vvith a fmall fword - - - — 234 Gennes, M. De. a new invention of a clock afcen- dant on a plane inclined - XII ioo5 - A new engine to make linen cloth without the help of an artificer - - — 1007 Ceoffry, M. On the mineral water of St. Amand near Tournay and Valencienne - XX 430 -■ ' A way to make two clear fpirituous inflammable liquors, which differ very little in tarte and fmell, and being mixed together, do give ? fine carnatloii colour, without either fenfiblt; 4 L 2 ^33 Abridg. [ VI 2 357 VII 418 VIII 755 ; * X 741 * — 699 III 8 150 11! II 118 — 129 — 907 — 715 — 759 III 164 X255 XI 1364 468 501 II fermen-^ 'S't GEO GL A Tranf. fermentation or alteration - XXI 43 Geoff'ry, M. Account of the new ree;uIations in the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris — 144 The exaft quantity of acid falt3 contained in acid fpirits - - XXII 530 Obfervations upon the diflblutions and fermenta- tions which we may call cold, becaufe they are accompanied with a coolnefs of the liquors into which they pais - - — 951 Account of a new thermometer - — 962 ■ Experiments upon metals, made with the burn- ing glafs of the Duke of OrleaRs - XXVI 374 — — Account of Mr. Seignette's fal polychreflus rupel- lenfis, and fome other chemical falts XXXIX y/ Method of making loap lees and hard foap foj medicinal ufes - - XLII 71 •— — Account of a child of a monftrous fize — 627 ■ On the effects of the vitrum antimonii ceratum XLVII 273 Germain, St. . Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus over the Sun, June 3, 1769, near Quebec LIX 247 Gersten, Christian Lewis. Defcription and ufe of an arithmetic machine, invented by him XXXIX 79 ■ A new method of calculating eclipfes, particu- larly of the earth, and of any appulfes of the Moon to planets and fixed ftars - XLIII 22 — — Obfervations on Mercury feen over the Sun, Nov. 5, 1743, at Giefa - XLIV 376 — — — A delcription of an aflronomical mural quadrant freed from many inconveniences - — 507 Ghisilieri, Marq. Anthonv. Obfervations made in Italy of an eclipfe of the Moon, Sept. 8, 1 7 18 XXXIII 77 GiBBoNs, William, M. D. An account of a red colour reducetl by mixture of a lulphureous fp'irit with a volatile alcali - XIX 542 Giles, . Hifiory of a tumour in the lower part of the belly - - — 420 - ' The original of a polypus - — 472 GiLKES, MoKETON. Account of the petrefa£llons n' ar Matlock Baths in Derbyfhire ; with con- jectures concerning pecrcfaftions in general I XLI 3^2 Glanvill, Joseph. Anlwer to fome inquiries con j ccrning mines - - II ^25 — — Additional anfwers - - _ -. HI ydy Obfervations on the Rath fprings - IV 977 Glass, Samuel. Cafe of an uncommon dropfy fronj the want of a kidney j and a large faccu that contained the water Abridg. Ill 367 II 252 IV 2 lO IV 190 1X393 — 368 — 2^7 VIII j6 X55 — 104 14 ■rO VI 189 I 214 III 367 — .5^ \^ill 707 II 573 — 574 — 23^ I XLIV 733 'xi 1027 1 GleniEj. GLE GOS ^35 Glenie, James. Propofitlons fele^^ed from a paper on the divlfion of right lines, furfaces and and folids ^r — The general mathematical laws which regulate extend proportion Glover, Thomas. An account of "Virginia, its fituation, temperature, produ6lions, inhabi tants, and their manner of planting and order- ing; tobacco, &:c. Gmelin, Philip Frederic Medico -phyfical obfer vations on ipecacuanha - ■-■ Obfervations on fome imperfeftions of fi jht through compound microfcopes Goddard, Jonathan, M. D. Obfervations on a cameleon — — Experiments of refining gold with antimony GoDDEN, Michael. Account of the irregularities of the tides at Chatham Godfrey, Ambrose. Experiments on the phof- phorus urinae - - - Examination of Weft Afliton well water GoocH, Benjamin. Account of the cuticular glove — — On aneurifms in the thigh »■ ■■ On an amputation above-knee by the fingle circular incifion Goodrich, — — . " Account of a great number of ftones found in one bladder GooDYEAK, Aaron. A relation of the fymptoms that attcRded the death of Mr. R. Burdett, an Englifh merchant of Aleppo, who was killed by the bite of a ferpent Gordon, Patrick. Account of a water fpout ob ferved in the Downs Gordon, William. Of a fire ball fe en Dec. ii, 1741 - - GoREEj Father. A relation of a new ifland, which was raifed up from the bottom of the fea, on the 23d of May 1707, in the Bay of Santorini, in the Archipelago GoRSUCH, Rev. William. An extrafl from the regifter of Holy Crofs, in Salop, from Mi- chaelmas 1760, to Michaelmas 1770 GosTLiNG, Rev. William. Account of a fireball feen in the air and an explofion heard, Dec. i r, 1741, in Kent -.^ Account of three mock Suns feen December 19, . 1741 • - » I 7 Tranf. LXVI 73 LXVII 450 Abridff. o XI 6 23 XLIII 382 XII 930 953 XLIX 52; XXXVIII 58 XLI 828 LIX 281 LXV 378 LXV 482 II 482 III 566 X761 II 816 — 595 ^^ 373 Vlll 629 III 149 XX 35, XXII 805 XLII 58 XXVII 354 LXI57 XLI 872 XLII 60 II 813 IV 2 103 VIM 5=5 VIII 524 525 CoTTVKALS^ GOT GRA GoTTWALD, John- Christopher, M. D. A de- fcrlption of die plague at Dantzick in 1709 Gould, W. An account of the incrcafc of weight in oil of vitriol expofed to the air . An account of a polypus found in the heart of a perfon who died epileptical GouRDON, Sir Robert. A receipt to cure mad dogs, or men or bcafts bitten by mad-dogs , Account of the remains of the obfcrvatory of the famous Tycho Brahe ^ - Account ofacataradl near Gottenburg Graeff, Regnerus De. Obfervations on the or- gans of generation Grjeme, William, M. D. Account of the opera- tion of Bronchotome Graham, George. Obfervations of an extraordi- nary height of the barometer, December 21, 1721 _ - - of an eclipfe of the fun, November 27, 1722, at London . made of the variation of horizontal needle at London, in the latter part of the year 1722, anJbeginningof the year 1723 ,._ on the dipping needle made at London 1723 - - _ "... A contrivance to avoid the irregularities in 2 clock's motion, occafioned by the adtion of heat and cold upon the rod of the pendulum An obfervation on the eclipfe of the Moon, Nov. 20, 1732, made at London of an eclipfe of the Sun, May 2, 1733'^* London - " ~ made in London by Mr. Graham, anr at Black River in Jamaica, by Colin Campbell, concerning the goin* of a clock, in order to determine the difference between the lengths of ilbchronal pendulums in t hole places Defcription and ufe of an inllrument for taking the latitude of the place at any time of the day - - - Obicrvations on an eclipfe of the Moon, Marcl-. 15, 1735-6, at London — — of an eclipfe of the Sun, Sept. 8, 1736, at London - - " ct an occultation of Mars by the Mocn, Oct. 7, 1736, at London ' Traiif, XXVIII loi XIV 496 - 537 XVI 298 XXII 691 IV 1043 XXXVl 448 XXXI 222 XXXII 198 XXXIII 96 — 332 XXXIV 40 XXXVill 88 — 113 — 450 XL 14 — 92 — 100 Abrida". II 534. I 279 III 70 — 283 I 216 II 325 HI 192 V II 496 VI 2 28 VI 171 VI 2 290 — -28 VI 297 VIII 13s VII 238 VIII 371 — 164 — 186 Graham, G R Y GkAHAM, George. Obfervationg of the tranfit of Mercury over the Sun, Odober3i, 1736, at London _ - _ ■'■ on an eclipfe of the Sun, February 18, 1736-7, at London ' of an eclipfe of the Sun, Aug. 4, 1738, at London ■ ■ of an occultation of Aldebaran by the Moon, Dec. 12, 1738 ■ of an eclipfe of the Moon, January 2, 1740 - - -- •■ ■ of an occultation of Jupiter, and his fa- tellitesbythe Moon, Oft. 28, 1740 ■« — Cafe of a large quantity of matter or water con- tained in cyftis's or bags adhering to the perito- naeum and not commmunicating wiJh the cavi- ty of the abdomen — — An account of a comparifon lately made by fome gentlemen of the Royal Society of the ftandard of a yard, and the feveral weights lately made, .for their ufe ; with the original ftandards of meafures and weights in the Exchequer, and fome others kept for public ufe, at GuildhaH, Founders Hall, the Tower, occ. — — An account of the tranfit of Mercury over the Sun, Od. 25, 1743 of the ecliple of the Moon, Odober 22, 1743 ■**■■ Some obfervatjons made during, the iaft three years of the quantity of the variation of the magnetic horizontal needle to the weftward Gramont, Father, Account of the kang or Chincfe ftoves > - _ Account of two odd births On the nature and properties of Grandi, Jacome, Grandis, Guido, found — — A handful of geometrical flowers exhibited to the Royal Society Graves. John'. Manner of hatchintr chickens at Cairo Gray, Sir James. Account of the late difcoveries at Herculaneum Gray, John. An account of the Peruvian bark extraded from lomc papers of William Anot, who had gathered it in Peru Gray, Stephin, On making water fubfervient to! Tranf, XL 102 — 175 XLI 91 — 632 — 633 — ' 647 — 7c8 XLir 541 - 578 — 5S0 637 Abridg. VIII 194 ^ 139 — 153 — 135 — 172 — 184 IX 187 — 491 VIII 202 — 172 XLV 279 X 698 LXI 61 V 1,88 XXVI 270 XXXII 355 XII 923 XLVIII 825 XL 81 III 301 1^414 VI 67 II 581 vm 776 1 ti:e 6<8 GR A GR^ tVie vievi-ing both near s-nd ciil^ant objecls, with I the defcription of a natur;:! refle£^ing micro I I'cope — — Microfcnplcal obfervations and experiments - - ■ Further account of his water microfcope - Experiments about making a concave fpeculum nearly of a parabolic figure — — A way of meafuring the height of Mercury in the barometer more exa£l!y '■ — An obfervation of fome parhelii feen at Canter- bury, Feb. 6, 1692-3 — •— of an unufual parhelion and halo, April Obfervations on the foilils of Reculver Cliff - Method of drawing the meridian line, by the pole flar, and finding the hour by the fame ■ Obfervations of the fpots in the Sun in June 1703 . ^ . "' on an eclipfc of the Sun, May 12, 1706, at Canterbury ■ New elecSlrical experiments Several experiments in electricity On the elcdricity of water Experiments in eledricity — — Experiments in eleftricity Experiments in eleftricity Experiments in eleclricity Experiments in ele6fricity Ele6frical experiments Greaves, . Experiments for trying the force of great guns - - Greaves, Johv. Account of the latitude of Con- flaiitiiiopie and Rhodes — — Reflections upon the report cnade by Lord Trea furer Burleigh to the Lords of the Council, of a confultation had, and the examination of the plain and bri-^f difcourfe by John Dee for reforming the calender Green, Charles, Aftronomical obfervations at King George's Ifland in the South Seas Green, John, M. D. Relationof a girl three years old who remained a quarter of an hour under water without drowning ■ Account of an earthquake felt Aug. 23, 1 750, at Spalding, Lincolnftiire Tranf. XIX 539 — 280 — 353 -787 XX 176 XXI 126 XXII 535 — 762 --815 XXIII 1502 XXV 2238 XXXII04 XXXVII 18 — 227 — 285 — 397 XXXIX 16 — 166 — 220 — 400 XV 1090 — 1295 XXI 356 LXI 397 XL! 166 XLVI 725 Abrldg. I 195 209 5 111 65; I 209 — - 214 II 12 — 187 — 18S IV 461 — 462 — 229 — 250 VI 2 7 — - 9 — - 22 — - J39 VII 4 96 vm 397 — 401 — 404 I 495 — 564 — 405 IX 241 Green G R E Cree-m, William. Account of a very extraordi nary effect of lighLning on a bullock ■Greenhill Thomas. H tlati< n of four cxtraordl nary niedico-chirurgic .1 cales •— — An abftradt of l^-KpokVj^sijif or the art of em balming . _ _ Greenwood, Isaac. A new method of com pofing a natural hiftory of meteors •— — Account O' fome of the effects and properties o^ damps, f'-om obfervations of the effects o opening an old well at Bofton in New Eng land, juiy 19, 1729 Gregory, David. A iolutlon of the Florentine problem, touching the figure of a cupola, u hofe windows being out, the remainJer is quadrable . _ . •■ A paper aflcrtmg fome mathematical inventions to their true authors «— — Account of the curve calleJ catenaria - Obfervations on the eclipfc of the Sun, Sept. 13, 1699 at Oxford — — Anfwer to the animadverfions on Dr. Gregory's curva catenaria made in the Leipfic a6ls — — The curve afligned by Caflini to planets as their orbit, confidcred and rejected — — V indicia: mathefeos univerfalis Gregorian^ contra fecundos Abbatis Galloylii impetus in Hiftoria Acad. Scient. 1703 Gregory James. An account of a controverfy be- tween S;ephano de Angeiis of Padua, and J. i Riccioli, concerning the motion of the earth ••—Anfwer to the animadveriions on Mr. Hugc- nius's book De vera Crculi & H per' oix Quadvatura, as publiflied in the Journal dcs Scavans ■" Confideratlon upon M. Hugen's letter, printed in vindication of his examen of the book, en tituled Vera Circuli 6: Hyperbolae Quadr:>tura Gregory, William. Account of a pin taken out or the bladder of a child ■ ■ ' Ace ;unt of a monftrous foetus refembling an ho<'dcd monkty - - Greschow, Augustine Nathaniel. An obfer- vation of an extraordinary lunar circle, and of two parafelen-'s made at Paris, Ociober 20. •1747 - . , 4M Tra'-f. LX''I 49-^ XXII 617 XXIV iioi .XXV 390 XXXVI 184 XVIII 25 — 233 X;X 6j7 XXI 33^ — 419 XXIV 1704 XXV 2336 III 693 — 732 — 882 XL 367 XLI 764 ^39 ANrldg. I 1119^ "3 VI 2 125 — - i9r I 116 — 39 — so IV 206 XLV 5-24 II 407 JX IIS — 315 X483 Greschow, 64« GRE GUT Greschow, Augustine Nathaviel. An ohfer vation of the eciiple of the Sun at Paris, July 14, 1748 .. - - - on an eclipfc of the Sun. Jan. 8, 175c at Berlin Grew. Nehemiah. on the nature of fnow ■ Delcription and ufe of ihe p)res in the (kin of the hands. and feet m.. Oo'ervafioDS on a di/e-ifec^ (nlcen — — - DeJcriptiMn of the An.erican Tojnineiuf, 01 humming bird - — — On the food c' the humming bird . A ('emonftration of :he numner of acres con talnfd in Eng'and, or Sou'h Britain; and ihe ufe which may be made of it Griffith, . Account of the efft-fts c,f a ftorm of thunder and Ightnmi on Fembrcke Col- leclge, Oxford, June 3, 1765 Grind AIL, Richard. Caie of the efficacy of bark in a mortifica ion Gronovius, J. HN Frid. M. D. Method of pre- paring fpecunens of filh , Account of a water infeft, which, being cut into feveral pieces, becomes fo m^ny perfeO animals , - _ - . The figure of the mui^e'a foffilis Grovestins, M. Account cf an earthquake at the Hague on Wednefday the 18th of February, 1756 - - - - ^ GuATTiNi, Ang. De. Obfervations on fome am mals, and on a ftrange pbnt made in a voyage into the kingdom of Conj^o Gulielmini, Domin. Obfervatinn^ on an ecllpfe of the Sun, July 12, 1684. ai Bologna Gullet, Christopher. On the efftdts of elder ir preferving growing plants from inleds and flies Gulst >n, Edward. Account of an tarthquakt, Apr 1 2, 1762, at Chiittigzon — — Another account from Lhittigong - 1 Gul ton, Francis. Acctjunt of an antient date at Widgc-Hall, in Hertfordfhire Guthrif, Matthew, M. D. On the antifipti- cal diet of the natives of Ruffia j_ Account of rhe manner in which the Ruffians treat perfvns affccUU with ihc fumes of barn- Tranf. XLV ^24 xr,vi 339 via 5.^3 XIV .j66 XVII 343 — 760 -8,5 XXVII 266 LV 273 L379 XLII 57 — 218 XLIV 451 XLIX 544 XII 977 XVII 858 LXII 348 J III 251 — 263 XXXIX 12: LXVIil 622 ■ Abrldg. : X 483 - 78 I 11 148 III 9 - 85 11854 J IV 449 IX XI n 874 III 57 I 295 IX 421 in S GUV HAI ing charcoal, and ether effluvia of the farm nature ... Guv, Richard. An extraordinarv cafe of a ciild GwiTHER, , M. D. Difcourle of phydo^ DQmy " - - . Tranf. LXIX 325 XLiX34 XVIII i;8 H. H. Mr. Inquiries for Turkey H. R, Obfervations on the Chincfe charafters Hadley, George. The mereorological diarie communicated to the Royal Society for 1729, 1730 - . - - — i73i» 32, 33. 34, 35 - . • Hadley, John. An account of a catadioptricii ttle- fcope made by him, with the defcription of a machine for applying it to ufe ■ Obfervations on the fatellites of Jupiter and Sa- turn - - - An account of an aurora borealis fecn at Exon, Oa. 8, i726 ■ ■' " A defcription of a new inftrument for taking: angles _ _ _ — — Obfervations made on board the Chatham yacht, Aug. 30 31, and Sept. i, 1732, for the tria' of an inftrument for taking angles m A fpirit-level to be fixed to a quadrant for tak- ing a meridional altitude at fea when the ho rizon is not vifible — — On the caufe of the general trade-winds Hadley, John, M, D. An account of a mummy in fpeiied at London, 1763 Haffenden, Richarp, The effefts of lightning on a houfc which had a pointed condu£lor ai Tenterden - _ _ Haines, Edward. An account of an occultation ;, of Saturn by the Moon, March 19, 1687, ob- ferved at Tolteridgc, near London, latitude Si' 39' - - - . 4M2 I ^60 XIV 63 XL 154 XLli 243 xxxir 303 -385 XXXIV 143 XXXV1II47 — 341 xxxvirr 167 XXXIX58 LIV 1 LXV 336 XVI 268 641 Abridg III 8 — 631 — ^32 viri 578 -589 VI 221 VI 2 lOCi VI 139 — 428 VIII 357 — 500 1 365 1 Half, •42 HAL HAle, Richard, M. D. The human sUantoIs fully d.fccv-red -^ — An accjunt of the external max'llar, and other fahva-y glands ; alfoof .. he infer'jons of all the lympharicks (as well above as below rhc fab- claviansj into the veir.c Hales, Rev. Stephen. An accoant of a machi .e for meafuring any deprh ni the ll'j, with oreat expedition and ccr'^ainty ■ A method of convey in j; liquors into the abdo- men during the cperat'on of tapping . , A propo''al ro brmj^ ■"m 11 pafTable flones vvl h eale out of the i. ladder . An accoLint of the great benefit cf Y.-ntila;o;s in nianv inflances in nrelcr -ing the health and Ives of p.ople in llave ar.d other tranfport fh ps «— An account of fomri trials to cure the il! tafle of iiiilii, which is occflfio.'ie'i bv the feed of CO AS, either from tur. 'ps, cabbages, or au tumnal leaves, See. alio to fweeten ftinking water ^ _ . . A propofal '^or checking in foiiie degree the pro- g.-efs of fires _ _ _ ■ Account of fo!Tie elecftncal experiments ■ . An exam n ition of the lliepgth of feveral of the principal pugiig water?, efpecially that or JeiTo^'s Weil' *— r)n thr cau'es of eaithquakes • Obfervationi on the utility of ventilators in a (hip . . . _ A'l .cconnt of the buckvt fca- lage to find the diff rtji.t de^rtes of coolnefs and faltnels of the fea - — — An acco nt of feme trials to keep water and fiih f.vect with liiinr-wattr — — An account c f the great benefit of blowing (Low IS of freih air up through dif^illing liquors _ - _ ... An account of fom^ trials to fv^ceren ftinicing water _ _ _ Halifax, ev. William. A rdation of a voyyge from ,Alepp'> lo Palmyra in Syr'a Hall, Cap. t*periments on the pwlfon of the rattl -liiiike Haller, ALbFRT. Obfervitio de ovarii fteatomatc li de pilis ibidem invcmis Tranf. XXII 835 XXXI 5 XXXV 559 XLIII 20 XLIV 332 — 339 x; V 277 — 409 XLvr 446 — 669 XLVII 211 — 214 XLVIII 826 XLIX312 — 339 X.XSs XXXV 309 XUIl?! Abridg. V3H Vil 4s^g VI 2 163 XI 1034 — 990 X634 XI 1391 X 406 574 535 III 503 VII 412 XI 10C9 Halllu, HAL Haller, Albert. Account of tlie cyanus foliis rarica ibus, partim inregri , paitim pinnatis, bradlea ca'.ycis ovali, flore fulphurro *■ An obfervacion on a fchirrus f f ilie cerebelluni — — Two obfervations of a diieaied coniorniation in bodies _ - _ ■ Difeafed conformations '"ound in bodies - Some experiments relating to refpiration »- ( iblervationes de vlis (em 'lis Hallerstein, , O; Icivations on the comet fecn at Pek.in, i 7^8 Hallet, William, M. D, Account of an au- rora boreal! ' fcen at hxon, Od. 8, 1726 ■ Cafe of a lad fliot through rhc iurgs, drawn up h.' N. Pcicrs - - - Halley, Edmuxd. a direct ard gcomefrical me- thod by wh'ch the ap.ielia cxcenrncities, and proport on of the orbs of the primary planets are foun-^, without fappolmg the ttjualit/ of the angle of raot-on at the otber focus of the planets ellipfcs — — Obiervations on the fp-ts in the Sun appearing J ly and Auguft, 10-6 •— — An obiervation on Mars covered by the Moon, Aug. 21, 1676 — — A corre^.tic^n of the theory of motion of the fa tell'tes of Saturn - - - - —-. — A theory ..f the variation of the m-gn'-tKa! c- mpais - - - - »" Account of the courfe of t!-e.tldcs atTonqueen, wlti) the theory of ihcm at the bar of Tunquecn ■ A difjourfe c ncern^ng gravity and ;ts propcrries — — — Tw.) agronomical obfervations of the eciipfts of the planet Jupiter by the iVloon, in March and /'pr.i, \6b6, at London ■ A dlfc urfe of the rule of ihedfc:eare of the height of the mercury in 'he baro . et. r ■ An hiftorical account of the t ade-wmds and ^iionfoons ■■ Cubic and biquadratic equations conftruflcd by a parabola and circle • An eftimate of the quantity of vapour raifed out of the fea by the vvarmth of the bun — ■■ ■ Of the number ot roots in feveral equations, th ir pc>w;r and ufe « - ' An account of the circulation of the watry va- pour of tne fea, and oi ii*e cavife of fprings 643 Tranf. XLIII 94 — 100 XLIV 527 XLVi 172 — 325 — 34^ — 305 XXXIV 143 XLIII 151 XJ683 — 687 — 724 XIII 82 -- 208 XIV 677 — 85 — 104 — ^53 — 335 — 366 — 387 XYII468 Abrldg,, X 702 XI 1062 X955 X 309 X 124 VI 2 ICO XI 966 I 258 -278 — 370 II610 — C92 I 47^ -364 I 14 — ^53 I 63 II 108 I c8 : ir i?6 j ^44 Hal H A L LEY, Fdml'KD. a d'-fcourfe tending to prove at what time a id place Julius CtCii made hiS firll: defcent upon Hiicain An aftronoinical dilTertation of the vir.ble con- junit'on of the inferior phnetb with the Sun Amen Iments and notes i;pon tiirce places in the common text of Pliu^.'s Natural Hiliory, falfely edited — — Account of t!5C feveral fpecies of infinite quan- tity, and of the proportioiis they bear one to the other — — An account of the caufc of the change of the variation of the magaetical needle ; with an h pothefis of the llru£lure of the in erna' p3r;s of the earth An eftimate of the dej^rces of the mortality of mankind, drawn from va ious tables of thf births and funerals at the city of Brellaw with an attempt to afcertain the price of an nuities upon lives ■ An account of feverr.l cxperimenrs m ide to ex- amine the nature of the expanfion and con- traclion of fluids by heat and cold, in order to afcertain the divit^ons of the thcrmoTieter, and to make that inftrument in all places, without adjurtirig it by a ftandard . On the proportional heat of the Sun in all lati- tudes, with the method of coliccaing the fame „ Emendations and notes upon the antient aflro- noniical tables of Albatcnius, with the reflo ration of his luni-folar tables - —An inllanre of the excellence of the modern al- gebra in the rtfolution of the problem of finding the foci of ojJticlc-ghfles univer(ally . Some qut-ri- s concerning the nature of light and diaphan'~>us bodies m. A new and accurate method of finding. the roots of equations, of ^very kind, without previous rf. duction - _ - .— >• An account of the evaporation of water, as i was ex.crimenteJ in Grdlum College, in 1693, ^'^'^ ^"'"~^ ol'fcrvations thereon . Tabic of the eclipfes of the tirfl fatcllitc of Ju piter _ - - - — — A di'couife corcerning a method of difcovcrinj: the true moiient yf the Sun's ingrefs into the liopicai (i^ns Tranf. XVII 495 — 511 — 53? -556 — 596 — 650 — ■878 — 960 — 999 XVIII 136 — 183 — 237 XIX 12 Abridg. f III 412 I 427 — 102 II 615 — 33 - 165 III 522 I 183 II 252 I81 II no 1 409 — 266 Hallev, HAL 4 Halley, Edmund. A compf-ndious and faci t method for conftru6ling lo arithras, exemj). ficd and dcni- nftrated from the nature <\ number?;, without any regard to the h\pii bo!a, with a fpeedy method for f nding i!i number from the logarithm given — — A propofition of general ufe in the Art o Gunnery. flie^Aing the rule of layino a m r- tar to pafs, in order to ftrike any objec^' above or b!o^ the horizon — — Some account of the ancient ftate of the citA of Palmyra, wi^h fliort remar*;s upon the in- fcriptions found there -■• An eafy demonftat on of the analogy of thi log rithmic t^npents to the meridian line, : funn of the fecants, with various merho Is f(' computing the fame to the utm'ft exa6^nef^ — — — Account of a Roman altar found at Cheft r ■■ An account of an animal, refembling a whelf_ voided p-r anum by a ma e greyhound — — The true theory of the tides, extracted fr r Newton's Hhilofophiae Naturalis Principi Math.matica » Account of an extraordinary hail in Chefhire April 29, 1697 — — Account of the Torricellian cxperi.nent, tri^ on the top of Snowdo.i-Hrll, and the fuccc ofit - - - - - ' Obferva'ions on an eclipfe of the moon, Ofi 19, 1697, made a> Chplier An account of the appearance of an extraordi nary ins feen at Chefter Aug. 6, i()97 ——A geometrical difTerta ion on the rjinhov fhewing the means of oh aining the dian.etf of each bow, the refra£\ion being given; wit: the folution of the inver e prob em, or that of finding the ratio of the refraftion, the dir. meter of the tow beinc^ ^iven — - An account of Dr. R. H ok s invention of t! marine barometer, with its defcription ai:- ufes - « . _ » An account of the appearance of fever.J unt fual parhelia, or mock funs, together with it vera! circular arches lately fecn in the air «■ A fynopfis of cometic aftroiomy •— — Accouat of (everal meteors or lights in the fky 645 Tranf. Al.rldc:. -/ XIX 58 — 68 — 160 — 202 — 316 — 445 — 570 — 582 -78+ XX 1,3 5CXII7J4 — 791 • — 228 iV 345 IV 2 J35 646 Hall HAL EY, Edmund. Some remarks on the vana tions of the ma^inetical coinpa(s, pybUn^ed _.n the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, 'vuh recravd to the general chart of thofe variations made by Halley ; as allb concermng the lo-^mtude of the Magellan Strain: hts Obre'?v .tions on the total ecliplc of the bun, on the 22cl of April, 1715 ", . '.^ Account of the caufe of the faltnefs of the ocean, and of the leveral lakes thar em.t no rivers, with .a pro^ ofal, by help thereof, to difcover the age of the world - A (ho^t hiltory <.f the feveral new ftars that have appeared withm thefe 150 years ;wih an account of the return of that m GoUo Cygni, and of its continuance obferved in , An^ccount of feveral nebula, or lucid fpots like clouds lately ciifcovered amon^, the hxeC ftars, by hflp of the telefcope - . An account of the late furpr:z.ng appearance of lights feen in the air on the 6tr of March, J 7 15-16, with an at empt to explain the prin- cipal phainomena thereof ' , " ' - Of the fame feen on the ocean, near the coalr of Spain, with an account of the return of the fame fort of appearance on March 31, and April 1 and 2 '..,.' n c - A particular method by which the parallax of the San, or iw diftance from the earth, may be afccriained by the affiftance of the tranht of Venus over the lun - " - Account of the caufe of the late remarkable ap pearance of the planet Venus, leen this fum- mt-r for many days together in the day-time - The art of living under water, or a ch courlc concerning the m-ans of furnifliinti air at the bottom of the lea, in any ordin:>.ry dc:)ths - Obfervauons on the Moon's appuKes to the Pleiades in the thrCe next years -An account of a mall clckopical comst feen a: Lt.ndonon the lOthof Jurie, 17.7 - - Confir^erations on the cha-ge of the latitude o^ fome of the principal iix^^d ftars - An account of the extraordina^ meteor feen all over nngland, on the 19th of March, 1718.9, f Tranf. | Abridg, XX:X 165 — 245, 3^4 — 296 — 354 — 390 — 406 — 430 — 454 — 466 — 492 XXX 69: — 721 — 736 IV 453 — 25s V 2 21^ IV 224 — 225 .V 2 13) — - 151 IV 214 — 30° V2 18^ iV 298 — 344 — 227 vriiW HAL tvkh a demonjR:ration of the uncommon helglitb thereof - - f^ALLEY, Edmund. An obfervation of the end" of the total lunar eclipfe, March ^, 1718, ob- ferved near the Cape of Good Hope, ferving to determine the longitude thereof j with re- marks thereon — ■ Account of an aurora borealis feen at London Nov. 10, 17 19 ■ Remarks of an eflay of Mr. Caffini, wherein he propofes to find by obfervation the paral- lax and magnitude of Sirius — — Of the infinity of the fphere of fixed flars — — Of tlie number, order, and light of the fixed ftars — — Remarks upon the method of obferving the differences of right afcenfion and declination, by crofs hairs in a telefcope — — A propofal for meafuring the heights of places, by help of the barometer of Mr. Patrick, in which the fcale is greatly enlarged — — Some allovvances to be made in.aftronomical ob- fervations, for the refraction of the air, with an accurate table of refra£lions ■ -I On the method of determining the places of the planets, by obferving their near appulfes to the fixed flars ■ Obfervations on a parhelion, 0£t. 26, 172 1 «•— An obfervation of an eclipfe of the Sun, Nov. i?7, 1722, at Greenwicli ■■I The longitude of Port Royal in Jamaica, deter- mined by the eclipfe of the Moon, June 18, 1722 - — — And of Carthagena in America > ■■ Some confiderations about the caufe of the uni- verfal deluge » Some farther thoughts on the fame — — — An accourit of the appearance of Mercury pafT- ing over the Sun's difk, on the 29th of Ofto- ber, 1723, determining the mean motion, and fixing the nodes of that planet's orb '■■ ■' Remarks upon feme dilTertations lately publiflied at Paris, by the Rev. P. Souciet, againll Sir Ifaac Newton's Chronology mill I Some farther remarks on P. Souciet's diflerta- tions againftSir Ifaac Newton's chronology M i Mr. Harris's aftronomical obfervations at Vera Cruz revifed - - , 4N Tranf. XXX 978 ■— 992 — 1099 XXXI I 22 •— 24 — 113 116 — ■ 169 — 209 211 XXXII 197 — 23s — 237 XXXIII III — 123 -- 22b XXXI V^ 205 XXXV 296 Abridg. IV 2 156 — 2 163 VI 163 VI 148 — 165 VI 2 28 VI 167 — 170 VI 2 75 VI 171 — 190 — 408 VI 2 I 4 VI 253 VII 4 7 — - II 1 - ^o& (— ' - 102 Halle y. 648 HAL HAM Halley, Edmund. A propofa! of a method fori iinding the longitude at fea, within a degree, or twenty leagues ; with an account ot the progrefs he "hath made therein, by a continued ieries o^ accurate obfervations of the Moon ^ Obfervations of latitude and variation taken on board the Hartford, in her paffage from Java Head to St. Helena, 1 731-2 . Obfervations on the lunar eclipfe, March 15, 1735-^ " " ' . ' ' y r Ealtox, iiviMANUEL. Oblervations on an ecliple of the Sun, June II, 1 676 Hamilton, Hon. Charles. A defcription of a clepfydra, or water-clock Hamilton, Rev. Hugh. The properties of the mechanic powers demonflrated, with fome ob- fervations on the methods that have been com monly ufed for that purpofe - :, A differtation on the nature of evaporat!on,_and feveral phsnomena of air, water, and boiling liquors - " ~rr Hamilton-, Robert. An account of a fuppreffion of urine cured by a pundure made in the bladder through the anui - ^ - Hamilton, Sir William. Two letters, giving an account of the late eruption of Mount Vefu- vius, Nov. 17, 1704 _ - " . . An account of the eruption of Mount Veluvius, , Some 'farther particulars of Mount Vefuvius and other volcanos in that neighbourhood . An account of a journey to Mount Etna, 1769 ^ Remarks upon the nature of the foil of Naples and its neighbourhood - •* , Extraft of anuther letter on the fame fubjeft Account of the cfFeds of a thunder-ftorm on the 15th of March 1773, "P°" ^^^ ^^^^^ °^ Lord Tyln^y, at Naples _ An account of certain traces of volcanos on the banks of the Rhine ^ An account of an eruption of Mount Vefuvius, in Aug. 1779 - "... ' r , Hampe, John Henry, M.D. A defcription of the narhval, or unicorn fifh, taken in the nver Oil, in the Dutchy of Bremen, 1736 - _ An account of a ftew fpecies ot the mams, or fgaly liaajd -- * Tranf. XXXVII185 — 331 XL 14 XI 662 XLIV J71 LIII 103 LV146 LXVI 578 LVII 192 LVIil I LIX18 LX I LXI I LXIII 324 LXVIII I LXX42 XL 149 LX36 Abrldc > VI 401 — 421 II 285 X428 rx 72 Hanbury, HAN HAR (J49 Hanbury, William. Account of the coal ball made at Leige Hanckewitz, Ambrose Godfrey. Experiments upon the phofphorus urinae , *— — Examination of Weft-Afliton well-water Hawley, p. M, D. AccouHt of an extraordinary fleatomatous tumour in the abdomen of a wo man - - - - Hardisway, p. M. D. Account of the cutting of a man who died of the ftone in the kidnies ■ ' Account of a rottennefs of the cheek-bone Harmer, Thomas. Remarks on the very differen accounts that have been given of the fecundity of fifh, with frefh obfervations on that fubjed Harris, Rev. John. Microfcopical obfervations of vaft number of animalculse feen in water — — An account of fome experiments tried with Monf. Villette's burning concave, in June 1718 Harris, Joseph. Aftronomical obfervations at Vera Cruz ■ Some magnetic obfervations made in the months of May, June, and July, 1732, in the At lantic and Weftern Ocean ; as alfo the defcrip tion of a water fpout — — An account of an improvement on the terrellrial globe - _ - » Obfervations of the tranfit of Venus over the Sun, June 3, 1769, made in the Round Tower in Windfor Caftlc Harrison, John. Account of two fpecies of wafps in New England Harrison, Rev. John, Account of an agitation of (he waters at Hawkfhead, in Cumberland, Nov. I, 1755 Hart, Cheney, IVI. D. Account of the efFefls of eledricity in the county hofpital at Shrewfbury ■ An account of a cure of a paralytic arm by eledtricity Hartley, David. Cafe of the efFe£ls of Dampier's powder in curing the bite of a rnad dog ' ■ Cafe of a calculus making its way through an old cicatrix of the pcrinceum Hartmann, Philip James. Account of an embrio of feven months, and of a placenta cotiledonyformis — — Hiflory and demonftration of the Pruflian am- ber 4Na Tranf. XLI672 XXXVlITcS XLI 828^ LXI 131 XXXII 327 XXX\^ 374 LVII 280 XIX 254 XXX 976 XXXV 388 XXXVIII 75 XLI 321 LIX422 XL VII 184 XLIX381 XLVIII 786 XLIX 558 XL 274 XLI 349 XX 66 XXI 5 Abrldg. IX 501 — 373 VIll 649 VII 530 — 494 III 652 IV 198 VII 4 10: Vm655, 742 VIII 352 "473 Hartmann, 650 HAR HAU Hartmann, Philip James. Account of feveral curiofities relating to amber Kaiitop, Martin. Account of the earthquake in Sicilv, 1693 Harvey, VVilliam, M. D. Anatomical account of Thomas Parr HaRWood, John. Defcription of a Roman fuda- tory, or hypocauitum, found at Wroxeter, in Shropfliire, 1701 - " ■ Haskins, J. A defcription of an engine to raiie water bv the help of quickfilver Hassel, Richard. Cafe of a large piece of lath being thrufl into a man's eye, who recovered of it - " . r, Hasselquist, Dr. Method of making lal ammo- niac in Egypt - - Hasted, Edward. On chefnut trees Hatley, Griffin, M. D. Account of fome formed ftones found at Hunton, in Kent Havers, Clopton, M. D. An account of an ex- traordinary haemorrhage at the glandula lacry- malis - " ^ " . " . A iliort difcourfe concerning conco£lion Hauksbee, Francis. An experiment to (hew the caufe of the defcent of the mercury in the barometer during a ftorm , An experiment of firing gun-powder on a red- hot iron in vacuo Boyliano , . An experiment to try the quality of air pro- duced from gun-powder, fired in vacuo boy- liano - " " . ^ Experiments on the produ£lion and propagation of the light from the phofphorus in vacuo , An experiment upon the propagation of lound in condenfed air ; together with a repetition of the fame in the open iield ^ An experiment touching the diminution of found in air rarified - - _ - .. Experiments on the repletion of bodies in com- mon air, in vacuo, and in air condenfed _ ——Experiments on the defcent of malt-duft in an evacuated receiver - - - . Several experiments on the mercurial phofpho- rus - - ". . ., Several experiments on the attrition of bodies m vacuo • • " " Tranf. XXI 49 Abrldg. "599 XVII 827 1 — 400 III 886 I III 306 XXV 222B XXXII 5 XLV 520 LI 504 LXI 160 XIV 463 XVIII 51 XXI 233 XXIV 1629 — 1806 VI 352 — 1807 — - 172 XI 955 II 426 II 252 III 95 IV 2 18] • - 171 - 1865 — 1902 — 1904 — 1946 — 1948 — 2129 — 2165 -- 181 — - 173 — 80 Hauksbee, H A U Hauksbee, Francis. An experiment touching the proportion of the weight of air to the weight of a like bulk of water, without knowing the quantity of either u Experiment fliewing that the feemingly fpon- taneous afcenfion of water in fmall tubes open at both ends is the fame in vacuo as in the open air _ . _ ,. An experiment touching the produflion of a conflderablc light upon a flight attrition of the hands on a glafs globe exhaufted of its air: with other remarkable occurrences ■ An experiment touching the extraordinary elec tricity of glafs, produceabje on a fmart at- trition of it, with a continuation of experi- ments on the fame fubjed, and other phaeno- mena . _ - — — Several experiments fhewing the ftrange ef- fe£ls of the effluvia of glafs, produceable on the mo'.ion and attrition of it - - m. ■ ■- An experiment touching the quantity of air produced from a certain quantity of gun- powder fired in common air m. ■ ■■ An experiment fliewing that the fprings or conftituent parts of air are capable to fuffer fuch diforder, by a violent impulfe, as to re- quire time to recover their natural ftate i^ An experiment touching the produdion of light, by the effluvia of one glafs falling on another in motion •—— An experiment touching the difficulty of fepa rating two hemifpheres, upon the inje£ling of an atmofphere of air on their outv;ard furfaces, without withdrawing the included air _ - _ ■■ ' The repetition of an experiment, touching mo- tion given bodies included in a glafs, by the approach of a finger near its outfidej with other experiments on the effluvia of glafs »'■ Some experiments touching the eletSlricity and light producible on the attrition of feveral bodies _ _ - •»- — An experiment touching the different denn- ties cf the air from the greateft natural heat to the greateft natural cold in this climate *■■ — The fuccefs of an attempt to continue feveral Tranf. XXV 2221 — 2223 — 2277 — 2327 2372 — 2409 — 2412 2413 — 2415 XXVI 82 87 93 651 Abridg. iV 2 i8c V279 [V 2 180 — - iSi — - iSo — - 181 atmorpheres 652 H A U atmofplieres of air condenfed in the fpace of one, for a confiderable time - _ - Hauksbee, Francis. An experiment touching the produaion of light within a globe glafs, whofe inward fmrface is lined with fealing-wax, upon an attrition of its outlide - . ~ ^ Some experiments in relation to the weight of common water under different circumftances — Several experiments touching the feeming fpon- taneous afcent of water — An experiment touching the different denfities of common water from the greateft degrees of heat in our climate, to the freezing point ob ferved by a thermometer - _ - — Some experiments in relation to the weight of common water under different circumftances i— An experiment touching the freezing of com men water, and water purged of air . An experiment touching the freezing of com- mon water, tinged with a liquid faid to be extrafted from fhell-lac -^ ^ - . An experiment torching the weighing of bodies of the fame fpecies, but of very unequal fur faces, in common water, being of an equal weight in common air . An account of an experiment ftiewing that ac tual found is not to be tranfmitted through vacuum - * _ " — - An account of an experiment touching the pro- pagation of found paffing from the fonorous body into the common air in one direflion only - - " , An experiment touching the propagation of found through water ,. An account of an experiment, fhewing that at objed may become vifible through fuch ai opake body as pitch in the dark, while it i; under the circumftances of attrition and a va cuum - - - — — An account of an experiment, touching a attempt to produce light on the infide of ; glafs globe lined with melted flowers of ful phur, as in the experiment of fealing-wax anc pitch _ - - •—•Experiments concerning the time required ii the defccnt of different bodies of differcn; mag Tranf. | Abridg. XXVI 217 IV 2 181 — • 219 — 221 ^ 258 — 267 — 269 — 302 I«2 — 304 — 306 I«I — 367 i«2 — 369 — 371 — 39» — 439 nitudes H A U nitudes and weights, in common air, from a certain height - - - Hauksbee, Francis. Experiments concernins: the effe<5>s of air pafled through red-hot metals — ' A delcription of the apparatus for making expe ments on the rcfraftions of fluids, with a ta • ble of the fpecific gravities, angles of obfer vations, and ratio of refradions of feveral fluids - - _ •— — Of two liquors, which, when mixt together, will poflefs lefs fpace than when feparate *■ An experiment concerning an endeavour tc produce light through a metallic bodv, undei the circumftances of a vacuum and attri tion - _ _ ■ An experiment touching the dire£lion of ^ drop of the oil of oranges, between two glais planes, towards any fide of them that is nearefi preffed together " Some experiments touching the keeping of filhes in water under different circumftances ■ " An experiment concerning the angle required to fufpend a drop of oil of oranges, at certair ftations, between two glafs planes placed ir the form of a wedge ' • Experiments concerning the proportion of the power of the load-ftone at different diftances — — The fpecific gravity of feveral metalline cubes, in comparil'on with their like bulk of water — — On the afcent of water between two glafs planes . _ _ — A defcription of the feveral ftrata of earths, ftones, coals, &c. found in a coal pit at Dud ley, in Staffordihire ' An account of an experiment touching the proportions of the afcent of fpirit of wine be tween two glafs p'anes, whofe furfaces are placed at certain different diftances from each other - - _ «■'■■ " An account of fome farther experiments • Farther account — — The fpecific gravity of feveral metalline cubes in comparifion with their like bulks of water — An experiment in order to try the law of mag netical attradion HautoNj M. Way of making fea-vvatcr fvyect ^53 Abridg. I IV 2 182 Tranf. XXVII 196 — 199 — 204 — 325 — 328 — 395 — 431 — 473 — S06 — 511 — 539 — 541 XXVITI151 — ,183, — ^53 I — 355 I — - T- 521 — -295 - Ib2 XXIX 294 V 2048 — - 297 11 297 I 'Hauton,, €54 HAU HEB Hauton, M. Two experiments made for finding another paflage of the urinary parts Hawkins, -—^ Obr.rvations on a ec hpfe of the Sun, Nov. 27, 1722, at Wakefield HAvnoN, Richard. Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus, June 6, 1761, ^^ ^"^'t, MU nf Hayg ARTH, H. M. D. Obfervations on the bills of mortality of Chefler, 1772 SHenTwilIlIm Van. The quantity of rain which fell at Leyden in 175 1 ; ^^^. V,,-,, Hearne, Thomas. AccouLit ui i^^' 1 lately difcovered near Barham Moor, m York- Account of an 'a'arora borealis, feen Dec. 11, 17 iq, at Streatham, Surrey - Hearne, Urbak, M. D. Some remarkable ob- fervations on the Lake Vatter -^ Heathcot, Thomas. Obftrvattons on the mnar ecllpie, Aug. I9> ^681, at St. Lawrence, Ma ^AccSunt of the variation of the needle on the coaft of Guinea - n en i^^-, Account of the tides on the coaft of Guinea, lAth !.-ec. i6'i'\ ' ". rr- " T\/r T) Account of a verv Heberden, Thomas, M.U. /iccounL u large human calculus _ " - ■„ i^fT^ Obfervations made in going up the Peak of Te- neriffe ~ , '• a/t 1 • ^ Obfervations on the weather in Madeira^ "obfervations oTlTe earthquake at Lilbon Nov. I, 17CC, made at Madeira - . Account of the earthquake felt ui the ifland of Madeira, March 3I' i?^! . ' ^ , , of the effeas ot lightning at bouth Weald, in ElTex, June 18, 17^4 ' . ^ . . of a fait found on the Peak of Tene- Obfe^ations fo'r fettllns; the proportion whicl the decreafe of heat bears to the height ot fituation - '. , , , r.^„^ Account of a (lone voided without help fiom the bladder of a woman - " ^^. On the increafe and mortality of the inhabi tants of Madeira Abridg. Ill 147 XXXII 199 JVI 2 226] Lll 202 LXIV 67 LXV 85 LXVIII131 XLVII 36c XXVI 395 XXX 1107 XXIV 1938 XIII IS XIV 578 [V 2 167 1 568 XLVI 596 XLVII 353 — 357 XLVIII 617 XLIX 432 LII isS LIII 198 LV57 — 126 — 128 LVII 461 I 568 [I 268 XI 1005 Heberden HEB KEN ^SS Heberden, Thoma?, M. D. Of the dif- ferent quantities of rain which appear to fall, at different height?, over the fame fpot o; ground - - - — — Obfervations of the immerfions and emcr- ficns of Jupiter's firft fatellite, made at F'un chal, in Macieira, from 1763 to 1768, with a refleding telefcope of eighteen inches focus - - Hee, Christ I AN. De prefTionibus ponderum in Machinis metis Heinsius, Godfrey. A method of making a gold-coloured glazing for earthen ware ■ Of the difappearing of Saturn's ring in 1743 and 1744 _ _ _ HeisteR, Laurence, M. D. Account of a ftone in the bladder breaking fpontaneouilj', and pafiing through the urethra Hellins, Rev. John. Theorems for computing logarithms _ _ _ Helvetius, Dr. Account of the Parelra Brava Henchman, Rev. — ■— . Obfervations on the effefts which the farina of peas of different colours have on each otker Henkel, Tilman. Obfervations on the earth- on 17555 made at quake at Lifbon, Nov. i Oporto Henley, William. Account of a perfon killed by lightning in Tottenham-court-road-chapel, and its effe£ls on the building — — Experiments concerning the different efficacy of pointed and blunted rods in fecuring build- ings againft the flroke of lightning *■ ■ An account of fome new experiments in elec tricity » _ _ '■ Remarks on Mr. Haffenden's account of the effects of lightning on a houfe furnifhed witl; a pointed conductor, at Tenterden in Kent "■' Experiments and obfervations on a new appa- ratus, called a machine for exhibiting perpe- tual eledricity "■ Experiments and obfervations in eledricity " ' ■- Obfervations and experiments tending to con- firm Dr. Ingenhoufz's theory of the eleftro- phorus ; and to fhew the impermeability of glafs to the eleftric fluid 40 Tranf. LIX 359 LX502 XLTX 1 XLII 188 — 602 XXXVII IV LXX 307 XXiX 365 XLIII 526 XLIX418 LXII 131 LXIV 133 -389 LXV 336 LXVll 85 LXVini049 Abrid":. IX 499 VIII 228 Vll 534 V 404 H£KK.Y> 656 HEN HEV HenrYj Thomas. An account of the earthquake felt at Manchefter and other places, Sept. 14, 1777 Henry, William, D. D. Account of the copper Springs in the county ot WicklcU;, la ire land - - - . An account of an extraordinary {beam of win;', which fnot through part of the parifhes ot Termonomungam and Urney, in the county of Tyrone, 0&. 1 1, 1752 Account of the copper fprin^js in the county of Wicklow, in Ireland Cafe of William Carey, aged 19, whofe tendcn> and mufcles were turned into bones . Furtner accou:^': - Further account Henshaw, Thomas. Obfervations and experiments upon IViay-dew . Enquiries '.o be made in Fgypt Herissant, M. M. D. Experiments made on a great number or living; animals, v^ith the poi- Ibn of Lamas and of Ticunas Herschel, William. Aftronomical obfervations on the periodical ftar in Collo Ceti . Agronomical obfervations relating to the moun- tains of the Moon Hevelius, John. Of his promile of difcovering the invention of making optick-glaflcs 1 Anfwer to enquiries about cold Calculations of the folar cclipfe, July 2, 1666 - - . - ^ A figure of the ftars in the conflellation of Cyg- nus, together with the new ftar in it, di(co- vered iome years hnce, and very lately feen by M. Hevelius .^gain _ - - ■ I Pea.arks about the new ftar near the beak 0! th^ Swan - - - — Remarks about the new (lar in the neck of the Whale — — Obfcivaticns on an eclipfe if the Sun, Sept. 29, 1670 - - — on the conjunflion of the Moon and A^c- nus, 0£>. 1 1, 1670 . Particulars of a phllofophlcal nature Obfervations on the variation of the magnetic needle at Dant'zick in j 670 Tranf. LXVllI 221 XLVn500 XLYIil I — 94 LI 89 — 92 LI( 143 I 33 II 470 XLVII75 LXX 33S — 507 I 98 i — 344 — 369 — 372 V 202^ Abridg. II 141 111 632 — 2059 I 193 111 631 I 2S2 — 453 — 304 — 347 — 3<^4 II 609 Hevelius, Hev K E V Etius, John. Account of a curious piece cf amber _ _ - - Obfervations on the apscarance of Saturn in 1670 - . - - On a new ftar dirc:;veved in the conftellation of Cygnus in 167O - Further obtervations dn the new fear near the beak of the Swan - Obfervations concerning Saturn obfcured b) the Moon, June i, 1671 - ■' on a lunar eclipfe, Sept. 18, 1671 - — -■ — on an occultation of the firft of the fa- tellites of Jupiter by the fliaclow of the pla- net - - _ _ - of a tranfit of Jupiter and the Moon,! Sept. 30- 1671 - - - I - — -— of a late appearance of Saturn, Sept. 1 1, 12, 1671 - - - Account of a new comet feen at Dantzick. in March, 1672 - Account of a phaenomenon feen in PrufTia about "the Sun, a little before his fetting and the Moon's conjunclion, and the ^un's eclipfe - The ufe of telefcopic fights in aftronemical ob- fervations - - _ - Account of Kepler's manufcripts - Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Moon, Jan- II, 1675, with the occultation of certain fixed ftars _ _ _ - An account of an eclipfe of the Moon, Jan. i 1676, at Dantzick - Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Sun, June 23, 1675, at Dantzick - -June II, 1676 - An occultation of Mars and certain fixed ftars obferved at Dantzick, Sept. i, 1676 - Obfervations concerning three new ftars, one in the Whale's neck, the other two near the head and in the breaft of the Swar. - Obfervations on the comet of April and May, 1677, at Dantzick - An account of the comet of Aug. 1682, at Dantzick . _ _ - Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Moon. Feb. II, 1682, atDsntzick 4O2 (>S1 Tranf. V 2061 — 2061 V 2087 VI 2197 — 30^-7 — 30^<^ — 3C29 — 3^3 1 — 3032 VII 4017 1X26 — 27 X 289 XI 589 — 660 — 666 — 721 XII 853 — 869 XIII 16 XIII 146 Abridg. II 490 \ I 248 I ■ I — 250 j— 34-7 i — 3^7 1 I : — 557 — 3+7 366 439 — ■ 221 — 310 — 319 .- 284 — 2S6 — 350 — 444 — 446 I3 3 Hetelius, 658 H E T Hevelius, JoH^^. A fhort account of the three great conjunftions of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, at Dantzick, in 1682 and 1683 >— — Obfervations on the occultations of fixed ftars in 1683, at Dantzick Short hiilory of the comet of 1683, at Dant- zick Eclipfis totalis luncc cum mora, Dec. 10, 1685, obfervata Gedani _ _ _ - ■ Obfervations of the eclipfe of Jupiter by the Moon, March 31, 1686, at Dantzick Hewsden, Anthony. Obfervations on the cure of a tumour on the neck full of hydatides Hewson, William. On tiie lymphatic fyllem in birds - _ _ ■ On the lymphatic fyftem in amphibious ani mals _ - _ On the lymphatic fyfl:em in fifli Experiments on the blood, with fome remarks on its morbid appearances — — On the decree of heat which coagulates the lymph and the ferum of the blood, with an enquiry into the caufcs of the inflammatory crufi:, or fize, as it is called Further . remarks on the projjerties of the coa- gulable lymph, on the flopping of hemor- rhages, and on the effe6is of cold upon the blood _ _ « ■' On the fi2;ure and compofition of the red par- ticles of the blood, commonly called the red globules _ _ _ HiCKEs, George. Account of a piece of antiquity lately found in Somerfetfliire — — Letter on the various reading of an infcription which is written upon the ftatue of Tages, by four Hetrufcan alphabets HiGGiNS, Bryan, M. D. Actual fire, or detonation, produced by the contaft of tinfoil, with the fait compofed of copper and the nitrous acid - - > On the ufe of an amalfram of zinc for the purpofe of eleilrical excitation HiGHMORE, , M. D. Some confideratioiss re- lating to Dr. Wittie's defence of Scarborough Spaw, with a brief account of a lefs conhder- able fait fpring in Somerfetfliire, and of a me- Tranf. XIII 325 — 331 — 416 XV 1256 XVI 178 XXV 2344 LVIII2I7 LIX 198 — 204 LX 368 - 3S4 - 39S Lxin 303 xxri 464 XXIV 2076 LXI11137 LXVIll 861 Abrldg. I 357' 395> 425 — 448 — 335 — 36^ V ai6 III 442 V306 dical HIL HOD dical fpring in Dorfetfhire Hill, Mr. Account of Henry Jenkins who dice! at the age of 169 years Hill, Abraham. Enquiries to be made in Guinea Hill, Sir John, M. D. On the manner of feeding moffes, and in particular of the hypnum terreftre, trichoides, luteovircns, vulgare niajus, capitulis eredis. Raii Synopf. Ed. 3 p. 84 - • Account of the Wind for loam HiLLiER, J. An account of the cuftoms of the inhabitants, the air, &c. of Cape Corfe, with an account of the weather there from Nov. 24, i636, to Nov. 24, 1687 HiMSEL, Nicolas De, M. D. An account of a rare fpecies of orthoceratites found in Sweden « Cafe of a paralytic perfon cured by elecirica application - _ _ — — An account of artificial cold produced at Pe- terfburg _ _ _ Hire, P. De la. Letter concerning a new fort of a magnetical compafs, with feveral curious magnetical experiments Hirst, William. Account of a fire-ball feen at Hornfey _ _ _ - Account of the tranfit of Venus over the Sun, June 6, 1761, at Madrafs — — Account of an earthquake, April 2, 1762, at Calcutta _ _ _ . Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Sun, 0(flo ber 17, 1762, at Ghyrotty, in the Eaft In- dies - - - . on an eclipfe of the IVloon, Nov. 2, 1762, at Calcutta - _ _ Several phenomena obferved during the ingrefs of Venus into the folar diilc, June 3, 1769 HoARE, . A fhort account of fome of the principal antique piclures found in the ruins of Herculaneum at Fortici, near Naples HoBsoN, Joseph. Account of the wonderful in- creafe of the feed of the upright mallow Hodgson, James. Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Sun, Dec. 12, 17O3, at London — — An account of fome eclipfes of the Sun and Moon, obferved by Thomas Brattle, at Cam- bridge, four miles from Bofton, in NewJEng- Tranf. IV 1128 XIX 543 11 472 XLIV 60 — 458 XIX 687 L 692 LI 179 — 670 XVI 344 XLVIII 773 LII 396 LIII 256 — 259 — 262 LIX 228 XLIV 567 XLII 320 XXIV 1594 659 Abridg, li 333j 351 III 307 — 632 X758 II 53 — 620 XI 1305 VIII 824 IV 271 landy 660 H on land, whence the dlft'erence of the longitude between Cambridge and London is determined from the obfervation of one of them, made at London IIoDGsow, James. A catalogue of the eclipfes of the four fateilites of Jupiter, for the year 1732 1733 I •: ^73.5 173^ The apparent times of fuch of the immerfions and emer'nons of Jupiter's fatelhtes as are v' fihle at London, in 1736, together with their configurations at thofe times Some obfcrvations of the eclipfes of the firft fa • tellite of Jupiter, compared with the tables The apparent times of the immerfions and emerhons of Jupiter's fateilites, which wiM happen in the year 1737, computed to che meriaian o"^ Greenwich 1738 The apparent times of iuch of the immerfions and emerfions of Jupiter's fateilites as are vi- fible at London in 1738 - _ - The apparent times of the immerfions and emerfions of Jupiter's fateilites for the year 1739, computed to the m;;ridian of the Royal Oblervatory at Greenwich The apparent times of fuch of the immerfions and emerfions of Jupiter's fateilites as are vi- fible at London in the year 1739 The apparent times of the immerfions and emerfions of the four fateilites of Jupiter, 174O5 at Greenwich at London Aftronomical obfcrvations made at Pekin, from Nov. i740toOcl. 1741 Obfcrvations on the comet of March, 174?, by the Jefuits at Pekin A cataio;:ui; of the immerfions and emerfions of the fateilites of Jupiter, that will happen in the year ly'O, of which llure are 173 of the firft. ^5 ot ihe iccond, 94 of the third, and non of the fourth, by reafon of ts great la- 'ti-uJe; in all 322, computed by the Flam- ■ llecdian tables correfled Tranf. XXIV 1630 XXXVII109 — 321 XXXVIII26 — 279 XXXiX5 13 15 177 ^01 — 309 XL 69 -76 — 33^ — 340 XLII 306 XLIV 264 Abridg, i IV 4^1 VI 270 VIII 227 XLV373 — 228 — 183, 186, 208 X 116 — 159 Hodgson, HOD H O L Hodgson, James. A catalogue of the immerfions and emcrlions of the fatellites of Jupiter for 1751 - - - Account of an agitation of the water at Pet- worth, Nov. I, 1755 Hodgson, Lucas, M. D. Obfcrvations on a fub- terranean fire in a coal-mine near Newcaftle HoDY, Edward, M. D. Account of a large bony fubftance found in the womb Hoi.BRoKE, William, M. D. Cafe of (lones voided by {tool . _ - JioLDER, William, M. D. An experiment con- ccrnins deafnefs - - - . Reflexions on Dr. Wallis's letter to Mr. Boyle concerning an elTay of teaching a per(on deaf and dumb to fpealc and underftand a lan- guage _ . _ Holdsworth, Rev. . Account of the agita- tion of the waters, at Dartmouth, November , i» 1755 Holland, Samuel. Obfcrvations made on the illands of St. John and Cape Breton, to afcer- tain the longitude and latitude of ihofe places — — - Obfcrvations on the tranfit of Venus, June 3, I769^ near Quebec . _ - — — Account of Jupiter's fatellites obferved near Quebec _ _ - Aftronomical obfcrvations for afcertaining the longitude of feveral places in the north dif- tricf of North America Rollings, , M. D. An account ot what ap- peared on opening the big-bellied woman near Raman, in Shropfhire, who was fuppofed to have continuc^d many years with child HoLLowAY, Rev. B. An account of the pits of fuUcfs earth in Bedfordfhire HoLLMAN, Samuel Christian. An obfervation on the double fibres obfervable in the ikeletons prepared from green leaves — Conjedlures on the ufe of double fibres in fome leaves. Sec. ' Obfcrvations of the difference of the heights of barometers -" Account of a fudden congelation — — of the electric fire — On^ the application of the micrometer to the mkrofcope - 66t Tranf. Abridg. XLVI 282 X159 XLIX357 XI 762 II 383 XXXIX 189 IX 191 XXVIL 28 V265 III 665 III 42 V Supp. to Tranf. of July 3, 1679. XLIX 643 LVIK 46 LIX 247 LXIV 171 — 182 XXIX 452 XXXII 419 XLI 78q — 79^^ Xfll lit XLI; I 239 V 293 VI 2 22c VIII 818 — 820 — 452 X 450 - 29 HoLLM^N 662 H O L KOO Tranf. iloLLMAN, SAxMUEl CHRISTIAN. On the corref- pondence of the barometer w'uh the air ana weather - _ _ - - XL VI loi Defcription of fome high mountains, in which are great quantities of foflil wood LI 506 HoLMLs, Major. A narrative concerning the fuccefs of pendulum-watches at fea for the difcovery of the longitude - - I 13 Holt, Sir Charles. Account of a difeafe occa fioned by fwallowing pebble ftones - XXI 190 Account of a child who had its intelVines, ms- fentery, bcc. in the cavity of the thorax XXII 9^2 . A further account of the perfon who fwallowed ftones _ _ - HoLWELL, JoHM Zephaniah. Account of a new fpecies of oak - - LXII 128 Home, Robert. Cafe of the firft joint of the thumb torn off, with the flexor tendon in its whole extent torn out - - L 617 HoMEL, , Account of the jaculator fifh ! J .\^j 9 I [ JL Vi ibo HoNDT, M. De. An account of the agitationl of the waters, Nov. i, 1755, at the Hague XLIX 396 HooGVLiETius, John, Account of two pofthu- mous letters of Leeuwenhoek relating to the diaphragm _ _ _ XXXII 435 HooK, Robert. Obfcrvations on a fpot in one of the belts of Jupiter - - I 3 . Anfwer to M. Auzout on optick-glaffes — 63 — — — A method by which a glafs of a fmall plano- convex fphcre, may be made to refradl the rays of light to a focus of a far greater dif- tance than is ufual - - « — 202 ■ . Confl:ru6\ion of a new contrivance of a wheel- barometer, much more eafy to be prepared than that which is defcribcd in the micro- graphy - - - — 218 — — Obfcrvations of the planet Mars, made at Lon- don in Feb. and March, 1665-6 - • — 239 fc. Obfcrvations lately made at London concerning the planet Jupiter - - — 245 A .. A late obfervation upon Saturn, June 29, 1666 _ - _ — 246 wi Obfcrvations on the eclipfeof the Sun, June 22, i66§, at London _ _ _. 295 V.*— » Several inventions for dividing a foot into many thcufand part* " ■: - - I II 459 Abridg. X428 I 555 III 92 V 269 — 260 1382,400 — 192 — 193 II 252 I 423 — 382 — 365 — 280 — 220 Hook,' HOO HOR 665 Hook, Robert. An experiment of prefervlng ani- mals alive, by blowing through their lungs with bellows ■ ■ - On dividing a foot into many thoufand parts ■■ A contrivance to make the picture of any tiling appear on a wall, cup-board, or within a pic- ture-frame, &c. in the midft of a light room ■ Obfervations on the appearance of Saturn's ring in 1670 - _ . .. Obfervations upon the eclipfe of the Moon, Sept. 8, 1671 •— — Obfervations upon the folar fpots lately difco- vered - - - ■ . An account of what hath been obferved con- cerning the late eclipfe of the Moon, Jan. i 1674-5, at London — — Two aftronomical obfervations of the eclipfes of the planet Jupiter by the Moon in March and April, 1686, at London .1 . A defcription of an invention, whereby the dl- vifions of the barometer may be enlarged in any given proportions — — A relation of the great effects of a new fort of burning fpeculum lately mads in Germany — — — Note on the natural pioduflions of Virginia His invention of a marine barometer Hope, John, M. D. An account of the rheum palmatum, or rhubarb plant raifed at Edin- burgh _ . _ ... - Of a rare plant found in the Ifle of Sieve, fup- pofed to be the Eriocaulon Decangulare Hope, Thomas, M. D. A reinarkabie cure per- formed on the eye of a young woman in Scot- land _ _ . — ,1 Kxrra£l of two letters concerning Mr. Daviel's method of couching a cataraft Hopkins, J. Account of an extraordinary large horn, of the flag kind, taken out cf the fea on the coaft of Lancafhire Hopo N, RiChAR.D. Account of the eruption of a burning fpring at Brofeley in Shropfliitc HoRNsEY, Rev. Th-jmat. On the parallax of thr Sun _ . _ — — Obffrvations on the folar eclipfe, April i, 1764, at Oxford _ _ . — — Account of the improvements to be made by ob- fervations of the traulit of Venus in 1769 4P Tranf. Abridg. 11539 — 541 Ill 66 1 219 III 741 — 206 V 2093 - 366 VI 2295 — 227 1X237 XVI 85 — 241 — 352 XVII 691 XXil79i I 213 II 786 IV 2 4 LV290 LIX24r XLIII 194 XLVII 530 X 91 XXXVI[257 VII 449 XXVII475 1V2 195 LIII467 LIV 145 LV 3,6 — 308 564 II 10 HoRNSSY, iH H O R HoRNSBV, Rer. Thomas. Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus and eclipfe of the Sun, June 3, 1769 _ The qaaotity of the Sun's parallax, as deducec from the tranfit of Venus, June 3, 1769 _ An enquiry into the quantity and dire-non oi the proper motion of Ar(5turus, with fomt remarks on the diminution of the obliquity 01 the ecliptic - - " HoRSEFALL, James. The application of Dr. Saur. derfon's theoren^, for folving unlimited equa tions, to a curious queftion in chronology .^ Obfervations on the tranfu of Venus, June 3 1769 - ~ " Horseman, Samuel, M. D. An abftraa from Ti- moni's hirtory of the inoculated fmall-pox HoRSLEY, Kev. Mr. An account of the depth of rain fallen from April 1, 1722, to April 1 1723, at Widdrington, in Northumberland HoRSLEY, John. Letter giving an account of ob fervations at fea for hnding out the longitude by ihe Mcon - - - HoRSLEY, Rev. Samuel, D. D. A computation o. the diftance of the Sun from the earth « An attempt to determine the height of tl:. Sun's atmofphere irom the height of the folai fpots above the Sun's furface r On the computation of the Sun's diftance fron the earth by the theory of gravity ~— Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus and eclipfe of the Sun, June 3, J769 — . Difficulties in the Newtonian theory of light conlidered and removed - Koo-Kivcv EpujoaOiVOVs^ or, the ficve of Eratof- thenes, bemg an account ( f his method of finding all the prime nun.bers - - M. Deque's Rules for meafuremenv of heights by the barometer, com| ared witlvlheoiy, and reduced t) Knglifh mcafure of Unglh, and adapted to Fahrenheit's Icale of the thermo- meter ; with tables and pcccepts for expedi- ting the pradlical appliiation of ihem An abridged ftate of the wather at London in the year 1774, colledted from the meteorolo ^ical journal uf the Royal Society Tranf. LIX 172 LXI 574 LXIII93 LVIII 100 LIX 170 XXXV ill 296 XXXII 328 LIV 329 LVII 179 - 398 LIX 153 - 183 LX417 LXI 547 LXII 327 Abridg, LXIV 214 LXV 167 IX 210 VI 2 57 iT^RSLEY, HOR HOW HoRSLEY, Rev. Samuet, D. t). Theorems con cerning the preatefl: and leaft areas of poly- gons, infcribing and circuinfcribing the circle •— — An abridged flate of the weather at London foi one year, commencing with the month o) March, 1775, coliedled from the meteorolo- gical journal of the Royal Society HosTT, Ambrose, M. D. Cafe of Anne Elizabetl Queriot, of Paris, whofe bones were diftort^c and foftened HoTTON, Peter, M. D. Letter concerning Swam- merdam's treatife de Apibus, the Ahmelh Ceylonenfibus, and the Faba S. Ignatii ■ An account of the Acemella, and its ftone-dif folving faculty Houghton, Johs. A difcourfe on coffee — — The conclufion of the ProteOant dates of the empire, Sept. 23, 1699, concerning th' calendar - - _ Houston, Robert, M. D. An account of an ex tra-uterine foe'us, taken out of a woman afte death, that had continued five years and ; half in the body "— — An account of a dropfy in the left ovary of r woman, aged 58, cured by a large incifioi made in the fide of the abdomen- Account of the contrayerva '■ ' ■" Experiments on the perforation of the thorax, and its effcfts on refpiration Howard, Hon, Charles* Brief dire£lions how tc tan leather according to the new invention of the Hon. Charles Howard of Norfolk ' An account of the culture or planting and or- dering of fafFron Howard, John. Account of the degree of cold ob- ferved in Bedfordfliire, Nov. 22, 1763 — — Obfervations on the heat of the waters a! Bath Obfervations on the heat of the ground or Mount Vefuvius Howell, George. Cafe of a large ftone extrafted by an aperture in the urethra How.MAN, Roger, M. D. Cafe of a remarkable hydrophobia — — ^ Cafe of an extraordinary flu* of the blood by the penis * - - 4Pa Tranf. 301 LXVI3S4 XLVIII 26 XXI 365 XXII 760 XXI 311 XXII 459 XXXII 387 XXXIII 8 KXXViIi95 XXXIX 230 665 Abridg. 1x93 II 668 XII 945 — 635 LIV 118 LVII 201 LXI53 XLIV 215 XI 999 XV916 III 280 >CXXIl4i8 VIIS39 II 648 — 660 III 408 Vir 555 — 541 VI 2 331 IX 138 HOXTOW, 665 HOX HUG HoxTON, Walter. An account of an unufualagi tation in the magnetical needle, ohfervcd t» laft forr.e time in a voyage from Marvland „ The variation of the niai^netic n edle as oh fcrved in three voyages fiom London to Mary- land - ' - - - HuBER, — — . Epiflola de cadaven^ aperto, in qur non exftitit vefica fellea ; et de ftreno gibboft HuBNER^ Martin. An account of fome obferva tions relating to the production of the Terr, Tripolitana, or Tripoli HuDDART, JosrPH. Art account of perfons wh could not diflinguifli colours Hudson, William. Catalogue of fifty plants fron Chclfea Garden, 1766 1767 — — 1769 - . 'r^. : HuGENs, Christian. Hopes given of his making fome improvements in optic-glalTes — — An oblcrvation on Saturn, Aug. 17, 1668, ai Paris _ _ - Summary account of the laws of motion - — Inftrudions concerning the ufe of pendulum- watches for finding the longitude at Tea, to gether with a method of a journal for fuel watches _ _ _ ■- . Diicourle concerning the caufe of halo's anc' parelia's - - - ■ Obfervations on the apearance of Saturn'> ring in 1670 Letter on fo s.e obfervations made at Paris or Saturn's rin^ _ _ - - I . Ai> attempt to render the caufe of that odt phainornenon of the quick.filver remainint^^ fufpended f^r above the ufual height in tht Torricellian experiment — — I^ettcrs between him and M. Slufius, about ar opric problem . riis thoughts of Mr, Mooke's obfervations fo proving the motion of the earth Account of very cxa£l and portative watches Experiments on the air pump Experiments mac?e on the air pump upon plants, together with a way of t.king txhau(tcd re- ceivers away from oiT tlie iaid ci^giue Tranf. \'XXV11 53 XLI 171 XLVI 92 LI 186 LXVII 260 LVII 470 LVni227 LIX 384 LX541 I 98 IV 900 — 925 - 937 V 1065 — 2093 VI 3026 VII 5027 VIII 6119 6139 IX 90 X 272 — 443 Abridg. I VI 2 304 VIII 744 XI 972 I 193 — 3^5 — 460 ^547» 555 II 185, 189 I 366 II 23 I 172 — 174 — 465 II 239 477 I — 205 HUGEN5 HUG HUN HuGENs, Christiav. Experiments on the prefer- vation of bodies — — — Experiments on animals in the air pump . . Promifcuous experiments in the air pump — — Dcfcription of an aerial telefcope Hughes, Rev. Griffitfi. Defcripticn of a zo - phyton fomewhat refembiing the flower oft: niarygold - - - Hume, Francis, M. D. Experiments of fifh ani flrfh preiervcd in lime-water HuNAULD, Francis Joseph. M. D. Thoughts oi the operation of the hflala lacrymalis Hunter, Christopher. Acro'.mt of Tome Ro- man infcriptions found ne^r Durham ■ Account of ieveral Roman infcriptions and othe antiquiti'-s in Yorkfhire I An account of a Roman infcripuon ]atrl, dug up in the North of England; vv.ti. fome hiftorical and chronological remark; thereon ■ ■ A Copy of an antlcnc Roman Infcription at Ro- chefter, in Nortliumbcrland, and two other; at Rifingham - - _ Hunter, John. On the digeftion of the flomacl after death _ - _ -. Anatomical obfervatior.s on the torpedo Account of ce tain receptacles of air in birds, which communicate with the lun^s, and art lodged both among the fi-(hy parts, and in th( boliow bone? of thoie animals .11 Obrer\a ions on the (.ullaroo T;out, commonb called in belard the Gizzard Tioat . An account of the gyrnuotus eietSlricus Experiments on ammais and vegetables witl re:pe£l to their power of producing heat . Propoials f^r the recovery of p.o^le apparent!) drowned - _ . Of the heat of animals and vegctaldes — — Account of the free martin — — — Account of a woman who had the fmall- pox during pregnancy, and who leemed u have communicated the f.Miie difeafe to th foetus - - An account of an extraordinary pite.ifant Hunter, VVili.ia\t, M. D. Acco int of the ftruc- tureand dileafes of articulaiinc; cartilag-^s Tranf. X492 — 542 — 544 XIV 608 667 Abridg. if 245 — 250 XLir590 Xm :lviii 163 XXXIX 54 XX11657 XXIII 1I2C XXX 701 XLIII 159 LXII447 LXill48i LXIV 205 — 310 LXV 395 — 446 LXVI412 LXVIil 7 LXIX 279 LXX 128 — 527 XLIl 514 — 122 m 426 --49 X 1271 1X267 Hunter, 668 HUN HUX Hunter, William, M. D. Obfervations on tht bones, commonly fuppofed to be elephant bnnes, which have been found near the rivc Ohio in America , An account of the Nyl-ghau, or Indian am • mal, not hitherto defcribed Huntington, — . An explanation of the cut of two porphyry pillars in Egypt HuTCHi:>^s, Thomas. Experiments made on th dipping-netdle by deliie of the Royal Society 1775 - - - ; . An account of the fuccefs of fome attempts t( freeze quickfilver, at Albany Fort, in Hua fon's Bay, in the year 1775, with obltrvation^ on the d'pping-needle HuTTON, Charles. A new and general methoc of finding fimple and quickly converging fu- ries, by which the proportion of a diameter o a circle to its circumference may eafily bi computed to a great number of places ol fioures _ _ - ^ A demonftration of two theorems mentionec in article XXV, of the Philolophical Tranfac- tions for the year 1775 — The force of fired gunpowder, and the initia velocities of cannon-balls, determined by ex periments^ from which is alfo deduced th relation of the initial velocity to the weight o * ftiot and the quantity of powder — — An account of the calculations made from th' furvcy and meafures taken at Schehallien, ii order to afcertain the mean denfity of the earth - " '■ ■ I .. Calculations to determine at what point in th( fide of a hill its attraction will be the greatel! &c. . - - — — Of cubic equations and infinite feries HuxHAM. John', M. D. On the praeter-natura flrudtuie of the genital parts of a woman Obfervatic-ns on a b^rge omentum , . on an uncommon-coloured faliva , A fhort account of the anomalous epidcmi> fmall-pox at i lymouth. bct^inning in Augull. 1724, and continuing to June, 1725 — — Account of an aurora boiealis fcen at Plymouth. oa. 8, 1726 s Tranf. LVITI 34 LXI 170 XV 1252 LXV 129 LXVI 174 — 476 — - 600 LXVIII 50 — 689 I.XX I — 387 XXXH 408 XXXIII 60 — 379 XXXIV 137 Abridg. I III 530 VII 546 - 518 - 5«3 — 623 VI 297 HuxHAM, H U X HuxHAM, John, M. D. Two extraordinary caTr of a large (tone in the urethra, bronijht on b) the venereal infection, and a child born /.'rl a rcinarkable tunrjour on the loins •-» — Account cf an extraordinary colic - Account of an extraordinary hernia in:;'uinalis — — - Oblcrvations on the pall'a^e of M.rcury cvv.) the Sun, OS. 31, 1738 An extraordinary venereal cafe - ■" ■ Account of polypi taken out of the heart o' feveral Tailor juft an ived at Plymouth fron the Weft Indi s —— Cafe of Hannah Hitchcock, one of vvhofe ure ters was grown up - Account of a btauriful (lalacl.tes, now in t; Mufeum of the Royal Society •— — Account of an extraordinary calculus taken on of the body of a boy '■ Account of a child b ;rn with an extraordin^-.r > tumour near the anu^, containing fome rudi- ments or an enihi vo in )t ■ ObfervatKuib on the nrrihern lights, Feb. 1 c. 16, 1.749-50 - ^ - — — Accouiit ot a body found in a vault in th. church of Staver'on, Devonlbire, after lyini therr upwards of Sd yeais — — Medical and cliemicl obfervations on antimon\ ■■■ Relation or the eftecls of lightning at Plymouti • Account i.f an og!t it'rn of the waters in Devoi,- n\iTc and Coriivvall, pi) mouth, Mount's Ba) . P nzanee, Sec, — — Caie of a man who died of the c'\3s o' llu fire at Eddyl^on light-houfe by intlt(.d jeati running down hi- th;oat Remarks ou the heat of the weather in Ju!) ^1757 • - - ' — — An account of an earthquake in Cornwal July i^, 1757 — — An account vt the cxtraor.]inj;ry heat cf the wCither in July, 1757, and of the eifcdls o: it - - - ■ ■■ ■ Two remarkable cafes in (urgcry — — A With the manner of obferving them *— — Obftrvations on the carneous fibres or' a murclc. and the cortical, and medullar part of the brain ; as alfo on moxa and cotton ., Alicroicopicjl ohfervations of the ftrudure of teeth, and other bones — Microfcopical ohfervations on the ftrufture o the hair _ _ - ., Microfcopical obfervations on ivory . Animalcula obferved in feminc humane On the parts of generation An account of' the appearances of feveral woods and their veffels - -.. _ — — Ohfervations about generation by an animal- cula of the mrale feed; animals in the feed of a frog; foir.e other obfcrvables in the parts ot a fro"- ; digeftion, and the motion o; the blood in a fever - - J Microfcopical obfervations about animals in the fcurf of the teeth, the fubftaiice called worms in the nofe, the cuticula confifting of fcales ) The anatomy of the llime within the guts, and the ufe thereof j Letter concerning fcales within the mouth, and th^.' fcaly child that v^as Ihewn i Obfervations about the chryftalline humour of the eye : A letter concerning the parts of the brain of feveral animals, the chalk ftones of the gout, thcilcprofy, and the leaks of eeis . Obfervations on the falts of wine and vinegar m I On generation by an infe£l On the various figures of falts contained in fe- veral fubflances On generation by an infe6t • Tranf. X 3:0 XI 653 XII 821 - 844 -899 — 1002 — 10-3 — 1040 — 1044 Xill 74 — 197 — 347 XIV 568 — 790 XV8S3 — 9'J3 — 1020 — 1073 — 1 120 LE£U Abrlds'^ III 683 n 783 -873 III 68q I 216 III 684 - 6S5 — 9" WENHOEK, LEE LeeuwenHoek, Anthony Van. Examination of the tefticles of a :at, and the feed of mufcles, oyfters, kt. • - _ On animalcules found in the teeth Of the fcalinefs of the fkin — — Letter concerning the feeds of plants, with ob- lervations on the propagation of plants and animals - - _ Obfervations on cinnabar and gunpowder ~ — Obfei^'ations on the texture of the bones of ani- mals compared with that of wood — — On the bark of trees — • — On the little fcales on the cuticula -— ^ — Microfcopical obfervations on the feeds of cot ton, palm or date fton-s, cloves, nutmegs,; goofeberrics, currants, tulips, caffia, lime trees; on the fkin of the hand, and pores of fweat, the cryllalline humour, optic nerves, gall, and fcales of fifli, and the figures of fe veral fait particleSj^ Sec. *t The .hiftory of the generation of an infe6l called the Wolf; with obfervations on infeds bred in rain-water, in apples, cheefe, &c. ——On the differences of timber growing indif- ferent countries, and felled at different fea- fons of the year ■' ■ Microfcopical obfervations on eels, mites, the feeds of figs, flrawberries, &c. ■ An account of feveral magnetical experiments, and of a perfon who pretended to cure or caufe difeafes at a diflance, by applying a fympathetick powder to the urine Obfervat'ons on the teeth, on young oyfters, on the eggs of fnails, and on the roots of vegetables On the eyes of beetles -' Anfvv-er to the objedions made to his opinions concerning the animalculae in femine mafcu lino - - _ On the animalcula in femine humano — — On the circulation of blood in tadpoles — — On animalcula in the excrements of frogs — — Letter Goncernin^c-nats — —' On the circulation of blood in botts — On worms pretended to be taken from th( teeth - _ _ On fome infeds obferved upon fruit trees Tranf. XVII 593 — 646 — • 700 ~ 754 - 838 — 949 XVIII 194. — 224 XIX 269 — 512 — 790 XX 169 XXI 270 — 301 XXIi 447 — 509 683 Abridg. Ill 685 — 584 — 68c III 685 — 552 ' — 686 — 635 — 659 — 686 — 688 — 685 — 688 Leeuwenhoek, 6S4. LEE Leeuwi:n'hoek, Anthony Van. Further obfer- vations on the animalcula In lemine mafcu- lino _ _ _ On excrefcencies growing on willow leaves On the fpawn of codhlh, &c. — — Letter concerning fpiders, their way of killing their prey, Ipinning their webs, generati^-n, &c. On the edge of razors, and on the diiTercn taftes of waters Microrcopical obfervations ■■ IMicrofcopicai obfervations and experiments concerning the animalcula in feminc matcu lino of cocks an.) fpiders, fliortnefs of breath, &c. Obfervations on fliorinefs of breath ' Obfervations on rain water — — On green w eds growing in water, and am malcula found about them On the diffolution of filver in water On the feeds of oranges — — On worms oblerved in flieeps livers, and ir pafture grounds On a great florm at I^elft On the figures of fand On cochineal _ _ _ Obfervations -on the chryflalline humour in the eye of whales, fifh, and other creatures, ani of the ufe of the eye-lids Obfervations on the tubes or -canals that con- vey the yellow fap in the herb called cheli donium majus, or celandine Obfervations on tobacco afhes <— — On the fofLls of Swifieriand — — On the animalcula on the roots of duck- weeds _ _ _ — — Obfervations on ftaining the fingers, with a folution of filver in atjua-fortis — — On the bark of trees On the vitrified falts of calcined hay - On the feed vclTcls, and feed of polipo- dium - - _ On the figures of the falts of cryftals On pumice-ftone, coral, fponges. See. • On the feeds of fevcral Eafl-India plant' Tranf. XXII 739 — 786 — 821 — 867 — 899 — 933 ^XIII 1137 — 1 143 — 1304 — 1430 — I40I . On the feeds of plants ■^ — On the number of pores on the leaves ol box - "^ 685 Tranf. XXV 2305 V 2 267 — 2416 Abridg. ■ ~ 2425 ' — ■ - — — 2446 — - — — 2456 — - — / XXVI 53 — Ill — — 126 ■— ' — 210 — 250 • '— — 294 — . — — 416 V 284 — 444 V 2388 — 479 — 267 — 493. 499 ' XXVII 20 — — — 316 - 39!i — 43« ~5i8 — 529 >CXV1II i6c XXIX 55 — 5-) XXXI 12 — 91 — 129 — 134 200 — 231 267 V390 — 393 VII 464 — 672 — 464 VI 2 336 V.I43. V'l 2 3^4 — - 32: LeeuwJenhoek, 636 LEE LEW Leeuwenhoek, Anthony Van. Obfcrvations or t'i.e magnetic quality acquired by iron upoi ftanding a long rime in the fame pofture .. On the inuTcuIar fibres of feveral anima's On ilie particles of fat On a foetus, and tlie parts of generation of; (liien On the cal'us of the hands and feet » On the particles and (Irufture of adamant On the mao;nitude of the globules of th blood _ - _ n Of the ftruclure of the diaphragm .; On the palpitation of the heart On the generation of animals Legge, Edward, Obfcrvations of the eclipfe of the Moon, Dec. 21, 1 740, at the iflaiid ot St. Catherine, on the coafl of Brazil Leibnitz, Godfrey \V"iLLiA]\r, M. D. The principles of exaflnefs in the portable watche^ of his invention Anfvvcr to the Abbe Conti's letter on the dif- putc about the method of fluxions or differen- tial method _ _ _ Leigh, Charles. Experiments and obfervatioP!- about the natron of Egypt, and the nitriar water _ _ _ ■ A dlfcourfc on dizeftion Account of ftrange epib-ptic fits I A defcription of a water-level to be fixed tr Davis's quadrant, whereby an obfervatior may be taken at fea in thick and hazy wca ther, without feeing the horizon — — Defcription and ufe of an apparatus added tc Davis's quadrant, confifiing of a mcrcuria level, for talcing the co-altitude of the fun c '. a flar at fea Lethieulier, Smart. An account of the burn- ing of the lleeple at Hanbury in Eflex by lightning, Feb. 5, 1749.5° Lewis, • An eafy way ot raifing fruit-trees Lewis, Rev. George. Account of fome Indiat MSS. lately fent to the Univerfity of Ox- *ford Lewis, Rei'. Johw. Account of the feveral flrat? of earth and foffils found in linking the mi- neral Wells at Holt Trai^r. 1 XXXIT 72 — 93 199 3^-1 400 438 XLII 18 Abrldj. ' T 2 2 - VII 468 — ■ 469 X285 XXX 923 XIV 609 — 694 XXIII II 74 XL 413 — 417 XLVI611 VllI 6C67 XX 421 XXXV 489 ~ 445 — 480 /I 2 226 \ VII 5&2 — 687 — 562 — 473 vm 170 I 466 IV 162 III 94 V 211 VIII 36c ;62 X478 IID54 397 VI 2 22^ Lewis. LEW L H W Lewis, Rev. Johk. On the nature and virtues of Holt water LewIs, Mark. On ihs operation of extrafling worms from the tongue Lewis, Richard. Account of an aurora borealis feen at Annapolis in Maryland, Oclober 2:?, 1730 - " ,. . *^ — — Account of an enrthquaice at Annapolis in Ma- ryland, Sept. 5, 1725, and of an explofion of the air at the fame place — — Account of a remarkable generation of infers at Annapolis in Maryland Lewis, William. Expeiinicntal examination of Platina Lexel, L a .- ■. Occultationsof a and y Tauri hy the Moon ■' ■ ■ Thforems for raakiti':^ tlie folution of polygon' as eafy as that of triangles by coiiimoii trigo- nometry •— ~ On the periodical time of the comet of 1770 Level, Adam. Account of an human body found in a copper mine Lhwyd, Edward. Account of the fiery exhalation in Merionethflilre — — Account of a great llorm of hail in Monmouth' fh ! re — — — • Dcfcription of feveral figured ftones ■ Account of a figured ftone lately found ii VVales ; with a note en it by Hans Sloanc — — Account of fomc Roman, French, and Irifl infcriptions and antiquities lately found ii Scotland and Ireland — — - Account of fome foffils - Account of a very large ftone voided pe urethram — ■ Several obfervations in natural hiftory made ir travels through Wales Several obfervations relating to the antiquiiic; and natural hiitory of Ireland in his travel through that lcin"dom Tranf. XXXVI 43 XVIII 222 XXXVII 69 XXXVIII 119 XLVIII638 L u8 -156 LXV 280 — 281 LXIX 68 XXXIII 136 XVIII223 XIX 579 XX 279 XXI 187 XXII 768 XXVIII 93 XXVill 275 LVIII 15 LVI 126 XXXIV 192 LIX 339 — 3^3 LXV 353 XXX'JI 171 LIII 238 XLII 4QI XLIII 318 XLV 336 XLVIII .284 -757 IX 217 — 219 X3S6 — 388 V 2067 — 2069 Abridg. V 2 120 123 — 122 VI 2 236 VII 557 II 276 XI 1350 X 456 1 161 11194 1 315 II 792 — 686 Lister, L I S Lister, Martin. On the manner of fpiders pro je6ling their threads I I ■■ Inquiries and experiments touching the motio.' of fap in trees .. Some obfervations touching colours, in ordc to the increafe of dyes, and the fixation o! colours = An obfervation concerning certain infe£l-hufk of the kerines kind 1 Account of a kind of fly that is viviparous A fet of curious inquiries about fpiders, and i table of the feveral forts of them to be found ir England, amounting ro at leaft 33 — — An account of an infeft feedmg upon Henbaii the horrid fmellof which is in that creature U qualified thereby as to become in feme meafun aromatical ; together with the co'our yieldec" by the eggs of the fame .. The kind of infed hatched of the Englifhi kermes, alfo the ufe of thefe purple infeC hufks for tinging, together with a coinparifc, made of this Englifh purple kermes with tht fcarlet-kermes of the fhops . On vegetable excrefcences — — Obfervatioris upon that kind of wafps, cal]c( vefpas ichneumonesj efpecially their fevera'; ways of breeding, and, amon» ttem, that ode way of laying their eggs in the bodies of ca- terpillars, &c. Confirmation of Mr. Ray's obfervation aboui mulk fcented infedls, adding fome notes upor Dr. Swammerdam's book of infe^fs, and oi that of Steno concerning petrified fliells A letter enlarging his obfervations about ichneu- mon worms Some additions Difcovery of another mufk fcented infedl An inquiry concerning tarantula's An account of veins obferved in plants analogous to human veins An account of a ftone cut out from under the 689 tongue c.i a man Letter concerning animated horfe hairs, recli- fying a vulgar error Enlargement and correilioa of his former notes A S 2 Tranf. V 2104 VI 2119 — 2132 — 2165 — 2170 — 2176 2ig6 2254 — 2279 22 1) 2281 2284 3002 — 3052 VII 4062 — 4064 Abridg. II 796 — 686 III 65S II 766 ~ 787 — 793 - 783 — 766 — . 768 — 769 -76s — 7^3 — 770 — 768 — 784, 792 — 912 — 691 III 155 II 771 upoa €go L I S upon kermes ; and withal Infinuatlng his con- jecluresof cochineils being a Tort of kermis Lister, Martin. A defcription of an cdd kinJ of mufhroc m yielding a milky juice mud hotter upon the tongue than pepper M . . A farther account concerning the cxifience o veins in all kind of plants; together with ? difcovery of the membranous lubllance l; thofe ve'ns, and of fome a*iis in plants it femtling thofc of fenfe ; and al o of t!-. a:;reement of the vcn 1 juice in vcgttablci with bloed of animals, &c. ■ Anaiomical oblervations add experiments con cerning the unalteiab'c charaifter of the wlucc nefs of the chyle within the laiicous vcmj together with divers particulars or.ferved i the guts, efpecially fome forts of worms foun in them - - - ——Letter taking not'ce of Mr. V/alii^'s rem.'.rk on his obfervations on rhe veins of plaius - A defcrlptitjn of certain flones tigur' d lil. plants, and by fome ob'crving men elieeme to be pbnts pttrificd •—— A letter concerning the fifl part of his tabic of fnails, together with fome queries relating to thofc infects, and the tables thcn)lelves ■ Obfervations and experiments made for th Royal Society Obfervations on the aftroites or flar flones Relation of fome odd worms vomited by chil dren _ _ _ Obfervations made at Barbadoes An account of an experiment made for alter ing tht colour of the chyle in the ladeal vein — — of a Roman monument found in th bifhoprick of Durham, and of lome Romai antiquities at York Relation of a man bitten with a mad doo-, ant dying of the hydrophobia Obfcrvati..ns upon Ron, an antiquities at York Some.prcnablc thoughts of the whitenefs ol the chyle On the ufe of the inteftinum caecum Tranf. VII 5059 5'3^ VIII 606c — 6181 IX 96 221 X 274 — 391 — 399 XIII 6 — 70 — I ^2 — 23S — 242 XIV 457 Abridg. 62- 11693 — 102 — 696 — 493 — 112 — 43' 466, 491 505, 5+S 555, 6^4, — 503 III 135 — 560 — 102 — 423 II 2'76 III 419 — io6 — 425 Lister L I S Lister, ivIartin. Obfervan'ons of the midland fa!t-fprings of VVorcefterftiire, StafFordfhire and Chefliire A way f which feems to be the true method of nature) of diftilllng fweet and frefh water from the fca-vvater by the breath of fea plants growing in it " 1 l)c breath of the fea plants probably the material caufe of the trade or tropick. winds • Of the niture of ear'hquakes — — Obfervations concerning the fpontaneous firing of the pyrttes • ■ Obferi^ations concerning thunder and lightning proceeding from pyrites - Account of bees breeding in cafes made of leaves - - ■ Account of a viviparous fly •■ ■- Letter on the proje^^ion of the threads of fpiders — — Account of feme very aged perfons in the North of'En2land ——An ingenious proporal for a new Ibrt of maps of counties, together with tables oF fands and cla';S, fuch chiefly- as are found in the North parts of Kngla»d On the rifing and falling of the quickfilver in the barometer —. Experiments about freezing, and the difference betwixt common ficfh water ice, and that of the fea water : alfo a probable conjeciure about the original of the nitre of Egypt — — Account of a ftone grown to an iron bodkin in the bladder of a t oy — — Letter to Mr. Ray concerning fome par ticulars that might be added to the ornitho- logy - ^ - . ^ — — Anlvver to Mr. Dale's three queries relating to Ihells — — Account of tranfparent pebbles moftly of the fliape of oiTibriae or brontiai — — The m.aniier of making ffeel, and its temper ; with a euefs at the way tne ancients ufed to fteel their picks, for the cutting and hewing of porphvry — Defcf iption of certain (hells found in the Eaft Indies - . Tranf. XIV 489 — 739 — 790 XV §36 — 882 " 1 159 XV il 641 — 778 — 865 -— 870 C9I Abridg. II 361 — ^97 11 129 — 512 — 420 — 515 — 517 — 182 — 592 - 787 -^ -^ — 796 — 597 III 304 II 450 — 18 — 164 III 162 IT 849, III 312 II 497 — 560 — 8.6, 8 m Lister, 69- LIS LOG Lister, Martin. An account of the nature and differences of the juices, more particularly of our Englifh vegetables .^ Account of leveral plants which may be ufe- fully cultivated for producing grafs or bay — — An account of the long worm which is trou- blefome to the inhabitants of Fort St. Georgt in the Eaft Indies The anatomy of the fcallop Of a venomous fcratch with the tooth of i porpoife, its fympto-iis and cure His opinic.n of Dr, Claike's obfervations on thi polypus of the lungs Account of two boys bit by a mad dog An oojeftion to the new hypothefis of the ge- neration of animalculae in femine mafculino Account of coal borings in Yorkfhire . Remark on Dr. Cay's account of the virtue; of the cftracites On the origin of white vitriol, and the figurt of its cryftals On pondered blues pafiing in the ladeal veins Lloyd, Edward. Account of a paper made of the linum afbeftum found in Wales Lloyd, John. Account of Elden Hole in Derbyftiirc — Journal of the quantity of rain that fell a; Holme, near Manchefter, from 1765 to 1769, and at Barrow, near Leeds, from 1772 tc 1777 - - - Lloyd, Philip, M. D. Of the difcafes and reme- dies incident to northern countries Locke, John. Account of a poifonous fifli in one of the Bahama Iflands An account of one who had horny cxcrefcences or extraordinary large nails on his fmgers and toes - - - i Account of a pcrfon who can neither read noi write, and yet will reckon fums with great exaflnefs A regiiier of ihe weather kept at Oates in Eflex Tranflation of a letter concerning the books and . ncient writings dug out oi the ruins of an edifice near the fitc of the old city of Herculancum Tranf. XIX 365 — 412 — 417 -567 — 726 — 779 XX 247 ill 68 — 337 . XXI 73 — 685 11599 — 81 — 505 - 331 — 537 XXII 819 V259 XIV 823 LXI 250 11 529 LXVIII571 XXI311 III 606 X312 II 842 XIX 694 XXII 893 XXIV 1917 XLIX J 12 Abrido:. II 696 I 748 III 138 II 829 — . 842 III 13 V 2 219 IV 2 48 LoDVi^lCKE, LOD LUC 693 LoDwicKE, Francis. An eflay towards a univerfal alphabet and new primer — — A iecond eflay coHcerning the univerfal primer Logan, James. Account of Mr. Thomas God- frey's improvement of Davis's quadrant tranf- ferred to the mariner's bow Some experiments concerning the impregnation of the feeds of plants — — On the crooked and angular darts of lightning in thunder ftorms •■■■ Thoughts concerning the Sun and Moon, when near the horizon, appearing larger than when in the zenith Long, John. A new method for making loga- rithms, and finding the number correfponding to a logarithm given, with tables LoNGFiELD, John', M. D. Longitude of Cork de- duced from aftronomical obfervations Lord, Rev. Thomas. Account of fome worms whofe parts live after they have been cut afunder _ _ « LoRiMER, J. Defcription of a new dipping- needle . _ _ LovELL, Lord. Account of a meteor feen near Holkham in Norfolk, in Aug;. 1741 Lower, Richard, M. D. The fuccefs of the ex- periment of transfufing the blood of one ani- mal into another ■■ - On making a dog draw his breath like 2 broken-winded horfe — — An experiment of transfufion of blood upon a man in London ' An ©bfervation concerning a blemifh in an horfe's eye not hitherto difcovered by an\ author - - - ' LowTHER, Sir James, An account of the damp air in a coal pit of Sir James Lowther, bart. funk within 20 yards of the fea LowTHORP, J. An experiment of the refraftiOn of the air Luc, John Andrew De. Account of a new hy- grometer ■ Rule for meafuring heights by the barometer, reduced to theEnglifli meafure of length, am adapted to Fahrenheit's thermometer, anc other fcales of heat, and reduced to a more convenient expreflion Tranf. XVI 126 — 134 xxxvni 441 XXXIX 192 — 240 — 404 XXIX 52 LXIX 163 XLII 522 IX 117 LXV 79 XLII 183 VIII 521 I 352 HI 226 11544 - 65 — 557 — 231 ~ 613 — 8b4 II 684 XXXVIII 1C9 VIII 656 XXI 339 LXIII 404 LXIV 158 Abridg. 111373 - 37^ viir 366 — 804 •— 507 — 377 IV 160 I 22& Luc, 6q+ LUC LUF Luc, J. A. De. Barometrical obfervations on the d pth of the mines in the Hartz An effay on pyrometr\^ and areometry, and on| phyfical meafurcs in general - I A lec'ind paper concerning fome barometrica] meaiures in the mines of the Hariz Lucas, Anthony. On iMr. Wewon's colourcci fpeifirum, and objedtions to his theo.y of light and colours .._--- Lucas, Charles. A defcription of the cave ot Kilcorny, in the barony cf Burren in Ire- land The fioure of feme very extraordhiary calcu- lous cor.cretions formed in ihe kidney ot a woman _ - - Lucas, Robert. On the relief he found in the flone from the ufe of Alicant foap and lime- water _ - _ LucATELLi, Joseph. Defcripiion of the Spanifh fembrador, or new engine for ploughing, and equal fovving all forts of grain, and harrow- ing at once LuDLAM, Rev. William. An account of a ba- lance of a new conftruftion, fuppofcd to be of ufe in the woollen manufacture Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus and eclipfe of the Sun, June 3, 1769, at Lei- cciler - - - An account of an occultation of the Har p Tauri, by the Moon, obferved at Leicefler Aftronomical obfervations made at Leicefter for determining the latitude of that place , Occultation o( u and y Tauri by the Moon . An eclipfe of the Sun, June 24, 1778, ob ferved at Leicefl-er M=— The princip d prop rties of the engine for turn- ing ovals in wood or metal, and of the iii- flrument for drawing ovals upon paper de mondrated ~ ~ ~. LuFFKiN, Thomas. On the application of an air- pump to cupping gUlles - On the u^e of numerical figures in England, as old as IC90 - - On the application of the pneumatick engine to cupping glades >.. , Account of fome large bones lately found In a gravel-pit near Cylchcfter Tranf. ( Abrids. LXVII4C1 LXVIII41C, LXIX485 XI 692 XLI 360 XLIV 465 — ¥^3 V 1056 LV 205 LIX 236 LX 355 LXV 366 — 370 .xvn:ioi9 LXX 378 XXI 287 — 408 XXL 924 1 165 V'lII 668 XI 1001 — I coo III 265 1 108 III 265 iV2 I LUKESS, ruK r/YT liUKENs, John. Obfcrvations on the tranfit of Ve nus, June 2» I7^9> in Philadclph a ^LuLOFs, John. Obfcrvations on the tranfit of Ve nus, June 6, 1761, at Lcyden '■ An account of an eclipfe of theMoon, May 8 1762 ■ Obfcrvations of the eclipfe of the Sun of Au- guft 16, 1765, made at Leyden i,YNN, Georse. a method for determining the geographical longitude of places, from the appearance of the common meteors, called falling ftars - - — — Obfervations on the lum.en boreale at South wick in Northamptonfhire, 0£l. 8, 1726 •— Some obfervations ofeclipfes of Jupiter's fatel tellites made at Southwick, 1730 — — Remarks on the weather, accompanyino three fynoptical tables of meteorological ob- fervations for fourteen years from 1726 tc Lyows, Israel. Calculations in fpherical trigono- metry abridged - - I Lyons, D. M. D. Defcription of the Cepphus | •■ Cafe of the late reverend James Bradley ' • Cafe of a girl who fvvallowed three pins, and difcharged them at the fhuulder Lyttelton, Rev. Charles. Defcription of a beautiful nautilites ■ Account of a non-dcfcrlpt petrified infed Tranf. LIX 289 LII25 5 — 650 LVI 30 695 [ Abridg. VI 400 XXXV 351 XXXIV253'VI2 109 XXXIX 196 VIII i8o XLI 686 LXV 470 LH 135 — ^3S LIX 9 XLV 320 XLVI 598, 600 — . 604 X639 -656 4T MaC8RId£. 696 MAC M, Macbride, David, M. D. Account of the revi vifcence of fome fnaHs which bad been pre- ferved many years in Mr. Simon's cabinet An in-.proved method of tanning leather Macclesfield, Earl of. Remrks upon the fo- lar and lunar years, the cycle of 19 years, commonly called the golden number, the epad, and a method of finding the time of Eafter as it is now obfervedin molt parts of Europe ... Tbermometrical obfervations made by M. De midoff, at Solikamlky, on the borders of bi beria, lat. 59'' i" ^5^^ ^y a thermometer adapted to M.dermes'sfcale. which, in this extraft, are reduced, likewife to thofe of Pah renheit, and M. Reaumur . Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Sun, 1769, at Shirborn caftle - , ~ , • , Mac Gouan, John. Extraa of meteorological obfervations kept at Hawkhill, near Edm- burgh, i773» to 1776 ^ ^ ' . • • Machel, Thomas. Account of fome antiquities in Weftmoreland Machin, John. Cafe of a diftempered fkm , Solution of Kepler's problem - Mackartness, J. Cafe of an exrraordinary ftonc voided per anum - - Mackenzie, Alexander, M. D. Account of a wom.anlivin'^ without food or drink Mackenzie, George, M. D. Account of the coati mondi cf Brazil - . ' .. Mackenzie, Mordach, M.D. State of the tides in the Orkneys . Account of the earthquakes at Smyrna , , of the plague at Co- flantinople , Further account of the late plague at Conftan- tinoplc " " " Tranf. LXIV 432 Lxvm III XLVI417 Abridg. XLVIII 107 LIX 172 LXVIII 564 XIV 555 XXXV J299 XL 205 XLI 5C0 LXVII I XXXM 317 XLVl 149 — 700 XLVll 384 X131 IT 430 IX 105 Via 73 IX 170 VII 449 X 577 — 526 — 5H Mackenzie, ^ MAC MAI Mackenzie, Mordach, M. D. Account of an earthquake at Conftantinople, September i6, .. ■ ..■ Of the plague at Conftantinople Mackinlay, Robert. Account of a late eruption of Mount Vefuvlus, and of the difcovery of an antient ftatue of Venus at Rome Macky, . Account of a difeafe at Edinburgh in 1497, f'lppofcd to be venereal Maclaurin, Colin. On the ccnftru£lion and meafure of curves A nevvuniverfal method of defcribing all curves of every order by the ailiftance of angles and riuht lints »..~.«i. Account of a monftrous birth in Lorrain — — On equations with impoliible roots — — On the roots of equations, with the demonftra tion of other rules of algebra » The defcription of curve lines ■ An abftratSt of what has been printed fince the year 1721, as a fupplemeiit to a treatife con- cerning the defciiption of curve lines publiflied in 1719, and of what the author propolts to add to that fupplement — Obfervaiions on the folar eclipfe, Feb. 18. 1736-7, at Edinburgh — — A rule for finding the meridional parts to an) (pheroid with the fame exa6lnefs as in a fphere Of the bafes of the cells wherein the bees depo- fite their honey Maddek, T. M. D. An account of two women being poifoned by the limple diflilled water of laurel leaves, and of leveral experiments upon dogs - - _ — — An account of what was obferved upon opening the corpfe of a perfon who had taken levera! • ounces of crude mercury internally ; and of a plum-ftone lodged in the coats of the reftum Magee, William. Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus, June 6, 1761, at Calcutta Mahon, Lord. Defcription of a moft effedlual method of fecuring buildings againft fire Maire, .. Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Moon, Dec. 23, 1749* at Rome — — Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Sun, Jan. 8 1750, at Rome 4Ta Tranf. XLVIII 819 LIV69 LII44 XLII 420 XXX 803 — 939 XXXIi 346 XXXIV 104 XXXIV 59 XXXIX 143 — 148 XL 177 XLI 808 XLII 565 XXXVII 84 XXXIX 291 LII 582 LXVIII 884 XLVI 321 697 Abrldg. IX 213 IV 51 — 57 VII 688 VI 19 — 25 VIII 140 — no 1X2 VI 2 137 IX 152 1 X91 - 78 MaITLAN'Pj 6gS MAI M A NT Difcoveries concerning Maitlan^d, William. Remarks on the bills of Mortality of Augfburg, from 15O1, to 1720 ]Makenzy, Sir George. Remarks on the tranlac tions of April, 1675 •«— Account of an obelillc thrown down by a vio- lent wind, of -an extraordinary lake in Scot- land, of lake Nefs, and of a petrifying rivulet * Obfervatlons on natural hiftory made in Scot land - - IMaleverer, . Account of coal boatings at Arnclifte in Yorklhire Mallet, F. ofthe trannt of Venu-, June6 1 76 1, at Upfal ■■ Theory of the parallaxes of altitude for the fphere Mallet, I. A. The mofl advantageous conflrui^ion of water wheels, &:c. — Obfervations on the traniit of Venus, June 3 1769 at (Geneva Malpighi, Marcellus. the brain ■■'■ Difcoveries concerning the tongue An obfervation about the epiploon, or the double membrane, which covers the entrails of animals, and is filled with fat ■ ■ ■ Anatomical obfervations on the ftruiSture of 'he lungs of frogs, tortoifes, &c. and perfeftei animals, as alfo the cexture of fpleen, 5ic. • • An improvement of the Bononian ftone — — Account of a kidn.ey of an unufual (liape and texture taken out of the body of a man, will obfervations on horns and glandules in general ■ On the ftrufture ofthe womb Mancini, Ch. Ant. The defcription of a way, faid to be new and univerfal, for working convex fpherical glaflcs upon a plain, for all pr^ftica- ble lengths, without other difhes or concave moulds _ _ _ Manfredi, Eustachius. Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Moon, September i, 1718, at Bologna • Aftronomical obfervations made at Bologna — — - Obfervations on the eclipl'e of the Moon, July 28, 1729, at Bologna — — Obfervations on an cclipfc ofthe Moon, Dec. i, 1732, at Rome Tranf. XXXVIII98 — 307 — 396 XXI 73 LVI 72 — 244 LVri372 LX363 II 491 — 553 VI 2149 XII 842 XIV 601 — 630 III 8:!7 XXXIII 75 XXXV 534 XXXVI 215 XXXVIII 85 Abridg. IX 325 II 104, 321 III 603 — 539 "599 lil 23 - 58 II 658 11653, 817 III 346 II 865, 111682 — 197 VI 187 — 20* VIII ibi Manfredi, MAN MAR J Tranf. Manfredi, EusTACHius. Obfcrvatlons OH fomc of XXXVIII the eclipfes of Ju|)iter's fatellites, 1732, 1733 n? "■ on the tranlk of Mercury, October 31, 1736, at Boiogna - - XL 103 •» On the cclipfe of the Sun, Augufl: 4, 17^8, at Bologna - - - " XLI 94 Mangold, Matthias, M. D. Defcriptlon of a mathematico-hiUorical tjble - XI 667 Mann, Theod. Aug. On rivers and canals LXIX Ccc Mancell, Arnold. Method of making magnets without a loadftone - - XXXVII2Q4 Marriotte, Abhe. New dlfcovery on vifion HI 668 Anfwer to Mr, Pecquet concerning the opi- nion that the choroeides is the principal or- gan of vifion - - V^ 1 203 Marshal, Earl (ot England) A defcription of th diamond mines Marshall, Humphp.ey. Sketches of the folar fpots Marshall, John. Account of the Bramints Marsham, Robert. On the growth of trees 699 Abridg. VIII 179 — 194 VI 2 27c On the ufefuinefs of wafliing and rubbing the ftems of trees Martell, DE. Obfervations made in tht fouthern parts of France — A way of prolongation of the human life Martin, Martin. Obfervations made in the north illands of Scotland — — A relation of a deaf and dumb perfon, who re covered his hearing and fpeech after a violent fever : with fome other medicinal and chirur gical obfervations Martin, William. Cafe of an extraneous body forced into the lungs ■ On the heat of the climate In Bengal Martindale, Auam. Account of a rock of natural fait at Kotherton in Cheihire Martineau, David. Cafe of ftones voided per anum Martyn, Johnt. Obfervations in natural hiftorv made in a journey to the Peak, in Derbyfliire «— — Account of a new purging fpring at Dulwich in Surry _ _ . — ■ " Obfervations on an aurora auftralis, March 18, 1738 9, at London '" Account of a new fpecies of fungus XII 907 LXIV 194 xxir 729 LI 7 LXVII 12 V 1179 XIX 727 XXV 2469 LV 39 LVII217 V 2015 XXXII 433 XXXVI 22 XLI 835 — 840 XLIII 263 "833 — 464 V365 ^I 425, 637 III 309 — 543 /357 V 2 127 ^^523 VII 520 VI 2 190, VIII 653 X 705 Martvk 700 MAR MAS Martyn, John. Account of an earthquake, Feb. 8 1749-50. at Chcllea — — March 8, 1749-50, at Chelea . On the fex of holly Ma SCALE, Magiftrate of. Account of an eruption of Mount TEtna, 1755 IVIaseres, Fraxcis. A method of Ending the value of an infinite ferics of decreafing quantities ot a certain form, when it converges too llo\vl\ to be fummed in the common way, by tht mere computation and addition or fubftraflion of feme of its initial terms A method of finding, by the help of Sir Tfaat Newton's binomial theorem, a near value o' the very flowly-con verging infinite ferics XX x^ x'*- x^ .V + - — -{ \- • 1 , &c. wiien x \$ 2,345 very nearly equal to i. ■ A method of extending Cardan's rule for re- folving one cafe of a cubick tquasior x^ ■)(■ — ^* — r to the other cafe of the famt equation, vi^hich it is not naturally fitted to folve, and which is therefore called the irre ducible cafe Appendix _ _ - . A conjecture concerning the method by which Cardan's rules for rtfulving the cubic equation A-3-J-^>^rrr in all cafes (or in all magnitudes of the known quantities q and r) and the cubic equation x^ — q x ::z r\n the firft cafe of it 2g^(f r r . (or when r is greater than 0^ zVz or greater than — ), were probably difcovered by Scipio Ferreus of Bononia, or whoever elfe was the firfl inventor of them Makselyne, Nevil, D. D. A propofal for dif covering the annual parallax of Sirius ■ A theorem of the aberration of the rays of light rcfrafted through a kns, on account of the impcrfcftion of the fphcrical figure — ^— Obfcrvations to be made on the parallax of the Moon at St. Helena, and recommending the the fanie to be iiiaJc at Paris and Greenwich, Tranf. XLVI 6c9 — 630 XLVIIi 613 XLIX 209 LXVII iSy LXVIII 895 — C02 LXX 8;: — 221 LI 889 LII 17 Abrldg. ^493 — 5C1 to MAS to fettle the dlfFerence of longitude between Paris and Sr. Helena Maskelyne, Nevil, D. D. Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus, June 6, 1761, at the ifland or St. Helena ^ Obfervations on Mr. John Shelton's clock, made at St. Helena — — The refults of obfervations of the diftance of the Moon from the Sun and fixed ftars, made in a voyage from England to the ifland of St Helena, in order to determine the longitude of the fhip, from time to time; together with the whole procefs of computation ufed on this occafion - _ _ — — — Obfervarions on the tides at St. Helena — — Propofals f(jr determining the difference of Ion gitude betwixt London, Paris, and Green wich, by occukations of fixed ftars by the Moon - Concife rules for computing the efFefts of refrac- tion and parallax in varying the apparent diftance of the Moon from the Sun or a Itar alfoan eafy ruleof approximation for comput- ing the diftance of the Moon from a ftar, the longitude and latitude of both being given with demonftriitions of the fame » - Remarks upon the equation of time, and the true manner of computing it - Aftronomical obfervations at St. Helena ■ Obfervations on Mr. Mafon's account of the going of Mr. Ellicott's clock at St. Helena ■ Aftronomical ohrervations at Barbadoes — — — Introduction to Mr. Smeaton's papers, on the menftrual parallax arifing from the mutual gravitation of the earth and Moon, ano its influence on the obfervations of the Sun and planets; and on a new method of obferv ing the heavenly bodies out of the meri- dian - _ _ ■" Introdu(£l:ion to the obfervations made by Ch Mafcn and Jer. Dixon, for determining th^ length of a degree of latitude, in the provinces of Maryland and Pennfylvania in North America _ _ . ■•" Length of a degree of Latitude in the provinces of Adaryb.nd and Pennfylvania j deduced from Tranf, LII 21,26 — 196 — 434 558 586 607 LIV 26^ 336 34S 3B0 389 701 Abridg, LVIII 154 — ' 270 the IGl Mas H A S the obfcrvadons of MeiTieurs Mafon and] Dixon - ~ ' ! KELYNE, Nevil, D. D. On the propor- tion of Englifn and French mirafures ObfervAtions on the tranfit of Venus over the San, and on the ecUple of the Sun, jai-e 3, 1769 - - ." . Obfcrvations on the eclipfes of Jupiter's firft fateliite in 1769 ■ Obfervations on the occultatlons of fixed rtars in 1769, at Greenwich . Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Moon. Dec. 12, 1769, at Greenwich • De^'criptionof amethoclof meafuring differences of riiihr-afcenfion and dechnation, with Dol lond'l micrometer, together with other new applirations of the fame . Remarks on Hadley's quadrant, tending princi- pally to remove the difficulties which have hitherto attended the ufe of the back, obferva- tion, and to obviate the errors that might arife froiTi a want of parallelifm in the two furfaces of the index glafs -M.de Luc"s rule for meafuring heights by the barometer, reduced to the Englifh meafure of length, and adapted to Fahrenheit's theroK)- meter, and other fcales of heat, and reduced to a more convenient expreflion - Obfervations of eclipfes of Jupiter's firft fateliite at Greenwich, compared with obfervations of the fame, made by Samuel Holland in North America, and the longitudes of places thence deduced - - - Immerfions and emerfionsof Jupiter's firft fatel- iite obfervcd at Jupiter's inlet, on the iHand of Antecofla, North America, and the longi- tude of the place deduced from comparifon with obfervations made at the Royal Obferva tory at (jreenwlch, by the Aftronomer Royal - A propofal for meafuring the attraction of fome hill in this kingdom by aftronomical obfer vations - - ~ - An account of obfervations made on the moun lam Schehallien for finding its attradlion . Longitude of Cork fettled from Dr. Longficld's obfervations Tranf. LVIII 323 — 326 — 355 LlX 399 Abridg, LXI 536 LXII 99 LXIV 158 — 184 — 190 LXV 495 — 500 LXIX 179 Maskelyne, RT AS M A U Maskelyne, Neville, D. D. Account of a new inflrument for mcafuring fmall angles, called the prifmatic micrometer Mason, Abraham. Ohfervation on the tranfit of Venus, June 6, 1761, at the Cape of Good ■Hope - - - _ .1 Reliicion of an extraordinary agitation of the fea at Barhadoes, March 31, 1761, and an epidemical di(brder in that ifland Mason, Charles, D. D. Obfervations on an eclipfc of the Sun, Feb. 18, i73&-7» at Cambridge- — — Account of a fire ball feen in the air Dec. 1 1 1741 - _ - , - — — On fpelter and melting iron with pit coal ... Account of a burning well at Brofeley Mason, Charles. Oblervations for proving the eoine of Mr. EUicott's clock at St. Helena . Obfervations for determining a degree of lati- tude in Maryland and Peanfylvania .. Aftronomical oblervations made in tlie forks of the river Brandivine in Pcnfylvania, for de termining the going of a cloclc fent thither by the Royal Society, in order to find the differ- ence of gravity between the Royal Obfervatory at Green'A'ich, and the place where the clock was fet up in Pennfylvania ■■ ■ - Aftronomical obfervations at Cavan in Ireland, 1769 - — — Obfervations on the tranlit of Venus, June 3, 1769, at Cavan Masson, Francis. An account of three journies from the Cape Town, in the Southern parts of Africa, undertaken for the difcovery of new plants, towards the improi/emcnt of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew — — Account of the illand of St. Miguel Mather, C'TTon. Extrafts of leveral letters from New England Matthe\;vs, Edward. Account of the finkincr of a river near Pontypoal in Monmouthihire Maud, John. On Sir James Lowther's experiment on mtiammable air - Account cf fome oil of fiifiafras cryftallized Mauduit, Israel. Obfervations upon an Ameri- can wafp's neft Maunder, . Account of an aurora borealis, Nov. 10, 1699 4U Tranf. LXVII 799 LII 378 — 477 XL 197 XLir I XLIV 370 LII 534 LVIII 274 — 329 LX454 — 488 LXIV268 LXVIIlooi XXIX62 XLIX 547 XXXIX282 XL 378 XLIX 205 XXX I lOi 70s Abridg. VIII 524 X 671 -586 V15, fX 396 — 394 IV 2 164 Mauper- 7Q4 MAU M E R •Maupertuis, Peter Lewis de. Coiveaures concerning ftars which fometimes dilappear, and on the annulus round Saturn « Two problems concerning the figures of fluids refolving about an axis Maurice, M. De S. M. D. Account of the forma- tion cf a foetus in the tefticle Mawgridge, Robert. Relation of the efFc£ls of thunder and lightning on the Trumbull galley Nov. 26, 1696 Maxwell, John. Account of the Cape of Good Kope - - ' On the variation of the compafs or nnagnetick needle in the Atlantic and Ethiopick oceans, 1706 _ . - Mayer, Christian. Account of the tranfit of Venus, June 6, 1661, at Schwefingcn Obfervations on the eclpfe of the iMcon, March 20, 1764, at Schwefingen m Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Sun, April I, 1764, ot Schwefifigen , Afti'onomical obfervations at Svvetzingen in 1767 and 1768 ^ Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus, June 3, 1769, at Gryphifwald Mayerne, Sir Theodore, M. D. On the difeafcs of dogs _ - - A difcourfe of the viper, and feme other poi- fons, after difcourfing with Mr. Ponia.*us Mayne, Zachary. Account of a fpout of water that happened at Topfham, at the river be- tween ikc fea and Exeter Maze as. Abbe. Account of the fuccefs of fomc experiments in eledricity late y made in France - - _ - — — Obfervations upon the ele^ricity of the air made at the Chateau de Maintenon in June, July, and October 1753 ■ On the toxicodendron -» On the ancient method of painting, revived by Count Caylus _ _ - Mead, Richard, M. D. Three cafes of the hy drophobia _ _ _ Melvil, T. On the caufe of the different refran gibility of the rays of light MiRCiWTOR, Nicholas. Pioblem on fome points of navigation Tranf, 1 Abrldg. XXXVII240! VI 331 Xin 285 XIX 782 XXV 2423. — 2433 LIV 163 — 165 — 169 LVIII 345 LIX 284 XVI 40 8 XVIII 162 XIX 28 XLVII 534 XLVIII 377 XLIX 157 — 652 XXVI 433 XLVIII 261 I 215 III 212 II 176 V 2 lis IV 455 II 870 111282 11 645, 814 II 104 V367 I 576 MlRCATOR, MER U ES 70f Mercator, Nicholas. Illuftrations of the !oga rithmo-technia ' ConfiJerations concerning his geometrical and dire,'^ method for finding the apogees, excen tricities, and anomalies of the planets Merret, Christopher, M. D. Obfervations on the uniting of bark of trees cut, to the tree itfelf _ - - - Experiment on Aloe Americano ferrati-folia weighed, feeming to import a circulation of the fap of plants An experiment of making cherry-trees, that have withered fruit, to bear full and good fruit, and of recovering the almoft withered fruit - - - •*— — A defcrlption of feveral kinds of granaries, as thofe ot London, of Dantzick, and in Muf- covy •— — A relation of the tin-mines, and working of tin in the county of Cornwal "-— The art of refining tin — An account of fome obfervables in Lincoln- fhire, not taken notice of in Camden, or any other author — — A table of the wafhes in Lincolnlhire Mertans, Charles de, M. D. Obfervations on tre fcurvy Mesaporitus, ''^nthony. Account of a pain in the belly arifing from the inteftines being con- creted into a cartilaginous fubftance ■■ Cafe of an eruption ot blood from almoft every part of the body Messier, Charles. A table of the places of the comet of 1764, difcovcred at the Obfervatory of the Marine at Paris, January 3, about eight o'clock in the evening, in the conltellation of the Dragon, concluded from its fituation with regard to the ftars ■ A memoir, contanlng the hiftory of the re turn of the famous comet of 1632, with ob- fervations of the fame, made at Paris, from Jan. to June, I759 . " -■ Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Sun on the i6th of Augufl, 1765, made at Colombes, nt-ar Paris ■' ■ A difcovery, with obfervations of two new 4U 2 Tranf. Ill 759 IK lUs: — 455 — ■ 464 XII 949 — 1045 XIX 343 — 392 LXVIII 661 XXIV 2114 — 2144 Abrldg. I 253 III 706 II 645 — 652 — 628 — 572 — 591 I" 533 II 267 V235 LIV 151 LV 294 LYI conies '7o6 MES MID comets in the Marine Obfervatory at Pa: is, March, 1766 - ^ - Messier, Cfiarles. Obfervations on the eclip'e of the Sun of Auguit 5, 1766, made at Co- lombes - - I Account of an aurora borealis, Auguft 6, 1 76 1 . at Paris _ - - ■ Obfervations on the cranfit of Venus, June 3, 1769, at Paris ■ A fenes of aftronomical obfervations at tht Obfervatory of the Marine at Paris, to wit, 1. of Jupier's fatellites in tiie years 1767 zvx 1768; 2. on the ihadows of Jupiter's fatellites 3, on the variation of the belts on the difc oi that planet ; 4. of a fpot on the difc of th;- 3J fatellite _ _ - — — Obfervation of a partial eclipfe of the Moon, January 3, and of a total one December 23. "1768 . . - ■ * Obfervations of the Moon's paffage over the Pleiades in 1767 II .. Obfervations on the belt of Saturn m On a new comet ol)ferved at Paris, January 10 lyyi _ - - — — A belt on the difc of Saturn clefcribcd MiCHHLL, Rev. John Oblervations on the comet of Jan. 17^0, at Cambridge , On the caufc and phenomena of earthquakes, particularly that of Nov. I, 1755 — , . A recommendation of Hadley's quadrant fo: furveying, cfpecially l;he furvcying of harbour.s tofTtther with a particular application of it t( fome cafes of pilotage ■ Propofal of a method for meafuring degrees of lor.gltude upon para'lels of the equator — — An inquiry into the probable parallax and mag nitudc of the fixed flars. from the quantity of light which they afford us, and the particulai circuinflances of their fituation MiCHELOTTi, Pet. Ant. M. D. An account of a perfon vomiting blood by drinking exceflivt cold liquors in winter M1DDI.ETON, Christopher. A new and exaf! table, collcded from tvcral obfervations taker ©n four voyages to Hudfon's bay from London. fhcwing tlic variation of the magnetical nccdK Tranf. LVI 57 — 259 LIX 86 — 374 454 Abridg. LXI 104 I XVI 543 LI 466 — s66 LV 70 LVI 119 LVII 234 XXXVII129 II 508 MID MIL or Tea compafs, in the patli way to the faid bay, according to the feveral longitudes and latitudes, from 1 721 to 1725 MiDDLKTON, Christopher. A new and exnf\ table, collefted from feveral obfervations taken from the year 1721 to 1729, in nine voy- ages to Hudfon's Bay, in North America, ihevving the variation of the compafs, accord- ing: to the latitudes and longitudes, accounr- inof the lonsfitudes from the meridian of Tranf. XXXIV 73 London Obfervations on the vi^eather in a Hudfon's Bay, 1730 voyage to 1731 1735 707 Abridg. VI 29; XXXVn 71 - 76 XXXVIII 127 XXXIX 270 XL 96 — 310 — 395 XLI806 • Obfervations on the lunar eclipfe, Sept. 8, 1736, at Hudfon's Bay — ■— An obfervation of the ma2:netic needle beins; fo alFefted by great cold that It could not tra verfe .. - _ - " • The ufe of a nev^^ azimuth compafs for finding the variation- of the compafs or magnetic needle at fea with greater eafe and exa61nefs than l>y any yet contrived for thatpurpofe ■' An examl^nation of fea water frozen and melted again to try vvhac quantity of fait is contained in fuch ice, made in Hudfon's ftraighis "■ The efteft of cold ; together with obfervations of the longitude, latitude, and declination of the magnetic needle at Prince of Wales fort upon Churchill river in Hudfon's Bay, North America _ _ . MiLBOURNE, William. An account of a remark- able decreafe of the river Eden in Cumberland Dec, 28, 1762 Miles, Rev, H."Nry. Obfervations on red lights in the air, Jan. 23, 1750-1 «— — Remarks concerning the circulation of the blood as feen in the tail of a water eft through a folar microfcope On the feed of fern — — — A reprefentation of the Parhelia feen in Kent Dec. 19, 1741 —— Account of the filing of phofphorus by cle6Iricityj XLIII 290 ' Obfervations of luminous emanations from ha XLII ^7 LIII7 XL VI 346 XLI 725 — 770 XLII 46 300 — '55 VIII 468 - 376 741 — 374 — 643 — 469 X 484 1X69 VIII 809 — 515 X 272 man 7o8 M I L man bodies and from brutes ; with fome re- marks on eleciricity MitEs, Rev. Henry. An account of fome improve- ments wiiich may be made in cyder and perry - - — — On the efFects of a cane of black fealing wax, and a cane of briaillone, in eledrical exp.n- meiits - _ - • Several ele£^rical experiments -> On eledtrical fire • Some eleftrical obfcrvations —— Account of Englifh ants ■ . The difference of the degrees of cold marked by a thermometer kept within doors, or without in the cpen air Account of the ftorm of tkunder which hap- pened June I 2, 1748 • ■I An effay on quantity, occafioned by reading a treatife, in which finple and compound ratio's are applied to virtue and merit, by the Rev. Mr. Reid - - _ - On thermometers, with fome obfervations on the weather - - - - Account of fome vertebrae of ammonites or cor- nua ammonis • Obfervations on a very cold day, and on another very hot day, in June and July, i 749 ■ On the near agreement of thermometers in Lon on and at Tooting — — — On the green mould on fire wood — — On the heat of the weather in July and September, 1750 - On an extraordinary heat in Feb. 1749-1^0 — — Account of an earthquake, Feb. 8, i749-5*^s ^^ Tooting - - - March 8, 1749-50, at Tooting - A further account ■ Addition to t'-.e former accounts — — Account of the earthquake felt at Tooting, Stpt. 30, 1750 - Account of the late hard weather State of the thermometer, Feb. 8-9, 1755 Accourit of a florm of thunder, June 27, 1756 at VVcf^-Looe and Lamcath, Cornwall Miller, Charles. Account of the ifland of Sumatra - - Tranf. XLITI 441 — C16 XLIV 27 — 53 - 7S - ,58 — 351 -613 XLV 383 — 505 XLVI 1 - 37 — - 208 — 334 — 571 — 619 — 607 — 619 — 62B — 639 — 726 Xi VIII 525 XLiX 43 L 107 LXVIII 160 Abridg. X 278 — 317 — 3^9 — 3-^2 __ 321; XI 833 X433 — 475 — 22 — 447 — 641 — 471 — 748 — 474 49: 5CO 504 — 5: Miller., M I L Miller, Philip. Method of ralfing exoticlc feeds ■ Acco'jnt of tulips, and fuch bulbous roots, liovvering in bc'ttles of water ■ Catalogue of 50 plants fent from Chelfea gar- garden 1740 709 — 1741 _ - - — -1742 - -t — 1743 — 1744 - - - — 1745 — 1746 - - - -■■ A miflake of Profeffor Gmelin concerning the fphondylium vulgare hirfutum of Cafpar Ban- hin _ _ » _ ■ Account of the toxicodendron Reraarks on Ellis's letter on the toxicoden- dron _ - - MiLLEs, Jeremiah, D. D. Account of the Carlf- bad mineral water - Remarks on the Bovey coal «— — Meteorological oblervations at Bridoe water ii Somerlctfliire, 1768 . 1769 - - Mills, Henry. Account of the agitation of tht waters at Rotherhith, Nov. i, 1755 MiLNtR, JOHN. Obfervations on the eclipfe of th'. Sun, May 2, 1733, at Yeovil, in Sonieritt- fllire • an eclipfe of the 1735-6, at Yeovil Moon, March ic;. -• . Account of a meteor feen at Peckham, Dec. 1 1. 1741 -_ - — — On the propriety of burying cows dead of thf diftemper in lime — — Cafe of Nicholas Reeks, who was born witl his feet turned inwards, which came t' rights after being fome time ufed to fit crols legged MiLNER, Rev. Isaac. Reflexions on munication of motion by irapaifl vity - - - =- Obfervations on the limits of algebraical equa- tions ; and a general demonftration of j^e; Cartes' rule for tinding their number of affir the and com cra- mative and negatvc roots — — On the prc-eflion of the equinoxes produced b} the Sun's attraction Tranf. XXXV 48s XXXVIl 81 XLII 620 XLIII 75 — 189 — 421 XLIV 213 — 597 — 43 XLvin ICC XLIX 157 ^ L430 — 25 LI 534 LIX 155 LX 228 XLIX 361 XXXVIII 116 XL 18 XLII 138 XLIV 224 XLVI 239 LXVIII 34. - 380 LXIX 505 Abrid VI 2 3^53 — - 355 VIII I 37 — 521 XI 925 — 1113 MiLWARD, 7 10 MIL MOI MiLW ARD, Edward, M. D. Account of an anti-1 dote to the Indian poifon Mitchell, John, M.D. On the caufes of the different colours of people in different cli- mates ~ ■ 1 ■ J r Of the prep;:ratlon and ufes of various kinds ot ^ Account of a aiower of black dull in Zer land , On the force of ekarcal cohefion MoEHRiNG, Paul Henry Gerrard. Botanical oblervations giving more accurate delcnptions of certain plants - ~ MoivRE, Abraham r)E. Obfervations on the tranfits of Venus and Mercury over the bun s difk - - ~ r n . Remarkable f^edmens of the doarine oi tiux ions, or examples wherein the ufe and excel lence of that method in folving geometncaJ problems is {hewn . A method of ra.fing an infinite multinomial to any given power, or exlradting any given root of the fame - " r • . A method of extrafling the root of an infinite equation - " , i i The dimenfion .of the folids generated bv the converfion of Hippocrates lunula, and of us parts about feveral axes, with the iurfaces ge nerated by that convetfion . The method of fquaring any kind of curves, oi reducing them to more fimple cur^es^ ^ ^ . Analytical folution of certain inhnitenmal equations The laws of chance, in a fet of problems A general folution o^ the fifteenth general pro- blem, propofcd by him in his treatife de men- fura fortis, with the affiftance of combined or infinite feries A ready defcription and quidrature of a curvt of the third order, refembling that commonly called the foliate - - Some fimple properties of conic fedions de- duced from the nature of focus's, kc. ^ The redudlion of fradtions into more fimple ones " ' Of the fsdion of an angle Tranf. XLII 2 XLIII 102 XLV 541 L 297 LI 390 XLI211 LXI 433 XIX 52 — 619 XX 190 XXII 624 XXIII 1113 XXV 2368 XXV112I3 XXIX 145 — 329 XXX 622 Abrldg. 1X335 XI 926 X777 VIII 760 I 34 — 90 — 95 — 29 IV 15 — 77 V 2 266 XXXII 162 IXXXII 228 IV 24 — 3 VI 51 VI 65 MOIVRF, MOI MOL 711 MoivRB, Abraham de. The red u£lion of roots into more fimple forms <. The eafieft method of calculating the value of annuities MoLLOY, Account of the earthquake at Lifbon, May 31, 1761 MoLYNEUx, William. Account of Lough-Neagb in Ireland, and its petrifying qualities .- ■ ■ ■ Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Sun, July 2. 1684, at Dublin II A retradtation of the 7 th and laft paragraph of the letter in vol. XIV. p. 552, concerning Lough-Neagh Stone, and its non-application to the magnet upon calcination- I ■■ Account of the Connough worm • -•• ■ Account of a prodigious os frontis in the me- dicine fchool at Leyden ■— — Account of a new hygrofcope — — On the circulation of blood in the lacerta aquatica _ - _ " • ' A difcourfe on this problem, why bodies dif folved in menftrua fpecifically lighter than themfelves fwim therein — — Some reflexions by T. Molyneux — — Account of the dioptrick problem, why four convex glalTes in a telefcope fliew obje6lt ere£t _ . . — — Of the courfe of the tides at Dublin « Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Moon, No- vember 19, 1686 — — On the apparent magnitude of the Sun and Moon, or the apparent diftance of two flar;- when nigh the horizon, and when higher ele- vated - . > — — — Hiftorical account of colds or epidemical dif- tempers _ . . Notes relating to the Giant's caufevvay — — Account of a not yet defcribed fcolopendra ma- rina - - - ■ ' A difcourfe concerninfj the large horns fre- • T quently /ound under-ground in Ireland, con eluding from them that the great American deer, called a moofe, was formerly common in that ifland -i— — A demonftratiou of an error committed by common furvcyors in comparing of lurvey 4X Tranf. Abridg. XL 463 VIII I XLIII 65 UI 142 XIV 552 II 322 — 749 1 — 820 XV 876 — 880 — ' 1032 — 1236 XVI — 169 — 192 236 — 314 XVIII 10s — 175 XIX 405 -489 -758 III 2 II 40 III 225 I 535 — 537 I 189 II 263 i 221 If I 271 115 3 -83: II 432 III 544 take 712 MOL MON taken at long Intervals of time, arihng fioa. the variation of the magnetic^ needle MoTYKEUX William. A true deicnpt.on o ^^°'' thebo.ofK.pan-,hane in the counry of Li- merick"; with an account of the motion thereof, June 7, 1697 ^ . i:^\\..r nf'late Account of thelwar. .s of infeas that of late years have n.uch mr.fted fome parts of the province of Ccnnought in Ireland Remarks on the ext^aftrng the ftone out of the bladder of thofe ot the female fex , Some additional obfe.vations on the Giants faulew av in Ireland ', ,. 1 j A iCkment to .he account of the fcolopendra marina ~ . EiTay co.icerning giants - " , . Some tho ^'.^s concerning the ancient Greek ard Rom n ,yre in explanation of an obfcuie n^iTage in ne of Horace- s odes ^ T^, le^^s of thunder and lightning in the founv of Down, Aug. 9, I?^? , " , R.rrks on an accou'nt of fome large teeth latel, dug up i" !«'=''•'' i„,„„u^„ of the MoNARTY, MlcHAtL. On the irre^ui j ^ tides at Shce- els " . , MoNCEAU, DU ^•A^..LDU. Obfervafons and ex- periments w..h madder toot, wh.ch has the facu"y o tinoing .he bones of hvmj an.mals of a red colour - „;.,,! ^x ^"■^"roT^halroT bhi from the mouth, not. ea'S and eves in convuliion hts ^ . . . -!' Rfmund de. a treatifc of infinite MoNMORT, KEMUND Vi^. J^ feries T./r u., PrTFU LE M- D. On the Communication MoNNItR, 1 ETER Lt, i-vi. ^ . r^L^D„„5l of electr.ccy read at the meeting of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Fans, November 12, .Oblfvations on' an ecllpfe of the Sun, July oA 174-8, at Paris - " Monro DoJal;, M. D. Account of fo- neutra fa!ts made v^'itn vegetable acids, and with the fa.t of amber - ^ ' j . ^„ . Account of a pure native cryftai.zed n.t.on founi at Tripoli - . ," ^.^ ^i Account of the fupUurcous mineral waters ot Tranf. XIX 625 — 714 — 741 XX II — 209 XXI 127 XXII 487 XXIII 1267 XXVI 36 XXIX 367 XLIX 525 XLT 390 XXII 756 XXX 633 XLIV 290 XLV 582 LVII 479 LXI 567 Abridg. I 125 II 737 - 778 III 184 II 514 _- 836 III 2 IV 474 lV 2 126 — - 237 IX 10 IV 90 X336 «69 Caftle MON MOR 713 Caftlc Lcod and Falrhurn, ani of the fait waters of Pitkeathly Monro, John, M. U. Account of the catacombs of Rome and Napl.s Montague, Edward Wortley. Account ot his journey from Cairo to the Written Moun tains - - Obfervations on Pompcy's pillar Montesquieu, Second at de. Stones of a regn- gular figure found near Bagneres in Gafcony MoRANT, Rev. Philip. Can- of a boy who had the malleus of each ear and one of the incus' drop out - _ _ Moray, Sir James. Account of perfons killed with fubterraneous damps Account of fome extraordinary tides in the Weft Ifles of Scotland Account how the adits and mines are workec at Liege without air fliafts ■ An unufual way of planting mulberry trees in Virginia, with fome particulars for the good of that plantation ■ Confiderations and enquiries concerning tides Patterns of tables for obferving tides " Experiments for improvement in the art of gunnery - - — — A relation concerning barnacles A defcription of the illand of Hirta •■ ■ The manner of making malt in Scotland More, . Curious remarks in his travel through Italy - - •— — Method of gathering manna near Naples More, Henry. Obfervations on the tides in the Straights of Gibraltar More, Robert. Extrad from theparifh regifter of Holy Crofs in Salop from 1750 to 1760 More, Samuel. Cafe of a young man who loft the ufe of his hands by cleanfing brafs wire Moreland, Sir Samuel. Account of the fp mak- ing trumpet ' Undertaking for raifing water Account of a fuccefsful operation for the hy- drops pedoris MoRGAGNi, John Baptist. Obfervations on ar eclipfe of the Moon, September 8, 17 18, in Italy - . _ Tranf. LXII 15 XXII 643 LVI 40 LVII 438 XLIII26 LII 264 I 44 — 53 — 79 — 201 — 298 11473 XII 925 — 927 — • 1069 XLVI 464 — 470 LII 447 — 140 LT936 VI 3056 IX 25 LVI 202 Abridg II ^48 X788 11 ->'■'' — 291 — 372 — 653 J 260 1^365 I 493 II 849 III 541 II 627 KI 1331 X776 I 537 4X2 XXXIJI 71 I VI 1 85 Morland, 714 M O R MoR.LAND, Joseph, On fecretions in an animal body _ _ - ■ . n Abftra.fl of Dr. Mead's mechanical account of poifons , _ _ New obfervations on the parts and the ufe of the flower in plants MoRLEY, Charles, M. D. Account of the bones of a foetus voided per anum fome years after conception _ « _ Morris, Michael, M. D. A relation of a monftious birth . Obfervations and experiments on different ex- trads of hemlock Exp-riments on Somerfham water » Account of fome ipecimens of native lead found in a mine in Monmouthfhire Mortimer, Cromwell, M. D. Cafe of feme uncommon anaftomofes of the fpermatic veffels in a woman Account of Cat^fby's effay towards the natural liiflory of Carolina and the Bahama iflands, with extrads — Account of Mr. Le Blon's principles of print- ing in imitation of painting, and of weaving of tapeftry in the fame manner as brocades — — — Experiments with laurel water — — Experiments with the fpiritus vini aethereus The anatomy of a female beaver, and an ac- count of caftor found in her Remarks on the cure of the bite of a mad dog - - _ 1 Experiments of the bite of vipers ■ Delcription of a water infeft found in Kent The defcription of an antique metal ft amp in the collection of the duke of Richmond, be- ing one of the inftances how near the Romans had arrived to the art of printing, with fome jcmafks Tranf, Abridg. XXIII 1291 — 1320 — 1474 IV 2 30^ XIX 486 XII 961 III 302 LIV 172 LVI 22 LXIII 20 XXXVI 373 VII 553 ^■— 425 XXXVII — 480 174' 447 XXXVIil j 4^5 ^ XXXIX 112, 251 XL 343 XLIV 599 L^LV 157 IX 925 — 926 XXXVIIioi VI 469 — 163 XXXVIII 55 VI 2 374 1X372 — 172 1X78 XXXIX 313 — 221 — . — — 61 XL 153 — 7 - 388 417 Mortimer, MO R Mortimer, Cromwell, M. D. Ele<5liical ex periments made by Granvilc Wheler at the Royal Society's houfe, May 1 1, 1731 . Account of Dr. A. Stuart's paper of the muf- cular ftruflure of the heart ■■ Obfcrvations on the aurora auftralis, March 18, 1739-40, at London — Account of a Capricorn beetle found alive in a cavity within a found piece of wood — — — — of the horn of a fifli ftruck feveral inches into the fide of a fhip — — Abftradl of original papeis communicated to thf Royal Society concerning Frobenius's fpiritu; vini asthereus - . _ ■ ■ ■ Account of the furprifing quantities of food devoured by a boy 12 years old in fix fuc- ceffive days ■. On the natural heat of animals —— Of a fiery meteor feen July 16, 1742 ■ Acco\mt of the diftemper among horned cattle — — Further obfervations Third account ■ Remarks on the precious ftone called Turquoi ft ■ ' On the ufefulnefs of thermometers in chemical experiments, and concerning the principles on which the thermometers now in ufe have bet r conftrudled ; together with the defcriptio and ufes of a metalline thermometer newly invented _ _ - ■ ■ An account of a very learned divine who wa born with two tongues On checking the progrefs of fire • Cafe of a child on which the fmall pox ap- peared in a day or two alter its birth »■ Defcription of a fifh fhewed to the Royal So- ciety by Ralph Bigland •——-A deicription and figure of a fmall flat fphe- roidal ftone having lines formed upon it *' Further account of the Dudley foffil — Account of an earthquake, March 8, 1749-50, at London Morton, Earl of. Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Sun, July 14, 1748, at Paris "■ An account of the caie of a fuppofed hydro- phobia - - Morton, Charles, M. D. Obfervations and ex- periments upon aaimal bodies, digerted in a < Tranf. XLI 112 -675 - 839 — 861 — 864 XLIII 366 XI 1066 — 473 — 524 — 532 — 916 — 549 — 917 XLiV 4 — ■ 921 — 429 X633 — 672 XLV 232 — 382 — ^23 XLVI518 — 602 — 6co — 638 XLV 582 LV 139 11 Abridg. \^IIl4I2 IX 131 VIII 55. IX II — 72 — 379 — 435 XI 959 — 1392 — 1041 — 879 X639 — 656 — 50^ X69 philofophical- ri^ MOR mu;d f Tranf. XLVII 305 philofoplilcal analyfis or inquiry into thej caufe of voluntary mufcular motion Morton Charles, M. D. A luppofed connec- tion berween the hierog'.yphical writing ofan- tient E2ypt, and tlie characterifric writinir which ii in ufe at tliis day among the Chi- nefe . - _ LIX 489 MoRTov, Rev. John. A relation of river, and other fhells, digged up together with various ve- getable bodies, in a bituminous marfhy earth, near Mear's Aihby in Northamptonfliire ; allb an account cf the progrefs he has made in the natural hiftory of Northamptonfliire XXV 2210 MosLYN, Sir.RoGER. A relation of fome ftrange phasnomena, accompanied with mifchievous effefts in a coal-work in Flintfhire XII 895 MosTYN, Sir Thomas. Account of a golden torques found in England - - XLII 24 Moulin', Allen, M. D. On the quantity of blood men, andon its celerity in circulation XVI 433 - . An experiment of the injection of mercury into the blood, and its ill efFe6ts on the lungs XVII 486 Some experiments on a black fliining fand brought from Virginia, fuppofed to contain iron - _ _ — 624 — — Anatomical obfervations on the heads of fowls — 711 Moult, I. A new manner of preparing lalep LIX i MouNsEY, James, M. D. Cafe and cure of a wo» man from whom a foetus had been extradted which had been lodged in one of the FaHopian tubes thirteen years - - XLV 131 — — Account of the everlaftmg fire in Perfia — 296 of the baths at Carlfbad - XLVl 217 — — of the Ruffia caftor - — — The ftrange effeds of fome effervefcent mixture L 19 MouNTAiNE, William. Advantages from a pe- riodic review of the magnetic needle XLVIII 875 — — On the variation of the magnetic needle with tables of 50,000 obfervations - L 329 — — — On maps and charts - — 563 Account of fome extraordinary efFefls of light- ning, July 16, 1759 - - LI 286 Defence of Mcrcator's chart againft the cenfurcs of Mr. Weft - - LIII 69 MuDGE, John, M. D, Propofal for removing the only real defcfl in the lateral operation for the ftone XLVI 24 Abrldg. IV 2 181 11378 IX 416 III 225 — 233 II 860 XI IOI2 X 267 — 569 XI 92s XI 1002 MVDOE, MUD MUS MuDGE John D1 re6> ions for mat;ingrhe'-p<> com pofition 'or t e nictals <.f reti i..^^ tl Ico.es^j together with a dfcriprion ot fh prfcefs tot grinding, poliftiinL' i-nd giving the g-eat (pe culum the true paaholfc curve MULLEN, , M. D. Dili aion ui . doutj cat - - - MuLLER Geo. Fred. Propo a. for the improve ment of the h ii'y v of Ktiiiia Obit rvations o.i fome bivalve infedls found in CO nmon water MuLLiNLi/x, , M. D. Account of a flone of an rxi'aordinary bi^nefs fpontaneonly voided throu h the urethra ot a woman at Dublin MuNCKLEY, Nicholas, M. D. Cafe ot the effi- cacy of haik m t le delinum of a tever — — Acccu t c'f ihe comet of May 1759 " Ohierv-itions on the comet of January, 1760, at i ond n - - - MuRALTUs, . Account of the icy and cryftaline mountains of Helvetia called the Gletfcher MuRDOCK, Patrick. Cafe of the coats of th ftomach changed into an aimoft carti!agi/ious fubftance -' On the mean motion of the Moon's apogee ■ 1 rigonometry abridged ■ Of the i^elt toim of geographical maps — — Rules and examples for limiting the cafes in which the rays of refradied light may be reunited into a colourlefs pencil — — Of the moon's diftance and parallax ■ Journal of the weather in Quebec, from April i, 1765, to April 30, 1766 -■' ' An efl'ay on the connexion between the parallax of the Sun and Moon, their denlities, and their ditturbing motions on the ocean Murray, Mungo. Observations on the folar eelipfe, April i, 1764, at Chatr.aai MUSCHENBROEK, PetER V AN, M. D On thi ftren2:th of magnets '■' Meteorological, barometrical, thermometrical, and epidemical diary kept at Utrecht, 1729 — — Experiments on the Indian magnetic fand z Tranf. LXVIT 7gf XV W35 XXXVl? 136 LXI 230 XVII 817 L 609 LI 94 — 467 IV 982 XLVI 39 XlVII62 L538 — 553 LIII 173 LIV 29 LVi 291 LVIII 24 LIV 171 XXXIII37G XXXVII 357 — 408 XXXV HI 297 M 7»7 Abridg I 901 IX 399 ill .51, lb2 11465 VI 2 255 II 4 71 Vii4 1 8b. QO Vlil 737 USfiRAV'E, "7i5 M U S M Y L MusGRAVE, William, M. D. Account of tht cutting out of the coecum of a bitch Obfervations on a large bed of glands obfervec! in the ftomach of a pike » ,.. Experiments on digeftion -, Endeavours to prove that the ]a6teals frequently convey liquors that are not white -» On the Roman eagles On the caufe of the neceflity of breathing An account of what happened on fyringing warm water into the thorax of a bitch Account of one Edward Melloon, born at Port Leicefter in Ireland, who was of an extraordi- nary fize - - - — ^ Cafe of a periodical palfy . Account of a piece of antiquity found in So merfetihire _ _ - - An argument for the more frequent ufe of laryn^ gotomy, urged from a remarkable cure ir chirurgcry _ _ _ ■ Account of a polypus found in a dog — — Cafe of a periodical haemorrhage — — Experiment of tranfmitting a blue coloure liquor into the lacleals i Ca!e of hydatidcs voided by a flool - ■ Cafe of the jaundice, occafioned by a ftone — — Letter concernins: the Roman legion ■ Infcriplio Tarraconenfis, cum commentano . On Britain being formerly a peniiifula MusGRAVE, Samuel, M. 1). Reafons for difTent- ing from the report of the committee appointed to confider of Mr. Wilfon's experiments; in- cluding remarks on fome experiments exhibitec by Mr. Nairne MusTEL, . Obfervation on vegetation MuYS, ■ On the frame and texture of tht mufcles - _ _ MuYssoN, Philip. Obfervation on the earthquake at Lifbon, Nov. j, 17155, at Oporto Myddelton, bTARKEY, M . D. Cafc of extra ordinary uterine conception » Cafe of a child being taken out of the abdomen having lain there upwards of 16 years Myllius, , On extrading electricity from the clouds ^ . . Tranf. XIII 324 XIV 699 — 812 XX 145 -^ ,78 — 181 — - 184 — 257 — 441 XXI 3q8 XXII 690 — 864 — 996 XXIV 1797 XXV 2233 XXVIII bo — 157 XXX 589 LXVTII80I LXIII 126 XXIX 59 XLIX 42V XLIII 336 XLIV617 XLVII 559 Abr'idg. Ill 112 — 93 — 102 -78 — I — 33 — 441 — 61 V 239 — 259 — 281 — 279 V 2 no ' IV 469 V 393 XI lOlO IOI7 Nadi, NAD NEB 719 N. Nadi, Jos. Ant. Obfervations on the eclipfeof the Moon, Sept. 8, 1718, at Bologna Naikne, Edward. Defcription and ufe of a new conftrudied equatorial telefcope or portable obfervatory Account of a perfon killed by ligbtnitig in Tot- tenham Court chapel, and its effects on th building ■ ■ Experiments on two dipping needles, which were made agreeable to a plan of the reverend Mr. Mitchell Electrical experiments — — Experiments on water obtained from melted ice of fea water — — Experiments made with an air pump on Mr. Snieaton's principle; together with fome ex- periments with a common air pump — — Experiments on electricity, being an attempt to fliew the advantage of elevated coududtors The effect of electricity in {hortening wires Naish, Edward. Cafe of an offificationof the cru- ral artery - - j Natus, Peter. A phytological obfervation con- cerning oranges and lemons, both feparatcly and in one piece produced on one and the fame tree, at Florence Neale, Thomas. The effects of thunder and lightning in Bampfliire, Jan. 24. 1665-6 Needham. JoHi\% An account of a very remarka- ble cafe of a boy, who, notwithftanding that a coniiderable part of his inteftines were forced out by the fall of a cart upon him, and after- wards cutoff, recovered and continued well Needham, Walter, M. D. Annotations upon a difcovery pretended to have been made by i Tranf. XXXIII 72 LXI LXII 107 ^31 — 476 LXiV 79 LXVI 249 LXVII 614 LXVIII823 LXX 334 XXXI 226 X313 I 247 XLIX 238 Abridcr. o VI 186 VII 511 II 658 — 172 M. Pecquet 720 NEi NEV I^T. Pecquet of a communication between. the dudlus thoracicus and the inferior vena cava - _ . Needham, Walter, M„ D. Experiments with a liquor flopping the blood of arteries Needham, Turbevil* Account of chalky tubulous concretion called malm — — Microfcopical obfervations on worms in fmutty corn - - - Ele£lrical experiments Intely made at Paris Account of M. de BufFon's mirror which burns at the dlftanceof 66 feet Summary of fome obfervations upon the genera- tion, compofition, and de-compofiticn of ani- mal and vegetable fubflances ——On the difcovery of Afbeftus in France Nelson, Joseph. The effects of a (lorm of Thunder at Colthefter, July 16, 1708 Nesbitt, Robert, M. D. Account of a fpeciesof fubterraneous iireobfcrved in Kent Nettis, John. tions of fnow Nettleton, Thomas. On the inoculation of the fmall pox - _ > ■^ Fartlier account — — On inoculation of the fmall pox, and the mor- tality in the natural way - ■ Obfervations concerning the height of the bare meter, at different elevations above the fur face of the earth Neuman, Charles. An account of camphir ' On a falfe but common method of trying Frencl fpiritofwine - Diflertation on fixed alcaline fait. Continued - -^ * " ' ' — on thecamphire of thyme . Treatife on ambergris, p. i p, 2 P-3 Method of obferving the configura- ■ Vindication of his own experiments on amber- ans _ . _ Keve, Peter Le. Account cf a number of urns dug up at North Elmham, Norfolk »—-— Account of the finking of three oaks into the ground at Manington in Norfolk Tranf. VII 5007 VIII 6052 XLII 634 XLIV 247 — 493 XLV615 LI 837 XXVI 140 XXXV 307 XLIX 644 XXXil35 — 49 — 209 XXXIII 308 — 321 -398 XXXIV 3 — 45 XXXV HI 202 — 344 — 371 — 417 Abridg. Ill 259 — 253 VIII 732 — 816 X 329 — 194 — 797 VI 2 199 VII 602 — 608 — 609 VI 2 44 VII 692 — 739 — 700 — 717 1X382 — 339 — 346 -358 — 437 XXVIII 257 XXX 766 -- 366 V 2 97 fV 2 252 Neve NEV NE W Neve, Peter Le. Account of two parhelias, feer December 30, 1735 ■' Obfervations on the aurora auftralis, March 18, 1738-9, at Peterborough 'Nevil, Francis. Account of feme urns and fepul chral monuments found in Ireland ——Obfervations on Lough Neagh in Ireland — — • Account of fome trumpets and other pieces o antiquity , found in Irdand Account of a quarry of marble in the county o. Farmanagh in Ireland —— Account of fome large teeth lately dug up in the North of Ireland :Newcome, Peter. Account of an earthquake felt at Hackney, March 18, 19, 1749.50 Newland, Charles. Account of a new chart of the Red Sea, with two draughts of the road? ^ of Mocha and Jadda, and feveral obfcrvation- made during a voyage on that fea ■ Remarks and obfervations made on board th< fhip Kelfall, on a voyage to JuJda and Moch; in 1769 - - - — — Method to diftill frefh water from fait water at fea - - - — — On the milky appearance of fome fpots of watej in the fea - _ . Newman, Henry. Way of proceeding in the inoculated fmall pox in New England Newton, James. On the effedls of the papavei corniculatum luteum Newton, Sir Isaac. Theoi^y of light and colours " A feries of queries, to be determined by experi- ments, pofitively and diredly concluding hi; new theory of light and colours ■■ Account of a new catadioptrical telefcopc Farther fuggeftions about his refiefting telefcope ; together with his table of apertures anf certain phaenomena in eleftricity —— - Obfervatioi^s made in the grotto de Cani in Italy I On extracfing eleftricity from the clouds Cafe of an extraordinary difeafe of the ikin, and its cure - - - NooTH, John. Mer\'in, M. D. Some improvement in the eie(E^riec.l machine — — 1 hedefcription of an apparatus fer impregnating water v/ith fixed air, and of the manner of conduciiing that proeefs NoRRis, Henry. An inquiry to {l:ievv, what was the ancient Englifh weiohc and meafure ac- cording to the laws or ftatutes prior to the reign of Henry the Seventh Trai^f. XV 1287 — 1291 LXVni232 XLIX 391 XLIV 495 IX 197 XLVI 705 — 710 L 83 — 166 — 601 LI 639 Lili23 XL 307 XLV 187 XLVI 368 XLVII 48 — 553 XLVIII 579 LXIII 333 LXV59 723 Abridg. ni 433 — 435 X195 5^5 516 48 VIII 503 X382 — 414 Norwood, 724 NOR OLD Norwood, Richard. An account of the whaU fifhing at Bermudas, and of fuch whales a« have the fperma-ceti in them =«—• Account of the courle of the tides at Ber mudas - - - ■ An account of wells both fait and fweet digged near the fea at Bermudas ■ ' Particulars refpedinp; Jamaica NouRSE, Edward. Cafe of the prceter-natural delivery of a foetus, at the anus — — Cafe of a lad bitten by a mad dog — — An account of feveral ftones found in bag formed by a protrufion of the coats of the blad- der, as appeared on opening the body of Mr. Gardiner - - _ -=—— Cafe, of the cure of wounded inteftines }©. €)ake$5 — — -. Account of an earthquake, March 18, 19, 1749-5(7, at Portfmouth Oldenburg, Henry. Charader of M. de Fermat ■ Account of Mr. Hooke's micographia — — Account of Mr. Boyle's experimental hiftory of cold . - - — — On the breeding of filk worms, and making filk in France - - - — — On the method of making fait petre in the Mo- gul's dominions Account of Hevelius's prodromus cometicus — ' On M. du Sons progrefs in making parabolic glafles - - - -■■ Account of the rife and attempts of a way to convey liquors immediately into the mafs of blood . - - ^" " ■'■ Obfervables of odd conftitutions of fome bodies Tranf. 11565 III 824 XXXVI 43; XL 5 XLII II LXVI 426 XLVI 646 I 15 — 27 -46 -87 — 103 — 104 - 119 ~ 128 - 138 Abridg. II 268, 844 — 268 — 298 ^ni 559 VII 55 , 559 1X222 — 176 X.507 11559 I 437 — 193 11364 III 10 Oldenburg, OLD Oldenburg, Henry. Obfervations on the bodie; of fnakes and vipers — — Some obfervations concerning Jupiter ; of the fliadcw of his fatellites, feen by a telefcope, paffing over the body of Jupiter — — Of a permanent fpot in Jupiter, by which is manifcfted the converfion of Jupiter about his own axis - _ _ «■ Of the correlpondency, to be procured, for the finding out the true diftance of the Sun and Moon from the earth, by the parallax, ob ferved under (or near) the fame meridian — — A relation of feme mercurial obfervations, and their refult - On the effe£\s of touch and friftion ■ Ways of founding the depth of the fea without a line, and fetching up water from the bottom of it «— - Engagements for obferving of tides ■' Suggertions for remedies againftcold ' Obfervations about load ftones and iea compafies •■ ' ■ On the invention of the transfufion of blood I Account of feme trials of transfuiion « On the antiquity of transfufion — — The variation of the magnetic needle predifled •= A narrative of the conjunction of the two feas, the Ocean and the Mediterranean, by a chan- nel cut out through Languedoc in France — — Account of the ftone quarries and talc rocks in Hungary _ _ _ ■ Directions and inquiries concerning the mines^ minerals, and baths, of Hungary — — Difcovery of a new ftarin theconftellation of the Swan _ » _ — — Direftions for enquiries concerning ftones and other materials for the ufe of building, together with a fuggellion for retrieving the art of har dening and tempering fteel for cutting porphyre and other hard iPjarbles — — Breviat of Mr, Picart's account of the mea- fure of the earth •— — The quantity of a degree of a great circle by Englifh meafures — — Account of four forts of fadliticus fhining fubflances «- Anfwer to Leeuwenhooek's obfervations on ani- makulse in feniine bumano Tranf. I 138 — 143 — 151 — 206 — 228 -378 — 379 -- 423 II 489 — 517 III 731 -789 IV 1 123 V 1044 — 1189 — 2092 VIII 6010 X26I XI 636 XII 867 725 Abridg. J m 81! — 400 — 300 II 2 111 10 II 364 — 3^5 — 639 I 584 III 232 — 230 — 291 II 610 III 683 JI 339 III 605 II 523' I 248 ^ ^88 III 419 I 587 ni 345 — 1043 Oldenburg. 726 OLD OXF Oldenburg. Henry. On tlie efFea of a thunder clap on the compafs of a fbip on the coafl of New Kngland - - ^ . Remaiks on Molyneux's account of the courK; of the tides at Dublin Oliver, Andrew. An account of an extraordinary difcafe among the Indians in the iflands of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard in New Enaland - - " Oliver, William, M. D. Experiments of fink- ino- a bottle ciofe corked under various depths of water - * " Account of Lay Well which ebos and flows Anfwer to feveral queries relating to Lay Well Remarks on a late journey into Denmark and Holland Account of a calenture Account of Jefuits bark Cafe of an extraordinary fl'eepy perfon Hiftory of a woman whofe genital parts were pra;ter-naturally formed Cafes of Dropfies cured by fweet oil Oram, Richard. Cafe of a boy cured of con- vulfive fits by a difchargeof worms Orred, Daniel. A cafe in which the head of the OS humeri was fawn off, and yet the motion of the limb preferved Osborne, John. On the fuccefs of Inoculation at Bqflon in New England Osborne, . Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Sun, July 2, 1684, at Tredagh Oxford PHiLOsoiniicAL Society. Table of the weight ot a cubic foot of grain of various fortb . Account of a w. man who voided the bones of 2 foetus, above the os pubis, and by other extra ordinary ways Concerning rufma and alcanna Tranf. XIV 520 XVI 193 LIV 386 XVII 908 — 910 xxni 1400 XXIV i5b2 — 1596 — 2177 XXXII 413 XLIX 46 L 518 XLIX 6 XXXII 225 XIV 749 XV 926 XX 292 — 295 Abridfr. T II 263 — 305 V 2 128 V364 IV 2 32;; [V 353r VII 548 — 6i7 I 522 III 219 II 45«» P.E. p. PAP *^27 P. P. R. An account of an extraordinary eruption of water in Jnne, 1686, in YorkHjire Packer, Philip, inftante of petrefa£lion Paderni, Camillo. Account of Tome ftatues p'(fture&, and other curioiities, found in a fubterraneous town larely difcovered neai Naples - Account of ibnie antiquities dug up at Hercula neum _ _ - Account of the late difcoveries at Herculaneun Account of an earthquake and eruption ol iVlount Vefuvius, March 24, 1758 Paisley, Lord. Obfervations on the comet oi 1723, with fome curious figures Paitom, John Baptist, M. D. Anatomical ob- fervations on a defeft of the right lobe of the lungs - - Pallas, Simon Peter, M. D. State of the colci at Berlin in the Winter of 1762-3 Account of the j iculator fifli Account of iron ore lately tound in Siberia Palmer, — — — . Oblervations on an ecliple of th( Moon, Sept. 8, 1761, at Eaton in Nor- thamptoniliire Palmer, Joseph. Account of the effects of light- niag at South Moulton, Devonfliire Panton. Pa'jl. On the increafe ol population i; Anglefey Papa, Joseph del. On the flrange effects of thi Indian varniOi 4Z Tranf. lA 3h'2 XLI 484 XLVIII71 — • 634 — 821 XLIX 109, 4Q0 L 49, 619 — 619 XXXIII 50 LV79 I.-III 62 LVI 186 LXVi 523 VI 2272 XLVII 330 LXIII 180 XXII 947 Abridg. II 3.8 — 325 IX 440 VI 265 1 307 V4I7 Pa? It;, 72:8 PAP PA R Papin, Den vs. Experiment on animals in the air pump _ - . - . Experiments in the air pump - Defer ipcion oi a Syphon performing the fame things as the Sypho Wurtembergicus • A nev/ way of ra;lir.g water Obfervations on a French paper concerning perpetual motion - ■ - D fcription and ufe of a new contrivance for taifing wattr Experiment of iLooting by the rarefa^lion of the air - - — — On the inRrument for elFefling a perpetual motion _ - _ - Demonftration of the velocity wherewith the air ruflies into an exhauilcd receiver — — Anfwer to M. Nu s's ohjediions to the engine for raifing water by the rarefa6lion of the air ... Anfwer to the author on perpetual motion . Account of the Heffian bellows Papin, Father. Ob ervations on the phyfic and mechanic arts of the Indians Paradice, William. The effefts of the light- ning at Steeple Aflion and Holt, Wilts, June 20, 1772 pARDiEs, Ignatius Gaston. Animadverfions upon Newton's theory of light — ^ — Letter to Mr. Newton on his anfwer to the animadverfions Parisi, V/il. C^sar. Oi->fervations on an cclipfe of the Moon, Sept. 8, i7i8> at Bologna Parker, Lord. Account of an extraordinary a^ita tion of the waters at Shirburn caflle, Ox- fordfhJre Parke ", Ji.hn. Account of a late eruption of Mount Vefuvius- Partinoton, Miles. A cure of mufcular contrac- tion by eledlricity Parsons, ]ames, M. D. Account of the phoca, vitulus marinus, or fca calf . Natural hiftory of the rhinoceros ■ ■■ 1 he Crounian leftures on mufcular motion, 1744 and 1745 — — Obfervations on the feeds of vegetables - Account of a quadruped brought from Bengal Tranf. Abridg. X 443> 447 477,492,542 X544 If 205, -39> 215 250 XV 847 XV 1C93 i 539 — 1240 — 5^4 — 1274 — 540 XVi 21 — 496 " 138 ^ 193 — 497 — 263 - 267 XX iV 1990 - 542 ■ iV 447 XXVIIl 2u \^ 2 182 LXIII 240 VII 40S7 ^ '37 — 5012 — I4.i XXXIII 72 VI 187 XLIX 386 XLVII 474 LXVIII 97 XLII 383 — 523 1X74 — 93 XLIlIi — 184 — 465 XI 1226 X 7-50 XI 899 Parsons, PAR PAS Parsons, James, M. D. Account of perfe . - Account of a very fmall monkey On the fl-iells of crabs — : — On the formation of corals and coralines Obfervat ons on Father Kircher's opinion con cerning the burning of tlie fleet of Marcellus by Archimedes — — - On the ufe of lycoperdon, in flopping blood after amputation " Remarks on a petrified echinus ■ Account of a (heep having a monftrous horn growing from his throat Obfervations on the Abbe Mazeas's letter on the Count de Caylus's method of imitating the antient painting, in burnt wax Accv-iunt of fome extraordinary tumours on thf head _ - _ — — Account of fome foffils, fruits, and other bodies found in the ifle of Shepey • Account of an animal of the cat kind fcnt from the Eall: Indies ■ Account of the pholas conoides ■ Account of a white negro On the double horns of the rhinoceros «— — Obfervations on amphibious anima's ■'■■ On the flruclure of the afperas arteriae, or wind- pipes of birds, and the land tortoife •■ Account of a particular fpecies of cameleon Pascal, John. Obfervations on the motion of dif- eafes, and on the births and deaths of men and other aniirals in different times of the 4 Z 2 Tranf. Abridg. XLIII 468 X612 XLIV 75 XI 1055 ~ 621 — 95^ XLV 44 — 862 XLVl 126 — 1209 — 866 — 633 XLVll 109 X502 : — 142 — 146 — 439 — 505 XLVIII 621 XLIX 38 — 155 ~ 183 -655 \ ^SS"^ — 396 LI 648 LV I ' — 45 LVI 32 — 139 — 204 LVIU 192 XVII 815 III 311 Pat OUILLAT, 16' PAT PEN Patouillat, — ■• . M. D. On the poifon of henbane roots Paxton, Rev. William. Account of a remark- able ftorm at Buckland Brewer, Devon, March 2, 1769 Paven, . Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Sun, June 22, i6t6, at Paris Payn'E, John. A narrative of a new invention of expanding fluids by their being conveyed into certain ignified veflels, where they are imine- diately rarifi.d into an elailic impelling force, fufficient to give motion to hydraulo-pneuma- ticaj and other engines for railing water, and other ufes, he Payne, Robert. Account of a fork put up the anus, and drawn through the buttock Pec(tu£t, John. A newdifcovery of the communi cation of the ductus thoracicus with the emul cent vein — Anfwer to Marriotte's difcovery touching vifion PiDiNi, Pasqijal R. Account of the earthquak'S felt at Leghorn, January 1742, with lome obfervations Peirce, Jeremiah. Extraordinary cafe of a tu- mour in ihe knee cf a perfon whofe leg was taken off - - - - Peirce, Robert, M. D. Inftance of the bath curiniT the palfy and barrenncfs Cafe of a fcell found in one of the kitlneys of a woman - - - ! Pemberton, Henry, M. D. Experiments on the force of bodies in motion ■ On the appearance of fcveral arches of colours contiguous to the inner edge of the rainbow Coniiderations on a treatife on a new fct of io£a- rithmic (olar tables On the locus for three or four lines c lebrated .among the ancient geometers Kcpler't> method of comparing the moon's paral- lax in folar cclipfes, dcmonftrated and extended Geometrical folutions of three celebrated aftrono- mical problems Tranf. XL 446 LIX79 I 296 XLI 821 XXXIII 408 II 461 III 669 XLII 77 Pennant. Thomas. Account of an earthquake felt in Flintfhire, Apiil 2. 1750 Account of foice fungit«e and other curious co- ralloid fcnTil bodies XLI 56 XV 944 — 1018 XXXII 57 — 245 LI 910 LIII 496 LXI437 LXn 434 XLVI 6S7 i XLIXS13 Abrldg. VIII 841 I 281 ■ VIII 638 VII 521. Ill 25S VIII 697 IX 271 II 539 III 162 VI 276 — 123 X5II Pennant PEN PET 73' Pennant, Thomas. Account of the different fpe- cies of pinguins — — — Account of two new tortoifes PfiPUbCH, John Christopher. Mus. D. On the niufic of the ancients Percival, Philip. Account of a luminous appear- pearancc in the air at Dublin, January 12, 1719-20 - - - Percival, Thomas, M. D. On the Roman colonies and ftationsin Chefliire and Lancafhire ■ Account of a double child — — Experiments on ihe Peruvian bark •■ Experiments and obfervations on the waters of Buxton and Matlcclc — — On the population of Manchefter and other ad jacent places ■ "■ ■ ■ Supplement ■ New and cheap method of preparing pot-afli Pereyr a, Andr. Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Sun, July 15, 1730, made at Pekin on the immerfions and emerfions of Jtipiter's Satellites made at Pekin, i 730 Perk-, I. Conftrutftion apd properties of a new quadratrix to the hyperbola — — An eafy mechanical way to divide the nautical lii.e in Mercator's projeflion, with an account of the relation of the fame meridian line to the curva catenaria Perry, Charlls, M. D. Experiments upon tl^ water of the dead fea upon the hot fprings nea Tiberiades, and upon Hamman Pharoai water - - An account of an earthquake felt in the ifland ol Sumatra in Nov. and Dec. 1756 Peters, Charles, M. D. Cafe of a perfon bit by a n ad dog Petit, Pierre. Advice touching the conjundio of the ocean with the Mediterranean — — Letter abou" the load ilone Petiver, James. Catalogue of fome Guinea p'ants. with their native names and virtues, and re m^rks on them ■•Account of fome Indian plants, &c. with thcii names, defcriptions, and virtues ' Remarks on fome animal plants, &c. fent fron Maryland . « - Tranf. LVIII91 LXI 266 XLIV 266 XXXI 21 XLVII216 — 360 LVil22I LXII 455 jLXIV 54 iLXV 322 LXVI 160 LXX 545 XXXVII 179 — 3i'> XXV 2253 XXIX 331 XLII 48 L491 XLIII 257 I 41 XIX 677 Abridg. X26I VI 2 81 XX 313 — 393 VI 183 — 249 IV 37, 66 — 45^ VIII 643 111683 li 607 752 725 - 25^ Petiver 13'- PET Petives., James. Some attempts made to prove that herns of the fame make or clafs for the generality, have the like effedl and tendency to work the fame effefls •— — An account of p.irt of a collection of curious plants afld drugs lately given to the Royal So ciery by the Eall India Company, with their names, virtues, and defcriptions ■ Firft book of Eall India plants ■ Second book, with remarks Third book, with remarks Fourth book, with remarks Fifth book, with remarks Sixth book, with remarks Seventh book, with remarks Eighth book, v^-ith remarks ■' Defcriptlon of fome fhells found on the Molucca iilands _ . .. — — Defcription of fome coralls, and other curious fubmarines found m the Philippine iflcs Account of fome plants colledied at Chuian Account of fome animals, and (hells fcnt frou) Carolina _ - . Catalogue of f.ffils, fhells, metals, minerals, Sec. ient from Zurich • Catalogue of fome minerals, petrified fliells, and other foflils fent from Berlin — — The manner of making ftyrax liquida, alias rofa mallas . Account of divers rare plants obferved about London, and particularly in the phyfic garden at Chelfea - - - Petre, Lord. On fome extraordinary effects of lightning - - - Petto, Rev. Samuel. Account of fome parheiii fecn at Sudbury, Suffolk, December 28, 1698 Petty, Sir William. Experiments to be made re- lating to land carriage m « Qiierics whereby to examine mineral waters — — Catalogue of mean, vulgar, cheap, and limple experuTients An txtradt of two efTays on political ariihmetick Tranf. XXI 289 xxns79 — 752 - 5HI — <^99 IV 2 325 - 843 V 183 — 932 — 1007 IV 2 325 XXIII 1055 — . — — 1251 — . — — H5^ XXII 927 XXIII 1419 XXIV 14,9 ■— 1952 — 204.2 — 20S2 XXVI 44 r xxvii I 375» 4^6 ! XXVill Abridg, II 734. --285 33» ^77 XXIX L 229,353 XLII 136 XXI 107 XIV 666 — 802 XV 849 2b'() 325 V417 IV 2 235 VIII 507 II 187 I 514 II 36s III 683 con- PET PIC concerning the comparative magnitudes of LonJoii and '^aris - - | — What a complete treatife of navigation fhould contain _ _ - Peysonnel, John Andrfav, M. D. Obfervations on the br.niftune hii in the iland of Guadc loupe _ - _ - Obfi rvHti-'ns upon the currents of the fea at the Antilles of America • ■ - in til Mediterranean ■ at Hizerty in liarbary at Marftilles » at bonne, called alfo Hipone, in Bar- ' bnrv - _ _ Of the vifitation of the leprous perfons in the ifland of Guadaloupe - Obfervations on the naked fnail producing purple » - _ — — Obiervations on the worms that form fponges ■ ObfervatioQs on the fea alga with broad leaves Obfervations on a ilight earthquake which may lead to the knowledue of the caufe ■ ' — Obfervations on tiie Manchcnille apple Obfervations on the American fea fun-crown ■ Obfervations on the fea niillepes Philips, Hent^y. Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Sun, June 22, 1606, at London - ■ On the true time of-the tieds Philips, Richard. Account of the agitation of the water at Reading, November i, 1755 PicART, Michael. Obfervations on Saturn made at Paris, Aug. 16, 1668 Obiervations on the eclipfe of the Moon, Jan. 1 1 , 1675, at Paris • • Breviat of his account ofthe meafureofthe earth Pickering, Rev. Roger. Obfervations on the feeds of mufh rooms ■ A fcheme of the diary ofthe weather Defcription ofthe thermometer Defcription of the hygrometer ■ Defcription or the anemoi'cope Defcription of tne ombrometer Pickering, Rev. Rocf r. On the propagation and culture of mulhrooms - On the manuring land with foffil fhells = Account of the earthquake, March 8, 1 749-50, at London - » . Tranf. XVI 152 — 237 XVII 657 XLIX 564 — 624 — t)34 — 635 — 637 — 633 L38 - 585 — 590 -631 — 645 — 772 — 843 LI 35 I 205 111 656 — 2S0 11 261 XLIX 365 IV 9C0 I 365 X257 — 2bi — 3^8 - 5«7 XLII 593 XLlil I VIII 812 XI 1226 — 5 — 6 — 9 — 12 — 1030 XLIII96 — 191 X 788 — 796 XLVI 622 PiCK] - 498 EIRSGILI.. 733 Abridg. IS7» 734 PIC PLA Tranf. PiCKERSGiLL, RicHAHD. Track of the brig Lion from England to Davis's Straights a.nd Labra- dor, with obfervations for determining the longitude, as aHb the variation of the compafs and dip of the needle - - LXVIII105' PicoLo, Francis Maria. On the difcoverv of s paflage by land to California j with a map and defcription of the country - XXVI 232 PiGOTT, Thomas. Account of the earthquake, Sept. 17, 1683, at Oxford - | XIII 311 PiGOTT, Nathaniel* Obfervations on the eclipfel of the Sun, Aug. 11, 1765, at Caen in Nur- mandy - - - LVII 402 Obfervations on the tranut of Venus, Jan, 3, 1769, at Caen - . - LX 257 -^ Meteorological obfervations at Caen for 1765 — 69 - - - - LXI 274 —— Aftronomical obfervations in the Auftri m Ne-j therlands - - LXVI 182 PiNELLi, Michael, On the caufes of the gout XXXV 491 PiKGRE, Alexander Guy. Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus, June 6, 1769, at the iilaiid of Rodriguez - - LII371 Supplement to his memoir on the parallax of the Sun " - - I LIV 152 ■■■ "« Allronomical obfervations in America LX 497 in the Auftrian Netherlands LXVIli 637 Pitcairn, Robert. The effc^ls of lightning at Steeple Afton and Holt, J^jne 20, 1772 LXIII 231 Pitt, Christopher, M i). Account of the dif-l fection of a dog which had mercury injt£\ed into one of the jugulars - XX 1S4 ■ Oi the motion of the ftomach obfcrved in a dog - - - - — 278 Pitt, Ldmund. Account of the forbis pyriformis Xli 978 Pitt, Robert. Hiitory of a convulfive rheumatic lumbago - - - XVUI 58 Planman, . A determination of the folar pirallax attempted from the obfervations on the lafl: tranfit of Venus - LVIII 107 Plant, Rev. Matthias. Journal of the fliocks of earthquakes felt in New England froni 1727 to 1741 - - - XLir 33 Planta, Joseph. Account of the Romanfli lan- guage - - - [ LXVI 129 Platt, Joshua. Account of a flat fpheroidical Abrids:. £3 V 2 191 n 39b, 400 VII 623 in 234 II 91 — 652 III 263 VI11693 ftone, PL A POL 135 ftone, having lines regularly crofling it «— — Account of a foffil thigh bone — — Account of the belemnitse fofTiIs Platt, Thomas. Experiments made upon vipers, at Florence Plaxton, Rev, George. Natural obfervations made in the parifhes of Kenardfey and Don- ington, Shropftiire Playfair, Rev. John. On the arithmetic of im- poffible quantities Plessis, M. Du. Anatomico-medical obfervations on a monflrous double child Plott, Robert, M.D. Obfervations on the fand found in the brine of the falt-works in Staf- fordftiire . _ _ ■ On the fepulchral lamps of the ancients — — Hiftory of the wind, weather, and height of mercury In the barometer at Oxford, with the ufe to be made of it - - • Account of lome incombuftible cloth — — The moft feafonable time for the felling ol timber > - • - Obfervations on black lead ■ Catalogue of ele£lrical bodies Pluche, Abbe. On the fmut of corn Plummer, . Obfervations on the earth- quake at Lifbon, Nov. i, I'J'^i^i made at Account of the Giants Oporto PococKE, Rev. Richard, Caufeway in Ireland —^— Account of the Dudley foffil " Further account of the Giants Caufeway Tranf. XLV[ 534 L 524 LIV 38 VII 5060 XXV 2418 LX VIII 318 XIII 96 XIV 8o5 XV 930, 932 — • 1051 XVII 4^-5 XX 183 - 3^4 XLl 357 PoLENUs, John. Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Moon» Sept. 8, 17 18, at Padua ■ Obfervations on the eclipfe pf the Sun, Sept. 23, 1726, at Padua •« Oblervations on an eclipfe of the Moon, 0£i. 2, 1726, at Padua •—- « February 2, 1729, at Padua <— — July 29, 1729, at Padua ' Obfervations on an eclipie of the Sun, July 14, 1730, at Pddua . Meteorological obfervations made at Padua dur- ing fix years — — A fummary of meteorological obfervations made a: Padua during fix years 5 A Abrldg. X 6^8 II 811 V 2 112 XLIX 419 XLV 124 XLVI 600 XLVIil 226, 238 XXXIII 71 XXXIV 15- - 158 XXXVii73 - 176 — 396 XXXVII201 XL 259 II 360 III 636 II 46 I 589 in 491 VIII 817 X 594 — 056 VI 185 — ns — 203 — 20b - 183 VI 2 131 PoLENUSi 73^ POL POU PoLENUs, John. Obfervations on red lights in the air, Dec. 5, 1737, at Padua — — New obfervations to difcover whether pen- dulums are obftrufted by any centrifugal force - - - PoLLHiLL, Nathaniel. On Mr. Dcbraw's im- provement in the culture of bees Pond, Arthur, Account of fome Hones found in Antigua - - - PooLEY, Giles. Account of the digging and pre- paring lapis calaminaris Pope, Walter. Account of the mines of mercury in Friuli - - ' _ A way of producing wind by the fall of water . Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Sun, June 22, 1666 at London Porter, Sir James. Anfwer to queries fent to Con ftantinople concerning the plague — — Anfwer to queries refpefting the population of Conftantinople ■ ■ — On the pradice of inoculation at Conftanti- nople - .. Account of feveral earthquakes felt at Con- ftantinople, May 15, 1755 — — Aftronomical and phyfical obfervations made in A . RoNAYNE, Thomas. Obfervationi on atmofpheri cai elearicity in regard of fogs, mifts, &c. Rondelli, Geminiani. Obfervations on an cclipff of the Moon, Sept. 8, 17 18, at Bologna Rook, — — . New method for obferving eclipfc* 0 the Moon 5B2 Tranf. XLVI 13 t377 X!V 5S4 — 712 XV 922 — J^3^ XVII S24 XIX 266 XXIX 473 XLV 323 LXV459 LXVI5C9 XXXI 173 — 177 XLITI 447 XII 8 3 L845 LXII 137 XXXIII 11 I 388 Abricg X 2D1 II 143 1 293 — S93 n 34Q — 8,-0 — 320, 3^9 — 624 ni 3C7 V 2 142 X 406 ^I 2 286 VI 350 XI 1068 I 409.* VI 186 I 300 Roix 746 ROS ROY Rose, Alexander. Account of a voyage to Ben-' gal, with obfervations made there RosEWARNE, Henry, Account of a fpecimen oi native tin, found in Cornwall Ross, . Obfervaiions on the variation of thf magnetic needle, made on board the Montagv Iran of war in 1760, 1761, 1762 Rowlands, . On the ftocking the river Ment wiih oyfters RowNiNG, John. A defcription of a barometer, v/herein the fcale of variation may be en- creafed at pleafure Dire>Siion for making a machine for finding thf roots of equations univerfally, with the man- ner of ufing it - - Roxburgh, William. A meteorological diary kept at F'ort St. George, in the Eaft Indies fron 0£l. I, 1776, to Feb, 28, 1777 from March 1777. to May 1778 Roy, William. Experiments and obfervations madt in Britain, in order to obtain a rule for meafur- ing heights with barometers Royal Society. Inquiries propofed to be madt concerning agriculture Dire£^ions for Teamen bound for long voyages Inquiries for Suratte, and other parts of the Eaft Indies Inquiries for Virginia, and the Bermudas Inquiries for Perfia Inquiries for Quaiana, and Brafil Inquiries to be made in Hungary, and Tran- fylvania _ _ _ Inquiries to be made in Greenland A table (hewing to what degree air is comprefli- ble in Tea water, from the depth of one foot tc 1947 fecf, ufeful to divers A iupplement Declaration of the coxmcil on Mr. Hookg's Lam- pas _ _ . Report of the committee on fome queftions it gunnery . , _ Propofa! of a method for fecuring the cathedra' of St. Paul's from damage by lightning in coo- fequence of a letter from the Dean and Chaptci of St. Paul's to James Weft, Efq. Tranf. LX 444 LIX47 LVl 216 XXXI 250 XXXVIil39 LX 240 LXVIII 18c LXX 246 LXVII653 I 91 — 140, 147 II 415 — 420 — 422 — 467 — 554 VI 2192 — 2239 XI 749 XLII 172 LIX 160 Abrldo:. VII 420 VIII 445 II 752 — 257 III 631 III 632 III 631 ■II 632 III 631 H 201 — 202 I 586 Vm 253 Royal ROY RUT Royal Society. A report of the committee ap pointed by the Royal Society, to confider of a method for fecuring the powder magazine at Purfl'jet from lightning - ■ Mr. VVilfon'sdifient to part of the above report — — Anfwer of the committee to the above objedions — — Meteorological Journal kept at the houfe of the Royal Society by order of the Prefident and Council, 1776 — — The report of the committee to^confider of the befl method of adjufting the fixed prints of thermometers, and of the precautions necelTary to he ufed in making experiments with thofe inftruments - - - —^ Meteorological journal, 1777 •— 1778 RussEL, Alexander, M. D. Account of an earthquake, March 8, 1749-50, at London — — Account of four undelcribed fifhes at Aleppo ■■ Account of the late earthquakes in Syria • Account of a remarkable marine production ■ Account of inoculation in Arabia Russel, Richard. Relation of a fchirrous tumour included in a cyftus, &c. RuTHERFORTH, Thoaias, D. D, Account of an agitation of the waters in feveral ponds in Hert^ordfhire, Nov. i, 1755 Rutty, John, M. D. On the poifcn of laurel water _ _ _ ' Account of the copper fprings lately difcovered in Pennfylvania - - ■■ Thoughts on the different impregnations of mineral waters, more particularly concerning the exiftence of fulpiiur in fome of them ■ Occalional remarks on the Hartfcli Spaw, and their comparifon with other waters of the fame clafs - - _ Rutty, William, M. D. Account of a praeter- natural tumour on the loins of an infant, at tended with a cloven fpine — — Account of a praeter-natural bony fubliance found in the cavity of the thorax — Two cafes of tumours in the abdomen Method of making tin plates —— Natural hiftory of cochineal Tranf. LXIir 42 — 48 — 66 LXVII 357 — 816 LXVIII 573 LXIX 295 LXX 279 XLVI 631 XLIX 445 LI 529 i-n 554 LVIII 140 XXVIII 276 XLIX 684 XLI63 XLIX 648 LI 275 — 470 XXXI 98. XXXIV 15- XXXV c6'i — 630 XXXVI 264 747 Abridg. X501 V 220 VIII 844 VII 676 — 505 V 522 VI 2 24c VII 478 Rycaut, 748 R YC SAM RvcAUT, Sir Paul. A relation of the fmall creature ■ called fable mice, which have lately come ii ■ troops into Lapland, about Thorne, and other places adjacent to the mountains, in innunic : rable multitudes - - - Tr :'ani. XXI no Abrldi II 871 III 436 ; 3. Sir P. Account of fome Saxon coins found in Suffolk - - - XVI 356 S» Sir R. The effedl of a thunder clap on the com- pafs of a fhip on the coaft of Coromandel XIV 521 Saccheti, John Mendes, M. D. Obfervations on the earthquake at Lifbon, Nov. i, 1755 XLIX 409 Sachette, Rev. John. Account of a very un- common finking of the earth near Folkftone, Kent - - - XXXIX 469 IV 2248 Saint Clare, John. A new way of orthographi- cally delineating, by parallel rays, the pof- tures and adlions of an human body, exaflly obferving the lymmetry and proportion of the parts - - _ VIII 6079 I 599 Saint Clair/ Robert, M. D. Contrivance of a lamp to be kept full whilft it burns XX 378 II 385 — — Account of a very odd eruption of fire out of a fpot of earth near Fierenzola in Italy Saint John, Oliver. Account of the arcutio to lay children in - - XXXVII256 VII 4 46 Salmon, Rev. Thomas. The theory of mufic re- duced to arithmetrical and geometrical pro portions - . . XXIV 2077 Salter, Samuel, D. D. Efficacy of bark in preventing the catching of cold - XLIV i X 762 Samber, Robert, M. D. Cafe of apolypus coughed up - - ■ - XXXIV 262 VII 503 Sampson, Hehry, M. D. Obfervations on a man tvhofe howels were inverted - IX 146 III iii I SAMPsori, SAM SCH Sampson, Henry. Anatomical obfervations on the body of a woman, about 50 years of age, who died hydropical in her left tefticle ■ Relation of an extraordinary child of fix years old, who. in face, &c. was as large as a full growi\ wo .an; and of what appeared on the dilfection of the body Sanderson, William. Obfervation on the va- riation of the needle made in the Baltic in 1 7 20 Sandius, Christopher. On the origin of pearls Sandwich, Earl of. Obfervations on the ecjipl'e of the Sun, June 22, 1666, at Madrid Sandys, Francis. The effeds of Dampier's powder in curing the bite of a mad dog Sarmento, Jacob De Castro, Account of diamonds lately found in Brazil » ' Aftronomical obfervations at Paraguay from 1706 to 1730 Sartorius, . Obfervations on the come of 1736-7 at Madrid Savard, — ■' . Account of a foetus lying with out the uterus Savery, Servington and experiments Savery, Thomas, Account of his engine for raifing water by the help of fire Saville, Ann. Account of Henry Jenkins who attained 169 years Sault, R. Anilytic inveftigation of the curve of quick eft defcent Saumarez, Henry De. Account of the marine furveyor _ _ _ ■ Obfervations on the tides of the river Thames — — Further account of the marine furveyor Saunderson, William. Obfervations on the comet of 0£l. 1723, made at Bombay ■ ■ Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Moon, Oft. Magnetical obfervations 21, 1724, ScARBURGH, <— at Gomroon in Perfia The efieft of at Acomack in America, O£lober 19, a ftorm 1692 Schelhammer, G. Ch. Remarks on a MS. of ancient chirurgical writers in the Grand Duke's library Scheuchzer, John James. Obfervations on an eclipfe or the Sun, May 12, 1706, at Zurich Tranf. XII 1000 XIX 80 XXXI 120 IX II f 296 XL 274 XXXVII199 XLV 667 XL 122 XIX 314 XXXVI 295 XXI 228 XIX 266 XX 425 XXXIII 411 XXXIV 68 XXXVI 45 XXXIV 213 XIX 659 II 104 749 Abrldg. Ill 206, 218 III 20 II 827 I 281 IX 224 IV 2 182 X 118 VIII 215 III 214 VI 2 260 ^ 544 — 4^3 VI 444 VI 2 167 VI 456 — 267 XXVII 459 XXV 2246 IV 254 ScHEUCHZERp 750 SCH SEG ScHEUCiizEP., John' Ja^mes. Obfervatlons on ai: ecliple of the iVloon, April 17, l^C — — - Barometrical altitudss at Zurich in 1708, as aifo of the rain, wind, heat, cold, 5ic. ■ ■ Barometrical experiments for difcovering the eleiflricity of air in different parts of Svvit zerland ■ . Anatomy of a man aged 109 years Accouht of part of two human fkeletons petre- fied ._ ... Anatomy of the Alpine moufe Account of fome rare cryftals Barometrical method of mcafurins the heir^ht r • t> c or mountams Remarks on the height of mountains • Ellis of mortality in feveral parts of Europe for 1724, 1725 Botanical invitation to forward an hiftory of the plants of Switzerland ScHLiCHTiNG, TohnDaniel. Medico-chiruro i- cal obfervatlons ScHLOSSER, JoH. ALBERT. Chymical experiments on the effects of quick lime, or alcaline fal volatile Account of a curious flefhy coral-Iilce fubflance Account of the jaculator fifh from Batavia Farther intelligence relating to the jaculator fifti - - - ScHOTTE, J. P. M. D. Remarks on the country of Senegambia, with a journal of the weather during the prevalence of a very fatal putrid diforder SciLLA, Agostino. Account of petrefied marine bodies found in different parts of the earth Scott, J. Account of a remarkable imperfe£lion of fight Seba, Albertus. Account of the cinnamon tree ■ The anatomical preparation of vegetables Seddon, ■. Account of an earthquake felt at Warrington, Lancafhire, April 2, 1750 Sedileau, . Obfervatlons on the eclipfe of the Sun, July 12, 1684, at Paris Seehl, Ephraim Riniiold. Eafy method of procuring the volatile acid of fulphur Segnlr, John Andrew, M. D. Defcription of a machine to reprefent eclipfes of the earth Tranf. XXV 2394- XXVI 342 XXIX 266 XXXII 313 XXXIV 38 — 237 — 260 XXXV 537 — 577 XXXVI iiG xxx3ai2i9 XLII 270 XLIX 222 — 449 LIV 89 LVI 186 LXX 478 XIX 117 LXVIII611 XXXVI i©6 — 441 XLVI 695 XIV 715 XLIII I XLI 781 Abridg. IV 272 IV 2 16 VII 689 VI 2 205 Vll 452 VI 2 226 — -30 35 174 VII 4 64, VI 2 380 IX 232 VI 2 321 --33« X 511 I 292 XI 12261 VIII IS7 Segner, SET SHE Seip, Jotiv Philip, M. D. Relation of a Oonc| quarry at r'ymiont, from which a fulphureous fmoke iffue", like the cave at Naples, calie— The obfervation, on the internal contaft of Venus with the Sun's limb, on the late tranfit, made in the different parts of Europe, compared with the time of the fame contaft obferved at the Cape of Good Hope, and the parallax of the Sun thence determined «— — The difference of longitude between the Royal Obfervatories of Greenwich and Paris, deter mined by the obfervations of the tranfits of Mercury over the Sun in 1723, 1736, 1743 and 1753 "— — Second paper concerning the parallax of the Sun, determined from the obfervations of the late tranfit of Venus " ■ Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Sun, April i; 1764 - - . ' ■■ Obfervations on the cold of 1740, and 1768 • A method of working the object glaffes of tele- fcopes truly fpherical Short, Thomas, M. D. Cafe of an extraordi- nary impoftumation of the liver Shuckburgh, Sir George. Obfervations made inl SCa Tranf. XLVII517 XLVIII 165 — 178 — 192 — 487 — 361 LI 465 — 93^ LH 178 — 540 — 542 153 Abridg. 611 Liri 158 — 300 LIV 107 LVIII 55 LIX 507 XXXVII184 VII 506 Savof 754 SHU S I M J Tranf. Savoy, in order to afcertain the height of mountains, by means of the barometer, being an examination of Mr. de Luc's rules, delivered in his '* Reclierches fur les Modifications de rAtmofphere" - - [LXVII 513 Shuckburgh, Sir Georgf. Comparifon between Sir George Shuckburgh and Colonel Roy's rules for the meafurement of heights wit hi the barometer - - LXVIIIbSi On the variation of the temperature of boiling water - -' - LXIX 362 Shuldham, Molyneux. Account of the Tea cow, and the ufe made of it - LXV^ 249 SiBEALD, Sir RoRERT. Account of feveral fhell obferved in Scotland - - XIX 321 — Account of fever?.! ftones voided by a boy XX 264 Account of feme ftones and plants lately found in Scotland _ _ - XXII 693 . Defcription of the pediculus ceti - XXV 2314 Letter concerning a fecond volume of his Prc- dromus hiiloriae naturalis Scotise SiGORGNE, Pierre De. i^emonftration of the im> poflibility and infufficiency of vortices XLI 400) Silvabelle, Sir James. A treatifeon the precef- fion of the equinoxes, and in general on the motion of the nodes, and the alteration of the Inclination of the orbit of a planet to tht ecliptic - - - XLVIH 385 SiLVESTRE, Peter, M. D. The ftate of learning, and feveral particulars obferved by him lately, in Italy - - _ - XXII 627 -— — Difleclion of a woman who died in child-bed — 787 Simmon-;, Samuel Foart, M. D. Cafe of a pa- tient voiding flones through a fiftulous fore in the loins, without any concomitant difcharge of the urine by the fame parage - LXIV 108 Simon, James. Cafe of the bones of a foetus voided per anum - - XLIII 529 ,. Account of fom.e fofiils found in Ireland On the petrifaflions of Lough Neagh - XLIV 305 Account of the barometer and ftate of the weather at Dublin, from March 7, 1752, to Feb. 28, 1753 - - XLVIII c>20 Journal of the weather at Dublin, J 753, 1754. i7<;5 - - - XLIX759 Simon, Stuckey. On the reviviicence offnalls which Abridge. ^^ 325. Ill 685 — 154 V2S VIJI 378 in 603 V s^s XI 1016 X670 — 616 had IM SLA had been prefer ved for mat y years In his cabins? Simpson, Thomas. On the motion of projectile; near Oie earth's furface ■:■■ ' • Of ci". tiuents of multinomials, and feries af- fefted by radical figns, which do not begin t converge till after the fecond term — =— =- An invelligation of a general rule for the refolu- tion of ifoperimetrical problems of all orders o — -=» On the advantage of taking the mean of i. nu-nber of a'^ronomic.l obfervatians — — — A rjfolution of a general propofition for deter- mining the horary alteration of the teneflna! equator, from the attraction of the Sun ant Moon : with fome remarks on the foluti(?p!^ gi /en by other authors to that difficult anc importanr problem ■■■ A further attempt to facilitate the refolution of ifoperimetrical problems • An invention o. a general method for determin- ing the fum of every 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th, 6cc term of a feries, taken in order, the fum of the whole being known SiMsoN, Robert. An explication of an obfcuii paiTage in Albert Girard's commentary upon S Stevin's works *•— — Pappus of Alexandria's two general propofitioRj reft, red SisLEY, John. Account of a ftone or calculus mak intr its way through the fcrotum SkeLton, Rev. /hilip. Account of the Corm caterpillar Skippon, Sir Philip. Cafe of the bones of a human foetus voided through an impoflhun.. in the groin Slade, . Account of an earthquake, Feb. 8. 1749-50, at Plymou.h Slare, Francis, M, D. Account of the murrei in Switzerland An account of fome experiments maJe before the PvOyal Society, with fhorc applications of them to phyfical matters : I. A parallel between lightning and phol phorus : II, By mixing two liquors actually cold t> produce fuch fparkling and liery bodies a; are not only vilibie in the dark, but at noon- day in the enlightned air : Tranf. LI V 432 XLV 137 — 328 XLIX4 — 82 L 416 -623 — 757 XLVIII 368 XXXII 330; XLI 351 XLV 281 XXIV 2077 XLVI 694 XIII 94 755 Abridg. I VI 19b , X 1 VI 76 , IX 176 V 306 II870 III. By 7i6 SLA SLO JII. By the addition of an oH to the fore going mixture to produce a flame : IV. A refutation of Borrichius's experimenr that pretends to afcenfion : V. A new experiment with ebullition anc incalefcence : VI. Of cold produced by ebullition, giving fome account of hyltericai paroxyfins : VII. Of cold produced by very great ebul- lition, wherein the cold and hot fits of an ague are refembled by a mixture of li- quors . - _ Slare, Francis, M. D. Anfwcr to Sir John Hof kins's queries on the calculus ■'■ Account of two human calculi of unufual forn and bignefs ■ Examen of flones taken out of a woman at Burnt " Account of a ruminating man » ■ ' An experiment of a change of colour fronV a pale, tranfparent, and clear liquor, to j blue andcerulous one, by the admiflion of aii only - - - — — Experiments on the production of fire and flame, together with an explofion made by i mixture of two liquors actually cold ° ■■" An examen of the chalybeat, or Spa waters cal led by the Germans acid, or fovvre brunns, o fountains ; but proved to be alkalis — — Cafe of a perfon who had a new fet of teeth after 80 years, with fome obfervations on tht virtues of fugar — — On the nature and virtues of Pyrmont waters Sloane, Sir Hans, M. D. Defcription of th cortex winteranus, or wild cinnamon tree > Defcription of the Pimienta, or the Jamaica pepper tree • Account of two plants from the Cape of Gooc Hope _ - _ — — Strange effefls from eating dog mercury, with remarks - _ . Account of the true cortex v/Interanus, and the tree that bears it - - ■ Account of the coffee flirub ' Account of a feather of a bird cuntur from Chili — Account of three earthquakes, Oflober 20,. Tranf. XIII 289 XIV 523 — 534 XVI 140,145 XVII 525 — 898 XVIII 20] XXVIII 247 — 273 XXX 564 XVII 462 -. 664 ~ 875 — 922 xvm 61 Abridc:. ni 350 352 177 lie — 359 IV 2 198 V353 IV 2 201 II 663 — 672 — 640 — 666 ~ 659 — 860 1687, S L O 1687, at Peru, February 18, i687-€, and June 7, 1692, in Jamaica Sloane, Sir Hans. Cafe of a perfon who fvvallowed a knife, which lay in his llomach a year and 7 months, and then worked out at an apofthemj on his bread »— - Account of four forts of ftrange beans frequently cafl on fhore on the Orkney iflands " ■■ ' Account of the tongue of a paftinaca marina, frequent in the feas about Jamaica, and lately dug up in Maryland and England ' ■ • On the cure of the bitings of mad creatures, with remarks ■'■'■■" On the ufe of ipecacuanha in loofeneffes ' Account of a China cabinet * Some wonderfuU contrivances in feme plants to propagate their fpecies *— — Cafe of an odd kind of dropfy -— - Remarks on a difeafe occafioned by fwallowing pebble ftones - - - — — On the foifiis of Reculver clifF ■ Inftances of perfons hurt by fwallowing plumb Hones - _ _ . ■ Anfwer to the Earl of Cromartie's account of mofles in Scotland ■' ■ Account of a pair of extraordinary large horns found in Wapping " Account of elephants teeth and bones found Traaf. XVIII 78 XIX 180 — 298 — 674 XX 49 -69 1-461 LXXI44, 70 — 113 — 150 — 190 XXII 762 757 Abridg. II 91 HI 540 11431 III 284 — 114 11252,1 646/ -669,1, 749 J I III 2o7 underground ■ De fciurovolante, five mure pontico aut fcythio Gefneri ; &c vefpertilione admirabili Bontii difTertatlo _ - _ — •— Symptoms on eating the feed of henbane, with the cure - - - •- Conjeftures on the charming or fafcinating power of the rattle fnake — — Anfwer to the Marq. of Caumont's account of! an extraordinary ftone — — On the difcovery of the remains of a city under ground, near Naples '■ ■ ■ Obfervations on fubftance voided by the urinary palfages _ _ _ *• ■■— A defcription of a curious fca-plant, frutex mari- nus flabelliformis cortice verrucofo obdudius Doodii. Rail Hift. Tom. in, p. 7,et Synopf. XXIII 1283 xxvn 302 XXXIV 222 XXXV 457, 497 XXXVIII 32 — 99 -321 XL 374 XIJ 345 — 699 — 92 IV 461 V264 IV 2 256 VII 441 VI 2 205, 211 IX -6 VIII 84 1 — ^74 — 440 — iSo edit. 758 S L u SME edit, 3, p. 7^2. Cdfailoides granulofa alba j. B. Tom. III. p. 800, Erica i-nariaa ai'v frurefcctis. Muf. Pet. 50. Keratophvton fi? belht^-.rme, corticc verrucofo obuuftui Ra^ ">vn. edit. 3, p. 32 Account of the pietr ^ del mombozza, or ihlnoce ros flone - . _ - Report on M. Canton's method of making arti- ficial magnets Account of inoculation in 1736 Slusius, Renatus Francis. Short and ea'^ method of drawing tangents to all geometrical curves - - _ ■ Demonftration of the fliort and eafy method &c. - . _ •— — On the optic problem of Alhazen Small, Alexander. Addition to Dr. Cleghorn'. account of Minorca Smeaton, John. Account of Dr. Knight's im- provements of the marintfs compafs Some improvements in the air pump An engine for raifing water by lire; being an improvement on Savery's conflru£tion, to ren- der it capable of working itfelf: invented by M, de Moura, of Portugal — — Defcription of a new tackle, or combination oi pullies .. _ — — Experiments upon a machine for meafuring th way of a fliipat fea Def<:ription of a new pyrometer ■ The effe(S!s of lightning on the flceple and church of Leftwiihiel in Cornwall, Jan. 25, 1757 « Remarks on the difft.rent temperature of the air at Eddyflone lighihoufe, and at Plymouth betv/een the 7th and 14th of July, 1757 Experimental enquiry concerning the natural powers of water and wind, to turn mills and other machines depending on a circular motioi; - On the tr.enftrual parallax ariling from the mutual gravitation of the earth and inoon, ii^ influence on the ohfervation of the Sun an: planets, with a method o^ obferving it — — Defcription of a new method of obferving the heavenly bodies out of the meridian ' Obfcrvations on a folar eclipfe, June 4, 1760, at Aufthorpe, near Leeds, Yorklliire Tianf. XT IV 51 X VI 118 XLVII 31 XLIX 516 VII 5143 VIII 6059 — 6II9, 6139 LXVI439 XLVI 513 XLVII 415 Abridg. I ^v 700 XI 910 I 18 — 21 — 172 — 174 X 693 — 43^ — 494 XLVIII 532! -598 Li9^ LI 488 — 100 LVIII 156 — 170 LIX 286 Smeaton, SM SON 7S9 SmeaTon, John. Defcription of a new hygrometer! _— . An experimental examination of the quantity and proportion of mechanical power, necellkry to be employed in giving difrerent degrees of velocity to heavy bodies from a flare ot reft Smethurst, . Account of the fhwan pan, or Chinefe account table Smethwick, Francis. Of an Invention of grind- ing optick and burning gialTes of a figure not fpherical - - - ■ Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Sun, Jan. i, 1676 - . - . - I Smith, Ca-leb. A new method of improving and! perfe£ling catadioptrical telefcopes by forming the fpeculum ofglafs inftcad of metal Smith, Edward. Account of a flrange kind of, earth taken up near Smyrna, of which foap! is made, together with the way of maicing it j Smith, Robert. A hepatites, with unfavourable! fymptoras, fuccefsfuliy treated Smith, Thomas, D. D. Hiflorical obfervations! relating to Conftantinople — — Continuation . Account of the city of Prufa, in Bithynia — — A conjefture about an under current at the Straight's mouth ■ Journal of a voyage from London to Con- ftantinople, 1668 Smith, William. Account of an earthquake, Sept. 30, 1750, at Peterborough Account of a fire ball, July 22, 1750 •— — Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus over the bun's difk, at Norriton in Pennfylvania, Jan. 3, 1769 - - j ■ Obfervations on the tranfit of Mercury, Nov. 9,1 1769, at Norriton Smithso>7, Richard. Account of a paflage by fea' to che Eaft Indies - - j Smyth, Edward. Anfwer to fome queries con- cerning Loucrh Neagh — — On the ufe of opium amongft the Turks SoLANDER, Daniel, M. D. Account of the Gardenia - - M. Du. A way to break eafily and Ipeedily the hardefl rocks Of M. Hevelius's prornife of imparting to the world his invention of makiae; optick glafTes ; Tranf, LXI 198 Abr^Ig. LXVI 450 XLVI 22 X13 III 631 I 194. XI 637 . — 2S4 i XLI326 VIII 11:5 Son, XIX 228 LVI 92 XIII 335 XiV43i — 431 — 564 XIX 597 XLVI 727 XLVIl i' LIX 289 LX 504 IV 1CO3 XV 1108 XIX 288 LII 654 I 82 11457 III 465 — 473 II 288 X 524 III 416 II 324 — 643 3'^7 and 760 sou SPR and of the hopes given by M. Hugens of Zulichenij to perform fomething of the like nature, as alfo of the expeftations conceived of fome perfons in England to improve telefcopes _ _ _ South, Capt. Account of the houfes and hearths in Dublin > _ . — — A lift of feamen of Ireland, 1697 ■ — An account of the number of people in the counties of Ardmagh, Lowth, and Meath, and the city of Dublin ; with an eftimate of the number of people in the kingdom of Ireland 1695-6 - - - Account of the Romifh clergy in Ireland, ac cording to the return made, 1698 Southwell, Sir Robert. Defcription of Pen- Park-Hole in Gloucefterfhire The method of dreffing buck and doe fkin, by the Indians of Virginia and Carolina ■ Account of the damage that happened in theifle of Portland, Feb. 3, 1695-6 ■ ■ Experiments for preferving flowers, fruits, &c. —— Account of a calf with two heads — — Experiments of giving variety of tin6tures to water _ _ _ ■ Method to give iron the colour and tln£ture of copper A way of gilding gold upon filver • Some philolophical experiments Southwell, Robert, Efq. Account of fome ex traordinary echoes SpARRiMAN, Andreas, M. D. Defcription of a new fpccies of cuckow — ^— Account of a journey into Africa from the Cape of Good Hope SpENCE, Joseph. Account of fome antiquities at Herculaneum Spottswood, — . Catalogue of plants grow- ing within the fortifications of Tangier, 1673 - _ - - Sprengell, Conrad Joachim, M. D. Obferva- tions upon vipers Bills of Mortality of feveral confidcrable towns in Europe, from Chriftmas 1716, to Chrift- mas 17 17 ■ ' Obfcrvations on Eaton's ftyptic Tranf. I 98 XXII 51I — 519 — 520 — 521 XIII 2 XVII 533 XIX 660 XX 42 — 79 -87 — 296 XLIV219 LXVII 38 XLVIII 486 XIX 239 XXXII 296 — 454 XXXllI 24 — ic8 Abridg. 193 III 666 — 667 II 370 — 825 III 649 II 623, 750 -899 III 656 — 657 I 214 X246 II 752 VII 409 — 446 VII 563 Spkengell S P R STE Sprengell, Conrad Joachim, M. D. Account of the Bills of Mortality, 1722 and 1723 • Account of the j)lica Polonica Oofervations on the Bills of Mortality of Drcfden, from 1 6 1 7 to 1 7 1 7 Obfervations on the Bills of Mortality of Augfburg, from 1 501 to 1720 SpROULE, George. Obfervations on the iuimer- fions and enierfions of the fatcllites of Jupiter, 1768 Spry, Edward, M. D. Cafe of a morbid eye Cafe of a man who died of the efiects of the fire at Eddyfion lighthoufe by melted lead running down his throat A new improvement of the portable baro- meter Cafe of a locked jaw and paralyfis cured by eledlricity Squire, Samuel. The cafe of Henry Axford, who recovered the ufe of his tongue, after having been four years dumb, by means of a frightful dream Stack, Thomas, M. D. Account of a woman 63 years of age who gave fuck to two of her grand-children Stackhouse, Hugh. Account of the fcarabsus galeatus pulfator, or death-watch Stackhouse, Rev. Thomas. Extradl from a topo graphical account of Bridgenorth in Salop Stafford, Richard. Account of the whales at Bermudas, and of fpermaceti —— Account of flrange fpiders webbs at Ber mudas - - _ _ Account of fome rare plants at Bermudas ■ Account of the tides at Bermudas, and of the longevity of the inhabitants Stanyak, Captain. Obfervations of the fpots up- on the body of the Sun, in May, June, and July 1704 —— Account of the eclipfe of the Sun, May 12, 1706, at Berne Star, , Account of the morbus flrangu latorius - - — — — Cafe of a horfe bit by a mad dog Stedman, John, M. D. Thermometrical obfer vations . - _ 5D 2 Tranf. XXXV 365 XXXVII 51 XXXVIII 89 - 94 761 Abridg. VII 4 60 IX 318 522 LXIV 177 XLIX 18 — 477 LV 83 LVII 88 XLV 148 XLI 140 XXXIII 159 XLII 127 III 792 XXIV 1756 XXV 2240 XLVI435 — 474 XLVII 4 ' ' XI 958 1X206 VII 407 VIII 347 II 268 -561 II 268 IV 232 — 251 XI 959 — 913 Stedman, 7^ STl 6 T I Stedman, John, M. D. The effeas of the hyof- cyamus aibus, or white henbane .^ Of triangles defcribed in circles, and about them - - - Of the wind requifite to move the heavier kind of wind machines Steele, Joshua. Account of a mufical inflru- ment brought from the ifle of Amfterdam in the South feas, by Captain Fourneaux, 1774 - - - - Remarks en a larger fyftem of reed pipes from the ids of Amfterdam, v/ith fome obfervations on the nofe flute of Otaheite Steigerthall, John George, M, D. Two rernarkab'e cafes in furgery Cafe of a foetus that continued 46 years in the mother's belly - - - — Cafe of a particular naevus maternus or mole Defeription of the cereus peruvianus, which flowered at Norimberg in 1730 Account of the narhual or unicorn flfli lately taken in the river Oft, Duchy of Bremen Stehlin, M. de. Account of a fpecimen of native iron _ . - Steno, Nicholas. On the miftake of falamanders living in lire Stephens, John. Account of flames arifing out of the earth in Dorfetfhire Stephens, William. The latitude of Madras in the Eaft Indies, deduced from obferva tions _ - - Steplin, Joseph. Account of an agitation of the waters at Toplitz in Bohemia Stevenson, William. Obfervations on an eclipfe cftheMoon, July 29, 1729, at Barbadoes .. ■ Account of an agitation of the waters, Nov. i 1755, at Edinburgh Steward, Rev. Thomas. Account of the virtues of the ftar of the earth, coronopus or buckf- horn plaintain, in the cure of the bite of a mad dog - - Stewart, John. Account of the kingdom of Thibet Stiles, Sir Francis Haskins Eyles. Anexpla nation of the modes or tones in the ancient Grecian raufic Tranf, XLVII 194 LXV 296 LXVII 493 LXV 67 — 72 XXXI 79 — 126 XXXIII 347 XXXVI 462 XL 147 LXIV461 I 377 LII 119 LXIX 182 XLIX 395 XXXVI 440 XLIX 387 XL 449 LXVII 465 LI 69s Abridg. VII 665 — 554 - 485 VI 2 330 IX 71 H816 VIII 8' JjTILES, STI STR 763 Stiles, Sir Francis Haskins Eyles. An ac count of a fpecimen of the labour of a kind of bees, which lay up their young in cafes of leaves, which they bury in rotten wood ■ Two accounts of an eruption of Mount Vefu- vius, Dec. 23, 1760 ■ Account of fome new microfcopes made at Naples, and their ufe in viewing the fmallefi objefts _ - _ • Microfcopical obfervations on the human blood — — - On thefexes of plants, and the impregnation of vegetables - - - Stirling, James. The Newtonian method of dif- ference illuftrated — — Of the figure of the earth, and the variation of the gravity of the furface — — Defcription of a machine to blow fire by the fall of water * - . Stirling, Rev. James. Account of a remarkable darknefs at Detroit in America, 0£lober 19 1762 - - _ - Stone, Edmund. Account of two fpecies of lines of the third order, not mentioned by Sir Ifaac Newton, or Mr. Stirling Stone, Rev. EiJmund. Account of the fuccefs of the bark of the willow in the cure of agues SToquELER, . Obfervations on the earthquake at Lifbon, Nov i, 1755, at Colares, within 20 miles of Lifbon Storke, Leonard, M. D. Obfervations concern- ing the falling dev/, made at Middleburg in Zeeland in the night, between the 25th and 26th of July, 1 741, vvith the figures of the fleeces of fnow, obferved at the fame place, Jan. 1742 Stovtn, G. Account of an antique fhoe found in theille of Axholm, Lincolnfnire — — Account of the body of a woman found in a morafs, in the ifle of Axholm in Lincolnfhire Strachan, . Account of the taking and taming of elephants in Zeylon • Method of catching fowl and deer in Ceilan, with an account of the cinnamon — — An account of the ferpents in the ifland of Ceilan _ . - — — Account of the ant bear of Ceilan Tranf. LI 844 LII 39,41 LV 246 — 252 — 258 XXX 1050 XXXIX 98 XLIII3I5 LIII 63 XLI 2i8 LIII 195 XLIX413 Abridg. IV 141 VIII 324 X 205 XLII 112 XLIV571 XXIII 1051 — 1094 VIII 7: — 502 XI 1326 V 2 176 -- 179 Strachan, 764 S TR S TU Strachan, . Obfervations on the planting and culture of tobacco in Ceilan — — Some obfervations on coral, large oyflcrs, rubies the growing of a fort of ficus Indica, the gods of the Ceylanefe, ^c. made in Ceilan Strachey, John. Account of the ftrata in the coa! mines of Mendip, Somerfetfliirc ■ On the ftrata of coal mines Strange, John. On the origin of natural paper, found near Cortona in Tufcany — — — An account of feveral Roman fepulchral infcrip- tions and figures in has relief, difcovered in 175^, at Bonn, in Lower Germany — — Account of fome fpecimens of fponges from Italy An account of two Giants Caufways, or groups of prlfmatic bafaltine columns, and other curious volcanic concretions, in the Venetian ftate in Italy, with fome remarks on the charac- ters of thefe and other fimilar bodies, and of the phyfical geography of the countties in which they are found — — An account of a curious Giant's Caufeway, or group of angular columns, newly difcovered in the Euganean hilis near Padua in Italy Account of the tides in the Adriatic Street, — — ■ — . Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Moon, Sept. 8, 1671, at London Struyck, Nicholas. Paths of 19 comets, according to the hypochefis which makes them defcribe a parabola about the Sun Stuart, Alexander, M. D. Account of fome vvatcr-fpouts obferved in the Mediterranean — — Explanation of the figures of a Pagan temple, and fome unknown characters at Cannara in Salfet — — An efiay on the ufe of the bile in the an'unal ceconomy, founded on an obfervation of a wound in the gall bladder - Experiments to prove the exiftence of a fluid in the nerves _ _ > - On the ufe of the bile in the animal oeconomy Obfervations on a white liquor refembling milk which appeared inftead of ferum feparated from the blood after it had flood fome time Tranf. XXIII 1 134 — 1248 XXX 968 XXXIll 395 LIX50 — 195 LX179 Abridg. IV 2 312 Obfervations on the cafe of M. le Grange On the mufcular ftrudure of the heart LXV — 418 LXVII 144 VI 2272 XLVI 89 XXIII 1077 XXVI 372 XXXVI 341 XXXVII 327 XXXVIII 5 XXXIX 289 XL 325 XLI675 V 2 181 IV 2 260 VI 2 222 I 306 X 117 IV 2 103 V 2 60 VII 572 -585 IX 19s — 193 — 146 — i3» Stubbs. STU S WI Tranf. IT 494 III 699 XXX 963 XXXV 428 XLV 409 VII 4 29 XI 1272 — 579 — I3I3 XL VI 214 — 641 — 657 — 731 ~ I3II X529 — 541 XLVII I XLVIil22I Stubbe, Henry, M. D» Obfervat'ons made by a curious and learned perfon lailing from Eng- land to the Caribbee iilands - With an enlargement of the obfervations Other obfervations on the fame voyage Stukeley, Rev. William, D. D. An account of the impreffion of the almoft entire fkeleton of a large animal, in a very hard ftone, found at Elfton, near Newark, Nottinghamfhire — — - A defcription of a Roman pavement found near Grantham in Lincolnftiire, with the oeconomy of the Roman times in this part of England Copy of a Roman infcription found at Bath ' Account of an antient Ihrine formerly belonging to the abbey of Croyland . Explanation of a bas-relief of Mithras found at York ■ On the caufcs of earthquakes Continued _ - . ■>-■ ■■ On thephilofophy of earthquakes ■ An account of a fire-ball feen in the air, July 22, 1750 - - — — Account of the eclipfe predifted by Thales Sturdie, John. Extrads of fome letters concern- ing iron ore, and more particularly of the hcematites, wrought into iron at Milthorpe forge in Lancafhire - - XVII 695 Sturmy, Samuel. Obfervations made in the road near Briftol, in anfwer to fome queries con- cerning the tides - - 111813 SuAREz, -. Aftronomical obfervations at Paraguay _ - _ XLVI 8 SupERviLLE, Daniel De, M. D. Obfervations on generation, and on monfters, with a de- fcription of fome particular monfters - XL! 294 Supple, Richard. An account of an eruption of Mount Vefuvius, 175 1 - XLVII 315 Sutton, — — — . An account of an invention and method of changing the air in the hold, and other clofe parts of a fliip - XLII 42 Sv^tammerdam, John. An account of fome ani- mals that having lungs are yet without the arterious vein ; together with fome other curi- ous particulars - - VIII 6040 . Cafe of an.unufual rupture of the Mefentery X 273 Swift, William. Electrical experiments - LXVlll 155 7^5 Abridg. Ill 546 — 551 — 557 IV 2 272 II55^ — 265 X 123 1X304 VIII 6oi III 256 ^ n8 Swift, 766 S Wl Tranf. Swift, William. Ele^rical experiments | LXIX 454 SwiNDEN, J. H. VAN'. Obfervations on the Intenfej cold in the month of January 1767-8, and] November 1770, at Franeker - I LXIII 89 S\viN*TON, Rev. JoH>r, D. D. An explication ofj all the infcriptions in the Palmyrene language] and character hitherto publiflied - IXLVIII 690 — — A differtation upon a Parthian coin, with cha-] ra£lers on the reverfe refembling thofe of the] Palmyrenes - " " I XLIX 593 — — Remarks on a Parthian coin, with a Greek andi Parthian legend - - j L 175 ■ A differtation upon the Phoenician numeral cha-| raclers antiently uled at Sidon - — 791 — — Conjeclures on an inedited Parthian coin LI 680 — — Some obfervations upon a Samnite-Etrufcan coin, never before fully explained - — 853 — — A differtation upon a Samnite denarius Lll 28 ■ Account of an anthelium feen at Witemberg, Jan. 17, 18, 1738 - - — 94 An account of a remarkable meteor feen at Oxford, Sept. 21, 1760 - — 99 — — An attempt to explain a Funic infcription lately difcovered in the ifland of Malta - LIII 274 Obfervations upon two antient Etrufcan coins never before illuflrated or explained - LIV 99 Some remarks upon the firft part of M. I'Abbe Barthelemy's memoir on the Phoenician let- ters, relative to the infcription in the ifland of Malta - - - — 119 ■ Account of a remarkable meteor feen at Oxford, March 5, 1764 - - — 326 An account of a remarkable meteor feen atj Oxford, April 28, 1764 - - j — 332 ■ Further remaiks upon A-I. I'Abbe Barthelemy's! memoir on the Phoenician letters, containing his reflections on certain Phoenici.in monu- ments, and the alphabets refulting from them] — 393 Remarks on the Palmyrene infcription at Teivej LVl 4 — — An account of an unedited coin of the Emprefsj Crifpina - - - — 27 — — Defcription of two Parthian coins, never hitherto publiflied - - — 296 Defcription of a meteor feen at Oxford, 0«5l. 12, 1766 - - - LVII 108 —— Some obfervations on fwarms of gnats, particu- larly one feen at Oxford, Auguft 29, 1766 — III 4 rlbridg. SwiNTON. s w t SwmTON% Rev. JoHi^, D. D. An attempt to in- terpret the legend and infcription of a very curious Phcenician meddl, never bitlierto ex- plained - - - Further remarks upon a denarius cf the Veturian family, with an Etrufcan infcription en the reverfe - - - Interpretation of the infcription on a Punic coin, ftruck, in the ifle of Gozo ■ Elucidation of an Etrufcan coin of Pcedum in Lucania, emitted from the mint there abouT the time of the focial war ——Remarks upon a denarius cf theVeturian family, with an Etrufcan infcription on the reverfe — — Defcription of a Punic coin appertaining to the iile of Gozo, hitherto attributed to t!mt of Malta - _ _ ■ ' Obfervations on an inedited coin, adorned with two Punic charafters on the reverfe ■ Obfervations on two aurorae boreales, Aug. 6, and Dec. 5, 1768 — — An attempt to elucidate two Samnite coins, never before fully explained — — Some obfervations on an inedited Greek coin of Philiilis Qi^ieen of Syracufe, Malta, and Gozo, who has been pafled over in filence by all the antient writers — — . An accjunt of an extraordinary meteor feen at Oxford, Od, 24, 1769 Explication of an inedited coin, witii two legends, in different languages, on the re verfe - Remarks Upon two Etrufcan weights or coin? never before publiflied . Interpretation of two Punic infcriptions, on the reverfts of twoSicuIo-Punic coins, publiflied by the Prince of Torrcmuzza, and never hithertc explained - - - — — Obfervations on five antient Perfian coins, ftruck in PaleRine, or Phoenicia, before the diflblution of the Peifian empire — — An account cf a fubi'rated denarius of the Pr^e torian family, adorned with an Etrufcar infcription on the reverfe, never before pub- liflied or explained ■■ Remarks upon a denarius of the Veturian family. Tranf. LVII 266 LVIII 22 — 246 — 261 -265 LIX 367 ;67 Abridg. I LX80 — 532 LXI 78 — 82 — 91 — 345 LXII 60 with 76S S WI T A Y with an Etrufcan Infcription on the reverfe, formerly confidered SwiNTON, Rev. JOHN, D. D. Explication of a moft remarkable monogram on the reverie of a very antient quinarius, never before publifhed or explained - - Symmer, Robert. New experiments and obferva tions in eleftricity Sympson, Thomas. An account of the remains of a Roman hypocauftum, or fweating-room, dif- covered under ground at Lincoln, in 1739 Tranf. LXIII 22 LXIV 318 LI 340 XLI 85s T. 1". J. Cafe of a ftone found in the gall-bladder of a woman - _ _ XVIII m Taeor, John. Account of a teffellated pavement at Buth, and other Roman antiquities, lately difcovered at Eall Bourne in Suflex - XXX 549 - ■ - The reft of the treatife concerning the f te ofj the ancient city of Anderida, and other remains of antiquity in the county of Suflex — 783 Tailor, Robert. An account of a great hal florm at Hitchin in Hertfordfhire, May 4 1697 - - - XIX 577 Talbot, Sir Gilbert. A defcription of a Swedifli ftone, which affords fulphur, vitriol, allum; and minium _ _ . I ^^jj Taube, H. W. Account of a rupture in the navel XLIII 50 Taylor, Brooke. Account of the afcent of water between two glais planes - - XXVII 538 On the finding of the center of ofcillation XXVIII u • On the motion of a ftretched llring - — 26 ■ • An experiment in order to difcover the law o magnctical attraiiion - - I XXIX 294 An attempt towartf* ihe improvement of the Abrldg. 1X455 III 159 V 2 63 II 147 MI 501 XI 1027 IV 423 ~ 384 IV 2 297 method T AY TE method of approximating, in the extrailion of th^ roots of equations in numbers Taylor, Brooke. Solution of De Moivrc's i^th problem, with the affiftance of combinations and infinite fcries -■ - ■ A folution of the problem of G. G. Leibnitz lately propofed to the Englifli ■- ■ Apology againft J. Bernoulli's objeflions — — Propofitions on the parabolic mouon of projec- tiles - - - ~ Some experiments relating to magnetifm — An experiment made to afcertain the proportion of the expanfion of the liquor in the ther- mometer with regard to the degrees of heat Taylor, John. An explanation of an ancient in- fcription at Rutchetter, upon the Roman wall, 1744 ■ Account of an earthquake, March 18, 19, 1749-50, felt at Portfmouth ■ ' ■' Obfervations on two antient Roman infcriptions diicovered at Netherby in Cumberland Taylor, Robee.t. Cafe of a monftrous birth Taylor, Silas. The way of killing rattle fnakes Taylor, Walter. Account of the irregularities of the tides at Woolwich Temple, Hon. Henry. Account of an earthquake at Naples . - _ TfeMPLEMAN, Peter, M. D. Cafe of a polypus at the heart „ . - ■ Cafe of a fchirfous tumour of the uterus Templer, John. Relation of two hurricanes in Northamptonfhire, Oft. 30, 1669, and Od. 13, 1670 ■■ Obfervations on glow-worms ■ On the ftrucflure of the lungs •^ — - On the motion of the heart of two urchins after their being cut out A way of making vines grow to advantage all over the roof of a houfc ■ Obfervations on a pleafant way of catching c-.rp - - Tenison, Rev. Edward. The hufbandry of Canary feed - - - ■J A reprefentation of the parrhelia feen in Kent, Dec. 19, 1741 5 E 2 Tranf. XXX 610 -676. 683 — 695 — 9SS XXXI 151 — 204. xxxir 291 XLIV 344 XLVI 649 Liir 133 XXV 2345 I 43 XLIX526 XLf 340 XLIV 285 VI 2156 — - 2177, 3015 VII 5031 VIII 6016 — 6c66 XXVIII 91 XLII 46 75^ Abridg. IV 80 — 130, ---46 V 244 VI 299 VI 2 253 -- 49 XI 1284 X507 V 309 il 373 p VIII 684! XI 102 1 II 102 — 760 III 64 - 69 II 656 -S37 ' V 2 309 VIII 515 Fenisonj no TEN TH O Tenon, William. Account of Dr. P Translation of af fliort extract from •» ipu/n;) Tranf. XXIV 2145 — 2149 2 1^4 XXV2194 — 2236 XXVI 134 — 289 — 314 XXVII 320 — 322 — 393 -^ 514 — 53^ XXXII iQi ~ 344 XLIX 264 aXIV 1961 — 1.800 XXXIl 17 LXl 152 XV 961 : LXIX462. 771 Abrldg. V2 35 — - 34 V 305 V241 IV 2 192 V 2 32 40 [V 2 131 ■- 134 --98 - 109 V 288 VI 2 58 VII . 2: V 60 V i6v III 160 kfpfe 772 TIL TON kept by C. P. Thunberg, M. D. during his voyage to, and refidence in, the empire of Japan TiLLi, MiCHAEL Angelo. Barometrical alfitudcf at Pda in Italy, as al fo of the rain, winds, heat, cold, &c. TiMoN, Emanuel. An account or hiftory of the procuring the fmall pox by incifion or inocu- lation, as it has for fome years been practifed at Conflantinople • Account of the plague at Conilantinople TiMMERMAN, -. An account of an ecIip^e of the Moon, obferved at Mofcua in Ruffia, April 5, 1608, compared with the fame obferved at Lipfick, whereby the longitude of the former is afcertained, together with the latitude of feveral principal places in the em- pire of Ruffia TissoT, Andrew, IVI. D. An account of the dlfeafe called Ergot in French, from its fupppofed caufe, viz, vitiated rye ToALDo, Abbe Joseph. Account of the tides in the Adriatic - . _ Todd, Hugh. An account of a fait fpring on the banks of the river Weare, or Ware, in the bifhoprick of Durham • An account of fome antiquities found at Cor- bfidge, Northumberland Toledo, Alvarez de. Account of the earth- quake at Lima, Oft. 20, 1687 ToMMAGON PoRBo Nata. A relation of the bad condition of the mountains about the Tun- garoufe and Batavian rivers, having their, fourcc from thence, occalioned by the earth- quake between the 4th and 5th of January, 1699, drawn up from the account given by Tommagon Porbo Nata (who hath been there) ToKCE, EzEKiEL. Anfwer to fome queries on ve- getation - . _ ' — Anfwer to feme queries - Promifcuous additions on Vegetation Oblervations, direftions, and inquiries cohccrn- ing the motion of fap in trees '* Enquiries relating to the bleeding of walnut trees - - - ram. LXXi XXVI 342 XXIX 72 XXXI 14 Abrldg. XVII 453 LV 106 LXVII 144 XIV 726 XX VII 291 XVIII 81 V370 VII 668 I 564 V 247 II 410 XXII 595 — 419 III 877 — 880 IV 913 — 677 — 676 — 67S V 1165 — 1 1 96 — 683 - 676, 684 TONGE, TON TRE 773 ToNGE, FzEKiEL. Some obfervations concerning the variety of the running of fap in trees, compared with a weather-glafs, in April 1760 !■ Particulars about retarding the afcent of fap, with other queries relating to that fubjeil ■ ij Further enquiries concerning the running of fap in rrees, the keeping of fuch fap, and brewino with it - ■ A way of colouring leaves, fruit?, &c. «■ - ' Method to multiply crab-ftocks, and propagate trees by layers ToRKOS, Justus JjHN. Anatomico-medlcal obfer vations on a monftrous double-bodied child born 0 _ VoLKAMER, J. G. Obfervations on the variation of the magnetic needle Vossius, . An uncommon infcription lately found on a very great bafis of a pillar dug up at Rome, with an interpretation of the fame _ _ _ VoYE, DE LA. A relation of worms that eat cut {lones - - . Tranf. I 95 LXX 546 XV 1238 LIX 71 W. W. I. Account of an aurora borealis, Feb. 6, 1 720-1, at Dublin . _ - W. R. Obfervations on the difieftion of a rat — — Account of a ftorm of thunder, lightning, and rain at Oundle W. T. On the term and period of human life, with obfervations on the Breflaw table W. W. Remarks on fome Saxon coins, found in Suffolk - - - _ Waddel, » , On the efFctSls of lightn'ng in LXl5g XV J2S3 II 609 XVI 172 III 446 I 321 II 787 779 Abridg. | I 211 I 539 XXXI 180 XVII 594 — 710 LII46 XVI 361 VI 2 86 III 438 deftroying ^?o wai W A h deflroying the polarity of the mariner's compafs i with fome remarks by Gowen Knight Waikhouse, Rev. William. Account of the eftedls of lightning in Wiltfliire, June 20, 1772 Waite, Nicholas. Account of an Incombudible cloth - . - , Wales, William. Agronomical obfervations made by order of the Royal Society at Prince of Wales's Fort, on the north- well coaft of Hudfon's Bay "— ' Obfr-rvations on the tranfit of Venusj June 3, 1 769, at Prince of Wales's Fort Journal of a voyage mads by order of the Koyal Society to Churchill river on the uorth- weli coaft of Hudfon*s Bay ; of thirteen months refidence in that country ; and of the voyage back to England in 1768 and 1769 — Obfervations on the ftate of the air, winds, vveadier, &c. at Prince of Wales's Fort in the north-weft coaft of Hudfon's Bay in 1768, and 1769 -'—-Obfervations on the folar eciipfcj June 24, 1778 _ ~ - '. i Aftronomical obfervations at Prince of Wales's Fort, on the north-weft coaft of Hudfon's Bay - - - Walkkr, i-, Exjpcriments and obfervations concerning founds Walker, John. An account of a new medicina well lately difcovered near Moffat in Annan dale, in the county of Dumfries • An account of the irruption of SohVay Mofs, on December 16, 1772 An account of the cavern in Dunmorc Park, near Kilkenny in Ireland Wall, . Experiments on the luminous qua- lities of amberj diamonds, and gum-lac Wall, J. M. D. On the extraordinary efteas of muflc in con vul five diforders 0n the ufe of th€ bark in the fmall-pox Fffay on the waters of the Holy Well, a ^4alvcrn, Worccfterfliire Obfervations on the cafe of a boy cured of con- vulfive fits by a difchargeof worms Tranf. . Abrid^. XLVI III X 695 LXI1I23I XV 10^9 LIX 469 — 480 LX 100 — ^37 LXVillioi. LIX 467 ^^ 433 L 117 LXU 123 LXIIi 16 XXVI 69 XLIII212 XLIV s^3 XLIX 459 L 2Q - 83^ il 549 I 506 tV 2 275! KI 1044 WallAck, W A L Wallace, James. Part of a journal kept frotti Scotland to New Caledonia, in Darien, witl a (hort account of that country An abftraft from an account of the ifland oi Orkney - - - — — On a ftone cutout of the bladder, havincT haii on it Waller, Ricfiard. Obfervations on the C cin- dela volans, or flying glow worm, with th( figure _ _ _ — — ■ A catalogue of limple and mixed colours, with a fpecimen of each colour, fixed to its prope. name - , . •— — Some obfervations made on the fpawn of frog?, and the produ6lion of tadpoles therein — — Obfervations on thedifleclion of a paroquet Some obfervations fent from the Eaft Indies, ir anfwer to fome queries fent thither ■■ An account of two deaf perlons who can fpeal^ and underftaiid one another by tlie niotion o: the lips ^ A de!cription of that curious natural machine. the wood-pecker's tongue VvALLis, John. Obfervations of the fealed weathc glais, and the barometer . A relation concerning the late earthquake ncai Oxford, Jan. 19, 1665 . A relation of an accident by thunder and light- ning at Oxford, May 10, 1666 An eilay exhibiting the hypothefis of the flu^ and reflux of the lea . An appendix by way of anfwer to fome objec- tions to the above ell'ay *— — Animadverfions of ]3r. Wallis, upon Mr Hobbes's book, De Tiincipiis & Ratiocina- lione Geom:.traium . Some inquiries and direfl'ons concerning tides. propofed by Dr. Walh's, for the proving anc diiproving of his lately publilhed difccurfi concerning them '■ Account of the variety of annual high-tides, aj to leveral places ; with reipect to his own hy pothcfis, (v. I. p. 263 j Some miibkes to be found in a book intitulcc " fpccirnina mathematica F. du Laurens," cfpecinily loiiching a certain problem yffirmec I Tranf, XXII 536 — 543 — 683 XV 841 XVI 24 XVII 523 XVIII ^s3 XX 273 XXV 2468 ver to Mr. Childrey's anuiiadverfions upon his hypothefis of the flux and reflux of the Anfvver to Mr. Hcbbes's Rofetum geometricum His opinion concerning the liypoihefis phyfica nova of Leibnitz . Aniwer to four papers of Mr. Hobbes lately publiflied - " ,' 1 r Breviat concerning Dr. Wallis's two methods of Tangents . Aniwer to the Lux mathematica On the center of gravity of hyperbolas On the fufpenfion of quickfilver wll purged of air, mu -h higher than the ordinary ftandard of the Torricellian experiment . A confirmation of the account of a ftrange froft at Briftol , A note upon Mr. Lifter's obfervations concern ing the veins of plants Letter aflerting the firft invention and demon- ftration of the equality of the curve line of a par^bokeid to a ftraight line, and next the finding a ftraight line equal to that of a cy cloid and of the parts thereof . Two other letters to the fame purpofc A letter gratulatory to M. Hevelius, for his Or ganographia, and particularly concerning di vifions by diagonals . On a new mufical difcovery An account of a confidcrable meteor fccn m many diftant places in England, September 20, 1676 Tranf. Ill 654 — 744 — 77S — 825 — 759 — 864 IV T113 V 1087 Abridg. — 2068 VI 2202 2227 224I VII 4C10 — 5C67 — 5074 — 5160 VIII 5195 — 6o6o 6146 6146 1X243 XII 839 - 863 VI 456 I 457 II 5 32 III 388 ! IU83 i 1 247 ub II 24 — 152 — 696 I 116 — 606 II 200 Wallis, WAL Wallm, John, D. D. Accoantof anantientJate in Northaniptondiire in numeral figures _, An account of two large Hone chimney pieces, with a peculiar fort of archwork thereon - On the colle<£tion of fecants, and the true divifion of the meridian in the fea chart ■ On the air's gravity ,., Treatife of algebra, hiftorical and practical Account of the ftrength of memory when applied with due attention . On the meafures of the air's refinance to bodies moved in it — — On the apparent magnitude of the Sun and Moon, or the apparent diftance of two flars when near the horizon, and when higher elevated . - _ _ The Fi'. rentlne problem concerning the quadra- ture of an hemifpherical cupola of a tem- ple - .. A propofal concerning the parallax of the fixed rtars, in reference to the earth's annual orb _ - - » A difcourfe concerning the methods of approxi mation in the extraftion offurd roots — — On the fpaces in the cycloid, which are perfe(5t!y quadruple _ - - ■■ An extraordinary cure of a horfe that was flaked into his Ifomach • Letter concerning the cycloid known to Cardinal Culanus about the year 1450, and to Carolus Bovillus about 1500 — — On the generation of hail, of thunder and light- ning, and the efFeds thereof — — A corrcftion on the 109th chapter of his book on algebra — — Account of the efFecls of thunder and lightning at Everdon, NorthamptonQiire A queftion in mufick lately propofed to Dr Wallis, concerning the divifion of the mono chord, or fedlion of the mulical canon j with his anfwer to it .1 On the obfervation of Eafler April 24, 1698 ■ ■ On fome fuppofed imperfedions in an organ On the flrange effcifts of mufic in former times . A method of inftru IC95 — 1269 XVi 269 — 3^3 — 225 XVII 584 -844 XIX 2 -98 — Ill — 116 — 118 -561 — ^S3 — 729 — 116 11183 — 729 XX s — 80 - 185 — 249 — • 297 — 353 XXI 273 783 Abridg. I 107 — 595 II 122 I 527 III 66-1 I 484 177 I 610 III 402 I612 — 618 lil 393 II 2 V^ALLIS, iH W A L Wallis, John. Letter to Leibnitz ■ On feme fuppofed alterations of the meri- dian line, which may affeft the declination of the magnetic needle, and the pole's eleva- rion •• - - — On the alteration (fuggefted) of the Julian ac- count fcv the Gregorian — — The quadr^ ure of the parts of the lunula of Hippocrates, ijerformed b)"- Mr, John Perks i with the further improvements of the fa.' e by Dr. David Gregory and John Caf- well - - . Some eafy methods, for the meafuring of curvi- linear figures, plain and folid .., On the ufeof the numeral figures in England, in 1G9O _ - _ .. Two letters on men feeding on flefli — — Chartham news ; or a brief relation of fome ftrange bones lately digged up in fome grounds of Mr. John "Sommers in Canterbury ■ Some letters relating to Mr. Sommers treatifeof Chartham news — — — Letter relating to that ifthmus, or neck of land, which is fuppofed to have joined England and France in former times, where now is the paflage between Dover and Calais .11 Captain Edmund Hallcy's map of magnetic variation ; and fome other things relating to the magnet Ml An account of two deaf perfons who can fpeak and underftand one another by the motion of the lips - - - Wallis, Capt. Account of a folar eclipfe obferved at George's ifland, July 25, 1767 Walmesley, Charles. £ffay on the preceffion of the equinoxes and the nutation of the earth's axis - - - — — — A theory of the irregularities that may be occa- lioned in the annual motion of the earth by the aflions of Jupiter and Saturn -— — Of the irregularities of the motion of a fatellite arifing from the fphcroidical figure of its pri- mary planet -'— Of the irregularities in the planetary motions, caufed by the mutual attradtion of the planets 4 Tranf. XXI 280 285 343 — 411 xxir 547 — 677 — 7691 -783/ — 882 — 1022 ~ 967 XXIII 1 106 XXV 2468 LXII 33 XLIX 704 — 737 L 809 LII 275 Abridf II 2 I 265 III 406 I 27 — 108 V I IV 2 222 227 — - 286 V 2 219 Walpole, W AL w A a 1^5 Walpole, Horace. Cafe (of the (lone) as drawn up by hiinfelf - - — — Sequel to his cafe - • Walsh, John. On the eledlric property of the torpedo - _ _ On torpedos found on the coafl: of England Wanley, Humphrey. Letter judging of the age ofMSS. by the ftyle of learned authors, pair: ters, niuficians, Sec. — An effay on the invention of printing, by John Bagford ; vvi'.h an account of his coUeftions for the fame Ward, John. Account of the Equulaeus — — Remarks on an antient date, at Wido'ehall, Hertford 111 ire — — Remarks on an antient date, over a gate-way, near the Cathedral, at VVorcefter Remarks on an infcription cut formerly in a window belonging to the parifli church of Ramfey in Hamplhire — — An explanation of a Roman infcription found not long fince at Silchefter in Hampfliire — — A br'icf inquiry into the reading of two dates in Arabian figures cut upon flones, which were found in Ireland ■ Explanation of fomc remains of antiquity found in Lincolnfhire -»— ■ An attempt to explain two Roman infcriptions, cut upon two altars, which were dug up fome time fince at Bath — Brief account of a Roman teflera — — A defcription of the town of Silchefter in its prefent ftate ; with a fhort account of an an- tient date in Arabian figures at Walling, near Aldermarfton, in Berkfhire ... Remarks upon an antient Roman infcription found in that part of Italy which formerly belonged to the Sabines — — An attempt to explain an antient Greek in- fcription, engraven upon a curious bronz-e cup with two handles, and publifheci with adraught of the cup, by Dr. Pocock, in his defcription of the Eaft, vol. 2> part 2, page 207 — — An account of a Roman altar, with an infcription upon it, found at York, and communicated to the Society of Antiquaries, SG2 Tranf. XLVII 43 LXin46i LX;V^464 XXIV 1993 XXV 2397 XXXVTasi XXXIX 120 — 136 XLIII 79 — 200 — 283 — 3^9 XLIV 285 XLV 224 — 603 XLVI 293 — 488 Abridg, V2 I 18 VII 4 31 IX 421 XI 1264 — 1260 — 1298 I02I ■ I32I — 1267 — 1273 — 1278 by '86 VV A R by F. Drake. As alfo a brief explication of the infcription, by John Ward .^^^-^ Ward, John. An attempt to explain an antient ! Roman infcription cut upon a Hone lately found at Bath — — An account of a Roman infcription found at V Malton in Yorkfliire, in the year 1753 An account of four Roman infcriptions, cut Ooc, upon tliree large ftones, found in a ploughed field near Wroxeter in Shropfliire, in the year ^/S2; with fome obfervations upon them _ - _ ■'■ Some confiderations on two pieces of lead with Roman infcriptions upon them, found feveral years fince, in Yorkfliire Wardle, John Fred. On the deftruftion of the canker worms and locufts, which deftroyed the fields at Wirtemberg, for feveral years Wargentin, Peter. On the variation of the magnetic needle ' Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus over the Sun, on June 6, 1761, and on an eclipfe ofl the Moon, Way 8, 1761, taken in Sweden — — An account of the obfervations made upon the tranfit of Venus, over the Sun, June 6 1761, at Cajaneburg in Sweden - — 231 Relation of the late tranfit of Venus - LIII ^g — — An ellay on a new method of determining the longitude of places, from observations of tht ecliples of Jupiter's fatellites - LVI 278 ' Meteorological obfervations made at Stockholm, in the winter of 1767-8 - LVIII ira — — Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus, June 3. 1769, in Sweden - - LIX 327 Obfervations on the occultations of the flars » and y Tauri, and other ftars, by the Moon LXV 280 On the difference of longitude of the Royal Obfervatories at Paris and Greenwich, refulting from the eclipfe of Jupiter's firfi: fatellitc, obf rvcd dui ing the lafl ten years ; to which is. added, a comparative table of the correfponding obfervations of the firlt fatellite, made in the principal obfervatories - - LXVII 162 Waring, Ldward. Mathematical problem LIII 294 New properties in conic feitions - LIV 193 ——- Two theorems in mathematics - LV 143 Tranf, XLVIII 33 — 332 XLIX 69 — 196 — 686 XXXVIII 294 XLVir 126 LII 208, 213 Abrldg. VVarinc, WAR V/aring, Edward. Problems concerning interpo Jations - - - ■ ■ ■ A general refolution of algebraical equations Waring, Richard Hill. Account of feme plants found in feveral parts of England Wark, Rev. David. On the ufe of furze, ir fencing the banks of rivers Warner, Joseph. Cafe of an extraordinary tu- mour growing on the infide of the bladder, fuccefsfully extrafted — — Cafe of a fuccefsful operation performed on the empyema Cafe of a piece of a bone, together with a ftone in the bladder fuccefsfully extrafled ■^ - Cafe of the operation for the empyema fuccefs- fully performed - - _ On the ufe of the agaric of the oak in flopping hsemorrhages . . _ • On the ufe of agaric, as a ftyptic - Two lingular cafes of difeafed knee joints, fuc cefsfully treated, the firfl by topical applica tions, the feconi, by operation Cafe of an ajieuri%i on the thigh, and on the uncertainty of the diftinguifhing fymptoms — — An inftance of four rough ftones that were dif covered in an human urinary bladder, contrary to the received opinion ; and fuccefsfully ex- traded by the lateral method of cutting for tht ftone _ . _ — -— Remarkable cafe of an empyema " • An account of two ftones of remarkable fhapes- and lizes, which, for the fpace of fixj years, were firmly lodged in the urethra of aj young man, and fuccefsfully cut out from thence — — An account of a very fmall foetus brought int< the world at the fame time with a child at it^ full growth - _ _ Warren, George. Obfervations on the difle£lioi of an oftrich - - - — ■ ■ Account of the earthquake, felt Feb. 18, or the coaft of England, near Dover Warrick, Christopher. A remarkable luf 787 Tranf. Abridg, LXIX CO — 86 LXI 359 LII I XI.VT414 XI 1006 XLVir 407 — 475 - XLVIII 270 — s88 - 813 XLIX 452 L 3^3 — 579 LI 194 P4 nature in a child •An improvement in the pra6lice of tapping • On the fuccefs of injedfing medicated liquors into the abdomen, in an afcites LX 451 XXXIV 113 XLIX 579 XLII 152 XLIII 12 — 47 VII 437 IX 316 Xi 1030 X 1009 Warrick, 7' WAR W AT Warricfc, Christopher. Experiments on 1 jeft4ng claret, &c. into the abdomen, after tapping Wasse, Rev. . On the difference of tlu height of a human body, between morning and night _ _ . On the effects of lightning, July 3, 1725, in Northamptonfhire — — Account of an earthquake, in Oft. 1731J ii Northamptonfliire Wathen, Jonathan. A method propofed to re {lore the hearing when inj red, from an ob ftruftion of the Tuba Euftachiana Watkins, Thomas. Rules for correcling the nfual methods of computing amounts and prefent values, by compound as well as fim- ple interefts; and of ftating intcreH: ac- counts _ _ _ Watson, Henry. A defcription of the lymphatics of the urethra and neck of the b'adder Account of the ftomach of the Gillaroo trout A fhort account of Dr. Maty's illnefs, and of the appearances in the dead body, which was exammed on the 3d of Auguft, 1776, the day after his deceafe Watson, Rev. Richard, Bifliop of LandafF. Ex- periments and obfervations on various phasno- mena attending the folution of falts Remarks on the effedts of cold in February, 1771 - . - . - — — Account of an experiment made with a thermo- meter, whofe bulb was painted black, and ex- pofed to the diredt rays of the Sun — — Chemical experiments and obfervations on lead- ore - - Watson, William, M. D. A Cafe wherein part of the lungs were coughed up ■ An obfervation upon hydatidcs voided per vagi nam _ _ _ ■ ■ Obfervations upon Mr. Sutton's invention to extract foul and {linking air out of fhips, with critical remarks upon the ufe of windfails — — On the feed of muflirooms — — Account of fome perfons poifoned by eating boiled hemlock — "- Further remarks concerning mufhrooms occa- Tranf. XLIX 485 XXXIII 87 — 366 XXXIX 361 XLIX 213 XXIX III LIX 392 LXiV 121 LXVII 608 LX 325 LXI213 LXIII 40 LXVIII 863 XLI623 — 711 XLII 62 — 599 XLIII 18 Abrid^:. VI 2 70 VIII 692 V 2 243 IX 137 — 188 VIII 630 VIII 815 X783 lioned WAT fioned by the Rev. Mr. Pickering's paper, witl obfervations on the poifonous faculty of fomc forts of fungi — Watson, William, M. D. An account of a plant (Geafter volvae rai'iis et operculc eleva- tis) little known and hitherto undefcribed — — Account of a large ftone found in the ftomach of a horfe - - - — — Experiments and obfervations, tending to il- luftrate the nature and properties of ele£tricit\ ■ Further experiments and obfervations tending tc illuftrate the nature and properties of eleflricitv ■ Critical obfervations concerning the Oenanthc aquatica, fucco virofo crocante, of Lobel — — — Obfervations upon fo much of M. le iVIonnier jun. memoir, as relates to the communicatin the eledric virtue to non-eleftrics - A continuation of a paper concerning eleftricity, from vol. XLIIL page ^oi — — A fequel to the experiments, and obfervations tending to illuftrate the nature and properties of eleflricity . A colleftion of eleftrlcal experiments - Further inquiries into the nature of ele£lricity - Enquiry concerning the refpective velocities of eledricity and found ■» An account of the experiments made by fome gentlemen of the Royal Society, in order to meafure the abfolute velocity of eleftricity ■" Account of the black vomit of South America •*- — Some account of the remains of John Tradef- ' cant's garden, at Lambeth ■I Some account of the fcetus in utero being differ- ently afFe6led by the fmall pox I Letter declaring that he as well as many other have not been able to make odours pafs through glafs, by means of eleftricity ; and giving a particular account of ProfefTor Bofe's experi ment of beatification, or caufina; a glory to appear round a man's head by eleftricity " Several papers concerning a new ferai-metal called Platina — — Obfervations upon the fcx of flowers * Obfervations on the effefts of white henbane '■ An account of B. Franklin's treatife, entitled Experiments and obfervations in eledricit) made at Philadelphia 789 Tranf. XLIII 51 — 234 — 703 -- 268 XI 904 — 481 X 280 XLIV4I — 290 — 227 - 765 - 388 — 339 — 69s — 704 XLV49 — 93 -- 290 — 347 - 368 — 49 — 491 XLVl 134 — 160 — ^35 - 348 - 584 XLVIl 169 — 196 202 Abridg. X 7go — 347 — 407 XI 1063 X 740 XI 1042 X 410 -671 Watson, 790 WAT Watson, William, M. D. An account of the rcfult of fome experiments made with globes and tubes ; tranfmitted by Mr. Winkler in order to verify the fafts of odours palling through them — — An account of the Bifhop of London's garden at Fulham, with a catalogue of the exotic trees remaining in it, June 25, i75^ . Account of the cinnamon tree •. On the phaenomena of eledtricity in vacuo An account of the Aphyllon and Dentaria hep- mphyllos of Clufius, o'li-itted by Mr. Ray .- — An account of S. de PeyfTonel'sMS. treatife upon coral, and fevcral other productions of the fea, in order to illuftrate the natural hiftory thereof . _ - Remarks on Mr. Dixon's account of vegetable b'.lls which grow in a lake near the Humber, Yorkihirc . Eleiflrical experiments in England, under thunder-clouds An account of Mr. Appleby's procefs to make fea water frefli A comparifon of different thermometrical obfer- vations in Siberia . Obfervations on the BylTus of the antients — — Remarks on the fex of the holly . Anfwer to Dr. Lining's query relating to the death of Profeffor Richman . Relation of a large calculus found in a mare -. - Obfervations upon agaric Anaccountof VI r.Tuil's method of caflratingfifli — — Account of a fpecies of plant, from which the agaric ufed as a ftyptic is prepared . A brief botanical and medical hiftory of the Solanum lethale, Bella-donna, or deadly nightftiade . Remarks on the heat of the air, in July, 1757 . An hiftorical memoir concerning a genus of plants called Lichen, by Micheli, Haller, and Linnoeus, and comprehended by Dillenius under the terms Ufnea, Coralloides, and Liche- noides ; tending principally to illuftrate their feveral ufes . An account of fome extraorcJinary effe£ls arifing Irom convulfions — — A further account of the poifonous cfFedts of the^ Tranf. XLVII 236 — 241 — 301 — 362 — 428 — 445 — 498 — 567 XLVIII 69 — 108 — 359 _6i5 — 76s — 800 — 811 — 870 XLIX 28 L62 — 429 Abrldc 652 743 Oenanthe WAT WEt 791 Oenanthe aquatica fucco virofo crocante ot Lobel, or hemlock dropwoit Watson, William, M. D. Some obfervatlons concerning the Lyncurium of the ancients — — Tlie effecSts of eledtricity on a tetanus • An account of the cicuta, recommended by Dr. Stork e _ _ . — — Some fuggeflions concerning the preventing the mifchiets which happen to fhips and their mails by lightning ■ Some remarks upon the catarrhal diforder, which was very frequent in London and in its neigh- bourhood, in May, 1 762 ; and upon the dyfen- tery which prevailed in the follov/ing autumn * Obfervations upon the effefts of elediricity, ap- plied to a tetanus, or mufcular rigidity, of four months continuance — — — An account of the infe£i called the vegetable fly Account of an American arinadilla •—— Obfervations upon the effefts of lightning, with an account of the apparatus to prevent its mif- chiefs to buildings, more particularly powder magazines - - . ' Account of the opening of the body of an aflh- matic perfon — — Account of the late cold weather, Jan. and Feb. 1767, at London ■ An account of fome experiments by Mr. Miller, of Cambridge, on the fovving of wheat — — An account of oil obtained f:om the ground- nuts of North Carolina • On pointed condu6tors Watson, y««. Willi am, M. D. An sccount of the blue ihark Webb, Philip Carteret. An account of an inverted iris, obfcrved on the grafs in Septem- ber, and another in Odobcr, 1751 - Account of an agitation of the waters in SulTex and Stirry, Nov. i, 1755 Weidler, John Fredekick. Obfervations of an eclipfe of the Moon.. July 29, 1729, at Wirtamberg —^ An account of the eclipfe of the Sun, July I5, ^ I734> ^t Wirtemberg Account of an aurofa borealis, 1732 A narrative of the deftrudion of th^ .5H crnker Tranf. L 855 LI 394 Lli 10 -.89 — 629 — 646 LIII 10 — 27 1 LtV57 — 201 — 239 LVII443 LVIil 203 MX 376 LXLiI 66 LXVIII789 XLVII 248 XLIX SS3 XXXVI 174 — 394 XXX VI [I 291 Ab ridg. VI 205 — ■ 1S2 Vlir 574 worms 792 WEI WHE worms and locufts which deflroyed the fields near Wirtemberg for fevera! years < IIVVeidler, John Frederick. An account of tht^ f eclipfe or the Sun, obfer>/ed May 2, 1733, at Wirtemberg Allronomical, phyfical and meteorological ob- fervations in 1733, '^^ Wirtemberg ' Account of feveral aurorae boreales ^ Obfervation on the eclipleof the Moon, 0£l. 2, ; 1724, at Wirtemberg — — An obfervation of two parrhelia, or mock funs feen at Wirtemberg in Saxony, Dec. 31, 1735 - Obfervations on the lunar eclipfe, Sept. 8, 1 736, at Wirtemberg — — Obfervations of the tranfit of Mercury over thr Sun, Od.31, 1736 — — Obfervations on an eclipfe of the Sun, Feb. 18, 1736-7, _ - - . ■ Oblervations on an eclipfe of the Sun, Aug. 4, ^738 . - - , I Oblervations on an Anthelmm Icen at Wirtem- berg, Jan. 17, 18, 1738 - . Obfervations of an occultation of Palilicius, at Wirtemberg, Dec. 23, 1738 .. Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Sun. Aug. 4 1739, ^^ Wirtemberg Wendlingen, yoHN. Obfervations on the eclipfe of the Moon, July 30, 1757, at Madrid, and Jan. 24, 1758 - - West, Thomas. Account of a volcanic hill near Invernefs Weymarn, . Account of an earthquake in Siberia, Nov 28, 1761 Wheeler, Rev. Maurice. Account of a move- ment that m.eafures time after a particular manner, with an accoiint of the reafon of the fa id motion *" - Wheler, Granville. Account of an eclipfe of the Sun, May 2, I733> at Norton Court and Otterden Place — — Some electrical experiments chiefly regarding the repalfive force of eleftrical bodies - Letter of remarks on the late Stephen Gray, his ele£trical circular experiment Two letters concerning the rotatory motion of glafs tube? about their axes, when placed in a certain manner before the fire T-anf. XXXVIII Abridg. 294 — 332 XXXIX 238 — ■ 266 VHI 138 — 178 — 550 — 359 — 164 XL 54 — 509 — 94 — no — 198 — 201 — 152 XLI92 — 221 — 225 — 226 — 113 L 640 LXVII 385 LIII 201 XIV 647 XXXVIII 114 XLI 98 — 118 XLIII 341 I 468 VIII 136 — 406 — 415 X55I Whiston, WHI .WIL Whiston, George. An account of four mock funs, feen at Kenfington, March i, 1726 Whiston% Rev. William. An account of two mock funs, and an arc of a rainbow inverted with an halo, and its brighteftarc, fccn 0£\ 22, and 23, 1 721, at Lyndon, Rutland White, Charles. Account of a remarkable operation on a broken arm . An account of a complete luxation of a thigh bone, in an aduU perfon, by external violence — — Cafe in which the upper head of the os hu meri was fawed off a large portion of the bone afterwards exfoliated, and yet the en- tire motion of the limb was preferved White, Gilbert. Account of the houfe Mar- tin, or Martlet Of th^ houfe- Swallow, Swift, andSand-Martin White, Taylor. A difcourfe on the cinnamon, caflia or canella White, William. Experiments upon air, and the effeds of different kinds of effluvia upon it Whitfeld, Anne. An account of the effeds of a ftorm of thunder and lightning, at Rickmanl worth in Hertfordfliire, Ju^y 16, 1759 Whitehurst. John. Thermometrical obfervations at Derby _ - - An account of a machine for railing water, ex ecuted at Oulton in Chefliire, in 1772 — — Experiments on ignited fubllances Whytt, Robert, iVl. D. An account of the earthquaKe, felt at Glafgow and Dumbarton, December 30, 1755 ; ^^^° °^ "^ (hower of duft' falling on a {hip between Shetland and Iceland — — Obfervations on the cafe of Horace Lord Wal- pole . _ - Poftfcript tc obfervations on Lora Walpole's cafe, with obfervations on the lithontriptic quality of Carlfbad water, lime waters and ioap Cafes of the remarkable efFefts of bliflers, in leffening the quicknefs of the pulfe in coughs attended with an incarceration ot the lun^s and fever Wilbraham, Thomas, Account of an hydro phobia - .-/(SI- - WiLCOX . J >FPH. An account of feme iubierrane ous apartments withEtrufcan infcriptions and 5H2 Tranf. XXXIV 257 XXXI 212 LI 657 — 676 LVI 39 LXIV 196 LXV 258 L860 LXVIII 194 LI 282 LVII 265 LXV 277 LXVI575 XLIX 509 L 209 -386 XLVII412 793 Abridg. VI 2 79 -.76 paintings 794 WIL pamtings cifcovered at Clvita T-urchWio iii Italy Wilkinson, John, M. D. A courfe of experi- ments to afcertain the fpecific buoyancy of cork in different v/aters ; the refpe6livt weights and buoyancy of fait water and frefli water i and foy determining the exa6t weights of human and other bodies in fluids Williams, Rev, Anthony. An account of a re markabis thunder ftorm, Feb. 18, 1770, at Keverne in Cornwall Williams, Perrot, M. D. A n:iethod of pro- curing the fmall pox, ufed in South Vv'aWs — — Another letter on the fame fubjeft . Obfervations upon difledting the body of a per- fon troubled with the lione WiLLiAMSj Stephen, M. D. Account of the viper catchers^ and the efficacy of oil of olives in curing the bite of vipers ■^ I- '< An attempt to explain the barrows in Cornwall Williams, Hugh. Experiments and obfervation'^ on theGjmnotus eleflricus, or eleftrica! eel Williamson, Joseph. A letter wherein he af- ferts his ri^ht to the curious and uftful inven- tion of making clocks to keep time with the Sun's apparent motion Willis, , M. D. Caleofalady whofwallowed euphorbium WiLLouGHBY, Francis. Obfervr.tions on the ccliple of the Sun, June 22, i5&6, at Lon don _ _ _ Experiment on the motion of fap in trees Obfervations, direciions and inquiries concern- ing the motion of fap in trees Thoughts on dwarf oaks Thoughts on the ftellar fifh Obfervations on the black poplar •- Obfervations on fycamore trees Obfervations on the walnut trees — — Obfervations on theinfefts and cartrages lodging tlicmftlves in old willows Obfervations on Mr. Lifter's communications on the motion of the fap in trees — — Account of the hatching of a kind of bee lodged in old willows - - Account of the flellar fifh and of feme other curiofities Tranf, LlII 127 LV95 LXI 71 XXXII 262 VII 618 — 204 — 619 -326 — 530 XL 26 IX 66 XLI 465 — ■ 445 LXV 94 XXX 1080 LI 662 T 295 IV 963 V 1,65 1203 I20I V 2100 — 2125 VI 2221 AbrUs. IV 2 394 I 280 II 682 683 ^33 Wi ~ 685 — 174 — 832 LLOUHBY, W I L V/iLLouHBY, Francis. Obfervatrons on tlie wafps called Vefpje ichneumones WiLMER, John, M. D. Catalogue of fifty plants from Chelfca garden, 1747 1748 . I74g ~ ■ 1750 • 1 75 1 1752 1753, 1755 . 1736 ' I7ST I75« 1759 1 76 1 J 763 VViLMER, B. Accoui>t(fa woman accidentally burnt to death at Coventry WiLMOT, Edward. On the ufe of the Peruvian' bark in the fmall-pcx Wilson, > — . Account of the lapis amianthuS; or Linutn incoinbu(hbile,. in Scotland Wilson, Alexander. Obfeivations on the tranfi;| of Venus over the Sun, made at Giafgow — — ^ Jupiter's firft fateliite obfened at Giafgow, with an eighteen inch reflector of Mr. Srort Account of a reaiarkable cold at Glaf-ow, ii: Jan. 1768 — — Obfervdtions on the folar fpots Improvements propofed in the crofs wires or telefcopes _ _ - Wilson, Benjamin. Eledirical experiments a' Paris - - - Retraftion of his former opinion, concerning the Leyden experiment —— Some eleftrical experiments ' — ■ — Experiment on tourmalin, with feme experi- ments in elf6iriclty — - Letter on electricity •<—— Obfervations on feme gems fimllar to the tour- malin - » _ «— — Experiments in ek£lrlcity 7 Tranf. VI 2279 XLVI331 — 3.59 « — 403 XLVII 166 — 30 XLVIjI 1 10 — 528 XLIX 78 — 607 L236 — 648 LI 96 — 644 LII 85 — 491 LIII 32 LIV 137 LV91 LXIV 340 XLIV 583 XXIT 1004 LIX ^33 — 402 LXi 326 LXiV I — 1C5 XLVIII XLIX LI 8; 347 682 — 30S — 896 LII 443 79^ Abridg, II 769 XI 103^ IV 2 28 LII443 LIII 436 , :Lso> 7-96 WIL WIN ^Wilson, Benjamin. ConfiHerations to prevent 'l lightning from doing nnichief to great works, I high bui'dings, and large magazines ■Lm. — His diflent to part of the report of the committee • :t of the Royal Society, un the powder magazine :i at Purfleet ^- — Obfervations upon Jigh'ning, and the method ;'; ~ of fecuring buildings from its effects His dilient from the report of the committee to examine the accident by lightning at Purfleet LMay 15, 1777 Experimer.ts and obfervations on the nature and 1 ufe of conduftors New experiments upon the Leyden phial, re- fpecting the termination cf conductors . Account of Dr. Knight's method of making artificial loadftones — — New experiments and obfervations on the ufe of conduclors Wilson, James. A defcription and manner of ufm^ a late invented fct of imall pccket microlcopes, which with great eafe are applied in viewing opake, tranfparent, and liquid objedls, &c Wilson, Patrick. M. A. An account of a mofl extraordinary degree of cold, at Glafgow, in ' January, 1780, together with fome new ex- periments and obfervations on the compara- tive temperatuie of hcar-frcft, and the aii near to it, made at Glaf-ow WiNCLER, ■» M. D. Account of the mur- rain ia Switzerland, and its cure Winkler, John Henry. New obfervations in e'eCiriclty - - On the effeft of ek£trlcity upon himfelf and hi: wife ~ - . Defcription and figures of his eleftrical pyrorga- num " ' 7 — Adifcovery in ele£^ricity, ufeful in medicine h,xperiir.C!its relating to odours pafhng through eledrificd globes ■ Acco jnt of two cledtrical experiments WiNN, Cap.. I. L. An account of the appearance of lifThti.ing on a conduftor fixed trom tht fummit of the main m-ft of a fhip down to tht water - - - _ Winn- I- 0. Remarks en the aurora borealis, in Scj-t. 176^ 3 Abrldgo Tranf. LIV 247 LXIII 48 — 49 LX VIII 239 — 24s — 999 LXIX51 — 160 XXIII 1241 IV 199 -.- II 869 X 327 — 345 LXX 4^1 XIII 93 XLIII 307 XLIV 211 — 497 XLV 262 XLVIF 231 XLVill 772 LX 188 LXIV 128 WiNTIlORP, WIN WIT WiNTHRop, JoHjT. Account of fome natural curiolities, and a ftrange and curioufly con trived fifli from New England •— — The defcription, culture, and ufe of maize ■ Ohfervations on the tranfit of Mercury, over the Sun. April2ij 174O, and of an eclipfe of the Moon, Dec. 21, 1740, in New England . Cafe of the bones of a foetus coming away by the anus ■ An account of the earthquake feltin New-Eng land and the neighbouring parts of America, Nov. 18, 1755 fc An account of a meteor feen in New England, May lO, 1760, and of a whirlwind felt in that country, July 10, 1760 . An account of feveral fiery meteors feen in North America _ - > ■ ■ ■ Ohfervations on the tranfit of Venus, at St. John's in Newfoundland m Thoushts concernino- comets Ohfervations on the tranfit of Venus over the Sun, June 3, 1769 Obfervati ns of the tranfit of Mercury over the Sun, October 2 i^, ^743 - . Phafes of the tranfit of Venus, fuppofed to be re- tarded by the aberration of light -— — Ohfervations on the tranfit of Mercury over the Sun, Oa.25, 1743 - - — — Remarks upon a paflage in Caftillione's life of Sir Ifaac Newton Wiseman, Richard. Experiments with a liquor for Hopping the blood of cut arteries Whitchell, George. A general inveRigation of the nature of the curve, formed by the fhadow of a prolate fpheroid upon a plane land- ing at right angles to the axis of the fliadow ► Some account of a folar eclipfe obftrved at George's Ifland, by Capt. Wallis, July 25, 1767 Withering, William, M. D. Experiments on the diiferenc kinds of marie found in Stafr'ord- fliire _ _ - WiTSEN, Nicholas. Account of a large and curi- ous map of Great Tartary «■■■ ■■— Defcriptign of certain fhells found in the Eaft Indies . . - Tranf, V 1151 XII 1065 XLIIS72 XLIII 304 L I LIT 6 LIV 185 — 277 LVII 132 797 Abrid2^e exitradl^d jby fection out of ja ^roirig.n''£ fjl.^d^ler, who furvjvcd the operatioR s?^=s=? Accpynt cf a bjarnipg rock, anfl a burning well St Qalcutt* - - ■ Wqqj?warp, John, M. D. Thopghts and cxppr;- pients on yegeitatign - Wo©?^coMBp, Thoma?. Cafe of a locked javy r--'.... , Csfe of a bay wha died of a gun-fliot wo^und WqoL^er^ —r- ~. Account .of the foflU bone; of ar> alligator fo;jnd on the fea ftiorepear Whlfby, Yorkfhire 5. W,QyLFE, Peter. Experiments on the diftillation pf acidsj volatile alkalies, tkc. fliewinp- how they may be condenfed without loi's, and how thereby we may avoid difagreeabip and no^ipus fumes ?■ B^s^ Experiments to (hpvv the nature of Auruiji Mofaicum _ _ _ esa-^H? Experimeirtts on a new colouring fubftance from the ifland pf Aniifterdaqi ip the South Seas esssssr EKperjments on forae minei-al fubftanees Wg-AY, Jo^^^ Ejtpe^imeiits on the tpotion of fap in trjses *. ^ - (Ks^ssp- On the maRnerof fpiders prpjedling their threads Wrpn, Christopher. Theory pf mptio^ i.,- A.-, yhe defcriptjoi) of ap inftrumpnt invented years ^go, for drawing the put-lines pf any object in perfpe^ftiyp " =? ^ • L.^..-.. . The generation pf an hyperbolical cylindroid ; flemonftratipnj and the applicatipn therepf fpr grinding hyperbolical gl.alles, hinted at sM^s- ^ defHriptipn of Dr. Chr. Wren's pngine, de figned for grinding hyperbplic^l glaffes ■-1 ■ Qn finding ^ ftraight line fcjual to that pf a pyplpid ^ s- Wrjsht, Edward, M. D. Micrpfcppical pbfer- V^tipng Dpc. 26^ 1755 g> Aceount of ^ remarkable fpffil Orthpceratltes Account of gn experiment by which it appears Lxni 67 L%iv 329 XXl ,93 ).v Si L 786 Lyil5i7 LXV9J LXyi 6p5 h%ili II IV 963 V 2103 III 36; JVS90 t:^.- 961 ^ f059 VIII 6150 XUX 553 -^ 670 67? m Abridg, ni j35 U ;/i3 ^ 682 " 795 I 459 - 59S 189 116 that Seo WRI WUR that fait of fteel does not enter into the ladleal veffels ; with remarks Wright, John, Cafe of a cure of an apofthumation of the 'ungs Wright, Richard. A method of procuring the fmall-pox at Haverfordvveft Wright, Thomas. Relation of a land-flcod, which has lately overwhelmed a great tra£l of land in the county of Suffolk, together with an ac- count of the check, in part, given to it — — Account of two ancient camps in Hamp/hire ■ Account of an extraordinary tide in the river of Forth _ - : - Account of the tranfir of V^enus made at the ifle of Coudre, near Quebec — — Jmmerfions and emerfions of Jupiter's firft fatel- iite, obferved at Jupiter's inlet in the ifland of Aiiticofta, North America ; and the longitude of the place deduced from comparifon, with obfervations made at the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich, by the Ailronomer Royal Wp-IGHT, William, M. D. Defcription of the Jefuits-bark tree of Jamaica, and theCaribbees ' Defcription and ufe of the cabbage- bark- tree in Jamaica - _ _ Wroe, Rev. Richard. Two letters concerning horn-like excrefcences growing on the fingers, 6cc. - - ^ WuRTZEiBAUR, John Philip. Obfervations on the Variation of the magnetic needle, made at Nuremberg fomc years part, and in the prefent year 1685 . Obfervations of an eclipfe of the Moon, Nov. 30, 1685 Obfervations of the eclipfe of Jupiter's fateliites, March 31, 1686, at Nuremberg An account {hewing that the latitude of Nurem berg has continued vyithout fenfible alteration for 200 years laft paft, as likewife the obliquity ^ of the ecliptick, by comparing them with what was obferved, by B. Walther, in 1487 .. An obfcrvatlon of a tranfit of Mercury under the Sun, 06t. 31, 1690, at Nurem[)ourg . Obfervations of an eclipfe of the Sun, Sept, 13, 1-699, at Nuremberg — T- Obfervations of an eclipfe of the Sun, Feb. 19 171*8 4 Tranf. L594 XXIII 1379 XXXII 267 III 722 XLIIi 273 XLVI412 LIX 273 LXIV 190 LXVII 504 — 507 XXIV 1899 XV 1253 XVI 146 — !77 — 403 XVII 483 XXII 619 XXX 820 Abridg. V 223 VII 620 "455 XI 1295 X583 V3«7 II 609 I 338 — 364 — ■ 262 — 426 -- 297 II 268 I YONGi;, YON ZOL Y. YoNGE, James. Concerning the internal ufe of can- tharides •— — Cafe of a ball extracted from a perfon who had fuffered by it 30 years, and in which was a plumb-ftone « An account of balls of hair taken from the uterus and ovaria of feveral women ■- . Account of a bunch of hair voided by urine Account of feveral folid bodies voided by urine , Account of an unufual blacknefs of the face, and of feveral extra-uterine foetus's — — A relation of an hydropical cafe, in which the gall-bladder was diftended to an unufual bignefs «— — <. The cafe of a woman who had her menles regu- larly to 70 years of age Young, Charles. Cafe of a luxated thigh bone reduced - - - Z. Z AN ONI, ■ Agronomical obfervations m Naples and Sicily Zanotti, Eustachio. Account of red lights feen in the air, Dec. 5, 1737, at Bononia ■ The parabolic orbit of the comet of 1739, ob- ferved at Bologna . Obfervations on the tranfit of Venus, June 6, 1 76 1, at Bologna Zimmerman, James. Obfervations on the eclipfe of Jupiter by the Moon, Match 31, 1686 Zollman, Philip Henry. An extraft of a phi- lofophical account of a new opinion concern- ing the origin of petrifacHons found in the earth, which have hitherto been afcribed to the univerfai deluge, written by Sjg. Antonio Lazzaro Moro N Tranf, XXIII 2010 ~ 1279 XXV 2387 XXVI 414 — ' 420 — 424, 432 XXVII 426 XXVIII 236 LI 846 LVIIII96 XLI 593 — 809 LTI 399 XVI 177 \ XLI V 163 801 x^bridg. •V405 — 261 — 284 — 286 — 199' — 306 — 292 — q6o VIII 532 — 215 I 360 X 615 FROM THE FRES$ OF J* NlCJfO^Sv Q Royal Society of London /il Philosophical L8 transactions Iiidex; v.1-70 Physical & Applied Sci. Serials PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY STORAGE