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O/firlnl V. S. Ndi'j) j)huto</raph

'Over There!



In this war, as in all wars, many jjcace-time niatcriiils hcconic scarce or completely unu\ailal)le for civilian consunij)tion. This year this is especially true of many of the materials necessary in the j>ro(Iuction and ]iul)]ication of anmials. And until it is o\er "over there" these materials and many others will not he available. However, in spite of the many dif- fic'ulties encountered, it has liecn the desire of the college and the Phi Psi Cm staff, if ])ossihle, to puhlisli an an- nual tliat will come as close to tlic lu'gh standards of tjuality set by previous Phi Psi Cli's as 2)rescnt con- ditions warrant.

Offh-ial V. S. Nnvy phiiliKU'djili

Offirwl r. S. M.


Offirhtl r. S. Murine Corps jilKiloiiroph

O.E.M. photo


Statesman, Cliurchnian, At- torney, Banker, Legisla- tor, Congressman, and College Trustee


Colonel Holland was a man of integrity, honor, and high jjurposc. Few men have served Church and State with more effective- ness and humility than he. He was a member of the original Board of Trustees of our college and served the institution faithfully for moi'e than fifty years.

In recognition of his ability, consecration, and service we, the members of the Class of 1943, take peculiar pleasure in dedicating the Phi Psi Ci.i, our college annual, to his memory.


Tliis ))a<>t' is dedicated to the memory tliat we all retain for E. W. "Vick" \ ickcrs. From his undergraduate days until lii-s un- tinielv death last fall "Vick" was an ardent supjxjrter of Elon College and of the things for which Elon College stands.



It is most unfortunate tliat the Class of 1943 has been so seriously disturbed during its junior and senior years. War is al- ways distui'bing. Concentration on personal development is almost impossible. Yet under circumstances that try men's souls, the Class of 1943 has persevered with convincing determination. Individually they shall receive their diplomas in due time. In the conflict of society and the fury of battle they shall remain loyal to country and devoted to Alma IMater.

In this book, our college annua], the meinl)crs of this class have preserved scenes, circumstances, sayings, and achievements that mean much to them and which shall prove to be precious memories in after years.

Wherever you may lie and whatever tlic circumstances your Alma Mater shall be with vou and shall be praying for you. May God bless and keep j'ou through all the years.

L. E. Smith, President.


Dear Seniors :

As the iiicnibers of the C'hiss of 1943 pass another milestone on Commencement Day, may you find the Elon standards of friendhness, clear thinking, honor and goodwill deejDly engraved upon your heart. ]May our College tradition of faith in God and love for our fellowmcn give you confidence to believe that these standards which we have demonstrated together during our college experiences may likewise be shared and lived by all peoples of the earth. ]\Iay each of you in vour own way dedicate your knowledge, your time and your talents in help- ing to achieve these ends.

Cordially your friend,

Helex Boyd, Dean of Women.

Dear Seniors:

You arc in many different jjlaces from your anticij)ation of four years ago. Some of you are still at the college carrying on. Others are in armed service working for another desired goal. Wlicther here or there we shall all be mutuallv connected.

Remember always tliat there is a warm sjjot in my lieart and an ardent prayer foi- your success wherever you may be. You «ill not be forgotten, and remember this, whenever you return to the campus maj^ your conscience haunt you so severely that you cannot stand still until you enter the doors of the office "designated, "DEAN." He will be expecting you.

Yours as always,

J. D. ]\Iessick, Dean.



Barney Hook

Bartlev Howell

Bowden Johnson

Boyd McClure

Brannock Messick

John Willis Baknev, Department of English; A.B., Elon College; Graduate Work, Columbia University, University of Virginia, University of North Carolina.

Irving D. Bartley, Department of Music; Diploma in Piano and Organ, New England Conservatory; B.Mus., M.Mus., Syracuse University.

D. J. Bowden, Dtiiartment of Religion and Piiilosopliy ; B.S., Virginia Poly- technic Institute; 1$.D.. Ph.D., Yale University.

Helen Bovd, Dean of Women, Department of Religious Education; A.B., University of Washington; M.A., Columbia University.

Ned Faucette Brannock, Department of Chemistry; A.B., M.A., Ehni College; M.S., Columbia University; Litt.D., Defiance College; Additional (iraduate Work, Johns Hopkins University, University of North Carolina.

Herbert F. Donaldson, Department of Music; B.M., M.M.. Piano, Chicago Conservatory.

Merton French, Department of Religion and flrcek; A.B., Washburn College; M.A., Ph.D., Brown University.

Howard S. Gravett, Department of Biology; A.B., James Millikin University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Illinois.

Hans Hihscii, Department of Moihrn Languages and History; Hoehere Reifepruefung Realgymnasium Mannheim; University of Frankfort-on-the- Main; University of Heidelberg; University of Vienna; Ph.D., University of Munich.

Marion L. Hockridok, Department of Modern Languages; A.B., Smith College; M.A.. Midilhburg French School.


French Muse

Gravette Xewman

Hirscli Phillips

Hockridge Pierce

Huffman Routt

\'ioLET Hoffman, Commercial Department, A. B., Eloii College.

Ai.oxzo LoHR Hook, Registrar, Department of Physics; A.B., M.A., EJon College; M. S., Cornell University; Additional Graduate Work, .Johns Hopkins University; University of Cliicago; Duke University.

Mus. .SiK Craft Howell, Connnercial Department; A.B.. La Grange College; M..S.. N'orth Carolina Statt- College.

Waitus W. Howkll, Deiiartment of Business Adminis- tration; A.B.. Elon College; M.A.. University of Xortli Carolina

Mrs. Oma U. Johnson, Librarian; Pli.B., A.B.. Elon College; B.S.. Columbia L'niversity.

LiLA Le Van, I)ei)artini nt of Music; Mus.B.. Mus.M.. Kansas University; Graduate Work. .Tiilliard .School of Music.

Frederick Loadwick, Department of Musi<'; .Mus.B., Sj'racuse University.

Charles R. McClirk, Department of Euglisli; B.A.. Maryville College; .M.A.. Ohio .State University; Candidate for Ph.D.. Indiana Unixersity.

John Decatur Messick, Dean, Department of Edu- cation; Ph.B., Elon College; University of North Carolina; Ph.D.. New York Universitv.

Mary Reed Moore, Department of Education; .\.B.. Winthrop College; M.A., Furman University; (iradu- ate Work, University of California; CoJumliia Uni- versity; College of William and Mary.

LiDA MtsE, Department of Home Economics; B.S., Uni- versity of Tennessee; ]\LA., Columbia University.

LiLA Claire Newman, Department of Art; Ph.B., Elon College; Graduate Work, Columbia University; Har- vard University.

^LiRGARET A. Casto Phillips, Departments of Mathe- matics and Physics; B.A., Marsliall College; M. A., Duke L^niversity.

J. L. Pierce, Director of Athletics; A.B., Higli Point College; M.A.. University of North Carolina.

Elizabeth Routt, Commercial Department; A.B., Bowling Green Business University; Liberal Arts Degree, Georgetown University.

Harold Schultz, Department of History; A.B.. Colum- bia University; ^LA.. Candidate for Ph.D., Duke University.

Leon Edoar S.mith, President; .\.B.. Elon College; M.A., Princeton University; D.D.. Elon Colle LL.D., Marietta College.

Arthur F. Smullvan, Department of Matliematies; A.B., College of the City of New York; M.A., Ph.D., H.irv.ird Universitv.



'A tttMmin^







// //

/J /




Lending "Bud" a lielping hand (?>.

Farm labor ( ? ) .

King and Queen of the Freshman Class Mixry "Hair" Denson and Fred "Love In Bloom" Gray.

WHO'S WHO or did you know? (What happened to the girls?)

Getting up in the world.

The Marines landed and the situa- tion was, as usual, well in hand.

"Easy" Jones lauds the Navy.

Hallowe'en or thwarted ideas.

A going away present for Tom.

"Smile please."

The beginning of a great contribu- tion to the Red Cross Blood Plasma Bank.

'In the land of cotton.'



Student Body Officers

If notliiiifi- else the student Ijody has Imd variety in its Student Presidents this year. We were blessed (?) with three Presidents Tom Smythc, who left early in the year; Bill Johnston, who left shortly after this picture was made, to enter IVIedical School; and John Pollard, who became the third Student Body President i)y virtue of his office of Vice President. The other student body officers were: Edward "Buster" Butler, Treas- urer, and Dwinht Kernodle, Secretary.

[ M]

Senior Cabinet

Sfiirfeiit Christian /Association

The Student Chi'istian Association is com- posed of two cabinets, the Senior Caliinct and the Freshman Cahinet. The functions of the Senior Cabinet are to direct Cliristian activities of the student IhhIv, to coiuhict ]\Iornin<>' Watch and A'espers, to plan socials, and to sponsor or con(Uict reli<i;ious lioliday services. Tlie Freshman ('al)inet promotes the work of the Association aiiioni;- tlie I'"rcslinian class.

Tuder tlicii- I'lTsident for this vi'ar, IFelcn .Mari^aret .Mosick. the Association has continued to do a wvy fine and coinnieii(hd)le jol) of directing student relii'ious activities.

Helen Margarkt Messick Pre.i'idcnt


The Senate

The Senate, or tlic "Elon Police Force," is charged with the often uiuk'sii'ahle but necessary task of enforcino' the few restrictions that are imposed on tlie male members of tlic student I)ody. H(n\evcr under the capable guidance of George Bullard, President, the Senate experienced one of its cjuietest and tlierefore one of its most successful years.

George Bullard President


The Council

The Council is the governing Ixxly of all Ciinii)u.s girls and Day Student girls when on campus. Witii the aid of the Dean of Wouicn, it reviews offenders of college rules and regulations and administers the necessary rej)risals.

The Council has experienced the caj)al)le and fair leadershij) of two Presidents this year. I>uvcne Holmes was President until slie graduated at the end of the first (juartcr. After lAivenc left Amei-ith Nichols took over for the remainder of tlie year. The other council officers were: liachel Crowell, Vice I'resident : Mai'v Deane ]}i-owne, Secretary; and Eliza Boyd, Treasure)-.

Amerith Nichols President

[ 1'

SfHf/eiif Spvyke Organization

Edwin Watts Chairman

War activities arc riglitly assuming a place of increasing importance in the lives of Elon students and on the Elon Camjjus. It was to coordinate these activities that the Student Service Organization was organized shortly after the outbreak of war during tlie ])ast school year.

Althougli not yet out of its embryonic stages of development it has done much to accomplish its pur- ])ose \)\ stimulating activity in several fields. Under its direction, over 100 students contril)uted a pint of blood for a blood bank set up in Greensboro. Forty over-seas' kits were purchased and ])laced in the hands of the American Red Cross for distribution to men en route to foreign soil. An air raid system,

surgical dressing, and other projects too numerous to mention were developed and carried

out by the organization during the year.

J)n. Hans IIiunch Adviser


FresliniPii Clciss Officers


3. _

Gene Poe President

^lAnoAHET Kawi.s Vice President

Bonnie Davis Secrctarij

IIahr^- ]\Iehi!()\v Treasurer




Albright, Mahv Carolyn, Mebane, N. C; Apple, Annie Elizabeth, Elon College, N. C. ;«Armfield, Carey Hahn, Cireeiisboro. N. C;; Ayscue, Helen Burns, Warrenton, N. C; Ayscue, Melvin Washington, Hen- derson, N. C.

Barrier, Ellen Stewart, Spencer, N. C; Batten, Person Alex, Portsmouth. Va. ; Beauford, Mattie Lee, Haw River. N. C; Bennett, Mary Emily, Whiteville, N. C. ; BiDDix, Clarence, Marion, N. C.

Blalock, Helen Roscoe, Gibsonville. N. C; Blue, Geraldine Stewart, Elon College, N. C; Boland, Iris Celestia, Elon College, N. C; Boone, .Iames Wood, Jackson, N. C. ; Bounds, Ann Holland, Holland. Va.

Braddy, Elizabeth Alston, Burlington. N. C. ; Braxton, Esther Florine, White- ville, N. C. ; Bridgers, Ralph P'rancis, Princeton. X. C; Brooks, Ruby Gray, Oxford. X. C. ; Brower, Mary Jean, Liberty, N. C.

Busick, Margaret Lotmse, Brown .Suininit. X^. C; Cahoon, Jean Powell, Clifton Forge, Va.; Callahan, Edmond, Falcon, X. C; Cannon, Doris Lucille, Canton, N. C; Cannon, Mary Louise, Canton, N. C.

Carden, Dorothy Elaine, Haw River, N. C. ; Chandler, Claude Edwin, Broadway. N. C; Coble, Thomas Worthy, Gra- ham, X. C; CoLCLouGii, NiTA Dare, Dur- ham, X. C; Comer, Carolyn Frances, Brown Sunnnit, N'. C.

Cooper, Elsie .Jean, Falcon. X. C; Craw- ford, Grace Pearl, Chadbourn, N. C; Critcher, Mary Alice, Oxford, X. C; Cum MINGS, Pattie Mae, Madison, X. C; Daniel, Edwin Lewis, \'irgilina. Va.

Darden, Mary Louise, Siler City, X\ C.; Davis, Bonnie Cjrace, Eureka, N. C. ; Day, Maude Evelyn, Burlington, X^. C.



Dkxsox, Mary Kathrvn, J.u'ksdin illc. Fla.; Dickey, (tekaldixe Elizadeth, Kloii Col- lege. X. C; Dixox, Rachel, Brown Siiminit. N. C; DcRHAM, Altox Thomas, Burling- ton. N. C; Eaves, Josie Burt, Henderson. N. C.

EttERTox, Leola Mae, N(n-lin;i. X. C: Ellixgtox, WixiiREn Powell, Keidsville, X. C: Fisher, Stacey Alk e, Bryson City. X. C; Flixchim, Xell Reid, Carth- age. X. C; Floyd, .1. Lyxwood, Atlanta, Cia.

FoLTz. Dorothy Xell, Suray. \a.: F'orbes, Charles Alfred, Cireenvillc. N. C. ; F'oster, Dorothy Lee, Altanialiaw. N. C; Foster, -Mary Jaxe, Yaiiceyville. X. C; F"o\vlkes, Fraxces Axxe, Yaneeyville. X. C.

F'razier, Forrest Livingston, Shenandoah. ^^•^.; Fuller, Fletcher B., Henderson, X. C; GiBBS, Clayton Leox, Reidsville. X. C; Gill, Robert Trimbill, Xew Bern, X. C. ; Gray, Allen Tihrman, La Grange. X. C.

fiHAv, F'red Earle, Charlotte, X'. C; Graves, ^L1RGARET Elizabeth, Burlington. X. C; fiRiFEix-, F>THALIXDA, Sununerfield, X. C; Gri.mes, Rethel Wales, Mount Olive, X. C; GrxTER, Frances Cattishal, San- ford. X. C.

Haley, Frances Estelle, Hillshoro. X. C. ; Harrell, D. B., Mount Olive. X. C; Har- HEi.sox, Evelyn Sie, Tabor City. X. C; Haruis, Coke Charles, Burlington. X. C; Harris, Betty Jeaxxe, Burlington. X. C.

Hexdrv, Betty .Feaxxe, Haw Hivcr. X. C; Holt, Eunice Elizabeth, Graham, X. C; Holt, Lena Dare, Reidsville, X. C. ; Hooks, Hi (,H Becton, Fremont. N. ('.; Hundley, MA(;(iiE Mae, Xorlina, X. C.

.Ierxigax, Xorma Blonde, F.lon Collige. V. ('.; .JoXES, Sexora \'ih(;ima, Milton. X. ('.: KiMBRo, David X'erxox, Prospect Hill, X. C.





KiNGsLAND, Elsie Loi'ise, Burlington, N. C; LivERMAN, Henuv Joe, Columbia, N. C. ; Malone, Hilda I,ee, Prospect Hill. N. C; May, Katherine Youell, Burlington, N. C. ; May, Virginia Lee, Burlington, X. C.

McAdams, Jahu Cornelius, Mebane, N. C. ; McCauley, Joseph Franklin, Henderson. N. C. ; McClenny, Dorothy Josephine, Chadbouru, X. C. ; McDaniel, Martha Anne, Anderson, S. C. ; McVey, Hilda Christine, firah.-im, X. C.

Merrow, Harry Franklin, Bristol. Conn.; Miller, Alice Rollin, Cliadbourn, X. C. ; MizE, Carrie Rowland, Burlington, X. C. ; Moore, Richard Joseph, Burlington, X. C. ; Moore, Robert Samuel, Burlington. X. C.

Morton, Erma Elizabeth, Burlington, X. C; Xeese, Eleanor Beatrice, Haw River, X. C. ; Xewsom, Mary Helen, Lueaina, X. C. ; Xewton, Margaret Louise, Luray. Va.; XiciioLs, Phyllis Haliburton, Durham, X. C.

Oakes, Elizabeth Floyd, Oxford, N. C; Parker, Elizabeth Holland, Sunbury, X. C. ; Parnell, Wallace Aaron, Florence. S. C; Patterson, Fred Hartwell, Danville, Va.; Peedin, Junis Hugh, CJlendon, X. C.

Perry, Worth Edwards, Jonesboro, X. C. ; PoE, Gene, Rockingham. X. C; Pohl, John Emerson, Kenmore, X. Y.; Price, Cleo Hampton, Sumuierfield, X. C; Phitciiard, William White, Henderson, X. C.

Pruett, Andrew William, Casar, X. C. ; Rader, Betty Maude, Burlington, X. C. ; Rader, Jeanne M., Burlington, X. C. ; Rawls, Margaret Elizabeth, Suffolk. Va. ; Read, Willie Catherine, Xorlina, X. C.

Reynolds, Hal Leach, Troy, X. C; Rice, Vivian Blanche, Burlington, X. C. ; Riggs, Elizabeth Musette, Prospect Hill. X. C.


f res ft 111 en

RiGfiS, I-'haxk C'olkmax, Prospect Hill, X. C; R()}iKi!Ts, Hazel Earl, Joiiesboro, X. C; Rook, C'AHiiiE Hettie, Gibsoii- villf. X. C; Rossi, John Albert, V^ineland, X. J.; Ross, Verxon Lee, Altamahaw, X. C.

RrssELL, Rettv Jaxe, Graham, X. C; Self, XoRMAX Faucette, Burliiigton, X. C; Simp- sox, Margie Louise, Elon College, N. C. ; Smith, Silas Baxks, Mebane. X. C. ; Smith, Helex FiiAXCEs, Kipling, X. C.

Smith, James C'laide, Mt. Airy, X'. C. ; Smith, Marv Lilliax, Durham, X. C; Sjiith, \'iii(iixiA Caroline, RockinglKun, X. C; Smith, Walexa, Goldslniro, X. C; SxEAD, Mahv Elizabeth, Henderson, X. C.

Spitzer, Oletha, Harrisonburg. Va.; Sprinkle, Alma Rose, Pfart'towii, X\ C. ; Stone, Betty Bob, Siler City, X'. C. ; Stradeh, Victory Lawrence, Kernersville, X". C; SiMXER, Arnold Clifford, Shorts Creek. Xu.

Sutton, Alene Alta, Brown .Sununit, X. C; SvTTON, Thomas Daniel, Gibsonville, X. C; SwiNK, Ethel Lovenia, Haw River, X. C; Thompson, ^L\RY Alice, Golds- lioro, X'. C; Thtrecht, Jessie Dale, Eliza- beth City, X. C.

TowERV, Grace Xell, Aslieboro. X. C; TiKNER, Mary Elizabeth, Mebane, N. C; Walker, Lillian Celestial, Milton, X. C; Walker, Stephen Edward, Milton. X'. ('.; Webster. Betty Joe, Bonlee. X'. C.

Wkl< II, .Sahaii Elizabeth, Elon College, X. ('.; Wheeler, Virginia Roberta, Long- iMiadow. NLiss.; Wheless, Perry, Louisburg. N. C.; \Viute, 1'ranklin Ross, Siler City, X. ('.; White, Kate Rawlixg, .Seottsville, \'a.

White, \'iii(iixiA Lee, Elon College. N. C; Wood, Elmer Virgil, Stokesdaic. X. ('.: Wrenn, Harrietts Emily, Durliam. X. C; Yancey, Mildred Lyon, Oxford, X. C; Zeissxer, Jons William, Spring Vallev, X. Y.

[ 23 ]

ml 11

First row: Elder, Farrell, Harrell, Basnight, Hussey, McAdams, and McCauley. Second row: Meacham, Meredith, Morgan, Ollis, Parker, Perry, and Poe. Third row: Snyder, Stevens, Tripp, Wheeless, Whisnant, Schmidt, and Floyd. Fourth row: Walker, Boone, and Smith.

Br. Johnson's Literavy Society

Tin's year was a year of great progress for tlic Di-. Jolinson Litcrai-y Society. Witli the aid of its three Presidents, Joe Tom Stevens, Ivan Olhs, and Y. B. "Spike" Harrell, the Society was able to bring into full swing the princi])al ideals upon which it was founded these ideals being to introduce young men to public speaking, debating, and a better appreciation of social life.

The effective changes seen in the Society this year are the revision of the Societv Constitution and the ado])ti<)n of a Society song.

Hahold Schultz Faculty Sponsor


First row: Rice, Greene, Towery, Walker, Black, Breeze, and Matthews.

Second row: D. Cannon, M. Cannon, Fisher, Newton, Miller, Thompson, and Sprhikle.

Third row: Haley, Webster, Flenchum, Gunter, Roberts, Xichols, and Reitzel.

Fourth row: Griffin, Brower, Holt, Browning, Parker, and Thurecht.

Not shown: Brooks, Oakes, Riggs, and Sutton.

Panvio literary Society


Sarah Rice President

LuRA Mae Green Vice President

Lillian Walker Treasurer

Stacey Fisher Secretary

The Panvio Literary, c()m])aiiioii (irn'aiiization to tlie Dr. Joluisoirs Literary Society, operates on mueh the same ])hui as the brotiier organization.

Speakers for tiie ])i'ooranis consist of meinl)ers of the faculty and off-campus visitors. Occasionally there is a , joint meeting of Dr. John.son's and Panvio which is sometimes in the form of a debate on campus conditions and current affairs.

One of the main events of this year was the joint banquet held with the Dr. Johnson's Literary Society at the Alamance Hotel in


Mhs. Oma U. JouNsor Sponsor


PfiiPsi Cli

Came September and we were all filled with "brilliant," "new," "novel," "colos- sal," "stupendous," and a few "good" ideas as to how the 19-i3 Phi Psi Cia might be made to show up its predecessors. But as time sped by these ideas escaped into ()bli\ion or were brought down to eai'th by a few essential-like conferences with the ])rinter, engravei", photog'ra])her, a reduced budget, and fewer students; and tlien the latter ))art of February wc were told that we could go ahead with plans for the annual.

It has been our sincere desire to ])ublish an annual, even with the necessarv restrictions, that will serve to bring back to all of us in vears to come memories of the lO^S-lO'iS School year, a year that has seen many clianes made in the college and in that integral part of the college, the students.


Phi-Psi-Cli Staff

If this issue of the I'm Psi Ci.i creates a favoraljle iiin)rcssioii, the credit c; well go to the nu'inhers of the staff hsted helow. If it does not (and it is possihle!)- tlicn it was a lot of fun for the Editor anyway.


Joiix PoLi.ARD Edhor-in-Chicf

Charlottk Hi^stkd Lib Holland . Miller. Basxight Walexa Smith .


. Asshidnt Editor

. Editor'ud A-s.si.stdiif

. . Chief Office Boy

Copy Editor iind Typist



JoK To.M Steyexs .... /iiisiuc.ss Manager

Edwix ■\Vatts Adverti.siiKj

Kext Dkxxax idvertisinrj

C. R. McCi.riiK Faciilti/ Adviser


Mtiroon and Gold

The Maroon mid (iohl is the official student newspaper and is a bi-weekly i)ul)lication of the joui-nalism class and other students on the campus. The Editor is elected hy the student body and he selects his staff.

The Maroon and (ioUl is a unique j)uhlication in that it is the only college newspaper in the state, and possibly in the South, that is ])ublished in its entirety by students. It is linotyped and seen through the press in the college ])rint shop, which gives students first-hand technical and prac- tical newspajjer knowledge. Through the Maroon and (toId, Elon has sent many writers into the newsjjajier field

and has established a reputation which has made its staff members much sought after

throuH'hout the state.




H. Messick, R. Messick, Smith, Armfield, Bojd.

C'rowell, Thomas, Hook, Koontz, Wright, Rumley, Warren.

WmneiVs Athletic Cuunvil

The Womoirs .\tliletic' Coiincil was oi-franizcd to promote a irreater interest in woiiieii's athletics. With liaehel Crowcll, Stiident- Dii-ector, and Helen ]\Iar<i;arct Messick, Pi-csident, the Council planned and i'onij)leted an intraniural pi'o<^i'ani that aroused muc-Ji interest anionii,- the students and the pai'ticipants and was a definite success. Other nienihei-s of the Council were .Mary Deane Brown, Marv Warren, lluhy Wright, ."Nlaxine Smith, Kuth Koontz, Faye 'I'homas. Polly Armfield, -Jeanne Hook, Coldie .Mori-is. Mliza Hovd. Ivlna l{umle\-.

K.\(lli:l. (lIDWKI.J,

Sliiilriil Dirrctd,


Pnllard, Pierce, Hussey, Kern, Askins.

Parker, Kernoclle, Watts, Perry, Hooper, Gilliam, and Walker.

Men's Athletic Council

Iiitrainurul athletics rose to their Greatest heiu'lits this year oil the Kloii cainjius. This was partially due to the abolition of inter- collegiate athletics, but by far most of the credit should go to Coach Pierce and the Council for their untiring- ciforts and diligent work in co- ordinating and rounding out the intramural program.

The Council maps out and carries through the athletic program, and in all cases its decisions are final on the status of players and teams. As an incentive to both individual ]jlayers and team groups, it set up a ]K)int system under which indn idual and team awards were made.

]\Ieml)ers of the Council were Kd \Vatts, President; Elroy Hooper, A'ice President ; Dwight Kernodlc, Secretary ; Steve Walker, John Pollard, Tracy Hussey, James Parker, Ike Perry, Ray Kern, Lcnnings Howard, John (rilliam, and Beriiie .Askins.

J. L. Pierce Director


' Fall Intranmvals

Football honors in the fall sports program were divided between the Ka]>pa Psi Nu and I T K elevens after the two clubs had }jlaycd to three scoreless ties trying to settle the dispute as to which was the better pigskin combination. The two teams met twice during regular season Jjlay and a third time in a championship contest, and thrice the story was the same they were evenly matched.

Alpha Pi and the East Eagles wei"e runners-ujj to the Co-champs.

In girl sports, Ladies Hall walked off with the volley ball trojjhy after ruiuiing into plenty of com])ctition from B () B, Tau Zeta. and the West Dormitory teams.


A middle Part

Ainon^ Other Things

'When do ^vc cat?"

'This is the South" or "C'lcaniiu uj) ]\Iothei- Nature's ]\Icss."


'When I first came here. . . ."

'Kiug' and Queen of Hearts."

'The Big Shots.'

'Clieek to Clieek."

'Vice Versa."

"Tlie Iiiceiiti\e for Broken Bones."

'I'm scared, hut.


[ 3-5 ]

Elon P/ciyers

Under the direction of a new dramatic coacli, Professor C. R. IMcC'lure, the Elon Players proved to one and all that they were no slouches when it came to capturino' the spii-it of drama. The Players acquitted themselves masterfully with tiieir first production "King Henry IV," and with their other production, "Sweet (ienevicve," they iiad the audience "rollin"- in the aisles."

C. R. McClure Director


Sophomore Class Officers

Nelson Snyder


Irene Hook Tex Lisman


Vice President

Secretin- ij




Albright, Fked Waltkr, Albemarle, \. C. ; Allen, Lemuel Carl, Bunlevel, N. C; Baker, Irene Alfreida, Carthage. N. C. ; Barber, John William, Char- lotte, N. C; Baynes, Doris Marie, Burlington, N. C.

BosTwicK, William Morley, Vineland, N. J.; Bovd, Eliza, Henderson, N, C, ; Bradsher, Hugh Tate, Old Fort, N. C; Brinson, .Toiin Frank, New Bern, N. C; Brown, Richard Austin, Trinity, N. C.

Brown, Walter Henry, Kannapolis, N. C. ; Browning, Melba Coleen, Burlington, N. C; Byrd, Mary Hill, Franklin, Va.; Cates, .Jessie Howard, Burlington, N, C; Chandler, Doris Mae, Burlington, N. C.

Cheli, Marco Joseph, Vineland, N. J.; Coble, Rachel Louise, Burlington. N. C. ; CoLENDA, Allen Goriiam, Morehead City, N. C.


Soph »Hi ores

Crenshaw, Nell, Burlington, N. C; Daniely, James Earl, Burlington, N. C. ; Dickson, Arthur William, Mineola, N. Y. ; Dodds, Mary Agnes, Bradenville. Pa.; Ellington, Warren Leacesteh, Rcidsvillf, X. C.

Evans, Roy Nathaniel, Greensboro, N. C; Fahhkll, Earl Thompson, Pittslioro. N. C; Festa, Anthony Joseph, V^ineland. N. ,1.; Fhazier, Hilda Alice, \'irgiliiia. Va.; Garrett, John Max, Julian, N. C.

fjiLLiA.M, John Jacob, Elon Collefie, N. C; Hall, Edith Elizabeth, Woodleaf, N. C; Hayes, Frances \'iola, N'orlina. N. C; Hiatt, Mary Elizabeth, Burling- ton, N. C; Hipps, James Tennyson, Elon College, N. C.

Holland, Elizabeth Alice, Slielliy. N. C; Hook, Mary .Ieanne, Elon College. N. C; Hook, John William, Capon ]5ridge, West Va.

[39 1


Huffman, Wade Herbert, Burlington. N. C; Huntley, Frank Little, M()r\tn, N. C. ; Jennings, Norma, Wattr Mill. N. Y.; Kernodle, Dwight Talmadge, Elon College, N. C; Latta, William C, Burlington, N. C.

Lisman, Maurice Onis, Ennis, Texas; Malone, Frank Jabez, Prospect Hill, N. C. ; Matthews, Julia Anne, Portsmouth, Va. ; McCants, Mary Ellen, Anderson, S. C; Meaciiam, William Franklin, Clia|)el Hill. N. C.

Messick, Rita Shirley, Washington. N. C. ; Oakley, Mary Frances, Elon College, N. C; Paige, Lawrence Earl, Elon College, N. C. ; Parker, James Hallette, Sunbury, N. C; Perry, Isaac Peyton, Elizabeth City, N. C.

PoiiL, Charles, Keiiniore, N. Y. ; Qualls, Everette Charles, Burlington, N. C; Reidt, Mah.iorie PiLEANOR, Waltliani, Mass.



Reitzkl, Edna Louise, Hill.sboro, N. C. ; RorTii, Sylvan Roscoe, l''r.-iiikliiivillf, \. C; RuMLEY, Edna Vihginia, Kloii C'olkgt-. X. C. ; Simpson, MAuiiiE Iaiuise, Elon Colk-ge, N. C; Snyder, Walstein Welch, Elktoii, Va.

Snyder, John Nelson, Charlotte, N. C; Spivey, Herbert Cly'de, Portsinoiitli, V:i.: Walker, Woodrow Wilson, Burlington, N. C; Waruen, Mary Mauhie, Stakv. N. C; Watson, Rebecca ELiiiABETii, Morven, N. C.

Webster, Margarette Ritii, Eloii C'oikgf, N. C; Westbrook, Iris (Jhey, Dmiii, N. C; Wilson, James Loetin, Burlington, N. C. ; Wright, Rem C'ahoi.vx, Rtids- ville, N. C. ; Zodda, Victor Alfred, Spring Valley, X. Y.



Bettie M. Radki! .... President Mary Jane FosTf;i! . . J ice Presideni

Caroline Smith Secretary

Jessie Thurecut .... Treasurer

Tfip Coiiiiiiercicii Chift

P^loii College welcomes the Coinnicrciiil Club as a badly needed campus oii>anization representing one of the lai-gest departments in the College. The high standards maintained have created an ever increasing demand for graduates, thus making Elon one of the best known business schools in this section of the country.

This year, a numljer of speakers have appeared be- fore the grou]), giving inspiring and Iielpful talks which have contributed toward gaining a better insight into their chosen occujjation. Ojjcn forums at these meet- ings have afforded an opportunity for the students to seek solutions to their individual problems.



JIary Albrifrlit Polly Arrafield Rena Blue Florine Braxton Ruby Brooks Margaret Busick Jean Cahoon Xita Dare Colcloupih Dot Garden Mary Alice C'ritclu-r Bonnie Davis Kvelyn Day Geraldine Dickey Winnifred Ellington Stacey Fisher Mary Jane Foster Betty Jeanne Hendny Eunice Holt Maggie Hundley Norma Gernigan Senora Jones

\'irfiinia May Hilda McVade Alice Miller Eleanor Xeece Margaret Xewton Elizabeth Oakes Virginia Oakley Bettie Rader Jeanne Hader Caroline Smith Helen Smith Walena Smith Alene Sutton Louvenia Swink Jessie Thurecht Mary Turner Lillian Walker Sarah Welsh Peggy White Harriette Wrenn


The Ehm Hinders

I'^iulor tlie guidance of a new (lii-cc'tor, Prot'csscir Irving I). JJai-tlt'v, the VAon Singers liavc continued to give us the fine singing that has become a tradition with them.

This year they gave us two beautiful performances, Handel's "Tlie Messiah"' and (yauTs "The Holy City." In addtion to special perform- ances the Singers provide music foi- church and other religious


Irving D. Bartlev Director


Miiiisfei'icii Assodafioii

The Ministerial Association is composed of those students who plan to do religious work. Many nicnihers of this groiip are now in tiic Armed Services because they felt that they could be of ijetter service there to their fellow man and to (iod. I'hc Association is notetl for the coiiperation and entliusiasm which it displays in all colletre activities.

Most of the members hold positions as regidar ])astors in neighl)orin£;' churches.

Memijcrs of the ^Association are: Johnson (ii-iftin, I'resident ; Shan- non Morgan, \'ice President; Karl Fariell, Secretary; IJilly ]\Icacham, Trciisui'er; \Vally Snyder, J{av Day, W'eldon Madiin, 'I'homas Sutton. Mark Andes, ]\Iartin (irissom, l'"red Patterson, Spike Ilan-ell.

I). .;. lioWDKX



Miss Lida Muse Adviser

Hoiisefioid Arts Club

Tlic iiieiiil)crslii|) of tlic Household Arts Club is drawn from tlic Home Economics majors and others interested in this type of work. Tliey have regidar meetings at wliich time subjects rehiting to Home Economics are discussed.

In addition to their reguhir chib work tliey |)lan and serve banquets, j)artici|)ate in fashion shows, aid tiie Red Cross, and perform any otiier wortliwiiile duties.

Menil)ers of tiie clul) are Sara Rice, President; C'iiarlotte Hustcd, \'ice President; Lucille Rlalock. Secretary-Treasurer; Christine Crutchfield, Nell Rreeze, Coleen Hrowning, Nita Perdue, INIary Warren, Rebecca Watson, Elizabeth A[)ple, Louvinia Kerns, Majorie Reidt, Mary Ellen McCants, Betty Bob Stone, Elizabeth Parker, Jean Browei-, and INIiss Lida Muse, Faculty Adviser.


JunUw VAiifiH Officers

^IiLi.ici! ]}asxic:ht President

Elroy Hooi'kr Viee President

Rachki. C'kowki.i Seeretari/

T,r( ii.i.K lii.ALoc K Treasurer



AuHE.STA, Loris ThOiMAS Massapequa, N. Y.

Andes, Mark Winston Harrisonburg, Va.

Basnight, Miller Carowan New Bern, N. C.

Blalock, Lucille Breeze Durham, N. C.

Boone, Elsie Spivey Jackson, N. C.

Breeze, Nelle Gentry Hurdle Mills, N. C.

Burns, Warren Theodore

Creshill, N. J.

Butler, Edward Burlinjiton, N. C

Carroll, Adrian Meredith Burlington, N. C.

Coble, Mildred Burlington, N. C.

Comer, Claude Valentine Reidsville, N. C.

Cox, Margaret Lucille Burlington, N. C.

Crowell, Rachel Gertrude Spencer, N. C.


J 11 11 i 0 V s

Day, Edwahd Rav Norfolk. Va.

DrxcAx, William Henrv New York, N. Y.

Hauhkll, .In., ^'IVIA^' Browx Suttolk. y-.i.

Hill, Mahv Elizabeth Norfolk, Va.

HisKv, IIkxhv Clyde .Slicnaiido.ih, Va.

Hook, Hhkvitt

(■a])(.ii l?ri(li>f. West Va.

HoorKK, .Fn., Elroy .Tones Klizaiu'tii City, N. C.

HiKF, Henry Taylor Oxford. N. C.

HrssEY, Tracy Eldon Hcnii), N. C.

llrsTED, Charlotte Elaine Indiana, Pa.

.Iki-freys, \'iR(ii.\-iA Dare ]$iirliiiiitoii, N. C.


Elon College, N. C.

Kerns, Louvinia Ether, N. C.

[ i9 ]

J II 11 i 0 r s

KiDD, Joseph Howaku Hemp. N. C.

KooNTz. Ri'TH Edith Higli Point, N. C.

LuiHTiiouHNE, Peg Carroll Burliiifftoii, N. C.

Little, Mary Louise Burlington, N. C.

>L\NN, Charles O'Hara Cv))ress Chapel, Va.

Mebane, Alexander Murphy Burlington, N. C.

McKenzie, Edward Clyde Jackson Springs, N. C.

MoiuiAN, Colby Shannon Eagle Springs, N. C.

Morris, Goldie Marie Jackson, N. C.

Nance, Lewis Alexander Charlotte, N. C.

Norman, John Roy Kei.lsville, N. C.

Pollard, Gayle Henry Cireensboro, N. C.

Rath, M. Carroll Wilmington, N. C.


J II II i I) V s

Ridge, Pail Harold Gibsonville, N. C.

Roberts, James Rimmer Jonesboro. X. C.

Schmidt, Elliot Pelham. N. Y.

Senter, James Pearce Kipling, N. C.

Terrell, Fannie Myrtle Burlington. N. C.

Thomas, Faye

Greensboro, N. C.

Truitt, Edna Mae Burlington, \. C.

Triitt. Hazel Irene Burlington, X. C.

Walker, Flora Hazel Burlington, X. C.

VVhisnant, Denny Cordell Polkville, N. C.

Whisxant, Pollyaxna Hollis, X. C.

Wood, Everett V'atghn Burlington, X. C.

Yates, Marilyn Jane Durli.-iiM. X. C.


Wiiifer liifrcii))iirci/.S'

Witli the foiiiiiii;' of Old Man Winter, Klon s|)()rts unthusiusts moved indoors to the college gym for a round of that most popular of all games, basketball. Tiie hardwood season was by far the most successful intranuiral })i'og'ram e\er carried out at Klon. From one hundred to three hundred s])cctators were in the stands to see ])i'acticall3' every rcgu- lai'lv .scheduled contest and interest ran hiiih throughout the winter.


Ill i)ovs l)askctl)all, Aljiha Pi co])|ic(l c'liaiii))i()iislii]) honors witli Xortli Xortli and Kap})a Psi \u runninn' close seconds.

Tlic Ladies Hall girls were victors in tlie Wonieirs league, l)arcly nosinfr out Second Floor West, Tiiird Floor West, and IJ. (). 15.

[ 53 1


% ' . -




. ^



/inn /in t/ifl


7 / f i .fijWlA^







Here and There . . .

"Sluggers." "Showing Off." "Just like Home."

"Look this way."

"Guess Who?"

"That Red Convertible."

"Alma Rose accepts for Ladies



"Vic accepts for Alpha Pi." "Gas Rationing." "Swingin' Gates." "It's Free !" "Muscles."

"Turnabout" or "Ski-juuip Denson Again."

"You're in the Army now."

"Kiss the boys goodbye."

The pictures on these two pages were contributed by the following: John Hooke, Winifred Ellington, Kay Kern, Agnes Walker, Goldie Morris, Vic /odda, Bernie Askins, and the Editor.



Seiiioi" ClasH Spojisoi-

The Class of IQ-iS lias indeed been fortunate in having as its sponsor Dr. N. F. Brannock. Tlie class and the college owe "Uncle Ned," as he is known, a del)t of gratitude that can never be paid in full. Because of the deep love he has for Chemistry, that Depart- ment has become one of the best in tlie college and as good as that of any other small college. Even more impressive to his students and admirers is his natural humor, a trait that has not worn thin in the thirty-three years he has been a member of the College faculty. So it is that we dedicate this ]Jage to "Uncle Ned," a leader, an authority, a scholar, a humorist, a ])hilosopher, an alumnus, and above all a gentle- man of whom tlic Class of lO-t-'i and Klon College arc })roud.


Seiiidi- Ciciss OffkevH

Ukhxik Askix ....

. . . President

(iKOIiCK 1{CI,I,A1U)

. ]"irc President

Kkhox AVai.kf.r

Secret aril

Iv.\s Oi.i.is

. . . . Treasurer


Seniors . . . 1943

Behnaiu) AsivIN, Washington. D. C; I T K; H T M; History; Football 1, 2, 3; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Bas- ketball 1, 2; "E" Men's Club; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, i; President of the Senior Class.

Rena Gilmer Black, College Cin-ner, Ohio; I T K; IT T M; Business Administration; Panvio Liter- ary Society 3, -J., Treasurer 3; Education 2. 3. 1; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3. t; Pan-Hellenic Council -i. Vice President 4; Commercial Club 4; Honor Roll 2; German Club 2; N.C.E.A. 3, 4.

Mary Deane Browne, Rauiseur. N. C; 11 K T; English; Choir 1, 2, 3; S.C.A. 1. 2. 3. 4; Education Club 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, !•; Panvio Literary Society 1; Comniencenient ^Llrsllal 3; Treasurer of Senior Class 4.

CJeorge MiNSON BuLLARD, Roscboro, N. C; K * N; 11 T M; Science; S.C.E. 1, 2, 3, 4, President of Freshman Cabinet; Honor Roll 2; Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2 ; Dr. Johnson's Literary Society 1, 2; Intramurals ], 2, 3, 4; Class President 3; Vice President 4; State Secretary 4; President Pi Gamma Mu 4; May Day Escort 3; Commencement Marshal 3; Executive Com- mittee 4; Elon Players 4; Student Service Organization 4; "Who's Wlu) Among Students in American Universities and Colleges."

Richard Matthew Casey, Clifton Forge, Virginia; I T K; Histori/.

Mahy Christine Crutchfield, Graham, N. C; 11 T M; Fine .Irts and Home Economics; Home Economics Club 3, 4, Vice President 4; Honor Roll 4.

RixALDo Raymond D'Antonio, Wayne. Pa.; IT K; 11 T :\r ; Histori/; Student CJovcrnmcnt

1, 4; Baseball Manager I, 2; Education Club 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4.

•Iames Fenton Darden, Suffolk, Va.; K * N; A * O; English and Music Theory; Choir 1, 2, 3. 4; Maroon and Gold 4; Dr. .lohnson's Literary Society 1,2; Senate 3. Vice President 4; May Day Court 3. 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3. 4; S.C.A." ]. 2. 3." 4; Elon Players 2. 4; Church Organist Summer '42; "Who's Who Among Students in American LTniversities and Colleges."

Kent Dennan, White Plains, N. Y.; ii <I> B; English and Business Administration ; Piii Psi Cli 4; Maroon and Gold 3, 4; S.C.A. 1, 2. 3, 4; Elon Players 3.

Rachel Lee Earp, Albemarle, N. C; History; Panvio Literary Society 1 ; Choir 1. 2. 4; French Club 1; S.C.A. I, 2. 4; Council 4; Education Club t; Dramatics Club !• ; Maroon anil Gold 2.

James Wytche Elder, Pensacola, Fla. ; I T K; II T JM ; English; Dr. Johnson's Literary Society

2, 3. 4; Maroon and Gold 2, 3, Managing Editor 4; Colonades 2. 3. Editor 4; Honor Roll 1, 2,

3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4.

Josephine Evans, Franklinton, N. C; Piano and Public School Music; Transfer Louisburg Col- lege 2; Choir 3. 4; S.C.A. 1, 3, 4.


Askin Casey Dcnnan







Billiard Darden Evans


Seniors . . . 1943

Salvatore Antonio Festa, Viiieland, N. J.; A 11 A; IT T M; Chi'mi.itri/ and Biologi/; Intrannirals 1, 2. 4; Chemistry Instructor 4; Biology Instructor 4; Honor Roll 1; Senate i; Pan-Hellenic Council 4; Vice President Senior Class; "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges."

Nancy Williamson Fo\vLK^:s, Yanceyville, N. C; T Z $; English; Choir 1; S.C.A. 3, 1; Educa- tion Club 3. i; Council 3, i.

Minnie Belle Frve, Carthage, N. C; T Z $; Home Economics; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, Cabinet 4; Panvio Literary Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Home Economics Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Choir 2, 3. 4; Student Council 2.

Dorothy Galloway, Hauiltt. N. C; A Y K; English; S.C.A. 4; Council 4; Pan-Helknic Council 4; Education Club 3; \^ice President Class 2; May Day Court 3.

Laura Mae Greene, Clyde, N. C; English and Ilistori/; Education Club 4; Panvio Literary Society, Vice President; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4.

Johnson L. Griffin, Windsor, Va. ; n T M; Religion; S.C.A. 1, 2. 3, 4, Cabinet 1, 4; Ministerial Association 1, 2, 3, 4, President 4; Senate 3; "Who's Who Among Students In American Universities and Colleges."

Martin Luther Grissom, Henderson, N. C; Religious Education ; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Ministerial Association 1, 2, 3, 4.

Forrest Chalmers Hall, Eurliiigton, N. C; Histori/; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Aviation Club 2; Day Students Organization 1, 2, 3, 4.

Margaret Louise Hauser, Greensboro, N. C; IT K T; Music and Education ; Choir ], 2, 3, 4; Panvio Literary Society 1, 2; Education Club 4.

Luvene Holmes, Franklinton, X. C. ; T Z <I); Home Economics; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Home Economics Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2; Choir 2, 3 ; Panvio Literary Society 2 ; May Court At- tendant 3; Education Club 3, 4; Student Service Organization 4; Student Executive Committee 4 ; Secretary Senior Class ; President Woraens Student Council.

Judith Holoman, Rich Square, N. C; B O B; English; Transfer W.C.U.N.C.; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; Cheer Leader 3; S.C.A. 3, 4; Co-editor Maroon and Gold 3, 4; May Day Attendant 3; Publications Board 4; Pan-Hellenic Council 4; Intramurals 4; S.C.A. Cabinet 3; "Who's Wlio Among Students in American Universities and Colleges."

Lennings M. Howard, Hemp, N. C; I T K; Business Administration; S.C.A. 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Council 4.

[62 1

Festa Greene Hauser

Fowlkes Griffin Holmes

Frje Grissoin Holoman


Hall Howard


Seniors . . . J943

Donald Clyde Isley, Burlington, N. C; I T K; Phi/.iics; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3; Day Studtut Ornauization ], 2, 3, J.; Photography Club 2.

James William Johnston, Elon College, N. C; 2 * B; IT T M ; Biologi/ and Chemistry; Tennis 1, 2, 3, Captain 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 1. 3, Secretary 2; Treasurer Junior Class 3; Band 1, 2, 3, President 3; S.C.A. 1. 2, 3. 4, Senior Cabinet 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Day Students Organization 1, 2, 3, 4; "E" Men's Club 3, 4; Biology Laboratory Assistant 3. 4; Chemistry Laboratory Assistant 3, 4; Commencement Marslial 3; Pan-Hellenic Council 1, Treasurer 4; Chairman of Electoral and Executive Committees; President of Student Body; "Who's Who Among Students in American LTiiiversities and Colleges."

Raymond Head Kehn, Wasliiiigton, 1). C; I T K; English; Transfer from Ckorgetown L'nivcrsity; Litramurals 3, 4; Pan-Hellenic Council 4; Student Service Organization 4; Intramural Coun- cil 4.

Betty Lillian Lynch, Elon College, N. C; II T M; English and Ilistori/; Education Club 4; S.C.A. 1. 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4.

Weldon Thomas Madren, Burlingion, N. C. ; Religious Education; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Ministerial Association 1, 2, 3, 4; Day Student Organization 1, 2, 3, 4.

Jes.se Hedgepeth Meredith, Fancy Ciap, Virginia; 2 * B; Chemistry-Pre-Med; Dr. Johnson's Literary Society 3, 4, Vice President 4; Senate 4; S.C.A. 3, 4, Cabinet 4; Student Service Organization 4.

Edith Leigh McDade, Burlington, N. C; A Y K ; n T M; German Club 1, 2; Day Students Or- ganization 1, 2, 3, 4, President 4; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 1. 4.

Ruth Lea McPherson, Burlington, N. C; B O B; Music.

Helen Margaret Messick, Elon College, N. C. A Y K; Music and English; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, Pres- ident 4; President of Women's Intramural Council 4; Commencement Marshal 3; Executive Coininittee 4; Recreation Council 4; Electoral Committee 4; Choir I. 2, 4; Band 1, 2, 4; Panvio Literary Society 1; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 4; Secretary Education Club 4; Son's and Daughters Club; Lieutenant Military Drill 4; "Wiui's Who Among Students in American Universi- ties and Colleges."

Donald David Miller, Mt. Pleasant, Pa.; Biology; Football Manager 1. 2, 3; Basketball Manager 1,2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Ameiutii Lettie Nichols, Durham, N. C; II K T; English; Cierman Club 2; Dramatic Club 1. 2; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Council Secretary 3, President 4; Education Club 3, President 4; Pan- Hellenic Council Secretary 4; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; N.C.E.A. 3, 4.

Virginia Oakley, Elon College, N. C. ; n K T; n T M; Business Administration and English; Stu- dent Christian Association 1, 2, 3, 4; Commercial Club 1, 2, 4; Day Student Organization 1, 2, 3, 4; Education Club 3, 4; Maroon and Gold 4; Honor Roll 4.

(il. ]

Isley Madrcn Messick


Meredith Miller

Kern McDade Nichols




[65 1

Seiijoivs . . . 1943

IvAX Ollis, Frank. N. C; K * \; English; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3. -1, Vice President i; Dr. Johnston's Liter- ary Society 1, '2, 3, 1, President •!; Senate -i; (ierman Club 3; Student Service Organiza- tion 4; Maroon and Gold 4; Class Treasurer -i.

,Joii.\' I'rancis Poi.lard, Ji!., Greensboro. N. C; K * N ; English; S.C.A. 1. 2. 3, Cabinet 4; Intra- inurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3; Aeronautics Club 3; Maroon and Gold 1, 2, 3. 4, Business Manager 4; Phi Psi Cli 2, 3, Editor 4; Student Body Vice President 4, President 4; Intra- mural Council 4; Publications Board 3, 4; Photography Club 2; Photography Laboratory In- structor 3, 4; Elon Players 1, 3; Son's and Daugliters Club; Executive Committee 4; Electoral Committee 4; Student Service Organization 3, 4; Senate 4; Administration Problem Child 1, 2, 3, 4; "Wlio's Wlio Among Students in American Universities and Colleges."

Retben Reid, Cani})obello, S. C; Business Administration; Transfer Wofl'ord College; S.C.A. 2. 3, 4.

Sarah Florence Rice, Hurdle Mills, N. C; Home Economics; Transfer from W.C.LT.N.C; Home Economics Club 3, 4, President 4; Panvio Literary Society 2, 3, 4, President 4; S.C.A. 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 4.

William Dennis Rippv, Gibsonville, N. C. ; S * B; n T M; Chcmistri/ and Biologi/; Honor Roll 1,3; Day Students Organization 1, 2, 3; Band 2; Assistant Chemistry Laboratory Instructor 4.

Ada Mildred Shook, Banner Elk, X. C. ; II K T; Home Economics and General Science; Houseiiold Arts Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Education Club 3, 4; Panvio Literary Society 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4.

Marie Ma.xine Smith, La Grange, Ga. ; A Y K; English; S.C.A. 1. 2, 3, 4; Panvio Literary Society; Phi Psi Cli 3 ; Vesper Committee 4 ; Marshall 3 ; Dramatics Club 3 ; La Grange College 2.

Joe Tom Stevens, Roanoke, Ala.; K "I* N; English; Transfer from Southern Union College, Wad- ley, Ala.; Education Club 3, 4, Vice President 4 ; Dr. Johnston's Literary Society 3, 4, Secretary 3, President 4; Secretary of North Carolina State Student Group 4; Cheer Leader 3, 4; Business Manager Phi Psi Cli 4; S.C.A. Cabinet 3, 4, Vespers Cliairman 3, Fellowship Ciiairman 4; Elon College Players 3, 4; Choir 3; French Club 3; Student Service Organization 3, 4; Air Raid Warden 4; Recreation Council 4; Marshal 3.

Harry Stolte, Pleasantville, N. Y. ; Histortf.

Annie Laura Tate, Efland, N. C. ; II T ]M ; English; Education Club 4; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3. 4; Honor Roll 4.

Bryant Tripp, Bethel, N. C; Mathematics and Ilistori/; Dr. .Tolmson's Literary Society 3, 4; French Club 2; Education Club 4; Intramurals 1, 2. 3, 4.

Mildred Frances Troxler, Elon College, N. C; English and Art; Education Club 2, 3, 4; Day Students Club 1, 2; Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. l', 2. 3. 4; May Day 3.

[ C(5 ]

Ollis Rippy Stolte

Tullanl Shook Tate

Reid Smith Tripp


Stevens Troxler


Seniors . . . 1943

Helen Gaff Trliitt, Burlington. N. C; 11 K T; History; Day Student Organization 1, 2, 3, 1; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Education Club 3, i; Honor Roll k

Agnes Ruth Walker, Burlington, N. C. ; A Y K ; English; Home Economics Club 1 ; Day Students 1, 2, 3; Phi Psi Cli 3; Education Club 3, 4.

Florence Keron Walker, Burlington. N. C; n K T; n r M; English; Education Club 3, 1; Day Students Organization 1, 2, 3; Council 4; Secretary of Senior Class; Art Club 2; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 4; Honor Roll 3. 4; May Day Attendant 3, 4.

Edwin Watts, Peacliland, N. C. ; K * N; General Science; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. 1, 2. 3, 4; Maroon and Gold Sports Editor 3, Editor 4; Commencement Marshal 3; Phi Psi Cli Sports Editor and Advertising Manager 4; President Intramural Council; President Pan-Hellenic Council 4; Member Publiactions Board 4; Mem- ber Recreation Council 4 ; President Student Service Organization 4 ; Electoral Committee 4 : "Who's Who Among Students in American Uni- versities and Colleges."

Joseph Fairley Whitaker, Bennettsville, S. C. ; 5 <I> B; Physics; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Movie Projectionist 3, 4; Aeronautics Club 2, 3.

John Craig Wioington, Philadelphia. Pa.; History.


Pciii Hellenic Council

Tlie Pan Hellenic Council is tiie mediating body among Fraternities and Sororities, and is composed of one mcmljer from each club.

^Members of the Council arc: Ed Watts, K * N, President; Rena Black, T Z 4>, Vice President; Amerith Nichols, n K T, Secretary; Billy John- ston, - <!> H, Tniisurcr; Peg Galloway, A Y K ; Judy llolomaii, H O H; Ray Keiii. I T K; and Sal Fcsta.

A ri A.


Kappa Psi Nu



George Bulliud, James Dardcii, Ivan Ollis, John I'ollard, Joe Tom Stevens, Edwin Watts.


Miller Basnioht, Edward Hutler, IJrevitt Hook, Elioy Hooper, Uobbj Johnston, Ciiarles ^lann, Lewis Nance, Gayle Polhird.


John (iilham, Dwinht Kcrnodle, and Nelson Snyder.


Kethel Grimes, D. B. Harrell.

J. L. Pierce



K ¥ N

/•■/V.v/ nr.c: ]?nlIanL Dardcii. Olis. ,(. Piill.-iril. Stcvtns. Second nnc: Watts. Basiiiglit. Uutlcr. Hiiok. HoojiL-r. Third rOtC : .Jolinston. Mann. Nanci-. Ci. Pollard. (Jilliain. Fourth row: Kcrnodic, Siiydcr, Grimes, Harrell.


Tel II let a Phi


Seniors Rcna Black, Nancy Fowlkcs, Minnie Belle Five, Luvene Holmes.

Juniors Lucille Blalock, Charlotte Husted, N'irginia Jeffrej-s, Peggy Lighthouse.


Doris Chandler, Jeanne Hook, ^lary Ellen INIcCants, Faye Thomas, Majorie Reidt, ]\Iary Warren.

Freshmen Iris Roland, Elizal)etli Rradv, Martiia Ann McDanicls, Rettv Roh Stone.

Mrs. O. U. .Johnson



T Z $

First rote: ]51uck. FowlUts. Frye,, Holmes. Ulahick. Second roxc: Hasted. .Jeffreys, Lightbounie, Cli.iiidlrr. Hook Third ro7c: McCaiits. Tlioiiias. Reidt, Warren. !5ol,iiid. Fourth row: Bradv. MeDaiiiels, Stone.


Si^nicj Phi Etta


Seniors Kent Dcmiaii, Bill Johnston, Jessie INIcreflitli, Bill Hippy, Joe Whitnkcr.

H. C. Hisey.



Arthur Dickson, Earl Farrell.

Fresh:mi:n James Wood Boone, Joe I^ivernian.



I 74 ]


L $ B

First rn-iC : ])ciiii;iii, .[oliiistoii, Meredith. Hi|)|)y. Second row: Whitaktr, Hisey. Dieksoii. I';mii li Third roic: Boone, I-ivermaii.


Ueifci IfpsiJuii Kcippci



Peg Galloway, r^litli McDadc, Helen ]\Iaigarct INIcssick, Maxiiic Smith, Agnes Walker.


Goklie IMorris.


Eliza Hoyd, ^lary Agnes Dodds, Hilda Frazicr, Edna Runiley.

Freshmen ]Marv Denson, Louise Kingsland, Helen Xcwsoinc, Margaret Rawls.

Mrs. Frederick Loadwick




First row: Galloway. MoDnde, Messick, Smith. Second row: Walker, Morris. Boyd. Uodds. Third ro-cc: Frazicr. Hmiilcy. Deiisoii. Kiiijislaiu Fourth roxc: Ncw.soiiiu. Rawls.


Jotci Tail Kcipjjci



Bernie Askins, Ricliard Casey, Raymond D'Aiitonio, James l^'ldcr, I.enniiigs Howard, Donald Isley, Ray Kern.


Louis Agresta, Warren Rurns, Claude Comer, William Duncan, Joseph Kidd, James Roberts.


Fred All)riglit, Carl Allen, Wade Huffman, Maurice liisman, Charles Pohl, Woodrow Walker.


William Pritchard.





First row: Askiii, C.'iscy. D'Antoiiio. Kldir, Howard. Second rare: Isltv, Kirn, Ap;rista, Burns, Conicr. Third roxc: Duncan, KUW. Roh.rts. All.n, All)rii.lit. Fourth rinc : Huffman, Lisinan. Polil, I'ritcliard.

[79 1

Betel Omicron Beta


Skxiohs Judy HoloiiKin, Ruth McPhersoii, I.ouisc Stevens, iMildred Troxlor.


Eleanor Barnwell, Elsie Boone, Raeliel Crowell, Ruth Koontz, Edna Truitt.


Alfreda Baker, Rita Mcssick, Ruby Wright.

Freshmen Virginia Wheeler, Frances Gunter.

Miss Violet Hoffman




First row: Holomaii, McPlierson, Stevens, Troxler. Second row: Boone, C'rowell. Koontz, Truitt. Third row: )5,-ik(r. Missick. Wrijrht. Ciiiiittr. Forth row: Wliccler.

[8] ]

Alpha Pi Delta


Senior Salvatore Festa.

Juniors Traccy Husscy, Paul Kido-c, Pcarcc Scnter.


Hugh IJi-adshcr, Warren Ellington, Tony Fcsta, Max Garret, Era INIalone, William Meaciiam, Sylvan Routh, A'ictor Zodcla.

Freshmen Ralph Eridgers, Forrest Frazier, Allen Gray.

Dr. Hans Hihsch




^^ ^"^


First r(nc: Festa. Hussey, Ridge, Senter. Srcdiiil rcnc: 15r;ulslRr, Ellington, Festa. fiarrctt. Third nm-: Maloiir. Mtacliain. Roiitli. Zo.hla. Foiirtli rou-: Uridjicrs. Frazicr, (iray.


Pi Kappa Taw



Mary Dcaiic Brown, Louise Hauser, Aincrith Nichols, Viroinia Oakley. ]\Iiklrcd Shook, Helen Truitt, Keron Walker.

Juniors Nell Bi-eeze, IMargaret Cox, Hazel Walker.

Sophomores Frances Hayes, INIary Hiatt, Julia Ann Matthews, Rebecca Watson.

Freshaien Dorotliy Foltz, Hilda Malone, Grace Nell Towcry.

Mrs. John Phillips


[ 81' ]

n K T

First row: Hrown. HausiT, Nidiols. 0;ikli v. Sliook. Second rote: Truitt, K. Walker, Breeze, Cox, H. Walker. Third roxc: Hayes, Hiatt, Matthews, Watson. Folti!. Fourth rare: Maloiie, Towerv.


Delta Psi Oine^a


Elou Chapter

Chai-tcr (Jr.vntcd 1935



Miller Ra.sniglit Ruth Koontz Edna Truitt Geortjc IJullard

James Dardcn Peg Galloway tleanne Hook Mary Dcanc Ri-own

Prof. C. R. McClure Faculty Adviser


Pi (7cif))nici Mil


Xortli C'liroliiKi Aljilid Cluijitcr Oiuaiiizeil 1924

Gi;oiic;K lin.i.AHi), President Rexa Black, Secretary


Rkunaim) Askixs, Vice President Raymond D'Antoxio, Treasurei


l*'Ji'aii()r Siiiitli Hai-ii\vell ;\Iai-_v t'liristiiiL' CrutchHeld James Wvtclie Elder SaKatore Antonio Fcsta Joluisoii Linwood (iritfin James \Villiam Johnston ^laiy Louise Little Betty Lillian Lynch Edith Leinh McDade Margai-et Aiininia Oaklev William Dennis l{i])j)v Elliott E. Schmidt Annie Lauivi Tate Eloienee Keron Walker P^verctte Vaughn Wood ^linnie Belle Fryc


This year, because of the many difficulties involved, it was decided that the traditional "]May Day" be changed to "Play Day," with a gala sports festival sub- stituted for the usual dances.

In the election Helen INIai-garet ]\Iessick was elected Queen and George Bul- lard, King. But due to tiic induction of all Army Reserves George had to leave school. Another election was held and Ed Watts was elected as his successor.

Play Bay . . . 1943

Helen Margaret Messick


[88 1



Senior .ittcndauts

Kcron Walker Helen 'J'luitt

Sal Fcsta James Dai-dei

Junior Aitcndanis

Rachel Crowell Virginia Jeffreys

Miller Basnight Edward ]}utler

In tlie selection of attendants to tlie "Tlay Day" King and Queen tlic loss of three attendants had to he remedied, so Sal I'V'sta and James Dai'dcn were elected to I'cplace I\an ()lli> and Joe 'I'om Stevens as Senioi' Attendants and Miller Bas- night to "look [))'etty" for l*>lrov Hooper, Junioi- Attendant.


^Irs. T. p. Bri.LARD, Sponsor The President of tlie Student Senate

Mrs. J. F. PoLi.ARD, Sponsor The Editor of the 194.3 Pm Psi Cli


Mrs. Bernard Askins, Sponsor Tlic Senior Class President

Mrs. J. ('. Watts, Sponsor '^I'hc Kditor of the Maroon and (iold


-"">»* , f.J»*fe)

[ 90 ]

]\Iis.s Edith McDade, iSpoiisor Tlie President of tliu Stuik'nt Body, II

flON 19 4 3

^NIiss Wai.kxa Smith, Sponsor The President of the Student Body. Ill

Mrs. J. D. ^Iessick, Sponsor The President of the S.C.A.

-Mhs. (r. ('. JoxK.s, Sponsor 'I'hc Jimior Class President


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