>¥K ~-*3 B '■ rr" % >■ -*$ B _ 9 MEMOIRS V OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Volume X. FOURTH MEMOIR. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. ^I5l:1 MEMO I US OP THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Volume X. FOURTH MEMOIR. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. 3 i4 90 PHOBONIS AE( JHITECTA : ITS LIFE HISTORY, ANATOMY, AND BREEDING HABITS. WILLIAM KEITH BROOKS, LL. D., Henry Walters Professor of Zoology in the Johns Hopkins University, AND RHEINART PARKER COWLES, Ph. D., Adam T. Bruce Fellow in the Johns Hopkins University. x\ r INTRODUCTORY NOTE BY W. K. BROOKS. As my name appears on the title-page of this Memoir as joint author, I take this opportunity to say that my own share in the work has been that of instructor and director only. The investigations are the exclusive work of Dr. K. P. Cowles, and while I have followed them in detail, and hold myself responsible for their soundness and ace iracy, the credit for the research belongs to Doctor Cowles alone. Dry Tortugas, Florida, July S, 1905. 72 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Introductory note by Prof. W. K. Brooks 72 Introduction 75 Methods ^ 76 Breeding habits 76 Laying of eggs - 77 Fertilization 77 Segmentation 77 ( rastrulation and further changes in the form of the larva 71) Formation of the mesoderm 80 Further growth of the young larva 82 General account - 82 Nephridial pit 84 .Medullary plate - 84 Trunk cavity 84 Fully developed Actinotrocha - 85 Species A 86 Species B 86 Internal organization of the fully developed Actinotrocha 87 Sul meural gland 87 Oral and atrial grooves - - s7 Neuropore 88 Subneural sinus 88 Stomach diverticula - - 88 Notochords - 88 Nervous system 89 Muscular system 92 Body cavities, mesenteries, etc 93 Nephridia - 95 Rudiments of the adult blood vessels in the Actinotrocha 96 Blood corpuscles and their origin 97 Rudiment of the "adult collar cavity" 98 Metamorphosis 98 Preoral lobe and tentacles 99 ( ianglion 99 Ectodermal wall of collar 99 Perianal ciliated ring and ectodermal wall of the trunk 99 Cavity of the preoral lobe 99 Mesentery between the lobe and collar 99 Larval collar cavity 99 Adult collar cavity 100 Trunk cavity and cavity of the ventral pouch 100 Ventral and lateral mesenteries 100 Stomach diverticula 100 Digestive areas 100 Nephridia - - 100 Vascular system 101 Adult Phoronis architecta 102 i leiieral account 102 Lophophoral organs 103 Vascular system 105 Nerviis system - — 106 Xephridia 107 Reproductive organs 107 Ciliated ridge of the alimentary canal 107 Summary 107 References 1 1 1 73 PHORONIS ARCHITECTA: ITS LIFE HISTORY, ANATOMY, AND BREEDING HABITS. INTRODUCTION. The study of Phoronis a/rchitecta was begun in the summer of 1901 and continued in the summer of 1902 at Beaufort, N. C. We are indebted to the Hon. (i. M. Mowers. United States Commissioner of Fisheries, for the privilege of working in the Commission's station at Beaufort, where all the conveniences necessary for scientific investigation are at hand; to Prof. H. V. Wilson, director of the station in 1901, and to Dr. Caswell Grave, director during l!ti)2, for many kindnesses. While the study of the live material was for the most part done at Beaufort, the rest of the work was pursued in the zoological laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. Since the discovery of Phoronis hippocrepia by Wright in 1856, the affinities of this inter- esting genus have been more or less under discussion. Different investigators have sought to ally the Phoronidse with the Bryozoa, the Brachiopoda, the Sipunculida, and other groups. Roule (20) thinks that the Phoronida? should be placed next to the Bryozoa in a natural classi- fication. He does not consider that they have any affinity to the /:'«/< ropru usta, but from a study of the early stages of development he finds that they are related to the true Ghordata (tunicates and vertebrates). He says, "lembryon de Vertebre est une Trochophore renversee." Lankester and Mcintosh are inclined to consider Phoronis, Oephalodiscus, and Rlinhda/ileurn as related forms, while Harmer (7) makes a comparison of Phoronis with Cephalodiscus and thinks that perhaps there may be some affinity. Masterman (15, 16) in a series of papers made a comparison of the actinotrocha larva of Phoronis with Balanoglossus and its larva and also with Cephalodiscus. In this paper, he arrives at the conclusion that there is a close genetic relationship between the Phoronidse, Balanoglossus, and ( 'ephalodiscus. Since the appearance of Masterman's papers, Ikeda (9) has investigated the development of Phoronis ijimai and has made a careful study of several Actinotrocha found in Japanese waters. Shortly after this, Longchamps (12) published a comparative study of the early development of several species of Phoronis and also of several species of Actinotrochse, giving a very careful critical resume of the work done by different investigators. Menon (17) has lately published a short paper on the Actinotrochse, in which he considers the Phoronidse to he related to the Chordatu, hut thinks the relationship is to be traced through a form like Rhabdoplt »/". This study of the development and anatomy of Phoronis architecta was begun before the publication of the last four papers mentioned, and when they appeared the abandonment of this investigation was seriously considered. However, since there seem to he specific differences and since there are several disputed points in the development, it seems best to publish the results of this study. It is hardly necessary to enter into an historical account of the work that has been done on the development and anatomy of the Phoronidse, since there are several papers which have reviewed the subject exhaustively. 75 76 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. METHODS. Most of- the material — eggs, larvee, and adults — was fixed in a saturated solution of corrosive sublimate, to which had been added 2 per cent of glacial acetic acid. A fresh solution was made as soon as the tine white precipitate appeared, which is usually present in old solutions. This fibrins- aerent Brave very erood results. Material tixed in Perenyi's fluid was found more valuable in some few respects than the acetic sublimate. When segmentation stages were treated with a 5 per cent solution of formaldehyde, the blastomeres stood out almost as distinctly as in the living material. The larger species of the two Actinotrocha found in Beaufort Harbor is much more active than the other, and when it comes in contact with the fixing fluid the preoral lobe is bent upward into an unusual position. Consequently a few drops of 4 per cent solution of muriate of cocaine in 50 per cent alcohol was added to the water containing the Actinotrochse. After this treatment they died in their usual form when put in the fixing fluid. Flemming's fluid, as well as the acetic sublimate, was found to be a very valuable fixing agent for the Actmotroch.se. Heidenhain's iron hematoxylin was used in staining sections of the adult, and a secondary stain of alcoholic eosin or rubin gave very good results. The most satis- factory stain for sections of young larvse and Actinotrocha was found to be a solution of safranin in anilin water. Since it was very desirable to make a study of the adults throughout the year, and as it was not possible to remain in Beaufort for this purpose during the winter and spring months, specimens were collected and sent to Johns Hopkins University at different times. Here they were placed in aquaria filled with sea water, which was kept in good condition by a rich growth of diatoms on top of a layer of sand. Not only did the diatoms keep the water from becoming polluted, but they also afforded abundant food for the Phoronis, so that healthy individuals with their lophophoral tentacles fully expanded were continually at hand for a live study. The authors are much indebted to Dr. Caswell Grave, the originator of the diatom method in rearing Echinoo\ rm larvse, for the use of his aquaria. Drew's modification of Patton's method for embedding and orienting eggs was used with fairly good success, although a large percentage of the embryos were broken during the process. Most of the embryos were cut into sections 3 p. thick, but for some purposes sections 2 // thick were used. BREEDING HABITS. Andrews's (1) observations on Phoronis architecta bring him to the conclusion that either the sexes are separate in that species or that if the individuals are hermaphroditic the male and female elements mature at different times. Many specimens examined by us during May, June, July, August, September, and October, both by means of sections and when alive, showed in no ease ovaries and testes occurring at the same time in an individual, but ovaries and testes undoubtedly occur together in the same individual in /'. australis. Benham (2) has observed this, as we have also, in material sent to us by Mr. Ikeda. During the month of January the peritoneal tissues surrounding the blood ereea is very abundant, but as a rule at this time no eggs or spermatozoa are found in it. In one individual out of some 20 or 30 a few ovarian eggs were found, however. All of these specimens collected in January were without lophophoral organs, and we kept many of them in aquaria until the 1st of May. At this time lophophoral organs began to make their appearance in some, while in others thev were absent. In all the specimens, however, either ovaries or testes were present, as was also the case in specimens collected at Beaufort in the early part of May. Further reference will be made to the lophophoral organs and their relation to the breeding season under the section which deals with the structure of the adult. The breeding season of Phoronis archik eta extends from March or April to November or December. Ikeda (9) has stated that "the breeding season of Phoronis ijimai ranges through about half of the year, say from November to June or July." There seems to be a surprising difference in the time of breeding between these two species. The Actinotrocha at Beaufort are found throughout the summer and autumn, but they arc especially abundant during August and September. Ikeda has suggested that Phoronis annually " changes its generation." It does not MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 77 seem probable that this is the case for Phoronis architecta^ because full-sized adults arc found throughout the year in Beaufort Harbor, and specimens were kept alive for fifteen months in the laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. THE LAYING OF THE EGGS. During low tide in the summer and autumn it was easy to collect from loo to L50 specimens of P/ioronis architecta during an hour or two. About one-half of these would usually have male reproductive organs and the rest female reproductive organs. The Phoronis were placed in glass crystallizing dishes and after about twenty -four hours many of the individuals began to lay— usually at night — but the eggs were not retained among the tentacles in a mass, as described by most investigators, hut were swept gently away from the lophophoral crown by the ciliation on the tentacles and on the anal region, .so that they settled near by on the bottom of the dish. Sometimes, however, the newly laid eggs were carried up and down the tentacles in currents caused by the cilia, and occasionally a few eggs were found grouped near the tips of the tentacles, being held there loosely by a small quantity of mucus-like material. At no time, however, were eggs and larva' aggregated in definite masses, as described by Ikeda (9), nor were they brooded among the tentacles, as Masterman (16) has observed in the case of Phoronis iusMi. That eggs and embryos were not found by Longchamps among the tentacles of ''Phoronis d II> Igoland" is no doubt due to the fact that the same habit prevails in the above form that does in Phoronis architecta. While the adults were laying, they were examined under the compound microscope. They showed large numbers of eggs which were floating freely back and forth in the body cavity as the animal contracted and expanded. Sections of adults in this condition show that all these free eggs contained the first polar body spindle. At intervals of about one minute an egg is extruded with considerable force from the nephridial opening, and in no case do the eggs at this moment have polar bodies. The wall of the nephridial ridge is transparent enough to see the eggs as they slip through the larger part of the nephridium. While passing through, they are pressed by the walls of the organ until they are about twice as long as broad (tig. 1). The fact that Phoronis architecta does not keep its eggs in masses within the tentacular crown, together with the fact that most of the individuals lay them at about the same time at night, makes it possible to preserve any one stage in the development of the embryo in sufficient quantity for a thorough study. FERTILIZATION. Ikeda (9) and Longchamps (12) made the observation that the eggs in the body cavity of the parent showed the spindles of the first polar body. This I found to be the case in Phoronis architecta (tig. 1). Eggs in the nephridia were found to be in the same stage, and in neither case was there any sign of an entering spermatozoon or a male pronucleus (tig. 1). There is no doubt of the fact that in Phonmix ///■r/u'tecfa the spermatozoon does not enter the vgg until the latter has been expelled from the nephridium. Ikeda observed this fact for Phoronis ijimai. SEGMENTATION. The eggs of Phoronis architecta while still in the body cavity are somewhat irregular in shape, and. as mentioned above, are decidedly so while passing through the nephridium. However, after they are laid they become almost perfectly spherical and average loo /< jn diam- eter ("tig. L>). thus measuring the same as the egg of "P/toronis r<>n'ix architecta this groove is only to be seen in one or two sections back of the blastopore, after which the ventral surface is convex (tigs. 18<2-20c). A "primitive streak," as described by Caldwell (3a) could not be made out. The gastrula, which is at first circular in horizontal section, becomes slightly elongated when the blastopore takes on aivoval shape. Gradually the blastopore lips close up more anteriorly until the blastopore becomes circular in outline but much smaller than it was originally. At the same time the anterior end of the larva begins to bend in a ventral direction and the archenteron becomes elongated posteriorly (fig. 20). Xow the larva increase- slightly in length (tig. 21), the blastopore assumes the form of a transverse slit, the anterior end bends farther ventrally, and the posterior end of the enteron becomes applied to the ectoderm at the posterior end of the larva (tig. -11). Our observations on Phoronis architecta agree with the description of Masterman (Hi). Ikeda (9), and Longchamps ( 12) in regard to the closure of the lips of the blastopore and the resulting change in the shape of the latter, but in Phoronis . e, d, e,f). The mesoderm cells are \ ei'y amoeboid in character and are often seen in living specimens and sometimes in sections sending out long pseudopod-like prolongations, which become attached to the walls of the gastrula. l'>\ means of these amoeboid movements thej are able to crawl up the walls of the blastocoele. We were unable to make out any structure in Phoronis architecta which could be interpreted as "archenteric diverticula," such as figured by Caldwell (3a) and [keda (9). Fig. 16c might be interpreted as showing these diverticula, but the condition there is hardly different from the arrangement of the mesoderm cells, which are being pushed out into the blastocoele in front of the blastopore (figs. L6, !•'>/'). Caldwell first observed these structures in the gastrulse of Pho- ronis kowalevskii, hut Lone-champs (12), who has recently carefully' studied the same species, has been unable to rind them. Ikeda (9), however, rinds very definite diverticula in the gastrulse of Phoronis ijimai, but he figures them as being in the region of the blastopore, while, according to Caldwell's (3a) figures, they are found posterior to the blastopore. Let us return again to the mesoderm cells which lie anteriorly to the blastopore. These amoeboid cells undoubtedly multiply while in the blastocoele, and in a gastrula where the blasto- pore lips have closed up somewhat so as to give an oval outline to the blastopore (tie-. 18/) these cells have become arranged into a definite sac (figs. 19, 20a), which i- later to form the lining of the preoral lobe. In no case were we able to find the least indication of an anterior unpaired diver- ticulum, which Masterman (Hi) says exists in the gastrula of l'h<>r<>nis l>uskii. At this stage the cavity of the sac is small and is present only in front of the blastopore. The walls, however, are extended on each side into a lateral cord of mesoderm cells, which lies in the blastocoele at the side of the blastopore (fig. is/'). Some of the cells of the dorsal wall of the sac send out pseu- dopodia, which attach themselves to an ectodermal thickening, and this thickening will become the ganglion of the Actinotrocha (tig. L9). The above condition continues until the oval blastopore becomes smaller and round in outline (figs. 20, 20< ). which change is also accompanied by further growth of the enteron in a posterior direction until it almost touches the end of the larva. The cells of the two lateral cords of mesoderm have now increased in number, have arranged themselves so a- to inclose a cavity, continuous with the cavity of the anterior one described above, and have become attached both to the lateral ectodermal wall and the lateral endodermal wall (tig. 205). Anteriorly this sac, which is now horseshoe shape (tig. 20e), is still only attached to the ganglionic thickening and the ventral ectodermal wall (tig. 20). The conditions just described are not due to the shrinkage of the mesodermal lining away from the wall of the larva, for the transparency of the living larva makes it possible to see the formation of the mesodermal sac. We have followed this formation step by step many times in the living gastrula and larva, as well as in sections and surface mounts. As tlie anterior end of the larva bends farther ventrally and becomes a definite preoral lobe, the round blastopore assumes the shape of an oval with its major axis transverse to the long axis of the larva (tig. -_'l). The posterior part of the larva increases in length and the enteron sends out a posterior diverticulum, the beginning of the intestinal canal, whose blind end fuses with the ectoderm of the posterior end of the larva. The walls of the mesodermal sac become applied to the walls of the preoral lobe more generally, thus forming a definite mesodermal epithelium lor the cavity of the preoral lobe digs. •_':;. 21, 22). Posteriorly, as Masterman ( 1."-) ha- described for the fully developed Actinotrocha, the cavity is produced "■into two horn- running back laterally" (rig. 22a), but as yet there is no complete mesodermal lining in the cavity back of this (figs. ■_'■_' I. c). The posterior wall of the mesodermal lining of the preoral lobe forms a definite septum (figs. 21, 21a), but it is not as yet, at least, composed of two layer-, a- Masterman finds in the older Actinotrocha. 82 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. While the above changes have been taking place in the preoral end of the larva there has also been some change in the postoral region. It is seen from figs. 16 c, d, e, f that in the young gastrula with the large circular blastopore mesoderm cells are being pushed out into the blastoccele along both sides of the archenteric "wall back almost to the posterior border of the blastopore. At this stage large spherical cells with rather small, deeply staining nuclei are sometimes seen floating freely in the blastoccele (lie;. 17"). These cells have their origin in the wall of the archenteron (tig. 17) and are quite different from the bodies found in the blastoccele of the blastula. They have, a definite nucleus and they seem to be similar cells to those found by Ikeda in the larva \yith one pair of tentacles. - They certainly do resemble the Mood corpuscles found in the older larvae, only they are considerably larger. Ikeda (9) came to the conclusion that these cells were the " mother cells of blood corpuscles which are found as corpuscle masses in the collar cavity of the Actinotrocha." Since the publication of his paper Mr. Ikeda has written that he considers his theory concerning the. fate of these cells to be incorrect. They are easily distinguishable from all other cells by the fact that they are larger and that the cytoplasm does not stain. They have a nucleus which is rather small. We shall return to a consideration of these cells when we describe the blood corpuscles of the Actinotrocha. As the blastopore lips begin to close up posteriorly (tigs. Is ,/. e) the endoderm cells in that region lose the power of giving rise to mesoderm cells, but they are still found arising in a more anterior region. At a little later stage, in which the blastopore has become circular again after the fusion of the blastopore lips and the enteron has almost reached the posterior end, a few mesoderm cells are seen lining the ventral ectoderm in the posterior region (fig. 20a*). These cells, however, do not have their origin from the wall of the posterior part of the enteron nor from the ventral ectoderm which Caldwell (3a) would call the "primitive streak." The cells forming the ventral ectoderm are very regularly arranged into a layer one cell thick and all the nuclei are in a resting state. The mesoderm cells have either migrated from the cells of the lateral cords which are prolongations of the sac, forming the lining of the preoral lobe, (tig. '2Qe), or from the region of the blastopore, where some mesoderm cells are still arising. In general, our interpretation of the fasts bearing on the origin of the mesoderm in the posterior region of the larva agrees with that of Longehamps (12) for Phoronis kowalevskii. When the larva reaches the stage shown in tig. 21 where the blastopore is transverse and the archenteron fuzes with the posterior ectoderm, the mesoderm cells are found to be more numerous in the posterior region, and in nearly all cases they are applied to the ventral suface of the blastoccele. At this time the proliferation of mesoderm cells from the endoderm has ceased in the anterior region and there is no indication of any mesoderm cells being given off from most of the posterior region. At the extreme posterior end of the enteron. however, a transverse section across the larva (fig. 22d) show- a mass of cells which might be taken for proliferating mesoderm cells. Traced farther back, this mass of cells is found to be part of the wall of the. "posterior pit," or, as Ikeda (9) has called it, ''the nephridial pit" (figs. 22 e,f, /.">.'») proposes the question, "Si les canaux ne derivaient pas des expansions laterals du divertieule ectoblastique, ehacun des canaux restant en rapport avec l'exterieur par mi orifice MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL A.CADEMY OF SCIENCES. 85 resultant du dedoublemenl de I'orifice primitif el median, tandis que le restant du diverticule ectoblastique deviendrait la cavity post^rieure du corps." Such an origin for this posterior cavity would seem to be a possible one and would give an easy explanation for the origin of the collar trunk and ventral mesenteries. We believe thai the cavity of the (funk is formed in the following manner: As the tentacles grow out and increase in number the posterior region of the larva about the rectum increases greatly in length. In doing the latter the mesodermal lining of the collar is drawn away from the somatic wall in the region hack' of the tentacular hand, and a cavity is left containing the rec- tum, part of the stomach, and the proximal part of the nephridial diverticula. At the same time (his is taking place certain cells which seem to arise from the base of the nephridial diverticula give rise to the lining of the cavity of the trunk. As to the manner of origin of these cells we are still in doubt. We have not found two coelomic sacs which Hatschek (8) seems to have figured (it is possible that his figure is meant to represent a single sac cut at two places), and we have hunted for them in larva' where the diverticula are just beginning to form and also in larvae with two, four, and six tentacles. In one specimen with two tentacles, however (fig. 30), an arrangement of mesodermal cells on the dorsal side of the intestine which seems to he the beginning of a sac is found; this, however, is not paired. Whether or not this sac and its cavity eive rise to the lining and cavity of the trunk we can not say, for we have found hut one specimen in which this condition exists. One thing is certain, the fully developed trunk cavity of the Actlnotroc/ut has a distinct mesodermal lining, consisting of a somatic and a splanchnic layer. As far as we know all Actino- trochst have a ventral mesentery, which tends to support the view that the lining of the cavity of the trunk has its origin in a sac which grows around the rectum and posterior part of the stomach. Whether or not the fact that there is an indication of a dorsal mesentery in the pos- terior region of some of the fully developed Actinotrochse, Species B., has any bearing on the double origin of the cavity of the trunk we can not say. for we have never seen the very young larva' of this form. The youngest larva taken from the tow had three pairs of tentacles, with beginnings of the fourth pair. In this larva the tentacles had grown considerably in length, and the posterior region had become somewhat elongated (tig. 31). Only one specimen of this age was obtained, and it was only studied while alive. The mesentery between the collar and lobe was plainly seen, and there seemed to be a thin mesentery between the region of the collar and the younger trunk region. The nephridial canals were seen with difficulty, but the rounded bunches of excretory cells forming the internal ends of the canals were plainly visible. When the larva of Phoronis wrchitecta has five pairs of tentacles (fig. 32) the trunk region is elongated considerably and constitutes about one-half the length of the larva. In fact, the larva at this stage looks much like the fully developed Actinotrocha. The ■'retractors" described by Lkeda (9) are now present and the body wall in the anal region shows a thickening which is to become the perianal ciliated band. This larva shows clearly the presence of two mesenteries. In the larva with six pairs of tentacles (fig. 33) all of the organs of the fully developed Actinotrocha are present. The ventral pouch begins to invaginate (tig. 33) and sections usually show that the blood corpuscle masses are forming. FULLY DEVELOPED ACTINOTROCHA. There are two species of Actinotrocha found in the waters of Beaufort Harbor, and they are very similar, if not identical, with the two species that E. B. Wilson (24) observed in Chesapeake Bay. l'n mi the latter part of May until the latter part of September both species are fairly abundant in the tow7. Wilson has designated the two species found in Chesapeake Hay as Species A. and Species B., anfl because of the general agreement between our observations and his descriptions the Beaufort Actinotrochse will be designated as Species A. and B., although we are satisfied that Species A. is the larva of P. architecia. Vol. 10— No. 4—05 2 86 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Species A. — Species A. (fig. 34) is somewhat smaller than Species B. and its average length is L.03 mm. The trunk is quite stout, the intestine is short, and the posterior end of the stomach reaches as far as two-thirds of the length of the trunk cavity. When about ready to metamor- phose, this larva usually has 18 larval tentacles and an equal number of young adult tentacles. The adult tentacles do not usually appear until the larva has 18 larval tentacles (its full number) and they arise as thickenings on the under side of the bases of the larval tentacles. In this respect the larva resembles one of the actinotrochfe which Ikeda (!<) has described. The blood corpuscles are found in two masses usually applied to the ventro-latcral surface of the stomach, and they make their appearance in the larva with 12 or 14 tentacles. A pair of muscles which [keda has been the first to describe, and which he has called "retractor muscles," are always present; although they have not been made out in younger larva' than those with 10 tentacles. This species is without the so-called "'stomach diverticula." Pigment cells are found rather irregularly scattered on the wall of the body cavity. There are definite aggregations of these, at the bases of the tentacles, and a few pigment cells are seen on the surface of the blood corpuscle masses. Usually there are quite a number in the wall of the posterior portion of the trunk. This Actinotrocha is not as active as Species B, and it does not, as a rule, turn up its preoral hood when irritated. Its metamorphosis usually takes place quickly, fifteen or twenty minutes being required for its completion. Actinotrocha Species A. is, no doubt, the actinotrocha of /'. architecta. Species />'. {Jiff. ■>'■>)■ -This Actinotrocha is larger than Species A., and when about ready to metamorphose it has an average length of 1.22 mm., and has at least 26 tentacles. (Wilson (24) figures the Actinotrocha Species B., ready to metamorphose, with 22 tentacles.) The differ- ence in appearance between this larva and Species A. is rather striking. Beside being somewhat longer, it is slightly narrower in the collar region and decidedly so in the trunk region, which gives it a much more graceful appearance than that of Species A. The intestine is quite long, extending throughout the posterior two-thirds of the trunk cavity. M. Longchamps has kindly pointed out to me that the "adult tentacles appear bilaterally, the mid-ventral line being, at first, free of the buds." They do not arise, however, as thicken- ings on the under side of the bases of the larval tentacles as in Species A. They have their origin at the base of the larval tentacles, but they are separate from them, and they appear first in the larva with 24 tentacles. This Actinotrocha differs in three important respects from Actinotrocha Species A. In the first place it has its blood corpuscles aggregated into four masses, two of which are usually in the same position as the pair in the smaller species. The other two, however, are found, as a rule, more anteriorly in the collar cavity, and are applied to the dorso-lateral walls of the stomach. The posterior pair lying on the ventro-latcral sides of the stomach make their appearance during the IS or 20 tentacle stage, but the other pair do not appear until about the 22-tentacle stage. This larva also has retractors extending from the ganglion to the region of the first and second pair of tentacles. A second point of difference is the fact that Actinotrocha Species B. possesses a pair of diverticula at the anterior end of the stomach. These are present as early as the 22-tentacle stage. This larva can further be distinguished from the other species by the fact that there is found in the older larva' a sensory papilla on the mid-dorsal surface of the preoral lobe. Actinotrocha Species B. is much more active when irritated than the other species. The least irritation causes it to turn up its hood and to assume attitudes like those figured by Masterman (15). In fact, judging by the figures and text of Masterman's paper, it seems that there is considerable similarity between this larva and the one he has described. The two larvae are very much alike in shape and both have the lateral stomach diverticula, but the form that .Masterman describes has only two masses of blood corpuscles. The two species are not identical, nor is Actinotrocha Species B identical with Actinotrocha iranchiata from the North Sea, for, as Longchamps has pointed out to us, the latter has but two blood corpuscle masses. Longchamps has informed us that in Actinotrocha Species B. the adult tentacles make their appearance in the MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 87 same special way that they do in Actinotrocha branchiata (found near Helgoland and described by .1. Muller (19); and Masterman (15) says in Ins paper that the form he worked on "does not appear to differ in any essential respect" from Actinotrocha branchiata. There seems, however, to be considerable difference in size between Actinotroehabranchiataaad Actinotrocha Species B., for, according to Longchamps, the best-developed specimen that he obtained of this species measured 2 mm., while the length of Actinotrocha Species B. averages L22 nun. Although Actinotrocha Species A. seems to metamorphose without any difficulty when brought into the laboratory, yet we have never been able to induce Actinotrocha Species B. to do so. Specimens have been kept for ten days or more (the pouch and blood corpuscles being well developed) and in some cases they succeeded in evaginating the ventral pouch, but they were never aide to complete the metamorphosis. A- far as we know, the adult of this Actinotrocha has never been found, hut probably it lives under quite different conditions from Phoronis architecta, and it is not improbable that it may be found as a deep-water form. INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OF THE FULLY DEVELOPED ACTINOTROCHA. "Subneural gland" (Masterman). — Masterman (15) has described a depression in the dorsal wall of the buccal cavity which he terms a "subneural gland" and which he compares with the eland of the same name in the Tunicata and also possibly with the hypophysis of the Vertebrata. Roule (20) and Ikeda ('.») are of the opinion that this depression is a product of the fixing method. Longchamps (12) does not consider it to be an accidental structure, but he does not agree with Masterman's view as to its theoretical significance. Menon (17) says that the "subneural gland" first appeai-s in connection with the collar and that during development it shifts forward into the preoral lobe, but in another part of his paper he says the oesophagus is often folded transversely (this also the case in the young Phoronis) into pouches and the ''subneural gland"1 is a diverticulum of its dorsal wall. While in examining sections we have frequently found a depression in the region that Mas- terman (15) indicates, we have never found it in the living larva. Only in very poorly killed larva? have we found the depression to be as deep as Masterman has shown, and in all cases the structure of the wall is practically like that of the oesophagus. In the Actinotrochse Species A. and B. there is no depression in the living larva which might be homologized to the subneural gland of higher animals, and we are forced to agree with Roule and Ikeda in their belief that the so-called "subneural gland" which Masterman describes is a product of Fixation. •• Oral and atrial grooves" (Masterman). — Masterman (15) has observed a mid-ventral ciliated area leading into the mouth from the preoral lobe in front and a broad ciliated area depressed into two oral grooves leading into it from the ventral surface of the collar area. He has also seen two so-called "atrial grooves" leading into the dorso-lateral corners of the mouth. Masterman says he does not rind gill-slits in the Actinotrocha, nor does he find structures that he considers to lie their homologues. "The atrial grooves" of the Actinotrocha, he says, how- ever, are the analogues of gill-slits (ir.. p. 319). On page 35s (15), however, he says that "tentatively, I would regard the atrial grooves of the Actinotrocha as the early rudiments of pharyngeal clefts as found in Cephalodiscus." His ••oral grooves." he says, correspond to the oral grooves in Cephalodiscus. Roule (20) doe- not rind the "atrial grooves." but finds two lateral grooves, which he con- siders to be formed by the insertion of the hood on to the collar wall. Ikeda CO and Longchamps (12) are of the opinion that these grooves do not normally exist. We have made a careful study of the live Actinotrocha and of surface mounts, but have not been able to make out these grooves in either Species A. or Species B. Sections, however, show that the "oral grooves" are present, and that in most preparations where the preoral hood has been turned upward by violent contraction (due to the fixing agent) there are two short grooves 88 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. in the position in which Masterman finds the ••atrial grooves." In those cases in which the hood remains in its normal position we have seldom found Masterman's so-called •'atrial grooves," and even in a few cases when' the hood is turned upward they have been absent. The ventral wall of the hood just as it passes into the wall of the oesophagus not infrequently shows a pair of bilaterally situated grooves which are similar to those found on the ventral collar wall. •• X> uroport " (Masterman). —See section on the nervous system. "Sub-neural sinus" (Masterman). — Another organ which Masterman (15) has described is a sinus immediately below the nerve ganglion, caused by the want of contiguity between the raesoblastic walls of the preoral cavity and the collar cavity. This sinus, he claims, is closed except for a fissure which leads eventually into the dorsal blood vessel. He compares this sinus to the heart of Balanoglossus. Menon (19), as far as we know, is the only other worker on the Actinotrocha who claims that there is a definite vesicle beneath the ganglion and he has discovered no connection between its cavity and the dorsal blood vessel. Roule, Longchamps, and Ikeda do not find this organ, but the latter recognizes the existence of a space ("posterior recess") free from mesenchymatous fibres, which is the posterior part of the preoral lobe. This, however, he says, does not connect with the dorsal blood vessel. From the study of the early development of Phoronis architecta and the origin of the mesentery between the hood and the collar, we have come to the conclusion that no vesicle is formed in that species between the two layers of the mesentery (if two layers exist). The mesentery which forms the posterior wall of the preoral lobe cavity is found attached just back of the ganglion in the median line and there is not the least sign of a vesicle other than the cavity of the preoral lobe (tig. -M). In neither Actinotroclm Species A. nor Actinotrocha Species B. have we found a vesicle below the ganglion, although in both cases there is a space such as Ikeda (9) has seen, free from mesen- chymatous fibres. The anterior boundary of this space is rather sharply defined and occasionally among longitudinal sections a fibre with a nucleus is seen running vertically from the dorsal to the ventral wall of the hood, giving the appearance of an anterior wall to the space. These tibres, however, are very much more delicate than the wall of the collar lobe septum, and what is more, they occur only occasionally and are evidently not sections through a membrane. In the Actinotrochse,, which we have examined, there does not exist any vesicle beneath the nerve ganglion nor any structure which could be likened to the heart vesicle of Balanoglossus. For the supposed relation of the dorsal blood vessel to the "subueural sinus," see Blood system. "Stomach Diverticula1'' (Ikeda, Longchamps, and Menon). " JVbtochords" (Masterman and Roule). Ever since Johannes Midler (19) saw the paired "blinddarme" in Actinotrocha branchiata nearly all of those who have studied Actinotrochse have observed the same structures. Some have considered them to be liver diverticula, others have described them as dark masses with globules and as brown specks. Wilson calls them "glandular lobes of the stomach." Ikeda (9), Longchamps (12), and Menon (17) speak of them as "stomach diverticula," but they do not ascribe any function to them. Masterman (15) and Roule (20) look upon them as rudimentary notochords. Roule, Ikeda, and Longchamps have studied larvae in which the diverticulum was not paired and lateral, but unpaired and medio-ventral. The latter investigator has observed larvae of both t\ \«<. We find that in Species A. the diverticulum is undeveloped even at the time of metamorphosis while in Species B. the diverticulum is paired, well developed, and ventro-lateral. Longchamps has very justly objected to Masterman's use of the name " Diplochorda" nndei which the latter includes the Phoronidse and Cephalodiscus. The diverticula of Species B. do not show the regularly arranged vacuoles which Masterman has described for the Actinotrocha from St. Andrews Bay. In fact, we agree with Longchamps's (12) observations in finding the histological characters absolutely different in Species A. and B. from the histology of notochords, and there is not the least indication of supporting tissue. MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 89 However, larvse which we have examined, fixed in Flemming's fluid, have aotshown the vacuoles to l>c filled with Eat droplets as Longehamps states. Sections through the diverticula of quite old larvse (fig. 35) stained with iron hematoxylin show columnar cells, nearly every one hard to see what use the Actinotrocha has for any organ of support in the region where the diverticula are found and it seems much more probable that they have a glandular function. Nervous system. — It is generally admitted among investigators who have studied the. anatomy of the Actinotrocha carefully, that the creature has a subepidermal layer of nervous tissue throughout the body which is fibrillar in character. This nervous tissue assumes the form of quite definite tracts in certain parts of the body in Actmotrocha Species B. and fairly well- developed nerves can be said to exist. The most conspicuous ones are found in the median dorsal line of the preoral hood as three distinct longitudinal bundles of nerve fibres extending from the ganglion to the anterior edge of the hood. There are other tracts which, though they are not as definitely marked out as the above, are undoubtedly nerves. Masterman (15) in his work on the anatomy of the Actinotrocha from St. Andrews Bay has described a complicated nervous system, but the investigations of lloule (20), Ikeda ('J), and Long- champs (12) have thrown considerable doubt on the correctness of his observations. Whether these differences have been due to differences in the Actinotrochse studied by these workers or whether they are due to the technique it is impossible to say, but, judging from the difference in the degree of development between the nervous system in Species A. and Species B., we are led to believe that the disagreements are due partly to the fact that no two of these investigators have studied the same species of Actinotrocha. While the nervous system of Species A. can with careful study be shown to be very similar to that of Species B., yet it is so feebly developed that without first having studied Actinotrocha Species B. we should not have been able to see the similarity in the disposition of the different nervous tracts. The ganglion with its three dorsal longitudinal nerves running along the median line of the hood is easily seen in the live larva of Species A., but in sections we have found it impossible to trace the latter. The sensory papilla mentioned in the. description of the Actino- trocha Species B. is absent in this species. We are pleased to be able to confirm, to some extent, Masterman's (15) description of the nervous system of the Actinotrocha, especially since a shadow of doubt has been cast upon his work by some who have studied the Actinotrocha. Partly because Species B. seems to be a much more highly developed Actinotrocha than Species A., and partly because of its similarity to the one that Masterman studied (which i^ of so much theoretical interest), we shall confine the description and figures to the nervous system of Species B., although we are convinced that this Actinotrocha is not that of Phoronis architecta, but of an adult that has not been discovered. 90 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. We must admit that we have been very unsuccessful in the attempt to study the nervous system of the Actinotrocha by means of methylene blue and ammonium molybdate. Cold chloride has given no better results than staining with iron hematoxylin. If the dorsal surface of the hood of a live Actinotrocha Species B. be examined, one will find that there are a great many fibres which run in more or less definite tracts (tip;. 36). Many of these fibres have nuclei along their course and are undoubtedly muscle fibres, while others run to the edge of the hood and there seem to be continuations of certain cell-like bodies which Ikeda was the tirst to describe (fig. 37). Although we have seen these bodies on all occasions in surface \ iews stained with methylene blue, yet in sections we have never been able to make them out, if they are nerve cells. It must be mentioned, however, that in transverse sections through the edge of the hood every 3 m section shows at least one nucleus closely applied to the ring of nervous tissue running round the edge of the hood (fig. 43). These occupy the same position with reference to the edge of the hood that the cell-like bodies do which are seen in surface views, but we take them to In' the nuclei of muscle cells, and frequently7 we have traced deeply stained muscle fibres arising from them (fig. 43). Within the nervous tissue of the preoral ring we have found no structures which we could consider to be the cell-like bodies mentioned by Ikeda (9). Ikeda has figured a great many fibres arising from the ganglion, but in the Actinotrocha that we have examined we have not been able to see the connections; however, we do not wish to deny that they exist. The three median nerves arising from the anterior side of the ganglion and running forward to the edge of the hood, and two longitudinal tracts of nerve fibres arising from the posterior side of the ganglion, can be easily made out, but the large majority of fibres which compose the broad tract shown in fig. 36 are not connected with the nerve ganglion. There are some indi- vidual differences in the arrangement of the above tracts, but in general they are about as shown in tig. 36. On each side of the medio-dorsal line in the region of the youngest tentacles a tract of fibres can be seen running longitudinally. In the region where the edge of the preoral hood is inserted into the collar a small tract made up of a few fibres branches off' from the dorsal longitudinal tract and passes into the edge of the preoral lobe. Somewhat farther forward each dorsal longi- tudinal trunk spreads out sometimes into three rather indefinite tracts, most of whose fibres seem to reach the edge of the hood. Many of the fibres of the anterior branch appear to end in the region at the sides of the ganglion, but no connection with the latter could be found. Immediately posterior to the ganglion a tract of fibres (tig. 36) is seen which runs for a short distance transversely to the long axis of the Actinotrocha. On both sides the fibres of this tract soon diverge from one another and in this way distribute themselves over the anterior part of the hood, ending at the edge of the latter (tie-. 36). Masterman (1">) has figured (PI. XVIII. tig. 2) certain nerve tracts to the right and left of the three nerves arising from the anterior end of the ganglion and finds that these "run forward and outward and then bend backward and take a course to the posterior corner of the hood." A lateral view of the hood of Acti/notroclm Species B. shows sometimes fibres gathered together in trunks, but these never take the direction as shown by Masterman. They diverge rather regularly and end all along the edge of the hood instead of at the posterior corners of the same (tig. 37). They are in no way associated with the ganglion and do not have the appearance of being even when the hood is turned upward out of its usual position. For several reasons we believe that the complicated tracts of fibres seen in a surface view of a live Actinotrocha Species B. are not nerve fibres but muscle fibres. First, many of them show along their course nuclei resembling nuclei of muscle cells. Second, cross sections through the hood show that there is a rather heavy lining of muscle fibres which run in the same general direction as do the fibres shown in the surface view. Third, there is no connection between these fibres and the nerve ganglion. MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 91 From the posterior side of the ganglion two tracts of nerve fibres pass oul and can be traced backward sonic little distance, but they are .soon lost to view, as Lkeda (9) lias found to be the case when studying methylene-blue preparations. Sections through Actinotrocha Species B. bring out quite plainly certain nervous tracts which appear as thickenings of the subepidermal nervous tissue and which correspond in a large part to the principal nerves described by Masterman. Anterior to the ganglion a section through the hood shows the parallel nerves which run from the anterior side of the ganglion to the anterior edge of the hood. The boundary of these nerves, as shown in tig. 44. is a little too definite. The subepidermal nerve tissue, which forms a thin layer below the ectoderm cells, is not shown in the series of sections to be described. Following the sections posteriorly we come to the ganglion, which in this specimen has become invaginated, together with the overlying epidermis, so as to form a pit. A cross section through this pit is shown in tig. iib. The cavity of the pit is lined by epidermis, while periph- erally the wall of the pit consists of the ganglion cells and the nerve fibres of the ganglion (tigs. 38— !47>). The nuclei of the ganglia are easily made out, but it is only after staining very deeply with iron hematoxylin that the cytoplasm can be seen. The invagination in the region of the ganglion is unusual and is brought about by the violent contraction of the hood when immersed in the fixing fluid. This undoubted^ is the same condition that Masterman (15) has described and the same structure that he has homologized to the "neuropore" of the Chordata, or that he has compared to the tubular dorsal nervous system of the same type as that of Balamoglossus. (Q. J., Vol. XL, page 295, 296.) It should be mentioned, however, that Masterman (16&) in his answer to Koule has admitted the error of his rather hasty conclusion. Menon (17) has recently described a tubular nerve ganglion for a certain Actinotrocha, but the structure is probably due to fixation. Immediately posterior to the ganglion a cross section shows two thickenings of the sub- epidermal nervous system. These thickenings are what Masterman has described as the dorsal longitudinal nerves and they can be traced from the ganglion. They are almost exactly between the dorsal muscle tract and the epidermis of the dorsal wall. A little farther back these so-called nerves are not quite as distinct, but when the region of the first pair of tentacles is reached they become more prominent again and diverge, passing down the lateral walls along the bases of the tentacles (tig. 41). They meet in the ventral region and thus form a ring-like thickening of the subepidermal nervous system, which is undoubtedly the same that Masterman has described as the " collar nerve ring" (fig. 42). Ganglion cells are demonstrable in this nerve ring by staining deeply with iron hematoxylin (tig. 39). As we shall show in the account of the muscular system there is a ring of muscle fibre which follows the nerve ring. Masterman says that "fibers pass mid dorsally as a pair of tracts, giving off branches to the body wall and terminating in a 'nervous ring just anterior to the perianal band." In his figures of sections, however, the pair of tracts does not show back of the most dorsal pair of tentacles. In Actinotrocha Species B. there are no definite tracts of nerve fibres running longi- tudinally from the region where the collar nerve ring passes obliquely downward from the dorsal surface of the collar. Nerve fibres are undoubtedly present all along the dorsal wall, but these are not massed together in tracts and are simply the fibres of the ordinary subepidermal nervous tissue. The nervous ring in front of the perianal band is not present in the Actinotrochse that we have studied. Masterman (15) finds that part of the nerve ring around the edge of the hood passes up to the nerve ganglion when it reaches the insertion of the hood, and that numerous fibres also appear to pass on to the ventral surface of the collar region. Live Actinotrochse (Species A. and Species B.), when examined under the microscope, do not show a branch of the nerve ring of the lobe passing upward to the nerve ganglion. Sections also fail to show this condition, which is very necessary to Masterman's comparison of the nervous system of Balanoglossus and the Actino- trocha. Fibres from the nerve ring do, however, pass on to the ventral surface of the collar region. 92 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Numerous fibres, which Masterman .speaks of as passing down on to the ventral collar wall, are massed in the Actinotrocha Species B. into two definite thickenings which are seen in fig. 44c and fig. 40. These thickenings of the nervous tissue gradually approach one another as we trace the sections backward and come to run along the same line as do the two ventral muscle tracts of the collar, but before the line of insertion of the ventral tentacles is reached these thicken- ings are lost in the subepidermal nervous tissue. We have not been able to make out either in sections or in surface mounts any definite nervous tract running from the collar nerve ring along the ventral region of the trunk, although, as before said, there is a subepidermal network of nervous tissue throughout the wall. It will be remembered, how7ever, that above we have described two longitudinal dorso-lateral tracts of muscle fibres, and there are quite numerous longitudinal muscle fibres in the ventral wall of the trunk. There is also a fairly well-developed layer of circular muscles, and these, together with the longitudinal muscles, give the appearance in surface views of the longitudinal tracts giving off branches. The nervous system of the Actinotrocha of Phoronis sdbatieri is less highly developed, judging from the specimens we have examined, than that of either Species A. or Species B. The ganglion, or, as Roule (20) calls it, the " plaque cephalique," contains ganglion cells like those we have found in other Acti/notrochse, which shows that there is something more present than a simple subepidermal nervous system, such as Roule has described, in the Actinotrocha of Phoro- nis sabatit /•/'. Muscular system. — There is no doubt but that there is some diversity in the arrangement of muscle fibres in the different species of Actinotrochse. A study of the two species, A. and B., as well as the description of different species by other investigators, convinces us of this. In the study of the muscular system the best results were with material fixed in Hem- ming's strong solution and stained with Haidenhain's iron hematoxylin. These solutions make the muscle fibres stand out very distinctly, whereas material fixed and stained with other fluids shows them so feebly that the muscle tracts might easily be overlooked. Ikeda (9) has described a pair of bundles of muscle fibres springing from "the hind lateral corners of the ganglion and running divergently downward until they insert themselves in the collar walls between the first and second tentacles." These muscles, to which he has given the name of "retractors," are present in the Actinotrochse Species A. and Species B. (tigs. 34, 35, 4.">. 45a). The "retractors" that Ikeda figures in the trunk cavity of one of the Japanese Actino- trochse were not found in either Actinotrocha Species A. or Species B. Another pair of bundles of muscle fibres is found in Species B. They spring from the wall of the hood at the sides of the ganglion, traverse the cavity of the hood and become inserted on its ventral wall directly under the ganglion (fig. 45^). Certain tracts of muscle fibres are very highly developed in Species B. Transverse sections (stained with iron hematoxylin) through the wall of the hood in front of the ganglion show black dots spread over the internal dorsal surface of the hood, and these seem to be embedded in the mesodermal lining. These dots are the cut ends of muscle fibres, and as the sections are followed posteriorly, these dots gradually become massed about halfway between the ganglion and the sensory papilla and represent the sectioned ends of a pair of longitudinal muscle tracts which are bilaterally placed on the right and left of the median dorsal line (fig. 44). These two thick tracts of muscle fibres extend posteriorly in the dorso-lateral regions of the Actinotrocha and do not disappear until the perianal ring is reached. They are very characteristic structures in Species B. (figs. 44 to 44A), but we have not been able to make them out in Species A. These muscle bands, no doubt, serve to draw the anal end of the body of the Actinotrocha up to the oral end during the metamorphosis. They are the most highly developed muscle tracts in the body of the Actinotrocha and their course is almost identical with the course of the '•dorsal nerve-." that .Masterman describes. Examination of cross sections of Species B. in the region of the vestibule shows the cut ends of numerous muscle fibres which are spread over the ventral surface of the collar. Passing MEMOIRS OK THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 93 posteriorly, these fibres become massed into definite muscle tracts, aboul halfway back from the vestibule to the ventral insertion of collar trunk mesentery (figs. Il<. t4rf). These two ventral longitudinal tracts, which arc bilaterally placed one on each side of the ventral median line, become separated, in most cases al least, from the ventral body wall in the region of the posterior pair of blood corpuscle masses and the latter become rather closely associated with them (fig. 4tl). We could not discover that these fibres were in any way related to the nephridia as has been described for some specie-. In the region of the insertion of the ventral tentacles the muscle fibres of the ventral tracts become again applied to the ventral body wall, hut definite tracts are no longer present. How- ever, in the trunk region these fibres form a definite tract, which is confined to the ventral body wall, and it does not disappear until the perianal ring is reached (ties. 44 -es present in the larva, and that when the blood-corpuscle masses arc 98 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. present there are no mesodermal masses. In this exception small blood-corpuscle masses were round applied to the stomach wall, and masses of cells bilaterally placed were found on the ventral somatic wall, but these colls had already taken on the character of blood corpuscles. Ikeda (9) has described a "mesoblastic cell mass"" which he evidently considers as giving rise to the adult body cavity, and its position is very similar to that of the mesoblastic masses described above. They are both products of the mesoblastic lining of the ventral somatic wall and are situated between the plane of the bases of the tentacles and the plane of the somatic insertion of the mesentery between the collar and trunk. Although Ikeda docs not touch upon the very early origin of the adult body cavity, yet it seems probable that he considers it as arising from a single mass of cells. The mesoblastic masses described above are paired and bilaterallv placed, and they are present only in the young larva of 12 or 11 tentacles. Furthermore, in the larva with L2 or 11 tentacles there is no sign of the beginning of the adult body cavity. Although these mesodermal masses which, according to our observations, give rise to the blood corpuscles have a similar position to the fundament of the young adult body cavity, yet we are convinced that they do not give rise to it. In Species A. there is no intimate relation between the masses of blood corpuscles and the uephridia. such as has been described by Masterman (15) for the species from St. Andrews Bay. and by Longchamps (12) for Actinotrocha branchiata. In the larva of L6 tentacles the blood-cor- puscle masses are, however, closely applied to the stomach wall in the region of the digestive area. There is no mesodermal epithelium covering that part of the surface of the stomach which lies within the collar cavity, and the blood corpuscles seem to be so intimately related to the digestive areas that we are inclined to believe that they receive nourishment from them. While the blood corpuscles vary in size and undoubtedly multiply by karyokinetic division, yet we have never found the ''large and somewhat coarsely granular" and the '•smaller finely granular" corpuscles that Ikeda (9) speaks of, nor in this species have we found any "gigantic mesoderm cells'-' in the region of the blood-corpuscle masses. Very large cells in close relation to the blood corpuscle hkhmn are found in some specimens of Arfiimtiuicha Species B. (tig. 44/'). These cells resemble the cells described in the old gastrula of Species A. as arising from the wall of the archenteron, only they are not as coarsely granular as the latter. While in Actinotrocha Species B. the cells are found in most cases closely associated with the blood corpuscles, we have never seen them in the process of division and do not believe that they give rise to blood corpuscles. Their occurrence is quite variable, hut as far as has been observed they are not present in the Actinotrocha which are ready to metamorphose. They are not phagocytes, nor are they pigment cells, and the only name which we feel justified in giving them is large free mesoderm cells. Frequently they are also found in the posterior end of the trunk cavity (tig. 44/'). Roule (20) holds that the nephridia end internally at the level of the oesophagus, and he shows this in a figure. We have made cross sections through this region and have found masses of cells in much the same place as Roule has shown. These cells seem to be blood corpuscles. but very few specimens have been examined, and only one of these showed these masses of cells. Rudiment of tin "adult collar cavity" (Ikeda). — Ikeda has observed a mesodermal cell mass on the ventral somatic wall just under the second tentacle in rather young specimens of all the Japanese Actinotrochae. He has traced the development of this mass of cells and finds that a cavity arises in it which, before metamorphosis, becomes quite spacious ami extends into the tentacles. We are able toconlirm Ikeda's view that this cavity istherudimentof the " adult collar cavity," or "supraseptal cavity" of the adult, as it is usually called (tigs. 50, 48, 51A, 455, 4»>). METAMORPHOSIS. Several investigators have carefully described the external characteristics of the metamor- phosis of the Actinotrocha, so it is unnecessary to enter into a detailed description. Wilson (24) studied the metamorphosis of Actinotrocha?. Species A. and Species B., which are found in Chesapeake Bay, but he did not cut sections of his material. Ikeda (9), however, has investigated the internal changes which take place during metamorphosis and has added a vai- MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 99 liable contribution to the subject. The behavior during metamorphosis of Actinotrocha Species A. and Species B. from Beaufort Harbor seems to be quite the same as that <>l' the two Actino- trocha which Wilson has observed, and there is little doUbt but that thej are of the same species. A.s Wilson has stated, the metamorphosis of Actlnotrocha Species A. (fig. 34) takes place much more quicklj than that of Species B. (fig. 35). In fact, we have never obtained a completely metamorphosed specimen of the latter, although many times we have found specimens of this species with the ventral pouch well evaginated (fig. •">•'>). We have tried to make the conditions favorable for the completion of the metamorphosis by covei ing the bottom of the aquarium with a layer of sand rich in diatoms and also by changing the water frequently. Under these conditions the larva' (Species B.) would invariably sink to the bottom and move around on the sand apparently in search of a favorable place to finish the metamorphosis. The latter never occurred, however, although sometimes the Iarvas would attach the end of the ventral pouch to the bottom of the dish. In this way the creature would often remain for days and although the preoral lobe and larval tentacles would degenerate the anal end of tin1 larva would never become turned upward so as to lie in close proximity to the mouth. A- we have said before, we are inclined to think that the Actinotrocha Species B. belongs to an adult which lives under different conditions from that of Phoronis architecta, and we should not be surprised if it were found to be the Actlnotrocha of a deep-water form. Although ( ', rianthus occurs in Beaufort Harbor, we have never found Phoronis australis associated with it. Actinotrocha Species A., a- a rule, metamorphoses in about twenty minutes (figs. 56, 56a, ."it',/.), and usually just before this takes place it sinks to the bottom of the dish, but occasionally metamorphosis occurs on the vertical side of the dish near the surface of the water, the young Phoronis remaining fixed where the metamorphosis takes place. /',; oral Inh, ,n,, 1 1, ntacles. — Usually the larval or distal part of the tentacles (Species A.) and the preoral lobe are swallowed during metamorphosis. The proximal parts of the tentacles become directed upward and constitute the tentacles of the adult. They always number IS in the very young Phoronis (Species A.) and there is an indication of the horseshoe arrangement which is found in the adult (fig. 565). The preoral lobe does not give rise to the epistome of the adult, for as Menon (17) has correctly observed, this structure is not present in the very young Phoronis. However, the epistome, which is of ectodermal origin, soon makes its appearance, and when the creature has 30 tentacles it is a very conspicuous organ (fig. 57). Ganglion. — The ganglion on the dorsal surface of the hood is lost when the preoral lobe is swallowed, and hence does not give rise to the so-called brain ganglion of the adult. Ectodermal wall of. collar. —Although the preoral lobe degenerates, the wrall of the collar does not, but becomes drawn inside the body of the young Phoronis and forms the wall of the oral end of the gut. Perianal ciliated ring and ectodermal wall of the trunk. — When the critical point in the metamorphosis is reached —that is. when the posterior end becomes drawn up to the region of the mouth — the perianal ciliated ring is usually seen as a protuberance in that region (Wilson's tig. 1l'). but shortly after this it becomes drawn in, and, together with someof the ectoderm, becomes the lining of that part of the rectum which is near the anal opening. The drawing in takes place to such an extent that most of the ectodermal wall of the trunk of the Actinotrocha becomes incorporated in the wall of the rectum, as Caldwell has observed. This process, together with the drawing in of the ectodermal wall of the collar to form the wall of the oral end of the gut, seems to cause a change in the position of the nephridial canals. (See section on nephridia.) ( 'avity "ft!,. /,,;<,red further in the section on the vascular system. 100 .MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. " Adult collar ca/oity" (Ikeda). — This cavity, which is found in the well-developed Actinotrocha, undoubtedly becomes the "adult collar cavity" or supraseptal cavity of the adult, as Ikeda says. In the young Phoronis it is seen as a cavity which occupies all the region anterior to the trans verse septum and which is prolonged into the tentacles. It is lined by a mesodermal epithelium and contains the ring vessel with its tentacular vessel. Trunk cavity and cavity <>f1ln ventral pouch. — These cavities become the infraseptal cavity (if the adult. Ventral* mesentery. — The ventral mesentery of the Actinotrocha no doubt becomes the mes- entery in the adult which Cori calls the " hauptmesenterium " and which Benham names the "oesophageal" ami "■rectal" mesenteries. Mesenteries are present in the very young Phoronis (just after the completion of the metamorphosis), which are found in the exact position that one would expect the ventral mesentery of the Actinotrocha to assume after metamorphosis. Ikeda's figures indicate that he considers the longitudinal mesenteries of the very young Phoronis to he tin' same as the ventral mesentery of the Actinotrocha, for he gives them the same name. We can not oiler any observation on the origin of the lateral mesenteries of the, adult except that they are not present in the very young Phoronis that we have examined. They undoubtedly arise later in the life history. Stomach div( rticida. — This structure is not present in the Actmotrocha Species A., so we are not able to give any information on the subject. It seems to be the general opinion among those who have studied the metamorphosis that it does not persist as an organ in the adult. Digestivi areas. While these organs persist for some little time after metamorphosis, they are not evident as organs in the adult Phoronis architecta. Nephridia. -Caldwell (:!), Ikeda (9), Longehamps (12), and Menon.(17) have all observed the change in position of the larval nephridial canals which is due to the changes taking place during the critical period of the metamorphosis, and it is a quite well-established fact that the external ends of the larval nephridial canals come to be situated near the anal opening. .lust after the critical period a cross section through the anterior end of the young Phoronis cuts the transverse septum (" diaphragm, " "collar trunk mesentery"), which runs obliquely and passes through the supraseptal and infraseptal cavities. It shows a transverse section through the nephridial canals, which are still attached to the mesentery, as in the Actinotrocha. Following the sections anteriorly, the canals are seen to open into the supraseptal cavity ("'larval collar cavities," " ring vessel of the adult"), and they are still found in possession of their excretory cells. Posteriorly the sections show that the nephridial canals leave the septum and pass between the wall and the mesodermal lining of the infraseptal cavity (tig. 59). At this time their external openings are situated on the lateral epidermal wall in a transverse plane which is somewhat below the transverse plane of the anus, and they are by no means as near to the latter as they are in the adult Phoronis. It is seen from this description that during the critical period there is very little change in the structure of the larval nephridia or in their position, although the evagination of the ventral pouch and the drawing in of the ectoderm of the trunk to form the end of the rectum causes the anus to become rather closely approximated to the external nephridial openings. Caldwell (•>) says that the whole of the larval nephridial canals remains as the paired nephridia of the adult, while Ikeda thinks it probable that only the parts of the nephridial canals lying in the wall of the trunk persist. He assumes that the nephridial funnels of the adult, which both open into the infraseptal cavity, are secondary outgrowths of the above remnants of the nephridial canals. As the metamorphosis continues, sections show that the excretory cells and that part of the nephridial canals situated in the larval body cavity have become obliterated, together with the portion of the nephridial canals running in the septum. While we do not wish to deny that the remnants of the nephridial canals and their external openings, situated originally in the trunk cavity of the Actinotrocha, become part of the nephridia of the adult, yet in the stage under consideration they could not be found. So far as we know, Ikeda is the only investigator who has given us figures illustrating the relation between the larval nephridia and the nephridia of the adult. While his tig. Qie shows the larval nephridial canals, his tig. 66, which is a cross MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 10 1 section througb the anterior end of a young Phor&nis and which .shows a section through the young nephridium of tin1 adult, doc- nol prove thai he is dealing with the same structure. Vascular system. It will be remembered that the vascular system of the fully developed Actmotrocka Specie- A. consisted of a dorsal blood vessel (ties. 51 f, g, h) running along the median line of the stomach from the dorsal insertion of the mesentery, between the collar and trunk. t«> the posterior end of the stomach, its lumen being a part id' the segmentation <-a\ ity; a hunch of blood caeca formed at the posterior end of the stomach as e\ aginations of its splanchnic mesodermal covering and a loose sac of mesodermal tissue arising on the somatic wall of the collar segment and inclosing the larval collar cavity (ties. 50, 51,/, g, k). (See below for discussion of the " post-oral ring sinus," ventral vessel and the ki ring sinus" at the junction of the stomach and intestine.) There are several important points in the vascular system of the Actinotrocha which must be taken into account in order to understand its metamorphosis into the vascular system of the voung Pkoronis. First, that the dorsal blood vessel, which is formed from the splanchnic meso- dermal lining of the trunk cavity, incloses a part of the space between the lining and the wall of the alimentary canal — i. e., the segmentation cavity — second, that this vessel dwindles away pos- teriorly and opens into the space between the lining and the wall of the alimentary canal; third, that the wall of the stomach in the collar segment is practically free from mesodermal lining (ties. 51 Ikeda has pointed out, the efferent vessel of the adult corresponds to the ventral vessel which Masterman (15) and Roule (20) have found in the Actinotrocha before metamorphosis. In all the completely metamorphosed Aetinnl\ rarely do the tubes project a hove the surface of the sand as Andrews ( 1) has described, and in these cases the condition was due to disturbances of the surface of the sand, such as hollows made by Oallinectes. Usually the upper end of the tube is from 3 to 5 cm. below the surface of the sand. The average length of these tubes is 13 cm., and the average width a little over 1 mm. The adult when removed from its tube is about 1 mm. in diameter in the posterior one-third, and slightly less in the anterior two-thirds (fig. 61 ). The length of specimens taken out of the tubes varies with the amount of contraction from 20 to 25 mm., which figures are considerably lower than the length given by Andrews (about 50 mm.). The specimens which Andrews described must have been considerably more extended than any we have preserved. When the animal is in its natural habitat and undisturbed, however, it is capable of great extension, stretching the whole length of the tube and even considerably farther, so that its lophophoral end may project above the surface of the sand and reach for some considerable distance along its surface. We have not been able to preserve specimens in their extended condition, and they usually contract to from 20 to 25 mm. in length. The anterior two-thirds of the living specimen has a flesh color, while the posterior one-third i- dark-yellowish red and quite opaque, which is due to the fact that the gonads and blood caeca arc situated in this region. In preserved specimens, the body wall is annulated (fig. 61), but such is not the case probably in the fully extended individual. The crown of tentacles is quite simple compared to the crown of tentacles in P. austraMs, P. Jmskii, and P. pacifica. A cross section shows that it is crescentric and that the ends are not spirally coiled (figs. 62. 63, 64). Andrews (1) lias given us a description of the principal points in the anatomy of l'h<>r<>nix architecta, which he has undoubtedly made brief because of the resemblance to the anatomy of Phoronis australis as described by Benham. (2). In general our observations agree with those of Andrews, but there are a few points which merit discussion. Lophophoral organs. — These peculiar organs (fig. 62) have been observed in several different species of Phoronis, and although functions for them have been suggested, the observations do not seem to have extended over a long enough period in the adult life of the worm to warrant a definite statement as to their function. The lophophoral organs (tig. 62) lie one on each side of the median line within the concavity of the lophophore. They are outgrowths from the base of the inner row of tentacles, and. in 8ome species at least, are quite conspicuous organs, but they do not arise until the Phoronis has reached its adult size. Organs located in the above region have been described for eight species, but the size and shape do not seem to be the same in all. Whether these differences are specific or whether the observations have been made at different periods in the adult life it is hard to say. Lophophoral organs like those present in Phoronis architt eta arc found in /'. psammophila, P. pacifica, J', rnulleri, and, no doubt, in some other species also. It seems, however, prob- able from the description of the anatomy of P. huskii and /'. the lophophoral organs. Mcintosh (14), working with /'. buskii, considers that they are sensory in function, while Masterman (16), who has studied the same species, says that they are glandular and that they give rise to mucus which serves to hold the embryos together in masses. In other words, he consider- them to be "subsidiary repro- ductive organs." Benham (2), who worked on P. australis, and Cori (4), who investigated /'. psammophila, both give these organs a glandular function, while Andrews (1) thinks that 104 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. in /'. architecta they are used in building- the tubes. H. B. Torrey (22) has made the interest- ing observation that in some specimens of P. pacifica the lophophoral organs are like those in /'. mis! riil 'is, while in others they are like those in /'. iirrliiti develop testes and lophophoral organs, and thus we have individuals with lophophoral organs and testes occurring at the same time of the year as individuals without lophophoral organs and with ovaries. While there is do absolute proof, the upper part at least of the lophophoral organs prob- ably functions as a kind of seminal receptacle. We are led to this conclusion by these facts: First, that the organs appear only when the testes are present; second, that large bunches of spermatozoa have been found in the body cavity, in the nephridia, and in the cavitj* of the lopho- phoral organs; and, third, that there are ciliated grooves leading from the nephridial pores to the cavities of the lophophoral organs. Vascular system. — Nearly all of the early investigators of the anatomy of Phoronis recognize the existence of an efferent and afferent vessel which are in connection with vessels running up into the tentacles. Caldwell's (3) description, although brief, is complete, and differs very little from later ones. Cori's (-1) account seems to be about the same as Caldwell's; however, he recognizes one ring vessel instead of two and describes in more detail the relation between the tentacular vessels and the ring vessel. In Phoronis austral/is, Benham (2) finds the circulatory system much the same as Caldwell does in the form that he worked on. Practically the only point of difference is that he describes the tentacular vessels as dividing into two branches, one opening into the distributing vessel (inner) and the other into the recipient vessel (outer). Andrews (1) finds that the vascular system of P. architecta, as far as he has determined, is like that of /'. australis, while Ikeda (9) says that Benham's description holds good for /'. ijimai and P. hippocrepia. A transverse section through the lophophoral crown of /'. arvhitecta (fig. 63) shows that the cavity of each tentacle contains a blood vessel which is attached to the inner surface of the wall. At the base of the tentacles a cross section shows that there are two blood vessels running parallel to one another through most of their course around the cavity of the lophophore (tigs. 65 to 71). These vessels are distinct, although closely applied to one another, thus differing from what Cori finds in /'. psammophila. The outer vessel and inner vessel (figs. 65, 66) are, respec- tively, the "recipient" and " distributing" vessels which Benham describes. In tig. 83 is shown a ci'o-s section through the base of the tentacles. Throughout most of the section the tentacular vessels open into the outer or recipient vessel, but at one end the tentacular vessels open into the inner or distributing vessel. This section, together with sections anterior and posterior to it, show conclusively that the tentacular vessel has two separate openings, one into the distribu- ting vessel, the other into the recipient vessel, and that the distributing and recipient vessels are completely separate. A longitudinal section through the anterior end of Phoronis architecta shows conclusively that the tentacular vessel divides into two branches, one opening into the recipient vessel and the other into the distributing vessel. A little moi-e posteriorly the ring-like distributing vessel opens into a median longitudinal vessel lying between the oesophagus and rectum but close to the wall of the former (tigs. 67, 68). This vessel, which is the afferent vessel, pierces the transverse septum (tig. 69) and runs posteriori}* (within the rectal or posterior chamber) between the two arms of the alimentary canal. At the point where the vessel passes through the septum there is a thick layer of muscle fibres surrounding flic former which undoubtedly has the power of shutting off the blood supplj to the tentacles and which may be very necessary to prevent the animal from bleeding to death when the lophophoral crown is cast away (tigs. 68 to 71). The two sides of the ring-like recipient vessel do not pass into a single vessel while they are within the supraseptal cavitj (tigs. ti7 to 71), but after they have pierced the transverse septum the right side of the ring is seen to pass diagonally across the (esophagus and to meet the left side of the ring (figs. 75 to 7S). From this point the two becom< vessel, the efferent vessel, which runs posteriorly within the left body cavity. In the posterior part of the body, where the alimentary canal makes a loop, the efferent and afferent vessels are continuous and open into 106 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. a sinus around the stomach. Along most of the course of the efferent vessel blood ceca are given off. and a large bunch also arises from the sinus. Nervous system.— We have found that the nervous system of the Actmotrocha is more highh developed in some species than in others and that it is subepidermal in character. In the different species of the adult we also find that there is considerable difference in the degree of development of the nervous system and that it is largely subepidermal. Caldwell (3) was the first to give a good description of the nervous system, although Kowalevsky (11) recognized the existence of a lateral nerve and ganglion. Caldwell found the cing nerve, a hollow nerve cord on the left side, and he speaks of two ciliated pits consisting of nerve cells, ganglion, and nerve fibres. The description is so brief, that one can not say whether or not the ganglion that he speaks of represents the ganglion that Kowalevsky (11) and Cori (4) describe. Benham (2) finds no ganglion in P. austiraUs, but describes two small areas which, it seems probable, are the same as Caldwell's " ciliated pits." He is the first to recognize the existence of a lateral nerve on the right side as well as on the left, and he finds a nerve ring with a nerve to each tentacle arising from it. Cori (4) describes a definite ganglion, a lateral nerve on the left side only and tentacular nerves. He is the onlj- investigator who has published anything on the distribution of the ner- vous tissue in the lophophoral organ. Andrews (1). Torrey (22), and Ikeda (9) have given very brief descriptions of the nervous system, but the two former recognize the existence of a short lateral nerve on the right side as well as a long one on the left side, while the latter speaks of a so-called brain ganglion and nerve ring. The account which Andrews gives of the nervous system of P. wchiteeba is very brief, since his paper deals only with the description of a new species. He only speaks of the lateral nerve and makes no mention of a brain ganglion, ring nerve, tentacular nerves, or nerves to the lophophoral organ. In general our observations on the lateral nerve of P. a/rchitecta agree with those of Andrews and Torrey. The lateral nerve of the left side is quite conspicuous and extends from the anterior end to a point about one-third from the posterior end of the animal. It runs along the lateral body wall until it is almost in the region of the transverse septum, then it gradually passes obliquely upward in close proximity to the left nephridial canal, and finally is seen embedded in the ectoderm at the side of the anal papilla. From this point it passes around the base of the anal papilla between the anus and the mouth, and then it begins to take the same course close to the nephridial tube on the right side as it did on the left side, but it soon grows much smaller in diameter and finally disappears (tigs. 78 to 67). A longitudinal section passing through the mouth and aims shows the relation which the nerve cord bears to the ganglion and nerve ring (fig. 84). Cori (4) figures such a section through P. psammophila, but he seems to have overlooked the nerve cord or axis cylinder in this region. It is closely associated with the cells of the ganglion and lies just a little, below the latter. In an oral direction from the ganglion is seen a section through the nerve ring. If a cross section (fig. 85) is taken through the ganglion so as to cut longitudinally through the nerve cord and if the section is stained deeply with iron hsematoxylin and eosin, it will show plainly that there is no cavity in the cord, but that it is made up of a mass of fibres surrounded by a nucleated sheath. Caldwell (3) considers the structure to he a hollow nerve cord; Benham (2) says that it has semifluid contents and that he has been unable to make out any punctated nerve substance; and Cori (4) states that it is an axis cylinder. We have endeavored to find some connection between the cord and the ganglion, but have not been very successful. In the region of the ganglion — i. e., between the mouth and the anus — the sheath of the nerve cord does not seem to differ in thickness or character from the same structure in other parts. The cells of the ganglion, however, send out processes which in sections are frequently seen applied to the sheath, but no connection between the fibres of the nerve ring and those of the cord could be made out. MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 107 Kowalevsky (11), Cori (4), ami Torrey (22) have all found the nerve ganglion, while Benhain (•_') denies its existence in /'. avstralis. It undoubtedly exists in /'. architecta, is situated at the base of the anal papilla between the anus and the mouth, and lies above the nerve cord between the anal papilla and the nerve ring (fig. 84). The ganglion consists of nerve fibres and nerve cells and the latter have at least two processes. While it is a definite structure back of the anal papilla, on the sides it diminishes in size until its cells become indistinguishable from those of the nerve ring. In fact, all of the ectoderm forming the sides of the groove between the anal papilla and the base of the lophophore is rich in nerve fibres and cells. The nerve line' follows the base of the lophophore on the outer side throughout its extent, and in the inner part of the horseshoe it is quite rich in nerve cells whose processes can be seen penetrating into the mass of fibres (figs. 67 to 74). This ring represents the collar nerve ring of the Actinotrocha. There is a definite tract of nervous tissue running up the inner side of the tentacle, but we are not prepared to say that it is a nerve running from the ring, although it is nervous tissue which is undoubtedly continuous with that of the nerve ring. Cori (4) has carefully studied the anatomy of the lophophoral organ of /'. psammophila and we have nothing to add to his description at present. We are also unprepared to say whether or not the second layer of the lophophoral organ consists of nerve cells. As he has described, they have long prolongations which extend from the cells of the inner layer to the outer, and these processes form a rather marked layer just below the epidermis on the outer surface of the organ. At the base of the lophophoral organ these prolongations seem to be intimately associated with nerve fibres which can be traced to the nerve ring. Throughout the body wall of the trunk there is a subepidermal layer of nervous tissue. Nephridia. —We have nothing newto add concerning the adult nephridia, but our observations on P. architecta confirm those of Benham (2) for P. austraUs. The nephridial canals lie embedded in the ectodermal wall in the region of the rectum. Each opens to the exterior through a pore at the side of the anal papilla. Following the canal from the nephridial pore, we see that it passes downward — i. e., posteriorly — for a short distance and then bends upon itself running upward parallel to the descending arm. A short distance above the bend it opens by one funnel into the lateral body cavity (tig. 72) and by another into the rectal body cavity (tig. 70). Reproductivt <>rlit. 108 MEMOIKS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. The "primitive streak" of Caldwell does not seem to be present in the larva of P. architecta. The "nephridial pit" is of ectodermal origin. The mesoderm arises, for the most part, from the lips of the blastopore. Archenteric diverticula are not present in the larva of /'. architecta, but there is a sac-like formation of mesoderm cells in the anterior end which forms the lining of the preoral lobe and which gives rise to a mesentery between the lobe and collar cavities. The lining of the collar cavity does not arise from a mesodermal sac. It is formed by isolated mesoderm cells which arrange themselves on the somatic wall leaving the splanchnic wall practically without any lining. In the larva of /'. architt eta the mesodermal lining of the trunk cavity is complete, covering both the somatic and splanchnic walls, and it seems probable that it arises from cells forming the base of the nephridial diverticula. There is a mesentery between the cavities of the trunk and collar. A stomodseum and proctodeum are not present. The blastopore becomes the mouth, the anus arises quite late in the early life of the embryo, and the rectum is formed as an outgrowth of the blind end of the archenteron. The nephridial canals, at least, have their origin in a single median pit which soon branches into two intercellular tubes. We have not found anv evidence that the excretory cells of the nephridia are formed from free mesoderm cells attaching themselves to the blind end of the nephridial canals. The " neuropore" and "subneural gland," which Masterman has described, do not exist in the Actinotrocha examined, although imperfectly preserved specimens show unusual structures which might lie taken for these organs. Masterman's "subneural sinus" is not present either, although there is a space below the ganglion which is free from mesodermal strands. The "atrial grooves''' which Masterman says exist are present in the larvae we have studied, but we can not consider that they have the signifi- cance that he assigns to them. Occasionally grooves are found which might be comparable to Masterman's "oral grooves, '" but they are due to imperfect fixation. The stomach diverticula exist in one species that we have examined, but they do not impress us as being of notochordal nature, as Koule and Masterman have claimed. There is a subepidermal layer of nervous tissue throughout the body. Extending anteri- orly from the ganglion, which is situated on the median dorsal surface of the hood, are three longitudinal nerves, which finally become continuous with a nervous ring running around the edge of the hood. From the posterior side of the ganglion two parallel tracts of nerve fibres issue and pass posteriorly along the dorsal collar wall until they reach the circle of tentacles, where most of them follow the line of insertion of the collar trunk mesentery, and give rise to a collar nerve ring. The nerve fibres from the edge of the preoral hood do not pass up to the ganglion from the point of attachment of the hood on to the collar wall, as Masterman has described, but they make a sharp turn, running posteriorly and obliquely along the lateral and ventral wall of the collar, where they form two definite nerve tracts which become lost in the region of the collar nerve ring. While there may be nerve fibres passing from the ganglion out in all directions over the surface of the hood, we have not been able to make them out, nor do we find any definite nervous tract running along the dorsal or ventral wall of the trunk segment. There is one pair of retractor muscles extending from the region of the ganglion to the collar walls, in the region of the first and second pairs of tentacles, and besides these, in one Actinotrocha that we have examined, there is another pair extending from the sides of the ganglion to the. ventral w all of the hood. In this latter Actinotrocha there is an extensive layer of muscle fibres in the wall of the hood and also a ring of fibres around the edge of the latter. A pair of longitudinal muscle tracts extend from the region of the ganglion, along the dorsal wall of the Actinotrocha, to the perianal ring, and there is a similar pair of tracts extending along the ventral wall of the collar and trunk. A ring of muscle fibres run parallel with the ring nerve, between the collar and trunk segments. Beside these muscle tracts there is a layer of circular fibres in MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 109 the \v:ill of the collar and trunk, lying between the longitudinal fibres and the ectoderm. There is also a covering of muscle cells on the ventral pouch and on the wall of the dorsal blood vessel. The nephridia have much the same structure as those of Amphioxus, as described by Good- rich. In one of the Actinotrocha from Beaufort Harbor the nephridial canal branches, but in the other it does not. Nephridial funnels do not exist, but the ends of the canals open into tubular cells, and the lumen of each cell contains a flagellum. The nephridial canals open to the exterior. at the sides of the orifice of the ventral pouch. The. nephridia, which Masterman describes for the preoral hood and trunk, are not present in any Actinotrocha that we have examined. The blood vessels of the Actinotrocha are formed from the splanchnic mesodermal lining and t hey inclose part of the blastoccele. There is a dorsal blood vessel opening (J) anteriorly into the space between the stomach wall and the splanchnic lining. At the posterior end of the stomach, where the dorsal vessel ends, there are csecal vessels formed as evaginations of the mesodermal lining of the stomach. The dorsal vessel becomes the afferent vessel of the adult, while the efferent vessel does not arise until just after metamorphosis. The collar cavity, which is a part of the blastoccele, becomes the ring vessels and tentacular vessels of the adult. There is no connection between the dorsal blood vessel and Masterman's "subneural sinus." The blood corpuscles arise from the somatic mesodermal lining of the ventro-lateral collar wall just in front of the septum. They make their appearance as two masses of cells bilaterally placed, one on each side of the median ventral line, and as they develop they migrate across the collar cavity and become applied to the naked walls of the stomach. The rudiment of the supraseptal or collar cavity of the adult makes its appearance in about the same region as do the blood corpuscles but a little later in the life history of the Actinotrocha. During metamorphosis the following organs are lost: The preoral lobe, the ganglion, and the larval tentacles. The ectodermal wall of the collar cavity, the stomach diverticula, the digestive areas, and the perianal ciliated ring are not destroyed, but they lose their identity. The subepidermal nervous layer of the trunk and ventral pouch becomes part of the same tissue in the adult, but the larger part of this tissue, as well as the lateral nerve, the ganglion, and the nerves to the lophophoral organs are new formations. All of the nervous structures of the collar and trunk are lost during metamorphosis, except the collar trunk nerve ring, which persists as the nerve ring of the adult. The ventral mesentery becomes the (esophageal and rectal mesenteries of the adult, and the cavities of the trunk and ventral pouch are transformed into the infraseptal cavity. At least the greater part of the nephridia is lost during metamorphosis. The lophophoral organs arise late in the adult life and are present only in individuals which are with testes and without ovaries. They probably serve as seminal receptacles. The vascular system of the adult consists of an efferent and afferent vessel, which are continuous posteriorly by means of a sinus around the loop of the alimentary canal; of caeca! \ essels as outgrowths from the afferent vessel and the blood sinus; of a distributing and recip- ient ring vessel, the former opening into the afferent vessel and the latter into the efferent vessel ; and of tentacular vessels, each of which divides into two short branches, one opening into the distributing vessel and the other into the recipient vessel. There is a ciliated ridge extending along part of the inner wall of the alimentary canal. The nervous system of the adult is to a great extent subepidermal. There is a nerve with a nucleated sheath extending along the left side of the animal. Anteriorly it bends around the anal papilla and continues a- a short nerve on the right side. There is a ganglion between the mouth and anus. -V nerve ring extend-, around the base of the lophophore and i! gives off nerves to the lophophoral organs. There is nervous tissue in the walls of the tentacles. The excretory organs are paired and each nephridium consists of a tube bent upon itself. One end opens to the exterior, while the other is continued into two funnels, one communicating with the rectal and the other with the lateral body cavity. The reproductive organs arise from the lining of the csecal blood vessels, and the male organs develop at a different time from those id' the female. Johns Hopkins University, March, 1.904- REFERENCES. 1. Andrews, E. A. On a New American Species of the Remarkable Animal Phoronis. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 6th series, vol. 5, L890. 2. Benham, W, B. Tlic Anatomy of Phoronis Australis. Quart. Journ. Micro. Science, new series, vol. 30, 1889. ;'. Caldwell, W. II. Preliminary Note on the Structure, Development, and Affinities of Phoronis. Proc. of the Hoy. Soc, vol. 34, 1882-1883. 3a. Caldwell, W. H. Blastopore, Mesoderm, and Metameric Segmentation. Quart. Journ. Micro. Science, vol. 25, 1885. 4. Com, C. .1. [Jntersuchung fiber die Anatomie und Histologie der Gattung Phoronis. Zeit. fur Wiss. Zoologie, vol. 51, 1891. 5. Foettingeh, A. Note sur la- Formation du Mesoderme dans la Larva de Phoronis hippocrepia. Arch, de Biologie, vol. 3, 1882. 6. Goodrich, E. S. On the Structure of the Excretory Organs of Amphioxus. Quart. Journ. Micro. Science, vol. 45, 1902. Oa. Goodrich, E. S. On the Body Cavities and Nephridia of the Actinotrocha Larva. Quart. Journ. Micro. Science, vol. 47, 1903. 7. Harmer, S. P. Appendix to Report on Cephalodiscus dodecalophus, by W. C. M'Intosh. Chal. Report, vol. 20 — Zoology. 8. Hatschek, B. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. 1888-1893. 9. Ikeda, I. Observations on the Development, Structure, and Metamorphosis of Actinotrocha. Journ. of the Col. of Sci., Imperial Univ. Japan, vol. 13, pt. 4, 1901. 10. Ikeda, I. On the Development of the Sexual Organs and of their Products in Phoronis. Annot. Zoo. Japan, vol. 4, pt. 4, 1903. 11. Kowalevsky, A. Anatomy and Development of Phoronis. St. Petersburg, 1867. See Arch, fur Naturgesch., vol. 2, 1807; Leuckart's Bericht. 12. Loxgchamps, M. de Selys. Recherches sur le Developpement des Phoronis. Arch, de Biologie, vol. 18, 1902. 13. Longchamps, M. de Selys. Beitrage zur Meeresfauna von Helgoland. Oldenburg, 1903. 14. M'Ixtosh, W. C. Report on Phoronis buskii. Chal. Report, vol. 27. 15. Masterman, A. T. On the Diplochorda. Quart. Journ. Micro. Science, vol. 40, 1897. It;. Masterman, A. T. On the Diplochorda: III. The Early Development and Anatomy of Phoronis buskii .M'Intosh. Quart. Journ. Micro. Science, vol. 43, 1900. 16a. M vsterman, A. T. Review of Mr. Iwaji Ikeda's Observations on the Development, Structure, and Metamor- phosis of Actinotrocha. Quart. Journ. Micro. Science, vol. 45, 1902. 166. Masterman, A. T. Professor Roule upon the Phoronidea. Zool. Anz., No. 642, 1901. 17. Menon, K. R. Notes on Actinotrocha. Quart. Journ. Micro. Science, vol. 45, 1902. 18. Meisi iimkoi i , E. Dbei die Metamorphose einiger Seethiere. III. Uber Actinotrocha. Zeit. fur Wiss. Zoologie, vol. 21, 1871. 19. Miller, J. Bericht iiber einige neue Thierformen der Nordsee. Arch, fiir Anat. und Physiol., 1840. 20. Roule, L. Etude sur le Developpement Embryonnaire des Phoronidiens. Ann. des Sci. Naturelles de Zoologie, 8th series, vol. 11, 12, 1900-1901. ■_'l. Si m it/. E. Uber Mesodermbildung bei Phoronis. Trav. Soc. Natural. St. Petersburg, vol. 28, 1897. 22. Torrey, II. B. On Phoronis paciflca, sp. nov. Bio. Bui., vol. 2, No. 6, 1901. I'M. W vgener, K. Uber den Bau der Actinotrocha branchiata. Arch, fiir Anat. und Phys., 1847. 24. Wilson, I'.. B. The Origin and the Significance of the Metamorphosis of Actinotrocha. Quart. Joum. Micro. Science, vol. 21, 1881. 25. Schultz, K." Aus deiii Gebiete der Regeneration. III. Uber Regenerationserscheinungen bei Phoronis miilleri Sel. Long. Zeit. fur Wiss. Zoo., Bd. 75, 1903. 26. Chvi.es, R. I'. Origin and Fate of the Body Cavities and the Nephridia of the Actinotrocha. Johns Hopkins University Circular, April, 1!>04. 27. Cowles, R. 1'. Origin and Fate of the Blood Vessels and Blood Corpuscles of the Actinotrocha. Zoo. Anz., Bd. XXVII. No. 19, vom. 3. Juni 1904. a Keceive< I after completion of paper. Ill REFERENCE LETTERS FOR FIGUKES. r. b r. c r. d v in ;i anus. a. c. c adult collar cavity (Ikeda ). af. v afferent blood vessel. a], c alimentary canal. a. p anal papilla. art ' artefact. a. t adult tentacle. a. t. m transverse septum of adult. I>. c blood corpuscles. l>. c. m blood corpuscle masses. b. t basement tissue ( Benham). cse blood caecum. c. c collar cavity. eg ciliated groove i Andrews). c. w collar wall. d. a digestive area. d. m. t dorsal muscle tract. d. v dorsal vessel (afferent). d. ve distributing vessel. ef. v efferent vessel. eg egg. e. h edge of hood. ep epistome. ex. c excretory cell. fl flagellum. g ganglion. g. c ganglion cell. g. in. c giant mesoderm cell. in. c infraseptal cavity. int intestine. hit. n lateral nerve. 1. 1. c left lateral cavity. 1. 1. in left lateral mesentery. 1. 1. n lateral longitudinal nerve. 1. in longitudinal muscle. 1. r. in ring muscle tract of lobe. 1. r. n ring nerve tract of lobe. 1. t larval tentacle. m mesoderm. ill.1 mesentery between preoral lobe and collar cavities. m.'' mesentery between collar and trunk cavities. m. c. in mesodermal cell mass giv- ing rise to blood corpus- cles. in. f muscle liber. m. 1. n median longitudinal nerve. m. s mesodermal sac of preoral lobe. n. c nephridial canal. neph nephi'idiuni. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. neph. o nephridial opening. n. f nerve liber. n. f.1 nephridial funnel into rec- tal body cavity. n. f.2 nephridial funnel into lat- eral body cavity. n. p nephridial pit. nu nuclei of ciliated cells of perianal ring. oes. in (esophageal mesentery. p. an. s perianal space. pig pigment. p. o. c preoral body cavity. p. o. 1 preoral lobe. p. r perianal ring. p. re posterior recess (Ikeda). subneural sinus (Master- nian). r rectum. ...ring blood vessel. ...rectal cavity. ...rudimentary dorsal mesen- tery. ret retractor muscle. r. he right lateral cavity. r. m rectal mesentery. r. n ring nerve. r. ve recipient vessel. sen. p sensory papilla. sp. in sphincter muscle. st stomach. sup. c supraseptal cavity. t tentacle. t. b. v tentacular blood vessel. t. c trunk cavity. th ventral thickening of ecto- derm. t. in. t tentacular ring muscle tract. t. n. t tentacular ring nerve tract. t, r tentacular ridge. v vestibule. ves glandular vesicles in ecto- derm. v. in ventral mesentery. v. in. t ventral muscle tract. v. n. t ventral nerve tract. v. p ventral pouch. v. p. o ventral pouch opening. v. v ventral blood vessel (effer- ent i. v. w. h ventral wall of hood. The objectives used in this work are the \ and \ Spencer and the ,'. Zeiss Oil Immersion. The OCCUlares used are the •' <4"and" < 8 " Spencer and the No. 12 Zeiss Compensating. PLATE I. 115 PLATE I. Fig. 1. — Transverse section through nephridium of adult, fa Ob. X 4 Or. Camera. X440. Fig. l\ — Unsegmented egg with one polar body. (From life.) ! Oh. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 360. Fig. 3. — Two-cell stage, showing equal blastomeres. (From life. ) J Ob. X8 0c. Camera. X360. Fig. 4. — Two-cell stage, showing unequal blastomeres. (From life.) J Ob. X8 0c. Camera. X 360. Fig. 5. — Beginning of two-cell stage. (From life. ) 5 Ob. X 8 Oc. Camera. X360. Fig. 6. — Section through two-cell stage. Chromosomes have lost their identity and granular vesicles have made their appearance. Granular character of the yolk only shown in part of one blastomere. fa Oil Immersion. > 8 0c. Camera. ■ 704. Fig. 7.— Beginning of four-cell stage. (From life.) I Ob. X8 0c. Camera. X 860. Fig. 8. — Four-cell stage, showing polar furrow. (From life.) 'Ob. X 8 Oc. Camera. X360. Fig. 8a. — Section through four-cell stage, showing granular vesicles which make their appearance after the dis- appearance of the chromosomes, j'j Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. Fig. 9. — Four-cell stage passing into eighth-cell stage. Seen from above and showing the twisting of the blasto- meres. I Ob. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 360. Fig. 10. — Eight-cell stage, showing rotation of blastomeres. (From life.) I Ob. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 360. FlG. 11, — Section of eight-cell stage ready for sixteen-cell stage. Position of mitotic figures indicate meridional divi- sion, fa Oil Immersion. XSOe. Camera. X 7(14. Fig. 12. — Young blastula showing "blastocrele pore." (From life.) 5 Ob. X 8 Oc. Camera. X360. Fig. 13.— Section through young blastula showing blastoccele pore. iV Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. 116 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL X PLATE I. Kit.'. :t. Fig. 8. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. i). Fig. 10. Pig - Pig. 13. 1 PHORONIS ARCHITECTA PLATE II. Vol. 10— No. 4—05 i n: PLATE II. Fig. 14.— Optical section of an old blastula. (From life.) J Ob. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 360. Fig. 11". — Section through an old blastula showing endodermal bodies in blastoccele. fa Oil Immersion. X 8 Or. Camera. ;• 704. Fig. 15.— Longitudinal section through older blastula than that of fig. 14k Bhowing proliferation of endoderm cells. rV Oil Immersion. ■ 8 0c. Camera. X 704. Fig. 15a. — Transverse section through a gastrula which is just beginning to gastrulate. Taken through ganglionic thickening, fa Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. Fig. L56. — Transverse- section through same specimen as that of fig. L5a. Taken through the middle of the gastrula. [■', ( )il Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. Fig. 16. — Longitudinal section through a gastrula which has begun to elongate. -,', Oil Immersion. >. s Oc. Camera. X 704. Fig. 16a. — Transverse section through anterior end of a gastrula which was a little younger than that of fig. 16. Taken just back of the ganglion. fa Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. ■ 704. Fig. 166. — Transverse section through same specimen as that of fig. 16a. Taken just in front of anterior end of the archenteron. Shows mesoderm arising from the latter. jV Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. Fig. 1 tic. — Continuation of above series. Taken through anterior part of archenteron. fa Oil Immersion. X8 Oc. Camera. X 704. Fig. 10'/. — Continuation of above series. Taken through middle of archenteron. TV Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. Fig. 16e. — Continuation of above series. Taken through posterior part of archenteron. fa Oil Immersion. X8 0c. Camera. X 704. Fig. 16/.- Continuation of above series. Taken through the region where the lips of the blastopore are closing up. i iil Immersion. • 8 0c. Camera. X 704. Fig. Hi;;. — Horizontal section through a gastrula of the same age as that of liu'. 16. ,'. < >il Immersion. • s Oc. Camera. X 704. Fig. 17. — Transverse section through a gastrula showing peculiar granular cells arising from the endoderm. rV Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. 118 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL. X. PLATE FIB. 18 (o) Fig-- 17. PHORONIS ARCHTECTA "FS.Stl. PLATE III. 119 PLATE III. Fig. 17'/.— Same as fig. 17, showing one of the peculiar cells set free in the blastoccele. fa Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. Fin. 18. — Transverse section through the anterior end of a young larva, which is slightly younger than the specimen nf which fig. 19 is a longitudinal section. Blastopore is slightly oval in outline. Taken through the ganglion, /.oil Immersion, x 8 Oc. Camera. ■ 704. Fig. 18a. — Continuation of above series. Taken just in front of archenteron. fa Oil Immersion. • 80c. Camera. X 7(14. Fig. 186. —Continuation of above series. Taken through anterior part of blastopore, fa Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. • 704 Fig. I8e. Continuation of above series. Taken through posterior part of blastopore, fas Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. ■ 704. Fig. 18d. — Continuation of above series. Taken immediately posterior to the blastopore. Lips have grown together and there is a straight furrow corresponding to Caldwell's "primitive groove." faOU Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. Fig. 18e. — Continuation of above series. Taken posteriorly to section 18d. No sign of Caldwell's " primitive groove or streak." -fa- Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera, x 704. Fu;. 18/. — Horizontal section through same stage as 18 a, b, c, etc. fa i lil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. Fig. 19. — Sagittal section through larva which is a little older than that of series 18 a, b, c, etc. Shows mesodermal preoral sac. TV Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. • 7(i4. • Fig. 20.— Sagittal section through a larva somewhat older than that of fig. 19. Blastopore has become circular again, but much smaller than originally, fa- Oil Immersion. X 8 Or. Camera. X 704. lui,. 20a. — Transverse section through larva of same age as that of fig. 20. Taken just posterior to the ganglion. fa Oil Immersion: • 8 0c. Camera. X 704. Fig. 206. — Continuation of series. Taken through blastopore. fa oil Immersion. 8 0c. Camera. X 704. Fig. 20 < ontinuation of series. Taken just posterior to the blastopore. .Slight indication of groove, fa Oil Immersion. ■ 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. Fig. 20d.— Continuation of series. Taken near posterior end of larva. No groove, fa Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. ■ 7m. Fig. 20e.— Horizontal section through a larva of the same age as that of figs. 20 a, 6, etc. Shows mesodermal sac with posterior prolongations, fa Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. 120 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. VOL X PLATE Big. 17 («) Fig. 18. Fig. 16 Fig. 18 (6) Fig. 18 (c) Big. 18 {d) Fig. 18 (e) Fig. It). Fig. 1* /■ Fig. 20. Fig. 20 (a) Fig. ! Fig. 20 (C) Fig. 20 ( 8 0c. Camera. • 704. Fig. 29c. — Continuation of series 29«. Taken through the middle of the larva. r'3 oil Immersion. X8 < >c. Camera. X 704. Fig. 29e. — Continuation of series 29r<. Taken through the body proper and the lower part of the hood. ,'. Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. -.704. Fig. 29d. — Continuation of series 29a. Taken through body and hood near the region of the mouth. ,'_. Oil Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. Fio. 30. — Almost a sagittal section through a larva with two tentacles. TV OH Immersion. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 704. Fig. 31. — Larva with three pairs of tentacles. Outline drawing from life. J Ob. X 4 Oc. Camera. X 225. Fig. 32. — Larva with five pairs of tentacles. Outline drawing from life. 5 < >b. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 202. Fig. 33. — Larva with six pairs of tentacles. Outline drawing from life. f Ob. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 202. 124 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL X. PLATE V. Fig. 20. n.),. Fig. 28. Fig. 28 {d) p.o.l. Hi. Fig. 29 16) l.i: Fig. 28 (e t.r. Fig. 80. Fig. 81. PHORONIS ARCHITECTA :rs.Djx PLATE VI. 125 PLATE VI. Fig. 34. — Actinotroeha Species A. (Drawn from life. ) §01). X 8 Oc. Camera. X 135. Fig. 35.— Actinotrocha Species B. (Drawn from life.) § Ob. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 135. 126 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL X PLATE VI < I- O I o < w z o cr o I CL PLATE VII. 127 *s£&> ^S- VJ PLATE VII. Fig. 36. — Nervous and muscular tracts of the dorsal surface of the hood. Actinotrocha Species B. (Drawn from living specimen. ) Fm. :-!7. — Lateral view of anterior part of Aclinotrocha Species 1!., showing muscle tracts. (Drawn from living specimen. ) Fig. 38. — Longitudiual section through the ganglion of an Actinotrocha. -,'_. < >il Immersion. 12 Zeiss Occulare. Camera. X665. Fig. 39. —Section through a ganglion cell in the collar nerve ring. Actinotrocha Species B. T:,- Oil Immersion. X8l Oc. Camera. ■ 469. Fio. 40. — Transverse section through the nerve tract of the ventral collar wall. Actinotrocha Species B. -/, Oi Immersion. 12 Zeiss Occulare. Camera. X665. Fio. 41. — Transverse- section through the dorsal nerve tract where it passes down along the bases of the tentacles. Actinotrocha Species B. rV Oil Immersion. 12 Zeiss Occulare. Camera. • 665. Fig. 42. — Transverse section through the collar nerve ring. Actinotrocha Species B. yV Oil Immersion. 12 Zeiss < leonlaiv. Camera. ■ 665. Fig. 43. — Transverse section through the nerve tract around the edge of the hood. Actinotrocha Species B. r\ oil Immersion. 12 Zeiss Occulare. Camera. ■ 665. Fig. 44. — Transverse section through the hood of .1 tinotrocha Species B. Taken through the sensory papilla. Hoo.l aattenedout. ^ Ob. <40c. Camera. <300. Fig. 44a.— Continuation of scries 44. Taken through the anterior part of the ganglion, i Ob. X 4 Oc. Camera. ■ 300, Fie;. 44//. — Continuation of series 44. Taken through the ganglion which is invaginated by the action of fixing agents. I Ob. X4 0c. Camera. X300. 128 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL. X sell p. \ v.ir.li. / ret. Ii.i-.ni . ml / \ 6 Pig. 36. HI/. r.li.l. ...• • i -■/■■ Fig, 48. * * ; Fit.'. 40. •v. /.»./. /./ " *^ ,.,. (/.!»./. )>.<>.<-. III. I. II. nh^0 Fig. 39. Pig. 41 ll.lll.t. \ 1,1. f. Fig. 4:i. Pig. II. ■»./. Fiji. 44 (,•] d.m.i. si. \\\»0 Flf. 44 («) il.m.t. Kit.'. 44 (/,.) r il in Fig. 4 I ./ Fig. 1 1 - PHORONIS ARCHITECTA PLATE IX. 131 PLATE IX. Fio. 4r>. — Longitudinal section through the ganglion, showing lobe collar mesentery. Tj Oil Immersion. X4 Oc. Camera. X 293. Fig. 45a. — Longitudinal section through ganglion, showing retractor and mesentery, ,'j Oil Immersion. X 4 Oc. Camera.. X 293. Fig. 456. — Longitudinal section through the Adinotrocha, showing incomplete part of lobe collar septum. \ Ob. - X 4 Oc. t 'amera. X 200. Fig. 46. — Horizontal section through A dinotrocha Species B. ,', <>l>. ■ 4 Oc. Camera. X 200. Fig. 47. — View showing muscles of inner surface of hood. From living specimen. § Ob. x 8 Oe. Camera. Fio. 48. — Sagittal section through Actiitatmrhfi Species B. J Ob. X 4 Oc. Camera, x 150. Fig. 49. — Longitudinal section through the posterior end of Adinotrocha Species B. rV Oil Immersion. • 4 <>,•. Camera. ■ 293. Fig. 50. — Longitudinal section through Adinotrocha Species \., showing relations of larval collar cavity and adult collar cavity. ,' Ob. X 4 Oc. Camera. X 200. 132 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL X PLATE IX. ret. p.o.c. Flk'. 45 (6) Klff. 40. Fl(?. 50. PH0R0N1S ARCHITECTA PLATE X. Vol. 10— Xo. 4—05 5 • 133 PLATE X. Fig. 51. — Transverse section through Actinotrocha Species A. 225. Continuation of series 51. — Continuation of series 51. — Continuation of series 51. — ( lontinuation of series 51. — Continuation of series 51. — Continuation of series 51. --( lontinuation of scries 51. ectodermal wall. Ob Taken through ganglion. \ Ob. X4 0c. Camera. Fig. 51a. Fig. 516. Fig. 51c. Fig. 51A Fig. 51e. Fig. 51/ Fig. r»i,;. Fig. -"-I/,. Fio. 52.- Fig. 52a. Fig. 526. Fig. 52c. Fig. 52d. Fig. 52e. Fig. 52/ Fig. .vj;;. \ Ob. x 4 Oc. < 'anient. ■ 225. ■ .11, XlOc. Camera. ■ 225. ' Ob. X 4 Oe. Camera. 225. Ob 10c Camera. ■ 225. 1 Ob. ■ J Oc. Camera. X 225. i Ob. ■ 4 Oc. Camera. X 225. Showing the lining drawn away from the Taken through tin liar segment. X4 Oe. Camera. ■ 225. Continuation, of series 51. Taken through collar region just anterior to bases of the ventral tentacles. ,' lili 1 Oc. Camera. < 225. Transvefee section through the nephridial canal. Actinotrocha Species 1*>. ^ Oil Immersion. 12 Zeiss Comp. Occulare. Camera. X 1400. -Continuation of series 52. Taken through the lower branch of the nephridial canal. ,'_. < »il Immersion. 12 Zeiss Comp. Occulare. Camera, x 1400. Continuation of series 52. Taken through the end of the upper branch of the nephridial canal. rV Oil Immersion. 12 Zeiss Comp. Occulare. Camera. > 1000. Longitudinal section through one of the cellular processes at the end of the nephridium. Showing two nuclei. rV Oil Immersion. 12 Zeiss Comp. Occulare. Camera, x 1000. — Same as fig. 52c. Showing one nucleus. TV Oil Immersion. xiooo. Transverse section through the end of a process, /.nil Immersion. ■ 1000. Transverse section through the proximal half of the processes. Occulare. Camera. X 1000. tudinal section through anterior end of a nephridium. Actinotrocha Species B. t\ Oil Immersion 12 Zeiss Comp. Occulare. Camera. X1000. 134 12 Zeiss Comp. Occulare. Camera. 12 Zeis> Comp. Occulare. Camera. ,'. nil Immersion. 12 Zei>s Comp. MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL. X PLATE X ,2 a) PHORONIS ARCHITECTA PLATE XL 135 PLATE XI. Fig. ">o. — Transverse oblique section through Actinotrocha Species A. Taken through region of origin of blood • corpuscles. 14 tentacles. rV Oil Immersion. <4 0c. Camera. <293. Fig. r.4. — Transverse section through ventral cellar wall. Same specimen as that of fig. 53. Showing origin of blood corpuscles. T'j Oil Immersion. 12 Zeiss ( 'oinp. Occnlare. Camera. ■ 935. '.rocha Species B with ventral pouch evaginated. | Ob. X8 0c. Camera. X45. Fig. 56. — Actinotrocha Species A. Immediately before metamorphosis. | Ob. X40c. Camera. X56. Fig. 56a. — Actinotrocha Species A. Shortly after the beginning of metamorphosis. | Ob. X40c. Camera. X56. Fig. 566. — Metamorphosed A ctinotrocha Species A. | Ob. X4 0c. Camera. <56. Fig. 57.— Young specimen of Phoronis archiiecta ('.') with 30 tentacles. H Ob. X 4 Oc. Camera. X28. Fig. 59. — Metamorphosed Actinotrocha Species A. Transverse section through the region of the transverse septum. ,', Ob. • 8 Oc. Camera. X 240, Fig. 60. — Completely metamorphosed Actinotrocha Species A. Transverse section in region of branching of efferent vessel. J Ob. X8 0c. Camera, x 240. Fig. 61. — Adult Phoronis architects removed from tube. X8. 136 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL X PLATE XI. lit jilt. Fig. 58. „/:,: af.v. Kl«. 57. l\ J d.v. Pig. 80. 1 • '<. Pig. 54. urn ./i. Fig, 55. h.f.m. ' ,l u.t, Pig. 56. Fig. 56 (J) I'.n.l. r .. in ph. \l ""-V p.r. i.e. Pig. 58 (a) - sll/l.t. Pig. 61. Fig. 50. PHORONIS ARCHITECTA IPCowzss.fisL PLATE XII. 137 PLATE XII. Fig. 62. — Tentacular crown of Phoronis architecta. Showing lophophoral organs, epistome, and mouth. ,Drawn from a living tentacular crown which had been constricted off from the animal. X 100. 138 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL X PLATE XII. ft w .% f jj V I S~) Fig. 62 PHORONIS ARCHITECTA PLATE XIII. L39 PLATE XIII. Fig. 63. — Transverse section through Phoronis architecta. Taken through tentacles, 'j Ob. X 8 Oe. Camera. X130. Fig. 64. — Continuation of series 63. Taken near base of tentacles. | Ob. <8 0c. Camera. X130. Fig. 65. — Continuation of series 63. Taken through epistome. 'i Ob. X 8 Oe. Camera. > 130. Fig. 66. — Continuation of series 63. Taken through anal papilla. § Ob. X 8 Oe. Camera. X 130. Km. (17. — Continuation of series 63. Taken through nephridial opening. § Ob. X80e. Camera. X130. Fig. 68. — Continuation of series 63. Taken through the transverse septum and below the nephridial openings. 3 ( )b. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 130. 140 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL X. PLATE XIII. & op Fig. 63. d.ve 05. i/.n . ^. Fijr. 87. c. ( Jamera. X 130. Fig.. 71.— Continuation of series 63. Taken a little posteriorly to that of fig. 70. j| Ob. X8 0c. Camera. X 130. Fig. 72.— Continuation of series 63. Taken through the funnel opening into the lateral cavity, 'i <>b. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 130. Fig. 73. — Continuation of series 63. Taken through the loop in the nephridium. ii Ob. X80c. Camera. X130. Fig. 74. — Continuation of series 63. Taken through the oral side of the nerve ring. § Ob. X8 Oc. Camera. X130. 142 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL X PLATE XIV ill. in. I; ,,/:,: ll .11 I. Fig. 71. V Fig. 70. §~~ "/ Fig. 72. latji lat.il . Fig. 78. hit. 1 1 Fig. 74. lain. PHORONIS ARCHITECTA PLATE XA T 143 PLATE XV. Fig. 75. — Continuation of series 63, Taken a little posteriorly to that of fig. 7"*-. £ <>!>. X 8 Or. Camera. > L30. Fig. 7ii. — Continuation of series (i,;. Taken through the region where-the branches of the efferent blood vessel pass around the oesophagus. \ Ob. ■ 8 0c. Camera. ■ 130. Yu.. 77. — Continuation of series 63. Taken a little posteriorly to that of li;;. 7t>. £ Ob. X 8 Oc. Camera, x 130. Fig. 78. — Continuation of series 63. Taken a little posteriorly to that of fig. 77. s Ob. ■ s Or. Camera. ■ 130. Fig. 79. — Continuation of series 63. Longitudinal muscles begin to appear. £ Ob. < 8 Oc. Camera. X 130. Fig. 80.— Continuation of series 63. Taken a little posteriorly to that of fig. 79. | Ob. X 8 Oc. Camera. > 130. 144 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL X. PLATE XV lnt.li. Big. 'Jr.. lat.ii Fig. 76. Iilt.lt I, it. II. Fig. 78. Fig. 79. PHORONIS ARCHITECTA PLATE XVI. 145 PLATE XVI. Fig. 81. — Continuation of series 63. Taken a little posteriorly to that of fig. 80. s Ob. x 8 Oc. Camera. X 130. Fig. 82. — Continuation of scries (>:i. Typical transverse section through the middle of the trunk. 1 Ob. X 8 Oc. Camera. X 130. Fig. 83. — Longitudinal section through the recipient and distributing vessels. J Ob. X 4 Oc. Camera. X450. L46 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY Of SCIENCES, VOL X PLATE XVI Fie. 81. 1. 1. in. Fig. 82. PHORONIS ARCHITECTA PLATE XVII. 147 PLATE XVII. Fig. 84. — Longitudinal section through the anal region. Showing the ganglion and its relation to the lateral nerve cord. I Ob. X 4 Oc. Camera. X 450. Fig. 8o. — Transverse section through the region of the anal papilla. Showing the relation of the nerve ring to the lateral nerve. }. -Ob. X 4 Oc. Camera. -'450. lis o MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, VOL. X. PLATE XVII Fig:. 84 Fig:. 85. PHORONIS ARCHITECTA 3¥ \