HX64098524 QP40 .M31 Physiology : a manua RECAP ^#^r/ E^-^ '^ ^ fey&a^ / ,?!> \ ^ ^ K,*^ 'J^ < ^1£Ajx (^M COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS LIBRARY Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 with funding from Columbia University Libraries I http://www.archive.org/details/physiologymanualOOmann The Students' Quiz Series. A series covering the essential subjects of a thorough medical education, arranged in form of question and answer. By qualified teachers and examiners in New York. Illustrations wherever desirable. Priced at uniform low rate of $1.00, except double numbers on Anatomy and Surgery, which are -priced at f 1.75 each. ANATOMY (BotibU Number)— ■Ry Fbec J. Bkockway, M.D., Ass't Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, and A. O'Malley, M. D., Instructor in Surgery, New York Polyclinic. §1.75. PHYSIOLOGY— By F. A. Manning, M. D., At tending Surgeon, Manhattan Hospital, N.Yo $1.00. CHEWiSTRY ANiJ PHYSICS— By Joseph STEtrrHERS,PH.B.,Columbia Coll. School of Mines, N. Y., D. W. Ward, Ph, B., Columbia College School of Mines, N. Y., and Chas, H. Willmarth, M. S., N. Y. 81 . HISTOLOGY, PATHOLOGY AND BAC- TEKIOLOGY— By Bknnett S. Beach, M.D., Lecturer on Histology, Pathology and Bacteriology, New York Polyclinic. ?1.00. MATEHIA MEDICA AND THERAPEU- TICS—By L. F.AVarnek, M.D., Attend- ing Physician, St. Bartholomew's Dispen- sary, N.Y. irl.OO. PRACTICEOF MEDICINE, including Ner- vous Diseases— By Edwin T. Double- day, M.D., Member N.Y. Pathological Society, and J. D. Naoel, M.D., Mem- ber N . Y. County Medical Asso'n. 81.00. SURGERY (Double Number)— ^y Bern B. Gallaudet, M. D., Attending Surgeon Bellevue Hospital, N. Y., and Charles Dixon Jones, M.D., Surgeon to York- ville Dispensary and Hospital, N. Y. 81.75. GENITO-URINARY AND VENEREAL DISEASES— By Chas. H. Chetwood, M. D., Visiting Surgeon, Domilt Dispen- sary, Department of Surgery and Genito- urinary Diseases, New York. $1.00. DISEASES OF THE SKIN-By Charles C. Kansom, M. D., Assistant Dermatolo- gist, Yanderbilt Clinic, N. Y. 81.00. DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR, THROAT AND NOSE— By Frank E. Milleh, M. D., Throat Surgeon, Vanderbil.t Clinic, N. Y., James P. MacEvoy, M. D., Throat Surgeon, Bellevue Hospital, Out- Pat lent Department, New York, and J. E. Weeks, M.D., Lecturer on Oph- thalmology and Otology, Bellevue Hos- pital Medical College, New York. 81.00. OBSTETRICS — By Charles W, Hayt, M. D., House Physician, Nursery and Child's Hospital, New York. 81.00, GYNECOLOGY-By G. W. Bratenahl, M. I>., Assistant in Gynecology, Yander- bilt Clinic, New York, and Sinclair TouSEY, M. D., Assistant Surgeon, Out- Patient Department, Koosevelt Hospital, New York. 81.00. DISEASES OF CHILDREN — By C. A. EnoDES, M.D., Instructor in Diseases of Children, N. Y. Post-Graduate Medical School 81.00. LEA BROTHERS & CO.. PUBLISHERS, PHILADELPHIA. Th? Students* Quiz Scries. PHYSIOLOGY. A MANUAL FOR STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONEUS. BY FREDERICK A. MANNING, M. D., Attending Surgeon, Manhattan Hospital, New York. SERIES EDITED BY BERN B. GALLAUDET, M.D, Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; Visiting Surgeon Bellevue Hospital, New York. PHILADELPHIA : LEA BROTHERS & CO. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1892, by LEA BROTHERS & CO., In the Oflace of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. All rights reserved. Westcott 4 Thomson, William J. Dornan, Stereotypers and Electrolypers, Philada. Printer, Philada. PREFACE. The present book is a brief summary of the salient features of Human Physiology. It is not intended to compete with nor to take the place of the more elaborate text-books. The idea has been to present the subject in such a manner as to fix in the memory facts already learned in less limited treatises. There is no claim of originality for this book. It is practi- cally and of necessity an abstract of standard works, and princi- pally of those of Dalton, Foster, and Kirke. The arrangement has in a general way, been made to conform with that of the last-named authority. The cuts are many of them from Dal ton's Physiology. Doubtful questions have often been referred to Foster, whose Text-booh of Physiology is the reference-book of a large proportion of the schools. Some of the histological descriptions are derived from Prudden's Practical Normal His- tology. New York. CONTENTS, PAGE General Considerations and Proximate Principles 17 The Blood 22 Circulation of the Blood 27 Kespiration 36 Digestion 42 Absorption 59 Animal Heat 62 Secretion: The Mammary Glands; The Skhi ; The Kidneys and the Urine; The Vascular Glands 64 Muscle 82 Nutrition 89 Nervous System : The Nerves ; Sympathetic System ; Spinal Cord ; The Medulla Oblongata; The Pons Varolii and Crura Cerebri; The Cerebrum ; The Cerebellum ; The Cranial Nerves 93 The Senses : Touch ; Taste ; Smell ; Hearing ; Sight 145 Embryology : Eeproductiou ; Development ; Parturition 173 APPENDIX. Table op the Development of an Eiwbryo 205 Chemical Tests used Commonly in Physiological Analysis . . 205 Metric System 207 5 PHYSIOLOGY. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS AND PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. Define human physiology. Human Physiology is that branch of biology which refers to the functions and properties of the organs in the living human body. In entering upon the study of the functions of organs it becomes desirable to understand something of the nature of the fundamental elements of living tissue which we call cells. What are cells? Cells may be described as nucleated masses of protoplasm of microscopic size, usually possessing limiting membranes known as cell-walls, and capable of passing through the changes which are characteristic of life and death. Some cells do not possess a nucleus, but this is quite exceptional. More commonly each cell has a nucleus or more than one, and in many instances there is a nucleolus within the body of the nucleus. What is protoplasm? Protoplasm is an unstable albuminoid substance of more or less gelatinous nature. Its reactions are those of albumin (coagulation : by heat and mineral acids), and its chemical composition is of vary- ing proportions of the elements C, H, N, 0, S. Protoplasm is living albumin or proteid. Illustrate the life of the cells by the amoeba. The characteristic changes through which cells pass are well illustrated by the amoeba : {a) The" power of spontaneous move- ment, in . which a small portion of the cell is first advanced, and 2— Phy. 17 18 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. then the whole cell seems to flow to and into its branch, (i) Motion in response to various phj-sical and chemical stimuli. (c) The power of taking food, absorbing portions and rejecting the rest. ((^) Reproduction of its kind. This is accomplished by splitting of the cell into two, each with it.s own nucleus and life- history, (e) Death, in which the constituent elements undergo chemical changes. All cells follow more or less clo.sely this cycle of changes by which we differentiate living matter from unorgan- ized substances. Name some of the kinds of cells found in man. Epithelial, connective-tissue, blood-, and nerve-cells. What is epithelium ? The name '• epithelium " is given t(t the cells which cover the skin, mucous and serous membranes of the body, and also enter into the formation of the glands. Its varieties are — (1) Simple, a layer of flat (s(iuanious), cubical, (spheroidal), or cylindrical (columnar) cells, as in the serous and mucous surfaces ; (2) sfra/ijicil, when it occurs in layers, as in the skin ; (3) transldoiKil, wliere it has the characteristics of both in situations where the other two forms approach one another, as in the ureters. (4) In the glands are found finicfiaiud n/ls, winch partake of the character of the epi- thelium of the surface. They arc arranged in groups about the ducts. Such cells are often known as secreting or glandular epi- thelial cells. What is ciliated epithelium ? The simple epithelium posses.se.s hair-like proces.ses in certain locations, and this is known as riliafrd ipithcUnm. The hairs are endowed with motion, and wave in such manner as to throw for- ward small particles wliidi f;i]] upon them. Name the chief uses of epithelium. Protection, as skin, serous surfaces; motion, ciliated epithelium of air-passages and Fallopian tubes ; secretion, in glands — p. g. gastric juice; .sen.sation, in the cones of the retina, olfactory cells of nose, etc. What is endothelium ? It is a simple form of squamous or scale-like, flat epithelial cells which line the serous membranes and the blood-vessels. The cells PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. 19 are very delicate, and are not stratified. They are of various forms, usually irregularly polygonal, and are joined at tte edges so as to form a sort of mosaic. What are connective tissues? They are the structures which form the frame and supports of the body and of the organs of the body. The ligaments, tendons, fascige, cartilage, and bones are examples of them. The fibrous connective-tissue cells are found in all organs in greater or less amount. In the organs whose use is the support of the body or one of its members these cells predominate. In other organs the fibrous cells serve to hold in place the functional cells and to maintain the shape of the organs. What are the proximate principles of the hody ? They are the substances entering into the composition of the body, and are inorganic and organic. What are the inorganic elements ? Chemically, C, H, 0, N make up a very large portion of the body-weight, water alone (H2O) forming about three-fourths of the total. Besides these, sodium, potassium, lime, and magnesium, in chemical combinations with sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine, and carbon (sulphates, phosphates, chlorides, and carbonates),_ are found in considerable amounts, and less abundantly iron, silica, and fluorine. Occasionally minute quantities of some of the other metallic elements— arsenic, lead, copper, and manganese— are found. How are the organic proximate principles classified ? (1) Nitrogenous, and (2) non-nitrogenous. (1) The former take the principal part in the formation of solid constituents of the body, and occur in all the body tissues and fluids. They make up the protoplasm of cells and essential in- gredients of the fluids, both circulatory and excretory. Chemi- cally, they are compounds of C, H, 0, N, sometimes with sulphur or phosphorus. (2) The latter (non-nitrogenous) class of bodies are made up of the fats and carbohydrates. What is the reaction of the fluids of the hody ? Alkaline, with only four notable exceptions. These are — gas- tric juice, perspiration, vaginal mucus, and acid urine. 20 PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. .a S.S 3 = •=1- i5o "o « a u-o Slx.2 . 03 li "o 2 "'•a'- ^•3 oa St3 a tf u3 S a-TS u ■i'si" J3 O 0) _2 "2 ^3 g-3. "'o u 0 p. o ^ o t, « a 3 2 a.stric juic( rong acida B in water alies, or a ely. V 5"^ a J3 ■3 !t ? •So. ^•^-ii. « OQ a 0) CJ "J" 0 -3 - g x2n 1^ 3 2 ? 3 - M a ** 3 it's = •5 ^ 'i X Q "o "o"" •o«« c~ - a a, o.? O X ■J. X ■"■ X K' m --*-.— .— '^ . o M a -a a 3 g. S a p" 3 < 0 p2 si . III c .5 a S = "a "3 S 0 O a V ^•5 "7 = 3 J = "a — n" ^ 0:^3 a a 1 "5. a 0 i, j- *-. > -..: < 0 O _B >-■ a 4* •a a 3 <■ (3 a -a a — "a a ^:5! .air s iimin, by 'lass 1, action of icnta on "a a a is !t Co a ~ Eh M a a a "3 a 3 a J ; _- 0 3 "__£•£ ~ 3 3 0 a, ,1 "o a'"l II o Sf •n^al «) > 0 t' t- 'l, w c to ;" a .0 2 .~.|J - — — -3 ■- d a u "0 a a 0 t- ^ ID "^ "' « •* iri 0 ^ J-, aou: U"^ - ■S^.2 c a a ~5 f S '3 'r: oT ~ - ^ — ■ * S <% . a T. I O '3 8j:3 4>a "=> l^f .S-3i2 = a - a a « ■k a a xo tt. u .'- •— a a o2 PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. 21 o a > o ^^^ ^ d . .2 g •H 03 m ca anged ood. cose, food, nd St yalin. CS H t> _^ fl=" 3 m ra -S 03 n ^ §g'^='« "i M o m o H 0 S'fe" 03 , f Not found in u; *^- \ body, except :ver, by dehydration, found in body except ived from saccharos rment action, nd in milk, m starch by ferments a •r4 o o o i 'a c 03 03 a 0 o "3 .9 -a 0 i .2 S ,jj a ra ?< 02 CO 3 •o .— *i (H ,03 3 o § - O 03 =" O K s .S 03 0 2 rt « .a 2 & ft "3 g 2 s cu^ o 2 si ft a a 03 a 3 a ~ o o3 'd "3 - o O rt S s ^ 1^ -- ^ ^ 5 .9. = ^ - a 03 - o 03 .a o a ■^1 - - . 1 a" ' - - - = tT ■§== = •S 03 a 03 03 03 o ^-1.9" .2135 03 6 Starch, Glycog Dextri Glucos Lactos Maltos o a a-B-B 22 THE BLOOD. THE BLOOD. What is blood ? Blood, while circulating in the body, is a somewhat viscid, opaque fluid, of a red color ; this color varies in different parts of the body from a brilliant scarlet to a deep purple or nearly black color. It consists of a nearly colorless liquid (plasma or liquor sanguinis), in which swim the blood-corpuscles or globules. What are the physical characteristics of blood ? It has a specific gravity at 60° F. (15° C.) of 1055 (1045-1062) ; a faintly alkaline (potassium phosphate) reaction ; temperature about 100° F. (37.8° C.) ; a salty taste ; and an odor which is characteristic, and often peculiar to the animal from which it is taken. When taken from the body it tends to form a clot or coagulum (crassamentum). What is the quantity of the blood ? About one-twelfth of the body-weight, and is distributed as fol- lows in round numbers : About one-fourth in heart, lungs, and large vessels ; " " in liver ; " " in muscles ; " " in other organs. Describe the formation of a clot. If blood be drawn into a shallow vessel and exposed to the air, it will become semisolid at the. surface in two or three minutes. This jelly-like condition will extend to the sides of the vessel, and then throughout the entire mass, so that if the vessel be inverted the blood will not flow at the end of ten or fifteen minutes. Then drops of pale fluid (serum) begin to appear at the surface, and these unite to form an amount of fluid sufficient in an hour to float the clot, which meanwhile is contracting from the sides of the vessel. The serum continues to exude and the clot to contract for twenty-four to thirty-six hours. The color of the clot remains red, while the serum has a pale straw color. Why does blood clot? Clotting is due to the formation of a substance called fibrin^ which appears as a mesh of fine fibrils and soon entangles the corpuscles. This mesh of fibrin contracts and squeezes out the THE BLOOD. 23 watery elements of the blood to form serum, and holds the solid components, as shown by diagram as follows : Blood. Plasma. Corpuscles. Serum. I Fibrin. Clot. I Clotted blood. What is the source of the fibrin ? Largely, if not entirely, from the plasma. A substance known s j)h(!loi id- vessels and lymphatics. What property of chyle renders it fit for absorption ? The property of passing through animal membranes. Chyle is the name given to food after digestion. By digestion the proteids, starches, and fats, which were not dialj'zable. have become pep- tones, sugars, and emulsified fat. All these products of digestion are readily capable of dialysis, and therefore ready for absorption. What is dialysis? By dialysis we mean the property of fluids which enables them to pass through animal membranes — osmosis. This we have seen is possessed in a high degree by the ingredients of chyle. The reverse process may occur, and fluids (serum) from the blood may similarly be drawn into the intestinal canal, as is seen when the salines are used as purgatives. What anatomical features of the gut favor absorption ? (1) The valvulai conniventcs greatly increase the area of the intestinal surface, and by their shelf-like formation delay the ad- vance of ch3'le. (2) The villi of the intestine not only increase the area, but are the .special organs of the function of absorption. (3) The contraction of the intestine upon its fluid contents also favors, mechanically, the filtration of the contents through its walls. What are the villi? The villi are almost innumerable, minute, teat-like projections from the surface of the wall of the intestine. They are very numerous in the small intestine, and none are found in the largo 60 ABSOEPTION. gut. Each villus is covered by an epithelial layer, and within, sup- ported by areolar tissue, is a delicate capillary network of blood- FlG. 11. Fig. 12. I^ Fig. U. — An Intestinal Villus : a, layer of cylindrical epithelium, with its external trans- parent striated portion; hb, blood-vessels entering and leaving the villus; c, lym- phatic vessels, occupying its central axis (Leydig). Fig. 12. — Patch of Peyer's Glands, from the lower part of the ileum, shovping villi (mag- nified). vessels, a muscular layer (muscularis mucosae), and a more or less branched ending of a lacteal vessel (Figs. 11 and 12). The ileo- caecal valve shows the absolute alteration which is apparent in the mucous membrane of the small as compared with the large intes- tine. On the side toward the ileum are found villi in great num- bers, while its cgecal side shows none. Where does the absorption occur in the intestine? Probably throughout its length in some degree. In the stomach and large intestine the absorption is very much less than in the small intestine, but there is reason to think that there is consider- able activity of absorption from the entire gut so long as digestion continues. ABSORPTION. 61 What becomes of the food absorbed by the blood-vessels ? It is taken by the portal vein to tlic liver, and tiicrc further elaborated for tissue-nutrition. What becomes of the food absorbed by the lacteals ? It is colK'clt'd rmni all llu; Ivnipli-spaces in tin; villi and about the jzlandular structure of tlie intestines, and is taken thence into the larger lacteals, whence it passes through the mesenteric lymphatic glands and into the receptaculum chyli of the thoracic duct (Fig. 13). Hence it passes on into the blood-vas- cularsystem, which it joins at the root of the neck at the union of the left in- ternal jugular and subclavian veins. Does chyle undergo change in the lacteals ? Yes. Peptones, as such, are not found in the blood nor in the thoracic duct, and in the same way sugar is not more abundant in chyle after absorption than in the blood ; nor can we fully account for the fats which are absorbed. The trace is lost, to a great degree, after absorp- tion of most substances, and we do not know the exact history of the metamorphoses which render them fit for tissue-building. What elements are chiefly taken up by the portal system? All elements to a greater or less degree, but the crystallizable sub- stances are taken up in greater pro- portion by the blood-vessels than by the lacteals. Thus we find that sugars and salts seem to pass into the portal system, and the proteids and fats into the lacteal system in a I.acteals and Lymphatics during Di- little greater proportion. ^^* ""*' What is the appearance of chyle in the lacteals? It is opacjue, whitish, milky from the minute fat-globules which 62 ANIMAL HEAT. are suspended in it (emulsion). The basis of the fluid found in the lacteals is lymph, and it is only during digestion that the lymph in the visceral lacteals becomes chylous. What is the character of lymph ? It is a limpid, watery fluid, which differs from blood-plasma only in that it is somewhat more watery. Like plasma, the lymph co- agulates or clots on exposure to the air, but the clot is not so firm, and the clotting is due to the presence of fibrinogen and globulin. Chyle is lymph in which there is present an increased amount of fatty and proteid material. What conditions favor the absorption of food ? To be absorbed by the blood-vessels or lacteals we must have substances in (1) a fluid state, and the more dilute in solution the more ready the absorption ; insoluble substances are not apprecia- bly aff"ected by this process, nor are any dense solutions readily taken up. (2) The rapid removal of the absorbed matter and the renewal of fresh blood in the capillaries is of importance. Thus, if the portal circulation is obstructed, so that the blood is circulat- ing slowly or the capillaries are tense from intravascular pressure, the absorption will be slow. What is the quantity of chyle which is taken into the system daily ? This is somewhat problematical, but it is estimated to be about one-half to two-thirds of the volume of the blood. How is lymph propelled in the lymphatic vessels ? In the villi are bands of unstriped muscle (musculi mucosae), which act to propel it into the larger channels ; muscular pi-essure upon the lymph-vessels and intrinsic contractile power of the vessel- walls help it along ; while the pumping force of the respiratory movements and the " negative pressure " in the great veins are of great value in maintaining the circulation. ANIMAL HEAT. What is the normal temperature of the body ? 98.5° F. (37° C). This temperature is not invariable, but in the superficial cavities, mouth, and axilla, which are convenient for ascertaining the body-temperature, this is nearly exact. In the in- ANIMAL HEAT. 03 ternal organs the theriiioinotcr may indicate as liigh as 100° F. in normal conJitions. In the rectum the temperature is about 1° F. liighcr than in mouth or armpit. Is this normal temperature constantly maintained? Yes, with very trifling variations. I nder all circumstances the healthy body maintains about this temperature, varying very slightly uiulcr torrid and frigid climates. There are also slight variations from exercise, age, etc. How is this heat maintained? It is produced from union of the oxygen of the air, which is taken up by the blood in the lungs, with carbon and hydrogen. This is an exact analogy of combustion in the air. What products result from this combustion in the body ? Carbonic oxide and water. What is metabolism? It is a change constantly going on in the body by which the protoplasm of cells is destroyed in doing work (destructive metab- olism), and by which new protoplasm is built up by the assimi- lation of food (constructive metabolism). When any group of cells is in active use {<'.g. in a muscle) the destructive process is rapid and the formation of carbonic oxide and water is active ; in other words, there is active combustion of the cells with the production of heat. Simultaneously, there is reconstruction of the used protoplasm, but this process is not accompanied by the creation of heat. How is the loss of heat regulated ? (1) The blood at the surface of the body is cooled by the colder air or by evaporation of the sweat. This is automatically regulated by the vaso-motor nerves, for upon exposure to a colder atmosphere there is immediate contraction of the superficial capillaries, and upon entering a warmer environment there is dilatation ; so that the quan- tity of blood presented for cooling is an inconstant factor, depeiuling upon external temperature. The sweat-production is similarly under reflex control. (2) Loss of heat is considerable by the lungs, though less than that from the skin : the air is warmer, in usual conditions, after leaving the lungs than before it has entered them. 64 SECRETION. (3) Clothing and the protection aiforded by houses, and the ele- vation of the temperature of air indoors by fire, are factors in the regulation of the body-temperature. What is meant by heat-centres in the brain? There are reasons for believing that there are nervous centres exciting the heat-production in the tissues (thermogenic centres), and centres which check the metabolism of tissue, and thus con- trol the temperature (inhibitory heat-centres). , This is not entirely proven, nor can these centres be localized. We do know that the innervation of a part is necessary for the maintenance of its warmth, aside from vaso-motor causes for alteration of tempera- ture. What are the extreme limits of body-temperature found in life ? In ordinary pathological conditions the temperature does not remain long at a point below 95° P. or above 105° F. without fatal results. Under extreme conditions of prolonged exposure to cold and the algid stage of cholera recovery has occurred after a bodily temperature as low as 75° F. On the other hand, in some cases of extreme fever, as from sunstroke, recovery has been noted after a temperature of 110°-112° F. has been observed. SECRETION. What are secretions? Materials separated from the blood by the cells to serve some further purpose in the animal- economy. These secretions are for the most part elaborated by the glands, though the mucous and serous membranes act in this capacity as well. Examples of secretions are found in milk, bile, gastric juice, tears, etc. What are excretions? Materials which are separated from the blood by cell-activity and discharged from the body, being either useless or harmful if retained ; e. g. ui'ine, sweat. What is the function of the serous secretions ? Lubrication of surfaces in which friction is undesirable. Such conditions are found in the pleural cavity, peritoneum, tunica vaginalis, and in a similar way in the synovial cavities of joints, tendon-sheaths, etc. SECRETION. 65 What is the function of mucus ? To lubricate and inoi.steii the soft and delicate cells of mucous membrane. Mucous tracts which are so protected are the digestive, respiratory, and genito-uriuary. How are these processes of secretion and excretion carried on ? r»y mean,- (if the activity of the cells. In most cases the cells are grouped in organs which are known as glands. The serous fluids are the only notable exception to this rule, the endothelial cells secreting without the intervention of complex anatomical groups. What forms of secreting glands occur? 1. Si))ipir tit/ntivii, or tuhnlar (/hinih, which are pits or depres- sions in epithelial surfaces lined with epithelial cells. The mucous surfaces furnish the most numerous examples of this form of gland, follicles of Lieberkiihn (Fig. 14), tubular (mucous) glands Fig. 14. Follicles of Lieberkiihu, lioiu small intestine of dog. of the stomach ; but the skin, in the sweat-glands, shows a more complicated form of tubular gland in that it is convoluted and tortuous. 2. Compound tuhuhir glanih consist of a tubular gland which 5— Phy, ee SECRETION. subdivides the main tubule, Fig. 15. Portion of one of Bruuner's Glands, from human intestine. SO as to have several branching tubules leading into it. Often these branches again subdivide so as to form a group of ulti- mate glandular elements grouped about the main tubule, which acts as a duct. This form of gland is found in kidney, testis, salivary and mammary glands, Brunner's glands (Fig. 15), and in many of the other glandular structures. 3. Racemose or aggregate glands^ in which the glandular structure is divided into lobules or acini. These glands may be regarded as a refinement of the compound tubular variety, and examples are found in the salivary glands and in the Meibomian follicles. How is secretion effected by the glands ? (1) By physical processes — viz. filtration and dialysis — the cells are able to separate from the blood-plasma the ingredients which make up the secretion. It is important to remember that the force of dialysis may actually operate against pressure, and is, conse- quently, not a mere negative process ; and, again, the fact that the condition of the blood as to consistency and saline ingredients makes filtration a sort of check-valve upon the permanency of the blood-condition. (2) By chemical processes the cells of glands manufacture new substances not found in the blood-plasma and add them to the secretions. These processes are peculiarly noticeable in the fer- ment-producing glands, salivary, peptic, and pancreatic. What circumstances affect glandular activity? (a) If the amount of hlood passing through a gland be increased, there will be increased activity of the function, and, conversely, as a rule, during functional activity the gland will increase in vascu- larity. The stomach, for example, during digestion is quite en- gorged, and when idle is supplied with much less blood, as is seen by the color deepening during its period of activity. (J)) An increase in the material upon which the gland acts stimu- THE MAMMARY GLANDS. 67 lates the gland to greater effort ami iiioreases the production of the ghuid. Thus, the amount -ci/h'niler processes') pass on without division, and become axis- cylinders of medullated nerve-fibres. The nerve-cells vary greatly in size, and arc very diverse in form, but the presence of nucleus and nucleolus and of the pro- cesses is characteristic of nerve-cells. They may be enclosed in a delicate capsule which becomes continuous with the neurilemma (Fig. 25). What is the function of the nerve-fibres ? The transmission of a stimulus. The axis-cylinder connects the centre and periphery cells, and conveys between them the stimuli. This transmission for any particular fibre is in one direc- tion only. How may the nerve-fibres be classified? Into afferent (or centripefitf) and efferent (or centrifugal) fibres. 96 NERVOUS SYSTEM. Fig. 25. Nerve-cells, from Spinal and Sympathetic Ganglia of Man, enclosed in their Capsular Sheaths — from hardened preparations (Key and Eetzius). The former are those by which impressions are taken from the periphery to the brain, and are commonly called sensory fibres. The latter conduct the stimuli to the periphery, and are known as motor fibres. Besides these, some of the fibres serve to connect ganglia of the central system one with another, and these are known as intereentral fibres. What modifications of function belong to the afferent nerves ? The direct function of the centripetal nerves is the conduction of an impulse which gives rise to a sensation, as of pain or heat; but beyond this we may have a reflex or an inhibitory impulse conducted. What modifications of function belong to the efferent nerves? The centrifugal nerve-fibres may carry other than motor im- THE NERVES. 97 pulses : they control nutrition (trophic nerves) and secretion (secretory nerves), and they may also increase or check other etlorent impulses. What is the velocity of the transmission of impulses ? Kftcreut impulses are somewhat slower than atlerent. the rate for the former being about llU feet per second, for the latter about 150 feet. What are "personal error" and "personal equation"? The time occupied in executing a voluntary movement at a given signal — for instance, the recording the time of a transit in an astro- nomical observation — is found to be sufficient to demand a correction for an accurate result. This amounts to i to -^^ of one second with different individuals. The time lost in this Avay is known as the /x'rsoita/ error of the observer. When this has been ascertained by experiment, the allowance to be made for the personal error is his personal equation. This remains nearly constant for each person. How do the sensory nerves terminate at the periphery? The sensory nerves ending in the skin find their way to certain bodies (sense-organs) which are essential to the conduction of the sensory impression to the central nerve-ending. These sense- organs are of several kinds. In the fingers and toes are found two kinds of sense-organs which may be especially mentioned : 1, touch-corpuscles; 2, Pacinian corpuscles. The anatomy and physiological use of these bodies are still somewhat obscure ; and, indeed, the whole subject of sensory nerve-terminations is but illy understood. We may regard the fibres of sensory nerves, as a majority, to form a minute plexus in the corium and to ter- minate in sense-organs in a way not known. Some of the special sense-organs are possessed of nerve-endings which are more clearly observed. What two sets or systems of nerves do we possess ? The cerebro-spinal and sympathetic. What constitutes the cerebro-spinal system? The brain, tlu; niedulla oblongata, and the spinal cord, with the nerves proceeding from them. What constitutes the sympathetic system? Primarily, the sympathetic system consists of a double chain of 7— Phy. 98 NERVOUS SYSTEM. ganglia and communicating nerves whicli lie on either side of the vertebral column and extend throughout its entire length. Other ganglia occur in connection with some of the cranial nerves, more especially the vagus and trigeminus. There are ganglia and plex- uses connected with the various organs (e.g. cardiac and solar), and still others in the substance of some of the organs (e. g. stomach and intestines). The sympathetic system has numerous communications with the cerebro-spinal system. What is a reflex action? An action which results from a centripetal nerve-impulse passing to a nerve-centre in a ganglion, and there transforming to a centrifu- gal impulse passing to a muscle. Such an action may be simple and involve a single muscle, or complex and involve many : thus, a ray of light falling upon the retina causes a simple reflex contraction of a single muscle, and the iris contracts. As an illustration of a com- plex reflex action, however, irritation of the larynx causes not only a closing of the glottis, but a contraction of all the muscles involved in forced expiration or coughing. Are all reflex actions involuntary? Yes, but many of them may be checked or prevented by a vol- untary effort. Do the reflexes depend upon the cerebro-spinal nervous system or upon the sympathetic? They are more noticeable in the cerebro-spinal system, but they may belong to either, or may be mixed, the impulse going by the one system and returning by the other. Examples : sneezing, coughing, swallowing are cerebro-spinal reflexes ; the vaso-motor reflexes are largely sympathetic, but the centripetal nerve is often cerebro-spinal, as in the secretion of saliva or in blushing. What relations exist between the stimulus and the resulting reflex ? A stimulus which is mild causes a reflex of the muscle of the same side, but as the stimulus is increased the muscles of the op- posite side may be involved, the reflex of the irritated side remain- ing the stronger. As the irritation is increased the reflex involves more muscles ; that is, the stimulus spreads to a greater number of cells in the ganglion and more efferent fibres are involved. These relations are obtained largely by experiments upon decap- itated frogs. SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. 99 Wliat are acquired reflex actions ? A reflex action which is as strong in an infant as in an adult (the contraction of the pupil in the presence of light) is a prirnnry reflex. Another class of reflex actions re(juirc frecjuent repetition before they are automatically performed, and such actions arc called acquired reflex actions, as walking, reading, etc. What is automatic action of nerve-centres ? There are certain actions which continue, and, while they are closely related to reflex action, do not seem to be reflexes, but to originate in the part. Thus, the peristaltic action of the alimentary tract is not dependent upon the presence of food in the intestines, but may be excited in the absence of food or checked when it is present. The action has been referred to small ganglia and nerve- plexuses found there (Auerbachs and Meissner's), and is consid- ered to originate in the local nerve-centres. This is what is known as automatism or automatic nerve-action. What power of inhibition and augmentation of action has the nerve-centres ? In speaking of the action of the heart it was .shown that certain fibres of the vagus nerve check the hearts action, and certain other fibres increase it. This control of the action of organs is not confined to the heart, but similar power of regulation belongs to the nervous centres for many other organs. SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. How is the sympathetic nervous system arranged? It is arranged in ganglia and plexuses. It is intimately con- nected with the cerebro-spinal system by communicating branches from each spinal nerve and many of the ci'anial nerves. What is a ganglion ? It is a collection of gray and white nerve-substance, which is usually oval in outline, and is frequently found in the course of a nerve-trunk. In the sympathetic system the ganglia contain numerous nerve-cells, smaller than those of the brain and spinal cord, and from these cells arise nerve-fibres which distribute them- selves in the plexuses. What peculiarities have the fibres of the sympathetic nerve ? They are often smaller than those of the cerebro-spinal .system, 100 NERVOUS SYSTEM. and there are in the nerves a considerable number of non-medul- lated fibres — more than in the spinal nerves. Do the sympathetic nerves differ materially from the cerehro- spinal ? No. They are very similar. The occurrence of ganglia upon the sensory branch of the spinal nerves and upon the sensory cra- nial nerves (pneumogastric, glosso-pharyngeal, and trigeminus) adds to the similarity. Then, too, the frequent communications be- tween the two systems practically makes one system of them, and the division is largely one for convenience. Is the sympathetic system dependent upon its connection with spinal axis? Yes. Where are the functions of the sympathetic system most shown ? In the organs of nutrition and secretion and in the vascular system. What are the sympathetic ganglia in the head? They are four in number — ophthalmic, spheno-palatine, submax- illary, and otic ganglia. Each has communications from the gen- eral sympathetic, and from the cranial nerves both motor and sen- sory fibres. Describe the ophthalmic ganglion. It is a small ganglion situated in the orbit, and receives com- munications' from the sympathetic and from the motor oculi (third) nerve, a motor branch, and from the trigeminus (fifth) nerve a sensory branch. Its branches pass into the eyeball (ciliary nerves), and are distributed in the iris. Their function is the con- trol of the pupil, of the apparatus of accommodation, and of the vaso-motor function in the vessels of the eye. Describe the spheno-palatine ganglion. It is situated in the spheno-maxillary fossa, and receives branches from the cervical sympathetic system and motor fibres from the facial (seventh) nerve, and sensory from the fifth. Its branches are distributed to the mucous membrane and muscles of the palate and uvula, and to the naso-pharynx. They are both sensory and motor. SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. Fi<;. 2G. 101 Ganglia and Nerves of the Sympathetic System. Describe the submaxillary ganglion. It lies in close proximity to the submaxillary glaud. It receives 102 NERVOUS SYSTEM. branches from the superior ganglion of the neck and a sensory branch from the lingual branch of the fifth nerve. Its motor branch is through the chorda tympani nerve from the seventh or facial nerve. Its branches are distributed to the submaxillary gland and control its function. Describe the otic ganglion. It is a small ganglion lying upon the third division of the fifth nerve as it emerges from the foramen ovale. It has branches from the sympathetic on the middle meningeal artery, and both a motor and a sensory communication from the fifth, as well as a branch from the glosso-pharyngeal through Jacobson's nerve. Its branches are motor, to the tensor palati and tensor tympani muscles ; and sensory, to the mucous membrane of the tympanum and Eustachian tube. How does the sympathetic system in the trunk communicate with the spinal nerves ? From each spinal nerve is given off a communicating branch to a neighboring ganglion. These branches contain both motor and sensory fibres. How are the ganglia classified? Into cervical, thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic ganglia and plexuses. Describe the cervical ganglia. There are two — a superior and inferior (with sometimes a third, middle) — ganglia on each side (Fig. 26). These ganglia receive communications from each of the cervical spinal nerves and from each other. Their branches are given off to form (1) the carotid plexus, which follows the carotid artery and its branches. It forms by its inosculations the vaso-motor plexuses of the arterial system, and furnishes branches for distribution to the thyroid gland, larynx, trachea, pharynx, and oesophagus. (2) It furnishes the cardiac nerves, which are distributed in the cardiac plexus. "What is the distribution of the thoracic ganglia? In the chest the ganglia are numerous (Fig. 26), and each gan- glion receives two branches of communication from the intercostal nerve above it, while the relationship of the ganglia is maintained by the intercommunicating chain. The nerves originating here are distributed to the plexuses on the thoracic aorta, and to those of the lungs and oesophagus. SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. 103 Describe the abdominal sympathetic. In the alxlunn'ii the sympathetic consists mainly of an aggrega- tion of ganglionic enlargements situated upon the coeliac artery, known as the semilunar or coeliac ganglion. It communicates with the thoracic ganglia and with all the lumbar nerves. From this centre proceed a multitude of diverging and inosculating fibres, which, from their common origin and radiating course, are called the aolar phwun. Its secondary plexuses, accompanying the branches of the abdominal aorta, are distributed to the stomach, intestines, spleen, pancreas, liver, kidney, and internal organs of generation. How are the pelvic plexuses derived? From four or tive pairs of ganglia situated on the anterior por- tion of the sacrum and terminating in the gnnglioti I'mjxir, lying upon the coccyx. Its fibres join those from the solar plexus, and are distributed with them along the course of the branches of the internal iliac arteries. Describe the sensibility and motor influence of the sympathetic nerves. It will be remembered that the spinal nerves, both afferent and efferent, act very quickly upon the tissues supplied by them ; the sympathetic nerves act more slowly. Thus, if the afferent nerve or a ganglion or its efferent nerve be stimulated, there is a slow wave-like series of motions set up in the parts supplied, which con- tinue for some time after the stimulus is withdrawn. This is par- ticularly Avell seen in the intestinal peristalsis which may be excited by stimulation of the intestine or of the semilunar ganglion or of the branches of the solar plexus. What is the effect of the sympathetic nerves upon special senses ? The dilatation of the pupil is effected through it, and probably the accommodation is acted xxpon by fibres other than the oculo- motorius, which come through the lenticular ganglion. The tensor tympani muscle is supplied from the otic ganglion. What is the vaso-motor function of the sympathetic ? The muscular coats of the lilood-vessels. especially' of the arteries, are under the control of the sympathetic filaments and plexuses, which accompany them throughout their entire system. These fibres are of two kinds as regards their function : (1) vaso-con- strictor and (2) vaso-dilator fibres. 104 NERVOUS SYSTEM. How do the vaso-motor fibres arise? They probably arise from spinal centres, and are controlled in some way by the vertebral ganglia of the sympathetic system. The vaso-dilator fibres are not to be distinguished as such, though their presence is inferred from the action of special nerves. Eor example, the stimulation of the chorda tympani nerve has a vaso- dilator effect in the submaxillary gland. The inhibitory and aug- mentary eifects of the cardiac nerves are similarly carried by or through sympathetic plexuses. Do the visceral sympathetic nerves have a similar central origin ? Yes, but they too are acted upon by the ganglia through which the fibres pass, and in which new nerves arise from the nerve-cells. What control has the sympathetic system over the secreting glands ? There has been demonstrated in some of the secreting glands — and it is probably true for all — that functional stimuli, distinct from the vaso-motor, come through the sympathetic nerves, and that these fibres are closely associated with the vaso-motor fibres. Thus, in the stomach the secretion of the gastric juice is only tem- porarily suspended by the section of the vagi, and is resumed by the action of the sympathetic, showing that the control is by the sympathetic. What is " arrest of action " ? It is a temporary check upon the control of an organ by the sympathetic system, which check comes through the cerebro-spinal system. Such an action is frequent in the control of the glandular organs, and usually is shown in the dilatation of the capillaries through the arrest of the action of the vaso-motor nerves in response to a sensory reflex. It is also seen in the sphincters, which keep up a condition of tonic contraction to close the orifices of the body, but relax in response to an impulse from the proper centre. The sphincter ani in this way retains its hold upon the intestinal orifice until the centre in the cord permits an arrest of action and relaxa- tion of the muscle. SPINAL CORD. Describe, roughly, the spinal cord. The spinal cord is that portion of the cerebro-spinal nervous sys- SPINAL CORD. 105 tern contained within the spinal canal. It connects with the brain through the medulla oblongata, and terminates in a fine thread of gray matter (the filum termiiiale) at about the second lumbar vertebra. In form it is irregularly cylindrical, and varies in the size and shape of its cross-section at various lev- els, as is shown in Fig. 27. It is incom- pletely divided into symmetrical halves, and its mid-line is indicated in front by a fissure (anterior median fissure) which extends for about one-third its antero-posterior diameter ; behind by a deeper but narrower fissui'c (pos- terior median fissure), which involves about one-half of the same diameter. It is com- posed of white and gray substance. How are the white and gray matters ar- ranged in the spinal cord? The white substance is arranged externally to the gray in each half of the cord, and is so dispo.sed as to be conveniently divided for purposes of description into three columns, known respectively as the anterior, lateral, and posterior columns of the cord. There is also a thin band of white substance at the base of the anterior median fissure (the white commissure). The gray matter fills in the central portion of the cord, and is variable in its amount, the calibre of the cord at its en- largements being increased by the increase in the amount of gray matter at these points (Fig. 27). The white substance will be no- ticed to diminish quite regularly in the sec- tions of the cord from above downward, as seen in this .series. The gray substance is not completely halved by the anterior and pos- terior fissures of the cord, but is continuous across the mid-line ; and in it at the centre is a minute canal communicating with the ventricles of the brain. The gray matter is more abundant between the lateral and anterior and between the Transverse Sect ions of the .Si)inal (,"ord in .Man: I, upi)pr cervical region ; II, lower cervical region; III, dorsal region; IV, lumbar enlurgeuient ; V, lower extremity. 106 NERVOUS SYSTEM. Transverse Section of the Spinal Cord : n, h, spinal nerves of right and left 'sides; d, origin of anterior root; e, origin of pos- terior root ; c, ganglion of posterior root. lateral and posterior columns of the white substance, and the names anterior and posterior horns (cornua) are given to these regions respectively. What are the nerve-roots of the cord ? Issuing from the cord along its course are thirty-one pairs of nerves. Each of these spinal nerves is made up of an anterior and a posterior root (Fig. 28), of Fig. 28. which the latter is the larger. The anterior root arises between the anterior and lateral white columns, the posterior between the posterior and lateral col- umns. On each posterior nerve- root is found a ganglion imme- diately beyond its point of emergence. The function of this seems to be trophic. What is the minute structure of the white substance ? It is found to be made up of medullated nerve-fibres, which collect to form the anterior and posterior nerve-roots, and commu- nicate with other regions of the cord. What is the minute structure of the gray matter ? The gray matter contains multipolar cells of varying size and shape, with axis-cylinders and " branching " processes lying in the neuroglia (connective tissue). The multipolar cells are some of them quite large. In the anterior horn of the gray substance the axis-cylinder-processes of the nerve-cells connect directly with fibres forming the anterior nerve-roots (Fig. 29) ; but in the poste- rior cornu the communication is through the branching processes joining the divided axis-cylinders of the posterior nerve-roots, form- ing thus a minute plexus known as Gerlach's nerve-network. Whence are the fibres derived which make up the nerve-roots ? (a) Anterior nerve-roots are derived from (1) the anterior col- umns of the cord, but some fibres come through the commissure from (2) the opposite side, and some come from (3) the lateral tract. Still other fibres arise from (4) the multipolar cells in the anterior cornu of the gray matter. The fibres of the anterior nerve-roots are efferent or motor fibres. SPINA I, (T)Un. 107 (A) Posterior nerve-roots enter into the posterior horn of the gray matter, and the fibres break up to form Gcrlach's network, communicating with the large multipolar cells, but some fibres Fig. 29. Transverse Section of the Spinal Cord in Man (lumbar region). cross through the gray commissure to the opposite side. The fibres of the posterior roots arc aft'crent or sensory fibres. If the anterior nerve-roots be cut, what is the result ? The anterior nerve-roots are efferent or motor ; therefore their divi.sion results in complete loss of motion in the parts supplied. If the distal portion of the cut nerve-root be stimulated, muscular action follows, while irritation of the proximal portion produces no noticeable effect. What follows division of the posterior roots ? Loss of sensation without loss of motion. Stimulation of the distal portion of the cut posterior root produces no result, either in sensation or motion. Irritation of the proximal end will, how- ever, cause very acute pain. Is the course of the fibres through the spinal cord known ? No, not fully. Certain fibres have been traced with fair accu- 108 NERVOUS SYSTEM. racy through their length, notably fibres to the arm (direct pyra- midal tract) in the anterior column, and to the leg (crossed pyra- midal tract) in the lateral column. Do all the fibres of the spinal nerves pass from the brain through the spinal cord? No. It has been calculated that only about one-half as many fibres enter the spinal cord from the brain as leave it through the nerves ; therefore it must follow that some fibres originate from the cord. The increase in gray matter in the cervical and lumbar enlarge- ments, where the fibres for the large plexuses of the nerves (brach- ial and lumbar) are given ofi", confirms this view. Where are the trophic centres for the anterior nerve-roots ? The posterior nerve-roots, we have seen, seem to be dependent upon the ganglia which are found upon them for trophic influence. The anterior root in a similar way seems to depend upon a trophic centre in the gray matter in the anterior horn. What is degeneration of a nerve-fibre ? Division of a nerve is followed by a degeneration or breaking down of the axis-cylinders of its fibres within a day or two, the loss of function being an earlier and immediate manifestation. This Fig. 30. Degeneration of Spinal Nerves and Nerve-roots after Section : A, section of nerve-trunk beyond the ganglion; B, section of anterior root; C, section of posterior root; D, excision of ganglion ; a, anterior root ; p, posterior root ; g, ganglion. degeneration is centrifugal ; that is, does not proceed toward the spine, but to the periphery. If the posterior root be cut, how- ever, between its ganglion and its emergence from the cord, the degeneration is toward the cord — i. e. centripetal — and the nerve SPINAL CORD. 109 beyond the ganglion does not degenerate. The anterior root can- not, however, be divided at any l><»iiit beyond its emergence without centrifugal degeneration of the fibres (Fig. 30). The regeneration takes place slowly if the continuity of the nerve is at once restored, and may even follow after the nerve has degenerated for some months and a complete loss of function has affected the part supplied by it. The fact that the axis-cylinders are restored only in this way is of interest, as showing the influence of the trophic centres on the nerve-growth. What are the functions of the spinal cord ? (1) The conduction of impulses from the nerves to the brain and from brain to nerves, and (2) the origination of action in response to stimuli from the periphery — i. e. rcjicx action. Explain the action of the cord as a conductor of nervous impulses. Than by the spinal cord there is practically no other nervous communication between the brain and the musciilo-cutaneous sys- tem ; hence through it must come all the nerve-impulses which pass to or from the brain. In other words, every sensory impulse that is felt and every motion that is iriUcd. perception and volition being attributes of the brain, must be conducted through the nerve- fibres of the spinal cord to the brain, and vice versa. No better illus- tration need be used than the abolition of both motor and sensory function which follows a cerebral apoplexy : the nerve-centre being destroyed, voluntary action and perception of sensation are lost, and yet the reflex response is prompt, showing that the brain- function is necessary in the chain of phenomena. Again, the same paralysis follows the section of the cord, and we must acknowledge their mutual dependence. Does the gray substance act as conductor? No, not when directly stimulated. The conducting fibres seem to be in the white columns, and each portion contains fibres which always conduct the same kind of impression. What is the course of sensory impulses in the spinal cord ? This is somewhat pniljloniatical, but certainly these impulses enter the cord by the posterior nerve-roots. The fibres conducting them break up to form Gerlachs network, and cross to the opposite side of the cord through the gray commissure. It is probable that after decussating the fibres communicate with multipolar cells, and 110 NERVOUS SYSTEM. thus pass on as white fibres in the lateral columns. These fibres enter the lateral columns (of the opposite side), and pass to the medulla as a distinct tract — the antero-lateral ascending tract — at the periphery of the lateral, extending into the anterior column. What sensations are transmitted by this set of fibres ? It is by this tract that sensations of pain and of temperature are supposed to pass. There are also afi"erent fibres in the posterior columns — the posterior median — by which the sensations of touch and toeigJit (or muscular sensation) are believed to pass ; the latter, however, does not decussate. To recapitulate : sensations of pain and temperature are transmitted through the lateral columns, and those of touch and weight in the posterior columns. What is the path of the motor impulses ? As has already been seen, these fibres are better demonstrated than the sensory. Most of the motor fibres cross to the opposite side in the medulla oblongata (decussation of the pyramids), and the impulses pass down by the lateral columns in the crossed or lateral pyramidal tract on the side opposite to that in which they originate. There is also a set of motor fibres which do not cross, but pass directly to the same side in the anterior columns, and decussate in the anterior or white commissure near the point of distribution. The destination of these fibres is varif\ble, for the reason that the amount of decussation in the medulla is not con- stant ; but, as a rule, the fibres in the direct tract go to the upper portion of the body. Do the motor tracts carry only the fiibres arising from the brain ? No. The cells in the anterior cornu of the gray matter of the cord originate many of the fibres which go to the nerves. This is .demonstrated after division of the cord by stimulating these fibres : a series of co-ordinated motions follows, and this stimulus may be applied direct to the fibres or through the sensory nerves. If one lateral half of the cord be cut through transversely, what are the results? 1. Motor. — There will be paralysis of motion of one-half the body below the section ; and the paralysis will be of the same side if the section be below the decussation in the medulla ; if it be above, the paralysis will cross to the opposite side. 2. Sensory. — Anaesthesia of the opposite side below the section, SPINAL CORD. Ill and the loss of sensibility will be complete. At the same time, on the same sich: as the section the sensory function may be ex- aiigorated, and there may be /ii/penxsfhtsiu to such a degree that even a touch may cause exquisite pain. What results follow electrical stimulation of the posterior columns of the cord ? If stimuli be applied to the posterior columns of the cord by a galvanic current, signs of sensibility are shown in the reflex actions ; but it is only near the nerve-roots that the sensibility seems very marked. The intensity of the response increases with the strength of the current. What reaction follows a similar stimulation of the anterior col- umns. Motion in the parts below, and the motion is of a convulsive character. No pain seems to accompany the convulsive contrac- tions of the muscles. What is the effect in the lateral columns? The stimulation of the anterior portion results in motion, which gradually decreases as one approaches the posterior nerve-roots, and then merges into the signs of sensibility similar to those excited by stimuli applied to the posterior columns. What practical lesson does this impress? That inflammatory changes in the meninges of the posterior portion of the cord excite pain, while meningitis of the anterior portion excites convuhsions. What important function, besides conduction, does the spinal cord perform ? The origination of motion in response to stimuli, or rej^ex action. What difficulties present themselves in the study of the reflex function of the cord in mammals ? The great shock which follows injury of the spinal cord in mam- mals renders the study of its function difficult. It is sometimes hours, or even days, before any experiments can be conducted after the division of the cord in a warm-blooded animal, because of the failure of the"reflexes to act; and when they do act the amount of degeneration which has followed the operation is uncertain. Cold- blooded animals (especially the fi'og) are used largely iu such 112 NERVOUS SYSTEM. experiments for this reason, and it is probable that in them there is a greater degree of this kind of response, though of the same nature as in mammals. How are the reflex actions of the cord classified? Into cutaneous and muscular reflexes. What are cutaneous reflexes? Muscular actions which follow gentle stimuli applied to the skin. The plantar reflex, or the motion 'of the toes and foot which occurs on tickling the sole of the foot ; the cremaster reflex, or retraction of the testicle by contraction of tne cremaster when the inner side of the thigh is stimulated ; and the pupillary reflexes, contraction of the pupil to the stimulus of light, — belong to this class of cuta- neous reflexes. What are muscular reflexes? Muscular actions which follow a slight blow upon a muscle or tendon when the muscle is in more or less tension. The patellar reflex is a well-known example of this form of action : if the knee be flexed to a right angle and the leg allowed to hang loosely, the quadriceps femoris muscle is made moderately tense. A gentle tap upon the tendon of the muscle below the patella will cause the muscle to contract and the leg to be more or less extended. These reflexes are sometimes called tendon reflexes. What is inhibition of reflex action ? The ability to control or modify reflex action by an efi"ort of the will or by mental action which is not consciously voluntary. As an example of this, if the palm of a sleeping child be touched by the finger, the baby's hand will grasp the finger ; but if the child is awake, no such reflex occurs, but is checked by mental action. Again : one may avoid crying out when in pain by an effort of the will, or may hold the feet still when the soles are tickled. Are reflex actions frequent in the ordinary acts of life ? They are. An ordinary act which has become habitual — for example, walking — while at the first it is performed as a voluntary muscular act, becomes reflex and is performed without conscious control of the mind, and is more easily and more gracefully done when no attempt is made to direct the actions of the muscles involved. TIIK MEDriJ.A OP.LONOATA. 113 Do the reflexes vary in strength with the strength of the stimuli ? A stroni!; stiimilus will excite a stronger reflex tluiii a mild one. A i)iii-i)riik will cause the foot to react more violently than tickling ihc soil'. In certain diseases and after certain pfiisons these actions licconK! very much exaggerated: tetanus and strychnine-poisoning ])iit the corll in such a condition that a very slight skin-irritation may throw the entire body into a violent convulsive condition. Again, other diseases or drugs decrease the irritability of the cord. What are special centres for reflex action ? Certain actions are automatic — that is, may take phicc without intervention of the will in response to special stimuli — and these actions are dependent upon certain nerve-centres in the cord. These centres have to do, noticeably, with sphincter action in the pelvic region, and the centres themselves are located in the lumbar region of the cord. To enumerate some of the automatic actions of these centres is sufficient, as they are all dependent upon special stimuli and special centres acting upon muscles peculiar to the act. They are defecation, micturition, emission of semen, erection of the penis, parturition. There are numerous other automatic actions besides those of the pelvic sphincters, but the mode of operation is well illustrated by these functions. What other automatic action occurs in the spinal nerve-centres ? Yaso-motor centres and sweat-control centres are in the cord, and centres which control the nutrition of the muscles, as well as keep them tense in readiness to contract effectively ; that is, main- tain the tone of the muscles. The nutrition of the entire body is dependent upon the maintenance of this automatic control of the vaso-motor function, as is shown by the disorders of the skin and of the bones and joints which follow spinal injury and disease. What influence has the cord upon the functions controlled by the sympathetic system? Very great. The secretion of many of the body fluids and the control of the organs is dependent for regulation upon the connec- tion of the sympathetic nerves with the spinal cord. THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. Describe, roughly, the medulla oblongata. It is a column of white and gray nerve-substance, and is an en- 8— Phy. 114 NERVOUS SYSTEM. larged portion of the spinal cord, connecting the brain with the cord below. The white substance is composed of the medullary fibres connecting brain and cord, and the gray matter is arranged variously between the bands of white fibres. It has an anterior and a posterior fissure, corresponding to those of the lower portion of the cord, and the central canal of the cord here opens into the fourth ventricle. How do the columns of the cord arrange themselves in the medulla ? The medulla continues in a general way the arrangement of the fibres in tracts of the cord below, but as the diameter is greater the general shape is pyriform and the shape of the columns nearly pyra- midal (Fig. 31). The anterior columns of the cord become the Fig. 31. Medulla Oblongata and Pons Varolii, anterior surface. anterior pyramids of the medulla ; the posterior columns, the resti- form bodies, and the lateral columns correspond to the lateral tract of the medulla with the olivary bodies. The fibres, however, do not follow this arrangement so closely, but the columns of thfe cord distribute themselves variously in the medulla. THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 115 How are the anterior pyramids made up? TIk' anterior enluiiiiis of tlu' cord jscikI their fibres (the direct pyramidal tract) up into the anterior pyramids, so that they are continuous tracts. Other fibres from the lateral columns join the fibres of the anterior pyramids, and here cross in bundles to the opposite side. These fibres uiay be seen crossing the anterior fissure between the pyramids by gently separating the auterior ])yramids. This is known as the decusuition of the pyrmnUIs. The fibres which cross in this way belong in the cord to the portion of the lateral column known as the crossed or lateral pyramidal tract. How are the fibres of the anterior pyramids distributed to the brain? Most of the fibres pass on through the pons Varolii to be dis- tributed in the cortex of the brain. Some of the fibres help to make up the fiJht, and pass to the optic thalamus, while others pass to the cerebellum. Fig. 32 shows these relations very sat- isfactorily. Fig. 32. OPTIC .TnAUUtUl CeRCBCU.UM, Piagrani of the Course of the Fibres throiich the ^Fedulla to the Prain. How does the lateral column of the cord communicate with the brain through the medulla? The lateral eoluniii of the cord is broken into three tracts in the medulla: one, we have just seen, joins the anterior pyramid of the opposite side by the decussation ; a second joins the restiform body 116 NERVOUS SYSTEM. on its way to distribution in the cerebellum ; wliile the third set of fibres goes to the fasciculus teres, and reaches the ganglia at the base of the brain. (See Fig. 32.) What is the mode of connection of the posterior column of the cord? Its fibres continue on as the posterior pyramid of the medulla and restiform body. The former probably communicates with the basal ganglia, though it has not been traced as far, and the latter (restiform body) for the most part reaches the cerebellum.* What are the olivary bodies? Each is a mass of white nerve-substance containing a central gray nucleus. There are communications between it and some of the tracts from the cord, especially from those tracts of the ante- rior and lateral columns which go to the ganglia at the base of the brain. How is the gray substance arranged in the medulla oblongata ? As the fibres which form the crossed pyramidal tract pass from the lateral tract to decussate into the anterior pyramid of the opposite side, they push the anterior cornu of the gray matter backward ; and this is still further accomplished by the olivary body, until the gray matter is spread out upon the posterior sur- face of the medulla at its upper part. Here the central canal of the cord has widened out to form the fourth ventricle, and the gray substance is aggregated to form the floor of the ventricle. There are some other collections of gray matter — for example, in the olivary bodies — but this is the principal accumulation. What especial importance has this collection of gray substance in the floor of the fourth ventricle ? In this nucleus are the origins of some of the cranial nerves : the spinal accessory, hypoglossal, pneumogastric, and glosso-pharyn- geal nerves, and a root of the auditory of the facial, and of the trigeminus nerves, arise in this important collection of gray matter. * In speaking of these fibres it has been convenient to say that they " pass " in certain directions or " are distributed " in some situation. It must not be forgotten that they are afferent and efferent medullated nerve- fibres, and that such terms must be considered as somewhat figurative. In reality, it would not seem proper to speak of an efferent fibre as being " dis- tributed " at its origin, but convenience and usage permit the use of these and similar expressions. THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 117 Of the sinaller t'ollection.s ui" gray substance, probably none has the pot'uliar interest which the floor of the fourth ventricle possesses for tliis reason. What are the functions of the medulla oblongata ? The luotlulhi has practically the same I'unctiuns as the cord, conduction and reflexion ; but in both these qualities it excels the cord, for in the conduction of impulses it has to transmit all that pass between the brain and spinal system, and in the reflex actions which it oriiiinates it is much more elaborate than the cord. The automatic reflex actions of the medulla involve the rhythm of the vital organs, respiration and heart-action. How may the functions of the medulla be demonstrated in the frog ? If the spinal cord be removed up to the medulla, the respirations continue, and in the same way they do not cease if the brain be removed without disturbing this organ, or. if both cord and brain be removed without disturbing the medulla, the movements of breathing will continue. If the medulla is injured at the origin of the pneumogastric nerve, however, the movements of respiration cease and the animal dies. The same occurs when a similar injury occurs in the higher animals and in man. Death occurs instanta- neously in this way when the medulla is broken near the axis in executions by hanging — " the neck is broken " — or an animal is killed by " pithing " in laboratory experiments. What are the special centres in the medulla ? There are a considerable number of centres in the medulla which control many important and complicated co-oi'dinatcd mus- cular actions. These are centres of reflex action for the most part ; that is, ai'e called upon to act in response to stimuli derived from an aflTeront impulse or to a voluntary effort. What is meant by automatism of the medulla? The impulses wliicli are sent out to muscles without apparent afl^er- ent stimuli, and without an eftort of the will, are called automatic. Such rhythmic impulses as those which maintain the respiratory function belong to this class. It is not to be doubted that such actions are reflex and in response to stimuli. In the case of the lungs, for example, the presence of deoxygcnated blood may serve to excite an afferent impulse. Nevertheless, .some authors distin- 118 NERVOUS SYSTEM. guish between automatism and reflex action. This automatic action cannot be considered as at all the same as an action of the brain proper, like volition, but rather as a high grade of reflex action. What other functions are attributed to the medullary centres? The control or inhibition of action through the nerves which are distributed from this region and through the communications with other centres in the cord. Further than this, there are supposed to lie in the medulla centres which maintain the nutrition and tone of the muscles. These are known as control and tonic centres. Name some of the reflex functions depending upon the centres in the medulla. (1) The portion of digestion which is performed in the mouth is dependent upon medullary reflexes — mastication, deglutition, and the secretion of saliva, and, probably, of the pancreatic and other digestive juices. In this connection the so-called vomiting centre may be noted. (2) The resph-atory_ functions are so-called automatic functions of the medulla, and are capable of being sustained by the nerve- force derived from the medulla alone. The centres for cotigliing and sneezing are also here. The pneumogastrie and phrenic nerves convey the afferent and eff"erent stimuli, though there may be communications with other nerves whereby sensory stimuli are applied. (3) Regulation of the heart's action is found here, both inhihitory and accelerator centres communicating through the vagus. (4) Vaso-motor, — regulation of the unstriped muscular fibre of the arteries is also accomplished by the medulla. A peculiar vaso-motor disturbance is brought about by injur}'^ of one centre of the medulla — namely, the interference with the glyeogen-function of the liver and the appearance of sugar in the urine — the diabetic centre. (5) Various centres which have to do with the regulation of the hody-temperature. The vaso-motor centres we have already men- tioned. There are also found special sj^ea^centres ; and, further- more, a control of the special sweat-centres found in the cord is here maintained. Upon plausible theoretical grounds there is also assumed to be a heat-inliihitory centre, by which the heat-produc- tion is controlled without reference to vaso-motor conditions. THE PONS VAROLII AND CRURA CEREBRI. 119 What other important functions are supposed to belong to the gray matter of the medulla ? The ()riil> to be located in the medulla. Plionation is also dependejit upon the action of nerves arising in this focus of gray matter, and no voluntary or reflex sound can be produced by an animal in which the speech- centre in the uiedulla is destroyed. The origin here of the hypo- glossal and pneumogastric nerves, involving as they do the move- ments of the tongue and glottis, controls both the acts of plionation and articulation. What is glosso-labio-laryngeal paralysis? It is a progressive degeneration of the gray matter of the me- dulla, and it shows itself first in a paralysis of the tongue, which renders articulation of certain sounds indistinct : as the degenei'a- tion progresses in the medulla the articulation becomes more and more impossible and deglutition is affected. The disease continues to aff'ect more and more of the functions dependent upon the me- dulla, until death ensues as a result of involvement of the cardiac and respiratory centres or of inability to take food. It is some- times called bulbar paralysis. With such varied and important powers, can the medulla be classed as an organ of the mind ? It cannot, for the reason that it has no voluntai'y control of any of its poAvers. They are all reflex, or respond to volition originat- ing elsewhere in the brain. Though the regulation of the action of the heart and of the lungs is dependent upon the medulla, and many other functions of absolute need nuiy be given to it, yet its power is not of a character to permit it to be called an organ of the mind. THE PONS VAROLII AND CRURA CEREBRI. What is the pons Varolii ? It is a collection of nervous tissue lying innnediately above the medulla. It consists of white fibres, with areas of gray matter filling in the intervals between the fasciculi of white fibres. The white fibres connect the brain with the medulla, and join the 120 NEEVOUS SYSTEM. various parts of the brain one to another. What is the function of the gray matter is little known, but it is directly continuous with that of the medulla, and probably, like it, active as a centre of nervous force. The median line of the pons is marked by the decussation of many nerve-fibres, and it is probable that the fibres of the facial nerve arising in the floor of the fourth ventricle decus- sate here. What peculiar paralyses are caused by lesions of the pons ? The so-called crossed paralysis may follow lesions in the lower portion of the pons ; that is, paralysis of sensation and motion, more or less complete, of the opposite side of the body, with paraly- sis of the facial muscles of the same side as the lesion. Describe the crura cerebri. The crura are formed largely of fibres passing from the medulla, through the pons Varolii, to the hemispheres of the cerebrum. They divide so as to form two sets of fibres : the more superficial (crusta) are mostly motor or eiferent fibres which are continuous with the pyramidal tracts in the cord ; while the deeper (tegmentum) layer of fibres are afferent or sensory, and are derived largely from the lateral and posterior tracts of the cord. Lying between these bands of fibres is a mass of gray substance (locus niger) whose function as a nerve-centre is not understood, though it has to do with co-ordination of the muscles, and especially with regulation of the muscles controlled by the motor oculi nerve. What paralyses follow lesions in the crura cerebri? Paralysis of the opposite side of the body, both of sensation and motion, and of a degree of intensity depending upon the size of the lesion, and, besides this, paralysis of the motor oculi nerve of the same side as the lesion. There is a derangement of the ordination of motions which follows lesions of this region beyond that which belongs to the motor paralysis ; this is often shown in rotary move- ments when the subject attempts to walk. It is inferred that there are co-ordinating influences derived from the crura. What is the function of the corpora quadrigemina ? The corpora quadrigemina are the homologues of the optic lobes in some of the lower animals, and may be regarded as important centres for the visual and motor functions of the eyes. Not only does blindness follow lesions of the corpora quadrigemina, but there is often atrophy of them when the eyes are destroyed. THE CEREBUUM. 121 Their action is crossed ; that is, lesions of tlic left side priiducc right blindness. From these bodies also is derived the power of co-ordination of the movements of the eyes and the control of the the reflex of the pupil. These centres arc closely related, and the disturbance of the one by a lesion in this part usually involves the other. THE CEREBRUM. Describe briefly the cerebrum. It is composed of two parts, or /leiiiisjilicrcti, connected by a com- missure of white fibres, the corjms cal/osmn. The two hemispheres are separated by a deep fissure extending fore and aft, and in the interior of each is found a cavity known as the lateral ventricle. The hemispheres are connected directly with the spinal system by the crura cerebri and medulla, and with each other b}' the corpus callosum. They are composed of white and gray nerve-substance, and the latter is arranged largely at the periphery of the hemi- spheres; the former being made up of communicating nerve-fibres which connect the various portions of the hemispheres, and the hemispheres with other parts of the cerehro-spinal system, thus allowing a free control of the impulses arising from one cell or set of cells by other cells in the gray matter. How is the surface of the cerebrum marked ? It is divided into regions bv' Jissiircs. -which separate one part from another. These fissures are always present, and upon them depends the determination of the division of the cerebrum into lobes. The fissures which are of most use in locating the lobes of cerebral matter are the fissure of Kolando, the fissure of Sylvius, and the parieto-occipital fissure. What are the convolutions of the cerebrum ? The surface of the brain is further cut up by a number of other clefts, known as sulci ; and these separate the surface into a num- ber of distinct masses or convolutions. The depth of the sulci and their number determine the quality of the brain in respect to its degree of development ; thus, the convolutions in man are much deeper and more numerous than in the lower animals. The sulci are not invariable in position or number in different brains. Into what regions is the cerebrum divided by the fissures ? (1) Fro)itul L(j})e. — This lube is bounded by the fissure of Kolando, 122 NEEVOUS SYSTEM. and contains several convolutions which include the forward por- tion of the brain. (2) The Parietal Lobe lies behind the fissure of Rolando, and extends posteriorly to the occipito-parietal fissure. The convolu- tions are well marked, and are separated by a well-marked sulcus Fig. 33. Plan of the Human Brain in Profile, showing its fissures and convolutions : S, fissure of Sylvius ; S', anterior branch; S", posterior branch ; R, fissure of Rolando ; P, parieto- occipital fissure. (sometimes known as the parietal fissure), and the posterior branch of the fissure of Sylvius is often enfolded by the inferior parietal convolution. (In Fig. 33 this convolution is marked " Supramar- ginal convolution.") (3) The Temporo-sphenoidal Lobe is below the Sylvian fissure and in front of the parieto-occipital. Its convolutions are well marked. (4) The Occipital Lobe is found at the posterior end of the cere- bral hemisphere, and its convolutions are continuous with those of the parietal and temporo-sphenoidal lobes, except within the longi- tudinal fissure, where it is cut ofi' from them by the parieto-occipital fissure. THE CEREBRUM. 123 Hori/ontal Section of the IIeuiisi>lieres at the Level of the Cerebral Ganglia : 1, great longitudinal fissure between frontal lobes; 2, great longitudinal fissure between occipital lobes ; H, anterior part of curpus callosum ; 4, fissure of Sylvius ; fi, convolu- tions of the insula; (!, caudate nucleus of corpus striatum; 7, lenticular nucleus of corpus striatum; 8, optic thalamus; 9, internal capsule; 10, external capsule; 11, claustrum. (5) The Central Lohc. or hland of Rcil. is within the fissure of Sylvius and covered by the convolutions of the frontal and parietal lobes. (See 5 in Fig. 84.) Besides these well-defined lobes, the portion of the cerebral sur- 124 NEEVOUS SYSTEM. face which is within the longitu- dinal fissure is marked by sulci and conA'^olutions. The convolu- tions of the frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes are found here, and the marginal (or calloso- marginal) convolution, lying above the corpus callosum, is the principal landmark. How is the gray matter of the cerebrum arranged? The increase in the area of the surface of the hemispheres by the infolding of the sulci adds very greatly to the amount of gray substance in the brain ; for the entire surface is com- posed of gi'ay substance, and this follows the sulci and fissures (Fig. 34) in all their folds, and is not cut into by them. Be- sides the gray matter in the con- volutions there are certain other gray masses in the substance of the white matter : the optic thalami, the corpora striata, and the claustrum (Fig. 34) are the chief of these gray masses. What is the minute structure of the gray matter of the cortex ? The gray matter of the cortex is made up of ganglion-cells of various shapes and sizes lying in a loose connective-tissue stroma. The connective tissue is more abundant at the surface. The cells are the source of numerous nerve-fibres which pass out into the white matter (Fig. 35). There are counted five layers of these Gray Matter of the Cerebral Cortex (Meynert). ganglionic tisSUes, and, while THE CEREBRUM. , 125 these zones merge into one anotlier, tliey are tDlerably distiiiet. In the niichlle (and widest) layer hirge niultijxdar cells are very nume- rous, and the fibres may be seen to ])ass throiiiili the deej)er layers in bundles into the white matter. What chemical peculiarities does nervous tissue present? It contains some peculiar bodies allied to the fats, but contain- ing nitrogen : of these cerehrin and kcethin are the more prominent. Aside from this, the constituents are proteid and fatty substances, with salts, chiefly potassium and magnesium phosphates, and water. What is the weight of the adult brain ? About 3 pounds. In size it exceeds the brains of all the lower animals except the elephant and whale. Its weight is about one- fortieth of the total body-weight, and this ratio is greater than in the lower animals, with a few exceptions among the smaller birds and monkeys. In women the weight is about one-tenth less than in men. Is the size of the brain a criterion of intellect ? In some degree it is, but this is not absolute. The depth of the sulci, and consequent size and complexity of the convolutions, are a more efficient measui-e of the brain-power. In the largest of the apes the brain of an adult animal is about the same in weight as that of a human infant at birth. Idiots, as a rule, have brains much smaller than the normal, and in them the convolutions are apt to be ill-marked and uncomplicated, as is the case in the lower animals. What is known of the course of the fibres in the white substance of the hemispheres ? The course of these fibres may be classified in three groups : 1, commissural fibres; 2, fibres of association; and 3, medullary fibres. (1) The Commissural Fibres are those which connect one hemi- sphere with the other, and it may be said that these fibres connect each set of convolutions with the corresponding set of the opposite side. The convolutions of the portion of the brain lying above the fissure of Sylvius communicate by the corpus callosum, while those at the base of the brain are joined by fibres passing through the anterior commissure. 126 NERVOUS SYSTEM. (2) Fibres of Association are those fibres which connect the convolutions of one hemisphere. These fibres pass in bundles just beneath the cortical gray matter of the convolutions, and it is thought that most of the important convolutions of each hemi- sphere intercommunicate in this way. (3) The Medullary Fibres are those which connect the cerebrum and medulla, and are regarded as indirect and direct, according as they do or do not pass to the gray ganglia at the base of the brain. In considering the course of the fibres from the medulla through the crura cerebri it was noted that the motor and sensory fibres were to some extent separated. The fibres pass from the crura to the internal capsule, and here the course of the fibres is twofold : the " direct fibres " pass to the cerebral convolutions through the corona radiata, while the "indirect fibres" pass to the corpora striata, and optic thalami, and communicate with ganglion-cells there. What is the function of the corpora striata and the optic thalami ? These " basal ganglia," with the other collections of gray sub- stance outside the convolutions, seem to have a controlling influ- ence upon the spinal system. The crura throw their fibres largely to these ganglia, the motor pyramidal tracts to the corpora striata, and the sensory fibres from the lateral and posterior tracts to the optic thalami. It is through these ganglia that all voluntary impulses, except those by the direct medullary fibres, must pass. These basal ganglia communicate through the corona radiata with the convolutions of the cortex, and it is probable that we may regard this part as acting as a middleman to elaborate and co- ordinate the voluntary impulses of the cortex and to act in the matters not requiring the intervention of the higher endowments of the mind. This status of these ganglia is quite theoretical, but the function may be considered as a sort having the properties of both the automatism of the gray matter of the medulla and cord and the voluntary function of convolutions. In this consideration, however, we must not undervalue the communication with the cortex which these basic ganglia possess. Do lesions in these basic ganglia cause peripheral symptoms? No. So far as has been observed, the corpora striata may be involved by considerable lesions without causing persistent motor or sensory disturbances, and the same may be said of the optic THE CEREBRUM. 127 thalanii, but if the lesion eneroaclies upon the white matter of the internal capsule or crura cerebri, the effect is to cause more or less paralysis, depending upon the severity of the lesion and its position. What are the functions of the cerebrum ? The motor and sensory functions which have been seen to belong to other nuclei of gray matter are centred here, but infinitely broadened, for the cells in the convolutions of the cerebrum can originate the efferent and perceive the afferent nerve-impulses. In fact, it is in this portion of the brain that the intelligence is centred: it is the organ of the mind. Memory, reason, emotions, and all the other attributes of the mind are dependent upon its functional power. What is the effect upon animals of the removal of the hemi- spheres ? In some of the lower animals the cerebrum may be entirely removed without killing them. When this is done, for example, in the case of a pigeon, the bird remains quiet in one position, and is not disturbed by noises, or if thrown from its perch it flies and alights in a nearly normal manner. If a foot be pinched, it with- draws it and perhaps changes its position. The bird is capable of reflex actions of various complicated kinds, but there is no spontaneous exercise of volition : all its movements are excited by the nerve-stimuli of the moment. There is no perception of stimuli ; the intelligence is gone. What is unilateral action of the brain ? There are instances in which the injury or disease of one-half of the brain has left the intellectual faculties not gravely impaired. From a consideration of such cases it has been held that the action of one of the hemispheres was sufficient for the purposes of the mind. There is, however, an absolute dependence for motor and sensory functions upon the integrity of both sides, for the one side cannot act for the other in these functions. As a rule, it is safe to assume that the two hemispheres act in unison. Are the functions of the brain localized ? While the brain is regarded as an nrgan of the mind, it is prob- able that the various functions may be regarded as belonging to definite portions of the convolutions which are appropriated for that 128 NERVOUS SYSTEM. purpose. The functions of the convolutions have not been assigned, except for a very small portion of the brain-surface and for some of the simpler actions. For the most part, our knowledge of the localization of brain-functions is confined to "motor areas," in which it has been determined that stimulation of a certain group of cells will cause a definite action. Besides this, certain other centres are located, as of sight and speech. How are the motor areas determined? When the surface of the brain is exposed in animals or in man, the stimulation of certain areas of the cortex by a mild electrical current will give rise to motion in the peripheral muscles ; and it is found that the stimulation of the same region in the same or other animals will cause the same results. These centres of motor im- pulses are situated almost entirely upon the convolutions about the fissure of Rolando (Fig. 36). What is known regarding the localization of sensory areas ? This has not been, by any means, so definitely fixed as for motor centres ; but the centres for sensation may be said to exist, and probably in the convolutions of the posterior portion of the cere- brum. The centre for vision in the convolutions about the poste- rior branch of the fissure of Sylvius is generally accepted (14, 15, in Fig. 36). The centre for hearing is tolerably defined in the temporo-sphenoidal lobe along the posterior branch of this fissure (16, Fig. 36). The speech-centre is also located with seeming ac- curacy along the anterior branch of the fissure of Sylvius and in the island of Reil. This centre seems to be much more developed upon the left side of the brain. In Fig. 36 this centre may be indicated roughly by reference to the tongue-centres (8 and 9). Do the evidences of pathology agree with these experiments ? Injuries and diseases involving the motor areas are followed by paralysis so well defined that it is frequently possible to locate the seat of the lesion from its result upon the inuscular system. Tumors, abscesses, and depressed bone, for example, are capable of accurate localization in this way. The more indefinite sen- sory paralyses do not so accurately point out their origin. On the whole, the evidence of pathology bears out in full the experi- mental results. The crossed action of all the nervous structures is especially to be noted. In the case of a right paralysis in THE CEREBRUM. 129 which the speech is affected, as compared with a left heniiple glosso-pharyngeal and (X) pneu- ' ( mogastric. What is the distribution of the motor oculi or third nerve? It arises from a nucleus of gray matter just in front of the me- dulla, beneath the iter e tertio ad quartum ventriculum, passing out through the crus cerebri, and emerging from the skull in the orbit. It gives ofi" some fibres to the lenticular ganglion. It is distributed to all the muscles of the eyeball, with the exception of the superior oblique and the external rectus muscles. It also supplies the levator palpebral superioris muscle, and by its con- nection with the lenticular ganglion controls the ciliary and pupil- lary muscles. What is the function of the third nerve ? It is a purely motor nerve. Its function is best described, per- haps, by showing the paralyses which follow its division : by par- alysis of the elevator of the upper lid we have jyfosis ; by the paralysis of the muscles of the eyeball we have inability to move the organ up or down or inward ; by the unopposed action of the external rectus the eyeball becomes turned outward (external stra- bismus) ; by the action upon the miiscle of the iris the pupil * A convenient old medical-school mnemonic is useful in remembering the names and order of these nerves — viz. On Old Moriah's Pointed Top A French And German Picked Some Hops, tlie initial letter of each word giv- ing the key. It is given witli an apology to many generations. t Of the nerves of special sense, ( [) olfactory, ( II ) optic, and (VIII) audi- tory will be explained later, and may be omitted from further consideration for the present. 134 NERVOUS SYSTEM. remains dilated and does not respond to light ; and by the paraly- sis of the ciliary muscle the accommodation of the lens for near vision is prevented. The control of the- pupil is not a voluntary one ; but the effect of a strong voluntary effort, exerted through the third nerve, shows itself in contraction of the pupil, as when the eyeball is turned strongly inward and upward. Describe and give the function of the patheticus or fourth cra- nial nerve. It arises close by the third nerve beneath the aqueduct of Syl- vius, and emerges, after decussation, from the valve of Vieussens. Thence, passing around the crus cerebri, it runs parallel with the mo- tor oculi (third) nerve to the orbit, where it is supplied to the supe- rior oblique muscle. Its paralysis prevents the muscle from main- taining the horizontal plane of the eyeball. If this paralysis occurs, there is double vision, and the image seen by the affected eye appears oblique and inferior to the image of the other eye. This may be corrected by inclining the head to "the opposite side. This jierve is also known as the trochlearis or trochlear nerve. What is the course and function of the sixth or abducens nerve ? It arises from a nucleus of gray matter in the floor of the fourth ventricle, and its nucleus is connected with those of the third, fourth, and seventh nerves. It emerges without decussation at the poste- rior border of the pons Varolii, and passes forward to the orbit with the third and fourth nerves. In its course it has many com- munications with the sympathetic nerves, but their significance is unknown. It is supplied to the external rectus muscle of the eye, and its stimulation causes external squint, and paralysis causes internal. What is the origin of the trigeminus or fifth nerve ? This nerve resembles the spinal nerves in having a motor and a sensory root, the latter possessing a ganglion (Gasserian). The origin of the nerve seems to be in centimes, separate for motor and sensory, in the floor of the fourth ventricle. There are fibres which join the trunk of the nerve which are derived from the spinal cord and from the cerebellum. It emerges from the pons Varolii as two distinct nerve-roots. The larger of the two, the sensory, soon enters the Grasserian ganglion, the motor root passing beneath without communication. The nerve then breaks up into three branches : of these the first and second are formed entirely from the sensory THE CRANIAL NERVES. 135 root, ^vhilc the third carries all the iiuitor fibres, and with them some of the sensory, so that the third branch of the nerve is partly sen- FiG. 38. Diagram of the Fifth Nerve and its Distribution ; 1, sensitive root ; 2, motor root; 3, Gas- serian ganglion ; I, ophthalmic division ; 11, superior maxillary division ; III, infe- rior maxillary division; 4, supraorbital nerve, distributed to the skin of the fore- head, inner angle of the eye, and root of the nose; o, infraorbital nerve, to the skin of the lower eyelid, side of the nose, and skin and mucous membrane of the upper lip; 6, mental nerve, to the integument of the chin and edge of the lower jaw, and skin and mucous membrane of the lower lip ; «, n, external terminations of the na^al branch of the ophthalmic division, to the mucous membrane of the inner part of the eye and the nasal passages, and to the base, tip, and wing of the nose; t, temporal branch of the superior maxillary division, to the skin of the temjioral region ; m, malar branch of the superior maxillary division, to the .skin of the cheek and neigh- boring parts; h, buccal branch of the inferior maxillary division, passing along the surface of the buccinator muscle, and distributed to the mucous membrane of the cheek and to the mucous membrane and skin of the lips; I, lingual nerve, to the mucous membrane of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue; a/, auriculo-temporal branch of the inferior maxillary division, to the skin of the anterior part of the external ear and adjacent temporal region ; x, x, x. muscular branches, to the tem- poral, masseter, and internal ■■•ud external pterygoid muscles; y, muscular branch, to the mylo-hyoid and anterior belly of the diagastric ; /, sensitive branch of com- munication to the facial nerve. sory and partly motor. There is a partial decussation of the fibres in the medulla, but many pass direct to the same side. What muscles are supplied by the motor root? The 7nHKcIeF: of vidsticdtiou. The temporal, masseter, and both pterygoid muscles, as well as the anterior belly of the digastric 136 NERVOUS SYSTEM. muscle and the mylo-hyoid, receive their innervation from the motor root of the fifth nerve. Besides this, the tensor palati and tensor tympani muscles are supplied by this nerve through its communi- cation with the otic ganglion of the sympathetic system. A branch to the buccinator muscle is probably not motor, but sensory. Le- sions of the nerves paralyze these muscles. What is the distribution of the sensory root ? The sensory fibres of the fifth nerve are distributed in all three branches, and supply sensation to the skin of the face and anterior portion of the head, emerging from the bony canals upon the face at the supraorbital, infraorbital, and mental foramina ; it is also supplied to the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue (by the lingual branch) and to the muscles of the part. What results follow division of the sensory root of the fifth nerve ? There is complete anaesthesia of the skin and mucous membranes of the face. What is the trophic influence of this nerve-root ? It is of very great value. If it be divided, the complete anaes- thesia of the conjunctiva, of the nostrils, and of the lips prevents the reflex self-protection vrhich belongs to the parts, and they be- come injured very easily. Aside from that, the direct influence upon all the parts is great, so that vphen it is cut off there is a rapid degeneration resulting, vphich is specially apparent in the mucous membrane of the nose and in the cornea. What influence has the sensory branch upon the special senses ? (1) Its division causes total anaesthesia to the skin and mucous membrane ; the loss of the sense of touch in the part is of great importance, for the tongue and lips are used much for this. (2) Upon the sense of sight it has a very controlling influence, for, as we have seen, the trophic influence is essential to the maintenance of the integrity of the eye. (3) Upon the sense of smell. Here the influence is the same as with the eyes, trophic. The smell is soon lost on account of degeneration of the mucous membrane after division of the fifth nerve. (4) Taste, prob- ably, is not a direct function of the nerve, but if the tactile sensi- bility is gone and the trophic changes are begun, the sense of taste soon disappears in the anterior portion of the tongue. (5) Upon the hearing the effect is more gradual and less distinct. The seere- TIIK CRANIAL NERVES. 137 tioiis of the cavity of the tyiiipanuin and of the external auditory canal are of great importance in niaintaining normal conditions. They arc under the trophic influence of the fifth nerve, both throunh its auriculo-temporal branch and through its communica- tion with the otic ganglion. The tensor tympani muscle is also supplied by the motor root. Thus, the auditory apparatus is con- siderably under the control of the nerve. What painful afifections belong to this nerve? Headaches of the scalp and deeper tissues, and more especially the frontal sinuses, are common. Toothache and facial neuralgia Fui. 39. Diagram of the Facial Nerve and its Distrilnition : 1, Facial nerve at its entrance into the internal auditory meatus ; 2, its exit at the stylo-niastoid foramen ; 3, 4, teni|i(iral and posterior auricular brandies, distributed to the muscles of the external ear and to the occipitalis; o, branches to tlie frontalis muscle; 0, branches to the stylo-hyoid and digastric muscles; 7, branches to the upper part of the platysma myoides; .s, branch of coninuinicatiou with the superficial cervical uerve of the cervical plexus. are due to irritation or disease of parts of the nerves. Tic dou- Ivurcux is a persistent neuralgia of some or all of the branches of the nerve. 138 NEEVOUS SYSTEM. What is the origin of the facial or seventh nerve ? It arises in the floor of the fourth ventricle, and its fibres emerge at the edge of the pons Varolii in company with the (eighth) auditory nerve (sometimes known as the portio mollis ; the facial being then called the portio dura of the seventh pair, when the classification of the cranial nerves is made into nine pairs). It passes into the internal auditory canal, and escapes from the skull by way of the aqueduct of Fallopius and the stylo-mastoid foramen. How is the facial nerve distributed? It is almost wholly a motor nerve, and is distributed to all of the muscles of the face (Fig. 39) except those mentioned as controlled by the motor branch of the trigeminus nerve. The muscles of the eyelids and the muscles of the palate in part are innervated by it, as well as the parotid and mhmaxillary glands^ through the chorda tympani. In the neck it supplies the posterior belly of the digas- tric and the platysma myoides muscles. It also sends branches to the stapedius muscle of the internal ear and to all of the muscles of the external ear. The branches passing to the salivary glands are secretory in their function ; and this is the only exception to the motor influence of the nerve. What is the function of the facial nerve ? It is the motor nerve which parallels in its distribution the sensory root of the fifth ; it supplies the superficial muscles, as the latter does the skin. It is the nerve of expression, by which the features are made to reflect the emotions. What is the effect of paralysis of this nerve ? If the nerve be divided or diseased, the face of that side is devoid of motion (Fig. 40), and becomes smooth and expression- less, while the sound side is held in its customary pose. The eyelids cannot close themselves, and the lips do not oppose properly, on account of the defective action of the orbicular muscle. There is difficulty in drinking and in articulation for the same reason. State what influence is ascribed to the chorda tympani branch. The chorda tympani is a small filament given off" from the facial in the aqueduct of Fallopius, some of whose fibres are distributed to the submaxillary gland. If this nerve be divided, the secretion of saliva from the gland is greatly diminished, while stimulation of the THE CRANIAI> NEKVKS. 139 norvo will excite a copious flow. This is an active secretion, ami is nut a sinipli' filtration clue to vaso-uiotor chanfrcs. A similar influ- ence is noted in the corresponding hall" of the tongue. There is a similar distribution of tibres from the facial to the parotid gland Fig. 40. Facial Paralysis of the Right Side. through the lesser petrosal nerve, but their action has not been so thoroughly analyzed as in the case of the submaxillary and chorda tynipani. The chorda tympani has still further an effect upon the sense of taste in the anterior portion of the tongue. If it be divided, the taste is much blunted on the aff'ected ,side. It is not known if this be due to the communication of the glosso-phai'vngeal or not, but it seems probable that it cannot be ascribed to either the trifacial or facial alone ; and it is considered to be a plausible explanation tliat the chorda tympani does bear some fibres of the glosso- pharyngeal. 140 NERVOUS SYSTEM. Why is not the ocular paralysis of the seventh nerve as serious as that of the fifth ? The eyelids remain open in facial paralysis, and the conjunctiva is subject to injury by drying. and by foreign bodies ; but the injury is not so great as in paralysis of the fifth nerve, because the seventh has no trophic influence. What is the origin of the glosso-pharyngeal or ninth nerve ? It arises in the medulla from centres near those for the vagus and spinal accessory nerves. Its fibres pass through the substance of the medulla and em^erge in company with those of the vagus and spinal acessory to pass with them from the skull through the jug- ular foramen. It gives off" a small branch which passes to the tympanum and Eustachian tube (Jaeobson's nerve) while in the jugular foramen, and presents a small ganglion, the petrosal ; and it has communicating branches to the seventh and tenth nerves and to the otic ganglion. It divides as it passes down, one branch passing forward to the tongue, and one going to the pharynx (whence its name). How is the glosso-pharyngeal distributed ? The portion which passes to the tongue is distributed to the pos- terior portion of the organ, to the circumvallate papillae, and the mucous membrane behind them, some fibres going to the lining of the soft palate, pillars of the fauces, and tonsils. The other branch is distributed to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, and by direct branches and communications with other nerves to all the muscles involved in swallowing. What is the function of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve ? (1) It is the nerve of taste; and (2) it is essentially a nerve of deglutition. Explain the action of the glosso-pharyngeal as a nerve of taste. It is only in the latter part of the stay of food in the mouth that it reaches the region supplied by this nerve. When the food is to be swallowed, it is pressed by the base of the tongue against the palate arch and pushed into the pharynx. It is then that the sense of taste is exercised here. The reflex stimuli then excited start up the motor chain which pushes the bolus on to the stomach. As already said, there is considerable question as to whether the tri- geminal or glosso-pharyngeal is really the conductor of this sense, but it is quite likely that both are essential. THE CRANIAL NERVES. 141 What is the function of the glosso-pharyngeal as a motor nerve ? \\ lic'tlicr l)y reason of its coinuiiiiiifalioiis with otlier nerves or not ill its distril)utioii, tlie nerve is a motor nerve as well as sensory. Its distribution is to all the muscles of deglutition, and stimulation causes contraction of the muscles, while division paralyzes them. The very numerous connections of the nerve com- plicate its anatomical origin very greatly, and interfere with a clear comprehension of the unaided function of the nerve. Where does the reflex for swallowing originate? In the medulla oblongata, where the centre of origin of the nerve is situated. What is the origin of the pneumogastric or tenth nerve ? It arises from the gray matter in tlie floor of the fourth ventri- cle, its nucleus being very close to those of the glosso-pharyngeal, spinal accessory, and hypoglossal. Its fibres pass through the sub- stance of the medulla oblongata, and emerge from its lateral sur- face with the roots of its associate nerves, the glosso-pharyngeal and spinal accessory. It passes from the skull with them by the jugular foramen. It has at this point a ganglionic enlargement. From here it passes down the neck, and is distributed more diflFusely than any other cranial nerve. What synonyms has the tenth nerve? Pneumogastric, from its distribution and function ; vagus or Par Vagum, from its scattered distribution («<_(/««, Latin = wanderer). What principal distributions has the pneumogastric? It is supplied to the organs by which air and food enter the body, and besides this has several important connections with the s^'mpa- thetic system. (1) To the larynx it supplies sensation and motion through the superior and inferior lari/iigeal branches. (2) In the chest it forms the pidmonari/ plexuses, which innervate the bronchi and lungs. (3) Branches to the cardiac plexus supply important stimuli to the heart and great vessels. (4) There are branches to the 2)har?/nffeal and asopluigeal plexuses which are both sensor)' and motor, supplying both the mucous membrane and the muscular structures of the parts. (5) Its terminal branches supply the sen- sory and motor nerves to the stomach, the left nerve being dis- tributed on its anterior wall, and the right posteriorly. (G) Branches 142 NERVOUS SYSTEM. also pass to tlie liver and spleen and communicate with the solar plexus. Mention some of its communications with other nerves. Soon after leaving its origin in the medulla the vagus enters into so many communications with other nerves, both sensory and mo- tor, that it is difficult to know the real fibres of the original root and to determine what are original and what derived functions. The sympathetic system sends fibres in all the branches of the pneumogastric, and the pneumogastric sends branches to many of the important sympathetic plexuses and ganglia ; the pharyngeal, laryngeal, oesophageal, pulmonary, cardiac, and solar plexuses are so made up by branches from both. The spinal accessory nerve is an important contributor, in that it sends a large branch which is incorporated in the vagus. There are also communications to the glosso-phai'yngeal and hypoglossal nerves, and it also receives motor fibres from the facial and upper two cervical nerves. The original nerve is probably entirely sensory, and its motor function is derived from these connections with motor nerves. Where are the motor fibres from the spinal accessory nerve sup- posed to be distributed? Principally in the recurrent laryngeal nerve. What is the function of the vagus in connection with respira- tion ? The nerve supplies, as has been said, the motor and sensory functions of the larynx, and in this is of value to the respiratory function both in the prevention of foreign substances entering the rim a glottidis, and in the opening of that orifice for the entrance of air. Besides this, it supplies sensory fibres to the pulmonary plexus which transmit the reflex stimulus to the medulla, by which the motor apparatus is excited to action. What is its influence upon the voice? The muscles of the larynx involved in the production of sound are supplied by this nerve, and, as the approximation of the chor- dae vocales is necessary for this, it follows that the voice is depend- ent upon the fibres of the pneumogastric supplied by the inferior or recurrent laryngeal nerve. What effect upon respiration follows section of the vagi ? The respiration is slowed immediately to about half its usual THK CRANIAL NERVES. 143 rate, ami soon drops to five or six to tlu; niinuto, and oven slower. Tlie respiration is easy — inspiration slow and full, ex])iration harsh and sudden. Death follows this operation in a short time (one to six days), and the animal during- the time is sluggish and appa- rently suffers from slow earbonic-oxide nareosis. It is inferred iVom this that the vagus is the nerve which carries to the auto- matic centre the stimuli which arc needed to keep up the automat- ism, and that the medulla is incapable of originating the motor impulses unless controlled by afferent stimuli. What is the function of the pneumogastric in deglutition ? Deglutition both in the pharynx and oesophagus is under the influ- ence of the vagus, which gives innervation directly to the thoracic part of the latter and through the inferior laryngeal branch to the cervical part. The sensory fibres act as conductors of the stimulus Avhieli results in the reflex peristalsis by which the food is carried on through the cesophagus. The sensory distribution to the larynx must not be forgotten in this connection, for by it food is kept from the respiratory organs. Section of the vagi causes paralysis of swallowing, and food is apt. to pass the glottis on an attempt to swallow, not even a cough being excited by such an accident. The closure of the glottis in swallowing is caused by a reflex action known as the " action of arrest," and is derived from the sensory fibres of the vagus. What is the physiological relation of this nerve to the stomach ? Both sensory and motor. The stomach receives its warning of the presence of food through the sensory fibres, and the muscular fibres excite the organ to contract upon it and " churn " it about during digestion. There is also a vaso-motor influence derived from the vagus. When the nerve is cut but little food can reach the stomach because of the paralysis of the oesophagus, and what food does enter is digested very slowly, so that the function of the pneumogastric may be considered essential to stomach digestion. The connection with the solar plexus also involves the intestines in the action of the vagus. What important excito-motor reflexes depend upon the pneumo- gastric for one or both stimuli? Coughing and vomiting, as well as many other less essential reflexes, such as sighing, hiccoughing, and the like. 144 NERVOUS SYSTEM. What is the influence of the vagus upon the heart ? There are numerous branches to the cardiac plexus from the trunk of the vagus and from its inferior laryngeal branch. Stim- ulation of the pneumogastric nerve diminishes the frequency, or, if strong, entirely stops the heart in diastole. The nerve is there- fore regarded as having an inhibitory action. This is an unusual effect, for in other cases the stimulation of nerves going to muscles causes contraction : the heart, however, becomes flaccid under the influence of the stimulated vagus. What is the origin of the spinal accessory or eleventh cranial nerve ? It is twofold. One root arises in the gray matter of the medulla near the nucleus for the vagus, while the others arise from the lateral tract of the cord as low as the fifth or sixth cervical vertebra, and pass up between the anterior and posterior spinal nerve-roots to join the medullary (or accessory) portion at its emergence from the medulla. The united nerve passes out through the jugular foramen with the glosso-pharyngeal and pneumogastric nerves. How is the nerve distributed? Soon after leaving the skull it again divides, the medullary root joining the trunk of the pneumogastric, while the spinal root sup- plies the sterno-mastoid and trapezius muscles. What is the function of the spinal accessory nerve ? The nerve is a motor to all intents, though it has some sensory fibres, as is shown by the pain caused by pinching it. (1) The anastomotic branch^ which joins the pneumogastric, is apparently largely given off in the recurrent laryngeal nerve, but its section does not produce the same effect upon the larynx as section of the trunk of the vagus or of its inferior laryngeal branch. There is paralysis of the voice, but not of the move- ments of the glottis for respiration. There are probably some fibres of this nerve also given off to the cardiac plexus. (2) The muscular branch supplies the sterno-mastoid and trape- zius muscles, but these muscles are also supplied by the cervical spinal nerves, and their action is not paralyzed by the section of this branch of the spinal accessory. It is found, however, that the relation of these muscles to respiration is impaired by isolation from this nerve ; that is, when the breath is held in any violent exertion, as straining or pushing, or when a loud cry is uttered, THE SENSES. 145 tlio sterno-niastoid aiul trapezius nmscles contract to fix the head and hold the spine steady. This action seems to be prevented by the section of this muscular branch of the spinal accessory. What is the origin of the hypoglossal or twelfth cranial nerve ? It arises in the gray matter at the inferior extremity of the floor of the fourth ventricle, near the origin of the spinal accessory and pneumogastric nerves. The fibres pass through the substance of the medulla oblongata, skirting (and perhaps gaining fibres from) the olivary body, and, emerging in a number of small bundles, collect into a nerve-trunk which emerges from the skull by the anterior condyloid foramen. How is the hypoglossal nerve distributed? It passes down the neck to about the level of the hyoid bone, where it curves forward and into the tongue, giving off branches to the muscles which move that organ. What is the function of the hypoglossal nerve ? It is a motor nerve, but possesses some sensory fibres derived from the cervical spinal nerves and from the trigeminus, with whose lingual branch it inosculates on the side of the tongue. Filaments from it are distributed to all the muscles which move the tongue, and to the depressors of the hyoid bone through its descending branch. What influence has this nerve upon digestion? It is important in mastication, for its muscles move the food about for the better action of the teeth. In animals, after division drinking is impossible, because they are unable to lap up fluids, and the food is swallowed with difficulty because it is not carried back into the pharynx by the tongue after mastication. What is its connection with speech? Articulation of most sounds involves movements of the tongue. Impaired articulation is an early symptom in bulbar or glosso- labio-laryngeal paralysis. THE SENSES. What organs are necessary for sensation? A peripheral organ for the reception of an impression, a nerve for its conduction, and a centre in the brain for the perception. 10— Phy. 146 THE SENSES. It is by means of impressions so received and conducted to it that the mind is able to control the body and to take cognizance of the external world. Into what classes may the sensations be arranged ? Common sensations and special sensations. These last are com- monly called " the senses." What is meant by the common sensations? Such perceptions as cannot be distinctly located in any organ or set of organs, such as fatigue, hunger, thirst, satiety. Besides this, there are some sensations which involve certain organs which must be classed under this head ; thus inclinations to cough or to sneeze or to vomit are common sensations, and, similarly, to urinate or defecate. Many of these sensations occupy a border-line between common sensibility and the special sense of touch, such as itching and tickling. Is pain a common sensation? It is, but is very closely allied to the sense of touch. The two may be differentiated, however. If one touch a sharp instrument, he may perceive its shape and condition, but if the pressure be increased the ability to perceive its form is lost, and instead the sensation of pain is established. The relation of the two is curi- ously shown in partial anaesthesia by drugs, as when one takes nitrous-oxide gas for the extraction of a tooth, and is able to feel the operation and to know what has been done, without in the least feeling pain. What is the real seat of the senses ? The brain or sensormm. The organ of the mind, which perceives the thing which the organ of sense has taken an impression from, is the fundamental structure in the necessary chain. What is hallucination? It is the perception of an object as a real presence without the presence of the object to justify the perception ; that is, it is an act of the brain which refers its action to an organ of the senses. Thus, in delirium tremens a person may perceive many curious and uncanny things, which his mind hears and sees and feels, but which his senses could not take cognizance of, because they are only " creatures of the mind." TOUCH. 147 Do the nerves of special sense possess the property of common sensibility ? No. Till! six'cial nerves liave no other function than tlic special one for wliich they arc set apart ; and when they are separated from tlieir special organs for receiving impressions, they no hunger respond to the customary stimuli. What are the special senses? Touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight. TOUCH. What is the organ of touch ? The skin and the mucous membranes adjoining it. The nails and teeth too exercise a peculiar function in this regard, and the hair in some regions — e. g. eyelashes. The sensations of touch are communicated to the central nervous system through the agency of the sensory nerves of the spinal and cranial systems. What varieties of the sense of touch are found ? (1) Tactile sensibility, or touch proper; (2) the sense of pressure or weight ; (H) the sense of temperature. All of these, when car- ried beyond moderate limits, are merged into the sensation of pain. What factors determine the acuteness of touch ? The (Jisfribiifioii of the eud-orgmis of the sensory nerves varies in different parts of the body, and the more numerous the touch-cor- puscles, the more acute the sensibility of the part. Again, the thickness of the epidermis has marked influence in determining the tactile ability, portions of the hands and feet, when callous, having very blunted sensibility. What qualities of bodies are determined by touch ? Their hardness and elasticit}', the quality of tlie surface as to smoothness, the size and form and the temperature and wet or dry condition, are all easily determined by touch. Why is the hand of especial value as an organ of touch ? Jiocausc of the acuteness of its sensibility. Further than this, it is so constructed as to be capable of forming impressions of bodies by reason of its power to grasp them and to test them as to weight. 148 THE SENSES. How is the acuteness of touch measured ? By means of a pair of compasses whose points are blunted. The legs of the instrument are separated, and the distance, between the points which can jvist be distinguished as two separate con- tacts, measures the sensibility. From the accompanying table it will be seen that the touch is most acute in the tip of the tongue and in the fingers and tips, while in other portions the sense of touch is so vague that two points of contact are not distinguished until they are 21 in. apart. It is found that the points of the com- passes must be more widely separated when the test is made in the long axis of a limb than when across it. (The table is from Kirke's Handhooh) : Table of Variations in the Tactile Sensibility of Different Parts. — (The measurement indicates the least distance at which the two blunted points of a pair of compasses could be separately distinguished. — E. H. Weber.) Tip of tongue ^-^ inch. Palmar surface of third phalanx of forefinger . . xV Palmar surface of second phalanges of fingers . . \ Red surface of under lip \ Tip of the nose \ Middle of dorsum of tongue \ Palm of hand -f^ Centre of hard palate \ Dorsal surface of first phalanges of fingers .... -^^ Back of hand 1^ Dorsum of foot near toes \\ Gluteal region IJ Sacral region 1\ Upper and lower parts of forearm 1^ Back of neck near occiput 2 Upper dorsal and mid-lumbar regions 2 Middle part of forearm 2\ Middle of thigh _ 2\ Mid-cervical region 2\ Mid-dorsal region 2|^ How is touch modified by education? The sense of touch may be greatly educated and specialized. This is seen in many of the arts where great dexterity obtains by reason of an educated touch. The reading raised letters by the blind is a familiar example of educated touch. TOUCH. 149 What is pressure sensation? Wlii-n weight is atkled to an ordinary touch, the sensation of the pressure of the weight is felt, and by it one can judge with con- siderable accuracy the amount of the pressui'e, and determine the comparative pressure of two weights with approximate correct- ness within limits of pressure. This is known as the sense of pressure. What is the muscular sense? Ey taking a body in the hand and raising it we feel a sense of resistance in the muscles, by whose intensity we can much more accurately determine the weight. This is the muscular sense. It is developed to an exceedingly fine degree in some occupations ; for example, postal clerks detect overweight letters with wonderful accuracy and quickness. What is the origin of the muscular sense ? It has been urged that the muscular sense is of central origin, and depends upon the strength of the impetus which must be sent to the muscles to cause them to do certain work. It may, however, be due to a training of the sensibility of the muscle, whereby the relative strength of a contraction is perceived as a sensation. What is temperature sense? The surface of the body is very sensible of temperature changes ; and that this is distinct from ordinary tactile sensation has been inferred from the fact that when the ordinary touch is blunted the temperature sense may remain unimpaired. Are the sensations of temperature accurate from a thermometric standpoint ? No. They are relative ; that is, we infer from the temperiiture of the skin or of our habitual surroundings the warmth or coldness of the thing tested. It is related that Arctic explorers have found the water feel warm when swimming in pools on icebergs, and a drop of the mercury to 80° F. is said to feel cold in torrid climates. A more simple illustration is that of immersing one hand in water at 40° F. and the other in water at 120° F., and then both in water at 80° F., when one hand will feel hot and the other cold, though both are subjected to the same temperature. Again, during a chill the temperature of the body is often very considerably elevated, and yet the sensation is entirely of cold. 150 THE SENSES. May the temperature sense be educated ? Yes. For example, a skilled bath-attendant is able to determine with an astonishing accuracy the temperature of water by immers- ing his hand. Does the delicacy of the temperature sense correspond with that of touch proper ? Yes, in the main, but there are some situations in which the skin is very thin, and the temperature sense is relatively much more delicate than the tactile. TASTE. What conditions are necessary for the sense of taste ? Aside from the conditions which are always necessary for sense- perception — viz. proper organs for receiving, communicating, and perceiving the sensory impulse — there must be present a sapid sub- stance which must be in solution. The solution in the case of dry substances is effected by the saliva. It is also necessary that the surface of the organs of taste shall be moist. Where does the sense of taste arise ? Chiefly from the tongue, though there is some power to taste resident in the soft palate, fauces, tonsils, and pharynx. In the tongue the taste is more acutely developed in the posterior portion, though in most the tip and sides are sensitive to taste. The cen- tral portion of the dorsum is not an actively sensitive taste-organ. The under surface of the tongue is little if at all sensitive to taste. What nervous supply conducts the taste-sense ? Probably the glosso-pharyngeal. The lingual branch of the fifth (or gustatory) is also a conductor of taste-impressions for the front of the tongue. Describe, roughly, the tongue. The tongue is a flattened muscular organ covered by epithelium. It is controlled by intrinsic and extrinsic muscles, which give it a remarkable flexibility of movement ; the latter for its larger, and the former for its more delicate, actions. What kinds of papillae characterize the mucous membrane of the tongue ? There are three varieties found, which are known as filiform^ fungiform, and circumvallate papillae. These are set chiefly upon TASTE. 151 the dorsum of the tongue, and over its whole surface are numer- ous mucous follicles, whose secretions keep the tongue moist (Fig. 41). Fig. 41. A/. Upper Surface of the Tongue. Describe the filiform papillae of the tongue. The filiform papUhr. are set mostly upon the middle of the dorsum, but are scattered over the entire surface, and are far more numerous than any other kind. They are conical in shape, and are covered with epithelium, which projects in a brush-like tuft from the apex. Their function is mostly tactile, and in animals, especially of the cat tribe, arc very prominent. 152 THE SENSES. Describe the fungiform papillae. They are chiefly distributed over the sides and tip of the organ, and sparsely upon the dorsum. They are larger at the surface than at the base, club-shaped, and are supplied with blood-vessels and nerves. Their funx5tion is probably sensory. Describe the circumvallate papillae. They are somewhat similar in shape to the fungiform, but con- siderably larger. They are situated at the posterior portion of the dorsum in a V-shaped arrangement, and number only eight or ten. In the circumvallate papillse are the taste-goblets, or gustatory buds, which are the form of nerve-ending characterizing the parts where this sense is developed. What other functions are dependent upon the tongue besides taste ? The sense of touch is very highly developed here, and with it the sense of temperature, pressure, pain, etc. : upon these touch and muscular senses to a great extent depend the accuracy of the tongue in many of its important uses — speech, mastication, deglu- tition, sucking. The tactile sense is very important, too, in the sense of taste, for with many substances the taste is largely due to their mechanical condition : this is the case with mucilaginous, oily, and chalky tastes. What relation has the sense of smell to taste ? It is important, for with many substances — particularly aromatic substances — of food and drink the association of smell and taste is very essential to a thorough appreciation of a flavor. Most cooked foods lose their savor if the nose is obstructed ; thus with a " cold" in the nose " everything tastes alike." What kinds of flavors are appreciated by the tongue ? The principal tastes are sweet, bitter, acid, alkaline, and saline. Besides these, the general sensibility of the tongue detects pungent or caustic and styptic tastes, as well as the oily and mucilaginous tastes. What degree of taste-sensibility has the tongue ? It is quite acute. A solution of acid or bitter substances is tasted when very dilute : strychnine is said to be tasted in a 1 : 600,000 solution ; sulphuric acid, 1 ; 1000. SMELL. 1 53 Wliat is after-taste? After an aromatic substance has been tasted there remains in the mouth an impression of that flavor, and if such substances be taken in rapid succession, the appreciation of their flavor is lost. This impression, which is left by a strong flavorris called the after-taste, and is utilized sometimes to cover the taste of a disagreeable medi- cine, a strongly-flavored aromatic preceding it. Wiat influence upon taste has the muscular action of the tongue ? Twofcild. It breaks the food up more thoroughly by its pressure against the walls of the mouth, and so brings it into a better con- dition to reach the nerve-endings ; and it carries the food about the mouth, so that the taste-organs are able to reach it readily. SMELL. What are the conditions necessary to the sense of smell? The special organs for this sense for the reception, conduction, and perception of the stimulus, as in the case of any of the senses, must be in their proper condition, and a stimulus (an odor; must be present to excite them. What are odors ? They are caused either by minute particles of solid matter or by gases which are in the atmosphere, and they must be capable of sohition in the mucus of the Schneiderian membrane. The sub- stance must pass in a current of air through the nostrils or it is not perceived as an odor. This is accomplished by " sniffing " the air, and thus creating an intermitting current which is tested by the olfactory sense. In this way a trace of a gas or impalpable powder may be detected which cannot be traced by chemical or other means. If the substance be applied as a solution, it is not detected ; thus, rose-water in a nasal douche is not noticed while the nostrils are full of fluid, and yet as soon as the nostrils are free the odor appears. Where is the organ of the sense of smell ? In tlie mucous membrane of the upper part of the nasal cavity. The olfactorj- nerves are the functional nerves of the sense, and are spread out in a fine network (Fig. 42) over the surface of the supe- rior or turbinated bone and upper portion of the middle turbinated bone, and on the upper third of the septum. The nerves end in 154 THE SENSES. Fig. 42. Distribution of Nerves in the Nasal Passages : 1, olfactory bulb, with its nerves ; 2, nasal branch of the fifth pair ; 3, spheno-palatine ganglion. special end-organs, known as olfactory cells, whicli lie under tlie ciliated epithelium of the part. Describe the origin of the olfactory nerves. The nerves arise from a mass of gray matter lying beneath the anterior lobe of the brain upon the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. This is the olfactory bulb, and it is connected by the olfactory tract with the cerebrum. Is tactile sensibility a property of the olfactory nerve ? No. The lining membrane of the nasal cavity is very sensitive to irritation, but the nasal branch of the fifth nerve and branches from the spheno-palatine ganglion furnish the ordinary and tactile sense. Do the perceptions by the olfactory and by the nerves of touch resemble each other? Often they do, and some stimuli aifect both nerves. The com- mon sensibility is evoked by such substances as are irritating and acrid : ammonia gas has no odor, but it stimulates the mucous mem- brane by its irritating properties. The tactile or common sensibil- ities remain when the olfactory are gone. The relation between HEARING. 155 igment-Iayer. Without entering into the details of its numerous layers, we may say that the fibres of the optic nerve spread out, divested of neurilemma, in this membrane, and communicate with ganglion-cells, which are abundant. The fibres pass inward and terminate in the layer of rods and cones which form the end-organs of the nerve. Describe the rods and cones of the retina. They are closely packed at the sur- face of the retina, the rods being the more numeroiis in most situations. The cones seem to be modifications ,. ^v^ - of the rods, and their office is essen- SfCt^Jn'^^^f^^s^ tially similar. The rods (Fig. 48) are straight cylindrical bodies of a trans- parent substance, and are placed par- allel to one another and perpendicular to the surface of the eyeball. In length they are about five to seven times the diameter of a red blood-corpuscle, and in diameter about Diagrammatic Section from the pos- terior Portion of the Human Ret- ina: 1, layer of rods and cones; 2, layer of" nuclei (Schultze). 164 THE SENSES. one-twentieth of their length. The cones are very similar, except that their conical shape makes them appear to be of different cha- racter. The cones do not always reach to the same level as the rods. When viewed from the retinal surface, the ends of the rods and cones give the appearance of a fine mosaic. These organs are connected with the subjacent nervous tissue, but the mode of their connection with the optic nerve is not fully understood. Considered as an apparatus, how is the eye arranged? It may be compared to the photographic camera. It contains vari- ous media for the refraction of light, and a screen at the back for receiving the image. The refracting media are the cornea, aqueous humor, crystalline lens, and the vitreous humor : the screen is the retina. The pigment of the retina and choroid makes the interior dark, a necessary feature in such an apparatus. The mechanism of the lens enables the eye to be focused for distance, while the iris regulates the proper admission of light. What is the structure of the cornea ? It is continuous with the sclera in the front of the eye, and occupies about one-sixth of the surface (3, Fig. 47). Its shape is that of a small dome set upon the globe of the eye. It has in front several layers of epithelial cells, and at the posterior surface a thin epithelial lining (membrane of Descemet) ; but the main body of the structure consists of interlacing connective-tissue fibres, which have spaces in which are found branching cells peculiar to the structure. The cornea is perfectly transparent : it has no blood-vessels. Describe the crystalline lens. It is a double convex lens (8, Fig. 47) of high refractive power which is suspended in the anterior portion of the eye immediately behind the anterior chamber. Its function is to bring the rays of light to a focus upon the retina. In structure the lens is com- posed of concentric layers of long, slender fibres enclosed in a thin capsule. What are the aqueous and vitreous humors ? (1) The aqueous humor is a watery fluid contained in the anterior chamber. It acts with the cornea as a refracting medium to concentrate rays of light upon the lens, to maintain the globular form of the cornea, and to float the iris and allow it freedom of motion. SIGHT. 165 (2) The vitreous body (or humor) is a semifluid gelatinous substance which fills the posterior chamber and constitutes about four-fifths of the bulk of the eye. It is quite transparent, and acts to maintain the tension of the eyeball, and as a refracting medium through which the light reaches the retina. What is the pupil? The pupil is the aperture through which light enters the dark chamber of the eye. It is a circular opening in the iris. What is the iris? It is a curtain of muscular tissue placed vertically in front of the lens. The fibres of the muscular tissue are both circular and radiating, so that they serve to decrease and increase the size of the pupil as one or the other set of fibres acts. It has a pigment- layer upon the inner surface, which is continued from the choroid, and upon the amount of the coloring-matter depends the " color of the eyes." What nervous action controls the ciliary muscles? Contraction or dilatation of the pupil is a reflex act, and the afferent stimulus is carried through the optic nerve and the motor through the third cranial nerve, acting from a centre just beneath the aqueduct of Sylvius and the corpora quadrigemina. The increase in the amount of light which reaches the retina causes a contrac- tion of the pupil, and a decrease is followed by dilatation. Aside from this, the needs of the eye regulate the amount of light ; thus, for near work the pupil contracts, and dilates when the eye is focused upon a distant object. What other influences control the iris? The pupil is controlled also through the sympathetic, and the fifth nerve through the connection of the third and fifth nerves with the ciliary ganglion of the sympathetic system. Drugs are active also, both locally and internally, in controlling the action of the iris without reference to the reflex fibres : atropine both locally and internally dilates the pupil ; opium internally, and eserine locally contract it. What is accommodation in vision? The eye is able to see objects close at hand and at a distance with equal clearness, though perhaps not with equal regard for the 166 THE SENSES. minuter details. This is known as tlie accommodation of the eye. In optical instruments this j)rocess of accommodating the instru- ment to the focal distance is called focusing. So is accommodation an automatic focusing of the eye. How is accommodation effected? By the ciliary muscle. The crystalline lens is suspended in its capsule by the suspensory ligament, and this is controlled by the ciliary muscle. At rest the eye is focused for seeing at a distance, and the lens is held somewhat flattened by the tension of the sus- pensory ligament. When focusing upon a near object the ciliary muscle contracts, and the lens is permitted to project more as the tension of the ligament relaxes. What is the near-point? It is the nearest point to the eye at which vision is distinct, the shortest focus of the crystalline lens. It is usually about 5 or 6 inches. What is an emmetropic eye ? It is the normal eye ; that is, an eye in which parallel rays or rays from objects at a distance are focused upon the retina without an effort at accommodation. Such a distance, for practical pur- poses, is considered to be any point beyond 20 feet. Absolutely emmetropic eyes are not common. What is myopia ? Near-sight. In this case the rays from a distance are focused in front of the retina, and the image is blurred. Such an eye is per- manently focused for near objects. How is myopia produced? In two ways, by the antero-posterior diameter of the eye being too great, or by the convexity of the lens being exaggerated. In either case the focus of the lens will fall in front of the retina. How is myopia corrected? By the use of a concave lens which diverges the rays, and in this way prevents their coming to a focus too soon. Such glasses are seldom needed except for distant vision. What is hypermetropia ? Far-sight. In this case the lens focuses behind the retina iia SIGHT. 167 near vision, and the image is blurred as in myopia for distant vision. What are the causes of hypermetropia ? Shortening of the antero-pusterior axis of the eye or abnormal flattening of the lens, Avliich does not allow accommodation for near vision. How is hypermetropia corrected ? By the use of convex lenses, which add to the refractive power of the eye. What is astigmatism? A defect in the vision due to the irregularity in the globe of the eye, whereby the diameter in one plane is greater than in another. Thus, the retina may be an uneven surface, and the image focus accurately in one part and falsely in another. In this condition vertical and horizontal lines are not seen with equal distinctness. How is astigmatism corrected? By the use of cylindrical or prismatic glasses, which have to be accurately adapted to the needs of each case. This error, if seri- ous, is usually combined with other defects of vision, frequently myopia. What is presbyopia? Defective vision due to the loss of power in advanced years. The elasticity of the lens becomes less, and the convexity cannot be in- creased for near vision. The ciliaiy muscle may also be weaker and aid in the production of the error. A weak convex glass com- monly corrects the lack of refraction-power. Is the eye achromatic? Yes. It may, however, be said that there may be a visible band of color seen by some defective eyes where there is considerable fault in the focus of the image on the retina. What is the " blind spot " ? The point of entrance of the optic nerve is not sensitive to light, and at this point an image thrown upon the retina is not seen ; therefore it is called the blind spot. How is the blind spot demonstrated? If the left eye is covered and the right directed steadily upon 168 THE SENSES. the cross in Fig. 49, the circular spot will be visible at the same time, though less distinctly. As the book is moved slowly back- ward and forward, a point will be found at which the round spot Fig. 49. disappears, reappearing as the book is held nearer or farther or as it is inclined in either direction and the image is carried away from the blind spot. What part of the retina possesses the most acute vision ? The portion directly behind the lens, where the mi.cula lutea (yel- low spot) with its central depression (fovea centralis) is situated. Here are found none of the fibres of the optic nerve, but a great increase in the number of the cones of the layer of rods and cones, as well as an increase in their size. In looking at any object it is upon this spot that its image is reflected by the media, and here the power of the end-organs of the optic nerve is most highly developed. What conclusion is drawn from these facts ? That the rods and cones (more especially the cones) are the physiological agents for the reception of light stimuli : for upon the blind spot is no layer of the rods and cones, while in the point of sharpest sight the nerve-fibres are wanting, and these elements are especially prominent. What is the duration of visual sensations ? The duration of a visual sensation is always greater than that of the stimulus which has caused it. However brief the luminous impression, the effect on the retina lasts about one-eighth of a sec- ond. The spokes of a rapidly-revolving wheel for this reason do not appear as spokes, but as a solid mass, each following one another so rapidly that one impression cannot fade before another has replaced it. SIGHT. 169 What is the retinal red? When tlio retina (»f a recently-killed animal is examined it is colorless, but during life or if extracted without exposure to light, it is of a purple-red hue, and the color is found in the rods of the retina. It is derived iVom the pigment of the deeper part of the retina. It is the "■ retinal red " or '• visual purple," as it is variously named, which one sees in the reflex of the retina. What effect has exposure to light upon the retinal red? It destroys it, and for this reason it was long unknown. It dis- appears after a brief exposure to sunlight, about half a minute. How may the retinal red be seen? By throwing a beam of light into the eye by a mirror, as by the ophthalmoscope, a red glow is observed in the pupil. This is called the retinal reflex. What are optograms? Pictures which appear upon the retina after exposure to light. They are due to the fact that an exposure to light bleaches the retinal red, leaving it dark in the shaded portions. How are optograms obtained? The eye is removed from an animal in a dark room and kept in a covered box until exposed to a brightly illuminated skylight or window for some minutes. The eye is then replaced in the dark room and the retina examined. It will be found that the panes of the window are shown in light color, while the sash is in dark out- line. This soon fades on exposure to daylight, but if the retina is dried in the dark the optogram is much more durable. Is the pigment of the retina essential to vision ? iNo, but it is of considerable use in rendering the eyeball a dark box. which is of importance here as in all optical instruments. How is the real image formed by a double convex lens? It is an inverted imago at the point of focus of the lens if the luminous object is placed at a distance (Fig. 50). Referring to this figure, it will be seen that the rays originating at A will be twice refracted, once by the lens and again in leaving it, so that all rays from A reaching the lens are joined at a. The same is true for B and h. Therefore a screen placed at the focus, F, will receive an inverted image, a b, of the luminous object,^V B. 170 THE SENSES. Fig. 50. Formation of Image by Convex Lens. Does the crystalline lens throw an inverted image upon the retina ? Yes. This may easily be demonstrated by looking at the image from behind a fresh eye of an albino animal (white rabbit) or if the sclera be thinned. How is this inversion corrected? The correction is made by the brain in its perception of the image. It is an act of mental and not of physical origin. Thus, objects which are projected upon the left of the retinal surface look to be, as they are, on the right of the body ; and so with all the direc- tions : the inversion of the retinal image is corrected by the mind. What other visual perceptions are the result of mental processes ? We are able to estimate by the aid of the brain the size, direc- tion, distance, form, and speed of motion of a thing which we have seen. All of these are judgments based largely upon previous experience. All of these deductions are liable to error by reason of faulty judgiuent or faulty vision, but this is the usual method of forming such estimates. How does the eye perceive colors ? It is probable that particular rods and cones are capable of re- sponding to rays of light of a certain wave-length, and to those rays alone. It is well known that the rays of red light are of a certain length of vibration. The same is true of yellow and of green rays. We can conceive that each primary color has its own set of cones and rods capable of responding to its stimulus, and that by combi- nations of these stimuli the complementary colors and variations of shade may be perceived by the resulting stimuli acting upon the brain-centres. Such teaching is, of course, speculative, but this is one theory which has acceptance. SIGHT. 171 What is color-blindness? All iiialiility tu perueivc some colors. The colors which are usually mistaken are green and red. Frequently it is found that a distinction cannot be made between these colors. This is some- times known as Daltonism. What is the cause of color-blindness ? It is probably due to the absence of the rods and cones which are capable of responding to the stimulus of rays of a certain wave- length. Is this an important defect? Yes. In marine and land locomotion red and green signals are used to indicate opposite conditions, and the failure to distinguish them has freciuently been the cause of serious accidents. How is color-blindness tested? By laying a number of skeins of yarn of various colors in a heap, and requiring the person to be tested to select all resembling a certain skein from the hea}). Do the eyes act both at once, or do we see with one at a time ? AVe use both m ordinary vision at the same time. What is diplopia? It is the condition which results from a want of harmony in the eyes, so that the image of each eye is perceived separately ; that is, one sees double. What are the common causes of diplopia ? Paralysis or spasm in one of the lateral straight muscles, which does not allow the eye to be turned in harmony with the other. If the eyes are turned so that the axes of vision are separated, the condition is known as external strabismus or squint ; if the axes are crossed, it is called internal strabismus or cross-eye. What benefits result from binocular vision? '{'he ideas of form and distance are much more correctly judged liy the perceptive fiiculties. This is due to the fact that the object viewed is seen beyond its equator, so to speak, by each eye. and the combined image is therefore less flat in appearance than in monocular vision. 172 THE SENSES. What instrument is devised to take advantage of this ? The stereoscope. In this instrument two photographs are taken hy cameras so placed as to represent the position of the eyes in vision, and the two views of one object are then superimposed by the use of prisms. What determines the clearness of vision ? The space between the cones in the point of clearest vision, the macula lutea. It has been calculated that an object must sub- tend an arc of at least 60 to 70 seconds in the field of vision to be clearly seen. Such an object makes an image of about -12-5^^-0* of an inch in the retina ; and this is about the distance between the cones at the macula lutea. Similarly, two points to be clearly distinguished must be separated sufficiently to allow this amount of separation in the retinal image. What are after-images? It has already been noted that vision lasts longer than the stimulus which excites it. Under some conditions it may last a perceptibly long time : it is then known as an after-image. If one looks at an intense light, the sun, the sense of light remains for some time in the eye. Similarly, if one looks intently at a white spot on a black background, and then turns to a white surface, one has the image of a gray spot. The first of these conditions cited is known as a positive after-image, and the latter as a negative. In the first case the phenomenon results in a con- tinuation of the same sensation, and in the latter a new perception results. What peculiarity do the after-images of colored objects present ? They appear to have the complementary color of the original object; thus, green excites a reddish after-image; orange, blue; and so on. How are after-images explained? They may be explained as a result of exhaustion. The part of the retina on which the image has fallen becomes tired, and when the eye is turned upon a white ground, the white light coming to the retina does not produce as much sensation in the tired portion. The colored negative after-images may be similarly explained. * Variously estimated at 12^ 00 to ^oVo of an inch. EMBRYOLOGY. 173 EMBRYOLOGY. REPRODUCTION. What is a species? It is a class of organized beings in which the individuals composing it die ott", but which nevertheless repeats itself and maintains its complement by the continued accession of similar forms. What is reproduction? It is the process by which a species is perpetuated, notwith- standing the limited existence of the individual members. What law governs the reproduction of species ? The young are of the same kind as their parents. By this law, which is so commonly observed as to seem a truism, is maintained the anatomical identity of individuals of a species, as well as the physiological fact of an unbroken continuance of the species by reproduction. What is sexual generation? It is reproduction of a species by a union of elements produced separately by the female and the male. The female produces the ovum, or egg, which is capable of being developed into a living offspring only when it is fecundated or impregnated by the seminal or spermatic element from the male. What are the organs of generation of the female ? They consist of two ovaries, in which the ova are formed, and their oviducts or Fallopian tnhes, which carry the ova to the womb, in which they may develop if fecundated by the male ; and the vagina for the reception of the male organ in copulation and for the subsequent discharge of the foetus (Fig. 51). Describes the ovaries. They are two organs lying one on each side of the uterus, in the folds of the broad ligament. In size they are about l-l in. long, 1 in. wide, and •] in. in thickness. Besides lying between the layers of the broad ligament, they are stayed in their position by an at- tachment to the fundus of the uterus and to the fimbriated extrem- ity of the Fallopian tube. 174 EMBRYOLOGY. What is the minute structure of an ovary ? It may be described as a ductless gland in which the component elements are (1) a stroma of connective tissue and unstriped mus- Generative Organs of the Human Female : «, a, ovaries ; 6, 6, Fallopian tubes ; c, body of the uterus ; d, cervix ; e, vagina. cle-cells, and with them a great number of peculiar spindle-shaped branching cells ; and (2) the glandular portion, characterized by the Graafian follicles. What are the Graafian follicles? They are best observed during the childbearing age. They lie in the periphery, and present various appearances as they are more or less matured. Some are large enough to be seen by the unaided eye, while others are very minute. In the matured follicle the in- terstitial tissue will be found to have collected in a wall, quite well defined, which is lined by an epithelial layer ; and upon one side this epithelium is heaped up into a mass, the germ-Mil (cumulus proligerus), which contains the ovum. The remainder of the fol- licle is filled with a colorless fluid. How does the ovum leave the ovary ? As the Graafian follicles mature, they approach, and often pro- REPRODUCTION. 175 Fig. 52. ject above, the surface of tlie ovary. The fluid contcnt.s of the follit'Ie increases and the wall jjecoiues thinner over it, until finally it bursts, and the ovum with some of its sur- rounding epithelium escapes. What peculiarity of the ovary favors the escape of the ovum? Tlie ovary is covered with a thin layer of epithelium (^tlie germinal epi- fhcluini), and not by the serous mem- brane which lines the abdominal sur- f\ices of the rest of the viscera. This is of great importance in the life of the ovum, for it renders it possible for it to enter the orifice of the Fallopian tube without interfering with the peri- toneum and without having to pass so dense a structure. . Fig. 53. Human Ovum, rui)fured by Pressure, showing tlie vitellus partially expelled, the gernii- native vesicle, with its germi- uative spot, at a, and the smooth fracture of the vitel- line membrane. Section of the Ovary (after Schron) : 1, outer covering; 1', attached border; 2, central stroma; 3, peripheral stroma; 4, blood-vessels ; 5, Graafian follicles in their earliest sta^e ; 6, 7, 8, more advanced follicles ; !), an almost mature follicle ; 9', follicle from which the ovum has esciped ; 10, corpus luteum. Whence is the ovum derived? It is a very highly developed cell, wliich is derived from the germinal epithelium covering the ovary. In the development of the ovary this epithelium dips into the surface of the organ, and a 176 EMBRYOLOGY. certain portion is finally walled off by growth of the surface cells. Thus a ball of epithelial cells is introduced into the body of the organ, and one cell develops the ovum, the rest going on to make up the Graafian follicle and the trerm-hill. (See 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Fig. 53.) Describe the ovum. It is a minute globular cell containing a nucleus and nucleolus. In diameter it is a little less than y^g in. (Fig. 54). Fig. 54. Semi-diagrammatic Representation of a Mammalian Ovum, highly magnified : sp, zona pellucida; vi, vitellus ; gv, germinal vesiale; ffs, germinal spot. What is the zona pellucida or vitelline membrane? It is a thick hyaline membrane (cell-wall) which encloses the cell. What is the vitellus ? It is a granular protoplasm which makes up the cell-body. What is the germinal vesicle ? It is the nucleus of the cell ; a somewhat large, transparent, and well-defined body set somewhat eccentrically in the vitellus — the yolk of the egg. What is the germinative spot ? The nucleolus of the cell. In addition to the nearly transparent REPRODUCTION. 177 fluid which the nucleus contains, there is a small dark, almost opaque spot, the germinal spot of the ovum. Do all the Graafian follicles develop ova? No. From puberty to the menopause the formation of new Graafian follicles is continuous, and a very great number are pro- duced, but many do not develop ova, and so waste away without going through the changes described. Describe the Fallopian tubes. These tubes ai-e about 82 inches in length, and extend from the fundus of the uterus laterally on each side. The calibre of the tubes gradually narrows from without inward, until at the uterus the opening is very minute. The external covering is peritoneum, but the lining is of mucous membrane, having ciliated epithelium. The outer end of the Fallopian tube is free and fringed — the fimbri- ated extremity. What is the function of the fimbriated end of the Fallopian tube? To grasp the ovary during sexual excitement and prevent the escape of an ovum which may extrude — the " morsus diaboli." What is the use of the ciliated epithelium ? To carry the ovum to the uterus. This is also accomplished by the action of the circular and longitudinal muscular fibres. Describe the uterus. It is a somewhat pear-shaped organ, and is about 3 in. in length, its wider part being about 2 in. wide and the cervix 1 in. It is described as consisting of a fundus, body, and cervix. The body unites the fundus with the cervix, which extends into the vagina. What structures compose the uterus? It is covered over nearly all of its external surface by (1) peri- toneum. Its bulk is made up of unstriped (2) muscle, which oc- curs in longitudnal and circular bundles and layers. This muscu- lar tissue increa.ses enormously during pregnancy, and by its strength helps to extrude the foetus. Tlie lining is of (3) mucous mcralirane, which is formed in its superficial layer of ciliated columnar epithelium. In the mucous membrane of the cervix are a number of follicles which secrete a viscid, tenacious mucus, by which the os uteri is frequently found to be plugged. 12— Phy. 178 EMBRYOLOGY. Describe the vagina. It is a membranous canal about 5 in. long, extending from the uterus to the external genitals. It is lined with mucous mem- brane, which in the ordinary contracted state is thrown into folds, its anterior and posterior walls being in contact. There is consider- able erectile tissue in the mucous membrane. At the orifice of the vagina externally is a sphincter which only partially contracts it, and besides this there are longitudinal and transverse unstriped muscle-fibres in the submucous tissue. The outlet of the vagina is sometimes also partially closed in the virgin by the hymen, a fold of mucous membrane. What are the external organs of generation ? The external organs of generation are not immediately connected with the function of reproduction, and may be enumerated as the labia majora and minora, clitoris, and the meatus urinarius. What are the organs of generation in the male ? The two testicles which produce the seminal fluid, and the vas deferens; or duct leading from each to the seminal vesicles, where the secretion is stored until it is discharged through the penis. What is the structure of the testicles ? Each testicle is made up of a dense connective-tissue framework and a secreting portion. The connective-tissue stroma, tunica albu- ginea, surrounds the outside of the organ, and sends incomplete partitions into the central portion of the organ, dividing it into a number of communicating cavities. In these cavities are winding tubules which constitute the secreting portion of the organ. These tubules inosculate in a sort of mesh (reti testis), and finally all unite in the epididymis. The secreting tubules are called the seminiferous tubules. How do the seminiferous tubules secrete the spermatic fluid? Each tubule has, in the active organ, a limiting membrane, upon which are a number of layers of flattened cells. Internal to these are seminal cells in two or more layers. The seminal cells contain nuclei which are capable of division, so that each nucleus may de- velop several new nuclei. The nuclei are the spermatoblasts, or cells from which the spennatzoa originate. The cells before the division of the nuclei resemble the oi'dinary cuboid epithelium, and it is in the superficial layers (i. e. toward the lumen of the tubuli) that this function of tlae cells takes place. REPRODUCTIOlf. 179 Fig. 55. How is the seminal fluid conveyed from the testis? The .SL-miiiiitjruu.s tubules all cuiivergc toward the epididymis, a tortuous tubule which is lined with mucous membrane, and lies beside the testis in a long, convoluted mass which may be unrav- elled, and is found to be about 20 feet long. This empties its con- tents, or rather continues on, in the vas deferens, which conveys the somen to the seminal vesicles. During this passage the mucous membrane adds a viscid mucous secretion in which the spermato- zoa are liberated and, so to speak, diluted. What is the appearance of the spermatozoa ? In the seminiferous tubules the developing spermatozoa may be seen with the heads all united in the cells from which they arise, the tails projecting brush-like into the cavity of the tube. But they are soon separated. Tliey then con- sist of a head and a tail (Fig. 55). In length they are about ^^ to ^ij; of an inch. The head is some- what elliptical and the tail gradually tapers. In other animals than man the size and form vary from those of man, though in a general way they conform. What action of the spermatozoon permits it to enter the uterus and Fallopian tube ? There is a very active vibratory motion of the tail of the spermatozoon, which allows it quite free motion in a fluid medium. It is by this swimming motion, in which it may be compared to a tadpole, that the semi- nal cells are able to reach the ovum against the action of the cilia in the uterus and Fallopian tube. Is a single spermatozoon sufficient to fecundate an ovnm? It probablvis. There have been more than one seen in an impregnated ovum, but it is probable that only one enters into the formation of the male pronucleus, the rest remainins inactive. Human Sper- niat ozoon : 1, in profile ; 2, viewed on the flat: b, head : c, mid- dle-piece ; ^_^ It bends itself so as to assume a U- FiG. 65.— Earliest Form of the Foe- shape, which shortly is twisted in such tai Heart: 1 venous extremity; manner that the arterial end of the 2, arterial extremity. • r. r> i Fig. 66.— Foetal Heart bent upon heart crosses in front of the venous Siki'4x?remity.'"'""^*'' '' (Fig- 66), and the loop suggests the outline of the ventricles. The vitel- line circulation in the human ovum is not very long-lived, for the chorion is early formed and the stock of nutrient protoplasm in the yelk-sac is very small. What further modifications does the heart undergo ? The septum between the ventricles grows, and separates the heart into two divisions ; and at about the same time the auricles are developed and the valves become well marked. These changes occur in the fourth to the eighth week of embryonic life. Describe the vitelline circulation. The area vasculosa extends all about the blastoderm upon the DEVELOPMENT. 195 Fi<;. G7 surface of the vitcUus. and as the folds of the embryo occur the vessels are brought to enter the body throuirh the space at which the vitel- lus is shut in to form the primitive gut. There are then two arteries and two veins, which are known as the omphalo-mesen- teric vessels. This form of circulation soon gives way to the jilacental, and the vessels passing to the umbilical vesicle waste, those belonging to that portion of the original vitelline cavity which forms the intestine, becoming the mesenteric vessels. What are the prominent features of the placental circulation? (1) In the arterial circulation some conditions of the heart and great ves- sels are necessary to modify the pulmo- nary circulation before the air enters the lungs at birth. (2) In the circulation of the liver the veins present modifications to allow for the return placental circulation. Where do the arteries to the placenta arise? They follow the allantois in its growth. Springing from the internal iliac artery of each side, two arteries pass up the umbilical cord and break into the branches in the placenta which terminate in capillar}- tufts. How does the blood return to the body from the placenta? By the umbilical vein it is taken to the liver, where part of it cir- culates through the liver-capillaries in the same manner as the blood from the portal vein, the remainder passing through the ductus Diagram of the F,ml)ryo and its Vessels, showing the circula- tion of the uniliilical vesicle, and also that of the allantois, beginning to be formed. What is the ductus venosus? It is a large vein which appears at the under surface of the liver, and returns a large part of the blood from the umbilical vein directly to the inferior vena cava, without circulation in the capillaries of the organ. How does the ductus venosus appear in adult life? Soon after birth the umbilical vein and ductus venosus become an impervious cord extending from the navel to the liver : the 1 96 EMBRYOLOGY. former becomes the round ligament of the liver, while the ductus venosus remains as a small fibrous cord. What is the course of the foetal blood through the heart ? It enters the right auricle, and is thence sent in part to the right ventricle, and in part to the left auricle, Fig. 68, through the foramen ovale, an opening left in the development of the auricular septum. The blood which enters the left ventricle from the left auricle is forced out through the aorta (Fig. 68). The right ventricle, however, sends but a small part of its blood to the lungs, but delivers it through the ductus arteriosus to the aorta. The blood is in this way sent into the systemic circulation, Foetal Heart still farther a part going to the placenta through the inter- pui.nonary arteTy fs, l\ "^^ ^^1^^, hypogastric, and umbilical arteries. pulmonary branches ; 4, ttn. ^ re j. i 1.1 ■nj.-i.' 1 ductus arteriosus. What effect has the Eustachian valve upon the blood-stream in the foetal heart ? It throws the blood from the inferior vena cava through the foramen ovale into the left auricle. In this way the stream of blood coming from the superior vena cava crosses that from the inferior cava on entering the heart, inasmuch as the blood from the superior vena cava enters the right ventricle. What effect does this division of the blood-stream have upon the distribution of the blood in the foetus ? The circulation of the blood is made more perfect, for the branches of the aorta given off to the head and upper extremities distribute blood from the inferior vena cava ; while the ductus arteriosus, carrying the blood from the superior cava and right ventricle, enters the aorta in such a way that most of its blood is sent to the lower extremities and abdominal organs and umbilical arteries. In this way the deoxidized blood is sent back to the placenta for the renewal of its oxygen. How does this result in the development of the lower extrem- ities ? They develop less rapidly than the upper. There are probably two reasons for this: 1, the blood is less well aerated and less nutritious ; 2, the internal iliac arteries, giving off the umbilical arteries, probably divert a considerable portion of the blood-supply of the external iliacs which go to the lower extremities. DEVELOPMENT. 197 What changes occur in the circulation after the birth of the foetus ? The respiratory centre in the medulhi, whicli has been quiescent because it lias been sufficiently well supplied with oxygen, is awakened as soon as the connection with the uterine sinuses is interrupted. As soon as the supply of oxygen sinks to a certain point, an impulse of" inspiration is generated, and the infant breathes and the lungs assume a condition of partial expansion. With the diminished resistance in the expanded lungs the amount of blood in the pulmonary circulation increases, and the amount passing through the ductus arteriosus diminishes, and this is soon obliterated. At the same time, the blood returning to the left auricle increases in quantity, and the intra-auricular pressure is greater ; then, too, the inferior vena cava sends less blood, for the ductus venosus no longer carries the blood from the placental circulation, and there- fore the foramen ovale is not used, and is soon closed by the adhesion of its valve-like curtain. Thus we have the adult circu- lation established in the place of the foetal in consequence of the respiratory movements. How is the spinal cord formed? It will be remembered that the medullary canal encloses in its cavity cells from the epiblast which line it. These cells by pro- liferation and differentiation develop nerve-cells and nerve-fibres, the latter at first not medullated. The cells also gradually close in upon the medullary canal, and form a central canal lined with epithelium, a layer of nerve-cells (gray matter), and a layer of nerve-fibres (white matter). How do we account for the obliquity of the spinal nerves and for the Cauda equina? When the spinal cord first appears it fills the entire spinal canal, but at the time of birth the cord has apparently not grown so rapidly as the vertebral column, for it then ends at the third lumbar vertebra, and in the adult it ends at the first. Thus we are able to explain the apparent origin of the spinal nerves above their point of exit from the canal, and the increasing obliquity of the nerves from above down, until finally, in the tuft of vertical nerves below the extremity of the cord, we see the extreme degree of this peculiarity. How do the spinal nerves develop? They are formed from cells arising from the epiblast lining the 198 EMBRYOLOGY. medullary groove. Before the closure of this groove to form the medullary canal an offshoot from the epiblast may be observed, which is the source of the posterior nerve-roots ; and they become attached to the cord as it develops. The anterior roots spring from the cord after it has developed fibres. The two roots then join and the nerve grows out into the mesoblast. Are the cranial nerves similarly derived ? In much the same way the cranial nerves arise primarily, except the nerves of special sense. In function the motor nerves seem to form a sort of anterior root for the sensory, so that they may be arranged in pairs corresponding to the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves ; and it does not seem entirely fanciful to re- gard their development as somewhat similar, thus : Third, fourth, sixth, and seventh motor, fifth sensory. Twelfth motor, ninth sensory. Eleventh motor, tenth sensory. How does the earliest rudimentary brain appear? The medullary canal is widened from the very beginning at its anterior end, and very early develops three ves- icles, which are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 69. These vesicles, with their lining of epiblast, are the primitive brain. How does the anterior cerebral vesicle become changed ? This vesicle is destined to become the third ven- tricle of the brain, and from its anterior surface are developed two protrusions which expand to form the hemispheres of the brain ; thus, this ves- icle is early divided into two parts, the fore-brain or prosencephalon, and the inter-brain or thalam- % encephalon. I What is the middle primary vesicle called ? I The mesencephalon. It corresponds to the ' aqueduct of Sylvius. How is the posterior vesicle altered ? This is destined to become the fourth ventricle, and by a similar protrusion it develops a second Fig. 69. Formation of the Ce- rebro-spiual Axis: 1, vesicle of the hemisphere ; 2, ves- icle of the tubercu la quadrigeinina ; 3, portion, which becomes the cerebellum. These duiia oblongata, divisions of the posterior cerebral vesicle are DEVELOPMENT. 199 I. Anterior primary vesicle. II. Middle primary vesicle. III. Posterior primary vesicle. known as the epencephalon, and the after-brain, or metenceph- alon. "What parts of the brain do these five vesicles respectively orig- inate? ( Cerebral hemispheres, cor- pora striata, corpus callo- sum, fornix, lateral ven- tricles, olfactory bulb. f Thalami optici, third ven- I tricle, optic nerve. " Corpora quadrigemina, crura cerebri, aqueduct of Sylvius. Cerebellum, pons Varolii, anterior part of fourth ventricle. Medulla oblongata, fourth ventricle, auditory nerve. 1. Prosencephalon. j 2. Thalamencephalou. [ 3. Mesencephalon. 4. Epencephalon. 5. Metencephalon. What is the primary optic vesicle ? About as soon as the cerebral vesicles are distinctly formed a budding of two projections — one from either side of the anterior vesicle — occurs. These are the primary optic vesicles. They are formed before the vesicles which make the hemisphei'es (prosen- cephalon). The projections approach the external epiblast, and at that period consist of a finger-like process having a globular dilata- tion at the end. This subsequently forms the optic nerve and the retina. How is the crystalline lens formed? Opposite the optic vesicle the superficial epiblast is depressed and forms a sort of pit. forcing the optic vesicle to fold in upon itself. The follicle of epiblast is shut off at the surface, and a ball of its substance left in the cup of the infolded optic vesicle. This ball forms the rudimentary lens, and the anterior layer of the ves- icle is the retina. How are the other tissues of the eye evolved ? The muscular and vascular structures, as well as the connective tissue and humors, are derived from the mesoblast. which in part enfolds the ocular vesicle and in part enters it between the lens 200i EMBRYOLOGY. and the edge of the cup-like depression. The cornea is of later formation, and is derived from the epiblast of the skin. How is the auditory apparatus developed ? Very early in the life of an embryo there is a depression on either side of the head which passes through the same process as that mentioned for the crystalline lens and for the germinal epi- thelium in the formation of ova. The mass of epiblast thus sepa- rated forms the epithelium of the labyrinth and vestibule, the surrounding mesoblast furnishing the bony and muscular structures. The auditory nerve is developed with other cranial nerves, and grows in to its end-organs from its central origin. How is the olfactory apparatus derived? In a similar way to the internal ear and the lens. The nasal fossa is primarily a depression in the superficial epiblast, which widens and deepens and receives the nerve-filaments from the olfactory lobe. This lobe is originally a bud from the prosencephalon. The primary olfactory depression continues to widen until it opens into the mouth, and is again shut off by the growth of the branchial arch, which forms the superior maxilla. The nose is similarly derived from the mesial and lateral nasal processes. Describe the method of the development of the alimentary canal. As has already been explained, the primitive alimentary canal is formed from the involution of the splanchnopleure, and is really a portion of the yelk-sac partially shut off from the rest. It is at each end a blind pouch which follows the head and tail folds. The portions have received the names fore-gut and hind-gut as they occupy one or other of these folds. How does the fore-gut become changed? It joins with the mouth-cavity by the folding back of the epi- blast in the formation of the branchial arches, and from it are formed the pharynx, oesophagus, and stomach. How does the hind-gut approach the surface ? By a similar involution of the epiblast the anus and about half of the rectum are formed, into which the hind-gut opens to complete the alimentary tract. What deformities in the new-born depend upon the defective accomplishment of these changes ? The oesophagus is sometimes impervious at birth, and the rectum DEVELOPMENT. 201 or anus may also be imperforate. This is caused by the non-union of the segments developed from the epiblast with those developed from the hypoblast. How are the glands of the alimentary tract developed ? (1) The Hulivdry glaiuh are developed from the epiblast lining the oral cavity. They appear primarily as a simple tube which devel- ops branches, about which the alveoli are formed. (2) The pancreas is similarly developed from the hypoblast of the fore-gut. (3) The liver is primarily a protrusion of the hypoblast of the fore-gut, which appears as soon as the blood-vessels begin to show themselves. The omphalo-mesenterie vein, from the umbilical vesicle, breaks up into a capillary plexus, and the hepatic cells develop about it. How are the lungs derived? They first appear as a bud at the junction of pharynx and oesophagus which soon forms a separate tube (the trachea). The cells from the hypoblast extend into the surrounding mesoblast, and it is from this structure that all of the tissue of the lungs, except its mucous membrane, are formed. What is the Wolffian body? It is a rounded body which is first seen as early as the third week as an increase of the cells of the mesoblast, just inside of its division into parietal and visceral layers, on each side of the vertebral column. It is soon seen to consist of three parts, from which are derived the genito-urinary organs. The largest of these in early embryonic life retains the name Wolffian hodij, and is not a permanent organ ; a second, lying just above, develops the internal organs of generation ; while the third, lying behind the Wolfl&an body, is the rudimentary kidney. What is the function of the Wolffian body ? The Wolffian body proper — that is, after its division into three sections — is a temporary kidney. At first this is a large glandular body, resembling the kidney in structure, which possesses a duct leading to and opening into the hind-gut. At about the sixth week of foetal life the kidney begins to grow and the temporary organ to atrophy. As this occurs a duct for the kidney (the ureter) is developed from the "Wolfliian duct. The use of the 202 EMBRYOLOGY. organs seems to be that of temporary kidneys, but by the end of the third month they have been replaced by the permanent organs, and have almost entirely disappeared. How do the testicle and ovary originate ? The body (germinal epithelium) which appears on the inner side of the Wolffian body is the nucleus of the future testicle or ovary, while from the outer side there springs a duet (Mtiller's) which passes down to the cloaca or lower end of the hind-gut. At first it is impossible to determine the sex of the foetus. How do the remaining genital organs of the female develop ? The ducts of Mtiller join to form the uterus and vagina, while the ununited portions remain as the Fallopian tubes. The AVolffian ducts, which also spring from the Wolffian bodies, are rudimentary in the female and appear as a part of the parovarium. How do the remaining male organs of generation develop ? The Wolffian ducts become convoluted tubules, and each is at- tached to the testis as the epididymis. Mtiller's duct is rudimentary in the male, and is only found as the sinus pocularis and the hy- datids of Morgagni. How are the external genitals formed ? In both sexes in early foetal life the external genitals are alike, consisting of a body resembling a penis with a fold of skin at either side. In the female this body becomes proportionately smaller, and appears as the clitoris, the two lateral masses becom- ing the labia majora. In the male a groove on the under surface unites at its borders to form the urethra, while the scrotum is formed from the folds of skin at the side. This differentiated condition may persist in adult life, and has been mistaken for hermaphroditism. PARTURITION. How is the foetus extruded from the uterus? In part by the contraction of the uterine muscles, and in part by the pressure exerted by the abdominal walls. The uterine contrac- tions are the first to appear, and it is not until the foetus enters the vagina that the abdominal muscles are brought into play. What causes excite the uterine contractions? As to this no satisfactory answer has been given. Why the PARTURITION. 203 uterus should contain the o-rowing embryo for months, and then be suddenly tlirown into action to expel it, cannot be explained. What is the nature of the act of parturition ? It is a reflex action (lepeiidiiii;- u])on a centre in the lumbar spi- nal cord. Whence the stimuli are derived which excite the reflex is unknown, but probably from the organ itself". What is the character of the uterine contractions ? They are rhythmical in character, and may be compared to the contractions of the heart-muscle. P]acli " pain "' begins feebly, grad- ually intensifies until it reaches a maximum, and then gradually declines until it entirely dies away, to be succeded by another simi- lar contraction and pause. This rhythmical action continues until the utei'inc contents are expelled, and then the organ enters into a condition of tonic contraction. APPENDIX. TABLE OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN EMBRYO. (Modified from Gray's Anatomy.) Isf WecJc. — Ovum in Fallopian tube. Segmentation of vitellus. 2d Week. — Ovum in uterine decidua. Chorion. Formation of blasto- derm and division of mesoderm. Heart and medullary groove. Amnion and umbilical vesicle formed. xVllantois. 3d Week. — Head and tail flexures. Closure of medullary canal, and formation of primary cerebral vesicles and ocular and auditory vesicles. Branchial ai'ches. Wolffian bodies. Limbs. 4th Week. — Limbs increased. Anal opening. Interventricular sep- tum begins. Ant. spinal nerve-roots. Olfiictory fosste. Lungs. Plem-as. 5th Week. — Allantois vascular. Trace of feet and hands. Miiller's duct and genital gland. 6th Week. — Umbilical vesicle disused. Branchial clefts close. Post- spinal nerve-roots. Membranes of the nervous centres. Bladder. Kid- neys. Tongue. Larynx. 7th Week. — Muscles perceptible. Many centres of ossification appear. 8th Week. — Joints appear in extremities; fingers and toes separate. Crystalline lens. Salivary glands. Spleen. Interventricular septum complete. Sympathetic nerves. 9th Week. — Distinction between ovary and testicle. Genital furrow. Pericardium. 3d Month. — Formation of placenta. External genitals separate from anus. E.yelids, hairs, and nails. Duct of Wolffian body joins testicle. Jfth Month. — Middle-ear bones. Tympanum and labyrinth. Scrotum and prepuce. 5th Month. — Germs of teeth. Hair- and sweat-glands. Brunner's glands. Uterus and vagina distinctly separate. 6th Month. — Papillfe of skin. Sebaceous glands. Pej-er's patches. Free border of nails. 7th Month. — Cerebral convolutions. Pupillary membrane disappears. 8th Month. — Descent of testis. 9th Month. — Opening of eyelids. Ossification of cochlea. CHEMICAL TESTS USED COMMONLY IN PHYSIO- LOGICAL ANALYSIS. For Proteids : Nitric Acid coagulates all except peptones. P 206 206 APPENDIX. Heat. — All are coagulated by boiling, except peptones. Xanthoproteic Reaction. — A solution boiled with strong nitric acid becomes yellow : the color is deepened by the addition of ammonia. Biuret Reaction. — With a trace of copper sulphate and an excess of potassium or sodium hydrate they give a purple reaction. union s Reaction. — With a solution of metallic mercury in strong nitric acid (Millon's reagent) they give a white or pinkish reaction, and the color becomes more pink on boiling. For Starch: _ Iodine Reaction. — Add to a solution of starch a small quantity of tincture of iodine, and a blue reaction results. The color disappears on heating and returns on cooling. _ Glycogen. — Same test gives reddish reaction, port-wine color, which disappears on heating and returns on cooling. For Sugar (Glucose) : Moore's Test. — Boil solution of sugar with an excess of potassium hydrate, brown color-reaction. Trommer''s ^es^.— Add to solution a sufficient amount of potassium hydrate to render it quite strongly alkaline. Then add a solution of copper sulphate, drop by drop, until a distinct blue tinge is visible. Heat, and the presence of sugar is shown by appearance of red, yellow, or orange color-reaction. Felilings Test Solution. — An alkaline copper solution by which a quantitative test may be made. The solution is somewhat unstable, and is for this reason to be tested by boiling before using. The strength of the solution is such that 1 cubic cm. (15 minims) will be exactly decolor- ized by 2^0 of a gramme (.075 grains) of glucose. This test is very delicate, and is quite commonly used for urinary examinations to detect glycosuria. The Fermentation Test. — If a small quantity of yeast be added to a sugar solution, the fungus of the yeast (saccharomyces) will cause the sugar to be decomposed into carbonic acid and alcohol. If the process be continued until the sugar is entirely broken up, the amount of car- bonic acid evolved indicates the proportion of sugar present. For Bile Salts : Pettenlwfer s Test. — Upon the addition of sulphuric acid to a solution of bile-salts in water thei'e is a precipitation of the salts, which are redissolved by a further addition of the acid. If a drop of a solution of cane-sugar be added, a deep cherry color is developed. For Bile Pigments: Gmelins Test. — Add a small quantity of nitroso- nitric acid to a solu- tion of the bile-pigments, and a play of colors results, beginning with green and changing to blue, violet, red, and yellow. This is seen best on a white background ; therefore a plate is often used for this test. MIIIIU Millimetres. APPENDIX. METRIC SYSTEM. I I I I I I I ' 1 Tncli (uiiUmc'lros. I 3 207 ID The area of the figure within the heavy lines is that of a square decimetre. A cube one of whose sides is this area is a cubic decimetre or litre. A litre of water at the temperature of 4° C. weighs a kilogramme. A litre is 1.76 p?««; a pint is 0.508 of a litre. The smaller figures in dotted lines represent the areas of a square centimetre and of a squre inch. A cubic centimetre of water at 4° C. weighs a gramme. Square Centi- metre. Metre = 39f inches. Centimetre = f inch. Millimetre = ^V inch. Micromillimetre = 25000 inch. Gramme = 15^ grains. Centigramme = -^^ grain. Milligramme = ^f^a grain. Kilogramme = 2.2 pounds. INDEX A. Absorption, 59-62 Accommodation, 16fj, 166 After-images, 172 Air: changes in the lungs, 40 composition, 39 course in lungs, 37 expired, 39 water, 39 introduction, 37 nitrogen, 40 reserve, 38 temperature, 39 tidal, 38 Allantois, 189, 190 Amnion, 1S3 Amylopsin, 54 Auinial heat, 62, 63 Appendix, 205 chemical tests (table), 205, 206 embryonal development (table), 205 metric system, 207 Area vasculosa, 194 Areas, motor, 128 sensory, 128 Arrest of action, 104 Arterial tension, 36 * Arteries, 30 Astigmatism, 167 Atmosphere, composition, 39 Automatic action, 99, 113 B. Bile, flow, 55 ingredients, 56 quantity, 56 uses, 58 Blastoderm, 184 changes. 185, 186 Blind spot, 167, 168 14 Blood, 22 arterial, 26 character, 22 chemical bases, 27 circulation, 27 clot, 22 coagulation, 23, 24 corpuscles, 24 gases, 27 lack of oxygen, 41 menses, 26 quantity, 22 uses, 26 Body expenditure, 90, 91 income, 90, 91 Branchial clefts, 193 c. Capillaries, 30 Capillary force, 36 Cells, 17, 18 Cerebellum, anatomy, 130 function, 130 removal, 132 Cerebral vesicles, 198 Cerebrum, anatomy, 121-125 fibres, course of, 125, 126 functions, 127 localization, 127 unilateral action, 127 removal, 127 Chorion. 190 villi, 190 Chyle, 55 in the lacteals, 61 quantity, 62 Cliyme, 49 Circulation of the blood, 27 apparatus, 27 course, 28 Color-blindness, 171 209 210 INDEX. Connective tissues, 19 Corium, 70 Corpora striata, 126 quadrigemiua, 120 Corpus luteum, 181, 182 Corpuscles, blood, 24 varieties, 24-26 Cranial uerves, auatomy, 13S-14o functions, 133-145 Cream, 68 Crura cerebri, auatomy, 120 functions, 120 D. Decidua menstrualis, 181 reflexa, 186 vera, 186 Defecation, 58 Degeneration of a nerve-fibre, 108 Deglutitiou, 44, 46 Development, 183-202 alimeutarv canal, 200 brain, 197, 199 cranial uerves, 197 cranium, 192 ear, 200 external genitals, 202 male, 202 female, 202 extremities, 193 eye, 199 face, 192 heart, 194 kidneys, 201 lungs," 201 olfactory apparatus, 200 ovary, 202 spinal cord, 197 nerves, 197 testicle, 202 Dialvsis, 59 Diastole, 33 Digestion, 42 gastric, 50 details of, 50 intestinal, 52 nervous mechanism, 51 Diplopia, 171 Ductus arteriosus, 196 venosus, 195 E. Ear, anatomy, 155-159 Ear, divisions, 155-159 functions, 155-159 Embrvo, circulation, 193 Embryology, 173-203 Emmetropia, 1G6 Endothelium, 18 Energv, 91 Epibla-st, 185-187 Epidermis, 70 Epithelium, 18 Eustachian valve, 196 Exclusive diet, 92 Excretions, 64 Eye, anatomy, 162-165 function, 160 Eyelids, 161 P. Fallopian tubes, 177 function, 177 Foetal circulation, 196 changes in, after birth, 197 Fore-gut; 200 G. Grastric juice, 48 secretion, 49 function, 49 Germinal vesicle, 176 Germinative spot, 176 Glosso-labio-laryngeal paralysis, 119 Graafian follicles, 174 H. Hearing, 155 subjective sensations, 160 Heart, 28 action, 32, 34 auricles, 32 cavities, 29 foetal circulation, 196 force, 34 nervous influences, 35 nourishment, 35 sounds, 34 cause, 34 valves, 29 function, 32, 33 ventricles, 32 action, 32 work, 34 INDEX. 211 Heat-centre, 64 Hiud-jrut, 200 Hypoblast, 1S5, 187 I. Images, 169, 170 Inhibition, 99, 112 lusalivation, 43 Iris, 165 action, 165 Kidneys, anatomy, 73-75 function, 74 L. Lachrymal gland, 161 Large intestine, 58 Liver. .55 functions, 57, 53 Lungs. 37 Lymph. 62 M. Mammary glands. 67 Mastication. 42. 43 Medulla oblongata, anatomy, 113-116 automatism. 117 centres, 117. 113 functions, 117-119 Medullary groove. 1S7 Menstruation. ISl character, ISl duration, 181 Mesoblast, 1S5, 187 Metabolism, 63 Micturition, 77 Milk. OS. 69 sour. 6S Milk-curdling ferments, 69 Muller's duct, 202 Muscle. 82 color, 84 composition, 85 contraction, etc., S6-SS electrical condition, 85 fnnction, &5 varieties. 52, 83 Muscles, involuntary, 89 voluntary, 89 Myopia, 166 Myosin, 83 X. Nerves, afferent. i>> anatomy. 93, 94 classification, 95, 97 efferent, 96 function, 95 impulses, 97 Xitrogenous eqnilibriom, 91 Normal diet. 93 Nutrition, 89 o. Olfactory nerves, 1-54 Optic nerve, 161 function, 161 thalami, 126 ftinction, 126 vesicle, 199 Optograms. 169 Ovaries, 173 Over-feeding, 92 Ovum, 176 changes after impregnation, 183-185 derivation, 175 escape, 175 impregnation, 179, 1^ 183 P. Paralysis, varieties, 129 Pancreas, secretion. 53 Parturition, 202, 203 Penis. IH) Pepsin. 49 Peptone, 49. 50 Personal error. 97 equation. 97 Perspiration, insensible, 70 Placenta. 19*3. 191 Placental circulation, 195 Pons Varolii, anatomy, 119 functions. 120 Primitive groove. 185 Presbyopia, 167 Prostate gland. 180 Protoplasm. 17 Protovertebne. 192 Proximatf principles, 19 classification, 20^ 21 212 INDEX. Ptyalin, 43 starch, 44 sugar, 44 Pulse, 35 K. Eefies action, 98, 99, 112, 113 Eeproduction, 173-183 Eespiration, 36 capacity, 38 carbouic acid, 39 eiFect on tlie blood, 40 on circulation, 42 force, 38 larynx, 39 mechanism, 37 nervous, 40 modifications, 40 nostrils, 39 oxygen, 39 rapidity, 38 rhythm, 39 vagus, 41 Eetinal, red, 169 Eeturn circulation, 36 Eigor mortis, 88, 89 Eumination, 51 S. Saliva, 43 secretion, 44 Saponification, 54 Sebaceous glands, 72, 73 Secreting glands, 65 action, 66 Secretions, 64 correlation, 67 Segmentation, 183, 184 Sensation, common, 146 muscular, 149 pressure, 149 special, 146 temperature, 149 Seminal vesicles, 180 Sexual generation, 173 Sight, 160-172 Skin, 69, 73 Small intestine, anatomy, 52 Smell, 153-155 Species, 173 Spermatic fluid, 178, 179 conveyance, 179 Spermatic fluid, secretion, 178 Spermatozoa, 179 action, 179 Sphygmograph, 35 Spinal cord, anatomy, 104-106 automatic actions, 113 course of fibres, 107, 108 of impulses, 109, 110 division of lateral half, 110 of nerve-roots, 107, 108 function, 109 reflex actions, 112 stimulation. 111 Splanchuopleure, 187 Spleen, 82 Starvation, 92 Stereoscope, 172 Stomach, 46, 51 glands, 47 Strypsin, 54 Sweat, 71 amount, 72 glands, 70 ingredients, 72 nervous mechanism, 72 Sympathetic system, 99-104 Systole, 33 T. Taste, 150 after, 153 Teeth, 42 Testicles, 178 Tetaaus, 88 Tongue, 150-153 Touch, 147 varieties, 147 acuteness, 148 Trypsin, 54 u. Umbilical cord, 191 vesicle, 188 Urea, 80, 81 Urethra, 180 Urine, 77 abnormal matters, 81 acidity, 77 composition, 78 course, 77 how secreted, 76 quantity, 79 INDEX. 213 Urine, secretion, conditions iifVcctinfr, 7i) specific gravity, 77 Uterine contractions, 203 Uterns, anatomy, 177 changes in pregnancy, 186, 190 V. Vagina, anatomy, 178 Vascular glands, 81 Vaso-motor function, 103 Veins, 30 relative area, 31 Ventilation, 41, 42 Vesicular murmur, 38 Villi, r,n VKelline circulation, 194 nienii)rane, 176 Vitellns, 176 Voice, 160 Vomiting, 51 W. Wolffian body, 201 duct, 202 Z. Zona pellucida, 176 cbanges, 185 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES This book is due on the date indicated below, or at the expiration of a definite period after the date of borrowing, as provided by the rules of the Library or by special ar- rangement with the Librarian in charge. 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