eT POT ON, Eee na te eam heen apnea epaupaen ab TO = Pe t pa a \ oa - =F a = " ‘ ‘- : ra a = Ww a4 i Lik al If : Xs 5 ~ PHYTOLOGIA Designed to expedite botanical publication Vol. 35 October 1976 No. 1 CONTENTS WURDACK, J. J., Certamen Melastomataceis XXV .........052045: 1 MOLDENKE, H. N., Notes on new and noteworthy plants. XCIV....... 13 MOLDENKE, H. N., Additional notes on the Eriocaulaceae. LXV....... 14 ROBINSON, H., Studies in the Liabeae (Asteraceae). VIII. Additions to cen MT UNPIPEROTER s,s nak wi Wea a fale cae eee 37 CUATRECASAS, J., A new subtribe in the Heliantheae (Compositae): RENNIN wd Sites 0 x ea | Cee CE ETP CP EEE EE LEP Vere Lel TAGE ES AEROMONAS AE OA NLT ED, TEI NS he SN TR EA NTI ES RS Enlargements of heads: Top. Liabum nudicaule. Bottom. Munnozia campii. A NEW SUBTRIBE IN THE HELIANTHEAE (COMPOSITAE): ESPELETIINAE« by José Cuatrecasas Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20560 The genus Espeletia is known as the most representative taxonomic group of the paramo plant life. It is one with a high degree of diversification and endemism, yet growing in an apparently uniform environment. A few of the morphological modifications may be explained by mutation, isolation and ecological adaptation, as the variation in habit. This and other questions will be discussed, along with morphological study of every taxa, arranged according to a new natural classification, in a forthcoming monograph near completion. The purpose of this paper is to offer a summary of the main taxonomic conclusions affecting the present classification and nomenclature of the group, in order to make them available to the interested people before the publication of the whole revision. The genus Espeletia Mutis was first published by Humboldt and Bonpland in Plantae Aequinociales, 1808, with three species from the Bogot4 area. The floral characterization given was clearly that of the Heliantheae. Bonpland, in his remarks considered the genus close to Silphium from which it can be distinguished by the heavy white-woolly or silvery indumentum, by the phyllaries and by the angulate fruits. Surprisingly no mention was made of the unusual growth form of these plants. Humboldt, 1914, eventually, published a Trixis neriifolia Bonpl. name given to a resiniferous tree called “incienso” growing in the Andean forests of Silla de Caracas. Schultz Bip. transferred this species to the genus Espeletia in Weddell (1856) Chloris Andina. Weddell made two groups, one "Frutices" with two species (E. neriifolia, E. banksiaefolia) and the other "Herbae caespitosae” with nine species. In 1870, Ernst working in Caracas, unawhere of the transfer made by Schultz Bipontinus ex Weddell of the Trixis neriifolia, made a new genus for this species, Libanothamnus, which has been regarded as synonym to Espeletia by all subsequent botanist. Standley in 1915 was the first to mention and to publish photographs made by Jahn on the special stipitate rosette growth form of same species of Espeletia; in his key for 17 species he accepted Weddell's main division between trees and other forms. The real scientific treatment of Espeletia, complete at that time, was made by A. C. Smith and M. Koch, 1935, based in gross morphology, floral anatomy and palynology. Smith used largely his field experience in Colombia for the description of the habit and ecologic considerations. Thirty species distributed between Colombia and Venezuela, one extending into Ecuador, were recognized. They were arranged in 43 by PRY TO OG fk Vol. 35, no. 1 a workable key, in which the main division was between trees ("much-branched woody caudices") with 3 species, and Herbs ("caudex simple, subterranean or erect") with the remaining 27 species. Smith & Koch considered in the genus five groups defined on basis of habit: 1)branched caudices, 2) subligneous flowering branches, 3)herbaceous, 4) broad leaves with stout erect caudex, and 5) subterranean caudex with narrow leaves. A thorough comparative study of the groups, using many characters including floral anatomy, was presented. Important phylogentic considerations were brilliantly exposed. Smith recognized the close connection: existing between Espeletia evolution and paramo ecology. He considered that the forebearer of the genus was derived from a woody ancestor similar to Polymnia which, as it migrated to the higher Andes adapted to the new environment; the main evolutionary trend would be from woody to herbaceous habit, a view generally accepted in recent times. Many of the diversifica- tion trends singled out by Smith may be sustained. With the con- siderable amount of information on Espeletia we have today, however, a new evaluation of the characters to be used for a natural classification has been necessary. Since the classic publication by Smith & Koch in 1935, a flow of new collections from Colombia and Venezuela had been accumu- lating; this accounts for 61 new binomials totaling 91 validly published species of Espeletia in 1969, the year that I engaged in intensive final work to produce a monograph. This increase in the number of species was already shown in the excellent treatment of the genus by A. Aristeguieta in his vol. 10 of Compositae for the Flora of Venezuela, 1965, in which he recognizes 45 species, 27 more than in the Smith's monograph. Furthermore, since 1970 thirty-three more new species have been discribed, in great part due to my trips to the paramos and subparamos of Colombia and Venezuela in 1969, 1970 and 1973, with the great help and efficient field activity of my friends and field assoc- iates Drs. L. Ruiz-Terén, M. Lépez-Figueiras of Merida, Drs. Garcia Barriga & R. Jaramillo of Bogot4 and A. Cleef of Utrecht working in Colombia. The main purpose of my recent trips was, besides the eventual collection of undescribed species, to estab- lish the true vegetative characteristics and type of inflorescences of many species, mainly the Venezuelan, which I had not had the opportunity of seeing "in vivo" before. On these field trips, I became acquainted with the habit and other vegetative characters of almost all the species, features which can not be seen on the fragmentary herbarium collections with usually poor field annotations. The most important findings were already initiated the first day I collected in Venezuela when I discovered in Paramo del Zumbador that E. jahnii had very showy terminal inflorescences at the center of monocarpic, big rosettes, reminding me of pictures of Argyroxiphiun. Similar observation followed near Péramo del Batallén, where I 1976 Cuatrecasas, A new subtribe is found specimens of E. atropurpurea with broadly paniculate, profusely branched 2 m tall, terminal inflorescences, and so on. For every species, an attempt was made to find out its growth habit which often is obscured by the degradation of vegetation caused by excesive grazing and fires. The field observation were checked later with dried or preserved specimens at the herbarium, and after thorough study, several growth forms could be defined for Espeletia. These growth forms correlated with other vegetative and inflorescential characters proved to be of sufficient taxonomic importance to draw a new class- ification at the generic level. Following are listed in short the main types of growth form which prove to be of basic taxono- mic significance. 1. Trees. Main erect trunk branched above the middle or at least the fourth of the total height. Branching dichasial or/ and pleiochasial, the main stem and main branches monopodial. Alternat leaves. Three types considered: a) Inflorescences terminal. Distal branchlets growing sympodially. Leaf bases tubular, closed, embracing the stems. Rarely opposite leaves present. Fig.l b) Inflorescences axillary of the upper leaves crowded at the branchlet-ends. Leaf bases closed, tubular or ring-shaped. ¢c) Inflorescences terminal. Branchlets growing sympodially. Leaf bases open. 2. Caulirosulae parvae ramosae. Dwarf shrubs or fruticeta, branched near the base, the branches first monopodial, later sympodial, usually decumbent or prostrate, ending each with a large dense rosette. Inflorescence single, terminal to each rosette, this dying after florescence, hence monocarpic. 3. Acaulirosulae with tuberose caudex, which might have short branching or lateral buds near the ground. Inflorescence terminal, the main supporting rosette dying after fructification, with further development of lateral buds. Rosettes monocarpic. 4. Acaulirosulae, with simple tuberose caudex and terminal inflorescence. Monocarpic. 5. Acaulirosulae with simple tuberose caudex, with axillary inflorescences. Polycarpic rosettes. 6. Acaulirosulae with rhizome, or semituberose subterranean caudex. Polycarpic rosettes with axillary inflorescences. 7. Caulirosula. Erect stem terminated with a large and dense rosette of permanent leaves. These are coriaceous and whitish lanate or tomentose. Below the crowded living leaves, often remain the marcescent leaves in the form of a dense cloak covering the whole length of the stem which looks much thick (up to 50 cm. diam) compared to the real width of the trunk (about 6-12 cm. diam). This is the most typical form of "frailej6n". The trunk is fun- damentally undivided, but eventually may be found with a pleiochasial branching near the base; the few branches in this case all grow erect and undivided, leaving the branching unnoticed, apparently, 46 Pel YO Bn: G: TA Vol. 35, noel without close examination. Accidental destruction of the terminal bud of the very young rosette may cause branching. There are two different types of caulirosula: with a) Inflorescence single, central, terminal, usually very large. The whole plant dying after fructification. Monocarpic. Fig.2. b) Inflorescences numerous, simultaneous, axillary, the caulirosula growing acropetally, indefinitely, along with continued flowering. Polycarpic. «| FSS) The biotype of "caulirosula" with short or long stem, is the most characteristic feature of the plant life of the high tropical mountains. It accounts for the physiognomy of the most part of the paramo vegetation. I have called the attention to this growth form since 1934 when I defined it and its collective designation (cauli- rosuletum). In 1934, I listed caulirosula and caulirosuletum under the heading of nanoarboretum. After many years of experience I consider that caulirosula has to be treated as an independent life- form with its own architecture either simple or branched. With respect the inflorescences, the different types interesting here for taxonomic purposes are summarized as follows: 1) The thyrse of definite dichasial panicle with opposite branching and decussate bracts. The primitive basic inflorescence type. Fig.3. 2) The definite monochasial panicle with alternate branches, branchlets and bracts, usually adopting corymbiform arrangement. Fig.4 right. 3) The definite racemose, simple or compound disposition, with alternate branching and bracts. Fig.4 left. 4) The monocephalous scapi with opposite bracts. 5) The monocephalous scapi with alternate bracts. Each type of inflorescence is explained in order to avoid the existing confusion in the use of some technical terms (e.g. thyrse). It is the general assumption that number 2 is derived from number 1 by the way of abortion of half of the branches (simplification trend). The same explanation, following different mathematical rules, may be used to derive number 3 from number 1, number }} from 1 or 3, and number 5 from number 2. Of all these types, the more elaborate are the first two, which show a complexity of structure in many cases, with some irregularity about the flowering succesion. The explana- tion must be that these inflorescences are in most cases canpound inflorescences on monopodial growing axes until vegetative maturity. For this reason the use of the Troll's concept of synflorescence is here justified. It helps to interpret the variations in the rate of growth of different branches (partial inflorescences) and in the sequence of the anthesis at different levels. Some observations also, indicate the influence of the environment on the eventual asymmetry or other irregularities in the development of inflorescences. A thorough study of more than one hundred recognizable species, presently known under Espeletia, proves that their differences in habit and inflorescence type aresignificant enough to base on them seven new basic groups separable at the genus level. 1976 Cuatrecasas, A new subtribe 7 On the other hand, these new established genera have very much in common with respect to floral, fruit, heads and anatomic features which indicates that they compose a major taxonomic unity at the level of subtribe. The main characteristics of this subtribe are: Achenes triangular with at least the adaxial angle very acute, the abaxial side more or less convex and the surface smooth, the epidermis with amorphous traces of black pigment in the cells. Phyllaries at maturity thicker and harder, more or less embracing the achenes especially towards the base, often retaining them for a long time in the marcescent heads. Ray flowers 2-pluriseriate (rarely uni- seriate); style branches with two marginal, thickened, stigmatic lines. Dise corollas tubular with broadened limb, 5-dentate. Anther appendices never glandular. Basic chromosome number x=19. Habit: trees, caulirosettes or acaulirosettes with coriaceous, xeromorphic, usually large leaves, at least abaxially densely hairy. All genera growing in cold and cold-temperate regions of the trop- ical high Andean mountains (paramos, subparamos, Anden forests near the timber line). References Cuatrecasas, J. (1934). Observaciones geobotanicas en Colombia. Trab. Mus. Nac. Cienc. Nat. Ser. Bot. 27:14) pags., 5 fig., 32 pl. Madric Cuatrecasas, J. (1968). P4&ramo vegetation and its life forms, Colloquium Geographicum, 9:163-186, 5 figs. Bonn. Powell, A. M. & Cuatrecasas, J. Chromosome Numbers in Compositae: Colombian and Venezuelan Species. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 57(3): 374- 379. 1971; Taxon 24:675-676. 1975. Acknowledgments: The exhaustive work on the pollen morphology of all the species of Espeletiinae by Dr. C. Marticorena, Instituto de Biologia U. de Concepeién, Chile, the collaboration of Dr. M. Powell, Sul Ross St. College, Alpine, Texas, who made the chromosome counting of all the available specimens, the help of Dr. Barry Rock, Alfred University, N.Y¥., who made anatomic study, of the artist Mrs. Florence Lambeth who made the drawings and of Dr. H. Robinson for suggestions and reading part of the manuscript, are very much appreciated. The basitwork for this paper has been partially supported by continued grants of the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. 48 Puy 1 OnmoG aa Vol. 35, now 1 ESPELETLIINAE Cuatr. subtrib. nov. Helianthearum Capitula heterogama. Receptaculum paleaceum nudum vel pilosum. Flores numerosi, ei radii feminei 2-pluriseriati, ei disci pseudohermaphroditi masculi fungentes. Corollae radii lamina ligulata alba vel lutea raro rubescenti vel purpurea, aut nulla, tubulo fere semper barbato. Rami stylorum radii binis lineis stigmaticis crassiusculis marginalibus. Corollae disci tubulares 5 dentatae, plerumque luteae. Antherae basi breviter sagittatae, cellulis exothecialibus oblongis in parietibus trans- versis noduliferis, appendicibus apicalibus ovatis mediale cari- natis, nunquam glanduliferis. Stylus florum disci distale dense papilloso-pilosulus apice breviter bilobato non stigmatico, basi partiale in discum nectariferum tubulosum immersus. Achaenia exteriora obovoideo-triangulata facie abaxiali plus minusve convexa vel gibbosa, interiora plerumque oblonga quadrangulata; omnia glaberrima, laevia, calva, tantum rarissime pappo 1-3 paleis. Involucrum pluriseriatum, phyllariis subherbaceis plus minusve inaequalibus, introrsum gradatim minoribus, imbricatis. Phyllaria fertilia maturitate plus minusve indurata, amplectentiuscula, achaenia retinentia. Paleae persistentes rigidulae amplectentes. Grana pollinis tricolporata, a sphaeroideis prolatis usque sphaeroideis oblatis, ora saepe lalongata; exinium spinosum; tectum punctulatum, baculatum; cavum vice infratecti absenti. Numerus basicus chromosomatum x = 19. Arbores, aut frutices inferne ramosi vel caule simplice porrecto plus minusve elevato vel caudice rhizomatoso vel tuberoso, perennifoliati; plerumque polycarpici, aliquot mono- carpici. Folia alterna, coriacea, vaginantia, in nodis valde approximatis nascentia, ad extremum caulis vel ramulorum crebra congeste fasciculata vel copiose rosulata, (saepe caulirosula). Lamina foliorum plerumque elongata, xeromorphica et saltem abaxiale dense trichomatosa. Schyzogeni canales et cellulae resiniferae universales in planta, kauranoide tetracyclici- diterpenoides efferentes. Habitus foliorum rosulae vel subrosulae plerumque late comosus, valdeque conspicuus. Capitula parva vel lata in paniculis cymosis thyrsoideis, dichasialibus foliis decussatis, vel monochasialibus foliis alternis plerumque corymbiformibus, vel valde simplicibus usque ad singulum capitulum. Species omnia regiones frigidae vel temperate frigdae Andium tropicorum Americae incola. Typus: Espeletia Mutis ex Humboldt & Bonpland, Pl. Aeq. 2: 10, 1808. Species typica Espeletia grandiflora Humboldt & Bonpland, l.c. 2: 11. 1808. Alia genera sunt: Libanothamnus, Ruilopezia, Tamania, Carramboa, Espeletiopsis et Coespeletia, illa clavis et diagnoses sequintur. 1976 Cuatrecasas, A new subtribe ho Clavis genericorum: 1. - Synflorescentiae terminales, floribundae. 2. - Arbores vel raro caulirosulae simplices. Vagina foliorum tubularis. Ligulae albae vel ochroleucae raro luteae. Receptaculum glabrum. Achaenia calva. Libanothamnus. ee Arbores vel frutices parvi vel caulirosulae simpli- ces. .Vagina foliorum aperta. 3. - Achaenia pappo 1-3 paleis instructa. Arbores. Ligulae luteae. Receptaculum parce pilosum. Tamania. sia Achaenia calva. Caulirosulae erectae et simplices, vel parvae, ramosae; foliis crebris dense rosulatis. Ligulae albae, luteae, aut rubro-purpureae. Receptaculum glabrum vel sparse pilosum. Ruilopezia. ne Synflorescentiae axillares. Achaenia calva. 4, - Arbores. Vagina foliorum tubularis. Folia ampla viridia. Receptaculum hirtum. Inflorescentiae floribundae ligulis luteis. Carramboa. 4", (Caulirosulae, erectae et elevatae vel . sSubsessiles vel sessiles, simplices, interdum e basi pauce ramosae. Vagina foliorum aperta saepe grandis. Inflor- escentiae aut floribundae aut modice floriferae vel valde reductae. Ligulae plerumque luteae, interdum albae, aut purpureae. 5. - Synflorescentiae corymboide- paniculatae, ramis ramulis foliis bracteisque alternis. Ligulae plerumque luteae, aut albae. hte Synflorescentiae dichasiales vel racemiformes. Ligulae luteae. 6. - Synflorescentiae racemi- formes, ramis ramulis bracteis foliisque alternis. Coespeletia. 50 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 25, noe 1 6'. Synflorescentiae dichas- iales; ramis, ramulis, foliisque saltem proximali- bus semper oppositis. Espeletia. LIBANOTHAMNUS Ernst, Vargasia, 7: 186. 1870. Arbores perennifoliae foliis ad extremos ramulorum saepe glomeratis vel rosulatis raro caulirosula simplice. Folia alterna, raro aliqua opposita. Vagina foliorum tubu- laris. Lamina anguste elliptica vel oblongo elliptica, rigide coriacea multiparalleli-nervata nervis patulis (angulo 70-90° ascendentibus) valde approximatis, supra viridis, abaxiale lanata vel tomentosa. Synflorescentiae terminales, corymboide paniculatae multi- ecapitulatae, ramis alternis, interdum aliquis oppositis; foliis partis proximalis vegetativae alternis, interdum oppositis. Capitula parva vel mediana, radiata vel pseudodiscoidea. Ligulae albae vel eburneae, raro ochroleucae luteae vel obso- letae. Corollae disci limbo subcampanulato, dentato, luteo vel viridi. Receptaculum conicum glabrum. Phyllaria fertilia vel paleae saepe copiosis glandulis obovoideis ad marginibus notatis. Achaenia epapposa. Species regiones temperate frigidae tropicorum Andium habi- tant. Venezuela, Colombia. Typus: Libanothamnus neriifolius (B. ex H.) Ernst. = Trixis neriifolia Bonpland ex Humboldt. LIBANOTHAMNUS ARBOREUS (Aristeg.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia arborea Aristeg. Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 20: 286. 1959. LIBANOTHAMNUS BANKSIAEFOLIUS (Sch. Bip. et Ettingsh) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia banksiaefolia Sch. Bip. et Ettingsh. ex Wedd. Chile WAnes) 1: 67856: LIBANOTHAMNUS GLOSSOPHYLLUS (Mattfeld) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia glossophylla Mattfeld Nottizblatt 10: 702. 1929. LIBANOTHAMNUS GRANATESIANUS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia granatesiana Cuatr. Phytologia 27: 44. 1973. LIBANOTHAMNUS GRIFFINII (Ruiz-Teran & Lopez-Figueiras) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia griffinii Ruiz-Terdn & Lopez-Figueiras, Rev. Fac. Farm. Univ. Andes Merida, 17: 7. 1976. LIBANOTHAMNUS HUMBERTII (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia humbertii Cuatr. Not. Syst. Paris 15: 233. 1956. 1976 Cuatrecasas, A new subtribe 51 LIBANOTHAMNUS LISCANOANUS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia liscanoana Cuatr. Phytologia 27: 41. 1973. LIBANOTHAMNUS LUCIDUS (Aristeg.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia lucida Aristeg. Compositae in Fl. Venezuela TOtL): 420. 1964. LIBANOTHAMNUS OCCULTUS (Blake) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia occulta Blake, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 537. 1924. LIBANOTHAMNUS SPECTABILIS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia spectabilis Cuatr. Phytologia 27: 46. 1973. LIBANOTHAMNUS SUBNERIIFOLIUS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia subneriifolia Cuatr. Mutisia 162 34 1953- LIBANOTHAMNUS TAMANUS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia tamana Cuatr. Phytologia 27: 171. 1973. LIBANOTHAMNUS WURDACKII (Ruiz-Terdn & Lopez-Figueiras) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia wurdackii Ruiz-Teran & Lopez -Figueiras, Rev. Fac. Farm. Univ. Andes Merida, 17: 1. 1976. RUILOPEZIA Cuatr. gen. nov. Helianthearum, subtrib. Espeletiinae. Caulirosulae simplices monocarpicae, vel paulo et congeste pauciramosae. Caules dense adpresseque cum foliis marcescentibus tecti. Folia coriacea flexibilia vel rigida crebra congeste rosu- lata. Vagina foliorum aperta. Lamina foliorum anguste elliptica elongata vel linearis, nervis secundariis angulo acuto vel patu- lis, abaxiale dense lanata vel sericea. Synflorescentiae terminales corymboide vel thyrsoide panicu- latae, multicapitatae, ramis alternis, foliis partis proximalis vegetativae alternis, rosula subtendenti monocarpica. Capitula mediana radiata vel pseudo-discoidea. Ligulae albae, viridulae, eburneae, luteae raro rubescentes vel absentes. Corollae disci limbo subcampanulato dentato luteo, eburneo vel viridi, raro rubescenti. Receptaculum conicum vel convexum glabrum vel parce pilosum. Phyllaria et paleae saepe - glandu- liferae. Achaenia epapposa. Species regiones frigidae et temperate frigidae tropicorum Andium incola. Venezuela. Genus dicatus amici, professores Universitatis Andium Meridensis, Luis Ruiz Terdn et Manuel Lopez Figueiras, clari botanici, diligentissimi consociati exploratores Venezolensis florae, praecipue paramorum, qui plures species Espeletiinearum conjuncte invenerunt. Typus: Espeletia figueirasii Cuatr. 52 Pere eT O) Le OG Eek Vol. 35, no. 1 RUILOPEZIA ATROPURPUREA (A. C. Sm.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia atropurpurea A. C. Sm. Brittonia 1: 508. 1935. RUILOPEZIA BRACTEOSA (Standl.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia bracteosa Standl. Am. Journ. Bot. 2: 484. 1915. RUILOPEZIA BROMELIOIDES (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia bromelioides Cuatr. Phytologia 29 (5): 369. 1975. RUILOPEZIA CARDONAE (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia cardonae Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 5: 20. 1942. RUILOPEZIA COLORADARUM (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia coloradarum Cuatr. Phytologia 29 (5): 372. 1975. RUILOPEZIA CUATRECASASII (Ruiz T. & Lopez F.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia cuatrecasassii Ruiz-Teran & Lopez-Figueiras, Rev. Fac. Farm. Univ. Andes Merida 14: 5. 1974. RUILOPEZIA FIGUEIRASII (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia figueirasii Cuatr. Phytologia 29: 475. 1971. RUILOPEZIA FLOCCOSA (Standl.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia floccosa Standl. Am. Journ. Bot. 2: 481. 1915. RUILOPEZIA FRAILEJONOTA (Aristeg.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia frailejonota Aristeguieta, Compositae in Fl. Venez. 10 (1): 425. 1964. RUILOPEZIA GRISEA (Standl.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia grisea Standl. Am. Journ. Bot. 2: 477. 1915. RUILOPEZIA HANBURIANA (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia hanburiana Cuatr. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 17: 86. 1956. RUILOPEZIA JABONENSIS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia jabonensis Cuatr. Phytologia 23: 360. 1972. RUILOPEZIA JAHNII (Standl.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia jahnii Standl. Am. Journ. Bot. 2: 479. 1915. RUILOPEZIA JOSEPHENSIS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia josephensis Cuatr. Phytologia 29 (5): 374. 1975. RUILOPEZIA LEUCACTINA (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia leucactina Cuatr. Phytologia 29: 377. 1945. 1976 Cuatrecasas, A new subtribe 53 RUILOPEZIA LINDENII (Sch. Bip. ex Wedd.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia lindenii Sch. Bip. ex Wedd. Chl. And. 1: 67. 1856. RUILOPEZIA LOPEZ-PALACII (Ruiz-Teran & Lopez-Figueiras.) Cuatr. comb. nov. , Espeletia lopez-palacii Ruiz-Teran & Lopez -Figueiras, Rev. Fac. Farm. Univ. Andes Merida, 17: 13. 1976. RUILOPEZIA MARCESCENS (Blake) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia marcescens Blake, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 536. 1924. RUILOPEZIA MARGARITA (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia margarita Cuatr. Phytologia 27: 49. 1973. RUILOPEZIA PALTONIOIDES (Standl.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia paltonioides Standl. Am. Journ. Bot. 2: 482. 1915. RUILOPEZIA RUIZII (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia ruizii Cuatr. Phytologia 23: 362. 1972. RUILOPEZIA VIRIDIS (Aristeg.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia viridis Aristeg. Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 20: 279. 1959. TAMANTA Cuatr. gen. nov. Helianthearum subtrib. Espeletiinae. Arbores perennifoliae foliis ad extremos ramulorum glomeratis vel rosulatis. Folia alterna. Vagina foliorum semicircularis, aperta. Lamina foliorum coriacea = flexibilis, late oblanceolata vel oblance-elliptica, nervis secundariis abaxiale prominulis 2-6 mm inter se distantibus, angulo 30-50° ascendentibus, indumento dense adpresseque sericeo molliterque leporino. Synflorescentiae terminales corymboide paniculatae multi- capitulatae, ramis alternis, foliis partis proximalis vegeta- tivae alternis. Capitula parva, radiata. Ligulae luteae. Corolla disci limbo subcampanulato, dentato, luteo. Receptaculum conicum parce pilosulum. Phyllaria paleaque eglanduliferae. Achaenia pappi 3-1 paleis lanceolatis rigidis, rarissime aliqua calva. Flores masculi etiam saepe pappo 1-3 paleis tenuibus linearibus. : Species regiones temperate frigidae tropicorum Andium. Paramo de Tama, Colombia, Venezuela. Typus: Espeletia chardonii A. C. Smith. Synonym: Espeletia leporina Cuatr. TAMANIA CHARDONII (A. C. Sm.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia chardonii A. C. Smith, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 7: 237. Apr. 1942. Venezuela. Espeletia leporina Cuatr. Sh PHY T:OG.0 G Tes Vol. 35, Nossal Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 5: 17, fig. 3-5; 9D, C; pl 2. June 1942. Colombia. CARRAMBOA Cuatr. gen. nov. Helianthearum subtrib. Espeletiinae. Arbores perennifoliae bene vel parum ramosae, foliis latis ad extremos ramulorum glomeratis, seu rosulatis. Folia alterna. Vagina foliorum tubularis. Lamina foliorum ampla coriacea ovata vel obovata vel elliptica, viridis, nervis secundariis abaxiale prominentibus, inaequalibus, angulo 60-80° ascendentibus, 1-6 cm inter se distantibus, abaxiale moderate villosa lanuginosa vel tomentosa. Synflorescentiae axillares, corymboide paniculatae multi- capitulatae, ramis proximalibus oppositis, alteris plerumque alternis, foliis partis proximalis vegetativae oppositis. Capitula parva, radiata; ligulae amotis 6-8(-10) m. Corollae disci limbo subcampanulato dentato luteo. Ligulae luteae. Receptaculum convexo-conicum hirtum. Phyllaria fertilia et paleae disci eglanduliferae, vel glanduliferae Achaenia epapposa. Species regiones temperate frigidae tropicorum Andium habitant. Venezuela. Nomen incolarum: "carrambo". Typus: Espeletia pittieri Cuatr. CARRAMBOA BADILLOI (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia badilloi Cuatr. Ciencia (Mexico) 6: 261. 1945. CARRAMBOA PITTIERI (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia pittieri Cuatr. Ciencia (Mexico) 6: 262. 1945. CARRAMBOA LITTLEI (Arjsteg.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia littlei Aristeg. Compositae in Fl. Venez. 10(1): 433. 1964. CARRAMBOA TRUJILLENSIS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia trujillensis Cuatr. Mutisia 16: 5. 1953. CARRAMBOA RODRIGUEZII (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia rodriguezii Cuatr. Phytologia 29 (5): 379. 1975. ESPELETIOPSIS Cuatr. gen. nov. Helianthearum, subtrib. Espeletiinae. Caulirosulae simplices caule valde elongato erectoque vel brevi, interdum pauciramoso, polycarpicae. Caulis plerumque dense adpresseque cum foliis marcescentibus tectus, vel interdum mox denudatus. Folia alterna coriacea plerumque rigida vel plus minusve flexibilia crebra congeste rosulata. Vagina aperta plana con- geste imbricata. Lamina late vel anguste elliptica vel linearis abaxiale dense lanata vel sericea, nervis secundariis plerumque prominentibus. 1976 Cuatrecasas, A new subtsribe cs Synflorescentiae vel inflorescentiae axillares, cymoso- monchasiales corymboide vel subcorymboide paniculatae, multi- florae vel interdum valde reductae, ramis alternis aliquando parcissimis oppositis; foliis partis proximalis vegetativae semper alternis. Capitula parva vel mediana, radiata vel eradiata; ligulae luteae raro albae; corollae disci limbo tubuloso-campanulato dentato luteo interdum purpurascenti. Grana pollinis spinis 3-7 micronis longis. Receptaculum convexum vel conicum, glabrum vel pilosum. Achaenia calva. Species regiones frigidae vel temperate frigidae, paramorum Andium tropicae Americae incola. Colombia et Venezuela. Typus: Espeletia jimenez-quesadae Cuatr. ESPELETIOPSIS ANGUSTIFOLIA (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. -Espeletia angustifolia Cuatr. Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 17 (85): 80. 1956. ESPELETIOPSIS BOGOTENSIS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia bogotensis Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 3: e7. 1940. ESPELETIOPSIS CALDASII (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia caldasii Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 3: 431. 150. ESPELETIOPSIS COLOMBIANA (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia colombiana Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 3: ekg. 1940. ESPELETIOPSIS CORYMBOSA (Humb. & Bonpl.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia corymbosa Humb. & Bonpl. Pl. Aequin. 2: 16. 1808. ESPELETIOPSIS CRISTALINENSIS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia cristalinensis Cuatr. Phytologia 27: 169. 1973. ESPELETIOPSIS FUNCKII (Sch. Bip. ex Wedd.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia funckii Sch. Bip. ex Wedd. Chl. And. 1: 64. 1855. ESPELETIOPSIS GARCIAE (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia garciae Cuatr. Phytologia 23: 358. 1972. ESPELETIOPSIS GLANDULOSA (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia glandulosa Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 3: 434, 19h0. ESPELETIOPSIS GUACHARACA (Diaz) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia guacharaca Diaz, Caldasia 11: 19. 1975. ESPELETIOPSIS INSIGNIS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Se insignis Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 3: 432. 1L Ge 56 PHY T.O.nO'G Lak Vol. 35, now 1 ESPELETIOPSIS JAJOENSIS (Aristeg.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia jajoensis Aristeg. Comp. in Fl. Venez. 10 (1): koh, 1964. ESPELETIOPSIS JIMENEZ-QUESADAE (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia jimenez-quesadae Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Se OLT. Tota: ESPELETIOPSIS MERIDENSIS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia meridensis Cuatr. Mutisia 16: 4. 1953. ESPELETIOPSIS MUISKA (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia muiska Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 3: 429. 1940. ESPELETIOPSIS PANNOSA (Standl.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia pannosa Standl. Am. Journ. Bot. 2: 480. 1915. ESPELETIOPSIS PETIOLATA (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia petiolata Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 4: S30 Gal: ESPELETIOPSIS PLEIOCHASIA (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia pleiochasia Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 3: 432, 190. ESPELETIOPSIS POZOENSIS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia pozoensis Cuatr. Ciencia (Mexico), 6: 266. 1945. ESPELETIOPSIS PURPURASCENS (Cuatr. ) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia purpurascens Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 5: 16. 1942. ESPELETIOPSIS SANTANDERENSIS (A. C. Smith) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia santanderensis A. C. Smith, Brittonia 1: 527. 1935. ESPELETIOPSIS SCLEROPHYLLA (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia sclerophylla Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 3: 436. 19h0. ESPELETIOPSIS TACHIRENSIS (Aristeg.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia tachirensis Aristeg. Comp. in Fl. Venezuela 10 CDE ho7. 1964. ESPELETIOPSIS TRIANAE (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Hspeletia trianae Cuatr. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 5: 18. 1942. COESPELETIA Cuatr. gen. nov. Helianthearum, subtrib. Espeletiinee. Caulirosulae simplices erectae, polycarpicae, raro rosula 1976 Cuatrecasas, A new subtribe 57 sessili. Caulis infra rosulam crasse denssissime adpressissi- meque cum foliis marcescentibus undique tectus. Folia alterna coriacea vel subcoriacea plus minus rigida crebrissime rosulata. Vagina aperta plana congeste imbricata. Lamina anguste elliptica vel linearis crasse denseque lanata vel tomentosa. Inflorescentiae axillares cymoso-monochasiales stricte racemoides, interdum reductissimae, vel synflorescentiae panicu- lato-racemoides, axe elongato, ramis semper alternis longitudine uniformi; foliis partis proximalis vegetativae semper alternis. Capitula mediana vel grandia radiata; corollae radii saepe cum processis dentiformibus vel lingulatis adaxiale munitae; ligulae luteae vel aurantiacae; corollae disci limbo tubuloso dentato luteo. Grana pollinis spinis numerosis usque ad 3 micra longis. Receptaculum planum vel plano-convexum, hirtum. Achaenia calva. Species omnes regiones frigidae paramorum Andium habitant. Venezuela. Typus: Espeletia spicata Schultz Bip. ex Weddell. COESPELETIA ALBA (A. C. Smith) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia alba A. C. Smith, Brittonia 1: 512. 1935. COESPELETIA ELONGATA (A. C. Smith) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia elongata A. C. Smith, Am. Journ. Bot. 27: 546. 1940. COESPELETIA LUTESCENS (Cuatr. & Aristeg. ) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia lutescens Cuatr. & Aristeg. Comp., Fl. Venez. 10 OE Lh3. 1964. COESPELETIA MARCANA (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia marcana Cuatr. Phytologia 20: 476. 1971. COESPELETIA MORITZIANA (Sch. Bip. ex Wedd.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia moritziana Sch. Bip. ex Wedd. Chl. And. 1: 65. 1856. COESPELETIA SPICATA (Sch. Bip. ex Wedd.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia spicata Sch. Bip. ex Wedd. Chl. And. 1: 65. 1856. COESPELETIA THYRSIFORMIS (A. C. Smith) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia thyrsiformis A. C. Smith, Brittonia 1: 513. 1935. COESPELETIA TIMOTENSIS (Cuatr.) Cuatr. comb. nov. Espeletia timotensis Cuatr. Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 17 (85): 84. 1956. Vol. 35, no. 1 PHY “RO WE0)(G: cera! 58 Fig. 1 - System of branching of a tree (partial) of Libanothammus neriifolius. FIGURE 1, 1976 yy “a iy ii y ; YW) NZ ui i iN » é _—; PLA ee Z Sy ; Ss ~ : <7 - sZE yppi SSSA Zi Lf, zia figueirasii, typical monocarpic caulirosula: | I 2 ae | 34 / 50 | f a3 g it / a3 t i - ae : I Flas) SSS = SSS Sarre tt ge FS BES BOER Rene a ee IDEA SS oig ' Ly, \ 8d if \ es | YS 1 \) a ) \\ evar z Vol. 35. NOe Pel Yit Oy Edo: Gr Des de rn 2 Jf so I f iat 1976 Cuatrecasas, A new subtribe 61 <7 DLO e FIGURE 4, Fig. 4 - Inflorescences of Coespeletia spicata (1 m long, left) and Espeletiopsis jimenez-quesadae (80 cm long, right). BOOK REVIEWS Alma L. Moldenke "GUIDE TO THE LITERATURE OF BOTANY; Being a Classified Selection of Botanical Works Including Nearly 6000 Titles Not Given in Pritzel's 'Thesaurus'" by Benjamin Daydon Jackson, xl & 626 pp., Facsimile Edition by Otto Koeltz Science Publishers, D-62); Koenigstein, West Germany. 1974. DM.110. The author was a bibliographer par excellence, a leader in the Index Society, Secretary to the Linnean Society and the source of the valuable historical introduction and informative annotations on many of the botanical publications garnered here under such topics as: Pre-Linnean Botany, Palaeobotany, Economic Botany, Local Floras, Botanical Gardens, etc. This work was first issued by Longmans, Green & Co., London, in 1881 for the Index Society. The first replication edition appeared in 196), by the Hafner Publish= ing Company of New York. This is the second replication edition appearing just a decade later with rights now held by Sven Koeltz. The original Addenda portion is also included. This is a valuable book. How fortunate that more copies of it are now hereby made available. "HYDROBOTANICAL METHODS" by Richard D. Wood, x & 173 pp., illus., University Park Press, London, Tokyo & Baltimore, Maryland 21202. 1975. $10.75 paperbound, looseleaf spiral backing. This guide provides training for aquatic ecologists through its well developed series of field and laboratory projects that are oriented for university student training and are equivalent to actual assignments given to competent professional aquatic biolo- gists and environmentalists such as: radio-isotope uptake of 32p and 652n, Diel periodicity, vegetational analysis associated with varying degrees and kinds of water pollution, etc. There are carefully explained detailed directions and references given. The term "species" is misused several times in the text (e.g., De 75). The specific name for the Eriocaulon on Rhode Island is now con= sidered by some authorities as E. pellucidum Michx. Typographical errors in common words appear too often, as on p. 10. This page consists of a 190 Fassett chart of more use to an amateur enjoy- ing the "wet" out-of-doors. In the present manual its simplicity is misleading and/or unnecessary. Other illustrative diagrams are of good quality. 62 1976 hioldenke, Book reviews 63 "FLORIDA LANDSCAPE PLANTS: Native and Exotic" revised edition by John V. Watkins & Thomas J. Sheehan, viii & 20 pp., illus., The University Presses of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32603. 1975. $11.95. A recent issue of this journal carried my review welcoming the 197) fifth printing of the original edition. Herewith this fuller revised edition is also heartily welcomed for the many people in- terested in horticulture especially involving the growing of sub- tropical and tropical habitat plants; for the professional and/or amateur gardener and/or landscaper; for retirees seeking warmer climates without excessive winter fuel bills; for any English= reading school and/or horticulture teachers in not only Florida but in any other parts of this world where such plants do grow or can grow either naturally or by such encouragement as cutting back, drying out, covering or transferring indoors during cooler seasons, selective breeding. This revision contains a few printing and illustration changes, the addition of over 50 new kinds of plants and ); extra color plates. The familiar single page format for each plant provides attractively and accurately much valuable information. "PROCEEDINGS OF THE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL TAXONOMY" edited and directed by George F. Estabrook, xvii & 429 pp., illus., W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, Cali- fornia 910). 1976. $12.50. This conference, held at the end of the summer of 197) in Oeiras, Portugal, was supported by the Fundac&o Calouste Gulben- kian. This report gains and maintains its value by presenting not only honed scientific papers by leaders in this pioneering field (e.g., Gower, Gould, Johnston) but also the sensibly edited queries and comments by other participants (e.g., Rohlf, Sokal, Sneath) as integral closings to each session. The sessions were programmed as: I. Statistical criteria for phenetic clusters, II. Statistical inference and simulation of evolutionary trees, III. Nonstandard phenetics (v. charts on pp. 139 & 140), IV. Es- timating evolution from molecular data, V. Interpopulation vari- ation (e.g., house sparrows), and VI. The search for true cla- distic characters. The papers give their bibliographic sources, but there is no general index. The text and illustrations, most- ly as charts and formulae, are photocopied from neatly typed sheets. The paper of broadest appeal is the banquet address — given between courses -- by Heywood on Contemporary Objectives in Systematics in which he interprets that evolutionary tree, evaluates early taxonomic efforts as "data processing before computers", the recent information explosion, conduct of pres- ent and projected research, the need for thoughtfully oriented criteria for the training of future taxonomists, etc. so that we 6 P H X20 3 0)Gr & & Vol. 35, noe 1 can be "prepared to stand back and take a broader view of the priorities now facing us, we may well find that within a few years the freedom of choice we now enjoy will have disappeared for good." "ARCHAEOLOGICAL ATLAS OF THE WORLD" by David Whitehouse & Ruth Whitehouse, [iv] & 272 pp., illus. with 103 maps drawn by John Woodcock & Shalom Schotten, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, California 9410). 1975. $17.00 hard cover clothbound & $8.95 paperbound. These Oxford and Cambridge trained author—iarchaeologists have attractively and carefully planned this Atlas "to meet the re- quirements of professional archaeologists, students, and the ever- increasing numbers of amateurs and interested laymen who wish to become familiar with the current archaeological scene both at home and abroad." Over 5,000 pre- and proto-historic sites are pinpointed on these meticulously checked maps. They are so easily readable, being marked in soft tans and white for topographic features, standardized grid coordinates and leading modern cities and having superimposed in black both the names of the ancient sites and the symbols for the validating "remains" or "digs". For each full page map there is typically corresponding description of that civilization. Selective "Further Reading" is offered in each case. There is a several-columned, several-paged index for all site names with grid references. Having all this material organized within a single book binding will prove a great convenience to many readers as well as a real service to science. "FIELD PHOTOGRAPHY: Beginning and Advanced Techniques" by Alfred A. Blaker, xxi & 51 pp., illus., W. H. Freeman & Company, San Francisco, California 9410). 1976. $19.95. The author's outstanding career at the University of California at Berkeley, his famous "Photography for Scientific Publications" (1965, Freeman) and his more recent training of assorted universi- ty field naturalists eminently qualify him to write this book. The text is clearly explained and exemplified by 156 illustra- tions with 18 in color. Many of these plates have two original photographs showing results of different techniques. A "Field—Use Data Booklet" is provided with each copy of this text with tech- nical tables, directions, and note spaces all condensed into a flexible booklet slightly smaller than this PHYTOLOGIA issue. Blaker emphasizes the importance of a properly prepared ap- proach so that primary attention can be given to the field events to be recorded on film. PHYTOLOGIA Designed to expedite botanical publication Vol. 35 December, 1976 No. 2 CONTENTS HOOVER, W. C., An altitudinal survey of species of Begonia having a TE RS rene See, NE USB WA RSD ALL to INE CD 65 GILLIS, W. T., Additions and corrections to the Bahama flora—IlI..... 79 MADISON, M., A New Asterostigma (Araceae) from Ecuador ........ 101 MADISON, M., Luctatio Aroideis I. Caladium and Xanthosoma .. . Sst 3 DEGENER, O, & I., Flotsam and jetsam of the world.............. 108 MOLDENKE, H. N., Notes on new and noteworthy plants. XCV ...... 109 MOLDENKE, H. N., Additional notes on the Eriocaulaceae. LXVI ..... 112 ST. JOHN, H., Two lectotypes in Charpentiera (Amaranthaceae). ES INI EMTS. OT. oi Fiasw bw ean o ge ie oe ete x ee 132 SEYMOUR, F. C., Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua ..............5.. 133 ent ALL. OOK FEVIEWS ... 6 cb sk ok ek gc hie owe Pee 173 Published by Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L. Moldenke 303 Parkside Road Plainfield, New Jersey 07060 US.A. Price of this number, $3; per volume, $9.75 in advance or $10.50 after / close of the volume; 75 cents extra to all foreign addresses; 512 pages constitute a volume AN ALTITUDINAL SURVEY OF SPECIES OF BEGONIA HAVING A HORNED FRUITL by W. Scott Hoover Department of Biology Colorado College Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903 ABSTRACT During the months of June, July, and August, 1973, twenty- five different species of Begonia, of which several belong to the section Casparya, were collected in Colombia; a significant char- acteristic of this section is the horned fruit. Of the eight species collected within Casparya having this fruit, seven were located above 2,000 meters. Altitudinal information subsequently were obtained from one hundred forty-five herbarium collections, of which one hundred twenty-four, or 86%, were recorded as occur- ring at or above this elevation. Of thirty-four species possess- ing this fruit types only five species have been observed to range both above and below 2,000 meters. Of the other twenty-nine species, whose distribution is more restricted, twenty-one have been observed to range from this altitude and higher; this repre- sents 72% of the species on which data were obtained. Five additional species of Begonia have a horned fruit and are found at low elevations in Brazil. Those species belong to the largest American sections, Pritzelia and Begoniastrum; their elevations are tabulated here, also. This paper is intended only to present a survey of some altitudinal data and does not represent a com- plete ecological or taxonomic study of horned fruit species. ltnis research was supported in part by grants from the Colorado College Venture Committee and-The American Begonia Society. “Present address: Coronation Farm, Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267. 65 66 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 2 INTRODUCTION The Begoniaceae is primarily composed of the genus Begonia, which includes approximately 1000 species (Barkley, 1972). This genus is divided into sections varying in size from one species to one hundred or more in certain cases. Gradient analysis for elevation has been carried out by Whittaker (1967) where vegeta- tion samples were taken along equal intervals. His findings for transects in the Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee, indicate that certain tree species do not have sharply defined boundaries along a gradient. Rather the species show a peak density of individuals with a decreasing density at lower or higher elevations beyond the maximum. This paper presents only the elevational distribution of horned fruit species of Begonia, and tabulates some preliminary data on the average elevation of many American sections of the genus. Species of Begonia possessing the horned fruit appear to be distributed at elevations generally greater than 2000 meters. This paper presents a tabulation and analysis of collections made by the author, held in the Gray Herbarium, and reported in the articles of Smith and Schubert (1946, 1958, and 1961), Smith and Smith (1971), Barkley (1972), and Smith (1973). Smith and Schu- bert (1946) provide the key to Colombian species of Begonia in their monograph. They distinguish among certain species having fruit which is either winged or horned. Their description of the latter being: Ovary and capsule turbinate, not winged but equally 3-horned from the upper part of the angles; stigmatic tissue usually covering all sides of the styles; capsule dehiscent at angles; staminate tepals 4. Barkley's (1972) list of species of the Begoniaceae was also used to identify additional species placed in the section Casparya after 1961 and to determine the section to which other species belong. Collections made prior to 1946 were included in Smith and Schubert's paper, while any material at the Gray Herbarium obtained after their paper was used in this study. The addition- al data on horned fruit species placed in the sections Begonia- strum and Pritzelia was obtained from Smith and Smith's (1971) monograph on the Begoniaceae of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Smith's (1973) monograph on Venezuelan Begonia includes several newly described species, as well as altitude information on the dis- tribution of other horned fruit species. GENERAL ALTITUDINAL DISTRIBUTION OF AMERICAN BEGONIA A survey of some literature (Smith and Schubert 1941, 1946, 1950, 1958, 1961; Smith and Smith (1971); and Smith (1973) was 67 Hoover, Begonia with horned fruit 1976 eoTiowy Teotdory, Rot rSwy TerQueD ‘OOTxXSW sopuy OoTXeENW sepuy nied BTQUOTOD sopuy eFquOTOD eutTquebay OO;xen ‘Soepuy eFquotood eTenzous, ‘eT quoto) uoTt3nqtiz3sta Teotydezboey Azeutida OvoTt OSsOT O80T OceT OO9T OTST OP9T O89T oSssT 0£€02 0S0z 0102 0822 (sizejew ut) uot zeAeTT eberaay 00SZ O86T O06T 0002 0S6Z 002 0022 SL9T €SSZ LOVE 00SZ2 £67 OSEE (sz930wW UT) but pr00ey4 uot zeAaTg 38e45TH Lar4 oS 008 STb 80T 009 026 SLOT ST8 0s8 O0O9T OS9T oos (sz9e30W UT) but pr0004 uotzeAeTT 3S9M0T 9T £0T 6T £9 z £ 9 ve TT ze zT Se U z T v € v € oT z € z oT bE Ob peqtzoseq setoeds setoeds peztu JO ‘ON -boosy JO *ON WINOSGG dO SNOILOSS NVOIYGWY dO SNOILWARSIA AOWUAAW T aIav. “JT umaqzsetuobsag *Odad*W etpnos1zt 9 *Odad*wW etTuuewssoy *Oa°W eTxXOeqsesouy *Oa*w eTzsny *Oa°w eTuoAedoztny *Oa*w er9pPTtd *Oa°w untejedng *Oa'w etsdeT 3aeqnyos 9 URTWS SsoTeI4SNYy *oa’w eAreg *O’a°w efueqoy banqaem eAredseo NOILOAS Vol. 35, no. 2 PH YeTwOvLiore TA 68 Tyze1g TRze1d TFz2e1a T¥ze41g TRze1g eofFrewy Teotdorzy, nied OoTxXeW ‘eqTewejzeny TFze1g OoTxeW zopenog “eT quotoo uotzngyt1z35TaG Teoftyuderboay Azeutid 0sz 0LZ 0zF Obs 099 OL 069 0s8 066 0£0 0£0 (szejeau ut) but pz000y4 uot zeAeTT uot zeAeta eberzaay 3s80u5TH cumfizeqioy Aer ey 3e SsuewtToOods wozz peuTejqoO SseA eIep TeUTpNITATe 3y43 zo Aqzzofew ey !sydezbouow ey ut peqtzosep [Te you eze evAredseDd 10F peAsTT setoeds FE sULy OSL 00S OOOT 000T 006T OOLT 004 OOvT 00272 u 0002 T 86FT (szejou ut) S T v os T v S i Zz 0oT 16 TT 6ZE TT LOT T9 8 €T 089 T 1 OO€ T Zz 022 T 9 OSE Zz eT 09S T T (629398W UT) butpz008y peqtioseq uofjzeAelTga softoeds setoeds peztu 359M0T JO ‘ON -boosy JO °ON WINOSEE JO SNOILOGS NWOIUGWY 4O SNOILWARSTA AOWUaAV (P,3U0D) T FIdvL *Oa°W ezeyquUeURTOS apeig eytug *Oa°yv eTbanqueTepuelrL OpeToL eapeag *“Oa°W et Tez4yid *Oa*y PIqeW0RZeI0gG *Oa°W sfweuso0yzedAD ‘Oa°w eapuepod "Oa°W &TeTFeEMpTeyos *Oa°W BTYOeqTTOM *Oa°W erayjueUuCToH NOILOaS 1976 Hoover, Begonia with horned fruit TABLE 2 COLLECTIONS OF HORNED FRUIT SPECIES MADE BY THE AUTHOR IN COLOMBIA Species/Section Begonia ferruginea L. f - Casparya B. killipana Smith and Schubert - Casparya B. hexandra Irmscher - Casparya B. toledana var. erubescens Smith and Schubert - Casparya B. urticae i. £. - Casparya B. libera Smith and Schubert - Casparya Begonia - get to be determined Begonia - get to be determined Approximate Altitude (in meters) 2800 - 3000 2700 2900 2700 2900 2700 2900 3000 - 3600 (two collections) 1600 - 1800 2200 - 2400 2200 - 2400 Department Boyaca Cauca Cauca Cauca Boyaca & Cauca Cauca Boyaca Boyaca 69 70 Pre Yan Or a aOrG: sbre Vol. 35, now2 conducted in order to get a comparison between the elevations of horned fruit species and the normal winged fruit species of Begonia. Table 1 lists the sections which are represented by species in the monographs and includes the number of species per section, according to Barkley's list (1972), the number of species described in the literature, the lowest, highest, and average elevation recording for each section, and the geographical area where the sections are predominantly distributed. The average elevation listed for each section is based on a simple arithmetic mean. The average elevation recordings for each species within a section were found and the mean for the section is thus based on the average for all species recorded, independent of the number of collections. Table 1 serves simply to show how other sections are distributed altitudinally in com- parison to Casparya. The data are very preliminary, as indicated by the great difference in the number of species described in the monographs and the number of recognized species in each section. The preliminary nature of these data do not allow for much interpretation though several points deserve mention. The section Casparya has the highest average elevation listing of all American sections; upon a thorough statistical analysis, where the number of collections is taken into account for each species, the average elevation for the section will undoubtedly be greater. Also, Cas- parya is the fourth largest section, exceeded in number of species only by Pritzelia, Begoniastrum, and Gireoudia. Two other large sections, Huszia and Knesebeckia, are characterized by many spe- cies which have a tuberous habit, though the former is found pre- dominantly in the Andes and the latter in Mexico and Central America. Their average elevations, at this state of analyses, are very close. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Tables 2, 3, and 4 show the data collected on the known spe- cies of American Begonia having a horned fruit. Table 2 includes just those species personally collected in Colombia during the three months of 1973. Table 3 compiles all data obtained for each species and includes: its section, observed number of collections, altitude, and country of collection. Table 4 categorizes the ele vations of 5 additional horned fruit species occurring at low ele- vations near the Southeastern coast of Brazil. When the elevation was recorded as a range overlapping two of the zones used in the table, the lower end of the range was chosen for tabulation. Figure 1 presents the number of species and collections made within each altitude zone for Casparya and the other Western South American sections. It serves to graphically illustrate the dis- continuity at 2000 meters. with horned fruit , Begonia Hoover 1976 BTSenzeus, BT QuWOTOD eTSenzeus, eTenzeus, ‘etTquotood eTenzeus, ‘eTquotoo eTquotod eTquotod eueueg ‘BOTY eB3S09 eTqwotod eTquoTto) eTqQuotToD etTquotos eTenzeue, ‘eTquotToD eTenzaus, eTanzeus, eTenzeusp eTenzsausp, eTenzausp, nied eTquotod Nzed OF BOTH &3S0D eTquotToo eTquotTod eTQUOTOD aazAuaSao ZYaHM AYLNNOD woAn ea OOLE -O00€ 1S T T i z S 1 Lt € z 9 Ss ui! 9 v £ I! T z £ T € T L z T T T T 4 Z Zz LT 8 4 T ud UE OO00€ 00SZ2 0002 00ST -00SZ -0002@ -O00ST -000T 000T -0 Banqzem eTeqedtAel banqiem eTTOsTTMer AsyoswAT TryosareA Banqzem ejeTNUWedsTIy Fazeqnyos ¥ YFTWS PUuepeTOR Qzeqnyos ¥ YaTWS eUeTQqUOTOOS MAH ePETTAqum *Da'd STIRSAATISTpN Qazeqnyuos ¥ UuyTWS STdtToweb Hbainqiem seueti3 Zzeqnydss ¥ YFTWS eUeTITTITH Jaeqnyos ¥ YATWS eyNUIODS 3°T PauTbnataz qzeqnyos 9 yATWSs eder yjtus ‘a’ T setiew yatws ‘a°t stdetodr uytus *‘@’T taabtiya yytMpues euTSSTSOWwI0; yzeqnyos ¥ YyFTWS eRITY ZayosuttT eipuexsy 3°T 9eoT RAN Aazeqnyos 3 YytuS eutSsin Jzeqnyos 3 YaTWS esSnzstd Aqsny nhac belo. Bole tbe Sig ehtel swan ait is ta sie Inininimiminiminiminimimimimimimimimimimimim! B}euepMboTjue eTUObeg WAUWdSWO (sz830W UT) ANOZ LVWHL NIHLIM AGYW SNOILOATIOO QgaAuaSdO JO YAAWNN HLIM JNOZ NOILWAITA SaIOgdS/NOILOas LINUA GANYOH JHL ONIAVH WINODAG JO SNOILWASTA ANY ‘SAIOadS ‘SNOILOGS € ATavL Vol. 35, noe Pr A YATOcisOrG fk 72 BoTY B3809 seinpuog ‘erteue zeny AOpeATeS Tq ‘ooTxeW eBTenzeus, eTquoTtod zopenog nazeg ‘izopenog eTquorTo) eT QuoTOD eTquotod ag Auasao TUYAHM AULNNOD Adel 3 QOLE O00€ 00S2 0002 o00ST OO00T -O000€ -00S%Z <-0002 -00ST <-000T -0 (szejeu UT) ANOZ LVHL NIHLIM FaWW SNOILOIT GgaAuaSHO JO UAMWAN HLIM YNOZ NOILWARITA *9a°D JFeprou |g euueyuesstZ YIWYOSINN *ODa’y Puesexeo “gq euusyUusseTZ WudLdWVxXaH yzfus STsueTTt(nz3 a *Oa°D NOUGLdv 3zeqnyos ¥ YATWS TIeATTIO “g Jzeqnyos ¥ YyzTWS eIeATeA *¢g Zeyoswzy eipuezje3 “a Jzeqnyos 9 YATWS eTeqTT ‘a zeqnyos 8 yzfus stdajToroTyo °¢ Jaeqnyos 3% Yyatus TiexerqTey *q WAUWdSWO TOD SaIDadS/NOILOSS 1976 NUMBER OF COLLECTIONS oR SpECIES Hoover, Begonia with horned fruit 73 Key: Number of collections AW Number of species QQ, 60 50 40 30 20 VAS vA 1c00- 1500- 2000- 2500- 3000- 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3700 ALTITUDE ZONES (in meters) FIG.I — DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES WITHIN ALTITUDE ZONES 74 P-H ¥T.0 L0G BA Vol. 35, Has.e TABLE 4 SECTIONS, SPECIES, AND ELEVATIONS OF BRAZILIAN BEGONIA HAVING A HORNED FRUIT ELEVATION ZONE WITH NUMBER OF SECTION/SPECIES OBSERVED COLLECTIONS MADE WITHIN THAT ZONE (in meters) BEGONIASTRUM 0-300 300- 600- 900- 1200- 1500- 600 900 1200 1500 2000 B. hilariana A.DC. 2 ah B. schenckii Irm. 5 1 var. schenckii B. squamipes Irm. 2 2 PRITZELIA B. catharinensis 4 ib 1 Brade B. solitudinis 2 2 Brade 1976 Hoover, Begonia with horned fruit 75 With these data available, a certain trend becomes apparent. Of the thirty-one species of Casparya on which data were obtained, twenty-four have been observed at 2000 or more meters in altitude. (No information was obtained on Begonia irmscheri Smith and Schu- bert, B. diversistipulata Irmscher, B. fuchsiifolia Warburg, B. lehmannii Smith and Schubert, B. longirostris Benthan, and B. raimondii Irmscher.) Several species within Casparya have only been collected at elevations less than this. These species are as follows: B. chlorolepis, B. kalbreyeri, B. libera, B. brevi- petala, B. tetrandra, B. Oliveri, and B. valvata. a@. The data avail- able show collections of only one specimen for each of these spe- cies. Four species of Casparya have been observed to range both above and below 2000 meters. These include B. colombiana, B. toledana, B. trianae, and B. urticae. Collections of Casparya indicate the majority of species are found in Colombia and Venezuela, while few species have been ob- served in Peru and Ecuador. Though a substantial number of spe- cies have been collected in Venezuela, few collections have been made, the majority having come from Colombia. A relatively small group of species formerly associated with the genus Semibegoniella and now included in Casparya includes B. grewiifolia, B. kalbreyeri, and B. oliveri (Barkley and Smith, personal communication). The limited collections of the above three species indicate a distribution from very low elevations to the higher ones, 2150 meters, 1600 meters, and 150 meters, respec tively. (B. irmscheri was also included in Semibegoniella and is now placed in Casparya though no data were obtained on this spe- cies.) Of all the species having a horned fruit, B. urticae has been the most abundatly collected, and has the widest distribution. B. urticae also is one of the most wide ranging of all American Begonia having been collected from Costa Rica to Peru. With the data observed on this species, thirty-eight of the total forty- one collections were made well over 2000 meters, for B. urticae is found most abundantly between 2500-3700 M. Information was obtained on three other small sections with species having a horned fruit. The limited data observed on the Central American sections Hexaptera and Uniformia show a majority of collections have been made below 2000 meters, contrary to the recordings of most South American rg Sl Particular reference is to B. oaxacana of Hexaptera and B. heydei of Uniformia. The recently described species B. trujillensis, placed in the section Apteron, was located at 2300 meters in Venezuela. (No information was obtained on B. bakeri C.DC. of Auriformia. ) A difference in the morphology of the fruit is found in B. oaxacana and B. udisilvestris which deserves mention. Unlike the 76 PoP) YD Ol Obey Teh Vol. 35, nase majority of species in Casparya and the monotypic sections Uni- formia and Apteron, which all fit the established definition of a horned fruit, these two above-mentioned species are not specifi- cally characterized by the same form of the horned fruit. Smith and Schubert (1958) provide a description of the capsule of B. oaxacana: "...wings 3 or sometimes up to 6, subequal, narrow, angled at middle or somewhat above, giving the fruit a rhombic or obovate outline..." Also, for B. udisilvestris: "Capsule erect, ovoid, attenuate into slender beak, wings equal, very narrow." In these definitions, horned is not the descriptive word; this suggests some difference from species whose capsule is described as horned. It appears that the morphology of these fruits repre- sents an intermediate form between the common winged type and the actual horn. Thus, the majority of species possessing a horned fruit are generally observed at an elevation between 2000 and 3700 meters above sea level. The 2OOO meter elevation zone is not just an arbitrary designation; these species are found more abundantly at or above this altitude, which determines this area as the most probable location for observing them. The specific environmental factors contributing to this distribution cannot be stated for data on environment was not collected and correlated with these plants. Those species observed at lower elevations are few in number and have not been observed with the frequency of the higher altitude ones. It appears that the horned fruit species are more successfully adapted to the higher elevations than to the lower elevations. The five species occurring in Brazil that have a horned fruit differ significantly in many respects from species of Casparya. The styles have been observed to differ in the branching pattern. Species in Casparya are irregularly branched while the five Bra- zilian species are regularly bifid (Smith, personal communication). Table 3 shows the elevations where collections were made; the majority of which were located between 300 and 1200 meters, which is a much lower altitudinal range than for Casparya. Morpholo- gical differences also are found in two of the species in Begon- iastrum; B. hilariana and B. schenckii have a rhizomatous habit. All of the species observed in Casparya have upright habits. There is no question that the occurrence of horned fruit species placed in Begoniastrum, Pritzelia and Casparya causes one to question the taxonomic significance of the horned fruit. The altitudinal distribution of Casparya though is suggestive of a correlation with the horned fruit, thus serving to support this trait as a valuable taxonomic character, particularly since species in this section are found at some of the highest eleva- tions of all known American Begonia, as Table 1 indicates. Also, the frequency of the horned fruit in comparison to the normal winged type is extremely rare from a percentage standpoint, though 1976 Hoover, Begonia with horned fruit 77 the section Casparya is relatively large. Even with these appar- ent similarities, a considerable amount of taxonomic work remains to be done. One other species in the Begoniaceae is known to have a horned fruit, though no altitudinal information was obtained on it. Sym- begonia sanguinea Warburg possesses a horned fruit similar to those found in the majority of American Begonia, though, as with all Symbegonia, is restricted to New Guinea. To my knowledge, this species is the only member of the Begoniaceae having a horned fruit in a geographical location other than Central and South America. There are five sections with species characterized by this particular fruit type, being: Casparya, Hexaptera, Apteron, Auriformia and Uniformia. The latter four sections here are small, though the species observed within these sections possess a horned fruit, or one that is morphologically similar. The five species with a horned fruit found in Begoniastrum and Pritzelia are the exception since these two large sections are characterized by the normal winged type fruits found in the majority of all Begonia. Several questions arise from the information presented. Is there any relationship between the horned fruit species in Begoniastrum and Pritzelia and those in Casparya? Also, does Symbegonia sanguinea have any affinity to the American horned fruit Begonia, or has the horned fruit evolved independently in both geographical locations? ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Without the help from Professor Richard Schultes and Professor Fred Barkley, the studies in Colombia would never have occurred; thus, my appreciation is extended to each of them. My gratitude extends as well to the botanists at the Universidad National in Bogota, especially Dr. Forero for providing the necessary encour- agement. Determinations of those species personally collected within the section Casparya were made by Dr. Bernice Schubert, to whom I express my appreciation. Without the advice and patience of Professor Thomas Kinraide, little formally would have been accomplished. REFERENCES Barkley, Fred A. 1972. The species of the Begoniaceae. The Buxtonian. Vol. 1, Supplement 5. - 1972. Begoniaceae: The genera, sections, and known spe- cies of each. The Buxtonian. Vol. 1, Supplement 4. Smith, L. B. and B. G. Schubert. 1941. Begoniaceae. in Macbride, Fl. Peru, in Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. Series. vol. 13(4), 78 PH PTOL OF HA Vol. 35, no. 2 References, continued Smith, L. B. and B. G. Schubert: No. 1: 181-202. » and . 1946. ‘The Begoniaceae of Colombia. Caldasia. Vol. IV: 1-38; 77-107; 179-209. , and . 1958. Flora of Panama (Begoniaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Vol. 45: 41-67. , and . 1961. Flora of Guatemala, Begoniaceae. Fieldiana: Botany. Vol. 24, Part VII, No. l. 1973. Begonia of Venezuela. Phytologia. Vol. 25: 118- 119. 1973. Begonia of Venezuela. Phytologia. Vol. 27: 209- Ec » and R. C. Smith. 1971. Flora Ilustrada Catarinense, Begoniaceae. Itajai, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Wittaker, R. H. 1967. Gradient Analysis of Vegetation. Biological Review. Vol. 49: 207-264. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO THE BAHAMA FLORA - IIT William T. Gillis Once again it is necessary to alter usage of plant names as they apply to the Bahama flora, and to make additions of previously unknown plants in the flora. In our preparation of a new flora of the Bahamas (including the Turks and Caicos Islands), Mr. George R. Proctor and I have been noting corrections of nomenclature as well as additions to the flora. I present here an additional 34 name changes and nine species not previously reported from the islands. As in previous papers, my use of the term "Bahamas" should be construed in its geographical sense to include the Turks and Caicos Islands as well. For ease of reference, this paper will follow the order of species presented in Britton and Millspaugh's Flora (1920). For brevity that flora is designated as B & M in the text of this paper. When corrections to the B & M text are discussed, the figure in the lefthand margin refers to the page in B §& M on which the taxon in question is discussed. Herbarium abbreviations are those of Index Herbariorum (Holmgren and Keuken, 1974). I should like to acknowledge with appreciation Dr. L.I. Nevling, Jr., Chairman of the Botany Department at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago for making collections there available to me. I also acknowledge with appreciation the Director and Curator of the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden for lending specimens for my study. I should also like to acknowledge travel funds granted by Hope College for visits to herbaria in undertaking this study. A portion of the field work on South Andros was supported by a grant from the Society of the Sigma Xi for a study of the Cuban element in the flora of Andros. I am grateful to the Director and staff of the herbar- ium of the Botanischer Garten, Berlin-Dahlem for their courtesy in permitting me to examine the Rajania type material. ACD DV ICT OUNsS POLYPODIACEAE Thelypterts ovata St. John in Small. This fern was included in Thelypteris normalis in B & M, but Smith (1971) has recognized it as a distinct taxon. It is found on North Andros and New Providence Islands. Moreover, hybrids among Bahama species 19 80 se) Jeb NG tk (0) Jy (0) (€; JE JN Vol, 35, nowe have also been recorded by Smith: 7. augescens X normalis and T. augescens X ovata. GRAMINEAE Brachiaria subquadriparia (Trin.) Hitchc. has been found on Cat Island near Arthurs Town and is represented by collections of Roger Byrne (Nos. 353 and 538) at A. There was some speculation indicated on the herbarium specimens that the species may have been introduced in a sack of fertilizer; it is now established and is spreading. BROMELIACEAE Aechmea lingulata (L.) Baker. Dr. Robert R. Smith collected a specimen of this plant and sent it to the author for determin- ation. I recognized it as a Bromeliad not previously known for the Archipelago, and sent it to Dr. Lyman B. Smith for determin- ation. He and Dr. Robert W. Read made the determination and noted that this new station in the Bahamas is the first record for the species north of Puerto Rico. R.R. Smith 3944 was collected in the middle of an island along the southern margin of North Granny Lake on San Salvador. The specimen in flower and young fruit was made 11 June 1975; it is deposited in the Hoysradt Herbarium of Hartwick College (HHH), Oneonta, New York. This record is another example of a San Salvador dis- junct from either Hispaniola or Puerto Rico. I gratefully acknowledge assistance of Drs. Smith and Read in making the determination of this species, representing both a species and a genus new to the Bahama flora. AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera canescens H.B.K. has recently been found in the West Indies (Gillis & Proctor 12186 from Grand Turk). The types of two synonyms of this species name are from the West Indies, but the materials are too incomplete for certain identification. Since its discovery, it has been known for certain only from northern South America. The site on Grand Turk is as follows: north of Cockburn Town in Acacta macra- ecantha scrub, growing in exceedingly dry clay under Acacta, near road to airport. Its collection history will be treated further in a forthcoming paper on the Gomphrenoideae of the Bahamas by Mears and Gillis (in press). I acknowledge the assistance of Dr. James Mears in determining the Grand Turk collection and for supplying other information to me. PUNICACEAE Puntea granatun L. is cultivated on South Andros (near Kemps 1976 Gillis, Bahama flora 81 Bay) and on Providenciales (near Blue Hills) where it escapes cultivation and enters the ruderal flora (Gillis 12376 and Gillis 12597). EUPHORBIACEAE Chamaesyce ophthalmica (Pers.) Burch. This species was collected for the initial Bahama Flora of 1920 from New Providence, Grand Bahama, Long, Inagua, and Cave Cay. in the Exuma Chain. B & M placed specimens in C. hirta or C. berteriana, whereas earlier in the writings of Millspaugh such collections were labeled Euphorbia obliterata or E. ptlulifera. Derek Burch (1966) has correctly placed these materials in C. ophthalmica which will thus be an addition to the flora. RUBIACEAE Erithalis odorifera Jacq. On several islands of the Bahamas, there are populations of an Erithalis which heretofore have been considered to be large leaved representatives of FE. frut- teosa, the very common "black torch" of the West Indies and southern Florida. When one sees these populations adjacent to E. fruticosa, it is evident that two species are involved, the large leaved form being FE. odorifera, not mentioned in B §& M. Initially one might notice only the robust nature of FE. odor- tfera as being distinctive: its larger leaves, flowers, fruits, and generally its taller growth form. Flower structure, however, is notably different as well. The flowers of EF. odortfera have partially or completely reflexed petals; those of £. fruticosa do not. The flowers of £. fruticosa are fragrant at all times; those of £. odorifera are fragrant only up until 6 p.m. E.S.T. or approximately an hour or two before sunset. Populations of E. fruticosa exist on the southern islands with white fruits, but only black fruits are known for £. odortfera. I have collected materials of £. odorifera in the vicinity of Congo Town, South Andros (Gillis 12525). These populations have also been named £. fruticosa subsp. odorifera (Jacq.) Steyermark (1973), but I feel that their sympatry with typical E. fruticosa precludes this treatment until and unless some form of reproductive isolating mechanism is found. The two species may be separated as follows: Leaves 3-7.5 cm long; corolla 0.5 cm long or less; anthers 1 mm long, shorter than the filaments.... &. fruttcosa. Leaves 10-13 cm long; corolla longer than 0.5 cn; anthers 2 mm long or longer, as long or longer than thes£1 laments: so<% .e32 . E. odorifera. 82 PH Y L060. Leora i aw Vol. 35;5imes 2 COMPOSITAE Heltanthus argophyllus T. & G. is cultivated extensively and allowed to seed itself as a dooryard plant and species of abandoned fields in the vicinity of Kemps Bay, South Andros (Gillts 12596). It is also becoming weedy in downtown Nassau. I acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Charles B. Heiser in making a determination of this collection for me. Dyssodia tenuiloba (DC.) Rob. var. tenutloba is known from a single collection from New Providence Island where it was an apparent weed (David Fatrchtld 2577, US). Very likely this was a chance collection made at a time when the plant had been temporarily established on the island. It has probably not continued to be part of the ruderal flora inasmuch as it has not ever been collected again (see Flyr, 1973 and Strother, 1969). CORR SR SER Gale ORNES GRAMINEAE 16 Syntherisma sanguinalts ~ DEGITARIA BICORNIS (Lam.) R.§ S. Earlier (Gillis and Proctor, 1975), we followed Ebinger (1962) for the change of name of this species in the Bahamas to Digitaria ciltaris. Recently, Dr. Richard W. Pohl, and F.J. Veldkamp examined Digitaria collections from the Bahamas at the Field Museum for us and made a number of nomenclatural changes. We follow Veldkamp's treatment (1973) for distin- guishing D. ctltarts from D. btcornts. He noted that D. bicornis is pectinate and has a reported chromosome number of 2n = 72. Mgttarta ciltarts, on the other hand, is non- pectinate and has a reported chromosome number of 2n = 54. Digttarta sangutnalis (L.) Scop. is yet another species, more temperate in its distribution. 16 Valota tnsularis > DIGITARIA INSULARIS (L.) Mez ex. Ekman. Earlier we noted the transfer of this species from Valota as in B & M to Trichachne as treated by Hitchcock (1936). Henrard (1950), Hsu (1965), and Veldkamp (1973) believe that Trichachne is only "artificially separated" from Digitaria. Hsu found no differences in such critical characters as epidermis of the fertile lemma, structure and position of lodicules, nor in the shape of style-bases. 41 FEragrostts amabilts, in part - ERAGROSTIS URBANIANA Hitch. Eragrostis proltfera - ERAGROSTIS EXCELSA Griseb. According to the treatment by Harley (1948), EFragrostis amabilts occurs on New Providence only (Britton & Brace 788), but the other specimens called FE. amabilis by B & M actually represent £. urbaniana. Furthermore, the specimens called 1976 Gillis, Bahama flora E, prolifera from the Berry Islands are in fact EF. excelsa. Eragrostis excelsa has pilose sheaths, is commonly papillose- pilose on the margins, on the collar, and occasionally elsewhere, and has open, loosely flowered panicles. Fragros- tis prolifera, on the other hand, has glabrous sheaths or sheaths which are pilose only at the apex of the margins, and contracted, densely flowered panicles. Fragrostis tephro- santhos apparently does not occur in the Bahamas, despite its inclusion in B & M. KEY TO BAHAMA EZRAGROSTIS SPECIES Wen keelsSsoG.paleas ciliate; annuals, «oc m CHAMAESYCE MESEMBRYANTHEMIFOLIA (Jacq.) Dugand It is unfortunate that this common seaside species of Florida, the West Indies, and Central and northern South America must have a name change, and further that the earliest epithet is one of twenty letters! Dugand (1966) recognized that this earlier Jacquin name (1760) does indeed have priority and applies to the plant in question, despite the fact that 1976 Gillis, Bahama flora 93 neither an illustration nor a specimen appears to be avail- able to typify it. The type is the description. Dr. Derek Burch (personal communication), specialist in Chanaesyce, agrees that this earlier name must be taken up despite his earlier (1966) use of C. buxifolita. The basionym is Euphorbia mesembrianthemtfolia, but Dugand changed the first "i" to a "y": mesembryanthemifolta. The Code provides for the spelling Mesembryanthemwon whereas Mesembrianthemun is philologically preferable. Hence, mesembryanthemifolia, having been derived from it, must also be preserved. 239 Chamaesyce bracet -> CHAMAESYCE CAYENSIS Millsp. In his preliminary treatment of West Indian Chamaesyce, Burch (1966) did not deal with synonymies except when he published new names. His not having dealt with C. bracei led me to pursue the question of what he had done with this binomial. All material (essentially only the type collection of C. bracet and one other B & M collection) of this name in the collections at NY have been annotated by Burch as C. cayensts. Thus, they do not appear to be separate species. RHAMNACEAE 256 Reynosta northroptana ~ AUERODENDRON NORTHROPIANUM (Urb. ) Urb. Urban (1924) published the genus Auerodendron for the species formerly in Reynosta that did not have ruminate endosperm. Although it is possible that one could make a case for merging this species into Reynosta (as done by B §& M) as a monotypic subgenus, I am for the moment treating it as a distinct genus. CACTACEAE 291 Cephalocereus millspaughit - CEREUS BAHAMENSIS (Britton) Vaupel 291 Cephalocereus bahamensis ~* CEREUS BAHAMENSIS (Britton) Vaupel In my search for differences between C. millspaughit and C. bahamensts, I found very little evidence that any exist, except as differences between individuals. To begin with, cacti are notoriously ignored by herbarium collectors because of the difficulties encountered in trying to prepare. herbarium materials of a spiny succulent. I have studied populations of this genus in the field and also examined all materials in pertinent herbaria (A, F, GH, NY, US). Materials are notably sparse, but I have seen the type collections and have concluded that no significant differences exist between these two taxa. I therefore consider them to be conspecific. They are night-flowering with a fetid scent of decaying meat emanat- ing from the open flowers. The use of Cereus instead of Cephalocereus reflects a tendency to unite some of the more 9h PH YT OL Ores & Vol. 35, nos artificial genera in the Cactaceae. CEREUS BAHAMENSIS (Britton in Britton §& Rose) Vaupel, Montasschr. Kakteenkn Zo Zoe LOWS. Basionym: Cephalocereus bahamensts Britton in Britton §& Rose, Contr. Us. Natie Herb. h2s) 415. 2 9L9097 Type: Berry Islands, Frozen Cay, Brttton & Millspaugh 2221. Holotype: NY; isotype: F-173335. Cereus millspaughitt (Britton in Britton § Rose) Vaupel, Montasschr. Kakteenk. 23: 23. 1913. Basionym: Cephalocereus millspaughtt Britton in Britton G Rose. Contr. U7s. Nati Herbs 2 474 L909r Type: Exume Chain, Cave Cay, rocky scrubland, Britton & Millspaugh 2832. Holotype: NY; isotypes: US-655733, US-474779. ONAGRACEAE 309 Isnardita repens ~ LUDWIGIA REPENS Forst. In keeping with trends of treatment within the Onagraceae, Isnardita is herein considered synonymous with Ludwigia. VERBENACEAE 373 Calltcarpa hitchcoektt -CALLICARPA LANCIFOLIA Millsp. Moldenke (1936) treated these two names as representing different species. The former had leaf blades obtuse at the apex, margins entire, and represented a much-branched shrub, occasionally scandent. The latter had leaf blades acute at the apex, margins minutely and irregularly crenate-denticulate, and represented a little-branched shrub. Populations in the Bahamas seem to show enough variation to encompass all of these characters, often on the same individual. Hence, I am treating them as synonymous, C. lanctfolta being the older name, SOLANACEAE 384 Solanum blodgettit - SOLANUM DONIANUM Walp. In noting this name change, I am following the recent treatment of South Florida Solana by D'Arcy (1974). APOCYNACEAE 337 Rhabdadenia sagraet - ANGADENIA SAGRAEI (A.DC.) Miers Earlier (Gillis, 1974a) I recognized that Rhabdadenia sagraet of B & M was in fact an Angadenta, following Woodson (1936 and 1938). Since that time I have had occasion to examine type material of Echites bertert A.DC. and FE. sagraet A.DC. at G. It appears that applying the epithet berterz to the species in the Bahamas is incorrect. The Bahama vine is 1976 Gillis, Bahama flora ; : = E gerry i Fig. 3 - Type of Echites berteri DC., basionym of berteri, at Jardin Botanique, Geneva. 95 Angadenia 96 PH WIWO}LWONGrT A Vol. 35, none Fig. 4 - Type of Echites sagraei DC., basionym of Angadenia Sagraei, at Jardin Botanique, Geneva. 1976 Gillis, Bahama flora 97 Angadenia sagraet (see fig.). Lippold in his recent appraisal of Angadenia in Cuba (1975) concurs with this interpretation. COMPOST TAE 453 Sachsia bahamensis -» SACHSIA POLYCEPHALA Griseb. In order to evaluate the status of the four described species of Sachsta in South Florida, the Bahamas, and the Greater Antilles, one may turn to Badillo's recent (1975) revision of the genus, It appears that the genus is monotypic and that previously described additional names simply represent vary- ing degrees of robustness. 453 Bidens pilosa-* BIDENS ALBA var. RADIATA (Schultz-Bip.) Ballard ex Melchert The common weed of South Florida, the Bahamas, and Mexico, known as ''Spanish needles" has had a number of names. Sherff (1937 and 1955) treated it as Bidens pilosa var. radiata. More recently Ballard (1975), on both chemotaxonomic and morpholog- ical grounds, has determined that these populations are part of the Bidens alba complex . Publication of the combination was in Melchert (1975). 457 Emtlta sonehtfolta - EMILIA FOSBERGII Nicolson Earlier (Gillis, 1974a and Gillis and Proctor, 1975) we noted that the only Emilia in the Bahamas is £. javanica. Since that time Nicolson (1975) has found that the taxon known variously as E, coccinea or FE. javanica (among other names) is actually three species, one of which was unnamed. The latter was described as EF. fosbergii. In describing the new species -- the only Emilta now known from the Bahamas -- Nicolson chose a type specimen from the Bahamas: Curtiss 6, which is represented in a number of herbaria. The red-flowered Emilias in the Neotropics may be distinguished as follows (after Nicolson): Flowers orange-red, half enclosed by involucre; leaf margins entire or shallowly-dentate; corolla febesols 7-2. lenmelones. ade toaks ayhteniete Asterostigma integrifolia Madison, inflorescence Luctatio Aroideis I. Caladium and Xanthosoma Michael Madison The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Sarasota, Fla. 33577 The tribe Colocasieae (Araceae) comprises a dozen genera of terrestrial herbs found throughout the tropics, several species of which are cultivated for their edible starchy tubers. In the neotropics the two principal genera of this tribe are Caladium Vent. and Xanthosoma Schott. Caladium, with about fifteen species, is found in tropical South America and the Lesser Antilles, and is most diverse in the northern Andes. Xanthosoma, with about 45 species, also has its center of diversity in the northern Andes, with secondary centers in southern Brazil, the West Indies, and Mexico. Many of the species of Xanthosoma are weedy and occur abundantly in pastures and ditches, along roads and waterways, and at the margins of clearings. Caladiums are;much less common and mostly inhabit dark sites in the forest understory. The technical distinction of these genera is in the structure of the ovary: in Xanthosoma the ovary is 3-4 locular with axile placentation and is capped by a broad discoid style which is united to the styles of adjacent flowers. In Caladium the ovary is unilocular with 2-3 intrusive parietal placentae bearing ovules near the base; a discoid style is absent and the stigma is sessile on the rounded ovary. These characters are difficult to observe in dried specimens, especially when the fleshy flowers have rotted into a slimy mass before drying, as is frequently the case. In practice the genera are usually distinguished by a number of other features summarized below: Xanthosoma Caladium 1. Large plants, 0.5-5 m tall 1. Diminutive plants, less than 0.5m 2. Weedy, growing in full sun 2. Forest understory plants, not weedy 3. Stem erect, rarely tuberous 3. Stem a globose tuber 4, Peduncle usually much shorter 4. Peduncle usually longer than than the petiole the petiole 5. Spadices clustered in 5. Spadices solitary monochasia 6. Leaf sagittate or pedatiseet, 6. Leaf sagittate or ovate, often never peltate peltate 103 10 Pen YO 01Gb Vol. 35, no. 2 In the course of studies of Caladium and Xanthosoma in Ecuador I have found two species which are intermediate between the genera. One of them is here described as a new species of Caladium: Caladium plowmanii Madison, sp. nov. Herba terrestris ad 30 cm alta. Rhizoma repens, interdum bulbilliferum, glabrum, internodia 10-14 mm crassa, 1-4 cm longa. Petiolus folii 10-25 cm longus, 2-3 mm crassus, vagina purpureo- maculata 2.5-4 cm longa instructus. Lamina glabra, late hastata, lobo antico 14-16 ecm longo, lobis posticis 10-12 cm longis, supra saturate viridis, subtus praeter venas viridis pallida. Inflorescentia monochasialis spadicipus (4-5) composita. Pedunculus teres, 2 mm crassus, 20-25 mm longus, viridis; spatha flavovirens, albidescens, infra medium laete purpureomaculata, 5-6 cm longa, 15-20 mm supra basin constricta, pars supera 15 mm lata ubi aperta. Spadix albidus, 30-35 mm longus, 2-2.5 mm crassus, pars carpellata 12-14 mm longa, pars staminata 19-22 mm longa. Pistillum 1-1.5 mm latum, circa 0.5 mm altum, stigmate sessile rotundato coronatum. Synandrium 4-6 lobatum, circa 1 mm latum, 0.3 mm altun. HOLOTYPE: ECUADOR: Prov. Napo: 31 miles W of Lago Agrio on road to Baeza, moist hillside forest, elev. 2100 ft., 30 July 1974, Plowman, Sheviak, & Davis 3979 (GH) ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: Propagules of the type collection were sent to the Selby Botanical Gardens where the species is now cultivated. The illustration of the inflorescence (Fig. 1) is based on live material from this cultivated plant. As more individuals of the clone mature, specimens will be made for distribution to various herbaria. The name honors Dr. Timothy Plowman of Harvard University, intrepid collector of neotropical aroids. Caladium plowmanii is most closely related to C. longipodum K. Krause from Prov. Pastaza, Ecuador, which is distinguished by its smaller, sparsely pilose, narrowly sagittate leaves which are held stiffly erect in contrast to the spreading, glabrous, broadly hastate leaves of C. plowmanii. As can be seen in Figure 1 the ovary of Caladium plowmanii is unilocular with two parietal (sub-basal) placentae, and the stigma is small and sessile; this clearly relegates the species to Caladium. However in a number of its other features C. plowmanii is closer to Xanthosoma. It has an elongate caudex, (creeping in the wild collection, erect in cultivated plants), rather than a globose tuber. The lamina is not peltate, as in most of the other species of Caladium with sagittate or hastate leaves, and the spadices are borne on short peduncles in monochasia or 4-5 spadices rather than solitary on long peduncles, as is typical of Caladium. 1976 Madison, Caladium and Xanthosoma 105 A second Ecuadorian species which is intermediate between the two genera is Xanthosoma e eggersii (Engler )Engler, Figure 2. When cultivated material of this species flowered at the Selby Botanical Gardens I decided that it was an undescribed species of Caladium. However, after dissecting a number of flowers I began to think a it mi ght_be a Xanthosoma, and finally determined it as eggersii Eee )Engl. based on Caldium eggersi Engl. This moieties (Dodson 5911, SEL) is apparently the first collection since the type was collected in 1897. The fact that Engler had the same problem with determining the generic affinities of this species is indicative of its intermediate position. In cross section the ovary is 2-3 locular with axile placentation; yet the septa are so weakly united in the center that in sectioning they frequently separated and then appeared as 2 or 3 deeply intrusive parietal placentae, as in Caladium. As can be seen in Figure 2, the ovary is capped by a mantle-like style bearing a capitate stigma at its apex. However, the carpellate flowers are spread far apart on the spadix and adjacent styles are not coherent as in other species of Xanthosoma. This lax-flowered condition is found as well among the sterile flowers of the central portion of the spadix, which are purple in color and of unusual shapes quite unlike the white, hexagonal-prismatic sterile flowers of other species of Xanthosoma. The peduncle in X. eggersii is equal to or longer than the petiole, (a Caladium trait), and is so weak that it is only the encircling leaf sheath which holds the inflorescence erect. The occurrence of intermediates between genera is not uncommon in the Araceae. In-between situations in the transition from axile to parietal to basal placentation are found in the tribe Monstereae where placentation is nonetheless a useful generic character. In the case of Xgnthosoma and Caladium the nature of the style remains a single definitive character for purposes of taxonomy. The existence of a few intermediates at the geographic center of diversity of the tribe should not diminish the usefulness of a syndrome of additional characters which help to distinguish the genera in the rest of their ranges. However, the occurrence of these intermediates does raise the suspicion that other species described in the past on vegetative features may proove to have been placed in the wrong genus once their flowers are carefully studied. 106 Pon YeTxO Loo GelA Vole 35, no. 2 CALADIUM plowmanit Audi Sh = Trees Fam oe —— ES Tt Wi 4 4 | SN = SY ¢ ( Figure 1. Caladium plowmanii Madison Figur e 2. Xanthosoma Zomlefer from c = = TI Ce : Loge eggersii (Engl.) = tivated specimen ngl., drawn by Wendy (Dodson 5911) from Ecuador FLOTSAM AND JETSAM OF THE WORLD Otto & Isa Degener "WORLD GUIDE TO TROPICAL DRIFT SEEDS AND FRUITS" by C.R. Gunn & J.Ve Dennis, IX & 240 ppe, illus., Demeter Press Book, New Yorko Habitués of tropical and warm coasts of the World, if in- terested in Botany or Natural History, will welcome this out- standing mélange of compilation and research about plant flotsam and jetsam. It concerns propagules - both fruits and seeds - that have been carrieqg by ocean currents from equa= torial regions both North and South. When cast upon beach- es they are conspicuous treasures for the beach comber. In general, the farther we search away from the Hquator, the less specimens in kind and number shall we find. This is so because many have been stranded before drifting far distan- ces, while many others have had time to become sufficiently waterlogged to sink to the bottom. Some seeds, such as the sea-heart (Entada gigas) have been found as far north as Spitzbergen; while others, such as the *goatsfoot morning= glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae var. emarginata), have been found as far south as North Auckland, New Zealand. The common ie pil (Intsia bijuga) has drifted as far as South Africa, its seeds having been found even on both sides of the Cape of Good Hope ® No explanation is given why little drift is carried from cold climates, both North and South, toward the Equator. We suspect three main reasons: a cold climate, with its brief growing season, produces a fraction as many floatable pro- pagules as does a warm one; currents, both North and South, hardly scour such coasts; nor do such coasts possess major rivers to transport quantities of fruits and seeds into the oceanS.« Beside 79 plates (dubbed "figures") of easily identifi- able propagules executed by British artist Pamela J. Para= dine, the book is illustrated further with 16 photographs. The interesting text, perhaps a bit lavish in waste of space, is the work of the famed American seed specialists and beach combers Charles R. Gunn and John V. Dennis. The intro- ductory chapter of eight pages is followed by one equally as long concerning “History.” This is replete with folklore and tales of human interest such as the making of snuff boxe ese Chapter 3 involves "Transport Currents and Collecting 108 1976 O. & I. Degener, Flotsam and jetsam 109 Beaches" listed geographically. After "Collecting and Uses” the body of the work begins on page 58 with "Systematic Des- criptions and Illustrations." Here a key for the identifica- tion of "disseminules" will aid the finder to identify his treasure if he has not long ago identified it by leafing through the fascinating drawings. Drawings of disseminules identified to the genera only and to the species total 114, while species mentioned and not illustrated approach 200. A few differences of opinion regarding binomials held by au- thors and us reviewers come to mind after making a spot check of the "Appendix." We prefer Vachellia (in place of Acacia) farnesiana for p. 209, Myristica surinamensis for pe 213, Swietenia mahoganii for pe 215, Tacca a leontopetaloides andor some cages a species for 215, and Messerschmidea (in place of Tournefortia) argentea for pe 215. Indulging in a check of the Scoapietauade of the "Bibliography," we note that Degener, 0., & Ie Flotsam and Jetsam of Canton Atoll, South Pacific. Phytologia 28(4):405-418. 1974 is conspicu- ous by its absence. “World Guide to Tropical Drift Seeds and Fruits," pub- lished in 1976 and selling for $17.50, is highly recommend- ed for residents of warm and tropical coasts. For the tech- nical botanist interested in anatomy, living anywhere at all and with $65 to Spare, we recommend E.J.H. Corner's two vol-= umes about "The Seeds of Dicotyledons," published by the Cam- bridge University Press the same year. *Inappropriately named by us and others “soilbind morning- glory," “seaside morningglory," and “railroadvine." NOTES ON NEW AND NOTEWORTHY PLANTS. XCV Harold N. Moldenke ERIOCAULON LAOSENSE var. MAXWELLII Moldenke, var. nov. Fig. 1 Yaec varietas a forma typica speciei recedit olantis usque ad 6 cm. altis, petalis flosculorum masculorum infra insertionem stamin- um profunde fissis, sepalis flosculorum femineorum ad apicem non cuspidatis, petalis dorso pilosis. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having somewhat larger general aspect, the peduncles to 6 cm. long, the receptacular bractlets pilose, the staminate petals separate to far below the insertion of the stamens, the pistillate sepals eigas aaiam at the ;pex, and the pistillate petals pilose on the acKe The type of the variety was collected by James F. Maxwell (no. 74-376) -- in whose honor it is named —— in open, moist, sandy ) enter: : aa aN = : U a H o > ro) eae Sl H =— FS 1976 Moldenke, New and noteworthy plants 111 areas in scrub forest at Klong Yai, Trat province, at an altitude of 150 meters, Thailand, on the Cambodian border, on May 5, 197k, and is deposited in the Herbarium Jutlandicum at Aarhus University. The collector describes the flower—heads as white. Fig. 1: A — Habit; B - Involucral bractlet, exterior view; C - Receptacular bractlet, exterior view; D - Staminate floret with sepals removed; E - Staminate sepals; F - Pistillate floret with sepals removed; G - Pistillate petal; H - Pistillate sepal; J - Gynoecium. Drawn by Charles C, Clare, Jr., August 1976. GLOSSOCARYA MOLLIS var. MAXWELLII Moldenke, var. nov. Haec varietas a forma typica speciei recedit laminis foliorumn supra subglabris subtus secus costam et venas secundarias plus- minusve dense pubescentibus. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having the upper surface of its leaf-blades glabrous or subglab- rous, usually only with very widely scattered, short, whitish hairs, more densely pilose along the midrib, and the lower surface more or less densely pubescent only along the midrio and secondary veins, widely scattered pubescent on the lamina. The calyxes and fruiting-calyxes are densely canescent-strigose with short antrorsely-appressed hairs on the outer surface, while the fruits are conspicuously hirsute with perpendicular, elongate, white hair. The variety is based on J. }'. Maxwell 75-389 in an open ever- green area on a limestone mountain, at an altitude of 150 m., at Khao Chong, Trang Province, Thailand, on August 15, 1975, and is deposited in the Herbarium Jutlandicum at Aarhus University PAEPALANTHUS SAXICOLA var. PILOSUS lMoldenke, var. nov. Haec varietas a forma typica speciei pedunculis pilosis capitu- lis 1.5--3 mm. latis et foliis usque ad ) cm. longis recedit. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in ae its peduncles lightly pilosulous, the flower-neads only 1.5—3 mm. wide, and the leaves up to l cm. long. The type of the variety was collected by Gert Hatschbach (no. 36832) at "corrego encachoeirado, sobre pedras no meio do rio (local sombrio)", Chapada dos Veadeiros, in the municipality of Alto Paraiso, Goids, Brazil, on May 25, 1975, and is deposited in my personal herbarium at present at Plainfield, New Jersey. LACHNOCAULON ENGLERI f. ABLUDENS hioldenke, f. nov. Haec forma a forma typica speciei recedit bractei aliquis infer- nis valde elongatis lingvlatis l--l:.5 mm. longis herbaceis viridi- bus, albo-marginatis. This form differs from the typical form of the species in having some of the lower bractlets in its flowering heads conspicuously elongated, strap-shaped or tongue-shaped, l—l.5 mm. long, upwardly curved or somewhat patent, herbaceous, green, with white margins. The type of the form was collected by Hugh O'Neill (no. 7785a in part) on the north shore of Lake Jovita, Pasco County, Florida, on April 10, 1933, and is deposited in the United States National Herbarium in Washington. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE ERIOCAULACEAE. LXVI Harold N,. Moldenke PAEPALANTHUS SUBTILIS Miq. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 35-36. 1976. Gleason, in his unpublished Flora of British Guiana, gives this species' overall distribution as "Surinam to northern Brazil". Prance encountered it on "flooded sandy beach in black water", fruiting in February. Ruhland (1903) cites for the typical form of this species: GUYANA: R. Schomburgk 236. SURINAM: Focke s.n., Weigelt s.n., Wizell sn. (V). BRAZIL: Amaz6nas: Schwacke 086, Spruce "2743. Bahia: Salzgmann s.n. Par&: Burchell 935k, # Huber ber 161, Sieber, Spruce s.n., all in the Berlin herbarium except for tha Wizell collection. It is possible that the Eriocaulon arenarium Salzm., listed in the synonymy of P. subtilis, may actually belong, rather, in the synonymy of P. parvus Ruhl. since the type specimen of P. parvus is an unnumbered Salzmann collection labeled as "Eriocaulon are- narium Mart." Material of P. subtilis has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as P. is P. polytrichoides H.B.K. On the other hand, the W. A. Egler 47650, distributed as P. subtilis, is actually a mixture of Bei oyapockensis Herzog and Syngonanthus glandulosus Gleason. The Ruiz-Ter4n & Lépez=Palacios 11222a, cited below, is a mixture with Syngonanthus simplex (Miq.) Ruhl. Carrick 973 is S. gracilis (Bong.) Ruhl. and Carrick 985 is S. simplex. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Amazonas: “ Araque Molina & Barkley 18V186 (K, W--2683129); J. A. Steyermark 58,7 (S). ~ Bolf=- var: Merxmiiller 2295 (Mu); Ruiz-Ter4n & Lépez—Palacios 11222a, in part (Ac); J. A. Steyermark 868)1 (Fg, N, Ve, Ve), 89700 (Mi) 5 Steyermark, " Steyermark, Wurdack, ack, Wurdack, & WiehLer - 106608 (Ld) 5 G. H. H. Tate 1310 (N). ~ GUYANA: Cabs GaeBe Clase e son. [1897] (N); D. H. Davis 156 (MN); | S. G. Harrison 1050 (K), 1398 (K); Herb. U. Ga Bio. 106-21 (N); Jenman 5170 (W--1,5357, W--936262) 5 Re Schomburgk 236 (B, Ut- Ut--l20, W—702595) . SURINAM: Donselaar & Donselaar 08 (Ut--93608B) ; Florschiitz & Florschutz 170 (Ut--80220B) ; Focke 13 algal) (Ut--380--type) ; Lanjouw & Lindeman 298ha (Ut—-17888B) , 3012 (Ut-- 17887B); Lindeman 4021 (W—273383), 1193 (N); Pulle 539 (Ut-- 058A); Schweinitz s.n. (T); Went 367 7 (Ut-——380). BRAZIL: Amapé4: Black & Frées 51-12358 (Be-~70179), 51-1201 (Be--70222); W. A. Egler 7650 (Ac, N); Maguire, Murga Pires, & Maguire 47129 (N, S)5 Murga Pires, Rodrigues, & Irvine 51062 (NN) « Amaz6nas: Prance, Steward, ieee Fidalgo, & Prance 20201 (Ld); M. Silva 965 fence ake. 1976 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 113 Mus. Goeldi 32812] (N); Spruce 1503 (N, S, S), 2743 (B). Bahia: W--33275); Ducke s.n. [Herb. Mus. Goeldi 10806] (Z); Huber 1616 (Ut--1656); D. A. Lima 53-1337 (Be—8-869); Murga Pires & Silva 42h3 (N, N), 4271 (N)3; Sieber s.n. [Par4, Bras.] (Br, N--photo, 2=-photo); Spruce 609 (liu), s.n. [Prope Santarem, Mart. 1850] (S, S). Rio Grande do Norte: Tavares 327 (W-—-2692387). MOUNTED IL- LUSTRATIONS: drawings & notes by Kornicke (B). PAEPALANTHUS SUBTILIS var. HIRSUTUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (u-30): 157 [as "hirsuta"]. 1903. Synonymy: Paepalanthus subtilis var. & Korn. in Mart., Fl. Pras. 3 (1): 358—359. 1863. Paepalanthus subtilis var. hirsuta Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 157. 1903. Paepalanthus subtilis var. Korn. ex Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (I-30): 157, in syn. 1903. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 358--359. 1863; Ruhl, in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 157 & 292. 19033; Molden- ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 7 & 54. 1963 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 67 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Ré- sumé 77, 102, 328, & 490. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 132 & 167 (1971) and 2: 591 & 958. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 318 (1975) and 31: 405. 1975. This variety is based on an unnumbered Kegel collection from "an sandigen Stellen nahe Mariepaston", Surinam, probably deposited in the Berlin, Munich, or Gottingen herbaria. Ruhland (1903) de- scribes it as "Differt a forma typical foliis dense et longe per- sistenti-ciliatis, pedunculis longe patenti-hirsutis". He cites only the original collection. Citations: BRAZIL: Parad: W. A. Zgler 309 (Z). PAEPALANTHUS SUBTILIS var. PUBERULUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (h-30): 157 [as "puberula"]. 1903. Synonymy: Paepalanthus subtilis var. @ Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 358—359. 1863. Paepalanthus subtilis var. puberula Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 157. 1903. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 358—359. 1863; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 157 & 292. 1903; lolden- ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 5). 196; lioldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 19493 Moldenke, Phy- tologia h: 205. 19533 Moldenke, Résumé 102, 328, & 90. 1959; Mol- denke, Fifth Summ. 1: 167 (1971) and 2: 591 & 958. 1971. This variety is based on an unnumbered Spruce collection fron near Man4os, Amaz6nas, Brazil, probably deposited in the Berlin or Munich herbarium. It is known thus far only from the original 11, Prob Y-ToOcL: 0"G Tek Vol. 35, now’2 collection. Ruhland (1903) describes it as "Differt a forma typ- ica vaginis pedunculisque brevissime patenti-puberulis". PAEPALANTHUS SUCCISUS Mart. ex Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 38h. 1863. Synonymy: Dupatya succisa (Mart.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891. Dupatya succisa Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Paepalanthus succisus Korn. ex Ruhl. in Engl., Paneeeeich 13 (4-30): 172 & 292, in syn. 1903. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 38)4—385 & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. *Kew., imp. 1, 2: 402. 1894; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (y=30) 126, 142, 172, 284, & 292. 1903; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 1h, 1928; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 19]; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 02. 196; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16, 31, & 5). 1946; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 12 (198) and 3: 935. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Phy- tologia 4: 205. 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 102, 282, & 90. 19593; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Td’ Kew., imp. a: 2: 402. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 167 & 86 (1971) and 2: 958, 1971; Moldenke, Phyto- logia 28: 61 (197) and 30: 321. 1975. This species is based on an unnumbered collection of Martius from "im Gebiet von Diamantina, an sandigen feuchten Lokalitaten", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collect in June, 1818, and deposited in the Munich herbarium where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 18730. Paepalanthus succisus Korn. has erroneously been regarded as a synonym of P. praemorsus Ruhl. Ruhland (1903) comments about P. succisus Mart. "An species potius ad Aphorocaulonem subsectionem pertinet?" He cites only the original collection. Silveira (1928) cites Silveira 497 from the Serra do Cip6, Minas Gerais, collected in 1905. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Martius s.n. [In arenosis hu- midis districtu adamantium, Junio 1818; Macbride photos 18730] (Mu--type, N--photo of type W--photo of type); A. Silveira hg2 [Herb. Marie-Victorin 15838} (N--photo, Z--photo). PAEPALANTHUS SUFFRUTICANS Kuhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 138. 1903. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 8, 125, 138, 139, & 292. 1903; Beauverd, Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 8: 288 & 289, fig. 10 C 18—23. 1908; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 126. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 106 & ihe 1928; Stapf, Ind. Lond. hs 519. 1930; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 43. 1930; Moldenke, Known Geogr. "Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 196; Moldenke, Known Geoer. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 1995 Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 490. 1959; Tomlinson in C. Re Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: 190. 1969; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) 1976 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 115 and 2: 591 & 958. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 250. 1973. Illustrations: Beauverd, Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 8: 289, fig. 10 C 18—25. 1908. This species is based on Glaziou 15529 from Morro da Carapuga, Minas Gerais, Brazil, flowering in June, and deposited in the Ber- lin herbarium where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 10653. The Glaziou collection bears printed labels inscribed "Rio de Janeiro" although it appears that the collection was actually made in Minas Gerais. Ruhland (1903) cites only the original collection, but Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 332 from Caraga, also in Minas Gerais, collected in 1906, and com- ments that "Specimina hujus speciei ab Alvaro Silveira in Morro da Carupaga, Serra do Caraga, lecta, apr. 1905, caules valde elongatos, metrales et altiores habent. Specimina a cl. Ruhland indicata et a Glaziou in illo loco ipso collecta, caules 12 cm longitudine attin- gentes habent. Folia etiam in latitudine valde variabilia; in speciminibus ab Alvaro Silveira collectis ad Morro da Verruguinha, Caraga, 1,5—-3 mm lata; in illis ad Morro da Carapuga lectis, 5— 10 m lata." Thus far the species seems to be known only from these collections. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Glaziou 15529 [Macbride photos 10653] (B-type, N--photo of type, W—photo of type, Z-- isotype) . PAEPALANTHUS SUFFRUTICANS var. ANGUSTIFOLIUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 1) [as "angustifolia"]. 1928. Synonymy: Paepalanthus suffruticans var. angustifolia Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 1). 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 1). 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 19,9; Molden- ke, Résumé 103, 328, & 490. 19593; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 591 & 958. 1971. This variety is based on A. Silveira 931 from Caraga, Minas Ger- ais, Brazil, collected in 1906 and deposited in the Silveira her- barium. Thus far it is known only from the original collection. PAEPALANTHUS SUPERBUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 218. 1903. Synonymy: Paepalanthus augustus Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 59, pl. 20. 1908. Paepalanthus angustus Alv. Silv. apud A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 8: 169, sphalm. 1933. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 12, 21h, 218, & 292. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 127. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 59, pl. 20. 1908; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 6 (2): 4. 192h3 Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 2h6, 2h9, 253--254, & 402, pl. 168. 1928; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, "1Sa: hl & 53. 19303 A.W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 8: 169. 19333 Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 475. 1937; Stapf, Ind. Lond. h: 518. 19303; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 183. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 10, 116 PHEPY THAOPLiOsG yk Vol. 35, nowue 16, 45, & 55. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 379. 1917; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 412 (1948) and 3: 935. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 82, 88, 208, & 212. 199; Mol- denke, Phytologia : 135. 1952; Mendes Magalh&es, Anais V Keun. Amal Soc. Bot. Bras. 23). 1956; Moldenke, Résumé 7081035 3235 485, & 490. 19595; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 6, 19, & 25. 1959; Rennd, Levant. Herb. Inst. "Agron. Minas 69. 1960; Moldenke, Phy- tologia 20: 362. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: Bhs DOs 1 oR 19 Tg foldenke, Phytologia 26: 235. 1973. Illustrations: Aly. Sidivie, Fl. Serr. Min. pl. 20. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 168. 1928. This species is based on Glaziou 19972 and 19993 from dry campos in the Serra do Cipé, Minas Gerais, Brazil, flowering in April, and deposited in the Berlin herbarium where the former was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 1065). Ruhland (1903) cites only the original collections. Paepalanthus augustus was based by Silveira on his no. 373 collected "In pratis, locis siccis atque arenosis vel humosis prope Varzea do Lageado in the Serra do Cip6", collected in April, 1905, and also deposited in the Berlin herbarium. Recent collectors describe this plant as having white bracts and have found it growing on rocky campo near streambeds in an area of cerrado on rocky hilltops with prominent sandstone outcrops and with recently burned "campo limpo" on the lower gentler slopes with sandstone soil and with gallery forest along the streams at the base of the hills, at 1125 meters altitude. It has been collected in anthesis from February to April. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Anderson, Stieber, & Kirkbride 3621 (Ld, N); G. Black sen. [Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo erie 190) — (Nj. A. P. Duarte 6456 [Herb. Brad. 22969] (Z); Glaziou 19972 [Mac- bride photos 10654] (B—cotype, Br--cotype, N--cotyne, N--photo of cotype, N--photo of cotype, W—photo of cotype), 19972 (B--cotype) ; Mello Barreto 1076 [Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 31975] (N)3 A. Silveira B38 ra 373 (B, N--photo, N--photo, Vi--158)2, Z--photo); L. Be Smith 6781 1 (N); Smith & Ormond 6781 (2). AEHRLENTAUS SUPINUS Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 352--353. 1363. Synonymy: Eriocaulon supinum Herb. Vindob. ex Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 352, in syn. 1363. Dupatya supina (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Dupatya supina Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145.1902. Paepalanthus jahnii Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 161--162. 1903. Paepal- anthus spunius Korn. ex Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 55, sphalm. 19)6. Bibliography: Korn, in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 352-~353 & 507. 1363; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 7lj6. 18913 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. “Kewe, imp. 1, 1: 879 (1893) and imp. 1, 23 02. 139); Huber, Bol. Mus. Para. 2: 500. 1398; Malme, ih. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl . 27 (Sie Olde 12 fe 19015; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. 1976 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae yg Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l- 30): 153, 161-163, 284, 290, & 292. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 126. 1908; Malme, Phanerog. 3: 9. 19333 Durand « Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 1915 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 879 (196) and imp. 2, 2: 402. 1963 lolden- ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Srioc. 13, 16, 50, & 55. 19463 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2, 85, 88, 210, & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia : 205--206. 1953; Durand % Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suovl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Maldentee,; Résuné 103, 282, 326, he i 490. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 879 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 402. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: lg 1962; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 & 486 (1971) and 22551, 584, S91, i& 958: 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 105, 317, & 320 (1975), 31: 385 & 387 (1975), and 33: 150. 1976. This species is based on Silva Manso 78, collected in Mato Grosso, Brazil, and deposited in the Berlin herbarium where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 29995. Paepalanthus jahnii, on the other hand, is based on lMalme 1660 ["V. 2"] and Schwacke 550 & 987 from the same state, the first- mentioned from "Serra da Chapada, bei S&o Jeronymo, in feuchten, jahnen Felsspalten" and the two latter from Cuyab4, also depos- ited in the Berlin herbarium. Kornicke (1863) says of P. supinus: "Foliis densissimis in apice caulis et ramorum patenti-diffusis, rosulatis, hirtis in- signis", while Ruhland (1903) says of P. jahnii: "Species habitu P. bryoidi simillima quasi forma intermedia inter hanc sectionem et subsectionem Polyactidem Ruhl., cum rami jam in apice caulis ipso enascantur", The species also bears striking habital simi- larity to P. cryocephalus Alv. Silv. Recent collectors describe this plant as a delicate herb, to 10 em. tall, small and Eleocharis-like, the flowering heads white, and have encountered it among grass in dry places and in shade of outcrops on lower mountain slopes, at altitudes of 550-—-700 meters, flowering in March, June, and September. Malme (1901), whose work is sometimes erroneously cited as hav- ing been published in 1903, cites Malme 1458 & 1660b from Mato Grosso, growing "In fissuris rupis praeruptae, loco humido, umbro- so" and "In fissuris subhumidis rupium praeruptarum",. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbar- ia as Eriocaulon microcephalum H.5.K. and Paepalanthus chiquiten- sis Herzog. On the other hand, the Glaziou 17336, distributed as P, jahnii, actually is P. satis Korn. and G. A. Black 9-825 is - polytrichoides f. villosus Moldenke. Citations: BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: We A. Anderson 9900 (Ld, N)3 Irwin, Souza, Grear, & Reis dos Santos 17172 (Ld, N, N, W--27590h1) ; Malme 158 (8), 1660 (N), 1660 V2 [Nacbride photos 10617] (N-—- photo, N——photo, aie okatale 1660b (B, Er, S, S, W—119799), 2169 (B, Ca--52),517, S), 2169a (B, cy , S, W--1483195) ; Schwacke 1,550 (B)5 Silva Manso 78 fusdbride photos *09996] (N--photo of type, W--photo Zs 118 P oH YuTSOLL/OrG Dek Vol. 35, nowee of type). Pard: W. A. Egler 1245 (Herb. Mus. Goeldi 2292; Herb. Inst. Nac. Pesq. Amaz. 24392] (Z). BOLIVIA: Chiquitos: Cutler 7038 (N). PAEPALANTHUS SYCHNOPHYLLUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (-30): 197. 1903. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 190, 197, & 292. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 127. 1908; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Dis- trib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 19193; Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 490. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 6. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 958. 1971. This species is based on Glaziou 68 from "auf Sand" at the Restinga de Tynca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, flowering in Septem- ber, and deposited in the Berlin herbarium where it was photograph— ed by Macbride as his type photograph number 10655. Pereira has also encountered it in a restinga, flowering in May. Ruhland (1903) cites only the original collection and comments that the "Species P, ithyphyllo Mart. valde affinis, differt jam foliis in ramis densius dispositis, illis caulini apicis sterilis patenti- oribus, forma bractearum flores stipantium et sepalorum floriso, nec non bracteis involucrantibus multo (dimidio) minoribus et pedunculis sparsius pubescentibus. Habitus in nostra specie om- nino multo robustior est." Citations: BRAZIL: Guanabara: Pereira 368) [Herb. Brad. 6539] (Bd); N. Santos 513 [229-3] (Ac, Ja), 52h9 [235-1] (Ja, Ja, Ja). Rio de Janeiro: Glaziou 68 [Macbride photos 10655] (B--type, N-- isotype, N--photo of type, N--photo of type, S--isotype, W--photo of type). PAEPALANTHUS SYNGONANTHOIDES Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 67, pl. 13. 1908. Synonymy: Paepalanthus syngonan-thoides Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 17 II, sphalm. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 67, pl. 13. 1908; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 6 (2): 5. 1923 Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 273--27h & lh, pl. 17 II. 1928; Stapf, Ind. Lond. h: 519. 1930; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 8: 169. 1933; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 77. 19373 Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 18). 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 1963 Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 381. 197; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 1993; hkolden- ke, Phytologia h: 206. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 103, 328, & 90. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 591 & 958. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. pl. 13. 1908; Alv. Siiv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 17 TL.) 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 4h? from "In campis ulig- inosis arenosisque in Serra do Batatal prope Capanema", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1906, and is deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (1908) comments that the species "A 1976 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 119 P. saxicola Koern., speciei unica in subgenere Psilandra Kuhl. adhuc collocata, foliis multo longioribus et vaginis oblique fis- sis praecipue differt". Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Macedo 1637 (S); A. Silveira 447 (B—isotype, Z--isotype). PAEPALANTHUS TATEI Moldenke in Gleason & Killip, Brittonia 3: 158— 159. 1939. Synonymy: Paepalanthus maguirei Moldenke in Maguire & al., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 198. 199. Paepalanthus tafelbergensis Mol- denke in Maguire & al., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 199. 19,8. Bibliography: Moldenke in Gleason & Killip, Brittonia 3: 158-- 159. 1939; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 6 & 55. 19h6; Hill & Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 10: 158. 197; Moldenke, Phytolo- gia 2: 373 & 380. 1947; Moldenke in Maguire & al., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 198--199. 198; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 352 & Su9 (1948), 3: 701 & 974 (1949), and hs: 985. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 6h, 67, 210, & 212. 1995 Mol- denke, Brittonia 7: 78. 1950; Moldenke, Mutisia 6: 3. 1952; Mol- denke, Phytologia 4: 149 (1952) and 4: 206. 1953; Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 98. 1953; E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 175. 1953; Uribe, Mutisia 25: 28. 1956; Moldenke, Résumé 68, 72, 75, 77, 326, 328, & 490. 1959; Lindeman & Gorts-van Rijn in Lan- jouw, Fl. Surin. 1 [Meded. Konink. Inst. Trop. 30, Afd. Trop. Prod. 11]: 331 & 333-33. 1968; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 297. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 126, 130, & 132 (1971) and 2: 585 & 959. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 7 (1975) and 33: 149. 1976. Collectors describe this plant as having stems elongated, leaves flaccid and grass Saint-Hilaire (1833) also based his Eriocaulon nigro=niveum on a collection from the same Brazilian state, collected by himself 12h PR YoTsOPiOrG TA Vol. 35, nos 2 [probably Saint-Hilaire 1.392]. Kunth (181) describes Paepalan= thus nigro-niveus f. major as "ysedunculis )--9-pollicaribus; capitulis magnitudine grani piperis nigri; vaginis glabris"; f. intermedia as "pedunculis 2--3 1/2 -pollicaribus; capitulis vix magnitudine grani cannabis; vaginis glabris"; and f. minor [prob- ably based on Saint-Hilaire 1.393] as "pedunculis 1 1/2 1 h/3 [sic!] - pollicaribus; capitulis magnitudine grani sinapis; va- ginis pilosis". He seems to cite unnumbered Saint—Hilaire collec-— tions as typifying each of these forms. He comments that P. nigro~niveus "Praecedenti [P. paludosus Kunth] affinis, nisi eadem species". On page 52) of the same work he affirms that it is also related to what is now known as Leiothrix graminea (Bong .) Ruhl., but in this case the likeness is certainly only superficial. Jackson (1893) regards Eriocaulon perpusillum Steud. as conspecif- ic with P. tortilis, but I regard it as a separate, although certainly closely related, species, P. perpusillus Kunth. It should be noted here that the Eriocaulon tortile credited to Steudel in the above synonymy is a synonym of P. flaccidus (Bong.) Kunth; P. intermedius Korn. and Eriocaulon - pulchellum Korn. are valid s species in their respective generas and Eriocau- ion microcephalum Cham. & Sctilecht. is E. schiedeanum Korn., Ee microcephalum Hook, & Arn. is E. benthami Kunth, and E, micro- cephalum H.B.K. is a valid species. Baeceuariehas tortilis var var. albidus Ruhl. is a synonym of P. caldensis Malme, a somewhat Similar appearing species with glabrous foliage. It should also be noted here that Eriocaulon yuccaefolium Mer- tens and E, tortile var. glabra Mart. are both apparently based on Martius s 560, the former in the Brussels herbarium and the latter at Berlin; E. nigrovirens and E. tortile var. laxa are both based on Martius S51, the former in the Berlin herbarium and the latter at Brussels; E. tortile var. normalis is based on liar- tius 556 at Berlin, E. microcephalum Sellow on Sellow 1150 at Berlin, Ee Ta Zeyh. on Herb. Zeyher sen. at Berlin, E. Soon Salz. on Salzmann s.n. ene [Bahia, in hunidis] at ECRIL Ge Paepalanthus hygrophilus on Pehl s.n. [1839] at Brussels, P. nigro-niveus f. latifolia on Spru ce 2602 at Brussels, and P. intermedius Mart. on Houllet s.n. cent 1843] at Brascotas Saint-Hilaire's original(1833) description of Eriocaulon nigro-niveum is: "acaule v. caulescens: fol. linearibus, acutis, mollibus glabris aut interdum pilosi, ima basi lanatis, recurvis, superioribus erectis congestis; pedunculis subfasciculatis glab- ris, per siccationem spiraliter tortis, capitulis basi umbilica- tis, squamis nigris exterioribus calycibus niveo-barbatis. Be= schreibung. - var. Y minor, caule nullo aut subnullo; fol. angus- tioribus interdum vaginisque pilosiusculis; vedunculis breviori- bus; capitulis minoribus. - var.Y major, caule circ. bipollicari; fol. latioribus superioribus vaginisque pilosis; pedunculis longi- 1976 Moldenke, Notes on Hriocaulaceae 125 oribus, manifeste fasciculatis, capitulis crassioribus. Ces 3 variétés se mancente entre elles. La derniére a 6t& recueille sur les bords de la mer a Bahia, par M. Salzmann, qui provisoire- ment l'avait appellé dans ses herbiers E. polyphylium. L'E. nigro—niveum a de grands rapports avec. “L'E E. pellucidun Mich." Actually there is no close similarity whatever in the general ap- pearance of these two taxa. Recent collectors have found P. tortilis growing in dried-up swamps, restingas, moist sandy soil, and moist open sandy ground near the edge of cerrado, on beaches and on lakesides with Sphag- num, and in seepage between crags, at 350--2600 meters altitude, flowering from January to July and in September. Mendes itagalh&es (1956) asserts that it flowers from April to November. It has been described by collectors as 2 slender herb, with bright-green rosettes of leaves, growing in colonies, with "grayish" or white flower=—heads. Harley and his associates found it in an area of riverside damp sandy soil, sandstone rocks, and partly burned- over vegetation. Bongard (1831) cites a plate "9" as illustrating this species, but the plate does not seem to have been published and probably exists only in the Leningrad library or herbarium. The photo- graph of Ule 868, cited below, is of a specimen deposited in the Hamburg herbarium, Kornicke (1863) cites the following collections: VENEZUBLA: Trujillo: Funck & Schlim 808, Linden 136 . LRAZIL: Amaz6nas: Spruce 2602. Bahia: Blanchet 1965 & 238, G. Gardner 907, Lhotzky s.n., Luschnath 35 & s.n., Martius s.n., L. Riedel s.n., Salzmann s.n., Sellow s.n. liinas Gerais: L. Riedel s.n. Pernambuco: Forssell s.n. Rio de Janeiro: Gomez s.n., Lund Sen., hikan, lis F Riedel 558 & s.n., Weddell s.n., Wied=N Neuwied s. SeNe Ruhland . (1903) cites no specimens, , merely asserting that the species occurs in "Venezuela, Soloribia und brasilien: Provinzen Amazonas, Pernambuco, Bahia, Nio de Janeiro und Minas Geraés". ke comments that the "eapitulis facillime dignoscenda". Silveira (1928) cites J. liichaeli S02 from Minas Gerais. Kornicke (1871) cites Glaziou 125) and Lund sen. from Rio de Janeiro "in campis arenosis paludosis; Julio fl." Blanchet 238 is 2 mixture with some unrecognized leaves; lexia 5756 is a mixture with Syngonan- thus gracilis (Bong.) Ruhl»; and Coélho de Moraes 2212 2212 is a mix- Paepalanthus tortilis is. certainly ‘closely pemaes ts P. obtus- ifolius (Steud.) Korn., which may be distinguished by its general- ly broader and more obtuse leaves, and to P, viridis Korn. later- ial has also been misidentified pee distributed in some herbaria as P. fasciculatus (Rottb.) Kunth and Syngonantms gracilis (Bong.) Ruhl. On the other hand, the Pickel 2772, distributed as P. tor- tilis, is actually P. lamarckii Kunth, Spruce 931 is P. myoceph- alus var. minor Korn., and Blanchet 358) is P. obtusifolius (Steud.) 126 Pee eBeOn bOue Tak Vol. 35, nosee Korn. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Trujillo: Funck & Schlim 808 (B, Br); Linden 1436 (Br). BRAZIL: AmazOnas: Spruce . 2602 602 (Br). Bahia: Belén 16 1680 O (Ac), 1743 (Ac); Blanchet 163 (MMi), » 1648 (PP) 238, in n part (C); M.A. Chase 8010 (W--1282173) ; G. Gardner 907 (N) 5 Glocker 236 (S); Harley, _ Renvoize, Erskine, Brighton, hton, & Pin- heiro in Harley ey 15957 (Ld); Lhotsky s.n. [Bahia] (B) 5 Luschnath 23 fe ar, Br), 35 [Vartius 560] ~(N, Br, Br, Mu), sen. [prope Drocé, Julio 183h] (B, Br); Lutzelburg 4,71 (nha) j Martius us 551 (B, Be Obi, ches nog Aig 950 (By Br, Ma), sen. [prope Almada et Fer- radas ony ee ieee. prov. Soteropolit. Dec. 1818] (Im); Salz- mann s.n. [Bahia, in humidis] (Br, N); Sellow 1150 (B), sen. [Bahia] (B). Distrito Federal: Beyrich son. SenesSepit. 1822] (B) 3 Glaziou 125 (N, P); E. Pereira 3853 (Bd—-6L,85 , Z). Guanabara: Alston & Lutz 133 (Ja—-111,118) ; Saldanha & al. 5972 (Ja--).7851, oe) Ne eee ~ 5330 [24-1] Ja), 5L06 (on Santee Miachado, ee TRAT] (Ja--h79L6) . Mato Grosso: Argent in. in Richards 672 (Ld, N). Minas Gerais: Mexia 5756, in part (Herb. Leonard 7656] (B, Ba, Er, Go, Mi, Mv, N, S, Ut--502W2A, W--1571902). Parafba: Gesino de Mertes 2212, in part (Mim); Tavares 1031 (W— 21,07869) , 1067 (W--21,07870) « Pernanbice: Forssell sell 76 (S, S)5 Pickel ia F)s 316, (B, a Soe SMe {Jan. 1931] (Ba, W-- 1523228); ' Tavares 827 (W--20378h) . “Rio de Janeiro: Collector undetermined s.n. [8/74/1875] (Ja~-l,7860); Forssell sen. (S)3 G. Gardner 348 (W--1066))25) , 848 (S, W--936287) ; Gaudichaud 309 (B); Glaziou 5352 (S), 5452 (W—1112h7h) 5 Gomes sen. [Rio Janeiro] (liu); Martius sn. - (Man4] (Ja—l79)8); Mik Mikan s.: sen. (Br); Netto, Glaziou, & Schwacke sen. [Cabo Frio, Sept. pt. 1881] (Ja——-l,7859) 5 Le Riedel 5 [Macbride photos 18731] (Saas. Mu-~h8-isotype, _ photo of aaa S--isotype, Ut——381--isotype, W—photo of iso- type), 558 (B); A. Saint-Hilaire 1.392 (B), I 393 (B) ; Schwacke SMe (Vana, eee 7) (da--L:79h7) 5 Segadas-Vianna },151 ( (Sm), 4281 (Ja), 5032 [Brade 20366] (Ja); seqedas-Vanne, Dau, Ormond, Mach-_ line, & & Lorédo 135 (Sm), 139 (Ja), 18 (Ja), 160 (iajenen 161 (Sm), 36 (a » 580° (Sm), 936 (Ja); L. B. Smith 6£90 ( (Z); Ule BE) (Ja—— L79h9, day » 068 (aes “N--photo, Z--photo) ; Weddell 5u8 8 (hi) (Br) § WiedoNeawied’ on sen. [ad Campos et alibi Bras. orient. 2 1829] (Br). State undetermined: Beyrich sen. [Prazil] (Mi); P. Clausen 177 [P.56] (N, Qu); Herb. Zeyher s.n sen. (B); Howllet s.n. [Brasil “18)2] (Br); J. E. Pohl sen. (1839] (Br), sen. (In Brasilia] (Mu) . MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: drawings & notes by Kornicke (B). PAEPALANTHUS TORTILIS var. MINOR Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 37h. 1976. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 37) (197) and 3h: 259. 1976 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 107 1976. Citations: BRAZIL: Espirito Santo: Araujo 376 ([A. L. Peixoto 26; Herb. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 16992] (Z—-type). PAEPALANTHUS TRIANGULARIS (L.) Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 470. 1863. gramineis Breyn., Exot. Min, Cog. Pl. Cent. 1: 108. 1678. Plantaginella aurea alopecuroides brasiliana fol. gramineis, Breijneil Moris., Pl. Hist. Univ. 3: sect. 8, pl. 16, fig. 17. 1699. Eriocaulon triangulare L., Sp. Pl., ed. 2, 128. 1762. Eriocavlon plantaginella Crantz, Inst. Rei Herb. 1: 360. 1766. Eriocavlon triangulare L. apud. Reich. in L., Syst. Pl. 1: 2h3. 1779. Paepalanthus triangularis Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 470. 1863. Dupatya triangularis (L.) Kuntze, Kev. Gen. Pl. 2: 7h6. 1891. Eriocaulon plantaginella Crantz apud Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 879, in syn. 1893. Dupatya triangularis Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Bibliography: Breyn., Exot. Min. Cog. Pl. Cent. 1: 108--109, pl. 50. 1678; Moris., Pl. “ist. Univ. 3: 259--260, sect. 8, pl. 16, fig. 17. 1699; L., Sp. Pl., ed. 2, 128. 17623 Crantz, Inst. Rei Herb. 1: 360. 1766; J. A. Murr. in L., Syst. Veg., ed. 12, 109. i7ijeReich. in L.; Syst, Pl. Le, 2h3. 17795. Ja Aw Morrscinilis, Syst. Veg., ed. 13, 1: 108 (1783) and ed. 14, 127. 178); Palau y Verdera, Part. Pract. Bot. 1: 531. 178; Jacq., Ind. Pl. 63. 1785; Lippert, Pflanzensyst. 1: 187. 1786; J. F. Gmel. in L., Syst. Nat., ed. 13, 2: 206. 1791; Lam., Tabl. Encycl. Méth. [Illustr. Pl.] 1: 21. 1791; Henckel, Nom. Bot. 68. 1797; Pers. in L., Syst. Veg., ede 15, 132. 17973 Raeusch., Nom. Bot. 30. 1797; Willd. in L., Sp. Pl., ed. 4, 1: 485. 17973 Jolyclerc, Syst. Sex. Vég., ed. 1, imp. 1, 92. 1798; J. A. Murr. in L., Syst. Veg., ed. 15 nov., 106. 1798; Jolyclerc, Syst. Sex. Vég., ed. 1, imp. 2, 92. 1803; Mouton- Fontenille in L., Syst. Pl. 1: 147. 1804; Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 110. 1805; Jolyclerc, Syst. Sex. Vég., ed. 2, 1: 101. 1810; Pers., Sp. Pl. 1: 283. 1817; Roem. & Schult. in L., Syst. Veg., ed. 15 nov. 2: 861—862. 1817; Steud., Nom. Bot. Phan., ed. 1, 313. 1821; Spreng. in L., Syst. Veg., ed. 16, 3: 775. 1826; Roem. & Schult., Mant. 3: 671. 1827; Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 3, 6, & 8. 1831; Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585 & 586. 1840; Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 548, 572, & 614. 181; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 266. 18523 Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 283 & 334. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 470 & 508. 18633 Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 879 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 402. 189); Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 279, 287, & 292. 1903; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 15. 1941; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 879 (1945) and imp. 2, 2: 02. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16, 31, 38, & 55. 1963 hioldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. 128 Pa MTOVLEOSG: Teh, Vol. 35, "i0iue Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88, 206, 212, & 214. 199; Durand % Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl . i imp. BR ‘aes "19593 Moldenke, Résuné 103,282, 291, 293, & 90. 1959; oo in Hook. f. & Jacks ., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 879 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 402. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. "18: 12. 19693 Moldenke, Phytologia 18: 305--306, 129, 433 (1969) and 20: 1) & 18. 19703; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 & 486 (1971) and 2: 515, 517, 518, & 959. 19713 Moldenke, Phytolo- ela Sis HOG TOE. Tllustrations: Breyn., Exot. Min. Cog. Pl. Cent. 1: pl. 50. 1678; Moris., Pl.-Hist. Univ. 3:-sect. 9, -pl.. 16, figs Lie doggs The original description of this plant by Breyne (1673) reads as follows: "Plantaginella aurea alopecuroides Brasiliana, foliis eramineis. En ex minimis unam, sed rarissimis charissimis4 [sic]; nostris plantulis. kadix ejus exigua, mille fibris niveis comata, Foliola multa graminea & angusta Graminis Luzulae minoris JOhanni Bauhino, sed omnind glabra, in orbem diffundens: ex quorum gremio, coliculi quinquaginta vel plures prosiliunt, tenuissimi, plantae exilitatem Globulis oblongiusculis lanuginosisque, Plantaginis angustifoliae paniculis Lagopi minoribus, uberrimé compensates, Singuli, singulis coliculis triuncialibus vel brevioribus insi- dentes, compositi ex pilis lenissimis leucophaei coloris, inter quos “losculi flavi perminuti, suma& amoenitate, veluti punctula aurea, emicant, quod jucundissimum huic plantulae in brasilif vigenti, aspectum conciliat." Morison (1699) repeats this descriotion almost verbatim "WPlantaginella aurea alopecuroides Srasiliana foliis gramineis, Breyn. Cent. 1. Kadix ei exigua, milie fibris niveis comata, foliola multa, graminea & angusta, Graminis Luzulae minoris, J. 5. sed omnino glabra, in orbem diffundens. wx horum autem gremio coliculi quinau2g -inta vel plures orosiliunt, tenuissimni, plantae exilitatem zlobulis oblongiusculis Lamuginosisque Plantayinis angustifoliae paniculis Lagopi minoribus uberrime compensates, singuli singulis coliculis triuncialibus vel brevioribus insiden= tes, compositi ex pilis lenissimis, leucophaei coloris, inter quos flosculi flavi, perminuti, summa amoenitate, veluti ounctula aurea, emicant. Atque hi jucundissimum huic plantulae in brasilia vigenti aspectum conciliant." A glance at the illustrations given by 5Syeyne and repeated by Lorison shows witnout any doubt that this taxon has nothing what- ever to do with Eriocaulon microcephalum H.B.K., although what evidence there is for removing it from the genus Eriocaulon, where Linnaeus placed it, and shifting it to eae ele Te as Konmicke has done, I cannot see. The illustration appears to be a good one and the plant ought to ae recosnizable amonz the Brazilian members < the Eriocaulaceae. Sprengel (1826) regarded "x iriocaulon microcephalum H.B.K. as a synonym of E. triangulare L., but since Linnaeus based his name on the plant illustrated by Breyne, such a disposition of the Hun- boldt, Bonpland, and Kunth name seems quite out of the question. Linnaeus (1762) originally described his E. triangulare as fol- lows: "ERIOCAULON culmos triangulari, foliis ensiformibus, capitu- 1976 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 129 lo ovato. Plantaginella aurea alopecuroides brasiliana, foliis gramineis Breyn. Cent. pl. 50; Moris. Hist. 3: 259, s. 8, t. 16, f.17. Habitat in Brasilia. Flosculus non potui persnicere in Herb. Pisonis apud Burmannun." Reichard (1779) repeats Linnaeus' description and comments. Sprengel adds "Quito", apparently based on a specimen to which he mistakenly applied Linnaeus' bi- nomial -- a specimen which may well have been one of E, microceph— alum H.5.K. ~~ Ruhland (1903) places P, triangularis in his Species dubiae and says "Folia ensiformis; pedunculus triangularis; capitulum ovatum. Brasilien. Nota. Planta omnino dubia. Dubium etiam utrum species (nso0tius) ad genus Paepalanthum an ad Eriocaulum an aliud gems pertineat." He uses the name, Paepalanthus triangularis, for it. Kunth (1341), at the end of his detailed description of Eriocaulon gee H.BeK., notes "Sprengel (Syst. 3. 775) infauste cum E. triangulari jungit." In his very brief paragraph on Eriocaulon triangulare L. he notes "Bei visio videtur Eriocaulon legitimun. Sprengel (Syst. 3. 775.) huc ducit E. microcephalum | Lumb. et Kth." Crantz (1766) says merely "Eriocaulon culmo triangulari, foliis ensiformibus, capitulo ovato", citing only Morison's illustration. Steudel (180), on page 585 of his work, gives E. triangulare as a synonym of E. microcephalum, but on page 536 lists it as a valid species! Sprengel's description (1826) is: "E. scapis 3-angularibus caespitosis folia lanceolato-linearia superantibus, capitulo ovato sericea brasil. Quito" and claims it to be conspecific with E. microcephalum F.5.K. Lamarck (1791) gives the French vernacular name, "joncinelle triangulaire", for P. triangularis, while Lippert (1786) gives the German name, "3winklichte Kugelbinse", for it. The specific epi- thet of Eriocaulon plantaginella is often uppercased, as, for in- stance, by Jackson (1893) because of its original use as a generic name. Nothing is known to me of this puzzling taxon except what is given in its rather large but repetitive bibliography. In my opinion it will probably prove to be a species of Leiothrix, possibly in the affinity of L. dielsii Ruhl. a PAEPALANTHUS TRICHOLEPIS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 32--33, pl. 1h. 1928. Synonymy: Paepalanthus trichocephalus Alv. Silv. apud Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 177, sphalm. 1937. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 32--33 & ih, pl. 1h. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 77. 1937; A. i. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 200. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 18). 1941; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 2 55. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 90. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 1h. 1923. 130 Pichig¥ T OxG OG: ek Vol. 35, nos 1 The type of this species was collected by fivaro Adolpho da Silveira (no. 703) "In campis prope Diamantina", Minas Gerais, Brazil, in April, 1918, and is deposited in the Silveira herbar- ium. Silveira (1928) comments that the species is "A P. calvo Koern. bracteis involucrantibus extus dense villosus praecipue differt." In his text he erroneously refers to his illustration as "Tabula XV" -- plate 15 actually depicts P. albo-villosus and is correctly referred to as "Tabula XV" in his discussion of that species. Paepalanthus tricholepis is depicted on plate 1h. As far as I know, this species is known only from the original collection. PAEPALANTHUS TRICHOPEPLUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 47. 1908. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 47. 1908; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 46 (2): h. 192h3 Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 151--152 & 1h, pl. 95. 1928; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 8: 169. 1933; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 1937; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 18). 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 1919; Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 90. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 959. OTs Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 95. 1928. The original publication of this taxon has not been available to me, but it seems most probable that Silveira's citation in his 1928 work is the type collection, viz., Silveira 353 from "In pratis arenosis, locis siccis, Serra do Cipé", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1905, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium, although on page 1) of the same work he cites his no. 356, also from the Serra do Cipo and collected in 1905. Irwin and his associates describe the plant as a tufted herb, the inflorescence to about 15 cm. tall, the heads gray, and found it growing on sandy slopes, at 1200 m. altitude, flowering in February. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Irwin, Maxwell, & Wasshausen 20075 (N, Z), 20076 (Ld, N); A. Silveira 353 (B—isotype, Z— isotype). PAEPALANTHUS TRICHOPETALUS Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 399— 00 [as "trichopetalum"]. 1863. Synonymy: Paepalanthus trichopetalum Korn. in lMart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 399 & 507. 1863. Dupatya trichopetala (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891. Dupatya trichopetala Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 1h5. 1902. Paepalanthus trichopefalus Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 15) [as "trichopefalo"], sphalm. 1928. Paepalanthus trichopetalus Alv. Silv. ex Moldenke, Résumé 328, in syn. 1959. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 290, 308, 399— 400, & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891; Jacks. in 1976 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae LS Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02. 189); Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 201, 204, & 292. 1903; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 154 & 41h. 1928; Durand & Jacks «, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 1911; Jacks « in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. BE ees ho2. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia h: 206. 1953; Durand & Jacks ., Ind. Kew. Supol. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 103, ae, & 490. 19593 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. kew., imp. 3,2 02. 1960; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 366. 1970; Moldenke, rifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 591 & 959. 19715; Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 111 (1975) and 33: 48. 1976. This species is based on G. Gardner 5268 from linas Gerais, Brazil, deposited in the herbarium of the Botanisches Museum in Berlin where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photo- graph number 10658. Ruhland (1903) cites only the type collec- tion and comments "Etiam ego hujus speciei nihil vidi nisi 2 fo- lia et 1 pedunculorum capituliferum". Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 92 from Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in 1903. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: G. Gardner 5268 {Macbride photos 10658] (B--type, N--photo of type, N--photo of type, W--photo of type). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: drawings & notes by Kornicke (BP). PAEPALANTHUS TRICHOPHYLLUS (Bong.) Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 319. 1863. Synonymy: Eriocaulon trichophyllum Long., hiém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 636. 1831. _pepelaniius trichophyllus Korn. in Hart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 318. 1863. Dupatya ya trichophylla (Bong.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 7h6. 1891. Riaeete trichophylla Kuntze apud Durand %: Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 15. 1902. Bibliography: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 636. 1831; Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 36. 1831; Steuc., Nom, Bot., ed. 2, 1: 586. 180; Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 573, 579, & 61h. 18h1; D. Dietr., SynesPher5s 268. 1852; Steud., Syn. Pl. Clun. 2: [Cyp.] 283 & 334. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 318—- 319 & 506. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1391; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 879 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 02. 1894; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suopl. 1, imp. 1, 15. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 154-185, 287, & 292. 1903; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 1. 1928; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 15. 19:1; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 879 (196) and imp. 2, 2: 02. 19h6; ¥Voldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16, 41, & 55. 196; Molden- ke, Knowm Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 £ 212. 1995 Mol- denke, Phytologia 4: 206. 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 103, 293, 328, & 90. 1959. [to be continued] Two Lectotypes in Charpentiera (Amaranthaceae) Hawaiian Plant Studies 51 Harold St. John B. P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96818, Box SOS75 Wo Bo EXE The two following formae in Charpentiera were described by Suessenguth, each based on several collections, but without any designation of holotypes. Below the needed lectotypes are selected. This genus has recently been monographed by Sohmer (1972), but he failed to mention or dispose of these two formae, though he listed two of the syntypic specimens. Charpentiera obovata Gaud., forma parvifolia Suesseng., Fedde Repert. 44: 38, 1938. Lectotype: Maui, Auwahi, O. Degener 8,826 (BISH). Sohmer (1972: 299) lists Degener 8,826 as C.,Onovata Gaud., but/does not cite the Ehree other Degener collections. Charpentiera obovata Gaud., forma grandifolia Suesseng., Fedde Repert; 44: 38, 1938. Lectotype: Hawaii Island, Kohala, O. Degener 8,824 (GH). Of the three syntypes listed by Suessenguth, Sohmer (1972: 302) lists both the above chosen lectotype, and Degener 8,820, as C. tomentosa Sohmer, var. tomentosa, but does not mention the third one, Degener 8,830. Literature Cited Sohmer, S. H., 1972. Revision of the genus Charpentiera (Amaranthaceae). Brittonia 24: Zoos Z eis lear Suessenguth, K., 1938. Amarantaceen-Studien. 1. Amarantaceae aus Amerika, Asien, Australien. Fedde Repert. Spec. Nov. 44: 36-48. 2 SCROPHULARIACEAE IN NICARAGUA Frank C. Seymour Research Associate, Missouri Botanical Garden, and Visiting Associate Research Professor, University of Florida. In identifying specimens of Scrophulariaceae from Nicaragua, I was confronted by obscure characters. Sometimes it was im- possible to tell whether the upper lip of the corolla covered the lower lip or whether the lower lip covered the upper; or how many stamens there were or whether the anther cells were par- allelordivergent. Sometimes the specimeninquestionwas fruit- ing andcorollas were notpresent. Or, if corollas were only 4-5 mm long as in Stemodia verticillata, the stamens were most dif- ficult toobserve. Even when agood corolla was present, I hesi- tated to destroy by dissection the only corolla. Obsessed by the suspicion that something can be done by way of identifying Scrophulariaceae even when corollas are not pre- sent, and without the help of obscure characters, I developed the following key with the hope that it will be useful to some others. The distinction between a synopsis and a key needs to be main- tained. A synopsis gives the fundamental characters on which members of a taxon are classified. A key, on the other hand, is a device for identifying unknown specimens. It is needed by those who do not know the family well and should be adapted to that purpose. As species not yet known in Nicaragua may at any time be found there, all species known to occur in Central America are included in this article. Scrophulariaceae are distinguished from other families main- ly by the following characters. Usually herbs but sometimes shrubs or eventrees. Flowers usually axillary but sometimes seemingly terminal. Leaves without stipules, either opposite or alternate, or both on the same stem, almost always simple. Calyx shallowly or deeply 4-5-lobed or of seemingly distinct sepals. Corolla 4-5-lobed or of almost distinct petals, from 133 [1] 13h PB ONL ONG at 2A: Vol. 35, noe 2 long-tubular to united merely at base, from almost regular to very irregular. Stamens inserted on the corolla, 2 or 4; ster- ile rudiments often present. Pistil 1. Ovary usually 2-locular, usually many- seeded. I wish to express my thanks to Dr. Willard W. Payne and to Dr. Daniel B. Ward and his staff for the use of the Herbarium of the University of Florida. To Dr. Lyman B. Smith and Dr. David B. Lellinger, I express my thanks for reference to the United States National Herbarium. Dr. Reed C. Rollins, Direc- tor of the Gray Herbarium and Dr. Richard A. Howard, Direc- tor of the Arnold Arboretum, I thank for the privilege of examin- ing specimens in their respective herbaria. I thank Dr. William C. Burger of the Field Museum for important information by correspondence. Iam deeply indebted to the authors listed in the bibliography at the end of the article or cited in connection with a particular genus. An artificial key to genera of Scrophulariaceae in Central Amer- ica for fruiting specimens. As this key can be used for flower- ing specimens also, some flowering characters are given. A. Leaves all basal or nearly so; stem, if any, almost or quite leafless B. B. Leaves” long, linear, like petioles, or widened near tip; stem creeping, p. 21 Limosella acaulis Sesse & Mocino B. Leaves wider, various, 2-8 cm wide, p. 17 . Tetranema ‘ Leaves, some of them, borne on stem well above base C. C. Upper leaves alternate or clustered (fasciculate) D. Cp. Pp. = D. Lower leaves opposite E, E, Bracts of inflorescence large, leaf-like, often brightly colored, about as long as or longer than corolla; calyx 9-25 mm long, p. 35 .. . Castilleja E. Bracts of inflorescence small or none, not leaf-like, & not colored F. F. Leaves narrowly linear to filiform; flowers soli- tary in axils of upper leaves or bracts; calyx tubular; plant black when dry, hispid or scabrous, BS eave Bee tele Les Yoon | cguct pet a) pens 0 see een F. Leaves lanceolate or wider G. G. Petioles and pedicels twining; blades triangu- lar, 3-5-lobed; pedicels axillary Zw OMena TOME so" Dae L Ol nonce a) Toure ..... Maurandya oe Petioles and pedicels ite twining; flowers in terminal racemes H. [2] ra 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua 135 H. Calyx lobed 1/2 way, lobes about equaling tube; lower ~ blades spatulate, rounded at tip, bluntly toothed; stem 4-12 cm tall; flowers in racemes without bracts or leaves, p. 19... .. Mazus japonicus (Thunb. ) Kuntze H. Calyx lobed nearly or quite to base I. re? Capsule compressed, notched, oftenwider than long; ~ corolla with 4 spreading lobes, tube very short, p. 30 oo ett We to Sell ob ‘el Methd) Soe br May PS qe WE Ba eish Colts Rave Veronica I. Sssuls ovoid or oblong, not compressed; flowers (at least lower ones) inaxils of reduced leaves or bracts J. J. Calyx-lobes oval or ovate, obtuse, very hairy, 4-6 mm long; corolla 4cm long, p. 10 ..... rg NST Al o Snapdragon, Antirrhinum majus L. J. Calyx-lobes narrow, acute K. K. Calyx up to 3 cm long, puberulent; corolla 6-8 cm long; pedicels up to 6 cm long, p. 8 Eremogeton grandiflorus (Gray) Standley & L. Wms. K. Calyx 3.5-4 mm long, glabrous; corolla 1-2 cm long; stem 4-angled; pedicels 8-20 mm long L. L. Leaves on petioles, serrate; plant glabrous or’nearliy, SOtsD: 1S) ay su ou eek boars, ee os . - Alonsoa meridionalis (L. f. ) Kuntze L. Leaves sessile or subsessile, serrulateor subentire, glabrous orhairy, p.8 Angelonia D. Lower and other leaves alternate M. cp. p. 2 M. Bracts of inflorescence as long or longer than corolla, red (usually) or orange or green; calyx 9-25 mm long; in- florescence terminal, spike-like, p. 35 ... .Castilleja . Bracts or leaves ofinflorescence green, largeorsmall N. N. Stem prostrate; blades orbicular-kidney-shaped, tooth- ed or lobed, p. 28 . . . Sibthorpia repens (L.) Kuntze N. Stem erect or ascending O. QO. Calyx longer than pedicels P. P, Leaves pinnately divided; calyx-lobes shorter than tube, p. 37 . Pedicularis orizabae C. & S. Pp, Leaves entire or toothed; calyx lobed almost to base Q. Q.Inflorescence 1-sided; flowers turneddown- ward; leaves dentate or almost entire, p. 31 ay Gael Br teks Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea L, Q.Inflorescence not 1-sided; flowers ascending; leavesiontine, 2.000 € aivge as. « ohh a) et teh: « ysl hun 2 Snapdragon, Antirrhinum majus L, (3] i= 136 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 2 O. Calyx shorter than pedicels; subtending leaves longer than pedicels R. R. Capsule about 4-6 mm long, abruptly tipped, notch- ed; corolla about 1 cm long 28. Capraria biflora L. R. Capsule 2-3 cm long, tapering; corolla 6-8 cm long “ps. Eremogeton grandiflorus (Gray) Standley & L. Wms. C. Upper leaves opposite or more than 2 ata node S. cp. p. 2 S. Plant a shrub or small tree; corolla tubular, equaling or ~ much longer than calyx T. cp. p. 5 T. Blades entire; calyx- tube cup-shaped U. U. Fruit dry (capsule); stamens 2 or 4; staminodes sometimes 2; calyx-lobes 4, linear, slightly longer than tube; flowers terminal, in racemes or spikes, Bb, 20 oc 0 6! 6 Dd Lamourouxia longiflora Bth, U. Fruit fleshy (berry); fertile stamens 4; staminode ii present; calyx shallowly lobed; flowers axillary V. V. Pairs of leaves unequal; calyx 5-toothed; corolla tubular, not 2-lipped, lobes small, nearly equal, WO PALS. On oe ee -... . Gibsoniothamnus V. Pairs of leaves seal: calyx 3-4-toothed; corolla cup-shaped, 2-lipped, lobes large, unequal, p. be 4 ietsce os schlerelae T. Blades dentate; saivietne 4; eeiait dry (capsule) W. W. Calyx deeply 4-lobed (in Central America); stamin- ode present X,. X. Flowers dense, many; pedicels 1-2 mm long; pet- ioles up to 8 cm long; blades very hairy aboveand beneath, p. 18 Uroskinnera spectabilis Lindley X. Flowers in axils of upper leaves or bracts; pedi- cels 2-10 mm long; petioles none or short; blades hairy or glabrous) p..37 ..°. . . Lamourouxia W. Calyx 5-lobed or -toothed Y. Y. Calyx shallowly toothed; leaves viscid-villous, al- most sessile; stamens 4, all fertile, p. 18 : . . Hemichaena fruticosa Bth. Y. ae ioted eae lye to base Z. Z. Leaves glabrous or sparsely hairy; pedicels up to 2 cm long; petioles up to 1 cm long; sepals up to 12 mm long; corolla 9-16 mm long, p. 20 : . Stemodia fruticosa Lundell Z. eaves deneels hairy above and beneath; pedi- celsas muchas 6cm long; petioles short; sepals up to 3 cm long; corolla 6-8 cm long, p. 8 Eremogeton grandiflorus (Gray) Standley & L. Wms. Ch] 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua 137 S. Plant an herb Aa. cp. p. 4 ~ Aa. Blades lobed or divided; plants glabrous; anthers 4 Ab. Ab. Lobes of blade lanceolate or wider; petioles long Ac. Ac. Flowers in cymes; lobes of blades acute; blades pin- Hatelyinervied, “pale aust ik’, sel catet Veh . . Calceolaria Ac. Flowers (in ours) solitary in axil of leaves; blades palmately nerved; lobes of blades obtuse; stem pros- trate, p. 9 ....... Cymbalaria muralis GMS. Ab. Lobes of blade linear or filiform or oblong; flowers solitary in axils of leaves Ad. Ad. Growing under water; leaves sessile; pedicels 2. 5-6 mm long; calyx 3mm long, p. 21 Bacopa naias Standley Ad. Growing out of water; stem erect Ae. Ae. Calyx 6-7 mm long, lobes triangular-acuminate, shorterathanitubesyp, Si fiiekie eke Lamourouxia namleitids BK. Ae. Galles 2 4 mm judas Af. Af. Capsule 10-15 mm long; blades not more than 1 cm long, p. 21 Schistophragma pusilla Bth. Af. Capsule not more than 3 mm long; blades up to 15 mm long, p. 29 Scoparia annua C, & S, Aa. Blades entire or toothed Ag. Ag. Calyx-lobes shorter than tube Ah. cp. p. 6 Ah. Blades (median and upper) linear, 1-2 mm wide or narrower; plants blackened in drying Ai. Ai. Calyx slender, cylindric at flowering time, long- er than thick; flowers sessile; stem unbranched étwalightly branched; «pi 33)... 05 a « Buchnera Ai. Calyx cup-shaped; flowers sessile or onpedicels; stem usually bushy-branched, p. 32 . Gerardia Ah. Blades 6-30 mm wide Aj. Aj. Calyx 4-6 cm long; capsule 2-3 cm long; flow - ers in racemes in axils of bracts, p. 31 Aion et a Ia Metis cele 208 «:.<0ve 4 ERED DERIS. Aj. Gallic: at Sienering time 0.35-2 cm long Ak. Ak. Calyx at flowering time 2 cm long, papery- inflated in fruit; flowers terminal or axillary, in spikes or racemes; lower leaves alternate, p- 32 Melasma physalodes (D. Don) Melchior Ak. Calyx 0.35-1 cm long Al. Al. Calyx at flowering time 5-8 mm long; teeth wide; corolla yellow; leaves 1-5 cm long, DECAL heey Geet & foes Ones oP 2 . Mimulus Al. Calyx 3.5 mm long; teeth lanceolate; cor- olla purple or lilac; leaves 0.7-1.5cmlong, p. 26 Lindernia crustacea (L.) F. Muell. [5] 138 PSHY TaOeLsOrGrs ks Vol. 35, nowee Ag. Calyx-lobes as long as tube or longer; tube sometimes very short or none Am. cp. p. 5 AmCapsule compressed, usually notched at tip; corolla-lobes spreading; corolla-tube very short; sepals distinct; stam- SNisve ys DD) & aietseies eras , Speedwell, Veronica Am. Capsule not eonipmean ca: corolla often tubular An. An,. Pedicel shorter than calyx or none; petiole very short Or nonel -0necp.) Pail Ao, Calyx-lobes 4, hairy, 0.5-0.7 mm long; stem prostrate; stamens 2; leaves entire, glabrous, 2-9 mm long, p.. 26. . « «ss... | « Micranthemum Ao. Calyx-lobes 5; stamens usually 4 Ap, Ap. Calyx lobed about 1/2 way; capsule depressed- globose; stem and leaves hirsute; flowers sessile, pore. Alectra aspera (C. & S.) L. Wms. Ap. Calyx lobed nearly to base Aq. Aq. Leaves abundantly dotted (at least beneath), glabrous or nearly so, serrate or almost en- tire, sessile, 2-3.5 cm long, pe 2l sooo g Dp oOs some species of Bacopa Aq. Leaves not dotted (punctate) Ar. Ar . Leaves linear, mostly less than 10 mm long; pedicels shorter than leaves; stems glabrous; capsule linear, 10-15 mm long; calyx 2-4 mm long, pwZ)° ss 6 6 es 65006 Schistophragma pusilla Bth. Ar. Leaves oblong or ovate to orbicular As. As. Leaves acute or acuminate at tip, ses- sile, at least lower ones serrate, 2-8 cm long; stem erect, atmost 40-100 cm tall; pedicels almost none; sepals 5mm long;aherbys psy 2:86 S85 Bas ee ont eemeeene phe Stemodia durantifolia (L.) Sw. As. Leavesobtuse or rounded at tip, 7-20 mm long; stems up to 15 or 20 cm tall, spreading, much branched; leaves on petioles; pedicels very short At. At. Leavesrounded at base; whole plant short-hairy or glabrous; capsule ob- UGyeleiy (so Tegbeol Morel, fos 47) 6 5 a Lindernia diffusa (L.) D. & J. At, Leaves cuneate at base; stem dense- ly viscid-hairy; capsule 2.5-3 mm long, subglobose, p. 20 Stemodia verticillata (Miller} Sprague [6] 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua 139 An. Pedicels longer than calyx or equaling calyx Au Au. Stems abundantly hairy Av. Av. Leaves on petioles, crenate, rounded to cuneate at base, often dotted (punctate) beneath; calyx-lobes much longer than tube, nearly equal; stems sometimes with long hairs, p. 20 some species of Stemodia Av. Leaves sessile; calyx-lpbes ovate or cordate, much, if any, longer than tube Aw. Aw. Leaves clasping stem, entire, 8-15 mm long; cal- yx-lobes conspicuously unequal, longer ones 4-5 mm long; stem with long hairs; herb, p. 24 not Bacopa salzmannii (Bth. ) Wettstein Aw. Leaves united around stem, toothed, up to 16 cm long; calyx-lobes somewhat unequal, not quite equal- ing tube, about 1.5 cm long, -p. 18 Hemichaena fruticosa Bth. Au. Stem mid beeite or slightly hairy; calyx-tube short or none; leaves sessile or petiole short Ax, Ax. Calyx-lobes unequal, outer ones ovate, p. 21 . some species of Bacopa Ax, Calyx-lobes equalor nearly so, lanceolate or narrower Ay. Ay. Leaves 2-7 cm long, glabrous; petiole 1 cm long; calyx up to 12 mm long, lobes slightly unequal, line- ar or linear-lanceolate; stem up to 1m tall, shrub- by;,.p. 20 Stemodia fruticosa Lundell Ay. Leaves 3-20 mm long; calyx 2-10 mm long Az. Az. Leaves not dotted or only slightly so Ba Ba. Leaves linear or oblanceolate; calyx 3.5 mm long; capsule globose or subglobose; corolla yellow, 8-10 mm long, p. 19 Saha ER el fe Me Gratiola oresbia Rob. Ba. Leaves ovate, 1-2 cm long; calyx 2-3.5 mm long; corolla white to purple, .p. 26 . some species of Lindernia Az. Leaves copiously clearly dotted (punctate); sep- als 1.5-2.5 mm long Bb. Bb. Stem erect, not rooting at nodes, commonly much branched; lower leaves toothed or lob- ed or entire; leaves narrowed at base to short petiole; corolla yellow or white, p.29 Scoparia Bb. Stem creeping, rooting at nodes; lower and other leaves entire or nearly so, obtuse or rounded at tip, rounded or truncate at base, p. 27 Lindernia rotundifolia (L.) Standley & L. Wms. (7) 140 POR OY TO BiOuG ak Vol. 35, noe 2 1. EREMOGETON Standley & L. Williams Herbs, somewhat woody, to small trees, hairy. Leaves al- ternate, entire or nearly so. Flowers axillary, solitary, on long pedicels. Calyx deeply lobed; lobes 5. Corolla wide-tub- ular, 2-lipped; lobes 5, almost equal. Stamens 2; sterile stam- ens none. Capsule ovoid, acuminate. 1. Eremogeton grandiflorus (Gray) Standley & L. Wms., Ceiba 3:172. 1953. Small tree, sometimes 6m tall. oung branches tomentose. Leaves elliptic, or ovate, or obovate, ob- tuse , toothed or entire, acute at base, hairyabove and beneath; petioles short. Pedicels sometimes 6 cm long. Calyx-lobes narrow, acute, unequal, finely hairy, sometimes 3 cm long; Corolla 6-8 cm long, white or yellowish. Capsule 2-3 cm long. Guatemala (US). 2. ALONSOA Ruiz & Pavon Herbs, glabrous except in inflorescence. Upper leaves al- ternate, others opposite or more than 2 ata node. Flowers on pedicels, in terminal racemes. Calyx lobed to base. Corolla campanulate; lobes unequal. Stamens 4. Capsule ovoid. 1. Alonsoa meridionalis (L. f. ) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 457. 1891. Leaves on petioles, larger ones 5-10 cm long. Calyx 4mm long. Corolla about twice as long as calyx, orange or reddish. S. Mexico, Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica to Peruse) Hla Costa Rica Ll00s )1938eemnl. Guatemala 9326. slo 3. ANGELONIA Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth Herbs, glabrous or hairy. Leaves opposite or the upper alter- nate, sessile or almost sessile, serrulate or almost entire. Flowers on pedicels, axillary or in terminal racemes. Calyx 5-lobed almost to base. Corolla 5-lobed, 2-lipped, blue, lilac or violet; tube very short. Stamens 4. Capsule globose (inours) or ellipsoid. A. Blades narrowed to base, 5- it Cian, MOY oocococcaccce ae sill cite oN e elle! © Ne Galliie ence ls np eloniavangustifolra Bth. A. Bides widened, often aac ahr - base smic= 5) cmaelonpe eine venee ciel “ool len le ¢ onl bel “els atom wes ae Anpelonia cilia seRooE 1, Angelonia angustifolia Bth. in DC. Prodr. 10:254. 1846. S. Mexico and cultivated in Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador and Costa Rica (US), Nicaragua: Dept. Managua, Managua, cult. Maxon, Harvey & Valentine 7246 (US). [8] 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua 1 2. Angelonia ciliaris Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 45 :400. 1910. British Honduras (US). Nicaragua (specimen not seen); Fl. Guatemala 9:327. 1973. 4. CALCEOLARIA Linnaeus Herbs (in Central America) or shrubs. Leaves opposite or more than 2 at a node, in ours toothed to deeply lobed or pin- natisect; lobes acute. Petioles long. Flowers in cymes, most- ly yellow. Calyx deeply 4-parted; lobes almost equal. Corolla 2-lipped, parted almost to base, lower lip much larger than up- per lip, often inflated, globose; tube short. Stamens 2. A. Petioles widened and clasping at base; calyx-lobes 10-15 mm jong at flowering. time; corollas. 5 iem long «3 (2 3 «50s et aie BiYslts! = 's\ «sie ce ee os « Le Galceolarniattrilobata Hempley A. Petioles not widened, not clasping at base B, B, Blades pinnatisect or lowest 3-lobed; calyx at flowering bene 4216 muilong;: corolla dkemudonge «ss xl atid je stale 0 SF Osyatl cl ve ° - . . . 2. Calceolaria mexicana Bth. B. Blades Seibert at deeply divided; corolla 2 cm long C. C. Blades oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, hairy ...... satis te ols als 2 « 3. Caleeolaria irazuensis Donn. Smith C. Blades narrowly lanceolate, 9-16 mm wide, 4-7 cm long, gradually long-attenuate, minutely puberulent Gla} is) ctieliie/eeleuetic iol ailie (4.9 Galceolarianstonuqustandley, 1. Calceolaria trilobata Hemsley, Biol. Centr. Amer. Bot. 2:439. 1882. Calceolaria sciadephora Donn. Smith, Bot. Gaz. 2555 ue elS98~ Guatemala (US), Costa Rica (US), Panama; Fl. Guatemala 9:34l. 973). 2. Calceolaria mexicana Bth., Pl. Hartweg. 47. 1840. Costa Rica (US), Salvador to Panama; Fl. Guatemala 9:339. LOS. 3. Calceolaria irazuensis Donn. Smith, Bot. Gaz. 20:292. 1895. Calceolaria costaricensis Kraenzl., Ann. Hofmus. Wien 22:192. 1907. +\ Costa (Rica (US). 4. Calceolaria storkii Standley, Fieldiana, Bot. 18, part 3, MLOSI e898.) \Costa Rican (ELAS: WS); 5. CYMBALARIA Hill Herbs, prostrate, glabrous. Leaves opposite, palmately lobed; lobes obtuse. Petiole long. Flowers solitary in axils of leaves. Calyx deeply 5-lobed. Corolla 2-lipped. Stamens 4. 1. Cymbalaria muralis Gaertner, Meyer & Schreber, Fl. Welt. 2:397. 1800. Linaria cymbalaria (L.) Miller, Gard. [9] 1h2 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 2 Dict. ed. 8, no. 17. 1768. Leaves kidney-shaped, 3-5-lobed. Petioles long. Corolla blue or lilac. Guatemala, Honduras (US), Costa Rica, Europe. Fl. Guatemala 9:348. 1973. 6. ANTIRRHINUM Linnaeus Snapdragon Herbs. Leaves entire, alternate. Flowers in terminal rac- emes or lower ones axillary. Calyx 5-lobed almost to base, Corolla irregular, 2-lipped. Stamens 4. Capsule ovoid (in ours) or globose. 1, Antirrhinum majus L., Sp. Pl. 617. 1753. Stem glandu- lar-hairy above. Leaves acute at each end, 2.5-7 cm long. Flowers on pedicels, various in color. Corolla much longer than calyx. Calyx 4-6 mm long. Capsule 5-10 mm long. Honduras (US), Salvador (US). 7. MAURANDYA Ortega Herbs, climbing. Leaves on petioles; blades triangular, 3-5- lobed, upper ones alternate, lower ones opposite. Flowers axil- lary, solitary. Pedicels 2-10 cm long. Calyx united at base. Corolla 2lipped. Stamens 4. Capsule globose. A. Stem and leaves densely or sparsely villous; pedicels 2-6 cm longicalya: lo — ccm long; iseedsiwimpgedms. bc: .. etek cient een ose ee ew © © ~~ dL. Maurandya erubescens (D. Don) Gray A. Stem and leaves glabrous; calyx 10-15 mm long at flowering time; seeds not winged B. B. Pedicels 3-5 cm long; calyx glandular-pilose ...... ce ee we ww we ee ~ 2. Maurandya barclaiana Lindley B. Pedieers 5-10 cm pea calysc Gla bDFOUS? a )aaater eee oe ee ew ew ww © ~~ 3. Maurandya scandens (Cav. ) Pe vd: 1. Maurandya erubescens (D. Don) Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 7:377. 1868. Central and s. Mexico, Guatemala; Fl. Guatema- LAO EST ek LOS. 2. Maurandya barclaiana Lindley, Bot. Reg. 13:t. 1108. 1827. Guatemala and other parts of Central America; Fl. Guatemala IeSiriene LOWS. 3, Maurandya scandens (Cav.) Pers., Syn. Pl. 2:15, t. 160. 1807. Mexico, Guatemala, and in many places in the tropics; Fl. Guatemala 9:377. 1973. 8. LEUCOCARPUS D. Don Herbs. Stem narrowly winged. Leaves opposite, sessile, cordate-clasping at base, serrulate. Cymes axillary, on pedun- cles. Calyx 5-toothed, cup-shaped, teeth short. Corolla long- [10] 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua 143 tubular, 2-lipped. Fruit fleshy, globose. 1. Leucocarpus perfoliatus (HBK.) Bth. in DC. Prodr. 10: 335. 1846. Plant glabrous. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, cor- date-clasping. Flowers on pedicels. Corolla 1.5 cm long. Fruit white, 1 cm or more thick. Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama. 9. GIBSONIOTHAMNUS L. Williams Shrubs, much branched. Leaves opposite, on petioles. Cal- yx 5-lobed, cup-shaped. Corolla regular, tubular; lobes almost equal, short. Stamens 4; 1 sterile rudiment present. Fruit fleshy. A. Blades 1.5-2.5 cm wide, 4-6 cm long; inflorescence of ses sile cymules; pedicels 1..5-2 cna lonpy) Jste i suedscl ls toute « . .. . 2. Gibsoniothamnus moldenkeanus (Standley) L. Wms. A. Blades 3-8 cm wide, 5-13 cm long B. B. Flowers in fascicles; calyx-lobes 1-2 mm long ...... . . 1. Gibsoniothamnus cornutus (Donn. Smith) A. Gentry B. Flowers in racemes or solitary; pedicels at most 2 cm long cally x—1obe sy5et5) Ison ow eon. bel kus baie actest ts oi lek ay . - - -2. Gibsoniothamnus mimicus (St. & St.) L. Wms. 1. Gibsoniothamnus cornutus (Donn. Smith) A. Gentry, Fieldiana, Bot. 34:55. 1971. Guatemala; Fl. Guatemala 9:357. 1973. 2. Gibsoniothamnus mimicus (St. & St.) L. Wms., Fieldi- ana yebo 6.32 :214.) 1970. Guatemala; Fl. Guatemala 9:357. 1973. 3. Gibsoniothamnus moldenkeanus (Standley) L. Wms., Fieldiana, Bot. 32:214. 1970. Mexico; known only from type; Fl. Guatemala 9:359. 1973. 10. SCHLEGELIA Miquel Dermatocalyx Oersted For full descriptions, see Gentry, A. H. Fl. Panama, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 60:923-930. 1973. Vines, shrubs or small trees, sometimes epiphytic, glab- rous except when young and in inflorescence. Leaves entire, opposite, on petioles, leathery. Flowers in axillary racemes or panicles. Calyx cup-shaped, shallowly 3-4-toothed, persis- tent; teeth short, wide. Corolla tubular, 5-lobed. Stamens 4; staminodium 1. Fruit globose, fleshy, (11) Lh PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 2 A. Calyx 4-8 mm long B. B. Veins of blades conspicuously raised beneath; blades 4-13.2 cm wide, 10-33 cm long, 2-5 times as long as wide; panicle very dense 5. Schlegelia sulfurea Diels B. Veins not conspicuously raised beneath; blades 2.3 times or less than 2 times as long as wide; petiole 1-2.5 cm long; inflorescence open or less dense C. C. Inflorescence an open, unbranched raceme ...... Gg. 5! Db OMnO Om OURCEt . . .3. Schlegelia fuscata A. Gentry C. Inflorescence a contracted panicle; blades cuneate at base ..4. Schlegelia parviflora (Oersted) Monachino A. Calyx 9-14 mm long D. D. Petiole 24-30 mm long; blades rounded at both ends, 11-20 ecm wide, 30-45 cm wis vielns» raised beneath: ss) ol emene - : - 5 OG 6 . Schlegelia dressleri A. Gentry D. Petiole 8- 16 mm long fe E. Branchlets hairy at least at nodes; blades rounded or apiculate at tip, widely cuneate at base, 3.8-7.4 cm wide, 7.6-11 cm abr petiole 8-16 mm long .... ose we « oo « 2. Schlegelia nicaraguensis Standley E. Branchlets Gi re blades acute or obtuse, 4-9 cm wide, 7-14 cm long; petiole about 1 cmlong ..... Us eae . .. 6. Schlegelia silvicola L. Wms. 1, Schlegelia dressleri A. Gentry, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 60: 924, 1973. Panama, La Encida near Cerro Jefe. Dressler 3507 (MO, holotype; PMA, isotype). 2. Schlegelia nicaraguensis Standley, Tropical Woods no, 16: 44, 1928. Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama; Fl. Panama 60: M405 IOVS. Nicaragua, Dept. Zelaya, Bluefields. Englesing 99 (F, GH, K). 3, Schlegelia fuscata A. Gentry, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard.60:925. 1973. Doubtfully distinct from Schlegelia parviflora. Panama, Cerro Jefe. Gentry 2875, type (MO). 4, Schlegelia parviflora (Oersted) Monachino, Phytologia 3: 103. 1949. Dermatocalyx parviflorus Oersted, Kjoeb. Vidensk. Meddel. 29. 1856. British Honduras and Honduras to Brazil; Fl. Panama 60:928. 1973. Nicaragua; Fl. Guatemala 9:398. OVS). 5. Schlegelia sulfurea Diels, Notizblatt. Bot. Gard. Berlin 14:39. 1938. Guatemala to Ecuador; Fl. Panama 60:930. 1973. 6. Schlegelia silvicola L. Wms., Fieldiana, Bot. 34:126, t. 3. 1972. Guatemala (US); Nicaragua; Fl. Guatemala 9:398. 1973. [12] 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua 145 11. RUSSELIA Jacquin Reference: Carlson, Margery C. Monograph of the genus Rus- selia. Fieldiana, Bot. 29:231-292. 1957. Herbs, with young stems angled. Leaves opposite or more than 2 at a node, sessile or nearly so, ovate, serrate or rarely entire, usually with resinous dots (punctate), Flowers in axil- lary cymes or terminal panicles, Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla red, tubular, 2-lipped. Stamens 4; staminodium short or none. Cap- sule almost globose or ovoid. A. Blades small, falling very early; pedicels 1-1.5 cm long oe ee ee oe oe ee eh Lcd. Russelia equisetiformis C. & S. A. Blades persistent; petioles 1-5(-9) mm long B. B. Stem terete or only slightly angled C. C. Young stems densely or abundantly hairy; calyx-lobes hairy; capsules 4mm long D. D. Leaves crenate-serrate, pilose with septate hairs above and beneath; calyx-lobes 5-7 mm long, pilose Pe See SS ANS a . . 2. Russelia rugosa Rob. 1D) fieoaés sharply serrate, with gland-tipped hairs a- bove and beneath; calyx-lobes 8-10 mm long, dense- ly glandular-hairy 3. Russelia steyermarkii Carlson C. Young stems glabrous or nearly so except sometimes at tip E. E. Blades resinous-dotted on both surfaces, 3-4.5 cm wide, 6-9 cm long; sepals 3.5-4.5 mm long .... Ghia opel cot ofa OU? Me . . 4. Russelia acuminata Carlson E. Blades dotted on lower surface only F. F. Internodes 4-5 cm long; petioles less than 2 mm long; peduriclées''S=10 mimi Tong csltn.) 470.) oder es Oe wt 2 | SeRtssehadaerniata Ste &sSt F. Internodes 8-10 cm long; petioles 4-5 mm long; peduncles 5-8 mm long; calyx 4-7 mm long - .... .6. Russelia coccinea (L.) Wettstein B. Stems detinitely ridged or angled or winged G, G. Blades entire; petioles 7-9 mm long; internodes 2.5-7 cm long; calyx 3.5 mm long; capsules globose, 1 cm long including beak 7. Russelia campechiana Standley G. Blades toothed; petioles 1-5 mm long H. H. Calyx-lobes 6-7 mm long, lanceolate, hairy on mid- rib; stem glabrous except at tip; internodes 2-5 cm LON Psa ies Pat ste? fe 8. Russelia longisepala Carlson H. Calyx-lobes 3-4(-4.5) mm long, ovate I, (13] 16 Pee TL Ogn gO NG eh ras Vol. 35, noere I. Capsules about twice as long as calyx, about 8 mm long; blades 1-5 cm wide, 1.5-8 cm long, glabrous or hairy, gland- ular-dotted or not; peduncles more than 5, up to 20 mm long; blades truncate or rounded at base . “tie Shea 1 pic aie stom owe 9. Russelia sarmentosa Jacq. i Gapaules less than twice as long as calyx, sometimes shorter than calyx, at most 5.5mm long J. J. Blades 8-15 mm wide, 1-+2.5 cm long, truncate to wedge- shaped at base K. K. Blades glabrous above and beneath; capsule slightly longer than calyx; young stems glabrous ....... bc sto Glow, c . 10. Russelia standleyi Carlson K. Blades densely hirsute above and beneath; capsule e- qualing calyx; young stem densely hiraute ....... 4 NG £OP Wook Lad (Ooo 11. Russelia parvifolia Carlson Sis Blades 3- a 5 cm wide, 6-10 cmlong L. L. Peduncles less than 5 mm long; blades sparsely or densely hairy, 4 cm wide, up to 7 cm long, widely cun- eate or obtuse at base; capsule longer than calyx, 5.5 mm long; stems hairy or glabrous .... anit Rel oltre teri e 2 & Sa st U2.) Russelia che emeds Tania es Pein 10- 15 mm long; blades, at least when young, resinous-dotted above and beneath, glabrous or min- utely hairy on main veins beneath, acute to acuminate at base; stem tending to be woody at base, glabrous or nearly so; inflorescence 5-7-flowered; capsules glob- ose, without beak . 13. Russelia longifolia Carlson 1, Russelia equisetiformis C. & S., Linnaea 6:377. 1831. Mexico (US), Guatemala (US), Salvador (US). Nicaragua, Dept. Zelaya, Bluefields. Nichols 896 (BM, ENAG, SEYM). 2. Russelia rugosa Rob., Proc. Am. Acad. 43:58. 1907. Guatemala (US); Nicaragua, Salas, 1966. 3. Russelia steyermarkii Carlson, Fieldiana, Bot. 29:272, fig M95 Guatemala; Fl. Guatemala 9:394. 1973. 4. Russelia acuminata Carlson, Fieldiana, Bot. 29:248, fig. 1. 1957. Guatemala; Fl. Guatemala 9:389. 1973. 5. Russelia laciniata St. & St., Field Mus. Bot. 11:379. 1940. Guatemala, known from the type only, Steyermark 37982; Fl. Guatemala 9:392. 1973. 6. Russelia coccinea (L.) Wettstein in Engler & Prantl, Pflanzenfam. IV, 3b:62 1891. Mexico, Guatemala, West In- dies, China; Fl. Guatemala 9:390. 1973. 7. Russelia earmpechiana Standley, Contr. U. S, Nat. Herb. Z3eV309. L924. [1h] 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua 147 Mexico (US), British Honduras (US), Guatemala (US). 8. Russelia longisepala Carlson, Fieldiana, Bot. 29:254, fig. Pele ale Loe ge Guatemala, cotype (US). 9. Russelia sarmentosa Jacq., Enum. Pl. Carib. 25. 1760. Russelia polyedra Zucc. in Abh. Akad. Muench. 2:328. 1831-6. Russelia sarmentosa f. eglandulata Carlson, Fieldiana, Bot. 29: 263. 1957. Russelia sarmentosa f. pubescens Carlson, Field- iana, Bot. 29:263. 1957. Russelia sarmentosa f. velutina Carl- son, Fieldiana, Bot. 29:263. 1957. A. Thickened angles of stem glabrous or nearly so; blades glab- rous to sparsely hairy beneath on veins; at least young leaves resinous-dotted above and beneath ..... var. sarmentosa A. Thickened angles of stem usually hairy; blades densely hairy beneath on veins, with only occasional dots beneath; black pits sometimes beneath, especially on young blades .... Ree oe ee oe ew ew ee VAP. Nicaraguensis Carlson Var. sarmentosa. Mexico (US), British Honduras (US), Guat- emala (US), Honduras (US), Salvador (US), Costa Rica (US), Panama (US). I have seen no specimen from Nicaragua which is this variety. Var. nicaraguensis. Carlson. All the specimens from Nicaragua which I have seenare this var- iety. Nicaragua: Dept. Zelaya, Puerto Cabezas. Marshall & Neill 6579 (ENAG, FLAS, MO, SEYM, US). Rama. Zelaya 320 (VT); Marshall & Neill 6483 (ENAG, FLAS, MO). Dept. Nueva Segovia, Ocotal. Seymour 867 (VT). Dept. Madriz, Yalaguina. Moore 939 (VT). Dept. Esteli, NW of Puebla Nueva. Williams & Molina 42402 (US). Dept. Esteli?, 43 miles S of Nicaragua-Honduras boundary, In- ter American Highway, Morley 753 (US). Dept. Chinandega, Volcan El Viejo. Baker 880 (US). Dept. Leon, Momotombo. Robbins 6117 (VT). Near Santa Rosa. Williams & Molina 42441 (US). Dept. Boaco, Boaco. Nichols 1477 (NY, WDP, WIS): Seymour 5432 (SEYM, SMU, UC). [15] 148 PM oT OatnO Geloe Vol. 35, no. 2 Dept. Boaco?, Between Boaco cutoff and Acoyapa. Bunting & Licht 707 (US). Dept. Chontales, Acoyapa. Dudey 1672 (ENAG, GH, SEYM); Marshall & Neill 7081 (MO). Apompua. Seymour 2695 (BM, SEYM). San Miguelito. Shank & Molina 4583 (US). Santo Tomas. Nichols 282 (VT). Dept. Managua, El Crucero. Atwood & Neill 6764 (FLAS, MO). Managua. Chaves 63 (US); Artemio 12 (US), 69 (US); Garnier 267 (US); Maxon, Harvey & Valentine 7366 (US), 7451 (US). Masachapa. Nichols 1376 (VT). Dept. Masaya, La Concepcion. Nichols 917 (VT). Masaya. Baker 580 (US); Hamblett 87 (BM, NY, SMU, WDP, WIS); Zelaya 155 (ENAG, hy GE MO; SEM, UG): Santiago. Robbins 5549 (DUKE, ENAG, MICH, MO, SEYM). Santiago Volcano. Maxon 7654 (US), 7665 (US); 7434, type (US). Volcan Masaya. Atwood A342 (MSC). Dept. Carazo, Casa Colorada. Narvaez 542 (BM, ENAG, F, GHy MOF NY; SEYM SMU; UGA WADE): Santa Teresa. Atwood 1281 (BM); Dudey 1287 (ENAG, F, GH, MO, SEYM, UC); Nichols 1318 (SMU). Dept. Rivas, Ometepe Is. Shimek & Smith 20 (US). San Juan del Sur. Narvaez 1257 (BM, ENAG, F, GH MMOs IN, ob uM SMU. UG. WwADie)s Nichols 1262 (MO, SEYM). Without definite locality. Wright (US). 10. Russelia standleyi Carlson, Fieldiana, Bot. 29:257, fig. 2. 1957. Guatemala, type, Standley 77093. 11. Russelia parvifolia Carlson, Fieldiana, Bot. 29:282, fig. 6. 1957. Guatemala, type, Deam 6096. 12. Russelia chiapensis Lundell, Field & Lab. 13712. 1945. Known from Mexico only, Contreras 5579. [16] 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua 149 13. Russelia longifolia Carlson, Fieldiana, Bot. 29:268, fig. 3. 1957. Guatemala, Honduras (US); Fl. Guatemala 9:392. L973. Excluded species. Russelia verticillata HBK., Nov. Gen. & Sp. 360. 1817. Carlson (l. c.) does not indicate its‘occurrence out- side of Mexico and comments: "It is evident that the species has not been understood... ." 12. PENSTEMON Mitchell Beard-tongue Herbs or rarely shrubs. Leaves opposite, lower ones on petioles, upper ones smaller, sessile. Flowers in terminal panicle. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, lobes overlapping. Corolla tub- ular, long, 2-lipped. Fertile stamens 4; additional stamen ster- ile. Capsule ovoid. A. Stem viscid-villous; stem-leaves clasping, finely serrulate or almost entire; sepals 10 mm long, acute or almost obtuse, densely viscid-villous .1. Penstemon perfoliatus Brongn. A. Stem glabrous except sometimes in inflorescence; sepals 6-8 mm long, glabrous or hairy B. B. Leaves sharply serrate; sepals acute-attenuate ...... + + + «+ + « - 2. Penstemon campanulatus (Cav. ) Willd. B. ee entire; sepalskobtusel) a. sym cme! <) li) elses 5 1G wOuliaCu, Ce CMC ea, 3. Penstemon gentianoides (HBK.) Poiret 1, Penstemon perfoliatus Brongn., Hort. Univ. 5:265. 1844. Central and s. Mexico, doubtfully in Guatemala; Fl. Guatemala S:386% 1973. 2. Penstemon campanulatus (Cav. ) Willd., Sp. Pl. 3:228. 1800. Mexico , Guatemala; Fl. Guatemala 9:385. 1973. 3. Penstemon gentianoides (HBK.) Poiret, Dict. Sci. Nat. 38:385. 1818. Mexico, Guatemala (US). 13. TETRANEMA Bentham Herbs. Stems very short or almost none. Leaves opposite, mostly near base of stem, crenate-dentate or entire. Flowers axillary, cymose or subumbellate, on long peduncles. Calyxof distinct, attenuate-acuminate sepals. Corolla cup-shaped; lobes shorter than tube. Stamens 4. Capsule ovoid, glabrous. A. Peduncle equaling or surpassing leaves; flowers in umbels; pedicels'5=13:mm longa os «leeds aes bist = Silke Ghos UR are . 2. Tetranema roseum (M. & G.) St. & St. A. Badunels shorter than leaves; flowers incymes B. B. Pedicels 1-2 cm long; calyx 6-8 mm long ..... Gh. oe © «© « © ee LL -Tetranema evolutum Donn. Smith [17] 150 Pune ThO dOxGomi a Vol. 35, no. 2 B. Pedicels 5 mm long; calyx 2.5-3 mm long ........ ai fei No: fad loiveMe Meliss: hits ctMohis 3. Tetranema cymosum L, Wms. 1. Tetranema evolutum Donn. Smith, Bot. Gaz. 14:29. 1889. Guatemala (US). 2. Tetranema roseum (M. & G.) St. & St., Field Mus. Bot. 23:235. 1947. Allophyton mexicanum Pennell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 77:271. 1925. Honduras (US), Costa Rica (US). S. Mexico, British Honduras, Honduras; Fl. Guatemala 9:409. 1973. 3. Tetranema cymosum L, Wms., Fieldiana, Bot. 34:129, fig. 1972. Guatemala, type Steyermark 39858. 14. UROSKINNERA Lindley Shrubs, hairy. Leaves opposite, dentate, on petioles. Flow- ers in terminal or axillary spikes or racemes. Calyx tubular- campanulate, 4-5-toothed. Corolla tubular, dilated upward, 5- lobed; lobes almost equal. Stamens 4; staminode present. Cap-- sule globose. 1. Uroskinnera spectabilis lindley, Gard. Chron. 36. 1857. Leaves 2.5-10 cm wide, 4-18 cm long, densely pilose beneath. Calyx 5 mm long, hirsute. Corolla 4 cm long. Guatemala (US). Cultivated in Europe, Javaand British Guiana. 15. HEMICHAENA Bentham Herbs or shrubs. Leaves opposite toothed. Flowers axil- lary. Calyx 5-toothed, cup-shaped. Corolla 2-lipped. Stam- ens 4, fertile. Pedicels 12-25 mm long. Capsule ovoid or ob- long. A. Blades 1.5-4.5 cm long, acute or obtuse, almost sessile, not united around stem; calyx 6-10 mm long; corolla red or or- ange, 2.5-3.5 cm long 2. Hemichaena rugosa (Bth. ) Thieret A. Blades at most 16 cm long, acute to attenuate, united around stem; calyx 2 cm long; corolla yellow, 4-5 cmlong ..... See eloue Gane ees) en ane en emuichaenartruticosa mana. 1. Hemichaena fruticosa Bth., Pl. Hartweg. 78. 1841. Herb, densely hairy. Stem simple, 1mtall. Leaves sessile, cordate at base, acuminate, toothed. Flowers in axillary cymes on peduncles. Calyx-lobes narrow, 5. Corolla 4-5 cm long. Capsule as long as calyx. Mexico, Costa Rica; Fl. Guatemala 9:362. 1973. 2. Hemichaena rugosa (Bth. ) Thieret, Fieldiana, Bot. 34: 96. 1972. Mexico, Honduras; Fl. Guatemala 9:363. 1973. [18] 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua 151 16. MIMULUS Linnaeus Monkey-flower Herbs (ours), rarely shrubs. Leaves opposite. Flowers sol- itary in axils of leaves, or terminal in racemes. Calyx tubular or cup-shaped, 5-toothed, teeth much shorter than tube. Corol- la 2-lipped or lobes equal. Stamens 4. Capsule oblong or lin- ear. A. Upper leaves sessile, clasping, rounded at tip, 3-5-palmate- ly nerved; stem glabrous or sparsely villous or puberulent MEET iach} aGssielieirirau® al sicdeisate: 0, % 1. Mimulus glabratus HBK. A. Upper leaves (and others) on petioles, acute at tip, pinnately NerV.eds stem with long soitwhaltSi wuts sha « 6s pic © 0 « © ented accused sat oh ct ole) ey labs 2. Mimulus pachystylus Grant 1. Mimulus glabratus HBK., Nov. Gen, & Sp. 2:370. 1817. United States, Mexico, Guatemala (US), s. America. Nicaragua: Dept. Esteli, Salto de Estanzuela. Atwood & Neill 148 (MSC). 2. Mimulus pachystylus Grant, Ann. Mo, Bot. Gard. 11:234. 1924. Mexico, Guatemala; Fl. Guatemala 9:383. 1973. 17. MAZUS Loureiro Herbs. Lower leaves opposite, upper alternate, toothed. Flowers in racemes without bracts or leaves. Calyx lobed 1/2 way, cup-shaped, lobes 5. Corolla tubular, 2-lipped. Stamens 4. Capsule globose or compressed. 1, Mazus japonicus (Thunb. ) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 462. 1891. Mazus rugosus Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 385. 1790. Costa Rica (US). Nicaragua: Dept. Managua?, Sierra de Managua, Garnier A286 (US). 18. GRATIOLA Linnaeus Hedge-hyssop Herbs. Leaves opposite, linear or lanceolate, sessile, en- tire or nearly so. Flowers axillary, solitary, pedicels longer than calyx. Calyx-lobes 5, usually nearly equal, distinct to base. Corolla tubular, yellow. Stamens 4. Capsule globose or subglobose. 1. Gratiola oresbia Robinson, Proc. Am. Acad. 44:614. 1909. Pedicelsatmostl.5cmlong. Calyx-lobes 3.5mm long, linear-lanceolate, acute. Corolla 8-10 mm long, 2-lipped, tub- ular. Capsule globose, about 3.5 mm thick. Guatemala; Fl. Guatemala 9:359. 1973. [19] 152 Pian LTO a ONG & Vol. 35, noord 19. STEMODIA Linnaeus Herbs, glabrous or variously hairy. Leaves opposite or more than 2 ata node. Flowers in axils of leaves, upper ones sometimes ina spike. Calyx 5-lobed often neartyto base, lobes equal or unequal. Corolla tubular, 3-lobed. Stamens 4. A. Flowers sessile or almost sessile; stem and leaves viscid- hairy B. B, Leaves sessile, acute or acuminate, 3-8 cmlong..... MPR ES elo. BTS IM, 4. 6. Stemodia durantifolia (L.) Sw. B. Leaves on petioles, obtuse, 7-15 mmlong ........ ble 3 EY 4, Stemodia verticillata (Miller) Sprague A. Flowers on long pedicels; pedicels often 2 cm long C. C. Blades acute or acuminate, glabrous when mature, pilose when young, 2-7 cm long; pedicels Z cm long ..... . Set eee, « 8 o's « oe LS Stemodia fruticosa Lundell C. Blades obtuse at tip, rounded to wedge-shaped at base, 02-5). 5)cmelonge Ds D. Blades 2-3.5 cm long, dotted beneath; sepals 7-9 mm HORS are ato. Se BEs Ee 3. Stemodia peduncularis Bth. D. Blades at most 2 cm long, villous; sepals 4-5 mm long, unequal E. E. Sepals 4-5 mm long, one slightly longer and wider than others; valves of capsule very obtuse; leaves glandular-dotted*beneéath® 25 27s) ove este te. ee “ts coo 0 COD SC - ++. 5 Stemodia angulata Oerste E. Sepals 4 mm long, one linear, obtuse, the others shorter, awl-like; valves of capsule acuminate .. Fs, GP tae tom ets: VR EIN 2. Stemodia jorulensis HBK. 1. Stemodia fruticosa Lundell, Contr. Univ. Mich, Herb. 4: 27. 1940. British Honduras, type, Gentle 2252. Honduras (US), Salvador (US). Nicaragua; Fl. Guatemala 9: 405. 1973. 2. Stemodia jorulensis HBK., Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2:358. 1817. Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador to Panama, Cuba; Fl. Guatema- la 9:406. 1973. Nicaragua: Dept. Rivas, Ometepe Is. Shimek & Smith 112 (US). 3. Stemodia peduncularis Bth. in DC. Prodr. 10:382. 1846. Mexico (US), Guatemala (US), Honduras (US), Costa Rica (US), Panama (US). 4. Stemodia verticillata (Miller) Sprague, Kew Bull. 211. 1921. Erinus verticillatus Miller, Gard. Dict. ed. 8. no. 5. 1768. Stemodia parviflora (Miller) Aiton, Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 4:52. 1812. Lendneria humilis Minod., Bull. Soc. Bot. Gen- eve II. 10:240. 1918. Mexico (US), Honduras (US), Costa Rica (US). Nicaragua: Without definite locality. Wright (US) [20] 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua 153 — as Lendneria parviflora Aiton. 5. Stemodia angulata Oersted, Vidensk. Meddel. Kjoeb. 1853: 22. 1854. Guatemala (US), Costa Rica (US). Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Pana- ma; Fl. Guatemala 9:404. 1973. 6. Stemodia durantifolia (L.) Sw., Obs. Bot. 240. 1791. The only species in Central America with sessile leaves, Mexico (US), British Honduras (US), Guatemala (US), Honduras (US), Salvador (US), Costa Rica (US), Panama (FLAS), 20. SCHISTOPHRAGMA Bentham Herbs. Leaves opposite, entire or deeply divided. Flowers solitary in axils of leaves. Calyx 5-lobed almost to base, lobes almost equal. Corolla tubular, 2-lipped. Stamens 4. Capsule linear. 1, Schistophragma pusilla Bth. in DC. Prodr. 10:392. 1846. Conobea pusilla (Bth. ) Jackson, Index Kew. 1, fasc. 1:596.1893, Mexico, Guatemala (US), Honduras, Nicaragua, Colombia; Fl. Guatemala 9:396. 1973. Leaves or lobes linear, less than 1 cm long. Stem up to 20cm tall, 4-angled, glabrous. Calyx 4mm long. Corolla 5-6 mm long. Capsule 10-15 mm long. Nicaragua: Dept. Chinandega, Realejo. Oersted 9477 (US). Dept. Masaya, Volcan Masaya. Atwood A333 (MSC), Dept. Granada, Granada. Maxon, Harvey & Valentine 7581(US). 21. LIMOSELLA Linnaeus Mudwort Herbs, creeping, almost stemless except for stolons, root- ing at nodes. Leaves linear, often widened at tip. Flowers in axils of leaves. Calyx 5-toothed, cup-shaped. Corolla-tube short; corolla 3-5-lobed. Stamens usually 4. 1. Limosella acaulis Sesse & Mocino, Fl. Mex. ed. 2:143. 1894. Plant glabrous. Blades commonly 2-3 cm long. Pedi- cels shorter than leaves. Flowers about 2 mm long. Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia. 22. BACOPA Aublet Reference: Pennell, F. W. Scrophulariaceae of Colombia. Proc. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. 72:136-188. 1920. Herbs, Leaves opposite, mostly toothed or entire, inl spec- ies deeply lobed, in some species distinctly dotted (punctate). Flowers axillary or in terminal racemes, solitary or in clus- ters, sessile or on pedicels. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, lobes [21] 15h, PoHeY "TE OvlOrG Lk Vol. 35, no. 2 sometimes very unequal. Corolla tubular, 2-lipped. Stamens 4. Capsule globose or ovoid. Distinguished from Lindernia and Micranthemum by having parallel anther cells. A. Blades divided into many linear lobes; growing mostly or wdevoulliliy whavclare WENO 5 5 5 GH 6 oC 14, Bacopa najas Standley A. Blades entire or toothed, usually growing out of water B. B. Outer sepals lanceolate or narrower, not conspicuously different from inner sepals; pedicels none or not over 1.5 mm long; calyx 2-2.5 mm long; leaves sessile; stem stout C. C. Leaves acute at tip, 2-3 cm long; clasping at base; calyx densely dotted; stem erect, spongy, 4-6 mm thick iat Gases « .. spis 12, Bacopa parviflora L. Wms. C. Leaves rounded at tip, cuneate at base, 7-13 mm long; stem procumbent or prostrate ..... Amo a 6 500 6 ob-t 13, Bacopa curtipes Sp aciley & zy Wms. B. Outer sepals ovate or elliptic, inner ones much narrower except in Bacopa axillaris D. D. Leaves attenuate or acute at base E. E. Pedicels mostly equaling or longer than leaves F. F. Stems with spreading hairs; blades 7-9 mm long, hirsute (at least when young) over entire surface beneath; sepals ciliate, hairy, outer ones 4-5mm long .-- 2, Bacopa humilis (Pennell) Standley F. Stems glabrous or nearly so, at most 30-50 cm long; sepals 6-10 mm long; pedicels mostly longer than leaves G. G. Leaves entire, attenuate at base, sessile, 6-20 mm long, dotted, rounded at tip; sepals 6-7 mm long . 3. Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettstein G. Leaves dentate, acuteat base, onshort petioles, 8-15 mm long, rounded to acute at tip; outer sepals: §— long fo. = is se. . 4. Bacopa procumbens (Miller) eee E. Pedicels much shorter than leaves or none; stem stout, erect, 4-6 mm thick at base; flowers l-sev- eral in an axil; leaves dotted, at least beneath H. H. Sepals 7-9 mm long, dotted; pedicels 3-10 mm long; leaves acute or attenuate at tip; stem glab- rous (or hairy above) ... 5 6p 6 dio 4 © a 66 lo 6 76, Se DN Bs aac lacertoaa Standley H. Sepals 3. 5- 4.5 mm long; pedicels almost none I. I. Leaves acute; stem villous, spongy; sepals not dotted 1. Bacopa axillaris (Bth. ) Standley [22] 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in ‘Nicaragua 155 I. Leaves obtuse; stem glabrous, not spongy . . :. PRA Se WO: Bacopa sessiliflora (Bth. ) Pulle D. Leaves rounded or clasping or subcordate at base J, J. Leaves lanceolate, acute at tip, 6 mm wide, 17-21 mm long, clasping at base, dotted; pedicels 6 mm long, short- er than leaves; calyx-lobes acuminate, 2-3 mm long; stem glabrous, erect . .7. Bacopa auriculata (Rob. ) Greenman J. Blades ovate or elliptic to orbicular; stem floating in wat- er or creeping in wet soil K. K. Leaves clasping at base; pedicels usually longer than leaves; outer calyx-lobes very obtuse, cordate, long - ciliate; stem with a dense, spreading hairs is ea eerel cfs ve Bacopa salzmannii (Bth. ) Edwall K. Leaves not rane at base; pedicels usually shorter than leaves; sepals not cordate at base; stem glabrous or sparsely pilose L. L. Longest sepals 5-7 mm long; capsule 3-4 mm long GF ok eh ta? Ua lel ol «+e. var. alpigena L. Wms. Var. integrifolia. Mesto. Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Costa Rican (Us): Var. alpigena L. Wms., Field Mus. Bot. 34:119. 1972. Guatemala (US). 2. Castilleja arvensis C. & S., Linnaea yO IO Si, Ute} Si). For description, see Fl. Guatemala 9:345. 1973 and Fl. Costa Rica 1104-5. 1938. Castilleja communis Bth. in DC. Prodr. 10:529. 1846. Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador (US), Costa Rica (FLAS, US). Nicaragua: Dept. Madriz, Volcan Somoto. Williams & Molina 20238 (US). Dept. Jinotega, Jinotega. Moore 2111 (MO, SEYM). Dept. Matagalpa, Between Matagalpa and Jinotega. Williams, Molina & Williams 23332 (US). Dept. Managua, El Crucero. Atwood & Neill 6765 (ENAG, GH, MO, SEYM, SMU). Dept. Granada, Volcan Mombacho. Atwood Al54 (MSC). [36] 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua 169 Dept. Granada, Niguumistomo [ Niquinonomo], Baker 753 (US). 3. Castilleja altorum St. & St., Field Mus. Bot. 23:85. 1943. For description, see Fl. Guatemala 9:344. 1973. Guatemala. 4. Castilleja tenuiflora Bth., Pl. Hartweg. 22. 1840. For description, see Sanchez, O, S. La Flora del Valle de Mex- ico 362. 1969. Guatemala (US). 5. Castilleja seibertii Pennell, Ann. Mo, Bot, Gard. 27:339. 1940. See same for description. 6. Castilleja irazuensis Oersted, Vid. Meddel. Kjoeb. 27. 1853. For description, see Fl. Costa Rica 1104. 1938. Costa Rica (FLAS), Panama. Photo (US). 7. Castilleja aurantiaca Pennell, Ann. Mo, Bot. Gard: 27: 338. 1940. For description, see same. Panama. 8. Castilleja bicolor Pennell, Ann. Mo, Bot, Gard. 27:340. 1940. For description, see same. Panama (US). 9. Castilleja chiriquensis Pennell, Ann. Mo. Bot, Gard. 27: 338. 1940. For description, see same, Panama, Maxon 5307 (US). 10. Castilleja quirosii Standley, Fl. Costa Rica 1104-1105. 1938. For description, see same, Costa Rica. 11. Castilleja tapeinoclada Loesner, Bull. Herb. Boiss. II, 3:285. 1903. For description, see Fl. Guatemala 9:346. 1973. Guatemala (US). 37. PEDICULARIS Linnaeus Herbs. Leaves alternate or more than 2 ata node, the upper smaller. Flowers in terminal spike or rarely raceme. Calyx tubular or cup-shaped, 2-5-toothed. Corolla 2-lipped, tubular. Stamens 4. Capsule compressed. 1. Pedicularis orizabae C. & S., Linnaea 5:103. 1830. Central and s. Mexico, Guatemala; Fl. Guatemala 9:385. 1973. 38. LAMOUROUXIA Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth Reference in addition to those in Bibliography: Ernst, Wallace R. Floral Morphology and Systematics of Lam- ourouxia. Smithsonian Contribution to Botany #6. 1972. Herbs or shrub-like plants. Leaves opposite, entire or den- tate or dissected. Flowers terminal, in racemes or panicles or spikes. Calyx-lobes 4, linear, slightly longer than cup- shaped tube. Corolla tubular, much longer than calyx, 2-lipped, red (in our species) or orange. Fertile stamens 2; sterile sta- mens (staminodia) 2, or all fertile. Capsule ovoid. (37] 170 PRHeY Te ORitORGaaeA Vol... 35,) ioe 2 A. Blades deeply divided pinnately; stem upright; branches as- cending at acute angle; tips of inflorescence ascending PWIE ott ste) Moke: Wee Ns - ¢. Lamourouxia multifida HBK. A. lade’ not divided B. B. Leaves sessile, heart-shaped and clasping at base 56 Ol oles lS de 1 OK tO win Gr wie 5 ede On ic 5. Lamourouxia viscosa HBK. B. Leaves ona petiole except sometimes the uppermost C. C. Blades wide at base, heart-shaped or rounded or very obtuse at base D. D. Stem erect; blades heart-shaped at base, widely ov- ate, at most 3 times as long as wide; peduncles 2-8 mm long .. .3. Lamourouxia macrantha M. & G. D. Stem climbing; blades not heart-shaped at base; cal- yx-lobes 7-15 mm long E. E. Calyx densely villosulous, lobes often dentate 5b 6 6 6 Oo do. ¢ 4, Lamourouxia dependens Bth. E. Calyx-lobes puberulent or glabrous, not dentate 5 01-0, O80 Oko 1. Lamourouxia xalapensis HBK. C. Blades tapering to base F. F. Calyx and leaves hairy; blades ovate, at most 25 mm long; calyx-lobes 2-5 mm long .°. .... 4. eMeeh ate Sirare) Mere 6. Lamourouxia gutierrezii Oersted 19, Se and leaves glabrous or nearly so or puberu- lent; calyx-lobes 6-15 mm long; blades 1.5-5.5 cm long G. G. Pedicels 5-10 mm long; stamens 4; blades about 3 times as long as wide, 1-2 cm wide ..... 1. Lamourouxia xalapensis HBK,. G. Pedicels 2-5 mm long; fertile stamens 2; sterile stamlens 2" (staminodia. Sse). cance ene SP Bi Sel on ah 3 2. Lamourouxia longiflora Bth. 1, Lamourouxia xalapensis HBK., Nov. Gen, & Sp. 2:338. 1818. Lamourouxia stenoglossa Hunnewell & Smith, Contr. Gray Herb. 124:4, t. 1, figs. 11-12. 1939. Mexico (GH), Guatemala, as L. stenoglossa (GH). 2. Lamourouxia longiflora Bth., Pl. Hartweg. 22. 1839. a. Blades serrulate or crenate; calyx-lobes lanceolate BAM El, PER ES: a var. lanceolata (Bth.) L.. Wms. a. Blades entire b. b. Calyx-lobes linear-lanceolate ...... var. longiflora b; Calyx-lobes'mostly triangular ys \)0. Sr. 1.62 2 es ee 6. ER, var. integerrima (Donn. Smith) L. Wms. Vial integee cima (Donn. Smith) L. Wms., Fieldiana, Bot. 34: 121. 1972. Lamourouxia integerrima Donn. Smith, Bot. Gaz. 13:189. 1888. Guatemala (US). [ 38] 1976 Seymour, Scrophulariaceae in Nicaragua 171 Var. lanceolata (Bth.) L. Wms., Fieldiana, Bot. 34:121. 1972. Lamourouxia lanceolata Bth. in DC. Prodr. 10:542. 1846. S. Mexico, Salvador, Costa Rica (GH, US), Guatemala (US). Var. longiflora. S. Mexico; Fieldiana, Bot. S427 L972, 3. Lamourouxia macrantha Martens & Galeotti, Bull. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles 12(2):32. 1845. Mexico (GH), Guatemala (GH). 4. Lamourouxia dependens Bth. in DC. Prodr. 10:539, 1846. Type specimen: Skinner (K). Lamourouxia montana Hunnewell &L.0\B, Smith, Contr. Gray Herb. 12474. 1939. Guatemala (GH). 5. Lamourouxia viscosa HBK., Nov. Gen. 2:ed. folio 272, ederduarto (3382) 1817. 1818. Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama; Smithsonian Contr. to Botany #6. 1972. Nicaragua: Dept. Nueva Segovia, Dipilto. Neill 6406 (ENAG, MO, SEYM). Dept. Esteli, 43 miles toward Managua from Nicaragua-Hondur- as boundary by Inter American Highway. Morley 743 (US). Dept. Chinandega, near Jinotega. Standley 9873 (F). Volcan El Viejo. Baker 100 (GH), 881 (US), ZT (Gir): Dept. Leon, Momotombo. Smith 121 (GH, US). Without definite locality. Photo of Oersted 22719 (GH, US). 6. Lamourouxia gutierrezii Oersted in Bentham & Oersted, Videns-kabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kj¥benhavn for Aaret 1853. 29. ''1854". Costa Rica (GH), Panama (GH). 7. Lamourouxia multifida HBK., Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2:339. 1818. Mexico (GH, US), Guatemala (GH, US). ABBREVIATIONS in addition to those in common use. Bth., Bentham R. & P., Ruiz & Pavon C. & S., Chamisso & Schlecht-R. & S., Roemer & Schultes endal S. A., South America Dy & J., Durand. & Jackson St. & St., Standley & Steyer- GMS., Gaertner, Meyer & mark Schreber SEYM, Herbarium of Frank C. M., & G., Martens & Galeotti Seymour Mx., Michaux, Andre WDP, Herbarium of St. Norbert N. Amer., North America College, West De Pere, Rob., Robinson, Benjamin L, Wis. W. I1., West Indies [39] ae Pen A Ts0sisOre i. s Vol. 35, no. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY of references most used. their taxa. Pennell, F. M. The Scrophulariaceae of Eastern Temperate North America. 1935. Standley, P. C. Flora of Panama Canal Zone, Contr. U. S. NataeHernbs) 2701928. Standley, P. C. Flora of Costa Rica. Fieldiana, Bot. 18.1938. Salas, Juan B. E. Lista de Especies de la Flora Nicaraguen- sis con especimenes en el Herbario de la Escuela Na- cional de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Managua, Nicara- gua. 1966. Standley, P. C. & L. O. Williams. iana, Bot. 24, part 9, no. 4. Others cited with Flora of Guatemala. Field- WNT) INDEX TO GENERA Numbers refer to pages Alectra 32 Allophyton. See Tetranema Alonsoa 8 Angelonia 8 Antirrhinum 10 Bacopa 21 Buchnera 33 Calceolaria 9 Capraria 28. See also Lindernia Castilleja 35 Conobea. See Schistophragma Cymbalaria 9 Dermatocalyx. See Schlegelia Digitalis 31 Eremogeton 8 Escobedia 31 Gerardia 32 Gibsoniothamnus 11 Melasma 32 Globifera. See Micranthemum Gratiola 19 Hemichaena 18 Herpestis. See Bacopa Ilysanthes. See Lindernia Lamourouxia 37 Lendneria. See Stemodia Leucocarpus 10 Limosella 21 Linaria. See Cymbalaria Lindernia 26 Macuillamia. See Bacopa limosa Maurandya 10 Mazus 19 Mecardonia. See Bacopa [0] Micranthemum 26 Mimulus 19 ‘Monniera. See Bac- opa rotundifolia Monocardia. See Bacopa violacea Pedicularis 37 Penstemon 17 Russelia 13 Schistophragma 21 Schlegelia 11 Scoparia 29 Sibthorpia 28 Stemodia 20 Tetranema 17 Torenia 25 Uroskinnera 18 Vandellia. See Lindernia Veronica 30 BOOK REVIEWS Alma L. Moldenke "THs CHEMICAL FORMULARY - Collection of Commercial Formulas for Making Thousands of Products in Many Fields", Volume XIX - H. Bennett, Editor-in-Chief, 118 pp., Chemical Publishing Company, Inc., New York, N. Y. 10011. 1976. $15.00. In keeping with the pattern established by the many earlier volumes only the carefully explained and wisely repeated Intro- duction is not new material. This volume includes formlas with instructions and alternatives for Adhesives, Coatings, Cosmetics, Detergents, Drugs, Emulsions, Foods & Beverages, Metals, Polishes, Rubber, Resins, Waxes, Textiles, and a miscellany of herbicides, insect repellants, telephone disinfectants, etc. An appendix has a note about the Federal Food & Drug Law, lists the trademark chemicals mentioned throughout this volume and their suppliers, a warning list of incompatible chemicals and needed working tables. All this is followed by a good index, In the days of interdisciplinary science development much in this volume (and the others) would interest practically and/or theoretically the botanist in the herbarium and/or in the field. This volume has 5) named contributors wno have furnished this storehouse of well organized, easily accessible and widely useful information. "THE VASCULAR PLANTS OF SOUTH DAKOTA" by Theodore Van Bruggen, xxvi & 538 pp., illus., Iowa State Uiversity Press, Ames, Iowa 50010. 1976. %7.95 paperbound. Like so many carefully prepared floras this one has been "a seasoned time a-borning" (17 years) and is well worth all the author's field studies and collections, herbaria studies and preparations, and text composing. It gives access through prac= tical, readily workable dichotomous keys to 38 pteridophyte, 8 gymnosperm, 29 monocot and 1110 dicot species. Two additions have been reported by H. N. Moldenke in various of his publica- tions on Verbena, viz., V. ambrosifolia Rydb. from Washabaugh County and V. ciliata from ‘Hughes County. Throughout the book subspecific taxa are intentionally not in- cluded in the keys. The illustrations are not "plant pictures" that would encourage "nage thumbing" rather than "keying" for identifications, but, rather, they are plates indicating South Dakota counties, with generalized glacial locations which involve only the eastern half of the state and are mostly of Early and Late Wisconsin and Recent times, with the location and nature of the different Precambrian L73 17 PHY TOL OG 5 A Vol. 35, no. 2 and Pleistocene deposits, and with the major physiographic divis- ions (primarily composed of the Central Lowland in the east and the Great Plains from the valley of the Missouri River westward). A very carefully prepared introduction correlates these factors as well as altitude, water supply, seasonal temperature ranges, with the dominant floristic features. Was the Glossary — which does not seem to have the honed pre— cision of the text — prepared by someone else? N.B.: tepal, stamen, taxonomic synonym, hypogynous, frond, rootstock. Like- wise the neat index? It has 15 entries from "common bladder fern" through "common yellow violet" but with none under "bladder fern" and none under "violet" and with 12 entries under "yellow", includ- ing the different "yellow prairie violet". Such indexing is use- ful only as extra cross-references. "THE NATURALISTS! DIRECTORY — International, 2nd Edition, edited by Willard H. Baetzner, 259 pp., PCL Publications, Inc., South Orange, New Jersey 07079. 1975. %7.95 in U.S.A., $9.95 foreign, paperbound. The following notation is actually just a postscript to the appreciative review which appeared in a previous issue: The editor has written me that "The Directory is available in most overseas United States Information Service Libraries." "BIOLOGY DATA BOOK", Second Edition, Volume III compiled & edited by Philip L. Altman & Dorothy S. Dittmer for the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, xvii & 690 pp., illus., Bethesda, Maryland 2001). 1974. $0.00 or $100.00 for the 3—-volume set. "This final volume is arranged in four sections, with the data organized in the form of 11); tables (quantitative and descriptive), graphs and diagrams" for the following major documented topics: X Nutrition, Digestion & Excretion with many chemical pathways shown, XI Metabolism with energy considerations illustrated in several pathways, XII Respiration & Circulation, and XIII Blood & Other Body Fluids including arthropod hemolymph, plasma electro lytes, coagulation, etc. No reader new to this excellent set of these biological source materials (validated by 207 highly qualified researchers) should infer that accurate broader overlapping definitions of these topics might involve any wasteful repetition. No reader familiar with any part or all of this series would be concerned about careless errors in compilation, editing and indexing because of the very de= pendable skilled staff. All these folks involved in this FASEB project have continually earned much appreciation from "BIOLOGY DATA BOOK" users even if they have never been so informed. The only constructuve criticism here offered is the same as was 1976 Moldenke, Book reviews 175 mentioned for Volume II — the incorporation of the common name and scientific name appendices into the Index since many of these names are indexed anyhow. "ENERGY FOR SURVIVAL: The Alternative to Extinction, by Wilson Clark, xvi & 652 pp., illus., Anchor Books - Doubleday & Com pany, Inc., New York, N. Y. 10017. 1974. $12.50. The author has been a consultant for the Environmental Policy Center in Washington, D.C. An associate, David Howell, is given the credit for much of the research involved in this book and James K. Page, Jr., for the few illustrations. Page's very simple sketch of a magnetohydrodynamic generator is particularly help- ful because it shows coal in a hopper ready to be fed into the burner before reaching the superconducting magnet. So many other elaborate representations for the "general" reader minimize almost to oblivion the role played initially by conventional fuels in MHD. The book deals logically with the concommitant growing role of energy in civilization, with American society in its homes and in- dustries making the greatest demands and uses. It explains the limitations to our conventional fuels and the costs of prospective fuel sources from nuclear fusion and fission, solar, bioconversion, geothermal, tidal, wind, etc. "Ve must find new sources of energy to carry us into the future; but at the same time, we must realize the limits to the present fuels and change our lives — and institutions — accor- dingly." Therefore this book is a helpful study of the problem. "THE BIOLOGICAL REVOLUTION — Social Good or Social Evil?" edited by Watson Fuller, xi & 345 pp., Anchor Books, Double- day & Company, Inc., New York, N. Y. 10017. 1972. $2.50 paperbound. These writings were first published a year earlier by Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. and entitled "The Social Impact of Modern Biolo- gy" for the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science. The text is composed of 20 papers, their bibliographies and inter- esting discussions as presented at an international conference in London in 1970 and also supported by the Council for Biology in Human Affairs, Salk Institute, San Diego, California. Each paper is well worth cogitation, including M. H. F. Wil- ken's "Possible Ways to Rebuild Science", written after the con- ference. The sessions were oriented as follows: Parts I - Science, Technology & Values, II - Molecular Genetics, III - Human Genetics & Reproduction, IV - Immunology & Cancer, V - Agricultural Botany & the Environment, and VI - Science in Society. 176 P HH. 2ePjO9h eG iT A Vol. 35, no. 2 "FLORA OF OKINAWA AND THE SOUTHERN RYUKYU ISLANDS" by Egbert H. Walker with the assistance and collaboration of many Okina- wan, Japanese, Chinese, and western botanists, ix & 1159 pp., illus., Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 20560. Distributed in the U. S. A. and Canada by Ceorge Braziller, Inc., New York, N. Y. 10016 and in foreign coun= tries by Feffer & Simons, Inc., New York, N. Y. 10017 or c/o Transatlantic Book Services Ltd., London W1N3LE. 1976. $36.75. This superb production was sponsored by the Pacific Science Board of our National Academy of Sciences. The author has dedi- cated the publication "to the present and future botanists in this area with the hope that it will enrich the appreciation and understanding of their plants and that it will stimulate the col- lecting and publication of further information concerning them." After the introduction, the author develops access to this descriptive flora through well seasoned and carefully constructed keys to the 218 families of pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angio= sperms in 1008 genera with about 2100 species including some with subspecific categories. There is a beautiful full page color printed frontispiece showing a coral limestone bluff, the type locality for Portulaca okinawensis and additionally there are 209 black/white illustrations which as photographs or drawings defin- itely add to the value of this book. The derivation of each scientific name is presented as well as some of the common ones. The last hundred pages are devoted to very helpful, interest- ing and detailed glossary, abbreviations for authors of scientif- ic names, collectors and collections cited, herbaria of deposi- tion, selected bibliography, and separate indexes of Japanese, Okinawan, English and scientific plant names. Dr. Walker's botanical experiences in Asia started with teach= ing biology in the Canton Christian College (later Lingnan Uni- versity) from 1922 to 1926 and preparing a study of the trees on the large campus compound. His doctoral dissertation on the Myrsinaceae of Eastern Asia (190) is still regarded as a classic. Serving as the botanist for the United States Program of Scientif- ic Investigation in the Ryukyu Islands, he collected in the area June--September 1951, December 1953, October 1957 and June-July 1966. Dr. Walker has been a prodigious, hardworking, capable, dedicated scientist who has accomplished so much to date in his very quiet, honest, appreciative and considerate way. Retired from the Smithsonian since 1958, he now holds Botanist Emeritus rank from there. He also holds Amicus Emeritus rank in the hearts of many throughout America and Asia. 3 PHYTOLOGIA Designed to expedite botanical publication Vol. 35 February, 1977 No. 3 CONTENTS ST. JOHN, H., The variations of Alphitonia ponderosa (Rhamnaceae) MMPCIGIT A TAME PUCIES OS LNG on wl whe ees Ree ak alot 177 GENTRY, A. H., Studies in Bignoniaceae 26: New taxa and combinations in northwestern South American Bignoniaceae........... 183 ROBINSON, H., Studies in the Liabeae (Asteraceae). IX. Additions to NMMPEPOEN ALE VET VA MEDUIICTIN os ou xg Vascousn We Pg Het toe (0S Me a 199 MORAN, R.., Plant notes from the Sierra Juarez of Baja California, MENON a a Ga. in gh dg we end abaeae ans ATM Selo needy eo aaa a 205 MOLDENKE, H. N., Notes on new and noteworthy plants. XCVI...... 216 LAUGHLIN, K., A key to the principal glabrate species of Tilia....... yaw EY te 4 OOK TEPIEW © =o. <-o sal w ieee a tele be aed ook am el 220 BEETLE, A. A., Noteworthy grasses from Mexico IV .............. 221 TROTH, R. G., & NICOLSON, D. H., Artificial key to the common shrubs of the riverine forests, Royal Chitwan National MATTERS Ne 33. Sts. ytant A) 2 Rela ive Sue PR aint s Sn mapreteom ys O 224 KING, R. M., & ROBINSON, H., Studies in the Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). CLXI. A new species of Stevia from Costa Rica.......... 229 ROBINSON, H., Studies in the Liabeae (Asteraceae). X. Additions to Ree UTES) PIC HITS: 0 conn eg bas eae Re Wek Pakhs a 233 WURDACK, J. J., Certamen Melastomataceis XXVI ............... 241 MOLDENKE, H. N., Additional notes on the Eriocaulaceae. LXVII.... . 252 Published by Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L. Moldenke 303 Parkside Road Plainfield, New Jersey 07060 US.A. Price of this number, $2; per volume, $9.75 in advance or $10.50 after close of the volume; 75 cents extra to all foreign addresses; 512 pages constitute a volume K The variations of Alphitonia ponderosa (Rhamnaceae) Hawaiian Plant Studies 59 Harold St. John B. P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818, USA. Alphitonia ponderosa Hbd. was a tree highly esteemed by the Hawaiian people. Its wood is dark red, hard, strong, durable, and so heavy that it sinks in water. They used it in many ways, and especially to make hut beams, kapa beaters, spears, javelins, and the o'o or digging stick for spading cultivated fields. These uses are related by Degener (1930: 204, pl. 56). The tree is semixerophytic, occurring in the lowerffry forest or scrub on the leeward side of all the principal Hawaiian Islands. A number of the other denizens of these dry habitats are among the most widely distributed of the Hawaiian species, occurring as the same species on each of the principal islands. Among these are: Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv. ex R. & S., Panicum torridum Gaud., Argemone glauca Pope, Capparis sandwichiana DC., var. Zoharyi Deg. & Deg., Osteomeles anthyllidifolia (Sm.) Lindl., Cassia Gaudichaudii H. & A., Gossypium tomentosum Nutt. in Seem., Plumbago zeylanica L., Solanum Nelsoni Dunal in A. DC., Canthium odoratum (Forst. £.) Seem. Each of these occurs as a homogeneous species throughout its range, thus not showing island endemism. Until now there has been no suggestion that there was variation evident in Alphitonia ponderosa. On Oahu it is rare and local in the Waianae Mountains. Recent good collections from there have induced the writer to study and revise this species. He finds numerous small differences in vesture, leaves, flowers, and fruit, and these are correlated with their occurrence on the several islands. No single character is a strong, positive one of major significance. Hence, these differences are judged to be ones indic- ative of a varietal status. A. ponderosa was described by Hillebrand (1888: 81-82), and he recorded it from Kauai, 177 178 P tet. 0 470,41 ek Vol. 35, no. 3 Oahu, Molokai, Maui, and Hawaii, without desig- nating a type. His herbarium was finally placed in the Berlin Herbarium, but was there destroyed in 1944. Some duplicates from his herbarium were distributed, but it is not known how many there were Of this species. There is one at Kew, but its datalinclude merely Sandwich Islands. Fortunately, in the Bishop Museum there are two sheets with good flowering specimens, and one bears the data Molokai. In the diagnosis this was listed as "Molokai! Maunaloa;".This Molokai specimen in the Bishop Museum is here selected as the lectotype for the species. There is a world monograph of the genus by Braid (1926: 168-186), and he maintains the Hawaiian species as distinct, though most previous botanists had merged it with A. excelsa Reissek ex Endl., described from Australia, but subsequently thought to occur from Borneo to Polynesia. Braid restricted A. excelsa to Australia, and described three other Australian species, and recognized as endemics the species of the various Pacific archipelagos. Key to Varieties of Alphitonia ponderosa A. Hypanthium in fruit 10-ribbed; blades 6-12 cm long, acuminate, below with veinlet reticulation flush, and secondaries glabrous on the backs; calyx lobes 2 mm long. Oahu. 9S) var. costatal A. Hypanthium in fruit smooth, B. Blade veinlet reticulation elevated on lower side, C. Calyx lobes 1.3 mm wide; petioles downy; blades 6-10 cm long, acute or subacuminate. Lanai. 6. var. lanaiensis. C. Calyx lobes 1.3-1.8 mm wide; petioles pilosulous, D. Calyx lobes. 1.7-1..8 mm wide; blades 4-11 cm long, acute or subacuminate, the midrib and secondaries below pilose; blades 4-11 cm long. Maui. 2. var. auwahiensis. 1977 St. John, Variations of Alphitonia ponderosa 179 D. Calyx lobes 1.3-1.5 mm wide; midrib and secondaries below glabrous on the backs; blades 5-7 cm long, obtuse or subacute. Molokai. 1. var. ponderosa. B. Blade veinlet reticulation flush below, E. Midrib and secondaries below pilose; calyx lobes 2-2.2 mm long; blades (8-) 10-20 cm long, acuminate. Kauai. 4. var. grandifolia. E. Midrib and secondaries below glabrous on the backs; calyx lobes 1.8 mm long; blades 5-15 cm long, subacuminate. Hawaii. 5. var. Kauila. Alphitonia ponderosa Hbd., Fl. Haw. Is. 81-82, L883 Drake,eialh.) Bil).dins . Mana Pacit ., <6’ 140,1890; Heller, Minn. Bot. Stud. 1: 849- 850, 1897; Skottsberg, Gdéteb. Bot. Trddg., Meddel. 2: 245, 1926; 15: 396, 1944; Fagerlund & Mitchell, Hawaii Natl. Park, Nat. Hist. Bull. 9: 45, 1949; Neal, In Gardens of Hawaii, Bishop Mus., Spec. Publ. 50: 541, 1965. A. excelsa Reissek, in part, as to Hawaiian plants, sensu Mann, Am. Acad. Arts Sci., Proc. 7: 161-162, 1867; sensu Wawra, Flora 562.176, 1873. .(and)in,reprink paS7)}eecensu Sinc laivysindig iF « Baw. 2s. ~pbias «ees; sensu Rock, Indig. Trees Haw. Is. 285, 287, DL. UL2yr 913 1. var. ponderosa Diagnosis of Lectotype: Blades 5-7 cm long, obtuse or subacute, midrib and secondaries below glabrous on the backs, the veinlet reticulum elevated; petioles pilosulous; calyx lobes 1.3-1.5 mm wide, 1.4-1.7 mm long; hypanthium in fruit smooth. Lectotype: Hawaiian Islands, Molokai Island, Maunaloa, W. Hillebrand (BISH). In the Bishop Museum, there are only three Other collections of it: Kawela Gulch, 1912, C. N. Forbes 182.Mo.; Kamolo, 1910, Faurie 297; and ravine n. w. of Puu Makaliilii, 1928, O. Degener & H. Wiebke 3,343. Maunaloa is on the low, dry, west end, and 180 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 3 the other three are on the lower, leeward slopes of the central part of the island. 2. var. auwahiensis var. nov. Illustration: Rock, Indig. Trees Haw. Is. Pe eee 3 Diagnosis Holotypi: Laminis 4-11 cm longis acutis vel subacuminatis, midnervo et nervis secundariis infra pilosis, reticulis venularum infra elevatis, petiolis pilosulis, lobis calycis 1.7-1.8 mm latis, 1.7 mm longis, hypanthio in EGUcEU TNaevaes Diagnosis of Holotype: Blades 4-11 cm long, acute or subacuminate, the midrib and secondaries below pilose, the veinlet reticulum elevated below; petioles pilosulous; calyx lobes 1.7-1.8 mm wide, 1.7 mm long; hypanthium in fruit smooth. Holotypus: Hawaiian Islands, Maui Island, ARuwahi; 3,,000\V£t alt...~.Sune 305 1972,0H. iStzLJohn 261,18 7318 (BasSH)?: In the Bishop Museum there are 10 other spec- imens of this variety from east Maui, all from the Auwahi region on the lee side of Haleakala. 35 Weiss CoOSiecieel Welte’s ION Diagnosis Holotypi: Laminis 6-12 cm longis acuminatis, midnervo et nervis secundariis infra in dorsis glabris, reticulis venularum infra complanatis, petiolis pilosulis vel glabratis, lobis calycis 1.5-1.8 mm latis 2 mm longis, hypanthio in fructu 10-costato. Diagnosis of Holotype: Blades 6-12 cm long, acuminate; midrib and secondaries below glabrous on their backs, the veinlet reticulum flush; petioles pilosulous to glabrate; calyx lobes 1.5-1.8 mm wide, 2 mm long; hypanthium in fruit 10-ribbed. Holotypus: Hawaiian Islands, Oahu Island, Makua Valley, V-shaped gulch against backbone, among Metrosideros, Dodonaea, Diospyros, etc., 1,600 £t alt.,: Nov.) (285/11 976) .John. (Obata 76-305 (BISH). In the Bishop Museum there are 5 other colec- tions of this variety, all from the Waianae Mts. One is from Pohakea Pass, but the others are all 1977 St. John, Variations of Alphitonia ponderosa 181 from the dry slopes of Mt. Kaala, in Makua, Makaleha, and Mokuleia Valleys. 4. var. grandifolia, var. nov. Illustrations: Sinclair, F.,Indig. Fl. Hawes. (pls 25), shoo. Diagnosis Holotypi: Laminis (8-) 10-20 cm longis acuminatis, midnervo et nervis secundariis infra pilosis, reticulis venularum infra com- planatis, petiolis pubentibus vel glabratis, lobis calycis 1.7 mm latis 2-2.2 mm longis, hypanthio in fructu Jaevi. Diagnosis of Holoype: Blades (8-) 10-20 cm long, acuminate; midrib and secondary veins below pilose, the veinlet reticulum flush below; petioles downy or glabrate; calyx lobes 1.7 mm wide, 2-2.2 mm long; hypanthium in fruit smooth. Holétypus: Hawaiian Islands, Kauai Island, Kokee Park, upper Waimea Canyon, 2 miles s. of Park Headquarters, moderately dry forest, 3,000 Be alt. - uly 10 7 2966, Sr sCarlquist.) 956 -(BESH) - Also in the Bishop Museum there are 27 addit- ional specimens of this variety, all from Kauai. The variety ranges from Kokee to Kaholuamano, and the Hii Mountains. a. Val. “Kauila var > “nov. Illustration: Degener, Pl. Hawaii Natl. Park, Die 565) 19305 Diagnosis Holotypi: Laminis 5-15 cm longis subacuminatis, midnervo et nervis secundariis infra in dorsis glabris, reticulis venularum infra complanatis, petiolis pilosulis, lobis calycis 1.5-1.7 mm latis 1.8 mm longis, hypanthio in fructu laevi. Diagnosis of Holotype: Blades 5-15 cm long, subacuminate, the midrib and secondaries below glabrous on the backs, the veinlet reticulum flush; petioles pilosulous; calyx lobes 1.5-1.7 mm wide, 1.8 mm long; hypanthium in fruit smooth. Holotypus: Hawaiian Islands, Hawaii Island, between Puuwaawaa and Huehue, Aug. 18, 1926, O. Degener 3,344 (BISH). In the Bishop Museum there are 37 other sheets of this variety. It is abundant in the 182 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 3 Puuwaawaa region, North Kona District, and occurs from there south to the region of South Point, then northeast to Kilauea. 6. var. lanaiensis, var. nov. Diagnosis Holotypi: Laminis 6-10 cm longis acutis vel subacuminatis, midnervo et nervis secundariis infra pilosis, reticulis venularum infra elevatis, petiolis pubentibus, lobis calycis 1.3 mm latis 1.5-1.6 mm longis, hypanthio in EEUU ae vars Diagnosis of Holotype: Blades 6-10 cm long, acute or subacuminate, the midrib and secondaries below pilose, the veinlet reticulum elevated; petioles downy; calyx lobes 1.3 mm wide, 1.5-1.6 mm long; hypanthium in fruit smooth. Holotypus: Hawaiian Islands, Lanai Island, Maunalei, flowering 10/11/13, fruiting 2/24/15, GuiGeaeMunsou472 (Bish) : In the Bishop Museum there are 13 other col- lections of this variety from Lanai. The range is at middle altitudes, encircling the uplands. Literature Cited Braid, K.Wi,01926.) Revision of che genus Alphitonia. Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 1925: 168-186, 1 map. Degener, Otto, 1930. Ferns and Flowering Plants of Hawaii National Park. I-XV, 1-312, pl. 1-95, figs. 1-45. Star Bulletin, Honolulu. Hillebrand, William. 1888. Flora of the Hawaiian Islands, I-XCVI, 1-673. Heidelberg, Go Walinhecie STUDIES IN BIGNONIACEAE 26: NEW TAXA AND COMBINATIONS IN NORTHWESTERN SOUTH AMERICAN BIGNONIACEAE Alwyn H. Gentry* Missouri Botanical Garden My on-going studies of neotropical Bignoniaceae have turned up five undescribed taxa of this family from western Ecuador and adjacent Peru. Several new combinations in the family are also proposed as a result of taxonomic insight gained from field work in northwestern South America. AMPHILOPHIUM ECUADORENSE A. Gentry, sp. nov. Frutex scandens; ramuli hexagoni, pilosi, sine consociebus glandularum in nodis inter petioles; pseudo- stipulae foliaceae; folia 2-foliolata, interdum cirrhis fissis, foliolis ovatis, membranaceis, subtus dense puberulis; inflorescentia floribus in panicula angusta, villosa; calyx duplex, pubescens; corolla rubra, tubulosa, valde bilabiata; stamina didynama, thecis divaricatis; ovarium ovato-cylindricum, dense puberulum; discus annulo-pulvinatus; capsula elliptica, rasilis, dense molliter tomentosa. Liana; branchlets sharply hexagonal with ribbed angles, pilose, especially on the angles with simple or short- branched dendroid yellowish trichomes, these less than 1 mm long, interpetiolar glandular fields lacking; pseudostipules foliaceous, persistent, to 0.8 mm in diameter. Leaves 2-foliolate, sometimes with a trifid tendril, the leaflets ovate, acute, cordate at base, 4-12 cm long, 2.5-12 cm wide, membranaceous, palmately veined at base, densely and uniformly yellowish-puberulous beneath with short dendroid trichomes, above less densely puberulous with short simple and forked trichomes; petiolules 1-4 cm long, petioles 2-6 mm long, villous with short-branched dendroid trichomes. Inflorescence a rather narrow panicle, villous with yellowish mostly dendroid trichomes, bracteate with linear or lanceolate bracts 0.5-1 cm long. Flowers with calyx double, the inner calyx irregularly 2-labiate, outer calyx irregularly 5-lobed, lepidote and yellowish-pubescent with simple, forked and dendroid trichomes, the latter mostly branched only at tips, 9-11 cm long, 10-11 cm wide; * This work was supported by National Science Founda- tion Grants GB-40103, OIP75-18202 and DEB 75-20325-A0l1. 183 18h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 3 corolla magenta, tubular, bilabiate, 2.5-3 cm long, ca. 1 cm wide, the upper 2 lobes thick, almost completely fused, the lower 3 fused, ca. 5 mm long, the tube split ca. half its length, viscid, glabrous; stamens didynamous, the anther thecae divaricate, 2 mm long; ovary ovate-cylindrical, slightly contracted at base, 2 mm long, 2 mm wide, densely pubescent with forked and branched trichomes, the ovules many-seriate in each locule; disc annular-pulvinate, 1 mm long, ca. 3 mm wide. Capsule elliptic, flattened, 9 cm long, 4.2 cm wide, the midline not evident, smooth-surfaced, densely and softly viscid tomentose with forked and stellate trichomes, also lepidote; seeds not seen. Type: ECUADOR: Guayas: dry tropical forest, Cerro Bella Vista near Julio Moreno, 29 Aug 1965, Jativa & Epling 974 (holotype NY, isotype S). Endemic to the coastal dry forest region of Ecuador and adjacent extreme northwestern Peru below 1500 m altitude. Additional collections examined: ECUADOR: Manabi: near Jipijapa, 19 Jul 1942, Haught 3399 (F, K, US). El Oro: vicinity of Portovelo, 6-15 Oct 1918, Rose & Rose 23378 (US); Rfo Amarillo upstream from Portovelo, 640-760 m, 22 Aug 1943, Steyermark 54023 (NY); trail between Portovelo and Rio Cabra passing Minas Nuevas, 640-1645 m, 23 Aug 1943, Steyermark 54078 (NY). PERU: Tumbez: entre Palamble y Faique, monte baja, 1400-1500 m, 2 May 1955, Ferreyra et al. 10896 (MO, USM). This species is more densely pubescent than any of the forms of highly variable A. paniculatum (L.) HBK. It also differs from A. paniculatum in its persistent pseudo- stipules and especially the viscid yellowish-tomentose fruit. I have previously identified several flowering collections of A. ecuadorense with A. pannosum (DC.) Bur. & K. Schum. which is similar in its dense pubescence and persistent pseudostipules but has a very different rugose- tuberculate fruit and is also ecologically distinct in being restricted to wet forest habitats. DELOSTOMA GRACILE A. Gentry, sp. nov. - Fig. l. Arbusto; ramuli subteretes; folia simplicia, obovata, apiculata, plus minusve integra, fere glabrata; inflores- centia floribus in racemo angusto gracili; calyx cupulatus, simplex; corolla carnea, peranguste tubulo-campanulata, extus sparsim minute puberula; stamina stigmaque exserta; capsula ignota. OTT Gentry, Studies in Bignoniaceae 185 Fig. 1. Delostoma gracile A. Gentry. A. Habit; B. Inflorescence with mature buds (part of largest bud removed to show position of anthers); C. Inflorescence with young buds; D. Flower (note exserted stigma; anthers broken off). (All Bai f 3). 186 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 3 Shrub 6 m tall, branchlets subterete to somewhat angulate, puberulous, the nodes without interpetiolar glandular fields or pseudostipules. Leaves simple, obovate, apiculate, rounded at base, 3-9.5 cm long, 1.5-5.5 cm wide, the margin subentire or serrate towards apex, somewhat 3-veined from base, more or less glabrate above and below, membranaceous to chartaceous, sparsely puberulous along main veins below, with plate-shaped glands in axils of basal lateral nerves below, petiole 0.5-3 cm long, puberulous. Inflorescence an open few-flowered terminal raceme, slightly puberulous, pedicel pairs separated by about 2 cm, the pedicels ca. 1 cm long. Flowers with the calyx cupular, simple, evenly 5-dentate, 6-7 mm long, 6 mm wide, sparsely puberulous with scattered trichomes; corolla "flesh-color", very narrowly tubular-campanulate, 6 cm long, 0.9 cm wide at mouth of tube, the tube 4.5 cm long, the lobes long and narrow, 1-1.3 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, sparsely and minutely puberulous outside, the lobes inside glabrous but glandular-surfaced; stamens exserted, the anther thecae parallel, pendent, 3.5 mm long; pistil ca. 6 cm long, stigma long-exserted, style sparsely pilose, ovary and disc not seen. Fruit not seen. Type: PERU: Tumbez: Prov. Tumbez, mountains SE of Hacienda La Choza, 900-1000 m, deciduous bushwood, 27-28 Feb 1927, Weberbauer 7683 (F, fragm. MO). This plant differs from other species of the genus especially in its slender open inflorescence, narrow thin-textured corolla tube, long narrow corolla lobes, exserted stigma and anthers, and small simple unridged calyx. The flesh-colored flowers are unique if correctly reported. Its closest relative is D. lobbii Seem., the only other Delostoma with exserted anthers and a similar corolla shape. That species differs in the inflorescence reduced to one or two flowers, a larger (11-20 mm long) calyx with prominent submarginal lobes, red flower color, and different habitat (1550-3250 m). Delostoma gracile has the smallest calyx in the genus and is the only species occurring below 1500 m, and the only one with an open slender inflorescence. PACHYPTERA ERYTHRAEA (Dugand) A. Gentry, stat. nov. Pachyptera kerere var. erythraea Dugand. Caldasia ie 16. 1955. Type: Colombia: Santander, Romero- Castaneda 4727 (COL). Only a single specimen of this taxon was available to Dugand when he described it as merely a variety of widespread 1977 Gentry, Studies in Bignoniaceae 187 P. kerere, distinguished mostly by its red (rather than white) flowers but also by the wider corollas. I have studied both species in the field and the numerous additional specimens now available confirm that the red-flowered plant endemic to the middle Madgalena Valley of Colombia merits species recognition. In addition to the different flower color and larger corolla dimensions noted by Dugand, its anthers are exserted or subexserted rather than included. The calyx of the Magdalena Valley plant is evenly truncate and cupular while that of P. kerere is irregularly sub-bilabiate to unevenly truncate and broadened gradually toward the apex. Moreover the corolla of P. erythraea is shaped quite differently from that of P. kerere. The former's corolla tube expands above the short basal constriction to become tubular campanulate from well below the middle, while the corolla tube of P. kerere expands relatively gradually near the middle above a much longer tubular base; diameter dat middle of the tube in P. kerere is 3-7 mm, in P. erythraea (9-)11-15 mm (fig. 2). Vegetatively P. erythraea is distinguished from P. kerere by the (usually) densely puberulous leaf undersurfaces (of all specimens examined, only the type collection is glabrescent). The fruit of P. erythraea, like that of P. kerere var. incarnata (Aubl.) A. Gentry, is flat, without a visible midline and has thin, winged seeds. P. kerere var. incarnata, which sometimes has light magenta (but never red) corollas, has glabrous leaves and flowers of the size and shape of typical P. kerere, and is best maintained as a variant of P. kerere. TABEBUIA BILLBERGII ssp. AMPLA A. Gentry, ssp. nov. Differt ab T. billbergii ssp. billbergii calyce majore, corolla majore, ovario majore, et capsula latiore. Similar to typical T. billbergii except in the markedly greater size of its calyx, corolla, and ovary and the wider capsule (see Table 1). Shrub or tree 3-12 m tall, twigs terete, glabrate. Leaves palmately 5-foliolate, the leaflets narrowly ovate, acute to acuminate, the base rounded, the leaflets to 10 cm long and 5 cm wide, usually smaller, the terminal largest, laterals smallest, entire or subentire, chartaceous, inconspicuously scattered lepidote above, rather densely minutely lepidote below, above glabrate or simple puberu- lous along midvein, below mostly glabrate, usually with a few simple trichomes around margins of domatiate nerve axils, drying olive gray to black; petiolules to 2.5 cm long, laterals shorter, petiole to 6 cm long, thin, 188 PHY T.0.1001G TA Vol. 35, no. 3 inconspicuously lepidote and puberulous to glabrate. Inflorescence several (2-8) flowers clustered at the end of a branchlet, the pedicels to 1 cm long, densely tannish tomentose, the resting buds sessile, tannish mealy pubescent, bracts and bracteoles not apparent. Flowers with the calyx campanulate, 5-dentate, (8-)9-15 mm long, 7-12 mm wide, pubescent with pale tannish thick-stellate trichomes, these dense at base and along the 5 ribs, descending from the marginal teeth, the often contrasting brownish or blackish calyx surface visible toward margin between the ribs; corolla lemon yellow with reddish or brownish striations in throat, tubular-infundibuliform, 6-8 cm long, 1.4-2 cm wide at mouth of tube, the tube 3.5-4.5 cm long, the lobes 1.3-2.5 cm long, glabrous outside, inside pubescent with rather scattered long multicelled trichomes mostly along throat ridges; stamens inserted 5-6 mm from base of corolla tube, the filaments 1-1.8 cm long, the anther thecae divaricate, 2-3 mm long, the staminode 2-3 mm long; pistil 2.5-3 cm long, the ovary linear, 5-6 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, densely lepidote, the ovules 2-seriate in each locule; disc pulvinate, 0.5 mm long, 3 mm wide. Capsule linear-oblong, subterete, 17-29 cm long, 8-10 mm wide, scattered lepidote, sometimes also minutely and very inconspicuously puberulous, drying dark; the seeds thin, bialate, 0.5-0.6 cm long, 1.2-1.7 cm wide, the wings hyaline-membranaceous, sharply demarcated from body of seed. Type: ECUADOR: Guayas: 1 km E of turnoff to Julio Moreno on Guayaquil-Salinas toll road, 30 Oct. 1974, Gentry 12243 (holotype MO, isotypes QCA, S) Dry forest of coastal Ecuador and adjacent Tumbez, Peru. Additional collections examined: ECUADOR: Guayas: Isidro Ayora, 12 Sep 1955, Asplund 17607 (NY, S); W. of Guayaquil, 18 Oct 1955, Asplund 18194 (S); outskirts of Pedro Carbo, 29 Oct 1974, Gentry 12236, 12237 (both MO); 1 km E of Isidro Ayora, 29 Oct 1974, Gentry 12239, 12240 (both MO); 32 km E of CGerecita on toll road to Guayaquil, 29 Oct 1974, Gentry 12241 (MO); 20 km of Cerecita ca. 7 km 1, OE Changon, 30 Oct 1974, Gentry 12252 (MO); 3 km N of Guayaquil, Little 6568 (F); between Guayaquil and Salinas, Mexia 6758 (F); near Guayaquil, Mille 86 (F); coastal plain SE of Guayaquil, Rimbac 62 (F); Guayaquil, Nov. 1963, Valverde 931 (MO). PERU: Tumbez: Prov. Tumbez, Ricaplaya, valley of Tumbez river, 100-150 m deciduous bushwood, 4-5 Mar, 1927, Weberbauer 7734 (MO, NY). Prov. Zarumilla, 80-100 m alt, 18 Feb 1960, Ferreyra 14158 (MO, USM); Papayal, 105 m alt., open thickets, 19 Feb 1976, Plowman 5503 (MO). 1977 Gentry, Studies in Bignoniaceae 189 As currently understood T. billbergii has a remarkably disjunct range, occurring along the Caribbean coast of Venezuela and Colombia and in the dry coastal forest of southwestern Ecuador and adjacent Peru. In the process of preparing treatments of Bignoniaceae for both the Flora of Venezuela and the Flora of Ecuador, I have examined numerous herbarium specimens of T. billbergii and studied it in the field in both parts of its range. rather minor differences prove to exist between the two populations. Numerous constant but These differences, correlated with a large range disjunction, support taxonomic recognition for the However none of these differences, mostly related to the greater flower size of the Ecuadorian taxon, seem especially significant and subspecific recognition seems appropriate. Ecuadorian plant. Table 1--Differences between T. billbergii ssp. billbergii and ssp. ampla range calyx length calyx width corolla length tube width pistil length ovary length ovary width leaf indumentum leaflet margin capsule length capsule width ssp. billbergii northern Colombia and Venezuela 5-8 mm 4-9 mm 3-5.5(-7) cm 1-1.4 cm /=2 13, Cm 3=5 cm 0.7-0.8 mm slightly lepidote mostly serrate 14-23 cm 5-7 mm ssp. ampla southwestern Ecuador and adjacent Peru (8-)9-13 mm 7-12 mm 7-12 cm 1.4-2 cm 2.5-3 cm 5-6 cm 1-1.5 mm densely impressed- lepidote always entire i —29) em 8-10 mm 190 Pag Poe oe Pe Vol. 35, TABEBUIA CHRYSANTHA ssp. PLUVICOLA A. Gentry, ssp. nov. Tecoma grandis Appun, Behand. Samereien und Pflanzen 39. (1858), nom. nud. Differt ab T. chrysantha ssp. chrysantha calyce majore minus puberulo et capsula majore plus minusve glabrescenti. Tree to 30 m tall,small buttresses to 2 ft tall, the bark rather smooth; branchlets subtetragonal, stellate rufescent when young, more or less glabrescent. Leaves palmately 5(-7) foliolate, the leaflets elliptic to oblong obovate, acute to short-acuminate, obtuse to truncate at base, the terminal leaflet to 25 cm long and 14 cm wide, in laterals progressively smaller, entire at maturity, membranaceous, more or less glabrescent above, usually more or less stellate puberulous along main veins and often sparsely lepidote, below more or less persistently stellate pubescent at least along main veins and usually sparsely over surface; terminal petiolule 3-8 cm long, laterals shorter, petiole 6-30 cm long, stellate-rufescent to glabrescent. Inflorescence a contracted terminal panicle, often almost fasciculate, stellate-rufescent, bracts and bracteoles usually 3-4 mm long. Flowers with the calyx campanulate, 5-lobed, the lobes usually more or less reflexed, (12-)14-19 mm long, 9-19 mm wide, shortly reddish brown stellate pubescent, the tomentum denser toward base; corolla tubular-infundibuliform, 6-11.5 cm long, yellow with reddish penciling in throat, the vena- tion (dried) reticulate to margins of lobes, the dried tube and lobes indistinguishable in color, the tube 4-8 cm long, 1.8-3 cm wide at mouth of tube, the lobes 1.5-3 cm long, glabrous outside except a few stellate trichomes along main veins of lobes and upper part of tube, the sinuses and floor of throat rather densely pilose with long simple trichomes inside; stamens didynamous, inserted 5-6 mm from base of corolla tube, the anther thecae divaricate, 2-3 mm long, the filaments 1.5-2.5 cm long, the staminode 8-11 cm long; pistil 3-3.9 cm long, the ovary linear-oblong, 4-8 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide, densely minutely lepidote to apparently glabrous; disc annular- pulvinate, 1 mm long, 3-5 mm wide. Capsule linear- cylindric, 30-80 cm long, 1.5-2.4 cm wide, usually almost completely glabrescent; seeds thin, bialate, 0.6-0.9 cm long, 2.5-3.4 cm wide, the hyaline-membranaceous wings well-demarcated from seed body. Type: ECUADOR: Pichincha: 17 km E of Santo Domingo de los Colorados, 800 m, 1 Feb 1974, Gentry 9505 (holotype MO, isotypes QCA, S, GB). 1977 Gentry, Studies in Bignoniaceae Mostly restricted to Holdridge-system wet forest from Costa Rica to the coastal cordillera of northern Venezuela and south along both sides of the Andes to Ecuador. Additional collections examined: COSTA RICA: Alajuela: near Villa Quesada, Gentry 470 (MO, WIS); Seibert 1602 (MO, US). Heredia: La Selva, Opler 484, 893 (both MO); near La Virgen, Gentry 525, 526 (both MO, WIS); near Puerto Viejo, Gentry 529 (MO, WIS), Gentry 1031, 1173, 1181 (all MO), Little & Budowski 20386 (CR). PANAMA: Canal Zone: Pipeline road, premontane wet forest area, Gentry 1795 (MO). Coclé: above El Valle de Anton, 1000 m, Gentry 5681 (MO). Colén: ca. 20 miles E of Canal Zone on Santa Rita Ridge road, Gentry 456 (MO). Darien: Cerro Pavarando, Gentry 4211 (MO); Cerro Pirre, 500-1000 m, Gentry 4584, 4611 (both MO); Cerro Mali, 1400 m, Gentry & Mori 13825 (MO). Panama: El Llano-Carti Road 4.8 miles N of Pan-Am Highway, Gentry 5074 (MO). Veraguas: 3.5-4.5 mi above Santa Fé, Gentry 3082 (MO). VENEZUELA: Aragua: Rancho Grande, 800-1100 m, Pittier 15284 (US, VEN); Maracay-Choroni, 1200 m, Tamayo 1619 (VEN, not US); Rancho Grande, 1080 m, Williams 10334 (F, VEN). Lara: San Isidro, Guarico, selvas nubladas, Tamayo 3358 (VEN). Merida: abajo del Trampa, 2000 m, Bernardi 2168 (K, NY); 20 km W of Merida, 1700 m, Breteler 3239 (NY, U, US, VEN); 35 km NW of Merida 1150 m, Breteler 3493 (MER, NY, U); 10 km O de Ejido, Little 15235 (VEN); between Merida and La Punta, 1520-1820 m, Steyermark 55926 (F, K, VEN). COLOMBIA: Choco: Panama border near Cerro Tacarcuna, 1200 m, Gentry & Mori 13751 (MO); Alto de Buey, ca. 1200 m, Gentry & Forero 7308 (COL, MO). Boyaca: E of Chap6n, 100 mi NW of Bogota, 4000 ft, Lawrence 124 (F). Cundinamarca: cercanias de San Bernardo, 1800-1600 m, Cuatrecasas 9620 (F). Valle: Tulua, 1024 m, Moreno & Gonzalez 7 (COL, MO). ECUADOR: Esmeraldas: 2 km N of Quinindé, Gentry 9568 (MO), 2 mi W of Rio Quinindé from Quinindé, Little 6211 (NY, US). Pichincha: 17 km E of Santo Domingo de los Colorados, 800 m, Gentry 10222 (MO, fruits of same tree as type). Manabi: 21 km S of Jipijapa on road to Guayaquil, 23 km N of Cascol, 370 m, Gentry 12214, 12219 (both MO). Bolivar: Valle de Lim6én, Cordillera era Occidental, 800 m, Acosta Solis 6451 (F). Guayas: 2-4 km W of Bucay, 170 m, Oct 1974, Gentry 12319 (MO). Napo: 44 km E of El Chaco, 1400 m, Nov 1974, Gentry 12408 (MO). Tabebuia chrysantha is a widespread and variable species. I have realized for some time that two forms of this species are readily distinguishable in the herbarium-—- one with short calyces pubescent with longer trichomes, in part barbate, the other with large calyces having a less dense shorter-stellate tomentum. While these two forms 191 192 Po YO OG Tk Vol. 35, no. 3 are clearly distinct any attempt at taxonomic recognition has seemed inadvisable due to the absence of type material of Jacquin's Bignonia chrysantha and the problem of definitely assigning the type illustration to either of them. However recent study of this complex in Venezuela shows that only forms with shorter more pubescent calyces reach Caracas, the type locality of Bignonia chrysantha. In Venezuela the large calyxed form is restricted to montane cloud forest habitats from Rancho Grande (Aragua) west. It is thus undescribed except for the nomen nudum listed above. Interestingly Pittier (in herb.) considered the cloud forest plant specifically distinct but failed to validate a name for it. Calyx Size is not the only differentiating character- istic of this plant: its fruit is smooth and almost com- pletely glabrescent as well as being larger than the dis- tinctly stellate tomentose often striate or rough-surfaced one of typical T. chrysantha. Moreover typical T. chrysantha is restricted to lowland moist and dry forest habitats and is thus ecologically isolated from the wet forest plant. For example at Rancho Grande National Park, Venezuela, ssp. chrysantha occurs in moist forest up to 700 m while ssp. pluvicola occurs only in cloud forest over 800 m. Similarly in Ecuador ssp. chrysantha occurs only in the coastal dry forest while ssp. pluvicola occurs in lowland wet and moist forest; only in Esmeraldas Province do their distributions overlap and there ssp. chrysantha is restricted to a small dry forest enclave near the coast while ssp. pluvicola is widespread in moist and wet forest regions. The correlated differences in fruit, calyx, and ecology between these two forms of T. chrysantha suggests their taxonomic separation at least at subspecific rank. Additional collections of the complex from throughout its range are needed and might well lead to elevation of ssp. pluvicola to specific rank. Although a widespread well-known locally common and commercially important tree which is exceedingly conspicuous when in flower, it is amazingly poorly represented in herbaria. The situation in Panama may be cited to support this point (as well as to emphasize the general lack of adequate herbarium repre- sentation of neotropical tree species, especially wet forest ones). Tabebuia chrysantha ssp. pluvicola occurs throughout Panama's wet forest regions (including such easily accessible ones as El Valle, Santa Fe, El Llano- Carti, Pipeline Road, and Santa Rita Ridge) but I am the only one who has ever collected it anywhere in the country. More fruiting specimens especially are needed before the relationship of ssp. pluvicola and ssp. chrysantha can be thoroughly understood. 1977 Gentry, Studies in Bignoniaceae 193 TABEBUIA CHRYSANTHA ssp. MERIDIONALIS A. Gentry, ssp. nov. Differt ab T. chrysantha ssp. chrysantha calyce majore et foliolis plus dense pubescentibus, ab T. chrysantha ssp. pluvicola calycis trichomatibus longioribus et foliolorum tomento. Tree to 20 m tall and 50 cm dbh, bark very pale, smooth with longitudinal cracks. Branchlets subtetragonal, densely tannish-stellate pubescent when young, glabrescent. Leaves palmately 5-foliolate, the leaflets elliptic, acute, obtuse at base, entire, densely stellate and dendroid pubescent beneath, with tufts of similar but longer trichomes in nerve axils beneath, partially glabrescent above, drying tannish below (cf. T. ochracea), petioles and petiolules lepidote and stellate and dendroid pubescent. Inflorescence a contracted terminal panicle, the branches stellate pubescent, the bracts conspicuous, linear, 5-12 mm long. Flowers with the calyx campanulate, irregularly 5-lobed, 15-20 mm long and 9-12 mm wide, pubescent with reddish-tan stellate and dendroid trichomes; corolla tubular-infundibuliform, ca. 6 cm long and 2 cm wide at mouth of tube, glabrous outside except for a few long lax simple trichomes on and just below the lobes, inside with the sinuses pilose, densely pilose in floor of throat and at stamen insertion; stamens didynamous, the thecae 3-4 mm long; ovary linear-oblong, glabrous, 5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide; disc annular-pulvinate, 1 mm long, 2.5 mm wide. Fruit unknown. Type: ECUADOR: Chimborazo: Canyon of the Rio Chanchan, 5 km N of Huigra, 5000-6500 ft., moist forest valley in the afternoon fog belt; trees to 20 m high, 0.5 m diameter, this species is exceedingly floriferous and easily the showiest of the forest trees of the region at this season, 19-28 May, 1945, Camp E-3458 (holotype MO, isotypes F, K, NY, U). Apparently restricted to isolated patches of Holdridge system premontane humid forest from 1200-2000 m on the slopes of the western Andes in southern Ecuador. Additional collections examined: ECUADOR: El Oro: Camino de Zaruma a Malvas, 1200 m, 13 Sep 1947, Espinosa 2241 (K); between Portovelo and El Tambo, 2 Sep 1923, Hitchcock 21290 (NY); vicinity of Portovelo, 6-15 Oct 1918, Rose & Rose 23443 (NY); loc. ignon., Steyermark 54007 (K). This is the southernmost representative of the wide- spread and polymorphic T. chrysantha complex. Vegetatively ssp. meridionalis is more like T. ochracea (Cham.) Standl. 19h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 3 (especially T. ochracea ssp. neochrysantha) than like typical T. chrysantha in the dense tannish tomentum of the leaf undersurface. However, flowering collections are very similar to T. chrysantha ssp. pluvicola and prove the affinity of this taxon with T. chrysantha. The leaves of some collections of T. chrysantha ssp. chrysantha from coastal Ecuador approach ssp. meridionalis in density of pubescence, but calyces of these lowland plants are much smaller than in ssp. meridionalis. As is so often the case in Tabebuia, there are problems in determining which flowering collections are conspecific with which vegetative or fruiting collections. Sandwith (in herb.) identified flowering collections of ssp. meridionalis as T. spectabilis (Pl. & Lind. ex Pl.) Nichols. and vegetative material (doubtfully) as T. heteropoda (DC.) Sandw. (i.e. IT. ochracea sensu lato). However I strongly suspect that all the upland material from southwestern Ecuador represents a single taxon with a unique combination of vegetative and floral characters. Flowering material of ssp. meridionalis is intermediate between ssp. pluviatilis and poorly known T. spectabilis of the northern Cordillera Oriental of Colombia which suggests that T. spectabilis itself may also prove an extreme variant of T. chrysantha. Alternatively it is possible that additional collections, especially of flowers, fruits and leaves from the same plant, would justify elevation of some or all of these geographical segregates to specific rank. SPATHICALYX DUCKEI (A. Samp.) A. Gentry, comb. nov. Tanaecium duckei A. Samp., Ann. Acad. Bras. Sc. 7: 125919385.) ilype: Brazil, Paral, Obidos,. Duckey sim (MG 17137) (K, MO, RB, US). Spathicalyx kuhlmannii J. C. Gomes, Mus. Nat. Hasier Nat. Paris 15: 222), 1956. Type: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Sumare, Kuhlmann s.n. (RB 77623) (K, MO, RB). Examination of the types of Tanaecium duckei and Spathicalyx kuhlmannii, two (presumably) hawk moth-pollinated Brazilian species shows that they are not only congeneric but apparently conspecific as well. Sampaio's original description of this plant in Tanaecium was tentative and I regard such major differences as long membranaceous subspathaceous calyx, gland-tipped, sometimes forked vegetative trichomes, trifid tendrils, very finely reticulate pollen, and cordate (to truncate) more or less palmately veined leaflets as outweighing the similarity 1977 Gentry, Studies in Bignoniaceae 195 of the elongate tubular white corolla with that of Tanaecium. The only other genus of Bignonieae with a similar corolla is monotypic Leucocalantha which seems no more closely related to this plant than does Tanaecium. Gomes's monotypic genus is justified and the new combina- tion proposed above is unavoidable. In addition to the two types cited above I have seen recent collections of this species from Amazonian Colombia (Amazonas: Leticia, Gentry 12705A (MO)) and Brazil (Amazonas: Km. 130-150, Manaus-Caracarai Road, Gentry 12986 (INPA, MO); Tapuruquara, Prance et al. 15830 (MO); Para: Campus of IPEAN, Belem, Gentry 13085 (MO)). Spathicalyx duckei turns out to be a widespread species occurring through most of lowland Amazonia. SPATHICALYX XANTHOPHYLLA (DC.) A. Gentry, comb. nov. Tabebuia xanthophylla DC., Prodr. 9: 214. 1845. Type: Brazil, Amazonas, Martius 2967 (M (7 sheets), G-DC). Phryganocydia xanthophylla Mart. ex DC., Prodr. 9: 214. 1845. nom. nud., pro syn. Arrabidaea xanthophylla (DC.) Bur. & K. Schum., in Mart., Fl. Bras. 8(2): 70. 2896. Xylophragma xanthophylla ("Bur. & K. Schum.") Macbride, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 13(95): 65. 1961. Generic affinity of this remarkable plant, which differs from all other species of Bignoniaceae in its bright yellow upper leaves, has never been satisfactorily established. Originally placed in Tabebuia, a then heterogeneous hodgepodge defined by a bilabiate calyx, it is now known to be a member of the predominantly lianous Bignonieae. Following Bureau & K. Schumann (1896-97), it is generally placed in Arrabidaea from which it differs in such important features as trifid tendrils, yellow flowers, 4-many-seriate ovules, palmately 5-7-veined leaflets and the presence of peculiar orangish glands on the leaves and outside of the corolla tube. Other somewhat unusual features for Arrabidaea include a membranaceous bilabiate calyx, subulate (though small) pseudostipules, dendroid vegetative trichomes, complete absence of 3-foliolate leaves, and a dendroid-pubescent fruit lacking a visible midline. Macbride's placement in Xylophragma is no improvement as that genus shares such characteristics of Arrabidaea as simple tendrils, purple flowers, a cupular, 5-denticulate calyx and blunt pseudostipules; the fruit of 197 Gentry, Studies in Bignoniaceae 197 Fig. 2. (opposite). Pachyptera and Tabebuia. A. Flower of P. erythraea (Dugand) A. Gentry--bright red with truncate cupular calyx, broad corolla tube, exserted anthers; B. Flower of P. kerere (Aubl.) Sandw.--white with campanulate shallowly lobed calyx, narrow corolla tube, included anthers. C-D. Tabebuia chrysantha (Jacq.) Nichols. C. Flower of T. chrysantha ssp. chrysantha from coastal dry forest in Ecuador (Gentry et al. 12193); D. Flower of T. chrysantha ssp. pluvicola A. Gentry from Ecuadorian wet forest (Gentry 9505 (MO, type)) (All x 2/3). 198 P He¥cl OvOrGrl & Vol. 35, no. 3 Xylophragma is woody and oblong, quite unlike the thin linear fruit of this species. Vegetatively this species is very like Spathicalyx duckei (cf. above) which has similar trifid tendrils, subulate pseudostipules, cordate, more or less palmately-—veined never 3-foliolate leaflets, and especially the frequent presence of glands similar to those of "A." xanthophylla except for being stalked. The calyx of both species is membranaceous but that of Spathi- calyx is subspathaceously rather than bilabiately split. Both species have very finely reticulate 3-colporate pollen (Tomb and Gentry, in prep.), and 4 phloem arms in stem cross section. Certainly Spathicalyx duckei seems to be the closest relative of "A." xanthophylla. On the other hand the presumably hawk-moth pollinated, elongate tubular flower of S. duckei is white and much longer than that of "A." xanthophylla. Whether this difference justifies segregation of "A." xanthophylla as a monotypic genus is unclear, especially since the fruit of S. duckei is not yet known. In view of the generally too-narrow generic limits and plethora of monotypic genera which traditionally have plagued Bignoniaceae taxonomy (Gentry, 1972), I opt for placement of A. xanthophylla in Spathicalyx with its closest relative despite the major floral differences between the two species. Several other genera (e.g. Arrabidaea, Tabebuia) include both hawk-moth pollinated and bee-pollinated species and the floral differences within such genera are greater than those between S. xanthophylla and S. duckei. It now seems probably that the floral similarities between most species of Bignoniaceae adapted for hawk-moth pollination reflect evolutionary convergence rather than common ancestry. Conversely, the corolla differences associated with different modes of polination, such as those between S. duckei and S. xantho- phylla, may be of less taxonomic significance than generally supposed. Literature Cited Bureau, E. & K. Schum. 1896-97. Bignoniaceae. In Martius, Flora Brasiliensis 8(2). Gentry, A. H. 1973. Generic delimitations of Central American Bignoniaceae. Brittonia 25: 226-242. STUDIES IN THE LIABEAE (ASTERACEAE). 1X ADDITIONS TO MUNNOZIA AND OLIGACTIS. Harold Robinson Department of Botany Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. Studies in the Liabeae have revealed one new species and one new combination to be added in the genus Munnozia and one new species in Oligactis. Munnozia chimboracensis H.Robinson, sp. nov. Plantae grosse herbaceae usque ad 2 m altae superne ramosae. Caules teretes laeves subtiliter purpurascentes sparse grosse pilosi. Folia opposita, petiolis 1-6 cm longis anguste alatis base anguste connatis non auriculatis; laminae late deltoideae 6-13 cm longae et 4-13 cm latae base cordato-hastatae margine 8-15-crenato-dentatae apice argute acutae vel breviter acuminatae supra pilosae subtus albo-toment- osae in nervis et nervulis sordido-tomentosae fere ad basem trinervatae. Inflorescentiae late pyramidaliter paniculatae, pedicellis plerumque 1.0-3.5 cm longis dense breviter pilosis. Capitula 8-11 mm alta et 10- 14 mm lata. Squamae involucri 32-40 oblongae vel lineares inaequales ca. 4-seriatae 2-8 mm longae et 0.7-1.5 mm latae pallide virides 3-striatae in apice acutae vel minute mucronatae interdum purpurascentes extus sparse breviter pilosae margine anguste scari- osae superne vix fimbriatae; receptacula minute fimbr- illifera, fimbriis ca. 0.5 mm longis. Flores radii ca. 20; corollae flavae, tubis ca. 4 mm longis puber- ulis, lLimbis ca. 5 mm longis inferne pilosis superne glanduliferis. Flores disci ca. 20; corollae flavae, tubis 3.0-3.5 mm longis puberulis, faucis ca. 1.5 mm longis inferne sparse puberulis, lobis ca. 2 mm longis glandulo-punctatis; filamenta in parte superiore 0.25 mm longa, cellulis exothecialibus solum in parietibus transversalibus noduliferis; appendices oblongo-ovatae ca. 0.35 mm longae et 0.25 mm latae. Achaenia 1.5-2.5 mm longa 8-10-costata hispidula; setae pappi ca. 30- 35 plerumque 4.5-5.5 mm longae apice non incrassatae setae breviores paucae. Grana pollinis ca. 35, diam. TYPE: ECUADOR: Chimborazo: Cation of the rio Chanchan, about 5 km north of Huigra; 5000-6500 ft. elev. (Moist forested valleys in the afternoon fog- belt.). Plant single-stemmed, 2 meters, branched above. Lvs dark green above; white pubesc. below. 199 200 PHY TO LOGI" Vol. 35, no. 3 Bracts pale green, tipped with nigrescent purple. Ray and disc fls yellow. Anthers nigrescent. Styles yellow. May 19-28, 1945. W.H.Camp E-3293 (Holotype K). PARATYPES: ECUADOR?: Bolivar? S.José. Andre K1240 (K); Region Pasto?. Andre K1244 (K). Munnozia chimboracensis seems to be most closely related to M. hastifolia with which there is a super- ficial resemblance. The new species is thoroughly distinct, however, in the narrowly winged petioles, the somewhat longer pedicels of the inflorescence, the crowded short stout hairs of the pedicels, the more evenly graduated bracts of the involucre, the three rather than 6 or 8 veins of the involucral bracts and the blackened anthers. Munnozia hastifolia and two closely related species are unusual in the genus Munnozia by their anthers that do not turn black. Munnozia maronii (Andre) H.Robinson, comb. nov. ~—~—~idromachia maronii Andre, Revue Horticole 1887 (21): 496. 1887. (maroni). The type of the species was part of a loan received through the kindness of C. Jeffrey at Kew. The species was described on the basis of material grown from seed that was obtained from Brasil. No members of the Liabeae are presently known from Brasil, however, and the type is identifiable with the species known as Liabum corymbosum Sch.Bip. ex Klatt of Bolivia. Since the combination Munnozia corymbosa is preoccupied a new name, M. klatti1l H.Robinson & R.D.Brettell has been provided for the species, but the Andre name has priority. Oligactis asplundii H.Robinson, sp. nov. Plantae suffrutescentes subscandentes 2 m vel ultra longae pauce ramosae. Caules subtiliter hexa- gonales evanescentiter appresse albo-arachnoideo- tomentosi, nodis plerumque disciferis, discis utrinque ca. 5 mm longis e petiolis discretis. Folia opposita, petiolis 2.5-4.5 cm longis non alatis; laminae lanceo- latae 8-16 cm longae et 2-6 cm latae base rotundatae margine remote minute serrulatae apice anguste acumin- atae supra laeves glabrescentes subtus albo-tomentosae, nervis secundariis pinnatis sensim valde ascendentibus. Inflorescentiae in ramis terminales late corymboso- paniculatae, pedicellis 1.2-4.0 cm longis appresse albo-arachnoideo-tomentosae. Capitula 8-9 mm alta et 10-11 mm lata. Squamae involucri ca. 50-55 ca. 4-5- seriatae anguste ovatae vel anguste lanceolatae 1-5 mm longae ca. 1 mm latae plerumque virides apice inter- dum purpurascentes anguste acutae extus albo-puberul- agTT Robinson, Additions to Munnozia & Oligactis 201 ae; cristae receptaculorum breviter laciniatae. Flores radii 16-18; corollae flavae, tubis 2-3 mm longis glab-~- ris, limbis 7-10 mm longis et ca. 1.5 mm latis inferne sparse puberulis subapice sparse minute spiculiferis. Flores disci 21-25; corollae flavae, tubis 2.0-2.5 mm longis glabris, faucis 1.5 mm longis inferne sparse puberulis leniter inflatis, lLobis 2.0-2.5 mm longis et 0.8 mm latis apice minute sed distincte cristiferis vel incrassatis subapice interdum pauce spiculiferis; thecae antherarum ca. 2 mm longae; appendices anther- arum oblongae 0.5 mm longae et 0.2 mm latae laeves. Achaenia ca. 1.5 mm longa ca. 5-costata breviter seti- fera et superne glandulifera; setae pappi biseriatae exteriores 7-10 plerumque 1-2 mm longae interiores 25- 30 ca. 4.5 mm longae apice leniter latiores. Grana pollinis 30-35y diam. TYPE: ECUADOR: Pichincha: Los Dos Rios on road between Chiriboga and Santo Domingo de los Colorados (km 90), roadside, alt. c. 1200 m. Suffrutescent, flowers golden yellow. 2 VII 1955. Asplund 16752 (Holotype S). Paratype: ECUADOR: Pichincha: Valley of Rio Saloya, Las Palmeras. alt. 1900 m. Subscandent shrub, flowers dark yellow. 28 VI 1939. Asplund Fare (S). The new species seems most closely related to Oligactis pichinchensis (Hieron. ) H.Robinson & Brettell whic as the same size heads with 14-18 ray flowers. The new species differs by the lanceolate leaf blades and by the pedicels with appressed arachnoid tomentum. origactis asplundii is also notable for the occurrance at lower elevations. Related species are all restrict- ed to elevations above 2500 m. Oligactis coriacea var. granatensis (Cuatrecasas ) -Robinson, comb. nov. lLiabum granatense Cuatr., Fedde, Rep. Sp. Nov. 55: 128. 1953. The variety seems to differ only by the fine arachnoid appressed tomentum rather than coarse floccose tomentum on the pedicels. The distinction is not as clear as the words would suggest and the difference cannot be fully appreciated without comparison of specimens. 202 PoHsY on ary cliff i UNITED STATES sles 1dbee 2728822 NATIONAL HERBARIUM : Stevia westonii R.M.King & H.Robinson, Holotype, United States National Herbarium. Photos by Victor E. Krantz, Staff Photographer, National Museum of Natural History. & H.Robinson 232 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 3 teat & ree ose 5 . x ‘ Te os Nelg Bis a oe See 5 “tee Cty. a oe ria a ~ Stevia westonii R.M.King & H.Robinson, enlargement of head. STUDIES IN THE LIABEAE (ASTERACEAE). X. ADDITIONS TO THE GENUS PARANEPHELIUS Harold Robinson Department of Botany Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 20560. The genus Paranephelius has been represented in the literature by five species ranging from northern Peru to southern Bolivia (Robinson & Brettell, 1974). The genus is distinct among the Liabeae by the basal rosette of leaves surrounding a single sessile head or a group of 2-3 heads. The habit is shared by other genera of Compositae in the Andes including Werneria and a few species of Senecio in the tribe Senecioneae and some species of Hypochaeris of the Lactuceae, Specimens of the latter two genera have been encountered in collections annotated to species of Paranephelius and the most obvious differences are worth mentioning. Werneria and Senecio can be dis- tinguished by the valvate involucre and by the glabrous short-lobed disk corollas. Hypochaeris can be dis- tinguished by the ligulate corollas but perhaps even more readily in most specimens by the plumose pappus setae. The four genera are sometimes mixed in collections. The present range of Paranephelius excludes Ecuador but the proximity of known sites indicates that the genus will probably be found on the botanical- ly nearly unknown southernmost mountains of Loja and Zamora. Attempts to determine specimens on loan from other herbaria have shown the need to clarify some species limits in the genus, and two species, P. ee and P. wurdackii are described here as new. e value of some characters is in question. As in other genera of the Liabeae the pubescence of the upper leaf surface has been found almost totally unreliable. Tomentum on the outer surfaces of the ray flowers has been mentioned as a species character by Weddell (1855), being dense in P. bullatus A.Gray ex Wedd., sparse in P. uniflorus P.& E., and supposed- ly lacking in P. ovatus Wedd. The latter species does show only slight tomentum on the rays of most specimens, but tomentum is apparently present in all the species of the genus. On younger rays the tomentum is usually dense, but tomentum may not be 233 234 PHY. .0.2, 6.6. Tk Vol. 35, no. 3 obvious on the fully expanded mature corollas. Such tomentum is not found on the rays of other genera in the Liabeae. Many species show dense clusters of fusiform lateral roots. These are common in simple- leaved specimens of P. uniflorus, in specimens seen of P. bullatus, in P. wurdackil, and in one specimen of P. asperifolius (Muschl.) R.& B. Fusiform lateral roots seem comparatively sparse or lacking in P. ovatus, P. jelskii (Hieron.) R.& B., and in dissected-leaved P. uniflorus. No such roots have been seen in P. ferreyril. These differences in roots might reflect differences in collecting techniques. It seems likely that fusiform roots are common to all members of the genus, but specimens should be carefully examined in the field. A problem has been noted in the distinction of two species with obtuse or blunt-tipped outer involuc- ral bracts. The type species, P. uniflorus, was described and illustrated with pinnately lobed leaves while P. ovatus was described with simple ovate to rhomboid leaf blades having a smooth upper surface. Collections with simple leaf blades have generally been placed in P. ovatus even if the upper surface was rough. A review of specimens shows a distinction of P. ovatus on the basis of the smooth leaf with veins often prominulous, being depressed only in distorted material. The upper surface is usually glabrous but some Bolivian specimens are pilose above. Secondary veins of the leaves seem particularly close and straight. Specimens called P. ovatus with rough upper leaf surfaces cannot be distinquished satisfactorily from a series of specimens of P. uniflorus showing leaf blades lobed only at the base, and they are here regarded as representatives of that species. Within the expanded concept of P. uniflorus there is some tomentum or even some setae on the achenes in specimens from northern Peru with lobed leaves, but achenes of other lobed specimens and all unlobed specimens seem glabrous. A species with lobed leaves in Bolivia. P. asper- ifolius, seems to account for early reports of P. uniflorus in that country. The name has been used for some specimens of P. ovatus with pilose upper leaf surfaces, but the latter character varies in both species. The leaf shape of P. asperifolius is consistently lobed in all specimens seen and correlates with the involucre having all bracts narrow and acute. Species of Paranephelius having acute outer involucral bracts are most common in northern Peru. 1977 Robinson, Additions to Paranephelius 235 These include the following two previously undescribed species. Paranephelius ferreyrii H.Robinson, new species pcancae herbaceae acaulescentes; radices fusi- formes non visa. Folia rosulata basalia oblanceolata pinnatifida usque ad 6 cm longa et 2 cm lata base anguste petioliformia apice obtusa vel rotundata margine obtuse serrata vel duplo-serrata supra valde bullata sparse pilosa et evanescentiter sparse arachnoideo-tomentosa subtus albo-tomentosa in nervis interdum fulvo-pilosa, lobis utrinque 2-4 ovatis vel oblongis. Capitula sessilia plerumque solitaria 17- 18 mm alta et 13-15 mm lata; squamae involucri 40-50 ca. 4-seriatae ovato-lanceolatae vel lLineari-lanceola- tae 5-9 mm longae et 1-2 mm latae margine vix scarios- ae superne dense puberulae apice anguste argute acutae extus distincte pilosae et evanescentiter tomentosae. Flores radii 19-29; corollae flavae, tubis ca. 8 mm longis superne hirsutis, limbis ca. 15 mm longis et 2.5 mm latis inferne hirsutis extus distincte toment- osis et sparse glandulo-hirsutis. Flores disci ca. 20-35; corollae flavae, tubis 9-10 mm longis superne minute puberulis, faucis ca. 1.5 mm longis extus puberulis, lobis ca. 2.5 mm longis ad apicem stipitato- glandulosis; filamenta antherarum in parte superiore ca. 0.4 mm longa; thecae ca. 2.5 mm longae; appendices antherarum ca. 1.2 mm longae. Achaenia immatura 3.5 mm longa sparse tomentosa et sparse setifera; setae pappi 2-3-seriatae 45-50 interiores usque ad 10 mm longae, setae longiores apice aliquantum latiores, setae exteriores breviores ca. 10-15 plerumque 1.5- 4.0mm longae. Grana pollinis plerumque 35-42, diam. TYPE: PERU: Cajamarca: Cajamarca; Cumbre el Gavilan, Carretera Cajamarca-Chilete. Alt. 3200 m. Habitat arcilloso. Hierba, flores amarillas. Marzo 31, 1948. R.Ferreyra 3311 (Holotype, US). PARATYPE: PERU: Cajamarca: Banos. V 1958. J.Soukup 4642 (US). Paranephelius ferreyrii is most closely related to P. bullatus which it closely resembles in the size of the head, the bullate upper surface of the leaves, and the achenes with setae as well as tomentum. The new species differs most obviously by the pinnately lobed leaves and less obviously by the slightly but more distinctly enlarged tips of the longer pappus setae. Two specimens seen that apparently represent P. bullatus (Mito, Macbride & Featherstone 1656; T5 mi. SE of Huanuco, Macbride & Featherstone 2131) have simple leaf blades with rather strongly ascending secondary veins. Paranephelius bullatus was originally 236 PHY ADeOuL OGiEA Vol. 35, no. 3 described with obtuse outer involucral bracts but the two specimens seen show outermost bracts with digit- ately lobed tips and some short-acute to obtuse bracts in the next series. The new species has the bracts all narrowed to acute tips. The bracts in P. bullatus seem to differ also by the lack of coarse hairs on the outer surface. Setae on the achenes have been noted thus far in the genus only in P. ferreyrii, P. bullatus, and in some specimens of P. uniflo orus. Paranephelius wurdackii' H.Robinson, new species Plantae herbaceae acaulescentes; radices fusi- formes fasciculatae distinctae. Folia rosulata basalia obovata base petioliformia; laminae late ellipticae inferne subtiliter lobatae apice obtusaevel late acutae margine grosso-serratae vel duplo-serratae supra leaves pilosae subtus albo-tomentosae in nervis non tomentosae et sparse pilosae. Capitula sessilia solitaria ca. 3 cm alta et 3.5 cm lata base in zona brevi dense hirsuta; squamae involucri ca. 45 ca. 3-4-seriatae 15- 23 mm longae et 1.5-5.0 mm latae margine distincte anguste scariosae, exteriores anguste subtiliter obpanduriformes apice acutae extus pilosae interiores Lineari-oblongae vel lineari-lanceolatae apice anguste acutae vel longe attenuatae extus glabrae vel sub- glabrae solum in squamis exteriissimis pauce toment- osae. Flores radii ca. 35; corollae flavae, tubis 15- 20 mm longis superne hirsutis, limbis ca. 40 mm longis et 4 mm latis inferne hirsutis extus tomentosis et glandulo-hirsutis et sparse glandulo-punctatis. Flores disci ca. 35; corollae flavae, tubis ca. 17 mm longis superne puberulis, faucis 2 mm longis indistinctis puberulis, lobis 3 mm longis glabris apice minute appendiculatis; filamenta antherarum in parte super- lore ca. 0.8 mm longa; theca ca. 3 mm longa; append- ices 0.4-0.5 mm longae. Achaenia immatura ca. 3 mm longa sparse tomentosa; setae pappi ca. 75-80 pler- umque 15-20 mm longae apice non latiores, setae exter- lores breviores paucae. Grana pollinis ca. 40-42 u diam. TYPE: PERU: Amazonas: Prov. Chachapoyas; open cold swamp on summit of Cerros de Calla-Calla, between Leimebamba-Balsas road pass and the camino de herradura (2 hours walk south), elev. 3500-3750 m 8 July 1962. J.J.Wurdack 1240 (Holotype, US). A series of specimens collected in 1962 by J.J. Wurdack from near Chachapoyas in Amazonas, Peru consists mostly of material identified as Paranephel- ius jelskii. One of the collections contains one 1977 Robinson, Additions to Paranephelius 237 specimen of a closely related but distinct species named here as P. wurdackii. The distinctions of the new species include a slight but distinct lobing of the basal part of the lamina, some pilosity and no tomentum below on the main veins of the leaves, no evident tomentum on the main bracts of the involucre, and no glands on the tips of the disk corolla lobes. There is a distinctive cluster of short-stalked glands near the tips of the disk corolla lobes of specimens seen of P. jelskii. There are a few long-stalked glands on the Tobes in most specimens seen of P. uniflorus and P. ovatus. The type of P. jelskii from Cutervo in Dept. Cajamarca, Peru has not been seen, but a photograph is available showing the leaf shape and complete toment- osity of the leaf undersurface as in the Wurdack collections under that name. The involucres of the Wurdack collections are almost completely covered with dense tomentum but the type apparently has tomentum less dense. Vestiture of the disk corolla lobes cannot be seen and was not mentioned in the original description. Paranephelius wurdackii seems distinctive in the large size of the head and the floral parts. The lobes of the disk corollas are more pointed than in other species partly due to the small but distinct appendage on the tip. Both species collected by Wurdack share a rather distinctive form of hair on the achene. The long hairs consist of a short basal flexible zone with thin-walled cells followed by a straight portion of 2-3 elongate firm-walled cells. The apex of the hair is attenuated into an indefinitely elongate contorted arachnoid portion forming at least part of the toment- um of the achene. Literature Cited Robinson, H. and R.D.Brettell 1974. Studies in the Liabeae (Asteraceae). II. Preliminary Survey of the Genera. Phytologia 28 (1): 43-63. Weddell, H. A. 1855. Chloris andina. Compositae Subtribus XI Liabeae. 1 (1): 211-214. (1857). 238 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 3 UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL MAYOR DE SAN MARCOS BE HISTORIA NATURA! HERBARIO cove 4 i =< FAMmiL (( 19ASs j } Lo Siz eS es i ARBOL ABUTS, Diawa, KERGA Paranephelius ferreyrii H.Robinson, Holotype, United States National Herbarium. Photo by Victor E. Krantz, Staff Photographer, National Museum of Natural History. 1977 joe NATIONAL [ Robinson, Additions to Paranephelius Paranephelius wurdackii H. Robinson, Holotype United States National Herbarium. ? 239 2h0 PHYTODOGIA Vol. 35, no. 3 PEE ¢ Se « ' 4 1 wy : é was Hee Enlargements of heads: Top, Paranephelius ferreyrii. Bottom, B. wurdackii, CERTAMEN MELASTOMATACEIS XXVI. John J. Wurdack U. S. National Herbarium, Smithsonian Institution The current assemblage of melastome notes, mostly culled from research in and loans from European herbaria, continues the final adjustments for the Flora of Ecuador. The data were gathered during a 1975 trip sponsored by the Smithsonian Research Foundation. TIBOUCHINA GLEASONIANA Wurdack, nom. et stat. nov. Tibouchina lepidota (Bonpl.) Baill. var. intermedia Gleason, Bull. Torrey Club 52: 328. 1925. The pubescence on the leaves beneath is quite distinctive, the secondary nerves being covered with lanceate strongly flattened ciliolate hairs 0.25-0.3 mm wide and the venules with terete simple or few-barbellate setulae; in T. lepidota, all the hairs on the leaves beneath are flattened scales and in Tf. paleacea (Triana) Cogn. sens. strict. the secondary vein tri- chomes are narrow (0.1-0.15 mm wide ) and not ciliolate. ‘The margins of the hypanthial hairs in T. gleasoniana, like those in T. lepidota, are conspicuously appressed-ciliolate; in T. paleacea (except for one population near the Huila-Cauca boundary in Colombia, Maguire & Maguire 44204, Uribe 3868), the hypanthial scales have essentially entire margins. Tibouchina gleasoniana is known from Imbabura, Pichincha, and Bolivar in Ecuador; of these collections, Jameson 419 was cited by Cogniaux as T. lepidota. Two recent excellent matches for the Triana and Linden syntypes of T. -paleacea are Killip & Varela 34651 (Tolima) and von Sneidern x08 bis (Caldas). Within the currently available collections of T. lepidota are several local pubescence variants. TIBOUCHINA NARINOENSIS Wurdack, sp. nov. T. paleaceae (Triana) Cogn. in foliorum pubescentia affinis, bracteis floribusque minoribus hypanthii paleis parvis differt. Ramuli sicut petioli foliorum subtus venae primariae inflo- rescentiaque dense pilis paleaceis plerumque 1-2(-3) X 0.3-0.6 mm appressis integris vel obscure erosulo-ciliolatis induti. Petioli 0.5-1.3 cm longi; lamina (4-)7-10 X (2-)3-3.5 em elliptico-lanceata apice acuto basi late acuta vel obtusa, rigidiuscula et paleaceo-ciliolata, supra modice bullato-setulosa bullis ad basim ca. 0.7-1 mm latis setula terminali 0.4-0.7 mm longa, subtus in venis secundariis pilis ca. 1-1.5 X 0.1-0.2 m compressis modice appresso-setulosa in venulis sparse setulosa pilis plerumque 0.2-0.4 X ca. 0.05-0.1 mm, 5-nervata (pari exteriore inframarginali incluso) nervulis subtus paulo elevatis. Panicula 6-12 em longa laxe subpauciflora; flores 5=meri, pedicellis plerumque 5-8 m longis, bracteolis ca. 3 X 0.6-1 m 2k1 2h2 PHY TODL.01G TPA Vol. 35, no. 3 ecaducis interdum non evolutis. Hypanthium (ad torum ) 4-5 mm longum extus sparsiuscule paleis appressis 1-1.5 X 0.3-0.4 mm indutum; calycis tubus 0.3-0.5 mm longus, lobis 1.5-2 mm longis triangularibus appresso-ciliolatis ciliis O.1 mm longis. Petala 14-20 X 10-15 mm asymmetrice obovata ciliolata (ciliis ca. Oo mm longis ) alioqui glabra. Stamina essentialiter isomorphica glabra; filamenta 5.5-6.5 mm longa; antherarum thecae 6-7 X 0.6 mm subulatae poro 0.15-0.2 mm diam. ventraliter inclinato; connectivum 0.2-0.8 mm prolongatum lobis ventralibus 0.2-0.4 mm longis hebetibus. Stigma non expansum; stylus 12-13 X 0.4 mm glaber; ovarium apicem versus dense strigulosum pilis ca. 1 mm longis teretibus laevibus. Type Collection: Reinaldo Espinosa 2954 (holotype NY), collected between Ricaurte and Diviso along the Pasto-Tumaco road, Depto. Narifio, Colombia, 11/6/1950. "Arbolito muy florido que se ve a los bordos de los bosques de altura. Flores color lila rosado, muy vistosas." Paratypes (both Narifio, Colombia): H. Garcia-Barriga 13164 (US), from near the Rfo Telembf between Santander Buenavista) and Barbacoas, elev. 840-200 m, 3-5 August 1948. "Arbusto 3 m; flores azules"; Idrobo & Kyburz 2357 (US), from Cuyambe between Altaquer and Junin, elev. 1200 m, 1 January 1957. "Arbol. Flores moradas con anteras amarillas, muy vistosas. Abundante al lado de la carretera cerca de Junin." While showing the same vegetative pubescence, T. paleacea has floral bracts 9-12 X 4-6 mm, hypanthia 6-8 mm long completely covered with scales 2-3 X 0.6-0.9 mm, and calyx lobes 7-9 mm long. Tibouchina narinoensis seems to be a low-elevation variant of T. paleacea, the latter known only from altitudes of (2000-) 2800-3100 m. The four other species of Sect. Lepidotae are quite different in vegetative and/or hypanthial features. BRACHYOTUM AZUAYENSE Wurdack, sp. nov. B. tyrianthino Macbride affinis, trichomatibus magis asperis floribus ternatis differt. Trichomata (foliorum lamina supra excepta) densiuscule aspera. Ramuli sicut petioli pedicellique dense strigulost pilis ca. 1 mm longis. Petioli 0.3-0.6 cm longi; lamina 0.8- 1.4(-1.7) X 0.5-1.1 em ovato-elliptica vel oblongo-elliptica apice obtuso vel rotundato basi late obtusa, rigidiuscula, supra modice strigulosa pilorum parte libera 0O.4-0.8 mm longa minutissime aspera, subtus in venis primariis dense et in super- ficie modice setulosa, trinervata. Flores 4-meri terni ut videtur nutantes, pedicellis ca. 5 mm longis, bracteolis angustis 5-9 X 0.8-1.5 mm et 1-4 mm infra hypanthii basim insertis demum deciduis. Hypanthium (ad torum) 5-6.2 mm longum modice appresso-setosum vel laxe strigosum pilis 1-1.5 mm longis; calycis tubus 0.5-0.7 mm longus, lobis 4.3-4.7 X 3.5-4.5 mm oblongis apice acuto intus plerumque parte 1-2 mm apicali sparse strigulosis. Petala 13.5-13.8 X 11.1-11.5 mm obovata apice rotundato-truncato breviter glanduloso-ciliolata alioqui glabra. Filamenta 4.5 mm longa; antherarum thecae 5-5-5 X 0.9 mm, poro 1977 Wurdack, Certamen Melastomataceis 23 0.25-0.3 mm diam. ventraliter inclinato; connectivum a thecis ventraliter 0.7-0.8 mm liberum vix bilobulatum. Stylus 17 X 0.5 mm glaber per 3-8 mm exsertus; ovarium apicem versus modice strigulosum pilis eglandulosis, lobis apicalibus ca. 0.4 mm longis. Type Collection: lL. Holm-Nielsen, S. Jeppesen, B. Lojtnant, & B. Ollgaard 5034 (holotype US 2728745; isotype AAU), collected in dry scrub near Km 91 on Pan American Highway north of Loja, 79° 10' wW, 3° 25" S, Prov. Azuay, Ecuador, elev. 2900 m, 5 May 1973. "Small shrub to less than 1m. Hypanthium and sepals red; petals dark violet to black." Paratype: Holm-Nielsen, Jeppesen, Lojtnant, & Ollgaard 4810 (AAU, US), from Km 85 on Pan American Highway, 79° 11' W, 3° 35" S, Prov. Azuay, Ecuador, elev. 2850-2950 m, 3 May 1973. "Shrub to 1 m. Flowers deep purple to black." Brachyotum tyrianthinum has trichomes only moderately scabrid, leaf blades relatively somewhat narrower, and flowers solitary on the branchlets. In the generic revision (Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8. 1953), B. azuayense would key to near B. maximo- Wiczii Cogn., which has leaf blades tuberculate-strigulose above and completely covered by the pubescence beneath, hypanthial pubescence somewhat denser, sepals always glabrous within, and apical ovary lobes longer. TRIOLENA OBLIQUA (Triana) Wurdack, comb. nov. P Diolena obliqua Triana, Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. 28: 81. UOT. The holotype (Triana 3873, BM) has been compared with recent collections from eastern Colombia (Putumayo, Cuatrecasas 10952), Ecuador, and Peru (Amazonas, Wurdack 2106). The pubescence length on the upper leaf surface varies considerably, but only one species seems involved. Diolena purpurea Gleason is perhaps dubiously distinct, but shows strongly reflexed scarcely compressed cauline pubescence. TRIOLENA PEDEMONTANA Wurdack, sp. nov. T. allardii (Wurdack) Wurdack in staminum forma affinis, foliis magnis distincte plinervatis foliis parvis minoribus differt. Humilis usque ad 0.3 m alta; ramuli novelli petiolique dense vel modice strigosi pilis ca. 2(-3) mm longis praecipue ad caulis nodis compressis. Folia in quoque pari disparilia (12-15:1) membranacea et distanter ciliolato-serrulata, supra primum sparsissime strigulosa glabrata, subtus in venis pri- mariis modice strigulosa (pilis ca. 1 mm longis) in venis secundariis sparse strigulosa (pilis 0.1-0.3 mm longis) in venulis superficieque glabra. Folia maiora: lamina anguste elliptica apice paullo (usque ad 1.5 cm) gradatimque acuminato basi ca. 0.5-0.7 cm asymmetrice obtusa vel rotundata, 11-16 ecm longa, 3-5-7 cm lata, 7(-9)-plinervata (pari interiore subalter- natim 2-4 cm supra basim divergenti) nervulis subtus planis areolis ca. 1-1.5 mm latis; petioli liberi 1-1.5 cm longi. 2h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 3 Folia minora: lamina ovata apice acuto basi O.1-0.2 cm cordu- lata, 0.5-1.5 cm longa, O.4-1 cm lata, 3-5-nervata; petioli O- 0.2 em longi. Inflorescentia demum 5-10 cm longa, floribus 5-meris unilateralibus 10-20, pedicellis 1-1.5 mm longis. Hypanthium (ad torum) 2.6-2.9 mm longum praecipue basim versus sparse vel modice strigulosum pilis plerumque 0.5-0.7 mm longis; calycis tubus 0.3-0.4 mm longus, lobis interioribus 0.2-0.3 mm longis, dentibus exterioribus ca. 0.2-0.3 mm eminentibus setula terminali O.4-0.6 mm longa. Petala glabra 4-4.7 mm longa 2-2.9 mm lata obovato-oblonga apice rotundato. Stamina dimorphica, filamentis 2-2.5 m vel 1.5-2 mm longis, antherarum thecis 0O.7- 0.9 X 0.2-0.25 mm oblongis, connectivis 0.15-0.3 mm prolongatis dorsaliter ad basim ca. O.1 mm corniculatis, appendicibus duabus ventralibus 1.5-2 vel 0.4 X 0.1 mm. Stigma paulo expansum 0.4- O.45 mm diam.; stylus 3 X 0.3-0.4 mm glaber in ovarii apicem 0.5-0.6 mm immersus; ovarium 3-loculare glabrum; capsula ca. 0.5 X 0.8 cm triquetra. Type Collection: P. C. D. Cazalet & T. D. Pennington 5195 (holotype K; isotypes NY, US), collected in rain forest 20 km west of Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Prov. Pichincha, Ecuador, elev. 300 m, 29 October 1961. "Herb to 1 ft. Flowers cream." Paratypes (all Ecuador): Pichincha: Cazalet & Pennington 5228 (K, NY, US), topotypical; Sparre 14093 (S), from 10 km northwest of Santo Domingo de los Colorados, alt. 400 m, 21 January 1967. Cotopaxi: Sparre 17125 (S), from Rfo Guapara 20 km northwest of El Corazon, elev. 250 m, 19 June 1967. Triolena allardii has the larger of each leaf pair with essentially basal primary veins and the oblong-lanceate smaller one 2.5-4.5 X 1.2-2 em; T. obliqua (vide supra) has generally narrower large leaves with only 3(-5) primary veins, looser hypanthial pubescence, and smaller inflorescences, as well as larger petals and anther thecae. Other relatives, both with shorter (0.1-0.2 um) ventral appendages on the small stamens and lacking the prominent flattened cauline hairs at the nodes, are T. spicata (Triana) L. Wms. and T. pluvialis (Wurdack) Wurdack (the latter having the large leaves with longer petioles and relatively broader blades). A good match for the Triana holotype of T. spicata is Alston 8619, from near Buenaventura, El Valle, Colombia. The proper disposition of Panamanian collections presently referred to T. spicata remains somewhat uncertain. MICONIA KRAENZLINII Cogn. subsp. AEQUATORIALIS Wurdack, subsp. nov. Petalis staminibusque maioribus filamentis sparse glandu- loso-puberulis differt. Type Collection: P. R. Bell 471 (holotype BM), collected at Chaupi-Sagcha, Pululagua, Prov. Pichincha, Ecuador, elev. ca. 1800 m, 15 April 1951. "Flowers white." The typical subspecies, still known only from the original collection from Cali, El Valle, Colombia, has the hypanthium plus calyx 5 mm long (rather than ca. 3.8-4 mm), petals 6-6.5 mm long (rather than 8.5-10 mm), filaments glabrous, large and small 1977 Wurdack, Certamen Melastomataceis 2h5 anther thecae 4.5 and 3.3 mm long (rather than 5.7-5.8 and 4- 4.2 mm), a distinct dorsal calcar at the connective base, and the stylar puberulence sparse and confined to the basal O.5 mm (rather than moderate and on the basal 1/2). The two subspecies are the same in vegetative and other reproductive features (including a few glands edging the connective base, and externally densely puberulent petals). In the typical subspecies, all of the 18 examinable flower buds were 5-merous (although Cogniaux apparently saw some 6-merous flowers) and in the Ecuadorian specimen each of 9 buds was also 5-merous. The general aspect of M. kraenzlinii is somewhat like that of M. versicolor Naud. (which is also known from the type localities of M. kraenzlinii), but the floral details are quite different and the species affinities seem distant. MICONIA CERCOPHORA Wurdack subsp. ESETULOSA Wurdack, subsp. nov. Foliis ubique esetulosis differt. Type Collection: G. Harling & L. Andersson 13952 (holotype GB; isotype US), collected in riverine woods at Namirez ca. 5 km north of Cumbaraza, Prov. Zamora-Chinchipe, Ecuador, elev. ca. 900 m, 24 April 1974. "Tree ca. 5 m. Corolla white. Anthers reddish violet." In both other subspecies, the leaf blades are sparsely setulose above. The floral dimensions in the Namfrez collection are like those of subsp. canelosana Wurdack; however, the connective glands are less abundant in the large anthers and absent or sporadically 1-2 in the small anthers. Vegetatively the new subspecies is like M. donaeana Naud. and M. littlei Wurdack, but the filaments and style are glabrous. A fruiting collection (Holm-Nielsen & Jeppesen 499) from 2 km north of Mera, Pastaza, elev. 1050 m, has leaves above exceedingly sparsely and caducously setulose, but probably represents the typical subspecies. MICONIA SPARREI Wurdack, sp. nov. M. paleaceae Cogn. in aspectu affinis, ramulorum inflores- centiarumque pilis barbellatis foliis breviter plinervatis ealyeis lobis interioribus prominentibus filamentis glabris antherarum connectivis ad basim glandulosis ovarii apicibus stellulato-puberulis differt. Ramuli (dense, ca. 4-7 mm) petioli (modice, ca. 3-5 mm) foliorum subtus venae primariae basim versus (sparsiuscule, 1-4 mm ) et inflorescentia (densiuscule, ca. 2-4 mm) setosi pilis basim versus robustis 0.1-0.25 mm diam. sparse barbellatis et modice pilis subpinoideis 0.1-0.2 mm longis furfuracei. Petioli 3-5 cm longi; lamina ca. 30 cm longa et 15 cm lata, oblongo- elliptica apice breviter (ca. 1.5 cm) subabrupteque acuminato basi obtusa, firme membranacea et serrulata (dentibus ca. 0.5- 1 mm profundis et 1.5-3 mm inter se distantibus), supra margines versus sparse pilis gracilibus 1.5-2 mm longis (caducis ?) induta, subtus in venis secundariis sparse caduceque puberula pilis subpinoideis ca. 0.1 mm longis in superficie glabra, 2h6 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 3 breviter (1-1.5 cm) 7-plinervata (pari debili inframarginali incluso) nervis secundariis ca. 5-7 mm inter se distantibus nervulis subtus planis obscuris areolis 0.3-0.5 mm latis. Panicula ca. 17 cm longa multiflora ramis primariis oppositis; flores 5-meri glomerati subsessiles (pedicellis obscuris ca. O.3 mm longis), bracteolis ca. 1 mm longis lanceatis persisten- tibus puberulis. Hypanthium (ad torum) 2.4 mm longum subsparse stellulato-puberulum pilis 0.1(-0.2) mm altis; calycis tubus ca. 0.3 mm altus, lobis interioribus ca. 0.5 mm altis ovatis dentibus exterioribus minutis non eminentibus pinoideo-puberulis (pilis 0.1-0.2 mm longis); torus intus glaber. Petala 3.9-4 x 1.7-1.8 mm obovato-oblonga extus minute granulosa. Stamina paulo dimorphica; filamenta 3.2 vel 2.9 mm longa glabra; antherarum thecae 2.3-2.4 vel 2 X 0.35 X O.4 mm anguste oblongae apice paulo emarginato poro ca. 0.3 mm diam. terminali vel paulo dorsaliter inclinato; connectivum non prolongatum ad basim paulo expansum glandulis 6-8 vel 2-4 et ca. 0.1 mm diam. ornatum. Stigma expansum 0.8-0.9 mm diam.; stylus 7 X 0.4 mm glaber in ovarii apicem O.3 mm immersus; ovarium 3-loculare et ca. 1/2 inferum apice modice stellulato-puberulo et glandulis paucis inconspicuis induto. Type Collection: B. Sparre 19290 (holotype S), collected in tropical rain forest near the Mision Salesiana at Gualaquiza, Prov. Morono-Santiago, Ecuador, 3 October 1967. Miconia paleacea has the branchlets and inflorescence setose with smooth hairs, basally nerved leaf blades, an essentially truncate calyx with setulose external teeth, torus within gland-edged, filaments basally sparsely glandular- puberulous, larger anthers with the connective not prominently glandular basally, stigma only O.4-0.45 mm diam., and ovary merely glandular at the apex. Despite the somewhat similar vegetative aspect, I do not believe that M. sparrei is really closely related to M. mazanana Macbride (known from Napo in Ecuador, as well as Peru and Brazil) which has the leaf biades glabrous above, obviously pedicellate and larger flowers (petals 6.5-6.8 X 2.5-2.7 mm), glandular-puberulous filaments, style, and ovary apex, and a 5-celled ovary. J. Schunke 6949 (Puerto Pizana, San Martin, Peru), lacking floral details, represents a taxon closely related to M. sparrei (similar vegetative pubescence), but with long-attenuate leaf blade bases, 4(-5)-merous fruit, and longer trichomes on the external calyx teeth. MICONIA PROCUMBENS (Gleason) Wurdack, comb. nov. Clidemia procumbens Gleason, Bull. Torrey Club 58: 255. 1931. The species is closely related to M. lamprophylla Triana, differing in the predominantly 5-nerved leaf blades which are obtuse to rounded at the base and with laxer venule reticula- tion, flowering hypanthia more-or-less glandular-setose, and torus within glabrous. ‘The inflorescence in M. procumbens is truly terminal, rather than lateral; the flowers are 1977 Wurdack, Certamen Melastomataceis 247 predominantly 5-merous, the original placement in Sect. Sagraea thus erroneous. MICONIA CAZALETII Wurdack, sp. nov. M. smaragdinae Naud. in aspectu similis, foliis distincte plinervatis staminum maiorum connectivis ad basim cordiformibus staminum minorum poris distincte dorsaliter inclinatis differt. Ramuli sicut foliorum subtus venae primariae inflorescentia hypanthiaque primum modice vel sparse resinoso-granulosi glabra- ti; linea interpetiolaris non evoluta. Petioli 1-2 cm longi; lamina (14-)20-32 X (4-)6-11 cm oblongo-elliptica apice gradatim hebeti-acuminato basi acuta, tenuiter membranacea et essentia- liter integra, in superficie glabra, 1-2.5 cm 3-plinervata (pari exteriore debili neglecto) nervis secundariis ca. 5-7 mm inter se distantibus nervulis subtus planis laxiuscule reticulatis areolis 0.5-1 mm latis. Panicula 12-23 em longa multiflora ramis primariis 2-4 in quoque nodo; flores 5-meri plerumque subsessiles (pedicellis supra articulationem ca. 0.3 mm longis), bracteolis 0.3-0.5 mm longis linearibus caducis. Hypanthium (ad torum) 2-2.3 mm longum; calycis tubus ca. 0.3 mm longus, lobis interioribus 0.2-0.3 mm altis late ovatis dentibus exterioribus minutis. Petala 3 X 1.5-1.7 mm obovato-oblonga sparsiuscule resinoso-granulosa. Stamina dimorphica glabra; filamenta 3-3.7 mm longa; antherarum thecae oblongo-subulatae poro 0.1-0.15 mm diam. minuto. Stamina maiora: thecae 2.6-3 mm longae, poro ventraliter inclinato, connectivo paulo (0.1-0.15 mm ) prolongato, appendice basali cordiformi ca. 0.8 mm longa. Stamina minora: thecae 2-2.3 mm longae, poro dorsaliter inclinato, appendice basali ca. 0.6 mm longa. Stigma paulo expansum 0.4 mm diam.; stylus 6.7-6.8 X 0.15-0.2 mm glaber in ovarii apicem O.1 mm immersus; ovarium 3-loculare et 1/3-1/2 inferum, apice granuloso. Type Collection: P. C. D. Cazalet & T. D. Pennington 7523 (holotype US 2405354), collected at Taisha, Prov. Morona- Santiago, Ecuador, elev. 450 m, 26 January 1962. "20" shrub. Peduncles red. Petals pale purplish; fruit pale green." Paratypes: Colombia: Kjell von Sneidern Al332 (US), from Morelia, Caqueta, elev. 150 m, 14 Nov. 1941. "Height 5 m. Flowers pink"; J. A. Ewan 16743 (US), from near San Diego de Colorado above Puerto Asis, Putumayo, elev. 650 m, 11 January 1948. "Shrub 2-3 m". Ecuador, Prov. Napo: Harling, Storm, & Strom 6990 (GB, US), from Hacienda Cotapino (Concepcion), elev. ca. 500 m, 19-20 February 1968. "Bush 2-3 m. Inflorescence white." Miconia smaragdina has leaf blades barely (0.5-1 cm) pseudoplinerved, the connectives of the large stamens with only a ventral bilobulate appendage, and the anther pores in the small stamens terminal or ventro-terminal; the Ecuadorian popu- lation of M. smaragdina, with relatively narrower than typical leaf blades, occurs at somewhat higher elevations (1100-1500 m) than M. cazaletii. Miconia gracilis Triana, found in Ecuador only in the western lowlands, has basally nerved leaf blades 2,8 Pony TO 1no0'e ie Vol. 35, no. 3 with laxer venule areoles, more prominent calyx lobes, and sparsely glandular stamen connective appendages. Miconia rivalis Wurdack has distinctly 5-nerved leaf blades rounded to cordulate at the base, small anthers with a ventrally inclined pore, and a more expanded stigma. The Ecuadorian collections of M. cazaletii were mentioned in the discussion of M. oligantha Wurdack (Phytologia 26: 6. 1973), which has different foliage and stamens. Harling, Storm, & Strom 7468 (GB, US, fruiting) has tentatively been referred to M. cazaletii, but shows sparse gland-tipped hairs along the primary leaf veins beneath and on the hypanthia. An apparently undescribed relative of M. cazaletii has been incompletely collected in Junin (Killip & Smith 26665, 26747) and Cuzco (Madison 10081, 10094), Peru; the bud stamens show expanded connective bases, but the leaves are sparsely fine-setulose above. The widespread and variable M. prasina (Sw.) DC. has not yet been found in Ecuador, but surely is to be expected (at least in the eastern lowlands); it differs from M. cazaletii in the laxer leaf venule areoles and the stamen connective appendages only ventral. MICONIA ORARIA Wurdack, sp. nov. M. rivali Wurdack in floribus affinis, foliorum subtus pubescentia discreta plus minusve persistenti differt. Ramuli obtuse sulcato-quadrangulati sicut petioli foliorum subtus venae primariae inflorescentia hypanthiaque indumento appresso stellulato-lepidoto vix indiscreto omnino obtecti; linea interpetiolaris non evoluta. Petioli 3-5.5(-8) cm longi; lamina (11-)18-31 X (4.5-)8-17 em elliptica vel paulo ovato- elliptica apice breviter (1-2 cm) hebeti-acuminato basi late acuta vel obtusa, firme membranacea et integra, supra glabrata, subtus. densiuscule pilis stellulato-lepidotis appressis ca. 0.15 mm diam. induta, 5-nervata nervis secundariis plerumque 5-7 mm inter se distantibus nervulis subtus planis obscuris ob pilos occultis laxe reticulatis (areolis ca. 1-1.5 mm latis). Panicula 15-22 cm longa multiflora ramis primariis in quoque nodo duobus; flores 5-meri subsessiles non secundi, bracteolis ca. 1 mm longis angustis caducis. Hypanthium (ad torum) 1.9-2 mm longum; calycis tubus 0.3 mm longus, lobis interioribus ca. 0.3 mm altis remotis, dentibus exterioribus lobos interiores aequantibus. Petala 2 X 0.8-1 mm obovata glabra. Stamina paulo dimorphica glabra; filamenta 2-2.2 mm longa; antherarum thecae 1.6-1.8 vel 1.4-1.6 X 0.25 X 0.3 mm anguste oblongae, poro lato 0.25 mm diam. ventraliter inclinato; connectivum paulo (0.2-0.4 mm ) prolongatum ad basim praesertim in stamina maiora expansum appendice 0.25-0.3 mm longa. Stigma expansum 0.5 mm diam.; stylus 5 X 0.15-0.2 mm glaber; ovarium 3-4- locu- lare et 1/2 inferum apice glabro. Type Collection: B. Sparre 18349 (holotype S), collected in mangrove forest at El Chorro on Rio San Antonio near San Lorenzo, Prov. Esmeraldas, Ecuador, 22 August 1967. Paratype: E. L. Little 6306 (K, NY, US), from 3 km southeast of San Lorenzo, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, elev. ca. 1.3 m, 1977 Wurdack, Certamen Melastomataceis 29 20 April 1943. "Tree 50 ft. in height, DBH 4 inches. Flowers white. Common in understory of rich virgin wet forest." The lower leaf surfaces in very young leaves of M. rivalis have a coating of subamorphous-stellulate hairs which are soon deciduous; the blade margins are rather distinctly undulate- serrulate. Miconia oraria rather resembles M. idroboi Wurdack and M. argentea (Sw.) DC. (both with ancipital branchlets, somewhat larger foliar trichomes, and connective bases of the large stamens barely expanded), as well as M. elata (Sw.) IC. (with distinct interpetiolar ridges on the branchlets, undulate- serrulate leaf blades, barely undulate calyx limb, unexpanded connective bases, and moderately stellulate-puberulous ovaries which are 0.8-0.9 inferior). Possibly to be associated with M. oraria is a fruiting collection from El Valle, Colombia (Cuatrecasas & Willard 26011); from Choco, Colombia, are two other fruiting or fragmentary collections (Triana Loz4; Cuatrecasas & Llano 24078) » which have the pubescence on the lower leaf surfaces very scanty, but otherwise suggestive of M. oraria. MICONIA EMENDATA Wurdack, sp. nov. M. sprucei Triana affinis, ramulorum internodis glabris foliis tenuioribus hypanthiis ad anthesim essentialiter glabris differt. Ramuli paulo quadrangulati demum teretes primum sicut folia paulo furfuracei mox glabrati. Petioli 0.4-0.8 cm longi graciles; lamina (6-)7-12(-14) xX (2-)3-4(-5) cm elliptica apice per 1-2.5 cm subabrupte caudato-acuminato basi acuta, membra- nacea et obscure distanterque undulato-serrulata, ubique ad maturitatem glabra, breviter (0.3-0.5 cm) 3-plinervata nervis secundariis principalibus ca. 0.3-0.4 em inter se distantibus venulis subtus planis obscuris laxe reticulatis (areolis ca. 1 mm latis). Panicula 2-4 em longa pauciflora; flores 5-meri, pedicellis plerumque 3-3.5 m longis, bracteolis 0.4-0.5 X 0.1 mm linearibus persistentibus ca. 0.2 mm infra hypanthii basim insertis. Hypanthium (ad torum) ca. 2.4 mm longum; calycis tubus ca. 0.3 mm altus, lobis interioribus ca. 0.2 mm altis intus furfuraceis, dentibus exterioribus minutis lobos interiores aequantibus. Petala 2.5 X 0.9 mm obovato-oblonga ubique apicem versus modice granulosa. Stamina paullulo dimorphica glabra; filamenta 2.6-2.7 vel 2.5 mm longa; antherarum thecae 2.9-3 vel 2.5-2.6 X 0.3 mm subulatae poro O.1 mm diam. dorsaliter inclinato; connectivum non vel vix (a2 mm ) prolongatum ventraliter non appendiculatum dorsaliter dente hebeti 0.1 vel 0.05 mm longo descendenti armatum. Stigma non expansum; stylus 5.5 X 0.2 mm glaber in ovarii collum 0.3 m immersus; ovarium 3-loculare et 1/2-2/3 inferum apice sparse granuloso; fructus siccus paulo 10-costatus calyce persistenti. Type Collection: G. Tessmann 5238 (holotype S; isotype NY), collected along "Stromgebiet des Maranon von Iquitos aufwarts bis zur Santiago-Mlindung am Pongo de Manseriche,”" Depto. Loreto, Peru. 250 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 3 Paratypes (all Peru): Loreto: Soledad, Rfo Itaya, elev. 110 m, Killip & Smith 29709 (US). "Tree 10-12 feet"; Alto Rfo Itaya, elev. 145 m, Llewelyn Williams 3465 (US). Junfn: Puerto Bermudez, elev. 375 m, Killip & Smith 26425 (US). "Shrub 12-15 ft." and 26503 (US). "Slender much-branched shrub."; San Nicolas, Pichis Trail, elev. 1100 m, Killip & Smith 25974 (US). "Tree 12-15 ft.; flower parts white.” Miconia sprucei, known to me from only one recent collection (Prance et al 15488, Rfo Uneiuxi, Amazonas, Brazil), has young branchlets, primary leaf veins beneath, inflorescences, and hypanthia moderately stellulate-puberulous, hypanthia plus calyx (ary) 3-3.5 mm long (rather than 2-2.5 mm , ary), and petals externally stellulate-puberulous (rather than granulose on both sides). Unfortunately the Uneiuxi material lacks stamens and style. In general aspect, M. emendata is rather like M. juruen- sis Pilger and M. amacurensis Wurdack, both of which have the stamen connectives bilobulate ventrally (as well as other individual deviations). Tessmann 5238 was collected at Soledad in June 1925 (fide the NY specimen) and was distributed as M. sprucei; most of the paratypes were distributed as Ossaea micrantha (Sw.) Macf. MICONIA POORTMANNII (Cogn.) Wurdack, comb. nov. Tococa poortmannii Cogn., DC. Mon. Phan. 7: 971. 1891. Miconia espinosana Gleason, Phytologia 3: 28. 1948. The holotypes for both the Cogniaux and Gleason names have been compared. The Poortmann collection was from Cisne on the Loja-El Oro border. Relatives of M. poortmannii include M. rimbachii Wurdack and M. inanis Cogn. & Gl. ex Gleason. MICONIA OMBROPHILA Wurdack, sp. nov. Sect. Amblyarrhena. M. inani Cogn. & Gl. ex Gleason affinis, foliorum subtus venulis arcte reticulatis floribus minoribus differt. Ramuli primum quadrangulati demum teretes sicut folia inflorescentia hypanthiaque primum obscure amorpho-squamulosi mox glabrati. Petioli 1-1.8 cm longi; lamina 9-11.5 X 3-3.5 cm oblongo-elliptica apice per 1-1.5 cm acuminato basi acuta, firme membranacea et integra, 3-plinervata (nervis primariis laterali- bus per 0.5-0.8 em costa poculiforme coalitis) nervulis subtus planis areolis 0.3-0.5 mm latis. Panicula ca. 7 cm longa pauciflora, pedicellis ca. 5-6 mm longis et ca. 1 mm infra hypanthium articulatis, bracteolis deciduis non visis; flores S-meri. Hypanthium (ad torum) 2.5 mm longum; calycis tubus 0.3 mm longus, lobis interioribus 1.2 mm longis triangularibus, dentibus exterioribus lobos interiores aequantibus vel paullulo (0.1 mm) excedentibus; torus intus glaber. Petala 4 X 3.3-3.6 mm oblongo-suborbicularia dense granulosa. Stamina essentialiter isomorphica; filamenta 3-3.8 mm longa modice glanduloso-puberula; antherarum thecae 2.2-2.3 X 1 X 1 mm oblongae et apicaliter dorsaliter curvatae, poro 0.15 mm diam. terminali; connectivum nec prolongatum nec appendiculatum. Stigma capitellatum 1.8- 1977 Wurdack, Certamen Melastomataceis 251 2 mm diam.; stylus 6 X 0.7-0.8 mm modice glanduloso-puberulus in ovarii apicem 0.4 mm immersus; ovarium 5-loculare et ca. 2/3 inferum glabrum. Type Collection: E. L. Little, Alberto Ortega, Alfredo Samaniego, & Francisco Vivar 632 (holotype US 2728825), collected in humid forest of the Cordillera Cutucu 5-10 km east of Logrofio, 2° 37! S, 78° 6" W, Prov. Morona-Santiago, Ecuador, elev. 1200-1500 m, 7-9 Oct. 1975. "Arbol de 8 m, 10 cm diam.” Miconia inanis has lax (areoles mostly 1-1.5 mm wide) leaf venule reticulation and considerably larger flowers (hypanthium ca. 4.5 mm long, petals 6-6.5 X 4.5-5 mm, anthers 3-3.2 m long); Miconia pausana Wurdack has thicker and relatively wider leaf blades, as well as smaller flowers (calyx lobes 0.5 mm long, petals 2 X 1.7-1.8 mm) with glandular ovary apices. In stamens and pistil, M. longisepala Gleason closely resembles M. ombrophila, but the Peruvian species differs in the smaller basally nerved leaf blades, much longer sepals, and somewhat larger petals. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE ERIOCAULACEAE. LXVII Harold N. Moldenke PAEPALANTHUS TRICHOPEPLUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 130. 1977. The Eitens encountered this plant in a natural open campo with "campo rupestre" vegetation, at 1100-1200 m. altitude. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Eiten & Eiten 10986 (W--279967h) . PAEPALANTHUS TRICHOPHYLLUS (Bong.) K&rn. Additional bibliography: Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 879 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 402. 1960; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 71. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 515, 581, & 959. 19713 Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeo- gr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 6: 1160 & Ind. 12 & 21. 1972; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 131. 1977. This species is apparently based on L. Riedel 292 from "an trockenen, sandigen Stellen bei S. Jo&o d'El Rey", M. Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in anthesis in July, and deposited in the Lenin- grad herbarium. An isotype in the Berlin herbarium was photo- graphed there by Macbride as his type photograph mumber 10659. Bongard's original (1831) description is "Caulescens; caule sub- ramoso, folioso; foliis caulinis amplexicaulibus, lanceolatis, acuminatis, mucronatis, subcarinatis, piloso-canescentibus; pedunculis terminalibus vaginisque pilosis". The plate "5", cited by Bongard, apparently was never actually published and probably exists only in the Leningrad herbarium or library. The Angely (1972) reference in the bibliography of this species is sometimes cited as "1970", the title-page date, but was not actu- ally published until 1972. Collectors have found this plant growing on campos, among rocks, on moist ground, and in damp places and bogs, at 1000--1200 meters altitude, flowering in February, March, April, July, and August. Harley and his associates found it growing in an area of burned-over grassland, marsh, and cutover woodlands, with rocky hillsides of tale and metamorphic rock. Ruhland (1903) cites, eae cad from the Berlin herbarium: Minas Gerais: Glaziou 17307 & 18586, L. Riedel 292, and Schwacke 72h6, 12182, & 1573. S80 Paulo: Gl Basten 178h3 . Silveira (1928) cites A. Si Silveira 250 from Minas Gerais. The species is similar in general appearance to P. acutipilus Alv. Silv., P. babyloniensis Alv. Silv., P. He Ruhl., Pec chrysophorus Alv. Silv., and P. flaccidus (Bong.) Kunth. Citations: BRAZIL: Bahias Harley, Renvoize, Erskine, Brighton, & Pinheiro in Harley 16066 (Z); Lttzelburg 98 (N, Qu), 98a (Mu, Ze 98b (Mu). Minas Gerais: Glaziou 17307 (Br); L. Riedel 292 252 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 253 [Macbride photos 10659] (B—isotype, N--photo of isotype, N—- photo of isotype, W—-photo of isotype). PAEPALANTHUS TRUXILLENSIS Ktrn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 06. 1863. Synonymy: Dupatya truxillensis (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Dupatya truxillensis Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 15. 1902. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 05, 06, 502, & 508. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02. 1894; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 15. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (4-30): 201, 207, 28h, & 292. 1903; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 1h5. 19]; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 02. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 6, 31, & 55. 19463; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 373. 19475 Mol- denke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 352 (1918) and 3: 97). 19493 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 6) & 212. 1949; Molden- ke, Phytologia 4: 206. 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 72, 282, & 490. 19593 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 02. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 126 & 486 (1971) and 2: 959. 19713; Moldenke, Phy- tologia 31: 383. 1975. This species is based on Linden 297 from the “oberhalb dem Paramo von Agua de Obispo", at 3300 meters altitude, Trujillo, Venezuela, probably deposited in the Berlin herbarium. An iso- type in the Vienna herbarium was photographed there by Macbride as his type photograph number 29996. Ruhland (1903) cites only the type collection. Ruiz-Teré4n & Lépez-Figueiros describe the plant as a "Hierba rosulada, caudicirrosuleto o acaulirrosuleto herb&ceo, en prado pantanoso. Rafz axonomorfa, ortétropa, robusta, 10 cm. de largo. Céudice ortétropo, de unas 10 cm. x 15--17 mm., negro pardusco, con rafices adventicias filiformes, del mismo color. Résula den- sifoliada, hasta de 6—10 x16 cm. Hojas sésiles, triangular- lineares o deltado-sublanceoladas o deltado-lineares a lanceola- do-lineares, h—-9 cm. x 6--18 mm., agudas pero no espinescentes © espinascentes en el 4pice, pilosas o pubescentes en ambas caras, m4s por el envés o m&4s hacia el tercio proximal por el envés, o virtualmente glabras en ambas caras, ciliadas en los bordes, concoloras, verde intensas, las proximales (adul tas) submates, angustihialinas y denticuladas en los bordes, blanco- pilosas. Escapos exsertos, 6—30 cm. de largo o m&s cortos, estriado-sulcados, pubescentes (sobre todo hacia el tercia dis- tal), con 'bractea' o vaina, verdiamarillentos en el resto. Capftulos hemisféricos, 5—8 x 7-15 mm., con pelos blancos a blanquecino gris&ceos. Flores blancas." They report it as frequent or moderately frequent on pdframos, "cabecera semibos- cosa de la quebrada", and savannas at 2800—3)00 meters altitude. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Apure: Ruiz-Terdn & Lépez- Figueiros 8860 (Tu). Mérida: Ruiz-Terén 7152 (Ac); Ruiz—Terén & 25h PHY T.0 LO GIA Vol. 35, no. 3 Lépez-Figueiras 8623 (Kh, Ld). T&chira: Ruiz-Terén & Lépez- Figueiras 1212 (Z), 8918 (Mi). Trujillo: Linden 297 [Macbride photos 29996] (B—isotype, N--photo of isotype, W——photo of iso- type). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: drawings & notes by Kornicke (B). PAEPALANTHUS TUBERCULATUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 52. 1908. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 52. 1908; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 6 (2): 4. 192); Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 222—-22) & 41h, pl. 147. 1928; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 8: 169. 1933; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 1937; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 18. 19); Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 1963 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 1993 Moldenke, Phytologia ks 206--207. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 90. 19593 Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 959. 19713; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 146. 1976. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 1h7. 1928. This species is apparently based on A. Silveira 365 from "In campis arenosis prope Cap&%o Redondo, in Serra do Cipé", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1905, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. In his 1928 work Silveira also cites a col= lection made by Brade "in campis montis Itataiai"® in June of 1913. The latter collection appears to be Herb. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 1965. In the text of his 1928 work plate 17, illustrating P. tuberculatus, is erroneously cited under P. schwackeanus Ruhl. Paepalanthus tuberculatus is apparently knwon thus far only from these two collections. PAEPALANTHUS TUBEROSUS (Bong.) Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 508--509. 18). Synonymy: Eriocaulon tuberosum Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 629. 1831. Paepalanthus tuberosus Kunth apud Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 377. 1863. Dupatya tuber- osa (Bong.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 7h6. 1891. Dupatya tuberosa Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 15. 1902. Bibliography: Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 29—30. 1831; Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 629 (1831) and ser. 6, 3: 550, pl. 22. 1835; Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 586. 18)0; Kunth, Emam. Pl. 3: 508-509, 575, 576, 61h, & 625. 181; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 260. 18523 Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 278 & 33h. 1855; Kérn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 377, 00, & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 879 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 02. 189); Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 201, 20h, 28h, 287, & 292. 1903; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 41h. 1928; Stapf, Ind. Lond. 3: 91. 19305; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 15. 191; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 879 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: 02. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16, 31, hl, & 55. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 255 Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 1949; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 103, 282, 293, & 490. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 879 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 02. 1960; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 303. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 & 486 (1971) and 2: 515 & 959. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 40, 78, & 111 (1975) and 33: 8. 1976. Illustrations: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 3: pl. 22. 1835. This species is based on an L. Riedel collection from the Serra da Lapa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in anthesis in November, and deposited in the Leningrad herbarium. Kunth (181) comments that "Flores feminei haud observati. P. corymboso et melaleuco valde affinis. Distinguitur rhizomate crasso, tuberoso; foliis basi glabris (nec lanatis), pubescentibus (nec pilosis, nec cili- atis); pedunculis apice canescentibus et vaginis bifidis." This is almost a verbatim repetition of what Bongard (1831) also says. Ruhland (1903) cites the original collection and another Riedel collection from "auf kiesigen Campos bei Cachoeira", flowering in December, probably deposited in the Berlin herbarium. Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 491 from Diamantina, collected in 1908. The P, Clausen 17h, distributed as P. tuberosus, is actually P, aequalis (Vell.) J. F. Macbr., while P, Clausen s.n. [Aug.= April 180] is P. lanceolatus Korn. As far as I know, P. tuberosus is known only from the three collections mentioned above. os pi ULEANUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): - 1903. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 127, 146, & 292. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 127. 1908; Liitzel- burg, Estud. Bot. Nordést. 3: 149 & 151. 1923; Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 20: 185. 192; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Dis- trib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Ver- benac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia : 207. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 490. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 501 (197k) and 30: 105. 1975. This species is based on Ule 09) from rocky campos in the Serra dos Org%os, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, collected in October, 1896, and deposited in the herbarium of the Botanisches Museum in Berlin. Recent collectors have encountered it on moist granite at altitudes of 2000-—-2l,00 meters in those mountains, flowering in October and November, and fruiting in January. Herzog asserts that the species is related to P. hispidissi- mus Herzog, while Ruhland (1903) claims that its affinity is with P, lundii Korn. It seems to me also to bear striking re- semblance to P. elongatulus Ruhl. and P. ovatus Korn. Litzel- berg asserts that it grows at altitudes of 2000 to 2300 meters, but is not characteristic of any particular habitat. 256 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, mo. 3 The Litzelburg 658, distributed as P. uleams in some herbar— ia, actually is P. ovatus Korn. Citations: BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: Glaziou 1730h [U. S. Nat. Herb. photo 5886] (B, N—phote, P, P, P, P), 17321 (Br, N)3 Ltt Su es (Mu); Segadas-Vianna 610 (N); Ule 09) (B-type, Z— isotype). PAEPALANTHUS UNCINATUS G,. Gardn. in Hook., Icon. Pl. 6 [ser. ra 2]: vi & vidi, pl. 523. 183. Synonymy: Eriocavlon uncinatum (Gardn.) Steud., Syn. Pl. Glun. 2: [Cyp.] 281—282. 1855. Dupatya uncinata (Gardn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Eriocaulon uncinatum Steud. apud Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 87h, in syn. 1893. Dupatya uncinata Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. ig imp. 1, 1h5. 1902. Bibliography: G. Gardn. in Hook., Icon. Pl. 6 [ser. 2, 2]: vi & viii, pl. 523. 1843; Walp., Ann. 1: 889. 189; Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 281-282 & 33h. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 345 & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 879 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 402. 1894; N. E. Br., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot., ser. 2, 6: 71. 1901; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (I-30): 13h, 221, 28h, 288, & 292. 1903; Stapf, Ind. Lond. : 519. 1930; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 1913; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 879 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: 02. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16, 31, 41, & 55. 1946;Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 1949; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 19593; Moldenke, Résumé 103, 282, 293, & 90. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 879 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 02. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 & 486 (1971) and 2: 515 & 959. 19713; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 3h. 1976. Illustrations: G. Gardn. in Hook., Icon. Pl. 6 [ser. 2, 2]: pl. 523. 1843. This species is based on G. Gardner 5266 from sandy campos in the Diamantina district, Serro do Frio, Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in August, 180, and deposited in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. Ruhland (1903) cites only the original collection and comments that the "species a. cl. Koer- nicke jure subgeneri Xeractidi Mart. adjungitur, in quo floribus @ glabris valde insignis". Thus far it is known only from the original collection. aie eA UNDULATUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 150. 1903. Synonymy: Paepalanthus damazioi Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 20, in syn. 1959 [not P. damazioi Beauverd, 1908]. Paepalanthus damazii Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 20, in syn. 1959. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 257 Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 3, 128, 150, pen & 292. 1903; Beauverd, Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 8: 288. 1908 Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 127. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: by. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 a 55. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 90. 1959; Moldenke, we Suppl. 1: 20. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (asm) and 2:580 & 959. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 246 (1973), 29: 315 (197), and 30: 54 & 81. 1975. This species is based on Glaziou 178); from Pico d'Itabira do Campo, Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in anthesis in December and deposited in the Berlin herbarium where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 10656. Macbride's photo- graph number 10592 is of Damazio 709, an isotype of P. damazioi Ruhl. and P, damazii Ruhl., also also in the Berlin herbarium. The P. damazioi Beauverd is a valid species previously discussed in this series of notes. Ruhland (1903) cites only the original collection and com- ments that the "Folia et pedunculi hirsuti insignia. In capitu- lis examinatis flores 3 plures". He asserts that the species is closely related to P. vestitus Ruhl. It certainly bears close habital resemblance to P. barbulatus Herzog, P. leucoblepharus Korn., and P. liitzelburgii Herzog. Recent collectors describe it as having inflorescences to 4O cm. tall, with grayish flower- heads, and found it to be frequent among rocks on steep rocky slopes at 1500 meters altitude, flowering and fruiting in Febru- ary. Silveira (1928) cites A. *Silveira 535 from the Serra do Curral, Minas Gerais, collected in 1905. The Me A. Chase 103h2, distributed as P. undulatus, actually is P. mexiae Moldenke. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Damazio 709 (Macbride photos 10592] (B, N--photo, N—-photo, W-—-photo); Glaziou 178) [Macbride photos 10656) (B-type, N—photo of type, N—-photo of type, W— photo of type, Z—isotype); Irwin, Maxwell, & Wasshausen 1952) (Au, N, W—2759043, Z). ae REE URBANIANUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 188. 1903. Synonymy: Paepalanthus urbanii Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: hO. 1930. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 18, 188, & 292. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 127. 1908; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 40. 1930; Molden ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 77 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 90. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 592 & 959. 19713 Moldenke, Phytologia 28: 439 (1974), 29: 29h & 296 (197), and 33: 29, 191, 192, 195, & 196. 1976. This species is based on Glaziou 22318 from dry campos in the 258 POR YT’ OSL -0°S Tk Vol. 35, no. 3 Serra dos Veadeiros, Goids, Brazil, collected in flower in Jam- ary, and deposited in the Berlin herbarium where it was photo- graphed by Macbride as his type photograph number 10657. Ruhland (1903) cites only the original collection and comments that "Spe- cies cum P. amoeno Koern, affinis, sed foliis facillime dignos- cenda. Pr specioso Koern. habitu jam diversa." Recent collectors describe P. urbanianus as an erect subshrub, 0.8--1.5 m. tall, the stem much branched, and the flower-heads yellow. They have found it growing on campos and rocky campos, in areas of dense cerrado on hillsides and adjacent. campo, on wet slopes in campo in areas of campo and cerrado, and in "cascalho timido", often growing along with Xyris, at altitudes of 950-1500 meters, flowering from March to May and in August, fruiting in August. Héringer 10431 10431 has very narrow leaves, while on Hatsch- bach 29948 and Mello Ba: Barreto 2487 they are extraordinarily broad. Mrs. Chase reports rts the e plant as as "stiffly erect, on open rocky steep slope characteristic of upper altitudes, *1100—-1200 nm" and found it in flower and fruit in March and April. Material of this species has been misidentified, distributed in some herbaria, and even cited by me in previous installments of this series as P. acanthophyllus Ruhl., P. amoenus (Bong.) Korn., and P. speciosus Korn., to which taxa, as well as to P. cordatus Ruhl., it is obviously closely Pore ede Emended citations: BRAZIL: Distrito Federal: Héringer 10431 (N). Goids: W. R. Anderson 7689 (N, Z); Glaziou 22318 [Macbride photos 10657] " (B-type, Br—isotype, N--isotype, N—photo of type, N--photo of type, W--photo of type); Irwin, Harley, & Smith 3203) (N, W--2709596). Minas Gerais: M. i. Chase 9221 (W— 1282186); Glaziou 19977 (C); Hatschbach 29948 (Ca—1385179, N); Kubitski 71-22 (Mu); Me: Mello Barreto 287 (N); Le B. Smith 7075 (N, W--2120225, W--2120226) . PAEPALANTHUS USTERII Beauverd, Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 8: 295~-297, fig. 12 A 1--13. 1908. Synonymy: Paepalanthus usteri Beauverd apud Stapf, Ind. Lond. ks 519. 1930. Bibliography: Beauverd, Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 8: 295— 297, fig. 12 A 1--13. 1908; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 4, imp. 1, 170. 1913; Stapf, Ind. Lond. 4: 519. 1930; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 199; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. h, imp. 2, 170. 1958; *VMoldenke, Résumé 103 & 490. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 592 & 959. 1971; Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 6: 1160 & Ind. 21. 1972. Illustrations: Beauverd, Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 8: 296, fig. 12 A 1--13. 1908. This species is based on "No. 7 (in Herb. polytechn. S. Paulo) 'Charagua, pr. Sao Paulo; leg. A. Usteri, h fevrier 1907'" and deposited in the Herbier Boissier in Geneva. Beauverd (1908) 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 259 comments that the species is "Voisine du polymorphe Paepalantms planifolius (Bong.) Koernicke" but that it "s'en distingué nette- ment par son port beaucoup plus réduit, ses feuilles plus coria- cés, d'un vert glauque et 4 bords enroulés, ses pédoncules beau- coup moins nombreux, & gaines proportionnellement plus longues, et ses capitules 3—-l céphales beaucoup plus petits; seule l'analyse des fleurs accuse de grandes analogues avec celles du P. planifolius. -~ Il se pourrait d'ailleurs que l'une des dif- férences essentielles que nous avons remarquées chez les fleurs fit imputable 4 une cause accidentelle; l'extrémité des sépales miles nous est toujours apparme glabre chez la nouvelle espéce tandis qu'elle est ciliée de poils claviformes chez la plante de Koernicke, d'aprés la planche et cet auteur (tab. 52, fig. 2a), ces poils paraissent &tre trés caducs et auraient du rester inapergus dans notre spécimen. Néammoins, les autres caractéres notés suffisent 4 justifier la valeur spécifique de cette plante que nous sommes heureux de dédier a son collecteur M. prof. Dr. A. Usteri, du Polytechnicum de S&o Paulo." The Angely (1972) work referred to in the bibliography of this species is sometimes cited as "1970", the title-page date, which is incorrect. The species is thus far known only from the original specimen. PAEPALANTHUS VAGINANS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 166-167, pl. 106. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 166--167 & ih, pl. 106. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 1937; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 200. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 18). 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 90. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 & 486 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 106. 1928. The type of this species was collected "Secus margines cap- oeiras inter Itacambira et Juramento", Minas Gerais, Brazil, by Alvaro Adolpho da Silveira (no. 817) in July, 1926, and is de- posited in the Silveira herbarium; on p. 1) of his work (1928) Silveira gives the type locality as "Itacambira". He comments that the "Species ob folia vaginantia ab omnibus speciebus Paepalanthi P. ocreato excepto valde distincta". Thus far P. vaginans is known only from the original collec- tion. PAEPALANTHUS VAGINATUS Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 313—-31h. 1863 [not P. vaginatus Mart., 1959]. Synonymy: Dupatya vaginata (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Dupatya vaginata Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 313—-31h & 506. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & 260 POHY. F.0°L-0"G I"A Vol. 35, noe 3 Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02. 1894; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1 146. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 26, 166, 28h, & 292. 1903; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: kik. 1928; Durand & Jacks ., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 19)15 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 402. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16, 31, ee 55. 196; Molden- ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed.’ 2), "88 & 212. 19449; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, fis: 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 103, 282, & 490. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 02. 1960; Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: 186, 187, & 191. 1969; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 23 959. 1971. This species is based on a Riedel collection (probably NO. 1462) from "auf grasigem Boden der Serra do Caraga", Minas Gerais, Brazil, flowering in January, deposited in the Berlin herbarium where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph num- ber 10661. I have personally seen and examined this specimen and have compared it with the photograph te be certain of their iden- tity since the label accompanying Macbride's photograph is erron- eously inscribed "Martius 87h" and "Paepalanthus vellozioides Koern." On the other hand, Macbride's photograph number 10660, labeled as "Paepalanthus inatus", is actually a picture of P. vellozioides Korn. Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 33h, col- lected in the Serra do Cipé, Minas Gerais, in 1905. Irwin and his associates encountered P. vaginatus in wet ground at gallery margin in an area of gallery forest and adja- cent cerrado, at 1300 meters altitude, and describe the plant as a "rosette herb, inflorescence to 30 cm. tall in bud". The Glaziou collection cited below bears a printed label in- scribed "Rio de Janeiro", but the collection was actually made on campos at S80 Vicente in Minas Gerais. Ruhland (1903) says of it "Secundum specimina Glazioviana, certissime ad hanc speciem per— tinentia, diagnosis a cl. Koernicke data ita est supplenda: Folia juniora apice, praesertim supra, sparse et breviter puberula, mox calva; antherae demum rotundo-ovatae, hyalinae; flos ¥ : breviter pedicellatus; sepala 2, basi connata, obovata, obtusiuscula, con- cava, rigidula, ciliata, fusca; petala 2, libera, oblongo- spathulata, rotundato-obtusa, flavidula, apice hyalina et temi- membranacea, ciliata; germen bicoccum; stylus brevis, stigmate 2, profunde bifida; appendices quam illa paullo breviores filiformes, apice papillosae. Receptaculum pilosum." The P. vaginatus Mart., referred to in the synonymy above, is a synonym of Syngon: Syngonanthus fischerianus (Bong.) Ruhl. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Glaziou 1983) (B, 2); Irwin, Reis dos Santos, Souza, & Fonséca 22825 (N, Z Z)5 - Riedel 11,62 [Macbride pass 10661] (B-type, N--phote of cee “N—photo of type, Ut--382—isotype, W--photo of type). State undetermined: Weddell acne (P).. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 261 PAEPALANTHUS VARIABILIS Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 9, pl. 17. 1908. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 49, pl. 17. 1908; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. )6 (25: h. 192); Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 142, 15y—156, & 1h, pl. 97 & 98. 1928; Stapf, Ind. Lond. h: 519. 1930; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 8: 169. 1933; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19375 Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 18. 1911; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 90. 1959; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 352. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 271. 1975. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. pl. 17. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 97 & 98. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 313 from "In campis lo- cis siccis arenosisque in Serra do Cipé", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1905, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. In a later publication, Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 366, also from the Serra do Cipé and also collected in 1905. Recent collectors describe the plant as having inflorescences to 10 cm. tall and have found it growing on wet sandy campos and shady hillside campos, at 1300 meters altitude, flowering in Feb- ruary and April. Silveira (1928) says that the "Species cum P, applanato Ruhl. valde affinis; sed pedunculis teretibus atque numerosis (usque 80) petalis in 8 speciminibus suppentibus florum femineorum intus pilosis et pilis supremis bracteorum perigoniorumque non tubercu- latis distincta est." The Mello Barreto 2522, distributed as P. variabilis, is actu- ally P. amoems (Bong.) Korn. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Irwin, Maxwell, & Wasshausen 20230 (N); Pereira 2900 [Pabst 3726; Herb Herb. Brad. Brad. 3836] (Bd); A. Silveira 313 3 (B—isotype, Z--isotype). PAEPALANTHUS VARIABILIS var. GLABRESCENS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 156. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 156 & 415. 1928; Molden ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 1916; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Ré- a 103 & 490. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971. This variety is based on A. Silveira 645 from "In campis are- nosis in Serra do Cabral", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in 1917, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (1928) describes it as "A forma typica foliis longe ciliatis ceterum glabris et bracteis involucrantibus dorso solo pilis brevibus paucisque differt". It is know thus far only from the original collection. 262 PHY P10 Li0rG TA Vol. 35, no. 3 PAEPALANTHUS VELLOZIOIDES Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): Ol— 402, pl. 51, fig. 2. 1863. Synonymy: Dupatya velloziodes (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Dupatya velloziodes Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. l, 145. 1902. Paepalanthus vellosioides Korn. ex Moldenke, Résumé 329, in syn. 1959; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 71. 1960. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 401—}02, 99, & 507, pl. 51, fig. 2. 1863; Hieron. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 1, 2 (kh): 23, fig. 12 A—D. 1888; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 402. 189); Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 201-~20h, 264, & 292, fig. 29 BL. 1903; Saunders, Ann. Bot. 39: 157. 1925; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 415. 1928; Stapf, Ind. Lond. h: 519. 1930; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 191; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 02. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16, 31, & 55. 1965 Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 199; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 103, 282, 329, & 490. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 22. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 02. 1960; Rennéd, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 71. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 18: 10. 1969; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 & 86 (1971) and 2: 591, 592, & 959. 19713; Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 138 & 2h0 (1973), 29s 301 (1974), 30: hO, 78, & 111 (1975), and 33: 48, 130, & 201. 1976. Illustrations: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): pl. 51, fig. 2. 1863; Hieron. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 1, 2 (4): 23, fig. 12 A—D. 1888; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 20h, fig. 29 B—L. 1903. This species is based on three cotype collections: Martius 87h from Minas Gerais, Sellow 1368 from "Serra do Caraga, von Capa- nema bis Campo", and P. Clausen 96 from “ebendaselbst und auf den Gipfel des Berges Jaragua", both also in Minas Gerais, Brazil, and all deposited in the Berlin herbarium, where the Martius col- lection was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph num- ber 10660, whose accompanying label unfortunately is inscribed "Riedel 162" and "Paepalanthus vaginatus" in error. On the other hand, Macbride's photograph of the type of P. vaginatus (his photo- graph number 10661) is erroneously labeled "Martius 87)" and "Paepalanthus vellozioides". A sheet of Martius s.n. in the Meis- ner Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden also bears a label numbered "87," but is P. melaleucus (Bong.) Kunth. Martius 87h apparently was originally identified by Martius as P. spixiams Mart. and this binomial is included in the synonymy of P. velloz- ioides by Ruhland (1903), but in error. Paepalanthus melaleucus and P. spixianus appear to be valid species, not identical with, but certainly very similar to closely related to P. vellozioides. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 263 Recent collectors have found P. vellozioides growing on campos and wet campos, at altitudes of 1200—1500 meters, flowering from November to February, as well as in May and August, and fruiting in November, January, and February. Irwin and his associates re- port the plant as having light-gray flowering heads and "forming large tufts on campo in areas of cerrado, sedge meadow (brejo), sandstone outcrops, and gallery forest", growing in dry sandy soil. The Eitens describe the heads as "light-gray around the edge, white in the center" and the plant as growing in clumps, "common on rocky knolls with very fine sand [which is] light-gray because of a small humus content". Anderson and his associates encountered it in sandy soil with sandstone in an area of forest along streams, adjacent rocky and grassy hillsides, and grassy campos on the’ tops of the hills. Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 28 from the Serra do Caraga, collected in 1906. The labels for Anderson, Stieber, & Kirkbride 36092, distributed by the New York Botantoal Garden, are inscribed "Paepalanthus bryoides (Riedel) Kunth. Det. H. N. Moldenke", but I never made any such determination’, A clerical error in trans- cription must be involved here somewhere. Paepalanthus vellozioides is closely related to and very simi- lar to P. bromelioides Alv. Silv., P. corymbosus (Bong.) Kunth, P. lanceolatus Korn., P. melaleucus (Bong. ) Kunth, and P. rigidu- lus aa with points of resemblance also to P. cacuminis Ruhl., ae hydra Ruhl., P. laxifolius Korn., P. sicaefolius Alf. us Alf. Silv., ete., although Ruhland (1903) maintains that the "Species forma bractearum involucrantium insignis". Material of P. vellozioides has been misidentified and distrib- uted in some herbaria as P. bromelioides Alv. Silv., P. bryoides (Riedel) Kunth, P. lanceolatus Korn., P. spixiams Mart., and P. vaginatus Korn. “On the other hand, the SeeGeite photograph num ber 10661, distributed as Pe vellozioides, actually represents P. vaginatus Korn., while Eiten & Eiten 10922 is P. bromelioides Alv. Silv. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Anderson, Stieber, & Kirk- bride 36092 (N, W--2709801); P. Clausen 96 (B-—cotype) ; Costa 138 (Ja, (Ja, N)j Ei Eiten & Eiten 678) (W—2688355) ; | Glaziou 15523 (Br); Irwin, Harley, & Onishi ~ 29030 (N, W--2709818); Macedo edo 2995 (N, S, S); Magalhites Gomes & Schwacke 757 |Herb. Magalh&%es Gomes 757; Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 26678] (N); Maguire, Maguire, & Murga Pires 680 (N, N); Martius 87h ["213"; Macbride photos 10660] (B--cotype, Br—cotype, Mu--cotype, N--cotype, N—photo of cotype, N—photo of cotype, W—photo of cotype); Mello Barreto 278 (N); Occhioni & Occhioni s.n. [Herb. Fac. Nac. Farmac. mac. 1121) (2)5 L. Riedel s.n. - (Serra do Caraga] (Br); Sellow 1368 (B—cotype). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: drawings & notes by Kornicke (B, B). 26h PHY Te, 5761G; Ek Vol. 35, no. 3 PAEPALANTHUS VELUTINUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 145—1h7, pl. 91. 1928. Synonymy: Paepalanthus vehetimus Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 91, sphalm. 1926. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 145—1h7 & 15, pl. 91. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19373 A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 200. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 18). 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 196; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 381. 197; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Résumé 103, 329, & 490. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 592 & 959. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 91. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 577 from "In pratis are- nosis in Serra do Cabral", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in May, 1910, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (1928) comments that the "Species ob colorem formam bractearum involu- crantium indumentum foliorum caulinorum etc. perbene distincta". This species is known thus far only from the original collec- tion. PAEPALANTHUS VENETIFOLIUS Moldenke & Steyerm. ex Moldenke, Phyto= logia 31: 383, nom. md. 19753 in press. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 383. 1975. Citations: VENEZUELA: Bolivar: Steyermark, Espinoza, & Brewer- Carias 10905 (Z——type). PAEPALANTHUS VENUSTOIDES Moldenke, Act. Biol. Venez. 2: 8——50. 1957. Synonymy: Paepalanthus sp. Soukup, Biota 2: 302.1959. Bibliography: Moldenke, Act. Biol. Venez. 2: 48—-50. 19573 A- non., Biol. Abstr. 32: 2917. 1958; Soukup, Biota 2: 302. 1959; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 13: 98. 1966; Moldenke, Résumé 72 & 190. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 126 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971; Mol- denke, Phytologia 31: 405. 1975. Illustrations: Moldenke, Act. Biol. Venez. 2: 49. 19573; Soukup, Biota 5: 302. 1959. Citations: VENEZUELA: Bolivar: Pannier & Schwabe s.n. [Auyan- tepui] (Ve); Vareschi & Foldats 1,85) (N--type, Z--isotype) . PAEPALANTHUS VENUSTUS Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 93 281-—282. 1957 [not P. vemstus Alv. Silv., 1928 hyponym]. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 232. 1928; Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 281--282. 1957; Moldenke, Résumé 72 & 490. 1959; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 13: 98. 1966; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 126 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971. The P. venustus of Silveira, referred to above, is a typograph- ic error for Syngonanthus venustus Alv. Silv. Citations: VENEZUELA: Bolfvar: B. Maguire 32800 (Mu, N), 3280 (Mu--isotype, N—type), 3288) (N); J. A. Steyermark 7,902 (De Fe be continued] y PHY TOLOGIA Designed to expedite botanical publication Vol. 35 March 1977 No. 4 CONTENTS JERGER, D. E., & VOLZ, P. A., DNA analysis of fungal wild types and SPNMTATTACTED MIICHOLY DES oa 5 aC on: OO vee ke se Ae Boe ec al 265 EL-GAZZAR, A., & BADAWI, A. A., The taxonomic significance of chromosome numbers and geography in Crataegus L. ....... 271 MOLDENKE, H. N., Notes on new and noteworthy plants. XCVIT...... 276 MOLDENKE, H. N., Additional notes on the Eriocaulaceae. LXVIII.... . 278 KEIL, O. J., & PINKAVA, D. J., Reinstatement of Carminatia DC. REC IEEOIS INGE EEOPICAC IL ose. 5 ak Rafal ea ae ee OTs 323 EA, Ls OOK TEVIEWS 5 1.5 sos a: vila ccd Seep lnlct a Boe ete on wove tare 324 New YORK BOTANICAL GARDE! Published by Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L. Moldenke 303 Parkside Road Plainfield, New Jersey 07060 US.A. Price of this number, $2; per volume, $9.75 in advance or $10.50 after close of the volume; 75 cents extra to all foreign addresses; < 512 pages constitute a volume DNA ANALYSIS OF FUNGAL WILD TYPES AND SPACEFLIGHT PHENOTYPES Douglas E. Jerger and Paul A. Volz Mycology Laboratory, Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 Abstract: Ascospores of Chaetomium globosum and conidia of Trichophyton terrestre were exposed to ultraviolet light in space on board the flight of Apollo 16. Genome size of the space flown phenotype appeared larger than the wild type of each species based on the number of samples examined. Introduction: Two wild type filamentous fungi, Chaetomium glosobum ATCC 6205 (Hsu et al., 1973a, 1973b) and Trichophyton terrestre CDC x285 (Hsu et al., 1974) were included for study in the Apollo 16 Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device Koo (Volz, 1975). During the transearth Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA), the MEED was deployed at a sun synchronous 90 angle for 10 minutes 7 seconds to specific spaceflight parameters of ultraviolet light and ener levels according to the spaceflight hardware design (Taylor, 1970). Ground control and spaceflight ascospores and conidia were housed dry or in sterile distilled water in the cuvette hardware (Volz, 1974). After the exposure to space parameters the ascospores and conidia were returned to the laboratory in the MEED hardware and allowed to germinate for postflight evaluations (Volz et al., 1974). Materials and Methods: One phenotype of each species in addition to the parent or ground control strain was selected for base ratio comparison and genome size evaluations. Phenotype T. terrestre 7085-4 was isolated from the spaceflight cuvette receiving light irradiation of 300 mm at 4.2 x 10” ergs, while the C. globosum 6904-1 phenotype was exposed to full direct sunlight in space at 1.5 x 107 ergs. The phenotype isolates were morpholog- ically diverse from the parent wild types (Volz, 1973). The isolates were maintained in culture tubes on Sabouraud's maltose agar and allowed to sporulate. The spores were harvested by washing and centrifugation, inoculated into one liter of Sabouraud's maltose broth in two liter Erlenmeyer flasks and shaken at room temperature for 72 hours. Mycelium was harvested and ground in liquid nitrogen which yielded DNA preparations with a high molecular weight suitable for analysis by buoyant density centrifugation and band velocity sedimentation (Storck and Alexopoulos, 1970). DNA extraction and purification followed similar techniques previously described by Marmur (1961) and Villa and Storck (1968). The DNA was obtained from the nuclei by cellular disruption, centrifugation, deproteinization, RNase treatment, phenol extraction 265 266 PHY 10 L.0-O.F & Vol. 35, no. and ethanol precipitation. The base composition of the DNA was determined from its buoyant density in CsCl (Meselson et al, LOS 7s Sawyer et al., 1975; Schildkraut et al., 1962). This method demonstrates a linear relationship between buoyant density and guanine - cytosine content of the DNA. All buoyant densities were related to that of Mucor bacilliformis. The DNA samples were sheared in a French pressure cell, precipitated, redissolved, layered on a hydroxyapatite column for purification and dialyzed for molecular weight determinations (Dutta and Ojha, 1972). Procedures reported by Studier (1965) were used to determine the correlation between band sedimentation velocity, homogeneity, and number average molecular weight of the DNA fragments. The size of DNA fragments were determined by sedimentation coefficient methods (Studier, 1965). The molecular weights and average number of nucleotides per single stranded DNA fragment for the test organisms were: Chaetomium globosum, 1.19 x 10? and 236; Trichophyton terrestre, 1.05 x 102 and 324; Bacillus subtilis, 1.11 x 109 and 334. The Bacillus subtilis genome was used as the control estimate for accuracy comparison to the test species. Genome size of the test isolates was estimated from the proportionality relationship between the Coto,s of the unknown (Britton and Kohne, 1968). The molecular weight standard used for B. subtilis was 2.0 x 10” daltons and the Coto,5 value was 0.7. Results: Guanine - cytosine contents were calculated on the preflight control organisms to compare with previously reported data as well as with postflight phenotype results. Chaetomium globosum 6205, run with M. bacilliformis as the standard, had a calculated % GC of 51 as previously reported by Storck and Alexopoulos (1970) while Trichophyton terrestre 285 also exhibited a 51% GC base ratio which falls within the range reported for Deuteromycetes. Following spaceflight exposure, the %GC determin- ations were calculated for one phenotype each of C. globosum and T. terrestre. No significant differences in the GC base ratio were found between the phenotype and the parent. Haploid genome DNA content determinations and reassociation studies were performed on one phenotype each of C. globosum and T. terrestre (Table 1). The melting temperature determining 50% of the total hyperchromicity of single stranded DNA fragments included T. terrestre wild type, 72.5° C and T. terrestre phenotype, 72.0° C 1/10 ssc (0.015 M NaCl + 0.0015 M trisodium citrate, pH 7.0); and C. globosum wild type, 90.7° C and C. globosum phenotype, 89.5° C ab s'< SIS\O (ies M NaCl + 0.15 M trisodium citrate, pH 7.0). The reassociation of a pair of complementary sequences of the DNA of each organism was characterized by the value of Cot as shown in Fig. 1. The mean value of the separate experiments is presented in the data. Major repetitive DNA components of the control and test organisms were not detectable following the experimental technique of the second order rate plot for the renaturation of DNA (Wetmur 1977 Jerger & Volz, DNA analysis 267 and Davidson, 1968). The Coto,s5 values for the organisms were C. globosum wild type, 8; C. globosum phenotype, 8.6; T. terrestre wild type, 6.4; and T. terrestre phenotype, 7.1. Discussion: The selection of the fungal species for the MEED spaceflight hardware was carried out in preflight studies at the NASA Johnson Space Center, Preventive Medicine Division. Criteria for species selection included the ability of the organism to sur- vive constraints of the spaceflight hardware, the usefulness of the species for identifying change in the microorganisms incurred in space, previous space research in mycology related to the proposed studies, and ease of handling the organisms (Dublin and Volz, 1973). Preflight tests on numerous species representing most all major classes of fungi also assisted in selection of the flight organisms (Volz, 1974). Chaetomium ascospores and Trichophyton conidia exposed to specific ultraviolet light irradiations in space of known wave- lengths and intensities demonstrated variable survival rates and phenotype counts (Volz et al., 1974). Variations in hyphal morph- ology were also attributed to exposure to irradiation (Volz and Dublin, 1973). Significant variations occurred in fungal growth rates according to phenotype association with specific salivary samples of healthy individuals as control and to saliva from patients receiving radiation treatment for malignancies, protracted corticosteroid regimes for renal complications, and insulin therapy for diabetes mellitus. Host compromised saliva was less able to reduce growth rates of test fungi compared with normal saliva. As spaceflight environmental stress increased in irradiated cells, fungal growth decreased in the presence of salivary peroxidase activity. Other studies indicate variation in space flown phenotypes from that of the wild type or ground control. A space flown pheno- type of T. terrestre compared with the wild type differed in phos- pholipid content (Sawyer, 1975). Exposure of T. terrestre to specific spaceflight parameters resulted in a phenotype whose whole cell phospholipid content varied from that of the wild type. Preliminary results in other studies including nutritional require- ments, exposure to antifungal drugs, induced lesions in mice and hamsters, and cell metabolites indicate change when characterizing the parent strain with phenotype cell isolates obtained from space flown cuvettes (Volz, 1975). In the current study phenotypes exhibiting diverse morphological variation from the parent wild type strains were selected for nuclear weight determinations and reasso- ciation studies. Slight increases in genome size comparisons were observed, however, the differences fall within the experimental error of the analytical techniques. Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank Dr. Roger Storck and Mrs. Reba Morrill at Rice University and Dr. Richard Simmonds 268 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. at NASA Johnson Space Center for technical assistance. Studies were in part supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the American Society for Engineering Education. References: Britton, R. J., and D. E. Kohne. 1968. Repeated sequences in DNA. Science 161:529-540. Dublin, M., and P. A. Volz. 1973. Space-related research in mycology concurrent with the first decade of manned space exploration. Space Life Sciences 4:223-230. Dublin, M., P. A. Volz, and G. S. Bulmer. 1974. The antifungal activity of normal and host-compromised saliva on spaceflight fungal phenotypes. Mycopath. Mycol. Appl. 54:499-516. Dutta, S. K., and M. Ojha. 1972. Relatedness between major taxon- omic groups of fungi based on the measurement of DNA nucleotide sequence homology. Molecular Gen. Genet. 114:232-240. Hsu, ¥. G., J. L. Hiser, and PP. A. Volz. 1974. Nucilear behavior in vegetative hyphae of Trichophyton terrestre. Mycopath. Mycol. Appl. 53:69-76. Hsu, Y. C., S. A. Yu, and P. A. Volz. 1973a. The meiotic configurat- ion of Chaetomium globosum. Mycopath. Mycol. Appl. 50:145-150. Hsu, Y. C., S. A. Yu, and P. A. Volz. 1973b. The mitotic configurat— ion of Chaetomium globosum. Mycopath. Mycol. Appl. 51:243-249. Marmur, J. 1961. A procedure for the isolation of deoxyribonucleic acid from micro-organisms. J. Molecular Biol. 3:208-218. Meselson, M., F. W. Stahl, and T. Vinograd. 1957. Equilibrium sedimentation of macromolecules in density gradients. Nat. Acad. Sci. Proceed. 43:581-588. Sawyer, R. T., D. E. Deskins, and P. A. Volz. 1975. Phosphoglyceride contents of Trichophyton terrestre and a phenotype selected from Apollo 16 MEED. Appl. Microbiol. 29:658-662. Schildkraut, C. L., J. Marmur, and P. Doty. 1962. Determination of the base composition of deoxyribonucleic acid from its buoyant density in CsCl. J. Molecular Biol. 4:430-443. Storck, R., and C. J. Alexopoulos. 1970. Deoxyribonucleic acid of fungi. Bact. Reviews 34:126-154. Studier, F. W. 1965. Sedimentation studies of the size and shape of DNA. J. Molecular Biol. 11:373-390. Taylor, A. M. 1970. Design feasibility study for construction of a Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device (MEED). NAS 9-10820. Aerojet Medical and Biological Systems, El Monte. 186 pp. Villa, V. D., and R. Storck. 1968. Nucleotide composition of nuclear and mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid of fungi. J. Bacteriol. 96:184-190. Volz, P. A. 1973. Mycological studies housed in the Apollo 16 Micro- bial Ecology Evaluation Device. In: NASA TMX Proceedings of the Microbial Response to Space Environment Symposium. p. 121-135. Volz, P. A. 1974. The Apollo 16 Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device mycology studies. 1971 - 1974. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NAS 9-11562. 325 pp. Volz, P. A. 1975. Apollo 16 MEED Mycology. Phytologia 31:193-225. 1977 Jerger & Volz, DNA analysis 269 Volz, P. A., and M. Dublin. 1973. Filamentous fungi exposed to selected ultraviolet light parameters of space. Space Life Sciences 4:402-414. Volz, P. A., Y. C. Hsu, J. L. Hiser, J. M. Veselenak, and D. E. Jerger. 1974. The Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device mycology spaceflight studies of Apollo 16. Mycopath. Mycol. Appl. 54: 221-233. Wetmur, J. G., and N. Davidson. 1968. Kinetics of renaturation of DNA. J. Molecular Biol. 31:349-370. Table 1. Genome size comparisons of the wild type and space flown phenotype (mean + standard deviation) Chaetomium globosum wild type phenotype genome size (daltons) 2.25+0.3x10'° 2.41 + 0.16 x 10/° nucleotide pairs 3.36 +0.49x 10° 3.56 + 0.36 x 10° Mere taplold 3.75 + 0.57 x 10 4.004 0.28 10>” nucleus Trichophyton terrestre * wild type phenotype 10 10 genome size (daltons) 1.77 + 0.06 x 10 2.00 40 nucleotide pairs 2.57 40.12 x10’ 3.05 x 10° Mieseiuer taplold 3.92 + 0.16 x10 ap ee nucleus * T. terrestre phenotype reassociation was only performed on one sample. 270 PAH YSTAOLTAONG Tk Vol. 35, no. & Fraction reassociated Figure 1. Oo oO Cot (mole x sec/liter) Reassociation of double-stranded nucleic acids from IN dela (sible Wakes B. IT. terrestre wild type, Goole terrestre phenotype, D. C. globosum wild type, and BE. C. globosum phenotype. Log 10 was duplicated to accommodate data. THE TAXONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE OF CHROMOSOME NUMBERS AND GEOGRAPHY IN CRATAGUS L. Adel £1-Gazzar and Afaf A. Badawi Botany Department, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Ain Shams University, Giza, Egypt Goiro, Egypt Crataegus L. is a relatively large genus of the Rosaceae-Pomoideae, incorporating some 200 species, with two chief centres of geographical distribution in North America and Europe-East Asia (Airy Shaw, 1973). The most comprehensive taxonomic treatment of the genus to date is that of Lange (1897), a synopsis of which is given in the following, with the N. American species indicated by an asterisk: (A) LATERAL VEINS NEAR THE LEAF-BASE POINTING DOWNWARDS (RARELY HORIZONTAL) I. Leaves (usually) glabrous lowe raat red: a. stipules caducous: C. cordata*, C. spathulata*, C. flabellata*, C. coccinea*; C. tiliaefolia*, CElintEncata*,. b. stipules persistent: C. sorbifolia, C. celsiana, C. pinnatifida, C. pinnatiloba, C. monogyna, 2. Fruit yellow or green: C,. pruinosa*, C. altaica. 3. Fruit black or dark-coloured: C. dsungarica, C. platyphylla, C. rubrinervis, C. ambigua. II. Leaves hirsute i. FRU2e red: C. apiifolia*, C. polyacantha, C. pycnoloba, GC. ldacinvatda, CrvazcroLus. (CC. tournefortis. C. orientalis. 271 272 PHYO LOG LA Vol. 35, no. Ze aiRint ayielldliow!s Ca stancacet iho lara. 3. Fruit black or dark-coloured: C._melanocarpa, C. lambertiana, C. nigra. (B) LATERAL VEINS OF LEAVES ASCENDING I, Leaves glabrous Cla laipWialie. [seyvels aa. stipules caducous: C, crus-galli*, C. fontane- signa*, . prunifolia*, \C./arborescens*, Ga rotundifolia*, C. macracantha*, bb. stipules persistent: C. sanguinea, C. heterop- hylla, C. oxyacantha. b. Fruit yellow: CC. volandulosa*, *C. flavat? \Clelavalica=, Che RruUnte b kackmonrmddadrk=coloulne di Cie haemailias,, Cy douglass: II. Leaves hirsute or puberulent Clo lFirWiskis iPeele C. grandiflora*, C,. punctata*, C. \pyrifiolvar, OE succulenta*, C. cuneata. b. Fruit yellow: C._uniflora*, C. dippeliana. ltvis clear fromethis®synopsis that the dastamcenom between the two main groups (A and B) rests solely on the ambiguous difference in leaf venation, and that most of the smaller groups are geographically heterogeneous in that they include species from both centres of distribution. More recently, cdpious cytological information in the form of chromosome numbers of Crataegus species has been accumulating, and it seemed worthwhile to put it to some taxonomic use in testing Lange's classification of the genus. Therefore, chromosome numbers of all 121 Crataegus species studied cytologically so far have been collected from the following sources: Longley (1924), Tischler (1950), Darlington and Wylie (1955), Léve and Love (1961), Fedorov (1969) and Moore (1973). The basic chromosome number (x) has been claculated for the species and it soon became apparent that they have chromosomes either in multiples of 8 (32, 48, 64, 72), or in multi- ples of 17 (34, 51, 68), with 11 species whose reported chromosome counts conform with both values of x. Furth- ermore, data on the geographical distribution of each of 1977 El-Gazzar & Badawi, Crataegus 273 these species has been extracted from appropriate floras (e.g. Britton and Brown, 1947; Komarov, 1939) and the Index Kewensis, and pieced together with its value of x. A novel correlation between the two attributes of the plants has emerged and led to their re-arrangement into the two main groups (A' and B') given in Table 1, where the species with both values of x have been referred to one of the two groups according to their geographical distribution. Table 1. Arrangement of 121 Crataegus species into two groups (A' and B'). * =a species with two basic chrom- osome numbers (8 and 17); ** = aN. American species placed among the non-American species of Group B', Group A (75 spp.) Species exclusively North American; x = 8: Crataegus apposita Sarg.*, C. arnoldiana Sarg., C. asper- ifolia Sarg., C. assurgens Sarg., C. bartoniana Sarg., C, bealii Sarg., C. bissellii Sarg., C. boytoni Beadle, C. brunetiana Sarg., C. buckleyi Beadle, C. canbyi Sarg., C. chapmani Ashe, C. coccinioides Ashe, C. cognata Sarg.*, Speco Mancdicnapm.:, acucOncdcLamso nonce crus-galli Laer C. cuprea Sarg., C. dacroides Sarg., C. delawarensis Sarg., C, delosii Sarg., C. diffusa Sarg., C. disperma Ashe, C. dodgei Ashe, C. douglasii Lindl.*, C. eamesii Sarge., C. SxclusduOcdhcd. Cu lobellata Sarg. ,n Cuma vldGdu Sarna, Cc. fluviatilis Sarg., C. foetida Ashe, C. forbesae Sarg., C,. fusca Sarg., C,. hillii Sarg., C. holmesiana Ashe, C. inducta Ashe, C. infera Sarg., C. intricata Lange*, C. Jackii Sarg., C. lanuginosa Sarg., C. lobulata Sarg., C. margaretta Ashe, C. meticulosa Sarg., C. modesta Sarg., GHanoleseocheele, Cr. nlt1aansoard., 1c. podunol Noe Scrc.s.. C. painteriana Sarg., C. pallens Beadle, C. palmeri Sarg., C. paucispinag Sarg., C. pausiaca Ashe, C. peckii Sarg., C. pedicellata Sarg.*, C. pentandra Sarg., C. phaenopyrum Borckh., C. pinetorum Beadle, C. pringlei Sarg., C. punc- tata Jacq., C. pusilla Sarg., C. pygmaea Sarg., C. rotunda Sarg., C. rotundifolia Moench.*, C. sargenti Beadle, C. Para sorg., C. sertata Sarg., CC. smiuthi2 Sarg., C.. stonez Sunog., Ca taornda sarng,, C.. tandipesmsSara., ©. .comemntosanl., GuecreLedase: Sdarg., C. verecundarsarg., CG. vicina Sdrg., C. wheeleri Sarg. 27h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. Table 1 (cont.) Group B (46 spp.) Species mostly European and Asian; x = 17: CC. almaatensis Pojark., GC. alitarzca Ledeb,), Col armena Pojyark., C. arohica, (Lt...) Bose.,: ex DC., C.. atrocarpa welts Gr atrofuscarStevirex Pisch., ©. ctrosanguinealPouidisncns. Civicalicasnica"C." Koch, C.7chlorosarcalMaxim): 0 CG. icine nmunnchiact Roxb., C. curvisepala Lindm., C. dahurica Koehne, C. deweyana Sarg.**, C. hissarica Pojark., C. lavalléi Hérincq.**, C,. lawrencensis Sarg.**, C. maximowiczii C.K. Schneid., C. meyeri Pojark., C. microphylla C. Koch, C. monogyna Jacq.*, C. Ontentalas Palilasiy ice oxyacantha L.*, C. pentagyna Waldst. et Kit., C. pinnatifida Bunge, C. pojlakkKovaelKossyich,. CG. pontrcalGankoch, (Cli prusnosalee Koch*, C,. pseudoambigua Pojark., C. pseudoazarolus Pojark., C. pseudoheterophylla Pojark., C. pseudomelanocarpa Popov ex Lincz., C. remotiloba Raikova ex Popov, C. sanguinea* Pallas, Gibschradervanalledeb., (©. songaracalGemiKochene. sphaenophylla Pojark., C. stankovii Kossych, C. stevenii Pojanke, = Chiestapulosa S'teuidi+* MCG submoll is Sargquesnmee taurica Pojark., C. tournefortii Griseb., C. turcomanica Pojarke, C.-turkesitanicasPoyjark,, C. UlotrivchalPoyianken C. uniflora Munchh.**. Obviously, the two groups A' and B' in Table 1 are at variance with Lange's system as they cut across his two main groups (A and B) and most of their subordinate groups as well. The recognition of our two groups A' and B' is by no means a formal proposal for the subdivision of the genus Crataegus into 2 new sub-genera; it rather represents an indication of a long-neglected correlation between the geographical distribution and the chromosome numbers of the species that can be of potential taxonomic value pending an extensive investigation of the genus. REFERENCES Airy Shaw, H.K. (1973). Willis's Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns. 8th. ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Britton, N.L. and Brown, A. (1947). An Illustrated Flora om the Northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions, II. New York. 1977 El-Gazzar & Badawi, Crata 275 Darlington, C.D. and Wylie, A.P. (1955). Chromosome Atlas of Flowering Plants. George Allen & Unwin, London, Fedorov, A.A. (1969). Chromosome Numbers of Flowering Plants. Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R. Komarov, V.L. (1939). Flora of the U.S.S.R., IX. Moscow. Lange, J. (1897). Revisio Specierum Generis Crataegi. Lehmann & Stages Forlag, Copenhagen. Longley, A.E. (1924). Cytological studies in the genus Crataegus. Amer. J. Bot., 11: 295-317. Love, A. and Love, D. (1961). Chromosome numbers of central and northwest European plant species. Opera Bot., 5: 1-581. Moore, R.J. (1973). Index to Plant Chromosome Numbers 1967-1971. Regnum Vegetabile, 90: 220-221, Tischler, G. (1950). Die Chromosomenzahlen der Gefdsspfl- anzen Mitteleuropas. W. Junk, La Hage. NOTES ON NEW AND NOTEWORTHY PLANTS. XCVII Harold N. Moldenke CITHAREXYLUM GENTRYI Moldenke, sp. nov. Arbor; foliis oppositis membranaceis ovatis petiolatis, laminis 13—19 cm. longis 5—8 cm. latis ad apicem acutis vel acuminatis ad basin abrupte acutis vel breviter acuminatis, supra in siccitate minute reticulato-rugulosis glabratis subtus in toto puberulis; in- florescentiis versus apicem sarmentorum aggregatis, racemis numero—- sis erectis tenuibus multifloris; floribus parvis; tubo corollae albae calycem aequante. Small tree, to 10 m. tall; branches apparently slender, obtusely tetragonal, brownish, sulcate between the prominent angles, puberu- lent; leaves decussate-opposite, petiolate; petioles very slender, 1.7--1.9 mm. long, glabrate or microscopically puberulous; leaf- blades thinly membranous, rather uniformly green on both surfaces, ovate, 13-~19 cm. long, 5-—-8 cm. wide, apically acute or acuminate, basally abruptly acute or shortly acuminate into the petiole apex, entire, rather shiny and conspicuously reticulate-rugose above and glabrate except for the larger venation, abundantly puberulent over the entire surface beneath; secondaries very slender and mumerous, almost parallel, 8-12 per side, arcuately anastomosing near the margins; veinlet reticulation extremely fine and conspicu- ous on both surfaces; inflorescence aggregated toward the tip of the branchlets, comprising many pairs of very slender, erect, over= lapping, many-flowered racemes; peduncles and rachis tetragonal, conspicuously striate, uniformly puberulent; bractlets absent (or caducous?); pedicels less than 1 mm. long, puberulent; flowers relatively small; calyx about 3 mm. long, campamlate, conspicu- ously striate during anthesis, minutely puberulous, the rim 5- toothed; corolla hypocrateriform, white, very fragrant with the oder of tuberose (Polianthes), the tube barely equaling the calyx, the lobes 1—1.3 m,. long, rounded, densely puberulent. The type of this interesting species was collected by C. H. Dodson and A. Gentry (no. 6575) beside the gatehouse of the Rfo Palenque Biological Station at km. 56 on the road from Quevedo to Santo Domingo, at 150—-220 m. altitude, Los Rios, Ecuador, on Octo- ber 7, 1976, and is deposited in my personal herbarium. LANTANA ARISTATA var. LONGIPEDUNCULATA Moldenke, var. nov. Haec varietas a forma typica speciei pedunculis maturis 5—-6.5 cm. longis recedit. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its peduncles much longer, usually 5--6.5 cm. in length during full anthesis. The type of the variety was collected by Bnil Hassler (no. 619) somewhere in Paraguay and is deposited in the Britton Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden. 276 1977 Moldenke, New & noteworthy plants 277 LANTANA FIEBRIGII var. PUBERULENTA Moldenke, var. nov. Haec varietas a forma typica speciei ramis ramlisque laminis- que foliorum subtus dense puberulentis recedit. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its branches, branchlets, petioles, peduncles, and lower leaf-surfaces merely densely puberulent. The type of the variety was collected by James L. Luteyn, Kent P, Dumont, and Pablo Buritica (no. 828) 28 km. from Bogot4 on the Salto de Tecandama to El Colegio road, on the western slopes of the Cordillera Oriental, Cundinamarca, Colombia, at 2,70 m. altitude, on January 13, 1976, and is deposited in the Britton Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden. The leaves vary from 2 to h per node. LANTANA FUCATA var. LONGIPES Moldenke, var. nov. Haec varietas a forma typica speciei pedunculis maturis usque ad 10 cm. longis recedit. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in its peduncles being much longer, usually to 10 cm. in length during full anthesis. The type of the variety was collected by Raulino Reitz and Roberto M. Klein (no. 7281) in "capoeira" at Matador, at 350 m. altitude, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on October 16, 1958, and is deposited in the Britton Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden, PAEPALANTHUS CONVEXUS var. STRIGOSUS Moldenke, var. nov. Haec varietas a forma typica speciei pedunculis dense antrorse- que albido-strigosis recedit. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its peduncles densely antrorsely strigose or substrigose with white or whitish appressed or subappressed hairs. The type of the variety was collected by Jo&o Murga Pires (no. 21; Herb. IPEAN 14998) in the Serra Arac4, Amaz6nas, Brazil, on February 10, 1975, and is deposited in my personal herbarium. VITEX EXCELSA var. PETIOLATA Moldenke, var. nov. Haec varietas a forma typica speciei foliolulis maturis dis- tincte petiolulatis recedit. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its mature leaflets distinctly petiolulate, the blades being cuneate at the base and the petiolules to 1 cm. long. The type of the variety was collected by Antonio Aréstegui V. (no. 75) in a wet tropical forest at Santa Maria, on the Rio Na- nay, prov. Maynas, Loreto, Peru, at 150 m. altitude, on November 29, 1962, and is deposited in the Britton Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden. The collector refers to it as a tree 111.5 feet tall, the trunk diameter 36 inches, and records the vernacular name "quinilla colorado". ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE ERIOCAULACEAE. LXVIII Harold N. Moldenke PAEPALANTHUS VESTITUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 128, 150—-151, & 292. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 127. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 415. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 90. 1959; Mol- denke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971; Moldenke, Phy- tologia 31: 385 (1975) and 35: 257. 1977. The type of this species was collected by Peter Clausen "auf dem Gipfel des Itabira", Minas Gerais, Brazil, and is no. 151823 in the Reichenbach f. herbarium in Vienna, where it was photo— graphed by Macbride as his type photograph number 29997. Ruhland (1903) cites only this original collection and comments that the “Species, praesertim foliorum indumento insignis, P. undulato Ruhl. proxima esse videtur. Flores Y quam 6 in capitulis exam- inatis plures". Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 73 from the same Pica de Itabira locality, collected in 1907. Belém encoun- tered the plant on humid campos and describes it as 20 cm. tall. Citations: BRAZIL: Espirito Santo: Belém 3838 (N, Z). Minas Gerais: P. Clausen s.n. [18)3; Macbride photos 29997] (B—iso- type, N—-photo of type, W--photo of type, Z—-isotype) . PAEPALANTHUS VESTITUS var. CAULESCENS Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 232-233. 1975. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 232--233 & 385. 1975. Citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Harley, Renvoize, Erskine, Brighton, & Pinheiro in Harley 15472 (Z--type). PAEPALANTHUS VIGIENSIS Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 170-171. 199. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 170--171 (1949) and h: 207. 1953; E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 176. 1953; Molden- ke, Résumé 103 & 90. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Pard: Black & Ledoux 50-10568 (Z); Murga Pires 1398 (Be--36529--isotype), 606 (Z). PAEPALANTHUS VILLIPES Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 171—-172. 199. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 171—172 (1949) and h: 207. 1953; E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 176. 1953; Molden- ke, Résumé 103 & 490. 19593 Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971. Recent collectors have encountered this species on artificial campos, flowering in July and August. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Pard&: Black 48-3278 (Be—-37770— 278 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 279 isotype); Black & Smith 56-1882) (Bm); Ducke 12569 (Bs); W. Egler 336 [Black 19679] (Z), 1103 (Herb. Mus. ~Goeldi 23883) one Egler & & Raimundo sen. (W. A. Egler 792; Herb. Mus. Goeldi 23631] (Mm); Goeldi 15066 [Herb. Mus. Goeldi 5066] (Bs); Herb, Mus. Goeldi ~ 9800 (B 8); Murcga Pires 082 (2); N. T. Silva a 1h9 (Be— 2 = PAEPALANTHUS VILLOSULUS Mart. ex KSrn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 400-01. 1863. Synonymy: Dupatya villosula (Mart.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Dupatya villosula Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Paepalanthus villosus Mart. apud Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 230 [as "villoso"]. 1928 [not P. villosus (H.B.K.) Kunth, 1969]. Bibliography: KUrn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 280, 00O—H01, & 507. 1863; Hieron. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 1, 2 (kh): 22. 1888; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02. 189); Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 201, 20h, 28h, & 292. 1903; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 230, 231, & 415. 1928; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2 Sa: 0. 1930; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, iis. 1941; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., _ as/22 02. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Eri- oc. 16 & 5S. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., fed. 2], fake. 1949; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, als. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 103, 282, & 490. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: "02. 1960; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Acron. Minas 71. 1960; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 30k. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 & 486 (1971) and 2: 592 & 959. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 42 & 111 (1975) and 33: 48. 1976. This species is based on a Martius unnumbered collection from "in montibus altioribus" in Minas Gerais, Brazil, and deposited in the Munich herbarium where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 18732. Kodrnicke (1863) also cites Glaziou 19965 and Wied-Neuwied s.n. from the same state, the Glaziou collection from campos near Diamantina. It has been col- lected in flower in April and bears considerable habital resem- blance to P. bromelioides Alv. Silv., P. cacuminis Ruhl., P. corymboides Ruhl., P. corymbosus (Bong.) Kunth, P. hydra Ruhl., P. lanceolatus ees , P. laxifolius Korn., P, mellaleucus (Bong.) Kunth, P. pauciflorus Korn., P. rigidulus Mart., P. spixiams Mert., 2: abercics Cie ) Kunth, and P. vellozioides Korn. Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 780 from the Serra Geral, Minas Gerais, collected in 1926. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Martius s.n. [in montibus al- tioribus prov. min. general.; Macbride photos 18732] (B—isotype, Mu--type, Mu--isotype, Mu--isotype, N-——-photo of type, W--photo of type, Z--isotype), s.n. [Habit. in campis elatis arenosis distr. 280 PH Yor 0 Eh, O°G vk Vol. 35, no. diamantium variis locis] (Mu); Mello Barreto 9497 [Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 23736] (N). State undetermined: Herb. Zuccarini s.n. [Brasilia] (Mu). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: drawings & notes by Kornicke (B). PAEPALANTHUS VIRIDIPES Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 115-116, pl. 71. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 115—116 & 415, pl. 71. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19373 A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 200. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 18h. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 88 & 212. 19h95 Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 490. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971. Dilustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 71. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 831 from "Sub rupibus in- ter Itacambira et Juramento", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in July, 1926, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. On page 15 of his work, Silveira (1928) gives "Itacambira" as the tupe lo- cality. Tims far, the species is knom only from the original collection. PAEPALANTHUS VIRIDIS Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 355--356. 1863. Synonymy: Dupatya viridis (Kérn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 7h6. 1891. Dupa viridis Kuntze apaud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Pae nthus virides Korn. apud Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. oP 415, sphalm. 1928. Bibliography: "Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 355-356 & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02. 189; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h- 30): 153; 162, 26h, & 292. 19033 Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 15. 1928; Durand & Jacks ., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, me 2, 145. 191; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 02. 196; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16, a, a 55. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac.., [ed. 2), 8 & 212. 19893 Molden- ke, Phytologia : 207. 1953; Durand & tes Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 19593; Moldenke, Résumé 103, 282, 329, & 490. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 28 02. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 168 & 87 (1971) and 2: 592 & 959. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 35 & 37 (1975) and 35s 125. 1977. This species is based on G. Gardner 2331 and 2332, both from an undesignated locality in Piauf, Brazil Brazil, “probably dep: deposited in the Munich herbarium. Macbride photographed a duplicate of G. Gardner 2331 in the Geneva herbarium as his type photograph number 25178. Ruhland (1903) cites only the two original collections, but Sil- veira (1928) cites an "Ubi ? N. 626", probably from Minas Gerais. Irwin and his associates describe this species as "plants 7 cm. tall, heads light-brown" and found it growing in wet campos in an E977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 281 area of cerrado interspersed with wet rocky campos, at 950 meters altitude, flowering and fruiting in February. Some of the Irwin, Reis dos Santos, & Fonséca 23353 material was originally distrib- uted to some herbaria under the mixed label of Irwin, Onishi, Fonséca, Reis dos Santos, & Ramos Ramos 25353 on which the plant w. was de- scribed as "a slender twining g vine to ca. 2m. long. Corolla yellow-green" —— the description being an obvious clear indication of mixed labels. Material of P. viridis has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as P. lamarckii Kunth and P. tortilis (Bong.) Mart., species to which it is obviously closely related and very similar in habit. It also closely resembles P. cearensis Ruhl. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: : Irwin, Reis dos Santos, & Fonséca 23353 (N, Z). Pernambuco: Pickel ckel 2772 72 (N, a) We Piauf: G. Gardner 2331 [Macbride photos 25178] (B--cotype, N— photo of « cere W--photo of cotype), 2332 (B--cotype). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: drawings & notes by Koérnicke (B). PAEPALANTHUS VIRIDULUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 165. 1903. Synonymy: Paepalanthus cephalopus Alv. Silv. & Ruhl. ex Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 165. 1903. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 16h, 289, & 292. 1903; Ruhl. in Beauverd, Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 8: 293. 1908; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 126. 1908; Alv. Silv., i Mont. 1: 127, Ou *& 415. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Dis- trib. Erioc. 11, 16, 46, & 55. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Dis- trib. Verbenac., [ed. 2 , 82, 89, 208, & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Ré- sumé 96, 103, 486, & 190. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 6, 20, & 25. 19593 Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 & 579 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 246 (1973), 29% 326 (197k), and 30: 340. 1975. This species was based by Ruhland (1903) on two collections: (1) H. de Ma alh&es 137), collected in the Serra de Ibitipoca in June, 189), and (2) Schwacke 12305, collected "an feuchten, sandi- gen Stellen unter Felsen", also in the Serra de Ibitipoca, at 1070 meters altitude, Minas Gerais, Brazil, deposited in the Berlin herbarium. Magalh%es 137 is also the type collection of P. ceph- alopus, also deposited in the Berlin herbarium. Of P. viridulus Ruhland (1903) says "Species habitu P. viridi Koern. 8: similis, sed multis notis ab eo differt". For Pe cephalo- pus he notes "Species habitu illi subgeneris Stephanophylli (cfr. Leiothrix) similis, graciliter late repit." He separates these taxa as follows: "Caulis paullum elongatus; folia temi-membranacea Sepala floris 2 obtusa...... ccccscccccccccccoccePs filosus Sepala floris D acutiuscula......+..+eeeeeeoeePs Viridulus Caulis perbrevis; folia fere rigidulo-membranacea .P .cephalopus 282 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. As P. viridulus Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 3h2 from the same Serra de Ibitipoca, and for P. cephalopus he cites Magalhfes 238, also from Serra de Ibitipoca, both in the Silveira herbarium. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: H. de Magalh%es 137) (B— bile B—-cotype, Z—cotype) ; Schwacke 12305 (B--cotype, Z— cotype). PAEPALANTHUS VISCOSUS Moldenke, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 70. 1940. Bibliography: Moldenke, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 70. 19),0; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 7 & 55. 1963 Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 12 (1946) and 2: 461. 1948; Moldenke in Ma- guire & al., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 200. 1948; Moldenke, Know Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 67 & 212. 1993 Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 702 (199) and h: 1072 & 111). 199; Moldenke, Phytologia : 207. 1953; E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 176. 1953; Anon., U. S. Dept. Agr. Bot. Subj. Index 5: 227. 1958; Mol- denke, Résumé 77 & 90. 1959; Lindeman & Gorts-van Rijn in Pulle & Lanjouw, Fl. Surin. 1 [Meded. Konink. Inst. Trop. 30, Afd. Trop. Prod. 11]: 331 & 333. 1968; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 132 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971. The original publication of this species is sometimes cited as "191" —- the title-page date -- but the number containing this paper actually was issued and distributed in the latter days of 19,0. Lindeman & Gdrts-van Rijn (1968) cite Archer 2836 (the type collection) and "Maguire 23665" and "Maguire 24979" from Surinam, ‘ Sn citations: SURINAM: Maguire & Stahel 2979 (S, Se— 182993). PAEPALANTHUS WARMINGIANUS (Korn.) Korn. ex V. A. Pouls., Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. For. Kjgbenh. 0 [ser. h, 9]: 223 & 313-- 321. 1838. Bibliography: C. Mill. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 16 (1): 770. 1888; V. A. Pouls., Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. For. Kjgbenh. 0 [ser. h, 9]: 223 & 313--321. 1888; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 223 & 292. 1903; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 37) & 381. 197; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 731. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 89 & 212. 1993; Moldenke, Phytologia : 207. 19533; Moldenke, Résumé 103, 294, 329, & 490. 1959; Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: 149, 160, 161, 166, & 17h. 1969; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 518, 592, & 959. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 233. 1973. This species is based on Glaziou 555 from Minas Gerais, Bra- zil, deposited in the Copenhagen herbarium, where it was photo- graphed by Macbride as his type photograph mumber 22296. It should be noted that the involucral bractlets are obscurely acute and the peduncles glabrous. Poulson (1888) gives a detailed anatomical de- scription. Ruhland (1903) merely cites "Brasilien (Glaziou)" and comments only that "V. A. Poulson....anatomice speciem describit; 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 283 P. Oerstediano Koern. similem esse clamat". The Mexia 5881, distributed as and previously cited by me as P, warmingianus, is actually P. comans Alv. Silv. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Glaziou 5455 [Mac- bride photos 22296] (N--photo of type, W--photo of type). _ PAEPALANTHUS WEBERBAUERI Ruhl. in Urb., Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 37: Bibliography: Ruhl. in Urb., Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 37: 519--520. 1906; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 4, imp. 1, 170. 1913; J. F. Macbr., Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 13 (363): 490, 491, & 493-94. 19363 Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 7 & 55. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 73 & 212. 194193 Anon., U. S. Dept. Agr. Bot. Subj. Index 5: 4227. 1958; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. h, imp. 2, 170. 1958; Moldenke, Résumé 8 & 490. 19593; Soukup, Biota 2: 302. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 12 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971. This species is based on Weberbauer 1152 and 1326, the former from "Zwischen dem tambo Yumcacoya und dem tambo Cachicachi, am Weg von Sandia nach Chunchusmayo, feuchte Platze am Rande von Gestrauch, 1800—-2200 m.....Blihend am 8. Juni", and the latter from "Ramaspata, offene, feuchte Platze zwischen Gestrauch, 2500 m.....Bluhend am 27. Juli", San Martin, Peru, deposited in the Berlin herbarium. Macbride (1936) cites only the original col- lections and gives the locality of the second cotype collection as "Pamaspata"., Ruhland (1903) comments that the "Species P. diplobetori Ruhl. subsimilis, sed praeter cetera caule et foliis perbene ab illo distincta". Citations: PERU: San Martin: Weberbauer 1152 [Macbride photos 10662] (B--cotype, B—cotype, N--photo of cotype, N--photo of cotype, W--photo of cotype, Z—cotype), 1326 (B—cotype). PAEPALANTHUS WEDDELLIANUS Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 317— 318. 1863. Synonymy: Dupatya weddelliana (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Dupatya weddelliana Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 1h5. 1902. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 317—318 & 506. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02. 189); Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew, Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 18h, 188, 28h, & 292. 1903; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 192. 1928; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 15. 1941s; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 02. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16, 31, & 55. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 89 & 212. 1949; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 103, 282, & 490. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 402. 1960; Tomlinson in C. R. Met- calfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: 148, 159—161, 17h, & 186—~189. 1969; 28h Pony Or, OC" Gr Ss Vol. 35, no. 4 Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 168 & 87 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971; Mol- denke, Phytologia 26: 481 (1973) and 33: 191. 1976. This species is based on Weddell 2927 from "in Sumpfen auf felsigem Boden bei As Lages", Goids “Brazil, probably deposited in the Munich herbarium. Ruhland (i903) cites only the original collection and notes that the "Species mihi ignota P. specioso valde affinis esse videtur". Actually, it is one of that large group of very similar-appearing species (in the herbarium, at least): P. acanthophyllus Ruhl., P. amoems (Bong.) Korn. [to which it seems closest in overall habit], P. bifrons Alv. Silv., P. brasiliensis (Mart.) Mart., P. ciliatus (Bong.) Kunth, P. claussenianmus Korn., etc. It is known thus far only from the original collection. Citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Weddell 2927 (Br—-isotype, N—iso- type, N--photo of isotype, Z—-photo of isotype). PAEPALANTHUS WILLIAMSII Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 367—368. 197. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 367—368, 373, & 381. 1947; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 4h: 1132. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 6 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 89. 1963; Moldenke, Phytologia 4: 207. 1953; E. J. Sal- isb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 176. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 68, 72, 103, & 90. 1959; Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot . 3: 148-151, 160—165, 176—-179, 184--187, & 191, fig. 30, 3h aes 36 T& J, & 37 T& J. 1969; Moldenke, Fifth Summ . 1: 119, 1726; 168 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971. Illustrations: Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: eee 16h, 176, & 178, fig. 30, 3h A—-C, 36 1&5, & 371 & J. 1969. This savanna species has been encountered by recent collectors at altitudes of 120--25 meters, in flower in July and from Sep- tember to January, in fruit in March. Maguire and his associates refer to it as "locally abundant" at the edges of savannas, an "occasional herb" in moist places at the borders of savannas, "infrequent" in wet places, “occasional" in savannas and scrub savannas, and "rare" on sabanitas. Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Maguire, Wurdack, & Keith 186 (N); Schultes, Baker, & Cabrera 18166 (Ss), 18 18383 (W—-21721bh, Z). VENEZUELA: (aoe Maguire, C Cowan, & Wurdack 30463 (N, ve), 30806 (N, W); Maguire & Wurdack 3h549 (N); Ma- Ma- guire, Wurdack, & Keith 11757 (N, N, 5); Ll. Williams 15051 (F— 11891k1==isotype, It—isotype, W—1878072--isotype) « BRAZIL: Amazénas: Frées 33200 (Bm); Schultes & Lépez 10336 (Be-—60232, W--1997118). Par4: Ducke 8690 (G1), i6ish CB (Bs); Egler & Raimun- do s.n. [W. A. Egler 955; Herb. Mus. Goeldi 23629] (Mm); Frées_ 2993 (Hk); Murca Pires, Black, Wurdack, & Silva 6183 (N). PAEPALANTHUS WURDACKI Moldenke, Phytologia 9: 187-188. 1963. Synonymy: Paepalanthus wurdackii Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 1977 Moldenks, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 285 12, in syn. 1965; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 14: 97. 1970. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 9: 187-188. 1963; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 7: 5. 1963; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.7: 455. 196h; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 45: 2772. 1964; Soukup, Biota 5: 19h. 196k; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12. 1965; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 14: 97. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 12 (1971) and 2: 592 & 959. 1971. Additional citations: PERU: Amazonas: Wurdack 1081 (N--isotype, S--isotype, W--203675—type, Z—-isotype). PAEPALANTHUS XANTHOPUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 70-72, pl. 1. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 70-72 & 15, pl. 1. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 1937; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 200. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 18h. 1941; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 89 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Résumé 103 & 90. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971. Tllustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 41. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 589 from "In campis prope rivulum Pedra Pintada, in Serra do Cabral", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in June, 1910, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (1928) comments that the "Species capitulis magnis simmi- tate densissime villosis et bracteis involucrantibus hirsutis ex- timisque longis pulchra et perbene distincta". It is known thus far only from the original collection. PAEPALANTHUS XIPHOPHYLLUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 218—219. 1903. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 214, 218 219, & 292. 19033 Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 127. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 246. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 55. 19463 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 89 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, R&sumé 103 & 490. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 959. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 235 (1973) and 303 41. 1975. This species is based on a collection made by E. B. Sena [Herb. Schwacke 14678] in the Serra da Gansavelha, Minas Gerais, Brazil, deposited in the Berlin herbarium where it was photo- graphed by Macbride as his type photograph mumber 10663. The spe- cies is known thus far only from the original collection. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Sena s.n. [Herb. Schwacke 14578; Macbride photoes 10663] (B-type, M-photo of type, NW—phote of type, W--photo of type, Z—-isotype). PAEPALANTHUS YUCCA Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 7: 120—-121. 1960. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 7: 120—121. 1960; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 35: 2177. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 2: 5 &15. 1960; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.: 593. 1962; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 13: 98. 1966; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 168 (1971) and 2: 286 PH YoT0) t6/O.G: dk Vol. 35, no. 959. 1971. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: G. Gardner 5269 (B-type, Z—- isotype). PHILODICE Mart., Nov. Act. Physico=med. Acad. Caes. Leopold.— Carol. Nat. Cur. 17 (1): 16, pl. 3, fig. 1--1l. 1835. Synonymy: Philodyce Mart. apud Steud., Nom. Bot. Phan., ed. 2, 2: 320. 181. Philodyce Steud. apud Post & Kuntze, Lexicon )31, in syn. 190. Eriocaulon Auct. (in part) apud Stapf, Ind. Lond. 3: 90, in syn. 1930 [nor Eriocaulon Gron., 1753, nor (Gronov.) L., 1913, nor Juss., 1810, nor L., 1816, nor Mart., 1959, nor (Vell.) L. B. Sm., 1971}. Phylodoce Mart. ex J. F. Macbr., Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 11: 8. 1931. Philodoce J. Hutchinson, Fam. Flow. Pl., ed. 1, 2: 240, sphalm. 193). Bibliography: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 63h & 65h, pl. 10 [inf.]. 1831; Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 3h & Sh, pl. 10 [inf.]. 18313 Mart., Nov. Act. Physico-med. Acad. Caes. Leopold.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 17 (1): [Erioc. Selbst. Pflanzen- fam.] 6, 7, 16-19, 21, 23, 31, 3h, 35, 38, hO, h2, bh, & 57, pl. 3, fig. 1--11. 1835; Endl., Gen. Pl. 123. 1836; Steud., Nom. Bot. Phan., ed. 2, 1: 585. 1803; Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 195-97, 506, 520, 577, 578, 613, & 62h. 181; Steud., Nom. Bot. Phan., ed. 2, 2: 320. 181; Meisn., Pl. Vasc. Gen. 1: 407. 1842; Lindl., Veg. Kingd., ed. 1, 122 (186) and ed. 2, 122. 1847; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 261. 1852; Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 277, 283, & 342. 1855; Korn., Linnaea 27: [561] & 571. 1856; C. Mull. in Walp., Ann. Bot. Syst. 5: 921 & 960. 1860; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 301--305, 362, 499, 505, & 507, pl. 38, fig. 2. 1863; LeMaout & Decne., Trait. Gén. Bot. 598. 1868; Hook. in Le Maout, Decne., & Hook., Gen. Syst. Bot. 871 & 873. 1873; Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 1023—102) & 1250. 1883; Hieron. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 1, 2 (4): 22, 25, & 27. . 1888; Morong, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 18: 352. 1891; Bailion, Hist. Pl. 12: OO & 02. 1894; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 878 & 879 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 01 & 97. 189h; Malme, Bih. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3), no. 11: 26. 1901; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 29, 30, 223-225, 279— 281, 285, 286, 289, & 292. 19033 Post & Kuntze, Lexicon 431. 190); Pilger in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Erganz. 2, Nachtr. 3 zu 2: 38 & hO. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 15. 1928; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 13—15, 19, 20, 2h, 25, hO, h6, 48, h9, & 57, fig. 25. 1930; Stapf, Ind. Lond. 3: 90. 1930; Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 213. 1931; J. F. Macbr., Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 11: 8. 1931; J. Hutchinson, Fam. Flow. Pl., ed. 1, 2: 67 & 20. 193k; Nakai & Honda, Nov. Fl. Jap. 6: & 88. 190; Abbiatti, Rev. Mus. La Plata Bot., ser. 2, 6: [311], 31h, & 315. 1946; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 878 & 879 (196) and imp. 2, 2: Ol & 497. 1946; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 132 & 223. 196; Molcenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 6, 16, 33, 38, 1977 Molcenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 287 47, & 55. 1965; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 93. 1948; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 975 (1949) and 4: 107). 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 64, 66, 89, 95, & 212. 199; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 27: 2682. 1953; Moldenke, Phytologia l: 207—208. 1953; Angely, Cat. Estat. 10: [2]. 1956; Angely, Fl. Paran. 10: 6, 8, 10, & 11. 19575 J. Hutchinson, Fam. Flow. Pl., ed. 2, 2: 576 & 778. 19593 Moldenke, Résumé 68, 73, 76, 10h,112, 287, 290, 32h, 334, 403, & 490. 19595 Angely, Liv. Gen. Bot. Bras. 19 & 51. 1960; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 878 & 879 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: Ol & 497. 1960; Molcenke, Résumé Suppl. 2: 4. 1960; Angely, Fl. Bacia Paran. 22: 31. 1962; Dalla Torre & Harms, Gen. Siphonog., imp. 2, 53. 1963; Hegnauer, Chemo- tax. Pfl. 2: 153. 1963; F. A. Barkley, List Ord. Fam. Anthoph. 113 & 196. 1965; Thanikaimoni, Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris, ser. 2, B.l: 9-38. 1965; Thanikaimoni, Pollen & Spores 7: 162, 183, 187, & 190, tab. 1. 1965; Airy Shaw in J. C, Willis, Dict. Flow. Pl., ed. 7, 86. 1966; Thanikaimoni, Biol. Abstr. 7: 169. 1966; Molcenke, Résumé Suppl. 15: 21 (1967) and 17: 11. 1968; Aristeguieta, Act. Bot. Venez. 3: 25. 1968; Lindeman & Gorts—van Rijn in Pulle & Lanjouw, Fl. Surin. 1: 330—331. 1968; Moldenke, Phytologia 18: 22 & 509 (1969) and 19: 43. 1969; Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: [146], 158, 166, 167, 174, 18h- 187, & 189--191. 1969; Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 6: 1156 & Ind. 22. 1970; Moldenke, Phytologia 19: 322 & h07. 1970; N. F. Good, Biol. Abstr. 52: 13438. 19713; Koyama & Oldenburger, Rhodora 73: 159. 1971; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 119, 126, 130, 132, 169, & 180 (1971) and 2: 192, 498, 508, 580, 600, 749, & 959. 1971; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 52 (2h): B.A.S.1.C. §.187 & S.240. 1972; Airy Shaw in J. C. Willis, Dict. Flow. Pl., ed. 8, 887. 1973; J. Hutchinson, Fam. Flow. Pl., ed. 3, 710 & 951. 19733 Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 160, 229, & 509 (1973), 29: 317 & 510 (1974), 31: 406 (1975), 3h: 257, 276, 390, 391, & 508 (1976), and 35: 14. 1976. The type species of this genus is P. hoffmannseggii Mart. The gemus is named in honor of Philodice, daughter of the river god, Inachus, in Greek mythology. It contains only two recognized species, although Dalla Torre & Harms (1963) say "Sp. 3 v 5. Brasilia, Guiana" (the 3rd, lth, and 5th species are now placed in Blastocaulon Ruhl. The species of Philodice, in its restric- ted sense, are known from Colombia and Venezuela through Surinam and Guyana to Brazil. Angely (1957) says "0 centro vegetativo est& situado entre a Venezuela, Guiana Inglesa, Mato Grosso, Minas até a Ilha de Marajé". It is of interest to note that the common Sulphmr Butterfly of North America, Colias philodice, is dedicated to the same goddess. Gleason, in his unpublished Flora of British Guiana, charac- terizes the gems as follows: "Flowers 3-merous; sepals lanceo- late; staminate corolla urceolate to hemispheric, 3-lobed; pistil- late corolla larger, with longer lobes connate only at the middle; anthers 2-locellate; stigmas alternating with 3 clavate appendages; stems erect, simple or sparingly branched, densely leafy; leaves 288 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. linear, heads crowded in the upper axils, forming a subumbellate cluster, the short peduncles without basal sheaths; bracts white and scarious, slightly exceeding the glabrous flowers." The Martius reference in the bibliography above is often cited as "1833", which was the date of submission of the paper as a manuscript to the Academy. According to Dr. J. H. Barnhart, em- inent botanical biographer and bibliographer, it wasn't actually published until 1835. Similarly, Muller's work (1860), cited a- bove, is often crecited to "Walp. Ann. 5: 921. 1858", but that volume was actually written by Miller and was not published until 1860. The Endlicher (1836) reference, also listed above, is often cited as "1836--1856", but the page involved here was actually issued in 1836, while the Meisner (182) reference is sometimes cited as "1836—-18h3", but the page here involved was actually issued in 1842. The Malme (1901) work is sometimes erroneously cited as "1903". The "Index Londinensis" gives "1906" as the publication date for the Pilger (1908) work, but the United States Library of Congress printed card retains the 1908 title- page date. Macbride (1931) feels that Philodice, along with Blastocaulon, Lachnocaulon, and Syngonanthus, should be united in the gems Paepalanthus as a single "natural" genus. I cannot see how such "lumping" of these quite sufficiently well-marked genera would serve any useful purpose. The genus Paepalanthms is already far too bulky and inclusive of disparate elements for convenience in identification. The Steyermark, Steyermark, Wurdack, Wurdack, & Wiehler 106609, distributed as a species of Philodice, actually is the type collection of Paepalantims sessiliflorus var. venezuelensis Moldenke. PHILODICE CUYABENSIS (Bong.) Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 305, pl. 38, fig. 2. 1863. Synonymy: Eriocaulon cuyabense Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 63h & 654, pl. 10, fig. 2. 1831. Eriocaulon cyabense Bong. ex Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585. 1840. Pae- palanthus cuyabensis Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 520. 1841. Philodice cuiabensis Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 362 & 507. 1863. Eriocaulon cuyabensis Bong. apud Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 281. 1903. Bibliography: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 63h & 65h, pl. 10 [inf.]. 1831; Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 3h & 5u, pl. 10 [inf.]. 1831; Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585. 180; Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 520, 577, 578, 613, & 62h. 18h1; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 261. 1852; Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 277. 18553 Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 305, 362, & 507, pl. 38, fig. 2. 1863; Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 102). 18833 Hieron. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam,, ed. 1, 2 (k): 25. 1888; Jacks. L9TT Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 289 in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 878 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: Ol & 497. 1894; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 1) (h-30): 280, 281, 285, & 289. 19033 Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 57. 19303 Stapf, Ind. Lond. 3: 90. 1930; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 878 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: 401 & 497. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16, 33, 7, & 55. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 89 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Résumé 10h, 287, 32h, & 490. 19593 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 878 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: Ol & 97. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 169 (1971) and 2: 98, 580, & 959. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 160 & 229 (1973) and 29: 317. 197h. Illustrations: Bong., Mém. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: [Ess. Monog. Erioc.] pl. 10 [inf.]. 1831; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Pree taUL lt. Pls 305,01 es Ce LOOT. This species is based on L. Riedel 946 from wet grassy places near Cuyabé, Mato Grosso, Brazil, flowering in April, and depos- ited in the Leningrad herbarium. The original description reads: "pusillum, caulescens; cauliculis subcaespitosis simplicibus fo- liosis; foliis caulinis linearibus glabris; pedunculis fascocula- tis foliis involucrantibus brevioribus; vaginis mllis". Kunth comments: "Nulli mihi noto, nisi praecedenti [Paepalanthus bry- oides] vel P. fasciculato similis; a Bongardio tamen inter spe- cies capitulis glabriusculis positus". Ruhland (1903) cites only the original collection. It should be noted here that in Bongard's original work (1831) the upper part of plate 10 depicts Paepalanthus bryoides (Riedel) Kunth and is referred to by me as "pl. 10 [sup.]" rather than as "fig. 1" as it is in the Bongard text and elsewhere — it actual- ly consists of figures 1—7. The lower half of the plate depicts Philodice cuyabensis and is referred to by me as "pl. 10 {inf.J" rather than as "fig. 2" — it actually consists of figures 1—6. The Irwin, Harley, & Smith 3266ha, cited below, is a mixture with Syngonanthus ulei var. goyazensis Moldenke, which I am citing as the true no. 3266). Citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Irwin, Harley, & Smith 3266ha (N). Mato Grosso: L. Riedel 946 (B--isotype, Br-—-isotype, N--isotype, N—photo of isotype, Z--photo of isotype). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Péters., ser. 6, 1: pl. 10 [inf.]. 1831 (N, 2); drawings by Kornicke (B). PHILODICE HOFFMANNSEGGII Mart., Nov. Act. Acad. Physico-med. — Nat. Cur. 17 (1): 17--19, pl. 3, fig. 1—1l. al . Synonymy: Eriocaulon niveum Hoffmgg. ex Kunth, Emm. Pl. 3: 496 & 615, in syn. 181 [not E, niveum Bong., 1831]. Philodice hoffmannseggii var. laxa Mart. ex Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 304-305. 1863. Philodice hoffmannseggii var. compacta Mart. ex Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 305, pl. 38, fig. 2. 1863. Phil- 290 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. odice hoffmannseggii var. @ Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 99. 1863. Paepalanthus hoffmanseggii Mart. apud Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 102). 1883. Philodice hoffmansegii Mart. ex Mol- denke, Résumé 33), in syn. 1959. Philodice hoffmanseggii Mart. ex Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 2: 660, in syn. 1971. Bibliography: Mart., Nov. Act. Physico-med. Acad. Leopold.- Carol. Nat. Cur. 17 (1): 17-19 & lh, pl. 3, fig. 1—11. 1835; Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 96—97 & 613. 18125 Steud., Syn. Pl. Glunm. 2: [cyp. ] 283 & 342. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 30h— 305, 362, 499, & 507, pl. 38, fig. 2. 1863; Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 102). 1883; Hieron. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflan- zenfam., ed. 1, 2 (k): 22, 25, & 27. 1888; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 879 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 97. 189); Malme, Bih. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3), no. 11: 26. 1901; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 280-281 & 286, fig. 40. 1903; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 15. 1928; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 57, fig. 25. 19303 Her- zog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 213. 19313; Stapf, Ind. Lond. 5: 62. 19313 Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 220. 191; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 879 (196) and imp. 2, 2: 497. 19463; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 132 & 223. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 6, 16, 38, & 55. 19463; Moldenke, Sp leee ae 2: 493. 1948; Moldenke, *alph. List Cit. 3: 975 (1949) and h: 107h. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], ‘en 66, 89, 95, & 212. 19493; Moldenke, Phyto- logia h: 207—208. "1953; Moldenke, Résumé 68, 73, 76, 10h, it2, 290, oaks & 490. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 879 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 497. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. S ars 1960; Thanikaimoni, Pollen & Spores 7: 183 & 187, tab. 1. 1965; Aristeguieta, Act. Bot. Venez. 3: 25. 1968; Linde- man & Gorts-van Rijn in Pulle & Lanjouw, Fl. Surin. 1: 330--331. Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 17: 11. 1968; Moldenke, Phytologia 3. 1969; Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: 158, 186, 167, 17h, 18h--187, & 189--191. 1969; N. F. Good, Biol. Abst. 52: 13438. 1971; Koyama & Oldenburger, Rhodora 73: 159. 1971; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 119, 126, 130, 132, 169, & 180 (1971) and 2: 508, 600, & 959. 19713 Anon., Biol. Abstr. 52 (2h): B.AS.1.C.S.187 &S 12h). 1972; Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 317 (197) and 34: 257. 1976. Illustrations: Mart., Nov. Act. Physico-med. Acad. Leopold.— Carol. Nat. Cur. 17 (1): pl. 3, fig. 1—11. 1835; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): pl. 38, fig. 2. 1863; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (4-30): 280, fig. 40. 1903; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 57, fig. 25. 1930; Thanikaimoni, Pollen & Spores 7: 183, tab. 1. 1965. This, the type species of the genus, is based on Sieber s.n. from Gro Parad, Par&, Brazil, probably deposited in the Vienna herbarium; this collection is also the type of var. laxa Mart., the typical variety. Martius' var. compacta is based on G. Gard- ner 2749bis from Piauf, Brazil. K6rnicke (1863) distinguishes 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 291 the varieties as follows: var. laxa -- "foliis flaccidis; pedun- culis elongatis, plerisque folia superantibus", and var. compacta — "foliis arrectis, rigidis; pedunculis brevibus, folia vix aequantibus vel brevioribus". For var. laxa he cites Sieber s.n. (the type), Spruce s.n. [Santarem], and Weddell 3320 [Mato Gros- so]. For var. compacta he cites only G. “Gardner 27u9bis. Ruhland (1903) feels that the varieties are not ~ sufficiently distinct to merit nomenclatural recognition and cites for the species as a whole the following: VENEZUELA: Delta Amacuro: Passarge & Selwyn 352 & 359. Zulia: Passarge & Selwyn 577. BRAZIL: Ceard: Huber 6h. Mato Grosso: Malme 163h5 Weddell 3320. Minas Gerais: Glaziou 19991. Par&: Huber r 386; Sieber s.n.j3 s.n.3 Spruce 2693. Piauf: G. Gardner 279. Lindeman & Gérts-van Rijn (1968) cite J. P. Scllz s.n. from Surinam and give the extra-limital distribution of the . species as "North and central Brazil. British Guiana". Malme (1901), whose work is sometimes erroneously cited as "1903", cites Malme 163) from Mato Grosso "In argillaceis humidis, apertis", flowering in Jamuary. Gleason, in his unpublished flora of British Guiana, described the species as "Stems 5--20 cm. high, the narrowly linear leaves about 1 cm. long; peduncles 1--2 cm. long; heads 5 mm. in diam eter, the bracts narrowly lanceolate, acuminate" and cites Appun 1741, Jenman 728, and Lloyd s.n. from Guyana, giving the overall distribution as "Venezuela to Brazil". Silveira (1928) cites Huber 2 from Marajo Island, Brazil. ~~ Kunth (1841) comments "Ob habitam Paepalantho fasciculato sim- ilis", a statement which is certainly quite true. The species has been collected among rocks, on seashores, along the margins of streams and swamps, in dried-up marshes, on clay soil in damp open places, in small lakes, and on sandy soil which is somewhat marshy in the rainy season. Goodland found it "in open hog-wallowed impeded drainage marsh with mottled clay pan in grassland with scattered trees, the dominants being Curatella, Byrsonima, Trachypogon, and Fimbristylis", while Wurdack & Mona- chino refer to it as "locally abundant in morichal". Oldenburger and his associates found it growing in association with Diplacrum africanum, Syngonantims glandulosus, S. gracilis var. koernicke- ams, Bacopa monierioides, Centunculus ) pentander, Polygala gala palu- dosa, Utricularia adpressa, and Eleocharis nana. Davidse found it toting in an area where water accumulates during rains on open savannas without any trees in a low-lying area between mountain ranges and with a deep layer of sand, and speak of it as having "spikelets white" [the flowers are in heads, not in spikelets]. It has been encountered at altitudes of Lo—115 meters, flower- ing in January, April, May, and July to December, fruiting from August to October. It should be noted here that the original publication of this 292 PHY TO G00 .G) Tuk Vol. 35, no. k species by Martius is often cited as "1833", but according to the late botanical bibliographer, Dr. J. H. Barnhart, this work was not actually published until 1835. Likewise, it is worth noting that separate reprints of the Koyama & Oldenburger paper, cited in the bibliography above, are inscribed "Reprinted from Rhodora, Vol. 73, 793, 1971", but this is erroneous. The paper appears on pages 159--160 of that volume. The Eriocaulon niveum Bong., referred to in the synonymy above, is the name-bringing synonym of what is now known as Syngonanthus niveus (Bong.) Ruhl. ~ Goodland 302, cited below, is a mixture with Syngonanthus huberi Ruhl. and Eriocaulon guyanense Korn. Weddell 3320, in the Brussels herbarium, is inscribed by Kérnicke "var. a transitorius ad var. b™ Material of this species has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as Eriocaulon fasciculatum Lam, Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Magdalena: C. Allen 669 (E— 1014520). VENEZUELA: Bolivar: G. Davidse 1,388 ; (Ld); W Wardack & Mona- chino 39958 (N, S). Guaricé: Aristeguieta , 4893 (S); Guyon Guyon 7 (P), 3.n. gon. (P)3 T Tamayo 1562 (S); Tamayo & Aristeguieta 4275 (Rye ~ GUYANA: Goodland 302, in part (W--25],6172) ; Goodland & Persaud 778 (N)5 A. C, Smith 228) (Er, S). SURINAM: Irwin, Prance, Soderstrom, & Holmgren 55239 (N), 55932 (N); Oldenburger, No Norde, & Schulz ON.147 (N). == Amaz6nas: as: Liitzelburg 20532 (ita) , 2103 (Mu, Mu); Zerny s.n. [18 August 1927] (V--10785). Cear&: Drouet 2371 (Mi). Mato Grosso: Cordeiro 51 (1d); Malme 1634 (S, S), 1660 (S), 1660a (S); Weddell 3320 (Br). Minas Gerais: ke Lutz 606 [He [Herb. Lutz 606] (Z). Par&: Black 52-15518 (Be--77500), 5l-16915 (N); Black & Ledoux 50-105) (2)3 F Frées 29907 (Hk, N); Murga Pires, Black, k, Wor- dack, & Silva 6505 (N); Sieber [Hoffmannsegg] s.n. [Pard] (Eine. type, Br--isotype, Mu--3)2--isotype, N--photo of isotype, Z—photo of isotype); Spruce 611 (Mu--27)), 2693 (B), s.n. [Prope Santarem, Mart. 1850] (N, S), s.n. [In vicinibus bus Santarem] (B), sen. [Ama- zon] (T); Tavares 17 ~(N). Roraima: Black 51-12571 (Be—70387), 51-13127 (N), 51-13839 (N); Ule 7666 (W-—-1615008). MOUNTED ILLUS- TRATIONS: Kérn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (2) ep. 2038), | fle sees 166s (B, B, Mu, N, Z)3 drawings by Kunth & Kornicke (B). RONDONANTHUS Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 210. 1931. Synonymy: Rhondonanthus Herzog ex Moldenke, Résumé 33, in syn. 1959. Rodonanthus Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 1: 19, sphalm. 1966. Rononanthus Steyerm. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 16: 26, sphalm. in syn. 1968. Bibliography: ImThurn, Timehi 5: 208. 1886; Oliv., Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot., ser. 2, 2% 286, pl. 9B, fig. 7 Ts 1887; N. E. Br., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot., ser. 2, 6: 69. 1901; Burkill, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot., ser. 2, 6: 13. 1901; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 310. 19033; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 293 (4-30)s 221. 19033 Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 52: 195. 1925; Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 210. 1931; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 53 (1): 60 [2]. 1932; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 238. 1938; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 59 (2): 20. 1939; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 310. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 6, 31, 53, 56, & 60. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 352 & 381. 1973; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 6h, 66, & 212. 199; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 27: 2682. 1953; Moldenke, Phytologia : 208. 1953; Angely, Cat. Estat. 10: (24. 1956; Angely, Fl. Paran. 10: 8, 10, & 11. 1957; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 310. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 73, 76, 282, 328, 343, Ol, & 490. 1959; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 12: 122. 1959; Barkley, List Ord, Fam. Anthoph. 113 & 205. 1965; Airy Shaw in J. C. Willis, Dict. Flow. Pl., ed. 7, 977. 1966; J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Ven- ez. 1: 19, 91, & 238. 1966; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 16: 26 (1968) and 18: 9. 1969; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 296 & 297 (1970) and 20: 510. 19713 Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 126, 130, & 85 (1971) and 2: 590, 618, 746, & 960. 1971; Airy Shaw in J. C. Willis, Dict. Flow, Pl., ed. 8, 1003. 1973; J. Hutchinson, Fam. Flow. Pl., ed. 3, T1O & 956. 1973; Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 70 & 509 (1973), 28: 56 & 511 (1974), and 34: 277. 1976; P. Morat, Adansonia, ser. 2, 15: 66. 1976. This small genus was named in honor of General Rondon, well- known for his many scientific expeditions into the interior and along the boundaries of Brazil, an area now know as the territory of Rondénia. The type species is Paepalanthus roraimae Oliv. (=Rondonanthus roraimae (Oliv.) Herzog]. The plants are dioecious, the peduncles single or few, the heads rather large, the involu- cral bracts large, narrow, dark-brown, radiating horizontally or finally reflexed, receptacular bractlets present, slightly sur- passing the florets. The male florets have 3 sepals which are long-barbate at the apex, the hairs very long, clavate at the apex, the sides thickened, smooth outside, slightly granular within, 3 petals which are subequal, free, and glabrous, 3 stamens, attach— ed to the base of the petals, the anthers 2-celled; the pistillate florets have the sepals and petals subsimilar, black, barbate at the apex. The ovary is 3-celled, the stigmas 3, simple, with obvi- ous appendages. Hutchinson (1973)reduces the genus to the syno- nymy of Paepalanthus. RONDONANTHUS MICROPETALUS Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 352, nom. mud. 1947; Fieldiana 28: 126--127. 1951. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 352. 19473; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 6 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Fieldiana 28: 126-127. 1951; Moldenke, Phytologia 4: 208. 1953; J. A. Steyerm., Fieldiana 28: 1158. 1957; Moldenke, Résumé 73 & 490. 19593 J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 1: 91 & 238. 1966; Mol- denke, Fifth Sum. 1: 126 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971. In the absence of pistillate florets, this taxon is placed in this genus tentatively. It differs notably from the type species 29h PHY T 0O'L 0°G TA Vol. 35, noe and may well represent another genus. RONDONANTHUS RORAIMAE (Oliv.) Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 293 210. 1931. Synonymy: Paepalanthus roraimae Oliv., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot., ser. 2, 2: 286, pl. h9 B, fig. 7--1). 1887. Dupatya roraimae (Oliv.) Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 52: 195. 1925. Dupatya roraimae Gleason apud A, W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 7: 79. 1929. Dupatya roraimae (Oliv.) Rusby apud Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 53 (1): 60. 1932. Bibliography: Oliv. ex Imfhmrn, Timehri 5: 208. 1886; Oliv. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot., ser. 2, 2: 286, pl. 9 B, fig. 7— 14. 1887; Burkill, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot., ser. 2, 6: 13. 1901; N. E. Br., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot., ser. 2, 6: 69. 1901; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 310. 1903; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 221. 1903; Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 52: 195. 1925; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 7: 79. 1929; Stapf, Ind. Lond. h: 519. 1930; Gleason, Bull. Tor- rey Bot. Club 58: 330. 1931; Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29s 203 & 210. 19313 Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 53 (1): 60 (1932) and 59 (2): 20. 1939; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 310. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Eri- oc. 6, 31, 53, 56, & 60. 19463 Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 352. 19h7; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 6h, 66, & 212. 1919; Moldenke, Phytologia : 208. 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 310. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 73, 76, 282, 328, & h90. 1959; J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 1: 91. 1966; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 16: 26 (1968) and 18: 9. 19693 Mol- denke, Phytologia 20: 296 & 297. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 126, 130, & 485 (1971) and 2: 590 & 960. 19713 Moldenke, Phyto- logia 26: 470 (1973) and 28: 56. 197k. Illustrations: Oliv., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot., ser. 2, 2: pl. lo B, fig. 71h. 1887. The type of this, the type species of the genus, was collected by Sir Everard Ferdinand ImTimrn (no. 294) in marshy ground on granite rock on the summit of Mount Roraima, Guyana, in 188), probably deposited in the herbarium of the British Museum in Lon— don. Both Oliver (1887) and Ruhland (1903) cite only the type collection, but Gleason, in his unpublished flora of British Gui- ana, cites Imfhurn 29h, Quelch & McConnell 102, 315, & 660, G. H. Tate 372, and Ule 8555. He describes the plant as follows: "Cau- dex very short, densely woolly; leaves densely rosulate, rigid, narrowly linear, 2—3 cm. long, often curved, obtuse, nearly or quite glabrous; peduncles mostly solitary, 5--15 om. long, glab- rous, their sheaths much exceeding the leaves, dilated distally; heads hemispheric, cinereous, 8—12 mm. in diameter; bracts spreading, black, oblong, conspicuously white-ciliate, exceeding the leaves." He refers to it as endemic to Mt. Roraima. Ruhland (1903) cites Imfhurn "994" [probably an error for 29h, the type collection] and expresses his doubt as to the generic 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 295 position of this plant by saying "Speciei huius affinitates propter descriptionem atque iconem miserrimam incertissimae. Ne gems quidem, in quo collocanda sit constat." Herzog (1931) says "Diese von Oliver......beschriebene und abgebildete Art mss als Typus einer eigenen Gattung betrachtet werden, die sich in ihrem Bliitenbau von allen den Hunderten von Paepalanthusarten, tiberhaupt von samtlichen Eriocaulonaceen durch die freien Petalen der Bliiten unterschiedet. Ferner scheint mir die Pflanze obwohl Oli- ver dariiber nichts bemerkt, dioecisch zu sein eine bei den Erio- caulonaceen auch sehr selten beobachtete Eigenschaft....Das wich- tigste Merkmal der neuen Gattung sind die freien Petalen der $ Blute. Sie sind fast ebenso lang wie die Kelchblatter und ziem- lich derb gebaut, aber kahl und fast hyalin: an ihrer Basis sind sie mit dem zugehorigen dithecischen Staubblatt verwachsen." Mount Roraima being situated on the Guyana-Brazil-Venezuela international boundary, the type and some of the other collections cited below as from Guyana are sometimes cited by other workers as from northern Brazil (Roraima) or from Venezuela (Bolfvar) with equal justification. Lutzelburg avers quite definitely that his collection was made in Brazil. Collectors have found the species growing in sandy bogs and marshy places over granite rock; Irwin refers to it as a "tufted herb", growing "in acid mddy soil in rocky crevice near brook". It has been encountered at altitudes of 2500--3000 meters, flow- ering in April, November, and December. Oliver's original (1887) description is sometimes cited as "1886" [the date when the paper was read to the Linnean Society] or even "188," [by Ruhland], but the actual date of publication seems definitely to have been 1887. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Bolivar: Irwin 00 (W— 219762) ; J. A. Steyermark 58799 (S). GUYANA: Abbensetts 8 (Ut— 15035A); Imfhurn 29 (N); Quelch & McConnell 102 (N), 660 (N); G. H. H. Tate 37 372 ~(N, Qu). ~ BRAZIL: Roraima: Litzelburg g 21605 Peete ie photos os 18723] (Ja—l7671, Mu, N, N—photo, N—photo, W——photo). SYNGONANTHUS Ruhl. in Urb., Symb. Ant. 1: 87. 1900. Synonymy: Limnoxeranthemum Salzm. ex Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum,. 2: (Cyp.] 281, in syn. 1855. Syngonanthes Ruhl. ex Uphof, Am. Journ. Bot. 1h: hh. 1927. Eriocaulon Auct. (in part) ex Stapf, Ind. Lond. 3: 90, in syn. 1930 [not Eriocaulon Gron., 1753, nor (Gron- ov.) L., 1913, nor Juss., 1810, nor L., 1816, nor Mart., 1959, nor (Vell.) L. B. Sm., 1971). ” syngonatnims Ruhl. ex Reitz, Sel- lowia 7: 12), sphalm. 1956. Carphocephalus Kunth ex Moldenke, Résumé 249, in syn. 1959. Andraspidopsis Korn. apud Soukup, Bi- ota 2: 303, in syn. 1959. Carpocephalus Korn. apud Soukup, Biota 2: 303, in syn. 1959. Psilocephalus Korn. apud Soukup, Biota 2: 303, in syn. 1959. Limnoxeranthemum "Salam. ex Steud." apud Airy Shaw in J. C. Willis, Dict. Flow. Pl., ed. 7, 656. 1966. Syngon- 296 Pee FeT.OnL7 One Tk Vol. 35, no. k nanthus Ruhl. ex Aristeguieta, Act. Bot. Venez. 3: 25, sphalm. 1968. Syngonanthes Van Herman ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 16: 1h, in syn. 1969. Bibliography: Michx., Fl. Bor.-Am., imp. 1, 2: 166. 1803; Pers., Syn. Pl. 111. 1805; Poir. in Lam., Encycl. Méth. Bot. Suppl. 3: 162. 1813; H.B.K., Nov. Gen. & Sp. Pl., ed. folio, 1: 201 & 202. 1816; Pers., Sp. Pl. 1: 28). 1817; Roem. & Schult. in L., Syst. Veg., ed. 15 nov., 2: 867 & 868. 1817; Wikstr., Kongl. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockh., ser. 2, 1: 78, pl. i. 1820; Steud., Nom. Bot. Phan., ed. 1, 312 & 313. 1821; Wikstr., Trenne Nya Art. Ortsl. Erioc. 10—-11 & [15], pl. h. 1821; S. E11., Sketch Bot., imp. 1 & 2, 2: 566—567 & 728. 182); Roem. & Schult., Mant. 2: 26 & 469. 182); Spreng. in L., Syst. Veg., ed. 16, 3: 776. 1826; Roem. & Schult., Mant. 3: 671. 1827; Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersh., ser. 6, 1: 618, 628, 633, 635, & 636. 18313 Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. h, 5, 28, 33, 35, & 36 (1831) and 65—66 & 228--229, pl. 15. 18323 Raf., Atl. Journ. 1: 121. 1832; Mart., Nov. Act. Physico-med. Acad. Caes. Leopold.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 17 (1): 13 (1835) and 19: 1). 1835; Raf., Autikon Bot., imp. 1, 189. 180; Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585 & 586. 180; Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 506, 532, 534, 535, 537, 575, 577--579, 612—61h, 62h, & 625. 181; Mart., Flora 2h, Beibl. 2: 61. 181; G. Gardn. in Hook. f., Icon. Pl. 6 [ser. 2, 2]: wi & viii, pl. 52h. 183; Schnitzl., Iconogr. 1: pl. 46, fig. 1, 5, & 6. 185; Miq., Lin- naea 19: 126. 1847; Klotzsch in Schomb., Faun. & Fl. Brit.—Guian. 1116. 1848; Walp., Ann. Bot. Syst. 1: 890-891. 189; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 262, 263, 267, & 268. 1852; Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 269, 275--277, 280--283, 32h, 333, & 334. 1855; A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 2, imp. 1, 89. 1856; Korn., Linnaea 27: 58h, 590—592, & 596. 1856; A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 2, imp. 2, 489 (1858) and ed. 2, imp. 3, 489. 18595 A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. 1, imp. 1, 503. 1860; C. Mill. in Walp., Ann. Bot. Syst. 5: 925 & 928 (1860) and 6: 1171. 1861; Korn. in Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-bat. 3: 239. 1861; A. Wood, Class-book, [ed. 2], imp. 1, 730 (1861) and [ed. 2], imp. 2, 730. 1862; A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 3, 489 (1862) and ed. h, imp. 1, 489. 1863; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 279, 283, 28h, 297, 300, 305, 19-70, 500, 503-—508, 551, 554--556, & 559--562, pl. 57, fig. 2. 18635 A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. h, imp. 2, 489. 186; A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. 1, imp. 1, 503. 1865; A. Wood, Class—book, [ed. 42], imp. 3, 730. 1865; Griseb., Cat. Pl. Cub. 225. 1866; Korn. in Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.—bat. 3: 238. 1867; A. Wood, Class-book, [ed. h2|, imp. h, 730. 1867; A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 5, imp. 1, 550 (1867) and ed. 5, imp. 2, 550. 1868; A. Wood, Class—book, [ed. 2], imp. 5, 730 (1868), [ed. 42], imp. 6, 730 (1869), and [ed. 42], imp. 7, 730. 1870; A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. h, imp. 3, 489. 1870; A. Wood, Am. Bot. & Flor., ed. 1, imp. 1, 355. 1870; Korn. in Warm., Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kjobenh. 23: 313- 315. 1871; Sauv., Anal. Acad. Sci. Habana 8: 50. 1871; Sauv., Fl. Cub. 165. 1871; A. Wood, Am. Bot. & Flor., ed. 1, imp. 2, 355 (1871) and ed. 1, imp. 3, 355. 1872; A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 297 U. S., ed. 1, imp. 3, 503. 1872; A. Wood, Class-book, [ed. 2], imp. 6, 730. 1872; A» Wood, Am. Bot. & Flor., ed. 1, imp. h, 355 (1873), ed. 1, imp. 5, 355 (187), and ed. 1, imp. 6, 355. 1875; A. Wood, Class-book, [ed. 42], imp. 9, 730. 1976; A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 5, imp. 8, 550 (1878) and ed. 5, imp. 9 ["8"], 550. 1880; A. Wood, Class-book, [ed. 2], imp. 10, 730. 1881; Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 1023. 1883; A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. 2, imp. 1, 503 (1883), ed. 2, imp. 2, 503 (188k), and ed. 2, imp. 3, 503. 1887; Hieron. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflan- zenfam., ed. 1, 2 (hk): ob, & 27. 1888; V. A. Pouls., Vidensk. Med- del. Naturh. Foren. Kjgbenh. 0 [ser. h, 9]: 359. 1888; A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. 2, imp. h, 503. 1889; S. Wats. & Coult. in A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 6, imp. 1, 757 (1889) and ed. 6, imp. 2, 757. 1890; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 18913; Morong, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 18: 359. 1891; A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. 2, imp. 5, 503. 1892; Gomez de la Maza, Not. Bot. Sist. 9 & 110. 1893; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 877—880 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 8h & Ol—-lO2. 189k; Baillon, Hist. Pl. 12: (397). 1894; Britton & Br., Illustr. Fl., ed. 1, 1: 371— 373, 602, & 60h, fig. 902 (1896) and ed. 1, 3: 536, 537, & 5u5. 1896; A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. 3, 530. 1897; Huber, Bol. Mus. Para. 2: 499. 1898; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 329. 1898; Ruhl. in Urb., Symb. Ant. 1: 87 & 488. 1900; Ruhl. in Schlecht., Westafr. Kautschukexped. 272. 1900; N. E. Br., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot. 6: 71. 1901; Holm, Bot. Gaz. 31: 16 & 20. 1901; Malme, Bih. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3), no. 11: 31 & 32. 1901; Mohr, Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 6: 29. 1901; Ruhl. in Pilg., Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 30: 17. 1901; N. L. Britton, Man., ed. 1, imp. 1, 237—238 & 1067 (1901) and ed. 1, imp. 2, 237— 238 & 1067. 1902; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Chod. & Hassl., Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 3: 1033 & 103h. 1903; Chod. & Hassl., Pl. Hassler. 2: 255 & 256. 1903; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (-30): 6, 7, 1h, 20, 2h, 28, 29, 31, 33, 117, 215, 242279, [283]--285, 287, 289, 290, & 292—29),, fig. 38. 1903; J. K. Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S., ed. 1, 23h, 235, & 1368. 1903; Post & Kuntze, Lexico 219 & 516. 190k; Thiselt.- Dyer, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 2: 131 & 180. 190k; N. L. Britton, Man., ed. 2, 237—238, 1099, & 1101. 1905; Baerecke, Anal. Key Ferns & Flow. Pl. Atl. Sect. Middl. Fla. 25. 1906; R. M. Harper, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 17: 268. 1906; N. L. Britton, Man., ed. 3, 237— 238, 1099, & 1101. 1907; Ule in Engl., Bot. Jahrb. 0: 162. 1907; Beauverd, Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 8: 299. 1908; M. A. Day, Check List 39. 1908; Pilg. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Erganz. 2, Nachtr. 3 2u 2: 38, 0, & 1, fig. 7. 1908; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 126 & 127. 1908; Robinson & Fern. in A. Gray, New Man. Bot., ed. 7, 260, 261, & 922. 1908; H. Lecomte, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 55: 595-597. 1909; Britton & Br., Illustr. Fl., ed. 2, imp. 1, 1: 453, 455, & 680, fig. 1144. 1913; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. , imp. 1, 230—231. 1913; J. K. Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S., ed. 2, 234, 235, & 1392. 19133 Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 7: 31. 1915; T. C. E. & R. E. Fries in R. E. Fries, Wiss. Ergebn. 298 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. Schwed. Rhod.-Kong.~Exped. 1911-12 Bot. 1: 219. 1916; Britton & Br., Illustr. Fl., ed. 2, imp. 2, 1: 453, 455, & 680, fig. 11h. 1923; C. Diogo, Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 1: 28-29. 1923; Ltitzelb., Estud. Bot. Nordést. 3: 149 & 151. 1923; Molfino, Physis 6: 362— 363. 1923; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 6 (2): 5. 192h; M. F. Baker, Fla. Wild Fls. 122. 1926; Uphof, Am. Journ. Bot. 1h: hh. 1927; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 309—396, 415—h20, & viii--ix, pl. 196-252. 1928; Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 56: 15—-16 & 394--395. 1929; Massart & al., Miss. Belg. Brés. 2: fig. 63. 1930; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: Ohh, 46, 49, 55--57, [69h], 698, & 702—70h, fig. 2h. 1930 Stapf, Ind. Lond. 3: 90 & 91 (1930), : 518 (1930), and 6: 2h8. 1931; Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 58: 327 & 331. 1931; Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 212—213, pl. 120. 1931; J. F. Macbr., Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 11: 8. 1931; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 51 (2): 295. 19333 A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 8: 231. 1933; Malme, Phanerog. 3: 10. 1933; J. K. Small, Man. South- east. Fl. 257 & 159. 19333 J. Hutchinson, Fam. Flow. Pl., ed. 1, 2: 67 & 2h2. 19343 E. J. Alexander, Journ. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 36: 221. 1935; Britton & Br., Illustr. Fl., ed. 2, imp. 3, 1: 453, 455, & 680, fig. 114). 19363; J. F. Macbr., Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 13: 490—l92. 1936; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 16. 19375 Moldenke, N. Am, Fl. 19: 17 & 43—h5. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895-896. 19383; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477--.78. 1937; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271--272. 1938; Uittien & Heyn in Pulle, Fl. Surin. 1 [Meded. Konink. Ver. Ind. Inst. 30, Afd. Handelms. 11): 21h & 220--22h. 1938; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 59 (2): 20. 1939; Moldenke, Phytologia 1: 335--336 & 343—363. 1939; Mol- denke in Gleason & Killip, Brittonia 3: 159. 1939; Moldenke, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 70. 190; Moldenke, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 522: li—1h7, 219, & 222. 190; Nakai & Honda, Nov. Fl. Jap. 6: ) & 88. 190; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 191; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 6—7. 19h1; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 19415 Britton & Br., Illustr. Fl., ed. 2, imp. h, 1: 453, 455, & 680, fig. 114k. 1943; Herter, Revist. Sudam. Bot. 7: 199. 19h3; Moldenke, Boissiera 7: 3—h. 1943; Mol- denke, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 31: 70. 19443; Castell. in Descole, Gen. & Sp. Pl. Argent. 3: 70—73, 75, 76, 78, 83, [91]—97, & 10h, pl. 19-21. 1915; Abbiatti, Rev. Mus. La Plata Bot., ser. 2, 6: (311} 316, 318--322, & 332—3h0, fig. 1 (B) & 7—-10, pl. 2 (3). 196; Alain, Contrib. Acas. Mus. Hist. Nat. Coleg. La Salle 7: 47. 1946; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 877-880 (19465 and imp. 2, 2: 8 & 401—l02. 1946; Leén, Fl. Cuba 1: 279, 283, & 28). 1946; A.C. Martin, Am. Midl. Nat. 36: 533 & 659. 19163; Mol- denke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 3, 17, 19, 2h, 25, 31, 32, 35, 38, kl— 43, 5, h6, 55, 56, 60, 63, 64, 66, 90--92, 98, 99, 132, 130—1h0, 152, 153, 16h, 169, 186, 191, 195, 221, 223, 233, 234, 238, 257, 266, 275, 276, 283, 286, 290, 292—295, 303, & 30h. 1946; Molden- ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 2-7, 16—22, 28—\2, & hh—61. 19463 Moldenke, Lilloa 12: 173. 196; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 1h2 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 299 (1946) and 2: 350—352, 371-375, 377, 378, ot & 381. 1947; Britton & Br., Illustr. Fl., ed. 2, imp. 5 3 153, 455, & 680, fig. 114). 1947; Hill & Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 10: 20h. 197; Le Cointe, Amaz. Bras. III Arv. & Pl. Uteis, ed. 2, 397 & 505. 1947; Moldenke in Maguire & al., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 200. 198; Moldenke, Lilloa 13: 10 (1947) and 1h: 66. 1948; Moldenke, Phytologia 2? 1819, 491—-l99, & 511 (1948) and 3: 32 & op hh. 1948; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 352, 355, 377, 389 413, 457, 460, 470, 480, 486, 501, 50h, 508, 51i—s13, Sah, “sis, S5u5°557, 572, 583, 599, 600, 609, 610, 616, 617, 626, 627, 630, 633, 639, 641, 616, & 648—651 (1948), 3: 655, 660, 675, 697, 701, ny tal; 710,721, 725,731, 736; 71, 7h2, Ts, 156, 758-760 , 772, 774-778, 787, 790, 806, 813, 815, 821, 822, 835, 81, 82, 850, 851, 855, 868-870, 892, 894, 895, 900, 903, 905, 917, 927, 9305 7951935, 937, 9l0, 9h3, 95, 946, 951, 955-958, 967, 968, 975, 976, & 978 (1949), and ks 98h, 985, 1001, 1003, 1005, 1015, 1033, 1069, 1072, 107-1076, 1078" 1079, 1084, 1085, 109, 1112, 1118, 1132, 11hh, 116-1166, 1169, 1176, 1177, 1180, 1181, 1191, 1192, 1201, 120), 1216, 1219; 1221, 1222, 1227, 1241, 1252, 1258, 1283, 1288, 1289, 1292, 1301, 1302, & 130h. 1949; E. D. Merr., Ind. Rafin. 82. "19193 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 7, 8, 10, 11, 37, 0, Wa, LS, k6, 61, 65—68, 70, 73, 90--93, 95, 97, 99, 100, "105; £3; ane, Lity 119, 122, & 212-21). 19495 Rambo, An. Bot. Herb. Barb. Rodr. 1: 128 (1949) and 2: 128. 1950; Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 277. 1950; Moacyr do Amaral Lisbéa, Rev. Esc. Minas 8. 19513; Moldenke, Fieldiana Bot. 28: 127128. "1951; Gleason, New Britton & Br. Illustr. Fl., imp. 1, 1: 372 & 481 (1952) and imp. 1, 3: 591. 1952; Moldenke in Maguire & Phelps, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 1h: 10--13. 1952; Duvigneaud, Le- jeunia 16: 103. 1953;Goossens, Suid-Afrik. Blompl. 22). 19533 Mol- denke, Biol. Abstr. 27: 98h, 2026, 2682, & 3121. 19533 Moldenke in Maguire, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: "99—10h. 1953; Moldenke, Phyto- logia : 296—30) & 311—335. 1953; E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 2h. 1953; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 25: 058. 195h5 Herter, Revist. Sudam. Bot. 9: 188. 195i; Moldenke, Phytologia 5: 90—91. 195h; Rambo, Sellowia 6: 32, 60, 69, & 130. 1954; Rohweder, Farinos. Veg. Salv. 16. 4p. 65 tig. 31. 1954; Thorne, Am. Midi. Nat. 52: 282. 195); Anon., Biol. Abstr. 27: 3763 & 3767. 19553 Core, Pl. Tax. 268. 1955; Goodspeed & Stork, Univ. Calif. Pibl. Bot. 28: 128. 1955; H. Hess, Bericht. Schweitz. Bot. Gesell. 65: 185-203, text fig. 1—8, pl. 9» = 10--15. 19553 Hocking, Dict. Terms Pharma- cog. 28). 1955; F. C. Hoehne, Fl. Aquat. 88. 1955; Moldenke in Humbert, Fl. acon 36: 30, 31, & 36—37, fig. 18—2h. 1955; An- gely, Cat. Estat. 10: [2]. "1956; Anon., Assoc. Etud, Tax. Fl. Afr. Trop. Ind. 1955: 29 & 30. 1956; Mendes Magalhfes, Anais V Reun. Amal Soc. Bot. Bras. 236—237, 266--267, 276—277, 280——-281, 293, & 302, fig. 15. 1956; Moldenke, Phytologia 5: 31. 19563 Rambo, Sellowia 7: 248. 1956; Reitz, Sellowia 7: 12h & 125. 1956; Roh— weder, Abhandl. Geb. Ausl. Univ. Hamb. 61 [C Naturwissenschl. 13]: 16, pl. 6, fig. 31. 19563 Angely, Fl. Paran. 10: —6, 8, 10, lu, & ie. 1957; Anon., Assoc. Etud. Tax. Fl. Afr. Trop. Index 1956: 300 PHYTOLOGIA Vol, 35, no. 28. 19575; Moldenke in Maguire & Wurdack, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 282. 1957; Moldenke in Dawson, Los Angeles Co. Mus. Contrib. Sci. 7: 5 & 6. 1957; Moldenke in J. A. Steyerm., Fieldiana Bot. 28: 82h—-826. 1957; J. A. Steyerm., Fieldiana Bot. 28: 1158. 1957; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 29: 3552 & 3630 (1957) and 32: 2917. 1958; Cuatrecasas, Revist. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 10: 254 & 255. 19583 R. C. Foster, Contrib. Gray Herb. 184: 39. 1958; Gleason, New Brit- ton & Br. Illustr. Fl., imp. 2, 1: 372 & 81 (1958) and imp. 2, 3: 591. 1958; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 4, imp. 2, 230--231. 1958; Standl. & Steyerm., Fieldiana Bot. 2h: 37) & 378—380. 1958; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 19593; J. Hutch— inson, Fam. Flow. Pl., ed. 2, 2: 576 & 787. 1959; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 33: 1215. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 10, 11, 13, 1h, 38, 3, h7, 53, Sit, 57, 68, 69, 73, 7h, 76=—78, 80, 8h, 105-109, 1125 115, 117, 129, 126, 135, 137, 138, 140, 1h2, 165, 147, 249, 45h, 156, 222, 219, 279-282, 285—293, 301, 302, 309, 310, 323—329, 3), 351, 352, 395, 396, 398, Sy SIA 02, hh, 417-19, 428, & 490--193. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 2, 5—7, 16—23, & 26. 19593 Reitz, Sellowia 11: 31 & 131. 1959; Soukup, Biota 2: 300 & 305. 19593 G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 12: 101 & 138. 1959; Van Royen, Nov. Guin., ser. 2, 10: 39 & hh. 19595 Angely, Fl. Paran. 15: 1) (1960) and 16: 77. 1960; Angely, Liv. Gen. Bot. Bras. 19 & 56. 1960; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew,, imp. 3, 1: 877-880 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 8h & 01—h02. 1960; K. Jones, Taxon 9: 187. 1960; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 35: 1688 & 2177. 1960; Moldenke, Bol. Mus. Par. Emil Goeldi, ser. 2, Bot. 3: 2—h. 1960; Moldenke, Phytologia 7: 121. 1960; Moldenke, Résu- mé Suppl. 2: h, 5, 10, & 15. 1960; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Ag- ron, Minas 71. 1960; Angely, Fl. Paran. 17: 2h. 1961; Reitz, Sel- lowia 13: 52, 53, 72, & 90. 19613 Tamayo, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 22: hi, 88, & 149. 1961; Angely, Fl. Bacia Paran, 22: 31. 1962; Anon., Pl. Highlands Hammock St. Park . 1962; Eiten in Ferré, Simpos. Sébre Cerrado 19l--195. 1962; Erdtman, Pollen Morph. & Pl, Tax., ed. 1, 163 & 537. 19623 Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.ks 28h, 592, & 593 (1962) and A.5: hh. 1962; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 37: 253. 1962; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 3, 12, lh, 3h, & 35 (1962), hs [1] —7 & 13 (1962), 5: 2 (1962), 6: 5, 8, & 10 (1963), and 7: 5. 19633 Gleason, New Britton & Br. Illustr. Fl., imp. 3, 1: 372 & 481 (1963) and imp. 3, 3: 585. 19633 Hegnauer, Chemotax. Pfl. 2: 153. 1963; H. P. Riley, Fam. Flow. Pl. S. Afr. 199 & 268. 1963; Dau, Excerpt. Bot. A.7: 520. 1963 Re. Good, Ge- ogr. Flow. Pl. lO. 1964; Melchior in Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., ed. 12, 2: 556, fig. 230 L. 196; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 8: 2 (1964), 10: 2, 6, & 7 (196k), and 11: 4 & 5. 196k; Radford, Ahles, & Bell, Guide Vasc. Fl. Carol. 106 & 107. 196k; Angely, Fl. Anal. Paran., ed. 1, 201. 1965; F. A. Barkley, List Ord. Fam. Anthoph. 113 & 213. 1965; J. A. Clark, Card—Ind. Gen. Sp. & Var. Pl., issue 246. 19653 Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.9: 290. 1965; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 6: 3616. 1965; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 3—5, 11, & 12. 1965; Sandoval, Biol. Abstr. 6: 2128. 1965; Schubert, Assoc. Trop. Biol. Bull. 5: 68. 1965; Thanikaimoni, Mém. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 301 Paris., ser. 2, B. 1h: 9—38. 1965; Thanikaimoni, Pollen & Spores 7: 182, 187, & 190. 1965; Van Donselaar, Wentia 14: 40, 70, 85, & 110. 1965; Airy Shaw in J. C. Willis, Dict. Flow, Pl., ed. 7, 1,30, 656, & 1095. 1966; Anon., Gen. Costa Ric. Phan. 2. 1966; Ertdman, Pollen Morph. & Pl. Tax., ed. 2, 163 & 537. 1966; Huinink, Wentia 17: 1h0--1)1. 1966; Kral, Sida 2: 315 & 327—332. 1966; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 2, 9, & 10. 19663 Shinners, Sida 2: 1 & hh7. 1966; J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 1: 12, 15, 22, 40, 1, 50, 83, 87, 122, 135, 1h, 155, 156, & 2h6—2h7. 1966; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 13: 132. 1966; Thanikaimoni, Biol. Abstr. 47: 169. 1966; Dombrowski & Kuniyoshi, Araucariana 1: 15. 1967; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.l1: 552. 1967; Moldenke, Act. Bot. Venez. 2: 153. 1967; Aristeguieta, Act. Bot. Venez. 3: 25 & 37. 1968; Grimm, Re- cog. Flow. Wild Pl. 36. 1968; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.12: 25 (1968) and A.13: 506. 1968; Kramer & Van Donselaar, Meded. Bot. Mus. Herb. Rijksuniv. Utrecht 309: opp. 500, 502, & 509, tabs 1 & 2. 1968; Lindeman & Gorts-van Rijn in Pulle & Lanjouw, Fl. Surin. 1 [Meded. Konink. Inst. Trop. 30, Afd. Trop. Prod. 1}: 334-339. 1968; Moldenke, Phytologia 17: 376, 377, 384, 437, 438, 50, 452 481, & 511, pl. 2. 1968; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 16: [1], 5, 6, 8, & 25 (1968) and 17: [1], 3, l, 9, & 12. 1968; M. E. S. Morrison, Journ. Ecol. [Brit.] 56: 373. 1968; Rickett, Wild Fls. U. S. 2 (1): [85] & 135, pl. 27 (1968) and 2 (2): 67 & 683. 1968; J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 3: 96. 1968; Van Donselaar, Meded. Bot. Mus. Rijksuniv. Utrecht 306: 397 & 02. 1968; Winner, Biol. Abstr. 49: 11782. 1968; Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 1: 11. 1969; Anon., Assoc. Etud. Tax. Fl. Afr. Trop. Ind. 1968: 25. 1969; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 50 (8): B.A.S.I.C. S.186. 1969; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.13: 506. 1969; Lasser, Act. Bot. Venez. ht 35. 19693 Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 50: 4119. 1969; Moldenke, Phy- tologia 18: 79—80, 92, 100, 102, 105, 23, 27, 256, 260, 261, 279, 369, 370, 379, 380, 388, 390, & 511 (1969) and 19: 8, 28, 43, & 75. 1969; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 18: [1], l, 5, 9, 10, & 12— 14. 1969; Richards & Morony, Check List Fl. Mbala 262. 1969; Rickett & Becker, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 96: 387. 1969; Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: [146]—-1h9, 156—163, 166, 168—170, 172--175, 182--187, & 189--191, fig. 33 H, I, & K, 35 I, & 39 A—D. 19693 Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 2: xxxv. 1970; Britton & Br., Illustr. Fl., ed. 2, imp. 5, 1: 453, WSS, & 680m fig. 114). 1970; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.16: 39. 1970; Moldenke, Phytologia 19: 339, 407, 450, 458, 467, & 470 (1970) and 20: 8, 36, hi, h2, 52, 80, 89, 9h, 95, 98, 101, 107, 108, 243, 250, 258, 265, 266, 268, 296, 306, 17, 418, & hak. 1970; Oberwinkler, Pterid. & Sperm. Venez. 8 & 52. 1970; Reitz, Sellowia 22: 137. 1970; Soukup, Raymondiana 3: 32 & 87. 1970; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 14: 131. 1970; Teunissen & Wildschut, Verh. Konink. Nederl. Akad. Wet. Natuurk. 59 (2): 23, 36, 6, & tab. 1. 1970; C. C. Townsend, Excerpt. Bot. A.15: 18. 1970; A- non., Biol, Abstr. 52 (2): B.A.S.1.C. S.231 (1971), 52 (3): BoA. S.I.C. S.228 (1971), and 52 (19): B.A.S.1.C. S.248. 1971; S. Ell., Sketch Bot., imp. 3, 2: 566—567 & 728. 1971; Erdtman, Pollen 302 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, now Morph. & Pl. Tax., ed. 2, 163. 1971; N. F. Good, Biol. Abstr. 52: 13438. 1971; Koyama & Oldenburger, Rhodora 73: 159. 1971; Long & Lakela, Fl. Trop. Fla., ed. 1, 259, 262, 930, & 958. 1971; Molden- ke, Biol. Abstr. 52: 71h, 1316, & 1057. 1971; Moldenke, Excerpt. Bot. A.18: 45. 1971; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 23, 25, 26, 30, 32, 7h, 82, 89, 91, 98, 99, 103, 119, 120, 127, 128, 131—13h, 137, 143, 171—176, 180, 18h, 187, 189, 195, 200, 217, 218, 222, 227, 231, 233, 238, 2hh—2h6, 248, 257, 262, 369, 22, 429, & h77—L87 549, 572, 577--593, 60h, 614, 635--639, 739, 70, 743, 79, 76h, 773, 778, 784, 791, 960--968, 972, & 973. 1971; Moldenke, Phyto- logia 20: 511 (1971), 21: 352 & 512 (1971), and 22: 6. 1971; Teu- nissen & Wildschut, Meded. Bot. Mus. Utr. 31: 23 & tab. 1. 1971; Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 6: 1156, 1161--116, & Ind. 28, maps 1782 (bis)—1786. 1972; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 53 (10): B.A.S.I.C. S.196 (1972) and 52 (2h) B AJSeECk S.187 & S.2h0. 19723 Anon., Ind. Bot. Guay. Highl. 25. 1972; Forstner, Verh. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 112: 89—91. 1972; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.21: 30. 1972; Letouzey, Man. Bot. Forest. Afr. Trop. 2 (B): 378. 1972; Lewalle, Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 2 {Trav. Univ. Off. Bujumb. Fac. Sci. C.20]: [237]. 1972; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 53: 5252 (1972) and 5h: 6295. 1972; Moldenke, Phyto- logia 23: 117, 418, & 511 (1972) and 2h: 19, 343, 3hh, 499, & 511. 1972; Moldenke in Steyerm., Maguire, & al., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 23: 850--85. 1972; Airy Shaw in J. C. Willis, Dict. Flow. Pl., ed. 8, 429, 673, & 112k. 1973; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 55 (9): B.A.S. I.C. S.250 (1973), 56 (1): B.AS.I.C. S.25) (1973), 56 (3): Bele S.I.C. S.258 (1973), 56 (6): BASIC. S.88, S.190, S.256, S.279, & S.281 (1973), and 56 (10): B.AS.I.C. S.265. 1973; Hocking, Ex- cerpt. Bot. A.21: 211. 1973; J. Hutchinson, Fam. Flow. Pl., ed. 3, 71O & 962. 1973; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 55: 2h2 (1973) and 56: 69, 1243, 3000, & 5366. 19733; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 118--120, 125, 143, 161, 223—22h, 230, 231, 2h, & 508 (1973), 26: 17, 27, 45, 177--179, 230, 2h7, 465, 476, 483, & 511 (1973), and 27: 69-- 73, fig. 3 & h. 1973; Thorne in Meggers, Ayensu, & Duckworth, Trop. For. Ecosyst. Afr. & S. Am. 30 & 33. 19735 Wedge, Pl. Names, ed. 1, 18. 1973; Gibbs, Chemotax. Flow. Pl. 3: 1883. 197); Heslop- Harrison, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 15: 133. 197); Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.23: 291—293. 197h; Leén & Alain, Fl. Cuba, imp. 2, 1: 279, 283- 28h, & 435-36. 197 $ Michx., Fl. Bor.~Am., imp. 2; 2 [Ewan, Class. Bot. Am. 3]: 166. 197); Moldenke, Phytologia 27: 512 (197h), 28: 03, 435, 437, lhO, h6l, 63, & 512° (197k), and 29: 77—78, 87;.99,)'203, 20h, 211, 233,29, SIL) SL 7319, Sel,03235 ee sere 197h; A. L. Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 172. 197); Rodriguez M., Mem. II Congres. Venez. Bot. 95. 1973; J. A. Steyerm., Biotropica 6: 7 & 10. 197h; Schinini, Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 16: 351. 1975; Wedge, Pl. Names, ed. 2, 2 & 26. 1973 Widder, Excerpt. Bot. A.2h: 329. 1974; Lewalle, Boissiera 2: 88. 1975; Moldenke, Phytologia 29: | 388, 495, & S1I—512 (1975),30:) 35) 37, 52, 264, 280, 318, 322) | 330% & 511 (1975), 31: Call 333; 375, 382, 383, 385--388, 392, 3975 403--05, 407, 408, & 487—191 (1975), 32: 336, 460, & 62 (1975), | 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 303 32: 485--487 & 512, fig. 2 (1976), 33: 25, 27, 34, 37--39, 51, 138, 184, 189, 191, 202, 273, 480, & 511 (1976), 3h: 28, 256—— 260, 271273, 275-278, 390, 392, 395, 486, 487, 505, & 511 (1976), and 35: 1h, 16, 18, 2h, 26, 31, & 36. 19763 Anon., Biol. Abstr. 61: ACL.718. 1976; P, Morat, Adansonia, ser. 2, 15: [63]. 1976; Lakela, Long, Fleming, & Genelle, Pl. Tampa Bay, ed. 3, [Bot. Lab. Univ. S. Fla. Contrib. 73: Wg 39, 150, & 180. 19763 Long & Lakela, Fl. Trop. Fla., ed. 2, 259, 262, 930, & 958. 1976; Mol- denke, Phytologia 35: 112, 125, 260, & 26h. 1977. The generic name was taken by Ruhland (1900) from the Greek, BDUryovos, united, and AY OOS, flower, from the fact that the petals are connate in both sexes in this gems. How our knowledge of the extent of this gems has grown in the compara- tively few years of botanical exploration may be judged from the fact that Ruhland (1903) knew of only 80 species in the genus Gleason, in his unpublished Flora of British Guiana (ca. 19305 listed 3s species, Moldenke (1939, 1940) "about 160" species, Her~ ter (195) 100 species, Moldenke in Humbert (1955) 27 taxa, and Angely (1956, 1957) 258 taxa. Thorne (1973) avers that there are 196 species, of which, he says, 195 are American, 1 is African, and 1 is in Madagascar, Actually, as of the date’ of this writing, we now recognize 297 taxa, of which 286 are American, 10 are Afri- can, and 1 is from Madagascar, In 1956 Angely recognized from Brazil, 22 species in Amazénas, 14 in Pard4, 3 in Maranh%o, 11 in Piauf, 2 in Pernambuco, 12 in Ba- hia, 135 in Minas Gerais, 6 in Mato Grosso, 2) in Goias, 10 in Rio de Janeiro, 14 in S80 Paulo, 8 in Parand, ) in Santa Catarina, and , in Rio Grande do Sul. He also asserts that there are 28 species in Venezuela, 13 in Guyana, 9 in Surinam, 2 in Zaire, and 4 in Cuba. The type species of the genus is Eriocaulon umbellatum Lam. {=Syngonanthus umbellatus (Lam.) Ruhl.] It should be noted here that Eulepis was proposed as a section of Eriocaulon by Bongard in 1831, and included (in this order) the following species: E. prescottianum Post & Kuntze (190h), in elevating Eulepis to generic rank, chose E. prescottianum (Bongard's first-mentioned species) as type. Since E. prescottianum is a Mesanthemum, it is apparent that the generic name, Eulepis, must fall into the synonymy of Mesanthemum. Yet Ruh- land (1903) transferred the name, Eulepis, to Syngonanthu nanthus as a sec- tion name for Bongard's other specient S. elegans, S. niveus, S. aciphyllus, S. nitidus, S. anthemiflorus, and their more recently described relatives. Bongard's sole diagnosis of Eulepis, "squamis 30, PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, now k capitulorum radiantibus", applies equally well in both interpre— tations, but, of course, the essential floral characters are now known to be quite different in the two groups. Martin (196) reports the presence of endosperm in the seeds of Syngonanthus. Pollen characters are given for the gems (on the basis of 2 species studied!) by Thanikaimoni (1965). LeCointe (1947) records the vernacular name, "pepalantho", for members of the gems in Amazonas, Brazil, while Long & Lakela (1971) record "bantum buttons" from Florida’ (where only a single species, S. flavidulus, is found). In both cases the names are given as ap- plying to the entire genus. Limnoxeranthemum Salzm. and Limnoxeranthemum "Salam. ex Steud." are sometimes given as synonyms of Paepalanthus Mart., notably by Airy Shaw (1966), but both species on which the name was based originally are members of the gems Syngonanthus, so the name must fall into the synonymy of Syngonanthus, not of Paepalanthus. Curiously, in Biol. Abstr. 27: 3767 (1955) Syngonanthus is classified as a "Dicotyledon". It is also worth noting here that Ruhland (1900) dates Kornicke's monumental work on the family as "1871" when actually it should be 1863. Lecomte's paper (1909) is sometimes cited as "1908" — actually the paper was read at the November 13, 1908, meeting of the society, but was not published until 1909. My work in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 70 is dated "191" on the cover, but was actually published and deposited in the New York Botanical Garden library on December 31, 19,0. The Angely (1972) work is often cited as "1970", the title-page date, but was not actually published until 1972. Stapf (1931) gives "1906" as the date for the Pilger (1908) work, but the United States Library of Congress printed card retains the 1908 title= page date as correct. The Soukup (1959) work, cited in the bibliography above, is sometimes referred to as being in volume "5" — actually it is in volume 2 of Biota. The names which he lists there as generic synonyms of Syngonanthus [Andraspidopsis Korn., Carpocephalus {error for Carphocephalus] Kérn., and Psilocephalus Kérn.] are actually subgeneric names which Kornicke proposed in Paepalanth- us and later transferred by Ruhland to sectional and subsection- al rank in Syngonanthus. Koyama & Oldenburger (1971) encountered species of Syngonan— thus growing in association with Diplacrum africanum, Philodice hof fmannseggii, Bacopa monnierioides, and cacacalae pen pentander in Surinam e The Bogner 1010, distributed as a species of Syngonanthus, is actually Paepalanthus cristatus Moldenke, Moore, Dietz, & Pfister 9793 is P. squamliferus Moldenke, Moore, Ambrose, Dietz, & Pfis- ter ter 9813 i is P. cumbricola Moldenke, “Pannier & Schwabe s.n. [Au- yantepui] is not eriocaulaceous, a Waneae Vareschi & Foldats 3 4727 is something in the Cyperaceae. Ruhland (1903) distinguishes his 5 sections of Syngonantims as 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 305 follows: 1. Floris feminei petala sepalis breviora vel vix aequalia. 2. Petala floris masculi in tubum temi-membranaceum, breviter trilobum, demum involutum connata; caulis (uno S. hygro- tricho excepto) perbrevis, simplex, pedunculifer vel sterilis tumque ramis perbrevibus, aphyllis vel apice modo vel tota superficie foliosis, terminaliter pedunculiferis auctus. Sect. 1. Dimorphocaulon Ruhl, 2a. Petala floris masculi in tubum plusmimsve urceolatum, car- nosulum, apice temiorem et saepius involutum, demum ple- rumque in petala 3 rhomboidea solubilem connata. Sect. 2. Carphocephalus Korn. la. Floris feminei petala sepalis perspicue longiora, raro demum inflexa, rigidula. 3. Bracteae involucrantes disco plusmimusve longiores, membran- aceae. . Bracteae paucae non radiantes, aequales, disco parum lon- giores; appendices styli nullae; caulis elongatus. Sect. 3. Chalarocaulon Ruhl. a. Bracteae discum multo superantes, radiantes, inaequales (exteriores interioribus multo breviores); stylus appen- dicibus instructus; caulis perbrevis. Sect. ). Eulepis Bong. 3a. Bracteae involucrantes disco perspicue breviores, perrigi- dae; capitula campamlata, thysanomorpha. Sect. 5. Thysanocephalus Korn. [Thysanocephalus Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 2: 73. 1971]. His Section Dimorphocaulon is divided by him into two subsec- tions as follows: 1. Psilocephalus (Korn.) Ruhl. -- Caulis primo intuitu semper fertilis; id est: pedunculi ex axilla folii caulini egredi- entes, rarius in apice ramorum perbrevium et vix conspicu- orum, apice modo foliosorum solitarii. 2. Andraspidopsis (Korn.) Ruhl. — Caulis semper perspicue ster- iis; id est: pedunculi in apice ramorum foliorum caespitem caulinem multo superantium per plures fasciculato-congesti vel solitarii. In his original description of the gemus, Ruhland (1900) gives its essential diagnostic characters as "Flores masculi et feminei mixti, trimeri, perigonio duplici instructi. Stamina mumero lac- iniis perigoniorum aequalia. Antherae quadriloculares. Flores feminei partes peroginii interioris margine medio connatae. Stig- ma simplicia. Pili bractearum et perigoniorum acuti, extus et intus laeves, numquam clavati." He comments that "Differt hoc genus a Paepalantho (sens, strict.) praesertim structura perigonii interioris floris feminei. In monographia jam a me praeparata characteres amplius digeram." He separates the West Indian spe— cies known to him as follows: 1. Caulis perbrevis, sterilis, ramo plerumque uno vel rarius paucis elongatis. Apice modo caespitem foliorum pedunculorum 306 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. proferente Ornatus....-ccccsccsccceccesoessods umbellatus. la. Caulis perbrevis, subsimplex, pedunculifer. 2. Bracteae involucrantes plus minus fulvo-flavidae, basi cilio- latae; folia olivaceovirentia, plerumque 3.5 cm. longa.... S. androsaceus. 2a. Bracteae involucrantes pallide stramineo-flavae, glabrae; folia laete viridia, plerumque modo 2 cm. longa...cccccoee S. lagopodioides. A more up-to-date key to the West Indian species, as well as North and Central American taxa, will be found in my 1937 work cited in the bibliography above. The Yucat4n species are keyed out by me (190) as follows: 1. Peduncles glabrous or practically S0......-ssseeede Oneillii. la. Peduncles conspicuously pubescent. 2. Involucral bractlets hyaline, completely colorless....cescece Ss. bartlettii. 2a. Involucral bractlets more or leas olivaceous. 3. Sheaths shorter than the leaves, densely short-pubescent; the pubescence on the peduncles mostly appressed; bract- lets to 2.5 mm. long, glabrous......+...+e5. hondurensis. 3a. Sheaths longer than the leaves, loosely long-pilose; pubescence on peduncles spreading; bractlets to 8 m, long, VALLOUS coeecerccccccsescccscesssovewre lundelliams, Lindeman & Gorts-van Rijn (1968) separate the Surinam species known to them at that time as follows: 1. Leaves all radical in a dense rosette or partly in a second rosette at the end of the stem. 2. Peduncles umbellate at the end of the leafless stem; leaves often in a second rosette beneath the pedunculate umbel.. S. umbellatus. 2a. Stemless. rT 3. Peduncular sheaths with rounded sinus; involucral bracts narrow, acute; style with appendages.....S. glandulosus. 3a. Peduncular sheaths not with rounded sinuses. . Involucral bracts glabrous, the inner ones twice as long as the flowers, radiating; petals of the female flowers longer than the sepals.........5. kegelianus. a. Involucral bracts almost as long as the flowers. 5. Male and female florets not very unequal in size or shape; involucral bracts about the same length as the flowers. 6. Leaves about 5 mm. long, densely rosulate, white- villous and pilose, later glabrous; peduncles 5— 7 cm. long; involucral bracts glabrous, the inner ones ciliate; style without appendages..S. simplex. 6a. Leaves 1-3 cm. long, cespitose, glabrous or slightly puberulous; peduncles 6——-30 cm. long; in- volucral bracts longer than or equaling the flcrets; sepals at first puberulous in the middle, later ZLADTOUS ..--cccccserececerserrsecsesecre gracilis. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 307 Sa. Male florets about half as long as the female ones, irregular, longer-pedicelleds; heads somewhat echin- ate in appearance; leaves 6—-8 mm. long, arachnoid, tomentose to glabrous above; involucral bracts much shorter than the florets.......++e++e-5. biformis,. la. Stems leafy, more or less elongate. 7. Stems densely arachnoid=-pubescent with white matted hairs. S$. surinamensis. 7a. Stems not arachnoid=—pubescent. 8. Peduncles glandular—pubescent, 7--1l cm. long; leaves 1.5 mm, wide, about 1 cm. long; peduncular sheaths with rounded simus....s..--++: Abner tt «+00. glandulosus. 8a, Peduncles pubescent to glabrous, their sheaths obliquely split; leaves 1—5 cm, long. 9. Stems floating, up to 3 dm. long; leaves fenestrate, 0.2 x 3—.5 cm.; peduncles 2—l together at the end of the stem, 3—6 cm. long; petals of the female florets slightly longer than the sepals; style without APPENGAGES ... es eeseeeeceesseeeeesseeds MACrocaulon. 9a. Stems up to 8 dm. long, simple; leaves 1.5—L.5 mm. x 1.5—3.5 cm.; peduncles 5—30 cm. long, in a terminal fascicles; petals of the female florets shorter than the sepals; styles appendaged........S. caulescens. Gleason, in his unpublished flora of British Guiana, keys out the species known to him from that area at that time as follows: 1. Leaves scattered along the elongate stem. 2. Subtending bracts present; leaves 1 m, wide or less. 3. Principal leaves about 15 mm. long, very thin and lax; peduncular sheaths acuminate............+..5. anomalus. 3a. Principal leaves about 5 mm. long, firm, priminently nerved; peduncular sheaths obtuse......S. brevifolius. 2a. Subtending bracts none; leaves 2—5 mm, wide.S. caulescens. la. Leaves rosulate, cespitose, or whorled. . Heads in leafy-bracted, long-stalked umbels. 5. Leaves subtending the umbels about 1 mm. wide; bracts ACUMINATE... 2. ce see eeeeeesseceesececsede umbellatus. Sa. Leaves subtending the umbels 3—5 mm, wide; bracts obtuse OF SUDACUTE.... seer eceeecrcescececesesessseere Longipes. ha. Heads 1 to several, on separate peduncles arising from a- mong the basal leaves 6. Petals of the pistillate florets distinctly exceeding the SCPALS .. cee ecceceeccesesscscscccsecccseseecs tricostatus. 6a. Petals of the pistillate florets shorter than the sepals. 7. Lateral sepals of the staminate florets strongly falcate and inequilateral. 8. Pistillate and staminate florets, including their pedi- cels, about equal in Lengthessssecscesessede somprex: 8a. Pistillate florets about twice as long as the s ALC. reece ecereerercreeerrccccesssscsceseswre biformis. 7a. Lateral sepals of the staminate florets not falcate, equilateral. 308 PHY TG OG TA Vol. 35, no. 9. Bracts obovate, broadly rounded at the summit......... S. gracilis. 9a. Bracts oblong, acute to obtuse at the apex. 10. Leaves rosulate; peduncles not glandular; sims of the sheaths, opposite the lamina, acute.....sseeee S. eriophyllus. 10a. Leaves crowded on a very short stem; peduncles glandular; sims of the sheaths broadly rounded... S. glandulosus. Hess (1955) says of the genus: "Die Gattung Syngonanthus schliesst sich im Blutenbau eng an die Gattung Mesanthemum an. In den verwachsenen Petalen stimmen die beiden Gattungen Uberein. Syngonanthus hat aber nur noch drei Staubblatter und nie Driisen an den Petalen. Von den 180 bis 200 heute angegebenen Arten sind nur 6 ausserhalb von Amerika und seinen vorgelagerten Inselgruppen bekannt. Diese Arten sind kontinental afrikanisch; auf Madagaskar fehlt die Gattung wahrscheinlich. Die 6 Arten sind alle mitein- ander nahe verwandt, und ihre Unterscheidung bietet oft grosse Schwierigkeiten. Die Morphologie der Bluten ist einformig, zudem haben viele Merkmale eine grosse Variationsbreite. Allen afrika- nischen Arten ist das Fehlen von Brakteen der Bluten gemeinsam. Es muss angenommen werden, dass die Arten miteinander Bastarde bilden, die haufig und weit verbreitet sind. Aus Angola sind jetzt 3 Arten bekannt." He keys out the African species as fol- lows: 1. Kopfe vielblutig. 2. Halme 3-rillig. 3. Halme in den Rillen + dicht mit weissen, spitzen Haaren und mit kopfigen Drusenhaaren bedeckt. . Blatter an der Basis 0.5-—-l mm. breit, 1--2.5 cm. lang, obserseits konkav, unterseits konvex, oft im Querschnitt elliptisch oder rundlich; Halme 3—20 cm. hoch. 5. Drei Anhangsel am Griffel vorhanden, in kopfigen Ge- bilden endigend.......cscccccccescessede Wahlbergii. 5a. Anhangsel am Griffel fehlend.......0+-05. schlechteri. ha. Blatter breit (1.5--2.5 mm.) und flach, bis 5 cm. lang; Halme 30—50 cm. hoch.......++e-++seee05- POGZCAMS. 3a. Halme in den Rillen vollstandig kahl; Sepalen der Blititen 3--3.3, evtl. bis mm. lang, im mittleren Drittel beider- seits land und abstehend behaart, Sepalen der 9 Bliten weiss, die der § Bliiten in der unteren Halfte braun, oben WOLSS cesesccccccccccesccccccccssccccccoveeres angolensis. 2a. Halme hTILLig..ccccccccccccccssscscccccscceete ngoweensis. la. Kopfe wenigblutig (etwa 10 Bliiten); Pflanzen immer nur 1—2 cm. HOCH. ceeececsccrcrcccccccccccccccccccsssccescsere Wolwitschii. Macbride (1931) makes some interesting comments relative to this and other genera: "The genus Syngonanthus was established by Ruh- include those species of Paepalanthus with more or less connate (at the middle) petals in the case of the female flowers. This seems to me to be a character that serves most usefully as a 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 309 means of grouping merely sectionally the supposedly related forms. I think the natural genera in the family are defined only by the variation in the number of the stamens and by the number of the anther cells. On this basis Blastocaulon Ruhl....and Phylodoce Mart., widely separated by Ruhland because the petals of the lat- ter are partially adnate, are to be merged. The only character in this case remaining to Phylodoce that defines it in contrast to Tonina Aubl. is the presence of well-developed petals and in the otherwise similar Lachnocaulon Kunth the petals are reduced to hairs. These four groups defined as genera constitute there— for from a purely disinterested standpoint one natural genus. As they exhibit some habitual differences their maintenance in regi- onal treatments may sometimes be convenient." SYNGONANTHUS ACIPHYLLUS (Bong.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 273. 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon aciphyllum bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 636. aT Et [not E. aciphyllum Reichenb., 1863]. Paepalanthus aciphyllus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 438. 1863. Dupatya aciphylla (Bong.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 75. 1891. Dupatya aciphylla Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, - 1902. Syngonanthus aciphyllus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Additional bibliography: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pét- ersb., ser. 6, 1: 636. 1831; Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 35 & 36. 1831; Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585. 180; Kunth, Emm. Pl. 3: 579 & 612. 181; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 268. 1852; Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 282 & 333. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 438, 507, & 508. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 877 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 401. 1894; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 271, 273, 28h, 289, & 292. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv, Fl. Mont. 1: 415. 1928; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 19h1; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 877 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: 01. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Dis- trib. Erioc. 16, 28, 32, lh, & 56. 196; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 98. 1948; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 90 & 212. 19493; Moldenke, Phytologia : 296 & 311. 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 19593 Moldenke, Résumé 105, 279, 285, 323, 351, & 490. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 877 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 01. 1960; Mol- denke, Fifth Summ. 1: 171 & 477 (1971) and 2: 92, 577, 635, 960, & 972. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 25 (1976), 3h: 277 (1976), and 35: 36. 1976. This species appears to be based on L. Riedel 102 from "in pratis sabulosis humidis Serra da Lapa", Minas Gerais, Brazil, although Bongard (1831) cites no number for the Riedel collection. An isotype in the Vienna herbarium was photographed there by Mac- bride as his type photograph number 29988. Bongard's original 310 PH YuTcOE, OvGpLsk Vol. 35, no. description is "caulescens; caule brevissimo ramuloso; foliis caespitosis vaginis brevioribus lanceolato-linearibus acutis can- aliculatis; pedunculis caespitosis vaginisque pubescentibus". He cites a plate 38, but this plate apparently never was published and probably exists only in the Leningrad herbarium or library. The Eriocaulon aciphyllum of Reichenbach, referred to in the synonymy above, is a synonym of Paepalanthus subtilis Miq. Ruhland (1903) refers this species to page "272" in the Steu- del work (180), but this is an error for page 282. He cites on- ly the type collection and comments that the "Species P. niveo valde affinis". Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 51 from the Serra do Cipé, Minas Gerais, collected in 1905. Recent collectors have found this species growing in sandy campos and in wet sand in an "area of gently sloping open hill- sides with sandy soil and sandstone boulders, mostly wet with seeping water, and a rocky area along a rushing stream at the base of the hill", at altitudes of 1200—-1300 m. They found it in flower and fruit in February and September and describe the heads as white. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Anderson, Stieber, & Kirkbride 3548 (Ld, N); Hatschbach 27395 (S, Z). SYNGONANTHUS ACOPANENSIS Moldenke, Phytologia 3: i—-2. 1948. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 3: )1--l2. 198; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 65 & 212. 199; Molden ke, Phytologia 4: 296. 1953; E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 24. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 73 & 90. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: zt (1971) and 2: 960. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 388. 1975. Recent collectors describe this plant as having "leaves in clumps, coriaceous or subcoriaceous, stiffly rigid or flexible, erect, in 2 planes", dull- or olive-green on both surfaces or "rich-green", and the flower-heads "dull-white with black at base" (blackish bracts) or "gray and white". They found it growing in wet soil of large swamps and in open forest on laterite deposits above a swamp, at altitudes of 2100--2500 meters, flowering in January, February, and June. Wurdack reports it "locally fre- quent" in small clumps on the upper "cumbre" and in deep canyons. Wurdack 3213 is a mixture with Paepalanthus fraternmus N. E. Br. and has obscurely appressed=pilose or subglabrate peduncles. Material of S. acopanensis has been misidentified and distribu- ted in some herbaria as Leiothrix sp. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Bolfvar: Cardona 2280 (Ye— isotype); J. A. Steyermark 75850 (Z), 75925 (Ss); Steyermark & Wurdack 80) (N); Wurdack 34213, in part (Mu, N). SYNGONANTHUS ALBOPULVINATUS (Moldenke) Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 243. 1970. Synonymy: Paepalanthus albopulvinatus Moldenke in Maguire & Phelps, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 14: 10. 1952. Syngonanthus 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 311 albopulvinatus Moldenke, Phytologia : 296, hyponym. 1953. Bibliography: Moldenke in Maguire & Phelps, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 1h: 10. 1952; Moldenke, Phytologia : 296. 1953; Mol- denke, Résumé 73 & 90. 1959; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 12: LOL» 1959; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 23. 1970; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 52: 71h. 1971; Moldenke, Excerpt. Bot. A.18: ubs. 1971; Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 127 &'131 (1971) and 2: 577 & 960. 1971; Heslop—Harrison, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 15: 133. 1974; Moldenke, Phyto- logia 34: 277. 1976. This species is based on Maguire, Phelps, Hitchcock, & Budowski 31774 from a Bonnetia savanna on a "cumbre" at 2000 meters alti- tude at Cafio Guaviarito, Rfo Manapiare, Rfo Ventuari, Amazonas, Venezuela, collected on February , 1951, and deposited in the Britton Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden. Recent collectors describe the plant as an herb, inches tall, the leaves in a rosette, spreading, rigid, gray-zgreen, softly hairy, and the flower—heads white or gray-white. They have en- countered it in open xeromorphic scrub on white sand, on open sa- vannas with Trachypogon, Echinolaena, and Paspalum dominant, with a narrow strip of gallery forest along the rivers, the soil with the top 20 cm. a sand and organic material mixture, below which is alm. zone of yellow sand, and "locally frequent" on dry sand banks along rivers, at altitudes of 1300--2000 meters, flowering from December to February. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Bolivar: E. Davidse 710 (Z); Steyermark & Wurdack 363 (N). GUYANA: Herb. Univ. Georgetown Bio. 106-20 (N). SYNGONANTHUS ALLENI Moldenke, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 77: 390. 1950. Bibliography: Moldenke, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 77: 390. 1950; Moldenke, Phytologia : 296. 1953; E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 24. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 68, 73, & 490. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 5 & 6 (1959) and 2: 5. 1960; Moldenke, Biol. Ab- str. 35: 2177. 1960; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.k: 593. 1962; Mol- denke, Fifth Summ. 1: 119 & 171 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971. This pretty species is based on P. H. Allen 3149 from Yapoboda, Vaupés, Colombia, collected on December 10, 1943, and deposited in the United States National Herbarium in Washington. Hemming found it on the Cachimbo hills in "campo cerrado" interspersed with rainforest near rivers in sandy soil of open clearing of airfield, altitude 1390 feet, on the Pard-Mato Grosso border, flowering in July. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Para: Hemming 7 (Z); Sick 669 [Herb. Brad. 4614] (Bd), s.n. [Serra do Cachimbo, 5.57; Herb. Brad. 4704] (Bd). SYNGONANTHUS ALLENI var. BRASILIENSIS Moldenke, Phytologia 7: 121. 1960. Bibliography: Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 35: 2177. 1960; Moldenke, 312 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. Phytologia 7: 121. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 2: 5. 1960; Hock- ing, Excerpt. Bot. A.: 593. 1962; Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 171 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971. Citations: BRAZIL: Par&: Egler & Raimundo s.n. (W. A. Egler 968; Herb. Mus. Goeldi 23628] (Bd--12296--isotype, Z—type) . re eae aa Seas var. PARVUS Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. £699%01953 Bibliography: Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 99. 1953; Moldenke, Phytologia h: 296. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 73 & 1,90. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 127 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in its shorter stems, glabrous attenuate leaves, few and shorter bracts, fewer peduncles, and the heads and flowers smaller. The type of the variety was collected by B. Maguire, R. S. Cowan, and J. J. Wurdack (no. 29238) in shallow wet sand and on rock outcrop behind (east of) Hotel Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas, Venez- uela, on October 24, 1950, and is deposited in the Britton Herbar- ium at the New York Botanical Garden. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Foldats 3566 (Ve). SYNGONANTHUS AMAPENSIS Moldenke, Phytologia 5: 90—91. 195k. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 5: 90—91. 195h; Moldenke, Résumé 105 & 90. 1959; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 12: 138. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 171 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971. Citations: BRAZIL: Amap4: Black & Lobato 50-9192 (Z—type) 5 SYNGONANTHUS AMAZONICUS Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 2-43. 1948. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 3: )2--3. 1948; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 90 & 212. 199; Mol- denke, Phytologia h: 296. 1953; E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 2h). 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 105 & 90. 1959; Van Donselaar, Wentia 1h: lO. 1965; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 171 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971. Van Donselaar (1965) encountered this species in a Syngonan- tho-xyridion ecologic association. SYNGONANTHUS ANDROSACEUS (Griseb.) Ruhl. in Urb., Symb. Ant. 1: 488. 1900. Synonymy: Paepalanthus androsaceus Griseb., Cat. Pl. Cub. 225. 1866. Paepalanthus androsaceus var. flavescens Griseb., Cat. Pl. Cub. 225. 1866. Syngonanthus androsaceus Ruhl. apud Thiselt.- Dyer, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 2: 180. 1904. Additional bibliography: Griseb., Cat. Pl. Cub. 225. 1866; Sauv., Anal. Acad. Sci. Habana 8: 50. 1871; Sauv., Fl. Cub. 165. 1871; Gomez de la Maza, Not. Bot. Sist. 9 & 110. 1893; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 01. 1895; Millsp., Publ. Field Mus. Bot. 1: 426. 1900; Ruhl. in Urb., Symb. Ant. 1: 487 & 488. 1900; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (-30): 2u5, 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 313 257, 289, & 293. 1903; Thiselt.—Dyer, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 2: 180. 190k; Jennings, Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11: 90. 1917; Moldenke, N. Am. Fl. 19: 43 & lh. 1937; Moldenke, Phytologia 1: 335. 1939; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 01. 1946; Leén, Fl. Cuba 1: 283. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 5, hh, & 56. 196; Moldenke, Alph. "List Chie 2s) So 2h. 255: 86. & 186 (19h6), 22 470, 486, & 648-650 (1943), 32 930 (1919), and h: 108k, 1085, Lik, & 130h. "199; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verben- ac., [ed. 2], WS & 212. 199; Moldenke, Phytologia : 208 & 296. 19535 Moldenke, Résumé 53, 323, & 90. "1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 401. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 98 (1971) and 2: 577 & 960. 19713 Leén & Alain, Fl. Cuba, imp. 2, 1: 283 & 435. 197k; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 18) (1976) and 3h: 277. 1976. Ruhland (1900) distinguishes this species from the related S. lagopodioides (Griseb.) Ruhl. as follows: 1. "Bracteae involucrantes plus mimus fulva-flavidae, basi cilio- latae; folia olivaceo-virentia, plerumque 3.5 cm. longa.... S. androsaceus. la. "Bracteae involucrantes pallide stramineo-flavae, glabrae; folia laete viridia, plerumque modo 2 cm, longa.....eseeeee S. lagopodioides. He comments that "Equidem varietates Grisebachianas distinguere nequeo. Specimini mihi suppetentia colore foliorum bractearumque involucrantium plane congruunt. Species Syngonantho flavidulo (Koern.) Ruhl. proxima." He cites only C. Wright 3235 & 3236 from Cuba. Jennings (1917) cites Blain 151 from the Isle of Pines and gives the general distribution of the he species as "Western Cuba and the Isle of Pines". Van Hermann notes that it is "very plentiful in wet sandy savannas", refers to the flower—heads as white, and found it in flower and fruit in January. The type collection, Cc. Wright 3235, is a mixture with a grass (at least insofar as the University of California specimen of this number is concerned). Additional & emended citations: CUBA: Pinar del Rfo: C. F. Ba- ker 2101 (B); Leén 1915 (Um—1006)); Moldenke & Moldenke e 19882 (Ac, Au, Au, Bi, Bm, Bk Bm, Bs, Bs, Ca, Ca, Fg, Ft, Gg, Hk, ip,’ L,. bd, a ee Lk, Lw, MA, "ym, vn, "Ok, "sm, "Se, Tk, Ut, Ws, Ws, 2); Van Hermann 570 (W-—-116897) 5 C. Wright 3235, in part (Ca-—-937001—isotype, T--isotype) . SYNGONANTHUS ANGOLENSIS H. Hess, Bericht. Schweiz. Bot. Gesell. OR aa & 198, text fig. 7& 8, pl. 9, fig. 10 & 13. 1955. Bibliography: H. Hess, Bericht. Schweiz. Bot. Gesell. 65: 192— 198, text fig. 7& 8, pl. 9, fig. 10 & 13. 1955; Anon., Assoc. Etud. Tax. Fl. Afr. Trop. Index 1955: 30. 1956; Moldenke, Phyto- logia 5: 341. 1956; Moldenke, Résumé 147, 351, & 490. 19595 G. Tay- lor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 12: 138. 1959; Voldenke, Phytologia 18: 256. 1969; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 2h & 635 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971; 31h Pi: VTOTAOLG Tk Vol. 35, no. Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 278. 1976. Tllustrations: H. Hess, Bericht. Schweiz. Bot. Gesell. 65: 198, text fig. 7& 8, pl. 9, fig. 10 & 13. 1955. This species was based by Hess (1955) on H. Hess 52/2098 from "Am Rio Luassinga, 60 km Gstlich Vila Serpa Pinto (Menongue)", Bié, Angola, at 1,00 meters altitude, collected on June 28, 1952. He cites also H. Hess 52/208h, 52/2086, 5e/2ll1l, & 52/2112 ’ from Bié and 5 52/2151 . from | Huila, ingore ie says that it occurs on "Sandiger und Sand eeeer ices Boden entlang Flissen; ziemlich trocken (Boschungen) bis tberschwemmt". He comments further: "Aus dem umfangreichen Material konnen nur Abweichungen in Grosse und Form der Blatter festgestellt werden, die durch den Standort bedingt sind. So sind bei Nr. 52/208h, die an einer sandigen, trockenen Boschung des Rio Cuatir caceamiel sh wurden, die Blatter mur etwa 1 cm lang und im Querschnitt elliptisch, wahrend bei Nr. 52/2086, die etwas weiter unten im 2—l cm tiefen Wasser stand, die Blatter bis 6 cm lang und flach sind. Die gleiche Beobacht-— ungen wurden am Rio Quiriri gemacht: Nr. 52/2111 entwickelte sich submers und hat bis 12 cm lange Blatter; Nr. 52/2112 wurde deneben auf trockenen Sand gesammelt. Die Blatter dieser Pflanzen sind etwa 3 cm lang. "Verbreitung: Angola: Nur entlang den Seitenfliissen des Rio Cubango (Rio Cuatir, Rio Luassinga, Rio Quiriri) sowie an einem Seitenfluss des Rio Cunene (Rio Quangue) beobachtet und gesammelt. "Verwandschaftsverhaltnisse: Syngonanthus angolensis unter- scheidet sich von allen bekannten Syngonanthus-Arten Afrikas durch seine vollstandig kahlen Halme, die verschieden gefarbten, 3—3,3 mm langen (bei Fruchtreife wahrscheinlich , mm lang) Sepalen, die im mittleren Drittel dorsal und ventral lang behaart sind. Diese Merkmale sind konstant und erlauben, die Art eindeutig zu charak-— terisieren. "Die systematischen Unterscheide gegemuber Syngonanthus Pogge- amus und S. Wahlbergii sind aber nicht so gross, dass hybridogene Zwischenformen nicht denkbar waren. Mutmassliche Bastarde zwis- chen den 3 Syngonanthus-Arten wurden verschiedentlich gefunden und sind im folgenden beschrieben." [Cfr. xS. hessii Moldenke and xS. hybridus Moldenke]). SYNGONANTHUS ANGUSTIFOLIUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 370——371, pl. 236. 1928. Synonymy: Syngonanthus angustifolia Alv. Silv. ex Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 56, in syn. 196. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 370-371 & 15, pl. 236. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 77. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 1913 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 56. 1916; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 90 & 212. 1993; Molden- ke, Résumé 105, 351, & 490. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 171 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 315 (1971) and 2: 635 & 960. 1971. Ijlustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 236. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 743 from "In campis are- nosis in Serra da Babylonia, prope Passos", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1925, and deposited in the Silveira herbar- ium. In his original description Silveira (1928) comments that the "Species a S. niveo propter pilositatem foliorum vaginarum- que precipue differt". It is known thus far only from the orig- inal collection. It should be noted that Wangerin (1937) erroneously cites the plate number as "CCXXXV". SYNGONANTHUS ANOMALUS (Korn.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 267. 1903. s Synonymy: Paepalanthus anomalus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 458. 1863. Dupatya anomala (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891. Dupatya anomala Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonanthus anomalus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Syngonanthus anomal- us var. stolonacea Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 213, hyponym. 1931. Syngonanthus anomalus f. terrestris Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 213, hyponym. 1931. Syngonanthus anomalus var. stolonaceus Herzog ex Moldenke, Known Geogr. Dis=— trib. Erioc. 17 & 56, nom. mud. 1946. Syngonanthus esmeraldae Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Phytologia : 297, in syn. 1953. Bibliography: Kérn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 279, 458, & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 01. 189); Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 19023 Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 3, 26, 267, 289, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 213. 1931; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 59 (2): 20. 1939; Du- rand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 15. 191; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 01. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 6, 17, hh, & 56. 1946; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 956. 19493 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 65, 66, 90, & 212. 199; Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 99. 1953; Moldenke, Phytologia : 297. 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 115. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 73, 76, 105, 323, 351, 90, & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 20. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 401. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 10: 2 (196) and 12: 3. 1965; Van Donselaar, Meded. Bot. Mus. Rijksuniv. 306: 397 & 02. 1968; Oberwinkler, Pterid. & Sperm. Venez. 8 & 52. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 119, 127, 131, 132, & 171 (1971) and 2: 577, 582, 635, 636, & 960. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 318 (197h3, 31: 385 & 407 (1975), and 3h: 277. 1976. This species is based on Spruce 2039 from along the Rio Negro between Barcellos and S%0 Gabriel, Amaz6nas, Brazil. An isotype 316 Pen ¥ TO) 1 01a DA Vol. 35, no. in the Copenhagen herbarium was photographed there by Macbride as his type photograph number 22277, in part [the other part repre- sents Spruce 3259, type collection of S. esmeraldae Ruhl.]. Herzog's var. ar. stolonaceus is based on Lutzelburg 23739 from Jutica, Uaupés, Pard4, Brazil, while his f. terrensis is based on Liitzelburg 22160 & 2218h ee Uauaucd, Kio Negro, Amazonas, col- lected on September eee: no ee le Biases tbed in the Munich heap ium. It seems virtually impossible to find any constant charac-— ters to differentiate these two supposed infraspecific taxa from the typical S. anomalus. Macbride photographed 23739 in the Mu- nich herbarium as his type photograph number 187),0. Lutzelburg 23299b, cited below, may actually be a cotype of f. natans, but the other number so labeled by Herzog is plainly S. macrocaulon Ruhl., so I prefer to regard the latter as the actual type of f. natans and the former as a mere misidentification. Similarly, l regard Herzog's S. anomalus f. glabriusculus and f. natans glab- ripes as belonging in the synonymy of S. macrocaulon. Gleason, in his unpublished Flora of British Guiana, describes S. anomalus as follows: "Stems more or less tufted, often irregu- larly branched, 3--10 cm. long; leaves rather crowded toward the end of the branches, narrowly linear, 10--15 mm. long; peduncles scattered, filiform, 2—5 cm. long, twisted, minutely pubescent; sheaths long-oblique, pubescent, the lamina acuminate; heads sub= hemispheric, 3 mm. wide; bracts obovate, obtuse or rounded." He cites only Jenman 937 from Kaieteur Falls, but gives its overall distribution as "Venezuela, northern Brazil". He distinguishes it from related species in Guyana as follows: 1. Subtending bracts present; leaves 1 mm. wide or less. 2. Principal leaves about 15 mm. long, very thin and lax; pe- duncular sheaths acuminate.........-.-++. +seede anomalus. 2a. Principal leaves about 5 mm. long, firm, prominently nerved; peduncular sheaths ObtUSe..+..se00eSe brevifolius. la. Subtending bracts none; leaves 2-—5 mm. wide....S. caulescens. Ruhland (1903) cites only Spruce 3259 from Venezuela and Spruce 2039 from Amazénas, Brazil, and comments that the "Species acl. Koernicke ad Psilocephalum collocata structura petalorum floris $ huc ducenda". Herzog (1931) distinguished two of his proposed infraspecific taxa as follows: "var. stolonacea. A typo differt caulibus stolonaceo-repentibus, ramis floriferis brevissi- mis erectis parvifoliis......Bei manchen Bltiten kommen appendices styli vor die beim Original und bei n. 22147 fehlen. Ihre kurze und keulige Form spricht aber fur rudimentaire Natur, ebenso wie das unregelmassige Auftreten." For f. terrestris he says "in der Blute vollkommen mit der f. natans ubereinstimmend, ebenso in der Form der Brakteen, Behaarung der Pedunculi (s. Original!, Be- schreibung ungenau}), den lockeren Scheiden etc." Recent collectors describe this species as an herb with white inflorescence-heads, white flowers, and white stamens. They have LOTT Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae S17 found it growing on sand and in muddy places at river margins, in sandy soil in blackwater-flooded clearings beside rivers, and "frequent" on marshy riverbanks, at altitudes of 120--500 meters, flowering in March and from August to January, ana fruiting in March, October, and November. Irwin and his associates speak of it as an “herb. forming moss-like mats, locally abundant in savan- nas", Maguire and his associates report it as "frequent at water's edge" and "locally abundant in water on sandy moist riverbanks", while Junk describes it as an “erva imersa na agua alta". Prance asserts that he found it "flowering above and below water", Herbarium material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as S. biformis (N. E. Br.) Gleason. On the other hand, the Saree 23182, Gs yaaevee as S. soem i more Peeeadhitonal citations: COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Humbert 2753 (P)5 Schultes, Baker, & Cabrera 1817 (N, W—219889)). VENEZUELA: Tat oana: Spruce 3259 59 [Macbride photo 22277, in part] (B, B, W— photo); Vareschi & Maegdefrau 6709 (Ve—-1,2897) ; Maguire, Wurdack, & Bunting 36645 (N); Maguire, Wurdack, & Maguire 263k (N, ARC ingy Bolivar: Agostini 26) (Lw); Hertel & | & Gbeuwinkiae 15202 (Mu), 152ikb (Mu). GUYANA: Sandwith 1257 (Ut—l225A). SURINAM: Irwin, Prance, Soderstrom, & H Holmgren 55267 55267 (N, S). BRAZIL: Amapd: Frées Frées 26056 (2 )e mauacnaet Frées es 25388 (N), 27915 (Z), 28467 (Mu, Zora 28717 717 (2); Frées & Addison on 29241 (Z (Z); Junk k 135 (Ld); Liitz Liitzel- - 22160 (Mu), » 22184 Tere Y. Bot. Gard. Type | Photo Neg. Nos. aL) Gi, “(Mu, N—photo, Z--photo), 23299b [N. Y. Bot. Gard. Type Photo Neg. N.S. 8810] (Mu, N--photo, Z--photo); Prance, Berg, Bis- by, Steward Steward, Monteiro, & Ramos 1781 (Ld); Prance, Maa Maas, Woolcott, Coélho, Mon: lonteiro, & Ramos . 15233 (Ac, N); Prance, | Maas, Woolcott, Monteiro, & Ramos 155hl (; (Ld, ad, N); Prance, P Pennington, Nelson (ona & Ramos 21646 (Ld); R. E. Schultes 890) (Z); Spruce 2039 9 [Macbride photo 22277, in part] (B—isotype, W—photo of isotype). ParA: Egler & Raimundo sen. (W. A, Egler 79h; Herb. Mus. Goeldi 23632] (Bd—12293, 2); . Z)3 Liitzelburg 23739 [Macbride photos 18740] (Mu, N-- ee ee, Z). LOCALITY OF COLLECTION UNDETERMINED: Herb. Inst. Agron. Norte lerte 6 (2). SYNGONANTHUS ANTHEMIFLORUS (Bong.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 258--259, fig. 37 [as "anthemidiflorus"]. 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon anthemiflorum Bong., Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 636. 1831. Paepalanthus anthemidiflorus Kunth, Enum, Pl. 3: 535. 1841. Eriocavlon chrysanthemiflorum Sohnits1., Iconogr. 1: pl. 47, fig. 3 & 6. 1847. Eriocaulon anthemidiflorum Bong. apud D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 263. 1852. Eriocaulon arctotiflorum Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 282. 318 Poo Y.f OrL; OGL A Vol. 35, no. 1855. Eriocaulon anthemiflorum Clauss. ex Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum, 2: [Cyp.] 282 & 333, in syn. 1855. Paepalanthus anthemidiflorus var. & Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 440—uh1. 1863. Paepal- anthus anthemidiflorus var. ® Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 4h0--),)1. 1863. Dupatya anthemidiflora (Bong.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891. Dupatya anthemidiflora Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonanthus anthemidiflorus (Bong.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (-30): 258. 1903. Syngonanthus anthemidiflorus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Syngonanthus anthemidiflorus var. Ce Korn. apud Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 15. 1928. Syngonantms anthemiflorus (Bong.) Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Er- ioc. 17 & 56. 196. Paepalanthus anthemidifolius K6érn. ex Mol- denke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 34, in syn. 1962. Eriocaulon anthemidi- florus Bong. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 397, in syn. 1975. Paepalanthus anthemiflorus Bong. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 03, in syn. 1975. Paepalanthus anthemiflorus Korn. ex Moldenke, Phy- tologia 31, 403, in syn. 1975. Paepalanthus dichroanthelus Mart. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 31: Ol, in syn. 1975. Bibliography: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 636. 1831; Bong.,Ess. Monog. Erioc. 35 & 36 (1831) and 65--66 & 228=229, pl. 15. 1832; Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 2: 228--229, pl. 15. 1832; Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, l: 585. 1840; Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 535, 578, 579, 612, & 62h. 18u1; Schnitzl., Iconogr. 1: pl. 46, fig. 5 & 6%. 1845; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 263. 1852; Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 282, 283, & 333. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 283, 28), hyO--lla, 500, & 507, pl. 57, fig. 2. 1863; Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 1023. 1883; Hieron. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 1, 2 (lk): 2h. 1888; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 877 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 401. 1894; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 12, 25, 258-259, 28), 285, 289, & 293, fig. 37. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Molfino, Physis 6: 362. 1923; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 415. 1928; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzen- fam., ed. 2, 15a: kh. 1930; Stapf, Ind. Lond. 3: 90 (1930), h: 518 (1930), and 6: 248. 19313 Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. l, imp. 2, 145. 191; Castell. in Descole, Gen. & Sp. Pl. Argent. 3: 71, 92--9h, & 10h, pl. 19 & 21. 1945; Abbiatti, Rev. Mus. La Plata Bot., ser. 2, 6: [311], 312, & 339. 1946; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 877 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: 01. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 28, 32, 33, hh, & 56. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 37h & 375 (i975 and 22498. 1948 3 Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 710. 199; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Dis- trib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 90, 105, & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Phytolo- gia h: 208 & 297. 1953; Moldenke in Dawson, Los Angeles Co. Mus. Contrib. Sci. 7: 6. 1957; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 105, 126, 279, 285, 286, 323, 351, 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 319 418, & 490. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 877 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: Ol. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 34. 1962; Melchior in Engl., Syllab. Pfl., ed. 12, 2: 556, fig. 230 L. 1964; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 171, 200, & 478 (1971) and 2N935,"496, 577,635, 773, % 960. 19715 Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 397, 403, Oh, & hO?7 (1975), 33: 25 (1976), and 3h: 259. 1976. Iylustrations: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Ste Pétersb., ser. 6, 2: [Ess. Monog. Erioc.] pl. 15. 18325; Schnitzl., Iconogr. 1: pl. 46, fig. 5 & 6 (in color). 1845; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): pl. 57, fig. 2. 1863; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h- 30): 258, fig. 37. 1903; Castell. in Descole, Gen. & Sp. Pl. Ar gent. 3: pl. 19. 1945; Melchior in Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., ed. 12, 2: 556, fig. 230 L. 196k. This species was based on L. Riedel 109 from "in paludosis Serra da Lapa", Minas Gerais, Brazil, deposited in the Leningrad herbarium. Bongard' s original (18315 description is "caulescens; caule brevi simplici mudo; foliis radicalibus confertis brevissi- mis linearibus obtusiusculis; pedunculo terminali subsolitario vaginaque pubescente", Actually the number of peduncles per plant varies from 1 to 6. Ruhland ee cites from Minas Gerais: 19982; | L. Riedel 1409; Scimere 8193. & 115h33 Ule aad a Wed- dell 1895. He comments that the "Species magnitudine valde vari- abili". In his key he distinguishes it from the very similar S. laricifolius as follows: 1. "Folia ramorum dense et persistente pilosa, omnia glaucescen- tia; vaginae dense et longiuscule pubescentes.S$.laricifolius. la. "Folia ramorum supra puberula, subtus calva; vaginae glabri- USCULAE". ce eee er ecerscccccoeeccesceesecede anthemiflorus. It should be noted, however, that the original description of the species by Bongard (1831) describes the sheaths of S, anthemiflo- rus as pubescent and in all the specimens examined by me they are decidedly puberulent or short—pubescent. The single collection seen by me with completely glabrous leaves and sheaths is descri- bed below as var. subglabrescens Moldenke. It should also be noted that the illustration of this species in Schnitzlein's work (1845) is referred to as fig. "3" in the text but is labeled "5" on the plate. The work is sometimes cited as "1847", but according to Stapf (1930) the plate in question here was issued in 185. Recent collectors describe S. anthemiflorus as an herb. 10--25 cm. tall, tufted, the inflorescences 7--20 cm. tall, and the flower-heads white, cream, or yellow. They have found it growing on wet or dry campos, in sandy marshy places, in swamps, and on outcrops in upland campos and adjacent rocky slopes, at altitudes of 1050--1350 meters, flowering from Jamuary to April and in June and November. Silve. reports it very frequent on sandstone out- crops; Irwin and his associates encountered it on wet campos in a region of sandy and gravelly campos and cerrado on outcrops. An- derson and his associates found it in sand on the banks of inter- 320 PRAT) O} LaOeG, ek: Vol. 35, no. mittent creeks and in open places in an area of rocky campo and cerrado, sloping down to a wet-sand meadow adjacent to gallery forest along streams, in sandy soil with sandstone outcrops. The vernacular name, "sempre-viva", is recorded for it. Silveira (1928) cites A. "Silveira 214 from Diamantina, Minas Gerais, col- lected in 1918. Eriocaujon anthemiflorum Clauss. is based on P. Clausen "160 [vel 1160]" from Minas Gerais. Material of S. anthemiflorus [I see no valid reason to change the original spelling of this specific epithet on the excuse of "correcting" it] has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as S. laricifolius (G. Gardn.) Ruhl. On the other hand, the Dawson 14,631, distributed as immature S. anthemiflorus and so cited by m by me in my 1957 work, proves to be Sa decorus Moldenke, while Irwin, Fonséca, Souza, Reis dos Santos, & Ramos 28089 is the type Sat CoMSeton | of nha ‘antheniflorus var. subglabrescens Mol= denke. Additional citations: pet rt Minas Gerais: Anderson, Stieber, ee Jard. Bot. Belo H eis": eee in part; Herb. U. S. Nat. Arb. 177448] (W--21217l1); Blaek & Kagalhf&es SS oy P. Clausen i (i, P), 160° (5), sms n. [Itabira do Campo] (B); Glaziou 19981 (Ca--9h7115, N N, W--112h165) ; Hatschbach, Anderson, Barneby, & Gates 362 (2); PENS: r& &, Castellanos 6142 (B) j Irwin, Maxwell, Se) eS SS A SS Se Se Mu), sn. [Tejuco, distr. a ahmatite. ] Qn, ce Son. Se Marga Pires & Black 3327 (B); E. Pereira 2808 [Pabst 36h; Herb. Brad. 382} (sm); L L. Rie Riedel 1109 (B--isotype, e-=390- an Gait ae Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 360—362, pl. 228. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 360-362 & 15, pl. 228. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19373 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 19l13 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 56. 1963 Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 935. 19493; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 90 & 212. 19495 Moldenke, Phytologia : 298. 19533 Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: ae and 2: 960. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 382 & 385. 1975. Dilustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1s pl. 228. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 582 from "In arenosis, lo- cis siccis prope Lago%o, in Serra do Cabral", Minas Gerais, Bra- zil, collected in May, 1910, and deposited in the Silveira herbar- ium. On page 15 of his work (1928) Silveira cites a "n. 1.910" from Serra do Cabral, but this is probably a typographic error. In his text he refers to plate "CCXXIX" as representing this plant, but actually S. aurifibratus is illustrated on plate 238. He comments that the "Species propter caulem ramosum paulloque elongatum inter illas sectionis Eulepidis distinctissima". The species has been collected in anthesis in May and August and closely resembles Paepalanthus saxicola var. conicus Molden- ke. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some her- baria as Paepalanthus sp. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Amazénas: Lutzelburg 21962 (Mi, Z e 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 343-34) & 15, pl. 217. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 26. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 56. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 90 & 212. 1993 Molden- ke, Résumé 106 & 91. 19593 Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 217. 1928. This species is based on Litzelburg 6036 from the Serra do Veado, Goifs, Brazil, collected in 1912, and deposited as no. 631 in the Silveira herbarium. On page 15 of his work (1928) Sil- veira cites also A, Silveira 515 from the same locality. He com ments that the species "A S. nitente (Bong.) Ruhl. bracteis in- terioribus flores superantibus praecipue differt". Hatschbach has encountered the species in wet candy campos, flowering and fruiting in May. Citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Hatschbach 36767 (Z). 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulacease 337 SYNGONANTHUS BAHIENSIS Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 230, nom. nud. Feb. 6, 1973 and 27: 69--71. Oct. 12, 1973. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 230 (1973) and 27: 69— Tl, fig. 3. 1973; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 57: 3780. 197k. Dllustrations: Moldenke, Phytologia 27: 70, fig. 3. 1973. Citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Irwin, Harley, & Smith 30703 (N— isotype, Z—type). SYNGONANTHUS BALDWINI Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 17h. 199. Synonymy: Syngonanthus baldwinii Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12, in syn. 1965. * Bibl dography: Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 17h (1949) and \: 298. 19533 E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 2h. 1953; Moldenke, Ré6- sumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12. 1965; Mol- denke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 635 & 960. 1971. Campbell and his associates found this plant growing "in cracks of exposed rock in debris" and describe the plant as an herb to 6 cm. tall, with white inflorescences. They found it in flower and fruit in June. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Amazénas: J. T. Baldwin 3479 (W— 1878912—isotype); Maguire, Steyermark, int eee - 60118 (N). Par&: Campbell, Ongley, Ramos, Monteiro, & Saleen P.22435 (Z). apn BARBATUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 382--383, pl. 2h3. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 382—-383 & 15, pl. 2h3. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 93 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 19h1; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 56. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 90 & 212. 199; Molden- ke, Résumé 106 & 91. 19593 Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1! 172 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 243. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 647 from "In campis are- nosis in serra do Cabral", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in November, 1916, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silvei- ra (19285 in his text refers to plate "CCXLIV® as representing this species, but it is plate 243 which is labeled S. barbatus; plate 2h) is labeled S. ensifolius Alv. Silv. He comments that S. barbatus is a "Species ob pulvinum pilosum basis foliorum certe distinctissima", but I feel that it comes uncomfortably close to the typical S. elegans (Bong.) Ruhl. Thus far it is known only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS BARTLETTII Moldenke, Phytologia 1: 335-336. 1939. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 1: 335-336. 1939; Moldenke, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 522: lyS—1h6. 1940; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 32. 19463 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. & 56. 19h6; Hill & Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 10: 22). 1947; Molden- 338 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 5 ke, Alph. List Cit. h: 1081. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 37 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia : 29h. 1953; Standl. & Steyerm., Fieldiana Bot. 2h: 378--379. 1958; Mol- denke, Résumé 3 & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 82 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 306. 1977. McKee describes this plant as having light-green leaves and white inflorescences and found it to be "less common than no. 11378 [Paepalanthus lamarckii Kunth] in very sandy soil with im peded drainage", at 10 m. altitude, flowering in February. Car- rick encountered it "in orchard savanna without lime-loving spe- cies, vegetational type 19". The Bartlett specimen cited below was previously cited from the University of Michigan herbariun, frem which it is a transfer. Additional & emended citations: BELIZE: H. H. Bartlett 11670 (Ld—isotype); Carrick 1354 (K1--735h); Gentle 9631a (Id, S); Mc Kee 11379 (P, W—-26)187). SYNGONANTHUS BELLUS Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 174-175. 19h9. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 17h—175 (1949) and h: 298. 1953; E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 2h. 19533 Molden- ke, Résumé 106 & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 4. 1965; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 960. 19713 Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 318. 1975. Both the Maguire & Murga Pires 0843 and the N. T. Silva 138 collections, cited below, are topotypes of the species. Recent collectors have encountered the species as "frequent" on wet san- dy savannas, flowering in August. Material has been misidenti- fied and distributed in some herbaria as Paepalanthus sp. Prance, Pennington, & Murga Pires 1283 & 128) are mixtures with S. grac- ilis var. hirtellus (Steud.) Ruhl. and Paepalanthus polytrich- oides Kunth -- apparently the three taxa grow in close association, Additional citations: BRAZIL: Amap&: Murcga Pires & Cavalcante 52383 (N). Maranhfo: Frées 34572 (Bm). Par&: Maguire & Murcga Pires 083 (N); Murga Pires 6049 (Z); Prance, Pennington, & Mur- ga Pires 1283, in part (N, S), 128), in part (N); N. T. Silva 138 (N). gy et BICOLOR Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 337~-338, pl. 213. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 337--338 & 15, pl. 213. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 19383 A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 26. 1913; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 56. 196; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 90 & 212. 19h9; Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 213. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 661 from "In campis in 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 339 Riacho das Pedras, prope Diamantina", Minas Gerais, Brazil, col- lected in April, 1908, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (1928) comments that the species is "A S. anthemidifloro (Bong.) Ruhl. pedunculo 5-costato et forma indumentoque sepalorum floris masculi facile distinguitur". Mello Barreto refers to the plant as frequent "in brejo in pantanosis", flowering in October. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as the very similar S. canaliculatus Alv. Silv. and S. laricifoli- us (G. Gardn.) Ruhl. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Mello Barreto 949 [Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 2811, in part] (N). SYNGONANTHUS BIFORMIS (N. E. Br.) Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 56: 39h. 1929. Synonymy: Paepalanthus biformmis N. E. Br., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., ser. 2, Bot. 6: 71—72. 1929. Syngonanthus biformis Glea- son apud A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 8: 231. 1933. Bibliography: N. E. Br., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., ser. 2, Bot. 6: 7l——-72. 19013 Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 28 & 289. 19033 Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 126. 1908; Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 56: 39). 1929; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 8: 231. 1933; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 16. 1937; Uittien & Heyn in Pulle, Fl. Surin. 1 [Meded. Konink. Ver. Ind. Inst. 30, Afd. Handelmus. 11]: 221. 1938; Moldenke in Glea- son & Killip, Brittonia 3: 159. 19393 Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 132. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 5—7, 45, & 56. 19463; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 352. 1947; Moldenke in Maguire & al., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 200. 1948; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 701, 975, & 976 (1949) and ks 985 & 107k. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 61, 65, 66, 68, & 212. 19493 Moldenke in Maguire & al., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 200. 1948; Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 99. 1953; Moldenke, Phy- tologia l: 298. 1953; Moldenke in Steyerm., Fieldiana Bot. 28: 82 & 826. 1957; Moldenke, Résumé 68, 73, 76, 77, 106, 323, & h9l. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 6 (1959) and 12: 4. 1965; J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 1: 246. 1966; Lindeman & Gorts-van Rijn in Pulle & Lanjouw, Fl. Surin. 1 (Meded. Konink. Inst. Trop. 30, Afd. Trop. Prod. 11]: 335 & 337. 1968; Van Donselaar, Meded. Bot. Mus. Rijksuniv. 306: 02. 1968; Moldenke, Phytologia 18: 105. 1969; Oberwinkler, Pterid. & Sperm. Venez. 8 & 52. 19703 Molden- ke, Fifth Summ, 1: 120, 127, 131, 132, & 172 (1971) and 2: 578 & 960. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 2h (1973), 31: 386 (1975), and 35: 307 & 317. 1977. This species is based on McConnell & Quelch 126 from the Kotin- ga Valley, near Mount Roraima, Guyana, deposited in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. Brown (1901) says of it "This species much resembles Paepalanthus simplex, Moq., but is readily distinguished by the very unequal sise and dissimilar form of the male and female flowers, the females conspicuously projec- ting much beyond the males, so that the heads have a somewhat ech- 340 Poa YT Oc OrG: Dek Vol. 35, no. 5 inate appearance." He cites only the type collection. Ruhland (1903) reduced it to the synonymy of S. simplex (Miq.) Ruhl., "from which", according to Gleason (1929), "it is abundantly dis- tinct". In his unpublished Flora of British Guiana he separates the two species as follows: Pistillate and staminate flowers, including the pedicels, about equal in Length. ..cee scecccccssccccsccccscscccescoore simplex. Pistillate flowers about twice as long as the staminate.S. biformis He describes S. biformis as "Leaves densely cespitose, narrowly linear, about 1 cm. long, puberulent; peduncles few, erect, 3--6 cm. high, obscurely 3-costate, lightly twisted, sparsely glandular- hirtellous; sheaths exceeding the leaves, 10<-15 mm. long, straight, scarcely striate; heads hemispheric, about 5 mm, wide, silvery white, the projecting pistillate sepals very conspicuous." He cites from the Roraima district Loyed 20, Quelch & McConnell 126, (1968) use the same floral characters to separate the two taxa, but add for S. simplex "Involucral bracts about the same length as the flowers", and for S. biformis "Involucral bracts much shorter than the flowers". They cite Maguire 24728 and J. P. Sclmlz 10351 from Surinam, along with McConnell & Quelch 126 from Guyana. Gleason, in his 1929 work, cites Tate 21 as from "At edge of water, Frechal, extreme northern Brazil" (rather than Guyana). Uittien & Heyn (1938) reduce it to synonymy under the very poly- morphic S. gracilis (Bong.) Ruhl. Gleason, in notes attached to the Britton Herbarium specimen of C. B, Clarke s.n., cited below, asserts: "pistillate sepals 2.5 mn. long, lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, slightly conduplicate or keeled; pistillate petals 1.1 mm. long, narrowly cuneate-obovate, densely hirsute; staminate lateral sepals 1.4 mm. long, spatulate- obovate, strongly falcate and inequilateral, strongly pubescent on one side only at the middle, posterior sepals 1. mm. long, equi- lateral, narrowly rhombic-spatulate; staminate petals connatin into an obconic cup 1 mm. long, the lobes (if any) strongly involute or hidden; stamens included." The Ducke collection cited below is placed here tentatively: it does not have the appearance of S. biformis in all respects, 0.g., the leaves are very long and there is a dense mat of hairs in the center of the rosette. Recent collectors describe S. biformis as an herb with white or dull-white heads, white flowers, and dull-green leaves. They have encountered it is moist areas on savannas, in brejo (sedge meadows), on sandy flats bordering woods, at the edge of water, along streams in rainforests, on campos and sandy campos, in seepage among rocks by streams, in white sand, and in boggy or marshy places, at alti- tudes of 100--1,00 meters, flowering in February, April, May, Aug- ust, September, November, and December, and fruiting in February, 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 341 September, November, and December, Steyermark and his associates report it "forming grass-green mats, solitary, or in clumps", and Maguire and his associates refer to it as "locally frequent" or “common on moist sandy banks among rocks". Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbar- ia as S. gracilis (Bong.) Ruhl. On the other hand, the Hertel & Oberwinkler 15202, distributed as S. biformis, is actually S. anom alus (Kérn.) Ruhl., while Vareschi & Maegdefrau 6550 is Eriocaulon guyanense Korn. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Herb. Exp. Ventuari s.n. (Ve-—-l017); Maguire, Wurdack, & Keith 17) (N). Bolivar: Agostini 273 (Ve), 365 (Ve); Koyama & Agostini 751 (N, N, N); Ma- guire, Steyermark, & Maguire 535 (N); Steyermark, Dunsterville & Dunsterville 104212 the. 5), 104528 (Ft, Ma); Vareschi & Foldats lish2 (N). GUYANA: C. B, Clarke s.n, [British Guiana, 1897) (N); Maguire, Maguire, & Wilson-Browne 16012 (N), 1,6179a (N); G. H. He Tate sen. (Mt. Roraima, Nov. 1927] (N). BRAZIL? Amazénas: G. H. H, Tate 21 (N). Goids: Hatschbach 3587 (Id). Minas Gerais: Wil- liams & Assis 6885 (W—1832832). Par&: Ducke s.n. [Herb. Mus. Goeldi 12037] (Bs); W. A. Egler 372 (Z), 1118 [Herb. Mus. Goeldi 23898] (Mm); Murga Pires 080 (Be-—-74313). Parafba: Moraes 216) , Rond6nia: Prance, Rodrigues, Ramos, & Farias 891 (Ac, N, Ss e SYNGONANTHUS BISULCATUS (Korn.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 273. 1903. A Synonymy: Paepalanthus bisulcatus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 436—h37. 1863. Dupatya bisulcata (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891. Dupatya bisulcata Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonantms bisulcatus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 435~k37 & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacke., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 01. 189); Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 271, 273, 289, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 15-16. 1928; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 1913 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 01. 1916; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 28, 5, & 56. 1916; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 90 & 212. 1919; Moldenke, Phytologia lz 298-299. 1953; Mendes Magalh&es, Anais V Reun. Anual. Soc. Bot. Bras. 236—237. 1956; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 106, 279, 323, 351, & 91. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f, & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 01. 1960; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 71. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 & 478 (1971) and 2: 578 & 960. 1971. This species is based on an unnumbered Riedel collection from 3h2 PHY TOLOG lA Vol. 35, no. 5 central Brazil, probably deposited in the Leningrad herbarium. Ruhland (1903) cites Glaziou 20010 & "20000lha" and Riedel s.n. from Minas Gerais, commenting that the "Species foliorum structura valde insignis". Recent collectors refer to it as a cespitose herb, the inflorescences 12—35 cm. tall, and the heads white. They have found it growing in campos and dry campos, in wet sand on very rocky sandstone hilltops with occasional wet spots, in wet ground in cerrado in narrow valleys, and in wet campos in areas of campo and gallery forest margins, at altitudes of 1080—1300 meters, flowering from October to April and fruiting in January and Febru- ary. Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 452 from Serra do Cabral, Minas Gerais, collected in 1900. See this series of notes under S. elegans (Bong.) Ruhl. for a key to separate this species from 12 related species. Macbride photographed Glaziou 20010 in the Copenhagen herbarium as his type photograph number 22279, but this collection is not a type of any sort. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Anderson, Stieber, & Kirkbride 35119 (Ub); Glaziou 20010 [Macbride photos 22279) (B)s5 Hatschbach, Smith, & Ayensu 28989 (Ld); Irwin, Maxwell, & Wass— hausen 20536 (N, Z); Irwin, Reis dos Santos, Souza, & Fonséca 22663 (Ld, N); Murga Pires & Black 2819 (N, Z)§ Occhioni 5600 (Herb. Fac. Nac. Farmac. 14623) (Ld); L. B. Smith 686 (N, 2). SYNGONANTHUS BISULCATUS var. ANGUSTIFOLIUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 362 [as * stifolia"]. 1928. Synonymy: Syngonanthus bisulcatus var. angustifolia Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 362. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 362 & 16. 1928; Molden- ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 56. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 90 & 212. 1993 Moldenke, Ré- sumé 106, 351, & h91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 635 & 960. 1971. This variety "A forma typica foliis angustioribus (0,5 mm la- tis) et subtus pilis brevibus erecto-patentibusque pubescentibus differt". It is based on A. Silveira 22h from "In campis arenosis prope Biribiri, in vicinia urbis Diamantina", Minas Gerais, Bra- zil, collected in April of 1919, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira, on page 16 of his work (1928), gives "1903" as the date of collection of the type — whether he intends this as a correction or if it represents a typographic error is not clear. The variety is thus far known only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS BISUMBELLATUS (Steud.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 263. 1903. Synonyay: Eriocaulon bisumbellatum Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 275. 1855. nthus steudeliams Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 50, pl. oF fig. 2. 1003. Dupatya bisumbellata (Steud.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891. Eriocaulon bisumb. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulacese 33 Steud. apud Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746, in syn. 1891. Dupatya bisumbellata Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. I, 145. 1902. Syngonanthus bisumbellatus Ruhl. apud Prein, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Syngonantims bisumbellatus f. elata Herzog ex Lutzelb., Estud. Bot. Nordést. 3: 149 & 151. 1923. Syngonantims bisumbellatus f. elatus Herzog ex Moldenke, Phytolo- gia kh: 299. 1953. nanthus biumbellatus f. elata Herzog ex Moldenke, Phytologia 4: 299, in syn. 1953. onanthus biumbel- latus (Steud.) Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 05, in syn. 1975. Bibliography: Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 275 & 333. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 450, 500, & 507, pl. 58, fig. 2. 18633 Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 1023. 1883; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 877 (1893) and imp. 2, 2: 02. 18943 Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (4-30): 2h6, 263, 28h, & 292. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Lutzelb., Estud. Bot. Nordést. 3: 149 & 151. 1923; Stapf, Ind. Lond. h: 519. 1930; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 191; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 877 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: 02. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 28, 32, 5h, & 56. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 90 & 212. 19h9; Molden- ke, Phytologia h: 299. 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 69, 106, 279, 286, 328, & 91. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 877 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 02. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 2: & 5. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 120, 127, 172, & 478 (1971) and 2: ye S91, & 960. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 386, 07, & 08. 975. he aad Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): pl. 58, fig. 2. 1863. This species is based on G, Gardner 2961 from Piauf, Brazil, this collection being the type both of Eriocaulon bisumbellatum and of Paepalantims steudeliams. Ruhland (1903) cites only this original collection. Jackson (1893) accepts Paepalanthus steudeliams as the prope name for the species. Herzog's f. ela- tus seems to be based on Liitzelburg 1h], lila, & lilb from Rio Preto [Freto?], Goids, Brazil, collected in August of 1912 and deposited in the herbarium of the Botanische Staatssammlung in Munich. I fail to discern any constant characters by means of which the form can be separated from the typical form of the spe- cies. Recent collectors describe the flowers of S. bisumbellatus as white and have encountered the species on savannas, at altitudes of 700—800 feet, flowering in July and November. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria under the names S. froesii Moldenke and S. humboldtii (Kunth) Ruhl. Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Schultes, Baker, & Cab- rera 189 (Z). VENEZUELA: Bolivar: Quesada s.n. [26-12-1959] 3h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 5 (Bm); Vareschi & Maegdefrau 6612 (Ve--l2559). BRAZIL: Goids: Liitzelburg 14h] (N. Y. Bot. Gard. Type Photo Coll. Neg. N.S. 8846] (Mu, N--photo, Z—-photo), lila (Mu), lllb (Mu). Par&: Eg- ler & Raimundo s.n. [W. A. Egler 963; Herb. Mus. Goeldi 23626) (Ba, Mm). Piauf: G. Gardner 2961 (B--isotype, B--isotype, N—isotype, W—936278--isotype, W—-1066757—-isotype). Roraima: Murca Pires & Leite s.n. [Herb. IPEAN 11801] (Ld). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: Korn. in Mart, Fl. Bras. 3 (1): pl. 58, fig. 2. 1863 (N, Z). SYNGONANTHUS BISUMBELLATUS var. FROESII (Moldenke) Moldenke, Phy- tologia 29: 77. 197h. Synonymy: Syngonanthus froesii Moldenke, Résumé 107 & 491, nom. mud. (1959), Phytologia 1h: 399-00. 1967. Bibliography: Moldenke, Résumé 107 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Résu- mé Suppl. 11: 4 & 5. 196h3 Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.12: 25. 19673 Moldenke, Phytologia 1h: 399--00. 1967; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 9: 2290. 1968; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 120 & 173 (1971) and 2: 962. 19713 Heslop-Harrison, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 15: 133. 197k; Mol- denke, Phytologia 29: 77 (1974) and 31: 382, 386, & 408. 1975. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in its shorter stems and closely overlapping very hispid leaves. The Schultes, Baker, & Cabrera 18hh9, distributed as this var- iety, seems better regarded as representing the typical form of the species. Citations: BRAZIL: Pard&: Frées 2990) (Hk--isotype, N——isotype, W—23h1h)5--isotype, Z—type) . SYNGONANTHUS BLACKII Moldenke, Phytologia 3: k3—hh. 1948. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 3—bh}. 1948; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 199; Molden- ke, Phytologia h: 299. 1953; E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 2h. 1953; Moldenke, R&sumé 106 & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971. SYNGONANTHUS BRACTEOSUS Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 119--120. 1973. Bibliography: Anon., Biol. Abstr. 56 (3): B.A.S.1.C. S.258. 1973; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 56: 1243. 1973; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 119--120 & 230. 1973. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Irwin, Fonséca, Souza, Reis dos Santos, & Ramos 27118 (Ld——isotype, N--isotype, Z—type) « SYNGONANTHUS BREVIFOLIUS Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 56: 14— 15. 1929. Bibliography: Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 56: 1li—-15. 1929; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 8: 231. 1933; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 16. 1937; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 6 & 56. 1963; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Ver= benac., [ed. 2], 67 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Résum6 76 & h91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 131 (1971) and 2: 960. 19713 Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 307 & 316. 1977. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 35 This species is based on Jenman 755, collected at Bartica, Guyana, in November, 1888, and deposited in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. Gleason (1929) says that it is "related to S. anomalus Ruhl., but differs in its much shorter leaves, with firm texture and prominent nerves, and its shorter, glabrous, truncate peduncular sheaths with obtuse lamina". In his unpublished Flora of British Guiana he describes it as having "Stems tufted, freely branched, somewhat woolly, 3--5 cm. long; leaves crowded toward the summit of the stem, recurved or spread- ing, narrowly lanceolate, L--6 mm. long, 1.0 mm. wide; peduncles 10—-16 mm. long, in the upper axils, sparsely hirtellous or glan- dular; sheaths 3-—~ mm. long, glabrous, truncate, the lamina ob- tuse; heads 2—3 mm. wide, the bracts about 5, oblong-elliptic, rounded at the summit." In his key he distinguishes the two taxa as follows: "Principal leaves about 15 mm. long, very thin and lax; peduncular Sheaths acuminate.....secsessceccesesssessesseeeers Somalus,. Principal leaves about 5 mm. long, firm, prominently nervedj pe- duncular sheaths obtuse.......s.sssesessercoeeeds brevifolius." The species is known thus far only from the original collection. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbar- ia under the name S. esmeraldae Ruhl. Citations: GUYANA: Jemman 4766 (N—isotype). SYNGONANTHUS CABRALENSIS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 340—342, pl. 215. 1928. Synonymy: Syngonanthus carralensis Alv. Silv. apud Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477, sphalm. 1937. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 340—32 & 416, pl. 215. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19373; Fedde in Jyst, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 56. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 199; Molden— ke, Résumé 106 & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl, Mont. 1: pl. 215. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 573 from "In arenosis se- cus margines rivulorum in Serra do Cabral", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in May, 1910, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. It is known thus far only from the original collection and Silvei- ra (1928) says of it: "Propter folia arcte rosulata breviaque et pedunculos gracillimos, 3-costatos longissimosque ab affinibus diversa". SYNGONANTHUS CACHIMBOENSIS Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 4,91 [as "cachim— boSnsis"], nom. mud. 1959; Bol. Mus. Par. Emilio Goeldi, ser. = Bot. 33 2-——3. 1960. Synonymy: Syngonanthus cachimboSnsis Moldenke, Résumé 101 & 491. 1959. 36 PB YieToOviiOrG Tuk Vol. 35, no. 5 Bibliography: Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 191. 1959; Moldenke, Bol. Mus. Par. Emilio Goeldi, ser. 2, Bot. 3: 2-3. 1960; Hocking, Ex- cerpt. Bot. Awl: 28). 1962; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 37: 253. 1962; Dau, Excerpt. Bot. A.7: 520. 1963 G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 13: 132. 19663 Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 960. 1971. This species is based on Murga Pires, Black, Wurdack, & Silva 6168 from among wet rocks in rapids and waterfalls on the Serra do Cachimbo, at 25 meters altitude, Pard, Brazil, collected on Decem- ber 12, 1956, and deposited in the Britton Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden. It is known thus far only from the origin- al collection and bears much similarity in aspect to S. huberi Ruhl., but its inflorescence-heads remind one strongly of the cy- peraceous genus Eleocharis. Citations: BRAZIL: Pard&: Murga Pires, Black, Wurdack, & Silva 6168 (N—-type). ¥ SYNGONANTHUS CAESPITOSUS (Wikstr.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 278--279. 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon caespitosum Wikstr., Kongl. Svensk. Vet. Akad, Handl. Stockh., ser. 2, 1: 70, pl. h. 1820 [not E. caespito- gum Cabanis, 1959, nor Poepp., 1863]. Eriocaulon cespitosum Wik- str. apud Roem. & Schult., Mant. 2: 469. 182). Paepalanthus caespitesus (Wikstr.) Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 431. 1863. Paepalanthus caespitosus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 30, 431, & 506. 1863. Dupatya caespitosa (Wikstr.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891. Dupatya caespitosa Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonanthus caespitosus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Leiothrix curvifolia var. fimbriata Herzog ex Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 275, in syn. 1976. Bibliography: Wikstr., Kongl. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockh., ser. 2, 1: 78, pl. k. 1820; Wikstr., Trenne Nya Art. Ortsl. Erioc. 11-12 & [15], pl. h. 18213 Roem. & Sclmit., Mant. 2: 264 & 69. 182); Spreng. in L., Syst. Veg., ed. 16, 3: 776. 18263 Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 628. 18313; Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 5 & 28. 1831; Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585. 180; Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 506, 575, & 612. 181; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. S: 267. 18523 Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: ([Cyp.] 269 & 333. 185553 Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 430--h32 & 506. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind, Kew., imp. 1, 1: 877 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: Ol. 189h; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h- 30): 276, 278, 285, 289, & 292. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Stapf, Ind. Lond. 3: 90. 19303 Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 19513 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 877 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: 01. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 29, 33, h5, & 57. 1916; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2), 91 & 212. 19h9; Molden- ke, Phytologia h: 299 & 311. 19533 Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 347 1, imp. 3, 145. 19593 Moldenke, Résumé 106, 279, 286, 323, & k9l. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 877 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: LOl. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 18: 10. 1969; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 95 & 17. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 172 & 478 (1971) and 2: 96, 578, & 961. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 34: 259 & 275. 1976. Illustrations: Wikstr., Kongl. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockh., ser. 2, 1: pl. he 1820; Wikstr., Trenne Nya Art. Ortsl. Erioc. pl. h. 1821. This species is based on an unnumbered Freyreiss collection from one of the "dstliche Provinzen" of Brazil; Freyreiss 8, cited by me in my 1953 work, may actually be part of this type collection. Wikstrém (1820) says of the species: "Proxime affin- is videtur E{riocaulon) microcephalo et E, temi........Ab E. microcephalo differt foliis lineari-lanceolatis rigidissimis mar~— gine albo-ciliatis; scapis foliis mltoties longioribus et unacum vaginis pubescentibus; dum E. microce folia ensiformia mem branacea pilosas scapi (s. pedunculi) foliis tantum paullo longi- ores; vagina glabra et s. p. — Ab E, temi differt foliis lineari-lanceolatis recurvatis margine albo-ciliatis duplo fere longioribus; scapis multoties longioribus; vaginis pubescentibus; dum E. tenuis folia lineari-subulata, basi tantum piloso-lanata; scapi 4 (s. pedunculi) setacei, l—-7 pollicares; vagina glabra et 8. p." Kunth (181) also says "Proxime affine E. microcephalo et temi, sed characteribus datis satis distinctum". ~~ It should be noted here that Eriocaulon caespitosum Poepp., referred to in the synonymy above, and B.. and E. caespitosum (Wikstr.?) Poepp. are synonyms of Paepalanthus bifidus (Schrad.) Kunth, while E. caespitosum Cabanis is Syngonanthu nanthus flavidulus Guchx. ) Ruhl. Leiothrix curvifolia var. fimbriata is apparently based on F. C. Hoehn @ 5068 in the Munich herbarium. Ruhland Tand (1903) cites only Freyreiss s.n. and Langsdorff s.n. from the "Sstliche Provinzen" of Brazil in the Berlin herbarium. Bongard (1831) describes the species as “acaule; foliis caespito— sis lineari-lanceolatis obtusiusculis ciliatis; pedunculis caes- pitosis pubescentibus; vaginis foliis sublongioribus, pubescentibus apice lacinmulatis". Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: F.C. Hoehne 5068 (Mu). State undetermined: Freyreiss s.n. [Brasilia] (B--isotype) . MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: drawings by Kornicke (B). oo mglaiemili Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 327—328, pl. 208. 192 Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 327—328 & 16, pl. 208. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 77. 19375 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew, Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 126. 19h1; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 935. 19493 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Ver- 348 Pony Ob Ore Ik Vol. 35, no. 5 benac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 191493 Moldenke, Phytologia h: 299. 1953; Mendes Magalhfes, Anais V Reun. Anual Soc. Bot. Bras. 276— 277. 1956; Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron, Minas 71. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 208. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 575 from "In campis areno- sis in Serra do Cabral", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in May, 1910, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Other collectors have found it growing at 1200 meters altitude, flowering and fruiting in September. Silveira (1928) says of it: "Ab affinibus S. densifolio Alv. Silv. et S. flavicepte Alv. Silv. ad quos proxime accedit, bracteis involucrantibus subulatis superne arca- to-patentibus, exterioribus non gradatim minoribus et pilositate foliorum praecipue differt". The Mello Barreto 949 [Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 24811, in part], previously cited by me as S. canaliculatus (as it also was originally distributed), seems, rather, to represent S. bicolor Alv. Silv. Fay Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Hatschbach 27378 (S, 2); A. Silveira 575 (Herb. Marie-Victorin 1231] (N—photo of isotype, Z—photo of isotype). SYNGONANTHUS ia Sane Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 368—369, pl. 233. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 368-369 & 16, pl. 233. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 196; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 233. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 743 from "In campis are- nosis siccisque in Serra da Canastra", Minas Gerais, Brazil, col- lected in April, 1925, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. In his text (1928) Silveira refers to his "Tabula CCXXXIV", but ~ the illustration of S. canastrensis is on plate 233 — pl. 23h depicts S. heterophyllus Alv. Silv. Thus far, S. canastrensis is known only from the original collection, and Silveira says of it: "Species ob indumentum foliorum pedunculorumque facile distingu- enda" , SYNGONANTHUS CANDIDUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 359-360, pl. 227. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: eitae & 16, pl. 227. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19373 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 19h13 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 3u9 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 1949; Molden- ke, Phytologia kh: 299. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 491. 1959; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 71. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 56 (3): B.AS.I.C. S.258. 1973; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 56: 12h3. 1973; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 120 & 230. 1973. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 227. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 665 from "In campis are- nosis ad Pico do Itambé", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in Ap- ril, 1918, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium; on page 16 of his work (1928) Silveira gives the type locality as "Serra do Itamb6". In his text he cites the illustration of S. candidus as "Tabula CCXXVIII", but is is actually on plate 227 — plate 228 depicts S. aurifibratus Alv. Silv. Syngonanthus candidus bears striking resemblance to S. elegans (Bong.) Ruhl., S. elegantwlus Ruhl., S. prolifer Alv. Silv., and S. niveus (Bong.) Ruhl. SYNGONANTHUS CANDIDUS var. BAHIENSIS Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 120. 1973. Bibliography: Anon., Biol. Abstr. 56 (3): B.A.S.I.C. S.258. 1973; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 56: 12h3. 1973; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 120 & 230. 1973. Citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Irwin, Harley, & Smith 32500 (N— isotype, Z2—type) . SYNGONANTHUS CAPILLACEUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 352—353, pl. 223, fig. 2. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 352—353 & 416, pl. 223, fig. 2. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 1,77. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 19383; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 19413; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 19463 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 19493 Moldenke, Phytologia : 299. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 491. 1959; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 71. 1960; Mol- denke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. Tllustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 223, fig. 2. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 652 from "In campis prope Barauna", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1918, and de- posited in the Silveira herbarium. On page 416 of his work (1928) Gives "Baraunas" as the type locality. SYNGONANTHUS CARACENSIS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 392—393, pl. 251. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 392—-393 & 16, pl. 251. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 26. 19h]; 350 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, mo. 5 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 98. 1948; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 19493 Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 91. 19595 Molden ke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. Tilustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 251. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 30 from "In campis siccis arenosisque in Serra do Caraga", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April of 1906, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. In his text (1928) Silveira refers to "Tabula CCLII" as illustrative of this species, but it is actually depicted on plate 251 — plate 252 illustrates S. flexuosus Alv. Silv. Thus far S. caracensis, in its typical form, is know only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS gs ae var. GLABRESCENS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 393. 1928. Synonymy: Syngonanthus caracensis var. glablescens Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 416, sphalm. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 393 & 16. 1928; Molden- ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1963 Moldenke, Phytolo- gia 2: 498. 1948; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 19493 Moldenke, Résumé 106, 351, & 491. 19593 Mol- denke, Fifth Sum. 1: 172 & 635 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. This variety is based on Silveira 797 from “In campis prope Serra da Moeda", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in July, 1926, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (19285 de- scribes it as "Differt a forma typica foliis munc glabris mnc inferiore parte vix pubescentibus". Thus far it is knom only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS (Poir.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 267. 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon caulescens Poir. in Lam., Encycl. Méth. Bot. Suppl. 3: 162. 1813 [not E. cawlescens Hook. f., 1903, nor Hook. f. & Thoms., 1664, nor Willd., 181]. Eriocaulon splendens Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 633. 1831. Paepalanthus caulescens (Poir.) Kunth, Emm. Pl. 3: 537. 181. Paepalanthus caulescens ~ humilis Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 537. 18i1. Paepalanthus caulescens Y parvifolius Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 537. 1841. Paepalantims surinamensis Miq., Linnaea 19: 125. 1817. Paepalanthus caulescens Kunth apud Klotzsch in Schomb., Faun. & Fl. Brit. Quian. 1116. 1848. Eriocaulon geraense Steud., Syn. PL. Glum, 2: [Cyp.] 276-—-277. 1855. Eriocaulon simillimum Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: ([Cyp.] 277. 1855. Eriocaulon subuncinatum Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 277. 1855. Eriocaulon surinam ense Miq. ex Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 275. 1055. Eriocaulon e Cayenne Willd. ex Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 466, in syn. 1863. Eriocaulon splendens (Bong.) Schnits. ex Korn. a9TT Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 351 in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 466, in syn. 1863. Eriocaulon splen- dens var. & Bong. ex Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 466, in syn. 1863. Eriocaulon splendens var. @ caule humilior Bong. ex Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 66, in syn. 1863. Paepalantims caulescens var. a Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 466—h68. 1863. Paepalanthus caulescens var. b Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1)s h66—h68. 1863. Paepalanthus , caulescens var. b subvar. O Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 466—68. 1863. Paepalanthus caules caules- cens var, b subvar. @ Korn, in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 466—L68. 1863. Pae epalantims caulescens var. b subvar. f Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 466—68. 1863. Paepalanthus caulescens var. b subvar. € Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 66—L68. 1863. Pae- anthus caulescens var. b subvar. Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 466--h68. 1863. Pa aepalanthus splendens (Bong.) Mart. ex Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 466, in syn. ae Paepalanthus lendens Mart. ex Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 466, in syn. 1863. Carpocephalus caulescens Kunth ex V. A. Pouls., Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kjgbenh. )0 [ser. h, 9]: 359. 1888. Dupatya caulescens (Poir.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745.1891. Eriocaulon geraénse Steud. apud Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 878, in syn. 1893. Eriocaulon surinamense Steud. apud Jacks . in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 879, in syn. 1893. Paepalanthus splendens Mart. apud Jacks . in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02, in syn. 189. Dupatya caules- cens Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, Tap iy 145. 1902. onanthus caulescens Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. ews Suppl. 3: We 1908. Eriocaulon surinamense (Miq.) Stents ex Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 1, in syn. 196. Syngo- nanthus caulescens var. humilior Kunth ex Moldenke, Phytologia ): 299, in syn. 1953. Syngonatnhus caulescens (Poir.) Ruhl. ex Reitz, Sellowia 7: 12), sphalm. 1956. Eriocaulon caulescens Salam. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 16, in syn. 1959. Eriocaulon caulescens Kunth ex Moldenke, Résumé 286, in syn. 1959. Paepal- anthus caulescens var. ? subvar.@ Kunth ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 20, in syn. 1959. Paepalanthus caulescens var. ? sub- var.§ Kunth ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 20, in syn. 1959. Paepalanthus caulescens var. subvar. € Kunth ex Moldenke, Résu- mé Suppl. 1: 20, in syn. 1959. Syngonanthus calvescens (Bong.) Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 23, in syn. 1959. Syngonan- thus caulescens f. minor Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 23, in syn. 1959. Syngonanthus caulencens (Poir.) Ruhl. ex Soukup, Biota 2: 303. 1959. Syngonanthus caluescens (Bong.) Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 277, in syn. 1976. Bibliography: Poir. in Lam., Encycl. Méth. Bot. Suppl. 3: 162. 1813; Roem. & Schult. in L., Syst. Veg., ed. 15 nov. 2: 867. 1817; 352 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, mo. 5 Steud., Nom. Bot. Phan., ed. 1, 312. 1821; Roem. & Schult., Mant. 3: 671. 1827; Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 633. 1830; Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. & 33. 18313 Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585 & 586. 18h0; Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 537, 577, 612, 61h, & 62h. 1841; Schnitzl., Iconogr. 1: pl. h6, fig. 1. 1845; Miq., Linnaea 19: 126. 1847; Klotzsch in Schomb., Faun. & Fl. Brit. Guian. 1116. 188; Walp., Ann. Bot. Syst. 1: 891. 189; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 263 & 268. 18525 Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 275—277, 280, 32h, 333, & 33h. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 420, 461, 466-468, 505, & 507. 1863; Korn. in Warn., Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kjobenh. 23: 315. 1871; V. A. Pouls., Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kjgbenh. 0 [ser. , 9]: 359. 1888; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 7h5. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 877—879 (1893) and imp. 1, 23 401 & }O2. 1894; Baillon, Hist. Pl. 12: [397]. 189; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 329. 1898; Holm, Bot. Gaz. 31: 20. 1901; Malme, Bih. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3), no. ll: 32. 1901; Ruhl. in Pilg., Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 30: 147. 1901; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Chod. & Hassl., Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 3: 1033 & 1034. 1903; Chod. & Hassl., Pl. Hassler. 2: 255 & 256. 1903; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 6, 7, 26h, 267-269, 276, [283], 285, 287, 289, 292, & 293, fig. 38. 1903; Pilg. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Erganz. 2, Nachtr. 3 zu 2: hO. 1908; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Molfino, Physis 6: 362. 1923; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 356 & 16. 1928; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 2, 3, 56, & 57, fig. 2h. 1930; Stapf, Ind. Lond. 3: 91. 19303 Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 58: 327. 19313 Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 213. 19313 Stapf, Ind. Lond. 6: 248. 19313; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 51 (2): 295. 1933; J. F. Macbr., Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 13: 490 & 91. 1936; Uittien & Heyn in Pulle, Fl. Surin. 1 [Meded. Konink. Ver. Ind. Inst. 30, Afd. Handelsms. 11]: 220 & 222—223. 1938; Moldenke, Phytologia 1: 336. 1939; Moldenke, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 70. 190; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 19413 Castell. in Descole, Gen. & Sp. Pl. Argent. 3: 71, 75, 92, 95--97, & 10h, pl. 20 & 21. 1945; Abbiatti, Rev. Mus. La Plata, ser. 2, 6: [311], 312, 31), 316, 318, 319, 322, 332-335, 339, & 30, fig. 7 & 8, pl. 2 (3). 1946; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 877-879 (196) and imp. 2, 2 hOl & hO2. 1946; Moldenke, Alph. lyst Cit. 1: 132, 136, 195, 223, 238, & 266. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. h-—-7, a ly (e 19, 20, 29, Sie 35 LO, ii, 6, 52, Sh, 55, & 57. 1963 Molden- ke, Lilloa 12: 173 (19h6) and 13: 10. 1947; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 351, 352, 373--375, 377, 378, 380, & 381. 1947; Moldenke, Lilloa lh: 66. 19483 Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 98. 198; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 352, 389, h12, 457, 61, 599, 600, 616, 626, 627, & 633 (1948), 3: 655, 758, 815, 821, 855, 869, 870, 903, 935, 957, 967, 975, & 976 (19h9), and hs 1015, 1069, 1075, 1076, 1079, 1169, 1283, 1301, 1302, & 130). 19493; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 0, 61, 65, 67, 68, 73, 91, 97, 99, 105, & 212. 1949; Rambo, An. Bot. Herb. Barb. Rodr. 11 128. 1949; Moldenke, 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 353 Phytologia h: 299--302 & 311. 1953; Moldenke in Maguire, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 99. 1953; Rambo, Sellowia 6: 32, 60, 69, & 130. 195hy Goodspeed & Stork, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 28: 128. 1955; Rambo, Sellowia 7: 248. 1956; Reitz, Sellowia 7: 12). 1956; An- gely, Fl. Paran. 10: & 15. 1957; Moldenke in J. A. Steyern., Fieldiana Bot, 28: 825 & 826. 1957; Cuatrecasas, Revist. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 10: 254. 1958; R. C. Foster, Contrib. Gray Herb. 184: 39. 1958; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 15. 1959; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 33: 1215. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 38, 47, 69, 73, 76—78, 84, 106, 112, 115, 117, 119, 126, 2h9, 279, 286, 288, 292, 293, 32h, 327, 328, 351, & gl. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 5, 16—18, 20, 22, & 23. 19595 Reitz, Sellowia ll: 31 & 131. 1959; Soukup, Biota 2: 303. 1959; Angely, Fl. Paran. 16: 77. 1960; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 877-879 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 01 & 02. 1960; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 71. 1960:, Angely, Fl. Paran. 17: 2). 1961; Reitz, Sellowia 13: 72 & 90. 1961; Tamayo, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 22: 149. 1961; Eiten in Ferré, Simpos. Sébre Cerrado 19h. 1962; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.5: lh. 1962; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 12 & 1h (1962), 6: 8 (1963), 7: 5 (1963), amd 10: 7. 196; Angely, Fl. Anal. Paran., ed. 1, 201. 1965; Thanikaimonti, Pollen & Spores 7: 187. 19653; J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 1: 246. 1966; Dombrowski & Kuniyoshi, Araucariana 1: 15. 1967; Aris— teguieta, Act. Bot. Venez. 3: 25 & 37. 1968; Lindeman & Gorts—van Rijn in Pulle & Lanjouw, Fl. Surin. 1 [Meded. Konink. Inst. Trop. 30, Afd. Trop. Prod. 11]: 334-339. 1968; Moldenke, Phytologia 17: 481. 1968; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 16: 6. 1968; J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 3: 96. 1968; Van Donselaar, Meded. Bot. Mus. Rijksuniv. Utrecht 306: 397 & 02. 1968; Lasser, Act. Bot. Venez. : 35. 1969; Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: 19, 159, 161, 166, 173, 175, 184—187, 189, & 191. 1969; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 107, 108, 250, & 18. 1970; Oberwinkler, Pterid. & Sperm. Venez. 8 & 52. 1970; Reitz, Sellowia 22: 137. 19703; Molden- ke, Fifth Sum. 1: 7h, 89, 120, 127, 131, 132, 134, 143, 172, 180, 184, 187, 189, 200, 369, h22, & h29'(1971) and 2: 496, L99, S01, 513, 51h, 579, 589, 591, 635, 638, 961, & 967. 1971; Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 6: 1161, 1162, Ind. 12 & 28, map 1783. 1972; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 53 (10): B.A.S.I.C. S.196. 19723; Anon., Ind. Bot. Guay. Highl. 25. 1972; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 53: 5252. 1972; Moldenke in Steyerm., Maguire, & al., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 23: bo. 19725 Moldenke, Phytologia 2h: 3h3, 3hh, & 456 (1972), 25: 2h (1973), 26: 178 & 230 (1973), 28: 435 & hho (197k), 29: 91, 317, 321, & 329 (197k), amd 30: 35, 106, 12h, & 322. 1975; Schinini, Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 16: 351. 1975; Molden- ke, Phytologia 31: 383, 386, 392, 397, HO, 405, & 408 (1975), 32: 336 & 461 (1975), 33: 27, 189, & 191 (1976), and 3h: 256, 259, 275——-277, & 395. 1976; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 61: AC1.718. 1976; Mol- denke, Phytologia 35: 307 & 316. 1977. Illustrations: Schnitzl., Iconogr. 1: pl. 46, fig. 1. 185; Baillon, Hist. Pl. 12: [397]. 189k; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 268, fig. 38. 1903; Pilg. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflan- 354 PHYTOLOGTIA Vol. 35, no. 5 zenfam. Erganz. 2, Nachtr. 3 zu 2: 0, fig. 7. 1908; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 56, fig. 2h. 19305 Castel. in Descole, Gen. & Sp. Pl. Argent. 3: pl. 20. 1945; Abbi- atti, Rev. Mus. La Plata Bot., ser. 2, 63 333 & 33h, fig. 7 & 8, BL 2 (3). 1946; Tamayo, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 22: 1h9 [as S. akurimensis}]. 1961. This common and very variable species is based on a Desfontaines collection from Cayenne, French Guiana, in the Lamarck herbarium at Paris. Paepalanthus caulescens ® humilis Kunth is apparently based on Sellow 1292 in the Berlin herbarium, P. surinamensis Miq. is based on on Hostmann 1002 in the Utrecht herbarium, and Syngo! and Syngonan— thus caulescens f. minor Ruhl. seems to be based on Versteeg 738, also at Utrecht. The Eriocaulon caulescens credited to "Hook. f.", to Hooker & Thomson, and to Steudel belongs in the synonymy of Eriocaulon atratum var. major Thwaites, while E. caulescens Willd is a syno- nym of Paepalanthus pilosus "(HB -K.) Kunth. The Eriocavlon splendens var. y Bong., often included in the synonymy of Syngo~ nanthus caulescens, seems better placed in that of S. glandulosus Gleason; Paepalanthus procerus Klotzsch is now knowm as S. caules- cens var. procerus (Klotzsch) Moldenke; and Paepalanthus caules: caules— cens var. b subvar. y Korn. is S. caulescens var. angustifolius Moldenke. It is very possible that the Hatschbach 24562, Reitz 5343, and Reitz & Klein 11593, cited below, may also actually be var. angustifolius because of their extra slender, thin, ascend- ing cauline leaves. W. R. Anderson 9760 is a remarkably dwarf plant and may represent Ruhland's f. minor. Line drawings of floral parts are included on the Berlin sheets of Clausen 173, Martius s.n., and Sellow 1296 & 139) and were probably made by Ruhland. Recent collectors describe S. caulescens as a perennial herb, 10—50 cm. tall, with "neat" large rosettes of dull-green leaves, the inflorescences erect, cream—color, 15--20 cm. tall, the flower— heads "white", "off-white", "gray-white", "grayish-white" or "light-gray", almost globose, the fruiting-heads light-brown, and the flowers white. Ruiz-Terén & Lépez—Palacios refer to it as a "Hierba brevicaulescente, la porcién foliada de 3—) cm. de largo. Hojas subel{ptico-oblongas, $17 x 3 mm., verde obscuras y virtual- mente glabras por la haz, algo m&s claras y aplicado-pilosas por el envés. Escapos de )-——-8 cm. de largo." Recent collectors have found the plant growing in mountain forests, marshy campos, swamps, wet meadows, bogs and places part- ly covered by water, open marshes with the watertable at the sur—- face, very wet ground, low campo swamps, swampy meadows, sloughs, water pools on campos, wet places in gallery forests, cerrado and burned-over cerrado, wet ground on lower cutover sandy slopes, periodically flooded places, small campos on flat hilltops, "en patanos", as well as in and around "morichals" with standing water 49T7 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 355 dominated by groves of Mauritia minor or M. flexuosa, often in light grayish-brown soil; also at + the edges of lakes, along the marshy edges of ponds and slow-flowing streams, on streambanks, creek banks, wet or white sand savannas, moist sandy banks over rocks, the rocky edges of rivers, and sandy wet creek-bank sav- annas, in "brejo", beside small streams, on campos and wet campos, on quartzite, and on granite rock in forested hills, standing in stagnant water, submerged in water, or in waterfalls, at altitudes of 65—1600 meters, flowering from August to June, and fruiting from November to May, August, and September. Maguire found it "locally abundant in meadows near streams"; Maguire, Wurdack, & Bunting refer to it as "frequent in morichal and lagunas"; the Maguires report it "common along streams in wet places", while Steyermark & Wurdack found it "locally abundant on drier md". Schulz encountered it "on granite flats [which are] moist most of the year"; Anderson found it "by streams with roots in water" and "in gallery forest along streams and brejo (sedge meadows) with cerrado on slopes above, sandy soil and sandstone rocks"; Anderson & his associates encountered it "in wet sand in an area of very rocky sandstone hilltops with occasional wet spots". Irwin and his associates found it growing "in shallow water of cerrado seep in an area of gallery forest and adjacent cerrado", "in open places in cerrado in areas of cerrado with outcrops and gallery forest", "on wet campo in area of gallery forest and adjacent cerrado", and "in wet ground of valley flats, capoeira with grazed grasses near swampy creek margins", Fosberg refers to S. caulescems as "rare in marshy ground in depressions around morichal" and "occasional on mineral soil bank in open grassy bogs". The Eitens encountered it "in open marsh along brook", “in the water at open brookside or in soaking soil alongside", "in sedge meadow on slight slope to river plain", and "in soaking soil at brookside, growing on a clump of soil that fell from the edge of the brook gully". These splendid collec- tors also found it growing "in soaking dark md at open edge of pond made by damming a stream" and "in soaking soil at brooksides", Hatschbach and his colleagues found it in "Lageados umidos proximo a filetes de &gua"; Schulz and his associates in "sitio pantanoso, valle muy hiimedo"; Reitz & Klein in "banhado de campo" and "na &gua corrente"; and Schinini in "borde de estero" and "en campo con Butia yatay en terreno anegadizo". Vernacular names reported for this plant are "capim manso", “capipoatinga", "gravat4 manso", and "semprevivas do campo", Gleason, in his unpublished Flora of British Guiana, describes S. caulescens as follows: "Stems 2—3 dm. long, sparsely branched or simple, nearly glabrous; leaves scattered, broadly linear to oblong, 2——3 cm. long, 3——6 mm. wide, pubescent, spreading, the upper crowded and subtending the umbel; peduncles numerous, 3- costate, strongly twisted, glabrous or pubescent, 5—15 cm. long; sheaths hirsute, 2——-3 cm. longs heads subglobose, —6 mm. wide; bracts nearly white, acute, glabrous." At the time when he wrote this description "No specimens has been seen from British Guiana", 356 Pony To Lior Fee Vol. 35, mo. 5 but he gives the overall distribution as "Colombia to French Gui- ana, south to Paraguay and Bolivia". Ip his key he separates the three obviously caulescent species from the Guiana area known to him as follows: 1. Subtending bracts present; leaves 1 mm. wide or less. 2. Principal leaves about 15 mm. long, very thin and lax; peduncu- lar sheaths acuminate. ...ccc.ssccccccccsccces °S. anomalus. 2a. Principal leaves about 5 mm. long, firm, prominently nerved; peduncular sheaths obtuse....sessccsccsscseceede brevifolius. la. Subtending bracts none; leaves 2--5 mm. wide.....S. caulescens. Silveira (1928) comments that "Caulis brevissimis vel usque 12 cm altus. Caeterum ut in descriptione Koernickeane, in 'Flora Brasiliensi', Martii". Macbride (1936) gives its distribution as "South America generally". Miquel (187), in describing his Pae= palanthus surinamensis, says "Paepalanthus caulescenti Kunth..... affinis. Caulis basi radicans suberectus 25 cent. longus, totus foliorum basibus obtectus interque eas floccoso—pubescens, e basi ramulos parvos foliis dissitis mimutis instructos exserens. Folia l=--5 cent. longa, 5—6 mm. lata, laete viridia, plana vel compli- cata, apice ad lentem subcalloso—emarginata. Pedunculi in apice caulis numerosissimi, 3--10 cent. longi stricti torti, vaginis 3— 3.5 cent. longis striatis ore oblique fissis apice perumper petu- lis. Capitula juniora elliptica, adulta campanulata, basi fuscule, apice dilute straminea, 3—-l mm. longa." Bongard (1830) describes the plant as follows, with two unnamed varieties: "Caulescens; caule erecto, simplici, folioso; foliis caulinis lanceolatis, pubescentibus; pedunculis fasciculatis vag- inisque pubescentibus......8 stature humiliore (1/3 praecedentis) . Y caule brevissimo, subnullo; pedunculo solitario. — In humidis graminosis inter Barbacenam et St. Juao Brasiliensium". Kunth (181) recognized two varieties: % humilis and Y parvi- folius. He lists the typical form of the species as from French Guiana and the other two varieties from "in Brasilia meridionali, ille prope Paxaopeba (Sellow)". He states further that "Varietas Y differt nonnisi caule humiliore, densius folioso, foliis minori- bus (12--15 lineas longis, 3/4 -- 1 lin. latis), pedunculis vagin- isque glabriusculis, capitulis paulo minoribus; flores prorsus ut in var. a.......Eriocaulon caulescens Poir. cum Paepalantho nostro congesto compingere voluit. Eriocauli fasciculati fors tantum varietatem giganteam esse, suspicatur Poiret." Kornicke (1863) describes his various varieties and subvarie- ties as follows: Var. a — "vaginis foliisque appresse puberulis vel pubescentibus, praeterea patenti- vel patentissimo-pilosis [Synonymy: Pae- palanthus caulescens Kunth, Eriocaulon canescens Poir., E. simillimum Steud., E. caulescens Salam., E. e Cayenne Willd.) citing G. Gardner 2718 & 1,380, Martin s.n., Salzmann s.n., & Spruce s.n. Var. b — "vaginis foliisque appresso—puberulis vel pubescentibus, 1977 Var. Var. Var. Var. Var. Var. Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 357 praeterea non pilosis" (Synonymy: Paepalanthus splendens Mart., Eriocaulon splendens Bong.]). b subvar.Q — "caule rigido; foliis confertis, omnibus vel superioribus lanceolatis, acutis, latiusculis vel latis, ar- rectis; statura majuscula rarius humiliori" (Synonymy: Erio- caulon splendens var.(\ Bong.) citing Martius s.n. [in arena humida ad fluvium Rio Gr. de Belmonte], Pohl s.n., Houllet s.n., & Riedel s.n, [inter Barbacena et S. Jodo]. b subvar.?— "caule rigido vel laxo; foliis saepe remotis, oblongo-linearibus acutis latis patentibus; statura plerumque altiore" (Synonymy: Paepalanthus surinamensis Miq., P. proc- erus Klotzsch, Eriocaulon surinamense Steud.] citing Hostmann & Kappler 1002, Kegel s.n., Lhotzky s.n., Martius 888 & s.n. [prope Cidade de Ouro Preto], Otto s.n., & Widgren s.n. b subvar. Y -- "caule laxiusculo; foliis linearibus acumina- tis patentissimis confertis, pro ratione longitudinis suban- gulatis; statura altiore" citing Martius s.n. [in prov. Bahi- ensis calidis ad fluvium Peruaguassu}. b subvar. §— "caule brevi; foliis lati-linearibus densissi- mis; statura humili" [Synonymy: Paepalanthus caulescens ® humilis Kunth, Eriocaulon splendens var. caule humiliore Bong.] citing Martius sen. [in prov. Bahiae arenosis udis ad fluvium S,. Francisci prope Joazeiro] & Sellow s.n. [prope Paxaopeba]. arr, b subvar. € — "caule brevi stricto; foliis lanceolato- linearibus acutis patentibus, inferioribus fere patentissimis et plerumque densioribus, reliquis paullo remotiusculis; statura humili sed quam antecedentis et sequentis subvarieta- tis paullo altiore" (Synonymy: Eriocaulon splendens (Bong.) Schnitzl., Paepalanthus caulescens y parvifolius Kunth p.p.] citing Lund s.n. [Taubaté], Martius s.n. [prope Rio de Janei- ro] & s.n. [ad flumen S. Francisci prope Salgado), Pohl s.n. [Geiss], Regnell sen. [Caldas], Riedel s.n. [Taubaté], Raben 903, Sellow s.n. [S&o Paulo], Vauthier g.n., Weddell 1039, Widgren s.n., & Wied-Neuwied s.n. and Schlim 193 from Ocana, Colombia. b subvar. 9 — "caule brevi vel brevissimo; foliis subanguste linearibus acutis irregulariter patentibus densis vel remotius— culis; statura humili vel humillima" (Synonymy: Paepalanthus caulescens y parvifolius Kunth p.p., Eriocaulon splendens var. Bong., E. geratnse Steud., E. subuncinatum Steud.) citing Gausen 173, G. Gardner 2959, 2960, & 3487, Pohl s.n., Raben s.n., Riedel s.n. (Barbacena], & Sellow s.n. It should be noted here that of these proposed taxa subvar. ? is now known as var. procerus (Klotzsch) Moldenke and sated | is now known as var. angustifolius Moldenke. The G. Gardner 2960, cited by Kornicke under var. b subvar. § is a cotype collection of 358 Past Gi Oars Vol. 35, mo. 5 S. fertilis (Korn.) Ruhl. Uittien & Heyn (1938) comment that S. caulescens is "Extremely variable in habit. Koernicke described several varieties and sub- varieties, but they are connected by intermediate forms. In Sur- iname two forms are found, a small form with 1—6 cm long stems amd 1--2 cm long, 3 mm wide leaves and a larger one with 20—\5 cm long stems and 3 em long, 6 mm wide leaves". For their small form they cite B. W. 7133, Rombouts 21) & 556, and Versteeg 730; for their large form they cite Hostmann & Kappler 1002 (the type of Paepalanthus surinamensis), Kegel 1105, and Rombouts 556. It is very possible that this larger form represents what I call var. procerus (Klotzsch) Moldenke. Ruhland (1903) cites no specimens at all, but gives the dis- tribution of the species as "In Venezuela, Columbien, Guiana, Bol- ivien und Brasilien (Provinzen Amazonas, Bahia, Mattogrosso, Goyaz, Piauhy, Minas Geraés, Rio de Janeiro u. S. Paulo) und in Paraguay weit verbreitet". He notes that the "Species fere inter omnes variabilissima. Variant praesertim habitus (caulis longus vel brevis, folia patentia vel arrecto—patentia, densa vel remota, la- ta vel angusta) et indumentum foliorum. Varietates cl.Koernickei formis miltis intermediis conjunctae sunt." Castellanos (195) cites Pickel 153 from Pernambuco and Dusén 15619, Rambo 34 & 9592, and Thei Ben 7655 from Parand, Brazil, deposited in the Miguel Lillo herbarium. He cites the species' overall distribution as "Centro-américa por Colombia, Venezuela, Guayanas, Brasil (Amazonas, Pernambuco, Piauhy, Bahia, Goyaz, Matto Grosso, Minas Geraes, Rio Janeiro, S&o Paulo, Parand, Rio Grande do Sul), Bolivia, Paraguay y Argentina, alcanzando su limite austral en Uruguay. En Argentina, en la provincia botdén- ica Corrientino-paraguaya (Corrientes & Misiones)." Abbiatti (1946) cites Burkart 7893 from Corrientes; Macbride (1936) cites Killip & Smith s.n. and Weberbauer 1565 from Peru; Eiten (1962) cites Eiten & Eiten 1527, 1748, 1985, & 2348 from Brazil; Good- speed & Stork (1955) cite Woytkowski 35330 from San Martin, Peru; Silveira (1928) lists A. Silveira 221 from Minas Gerais; Aristeg- uieta (1968) records it from Anzoftegui and Gudrico, Venezuela; and Malme (1901) cites Mosén 1056 & 1057 and Regnell 1.450 from Minas Gerais, Malme 582 from Rio Grande do Sul, and Lofgren 121) from S20 Paulo, commenting that "Specimina omnia supra emmerata ad var. b pertinant; subvarietates a cel. Koernicke receptae parum notabiles esse videntur". Kornicke (1871) cites “aus s.n. [Lagoa Santa] for his var. b subvar. ® and Warming s.n. [Palmeira prope Barbacena] for his var. b subvar.§. Angely (1957) records the species as cultiva- ted in Brazil. Some bibliographic corrections should be noted here: The plate 66 cited by Bongard (1830, 1831) for S. caulescens appar— ently was never published and probably exists only in the Lenin- grad library or herbarium. The Ruhland (1901) work cited above 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 359 is sometimes erroneously cited as "1902", the volume title-page date —- the pages here concerned were actually issued on July 2, 1901. The Soukup (1959) reference is sometimes erroneously cited as volume "5"; the Steyermark work (1968) is sometimes listed as "1969". Fehler (1972) work bears a "1970" title-page date, but was not actually issued until 1972. The Baillon (189)) work is erroneously dated "188" by Stapf (1930); the Schnitzlein (185) work is often cited as "157", but here again the pages concern- ing us were issued in 185. The Moldenke (1940) paper bears the date "191" on the cover, but was actually published (and depos- ited in the library of the New York Botanical Garden) on December 31, 1940. Malme's (1901) work is sometimes incorrectly cited as "1903", The index of Steudel's (1855) work refers to a page "270" for S. caulescens, but this seems to be a typographic error for page 276. The iiestvetion given by Tamayo (1961) labeled "Syngonan- ths akurimensis Moldenke" actually depicts S. caulescens instead. Syngonanthus akurimensis [now known as Comanthera ra kegeliana (Kérn.) Moldenke} is a plant of entirely different appearance. A specimen of the Irwin, Grear, Souza, & Reis dos Santos col- lection in the Aarms University herbarium bears a label inscribed "15816" and "Tree ca. 6 m x 12 cm., corolla cream" — this seems to be another case of mixed labels, the proper label for the specimen in question being no. 15876. Cardona Puig 2886 is a mixture with Paepalantims lamarckii Kunth, Irwin, Prance, Soder- strom, & Holmgren 55312 is a mixture with Paepalantims oyapocken- sis Herzog, and Lourteig 207 is a mixture with something non- erioceaulaceous. The Eiten & Eiten 8492, cited below, is placed here very tenta- tively. It was collected on the border of a small lake in gallery forest and is said to have been an "herb growing in water". It is far too immature for accurate determination and thus far I have nit been successful in getting more material of it for study. Material of S. caulescens has been misidentified and distribu- ted in some herbaria as Eriocaulon flaccidum Bong., Paepalanthus macaheensis Korn., = peo Ruhl., P. sp., Syngonanthus caulescens var. proc ete Moldenke, aie glandulosus Glea- son, S. esiiteaa var. epapillosus Moldenke, “Tonina fluviatilis Aubl., , and Eleocharis sulcata ioe ‘On the other hand, the Mar Martius s.n. [ad fluv. Paruaguact) and Reitz & Mein 11593, distributed as typical S. caulescens, are ac- tually | 3. cau caulescens var. angustifolius Moldenke; irwin, Sousa, & ners dos | Santos 8730 is the type collection of f. Tongipes = Maida: Liitselburg 357 357 & 1h3h are var. procerus (Klotzsch) Moldenke; i a Hitchcock 17075 and Jenman 5287 are Paepalanthus bifidus (Schrad.) Kunth; and Pedersen 9399 & &l 10095 are probably S. glandulosus var. epapillosus Moldenke. 360 Pony -T)0):10'G Pe Vol. 35, no. 5 Additional citations: MEXICO: Veracruz: J. G. Smith 116 (E— 2168579), 354 (E--2168580). COSTA RICA: Province undetermined: Pittier 1103 [Cienaga de Agua Buena] (Mu). COLOMBIA: Amazonas- Vaupés: Schultes & Cabrera 11968, in part (Ss), 1506 (Ss, Ss), ee 15956 (Ss). Boyac&: Schulz, Rodriguez P., & Petit B. 465 (Ld); eer eee Santander: Killip & Smith 15031 (N, W—1360979). VENEZUELA: Ama- zonas: Maguire & Maguire 351,35 (N); G. H. H. Tate 2l6 (N). Anzo- 4tegui: H. M, Curran 163m (N); Pittier 14295 (Ca—-73717). Bolf- var: Aristeguieta 228 (N, Ve—36850), 3706 (N, Ve); Bogner 1069 (Mu); Cardona Puig 2886, in part (W--2195081); Hertel & Oberwink- ler 15225b (Mu); Killip 37683 (N); Koyama & Agostini 7267 (N)j; Lasser 136 (Ve, W—1950297); Lépez-Palacios 3046 (Ac), 3047 (Ld) 3 B. Maguire 33613 (N); Maguire & Wurdack 35752 (N); Maguire, Wurdack, & Bunting 35909 (N); Moritz 610 (B); Ruiz-Terén & Lépez- Palacios 11337 (Mi); J. A. Steyermark 76055 (Ss), 88759 (N), 98198 (Ld); Steyermark & Gibson 957h1 (Ld); Steyermark & Wurdack 3771 (Ld). Monagas: F. R. Fosberg 45233 (W—272h080); Pursell, Curry, & Kremer 8293 (N). State undetermined: Mayeul-Grisol s.n. (B, N); Otto 9h (B, B, B); E. P. Stevens s.n. OF GUYANA: C. D. K. Cook 83 (N, S); Guppy 63h [Forest Dept. Brit. Guian. 769] (K, K, Ut—7039lb); S. G. Harrison 736 (K). SURINAM: Hostmann 1002 (B, Ut—395)3 Irwin, Prance, Soderstrom, & Ho (N), 55312, in part (N, N)s Rombouts 555 (Ut—lOSha); J. P. Schulz 1042) (N); Van Donselaar 3673 (N); Versteeg 738 (Ut—396). FRENCH GUIANA: Collector undetermined s.n. (B); Hallé 511 (N, P, W—2756370); Hoock s.n. [11 Aout 1962] (P, P); Leprieur 225 (B); ‘Martin s.n. [Cajenna] (B); Mélinon 175 [339] (N, N). PERU: Ama- zonas: Wardack 1082 (W—2)03676). Loreto: Killip & Smith 28683 (N, W—1462193); Klug 2866 (W—157251). San Martin: Klug 3270 (Mi, W—1157680); Woytkowski 35330 (Ca—13669). BRAZIL: Amapd: Black 9-829 (2) 5 Cowan 3867) (N); W. A. Egler 1429 [Herb. Mus. Goeldi 24585] (Bm); Irwin, Murca Pires, & Westra 4865 (N). Am azénas: Lutzelburg 20910 (Mu); Spruce 930 (Mu); Traill 1159 (P, P). Bahia: Lutzelburg 2h1 (Mu); Martius s.n. [in arena humida ad fluv. Belmonte, 1818] (Mu), s.n. [ad fluv. S. Franc. prope Foa- zeiro] (Mu), s.n. [ad fluv. S. Franc. prope Salgado] (Mu); Murga Pires 3,08 (N, Z). Distrito Federal: Héringer 6780 (B); Irwin, Grear, Souza, & Reis dos Santos 15876 ("15816") (Ft, N, ¥— 1977 Molcenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 361 2759055), Goids: G. Gardner 3487 (B, W—936275), 4358 (P); Hats- chbach & Ramamoothy 38209 (1d); Irwin, Grear, Souza, & Reis dos Santos 110, in part (Ac, N, W-—2759019) ; Trwin, i Maxwell, 11, & Wass~ hausen ach (a, N), 21630 (Ac, Ld, N, N)s Irwi Trwin, Souza, & Reis ee Guanabara: oe tas an. {prope Sebastianopolis] (Mu). Maranhfo: Glaziou s.n. [Maranho] (P). Mato Grosso: W. R. Anderson 9760 (N)j Archer & Gehrt 120 (W—17)0803); Eiten & Eiten 6192 (W— 2757735), 8768 (Ld, N, W—26158)8); Goldsmith 61 (K); Harley, Sou- za, & Ferreira 1005 (Ac, N); Hatschbach 2562 (Ld, N, S), 33991 (Gz); Hatschbach, Anderson, Barneby, & Gates 36052 (Ld, N); Irwin & Soderstrom 6478 (Ac, N); Krapovickas, Cristébal, & Ahmmada 14084 (Ld); Philcox, Fereira, & Bertoldo 311 (K); Prance, Lieras, & & Coélho 1 19232 (Ld) ; Ramos & Souza za R, & | & S. 127 . 127 (La, i) a Minas Gerais: . Anderson, Stieber, & Kirkbride 3516 6 (N); P, Clausen 12 (P), 173 (B, B); Glaziou 15679 (N, W—112h1h3), 19992 (C); Hen- schen 1.450 [3/h/1868] (W—93628); Irwin, cl Souza, Reis Onishi 2883 (Ld, N); Irwin, Reis dos Santos, Souza, "& Fonséca_ 23281 (Ld, Ld, N); Langsdorff s s.n. (B, Ut—39h); Lhotsky 34 ~(B)5 i Ma- cedo cedo 2853 (S); Martius s.n. [prope Cidade de Ouro Preto] (Ma) 5 Mello Barreto 9443 (N), 2587 (Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 10716; Ferd. U. S. Nat. Arb, 236362] (W—2109995), ns (Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 17558; Herb. U. S. Nat. Arb. 236L0 (W—212171h), 4674 (Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 17527; Herb. U. S. Nat. Arb. 236402] (W—2121715); Mendes Magalh¥es 3192 (W—212)318); Occhi- oni 5589 [Herb. Cadeira Bot. 1633] (Id); &. Pereira 2779 [Pabst 3615; Herb. Brad. 3837] (Sm), 278h [Pabst 3620; Herb. Brad. 3839] (Sm); L. Riedel 291 (B); Sellow 1296 (B, B), sen. [Rio das Ped- ras, 1820] (B); Widgren 82h (W—20075k); Williams & Assis 6551 (Ca—7hL33, W--19327h7). Pard&: Black 50-9966 (Be—5l852); Black & Ledoux 50-10380 1/2 2 (Be—61676), 50-1080 1/2 (Z); Black, Le- doux, & Stegemann 52-1257 (Be—73986), 52-1355 (2); We A he mie 2u5 [Black 15531] (Bs), 455 (Bs); Egler & Raimundo s.n. [W. A Egler 1222; Herb. Mus. Goeldi 2269) (Bm); Frées 2976) (Hk, Hk) Sick s.n. [Herb. Brad. 702] (Sm). Parand: “Brade 19627 (Ja— 65775); Braga 98 (Herb. Inst. Hist. Nat. 5269] (Mm, W—236935h) ; A. Castellanos 21869 (Herb. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 126569] (Ac); Dom- browsid 81 [Herb. Inst. Hist. Nat. 6792] (Ac, Lw), 219 {Herb. Inst. Hist. Nat. 8073] (Lw), 52h (Ac), 2098 (Kuniyoshi 182] (Ld), 2313 [Kuniyoshi 2055] (Ld); Dombrowski & Saito 1031/88 (Ac)s Dusén 10h33 (W—1280825), 15619 (W—1h70L91); Freitas 3231 (Rd— 1L85h) ; Gurgel 106 (Ja—l6335, Ja, Ja); Hatschbach bach 3758 (Sm), 4368 (Rd—15592), H9e (Sm), 8537 (Lw), oe (Ld, N), 22887 (Ac), 27194 (Ac), 27661 , 28490 (Ld), 380s Ld); Hatschbach & & Lan 32 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 5 ge 5290 (Sm), 5312 (Sm), 5316 (Sm); Hatschbach & Moreira 6808 (Bm); Siaatanae Smith, & Klein n 2623 (Ac); Krapovickas, 3, Cristébal, & Maruflak 23620 © (Ld); | Kummrow 1065 (Ld); Lindeman & Haas 1122 (Ld) 3 Reitz & Klein 17472 (Ac, N), 17620 (Ac, N, W—2758135); E. Santos 2162 [Sacco 2368; Herb. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan 126554] (W--263960h) ; Smith, Klein, & Hatschbach 1549 (Ac); Stellfela 1519 (W—2527786) . Pernambuco? Pickel 153 (B), 2257 (W—1h73257), sen. [Pambos, Jan. 1931] (Ba, W—-1523237). Piauf: G. Gardner 2959 (N, W--93627h) . Rio de Janeiro: Dusén 1906 (W—1055750, W——17061); Glaziou 647 (W—1121113), 9002 (P), 11632 (P), 122h9 (N, Pd, W—112h125), 17305 (C); Pereira 395 [Herb. Brad. 6113] (Bd); Rose & Lutz 39 [Herb. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 5288] (Gg—3660h0). Rio Grande do Sul: 0. Camargo s.n. [Rambo 61599] OF Leite 140 (Ja—h3992), 2063 (A); Rambo 31685 (Gg—-354583), 34865 (N), 45k1h (Rd—12295), 16178 (Rd—1229;), 521h0 (B)} A. R. Schultz 325 (W—1978hh6), 453 (W—1978h47); Sehnem 2450 (Gg—-356425). Roraima: Black 51- 12680 (Be—70h95); Maguire & Maguire 10100 (N); Prance, Forero, Pena, & Ramos 4488 (La, N, 8S); Ule 7610 [M.G. 12727] (K, Ok). San- ta Catarina: Grossmann 14) (Gt), 147 (Gt); Klein 3470 (Ac), 3866 (Ld); Mello Filho ‘ilho 681 [Herb. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 49606] (w— 2639605); R. Rambo mbo 119585 (Bl—105064, Vi, W--20550h)); Reitz 53h3 [Herb. Barb. Rodr. ir. 6346] (N, N)5 Reitz & Klein 5138 (W—2252157), 6008 (Sm), 11982 (Ld), 16405 (Ld); Schwacke s.n. 1. (10/VII/1885] (P)3 Smith & Klein 1h69 (W— eens 8186 (Ok), 8648 (W— 2248753), 988ha (W—221,8757), 10653 3 (Ok), 11097 (Ok), 13689 (Ac), 13741 (W—2h51596), 13762 (W—-2h51592) , 15502 502 (Ac); Smith, ith, Klein, & Hatschbach 1569) (Ld, N)j Smith & Reitz 1314 (Ac, y); 8 Smith, Reitz, & Caldato 9585 (Ok); Smith, Reitz, & Sufridini 9390 (Ok); Ule 582 (Hg). S#o Paulo: Black ack S1-11028 (Be—68873), 51-11048 (Z), 51-11060 (Z)s Brade 6580 (Mu), 6592 (Mu); Burchell 3780 (T); Campos 3 Novaes 1152 (W—389982) ; G. Eiten 1631 (N); Bite Biten & E & Eiten 1748 (N), 1937 (N), 1985 (N), 2348 (N), 5107 (W—2h26086); Eiten, Eiten, & Mimura 5887 ~ (2757719) 5 Eiten & Machado de Campis 3 1527 (), 326 ~(N) 5 | F.R. R. Fosberg 4331 (Ld); | Glaziou 9002 2 (N); Gross— mann 142 (Gt); Guillemin 520 (P)5 F. C. Hoehne Hoehne 612 12 (Mu, N); Lor. Lof- gren 151 151 (P); A. Lutz 30 Lutz 309 . [Herb. Lutz 309] 9] (Ja), > 836 {Herb. Lutz 836) (Ja), Sn. . [Herb. Lutz 688] (Ja); Luts & Lutz z bb {[Herb. Lutz 1735] (Gah: "225, in part [Herb. Lutz 1217, in part] (Ja); Mimura 32 (N, W—2),0),890) , 81 (N, W—2L04917), 268 (N); Pabst, Burkart, & & Burkart 9570 fuaree Brad. 60552] (Gz); L. L. Riedel 1 11,80 (B, vt 392); Sellow s Sn. eran State undetermined: Glaziou 14357 (N), son. (W—1123)02); Lofgren 1214 (P); Martius 888 (B, M, Mu), 896 "uy, s.n. [Brasilia a B, B); J. E. Pohl 2396 (B), 5072 (B), sen. [in Brasilia] (Mu, Mu, Mu); L Lek Riedel 1)82a (B); Sel Sel- 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae %3 low 100 (B), 1292 (B), 139k (B), 1399 (B), 1b62 (B), U3bB (B) Sidney 1435 [Lago Leo; Onishi 656) (Ld); Tamberlik s.n. [Brasil] (V—7781). MARAJO ISLAND: Huber 2666 (Ut—1682). BOLIVIA: La Paz: R. S. Williams 301 (N, Z). Santa Cruz: Kuntze s.n. [Yapaca- ni, VI.92] (W—701890); J. Steinbach 6908 (Ca—306500). PARAGU- AY: Balansa 566 (P); Fiebrig 4671 (Mu); Hassler 1061 (N, P), 3645 (Ca--94903, N), 4709 (Ca--940639, N, V-—-3010), 6697 (Ca—9L4901, N), 8483 (Ca--94902, N), 12532 (Ca—930356, N, W—1057L19)5 Jor- gensen Li7h (N, N, W-1571235, W--169278); Krapovickas & Cristé— bal 13485 (Ld); Lourteig 207), in part (S); Morong 29 (W—819023), 331 (C, Ca—2h25, Mi, W--l5351, W—-9362h6); Pedersen 3252 (W— 2169508), 9400 (N); Schinini 5803 (Ld), 10919 (Ld); Sparre & Ver- voorst 211 (S); Woolston 1187 (S, W—2321828). ARGENTINA: Cor- rientes: Cabrera 11711 (Vi, W--2198011); Krapovickas, Cristébal, Carnevali, Quarfn, Gonz4lez, & Isikawa 2178 (Ld); Krapovickas, Cristébal, Schinini, Arbo, Quarin, & Gonzdlez 26426 (Ld); Krapo- vickas, Cristébal, Schinini, & Gonzdlez 24618 (Ac); Pedersen 496 (W——2122501), 3088 (S, W—2169199); Schinini 7682 (1d); Schinini, Arbo, Gonzélez, Ishikawa, & Tressens 8331 (Kh), 8452 (Ga); Schi- nini & Quarin 8543 (Ld); G. J. Schwarz 340 (Ut—77572b). Misio- nes: Pedersen 3252 (S). CULTIVATED: Germany: F. C. Hoehne 32 (Mu). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: Castell. in Descole, Gen. & Sp. Pl. Argent. 3: pl. 20. 1945 (M); drawings by Kornicke (B, B)s draw- ings by Kunth (B). SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS var. ANGUSTIFOLIUS Moldenke, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 70. 190. Synonymy: Paepalanthus caulescens var. b subvar. Y Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 466—168. 1863. Paepalanthus caulescens var. @ subvar. y Kunth ex Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 403-0), in syn. 1975. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 66—}68. 1863; Moldenke, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 70. 1940; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 266. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 5 & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 61 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia : 302. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 69 & h91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 120 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 28: 35 & hhO (197k), 31: 386 & ho (1975), and 34: 275. 1976. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in its uniformly longer and narrower leaves, which are 2—-3.5 cm. long and 0.2-~2 mm. wide, gradually attenuate to the sharply a- cute apex. It is based on Haught 2747 from Meta, Colombia. It should be noted here that the original publication of this taxon is dated "191" on its cover, but was actually received in at least the library of the New York Botanical Garden on December 31, 1940. Kornicke's subvariety, listed in the synonymy above, appears to be based on Martius s.n. from "ad fluv. Peruaguagi", 364 PH. YT. Tk Vol. 35, no. 5 Bahia, Brazil, in the Munich herbarium. Recent collectors have found the variety growing in berjo (sedge meadow), wet campos, swamps, and wet places in general, flowering and fruiting in Jan- uary, April, August, and December, at 750 meters altitude, and describe the plant as an herb with white flowers and cream- colored fruit. Dombrowski refers to it as "frequent". The Hatsch- bach 1761 and Leite 101, cited below, were previously erroneously cited by me as typical S. caulescens (Poir.) Ruhl. Citations: COLOMBIA: Meta: Haught 27,7 (Ca--737846—isotype) . BRAZIL: Bahia: Martius s.n. [ad fluv. Peruaguagé] (Mu, Mu). Mato Grosso: Hatschbach 32338 (Ld). Parand: Dombrowski 5582 (Ld), 5873 (Ld); Hatschbach 1761 (N). Rio Grande do Sul: Leite 101 (N). ae Cordeiro 838 (Ld). Santa Catarina: Reitz & Klein 11593 bie SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS var. BELLOHORIZONTINUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 358 [as "bello horizontina"]. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1946. Synonymy: Syngonanthus caulescens var. bello horizontina Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 358. 1928. Syngonanthus caulescens var. bello-horizontina Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 416. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 358 & 16. 1928; Molden- ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1963; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 19495 Moldenke, Phy- tologia hz: 302. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 106, 351, & 491. 19593; Mol- denke, Fifth Sum, 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 635 & 961. 19713; Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 259. 1976. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its stems 13--)0 cm. tall, erect, and the leaves acute at their apex. It is based on A. Silveira 219 from "In humidis prope Bello Horizonte", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in 1903 and de- posited in the Silveira herbarium. Hatschbach encountered it "junto a corrego do brejo", flowering and fruiting in May. Citations: BRAZIL: Goid&s: Hatschbach 36758 (2). SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS var. DISCRETIFOLIUS Moldenke, var. nov. Haec varietas a forma typica speciei foliis caulinibus distincte alternis perspicus discretis adscendenti-patentibus recedit. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in hav- ing its stem-leaves distinctly alternate, conspicuously and rather widely separated from each other, ascending-spreading, and sharply acute apically. The type of the variety was collected by B. G. S. Ribeiro (no. 1397) in the Serra dos Carraj&s, Par&, Brazil, on June 28, 1976, and is deposited in my personal herbarium. The collector describes the plant as 10 cm. tall, but most of the plants on the type sheet are up to 0 cm. tall. He speaks of the flowers as white. It should be noted that this collection (at least insofar as the type specimen is concerned) contains a large amount of extraneous mater- ial of a Panicum sp., etc. [to be contimed] FOREIGN BODY REACTIONS INDUCED BY FUNGI IRRADIATED IN SPACE Thomas L. Hiebel and Paul A. Volz Mycology Laboratory Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 Introduction: The closed environment of spacecraft during extended journeys and the stresses of spaceflight create conditions favorable to induce change in microorganisms. Four fungal species were selected for exposure in space and were returned to earth for postflight evaluations. Phenotypes of Chaetomium globosum Kunze, Rhodotorula rubra (Demme) Lodder, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen, and Trichophyton terrestre Durie et Frey were selected from the Apollo 16 Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device (MEED) after exposure to specific spaceflight parameters (Volz, 1975). Mycological stud- ies in space have been numerous, beginning with high altitude ball- oon flights that expanded defined experiments beyond the atmosphere of earth (Dublin and Volz, LOAS his Previous postflight evaluations of the spaceflight fungal phenotypes currently under study demon- strated variation at the cellular level (Dublin, et al., 1974; Sawyer, et al., 1975; Volz, 1975; Volz and Dublin, 1973; Volz, et al., 1974; Wurzburger and Volz, 1976). Changes in survival rates and phenotype counts, nutritional requirements, cellular response to drugs, growth rates, mycelial growth in the presence of salivary peroxidase activity, rate of human hair deterioration, and change in whole cell phospholipid contents were attributed to spaceflight exposure. The Apollo MEED postflight studies continue to further identify change in living systems initially exposed to parameters of space. Because of the biomedical changes, the current study was designed to investigate foreign body reactions in animals caused by fungi after exposure to parameters of space. Materials and Methods: Ascospores of Chaetomium globosum ATCC 6205, conidia of Trichophyton terrestre x285, and vegetative yeast cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae y2439 and Rhodotorula rubra y1592 were housed in distilled water or dry in 0.05 ml volume square cuvettes within the MEED spaceflight hardware. Each cuvette con- tained a quartz window and a series of filters to regulate the ultraviolet light (UV) wavelength and intensity at exposure in space (Taylor, 1970). The MEED was deployed ata 90° angle to the sun for 10 min + 7 sec during the transearth Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) of Apollo 16 (Volz, 1975). Fungi in the flight hardware were exposed to 254, 280, and 300 nanometers (nm) UV light at various energy levels during deployment and attachment of the MEED flight hardware on the television campole extension and Command Module hatch. After exposure, the flight hardware was stowed and returned to the lab at 365 366 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 5 splashdown (Volz, 1974). Fungal cells housed in the flight hardware were placed on Sabouraud maltose agar and initially studied for survival capabilities according to exposure levels in space (Volz and Dublin, 1973). Phenotypes for the present study were obtained from viable cells collected in postflight studies. The phenotypes were selected in relation to wild type by colony morphology, growth rate, growth density, colony texture, and variation in sporulation and pigmentat- ion (Volz, 1974). From 10 to 15 phenotypes of each fungal species in addition to the wild type or ground control were used in this study. Swiss Flow DUB/KR Mice and Golden Syrian Hamsters from a random breed closed colony were pretreated with 20 mg/ml daily inoculations of hydrocortisone acetate suspension for one week prior to the intro- duction of the fungal test organisms to repress the defense system of the animals. Pretreated animals and control animals not receiv- ing hydrocortisone acetate were inoculated with suspensions of the test fungi. Mice received 0.2 ml cell suspension in 0.9% saline intraperit- oneally, in the tail vein, and the epidermis while hamsters were injected with 0.9 ml cell suspensjon ingthe cheek pouch and gum area at a cell concentration of 1 x 10° - 10° cells per ml. Before inoculation, hamsters were anesthetized with 7.5 mg/ml sodium pento- barbital using 1 ml (50 ng/ml) per 100 g weight of animal. Animals remained anesthetized for a sufficient time to withdraw the buccal pouch and make the inoculations. Histological studies were made when changes in the normal behavioral activity in the animals were noted, about 4 to 6 weeks after inoculation. Approximately 0.25 ¢ material from isolated lesions were inoculated on Sabouraud maltose agar for fungal recovery. Other lesion tissue was placed in Bouin's fixative, dehydrated in a alcohol series, Feulgen stained, embedded in Tissuemat, sectioned, and described. Replicates of 5 animals were used for each test phenotype and control. Results: The spaceflight exposures received by the phenotypes are presented in Table 1. Greatest morphological diversification in phenotypes compared with the wild type or parent strain was the principal method in selection of test organisms for the current evaluations. Viable cells were recovered from mouse tissue streaked on agar plates as shown in Table 2. Mouse lesions induced by Chaetomium globosum involved the subcutaneous area. The cellular response was lymphocytic. Ascospores and hyphae were seen external to the muscle sheath and a small wall of lymphocytes generally separated the fungal cells from the muscle sheath. Muscle tissue was not affected, but ascospores were seen between muscle sheaths. Other involvements of C. globosum in mice included the liver, kidney, and spleen (Fig. 1). An abcess lesion in the liver originated in a central vein and involved an entire lobe. Liver involvements were circumscribed nonencapsulated areas of inflammation with a central necrotic core. Destruction of the liver parenchyma was 1977 Hiebel & Volz, Foreign body reactions 367 present and the mononuclear inflammatory cells were primarily lymphocytes. The central core of lesions contained tissue debris and liver cells in various stages of degeneration. Trichophyton terrestre phenotypes and T. terrestre wild type produced diffuse subcutaneous lesions. A rudimentary wall around the areas, caused by a fibrocytic reaction, was present. The central area of the lesion appeared granulomatous, with necrotic cells and fungal conidia present. There were many polymorphonuc- lear cells in the center near the cellular debris and conidia. Subcutaneous mouse lesions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were large and fairly well circumscribed. They affected the subcutaneous region and did not affect the overlying skin. No ulceration occurred but lesions were intense inflammatory reactions. Centers were necrotic and infiltrates were a mixture of polymorphonuclear cells surrounded by monocytes. Budding yeast cells were very abundant. Lesions were well circumscribed and encapsulated. A large quantity of cellular infiltrate, including many lymphocytes and marcophages were present. This was an intense necrotic reaction with a large amount of cellular debris and some calcium deposits in response to the inflammation. In the periphery of the necrotic areas proliferating fibrocytes were found. Liver lesions initiated by S. cerevisiae wild type and pheno- types were fairly well walled off with fibrocytes and macrophages (Fig. 2). It was an acute reaction, and liver tissue involved was necrotic. Older liver lesions were granulomatous and contained a mononuclear infiltrate at the periphery. In lesions much debris was present and no cellular detail was evident. Lesions originated near central veins. With Rhodotorula rubra wild type and pheontypes a mild dermal reaction was seen in mice that was not walled off. However, a rudimentary wall was present since much fibrous proliferation took place which did not circumscribe the diffuse lesion (Fig. 3). Many polymorphonuclear cells were evident in the area of yeast cells. Some degenerating muscle tissue was present in lesions. Internal organs were not infected. A significantly higher number of viable cells were recovered from skin lesions of S. cerevisiae phenotypes compared with lesions induced by S. cerevisiae wild type control (Table 2). Cortisone pretreated hamsters inoculated with the phenotypes elicited foreign body reactions. The invaded areas involved a large tissue area adjacent to the central lesion. Cellular response in the hamsters was similar to that found in mice with the respective fungal phenotypes. In general, S. cerevisiae in hamsters produced soft, highly inflamed, diffuse buccal pouch lesions with prolifer- ation of the yeast cells. -Rhodotorula rubra induced lesions were soft, mildly inflamed, and diffuse. Trichophyton terrestre initiated only small nodular lesions at the site of inoculation and C. globosum induced lesions were localized, small, hard, and nodular. Pretreated animals and animals with no hydrocortisone acetate produced no variation in tissue response. 368 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 5 Discussion: Varying degrees of inflammatory responses were noted with the test fungi. Order of reactivity observed in the mice and hamsters from the most severe to the least was Saccharomyces, Rhodotorula, Chaetomium, and Trichophyton. Phenotypes of S. cere- visiae gave very diffuse and very intense reactions sometimes to the point of being a true abcess. The S. cerevisiae cells would often proliferate in the host. The lesions were partially circumscribed and not encapsulated although fibrosis was evident. The cellular response was mainly mononuclear with macrophages and polymorphs usually in the area. There was seldom a central core of necrosis, although often scattered pycnotic nuclei were seen as wellas a large amount of cellular debris. The gross lesion was relatively soft as compared to the hard nodular lesion of C. globosum, and large amounts of pus were always present. The cellular and gross appearance of the response to R. rubra was Similar to that of 5S. cerevisiae but less severe. Similarly with Saccharomyces, the Rhodotorula cellular response was mainly mononuclear with polymorphs and macrophages in the area. The lesions were diffuse but were more contained than those of S. cere- visiae. More fibrous proliferation and a more definite area of necrosis were present. In the lesion area many pycnotic nuclei and some cellular debris were commonly seen. The gross lesions of R. rubra were very similar to the gross lesions of Saccharomyces except slightly smaller and slightly less intense in adjacent tissue. The cellular response to C. globosum was a circumscribed well defined area of approximately 95% lymphocytes that was well encap- sulated with a thin fibrous sheath. Proliferation of the cells was never observed. Cellular debris, some pycnotic nuclei, and cells in various stages of degeneration were present inside the circumscribed area. The gross lesion was small, hard, and nodular, and the area adjacent to the lesion was not inflamed. Trichophyton terrestre phenotypes were the least reactive, and seldom lesions were produced to combat their presence. When a lesion did form, it was moderately diffuse and there was a pronounced fibrocytic reaction that did not completely encapsulate the area. Necrotic cells and cellular debris were in the lesion area. Variations between phenotypes within the same species were not as pronounced as foreign body reactions between the selected genera. Phenotypes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed more reactivity than other test fungi. In addition, more viable cells were recovered from the dermal lesions in mice induced by phenotypes than from lesions initiated by the wild type. Summary: The cellular response to Chaetomium globosum, Rhodo- torula rubra, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Trichophyton terrestre and their spaceflight phenotypes was a foreign body reaction. Response variation in mice and hamsters was greater between genera and less evident between phenotypes of the same species. Cells of 5S. cere- visiae exposed to spaceflight parameters retained a higher recovery rate in dermal lesions compared with cells isolated from lesions | induced by S. cerevisiae ground control. 1977 Hiebel & Volz, Foreign body reactions 39 Acknowledgments: Appreciation for assistance in these studies is extended to P. Noble, P. Moberly, J. Rogers at NASA Johnson Space Center; R. Simmonds, NASA Ames Research Center; R. Wideman, B. Kuhn, and B. Morris, Gravelee Wideman Clinic, University of Alabama Medical Center. Table 1 Exposures in space of test fungi included in the foreign body reaction studies Organism UV wavelength Energy level Chaetomium globosum full light of space a 5x 10° ergs test* C. globosum wild type 0 0 Trichophyton terrestre 280 nm 2-9*x 10° test T. terrestre wild type 0 0) Saccharomyces cerevisiae 254 - 300 nm (ie 102 = 7X 10" test S. cerevisiae wild type 0 0 Rhodotorula rubra S60 mm. - Pull, Might, 2 2010 one? test R. rubra wild type 0) 0 *Data presents the range of exposure levels in space for each species, compiled from measured irradiations for each test phenotype. 370 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 5 Table 2 Average number of colony forming units per plate obtained from wild type and phenotypes recovered from mouse tissue. Wild type skin liver kidney spleen Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9 6 z 9 Rhodotorula rubra il 0 0 1 Trichophyton terrestre 0) 0) 0) 0 Chaetomium globosum 20 G 9 WW Spaceflight phenotypes* Saccharomyces cerevisiae 168 rT Hi 5 Rhodotorula rubra 4 0 0 0 Trichophyton terrestre 0 0 0 0) Chaetomium globosum 27 2 i 3 *Average of 10 phenotypes for each species. 1977 Hiebel & Volz, Foreign body reactions Figure legends Fig. 1. Chaetomium globosum induced lesion in mouse liver (x aiV9{9)) le Fig. 2. Saccharomyces cerevisiae initiated mouse liver lesion (x 220 re Fig. 3. Foreign body reaction of Rhodotorula rubra *n mouse dermis (x 90). 371 372 PAHY, PAO O1G. Teh Vol. 35, no. 5 References Dublin, M. and P. A. Volz. 1973. Space related research in mycology concurrent with the first decade of manned space exploration. Space Life Sciences 4:223-230. Dublin, M., P. A. Volz and G. S. Bulmer. 1974. The antifungal activity of normal and host compromised saliva on spaceflight fungal phenotypes. Mycopath. Mycol. Appl. 54:499-516. Sawyer, R. T., D. C. Deskins and P. A. Volz. 1975. Phosphoglyceride contents of Trichophyton terrestre and a phenotype selected from Apollo 16 MEED. Appl. Microbiol. 29:658-662. Taylor, A. M. 1970. Final report design feasibility study for construction of a Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device (MEED) . NAS 9-10830. Aerojet Medical and Biological Systems. El Monte, California. 186 pp. Volz, P. A. 1975. Apollo 16 MEED Mycology. Phytologia 31:193-225. Volz, P. A. 1974. The Apollo 16 Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device mycology studies. NAS 9-11562. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Houston, Texas. 325 pp. Volz, P. A. and Dublin, M. 1973. Filamentous fungi exposed to selected ultraviolet light parameters of space. Space Life Sciences 4:402-414. Volz, P. A., Y. C. Hsu, J. L. Hiser, J. M. Veselenak and D. E. Jerger. 1974. The Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device mycology spaceflight studies of Apollo 16. Mycopath. Mycol. Appl. 54:221-233. Wurzburger, A. J. and P. A. Volz. 1976. Growth sensitivities to drugs of fungal phenotypes exposed to deep space irradiation. Phytologia 33:63-77. REALLY, WHO GIVES A DAMN? James L. Reveal University of Maryland, College Park 20742 If one conducts a poll, or reads the results of polls pro- fessionally prepared, it quickly becomes obvious that everyone really does care about "The Ecology" — that new, now capitalized word which to many represents the entire concept of ecology, en- vironmental studies, and preservation of life, although I strongly suspect that that word may grate on the nerves of most biologists now. There are few citizens in the United States of America, and even fewer biologists, who will openly state that they could care less about the preservation of life -- our own survival if you will -- and yet, merely verbally supporting a concept rarely can lead us to a successful end. The big concern today is with endangered species of plants and animals. The preservation of endangered species, we all will admit as biologists, is essentially a self-centered activity. The plants and animals which make up the biological world are valuable and essential ingredients in our environment, for without them we cannot exist and therefore it follows that their preservation is a matter of basic concern for Man. But it does not follow that everyone will or can agree. To a dam builder, a highway contractor, or a city planner, an endangered species is certainly an unwanted complication; it makes their jobs more difficult, and in some cases, probably im possible. The recent difficulties caused by Pedicularis furbish- 4ae S. Wats. in Maine, as reported in THE WASHINGTON STAR (9 Nov- ember 1976, p. A-6) and elsewhere, is an example, but only the first of many examples for as plants became listed by the United States government as "endangered" or "threatened" more, many more examples will be in your local newspaper. We can understand the need, but we, as biologists, should start now to make a real effort to make others less well informed as to the merits of endangered plants and animals understand the need for such unique biological entities to exist. Let us remind the people of the world that we are roped to- gether upon this tiny speck of swirling matter in a vast space we call earth, and that this speck is the only one we have an option on. To fail to comprehend this simple fact will ultimate lead to our @wn classification as an "endangered species." The natural extinction of a species is part of the evolution of life, and we are certainly cognate of this fact. This activity 373 37h PEYTOGLOGIA Vol. 35, mo. 5 is a sound one and unquestionably one of the most basic aspects of life, for even man could not have come into being with the ex- tinction of other species even within our own genus or family. The unnatural extinction of a species is not a part of the normal evolution of life. The bulldozer is certainly an unnatural pre- dator! Okay. So you care. And your friends care about the earth and the living things upon it, after all you are reading a botan- ical journal. Well, let's see. Historically as man has struggled to open new lands he has constantly confronted environmentally induced challenges. It was understandable then —- we can say now —- that the confrontations of the earlier settlers who had to cut down trees in order to farm the land or to kill the deer and geese in order to eat had no other choice for if man was to survive, merely survive to repro- duce — his most basic natural drive —- then these environmental forces had to be conquered with force. This is an obvious ob- servation, for even today, to some extent, man is still faced with environmentally induced challenges which can only be answered with man-imposed force. Granted, three centuries ago when much of the eastern seaboard of the United States was being settled a single man could farm only a few acres, cut down only a few hundred trees, and kill only a small percentage of the animal population so that he and his family could survive. Yet, it was less than two hund- red years ago that a cry was coming from the scientific cammunity in the United States -- that is, Thomas Jefferson wrote in his "Notes on Virginia" in 1782 -- that it was necessary to preserve and protect the natural environment in Virginia if future genera- tions were to share in the bounties of the state. I must admit, I do not know if the general public supported his position for the Gallups and Harrises were not active in environmental surveys at that time, but it seems reasonable that the need for natural areas —- undisturbed by logging or farming -- might have been something that same of the landed gentry would have accepted as logical. At the start of the Nineteenth Century there were few people in the United States, and the western half of the American continent was still largely unknown, and yet we look up and down the eastern seaboard for undisturbed forest and we find none. Obviously some- thing did not quite: work out the way it was supposed to. Like per- haps no one really did bother to set aside a parcel of woodlands for preservation, not even Jefferson, so that we today could see what the eastern deciduous forest was like before the 1500s.and the coming of the Europeans. Could it have been that as the Nation grew more and more peo- ple were born unto the land, and more and more came to the Nation fram other countries to settle and etch their place in American history? We know of course that that was exactly what happened, and while a single settler and his family needed only a few acres 1977 Reveal, Who gives a damn? 375 to live on, and only a few pounds of wild game to survive on, and only a few simple necessities to be happy on, these resources were far more plentiful than other nations of the world, and it was the numbers of people that grew, each demanding his own fram the en- vironment. Too, as the people grew in numbers and as technology improved the standards of life for the people, the demands upon the natural resources of the Nation became greater and greater, and the voices of concern grew faint and hard to hear. THIS IS THE LAND OF PLENTY. And it was true. This Nation was rich in natural resources. The climate was fair, the soil good, the plants and animals of Europe did well here, and even a few new plants and animals were to be found in use by the native peoples. Consider for a moment if you can what you might have felt like if you were poor and living in England, and saw a pamphlet published in London in 1666 entitled "A Brief Des- cription of the Province of Carolina, on the Coasts of Floreda” and could read the following: The marshes and meadows are very large, from 1,500 to 3,000 acres and upwards, and are excellent food for cattle, and will bear any grain being prepared. Some cattle, both great and small, will live well all the winter, and keep their fat without fodder... The meadows are very proper for rice, rapeseed, linseed, &., and may many of them be made to overflow at pleasure with a small charge. Here are as brave rivers as any in the world, stored with great abundance of sturgeon, salmon, bass, plaice, trout, and Spanish mackerel, with many other most pleas- ant sorts of fish, both flat and round, for which the English tongue has no name. Also, in the little winter they have, abundance of wild geese, ducks, teals, wid- geons, and many other pleasant fowl... Last of all, the air comes to be considered, which is not the least considerable to the well being of a plan- tation, for without a wholesome air all other consider- ations avail nothing. And this is it which makes this place so desirable, being seated in the glorious light of heaven brings many advantages, and His convenient distance secures them from the inconvenience of His scorching beams... Could you not but wish to come to a land so fabulous, to bring your family, your friends, and settle near a meadow which will feed the cattle on a river filled with all kinds of fish in an area with a "little" winter? My father's family came shortly before this and settled in Virginia and so I guess I cannot fail but to understand what freedom, good land, and wholesome air would have meant (but why my father's early relatives were French and not English is far too difficult to explain here). This was the LAND OF OPPORTUNITY which so many people had failed to find in their own homelands. 376 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 5 The plight of the land was not restricted to the eastern coast of the United States. Consider this description of the Miami River Valley from Hamilton to the Ohio River just west of present-day Cincinnati in southwestern Ohio as described by James Smith in his journals of 1795: If you have a desire to raise great quantities of corn, wheat, or other grain, here is perhaps the best soil in the world, inviting your industry. If you prefer the raising of cattle or feeding large flocks of sheep, here the beautiful and green parara excites your wonder and claims your attention. If, wearied with toil, you seek the bank of the river as a place to rest; here the fishes sporting in the limpid stream invite you to cast in your hook and draw forth nourishment for yourself and your family. The most excellent fowl perch in the trees and flutter in the waters, while these immense woods produce innumerable quantities of the most excellent venison. In his 1797 journal, Smith wrote the following description of the area what is now the city of Cincinnati, Ohio. Read it slowly and think of what is found there today: Grass of the meadow kind grows all over this country and white clover and bluegrass grow spontaneously wher- ever the land is cleared. A country so famous for grass must of course be excellent for all kinds of stock. Here I saw the finest beef and mutton that I ever saw, fed on grass. Hogs also increase and fatten in the woods in a most surprising manner. Exclusive of tame cattle, great numbers of wild beasts, as bears, buffalo, deer, elk, etc., shelter in these immense woods. The rivers produce an infinite number of fish; besides geese, ducks and the like, turkeys, pheasants, partridges, etc., are produced in great plenty and get exceedingly fat on the produce of the forest. Honey itself is not wanting to make up the rich variety. Incredible numbers of bees have found their way to this delightful region and in vast quantities deposit their honey in the trees of the woods, so that it is not an uncommon thing for the people to take their wagon and team and return loaded with honey. And if you have been to Cincinnati recently, and seen the Ohio River or the Miami River nearby, and looked into the sky during the summer in that city, read even more slowly the following: The water of this country is generally very good. The rivers are clear as crystal and the springs are bold, good, and in considerable plenty. The air appears clear and serene, not subject to damp- ness and vapors which render a country unwholesome. 1977 Reveal, Who gives a damn? 377 Perhaps the descriptions are imaginary. Perhaps that part of the Ohio River Valley was really never like that. Perhaps this was all part of a plot to encourage the unsuspecting to immigrate from the eastern seaboard into the Ohio Country. I do not know, but both of my father's parents families believe these words and moved into the Ohio Country about this time and no doubt added to the gradual alteration of the land from what it was then to what it is today. It may seem that I am picking on an easy victim. The eastern half of the United States is an easy mark, but the Far West has too received its share of exploitation and human enforced destruction. It is an historical fact that when the railroad surveys were made in the early 1850s, grave concern was expressed even then about the rapid loss of undisturbed areas, vanishing species of large manmals and birds, and the introduction of exotic species which were rapid- ly replacing native plants and animals. In the Intermountain Region, for example, we look out over the broad valley bottams along the Wasatch Range and see great fields of sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) and scattered woodlands of jun- iper (Juniperus odteosperma) and think that the area is well cared for. Little do we realize that in 1844 John C. Frémont found these same valley bottoms covered with perennial grasses, and the trees were restricted to the foothills. According to Christensen and Johnson, writing in Brigham Young University Science Bulletin in 1964, the early pioneers of Utah so totally overgrazed and abused the native vegetation and the land that by 1900 the perennial grass- es had been replaced by sagebrush and juniper, with several exotic species dominating the annual vegetation. I have talked with my mother's father who worked on cattle ranches as a youth before 1900 in parts of Utah, and heard him tell stories he had heard about what the country was like when the early Mormon pioneers came to Utah in the 1850s. As a rancher and farmer he could not understand why the vegetation had changed, after all the buffalo had been re- placed by cattle, and there was plenty of grass for the buffalo. It was always difficult for me to explain the difference between a buffalo herd of five hundred head versus cattle herds which number in the thousands, and sheep herds in the hundreds of thousands when it came to the long-term survival of rangelands in the arid West. I once ran into a cowboy of sorts in southeastern Oregon who claimed the reason the range was so bad in Oregon was because the government had removed the wild horses. Horses, and to some extent cattle, when feeding in the winter, will kick the plants loose fram the ground to get the snow off of them in order to eat the dried remains. The wild horses pawed the ground enough to 1) make a new seed bed for the grasses, 2) allowed the antelope to find enough grass to survive, and 3) carried off enough grass in their mouths to transport seeds to new areas. If you are ever out in southeast- ern Oregon in the winter, be sure to dig up a grass amd see just 378 P HY O L0G Lk Vol. 35, no. 5 how many seeds remain on the spikelet, and just for kicks, dig up a few plants and come back in the summer and see how many of them are still alive! Such logic is telling of a mentality that still all too often effects the minds of some. Any well-read student of Western American history knows that the vegetation has drastically changed since the early Spaniards came into New Mexico, California, and Arizona. Even when one reads the accounts of Jedediah Smith as told by Dale L. Morgan in his 1953 book on this most famous of early trappers and explorers, one is impressed by the many changes that have taken place in Utah, Nevada, and California. He wrote of beaver in the lakes in the Central Valley of California, and great marshes filled with birds of all kinds with deer and antelope in abundance. He does give a telling, though brief, portrait of central Nevada: "It contains a few miserable Indians, and but little Game." For someone who nearly starved in crossing the Great Basin in the summer of 1827, perhaps such a description is not too unusual, but it was unjusti- fied. Frémont would later dispel many of the ideas about the Great Basin as fostered by the early fur trappers, and others would ro- maticize the area later far more than necessary for the Basin was and is a harse place. I can continue to reflect upon what this country was once upon a time, and give you what can only seem like now as fairy book tales of the tall grass, open meadows, mountain sheep, huge trout, clear rivers, and roaming herbs of buffalo which once occupied the Inter- mountain Region between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada, but it will serve us little today to do so. All of that is gone and shall never return. I can call your attention to the papers given at Harvard, in New York, and in Philadelphia before 1900 calling for the preservation of species of plants and animals in the United States, for such words have been cammon among the scien- tific circles for decades. Then a few people cared; today a far greater number actually care, and even a greater number say they do -- after all, they watch WILD KINGDOM and ANIMAL WORLD on tele- vision. Certainly isn't that so kind of commitment? If you are reading these words it is probably because you do care about the preservation of endangered and threatened species. I do not have to urge the ideas of preservation of species upon you -- you believe this should be done. Nor do I need to tell you that endangered and threatened species exist —- you have read reports, seen articles in NEWSWEEK, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, and a host of conservation magazines, and you have seen programs on television all showing the spectacular decline of species in the last two hundred years. But what I want to do is grab you and shake you hard and ask "well, if you really do care, then get with it for you are the major source of information, and you have tre- mendous political pressure which can be used to alter the events we see around us which continue to threaten our fellow living 1977 Reveal, Who gives a damn? 379 organisms." But even if you are willing to help your local, state, and federal governmental agencies deal with endangered and threaten- ed species, there is one more step that is now necessary. Your efforts are needed now to alter the minds of the few — a mere hand- ful really -- of those who control the fate of our lives so that we can survive in the world. In the minds of many, government is a nasty word. People say and seem to be disillusioned with all forms of government, from the lowest to the highest. In part this is an after effect of the Watergate episode, but I can assure you that this feeling is not unique even within the history of the United States. The effects of Watergate will and have quickly mended, and politics -- perhaps slightly altered now -- will remain much as we have known it for centuries. It is still true that the only way to inform the govern- ment is to tell it. As a citizen you can, of course, but asa scientist, let's face it, you will garner more immediate attention. And that is now the question you must answer. Do you really care enough to participate with your fellow biologists, with your govern- ments, and with the people of the world in dealing with the efforts and the laws associated with endangered species? Are you willing to change the public's view of what is an endangered species and why they are important? For zoologists this is not too difficult as can be attested by the fact that whole organizations have been formed to save the wolf, the grizzly bear, African wildlife, and so forth. How many groups can you name which have the sole purpose of saving a particular species of endangered or threatened plants? We in botany have a most difficult challenge before us. There are two considerations I would like to present to you. One deals specifically with the biologists of the world, while the second in a proposal for consideration by the new federal adminis- tration of Jimmy Carter. First we must call upon the animal lovers of the world to take note that there is another group of organisms out there in the world -—- PLANTS! Plants do not fly, run through the woods, have pectoral fins, or soft brown eyes. They cannot run or fly or swim to avoid danger, and the lack of these nice adaptations ac- counts for many of their problems in trying to survive. Few plants now compete in the public's attention, or pocketbook, with the spotted coat of a new-born fawn or the grace of a swan in flight. It should came as no surprise to you that this is so. We grew up with the concept that animals are neat things, and force the same patterns onto our own children as we are all intrigued by things that move. I can be certain that you have been in a grassy meadow at some time in your life, and that meadow is filled with all kinds of grasses and wild flowers, amd you are pointing out the single deer far off in the distance! Little should we wonder 380 PHYTOL Oc & Vol. 35, no. 5 then why someone doesn't get too excited about a lowly Extogonum or even a Pedicularis. It is this concept of public indifference to the plant king- dom that must be changed. How? It is really not too difficult for it requires only a little education of certain people in limited areas to get our message about plants across to the general public. The vehicles already exist, and all we have to do is be willing -- "care" if you will -—- to provide the information. There are numerous excellent, general public magazines and periodicals which now discuss the endangered species problem. True they are almost totally devoted to animals, and I am not saying that this should not continue to be the case, but what I am saying is that such publications should be made aware that plants are in trouble too, and that you, the botanists, are the only ones who can provide articles of interest to the general public. Likewise, television programs should be encouraged to include within their current programing portions about plants; it should not be too dif- ficult to discuss endangered tropical plants when talking about en- dangered tropical animals. I feel certain that producers of such animal-orientated programs would include segments on plants if they only had the information. I say, if you care, really care, you can write about endanger- ed species in your part of the world for a state-wide magazine, the local newspaper, or even a national magazine. Being closely associated with the Washington, D.C. area, and having worked with certain members of the legislative arm of our national government, newspeople, and a small number of students, I can safely say that there is a problem of educating the general public about plants. However, there is a knowledge gap of pheno- menonal proportions when it comes to Congressmen. In 1966, Congress passed an Endangered Species Act which did not even mention the word "plant." That -—- thanks to the efforts of a few people in Washington -- is no longer the case in the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Plants are now recognized as existing out in the world, but onlynow, nearly three years after the Act was signed into law, is the law being amended to include a few operative sections for the members of the plant kingdom, and hopefully the Secretary of the Interior will propose a few species as "official" endangered in the near future. To make it into the halls of Congress with the word "plant" was a major hurdle in 1972 and 1973, but even so the battle has just begun. Now we must aid in the formulation of policy regard- ing how the recognized endangered species of plants will be pro- tected, and what I am proposing to you now if a concept which I 1977 Reveal, Who gives a damn? 381 feel is about the only reasonable means that we can use whereby the plants themselves can be saved, and still take into account the total social needs of the people of the United States. To most people -- and in particular a Congressman -- an en- dangered species is a goose that is finding it hard to reproduce and find a spot to spend the summer. So, the government believes, protect the goose wherever it goes; a point that the world govern- mental bodies concur with, and which is perfectly logical when it comes to a highly mobile organism. Only recently has it occurred to the government that it is necessary to protect the place where endangered organisms occur in a part (for most animals) or all of their range (for most plants). For animals, which conveniently move around, people can say where the animals should go and wander around and reproduce. For plants the problem is a bit more complicated. Ome cannot make a nice seedbed and tell the plant to "grow" and expect it to do well where we want it to. Plants simply are not like that, especially those considered threatened or endangered. Plants, through eons of time and evolution, have selected those unique places where they can survive. Granted, many plants will do well almost anywhere, but these species are of no concern to us here; we are interested only in those few species that can grow in a single place because events of time and evolution have made that the case. Congress will have to be aware that for full protection of many plants it is necessary to consider the plant in terms of its habitat, that is, that piece of land and its associated buffer zone where an endangered or threatened species occurs. As I see it, our major goal now is to introduce into the minds of our Con- gressmen that plants are directly concerned with their unique habitat, and it is the species total habitat that must be preser- ved if the plant is going to survive. Unlike the higher mammals, most birds, and same fishes which can successfully move out of the way Of expanding cities, polluted air and water, and the friendly bulldozer, plants and many animals cannot move out of the way of such progress, nor can they find another place to make a hare. If we are going to save our endangered plant (and many animal) spec- ies, we must protect the habitat where they occur as much as poss- ible if, and note I said if, that is the only way the plant (or animal) can be saved from certain extinction. To accomplish this policy of habitat protection, I propose that the new administration consider the establishment of a series of National Environmental Sites on federal lands and a National Register of Biological Places on private lands, which will be governed by an Advisory Council associated with the Department of the Interior. Such a bureaucracy should be patterned after the successful program established by the National Historic Preserv- ation Act of 1966 which is responsible for the identification, 382 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 5 registration, and -- in same cases -- the actual preservation of historical buildings or sites of national significance in Ameri- can history, architecture, archeology, and culture. A National Environmental Site would be an area of unique bio- logical makeup, either in terms of an unusual combination of flora and/or fauna, or in terms of unique species. Such an area could be small or large in terms of physical size, but such areas should be established so as to protect the entire site and provide a buf- fer zone around it as well. These sites would be particularly use- ful in preserving the habitats of endangered plant species. I would suggest that such sites be established only in areas where a plant is directly threatened with extinction by man-caused forces or where there is a number of endangered plants and/or animals in a particular area. Such sites should not be established around each endangered plant or animal for the vast majority of such or- ganisms will require little or no direct protective management action to maintain them; as long as land managing officers keep the bulldozers out of an area, most plants will do just fine. The National Environmental Sites would be restricted to fed- erally owned lands. Such areas, whether they occur on land now managed by the military, the Forest Service, the Park Service, or the Bureau of Land Management, would remain in the management con- trol of that agency. However, the use of the land for activities that could be detrimental of the survival of the flora and fauna would be prohibited. Similary, such sites would be either selected by the agency responsible for the land, or nominated by groups and organizations interested in protecting endangered plants and ani- mals. The suitability of the site would be reviewed by a group of scientists, lay persons, and representatives of the agency, plus a representative of the Advisory Board, to determine the need for establishing a National Environmental Site at a particular locale. Once a National Environmental Site was established, the land management agency -- which would retain control of the land -- would be required to review the land-use policies of the area and take the appropriate actions so as to prevent the loss or destruction of the area and its unique flora and/or fauna via man-caused actions. The biology of the species would need careful review for same species can only be maintained by fire or similar natural activities, and such knowledge will be needed for the long-term survival of the or- ganisms. The principle purpose of the National Environmental Site will be to preserve and protect the integrity of the area where unique plants and animals occur. Such sites can be looked upon as miniture national parks where even people are largely excluded. A National Register of Biological Places would be a listing of areas where narrowly endemic species occur, or where small but 1977 Reveal, Who gives a damn? 383 unique habitats of biological significance can be found, such as marshes, desert springs, hanging gardens, and such. While Nation- al Environmental Sites would be large and more or less discrete units, those places listed in the registery would not. As such, the land may be federally or privately owned, and while the fed- eral land owner would continue to regulate the land so as to pro- tect the habitat, the private land owner may, if so wished, donate the land to the federal government for management and protection. Some land owners may wish to retain control of the land and not transfer it to federal ownership. In such cases, the land owner would agree to enter into an agreement with the Secretary of the Interior to hold the land in perpetuity and in a natural state before a site could be entered onto the Registery. It is unreasonable to expect any land owner or manager to keep a hungry cow from grazing a species of plant known to exist only on a single hillside, or a fish from eating a smaller endangered spec- ies. However, it is reasonable that if man-controlled management decision about the land can be made that such decision should be made with the best interest of the unique species in mind. In my Opinion, a national register of such unique places would be a pub- lic notice that endangered and unique plants and animals exist in one particular place, and that area must be respected insofar as reasonably possible. The major impact of such a program will be in the recognition that alternatives exist in land management programs at all levels of government and land ownership. We must now start to look to the land and those organisms associated with it and come to some under- standing of how such lands and organisms should be managed and pro- tected from extinction. For the most part reasonable alternatives exist which can be taken. The nature of those alternatives and a decision upon those alternatives would be a major role that the Advisory Council could play. Not only would the Council advise the Secretary of the Interior as to whether a particular site should be selected or not, the Council would aid the land owner in detemnin- ing the alternatives available to him and in making suitable recom mendations as to the type of action that should be taken. In this fashion, the Council would act -—- admittedly in a bias manner per- haps toward the protection of the species or habitat -- in estab- lishing reasonable alternative to the loss of the rich biological diversity we have in the United States. What I am proposing in not ideal perhaps to extremists in either camp. In this proposal I am suggesting that it is possible to identify, describe, and advertise the existence of unique places in the United States which should not be causally destroyed out of ignorance. This will not stop the plant robber from digging up the last remaining individuals of same endangered species of cactus, but it should stop the unknowing destruction of this very same spec- ies by agencies or individuals who —- simply because they do not 38h, P BSEeT OaLeOvGs Tvs Vol. 35, no. 5 know such a species exists, digs up the area for a garbage dump, or some other type of facility which could conceivably be located elsewhere. Biologists are now in a period when we are going to be forced to play an expanding role in governmental decisions and policy mak- ing regarding biological organisms if we want to save those very organisms we wish to study and understand. I for one hope to aid in this role by educating students, my colleagues, the general pub- lic, and governmental officals, and by taking part in providing in- formation to those in government who need data in order to make reasonable decisions. As I see it, we do have a ways to go in bring upward into the conscience of the general public the idea that plants really do exist, and that plants really are important. We can do it if we will only make the effort to cooperate and aid such federal agencies as the Office of Endangered Species of the Department of the Interior. If you are interested in receiving information about endangered species, you should write the Endanger- ed Species Program, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Depart- ment of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 and request that you be put on their mailing list so that you can receive the ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN, the office's monthly publication. The Forest Service, the National Park Service, and the Bureau of Land Management are all making efforts now to survey their land holdings for endangered and sensitive plants, and contracts are available for this work, especially for plant taxonamists associated with university herbaria. Numerous articles are being published in conservation magazines, and more are needed if you will only write them. What is needed most of all is your help and understanding of the problems of protecting and preserving endangered plants, and the communication of these problems to the general public and local gov- ernments. Biologists, and in particular the botanist, must take a more active role if plants are to be given a fair share of the pub- lic concern. No one but us will save a plant for it is the scientist who must provide the ground-truth data to support the placement of any species on a local, state, or federal list of endangered species. But the mere placement of a Latin name on a sheet of paper is only the start. After that is the logic and reasonableness that is so necessary to provide such an organism space and time to exist in, and that we can provide if we only will. If we can only help ourselves, our colleagues, our govenment in the problems of endangered species, then our children and their children can enjoy the great biological diversity we see about us to- day. But if we fail, if you fail to participate, then you will only confirm to me, and the world, what a Congressman asked me once: REALLY, WHO GIVES A DAMN? HIBISCADELPHUS NUMBER KK=HX=1 AN INTERNATIONAL TREASURE IN HAWAIT Otto & Isa Degener New York Botanical Garden Until higher education larned us more better, we considered mal- low flowers to be flat and open; lobelia flowers to be tubular and curved; and bird beaks, except those of hawks and owls, to be straight and peckye The genus Hibiscadelphus (Malvaceae), established by Rock in 1911, is a remarkable group of endemic species restricted to limit= ed areas of the Hawaiian Islands. How many existed in the drier forests before man's coming thousands of years ago is guesswork. The normally increasing population from the original introduction probably, like the "brother" genus Hibiscus, "walked" more or less “dryshod" through the ancient archipelago as islands repeatedly rose from the depths, melted together with lava flows andor fall- ing sea level, separated with erosion andor rising sea level, and drifted slowly westward on the Earth's crust. Today botanists re= cognize a species from Kauai, represented by about half a dozen trees in Waimea Canyon; one from East Maui, now extinct; one from northern Hawaii, now extinct; and two others from Hawaii. These last are H. hualalaiensis Rock (plate 1), now centering in greatly reduced numbers in a remnant forest about Puu Waawaa; and H. gif- fardianus Rock (plate 2), consisting so far as we know of a vener- able tree officially labeled KK-HX=-1, with its numerous semidomes= ticated offspring growing in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park in Ki-g puka Ki and Puaulu, and in a few State parks and gardens. For readers unacquainted with the Islands, we wish to explain that the vernacular word "kipuka,” certainly worth anglicising, refers to "the hole" according to the Hawaiians, formed by newer lava flows surrounding older ones. It is truly an oasis of richer terrain, such as are common on Maui and Hawaii where volcanoes are quiescent or active. These kipukas are famed for often har= boring the Islands* rarest plants and the endemic animals depend-= ing on them for food and shelter. The avian fauna of the Hawaiian Archipelago is famous for the endemic, nectar feeding "honeycreepers" IsicI, belonging to the Drepanididae (the proper orthographic ending for a Family in Zoo- logy). Amadon in 1950 recognized nine genera consisting of 22 species and 24 subspecies. The State of Hawaii is truly infamous that about 40% of these remarkable taxa have been encouraged to become extincte Modern ornithologists do not agree whether their ancient origin was Central American, Malaysian, or perhaps both disjunct regions. Being botanists and hence not prejudiced by or- nithology, our snap judgment favors Malaysia as so many of Hawai’ i's plant genera which produce indigestible seeds enclosed in fruits palatable to birds have their closest relatives there. We 385 386 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 5 eo Ye SC . — ee se : ef is eee : SS Plate 1. Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis J.F. Rock After Degener) fC .— 1977 Degener & Degener, Hibiscadelphus Plate 2. Hibiscadelphus iffardianus J.F. Rock Twig of type tree, 1929. (After Degener) 387 Vol. 35, no. 5 Poa’ 40-L.0 @ rg 388 Plate 3. Cyanea baldwinii Forbes & Munro After Degener ) 1977 Degener & Degener, Hibiscadelphus 389 believe that if frugivorous birds were able, undoubtedly aided by numerous stepping-stone islands existing between the two land masses, to settle in the Hawaiian Islands, that the ancestors of the Drepanididae did also. Their nectar based droppings left us no visible legacy as evidencee Drepanididae over millions of years intermeshed in an evolu- tionary way in development with Lobeliaceae, of which all but two small genera of the native nine, bear curved, tubular flowers. The lobelioids (the genus Lobelia is not native to the Islands), from sea level to all but the highest mountains on the Islands of Hawa- ii and Maui, in taxa and sheer numbers of individuals must have been enormous before man's unwitting extermination of the endemic biota began a few thousand years ago! Since 1778 when Captain Cook rediscovered the Islands, Gaudichaud, Hillebrand, Rock, Wimmer and a few others were able to describe about 275 surviving taxa scat- tered among Clermontia, Cyanea (plate 3), Delissea, Galeatella, Neowimmeria, Rollandia and Trematolobelia. Into this environment crowded with curved, tubular Lobeliaceae flowers which the curious, slightly rubbery beaks of the drepanids entered like a hand into a glove, some mallow with spreading, acti- nomorphic flower similar to that of the hibiscus, arrived. This im-= migration was probably by floating seed or sealed capsule driven by some unusual southwesterly gale. With a curved corolla excreting nectar and secreting minute insects, and an efficient shape for pollination by birds with a bill similarly curved (plate 4); this ancient hibiscoid finally had evolved the peculiar corolla shape for which the genus Hibiscadelphus is famous. This may very well have taken eons; perhaps while such island as Midway arose from the deep where Hawaii now exists, grew to a considerable height and, aS volcanism there died as it slowly floated westward, gradu= ally eroded away to become the "low" atoll we know today. Believ- ing in these developments in the fields of Botany, Zoology and Geology, both of us kane and wahine dreamers consider the genus a Sacred Creation of Nature, a true International Treasure. While working on his Master*s thesis about the gametophyte of Lycopodium cernuum in Kilauea's fumeroles in 1922 under the direc- tion of Dr. James Be Pollock, Exchange Professor from the Univer- sity of Michigan at the University of Hawaii, the kane writer first saw Rock's type plant of Hibiscadelphus giffardianus. It was growing beyond the boundary at 3,900 feet elevation of Hawaii National Park in Kipuka Puaulu, then considered part of Brown's Ranch. This last surviving tree was perched on the outer, south- eastern rim of a collapsed lava tube in such a position that cate tle were reluctant to risk browsing on ite Become Naturalist of the Park in 1929, the kane frequently walked, motored and rode horseback to the tree, then ailing be- cause of injury to its trunk, to gather fallen flowers and dried leaves. With a little soaking, he was able to furnish leading botanical institutions In America and elsewhere with authentic 390 PH Y:T:0'L/0 Gries Vol. 35, no. 5 Plate 4. The mamo, a nectar feeder. (After Wilson & Evans) specimens. He likewise broke off one twig so that his student art- ist, the late Hung Sun Lau, could draw it for the projected "Plants Hawaii National Park," published in 1930. There, plate 59, please note, is an illustration of part of the actual type tree. A popular description accompanies it; while a scientific one appears in Flora Hawe, 9/10/32 Though the type tree or at least its aerial part appeared to have died in 1930, the kane was delighted that two trees were grow- ing on each side of the road leading into Walter M. Giffard'’s vaca-= tion home at Kilauea and Kalanikoa Streets, Volcano. Leaving the Island of Hawaii to botanize mainly on the other islands, thoughts of Hibiscadelphus waned until the Degeners purchased a home in 1966 catercornered from the one formerly owned by Giffard. Inspection of the premises showed the trees gone. Their sadness concerning the apparent extinction of this rare species turned to joy when Ge= ologist Howard Powers, who had been employed at the Park at the same time as the kane in 1929, not only led them to a magnificent tree of the species forty feet tall and with a six and a half inch trunk along the Mauna Loa Strip Road in Kipuka Ki of the renamed A wg Degener & Degener, Hibiscadelphus 391 Hawaii Volcanoes National Park; but gave them a potted plant he had raised from a seedling to set out in their new garden. With this gift, in addition to gifts through Ranger Donald Reeser, and road- side seedlings growing near the tree as well as plants raised by them from seed, their garden may become a refuge for about a score of plants should a lava flow from Mauna Loa ever destroy the kipu- kae Complicating matters, specimens of H. hualalaiensis Rock, known from the Puu Waawaa area of the mountain Hualalai and not from the Nationel Park, had been planted near Kipuka Ki in the 1950s or early '60s and at length began to flower. Furists, perhaps rightly g0 were the species common, maintain such trees should be destroy- ed as alien to the Park. We Degeners reason that so long as *exot- *¥Gold and silver Pityrogramma ferns among dry lava and cinders par- ticularly about the summit area of Kilauea; grasses, presumably in- troduced during World War II as grain in straw for Army mules and nov posing a fire hazard in all but wet jungles - difficult to control biologically because of the potential danger of the parasite trans- ferring to sugarcane; Bulbostylis capillaris in stramineous tufts in cinders about the Kau Desert; Hedychium coronarium, H. flavescens and H. gardnerianum spreading rapidly from Park and concessioner buildings to smother endemic herbs; Arundo bambusifolia in grassy and dry areas; Myrica faya, purposely introduced by foresters, re=- maining in small numbers in 1977 after heroic eradication work in forests and burned areas; Polygonum chinense along roadsides a distinct danger with its red leaves and pink flowers when it spreads into the Kau Desert to brighten the black lava unnaturally; Anemone hupehensis replacing silvery Astelia colonies as soon as these are destroyed by feral pigs; the white-fruited strawberry Fragaria chiloensis var. ananassa, abundant about Kipuka Puaulu and Kipuka Ki, usually misidentified for the endemic red-fruited F. cc. var. sandwicensis; Rubus penetrans, R. rosifolius and the truly vicious R. ellipticus, being partially controlled biologic- ally with some resulting injury to the endemic species; Abrus pre- catorius with its deadly bean about Wahaula; Fuchsia magellanica, beautifully festooning trees where the endemic Stenogyne calaminth- oides used to thrive, about Thurston Lava Tube, and creating thickets strangling endemics; Nasturtium majus s. 1., in Kipuka Puaulu; Rai- mannia along roads especially about Kilauea Crater and the Mauna Loa Strip; Eucalyptus where the endemic koa should tower; Heterocentron subtriplinervium near Kilauea-Iki; Linociera introduced into the old Ainahou Ranch area by the late Herbert Shipman who saved the endemic goose from extinction; Buddleja asiatica s. l1., a pioneer on lava flows and persistent elsewhere so numerous that it requires biologica control in spite of potential injury to some cultigens of the genus; Conyza along roads and drier localities requiring biological contro] as does its relative Pluchea odorata of somewhat more favorable are= as; as well as others. Such weeds need eradication before time, efforx and funds are expended in trying to justify the eradication of ques-= ae i ae endemic genus Hibiscadelphus. The present admin- ’ ware of priorities, is engaging the services begin- ning March 1977 of the Plant Ecologist and Pathologist Dr. Donald Gardner. Ha ae Aa eh ad plants developed a nervous System, these noxious weeds 392 Pun 370 1-0 Gre Vol. 35, no. 5 ics are overrunning the National Park and f. havoc because of insufficient personnel, be the lowest taxon on the totem pole to Park lands. The gene pool should be prese ably wiser generations. knows. The stately H. giffardianus in kipuka Ki flowers and fruits pro- fusely, the abundant seed, we noted one early morning being avidly gathered by a feral pheasant. The seeds germinate readily under the tree in the leaf mold along and actually on the road. This one plant from which the Degener trees and the nursery stock grown at the Park originated, bears the metal tag No. KK=HX-1. In spite of our widely expressed conviction to colleagues and others regarding the tree in question being H. giffardianus, some individuals consider it a hybri between this species and H. hualalaiensis. Believing it a hybrid, they proposed it be felled as not worthy of existence in the Park. A lecture about the problem presented at the Hawaii Field Research Cen ter at the Park in August 1976 did not change our views. Not only that; but letters, we have learned, have been sent to World Arboreta and Herbaria stating that the Degener identifications are faulty and their distributed specimens, being hybrids, should be destroyed. ; eral pigs are causing H. hualalaiensis should be removed from National rved for later and probe What the decision will be, no one now Worried about the future of this remarkable genus, we casually wrote Dr. Powers, now retired and residing on Oahu, about the pos- sible fate of the tree we so admired. Not realizing that he had re- mained at the National Park long after the kane's departure, we were dumbfounded by his answering letter postmarked December 6, 1976. It reads, in part: "The seedling I gave you of the Hibiscadelphus Giffardianus was dug up from under the tree that Don Reeser is talking about. = - = I recently heard first hand from Jim Tobin, retired Park Service, that he had been a buck ranger assigned to Hawaii National Park in his early days 11942 onwardI. The tree that you describe on page 211 - - - was still alive in Herbert Shipman's pasture just over the fence from the Park land. Young Jim had apparently learned a- bout the fact that the tree was the only representative in the world, so he and a sympathetic companion would make forays across the fence to collect seeds (and I think he said take cuttings al- so) and propagated the Giffardianus. The two trees in Kipuka Ki are from Tobin's activities. They must be pure. There is also a planting of two or three H. Hualalaiensis in Kipuka Ki, below the road makai I oceanward Jof the two H. Giffardianus - more than a hundred meters down slope as I remember - - -. They certainly weren't there when the pedigree of the H. Giffardianus specimens in Ki was determined." Dr. Powers then questions how fertilization in the genus takes place; "- - - what kind of bird or insect or wind power would move pollen from the H. Hualalai up to the H. Gif- fardianus? I don't know, so I can't say whether your H. Giffardi- anus is a hybrid or a 'pure' specimen." We Degeners likewise do not know if this maturing seedling is pure until it flowers, as we do not know the parentage of the pollen. According to retired Forester Lester W. Bryan's records of April 1977 Degener & Degener, Hibiscadelphms 393 > ; : 7 Te Bae: y ] Plate 5. JF. Rock planting H. giffardianus. (L.W. Bryan photo Sept. 1, 1940.) 394 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 5 1946 "The tree found by Rock in 1911 was then in poor condition, and within a few years, it finally succumbed. - - = Sometime after the discovery of the original tree, Mr. Giffard collected seeds and grew them at his mountain home near the Volcano Road at 29 Miles - = -~. From this tree, cuttings were taken; one of which rooted and grew. After it became well established, it was taken up and in September 1940, transplanted inside a fenced area in the Shipman "Keauhou Ranche® where it is still growing todaye "OF interest is the fact that in September of 1940 when this tree was ready for transplanting, Prof. Joseph F. Rock, who orig= {nally discovered and named this tree was visiting here in Hawaii and had the pleasure of preparing the hole and transplanting the descendant of the parent tree which he had discovered nearly 30 tears beforee" (Plate 5.) Retired Entomologist Cliften J. Davis, a Park Ranger in his youth, independently gave us essentially the same zeneral informa- tion as did Powers and Bryan; in aadition to explaining how he and others about 1940 propagated the species by seed and cuttingse These were planted out in various places in the Islands and on the Mainland.e How many of these trees or their offspring survive today, we do not knoWe Because of the statute of limitations regarding the fortunate act by two "buck rangers" of trespassing about twenty five years ago to air layer a remarkable species on the verge of extinction, we here add a few paragraphs from a letter dated February 11, 1977: "Dear Dr. Degener: Your letter of February 2 is most welcome. - = = As to my recollections of the Hibiscadelphus giffardianus, they are very clear as to how but not as to when we made the air lay- erings. The operation was carried out by Vernon Re. *Ross' Bender and myself sometime during the 1951-52 era. We slipped over to Kea-= uhu Ranch under cover of darkness, made slanted cuts about two= thirds through a stem, inserted a toothpick or similarly sized sliver of wood in the cut and then wrapped the whole thing ina plastic bandage that contained wetted sphagnum moss. Ever so often thereafter we would return, check the "bandage' for moisture, wet it a little if needed, and check for roots. When the layering showed roots of an inch or so we cut the rooted stem free, took it to the National Park Service greenhouse, potted it, and gave it regular caree There were several such cuttings (2 to 3 to perhaps 6) taken in a span of about one year. I am not certain they all livede “Ross Bender is now retired and lives at 43390 Alta Acres Drive, Three Rivers, California 93271. He may have notes from that time as he supervised the nursery and kept some records on the various plants we were trying to propagate. "later, perhaps during 1952-53, Elroy Bohlin took over the nurs= ery project and I think he too worked with Hibiscadelphus giffard- janus. By then relations between the NPS and ranch management had improved and surreptitious snitching of cuttings became unneces= 1977 Degener & Degener, Hibiscadelpims 395 Hibiscadelphus giffardianus, Shipman Keauhou Ranch, June 1960, L.W. Bryan photo) sary. Bohlin lives at 7822 N.E. Point No Point Road, Hansville, Washington 98340. "I certainly hope these clues are helpful. At the time Ross and I made the cuttings I understood the Keahou specimen was the last known. Incidentally I remember setting out rooted cuttings in Kipu- ka Puaulu and on the Mauna Loa Strip road. These were enclosed with hog wire and I regularly carried water to them in 5 gallon back pump tanks during dry spells. [Signed] Daniel J. Tobin, Jr. Superintendent [Mount Rainier National Park] * We are convinced tree No. KK=-HX=-1 originated from a self-fertil- ized seed of the type tree. The tree certainly resembles the type plant as the kane remembers it in Kipuka Puaulu; its flowering twigs resen- ble it in Kipuka Puaulus its flowering twigs match Plate 58; and all seedlings, none of which have yet flowered takes the tree years to mature, are uniform in the vegetative state and resemble the spe- cies. None, as expected in a hybrid, show a dual ancestry. Further- more, this venerable tree was growing in Kipuka Ki over a decade before the introduction of H. hualalaiensis to the Park from the latter's home at Puu Waawaa about fifty miles distant as the crow flies. It would be fantastic had it arisen by cross-fertilization from pollen coming from such a distance. In summary, whether hybrids exist in the Park, whether some will be developed by artificial pollination or whether the two species of Hibiscadelphus are a bit confusing because of the occurrence of annec= tent forms te in Santalum paniculatum H. & Ae, and S. pilgeri Rock 396 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 5 likewise growing about Kipuka Puaulu and Puu Waawaa respectively), we consider this old tree to be pure H. giffardianus. The chronology of events begins with Rock's discovery of the type tree of Hibiscadelphus siffardianus in 1911 in Kipuka Puaulu. As no other tree of the species existed in the World nor even a plant of H. hualalaiensis Rock grew nearer than about fifty miles, seeds produced must have been the result of self-pollination and hence self-fertili- zation. A tree grown from such seed, and hence Fy generation, was planted in Giffard*s garden. A cuttin; from the resulting tree, and thus still F,, was planted by Rock at Keauhou Ranch. Two rangers, mak= ing air layers of it, planted one of these along the Mauna Loa Strip Road in Kipuka Ki. This resulting tree, now forty feet tall, is Fj or, more simply stated, a seedling and direct descendant of the type tree, The binomial "HIBISCADELPHUS X PUAKUAHIWI K. Baker and S. Allen, Hybrid novum,"” in Phytologia 33(4):276. 1976 and represented by tree No. KK-HX=-1 must be rejected. [he name is a synonym of Hibiscadel- phus giffardianus Rock in Haw. Bd. Agric. & Forestry Bull. 1:10, pl. 4, 1911. We are convinced the forty foot tree marked Number KK-HX-1 must not be felled. Arn't you? BOOK REVIEWS Alma L. Moldenke "BOTANY OF THE BLACK AMERICANS" by William Ed Grimé, xii & 230 pp., illus., Scholarly Press, Inc., St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48080. 1976. $15.00. The television serialization of Haley's book "Roots", especial- ly in the United States, provides an opportune increased awareness of slaves and slavery in the Americas from their inception in 1502 through the abolition of slavery in 1865. Such recent publicity should fortunately enlarge the readers' market for Grimé's book. For many years this author has been collecting data concerning plants which were employed by the Negro slaves either as a source of sustenance or for clothing, medicine, and pleasure, including 15 introduced by the slaves from Africa and about 230 already ad- ventive or indigenous here. For each are given the scientific name, important scientific synonymy, common names, quotations from sources or translations of those not originally in English indicating uses, thus producing this highly valuable compendium of botanical and cultural information. From Quassia amara L. a Negro Servant in Surinam developed a successful antipyretic against the bad fevers of his fellow sleves and/or servants. His name was Quassi. Dr. Ed S. Ayensu, in the preface, mentions that Quassi probably came from his native land of Ghana where every male born on a Sunday is assigned the name Kwesi, an obvious variant of the same name. This book is dedicated to this man's memory in recognition of his therapeutic skills. It is a pity that spelling "variations" for the same word appear in this book, exclusive of use in direct quotations: Scholarly Press loses an "1" in turning from the front to the back of the title page. Linnaeus loses the "a" that appears in the dedication in the bibliography and on p. 20, the persimmon species acquires an ungainly extra "i", Catesby loses its "e" in a few places, Clusia appears with "e" substituted for the "i" intentionally or accidentally. The species name for the yellow yam is misspelled. The attractive and informative advertising flier for the book uses the binomial Sorghum saccharatum, but the text reduces it into synonymy under the trinomial Sorghum vulgare var. saccharatum (L.) Boerl. Assuredly this book will have many readers other than those acquainted with taxonomic botany especially in the field of black studies in many schools at many levels. It is the first to appear in the Library of the Black Americans series, to be follow- ed by others on medicine, legends, clothing and music. 397 398 Poy TyO Li Opes L A Vol. 35, no. 5 "SEEDS AND FRUITS OF PLANTS OF EASTERN CANADA AND NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES" by Frederick Howard Montgomery, xi & 232 pp., illus., University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Ontario, Cana- da MS5S1A6 & Buffalo, N. Y. 14203. 1977. $25.00. For "about 1100 species of native wild and introduced weedy plants from some 118 families" the seeds and seed—like structures are illustrated in clear black/white photographs often magnified up to 30x, described according to set criteria for shape, size, surface, etc. along with their scientific and common names. The Systematics Association Committee of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy developed the chart of symmetric plane figures to describe, measure and express mathematically and as uniformly as possible features by which unidentified seeds may be keyed out. This is an excellent innovative work, very carefully prepared and presented. It will prove helpful to taxonomists, ecologists studying bog formations, seed analysts, archeologists analysing ancient remains, and others. "SACRED NARCOTIC PLANTS OF THE NEW WORLD INDIANS - An Anthology of Texts from the Sixteenth Century to Date" compiled by Hedwig Schlieffer, 156 pp., illus., Hafner Press A Divis- ion of Macmillan Publishing Co., London, New York, N. Y. 10022. 1973. $5.95 paperbound. This book reads almost like a very interesting text but it is composed only of a series of quotations from reliable sources. Richard Evans Schultes mentions that the use of narcotics is al= ways somehow connected with escape from reality, that all narcotic plants have sometime been linked to religion and/or magic, and that when serious physical and/or psychological problems arise they develop only after the narcotics have passed from ceremonial to purely hedonic or recreational use as plagues many of today's young people. Ingenious ways of administration of these plant narcotics vary from chewing, decoctions, infusions, licked or smeared thick syrups on tongue or gums, all forms of smoking and fume inhala- tion, smuffing, ointments on skin or membranes, and even as an enema. The New World plants producing narcotics include Wasson's divine mushroom in the Agaricaceae, peyote, achuma, and San Pedro in the Cactaceae, ololiuhqui and tlitlitlzen in the Convolwlace- ae, coca in the Erythroxylaceae, cohoba, yupa, paric4, yurema, ete. in the Leguminosae (s.l.), caapi, yajé and natéma in the Malpighiaceae, hakudufha, epéna, and nyakwana in the Myristicace- ae, tl4patl, chamico, borrachero, tabaco, maikoa, latua, etc., in the Solanaceae. There are valuable descriptions and detailed sources of refer—- 1977 Moldenke, Book reviews 399 ence for botanists of many persuasions, pharmacologists, ethnolo- gists, psychologists, etc. NGEOGRAPHIE FLORISTIQUE DU QU“BEC-LABRADOR, Distribution des Principales Espéces Vasculaires" by Camille Rousseau, xiii & 799 pp., illus., Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Cité Universitaire, Québec GIK 7R & International Scholarly Book Services, Inc., Portland, Oregon 97208. 197. $30.00. This wonderfully rich storehouse of effectively arranged in formation is published as Volume 7 of the "Travaux et Documents du Centre d'Etude Nordiques". The Foreword is presented by the well-known Dr. Bernard Boivin under whose aegis Dr. C. Rousseau trained. Collating and verifying material in local floras, in local and major herbaria, and in the phytogeographic literature, preparing a very neat precise text with full references, indexing, and 1016 distribution maps for the plants treated in the text re- sults in this excellent study which will be of great value to so many different advanced students, scientists and technicians in such fields as phytogeography, ecology, taxonomic and systematic botany, distributional map making, etc. The Québec-Labrador area encompasses nine bioclimatic zones equivalent to (1) arctic tundra, (2) hemiarctic boreal sparsely forested tundra, (3) subarctic taiga, () and (5) colder temper- ate coniferous (spruce) forests, and (6), (7), (8), & (9) warmer temperate broadleaved deciduous forests. Emphasis is given to which of the plants are circumboreal, very limited locally, spread either northerly or southerly along Laurentian and Appa- lachian high ridges, or have followed early Amerinds or modern man in their respective explorations and/or expansions. "UMBELLIFERAE" by Mildred E. Mathias and Lincoln Constance, Volume 5 of "FLORA OF ECUADOR" edited by Gunnar Harling & Bengt Sparre, 72 pp., illus., Swedish Natural Science Research Council, Stockholm S-10)35. 1976. 50 Skr. [=ca. $12.00] paperbound. This volume of the "Flora of Ecuador" is most carefully pre- pared by American authors both well known for their full profes- sional botanical careers. This botanical family in Ecuador is represented by 23 genera, 61 species and varieties, some of which are shown on 5 plates with detailed drawings. The circum-australly distributed Hydro— cotyle, with 16 of its ca. 75 species indigenous to or natural- ized in Ecuador, is the largest germs of this family there. The printing is immaculate — a good omen for this series which projects covering the 250 Ecuadorian vascular plant families. 00 PIN T:O.L0'GT & Vol. 35, no. 5 "EARTH WATCH = Notes on a Restless Planst" by Jean & Daniel Shepard, 238 pp., illus., Doubleday & Co., Garden City, New York 11530. 1973. $8.95. "The world is still undergoing change under the influence of natural forces as old as time, and of man-made forces in compe- tition with them.....[generating sudden, significant occurrences that] are short-lived and highly valuable as objects of scientific study before they have subsided". The Smithsonian Institution's Center for Short-Lived Phenomena in Cambridge, Mass., has served since 1968 as "an early alert system and clearing house for the reception and dissemination of information on short—lived natural events." The unpredictable phenomena are divided into four categories: earth science, biological science, astrophysical and urgent anthropological events. With the cooperation of the director and staff of this Smith- sonian Center the authors have presented ); accounts under these topics, written in really interesting accurate journalistic style, which is indeed a fortunate coincidence. There is a 17=page tabu- lation of the events occurring between 1968 and 1973, a biblio- graphy and 26 color and black/white photographs. How succinctly the introduction states the survival problem: "To the argument that man is a part of nature mst be added the undeniable fact that he is the reasoning part, and therefore ac- countable. If his demands on earth's resources are so great and his contribution to their replenishment so negligible that he is a liability to both himself and his habitat, there is a remedy. It is the same one which his planet administered in ages past to the great reptiles and other life forms that lacked the ability to sustain themselves in the environment into which they had been born." "THE CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF COOLING WATER" by James W. McCoy, iv & 237 pp., illus., Chemical Publishing Co. Inc., New York, N.Y. 10003. 197. $18.50. "This book has been [well] prepared for the benefit of chem- ists and engineers charged with the responsibility for selecting and administering water treatment programs, who would [and should] like to improve their understanding of the principles upon which the treatment of cooling water is based." For open recirculating cooling water systems, the principles are reasonably explained, also corrosion, scaling, fouling, microbiological infestations and controls, chemical treatments and analytical methods. 'Tis true that PHYTOLOGIA readers are not engineers ordinarily, but this topic deals with use and abuse of "their" and "our" water supply, the home of organisms of much living and study in- terest to us. < PHYTOLOGIA Designed to expedite botanical publication Vol. 35 | May 1977 No. 6 CONTENTS STEYERMARK, J. A., A new member of the Rubiaceae from Panama: Le AA CT OIDEN Fs tin nh hoot ON a Sele hes Nn Poca od. Pha ie are 401 PROCTOR, G. R., A new mistletoe from the Cayman Islands......... 403 WARD, D. B., Keys to the flora of Florida — 1, Introduction......... 404 WARD, D. B., Keys to the flora of Florida — 2, Paronychia PLM OD RPUACHIE), Si scot Wide 3 DASST si, a tee one a eee 414 MOLDENKE, H. N., Notes on new and noteworthy plants. XCVII..... 419 MOLDENKE, H. N., Additional notes on the Eriocaulaceae. LXX ..... 420 DEGENER, O. & I., Some taxa of red-flowered Hibiscus endemic to the TNT RUNIES 0k Sc ots 3S is fos 4 vd oe aha eee Sok eee 459 CUATRECASAS, J., Westoniella, a new genus of the Astereae from the CORE MICA, PRIMINOS ob eon cw bk hak ue ace Wa a ee ee 471 ROBINSON, H., Studies in the Liabeae (Asteraceae). XI. New species MERE BOW VCC DAF. 5 hk. acakesa 5e wd Pe a ee 488 KING, R. M., & ROBINSON, H., Studies in the Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). CLXII. New species and combinations from Venezuela ..... 497 Sek A. BOOK TEVIEWS Fo oo ed as bac Oke ee Oe 505 mae to auinors in Volume Thirty-five . 2 206 Jie tc 48s Su a ete 506 Index to supraspecific scientific names in Volume Thirty-five......... 506 MI MELENEL TUMLES bao ok ar aan Sie OF Tek 'e hd BNA KES vet Rew Will Great ae ee oa 52 Published by Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L. Moldenke 303 Parkside Road Plainfield, New Jersey 07060 US.A. Price of this number, $3; per volume, $9.75 in advance or $10.50 after close of the volume; 75 cents extra to all foreign addresses; 512 pages constitute a volume A NEW MEMBER OF THE RUBIACEAE FROM PANAMA: GEOPHILA CROATIT Julian A, Steyermark Instituto Botanico Apartado 2156 Caracas, Venezuela GEOPHILA CROATIT Steyermark, Sp. nov, Herbacea Serpens, caulibus glabris; stipulis lanceolatis vel late triangularibus Subacutis ve] acuminatis 3-4 mm. longis 1,5-3 mm. latis Slabris; foliis petiolatis, petiolis glabris, eis Surculorum Sterilium elongatis 4-9 cm. longis uno latere Pilosulo excepto, eis Surculorum fertilium brevioribus 0.5-2.5 em. longis; laminis late Ovatis vel oblongo-lanceolatis apice acutis ve] acuminatis basi ante marginem 1-5 mn. anastomosantibus subtus paullo Prominulis; inflorescentiis (4-)7-8-floris capitato- umbellatis Pedunculatis, Pedunculo Zlabro sub anthesi 1-2 mm. longo sub fructu 7-13 mm. longo, floribus breviter Pedicellatis, pedicellis Zlabris sub anthesi 0.5-1 mm. longis sub fructu 2-3 mm. longis; bracteis duobus sub inflorescentiis oblongo-lanceolatis inaequaliter 3-lobatis 5-6 mm. longis 2-2.5 mn. latis omnino glabris; bracteis interioribus sub floribus oblongo-lanceolatis vel lanceolatis acutis vel acuminatis 3-4.5 mm. longis 1-1.5 mn. latis glabris integris; calyce hypanthioque 4.5-5.5 mm longo, hypanthio cylindrico-oblongo 2-2.5 mm. longo 1-1.1 mn. lato; calycis lobis 5 lineari-oblanceolatis vel anguste lanceolatis Subcaudatis sub anthesi 2.5-3 m. longis 0.5 mm. latis sub fructu 3.5 mn. longis 0.8-0.9 mm. latis Canal Zone, Zetek trail, 3 Oct. 1968, Thomas RB. Croat 6647 (holotype, MO); same locality, Zetek trail 2280, 22 June 1970, Croat 10989 (paratype, MO). P.) DC., with which it was recently confused by Dr. Louis O. Williams (Phytologia 26: 263. 1973). From that Species, known only from Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil, it is distin- guished by the glabrous upper leaf surface and longer calyx lobes. From G. macropoda (R. & P.) pc. it differs in 402 PHY? OLOG IA Vol. 35, no. 6 of the lower leaf surface, and the abundant cystoliths on the lower leaf surface. An English description and further discussion will be provided in the Flora of Panama (John D. Dwyer) and the Flora of Barro Colorado Island (Thomas B. Croat). Both of these publications are expected in 1977 or 1978. This publication was prepared with assistance from National Science Foundation Grant #DEB72-02441 AO5, Thomas B. Croat, Principal Investigator. A NEW MISTLETOE FROM THE CAYMAN ISLANDS George R. Proctor Institute of Jamaica Kingston, Jamaica, W.I. Recent exploration on the island of Little Cayman has re- vealed the presence of a species of Dendropemon,a genus hith- erto not known to occur in the Cayman Islands. Den caymanensis Proctor, sp. nov. Caules usque 20 cm. longi, supra basin usque 2 mm. crassi, teretes, ctnerascentes, ramosi; rami superne plus v. minus com- presst glabri laeves, internodiis 0.7 - 1.5 em. longis. Folta 1 - 1.5 mm. longe pettolata, oblonga usque oblanceolato-oblonga, inferne sensim in pettolum angustata, antice subacuta, apiculata, 0.5 - 2.5 cm. longa, 3 - 10 mm. Lata, nervo medio praesertim subtus prominente, lateralibus paucis, prominulis v. obsoletis, margine plano integra, subcoriacea. Inflorescentiae 1.5 - 4.5 mn. Longe pedunculatae, tpsae plerwnque usque 1 em. longae, rigitdulae, 4-8 florae, glabrae, laeves; rhachis plus v. minus compressa; pedicellt 0.5 - 1 mm, longi; bracteola laevia, apice ltbera breviter triangularia. Calycodiwn truncatun. Alabastra oblonga obtustuscula. Tepala ligulata c. 1.8 mm. longa, 0.5 - 0.6 mm. lata. Stamina non vidi. Stylus 0.9 - 1.1 mm. longus, stigmate subcapitato. Baccae obovoidae usque 5.5 mm. longae atropurpureae. TYPE: Little Cayman, 0.5 km. west of Sparrowhawk Hill, parasitic on Capparis cynophallophora, collected August 11, 1975, Proctor 35215. The holotype is a unicate sheet deposited at the Institute of Jamaica (IJ). This species is known so far only from the type collection. In its complete absence of indument this plant resembles D. purpureus (L.) Krug §& Urban of the Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico, the doubtful species D. brevipes Britton of the Bahamas, and also the rare and little-known D, platypus Urban of Cuba and D. rigidus Urban & Ekman of the Dominican Republic. However, it differs from all of these by the much smaller dimen- sions of all its parts. I wish to express my thanks to Dr. David Stoddart and his colleagues of the Royal Society Expedition, and to Dr. Marco Giglioli of the Cayman Islands Mosquito Research and Control Unit, for the opportunity of collecting on Little Cayman during the summer of 1975. 403 Keys to the Flora of Florida -- 1, Introduction Daniel B. Ward Department of Botany, Agricultural Experiment Station University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. Perhaps 3,500 species of vascular plant are native, adven- tive, or naturalized from cultivation in the state of Florida. This flora is not equalled in richness by that of any other area in the eastern United States and is exceeded north of Mexico only by California and Texas. It is further distinguished by the presence of many tropical species that nowhere else reach the United States, and by a large number -- about 10% of the entire flora -- of endemics, plants that are found only within the limits of the state. One long-standing objective of the Herbarium of the Univer- sity of Florida has been the preparation of a single treatment that will bring together the information that presently exists on the vascular plants of Florida. Part of this information has been published, but is scattered and often in obscure and relatively inaccessible journals. Far more information exists in the form of herbarium materials and their accompanying data, and as communications from botanical investigators with expertise in some facet of the Florida flora; these sources are even less accessible. The magnitude of this objective requires that a significant period of time passes before the task is completed. It is desir- able that portions be made available in advance of completion of the entire study. A series of papers in the journal CASTANEA, under the title "Contributions to the Flora of Florida," was begun in 1963 and is being continued on an accelerated schedule; the format of these papers permits extended discussion of nomen- clature and distribution (including Florida county-record maps), as well as morphology, but because of its inherent limits must be restricted to genera of exceptional interest or complexity. An additional interim outlet is needed, and will be met by a series of concise articles in PHYTOLOGIA under the above title, "Keys to the Flora of Florida," Amplified Key Format The format to be used in the present series of articles is that sometimes known as the “amplified key" in which the basic morphological framework of a conventional dichotomous key is supplemented by data on habitat, frequency, and range. Exemplary floras that have utilized this format are G. N. Jones' Flora of Illinois (Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 3rd ed. 1963) and C. A. hOk 1977 Ward, Keys to flora of Florida OS Backer's compendious Flora of Java (Noordhoff, 1963, '65, '68). With the embellishment of illustrations, this is the structure of C. L. Hitchcock & A. Cronquist's Flora of the Pacific North- west (Univ. of Washington Press, 1973). Examples of keys written in this amplified format have been available to professional and advanced botanists in Florida since 1965 as inclusions in the "Florida Flora Newsletter," an irregu- lar and rather informal communication from the Herbarium of the University of Florida. The availability of these sample keys has encouraged suggestions from their users and has led to an expan- sion in the amount and type of information contained in the keys. The present design of the amplified keys permits much supplementary information to be incorporated into their structure. Whenever the information permits, two or more discriminating characters are used in each couplet and are arranged, insofar as practicable, in a sequence of descending diagnostic power. In the final lead -- that line of a couplet describing a named taxon -- additional morphological information is usually given -- habit, flower color, etc. -- that, although not fully contrasting with the alternate lead of the couplet, is nevertheless of value in conveying a fuller image of the named plant. In the final lead the morphological information is followed by statements as to frequency of the plant, its habitat, and its Florida range. Although these data are not to be thought of as part of the key structure, and no identifications should be made on their evidence alone, they nevertheless provide a supplemental confirmation of a judgment based on morphological grounds. Frequency Estimates of frequency are subjective. In the author's ex- perience, scales that purport to convey numerical degrees of frequency are difficult to apply to field populations and are deceptive if based on number of collections. Cirsiwn or Opuntia, or for that matter Sabal palmetto, are inherently less amenable to herbarium documentation then easily collected, easily pressed genera. In the present keys the terms of frequency most often used are "rare," "infrequent," "frequent," and "common." Other terms or phrases are substituted where deemed more descriptive of the true pattern of distribution. In general, the overall abundance of the plant within the state is the factor most heavily influencing the choice of the term describing frequency. Thus, a plant a habitat of limited extent, as the tropical hammocks, would be unlikely to be called "common" even if ubiquitous within its habitat. Similarly, a plant of soli- tary proclivities, but generally to be found in stands of the very extensive pine flatwoods, would not be called "rare." 406 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 MAP OF FLORIDA SHOWING COUNTIES 1977 Ward, Keys to flora of Florida 07 Distribution Except in unusual circumstances, distribution given within these keys will be restricted to the known range in Florida. No acknowledgment will be made of a broader range, although except in the case of endemics, such may be presumed to occur. Queries as to extraterritorial distribution are believed better addressed to other literature. Within Florida, common use will be made of county-record distributional information, although often supplemental data will be provided as to towns, lakes, and other physical features. This information will usually be generalized by reference to the Panhandle or the Peninsula, the two major areas into which the state may be divided. The 67 Florida counties are portrayed on the accompanying figure. Endemics A special fascination exists for the plants known as endem- ics, those species restricted to a particular and usually narrow range. Florida is remarkable in being a state with an unusually large percentage of such plants. Perhaps as many as 10% of the vascular plants found in Florida are to be found only within the confines of the state, or with minor extensions beyond its polit- ical perimeter. No other state east of the Mississippi River appears to have more than 1 or 2% endemism, and in the West only California clearly exceeds the Florida figure. Three studies are outstanding in the analysis of Florida endemics: R. M. Harper, A preliminary list of the endemic flowering plants of Florida. Quart. Jour. Florida Acad. Sci. 11:25-35, 39-57. 1949. 12:1-19. 1950; W. T. Neill, Historical biogeography of present-day Florida. Bull. Florida State Mus. 2:175-220. 1957; C. W. James, Endemism in Florida. Brittonia 13:225-244. 1961. Notwithstanding these pioneer compilational and analytical efforts, the endemics of Florida are yet inadequately known as to their distribution and origin. Indeed, one of the major distri- butional patterns of Florida plant endemism was not recognized by the above authors. This is the proliferation of species within Chrysopsts, Hypericwn, Pingutcula, among other genera, in the low country of the Florida panhandle coast. Endemism on the Apalach- icola River bluffs, with Torreya, Taxrus, Croomta, and other relics of great age, and endemism of species confined to or spreading from the "Orange Island" archipelago of south-central peninsula Florida, a Pleistocene interglacial-flooding refugium, are rela- tively better understood. In the present keys, a taxon endemic to Florida (or with inconsequential range extensions beyond) will be so marked, with 08 PVT OFLpOaG. Dak Vol. 35, no. 6 the purpose of aiding the study and the preservation of these unique plants. Plant Association The wealth of permutations of soil and moisture and other edaphic factors, together with the stressful climatic conditions produced by the freeze line falling within the state, has yielded in Florida a large number of environmental situations character- ized by particular combinations of plants. From the earliest days, when "hammock" became an accepted term for the partly ever- green but broadleaf Florida forests, to more recent intensive investigations of the energetics of the bountiful Florida springs, many of the plant associations of this state have attracted admir- ation and close study. The recognition of these associations is a critical part of Florida taxonomy, for the distribution and even the evolution of species is intimately involved with the other plants with which they grow. The names of these associa- tions thus become much used in these keys, as a means of better characterizing the species described. Yet the plant associations of Florida have not been placed in a stable and widely accepted hierarchical system. Terms such as "scrub," properly restricted to associations on wind-blown sands, usually with Pinus clausa, Ceratiola ertcotdes, Quercus myrttfolia, etc., are loosely applied to cut-over Quercus laevis stands. These latter, with the Pinus palustrts which dominates them unless removed by cutting, are better known as "high pine" or "sand hill communities" and are on slightly heavier water- deposited sandy soils of greater age. ''Bay heads," "spring heads," "galls" and "hells" of one form or another are widely recognized by the older residents of Florida, but their para- meters are as variable as their observers. Although other local analyses of vegetation types are available, three widely separated studies perhaps deserve mention: F. C. Craighead, The Trees of South Florida, Univ. of Miami Press. 1971; A. M. Laessle, The communities of the Welaka Biseel, Winkhys Ol Mle, Biol Geni, Saieg Wola Aig m@se to M628 De Be Ward (assisted by R. R. Smith), Ecological records on Eglin AFB Reservation, the second year. Air Force Armament Lab. Tech. Rep. AFATL-TR-68-147. 1968. A most excellent descriptive account of the state, written largely before the heavy impact of recent development, is provided by R. M. Harper: Geography and Vegeta-— tion of Northern Florida. Florida Geol. Survey, 6th ann. rep't. 1915. 289 pp.; Geography of Central Florida. Florida Geol. Sur- vey, 13th ann. rep't. 1921. 237 pp.; Natural Resources of Southern Florida. Florida Geol. Survey, 18th ann. rep't. 1927. 180 pp. 1977 Ward, Keys to flora of Florida 09 But the only approach to comprehensive coverage of the state's plant associations has been by Dr. J. H. Davis. The following enumeration is a useful summation, as modified from Davis's General Map of Natural Vegetation of Florida (Florida Agric. Exp. Sta. Circ. S-178. 1967). Each association is ranked in the descending order of its geographic extent in Florida, with the percent coverage as mapped by Davis, without regard for the often significant modifications induced by man. 1. Pine Flatwoods (34.3%). Extensive level ancient sea bottoms, poorly drained and seasonally very wet, usually dominated by slash pine (Pinus elltottit), with a dense understory of saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), shrubs, small trees, and numerous herbs. 2. High Pine (19.3%). The longleaf pine - turkey oak (Pinus palustris - Quercus laevis) stands of well drained uplands, usually open and with a ground cover of wiregrass (Aristida stricta) and other fire-tolerant herbaceous species. 3. Saw Grass Marshes (8.0%). Extensive stands of saw- grass (Cladium janaicense) with other herbs and occasional islands of shrubs and small trees, on seasonally flooded marl soils. 4. Hardwood Swamp Forests (7.4%). Bays, gums, and other trees in wet soil of stream and river banks and small depressions. 5. Grasslands (5.9%). Wet prairies on seasonally flooded lowlands, or dry prairies if seldom flooded. 6. Mixed Hardwoods and Pine Forests (5.5%). Mostly on uplands of clay soils in northwestern Florida. 7. Hardwood Hammocks (4.5%). Broadleaf and largely evergreen forests on rich upland soils. 8. Sand Pine Scrub (2.8%). Excessively drained deep sands of wind deposit, with sand pine (Pinus clausa), rose- mary (Cerattola ericotdes), several scrub oaks, and many endemics. 9. Lakes and Ponds (2.3%). Non-saline bodies of water, varying greatly in size, the largest being Lake Okeechobee, with abundant aquatic plants. 10. Coastal Strand (1.8%). A zoned vegetation on sand dunes or rock, composed of salt-tolerant pioneer herbs and shrubs near the shore, with scrub and forest zones more to the interior. 11. Mangrove Swamp Forests (1.7%). Coastal areas in southern Florida dominated by red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), black mangrove (Avicennia germinans), and buttonwood (Conocar- pus erectus). 410 PoHexX T10: L000 5A Vol. 35, no. 6 12. Scrub Cypress (1.3%). Open stands of stunted cypress on rock or marl soils in southern Florida. 13. Coastal Marshes (1.2%). Periodically flooded stands predominately of black rush (Juncus roemertanus) , on sea shores and at river mouths. 14. Freshwater Marshes (1.1%). Mixed marshes with many kinds of herbs and shrubs, along streams, on lake shores, and in shallow depressions. 15. Southern Slash Pine Forests (1.1%). Open wood- lands of the South Florida variety of slash pine, mostly on rocklands, with an understory containing species of tropical origin. 16. Cypress Swamps (1.1%). Depressions and lake and stream margins dominated by often majestic bald cypress (Taxodtum distichun). 17. Cabbage Palm Groves. Forests of abundant cabbage palms (Sabal palmetto) either inland or coastal. 18. Tropical Hammocks. Dense evergreen forests com- posed largely of tropical species, bearing many epiphytes. 19. Springs and Spring Runs. Clear constant-flowing springs, the bottoms of the runs densely covered with eel- grass (Vallisnerta neo-tropicalis), tape-grass (Sagittarta kurztana), and other aquatic species. Dates of Flowering Florida, with an average frost-risk season of 0 days in the southern Peninsula and 118 days in the northern Panhandle, is exceptionally varied with respect to climate. The dates when a species is in anthesis often differ significantly in different parts of its range, and the limits of this flowering date are frequently broader in more southern populations. Commonly in Florida species of tropical origin, flowering is continuous throughout the year, with flushes of bloom correlated more closely with rainfall than with mean temperature. Such traits greatly reduce the utility of statements as to dates of flowering, at least relative to a climatically homogeneous northern area. Yet flowering seasons in Florida are not to be thought of as absent. In the Panhandle and northern Peninsula species follow one upon the other in a predictable seasonal pattern. Even in the southern Peninsula, the probability that a given species will be found flowering abundantly in a particular season is greater than in another season, and collections as well as observations reflect this periodicity. It thus seems worth- while to record in the present key the months when flowering is commonly observed, with the understanding that a degree of 1977 Ward, Keys to flora of Florida 411 judgment and possible error is involved in the exclusion of flowering dates that are believed atypical or otherwise outside the main season of bloom. Common Names Vernacular names will be provided for each species where such names are available and appropriate. This is an area where whimsy is of greater importance than logic, and where efforts at standardization come into conflict with stubborn non-botanist users of plant common names. There clearly are many more plants of interest or utility than there are distinct common names, and many common names are used in more than one context. Although it is unsettling to the professional botanist to hear the irida- ceous Sphenostigma coelestinwn referred to by Florida country folk as "violets" or "morning-glories," Hypericwn fasciculatun called "golden-rod," or the red-and-black-seeded leguminous Abrus precatorius termed "black-eyed-susans," it is perhaps worth remembering that common names are, or should be, of "common" origin, and that consistency, lack of homonymy, and even good taste are merely goals to be striven for, not dogma to be achieved by imposition of autocratic common-name rules. To that end, the common names used in the present keys are selected to be appropriate and distinctive if possible, and to be intelligi- ble to non-professional Florida users, insofar as those two often- conflicting objectives will allow. Prefatory Comments Each key of this series is accompanied, to whatever extent seems appropriate, by a prefatory discussion designed to include material that even the flexible format of these keys cannot en- compass. Such matters as nomenclatural commentaries, ancillary historical details, and justifications for the taxonomic judg- ments employed in the accompanying keys, are placed here. New names and new combinations are given formal treatment here, pro- viding them with nomenclatural legitimacy. Standardization of the rank to which taxa are assigned will be attempted. Taxa treated as species will show, insofar as seems practical, a greater degree of difference from one another than those seen as subspecies; those taxa assigned to the status of variety will be yet less well defined. Such a goal is recognized to be a will-o-the-wisp, but the objective appears worthy even though full implementation is unattainable. Accord- ingly, depending on the judgment of the author or authors, and tempered by experience in other Florida genera and species, frequent recourse will be made to unfamiliar taxonomic ranks employing pre-existing and, where other authors have not yet spoken, new combinations. The purported advantage of deleting one or another of these ranks is wholly rejected. 412 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 Supporting Herbaria Any proper floristic treatment is buttressed and documented by specimens deposited in herbaria. Such specimens and their accompanying data make available the knowledge and energies of many collectors over many years and in many geographic area; they permit achievement that far surpasses what could be attained by any individual's personal experience. The present series of keys is very largely dependent upon the resources of the Herbarium of the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. In size and thoroughness of coverage this herbarium has provided an excellent substrate from which inform- ation could be drawn. Two other Florida herbaria, those of Florida State University, Tallahassee, and the University of South Florida, Tampa, have been used to a lesser extent, yet have provided substantial support in many critical instances. Other herbaria, mostly outside of Florida, have been consulted fre- quently, particularly where their resources were essential to the solution of a Florida-based problem. For reasons of brevity, herbaria are conventionally referred to in this work by internationally-employed acronyms (F. A. Stafleu, ed. Index Herbariorum. Utrecht. 1974. pp. 303-354). Those cited most frequently are listed below. BM British Museum BUS University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida F Field Museum of Natural History, Illinois FLAS Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida FSU Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida GA University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia GH Gray Herbarium, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts K Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Great Britain MO Missouri Botanical Gardens, St. Louis, Missouri NY New York Botanical Gardens, Bronx, New York US National Herbarium, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. USF University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida It should be understood without saying, that a herbarium is not only the product of the many persons who have contributed to its building, but is especially a reflection of its curators. The men and women who curate and staff the herbaria listed above 1977 Ward, Keys to flora of Florida 43 have contributed immeasurably to each facet of this project, in the ready loan of their specimens, in their generous response by providing answers to innumerable queries, and in their constant and wholehearted support of this work. Authorship In a series such as this, dependent upon the support and knowledge of many persons, the authorship of the separate units will vary. Where ever possible, the actual participation of the outside author will be enlisted in writing the unit or in adapt- ing his previous work to the present format. Where this is not feasible, adaptations may be prepared by the staff of the Her- barium of the University of Florida, with appropriate acknow- ledgments. Authorship of and responsiblity for the entire series, however, resides with the writer of the present unit, and sponsorship is retained by the Florida Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Gainesville. This paper is Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 396. Keys to the Flora of Florida -- 2, Paronychia (Caryophyllaceae) ‘i Daniel B. Ward Department of Botany, Agricultural Experiment Station University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. ABSTRACT: A key is given to the 7 species of Paronychia (Caryophyllaceae) recognized for Florida. Habitat, distribution, and synonymy are included. Paronychia baldwinit (T. & G.) Fenzl in Walp. is seen as consisting of 2 subspecies, with ssp. riparia (Chapm.) Ward given a new status. Paronychta erecta (Chapm.) Shinners is treated as of 2 varieties, with var. corymbosa (Small) Ward in a new status. Paronychia chartacea Fern. is endemic to central peninsular Florida. Other species are P. americana (Nutt.) Fenzl in Walp., P. herntariotdes (Michx.) Nutt., P. patula Shinners and P. rugelit (Chapm.) Chapm. Paronychta fastigtata (Raf.) Fern. is excluded. The species here placed in the genus Paronychia have been assigned in the past to a plethora of segregate genera. J. K. Small (Manual of the Southeastern Flora, 1933) carried this frag- mentation to a point close to its theoretical limit, with several genera represented by a single species. In Florida he recognized Anychta, Anyechtastrum, Gastronychia, Gibbesta, Nyachta, Odonto- nychta, and Stphonychta, with true Paronychta restricted to areas farther north. Two more conservative treatments by E. L. Core (Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 55:339-345. 1939; Amer. Midl. Nat. 26:369-397. 1941) reduced the Florida species to Stphonychia (including Gibbesta and Odontonyehta) and Paronychia (containing the remaining segregates). L. H. Shinners (Sida 1:101-103. 1962), completing the final step of these generic reductions, pointed out the superficiality of the differentiating characters, and included Stphonychia in the comprehensive genus Paronychta. Two new combinations are necessary, to give appropriate meas-— ure of the variability observed in two of the Florida species. Paronychia baldwinii (T. & G.) Fenzl in Walp. ssp. riparia (Chapm.) Ward, comb. & stat. nov. AVAVAVAVAVAVAY Basionym: Paronychia riparia A. W. Chapman, Flora of the Southern United States, 2nd ed., 607. 1883. This paper is Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 397. 1h 1977 Ward, Paronychia 415 Paronychia baldwinii is best known as a delicate annual with strongly ribbed, marginally and dorsally ciliate sepals, that ap- pears in woodland clearings, on river banks, or as an ephemeral weed in cultivated fields. Occasionally plants are encountered that are deep taprooted perennials with glabrous sepals, and both Chapman and Core considered these to constitute a related species, P. riparia. Although Shinners rejected even varietal recognition of this second form with the statement, "pubescence varies quite independently of apparent duration," this is definitely not the case in the specimens available for the present study. A map of P. riparia provided by Core shows an arc of stations from the Apalachicola area of western Florida, north and eastward through Georgia. This distributional pattern is similar to that of certain other southeastern taxa (e.g., Heltanthemon rosmarintfoliun, Uvu- laria floridana) and corresponds to a belt of sandy soils above 200 ft. elevation. Paronychia baldwinii is more widespread and is largely on the younger Coastal Plain soils. It is possible that the glabrous perennial known as P. riparia represents an old bio- type from which the more vigorous and pubescent annual P. baldwinit has been derived. The magnitude and biological significances of these differences are more than varietal. Paronychia erecta (Chapm.) Shinners var. corymbosa (Small) Ward, comb. & stat. nov. AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAY Basionym: Siphonychia corymbosa J. K. Small, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24:337. 1897. Paronychia erecta is a species with variable pubescence. Small and Core formalized the differences in stem pubescence with specific epithets, while Shinners saw them as best-unnamed groupings of Mendelian characters. Yet in Florida all specimens examined in this study fell satisfactorily into one of two pubescence-states which have somewhat different ranges and reasonably merit recogni- tion at the varietal level. In 1933 Small recognized a supposed close relative of P. erecta. with a bristly-pubescent calyx-tube, as a species under the name Odontonychia interior. He based it upon a specimen from along the Suwannee River, Dixie County, Florida. Core later treated this entity as Stphonychia interior and assigned it a range from near Lak City, Columbia County, southward to Citrus County. Shinners, withou' explanation, placed these names in synonymy under P. rugelii, a species whose distribution encompasses this range but which is mor- phologically quite distinct from P. erecta. Shinners' disposition of these names seems appropriate, for two of the sheets cited by Core as S. tntertor (Citrus Co.: Htitehcock 1553 (F); Suwannee Co.: Hiteheock 1552 (F)) have been examined by Richard Baker (in litt.) and have been found to be indistinguishable from P. rugelit. 416 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 Paronychia Adans. Whitlow-worts 1. Flowers about 0.5 mm. long; sepals deeply hooded at apex, the apical 0.1 mm. white or yellow, sharply delimited from the dark (drying maroon) basal portion; awn absent; small depressed annu- al; dry open scrub, local; central peninsular Florida (Orange, Polk, Highlands counties), endemic. June - September. [Nyachta pulvinata Small; Paronychia pulvinata (Small) Pax & Hoffm.] P. chartacea Fern. 1. Flowers 1 - 2 mm. long; sepals plane or longitudinally inrolled or somewhat hooded at apex, uniformly colored or with indefinite longitudinal striping; awn present near sepal apex, or absent. 2. Sepals ciliate along margins or with pubescence irregularly scattered over back (in P. baldwintt ssp. riparia, nearly glabrous, but sepals with 3 longitudinal ribs). 3. Sepals not clearly ribbed, lanceolate, tapering uniformly to a terminal awn, rather evenly strigose; small sub-pros- trate cushion-plant; dry sand ridges and scrub, local; peninsular Florida, from Gilchrist and Clay counties south to Highlands County. May - July. [Gastronychia herniar- totdes (Michx.) Small] P. herniarioides (Michx.) Nutt. 3. Sepals strongly 3-ribbed, broadly ovate to oblong, abruptly tapering, with a short stout awn on dorsal surface near apex, coarsely and sparingly pubescent, or glabrous with only occasional cilia along margins; hammocks, river banks, sand dunes, and waste areas, frequent; north Florida, south to mid-peninsula (Polk County). June - September. [Anychtastrum Baldwinii (T. & G.) Small; A. rtpariwn (Chapm.) Small; Paronychta rtiparta Chapm. ] P. baldwinii (T. & G.) Fenzl in Walp. 4. Annual; sepals pubescent dorsally; stems uniformly recurved-pilose; often a vigorous adventive; range as above. ssp. baldwinii 4. Perennial, the herbaceous stems spreading from crown of a deep taproot; sepals nearly glabrous, with margin- al cilia few or lacking; stems glabrous or pubescent only in longitudinal bands; in Florida apparently restricted to dry woods on bluffs along Apalachicola River, north-central panhandle. ssp. riparia (Chapm.) Ward 1977 Ward, Paronychia 417 2. Sepals glabrous, or pubescent only at the base, not ribbed. 5. Sepals glabrous to base; awn absent; cespitose perennial with ascending annual stems; coastal dunes, panhandle Florida (Escambia to Wakulla counties). March - November. [Odontonychia erecta (Chapm.) Small; 0. corymbosa (Small) Small; Stphonychia corymbosa Smal1] P. erecta (Chapm.) Shinners 6. Stems glabrous, often glaucous; range as above. var. erecta 6. Stems minutely gray-pubescent; range east from Bay County. var. corymbosa (Small) Ward 5. Sepals densely pubescent on basal portion, glabrous above; awn absent or reduced to a small tooth near apex of sepal. Ve Pubescent area of sepal limited to basal 1/3 or less; sepals narrowed toward apex, terminating in a short dorsal tooth or awn; stem uniformly pubescent with hairs descending. 8. Glabrous portion of sepal more than 1.1 mm. long; stem erect, branching symmetrical and dichotomous (the resulting plant often very square or rectangu- lar); annual; high pineland and dry disturbed soils, frequent in northwest peninsular Florida (Taylor to Alachua counties), occasional south to Highlands County. July - October. [Stphonychia Rugelit Chapm.; Gibbesita Rugelii (Chapm.) Small; Odonto- nychia interior Small; Stphonychia interior (Smal11) Core] SAND-SQUARES. P. rugelii (Chapm.) Chapm. Glabrous portion of sepal 0.8 mm. long; stem spread- ing or ascending, with branching dichotomous but unevenly so; annual or rarely short-lived perennial; scrub, high pineland, and dry disturbed areas, frequent; north Florida, south to Highlands County. July - September. [Stphonychia diffusa Chapm. ] P. patula Shinners Pubescent area of sepal nearly 1/2 of entire length; sepals broadly rounded and hooded, often rolled down and inward, the flower thus appearing truncated; awn absent; stem glabrous or one side with curled hairs; 418 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 sprawling annual; scrub, coastal dunes, and dry sandy areas, infrequent; peninsular Florida. March - Octo- ber. [Stphonyechta americana (Nutt.) T. & G.; S. pauct- flora Smal11] P. americana (Nutt.) Fenzl in Walp. Excluded Species P. fastigiata (Raf.) Fern. [Anychia polygonotdes Raf.] No specimens have been seen from Florida. This northern species was reported for Florida by Core (Amer. Midl. Nat. 26:377. 1941), but no specimens were cited. The only near-by collection cited as P. fastigiata (Fishriver Bay, Baldwin Co., Ala.: Mohr (F)) is described by Richard Baker (in litt.) as appearing to be P. baldwinit, a rea- sonable identification since Core so named another collection (M) from the same location. NOTES ON NEW AND NOTEWORTHY PLANTS. XCVIII Harold N. Moldenke PREMNA MACROPHYLLA var. THAILANDICA Moldenke, var. nov. Haec varietas a forma typica speciei ramis pedunculisque foliisque densissime pubescentibus recedit. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its stems, peduncles, and both leaf-surfaces very densely velvety-pubescent and the leaves mostly being ternate. The type of the variety was collected by J. F. Maxwell (no. 76-27) in open glades in the dry dipterocarp forest near Kow Hin Dang Station, Huay Kha Kaeng Reserve, Bahn Rai District, Utaith- ani Province, Thailand, 15.30' N., 99.15' E., at 200 meters alti- tude, on April 22, 1976, and is deposited in the Herbarium Jut- landicum at Aarhus University. The collector describes the plant as an erect herb with a woody base, the inflorescence-axes and calyx green, and the corolla greenish, on lip with white hairs. VITEX BUNGUENSIS Moldenke, sp. nov. Arbor; ramulis adultis griseis tetragonis subglabratis; foliis decussato-oppositis trifoliolatis petiolatis; petiolis perspicue alatis 2.5—5 cm. longis supra glabris subtus puberulis; foliolis sessilibus chartaceis ellipticis ad apicem attenuatis integris, ad basin acutis vel subacuminatis, utrinque glabris vel subglab— rescentibus; inflorescentiis terminalibus paniculatis. Tree, about 6 m, tall; mature branches gray, more or less tet- ragonal, glabrous or subglabrescent; leaves decussate-opposite, petiolate, trifoliolate; petioles 2.5—5 cm. long, conspicuously winged to the base or almost to the base, the wings 0.5—l cm. wide (in all), glabrous and shiny above, puberulent beneath, venoses leaflets 3, sessile, subequal, elliptic, entire, acuminate at the apeéx, acute or short-acuminate at the base, glabrous and shiny above, glabrate or subglabrescent beneath, venose; inflores- cence terminal, paniculate, composed of 3—5 erect or ascending racemes; flowers not seenj fruiting-calyx shallowly cupuliform or patelliform, about 5 mm. wide, mimutely puberulous outside, the rim apparently truncate and entire; fruit drupaceous, about 1 ca. long and wide, globose, black, with dark-blue juice. The type of this distinctive species was collected by A. Jd. Minjas and M. D. I. Raya (DSM.1908) at T. 6, Bungu, about 105 km. along the Dar—-Kilwa road, in closed bushland, at 1000—2000 m. al- titude, on June 10, 1970, and is deposited in my personal herbar- ium. kg ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE ERIOCAULACEAE. LXX Harold N. Moldenke SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS (Poir.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 350—36k. 1977. Davidse and his associates found this plant in marshy areas in open grassland "in marsh with open water in center and grassy margins". Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Davidse, Ramamoor— thy, & Vital 11590 (Ld). Paran&: Davidse, Ramamoorthy, & & Vital 11352 (Ld). SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS var. ANGUSTIFOLIUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 354, 357, 359, & 363-364. 1977. Davidse and his associates describe this plant as 20 cm. tall, with white inflorescences, and encountered it "in marsh with standing water, grasses and sedges dominant", at altitudes of 910—-1400 meters, flowering and fruiting in February. Additional citations: PERU: Amazonas: Woytkowski 8133 (Ld). BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Davidse & Ramamoorthy 10572 (Ld). ey nes CAULESCENS var. DOURADENSIS Moldenke, Phytologia 21: - 1971. Bibliography: Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 961. 19713; Moldenke, Phytologia 21: 18. 1971; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 533 5252. 1972. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its involucral bracts stramineous and more broadly lanceo- kate. It is known thus far only from the original collection. Citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Irwin, Souza, & Reis dos Santos 11753 (N-type) . SYNGONANT HUS coneag rar" var. HATSCHBACHIT Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 233. 1975. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 233 & 386. 1975. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in its more or less incanous aspect and in having the leaves mostly erect or suberect on the stems, at least the uppermost younger ones more or less appressed to the stems, the older ones sometimes spreading, and the apex of all sharply acute. It has been found growing in berjo (sedge meadow) and in "das aguas razas de corre- go", flowering and fruiting in September. Citations: BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: Hatschbach & Kummrow 35037 (Z- type). Minas Gerais: Hatschbach 35590 (Ld). 20 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 421 ee tere CAULESCENS f. LONGIPES Moldenke, Phytologia 32: 3%. 1975. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 32: 3% (1975) and 3k: 259. 1976; Anon., Biol. Abstr. "61: AC1.718. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35s 359. 1977. This form differs from the typical form of the species in hav- ing its peduncles during anthesis and fruiting up to 30cm. in length. The type collection was erroneously distributed in some herbaria as typical S. caulescens (Poir.) Ruhl. Thus far it is known only from the original collection. Citations: BRAZIL: Distrito Federal: Irwin, Souza, & Reis dos Santos 8730 (Ld—isotype, N—type, W—27590 57-~Isotype) . SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS var. OBTUSIFOLIUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1s 358 [as “obtusifolia"]. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Dis- trib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 19h6. Synonymy: Syngonantius caulescens var. obtusifolia Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 358. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 358 & 16. 1928; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 199; Molden- Résumé 106, 351, & 91. 19595 Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (asm) and 2: 635 & 961. 1971. This variety is said to differ from the typical form of the species in having its stems erect, 10—25 cm. tall, and the leaves obtuse at their apex. It is based on A. Silveira 613 from "In homidis in Chapada do Couto in inter Serrinha et Ita- cambira", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in "1918 et 1926" and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. On page 61 of his work (1928) Silveira cites the 1918 collection only, so I feel that this is the one which should be designated officially as the type collection. Thus far the variety is known only from the two original collections. SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS var. PROCERUS (Klotzsch) Moldenke, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 70. 190. Synonymy: Paepalanthus procerus Klotzsch in Schomb., Reisen Brit.-Guian. 3: (Faun. & Fl, Brit.-Guian.] 1115. 1848. Syngo- nanthus caulescens var. procerus (Klotzsch ex Schomb. ) Moldenke apud J. A. Clark, Card-Ind. Gen. Sp. & Var. Pl. issue 170. 192. onantims caulescens var. procerus (K1.) Standl. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 2h, in syn. 1973. Eriocavlon giganteum Mart. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 397, in syn. 1975 [not E. giganteum Afzel., 1856, nor Beauverd, 1909, nor (Beauverd) Beauverd, 1919, nor Riedel, 1959]. Pa antins aoe Kunth ex Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 05, in syn. 1975 [not P. splendens Mart., 189h) . Bibliography: Klotzsch in Schomb., Reisen Brit.—Guian. 3: (Vers. Faun. & Fl. Brit.-Guian.] 1115. 1848; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 166. mg Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. a 2: hO2. 189); Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 422 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 268. 1903; Moldenke, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 70. 190; J. A. Clark, Card-Ind. Gen. Sp. & Var. Pl. issue 170. 1925 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 02. 1965; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 238. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Er- ioc. 17, 52, & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verben- ac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 19h9; Moldenke, Phytologia l: 302. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 22. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 02. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 589 & 961. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 2h (1973), 26: 230 & 376 (1973), 31: 383, 386, 397, & OS (1975), 33: 189 & 191 (1976), 3h: 259 & 395 (1976), and 35: 35h, 357, & 359. 1977. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its stems greatly elongate, 12—-25 or more cm. long, the leaves very dense, spreading, obtuse or subacute at the apex, the peduncles very much elongate, and with scattered peduncles arising from various portions of the stem. Recent collectors refer to this plant as an herb, the stem stout, firmly erect, 12—20 cm. long, densely foliose, the leaves thick, firm, erect or widely divergent, 2—l.5 cm. long, )—5 mm. wide, very conspicuously many-veined, abruptly acute, the lower ones brown-orange beneath, the peduncles in a terminal umbel and often also scattered in the leaf=axils or at the ends of very short axillary branchlets, mostly much elongated, 10--)0 cm. long, and the flowers white. The plant has been found growing in shallow water of wet cam po slopes, at 300 meters altitude, flowering and fruiting in March, August, and October. Maguire and his associates refer to it as "frequent in morichal and lagunas". The Eriocaulon giganteum of Afzelius, referred to in the syn- onymy above, is a synonym of Mesanthemum radicans (Benth.) Korn., that of Beauverd is Eriocaulon beauverdi Moldenke, and that of Riedel is Paepalanthms speciosus (Bong.) Korn. It should also be noted here that my original publication of this trinomial bears the date "191" on its cover, but was actually validly pub- lished (and a copy received in at least the library of the New York Botanical Garden) on December 31, 190. Material of this variety has been distributed widely as typi- cal S. caulescens (Poir.) Ruhl., Paepalanthms caulescens Kunth, and P. splendens Kunth. On the other hand, the Glaziou 19995, previously cited by me as this variety, and Mexia 5733, so dis- tributed in some herbaria, are actually Paepalanthms coloides Ruhl. Citations: VENEZUELA: Bolivar: Maguire, Wurdack, & Bunting 35909 (Mu). BRAZIL: Bahia: Martius s.n. [in arena hmmida ad fluv. Belmonte, 1818] (Mu). Distrito Federal: Irwin, Souza, & Reis dos Santos 1171 (N). Goids: Liitzelburg 357 (Mu, N), 134 (N. Y. Bot. Gard. Type Photo, new ser., 8835] (Mu, N, N—photo, Z—photo). State undetermined: G. Gardner 2718 (W—936283, W— 140335); Glaziou 13282 (W—112h132). 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 423 SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS var. PROLIFERUS Moldenke, Phytologia 6: 329. 1958. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 6: 329. 1958; Moldenke, Bi- ol. Abstr. 33: 1215. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 106 & hon. 1959; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.5: 4h. 19623; Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 961 & 967. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 321. 197k. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having many or most of the inner bractlets enlarged, foliaceous, green, to 7 mm. long and 1 m, wide, glabrous, sharply attermate at the apex, and often more or less scarious-margined. It is known thus far only from the original collection. Purists will insist that the varietal epithet of this plant should be written "prolifer", but (as previously noted), Latin experts assure me that both this form and the one originally published are correct. Citations: BRAZIL: Santa Catarina: Smith & Reitz 8681 (W— 228754—type) « megeliamel. Janet SYNGONANTHUS CENTAUROIDES (Bong.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 277—278. 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon centauroides Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 635. 1931. Eriocaulon centaureocides Bong. apud D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 268. 1852. Pae thus centauroides (Bong.) Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 43k. 1863. Pae thus centauroides Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 3k. 1863. Dupatya centaurodes (Bong.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 75. 1891. Dupatya centaurodes Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Du centauroides Kuntze apud Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 4-30) : 277, in syn. 1903. Syngonanthus centauroides Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Syngonanthus centaureoides (Bong.) Ruhl. apud Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 416. 1928. Bibliography: Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 35. 1831; Bong., Mém. Acad. Sci. Imp. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 635. 1831; Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585. 1803; Kunth, Emm, Pl. 3: 579 & 612. 18h); D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 268. 1852; Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: (Cyp.] 280 & 333. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 43k, 507, & 508. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 877 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 01. 1894; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 276—278, 285, & 289. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 416. 1928; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 1h5. 191; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 877 (igi) and imp. 2, 2: 401. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 29, 33, 6, & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 855 (1949) and k: 1283. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia : 303 & 2h PAT? O22 OG TS Vol. 35, no. 6 311. 1963; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 15. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 106, 279, 286, 32h, 351, & ugl. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 6. 19593 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew, imp. 3, 1: 877 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: Ol. 19603; Renné, Levant. Hert. Inst. Agron. Minas 71. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 32 35 (1962), 12: 12 (1965), and 18: 9. 19695; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 108. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 172 & 179 (1971) and 2: 496, 579, 635, & 961. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 230 (1973) and 34: 273 & 275. 1976. This species is based on L. Riedel 1063 from "in pratis mmid- is paludosis Serra da Lapa", “Minas Ge: Gerais, Brazil, and probably deposited in the Leningrad herbarium. An isotype. at Berlin was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 10677. The Plate "LIV", cited by Bongard (1831), apparently was never publish- ed and probably exists only in the Leningrad herbarium or library. Jackson (1893) cites it as pl. "5", as does Kunth (181), but Bongard's reference is plainly to "Tabula LXV". The original description of the species is "Acaule; foliis elon- gatis, basi dilatatis ciliatisque, linearibus, obtusiusculis; peduncule dolitario, puberulo; vagina oblique fissa.....Bracteae capitulum involucrantes mmerosae, obtusae, flavicantes, margine albo-scariosae. Praecedenti [S. xeranthemoides (Bong .) "Ruhl -) af- fine, sed notis indicatis faciliter distinguendum." Recent collectors have encountered this plant on wet sandy cam pos and damp swampy meadows, at altitudes of )25—-1200 meters, flowering in December. Ruhland (1903) cites only the type collec- tion; Silveira (1928) adds A. Silveira 215 from Minas Gerais. Material of this species "has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as S, tricostatus Gleason. On the other hand, the G. Gardner 70h, distributed as S. centauroides, actually is Leiothrix flavescens (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Hatschbach 27273 (Ft, S); A. Lutz 1582, in part [Herb. Lutz 1582, in part] (Ja); L. Riedel 1063 [Macbride photos 10677] (B—isotype, G—isotype, #— photo of is isotype, Ut--397—isotype, W—photo of isotype). Pard: Egler & Raimundo s.n. [Egler 1225; Herb. Mus. Goeldi 2272] (Bm), s.n. [Egler 1249; Herb. Mus. Goeldi 24296] (Z); Murca Pires, Black, Wardack, & Silva 618) (N), 6552 (N). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: draw- ings ings by ’ xSrnicke (B). SYNGONANTHUS CENTAUROIDES var. SUBAPPRESSUS Ruhl. in Engler, Pflan- senreich 13 (-30): 278 [as "subappressa"]. 1903; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 19h6. Synonymy: Syngonanthus centauroides var. subappressa Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 278. 1903. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 278 & 293. 1903; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 196; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 374 (19h7) and 2: koh. 1948; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. h: 1283. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 25 Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 19495 Moldenke, Phytologia h: 303. 19533 Moldenke, Résumé 106, 351, & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 ({971) and 2: 635 & 961. 19713 Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 230. 1973. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having the "bracteis involucrantibus planiusculis, subappressis, griseolo-flavicentibus" and is based on Sena s.n. [Herb. Schwacke 14567] from the Serra do Cipé, Minas Gerais, Brazil, flowering in August, and deposited in the Berlin herbarium. Thus far it is known only from the original collection. The Leite 432, distrib- uted as S. centauroides var. subappressus and so cited by me in an earlier installment of these notes, actually is Eleocharis nudipes (Kunth) Palla in the Cyperaceae. SYNGONANTHUS CENTAUROIDES var. TERETIPES Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 395——396. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 395-396 & 416. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 1949; Molden- ke, Résumé 106 & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having "pedunculis teretibus et valde tortis. Pedunculi 0 cm alti, folia duplo superantes." It is based on A, Silveira 652 from "In pratis montis Serra do Cipé", Minas Gerais, Brazil, col- lected in April, 1905, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. On page 416 of his work (1928) Sdiveira cites a Silveira 565 from the same locality, but whether this represents a second collec- tion or is intended as a correction of the original citation or is a typographic error is not clear. The taxon has otherwise not been collected again. SYNGONANTHUS CHAPADENSIS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 330—331. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 330-331 & 16. 1928; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib, Erioc. 17 & 57. 1963; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 1995 Moldenke, Résumé 106 & )91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. This species is based on A. Silveira 660 from "In campis in Chapada do Couto", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1918, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Thus far it is know only from the original collection and Silveira (1928) says of it "AS. heterotricho Alv. Silv. foliorum indumendum facile distin- guitur". SYNGONANTHUS CHRYSANTHUS (Bong.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13: (4-30): 256. 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon chrysanthum Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 628, 1831. Paepalanthus morulus Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 533. 181. Eriocaulon morulum Kunth ex Steud., Syn. 26 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 281. 1855. Paepalanthus chrysanthus (Bong.) Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 454. 1863. Paepalanthus chry- santhus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 45h. 1863. Dupatya chrysantha (Bong.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891. Eriocaulon morulum Steud. apud Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. l, 1: 878, in syn. 1893. Dupatya chrysantha Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonanthus chrysanthms Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. onatnhus chrysantius (Bong.) Ruhl. ex Reitz, Sellowia 7: 12h, sphalm. 1956. Bibliography: Bong., Ess. Monog. Frioc. 28. 1831; Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 628. 18313; Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585. 18,0; Kunth, Emm. Pl. 3: 533, 575, 613, & 625. 1813; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 262 & 267. 18525 Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 279, 281, 333, & 33h. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): Sh & 506. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 7h5. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 877 & 878 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 401 & 02. 1894; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 245, 256, 285, 286, 289, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 1913; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 877 & 878 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: 401 & 402. 1963 Moldenke, Known Geo= gr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 29, 33, 37, 6, 51, & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 1949$ Rambo, An, Bot. Herb. Barb. Rodr. 1: 128 (199) and 2: 128. 1950; Molden- ke, Phytologia : 303 & 311. 19533; Rambo, Sellowia 6: 130. 195k; Reitz, Sellowia 7: 124—125 (1956) and ll: 31 & 131. 19593; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 19593 Moldenke, Résumé 106, 279, 286, 290, 32h, 326, & h91. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Sup- pl. 1: 6. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 877 & 878 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: hOl & 02. 1960; Reitz, Sel- lowia 13: 52, 53, 72, & 90. 19613 Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 10: 7. 196h; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 108. 19703 Reitz, Sellowia 22: 137. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 & 479 (1971) and 2: 96, 506, 579, 586, 638, & 961. 1971; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 56: 3000. 1973; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 230 (1973) and 34: 276. 1976. This species is based on a collection from Rio de Janeiro, cited by Bongard (1831) in his original description without desig- nation of collector but received from Lindley, who, in turn,, re- ceived it from the important and heterogeneous old D. Prescott herbarium. Bongard's original description is “acaules foliis vagina brevioribus linearibus acuminatis subpubescentibus; pedun- culo solitario pubescente; vagina oblique fissa apice lacimlata. Tab. XLIII. Habit. prope Rio-Janeiro. Flor. Decembri.(@) Ex herbario D. Prescott, cui cel. Lindley." The plate to which he here refers was apparently never published and probably exists only in the Leningrad library or herbarium. The type specimen is also to be looked for in the Leningrad herbarium. Kunth's Paepalanthus morulus is based on Sellow collections 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 27 ("a", D.2h0h, and s.n.) from "Brasilia meridionalis"™ and Gaudi- chaud 104 fr from Santa nta Catarina Island, Brazil, deposited in in the Berlin herbarium. It is of interest to note that Jackson (1893) reduces both Eriocaulon morulum and E. chrysanthum to Paepalan- thus chrysantims, but in the following year (189) reduces Pae- palanthus chrysanthus to Pp. morulus! Recent collectors have encountered this plant in "banhado", campos, swamps, and wet sandy places in general, at altitudes of 2—5 meters, flowering and fruiting from November to February, in flower also in October, and describe the plant as an anmal herb with cream-colored flowers. Lindeman and Porto found it in "zona pantanosa na beira da lagoa na restinga atrds" and in a "lugar imido na restinga atr4s das dunas primfrias", Rambo (1950) comments that "0 fato de ter sido esta mig a mais comum e mais abundante das Eriocauldceas do litoral, contrada fnicamente por Sellow (n. 2.10), bem demonstra a Joris iéncia das pesquisas nestra regifo. Frequente em Sombrio, cresce aos milhares sem conta de exemplares nos terrenos himidos, gram- inosos ou pantanosos entre as dunas fixadas pela vegetag&o. Par- ece escassear rapidamente em dirag&o sul, pois nfo a encontrei na linha Viam%o -- Cidreira; nem Malme a cita para os arredores da cidade do Rio Grande." Vernacular names recorded for this plant are "capim manso", "capitoatinga", "gravat4 manso", and "semprevivas do campo". In habit and general appearance it seems very close to Leiothrix arechavaletae (Kérn.) Ruhl., distinguishable only by the shape of the involucral bractlets, the 5- or 6-costate pilose peduncles, and, of course, the essential floral characters. In the index to the Steudel (1855) work there is mention of page "181" as bearing a reference to this species, but this ap- pears to be a typographic error for page 281, on which Eriocaulon morulum is described. Ruhland (1903) cites only Gaudichaud 10h, Sellow 240, and Ule 581 & 1386. Material of S. chrysanthus has been misidentified and distribu- ted in some herbaria as S. gracilis (Bong.) Ruhl., Leiothrix flavescens (Bong.) Ruhl., and Paepalanthus sp. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Rio Grande do Sul: Leite 142 (Ja— 4399), 307 (Sp—7132), 128 (A, A) Lindeman ICN.909) (Ut— 320396); Lindeman & Porto ICN.9123 (Ut—320395); Pabst 10157 (Ja— 77109, Ja); Rambo Rambo 56191 191 (Rd—12292), 63540 (S); ey R. Schultz 32) (W—1978hL5); Sehnem 300 em 3005 (B); Sellow D. D.2h04 (B), "a" (B), s.n. [Brasilia] (N—phote); J. Vidal IV.339 [Herb. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 105081] (Ca—111h719, Ld), IV.481 [Herb. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 126557] (Ac). Santa Catarina: Collector undetermined 09 (Ja--126558) ; Occhioni 700 [Herb. Cadeira Bot. 11269] (Ld); Rambo 56850 (Rd— 12291); Reitz 4825 [Herb. Barb. Rodr. 6345] (N, N), 5567 (N), 5604 (N); Reitz & Klein 661 (Cb), 1355 [Herb. Barb. Rodr. 8786] (N, 2); 428 P E-YsTO:L 0:4 DA Vol. 35, no. 6 Sehnem 3005 (Rd—~12290); Smith & Reitz 5874 (Z); Ule 1386 (B, Hg, N--photo, Z--photo). Santa Catarina Island: Gaudichaud 10) (B, G, P); Klein & Bresolin 6279 (Ac); Klein, Souza, Sobrinho, & Breso- lin 6476 (Ld). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: drawings & notes by Kérn- icke (B). SYNGONANTHUS CHRYSANTHUS var. CASTRENSIS Moldenke & Smith ex Mol- denke, Phytologia 25: 431. 1973. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 31. 1973; Moldenke, Bi- ol. Abstr. 56: 3000. 1973. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having only 3-costate peduncles. Thus far it is know only from the original collection. Citations: BRAZIL: Paran&: Vidal II1.7) [Silva Araujo s.n.; Herb. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 77012] (Ja-—-77012—-type, Z—photo of type). she rtaa eo alge Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 390—391, pl. 249. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 390-391 & 16. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19373 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 26. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1916; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 1993 Molden- ke, Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 172 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 2h9. 1928. This species is based on an umnumbered collection by Dr. J. Michaeli from sandy campos in the Serra do Cipé, Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in August, 1921, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. On page 16 of his work (1928) Silveira cites also an A. Silveira 719 from the Serra do Cipé, also collected in 1926 — whether this is a second collection of the species or merely a herbarium number assigned to the type collection is not clear. In his text Silveira refers to a plate "CCL" as illustrating this species, but S. chrysolepis is actually depicted on plate 2h9 [plate 250 is lacking]. Silveira comments that the "Species ob pilositatem foliorum vaginarumque valde distincta". omar ake CILIATUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 391——392, pl. 261. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 391—392 & 16, pl. 261. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19373 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 26. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 196; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 261. 1928. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 29 This species is based on A, Silveira 546 from "In campis are- nosis in Serra do Cabral", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in May, 1910, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. In his text Sil- veira (1928) refers to "Tabula CCLI" as illustrative of the spe- cies and both Wangerin (1937) and Worsdell (191) refer to it as plate "250", but the plate is actually labeled "CCLXI". Silveira notes that the "Species magnitudine foliorum pedunculorum que et foliis ciliatis facile distinguenda". go nee CIPOENSIS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 278. 1903. Synonymy: Syngonanthus cipoensis Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 16. ie § Syngonanthus cipoénsis Alv. Silv. ex Moldenke, Résumé 351. 1959. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 1) (l-30): 276, 278, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1965 Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 498. 1948; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Résumé 106, 351, & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 (19715 and 2: 636 & 961. 19715 Moldenke, Phy- tologia 3k: 277. 1976. This species is based on an unnumbered Sena collection [Herb. Schwacke 12288], collected in June, 1896, in the Serra do Cipé, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and deposited in the Berlin herbarium. I am assuming that the "S. cipoensis Alv. Silv." of Silveira (1928) is the same taxon as the S. cipoensis of Ruhland, the name for which he felt should be accredited to him rather than to Ruhland, but since the only collection he cites (A. Silveira 735, collected in 1905 in the same Serra do Cipé) is not the same one which Ruhland cites, and since I have not as yet been able to see Silveira's collection, the name is placed in this synonymy tentatively. Ruhland (1903) cites only the original 1896 collection and com ments that the "Species perbene distincta. Forma et indumentum foliorum et vaginarum insignia". Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Sena s.n. [Herb. Schwacke 12288] (B—type) . ” SYNGONANTHUS CIRCINNATUS (Bong.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 279 - 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon circinnatum Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 633. 1831. Eriocaulon circinatum Bong. apud Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 613. 181. Paepalanthus circinnatus (Bong.) Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 429—h30. 1863. Paepal- anthus cireinnatus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 299 & 29. 1863. Dupatya circinnata (Bong.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 7h5. 1891. Dupatya circinnata Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 15. 1902. manthus circinnatus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind, Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. i908 Bibliography: Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 331. 1831; Bong., Mém. 430 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 633. 1831; Kunth, Emm. Pl. 3: 578, 585, & 613. 181; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 268. 18523 Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: (Cyp.] 280 & 333. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 299, 429—30, 507, & 508. 18635 Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 878 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 01. 189; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (h-30): 276, 279, 285, 289, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2 1h5. 1941; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 878 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: hOl. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 29, 33, 46, & 57. 19h65 Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 855. 19493 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 19h93 Moldenke, Phytologia : 303 & 311. 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 15. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 106, 279, 287, 32h, & 91. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 878 (19603 and imp. 3, 2: Ol. 19603 Mol- denke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12. 1965; Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: 148. 1969; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 & 79 (1971) and 2: 497, 580, 63%, & 961. 1971. This species is based on L. Riedel 10) from "In lapidosis glareosis Serra da Lapa", Minas Gerais, Brazil, deposited in the Leningrad herbarium. An isotype was photographed in Berlin by Macbride as his type photograph number 10678. Bongard's original description is “Acaules pusillum; foliis radicalibus pedunculum subaequantibus, linearibus, pubescentibus, circinnatis; peduncu- lis subsolitariis, pubescentibus; vagina obliqua fissa." The "Tab. XXXIX" to which he refers apparently was never published and is probably only to be found in the Leningrad library or her- barium. The plant has been collected in flower in November. Ruhland (1903) cites only the original collection. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: L. Riedel 10L) [Macbride photos 10678] (B—isotype, Ut--398—isotype, W—photo of isotype). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: drawings by Kornicke (B). SYNGONANTHUS COMOSUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 372-373, pl. 236. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 372373 & 16, pl. 236. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19373 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 19413 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 19146; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 386 (1975), 3h2 257 & 259 (1976), and 35: 31. 1976. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 2%. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 753, collected in June, 1925, “Sub rupibus, locis umbrosis, in Serra Geral inter Diaman- tina et Serro", Minas Gerais, Brazil, and deposited in the Sil- veira herbarium. On page 418 of his work (1928) Silveira gives only "Diamantina" as the type locality. In his text he refers to 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 432 "Tabula CCXXXVII" as illustrative of this species, but the plate in question is labeled "CCXXXVI" — plate 237 illustrates S. glaucus Alv. Silv. Bunting and his associates encountered what may be this species in Venezuela and describe it as "common......a delicate herb in wet sand and in standing water, peduncles nearly white-buff", growing at 125-10 meters altitude apparently in close associa- tion with Paepalanthus saxicola var. conicus Moldenke. Citations: VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Bunting, Akkermans, & Van Roo- den 3738b (Ut—320385). ae mts eee eee var. HARLEYI Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 233-- 234. 1975. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 233—23h & 386. 1975. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its leaves, sheaths, and peduncles (except the latter in age) rather densely and very conspicuously spreading-hirsute with rather long, stiffish, light-brownish hairs. Thus far it is known only from the original collection. Citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Harley, Renvoize, Erskine, Brighton, & Pinheiro in Harley 15952 (Z—type). SYNGONANTHUS COMPACTUS Ruhl. ex Ule in Engl., Bot. Jahrb. 0: 162, nom. nud. 1907. Synonymy: Syngonanthus uleams Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 23, in syn. 1959. Bibliography: Ruhl. ex Ule in Engl., Bot. Jahrb. 0: 162. 1907; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 4, imp. 1, 231. 1913; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 16. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 92. 1948; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia hs 303. 1953; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 4, imp. 2, 231. 1958; Mol- denke, RésumS 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1s 23 (1959) and 7: 5. 1963; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 143 & 173 (1971) and 2: 638 & 961. 1971. This species (as well as S. uleanus) is based on Ule 6175 from Amaz6nas, Brazil, deposited in the Berlin herbarium where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 10679. Woytkowski encountered it in wet, sandy, open places, at 1400 m. altitude, flowering in Jamary, and describes it as 10-15 ca. tall, with white flowers. Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 219 from Manaos, Amaz6nas, Brazil. That the same species should grow in the low Amazonian rainforest at Manaos and also on the very high altitudes in Peru seems difficult to believe and demands further study. The Hutchison & Wright 5556, Segdstegui 6062, and Wurdack 1338, distributed as S. compactus, are actually S. peruy- ianus Ruhl. Citations: PERU: San Martin: Woytkowski 620) (Z). BRAZIL: Amaz6nas: Ule 6175 [Macbride photos 10679] (B—type, N—photo of type, N—photo of type, W—photo of type, Z—isotype). 432 PHY T-O1L OG A Vol. 35, no. 6 SYNGONANTHUS COSTATUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 252—253. 1903. Synonymy: Syngonanthus niveus var. rosulatum Kunth ex Moldenke, Phytologia : 303, in syn. 1953. Paepalanthus costatus Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 20, in syn. 1959. Leiothrix lindavii Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé 309, in syn. 1959. Syngonanthus nivens var. rosulatus Kunth ex Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 72. 1960. Leiothrix lindovii Ruhl. ex Rennéd, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 69. 1960. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 2hh, 252-253, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 16. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 19463; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 12 (1918) and 3: 935. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Phytologia : 303. 1953; Moldenke, Résu- mé 106, 309, 352, & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 20. 1959; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 69, 71, & 72. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 35. 1962; Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 547, 580, 638, & 961. 1971. This species is based on H. de Magalhfes 1366, collected in moist places in the Serra de Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in June, 1896, and is deposited in the Berlin herbarium. Ruhland (1903) cites only the original collection, but Silveira (1928) adds A. Silveira 219, collected in "Ibitipoca", in 1902. The type collection of Leiothrix lindavii is MagalhZes Gomes 3108. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Magalhes Gomes 136 (B), 1366 (B-type); A. Silveira 520 [Herb. Marie-Victorin 12434] (N-e-photo, Z—-photo). eee ey COWANI Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 99-100. 1953. Synonymy: Syngonanthus cowanii Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 408, in syn. 1975. Bibliography: Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 99--100. 1953; Moldenke, Phytologia : 303. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 69, 73, & 491. 1959; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 12: 138. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 120 & 127 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971; Moldenke, Phy- tologia 31: 08. 1975. This species is based on Maguire, Cowan, & Wurdack 30466 from on "sabita" 500 m. southeast of Savanna III, at 125 m. altitude, in the Cerro Yapacanna, Rio Orinoco, Amazonas, Venezuela, collec- ted on December 31, 1950, and deposited in the Britton Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden. Recent collectors refer to the species as "common", "locally frequent", or "locally occasional" in sand od savannas, at altitudes of 100-150 m., flowering in February, March, and November, and fruiting in March. They refer to the flowers as white. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Amazonas: ee = BeSee 34532 (N), 34569 (N); Maguire, Wurdack, & Bunting 96 (N), 36596a (N), 36740 (N), 3760 (Mu). OF w 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 433 SYNGONANTHUS COWANI var. LONGIPEDUNCULATUS Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 282. 1957. Bibliography: Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 282. 1957; Moldenke, Résumé 69 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 120 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its filiform peduncles 8—13 mm. long, surpassing the uppermost leaves. It is based on Maguire, Wurdack, & Bunting 36290 from a savanna 1 km. west of Cacagual (Piedra Cacaguti), on the Rfo Atabapo, at 100 meters altitude, Vaupés, Colombia, collec- ted on November 19, 1953, and deposited at the New York Botanical Garden. Thus far it is known only from the original collection, Filia COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Maguire, Wurdack, & Bunting 36290 N--type . SYNGONANTHUS CRASSINERVIUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 345-36, pl. 219. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 345-36, 416, & 117, pl. 219. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 77. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 19413 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 1949; Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 219. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 653 from "In campis are- nosis prope Barauna", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1918, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. On page 16 of his work (1928) Silveira gives "Baraunas" as the type locality. Thus far the species is known only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS CRASSINERVIUS var. GLABRESCENS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 3h6—347. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 346—3h7 & 17. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1963 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 199; Molden ke, Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its sheaths glabrous. It is based on A. Silveira 65h from "In campis arenosis prope Diamantina", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1918, and deposited in the Silveira herbar— ium. On page 17 of his work Silveira (1928) cites a no. "85)" from Diamantina, 1918 — whether this is a second collection, a typographic error, or a correction of the mmber given in the original description is not clear. It should also be noted here that the notation "Tabula CCXIX" appears in his text on p. 34:7 immediately after the description of the variety, not on p. 346 after the specific description; yet the illustration itself is labeled as representing the typical form and is so cited by Wan- hab PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 gerin (1937), Fedde (1938), and Worsdell (1941). Thus far the variety is known only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS CRISPUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 77. 1908. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 77. 1908; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 6 (2): 5. 192k; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 358-359 & 17, pl. 226. 1928; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 8: 231. 19333 Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2)s 895. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 1913 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 1919; Moldenke, Résumé 106 & h91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. Tllustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 226. 1928. This species is based on H. de Magalhfes s.n. {Herb. Silveira 225] from "In campis arenosis in Serra da Ibitipoca", Mimas Ger— ais, Brazil, collected in June, 1906, and deposited in the Sil- veira herbarium. Silveira (1908) says of it: "Species praeter folia leviter crispa certe insignis". It is known thns far only from the original collection. Wangerin (1937) cites the illustra- tion as "CCXXVIa"; Silveira (1928) refers to it in his text as "CCXXVII", but the plate itself is plainly labeled "CCXXVI" and is so cited by Worsdell (191). SYNGONANTHUS CRISPUS var. ITACAMBIRENSIS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 359. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 359 & 417. 1928; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 199; Molden- ke, Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. This variety is described by Silveira (1928) as "Vaginis ab initio glabris a specie typica differt" and is based on A. Sil- veira 845 from “In campis arenosis prope Itacambira", Minas Ger ais, Brazil, collected in July, 1926, and deposited in the Sil- veira herbarium. Thus far it is know only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS CURRALENSIS Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 487—L89. 1975. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 386 & 87—h89 (1975) and 3h: 259. 1976; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 61: AC1.718. 1976. Illustrations: Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 88. 1975. Citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Harley, Renvoisze, Erskine, Brighton, & Pinheiro in Harley 16661 (Z—type, Z—drawings of type) . aa opal pesleatie Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 385-386, pl. 2h e 192 e Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 385—386 & 17, pl. 2h5. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 77. 19373 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 435 426. 1915; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 19)6; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 412 (198) and 3: 935. 1949; Molden ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Phytologia h: 303. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 245. 1928. The type of this species was collected by fvaro Adolpho da Silveira (no. 571) "In pratis siccis arenosisque prope Corrego da Pedra Pintada, in serra do Cabral", Minas Gerais, Brazil, in May 1910, and is deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (19285 says of it "Species dealbata ob arcte appressos pilos, valde in- signis et affinibus perbene distincta". He refers to his illus- tration of it as "Tabula CCXLVI", but the plate itself is plain- ly labeled "CCXLV" and is so cited by Worsdell (1941). On page 417 of his work Silveira cites a no. "581" from the same moun- tains; if this is a second collection,a typographic error, or is meant to correct an error in the mumber given in the original description is not clear. The species is thus far known only from the original collection(s). SYNGONANTHUS DEALBATUS var. MINOR Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 386. 1928, Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 386 & 417. 1928; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57, 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 1993; Molden- kem Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. This variety is based on A. Silveira 7) from "In campis are- nosis prope Itacambira", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in July, 1926, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. It is described as "Foliis (2—5 cm longis), pedunculis (usque 20 cm altis) minor ibus ac glabrioribus, et capitulis etiam minoribus (7 m latis) a specie typica differt". On page 17 of his work Silveira (1928) cites his no. "8))," from the same locality and date; if this is a second collection, a typographic error, or a correction of a pre- vious typographic error is not clear. SYNGONANTHUS DECORUS Moldenke, Phytologia 32: 85—L87, fig. 2. 1976. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 32: 485—l87, fig. 2 (1976), 3h: 259 (1976), and 35: 320. 1977. Tlliustrations: Moldenke, Phytologia 32: 486, fig. 2. 1976. This plant has been encountered on sandy campos and the wet sandy margins of sandstone outcrops, flowering in April and May. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some her—- baria as S. anthemiflorus (Bong.) Ruhl. Citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Dawson 1631 (Z); Hatschbach 680) (Z—type, Z—drawings of type). SYNGONANTHUS DENSIFLORUS (Korn.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflansenreich 13: (4-30) + 263-26. 1903. 136 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 Synonymy: Paepalanthus densiflorus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 450. 1863. Dupatya densiflora (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891. Dupatya densiflora Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonanthus densiflorus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 450—l51 & 507. 1863; Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 1023. 1883; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 75. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 01. 189h3 Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 329. 1898; Malme, Bih. Svensk Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3), no. ll: 31. 1901; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (-30): 3, 26, 263—26h, 289, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 1. 1930; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 19413; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 01. 19h6; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 29, 47, & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 223 (1946) and 2: 627. 1948; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 212. 199; Moldenke, Phytologia : 303— 30h. 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 106, 279, 32h, & h91. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 01. 1960; Renn6, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 71. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 8: 2 (196h) and 12: 5 & 12. 1965; Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 32 166, 167, 17h, & 189. 1969; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 52 (19): B.A.S. I.C. S.248. 1971; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 52: 10547. 19713; Molden- ke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 & 479 (1971) and 2: 580, 636, & 961. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 21: 352 (1971), 23: 435 (1972), and 2h: 99. 1972; Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 6: 1161--1162, map 1782 [bis], & ind. 20 & 28. 19723 Hocking, Ex- cerpt. Bot. A.21: 211. 1973; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 56: 12h3. 1973; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 120 & 230. 1973. This species is based on Weddell 2132, 21)1, & 2383 from near Salinas, Goiés, L. Riedel 2348 & s.n. and Lund s.n. [Villa Fran- ca, July) from Minas Gerais, and G. Gardner 2966 from Piauf, Bra- zil. Macbride photographed the Riedel 238 cotype in the Berlin herbarium as his type photograph number 10680. Ruhland (1903) cites, in addition, Glaziou 22316 from Goids and Lund s.n. from S80 Paulo. He cites the Riedel 2348 collection from S&o Paulo, not Minas Gerais. Recent collectors describe this plant as an herb to 1.25 m. tall (to the tops of the inflorescence), the heads cream-color, gray, or gray-brown, and the flowers themselves white or creamy— white. They have found it growing in swamps, close to lakes, in cerrado seeps, on grassy or wet campos, in wet sandy soil, wet places in cerrado, and wet ground by streamlets, on palm islands in wet campos, and in swampy ground at the edge of "campo aloga- do" and gallery forest, at altitudes of 500—1150 meters, flower- ing in Jamary, March, and May to August, and fruiting in March, May to August, and October. Ratter & Ramos encountered it in 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 437 "tussocky campos now barely dry but very wet in the rainy season"; Irwin and his associates found it "in wet campo between gallery forest and cerrado", "in dense stands of grasses and sedges in boggy depressions in campos", "in wet ground at gallery margin in an area of cerrado and gallery woods", and "locally common among grasses on wet grassy slopes". Hunt & Ramos report the "length of scapes very variable". It should be noted here that the Malme (1901) reference in the bibliography above is sometimes cited as "1903" and the Angely (1972) work is sometimes cited as "1970", the erronsous titlepage date. Malme (1901) cites Malme 1)56C from Mato Grosso and notes that the "Capitula nondum bene evoluta". The Kuntze s.n. (Velasco, VII.92], distributed as S, densiflor- us and so cited by me in my 1953 work, is now better regarded as representing var. glabrescens Moldenke, Additional citations: BRAZIL: Distrito Federal: Duarte 1 0365 (Herb. Cadeira Bot. 14079] (Ld); Héringer 6782 (B); Irwin & Soder- strom 5232 (Ac, N, W—2759016); Mur¢a Pires, S Silva, & Sou: Souza 9506 (Z), 9591 (B); Sucre 798 (Ac). Goids: “ndrade ie 486 (Emmerich 478] (Ba——18507) ; Mpls, Chase 11753 (Mi); Glaziou aziou 22316 (W—1124172); Hatschbach 34247 (Ld); Irwin, | Grear, Souza, | & Reis dos Santos 13837 (Ld, N, W—2759059); I Trwin, i Maxwell, & Wasshausen 211 (Ld, N, N)j Irwin. & Soderstrom 767 (: (Ld, |) N)3 i Macedo 1835 (S). Mato axdasos “Arié 5 (Herb. Brad. 14702] (Lw); Golds: Goldsnith ith 63 fy = 4561 (K, N, S); has & Ramos awe a N); Ratter, Santos, Souza, & Ferreira Ferreira R.1593 (Ld, N)j P. W. Richards R.u76 (Ac, N). Minas Gerais: ais: Irwin, Onishi, Fonséca, S Souza, Rei Reis dos . dos Santos, & Ramos 25757 (Ac, N, S)s L. Riedel 2348 [Typ [Type Photo Coll. N. Y. Bot. Gard. new ser. 88hh5 | Macbride photos 10680] (B—cotype, Mu— cotype, N--photo of cotype, N——photo of cotype, W—photo of co- type, Z—photo of cotype), s.n. [Franca] (Ut—399—cotype). Piauf: G. Gardner 2966 (W—936276). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: draw- ings by Kornicke (B). SYNGONANTHUS DENSIFLORUS var. GLABRESCENS Moldenke, Phytologia 21: 352. 1971. po ieee Synonymy: Syngonanthus densiflorus var. gabresc Anon., Biol. Abstr. 52(19): B.A.S.I.C. $.2h8, sphalm. 1971. Bibliography: Anon., ey Abstr. 52 (19): B.A.S.I.C. S.248. 1971; Moldenke, Biol. Anstr. 52: 10547. 19713 Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 18) (i971) and 2: 961 & 968. 1971; Moldenke, oa eri 21: 353 (1971) and 23: 35. 19723 Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.21: 211. 1973. This ihe differs from the typical form of the species in having its leaves and sheaths glabrous or subglabrate. It is based on Irwin, Soyza, Grear, & Reis dos Santos 17022 from peri- 438 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 odically flooded campo, at 00 meters altitude, about 30 km. south of Xavantina, Mato Grosso, Brazil, collected on June 12, 1966, and deposited in my personal herbarium. The collectors note that the inflorescences are tol m. tall, the heads gray-brown, and that the plant is locally frequent. It has also been encountered in open moist sandy ground near the edge of cerrado, at altitudes of 200--),00 meters, flowering in June and July, and fruiting in July. The Kuntze collection cited below was previously inaccurately cited by me (1953) as the typical form of the species. type). BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz: Kuntze s.n. [Ost Velasco, VII.92] (N, SYNGONANTHUS DENSIFLORUS var. GLABRIFOLIUS Moldenke, Phytologia 253 120. 1973. Bibliography: Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 56: 123. 1973; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 120 & 230. 1973. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having only its leaves always glabrous on both surfaces. It is based on Irwin, Anderson, & Lee 34606 from in a sedge meadow (brejo) at 1000 m. altitude in an area of "campo sujo", sedge meadow, and adjacent cerrado in the Serra dos Pireneus about 21 km. east of Piren$polis, on the Planalto do Brasil, Goids, Brazil, collected on January 19, 1972, and deposited in my personal her- barium. Thus far it is known only from the original collection. Citations: BRAZIL: Goidss Irwin, Anderson, & Lee 31606 (N— isotype, Z--type). SYNGONANT HUS a ee Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 319-~320, pl. 203. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 319——320 & 117, pl. 203. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19373 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 26. 19413; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 19:6; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 19h93 Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 23: 18 (1972), 2h: 499 (1972), and 25: 230. 1973; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 55 (9): B.A.S. I.C. S.250. 1973; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.23: 292. 197); Molden— ke, Phytologia 29: 203 (197) and 35: 348. 1977. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 203. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 545 from "In campis areno- sis in Serra do Cipé", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1909, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. It bears great superficial similarity to S. anthemiflorus (Bong.) Ruhl., S. flav- iceps Alv. Silv., and S. canaliculatus Alv. Silv. Silveira (1928) comments that the species is "Ab affinibus, S. canaliculato Alv. Silv. excepto, praecipue distinguitur bracteis involucrantibus a- 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 439 cutis dorsoque pubescentibus, AS. canaliculato forma ac colore bractearum involucrantium, antheris albis et aliis characteribus differt. AS. anthemidifloro (Bong.) Ruhl. ob stamina exserta et formam pilositatem perigonii praecipse distinguitur. A S. densi- folio Alv. Silv. forma bractearum involucrantium et colore peri- gonii floris masculi praecipue differt." What the last sentence is supposed to mean is not clear — possibly Silveira meant to contrast it with S. flaviceps Alv. Silv., a species to which he states elsewhere that S. densifolius is related, Irwin and his associates found S. densifolius in wet sand ad- jJacent to campo with cerrado on outcrops, at 1000 m. altitude, flowering and fruiting in March. They describe the heads as gray. It has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as var. pilosior Alv. Silv. Citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Irwin, Reis dos Santos, Souza, & Fonséca 21618 (Ac, N). SYNGONANTHUS DENSIFOLIUS var. MAJUS Moldenke, Phytologia 2h: 99. 1972. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 24: 99. 1972; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 55 (9): B.A.S.I.C. S.250. 1973; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: oo” and 29: 203. 197; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.23: 292. 1974. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its basal leaves mostly to 6 cm. long and the peduncles 12--17 cm. long. It is based on Irwin, Harley, & Smith 32982 from a campo in an area of campo with cerrado on outcrops, about 25 km. north of Alto de Paraiso, altitude 2150 m., in the Chapada dos Vedeiros, Goids, Brazil, collected on March 22, 1971, and de- posited in my personal herbarium. The collectors describe it as a rosette herb, the inflorescence up to 20 cm. tall, and the heads white. The Irwin, Harley, & Onishi 29319, distributed as this variety, is actually Eriocaulon ligulatum (Vell.) L. B. Sm. ae BRAZIL: Goi4s: Irwin, Harley, & Smith 32982 (Z— type). SYNGONANTHUS DENSIFOLIUS var. PILOSIOR Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 320—321 & 417. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 1949; Molden- ke in Dawson, Los Angeles Co. Mus, Contrib. Sci. 7: 5 & 6. 19575 Moldenke, Résumé 106 & 91. 19595 Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. Illustrations: Moldenke in Dawson, L0s Angeles Co. Mus. Con- trib. Sci. 7: 5. 1957. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in "Folia ramea utrinque pilosa et vaginas molliter et glanduloso pubescentes". It is based on A. Silveira 663 from "In campis arenosis prope Diamantina", Mynas Gerais, Brazil, collected in 40 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 April, 1908, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Hatschbach encountered it on sandy campos, at 1200 m. altitude, flowering and fruiting in May. The Irwin, Reis dos Santos, Souza, & Fonséca 21648, identified as var. pilosior and so distributed in some herbaria, actually represents the typical form of S. densifolius Alv. Silv. Citations: BRAZIL: Goids: E. Y. Dawson 11639 (Z); Hatschbach 3681), (Ld). Minas Gerais: Hatschbach 2707 (Ld, S). SYNGONANTHUS DENSUS (Korn.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h- 30): 253. 1903. Synonymy: Paepalanthus densus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 46h. 1863. Dupatya densa (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 7h5. 1891. Dupatya densa Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonanthus densus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 299, 62, h6h— 65, & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 75. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 01. 189; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 2hh, 253, 289, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 17. 1928; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 19); Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 01. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 29, 47, & 57- 196; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 92. 1948; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 277 (1950) and hs 30). 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 1h5. 19593 Moldenke, Résumé 106, 279, 32h, & 491. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 01. 1960; Moldenke, Ré- sumé Suppl. 12: 12. 1965; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 & 79 (1971) and 2: 580, 636, & 961. 1971. This species is based on G. Gardner 4385 from somewhere in Goi&s and Weddell 2127 from sandy marshy places near Salinas, Goidés, Brazil, deposited in the herbarium of the Botanischer Garten und Museum in Berlin where Macbride photographed the Gard- ner collection as his type photograph number 10681. Ruhland (1903) cites only these two collections and comments that the "Species cum S. gracili valde affinis, sed robustior quam illa, foliorum indumento et forma anguste spatimlata insignis". Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 612 from Piaul. Recent collectors describe S. densus as an acaulescent tufted herb, 6--8 cm. tall, "green at base, stems fertile, brown-white at tip", with cream-colored heads, and have encountered it on ex- posed white sand, “on terra firme of open campina", "in campina caatinga", "in white sand campinas", and in wet sand by streams in areas of rocky hillsides with wet sandy meadows in depressions, the area cut by streams, at an altitude of 1180 meters, flowering and fruiting in March, April, June, and September. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbar- 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae ya ia as S. kuhimannii Moldenke. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Amazdnas: Ongley & Ramos P.,21771 (Ld); Prance, Berg, Bisby, Steward, Monteiro, & Ramos 17932 (Ld); Prance, Coélho, Harley, Kubitzki, Maas, Sastra, & Smith 11688 (Ld, N); Prance, Coélho, & Monteiro 11,843 (Ac, N); Prance, Pena, Forero, Ramos, & Monteiro 4790 (Ld, N); Prance, Philcox, Rodrigues, Ramos, & Farias 51 (N, S, Z); Prance, Ramos, Farias, & Philcox 483k (Ac, N, N, S). Goids: W. R. Anderson 8220 (Ld, N)j G. Gard- ner 4385 [Macbride photos 10681] (B—cotype, M—cotype, N—cotype, N—-photo of cotype, W—936282—-cotype, W—1066875—cotype, W— photo of cotype). Par&: Campbell, Ongley, Ramos, Monteiro, & Nel- son P.22552 (Ld). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: notes & drawings by Kornicke 7). SYNGONANTHUS DENSUS var. PUMILUS Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 277. 1950. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 277 (1950) and ks: 30k. 19533 Moldenke, Résumé 107 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having leaves only to 1 cm. long and peduncles to 5.5 cm. long. It is based on Liitzelburg 20568, in part, from Passar&o on the Rio Araricuera, Amazonas, Brazil, deposited in the Rio de Janeiro herbarium. Thus far the variety is known only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS DIAMANTINENSIS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 315—317, pl. 200. 1928. Synonymy: Syngonanthus diamantims A. Silveira apud Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 191. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 315-317 & 417, pl. 200. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 77. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 26. 19h]; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 1949; Molden- ke, Résumé 107 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 961. 19713 Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 277. 1976. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 200. 1928. This species is based on A, Silveira 638 from "In campis sic- cis arenosisque prope Diamantina", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collec- ted in September, 1916, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (1928) notes that the "Species ob varios caracteres dis- tinctissima", On page 17 of his work he cites "Baraunas" as the type locality. Thus far the species is known only from the type collection. SYNGONANTHUS DROUETII L. B. Sm., Contrib. Gray Herb., ser. 2, 117: 34--35, pl. ay fig. hi—h3. 1937. Synonymy: Paepalanthus drouetii L. B. Sm. ex Moldenke, Résumé hy2 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, mo. 6 Suppl. 3: 34, in syn. 1962. Bibliography: L. B. Sm., Contrib. Gray Herb., ser. 2, 117: 3h- 35 & 43, pl. 2, fig. h1—h3. 1937; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Dis- trib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1963; Hill & Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 10: 22h. 191473; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia : 30). 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 107 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 3h. 1962; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 386. 1975. Illustrations: L. B. Sm., Contrib. Gray Herb., ser. 2, 117: pl. 2, fig. 41—h3. 1937. This species is based on Drouet 2112 from sandy banks and flats km. south of Vigia, Par4, Brazil, and deposited in the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University. Smith (1937) comments that "The strikingly large inner bracts of its involucre distin- guish Syngonanthus Drouetii from such near relatives as S. sim- plex and S. gracilis. In fact its habit mch more closely re- sembles that of S. niveus in the Section Eulepis than it does that of any species in its own section." I would add that it is most disconcertingly similar in habit and general appearance to S. tenuis (H.B.K.) Ruhl., with which taxon I united it in a prev- Hous publication (1962), but the latter does not have the capi- tate-glandular hairs on the uppermost part of its peduncles. Recent collectors describe S. drovuetii as an herb, with white flower—heads, and have found it % growing in wet sand and on sandy floodplains with scattered shrubs and small trees, partly imn- dated by runoff water in season and on wet campos in areas of sandy cerrado and adjacent marshy campo near streams, at alti- tades of 1),0—200 meters, flowering and fruiting in February. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as S. temis (H.B.K.) Ruhl. and as Paepalanthus sp. Citations: BRAZIL: Amazénas: Murga Pires, Cavalcante, Magnago, & Silva 1452 (Murga Pires & al. 143k] (W--270220), Pard: W. Re , Anderson 10683 (Ld, N), 10929 (N, Z); Drouet 2112 (Mi—isotype, Z—~isotype) . SYNGONANTHUS DUIDAE Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 352 & 381, nom. md. 1947; Fieldiana Bot. 28: 127—128., 1951. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 352 & 381. 197; Molden ke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 975. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 65 & 213. 199; Moldenke, Fieldiana Bot. 28: 127128. 1951; Moldenke, Phytologia h: 30h. 19533 J. A. Steyerm., Fieldiana Bot. 28: 1158. *19573 Moldenke, Résumé 73 & 91. 19593 G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 12: 138. 19593 J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 1: 247. 1966; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 127 (1971) and 2: 961. 1971. This species is based on J. A. Steyermark 58199 from around a small stream on dry rocky slopes, summit of Mount Duida, at 1700—— 1800 m. altitude, Brocchinia Hills, Amazonas, Venezuela, collected on September 1, 19), deposited at the New York Botanical Garden. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae hh3 Tms far the species is known only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS EBURNEUS Korn.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (+ hO): 278. 1903. Synonymy: Paepalanthus eburneus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 430. 1863. Dupatya eburnea (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891. Dupatya eburnea Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Supp. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonanthus eburneus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 30—31 & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 18913 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 01. 1894; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 276, 278, 289, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 19h); Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 401. 196; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 29, 7, & 57. 1965 Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2j, 91 & 213. 1949; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 107, 280, 32h, & 491. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: Ol. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 173 & 460 (a97} and 2: 581 & 962. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 259. 1976. This species is based on Blanchet 21 from Bahia, Brazil, de- posited in the herbarium of the Botanisches Museum in Berlin. An isotype in the Delessert Herbarium at Geneva was photographed there by Macbride as his type photograph mumber 25166. Ruhland (1903) cites only the original collection. More recent collectors describe the species as a plant with small rosettes of dark-green leaves and the flower-heads white or "off-white". They have found it growing in restingas by the sea, at sealevel, flowering and fruiting in March and also fruiting in November. Hatschbach en- countered it "nas pedras da base do salto". Belém & Pinheiro as- sert that the plants are only "4 cm. tall", but actually their own specimens have peduncles to 18 cm, tall. Ruhland's key (1903) to this species and what he regarded as its closest relatives is well worth repeating here: 1. Pedunculi stricti. 2. Folia densissima. 3. Pedunculi glabrig folia supra albido-pubescentia, ibique leviter canaliculata........... seeesseeeceseed» eburneus. 3a. Pedunculi appresso~pubescentes. 4. Vaginae oblique fissae; folia supra canaliculato-concava, glabra, subtus leviter convexa et densissimo lamgine alto—tomentOga.....ssesescesscccessceeeseeeds Cipoensis. ha. Vaginae transverse truncatae; folia margine pubescente excepto glabra, Plana.....sseeeeeereeceeseds cAaeSpitosus. 2a. Folia pauca, elongata; pedunculi juventute levissime puher- uli, cito Glabri. .ccocccccccccccccccccescccscose circinnatus. la. Pedunculi flexuosi; vaginae late costatae........5. imbricatus. hhh PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 Citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Belém & Pinheiro 2h),1 (N); Blanchet 2441 [Macbride photos 25166] (N—photo of isotype, N—photo of isotype, W—-photo of isotype); Harley, Renvoize, Erskine, Brigh- ton, & Pinheiro in Harley 17149 (Z). Mato Grosso: Hatschbach 37620 (Ld). SYNGONANTHUS EGLERI Moldenke, Phytologia 7: 121—-122. 1960. Bibliography: Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 35: 2177. 1960; Moldenke, Phytologia 7: 121-122. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 2: 5 & 15. 1960; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.l: 593. 1962; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 13: 132. 1966; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 962. 1971. Citations: BRAZIL: Paré: Egler & Raimundo s.n. [W. A. Egler 818; Herb. Mus. Goeldi 2363) (Bd—12291—isotype, Z—-type). SYNGONANTHUS ELEGANS (Bong.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h- 30): 275. 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon elegans Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 635. 1831. Paepalanthus elegans (Bong.) Kunth, Emm. Pl. 3: 527. 1841. Paepalanthus elegans Kunth apud Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 435. 1863. Paepalanthus elegans var. Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 435. 1863. Dupatya elegans (Bong.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 75. 1891. Dupatya elegans Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonanthus elegans (Kérn.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (4-30): 293. 1903. Syngonanthus elegans Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Syngonanthus elegans Kunth ex Moldenke, Phytologia h: 30h, in syn. 1953. Paepalanthus elegans Mart. ex Moldenke, Résumé 32h, in syn. 1959. Syngonanth- us elegans var. rufescens Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé 351, in syn. 1959. Syngonanthus elegans var. superbus Glaz. ex Moldenke, Ré- sumé Suppl. 12: 12, in syn. 1965. Additional bibliography: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Péters- b., ser. 6, 1: 635. 1831; Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 35 (1831) & 62—63, pl. 13. 1832; Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 2 (3): 225--226, pl. 13. 18323 Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585. 1640; Kunth, Emm, Pl. 3: 527, 579, 613, & 62h. 184i; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 262. 18523 Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 281 & 333. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 285, 309, 35, 437, & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 877 & 878 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: Ol. 18945; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 271, 27h, 275, 285, 290, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 17. 1928; Stapf, Ind. Lond. 3: 90. 1930; E. J. Alex- ander, Journ. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 36: 221. 1935; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 1913 Abbiatti, Rev. Mus. La Plata Bot., ser. 2, 6: 312, 319, 322, & 336-30, fig. 9 & 10. 1946; Jacks. in 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae hs Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 877 & 878 (1947) amd imp. 2, 2: hOl. 19463 Moldanke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 29, » 47, & 57. 19465; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 377, 380, & 381. 1947; Abbiatti, Notas Mus. La Plata Bot. 13: 311. 19l8; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 731. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., (ed. 2], 91 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia h: 30h & 311—312. 1953; Hocking, Dict. Terms Pharmacog. 28). 1955; Mendes Magalhies, Anais V Reun. Anual Soc. Bot. Bras. 276—-277, 280—281, 293, & 302, fig. 15. 1956; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 107, 222, 280, 287, 32h, 351, & Lgl. 19593; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 20. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 877 & 878 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 01. 1960; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 71. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12. 1965; Tomlinson in C, R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: 149, 160—163, 173, 17h, 186, 187, & 189. 1969; Forstner, Verh. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 112: 89—91. 1972; Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 27. 1973; Wedge, Pl. Names, ed. 1, 18 (1973) and ed. 2, 2) & 26. 197k; Widder, Excerpt. Bot. A.2h: 329. 197h; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 61: AC1.718. 19763 Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 25 (1976) and 35: 303, 337, 342, & 349. 1977. Illustrations: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 2 (3): [Ess. Monog. Erioc.] pl. 13. 1832; Abbiatti, Rev. Mus. La Plata Bot., ser. 2, 6: [337] & 33%, fig. 9 & 10. 19463 Mendes Magalh&es, Anais V Reun. Amal Soc. Bot. Bras. fig. 15. 1956; Forstner, Verh. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 112: 90. 1972. This species is based on L. Riedel 1035 from sandy rather moist places in the Serra da Lapa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, flowering in November, and probably deposited in the Leningrad herbarium. This collection is also the type of Paepalanthus elegans var.@& Korn.; var. @ is a synonym of var. elanatus Ruhl. It is interest- ing to note that Kunth (181) cites the type collection as from "In arenosis siccis Serra da Lapa", but Bongard (1831) says "Habi- tat in arenosis subhumidis Serra da Lapa". The type of var. superbus is Glaziou 20012, also from Minas Gerais. The dried and dyed inflorescences of this species are exported from Brazil in large quantities and are sold in American and Euro- pean markets for use in dried flower arrangements under the names, "Brazilian everlasting", "star-flower", "sky-rocket", and "Glixie"; in Brazil they are called "flore de Diamantina", "sempreviva", "sempreviva de Diamantina", "sempre-viva mini-saia", "sempre-viva p$ liso", "sempre-viva pé-de-ouro", or "sempervarium". They became common in Vienna flower-shops in 1969. Recently Rhynchospora globosa is appearing in the trade and is treated there very much like S. elegans with a remarkable super- ficial resemblance to it. The Syngonanthus material is marketed as "dyed-dry-bouquet" material by Associated Marketing Products, Broomfield, Colorado, and is alleged (correctly) to come from Min- as Gerais, It takes vegetable dyes well and is sold in many colors. In Canada it was sold (in 1969) at the rate of 50 cents for 100 stems in novelty flower-shops in Ottawa supplied "by a wholesaler hh PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 in Montreal". Ruhland (1903) cites from Minas Gerais Glaziou 20012, Riedel 1035, Schwacke 8502, and Sena s.n. [Herb. Schwacke “Tnes2). Sil sil- veira (1928) cites A. Silveira wnK) from the Serra do Cipé, also in Minas Gerais, collected in 1905. Recent collectors have found S. elegans growing on sandy cam pos and in sand and fine gravel on open summits, at altitudes of 00—-1300 meters, flowering and fruiting in March, April, August, and December, flowering also in November. They refer to the plant as a perennial tufted or cespitose herb, 20--50 cm. tall, the peduncles to 50 cm. long, and the flower—heads white. It bears close habital similarity with S. barbatus Alv. Silv., S. candidus Alv. Silv., S. elegantulus Ruhl., and S. niveus (Bong.) Ruhl. Herbarium material of S. elegans has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as 5. elegantulus and S. niveus. On the other hand, the M. A. Chase 10369, distributed as S. elegans, is actually var. elanatus Ruhl., while Mendes Magalhfes 6023 5 6023 (Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 8280] is S. ;S. elegantulus Ruhl. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: M. A. Chase 10355 (Mi, W—11,95687); Glaziou 20012 (W--112167); Hatschbach 30210 (Ld) ; Irwin, Fonséca, Sou Souza, Re: Reis dos Santos, & Ramos 28211 11 (Ld, N, W—2759022) ; A. Lutz z 1580 [Herb. Lutz 1580] (Le); | Maguire, Mendes Magalhfies, | & Mag Maguire ire 49135 (N); Mexia 5735 (Ca—5091L5, Go, Mi, Mu, Ut—5021A, W—-1571899); L. Riedel 1035 (B—isotype, M-—-isotype, Ut--l00-isotype); R. E. Russell s.n. [December 1969] (Bl1—2h3h39); J. B. Silva 568 [Herb. Set. Lag. 705] (Ba), 58h {Herb. Set. Lag. 721] (Ac (Ac, “Ba), 59 (Herb. Set. Lag. 731] (Ba, Ld); Vauthier 63 (B, Mi); L. 0. Williams 8145 (W—1933086); Wil- liams & Assis 6911 (ca—7hhl3h, N, Vi, W—19328)h). COMMERCIAL- LY MARKETED: Austria: Forstner SNe ivicnnm’ Feb. 6, 1970] (Ac). Brazil: Moldenke & Moldenke 19938 (Cb, Fy, Hk, Le, a Ss). Can- ada: Dore s.n. [18 Nov. 1969] (Ac). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: Bong,, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 2 (3): pl. 13. 1832 (N, 2); drawings by Kornicke (B). eaeegucsaY ¢ ELEGANS var. CANESCENS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 365. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. ls 365 & 17. 1928; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1916; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 1993 Molden~ ke, Résumé 107 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 962. 1971. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having the leaves densely covered with white spreading-erect hairs and the sheaths conspicuously longer than the leaves. The type of the variety is A. Silveira 650, collected "In cam 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae hh? pis arenosis in serra do Cipé", Minas Gerais, Brazil, in April, 1918, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. On page 17 of his work (1928) Silveira gives "1915" as the date of collection. Thus far the variety is known only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS ELEGANS var. ELANATUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich Synonymy: Paepalanthus elegans var. ( Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 35. 1863. Syngonantims elegans var. elanata Ruhl. ex Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 17. 1928. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 435. 1863; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 275 & 290. 1903; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 17. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 47, & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 19495 Moldenke, Phytologia : 312. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 107, 324, 351, & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 581, 636, & 962. 1971. Ruhland's original description of this taxon is "Differt a typo foliis basi non rufescenti-lanatis ibique glabriusculis vel albo-puberulis". He based it on G. Gardner 5283 and Glaziou 20013 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Recent collectors refer to this plant as cespitose, the inflor— escence to 15 cm. tall [but on one specimen seen by me of the Irwin & al. 22019 collection whose label is so inscribed the in- florescences are at least 34 cm. tall!], and the heads white or cream-color. They have found it growing at 1050—1700 m. alti- tude, flowering in December and Jammary and in fruit in Jamary, and record the vernacular name, "sempre-viva" or "sempreviva", Mrs. Chase encountered the plant "in moist sand under overhang- ing rock on open rocky slope", while Irwin and his associates re- port it from "wet campo in area of sandy and gravelly campos and cerrado on outcrops" and "campo in area of grassy meadows and ad- jacent sandy campos". Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 69 from the Serra do Cip6, collected in 1909. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some her—- baria as typical S. elegans (Bong.) Ruhl. as well as S. elegantu- lus Ruhl., and S, niveus (Bong.) Ruhl. and even as "Paepalanthus sp. nov." On the other hand, the Hatschbach & Ahumada 31286 and Irwin, Harley, & Onishi 29129, distributed as S. elegans var. elanatus, are actually S. elegantulus Ruhl., while G. Gardner 6209] are S. niveus (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: M. A. Chase 10369 (W—119569)); A. P. Duarte 7569 [Herb. Brad. 27317] (Bd—27317, N); G. Gardner 5283 (N—cotype); Glaziou 16395 (N, N—photo), 16398 (N); Irwin, Onishi, Fonséca, Souza, Reis dos Santos, & Ra- mos 25459 (N)j Irwin, Reis dos Santos, Souza, & Fonséca 22019 (N); Windisch & Ghillény 21) (Herb. Brad. 61220] (Bd, Ja—61220, (Ld). 48 PH YT.O.E 0.6 Ek Vol. 35, no. 6 SYNGONANTHUS ELEGANTULUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 273--27h. 1902. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 271, 273--27h, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 7: 31. 1915; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17 & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 1919; Moldenke, Phytologia 4: 312. 1953; Men- des Magalhfes, Anais V Reun. Anual Soc. Bot. Bras. 293. 1956; Moldenke, Résumé 107 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: h. 1965; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 962. 1971; An- gely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 1162 & ind. 28. 19725 Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 39. 1977. This species was based by Ruhland (1903) on four collections: Glaziou 16396, 17839, & 17840 from dry campos "nahe dem Gipfel der Serra de S&o Jo#o d'El Rei", Minas Gerais, and Schwacke 12108 from sandy places in the same locality, altitude 980 m., where it is said to be very abundant, collected in December, 1895, all deposited in the Berlin herbarium. Recent collectors describe this plant as cespitose, the in- florescences to 15 cm. tall, and the heads white, and have found it growing in sandy soil among rocks, in wet places, and in wet, flat, sandy places with sparse grass cover. Irwin and his assoc- iates found it in campo "In an area of grassy meadows and adja- cent sandy campo" and "in sand beneath overhanging rocks on a sandstone summit with soil-filled cracks and depressions and ad- jacent precipices and a steep valley". Mendes Magalh&es en- countered it "in sandy soil with quartz fragments with carpet of herbs and sparse shrubs"; Hatschbach & Ahumada found it "de solo arenoso junto as rochas do alto de morro". Ascenc#o comments that it is a "planta herb4cea de pequeno porte, flores brancas, folhas tenras e pequenas", while Occhioni found it in a "restin- ga parte alagada". It has been found growing at altitudes of 980—1950 m., flowering from December to February, April, June, August, and September, and fruiting in Jamary, February, and August. Ruhland (1903) comments that the "Species vaginis rutilanti- bus farinaceo-puberulis insignis, S. eleganti proxima, sed jam pr. c. statura humiliore, indumento darataGntiats: foliis basi non lanatis ab illo differt". It certainly seems closely re- lated also to S. candidus Alv. Silv. and S. niveus (Bong.) Ruhl. It is worth noting here that the Angely (1972) publication re- ferred to in the bibliography above is often cited as "1970", the title-page date, which is erroneous. Material of this species has been misidentified and distribu- ted in some herbaria as S. elegans (Bong.) Ruhl., S. elegans var. elanatus Ruhl., S. niveus (Bong.) Ruhl., S. pauper Ruhl., S. ten- uis (H.B.K.) Ruhl., Paepalanthus fischerianus Korn., and P. niv- eus Kunth. On the other hand, the Glaziou 16398 and Irwin, On- ishi, Fonséca, Souza, Reis dos Santos, & Ramos 251,59, distributed as S. elegantulus, are actually S. elegans var. elanatus Ruhl., 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae Lhg while Mendes Magalhfes 6022 [Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 48279] is S. niveus (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Guanabara: Ascenc&o s.n. [Herb. Fac. Nac. Farmac. 7992] (Ld); Occhioni 2266 [Herb. Fac. Nac. Far- mac 7969] (Ld). Minas Gerais: Emygdio, Duarte, Becker, & Silva Santos 355 (N); Glaziou 16396 [Macbride photos 10682] (N—photo of cotype, W--photo of cotype), 17839 (B—cotype), 17840 (B— cotype), 17841 (W--112157); Hatschbach & Almmada 31266 (Ld, N, W—2706691); Irwin, Harley, & Onishi 29129 (Ld, N); Irwin, Reis dos Santos, Souza, & Fonséca 22019 (N, Z); A. Lutz 135 (Ja); Mag- alh&es Gomes 66 [Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 26610, in part] (N); Mendes Magalh&%es 6023 (Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 48280] (Ld); E. Pereira 3157 [Pabst 3992; Herb. Brad. 3833] (Ld, 2); Segadas-Vianna 6006 (Ja); Schultes & Lépez 10308 (N); Souza Arau- jo 43 (Herb. Lutz 2107] (Ja). S&o Paulo: Glaziou 15549 (W— 1123532); Regnell III.1265 [3/1857] (W—2007uh) . a eenws ENSIFOLIUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 383—365, pl. 2hh. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 383—385 & 17, pl. 2hh. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot, Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 199; Molden- ke, Résumé 107 & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 962. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 337. 1977. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 2h. 1928. This species is based on A, Silveira 580 from "In campis areno- sis prope Bandeirinhas, in Serra do Cipé", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1909, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (1928) notes that the "Species propter folia ensiformia dense rosulata valde insignis". It should be noted that in his text Silveira refers to "Tabula CCXLV" as illustrating this spe- cies, but the plate that actually does so is labeled "TABULA CCXLIV" — plate 25 depicts S. dealbatus Alv. Silv. Thus far, S. ensifolius is known only from the original col- lection. SYNGONANTHUS ERECTIFOLIUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 365—366, pl. 231. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 365--366 & 417, pl. 231. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19375 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew, Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 57. 1946; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 19h9; Moldenke, Résumé 107 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 962. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 335. 1977 450 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, mo. 6 Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 231. 1928. This species is based on A, Silveira 666 from "In campis are- nosis ad Pico do Itambé", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in Ap- ril, 1918, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. On page }17 of his work (1928) Silveira gives "Diamantina" as the type local- ity. It should also be noted that in his text he refers to plate 232 as illustrating this species, while the plate that actually does so is labeled "CCXXXI" —- plate 232 illustrates S. venustus Alv. Silv. He comments that S. erectifolius "A. S. vemusto Alv. Silv. foliis 5-nervis obtusissimisque praecipue differt." SYNGONANTHUS ERIOPUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 362——363, Ple 229. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 362——363 & 17, pl. 229. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19373 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 26. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 57. 1946; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 19h9; Moldenke, Résumé 107 & 91. 19593 Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 962. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 229. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 667 from "In campis areno- sis prope Barauna", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1918, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. In his text Sil- veira (1928) refers to "Tabula CCXXX" as illustrating this species, but the plate which does so is labeled "TABULA CCXXIX" — plate 230 actually represents S. arthrotricms Alv. Silv. On page 17 he cites "Baraunas" as the type locality. Thus far the species is known only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS ERIOPUS var. APPRESSUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 363 [as "appressa"]. 1928. Synonymy: Syngonanthus eriopus var. appressa Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 363. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 363 & 17. 1928; Molden- ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 57. 19463 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 19493 Moldenke, Résu- mé 107, 351, & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 (1971$ and 2: 636 & 962. 1971. This variety "Differt pedunculis appresso-pubescentibus" from the typical form of the species and is based on A. Silveira 668 from "In campis prope Diamantina", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1918, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (1928) comments that it "A. S. arthrotricho Alv. Silv. indumento pedunculorum, foliis multe longioribus et ejus basi longe ciliata praecipue differt". Thus far it is known only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS EUSCHEMUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 27h. 1903. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 451 Synonymy: Paepalantims euschems Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 20, in syn. 1959. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 3, 271, 27h, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 1. 1930; Molden- ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 57. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Phy- tologia : 312. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 107 & 91. 19593; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 20. 19593 Moldenke, Phytologia 20: + 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 582 & 962. 1971; Mol- denke, Phytologia 26: 483 (1973), 33: 39 (1976), and 35: 2h. 1976. This species is based on Glaziou 22300 and 22301 from "zwischen Rio Torto und Ponte de Paranana, auf trockenen Campos...bluhend im Mai und November", Goids, Brazil, deposited in the herbarium of the Botanisches Museum in Berlin where the former was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 10683. It should be noted that Ruhland (1903) cites only these two cotype collections — he does not cite Glaziou 22303, annotated by him as Ss. eusche- mas in the Berlin herbarium, but which (at least as to the Brus- sels specimen) is Paepalanthus albo-villosus Alv. Silv. Recent collectors describe S, euschemus as an herb having in- florescences to 20 cm, tall and white flower—heads and have found it growing in "campo and cerrado" and in "campo limpo on sandy soil wet in some places", at an altitude of 1250 m., flowering from March to May and in November. The Irwin, Grear, Souza, & Reis dos Santos 13298, cited below, is a mixture with Paepalan- thus elongatus f. graminifolius Herzog. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Goids: W. R. Anderson 8039 (Ld, N); Glaziou 22300 [Macbride photos 10683] (B--cotype, N--photo of cotype, W--photo of cotype), 22301 (B—cotype, W—1112538—cotype) 5 Irwin, Grear, Souza, & Reis dos Santos 13253 (N, W-2759021, Z), 13298, in part (Ld, N). SYNGONANTHUS FERRENSIS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 355-356, pl. 225. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 355—356 & L17, pl. 225. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477. 19375 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 19413 Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 57. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Ré—- sumé 107 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1s 173 (1971) and 2: 962. 1971. Tllustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. ls pl. 225. 1928. This species is based on A, Silveira 736, which, apparently, consists of two separate collections: (1) from "In humidis prope Lagoa do Ferro, altitudine 1.050 m. in vicinia urbis Patrocinio" and (2) "in humidis prope Milho Verde, in Serra do Espinha¢go" Minas Gerais, Brazil, the former collected in September, 1924, and 452 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 the latter in June, 1925, both deposited in the Silveira herbar- jum. Curiously, on page 17 of his work Silveira (1928) cites his no. 73% as only from Lagoa do Ferro, collected in 192). Wors- dell (191) cites plate "22" as illustrating this species, cred- iting 225 to S. pauciflorus Alv. Silv., but both in his text and under the plate Silveira plainly gives "CCXXV" as the number of the illustration of S. ferrensis. He comments that the "Species a S. imndato caespite foliorum in apice caulis praecipue differt; a S. paraensis foliis angustioribus, sepalis floris masculis acu- tis (haud obtusis), pedunculis multo majoris et aliis characteri- bus distinguitur". Thus far it is known only from the original collections. SYNGONANTHUS FERTILIS (Korn.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l- 30): 263. 1903. ee Synonymy: Paepalanthus fertilis Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 448--by9, pl. 58, fig. 1. 1863. Dupatya fertilis (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891. Dupatya fertilis Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngo- nanthus fertilis Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Additional bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): )8- 4h9, 500, & 507, pl. 58, fig. 1. 1863; Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 1023. 1883; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 75. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02. 189; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 3, 2h6, 263, 290, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Stapf, Ind. Lond. h: 518. 19305; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 191; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 02. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18, 29, 48, 57, & 60. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 352. 1947; Moldenke, Known Geogr, Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 65, 91, & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia lh: 312—313. 1953; Dur- and & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Re- sumé 73, 107, 280, 325, & 491. 19595; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 402. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 1h. 1962; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 127, 173, & 480 (1971) and 2: 582 & 962. 19713 Moldenke, Phytologia 28: 437 (197h), 3h: 257 (1976), and 35: 358. 1977. Ce eae Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): pl. 58, fig. 1. 1863. Anderson refers to this plant as an herb and found it in wet sand of grassy hillside campo, while Oldenburger and his associ- ates report it "common" on a "savanna in transition of fine white sand to moist fine sand and clay" and report the vernacular name, "tiirepanaimo". It has been found growing at 300--1250 m. alti- tude, flowering in April, July, November, and December and fruit- ing in November. Duke 8009 is very similar in habit and appear= ance to S. humboldtii (Kunth) Ruhl., an obviously very closely re- lated species. Ruhland (1903) cites only the original cotypes, G. Gardner 2960 and 062 from Piauf and Weddell 3397 from Mato Grosso, 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 453 Brazil, commenting that the species "Habitu quasi inter duas praecedentes [S. verticillatus (Bong.) Ruhl. and S. humboldtii (Kunth) Ruhl.) media", Gardner 2960 is cited by Kornicke (1863) under what he called Paepalanthus caulescens var. b subvar. & Korn., a taxon now re= duced to synonymy under typical Syngonanthus caulescens (Poir. ) Ruhl. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbar- ia under the name Paepalanthus caulescens Kunth. On the other hand, the Oldenburger, Norde, & Schulz ON.558, distributed as S. fertilis, seems better placed as S. humboldtii (Kunth) Ruhl. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Amazonas: Murca Pires 80 [Herb. IPEAN 15059] (ld). Goids: W. R. Anderson 8130 (Ld, N); Mattos 36, [Herb. Fac. Nac. Farmac. 7741] (Ld); Murca Pires & Mattos 96l3a (Lw); Murcga Pires, Silva, & Souza 98h3a (N)j Onishi, Bar- roso, & Maia 104 (Ld); A. Saat ni iad ae cl.712 {U. S. Nat Nat. Herb. Sisto 5901) (N--photo, if P). Mato Grosso: Ma Malme 3342 (Ca— 524502, W—1)8348h) . Bleek: G. Gardner 2960 . (B——cotype, N—co- type). Par&: Ducke 8009 (G1), 11328 (Bs), 12025 (Z); W. A. Egler 275 (Bs); Egler & Ri r& Raimundo oN. nike Ks Egler 948; Herb. Mus. Goeldi 23630] (Ba—12295, —12295, Mm); | Frées 29815 (Be—79771, Le); Goel- di 15065 (Bs); Murga Pires, Black, W Wurdack, & Silva 6078 Ose 6108 8 (N), 6188 (N); | Sick B.667b 67 Herb. Bra i L617) (Bd), B.669a [Herb. Brad. 1,613] (Bd), , Sen. [Herb. Brad. 705] (Bd); Travessos s.n. (Serra do Cachimbo, VI.1956; Herb. Brad. 21100] (Lw). MOUNT- ED ILLUSTRATIONS: Korn. in Mart. +, Fl. Bras. 3 (1): pl. 58, fig. 1. 1863 (B, N, 2); drawings by Kornicke (B, B). SYNGONANTHUS FILIPES Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 323—32h, pl. 205. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 323—32h & 417, pl. 205. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 477—h78. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 57. 1946; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 199; Moldenke, Résumé 107 & 91. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 962. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 205. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 547 from "In campis are- nosis in Serra do Cipé", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April of 1909 and deposited in the Silveira * herbarium. Silveira (1928) says of it: "Ab affinimus forma et colore bractearum involucran- tium praecipue differt". Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Murga Pires & Black 3310 (Be—63756) . kok PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 SYNGONANTHUS FISCHERIANUS (Bong.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 256—257. 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon fischeriamum Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 627. 1031. Paepalanthus nardifolius Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 532. 1841. Eriocaulon nardifolium Kunth ex Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 281. 1855. Paepalanthus fischeriams (Bong.) Kérn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): - 1863. Paepalanthus fischeriams Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 455. 1863. Dupatya fischeriana (Bong.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 75. 1891. Eriocaulon nardifolium Steud. apud Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. a 1s 878, in Syne 1893. Dupatya fisch= eriana Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. l, 15. 1902 [not D. fischeriana Kuntze, 1903]. Syngonanthus fischeriams Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Syngonanthus breviramosus C. Diogo, Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 1: 28-29. 1923. .Paepalanthus vaginatus Mart. ex Moldenke, Phytolo- gia k: 313, in syn. 1953 [not P. vaginatus Korn., 1863]. Syngo= nanthus fischeriamus var. hatschbachii Moldenke, Phytologia 28: 403. 197k. Bibliography: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 627. 1831; Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 27. 1831; Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585. 180; Kunth, Enum, Pl. 3: 532, 575, 613, & 625. 181; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 262 & 267. 1852; Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 279, 281, & 33h. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 279, 455, 456, & 507. 1863; Korn. in Warm., Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kjobenh. 23: 315. 1871; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 878 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 02. 1894; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 3 (2): 329. 1898; Malme, Bih. Svensk Vet.-Akad. Handl. 27 (3), no. ll: 31. 1901; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 15. 1902} Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 2, 28, 29, 2h5, 256—-257, 285, 286, & 293. 1903; Beauverd, Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 8: 299. 1908; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 19083 C. Diogo, Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 1: 28—29. 1923; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 40. 19303 A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 191; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 878 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: 02. 19463 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 17, 18, 29, 3h, 37, 48, 51, 56, & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 37h. 197; Moldenke, Lilloa 1h: 66. 1948; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 460 & 627 (1948), 3: 956 & 968 (1949), and hs 1015. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 91, 97, & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia h: 313. 1953; Angely, Fl. Paran. 10: 15. 1957; Anon., U.S. Dept. Agr. Bot. Subj. Index 5: 4227. 1958; R. C. Foster, Contrib. Gray Herb. 18h: 39. 1958; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 106, 107, 115, 280, 288, 290, 325, 326, 328, & h9l. 1959; Angely, Fl. Paran. 16: 77. 1960; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 878 (1960) and im. 3, 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 55 2: 402. 1960; Rennéd, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 71. 1960; Angely, Fl. Paran. 17: 2h. 19613 Angely, Fl. Anal. Paran., ed. 1, 201. 1965; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12 (1965) and 15: 5. 1967; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 & 80 (1971) and 2: 500, 507, 582, 586, 592, 636, & 962. 19713 Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 6s 1162 & Ind. 20 & 28. 1972; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 2h (1973), 28: 403 & LhO (1974), 31: 386 & 408 (1975), and 35: 260 & 48. 1977. The type of this species is a D. Fischer unnumbered collection from Minas Gerais, Brazil, deposited in the Leningrad herbarium. Bongard's original (1831) description is "acaule; foliis caespito- sis vagina brevioribus, linearibus acutis glabris; pedunculo soli- tario pubescente; vagina apice trifida. Tab. LIX. Habitat in provincia Minas Geraes. Floret.....@) Mecum benevole commnica- vit cel. D. Fischer." The plate 59 to which he refers was never actually published and probably exists now only in the Leningrad library or herbarium. Recent collectors describe this plant as an herb with white flowers and have encountered it on wet and on wet sandy campos, in swamps and soggy marshes, in swales and in berjo (wet sedge meadows), at altitudes of 700—-1300 meters, flowering from Sep- tember to February, and fruiting in February, May, September, No- vember, and December. Hatschbach found it growing on a "campo alagadico", while Klein reports it from a "banhado de campo". The type of Paepalanthus nardifolius is Sellow 4957 from "Bra- silia meridionalis", deposited in the Berlin n herbarium; that of Syngonanthus breviramosus is F, Miller 36 in the Rio de Janeiro herbarium and that of S. fischeriams var. hatschbachii is Hatschbach 32760 in the Moldenke herbarium. Jackson (189), fol- lowing the DeCandolle code of nomenclature, reduced S. fischeria- mus to synonymy under Paepalanthus nardifolius Kunth. It should be noted that the Angely (1972) publication listed in the bibliography above is often cited as "1970", the title— page date, but was not actually published until 19725 similarly, the Malme (1901) work is sometimes cited as "1903". Angely gives the overall distribution of S. fischeriams as "Brasilia: do Ama~ zonas até S[anta] C[atarina]". Foster (1958) records it from Bo- livia, without citing a confirming specimen; Malme (1901) cites Regnell III .1263 [16/11/1864] from Minas Gerais; Kérnicke (1871) cites Lund s.n. from SZo Paulo. Ruhland (1903) cites the follow ing: Goids: Gla Glaziou 22298. Minas Gerais: Burchell 3782, Lhotzky s.n., Lund s.n., ‘m., Mendonga 318 318, Raben s.n., Regnell TII .1263, Sel- low s.n., Widgren 823. Pernambuco: cot Martius sen. S&o Paulo: Glaziou 7997, Lund s.n., L, Riedel 1478. The R. S. Santos s.n. Ti2.9 63) collection, cited below, is a mixture with something ng non-eriocaulaceous. Material of S. fisch- eriams has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as S. widgreniams (Korn.) Ruhl. [a species which it closely re- sembles) and as Eriocaulon sp. On the other hand, the Regnell 456 PoE eT Or, OO elek Vol. 35, no. 6 III .1265 [3/1857], distributed as S. fischerianus, actually is S. elegantulus Ruhl., while Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 3259) & 5187, Kuntze s.n. [Ost Velasco, 200 m., VII.92] & s.n. [Matto- grosso, 200 m., VII.92], Mendes Magalh#es 162, J. E. Oliveira 1317, Spruce s.n. [In vicinibus Santarem, Aug. 1850], J. Stein- bach 5507, and Ule 7665 are S. gracilis var. aureus Ruhl. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Lhotzky s.n. (B)3 Regnell III .1263 [16/11/1864] (W--200758); R. S. Santos s.n. [12. 9.63] (Bd-—-286)1); Sellow 835 (B), 4957 (B), sen. (B); Widgren 823 [6/12/1845] (W--9362)9). Parand: A. Castellanos 21868 (Ja- 12656); Dombrowski 2087 [Kuniyoshi 1812] (Ac), 2212 [Kuniyoshi 1956] (Ld); Dombrowski, Saito, & Pereira 826/616/210 (Ac); Hatsch- bach 1138 (N, Sp—8603), 5548 (Mm), 22510 (Ac, N), 30989 (Ld), 32760 (Z), 33474 (Ld); Hatschbach, Smith, & Klein 28247 (Ld); Mattos 4328 (N). Santa Catarina: Klein 3612 (Ld); Mello Filho 682 [Herb. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 49607] (Ld); F. Muller 36 (Ja-- 819, Z—~—photo); Reitz & Klein 610) [Herb. Barb. Rodr. 16289] (N, S, Sm), 10445 (Ac), 14230 (Ld); Smith & Klein 8260 (Z), 8536 (Ok), 13451 (W—245159h), 13685 (Ac), 13984 (W—2451597), 15476 (Ac); Smith & Reitz 8707 (N, Ok), 8911 (W—22l,8755). S&o Paulo: Bailey & Bailey 850 (Ba); Brade 6582 [Herb. Inst. Biol. S. Paulo 6582; Herb. Coll. 5532) (Mu, N); W. Hoehne 766 (N)5 Leite 3901 (N), se n. [Campos do Jord%o, V.1950] (N); Martius s.n. [ad aquas puras prope Ypanema, Decembri 1817] (Mu); Moldenke & Moldenke 196) (B, Es, F, Fy, Lg, Im, Mg, Mr, N, No, Ot, Rs, S, Sm, Ss), 19909 (Es, N); Pabst 5777 [Pereira 5950; Herb. Brad. 21960] (Lw); L. Riedel 1478 [Macbride photos 1068] (B, B, M, Mu, N--photo, Ut--l0l1, W— photo). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: drawings by Kunth & Kérnicke (B). SYNGONANTHUS FLAVICEPS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 328-330, pl. 209. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 328--330 & 17, pl. 209. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 478. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 57. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenav., [ed. 2], 91 & 213. 19493 Moldenke, Résumé 107 & 491. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 173 (1971) and 2: 962. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 348, 438, & 439. 1977. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 209. 1971. This species is based on A. Silveira 574 from "In campis are- nosis in Serra do Cabral", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in May, 1910, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (1928) says of it: "AS. anthemidifloro (Bong.) Ruhl. praecipue differt colore capitulorum, indumento foliorum et forma bractearum invol- ucrantium"., It also has much the genetal appearance of S. canal- iculatus Alv. Silv. and S. densifolius Alv. Silv. Irwin and his 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 457 associates assert that its inflorescences rise to 50 cm. and the flower—heads are white. They encountered it "on wet campo in sum- mit gray sandy soil", at 1200 m. altitude, flowering in March. It is of interest to note that Silveira's illustration of the species is omitted from the "Index Londinensis Supplement" of Worsdell (1941). Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Irwin, Fonséca, Souza, Reis dos Santos, & Ramos 27123 (N, W—2759020, Z). SYNGONANTHUS FLAVIDULUS (Michx.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30) 256. 1903. Additional & emended synonymy: Eriocaulon flavidulum Michx., Fl. Bor.-Am., imp. 1, 2: 166. 1803. Eriocaulon spathaceum Raf., Atl. Journ. 1: 121. 1832. Eriocaulon flavidulum var. cinereum Raf., Autikon Bot., imp. 1, 189. 1840. Paepalanthus flavidulus (Michx.) Kunth, Enum, Pl. 3: 532. 1841. Eriocaulon flavidum Michx. ex A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 2, 489, in syn. 1856. Paepal- anthus flavidus Kunth ex A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 2, 489. 1856. Paepalanthus flavidulus Kunth apud A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. 1, imp. 1, 503. 1860. Paepalanthus borealis Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 508, nom. mud. 1863. Paepalantius flavidulus (Steud.) Kunth apud Hieron. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfanm., ed. 1, 2 (4): 27. 1888. Dupatya flavidula (Michx.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745.1891. Dupatya flavidula (Michx.) Morong, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 18: 359. 1891. Dupatya flavidula Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. l, 15. 1902. Syngo- nanthus flavidulus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Syngonanthus flavidus (Michx.) Ruhl. ex A. C. Martin, Am, Midl. Nat. 36: 533. 1946. Dupotya flavidula (Michx.) Kuntze ex Moldenke, Résumé 282, in syn. 1959. Eriocaulon caespitosum Caba- nis ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 16, in syn. 1959 [not E. caes- pitosum Poepp., 1863, nor Wikstr., 1820]. Dupataya flavidula (Michx.) Kuntze ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 31, in syn. 1962. Syngonanthus flavidus Michx. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 35, in syn. 1962. Paeplantius flavidulus Kunth ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 16: 26, in syn. 1968. Du a flavidula (Michx.) Kuntze ex Mol- denke, Fifth Summ. 1: 87, in syn. 1971. Syngonanthus dupatya Mart., Phytologia 34: 277, in syn. 1976. Additional & emended bibliography: Michx., Fl. Bor.-Am., imp. 1, 2: 166. 1803; Roem. & Schult. in L., Syst. Veg., ed. 15 nova, 2: 868. 1817; Steud., Nom. Bot. Phan., ed. 1, 313. 1821; S. Ell., Sketch Bot., imp. 1 & 2, 2: 566—567 & 728. 182h; Spreng. in L., Syst. Veg., ed. 16, 3: 776. 1826; Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. l. 1831; Raf., Atl. Journ. 1: 121. 1832; Raf., Autikon Bot., imp. 1, 189. 1810; Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585. 1840; Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 532, 613, & 625. 18h]; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 262. 1852; Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 281 & 334. 1855; A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 2, imp. 1, 489. 1856; Korn., Linnaea 27: 584, 590—592, 458 PHY T:0.L0:G T/A Vol. 35, no. 6 & 596. 1856; A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 2, imp. 2, 89 (1858) and ed. 2, imp. 3, 489. 1859; A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. 1, imp. 1, 503. 1860; C. Mull. in Walp., Ann. Bot. Syst. 5: 925 & 928 (1860) and 6: 1171. 1861; A. Wood, Class-book, [ed. 42], imp. 1, 730 (1861) and [ed. 12], imp. 2, 730. 1862; A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 3, 489 (1862) and ed. h, imp. 1, 489. 1863; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 279, 297, 300, 456, 503, 50h, & 508. 1863; A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. , imp. 2, 89. 1864; A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. l, imp. ae 503. 1865; A. Wood, Class-book, [ed. 42], imp. 3, 730 (1865) and” [ed. 42], imp. h, 730. rE ze "Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 5, imp. 1, 550 (1867) and ed. 5, imp. 1868; A. Wood, Class-book, (ed. 42], imp. 5, 730 (1868, raat 42], imp. 6, 730 (1869), and [ed. 42), imp . 7, 730. 1870; A. Gray, Man. Bot., eds h, imp. a 489. 1870; ke Wood, Am. Bot. & Flor., ed. Abs imp. 1, 355 (1870), ed. 1, imp. 2, 355 (1871), and ed. 1, imp. 3, 355. 1872; A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed- 1, imp. 3, 503. 1872; A. Wood, Class-book, [ed. 2], imp. 8, 730. 1872; A. Wood, Am. Bot. & Flor., eda: imp . h, 355 (1873), ed. 1, imp. es 36S (187h), and ed. i imp. ues 355. "1875; A. Wood, Class-book, [ed. 42], dmp . 9, 730. "1876; Ae Gray, Man. Bot., ede 5, imp. 8, 550 (1878) and ed. 5, imp. 9 ["8"], soe 1880; Sh Wood, Class—book, [ed. 42], imp. 10, 730. 1881; A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. 2, imp. a 503 (1883), ed. 2, ne ioe 503 (188k), and ed. 2, imp. Er 503. 1887; Hieron. in Engl . & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., "ed. i, 2’(): 27. 1888; A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. 2, imp. h, 503. 1889; S. Wats. & Coult. in A. Gray, Man. Bot., ed. 6, imp. l, 757 "(18895 and ed. 6, imp. 2, 757. 1890; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891; Morong, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 18: 359. 1891; A. W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. 2, imp. 5, 503. 18923; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. se 1: 878 & 879 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: O02. 189); Britton & Br., Tllustr. Fl., ed. 1, 1: 372—373, 602, & 604, fig. 902 (1896) and ed. 1, 3: 536, 537, "& Shs. 18963 A.W. Chapm., Fl. South. U. S., ed. 3, 530. 1897; N. L. Britton, Man., ed. 1, imp. 1, 237-238 & 1067. 1901; Holm, Bot. Gaz. 31: 18. 19013; Mohr, Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 6: 29. 1901; N. L. Britton, Man., ed. 1, imp. 2, 237-238 & 1067. 1902; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. ae imp. sa, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 29, 31, 33, 137, 2155 2u5 200, 2516 285, 287, 290, & 293. 19033 J. K. Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S., ed. 1, 235. 1903; N. L. Britton, Man., ed. 2, 237--238, 1099, & 1101. 1905; Baerecke, Anal. Key Ferns & Flow. Pl. Atl. Sect. Middl. Fla. 25. 1906; R. M. Har- per, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 17: 268. 1906; N. L. Britton, Man., ed. 3, 237—238, 1099, & 1101. 19073 M. A. Day, Check List 39. 1908; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Robinson & Fern. in A. Gray, New Man. Bot., ed. 7, 260, 261, & 922. 1908; Britton & Br., Illustr. Fl., ed. 2, imp. 1, 1: hSS & 680, fig. 1ihh. 1913; J. K. Small, Fl. Southeast. UL 8., ed. 2, 235. 1913; Britton & Br., Illustr. Fl., ed. 2, imp. 2, 1: 455 & 680, fig. 114k. 1923; M. F. Baker, Fla. Wild Fils. 122. 19263 Uphof, "am. Journ. Bot. 1h: bh. 192753 *Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 9. 19305 Stapf, Ind. Lond. 6: 218. 1931; J. K. Small, Man. Southeast. Fl. 257. 1933. [to be contimed] SOME TAXA OF RED-FLOWERED HIBISCUS ENDEMIC TO THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Otto & Isa Degener After receiving a specimen of a red hibiscus from Mr. Rene *Syl- va from the Island of Maui last October, we dusted off our mAnu- script concerning the genus Hibiscus and here publish our opinions regarding some of its red-flowered taxa. Unlike more conservative workers we, like Sister Margaret James Roe, exclude the genus Pari ti Adans., from Hibiscus L., for reasons explained **elsewhere. With this in mind, we recognize four cohorts of Hibiscus as endemic to the Hawaiian Archipelago. Besides other more important features, these groups can be distinguished from afar by flower color. The yellow is represented by such a species as the mf#o-hau-hele or He brackenridgei Gray, mostly of arid lowlands; the pink by the hualele or He youngianus Gaude, mostly of swampy lowlands exposed to salt ocean breezes; the white by such a species as the fragrant JA-ma- kani or H. arnottianus Gray; and the red, the most difficult and most numerously represented on Kauai, by such a species as the ew nigmatic kokio-ula or H. kokio Hillebr. These two last groups thrive at low and middle elevations often in rainforests and ledg- es or streambanks exposed alternately to sun and mist. The suspi-# ciom expressed that H. kokio might actually represent a white-flow- ered taxon we dismiss as absurd as the specific name kokio and the vernacular name kokio-ula clearly refer to its flower color. A “red” published as a new endemic for the Islands is ***H. fau- riei Lévl. This unhappy binomial as ****Rock indicated, can be ig- nored as a Hawaiian plant. Bought from Abbé Faurie with other speci- mens for the College of Hawaii herbarium and soon deposited on per-=- manent loan at the Bishop Museum by Legislative fiat, this specimen proved to be the African native coral hibiscus H. schizopetalus (Mast.) Hook. fe, grown in gardens in most tropical countries! H. clayi Deg. & Deg.e, of Kauai, with its diminutive leaves, is a strong species easily recognized even when sterile. Hence we felt no qualms in publishing an *****{llustrated description of it in 1959, Another "red" is ****** H. kahilii Forbes, known only from the mountains of southern Kauai. It was last collected by St. John in 1947. This species is distinct as **Roe has indicated on page 2le *An employee of the State, and an expert in Hawailana, especially regarding the native plants of his islande **Deg. & Greenw. Fle Haw. 2/15/57; Roe, Mede, in Pace Sci. 15(1): 4. 1963-6 ***Fedde Repert. 10:156-157. 1911. ****#Rock, JeFe, in College Haw. Publ. 2:48. 1913- #****Dop., Oo, Ie Fle Haw. 3/20/59 ******horbes, C.Ne,» in Occas. Pap. BeP. Bishe Mus. 5(1)s4. 1912. 459 460 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 Besides the differences noted by Roe between He newhousei Roe of northeast Kauai and H. saintjohnianus Roe of northwest Kauai, we wish to emphasize the difference in leaf shape and venatione The former bears leaves with a distinctly acuminate apex andy on the under side, more delicate ribs and venatiom; while the latter has them acuminate and, on the under side , a prominent midrib flank- ed on each side by a single prominent rib. Contrary to some local- ly expressed opinion of wishing to unite the taxa, we follow Sister Margaret James Roe's findingse We know both species from living specimens as well as herbarium ones 1.) Degeners & D. Plucknett Noe 28,210. Hibiscus newhousei Roe (2 trees 12 feet high, slender- twiggy; calyx swollen, pale green; stamens red; anther & pollen pale yellow; style branches pink; stigma brownish.) Moloaa, Anaho= la, Kauai. Open weedy ledges near water intake. March 12, 1961. 2.) H. saintjohnianus Roe is represented by Degeners & HeF. Clay Noe 34,106. Cultivated in Lyon Arboretum, Honolulu, Oahu. A species en- demic to Kauai. July 12, 1963. Degeners* No. 34,105 collected by He F. Clay. Cultivated in Foster Botanical Garden, Honolulu, Qahue Originally collected by B.C. Stone along Napali Coast, Kauai, Dece 28, 1964. ' Dismissing as good species with moderately well known ranges He schizopetalus (syn. H. fauriei), H. clayi, H. kahilii, H. newhousei and H. saintjohnianus, our opinion regarding the two binomials He kokio Hillebre, ex Wawra nome nude, (in Flora oder allgemeine botan= ische Zeitung, p. 174. 1873.) versus H. saintjohnianus Roe (in Pace Scie 15(1):18. 1961.) deserves explaining: What is precisely the true H. kokio, designated the official flower of the Islands in 1923? How many varieties and forms occur? We have worked out some of the answers. The remainder may be gain-=- ed by the possible finding of herbarium specimens lurking neglected in some foreign museum, living specimens in botanic gardens, fur= ther field work, and growing seeds or cuttings from wild plants na- tive to various island regions under controlled conditionse Hooker & Arnott in Bote Beech. pe 79e 1832, mentioned the occur= rence of Hibiscus Boryanus, native to the Island of Réunion and des- cribed by deCandolle, as occurring at Byron Bay, an obsolete name for Hilo Bay, Island of Hawaiie The present city of Hilo is about ten miles south of the village of *Hakalau. “*Though we have no proof, we suspect that Hooker & Arnott's “Byron Bay” taxon is the "Hakalau Red" of E.V. Wilcox and V.S. Holt des-= cribed in their “Ornamental Hibiscus in Hawaii. Haw. Agre Expere Stat. Bull. 29:58. 12/1/13 as a “large tree, dark brown bark, green on twigs. Leaves ovate or lanceolate, serrate, smooth, dark green, 3/4-24 ine wide, 14-44 in long, petiole 1/8-13 ine Flower 23 ines wide, uniform scarlet throughout, filaments short, column 2 ine, peduncle 14 ine, bracts 6, very narrow, green. Not self seeding; used as male parente™ Knowing the area, practically a single sug- arcane field stretching along the lowlands for about forty miles, we doubt this has persisted in the wild state unless, very improb= ably, along one of the few narrow, weed strangled gulches traversing it, The “Hakalau Red" is the only red hibiscus the authors mention for the island. L977 O. & I. Degener, Red-flowered Hibiscus 161 As deCandolle's species bears a red flower, the red-flowered Hilo plant was evidently in error identified as the Réunion spe-= cies. In 1854 Gray (Bot. U.S. Expl. Exped. 1:176.) described the novelty H. Arnottianus, basing his description on two distinct species: the red-flowered Hawaii plant and a white-flowered Oahu one. According to the 1961 Int. Code Bot. Nomencl. Art 64, "When the same new name is simultaneously published for more than one taxon, the first author who adopts it in one sense, rejecting the other, or provides another name for one of these taxa must be fol- lowed." Ignoring for a moment Wawra's reference to "Hibiscus Kokio Hillebrand mss", we find that Hillebrand (Flora Haw. Islands, pe 48, 1888.) selected the name "H. Arnottianus, Gray" for the spe= cies with white petals and “H. Kokio, Hillebr.", for a species with red. Now that we have established that some red-flowered hibiscus is He kokio, precisely which plant is it? Wawra in Flora, oder all- gemeine botanische Zeitung, page 174 [not 173, please note], 1875, published "Hibiscus Kokio Hillebrand mss.", as a nom. nud., with the remark, “Aus Hillebrands Herbar; @403. Kokio der Hingebornen {sic] 3; der etwas breitere Kelch und Kronrthre unterscheidet sie von H. Arnottianno, mit dem er sonst fiber einstimmt (?). Baumarti- ge sch8ne Strf@ucher, sollen nach Hillebrand aus den Pali-bildenden Felsmauern von Waiawa (Kauai) vorkommen; auch kultivirt in seinem Garten." On page 48 of his Flora, Hillebrand under the heading "H. Kokio, Hillebre in Flora 1873, pe 173.", in error for pe. 174 gives an adequate but garbled description to establish the name and, on page 49 adds the range: "Oahu, Nuuanu (Remy); Molokai! Ha- lawa (Hbd.); Kauai Haena and Waimea? (Mrs. Sinclair). Very rare, and probably is the Hibiscus with red flowers from ‘Byron's bay’ referred to by Hook. & Arn. under H. Boryanus, 1eS. - Nat. names: *Pualoalo' and 'Kokio’. Wawra'’s specimens came from the writer's garden, where it has been in cultivation for many years," The des- cription includes numerous taxa, not just ones According to Hille- brand's Flora, page VIII, "The conventional sign ! placed after a name denoting habitat signified that a specimen or specimens of the species described are to be found in the author's herbarium, which, according to a verbal wish expressed a few hours before his death, has been presented to the Royal Botanical Museum of Berlin*." This fact is worded a bit differently on page XCI. Though Wawra'’s arti- cle mentions the species as occurring in Waiawa, Kauai, Hillebrand does not repeat this region in his Flora but mentions “Haena and Waimea? (Mrs. Sinclair)" instead. An enigma is Mrs. Sinclair's plate 9 (Indig. Fl. Haw. Isl. 1885,) which Hillebrand cites under his He kokioe This is a painting of a red-flowered hibiscus, i- dentified by J.D. Hooker as “Hibiscus Arnottianus A. Gray forma" and coming from Kauai or perhaps Niihaue This painting is certainly not of our Molokai type plant though identified as He kokio by St. John (Pac. Scie 83143. 1954.)e Judging from our own reactions when dealing with novelties, we believe a botanist would describe a nov- elty he had not only discovered himself but was cultivating in his garden. Following this reasoning, we place the type locality for the true H. kokio ses., as Halawa, Molokai. Remember, this is the only red native in Hillebrand's herbarium (as noted by his exclamation mark "!") and evidently the only kind cultivated in his Vineyard 462 Pa 2? Oy Oat x Vol. 35, no. 6 PLATE I. Hibiscus saintjohniamus Roe; Kew specimen 1977 O. & I. Degener, Red-flowered Hibiscus 463 Street, Honolulu, garden. Caum (Occasional Pap. B.P. Bish. Muse 9. (5)s7. 1930.) apparently never saw Wawra's article but simply cop- ied Hillebrand*s reference precisely, even to the wrong page number. Miss Roe on page 14, incidentally, gave another wrong Hillebrand- Wawra reference. Caum describes as new Hibiscus kokio var. pukoonis from "Molokai, bottom of Pukoo Valley, just inside the native for- est - - =" and considers, with some misgiving, the Oahu plant the species itself. He is wrong. His var. pukoonis fits precisely a fragment of Hillebrand's plant as being in his herbarium by an ex- clamation mark and now deposited under an "Ex Museo botanico Ber- linensi™ label in the Bishop Museum as a gift from Berlin to J.F. Rock. It is annotated in Rock's handwriting to be "Hibiscus Kokio Hbd. Cultivated in Hbd's garden." We have seen the sheet. That is why we consider var. pukoonis a synonym of the species itself; and we have drawn heavily upon Caum's careful descriptione The Oahu plant, surprisingly, has never been properly named botanically. Furthermore, we omit Mrs. Sinclair's Kauai plant as the possible type for Hillebrand's H. kokio as Hillebrand himself in his Flora indicates his doubt about his species identification by printing a question mark. To make doubly sure regarding our suspicions about the two bi-= nomials H. kokio and H. saintjohnianus, we wrote Kew for help. Through the kindness of Director Sir George Taylor, C.E. Hubbard wrote us under date of the 27th June, 1963: "Dear Dr. Degener, Fol- lowing your letter of the 18th June, we have looked up the specimen of Hibiscus kokio Hillebrand that was originally sent by Mrs. Sin- clair in 1885. A photograph of the specimen is being prepared and a copy Will be sent to you when it is ready. On the sheet is a label bearing Hooker's original determination ‘Hibiscus aff. arnottianus*. There is also the collectors brown paper iabel bearing tne vernacue lar name Kokio-ula. The later determination of Hibiscus kokio Hille= bre is on a separate slip. This sheet has been compared with Mrs. Sinclair's illustration and there can be no doubt that the two are the same plant. The illustration is, in fact, a very good represen- tation of the speciese We shall be very pleased to have duplicates of this species in due course when you are able to send them to uSe Yours sincerely, C.E. Hubbard for Sir George Taylor, Director." July 16 Mr. Hubbard wrote: "I enclose the photograph of the type sheet of Hibiscus kokio Hillebr. which was promised to you in my recent let- ter. The descriptions on the labels do not show clearly, but they have been transcribed on the back of the print." Our accompanying plate I is a reproduction of the copyrighted Kew photographe On the reverse is the following note, mentioned above, written in pencils "Hibiscus kokio Hillebr. Hibiscus aff. Arnottiana Hawaii; Mrs. Sinclair Comm 1/1885 Kokia-ula" Léh Pin YT" 0", O'G"d A Vol. 35, no. 6 PLATE II, Hibiscus kokio var. pekeloi Deg. & Deg. Deg. No. 18,222, Wailau, Molokai, 8/3/28. 1977 O. & I, Degener, Red-flowered Hibiscus L65 Though Mr. Hubbard considers Mrs. Sinclair's sheet at Kew the type of H. kokio Hillebr., the photograph shows it to be H. saint- johnianus Roe. Even though collected almost a Century earlier, we follow Roe in considering St. John No. 25,989 the lectotype. Put in other words, it is as follows: HIBISCUS SAINTJOHNIANUS Roe Hibiscus arnottianus A. Gray forma sensu Sinclair, Indig. Fl. Haw. Isl. Pl. 9. 1885. (Represented by Sinclair plant and Kew photo- graph. ) Hibiscus kokio Hillebr. Fle Haw. Isl. 48. 1888. (In part.) Hibiscus saint johnianus Roe in Pac. Sci. 15(1):18. 1961. Type Locality: "Headland west of Hanakapiai, Napali Coast, Kauai. Altitude- 700 feet; on partly precipitous slope. December 22, 1956. H. St. John 25,989." Degeners, H.W. Hansen & G. Cliff Noe 24,008 was collected Sept. 23, 1955 along "Nualolo Trail, Kokee region, Kauai. Sonny shrubby talus above cliffs. (4 ft. bush; fl. slight- ly yellower than true Chinese red.) This specimen has leaves somewhat acuminate and the margins more serrate than the type plant. The above witches’ brew, though retaining H. saint johnianus, boils down to our considering Caum's trinomial H. kokio var. pukoonis superfluous as it is predated by H. kokio Hillebr., SeSe (see also Articles 69 & 70 of the Code), The Molokai plant, need-= ing a trinomial shall bes HIBISCUS KOKIO Hillebr. var. KOKIO Hibiscus kokio Hillebr. Fl. Haw. Isl. 48. 1888. (As to Molokai plant only.) Not Hibiscus kokio of most authors. Hibiscus kokio var. pukoonis Caum in Occas. Pap. BeP. Bish. MUSe 9(5)#7. 1930. (His plate 5, however, has flower legends reversed in error.) Type Locality: "Molokai! Halawa (Hbd.)"; deposited in the Marie C. Neal Herbarium, Bishop Museum, Honolulu.) A recently discovered novelty is: HIBISCUS KOKIO var. PEKELOI Deg. & Deg.e, var. nov. A specie foliis minimis differt. Plate II. The blades are 50-80 inm. long (not 100-120 mn. as in Caum's tax- on), 22-45 mm. wide (not 55-65 mm.), acute to rarely acuminate (not more uniformly acuminate), sinuately crenate to very rarely serru- late (never serrulate); petioles 3-20 mm. long (not 30-40 mm.). 466 Pen Yel Ow 076-1 Ah Vol. 35, now 6 HI¥MVH ‘NINIONOH "O11 “OD 1TVDINAHD HVYMVH PLANTS OF HAWATI Aa! cn ne . Ch de a PLATE III. Hibiscus ula Deg. & Deg. Degeners* No. 34,145 collected by Rene Sylva, West Maui, 11/-/76. 1977 O. & I. Degener, Red=flowered Hibiscus 67 Type Locality: Otto Degener No. 18,2226 Wailau Valley, Molokai. Rainy, shrubby, coastal ledges. Aug. 3, 1928. Deposited in NY. Lest readers err, we wish to emphasize that t'’s is a trivial taxon of the true H. kokio of Molokai and not of any "red" thus named in er-= ror on Kauai or elsewhere. The name commemorates Mr. Noah Pekelo, Jr.» who collected the same variety about May 18, 1963. The origin- al Pekelo (or "Peter" in English), according to our friend, bore a longer Hawaiian name before the advent of the Missionaries. (Dis- tributed to NY, Bishop, Berlin, Kew, Leiden, Vienna, Smithsonian). His material came from a “Little gully at an elevation of 2,250 ft. at Kainalu, Molokai, back of "puu Mano'." "About a dozen or so plants remaining - very long branches crawling about over ulehe and other plants similar to Ieie but not entwining." Having equated the above names with plamts to our satisfaction, we know of numerous native "red" taxa having existed or still existing in the Hawaiian Archipelago. We know this from publications, from herbarium specimens collected by ourselves and others, and from plants formerly and presently in cultivation. The two acre "Hibiscus Garden," established by the Government in 1955 at the corner of Monsarrat and Paki Avenues, Waikiki, Honolulu, was a potential source of tremendous help. Due to the contributions of horticulturists and botanists like ourselves, a large collection of native, exotic, and hybrid taxa between the two, were growing under controlled conditions. In fact, by 1957 the collection consisted of hundreds of hybrids do- nated by "The Hawaiian Hibiscus Society," and “about 20 endemic Hawa- {ian species (Haw. Holiday, 12/1/57)." These plantings of scientific value were, while botanists were concentrating on other genera, sud- denly bulldozed without much prior warning and changed into a "Rose Garden," a garden pretty to be sure but quite useless scientifical- ly and out of place in the subtropics.e The loss of this garden is largely responsible for the following sketchy surmises regarding some scientifically nameless "reds" not mentioned abovee Many of these appeared closely related to one another perhaps because of lack of plasticity; because of ready transport from one island to another by floating seed or capsule to mix emerging gene pools; or, more likely, because of having been transported dry-shod between areas that later became distinct islands due to fluctuations in sea level or due to land movements. Be that as it may, keen gardeners or horticulturists, and less often botanists, have early recognized among the "reds" many different taxa. In fact, Wilcox & Holt mention, beside the Hae kalau red, the Haena red, Kawaihapai red, Kipu red, Molokai red, and Oahu red. Caum (ibide, pe 8) in addition mentions an Ahuimanu red and a Mokuleia red. HIBISCUS ULA Deg. & Dege, Spe nov. Frutex. Lamina 4-11 cm. longa, 2-7 cm. lata, obovata vel ovata, margine sinuato-dentate; petiolo 2- 50 mme; stpulis 0-5 mm. Pedunculo 1-3 cm.; bracteis 6-75 subulatis; 4-8 mm. Calyce 15 mm. longo, furcato 4-5; lobis acutis. Corolla (zubris?), 75 mm. longis. Columna staminarum 55 mm.; filamentium 8 mm. Ramuli stylorum 8 mm. T, III. Scandent shrub. Leaves with thin glabrous, broadly obovate to o- vate blades 4-11 cm. long, 2-7 cm. wide, sinuately dentate, acumin- 468 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 ate to acute or rarely obtuse at apex, rounded at base, on ferru=- ginous scurfy 2-50 mm. long petioles; stipules obscure to (on vigor- ous shoots) 5 mm. long, setaceous, pubescent. Peduncles near end of branches, 1-3 cme long, articulate 1/4 from top, glabrate. Involu= cral bracts 6-7, subulate, 4-3 mm. long, glabrate. Calyx tubular, 15 mm. long, silky puberulent, cleft for 1/3 to 1/4 into acute tri- plinerved lobes of which lateral nerves in same flower may be fused at cleft or some mme below ite Corolla red: tube about as long as calyx; lobes 4= to 6=-nerved, narrow-obovate, 6 cm. long, toward top 3 cm. wide, glabrous except for faintly ciliolate margin. Staminal column 55 mm. long, glabrous, red, ending in five 1.5 mm. long teeth; filaments crowded toward distal fifth of column, about 8 mm. long, glabrous, antrorsely spreading; pollen yellow. Ovary 7 mm. long, 4 mme Wide, glabrous; style as long as staminal column, its red spreading glutinous hair (mostly with adhering pollen). Stigma and seed unknowne Type Locality: "'The Plant is vine like and grows on a narrow ridge about an hour's walk from the Iao Valley State Park', West Mauie" Collected by Rene Sylva (Degeners*No. 34,145). Type: NY; isotypes: Amherst, Berlin, Hdinburgh, Geneva, Ithaca, Kew, Leiden, Leningrad, Site Le, Wiene Degenvrs & Fleming Noe 25,125, "(15 ft. high, red flowered, twig- gy shrub.) Honokowai ditch trail, W. Maui. Dark gulch-bottom near streame March 27, 1959.", collected without flowers was a confusing plant until examination of Mr. Sylvats recent find. His No. 34,145 bears a few apparently depauperate leaves which are smaller, oval and with an obtuse apex, thus resembling those of Noe 25,125. This latter plant is not ‘hriving as its densely crowded nodes indicatee Conversely, a few of its watersprouts and a flowering specimen (De- geners No; 27,807) "Cultivated Lby Colin Potter] in Foster Botanical Garden, Honolulu from cutting Noe 25,125 (which see) from West Maui. Nove 3, 1961.", matches the normal growth of No. 34,145. We conclude NoSe 25,125, 27,807 and 34,145 to be He ula. HIBISCUS OAHUENSIS De&. & Dege, Spe nov. Frutex foliis saepe glabratis. Petiolus 6-18 Mme longis; lamina chartacea, a= 13 cme longa, 2-6 cm. lata, ovata; basi obtusa vel trun- cata; apice acuta rare acuminata; margine crenata vel raro subintegra. Pedunculus 25-30 mm. longus , bracteolae circa 7, puberulentae, 5-10 mme longae. Calyx 25 mm. longus, WZ Mme latus, lobis acuminatis. Corolla eae at longa, rubra o Columna staminarum 55 mMe longae Hibiscus kokio Roe in Pace Scie 15(1):14, 17 as to Oahu plant only; Figs. 9, 10. 1961. Not Hibiscus kokio Hillebr. Fl. Haw. Isl. 48. 1888. (Unless it is the plant collected by Remy in "Nuuanu," Island of Oahu, some- time between 1851-55 and unknown to Use) 1977 O. & I. Degener, Red-flowered Hibiscus L69 Straggling shrub with virgate branches up to 6 meters long, yellow-pubescent when young. Leaves: Petioles 6-18 mm. long, yel- lowish pubescent; blades ovate, 5-13 cm. long, 2-6 cm. wide, chartaceous, above glabrous to especially glabrate when young on ribs below, broadly obtuse to subtruncate at base, acute to rare- ly acuminate above, crenate except for lower fourth which is en- tire or nearly so or blade rarely subentire throughout; stip» ules linear, 2-6 mm. long, often caducous. Peduncle 25-30 mm. long, yellowish-pubescent; involucral bracts about 7, su>ulate, 5-10 mm. long, puberulent. Calyx glabrous, 12 mm. wide, 25 mm. long and split 2/5 its length into acyminate lobes. Corolla 6-7 cme long, red, with spreading-reflexed 3 cm. wide petals. Stam= inal column pinkish, 55 mm. long, with flattened linear acumin- ate 4-5 mm. long reflexed teeth at top, with its 11 mm. long glab- rous branches spreading from upper fifth of column. Style slight- ly longer than staminal column, with red spreading branches coarsely pubescent; stigma subcapitate, dark rede Type Locality: "Kawaiiki Ditch Trail, Kawailoa, Koolau Range, altitude 1080 feet, November 23, 1956, Roe 204." Local Range: Reliably known only from the type locality at about 4OO meters elevation where a small colony existed. A venerable shrub with stragglincz branches up to 6 meters long has attract- ed the attention of several generations of hikers, hibiscus hy- bridizers and botanists. The kane writer, with Bush & Topping, collected material over thirty years ago from this individual shrub. A visit to this same plant in 1963 to gather Deg. & Deg. Noe 28,245 for distribution to a few larger museums showed prac-= tically no change in appearance. The label reads: "On perpen- dicular, rocky bank at Kawatiki Ditch intake, Kawailoa, Oahu, June 30, 1963." How this taxon relates to other plants on this and remaining islands, we do not presently know. Though it re- sembles H. kokio Hillebr., of Molokai, it differs in too many features like leaf shape and size of floral parts to be conspe= cific with ite HIBISCUS ROBATA St. John in Pace Sci. 26(3):296. 1972.6 This taxon was discovered on “Kauai Island, Waimea Diste, bot= tom of short Nualolo Trail, 2,250 ft alt, 30 September 1969, Robert W. Hobdy 158 (Bish)e™ According to Dr. St. John's description the flower 1s "(apparently red.)" Furthermore, according to a letter from Forester Hobdy dated Dec. 15, 1971 "The Hibiscus (#158) you asked a- bout are quite variable. - - - The flowers show much variety ranging from pale yellow-orange to red. The leaves also show variation in shape and pubescence. I suspect that there is hybridization occurr= ing between the H. St.-johnianus and a maroon Hibiscus described to me by Hans Hansen. I could not find the maroon plants in three trips into the area, but there does seem to be hybridization. what do you make of it?" 470 PHL YS EO OjGyti A Vol. 35, no. 6 The present prodromus should alert our young colleagues to con= tinuous field work, hunting botanical and cottage gardens for nae tive species that may have escaped the vandalized "Hibiscus Garden," and delving through libraries and herbaria throughout the World for neglected references and sheets of historical importance. Much re- mains to be done to gain a better knowledge of the red-flowered hi- biscus endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. This study is an example of the fuzzy state of knowledge pertain- ing to our native generae In fact, most of them, every bit as inter- esting but not with conspicuous flowers universally admired, are still less knowne So modern man is exterminating such fascinating creations faster than a botanist can list them in a Red Book as be- ing rare and endangerede How can botanists stay the bulldozer from crushing an endemic jungle with unique plants and the animals that depend on them for food and shelter when no biologist has had the time to collect and study its unique biota (Phytologia 34(1):28-32, 19766)» Unfortunately by the Red Book method, the rarest plants have no protection at all as, being unknown, they miss the list! For most isolated and little known island systems, like the Hawaiian, all native species should be considered rare and endangered except a few. These last, like some treeferns, acacia ang ohia-lehua, should be listed in a Blue Book of species available for harvest= ing, for replacement with a sterile golf course, or for judiceous population controle "Man is endowed with intellect and creative powers so that he may multiply what is given him, but up to now he has not created, he has destroyed. Forests are fewer and fewer, rivers dry up, game becomes extinct, the climate is ruined, and every day of the earth get poorer and uglier." Chekhov, "Uncle Vanya", 1899. WESTONIELLA, A NEW GENUS OF THE ASTEREAE FROM THE COSTA RICAN PARAMOS. by José Cuatrecasas Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution Washington, D. C. 20560 During several years exploration of the high mountains of Costa Rica for ecological research, many less accessible areas never visited before by botanists, have been botanically scruti- nized by the intrepid, Dr. Arthur S. Weston. He gathered several thousand collections from the Talamanca Cordillera, mostly repre- sentatives of the pd4ramos. A part of the Compositae of his collections was turned over to me for identification. I found in it many novelties, which are not only significant for the flora of the Costa Rican paramos, but also because of the various undes- cribed taxa which represent additions to the already known series of Costa Rican endemics. The most important novelty is a new genus in the Astereae described here as Westoniella, represented by five distinct species which were all collected by Weston in the paramos or subparamos of the Chirripé massif and Buenavista massif. Of these five species, one had been collected before (by Pittier) and published first by Klatt as a Senecio, and transferred later by Greenman, to Erigeron. The other four species are all first records. Westoniella is mostly characterized by its tubular ray corol- las with a narrow proximal part and a more expanded, inflated, distal section representing the limb. The apex is contracted, the margin being almost entire or with five regular or oblique short teeth. A curving of the corolla or the obliqueness of the opening often make it slightly zygomorphic. The color may be roseate, red, lilac or white, contrasting more or less from the disc corollas which are red, maroon or purplish and usually darker than the rays. The rays may be straight, the heads appearing discoid, or more or less bent downwards radiating, like in W. chirripoensis with spreading, showing, white rays. The corollas of both kinds have at the middle part copious obovate-oblong or claviform biseriate glandular trichomes. The styles have fine, long branches with marginal stigmatic bands in the female flowers; they are lanceolate- oblong, rigid, non stigmatic and papillose-hispid abaxially in the functionally male, disc flowers. The ovaries of ray flowers and achenes are obovoid, somewhat compressed with rounded apex, with 2 marginal costae and frequently with an additional prominent vein at one side. They have sparse or abundant geminate-celled trichomes throughout and few obovoid or pyriform glands near the apex. The sterile linear or oblong 471 h72 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 4-5 ripped ovaries of the disc flowers have similar pubescence. The pappus is of one row of strigose bristles. The genera that most resemble Westoniella in the habit and apparent structure, are Andean genera Diplostephium, Hinterhubera and Blakiella. The new genus differs readily from the three by the particular shape of the tubular ray corollas. These corollas are very different from the tubular ray corollas found in Cony- zinae, Baccharidinae, and some Asterinae, which are the result of extreme reduction of the ligular corollas down to a tiny tube. The ray corollas of Westoniella probably represents a more primi- tive structure than in the Aster type, the latter being a more evolved disposition into the trend of capitulum>functional flower. Hinterhubera differs clearly from Westoniella by the deeply lobate ray flowers and by the several rows of pappus bristles. Blakiella differs by the particular bottle shape of the ray flowers and the beaked, fusiform achenes.(Cuatrecasas 1969, fig. 8-A) Diplostephiun, in addition to the ligular character of the rays differs by a double row of pappus bristles. Other genera of Astereae (Laestadia, Solenogyne, Haastia) with tubular ray-flowers have a different structure and are more distantly related to Westoniella. In the present stage of knowledge of the Astereae tribe, Westoniella should be included in the subtribe Asterinae. This new genus is extremely significant in relation to the capacity of biological differentiation through time and isolation of the paramo-biomas. Its evolutionary process may be seen in parallel connection with those of the Hinterhubera, Diplostephium and Blakiella. The variety of species of Hinterhubera developed in Venezuela and of Westoniella in Costa Rica, within a relatively limited area, show parallel or convergent trends in the vegetative structures. Dr. Weston is preparing a detailed account of the phytogeo- graphical and ecological aspects of his findings in Costa Rica. WESTONIELLA Cuatr. gen. nov. Asteracearum Capitula heterogama, parva (4-10 mm diam), (20-) 50-180 flores ferentia. Involucrum pluriseriatum phyllariis subaequilongis anguste ellipticis membranaceis, vel subpapyraceis. Receptaculum nudum planum vel paulo convexum, alveolatum. Flores radii feminei, 2-4-seriati magis numerosi illis disci. Corolla sursum rosea, lilacina, rubra vel alba, anguste tubularis, saepe leviter curvata tenuiter zygormorpha parte media glandulifera, limbo quam tubulo latiori plus minusve inflato saltem dilatato, apice plus minusve constricto, regulare breviterque 5-denticulato dentibus aequalibus, vel oblique dentatis adaxiale saepe leviter depresso. Stylus plerumque inclusus interdum corollam paulo exce- dens, ramis longis anguste linearibus subobtusis marginibus 1977 Cuatrecasas, Westoniella 473 minute stigmato-papillosis, ceterum glaber. Ovarium obovatum apice obtuso basi subacuta lateraliter compressum crassiuscule costato- marginatum, plerumque nervo vel costa laterali tenui conspicua. Embryo basale affixus. Pappus setis uniseriatis (20-30) subaequi- longis subrigidulis strigosis subapice levissime ampliatis, acutis. Flores disci actinomorphi hermaphrodite contexti masculi fun- gentes. Corolla staltem apice rubra, atrorubra, brunneo-purpurea, limbo inferne stricto, sursum tubuloso-infundibuliformi 5-lobato lobis triangularibus acutis brevibus. Collum antherae longum columnare incrassatum cellulis crebris pluriseriatis inferne sub- quadratis superne rectangularibus. Antherae basi acute auriculatae, appendice apicali anguste elliptico-triangulata subacuta, cellulis exothecialibus elongatis lateraliter noduliferis. Pollen grana tricolporata copiose spinulosula circa 25 p diam. Stylus crassius- culus, maturitate corollam excedens basi paulo incrassatus apice breviter bifidus ramulis anguste elliptico-lanceolatis vel anguste elliptico-acuminatis acutis, abaxialiter longe denseque piloso- papillosis, adaxialiter glabris numquam stigmaticis. Ovarium anguste oblongum plerumque exovulatum sterile 5-nervatum plerumque 4-5 costis notatis. Pappus setis uniseriatis strigosis subapice leviter ampliatis, acutis. Nectarium crasse discoideum margine laevi vel marginato-dentatum, margine basim styli cingenti. Carpopodium plus minusve elongatum subcylindraceum vel sub- obconicum callosum, cellulis crebris pluriseriatis subquadratis parietibus incrassatis. Pili gemini rigidi uni vel bi-acuminati in ovariis copiose vel sparsi. Glandulae oblongo-obovoideae cellulis biseriatis in parte media corollae saepe copiosae, glandulae obovoideae ad apicem Ovariorum achaeniorumque praesentes. Frutices parvi saepe prostrati vel caespitosi, vel suffrutices usque ad 1.5 m alti, caulibus ramisque glabris vel lanuginosis vel hirtis glandulosisque, denique glabratis. Folia alterna sessilia basi amplectenti, copiosa, saepe imbricata et valde congesta in ramulis terminalibus. Lamina foliorum subcoriacea marginibus plus minusve revolutis saepe complicata, interdum subplana, plus minusve pilosa abaxialiter saepe lanuginosa et glandulosa. Fig. 1, 2, 3. Typus generis: Westoniella chirripoensis Cuatr. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF WESTONIELLA Abe Shrubs 40-150 cm high with erect undivided or branched leafy stems. Heads many, arranged in terminal whitish-woolly coryn- boid glomerate panicles. Phyllaries with long, thick, white- hyaline trichomes. Ovaries sparingly hairy. Leaves longer 47h rs PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 than 15 mm. 2. Leaves linear, apparently entire, margins strongly revolute, 20-35 x 1-1.5 mm, abaxially lanuginose, adax- ially glabrous or with long and very slender flexuose white arachnoid hairs. W. kohkemperi 2'. Leaves narrow-elliptic, inciso-dentate with long-mucro- nate teeth, flat with more or less revolute margins, 15-35 x 2.5-6 mm, hirsute and glandular. W. eriocephala Dwarf, densely or loosely matted shrubs, less than 20 cm tall. Heads solitary at tip of leafy branchlets. Ovaries copiously to densely hairy. Leaves less than 10 mm long with fully revolute margins, apiculate. 3. Leaves 3-lobate, seldom 5-lobate, lobes fingerlike tri- angular ending in claw-like acute, incruved apiculum. Heads sessile; involucre white woolly, hairs very long and slender (0.005-0.010 mm diam). Branchlets woolly. W. triunguifolia 3'. Leaves absolutely entire. Branchlets glabrous. 4. Heads shortly pedicellate; involucre greenish below with purplish phyllaria tips, white-woolly, hairs hyaline, flexuose, thick (0.035 - 0.06 mm diam). Ray corollas rather reddish or purplish. Leaves 4-10 mm long loosely imbricate, the blade narrow-elliptic. Loosely matted plant with longer erect branches than the following species. W. barqueroana 1977 Cuatrecasas, Westoniella 475 4', Heads sessile; involucre more or less purplish, appearing glabrous, with sparing or rare long, slender (0.005 - 0.010 mm diam), arachnoid, inconspicuous hairs. Ray corollas white, spreading. Leaves 4-6 mm long, densely imbricate, blade narrowly elliptic acuminate, appearing rather aciculate. Compact matted, prostrate shrub. W. chirripoensis WESTONIELLA CHIRRIPOENSIS, Cuatr. sp. nov. Fruticulus prostratus ramis brevibus robustiusculis congestis caespitoso-pulvinatis ad 10 cm altus. Ramuli 1-3 cm longi densi- ssime imbricato-foliati glabri vetusti exfoliati crebrissime arguteque semicirculari-cicatricosi. Folia visu acicularia rigida, in totum 4-6 mm longa, sessilia, basi longe vaginantia. Lamina chartacea crassiuscula visu 2-4 mm longa O.7-1 mm lata ellipsoideo-lanceolata acute apiculata, margi- nibus revolutissime plicatis abaxialiter superficiem tegentibus, adaxialiter glabra nitida laevia vel interdum glandulis immersis leviter vissibilibus, abaxialiter (infra plicaturam) sparse pilo- sula et copiose glandulosa. Vagina 2-3 mm longa 1-1.5 mm lata membranacea plana ad ramum adpressa marginibus longe gossypino- Pilosula, pilis tenuissimis (0.005 - 0.015 mm diam) longissimis flexuosissimis. Capitula solitaria ad extremos ramulorum dense foliossorum subsessilia, visu glabra. Capitula cylindracea 6-8 mm alta, 4-6 mm diametro, heterogama radiata 50-90 flores ferentia. Involucrum campanulatum 5-6.5 mm altum. Phyllaria 28-42, subaequilonga, 4(-5)-seriata, membranaceo- subpapyracea, firmula, anguste lanceolata, acuminata, acuta, 4-6.5 mm longa 0.8-1.2 mm lata, dorso basi excepto brunneo-violacea nitida marginibus scariosis lilacinis, dorso sparsis glandulis subclavatis 0.05-0.1 mm longis ad margos parcis vel parcissimis pilis longissimis strictis 0.005 - 0.015 mm diam flexuosis, exteri- ora leviter lacerato ciliata, interiora circa 20 integra. Recep- taculum plano-convexum 2-3 mm diam, alveolatum marginibus alveolorum membranaceis dentatis. Flores radii feminei 37-60 in capitulo, triseriati. Corolla 4-4.7 mm longa, alba, tubulosa inferne tubulo angusto glabro, limbo inferne anguste tubuloso copiose piloso pilis glandulosis crassiusculis (glandulis biseriatis subclavatis) ad circa 0.1 mm longis, superne subite in limbo anguste ellipsoideo inflato 1.6- 2.1 mm longo glabro apice constricto instructo, apice 5-dentato dentibus minutis obtuse triangularibus subaequalibus 0.1-0.15 mm interdum adaxiale brevioribus. Stylus 3.8-4 mm, inclusus maturi- 476 P HY 110450 G ru Vol. 35, no. 6 tate ramis exsertis, glaber basi leviter incrassatus apice in 2 ramos membranaceos 0.8-1 mm, lineares subacutos glabros marginibus anguste stigmato-papillosis divisus. Ovarium fertile 1.3-1.5 x 0.4-0.6 mm ellipticum subcompressum apice obtusissimo basi acuta saepe 3 nervatum, costato-marginatum copiose antrorso-pilosun, pilis geminis, rectis, rigidulis, strictis, conspicue bidentatis ©0.1-0.3 mm et circa apicem parcis vel raris glandulis obovoideis; carpopodio calloso circa 0.2 mm alto cellulis circa 8-seriatis rectangularibus instructo. Pappus circa 4 mm longus circa 20 setis strigosis sursum levissime dilatatis subaequilongis, basi breviter coalitis. Flores disci pseudohermaphroditi 13-28 in capitulo. Corolla purpurea 4-5 mm longa, tubulo 1.2 - 1.5 mm longo glabro, limbo inferne anguste tubuloso copiose pilosulo pilis glandulosis cras- siusculis (cellulis biseriatis) oblongis subclavatis, paulo flexuosis 0.05-0.1 mm longis, superne 1.5 mm longitudine tubuloso- campanulato, glabro vel parcissimis glandulis, lobis triangularibus acutis crasse marginatis marginibus minuti-papillosulis, abaxialiter parcis vel raris glandulis. Antherae 1.2 mm longae basi breviter sagitatae appendice apicali anguste elliptica attenuata seu subu- lata, acuta circa 0.3 mm. Stylus crassiusculus extremo paulo dilatatus apice subconicus et in duos lobos anguste ellipticos attenuatos acutos 0.5-0.7 mm longos abaxialiter longe densissime antrorse pilosulo-papillosos divisus. Ovaria sterilia linearia 1.5 mm longa 4-5 nervata basi acutata, copiose pilosa pilis geminis antrorsis rigidis 0.2-0.3 mm copiosis vel densis vestita, circa apicem parcis vel raris glandulis obovoideis obsita,; carpopodio annulato calloso cellulis rectangularibus pluriseriatis conspicuis. Fig. 1-C, 2A-G, 31I-J. Typus: Costa Rica, South to southwest of Cerro Chirripé, Pico Sureste, rain paramo, 3600-3800 m, tussocks, leaves dark green, ray flowers white, other disc flowers dark red, 9 Dec 1966, Arthur S. Weston 3614 (US, holotype). Other collections: South to southwest of Cerro Chirrip6, Cerro Terbi, 3600-3800 m, leaves medium green, most flowers pink-lavender and dark maroon, in some heads white, 5 Sept 1969, Weston 6027 (US). Chirripé massif, along cliffs of Rio Talari, above lower Refugio, 3400 m, common on near vertical cliffs, 14 Feb 1976, Weston 10092 (US, paratype). Buenavista massif, Cerro Sakira, 3400 m, low shrub, "ray" flowers more than 30, white, tubular, slightly irregularly and very shortly 5-lobed, disc eaves dark red ca 12, anthers yellow, 26 Jan 1976, Weston 10055 UC). WESTONIELLA BARQUEROANA, Cuatr. sp. nov. Fruticulus prostratus ad circa 15 cm altus caulibus inferne repentibus radiciferis intricatis cum vaginis foliorum marcescen- tibus tectis superne ramosis ramis arcuatis et + erectis glabris 1977 Cuatrecasas, Westoniella 477 copiose vel dense foliosis. Folia alterna anguste linearia 4-10 mm longa inferne plana tenuia longe vaginantia semiamplectentis, sursum subchartacea rigidula marginibus argute revolutis. Lamina 3.8-8 mm longa complicata visu 0.8-1.2 m lata viridis apice argute calloso- apiculato, uninervis costa abaxialiter crasse prominenti adaxialiter filiformi impressa, utrinque pilis longis tenuibus albis arach- noideo intricatis in juvenilibus magis copiosis et glandulis capitato pediculatis moderate copiosis. Vagina 1-3 mm longa plana basi dorsale gibboso-incrassata protruda, margine integra amplectenti. Folia juvenilia magis villosa, et sicut infra capi- tulum foliis tenuioribus copiosiore barbatis numerosis, imbricatis involucrum partiale tegentibus. Capitula breviter pedicellata ad apicem ramulos dense foliatos 3-8 cm longos, solitaria, vel inter- dum 2-4 capitula ferentes, visu lanugineo-villosa. Capitula cylindroidea circa 8 mm alto 6 m lata, heterogama pseudodiscoidea, 80-110 flores ferentia. Involucrum campanulatum circa 7 mm altum. Phyllaria membranacea ad basim subpapyracea numerosa (46-60) 4-5-seriata, subaequilonga, 5-5.5 x 1 mm, subu- lato-lancolata, acuminata acutaque, sursum lilacina vel brunneo- violacea, marginibus scariosis hyalinis plus minusve lacerato cilatis, trinervata, abaxialiter apice excepto copiose longeque barbata pilis crassis albis multicellularibus cellulis rectangu- laribus vel botuliformibus, hyalinis 0.035-0.05 mm diam 2-3 mm longis, flexuosis patulis intricatis, in interioribus sparsis. Receptaculum circa 3-3.5 mm diametro, plano-convexum, alveolatum, marginibus alveolorum obtuse denticulatis. Flores radii feminei 47-73 in capitulo 3-seriati; corolla 4-4,2 mm longa anguste tubulosa deorsum albida sursum (1/4 parte distali) leviter inflata purpurina vel rubescenti apice leviter constricto 5 denticulato dentibus minusculis subaequalibus, parte mediali copiose glandulosa, pilis seu glandulis cellulis biseriatis subclavatis glanduloso-capitatis circa 0.1 mm longis instructa. Stylus inclusus circa 4 mm longis, filiformibus apice bifurcatus ramis 0.7-1 mm, marginibus minute stigmato-papillosis. Achaenia 1.7-2 x 0.7-1 mm, obovata lateraliter compressa apice rotundata basim versus attenuata basi acuta bicostato-marginata, faciebus plano-convexa saepe nervo uno laterali conspicuo, pilis antrorsis acute bidentatis (geminis) 0.07-0.15 mm longis copiosis et parcis glandulis claviformibus 0.05-0.1 mm circa apicem munita; carpo- podium callosum cylindraceum circa 0.15 mm altum 0.1 mm latium cellulis rectangularibus usque ad 10 series instructum, Fig. 3-S. Pappus albidus circa 4 mm longus setis uniseriatus strictis strigosis subaequalibus, subapice vix leviter ampliatis, acutis, rare 1-2 setis brevissimis. Flores disci pseudohermaphroditi 30-35 in capitulo. Corolla, 4.5-5 mm longa, tubulo circa 1.8 mm longo viridulo palido glabro; limbo infundibuliformi-campanulato, rubro, dimidia parte inferiore 4,78 PHY T:0°L)0°G, PA Vol. 35, no. 6 angustiori copiose pilosula, pilis glandulosis crassis cellulis biseriatis circa 0.07-0.12 mm, sursum glabro, vel parcissimis glandulis, nervis commisuralibus notatis, lobis triangularibus 0.7 mm altis acutis, margine crasse marginatis papillosis extus subapice parcis glandulis patulis 0.05-0.1 mm longis. Antherae 1.3 mm longae breviter sagittatae appendice apicali anguste elliptica triangu- lata 0.3 mm longa. Stylus 4-5 mm, ramis oblongo-lanceolatis 0.7 mm, extus dense papilloso-pilosus. Ovaria sterilia 1.5 mm, anguste oblonga, 5-nervata, sparsis pilis geminis rigidis antrorsis 0.O7- 0.15 mm et praecipue subapice parcis vel raris glandulis pyriformibus vel clavatis 0.05 mm, basim angustata podocarpio calloso. Pappus corolla aequilongus setis uniseriatis subaequalibus subapice levis- sime ampliatis basi coalitis. Fig. 2I-Q, 3P-S. Typus: Costa Rica: South to southwest of Cerro Chirripé, close to Refugio, Valle de los Conejos, 3600 m alt, low clums in rain paramo, flowers dark red at tips, 9 Dec 1966, Arthur S. Weston 3645 (US, holotype). Other collection: Chirrip6 massif, 3500 m, Valle de los Conejos, 3500 m, grows at stream edges and on alluvial flats. 29 Jan 1976, Weston 10082 (US). The name of this new species honors Mr. Humberto Barquero Mora, Costa Rican botanist, who has been the botanist of many of the Kohkemper's exploratory expeditions. WESTONIELLA TRIUNGUIFOLIA, Cuatr. sp. nov. Fruticulus parvus prostratus ramis robustiusculis saepe intri- catis, congestis, plus minusve caespitoso-pulvinatus ad 10 (-15) em altus. Ramuli ultimi 2-5 cm longi erecti densissime imbricato- foliati, internodis copiosissime crasseque albo-lanatis pilis longissimis tenuissimis (0.005-0.015 mm diam) floccosis, nodis in vetustis exfoliatis cicatricosis. Folia coriacea 4-6 (-7) mm longa. ‘Lamina crassiuscula profunde 3 (-5) lobata, 2.2-3 mm longa 1.5-3 mm lata, lobis 1-1.5 mm longis triangulare digitiformibus apice acute unguiformis, apiculo cal- loso duro acutissimo saepe incurvo; adaxialiter viridis bene bullata sursum glabra deorsum floccose albo-lanata, abaxialiter dense lanata marginibus valde revolutis, costa elevata basi paulo angus- tata et in vaginam amplectentem producta. Vagina submembranacea 2-2.5 mm longa apice 1.2-1.6 mm lata basim versus usque 2-2.5 mm lata ampliata, adaxialiter tantum ad apicem lanata, abaxialiter undique copiose albo lanata. Capitula cylindracea 7-8 mm alta 4-4.5 mm diametientia 37-50 flores ferentia, heterogama brevi-radiata. Involucrum tubulosum basi rotundatum 7-8 mm altum. Phyllaria 30-34 circa 5-seriata exteriora 1/2-2/3 altitudinem interiorum attingentia, reliqua gradatim intermedia; interiora fertilia 6-7 x 0.8-1.2 mm, linearia acuta subscariosa rigidula, costa crassiuscula immersa signata, ceteris venis obsoletis, dorso costa apiceque lilacina vel 1977 Cuatrecasas, Westoniella 479 brunnescentia marginibus late scariosa hyalinaque sursum lacerato- ciliolata dorso parcis pilis et copiosis glandulis; exteriora 4.5-3.5 x 1-1.4 mm, anguste elliptica inferne paleacea sursum scariosa basi incrassata costa et ad apicem violaceo-brunnea crassiuscula rigida argute acuteque apiculata, abaxialiter copiose arachnoideo-lanuginea pilis tenuissimis (0.005-0.015 mm crassis) longissimis intricatisque, dorso copiosis glandulis globoso- pediculatis sparsis; intermedia gradatium instructis. Receptaculum plano-convexum alveolatum margine rotundato, marginibus alveolorum membranaceis dentatis, 2-2.2 mm dian. Flores radii feminei 26-37 in capitulo, 2-seriati; corolla pallide lilacina, 3.8-5.2 mm longa, tubularis, tubulo 1.8-3 mm longo 0.2-0.3 mm crasso, basi excepta copiose pilosulo pilis antrorsis glandulosis cellulis biseriatis circa 0.07-0.12 mm longis, limbo glabro tubuloso plus minusve dilatato-inflato circa 0.45-0.8 mm crasso subapice plus minusve constricto, apice oblique truncato, inaequaliter denticulato, zygomorpho, dentibus abaxialiter 3 (-4) minutis obtusis, adaxialiter 2 antrorsis inferis dispositis. Stylus inclusus vel maturitate paulo exsertus, 3.5-3.8 mm longus, tenuis, ramis flexibilibus linearibus obtusis 0.7-0.8 mm marginibus apiceque late stigmatici-papillosis. Ovarium fertile, maturitate 1.4-1.8 x 0.4-0.6 mm, ellipticum apice obtuso basi paulo attenuata subcompressum costato-marginatum interdum nervo tenui uno latere, densiuscule villosum et ad apicem glanduliferum, pilis rigidulis antrorsis acutis biseriatis (geminis) bicuspidatis 0.1-0.25 m, glandulis globoso-obovatis crassis, 0.05-0.09 mm, sub apicem intersparsis. Carpopodium crassiusculum circa 0.15 mm altum basi subrotundatum, cellulis quadratis seriatis saepe 5-seriatis. Pappus albus setis uniseriatis strictis scabrosis acutis apicem non oa 3.5-4.5 mm longis, cellulis 3-5 seriatis. Flores disci hermaphroditi 9-15 in capitulo; corolla tubulosa 4.2-5.3 mm longa, tubulo 1.5-2.5 mm angusto glabro, vel ad apicem parcis pilis strictissimis ad 1 mm longis et sparsis glandulis limbo campanulato-tubuloso sursum magis ampliato, atrorubro nervis 5 tenuibus suturalibus, sparse piloso pilis tenuissimis 0.5-0.8 mm sparsis et glandulis subclavatis 0.07-0.12 mm, lobis anguste tri- angularibus acutis, marginatis, 0.5-0.7 mm longis, apice intus papillosis, abaxialiter sparsis pilis obtusis 0.15-0.2 mm et parcis glandulis subclavatis. Antherae 1.5 mm basi sagittatae appendice apicali anguste elliptica attenuata 0.4 mm longa, collo crassius- culo cylindraceo circa 0.25 mm longo cellulis quadrato-rectangu- laribus multiseriatis conspicuissimis. Grana pollinis tricolporata spinulosa circa 26-u diametro. Stylus 4 mm longus basi in discum crassum 5 lobatum 0.15-2 mm altum leviter immersa, ramis oblongo- lanceolatis acutis 0.8-1 mm longis, adaxialiter laevis, abaxialiter Margineque densiuscule papilloso-pilosis pilis obtusissimis 0.05- 0.07 mm longis, haud stigmatiferis. Ovarium anguste ellipticum vel oblongum exovulatum vel ovulatum sed apparenter sterile, 1-1.5 480 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 mm longum densiuscule antrorso-pilosum pilis geminis strictis bicuspidatis 0.1-0.2 mm, et ad apicem glandulis globoso-obovatis, crassis, 0.05-0.08 mm longis. Pappus albus setis uniseriatis 3.5-5.5 mm longis vel interdum parcis brevioribus intersparsis, cellulis 5-6 seriatis acutis apicem haud dilatatis. Fig. 1F; 2H; 3D, N-O. Typus: Costa Rica, Chirripé massif, Rio Talari, below big pool above lower Refugio, 3450 m, on rock face, 26 Jan 1976, Arthur S. Weston 10076 (US, holotype). Other collections: Cerro Chirripd, south to southwest, 3600-3800 m, rain paramo, dense tuft, 9 Dec 1966, Weston 3632 (US); id. Cerro Terbi, 3600-3800 m, 5 Sept 1969, Weston 6028 (US); South fork of Rio Talari below Sabana Chirrip6, small sabana on banks of river, 24 Feb 1976, Weston 10123 (US). Cerro Buenavista group south of Pan-American Highway, Cerro Frio, 3350-3500 m, rain paramo much of it probably occasionally grazed by horses and cattle, low shrub ca 8 em high, phyllaries maroon lavender outer flowers tubular, pink-lavender, regular stamen yellow, 28 Aug 1969, Weston 5978 (US); id. Cerro Buvis, 3350- m, low shrub ca 8 cm high, phyllaries maroon-lavender, outer flowers tubular pink-lavender, inner dark maroon-lavender, stamen yellow, 28 Aug 1969, Weston 5969 (UC, US); id, between Cerro Buvis summit and lower slopes of Cerro Frio, 3350-3500 m, low, compact shrub with short, erect branches, leaves ascending dark green and glabrous above, tomentose beneath, 14 Aug 1969, Weston 5847 (US). .WESTONIELLA KOHKEMPERI, Cuatr. sp. nov. Frutex usque ad 1.5 m altus, caulibus simplicibus vel sursum pauce ramosis inferne glabratis paulo striatis cicatricoso-tuber- culatis cum reliquis vaginorum foliorum ornatus, sursum dense foliosis internodiis 2-5 mm longis prupurascentibus plus minusve arachnoideo-lanugineis, pilis tenuissimis flexuoso-intricatis. Folia alterna chartacea stricte linearia 20-35 mm longa 1-1.5 mm lata, ascendentia, leviter curvata, sessilia, lamina replicata marginibus plicato-revolutis abaxialiter superficiem tegentibus, raris dentibus mucronifornibus saepe occultis, apice argute calloso- apiculata, basi late aperta auriculato-amplectentia, utrinque tantum costa notata, et araneoso-lanuginea pilis tenuissimis albis flexuosis intricatis et glandulis capitato-pediculatis basi conica, adaxialiter sparsis abaxialiter valde copiosis; costa adaxialiter impressa subnitida sparse glandulosa, abaxialiter infra plicaturam costa crasse elevata superficie copiose lanuginea et glandulosa. Folia suprema juvenilia in ramis sterilibus sicut infra inflores- centias magis copiose seu dense albo-barbata pilis 5 mm stric- tissimis flexuosis lanatis. Capitula 15-20 at terminationem caulis in panicula corymbi- formi congesta 4-7 cm lata, spisse albo-villoso-barbata, pilis 1977 Cuatrecasas, Westoniella 481 longis cellulis ad 0.06 mm crassis 0.1 mm longis, hyalinis, visu gossypina. Pedicelli 1-5 mm longi teneri longe villosi et foliato- bracteati, bracteis numerosis subimbricatis barbatis involucrum inferne tegentem. Capitula late cylindrica 7-9 mm alto 8-10 mm lata heterogama subradiata, 112-176 flores ferentia. Involucrum campanulatum circa 6.5-7 mm altum. Phyllaria 46-60, 4-5-seriata membranacea, subaequilonga, lineari-lanceolata vel subulato-lanceolata acuminata acuta, interiora fertilia 26-30, margine scariosa interdum leviter lacerato-denticulata, 6-7 x 0.6 - 1.2 mm, 4-6 nervis plus minusve conspicuis, inferne pallida subpapyracea, rigidulaque sursum et costa violacea, adaxiale glabra, abaxiale copiose seu dense longeque albovilloso-barbata, pilis multicellularibus (ad 5 mm) cellulis botuliformibus vel rectangularibus hyalinis 0.035-0.05 mm diametro ascendentibus vel transverse-patulis intricatis et glan- dulis sparsis etiam instructa; exteriora 6-5 x 1 mm brunneo- violascentia magis firmula. Receptaculum 4-5 mm diametro plano- convexum profunde alveolatum marginibus alveolorum membranaceis obtuse dentatis. Flores radii feminei 100-130 in capitulo 3-4-seriati; corolla 4.5-5 mm longa anguste tubulosa, tubulo stricto subcapillari 3-3.5 mn longo inferne glabro 1/2-1/3 superiore pilosulo, pilis glandu- losis crassiusculis (cellulis biseriatis) oblongo-subobovatis circa 0.1 mm longis, limbo tubuloso-ampliato leviter inflato, subbotuliformi, rubescenti apice leviter constricto mimute 5-denti- culato dentibus aequalibus vel adaxialibus paulo brevioribus 0.02- 0.05 mm basi limbi parcis glandulis cetero glabro. Stylus circa 4 mm, inclusus vel corollam aequans raro longior, ramis strictis linearibus subobtusis marginibus argute papilloso-stigmaticis ad 1 mm longis. Achaenia 2.2-2.5 x 1.2-1.5 mm, obovoidea subcampressa apice obtusissima, basi attenuata acutata margine crassiuscula marginata, undique 1 (-2) nervo prominulo, puberula tantum sparsis pilis geminis rigidis antrorsis acutis 0.05-0.15 mm et parcis glandulis obovoideis subapicalibus obsita; carpopodio calloso 0.2 mm longo latoque cellulis 7-10 seriatis rectangularibus instructo. Pappus albido-stramineus 4.8-5.3 mm longus setis uniseriatis 26-30, subaequilongis, basi coalitis, strigulosis subapice levissime dilatatis, acutis. Flores disci pseudohermaphroditi 34-46 in capitulo. Corolla 4.5-5.3 mm longa, tubulo circa 1.5-1.8 mm longo angusto albido glabro; limbo circa dimidia parte inferiori anguste tubulosa copiose pilosula pilis glandularibus (cellulis biseriatis) oblongis crass- iusculis 0.4-0.1 mm longis, parte superiore ampliata tubulosa circa 2 mm longa atrorubra basi parcis glandulis cetera glabra vel subglabra lobis maturitate leviter recurvis triangularibus acutis circa 0.6-0.7 mm longis, abaxialiter parcis pilis glandulosis munitis et parcis vel parcissimis pilis pluricelullaribus crassius- culis hyalinis obtusis antrorsis 0.2-l1 mm. Antherae 1.5-1.8 mm 82 P HY ‘T1OrL10 Gea Vol. 35, no. 6 longae basi minute obtusiuscule auriculatae appendice apicali anguste elliptica acutata 0.35 mm longa. Stylus extremo purpureus ramis circa 1 mm longis oblongo-lanceolatis abaxialiter copiosis- sime piloso-papillosis. Ovarium anguste oblongum 1.7-2 mm longum, sterile, 4-5 nervis vel costis conspicuis, pilis geminis sparsis et glandulis sparsissimis munitis, basi podocarpo annulari calloso. Pappus 5-5.4 mm longus setis uniseriatis subaequalibus strigosis subapice leviter dilatatis, basi breviter coalitis. Fig. 1A, E; 3E-H. Typus: Costa Rica, South to Southwest of Cerro Chirripé, Pico Sureste, 3600-3800 m, rain paramo, 1.5 m height, erect, 1 or 2 unbranched stems, heads terminal, flowers dark red tipped, occasional, usually associated with other shrubs, 9 Dec 1966, Arthur S. Weston 3612 (US, holotype); id Valle de los Conejos, 3600 m, plant 1/2 to over 1m, leaves very variable in size, 26 Jan 1976, Weston 10078 (US); id. Cerro Terbi, rain paramo 3600- 3800 m, stemmed shrub 1 m high, 5 Sept 1969, Weston 6026 (US, paratype); id. Cerro Truncado, 3700 m, 17 Feb 1976, (specimen mixed with n° 10093), Weston 10093A (US). Buenavista massif, Cerro Sakira, 3400 m, 80 cm tall, stem single or sparsely branched to a few cm below summit, terminated by a tight cluster of heads, disk flowers green below with maroon-red lobes, anthers yellow, ray flowers tubular pink, 26 Jan 1976, Weston 10056 (CR, UC). The name W. kohkemperi honors Mr. Mainrad Kohkemper Meza, Costa Rica's foremost and best known mountaineer, who has climbed most of the major peaks in Costa Rica and has published more, and most usefull to biologist-explorers, on the remote highest parts of the Cordillera Talamanca than anyone else. WESTONIELLA ERIOCEPHALA (Klatt) Cuatr. comb. nov. Senecio eriocephalus Klatt, Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 31:212.1892. Erigeron adenophorus Greenman, Proc. Amer. Acad. 39 (5): ou. 1903. Suffrutex ad 80 cm altus, caulibus sparse ramosis inferne exfoliatis, striolatis, glabris, basis vaginorum foliorum remanen- tibus adnatis, sursum erectis foliatis internodiis 2-6 mm longis copiosis glandulis capitato-stipitatis circa O.5 mm longis patu- lisque vestitis. Folia alterna crassiuscule herbacea sessilia, lamina subplana 15-35 x 2.5-6 mm, anguste-elliptica apice attenuata subacutata, margine plus minusve revoluta argute inciso-dentata dentibus remo- tis mucronatis antrorsis mucronibus callosis 0.3-0.5 mm longis, basi auriculata amplectenti, costa utrinque notata nervis remotis ascendentibus venulis reticulatis; adaxialiter copiose hirsutula pilis patulis hyalinis 1 mm longis et dense glandulifera, abax- ialiter tantum costa marginibusque pilifera, sed undique glanduli- fera. 1977 Cuatrecasas, Westoniella 483 Capitula ad extremos ramorum glomerata in paniculis congestis terminalibus, 3-6 cm latis, copiose albo-lanato-barbatis. Ramuli pedicellique copiose hirsuti et glandulosi. Bracteae subtendentes 5-10 mm longae, viridulae, dense longeque albo-villoso-barbatae pilis longis crassis 0.035 - 0.05 mm diam hyalinis, flexuosis. Capitula cylindracea 8-9 mm alta 5-7 mm diametientia circa 123-140 flores ferentia, heterogama subradiata. Involucrum campa- nulatum 7+8 mm altum circa 42-46 phyllariis subaequilongis circa 4-seriatis membranaceis, 5-5 x 1-1.2 mm anguste elliptico-lanceo- latis subacutis, margine scariosis praecipue sursum leviter lacerato- dentatis vel lacerato-ciliatis, 3-5 nervatis, interioribus sursum lilacinis, parce villosis et sparse glandulosis exterioribus pallide viridulis copiose longe pilosis pilis ad 4 mm, hyalinis cellulis numerosis cylindricis vel botuliformibus ad 0.06 mm diam terminali obtussissima, flexuosis vel patulis intricatisque (fig. 1-D) et sparsis glandulis intermixtis. Receptaculum plano-convexum alveo- latum, 3-4 mm diametro. Flores radii feminei 50-90 in capitulo, 3-seriatis, corolla 4.3-5.5 mm longa rosea (7?) anguste tubulosa parte media sparse vel copiose glandulosa glandulis 0.1-0.15 mm longis crassiusculis oblon- gis, subclavatis, cellulis biseriatis, terminalibus ellipsoideis, inferne et superne glabra, 1/3 vel 2/5 superiori parte inflato- dilatata, apice oblique truncato plus minusve constricto, plerumque abaxialiter 2-3 sinuato-denticulato adaxialiter levissime sinuato 2-dentato. Stylus inclusus ramis linearibus acutiusculis 0.7-1 m marginibus dense minuteque papillato-stigmaticis. Ovarium ellip- ticum 2 x 0.7 mm, costato-marginatum lateraliter campressum, utrinque nervo saepe conspicuo et pilis geminis antrorsis circa 0.05 mm parcis vel raris munitum. Carpopodium cylindraceum cal- losum, cellulis subquadratis parietibus incrassatis 5-7-seriatis. Pappus 4.5-6 mm longus circa 20 setis subaequilongis uniseriatis strigosis sursum paulo ampliatis apice acutis, basi coalitis. Flores disci pseudohermaphroditi 24-55 in capitulo. Corolla 4.5-5 mm longa, tubulosa, parte media sparsis glandulis, tubulo 1.8 mm longo deorsum glabro, limbo rubescenti vel purpureo tubuloso sursum gradatim dilatato, inferne sparsis glandulis sursum glabro, lobis triangularibus 0.6 mm altis crasse marginatis marginibus minute papillosis, extus 0-3 glandulis subapice munitis. Antherae 1.5 mm, basi minute sagittatae appendice apicali anguste elliptico- triangulari subacuta 0.35 mm, collo cylindrico-incrassato cellulis seriatis quadratis et elongato-quadratis parietibus incrassatis. Stylus crassus ramis crassiusculis anguste oblongis acutatis circa 0.8 mm longis extus dense longeque papilloso-hirtis. Ovarium sterile anguste ellipsoidei-oblongum, vacuum, 5-costatis parcis pilis geminis rigidulis antrorsis circa 0.05 mm. Pappus 5-6 mm longus setis strigosis, uniseriatis basi coalitis apice acutis. Fig. 1B, D, Fig. 3D-H. 48h P! HeViTLOoEnORG, Tk Vol. 35, no. 6 Typus: Costa Rica, Entre le Rancho del Jaboncillal et le sommet du Cerro de Buena Vista, roches 3100 m, 19 Jan 1891, Henri Pittier 3425 (US, isotype). Other collections: Chirripo massif, Cerro Truncado, 3700 m, common, 17 Feb 1976, Weston 10093 (US). Southwest of Cerro Chirripdé, rain paramo, 3600 n, 9 Dec 1966, Weston 3638A (US). Illustration. The excellent photograph by Hans Weber, made at the summit of Chirripo Grande, published in his "Die Paramos of Costa Rica", Abb. 71, 1958, undoubtedly represents Westoniella eriocephala. REFERENCES Cuatrecasas, J. 1969. - Prima Flora Colombiana 3, Compositae- Astereae, Webbia 24: 1-335. Hoffmann, 0. 1894. - Compositae in Engler & Prantl Die Natuerlichen Pflanzenfamilien IV-5: 87-402. Weber, Hans, 1958. - Die Paramos von Costa Rica und ihre pflanzengeographische Verkettung mit den Hochanden Suedamerikas. Aghand. Akad. Wissen. u Lit. Mainz, 1958 NR3. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The basic work for this paper has been partially supported by a grant of the National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. The valuable information given by Dr. Arthur S. Weston in connection with the excellent material he has made available to me, the cooperation of the artist, Mrs. Florence Lambeth, who.made the drawings and of Dr.’ Harold Robinson for reading part of the manuscript, are very much appreciated. 1977 Cuatrecasas, Westoniella RIN SU Eee Ay t Word ths! Nes o>" acti -” ~ er) 7 - tyle Lh th q Wife KEK ODN 2 ¢ Like ae ’ bts Ais te Ss > tu,fi TN Bo <2 bt ane Fig. 1: A, Westoniella kohkemperi, leaf, abaxial side, x 4 (Weston 3612); B, W. eriocephala, leaf, abaxial side, x 4 (Weston 3638A); C, W. chirripoensis, terminal leafy branchlet, x 4 (Weston 3614); D, W. eriocephala, fragment of trichama fram the phyllaries, x 60 (Weston 3638A); E, W. kohkemperi, anther's collar, x 150 (Weston 3612); F, W. triunguifolia, fragment of trichama from a leaf base, x 100 (Weston 10123). 485 4,86 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 10092 10092 Soly sem 3ely Fig.2: A-G, Westoniella chirripoensis (from Weston 3614 and 10092): A and F, ray flowers, x 10; B and G disc flowers (G a younger one); C, phyllary x 10; D, nectarial disc of disc flower x 20; E. geminate-celled trichoma of ovary, x 200; H, W. triunguifolia, gland from the phyllaries x 250 (Weston 5978); I-Q, W. barqueroana (from Weston 3645) I, ray flower x 10, distal section of a corolla x 20 (J), glandular trichoma of the same x 150 (K) and fragment of pappus bristle (L) x 175; M, disc flower x 10; N, anther x 20; O gland from the ovary x 250; P, stylar branches of ray flower x 50; Q, stylar branches of disc flower x 50. 1977 Cuatrecasas, Westoniella 487 Fig.3: A-D, Westoniella triunguifolia; A, ray flower x 10 (Weston 5978); B, ray flower and C, variants x 10 (Weston 10076); D, disc flower x 10 (W. 10076); E-H, W. kohkemperi, ray and disc flower and achene x 10 (Weston 3612); I and J, W. chirripoensis, end of style branch x 50 and leaf x 4; K-M, W. eriocephala ray and disk flowers x 10; N and O, W. triunguifolia, leaf, and adaxial and abaxial sides with the woolly vestiture removed, x 4 (Weston 5847); P-S, W. barqueroana, P, phyllary x 4; Q and R, leaf x 4; S, carpopodium x 200. STUDIES IN THE LIABEAE (ASTERACEAE), XI. NEW SPECIES IN THE KEW HERBARIUM Harold Robinson Department of Botany Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 20560. Materials of Liabeae borrowed from the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew include many specimens of interest pulled out by R.M.King during a visit. The material contains specimens of one Munnozia and two Liabums described here as new. In addition to the new species, a specimen from Peru: Junin: Huacapistana, Sandeman 4439, represents an unusual form of Ferrey- ranthus excelsus (Poepp.& Endl.) R.& B. having acuminate leaves and strongly papillose anther fila- ments. The latter is noted for the benefit of others who might be interested in the Peruvian Liabeae. Liabum sandemanii H.Robinson, sp. nov. antae herbaceae vel suffrutescentes ca. 0.5m altae inferne ramosae. Caules leniter hexagonales dense albo-tomentosi non pilosi in nodis non discifer- ite Folia opposita, petiolis 3-15 mm longis; laminae ellipticae 4.0-10.5 cm longae et 1.3-3.8 cm latae base anguste cuneatae margine aliquantum dense serrulatae apice breviter argute acuminatae supra glabrae nervis et nervulis prominulis subtus omnino dense canescent- iter tomentosae distincte supra basem valde trinervat- ae, nervis secundariis 3/4 laminarum attingentibus valde ascendentibus ad margine parallelis. Inflores- centiae terminales longe scaposae superne subquadratim et ternate ramosae, ramis ultimis 10-25 mm longis dense tomentosis. Capitula ca. 8 mm alta et 11-12 mm lata. Squamae involucri 80-95 plerumque purpureae ca. 4-5-seriatae lanceolatae vel lineares 2-5 mm longae plerumque 0.7 mm latae apice attenuatae perangustae in sicco contortae extus puberulae et persistentiter arachnoideo-tomentosae; fimbriae receptaculorum ca. 2 mm longae. Flores radii 42-45; corollae flavae; tubis ca. 3 mm longis superne puberulis, pilis plerum- que glandulosis, limbis linearibus ca. 7 mm longis et 1 mm latis plerumque glabris base pauce pilosis, pilis plerumque glandulosis. Flores disci ca. 35?; corollae flavae. tubis ca. 2.7 mm longis superne breviter glanduliferis et piliferis, faucis ca. 1 mm longis distincte campanulatis base hirsutis superne glabris, 488 1977 Robinson, New Species 489 lobis 1.0-1.2 mm longis et 0.4 mm latis plerumque glabris apice 0-2-spiculiferis; filamenta antherarum in parte superiore 0.35 mm longa; thecae ca. 1.5 mm longae; appendices antherarum oblongo-ovatae ca, 0.35 mm longae et 0.18 mm latae. Achaenia immatura ca. 1 mm longa sparse setifera et dense glandulifera; setae pappi interiores 27-30 ca. 5 mm longae apice vix incrassatae, exteriores subnullae. Grana pollinis 33-35, diam. TYPE: PERU: Junin: Huacapistana, alt. 5600 ft., herb with composite yellow flowers & opposite acumin- ate leaves with grey reverse. Grows in colonies in dense shade in marshy ground. About 2-24 ft. high. Oct. 1943. Christopher Sandeman 4420 (Holotype,K). The sparing habit and narrow Leaves of the plant with secondary veins paralleling the leaf margin suggest the common Liabum acuminatum Rusby or L. amplexicaule Poepp.& Endl. The differences, however, are so numerous as to preclude close relationship. The inflorescence of the new species is decidedly scapose and the heads are less densely clustered, the involucral bracts are narrower with more attenuate contorted tips, with more persistent tomentum and with a purplish color, the corollas have more campanulate throats and slightly but distinctly spiculiferous lobe-tips. A particularly unique character for Liabum is the glanduliferous achene. The glands are weakly differentiated but are nevertheless numerous. This last character is absent from other Liabums but is found in the closely related genus Oligactis. The leaf venation of the new species and the cymose branching of the inflorescence indicate there is no close relation between L. sandemanii and Oligactis and the glands apparently represent a parallel occurence. Liabum steinbachii H.Robinson, sp. nov. antae herbaceae vel suffrutescentes ca. 4 dm altae base ramosae. Caules distincte hexagonales dense albo-tomentosi non pilosi in nodis disciferi, discis reniformibus ca. 5 mm longis. Folia opposita, petiolis 2.0-2.5 cm longis; laminae ovatae 6-8 cm longae et 3.5-5.5 cm latae base late acutae sensim acuminatae in partibus superioribus petiolorum decurrentes margine minute serrulatae apice breviter abrupte acuminatae supra glabrae ad marginem nervorum distincte anguste canaliculatae subtus omnino albo- tomentosae fere ad basem trinervatae, nervis secundar- iis 2/3 laminarum attingentibus inferne ab margine remotis. Inflorescentiae terminales, ramis secundariis subquadratim dispositis, ramis ultimis 1-3 cm longis 490 PH YMOAsO-GiT A Vol. 35, no. 6 dense albo-tomentosis. Capitula 10-11 mm alta et 14- 17 mm lata. Squamae involucri extus glabrae vel glab- rescentes ca. 100 ca. 5-6-seriatae 1-7 mm longae ovatae vel lineares plerumque virides et flavescentes argute acutae apice breviter purpureae; fimbriae receptacul- orum ca. 1 mm longae. Flores radii ca. 50?; corollae flavae; tubis 5 mm longis superne puberulis, limbis linearibus ca. 12 mm longis et 1.5 mm latis base puberulis. Flores disci ca. 35?; corollae flavae, tubis ca. 4 mm longis superne sparse puberulis, faucis 1.5 mm longis base puberulis et subabrupte constrictis superne glabris, lobis 2 mm longis et ca. 0.5 mm latis apice pauce minute spiculiferis; filamenta antherarum in parte superiore 0.25 mm longa; thecae ca. 2.5 mm longae; appendices antherarum oblongo-ovatae 0.35 mm longae et 0.15 mm latae. Achaenia ca. 1.8 mm longis dense breviter setifera; setae pappi interiores 35-40 plerumque 5 mm longae apice vix incrassatae, exter- lores ca. 30 tenues 0.5-1.0 mm longae. Grana pollin- is 32-35 uw diam. TYPE: BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz: Cerro Tres Cruces, elev. 1400 m, 8 Oct. 1928. Jose Steinbach 8152 (Holotype, K). The genus Liabum has previously been known in Bolivia by only two species now placed in the genus, L. solidagineum (H.B.K.) Less. and L. acuminatum Rusby, both primarily Peruvian in distribution. The third species described here represents a distinctive apparently endemic entity from the central part of the country. The involucres of L. steinbachii are mostly greenish and glabrous becoming yellowish in ne tanee characters reminiscent of the L. floribundum Less. L. eggersii Hieron group of Colombia, Ecuador and northern Peru. Species of the latter group differ by being larger usually subscandent plants with smaller heads in denser clusters. The leaves of the more northern group are also generally larger with more truncate bases. Munnozia karstenii H.Robinson sp. nov. antae herbaceae 0.5-1.0 m altae? Caules hexagonales late fistulosi extus dense fulvo-pilosi et dense evanescentiter arachnoideo-tomentosi in nodis non disciferi. Folia opposita, petiolis 3-9 cm longis distincte anguste alatis, alis mucronato-denticulatis; laminae deltoideo-ovatae plerumque 8-19 cm longae et 6.5-14.0 cm latae base truncatae in angulis retrorsis vix lLatissimae margine multo dentatae et dense mucronato-denticulatae apice breviter argute acuminat- ae supra minute pilosae et aliquantum persistentiter 1977 Robinson, New species 491 arachnoideo-tomentosae subtus dense fulvo-tomentosae fere ad basem trinervatae, nervis lateralibus 2/3-3/4 laminarum attingentibus. Inflorescentiae terminales pauce ramosae, ramis plerumque in ramulis brevioribus divisis, ramis et ramulis ultimis 2-7 cm longis dense aliquantum persistentiter albo-tomentosis et sparse fulvo-pilosis. Capitula 12-13 mm alta et 15-25 mm lata base dense albo-tomentosa. Squamae involucri 35-40 subaequilongae 11-12 mm longae, exteriores late ovatae vel suborbiculares 5-6 mm latae margine minute fimbriatae apice abrupte longe anguste acuminatae extus ca. 15-striatae sparse pilosae evanescentiter arachnoideo-tomentosae, interiores lanceolatae vel lineares longe attenuatae; receptacula fimbrillifera, fimbriis usque ad 1 mm longis. Flores radii ca. 40; corollae flavae, tubis 4.5-5.0 mm longis superne dense hirsutis, limbis ca. 14 mm longis et 1.5 mm latis inferne sparse hirsutis fere ad apicem sparse glandul- iferis, glandulis plerumque longe stipitatis. Flores disci 50-75; corollae flavae, tubis ca. 3.5 mm longis supra basem dense hirsutis, faucis ca. 2.5 mm longis glabris base vix abrupte constrictis, lobis ca. 2 mm longis et 0.4 mm latis superne glanduliferis apice longe hirsutis, pilis in fasciculo 0.7-0.8 mm longis; filamenta in parte superiore 0.35 mm longa; thecae 2.8 mm longae, cellulis exothecialibus solum in pari- etibus transversalibus noduliferis; appendices anther- arum ovatae 0.4 mm longae et 0.2 mm latae. Achaenia immatura 0.9 mm longa dense setifera ca. 8-costata; setae pappi ca. 35 plerumque 5.0-7.5 mm longae pallide rufescentes apice attenuatae non incrassatae, setae exteriores breviores 0.5-0.8 mm longae ca. 10 tenues. Grana pollinis ca. 30-33, diam. TYPE: COLOMBIA: Meta: Moscofio, alt. 2028 m, 31 Dec. 1875. André 1105 (Holotype, K). PARATYPE: COLOMBIA: Meta: Villaricencio? or Magdalina? André Pres CR). Munnozia karstenii seems closely related to M. gigantea (Rusby) Rusby of Bolivia and but for the wide geographic separation perhaps it would be regarded as only subspecifically distinct. The involucral bracts are the most distinctive feature with their long-attenuate and abruptly acuminate tips. These tips are particularly abrupt and obvious in some of the outer bracts which are much more broadly ovate and More scarious-margined than the equivalent bracts in M. gigantea. The outer bracts also seem distinct in the Less persistent arachnoid tomentum, such tomentum being restricted to the base of the head. In M. gigantea, all specimens seen show persistent tomentum 492 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 completely covering a number of the outer bracts. The leaf shape seems slightly different from M. gigantea. The blade is longer compared to its width being always obviously longer than wide. Also the lower angles of the leaves rarely seem to extend outward beyond the general outline of the leaf blade. In M. gigantea the basal angles are usually strongly projecting. The name of the species is derived from the herbarium name Liabum karstenii Schultz that was on the specimens. The Schultz name has evidently never been published. 1977 Robinson, New species 493 Liabum sandemanii H.Robinson, Holotype, Kew. Photos by Victor E. Krantz, Staff Photographer, National Museum of Natural History. holy PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 Liabum steinbachii H.Rubinson, Hvolotype, Kew. 1977 Robinson, New species 495 “ HERBARIUM AMERICA CQUINOCTIALIS Munnozia karstenii H.Robinson, Holotype, Kew. 496 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 es oe eS oe Se Se ee eS Oe eS ee Coe ee TEPER TLEUERP TE TCL Tite eee eee eee Enlargements of heads: Top left, Liabum sandemanii. Top right, L. steinbachii. Bottom, Munnozia karstenil. STUDIES IN THE EUPATORIEAE (ASTERACEAE). CLXII. NEW SPECIES AND COMBINATIONS FROM VENEZEULA, ; _R. M. King and H. Robinson Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560 Recent loans received from Venezeula through the kindness of Dr. Julian A. Steyermark at the Instituto Botanico in Caracas have called our attention to the following new species and new combinations that must be added to the country's Eupatorian flora. Ageratina aristeguietii R.M.King & H.Robinson, sp. nov. Plantae herbaceae vel suffruticosae ca. 1 m altae ramosae. Caules teretes fulvescentes hirsuti. Folia opposita, petiolis perbrevis 1-2 mm Longis hirsutis; Laminae ovatae 2.5-7.0 cm longae et 1.5-5.0 em lLatae base rotundatae vel subtruncatae distincte trinervatae margine utrinque 6-10 serratae vel grosse crenato-serratae apice breviter acutae supra pilosae subtus in nervulis et nervulis majoribus hirsutae. Inflorescentiae corymboso-paniculatae, pedicellis plerumque 5-15 mm longis hirsutis. Capitula 8-10 mm alta et Lata late campanulate. Squamae involucri 16- 25 eximbricatae ca. 2-seriatae plerumque 6-7 mm longae apice acutae vel minute acuminatae extus bicostatae et Pilosae; receptacula glabra plana. Flores 20-40; corollae albae 4-5 mm longae, tubis 1.5-2.0 mm longis perangustatis glabris,faucis cylindricis 2.0-2.5 mm longis superne sparse pilosis, lobis 0.3-0.5 mm longis extus dense pilosis intus breviter papillosis; filamenta in parte superiore 0.4-0.5 mm longis; thecae 1 mm longae; appendices oblongo-ovatae ca. 0.3 mm longae et 0.25 mm latae; appendices stylorum dense prominentiter papillatae. Achenia fusiformia ca. 2.5 mm longa, 5-costata in costis plerumque superne dense setifera; carpopodia cylindrica, cellulis quadratis vel oblongis 17-20 latis et 20-50, longis; setae pappi 22-25 ca. 4.5 mm Longae facile deciduae ad apicem vix latiores. Grana pollinis 23-25, in diam. TYPE: VENEZEULA: Merida: Sierra Nevada; Paramo alrededores de La Laguna Verde proximo Picos Humboldt y Bonpland. Alt. ca. 4,025 m. Dec. 4, 1959. Harriet G. Barclay & Pedro Juajibioy 10,057 (Holotype US). 497 498 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 Additional collections: Merida: Sierra Nevada; alrededores de La Laguna Coromoto, Barclay & Juajibioy 9969 (US), Laguna Coromoto-Laguna Verde, Fetere leta 2599 (US). Laguna Coromoto. Alt. 3,200 m Dec. EET A.L.Bernardi 5974 (VEN). Sierra Neveda de Merida, cerca de La Laguna de Coromoto, alt. + 3,000-3,400 m. 15-16/2/1966. J.P.Schultz, L. Rodriguez P., Horacio Ramirez 300 (VEN 67038). Parte media do la vertiente N de La Laguna. Expostcion S. Matorral destruido por el fuego. Pendiente fuerte. Muchas piedras y rocas entre Las cuales hay acumulacion de suelo que contiene mucha mat. organica. Sufrutice, ramas apoyadas en los restos del matorral (Berberis). Corolas blancas. Laguna Coromota. Alt. 3,200 m. Planta de Cabezuelos blancas. Estigmos largos exertos. Dec. 1956. A.L.Bernardi 5998 (VEN 39812). Laguna Coromoto, 3,400 m. 13/1/1957. L. et V. Vareschi 6081 (VEN 40163). Ageratina aristeguietii is related to the common and variable A. ibaguensis (Sch.-Bip. ex Hieron.) K.& R-but the new species differs by the nearly sessile leaves, the large heads, and the comparatively short lobes of the corolla. All specimens seen of the new species show prominently hirsute stems and branches of the inflorescence, while specimens of A. ibaguensis vary from hirsute to puberulous. An Ecuadorian species with essentially sessile leaves, A. glandulifera (Hieron. ) K.& R,differs by the copiously glandular pedicels. Bartlettina tenorae (Arist.) R.M.King & H.Robinson, comb. nov. Bupatorium ténorae Aristeguieta, Flora de Venezeula 10: 189. 1964. Venezeula. Chromolaena moritensis(Arist.) R.M.King & H.Robin- son, comb. nov. Eupatorium moritense Aristeguieta, Flora de Venezeula >: 129. 1964. Venezeula. Chromolaena larensis (Badillo) R.M.King & H.Robin- son, comb. nov. Eupatorium Larense Badillo, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 1L0:287. 1946. Venezeula. Chromolaena steyermarkiana (Badillo) R.M.King & H.Robinson, comb. nov. Eupatorium ste ermarkianum Badillo, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. LO: 287. L946. Venezeula. 1977 King & Robinson, New species & combinations 499 Chromolaena xestolepidoides (Wurdack) R.M.King & H.Robinson, comb. nov. atorium u xestolepidoides Wurdack, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 145, r583. Venezeula. Critonia naiguatensis (Badillo) R.M.King & H.Rob- inson, comb. nov. Steyermarkina naiguatensis Badillo, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 22: 35. L976. Dr. Badillo evidently placed the species in Steyermarkina because of the close similarity in habit and supposed hairs on the corolla. The scandant forms of Critonia are common in Central America but have not previously been known from Venezeula. The corolla illustrated by Badillo has the cylindrical shape and small narrow lobes of Critonia but the corollas of that genus are all glabrous. Steyermarkina corollas are broader with Larger sometimes very deeply cut Lobes totally different in aspect from Critonia, and also there is a dense mass of hairs on the inside of the throat. Examination of the type specimen has resolved the seeming conflict by showing glabrous corollas infested with a fungus. The only other 5-flowered scandent Critonia seems to be C. bartlettii (B.L.Robinson) K. & R. of Belize, Guatemala and Mexico. The Venezeulan species differs by the thinner, more prominently toothed, more sharply acuminate leaves. Fleischmannia ejidensis (Badillo) R.M.King & H. Robinson, comb. nov. Eupatorium e jidense Badillo, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. = F . Venezeula. Fleischmannia ignota (Badillo) R.M.King & H.Robin- son, comb, nov. Hupatorium ignotum Badillo, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. $4290 . Venezeula. Fleischmannia steyermarkii R.M.King & H.Robinson, sp. nov. Plantae herbaceae Lm altae? ramosae. Caules teretes striati glabri vel sparse minute puberuli virides sensim subliter castanei. Folia opposita, petiolis 7-30 mm longis angustatis; laminae lLanceolatae 4,5-10.0 cm lLongae et 1.5-2.5 cm Latae base rotundatae distincte trinervatae margine utrinque 5-9-crenato- serratae apice longe et anguste acuminatae supra sparse Pilosae subtus glabrae in nervis sparse puberulae. Inflorescentiae terminales et in ramis axillaribus corymboso-paniculatae pauci-capitatae; pedicellis 500 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 9-15 m longis minute puberulis. Capitula ca. 7 mm alta et Lata. Squamae involucri ca. 15 parce subimbricatae 3-6 mm longae 1.0-1.3 mm Latae bicostatae margine Late scariosae, bracteae exteriores ovatae argute acutae vel acuminatae extus in medio puberulae, bracteae interiores oblongae obtusae vel mucronatae extus glabrae. Flores ca. 18; corollae albae anguste infundibulares 4 mm longae, tubis ca. 0.8 mm nervis angustis, faucis 2.5 mm longis superne extus in cellulis antrorse papillatae, lobis 0.5-0.6 mm longis et latis intus et extus dense papillatis extus dense puberulis; filamenta in parte superiore 0.3 mm longa; thecae ca. 1 mm longae; appendices antherarum subquadratae ca. 0.22 mm Longae et 0.2 mm latae; appendices stylorum ad apicem sensim clavatae. Achaenia prismatica ca. 2 mm longa glabra vel in apicem breviter 1-2-setifera in costis persis- tentiter flava; carpopodia 0.15 mm longis et 0.35-0.40 mm latis, cellulis plerumque subquadratis 15-20, in diam; setae pappi 25-30 ca. 3.5 mm longis. Grana pollinis ea. "22 In "diam: TYPE: VENEZEULA: Distrito Federal: Cordillera del Avila, above Caracas, on south-facing dryish wooded slopes “just W of Los Flores; ‘abt. 1,;.6752m2_ Manuary SPeTOHE: Julian A. Steyermark 55141 (Holotype US). Paratype collection: VENEZEULA: Silla de Avila. 1934. G2 Vogel 753 (US). Fleischmannia steyermarkii has a number of rather distinctive features that are unusual in the genus and which form a unique combination. The leaves have distinctive long-attenuate tips and essentially glabrous undersurfaces. The involucre is only weakly sub- imbricate, and the corollas have papillae on the outer surface on the upper part of the throat as well as on the lobes. The type specimen shows the leaf character well but has somewhat immature heads. The paratype specimen which was intermixed with Ageratina sbagueus= has mature heads but only one leaf without a broken ELD: 1977 King & Robinson, New species & combinations 501 Ageratina aristeguietii R.M.King & H.Robinson, Holotype, United States National Herbarium. Photos by Victor E. Krantz, Staff Photographer, National Museum of Natural History. 502 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 35, no. 6 Fig. N° 1. Steyermarkina naignatensis BADILLO. a. Extremo de una rama florifera; 6. Otra forma de hoja; c. Grupo de capitulos sésiles; d, Detalle del involucro; e. Corte mostrando el receptaculo; f. Corola (al lado detalle del Idbuio). g. Estambre; 4. Aquenio (abajo detalle de la pared cuando todavia immaduro); #. Setas del papus mostrando la porcién inferior y superior. Todcs los dibujos basados sobre STEYERMARK 92039, salvo 6. basado so- bre STEYERMARK - 89895. Critonia naiguatensis (Badillo) R.M.King & H.Robinson. (from Badillo, 1976, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Natur, 22:36): 1977 King & Robinson, New species & combinations 503 Fleischmannia steyermarkii R.M.King & H.Robinson, Holotype, United States Nationa Herbarium. 50h Pebet: Os Ore Dk Vol. 35, no. 6 CAPA ENT A REL PE SET ELE EE REO OE EE SAR Rs ae Ta is et a ee se es ae ie Ten coe fied (oa fen NY Wr Bs ey See) oe ia Jy ye se Enlargements of heads: Top, Ageratina aristeguietii. Bottom, Fleischmannia steyermarkil. BOOK REVIEWS Alma L, Moldenke "REVISION OF THE SYMPLOCACEAE OF THE OLD WORLD - New Caledonia Excepted", by H. P. Nooteboom, xiii & 335 pp., illus. Leiden University Press, Leiden P.O. Box 33. 1975. Dfl 93.60. Paperbound. This careful taxonomic and systematic monograph is presented as Volume I in the Leiden Botanical Series and so serves as a fine harbinger for future volumes. The research involved 1) over 8,000 herbarium specimens, 2) field studies in Thailand, Malaya, Sabah, West Java and Sarawak, 3) access to and interpretation of perti- nent literature, ) guidance by Dr. van Steenis, and 5) use of the Parkhurst Key Generating Program at Cambridge, England, for com puterizing the dichotomous keying data. "After constructing the overall key, the changing of one card was sufficient for con- structing a local key.....I have tested all descriptions....and made some adjustments." The introductory section surveys the literature, European and Japanese fossil record, palynology, chromosome numbers (basic 4), phytochemistry (tendency to accumulate available aluminum in the leaves), comparative morphology indicating to the author a closer affinity to the Cornaceae and possibly Theaceae rather than the Ebenales. The taxonomic section recognizes only 111 species by reducing many of Brand's locally variable species to assorted infraspecif- ic ranks. There are 21 new species included with full Latin de- scriptions and 21 well drawn plates showing all diagnostic struc- tures. Worldwide, the Symplocaceae with its single gems Symplocos and its retained two subgenera, Symplocos and Hopea, contains ca. 250 species in both the Eastern Old World from Bombay to Fiji and from Manchuria )\6°N to New South Wales and Lord Howe Island 32° S and in the New World from the state of Washington to Southern Brazil especially in mixed evergreen rain forests. The subgenus Symplocos is limited to the tropics, while the subgenus Hopea ranges also into the temperate areas. This is a fine needed study. 505 Index to authors in Volume Thirty-five Badawi, A. A., 271 Moldenke, A. L. (cont.), 397, 505 Beetle, A. A., 221 Moldenke, H. N., 13, 1h, 109, 112, Cuatrecasas, J., 43, 471 216, 252, 276, 278, 332,119,120 Degener, is 108, 220, 385, 459 Moran, 1 ” 208 Degener, 0., 108, 220, 385, 459 Nicolson, D. H., 22k El-Gazzar, A., on Pinkava, D. J., 323 Gentry, A. He, 263 Proctor, G. R., 403 Gillis, W.T., 79 Reveal, J. L., 373 Hiebel, T. L., 365 Robinson, H., 37, 199, 229, 233, Holmes, W.C., 329 488, 97 Hoover, W. S., 65 St. John, Ho, 452, 277 Jerger, D. E., 265 Seymour, F. c., 133 Keid) "D, J3., 323 Steyermark, J. A., 01 King, R. M., 229, 197 Troth, R. G., 22h Laughlin, K., 217 Volz, ’P, A., 265, 365 McDaniel, S., 329 Ward, D. B., bl, inh Madison, M., 101, 103 Wurdack, Jig Dey iy? 2uL Moldenke, VA eae "62, 173, 32h, Index to supraspecific scientific names in Volume Thirty-five Abrus, 391, 411 Angadenia, 9-97, 99 Abutilon, 211 testo 135, ao BT We Sg Acacia, 80, 109, 210 Antirrhimn, 135, 142, 172 Aciotis, 2513 ; Anychia, ike 418 Adelopus, 35, % Anychiastrum, 1), 16 Aechmea, 80 Aphorocaulon, 114 Agaricacese, 398 Apocynaceae, 91, 100 Ageratina, )97,98,500,501,504 Apteron, 72, 75-77 Alectra, 138, 164, 172 Araceae, 101, 103, 105 Metria, 83 Se pemerati ’ Alibum, 38 ALloptylium, 213 pare Allophyton, 150, 172 Aristida, 221, 09 Alonsoa, 135, 140, 172 Aroideae, 101 Alphitonia, 177-179, 181, 182 rrabidaea, 195, 198 Alternanthera, 80 Artemisia, 208, 377 Amarantaceas, 132 Arando, 391 Amaranthaceae, 80, 99, 132 Asclepiadales, 100 Amblyarrhena, 2c0. Astelia, 391 Amphilophium, 183, 18h Asteraceae, 375: 395 19952235 Andraspidopsis, 295, 30h, 305 233, 237, 472, 488, 97 Andromachia, 200 Astereae, im, 1,8) Andropogon, 223 Asterostigma, 101, 102 Anemone, 209, 391 Aaterostigmatacese, 101 1977 Astragalus, 210 Asystasia, 226, 227 Auerodendron, 93 Auriformia, 75, 77 Australes, 67 Avicennia, 13, 09 Axinaea, Axinaea, 8, 9 Bacillus, 266, 270 Bacopa, _ 137-139, 153-157, 172, 291, 30h Bartlettina, 198 Barya, 67 ’ Begonia, 65-78, 328 Begoniaceae, 66, 77, 78, 328 Begoniastrum, 65,67, 70, 7h, 76,77 Berberis, 98 Bidens, 97-99, 213 Bignonia, 192 Bignoniaceas, 183, 185, 187, 509, 12915:193, 195, 197, 198 Blakiella, 72 Blastocaulon, 1h, 287, 288, 309 Bombax, 22, 226, 227 Bonnetia, 311 Brachiaria, 80 Brachyotum » 2h2, 2h3 see, 7 Brickellia, a a A Bromeliaceae, 80 Buchnera, 13h,137,165-167, 172 Buddleja, 391 Bulbostylis, 391 Butia eee 355 Byrsonima, 291 Cactacese, 93, 9u, 398 Caesalpinioidese, 99 Caladium, 103-106 Calceolaria, 137, 141, 172 Callicarpa, 9h, 99, 225, 227