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Moldenke 303 Parkside Road Plainfield, New Jersey 07060 LS AL Price of this number $1.50; per volume, $9.75 in advance or $10.50 after close of the volume; 75 cents extra to all foreign addresses; 512 pages constitute a volume; claims for numbers lost in the mails must be made immediately after receipt of the next number. Vv PHYTOPLANKTON OF THE BLACK WARRIOR RIVER, ALABAMA M. Ratnasabapathyl and Temd R. Deason Department of Biology, University of Alabama, University, Alabama 35486 ABSTRACT Most floristic and community ecology reports of freshwater algae are based only on preserved or fresh samples. In the present study, the phytoplankton of The Black Warrior river near Tuscaloosa, receiving domestic sewage and industrial wastes, was investigate- from cultured as well as natural and preserved samples. Over 380 species and varieties of algae, including some rarely reported forms, were identified. The results of Sedgwich-Rafter and diatom Proportional analyses showed that a) phytoplankton density ranged from 117-488 individuals/ml.; b) among the common groups, Chlorococcales were numerically dominant, followed by the Pennales, Chrysophyceae, Centrales and Cryptomonadaceae; c) out of 36 genera of Bacillariophyceae listed, 4 genera were abundant and constant in occurrence. Some difficulties of identification and limitations of enumeration are briefly discussed. Present data confirm the pres- ence of a resident phytoplankton and provide useful data for current research on the taxonomy, ecology and possible pesticide degradation ability of the algae. INTRODUCTION The Warrior River, which has its source in North Alabama, and following its union with the Tombigbee, flows into the Gulf of Mexico at Mobile. It is impounded at Tuscaloosa by the Oliver Lock and Dam to form the Oliver Pool. Sewage from the City of Northport, after primary treatment, and effluents from several industries including a Paper mill, a chemical plant, and a coke plant are dis- charged into the Oliver Pool. Composition and rates of discharge are available in a thesis by McClure (1968). During the spring of 1971, thirty six algal isolates were obtained in axenic cultures by standard bacteriological methods from a station at Bennett's Marina about 500 meters upstream of the dam. These algae were studied for their possible ability to degrade pesticides. The algae are considered to be planktonic, but there are no published studies of the Warrior flora on which to base this conclusion. Further, most studies of phytoplankton populations have involved observations only of preserved materials. We felt that we might get a better picture of the algae actually present 2 PH YT, 0) LO; Gk Vol. 37, no. 1 during a period of several months if we combined three methods: 1) Observations on freshly collected smaples, 2) Observation of cultured samples, and 3) Observations of preserved samples. Organ- isms consistently observed by two or more methods and represented in samples from different sites and at different sites and at dif- ferent times should be those which are consistently present and representative of the 'normal' population. In this sense only do we refer to resident plankton. MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples for our studies were taken at about three week inter- vals beginning in May and extending through August of 1973. The collecting stations at Tuscaloosa were chosen for ready accessi- bility, comparable environmental conditions, and availability of boat or barge for convenient collection of offshore plankton. Station number one was located 1.126 km (0.7 miles) upstream from Oliver Lock and Dam at the Corps of Engineers Workshop, and station two was approximately 1.287 km (0.8 miles) further upstream at Rose Towers, Tuscaloosa. Eight to twelve liter samples were obtained for phytoplankton by pushing polyethylene containers 20-30 cm beneath the water sur- face before allowing them to fill. A stock solution of thimerosal- iodine (Williams, 1964) was added to the samples immediately to preserve them for later study. Unfortunately certain delicate genera such as Gonyostomum, Merotrichia, and Synura, disintegrated with the preservative. Untreated aliquots were retained for obser- vations of living material, and small samples (0.5 L) were taken in sterile glass containers for culture work. Periphyton growing on the sides of boats or on fallen wood were scraped into vials. Bottom mud also was obtained from the shore in the vicinity of the stations for a look at the benthic forms which might contribute to the plankton. Taxa appearing only in these collections are indicated in the tables. Samples collected aseptically were dilution plated using three media: Bold's inorganic salt medium (Deason & Bold, 1960) BG-11 (Stanier et al., 1971), and FW-1 medium (Lewin, 1966). Other aliquots of these samples were added to liquid media, and all cul- tures were incubated in constant light of approximately 300 ft.c. at a temperature of 25 degrees C. The use of three media made possible the growth of a considerable variety of algae. All cul- tures were surveyed for algal taxa and no taxa were reported unless they were observed at least twice. Observations of the algae in culture facilitated identification of algae in the fresh and pre- served samples. 1977 Ratnasabapathy & Deason, Phytoplankton 3 The plankton of the field-preserved samples were allowed to settle out for a minimum of 2 weeks in graduated cylinders, most of the supernatant carefully withdrawn by pipette, and the remaining contents washed into smaller cylinders. This procedure was re- peated. The final concentrate for each composite sample was col- lected in 10 ml graduated cylinders, and the level was adjusted with distilled water when necessary so that the ratio of concentrate to original raw samples was 1:1000. Quantitative analyses for phyto- plankton were accomplished using 1.0 ml of the above concentrate. These analyses were largely based on methods of the Analytical Quality Control Laboratory (Weber, 1966). Useful hints also were obtained from "Standard Methods" (American Public Health Associa- tion, 1965). For the phytoplankton analysis, 1 ml concentrate was made up to 50 ml with distilled water and 1 ml aliquots were used to fill a standard Sedgwick-Rafter counting cell. Two strips were counted at a magnification of 210 X. Data were recorded on sepa- rate bench sheets for major groups and for the genera. The results were reported as numbers of individuals/ml of raw material. Permanent hyrax mounts for Diatom Proportional Analysis were prepared by the incineration method (Williams, 1962; Weber, 1966). Diatoms were counted at a magnification of 9/70 X using a binocular compound microscope containing a Whipple micrometer grid and a calibrated linear scale. The random strip counts were made until 200 cells were encountered or the scanning time reached 3 hours. Data was recorded on a bench sheet and the results reported in per- centages for the four most abundant genera. The permanent slides also were used to identify the diatom species. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Over 380 species or varieties of algae representing several Divisions were observed in our samples and cultures (Table VI). The Sedgwick-Rafter analysis (Table III) shows that pennate diatoms were second in abundance only to the Chlorococcales as indicated by total counts for the period of study. Chrysophycean algae were next in abundance, followed by centric diatoms and Cryptophyta. Total numbers of algae per ml of water increased as the season pro- gressed, but only the Chlorococcales and Zygnematales showed a steady increase in numbers with time. During the period of study, water level (gauge height) remained relatively constant while the flow rate gradually decreased. The mean discharge rate in cubic feet per second was 13,550 for May, 9,639 for June, 8,585 for July and 4,465 for August.3 Surface water temperatures for the four collecting dates (both stations), were respectively 23°C, 27°C, 299°C, and 29°C. The pH of the river was approximately 6.4 through- out the study. The dominant genera, as indicated by the total Sedgwick-Rafter counts for the period of study (Table IV), were Synedra (including h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 1 Nitzschia), Kephyrion (including Kephyriopsis and Chrysococcus), Ankistrodesmus, and Cryptomonas. Only Cryptomonas increased stead- ily in numbers with time. Chlorella, although obviously numerous in fresh samples, was not listed because of the difficulty of identifying it at low magnification. Chlorococcum-like algae also were impossible to identify at low magnification particularly in preserved material. Several other genera listed may include closely related forms due to the identifications made at low mag- nification: Navicula may include Pinnularia, Oscillatoria may include Lyngbya and Phormidium, and Peridinium may include Glenodiniun. Our culture studies supplemented observations of raw and pre- served samples. Algae which we were able to culture were much easier to recognize in the samples after we had studied them at leisure. In cultures, with or without enrichment media, certain flagellates such as Anthophysa vegetans, Paraphysomonas vestita, Spumella vivipara, Collodictyon triciliatum, Furcilia lobosa, Ochromonas sp., Chrysochromulina sp. and Entosiphon spp. developed in profusion and facilitated their identification. These and many other species which would have been overlooked in the samples were revealed by the cultures as shown in Table II indicating that 20 species appeared only in the cultures. Finally, we were able to identify in the cultures the same morphological entities isolated during 1971, including species of Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Golenkiniopsis, Carteria, Ankistrodesmus, Actinastrum, and Nitzschia. Unfortunately, time did not permit reisolation of all strains for physiological comparisons with our 1971 isolates. However, if our contention that these strains are essentially resi- dent plankton is valid, then we should be able to reisolate the strains if time permits and if conditions in the river are not too greatly altered. Our culture studies also confirmed the tendency of planktonic forms to be morphologically variable under different environmental conditions as reported by Trainor (1969) and others. Colonies from the samples ascribable to Tettrallantos and Nephrochlamys turned out to be Kirchneriella in culture. Scenedesmus spp. produced forms resembling Chodatella and Ourococcus. Actinastrum displayed a variety of forms resembling Tetradesmus, Didymogenes, Marthea, and Coccomyxa; an untrained observer might well have reported the occurrence of these genera. Because our samples were large, and effectively made larger by the use of the culture technique, the identification of a large number of species in a more or less polluted river is not too sur- prising. Species abundance which is necessary for evaluating species diversity, was not determined because of the difficulty of determining species at Sedgwick-Rafter magnifications. When there are relatively few preserved cells, identification of most species is a difficult proposition even using a magnification of 1000 X. It is probably useful to look at the diatom proportional analysis 1977 Ratnasabapathy & Deason, Phytoplankton 5 (Table V) to get a better idea of the diversity—abundance relation- ship. It is observed that almost 80% of the population consists of four genera of the 36 listed in Table I. Synedra (33%) and Nitzschia (3.8%) were most abundant among the pennate diatoms and the genera Cyclotella (23.4%) and Melosira (18%) among the centric diatoms. Of the 123 species of diatoms listed in Table I four species were the most abundant as indicated by bench data collected during the proportional analysis: Synedra acus, S. ulna, Cyclo- tella stelligera, and Melosira distans. A comparison of Tables III and IV shows that Synedra accounted for about 73% of the living Pennales and Ankistrodesmus for about 62% on 30 May 1973 at Station 1. Data for calculation of a species diversity index (Patten, 1962) are not available, but it appears that species diversity is low, indicating eutrophication (Williams, 1964). Eutrophication is also suggested by the dominance of the bacteria and organic detritus feeders Keratella, Codonella, and Tintinnidium among the zooplank- ton, and although no water blooms were observed during our study, the density of the phytoplankton (117-488 individuals/ml) indicates that the river is eutrophic. Although species identification was facilitated, and addition- al species were found using the culture method, the costs in time exceeded the benefits in a study of this type. 6 PHY TOLOGIiA TABLE I Taxon Division Cyanophyta Chroococcus rufescens (Kuetz.) Naegeli Merismopedia glauca (Ehr. ) Naegeli Merismopedia sp. Microcystis flos-aquae (Wittr.) Kuetzing Microcystis sp. Oscillatoria amonena Gomont Oscillatoria sp. l Oscillatoria sp. 2 Beggiatoa sp. Lyngbya epiphytica Hieronymus Lyngbya subtilis W. West Lyngbya sp. Phormidium sp. Microcoleus sp. Anabaena sp. Anabaena spiroides Klebahn Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (Linn.) Ralfe Nostoc sp. Scytonema sp. Calothrix sp. Division Cryptophyta Chroomonas sp. Cryptochrysis sp. Chilomonas paramaecium Ehrenberg Cryptomonas erosa Ehrenberg Cryptomonas obovata Skuja Cryptomonas reflexa (Marsson) Skuja Cryptomonas sp. l Cryptomonas sp. 2 Cyathomonas truncata (Fres.) Fisch Division Chloromonadophyta Gonyostomum depressum Lemmermann Gonyostomum semen Diesing Merotrichia sp. Division Pyrrhophyta Glenodonium palustre Zachariasi Glenodinium spp. Peridinium inconspicuum Lemmermann Peridinium wisconsinense Eddy Peridinium spp. Ceratium hirundinella (Muell.) Shrank Vol. 37, now. 1 Station al 2 N N N NC N NC N N NCB NC NCB C N 12) iE CP (¢ 6; NC NCB NCB NCP N C CB G C C NC NC (¢, NB CB NCP NCB NCB N NCB NCB N NCB NCB NC N N NC N NP N NC N N N N NP N N 1977 Ratnasabapathy & Deason, Phytoplankton Taxon Division Bacillariophyta Melosira ambiqua (Grun.) O. F. Mueller Melosira distans (Ehr.) Kuetzing Melosira granulata (Ehr.) Ralfs Melosira herzogii Lemm Melosira italica (Ehr.) Kuetzing Melosira varians C. A. Agardh Cyclotella atomus Hustedt. Cyclotella antiqua Wm. Smith Cyclotella bodanica Eulenstein Cyclotella meneghiniana Kuetzing Cyclotella stelligera (Cleve et Grun.) van Heurck Cyclotella pseudostelligera Hustedt. Cyclotella glomerata Bachmann Stephanodiscus sp. Attheya zachariasi Brunthaler Rhizosolenia eriensis H. L. Smith Rhizosolenia sp. Chaetoceros sp. Asterionella formosa Hass. var. formosa Patrick et Reimer Diatoma vulgare Bory var. vulgare Patrick et Reimer Fragilaria brevistriata Grun. var. brevistriata Patrick et Reimer Fragilaria capucina (Desm.) var. capucina Patrick et Reimer Fragilaria construens (Ehr.) Grun. var. construens Patrick et Reimer Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton var. crotonensis Patrick et Reimer Fragilaria vaucheriae (Kuetz.) Peters var. vaucheriae Patrick et Reimer Fragilaria spp. Synedra acus Kuetz. var. acus Patrick et Reimer Synedra rumpens Kuetz. var rumpens Patrick et Reimer Synedra rumpens var. meneghiniana Grunow Synedra ulna (Nitz.) Ehr. var. ulna Patrick et Reimer Synedra spp. Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyng.) Kuetz. var fenestrata Patrick et Reimer Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kuetz. var. flocculosa Patrick et Reimer Meridion circulare (Grev.) C. A. Ag. var. circulare Patrick et Reimer Eunotia curvata (Kuetz.) Lagerst. var. curvata Patrick et Reimer Eunotia incisa W. Sm. ex Greg. var. incisa Patrick et Reimer Eunotia pectinalis (0. F. Muell.) Rabh. var. pectinalis Patrick et Reimer loo Cc NCP A NCB NC NC aa 2222222222424 Z Z 8 Ben Y FO). o1G TA Vol... 375, meaam Taxon Eunotia pectinalis var. undulata (Ralfs) Rabenhorst Eunotia spp. Achnanthes clevei Grun. var. clevei Patrick et Reimer Achnanthes exigua Grun. var. exigua Patrick et Reimer Achananthes lanceolata (Breb.) Grunow var. dubia Grunow Achnanthes lanceolata var. omissa Reimer Achnanthes linearis (W. Sm.) Grun. var. linearis Patrick et Reimer Achnanthes minutissima Kuetzing var. minutissima Patrick et Reimer Achnanthes sp. Cocconeis fluviatilis Wallace var. fluviatilis Patrick et Reimer Cocconeis sp. Amphipleura pellucida Kuetz var. pellucida Patrick et Reimer Anomoeoneis vitrea (Grun.) Ross var. vitrea Patrick et Reimer Caloneis bacillum (Grun.) Cleve Capartogramma crucicula (Grun. ex Cl.) Ross var. crucicula Patrick et Reimer Diploneis puella (Schum.) Cl. var. puella Patrick et Reimer Diploneiis sp. Frustulia rhomboides var. capitata (A. Mayer) Patrick Frustulia rhomboides var. crassinervia (Breg. ex W. Sm.) Ross Frustulia rhomboides (Ehr.) DeToni var. rhomboides Patrick et Reimer Frustulia rhomboides var. saxonica (Rabh.) De Toni Frustulia vulgaris (Thwaites) De T. var. vulgaris Patrick et Reimer Frustulia weinholdii Hust. var. weinholdii Patrick et Reimer Gyrosigma nodiferum (Grun.) Reim. var. nodiferum Patrick et Reimer Gyrosigma spencerii (Quek.) Griff. et Henfr. var. spencerii Patrick et Reimer Gyrosigma sp. Navicula atomus (Kuetz.) Grun, var. atomus Patrick et Reiner Navicula crucicula (W. Sm.) Donk. var. crucicula Patrick et Reiner Navicula exigua (Greg. ex. Grun.) var. capitata Patrick et Reiner Navicula gottlandica Grun. var gottlandica Patrick et Reiner Navicula gregaria Donk. var. gregaria Patrick et Reiner Navicula heufleri (Grun.) var. leptocephala (Breb. ex Grun.) Patrick A N N N N NC 22 2 N NP NCP 1977 Ratnasabapathy & Deason, Phytoplankton Taxon Navicula mobiliensis Boyer var. minor Patrick Navicula mutica Kuetz, var. mutica Patrick et Reimer Navicula mutica var. tropica Hustedt Navicula notha Wall. var. notha Patrick et Reimer Navicula pupula Kuetz. var. capitata Skvortzov et Meyer Navicula pupula Kuetz. var. pupula Patrick et Reimer Navicula pupula Kuetz. var. rectangularis (Greg.) Grunow Navicula pygmaea (Kuetz.) var. pygmaea Patrick et Reimer Navicula radiosa Kuetz. var. tenella (Breb. et Kuetz.) Grunow Navicula rhynchocephala var. germainii (Wall.) Patrick Navicula viridula (Kuetz.) var. rostellata Patrick et Reimer Navicula spp. Neidium affine (Ehr.) Pfitz. var. affine Patrick et Reimer Neidium affine var. ceylonicum (Skv.) Reimer Neidium bisulcatum (Lagerst.) Cl. var. bisulcatum Patrick et Reimer Pinnularia appendiculata (Ag.) Cl. var. ~ appendiculata Patrick et Reimer Pinnularia biceps Greg. var. biceps Patrick et Reimer Pinnularia borealis Ehr. var. rectangularis Carlson Pinnularia braunii (Grun.) Cl. var. amphicephala (A. Mayer) Hustedt Pinnularia brebissonii (Kuetz.) Rabh. var. brebissonii Patrick et Reimer Pinnularia microstauron (Ehr.) Cl. var. microstauron Patrick et Reimer Pinnularia obscura Krasske var. obscura Patrick et Reimer Pinnularia subcapitata Greg. var. subcapitata Patrick et Reimer Pinnularia substomatophora Hust. var. substomatophora Patrick et Reimer Pinnularia viridis (Nitz.) Ehr. var. viridis Patrick et Reimer Pinnularia spp. Stauroneis anceps Ehr. var. anceps Patrick et Reimer Stauroneis sp. Gomphonema acuminatum Ehrenberg Gomphonema acuminatum var. coronata (Ehr.) Cleve Gomphonema angustatum (Kuetz,) Grunow Gomphonema sp. Amphora sp, Cymbella gracilis (Rabh.) Cleve 22 222242 22224 BP 10 PHY 2.0 L067 4 Vol. 37, no. 1 Taxon Cymbella tumida (Breb.) van Heurck Cymbella turgida Gregory Cymbella ventricosa Kuetzing Cymbella sp. Denticula elegans Kuetzing Denticula sp. Epithemia ocellata (Ehr.) Kuetzing Epithemia sp. Rhophalodia gibba (Ehr.) O. F. Mueller Bacillaria paradoxa Gmelin Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehr.) Grunow Nitzschia acicularis W. Smith Nitzschia amphibia Grunow Nitzschia closterium (Ehr.) W. Smith Nitzschia filiformis (W. Smith) Hustedt Nitzschia holsatica Hustedt Nitzschia longissima (Breb.) Ralfs Nitzschia lorenziana Grunow Nitzschia palea (Kuetz.) W. Smith Nitzschia sigma (Kuetz.) W. Smith Nitzschia sinuata var. tabellaria Grunow Nitzschia tryblionella Hantzsch Nitzschia spp. Surirella elegans Ehrenberg Surirella didyma Kuetzing Surirella linearis W. Smith Surirella tenuissima Hustedt Surirella spp. ae ee a a -sagae 1 222222224 2224 Z Q a Q Seo ee ee re a 2224 22222 ow 222 m w Division Chrysophyta Chrysamoeba sp, NC Lagynion scherfelii Pascher Kephyrion cupulifor cupuliforme Conrad Kephyrion cyclindricum (Lack.) Conrad Kephyrion doliolum Conrad Kephyrion rubri-claustri Conrad Kephyrion spp. Codonodendron sp. Chrysococcus porifer Lemmermann Chrysococcus rufescens Klebs N N N N Chrysococcus spp. N Ochromonas sp. l C Ochromonas sp. 2 NC NCB NC NC NC 222 22224 Paraphysomonas vestita (Stokes) De Saedeleer Spumella vivipara Chrysochromulina sp. Anthophysa steinii Senn N Anthophysa vegetans (0. F. M.) Stein N NP Dinobryon bavaricum Imhof N N N Dinobryon cylindricum Imhof ayTi Taxon Dinobryon divergens Imhof Pseudokephyrion ellipsoideum (Pasch.) Schm. Pseudokephyrion spp. Mallomonas acaroides Perty Mallomonas tonsurata Teiling Mallomonas spp. Synura uvella Ehrenberg Codosiga sp. 1 Codosiga sp. 2 Salpingoeca sp. Division Xanthophyta Botrydiopsis sp. Chlorocloster sp. Leuvenia natans Gardner Chlorobotrys sp. Gloeobotrys sp. Characiopsis sp. Centritractus belanophorus Lemmermann Ophiocytium bicuspidatum (Borge) Lemmermann Ophiocytium parvulum (Perty) A. Braun Heterothrix sp. Botrydium granulatum (L.) Greville Division Euglenophyta Euglena acus Ehrenberg Euglena ehrenbergii Klebs Euglena oxyuris Schmarda Euglena pisciformis Klebs Euglena viridis Ehrenberg Euglena spp. Lepocinclis fusiformis (Carter) Lemmermann Lepocinclis ovum (Ehrenb.) Lemmermann Lepocinclis steinii Lemmermann Phacus agilis Skuja Phacus longicauda (Ehrenb.) Dujardin Phacus orbicularis Huebner Phacus oscillans Klebs Phacus tortus (Lemm.) Skvortzow Phacus sp. Trachelomonas bernardinensis W. Vischer em. Trachelomonas granulata Swirenko Trachelomonas hispida (Perty) Stein Trachelomonas oblonga Lemmermann Trachelomonas obovata Stokes em. Deflandre Trachelomonas similis Stokes Trachelomonas superba (Swir.) Deflandre Trachelomonas volvocinopsis Swirenko Trachelomonas spp. Strombomonas giradiana (Playf.) Deflandre Ratnasabapathy & Deason, Phytoplankton Deflandre =a] NCB 2222222222222 222222224 |’ Zz 222 ZAmazaanmaAawoa 2222 12 Po Y. T_O.L O.G Ek Vol. 37, now. 1 Taxon i Strombomonas sp. Menoidium pellucidum Perty N Notosolenus apocamptus Stokes Notosolenus obliquus Stokes Notosolenus orbicularis Stokes Anisonema acinus Dujardin NC Anisonema sp. l Entosiphon obliquum Klebs N Entosiphon ovatum Stokes N Entosiphon sulcatum (Duj.) Stein N Entosiphon sp. l N Petalomonas sp. Cc Heteronema cryptocercum Skuja N Peranema furcatum Skvortzow Peranema trichophorum (E.) Stein Cc Peranema sp. NC Division Chlorophyta Collodictyon triciliatum Carter NC Furcilia lobosa Stokes NC Furcilia trifurca Pascher Cc Carteria sp. 1 N Carteria sp. 2 Carteria sp. 3 Chlamydomonas sp. Chlamydomonas sp. Chlamydomonas sp. Chlamydomonas sp. Chlamydomonas sp. Sphaerellopsis sp. 1 Dysmorphococcus variabilis Takeda fe Cc N Coccomonas sp. N Gonium pectorale Mueller Cc N N N N OWN FE Pandorina morum Bory Eudorina elegans Ehrenberg Pedinomonas rotundata Korshikov Nephroselmis sp. Characium sp. Chlorococcum sp. Cc Schroederia setigera Lemmermann NC Tetraedron gracile (Reinch) Hansgirg N Tetraedron regulare Kuetzing Sphaerocystis schroeteri Chodat NB Ankistrodesmus convolutus var. minutus (Naeg.) Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Corda) Ralfs NCB Ankistrodesmus falcatus var. stipitatus (Chorda) Lemmermann (e Ankistrodesmus sp. 1 NCB Ankistrodesmus sp. 2 NCB Ankistrodesmus sp. 3 NC I9T7 Ratnasabapathy & Deason, Phytoplankton 13 Taxon if! 2 Chlorella sp. NCB & Chodatella ciliate (Lagerh.) Chodat N N Chodatella quadriseta Lemmermann NC Chodatella subsalsa Lemmermann N Closteriopsis longissima Lemmermann NB N Franceia droescheri (Lemm.) G. M. Smith N N Franceia ovalis (France) Lemmermann N N Kirchneriella contorta (Schmidle) Bohlin NC NC Kirchneriella lunaris (Kirch.) Moebius NC NC Kirchneriella obesa ( W. West) Schmidle NC NC Kirchneriella obesa var. major (Bernard) G. M. Smith N N Kirchneriella subsolitaria G. S. West N N Nephrocytium : sp. NC Oocystis borgei Snow N Oocystis parva West et West N C Oocystis sp. N NC Quadrigula sp. N Rayssiella hemisphaerica Edelstein et Prescott N Selenastrum bibraianum Reinch NC NC Selenastrum westii G. M. Smith NC G Selenastrum sp. 1 G Treubaria crassispina G. M. Smith N N Eutetramorus globosus Walton N Radiococcus sp. N Errerella bornhemiensis Conrad N N Golenkiniopsis solitaria Korshikov NC C Micractinium pusillum Fresenius NCB NC Micractinium quadrisetum (Lemm.) G. M. Smith NC Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum Naegeli NC N Dictyosphaerium pulchellum Wood NCBP NCP Quadricoccus verrucosus Fott NC Westella botrydioides (W. West) de Wildeman NC NC Actinastrum hantzschii Lagerheim NCB NC Coelastrum cambricum Archer NC NC Coelastrum microporum Naegeli NCB NC Coelastrum reticulatum (Dang.) Senn C NCP Coelastrum sphaericum Naegeli N G Nautococcus sp. C Cc Coronastrum aestivale Thompson C Crucigenia apiculata (Lemm.) Schmidle NC NC Crucigenia fenestrata Schmidle NC N Crucigenia quadrata M Morren N Crucigenia tetrapedia (Kirch.) West et West N NC Scenedesmus abundans (Kirch.) Chodat NC NC Scenedesmus acuminatus (Lagerh.) Chodat N N Scenedesmus armatus (Chod.) G. M. Smith NC NC Scenedesmus arcuatus Lemmermann C NC Scenedesmus bernadii G. M. Smith N Scenedesmus bijuga (Turp.) Lagerheim NC C Scenedesmus brasiliensis Bohlin N C 1h Pee TO LOG rk Vol. 37; me 2 Taxon 1 2 Scenedesmus denticulatus Lagerheim N Scenedesmus dimorphus (Turp,) Brebisson NC NC Scenedesmus longus Meyen C C Scenedesmus opoliensis p. Richter C Cc Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp,.) Kuetzing C Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Brebisson NC Scenedesmus serratus (Corda) Bohlin NC N Scenedesmus smithii Teiling NC NC Scenedesmus sp. C Tetrallantos lagerheimii Teiling NC N Tetrastrum heteracanthum (Nordst.) Chodat N N Pediastrum duplex Meyen NC NC Pediastrum duplex var. gracilimum West et West N NC Pediastrum duplex var. rotundatum Lucks N Pediastrum tetras (Ehrenb.) Ralfs N NC Pediastrum tetras var. tetraodon (Corda) Ralfs N Dactylothece sp. Cc C Dispora sp. NC Elakatothrix sp. N N Ulothrix fimbriata Bold NC Ulothrix sp. i N P Ulothrix sp. 2 C NCP Ulothrix sp. 3 N N Microthamnion strictissimum Rabenhorst N Stigeoclonium sp. CB iE Aphanochaete repens A. Braun iy Oedogonium sp. 1 P cP Oedogonium sp. 2 E P Rhizoclonium sp. BE Mougeotia sp. 1B Spirogyra sp. l C 1) Spirogyra sp. 2 BP Spirogyra sp. 3 NP Cylindrocystis brebissonii Meneghini N Closterium gracile Brebisson NC NCBP Closterium moniliferum (Bory) Ehrenberg NCP Closterium sp. 1 NC N Closterium sp. 2 N N Cosmarium phaseolus Brebisson N Cosmarium sp. l N Cosmarium sp. 2 N Cosmarium sp. 3 B Cosmarium sp. 4 NP Euastrum denticulatum (Kirch.) Gay N N Euastrum sp. 1 C NC Euastrum sp. 2 N Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii (Breb.) Debary N N Pleurotaenium sp, 1 NBP Staurastrum arachne Ralfs NC Staurastrum chaetoceros (Schroed.) G. M. Smith N N 2077 Ratnasabapathy & Deason, Phytoplankton Taxon Staurastrum corniculatum Lundell Staurastrum depressiceps Scott et Groenblad Staurastrum megacanthum Lundell Staurastrum paradoxum Meyen Staurastrum sp. 1 Staurastrum sp. 2 Spondylosium planum (Wolle) West et West Teilingia granulata (Roy et Biss.) Bourrelly 2220248 24 15 22222 | 224 16 Pry TO Lr Ortrr’ sé 3 fe} ct Division ha n Genera 164 Species 381 NB 35 B iL NP 49 E 8 Cc 20 N 203 CC 127 Photosynthetic Flagellate spp. 84 Non-photosynthetic Flagellate spp. 29 Total Flagellates 113 TABLE II Bq kydox0Ty9 ei 4ydousT3ng 16 43 eq Aydoyjuex 10 LiL ea A4ydoskiyp 16 30 20 2. 30 Vol. 37, mee = w rg iat) OQ 8 Hs H H oe rm o) ny in} = h- ° c ib) > crt © 36 3 22 6 fk a 25 2 98 3 19 il = 6 - 6 eqX4ydopeuoworz0Ty9 i) eq Aydozdé19 ei 4ydouek) 13 20 1977 Ratnasabapathy & Deason, Phytoplankton 17 TABLE III Date 30-5-73 22-6-73 16-7-73 6-8-73 Station 1 2 1 2 iL 2 1 22 Group: Cyanophyta, coccoid - 0.6 1.9 - 2 - Zed O52 Cyanophyta, filamentous 7255) 148) O26) 106 DRO 43 wes 742)ail Cryptophyta lisesy Tole | Moi meilinil PAGS) “cieikpe Age) 2e)cal Pyrrhophyta pyo@) TbSG Sel ES) Gey Ibe Isa) ALi Bacillariophyta Centrales, live ByAl) HAGAN (iy fags} AC )ac) ISA 0) Usie@ ZL 7/ Centrales, dead easy SAG 255" “Sell A353, 265 - 235 Pennales, live Wate Gas) AiSigsy ree) Oil eyes AsO" S32 Pennales, dead (Shp Be 7a 726 Se GP wililors, “Sin aD 335 7/ Chrysophyta oat © S67) 7s sesh biao7y Peo) AZ oil, 7/L-8) Euglenophyta DS) 25) Sil Sol aS Sel elon oO Chlorophyta Volvocales U6e) esr IWOGEY Wa? AGG Ooh alGa 7 L538) Chlorococcales 316 45.9 42.2 64.5 75.0) 5935) 1115-9 24459 Ulotrichales = = —) (0365) O5655— - - Zygnematales = Os 6200.6 — O56). Seb Unidentified cells SJolbe esas) Was) Cio’) ahesy 7/otk wACS (gz Unidentified filaments Wo S)6(0) Oo ilo, el Ont ua 0.6 V5) Total individuals per milliliter TEIe7/ AAG) UB) ae/G) ies) ey ak) LAGS 18 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 1 TABLE IV Date 30-=5-7/3 22-6-73 16-7-73 6-8-73 Station 1 2 1 2 Al 2 1 2 Genus: > oO Loe) N fon) oO Ankistrodesmus 19,7 24.2 5.6 9.9 24.20 tae Asterionella = - - - 2 ae Attheya 2 = - - - - Chlamydomonas £ 0.6 1.9 Qa 7/ 25 - Closterium ad = - - - 0.6 Sid Coccomonas 0.6 — 0.6. .0.2 3.2 3.9, : Coelastrum = - = = = Cryptomonas Be Dictyosphaerium = = - - = = Dinobryon Es (Oye Dysmorphococcus = it. Euglena On 0 Kephyrion 2 D. Kirchneriella = - = = = Lepocinclis ~ = Mallomonas Bei 25 i il Merismopedia be = fli 5 0 Nw = fon) lo pes [e9) be i fon) = H Ne} oO oo hb i) U Bo CO SLM) Oh CUR On Oy Si © Stay. Orr On So NFER AWON tS : 7 5 cite = PWHDHKRODNNDCDODANANANEFAUNUAANGA UNNAOANF AU SH Ww SNe w Oo * 4 a wn ! | Wo NO i = Navicula a7 75 Oscillatoria Peridinium 2.1. Phacus ‘ Rhizosolenia = = = = Scenedesmus ang Ges Sea Staurastrum a = 0.6 = 4 7 No ht . I oOo ano I 1 1 I FPOrPNFORRWNN NN Synedra 27 Bo Sa, lis Trachelomonas GeG a Oso we > NPE OUNDAMHUS Totals/ml 74.1 94.0) 72.2 109.3 210.0 58 0me23ancpeeosee 1977 Date Station Genus: Cyclotella Melosira Rhizosolenia Stephanodiscus Unidentified Centrales Achnanthes Amphipleura Amphora Asterionella Cocconeis Cymbella Denticula Diatoma Diploneis Eunotia Fragilaria Frustulia Gomphonema Gyrosigma Hantzschia Navicula Neidium Nitzschia Surirella Synedra Unidentified Pennales Ratnasabapathy & Deason, Phytoplankton 30=5—/3 i 2 6 = 2 if 5 il 6 = i 2 S) 3i(2) 116) il = 2 5 2 9 = i 2 iL 6(5) 7 TABLE V 22-6-7 il 35((31) 7976) 25(13) 65(36) 80(42) 48(27) 52(28) 34(18) 46(31) 54(34) 8 3 2 32 16-/—73 ik 2 19 6-8-73 46(45) 40(39) 41(36) 33(31) 4(2) 15(9) 3(2) 7 1 3 . 3G); 4(@) 1 2 72 = 1 s = 1 = 7 5) 3(2) 1 2 1 2 5 3 = 2 = 3) 3 3) iL i = 7 4 3 LG 102 159 4(2) 12(9) 10(8) 2, a i 3(1) iL 3(2) 112 (102) 6 17 12(3) re ee SG Tahlia | 92(90) ui 20 LO: PLETE: 0 LeOeesiek Vol. 37, now 1 LITERATURE CITED . Amer. Pub. Health Assn. 1965. Standard methods for the exami- nation of water and wastewater including bottom sediments and sludges. 12th ed. Amer. Pub. Health. Assn. N.Y., N.Y. 769 pp. - Deason, T. R. and Bold, H. C. 1960. Phycological Studies I. Preliminary studies of Texas soil algae. Publ. No. 6022. Univ. Texas, Austin. 79 pp. Lewin, J. C. 1966. Boron as a growth requirement for diatoms. Js Phycol. 2: 160-163; . McLure, N. D. 1968. A historical development and prediction of the future water quality in the Black Warrior River in the vicinity of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, M.SC. Thesis, Univ. of Alabama. 101 pp. - Patton, B. C. 1962. Species diversity in net phytoplankton of Raritan Bay. J. Mar. Res. 20: 57-75. Stanier, R. Y., Kunisawa, R., Mandel, M., and Cohen-Bazire, G. 1971. Purification and properties of unicellular blue-green algae (Order Chroococcales). Bact. Rev. 35: 171-205. . Trainor, F. R. 1969. Scenedesmus morphogenesis. Trace elements and spine formation. J. Phycol. 5: 185-190. . Weber, C. I. 1966. Methods of collection and analysis of plankton and periphyton samples in the water pollution surveillance system. Fed. Water Pollution Control Admin., Water Pollution Surveillance System Applications and Develop. Report 19. 19 pp. . Williams, L. G. 1962. Plankton population dynamics. U.S. Pub. Health Ser. Publ. 663, suppl. 2 (reprinted 1963). 90 pp. Williams, L. G. 1964. Possible relationships between plankton diatom species numbers and water quality estimates. Ecol. 45: 809-823. 1977 1. Present address: Ratnasabapathy & Deason, Phytoplankton 22 FOOTNOTES Department of Botany, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2. This research was supported by Exchange Visitor Program No. P-I-3854 awarded to the senior author in part by EPA Grant #R-800371 directed by the junior author. 3. Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey. TABLE I. TABLE II. TABLE IIL. TABLE IV. TABLE V. TABLE LEGENDS Identified species of phytoplankton from raw, cultured, and preserved samples. N = phytoplankton from raw or preserved samples, C = from cultures, B = Benthic samples, P = periphyton. Summary of distribution based on Table I. NB = Number of species in both plankton and benthos, B = Benthos only, NP = species in both plankton and periphyton, P = Periphyton only, N = Plankton from raw and preserved samples, C = from culture only, CC = from culture and natural collections. Species excluding varieties and forms. Phytoplankton Analysis of Main Groups of Algae in Individuals per Millilter of Raw Sample. Phytoplankton Analysis of Main Genera of Algae in Individuals per Milliliter of Raw Sample. Proportional Analysis of Diatom Genera in Number of Cells per Permanent Hyrax Slide Mount. Numbers of Individuals are Given in Brackets. NOTES ON NEW AND NOTEWORTHY PLANTS. CIII Harold N. Moldenke CLERODENDRUM FLORIBUNDUM var. ANGUSTIFOLIUM Moldenke, var. nov. Haec varietas a forma typica speciei foliis minoribus laminis anguste ellipticis plerumque ca. li--7 cm. longis 1=--3 cm. latis ad apicem acuminatis ad basin acutis vel subacuminatis recedit. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in is leaf=blades being narrowly elliptic, mostly ca. )—7 cm. long and 13 cm. wide, acuminate at the apex and acute or subacumin- ate at the base. The type of this variety was collected by Cyril Tenison White (no. 8675) at Tarrens Creek, North Queensland, Australia, on March 19, 1933, and is deposited in the B. A. Krukoff Herbariun at the New York Botanical Garden. The collector notes that it is a fairly common shrub in rocky places, the flower white and faintly scented. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE ERIOCAULACEAE. LXXIII Harold N. Moldenke LACHNOCAULON ECILIATUM Small Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 497. 1977. Additional citations: FLORIDA: Highlands Co.: Brass 155 (W— 2065050). Lake Co.: Biltmore Herb. 1500ld (N). Putnam Co.: R. M. Harper 7 (N). Walton Co.: Curtiss 3022 (W--l5319--isotype, W— 9368 7l--isotype) . LACHNOCAULON EKMANNII Ruhl. Additional & emended bibliography: Leén, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 28h & 426. 196; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 21. 1976. Additional citations: CUBA: Pinar del Rfo: Shafer 11011 (W-—— 71818)) . ee LACHNOCAULON ENGLERI Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 21 (1976), 35: 111 (1977), and 36: 29. 1977. Brass describes this plant as having brown flower-heads or "heads appearing gray (dark brown under a microscope)" and found it "plentiful in crowded tufts on sandy and mucky shores of lake" and "very abundant on damp lake shores, bright-green somewhat fleshy tufts 5—-10 cm. tall". It has been collected in flower and fruit in February and April by recent collectors. 22 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 23 A small fragment (two scapes) of this species appearing on the Herb. Chapman s.n. [St. Andrew's Bay] collection, cited below, ap- pears to have been mounted accidentally on a ahest of C. Mohr s.n. [Aug. 18, 1879] from Mobile County, Alabama (which is Le beyrichi- anum) in the United States National Herbarium. I do not consider the presence of this fragmentary material on the Mohr sheet as evi- dence of the occurrence of L. engleri in Alabama. The Brass 155, distributed as L. engleri, actually is L. ecili- atum Small, while O'Neill 7785 is the type collection of L. engleri f. abludens Moldenke, Shafer 11011 is L. ekmannii Ruhl., and Cur- tiss 5911 is L. mims (Chapm.) Small. O'Neill 7785 & 7785a are mix- tures of typical L. engleri and its f. abludens, which obviously grow in close proximity. Additional citations: FLORIDA: Bay Co.: Herb. Chapman s.n. [St. Andrew's Bay] (W-—-95707). Highlands Co.: Brass 1660 (W—-2065107), 15066 (W—2065323). Lake Co.: Nash 118) (W—936871--isotype). Mar- tin Co.: R. Kral 18235 (W—2),70383), ~ 20386 (W—-2),7038)). Orange Co.: O'Neill s.n Son. ~ [Lake Ola, July 2, 1929] (W—148870)). Volusia Co.: R. Kral 18426 (W--2170303) . Walton Co.: R. Kral 1776 (W— 2470137). LACHNOCAULON ENGLERI f. ABLUDENS Moldenke, Phytologia 352°. 1977. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 111 (1977) and 36: 29. 1977. Citations: FLORIDA: Pasco Co.: O'Neill 7785 in part (I—isotype, N—isotype, W-—-1790170—type) . LACHNOCAULON FLORIDANUM Small Additional bibliography: eee Long, Fleming, & Genelle, Pl. Tampa Bay, ed. 3 [Bot. Lab. Univ. S. Fla. Contrib. 73:] 38 & 165. 1976; Long & Lakela, Fl. Trop. Fla., ed. 2, 262 & 94h. 19765 Mol- denke, Phytologia 38: 14. 1976. Lekela and her associates (1976) reduce this species to syn- onymy under L. anceps (Walt.) Morong, but its superficial habital resemblance is much more like L. minus (Chapm.) Small. Additional citations: FLORIDA: Lake Co.: Nash 1981 (W—252h18— isotype). LACHNOCAULON GLABRUM Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 287. 197h; Lakela, Long, Fleming, & Genelle, Pl. Tampa Bay, ed. 3 [Bot. Lab. Univ, S. Fla. Contrib. 73:] 38 & 165. 1976; Long & Lakela, Fl. Trop. Fla., ed. 2, 262 & 9. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 57. 1977. Lakela and her associates (1976) regard this taxon as conspec- ific with L. anceps (Walt.) Morong, but in this I do not agree. Material of L. glabrum has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as L. anceps (Walt.) Morong. On the other hand, 2h PVR-Y-T 0) LOG Fok Vol. 37, now 1 the Garber 37, sen. [Tampa, Sept. 1877], & s.n. [Levy Co., Nov. 1877], distributed as L. glabrum, actually are Eriocaulon rave- nelii Chapm., Mohr s.n. [Aug. 18, 1879] is Lachnocaulon beyrichi- anum Sporleder, Curtiss 3022 is the type collection of L. ecilia~ tum Small, Nash 1981 is the type collection of L. floridanum Small, and Curtiss 6911 is L. minus (Chapm.) Small. R. Kral 20418 appears to be a mixture of L. glabrum and L. beyrichianum — the collector notes that the two species were growing together. Additional citations: FLORIDA: Charlotte Co.: R. Kral 1808 (W——2h70365). Lee Co.: Francis 60 (W—1036538); Harshberger s.n. [Ft. Myers, June 5th, 1912] (W--492008); A. S. Hitchcock 37) (W—- 38707); R. Kral 18012 (W—2)70339); J. P. Standley 33 (W— 569490); P. C. Standley 52589 (W--1308788). Martin Co.: R. Kral 18288 (W-—270366). Saint Lucie Co.: R. Kral 2042) (W-—2h70296) . LACHNOCAULON MINUS (Chapm.) Small Additional bibliography: Lakela, Long, Fleming, & Genelle, Pl. Tampa Bay, ed. 3 [Bot. Lab. Univ. S. Fla. Contrib. 73:] 39 & 165. 1976; Long & Lakela, Fl. Trop. Fla., ed. 2, 260, 262, & 9h. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 1) (1976) and 36: 29. 1977. Lakela and her associates (1976) include L. eciliatum Small in the synonymy of L. minus. Material of L. mims has sometimes been misidentified and dis- tributed in some herbaria as L. anceps (Walt.) Morong and as Syn- gonanthus flavidulus (Michx.) Ruhl. On the other hand, the Ar- séne 12142 & 12315, M. A. Chase 3153, and Drushel 1011, distrib- uted as L. minus, actually are L. anceps and House 2685 is L. anceps f. glabrescens Moldenke. Additional citations: NORTH CAROLINA: Brunswick Co.: Bradley & Stevenson 3306 (W—2l9973); Godfrey & Fox 49472 (W--2006817) . New Hanover Co.: Godfrey Pl. Exsicc. Gray. 926 (W--1823367). Ons- low Co.: J. Kohlmeyer 203) (Hm); R. Kral 22472 (W—-2),70439) . SOUTH CAROLINA: Georgetown Co.: R. Kral 19018 (W—2l,70)38). GEOR- GIA: Baker Co.: Thorne 5066 (W—2005959). Lowndes Co.: R. M. Har= per 1607 (W--l,31915). FLORIDA: Bay Co.: R. Kral 15637 (W—2h70376). Highlands Co.: Webster 4179 (Mi, W—-2067703). Lake Co.: Nash 148 (W—22326, W—936870), 1295 (W--22317h), 1855 (W--252h19). Leon Co.: Godfrey 62896 (W--2433164); Kral & Godfrey sen. [15 Aug. 1962] (W—2)70385). Madison Co.: Drushel 9642 (W—16889)1). Orange Co.: Meislahn 158a (W—511)36); Murrill 710 (W-~1928530); Wilbur & Web- ster 2645 (W--2132022). Pasco Co.: O'Neill 7785 in part (W-— 1790169), 7786 in part (W--1790171). Putnam Co.: Godfrey & Reinert 61106 (W--238513). Seminole Co.: R. Kral 20457 (W--247020). Vo- lusia Co.: R. Kral 18427 (W-—-2)70387). Wakulla Co.: E. S. Ford 6h (W--2230971). Walton Co.: Curtiss 5911 (W—31)l27)3 R. Kral 17747 (W--2470386). ALABAMA: Mobile Co.: Mohr s.n. [April 20, LOTT Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 25 1868] (W--78)99) LEIOTHRIX Ruhl. Additional bibliography: C4rdenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 37 & [69]. 1975; Follmann-Schrag, Excerpt. Bot. 4.26: 513. 1976; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilus. Catar. I Erio: 5, 62, 63, 72—-75, 9h, 98, & 100--102, pl. 8, fig. 20--26. 1976; Monteiro- Scanavacea & Vazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo h: [23]—27, fig. 1 & 8, & [105]--111, fig. 1--16. 1976; Monteiro-Scanavacca, Wlazzoni, & Giulietti, Bol, Bot. Univ. S. Paulo ): [61]--72, fig. gone. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 15--16, 124, & 129 (1976), 35: 310, 333, 3h7, 2h, 427, 432, & 509 (1977), and 36: 3h, 9, & "ah. 1977. LEIOTHRIX ANGUSTIFOLIA (Korn.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 95. 1972. Davidse and his associates found this plant growing "on [a] cliff among mosses in spray of waterfall", at 850 m. altitude, flowering and fruiting in April. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Davidse, Ramamoorthy, & Vital 11954 (Z). LEIOTHRIX ARECHAVALETAE (Korn.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo ): [23], 2h, & 27. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 15 (1976) and 35: 427. 1977. Monteiro-Scanavacca and her associates (1976) report that there is no vegetative reproduction from the apex of the inflorescence in this species and cite Herter 95663. LETOTHRIX ARGYRODERMA var. BREVIPES Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 288. 197h. Castellanos encountered this plant at 2350 m. altitude, in flow- er and fruit in December. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: A. Castellanos 2566, [Herb. FEEMA 346] (Z). LEIOTHRIX ARRECTA Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 96--97. 1972; C4rdenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 37. 1975. LEIOTHRIX CURVIFOLIA (Bong.) Ruhl, Additional bibliography: Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Mus. Univ. S. Paulo : 23, 2h, 26, & 27, fig. 8. 19763; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 15 (1976) and 35: 333 & 347. 1977. Additional illustrations: Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo 4: 26, fig 8. 1976. Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni (1976) report that there is no vegetative reproduction from the apex of the inflorescence in this species and cite Monteiro-Scanavacca 1892 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. 26 Po YoteO Es, Ove Dek Vol. 37, now 1 LEIOTHRIX CURVIFOLIA var. MICROPHYLLA Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 15. 1976. Eiten & Eiten 11012 is a mixture of this variety and Paepalan- thus archeri Moldenke. It was collected in a natural open rocky campo at 1250 m. altitude, flowering and fruiting in March. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Eiten & Eiten 11012 in part (W--2799677) . a LEIOTHRIX CURVIFOLIA var. PLANTAGO (Mart.) Ruhl. Additional synonymy: Leiothrix plantago Monteiro-Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giulietta, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo ): [61], 62, & 66. 1976. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 288. 197; Monteiro-Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giulietti, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo : [61], 62, 66, & 67, fig. 3. 1976; Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S, Paulo }: [105}. 1976; Moldenke, Phyto- logia 35: 333. 1977. Illustrations: Monteiro=Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giulietti, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo : 67, fig. 3. 1976. Monteiro-Scanavacca and her associates (1976) report that there is vegetative reproduction from the apex of the inflorescence in this variety complete with leaves, stem, and adventitious roots. They cite Semir 132 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. LEIOTHRIX CUSCUTOIDES Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 22. 1976; Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo h: [105]. 1976; Monteiro-Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giulietti, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo : (61), 62, 66, & 67, fig. & 5. 1976. Additional illustrations: Monteiro=Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giu- lietti, Bol. Bot S. Paulo 4: 67, fig. h & 5. 1976. Monteiro-Scanavacca and her associates (1976) assert that this species often reproduces vegetatively from the apex of the inflor—- escence, forming complete plants with leaves, stem, and adventiti- ious roots, citing Giulietti 4919 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. LEIOTHRIX DIELSII Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 15 & 129 (1976) and 36: 7h. 1977. Strang found this plant growing in wet turf, flowering in Au- gust. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Guanabara: Strang 677 [Herb. FEEMA 501] (Ld). LEIOTHRIX ECHINOCEPHALA Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: (1973) and 33: 198. 1976. LEIOTHRIX FLAVESCENS (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional synonymy: Leiothrix flavecens (Bong.) Ruhl. apud C4r- denas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 37, sphalm. 1975. Eriocaulon 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 27 elongatum "St. Hil. ex Moldenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Tlust. Catar. I Erio: 99, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus brevifolius "K83rn. ex Moldenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Cat- ar. I Erio: 100, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus elongatus "Mart. ex Moldenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Tlust. Catar. I Erio: 101, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus falcatus "Mart. ex Moldenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 101, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus petrophilus "Mart. ex Moidenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 102, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus xyrioides "Mart. ex Moldenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 102, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus xyridoides var. brevifolius "Mart. ex Moldenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 102, in syn. 1976. Paepalan- thus xyrioides var. brevifolius "Schreb. ex Moldenke" apud Molden- ke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 102, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus xyrioides "St. Hil. ex Moldenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 102, in syn. 1976. Euriocaulon falcatum Mart. ex Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 73, sphalm. 1976. Additional bibliography: CA4rdenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 37. 1975; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 62, 63, 73--75, & 98-—102, pl. 8, fig. 20--26. 1976; Moldenke, Phy- tologia 33: 22 (1976) and 35: 2h & 427. 1977. Additional illustrations: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 63, pl. 8, fig. 20—26. 1976. Dombrowski reports this plant "frequente em banhado", flowering and fruiting in December. Castellanos encountered it in brejo (sedge meadow) and refers to the flower—heads as "white". Vernac- ular names reported for the species are "capim-manso", "capipoatin- ga-amarela", "gravat4-manso", and "sempre-viva-do-campo". In southern Brazil is period of anthesis is said to be December and January. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: A. Castellanos 2182 (Pf); Monteiro de S. s.n. [19.XII.1971] (Ld). Parana: Dom= browski 6763 (Ld); Hatschbach 35772 (Ac). LEIOTHRIX FLAVESCENS var. ALPINA Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 131 (1973) and 29: 388. 197). LEIOTHRIX FLUITANS (Mart.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 289. 197k Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo : [105]- lll, fig. 1—16. 1976; Monteiro-Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giulietti, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo li: [61], 68, & 69, fig. 8--1l. 1976. Additional illustrations: Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo : 109-111, fig. 1-16. 1976; Monteiro- Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giulietti, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo ): 69, Pale 8-11. 1976. 28 PHY TOsL-OsG) IVA Vol. 37, no. 1 Monteiro—Scanavacca and her associates (1976) have studied the inflorescence apex of this species in detail and report that it shows vegetative reproduction by means of sprouting originated by the meristematic cells of the axis of the mature inflorescence after the production of all the flowers; tunica-corpus organiza- tion is present in both immature and mature meristems. The repro= duction results in complete plantlets with leaves, stems, and ad- ventitious roots. They cite Semir 082 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. LEIOTHRIX FULGIDA Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 16 (1976) and 36: Th. 1977. LEIOTHRIX GRAMINEA (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 132 (1973), 29: 390 (197), and 35: 12h. 1976. LEIOTHRIX HIRSUTA (Wikstr.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 16. 1976. Recent collectors have encountered this plant on sandy river margins and in colonies with Xyris "em alagando, porte areto, acinzentado, capfitulos jovens amarelados", flowering in July, and both flowering and fruiting in January and October. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Hatschbach 3970 (Ld). Guanabara: Castellanos & Strang 10 [Herb. FEEMQ 1,678] (1d), s.n. {[Herb. Cent. Pesq. Florest. 667] (Fe) ; Lanna Sobrinho 1577 (Herb. FEEMA 573] (Ld). LEIOTHRIX LUXURIANS (Ktrn.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 16. 1976. The Eitens have encountered this plant in "natural open rocky campo, campo rupestre vegetation", at 1250 m. altitude, in fmit in March, and distributed it as Paepalanthus sp. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Eiten & Eiten 11022 (W--2799681). LEIOTHRIX MUCRONATA (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 291 (197) and 33: 136. 1976. LEIOTHRIX NUBIGENA (Kunth) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 291. 197h; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 72 & 100. 1976. This species has been designated the official lectotype of the gems. LEIOTHRIX PROPINQUA (Kérn.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 135. 1973; Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo : [105]. 1976; Monteiro-Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giulietti, Bol. Bot. Univ. S, Paulo : (61]—-6h, 70, & 71, fig. 15. 1976. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 29 Additional illustrations: Monteiro-Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giu- lietti, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo ): 71, fig. 15. *1976. Monteiro-Scanavacca and her associates (1976) assert that this species reproduces vegetatively from the apex of the inflorescence with complete plantlets being formed, each with leaves, stem, and adventitious roots. They cite Giulietti 500 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. LEIOTHRIX RUFULA (A. St.—Hil.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 2h (1976) and 36: 34 & 49. 1977. LEIOTHRIX RUFULA var. BREVIPES Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 9. 1977. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 3h & 49. 1977. Citations: BRAZIL: Rio "de Janeiro: A. Castellanos 25666 [Herb. FEEMA )3)1] (Z—type). LEIOTHRIX SCHLECHTENDALII (Kérn.) Ruhl, Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 136. 1973. Hatschbach encountered this plant in "solo arenoso junta aflor= amentos de arenito" and "topo de morro no solo arenoso da matinha da encosta do morro", flowering and fruiting in Jamary. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Hatschbach 3961, (Ld), 3969 (Z). LEIOTHRIX SCLEROPHYLLA Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 2h. 1976; Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo ): [23]-- 2, figs 1. 1976. Tllustrations: Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo h: 2h, fig. 1. 1976. Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni (1976) report that there is no vegetative reproduction from the apex of the inflorescence in this species. They cite Monteiro-Scanavacca 1895 from Minas Ger= ais, Brazil. LEIOTHRIX SPIRALIS (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 137 (1973) and 29: 390. 197). LEIOTHRIX TURBINATA Gleason Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 186. 1973; C4rdenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 37. 1975. LEIOTHRIX UMBRATILIS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 137—138 (1973), 322 h7 (1975), and 3h: 256. 1976. LEIOTHRIX UMBRATILIS var. BREVIPES Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 2h (1976) and 34: 256. 1976. 30 PPTs Onde OuG Ty Vol. 37, now. 1 LEIOTERIX VIVIPARA (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 16. 1976; Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo k: [105]. 1976; Monteuro-Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giulietti, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo h: [61], 62, 70, & 71, fig. 121. 1976. Additional illustrations: Monteiro-Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giu=- lietti, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo : 71, fig. 12-1). 1976. Monteiro-Scanavacca and her associates (1976) report that this species reproduces vegetatively from the apex of the inflorescence, producing complete plantlets with leaves, stem, and adventitious roots. They cite Monteiro-Scanavacca 1901 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. MESANTHEMUN Korn. Additional bibliography: Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., ed. 3, 92 (1903), ed. 5, 94 (1907), and ed. 6, 99. 1909; Gilg in Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., ed. 7, 138 (1912), ed. 8, 10 (1919), and ed. 9 & 10, 152. 192h; Diels in Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., ed. 11, 154. 1936; Follmann-Schrag, Excerpt. Bot. A.26: 512. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 16--17 (1976), 35: 303, 308, 21, 422, & 510 (1977), and 36: 470 & 507. 1977. MESANTHEMUM BENNAE Jacques-Félix Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 139 & 140. 1973. MESANTHEMUM PRESCOTTIANUM (Bong.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 17 (1976) and 35: 303. 1977. MESANTHEMUM RADICANS (Benth.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 17 (1976), 35: 421 & 422 (1977), and 36: 470. 1977. In a letter to me from Robert Wingfield, dated April 19, 1977, he lists as representing this species on Mafia island: Batty 1))3 (at "DSM" and in the East African Herbarium at Nairobi) and Green- way 5393 (at Kew and in the East African Herbarium), the latter de- scribed by Greenway in 1938 as "not qiite typical of the species". Material of M. radicans has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as Eriocaulon sp. Pine are citations: LIBERIA: J. Kohlmeyer 2358 (Herb. Hamann 12,3] (Hm). MESANTHEMUM RUTENBERGIANUM Korn. Additional bibliography: Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.26: 89 & 90. 1975; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 17. 1976. MOLDENKEANTHUS P. Morat Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 17—18 (1976) and 35: 510. 1977. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 31 PAEPALANTHUS Mart. Additional synonymy: Dupatia Griseb. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 2, in syn. 1977. Additional & emended bibliography: Sweet, Hort. Brit., ed. 2, 597 (1830) and ed. 3, 719. 1839; Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 86 (1898), ed. 3, 92 (1903), ed. 5, 9h (1907), and ed. 6, 99. 1909; Gilg in eae Syllab. Pflanzenfam., ed. 7, 136 & 139, fig. 1h0 gia) and ed. 1h0 & 141, fig. 140. 1919; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 5 ae 517 & Sho. 1923; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 5 (1): 20. 1923; Gilg in Engl., Syllab. Pflanzen- fam., ed. 9 & 10, 152, fig. lh). 192); Diels in "Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., adi ua ciel & 155, fig. 158. 1936; Leén, Fl. Cuba, mp. 1, 1: 279, 281-283, & 428, fig. 113. 1916; CArdenas de Gue- vara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 36-258 & [69]. 1976; Anon, Biol. Abstr. 61: AC1.667. 1976; Follmann-Schrag, Excerpt. Bot. A.26: 513. 1976; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.28: 259. 1976; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 4, 1—73, 89, 84, & 98--102, pl. 6--8. 1976; Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo ): [23]--27, fig. 3--7, & [105]. 1976; "Monteiro-Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giulietti, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo he [61], 62, 66, & 67, fig. a & ‘2. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 85 (1976), 30; Ui & 18-36 (1976), 35: 111--131, 252-26), 277—285, 288—291, 293, 295, 30h, 305, 308-310, 312, 516, i 318, 921,332, 333; 336, 338——3h0, 4hO——bhS, Lb7, Lis, eae les, 457, 508, & 510 (1977), and 36: 30— 32, 35, hO, h2, ks, h9—S1, 56, 66, 68, 69, 72—76, 78—~82, Bh, 85; 462, 50k, & 508. 1977. The Eiten & Eiten 11022, distributed as Paepalanthus sp., actu- ally is Leiothrix luxurians (Kérn.) Ruhl., while Bogner 1166 is Eriocaulon majusculum Ruhl. co PAEPALANTHUS ACANTHOPHYLLUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 18 (1976) and 35: 258 & 28h. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS ACUMINATUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: lhy—1)5 (1973) and 30: 122. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS ACUTALIS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 187 & 200. 1973. PAEPALANTHUS ACUTIPILUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 29 (197k) and 35: 252. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS AEQUALIS (Vel1.) J. F. Macbr. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 28 (1976) and 35: 255. 1977. 32 Pon Y-T.0-5 0.4 2.4 Vol. 37, noel PAEPALANTHUS ALBO-TOMENTOSUS Herzog Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 295 (197k) and 30: 31. 197h. Davidse and his associates have encountered this plant on sandy soil in low scrub forest, at 910 m. altitude, and describes the flowers as "white" in April. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Davidse, Ramamoorthy, & Vital 11860 (2). ioe 4 PAEPALANTHUS ALBO-VAGINATUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 18--19. 1976; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 2, 62—65, & 100, pl. 8, fig. 1--7. 1976. Additional illustrations: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Tlust. Catar. I Erio: 63, pl. 8, fig. 1—7. 1976. Dombrowski asserts that this species is rather frequent in wet swamps. Vernacular names recorded for it are the usual "capim— manso", "capipoatinga", "gravat4-manso", and "sempre-viva-do= campo", Additional citations: BRAZIL: Paran4: Dombrowski 652 (ld), 662), (Ld). PAEPALANTHUS ALBO=-VILLOSUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 187 (1973) and 35: 130 & 51. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS ALPINUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 28. 1976. The Cuatrecasas 28252, distributed as P. alpims, actually rep- resents P. columbiensis Ruhl. Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Department undetermined: Schwabe s.n. [II.1973] (Hm). PAEPALANTHUS ALSINOIDES C. Wright Additional & emended bibliography: Fedde & Schust in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 5 (1): 20. 1923; Leén, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 283 & 28. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 19 & 28 (1976) and 36: 42 & 5. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS ALSINOIDES var. MINIMUS Jennings Additional & emended bibliography: Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 5 (1): 20. 1923; Leén, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 283 & 428. 196; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 19. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS AMOENUS (Bong.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 19 (1976) and 35: 258, 261, & 284. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS APPLANATUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 296 (197), 30: 120 (1975), and 33: 191 & 192. 1976. IMT Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 33 PAEPALANTHUS ARCHERI Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 18. 1973. The Eitens have found this plant growing in a natural open rocky campo with "campo rupestre" vegetation, at 120 m. altitude, in saturated soil, flowering in March. Their no. 11012 is a mix- ture with Leiothrix curvifolia var. microphylla Alv. Silv. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Eiten & Eiten 11012 in part (W--2799677) . PAEPALANTHUS ARETIOIDES Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 148 (1973), 292 185 (197k), and 33: 150. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS ARGILLICOLA Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 20 (1976) and B62 35. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS ARGYROLINON Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 1h9 (1973) and 26: 230. 1973. PAEPALANTHUS BABYLONIENSIS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 136 (1973) and 35: 252. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS BAHIENSIS (Bong.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 297 (197h) and 35: 333. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS BALANSAE Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 30 & 12, 1976. PAEPALANTHUS BARBIGER Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, phytologia 33: 31. 1976; Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo hi: [23], 2h, & 26. 1976. Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni (1976) report that there is no vegetative reproduction from the inflorescence apex in this species, citing Monteiro-Scanavacca 1893 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. PAEPALANTHUS BARBULATUS Herzog Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 31 (1976) and 35: 257. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS BARREIRENSIS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 136 (1973) and 29: 85. 197h. PAEPALANTHUS BIFIDUS (Schrad.) Kunth. Additional bibliography: Cardenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 3h PHY ToL 06 Da Vol. 37, no. 1 10: 36 & 37. 19753; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 20 (1976), 35: 3h6, 347, 359, & 457 (1977), and 36: 56. 1977. The Lasseign 21169 Collection, cited below, is a mixture with P. fasciculatus f. f. sphaerocephalus Herzog. Additional citations: FRENCH GUIANA: Aubréville 226 (W-- 256896). BRAZIL: Amaz6nas: Lasseign 21169 in part , (N); Prance & Lleras 23719 (Ld, N). PAEPALANTHUS BIFIDUS f. FRUSTUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 298=-299 (197) and 31: 382, 397, 398, & 4Ok. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS BIFRONS Alv, Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 21 (1976) and 35: 26h. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS BLEPHAROPHORUS (Bong.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 300 & 48) (1974) and 30: 9 & 342. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS BOMBACINUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Cardenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 37. 1975; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 21. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS BONGARDI Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 32, 35, 41, & 275. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS BRACHYPHYLLUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 153—15h (1973) and 30: 83. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS BRACHYPUS (Bong.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 300 & 92 (1974) and 35: 333. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS BRASILIENSIS (Mart.) Mart. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 300 (197k), 30: 27h (1975), 33: 131 & 191 (1976) , and 35: 284. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS BRITTONI Moldenke Additional & emended bibliography: Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 5 (1): 20. 1923; Le6n, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 282, 283, & 428, fig. 113. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 21 & 30. 1976. Emended illustrations: Leén, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 282, fig. 113. 196. PAEPALANTHUS BROMELIOIDES Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo lh: [23], 2h, & 26, fig. 5 & 7. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 32 & 130 (1976) and 35: 263. 1977. aOTT Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 35 Additional illustrations: Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo h: 26, fig. 5 & 6. 1976. The Eitens report finding this plant forming "acaulescent clumps" with white flower-heads, along roadsides through a natur-= al rocky campo with "campo rupestre" vegetation, at 1000 m. alti- tude, flowering in March. Their material was misidentified and distributed as P. vellozioides Korn. Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni (1976) report that there is no vegetative reproduction from the inflorescence apex in this spe- cies, citing Monteiro-Scanavacca 1902 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Eiten & Eiten 10922 (W--2799675, W--2799676) . PAEPALANTHUS BRUNNESCENS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 158 (1973) and 33: 133. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS BRUNNEUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 301. 197). Hamann found this plant growing in association with Thurnia sphaerocephala, flowering and fruiting in January. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Bolfvar: Hamann 2897 (Hm), 2898 (Hm). PAEPALANTHUS BRYOIDES (Riedel) Kunth Additional synonymy: Paepalanthus bryoides "(Riedel ex Bong.) Kunth" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 55. 1976. Additional bibliography: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 42, hh, 55-56, 98, & 101, pl. 6, fig. 26-30. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 21 (1976) and 35: 263 & 289. 1977. Additional illustrations: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: hy, pl. 6, fig. 26--30. 1976. Vernacular names recorded for this species are the usual "capim-manso", "capipoatinga-de-musgo", "gravat4-manso", and “"sempre-viva—do-campo" and it is said to flower in Santa Catarina from November to March. PAEPALANTHUS BULBOSUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 138 (1973) and 29: 491. 197. PAEPALANTHUS CABRALENSIS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 138 & 29 (1973) and 33: 272. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS CACHAMBUENSIS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 138 (1973) and 29: 390. 197k. 36 PHYO lL Ore Dé Vol. 37, now 1 PAEPALANTHUS CACUMINIS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 162-~163 (1973), 30: 111 (1975), and 35: 263 & 279. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS CAESPITITIUS Mart. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 301 (197) and 33: 51. 1976. PAEPAIANTHUS CALDENSIS Malme Additional synonymy: Paepalanthus dusenii "Ruhl. ex Moldenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 101, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus tortilis var. albidus "Ruhl. ex Molden- ke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 102, in syn. 1976. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 21. 1976; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 42, hh, 51—5h, 101, & 102, pl. 6, fig. 21--25. 1976. Additional illustrations: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: hh, pl. 6, fig. 21—25. 1976. Vernacular names recorded for this species are "capim-manso", "capipoatinga-de-caldas", "gravat4-manso", and "sempre-viva-do- campo" ana it is said to flower from October to April, but pre- dominantly in December and January. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Santa Catarina: Smith, Klein, & Hatschbach 15695 (W—2653315). PAEPALANTHUS CALVUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 33 (1976) and 35: 130. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS CAMPTOPHYLLUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 33 (1976) and 35: 252. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS CAPANEMAE Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahres= ber. 5 (1): 20. 1923; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 22. 1976. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Hatschbach, Anderson, Barneby, & Gates 36337 (N); Irwin, Grear, Souza, & Reis dos Santos 1261) (N). PAEPALANTHUS CAPAROENSIS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 147 (1973) and 29: 8h. 197h. PAEPALANTHUS CAPILLACEUS Kiotzsch Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 3h. 1976. Tillett and his associates refer to this plant as "dominant on sandstone in flowing water of river in large beds, the shorter plants from drier, more exposed positions, leaves lustrous, medi- um to light slightly olive-green, peduncles white, phyllaries 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 37 dark-brown, flowers white" and found it in flower in January and February. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Tillett, Ferrigni, & Zorrilla F. 751-82 (N). a PAEPALANTHUS CAPILLACEUS var. PROLIFERUS Gleason Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 3h. 1976. Murga Pires encountered this plant in flower and fruit in Feb- ruary. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Amazénas: Murga Pires 100 [Herb. IPEAN 15080] (Ld). PAEPALANTHUS CAPILLARIS (Bong.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 190--191 (1973) and 30: 325. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS CAPILLIFOLIUS Moldenke Additional synonymy: Paepalanthus filifolius Moldenke, Phytolo- gis 36: 45, in syn. 1977. Additional bibliography: Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.28: 259. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 3 (1976), 3h: 277 (1976), and 36: 35 & 5. 1977. Cea citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Hatschbach, Ander- son, Barneby, & Gates 36156 (N--isotype). PAEPALANTHUS CAPITO Korn. Additional bibliography: Moidenke, Phytologia 29: 303——30h (197k), 31: Oh (1975), and 33: 13h. 1976. The anderson, Stieber, & Kirkbride "3556" cited by me ina previous installment of these notes is a typographic error for no. 35568. PAEPALANTHUS CARDONAE Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 30) (197) and 35: 20) 1977 PAEPALANTHUS CATHARINAE Ruhl. Additional synonymy: Paepalanthus catharinae var. catharinae oS apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: - 1976. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 22. 1976; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 2, hl--l9, & 101, pl. 6, fig. 6—13. 1976. Dilustrations: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: hy, pl. 6, fig. 6-13. 1976. Vernacular names recorded for this species are "capim—manso", "capipoatinga-catarinense", "gravaté-manso", and "sempre=viva-do- campo" and it is said to bloom from September to February in San- ta Catarina. 38 POH Y) 20 Dy OVG: ck Vol. 37, mow l PAEPALANTHUS CATHARINAE var. HATSCHBACHI (Moldenke) Moldenke & Smith Additional synonymy: Paepalanthus catharinae var. hatschbachii (Moldenke) Moldenke apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Cat- ar. I Erio: 8, sphalm. 1976. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 30h. 197h; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 45, 8—h9, & 101. 1976. Vernacular names recorded for this plant are "capim—manso", "capipoatinga-de-hatschbach", "gravat4-manso", and "sempre-viva- do-campo" and it is said to flower from October to February in Santa Catarina. PAEPALANTHUS CEARAENSIS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 30) (197h), 30: 35 & 37 (1975), and 35: 281. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS CHIQUITENSIS Herzog Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 34—35, 190, & 192 (1976) and 35: 117. 1976. C4rdenas describes this plant as 60 cm. tall, with white flow- ers, and encountered it at the edge of an arroyo, at 900 m,. alti- tude, flowering in May. Additional citations: BOLIVIA: Chiquitos: M. C4rdenas 6255 (N). PAEPALANTHUS CHRYSOLEPIS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 200 (1973) and 33: 152. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS CHRYSOPHORUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 32, 35, & 1 (1976) and 35: 252. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS CILIATUS (Bong.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 305 (197k), 302 27h & 275 (1975), 33: 131, 151, & 191 (1976), 35: 28h & 333 (1977), and 36: 35. 1977. Martins has encountered this plant in sandy soil, flowering in September. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Guanabara: Martins 05 [Herb. FEEMA 6326] (Z). PAEPALANTHUS CIPOENSIS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 228. 1973. The Eitens have found this plant growing on a natural open rocky campo with "campo rupestre" vegetation, at 1250 m. altitude, flowering and fruiting in March. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Eiten & Eiten 11030 (W--2799678) . 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 39 PAEPALANTHUS CLAUSSENIANUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 22 (1976) and 35: 28). 1977. PAEPALANTHUS COLOIDES Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 230—231 (1973), 29: 312 (197), and 35: 22. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS COLUMBIENSIS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 22 (1976) and 36: 5. 1977. Cuatrecasas describes this species as "acaulirossula, hoja cras- sa, verde clara, flores blancas" and found it in fruit in November. Luteyn and his associates encountered it “in p4ramo vegetation with Espeletia and Puya", at 3260 m. altitude, flowering in Janua- Pie Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: Cuatrecasas 28252 (W--2581339A, W--25813),0A); Luteyn, Dumont, & Lebrén-Luteyn 4720 (N). PAEPALANTHUS COMANS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 36 (1976) and 35: 283. 1977. The Eitens have encountered this apecies in natural open rocky campos with "campo rupestre" vegetation, at 1250 m, altitude, flowering and fruiting in March. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as P. mirabilis Alv. Silv. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Biten & Eiten 11027 (W—2799680) . PAEPALANTHUS CONDUPLICATUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 306 (197k) and 30: 258. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS CONVEXUS Gleason Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 237 (1973), 29: 483 (197), and 35: 277. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS CONVEXUS var. STRIGOSUS Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 277. 1977. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 277. 1977. oS el BRAZIL: Amazénas: Murca Pires 21 [Herb. IPEAN 11,998] (Z-~type) . PAEPALANTHUS CORDATUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 36—37 & 191 (1976) and 35: 258. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS CORYMBOIDES Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 239 (1973), 30: 110 (1975), and 35: 279. 1977. hO Peo TeOrkeO:G Dyk: Vol. 375 Mian PAEPALANTHUS CORYMBOSUS (Bong.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 301 & 306 (197L), 30: hO, 78, & 111 (1975), and 33: 48, 130, & 201. 1976; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 99. 1976; Mol- denke, Phytologia 35: 263 & 279. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS COSTARICENSIS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 23 & 2h (1976) and 36: 30. 1977. Additional citations: COSTA RICA: Province undetermined: Hor= lich s.n. [Bogner 1138] (Mu). fr ae PAEPALANTHUS CRASSICAULIS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 37. 1976. Lépez & Sag&stegui have encountered this plant on escarpment slopes, a rather typical habitat. Additional citations: PERU: Amazonas: Hegewald s.n. {Herb. Hamann 3014] (Hm). Cajamarca: Lépez & Sag4stegui 53h7 (Ld). PAEPALANTHUS CRATERIFORMIS Aliv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 37. 1976. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Hatschbach, Anderson, Barneby, & Gates 3639 (N). PAEPALANTHUS CRISTATUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 37 & 273 (1976) and 35: 30h. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS CRYOCEPHALUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 37--38 (1976) and@ 352 1175, 1977. PAEPALANTHUS CUMBRICOLA Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 38 (1976) and 35: 30h. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS DENSIFOLIUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahres- ber. hS (1): 20. 1923; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 38 (1976) and 35: 3. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS DENUDATUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 2h9-—-250 (1973), 29: 31h (197k), 30: 99 (19753, and 33: 131 & 191. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS DIANTHOIDES Mart. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 251——252 (1973) and 30: 125. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS DICHOTOMUS Klotzsch Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 307, 83, & 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae )1 488. 197). PAEPALANTHUS DIFFISSUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 73 (1975) and 31: 382. 1975. PAEPALANTEUS DIFFUSUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 25l—-255 (1973) and 30: 329. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS DIPLOBETOR Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 255-256 (1973) and 35: 283. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS DUBIUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 308 (197) and 30: 39 & 60. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS DUIDAE Gleason Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 308 (197h) and 31: 40h. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS ELATUS (Bong.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 71--73 (1973) and 30: 60. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS ELONGATULUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 73 (1973) and 35: 255. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS ELONGATUS (Bong.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 23—2) (1976), 35: hS1 (1977), and 36: 35. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS ELONGATUS var. ANGUSTIFOLIUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 39. 1976. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Hatschbach, Anderson, Barneby, & Gates 3639) (N). PAEPALANTHUS ELONGATUS f. GRAMINIFOLIUS Herzog Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 2) (1976), 35: 451 (1977), and 36: 35. 1977. Monteiro has encountered this plant on quartzite, at 1)00— 140 m. altitude, and describes it as having "flores mito bran- cas, lanosas, sépalos castanhos con franjas brancas, concavas; folhas pilosas, base de folhas lanosa, pedinculo floral mito longo e piloso",. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Monteiro S. 230 [Vianna 391; Herb. Dept. Conserv. Ambient. 8080] (Z), sn. [Herb. Centro. Pesq. Florest. 7670] (Fe). h2 P2BeFotOpyOiw TA Vol. 37, now 1 PAEPALANTHUS ENSIFOLIUS (H.B.K.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 23 & 2h. 1976. Holm-Nielsen and his associates have encountered this plant "in humid scrub between dry scrub" in regions of "dry low scrub vege= tation, more humid in small hollows and valleys", dominant in areas of dry scrub 1—3 m. tall which are very wet in spring, and on humid grass slopes, at altitudes of 2725-2950 m., flowering and fruiting in April and May. Lépez-Palacios found it in wet soil at 2900 m. altitude, flowering in December. Additional citations: ECUADOR: Azuay: Holm-Nielsen, Jeppesen, Léjtnant, & Pligaard 4800 (N), 5071 (N). Loja: Holm-Nielsen, Jep- pesen, Léjtnant, & Pllgaard 366) (N); Lépez-Palacios 151 (Ld). PAEPALANTHUS ERECTIFOLIUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 2 (1976) and 362° 395. LOTT: Ribeiro refers to the inflorescence-heads of this species as white when fresh, but they certainly blacken very conspicuously in drying! He encountered it in sandy soil on "campo cerrado". Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as P, claussenianus Korn., a very similar species whose inflores- cence=heads apparently do not blacken in drying. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Rondonia: Ribeiro 1069 [Herb. IPEAN 149759] (Ld). PAEPALANTHUS ERIOCAULOIDES Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: O & 198. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS ERIOPHABUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 26: )83--)8) (1973), 29: 84 & 91 (1974), and 30: 103, 266, & 342. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS EXIGUUS (Bong.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 310—312 & 489 (1974), 30: 37, 43, & 86 (1975), 33: 198 (1976), and 36: 7h. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS FALCIFOLIUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Gilg in Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., eds 7, 139, figs 140 (1912), ed. ‘8 Il, fig. Mio (ors) ae ed. 9 & 10, 152, fig. 144. 1924; Diels in Engl., Syllab. Pflanzen- fam., ed. 11, 155, fig. 158. 1936; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 0, 131, 115, 191, & 272. 1976. Additional illustrations: Gilg in Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., ed. 7, 139, fig. 140 (1912), ed. 8, 11, fig. 1,0 (1919), and ed. 9 &10, 152, fig. 14h. 192); piels in Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., ed. 11, 155, fig. 158. 1936. PAEPALANTHUS FASCICULATUS (Rottb.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 2h & 125 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 3 (1976), 35: 239 (1977), and 36: 75. 1977. Material of this species has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as P. myocephalus (Mart.) Korn., a taxon of very similar aspect. kibeiro describes P. fasciculatus as a "planta resteira, flor marron". Additional citations: GUYANA: Goodland & Maycock 452 (N, W-- 2548122). BRAZIL: Amazénas: Prance, Berg, Bisby, Steward, Montei- ro, & Ramos 17921 (N)j Ribeiro 15302 [729] (W--2787919). PAEPALANTHUS FASCICULATUS f. SPHAEBROCEPHALUS Herzog Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 25 (1976) and 36: 75. 1977. Gentry refers to this plant as a "tiny herb [with] whitish in- florescence" and found it growing "in campina=like formation on sand", Lasseign 21169 is a mixture with P. bifidus (Schrad.) Kunth. We a pe citations: oman Amaz6nas : .£e Gentry 13391 (Ld); ee, Ce mae 16606] (Ld); disci tere Murga Ripe, & Coradin 61 [Herb. IPEAN 18173] (Ld). PAEPALANTHUS FASCICULIFER Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 32)--325 & 482 (197)) and 32: 335. 19753 Anon., Biol. Abstr. 61: AC1.667. 1976; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.28: 259. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS FASICULIFER var. CAPILLIFOLIUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 25. 1975; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 61: AC1.667. 1976; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A. 23: 259. 1976. PAEPAIANTHUS FILOSUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 326 (197k), 30: 3h0 (1975), and 36: 281. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS FLACCIDUS (Bong.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 25 (1976) and 35: 252 & 359. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS FLAVORUTILUS Ruhl, Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 330 (197h) and 30: 54. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS FORMOSUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 25 (1976) and 362 35.1977. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: Prance, Lleras, & CoSlho 19206 (N). PAEPALANTHUS FRATERNUS N. E. Br. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 1--\2 & 133 bh PH Yt OL 0)G EA Vol. 37, now 1 (1976) and 35: 310. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS FREYREYSII (Billb.) K6érn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 388—390 (197k), 30: 26 (1975), and 35: 12h. 1977. PARPALANTHUS FUSCUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 392—393 & 477. 197k. PAEPALANTHUS GARDNERIANUS Walp. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 393—39h (1974), 30: 83 (1975), and 33: 10. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS GENICULATUS (Bong.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 77--78 & 481 (197)) and 30: 11) & 115. 1975. The Eitens have found this plant growing in fine light-gray sand with some hums content on open hillsides on which there were also areas of small stones and gravel, at 1200 m, altitude, flowering in November. ( iis Ka citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Eiten & Eiten 6793 N). PAEPALANTHUS GLABRIFOLIUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: )79—-80 & 485 (197k), 30: 51 (1975), and 36: 35. 1977. Castellanos has found this plant in flower in September. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Guanabara: A. Castellanos 2563 [Herb. FEEMA 319] (Z). ~ PAEPALANTHUS GLAZIOVII Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: )82—-)83 (197) and 33: 140. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS GLEASONII Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 83 (197) and. 332/332. 1976 PAEPALANTHUS GNEISSICOLA Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 48h. 197. Strang has encountered this plant in flower in April. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Strang 369 [Herb. FEEMA 1308] (Pf, Z). PAEPALANTHUS GOMESII Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 48h. 197). The Macedo 2792 distributed in some herbaria as P. gomesii and so cited by me in 197 actually seems to represent P. plantagin- eus (Bong.) Korn instead. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 5 PAEPALANTHUS GUARAIENSIS Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 9-—-51. 1977. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 35 & 49--51. 1977. Illustrations: Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 50. 1977. Citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Hatschbach & Kummrow 38508 (Z-- type) . PAEPALANTHUS HENRIQUEI Alv. Silv. & Ruhl. Additional synonymy: Eriocaulon henriquei Reitz apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 3 & 99, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus henriquei "Alv. Silv. & Ruhl. ex Moldenke" apud Mol- denke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 101, in syn. 1976. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 91—l92 (1974) and 30: 48 & 103. 1975; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: }I—l5, 99, & 101, pl. 6, fig. 15. 1976. Illustrations: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Tlust. Catar. I Erio: hl, pl. 6, fig. 1--5. 1976. Vernacular names reported for this species are "capim—-mainso", "“capipoatinga-de-henrique", "gravatd-manso", and "sempre—viva-do- campo" and it is said to flower in Santa Catarina in January. PAEPALANTHUS HILAIREI Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 42, 131, 188, & 191 (1976) and 3h: 258. 1976; Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo : [23], 2h, & 27. 1976. Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni (1976) report that there is no vegetative reproduction from the inflorescence apex in this spe- cies, citing Monteiro-Scanavacca 30) from Minas Gerais, Brazil. PAEPALANTHUS HILAIREI var. MAXIMILIANI Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 42 & 131 (1976) and 3h: 258. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS HILAIREI var. PIAUHYENSIS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 95 & h99—— 500. 197. PAEPALANTHUS HILAIREI var. POHLIANUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 95 & 500. 197). PAEPALANTHUS HISPIDISSIMUS Herzog Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 2—3 (1976) and 35: 255. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS HYDRA Ruhl. Synonymy: Paepalanthus hydra "Ruhl. in Engl." apud Hocking, Ex- cerpt. Bot. A.26: 90. 1975. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 26 (1976) and 35: 263 & 279. 1977. hi6 BP Het OD O:Gcbe Vol. 37, Mem PAEPALANTHUS INTERMEDIUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 3 & 275. 1976. PAEPAIANTHUS ITAMBEENSIS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 21 (1975) and 932° 163.1976. PAEPALANTHUS ITATIAIENSIS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 26. 1976. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Bogner 1157 (Mu, 2— photo). Rio de Janeiro: Carauta 928 [Herb. FEEMA 725] (Ld). PAEPALANTHUS ITHYPHYLLUS (Mart.) Mart. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 22--2, 103, & 275 (1975), 33: 191 (1976), and 35: 118. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS JAUENSIS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 27. 1976. Additional citations: MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: Mem, N, Y. Bot. Gard. 23: 851, fig. 5. 1972 (N-~photo). PAEPALANTHUS KARSTENII Ruhl. Additional bibliography: CArdenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 38. 1975; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 61: AC1.667. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 27. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS KARSTENII var. SUBSESSILIS (Moldenke) Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia : 205 (1953) and 35: 27. 19763; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 61: AC1.667. 1976. tage citations: VENEZUELA: Mérida: Hamann 2888 (Hm), 2889 Hm e PAEPALANTHUS KILLIPII Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 29-—30 & 117 (1975) and 33: 148. 1976. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Bolfvar: Steyermark, Dunster- ville, & Dunsterville 92619 (W--258)522). PAEPALANTHUS LAMARCKII Kunth Additional & emended bibliography: Sweet, Hort. Brit., ed. 2, 597. 1830; Loud., Hort. Brit., ed. 2, 719. 1832; Sweet, Hort. Brit, ed. 3, 719. 1839; Le6én, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 283 & 428. 19465 Mol- denke, Phytologia 35: 19 & 27—26 (1976), 35: 125, 281, 338, & 359 (1977), and 36: O, 65, & 75. 1977. Goodland has encountered this species in "grassland with scatter— ed trees, Curatella, Byrsonima, Trachypogon, and Fimbristylis dom- inant", Both Sweet (1830) and Loudon (1832) list this species as grown in British gardens, introduced from Guyana in 1825, doubtless in a greenhouse as a specimen plant. They refer to it as the "fascicled 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae hh? pipewort",. The Aubréville 226, distributed as P. lamarckii, actually is P. bifidus (Schrad.) Kunth. Additional citations: GUYANA: Goodland 609 (N, W-—25)8121). BRAZIL: Par4: Pinheiro & Carvalho 29 (Ld). MOUNTED ILLUSTRA- TIONS: Meikle & Baldwin, Am. Journ. Bot. 29: 8 & 50. 1952 (W); Kunth, Enum. Pl. descrip. (W). PAEPALANTHUS LANCHOLATUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 28 (1976) and Se) esa, 203, & 279. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS LANGSDORFFII (Bong.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: )0--l2 (1975) and 31: 0h. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS LANGSDORFFII var. CARACENSIS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: i1—-2 (1975) and 31: Oh. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS LAXIFOLIUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 42—-h3 & 101 (1975) and 35: 263 & 279. 1977. PAEPAIANTHUS LEISERINGII Ruhl. Additional synonymy: Paepalanthus leiseringii var. leiseringii ae eared Moldenke & Sm, in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 9. 197 Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 13—hh. 1975; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 2, 62, 69--72, & 101, pl. 8, fig. 13-19. 1976. Vernacular names recorded for this plant are "capim-manso", "capipoatinga-de-leisering", "gravat4-manso", and "sempre—viva- do campo" and it is said to flower in April in Santa Catarina. PAEPALANTEUS LEISERINGII var. KLEINII Moldenke & Smith Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: lh. 19753; Mol- denke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 62, 63, 70—72, & 101, pl. 8, fig. 13--19. 1976. Illustrations: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Er- io: 63, pl. 8, fig. 13—19. 1976. Vernacular names reported for this plant are the expected "capim-manso", "capipoatinga-de-klein", "gravat4-manso", and "sem pre-viva-do-campo" and it is said to flower in December in Santa Catarina. PAEPALANTHUS LEUCOBLEPHARUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 16, hl--li5, & 5 (1975) and 35: 257. 1977. 8 PHY TOLT OG bat Vol. 37, noel PAEPALANTHUS LEUCOCEPHALUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: (1975) and 33: 1h7. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS LEUCOCYANEUS Tutin Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: (1975) and 35: 120. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS LODICULOIDES Moldenke 45——-h6 37 & h6——)7 Additional bibliography: Anon., Biol. Abstr. 61: AC1.667. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 8-50 (i976) and 3h: 256. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS LODICULOIDES var. FLOCCOSUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Anon., Biol. Abstr. 61: AC1.667. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 28. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS LONGICAULIS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: and 31: Oh. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS LONGICAULIS var. GLABER Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 31: Ok. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS LUNDII Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: (1976) and 35: 255. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS LUTZELBURGII Herzog Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: (1975) and 35: 257. 1977. 51--52 (1975) 52 (1975) and ho & 18h 45 & Sh Hatschbach has found this plant growing "na matinha de solo arenoso, sombria, do topo de morro", flowering and fruiting in January. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Hatschbach 39618 (Z). PAEPALANTHUS MACROCEPHALUS (Bong.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: & 31 (1975) and 33: 149. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS MACRORRHIZUS (Bong.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: & 269. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS MANICATUS var. PULVINATUS Herzog Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: (1975) and 33: 35. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS MARTIANUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 56--59 9 i 59-61, 122, be 16-77 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae iTke) PAEPALANTHUS MELALEUCUS (Bong.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytolegia 30: 77--78 & 111 (1975), 33: 130 (1976), and 35: 262, 263, & 279. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS MESETICOLA Moldenke & Steyermark Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 28 (1976) end. 305,32. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS MEXIAE Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 51 (1976) and 35: 257. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS MICROCAULON Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 51 (1976) and 3h: 259. 1976. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Hatschbach, Ander- son, Barneby, & Gates 36567 (N). PAEPALANTHUS MYOCEPHALUS (Mart.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 51 & 52 (1976) and 35: 125. 1977. The Ribeiro 15302, distributed as P. myocephalus, actually is P, fasciculatus (Rottb.) Kunth. PAEPALANTHUS OCHROCEPHALUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 100--101 (1975) and 33: 191. 1976. Recent collectors have encountered this plant in wet sandy restinga, flowering in January. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Lanna 75) [A. Castellanos 2550); Herb. FEEMA 5791] (Z). PAEPALANTHUS OXYPHYLLUS Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 53. 1976. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Hatschbach, Anderson, Barneby, & Gates 36373 (N). PAEPALANTHUS OYAPOCKENSIS Herzog Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 106-—-107 (1975), 3 332 13h (1976), 35: 3h (19763, 35: 112 & 359 (1977) and 36: 65. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS PAULINUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 112. 1975; Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo ): [23/— Po teeta tie. 36 1976. Illustrations: Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo ls: 25, fig. 3. 1976. Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni (1976) report that there is no vegetative reproduction from the apex of the inflorescence in this species, citing Monteiro-Scanavacca 296 from Minas Gerais, 50 PT Ot O.G 1B, Vol. 37, no. 1 Brazil. PAEPALANTHUS PERPLEXANS Moldenke Additional bibliography: C4rdenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 38. 1975; Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 116—117. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS PERPUSILLUS Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 113 & 117— 119 (1975) and 35: 12h. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS PHAEOCEPHALUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 54 & 192. 1976. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Hatschbach, Anderson, Barneby, & Gates 36363 (N). PAEPAIANTHUS PHELPSAE Moldenke Synonymy: Paepalanthus phlepsae Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 5, in syn. 1977. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 121 (1975) and 36: 45.1977. Additional citations: MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 23: 853, fig. 6. 1972 (N--photo). PAEPALANTHUS PILOSUS (H.E.K.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 29 (1976) and 35: 350 & 35h. 1977. Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Barkley & Saldarri- aga 3018 (Ac, Bm). PAEPALANTHUS PLANIFOLIUS (Bong.) Korn. Additional synonymy: Eriocaulon iridifolium (Kunth) Steud. apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 67 & 99, in syn. 1976. Eriocaulon monticola (Mart.) Steud. apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 67 & 99, in syn. 1967. Eriocaulon vaginans "ex Ruhl." apud Moldenke & Sm, in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 100, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus planifoli- us var. planifolius [(Bong.) Korn.] apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ijust. Catar. I Erio: 66. 1976. Additional bibliography: Moldenke & Sm, in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 2, 62, 63, 66-68, & 98--102, pl. 8, fig. 8—15. 1976; Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo h: [23]--27, fig. h & 7. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 29 (1976) and 353 259. 1977. Additional illustrations: Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo ls 25 & 26, fig. & 7. 1976. Eiten has encountered this species in open marshy ground with scattered low shrubs and low tree-ferns, periodically burned, flowering and fruiting in October. Vernacular names recorded for it are the usual "capim-manso", "capipoatinga", "gravat4-manso", 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 51 and "sempre-viva-do-campo" and it is said to flower throughout the year in Santa Catarina. Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni (1976) report that there is no vegetative reproduction from the inflorescence apex in this spe= cies, citing Monteiro-Scanavacca )895 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Amaz6nas: Merxmiller s.n. [1968] (Hm). Minas Gerais: Strang 1070 [Castellanos 26653; Herb. Brad. a els 25410 [Herb. FEEMA 218] (Ld). S&o Paulo: G. Hiten 638) (N). PAEPALANTHUS PLANIFOLIUS var. GLOBULIFER (Alv.) Silv. Moldenke & Smith Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 256-258 & 260--262. 1975; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 62, 63, 66--68, & 102, pl. 8, fig. 8--12. 1976. Additional illustrations: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 63, pl. 8, fig. 8--15. 1976. Vernacular names reported for this plant are "capim-manso", "capipoatinga—-de-bola", "gravatd-manso", and "sempre-viva-do- campo" and it is said to flower in October and November in Santa Catarina. PAEPALANTHUS PLANIFOLIUS var. PUBERULUS (Korn.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 256 & 259-—— 262. 1975. PAEPALANTHUS PLANTAGINEUS (Bong.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 29 & 3h. 1976. The Macedo collection, cited below, was previously inaccurate- ly cited by me as P. gomesii Alv. Silv., a taxon of similar gen- eral appearance. It was collected in flower in December. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Macedo 2792 (N, S). PAEPALANTHUS PLUMIPES Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 56, 132, & 191. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS POLYANTHUS (Bong.) Kunth Additional synonymy: Paepalanthus polyanthus f. polyanthus [(Bong.) Kunth] apud Moldenke & Sm, in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. i Erios 57.1976. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 23 & 29-30. 19763; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 42, 57— 62, 90,7100, & 102, ph. 7. 1976. Additional illustrations: Moldenke & Sm, in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 59, pl. 7. 1976. The Eitens have encountered this species in natural open rocky campo with "campo rupestre" vegetation, growing in rock clefts in outcropping rock on the open campo, at 1250 m, altitude, flowering in March, the flower-heads described as "white", Other recent 52 POY Oo 0:6 Tk Vol. 37; nOeg collectors have found it growing on quartzite. Vernacular names recorded for it are "capim-manso", "capipoatinga-de-mil-flores", "oravat4-manso", and "sempre-viva-do-campo" and it is said to flower from December to April in Santa Catarina. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Hiten & Hiten 11038 (W-—2799679); Hatschbach, Anderson, Barneby, & Gates 3626 (N, N); Monteiro de S. 23 [Vianna 0; Herb. FEEMA 8093] (Ld). PARPALANTHUS POLYANTHUS f. VILLOSUS (Beauverd) Moldenke & Smith Additional synonymy: Paepalanthus polyanthus var. villoseus apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Tlust. Catar. I Erio: 102, sphaln. 1976. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 56. 1976; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Hrio: 57, 61--62, & 102, 1976. Vernacular names recorded for this plant are, as for the typical form, "capim=-manso", "capipoatinga-de-mil-flores", "oravatd-manso", and "sempre-viva-do campo" and it is said to flower in January and February in Santa Catarina. PAEPALANTHUS POLYTRICHOIDES Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 30 (1976), 352 112, 117, & 338 (1977), and 36: 35 & 8h. 1977. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Rondonia: Cordeiro 865 [Herb. IPEAN 1520] (Ld). Ta PAEPALANTHUS POLYTRICHOIDES f. VILLOSUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 318 & 320 (1975) and 35: 117. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS PUNGENS Griseb. Additional & emended bibliography: Leén, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 283 & 428. 196; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 21 & 30. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS PUNGENS var. BREVIFOLIUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 57 (1976) and 3: 25). 1976. PAEPALANTHUS RAMOSUS (Wikstr.) Kunth Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 30-31. 1976 e Moreira found this plant in full anthesis in May. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Guanabara: Moreira 77 [Herb. FEEMA 6645) (Pf). PAEPALANTHUS RAMOSUS var. AFFINIS (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 31. 1976. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: Pabst 7350 (Herb. Brad. 25323] (N). 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 53 PAEPALANTHUS REGALIS Mart. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 30: 335--336 (1975) and 33: 27h. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS REPENS (Lam.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Anon., Biol. Abstr. 61: AC1.667. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 31 (19765 and 362, 61. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS RETUSUS C. Wright Additional & emended bibliography: Leén, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 283 & 428. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 31. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS RIPARIUS Moldenke Additional & emended bibliography: Leén, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 283 & 428. 19465; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 131--132. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS SAXICOLA Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 136-139 (1976), 35: 111, 119, 336, & 431 (1977), and 36: 35. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS SAXICOLA var. PILOSUS Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 111. 1977. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 111 (1977) and 36: 35. 1977. Citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Hatschbach 36832 (Z—type). PAEPALANTHUS SCIRPEUS Mart. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 31. 1976; Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo ): [105]. 1976; Monteiro-Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giulietti, Bol. Bot. Univ. Se cai ns (61, 62, 66, & 67, figs 1 & 22.1976. Illustrations: Monteiro-Scanavacca, Mazzoni, & Giulietti, Bol. Bot, Univ. o. Paulo ): 67, fig. 1 & 2. 1976. Monteiro=Scanavacca and her associates (1976) report that this species reproduces vegetatively from the apex of the inflores- cence, producing complete plantlets with leaves, stem, and adven- titious roots, citing Dam4sio s.n. [June 1908] from Minas Gerais, Brazil. PAEPALANTHUS SENAEANUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 32 (1976) and 35: 333. 1977. The Eiten & Eiten 11027, distributed as P. mirabilis Alv. Silv., actually is P. comans Alv. Silv. PAEPALANTHUS SESLERIOIDES Griseb. Additional synonymy: Dupatia seslerioides Griseb. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 42, in syn. 1977. Additional & emended bibliography: Leén, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 281 & 28. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 485 (1976), 35: 32—33 (1976), and 36: 31 & 42. 1977; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 63: 252. Sh PH. f0bG, O"G fA Vol. 37, now 1 1977. PAEPALANTHUS SESLERIOIDES var. CARABIAE Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 85 (1976), 35: 32 (1976), and 36: 31. 1977; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 63: 252. 19 TT. PAEPALANTHUS SESLERIOIDES var. WILSONII Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 85 (1976), 352 33 (1976), and 36: 31. 1977; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 63: 252. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS SINGULARIUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 188. 1976. Campbell and his associates describe this plant as herbaceous, to 5 cm. tall, the "old flower-heads brown", and found it growing on "campina in sun on white sand", fruiting in June. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Par&: Campbell, Ongley, Ramos, Monteiro, & Nelson P.225l2 (Z). PAEPALANTHUS SPECIOSUS (Bong.) Korn. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 189-198 (1976), 3h: 276 & 395 (1976), 35: 2h, 30, & 33 (1976), and 35% 258, 28h, h21, & 422. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS SPECIOSUS var. ANGUSTIFOLIUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 192=-19) & 196. 1976. Hatschbach has encountered this plant, flowering in July, on a "campo cerrado solo rochoso encosta de morro", Additional citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Hatschbach 38775 (Ld). PAEPALANTHUS STEYERMARKII Moldenke Additional bibliography: CArdenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 37. 1975; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 33. 1976. PAEPALANTHUS STUEBELIANUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 27)—-275. 1976. Additional citations: PERU: Amazonas: Hegewald s.n. [Herb. Hamann 3013] (Hm). PAEPALANTHUS SUBTILIS Miq. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 112-11), 309, 310, 322, & 333 (1977) and 36: 65 & 7h. 1977. The Donselaar & Donselaar 359, distributed as P. subtilis, ac- tually is Syngonanthus simplex (Miq.) Ruhl. PAEPALANTHUS TESSMANNII Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 42, hh, 49--51, 100, & 102, pl. 6, fig. 1-20. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 5S 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 121. 1977. Illustrations: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. TIlust. Catar. I Erio: hh, pl. 6, fig. 14-20. 1976. Dombrowski has encountered this species in wet campos and swamps, where she reports it frequent, and in brejo (sedge meadow) where she reports it abundant. She found it in flower in November and December and in fruit in December. Vernacular names for the species are "capim-manso", "capipoa- tinga-de-tessmann", "gravat4-manso", and "sempre~viva—do-campo" and it is said to flower from November to January in Santa Catar= ina. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Parand: Dombrowski 51 (Ld), 5552 (Ld), 5571 (Ld), 5616 (Ld), 58h5 (Ld). PAEPALANTHUS TORTILIS (Bong.) Mart. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 122—127 & Some remd. 36: 35, 51, Th, & 75» 1977. The Martius 551, distributed as typical P. tortilis and so cited by me in 1976, is now regarded as the type collection of var. glaberrimus Mart. &« Moldenke. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Lanna Sobrinho 763 (ise Castellanos 25513; Herb. FEEMA 6035; Herb. Cent. Pesq. Florest. 5718] (Ld, Pf). PAEPALANTHUS TORTILIS var. GLABERRIMUS Mart. & Moldenke ex Mol- denke, Phytologia 36: 51. 1977. Synonymy: Eriocaulon tortile var. glabra Mart. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 18, in syn. 1959. Eriocaulon tortile var. glabra, subsimplex Mart. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 252/239, inisyns 1973. Eriocaulon tortile var. glaberrimum Mart., in herb. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 35 & 51. 1977. Strang has found this plant growing in wet turf, flowering and fruiting in August. The variety has previously been confused with and regarded as identical to the typical form of the species, but it seems to me now to be sufficiently distinct to merit nomencla=- tural recognition, as Martius originally suggested. The synonymy of the species needs to be restudied to determine which names ac-— tually belong to the present variety. Citations: BRAZIL: Guanabara: Strang 678 [Herb. Cent. Pesq. Florest. 5040] (Pf). Rio de Janeiro: Martius 551 (B—isotype, B— isotype, Br--isotype, C-~type, E—isotype, Mu--isotype, S-—isotype, Z--isotype). PAEPALANTHUS TORTILIS var. MINOR Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 126-~127 (1977) and 36: 35. 1977. PAEPALANTHUS VENUSTUS Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 281—~282. 1957 [not P. venustus Alv. Silv., sphalm. 1928]. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 26). 1977. 56 Polar nO miss ONG ann Vol. 37, miGaae PHILODICE Mart. Additional bibliography: Cardenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 38 & [69]. 1975; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 286--292, 30h, 309, & 510 (1977) and 36: 508. 1977. PHILODICE HOFFMANNSEGGII Mart. Additional bibliography: C4rdenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 38. 1975; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 287, 289—292, & 30h. 1977. RONDONANTHUS Herzog Additional bibliography: Cardenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 38 & [69]. 1975; Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 509 (1976) and 35: 292--295 & 511. 1977. RONDONANTHUS MICROPETALUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Cardenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 38. 1975; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 293--29). 1977. RONDONANTHUS RORAIWAE (Oliv.) Herzog Additional synonyry: Rondonanthus roraime (Oliv.) Herzog apud C4rdenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 38, sphalm. 1975. Additional bibliography: Cardenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 38. 19753 Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 29)--295. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS Ruhl. Additional synonymy: Svngonanthus Ruhl. ex Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 396, sphalm. 1928. Mutia Mart. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 19, in syn. 1959. Additional & emended bibliography: Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., ed. 3, 92 (1903), ed. 5, 9 (1907), and ed. 6, 99. 1909; Gilg in Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., ed. 7, 138 (1912), ed. 8, 1h0 (1919), and ed. 9 & 10, 152. 192); Diels in Engl., Syllab. Pflanzenfam., ed. 11, 15). 1936; Leén, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 379, 283--28h, 35, & 436. 196; Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 175. 1955; C&rdenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 36, 38--39, & [69]. 19755 J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 225, 226, & 232. 19753 Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.28: 259. 1976; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 5, 62, 63, 76--9h, & 99--103. 1976; Monteiro- Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo h: [23]—-27, fig. 2. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 288, 295--322, 332--36), 20-- 68, & 511 (1977) and 36: 32, 35, 36, LO, 42, hS, 47, Sh--85, 116, 470, 487, 493, 506, 510, & 511. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS ANDROSACEUS (Griseb.) Ruhl, Additional & emended bibliography: Leén, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 283 & 435. 1963 Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 306 & 312—313. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS ANOMALUS (Korn.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: C4rdenas de Guevara, Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 3% & 39. 19753 Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 307, 315--317, 3h], 345, & 356. 1977. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 57 Additional citations: BRAZIL: Amaz6nas: Prance, Berg, Bisby, Stewart, Monteiro, & Ramos 1781) (N). SYNGONANTHUS ANTHEMIFLORUS (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. ‘Bot. Univ. S. Paulo h: [23]--25 & 27, fig. 2. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 303, 317-320, 339, 35, 438, 439, & 1156 (1977) and 36: 63. 1977. Additional illustrations: Monteiro-Scanavacca & NMazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo h: 25, fig. 2, 1976. Monteiro=Scanavacca & Mazzoni (1976) report that there is no vegetative reproduction from the inflorescence apex in this spe- cies, citing Giulietti 063 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Hatschbach, Ander- son, Barneby, & Gates 362 (N). SYNGONANTHUS ARTHROTHICHUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 334—335 & 450. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS BAHIENSIS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 337. 1977. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Davidse, Ramamoorthy, & Vital 11932 (Ld). SYNGONANTHUS BALDWINI Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 337 (1977) and 36: 35. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS BARBATUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 337 & hhé. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS BELLUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 338 (1977) and 36: 8. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS BIFORMIS (N. E. Br.) Gleason Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 339-31 (1977) and 36: 63, 6h, 72, & The 1977. SYNGONANTHUS BISUMBELLATUS (Steud.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 3)2—-3)) (1977) and 36: 35. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS CANDIDUS var. BAHIENSIS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 39. 1977. Hatschbach has found this plant growing in "solo arenoso junto a corrego" and "a afloramentos de arenito", flowering and fruiting in Jamary. 58 Pon yt OI-o"e Tk Vol. 37, no. 1 Additional citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Hatschbach 39568 (Ld). 39700 (Ld). SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS (Poir.) Ruhl. Additional synonymy: Eriocaulon surinamense "liq. ex Moldenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 100, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus caulescens (Bong.) Kunth apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 90, in syn. 1976. Paepal- anthus aa epee var. humilis Kunth apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 89, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus caules- cens var. parvifolius Kunth apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Tlust. Catar. I Erio: 89, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus splendens "Mart, ex Korn." apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 102, in syn. 1976. Syngonanthus clavescens "Ruhl. ex Mol- denke" ae Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilustr. Catar. I Erio: 103, in syn. sphalm. 1976. Syngonanthus caulescens "(Pois.) Ruhl. ex Moldenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Tlust. Catar. I Erio: 103, in syn. 1976. Syngonanthus caulescens var. caulescens [(Poir.) Ruhl.] apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 89. 1976. Additional bibliography: Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.28: 259. 1976; Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 77, 8, 83--9h, & 98-103, pl. 9, fig. 10—22. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 420--1,23 & 453 (19773 and 3%: 33, 35, & 6l—66. 1977. Additional illustrations: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar. I Erio: 85, pl. 9, fig. 10—22. 1976. Hatschbach has found this plant growing in "brejo borda da chapada"., Vernacular names reported for it are "capim-manso", "capipoatinga-acu", "gravat4-manso", and "sempre—viva-do-campo" and it is said to flower from October to February in Santa Catar- ina, Brazil. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Hatschbach 3913 (Ld). Mato Grosso: Prance, Lleras, & Coélho 19232 (N). SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS var. ANGUSTIFOLIUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilust. Catar, I Erio: 89, 92--93, & 103. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 420 (1977) and 36: 33 & 356 AT tie Vernacular names recorded for this’ variety are identical to those for the typical form of the species listed above. SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS var. DISCRETIFOLIUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 36 (1977) and 36: 35. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS CAULESCENS f. LONGIPES Moldenke Additional bibliography: Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.28: 259. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 21. 1977. [to be contimed] A NEW SPECIES OF GALACTIA (FABACEAE) IN THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES Wilbur H. Bunearn: Abstract: Galactia minor Duncan (FABACEAE) of the South- eastern United States is described as a new species and compared with the similar G. regularis (L.) BSP. Certain aspects of the variation in Galactia regularis (L.) BSP. sensu Fernald (1950), Gleason and Cronquist (1963), Wilbur (1963), and Radford et al (1964) have bothered me for many years. Sporadic field and herbarium studies have led me to the conclusion that one segment deserves separate specific rank. It is described below. GALACTIA MINOR Duncan, sp. nov. Herba perennis. Caule prostrati, plerumque geniculati, ferentes pilos adpressos antrorsos 0.05-0.25 mm longos; internodia circiter longitudo longissimae foliolae. Folia composita, 18-38 mm longa; foliola 3, elliptica, retusa vel rarenter apiculata, integra, grandissimum 6-14 mm latum et 14-28 mm longum, ferens pilos adpressos antrorsos, Inflorescentiae axillares, 15-40 mm longae et circiter aequae vel breviores quam folia. Flores 1-3(4), 10-17 mm longi. Calyx 6.5-10 mm longus. Legumen 30-42 mm longum, 4-5 mm latum, ferens pilos adpressos antrorsos. Semina (5)6-8. TYPE: UNITED STATES: Long County, Georgia: Sandhills adjacent to Altamaha River bottom sw of Ludowici, 2 Aug. 1953, Wilbur H. Duncan 16993 (HOLOTYPE, GA 99594). Perennial herb. Stems prostrate, usually slightly geniculate, rarely twining at the tips, bearing appressed antrorse hairs 0.05-0.25 mm long; internodes about as long as longest leaflet of the adjacent nodes. Leaves compound, 18-38 mm long; leaflets 3, narrowly elliptic to elliptic, retuse or rarely apiculate, entire, largest 6-14 mm wide and 14-28 mm long, bearing small antrorse hairs. Inflorescences axillary, 15-40 mm long and about the length or shorter than the subtending leaves, bearing 1-3(4) flowers from 11-17 mm long. Calyx 6.5-10 mm long. Legume 30-42 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, bearing appressed antrorse hairs. Maximum number of seeds (5)6-8 per legume. TDepartment of Botany, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. 30602 59 60 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, mbaul A selection of otherrepresentative G. minor specimens follows to represent the species more widely. Duplicates of these are likely to be in other herbaria. --- Duncan 4001, 28 Aug. 1941, Irwin Co., Ga. Sandhill area just E of Alapaha R., W of Ocilla (GA 49857). -- Thorne 5742, 30 July 1947, Baker Co., Ga. Sandy bank of Flint R. near its junction with Ichawanochaway Creek (GA 37546). -- Cronquist 5514, 18 July 1948, Taylor Co., Ga. Among scattered scrub oak in sandhills 3 mi N of Butler (GA 29354). -- Webster and Wilbur 3574, 25 July 1950, Escambia Co., Fla. Dry oak woods on sandy soil 1l miles W of Pensacola (GA 94657). -- Faircloth 2798, 20 Aug. 1965, Thomas Co., Ga. Floodplain and banks on E side of Ochlocknee R., 5.5 mi SW of Coolidge (NCU 395212). -- Godfrey 71886, 31 Aug. 1972, Liberty Co., Pla. Frequent in longleaf pine- turkey oak, upland ridge, Torreya State Park (FLAS 113724). DISTRIBUTION: Sandhills, scrub oak pinelands, dry sandy pinelands, fine sandy soils of se Miss, s Ala, nw Fla, Coastal Plain of Ga, inner Coastal Plain of and sw SC, and se Coastal Plain of NC. Absent from Atlantic coastal counties. Galactia minor is different from the other segments of G. regularis as follows: -- Internodes only a little longer than to much shorter than the largest leaflet of the adjacent nodes, stems often geniculate and rarely twining, hairs on the stem always antrorse and 0.05-0.25 mm long, largest leaflets 14-28 mm long, longest inflorescences little if any longer than to shorter than the subtending leaves. Flowers 1-3(4) Se ae Pa pee ee a G. minor Several to most internodes (especially those toward the base) much longer than the largest leaflet of the adjacent nodes, stems not geniculate and occasionally twining, hairs on stems occasionally antrorse but more often retrorse and 0.1-0.8 mm long, largest leaflets 25-50 mm long, longest inflorescences longer than to some- times more than twice as long as or rarely about as long as leaves, HOWEtSeA MANY 6— a G. regularis I have no strong opinion concerning how to treat those plants of "G. regularis" with antrorse hairs -- as another species, as a variety or part of G. minor, or as being allied with G. regularis. I know of others currently interested in this subject and leave this decision for them to make. It is interesting that Small (1933) reserved the name G. regularis for those individuals having minutely retrorse-pubescent stems. However, none of the other species he includes can be the antrorse-haired G. minor described here. 1977 Duncan, A new species of Galactia 61 G. minor might also be confused with G. floridana T. & G. var. microphylla Chapman but the type specimen (labeled:- Herb. Chapm --Galactia floridana T. & G. var. microphylla -- Florida -- Southern Flora) at the New York Botanical Garden has longer and spreading hairs and the leaflets are mostly apiculate. Also a specimen in the Gray Herbarium presumed to be one of Chapman's from Florida [labeled: - Galactia microphylla, Sp. n. (sine fl. et fr)] , although with retuse leaflets, has spreading to somewhat retrorse hairs to 0.6 mm long on the stems. Furthermore, neither of these specimens has geniculate stems. This microphylla material seems more closely allied to G. floridana (Chapman, 1889). LITERATURE CITED Chapman, A.W. 1889. Flora of the Southern United States. Ivison, Blakeman, & Company. NY. [Copyright 1883] 698p. Fernald, M.L. 1950. Gray's Manual of Botany. American Book Company. NY. 1632p. Gleason, H. A. and A. Cronquist. 1963. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. Princeton, NJ. 810p. Radford, A.E. et al. 1964. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill. 1183p. Small, J.K. 1933. Manual of the Southeastern Flora. University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill. 1554p. WTB User. 1963. The Leguminous Plants of North Carolina. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. Tech. Bul. 151. 294p. BOOK REVIEWS Alma L. Moldenke "ART FORMS FROM PLANT LIFE" by William M. Harlow, xvi & 121 pp., illus. with 122 photographs, Revised & Expanded Edition by Dover Publications, Inc., New York, N. Y. 1001). 1976. $4.00 oversize, paperbound. The basis for this beautiful addition to the Dover Pictorial Archives Series is "Patterns of Life: The Unseen World of Plants" published in 1966 by Harper & Row, Inc. "The pictures on the following pages not only reveal beauty of structure but in many cases show how plants respond or adapt to their environment, not only during the life-time of the individual plant but also over millions of years." Plant patterns (enlarged, internal) "may pro- vide students, designers and others with new and exciting depart- ures for creative expression". I would like to see a classroom size set of this book available in all lower schools and summer outdoor programs. It also makes a pleasurable inexpensive gift. "JOHN BURROUGHS' SLABSIDES" by Elizabeth Burroughs Kelley, xi & 112 pp., illus., provately published at Moran Publishing Co., Rhinebeck, N. Y. 12572 for the author, West Park, N. Y. 1293. 1974. $5.75 paperback. "Slabsides. a National Historic Landmark since 1968, is a rus- tic cabin in the hills of the Hudson Valley near West Park, New York, now owned and maintained by the John Burroughs Memorial As- sociation with headquarters in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. It was build by the naturalist-author, used by him for over a score of years for observing nature intin- ately, writing and showing this simple type of life to all kinds of visitors from school children, Vassar students, Dr. Barrus (his biographer) to Teddy Roosevelt. Many of these folks have returned again and again to this "mecca", often introducing younger generation to its charm. Some will even recognize them- selves and friends among the thirty-odd photographs reproduced in this splendid book, It more than replaces the long out-of- print 1931 "Slabsides Book of John Burroughs" written as a tribute by his son Julian and some of his many friends. 62 L977 Moldenke, Book reviews 63 "AUDUBON THE NATURALIST: A History of his Life and Time" in two volumes by Francis Hobart Herrick, Vol. I, lxxiv & 51 pp., illus; Vol. II, xci & 500 pp., illus., Reprinting of 1968 Replication Edition by Dover Publications, Inc., New York, N.Y. 1001h. 1975. $.00 each volume, paperbound,. This fine study is an unabridged and unrevised republication of the second edition as published by D. Appleton - Century Com= pany in 1938. It covers all phases of his life with careful documentation which routs that Dauphin story, pays great tribute to Lucy Blakewell for her sterling qualities of mind and heart as his wife and mother to the family, his unsuccessful business en- deavors, his travels throughout the United States, Labrador, Eng- land and France for the purpose of capturing wildlife with gun, pencil and paintbrush, his signing up subscribers, his dealing with engravers and printers, and his meeting with ornithophiles of the day. Although Jean Jacques Fougére Audubon died in 1851, aged only 66 years, reading these thousand pages of his great and gifted endeavors makes me feel that he lived several years in each calendar one for most of his adult life. There are over one hundred interesting illustrations, appen- dices showing important original documents, lists of subscribers to "The Birds of America" and an annotated bibliography for this definitive biography. "1001 QUESTIONS ANSWERED ABOUT INSECTS" by Alexander B. Klots & Elsie B. Klots, xii & 260 pp., illus., Facsimile Edition by Dover Publications, New York, N. Y. 1001). 1977. $h.75 in Canada, $).00 in U.S.A., paperbound. This book is an unabridged and unaltered republication of the work first published by Dodd, Mead & Co, in 1961. So many qes- tion-answer books in the general educational field have been so bewilderingly unorganized and weighted with trivia, but this Klots' study is really a beautifully organized and fascinatingly presented survey of the insect world covering arthropod and in= sect characteristics, origins, classification, distribution, structures, functions, development, senses, and behavioral rela- tionships to plants, fungi, man and other animals. There are 31 of Alexander Klots' famous black/white photo- graphs and even more finely drawn illustrations made by Elsie B. Klots and Su Zan Swain. A detailed index supplements as a cross- reference among these queries and their replies, keeping the text itself uncluttered. "671. What is the larsest insect proboscis known? A Sphinx Moth in Madagascar has an ll-inch proboscis.....Before it was known to exist the great naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace pre- dicted that such a moth would be found, since a Madagascan or— chid has a corolla 11 inches deep. Twelve years later that moth was discovered." a 6 PHY TOLOGI-& Vols 37; tan "KNOWING THE OUTDOORS IN THE DARK" by Vinson Brown, 191 pp., illus., Stackpole Books, Inc., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105. 1972. $6.95. Vinny Brown has been known directly or indirectly to thousands upon thousands of counselors and teachers responsible for the nature study programs in camps, schools and today's ecology cen- ters. After explaining needful safety precautions and equipment, he explains how folks readying themselves for nature on the night shift can sharpen their senses of general awareness, direction, smell, hearing, touch and sight in the darkened world, and ulti- mately develop a feeling of kinship with all life. The text describes, pictures and gives the geographic distri- bution in the U.S.A. of our nocturnal vertebrates, invertebrates and fungi. The author shows how various plants and roosting birds can be identified in silhouette against all but a black sky and explains how daytime reconnoitering in an area can help in map construction and use, as well as in the selection of van- tage points for the nighttime watch. On p. 155 the scientific name of the creosote bush is mis- spelled, but that fact would not be visible at night unless arti- ficially or naturally illuminated. "SNAKES OF THE WORLD: Their Ways and Means of Living" by Hampton Wildman Parker, 191 pp., illus., Facsimile Edition by Dover Publications, Inc., New York, N. Y. 1001). 1977. $3.00 paperbound. This unabridged replication of "Snakes" (the 1963 title) is for sale only in the U.S.A. by special arrangement with the orig-= inal publishers, Robert Hale Ltd. of London. The author of this really modern survey of snakes was formerly head of the Depart- ment of Zoology at the Natural History Museum in London. It makes excellent informative reading for anyone interested in these rep- tiles as well as for students of ecology, adaptive evolution, etc. The illustrations do not include those used and reused so much in American texts. Much of the book's obviously great ac- curacy and interest is presented without the use of highly spec= ialized technical language. This makes the book more accessible to many more readers. "ADVENTURES WITH A MICROSCOPE" by Richard Headstrom, xxiv & 232 pp., illus., Facsimile Edition by Dover Publications, New York, N. J, 1001). $3.25 in Canada, $2.75 in U.S.A., paperbound. This is an unabridged replication of the author's work that was first published in 191 by J. B. Lippincott Co. as one of his hob— by books on natural science for young people and the amateur adult. PHYTOLOGIA Designed to expedite botanical publication Vol. 37 September 1977 No. 2 CONTENTS MADISON, M., New species of Stenospermation (Araceae) from the TIC GLEE re NI re rTP an RM oh 65 MOLDENKE, H. N., Additional notes on the Eriocaulaceae. LXXIV..... 68 Summetets Mi, BOOK reviews ..... oe... ee ee ee 98 Published by Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L. Moldenke 303 Parkside Road Plainfield, New Jersey 07060 US.A. Price of the number $3; per volume, $9.75 in advance or $10.50 after close of the volume; 75 cents extra to all foreign addresses; 512 pages constitute a volume; claims to numbers lost in the mail must be made immediately after receipt of the next number. New Species of Stenospermation (Araceae) from the Cordillera de Cutucd Michael Madison* The Cordillera de Cutucé is an isolated fragment of the eastern cordillera of the Andes in Ecuador, separated from adjacent ranges by the deep valleys of the Rfo Upano and Rfo Santiago. Its isolated position has contributed to a high level of endemism, and a recent general collection of flowering plants from the Cutuc& is proving to include about 15% new species. In the course of identi fy- ing the aroids in this collection | have come across two species of Stenospermation Schott previously undescribed. Stenospermation is predominantly Andean, with 19 of its 39 species reported from Ecuador. The plants are sparsely branched epiphytes, usually comprising two or three stems up to 1 m long bear- ing thickly coriaceous leaves and terminal inflorescences. Evolutionary specialization as true epiphytes is a major feature distinguishing Stenospermation from the related genera Monstera Adans. and Rhodospatha Poepp., which are vining hemi~epiphytes with terrestrial germination. In Stenospermation the tiny seeds are dispersed by birds to the branches of trees, and the entire life cycle is passed epiphytically. The first of the new species here described is secondarily terrestrial, and forms a component of the bizarre vegetation at the summit of the Cutuct. This consists of extensive meadows of bright red sphagnum in which a scattering of angiosperms, principally cyclanths, orchids, and bromeliads, is to be found. However, the dominant angiosperm is Stenospermation arborescens, a giant (for the genus) herb standing 3 m tall, usually solitary but sometimes forming clumps of half a dozen plants. The weird aspect of these megaphy] lous monocaul herbs, seen through a wind-blown fog, is reminiscent of the Espeletia paramos further north, and makes an unforgettable impression. Stenospermation arborescens Madison, sp.nov. Herba terrestris magna arborescens, ad 3 m alta. Caudex teres, viridis, 4-8 cm crassus, internodiis 1.5-3 cm longis. Petiolus 60 cm longus, vagina 10 cm infra laminae basin desinente instructus. Lamina valde coriacea, elliptica, 50-60 cm longa, 20-25 cm lata, base rotundata vel obtusa, apice obtusa. Pedunculus carnosus, teres, 1.5-2 cm crassus, 60-80 cm longus, erectus. Spatha ignota. Spadix 1-1.5 cm stipitatus, cylindricus, albus, 14-18 cm longus, ovariis pluriovulatis. *The Marie Selby Botanical ki 800 S. Palm, Sarasota, Fla. 33577 66 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 TYPE: Ecuador, Prov. Morona-Santiago, Cordillera de Cutucdé, along a trail from Logrofo to Yaupi in the general region 2°46'S x 78°06'W, summit, elev. 2000 m, Nov. 1976, Madison, Bush & Davis 3589 (Holotype SEL, isotype US) Stenospermation arborescens is most closely related to S. crassi- folium Engler, an epiphytic species from eastern Peru distinguished by its much slenderer peduncle and shorter stipe, and by the leaf sheath nearly reaching the lamina, rather than ending 10 cm below the lamina base as in S. arborescens. The second new species of Stenospermation from the Cutucé is much more typical of the genus, being a diminutive epiphyte inhabiting cloud forest at 1800 m elevation. Stenospermation zeacarpium Madison, sp. nov. Herba terrestris vel epiphytica, ad 0.5 m alta. Caudex viridis, cylindricus, 5-8 mm crassus, internodiis 1-2 cm longis. Petiolus 5-6 cm longus, ad basem laminae late vaginatus; lamina subcoriacea, ovata vel anguste elliptica, base cuneata, apice atenuato, 13-18 cm longa, 4-6 cm lata. Pedunculus gracilis, teres, 1 mm crassus, 10 cm longus; spatha subviridis, globosa, persistens, 5-6 cm longa, ambitu 4-5 cm. Spadix fructifer nutans, 5-6 mm stipitatus, conicus, 5 cm longus, base 1.5 cm crassa, ad apicem angustatus. Baccae 4-5 mm longae, 5-8 seminales; semina claviformi, 3 mm longa. TYPE: Ecuador, Prov. Morona-Santiago, Cordillera de Cutuct, along a trail from Logrofio to Yaupi in the general region of 2°46'S x 78°06'W, cloud forest, elev. 1800 m, Nov. 1976, Madison, Bush & Davis 3430 (Holotype SEL, isotype US) ETYMOLOGY: Latin Zeacarpium, 'Zea-fruited,' referring to the resemblance of the tapered spike of fruits, with its enveloping green bract, to an ear of maize. The persistence of the short, globose spathe to time of fruit maturity readily distinguishes :Stenospermation zeacarpium from the other species of the genus, in which the spathe is deciduous after anthesis. The strongly tapered conical spadix, 1.5 cm thick at the base narrowing to 0.5 cm at the apex, is also a diagnostic feature. Stenospermation zeacarpium appears to be most closely related to S. angosturense Engler, which also occurs in the CutucG, but at lower elevations (1200 m). Stenospermation angosturense is distinguished from S. zeacarpium by its broader leaves and peduncles only half as long In addition to the three species already mentioned, Stenospermat ion adsimile Sodiro, with distinctive bright yellow fruits, occurs in the Cutucu at elevations of 1700-2000 m. 1977 Madison, New species of Stenospermation 67 STENOSPERMATION ARBORESCENS Madison STENOSPERMATION ZEACARPIUM Madison ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE ERIOCAULACEAE. LXXIV Harold N. Moldenke SYNGONANTHUS CIRCINNATUS (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: )29--)30 & 443. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS COMPACTUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 31 (1977) and 36: 33. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS DECORUS Moldenke Additional bibliography: Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.28: 259. 1976; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 35. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS DENSIFOLIUS Alv. Silv. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 43810 & 56, 1977. SYNGONANTHUS DENSUS (Korn.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: h4O—)i1 (1977) and 36: 35. 1977. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Amaz6nas: Prance, Berg, Bisby, Steward, Monteiro, & Ramos 17932 (N). SYNGONANTHUS DROUETII L. B. Sm. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: hll--l2 (1977) and 36: 45. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS ELEGANS (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: )hl--4)8 (1977) and 36: 76. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS ELEGANS var. ELANATUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: ))5—hh8. 1977. The Glaziou 20013 cited by Ruhland as a cotype of this var- iety is the type collection of S. elegantulus var. glaziovii Moldenke. The Glaziou 16398 and Duarte 7569 [Herb. Brad. 27315], also previously cite cited | by me as S. ~ elegans var. elanatus, seem better placed as S. elegantulus v var. glaziovii. SYNGONANTHUS ELEGANTULUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: h6é—-lh9 & 456 (1977) and 36: 35. 1977. Monteiro has encountered this plant growing on quartzite. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Monteiro de S. 235 [Vianna 396; Herb. FEEMA soe (Ld), sen. [Herb. FEEMA 6716] 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 69 (Ld). SYNGONANTHUS ELEGANTULUS var. GLAZIOVII Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 35, June 18 (1977) & 36: 116. June 23. 1977. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 35 & 116. 1977. Material of this variety has mistakenly been distributed in some herbaria as Paepalanthus elegans Kunth, Syngonanthus elegans var. elanatus Ruhl., S. niveus Ruhl., or (in the case of Glaziou 16398) as Paepalanthus sp. nov.; Glaziou 20013 was regarded by Ruhland (1903) as a cotype of his S. elegans var. elanatus; both Glaziou collections were cited by me in a previousinstallment of these notes as S. elegans var. elanatus, a taxon which they close- ly resemble. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Glaziou 16398 (N), 20013 (Br— isotype, C-type); Monteiro de S. s.n. [19.X11.1971] (Z). SYNGONANTHUS FERTILIS (Korn.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 452——k53 (1977) and 36: 35. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS FISCHERIANUS (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional synonymy: Eriocaulon nardifolium "Kunth ex Moldenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Tlus. Catar. I Erio: 99, in syn. 1976. Paepalanthus vaginatus "Mart. ex Moldenke" apud Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Tus. Catar. I Erio: 102, in syn. 1976. Additional bibliography: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Ilus. Catar. I Erio: 62, 63, 77, 80-83, & 98-103, pl. 8, fig. 32=-39. ee Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 5h—-56 (1977) and 36: 56 & 78— 0. 1977. Illustrations: Moldenke & Sm. in Reitz, Fl. Dus. Catar. I Erio: 63, pl. 8, fig. 32--39. 1976. Vernacular names reported for this species are "capim-manso", "“capipoatinga-de-fischer", "gravatd-manso", and "sempre-viva—do- campo" and it is said to flower in December and January in south~- ern Brazil. SYNGONANTHUS FLAVIDULUS (Michx.) Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 5—60, 37, & 93 (1977) ami 37: 2h. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS FUSCESCENS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni, Bol. Bot. Univ. S. Paulo kh: [23], 2h, & 26. 19763 Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 61—62. 1977. Monteiro-Scanavacca & Mazzoni (1976) report that there is no vegetative reproduction from the apex of the inflorescence in this species, citing Monteiro-Scanavacca 1,302 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. SYNGONANTHUS GLANDULOSUS Gleason Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 35, 36, 63— 70 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 66, 7h, & 76. 1977. SYNGONANTHUS GRACILIS var KOERNICKEANUS Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 36: 72, 73, 75, & 83-85. 1977. Ruhland (1903) describes this variety as "Differt foliis semper recurvato~caespitosis vel subrosulatis, nigre-olivaceis vel oliva- ceo—glaucescentibus, appresso-puberulis, serius glabriusculis, plerumque fere 2 cm longis; vaginis arctissimis, folia adaequanti- bus vel superantibus, patentissime glanduloso—puberulis, dein cal- vis, plus mimus perspicue costato-striatis; pedunculis 3 costatis, saepe tortis, subaequaliter puberulis, 7--22 cm altis; bracteis involucrantibus naviculari-imbricatis, exterioribus brevioribus, rotundato-obtusis, interioribus obovatis vel oblongo-obovatis, acutiusculis vel obtusiusculis, flores includentibus, omnibus glabris et nitide aureo-stramineis." He cites the following Bra- zilian specimens: Bahia: Salzmann s.n., Sellow 626. Goids: Burchell 6917. Maranhdo: “Schwacke 686. “Minas Gerais: Sena s.n. (Herb. Schwacke 12827]. Rio io de Janeire: Riedel 557, Sellow Sellow 8Ne S&o Paulo: Riedel 230k. Kérnicke's Paepalanthus gracilis var. @ subvar.@ is based on Luschnath s.n. [inter Macagé et Campos], Riedel 557 in part, Sel- low s.n. [Rio de Janeiro] & s.n. [inter Vittoria et Bahia], and Weddell 552. The Limnoxeranthemum pubescens Salzm., cited by Ruhland (1903) in the synonymy of Syngonanthus gracilis var. koernickeams, is actually more correctly placed in that of S. gracilis var. hirtel- lus (Steud.) Ruhl., which see. Recent collectors refer to S. gracilis var. koernickeams as having "stems and leaves greenish~sericeous", with “crowded ml- tiple rosettes of grass-green subcoriaceous leaves", the basal rosettes often nearly buried in sand, the sheaths brown, the bracts pale~yellow, and the flower-heads white. They have found it growing in savanna forests, in sandy places on savannas, in moist places, wet valleys, moist meadows, and white-sand grass- land, in rich wet soil bordering springs on llanes, and along seepage in wet savannas, at altitudes of 100-100 meters, flow- ering in Jamary, May, June, August, September, October, and De- cember, fruiting in August and October. Koyama & Oldenburger found it growing in association with S. glandulosus, Philodice hoffmannseggii, veeaseme africamm, Bacopa monierioides, Centun- culus pentander, P olygala paludesa, Utricularia adpressa, and Eleocharis nana. Kramer & Van Donselaar (1968) include it in what they call a Syngonantho-Iiyridion alliance in Surinam, where they assert that it is "Not rare in open savannas and open woods", Schulz & Poveda encountered S. gracilis var. koernickeanus in "el 'morichal abierto' - pastizal imndado a la temporada himeda, con matos de Mauritia minor en las depreciones, horizonte super=- 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae val ficie del suelo rico en mater orgénico, con ae laxua, Paspal- um SPP+ » Xyris savanensis, Sauvagesia erecta erecta, Polyg Polygal — etc." The Paepalantims brizoides Kunth, referred to in the synonyny ef this taxon, is in part probzbly also a synonym of S. gracilis var. subinflatus Ruhl. according to Ruhland (1903). The material comprising Pabst 612, cited below, is very immature. The Angely (1972) work cited in the bibliography is often cited as "1970", the title-page date, but was not actually published un- til 1972. pea & GSrts-van Rijn (1968) cite from Surinam: Hostmann 1066, Huk 61, Kramer & Hekking 221, 2928, & 3081, Lanjouw jouw 3h, Lanjouw ouw & Lindeman 860, Lindeman n 128, “2h, 307, 3 3013, 4228, & “& 4229, and Van Donselaar mselaar 738. Hostmann 1066, however, is a mixture with S. simplex (Miq.) Ruhl. eg “of which it is the type collection and which I regard as a separate taxon. Lanjouw & Lindeman 860 is a mixture with typical S. gracilis (Bong. ) Ruhl. Silveira (1928) cites Silveira 516 from Diamantina, Minas Ger- ais, Brazil, collected in 1900. Material of this variety has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria under the designations Paepalanthus oxycnemis Mart., P. gracilis var. b subvar. @ Kérn., P. gracilis var. Korn., Syngonanthus gracilis (Bong.) Ruhl., “and S. gracilis var. setaceus Ruhl. Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Schultes, Baker, Cabrera 18093 (Z). Vichada: F. J. Hermann ll 1105) (N, wee). VENEZUELA: Bolfvar: Pannier & . Schwabe 1777 (Ve); Je re Steyer- mark 89686 (Mi, N); Steyermark, Dunst: Dunsterville, & Dunsterville 104231 (Ft (Ft); Steyermark & Nilsson 56 (Mi), 638 (Mi, N). Gudrico: Guyon 112 (P); Schulz & Poveda 232 ~ (Ut——320389) . GUYANA: Be De ke Cook 133 33 (K, S); Good Goodland & Persaud 1097 (Ld, W—2546170); Irwin 500 (W-=2212838) ; Tutin 619 (Ut—39599A, W—-17),3628). SURINAM: Poteslane 3621 (Ut—320)00) ; Hostmann 633 (Ut—hl1), 1066 in part t—hll); Hulk 62 (Ut—31952); Lanjouw 43h (Ut—)l053A); Lanjouw g Lindeman 126 (Ut—17892B) , 2h (Ut—17896B) , 860 in part (N, Ut— 1789aB), 3013 (Ut—17891B), 3307 (Ut—178908) 5 Yan Donselaar 738 (Ut—93607B) « FRENCH GUIANA: Hoock 872 (P), sn. n. [11 Aout 1962) (P). BRAZIL: Amap4: W. A. Egler 1427 [Herb. Mus. Goeldi 2583) (Mi), PENN (Herb. Mus. ( Goeldi 21599) (Mi). Bahia: Belém 1682 (Ae) 5 A. P. Duarte 6079 [Herb. Brad. 15hhk] (Lw); Sellow 626 (B— cotype) . “Varanhfo: “Marga Pires a Pires & Black 2198 (N). Pards Froés 29358 (Z); Murga Pires & Silva ‘iva 263 3 (N); Sic Sick s.n. [Pabst 4612] (Bd). Rio de Janeiro: De . Riedel 1 557 (B—cotype, B- B—cotype, B— cotype, Mu-—cotype, Ut—lOk—cotype) , 2305 (Ut—W02); Segadas— Vianna, Dau, Ormond, Machline, & Lorédo 943 (Ja); Sellow s.n. [inter Rio ie Janeiro at Campos, 1815) (B). Rond6nia: Black & C & Cor 72 PoRBE 3 O.T70°R I'® Vol. 37, no. 2 deiro 52-1785 (Z). S&o Paulo: L. Riedel 230) (B—cotype, Mu— cotype, Ut—l03—cotype), s.n. [Batataes] (B). State undetermin- ed: Herb. A. Gray sen. (T). SYNGONANTHUS GRACILIS var. LATIFOLIUS Moldenke, Phytologia 21: 418. 1971. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 21: 18. 1971; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 2: 962 & 968. 1971; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 53: 5252. 1972. This variety differs from the typical form of the species and from all other described varieties of it in having its basal leaves very numerous, closely appressed to the ground, and uni- formly about 2 mm. wide at the midpoint. Citations: BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: Irwin, Grear, Souza, & Reis dos Santos 1639 (N-type). SYNGONANTHUS GRACILIS var. LUETZELBURGII Herzog, Estud. Bot. Nord- est. Bras. 3 [Insp. Fed. Obras Secc. Publ. 57): 149 & 151. 1923. Bibliography: Herzog, Estud. Bot. Nordest. Bras. 3 [Insp. Fed. Obras Secc. Publ. 57]: 149 & 151. 1923; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Résumé 107 & 92. 19593 Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 17) (1971) and 2: 962. 1971; Mol- denke, Phytologia 31: 386. 1975. This variety is obviously based on Liitzelburg 283 from Vao do Faria, in southern Piauf, Brazil, where it is said to be typical of the "carrasco" formation, deposited in the Munich herbarium where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph num ber 187k). Macbride's photograph shows only the upper two of the three plants on the type sheet. The label avers that the locality of collection is in Bahia, but the Gray Herbarium's index cards refer it to Piauf and also claim that the original publication is a nomen nudum. Herzog, however, provides this formal description on the type sheet: "differt bracteis involucrantibus subacutis, pedunculis mumerosissimis brevibus". Citations: BRAZIL: Piauf [or Bahia?]: Lutzelburg 283 [Macbride photes 187k] (Mu—type, N—photo of type, Z——photo of type). SYNGONANTHUS GRACILIS var. PALLIDUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 240 [as "pallida"]. 1903; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 196. Synonymy: Syngonanthus gracilis var. pallida Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 250. 1903. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 250 & 293. 19033 Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 212. 19313 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 196; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. h: 1076. 199; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 65, 92, & 213. 19493 Moldenke, Phytologia h: 319. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 73, 107, 352, & 92. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 6. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 127 & 17h 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 73 (1971) and 2: 637 & 962. 19713; Moldenke, Phytelogia 36: 83. 1977. This variety is based on Passarge & Selwyn 258 from "Venezue- la: Gebiet des unteren Orinoko, sumpfige Wiesen am Sipao, Monte oscuro" and M. Guedes 603 from "Brasilianisches Guyana: am Rio Marac&", Ruhland (1903) describes it as "Differt foliis e basi vix vel non dilatata paullisper elongato-linearibus, subarrecto- caespitosis, 1—3=nerviis, acutiusculis, pilis brevissimis, ap- pressis leviter puberulis, mox glabriusculis, ad 8 cm [probably a typographic error for "m."] longis; vaginis erectis, arctis, pallide viridi-flavidulis, profunde striato-costatis, pilis sparsis, patentibus, eglandulosis, pubescenti-hirtis; pedunculis erectis, nitide stramineis, profunde 3 costatis, subrobustis, apicem versus pilis arrecto—patentibus, glanduliferis pubescenti- bus, lj—16 cm longis; bracteis involucrantibus pallide albo- spadiceis, obovatis, acutis, capitulum 45-5 mm latum perspicue includentibus." He comments that "Habitu quam antecedens [var. subinflatus Ruhl.] robustior." Herzog (1931) thinks that it may be identical with var. amazonicus Ruhl. It has been collected in anthesis in August, November, and December. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Bolivar: Je Aw Steyermark 90387 (Z). BRAZIL: Piauf: Wachsmnd s.n. (B). SYNGONANTHUS GRACILIS f. PROLIFER Moldenke, Phytologia 22: 6. 1971. Bibliography: Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 17 (1971) and 2: 962. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 22: 6. 1971; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.21: 30. 1972; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 5h: 6295. 19723; Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 386. 1975. This form differs from the typical form of the species in having its flower-heads distinctly proliferous, each producing from 3 to many linear leaf-like growths to 5 mm. in length. An- derson found it growing in open woods on rocky slopes and along streams, in wet mossy mats on rocks by streams, and similar places, at 1150 m. altitude, flowering and fruiting in April. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: W. R. Anderson 8873 (N); G. Gardner 5281 (N—type). aE SYNGONANTHUS GRACILIS var. PULCHER Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 37 [as "pulchra"]. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 19h6. Synonymy: Syngonanthus gracilis var. pulchra Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 347. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 347 & 418. 1928; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 1963 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., fed. 2], 92 & 213. 199; Mol- denke, Résumé 107, 352, & 92. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 174 (1971) and 2: 637 & 962. 1971. This variety is based on A. Silveira 716 from "In campis in- ter Serrinha et Itacambira", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in July, 1926, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. On page 7h PETROL Deeb Vol. 37, no. 2 418 of his work (1928) Silveira gives Itacambira as the type lo- cality. He describes the variety as "Foliis supra appresso- pubescentia, subtus glabra, 6—12 mm longa, 0.5 mm medio lata. Pedunculi numerosi, filiformes virides, dense pilis glanduliferis obsiti, 3—8 cm alti, 3-costati, non vel paullo torti vaginae ob— lique fissae ut pedunculos pubescentes 6—10 mm elatae. Capitula 2 mm lata, pallide albo-flavida., Bracteae involucrantes obovatae rotundato-obtusae, flores claudentes." Thus far it is known only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS GRACILIS var. RECURVIFOLIUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (4-30): 252 [as "recurvifolia"]. 1903; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 16 & 58. 19h6. Synonymy : onanthus gracilis var. recurvifolia Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 252. 1903. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 252 & 293. 1903; Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 212. 1931; Moldenke, Known, Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 6, 18, & 58. 196; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 65, 92, & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Résumé 73, 107, 352, & 492. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 127 & 17k (1971) and 2: 637 & 963. 1971; Moldenke, Phy- tologia 36: 79 & 83. 1977. This variety is based on Passarge & Selwyn 81 from "Gebiet des unteren Orinoko, Savanne bei S. Lucia, auf abgebranntem Grasland" in Venezuela and W. Schwacke 408) from "Amazonasgebiet; Cachoeira grande am Rio Negro bei Mandos" in Brazil, both deposited in the Berlin herbarium. Ruhland (1903) describes the variety as "Dif- fert foliis brevissimis, recurvato-rosulatis, angustissime line- aribus, obtusiusculis, atro-olivaceis, appresso—puberulis, mox calvescentibus, modo 5——6 mm longis; vaginis folia mltiplo superantibus, arctissimis, lamina appressa, apice obtusiuscula praeditis, torto-striatulis, brunneolis, persistenter patenti- hirtellis, 2 cm longis; pedunculis gracillimis, 3 costatis, valde tortis, splendido subolivaceo-flavidis usque 1, cm altis; capitu- lis parvis, apertis, vix 2 mm latis, plerumque opacis; bracteis involucrantibus concavis, ovatis, imbricatis, rotundato-obtusis, flores vix adaequantibus, non vel vix nitidulis." It has been collected in anthesis in December. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria under the designation Paepalanthus hirtellus var. §@ Korn. Citations: BRAZIL: State undetermined: J. E. Pohl s.n. [Bras- ilia) (Mu) ° a SYNGONANTHUS GRACILIS var. SETACEUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 252 [as "setacea"]. 1903; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 19h6. Synonymy: Paepalanthus oxycnemis Mart. ex Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 61, in syn. 1863. Paepalanthus gracilis var. Q subvar. ® Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 461—163. 1863. Paepalanthus gracilis var. b. subvar. @ Korn. apud Ruhl. in Engl., 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 75 Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 252, in syn. 1903. Paepalanthus gracil- is var. b var. ? Korn. apud Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h- 30): 290, in syn. 1903. Sees gracilis var. setacea Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 252. 1903. Syngonanthmus gracilis setacea Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12, in syn. 1965. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 61—-463. 1863; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02. 189k; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 252, 290, & 293. 1903; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 18. 1928; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 02. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18, 49, 52, & 58. 196; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 492. 19h8; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia 4: 319. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 107, 325, 327, 352, & 492. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 02. 19603; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 5 & 12. 1965; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 17) (1971) and 2: 583, 587, 637, & Aa 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 276 (1976) and 36: 73, 75, & 78. 1977. This variety is based on Martius 557 from Campos, Rio de Janeiro, and Glaziou 1359 from Cabo Frio in the same state, de- posited in the Berlin herbarium. Ruhland (1903) describes it as "Differt foliis arrecto-caespitosis, setaceo-linearibus, longi- usculis, acutangulis, obtusiusculis, juventute pilis brevibus aspersis, mox glabriusculis, in sicco atro-olivaceis vel spadic- eo-brumneis, 2—2,5 cm longis; vaginis folia vix adaequantibus, arctis, subtiliter striatis, pilis glanduliferis patenti- puberulis; pedunculis erectis, gracillimis, tortis, 3 costatis, sparse glandulifero-puberulis, circ. 1) cm altis; capitulis sub- globosis, semi-apertis, demum circ. 3 m latis; bracteis involu- crantibus flores perspicue superantibus, interioribus acutiuscu- lis, omnibus obovatis, glabris, nitide stramineo-flavidis, con- cavis." Kornicke's Paepalanthus gracilis var. § subvar. ® is based on Luschnath s.n. (Campos Bravos] and Riedel 557 in part [inter Macahé et Campos]. Recent collectors have encountered this plant in "bare spots in shrubby restinga", flowering in September. Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 603 from Bahia, collected in 1912. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Guanabara: B. Lutz 602 (Ja— 24576, Ja—-11369h, Ja, W—1593789). Rio de Janeiro: Segadas- Vianna, Dau, Ormond, Machline, & Lorédo 943 (Z). MOUNTED IL- LUSTRATIONS: drawings & notes by Kérnicke (B). SYNGONANTHUS GRACILIS var. SUBINFLATUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (4-30): 250 [as "subinflata"]. 1903; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 15 & 58. 196. Synonymy: Paepalanthus brizoides Kunth, Enum, Pl. 3: 53h, in part. 18h1. Paepalanthus gracilis var.q{ subvar.QF Korn. in 76 POR oT. OG ek Vol. 37, no. 2 Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 460—)63. 1863. Paepalanthus gracilis var. a subvar.Q Korn. apud Ruhl, in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h- 30): 250 & 290, in syn. 1903. Paepalanthus gracilis var. a@ var. Of Korn. apud Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (f-30): 290, in syn. 1903. Syngonanthus gracilis var. subinflata Ruhl. in Engl., Pflangzenreich 13 (l=30) : 250. 1903. Bibliography: K6rn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 60—63. 1863; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 250, 290, & 293. 1903; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18, 49, & 58. 1963; Molden- ke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 1993; Mol- denke, Résumé 107, 325, 352, & 492. 19593 Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 17h (1971) and 2: 583, 637, & 963. 19713 Moldenke, Phytologia 3): 275 & 276 (1976) and 36: 73 & 83. 1977. This variety is based on A. Silveira 865 from "an feuchten Stellen in der Serra do Lenheiro", Minas Gerais, Brazil, deposited in the Berlin herbarium. Ruhland (1903) describes it as "Differt bracteis involucrantibus spadiceo-brunneis, rotundato-obtusis, glabris, capituium perspicue superantibus et subincludentibus; pedunculis perspicues 3 costatis, stramineo-flavidis, pilis arrec- to=patentibus, eglandulosis, praesertim apice subdense et persis- tenter pilosis, ad 11 cm longis; vaginis laxiusculis, virescenti- bus, striatis, pilis squarroso-patentibus, glanduliferis hirtis, 3 cm longis; foliis valde repressis, fere rosulatis, viridibus, obtusiusculis, levissime puberulis, 6—7 mm longis." Thus far it is known only from the original collection which was collected in anthesis in April. Koérnicke's Paepalanthus gracilis var. QO subvar. Qf was based by him on Salzmann s.n. from Bahia (but he cited another Salzmann s.n. from Bahia under his P. gracilis var. c). Ruhland (1903) cites Eriocaulon brizoides Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 53h (1841) as questionably belonging [in part?] in the synonymy of this variety, but he also regards it as questionably [in part] var. koernickeamis Ruhl. In previous publications I have re- garded it as in part typical S. gracilis, but this seems to be incorrect. For some reason unknown to me he dates Kunth's work "18,0", SYNGONANTHUS GRACILIS var. TENUISSIMUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (h-30): 250 [as "termissima"]. 1903; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 196. Synonyuy : onanthus gracilis var. tenuissima Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 250. 1903. Syngonanthus gracilis tenuissima Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12, in syn.. 1965. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 250 & 293. 1903; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 19146; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 19493 Moldenke, Phytologia : 319. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 107, 352, & 492. 19593; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12. 19653 Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 17h (1971) and 2: 637 & 963. 19715 Moldenke, Phy- tologia 29: 211 (197k), 30: 37 (1975), 31: 386 (1975), and 36: 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 77 83. 1977. This variety is based on Regnell III.1266 and III .1801 from Caldas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, deposited in the Berlin herbarium, Ruhland (1903) describes it as "Differt foliis plus mims erecto- distantibus, caespitosis, e basi dilatata setaceo-linearibus, ob- tusiuseulis, raro subrecurvatis, pilis brevibus irregulariter subappressis, puberulis, 3—); mm longis; pedunculis 10--12 cm longis; vaginis folia longe superantibus, ut folia pilosis; pedun- culis primo intuitu teretibus, costulis vix vel non conspicuis, tenmuissimis, stramineo-flavidis, apicem versus interdum sparse puberulis; bracteis involucrantibus obovatis, pallide aureis, plerumque perspicue acutiusculis, capitulum includentibus." Recent collectors have encountered this plant on moist campos, flowering in May, July, and August. Material has been misidenti- fied and distributed in some herbaria as S. gracilis var. recur- vifolia Ruhl. Lutzelburg 20687 is a mixture with Eriocaulon neglectum Ruhl. and Paepalanthus lamarckii Kunth. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Amaz6nas: Litzelburg 20687 in part (Mu). Minas Gerais: Liitzelburg 20938 (Mu, Z); Regnell III. 1266 [1/18h8] (W--200757—cotype, Z~-cotype), I11.1266 [5/h/1870] (W--9 36258—cotype) . SYNGONANTHUS GRAO-MOGOLENSIS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 3h2——3h3, pl. 216. 1928. Synonymy: Syngonanthus gr&o-mogolensis Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. pl. 216. 1928. Syngonanthus grao-nogolensis Alv. Silv. ex Mol- denke, Résumé Suppl. 18: 14, in syn. 1969. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 3h2——343 & 18, pl. 216. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 78. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 19413; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 1963 Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 493 & 98. 1948; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 1993 Moldenke, Résumé 107, 352, & 492. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 18: 1h. 1969; Mol- denke, Phytologia 20: 80. 1970; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 52 (3): B.A. S.1C. S$ .228. 19713 Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 52: 1316. 19715 Molden= ke, Excerpt. Bot. A.18: khS. 1971; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 17) (1971) and 2: 637 & 963. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 277. 1976. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 216. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 842 from "In campis areno~ sis humidisque secus margines fluminis Iracambirussu, prope Gr&o Mogol", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in July, 1926, and depos— ited in the Silveira herbariun. Citations: BRAZIL: Pard: Castro Soares s.n. [Herb. Rio Jan. 86788] (N). SYNGONANTHUS GRAO=MOGOLENSIS var. DETONSUS Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 80 [as "gr&o-mogolensis"]. 1970. Synonymy: Syngonanthus gr&o-mogolensis var. detonsus Moldenke, 78 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 Phytologia 20: 80. 1970. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 80. 19703 Anon. Biol. Abstr. 52 (3): B.A.S.I.C. S.228. 1971; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 52: 1316. 1971; Moldenke, Excerpt. Bot. A.18: lhS. 19713 Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 17h (1971) and 2: 637 & 963. 19713; Moldenke, Phy- tologia 34: 277. 1976. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Irwin, Reis dos Santos, Souza, & Fonseca 2335 (N--isotype, Z--type). SYNGONANTHUS GUIANENSIS Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 352 & 381, nom. mad. 1947; in Maguire & al., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 201-- 302. 1948. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 352 & 381. 1947; Molden- ke in Maguire & al., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 201-202. 198; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 701. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 67 & 213. 19h93 E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 2hh. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 76, hig, & 192. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 131 (1971) and 2: 778 & 963. 1971. This species is based on Maguire & Fanshawe 23236 from the Kaieteur Savanna, Guyana, collected on May ), 19), and deposited in the Britton Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden. The collectors describe it as a locally frequent, anmal, short~- stemmed herb with canescent leaves. Superfically it greatly re- sembles Blastocaulon rupestre (G. Gardn.) Ruhl. of Minas Gerais, Brazil. SW eral GUYANA: Maguire & Fanshawe 23182 (N), 23236 (N— type). SYNGONANTHUS HABROPHYUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 27h. 1903. Synonymy: Syngonanthus habrophyllus Ruhl. ex Mendes Magalhies, Anais V Reun. Amal Soc. Bot. Bras. 242. 1956. Paepalantis habrophyus Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 20, in syn. 1959. onanthus habraphys Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12, in syne 1965. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (-30): 271, 27h, & 293. 19033 Ruhl., Verh. Bot. Ver. Brand. 48: 130. 19073 Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 418, 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 196; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 93. 1918; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Dis- trib. Verbenac., tea! 2), 92 & 213. 199; Moldenke, Phytologia h: 320. 1953; Mendes Magalhfes, Anais V. Reun. Amal Soc. Bot. Bras. 2h2-—2h3, 19563; Moldenke, Résumé 107 & 92. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 20. 19593; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Min- as 71. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 35 (1962) and 12: 12. 1965; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 17 (1971) and 2: 58h, 637, & 963. 1971. This species is based on Glaziou 649 from dry sand near the sea at Restinga de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, deposited in the Berlin herbarium where it was photographed by Macbride as 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 79 his type photograph mumber 10687. Recent collectors have found it growing on bare ground of shrubby restinga between shrubs and trees, forming colonies, and ascending from about sealevel to 1200 m. altitude, flowering from Jamiary te September, and fruit- ing in February and July. Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 51 from the Serra de Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, collected in 1895. Ruhland (1903) asserts that the species is related to S. ulei Ruhl. The Segadas-Vianna, Dau, Ormond, Machline, & Lorédo 1.90, dis- tributed as S. hab 8, actually is S. nitidus (Bong.) Ruhl., while Mexia 573 is S. niveus var. rosulatus (Korn.) Moldenke and Brade 1100) and Mello Barreto 479, [Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 1753k) are S. pauper Ruhl. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Héringer & Castel- lanes 6173 (B); Mello Barreto 25853 (N); Segadas—Viama 6007 (Sm). Rio de Janeiro: Glaziou 69 [Macbride photoes 10687] (B—type, Ne— isotype, N—photo of type, W--photo of type, Z——isotype); Segadas- Vianna, Dau, Ormond, Machline, & Larédo 149 (Ja), 37h (Sm). SYNGONANTHUS HARLEYI Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 89—l91. 1975. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 386 & 489—l91. 1975; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 61: AC1.718. 1976. Illustrations: Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 91. 1975. Citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Harley, Renvoize, Erskine, Brighton, & Pinheiro in Harley 16662 (Z—type). SYNGONANTHUS HATSCHBACHII Moldenke (in press) Citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Hatschbach 39668 (Z—type). SYNGONANTHUS HELMINTHORRHIZUS (Mart.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (h-30) 261. 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon umbellatum Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 633. 1831 [not E. umbellatum Humb., 1826, nor Humb. & Bonpl., 1817, nor H.B.K., 1817, nor Humb. & Kunth, 1852, nor Kunth, 1641 & 1852, nor Lam., 1789]. Paepalantius helminthorrhizus Mart. ex Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): hh3-— hhh, pl. 60, fig. h. 1863. Paepalanths helminthorrhizus var. gf Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 4h3--khh. 1863. Paepalantims helminthorrhizus var. § Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): hh3—hbhh. 1863. Paepalanthus (Andraspidopsis) helminthorrhizus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): pl. 60, fig. kh. 1863. Dupatya helmin- thorhiza (Mart.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 745. 1891. Dupatya helminthorhiza Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145, in syn. 1902. Dupatya helminthorrhiza Kuntze apad Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (30) 3 261, in syn. 1903. onanthus helminthorrhizus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Syngonanthus helmintherrhisus "(Martius) ex Koer- 80 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 nicke Ruhland in Engler" apud Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 6: 1162. 1972. Bibliography: Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 3. 1831; Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 633. 18313 Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): hh3—hbh, 451, 502, & 507, pl. 60, fig. . 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 75. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 879 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 402. 189); Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (-30): 3, 2h6, 261, 26h, 287, 290, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 118. 1928; Stapf, Ind. Lond. h: 518. 1930; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 1915 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 879 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: 02. 1946; Molden- ke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 56, 303, & 30h. 196; Moldenke, Known Geo- gr. Distrib. Erioc. 18, 30, 1, 49, & 58. 196; Moldenke, Phyto- logia 2: 498. 1948; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 951 (19h9) and ks: 1301 & 130). 199; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 19493 Moldenke, Phytologia \: 320. 19533 Dur and & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Ré- sumé 107, 117, 280, 293, 325, 351, 352, & 492. 19593 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 879 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 402. 19603 Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 71. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 35. 19623 Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.9: 290. 19653 Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 6: 3616. 19653 Moldenke, Résu- mé Suppl. 18: 9. 1969; Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: 158. 19693 Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 17h, 187, & 481 (1971) and 2: 515, 58h, 636, 637, & 963. 1971; Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 6: 1162 & Ind. 20 & 28. 1972; Moldenke, pretest 23: 418 (1972), 28: 463 (197k), 31: 08 (1975), and 3h: 276. 1976. gents tone: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): pl. 60, fig. kh. 1863. This species is apparently based on an unnumbered Riedel col- lection from swampy places along the Rio Pardo, Mato Grosso, Bra- zil, deposited in the Leningrad herbarium, the type of Eriocaulon umbellatum Bong. (1831). Kornicke (1863), in adopting Martius! cheironymous name, Paepalanthus helminthorrhizus, for this spec- ies, apparently used it as a substitute for Bongard's earlier name since the latter was a later hononym of the Eriocaulon um bellatum of Lamarck as well as of that of H.B.K. It would appear to me, therefore, that the type of Bongard's name remains the type also of Kérnicke's name and of his Paepalanthus helminthor- rhizus var. ®, the typical variety, although G. Gardner 526h and J. E. Pohl 3302 have in the past been regarded as cotypes of the latter variety, for which he cites these collections and an un- mambered Riedel collection from the Berlin herbarium. This Rie- del collection is ascribed by Ruhland (1903) to Rio Grande do Sul, but K. Emrich, in a letter to me dated Jamary 30, 1950, as- serts that it is from Mato Grosso since Riedel never collected in Rie Grande do Sul. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 81 Kornicke's original description of his var. Q is: "foliis caulinis pilis brevibus arrectis puberulis vel pubescentibus demm calvis" and cites for it "in Brasilia orientali: Sellow; in prov. Goyazensi: Pohl; e. gr. in paludosis prope Aracoara: Riedel n. 2202." His var. % is described by him as "foliis caulinis linis pilis patentibus vel patentissime longioribus pubescentibus vel hirsu- tis. Er. umbellatum Bong., nec Lam. nex HBKth. in paludibus ad ripas Rio Pardo prov. Rio Grande do Sul: Riedel; in prov. Minarum: Gardner n. 5264; in prov. Goyazensi inter praedia Alegras et Trin- idade: Pohl n. 3302." Recent collectors describe S. helminthorrhizus as an herb, with its inflorescences 85--100 cm. tall, bearing "gray-green" heads. They have found it growing in brejo, swamps, and marshes, in low wet ground in cerrado on hills, and in gallery margins in areas of gallery forest and adjacent wet campo, at altitudes of 975-1300 meters, flowering and fruiting from July to October (also in flow- er in May). Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 423 from Itapetin- inga, SHo Paulo, collected in 1887. The Eriocaulon umbellatum, referred to in the synonymy above, is a synonym of Syngonanthus umbellatus (Lam.) Ruhl., while that of Humboldt, Bonpland, & Kunth is in the synonymy of what we now know as S. humboldtii (Kunth) Ruhl. The Angely (1972) work cited in the bibliography above is often listed as "1970", but was not actually published until 1972. Ruhland (1903) cites the following collections for S. helminth orrhizus: Goids: Glaziou 22313, J. E. Pohl 3302. Minas 3 Gerais: G Ge Gardner 5264. Mato Grosso: L. Riedel s.n. S&o Paulo: Burchell 5206, Lofgren 156, L. Riedel 2202, Sellow 570. He comments that "Specimina a cl. Glaziou sub n, 22313 collecta foliis caulinis longissimis, perrobustius a ceteris abhorrent". The S,. glandulosus Herzog, sometimes regarded as a synonym of the typical form of S. helminthorrhisus, is actually a synonym of its var. glandulosus Moldenke, which see. Material of S. helminthorrhizus has been misidentified and dis- tributed in some herbaria as S. glandulosus Herzog and as Paepal- anthus sp. ~~ Additional & emended citations: BRAZIL: Distrito Federal: Ir win, Grear, Souza, & Reis dos Santos 18162 (La, N, W-—2759030)5 Irwin, Souza, & Reis dos | Santos 8870 (N, W—2759029, Z). Goids: Hatschbach ach 34593 (Ld); Macedo 1903 (S, S, S), 3342 (S, S)j J. E. Pohl 3302 [N. Y. Bot. Gard. Type Photo New Ser. 6836] (Mu, Ma, Mu, N—photo, Z—-photo); Ule 235 (P). Mato Grosso: Archer & Gane 185 (Herb, Inst. Bot. S. Paulo 36369] (W—17),080); Hatschbach 2559 (Ac, N, S, W--2706888), 32346 (Ld); Rombouts s.n. [Solos 2h1; Herb. Inst. Agron. S. Paulo 2752] (W—159657). Minas Gerais: G. Gardner 526 [Macbride photos 10688] (N, N--photo, W—photo); Hatschbach 82 PHYTO: W100 Tok Vol. 37, no. 2 27376 (Ft, S). S&o Paulo: Lofgren 156 (P); L. Riedel 2202 (B, M, N—photo, S, Ut--05, Z—photo); Sellow 5470 (B). PARAGUAY: Hassler 1127 (Ca—929865, Mi, Ny V-—-13030, W--205585). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): pl. 60, fig. (B, N, Z), n. 187 (B); drawings by K6rnicke (B). SYNGONANTHUS HELMINTHORRHIZUS var. GLANDULOSUS Moldenke, Phytolo~ gia 10: 489. 196. Synonymy: Syngonanthus glandulosus Herzog ex Moldenke, Résumé 351, in syn. 1959. Syngonanthus glandulosa Herzog ex Moldenke, Résumé 351, in syn. 1959 [not S. glandulosus Gleason, 1929]. Bibliography: Moldenke, Résum6 351. 1959; Moldenke, Phytologia 10: 489. 1964; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 11: 5. 196h; J. A. Clark, Card-Ind. Gen. Sp. & Var. Pl., issue 26. 1965; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.9: 290. 1965; Moldenke, Biol, Abstr. 6: 3616. 1965; Schu- bert, Assoc. Trop. Biol. Bull. 5: 68. 1965; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. eye) a and 2: 636 & 963. 19713; Moldenke, Phytologia 31: « 1975s Herzog's S. glandulosus apparently is based on Brade 6585 from the Horto Oswaldo Cruz at Butantan, Sdo Paulo, Brazil, was collec ted there in September, 1921, and is deposited in the Munich her- barium where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photo- graph number 1873; it is inscribed "Syngonanthus glandulosus Her- sog n. sp. ad interim". My variety, on the contrary, is based on Héringer 130/534 from the mata at Horto de Guar&, Brasilia, in the Distrito Federal, collected on May 17, 1961, and deposited in my personal herbarium. Irwin and his associates refer to this variety as a rosette herb, the inflorescences to 1 m. tall, and the heads whitish. They encountered it in gallery forests at 1100 m. altitude, in flower and fruit in September. Citations: BRAZIL: Distrito Federal: Héringer 8340/53h (Z— N, N——phote, W--photo). xSYNGONANTHUS HESSII Moldenke, Phytologia 5: 31. 1956. Synonymy: Syngonanthus angolensis H. Hess x S. poggeanus Ruhl. ex H. Hess, Bericht. Schweitz. Bot. Gesell. 65: 195. 1955. "x (S. angolensis x S. eams) H. Hess" apud Anon., Assoc. Etud. Tax. Fl. Afr. Trop. Index 1955, p. 30. 1956. Syngonanthus olensis x poggeams H. Hess apud Moldenke, Phytologia E 31, in syn. 1956. Bibliography: H. Hess, Bericht. Schweitz. Bot. Gesell. 65: 195 & 198, fig. 5. 1955; Moldenke, Phytologia 5: 31. 19563 Anon., Assoc. Etud. Tax. Fl. Afr. Trop. Index 1955, p. 30 (1956) and 1956, p. 28. 19575; Moldenke, Résumé 1)7, 351, & 92. 19593 G. Taylor, Ind, Kew. Suppl. 13: 132. 19663 Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 2h) (1971) aE 2: 635 & 963. 19713; Moldenke, Phytologia 3): 278 (1976) and 35: 314. 1977. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Ericcaulaceae 83 Illustrations: H. Hess, Bericht. Schweitz. Bot. Gesell. 65: 198, Hess (1955) describes this natural hybrid as follows: "Folia aequalia illis parentium, glabra vel adpresso=pilosa vel pilis glanduliferis patentibus puberula. Vaginae plus mimsve glandu- loso=pilosae, saepe subglabrae. Culmi intermedii, 0,2—1 mm longi, capitula versus praesertim dense pilosi, sed saepe glaberrimi (culmo rotundo, non striato). Capitula subaequalia illis S. ango- lensis. Bracteae involucrantes albae vel flavescentes vel dilute fuscae. Sepala 2 floris 2,3—2,7 mm longa, dorsaliter et yentral- iter sparse usque dense pilosa, saepe glaberrima. Sepala 6 floris intermedia, basi flavescentia usque albida. Pubescentia similis illi S. angolensis, plerumque parcior. Plantae normaliter ferti- les." He comments further that "Die Blatter sind von gleicher Form und Grosse wie die der _Elterns sie sind kahl, angedriickt behaart oder auch abstehend driisenhaarig. Die Scheiden sind $ dicht mit abstehenden Drusenhaaren besetzt, oft fast kahl. An den Halmen gibt es alle tfhergange zwischen dicht driisenhaarigen und fast kahlen Exemplaren; dabei schwankt auch die Lange der Drusenhaaren zwischen 0,2--1 mm. Die obersten Zentimeter unter den Blitenkopf sind bei Syngonanthus Poggeanus und S, Wahlbergii besonders dicht mit Driisen- und Spitzhaaren besetzt. An den Nastarden ist dies auch zu beobachten, doch ist dieser Teil oft auch vollstandig kahl. Die Blitenkopfe sind ungefahr gleich gross wie bei S. ango- lensis. Die Hullbrakteen sind weiss, gelblich oder hellbraun. Die Sepalen der Y Bliiten sind 2,3--2,7 mm lang, dorsal un ventral zerstreut bis dicht behaart, oft auch ganz kahl. Die Sepalen der # Bliiten sind in der Grosse ebenfalls intermediar, am Grunde gelblich bis weiss. Die Behaarung ist wie bei S. angolensis, je- doch meist sparlich. Die Pflanzen sind normal fertil." He bases the hybrid on H. Hess 52/615, 52/2089, 52/2107, & 58/2113 from Bié, Angola, at 1100—1360 m. altitude, pee in February and June. Its habitat is "Mit denen von Syngonan angolensis tibereinstimmend und mit diesen gemeinsam ay Variations, he says, "Ergeben sich aus der Bastardnatur und sind in der Diagnose riicksichtigt". Its distribution is "Angola: Im Baixo Cubango und an den Seitenfltissen des Rio Cubango, am Rio Cuatir und am Rio Quiriri". Interestingly, he asserts that "Der einer Elter, Syngonanthus Poggeams, findet sich nicht unter dem gesammelten Material aud Angola. Der locus classicus dieser Art liegt aber nordlich des Baixo Cubango." This admission that only one of the putative parenal species occurs with the hybrid is re- markable. If this situation is widespread in this family, it is most probable that many such hybrids will be discovered among the "variant" specimens now assigned tentatively to so many taxa in the group in the New World. As far as we know, this hybrid is represented in herbaria only by the original collections. 8h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 SYNGONANTHUS HETEROPEPLOIDES Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 211--212, pl. 120. 1931. Bibliography: Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 211— 212, pl. 120, fig. k==m,. 1931; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 93 271s 1938; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 59 (2): 20. 1939; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 191; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 196; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 975. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 65, 92, & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia : 320. 1953; Moldenke in J. A. Steyerm., Fieldiana Bot. 28: 82). 1957; Moldenke, Résumé 69, 73, 107, & 492. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. h: 4. 1962; J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 1: 27. 1966; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 16: 5. 1968; Moldenke, Fifth Suma, 1: 120, 127, & 17h (1971) and 2: 963. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 136. 197%. Illustrations: Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: pl. 120, fig. k—m. 1931. This species is based on lutzelburg 21991 from on sand at Mam aos, Amaz6nas, Brazil, deposited in the Munich herbarium; an iso- type, also in the Munich herbarium, was photogezphed there by Macbride as his type photograph number 1875. Herzog (1931) says of this species: "Diese Art steht durch den Bau der Bliiten das Fehlen der Bracteae stipantes und manche andere Ztige dem S. het- eropeplus nahe unterscheidet sich aber die ganz kahlen Kelch- blatter der @ und $ Bliiten ferner durch den Zuschnitt der Sepalen, die bei S. heteropeplus wesentlich schmaler und fast rohrig zuge- spitzt sind, die Petalen die bei unserer neuen Art deutlich schmaler und viel schwicher behaart sind, und schliesslich durch die perinteren Grossenunterschiede obwoh] zwischen 6 und Bltften, wie auch gwischen Sepalen und Petalen der % Hltite." Recent collectors have encountered this plant in moist open sandy areas and in wet ground along streams at the base of Mau- ritia palms, at 100—200 m. altitude, in flower in July, Septen- ber, and October. Wurdack and his associates found it locally frequent on savannas. The Schultes & Cabrera 17564, distributed as S. heteropeploides, actually represents, instead, S. huberi Ruhl., while Schuiltes, Ba- ker, & Cabrera 17987 and Schultes & Cabrera 17586 are Paepalantims saxicola var. conicus Moldenke. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Maguire, Wurdack, & Keith 41807 (N); Maguire, Wurdack, & Maguire 11630 (N, 5); Wurdack & Adderley 3707 (N, S). BRAZIL: Amaz6nas: Liitzelburg 21991 [Mac- bride photos 18745] (Mu--type, N--photo of isotype, W-—-photo of isotype, Z—isotype). SYNGONANTHUS HETEROPEPLUS (Korn.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 248. 1903. ‘ Synonymy: Paepalanthus heteropeplus Korn. in Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. 3: 238. 1867. Bibliography: Korn. in Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. 3: 238. 1867; 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 85 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02. 189k; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (-305: 2hh, 248, 290, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Herzog in Fedde, Rep- ert. Spec. Nov. 29: 210——211., 1931; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 02. 1916; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 7, 49, & 58. 19,6; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verben- ace, fed. 2], 68 & 213. 199; Moldenke, Résumé 78, 325, & 92. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 02. 19603; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 13 (1971) and 2: 58h & 963. 1971. This species is based on Mélinon 338 from French Guiana, de- posited in the herbarium of the Muséum National d'Histoire Natur— elle in Paris and is thus far know only from the original col- lection. Ruhland (1903) says of it "Species sepali Soeipee discum longe superante valde insignis esse dicitur. Ego ea non vidi." The Lutzelburg 20800, 20875, & 21035a, distributed as S. het- eropeplus, actually are S. simplex var. appendiculifer Ruhl. SYNGONANTHUS HETEROPHYLLUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 369-370, pl. 23h. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 369—370 & 18, pl. 23h. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 478. 19373 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 26. 19); Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 1916; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 19h9; Molden- ke, Résumé 107 & 92. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 17) (1971) and 2: 963. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 348. 1977. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 23h. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 548 from "In campis areno- sis prope Itacambira", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in July, 1926, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. In his text Sil- veira (1928) refers to "Tabula CCXXXV" as illustrating this spe- cies, but the illustration itself is labeled "TABULA CCXXXIV" — plate 235 actually depicts S. angustifolius Alv. Silv. He says of S. heterophyllus: "Species a S. elegans (Bong.) Ruhl. cauli hypogeo paullo elongato, capitulis minoribus et bracteis involu- crantibus pallidioribus differt". etvccn HETEROTRICHUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. min. 73, pl. 29. 1908. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. 73, pl. 29. 1908; Fedde & Schust, in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 6 (2): 5. 192k} Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 311-—313, pl. 197, 198, & 209. 1928; Stapf, Ind. Lond. 6: 248. 1931; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 8: 231. 1933; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 478. 19375 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 19383 Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 1941; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 1946; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 935. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Phy- 86 PHY tOL OG TA Vol. 37, no. 2 tologia 4: 320. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 108 & 92. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 17) (1971) and 2: 963. 19713 Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 425. 1977. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Serr. Min. pl. 29. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 197, 198, & 209. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 379 from "In cacumine montis, Morro do Breu, campis uliginosis, et aliis locis uvidis in Serra do Cipé", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1905, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Thus far it is knom only from the original collection. It apparently bears a strik=- ing superficial resemblance to S. chapadensis Alv. Silv. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: A, Silveira 379 (Herb. Marie- Victorin 1237] (B--isotype, Z--isotype, Z--photo of isotype). oT ota. io HIRTELLUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 252. 1903. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 2hh, 252, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 196; Moldenke, Known Geo- gr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Résumé 108 & 492. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 17) (1971) and 2: 963. 1971. This species is based on Glaziou 1551) from Itacolumy, near Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil, flowering in June, and deposi- ted in the Berlin herbarium. It is thus far known only from the original collection and Ruhland (1903) notes that the "Species cum S. gracili peraffinis". He distinguishes the two as follows: 1. "Folia anguste vel setaceo-linearia, glabra vel pilosula; bracteae involucrantes apice rotundato—obtusae".S. gracilis. la. "Folia plana, latiuscule linearia, hirtellaj bracteae in- volucrantes acutiusculac".....cecesscorccscsccede hirtellus. SYNGONANTHUS HONDURENSIS Moldenke, Phytologia 1: 3hh--3h5. 1939. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 1: 345. 1939; Molden- ke, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 522: 16. 1940; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. & 58. 1946; Hill & Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 10: 22h. 197; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 777. 199; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 37 & 213. 199; Standl. & Steyerm., Fieldiana Bot. 2): 378 & 379. 1958; Moldenke, Résumé 3 & 92. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 82 (1971) and 2: 963. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 306. 1977. Citations: BELIZE: O'Neill 8543 (I--isotype, Mi--type, N— isotype) . SYNGONANTHUS HUBERI Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (lh-30): 266. 1903. Bibliography: Ruhl, in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h-30): 26h, 266, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl, Mont. 1: 418. 1928; Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 58: 327. 1931; Moldenke, Alph. list Cit. 1: 132. 196; Moldenke, Known Ge- ogr. Distrib. Erioc. 5, 18, & 58. 1946; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 87 493. 1948; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 945 (19h9) and h: nat & 1075. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2 61, 92, 95, & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia h: 320—321. 1953; Cuatrecas., Revist. Acad. Colomb. "“Cienc. 10: 254. 1958; Moldenke, Résumé 69, 76, 108, 112, & 492. 1959; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.j: 28h. 1962; Moldenke, Phytologia 19: fs, 1969; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 120, 131, i7h, & 180 (1971) and 2: 963. 1971; *Moldenke, Phytologia 23: 127 (1972), 332 80 (1976), 3h: 259 (1976), 35: 292, 317, & 346 (1977), and 36: 65, 6, & "470. 1977. This species is based on Je Huber 173, collected in June, 1896, at "Rio Arary, in lichtem Camposwald auf Sand", on Marajo island in the mouth of the Amazon river, Brazil, deposited in the Berlin herbarium where it was photographed by Macbride as his type pho- tograph number 10689. Ruhland (1903) cites only the one collec- tion and says that the species "cum S. philodicoidi valde affinis foliis latioribus, bracteis involucrantibus et flores stipantibus glabris, appendicibus styli nmullus ab illo differt". Recent collectors refer to S. mberi as a herbaceous aquatic plant, to 15 cm. tall, with white inflorescences and flowers, and have found it growing in and under water, in open sandy swamps, in dense forests, on sandy savannas with a quartzite base, and in rapids, at altitudes of 200--500 meters, flowering from January to March and June to November, and fruiting from January to March as well as in July and August. Ramos reports encountering it in a "forest on high river banks, flowering just above water level". Agostini refers to it as "hierba en lecho de quebrada seca", Goodland found it growing along with Philodice hoffmannseggii Mart. and Eriocaulon guyanense Korn. in a "marsh with open hog- wallowed impeded drainage by mottled clay pan, about 6 inch top and 6 inch light gray sand, in grassland with scattered trees, the dominant being Curatella, Byrsonima, Trachypogon, and Fimbristy- lis". Cowan & Soderstrom call it a "locally common herb in boggy patches atop rocks in constant mist from falls". Campbell and his associates collected it "in cracks of exposed rock in debris", Silveira (1928) cites Huber 436 from Marajo island. The spe- cies in many respects greatly - resembles S. anomalus (Korn.) Ruhl. and S. macrocaulon Ruhl. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as those species as well as Eriocau- ion sp., S. glandulosus Gleason, S. glandulosus var. epapillosus Moldenke, Podostemaceae, and even Potamogetonaceae. On the other hand, the Egler & Murca Pires 4772h, Murga Pires & Cavalcante 52h23, Schultes, "Baker, & Cabrera era 18442, and A. | A. ce Smith 2112, distributed as S. - huberi, actually are | are 3. macrocaulon Ruhl. I. The Ratter, Santos, “Souza, & & Ferreira R.1723, cited below, is a mix~ ture with the type of f. viviparus Moldenke. Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Meta: Killip 3259 (N, S). Vaupés: I. Cabrera 19702 (Ss); Schultes & Cabrera 13109 (Ss, W— 2171099), . 13192 (Ss), 1412 (Ss, W—2171)16), 172h0 0 (Ss), 19702 (N). VENEZUELA: Bolivar: Ay Agostini 26) (N); Hamann 2895 (Him). 88 PHYTOLOCG DA Vol. 37, no. 2 GUYANA: Cowan & Soderstrom 215), (Fg, N); Goodland 302 in part (Ld, W--256172). BRAZIL: Amazénas: Prance, Maas, Atchley, Steward, Woolcott, Coélho, Monteiro, Pinheiro, & Ramos 1126 thd}; G. H. He Tate 123 (N). Mato Grosso: Ratter, Santos, Souza, & Ferreira R. 1723 in part (Z). Par&: Campbell, Ongley, Ramos, Monteiro, & Nel- son P.22)33 (Ld); Liitzelburg 23182 (Mu). MARAJO ISLAND: Huber 173 (Macbride photos] (B--type, N--photo of type, W--photo of type). oP gee HUBERI f. VIVIPARUS Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 480. 1976. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 80 (197), 34: 259 (1976), and 36: 66. 1977. Material of this taxon has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as S. glandulosus var. epapillosus Moldenke. The type collection is a mixture with typical S. huberi Ruhl, Citations: BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: Ratter, Santos, Souza, & Fer- reira R.1723 in part (N-type). SYNGONANTHUS HUMBERTI Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 225. 1951. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 2-425 (1951) and hs 321. 1953; Moldenke in Humbert, Fl. Madag. 36: 30, 31, & 36-37, fig. 18--2. 1955; Moldenke, Résumé 156 & 92. 1959; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 12: 138. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 262 (1971) and 2: 963. 1971. Illustrations: Moldenke in Humbert, Fl. Madag. 36: 31, fig. 18==2). 1955. Additional citations: MADAGASCAR: Humbert 387 (N--photo of type, Z--photo of type). SYNGONANTHUS HUMBOLDTII (Kunth) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 262=-263. 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon umbellatum H.B.K., Nov. Gen. & Sp. Pl., ed. quart., 1: 252. 1816 [not E. umbellatum Bong., 1831, nor Lan., 1789]. Eriocaulon umbellatum Humb. & Bonpl. apud Roem. & Schult. in L., Syst. Veg., ed. 15 nova, 2: 867--868. 1817. Paepalanthus humboldtii Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 535. 1841. Eriocaulon umbellatum Humb. & Kunth ex Kunth, Enum, Pl. 3: 535 & 61h, in syn. 181. Eriocaulon humboldtii Kunth ex D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 263. 1852 (not E, humboldtii Kunth, 181]. Eriocaulon bonplandianum Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 275. 1855. Dupatya humboldtii Kunth) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Dupatya humboldtii Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonanthus humboldtii Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Syngonanthms humboldtii (Knuth) Ruhl. apud Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 59 (2): 20, sphalm. 1939. Syngonanthus humboldtii Rupr. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 23, in syn. 1959. Bibliography: H.B.K., Nov. Gen. & Sp. Pl., ed. quart., 1: 252- 253 (1816) and ed. folio, 1: 201. 1816; Roem. & Schult. in L., 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 89 Syst. Veg., ed. 15 nova, 2: 867—868. 1817; Kunth, Emm. Pl. 3: 535 & 625. 1841; Klotzsch in Schomb., Faun. & Fl. Brit.-Guian. 1116. 1848; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 263. 1852; Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: [Cyp.] 275, 333, & 334. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 279, L47—hu8, & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. Sig & Jacks, Ind. Kew., imp. L; is 877 & 879 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 402. 189); Barnhart, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 29: 585—598. 1902; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 2h6, 262——263, 28), 287, 290, & 293. 19033 Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 59 (2): 20. 19393 Moldenke in Gleason & Killip, Brittonia 3: 159. 1939; Dur- and & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 19413 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 877 & 879 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: O02. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 5, 6, 30, 33, bl, 9, & 58. 1946; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 92 & 132 (1946), 2: 557 (1948), 3: 975 (19h9), and hz 985. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 61, 65, & 213. 199; Moldenke, Phytologia h: 321. 1953; Cuatrecas., Revist. Acad. Col- omb, Cienc. 10: 255. 1958; Moldenke, Résumé 69, 73, 280, 286, 293, 325, & 492. 1959; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 23. 19593; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 877 & 879 (1960) and imp, 3, 2: 402. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. h: 5 (1962) and 18: 12. 1969; Oberwinkler, Pterid. & Sperm. Venez. 8 & 52. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 120, 127, & 481 (1971) and 2: 494, 503, 515, 584, 637, & 963. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 23: 18 (1972) and 25: 2hh. 1973; J. A. Steyerm., Biotropica 6: 10. 197k; J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 226 & 232. 1975; Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 257 & 277 (1976), 35: 343, 452, & h53 (1977), and 36: 35 & 65. 1977. This species is based on a Humboldt & Bonpland collection [Herb. Willdenow 2375] from "In ripa Orinocensi, prope Maypures et rupem Aricagua, locis calidis", Amazonas, Venezuela, deposited in the Berlin herbarium where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 1066). Kunth's Paepalanthus humboldtii (1841) is obviously only a new name for Bongard's homonymous Eri- ocaulon umbellatum (1831) and therefore has the same type; in fact, the Humboldt & Bonpland collection is the only one cited by Kunth. The Eriocaulon humboldtii Kunth (181) to which Dietrich (1852) refers H.B.K.'s E. umbellatum, is a very different taxon, being a valid species of Eriocaulon based on an entirely different type. The E, umbellatum of Bongard is a synonym of Syngonanthus helminthorrhigus (Mart.) Ruhl., while the E. umbellatum of Lamarck is now known as Syngonantims umbellatus (Lam.) Ruhl. Ruhland (1903) cites for Syngonanthus humboldtii only the orig- inal Humboldt & Bonpland collection. According to the late Dr. J. H. Barnhart (1902) the publication of this species in both the quarto and the folio editions of the H.B.K. work was in 1816, not "1815" as sometimes cited. Recent collectors have found this species growing on savannas 90 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 and riverbanks. Oldenburger and his associates found it "locally. common in transition of fine white sand to moist fine sand with clay". Wurdack & Monachino found it "abundant in morichal", while Davidse reports it from on "savannas with scattered trees, in- cluding Curatella, and with many large outcroppings of dark- colored boulders" and describe it as "moss—like plants with large umbels of globose inflorescences of white flowers". It has been collected in anthesis in February, May, June, and October and in fruit. in February and October, at altitudes of 90—-1000 meters. Garcia Barriga & Jaramillo Mejia 17119 is a mixture with var. glandulosus Gleason and a species of Burmannia. Material of typical S. humboldtii has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as var. glandulosus Gleason and as S, fertilis (Korn.) Ruhl. On the other hand, the Hertel & Oberwinkler winkler 15225, Vareschi & Foldats 576, and Vareschi & Magdefrau 6957, distribu- ted as typical S. | Ss. humboldtii, “actually - represent var. glandulosus Gleason, while Vareschi & Magdefrau 6612 6612 is S. bisumbellatus (Steud.) Ruhl. Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Garcia Barriga & Jara- millo Mejia 17119 in part (N); Humbert & Schultes 27320 (P); Schultes & Cabrera 19918b (W—211 3118) . VENEZUELA: Amazonas: G. Davidse 2752 (Ld); Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. [Herb. Willdenow 2375; Macbride photos 10664] (N-~photo of type, W. » W--photo of type); Var- eschi & Magdefrau 6614b (Ve—2516). Apuré: Ramia 1628 (Ve— 42810). Bolivar: Agostini 256 (N, Zz), 348 (Lw, N); Cardona Puig 2849 (W--2195051); Hamann 2900 (Hm), 2901 (Hm); Lépez—Palacios 3072 (Ld); Schacht s.n. (Canaima, Januar 1973] (Mu); Vareschi s.n. [Herb. Hamann 2899] ~ (Hm) Vareschi & Foldats 1,629 (N); Wardacl Wardack & Monachino 3998 (Mu, N). State State undetermined: ee 8 Ne {7 avril 1921] (B). SURINAM: Oldenburger, Norde, & Schulz 0 N.558 (N). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: drawings by Kornicke pee SYNGONANTHUS HUMBOLDTII var. ELONGATUS Moldenke in Maguire & al., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 101. 1953. Bibliography: Moldenke in Maguire & al., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 101. 19533 Moldenke, Phytologia 4: 321. °19535 Moldenke, Résumé 73 & 492. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 127 & 963. 1971. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its branches 30--50 om. long, with 1)--21 whorls of leaves, many of the upper whorls producing l, 2, or more secondary branches. Thus far, it is known only from the original collec- tion, Maguire, Cowan, & Wurdack 30558, from a savanna at 125 m. altitude in the Cerro Yapacana on the Rfo Orinoco, Amazonas, Ven- ezuela, deposited in the Britton Herbarium at the New York Botan- ical Garden. SYNGONANTHUS HUMBOLDTII var. GLANDULOSUS Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 58: 327. 1931. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 91 Synonymy: Syngonanthus humboldtii var. glandulousus Gleason ex Moldenke in Maguire & al., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 101, sphalm. 1953. Bibliography: Gleason, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 58: 327. 19313 Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 59 (2): 20. 19393 Molden- ke in Gleason & Killip, Brittonia 3: 159. 1939; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 92. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 6. 1946; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 557 (1948), 3: 975 (19h9), and he: os. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 65 & 213. 1919; Moldenke in Maguire & al., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 101. 1953; Moldenke, Phytologia : 321. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 69, 73, & 492. 19593 Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 120 & 129 (1971) and 2: 963. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 23: 418. 1972; J. A. Stey- erm., Biotropica 6: 10. 197); J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 10: = & 232. 1975; Moldenke, Phytologia 34: 277 (1976) and 36: 35 & - 1977. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having the peduncles softly glandular-villous, the stems elonga- ted, very slender, glabrous or puberulent at the summit, the leaves fascicled, very narrowly linear, lanate at the base, and the peduncles elongate and numerous. the Grand Savanna, Esmeralda, Amazonas, Venezuela, deposited in the Britton Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden. Gleason (1931) adds that "The basal leaves are 15—-25 mm. long and 3 to times as long as the cauline" ones. The statement made in my 1953 publication that Tate 1308 is the type collection of this variety is erroneous. Recent collectors have found the plant growing on savannas and morichal, campo cerrado, lowland savannas, quartzite savan- nas, along the banks of streams, in wet places and waterholes, in moist soil pockets, the moist parts of savannas, periodically flooded savannas on sand, on savannas over igneous rock, and in white sand generally, at altitudes of 15--1300 meters, flowering from September to January, March, April, June, and July, and in fruit in March, April, June, July, September, and November. Maguire and his associates report it as "infrequent" or "a com mon annual of damp sandy places on savannas", "locally frequent", “abundant on sabanitas", and "a dominant savanna herb common on wet savannas". Collectors describe the heads as white or ashy= gray and the flowers themselves as whitish. Foldats 3536 bears a striking resemblance to S. fertilis (Korn.) Ruhl., an obviously closely related species. Material of S. humboldtii var. glandulosus has been widely misidentified and distributed in herbaria as the typical form of S. humboldtii (Kunth) Ruhl. On the other hand, the Wurdack & Monachino 39918, distributed as var. dulosus, actually seems to represent the typical form. Cordeiro 31 is a mixture with S. glandulosus Gleason. Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Garcfa Barriga & Ja- 92 Po HX TsO; Ly0sG IA Vol. 37, no. 2 ramillo Mejia 17119 in part (W—2569)63A); Schultes, Baker, & Cabrera 18230 (Ss), 1853 (Ss, W—217219h) . ~~ VENEZUELA : Amazonas: Foldats 3536 (N); Holt & Gehriger 234 [Herb. Leonard 7662] (B, W- 147194); Maguire, Wurdack, & Bunting 36389 (N); Maguire, Wurdack, & Maguire 1658 (N, ei eS J. A. Steyermark rk 10514h (Ac); Steyermark & Bunting 102661 (Ft); G.H. H. Tate 315 (N—type). Bolivar: Ha- mann 2902 (Hm), 2903 (Hm), 290) | (Hm); Hertel & Oberwinkler 16225 (ia); Kid Killip 37355 55 (Ve); royane & & Agostini 7273 tind 7273 (N, N, N, S), 7351 (N, N, S), 7516 (N, N, N), 7528 (N, N, “N)3 B. Maguire 33698 (N), 33699 (N); Schacht a.m, [Canaima, Jamar 1931] (Mu); J. A. Steyermark 75264 (Z), 94182 (Lw, Mu, N)3 Steyermar! k & Wurdack pa) (Mu, N); Vareschi & Foldats 4576 (Ve—l,0470) ; Vareschi & Magde- frau et ” (Ve—2506) 3 Wurd Wurdack & & Monachino 3998 (S, 8). Guéri- co: Tamayo 3998 (W—2195276) . BRAZIL: Amazonas: Prance, Maas, Woolcott, Monteiro, & Ramos 16185 (Ld, Mu, N, W—2759068) - Mato Grosso: Cordeiro 31 in part (Ld). Rondénia: Ribeiro 1103 [Herb. IPEAN 14979] (Ld). SYNGONANTHUS HUMBOLDTII var. MACROCEPHALUS Moldenke in Maguire & al., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 101. 1953. Bibliography: Moldenke in Maguire & al., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 101. 1953; Moldenke, Phytologia }: 321—322. 19533 Moldenke, a 73 & i92. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 127 (1971) and. 2: 963. 1971. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having the flower—heads 7-—-9 mm. wide and the peduncles rather densely whitish-pilose, the hairs obits matali often twisted, not gland-tipped. It is based on Maguire & Politi 2769 from "in depressions in rocks" on the southeane , slopes of North Mountain, Cerro Sipapo (Paraque), Amazonas, Venezuela, at an altitude of 5000-6000 feet, collected on December 12, 1948, and deposited in the Britton Herbarium at the New York Botanical Gar- den. SYNGONANTHUS HUMBOLDTII var. ORINOCENSIS Moldenke in Maguire & al., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 102. 1953. Bibliography: Moldenke in Maguire & al., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 102. 19533 Moldenke, Phytologia h: 322. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 73 & 492. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 127 (1971) and 2: 963. 1971. This variety differs from var. glandulosus Gleason in being stouter in stature, with the basal leaves 3-8 cm. long and those of the cauline whorls to 2.3 cm. long. It is based on B, Maguire 29340 from "under thickets on moist white sand about borders of small 'laja', Rfo Temi, one hour be- low Yavita, Rfo Stabapo", on the Rfo Orinoco, Amazonas, Venezuela, collected on October 20, 1950, and deposited in the Britton Herbar- jum at the New York Botanical Garden. Thus far it is known only 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 93 from the original collection. xSYNGONANTHUS HYBRIDUS Moldenke, Phytologia 5: 31. 1956. Syninyny: "[ onanthus angolensis H. Hess x S. wahlbergii (Wikstr.) Ruhl.J" H, Hess, Bericht. Schweitz. Bot. Gesell. 65: 197, fig. 6. 1955. Syngonanthus angolensis x wahlbergii H. Hess ex Moldenke, Phytologia 5: 31, in syn. 1956. x(S. angolensis x S. wahlbergii) H. Hess apud Anon., Assoc. Etud. Tax. Fl. Afr. Trop. Index 1955: 30. 1956. Bibliography: H. Hess, Bericht. Schweitz. Bot. Gesell. 65: 197, fig. 6. 19553 Anon., Assoc. Etud. Tax. Fl. Afr. Trop. Index 1955: 30. 1956; Moldenke, Phytologia 5: 341. 1956; Anon., Assoc. Etud. Tax. Fl. Afr. Trop. Index 1956: 28. 19573 Moldenke, Résumé 147, 351, & 492. 1959; G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 13: 132. 1966; Mol- denke, Fifth Summ. 1: 2h) (1971) and 2: 635 & 963. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 278 (1976) and 35: 31h. 1977. Illustrations: H. Hess, Bericht. Schweitz. Bot. Gesell. 65: fig. 6. 1955. This hybrid is based on H. Hess 52/2147 from "Am Rio Quangue, 5 km westlich der Mission Galangue", at 1,50 m. altitude, northeast Huila, Angola, collected on July 6, 1952, and H. Hess 52/2085 from "Am Rio Cuatir, 30 km Gstlich Vila Serpa Pinto (Menongue)", at 1360 m. altitude, Bié, Angola, collected on June 27, 1952. Hess describes this natural hybrid as follows: "Folia similia illis S, Wahlbergii. Culmi intermedii, 2—15; pilis glandulifer- is, brevibus, paucis. Capitula flavescentia usque fusca. Sepala Q floris 1,8 mm longa, flavescentia vel fusca, medio dorsaliter et ventraliter sparse usque dense pilosa. Sepala © floris circ. aequilonga, pubescentia intermedia. Plantae normaliter fertiles. "Die Blatter gleichen denen von Syngonanthus Wahlbergii. Die Halme sind in der Hohe intermediar, ihre Zahl schwankt zwischen 2 und 15. Die Drisenhaare sind kurz und stehen nicht dicht. Die Blutenkopfe sind gelblich bis braun. Die Sepalen der 9 Bliiten sind um 1,8 mm lang, gelblich oder braun, im mittleren Drittel dorsal und ventral zerstreut bis dicht behaart. Die Sepalen derd Bltiten sind etwa gleich so lang und weisen dieselbe intermediar Behaarung auf. Die Pflanzen sind normal fertil." He further notes: "Standorte: Mit denjenigen von Syngonanthus angolensis iiber~ einstimmend und von dieser Art begleitet. Varianten: Ergeben sich aus Bastardnatur und sind in der Diagnose berucksichtigt. Ver- breitung: Angola: Im Nord—Osten der Provinz Huila und an einen Nebenfluss des Rio Cubango, am Rio Cuatir, in der Provinz Bié." This hybrid has been collected in anthesis in June and July, at altitudes of 1360—1)50 m. Thus far it is knom only from the original collections. The Devred 1872, Welwitsch 25h, and H. Wild 1551 [S. Rhodes. Govt. Herb. 16096], distributed as xS. hy- bridus, actually are S. ngoweensis H. Lecomte. SYNGONANTHUS HYGROTRICHUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h—30): 9h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 Synonymy: Paepalanthus hygrotrichus Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1s a. in Syne 1959. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (k-30): 18, 2h3, 2h6, & 293. 19033 Pilger in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Er- ganz. 2, Nachtr. 3 su 2: 1. 1908; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 56. 19303; Castell. in Descole, Gen. & Sp. Pl. Argent. 3: 76 & 10h. 1945; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 196; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 1995 Moldenke, Phytologia h: 322. 19533 Moldenke, Résumé 108 & 92. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 21. 1959; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron, Minas 72. 1960; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 17h (1971) and 2: 58) & 963. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 305. 1977. This species is based on three collections from Minas Gerais, Brazil, deposited in the Berlin herbarium where the first of them was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 10690: (1) Glaziou 19998 from "dans l'eau des rapides, sur le rocher" at Biribiry near Diamantina, flowering in March; (2) W. Schwacke 8479 from "more Podostemonacearum ad rupas cataract.", Biribiry, in March 1892; and (3) Sena s.n. [Herb. Schwacke 1553] from the Serra do Cipé, flowering in June. Ruhland (1903) comments that the "Caulis basi g foliis denudatus ibique in sicco rigidus, flavo-brunneus, circ. 1 mm crassus, vel paullo crassior, £ angu- losus est". It is perhaps worth mentioning here that Stapf in the Index Londinensis (1931) dates the Pilger reference (1908) as "1906", but on what evidence I do not know, Thus far this species is known only from the original collec- tions. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Glaziou 19998 [Macbride photos 10690] (B-=-cotype, N=--photo of cotype, W— 112),166--cotype, W--photo of cotype). SYNGONANTHUS IMBRICATUS (K6orn.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h=30): 279. 1903. Synonymy: Paepalanthus imbricatus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 430. 1863. Dupatya imbricata (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Dupatya imbricata Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. ee imbricatus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 299, 430, 431, & 508. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02. 189; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 1)5. 19023 Ruhl, in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (4-30): 276, 279, 290, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 19413 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 402. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18, 30, 9, & 58. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 95 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia h: 322. 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 19593 Moldenke, Résumé 108, 280, 325, & 92. 19595 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 402. 1960; Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: 148. 1969; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 17) & 81 (1971) and 2: 58) & 963. 19713; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 321 & hh3. 1977. This species appears to be based on an unnumbered Blanchet col- lection from "mont de sable blanc", Bahia, Brazil, deposited as no. 270497 in the Reichenbach herbarium at Vienna; an isotype in the Munich herbarium was photographed there by Macbride as his type photograph number 18716. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Blanchet s.n. [Macbride photos 1876] (Mu-~isotype, W--photo of isotype). SYNGONANTHUS INSULARIS Moldenke, N. Am. Fl. 19: 45. 1937. Bibliography: Moldenke, N. Am. Fl. 19: 43 & 45. 19373 Moldenke, Phytologia 1: 345. 1939; Alain, Contrib. Ocas. Mus. Hist. Nat. Coleg. La Salle 7: 7. 196; Leén, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 283 & 435. 19463 Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 6h, 92, & 186. 1946; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 5 & 58. 1946; Hill & Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 10: 22). 1947; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 6)8 (1948) and h: 1259. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verben~ ace, [ed. 2], 45 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia : 322. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 53, 54, & 492. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 98 & 99 (1971) and 2: 963. 1971; Leén & Alain, Fl. Cuba, imp. 2, 1: 283 & 435. 197k. The type of this species is Britton, Britton, & Wilson 1162 from in white sand in the vicinity of Los Indios, Isla de Pinos, Cuba, collected on February 13, 1916, and deposited in the Brit- ton Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden. The species has been collected in white sand, in moist places on savannas, often in dense clumps on white-sand savannas, flowering in February and December, in fruit in December. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as S. lagopodioides (Griseb.) Ruhl, Additional citations: CUBA: Oriente: Carabia 3731la (Ok). ISLA DE PINOS: Ekman 12095 (B, Ut--237h4A), 12522 (B, Ba); Killip 42853 (Le), 43684 (N, S), L564 (N, Z), 45613 (Mu, N, N, Sm); Leén & Seifriz 17521 (Mv). SYNGONANTHUS INUNDATUS (Korn.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 267. 1903. i Synonymy: Paepalanthus inundatus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 168-69. 1863. Dupatya inundata (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Paepalanthus mndatus Korn. apud Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02, sphalm. 189. Dupatya imindata Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonantims imundatus Ruhl. apud Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 68-69 & 507. 96 Per OL 0O'e Pa Vol. 37, no. 2 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f.& . Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02. 1894; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l- 30): 264, 267, 269, 290, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 191; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 02. 196; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18, 30, 9, & 58. 1965; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2j, 92, 210, 213, & 214. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia : 322. 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 115. 1959; Moldmke, Résumé 99, 108, 280, 487, & 492. 19593 Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 6, 21, & 25. 19593 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 02. 19603 Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12. 1965; Moldenke, Fifth Sum, 1: 17k & 82 (1971) and 2: 58h, 587, 637, & 963. 19713 Moldenke, Phytolo- gia 35: 452. 1977. This species is based on L. Riedel 2745 from flowing water at Chapadfo de S&o Marcos, Goids, Brazil, flowering in August, and deposited in the Berlin herbarium where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 10691. The species bears strong habital resemblance to S. appressus (Korn.) Ruhl. and S. ferrensis Alv. Silv. Ruhland (1903) cites only the original col- lection. He mistakenly cites the original publication of Dupatya inundata to page "7" of Kuntze's work (1891) instead of to page 746. in his index (p. 290) he mistakenly lists the species as valid in the gems Paepalanthus. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Goids: L. Riedel 2745 [Macbride photos 10691] (B-type, M--isotype, Mu—isotype, N-—-photo of type, Ut——l,06~-isotype, W—photo of type}. < SYNGONANTHUS ee Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 33-335, pl. 211. 19268. Synonymy: Syngonantims itambeénsis Alv. Silv. apud A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 33h--335 & 418, pl. 211. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 478. 1937; Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 895. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 271. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 19h]; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 18 & 58. 19163 Moldenke, Known Geogr, Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 19493 Molden- ke, Résumé 108 & 492. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 17h (1971) and 2: 963. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 3h: 277. 1976. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 211. 198. This species is based on A, Silveira 657 from "In campis are- nosis prope Itambé do Serro", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in April, 1918, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (19285 comments that the "Species distinctissima ob capitula mag- na et bracteae involucrantes pulchre bicolores. AS. anthemidi- floro (Bong.) Ruhl. indumento foliorum facile distinguitur". On page 18 of his work he cites the type locality as "Serra de It- ambé", Thus far the species is known only from the original col- 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 97 lection. SYNGONANTHUS KUHLMANNII Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 277--278. 1950. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 277—-278 (1950) and ): 322. 1953; E. J. Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 11: 2h. 1953; Molden- ke, Résumé 108 & 92. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 6 (1959), 8: 2 (1964), and 16: 6. 19683 Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.13: 506. 1968; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 17) (1971) and 2: 963. 19713 Mol- denke, Phytologia 35: hkl. 1977. The Prance, Pena, Forero, Ramos, & Monteiro 1,790, distributed as S. kuhimannii, actually is, in part, f. viviparus Moldenke, and in part [790a] S. densus (Kérn.) Ruhl., while Murga Pires, Silva, & Souza 9627 is S. nitens var. hirtulus Ruhl. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Par4: Sick 702 [Herb. Brad. 4619] (Bd). Tete. KUHLMANNII f. VIVIPARUS Moldenke, Phytologia 15: 62. 1968. Bibliography: Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.13: 506. 1968; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 9: 3245. 1968; Moldenke, Phytologia 15: 62. 19683 Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 16: 6. 1968; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 17h (1971) and 2: 963. 1971. Citations: BRAZIL: Amazénas: Prance, Pena, Forero, Ramos, & Mon- teiro 4790a (N--isotype, Z--type). = #" = SYNGONANTHUS LAGOPODIOIDES (Griseb.) Ruhl. in Urb., Symb,. Antil. 1: 89. 1900. Additional synonymy: Syngonanthus lagopodioides Ruhl. apud Thiselt.-Dyer, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 2: 180. 190). Bibliography: Griseb., Cat. Pl. Cub. 225. 18663; Sauv., Anal. Acad. Sci. Habana 8: 50. 1871; Sauv., Fl. Cub. 165. 18713 Gomez la Maza, Not. Bot. Sist. 49 & 110. 18935 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 402. 1894; Ruhl. in Urb., Symb. An- till. 1: 487 & 489. 1900; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 245, 257, & 293. 1903; Thiselt.-Dyer, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 2: 180. 190h; Moldenke, N. Am. Fl. 19: 3—h®. 1937; Moldenke, Phytologia 1s ahs. 1939; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 402. 1946; Leén, Fl. Cuba, imp. 1, 1: 283 & 435. 196; Moldenke, Alph,List Cit. 1: 2h, 63, 6h, 66, 91, 92, k12, & 70. 19h6; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 5, 50, & 58. 196; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 646 & 648=-651 (1948), 3: 868, 929, & 930 (1949), and kh: 109), 1144, & 130. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 45, 46, & 213. 19h93 Moldenke, Phy- tologia 2: 381 (1951) and kh: 322—323. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 53, 5h, 326, 352, & h92. 19593 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 02. 1960; Moldenke, Phytologia 18: 92 & 2h3. 1969; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 98 & 99 (1971) and 2: 585, 637, & 963. 1971; Leén & Alain, Fl. Cuba, imp. 2, 1: 283 & 435. 197h; Molden- ke, Phytologia 33: 18h (1976) and 35: 306 & 313. 1977. This species is based on C. Wright 3237 from sandy pinewoods in Pinar del Rfo, Cuba. [to be contimed] BOOK REVIEWS George M. Hocking School of Pharmacy, Auburn University Auburn, Alabama "LIMU: AN ETHNOBOTANICAL STUDY OF SOME EDIBLE HAWAIIAN SEA- WEEDS" by Isabella Aiona Abbott and Eleanor Horswill Williamson, fi + 22) pp.; LS figs., L-pl. ,. 1° tabeeekoeees Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden, Lawai, Kauai, Hawaii 96765. 197425 Sieie- The folk usage of 12 of the most common marine Algae used by the natives of Hawaii is recorded here. Included are the common venacular names used by the Hawaiians, the special meanings conveyed by the different names, and the practical uses of these "limu" (algae growing in the water or in damp places). GMH "A DICTIONARY OF BIOLOGY" by M. Abercrombie, C. J. Hickman, and M. L. Johnson, 311 pp., 10 figs. Sixth edition. Penguin Books, Inc., Baltimore, MD 21207. 1973(1974). $1.95: Many botanical terms are included in this compact reference book. GMH "ACCUMULATIVE VETERINARY INDEX" quarterly supplement to Jan. through Sept. 1966. (Vol. 3) No. 3, 51 pp. Index Incorporated, 6905 Garriston St., Arvada, Colo. Sept. 1966. $2.00. This index consists of two parts: a subject index, in which the subject is followed by the author(s), journal ref- erence, volume number, pages, and year. The author index covers the same papers, the only difference being in the trans- position of author and subject. The subject index is made of course with the leading entity for indexing use, such as Patella, Piroplasmosis, Parasites, Canine, Heartworm. GMH "CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY (DILLING)" by Stanley Alstead, J. Gordon MacArthur, and Thomas J. Thomson, xii + 760 pp., 16 tabs. 22nd ed. Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Md. 21202. L969). Sie)’. This is a volume known to and used by many in the medical and pharmaceutical fields, particularly those living in the 98 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 99 Commonwealth, such countries as Canada. It represents a standard text for class use and is not intended for reference use; a bibliography appearing on page 734-6; represents all of the references given and these are quite general ones, viz., standard textbooks of experimental pharmacology, therapy, and materia medica, with several standard references, such as the pharmacopeias and publications dealing with the art of pre- scribing. The last two chapters (30-1) take up the elements of pharmacy/dispensing and chemical nomenclature while chapter 29 gives important information on prescribing. The rest of the volume is devoted to the usage of medicinals in medical prac- tice. There are chapters on vitamins, antibiotics, anti- coagulants, and so on. The index seems quite thorough. This is a good standard didcactic text and should furnish the be- ginner with a sound foundation in the science. GMH "BIOLOGY DATA BOOK" compiled and edited by Philip L. Altman and Dorothy S. Dittmer, second edition, Volumes I, II, III. Vol. I: xix + pp. 1-606; 1972. Vol. Il: xxi + Pp 007-1432: 1973. Voll... LIL: xix + 1433-21235 1974. 281 tabs. 13 appendices. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20014. 1972-4. $40.00 per volume; $100.00 for the set of 3. This set of large volumes encompasses a great deal of the basic information requisite to thoraugh studies in the field of biology. The botanist, zoologist, physiologist, biochemist, and many other professionals in the general field of biology will find many answers and a great saving of time in reference book searching by using these books. The previous edition of the Biology Data Book appeared in 1964 in a single volume format of 630 pages. The increased size of this edition reflects the broadening of scope and the increasing depth of coverage of subject matters. Each volume is an independent unit with its own index and its own listing of equated scientific and common plant and animal names. The index in volume III is not cumulative (Numbers cited in the indexes are of tables not pages.) Volume I covers genetics, cytology, reproduction, development, and growth, together with chemical data and a survey of materials and methods. Volume II has data on bio- logical regulators and toxins, environmental and survival data, parasitism (plants on plants, plants on animals, animals on animals, animals on plants), and sensory and neuro-biology. Volume III bears sections on nutrition, digestion, excretion; metabolism; respiration; circulation; and the blood and other body fluids. A large part of this volume is based on three separate volumes published between 1961 and 1971: Blood and other Body Fluids; Metabolism; Respiration and Circulation. Environmental Biology (1966) and Growth, including Reproduction 100 PHYTOL OG LES Vol. 37, no. 2 and Morphological Development (1962) were other special hand- books of FASEB. The texts of all of these handbooks are com- posed of tables with subjoined explanatory statements and bibliographic citations keyed to the data. The data in the tables were assembled by research scientists, the review integration, and selection, and the final editing were done by others--a total of more than 3000 scientists participating in this grand effort. A list of the many participants is presented in the early part of each volume. As in the first edition, each datum is adjacent to a number which corresponds to a literature reference: in this way, all data are reliably documented. Some idea of the depth of coverage of this work may be gleaned from the total number of reference citations-—- a total of over 18,000. Many of the features of edition one have been carried over (after strict inspection) to the present edition but as might be expected there has been some curtailing; for instance the table on properties of resins of the earlier edition was deleted. Libraries and individuals who have copies of the 1964 edition and of the separate handbooks might be well advised to hold them for supplementing a search of data. It seemed to me of interest to know the relative representation of plants and animals in this handbook. A count showed that 495 pages were devoted to plants of all categories while 1628 pages concerned members of the animal kingdom. In some places the coverage is somewhat thin; thus chromosome numbers are given for only representative plant species--viz., for 128 nonvascular plant taxa and for 132 vascular plants. Actually several thousand such counts are in the record but as a practical thing, there was no point in duplicating the special- ized publications in which such numbers can be found. Such data as these are relatively easy to locate whereas this data book presents data as a rule which must be dug out of the literature with the expenditure of much time and energy. To a biological scientist the value of these volumes must be many times the list price--in fact their value is really inestimable. Every science and medical library should cer- tainly not be without the Biology Data Books. GMH "THE GENUS ANADENANTHERA IN AMERINDIAN CULTURES" by Siri von Reis Altschul, v + 96 pp., 4 figs., 1 tab., 7 maps, Botanical Museum, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (hard cover). Following a brief taxonomic description of Anadenanthera with its two known species, A. peregrina (L.) Spegazzini and A. colubrina (Vell.) Brenan, there is a detailed treatment of the congnomens, uses, and traditions of one or other species in the various cultures of the American Indians, a culture being defined as that of one or more tribes. 46 cultures are considered, distributed among 15 "culture areas" (Caribbean; 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 101 Caqueta; Orinoco; Savanna; Guiana; Amazon; Peruvian; Montana; Jurua-Puris; Para; Bolivian; Chilean; Chaco; and Eastern Lowland). Various ethnobotanical uses are described but especially the use as an hallucinogenic snuff. Methods of preparation and administration, cultural significance, and other points are detailed. A "cross-cultural chart" is used to indicate the relationship of these various cultures as it applies to hallucinogenic use. A phytochemical and pharma- cological review, bibliography, and tables of names from "all sources" and from herbarium specimes complete the volume. GMH "THERAPIE DER ARTERIELLEN HYPERTONIE, ERFOLGE, MOGLICHKEITEN, METHODEN" by 0. H. Arnold, (Klinikum Essen der Ruhr- universitat), Experimentelle Medizin, Pathologie und Klinik. Herausgegeben von R. Hegglin, F. Leuthardt, R. Schoen, H. Schwiegk, A. Studer, H. U. Zollinger. Band 30; 26 Tab., 2 Abb., VIII, 202 Seiten, 1970; Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York. Gebunden DM 39.-3;-US $1J-900. There is no gainsaying the importance of the subject taken up in this volume. Aterial hypertonia or hypertension because so often a death cause is definitely the single greatest enemy of mankind, the very chief of devils! In- cluded importantly here are arteriosclerosis of the heart and the vascular diseases of the brain. The most important facet, that of therapy, is the chief subject of this text. The following sections of the text can be recognized: (1) History of modern therapy in high blood pressure; (2) influence of blood pressure reduction on the prognosis of various diseases; (3) the objectives and indications, also the contra-indications, in the reduction of hypertension; (4) surgical therapy; (5) the chemotherapy of hypertension (the chief part of the text, with 89 pages or nearly half of the volume); (6) general measures to control hypertension, including the diet, life regimen, psychotherapy, etc. This is followed by 41 pages of literary references, with 950 references, composing ca. 20% of the volume. Then the 10 page index furnishes a good key to the text. The literature list in alphabetical sequence serves in place of an author index. Of most interest perhaps is the chapter on medicinal therapy, which takes up the various compounds used, in the following order: Rauwolfia alkaloids derived from Rauwolfia serpentina Bentham (not Bentheim as given) which acts by removal of noradrenalin from the storage granules; alpha-methyldopa, which acts by substi- tuting noradrenalin in the storage granules by a "false transmitter", viz., alpha-methylnoradrenalin; clonidin which apparently acts by a central action on the medullary centers, reducing the peripheral arterial resistance, hence lowering blood pressure; adrenergic neuron blocking agents, 102 PH Y,7)0,4.0,0,3 A Vol. 37, no. 2 such as guanethidine, bethanidine, etc., which substitute guanethidine for noradrenalin in the storage granules; hydral- azines, which act directly on the smooth muscles of the arterioles, somewhat like the nitrites, but weaker; the adrenergic f-receptor blocking agents (or beta-sympatholytics) ; and the less used and obsolete medicaments, such as reduced ergot alkaloids (e.g., dihydroergocristine); the adrenergic a-receptor blocking agent (or alpha-sympatholytics). Also importantly discussed here (19 pages!) are the effects of mineral and water metabolism, with emphasis on the natriuretics. GMH "PONDEROSA PINE BIBLIOGRAPHY IL" 1966-1970 by Elvera A. Axelton, iv + 63 pp., USDA For. Serv. Gen. Techn. Rept. INT-12 (Ogden, Utah). 1974. A listing of 732 reference citations (with cross in- dexing following) supplements the original list (USDA For. Serv. Res. Paper INT-40; 1967), concerning the important tree, Pinus ponderosaLaws. Aditional references to theses, etc., are given on pages 59-63. GMH "LEAF ANATOMY AND SYSTEMATICS OF NEW WORLD VELLOZIACEAE" by E. Sé Ayensu; vi +125 pp.;, 52. plis./5, 24efiesa, Smithsonian Contributions to Bot. No. 15. 1974. $2.20. 106 species of Vellozia and Barbacenia were studied with the object of using important characteristics in aiding in classification. Cross sections of the leaf showed the sclerench esophyll patterns. Besides the light microscope, the SEM* was also used to examine both the epidermal surfaces as well as internal structures. Details of structure of stomata, furrows in cuticle, and types of trichomes (including coalescent trichomes) were noted for the first time. Light and SEM micrographs are presented as an aid in the identifi- cation of species. GMH "THE BIOGENESIS OF STARCH GRANULES IN HIGHER PLANTS" by N. P. Badenhuizen, viii + 121 pp., 34 figs, Appleton-—Century- Crofts, 440 Park Ave. So., New York 10016. 1969. $6.45. The value of electron microscopy is exhibited in this text, as its numerous and revealing photographs show. The importance of such high magnifications to a study of structures active in the synthesis of starch--the amyloplasts--is readily apparent. The text is divided into two parts: the general and the special. In the general part, the plastids are described *Scanning Electron Microscope 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 103 as to their structure and function, with a chapter on the starch synthesizing enzymes and on the origin and reproduction of the amyloplasts. In the special part, the biogenesis of special starches is detailed. Two types of starch grain are recognized: the cereal starches showing the so-called A- diagram crystalline pattern as recorded in the X-ray spectrum; and the tuber starches which have the B-diagram. A chapter is devoted to each of these groups: the A-starches including maize, wheat, rye, rice, barley, and tapioca, while the B-starches have the Irish potato, Pellionia daveauana (of the nettle family), the leaf-starches (as in tobacco and coffee leaves), the high-amylose corn (maize) starches, and the starches of the pea or bean family (Leguminosae). Follow the "Summary and conclusions" and the Index. Phytochemists, plant physiologists, biochemists, and plant histologists will find the book of interest. GMH "SYRUP PRODUCTION FROM CANYON MAPLE", by P. A. Barker and D. K. Salunkhe, 4 pp. (s. p.), Utah Sci. Mar. 1974. Acer grandidentatum was called "sugar maple" by the early Mormons, who confused the tree with the similar A. saccharum. However, there seems to be no definite proof of the use of the Utah maple tree in the production of maple sugar or syrup, even though this was recommended in 1847 by the early L.D.S. leaders. Syrup was prepared by boiling the sap (with yields of 6 to 8 gallons/tree) and it was shown to be quite similar to that from A. saccharum. The sugar content of the sap was about 2%, somewhat less than that of the sugar maple (2.5%). GMH "THE PLANTAINS OF CANADA" by I. J. Bassett, 47 pp., 17 maps, 17 pls, Canada Dept. Agr., Res. Branch, Monograph No. 7. 1973. (Gratis) In this monograph, 16 species of Plantago and one of Littorella (L. americana Fern.) are described, figured, and mapped. One specieSis taken up on each double spread of pages, with figures on one side, text on the other. Included are synonymy, vernacular names, description, hybridizability, pollen grain characters, similar taxa, chromosome numbers, and miscellaneous discussion. GMH "NEMATOSPORACEAE (HEMIASCOMYCETIDAE) : taxonomy, pathogenicity, distribution, and vector relations" by L. R. Batra, viii + 71 pp., U.S.D.A., Agr. Res. Serv. Tech. Bull. 1469. 1973e S1e00% 104 FH ¥,%)0:L,0/0,7 & Vol. 37, no. 2 Review of an important group of destructive phytopathogens found in the warmer parts of the world. At times they have made it impossible to grow cotton. Attacked are citrus, pecans, soybeans, and tomatoes. Discussed are those of economic im- portance belonging to genera Eremothecium, Ashbya, Nematospora, and Metschnikowia. GMH "LEHRBUCH DER ANGEWANDTEN BOTANIK" by Walter Baumeister and Gerhart Reichart, ed. 1, XVI + 490 pp., 188 figs., 68 tabs., Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, BRD. 1969. Cloth bound, DM. 68,-. Baumeister and Reichart have collaborated to produce a volume rich in information and having many different uses. Thus, it is of value in orienting plant scientists on the many ways in which plants can be utilized, particularly the cultivated plants. There is first a review of the chief cultivated plants (including starch, sugar, fodder, beverage, drug, spice, fiber, lumber, and other economic species). The section on drug plants and spices is of particular interest (pp. 24-30). Then follow chapters on the morphology of cultivated plants; anatomy; food requirements (minerals, humus, air), development; production of substances by cultivated plants; the diseases and infestations of these; applied plant sociology; and finally a chapter on the teaching and research institutions devoted to applied botany, including agriculture and forestry. This chapter includes lists of such insti- tutions. There is a bibliography at the end of each chapter and a terminal subject (but no author) index. This work presents a scientific discussion of the various topics, including the chemical. The book is printed on a smooth finish paper, is strongly but attractively bound, and is of the same format as various other texts on botany of the same publisher - such as Strasburger, Moebius, and others. Dr. Baumeister is a "Professor in ordinary" for applied botany at the University of Muenster in Westfalen and Dr. Reichart is the Curator of the Botanical Institute at the same insti- tution. An important feature in the second chapter are the tables of statistics indicating production, usage, etc., of economic plant products; these are at first sight not as recent as one would wish (ex., 1960, 1964); however anyone who has endeavored to get the "latest figures" will realize how difficult this often is, dependent as it is on the collection, classification, calculation, and recording of great numbers of data. Sometimes these production figures are quite overwhelming: for instance, a world production (in 1964 per FAO) of 1060,000 tons of tea. The relative importance of some products is well shown by such figures. Thus (a debated question) which is the most popular fatty oil? The figures show,from the world production standpoint, 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 105 cotton seed oil is most outstanding, with (1964) 21,200,000 tons produced annually in the entire world, the next nearest being sunflower seed oil (6,400,000 tons). In the USA, cotton seed oil production was also highest with 5,600,000 tons (1964), the next in size being linseed oil with 800,000 tons. This gives a clue to why persons allergic to cottonseed oil generally avoid products containing "vegetable oil," since these so often give them a reaction. GMH "PETER KALM'S TRAVELS IN NORTH AMERICA" by A. B. Benson, editor 2 volumes, v. 1: xix + 401 pp., 1 map, 16 pls. Wewesie ww + pp. 402-79/7,,.3 pls. 2 map. 1966. $5.00). Reprint of 1937 edition with additional materials; this is based on Forster's English translation but with many additions and changes. GMH "CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF STEROID CONJUGATION" by Seymour Bernstein and Samuel Solomon, xiii, 529 pp., 11 figs., many tabs, Springer-Verlag-New York. 1970. $28.00. Obtainable from Springer-Verlag-New York, Inc. 175 Fifth Ave., New York 10010. The process whereby steroids unite by conjugation or condensation with glucuronic acid or sulfuric acid (etc.) to form steroid conjugates has long been known to represent a final stage of metabolism and often useful in detoxication. However it has not generally been known that these conjugates represent intermediates of biochemical significance and of therapeutic or clinical importance. Seymour is also the co- author of a work (1968) on the physical properties of steroid conjugates, tabulating the sulfates and glucuronides of 147 steroid compounds. The same publisher (Springer) has aiso published (1965) an Atlas of steroid spectra. The three volumes are of course complementary to the subject. This work with its nine U.S. contributors, and seven Canadian contributors (also one each from Sweden and Australia) is practically a joint US - Canadian contribution in the field. (Both editors (Bernstein, American; Solomon, Canadian) are also contributors). The text is made up of nine chapters, each with one to four authors, which are listed on both the book and chapter tables of contents; the author and subjects included in the text are fully covered in the terminal author and sub- ject indexes, which seem fully comprehensive. The sequence followed chapter by chapter is from the theoretical or chemical to the biochemical to the physiological to the pharmacological and clinical application, a quite logical order of subject matter. Following a very brief preface and note on nomenclature, the first chapter deals with synthesis and characterization of the various conjugate compounds (glucuronides; sulfates; double conjugates, with S03 attached at one side of the sterane molecule at C-3 and the glycuronide etc. attached on ring D usually at C-17 at the other side of the sterane molecule). Then follow chapters on the enzymic aspects of steroid conjugation, the hydrolysis of the conjugates, and the isolation of same. The biochemistry of 3 8-hydroxy-A°-steroids is dealt with next, this group including many very important metabolic and therapeutic compounds, such as cholesterol, pregnenolone, androstenediol, and by derivation such important hormones as testosterone, progesterone, estradiol, and others. Formation, metabolism, and transport of estrogen conjugates furnishes the subject of the next chapter and isolation and metabolism of natural steroid conjugates from natural sources the one following. The last two chapters are more pragmatic and hence of greater interest to the biological scientist whereas the earlier chapters are primarily of interest to the physical scientist (chemist). Chapter 8 deals with the biological properties of the estrogen conjugates (the most popular and widely used estro- gen products today are the estrogen conjugates, of which there are on the American market five well known brands, used wherever female hormone therapy is requisite, such as in the menopausal syndrome). The final chapter on the clinical aspects of steroid conjugates wraps up the practical applications with discussions on aldosterone, the Cj9 (ex-androsterone) and C2] (ex-cortisone) endocrines, the estrogens, and the progestins. Each chapter has a multitude of references. The book is of outstanding importance in endocrinology. GMH "THE NUCLEUS OF A LIBRARY: A STUDY OF THE BOOK COLLECTION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN" by Russell E. Bidlack, x, 106 pp., Univ. Mich., Dept. Library Sci., Ann Arbor, Mich. Dept. Library Sci. No. 6. This is a study in 7 chapters of the beginnings of the great library of the U. of Michigan with feature studies of the per- sonalities involved in its acquisition in the years 1837-45. Now ranking fifth among all university libraries, its beginnings were humble enough with 242 volumes of government documents in 1837. It was the Asa Gray Collection of 3,401 volumes purchased by this botanist in Europe and received at Ann Arbor in 1840 that really started a proper collection of books. GMH "HONOLULU BOTANIC GARDENS INVENTORY 1972" by L. E. Bishop, 293 pp., 11 pls., 1 map, Friends of Foster Garden Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 1973. $20.00. The history of the seven botanical gardens on the island of Oahu (Hawaii) is recounted. Two of these are still in the 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 107 developmental stage. General information is given on these gar- dens, and this is followed by an inventory of plants of the 5 gardens by binomial name. The genera are arranged alphabetically within the families, which are in turn arranged alphabetically under four headings: Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Dictoyledonae, and Monocotyledonae. The inventory gives the following data after the botanical name: accession number (usually indicating date by year), geographic source (where known), and which garden/ gardens have the growing plant. There is a terminal index of family names. The active Gardens are: Foster Botanic Garden; Koko Crater B. G., Lo'i Kalo B. G., Sandy Beach B. G., and Wahiawa B.G. Some plants are shown as in "Nursery." GMH "THE PLANT KINGDON€ (Foundations of Modern Biology Series), by HarollideC., Boilds, (ed. 1 (960): XEEL, 114 spp.5 9) figsian; PeeEabs. (S375) ced. 42.1977): 9X. 310Rpp.5 233ef1gse, 2 tabs. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Publishers, Englewood Cliffs, Nein Oli: « Sie9D:- To quote from the dust jacket (ed. 1), "The Plant Kingdom is a compact, interesting introduction to the many fascinating varieties of plants that support all life in the world, from algae through the flowering plants. The author stresses the fact that the diversity of plants is more apparent than real and through comparison of structure and reproduction, he shows their basic biological similarities."" These sentences aptly summarize the basic content of this text, which is (for the United States) refreshingly brief and compact. The author again introduces his new grouping for the plant kingdom, originally published in 1956 and again in 1957 (Morphology of Plants; cf. EBA 3: 40; 1961). This classification scheme resembles considerably that of Tippo (1942), and of course represents a strong break with the old traditional classification of Plantae into four phyla. The following chapters will be found: (1) Unity and diversity of plants; (2) Algae; (3) Bacteria; (4) Slime molds; (5) Fungi; (6) Mosses and liverworts; (7) organization of vascular plants; (8) Vascular Cryptogams(seedless plants) I - psilo tphytes, club and spike "mosses", arthrophytes; and (9) ferns; (10) gymnosperms; (11) angiosperms; (12) Conclusions and Summary. There are only 23 references, all books. This is not a complete treatment but apparently includes all material important in an undergraduate course in botany as viewed from the taxonomic standpoint. GMH In "AETHERISCHE OELE" by K. Bournot and H. Weber,, von Wiesner, Julius: Die Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreichs. Ed. 5. Lieferung 7. VIII, 175 pp., 7 figs., Verlag von J. Cramer, Lehre. 1968. DM. 60-. The general part occupies about one sixth of the volume, the balance being the special part; following a few pages of botanical 108 PO Yemeni A Vol. 37, no. 2 explanations, the various essential oils are presented mono- graphically from Angelica root oil to cypress oil, arranged in the alphabetical order of the German language names. There are 90 oils or oil groups taken up, in this case "groups" repre- senting a closely knit group of plants, for instance, spruce oil is subdivided among 5 coniferous tree oils, from species of Picea, Abies, and Pinus. Under each oil ordinarily are taken up the following data: origin; history of use; production methods; commerce and statistics; properties (constants); constituents; testing and adulteration; and uses. The text is brief but compact and dependable. The introductory part goes into the chemistry, biochemistry, and physics of formation and storage, methods of preparation, etc. Under ''Krauseminzoel" (p. 79) no mention is made of Mentha cardiaca, which is official along with M. spicata in the National Formulary (US), and now represents the major source of American spearmint oil. The constituent responsible for the characteristic aroma of spearmint oil is not named: carvenyl acetate. 178 references. Subject index; author index. GMH "CONE-BEARING TREES OF THE PACIFIC COAST" by N. A. Bowers, lxi, 169 pp., 70 pls., 6 figs., 3 maps, (ed. 4), Pacific Books, Box 558, Palo Alto, Calif. 1965 (received 1968). $4.95. This volume has much introductory information, including tree-ring analysis, tree groups, needle key, elevation key, geographical key, etc., followed by the systematic portion of the text which includes 56 species, covering the following genera: Chamaecyparis, Libocedrus, Thuja, Cupressus, Abies, Tsuga, Pseudot- suga, Juniperus, Larix, Pinus, Picea, Sequoia, Torreya, and Taxus. Description of the tree and its parts, distribution, vernacular names, and general data are accompanied by special keying infor- mation, including elevation range, foliage, and geographical range. The figures show drawings of foliage and cones, with photographs of the tree and of its bark. Glossary and index. A large specimen of Taxodium mucronatum near Oaxaca, Mexico, which has been claimed to be 10,000 years old is in actuality only about 500 years old (p. xxix). GMH "BRITISH PHARMACEUTICAL CODEX 1968" xxxvii, 1513 pp., 2 figs., many tabs, Published by the Pharmaceutical Press, 17 Bloomsbury Square, London WCl. $19.50. £4. This is the 9th edition of an official compendium of Great Britain which was first published in 1907. While the external format has been very similar in the last few editions, the contents of course are very thoroughly revised, with deletions, additions, and corrections galore. While BPC is published by the Pharma- ceutical Society of Great Britain, a private organization, it has full legal acceptance in Great Britain, in the Commonwealth 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 109 countries, and in several other countries. It is published simultaneously with the other official compendium, the British Pharmacopoeia (BP). The Codex Revision Committee is working together with committees from several other European countries to publish a European Pharmacopoeia, and it is planned to adopt the standards of that work in the compilation of the BP and BPC. The composition of BPC 1968 is as follows (number of pages after title): Introductory material (37); drugs and pharmaceutical adjuvants (900); immunological products (biologicals in the USA) (50); human blood and preparations (14); surgical ligatures and sutures (14); surgical dressings (46); formulary (302); 28 ap- pendices (103); index (81). The chief portion of the book is the largest section with its monographs on various drugs, compounds, and pharmaceuticals; next to it in importance is the formulary, with its detailed information on the formulation of many pharma- ceuticals, arranged in alphabetical order, thus, creams, elixirs, injections, mixtures, ointments, solutions, tablets, etc. Many crude drugs are here including many not in the American compendia, thus, colophony, colchicum corm, quillaja, arrowroot, catechu, myrrh, hamamelis, gentian, quassia, ergot, sterculia gum, henbane, stramomium, ispaghula, fig, black currant, mastic, ginger, rhubarb (also in the BP), senega, senna fruit, male fern, cocillana, aconite, gelsemium, lobelia, and citronella oil, among others. As usual the monographs are superior to those of the USP, NF, and BP in having useful and reliable information on the pharmacology and therapy of the various drugs. There are 2 separate pamphlets accompanying the volume (these would best have been incorporated in the book): (1) "Names of Substances" (20 pp.), giving the proprietary names and additional generic names for many entities; (2) "Classified index to Part I Monographs" (13 pp.) (on pink paper), which gives the therapeutic or pharmaceutical classification for all the various monographed materials. GMH "TREES OF NORTH AMERICA: A FIELD GUIDE TO THE MAJOR NATIVE AND INTRODUCED SPECIES NORTH OF MEXICO" by C. Frank Brockman, 380 pp., hundreds of col. figs., and maps, Golden Press, 850 Third Ave., New York 10022. 1968. ($7.33). (Price to schools and libraries, $5.50). (Limpbound edn., $3.95). This is one of 3 books in the publisher's Field Identifica- tion Guide Series, the others dealing with birds and sea-shells. Indeed such books are very productive in the accelerating movement of man from city to country, hopefully to the eventual reduction of pollution in both areas. With this volume, a person of ordinary intelligence and education should be able to identify practically all of the more than 730 species of trees found in 76 families which are described and figured. There are enough aids to the understanding of botanical terms (with illustrations) to permit a seriously interested person able to find his way around in the 110 PHY2.0 L062 & Vol. 37, mo. 2 manual without difficulty. There is a crude key to families, some taking up of phytogeography, and a terminal index. For the price this tree guide is hard to beat. GMH "AN INTRODUCTION TO THE LIMESTONE SINKHOLES OF NORTHEASTERN MICHIGAN" by P. M. Brown, ii, 28 pp., 7 maps, 1 fig., Pamphlet, Jesse Besser Museum, Alpena, Mich. 1973. This is a preliminary survey of title geological phenomena. There is an estimated total of 200 sink holes in this area, ranging up to 260 feet deep, representing cave-ins of superficial limestone caverns. This survey of the karst areas of Alpen and Presque Ile Counties (townships 31, 32,33) discusses some of the plants and fossils found in these locations. A list of 24 ferns and 47 flower- ing plants (both species and genera) indicates that the sink holes are habitats for some rare ferns (also mosses) and a haven for some higher plants. GMH "HOW TO FIND OUT IN PHARMACY: A GUIDE TO SOURCES OF PHARMACEUTICAL INFORMATION" by Alice L. Brunn, (How to Find Out Series), ix + 130 pp., 14 figs., Pergamon Press, Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523. 1969. $4.75 Hard Cover; $2.95 soft cover. This excellent guide, primarily aimed at undergraduate students but no doubt also of use to graduate students in pharmacy, is intended to uncover the chief literature sources of the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Ireland, and to cover the literature in the English language primarily. There are chapters as follows: overview of field; periodicals and index and abstract services; law, welfare, marketing, physical pharmacy, drug adulteration; pharmacologyfand therapeutics; crude drugs, practical pharmacy, pharmacodynamics, and toxicology. One appendix lists the applicable libraries of the U.S. and Canada; another those of the United Kingdom and Eire. Finally, an index. In the serials list (p. 19), an important omission is the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Also, there are no lists of special field serials, such as pharmacognosy (Planta Medica, etc.). Pharm. Abstracts (p. 21) closed with v. 10 (1969) and has not as yet been revived (as was hoped). An abstract journal covering pharmacognosy could have been named: Excerpta Botanica Sectio A. This inexpensive book is to be highly recommended as a reference for all pharmacy students and could also well serve as a most practical classroom text in courses in pharmacy literature, pharmacy orientation, courses in bibliography, etc. GMH 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 111 "TNHIBITORS, TOOLS IN CELL RESEARCH" Editors: Th. Buecher and H. Sies, x + 415 pp., 151 figs., tabs, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York 10010. 1969. Cloth. $14.90. The text represents the scientific content disseminated at the twentieth Colloquium of the Society for Biological Chemistry, held at Mosbach/Baden on the 14th to 16th of April, 1969, sometimes briefly called the "20th Mossbach Colloquium." The entire con- tents are in the English language except for one contribution of 3 pages in German. The participants whose presentations appear here came from Germany, Switzerland, France, the United States, England, Spain, the Netherlands, and Poland. The last named country, represented by Z. Kaniuga (Warsaw), was apparently over- looked by the editors who in the Preface regretted "that no con- tributors from Eastern Europe were able to participate." The Editors are associated with the Institute for Physiological Chem- istry and Physical Chemistry at the University of Munich. There are five sections in the book, dealing in turn with DNA-dependent processes, protein synthesis, supramolecular structure, respiratory chain, and cytoplasmic compartmentation, followed by an appendix in which the chemical structures of the various inhibitors mentioned in the text are shown. Each section is made up of several chapters, separately authored, regularly followed by a bibliography and some- times by a transcript of the discussion, which includes queries, answers, and comments of various interested persons. There is no index. In using inhibitors in various biochemical reactions in- volving cellular materials, much has been learned of cellular sub-units: their functions and interactions have been in many instances elucidated. The proper application of inhibitors to biological problems is discussed. The mechanisms of action have been described in a number of cases where understood. Some of the inhibitors which are taken up are antibiotics (for instance, the penicillins, puromycin, nigericin, the mitomycins, mithramycin, and so on); others are germicides (for example, the acridines, Congo red, etc.); some are insecticides (as rotenone); at least one, amobarbital, is an hypnotic; and several are of miscellaneous type (thus rhein, colchicine, alkylating agents, etc.) This book will appeal to a wide variety of scientific specialists, bio- chemists, microbiologists, molecular biologists, pharmacologists, cytogeneticists, and biophysicists, among others. GMH "HANDBUCH DER PFLANZENKRANKHEITEN" (Begr. v. Paul Sorauer) by D. Buhl, H. Boerner and H. Schmidt, Band I. Die nicht-parisitaeren Keankhertens uo. “Liege lds) 7.x 299 ‘pp. 75) Eilgs., 6 ‘tabs. Verlag Paul Parey, Belin ol L968" DM. Al65——- This volume is one of 24 volumes comprising the 6 volumes of the Handbuch, and is concerned with wounds, the antagonistic effects ni PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 of higher plants (allelopathic phenomenon), and injuries to culti- vated plants from plant protective and plant treatment agents. The text is well printed with attractive graphic aids, such as photographs and graphs, and has a terminal subject index. A large part of the volume consists of bibliography. GMH "MORPHOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL CONSIDERATIONS OF THE GRASS SUBFAMILY BAMBUSOIDEAE BASED ON THE NEW GENUS MACLUROLYRA" by C. E. Galderon and..T. R. Soderstrom, iid, 55 pp.., 24 .figse, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. No. 11. 1973. Maclurolyra tecta gen. et sp. nov. grows in Panama. Epidermis and leaf anatomy, seedlings, inflorescence morphology, floral structure, and cytology indicate this as a member of tribe Olyreae of subfamily Bambusoideae. The "bambusoid" type of leaf anatomy is described with comments on the vascular bundle sheaths in Gramineae and chloroplast structure and photosynthetic pathways as new cri- teria for grass taxonomy. With a basic number x=1l1 (chromosomes), it is regarded phylogenetically as one of the least advanced genera of its tribe. (Most bamboos are tetraploids, with 2n = 48). It is probable that bamboos derived from herbaceous ancestors, or they arose as polyploids from diploid herbaceous progenitors. Most herbaceous bambusoid grasses are diploid and flower throughout the year, while most bamboos are tetraploid and flower only once in Many years. An appendix gives the genera comprising the Bambusoideae, designating those which are true bamboos and those which are herbaceous bambusoid grasses. GMH "THE SEA AROUND US" by Rachel L. Carson (1907-1964). (Ed. 2). XVIII + 257 pp., 3 figs., 16 pls., 4 maps (including end sheets), Oxford University Press, New York. 1961. $5.00. This very popular book sold copies in the millions and was translated into at least 28 foreign languages. This revision of the first (1951) edition is mostly a revision made in the form of notes in the Appendix (pp. 211-222) keyed to points in the text. The Preface (pp. VII-XIII) is also new. This work although now essentially 25 years old is just about as fascinating as ever and can be read with a great deal of interest. Part I, Mother Sea, deals with the history, variety, magnitude, and wonder of the oceans. Part II, The Restless Sea, expounds on the various factors (wind, sun, earth rotation, tides, etc.) which mold the ocean and the surrounding land. Part III, Man and the Sea about him, speaks of the value to man in various ways of the oceans and seas: modera- tion of climate, economic benefits, and so on, Man's efforts at navigation from the earliest times are recounted. This book is truly timeless and should be of as much interest a century now as it is at the present time. GMH 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 113 "BACKGROUND TO MIGRAINE. THIRD MIGRAINE SYMPOSIUM: 24-25 April, 1969" by A. L. Cochrane, editor, X + 186 pp., 65 figs., 28 tabs, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. (Sponsored by the Migraine Trust) 1970. $7.40. Participation in this Symposium held at the National Hospital in Longon WCl was very broadly international with active participa- tion from many countries, including Denmark and Austria. For the 18 chapters (most with the recorded discussion following) there are 36 contributors or authors. The book is done entirely in English as in previous numbers. This symposium differed from earlier ones in including a larger proportion of scientific research reports. Fortunately, the text has been kept readable and interesting for the average physician or related health professional and for the knowledgeable and serious layman. Some chapters show titleswhich would attract one to read them in whole or in part: psychiatric aspects of headache; role of tyramine in migraine; migraine families and their EEG's; epidemiology of migraine in Denmark; migraine and serotonin; headache as related to oral contraception pills; the many varieties of migraine; steroidal hormones and vascular reactivity (related to etiology of migraine); dietary migraine; migraine cured by treatment of Conn's syndrome (aldo- steronism); interaction of ergot and xanthine alkaloids; headache after administration of reserpine in migranous patients; and (the last chapter not the first as might have been expected) definition of migraine. GMH "THE BOLETI OF NORTH CAROLINA" by W. C. Coker and Alma Holland Beers, VILE +97, 67 pls. (7 in color), Dover Publications, Inc., New York. 1974 (1943). $3.50. This is an unabridged republication of a book, the original title of which (1943) was "The Boletaceae of North Carolina." Included are taxa of Boletus, Boletinus, and Strobilomyces. The new taxa included are of course now part of the total literature of mycology. GMH "DRUG TOPICS RED BOOK" by W. Cousins, Editor. 1968. 71st Year: 552 pp., plus 46 pp. = 598 pp.; 94 x 12 in.; card cover; 1967. $15.00 (including main volume and 2 supplements). Cumulative Supplement ¥1: 48 + 4 pp. = 52 pp.; 1968; same size as mainwork. Topics Publishing Co., Inc., 330 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001. $10.00 In this large compilation, which is of vital importance to the retail or wholesale pharmacist, there is a real "world of informa- tion." Product listing and prices, with a list of manufacturers and their addresses, sometimes with manufacturers' catalogs, and with many descriptive texts are contained in the main part of the nk PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 volume. Interspersed among the numbered pages are 21 unnumbered or separately numbered advertising inserts or catalogs; also the inside front cover and both sides of the back cover bear manu- facturers' announcements. Two cumulative supplements appear in January and May. There is much useful information pages 4-17 and 546, 548, with such data as names of pharmaceutical associations, pharmaceutical state board secretaries’ names and addresses, reference book list for the drug store, etc. GMH "MACROLICHENS OF DENMARK, FINLAND, NORWAY, AND SWEDEN" by E. Dahl and H. Krog, 185 pp., 62 figs., Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, Norway. 1973. Hard Cover. US $10.00. Textual matter is given on the morphology, distribution, and chemistry of lichens, followed by analytical keys to 45 genera and ca. 400 species of lichens. There are also sections on the classification of the group, synonyms (equating of synonyms or invalid names to the accepted epithets), a glossary, literature collation, etc. While the book is understandable to the serious layman, at the same time it is accurate and comprehensive enough to attract the professional botanist. The largest proportion of the work is that occupied by the annotated key, which includes brief descriptions and figures of the various taxa. The book should be an excellent guide to the identity of this interesting group of plants and no doubt would also be applicable to many of the lichens of other parts of the world since these plants are so widely distributed. The book is attractively and strongly manufactured. GMH "PRODROMUS OF GALEATELLA AND NEOWIMMERIA" by O. and Isa Degener, Pamphlet, 1-13; 1974. Published by authors (P.O. Box 154; Volcano, Hawaii 96785). Nine transfers are made from Lobelia to these two genera established by the authors (Flora Haw., 1962, 1963). Thus, Galeatella longibracteata comb. nov. (Lobelia gaudichaudii var. longibracteata Rock, 1913). Other transfers had been made in earlier publications. GMH "THE FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS" edited by H. F. DeLuca and J. W. Suttie, xviii + 531 pp., many figs. and tabs., The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisc. 53701. 1970. $15.00. In this volume, 31 papers by 49 contributors, among them the two editors, contribute to our knowledge of vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are now so important in the practice of medicine. (An additional 3 papers (A,B,C) were contributed later.) These papers 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 115 were presented in 1969 at a Symposium honoring the late Harry Steenbok (1886-1967) and which was held at the University of Wisconsin. The first introductory paper is an analysis of the place in science held by Dr. Steenbok who is best known for his discovery of the preparation of vitamin D by irradiation of ergosterol. The research papers are in four groups: first vitamin D, with 13 papers, then vitamin A with 8, vitamin E with 6, and vitamin K with 6 papers. The emphasis in the various papers is on the biochemistry and therapeutics of these vitamins. The chapter on the clinical aspects of vitamin D (E. R. Yendt et al.) was found particularly interesting and informative as a review of the results both of vitamin D deficiency and excessive dosage. The initial chapter by Hector DeLuca covers interesting new studies which indicate that vitamin D3 is not directly metabolized by the mammalian body but is first converted into 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-HCC), which exerts the vitamin D effect much more rapidly. Other workers have made the attempt to use this special compound in treating patients who are re- fractory to the effects of vitamin D, thus in sarcoidosis, some cases of hypoparathyroidism, etc. If it can be produced econom- ically, one day 25-HCC may be the drug of choice in rickets and other vitamin D-deficient diseases. A chapter on the metabolic functions of Vitamin A (G. Wolf and L. DeLuca) conveys the sur- prising information that this vitamin should be regarded as more of a hormone than a vitamin "in the classical sense of a coenzyme" since it is secreted into the bloodstream and influences the behavior of tissues and organs at distant points. Two chapters explore the effect of vitamin A deficiency in the germ-free rat: one chapter is by U. S. Army investigators, the other by National Institutes of Health personnel. There are many other important matters disclosed in this volume, which well deserves to stand on the shelves of physicians, biochemists, and pharmacologists. GMH "CARTE ECOLOGIQUE DU NEPAL" by J. F. Dobremez and C. Jest. 1. Region Annapurna-Dhaulagiri, 1/250.000. Notes et Documents de la RCP 253: 147-190. (Univ. de Grenoble). at Bs Région Jiri-Thodung 1/50,000.ibid. 9-24. (Also Note ethnologique sur la région de Jiri). III. Region Kathmandu- Everest 1/250,000. Documents de Cartographie Ecologique 11: 17-32; 1973. IV. Région Terai Central. 1/250,000. ibid. 2) 1-163 91973. Each large colored map is accompanied by the text of which the pages were cited. These ecological maps cover about one-half of Nepal and in III show 46 types of vegetation and 10 vegetation belts in the central part of Nepal. GMH 116 PRY SOnmeGge & Vol. 37, mo. 2 "BIBLIOGRAPHIE DU NEPAL" by J. F. Dobremez, F. Vigny and L. H. J. Williams, Vol. 3 Sciences Naturelles. Tome 2. Botanique., Centre Nat. Rech. Scient., Paris VII. 126 pp., 9 figs., 4 pls., Editions du CNRS. 15 quai Anatole France, Paris, Braces 1.972: .6197:3)). Annotated citations are given to the literature, followed by an analytical review with cross indexes based on geographical areas, plant groups, cytology, palynology, etc. A list of herbaria and botanical gardens containing Nepalese plants follows, along with a list of plant collectors in Nepal and alphabetic indexes of anonymous articles, authors, and serials represented in the bibliography. "DRUG INFORMATION SOURCES" [A World List] Anonymous. American Journal of Pharmacy 136: 52-70, 152-64, 257-67; 1964. 137: 35-40, 69-81; 1965. This is a compilation of books which deal with the drugs, pharmaceuticals, and specialties (proprietaries) of the various countries of the world, including the United States, International, Argentine, Australia, Austria, Belgium; Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany; Great Britain, Greece, Hong Kong, India; Israel, Italy, Japan, Latin America; Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Scandinavia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Republic, USSR, and Yugoslavia. Besides the citation of the work, there is a paragraph of description and criticism about it. The list was compiled by the Drug Information Sources Committee (Chairman, Anne McCann) of the Pharmaceutical Section, Science-Technology Division, Special Libraries Association. GMH "FACING REALITY: PHILOSOPHICAL ADVENTURES BY A BRAIN SCIENTIST" by J. C. Eccles. (Heidelberg Science Library, vol. 13). xi + 199 pp., 36 figs., Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York 10010. 1970. Soft cover. $6.20. In this book, we have a combination of philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, neurology, theology, anthropology, biology, communica- tion sciences, and the various social sciences and liberal arts. There is something for everyone, or almost everyone, apparently. The author, Professor Sir John C. Eccles, lectures at the State University of New York in Buffalo (formerly called the University of Buffalo) in the department of Physiology of the medical school. His outlook on life is that of the true humanist as may be gleaned from the following passage in the preface: "After the radiance and optimism of the first few years of this century, European civilization has been overwhelmed by a succession of disasters with only brief respites...I look with forboding at the future of our European civilization. . . my whole effort has been directed 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 117 positively in the attempt to build upon the magnificent heritage of our civilization with its rationality and its beauty. My hope is that I may restore to my fellow men a sense of the wonder and mystery of their own personal existence on this beautiful planet that is ours. . . (and) with the courage to adventure wisely in achieving a new illumination in the last decades of this turbulent century." GMH "TLLUSTRATED GUIDE TO THE SEAWEEDS AND SEA GRASSES IN THE VICINITY OF PORT ARANSAS, TEXAS" by Peter Edwards, iv + 131 pp., 225 figs. (including 9 in color), University of Texas Press, POBE/oC19. Austin, Texas “976. S6.95- This is a reprint of a supplement to Contributions in Marine Science vol. 15 (1970), which renders it available in convenient form to the taxonomist, field collector, and others. Also, several important additions have been made, resulting in a total of 97 taxa of Algae in 56 genera, along with 5 species of Phanerogamae (Angiospermae; Monocotyledoneae). There are both generic and species keys, with descriptions of all taxa and with collecting information. The photographs are well done, both macro and micro views of the various plants being included. The price of the book is returned from the illustrations alone. The copy reviewed is in a water-shedding card cover and sturdy enough for most usage. Port Aransas is well down the Texas coast, about fifty miles from Mexico. GMH "ERZEUGUNG VON KRANKHEITSZUSTAENDEN DURCH DAS EXPERIMENT" (Experi- mental production of pathological conditions), Part 8, "Stuetz- und Hartgewebe" (Supportive and solid tissues), by six authors; Editor Oskar Eichler. Handbuch der experi- mentellen Pharmakologie vol. XVI/8: XI + 270 pp., 56 figs. Springer-Verlag Berlin (etc.): 1969, Bound DM 98,- (US $43). This volume, all in the German language, consists of four articles, the first on diseases or disorders of the teeth (by H. D. Cremer and W. Buettner), the second on those of the skeleton (by Hans Gebauer); the third on skeletal deformities induced by irradiation (by W. Seelentag and O. Kistner); and the last on those disorders of the joints (by P. Stern). There are accompanying comprehensive listings of the literature and a subject and an author index. Dr. Stern is from Jugoslavia, all the others live in Germany. As usual, very fine black and white photographs and clear-cut diagrams illuminate the pages. The first chapter has sections dealing with the experimental production of caries (cavities) in experimental animals, the objective being to determine the factors which determine this pathological develop- ment (diet, genetic factors, microorganisms, etc.). Experiments 118 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 are reported using human teeth in vitro, attempting to simulate conditions in the human oral cavity. Also reviewed are experi- mental studies of erosion of enamel, depigmentation, etc. A review of the parameters affecting tooth disorders includes discussion of the importance of various minerals and elements, vitamins, endocrines, and irradiation. The eventual benefits to human health are obvious. GMH "ZANDER: HANDWOERTERBUCH DER PFLANZENNAMEN" by F. Encke, G. Bucheim and S. Seybold, Ed. 10, 744 pp., Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. 1972 (recd. 1973). DM. 42.--(linen). This very useful reference book contains synopses of many genera (chief part of book), German and some foreign vernacular names for plants, many specific names with their meaning, and brief biographies of many botanists. GMH "BRADYKININ, KALLIDIN, AND KALLIKREIN" E. G. Erdos and A. F. Wilde (Technical Editor). Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Heffter—Heubner, New Series, Edited by O. Eichler, A. Farah, H. Herken, and A. D. Welch. Vol. XXV: XIX + 768 pages, 117 figs., many tabs., Springer-Verlag: Berlin - New York - Heidelberg. 1970. (Cbhth DM. 248,--. US $68.20. The latest part of this great work ("Heffter-Heubner") covers an area of expanding research with great thoroughness and detail. The first chapter traces the discovery of two of the three agents named in the book's title, and is authored by one of the men engaged in this early pioneering work - Dr. Eugen Werle (Univ. of Munich). This chapter like all the remainder of this large volume is in the English language. Kallikrein was discovered in the urine as a substance causing blood pressure decrease; Frey (1926) made the discovery - hence the "F substances" Kraut (1928) called the "serum inactivator" something in the blood serum which inactivated kallikrein. Kallikrein was isolated from the pancreas by Kraut (1930) (Werle, 1934). Kallikreinogen, inactive precursor, was discovered in 1937 (Werle), being later called prekallikrein. Another inhibitor occurring only in bovine organs was discovered in 1930; this was not the same as the serum inactivator. Kallidin (Werle, 1936) was discovered as a second component of urine, which lowered blood pressure but also contracted the intestine. Kallidin- inactivating enzymes were also demonstrated. Kallikrein was dis- covered to be an enzyme ca. 1940. The story of bradykinin, a potent vasodilator which however acted slowly (hence the name), is told in chapter 2. It was discovered in 1949 in the plasma by Rocha e Silva in Brazil. This chapter is written by D. F. Elliott (London), who did much of the research on bradykinin. This im- pressive tome has 40 contributors (including the Editon), who is 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 119 at the University of Oklahoma, and who has done valuable work with the kinins and kininases, kinin being of course the generic term used for these various endogenous peptides which act on blood vessels, smooth muscles, nerve endings, etc. The authorship of the volume is international in scope, with 18 Americans, 7 Germans, 5 British, 3 Brazilians and 3 Japanese represented, along with 1 author each from Belgium, Canada, Italy, and Czechoslovakia. (Minor error on page 5: between line 6 and 7 the meaning would have been clearer by adding "shown to"). There are numerous references following each subdivision within the chapter rather than solely at the ends of chapters. 9 chapters, an appendix, and author and subject indexes compose the volume. GMH "FLORA DE S. TOME E PRINCIPE. ALANGIACEAE" - Jardim e Museu Agricola do Ultramar, Ministerio do Ultramar, Lisboa. by J. do Espirito Santo, 4 pp.; 1973. Descriptions of Alangium chinense (Lour.) Harms, the sole species of the sole genus of the family represented. Geographical distribution is given. Also Aquifoliaceae. Apple seel oO 3 Description of the family with its sole representative here, Ilex mitis (L.) Radlk. GMH "ETMER-LUNDT: DEUTSCHE SEUCHENGESETZE"; Sammlung des gesamten Bundesseuchenrechts. Verlag R. S. Schulz, Percha am Starnberger See, Berger Str. 8,10; also Muenchen. Looseleaf; 1396 pp. 1969. Price DM.59.- approx. $26.00. This collection of the German Federal laws concerning in- fectious diseases has been published to replace the work entitled: Seyffertitz/Thomaschewski: 'Bundes-Seuchengesetz; Sammlung des Seuchrenrechts. (Bundes-Seuchengesetz)" (last supplement issued 9 Nov. '68). The compilers are Dr. F. Etmer, Vice-president (retired) of the national social laws division and Dr. P. V. Lundt, managing Director and Professor at the Federal Health Office. The contents include the laws relating to animal infections, meat inspections, food law specifications, etc. Both compilers are outstanding experts in these subjects. The laws are numbered from 1 to 880, and two indexes are provided at the front of the volume to facilitate the sections of interest. One index is a systematic enumeration by order of numbers, the other is an alphabetic arrangement; a condensation of this latter index is set in the inner covers of the volume, using abbreviated forms. 120 PH Y«P:O"h 0162 & Vol. 37, no. 2 Thus AffenEinfVO may be translated as Affen-Einfuhr-Verordnung (In- portation of apes regulation). Law No. 1, which with its supplement covers many pages, is entitled the "law for the prevention and con- trol of contagious diseases in man", and concerns many diseases, such as (taken at random) ornithosis, salmonella infections, scarlatina, and toxoplasmosis. Law 2 (KrErreg) deals with notices concerning directions or rules regarding infectious agents, i.e., shipping, mailing, etc. The "milk law'' is No. 650. The numbers are not consecutive. Thus, under the heading of "foods and condi- ments; requirements," there will be found Laws no. 201, 205, 207, 211), 216 FV217 , *2195 822059222, 223) 2275 °2285°2305) and! 2a2eeaud following the last number a gap up to 250 (child welfare). Ob- viously this is to permit expansion and the introduction of new laws to cover new situations or products, the same object in using the loose-leaf binding. A law is often followed by an executive order, thus for instance Item No. 133 is a law for the professional practice of medicine "without (medical school) diploma," including presumably such medical arts as chiropractic, naturopathy, etc.3 this is followed by Item No. 134, an executive order for adminis-— tration of this law. In addition to the statutory provisions, many legal decisions are referred to, so that apparently precedents are regularly used/ administering justice ("the unwritten law"). GMH "THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANTIBIOTICS USED IN MEDICINE" by R. M. Evans, X + 226 pp., many figs. and tabs. 1515 cm. X 19.6 cm., Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York. 1965 (1969). $8.50. The stiff board covers of this volume are decorated with illustrations, back and front, of Petri dish ("plate") cultures prepared from soil samples and on the front cover there is im- posed the structural formula of fusidic acid, one of the more recent antibiotics, first isolated in 1962. It is a steroid closely related to cholesterol and lanosterol, and illustrates the fact of the wide variety of structural types to be found among the antibiotics, including those derived from amino acids, those from sugars, those from acetate or propionate units, and so on. This small volume includes good background information but is specially concerned with the chemistry of these compounds, except for the last chapter and the two appendices. These deal with the mode and sites of action of antibiotics, their use in clinical practice, and those with antitumor activity (respectively). This book can be recommended for college courses in which the antibiotics are studied, especially in such courses as "natural products chemistry." With the hundreds of reference citations at the ends of the various chapters, the book will be doubly effective as a learning and reference tool. GMH 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 121 "CARBON MONOXIDE IN ORGANIC SYNTHESIS" by Jurgen Falbe. Trans- lated from the German by Charles R. Adams, ix, 219 pp., 21 illus. including 1 col. pl., 69 tabs, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York NY 10010. Title #101653. 1970. Cloth. $16.00. This volume represents a revised and updated translation of "Synthesen mit Kohlenmonoxyd" by Falbe, published in 1967 as Volume 10 of "Organische Chemie in Einzeldarstellungen', Besides a table of contents in the front of the book there is a subject index at the end but no author index. The text is composed of four chapters, each dealing with a separate type of synthesis using carbon monoxide (CO): (1) Hydroformylation reaction, also called the oxo-reaction or the Roelen reaction (because developed by Roelen in 1938 at the Ruhrchemie AG., where Falbe is also associated) ; in this reaction, aldehydes and ketones are formed by the inter- action of CO and Hj. (2) Metal carbonyl-catalyzed carboxylation reaction, also called the Roeppe reaction because developed by W.R. in 1938 at the Badische Anilin-u. Soda-fabrik: in this process, Ni(CO)4 and other metallic carbonyls (Co, Fe, Pd, etc.) aid the reaction of CO with unsaturated compounds (ex. acetylene) and with nuleophilic compounds (i.e., those able to donate or share electrons) Nex. H20, alcohols, etc.) to produce carboxy acids (such as acetic acid). (3) Carbonylation with acid catalysts, developed mostly by Koch, (hence called the Koch reaction): a 2-stage process involving an olefin combining with CO and H20 in the presence of an acid catalyst, at relatively moderate temperature and pressure to form a complex, which in the second stage is hydrolyzed to form a carboxylic acid, such as propionic acid. (4) Ring closure with CO: umsaturated compounds with at least 4 or 5 membered chain reacting with CO to form a 5 or 6 membered ring compound. On page 2, line 6 from bottom, Cios is misspelled for Bios: there are two papers in the serial called Bios referred to in the bibliography. GMH "ORGANISCHE CHEMIE: by Gabor Fodor. Vol 2. 939 pp. (pp. 828-1766) plus 6 pp. of col. pls. (42 pls.) (pl. 63-104), 58 tabs. - Vohouss= "Literatur und Register:"3.229 pp. (pps 1767=1995)....- VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin (DDR). 1965. Bound (v.12); flexible cloth (v. 3). 3 vols. for MDN 152,- US $38.00. The first volume of this detailed work on organic chemistry has previously been reviewed (Quart. J. Crude Drug Res. 9: 1490-1; 1969). The author of this comprehensive work is Director of the Research Laboratory for Stereochemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. He is well known for his numerous publications and many guest lectures both inside and outside of Hungary. This comprehensive work is based on an Hungarian edition, which was enlarged and brought up to date by the author. Despite 122 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 the enormous growth in the number of organic compounds of both natural and synthetic origin, the new findings in the area of reaction mechanisms and the steric basis of these, and the unin- terrupted flow of discoveries of ever new transformations, the quintessence of all this older and newer knowledge has been put together from a clear and uniform outlook. By showing basic principles and guide-lines, the development of theoretical organic chemistry is greatly simplified; the general and essential principles have been selected to obtain the utmost simplification of the organic type reactions. Whereas volume I dealt with the hydrocarbons (both aliphatic and aromatic) and their halogen and hydroxy derivatives and the organic compounds of sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc., in the present volume, four large chapters have been included, dealing respectively with the oxo-compounds (aldehydes, ketones, etc.); the carboxylic acids and derivatives; the aromatic heterocycles and derivatives; and the steroids. As in volume 1, a series of Stuart-Briegleb atomic (molecular) models is appended at the end of the volume to better show true steric relationships of the atoms in a molecule. The 3rd volume is com- posed of four lists: literature citations, Nos. 1-2607; biographi- cal data for outstanding chemists; author index; and subject index. This valuable work is intended for advanced chemistry students specializing in the field of organic chemistry; however, it is of inestimable value for all professional chemists. GMH "THE GROWTH OF PLANTS" by G. E. Fogg (Ed. 2). 302 pp., 54 figs., 24 pls., 1 tab., Penguin Books, Inc., Baltimore, MD. 1975. (paperback) $3.95. This small volume lays the foundations for a study of plant growth, a basic process which supports the life of man and all other animals as well as the lives of many parasitic plant species. It seems likely that this dependence of man will continue indefinite- ly into the future. With the earth's exploding populations, it seems essential that we learn all we can about the way plants grow so that we can better utilize them in the vast efforts at food production that lie ahead for the human race. The alternative is the spectre of vast starvation and death for millions - the cruelest death of all, it is said. The machinery of photosynthesis - that all important process for production of plant substances - is reviewed, and other essential processes, such as respiration, are gone over. Transport (translocation) of materials in the plant, correlation of growth with formation of plant organs, adjustments of growth to the environment, circadian and other rhythms, and other important matters are included in this important text. GMH 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 123 "GADDUM"S PHARMACOLOGY" Revised by A. S. V. Burgen and J. F. Mitchell. Ed. 6, VII + 235 pp., many £igs. and ‘tabs., 1 frontispiece (portrait of Sir John Gaddum), Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York 10016; also Toronto and London. 1968. (paper) $8.00. At first sight, one wonders if one is getting "his money's worth" from this little book. However, after a careful study, it becomes clear that for its wealth of clear and useful infor- mation and its organization the book is a bargain. Sir John's work has been well received since the original edition of 1940, and the new edition has been reworked to maximum effectiveness. There is considerable graphic material, such as figures, diagrams, formulas, graphs, etc., division into reasonably short sections, and at the end of each of the 19 chapters "Further reading." The general arrangement follows the following plan: introductory, central nervous system agents, peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous systems, smooth muscle, circulation, body temperature control, alimentary tract, vitamins, blood, endocrines, urinary system, chemotherapy, and a final chapter on "quantitative and human pharmacology." At the end of the text are sections of general reference books and journals, units of measurement, quantitative data for aqueous solutions, an index of chemical rings, and the index. It should be considered as a text for any introductory course in pharmacology. It has a large advantage in providing a relatively small book which will look readable to the student who is so often overcome by the formidable size and weight of the college textbook. GMH "THE ENDOGONACEAE IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST" by J. W. Gerdemann and J. M. Trappe, VII + 76 pp., Mycologia Memoir No. 5. 1974. As a result of these studies, the large and heterogeneous gen. Endogone has been split into four genera, viz., Endogone Link, Glomus Tul. et Tul., Modicella Kanouse, and Gigaspora gen. nov., with G. gilmorei sp. nov., G. calospora (Nicol. et Gerd.) comb. nov. (Endogone c.), G. gigantoa (Nicol. et Gerd.) comb. nov. (E. g.), and G. coralloidea Trappe, Gerdemann, et Ho sp. nov. An extralimital sp., G. heterogama (Nicol. et Gerd.) comb. nov. (E. h.) from Illinois is also brought into the gen. Seven genera are represented in the title area (c. California no. to Alaska and east to Idaho; most studies were made in Oregon). Also recognized for the family is Acaulospora gen. nov. with as type sp. A. laevis sp. nov. and A. elegans sp. nov. Also 8 species nov. and several new combina- tions are described for the genera Glomus, Sclerocystis, and Endogone. GMH 12h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 "MAMMALIAN REPRODUCTION" edited by H. Gibian and E. J. Plotz, vi + 470 pp., 224 figs., 81 tabs, 21st Colloquium of the Society for Biological Chemistry (Gesellschaft fuer Biologische Chemie), 9-11 April, 1970, in Mosbach/Baden (Germany) , Springer-Verlag New York. 1970. $18.70. The contents of this cloth-bound, hard-back book consist of the introduction and terminal summary and the 20 chapters which lie between. All is in the English language ("the Latin of the scientific world") except for a part of the Introduction (which is translated in a footnote). There are 33 authors including the Editor, Dr. Heinz Gibian, who is responsible for both intro- duction and summary. (Both editors wrote the brief Preface.) These include 9 United States individuals or groups, 7 German, 3 individuals from Great Britain, and one individual from France. The discussions following each presentation have not been pub- lished in this volume since this would have unduly delayed appear- ance of the volume. Since sexual reproduction is of primary im- portance to man (and to any other mammalian species), sometimes transcending food, shelter, or even life itself in priorities, the subject of this conference is of the utmost interest. Most papers deal with the various phases of reproduction in the lower animals, so often much more convenient and at times representing more objective subjects for study. Thus the pages are replete with references to dogs, monkeys, apes, rats, and rabbits. (Especially rabbits). Title samplings (in essence) include a general review of the subject; importance of hormones in sex differentiation in utero; hypothalamus luteinizing hormone (LH)- releasing hormone; the identity of the LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH); pituitary regulation of sexual functions; cybernetics of mammalian reproduction; androgen biogenesis; female sex hormones biosynthesis; the life history of sperm from ejaculation to syngamy; the biochemistry of seminal plasma; ovum transport; ovum metabolism between conception and nidation (deposit on uterine wall); im- munology of reproduction; genetics of early development; role of uterus in regulating ovarian periodicity; hormonal effects on socio-sexual behavior of dogs. Something for everyone in the biological fields! The book is well printed, the text in clear simple English (except for the technical terms), and the informa- tion important in the advancement of che various scientific dis- ciplines. GMH "A REVISION OF B. E. DAHLGREN'S INDEX OF AMERICAN PALMS" by S. F. Glassman, vi + 294 pp., 2 tabs., Phanerogamarum Monographiae Tomus VI. 1972 (1973). DM. 120,--. An amended listing of American palm species is given based on the work of Dahlgren (Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. 14: 1-456; 1936), which was the first compilation of the taxonomic and 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 125 nomenclatural information on New World Palmae. The present annotated listing includes 76 genera and 1167 species considered to be "good" (valid). This is fewer species than appeared in the original work; the reason is that Dahlgren included many pre- Linnaean names. In this listing, the correct names are given in bold face type and the incorrect names in ordinary type face. The addenda include references (229-264), geographic distribution by country (native species not cultivated, unless known only in cultivated form), census of New World palms by genus and by country (288-9), and additions and corrections (291-4). Excluded from this listing are fossil palm names and vernacular names. Greater ease of use would have been possible by running the generic names as a title at the head of each page - or else if an index had been prepared. GMH "MEDICAL PHARMACOLOGY: PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS" by Andres Goth, MeDenwid. 3,, x1, 668 pp... 66 figs. mostly eraphs,.23 Eabs., The C. V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, Missouri. 1966. $12.50. Nowadays, most textbooks grow with each edition, sometimes from relatively slender volumes to thick rather unwieldy tomes, one might even say overpowering to the poor student. In the present volume, one finds a pleasant contrast: The author, who is Professor of Pharmacology at The University of Texas South- western Medical School, at Dallas, states in the Preface: ... a textbook for students and physicians, as opposed to a reference book, does not have to be lengthy if it includes adequate references to the experimental litera- ture and to recent review articles. In fact, there is a danger that a textbook with too many details may obscure for the student or practitioner what is really exciting about the disciplines: the underlying ideas, their development, and their importance in current medical thinking. The author apparently means what he says since he has succeeded very well in condensing the essence of the subject matter of the field within 635 uncrowded pages of text. Not only that, but the pages are enlivened with useful graphs, figures, and formulas, and there has even been an effort to make the pages more colorful by using blue colored chapter and section headings and coloring the tables so that they stand out from the text quite emphatically. This seems a good idea to underline the importance of tables, since most students give them scarcely a glance. The author makes a serious error of fact on page 634, when he states that inclusion of drugs in the "National Formulary" may be based on extent of use, and suggesting for this reason that the physician should limit his use of drugs to those in the U.S. Pharmacopeia and New Drugs (A.M.A.). The section on quinine (p. 601) should be updated. GMH 126 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, mo. 2 "HACKH'S CHEMICAL DICTIONARY" (American and British usage), con- taining the words generally used in chemistry, and many of the terms used in the related sciences of physics, astro- physics, mineralogy, pharmacy, agriculture, biology, medicine, engineering, etc., based on recent chemical literature, by Julius Grant. Ed. 4, completely revised, XI + 738 pp., tabs., figs. (s.n.), McGraw-Hill Book Company, 330 W. 42nd Sens New vork LO036.- 19695" S350: This large compilation is obviously more comprehensive than its preceding edition, with an estimated 80,000 definitions (approx.). From studying over the contents, it was found that many different kinds of information are to be had from the single alphabetical sequence contained. These include besides chemical names of com- pounds, generic names for medicintals (such as acetophenetidine) , proprietary trademarked names (such as Phenacetin (not capitalized)), synonyms (for instance, blue salt), therapeutic terms (as emetic), plant common names (like potato), plant group names (such as Compositae), some gmall plant units (as the generic name Solanum) , biographic information (such as Ira Remsen), abbreviations (for example D.C. for direct current), animal common names (e.g., whale), apparatus and equipment names (such as interferometer, boss), pharmaceutical preparation types (f.i., lotion), classes of com- pounds (for an example, loretinates), crude drug common names (ex., thoroughwort), names of reagents (as Thoulet's reagent), elements (as thulium), commercial terms (as stumpage), various phenomena (as scattering), scientific disciplines (such as metallography, metallurgy), chemical redicals (as heptyl), and others. Interspersed in the text are many space-saving tables and figures, such as petroleum reserves of various parts of the world, leading insecti- cides (3 pages), and graphic formulas for many compounds, such as menadione. With such an enormous and proliferating vocabulary as is found in the chemistry field, it is no wonder that there are omissions. Here are several found: carvenyl acetate - conformation - towsack — simethicone - ergoline - absorbance and absorbancy - Ci. (for Curie) - tris- heteropolysacchaides and homopolysaccharides - scalant - catecholamines - glucanase - glucan (polyglucoside) - glycans (polysaccharides) - glycoside (besides the one meaning given) - heteroside - ose, oside - HLB (for hydrophilic-lipophilic balance) - tartar emetic (SbK tartrate) - UL (ultra linear) - glycokinin - homosekikaic acid (in lichens) - crambe oil - amine alkaloids - pectose (should have been equated to protopectin) - betalains (natural dyes) - thyronine - extinction (for absorbance). The definition for prostaglandin is incomplete. The 3 components of ergotoxine are not indicated. Glucokinin is not an equivalent name for insulin. In the alkaloid table, aconitine, etc. are wrongly indicated as of unknown constitution. This is truly a great mine of information! GMH 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 127 "GENETICS OF FLOWERING PLANTS" by Verne Grant, xiv + 1-514, 61 figs., 4 tabs., Columbia University Press, New York and London. 1975. $20.00. The strategy of this important and unique book is a develop- ing one from the simpler to the more complex: beginning with the genes proceeding to gene systems thence to linkage systems and finally to genetic systems. This is the only work covering this field published since Sansome and Philip's "Recent Advances in Plant Genetics" (ed. 2, 1939). The subject has been largely dropped from texts in genetics, which are now more concerned with animal genetics, etc. This book is actually an extension from an earlier work of the author: "Architecture of the Germplasm" (1964). In the earlier part of the book dealing with gene action and the development of the organism, features are discussed which are common to both plants and animals, thus, the relations of genotype and phenotype. Mendelian genes as originally conceived were not thought of as being present in the chromosomes, in fact the lo- cation was unknown except that they were in the gametes. Hence a distinction is made between this theoretical entity of Mendel and the modern rather concrete gene located along the length of the Pee monanies The text has been made as simple as would be possible ,Such a complicated subject matter, however the chief difficulty with this as with so many other fields of science lies in the vocabulary. It occurs to this reviewer that a glossary would have been of much value in this work. Even though many definitions can be found by using the subject index (there are also author and organism indexes), quite a number of words could not be found by this means: thus, allele, dedifferentiation, clone, introgression, dominant and recessive, and allopolyploids were not present in the index. The depth and breadth of the coverage may be gaged by the very large bibliography (35 pages) at the back of the book (instead of at the ends of the various chapters). Libraries of botany and genetics should surely have this volume. GMH "CHEMOSTYSTEMATICS IN THE CLASSIFICATION OF CULTIVARS" by W. F. Grant, pp. 293-302, Chemistry in botanical classification, Proc. 25th Nobel Symposium, 1973. Stockholm (Ed. G. Bendz and J. Santesson). 1974. Various cultivars often cannot be properly distinguished by morphological descriptions alone. Biochemical technics such as paper and thin-layer chromatography, electrophoresis, and serology offer better means of distinction of such plants. This is illus- trated in the case of Manihot esculenta Crantz, of which more than 900 cultivars are known. Two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography was successfully used to distinguish the pattern of secondary phenolic compounds of the leaf, comparisons being made of differences in 55 fluorescent spots by a cluster analysis computer program in 128 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 which the cultivars were grouped by different S values. By using chromatography and spectrophotometry, flavonoids have been identified as glycosides of quercetin and luteolin and the cinnamic acids as chlorogenic acid, esters of p-coumaric, caffeic, ferulic, and sinapic acids, and glycosides of caffeic and ferulic acids. GMH "ANATOMY, DESCFIPTIVR AND SURGICAL" by Henry Gray, F. R. S. 1260 pp-, 780 figs., Running Press, 38 S. 19th St., Philadelphia, Bae L911 03) 2p 0:9)7i7ae CLS O18) aS 8195) This paperback reprinting of Gray's classical Anatomy is based on the 1901 edition. The number of this edition is not stated; the first edition appeared in 1858, 43 years before. The latest (1973) edition is the 29th; hence, if the editions have been spaced fairly regularly, this might represent the llth edition or thereabouts. The work represents a photographic reproduction, the only changes being seen in the first four pages - the title page and "Introduction". The illstrations are said to be of interest to art students, although it is difficult to understand why the older editions are of more interest artistically than the newer. The work is of course of primary interest to the student of human anatomy and is very much more economical to purchase than a later edition ordinarily would be. (The book is available directly from the Press.) GMH "INTERNATIONAL AND METRIC UNITS OF MEASUREMENT" by Marvin H. Green, Ed. 2: iii + 118 pp.,. 54 tabs.) Chemical PublashingsCo. wine... 200° Park Ave. S.; New York 10003. 2973. Si12°50: The various units are taken up by chapter in alphabetic order: angular measure, area, atomic energy units, density and. concentra- tion, electrical units, energy, flow (rates), force, length, Magnetic units, mass, power, pressure, time, velocity, and volume. These chapters are followed by references and two appendices, one giving systems of units in use, the other a comparison of inter- national andU. S. customary units. It is apparent to anyone that such a book will be a useful reference to engineers, chemists, physicists, manufacturers, and college students. The book is thoroughly indexed. (One omission noted: nanometer (nanon) (one-billionth of a meter; 10-9 mm.)). GMH "DETECTION OF PURITY OF BREWERS' YEAST CULTURES AND OF VARIATIONS IN THE PROPORTIONS OF BIOS TYPES" by S. R. Green and P. J. Sullivan, Wallerstein Lab. Commun. 25: 271-9, 6 tabs., 1 fig. (Wallerstein Advances in Beer Quality, Part II) (French and Spanish summaries). 1962. Bios types (i.e., types of yeasts reacting significantly to quantities of the bios group of compounds in the culture medium, 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 129 i.e., inositol, biotin, pantothenic acid, thiamine, and pyridoxine) can be detected even when present in very small amounts in pitching yeast and in yeast crops by agar plating with various medium formulas. The method is so sensitive that a single yeast cell of one bios type can be distinguished (detected) among 100,000 or even more yeast cells of another bios type. This plating technic can also be used to indicate relative proportions of bios types. This procedure is of much importance in the practical operation of brewing. GMH "EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL EFFECTS OF L-ASPARAGINASE" by E. Grundmann and H. F. Oettgen (Editors), Recent Results in Cancer Research (RRCR) Vol. 33: Xi + 354 pp., 190 figs., 144 tabs., cloth, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1970. DM 58,--; US $16.00. In this volume are reproduced the papers presented at an "International Symposium on the Experimental and Clinical Effects of L-Asparaginase" held at Wuppertal-Elberfeld (BRD) in 1969. The editors, Doctors Grundmann (of Farbenfabrik Bayer) and Oettgen (of the Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research) are also co- authors of articles in the volume. Based on observations of Clementi (1922) and the pioneering work of two Americans, J. G. Kidd (New York Hospital, Cornell Medical Center, NYC) and J. D. Broome (New York University) the development of an effective anti- malignancy agent of natural origin is recounted and many indications of its medical value are brought together. The preparation of this enzyme from cultures of the microorganism Escherichia coli (the well known colon bacillus or colibacillus), has rendered the product relatively cheap and available for medical use. This volume presents a study of the product from all standpoints: there are chapters on the importance of asparagine (which is hydrolyzed by the enzyme) to the cancer cell; methods of manufacture; the pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, and clearance of asparaginase from the animal body); experimental studies on mice, dogs, cats, and cows; toxicological information; the problems of resistance of the cancer cell to the enzyme; and the last large section on the clinical effects and the unwanted side effects. Some chapters in the latter section seem to cover the same ground, thus there are three chapters with the identical title: "Clinical experience with asparaginase.'"'’ However, it will be noted that they cover different patients, with somewhat different treatment, etc. The book is entirely in the English language. There is no list of the authors as is usually given in such a work. There are no indexes except the table of contents in front. This is an impor- tant book in a field of increasing importance for human beings. GMH 130 PH YoPOLoOead & Vol. 37, mo. 2 "PLANT CELL BIOLOGY: AN ULTRASTRUCTURAL APPROACH" by Brian E. S. Gunning and Martin W. Steer. ii + 1-7 + 184-282pp., 49 pls., 1 fig., Crane, Russak & Company, Inc., 347 Madison Ave., New York 10017. 1975. $8.95. The foregoing book (with card covers) represents a portion of another work, "Ultrastructure and the Biology of Plant Cells," published by Edward Arnold (Publishers) (England) in 1975. This accounts for the unusual pagination. The total of 108 large pages bears approximately 200 microphotographs (transmission electronic, scanning electronic, light microscope) or diagrams, since each plate bears from one to seven figures. The figures represent a variety of specific examples of structure and function in plant cells. Thus, among others, one may observe in excellent detail such structures as the following: plasma membranes, xylem and phloem elements, wax and cuticle, sieve plates and pores, glandular trichomes, pollen grains, transfer cells, plasmodesmata, endodermis, Caspary strip, vacuoles, nucleolus, endoplasmic reticulum, mito- chondria, Golgi apparatus, plastids of various types, microtubules and microfilaments, stages of cell division, etc. Each plate faces a page of clearly phrased text, with marginal references to pages in the mother text. The purpose of the book primarily is to make available these excellent unsurpassed illustrations of the cell. It has accomplished this objective in praiseworthy manner. GMH RESIDUE REVIEWS. VOLUME 5. Special volume on "INSTRUMENTATION FOR THE DETECTION AND DETERMINATION OF PESTICIDES AND THEIR RESIDUES IN FOODS" by Francis A. Gunther (Editor), Los Angeles meetings of the American Chemical Society, Apr. 1963, VIII, 176 pp., 8 vo., Springer-Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, 1 Ber- lin 31 (Wilmersdorf), Germany. 1964. DM. 26.--. This entire volume has been printed in the English language with the exception of chapter summaries in French and German. The content represents the text of all of the papers presented at a Symposium as indicated in the title, which was held on 1 April, 1963, during the course of the 144th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (31 March-5 April, 1963). Following a brief Foreword by the Chairman and Chairman-Elect of the Pesticides Subdivision of the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry of the A. C. S. (who sponsored the symposium), the following subjects were discussed in serial order, each of the 12 papers representing a contribution 7 to 28 pp. in length (average 14 pp.): Analysis of pesticide residues and food control; gas chromatography with an electron absorption detector; electron absorption chromatography for quantitative determination of pesticide residues; selective detection and identification of pesticide residues; microcoulo- metric titrating systems for detecting pesticide residues in gas chromatography; flame ionization and electron capture detectors for gas chromatographic evaluation of herbicide residues (comparison) ; 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 13 polarography in detection and determination of pesticides and their residues; polarography for determining organic feed medicaments; fluorescence analysis for pesticide residues; infra-red and ultra- violet spectrophotometry for determining residues; automatic wet chemical analysis applied to pesticide residues; determination of pesticide residues by neutron-activation analysis. The great ad- vances in analytical instrumentation become apparent to anyone who reads over the text of this volume. Index. GMH "WILDLIFE OF YELLOWSTONE AND GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARKS" by Bryan Harry and Willard E. Dilley, 66 pp., 75 col. pls., 11 figs. The Wheelwright Press, 975 S. West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah S401. 1972. -Si'.50- Most of this attractive book deals with mammals; however, several fishes, reptiles, and amphibians are also included. Strikingly attractive color photos are included, one for each description; all are good to excellent in quality. This would be a useful and convenient companion to the visitor to these parks. GMH "BIRDS OF UTAH" by C. Lynn Hayward, Clarence Cottam, Angus M. Woodbury, and Herbert H. Frost. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs No. 1: iv + 229 pp., 65 figs., 1 map. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. 1976. $10.00. The introduction discusses historical matters, the bird popu- lations of Utah, physiography and climate of Utah, and the various bird habitats of the state. The systematic part follows. There is no count or census of species; at a rough estimate, there are ca. 500 birds in this compilation. For each species, the status is discussed (i.e., relative abundance, seasons when present, nesting dates, etc.) and records are given of the bird for Utah. Many of the photographs are in color, others in black and white. As would be expected, there is a great variety of bird life in Utah, in- cluding such species as the California Gull which played such an important part in the early days of the Mormon settlement. GMH "THE PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR OF ANIMALS IN ZOOS AND CIRCUSES" by H. Hediger, vii + 166 pp., 30 photos., Dover Publications, Inc., New York. 1968 (1955). $2.00. A translation of "Skizzen zu einer Tierpsychologie im Zoo und im Zirkus" was published in 1955 in England and this is a reprint of the same in unabridged form. The reprinting so faith- fully adheres to the original that the English spelling of "behavior" in the title has been retained. The text is fascinating, 132 PH Yeeros A Vol. 37, no. 2 revealing as it does the almost human type of consciousness found among mammals and even among various of the lower vertebrates, such as serpents. The daily life of the animal, its various crises (such as birth), relations of mother and infant, the psychology of animals in the circus (lions, etc.), and many other topics will be found of extraordinary interest. GMH "STRUCTURE AND BONDING" editors: P. Hemmerich, C. K. Jorgensen, J. B. Neilands, Sir Ronald S. Nyholm, D. Reinen, and R. J. P. Williams, Volume 7? iii; 154 pp., 45 illus, 27 tabse Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York 10010; Heidelberg; Berlin. 1970. Soft cover $10.50. For this volume, there are 6 authors, one of them German (BRD) the remaining from England. The first of the four articles included is by D. W. Smith and R. J. P. Williams and is devoted to the "spectra of ferric haems and haemoproteins". It is the only review in this volume having an important direct bearing on the biological area - physiology and biochemistry, the others being concerned with transition metal complexes and compounds, and the ions of spinel, garnet, and other complex structures. In the first article, the absorption spectra are discussed of the porphyrin ring (porphin) and of the various porphyrins and metalloporphyrins. The porphyrin ring is regarded as representing a large aromatic ring of 18 atoms, made up of four connected pyrrole rings. Substituents are attached to the C atoms of the pyrroles (including methyl, ethyl, acetic acid, etc.) in derivatives occurring naturally. Metalloporphyrins also occur in nature, the chief one being the iron complex called Protoporphyrin IX: this represents a protein-bonded iron porphyrin. Important ligands (complexing groups) includes peroxidase, catalase, and various cytochromes. This elaborate discussion of the spectral properties of the group is documented with 138 references. GMH "WILDFLOWERS OF THE MONTEREY AREA, CALIFORNIA" by Beatrice F. Howitt 52 pp., 65 col. pls., 1 fig., 1 map, The Wheelwright Press, 975 S. West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1965. $1.50. Excellent kodachrome illustrations and interesting and useful texts covering 63 plant entities found in the central coastal area of California are furnished. This is a very useful little guide for the person interested in the beautiful flowering plants of the south Pacific coast of the United States. GMH 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 133 "ABBREVIATIONS OF BASIC MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY" 4th edition, Talmage Gordeon Hiebert, XI, 320 pp., several tabs. and figs., Sigma Press, Publishers, 2140 K St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 1962. $5.50 (paperback); $7.50 (cloth). The title of this volume is misleading as it is not an alphabetical compilation of abbreviations but rather a review of the salient features of human physiology, with only occasional mention of abbreviations, and these are usually placed in parentheses after the words for which they are used. A foreward (foreword) states that the book is not intended as a textbook but only as a review. There are chapters on neuromuscular physi- ology, circulation and respiration, metabolism and nutrition, kidney and electrolyte function, and endocrines and reproduction. Index. The book would be very useful as a review before examina- tion, the state board, and so on. GMH "PENTOSES AND PENTITOLS". International Symposium on Metabolism, Physiology, and Clinical Use of Pentoses and Pentitols. Hakone, Japan, 27/29 Aug. 1967. Edited by B. L. Horecker, K. Lang, Y. Takagi, 254 figs., and many tabs., VII, 408 pp., 8vo., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969. Cloth DM 68.--. US $18.70. The papers presented at this Symposium are arranged into 3 series in the order of sessions: Session I: Metabolism; Session II: Physiology; Session III: Clinical Use. A listing of par- ticipants at the end of the volume (there is no index) shows the presence of mostly Japanese nationals, however also West Germans, Americans (USA), two Englishmen, and one Swede. The opening and closing remarks were presented by Konrad Lang (Univ. of Mainz) who was one of the editors. This volume underlines the importance of 5-carbon sugars, the pentoses, and their reduction products, the pentitols or 5-carbon sugar alcohols. Important among the pentoses is ribose and desoxyribose, the latter now known to play a very important role in the form of the nucleotides in furnishing means for the synthesis of specific proteins which is manifested most importantly in the precise reproduction of genes. Of chief interest in this symposium was xylitol: with the exception of one, all of the papers in the second session were devoted to consideration of this polyol, whereas in the third session all but two papers were concerned (as indicated by the titles) with xylitol. Unlike sorbitol, which acts only as a substrate, xylitol has active physiological effects on the organism; it is an active unit in the glucuronic acid/xylulose metabolic cycle. It appears to have considerable value in therapy, especially in treating metabolic disturbances, such as diabetes mellitus, and also in serious conditions of shock following trauma with hemorrhage or after major surgical intervention. When administered to diabetics, there was no rise in blood sugar levels; also it is incorporated 13h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 into glycogen in the liver and muscle in the same way as glucose. Xylitol increases the production and secretion into the blood stream of corticosteroids. There are indications of other endocrinological activity. Some fields in which clinical trials have been made with indications of success and value are: pediatry; diabetics; surgery; liver diseases; endocrinology; anaesthesiology; and the emergency ward. We will no doubt be hearing more from the clinical students about xylitol. GMH Pierre Huard and Ming Wong: "CHINESE MEDICINE" (Translated from the French by Bernard Fielding), Covers plus 256 pp., 19 col. figs., 47 black & white figs., 1 map, World University Library, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, Toronto. 1968. S22 45. In this broad account of a very large subject, both the ancient and the modern schools of medicine are described. Five chapters deal successively with the evolution of Chinese medicine from the earliest written records of half a millenium before the Christian era up to modern times; the Chinese medicine compared with that of other Asiatic countries; medicine in China and Europe compared from the 17th to the 20th Centuries; western or modern medicine as practiced in modern China; and the practice of traditional (or ancient) medicine in modern China. Besides the appended section on bibliography and sources, a Chinese chronology will be found useful. In view of the recent wide interest in acupuncture arising since news reports have been received from China, this book will supply some information on this technic, also regarding moxas, the procedure in which a burning material is left on the skin. The section on massage (pp. 221-3) and on coitus reservatus will also be of interest. A very interesting book. GMH "GRUNDZUEGE DER PFLANZENANATOMIE: VERSUCH EINER ZEITEGEMAESSEN NEUDARSTELLUNG" by Bruno Huber, XII + 243 pp., 199 figs., 3 tabs., Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. 1961. Cloth bound DM 48,--. The "Bases of Plant Anatomy" ("Search for a modern novel presentation") was written by Professor Huber of the University of Munich. The text follows a progressive order of subject matter, starting with a consideration of the various kinds of technical equipment provided for enhancing microscopic examination of plant tissues. After this, a discussion of cytology follows, with consideration of the cytoplasm, nucleus, plastids, and non-living cell constituents. The next part takes up the anatomy of the vegetative organs - in the order: Thallophyta; Psilophyta (fossil primitive Pteridophyta); Spermatophyta; primary axis structure; secondary structure (shoot and root) (secondary cortex; 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 135 wood and bark medullary rays; axis thickening); leaf. The last part of the text deals with the anatomy of the reproductive organs: gametes; sporophylls (flowers); special apparatus of the phanerogam flowers (display structures, such as petals, nectaries, etc; the anatomy of pollination and fertilization in Phanerogamae; embryology; and the seed and fruit. The book is well printed with excellent figures of the various plant parts, many references for further study, and adequate author and subject indices. This should be an excellent text for classes in plant anatomy. GMH "HANDBUCH DER EXPERIMENTELLEN PHARMAKOLOGIE", Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Heffter/Heubner. New Series. Band XXII/2: Die Gestagene, Teil 2 Herausgegeben von K. Junkmann. Springer- Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, xii + 1334 pp., 226 figs., Many tabs. 1969. Octavo, BoundeUS $}4Q0; DM 320,--. The huge size of this volume, the second of a set of two parts, reflects the importance of the subject — the gestagens, also re- ferred to as progestogens, or progestins. The first part, pub- lished in 1968, has fewer pages than the second one but actually more pages of text since the second part contains the general in- dexes for both parts and these are of immense size (author index 224 pp., subject index 186 pp.). (Hence, over 30% of part 2 con- sists of indexes). The first part was concerned with the chemistry of the gestagens, their metabolisation, absorption, distribution, and elimination, action on the metabolism, side effects, relation- ship of chemical constitution to pharmacology, therapeutic use, and use in contraceptives. Part 2 deals with the action of the gesta- gens on the morphology and functions of the human genital tract and that of the other mammals, naturally with particular attention being paid to the processes of conception and reproduction. There are only three chapters in this part, each with many subdivisions, following the eight chapters of the first part. Chapter IX written by eight men concerns the actions of various gestagens on the morphology and function of the genitalia of different animal groups, including the mammals, other vertebrates (non-mammalian), molluscs, and insects; the effect of gestagens on the milk glands; the effect on the sexual and other behavior of animals; and the synthesis, activity, and breakdown of the gestagens as observed in tissues under the electronic microscope. Chapter X deals with the physiological role of progesterone in humans and in other verte- brates (2 authors). Chapter XI is concerned with the share of progesterone in the control of incretory and generative ovarian functions, including progesterone formation in and secretion by the corpus luteum and the placenta (1 author). The last chapter deals with the use of gestagens in veterinary medicine and in the care of animals, written by Dr. W. Joechle of Syntex Research (California), who also wrote part of Chapter X. All the other authors are German and the text is entirely in the German language. Without question, this is the definitive work (both parts) on the 136 Pon YeTsOnbiOsT A Vol. 37, no. 2 subject of the gestagens, and will be of much interest to specialists in endocrinology, gynecology, and internal medicine and veterinary medicine, but should also interest biochemists, pharmacologists, physiologists, anatomists, pathologists, and those interested in animal breeding. GMH "SEED TO CIVILIZATION: THE STORY OF MAN'S FOOD" by Charles B. Heiser, Jr., xii + 243 pp. 83 figs., 1 tab, W. H. Freeman and Co., 660 Market St., San Francisco, CA 94104. 1973. $7.50* With this book, the author has taken up the beginnings of agriculture, and in that context has described most interestingly the various plants and animals which have been and are used as food by man. Besides the past, the author has considered the present situation with regards to these foods and has had the courage to look into and predict the future for such products. In eleven chapters, Heiser has considered such major topics as the grasses ("staff of live"), meats ("luxury food"), the legumes (peas and beans) ("poor man's meat"), the starchy staples (the common and sweet potato, manioc, breadfruit, banana, yams), the coconut tree ("man's most useful tree"), and miscellaneous foods, beverages, and spices (garden vegetables, nuts, beverages, etc.). The book is chuck-full of important and often surprising infor- mation. It is quite concentrated and will occupy the student many hours of close application. There are abundant references for each chapter grouped at the end of the volume. This book is highly recommended. One error was noted: (p. 36) in speaking of vitamin Bj2, it was mentioned that only animals can supply this recessary food element. Although the vitamin is obtained by man principally from animal foods, it is now believed that all of the vitamin originates through synthesis by various microorganisms, mostly bacteria. Thus, one of the chief com- mercial sources is Streptomyces species, as a by-product in the manufacture of antibiotics--the tetracyclines, streptomycin, etc. (see Drill's "Pharmacology in Medicine", ed. 4, p. 1063; 1971). The author, Prof. Heiser, (Indiana University) is an outstanding botanist; previously he has published "Nightshades, the paradoxical plants" (Solanaceae) and has recently had a volume on Sunflowers published. GMH "THE BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF THE UMBELLIFERAE" edited by V. H. Heywood,’ x + 438 pp., 62 £igs., 33\pls. 759! tabs.4) aca= demic Press, London, New York. 1971. $26.00 The texts of 22 papers by 26 authors at an international symposium on title subject held at the University of Reading (England) are recorded in these pages. Among them is a paper on "The use of serological data in a comparison of tribes 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 137 in the Apioideae", authored by J. L. Pickering and D. E. Fairbrothers. Five serological groupings could be recognized, corresponding to the tribes Scandiceae, Coriandrea§ Ammineae, Peucedaneae, and Dauceae. Serological data supported the division of Peu“cedaneae into three sub-tribes: Angelicinae, Ferulinae, and Tordyliinae. GMH "PHARMACOGNOSY OF INDIAN ACONITES, LONG PEPPER (Piper longum) AND GADUCHI (Tinospora spp.)"' by Har Sharn Jit Singh, (H. S. Puri) IV, 194 pp., 40 pls., 42 tabs, Thesis for Ph.D., Panjab Univ., Chandigarh, India. Besides the general discussions, there are detailed 4 descriptions of many tissues (microscopic) and organs (morphlogic) of these drugs, popular in India. Described are 14 Aconitum species, 3 Piper species, and two Tinospora species. (T. cordifolia, T. malabarica.) GMH "ANNUAL REVIEW OF ECOLOGY AND SYSTEMATICS", Volume 3 by R. F. Johnston, P. W. Frank,and C. D. Michener (Editors) to Oepp\. , D9) figs, 25) tabs. 11972 This volume includes 16 chapters having 21 authors in all. About half of the titles are of general type and half specific. In the chapters dealing with ecology, there are approximately twice as many of specific type as of general. At the end of each chapter there is a rather complete bibliography and at the end of the volume there are both author and subject indexes. Chapters of particular interest include the following (with authors) Mineral cycling: some basic concepts and their application in a tropical rain forest (C. F. Jordan and J. R. Kline); Niche theory (J. H. Vandermeer); Community interactions on marine rocky intertidal shores (J. H. Connell); the carbon balance of plants (H. A. Mooney); and Cladistic methodology: a discussion of the theoretical bases for the induction of evolutionary history (F. G. Estabrook). This is a very useful and time-saving work where the objective is to master the advances of an area over a period of the past several years. There are at the end cumulative indexes of volumes 1-3 (authors and chapter titles). GMH "SYSTEMATIK DER PFLANZEN: PROGRAMMIERTES STUDIENMATERIAL ZUR WIEDERHOLUNG UND UEBUNG" by Klaus Klopfer. 156 pp., many figs. (unnumbered). VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, DDR: 19745 7.80) M. This paper-backed volume is intended to be used to gain a rapid learning attainment in the field of plant systematics. 138 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, mo. 2 There are 12 chapters and 120 sectional units. The chapters are concerned (respectively) with general information; Bacteria; blue algae; Algae; Fungi; lichens; mosses; ferns; Gymnospermae; general characteristics of Angiospermae; Dicotyledoneae and Monocotyledoneae. In using this programmed study guide, the student is given an exercise or questions, then referred to a specific textbook for study, then called upon for the answer or answers, and finally this is checked against the correct answer (located on a different page to strengthen the learning process). This book should serve as a means of quickly absorbing the subject matter. GMH "THE ROLE OF CHROMOSOMES IN CANCER BIOLOGY" by Peo C. Koller Recent Results in Cancer Research (RRCR) Vol. 38: XII + 122 pp., 42 figs., 35 tabs., Springer-Verlag Berlin- Heidelberg - New York. 1972. $15.30. The first chapter is a general treatment of the known structural and functional properties of chromosomes and discusses the importance of the genes with their informational load of DNA molecules. Chapter 2 tells how anomalies of chromosomes, either in their number or in their structure, will affect the develop- ment of the organism bearing them. Abortions, still births, and early death of infants are known often to depend upon chromosome defects, a matter confirmed by postmortal examinations of the fetus or infant. In addition to alterations in the chromosome or chromosomes which occur in the gamete before fertilization, other times changes appear in the zygote or fetus developing from normal chromosomes (or apparently so): this is referred to as "chromosomal mosaicism." In the third chapter, mitotic changes are discussed as these occur in tumors. Neoplastic tissues com- monly show altered chromosome configurations and these differing patterns can be used in diagnosis. There is evidence that such chromosomal irregularities are causative to the accelerated tissue growth and other properties of tumors. In Chapter 4, entitled "Malignant cell populations and the stemline concept," it is demonstrated that cell populations are heterogeneous as to chromo- somal constitution and the amount of deviation from the normal diploid state varies for the individual tumor. The "stemline" which represents the major numerical component of the cell popula- tion is flexible in tumors and may vary with time and environmental conditions. Chapter 5 takes up chromosomal and functional dif- ferences found in malignant cell populations: mutations produce cell variations and mutations can be identified by changes in the chromosomes. The 7th chapter deals with induced primary tumors in animals. Such tumors are of two chief types: those with diploid chromosome makeup, and those in which the cells show a great number of chromosome variations which deviate from the diploid state. The differences in tumor cells from a cyto- logical standpoint include chromosome number, chromosome changes, frequency of cells with differing chromosome numbers, and marker chromosomes. The next two 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 139 chapters take up chromosome aneuploidy existing in human malignancies of two types: (1) effusions (where peritoneal and/or pleural ascitic (tumor) fluids are available and con- venient for the study of free-floating cancer cells; and (2) solid tumors. Chapters 9 to 13 are concerned with fuller details on chromosome properties, in cancerous and pre-cancerous states and how these altered states of chromosomes may pre- dispose to cancer, and with the relation of chromosomes to viral oncogenesis. The final chapter takes up chromosome changes during cancer treatment. The author is Professor Emeritus of Cytogenetics at the University of London. GMH "PLANTS AND ANIMALS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST: an illustrated guide to the natural history of western Oregon, Washing- ton, and British Columbia" by Eugene N. Kozloff, ix + Zoe opp, 123 fies., 321 col. figs. in 48 col. pls.,, 1 map, University of Washington Press, Seattle, Wash. 98105. HOG, | 57.50. In this book, nearly all divisions of the plant and animal kingdoms seem to be included. A wide coverage is clearly indi- cated by the color photos appearing on the front and back dust covers, Since they show four monocot and four dicot flowering plants, a gymnosperm, a fungus, two lichens, an annelid, three molluscs, an amphibitan, and a reptile. The text is well written and informative and combined with the excellent color pictures and line drawings should permit effective understand- ing of the plants and animals and the ability to identify them in the wild. The first chapter is introductory with something of the geography of the area and a discussion of scientific vs. vernacular names, precautions for avoiding extirpation of the organisms, and so on. In chapter 2, the organisms which might be expected in a coniferous forest are taken up in a regular order: (1) coniferous trees; (2) angiosperm trees, shrubs, vines, and wild flowers (herbs) (mostly dicots), (3) ferns, fungi, lichens, mosses, liverworts, etc., (4) the invertebrate animals, and (5) the vertebrates. (In this section 67 pages are devoted to plants, only 5 to animals.) A similar treat- ment is applied in the third chapter, covering oak woods, rocky slopes, and brushy (=bushy) areas. (The entire chapter of 71 pages is devoted to plants.) In Chapter 4, dealing with wet places, all 29 pages are given over to plants. Back yards, vacant lots, and roadsides are taken up in chapter 5, which is about equally divided between plants (13 pp) and animals (9 rps Chapter 6 in 37 pages deals only with vert- ebrate animals. To sum up, 180 pages deal with plants, 51 with animals. Altogether ca. 450 plant and animal species are dealt with, with 446 species illustrated. A glossary, ref- erence list, and index complete what must be one of the most useful and attractive semi-popular works on the living things 14,0 PHYTO L'01es & Vol. 37, no. 2 of the Pacific Northwest. Individuals, societies, and libraries should all consider the purchase of this very worthwhile text. GMH "THE BIOCHEMISTRY OF GREEN PLANTS" by D. W. Krogmann, xiv + 239%pp., 101 figss, 1) tabs. Prentice—Hally ines, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632. 1973. Paper $6.95. Cloth $11.95. This volume is one of seven in the "Foundations of Modern Biochemistry" Series, being ranked among the "Special Topics" group. The work is not intended as a basic text in biochemistry but rather as a secondary more specialized sub-field, that dealing with photosynthesis in its various facets - the physical angle, photophosporylation, Photoregulation, photochemistry, hexose breakdown, Phytohormones, electron transport, etc. Not all areas of primary metabolism are covered and no effort at all is made in the area of the secondary metabolites. A few important references occur at the end of most chapters, while at the end of the book is a section of numerous references keyed to definite statements in the text. This book should furnish a good learning tool. GMH "CURRENT DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT" by Marchs A. Krupp, Milton J. Chatton et all., 12th edition, xiiv+ 996 pp., 28 sEvese. many tabs., Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, Calais. With the exception of one author from Oregon, all 36 medical authors of this work are active in California, the two major authors being associated with the School of Medicine at Stanford University. There are 31 chapters, each concerned with the disorders of some organ or system of the body or with some type of infectious disease, with the exception of the last six chapters which are entitled: "Anti-infective chemothera- peutic and antibiotic agents," "Disorders due to physical agents," "Poisons," "Medical genetics," " Malignant disorders," and "Immunologic disorders."" The single Appendix takes up various constants, normal values, modes of resuscitation, etc. The format for various organs or systems of organs follows a logical development, viz., essentials of diagnosis; general considerations; clinical findings; differential diagnosis; complications; treatment (medical; surgical); prognosis; and references. An excellent index terminates the volume. In many respects the book is reminiscent of Merck's Manual, which also is very useful, but with CDT there are two important advantages - the larger page size (with 2 columns) and larger textual content, so that much more can be included. Hence, quite a number of diseases and disorders are included that are not found in Merck. Also, CDT is published annually while Merck 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 142 comes out at intervals of several years. Thus, CDT can easily be kept up-to-date and corrected, hence is more timely. This frequent revision no doubt also accounts for the flexible plastic cover of CDT, which is certainly protective enough for a year (actually it will last for several years anyhow). A further advantage over Merck of this medical treatise iS the section of literature references given at the end of each disease entity (etc.); these are selected from the book and journal literature and are current. That the work has been well received is manifest from the fact of its publication in seven languages, including two from behind the “iron Curtain." This volume is unreservedly recommended for students and practitioners of medicine and the para-medical sciences. GMH "THE PEYOTE CULT" by W. La Barre, enlarged edition (Ed. 5), xvii + 262 pp., 2 pls., 1 map, 7 figs., Shocken Books, 200 Madison Ave., New York 10016. 1969 (reprinted 1971) (received 1973). $2.45. This edition differs from earlier ones in incorporating new materials, viz., "Twenty years of Peyote studies" and "The last five years of peyote studies." There is a new intro- duction by the author. Appendices; bibliography; index. GMH "A CATALOGUE OF PLANTS AND SHELLS, FOUND IN THE VICINITY OF MILWAUKEE, ON THE EAST SIDE OF LAKE MICHIGAN" by L. A. Lapham, 14 pp, Facsimile of booklet originally pub- lished in Milwaukee, Wisc. in 1836. Bot. Club of Wisconsin (Available from Walter E. Scott, 1721 Hickory Drive, Madison, Wisc. 53705). 1976. $5.00. An unannotated listing of plant and mollusc species, this is the first publication of scientific type in Wisconsin and may be west of Lake Michigan and north of St. Louis. (Limited edition). GMH "EDIBLE GUMS AND RELATED SUBSTANCES" by A. A. Lawrence, xii + 340 pp., 9 figs., 9 tabs, Noyes Data Corporation, Park Ridge, N.J. 07656. 1974. $36.00 Detailed descriptive information is given on U. S. patents since 1962 which relate to various edible gums (tragacanth, guar gum, carob gum, acacia, carageenans, alginates, agar, Furcellaria extract, pectins, tamarind polysaccharides, etc.) also to related substances starch, cellulose derivatives, fermentation gums, etc.). GMH 142 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 "ENUMERATION DES PLANTES VASCULAIRES DU SENEGAL" par J. P. Lebrun, 209 pp., 6 pls., 1 map. Institut d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 10, rue Pierre Curie, 94700 Masons Alfort (Valde Marne), France. Etude Botantque No. 2. 1973. Gratis. The list of taxa composing the large body of this work is preceded by an introductory descriptive section and a his- tory of botanical exploration in Senegal (1506-date) and is followed by a bibliography. 2086 species (in 858 genera and 165 families) are reported, of which 188 species are not present in J. Berhaut, "Flore du Sénégal," ed. 2 (1967), the definitive floral manual for the area. Also listed separately are 212 taxa of non-spontaneous (i.e., introduced) species. (Berhaut had shown grosso-modo 300 species in this category). These listings represent a kind of union catalog of collections of various persons from 1966 to 1972. These most recent studies have added 80 species to the flora, including 10 which are of special interest and are discussed in the introduction. Endemism is considered rather weak in Senegal properly so-called, however in the non-mountainous furthermost western part of the country, it is considerable, with such species as Jatropha chevalieri and Tephrosia berhautiana. The elaborate bibliography should be very useful to students of the African flora. GMH "THREE CENTURIES OF MICROBIOLOGY" by H. A. Lechavalier and M. Solotorovsky, viii + 536 pp., 1 fig., Dover Publica- tions, Inc., New York 10014. 1974. $5.00. Unabridged republication of work originally published in 1965. Mycology is included. GMH "DICIONARIO PORTUGUES-UMBUNDU" by G. Le Guennec and J. F. Valente, XLVII + 691 pp., Inst. Invest. Cient. de Angola, Luanda. 1972 (publ. 1973, recd. 1974). A general dictionary of the Umbundu language of Angola, including plant names. The introductory portion includes con- siderable on the phonetics and morphology of the Umbundu language. GMH "DAS ULTRAKURZNARKOTICUM METHOHEXITAL (The ultra short narcotic Methohexital)" by Charlotte Lehmann, X + 188 pp., 55 figs., 32 tabs. (Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation, Vol. 57). Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1972. flexible cloth, $8.80. In this report of the International Methohexital Symposium held in December of 1970 at Frankfurt am Main, West Germany, 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 143 the ultrashort narcotic Methohexital was examined from many different standpoints. This product is official in the U. S. National Formulary as the Sodium salt; it is also called variously Brevital, Brietal, Methohexitone, and by other names. An unusual feature of the symposium is the fact that out of 24 authors, at least nine are women, including one who is also the editor. The content includes 20 chapters together with introductory and closing statements and two "discussions." Four papers are in English, the others in German, but there are summaries in both German and English. Methohexital is one of ca. a dozen short-acting narcotics developed over the past three decades; these belong mostly to three classes: the barbiturates (incl. Methohexital), the thiobarbiturates, and the eugenol derivatives. Not much has been published about Methohexital in the German language and this publication is hoped to correct this lacuna. Since its introduction in 1956, about 50 million anesthesias have been carried out with Methohexital. In this limp cover book, there are chapters on the pharmacology of Methohexital, cardiac effects noted during narcosis (uresthesia) with this agent, comparisons with Thiopental, etc. The second section deals with clinical studies, including a statistical study of 60,000 cases, compari- son of narcosis (anesthesia) with inhalants, injections, and infusions, sodium methohexital as an anesthetic induction and maintenance agent, trends in dental anesthesia, use in electro- shock treatment, etc. GMH "PHARMACOLOGICAL FACTS AND FIGURES" (Heidelberg Science Library Vol. 9) by F. Lembeck and K. F. Sewing, viii + 114 pp., many tabs. and figs., Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York 10010. 1969. Soft Cover $3.00. With its many formulas, diagrams, tabulations, schemes, graphs, and so on, this is a kind of pioneering effort in the way of texts, it would seem. The usual textbook consists of the text primarily, with a more or less modest number of graphs, tables, diagrams, etc. Here the emphasis is reversed and it would appear that this constitutes in some ways a better teaching medium from both the standpoint of speed of transmission of information and that of stronger retention in the memory. It does not of course take the place of the detailed textbook, but it will certainly ensure the understanding of the student. Perhaps a useful manner of learning such a subject matter would be as review following the study of the textbook. It would seem that this would lead to a better understanding; the summary text would serve to confirm and emphasize ideas which had already been communicated to the learner through the class- room and the regular textbooks. The subject matter includes drugs affecting the autonomic, peripheral, and central nervous systems, cardiovascular system, kidney, blood, digestion, also yh P HY¥cd 0cb.0/G:1 A Vol. 37, no. 2 the various hormones, chemotherapeutic agents, and a final sec- tion "Miscellaneous," which includes metallic poisoning, vita- mins, emergency drugs, biologicals, drug metabolism, and sta- tistics. GMH "FLORA DA GUINE PORTUGUESA. CAESALPINACEAE" by Maria Candida Liberato, 47 pp., Jardim e Museu Agricola do Ultramar. Ministério do Ultramar, (Lisboa). 1973. Descriptions of the family (Leguminosae-Caesalpinoideae) with 18 genera, and numerous species which have been collected in Portuguese Guinea,with keys. There are no novelties. Des- criptions are given of genera, keys and descriptions of some species with synonymy, habitats, ecology, geographic distribution, and vernacular names. GMH "FLORA DE SAO TOME E PRINCIPE. MIMOSACEAE" by Maria Candida” 29 pp., Jardim Agricola do Ultramar, Ministério do)Liberato, ULtramar. Lisbon. L973. Descriptions of familiy (Leguminosae-Minosoideae) , GE genera, and 18 species found in Sao Tome and Principe, Portuguese island colonies off the west coast of Africa. There are no novelties. Distribution and herbarium data are given. GMH "ARBOLES COMUNES DE LA PROVINCIA DE ESMERALDAS [Ecuador]. by E. L. Little and R. G. Dixon, Estudio de Preinversion para el desarrollo forestal del noroccidente. Ecuador. Informe Final, Tomo IV. (FAO, UNO. Roma.) FAO/SF: JO/ECA 13... xii, .536.pp., 220 figs. 2 maps, Jetape 1969 (recd. 1973). Descriptions of 230 of the commonest and most important trees with notes on distribution, characteristics, type of wood, common names, botanical synonyms, uses, etc. Diagnostic key and introductory essay are included. GMH "THE CARNIVOROUS PLANTS" by Francis Ernest Lloyd, xvi + 352 pp., 547, figs. Dover Publications, Inc., 180 Varick ste, New York 10014. 1976 (1942). $4.50. A book such as this one is timeless and so a reprinting is of special value since it is not reproducing outdated materials. The author spent a long life time in studying the various carnivorous species of plants and has collected here 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 145 his findings. Lloyd must have been a particularly versatile per- son as the hundreds of excellent drawings are from his pen. Fourteen chapters cover the various plants discussed, usually with only one genus or even a single species per chapter (exceptions are chapters XI, XII, and XIII. Among the better known plant entities taken up are Sarracenia (the pitcher plants), Nepenthes (Indian and Chinese pitcher plants), Pinguicula (the butter-worts), Drosera (the sundews), and Dionaea muscipula (the Venus' fly trap). Altogether about 450 plant species are discussed in greater or lesser detail. This book is an unabridged republication of the original work pub- lished 34 years before. GMH "GUIDE DES COULEURS NATURELLES (Natural color guide) (De coloribus naturalium)" par Marcel V. Locquin, 2 pp., 12 color charts, cover, Published by the author, 89 Saint Clément, 89100 Sens, France. 1975. This portfolio of color data is identified as a part of "De Taxia Fungorum," with the citation "Observationes et Disputationes Mycologicae, 1 - 1975 - 2." The printed colors are compared directly with the plant or other object preferably by using a piece of white or neutral gray paper with a window cut out the same size as the color rectangle. Observations should always be made in the natural light of a luminous white sky, never using direct sunlight nor artificial light. Fluorescent tubes even if marked "daylight" are especially to be advised against because of the green mercury rays they emit. Every color is designated by two names: the generic name, such as brown, yellow, etc., and its specific name or code. The generic names are printed in Latin on the plates (the French and English equivalents are indicated on the instruction sheet). The specific codes are obtained by combining three signs: the capital letter denoting the plate (each of the 12 plates has two letters, one above and one below, dividing the plate into equal halves), the figure denoting the line, and the small letter indicating the column. For instance Flavus A8h (or Yellow A8h). The code number may be replaced by a name, which may not be as exact an identification but is easier to remember. There are 33 genera, including for instance, white, garnet, buff; each is identified with a colof?“thus (resp.) W,PN,YN. A listing of names and abbreviations is given in the order of the spectrum. This color code seems to be a very practical one and would seem to have advantages over others that have been proposed in the past. GMH 16 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 2 "BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS IN HUMAN AND ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY" by Gay Gaer Luce, viii + 183 pp. Dover Publications, Inc., New York. LAL. 1S2°-50). This volume represents an unabridged unaltered republi- cation of the U. S. Public Health Service Publication No. 2088 ("Biological Rhythms in Psychiatry and Medicine" (1970). Al- though based on findings in various scientific fields, this book has been written in a simple and interesting manner and will therefore have an appeal for the layman as well as for scientific persons in various disciplines. The diurnal rhythms of the body (now referred to as circadian rhythms) are chiefly dis- cussed. Other rhythms concern monthly changes up to annual occurrences and even beyond. The many references for each of the twelve chapters are grouped together at the end of the volume. There is a good table of contents but no detailed alphabetized index, such as is usually placed at the end of a volume. GMH "FLORA OF TAYLOR COUNTY, TEXAS" by W. F. Mahler, IX + 247 pp., 358 figs., 3 maps, SMU Bookstore, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, IX /5275_60 973) Asie Zon Both Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta found in this County of central Texas are treated, with elaborate keys and descrip- tions of the various taxa. The descriptions are quite detailed for a county flora; the drawings are functional, that is mostly the sketches of plant parts that would be made as memoranda by a botanist studying an herbarium specimen and important to the classification of the specimen. Unfortunately there is no census of taxa, however a total of 668 taxa (species and below) is indicated, which contrasts favorably with the total of 540 in Tolstead and Cory for the same county (Field and Lab. 1946). This manual represents a revision of the author's ''Keys to the Embryophyta of Taylor County, Texas" (1966), revision of which was delayed unavoidably. The keys were the first to be pub- lished for any county in the State and apparently this is the first county flora for the state also. It represents a good practical field/herbarium manual which should be well worth the price of $7.25 for anyone working in the southern U.S. flora. GMH "ONE THOUSAND AMERICAN FUNGI. HOW TO SELECT AND COOK THE EDIBLE..." by C. McIlvaine and R. K. MacAdam, xxxvii, 729 pp., 182 pls., Revised ed. Something Else Press, Ine, West Glover... Vt. © 1973\., (S6.50. This is a reprinting of the edition of 1902, representing the second republication in the same year by two different 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 147 American publishers, both selling for the same price. The second edition was selected in place of the first (1900) because it is better. Some plates in the original were in color and have been reproduced here in black and white since there was no dependable value in the original colors used. This continues to be an excellent book for both the layman and the botanist. Descrip- tions and illustrations are useful. The large size (29 x 21 cm.) and weight of this volume makes it more useful for identification of fungal materials in the home or laboratory. GMH "BACTERIAL PLASMIDS: CONJUGATION, COLICINOGENY, AND TRANS- MISSIBLE DRUG-RESISTANCE" by G. G. Meynell, xiii + 164 pp., 27 figs., 8 tabs., MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. HOVS S14.95). As accessory chromosome, the plastid (one type of plas- mid ), plays a multiple role inside and outside of the bacterial cell, thus as F or sex factors, as bacterial phages, as colicin (toxic proteins) factors, and,most recently discovered, as the R factors (which develop resistance to drugs, including the tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, kanamycin, sulfonamides, etc.) The latter function is highly significant in medicinal practice, thus explaining the development of resistant Staphylococci. The plasmids are parallel in functioning to the DNA of some viruses and of mitochondria. A large number of references (672!) is given. GMH "CHEMICAL PUBLICATIONS: THEIR NATURE AND USE" Ed. 4 by M. G. Mellon, XI + 324 pp., 4 figs., McGraw-Hill Book Company, a division of McGraw-Hill, Inc., 330 West 42nd St., New York 10036.) 1965; $9.50). The stated purpose of this volume is (1) to give examples of the kind of questions which prompt library searching by chemists; (2) to describe and discuss the various kinds of publications which will furnish answers; and (3) to furnish practical library problems to give students an opportunity of using the chief publications in chemistry. To accomplish these purposes, the student will find chapters on the following sub- jects: (1) introduction and general outline, with information on the history of chemical literature, and a classification of various kinds of publications; (2) primary sources: periodicals ("journals"); (3) institutional publications; (4) patent literature; (5) miscellaneous primary sources; (6) secondary sources: periodicals and serials; (7) bibliographies; (8) reference works; (9) monographs and textbooks; (10) tertiary sources - guides and directories; (11) the process of making a search in the chemical literature; and (12) various library problems. This last constitutes a large part of the book with 148 PHY? Oh:O.G7 A Vol. 37, no. 2 78 pages. Terminal index. One of the many excellent features of this book is the list of periodicals in chapter 2. Im this, the titles are classified into journals of general science, this in turn subdivided by country (from Argentina to the United States); then chemical journals by chronological order of es- tablishment (from Chemisches Journal, 1778, to Pure and Applied Chemistry, 1960) (only the important journals are included) ; then the specialized journals are taken up, such as those of analytical chemistry, etc. In using this book, the student must appreciate that only important journals, books, etc., are taken up, a great majority of less important items not being even mentioned. This is as it should be in a beginning guide. Journal titles are not always given in extenso, thus for instance, Chemiker—Zeitung, 1877- (p. 30) was actually titled originally Allgemeine Chemiker-Zeitung. (No mention is made of Deutsche Chemiker—Zeitung, 1886- ). Cognizance seems not to have been taken of such types of annual publications as "Annual Review of Biochemistry" (1938-date). Some reference book titles which were omitted include: Allen's Commercial Organic Analysis (rather old); New Drugs (AMA); New Dental Therapeutics (ADA); Gildemeister and Hoffman - The Volatile Oils; Heilbron's Dictionary of organic compounds. It would seem better to list many ref- erence books by their titles rather than by their author or editor; for instance, 'Physician's Desk Reference" rather than in order by the name of the editor, H. Bull. GMH "FLORA BOREALI-AMERICANA" by André Michaux In two volumes: Vols) Us xiv exci 9330) spp\.),, 29 epilisas 1o74iGisoa)re Voile 2 sev) S40 np pri 22 plisitcie 7/4 lS OS) ie Hafner Press, 866 Third Ave., New York 10022. Classica Botanica Americana - Vol. 3. Price $37.50 (by subscrip- tion), $42.50. The full title of this, the first book published on the North American flora, is (translated): "North American flora, presenting the characters of plants which were collected and determined in North America by Andreas Michaux, member of the French Institute of Scientists and also of the Society of Agriculture of Carolina. Ornamented with 51 copper plates. First volume/Second volume. With figures by Charles Crapelet. Published at Paris and Argenteuil in the house of Levrault Brothers. In the llth year of the Revolution - 1803." This book was published one year after the death of its author in Mada- gascar, which he had been visiting since the previous fall after leaving the Baudin expedition at Mauritius. There is very little here about the life of Andre Michaux: more would have been of interest. The Preface to the Flora was written in 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 149 Latin by his son, Francois Andre Michaux; a translation is given. This is the only part of the book which would be difficult for the average botanist: the systematic part with descriptions is relatively simple for the taxonomist since the Latin descriptive terms are closely similar to or identical with the terms used today in botany. This work is a valuable contribution in furnishing a basis for names and descriptions of many North American plants. GMH "PHARMACY STATE BOARD QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1968 QE) Se sbi; Ralph J. Mill, 120 pp., (unpaginated), several figs., Sly Peocwiall cin... Clark sand WadisonsCGo..) Box 3), (General. Post Office, Detroit, Mich. 48232. 1967. $4.00 (Flexible card cover). Questions and answers are presented in 2-column format in this off-set publication. The following subjects of the pharma- ceutical curriculum are given: chemistry (99 questions) materia medica, pharmacology, etc. (includes pharmacognosy) (121 questions), calculations (141 questions), Jurisprudence (25 questions), pharmacy (proper) (75 questions} dispensing pharmacy (102 questions). A total of 563 questions (with answers). This book is intended apparently to help the student who is preparing to take the state board in pharmacy; on the 4th page are some suggestions for one with this in mind. The typography is clear, the information (from samplings) accurate, and this would seem to be a "cram" which could be recommended to review the various subject matters. The last two pages gives a review of some of the cautions which should be taken by one working in the dispensing room of a pharmacy. GMH "MUSHROOMS OF NORTH AMERICA" by O. K. Miller, Jr., 360 pp. 292 eo. apis... 108 figs. (b & w); s.d., E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., New York. [1974] $17.95. This splendid book bears descriptions of 422 mushroom species in considerable detail, with less detailed information on an additional 258, a grand total of 680 species. The most excellent, clear and realistic colored photographs mark the book as outstanding for the field collector and will serve in Many cases to definitely pinpoint the identity of the fungus. However, a conscientious collector will also carefully read the quite elaborate printed descriptions, particularly if he has any notion of attempting to include the particular plant in his supper. There are many additional features to the book: keys, both large and small; a pictorial key to the major groups so that a person can promptly learn to which of the 15 chief sub- divisions of the text he may refer; much information on the edibility and what is also important the palatibility of the 150 PEP oer oe A£ Vol. 37, mo. 2 various groups and the various individual mushrooms; a miniature (6 pp.) cook book for mycophagists is featured. A series of labeled drawings constitutes a pictured glossary followed by an alphabetic printed glossary, with definitions keyed to the sketches. There is an index but no bibliography. (For con- venience, a transparent inch-millimeter rule is enclosed in the book.) For the reasonable price of $17.95, the book is a most excellent book purchase to make. GMH "ECOLOGICAL FACTORS OF IMPORTANCE TO COLUMNEA TAXONOMY" by B. Morley, Chap. 13 in HEYWOOD, V. (Ed.) - Taxonomy and Ecology., pp. 265-281, Academic Press, New York. 1973. Members of sect. Columnea of Jamaica are generally problem-free taxonomically speaking when growing as epiphytes; however, in habitats disturbed by man, taxonomic problems are rife. However, in Central America members of sect. Collandra, both epiphytic and terrestrial species, give rise to taxonomic problems. Corolla morphology is discussed as related to polli- nation ecology and crossability. GMH "TRAVELER IN A VANISHED LANDSCAPE: the life and times of David Douglas, botanical explorer" by W. Morwood, xii + 244 pp-, 26 figs., 7 maps, Clarkson N. Potter, Publisher, New York. 1973. $7.95. We have in this biography a fascinating account of an eminent traveler, botanist, collector, writer, and adventurer, who discovered many of the plants of western America (USA, Canada) and whose life was cut off in full bloom (aet. 35). He lived (1799-1834) at a time when the national alignment of the western part of North America was still unsettled, when Russians were colonizing parts of California and the Britishers were active in what is now Washington and Oregon as well as the area now called British Columbia (Canada). The circumstances of discovery of many of the western plants is told in detail. There is an excellent bibliography. The text is embellished with many figures of the plants Douglas discovered. The index is good. GMH "A MONOGRAPH OF CHALARA AND ALLIED GENERA" by T. R. Nag-Raj and W. B. Kendrick, 1-200, 61 figs., Wilfred Laurier University Press, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. 1975. (recd. 1977). An original objective of preparing a monograph on Chalara and closely related fungi expanded into a study of various dimorphic Deuteromycetes with Chalara-like phialides (Thielaviopis, Chalaropsis, Stilbochalara, Hughesiella, Fusichalara), next to 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 151 include Chaetochalara and Sporoschisma, genera with Chalara-like phialides but with characteristic ancillary sterile structures. Lastly, several other genera with phialides having somewhat cylindrical collarettes and deep-seated conidiogenous loci were studied: Bloxamia, Endosporostilbe, Excioconidium, Ascoconidiun, Sporendocladia. Three genera, Endoconidium, Columnophora, and Milowia, were researched because their descriptions indicated the possibility that they had features similar to those of the next preceding genera. Thus, 16 genera were considered, of which five were reduced to synonymy, one to the status of nomen dubium (Milowia); to the remaining ten genera was added gen. Fusichalara Hughes et Nag Raj (1973). 30 new species are described, including 27 new species of Chalara as well as Chaetochalara ramosa sp. nov. (Tanzania; similar to C. cladii Sutton et Pirozynski); C. setosa (Harkn.) comb. nov. (Chalara s.); Bloxamia nilagirica (Subram) comb. nov. (Endosporostilbe n.); Calycellina carolinenis sp. nov. (New Zealand, USA); and Hyaloscypha cladii sp. nov. (United Kingdom). There are also three new combinations in Chalara. The book is well printed and bound and is an economic purchase at only $9.00. Dr. Nag Raj is from India and Professor Kendrick from England; both are now active in fungal research in Canada. GMH "BIOSYNTHESIS OF CYANOGENIC GLUCOSIDES IN CASSAVA (MANIHOT species)" by F. Nartey. In "Chronic cassava toxicity; proceedings of an interdisciplinary workshop, London, England, 29-30 Jan. 1973."" 73-87, Internat. Devt. Res. Centre Monograph IDRC-010e. 1974. Cyanogenic substances could not be detected in seeds of sweet cassava cultivars whereas low levels of these were found in seeds of bitter cultivars. However, both types synthesized high levels of cyanogens during germination and growth. Linamarin accounted for 93% while lotaustralin accounted for only 7% of total cyanogenic glucosides. Linamarase which hydrolyzes both glycosides was identified in seedlings and leaves of both sweet and bitter types. During growth of seedlings, the concentration of cyanogenic glucosides increased and then fluctuated without release of HCN; it was shown that HCN released intracellularly from the glycosides was rapidly incorporated into asparagine and later into metabolic pools involved with respiration and protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Large amounts of fat and protein bodies were found in seed tissues (all cells). GMH "THE NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY, INTERNATIONAL" (Founded 1878)., Anonymous, Ed. 41: 182 pp., PCL Publications, Inc., EeeOmbox 15635, S:.) Oranges IN.) J. (070795 197.2). Furnishes lists of individuals, museums, societies, associations, periodicals, etc., active in the biological fields, including botany. A very useful guide! GMH 152 PHY ?T OLD ole Te Vol. 37, no. 2 "BOTANY" by Michael Neushul, xviii + 532 pp., 303 figs., 19 tabs. 32 col. plates, Hamilton Publishing Company, Sta. Barbara, Calla 174s The general order of this attractive text is as follows: (1) General view of classification, the cell, genetics, and physiology. (2) Taxonomy of the lower plants. (3) Taxonomy of the higher plants. (4) Plant development and growth, ecology, and the environment. The text proper is followed by four ap- pendices: the chief food plants; units; references; and glossary. There is a useful index. The author, on the staff of the Univer- sity of California at Santa Barbara, has prepared this book as a text for undergraduate botany. It would of course be very useful to the self study of the subject or as a review for a graduate student or whoever. As so commonly done nowadays, the book is printed in the format of an album, with the binding on the narrow side of the page and with three columns to the page. There are many excellent diagrams and photos, which are so useful in stimulating and maintaining interest in the subject matter. The classification scheme followed employs 24 divisions (equivalent of phyla) arranged in two subkingdoms, Procaryota and Eucaryota. The glossary is rather detailed and therefore of special value. The bibliography is not very comprehensive and includes only books, no papers. However, it should be adequate. If the student reads the text carefully he will not have much time left over for consulting many references. It can be said without challenge that botany in this book has been presented as an up-to-date and most important discipline of study, at the same time without the rather repulsive qualities found in some of the older texts. GMH "A TROPICAL RAIN FOREST: a study of irradiation and ecology at El Verde, Puerto Rico" by H. T. Odum and R. F. Pigeon, (Eds.). Office of Inform. Serv., U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D. C. 1970-3. This consists of 3 volumes: Book 1: Sections A-C: xxiii, 497 pp.; Book 2: Sects. D-F: xi, 586 pp.; 1970; Book 3: Sects. G-I: xi, 594 pp.; 1970 (reprinted 1973). Price not stated. Section headings; A: The rain forest project; B: The rain forest at El Verde. C: The radiation experiment; D: Plants and the effects of radiation; E: Animals and the effect of radiation; F: Microorganisms and the effects of radiation; G: Cytological studies within the irradiated forest; H: Min- eral cycling and soils; I: Forest metabolism and energy flows. The same index appears in each volume (index to all volumes). Some chapters in Section B are abstracted. GMH 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 153 "PAECH AND TRACEY'S MODERN METHODS OF PLANT ANALYSIS" (Moderne Methoden der Pflanzenanalyse). Editors: H. F. Linskens and M. V. Tracey. Volume VI. Co-Edited by B. D. Sanwal. XXIV + 512 pp., 8°, cloth bound, 89 figs., Springer- Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, 1 Berlin 31 (Wilmersdorf), Germany. 1963. DM. 98,--. As in the previous volumes of this outstanding series on plant chemistry, this represents the collaborative and directed efforts of several outstanding authorities, in this case 23 individuals, including the three editors named in the citation. Volume VI is concerned with silicon compounds, sulfhydryl groups, phosphatides and glycolipides, acetylene compounds, chromones, orchinol, humulones, lupulones and other hop constituents, lichen compounds, kinetin and kinetin-like compounds, gibberellins, plant toxins (phytotoxins), plant agglutinins (phytagglutinins), bacterial cell wall compounds, and general consideration of enzymes. (Volume VII will be devoted entirely to the study of enzymes.) The first four volumes of this work appeared in 1955-6 and this was a more or less complete coverage of the subject of plant analysis. However, advances came so rapidly in many areas that it was decided to furnish three additional volumes, vol. V (1962) being a revision of vol. I (analytical methods in general), vol. VI (1963) revising material in vol- umes II, III, and IV, and vol. VII (1963), which is concerned with Enzymology, special emphasis being given to individual groups of enzymes. (See QJCDR S;697-8:1965). Volume VI in- cludes 16 contributions in the German language (W. Heinen; Ulrich Beiss; F. Bohlmann and W. Sucrow; M. Hesse and H. Schmid; Richard Braun; Ruediger Knapp; Josef Tobiska; F. Zilliken and R. Lambert; H. F. Linskens; Ed. Hofmann; G. Pfleiderer) and 10 in the English language (Herbert Stern; J. R. Hudson; S. Shibata; Carlos O. Miller; L. V. Tracey; B. D. Sanwal; Hans G. Boman; Fay Bendall; Walter Bjork). This volume is remarkable for the wide distribution of locationsof the various authors. Thus, con- tributions are from Germany with 6 authors, the Netherlands 4, the USA 3, Great Britain, Sweden, and Switzerland with 2 each, and Canada, Japan, Australia, and the Czechoslavakian Socialist Republic with 1 each. The section in this volume dealing with enzymes, constituting nearly half of the contents, is devoted to general considerations - including general characteristics, detection of the presence of enzymic activity, general methods of preparation and purification, inhibition and activation of enzymes, quantitative determination, and enzymic determination of metabolites. The older nomenclature for enzymes has been retained because the report recommending newer names did not appear until shortly before the volume went to press. However, the recommendations are incorporated at the end of volume VII. This volume matches earlier volumes of the series with thorough and accurate citations of the literature at the end of each chap- ter and with both German and English indices at the end of the volume. GMH 15h PHYTOL OG 1I.s Vol. 37, no. 2 "HOW TO KNOW WILD FRUITS: A GUIDE TO PLANTS WHEN NOT IN FLOWER BY MEANS OF FRUIT AND LEAF" by Maude Gridley Peterson, lxvi + 340 pp., 80 figs., 1 tab, Dover Publications, Inc., New York. 1973 (1905). $3.00. Unaltered rep ublication of the original (1905) edition, with the addition of a table of changes in nomenclature (E. S. Harrar). This is an excellent lay guide. GMH "CALLAWAY GARDENS — the unending season"by Caleb Pirtle III and Gerald Crawford, vi + 90 pp., many col. pls. (s.n.), Southern Living Books, P. 0. Box 2643, Birmingham, AL 3520229019739 895.95¢ This very attractive volume tells the story of one of the great institutions of the southern United States, the Callaway Gardens of Harris County, Georgia. Opened in May, 1952, the 2500 acres of verdant beauty attract many thousands of visitors annually. The primary attraction is the plant life of the area, which has been embellished with many attractive plantings. Birds and other animals abound. However, water sports, meetings, holidaying, and picnicking can be enjoyed; there is an ancient cabin, and even a chapel on the grounds. However, it is the beauty of the plant life so well shown in the book that is the great attraction. GMH "THE DATE PALM" by P. Popenoe, (edited by H. Field), xii + 247 pp., Field Research Projects, Coconut Grove, Miami, nas sels This useful publication covers the literature quite thoroughly up to 1924, which was the date of completion of the manuscript. There are many data on the history, cultivation, uses, etc., of Phoenix dactylifera L., together with a great deal of information on the varieties (pp. 145-237). Appendices are devoted to a description of the plant and the chemistry of the ripening date [fruit]. GMH "FLORA NEOTROPICA, MONOGR. No. 1 : CARYOCARACEAE" by G. T. Prance and Marlene Freitas da Silva, pp. 1-77, 23 figs., i tabs, 92 portres) 1973). 9ys8s50k This is the first monograph on the family published since 1886 (L. Wittmack). Two genera occur in the Neotropics: Caryocar (15 species) and Anthodiscus (8 species). Novelties include Caryocar brasiliense subspecies intermedium (Wittmack) stat. nov. (C. i.), C. glabrum subspecies parviflorum (A. C. Smith) stat. nov. (C. p.), and C. g. subspecies album 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 155 subspecie$nov. (Guyana). An introductory section reviews and discusses the history of the family, pollen grains, anatomy and morphology, blastogeny (germination of seedlings), and pollination biology. It is concluded that the family belongs among the Theales and may be most closely related to the Theaceae. Besides many maps of distribution, and several indices, there are biographical sketches and portraits of both authors at the end of the monograph. GMH "DESSIDIALES. PART 1. SACCORDERMAE, MESOTAENIACEAE. by G. W. Prescott, Hannah T. Croasdale and W. C. Vinyard, North American Flora II: 7: 1-84. 1972 (1973). Descriptions of eight genera with many species are in- cluded. New are: Netrium minus, N. digitus var. rectum f. minus, also var. scottii. GMH "THIRD DICTIONARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS: MORE ABBRE- VIATIONS IN MANAGEMENT, TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE" by Eric Pugh, ALA, 208 pp., Linnet Books, Shoe String Press, Inc., P. 0. Box 4327, Hamden, Conn. 06514. 197 FoS12.00. This book follows the same plan as Pugh's first volume titled "A dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations" 2nd ed., (1970) (see review ibid. 31(1): 33-4; 1975). The "Second Dictionary" appeared in 1974. A study of the coverage in the third volume shows considerable variety. Many of the abbre- viations/acronyms are for organizations, such as BNB for the British National Bibliography. A large number of abbreviations pertain to chemistry or biochemistry, as for example, LC (liquid- crystal), TPE (trypsin-protein esterase); the medical sciences are represented by many examples, as RCM (red cell mass). About 5,000 new terms are introduced here, giving a total for the 3 volumes of ca. 25,000. Some items which could not be found in either I or III are: GET (Greenwich English Time), SIM (Scientific Instrument Module); OPS (Oxygen Purge System) ; U (uracil); FU (fluorouracil); PCP (Phenyl Cyclohexyl Piperidine = phenyl cyclidine) (Peace Pill); MPS (Member of the Pharmaceutical Society) (MPSGB, MPSNI (Northern Ireland), etc.); LRCP (Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians); SEC (Security and Exchange Commission); PR (Public Relations); TPP (Triphenyl Phosphate) ; TU (Tuberculin Units); PMR (Proton Magnetic Resonance); MEq (millequivalent); WARFARIN (Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation Anti Rat plus common ending IN); NYSTATIN (New York State Institute Dept. Health); TV (Television); PA (Public Address) ; R/V (Research Vessel); GS (General Schedule); FDC (First Day Covers); RDA (Recognized Daily Allowance); cf. (compare) ; VPC (=?); CMT (Cancer Multistage Therapy); LB (Liebermann- Burkhart (test)); RRL (Regional Record Librarian); TMS (Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry); AMSOC (American Miscellaneous Society) ; UDP (Uridine 5'-Diphosphate); UTP (Uridine 5'-Triphosphate); CD (Communicable Diseases Certificate of Deposit); D & C (Dilatation and Curettage). As in the previous editions, there is a useful subject index in the back, which lists all abbreviations (by number) under various headings. GMH "ANALOGUES OF NUCIEIC ACID COMPONENTS: Mechanisms of action" by P. Roy-Burman, XI + 111 pp., 41 figs., Recent Results in Cancer Research (RRCR) No. 25, Springer-Verlag Berlin - Heidelberg - New York. 1970. $7.70. The interest in analogs of nucleic acids results indirectly from the successful use of sulfa drugs in combatting bacterial infection. Sulfanilamide is a structural analog of PABA which is essential for the living bacterial cell, being requisite for the synthesis of folic acid. By competitive means, sulfanila- mide interferes with the use of PABA and the bacterial cells starve to death. In the higher animals, requirements of fatty acids are obtained from the food and do not need to be synthe- sized; consequently, medication of the animal with PABA does not interfere with the manufacture of FA in the animal body and such medication can be safely given. In the combatting of cancer it is hoped that something similar might eventually be done - starv- ing the cancer cells to death by feeding them a defective raw food material. The nucleic acids contain purines and pyrimidines and are importantly represented in DNA and RNA so important to life; they are also present in cancer cells and enable them to reproduce efficiently and only too rapidly. Studies of their competitive analogs began with Hitchings in 1950. The volume is mostly made up of chapters on purines, pyrimidines, and nucleoside antibiotics. Approx. 400 references. Subject index and bibliography. GMH "PHARMACEUTICS — GALENICAL PHARMACY" by Erik Sandell (Ed. Dye VIL + 364 pp., 147 figs., 7 tabs., Almqvist & Wiksel:k, Box 62, Stockholm 1, Sweden. 1968. US $8.00; 40.00. The order of general topics in this translation of the Swedish text, "Galenisk Farmaci,'' can be summarized as follows: history of pharmacy (1 chapter), literature (1 chapter), processes (15 chapters), and preparations (34 chapters). The 52 chapters are unnumbered. Many galenical classes are taken up, including syrups, mixtures, "drops" (eye drops plus), tablets, injections, "extractives" (extracts, fluidextracts, tinctures, wines, infusions, decoctions, spirits, electuaries), etc. There are many references which occur in the midst of the textual matter 1977 Hocking, Book reviews 157 and not as usually at the ends of the chapters or at the end of the book. The purpose of the volume was to supply a basic course in the school of pharmacy with sufficient information of a more advanced type to provide a starting point for research studies. Throughout the text, questions or imperative statements enclosed within frames suggest typical pharmacy board or college exami- nations, for which the book might well serve as a preparation. Preparations are shown by Latin title, a practice abandoned in the United States but still retained in most countries. GMH "DAS AMP-SYSTEM. MANUAL ZUR DOKUMENTATION PSYCHIATRISCHER BEFUNDE,'' edited by Ch. Scharfetter, 88 pp., Springer- Verlag Berlin - New York. 1971. DM. 3.50. US $1.10. The Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Methodik und Dokumentation in der Psychiatrie (AMP) is represented by psychiatric clinics in leading cities of Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. The six data forms for use in computer recording and calculations are reproduced: general anamnesis; disorder anamnesis; psychiatric findings; somatic findings; medication (30 day period); and therapy. These sections are discussed in detail. Bibliography; index. GMH "DIE ERNAEHRUNG DES MENSCHEN UEBER 50 JAHRE" by Dr. med. Otto Schmid, 56 pages, 24 tables, brochure, Paracelsus-Verlag, Neckarstr,.121, Stuttgart, Germany. 1962. DM 4.80. This hard paper booklet on the nutritional requirements of older people has the subtitle (translated) "A generally understandable adviser for the maintenance of health and efficiency through proper nourishment". Following introductory remarks emphasizing the importance of the subject matter, there are sections on food and its constituent parts--fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements, salts or mineral sub- stances, water, and flavorings. The energy requirements of the body, the physiology of nutrition, relationship of nutrition to the maintenance of efficiency, ideal weights for various heights and ages of men and women, nutritional defects and what they may do to various organs, number and composition of meals, "fasting days" (Entschlackungstage), and beverages are taken up with what may be called reasonable detail. One of the most useful features of this booklet is the table 12 pages long giving the elementary, food class, and vitamin content of many foods, also the classification as acidic or basic food and the degree of same. This volume is written in simple understandable language and would undoubtedly be a most valuable guide to the aging lay person. GMH "DIE RINDE - DAS GESICHT DES BAUMES" by Alfred Schwankl, 100 pp., 156 figures, bound in wood veneer from makore wood (Dumoria Heckeli), a West African product, Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung (Kosmos-Verlag), Stuttgart. 1953. DM. 8.50. This splendid little book, one of a series of guides to natural products, published by the Franckh Press, is designed to show by word and illustration how important bark is to a tree, and incidentally to other organisms, primarily man. With this book, one could no doubt in Europe identify a majority of the trees with a fairly good accuracy, and what makes such a guide so useful, one can use the book even during the winter season when characteristic leaves, flowers, and fruit are lack- ing, as they usually then are. The species descriptive part of the text is preceded by a general introductory chapter and followed by a concluding chapter on the tissue divisions of the bark and their economic applications. The last few pages of the book are a combination index-glossary. "The Bark, the Face of the Tree" has been written with care and with accuracy. One may wonder if "Kirschbaum" (Prunus avium) on page 55 might better have been designated "Wilde" or "Wilde Stisse Kirsche" to distinguish it from other cultivated cherries. '"Betulin" on page 80 is confusing as it has been applied to several products of the birch tree. On page 86, the assimilation stream from the tree crown to the root is mentioned, but not the reverse flow of early spring. However, these are minor, and the book can well be recommended as a guide to tree barks, of interest to botanist, pharmacognosist, and layman alike. GMH "PLANT LIFE THROUGH THE AGES - A GEOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL RETROSPECT "' by A. C. Seward, xvi + 603 pp., Hafner Publishing Co., London and New York. 1933 (1966). Facsimile replication of second edition. GMH "WILD FLOWERS OF YELLOWSTONE AND GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARKS" by Richard J ie LACKEY, J. A., Neonotonia, a new generic name to include Glycine wightii (Arnott) Verdcourt (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) .. . 209 WASSHAUSEN, D. C., New species of Acanthaceae from Colombia .... 213 GLASSMAN, S. F., Preliminary taxonomic studies in the palm SM CHCCICA CUS SECT A (ce wvengt Satine ea Craters) Sa oP 219 TURNER, B. L., New species of Neurolaena (Asteraceae—Heliantheae)... 251 MOLDENKE, H. N., Additional notes on the Eriocaulaceae. LXXV .... 252 MOLDENKE, H. N., Notes on new and noteworthy plants. CIV....... 275 eee su Netl.. BOOK TEVIEWS’. oo. ko ee ee oe wae ee 276 Published by Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L. Moldenke 303 Parkside Road Plainfield, New Jersey 07060 US.A. Price of this number, $2.50; per volume, $9.75 in advance or $10.50 after close of the volume; 75 cents extra to all foreign addresses; 512 pages constitute a volume; claims for numbers lost in the mails must be made immediately after receipt of the next following number. TAXONOMY OF SELINOCARPUS AND AMMOCODON (NYCTAGINACEAE) Beverly Ann Fowler and B, L. Turner The University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 Selinocarpus is primarily a North American desert genus belonging to the Nyctaginaceae. It is a relatively rare taxon, most of the species being confined to local outcrops of gypsum (CaSO,). The species are perennial herbs or shrubs with unusu- ally attractive yellow or white tubular flowers. The genus was proposed by Asa Gray, in 1853, in a paper dealing with the plants of the family Nyctaginaceae collected by Charles Wright during his explorations of western Texas, southern New Mexico and Arizona, and northeastern Mexico. The name Selinocarpus was chosen to emphasize the likeness between the fruits of the new genus and those of the genus Selinum (Umbelliferae). Two species were described, S. diffusus and S. chenopodioides. There is no indication that the genus was based primarily upon either species; consequently, the first S. diffusus, may be taken as the type. Since its original description, the genus has in- creased in size to include nine species. One of the original species, S. chenopodioides, has been segregated as the sole member of the genus Ammocodon, discussed in a separate section of this paper. ECOLOGY Selinocarpus is restricted primarily to the arid and semi- arid regions of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, the one exception to this being S. somalensis which has been described from Somaliland in Africa. As indicated, most of the species are gypsophiles. In fact, six of the eight North American species seem confined to gypseous soils: S. lanceolatus, S. purpusianus, S. palmeri, S. diffusus, S. parvifolius, and S. undulatus. Selinocarpus angustifolius shows no marked soil preference. I. M. Johnston (1944) reported observing this species on basalt, volcanic tuff, igneous intrusives, limestone, caliche, and gypsum. The one common feature of these varied habitats is a preference for dry, well-drained sites. The species is tolerant to gypsum in at least limited quantities, however, and occasion- ally is found on predominantly gypsum soils. The closely related species, S. undulatus, is found more frequently on gypsum than S. angustifolius, though it presumably also grows on a variety of soils. Selinocarpus nevadensis is known only from the basin region around Clark County, Nevada. Soil preference, if any, is not LTT 178 PHYTOLGOGIS& Vol. 37, no. 3 known, although one collection is reportedly from calcareous soil. No information is available as to the habitat or soil pre- ferences of S. somalensis, which is known only from the type collection, but the area in which it occurs is described as desert with gypseous soils being plentiful (Horwood, 1976). POLLINATION The outcrossing flowers of all species of Selinocarpus, except perhaps those of S. angustifolius and S. undulatus, are probably pollinated by moths. Some of the characteristics of phalaenophilous species cited by Faegri and van der Pijl (1966) are (1) nocturnal anthesis, (2) strong perfume at night, (3) mostly white or faint colored, (4) deeply dissected lobes, (5) blossoms horizontal or pendant, rim absent or bent back, (6) anthers versatile, (7) nectar deeply hidden in a long tube, narrower than in bird blossoms, and (8) nectar guides generally absent, guidance by contour of blossom. The flowers of all species of Selinocarpus open at dusk and close by mid-morning at the latest. (1) The nocturnal require- ment of phalaenophilous species is thus fulfilled. (2) Personal observations as well as label data on specimens indicate that, one open, these flowers are fragrant. (3) All species, except angustifolius, are white, yellow, pale green, or pale pink. ee The perianth is typically lobed, although not deeply so. (5) The flowers of all species are horizontal, vertical or rarely pendant, with very little rim, thus Bast adapted to a hovering pollinator such as a moth. (6) The anthers are versa- tile. (7) The nectar is located at the base of an elongate funnelform perianth which is from 10--15 mm. broad. The except- ion to this is the shorter perianth (10--15 mm. long, 6--8 m. wide) of S. angustifolius and S. undulatus. (8) No nectar guides are present but the flowers are contoured so as to guide the proboscis to the nectaries. The flowers, therefore, exhibit most of the generally accepted characteristics of phalaenophilous species. We have observed repeated hawkmoth visitations after sundown in at least one population of S. purpusianus at Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico. No other pollinator seems to fulfill the requirements of the genus. The shorter flower of S. angustifolius and S. undulatus, though not well adapted to hawkmoths, may be pollinated by some other species of moths. These flowers, though shorter, are still nocturnal and appear to be adapted to hovering pollinators such as moths. 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon 179 GENERIC RELATIONS The most recent revision of the Nyctaginaceae was that of Heimerl (1934). In this classification, as well as that of Standley (1918), Selinocarpus was placed in the subtribe Boerhaaviinae (=subtribe Nyctaginae) of the tribe Mirabileae (=Nyctageae). Nowicke (1970) has recently reviewed the pollen morphology of this tribe, an approach which has been very help- ful in delineation of the higher categories within the family. In general, her work corroborates that of Heimerl. In our work we have found nothing to doubt their placement of the genus. Ammocodon is undoubtedly the genus most closely related to Selinocarpus. It is easily distinguished by its campanulate flowers clustered in umbelliform cymes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This paper is an abbreviated version of a Masters Thesis (Fowler, 1972) prepared at the University of Texas, Austin, by the senior author under the guidance of the junior author. We wish to acknowledge the field assistance of Dr. A. M. Powell and the numerous helpful suggestions of Dr. Richard Spellenberg, who has been an avid student of this difficult family. Material from the following institutions (abbreviations after Lanjouw and Stafleu, 1964) was borrowed for study: ARIZ, F, FI, GH, LL, MEXU, MO, NY, OKL, OKLA, POM, RENO, RSA, SMU, TAES, TEX, TTC, UC, UNM, US, UT, UTC. Distributional maps were prepared from these collections and full citations can be found in the bound Masters Thesis on file in the library, University of Texas, Austin. TAXONOMIC TREATMENT Selinocarpus A. Gray Selinocarpus A. Gray, Am. J. Sci. 15: 262. 1853. Perennial herbs or low shrubs, erect or decumbent; stems relatively unbranched to much-branched. Leaves simple, oppo- site, pubescent or glabrate, those of a pair more or less unequal, sessile or petiolate, blades usually thick and succu- lent, entire or undulate. Flowers perfect, pseudo-axillary or solitary to geminate in the leaf axils, sessile or short pedi- cellate, often cleistogamous, each subtended by 1 to 4 narrow bracts. Perianth tubular-funnelform, the tube elongate or rarely short, not constricted above the ovary, rather abruptly expanded into a broad, shallowly 5-lobed limb, the lobes plicate. Stamens usually 5, or more rarely 4--8; filaments filiform, short connate at the base, adherent to the perianth tube basally; anthers didymous, exserted, opening longitudinally. Pollen 180 PHY TOQL0O.G TPs Vol. 37, mo. 3 grains spheroidal (70-134/in diameter), pantoporate (18--45 pores), the pores 2.5--5.0 in diameter, the pore plate spinulose, sparsely tubiferous and spinulose, the spinules 2--4 long. Ovary oblong, style filiform, exserted; stigma peltate often with revolute margins, smooth. Anthocarp compressed, the body truncate to subtruncate, broadly 5-winged, the hyaline wings, not veined. Seed narrowly oblong to elliptical, light brown, the testa adherent to the pericarp; farinaceous endosperm; radicle elongate, descending. Type species: Selinocarpus diffusus A. Gray. KEY TO SPECIES 1. Perianth 10-15 mm. long; leaves distinctly petiolate, the petiole to 4 m. long. 2. Leaf blades linear to linear-lanceolate, margins entire and flat..cccccccccccccsscoee 4. S. angpuststolius 2. Leaf blades oblong to elliptical, margins undulate Se Ceelecc sewsececinss) De its MECUEaeme 1. Perianth 17-45 mm. long. 3. Leaves petiolate, the lower ones often long-petiolate; blades ovate or orbicular. 4, Perianth 17-22 mm. long....... 9. S. somalensis 4. Perianth 30-45 mm. long. 5. Upper leaves much reduced, bract-like; fruit 9-10 mm. long ........---- 6. S. parvifolius 5. Upper leaves not reduced; fruit 6-7 mm. long. 6. Perianth limb ca. 15 mm. broad; leaves ovate to elliptical, often drying brownish-green ....... 7. S. diffusus 6. Perianth limb less than 10 m. broad; leaves mostly rhomboid to broadly ovate, often drying yellowish-green ......+e6- cooeeee 8. S. nevadensis 3. Leaves sessile or subsessile, the petioles sometimes 1-3 mm. long; blades linear to broadly ovate or orbicular. 7. Leaf blades more than 4 mm. wide ..ccccccccsce eeeeee 1. S. lanceolatus 7. Leaf blades less than 4 mm. wide. 8. Leaf blades linear, 10-40 mm. long; scarcely glandular-puberulent or glabrous; perianth Pinks ciccdecciedanedeacddes! So eae y eu 8. Leaf blades narrowly spatulate-oblong, 4-20 mm. long ..ecccccecseseee 3. S. purpusianus 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon 181 1. Selinocarpus lanceolatus Wooton Selinocarpus lanceolatus Wooton, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 304. 1898. HOLOTYPE (US!): U.S.A. New Mexico. Dona Ana Co. Co. Just S of the White Sands, 26 Aug 1897. Wooton 389 (Isotypes: GH! MO! NY! POM! UC! US!). Perennial herb or half-shrub, to 3 dm. tall; stems erect or decumbent from a woody base, diffusely branched, densely leafy, covered throughout with minute, appressed, flattened, white hairs, or glabrate in age; leaves opposite, subsessile, with petioles to 3 mm. long; leaf blades thick, succulent, lanceo- late to elliptical (rarely orbicular), 12--40 mm. long, 4--35 mm. wide, the apex acute or attenuate, the base obtuse, or, less often, cordate, the margins entire and flat; flowers solitary in leaf axils, subsessile, subtended by 2--3, subulate bracts, 1.5--4.0 mm. long; perianth elongate-funnelform, 30-45 m. long, the tube slender, 10-20 mm. wide at the 5-lobed limb, ca calyx yellow; stamens 5--8, slightly exsertéd; anthocarp 6--9 mm. long, with 5 membranous wings, 2--4 mm. wide. Occasional cleistogamous flowers also occur. DISTRIBUTION: North-central New Mexico southward into North-central Mexico. It is found almost exclusively on gypsum outcrops (Map. 1). This species is easily distinguished from all other species of Selinocarpus by its dark bluish-green lanceolate leaves. KEY TO VARIETIES 1. Leaves narrowly ovate-oblong (rarely broadly ovate in southern Hudspeth Co., Texas), 4--15(25) mm. wide; stems mostly wiry and reclined, rarely strictly erect; limb of corolla ca. 10 mm. wide; plants of the United States ... pistatslelalolatale(olelaicle/eisielscle cleeiclsisccccclcie § beds Valesmlanceolarus 1. Leaves ovate to orbicular to reniform, 15--35 mm. wide; stems stout and stiffly erect; limb of corolla 10--15 mm. wide; plants of Mexico .......e.2eeeeee- 1.b. var. megaphyllus l.a.Selinocarpus lanceolatus Wooton var. lanceolatus. ibis al This is by far the more heavily collected variety of the species, being found, so far as is known, in the United States (Map 1 ), var. megaphyllus being confined to Mexico. However, plants from a single populational site in trans-Pecos Texas approach the var. megaphyllus and these are discussed in more detail below. 1.b.Selinocarpus lanceolatus var. megaphyllus Fowler & Turner, var. nov. Bigs) 2 HOLOTYPE(LL): MEXICO. Chihuahua. Jurassic gypsum ca. 15 mi. SW of Estacion Moreon on Rio Conchos Lake Road, Sierra de la Monillas, 25 May 1971. Powell 2105. (Isotype: TEX!). 182 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, neo. 3 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon 183 y) TAM AY dN y hi Xi ly IY VY COOMA en 2b WZ OD Aste WEL eh ‘ Cd f\ Wi Z —> i 18h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37. no. 3 Frutex erectus, omnino ornatus pilis minutis adpressis complanatis albis; folia sessilia vel subsessilia, ovata vel reniformia, 10--30 mm. longa, 15--35 mm. lata, subcoriacea, ad marginem integra, ad apicem saepe mucronata; perianthium elongato-infundibuliforme, 35--45 mm. longum, 15--20 mm. latun, sulphureum; stamina 5--8; anthocarpium 6--9 mm. longa, alis 5 membranaceis 3--4 mm. latis. Erect, brittle stemmed shrub, to 5 dm. high, older branches gnarled with yellowish wood and grayish bark, new shoots and leaves glaucous, pubescent with abundant, minute (0.2 mm. long), appressed, flattened, white hairs, becoming glabrous with age; leaves subcoriaceous, margins entire, sessile to subcoriaceous, margins entire, sessile to subsessile (petiole to 1 mm. long); lower leaves reniform to orbicular, the apex often mucronate, the base often cordate, 20--30 mm. long, 25--35 mm. wide; upper- most leaves ovate to elliptical, 10--20 mm. long, 15--20 m. wide; flowers solitary, or rarely paired in the leaf axils, sessile, or on pedicels ca. 1 mm. long, subtended like, lanceolate, decussate bracts, 3--4 mm. long, 1--2 mm. wide; perianth elongate-funnelform, 35--45 mm. long, 15--20 mm. wide at the 5-lobed limb, calyx yellow, with external pubescence like the stem and leaves; stamens 5--8, slightly exserted; anthocarp 6--9 mm. long, with 5 membranous wings, 3--4 mm. wide. Occa- sional cleistogamous flowers also occur. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the region of the type collection north of Aldama, Chihuahua, Mexico (Map 1). This variety is relatively easily distinguished from the var. lancolatus by its mostly sessile, ovate to reniform leaves, and slightly erect stems. Both varieties may have sessile to short-petiolate, broad leaves (lanceolate in the latter and ovate to reniform in the former), and are glaucous with a pubescence of minute, appressed, flattened, white hairs. In var. megaphyllus the stamens vary from 5 to 8 in number; in var. lanceolatus there are either 5 or 6. In addition, the floral parts of var. megaphyllus have a tendency to be larger than those of var. lanceolatus although there is considerable overlap. Three collections of var. lanceolatus from near Finley, Hudspeth County, Texas (Waterfall 5028, 5790 and 5828, GH, MO, NY) have leaves that approach those of var. megaphyllus. These were placed by Fowler (1972) in the latter taxon. However, the junior author believes that the populations concerned belong to the var. lanceolatus since recent collections in the Finlay area by Spellenberg and Syvertsen (3744, LL) suggest that, in habit and floral size, these populations are perhaps best referred to the var. lanceolatus, although the leaves are admittedly larger, approaching those of var. megaphyllus. Recent collections of the latter from Mexico also show considerable 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon 185 Map 1. Distribution of Selinocarpus lanceolatus var. lanceolatus (closed circle); var. megaphyllus (triangle); S. purpusianus (open circle); S. palmeri (star). Fig. 3— bo palwewi (attey Kewl, Pl. 201882 ) 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon 187 variation in leaf size and shape, but general habital and floral features hold. Because of the "approach" noted in the Finlay populations we treat the taxa as but regional varieties of a single species. However, if the floral size and colors prove diagnostic for the two taxa (larger and varying towards white in var. megaphyllus and smaller and varying towards yellow in var. lanceolatus) and if these attract quite different polli- nators, they might yet prove to be "good" biological species. 2. Selinocarpus palmeri Hemsl. Fig. 3 Selinocarpus palmeri Hemsl., Biol. Centr. Am. Bot. 3:6. 1882. TYPE: MEXICO. Coahuila. San Lorenzo de Laguna, May 1880. Palmer 1118 (Holotype: K. Isotypes: F! GH! US!). Dichotomously branched shrub, branches slender, ascending; old shoots and leaves glabrous to sparsely, glandular-puberulent, new shoots and leaves glaucous, pubescent with sessile, resinous glands; leaves subcoriaceous, sessile, linear, 9--33 mm. long, 1.0--1.5 mm. wide, the margins entire, apex acute; flowers solitary in the leaf axils, sessile, or on pedicels 0.2--1.0 m. long, subtended by 2--3, lanceolate-linear bracts, 3--4 mm. long, 1--2 mm. wide; perianth elongate-funnelform, 36--49 mm. long, ca 15 mm. wide at the 5-lobed limb, calyx reported to be bright pink with a whitish base (Palmer 1118, GH) externally, obscurely glandular-puberulent, like the older stems and leaves; stamens 5--6, exserted ca. 10 mm., with the stigma extending ca. 2 mm. beyond; anthocarp 5--7 mm. long, with 5 membranous wings, 3--4 mm. wide. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality of San Lorenzo de Laguna, Mexico. (Map 1). This species is readily distinguished from all other members of the genus by its lack of pubescence, sessile resinous glands, and by its long, sessile, linear leaves. 3. Selinocarpus purpusianus Heimerl. Selinocarpus purpusianus Heimerl, Oesterr. Bot. Zeits. 63: 353. 1913. HOLOTYPE(US!): MEXICO. Coahuila. Sierra del Rey, Jun 1910. Purpus 4505. (Isotypes: F! GH! UC!). Intricately and dichotomously branched shrub, to 2 feet tall, leaves and stems densely pubescent with glandular, sessile or stalked, trichomes and often minute, appressed, flattened white hairs, becoming glabrate with age; leaves entire, thick, fleshy, sessile, linear-lanceolate to subspatulate, 6--20 mn. long, 1.5--4.0 mm. wide; flowers solitary in the leaf axils, sessile, or on pedicels 1--3mm. long, subtended by 2, lanceolate 188 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, mo. 3 Fie, +#_ S{ Purpusianus Vayw- pupusianus 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon 189 bracts, 2--5 mm. long; perianth elongate-funnelform, 30-40 mn. long, ca. 15 mm. wide at the 5-lobed limb; calyx cream-colored or yellow, with an external pubescence like that of leaves and stems; stamens 5 or 6 (rarely 4), slightly exserted; anthocarp 7.5--9.0 mm. long, with 5 membranous wings, 3--4 mm. wide. Occasional cleistogamous flowers also occur. DISTRIBUTION: Region of Laguna del Rey in western Coahuila, Mexico, eastward to the Coahuila-Luevo Leon border area. (Map 1) It is apparently confined to well-drained gypsum ridges and dunes. KEY TO VARIETIES ie Plants glandular-hirtellous with a few appressed white trichomes often present; perianth bright yellow seeceeeeceees 34. Var. purpusianus 1.. Plants pubescent with appressed white trichomes and with a few glandular trichomes often present; perianth cream- COMOLCA REO RWHTECI s.. sf ccccisscc cocci s) SDe Vat. manshit 3a. Selinocarpus purpusianus var. purpusianus. Fig. 4 Var. purpusianus is usually readily distinguished from var. marshii, as well as from all other species of Selinocarpus, by its sessile, linear to subspatulate, leaves and yellow flowers. Specimens, often in populational form, intermediate to the var. marshii occur, however, and the following may be cited: COAHUILA. 40 km on Monclova-Piedras Negras Hwy 57, 24 Apr 1971, Richardson 1433 (TEX); 1 mi S of Estacion Hermanas, 4 Apr 1970, Turner 6012 (TEX). 100 km marker on Hwy 53 from Monterrey to Monclova, 1 May 1971, Fowler 4 (TEX); 101 km marker on Hwy 53 from Monterrey to Monclova, 1 May 1971, Fowler 5 (TEX). 3b. Selinocarpus purpusianus Heimerl var. marshii (I. M. Johnston) Fowler & Turner, comb. nov. Fig. 5 Selinocarpus marshii I. M. Johnston, Jour. Arn. Arb. 25: 162. 1944. HOLOTYPE (GH): MEXICO. Coahuila. Hermanas, about 40 km NE of Monclova, 20 Apr 1939. Marsh 1579. (Isotypes: F! TEX!). Known only from several collections about the type locality (Fig. 2), where it occurs on dry gypsum ridges with a number of other gypsophilous endemics. The variety differs from var. purpusianus in both perianth color and pubescence. The calyx of var. marshii is cream- colored or whitish as opposed to yellow. Pubescence differences are chiefly quantitative, var. marshii having fewer glandular- trichomes in proportion to the number of appressed, flattened, white hairs. In fact, some specimens of var. marshii do not possess glandular trichomes but may possess a few sessile, resinous glands. 190 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, m0. 3 N FiG.<45.— purpu sianus Var, Mawrshil 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocerpus & Ammocodon 191 I. M. Johnston recognized this taxon as a species, empha- sizing that it differed from S. purpusianus primarily by its pubescence: S. marshii having only appressed, flattened, white trichomes and S. purpusianus having mainly glandular tri- chomes. These differences are substantial when extreme indivi- duals of the group are studied. However, several intermediate specimens (Fowler 4, 5; Richardson 1433; Turner 6012; all at TEX) have been observed. We have been unable to find additional characters which might be used to distinguish between the taxa, and since the characters concerned are trivial, and often vary in the same population (except for perianth color), we have treated them as varieties. Such treatment emphasizes the undou- btedly close relationship of the two taxa. 4, Selinocarpus angustifolius Torr. Fig. 6 Selinocarpus angustifolius Torr., Bot. Mex. Bound. 170. 1859. LECTOTYPE (NY!): MEXICO. Chihuahua. Presidio del Norte (Ojinaga), July 1852. Parry s.n. (Possible isotypes: GH! NY! US!). Perennial woody herb or low shrub, stems erect, 0.3--1.3 nm. tall, much-branched from the base, glandular-puberulent, and with numerous curved, flattened, white trichomes with a conical base and T-shaped trichomes, glabrate in age; leaves with petioles to 3 mm. long, or occasionally sessile; leaf blades linear, oblong-linear to lanceolate-linear, 5--27 mm. long, 1--4 mm. wide, the margins entire and flat, often with some purple coloration, acute to rounded and apiculate at the apex, thick, fleshy, pubescent like the stem, the white tri- chomes often concentrated on adaxial surfaces, along the margins and veins; flowers solitary, or more rarely paired, in the leaf axils, on pedicels 1--3 mm. long, subtended by 1--3, minute, subulate bracts; perianth funnelform, 10--15 mm. long, 6--8 mn. wide at the 5-lobed limb; calyx brown, orange, or dark-greenish- yellow, with an external pubescence like the stem and leaves; stamens 5, slightly exserted; anthocarp 5--7 mm. long, the 5 membranous wings, 1.5--2.5 mm. wide, dull yellow to purple. Cleistogamous flowers often occur. DISTRIBUTION: Trans—Pecos Texas in Presidio County and central Brewster County southward to the northern part of the state of Durango, Mexico (Map 2). It is usually found growing in dry, well-drained, rocky habitats. It apparently shows no strong preference for particular soil types, having been report- ed as growing on basalt, volvanic tuff, igneous intrusives, limestone, caliche, and gypsum. This species is readily distinguished from all other species of Selinocarpus by its linear, petiolate leaves with entire margins and its short (ca. 15 mm. long) perianth. Y 2 ~ [4 YR f Ss f AN® } 4 a Vp Som. Aiheia Sonal Fie. 6_ ustifolius 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon 193 yr (.7— S. Undulatus if ar anes eam Va vy ya 19h Pen TD Ori OrGr Tw Vol. 37, no. 3 a Selinocarpus undulatus Fowler & Turner, sp. nov. Biioc 7 HOLOTYPE (GH): MEXICO. Coahuila. 4 mi W of Cuatro Cienegas, mouth of canyon, 24-26 Aug 1938. I. M. Johnston 7159). Herba perennis vel frutex humilis omnino pubescens; tricho- mata glandulifera vel arcuata complanata alba base conica vel T-formia; petioli 1--4 mm. longi; laminae oblongae vel ovatae, 4--14 mm. longae, 2--6 mm. latae, ad marginem undulatae; perian- thium infundibuliforme, 10--15 mm. longum, 4--5 m. latun, cinnamomeum; stamina 5; anthocarpium 5--6 mm. longum, alis 5 membranaceis 1--2 mm. latis. Perennial woody herb or low shrub, stems erect, much- branched from the base, glandular-puberulent, and with numerous curved, flattened, white trichomes with a conical base, and T- shaped trichomes, glabrate in age; leaves with petioles 1--4 mn. long; leaf blades broadly oblong or elliptical or ovate, 4--14 mm. long, 2--6 mm. wide, the margins undulate, obtuse to apicu- late at the apex, obtuse to truncate at the base, thick, fleshy, pubescent with white trichomes, these often concentrated on adaxial surfaces or margins and veins; flowers solitary in the leaf axils, on pedicels 1--3 mm. long, subtended by a minute, subulate bracts; perianth funnelform, 10--15 mm. long, 4--5 mm. wide at the 5-lobed limb; calyx burnt orange, externally glandular-puberulent; stamens 5, slightly exserted; anthocarp 5--6 mm. long, the 5 membranous wings 1--2 mm. across. Cleisto- gamous flowers often occur. DISTRIBUTION: Restricted to an area in southwestern Coahuila, Mexico, extending eastward from Parras to Saltillo and northward to just west of Cuatro Cienegas (Map 2). Soil pre- ferences of this species are not known; however, the localities of the specimens examined indicate that it grows on or near gypsum over most of its range. Selinocarpus undulatus is most readily distinguished by its short, funnelform perianth, and broadly oblong to elliptical or ovate petiolate leaves with undulate margins. It is most closely related to S. angustifolius. These two species have shorter perianths than those of other Selinocarpus species. They also possess unusual "T-shaped" trichomes, not found in other species of the genus. They differ mainly in leaf morpho- logy: S. undulatus having broader leaves with undulate margins, and S. angustifolius having linear leaves with non-undulate margins. They also differ in their floral pubescence, S. undulatus having almost solely glandular-trichomes while S. angustifolius possesses both glandular and non-glandular, “small, white trichomes. Nevertheless, because of their similar morphologies it might seem appropriate to treat these as only 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon 195 Map 2. Distribution of Selinocarpus angustifolius (closed circle) and S. undulatus (open circle). 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon 197 varietally distinct. However, in regions where the two taxa occur together or overlap (e.g., in the Cuatro Cienegas and Parras regions), they both appear quite distinct. In fact, collections of the two species from the area of sympatry are as distinct as those from the more remote geographical areas, intergrades having not been found. ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MEXICO: COAHUILA: Mesillas, near Saltillo, 23 Sep 1848, Gregg 535 (GH, MO); 39 km E of Saltillo, along the Saltillo-Monterrey Hwy, 26 Jul 1971, Pilz & Strother 704 (TEX); 12 mi W of Saltillo, 26 Jul 1971, Pilz & Strother 705 (TEX); Parras, Apr 1905, Purpus s.n. (UC); Parras, Aug 1910, Purpus 4687 (UC); 13 mi W of Saltillo, 23 Oct 1963, Ripley & Barneby 13280 (NY); Cerro N of Saltillo, 27 Aug 1968, Ripley 14978 (NY); 4 mi W of Cuatro Cienegas, 26 Aug 1938, Shreve 8458 (ARIZ, US); 14 mi E of Paila, 6 Sep 1940, Shreve & Tinkham 9900 (ARIZ, GH). Ge Selinocarpus parvifolius (Torr.) Standl. Fig. 8 Selinocarpus parvifolius (Torr.) Standl., Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 12: 388. 1909. Selinocarpus diffusus Gray var. parvifolius Torr., Bot. Mex. Bound. 168. 1859. TYPE: TEXAS. Canons of the Rio Grande or Presidio del Norte, 1852. Mex. Bound. Sur. (Bigelow, Parry et al.) s.n. (Lectotype: GH! possible isotypes: GH! Ny! US!). Dichotomously branched shrub, to 6 dm. high; most plant parts pubescent with glandular trichomes and flattened, appressed white trichomes with clear, conical, multicellular bases (the younger parts often more densely so); leaves decreasing markedly in size towards the inflorescence, margins undulate, petiole 1--8 mm. long, ovate, or rarely rhomboid, the apex usually acute, the base obtuse; lower leaves, 9--21 mm. long, 4--12 m. wide; upper leaves 1--7 mm. long, 1--4 mm. wide; flowers solitary in the leaf axils or terminal, on pedicels 1--3 mm. long, sub- tended by 2--3, lanceolate bracts, 2--3 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide; perianth elongate-funnelform, 34-52 mm. long, up to 15 mm. wide at the 5-lobed limb, usually greenish-yellow; stamens 5, equal in length to the calyx; anthocarp 8--10 mm. long, the striate body finely glandular puperulent, the 5 membranous wings, pale yellow to beige, 2--4 m. wide. Cleistogamous flowers also occur. DISTRIBUTION: Trans—Pecos region of Texas and adjacent Mexico (Map 3). It appears to be confined to the gypseous, Upper Cretaceous, shales and clays of this region. Vol. Ee no. 3 PHYTOLOGIA 198 eS "w 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon 199 Selinocarpus parvifolius is easily distinguished by its ovate leaves which decrease markedly in size toward the inflores- cence. It is probably most closely related to S. diffusus. This resemblance was first noticed by Torrey in his original description of the former as a variety of S. diffusus. The pubescence of these two species is very similar and both have broad, petiolate leaves. These characters serve to place S. diffusus, S. parvifolius, S. nevadensis, and possibly S. somalensis in a somewhat natural group. Of these, S. diffusus appears to be the most generalized form from which the others were presumably derived. le Selinocarpus diffusus A. Gray Fig. 9 Selinocarpus diffusus A. Gray, Am. J. Sci. 15: 262. 1853. LECTOTYPE (GH!): U.S.A. Texas. Pecos Co., 1851 or 1852. Wright 1708, in part. Isotypes: NY! UC!). Erect or decumbent perennial herbs, or half-shrubs, from stout woody roots, stems 1--3 dm. tall or long, much-branched from the base and also above, very leafy; branches and leaves covered with brown, translucent, conical trichomes, with the terminal cell modified into an enlarged, flattened, white, Opaque or a clear to brownish, spheroidal cell, or absent, and with short, appressed, flattened, white trichomes, often glab- rate with age; leaves with petioles 3--20 mm. long; leaf blades thick, fleshy, ovate to ovate-oblong, 10--30 mm. long, 4--17 m. wide, the apex obtuse to acute, the base obtuse to truncate, the margins usually undulate; flowers solitary, or less often paired in the leaf axils, on pedicels ca. 1 mm. long, subtended by 2--3, linear-subulate bracts, 0.5--5.0 mm. long; perianth elongate-funnelform, 35--48 mm. long, ca. 15 mm. wide at the 5- lobed limb; calyx green-white to greenish-yellow, or white with green stripes, externally pubescent; stamens 5, or more rarely 4, slightly exserted; style exserted, to 7 mm. beyond the stamens; anthocarp 5--7 mm. long, the body puberulent, the 5- wings, 1.0--2.0 mm. wide. Cleistogamous flowers often occur. DISTRIBUTION: Southwestern Oklahoma through north-central and western Texas into eastern and central New Mexico (Map 3). It is most commonly found on dry clay or sandy loam which contain gypsum. Gray combined Wright's field numbers 357, 380, and 528 into Wright 1708, the type collection for this Beeeieas and general- ized the lo locality to "rocky hills and valleys from the Pecos to the Limpio"., All three of the collections are from Pecos County, Texas. Number 357 is from the valley of the Pecos near the hills 5 Jun 1851; 380, f: from the stony hills at Comanche Springs, 7 Jun 1851; ena d 528, also from the stony hills at Comanche Springs 29 June 1852. One specimen from the Gray Herbarium has been 200 PHY TOLOG IA Vole 37, no. 3 Map 3. Distribution of Selinocarpus parvifolius (circles), diffusus (squares), and nevadensis (triangles). 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon 201 chosen to serve as a lectotype. The species is readily distinguished from other members of the genus, except S. nevadensis, by its distinctly petiolate leaves and elongate perianth. Its more narrow, undulate leaves and broader, less delicate perianth serve to distinguish it from the closely related S. nevadensis. Se Selinocarpus nevadensis (Standl.) Fowler & Turner, comb. nov. Selinocarpus diffusus Gray subsp. nevadensis Standl., Contr. MeseeNateeHerbs 20388. 1909% HOLOTYPEN(US)i: "Ui. SiJA Nevada. Lincoln Co.: Overton, May 1891. Bailey 1932. Erect, decumbent, or prostrate, perennial herbs, or half- shrubs from stout woody roots, much-branched from the base and also above, the branches slender, very leafy; branches and leaves covered with short, appressed, flattened, white trichomes, sparsely glandular-puberulent, and with larger whitish, trans- lucent trichomes with, or without, an enlarged, flattened, white, Opaque terminal cell, often glabrate in age; leaves with petioles 3--20 mm. long, often exceeding that of the blades; leaf blades thick, fleshy, ovate, oval to orbicular, 10--26 mn. long, 6--19 mm. wide, the apex broadly obtuse to more rarely acute, often mucronate, the base rounded or truncate, the margins entire and smooth; flowers glitary, or less often paired in the leaf axils, on pedicels 1--3 mm. long, sub- tended by 2--3, linear-subulate bracts, 0.5--5.0 mm. long; perianth elongate-funnelform, 30--40 mm. long, the tube very slender, ca. 10 mm. wide at the 5-lobed limb; calyx greenish- white, externally glandular-hirtellous with short, appressed, flattened, white trichomes also present; stamens 5, or rarely 4, slightly exserted; style exserted ca. 4--6 mm. beyond the stamens; anthocarp 5--7 mm. long, with 5 wings, 1.5--2.0 m. wide. Flowers often all cleistogamous. DISTRIBUTION: Restricted to a small area encompassing Clark County, Nevada, Washington County, Utah, and the north- western tip of Mohave County, Arizona (Map 3). Herbarium label data indicate that populations are usually found in dry rocky areas with good drainage such as hills, washes, and disturbed roadsides. One collection (Preece & Turner 2562, SMU) was reportedly from calcareous soil. The species is readily distinguished from its closest relative, S. diffusus, by its broader, more obtuse, leaves with flat margins. In addition, the leaves of S. nevadensis are often a brighter yellowish-green when dried, and the perianth is more slender and delicate. 202 Pony fT O:bOe Dek Vol. 37, no. 3 Standley (1909) described this taxon as a subspecies of S. diffusus. At that time he noted the ease with which the two taxa could be distinguished and postulated that they were pro- bably good species, but that the differences were difficult to define. After examining a more extensive collection of these plantswe find that the differences Standley noted, as outlined above, hold true and, in conjunction with their allopatry, constitute sufficient reasons for their recognition as species. Selinocarpus nevadensis and S, diffusus possibly had a common origin from a widespread, ancestral species. Perhaps changing climatic conditions caused the extinction of the main mass of this ancestral population, leaving a relatively small isolated colony in the area currently occupied by S. nevadensis. The more southern element of this ancestral taxon presumably gave rise to S. diffusus. Finally, it should be noted that A. Nelson apparently anti- cipated elevation of this taxon to specific rank, having anno- tated at least a few collections with the combination made here. Jie Selinocarpus somalensis Chiov. Fig wa) Selinocarpus somalensis Chiov., Flora Somala: 284. 1929. HOLOTYPE (FI!): SOMALILAND. Costa dei Migiurtini, dintorni di Biaddo, June 1924. Puccioni & Stefanini 814 (901). Low, hemispherical, much-branched, shrub, internodes, 6-- 12 mm. long, new shoots and leaves glaucous, pubescent with flattened, appressed, white trichomes with clear, conical bases, becoming glabrate with age; leaves with petioles 4--10 m. long; leaf blades ovate to obpandurate, 6.5--12.0 mm. long, 6-- 11 mm. wide, the apex obtuse to apiculate, the base oblique to attenuate, the margins entire; flowers solitary in the leaf axils, on pedicels ca. 2 mm. long, subtended by 2, opposite, linear bracts, ca. 3 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide; perianth funnel- form, 20--22 mm. long, ca. 7 mm. wide at the 5-lobed limb; stamens 5, slightly exserted, filaments purplish; style purplish, exserted ca. 4 mm. beyond the stamens; anthocarp 7 mm. long, with 5 membranous wings, ca 1 mm. wide. DISTRIBUTION: The species is known only from the type coll- ection from Somaliland, Africa, the sole collection of any species of Selinocarpus outside of the southwestern United States or northern Mexico. No information is available from either the herbarium label or the original description with regard to habitat, but the area concerned is largely desert with extensive outcrops of gypsum (Horwood, 1976). 203 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon ric. NO SF Soma lensis ( Wololy pe) 20h PHEYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 3 The disjunct distribution of S. somalensis is quite remark- able and we are unable to find a plausible explanation for its existence. It is possible that the species only superficially resembles Selinocarpus, this being a case of convergent evolu- tion. However, Heimerl (1934) believed it to be a member of the genus. Upon examining a fragment of the holotype, we also agree that the species belongs to Selinocarpus and is most closely related to S. diffusus. However, new evidence is needed to resolve the issue, and it will be interesting to see what a chemical study of the group might suggest. The only reasonable explanation of the disjunction of Selinocarpus somalensis is one of recent introduction from the southwestern United States or northern Mexico. This is, however, laden with problems. Rapid differentiation must be incorporated into any such hypothesis, if, indeed, the species belongs to Selinocarpus, for S. somalensis is quite distinct at the species level. Many other speculations are possible but none is satis- factory. AMMOCODON Standl. Ammocodon Standl., Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 6: 629-631. 1916. Selinocarpus Gray sect. Breviflora Heimerl, Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 63: 354-355. 1913. Perennial herbs, stems much-branched, pubescent. Leaves simple, opposite, pubescent, or glabrous with age, those of a pair often unequal. Flowers perfect, umbellate, the umbellules in open cymes, often cleistogamous, each flower subtended by a minute, subulate bract, or a second small bract rarely also present. Perianth campanulate, constricted above the ovary, shallowly 5-lobed, the lobes plicate. Stamens 2, or rarely 3; filaments filiform, short connate at the base, free from the perianth; anthers didymous, exserted, opening longitudinally. Ovary oblong; style filiform, exserted; stigma peltate, smooth. Anthocarp compressed, broadly 5-winged, the hyaline wings not veined. Seed with the testa adherent to the pericarp; embryo conduplicate, the cotyledons enclosing the farinaceous endosperm; radicle elongate, descending. Type species: Selinocarpus chenopodioides A. Gray aL Ammocodon chenopodioides (A. Gray) Standl. Ammocodon chenopodioides (A. Gray) Standl., J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 6: 629-631. 1977 Map 4. Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon Distribution of Ammocodon chenopodioides. 205 206 Pes YT OoL10O Tek Vol. 37, no. 3 Selinocarpus chenopodioides A. Gray, Am. J. Sci. 15: 262. 1853. TYPE: Left hand specimen on sheet labeled "Wright 1707" at GH, 1851 or 1852. Wright 1707 in part. (Lectotype: GH! Isotype: NY!). Erect or decumbent perennial herb, from a fleshy, fusiform rootstock, 1.5--3.0 dm. tall; stems dichotomously much-branched, the branches rather stout, densely covered with short, appressed inflated, white hairs when young, glabrate in age. Leaves with petioles 5--45 mm. long, those of a pair often unequal; the blades ovate-oval to ovate-oblong, or rarely deltoid or sub- orbicular, fleshy thickened, 1.5--5.0 cm. long, 6--40 mm. wide, rounded to subcordate at the base, broadly rounded to acute at the apex, often abruptly apiculate, flat or crispate, paler beneath, pubescent like the stems when young, becoming glabrate, the veins usually conspicuous beneath, broad and white, or occa- sionally with pale purple color. Flowers umbellate, the umbellules in open cymes, few- or many-flowered, each flower subtended by a minute, subulate bract, or a second small bract rarely also present; flowers often cleistogamous, on slender pedicels, 1--4 mm. long. Perianth pink to lavender, campanu- late, 4--5 mm. long, and just as broad or broader, sparsely puberulent outside, constricted above the ovary, shallowly 5- lobed, the lobes plicate. Stamens 2, or rarely 3, exserted. Ovary narrowly oblong; anthocarp 5 mm. long, the 5 wings 2 mn. broad; the body sulcate between the wings, sparsely puberulent. Seed oblong; cylindric, 2.5 mm. long, pale brown, lustrous. DISTRIBUTION: Occurs from western Texas through southern New Mexico to southeastern Arizona, and southward into Chihuahua (Map 4). Field observations and herbarium label data show this species to be found most often in loose sandy soils. Ecological information from other herbarium labels indicate a range of habitats suitable for its growth, including limestone, calcareous bluffs, sandy clay, igneous outwashes, and gypseous-clay soils. Gray combined Wright's field numbers 89, 172, and 525 into Wright 1707, the type collection for the species, and generalized the locality to "valleys from Providence Creek to the Rio Grande." Number 89 is from the stony hills between Santa Barbara and the Coppermines, New Mexico, 30 July, 1851; 172, from the hills towards Lake Santa Maria, northwest Chihuahua; 525, from the valleys from Deadman's Pass to the Wells, Texas, 17 June, 1851. One specimen from the Gray Herbarium has been chosen to serve as a lectotype. This species was originally described as belonging to the genus Selinocarpus. Heimerl (1913) emphasized the differences between S. chenopodioides and the other members of the genus by dividing the genus into two sections: sect. Breviflora, contain- ing only S. chenopodioides, and sect. Tubiflora, containing the 1977 Fowler & Turner, Selinocarpus & Ammocodon 207 remainder of the species. Standley (1916) raised the sect. Breviflora to generic rank, naming the group Ammocodon, a position which he reaffirmed in his treatment of the Nyctaginaceae for the North American Flora (Standley, 1918). Heimerl (1934) reasserted his feeling that these differences be recognized at the infrageneric level. Tidestrom & Kittell (1941) and Johnston (1944) followed Heimerl in treating the species within Selinocarpus. However, more recent treatments of this group have recognized the species as belonging to Ammocodon (Kearney & Peebles, 1960; Reed, 1968; Lundell, 1969; and Correll & Johnston, 1970). Based on field observations and study of herbarium material, we also treat this species as being the sole member of the genus Ammocodon. The two genera, however, are undoubtedly closely related, the 5-winged fruit found in both surely having a common origin. The floral differences, however, are considerable, this constituting the primary reason for its segregation as a genus. The perianth of Ammocodon is campanulate and conspicuously constricted above the ovary, while that of Selinocarpus is tubular-funnelform and not constricted above the ovary. In Ammocodon the stamens are 2 or rarely 3, their filaments free from the perianth, whereas in Selinocarpus the stamens are usually 5 (with 4 to 8 less common) and their filaments are adherent to the perianth tube. Furthermore, the flowers of A. chenopodioides are aggregated into many-flowered, umbelliform cymes, each flower subtended by one, or rarely 2, bracts, in contrast to the solitary to geminate flowers in the leaf axils, subtended by 2 to 4, or very rarely one, bract, as found in the various species of Selinocarpus. 208 PE DOLOG5 - Vol. 37, no. 3 LITERATURE CITED Correll, D.S. and M. C. Johnston. 1970. Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas. Texas Research Foundation. Renner. Faegri, K. and L. van der Pijl. 1966. The Principles of Pollination Ecology. Pergamon Press. New York. Fowler, Beverly. 1972. Taxonomy of Selinocarpus and Ammocodon (Nyctaginaceae). M.S. Thesis, The University of Texas, Austin. Heimerl, A. von. 1913. Eine neue art de gattung Selinocarpus. Oesterr. Bot. Zeits. 63: 353. - 1934. Nyctaginaceae In Engler and Prantl, Naturl. Pflanzenfam. l6c : 86-134. Horwood, F.K. 1976. Succulent Safari to Somalia. Cactus Succulent J. (U.S.) 48 : 111-114. Johnston, I.M. 1944. Nyctaginaceae. J. Arn. Arb. 25 : 162. Kearney, T.H. and R.H. Peebles. 1960. The Flora of Arizona. Univ. of Calif. Press. Berkeley. 1085 pp. Lanjouw, J. and F.A. Stafleu. 1964. The herbaria of the world. Index Herbariorum. Regnum Vegatabile 31 : 1-251. Lundell, C.L. 1969. Flora of Texas. Texas Research Foundation. Renner. 417 pp. Nowicke, J.W. 1970. Pollen morphology in the Nyctaginaceae I. Nyctagineae (Mirabileae). Grana 10 : 79-88. Reed, C.F. 1968. The nomenclature and synonymy of the Amaranthaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Nyctaginaceae of the flora of Texas. Phytologia 18 (1) : 1-43. Standley, P.C. 1909. Allioniaceae of the United States. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12 : 388. - 1916. Ammocodon, a new genus of Allioniaceae from southwestern United States. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 6 : 629-631. . 1918. Allioniaceae. North Am. Flora 21 (3) : 172-199. NEONOTONIA, A NEW GENERIC NAME TO INCLUDE GLYCINE WIGHTII (ARNOTT) VERDCOURT (LEGUMINOSAE, PAPILIONOIDEAE) James A. Lackey Department of Botany Smithsonian Institution Washington, D. C. 20560 Abstract.--Recent evidence indicates that Glycine witghttt (Arnott) Verdcourt must be generically removed from the remaining species of the genus. Because there is no valid generic mame to accept this transfer, the new generic name Neonotonita is proposed. Since Hermann's (1962) revision of the genus Glycine Willdenow gen. consv., evidence from morphology, cytology, and biochemistry indicates that the common and widespread G. wightit (Arnott) Verdcourt [G. javanica auct. mult. non Linnaeus, and G. petittana (A. Richard) Schweinfurth] should not be maintained in the same genus with the cultivated soybean G. max (Linnaeus) Merrill and other wild species, among which is found the type of the genus, G. clandestina Wendland. Full justification for the generic separation will come in a later paper, but the new generic name Neonotonta is here proposed to accept the neces- sary transfer of G, wightit. As suggested by Arnett (1834}, Neonotonta is closely related to Shuteria Arnott. Table I will serve to distinguish these and associated genera. It is probable that Glycine sp. A. (Verdcourt, 1971) is congeneric with Neonotonta wightit: both taxa have 22 (44 in some WN. wightit) large somatic chromosomes and canavanine in seeds. Pueraria collettii Prain [P. stanica Craib], P. stricta Kurz, P. brachyearpa Kurz, and P. bella Prain may possibly be referred to Neonotonta when they are better known. Arnott (1834) first described G. wightiit as the sole species of a new genus Notonia. Noticing, however, that de Candolle (1833) had already used Notonia for a genus of Compositae, Arnott substituted the name Johnia in the addendum of the text. Johnia Arnott is preoccupied by Johnia Roxburgh (1832), now considered a synonym of Salacta (Hippocrateaceae). Meyer (1836) independently described the genus Bujacta, which included only two species: B. anonychia [G. wightit] and B. gampsonychia [Teramus labialis (Linnaeus) Sprengel]. The generic description of Bujacta specifies alternately aborted anthers, which could refer only to Teramus and would defi- nitely exclude G, wightit. Bujacta must therefore be 209 210 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 3 TABLE I ATTRIBUTES OF WEONOTONIA AND ASSOCIATED GENERA Genus Attribute® : 2 3 4: 5 6:7 coe Ophresttia 5 i the. Meee’ Foxbesaa duie 2e aUbaoe 1o-+-P. G(F) Teramus P é abs , P. Brown 2+ D(U) 28(20?) 5 G(P) P(G?) Glyctne Willdenow 1 D 40,80 = 10 -- G P-G a see 3 D unknown unknown 10+- G P Backer Shuterta - 9 me). Amine t=3157)0 unknown + 10 ai Neonotonta 3 - 22,44 " 16° F Lackey “attributes, 1 = Number of flowers per node of the inflores- cence. 2 = Upper calyx lobes United or Distinct. 3 = Somatic chromosome number. (Lackey, 1977a). 4 = Canavanine present (+) or absent (-) from seeds (Lackey, 1977b). 5 = Number of fertile anthers per flower. 6 = Stems strongly four-angled with dense brown hairs on the angles (+) or not strongly angled and without prominent hairs on the angles (-). 7 = Seeds arillate (+) or without an aril (-) (although sometimes with a papery remain of the funiculus, definition of aril follows Polhill (1976)). 8 = Petals Pubescent or Glabrous. 9 = Inside of calyx teeth Pubes- cent or Glabrous. lectotypified by B. gampsonychia. As a result there is no valid generic name to accept a transfer of G. wightit. The following names are therefore proposed. Neonotonia Lackey, nom. nov. WNotonta Arnott in Wight and Walker-Arnott, Prod. Fl. Ind. Or. 207 (1834)--Generitypus: Notonta wightit Arnott loc. cit. = Neonotonia wightii (Arnott) Lackey, comb. nov.--non Wotonta de Candolle in Guillemin, Arch. Bot. 2:518 (1833)--Johnta Arnott, op. cit. 449 (1834); non Johnta Roxburgh, Fl. Ind. 1:168 (1832). Bujacta E. Meyer, Comm. Pl. Afr. Aust. 127 (1836) pro parte.-- Lectogeneritypus: B. gampsonychta E. Meyer, loc. cit. = Teramnus labialis (Linnaeus f.) Sprengel. 1977 Lackey, Neonotonia, a new generic name 211 Glyetne sect. Javanicae sensu Harms in Engler, Pflanzenw. Afr. 3(1):654 (1915) pro parte. Glycine subgen. Glycine sensu Hermann, USDA Tech. Bull. 1268: 24 (1962). Glycine subgen. Bracteata Verdcourt, Taxon 15:34 (1966)--Sp. typica: G. wightit (Arnott) Verdcourt, loc. cit. = Neonotonia wightii (Arnott) Lackey. For fuller synonomy see Verdcourt (1971) and Hermann (1962). LITERATURE CITED Arnott, G. A. Walker-. 1834. (= G. A. Walker-Arnott, 1834). Candolle, A. P. de. 1833. Genres noveaux appartenant a la famille des Composees ou Synantherees. pp. 514-519 in J. B. A. Guillemin, Archives de Botanique. . . Vol. 2. Henri Dupuy, Paris. de Candolle, A. P. 1833. (= Candolle, A. P. de., 1833). Harms, H. 1915. Leguminosae. pp. 327-698 im A. Engler and O. Drude, eds. Die Vegetation der Erde. IX. Die Pflanzenwelt Afrikas insbesondere seiner tropischen Gebiete. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig. Hermann, F. J. 1962. A revision of the genus Glycine and its immediate allies. U.S.D.A. Technical Bull. No. 1268. Lackey, J. A. 1977a. A synopsis of Phaseoleae (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae). Ph.D. dissertation. Iowa State University, Ames. Lackey, J. A. 1977b. A revised classification of the tribe Phaseoleae (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae), and its relation to canavanine distribution. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 74(2) :163-178. Meyer, E. H. F. 1836. Commentariorum de plantis Africae australioris,. . . Leopold Voss, Leipzig. Polhill, R. M. 1976. Genisteae (Adans.) Benth. and related tribes (Leguminosae). Botanical Systematics. 1:143-368. Roxburgh, W. 1832. Flora indica; or, descriptions of Indian plants. Ed. 2. Serampore. Verdcourt, B. 1966. A proposal concerning Glycine L. Taxon 15:34-36, 212 PEYT Ob OG La Vol. 37, no. 3 Verdcourt, B. 1971. Tribe Phaseoleae. pp. 503-807 in J. B. Gillett, R. M. Polhill, and B. Verdcourt. Leguminosae (Part 4) subfamily Papilionoideae (2) tn E. Milne- Redhead and R. M. Polhill, eds. Flora of Tropical East Africa. Whitefriars Press, London and Tonbridge. Walker-Arnott, G. A. 1834. Leguminosae. pp. 178-298 in R. Wight and G. A. Walker-Arnott, Prodromus florae peninsulae Indiae orientalis. Parbury, Allen, & Co., London. NEW SPECIES OF ACANTHACEAE FROM COLOMBIA Dieter C. Wasshausen Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 20560 During the course of routine identifications of Acanthaceae from South America, I have found three undescribed species of the genera Dicliptera and Habracanthus. 1. DICLIPTERA CUNDINAMARCANA Wasshausen, sp. nov. Suffrutescens, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexa- gonis, glabris vel parce hirtellis; lamina foliorum ovata, sub- acuta vel subacuminata, utrinque glabra, costa et venis laterali- bus plus minusve puberulis; cymae axillares pleurumque 6-partitae; bracteae cymas subtendentes rudimentariae; bracteae cymulas subtendentes aliquanto magnae, bractea inferior aliquanto minor quam superior, ambae late ovatae, obtusae, virides vel subpur- pureae maculatae glabrae vel parce puberulae; bracteae intimae parvae, ovatae, parce hirtellae; calycis segmenta anguste tri- angularia, pilis glanduliferis et eglanduliferis intermixtis; corolla subpurpurea, bilabiata, labio superiore ovato, obtuso, labio inferiore anguste obovato, apice minute trilobato. Small shrub about 1 m high; stems erect or ascending, sub- hexagonal, glabrous or sparingly and inconspicuously puberulous; leaf blades ovate, 5.5-9.5 cm long and 2.5-4.2 cm wide, subacute or if subacuminate, the tip itself obtuse, narrowed at base, drying dark olive green, rather firm, entire, undulate, both sur- faces glabrous except costa and basal portions of lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs), these sparingly to rather densely puberulous with recurved hairs, the cystoliths numerous but inconspicuous, whitish; petioles rather slender, 1.5-2.5 cm long, channelled, puberulous with curved hairs; cymes mostly 6-parted, the peduncles below the node 1 cm long, hexagonal, hirtellous, above node, 1.7-2.3 cm long, hexagonal and narrowly winged, hirtellous, the bracts borne at the node of the peduncle rudimentary, 0.5 mm long, the larger cymule bract 1.5-1.8 cm long and 2-2.5 cm wide, the smaller 1.4 cm long and 1.6-1.8 cm wide, both broadly ovate, obtuse, trun- cate at base, firm; greenish or spotted dark purplish red, glab- rous or sparingly puberulous, the costa and lateral nerves rather inconspicuous, the veinlets coarsely reticulated, rather obscure unless viewed with a lens; innermost bracts ovate, about 1.25 mm long and 0.5 mm wide, acute to subacute, sparingly hirtellous; calyx 6 mm long, puberulous with a mixture of glandular and eglandular hairs, the segments narrowly triangular, 3.5 mm long and 1 m wide at base, acute; corolla purplish or rose-colored marked with white longitudinal lines, finely pubescent, 2.2-2.4 em long, the upper lip ovate, 11 mm long and 5 mm wide, obtuse, the lower lip 12 mm long and 4 mm wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes broadly ovate, rounded, 0.5 mm long; anther cells superposed, 213 1.5 mm long and 0.8 mm broad; filaments flattened, sparingly hirtellous; capsules ovoid, 11 mm long, 5 m wide, 1.5 m thick, flattened, obtusish at tip, minutely puberulous, the retinacula usually bilobed, 1 mm long; seeds suborbicular, flattened, 3-3.5 mm in diameter, 1.5 mm thick, dark brown, roughened by minute retrorse prickles. Type. L. Uribe U. 4903 (holotype US, isotype COL), Colombia, Cundinamarca: Lagunaverde, municipio de Zipacon, very abundant near lake, 1,800 m alt, 1 Aug 1964. Distribution. Known only from the type locality. Dicliptera cundinamarcana superficially resembles D. colum- biana Leonard. In D. columbiana though, the cymes are only 2-3- parted, the cymule bracts to 17 mm wide, and the corolla is about 17 mm long. 2. HABRACANTHUS CLEEFIT Wasshausen, sp. nov. Suffrutex, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subquadrangu- laribus, puberulis; lamina foliorum lanceolato-ovata, subobtusa vel breviter acuminata, supra hirtella, subtus pilis rigidis sub- adpressis, praecipue in costa et venis positis; paniculae longae, graciles, ramis infirmis ramosis, ramis ultimis racemosis, race- mis laxis floribus paucis; pedunculi hirtelli; pedicelli brevis- simi, hirtelli; rami infirmi paniculae foliis ovatis suffulti; rami ultimi et flores bracteis linearibus; bracteolae nullae; ecalycis segmenta dorso dense hirtella, corolla rubra, apice viridi-flavido, glabra, tubo basi angusto, abrupte dilatato, valide ventricoso, in fauce leviter angustato, labio superiore oblongo-ovato, erecto, subobtuso, labio inferiore leviter patulo, trilobato, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina exserta. Suffrutescent herb probably to 1 m high; stems erect or ascending, slender, subquadrangular, puberulous, the hairs upward- ly ascending, curved, septate (the septa brown), internodes of the stems to 6.5 cm long; leaf blades lance-ovate, 1.8-3 em long and O.7-1.1 cm wide, subobtuse to short-acuminate with a blunt tip, narrowed at base, rather firm, entire, the upper surface hirtel- lous, the hairs mostly curved, ascending, rigid, the hairs of the lower surface confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins, rigid, subappressed, straight or slightly curved, the venation of both leaf surfaces moderately conspicuous, the cystoliths obscure; petioles slender, 5-10 mm long, hirtellous; panicles slender, 16- 30 em long and 3-6 cm broad, the lowermost branches paniculate, the upper branches racemose; the flowers in each raceme few (usually 2-5 or 6), or the flowers in or near the tip of the panicle solitary; peduncles slender, 1.4-2.5 cm long, subquadr- angular, hirtellous, the hairs similar to those of the stems; pedicels short, not exceeding 2 mm in length, hirtellous, the medial and lowermost branches of the panicle subtended by leaves, these progressively smaller toward tip of the inflorescence, uppermost branches subtended by bracts, these linear, 3-4 mm long and 0.5 mm wide, acute, sparingly hirtellous; bracts subtending the flowers similar but somewhat smaller; bractlets none; calyx deeply segmented, the segments 5, linear-lanceolate, 6-7 mm long, 1977 Wasshausen, New species of Acanthaceae 215 0.75 mm wide near base, subacute at tip, densely hirtellous dorsally, and ciliate, the hairs rigid, an occasional one gland- tipped, the inner surface of segments glabrous; corolla dark red, yellowish-green distally, 15-17 mm long, glabrous, the tube 2 m broad at base, enlarged to 3 mm at 1.5 mm above base, thence abruptly enlarged to 8 mm at middle and again narrowed to 5 mm at mouth, somewhat ventricose, curved at tip, the upper lip oblong- ovate, erect, 4.5 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, subobtuse, the tip itself retuse, the lower lip slightly spreading, 5 mm long, 8 mm wide, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, 3 mm long, 3 mm wide, rounded; stamens exserted 6-10 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube and inserted at its base, glabrous; anthers 4+ mm long, 1.5 m broad, oblong and slightly curved; style slightly exceeding stamens, glabrous; cap- sules clavate, glabrous, 12 m long, 3.5 mm thick; seeds brown, ovoid, oblique at base, 2.5 mm long, 1.6 mm broad, muricate. Type. A. Cleef 7859 (holotype US, isotypes COL, U), Colombia, Meta: Cerro Nevado del Sumpaz, Quebrada El Buque, 3,350 m alt, 14 Jan 1973. Distribution. Known only from the type locality. Habracanthus cleefii is not nearly allied to the other species. It superficially resembles H. charien from Colombia's Cerro Negro, however, this species is unique in its small rose corollas with narrow tube, small throat, subequal lips and in its short, barely exserted stamens. 3. HABRACANTHUS SANCTAE-MARTAE Wasshausen, sp. nov. Suffrutex, caulibus subteretibus, aliquando parce puberulis vel deorsum glabratis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata vel oblongo- elliptica, breviter acuminata, basi cuneata, utrinque glabra vel parce puberula; paniculae terminales et laterales, ramis 1-vel 2-furcatis, semi-helicoideis, rhachibus et pedicellis dense hirtellis; calycis segmenta anguste linearia; corolla rubescens vel violacea, glabra, labio superiore lineari, apice obtuso, recurvato, labio inferiore patulo, obovato, apice 3-lobato, lobis brevibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta. Shrub 0.5-1 m high; stems subterete, rather sparingly puberulous or the lower portions glabrate; leaf blades oblong- ovate to oblong-elliptic, 5-12 cm long and 2-3.2 cm wide, short- acuminate, cuneate at base, thin, entire or undulate, both sur- faces glabrous or sparingly puberulous except costa and lateral veins, these more densely puberulous, cystoliths scarcely promi- nent; petioles slender, 0.5-1.5 cm long, puberulous; flowers borne in terminal and axillary rather dense panicles 12-21 cm long and 4-7 cm broad, the branches of the panicles féw-flowered, once-or twice-forked, subhelicoid, the lowermost branches sub- tended by typical stem leaves, the uppermost branches and the flowers subtended by linear bracts 3-4 mm long; calyx 9-11 mm long, deeply segmented, segments narrowly linear, 0.75 mum wide near base, rather sparingly hirsute, the longer hairs sometimes glandular; corolla wine- to violaceous-red, glabrous, 20-25 mm long, the upper lip about 1 cm long and 2 mm wide, the tip obtuse, recurved, the lower lip spreading, obovate, 1 cm long and 5-6 mm 216 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 3 wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 1 mm long, 1 mm wide, rounded; stamens exserted about 1 cm beyond the mouth of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers linear, about 4 mm long and 0.75 mm broad, rounded at both ends; capsule clavate, 14 mm long, 3-4 m broad, glabrous; seed suborbicular, oblique at base, 2 mm long, 1.75 m wide, brownish, muricate. Type. Cuatrecasas & Romero 24718 (holotype US, isotype COL), Colombia, Magdalena: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, SE slopes: Hoya del Rfo Donachuf: Cancuriia, 2,400-2,650 m alt, 11 Oct 1959. Distribution. In Colombia, in the department of Magdalena at elevations between 2,400-2,800 meters. COLOMBIA. MAGDALENA: Sierra de Perija, E of Manaure: Quebrada de Floridablanca, 2,700-2,800 m alt, 11 Nov 1959, Cuatrecasas & Romero 25225 (paratypes COL, US). Habracanthus sanctae-martae is perhaps nearest in relation- ship to H. callianthus Leonard, but differs markedly in the subterete stem, the glandular calyx segments, and the obovate, 5-6 mm wide lower corolla lip. Fig. 1. Habracanthus cleefii Wassh.: A, habit, x 3; B, bracts and calyx, x 3; C, corolla, x 14; D, corolla expanded, x 13. 217 Wasshausen, New species of Acanthaceae 1977 A Siett, ox a5 B, cymule bract and calyx, x 3; C, corolla, x 3; D, corolla Dicliptera cundinamarcana Wassh.: expanded, x 3. iivers 25 218 PEE OL OBi5a Vol. 37, no. 3 LEER Le FESS . a ESE K toto. ean COSBe flowers 11-18 mm long Mature fruits 9-10 cm long, 3-4 seeded 21. Rachillae of male spadix 17-34 cm. long, trees about 12 m tall.......... S. bassleriana 21. Rachillae of male spadix 10-13 cm long, trees 3-4 m ‘tall.....J:.s2.00.. S. Cephalotes Mature fruits 4-7 cm long, 1-3 seeded 22. Rachillae of male spadix 10-25 cm long, middle pinnae 60-90 cm long 223 22h PHY TOLOG TEA Vol. 37, no. 3 23. Rachillae of male spadix about 10 cm long, fruits 4-4.5 cm long, middle pinnae 2.2 cm lle leiaieiatclalalercleverchelolelciiclatelelercieratererencre seeee. S. macrolepis 23. Rachillae of male spadix 14-25 cm long, fruits 5-7 cm long, middle pinnae 4-5 cm wide 24. Rachis of leaf 4.5-7.5 m long, middle pinnae about 90 cm long, fruit 2-3 S@SASM ce iepe ol alelal ela) clelaiainl ocleialolcta Wg*L 03 ‘390ua wndelodxy “Vy (panuLzuo)) MOLLaA aed ww 8L-7L dina, BuLpaadxa sny_eo Bburyoe] 9721 199S (89L4M) pazzew snouoloosip AL payuew azequap A, UsULWOUd WD p-Z SULeY azeL Lays BuLpnyout wu zg 03 dn BuLpuaose uo yUaqundoud aBueuo Wu 8L-7L yLnuj 0} Lenbaqns yamouBb snitleo LL ews yyLM SULPY 3}L| [93S pauazzeds snouo,oou0d A|Ueau azejuap ALaunosqo wd p-2 SULPY 332, [83S OU UO Ma} YZLM wu 2 03 dn WG°Q 03 £393u09 “UOLLINGY JO SaLoads aauyz JO SuazZDeUueYD pazoayas Jo UOSLUeduiO) 4O,O9 [eyed aZLS Leqed yzbua, xAjleo xade (Jee, aunzew aoejuns uapun aouaosaqnd 4009 uLrbuew yz bua! aouaasaqnd Jazawerp JP2 40 uo) 3P3| Je9| FPO fe9| w97S W37S yiqey YyyMoub “L OLqel Vol. 318 no. h ee OOS y.0OwWs 97e[NoLunw a7e[noLunw adeJUNS paas ww 1 °Z wu 9°Z ww 1 °Z yz6ua, paas fs € (A,qeqoud) 2 |adueo uad paas “ou <4 Hi A|Leseq yuadsaqnd Pa) snouqe 6 snouge 6 -33e, [ays ALasueds LLeM Ledued uauuL oO a duedLuaw Oo (aouadsaqnd Aq paysew $0 390UadSLYap 4 9e3s09 4Nq) 33e}sS09 93e3S099 393e}S09 $O SULL LeSuop PH Fee] 9} euLWNDe 97 eULUINDe qyuadsoultds xade duediuaw Ay SLadueo GL-EL 6-9 l 4o sewbL3s 40 ‘Ou unde LodzAy “yj E3UBLaM “Vj aeneyuld “Vy (panuijuoj) “UoLLyngy 40 saLoads aauyy yo suazoeueYyd paqzoalas Jo uoSLuedwoy -| alqey 288 1977 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae 289 2. Dendrosida breedlovei Fryxell, sp. nov. Dendrosida foliis straminei-puberulis, stipulis brevis (1.0- 1.5 mm), calycibus parvis (10-12 mm longis). Shrub or tree to 7 m tall. Twigs yellowish puberulent, be- coming glabrate, the hairs stellate, ca. 0.2 mm long. Leaf lamina to 5 cm long, 3 cm broad, truncate or slightly cuneate at base, ovate or (rarely) weakly 3-lobed, the margin undulate-crenate or -serrate, rounded acute apically, palmately 5-7 nerved, minutely stellate-puberulent below, glabrate above but retaining hairs on main veins, somewhat discolorous, the veins prominently raised below, yellowish. Petioles up to 12 mm long, yellowish-puberulent. Stipules 1.0-1.5 mm long, deciduous, inconspicuous. Pedicels 4-10 mm long, axillary but crowded at branch tips. Calyces 10-12 mm long, 1 cm broad (in fruit), 10-ribbed from the base, the commis- sural ribs more prominent than the midribs of the lobes, minutely yellowish puberulent; lobes 3.5-5.0 mm broad, 3-nerved, the lateral nerves submarginal. Petals yellow, 15 mm long, densely ciliate- margined on claw but otherwise glabrous. Staminal column 4 mm long, pallid, stellate-pubescent, 5-nerved; filaments arising from apex of staminal column, 2-3 mm long; pollen yellow-orange. Styles ca. 8-9, pallid, slightly exceeding the stamens. Fruit a schizo- carp of ca. 8-9 mericarps; mericarps 5.5 mm tall, 3.5 mm wide, sparsely stellate-pubescent on apex but otherwise glabrous, the lower portion 1-seeded, indehiscent, dorsally smooth but medially furrowed, laterally slightly reticulate at base, the upper portion dehiscent, divergent, acute. Type: Mexico: Chiapas: Municipio de Cintalapa de Figueroa, 5 km west of Rizo de Oro along Mexican Highway 190, steep slope along ravines with Tropical Deciduous Forest, Zanthoxylum, Phyllanthus, Agonandra, and Guazuma; elevation 820 m, 18 Apr 1972, Breedlove 24629 (holotype: DS, isotype: pf); same citation, Breedlove 24644 (paratypes: DS, pf). The new species, which is illustrated in Fig. 2, is named in honor of Dennis E. Breedlove, collector of the type material and knowledgeable authority on the flora of Chiapas, whence the new species comes. Indeed, the genus Dendrosida as a whole is known principally from the state of Chiapas, except for D. sharpiana (Miranda) Fryxell subsp. occidentalis Fryxell, which occurs in the state of Guerrero (cf. Fryxell, 1971), and a specimen of D. sharp- jana recently examined (Carlson 2209) from Cerro Guiengola, Oaxaca. The three species now comprised in the genus are compared in Table 2. The measurement of carpel length (14-15 mm) given in the key to species (Fryxell, 1971) is taken from the original description of Sida sharpiana Miranda and is in error. Table 2 gives the correct length. 290 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. Table 2. Comparison of selected characters of the species of Dendrosida. D. batesii D. sharpiana D. breedlovei Leaf form deeply cordate, truncate, sim- truncate, usu- 3-lobed, to 18 ple, to 15 cm ally to 5 cm cm long long long Foliar pubescence glabrate glabrate minutely yellow- ish-puberulent Petiole length to 14 cm to 6 cm to 1.2 cm Stipule length 4 mm 6-13 mm 1.0-1.5 mm Calyx length 14-16 mm 15-20 mm 10-12 mm Petal length -- 20-40 mm 15 mm Mericarp length 5-8 mm 8-9 mm 5.5 mm 1977 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae 291 3. Hampea breedlovei Fryxell, sp. nov. Hampea pedicellis longis (usque ad 11 cm) et gracilibus; fruc- tibus amplis (3 cm diametro), pendulis, intus perfecte glabris; seminibus 2-3 in quoque loculo. Tree 7 m tall in montane rain forest. Young branch tips mi- nutely brown-puberulent soon becoming glabrate, green, minutely nigro-punctate. Leaf lamina entire, broadly elliptic, up to 25 cm long, 10 cm broad, palmately 3-nerved (or 5-nerved and the outer- most pair submarginal), glabrate, minutely nigro-punctate; foliar nectary single on midrib, inconspicuous, 1-2 mm long, slit-like, 1-3 cm from base of lamina. Petioles up to 13.5 cm long (1/4-1/2 length of lamina), glabrate, punctate. Stipules 2-5 mm long, subulate, minutely brown-puberulent, caducous. Pedicels axillary, solitary, 3 cm long (in flower) to 11 cm long (in fruit), slender (1.0-1.5 mm diameter), glabrate, punctate. Bractlets of the in- volucel 3, brown-puberulent, subulate, 1.5-2.0 mm long, appressed to calyx, persistent but inconspicuous. Calyx 8 mm long, minutely puberulent proximally, glabrate and densely nigro-punctate dis- tally except for five marginal tufts of brown hairs that are vestigial calyx lobes, otherwise truncate, becoming torn with the expansion of the flower. Petals (in bud) pallid, densely yellowish lepidote externally. Flowers otherwise unknown. Fruit pendulous, subspherical, 3 cm long, ligneous, 3-celled, greenish, glabrous within. Seeds 2 or 3 per locule, arillate, glabrous and shiny, ca. 1 cm long, almost black; aril presumably white (drying tan), sur- rounding half of seed. Type: Mexico: Chiapas: Municipio of Rayén: -in the selva negra 10 km above Ray6n Mezcalapa along road to Jitotol; tree 20 ft tall on steep slope with dense montane rain forest (Magnolia, Podocarpus, Calatola, and Ardisia); elev. 1700 m; 27 Jan 1973, Breedlove & Smith 32601 (holotype: DS-652778). This species is named in honor of Dennis E. Breedlove, who collected the type specimen and who observed and reported the pendulous fruits, a character not necessarily displayed in dried specimens. The new species, which is illustrated in Fig. 3, is similar in many respects to Hampea longipes Miranda (cf. Fryxell, 1969) but differs in its relatively broader leaves (2.5 times as long as broad) that lack domatia, its single foliar nectary, and its larger, pendulous fruits that are wholly glabrous within rather than pubescent along the suture-margin and which have two or more seeds per locule rather than only one. The slender pedicels attain a length of as much as 11 cm in fruit, longer than is found in any other species in the genus. 4. Hampea montebellensis Fryxell, sp. nov. Hampea laminis foliorum anguste ellipticis; caulis, petiolis, et pedicellis brunneo-puberulis persistentibus; parietibus interior 292 PHY! TiO%L 0: GoEk Vol. 37, no. & carpellorum dense albo-pubescentibus. Tree 20 m tall in montane rain forest. Stems densely and persistently brown-puberulent. Leaf lamina entire, truncate to cuneate, ovate-elliptic, acute or acuminate, palmately 3-5 nerved, with domatia absent, reticulate-veined, up to 14 cm long, 2-3 times as long as broad, obscurely punctate, glabrate above, minutely puberulent below especially on nerves, without marginal cilia. Foliar nectaries 3, inconspicuous, 1] mm long, the central one on midrib 1/4 distance from leaf base or less, the lateral ones sub- basal. Petioles 1/4 length of lamina or less, densely puberulent. Stipules 6-10 mm long, filiform. Flowers unknown. Pedicels (in fruit) 1-3 in the axils, erect, 3-5 cm long, densely puberulent throughout. Involucral nectaries lacking (?); bractlets of the involucel 3, deciduous leaving scars. Calyx 5-6 mm long, irregu- larly torn and reflexed in fruit, minutely puberulent. Fruits 3- celled, stipitate, spherical, 1.5-2.0 cm long, green-puberulent externally, white-pubescent within. Seeds 1-2 per locule, reddish- brown to nearly black, glabrous, 8-10 mm long, arillate, the aril approximately equaling the seed. Type: Mexico: Chiapas: Municipio of La Trinitaria, slopes with montane rain forest, Liquidambar, Magnolia, Vochysia, east of Laguna Tzikaw, Monte Bello National Park, elev. 1300 m, 23 Jan 1973, Breedlove & Smith 32191 (holotype: DS-655641). Hampea montebellensis is allied to H. integerrima and H. long- ipes (cf. Fryxell, 1969). It shares with H. integerrima the dense pubescence on the inner wall of the carpels, a character unique to these two species; this pubescence is white in H. montebellensis and brown in H. integerrima. It resembles H. longipes in its rela- tively narrow, elliptic leaves and its relatively long pedicels. It is distinct from either of these two species in its densely and persistently brown-puberulent stems, petioles, and pedicels and is unique in its densely white-pubescent inner carpel walls. The specific epithet is taken from the type locality, the Lagos de Montebello in Chiapas immediately adjacent to the Guatemalan border. The holotype is illustrated in Fig. 4. Sy Kosteletzkya blanchardii Fryxell, sp. nov. Kosteletzkya caulibus erectis, herbaceis, hispidis; laminis foliorum infernis valde hastatis, sursum gradatim deminutis atque anguste lanceolatis; inflorescentiis paniculatis; bracteis involu- cellis 4-6 mm longis, calycibus 6-8 mm longis, petalis 15-18 mm longis, roseolis macula flavida ad basim margine rubello; fructibus ca. 8 mm diametro. Erect herbaceous perennial, the stems green, hispid with sim- ple transparent hairs 1-2 mm long with a bulbous base, and with narrow longitudinal rows of minute recurved (or curled) hairs. 1977 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae 293 Leaf lamina markedly hastate below, palmately 5-7-nerved, up to 8 cm long, the central lobe triangular and more than twice as long as broad, serrate, acute, sparsely hirsute below with appressed simple hairs 1 mm long and a few 3-4-armed stellate hairs, the hairs similar but fewer on upper surface; upper leaves progres- sively reduced becoming narrowly lanceolate, without lobes, and 5-6 times as long as broad. Petioles up to 2.5 cm long, with pubescence like that of stem. Stipules filiform, 5 mm long, ciliate. Inflorescence a diffuse panicle. Flowers axillary, solitary or paired, sometimes one member of pair a multi-florate inflorescence. Pedicels up to 6 cm long (in fruit), slender, with pubescence like that of stem, articulated near apex. Involucel of 7-9 bracts at base of calyx; bracts linear, 4-6 mm long, hispid. Calyx 6-8 mm long, ca. 2/3-divided, sparsely hispid; lobes cordate- ovate, 3-veined, up to 4 mm broad (in fruit). Corolla rotate; petals 15-18 mm long, 12-15 mm broad, stellate-pubescent (3-armed hairs) externally in bud, glabrous within and on claw, pink with a yellow spot at base that is bordered by red. Staminal column glabrous, pallid, ca. 1 cm long, with anthers scattered along upper portion; filaments 1.0-1.5 mm long; anthers pale yellow, ca. 30; pollen yellowish, spherical, echinate. Styles 5, free, essentially glabrous, exceeding androecium by 2-3 mm; stigmas capitate, 0.5-0.8 mm diameter, reddish with whitish hairs on stigmatic surface. Cap- sule 5-celled, depressed, 5-winged, 3-4 mm high, ca. 8 mm diameter, minutely pubescent throughout and strigose on wings, transversely rugose. Seeds unknown. Chromosome number: n = 19 (Blanchard, 1974, as K. pentasperma). Type: Mexico: Michoacan: S of Zitacuaro, between Benito Juarez and Tuzantla (ca. 13 mi N of Tuzantla); alt. 4200 ft; in wet ground by roadside; flowers pink with yellow center (bordered by red), 15 Oct 1970, Fryxell, Bates, & Blanchard 1650 (holotype: BH, isotype: pf). Paratype: Zitdcuaro-Santa Anna, Hinton 13338 (US). The specific epithet is chosen to honor 0. J. Blanchard Jr., participant in the collection of the type material and determiner of the chromosome number of this and other species of Kosteletzkya (Blanchard, 1974). A useful treatment of the American species of Kosteletzkya has not yet been written. The genus is very distinctive, especially in its fruit structure but also in other characters such as floral morphology, investiture, chromosome number, and a preference for wet soils. The Mexican species occur from near sea level to eleva- tions of almost 2000 m and show a wide range of morphological diver- sity. Nevertheless, the present species and the two following are clearly distinct from others previously described. Kosteletzkya blanchardii is distinctive for the combination of hastate leaves and a rotate corolla with large pink petals having a yellow spot at base with a red border. It is illustrated in Fig. 5. 29h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 6. Kosteletzkya ramosa Fryxell, sp. nov. Kosteletzkya caulibus erectis, ramosis, dense stellato-tomen- tosis; laminis foliorum late cordatis; inflorescentiis paniculatis; bracteis involucelli 3-5 mm longis; calycibus 4-7 mm longis, peta- lis 22-25 mm longis, roseolis; fructibus ca. 6 mm diametro. Perennial to 2 m tall, much branched above; stems densely and persistently stellate-tomentose, with inconspicuous longitudinal lines of dense minute hairs. Leaf lamina broadly cordate-ovate with some indication of weakly developed lobing, up to 10-11 cm long, equally broad, basally cordate, crenate-serrate, acute, palmately 7-9(-11)-nerved, moderately stellate-pubescent above and below, the hairs principally 2-3-armed above, 4-6-armed below. Petioles up to 4 cm long, densely stellate-tomentose. Stipules caducous, not seen. Inflorescence a terminal branching panicle mostly above the leaves. Pedicels 2-6 mm long, minutely stellate- pubescent (hairs 0.1-0.3 mm) and sometimes with a few coarse hairs 1-2 mm long. Involucel of ca. 10 bracts at base of calyx; bracts linear, 3-5 mm long, ciliate (hairs 1-2 mm long). Calyx 4-7 mm long, ca. 2/3-divided, minutely stellate-pubescent; lobes ovate- triangular, obscurely 3-nerved. Corolla rotate; petals pale pink (darker in bud), 22-25 mm long, pubescent externally in bud, gla- brous within and on claw. Staminal column 18 mm long, slender, pallid, glabrous or with peg-like emergences toward base, apically 5-dentate; filaments 1-2 mm long, glabrous, emerging from column in 2-3 groups, the proximal group abortive and sterile; anthers few (ca. 25), secund, yellowish; pollen yellow, spherical, echi- nate. Styles exceeding androecium by 6-7 mm, free apically for 3-4 mm, slightly pubescent, reddish; stigmas 5, capitate, reddish, inconspicuously villous. Capsule 5-celled, depressed, 5-winged, 3-4 mm high, ca. 6 mm diameter, minutely stellate-pubescent and also prominently strigose throughout. Seeds unknown. Type: Mexico: Jalisco: roadside ditch 1 mi E of Ayo el Chico, elev. ca. 1550 m, local; perennial to 2 m high, much branched above; flowers pale pink; 23 Aug 1958, McVaugh, Loveland & Pippen 17230 (holotype: MICH; isotypes: pf and to be distributed by MICH). The specific epithet is chosen in reference to the collectors' description "much branched above." The species is distinctive for its broadly cordate leaves, its dense stellate pubescence on stems and petioles, its relatively small calyx and relatively large ro- tate corolla, and its paniculate inflorescence. An isotype of K. ramosa is illustrated in Fig. 6. Ve Kosteletzkya reclinata Fryxell, sp. nov. Kosteletzkya caulibus reclinatis, hispidis; laminis foliorum late cordatis; inflorescentiis racemosis; bracteis involucelli 8- 12 mm longis, calycibus 8-10 mm longis, petalis 25-30 mm longis, 1977 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae 295 roseolis; fructibus 10 mm diametro. Reclining subshrub, the stems woody at the base, with two types of pubescence: long, simple bulb-based hairs 2-3(-4) mm long that are uniformly distributed, and minute, fine hairs ca. 0.5 mm long in narrow, dense, longitudinal rows. Leaf lamina broadly cordate-ovate, up to 8 cm long, more or less as broad as long, with an open basal sinus, coarsely dentate, acute to short- acuminate, palmately 7-9-nerved, moderately hirsute above and below (the margins ciliate) with hairs 1-2 mm long, the hairs usually simple but sometimes stellately 2-5-armed. Petioles 1-3 cm long, hispid with pubescence like that of stem. Stipules filiform, 10- 15 mm long, prominently ciliate, the hairs 1-2 mm long, caducous. Inflorescence a leafless apical raceme 6-12 cm long, except that the lowermost flowers are subtended by leaves. Pedicels ca. 1 cm long in inflorescence (to 2.5 cm in foliage) with hispid pubescence like that of stem. Involucel of ca. 10 bracts immediately below the calyx; bracts filiform, prominently hispid-ciliate, spreading and arcuate in fruit, 8-12 mm long. Calyx 8-10 mm long (slightly accrescent in fruit), hirsute, ca. 2/3-divided, the lobes 3-veined, sometimes purplish. Corolla rotate; petals 2.5-3.0 cm long, exter- nally pubescent in bud (with both coarse, stellate hairs and minute multicellular hairs), pink. Androecium 2 cm long, 1 mm diameter, pallid, with a few, minute, peg-like protruberances but otherwise glabrous, apically 5-dentate, antheriferous toward apex; filaments 1.0-1.5 mm long, more or less secundly arranged; anthers yellow, ca. 30; pollen yellow, spherical, echinate. Styles and stigmas exceeding androecium by 8 mm; styles 5, free apically for ca. 3 mm, minutely white-pubescent with multicellular hairs; stigmas 5, capi- tate, 0.5-1.0 mm diameter, reddish, densely villous. Capsules 5- celled, depressed, 6 mm long, 10 mm diameter, 5-winged, minutely stellate-pubescent throughout and with a few coarse, simple hairs, the carpel walls transversely ridged. Seeds unknown. Type: Mexico: Jalisco: near Km 158, road from Zapotlanejo, ca. 7 mi WNW of Tototlan; adobe soil, poorly drained and periodically flooded meadow; elev. ca. 1800 m, abundant. Reclining, the stems 1 m long, woody at base; flowers clear pink; anthers yellow; stig- mas reddish. 24 Aug 1958, McVaugh, Loveland, and Pippen 17259 (holotype: MICH: isotypes: pf and to be distributed by MICH). The specific epithet of K. reclinata refers to the growth habit as given by the collectors. The species is distinctive for this growth habit and for its broadly cordate leaves, its racemose inflorescence, its hispid investiture of stems and petioles, its relatively large involucel, calyx, and fruit, and its large rotate corolla with pink petals. An isotype is illustrated in Fig. 7. 8. Pavonia biflora Fryxell, sp. nov. : Pavonia non viscida, fruticosa pedunculis axillaribus, floribus in umbellis binatis; bracteolis involucellorum 5, distinctis, late 296 PHY ch Och 00-5 k Vol. 37, no. 4 lanceolatis (12-14 mm longis, 5-6 mm latis); corollis grandis, roseis faucibus sanguineis; mericarpiis glabris, rugulosis. Viscid shrub to 2.5 m tall. Younger stems with both short (<1 mm) glandular hairs and long ‘2 mm) non-glandular hairs; only the glandular hairs persisting on older stems. Leaf lamina simple, ovate-cordate, serrate, acuminate, to 10.5 cm long, 7 cm wide, palmately 9-1l-nerved, discolorous, sparsely pubescent above (with both stellate and simple hairs), densely white-stellate-pubescent below. Petioles up to 4 cm long, with pubescence like that of stem. Stipules filiform, 6-8 mm long, densely ciliate. Peduncles axillary, usually solitary, up to 10 cm long, with pubescence like that of stem, usually umbellately 2-flowered; pedicels articulated up to 1 cm long. Involucel of 5 distinct bracts; bracts broadly lanceolate, 12-14 mm long, 5-6 mm broad, broadest near middle, narrowed below to cuneate base, apically acute, densely pubescent within and without, long-ciliate only near base. Calyx 10-11 mm long, ca. half-divided, glabrous within, pubescent without, the lobes apically long-ciliate (hairs 2 mm) on entire margin. Corolla 4.5 cm long, sparsely and obscurely pubescent externally, glabrous on claw; petals pink with dark red spot at base. Androecium ca. 2.5 cm long, the stamens cream [fide Irwin et al. 26416], scattered throughout length of staminal column. Styles and stigmas 10, exceeuie androecium. Mericarps 5, ca. 6 mm long, glabrous, rugu- ose. Type: Brazil: Distrito Federal: Cachoeira Piripiripau, ca. 15 km S of Planaltina; gallery and adjacent cerrado, sandy soil, com- mon in disturbed gallery, 20 Feb 1970, Irwin et al. 26416 (holotype: UB; isotypes: NY, pf). Pavonia biflora has its closest affinity with Pavonia garck- eana Glirke, from which it differs in its paired (rather than soli- tary) flowers, its 5 lanceolate (rather than 4 cordate) bracts of the involucel, a different pubescence pattern, and possibly a greater stature and larger leaves. The specific epithet of this species, which is illustrated in Fig. 8, is chosen in reference to its distinctively paired flowers. 9. Pavonia macdougallii Fryxell, sp. nov. sectionis Lebretoniae. Pavonia caulis petiolis pedicellisque dense hirsutis, pilis patentibus et non-viscidis; bracteolis involucellorum 5, distinc- tis, lanceolatis; margine calycis dense ciliatis; corollis grandis albisque. Shrub 1.0-1.5 m tall. Stems densely covered with patent sim- ple hairs 2(-3) mm long and with shorter stellate hairs. Leaf lamina up to 12 cm long, 8 cm broad, cordate-ovate, shallowly crenate to subentire, acute to acuminate, discolorous, green and sparsely pubescent above, densely white-stellate-pubescent below, 1977 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae 297 palmately 7-9(-11)-nerved, the nerves pallid and raised above and below. Petioles up to 6 cm long, with the long simple hairs some- what sparser than those on stem. Stipules 4-8 mm long, 1 mm broad at base, narrowly triangular, ciliate. Pedicels axillary, solitary, up to 5 cm long (in flower), exceeding the subtending petiole, with long simple hairs somewhat denser and slightly longer than those of the stem. Bracts of the involucel 5, distinct, lanceolate, 1-nerved, 15-20 mm long, 2.5-4 mm broad, broadest near the middle, acute, minutely wooly without, with simple hairs 1-2 mm long within and on margin. Calyx 8-10 mm long, half-divided, the lobes whitish, prom- inently 5-veined, densely ciliate, the hairs 3 mm long. Corolla white, 3.0-3.5 cm long, stellate-pubescent externally. Fruits schizocarpic, 8-9 mm diameter; mericarps 5, indehiscent, brownish, 5 mm high, minutely pubescent, prominently keeled dorsally and ven- trally, reticulate elsewhere, the reticulations expanded to produce 3 or 4 excrescenses on each side of mericarp. Seed [immature] soli- tary, brownish, with weak hairs sparsely scattered over surface. Type: Mexico: Oaxaca: [Distrito de] Tehuantepec: Tapesco, south of Tres Cruces, 3000 ft elevation, shrub with white flowers, in sun, 1 Nov 1971, MacDougall H 54 (holotype: NY, isotype: pf). Paratypes: [Distrito de] Tehuantepec: Cerro San Pedro, ca. 600 m elev., 8 Oct 1969, MacDougall 498.S (ENCB); Cerro Guiengola, 8 Dec 1970, MacDougall 617.S (ENCB). Tres Cruces is due north of the city of Tehuantepec at 16°40'N, 95°16'W; the type locality Tapesco, thus, is near the summit of Cerro Laollaga (elev. 1243 m). Tapesco does not appear on maps available to me, nor is it listed in the otherwise useful gazeteer 4 eee localities of MacDougall published earlier by Goodwin 1969). The specific epithet is chosen to honor the late Thomas Mac- Dougall, collector of the type specimen and assiduous collector of both plants and animals of Oaxaca (Stix, 1975). Pavonia macdougallii, which is illustrated in Fig. OES closely allied to the recently described P. fryxellii Krapovickas, from which it differs in its broader bracts of the involucel; its long, simple, non-glandular hairs of the stem, petioles, pedicel, involucel, and calyx; and its somewhat smaller corolla. P. rryxel Thi is notably viscid, whereas P. macdougallii is evidently not. macdougallii occurs to the southeast of the range of P. ‘ee 10. Pavonia submutica Fryxell, sp. nov. Pavonia stellato-pubescentes fruticosa; laminis foliorum late Ovatis; bracteolis involucellorum ca. 15, arcuatis, filiformibus, 20-25(-30) mm longis, copiose ciliatis (pilis 1-3 mm longis); calycibus 10-18 mm longis; mericarpiis laevibus, acumine apicale 298 ap ie eae bs PEO MC ae Vol. 37, no. atque 2 acuminibus lateralibus. Shrub up to 2m tall. Stems evenly stellate-pubescent, the hairs <1] mm long, persistent. Leaf lamina ovate-triangular, trun- cate or slightly cordate, finely serrate, acute, up to 9.5 cm long, 6 cm broad, palmately 7-9-nerved, somewhat discolorous, stellate- pubescent above and below. Petioles up to 3 cm long, densely stellate-pubescent. Stipules 8-12 mm long, linear, pubescent, caducous. Flowers more or less apically congested in few-flowered corymibiform inflorescences. Pedicels solitary in the axils, 1-4 cm long, pubescent. Bractlets of the involucel ca. 15, arcuate, filiform, 20-25 (-30) mm long, copiously ciliate, the hairs 1-3 mm long. Calyx 10-18 mm long, pubescent, more than half-divided; lobes acute, 3-veined. Petals yellow, ca. 2 cm long. Staminal column 15 mm long, 1 mm diameter, pallid, glabrous; filaments 3-5 mm long, glabrous, arising throughout length of column; anthers and pollen yellow. Styles and stigmas 10, glabrous, slightly exceeding uppermost anthers. Mericarps 5, smooth, straw-colored, reticulate-veined, the dorsal nerve prominent, with one apical and two lateral points (these much reduced compared to the cusps usual in section Typhalea), sometimes the points having a very few retrorse barbs, or barbs absent. Type: Mexico: Chiapas: 11 miles east of Tapanatepec on the Chiapas-Oaxaca state line along highway 190, steep heavily wooded slope, elev. 2300 ft; flowers yellow, plant 6 ft tall, 20 Oct 1965, Breedlove & Raven 13715 (holotype: CAS; isotype: pf). Paratypes: Oaxaca: Carretera de Tuxtla Gutierrez a Juchitan, 19-21 km noreste de Tapanatepec, alt. 630 m, 2 Dec 1973, Banda, Maldonado & Koch 73154 (CHAPA, ENCB, pf); 1/2 mi W of Chiapas state line on hwy 190, 1800 ft alt., 23 Jan 1969, Fryxell & Bates 902 (BH, pf); foot of Gas de la Gineta, 20 km [N of] Tapanatepec, Smith & Ruiz 3237 US). ———7 7 ate ae Pavonia submutica, which is illustrated in Fig. 10 and Fig. 13, C, is known from a limited area near the northwestern extremity of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas at the Oaxaca-Chiapas boundary. The specific epithet is chosen in reference to the reduced nature of the cusps on the mericarps, which in section Typhalea are usually longer (often very long) and retrorsely barbed. In the new species the cusps are reduced to mere points and the barbs are almost ob- solete. The nearest ally of Pavonia submutica is P. arachnoidea Pres]. Distinctive differences between these two species and the following new species, P. monticola, are presented in Table 3 and in Fig. 13, C-E. It is notable that, although these two species differ markedly in size of most floral parts, they have corollas of essentially identical size. The distribution of P. arachnoidea is relatively more northerly (Guerrero to Sinaloa) than that of P. submutica. These observations are based on the examination of, among other specimens, type material of P. arachnoidea (Haenke s.n., PR!). 299 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae 1977 UT i wu 2 wu gl Wu g-/ PLOSLA wu GL-OL 8 Laon -[OAUL $0 yqbua| sauLy G-p A, Leorde pazsabuod zyeymawos peoug wo g*g ‘Huo, wo || wu G-€ uu GL wu 22-81 wu 8L-OL azeLLLO wu G2-02 Sl L@ONLOAUL uey} vaquoys AL UOWWIOD Ai Leorde paysabuoo peoug wo g Sbuo|, wd G°6 wu 2-L Wu G wu 22-81 wu PELL LO wu GL-OL Sil-el L@ON,LOAUL 40 yzbue|, sawiy (@uow uo) €-Z wazs Buole pauaz}eos peouq wo O°b ‘Buo, wo o'9 yybua, juawe| ty yq6ua | uuin[Od LeULWeIS yybua| [e3aq yzbua, xALe9 [9ON, OA -UL JO wnjUaUNpuy yzbua, LaonLoAuy LON LOAUL UL $}9e4g JO ‘ON SL99LPad SUMO | 4 (wnWLxew) AZLS 4ea7T e[OOLjuOW “g eoLynuqns “q PapLOULyoeUe “q “PLUOARg $0 SaLdads aauyzy JO UOSLUedWO? "€ a1gel 300 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. k Pavonia submutica is further compared with P._monticola under the discussion of the latter species. Bates (1976) has reported a chromosome count of n = 21 for Pavonia arachnoidea, but no count is yet known for P. submutica. 11. Pavonia monticola Fryxell, sp. nov. Pavonia fruticosa viscida, laminis foliorium anguste ovatis acuminatis, pedunculis in axillis solitariis vel binatis, plerumque petiolos subtendentes excedentibus, bracteolis involucellorum octo linearibus patentibus calycem excedentibus, calycibus ciliatis nervis marginibusque atrovirentibus, corollis flavis, mericarpiis cuspide subapicali (0.3 mm) glochidiis retrorsis. Shrub to 2 m tall. Stems erect, densely pubescent with both stellate and simple, glandular hairs 0.5 mm long. Leaf lamina narrowly ovate, up to 11 cm long, about twice as long as broad, discolorous, cordate, doubly serrate, acuminate, palmately 9-11- nerved, stellate-pubescent above and beneath, with denser coarser pubescence beneath and with intermixture of glandular hairs above. Petioles approximately equaling leaf width, with pubescence like that of stem with addition of a few long simple hairs (1-2 mm) especially at distal end. Stipules 4-12 mm long, narrowly linear, glandular-pubescent, relatively persistent. Peduncles axillary, solitary or more commonly paired, up to 5.5 cm long, equaling or (usually) exceeding subtending petiole, with pubescence like stem, articulated above the middle, the pedicel (in fruit) 7-13 mm long. Involucel of 8 bractlets; bractlets spreading, linear, viscid, 10- 15 mm long, 1 mm broad. Calyx 7-8 mm long, ca. 1/2-divided into 5 lobes; the lobes ciliate (hairs 1.0-1.5 mm long), 3-nerved, the nerves and margins dark green, the intercostal areas whitish. Petals yellow throughout, ca. 12 mm long, stellate-pubescent exter- nally, glabrous within, densely ciliate on claw. Staminal column glabrous, almost equaling petals, surmounted by 5 narrow teeth, antheriferous throughout length, the anthers tending to be "strati- fied" at 3 or 4 levels; filaments 1-3 mm long, the lowermost the longest; pollen yellow, spherical, echinate. Styles 10, glabrous, slightly exserted; stigmas capitate, villous, ca. 0.2 mm diameter. Fruit a schizocarp of 5 mericarps, oblate or somewhat obovate; mericarps 5 mm long, trigonal in cross-section, the walls smooth or with poorly developed reticulation, the juncture of the dorsal and lateral walls winged (the wing 0.1-0.2 mm wide) with a small (0.3 mm) triangular cusp subapically on median nerve of dorsal wall bearing a few retrorse barbs, with a few additional retrorse barbs on lateral margin (wing); mericarps otherwise glabrous; seed soli- tary, 4 mm long, brownish, glabrous. Type: Mexico: Chiapas: steep heavily wooded slope along Mexican highway 190, 11 miles NE of Tapanatepec on the line between Chiapas and Oaxaca; elev. 2300 ft, flowers yellow; shrub 6 ft tall, 20 Oct 1965, Breedlove & Raven 13716 (holotype: CAS; isotype: pf). 1977 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae 301 Chiapas: Municipio de Cintalapa, near the microwave station of La Mina, 12 km S of Mexican highway 190 near Rizo de Oro; elev. 1000 m; crest of the Sierra with Pinus and Quercus and riparian situations with Seasonal Evergreen Forest, 16 Oct 1971, Breedlove & Thorne 20685 (paratype: DS). Both Pavonia monticola and P. submutica are described from the same type locality. Their general aspect and their mericarp morpho- logy are quite dissimilar (cf. Table 3 and Fig. 13) and they are not to be confused. The involucel of P. monticola is 8-parted, spread- ing, and viscid; that of P. submutica_ is ca. 15-parted, arcuate, ciliate, and about twice as long as that of P. monticola. The ped- uncles are many times longer than the involucel in P. monticola, subequal to it in P. submutica. The leaves are narrower and the petioles longer in P. monticola than in P. submutica. Both species are known from two or more collections each, and there is no sug- gestion of intergradation. P. monticola, an isotype of which is illustrated in Fig. 11, bears a superficial resemblance to P. paniculata, particularly if the nature of the inflorescence is not well represented in the Specimen at hand. However, a closer examination can easily dis- tinguish them, especially an examination of the mature fruits (Fig. 13, E-F), which in P. paniculata are reticulate but otherwise un- ornamented and which in P. monticola bear a retrorsely barbed subapical cusp and a lateral wing. P. monticola is evidently closely allied to the poorly known species P. hirtiflora Bentham, in which the flowers are always solitary rather than usually paired in P. monticola. 12. Sida andersonii Fryxell, sp. nov. Sida dense stellato-pubescentes, pilis sessilis atque stipita- tis immixtis; laminis foliorum late rhombiformibus, obtusis, dis- coloribus; pedicellis brevibus, apice aggregatis in inflorescentia ramosis corymbiformibus; corollis flavidis faucibus rubris; meri- carpiis 8, fuscis, apice dense pubescentibus. Branching shrub to 1 m tall. Stems densely stellate-pubescent with both sessile and stalked hairs. Leaf lamina broadly rhomboid, up to 4 cm long, 2.5 cm broad, smaller and narrower above in the inflorescence, discolorous, minutely soft-pubescent above and below, whitish below, truncate or subcordate at base, entire proximally, serrate distally, obtuse, palmately 3(-5)-nerved. Petioles up to 8 mm long, with pubescence like that of stem. Stipules linear, pubescent, 5-7 mm long. Flowers aggregated terminally in branched corymbiform inflorescences. Pedicels solitary in the axils or sometimes paired, 3-10 mm long, stellate-pubescent. Calyces 5-7 mm long, densely stellate-pubescent without, essentially glabrous within, broadly rounded and 10-nerved at base. Petals 6-7 mm long, glabrous, pale yellow with red base. Staminal column 1.5 mm long, pallid, glabrous; filaments emerging at apex of column, pallid, 1.5 302 PhP TOL Otek Vol. 37, no. mm long; anthers and pollen yellow. Styles and stigmas 8, reddish, glabrous, about equaling the filaments. Fruit oblate, 5 mm diame- ter, of 8 mericarps, densely pubescent apically; mature mericarps 2.5-3.0 mm tall, blackish, lightly reticulate laterally, white- or yellow-pubescent on apical portion of dorsal wall (otherwise gla- brous), with 2 minute (up to 1 mm) spines at apex, broadly trigonal in cross-section. Seed solitary, pubescent on hilum, otherwise glabrous and smooth. Type: Brazil: Minas Gerais: Serra do Espinhaco, 25 km by road NE of Diamantina, 2 km W of Rio Jequiti; elev. 790 m; dense cerrado on rocky (quartzite) hillside and woods along stream; soil sandy; shrub to 1 m tall; corolla cream with red center, 9 Apr 1973, Anderson et al. 8348 (holotype: UB; isotypes: NY, pf). Paratypes: Brazil: Goias: 35 km by road E of Cristalina; elev. 990 m; cerrado; shrub 75 cm tall; corolla yellow with red center, 6 Apr 1973, Ander- The specific epithet is chosen to honor William R. Anderson, leader of the expedition on which the type material was collected and able student of the Malpighiaceae. Sida andersonii fails to key out satisfactorily in Kearney (1958) or other available keys to South American Sida. It shows a superficial resemblance to the Brazilian S. galheirensis Ulbrich, but shows a stronger resemblance to the African Sida ovata Forssk. It is evidently allied to that group of species characterized by rhomboid leaves, including the well-known pantropical weed S. rhombifolia Linnaeus. S. andersonii stands apart in its densely pubescent herbage, its relatively broad rhombic leaves, and its distinctively pubescent fruits. It is illustrated in Fig. 12. Literature Cited Bates, D. M. 1976. Chromosome numbers in the Malvales. III. Miscellaneous counts from the Byttneriaceae and Malvaceae. Gentes Herbarum 11: 143-150. Bates, D. M. and 0. J. Blanchard, Jr. 1970. Chromosome numbers in the Malvales. II. New or otherwise noteworthy counts rele- vant to classification in the Malvaceae, tribe Malveae. Amer. J. Bot. 57: 927-934. Blanchard, 0. J. Jr. 1974. Chromosome numbers in Kosteletzkya Pres] (Malvaceae). Rhodora 76: 64-66. Correll, D. S. and M. C. Johnston. 1970. Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas. Texas Research Foundation, Renner, Texas, xii + 1881 pp. Fryxell, P. A. 1969. The genus Hampea (Malvaceae). Brittonia 21: 359-396. Fryxell, P. A. 1971. A new genus from Mexico: Dendrosida (Malva- ceae). Brittonia 23: 231-237. 1977 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae 303 Goodwin, G. G. 1969. Mammals from the State of Oaxaca, Mexico, in the American Museum of Natural History. Bull. Amer. Mus, Nat. Hist. 141: 1-269. (gazeteer on pp. 256-265). Kearney, T. H. 1955. A tentative key to the North American species of Abutilon Miller. Leafl. W. Bot. 7: 241-254. Kearney, T. H. 1958. A tentative key to the South American species of Sida L. Leafl. W. Bot. 8: 249-270. Krapovickas, A. 1967. Notas citotaxonémicas sobre Malveae. Kurtziana 4: 29-37. Standley, P. C. Abutilon. In: Trees and Shrubs of Mexico. _ Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 23: 748-756. Stix, J. S. 1975. Thomas Baillie MacDougall -- naturalist and collector. Curator 18: 270-280. NOTE ADDED: The publication of Hampea bracteolata Lundell (Wrightia 5:357. 1977) has just come to my attention. Hampea montebellensis and H. bracteolata are similar in many respects, but differ in enough characters to be considered distinct species. H. montebellensis lacks domatia, has a calyx 5-6 mm long, lacks involucellar nectar- jes, has a deciduous involucel, and one to two seeds per locule. H. bracteolata, on the other hand, has conspicuous domatia, a calyx up to 8 mm long, large involucellar nectaries, a persistent involucel, and only one seed per locule. 30h PHY ¢ FsOeL: OcGcTak Vol. 37, no. FLORA OF CUATRO CIENEGAS BASIN eS COMMUNITY © SAVINGS > eens ; ‘ Figure 1. Isotype of Abutilon pinkavae, 1977 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae 305 DUDLEY HERBARIUM N° 659122 STANFORD UNIVERSITY ° , 2 "3 Faas’) PARES OH! SENT ANTS 7/3) Figure 2. Holotype of Dendrosida breedlovei. 306 PHY TOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 4 DUDLEY HERBARIUM \ Figure 3. Holotype of Hampea breedlovei. 1977 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae 7 Figure 4. Holotype of Hampea montebellensis. PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. Detorm.: P Fryxell U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service — Crops Research Division Cotton Branch Herbarium mostolatakya hardic Fay Se weep Figure 5. Isotype of Kosteletzkya blanchardii. 1977 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae PLANTS OF OL Figure 6. Isotype of Kosteletzkya ramosa. JALISCO 309 310 Puy ¥ TeOrLOiGi Dk Vol. 37, no. Figure 7. Fryxell PLANTS OF JALISCO eR BAACM OF TH UNIVERSITY OF steMHS aR er LOVELANG AMD RICHARD WW PIPPIN g r i 5 Isotype of Kosteletzkya reclinata. 1977 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae 311 Figure 8. Isotype of Pavonia biflora. 312 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. Figure 9. Vom macdougallii PryxeLl » SP, nov, TSOTYPE Doterm.: P. Fryxell 196° Re ” £N ] Isotype of Pavonia macdougallii. 1977 Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae Figure 10. Isotype of Pavonia submutica. 313 314 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. Figure 11. Isotype of Pavonia monticola. Fryxell, New species of Malvaceae 315 1977 nov ae? Sida andersonit Fryxell, spec 2% = Fr ISOTYPE at ns : =* Be Determ.: P Fryxell 198 He “¥ es a eet PLANTS OF THE PLANALTO DO BRASIL Ea Collected for The New York Botanieal Garten by W. B. Anderson, =e 0 PA. Fryxell, 3, R Hill, R. Reis dos Santos, and R. Sours a3 5 watséo de Minss Gerais = 3 Serra Go Eapinbaco = i in ae: g z a sia Das A 2 COMMUNITY i H William TR Anderson April 197% Fick work mwmportet im par wee Voundere ot the With the callabere -% : Figure 12. Isotype of Sida andersonii. 316 Pow T 0h 02a Vol. 37, no. k Figure 13. Mericarps of selected species. A-B, Abutilon pinkavae (Pinkava & Reeves 13044); A, interior of mericarp; B, exterior of mericarp. C, Pavonia submutica (Fryxell & Bates 902); D, Pavonia arachnoidea (Palmer 153); E, Pavonia monticola (Breedlove & Raven 13716). Pavonia paniculata (Dwyer & Liesner 12308). Scale = | mm. NOTEWORTHY GRASSES FROM MEXICO vi Alan A. Beetle, Range Management Section, University of Wyoming, University Station, P. 0. Box 3354, Laramie, Wyoming, 82071. This is an annotated list of the grasses which have been reported for Mexico. Much work remains to be done before a final draft, that can remain reasonably stable, appears. However, it is felt that a complete list at this time will be a useful tool for range managers and ecologists working with the Mexican flora. peubiiened with approval of the director, Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal Article No. 932. 317 318 Ply ¥ PO WG ha Vol. 37, no. 4 ACROCERAS Stapf Paniceae 5 - 6 species, both hemispheres, subtropical. 1. A. oryzoides (Swartz)Stapf (Panicum zizanioides HBK) Pantropical, probably native. Southern Mexico: Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche. AEGILOPS L. Hordeae | 20 - 30 species, circum-Mediterranean. 2. A. cylindrica Host. ‘Introduced. Northern Mexico: Reported only for Chihuahua where cultivated. AEGOPOGON Humb. & Bonpl. Chlorideae 3 species, New World. 3. A. cenchroides Humb. & Bonpl. var. cenchroides Mexico to Columbia and Venezuela, native. Common from Chihuahua to Chiapas. 3a.A. cenchroides var breviculmis (Scribn.)Beetle Same distribution as the species but less common, native. 4. A. tenellus (DC)Trin. var. tenellus Arizona to Guatemala, native. Common from Baja Norte and Chihuahua south to Chiapas. 4a.A. tenellus var. abortivus (Fourn.) Beetle Northern range of the species but less common, native. AGROPYRON Gaertn. Hordeae 50 - 60 species, both hemispheres, temperate. 5. A. arizonicum Scribn. & Smith (A. spicatum (Pursh)Scribn. var arizonicum (Scribn. & Smith) Jones Northern Mexico and adjacent United States, native. Mountains: Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi. 6. A. repens (L.)Beauv. Introduced. Northern Mexico and the central highlands: Baja Norte, Chihuahua, Durango, Hidalgo, Mexico, Tlaxcala, Puebla. 7. A. trachycaulum(Link) Malte Boreal North America south in the mountains to Mexico, native. Mountains: Baja Norte, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas Hidalgo and Puebla. Note: Valdes, Jesus, et al., 1975, have reported Agropyron cristatum (L.)Gaertn., A. elongatum(Host)Beauv., A. intermedium(Host) Beauv., A. smithii Rydb., and A. trichophorum(Link)Richt. under cultiva- tion in the state of Chihuahua. AGROSTIS L. Agrostideae 150 species, New World and Old World, both hemispheres, temperate, 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 319 8. oe 10. IS ale I3%e 14. IS} io) 7. 18. iO): 20. ZA. P2r A. alba L. (Incl. Mexican references to A. virletii Fourn. & A. gigantea Roth). Introduced. fi, Mesic sites: Baja Norte, Durango, San Luis Potosi, Michoacan, Mexico and Tlaxcala. A. berlandieri Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Known only from the vicinity of the type locality (Totoniho) in the State of Mexico. A. blasdalei Hitchc. California and Mexico, native. Coastal dunes: Baja Norte, A. borealis Hartm. (including Mexican references to A. pickeringii Tuckerman) Circumboreal, south in the mountains to Mexico, native. Mountains: Puebla, A. bourgaei Fourn. Either an introduced variation of A. alba or an endemic. Mountains: Hidalgo, Mexico, and Tlaxcala. A. diegoensis Vasey Western United States south to Baja Norte, Mexico. Coast range: Baja Norte. A. durangensis Mez Mexico, endemic. Wet places: Durango (type loc.) and Distr. Federal. A. elliottiana Schultes Maryland to Illinois south to Georgia and Texas; Mexico, native. Waste Places: reported only for Yucatan. A. exarata Trin. Alaska and western North America south to Mexico. Moist places: Baja Norte, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango and Mexico. A. ghiesbreghtii Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Central Mountains: Hidalgo, Mexico, Morelos, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Pico de Orizaba. A. hiemalis (Walt.)B.S.P. Newfoundland to Alaska and south in the mountains to central Mexico. Mountains: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Michoacan, Mexico, Puebla. A. liebmannii (Fourn.)Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Type loc: Chinantla, Veracruz. A. microphylla Steud. California and Mexico, native. Coastal: Baja Norte. A. palustris Huds. Introduced. Marshes: Baja Norte, A. perennans (Walt.)Tuckerman (including Mexican reports of A. decumbens Link, A. schiedeana Trin., A. chinantla Fourn. and A. fasciculata (HBK) R.&S.) 320 P BY sP i010 Gtk Vol. 37, now 22. A. perennans (Walt.)Tuckerman (continued) Quebec to Minnesota, and south to Florida and Guatemala. Mountains: Durango, San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, Hidalgo, Mexico, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca, and Chiapas. 23. A. rosei Scribn: & Merr. Mexico, endemic. Mountains: Durango, Zacatecas, and Mexico. 24. A. scabra Willd. | Newfoundland to Alaska south to Mexico. Mountains: Baja Norte, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Sinaloa, San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Mexico and Morelos. 25. A. schaffneri Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Mountains: Queretaro, Jalisco, Mexico, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Chiapas. 26. A. semiverticillata (Forsk.) Christ. Introduced. Wet places, common throughout Mexico, except only the Yucatan Peninsula. 2S Be stolonifera L. Introduced. Wet places: reported by Ivan Johnson (1943) for Coahuila. 28. A. subrepens (Hitchc.) Hitchc. Mexico and Venezuela, native. Wet places: Chihuahua. 29. A. tacubayensis Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Mountains: Michoacan and State of Mexico. 30. A. thyrsigera Mez Mexico, endemic. Mountains: Hidalgo, Mexico, and Veracruz. 31. A. tolucensis HBK Mexico: south to Chile. Mountains: Jalisco, Michoacan, Mexico, Tlaxcala, Guerrero, and Pico de Orizaba. 32. A. vinosa Swallen Mexico and Guatemala, native. Mountains: Jalisco, Mexico, Hidalgo, Tlaxcala. 33. A. virescens HBK Mexico, endemic. Mountains: Jalisco, Michoacan, Mexico, Tlaxcala and Pico de Orizaba ALLOLEPIS Soderstrom and Decker Eragrosteae One species, North America. 34. A. texana (Vasey) Soderstrom and Decker Texas and Mexico, native. Salt flats: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Tamaulipas and Durango. ALOPECURUS L. Agrostideae 20 - 30 species, Temperate regions. 35. A. geniculatus L. Northern hemisphere, temperate, native. Wet places: at its southern extreme reported from Chihuahua. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 321 | _ ANDROPOGON L. Andropogoneae About 100 species, temperate to subtropical, worldwide. 36. A. (Anatherum) bicornis L. Southern Mexico to Argentina, native. 3 Pine savanna or brush: Nayarit, Hidalgo, Puebla, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas, Tabasco and Campeche. 37. A. (Anatherum) bourgaei Hack. (including A. glaucescens Fourn.) Mexico, endemic. Stream draws: Veracruz (type loc. Rio Blanco), Oaxaca, and Chiapas. 38. A. (Schizachyrium) brevifolius (Sw.) Nees Tropical and subtropical regions of world, described from "Jamaica", native? Pine savanna: Sonora, Baja Sur, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Zacatecas, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, Mexico, Morelos, Guerrero, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas. 39. A. (Schizachyrium) cirratus Hack. Mexico and adjacent United States, native. Pine savannas: Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, Michoacan, Mexico, Morelos, Guerrero, Oaxaca. 40. A. (Schizachyrium) condensatus HBK ‘(including A. rectirhachis Fourn. from Veracruz) As var. elongatum Roberty: Mexico to Paraguay. As subsp. elongatus subvar. exserens Hack. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 2:297. 1883: Brazil and Mexico. Note: by some authors combined with A. microstachyus Desv. 41. A. (Amphilophis) condylotrichus Hochst. ‘(including A. piptatherus Hack.) Mexico and West Indies to Colombia, Venezuela and northern Brazil, native. Subtropical clearings: Sinaloa, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, Veracruz, and Oaxaca. 42. A. (Anatherum) elliottii Chapm. Eastern United States, Cuba, southern Mexico to British Honduras, native. Pine savannas: Chiapas. 43. A. (Schizachyrium) gaumeri (Nash) Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Brush: Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan. 44. A. gerardi Vitman ‘(including A. furcatus Muhl.) United States to Honduras, native. Pine forests: Coahuila, Durango, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Michoacan, Hidalgo, Mexico, Morelos, Puebla, Oaxaca and Chiapas. 45. A. (Anatherum) glomeratus (Walt.) B.S.P. Southeastern United States, Mexico, and the West Indies to Panama, native. Common in open areas throughout Mexico. a6. A. halliti Hack. North Dakota and Montana south to northern Mexico, native. Sandy soils: Chihuahua. 322 PHY TOGO Gckd Vol. 37, no. 4 47. A. (Schizachyrium) hirtiflorus (Nees)Kunth var. hirtiflorus Southern United States and West Indies to Bolivia and Uruguay, native. Pine forests and brush: common throughout Mexico. 47a.A. (Schizachyrium) hirtiflorus var. feensis (Fourn.)Hack. Same distribution as the species. 48. A. leucostachyus HBK Southern Mexico and the West Indies to Argentina, native. Pine forests: Guerrero, Veracruz, Chiapas, Tabasco. 49. A. (Anatherum) liebmannii Hack. (Anatherum)virginicum subvar. liebmannii (Hack.)Roberty Mexico, endemic. Pine forests: Nayarit, Jalisco, Michoacan, Hidalgo, Puebla, Veracruz. 50. A. (Schizachyrium) littoralis Nash Massachusetts to Mexico, native. Coastal: Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche. 51. A. maderensis Swallen Mexico, endemic. Canyons: Coahuila. 52. A. (Schizachyrium) malacostachyum Presl Mexico to Costa Rica, native. Rocky hills: Jalisco, Guerrero, Puebla, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Yucatan. 53. A. mexicanus Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Open woods: Nayarit, Jalisco (type loc.) and Chiapas. 54. A. (Schizachyrium) microstachyus Desv. Mexico and West Indies to Argentina, native. Pine forests or brush: Sonora, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo, Morelos, Guerrero, Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Tabasco, and Chiapas. 55. A. (Schizachyrium) muelleri (Nash) Hitchc. (a tetraploid variation of A. scoparius) Mexico, endemic. Coastal: Veracruz. 56. A. (Schizachyrium) myosurus Presl. Mexico, endemic. Pine woods: Chihuahua, Durango, Jalisco, Michoacan, Guerrero, and Oaxaca. 57. A. (Anatherum) pringlei Scribn. & Merr. (Anatherum argyraeum Roberty var. pringlei (Scribn. & Merr.) Roberty. Mexico, endemic. Central mountains: Michoacan, Mexico, Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca. 58. A. salzmanni (Trin.)Nash. Mexico to Paraguay (type from Brazil)native. Brush: Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Oaxaca. 59. A, selloanus (Hack.)Hack. Mexico and West Indies to Argentina, native. Pine woods: Oaxaca and Chiapas. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 323 60. A. semiberbis (Nees)Kunth Florida, Mexico, West Indies to Argentina, native. Brush: Mexico, Chiapas, Yucatan. 61. A.(Schizachyrium) semiglabrum (Nash) yN Amer Fl. 17:103.1912. Mexico, endemic. Chihuahua (type loc.) "near Colonia Garcia". 62. A. semitectus Swallen Mexico and Guatemala, native. Brush: Jalisco and Guerrero. 63. A. spadiceus Swallen Mexico, ednemic. Coahuila (type loc.). 64. A. (Schizachyrium) tener (Nees)Kunth Southern United States and West Indies south to Argentina, native. Brush: Sonora, Durango, Jalisco, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato, Mexico, Morelos, Veracruz, Oaxaca, and Chiapas. 65. A. ternarius Michx. Delaware to Kentucky and Kansas, south to Florida and Mexico, native. Sandy soil: Coahuila. 66. A. virginicus L. Southern United States and West Indies south to Panama, native. Pine woods: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Veracruz and Chiapas. 67. A. yucatanus Swallen Mexico, endemic. Brush: Yucatan. ANTHEPHORA Schreb. Chlorideae 4 - 5 species in Africa, one in tropical America. 68. A. hermaphrodita (L.)Kuntze Florida (where introduced), West Indies and Mexico south to Peru and Brazil, native. Brush: Baja Norte, Baja Sur, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, Mexico, Morelos, Guerrero, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas and the Yucatan Peninsula. ANTHOXANTHUM L. Aveneae 3 - 4 species, European. 69. A. odoratum L. Introduced. Occasional in cultivated areas: Hidalgo, Chiapas. ARISTIDA L. Aristideae 200 species throughout the subtropics of the world. 70. A. adscensionis L. var. adscensionis Widespread in subtropics of both New World and Old World, native? Brush: common throughout Mexico. 70a.A. adscensionis var. abortiva Beetle California and northern Mexico, native. Dry washes: Baja Sur, Coahuila, Chihuahua and Durango. 32h 70b. 70c 70d 70e 70£ 71. TB 1Sye 74. Ye 76. TT. 78. 19% PHY T0470 Gita Vol. 37, no. A.-adscensionis var. coarctata (HBK) Kuntze West Indies and Mexico south to Venezuela, native. Brush: Jalisco, Tamaulipas, Campeche, Yucatan. -A. adscensionis var. decolorata (Fourn.) Beetle Mexico, endemic. Brush: Baja Sur, Sonora, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas and Yucatan. -A. adscensionis var. interrupta(Cav.) Beetle. Mexico, endemic. Brush: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz. .A. adscensionis var. modesta Hack. California and Arizona south to Argentina, native. Dry washes: Baja Norte, Chihuahua, Durango, Sinaloa, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, Jalisco and Guanajuato. -A. adscensionis var. nigrescens (Presl) Beetle Mexico, endemic. Dry washes: Baja Sur, Sonora, Zacatecas, Guerrero, Oaxaca. A. appressa Vasey Southern Mexico, endemic (according to Henrard). Dry banks: San Luis Potosi south to Oaxaca. A. arizonica Vasey Colorado and Texas south to Central Mexico (acc. Henrard) ,native. Dry banks: northern states (except Baja and Tamaulipas) south to the central highlands. A. barbata Fourn. (including A. havardi Vasey) Texas to Arizona and central Mexico, native. Dry banks: northern states south to Districto Federal. A. californica Thurb. Southern California and southwestern Arizona to northwestern Mexico, native. Dry washes: Baja Norte, Baja Sur and Sonora. A. capillacea Lam. Mexico to Bolivia and Brazil, native. Pine forests: Sinaloa, Nayarit and Mexico. A. curvifolia Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi and Oaxaca. A. divaricata H. & B. (including A. palmeri Vasey) Kansas to southern California south to Mexico. Dry banks: northern states south to Oaxaca. A. fendleriana Steud. North Dakota and Montana, south to Nevada, southern California and Mexico, native. Dry banks: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and San Luis Potosi. A. floridana (Chapman) Vasey Florida and Yucatan Peninsula, native. Brush: Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 325 80. A. fournieriana Hitchc. (including A. geminiflora Fourn.) Mexico, endemic, Brush: Veracruz. 81. A. gentilis Henr. Mexico, endemic. Pine woods: Sonora, Durango, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, and Oaxaca. 82. A. glabrata (Vasey)Hitchc. Arizona and Mexico, native. Dry banks: Sonora, Baja Norte and Baja Sur. 83. A. glauca (Nees)Walp. (including A. reverchonii Vasey) Southern California, Nevada and Utah south to Texas and Mexico, native. Dry banks: All northern border states and San Luis Potosi, Vera- cruz and Puebla. 84. A. hamulosa Henr, (including A. gentilis Henr. var. breviaristata Henr.) Southwestern United States to Guatemala, native. Oak forests: Baja Norte, Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, Aquascalientes, San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato,Queretaro, Mexico, Puebla, Veracruz and Oaxaca. 85. A. hintoni Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Tamaulipas, Jalisco, Michoacan, Mexico, Guerrero and Oaxaca. 86. A. hitchcockiana Henr. Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Jalisco, Puebla, Oaxaca (type loc.). 87. A. jacquiniana Tausch var. jacquiniana Mexico to Ecuador, native. Pine savanna: Jalisco. 87a.A. jacquiniana var.subaequilonga Henr. Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Jalisco. 88. A. jorulensis Kuuth Mexico to Panama, native. Dry banks: Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Veracruz and Chiapas. 89. A. lagascae Henr. Mexican, endemic. State of Mexico (type loc.). 90. A. laxa Cav. var, laxa (including A. spadicea HBK) Mexico, endemic. Dry banks and dunes: Sonora, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Morelos, Puebla and Oaxaca. 90a.A. laxa var. longiramea (Presl) Henr. Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Jalisco to Oaxaca. 326 ville 92% 95% 93a. 94. s)3)6 96. if 98. 98a. sIehe 100. LOR 102. 103. PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. A. liebmanni Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Veracruz (type loc.), Oaxaca and Chiapas. A. longespica Poir. New Hampshire to Michigan south to Florida, Texas, Mexico, native. Sandy soil: Tamaulipas. A. longiseta Steud. var. longiseta | Western U. S. to northern Mexico, native. Plains: Baja Norte, Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. A. longiseta var. robusta Merr. Western United States and New Mexico to northern Mexico, native. Plains: Chihuahua. A. marginalis Ekman Mexico; Venezuela, Columbia to Brazil and Paraguay (native?). Barancas: Chihuahua (acc. Gentry, 1942). A. mexicana Scribn. Mexico, endemic? - reported by Henrard (1929) for Guatemala but not confirmed by Swallen (1955). Dry banks: Mexico, Distr. Fed. and Puebla. A. orcuttiana Vasey. Texas to California south to central Mexico, native. Plains: Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango, Nayarit, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Mexico, Tlaxcala. A. orizabensis Fourn. Mexico to Panama, native. Brush: Sinaloa, Durango, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Mexico, Guerrero, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas. A. pansa Woot. & Standl. var. pansa Texas and Arizona south to central Mexico, native. Plains: Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, south to Puebla. A. pansa var.dissita (Johnston) Beetle. Same distribution as the species. A. parishii Hitchc. Nevada to California and northern Mexico, native. Dry washes: Baja Norte, Coahuila. A. peninsularis Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Dunes: Baja Norte and Sonora. A. purpurascens Poir. Massachusetts to Wisconsin and Kansas south to British Honduras, native. Sandy soil: Coahuila. A. purpurea Nutt. Arkansas and Kansas to central Mexico, native. Plains: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Durango, San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo and Puebla. A. purpusiana Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Dry wash: Baja Sur. 1977 104. 105. 106. 107. 107a. 108. HOSS Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 327 A. roemeriana Scheele (including A. micrantha Nash) Texas and New Mexico to central Mexico, native. Plains: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, Puebla. A. schiedeana Trin. & Rupr. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Pine savannas throughout Mexico. A. scribneriana Hitchc. (including A. lanuginosa Scribn.) Mexico, endemic. Brush: Durango, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Guerrero. A. ternipes Cav. var. ternipes. Southwestern United States, West Indies to Colombia, native. Brush: common throughout Mexico. A. ternipes Cav. var. minor (Vasey)Hitchc. Same distribution as the species. A. vaginata Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Revillagigedo Islands (Soccoro Isld.) type loc. A. wrightii Nash, Southern California and Colorado, Texas, south to central Mexico, native. Plains: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Sinaloa, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Puebla, Oaxaca. ARTHRAXON Beauv. Andropogoneae 1EEOS About 20 species in the Old World tropics. A. quartinianus (A.Rich.)Nash Introduced. Brush: Chiapas. ARUNDINELLA Raddi Arundinelleae TALI ee ie IS} 20 species, pantropical. A. berteroniana (Schult.)Hitchc. & Chase (including A. peruviana Steud.) Mexico to Brazil, native. Brush: Sinaloa, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, Hidalgo, Mexico, Morelos, Puebla, Guerrero, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas and Tabasco. A. confinis (Schult.)Hitchc. & Chase (including A. hispida (H.& B.)Kuntze) A. martinicensis Trin., and A. pallida Nees) Mexico and West Indies south to Panama, native. Dry banks: Sonora,Jalisco, Michoacan, Mexico, Guerrero, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas and Tabasco. A. deppeana Nees (including A. phragmitoides Griseb.) Mexico and West Indies south to Brazil, native. Pine savanna: Nuevo Leon, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Mexico, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco. 328 114. PcH YP Osh OrGrh& A. palmeri Vasey Mexico, endemic. Vol. St. Tle 4 Dry banks: Sonora, Nayarit, Jalisco, Mexico, Guerrero, Veracruz. ARUNDO L. if oye 5 - 6 species, Old World,subtropics. A. donax L. Introduced. Cultivated and adventive throughout Mexico. AVENA L. 116. 117. IA We3e About 10 species, Old World, temperate. A. barbata Brot. Introduced. Coastal hills: Baja Norte. A. fatua L. Introduced. Common weed throughout Mexico. A. sativa L. Introduced. Cultivated and an escape, scattered localities states south to central Mexico. AXONOPUS Beauv. About 80 species, tropical and subtropical,New World. iti) - 120. 2a 22% e273 124. 12. 126. A. affinis Chase Arundinae Aveneae from the northern Paniceae Southeastern United States, West Indies to Argentina, native. Wet places: Hidalgo, Puebla, Veracruz and Chiapas. A. arseni Swallen Mexico, endemic. Wet places: Colima, Michoacan and Distr. Federal. A. ater Chase Mexico, endemic. Wet places: Veracruz. A. centralis Chase Mexico, endemic. Wet places: Nayarit, Jalisco and Colima. A. chrysites (Steud.) Kuhlm. Mexico and Central America, native. Wet places: 'Mex. Galeotti" acc. to Black, 1963. A. compressus (Sw.) Beauv. Pantropical (native?). Wet places: Nuevo Leon and Sinaloa south to Yucatan Peninsula, often cultivated. A. deludens Chase Mexico, endemic. Wet places: Jalisco. A. elongatus Swallen Mexico and Guatemala, native. Wet places: Chiapas. 977 127. 128. 9. 130. A. 131. m2. #33). Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 329 A. mexicanus Black Mexico, endemic. Wet places: Sinaloa. A. multipes Swallen Mexico, endemic. Wet places: Veracruz. A. poiophyllus Chase Mexico to Honduras, native. Wet places: Tamaulipas and Chiapas. purpusii (Mez)Chase Mexico to Argentina, native. Wet places: Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco. A. reederi Black Mexico, endemic. Wet places: Chiapas. A. rosei (Scribn. & Merr.)Chase Mexico, endemic. Wet places, Nayarit. A. scoparius (Flugge) Kuh1in. Mexico to Peru (acc. to Black, 1963), native. Wet places, "Mex. Galeotti 227"" (acc. to Black, 1963). BAMBUSA Schreb. Bambuseae 134. SB 136. 137 . 100 or more in the Old World tropics and in the New World tropics as Section Guadua. B. (Guadua) aculeata (Rupr.)Hitchc. Mexico south to Panama, native. Tropical forest margin, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz and Campeche, B. (Guadua) amplexifolia (Presl) Schultes Mexico to Colombia and Venezuela. Tropical forest margin, Sinaloa. B. (Guadua) longifolia (Fourn.)McClure. ‘(including Arthrostylidium spinosum Swallen) Mexico, endemic. Thickets, Durango, Nayarit, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Oaxaca, Lea as and Campeche. - vulgaris Schrad. mieead cet Cultivated, scattered localities throughout Mexico. BLEPHARIDACHNE Hack. Eragrosteae 138 . 2 species, North America. B. bigelovii (S.Wats.)Hack. Texas and northern Mexico, native. Chihuahuan desert: Coahuila. BLEPHARONEURON Nash Eragrosteae 139. One species, North America. B. tricholepis (Torr.)Nash Colorado and Utah south to central Mexico, native. Pine woods: northern border states south to Tlaxcala and Distr. Fed. 330 PoH*Y ‘PoOsI0 Gk Vol. 37, no. BOTHRIOCHLOA Andropogoneae About 30 species, tropic and subtropics of the world. 140. B. alta (Hitchc.)Henr. Texas and New Mexico south to Bolivia and Argentina, native. Dry banks: Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Queretaro, Oaxaca, Chiapas. 141. B. barbinodis (Lag.)Herter var. barbinodis (including Andropogon emersus Fourn. ) California, Colorado and Texas south to central Mexico; Argentina and Uruguay, native. Dry banks: all the northern border states south to Veracruz and Oaxaca. 141a.B. barbinodis var. perforata (Trin.)Gould Same distribution as the species, 142. B. campii (Swallen) deWet Mexico and Ecuador, native. Dry banks, Oaxaca. 143. B. hirtifolia (Presl)Henr. (including Andropogon Schaffneri Griseb. and A. hirtifolius var. pubiflorus (Fourn.)Hack.) Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Michoacan, Distr. Fed., Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas. 144. B. hyrida (Gould)Gould Texas and Mexico, native. Dry banks: Coahuila. 145. B. ischaemum (L.) Keng var. songarica (Rupr.) Cel. & Henr. Introduced. Cultivated & escaped: Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Michoacan. 146. B. palmeri (Hack. ‘Gould (B. barbinodis var. palmeri (Hack.)deWet) Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Durango, Zacatecas, Jalisco, Michoacan and Guanajuato. 147. B. pertusa (L.)Camus Introduced. Dry banks: Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Campeche and Yucatan. 148. B. piptathera (Hack. )Gould Mexico and Brazil. Dry banks: Chiapas. 149. B. reevesii (Gould)Gould Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Coahuila. 150. B. saccharoides (Sw.)Rydb. var. saccharoides. Southwestern United States and West Indies to Argentina, native. Dry banks: common throughout Mexico except for the Yucatan Peninsula. 150a.B. saccharoides var. laguroides (DC)Beetle. Same distribution as the species, native. 150b.B. saccharoides var.longipaniculata (Gould)Gould. Texas to Panama, native. Dry banks: Nuevo Leon. — diename eee ee ee eee iT Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 331 151. B. schlumbergeri (Fourn.)Henr. (B. barbinodas var. schlumbergeri (Fourn. ex Hemsl.)deWet). Mexico and Guatemala, native. Dry banks: Durango and San Luis Potosi, south to Oaxaca. 152. B. springfieldii (Gould)Parodi United States and Mexico, native. Dry banks: Nayarit. 153. B. wrightii (Hack.)Henr. New Mexico and Mexico, native. Dry banks: Chihuahua, Durango, Nuevo Leon and San Luis Potosi. BOUTELOUA Lag. Chlorideae Species about 40 in the Americas. 154. B. alamosana Vasey Mexico, endemic. Rocky banks: Sonora (type loc.). 155. B. annua Swallen Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Baja Sur (type loc.). 156. B. arenosa Vasey Mexico, endemic. Sandy soil: Sonora (type loc.), Sinaloa and Baja Sur. 157. B. aristidoides (HB)Griseb. (including B. aristidoides var. arizonica Jones). Texas to southern California, Mexico and South America, native. Dry soils: northern border states south to Oaxaca. 158. B. barbata Lag. Colorado and Utah south to Mexico; Argentina, native. Dry soils: northern border states south to Oaxaca. 159. B. breviseta Vasey (including B. ramosa Scribn.) U. S. and Mexico, native. Dry washes: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi and Veracruz. 160. B. chasei Swallen Mexico, endemic. Gypsum: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi. 161. B. chondrosioides (HBK)Benth. (including B. havardii Vasey). Texas and Arizona south to Honduras, native. Rocky slopes: Sonora and Chihuahua south to Chiapas. 162. B. curtipendula (Michx.)Torr. var curtipendula. Canada to central Mexico, native. Grassland: northern border states south to central Mexico. 162a.B. curtipendula var. caespitosa Gould and Kapadia U. S. and Mexico; Venezuela to Argentina, native. Dry banks: northern border states south to Chiapas. 162b.B. curtipendula var. tenuis Gould and Kapadia Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Chihuahua south to Chiapas. 332 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 163. B. distans Swallen Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Oaxaca (type loc.) 164. B. disticha (Kunth) Benth. Mexico and West Indies to Peru and Argentina, native. Dry banks: Jalisco, Michoacan and Guerrero. 165. B. elata J. & C. Reeder Mexico, endemic. Rocky cliffs: Jalisco, Colima and Chiapas. 166. B. eludens Griffiths U. S. and Mexico, native. Dry banks: Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila. 167. B. eriopoda (Torr.)Torr. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Dry slopes: Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Durango. 168. B. eriostachya (Swallen) Reeder (B. eriopoda var. eriostachya Swallen) Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Coahuila. 169. B. gentryi Gould Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Durango, Jalisco. 170. B. glandulosa (Cerv.)Swallen (including B. hirticulmis Scribn.) Mexico and Guatemala, native. Limestone balds: Sonora, Chihuahua and Baja Sur, south to Chiapas. 171. B. gracilis (HBK)Lag. U. S. and Mexico; native; South America (introduced?). Grasslands: northern border states to Puebla. 172. B. heterostega (Trin.)Griffiths West Indies and Mexico, native. Brush: Nuevo Leon. 173. Be hiesuta Lage U. S. and Mexico, native. Thickets: throughout Mexico except for the Yucatan Peninsula. 174. B. johnstonii Swallen Mexico, endemic. Gypsum: Coahuila. 175. B. juncea (Desv.)Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Thickets: Hidalgo, Mexico, Morelos and Guerrero. 176. B. karwinskii (Fourn.)Griffiths Mexico, endemic. Gypsum: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi and Tamaulipas. 177. B. longiseta Gould Mexico, endemic. Dry slopes: Oaxaca and Chiapas (type loc.). 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 333 178. B. media (Fourn.)Gould and Kapadia (including B. latifolia Swallen and B. pringlei Scribn.) Mexico, endemic. Dry slopes: Baja Sur, San Luis Potosi, Colima, Michoacan, Mexico, Morelos, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas. 179. B. parryi (Fourn.)Griffiths New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: northern border states south to Guanajuato. 180. B. pedicellata Swallen Mexico, endemic. Rocky slopes: Tlaxcala and Puebla (type loc.). 181. B. purpurea Gould and Kapadia Mexico, endemic. Heavy black soils: central mountains. 182. B. radicosa (Fourn.)Griffiths Southern New Mexico and southern California to Mexico, native. Dry slopes: northern border states south to Oaxaca. 183. B. reflexa Swallen Mexico, endemic. Dry washes: Sonora, Sinaloa and Baja Sur. 184. B. repens (HBK)Scribn. & Merr. (including B. filiformis (Fourn.)Griffiths) Texas to Arizona, West Indies to Venezuela and Colombia, native. Dry slopes: common throughout Mexico. 185. B. rigidiseta (Steud.)Hitchc. (including B. texana S. Wats.) Oklahoma and Texas and northern Mexico, native. Grassland: Sonora, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. 186. B. rothrockii (Cervant)Swallen (including B. hirticulmis Scribn.) Southern California and Arizona to northern Mexico, native. Mesas: Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Sinaloa, Durango and Baja Sur. 187. B. scorpioides Lag. Mexico, endemic. Dry flats: Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon south to Puebla. 188. B. simplex Lag. (including B. tenuis (Beauv.)Griseb.) Southwestern United States to Argentina, native. Dry flats: northern border states south to Veracruz and Oaxaca. 189. B. sonorae Griffiths Mexico, endemic. Dry washes: Sonora, Sinaloa and Baja Sur. 190. B. triaena (Trin.)Scribn. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Thickets: Coahuila and Sinaloa south to Yucatan Peninsula. 33h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 191. B. trifida Thurb. Texas to California and northern Mexico, native. Grasslands: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi. 192. B. uniflora Vasey var. uniflora United States and northern Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: Nuevo Leon and Coahuila. 192a.B. uniflora var. coahuilensis Gould and Kapadia Mexico, endemic. Rocky slopes: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi ae Aquascaljentes. 193. B. warnockii Gould and Kapadia Texas and New Mexico south to north central Mexico Grassland: Coahuila. 194. B. williamsii Swallen Mexico to Honduras, native. Rocky slopes: Zacatecas, Jalisco, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas. BRACHIARIA Griseb. Paniceae About 15, tropics and subtropics of the world. 195. B. ciliatissima (Buckl.)Chase Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Mexico, native. Sandy soils: Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon. 196. B. mexiana Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Sandy soils: Chihuahua to Tamaulipas and south to Oaxaca. 197. B. ophyrodes Chase Mexico, endemic. Sandy soils: Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon. 198. B. plantaginea (Link)Hitchc. United States (where introduced?); Mexico to Bolivia and Brazil, native. Sandy soils: Durango to Tamaulipas and south to Oaxaca. 199. B. platyphylla (Griseb.)Nash U. S., Cuba and Mexico, native. Wet places: reported for Mexico by Gould (1975). 200. B. purpurascens (Raddi)Henr. (Panicum purpurascens Raddi) Pantropical (introduced in the Americas?) Ditches and cultivated: Baja Sur, Tamaulipas, Colima, Jalisco, Mexico, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo. 201. B. reptans (L.) Gard. & Hubb. Pantropical (introduced in the Americas?) Ditches: Sonora, Sinaloa, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Colima, Jalisco, Guerrero, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Campeche and Yucatan. 202. B. subquadripara (Trin.)Hitchc. Introduced. Ditches: Nuevo Leon, Veracruz and Yucatan. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 335 BRACHYPODIUM Beauv. Festuceae About 15 species in the Old World; two in subtropical America. 203. B. mexicanum (R. & S.)Link Mexico to Bolivia, native. Dry panks .common from Baja Sur to Nuevo Leon and south to Chiapas. 204. B. pringlei Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. 205. B. sylvaticum (Huds.) Beauv. Introduced. Forest margin: Distr. Federal. BRIZA L. Festuceae Three annuals in the Old World; about 15 New World perennials. 206. B. minor L. Introduced. Roadsides: Jalisco, Mexico, Puebla and Veracruz. 207. B. rotundata (HBK)Steud. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Pine savanna: Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas south to Chiapas. BROMUS L. Brachypodeae About 100 species, temperate zone world-wide. 208. B. anomalus Rupr. United States and Mexico, native. Pine savanna: northern border states south to Veracruz and Oaxaca. 209. B. arizonicus (Shear)Stebbins United States and Mexico, native. Dry washes: Nuevo Leon and Baja Norte. 210. B. attenuatus Swallen Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Nuevo Leon and Hidalgo. 211. B. Garinatus H. & A. United States to central America, native. Pine savanna: common throughout Mexico. 212 Beciiiatus LL. Canada and United States south to northern Mexico, native. Pine savanna: Baja Norte and Sonora. 213. B. densus Swallen Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. 214. B. diandrus Roth (B. rigidus Roth) Introduced. Roadsides: Baja Norte, Puebla. 336 Poe hon oes Vol. 37, no. 215. B. dolichocarpus Wagnon Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Colima, Jalisco, Michoacan, Hidalgo, Mexico, Morelos and Oaxaca. 216. B. lanatipes (Shear)Rydb. (including B. pinetorum Swallen) U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Pine savanna: Coahuila, 217. B. Marginatus Nees Canada to northern Mexico, native. Pine savanna: Nuevo Leon and Sonora. 218. B. meyeri Swallen Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Nuevo Leon. 219. B. mollis L. Introduced. Dry hills: Baja Norte. 2207.5 mucroglumis Wagnon (including B.thysanoglottis Soderstrom & Beaman). Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Chihuahua, Durango and Baja Sur. 221,43: polyanthus Scribn. Western U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Pine savanna: Sonora, 222. B. porteri (Coult.)Nash (including B. frondosus (Shear)Woot. & Stand1l.) Canada to Mexico, native. Pine savanna: northern border states south to Campeche. 223. B. rubens L. Introduced. Dry hills: Baja Norte. 224. B. tectorum L. Introduced. Dry hills: Baja Norte and Chihuahua. 225. B. trinii Desv. California and northern Mexico; Chile, native. Coastal hills: Baja Norte. 226. B. unioloides HBK. Introduced. Ditches and cultivated: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Hidalgo and Mexico. 227. B. wildenowii Kunth Introduced. Ditches and cultivated: northern border states south to Chiapas. BUCHLOE Engelm. Chlorideae One species in North America. 228. B. dactyloides (Nutt. )Engelm. Grassland: northern border states south to central mountains. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 337 BUCHLOMINUS RRR Chlorideae One, endemic to Mexico. 229. B. nervatus (Swallen)RRR Mexico, endemic Hidalgo and Mexico. CALAMAGROSTIS Adans. Agrostideae About 150 species, temperate, worldwide. 230. C. eriantha (HBK)Steud. Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Mexico, Puebla, Veracruz and Oaxaca, 231. C. junciformis (HB)Steud. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Mountain slopes: "Nevada de Toluca", type loc. 232. C. orizabae (Rupr.)Steud. ° (including C. erectifolia Hitchc. and C. plumosa (Fourn.) Scribn. ) Mexico, endemic. Mountain slopes: "Mount Orizabae", type loc., and Nevada de Colima. 233. C. pringlei Beal Mexico (endemic?; closely related to C. guatemalensis Hitchc.) Mountain slopes: Chihuahua. 234. C. tolucensis (HB)Trin. (including C. mcvaughei Sohns) Mexico, endemic. Mountain slopes, central mountains. 235. C. valida Sohns Mexico, endemic. Mountain slopes: Jalisco. 236. C.volcanica Swallen Mexico and Guatemala. Mountain slopes: "Vulcan Tacana". CALAMOCHLOA Fourn. Chlorideae One species, endemic. 23), Gmiavatolia Fourn. Brush: San Luis Potosi. CATHESTECUM Presl Chlorideae Species six, North and Central America. 238. C. brevifolium Swallen Mexico and Central America, native. Dry slopes: Sonora and Chihuahua south to Chiapas. 239. C. erectum Vasey and Hack. Texas to Arizona and adjacent Mexico, native. Dry slopes: Chihuahua. 240. C. multifidum Griffiths Mexico, endemic. Dry slopes: Mexico, Morelos, Guerrero and Oaxaca. 338 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 241. C. prostratum Presl (including C. annum Swallen) Mexico, endemic. Dry slopes and flats: Queretaro, Jalisco, Morelos, Guerrero and Oaxaca. 242. C. varium Swallen Mexico, endemic. Dry slopes: Puebla and Oaxaca. CENCHRUS L. Paniceae Species about 20, worldwide. 243. C. brownii R. & S. (including C. viridis Spreng.) Florida and West Indies to Bolivia and Brazil, native. Sandy soil: Baja Sur and Mayarit; Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas; south to the Yucatan Peninsula. 244. C. ciliaris L. Introduced? (closely related to C. multiflorus Presl which is said to be native). Ditches and cultivated: common throughout Mexico. 245. C. echinatus L. Southern United States, West Indies to Argentina, native. Ditches: common throughout Mexico. 246. C. incertus Curtis (including C. pauciflorus Benth.) Southern United States, West Indies to South America, native. Ditches: common throughout Mexico. 247. C. longispinus (Hack.)Fernald United States and West Indies to Venezuela, native. Ditches: Durango, Tamaulipas and Campeche. 248. C. multiflorus Presl (including Pennisetum karwinskyi Schrad.) Native? (closely related to C. ciliaris L. which is said to be introduced); also in Central America. Dry flats: southern Sonora and southern Chihuahua south along the west coast of Mexico to Chiapas. 249. C. myosuroides HBK Florida and West Indies south to South America, native. Northern border states south to Veracruz and Oaxaca. 250. C. palmeri Vasey Mexico, endemic. Sandy soils: Baja Norte, Baja Sur and Sonora (type loc.). 251. C. pilosus HBK (including C. pallidus Fourn.) Mexico south to Peru, native. Dry slopes: Jalisco, Colima south to Yucatan. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico CHABOISSAEFA Fourn. Eragrosteae 252. C. ligulata Fourn. (Muhlenbergia ligulata (Fourn.)Scribn. & Merr.) Mexico, endemic. Dry slopes: Chihuahua south to Mexico. CHAETIUM Nees Andropogoneae 3 species in the Americas. 253. C. bromoides (Presl)Benth. Mexico and Central America, native. Dry slopes: Chihuahua south to Campeche. CHLORIS Sw. Chlorideae 70 species, subtropics, worldwide. 254. C. andropogonoides Fourn. Texas and northern Mexico, native. Ditches: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi. 255. C. aristata (Cervantes) Swallen (including references to C. rufescens Lag. and Mexican references to C. orthonoton). Mexico and Central America, native. Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, south to Chiapas. 256. C. brandegei (Vasey)Swallen Mexico, endemic. Arroyos: Baja Norte and Baja Sur. 257. C. chloridea (Presl)Hitchc. (C. clandestina Scribn. & Merr.) U. S. and Mexico to Central America, native. Dry slopes: Baja California and Sonora south to Chiapas; Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi south to Chiapas. 258. C. ciliata Sw. U. S., West Indies and Mexico to Argentina, native. Grassland: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas south to Yucatan Peninsula. 259°C. erintta: Lag: (frichloris crinita (Lag.) Parodi) Texas south to Argentina, native. Dry washes: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango and San Luis Potosi. 260. C. cucullata Bisch. Texas and northern Mexico, native. Ditches: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. 261. C. gayana Kunth Introduced. Cultivated and escaped: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Mexico and Chiapas. 262. ©. inflata Link One species, endemic. (Including references to C. barbata (L.) Sw.) Pantropical and subtropics, introduced? Dry washes: Sonora, Tamaulipas, Veracruz and the Yucatan Peninsula. 339 30 263. 264. 26D 266. Piet 0ceO-G ia Vol. 37, no. C. pluriflora (Fourn.)Clayton Texas, Mexico, Central and South America, native. Dry washes: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Oaxaca, Campeche. C. radiata (L.)Sw. West Indies and Mexico to Paraguay, native. Ditches: Nuevo Leon, Morelos, Veracruz and Oaxaca. C. subdolichostachya Muller (including C. latisquamea Nash) Texas and northern Mexico, native. Sandy soils: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. C. submutica HBK Mexico, endemic. Dry washes: common from the northern border states south to Chiapas. 267-9 C.a Vertrer lata Nutt. 268. United States to notthern Mexico, native. Plains: reported only from Coahuila. C. virgata Sw. Pantropical, native? (U.S., West Indies south to Argentina). Ditches: common throughout Mexico. CHUSQUEA Bambuseae 269% 270. fafa 2 Dre PA he 274. ZI Dic 276. About 100 species in the Americas. C. bilimeki Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Thickets: San Luis Potosi and Veracruz. C. carinata Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Thickets: Veracruz. C. galeottiana Rupr. Mexico, endemic. Thickets: Guerrero, Oaxaca(type loc.) and Chiapas. C. heydei Hitchc. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Thickets: west coast from Jalisco to Chiapas. C. liebmannii Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Thickets: Sinaloa, Oaxaca (type loc.) and Chiapas. C. longifolia Swallen Southern Mexico to Panama, native. Thickets: Chiapas. Cc. muelleri Munro Mexico, endemic. Thickets: Veracruz. C. nelsonii Scribn. & Smith Mexico, endemic. Thickets: Chiapas. LOTT Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 3h 277. C. serrulata Pilger Mexico, endemic. Thickets: Chiapas. 278. C. simpliciflora Munro Mexico and Guatemala, native. Thickets: "Mexico" according to Swallen: Grasses of Guatemala. 279. C. spinosa Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Thickets: Puebla. 280. C. sulcata Swallen Mexico, endemic. Thickets: Chiapas. CINNA L. Agrostideae 3 species, one in N. America and Eurasia, one in Nam. and one in Mexico south to South America. 281. C. poaeformis (HBK) Scribn. & Merr. Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, native. Pine savanna: Hidalgo, Mexico, Morelos, Puebla, Oaxaca, Chiapas. COELORACHIS Brongn. Andropogoneae Tropics of the World, about 25 species. 282. C. ramosa (Fourn.) Nash (Manisuris ramosa (Fourn.)Hitchc.) Mexico to Panama and Colombia, native. Ditches: Michoacan, Veracruz, Tabasco and Campeche. COIX L. Andropoganeae 4 in the Old World tropics. 283. C. lacryma-jobi L. Introduced. Cultivated and escaped: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco and Yucatan. CORTADERIA Stapf Arundinae 15 species in South America. 284. C. dioica (Spreng.)Speg. (including references to C. selloana (Scult.)Aschers. & Graebn.) Introduced. Cultivated as an ornamental: Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon, Queretaro, Mexico and Puebla. COTTEA Kunth Pappophoreae One species, New World. 285. C. pappophoroides Kunth Bicentric: U.S. and Mexico; Ecuador to Peru and Argentina, native. Dry slopes: northern border states south to Oaxaca. 3h2 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. CRYPTOCHLOA Swallen Olyreae 4 species in Mexico, Central and South America. 286. C. granulifera Swallen Mexico to Ecuador, native. Tropical forest: Veracruz and Chiapas. 287. C. strictiflora (Fourn.)Swallen (Strephium strictiflorum Fourn. Raddia strictiflora (Fourn.) Chase and Olyra strictiflora (Fourn.)Hemsl.) Mexico, endemic. Tropical forest: Veracruz. CTENIUM Panzer Chlorideae 20 species, world tropics. 288. C. planifolium (Presl)Kunth (Campulosus planifolius Pres1) Mexico, endemic. Brush: Mexico, Oaxaca and Chiapas. 289. C. plumosum (Hitchc.)Swallen Mexico, endemic. Brush: Sinaloa and Nayarit. CYCLOSTACHYA Reeder and Reeder Chlorideae One species in Mexico. 290. C. stolonifera (Scribn.)Reeder and Reeder Mexico, endemic. Dry flats: Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, Aguascalientes, Hidalgo and Mexico. CYMBOPOGON Spreng. Andropogoneae About 60 species in the Old World tropics. 291. C. citratus (DC)Stapf Introduced. Persistent after cultivation: Nuevo Leon, Veracruz, Chiapas and Yucatan. 292. C. nardus (L.) Rendle Introduced. Persistent after cultivation: Nuevo Leon and Yucatan. CYNODON L. Rich. Chlorideae 6 species, one pantropical, others African. 293. C. dactylon (L.)Pers. Pantropical, native? Common throughout Mexico. 294. C. plectostachyum (Schum.)Pilger Introduced. Persistent after cultivation: Nuevo Leon, Veracruz and Baja Sur. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 33 DACTYLIS L. Festuceae About 5 species, temperate, Old World. 295. D. glomerata L. Introduced. Persistent after or escaped from cultivation: Mexico, Puebla, Oaxaca and Chiapas. DACTYLOCTENIUM Willd. Chlorideae 13 Old World species, subtropical. 296. D. aegyptium (L.) Willd. Introduced. Common weed throughout Mexico. DANTHONIA Lam. & DC. Danthoneae 100 species, temperate, worldwide. 297. D. filifolia Hubbard Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Puebla (type loc.) and Chiapas. DESCHAMPASTA Beauv. Aveneae 50 species, temperate, worldwide. 298. D. danthonioides (Trin.)Munro Alaska to Baja California: Chile, native. Moist places: Baja Norte only. 299. D. elongata (Hook.) Munro Alaska to central Mexico; Chile, native. Mt. slopes: Jalisco, Hidalgo, Mexico and Morelos. 300. D. flexuosa (L.)Trin. Amphiatlantic, south in mountain to Mexico, native. Mountain slopes: Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon. 301. D. liebmanniana (Fourn.)Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Central mountains: Michoacan, Mexico and Puebla. 302. D. pringlei Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Sierra Madre: Sonora and Chihuahua south to Puebla. 303. D. straminea Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Central mountains: Mexico and Puebla. DICHANTHIUM Willemet Andropogoneae 10 species, Old World subtropics. 304. D. annulatum (Forsk.)Stapf Introduced. Cultivated and escaped: Tamaulipas and Quintana Roo. 50S eOeatishatum (Poir.)) €. E. Hubb. Introduced. Cultivated and escaped: Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. 306. D. sericeum (R.Br.)Camus Introduced. Cultivated and escaped: Tamaulipas. 3h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. DIECTOMIS HBK Andropogoneae Two species in the Americas. 307. D. fastigiata (Sw.)HBK (Andropogon fastigiatus Sw.) Pantropical, native? Thickets: Tamaulipas, Sonora, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, Mexico, Morelos, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas. 308. D. laxa Nees (D. angustata Presl, Andropogon angustata (Presl)Steud.) Cuba and Mexico, south to northern Brazil, native. Pine savanna: Sinaloa south to Chiapas. DIGITARIA Heist. Paniceae 300 species, worldwide, temperate and tropical. 309. D. similis Nom. Nov. (Trichachne affinis Swallen, not D. affinis R. & S., TOW = not De atiinis Opi12, 8s.) Mexico, endemic. Brush: Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Tabasco, Quintana Roo. 310. D. argillacea (Hitchc. & Chase)Fern. West Indies and Mexico, south to Panama. Brush: Sonora, Nayarit, Michoacan south to Chiapas. 311. D. argyrostachya (Steud.)Fern. Java, Sumatra, Bali, Celebes and Philippines. Intro- duced in West Indies. Reported for Mexico by John Reeder; Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Mexico and Michoacan. Introduced? 312. D. bicomis (Lam.) R. & S. (D. diversiflora Swallen) (D. chrysoblephara Fig, & DeNot.) Pantropical, introduced? Mexico, a common weed at lower elevations. 313. D. californica (Benth.)Henr. (Trichachne californica (Benth. )Chase) U. S. south to Bolivia and Argentina. | Dry slopes: northern border states south to Puebla. 314. D. cayoensis Swallen Mexico and British Honduras. Brush: Yucatan. 315. D. ciliaris Retz. (D. adscendens (HBK)Henr. ) Pantropical, native? Common weed throughout Mexico. 316. D. curtigluma Hitchc. Mexico to Panama. Brush: Jalisco, Michoacan, Mexico, Puebla and Chiapas. 317. D. distans (Chase) Fernald Mexico, endemic. Pond margin: Jalisco. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 35 318. D. filiformis (L.)Koeler Eastern United States south to Mexico, native. Weedy: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Zacatecas, Jalisco, Oaxaca and Chiapas. 319. D. hitchcockii (Chase)Stuckert (Irichachne hitchcockii Chase) Texas and New Mexico, native. Dry slopes: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi. 320. D. horizontalis Willd. Pantropical, native? Weedy: Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan. Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Yucatan and Quintana Roo. S21.) D-yinsullaris (L.)Mez (Trichachne insularis (L.)Nees) United States, Mexico, West Indies south to Argentina, native. Brush: Common throughout Mexico except for Baja California and the central mountains. 322. D. leucites (Trin.)Henr. var. leucites Mexico and Guatemala, native. Dry banks: Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, Michoacan, Mexico, Morelos, Puebla, Veracruz and Chiapas. 322a.D. leucites var. glabella(Chase)Henr. Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Veracruz and Michoacan. 323. D. leucocoma (Nash)Urban Florida, West Indies and Mexico, native. Dry banks: Mexico and Veracruz. 324. D. patens (Swallen)Henr. (Irichachne patens Swallen) Texas and northern Mexico, native. Sandy soil: Sonora, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. 315. D. obtusa Swallen Southern Mexico to Guatemala, native. Dry banks: Morelos, Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas. 326. D. pentzii Stent. var. minor Stent. (references to D. decumbens) Introduced. Persistent after cultivation: Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Nayarit, Veracruz, Tabasco, Chiapas and Campeche. 327. D. sanguinalis (L.)Scop. Pantropical, native? Scattered localities in northern Mexico south to Queretaro. 328. D. vidascens Link. Pantropical, native? Weedy: Chiapas. 3h6 P Gulch Vol. 37, no. DISSANTHELIUM Trin. Aveneae 329. D. californicum (Nutt.)Benth. Islands off the coast of California and Baja California, native. Dry slopes: Baja California acc. to Hitchcock. 330. D. calycinum (Presl)Hitchc. (D. sclerochloides Fourn.) Bicentric: Mexico and Chile, native. Dry slopes: Mexico and San Luis Potosi. DISTICHLIS Raf. Eragrosteae 6 species in the Americas. 331. D. spicata (L.)Greene var. spicata Coastal, Canada and U. S. to Central America, native. Salt marshes: Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Yucatan, Quintana Roo and Chiapas. 33la.D. spicata var divaricata Beetle California and Mexico, native. Western salt deserts: Coahuila, San Luis Potosi and Jalisco west to Baja California. 331b.D. spicata var. mexicana Beetle Mexico, endemic. Central plains: alkaline soils, Durango and Coahuila south to Puebla. 33lc.D. spicata var. stolonifera Beetle California and Mexico, native. West coast salt flats: Baja Norte and Sonora- 331d.D. spicata var stricta (Torr.)Beetle U. S. and Mexico. Interior salt flats: northern border states south to Puebla. ECHINOCHLOA Beauv. Paniceae 20 species, subtropics and temperate, worldwide. 332. E. colonum (L.)Link Pantropical, introduced? Moist places: common throughout Mexico. 333. E. crusgalli (L.)Beauv. Europe, U. S., Mexico. Introduced? Weedy: occasional throughout Mexico. 334. E. cruspavonis (HBK)Schult. Subtropics of the world, introduced? Wet places: occasional throughout Mexico. 335. E. holciformis (HBK)Chase Mexico and Guatemala, native. Wet places: Durango, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Mexico. 336. E. muricata (Beauv.)Fern. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Wet places: Sonora and Chihuahua. 1977 Beetle, Gpasses from Mexico 37 337. E. oplismenoides (Fourn.)Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Wet places: Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas and Mexico. 338. E. polystachya (HBK)Hitchc. U. S., West Indies, south to Argentina, native. Wet places: Sonora and Chihuahua, south to Campeche. 339. E. pyramidalis (Lam.)Hitchc. and Chase Introduced. Wet places: Campeche. 340. E. walteri (Pursh)Heller U. S., Cuba, Mexico and Guatemala, native. Wet places: Chihuahua, Coahuila, San Luis Potosi, Tabasco, Campeche. ELEUSINE Gaertn. Chlorideae Species about six, South America and Old World. 341. E. indica (L.)Gaertn. Introduced Weedy: common throughout Mexico. 341a.E. indica var. brachystachya Trin. (including the cultivated E. corocana (L.)Gaertn.) Introduced. Weedy: Chihuahua, Jalisco, Michoacan, Mexico, Morelos and Yucatan. 342. E. multiflora Hochst. ex A.Rich. Introduced. Weedy: Sinaloa, Mexico, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Oaxaca and Chiapas. ELYMUS L. Hordeae 75 species in temperate parts of the northern hemisphere. 343. E. canadensis L. United States and northern Mexico, native. Dry banks: Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. 343a.E. canadensis var. villosus (Muhl.)Shinners Canada to northern Mexico, native. Dry banks: Nuevo Leon. 344. E. condensatus Presl California and Baja California, native. Coastal bluffs: Baja Norte. 345. E. pringlei Scribn. & Merr. Mexico, endemic. Dry banks: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Puebla and Veracruz. 346. E. triticoides Buckl. Washington and Montana south to Baja California, Arizona and Texas, native. Coastal bluffs: Baja Norte. 348 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. ELYONURUS Humb. & Bonpl. Andropogoneae Species about 15, subtropical and tropical, worldwide. 347. E. candidus (Trin.)Hack. var. barbiculmis (Hack.)Roberty U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Grasslands: Sonora, Chihuahua and Durango. 348. E. tripsacoides Humb. & Bonpl. var. tripsacoides Mexico to Brazil, native. Grasslands: Sinaloa, Michoacan and Veracruz. 348a.E. tripsacoides var. ciliaris (HBK)Hack. Mexico south to Venezuela, native. Grasslands: Chihuahua south to Chiapas. 348b.E. tripsacoides var. sericeus Hack. Mexico, endemic. Rare: Veracruz. ENNEAPOGON Desv. Eragrosteae 35 species in the Old World, one in the Americas. 349. E. desvauxii Beauv. U. S. south to Peru and Argentina, native. Grasslands: northern border states south to Oaxaca. ERAGROSTIS Host. eragreaiaee 200 species, temperate and tropical, worldwide. 350. E. acutiflora (HBK)Nees Mexico to Brazil, native. Pine savanna: Oaxaca. 351. E. bahiensis Schrad. Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, native. Wet places: Chiapas and Tabasco. 352. E. barrelieri Dav. Introduced. Scattered localities throughout Mexico. 353. E. cilianensis (Al1.)Link (including E. major Host.) Introduced. Scattered localities throughout Mexico. 354. E. ciliaris (L.)R.Br. Pantropical, introduced? Weedy: common throughout Mexico. 355. E. curtipedicellata Buckl. U. S. to northern Mexico, native. Sandy soil: Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. 356. E. curvula (Schrad.)Nees Introduced. Cultivated: Nuevo Leon 357. E. diffusa Buckl. var. diffusa U. S., Mexico and Guatemala, native. Weedy: common throughout Mexico. 357a.E. diffusa var. arida(Hitchc.) Beetle Same distribution as var. diffusa. Weedy: common in northern and central Mexico. 1977 358. 859). 360. Soll. Bio2. 363). 364. 365. 366. 367° 368. SOE 370. BVi2s Beetle, Grasses from Mexico E. diversiflora Vasey Mexico, endemic. Coastal: Sinaloa, Colima and Revillagigedo Islands. E. domingensis (Pers.)Steud. West Indies and Mexico south to Colombia, native. Coastal dunes: Veracruz, Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche and Yucatan. E. ellioitti S. wats. U. S., West Indies, Mexico and Honduras, native. Pine savanna: Tamaulipas, Michoacan, Veracruz, Chiapas and Quintana Roo. E. erosa Scribn. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Dry slopes: Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. E. glandulosa Harvey Mexico and Guatemala, native. Weedy: Jalisco, Guerrero and Morelos. E. glomerata (Walt.)L. H. Dewey U. S., Mexico south to Argentina, native Wet sandy soil: Colima, Guerrero and Morelos. E. glutinosa (Sw.)Trin. West Indies and Mexico to Brazil, native. Weedy: Jalisco. E. hirsuta (Michx.) Nees Southeastern U. S., Mexico to Central America, native. Pine savanna, Oaxaca and Tabasco. E. hirta Fourn. Mexico and Central America, native. Rocky slopes: San Luis Potosi and Chiapas. E. hypnoides (Lam.)B.S.P. (Neeragrostis hypnoides (Lam. ) Bush) U. S. and West Indies, south to Argentina, native. Wet, sandy soil: Baja Sur; Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi; Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Veracruz, Tabasco. E. intermedia Hitchc. U. S., Mexico and Guatemala, native. Rocky slopes: common throughout Mexico. E. lehmanniana Nees Introduced. Cultivated: Chihuahua. E. limbata Fourn. (E. limbata var. major Fourn.) Mexico, endemic. Weedy: northern border states south to Chiapas. . E. longiramea Swallen Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Tamaulipas, E. lugens Nees United States and Mexico south to Argentina, native. Dry slopes: northern border states south to Chiapas. 39 350 P WE) TwOik.0 Geta Vol. 37, no. 373. E. lutescens Scribn. United States and northern Mexico, native. Weedy: reported for "Mexico" by Hitchcock, Man. Grasses Wists 374. E. maypurensis(HBK) Steud. Mexico to Bolivia and Brazil, native. Weedy: Sinaloa and Durango south to Chiapas. 375. E. mexicana (Hornem.)Link (including E. neomexicana Vasey) U. S. and Mexico south to Brazil, native. Pine Savanna: northern border states south to Chiapas. 376. E. minor Host (E. poaeoides Beauv.) Introduced. Weedy: Mexico, Puebla, Veracruz. 377. E. obtusiflora (Fourn.)Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Salt flats: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Mexico and Veracruz. 378. E. orcuttiana Vasey U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Weedy: Baja Sur. 379. E. oreophila Harvey Mexico, endemic. Rocky slopes: Baja Sur, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Michoacan and Hidalgo (type loc.). 380. E. palmeri Wats. Texas and northern Mexico, native. Open slopes: northern border states except for Baja Norte. 381. E. pectinacea (Michx.)Nees United States and Mexico, native. Weedy: Coahuila and Zacatecas. 382. E. pilosa (L.)Beauv. Introduced. Weedy: common, northern border states south to Chiapas. 383. E. plumbea Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Dry slopes: Jalisco (type loc.), Colima, Michoacan, San Luis Potosi, Puebla, Veracruz. 384. E. pringlei Mattei (including E. pusilla Scribn. and E. scribneriana Hitchc.) Mexico, endemic. Weedy: Chihuahua, Durango and Jalisco. 385. E. prolifera (Sw.)Steud. (including E. excelsa Griseb. and E. gigantea Trani) West Indies, southern Mexico and Central America to Brazil, native. Weedy: Michoacan, Veracruz and Quintana Roo. 1977 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. Syne 392. 393). 394. S95) 396. Sor Se 399). Beetle, Grasses from Mexico E. reptans (Michx.)Nees (including Neeragrostis reptans (Michx.)Nicora) U. S. south to northern Mexico, native. Wet, sandy soil: Baja Norte and Coahuila. E. secundiflora Presl (including E. beyrichii Smith and E. oxylepis (Torr.) Torr.) U. S. and Mexico, native. Weedy: Chihuahua (where cultivated); Tamaulipas south to the Yucatan Peninsula. E. sessilispica Buckl. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Sandy prairies: Chihuahua and Tamaulipas. E. silveana Swallen Texas and Mexico, native. Sandy soils: "Cardenas, San Luis Potosi" acc. to Harvey. E. simpliciflora (Presl)Steud. Southern Mexico to Panama, native. Weedy:"southern Mexico" acc. to Swallen: Grasses of Guatemala. E. spectabilis (Pursh)Steud. U. S., Mexico and British Honduras, native. Weedy: "northeastern Mexico" acc. to Harvey. E. spicata Vasey Texas and Mexico, native. Coastal: Tamaulipas and Baja Sur. E. superba Peyr. Introduced. Cultivated: Chihuahua. E. swalleni Hitchc. Texas and Mexico, native. Sandy soil: San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, Veracruz and Chiapas. E. tenella (L.)Beauv. (including E. amabilis L. and E. plumosa Link) Pantropical, introduced? Weedy: Baja Sur, Nayarit, Colima, Guerrero, Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Yucatan and Quintana Roo. E. tephrosanthos Schult. U. S., West Indies, south to Brazil, native. Weedy: common throughout Mexico. E. trichocolea Hack. and Arech. U. S. and Mexico to Uruguay. Sandy soil: Nuevo Leon, Puebla and Chiapas. E. virescens Presl Introduced. Jalisco (based on an identification by Harvey). E. viscosa (Retz.)Trin. Introduced. Sandy soil: Baja Norte, Baja Sur, Sinaloa, Durango, Guerrero and Chiapas. 351 352 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 400. E. yucatana Harvey Mexico, endemic. Sandy soil: Yucatan. ERIANTHUS Michx., Andropogoneae Twenty-five species, temperate & subtropical, worldwide. 401. E. giganteus (Walt.)Muhl. (including E. saccharoides Michx.) U. S., Cuba and Mexico, native. Swamps: Mexico and Veracruz. 402. E. trinii Hack. Mexico and South America, native. Swamps: Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz and Chiapas. ERIOCHLOA HBK Paniceae Twenty-five species, subtropical, worldwide. 403. E. aristata Vasey Mexico and Guatemala, native. Wet places: common from Sonora and Chihuahua south to Chiapas. 404. E. boxiana Hitchc. West Indies and Mexico, native. Swamps: Yucatan. 405. E. lemmoni Vasey and Scribn. var. lemmoni (including E. gracilis (Fourn.)Hitchc. var minor (Vasey) Hitchc.) U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Weedy: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Sinaloa, Jalisco and Colima. 405a.E. lemmoni var. gracilis (Fourn.)Gould Same distribution as the species, native. Weedy: northern border states south to Oaxaca. 406. E. nelsoni Scribn. & Smith Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua, native. Open slopes: Jalisco, Michoacan, Guerrero, Mexico, Morelos and Oaxaca (type loc.). 407. E. punctata (L.)Desv. U. S., West Indies, Mexico south to Argentina, native. Open slopes: Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, south to Chiapas and Tabasco. 408. E. sericea (Scheele)Munro U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Grassland: Coahuila. ERIOCHRYSIS Beauv. Andropogoneae Nine species, 4 in America, four in Africa, one in India. 409. E. cayennensis Beauv. Southern Mexico south to northern Argentina and Brazil, native. Swamps: Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas, Tabasco. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 353 ERIONEURON Nash Eragrosteae 5 species, southwest U. S. and Mexico. 410. E. avenaceum (HBK)Tateoka var. avenaceum U. S. and Mexico, native. Dry slopes: Coahuila and Nuevo Leon south to Oaxaca. 410a.E. avenaceum var. grandiflorum (Vasey) Gould U. S. and Mexico, native. Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Durango, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi. 410b.E. avenaceum (HBK)Tateoka var. nealleyi (Vasey)Gould. U. S. and Mexico, native. Open range: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango, Zacatecas and Queretaro. 411. E. pilosum (Buckl.)Nash U. S. and Mexico, native. Open range: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi and Oaxaca. 412. E. pulchellum (HBK)Tateoka U. S. and Mexico, native. Open range: northern border states south to Mexico. EUCHLAENA Schrad. Andropogoneae 2 species in Mexico and Central America. 413. E. mexicana Schrad. Cultivated, endemic? (native of the Americas). Cultivated: from Chihuahua south to Chiapas. EUSTACHYS Desv. Chlorideae 12 species, tropics and subtropics, worldwide. 414. E. petraea (Sw.)Desf. U. S., West Indies, Mexico and Central America, native. East coast, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco and the Yucatan Peninsula. FESTUCA L. Festuceae About 150 species, temperate, worldwide. 415. F. amplissima Rupr. Mexico and Central America, native. High mountains: especially the central plateau, Sinaloa, Michoacan, Hidalgo, Mexico, Morelos, Guerrero, Puebla, Oaxaca and Chiapas. 416. F. arizonica Vasey (including F. pinetorum Swallen) U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Pine savanna: Nuevo Leon. 417. F. arundinacea Schreb. Introduced. Cultivated: Hidalgo, Mexico, Puebla. 418. F. breviglumis Swallen Mexico and Central America, native. High forests: Chiapas. 354 PEE? 0 0 Gta Vol. 37, no. 419. F. glauca Lam. Introduced. Cultivated: Mexico. 420. F. hephaestophila Nees Mexico, endemic. Central mountains: Mexico and Puebla. 421. F. ligulata Swallen Texas and northern Mexico. Mountain slopes: Coahuila. 422. F. livida Willd. (Helleria livida (HBK)Fourn.) Mexico, endemic. Central mountains: Mexico, Puebla and Veracruz. 423. F. mirabilis Piper Mexico, endemic. Mountain slopes: Chihuahua, San Luis Potosi (type loc.), Hidalgo and Mexico. 424, F. ovina L. (including references to var. elliptica (Beal)Piper, var. callosa Piper, and var. brachyphylla(Schult.)Piper). Circumboreal and south in the high mountains, native. Mountain slopes: Chihuahua, Durango, Nuevo Leon and Puebla. 425. Me rosei) Piper Mexico, endemic. Central mountains: Michoacan and Mexico. 426. F. rubra L. Circumboreal and south in the high mountains, native. Mountain slopes: Chihuahua and Mexico. 427. F. tolucensis HBK Mexico and Central America, native. Pine savanna: Chihuahua south to Chiapas. 428. F. wildenoviana Schult. Mexico, endemic. Central mountains: Guerrero, Mexico and Puebla. FOURNIERA Scribn. Chlorideae Monotypic 429. F. mexicana Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Ravine: Guerrero. GASTRIDIUM Beauv. Agrostideae 4 or 5 species, Mediterranean. 430. Gastridium ventricosum (Gouan)Schinz & Thell. Introduced. Dry hills: Baja Norte. eT Beetle, Grasses from Mexico GLYCERIA R. Br. Festuceae 35 species, temperate, worldwide. CSleeGetbutcans ((Lj.)R. Br. Circumboreal and south in the high mountains, native. Central mountains: Queretaro, Hidalgo and Mexico. 432. G. septentrionalis Hitchc. Canada south to Mexico, native. Wet places: reported by Hernandez-X for San Luis Potosi. 433. G. striata (Lam.)Hitchc. Canada south to central Mexico, native. Wet places: northern border states south to Chiapas. 433a.G. striata var mexicana Kelso Mexico and Guatemala, native. Wet places; Nuevo Leon. GOUINIA Fourn. Chlorideae 13 species, subtropical, in the Americas. 434. G. guatemalensis (Hack. )Swallen Mexico and Central America, native. Brush: Chiapas, Campeche and Yucatan. 435. G. longiramea Swallen Mexico, endemic. Brush: Yucatan and Quintana Roo. 436. G. mexicana (Scribn.)Vasey Mexico, endemic. Brush: San Luis Potosi. 437. G. papillosa Swallen Mexico, endemic. Brush: Yucatan and Quintana Roo. 438. G. ramosa Swallen Mexico, endemic. Brush: Quintana Roo. 439. G. virgata (Presl)Scribn. Mexico south to Peru, Bolivia and Brazil, native. Brush: Sonora and Nuevo Leon south to Chiapas. GYMNOPOGON Beauv. Chlorideae 15 species, subtropical, Americas. 440. G. spicatus (Spreng.)Kuntze Mexico and West Indies south to Argentina, native. Pine savanna: Veracruz and Chiapas. GYNERIUM Willd. Arundineae Monotypic. 441. G. sagittatum (Aubl.)Beauv. Southern Mexico to Paraguay, native. Thickets: Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. 355 356 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. HACKELOCHLOA Kuntze Paniceae Monotypic. 442. H. granularis (L.)Kuntze Pantropical, native? Weedy: occasional throughout Mexico. HEMARTHRIA R. Br. Andropogoneae 12 species, Old World, tropics and subtropics. 443. H. fasciculata (Lam.)Kunth. (including H. altissima (Poir.)Stapf & Hubb.) Introduced. Open slopes: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. HETEROPOGON Pers. Andropogoneae 8 species, subtropics, worldwide. 444, H. contortus (L.)Beauv. U. °S., West Indies, and Mexico south to Argentina (native?), also in the Old World. Weedy: common throughout Mexico. 445. H. melanocarpus (E11.)Benth. Pantropical, native? Weedy: northern border states south to Chiapas. HIEROCHLOE R. Br. Aveneae Species 15-20, temperate, worldwide. 446. H. mexicana (Rupr.)Benth. Mexico and Guatemala, native, Pine savanna: Oaxaca (type loc.) and Chiapas. HILARIA HBK Chlorideae Six species, in the Americas. 447. H. belangeri (Steud.)Nash U. S. south to central Mexico, native. Grassland: northern border states south to Puebla and Guerrero. 447a.H. belangeri var. longifolia (Vasey)Hitchc. Reported in both U. S. and Mexico. Rocky hills, Sonora (type loc.). 448. H. cenchroides HBK Mexico and Guatemala, native. Open slopes: common from northern border states south to Chiapas. 449. H. ciliata (Scribn.)Nash Mexico, endemic. Open slopes: Sonora, Nayarit, San Luis Potosi, Jalisco (type loc.), Guerrero and Veracruz. 450. H. hintoni Sohns Mexico, endemic. Queretaro, Mexico and Guerrero. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 357 451. H. mutica (Buckl.) Benth. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Dry flats: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango and Zacatecas. 452. H. rigida (Thurb.)Benth. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Desert: Baja Norte, Sonora and Chihuahua. 453. H. semplei Sohns Mexico, endemic. Llanos, Michoacan (type loc.). 454. H. swalleni Cory Texas and northern Mexico, native. Grasslands: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi. HOLCUS L. Aveneae About 8 species, Old World, temperate. 455. H. lanatus L. Introduced. Weedy: Puebla, Veracruz and Chiapas. HOMOLEPIS Chase Paniceae Three species in tropical America. 456. H. aturensis (HBK) Chase Southern Mexico to Bolivia and Brazil, native. Marshes: Oaxaca, Chiapas, Veracruz and Tabasco. HORDEUM L. Hordeae Twenty-five species, temperate, worldwide. 457. H. californicum Covas and Stebbins Introduced. Weedy: State of Mexico (Distr. Fed.) 458. H. glaucum Steud. (including references to H. murinum L.) Introduced. Mediterranean: Baja Norte. 459. H. jubatum L. Introduced. Weedy: Coahuila, San Luis Potosi, Mexico and Puebla. 460. H. pusillum Nutt. var. pusillum U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Weedy: Baja Norte. 460a.H. pusillum var. pubens Hitchc. U. S. and Northern Mexico, native. Weedy: Coahuila. 461. H. stebbinsii Covas Introduced. Weedy: Baja California. 462. H. vulgare L. Introduced. Cultivated: scattered localities in northern Mexico. 358 PHY TODO @Iw Vol. 37, no. HYMENACHNE Beauv. Paniceae 10 species, tropics, worldwide. 463. H. amplexicaule (Rudge)Nees Mexico and West Indies south to Argentina, native. Marshes: Sinaloa, Colima, Michoacan, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. ' HYPARRHENTA Andropogoneae Seventy species, tropical and subtropical Africa, one in Americas. 464. H. bracteata (H.& B.)Stapf Mexico to Brazil and Paraguay, native? Marshes: Veracruz and Chiapas. 465. H. dissoluta (Nees) Hubbard (a yparrhenia ruprechtii Fourn.) Introduced. Rocky slopes : Sinaloa, Jalisco, Michoacan, Mexico, Chiapas and Yucatan. 466. H. hirta (Nees)Stapf Introduced. Cultivated: Nuevo Leon, 467. H. rufa (Nees)Stapf Introduced. Cultivated and escaped: Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco and the Yucatan Peninsula. ICHNANTHUS Beauv. Paniceae About 50 species in the New World tropics, 2 in the Old World tropics. 468. I. axillaris (Nees)Hitchc. and Chase Mexico and West Indies, south to Brazil, native. Swamps: Chiapas. 469. I. lanceolatus Scribn. & Sm. Mexico and British Honduras, native. Brush: Yucatan Peninsula. 470. I. mexicanus Fourn. Mexico and British Honduras, native. Oak forest: Oaxaca. 471. I. nemorsus (Sw.)Doell. West Indies and Mexico south to Panama,native. pa hes San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo, Veracruz and Chiapas. 472. pallens (Sw.)Munro tea Panicum schlechtendalii monstrosum Fourn. from Mirador, Veracruz). Mexico and West Indies south to tropical S. America. Brush: San Luis Potosi, Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Maing: Tabasco and Quintana Roo. 473. standleyi Hitchc. zie and Central America. native. Forest margin: Chiapas. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 359 474, I. tenuis (Presl)Hitchc. and Chase Mexico, Central America, south to Brazil, native. Brush: Chiapas. IMPERATA Cyrilla Andropogoneae Ten species, subtropical, worldwide. 475. I. brasiliensis Trin. Florida, Mexico, and south to Argentina, native. Brush: Veracruz, Tabasco and Chiapas. 476. I. brevifolia Vasey (I. hookeri Rupr.) Texas to California and Mexico, native. Brush: Baja Norte, Sonora, Chihuahua and Jalisco. 477. I. contracta (HBK)Hitchc.. Mexico and West Indies south to Brazil, native. Grassland: Veracruz, Tabasco, Chiapas and Campeche. 478. I. cylindrica (L.)Beauv. Introduced. Cultivated or escaped: Chiapas, reported by Gould. ee sey rive species, tropics, worldwideeen a 479. I. arundinacea (Sw.)Griseb. Mexico, Central America to Peru, native. Pine savanna: Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas. 480. I. pubescens Swallen Mexico and Guatemala, native. Pine savanna, Veracruz. ISCHAEMUM L. Paniceae Fifty species, tropics, worldwide. 481. I. latifolium (Spreng)Kunth Mexico and West Indies south to Brazil, native. Weedy: Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas and Campeche. IXOPHORUS Schlecht. Paniceae Monotypic. 482. I. unisetus (Presl)Schlecht. (1. pringlei Scribn.) Mexico, Cuba and Central America, Colombia and Venezuela, native. Swamps: Sinaloa and Tamaulipas south to Chiapas. JOUVEA Fourn. Eragrosteae Two species, Mexico and Central America. 483. J. pilosa (Presl)Scribn. Mexico and Central America, native. Sand dunes: western coastal states; Tamaulipas, Yucatan. 484. J. straminea Fourn. Mexico and Central America, native. Salt marshes: west coast from Sinaloa to Chiapas. 360 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. KOELERIA Pers. Aveneae 485. Fifty species, temperate, worldwide. K. californica (Domin) Beetle U. S. and Mexico, native. Dry slopes: northern border states south to Mexico and Tlaxcala. LAMARCKTA Moench. Festuceae 486. Monotypic. L. aurea (L.)Moench. Introduced. Weedy: Baja Norte. LASIACIS (Griseb.)Hitchc. Paniceae 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494, 495. 496. Thirty species in American tropics. L. divaricata (L.)Hitchc. Florida, West Indies, Mexico south to Argentina, native. Tropical forest margin: Baja Sur, Sinaloa, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi south to Yucatan Peninsula. L. globosa Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Tropical forest margin: Guerrero (type loc.) and Veracruz. L. grisebachii (Nash)Hitchc. Mexico, Cuba and Central America, native. Tropical forest margin: Veracruz, Chiapas, Campeche and Quintana Roo. L. lancifolia Swallen Mexico, endemic. Thickets: Yucatan. L. oaxacensis (Steud.)Hitchc. West Indies, Mexico, Central America, south to Peru, native. Brush: Michoacan, Oaxaca, Veracruz and Chiapas. L. papillosa Swallen Mexico and Central America, native. Brush: San Luis Potosi, Veracruz and the Yucatan ap erase procerrima (Hack.)Hitchc. ee to Peru and Brazil, native. Brush: Sinaloa, Nayarit south to Chiapas. L. rhizophora (Fourn.)Hitchc. Mexico and Central America, native. Thickets: Veracruz and Chiapas. L. rugelii (Griseb.)Hitchc. West Indies and Mexico, native. Thickets: Yucatan. L. ruscifolia (HBK)Hitchc. (including L. compacta Hitchc. and L. liebmanniana Hitchc.) West Indies, Mexico south to Peru and Argentina, native. 1977 497. 498. 499. Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 361 Brush: Sonora, Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon south to the Yucatan Peninsula. L. scabrior Hitchc. Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Ecuador, native. Brush: Veracruz. L. sloanei (Griseb.)Hitchc. West Indies and Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Venezuela, native. Brush: San Luis Potosi, Chiapas and Yucatan Peninsula. L. sorghoidea (Desv.)Hitchc. and Chase West Indies, Mexico, Central America south to Bolivia and Argentina, native. Brush: Sonora, Jalisco, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Oaxaca and Chiapas. LEERSIA Sw. Oryzeae 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. Ten species, worldwide, aquatic. L. distichophylla Bal. & Poit. (L. grandiflora Prod.) Mexico, south to northern Argentina, native. Aquatic: Nuevo Leon south to Campeche. L. hexandra Sw. Pantropical, native? Aquatic: Durango, Jalisco, south to Chiapas and Tabasco. L. ligularis Trin. Mexico, endemic. Aquatic: Puebla, Veracruz and Yucatan (var. breviligularis). L. monandra Sw. U. S., West Indies and Mexico, native. Aquatic: Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Tabasco and Yucatan. L. oryzoides (L.) Sw. Canada, U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Aquatic: Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. LEPTOCHLOA Beauv. Chlorideae 505. 506. 507. 508. Seventy species, subtropical, worldwide. L. aquatica Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Aquatic: Jalisco, Morelos (Type loc.) and Guerrero. L. domingensis (Jacq.)Trin. Mexico, endemic. Swales; Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, south to Yucatan Peninsula. L. dubia (HBK)Nees U. S., Mexico and Argentina, native. Swales: northern border states, south to Oaxaca- L. fascicularis (Lam. )Gray U. S. and Mexico, Central and South America, native. Swales: common throughout Mexico. 362 PHYTO LOG DA Vol. 37, no. 4 509. L. filiformis (Lam.)Beauv. U. S. south to Argentina, native. Swales, weedy: common throughout Mexico. 510. L. nealleyi Vasey U. S. and Mexico, native. Swales: Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Yucatan. 511. L. panicoides (Presl)Hitchc. U. S., Mexico and Brazil, native. Swales: Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Colima, Guerrero, Morelos, Oaxaca and Tabasco. 512. L. scabra Nees U. S., Mexico, West Indies, south to Brazil, native. Swales: Sonora, Sinaloa, Michoacan, Chiapas and Tabasco. 513. L. uninervia (Presl)Hitchc. and Chase U. S., Mexico, West Indies, south to Argentina, native. Swales: Baja Norte, Baja Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Guanajuato and Oaxaca. 514. L. virgata (L.)Beauv. U. S., Mexico, West Indies, south to Argentina, native. Swales: Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi, south to Yucatan Peninsula. 515. L. viscida (Scribn.)Beal U. S. and notthern Mexico, native. Weedy: Baja Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa and Chihuahua. LEPTOCORYPHIUM Nees Paniceae One or two species in tropical America. 516. L. lanatum (HBK)Nees West Indies, Mexico, Central America to Argentina, native. Pine savanna: Chiapas, Veracruz and Tabasco LEPTOLOMA Chase Paniceae Four species, one North America, three in Australia. 517. L. cognatum (Schultes)Chase Canada, U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Sandy soil: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi. LIMNODEA Dewey Agrostideae Monotypic 518. L. arkansana (Nutt. ) Dewey U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Grassland: Coahuila. LITHACHNE Beauv. Olyreae Four species, tropical America. 519. L. pauciflora (Sw.)Beauv. West Indies and Mexico south to Argentina, native. Tropical forest: San Luis Potosi, Veracruz and Chiapas. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico %3 LOLIUM L. Festuceae Fifteen species, temperate, Old World. 520. L. multiflorum Lam. Introduced. Weedy: scattered localities throughout Mexico. 521. L. perenne L. Introduced. Cultivated and escaped: scattered localities throughout Mexico. LUZIOLA Juss. Zizanieae Eight species in tropical America. 522. L. peruviana Gmel. Mexico, Cuba, south to Argentina, native. Marshes: Jalisco, Queretaro, Mexico, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. LYCURUS HBK Eragrosteae Six species, temperate and subtropical America. 523. L. phleoides HBK var. phleoides U. S. and Mexico, native. Grassland: northern border states south to Chiapas. 523a.L. phleoides var. glaucifolium Beal U. S. and Mexico, native. Grassland: Sonora and Chihuahua. MATUDACALAMUS Maekawa Bambusoideae Monotypic 524. M. laxus Maekawa Mexico, endemic. Tropical forest margin: Chiapas (type loc.). MELICA L. Meliceae Sixty species, temperate, worldwide. 525. M. frutescens Scribn. California and Baja California, native. Brush: Baja Norte. 526. M. imperfecta Trin. California and Baja California, native. Brush: Baja Norte. 527. M. montezumae Piper (including M. alba Hitchc.) Texas and northern Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. 528. M. mutica Walt. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Moist woods: Coahuila. 529. M. nitens (Scribn.)Nutt. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Woods and grasslands: Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. 36 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 530. M. porteri Scribn. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Grassland: Chihuahua. MELINIS Beauv. Melinideae Fifteen species in Africa. 531. M. minutiflora Beauv. Introduced. Roadsides: Michoacan, Mexico, Puebla, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. MESOSETUM Steud. Paniceae Thirty species, American tropics, mostly Brazil. DS2. Msp lerighweehe. Mexico and Central America, native. Pine savanna: Oaxaca and Chiapas. 533. M. tabascoense Beetle Mexico, endemic. Tropical forest margin: Tabasco. METCALFIA Conert Festuceae Monotypic 534. M. mexicana (Scribn.)Conert Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Puebla and Chiapas. MICROCHLOA R. Br. Chlorideae Five or 6 species, tropics, worldwide. 535. M. kunthii Desv. Mexico, Central America and S. America, native. Rocky ground: Baja California and Chihuahua south to Oaxaca. MONANTHOCHLOE Engelm. Aeluropodeae Three species in the Americas. 536. M. littoralis Engelm. U. S., Cuba and Mexico, native. Baja Norte, Baja Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Chiapas and Yucatan. MUHLENBERGIA Schreb. Eragrosteae One hundred sixty species, centered in Mexico, but worldwide. 537. M. alamosae Vasey Mexico, endemic. Open slopes: Baja Norte, Sonora, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Durango, Jalisco and Morelos. 1977 538. DSO: 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 5)3)0)- S)S)sLe 552. Beetle, Grasses from Mexico M. alta Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Open slopes: Jalisco. M. angustifolia Swallen Mexico, endemic. Open slopes: Jalisco. M. annua (Vasey)Swallen Mexico, endemic. Open slopes, Chihuahua. M. appressa Gooding Arizona and Mexico, native. Open slopes: Baja Sur. M. arenacea (Buckl.)Hitchc. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Sandy soils: Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila and Zacatecas. M. arenicola Buckl. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Sandy soil: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi. M. argentea Vasey Mexico, endemic. Open slopes: Chihuahua. M. arizonica Scribn. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Open slopes: Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Sinaloa and Durango. M. arseni Hitchc. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Open slopes: Baja Norte. M. articulata Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Gypsum soils: San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato and Hidalgo. M. asperifolia (Nees and Mey.)Parodi Bicentric, Canada, U. S. and Mexico; also southern Argentina, native. 5 Moist flats: Baja Norte, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango and San Luis Potosi. M. biloba Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Open slopes: Chihuahua and Durango. M. brandegei Reeder Mexico, endemic. Desert: Baja Sur. M. brevifolia Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Open slopes: Jalisco M. breviligula Hitchc. Mexico and Central America, native. Pine savanna: "Southern Mexico", acc. Swallen, cf. Grasses of Guatemala. 366 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 4 553. M. brevis Gooding U. S. and Mexico, native. Swales: Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi and Mexico, 554. M. breviseta Griseb. Mexico, endemic. Brush: Jalisco, Michoacan, Mexico and Veracruz (type loc.: Orizaba). 555. M. capillaris ILam.)Trin. U. S., West Indies and Mexico, native. Woodlands: Chihuahua, Mexico, Chiapas and Quintana Roo. 556. M. ciliata (HBK)Kunth Mexico, Central America, Ecuador and Peru, native. Open slopes: Sonora and Chihuahua south to Chiapas. 557. M. confusa (Fourn.)Swallen Mexico and Guatemala ,native. Open slopes: northern border states south to Chiapas. 558. M. crispiseta Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Open slopes: Chihuahua, Durango and San Luis Potosi. 559. M. curvula Swallen Mexico, endemic. Oak woods: Guanajuato (type loc.) and San Luis Potosi. 560. M. decumbens Swallen Mexico, endemic. Sandy soil: Chihuahua. 561. M. depauperata Scribn. (M. schaffneri Scribn.) U. S. and Mexico, native. Open slopes: Chihuahua and Coahuila south to Mexico. 562. M. distans Swallen Mexico and Guatemala, native. Open slopes: Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi south to Chiapas. 563. M. distichophylla (Presl)Kunth Mexico, endemic. Jalisco south to Chiapas. 564. M. diversiglumis Trin. (M. trinii Fourn.) Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Venezuela to Peru, native. Oak brush: Sinaloa south to Chiapas. 565. M. dubia Fourn. (M. acuminata Vasey) U. S. and Mexico, native. Pine savanna: Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon south to Mexico and Veracruz. 566. M. dubioides Gooding U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Canyons: Coahuila. 1977 563 568. SE) 570. SANS SMiPae Syl Sie 574. S/S) 576. Mile 578. DS 580. Beetle, Grasses from Mexico M. dumosa Scribn. (M. dumosa var. minor Scribn.) U. S. and Mexico, native. Canyons: Sonora and Chihuahua south to Michoacan. M. elongata Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Open slopes: Sonora and Chihuahua; also Mexico acc. Matuda. M. eludens C. Reeder U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Rocky woods: Chihuahua and Durango. M. emersleyi Vasey Southwestern U. S. to Panama, native. Pine-oak forests: northern border states south to Chiapas. M. eriophylla Swallen Mexico, endemic. Oak woods: Mexico. M. filiformis (Thurb.)Rydb. var. fortis Kelso. U. S. and Mexico, native. Swales: Durango. M. firma Beal (M. densiflora Scribn. & Merr.) Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Coahuila, San Luis Potosi south to Oaxaca (type loc.). M. flavida Vasey Mexico, endemic. Open slopes: Chihuahua, Jalisco and Hidalgo. M. flaviseta Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Durango. M. fragilis Swallen U. S. and Mexico, native. Open ground: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato and Chiapas. M. gigantea (Fourn.) Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna:Sinaloa and Durango south to Chiapas. M. glabrata (HBK)Kunth Mexico, endemic. to Pine savanna: San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato (type loc.) and Mexico. M. glauca (Nees) Mez (M. huahuacana Vasey) U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Pine savanna: Chiahua and Coahuila south to Mexico. M. goodingii Socerstom Arizona and Sonora, native. Desert: Sonora, 367 368 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 1 581. M. gradis Vasey Mexico, endemic. Canyon: Sonora south to Jalisco. 582. M. gypsophila Reeder and Reeder Mexico, endemic. Gypsophorous soils: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and San Luis Potosi. 583. M. hintoni Swallen Mexico, endemic. Central mountains: Mexico. 584. M. implicata (HBK)Kunth (M. erecta Presl) Mexico, Central America to Colombia and Venezuela, native. Wet banks: Chihuahua south to Chiapas. 585. M. iridifolia Soderstrom Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Jalisco. 586. M. leptoura (Piper)Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Chihuahua. 587. M. lindheimeri Hitchc. Texas and Coahuila, native. Limestone: Coahuila, 588. M. longiglumis Vasey Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Aguascalientes, Jalisco and Michoacan. 589. M. longiligula Hitchc. U. S. and Mexico, native. Canyons: Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Durango. 590. M. lucida Swallen Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Chihuahua. 591. M. macrotis (Piper)Hitchc. Mexico, ,endemic. Pine savanna: Sinaloa and Durango south to Chiapas. 592. M. macroura (HBK)Hitchc. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Open slopes: Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon south to Chiapas. 593. M. matudae Sohns Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Morelos. 594. M. microsperma (DC)Kunth U. S., Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela to Peru, native. Moist banks: Baja California, Sonora and Chihuahua south to Chiapas. 595. M. minutissima (Steud.)Swallen (M. texana Buckl.) U. S. and Mexico, native. Moist banks: Baja Norte & Chihuahua south to Mexico and Tlaxcala. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 596. M. montana (Nutt.)Hitchc. (M. enermis (Scribn.)Hitche., M. gracilis var. breviaristata Vasey, and M. gracilis var major Vasey) U. S., Mexico and Guatemala, native. Pine savanna: Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila south to Oaxaca. 597. M. mutica (Rupr.)Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Veracruz and Chiapas. 598. M. nigra Hitchc. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Pine savanna: Mexico and Chiapas. 599. M. palmeri Vasey Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Chihuahua. 600. M. Parviglumis Vasey U. S., Cuba and Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and San Luis Potosi. 601. M. pauciflora Buckl (M. neomexicana Vasey and M. pringlei Scribn.) U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. 602. M. pectinata C. Gooding Arizona and Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango and Jalisco. 603. M. plumbea (Trin.)Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Central mountains: Mexico and Puebla. 604. M. polycaulis Scribn. U. S. and Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: Sonora and Chihuahua south to Hidalgo. 605. M. porteri Scribn. U. S. and Mexico, native. Brush: Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Durango. 606. M. presliana Hitchc. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Pine savanna: Chiapas. 607. M. pubescens (HBK)Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon south to Chiapas. 608. M. pubigluma Swallen Mexico, endemic. Canyons: Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. 609. M. pulcherrima Scribn. Arizona and Mexico, native. Pine savanna: Chihuahua, Durango and Morelos. 370 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 4 610. M. purpusii Mez Mexico, endemic. Gypsum soils: San Luis Potosi, 611. M. pusilla Steud. (M. bourgaei Fourn. and refs to M. peruviana) Mexico and Guatemala, native. Mountain meadows: Sonora and Chihuahua south to Chiapas. 612. M. quadridentata (HBK)Kunth (M. anomala Fourn. and M. gracilis (HBK)Kunth) Mexico and Guatemala, native. Pine savanna: Jalisco south to Chiapas. 613. M. ramulosa (HBK)Swallen Mexico to Costa Rica, native. Meadows: Sonora, Baja Sur, Jalisco and San Luis Potosi, south to Chiapas. 614. M. reederorum Soderstrom Mexico, endemic. Canyons: Durango, Jalisco. 615. M. repens (Presl)Hitchc. U. S. and Mexico, native. Sandy soil: northern border states south to Chiapas. 616. M. richardsonis (Trin.)Rydb. Canada south to Mexico, native. Meadows: northern border states south to Puebla. 617. M. rigens (Benth.)Hitchc. (M. mundula Johnston) U. S. and Mexico, native. Canyons: northern border states south to Puebla. 618. M. rigida (HBK)Kunth (M. affinis Trin., M. berlandieri Trin., M. elegans (HBK)Kunth, M. laxiflora Scribn. and M. mucronata (HBK) Kunth) U. S. and Mexico, native. Canyons: northern border states south to Chiapas. 619. M. robusta (Fourn.)Hitchc. (M. fournieriana Hitchc.) Mexico, endemic. Oak-pine savanna: Sonora and Chihuahua south to Chiapas. 620. M. schmitzii Hack. (M. diehlii Jones) Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Chihuahua, Hidalgo and Mexico. 621. M. schreberi Gmel. (M. botteri Fourn.) U. S. and Mexico, native. Woods: Hidalgo and Veracruz. 622. M. scoparia Vasey (M. carinata Mez) Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Sonora and Chihuahua south to Michoacan. 1977 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 635: 634. 635. 636. Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 371 M. seatoni Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Puebla. M. setarioides Fourn. (M. polygonoides Hack.) Mexico and Central America, native. Pine savanna: Veracruz and Chiapas. M. setifolia Vasey Texas, New Mexico and northern Mexico, native. Calcareous soil: Chihuahua, Coahuila and San Luis Potosi. M. shepherdi (Vasey) Swallen Mexico, endemic. Ledges: Chihuahua and Durango. M. sinuosa Swallen U. S. and Mexico, native. Moist slopes: Sonora and Chihuahua. M. speciosa Vasey Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Chihuahua south to Puebla. M. spiciformis Trin. (M. acutifolia Fourn.) Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: San Luis Potosi, Michoacan, Hidalgo, Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas. M. stricta (Presl)Kunth (M. elata Vasey, M. longifolia Vasey) Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Durango, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, Mexico, Morelos and Veracruz. M. strictior Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Chihuahua, Durango and Mexico. M. subaristata Swallen Mexico, endemic. Canyon: Durango. M. subbiflora Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Moist slopes: Durango. M. tenella (HBK)Trin. (M. exilis Fourn. and M. sprengelii Trin.) Mexico to Panama. Moist slopes: Sonora and Chihuahua south to Chiapas. M. tenuifolia (HBK)Trin. (M. longiseta Benth., M. monticola Buckl., M. quitensis (HBK) Hitchc. ) Mexico, endemic. Northern border states south to Oaxaca. M. tenuissima (Presl)Kunth (M. nebulosa Scribn.) Mexico and Panama, native. Moist slopes: Nayarit, Jalisco and Colima. 372 637. 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. 646. 647. MUNROA Torr. 648. PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, M. torreyi (Kunth)Hitchc. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Grasslands: Sonora and Chihuahua. M.jutilis (foerr.)Hitche. U. S. and Mexico, native. Grasslands: Chihuahua, Sonora, Durango and Mexico. M. vaginata Swallen Mexico and Guatemala, native. Meadows: Sinaloa, Durango, Michoacan, Mexico and Hidalgo. M. versicolor Swallen Mexico, endemic. Pine savanna: Guanajuato south to Chiapas. M. villiflora Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Gypsum soils: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi and Hidalgo. M. virescens (HBK)Kunth (M. straminea Hitchc.) New Mexico and Arizona south to Mexico, native. Canyons: northern border states south to Michoacan. M. virletii (Fourn.) Soderstrom Mexico, endemic. High plains: Durango south to Puebla. M. watsoniana Hitchc. (M. scabra Wats.) Mexico, endemic. Desert: San Luis Potosi. M. wolfii (Vasey)Rydb. U. S. and Mexico, native. Pine savanna: Chihuahua and Durango. M. wrightii Vasey U. S. and Mexico, native. Grasslands: Baja Norte and Chihuahua. M. xanthodes Soderstrom Mexico, endemic Pine savanna: Chiapas. Eragrosteae One species in western N. America and two in Argentina. M. squarrosa (Nutt.)Torr. Canada, U. S. and Mexico, native. Grassland: Chihuahua. NEYRAUDIA Hook. f. Arundineae 649. Small,Old World genus. N. reynaudiana (Kunth)Keng. Introduced. Cultivated or escaped: Veracruz. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 373 OLYRA L. Olyreae 25 species in the American tropics, one in Africa. 650. O. cordifolia HBK Southern Mexico, Venezuela to Paraguay, native. Tropical forest margin: Chiapas. 6D Oplatar rola. Florida, Mexico and West Indies south to Brazil and northern Argentina, native. Tropical forest margin: San Luis Potosi, Michoacan, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco and Yucatan. 652. O. yucatana Chase Mexico, Guatemala and British Honduras, native. Tropical forest margin: San Luis Potosi, Oaxaca, Chiapas and the Yucatan Peninsula. OPIZIA Presl Chlorideae Monotypic 653. O. stolonifera Presl Cuba and Mexico, native. Dry slopes and flats: Jalisco south to Yucatan. OPLISMENUS Beauv. Paniceae Ten species, tropics, worldwide. 654. O. burmanni (Retz.)Beauv. (O. cristatus Presl, 0.affinis Presl) Pantropical, introduced? Weedy: Sonora and Baja Sur south to the Yucatan Peninsula. 655. O. hirtellus (L.) Beauv. Mexico and West Indies south to Argentina, native. Forest margin: northern border states south to Yucatan Peninsula. 656. O. rariflorus Presl (O. thiebauti Fourn.) Southern Mexico south to Peru, native. Pine savanna: Sinaloa south to Chiapas. 657. O. setarius (Lam.)R. & S. U. S., West Indies and Mexico south to northern Argentina, native. Forests: Nuevo Leon south to Quintana Roo. ORCUTTIA Vasey Festuceae Five species in California and Baja California. 658. O. californica Vasey California and Baja California, native. Vernal pools: Baja Norte 659. O. fragilis Swallen Mexico, endemic. Vernal pool: Baja Sur. 374 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, ORTHOCLADA Beauv. Eragrosteae 660. Monotypic. O. laxa (L. Rich.)Beauv. (O. rariflora Beauv.) Mexico, south to Peru and Brazil, native. Tropical forest margin: Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. ORYZA L. Oryzeae 661. 662. 663. 664. ORYZOPSIS Michx. 665. 666. PANICUM L 667. 668. 669. 670. Twenty-nine species, pantropical. O. alta Swallen Mexico to Paraguay, native. Aquatic: Tabasco. QO. latifolia Desv. Mexico and West Indies south to Paraguay and Brazil, native. Aquatic: Sinaloa, Colima, Oaxaca and Chiapas. O. perennis Moench. West Indies, Mexico, Brazil, native. Aquatic: Chiapas. O. sativa L. Introduced. Cultivated: Colima, Chiapas, and other states. Twenty species, temperate, worldwide. O. florulenta Pilger Mexico to Colombia, native. Central mountains: Mexico, Tlaxcala and Puebla. OQ. hymenoides (R. & S.)Ricker U. S. and Mexico, native. Sandy soil: Baja Norte. Probably 500 species, pantropical and subtropical, occasionally temperate. P. (Dichanthelium) albomaculatum Scribn. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Rocky hills: Jalisco, Michoacan and Mexico. P. amarulum Hitche. (# Virgata) U. S., Bahamas, Cuba and Mexico, native. Coastal dunes: Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche and Quintana Roo. P. amarum Ell. (# Virgata) U. S. and West Indies and Mexico. Stipeae Paniceae Coastal dunes: "eastern coast of Mexico" acc. to Gould: Grasses of Texas. P. (Dichanthelium) angustifolium Ell. U. S., Mexico and Nicaragua, native. Pine savanna: Chiapas. 1977 671. 672. 673. 674. Di De 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. Beetle, Grasses from Mexico P. antidotale Retz. (# Maxima) Introduced. Cultivated and escaped: scattered localities throughout Mexico. P. aquaticum Poir. Mexico, Central America and South America, native. Aquatic: Colima. P. (Dichanthelium) arenicoloides Asche (P. orthophyllum Ashe) U. S., Cuba, Mexico, Central America and Colombia and Venezuela, native. Pine-oak savannas Chia P. (Brachiaria) apie etd Scribn. & Merr. U. S. and Mexico, native. Sandy soil: Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila, Sinaloa, Durango, Oaxaca and Chiapas. P. arundinariae Trin. (} Parviglumia) (P. virgultorum Hack.) Mexico to Panama, native. "Southern Mexico" according to Swallen: Grasses of Guatemala. Also reported for San Luis Potosi by Hernandez-X; Veracruz. P. bartlettii Swallen (# Trichoidea) Mexico, Guatemala and British Honduras , native. Moist woods: San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Campeche and Quintana Roo. P. biglandulare Scribn. & Smith (# Stolonifera) Mexico and Guatemala, native. Pine-oak savanna: Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas. P. boliviense Hack. Mexico to Argentina, native. Woods: Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas and Tabasco. P. breviramosum Swallen Mexico and Guatemala, native. Pine savanna: Chiapas, acc. to Gould. P. bulbosum HBK (# Maxima) (P. bulbosum var. minor Vasey) U. S., Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, native. Brush: throughout Mexico except for Baja California and the Yucatan Peninsula. P. (Dichanthelium) caerulescens Hack. U.S., Cuba and Mexico, native. Marshes: Quintana Roo. P. capillare L. (# Capillaria) U. S. and Mexico, native. Weedy: Sonora. P. capillarioides Vasey (# Diffusa) Grassland: Texas and northern Mexico, native. Sandy soil: Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi. 375 376 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 684. P. cayennense Lam. (# Capillaria) (P. pedunculare Willd.) Mexico and West Indies to Panama and northern S. America, native. Stream bottoms: Chiapas. 685. P. (Dichanthelium) ciliatum Ell. U. S. and Mexico, native. Coastal plain: "Mexico" acc. to Hitchcock: Man. Grasses Ofe Users. 686. P. coloratum L. Introduced. Cultivated: Sonora. 687. P. (Dichanthelium) commutatum Schult. U. S. and Mexico. Brush: Chiapas (acc. to Gould). 688. P. condensum Nash (# Agrostoidia) U. S., West Indies and Mexico, native. Swamps: Veracruz and Coahuila. 689. P. cordovense Fourn. (Ichnanthus apiculatus Scribn.) Mexico, endemic. Brush: Veracruz. 690. P. cupreum Hitchc. & Chase (# Laxa) Mexico, endemic. Brush: Mexico (type loc.) and Durango. 691. P. cyanescens Nees Mexico, Central America to Peru and Brazil, native. Stream bottoms: Chiapas and Tabasco. 692. P. decolorans HBK (# Capillaria) (P. parcum Hitchc. & Chase) Mexico and Central America, native. Brush: Sinaloa, Coahuila, San Luis Potosi, south to Chiapas. 693. P. dichomiflorum Michx. (# Dichotomiflora) Canada, U. S., and West Indies, Mexico, native. Weedy: Durango (acc. to Chase). 694. P. diffusum Sw. (# Diffusa) U. S. and West Indies, Mexico to Brazil, native. Weedy: "eastern Mexico" acc. to Gould: Grasses of Texas. 695. P. (Dichanthelium) ensifolium Baldw. U. S. and Mexico, native. Bogs: Chihuahua, Hidalgo and Chiapas. 696. P. fasciculatum Sw. (# Fasciculata) (P. fasciculatum var. reticulatum (Torr. ) Beal) U. S., West Indies, Mexico south to Brazil, native. Weedy: common throughout Mexico. 697. P. frondescens Meyer (# Stolonifera) (P. keglii Steud.) Mexico and Central America to northern Argentina, native. Woods: Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. OTH. Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 698. P. ghiesbreghtii Fourn. (# Diffusa) U. S., West Indies, Cuba and Mexico to northern South America, native. Brush: throughout Mexico, except for Baja California. 699. P. glutinosum Sw. Mexico, West Indies to Argentina, native. Forests: Veracruz and Chiapas. 700. P. gouinii Fourn. (# Virgata) U. S. and Mexico, native. Coastal: Veracruz. 701. P. hallii Vasey var. hallii (# Diffusa) U. S. and Mexico, native. Clay soils: northern border states (except for Baja Calif.) south to Hidalgo. 7Ola.P. hallii var. filipes (Scribn.)Waller U. S. and Mexico, native. Clay soils: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas south to Oaxaca. 702. P. havardii ‘Vasey (# Virgata) U. S. and Mexico, native. Sandy soil: Chihuahua. 703. P. hians Ell. (# Laxa) U. S. and Mexico, south to Panama, native. Coastal plain: Tamaulipas and Veracruz. 704. P. hintoni Swallen Mexico, endemic. Central mountains: Mexico (type loc.). 705. P. hirsutum Sw. (# Diffusa) West Indies and Mexico south to Brazil, native. Sandy soil: Colima, San Luis Potosi, Oaxaca, Tabasco and Campeche. 706. P. hirticaule Presl (#Capillaria) U. S., Cuba and Mexico south to Argentina, native. Weedy: common throughout Mexico. 707. P. ichnanthoides Fourn. Mexico and Central America, native. Dry slopes: Puebla, Veracruz and Chiapas. 708. P. joorii Vasey U. S. and Mexico, native. Coastal: Veracruz. 709. P. (Dichanthelium) lanuginosum Ell. var lanuginosum U. S. and Mexico, native. Sandy woods: Nuevo Leon 709a.P. lanuginosum var. lindheimeri (Nash) Fern. U. S. and Mexico, native. Sandy woods: Coahuila. 710. P. (Dichanthelium)laxiflorum Lam. U. S. and Mexico, native. Chiapas (acc. to Gould). 377 378 P PY POO Gtk Vol. 37, no. 711. P. laxum Sw. West Indies, Mexico, Central America to Paraguay, native. Coastal brush: Sinaloa south to Chiapas; San Luis Potosi south to Yucatan. 712. P. lepidulum Hitchc. & Chase (# Diffusa) Mexico and Guatemala, native. Weedy: Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila south to Chiapas. 713. P. (Dichanthelium) linearifolium Scribn. U. S. south to Mexico, native. Grassland: Chiapas (acc. to Gould). 714. P. longum Hitchce. and Chase (# Laxa) Mexico, endemic. Brush: Veracruz (type loc.). 715. P. maximum Jacq. (# Maxima) Introduced. Cultivated and escaped: common throughout Mexico except for Baja California. 716. P. mertensii Roth (including P. megiston Schult.) Mexico and Central America south to Argentina, native. Swamps: Tabasco. 717. P. molle Sw. (# Fasciculata) Mexico and West Indies south to Argentina, native. Coastal plain: Sinaloa south to Chiapas, Veracruz to Yucatan, native. 718. P. (Dichanthelium) nitidum Lam. (P. multirameum Scribn. & P. subbarbulatum Scribn. & Merr.) U. S. and Mexico, and various islands of the Carribean, native. Sandy soils, woods: Veracruz and Chiapas. 719. P. (Dichanthelium) nodatum Hitchc. and Chase Texas and Tamaulipas, native. Grassland: Tamaulipas. 720. P. obtusum HBK U. S. and Mexico, native. Grasslands: northern border states south to Puebla. 721. P. oligosanthes Schult. U. S. to northern Mexico, native. Woodlands: Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. 722. P. olivaceum Hitchc. & Chase Mexico, Central America and Venezuela. Pine savanna: Nuevo Leon, Veracruz and Chiapas. 723. P. (Dichanthelium) ovinum Scribn. & Smith. U. S. and Mexico, native. Brush and Grassland: Veracruz. 724. P. pampinosum Hitchc. & Chase (# Capillaria) U. S., Mexico and Guatemala, native. Weedy: Sonora and Chihuahua, south to Oaxaca. 1977 V2 Dre 726. 727. 728. 730. TAM vse [Side Wak #330 WAKE Tite USk3in Beetle, Grasses from Mexico P. parviglume Hack. (# Parviglumia) Mexico, Guatemala, British Honduras and Costa Rica, native. Pine-oak savanna: Veracruz and Chiapas. P. (Dichanthelium) pedicellatum Vasey Texas and Mexico, native. earl Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. pilcomayense Hack. a (S.E. Texas and N.E. Mexico) ys aaa Nuevo Leon. - pilosum Sw. (# Laxa) a and West Indies to Argentina, native. Swamps: San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Chiapas, Tabasco ca Quintana Roo. : . plenum Hitchc. & Chase (# Maxima) t. S. and Mexico, native. Grassland: Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango and ae polygonatum Schrad. (# Laxa) ee Mexico to Paraguay, native. Stream bottoms: Veracruz and Chiapas. PB. (Dichanthelium) pseudopubescens Nash U. S., Mexico and Guatemala, native. a. San Luis Potosi. - pilchellum Raddi (# Stolonifera) “oS British Honduras, Martinique to Bolivia and razil : SE réanboP tons? Veracruz and Chiapas. rigidulum Nees (# Agrostoidea) os agrostoides Spreng.) U. S., West Indies and Mexico, native. ene. Coahuila. rudgei R. & S. a dasytrichum Spreng.) Mexico, Jamaica and Trinidad to Bolivia and Brazil, native. ae Tabasco. rugulosum Trin. millegrana Poir.) Mexico to Brazil, native. Swamps: Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas. P. schaffneri Hack. (# Parviglumia) Mexico to Brazil, native. Streambanks: Veracruz. P. schmitzii Hack. (# Parviglumia) Mexico, endemic. Brush: San Luis Potosi and Veracruz. P. (Dichanthelium) scribnerianum Ell. U. S. and Mexico, native. Brush: Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila; also Chiapas. 379 380 P BateTiOsbcO Gelyh Vol. 37, no. 739. P. sellowii Nees (P. lasianthum Trin. and P. puberulum Trin.) Mexico and West Indies south to Paraguay and Argentina, native. Brush: Veracruz and Chiapas. 740. P. sonorum Beal (# Capillaria) U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Desert brush: Sonora, Chihuahua and Sinaloa; also Chiapas. 741. P. (Dichanthelium) sphaerocarpon Ell. U. S. and Mexico south to Venezuela, native. Open slopes: northern border states south to Chiapas. 742. P. stagnatile Hitchc. and Chase Mexico and Central America, native. Swamps: Veracruz and Tabasco. 743. P. stoloniferum Poir. (# Stolonifera) Southern Mexico and Guatemala south to Argentina, native. Swamps: Chiapas. 744, P. stramineum Hitchc. & Chase (# Capillaria) U. S. and Mexico, native. Sonora, Sinaloa, Durango, Nuevo Leon, Nayarit, Michoacan and Guerrero. 745. P. strigosum Muhl. (# Laxiflora) (P. longipedunculatum Scribn.) Mexico, West Indies, Central America and Colombia, native. Brush: Veracruz and Chiapas. 746. P. succosum Hitchc. and Chase Mexico, endemic. Ponds: Jalisco (type loc.) and Mexico. 747. P. (Dichanthelium) tennesseense Ashe U. S. and Mexico, native. Brush: Nuevo Leon and Veracruz. 748. P. texanum Buckl. (# Fasciculata) U. S. and Mexico, native. Weedy: Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. 749. P. transiens Swallen Mexico and Guatemala, native. Mountain mesa: Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas (type loc.). 750. P. trichanthum Nees (# Trichoidea) Mexico and West Indies to Paraguay, native. Swamps: Colima, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz and Campeche. 751. P. trichoides Swartz (# Trichoidea) Mexico and West Indies south to Peru and Brazil. Coastal plain, thickets: Sonora south to Chiapas; San Luis Potosi south to Yucatan. 752. P. variifolium Swallen Mexico, endemic. Brush: Yucatan (type loc.) and Quintana Roo. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 753. P. vaseyanum Scribn. (# Dichotomiflora) Mexico, endemic. Brush: Chihuahua, Aguascalientes and Jalisco. 754. P. venosum Swallen Mexico, endemic. Ditch: Michoacan (type loc.) 755. P. (Dichanthelium) villosissimum Nash U. S., Mexico and Central America, native. Pine savanna: Nuevo Leon and Puebla. 756. P. virgatum L. (# Virgata) U.S. and Mexico, native. Grassland: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Jalisco and Chiapas. 757. P. (Dichanthelium) viscidellum Scribn. (P. reflexopilum Steud.) Mexico, Central America and Colombia, native. Pine savanna: Veracruz. 758. P. (Dichanthelium) xalapense HBK ‘is S., Cuba, Mexico and Central America, native. Pine savanna: Hidalgo, Puebla, Veracruz and Chiapas. 759. P. (Dichanthelium) yadkinense Ashe U. S. and Mexico, native. Brush: Puebla. PAPPOPHORUM Schreb. Pappophoreae Ten species in the Americas. 760. P. bicolor Fourn. U. S. and Mexico, native. Grassland: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Mexico and Veracruz. 761. P. pappiferum (Lam. )Kuntze Mexico and South America, native. Brush: Veracruz and Oaxaca. 762. P. subbulbosum Arech. Mexico and South America, native. = aa Sonora. 163). vaginatum Buckl. Oe EER Mexican references to P. mucronulatum) U. S. and Mexico, native. Brush: Sonora, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango and Zacatecas. PARAPHOLIS Hubb. Monerneae Five or 6 species, Old World. 764. P. incurvus (L.)C. E. Hubb. Introduced. Sea marshes: Baja Norte. 382 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. PASPALIDIUM Stapf Paniceae Five or 6 species, Old World. 765. P. geminatum (Forsk.)Stapf var. geminatum Introduced. Aquatic: scattered localities throughout Mexico. 765a.P. geminatum var. paludivagum (Hitchc. and Chase) Gould U. S. and Mexico south to Argentina, native. Swamps: Jalisco and Michoacan. PASPALUM L. Paniceae Four hundred species in tropics and subtropics, worldwide. 766. P. acuminatum Raddi U. S. and Mexico south to Argentina, native. Aquatic: Michoacan. 767. P. adoperiens (Fourn.)Chase Mexico and Central America, native. Aquatic: Veracruz (type loc.) and Chiapas. 768. P. affine Steud. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Swamps: Veracruz and Chiapas. 769. P. alcalinum Mez Mexico to Paraguay and Argentina, native. Swamps: San Luis Potosi (type loc.) 770. P. arsenei Chase Mexico, endemic. Mountain slopes: Jalisco, Michoacan and Puebla (type loc). 771. P. blodgettii Chapm. U. S., Mexico, West Indies and Central America, native. Brush: Tamaulipas, Veracruz south to Yucatan Peninsula. 772. P. boscianum Flugge U. S., Mexico, Central America, Puerto Rico and northern Brazil, native. Swamps: Chiapas. 773. P. botterii (Fourn.)Chase Mexico and Central America, native. Swamps: Sonora south to Colima; Nuevo Leon south to Yucatan. z 774. P. caespitosum Flugge U. S., West Indies, Mexico and Central America, native. Pine savanna: Veracruz, Chiapas, Tabasco and the Yucatan Peninsula. 775. P. candidum (Humb. & Bonpl.)Kunth Southern Mexico to Chile, native. Weedy: Veracruz and Chiapas. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 383 776. PR. clavuliferum Wright (ee plttierii Hack. ) Mexico and Central America to Brazil, native. Brush: Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Oaxaca and Yucatan. 777. P. conjugatum Bergius U. S. and Mexico to Argentina, native. Tropical forest margin: Sinaloa south to Chiapas; Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas south to Quintana Roo. 777a.P. conjugatum var. parviflorum Doell. Coastal: same distribution as the species. 777b.P. conjugatum var. pubescens Doell. Mexico to Brazil, native. Tropical forest margin: San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Hidalgo, Chiapas and Campeche. 778. P. conspersum Schrad. Southern Mexico to Argentina, native. Marshes: Jalisco and Morelos. 779. P. convexum H. & B. (P. villifolium Steud., P. encylocarpum Nees, P. hemicryptum Wright, P. inops Vasey) Mexico, Carribean to Brazil, native. Oak brush: Sonora and Chihuahua south to Chiapas, 780. P. corcovadense Raddi Mexico, British Honduras, Brazil, native. Stream bank: Oaxaca. 781. P. costaricense Mez Mexico and Central America, native. Pine-oak forests: Chiapas. 782. P. crassum Chase Mexico, endemic. Brush: Jalisco, Colima (type loc.), Michoacan and Mexico. 783. P. crinitum Chase Mexico, endemic. Brush: Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi (type loc.), Jalisco and Puebla. 784. P. culiacanum Vasey Mexico, endemic. Mountains: Sinaloa. 785. P. cymbiforme Fourn. Mexico and Central America, native. Brush: Mexico (type loc.) and Veracruz. 786. P. dilatatum Poir. Introduced. Reported only for the State of Mexico. 787. P. distichum L. (incl. P. paspaloides Scribn.) U. S. and West Indies south to Argentina, native. Ditches: throughout Mexico except for the Yucatan Peninsula. 38 788. 789. 790. Sve. Be 794. WSS 796. USM 798. 799. 800. 801. 802. P W020: Gk Vol. 37, P. erectum ,Chase Mexico, endemic. Colima (type loc.). P. fasciculatum Willd. Mexico south to Argentina, native. Swamps: Veracruz,Chiapas, Tabasco and Campeche. P. fimbriatum HBK Introduced? Weedy: Yucatan and Quintana Roo. P. guayanarum Beetle Mexico, endemic. Ledges: Sinaloa (type loc.). P. hartwegianum Fourn. Southern Texas and Mexico, native. Ditches: scattered localities throughout Mexico. P. heterotrichon Trin. Mexico south to Brazil, native. Ditches: Chiapas. P. humboldtianum Flugge Mexico to Panama, western South America to Argentina, native. Pine forests: throughout Mexico except for the Yucatan Peninsula. P. jaliscanum Chase Mexico to Guatemala, native. Pine forests: Nayarit, Jalisco (type loc.), San Luis Potosi, Veracruz and Chiapas. P. langei (Fourn.)Nash U. S., West Indies and Central America, native. Brush: lowland areas of Mexico (absent from the central plateau). P. lentiginosum Pres] Mexico and Guatemala, native. Swamps: Sonora, Sinaloa, Morelos, Colima and Chiapas. P. leptachne Chase Mexico, endemic. Brush: Nayarit (type loc.). P. lividum Trin. U. S. and West Indies south to Argentina, native. Ditches: scattered localities throughout Mexico except for the Yucatan Peninsula. P. longicuspe Nash Mexico, endemic. Swamps: west coast, Nayarit south to Oaxaca (type loc. Jalisco). P. malacophylum Trin. Mexico south to Argentina, native. Swamps: San Luis Potosi, Veracruz and Yucatan. P. mayanum Chase Mexico, endemic. Swamps: Yucatan (type loc.) and Chiapas. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 385 803. P. millegrana Schrad. Mexico south to Brazil, native. Swamps: Chiapas, Tabasco and Yucatan. 804. P. minus Fourn. Texas, West Indies south to Paraguay, native. Swamps: Michoacan, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. 805. P. multicaule Poir. Mexico, West Indies to Brazil, native. Pine woods: Veracruz. 806. P. mutabile Chase Mexico, endemic. Brush: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas San Luis Potosi and Veracruz. 807. P. nelsoni Chase Mexico, endemic. Brush: Chiapas (type loc.). 808. P. notatum Flugge U. S. (where introduced?), Mexico, West Indies south to Argentina (where native?). Swamps: southern Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas to Nayarit and all of southern Mexico. 809. P. orbiculatum Poir. Mexico and West Indies south to Paraguay, native. Swamps: Sinaloa, Guerrero, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. 810. P. palmeri Chase Mexico, endemic. Brush: Sonora (type loc.). 811. P. paniculatum L. (P. hemisphericum Poir., P. strictum Pers., P. cordovense Fourn.). Mexico and West Indies south to Argentina, native. Swamps: southern Sinaloa and eastern San Luis Potosi southward through the Yucatan Peninsula. 812. P. paucispicatum Vasey Mexico, endemic. Brush: Sonora, Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon south to Oaxaca. 813. P. pectinatum Nees Mexico to southern Brazil, native. Pine woods: Sinaloa south to Tabasco. 814. P. plenum Chase Mexico south to Peru, native. Swamps: Nayarit, Veracruz (type loc.) and Tabasco. 815. P. pleostachyum Doell. Haiti, Mexico and Brazil, native. Swamps: Tamaulipas. 386 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 816. P. plicatulum Michx. (P. undulatum Poir., P. lenticulare HBK, P. montevidense Spreng., P. antillense Husnot, P. pauperculum Fourn. ) U. S. and West Indies south to Argentina, native. Thickets: Sinaloa south to Chiapas, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas south to Tabasco. 817. P. prostratum Scribn. & Merr. Mexico, endemic. Southern Durango south to Chiapas. 818. P. pubiflorum Rupr. var. pubiflorum U. S., Cuba and Mexico, native. Swamps: northern border states south to Oaxaca and Veracruz. 818a. P. pubiflorum var. glabrum Vasey U. S. and Mexico, native. Oaxaca. 819. P. repens Bergius Southern Mexico to northern Argentina, native. Aquatic: Oaxaca and Tabasco. 820. P. rudimentosum Steud. Type loc.: Oaxaca, endemic. Affin P. affine Steud.? 821. P. sanguineolentum Trin. (including Mexican refs to P. erianthum) Mexico south to Brazil, native. Oaxaca, according to Chase. 822. P. setaceum Michx. var. setaceum U. S. and Mexico, native. Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Chiapas. 822a.P. setaceum Michx. var. ciliatifolium (Michx. ) Vasey (P. ciliatifolium Michx., P. propinquum Nash, P. debile Muhl.) U. S. and Mexico, native. Chihuahua and Veracruz. 822b.P. setaceum var. stramineum (Nash) Banks U. S. and Mexico, native. Sonora, Chihuahua and San Luis Potosi. 823. P. sparsum Chase Mexico, endemic. Brush: Yucatan and Campeche. 824. P. squamulatum Fourn. (including P. sumichrasti Fourn.) Mexico and Central America, native. Oak woods: Baja Sur and Sinaloa south to Chiapas. 825. P. stellatum Humb. & Bonpl. Southern Mexico to Argentina, native. Sandy soils, pine woods: Oaxaca and Chiapas. 826. P. tenellum Willd. Mexico south to Brazil, native. Sonora, Jalisco, Michoacan, Mexico and Morelos. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 387 827. P. tinctum Chase Mexico and Guatemala, native. Jalisco, Guanajuato (type loc.), Michoacan and Morelos. 828. P. umbratile Chase Mexico and Central America, native. Shady banks: Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Yucatan. 829. P. unispicatum (Scribn. & Merr.)Nash Mexico, endemic. Jalisco, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas south to Chiapas (type loc.: Oaxaca). 830. P. urvillei Steud. Introduced. Nuevo Leon. 831. P. vaginatum Sw. U. S., West Indies south to Argentina and Chile, native. Coastal: Baja Sur, Tamaulipas south to Yucatan Peninsula. 832. P. variabile (Fourn.)Nash Mexico, endemic. Wood: Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas south to Veracruz and Oaxaca. 833. P. virgatum L. U. S. and West Indies south to Argentina, native. Swamps: Jalisco, San Luis Potosi and Tamaulipas south to Chiapas and Tabasco. 834. P. virletii Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Brush: San Luis Potosi (type loc.) and Veracruz. PENNISETUM L. Paniceae Eighty species, tropics and subtropics, worldwide. 835. P. bambusiforme (Fourn.) HemslL Mexico and Central America south to Peru, native. Dry banks: San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, Veracruz (type loc.), Oaxaca and Chiapas. 836. P. clandestinum Host. Introduced. Commonly cultivated: Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Colima, Mexico, Morelos, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Veracruz and Chiapas. 837. P. complanatum (Nees)Hems1. (including P. mexicanum (Fourn.)Hems1l.) Mexico and Central America, native. Pine-oak forests: Sinaloa, Morelos, Veracruz, Chiapas, Tabasco and the Yucatan Peninsula. 838. P. crinitum (HBK)Spreng. Mexico, endemic. Brush: Durango, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Mexico and Guerrero. 388 P BY Di0ck-0 Gos Vol. 37, now k 839. P. distachyum (Fourn.)Rupr. (including references to P. tristachyum in Mexico) Mexico and Central America, native. Veracruz and Oaxaca. 840. P. durum Beal (including P. pringlei Leeke) Mexico, endemic. Chihuahua and Oaxaca. 841. P. glaucum (L.)R.Br. (P. typhoideum) Introduced. Cultivated: Nuevo Leon and Mexico. 842. P. nervosum (Nees)Trin. Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador and Brazil to Argentina, native. San Luis Potosi, Veracruz and Chiapas. 843. P. purpureum Schum. Introduced. Cultivated and escaped: Nuevo Leon south to Chiapas and Tabasco. 844. P. setosum (Sw.)L.Rich. U. S., West Indies and Mexico south to Bolivia and Brazil, native. Pine woods: Sinaloa south to Chiapas; Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Mexico. 845. P. villosum R. Br. Introduced. Cultivated: Sinaloa, Durango, Nuevo Leon and Mexico. PENTARRHAPHIS HBK Chlorideae Two species in Mexico and Central America. 846. P. polymorpha (Fourn.)Griffiths Mexico, endemic. Rocky places: Sinaloa and Durango south to Morelos. 847. P. scabra HBK Mexico, Central America, Colombia, native. Rocky slopes: Jalsico, Queretaro (type loc.), Oaxaca, Chiapas and Tabasco. PEREILEMA Presl Eragrosteae Three species, Mexico, Central America and northern South America. 848. P. beyrichianum (Kunth)Hichc. Mexico, Central America south to Brazil, native. Shady banks: Chiapas. 849. P. ciliatum Fourn. (including var. violaceum Fourn.) Mexico, endemic. Shady banks: Sinaloa, Jalisco, Mexico, Morelos, Veracruz (type loc.) and Chiapas. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 389 850. P. crinitum Pres] (including var. cirratum Fourn.) Mexico and Central America south to Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil, native Shady banks: Baja Sur, Chihuahua south to Chiapas. PEYRITSCHIA Fourn. Aveneae Monotypic. 851. P. koelerioides Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Dry slopes: Mexico (type loc.), Morelos, Hidalgo and Oaxaca. PHALARIS L. Phalarideae Twenty species, mostly northern hemisphere, subtemperate. 852. P. arundinacea L. Introduced. Cultivated: reported in Chihuahua. 853. P. canariensis L. Introduced. Cultivated and escaped: scattered localities throughout Mexico. 854. P. caroliniana Walt. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Ditches: Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila. 855. P. minor Retz. Introduced. Weedy: reported for Baja Norte and Mexico. 856. P. tuberosa L. var. stenoptera (Hack.)Hitchc. Introduced. Cultivated: reported only for Chihuahua. PHARUS L. . Olyreae Eight species in the American tropics. 857. P. glaber HBK Mexico and West Indies south to northern Argentina, native. Tropical woods: Chiapas and Tabasco. 858. P. llatifolius L. Mexico to Peru and Brazil, native. Moist woods: San Luis Potosi and Veracruz. 859. P. parvifolius Nash Mexico and West Indies to Brazil, native. Tropical woods: Veracruz. PHLEUM L. Aveneae Four species, temperate regions of the world. 860. P. alpinum L. Circumboreal and high mountains of the southern hemisphere , native. Mountain grasslands: Nuevo Leon, Mexico and Puebla. 390 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. PHRAGMITES Adans. Arundineae 861. Three species, worldwide. P. australis (Cav...) Trin. te: communis Trin.) Worldwide. Scattered localities throughout Mexico. PHYLLOSTACHYS Sieb. Bambuseae 862. Old World. P. aurea A. & C. Riviere Introduced. Commonly cultivated: scattered localities throughout Mexico. PIPTOCHAETIUM Presl Stipeae 863. 864. 865. Ten species, Mexico and Central and South America. P. brevicalyx (Fourn.)Ricker Mexico, endemic. Pine woods: San Luis Potosi and Hidalgo. P. fimbriatum (HBK)Hitchc. (Oryzopsis seleri Pilger) U. S., Mexico and Guatemala, native. Pine woods: throughout Mexico except Tabasco and the Yucatan Peninsula. P. stipoides (Trin. & Rupr.)Hack. (including Mexican references to P. ovatum) Mexico and South America, native. Pine woods: Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. POA L. Festucea 866. 867. 868. 869. 870. One hundred fifty species, temperate regions, worldwide. P. albescens Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Mountains: Chihuahua (type locality). P. alpina L. Circumboreal, native. Mountain meadows: reported for Mexico by Hitchcock, 1936, and Hulten, 1958. P. annua L. Introduced. Weedy: common throughout Mexico except for Tabasco and the Yucatan Peninsula. P. bigelovii Vasey and Scribn. U. S. and Mexico, native. Ditches: Baja Norte, Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. P. bolanderi Vasey U. S. and Mexico, native. Ditches: Chihuahua and San Luis Potosi - P. conglomerata Rupr. Mexico, endemic. Central mountains; Mexico, Puebla and Veracruz (type loc.). 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 872. P. fendleriana (Steud.)Vasey U. S. and Mexico, native. Dry slopes: Baja Norte. 873. P. filiculmis Swallen Mexico, endemic. Dry slopes: Coahuila (type loc.). 874. P. griffithsii Hifchc. Mexico, endemic. Dry slopes: Sonora (type loc.). 875. P. involuta Hitchc. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Reported for Chihuahua, Coahuila and Zacatecas. 876. P. longiligula Scribn. & Williams U. S. and Mexico. Dry slopes: Baja Norte. 877. P. mulleri Swallen Mexico, endemic, Mountain meadows: Nuevo Leon (type loc.). 878. P. nervosa (Hook.) Vasey Canada to northern Mexico, native. Open woods: Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. 879. P. orcuttiana Vasey California and Mexico, native. Dry slopes: Baja Norte. 880. P. orizabensis Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Central mountains: Puebla and Mexico. 881. P. pratensis L. Introduced. Cultivated: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Mexico and Veracruz. 882. P. ruprechtii Rupr. Mexico, endemic. Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and Mexico (type loc.). 883. P. scabrella (Thurb.)Benth. U. S. and Mexico, native. Dry woods: Baja Norte. 884. P. seleri Pilger (P. guatemalensis Hitchc.) Mexico and Guatemala, native. Mountain: Chiapas. 885. P. sharpii Swallen Mexico, endemic. Shady soil: Veracruz. 886. P. strictiramea Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Ledges: Chihuahua (type loc.). 887. P. villaroeli Phil. Mexico and Chile, native. Mountains: Mexico and Puebla. 392 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. POLYPOGON Desf. Aveneae Ten species, temperate, worldwide. 888. P. elongatus HBK. Mexico to Argentina, native. Ditches: Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon south to pegrisiiee 889. interruptus HBK. ee Mexican references to P. littoralis) Canada south to Argentina, native. Ditches: Baja Norte, Nuevo Leon and the central mountains. 890. P. maritimus L. Introduced. Ditches: Nuevo Leon. 891. P. monspeliensis (L.)Desf. Introduced. Ditches: Baja Norte to Coahuila; Puebla. PRINGLEOCHLOA Scribn. Chlorideae Monotypic. 892. P. stolonifera (Fourn.)Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Known only from Puebla. PSEUDECHINOLAENA Stapf Paniceae Monotypic. 893. P. polystachya (HBK)Stapf. Mexico to Paraguay; tropical Africa. Weedy: Puebla, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. REEDEROCHLOA Soderstrom and Decker Chlorideae Monotypic. 894. R. eludens Soderstrom and Decker Mexico, endemic. Inland salt flats: Durango (type loc.) and San Luis Potosi. REIMAROCHLOA Hitchc. Paniceae es species in the American tropics. 895. oligostachya (Munro)Hitchc. =e Cuba and Mexico, native. Ditches: Colima and Tabasco. RHIPIDOCLADUM McClure Bambuseae Eleven species in the American tropics. 896. R. bittieri (Hackel)McClure Mexico and Guatemala, native. Tropical wood margins: Chiapas and Campeche. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 393 RHYNCHELYTRUM Nees Paniceae About 35 species, mostly African. 897. R. repens (Willd.)C. E. Hubb. (R. roseum (Nees)Stapf and Hubb.) Introduced. Common roadside weed throughout Mexico. SACCHARUM L. Andropogoneae About 10 species in the Old World tropics. 898. S. officinarum L. Introduced. Cultivated in most lowland areas. SACCIOLEPIS Nash Paniceae Thirty species, tropical, worldwide. 899. S. myuros (Lam.)Chase Mexico and Cuba south to Brazil, native. Marshes: Jalisco, Veracruz and Oaxaca. SCHAFFNERELLA Nash Ghideiaaad Monotypic. 900. S. gracilis (Benth.)Nash Mexico, endemic. San Luis Potosi (type loc.). SCHISMUS Beauv. Danthoneae Five old World species, Mediterranean and desert climates. 901. S. barbatus (L.)Thell. Introduced. Weedy: Baja Norte. SCLEROPOGON Phil. Eragrosteae Monotypic. 902. S. brevifolius Phil. U. S. south to Chile and Argentina, native. Dry flats: northern border states south to Puebla. SECALE L. Hordeae Five species in temperate Europe and Asia. 903. S. cereale L. Introduced. Occasionally cultivated: Nuevo Leon, Mexico. SETARIA Beauv. Paniceae One hundred species, both temperate and tropical, worldwide. 904. S. adhaerans (Forssk.)Chiov. Pantropical, native? Weedy: Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. 39h, 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. = hie O12 ors 914. O15. 916. Sais 918. P BY POib-O Gids Vol. 37, no. S. (Panicum) chapmani (Vasey)Pilger U. S., Bahamas and Mexico, native. Coastal sand: Yucatan. S. geniculata (Lam.) Beauv. Subtropics, worldwide, native? Weedy: common throughout Mexico. S. grisebachii Fourn. (S. yucatana Herrm.) U. S. and Mexico, native. Weedy: common throughout Mexico. S. latifolia (Scribn.)Herrm. Mexico, endemic. Brush: Durango (type loc.) and Oaxaca. S. leucopila (Scribn. & Merr.)K. Schum. U. S. and Mexico, native. Banks: northern border states (type loc.: Coahuila) south to Puebla. S. liebmannii Fourn. U. S. and Central America, native. Weedy: Baja Sur and Sonora south to Oaxaca and Veracruz. S. longipila Fourn. Mexico and Central America, native. Woods: Nayarit. S. lutescens (Wiegel.)Hubb. (including some references to S. glauca). Introduced. Reported throughout Mexico (except Baja and the Yucatan Peninsula). S. macrosperma (Scribn. & Merr.)Schum. U. S., Bahamas and northern Mexico, native. Moist banks: Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Durango. S. macrostachya HBK U. S. and Mexico, native. Moist banks: throughout Mexico (except Baja Norte and the Yucatan Peninsula). S. magna Griseb. U.S., Mexico, Carribean and Costa Rica, native. Coastal: Yucatan. S. palmeri Henrard (S. rigida (Scribn. & Merr.)Schum. ) Mexico, endemic. Desert brush: Baja Sur. S. palmifolia (Koen.) Stapf Introduced. Cultivated: Sonora and Baja Sur. S. paniculifera (Steud.)Fourn. (S. effusa Fourn.) West Indies and southern Mexico to Colombia, native. Pine woods: San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca, Chiapas and Tabasco. 1977 919. 920. syraile 922. 923. 924. 9256 925A) 926. 9271. 928. oN 930. Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 395 S. poiretiana (Schultes)Kunth Mexico, Brazil, Peru and Bolivia, native. Moist banks: San Luis Potosi, Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas. S. ramiseta (Scribn.)Pilger (Panicum ramisetum Scribn.) U. S. and Mexico, native. Brush: Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Coahuila. S. rariflora Mikan Mexico and West Indies to Brazil, native. Tamaulipas. S. scandens Schrad. Mexico and Central America south to Argentina, native. Wet banks: Mexico, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas, Campeche and Yucatan. S. scheelei (Steud.)Hitchc. U. S. and Mexico, native. Chihuahua to Tamaulipas and south to Jalisco, Hidalgo and Veracruz. S. setosa (Sw.)Beauv. Introduced? Reported only from Nuevo Leon. S. tenax (L.Rich.)Desv. Mexico and West Indies, Central America south to Argentina, native. Pine woods: Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, south to Yucatan. S. temax var. antrorsa Romingen Mexico, endemic. Brush: Yucatan (type loc.) and Veracruz. S. texana Emery Texas and Mexico, native. Shady banks: Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon. S. verticillata (L.)Beauv. Introduced. Reported from Baja Sur, Durango, Coahuila and Puebla. S. villosissima (Scribn. & Merr.)K. Schum. Southwestern U. S. and adj. Mexico, native. Igneous rocks: Sonora and Coahuila. S. viridis (L.)Beauv. Introduced? Reported from Sonora, Chihuahua, San Luis Potosi and Veracruz. S. vulpiseta (Lam.)R. & S. Mexico and Caribbean to South America, native. Reported from San Luis Potosi, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Veracruz and Yucatan. 396 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. SETARIOPSIS Scribn. Paniceae Two species in Mexico and northern South America. 931. S. auriculata (Fourn.) Scribn. Mexico and Central America, Colombia and Venezuela, native. Grassy plains: Sonora and Chihuahua south to the Yucatan Peninsula. 932. S. latiglumis (Vasey)Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Chihuahua (type loc.) south to Chiapas. SITANION Raf. Hordeae Six species in North America. 933. S. jubatum J. G. Smith U. S. and Mexico, native, Mesic slopes: Baja Norte. 934. S. longifolium J. G. Smith U. S. and Mexico, native. Deserts and mountains: northern border states south to Puebla. SORGHASTRUM Nash Andropogoneae Fifteen species, temperate and tropical America and Africa. 935. S. brunneum Swallen Mexico and Guatemala, native. - Oak woods: Hidalgo, Guerrero and Chiapas. 936. S. galeotii Fourn. (including Mexican references to S. stipoides) Mexico, endemic. Reported only from Veracruz. 937. S. incompletum (Presl)Nash Mexico to Colombia and Venezuela; tropical Africa, native. Pine woods: Jalisco south to Chiapas. 938. S. liebmannianum Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Reported only from Veracruz. 939. S. nudipes Nash Mexico, endemic. Pine woods: Chihuahua (type loc.) and Sonora. 940. S. nutans (L.)Nash Canada south to Mexico; South America, native. Grassy slopes: northern border states south to Oaxaca and Veracruz. 941. S. setosum (Griseb.)Hitchc. (including Mexican references to Ss. agrostoides) (S. francavillanum (Fourn.)Hitche., S. parviflorum (Desv.)Hitche. & Chase) 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 397 SORGHUM Moench. Andropogoneae Thirty-five species, mostly African. 942. S. almum Parodi Introduced. Cultivated in Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon. 943. S. bicolor (L.)Moench. (S. vulgare Pers.) Introduced. Cultivated throughout Mexico. 944. S. drummondii (Nees)Hackel Introduced? Cultivated: Chiapas, Campeche and Yucatan. 945. S. halepense (L.)Pers. Introduced. Common weed throughout Mexico. 946. S. trichocladum (Rupr.)Kuntze Native? Mexico and Central America. Oak forests: Nayarit and Oaxaca (type loc.). SPARTINA Chlorideae About 16 species, mostly American. 947. S. cynosuroides (L.)Roth U. S. and Mexico, native. Atlantic coastal marshes: reported only from Tamaulipas. 948. S. foliosa Trin. U. S. and Mexico,native. Pacific coastal marshes: Baja Norte and Baja Sur. 949. S. patens (Ait.)Muhl. (including S. patens var. juncea Hitchc. U. S., West Indies and Mexico, native. Atlantic coastal marshes: Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche and Quintana Roo. 950. S. spartinae (Trin.)Munro U.S., Mexico, Central America south to Argentina, native. Coastal and inland marshes: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas south to the Yucatan Peninsula. SPHENOPHOLIS Scribn. Aveneae Five species in North America. 951. S. obtusata (Michx.)Scribn. (S. obtusata var. major(Torr.)Erdman) Alaska and Hudson Bay south to Mexico, native. Moist places: northern border states south to Oaxaca. SPOROBOLUS R. Br. Eragrosteae One hundred species in temperate and tropical regions, worldwide. S52. 0. aa6oides (Torr.)Torr. var. airoides. (S. schaffneri Mez) U. S. and Mexico, native. 398 PHY TO-LO GIA Vol. 37, no. k S. airoides (Torr.)Torr. var. airoides (cont'd) Alkali flats: northern border states south to Durango and San Luis Potosi. 952a.S. airoides var wrightii(Munro)Gould 953. 954. 952 956. 5/1 958. 959% 960. 961. U. S. and Mexico, native. Alkali flats: northern border states south as far as Mexico and Hidalgo. S. atrovirens Kunth Mexico, endemic. Baja Norte, Durango; Tamaulipas south to the Yucatan Peninsula. S. buckleyi Vasey U. S. and Mexico; British Honduras, native. Shady flats: Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas south to the Yucatan Peninsula. S. contractus Hitchc. U. S. and Mexico, native. Gravel slopes: Baja Norte, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila and San Luis Potosi. S. cryptandrus(Torr.)A. Gray U. S. and Mexico, native. Sandy soils: northern border states and Baja Sur. S. cubensis Hitchc. Mexico, West Indies; Central America south to Bolivia, native. "Southern Mexico" according to Swallen:Grasses of Guatemala. S. domingensis (Trin. )Kunth Florida, Carribean and Mexico, native. Beaches: Yucatan and Quintana Roo. S. flexuosus(Thurb.)Rydb. U. S. and northern Mexico, native. Mesas: Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila. S. giganteus Nash U. S. and Mexico, native. Mesas: Chihuahua and Coahuila. S. indicus(L.)R.Br. (S. poiretii R. & S., S.berteroanus Hitchc.) Mexico and West Indies to Colombia and Brazil, native. Sandy pine uplands: throughout Mexico. S. junceus (Michx. )Kunth U. S. and Mexico, native. Pine barrens: Veracruz and Chiapas. S. macrospermus Scribn. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Pine-oak:forests: Jalisco (type loc.) south to Chiapas. S. mulleri(Fourn.)Hitchc. (S. erectus Hitchc.) Mexico, endemic. Known only from Veracruz. 1977 965. 966. 967. 968. 969. 970. Ole 972. Jif 3ic 974. Beetle, Grasses from Mexico S. nealleyi Vasey U. S. and Mexico, native. Gypsophilous soils: Coahuila and San Luis Potosi. S. palmeri Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Alkaline soils: known only from Durango. S. patens Swallen U. S. and Mexico, native. Known only from Sonora. S. pulvinatus Swallen U. S. and Mexico, native. Wet gravels: northern border states south to Oaxaca. S. purpurascens (Sw.)Hamilt. U. S., West Indies, Mexico; Central America south to Peru, native. Salt flats: Revillagigedo Islands, Veracruz and Chiapas. S. pyramidatus (Lam.)Hitchc. (S. argutus Kunth) U. S., West Indies, Mexico; Central America south to Argentina, native. Salt flats: common throughout Mexico. S. regis I.M. Johnston Mexico, endemic. Salt flats: known only from Coahuila. S. spiciformis Swallen Mexico, endemic. Known only from Coahuila. S. trichodes Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Chihuahua, Jalisco (type loc.), Michoacan, Mexico and Veracruz. S. virginicus (L.)Kunth Tropical and subtropical coasts, worldwide. Coastal dunes and flats: Baja California, Sonora; Tamaulipas south to the Yucatan Peninsula. STENOTAPHRUM Trin. Paniceae OTD. Seven species, tropical and subtropical, worldwide. S. secundatum (Walt.)Ktze. Tropics and subtropics, worldwide, native? Commonly cultivated throughout Mexico. STEPA Ly. Stipeae 976. One hundred fifty species, temperate, worldwide. S. acuta Swallen Mexico, endemic. Rocky soils: Carneras Pass, Coahuila. 977. S. alta Swallen Mexico, endemic. Desert shrub: known only from Coahuila. 399 400 978. 979° 980. Sie 9827. 983. 984. 985. 986. 987. 988. 989. 990. 971. O92 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. S. angustifolia Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Mountain grassland: Coahuila (type loc.), Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and Puebla. S. bracteatq Swallen Mexico, endemic. Known only from Baja Norte. S. cernua Stebbins and Love U. S. and Mexico, native. Reported only from Baja Norte. S. clandestina Hack. Mexico, endemic. Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas, Aquascalientes and Michoacan. S. columbiana Macoun var. nelsoni (Scribn.)Hitchc. Canada, south to Mexico, native. Dry plains: reported only from Baja Norte. S. constricta Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Rocky slopes: Hidalgo (type loc.), Veracruz, Mexico and Oaxaca. S. coronata Thurb. U. S. and Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: reported only from Baja Norte. S. diegoensis Swallen U. S. and Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: reported only from Baja Norte. S. editorum Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Rocky slopes: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas south to Puebla. S. eminens Cav. U. S. and Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: northern border states south to Oaxaca. S. ichu (Ruiz. & Pav.)Kunth (S. liebmannii Fourn.) Mexico south to Argentina, native. Rocky slopes: San Luis Potosi south to Oaxaca. S. leiantha Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Rocky slopes: known only from Puebla. S. lepida Hitchc. U. S. and Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: reported only from Baja Norte. S. leucotricha Trin. & Rupr. U. S. and Mexico, native. Grassland: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas south to Mexico. S. linearifolia Fourn. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Central mountains: type from Mexico "prope Tacubaya". LOTT. Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 401 993. S. linearis Swallen Mexico, endemic. Rocky slopes: known only from Nuevo Leon. 994. S. lobata Swallen U. S. and Mexico, native. Reported only for Coahuila, cf. Hernandez X, 1964. 995. S. mexicana Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Central mountains: Mexico and Hidalgo. 996. S. mucronata HBK Mexico south to Argentina and Chile, native. Mountains: Chihua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon south to Chiapas. 997. S. multinodis Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Mountains: Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon south to Puebla. 998. S. neomexicana (Thurb.)Scribn. U. S. and Mexico, native. Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and San Luis Potosi. 999. S. parishii Vasey U. S. and Mexico, native. Deserts: reported only for Baja Norte. 1000. S. pringlei (Beal)Scribn. U. S. and Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: northern border states. 1001. S. pulchra Hitchc. U. S. and Mexico, native. Dry slopes: reported only for Baja Norte. 1002. S. robusta (Vasey)Scribn. (S. vaseyi Scribn.) U. S. and Mexico, native. Rocky slopes: Baja Norte, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. 1003. S. speciosa Trin. & Rupr. U. S. and Mexico, southern South America, native. Rocky slopes: reported only from Baja Norte. 1004. S. tenuissima Trin. Mexico; also Chile and Argentina, native. Rocky slopes: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz and Puebla. 1005. S. virescens HBK Mexico and Guatemala, native. .Pine woods: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon south to Chiapas. 1006. S. virletti Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Known only from San Luis Potosi. 402 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. STIPORYZOPSIS Johnson Stipeae Two or three species in North America. 1007. S. bloomeri (Bol.)Johnson Introduced. Cultivated: reported only from Coahuila. STREPTOCHAETA Schrad. Olyreae Two species in tropical America. 1008. S. sodiroana Hack. Mexico south to Ecuador, native. Tropical forest: reported only from Chiapas. 1009. S. spicata Schrad. Mexico south to Brazil, native. Tropical forest: Veracruz and Chiapas. STREPTOGYNE Beauv. Streptogyneae One species in the American tropics. 1010. S. americana Hubb. (including refs. to S. crinita) Mexico and Trinidad south to Brazil, native. Tropical woods: reported only from Veracruz. THRASYA HBK Paniceae Twenty species in the American tropics 1011. T. campylostachya (Hack.)Chase Mexico south to Bolivia, native. Pine forests: Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas. TRACHYPOGON Nees Andropogoneae Fifteen species in American tropics. 1012. T. angustifolius (HBK)Nees Mexico and Central America, native. Grasslands: San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco and Campeche. 1013. T. canescens Nees Mexico; Nicaragua; South America, native Grasslands: reported only from Oaxaca. 1014. T. gouini Fourn. Mexico, endemic (introduced in Cuba). Veracruz (type loc.). 1015. T. karwinskyi (Hack.)Nash Mexico, endemic. Known only from the type locality: "Mexico". 1016. T. montufari (HBK)Nees Mexico and Ecuador, native. Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi south to Chiapas. 1017. T. palmeri Nash Mexico, endemic. Known only from Jalisco. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 4,03 1018. T. plumosus (H.&B.)Nees (I. dactyloides (Steud.)Fourn.; T. dissoluta Nees; T. muelleri Fourn.) U. S., south to tropical South America, native. Reported only from Veracruz. 1019. T. secundus (Presl)Scribn. U. S. and Mexico south to Argentina, native. Baja Norte, Sonora and Chihuahua south to Chiapas and Tabasco. TRAGUS Hall Zoysieae Three species in tropics and subtropics, worldwide. 1020. T. berteronianus Schult. Introduced. Northern border states south to Oaxaca. TRIDENS R. & S. Eragrosteae Sixteen North American species. 1021. T. albescsns (Vasey)Woot. & Standl. U. S. and Mexico, native. Swales: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. 1022. T. elongatus (Buckl.)Nash U. S. and Mexico, native. Grassland: reported only from Nuevo Leon. 1023. T. eragrostoides (Vasey & Scribn.)Nash U. S., Cuba and Mexico, native. Swales: Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca and Yucatan. 1024. T. flavus (L.)Hitchc. U. S. and Mexico, native. Swales: reported only for Nuevo Leon. 1025. T. muticus (Torr.)Nash U. S. and Mexico, native. Swales: northern border states south to Durango, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi. 1026. T. texanus (S. Wats.)Nash U. S. and Mexico, native. Swales: Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi. TRINIOCHLOA Hitchc. Aveneae Three American species. 1027. £. laxa Hitchc. Ravine: reported only for Chihuahua. 1028. T. micrantha (Scribn.)Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Reported only for Mexico and Morelos (type loc.), native. 1029. T. stipoides (HBK)Hitchc. Mexico south to Bolivia, native. Pine woods: San Luis Potosi south to Chiapas. Lok PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. TRIPOGON Roth Eragrosteae Ten species, one in Americas, others African and in the East Indies. 1030. T. spicatus (Nees)Ekman U.S., Cuba, Mexico and South America, native? Dry banks: Durango, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi and Veracruz. TRIPSACUM L. Andropogoneae Nine species in the Americas. 1031. T. dactyloides (L.)L. U. S., West Indies and Mexico, native. Grasslands: Coahuila and Nuevo Leon south to Guerrero. 1032. T. lanceolatum Rupr. (I. acutiflorum Fourn.; T. lemmoni Vasey) Mexico, Honduras and Panama, native. Pine woods: common throughout Mexico. 1033. T. laxum Nash (I. fasciculatum Trin.) Mexico and Central America, native. Tropical forest margin: Morelos, Guerrero, Oaxaca. 1034. T. maizar Hernandez X and Randolph Mexico, endemic. Reported only for San Luis Potosi. 1035. T. pilosum Scribn. and Merr. Mexico, endemic. Forest margin: Chihuahua south to Chiapas. TRISETUM Pers. Aveneae Seventy-five species in temperate regions, worldwide. 1036. T. deyeuxioides (HBK)Kunth Mexico and Central America south to Ecuador, native. Mountain meadows: Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon south to Chiapas. 1037. T. evolutum (Fourn.)Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, Michoacan, Mexico, Guerrero and Veracruz (type loc.). 1038. T. filifolium Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Pine, oak woods: Chihuahua (type loc.) and Durango. 1039. T. interruptum Fourn. (I. californicum Vasey) U. S. and Mexico, native. Reported for Baja Norte (type loc. for T. californicum). 1040. T. irazeunse (Kuntze)Hitchc. (T. fournieranum Hitchc.) Mexico and Central America south to Ecuador, native. Pine woods: San Luis Potosi south to Chiapas. 1977 Beetle, Grasses fran Mexico 1041. T. palmeri Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Sonora, Coahuila, Sinaloa, Durango (type loc.) and Jalisco. 1042. T. pringlei (Scribn.)Hitchc. Mexico south to Panama, native. Meadows: Oaxaca (type loc.) and Chiapas. 1043. T. rosei Scribn. and Merr. Mexico and Guatemala, native. Mountains: Hidalgo, Mexico, Puebla and Chiapas. 1044. T. spicatum (L.)Richt. Arctic-alpine and south in the mountains, native. Mountains: Coahuila and Nuevo Leon south to Puebla. 1045. T. viride (HBK)Kunth Mexico, endemic. Mountains: Queretaro (type loc.), Mexico and Oaxaca. 1046. T. virletii Fourn. Mexico, endemic. Mountains: Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi (type loc.), Michoacan, Guerrero, Mexico, Morelos, Puebla and Veracruz. TRISTACHYA Nees Aveneae Five species in Mexico and South America. 1047. T. angustifolia Hitchc. Mexico, endemic. Known only from Nayarit. 1048. T. avenacea (Presl)Scribn. & Merr. (I. leiostachya Nees) Mexico and Guatemala, south to Brazil, native. Forest margin: Jalisco, Michoacan, Mexico, Oaxaca and Chiapas. 1049. T. laxa Scribn. & Merr. Mexico, endemic. Durango (type loc.) and Sinaloa. TRITICUM L. Hordeae Many cultivated types. 1050. T. aestivum L. (I. vulgare Vill.) Introduced. Commonly cultivated. UNIOLA L. Centotheceae Ten species in the Americas (cf. Chasmanthium Link) 1051. U. latifolia Michx. U. S. and Mexico, native. Reported only for Nuevo Leon. 05 406 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 4 1052. U. palmeri Vasey Mexico, endemic. Baja California, Sonora (type loc.), Durango and Coahuila. 1053. U. paniculata L. U. S. and Carribean and Mexico, native. Coastal dunes: Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco and Chiapas. 1054. U. pittieri Hack. Mexico and Central America south to Ecuador, native. Sea beaches: Baja California, Sonora, Sinaloa, Oaxaca and Chiapas. VULPIA Gmel. Festuceae Thirty species, temperate Europe and North and South America. 1055. V. bromoides (L.)Gray (V. dertonensis (All.)Aschers. & Graebn.) Introduced. Weedy: reported from Mexico and Chiapas. 1056. V. myuros var. hirsuta Hack. (V. megalura (Nutt.)Rydb.) Introduced? Weedy: Baja Norte, Sonora and Coahuila. 1057. V. pacifica (Piper)Rydb. Western North America from Canada to Mexico, native. Pine woods: Baja Norte and Baja Sur. YUSHANIA Keng Bambuseae Both Old World and New World, subtropics. 1058. Y. acuminata (Munro)McClure Mexico, endemic. Tropical forest margin: Veracruz. 1059. Y. aztecorum McClure and Smith Mexico, endemic. Tropical forest margin: Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco and Colima. ZEA L. Andropogoneae One or two American species under cultivation. 1060. Z. mays L. Subtropical America, native. Commonly cultivated throughout Mexico. 1061. Z. perennis (Hitchc.)Reeves and Mangels. Mexico, endemic. Described from Jalisco. 1977 Beetle, Grasses from Mexico 07 ZEUGITES P. Br. Eragrosteae Twelve species in the American tropics. 1062. Z. capillaris (Hitchc.)Swallen Mexico, endemic. Tropical forest: Jalisco and Colima (type loc.). 1063. Z. hackelii Swallen (Z. pittieri Hack. var. pringlei Hack.) (Z. latifolia pringlei (Hack.)Hitchc.) Mexico, endemic. Known from Jalisco (type loc.) and Mexico. 1064. Z. latifolia (Fourn.)Hems1l. Mexico, endemic. Tropical forest: Jalisco, Guerrero, Oaxaca (type loc.) and Chiapas. 1065. Z. mexicana (Kunth)Trin. Mexico south to Bolivia, native. Tropical forest: San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo, Guerrero, Veracruz and Chiapas. 1066. Z. munroana Hems1. (Z. hartwegi Fourn.) Mexico and Guatemala, native. Tropical forest: Chiapas. 1067. Z. pringlei Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Tropical forest: Jalisco, Michoacan, Guerrero, Mexico and Morelos (type loc.). 1068. Z. sagittata Hartley Mexico, endemic. Known only from type loc. at "Acatitlan". 1069. Z. smilacifolia Scribn. Mexico, endemic. Pine woods: Mexico and Morelos (type loc.). ZIZANIOPSIS Doell and Asch. Oryzeae Three or 4 species in the Americas. 1070. Z. miliacea Doell and Asch. U. S. and Mexico, native. Aquatic: reported only from Veracruz (R. Cruz Cisneros 140). NOTES ON NEW AND NOTEWORTHY PLANTS. CV Harold N. Moldenke STACHYTARPHETA ANGUSTIFOLIA f. RIONEGRENSIS Moldenke, f. nov. Haec forma a forma typica speciei serratura foliorum acutiora patentioreque et laminis perfragilibus recedit. This form differs from the typical form of the species and its previously described New World forms in having its leaf=blades extremely thin and fragile, decidedly nigrescent in drying, the serration on the margins conspicuously more acute and wide- spreading, the individual teeth of varying size. The type of the form was collected by Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius in woods at M. Araracoara, along the Rio Negro, Roraima, Brazil, and is deposited in the herbarium of the Botanische Staatssammlung at Munich. STACHYTARPHETA TRISPICATA var. OVATIFOLIA Moldenke, var. nov. Haec varietas a forma typica speciei laminis foliorum latiore ovalibus ovatisve l——.5 cm. latis recedit. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its leaf=-blades distinctly more broadly oval or ovate, the mature ones l——;.5 cm. wide at the widest point. The type of the variety was collected by Edmundo Pereira "rumo Anagé", Bahia, Brazil, on January 26, 1965, and is depos- ited in the herbarium of the Botanische Staatssammlung at Munich. The collector describes it as a shrub, 2--3 m. tall, with blue corollas. 1,08 FLORA OF THE NORTH CAUCASUS Otto & Isa Degener New York Botanical Garden We were impressed by the display of modern Floras, many beau- tifully illustrated in color, at the XII International Botanical Congress in Leningrad in 1975. We felt frustrated that these were figuratively as well as actually closed books to us by being printed in Russian in the Cyrillic alphabet. While on a week's tour of the Caucasus under leadership of Prof. A.I. Galushko, we emphatically expressed our conviction that the Science of Botany was hampered by so many botanists in different parts of the World publishing in a Babel of tongues. We broached the sug- gestion that Russian works should be accompanied by an English summary; and English, by a Russian one. Workers then would not only profit by foreign research, but would avoid wasting time by duplicating it. Qur opinion expressed to Dr. Galushko in 1975 was evidently convincing. It certainly fits in with Russia's wish for bi-na- tional scientific *collaboration. An example is the 200-page book about the "Flora of the North Caucasus and Questions of its History," edited and in part authored by Dr. Galushko in 1976. Though no English summary appears, subtitles are in English and the 1,000 - 1,200 Latin plant names, such as Achillea millefoli- um, Equisetum arvense, Quercus rubor and Xanthium californicunm, are in Roman type. Dr. Galushko, mindful of bi-national cooperation, under date of January 20, 1977, wrote us "that the interests of your and our scientists go beyond the limits of their own Contries.”" Without his kind help, we could never have prepared the follow- ing review: "Flora of the North Caucasus and Questions of its History," A. I. Galushko, Editor & Coauthor. 200 pages. 1976. 1 Pushkin Street, Stavropol, U.S.S. Russia. Price 1 ruble, 20 copeck. Chapter 1. Galushko, A.I. "An Analysis of the Flora of the Western Part of the Central Caucasus." 125 pages, 17 tables, 11 mapse. The flora of the highest parts of the Main Caucasus, namely Prielbrusye, Balkaria and Western Ossetia is systematic- ally, ecologically and arealogically analysed. It shows that ev- ery zone in the Central Caucasus is a refuge. Nine types of a- reals and 31 complexes have been noted: the boreal areal pre- dominates with 834 species or 36%, the Caucasian with 511 or 22%, the Mediterranean with 312 or 14%, the fore-Asiatic areal with 273 or 12%, and five less important ones. One hundred twen- ty four endemic taxa are attributed to the North Caucasus. A map shows the above centres of species formation, of which the Irwin, H.S. Détente and the Green World. Garden Journ. 176- 179.8 3976: 09 410 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, noe biggest, Elbrusski, has 27 endemics and the "Jurassic cuesta" has 21. Another map shows location of the nine principal refug- es. The role of enveirogenesis, glacial epochs and the epochs of arid climate in floragenesis is stressed. Contrary to many bota= nists, the author maintains that the Central Caucasus shows no vertical vicariism; but many examples of horizontal vicariism. This shows the antiquity of the oreophytes in the Caucasus and that the local oreophytes are not connected with the present flora of the plains and elevated areas. In short, the second are not derived from the first. Regarding the slacial period, contrary to the belief of many others, the author contends that "syncretic" or mixed floras prove the reality of glacial epochs and that the amount of syn- cretion of the periglacial flora is proportional to how far south glaciation extended. His evidence is based on analysis of recent periglacial floras of glaciers Ulluchiran and Karachul (extend- ing down to 3,200 m.), Azau (2,400 m.), and Besengi (2,130 m.). He maintains it is impossible to explain the floral compositions of every zone without postulating ancient and more recent broad glacial and interglacial migrations. egarding arid periods, he stresses their exclusive importance in floragenesis, and notes that in the Holocene the North Caucasus (presently part of the Boreal plant association) was a portion of the Mediterranean plant association, and that the flora of the Central Caucasus during the last 20,000 years fluctuated between boreal-mesophy- tic and xerophytic-Mediterranean as well as xerophytic and step- pe-like types. An example of a semiarid zone, or a zone of oreo-= xerophytes, shows the survival of the period when the Central Caucasus was part of the Mediterranean flora. Two maps illustrate his new floragenetic conclusions on the position of the zones in the glacial (Wtrm) and in the arid Holocene time. Maps show areas of numerous Caucasian species, the misration of mesophyllic and xerophyllic floras in the Caucasus during the Holocene; and ta= bles listing the species. A chronological survey of the main stages of floragenesis and a table of local changes in the Plio-=- cene-Pleistocene follow. Chapter 2. Prima, V.M. "Some Questions of the Floragenesis of the Upper Alpine Flora of the Hastern Caucasus." 27 pages, 1 map. This article, verifying Galushko's conclusions, divides the EKast-= ern Caucasus into three districts: Tersko-Argunski, Koisunski and Transsamurski. It compares the alvine and subnival floras of 269 species of the Eastern Caucasus, Verkhnaya Svanetia, Bolshaya Li-= akhva, Western part of the Central Caucasus, Central Transcauca= sus and Maly Caucasus (Armenian plateau). Chapter 3. Nemirova, E.S. "Geographical Distribution of Spe-=- cies Jurinea Cass., Sect. Neobellae Nemirova and some Questions of the Floragenesis." 4 pages, 1 map. The floragenesis of the ge= nus Jurinea (Asteraceae), an endemic Caucasian Section of Neo-= bellae, is given based on the geopraphic spreading of its taxa 1977 O. & I. Degener, Flora of the North Caucasus 411 throughout the Caucasus. Two centres of origin and the present occuvrence of taxa of Section Neobellae are vostulated. The Western Caucasus is the primary center where Pumilae and Levi- eranae of the Subsection Coronopifoliae and the Subsection Ma- mullosae thrive. In fact, Mammulosae is endemic to the Wester Caucasus. The Central Caucasian centre is a derivative even though an ancient one, within the limits of which the majority of species of Subsection Coronopifolia occur. They developed at the end of the Pliocene. In summary, the wealth of taxa in the Central Caucasus is due to two invasions: one during the Plio- cene and one during the Riss-Wttrm. A map shows the direction of migrations. Chapter 4. Prima, V.M. "On Some of the Particularities of the Upper Alpine Flora of the Baba-Dag Mountains." 14 pageSe A check list of taxa, many new, on the mountain Baba-Dag shows its rela- tionship in the Caucasian flora. Chavter 5. "Floragenetical Regions of the Peredovoj Ridges (Terski-Ridge and Sunjenski-Ridge) of Checheno-Ingushetia." 9 pages, 1 map. Five floristic regions and several subregions oc- cur such as the Malgobekski, Bragunski, Eastern part of the Sun- jenski Range, and Alkhanchurto-Sunjenski. The Bragunski rerfion is the most original. The most characteristic species are listed. Chapter 5. Prima, L.C., & Galushko, A.I. "On Aquatic Flora of Kissyk Lake." This article deals with the "Types of Woods and Forestry in the Checheno-Ingushetia." The reviewers are mortified that after preaching that articles in English should have a brief summary in Fussian printed in the Cyrillic alphabet that they can find no Russian scholar in the Is- land of Hawaii to write it for them, and no printer in Ann Arbor with a Cyrillic font to print it for them! Dr. Galushko, please ex- cuse us. DIAGNOSIS OF SOME NEW TAXA AND SOME NEW COMBINATIONS IN BIGNONIALES Cc. P. Sreemadhavan Department of Botany University of Jos Nigeria In my recently completed Ph.D. dissertation en- titled "Leaf architecture and systematics of the Acan- thaceae and related families" (University of South Florida, 1976) I have recognized several new taxa and made many new combinations. In anticipation of con- siderable delay in the publication of the disserta- tion in its entirgity the names of the new taxa and the new combinations are published in this paper. ie Acanthaceae Juss. emend. Sreem. Synonym: Acan- thoideae Lindau emend. Bremek. Proc. Nederl. Akad. Wet. C 58: 163. 1955. Type genus: Acanthus Linn. Justiciaceae (van Tieghem) Sreem. fam. et stat nov. Synonyms: Justicioideae van Tieghem Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. IX 7: 22. 1908. RuellioideaceBre— mek. Proc. Nederl. Akad. Wet. C. 58: D623 39)92955— Type genus: Justicia Linn. Meyeniaceae Sreem., fam. nov. Familia Pedaliaceae Thunbergiaceae Thomandersiaceaegue affine, proprie habitu scandenti; foliis simplicibus, haud lobatis, venis actinodromis; calyce 5-lobato; pollinis gra- nis (7)-8-(9) colpatis, perlobatis, peretrematis; capsulis rostratis, 2-4 semina exalbuminata fer- entibus. Typus familiae: Meyenia Nees. Nelsoniaceae (Nees) Sreem. fam. et Status nov. Synonyms: Acanthaceae Juss. tribus Nelsonieae Nees. DC. Prodr. 11: 48. 1847; Bremekamp, Proc. Nederl. Akad. Wet. C. 56: 545. 1953. Acantha- ceae subfam. Nelsonioideae Lindau, Bot. Jahrb. 18: 43. 1894, and Nat. Pflanzenfam. IV. 3b: 288. 1895. Type genus: Nelsonia R. Br. Thomandersiaceae Sreem., fam. novum. Familia Justiciaceae, Pedaliaceae, Acanthaceae Meyenia- ceaegue affine, proprie habitu fruticoso; caulibus non articulatis; foliis simplicibus, venis pinna- to-camptodromis, cystolithis carentibus; bracteis 412 1977 Sreemadhavan, Bignoniales 13 inconspicuis; pollinis granis 5-(¢)= colpatis, oblatis, peretrematis; capsulis obtusis ad api- cem, muris lignosis crassis, semina exalbuminata duo in quoque loculo ferentibus. Typus familiae: Thomandersia Baill. 6. Odontophyllum Sreem., Genus novum, Familia Acanth- aceae Juss. tribu Aphelandrea Lindau pertinens, Aphelandra R. Br. affine, proprie foliis serratis vel dentibus, venis pinnato-craspedodromis, venis secondariis vel processis eis dentibus et ultra extensis, spinis acutis simulantibus; nodis caulis saepe appendicibus spinosis bracteoideis armatis. Type species: Odontophyllum acanthus (Nees) Sreem. comb. nov. Basionym: Aphelandra acanthus Nees, DC. reeyele. Iie SOR 27 ar The following species are included in this genus. (Key to the abbreviations: Leonard = Leonard, E. C., Con- tributions from the U.S. National Herbarium. Vol. 31, part 2, pages 119-322. 1953; Wass. = Wasshausen, D.C., Phyvcologuas25:: 465-502. 1973). 2. Odontophyllum acanthifolium (Hook.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra acanthifolia Hook., Icon. Pl. 2, pl. Se Sse 3.) 10. benoistii (Wass.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra benoistii Wass., 498. 4. QO. castanifolium (Britt.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphe- landra GastantrolialBritt., Bulli; Torrey Bot. Club y27: 153 UNO 5. QO. chrysanthum (Wass.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra chrysantha Wass., 483. 6. QO. cinnabarinum (Wass.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra Cinnabarina Wass., 484. 7. QO. cGirsioides (Lindau) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra circioides Lindau, Fedde Repert. Nov. Sp. 1: 157. 8. QO. crispatum (Leonard) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra crispatum Leonard, 15l. lib P Bot :07 @ Gaivk Vol. 37, no. 9. QO. cuscoensis (Wass.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra cuscoensis Wass., 469. 10. QO. dasyanthum (Wass.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra dasyantha Wass., 474. 11. QO. euoplum (Leonard) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra euopla Leonard, 138. 12. QO. eurystomum (Mildb.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra eurystoma Mildb. Notizbl. 11: 64. 1930. 13. QO. formosum (Spreng.) Sreem. comb. nov. Hygrophila formosa Spreng. Syst. Veg. 2: 828. 1825. Aphelandra formosa (Spreng.) Nees, DC. Prodr. 11: 301. 1847.) Ruel lia formosa Humb. & Bonp., Pl. Aequin. 1: 167. pl. 48. 1813 non Andrews, 1810, nom. illeg. Ruellia formosa Humb. & Bonp. is a later homonym of R. formosa Andrews and cannot be considered for pur- poses of priority. Sprengel's Hygrophila formosa is then to be considered as a new name and not as a combi- nation and dating from 1825. H. formosa Spreng. is to be considered as the basionym for Nees' combination in Aphelandra also. 14. QO. gilvum (Leonard) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra gilva Leonard, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 31(3): 704. 1958. 15. QO. grangeri (Leonard) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra grangeri Leonard, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 31(3): TO Las £958. 16. Q. hieronymi (Brisb.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra hieronymi Grisb. Abh. Ges. Wiss. Goettingen 24: 260% TESi791. 17. QO. huelensis (Leonard) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra huilensis Leonard, 146. 18. QO. inaegualis (Lindau) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra inaegualis Lindau, Bull. Herb: Boiss. Seren sour 1895. 19. QO. juninensis (Wass.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra juninensis Wass., 471. 20. OQ. kokobanthum (Lindau) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra kokobantha Lindau, Ann. Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Geneve Ze SU LeU ole 1977 Sreemadhavan, Bignoniales Ws 21 0. longibracteatum (Lindau) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra longibracteata Lindau, Bull. Herb. Bioss. Seneporn 567.2 L895). 22. Q. luyensis (Lindau) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra luyensis Lindau, Notizbl. 8: 245. 1921. 23. OQ. lyratum (Nees) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra lyrata Nees, DC. Prodr. Js S02. s4air. 24. O. macrosiphon (Lindau) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphe- landra macrosiphon Lindau, Bull Herbs bOr SS Sis SOc 1895. 25. QO. mucronatum (Ruiz. & Pav.) Sreem. comb. nov. Justicia mucronata Ruiz. & Pav., Fl. Peruv. & Chil. Prodr. 1: 8. pl. 10. 1798. Aphelandra mucronata (Ruiz Shave) Nees, DC... Prodr. 11: 301. .1847. 26. Q. mutisii (Leonard) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra mutisii Leonard, 136. 27. OQ. peruvianum (Wass.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra peruviana Wass., 470. 28. ©. phainum (Wass.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra phaina Wass., 492. 29. O. phoberum (Leonard) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra phobera Leonard, 143. 30. Q. porphyrocarpum (Leonard) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra porphyrocarpa Leonard, 140. Sil). porphyrolepis (Leonard) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra porphyrolepis Leonard, 134. a2< 0% reticulatum (Wass.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelarm dra reticulata Wass., 493. 33. Q. yubrum (Wass.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra rubra Wass., 494. 34. QO. runcinatum (Klotzsch ex Nees) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra runcinata Klotzsch ex Nees, DC. Prodr. ll: SOA RA 35. O. rusbyi (Britt.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra Bishoyie Perce., Bull... Torrey Bot...Club., 272. 77-. 1900. 416 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, now 36. QO. superbum (Lindau) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra superba Lindau, Ann. K. K. Naturh. Hofmus. Wien. Li6s deo One. 37. QO. tillettii (Wass.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra tillettii Wass., 473. 38. QO. viscosum (Mildb.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelandra ViscosaMaaidb. ENOtLzbl es) 1-166). 2IS0r 39... 00. weberbaueri (Mildb.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphe- landra weberbauer?) Milidb., Notizbl. i: ) or 40. QO. wurdackii (Wass.) Sreem. comb. nov. Aphelan- dra wurdackii Wass., 472. 7. Andrographis rotundifolia (Sreem.) Sreem. comb. et stat. nov. Andrographis neesiana Wt. var. rotundifolia Sreem. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 8: 9l. 1966. Leaf architecture of A. neesiana Wt. var. rotund- ifolia shows major differences from that of the typi- cal variety sufficient to raise it to the rank of a species. I thank the late Professor Robert W. Long (Univ- ersity of South Florida, Tampa, Florida) and Dr. Leo J. Hickey (Division of Paleobotany, Smithsonian Insti- tution, Washington, D.C.) for discussion during the course of this work, and Dr. William D'Arcy (Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis) for translating the -diag- nosis into Latin. THE VARIATIONS OF DELISSEA SUBCORDATA GAUD. LOBELIACEAE HAWAIIAN PLANT STUDIES 62 Harold St. John Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, Box 6037, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A., 96818. Delissea subcordata was one of the four original species when the genus was described by Gaudichaud. It occurs on both mountain ranges of Oahu, in three separate areas, and also on Kauai. The plants of each area have a characteristic habit, and look different from those of the other regions. The flowers and fruits are homogeneous, but divergent characters are evident in the foliage. These Plants of different localities are best recognized as varieties. Key to Varieties of Delissea subcordata A. Blades broadly obtuse, elliptic ovate, crenate, the base rounded; corolla 60 mm long. var. obtusifolia. A. Blades acute to subacuminate, B. Blades crenate (or serrulate), ovate lanceo- late, the base subtruncate, then shortly cuneate; corollas 57-60 mm long. var. waikaneensis. B. Blades denticulate or serrate, C. Blades coarsely bidenticulate, lanceolate to ovate, often with several short lobes near the base; corollas 45-50 mm long. var. subcordata. C. Not so, D. Blades biserrate, lanceolate, the base shortly cuneate; corollas 55 mm long. var. waialaeensis. D. Blades coarsely unequally curved dentic- ulate, the base rounded to subcordate. var. kauaiensis. Delissea subcordata Gaud., var. subcordata. Bot. Vey. Uranie 457, 1829; Atlas pl. 77, 1826-16305 Hillebrand, Fl: Haw. Is: 249, 1888; Rock, B. P. Bishop Mus., Mem. 7(2): 345, pl. 195, 1919; Wimmer in Engler's Pflanzenreich 417 18 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. IV, 276b: 42-43, 19565) Degener, \Fl: Haws 339: 12/28/60. Holotype: Iles Sandwich, C. Gaudichaud (P). The single leaf preserved is shown in a photo (BISH) . Oahu, Waianae Mts.: from the windward slopes of Mt. Kaala, Degener 20,633; also Forbes 1,813.0; Inouye 76; Mann & Brigham 573; Montgomery et al.; Nagata & Obata 1,117; Russ; and to the south: Palakoa Valley, W. A. Bryan; Puu Kanehoa, Stone 3,455; Kaluaa Gulch, Obata & Palmer325; Puu Kaua, St. John 21,531; Huliwai, Russ. Original Diagnosis: "ramosa, foliis ovatis, argute dentatis, glabris; calycibus quinque- dentatis.”" Var. kauaiensis var. nov. Diagnosis Holotypi: Foliis 13-18 cm longis 9-11 cm latis ovatis ad elliptici-ovatis subacuminatis basi rotundata ad subcordata inter- dum in tertia infera cum 1-2 lobis lanceolatis marginibus grosse inaequaliter curvati-denticu- latis. Diagnosis of Holotype: Blades 13-18 cm long, 9-11 cm wide, ovate to elliptic ovate, sub- acuminate, the base rounded to subcordate, sometimes with 1-2 lanceolate lobes in the lower 1/3, the margin coarsely unequally curved denticulate; petioles 8-16.5 cm long. Holotypus: Sandwich (=Hawaiian) Islands, Kauai Island, H. Mann & W. T. Brigham (BISH). Var. obtusifolia Wawra, Flora 31: 7, 1873; Hillebrand, Fl. Haw. Is. 249, 1888; Rock, Bishop Mus., Mem. 7(2): 349, 1919; Wimmer in Engler, Pflanzenreich IV, 276b: 43, 1956; Degener, Fl. Haw. 339: 12/28/60. Original Diagnosis: "foliis quam praecedenti multo amplioribus, rotundatis.” Expanded Description: Blades 14-22.5 cm long, 9.5-12 cm wide, elliptic ovate, obtuse, the base rounded, the margin crenate; petioles 7-12.5 cm long; corollas 60 mm long. Holotype: Hawaiian Islands, "Oahu, Halemanu, ex hb. Hillebrand." (W). 1977 St. John, Variations of Delissea subcordata 419 Specimens Examined: Hawaiian Islands, Oahu Island, Koolau Mts., Waikane, Waikane-Schofield ieawieOct. 6, W932, NN. Ho Krauss. Var. waialaeensis var. nov. Diagnosis Holotypi: Laminis 16-24 cm longis 7-9.5 cm latis lanceolatis acutis ad subacum- inatis basi breve cuneata biserratis. Diagnosis of Holotype: Blades 16-24 cm long, 7-9.5 cm wide, lanceolate, acute to subacuminate, the base shortly cuneate, biserrate; petioles 8-18 cm long; corollas 55-60 mm long. Holotypus: Hawaiian Islands, Oahu Island, Waialae Valley, Oct. 15, 1914, C. N. Forbes 1,945.0. (BISH) . Specimens Examined: Hawaiian Islands, Oahu Island, Wailupe Valley, right fork, 12 Jan. 1920, D. W. Garber & Forbes 173; Wailupe, W. Hillebrand & J. M. Lydgate; Tantalus, G. CC. Munro 10; Pauoa Valley, June 1908, J. F. Rock 4,859a; Niu Valley, Aug. 22, 1909, Rock 4,859. Var. waikaneensis var. nov. Diagnosis Holotypi: Laminis 14-27 cm longis 7.5-11 cm latis ovati-lanceolatis acutis ad subacuminatis basi subtruncata tum breve cun- eata crenatis (vel serrulatis). Diagnosis of Holotype: Blades 14-27 cm long, 7.5-11 cm wide, ovate lanceolate, acute to sub- acuminate, the base subtruncate, then shortly cuneate, crenate (or serrulate); petioles 6-16 cm long; corollas 57-60 cm long. Holotypus: Hawaiian Islands, Oahu Island, Koolau Range, Waikane, May 6, 1934, H. Morley (BISH) . Specimens Examined: Hawaiian Islands, Oahu Island, Waikane Valley, near stream, 1,000 ft alt., 4/17/32, E. P. Hume 540; Waikane, wooded VoltovemeOOmEt alLt., June 21, 1931, Ho St. John 11,108; Waikane, Waikane-Schofield trail, wet woods, Peete, OCt. 16,1932, St. John 12,118; Waikane Valley, by ditch trail in small ravine, S0Q0Stttalt., May 10,1931, W..B. Storey 70. The specimens cited are all in (Bish), unless otherwise indicated. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE ERIOCAULACEAE. LXXVI Harold N. Moldenke SYNGONANTHUS NITENS var. KOERNICKEI Ruhl. Additional bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 28: 40 (197), 31: 382 & 386 (1975), 36: 75 & 78 (1977), and 37: 270 & 273-=275. 1977. Ruhland (1903) describes this variety as "Differt vaginis glabris vel sparse patentissimo-pilosis; pedunculis gracillimis", basing it on G. Gardner 5279 from Minas Gerais, Brazil, and Wed- dell 1914 from | "Sttmpfen dei | Salitre", also Minas Gerais. Obvious- ly t this is the same taxon as KOrnicke's Paepalanthus nitens var. e based on the same cotypes, but KUrnicke describes it as "vagin- is pilis brevissimis arcte appressis puberulis; pedunculis rigid- ulis". Recent collectors describe the plant as a palustrine herb, to 30 cm. tall, the leaves in basal rosettes, the inflorescence-heads grayish or gray-white, and the flowers white. They have found it growing in wet places on campos and on wet slopes among sedges, at 700—1000 m. altitude, flowering and fruiting in August and September. Irwin and his associates report it as “common on wet sandy periodically flooded creekbanks", "locally common, the heads rising to the level of the surrounding grasses on wet slopes", and "locally common, forming dense stands among grasses in cerrado", Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 718 from Serra do Cipé, Minas Gerais, collected in 1921. Material of this variety has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria under the designations Paepalanthus nitens var. -y Ktrn., Syngonanthus gracilis Ruhl., S. gracilis var. aurea Ruhl., S. nitens (Bong.) Ruhl., and S. nitens var. filiformis 3 (Bong. ) Ruhl. On the other hand, the Hatschbach 8488, distributed as S. nitens var. koernickei, seems better placed a as var. filiformis and Hassler 9430 is var. hirtulus. Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Humbert & Schultes 27319 (P). BRAZIL: Bahia: Ltttzelburg 1519 (Mu). Distrito Feder- al: Irwin & Soderstrom 5229 (Ld, N, W--2759027), 582) (Ld, N, N, W—2759026) , 5981 (N); Irwin, faire & Reis dos Santos 7867 Chas N). Mato Grosso: Harley 11532 (K). Paran4: Hatschbach 156 (Sp—- 53968), 8488 (Z); F.C. Hoehne s.n. [6-11-28] (Sp—2 353) 5 | Krieger 100), (Sp—138) « “Sio Paulo: _ Brade 6591 (Mu); Lankester s.n. [S&o Paulo, .VI.1937] (K). State undetermined: Sellow C.271 [Serra do San fanpeyy (B). PARAGUAY: Hassler 671 (Ca—94490 L, N N), 94436 (Ca—950383, Mi, N, V-—-7007), 9436a (Ca--929543, N), 9436b (Ca-- 950382, N, V-—7006). aT wee 20 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 421 SYNGONANTHUS NITENS f. MALMII Moldenke, Phytologia : 129. 1952. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 4: 129 (1952) and h: 326. 19533 Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 27: 98). 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 108 & 492. 19593 Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 175 (1971) and 2: 96h. 1971. This form differs from the typical form and all other described varieties in having the leaves closely appressed-pilose, the hairs whitish and often reflexed. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: Malme 1966a (W— 1483447—isotype) . SYNGONANTHUS NITENS f. PILOSUS Moldenke, Phytologia : 129-—130. 1962. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia h: 129--130 (1952) and h: 326. 1953; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 27: 984. 1953; Moldenke, Résu- m6 108 & 492. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 175 (1971) and 2: 964. 19713 Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 386 (1975), 36: 75 (1977), and 37: 270. 1977. This form differs from the typical form of the species and all other named forms and varieties in having its leaves spreading- pilose. Recent collectors have found the plant growing in cerrado and in sandy pantanal, in wet ground at the edge of brejo (sedge meadow), and in marshy areas in cerrado on watersheds, at alti- tudes of 700—900 m., flowering and fruiting in July and August. The Rosa collection cited below does not appear to exhibit the spreading-pilose pubescence on the basal leaves, but otherwise the leaves seem to be identical with those of other collections of this form and not with those characteristic of the species in its typical form or other named forms and varieties. It is placed here tentatively. Material of this form has been misidentified and distributed in herbaria as S. gracilis (KSrn.) Ruhl. and S. nitens (Bong.) Ruhl. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Goids: Macedo 3353 (N). Mato Grosso: P, W. Richards 6486 (N, Z); Swallen 9611 (N, W--1933187). SYNGONANTHUS NITENS var. VIVIPARUS Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 223. 1973. Synonymy: Stachytarpheta nitens var. viviparus Hocking, Ex- cerpt. Bot. A.23: 292, sphalm. 197k. Bibliography: Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 56: 69. 1973; Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 223 & 230. 1973; Anon., Biol. Abstr. 56 (1): B.A. S.I1.C. S.254. 1973; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A. 23: 292. 197h; Mol- denke, Phytologia 28: 63 (197) and 30: 7h. 1975. This variety differs from the typical form of the species and all other named forms and varieties in its much smaller stature, the leaves only about 1 cm. in length, the peduncles 5—15 cm. 422 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. long, and the flower-heads often conspicuously viviparous with the involucral bractlets becoming leaf=-like and 1--8 pedunculate plantlets 2—-3 cm. long developing per head. The type collection is a mixture with Paepalantms manicatus V. A. Pouls. Citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Irwin, Harley, & Smith 32510 (N— isotype, Z—-type). SYNGONANTHUS NITIDUS (Bong.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h- 20): 271. 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon nitidum Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 636. 1831 [not E. nitidum Blume, 1832, nor Buch.-Ham., 1832, nor Hort., 1831]. Paepalantims nitidus Kunth, Emam. Pl. 3: 528. 181. Dupatya nitida (Bong.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Dupatya nitida Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Bibliography: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 636 (1831) and ser. 6, 2: 226—-227, pl. 1h. 1832; Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 35, 63-6, & 226--227, pl. 14. 1832; Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585. 180; Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 528, 579, 613, & 625. 1841; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 262. 1852; Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 2: a 281 & 334. 1855; Kirn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 309, 437--L38, & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 879 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 02. 189); Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 271, 272, 286, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 19. 1928; Stapf, Ind. Lond. 3: 91. 19303; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 1913; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 879 (196) and imp. 2, 2: 02. 1946; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 19, 30, 38, 51, & 59. 1916; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenace, [ed. 21, 92 & 213. 1949; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 15. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 108, 281, 290, 326, & 492. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 879 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 02. 1960; Moldenke, Phytologia 17: 88. 1968; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 18: 5. 1969; Moldenke, Phytologia 19: 238 & 2h. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 175 & {83 (1971) and 2: 507, 587, & 96h. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 25 (1976) and 35: 303. 1977. Illustrations: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 2: [Ess. Monog. Erioc.] pl. 1h. 1832. Bongard's original (1831) description of this species is "a- caule; foliis caespitosis vaginis brevioribus patenti-diffusis, linearibus obtusis glabris; pedunculis caespitosis vaginisque ad- presse pilosiusculis. T. XIV. Habitat in Brasilia", based on an unnumbered Riedel collection from "auf etwas feuchten Campos" in Minas Gerais, Brazil, probably deposited in the Leningrad herbar- ium. Kunth (181) elaborates on the description, but cites no specimens. Ruhland (1903) adds Glaziou 20011, also from Minas Gerais. Silveira (1928) adds A. Silveira 50 from Serra do Cipé, Minas Gerais, collected in 1905. “Wr 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 423 Segadas-Vianna and his associates encountered this plant in "locais desmudos da restinga arborescente, dominante, substratum arenoso, topografia local plana, umidade mfnima, luminosidade , abundancia alta, frequéncia alta", It has been found in anthesis in March and September and in fruit in September. The Eriocaulon nitidum credited to Buchanan-Hamilton in the synonymy above is a synonym of E. cinereum R. Br. (not of E. sexangulare as stated by Jackson, 1893), while that credited to Blume and to "Hort." is a synonym of E. sexangulare L. Material of S. nitidus has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria under the designations S. habraphys Ruhl. and S. habrophyus Ruhl. Citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Glaziou 20011 (B, Z), 2001 (B). Rio de Janeiro: Segadas-Vianna, Dau, Ormond, Machline, & Lorédo I.9h0 [Herb. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 108889] (W--237079), Z). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 23 226--227, pi. ie 18 32 (N, 2). to be contimed] BOOK REVIEWS Alma L. Moldenke "GENES, ENZYMES, AND POPULATIONS" edited by Adrian M. Srb, xv & 359 pp., illus., Plermm Publishing Corporation, London NW1O 6SE & New York, N. Y. 10011. 1973. $27.00. This book is Volume 2 in the Basic Life Sciences and it incor- porates the proceedings of the 12th International Latin-American Symposium held in Cali, Colombia near the end of 1972 to consider "Fundamental Approaches to Plant and Animal Improvement" through "basic mechanisms that determine and control phenotypes and the ways in which it is possible to manipulate them, both at the laboratory bench and in the open field, in order to produce new individuals with certain features of greater value to mankind and a greater resistance against natural enemies". Twenty-six well prepared, illustrated and documented papers cover such topics as the molecular aspects of mitochondrial com plementation and heterosis in Triticum, cell and tissue culture techniques as aids in economic plant improvement — with a long list of "banked" items, factors favoring formation of androgenet— ic embryos in anther culture as in Datura and Nicotiana, repair of radiation and chemical damage to DNA in human cells, chromo- some knobs in Latin-American maize, insect control with gamma- raySe 2h PVR Ze ToO°ERO18 Tek: Vol. 37, no. 4 It is hoped that enough of this information will filter down in practical "green revolution" form to assist in the nutrition- al and economic needs of the still increasing third world popu- lation. "CHEMTLUMINESCENCE AND BIOLUMINESCENCE" edited by M. J. Cormier, D. M. Hercules, & J. Lee, xvi & 515 pp., illus., Plemm Press of Plenum Publishing Corporation, London NW10 6SE & New York, N. Y. 10011. 1973. $27.50. This excellent, comprehensive and advanced treatment presents the 33 invited lectures with edited versions of the discussions following them and the abstracts of the contributed papers from the Second International Conference on Chemiluminescence convened at the University of Georgia in October 1972. The papers, off- set printed from the typed manuscripts, are arranged according to the following topics: Introduction, Theory and Gas Phase Reactions, Oxygen Reactions, Radical Ions, Organic Reaction Mechanisms, Chem- ical Mechanism in Bioluminescence, and Applications of Chemilumin- escence, with these last three topics of greatest interest to biologists. Ocean dredging at 10--20 m. of a ton of sea-pansies, Renilla reniformis, yielded 1 mg. of pure Renilla luciferin naturally in light-producing particles herein introduced with the term lumi- somes. Lumisomes were found in all species of bioluminescent Anthozoa and Hydrozoa coelenterates studied and they contain luci- ferase, photoprotein and the green fluorescent protein. In reference to the "pure, applied or limited" university re- search programs Dr. Thrush mentioned that when he, Dr. Clyne and Dr. Wayne studied the chemiluminescent NO* 03 reaction it was "entirely for the inherent interest of the problem....but did not foresee its importance in measuring pollution at ground level and from supersonic aircraft". There are the usual list of participants, list of authors cited in the text and their bibliographies, and a subject index. "PHYTA" Volume 1, Botanical Society, University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya Campus, Sri Lanka, 8 pp., mimeographed. 1976. This issue is devoted to "The Revision of the Flora of Ceylon" by L. H. Cramer S,. J. which is currently a joint enterprise of the University of Sri Lanka [=Ceylon], the native Department of Agri- culture and the Smithsonian Institution and is supervised by Dr. Ray Fosberg. QYT LG vs PHYTOLOGIA Designed to expedite botanical publication Vol. 37 November 1977 No. 5 CONTENTS GOLDING, J., The nomenclature of the genus Begonia.............. 425 ST. JOHN, H., Notes on Eugenia (Myrtaceae) and Holoragis (Haloragaceae) from southeastern Polynesia: Pacific EEE EES a IN Tig ic OP a UR BE 8 RE Bee 44] WARD, D. B., Keys to the flora of Florida — 4, Nymphaea EES RA aA Re ha oat rs eA SR RE Oe, 443 WARD, D. B., Corrections in Paronychia (Caryophyllaceae)........+- 449 MacROBERTS, D. T., New combinations in Tradescantia ........... 451 RAJU, V. S., & RAO, P. N., Certain new combinations in the genus MME es Ea G Yi Yo PA Aa are ica aL ER eg CeeLate & aha RR 453 KING, R. M., & ROBINSON, H., Studies in the Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). CLXIV. Various notes and additions ........ 455 KING, R. M., & ROBINSON, H., Studies in the Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). CLXV. A new genus, Goyazianthus ......... 461 HOLMES, W. C. & McDANIEL, S., Notes on Mikania (Compositae)—IV . 467 ST. JOHN, H., The native Hawaiian Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae): EMT IATIT STUCICS OS. Siva sc vos Dace Swi nega nm Skew pe fe 476 FADEN, R. B., The genus Rhopalephora Hassk. (Commelinaceae)..... . 479 STEYERMARK, J. A., New combination in Witheringia ............ 482 MOLDENKE, H. N., Additional notes on the Eriocaulaceae. LXXVI ... 485 Munsee rent... Book reviews ...... 2... <6. ee cee cee wees 500 Index to authors in Volume Thirty-seven ..........000 000 eeeeee 502 Index to supraspecific scientific names in Volume Thirty-seven ....... 503 ES 0) ead Ng fey dee eh dik ee hwinh og bc 512 Published by Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L. Moldenke 303 Parkside Road Plainfield, New Jersey 07060 U.S.A. Price of this number $2; per volume $9.75 in advance or $10.50 after close of the volume; 75 cents extra to all foreign addresses; 512 pages constitute a volume; claims for numbers lost in the mails must be made immediately after receipt of the next following number. THE NOMENCLATURE OF THE GENUS BEGONIA JACK GOLDING 47 Clinton Ave. Kearny, N. J. 07032 This is a review and interpretation of the port- ions of the International Codes of Nomenclature appli- cable to the names of the genus Begonta. Special em- phasis is given to the names of hybrids and cultivars. The rules for naming plants are set forth in The International Code of Botantcal Nomenclature 1972 (ICBN). This Code governs the use of botanical names primarily of wild plants, and names in Latin of culti- vated plants, and has a special section, Appendix I, for the names of hybrids. The names of plants in cultivation with emphasis on natural and artificially created hybrids are govern- ed by The Internattonal Code of Nomenclature for Cul- ttvated Plants 1969 (ICNCP), These nomenclature Codes were evolved by the dili- gent work of many experts and, while there is general agreement in the interpretations of their rules, there is no unanimity on all details. There even are some contradictions within the Codes and between them, par- ticularly concerning collective epithets and notho- morphs. I have tried to make those interpretations that will best avoid confusion and provide stability With Begonia names. The orthography and style of writing the names cited have been corrected as required by the rules of The Internattonal Code of Botanical Nomenclature. The original spelling or style used by the author is within parentheses following the corrected name. DEFINITIONS Spectee is the basic rank for the classification of wild plants. The characteristics of the individ- uals of this category, while variable, are still with- in recognizable limits that distinguishes them from all other units within a genus. Plants of a species, including those of its in- fraspecifiec ranks, that are selfed (the pollen of a male flower applied to the stigma of a female flower 425 26 FHYE TOPO GTS Vol. 37, no. 5 of the same species) produce offspring that are true (have characteristics within the same recognizable limits that distinguish the species). These off- spring are not considered hybrids and are treated nomenclaturally at the same rank as their parents. A variety is a subdivision of a species, with some minor characteristics that differ from other members of the species. A form is a subdivision of a variety or species that differs from the other members usually by one characteristic. A hybrid is the offspring of the sexual union of plants belonging to different taxa (taxonomic groups). The various derivatives from the same parents, or mul- tiple parents of the same two taxa, are designated collectively as a hybrid population, hybrid group, or grex (flock). A nothomorph is a botanical designation for wild or cultivated variant of an interspecific hybrid. A cultivar is a selected cultivated variety of a plant (either species or hybrid), that is clearly dis- tinguished by any character that is retained when it is reproduced, either sexually or asexually. HIERARCHY "Every individual plant is treated as belonging to a number of taxa of consecutively subordinate rank." The hierarchy (all the categories of taxa arranged in order according to their ranks) for the names of Begonta (based on the Tippo system of classification) is the same for all plants through the rank of genus as follows: RANK NAME Division Tracheophyta Subdivision Pterospermae Class Angiospermae Subclass Dicotyledoneae Order Begoniales Family Begoniaceae Genus Begonta Subordinate to the rank of Genus, the categories are different for a species, hybrid or cultivar. 1977 Golding, Nomenclature of Begonia 27 SPECIES NAMES For a species, the infragenerte categories are the ranks subordinate to Genus down to the rank of Species and may be: Subgenus, Section, Subsection, Series, Subseries. Of these, for Begonta, only the rank of Section has been used. Infraspecifie categories are the ranks subordinate to Species and may be Subspecies, Variety, Subvariety, Form and Subform. For Begonia, the ranks of Subvar- iety and Subform have not been used and Subspecies has been used very infrequently. As an example, the hierarchy of the species Be- gonta (Lepsta) foltosa var. mintata would be as foll- OWS: RANK NAME Genus Begonta Section Lepsta species foltosa (specific epithet) Variety mintata (varietal epithet) A name at the rank of Form may be used in addi- tion to (or instead of) a name at varietal rank. ' These names in Latin are printed in a type face that stands out from the rest of the text; frequently this is accomplished by the use of italic type, (or of underlining in typescript). The genus and section Mames are capitalized, the others are lower-cased. A specific or infraspecific epithet derived directly from the name of a person, may, under the ICBN, be capitalized. For uniformity, I prefer always to use lower case as recommended by the ICBN. The names of the species may be written Begonia (Lepsta) foltosa HBK, but frequently, the section name, Lepsta, is omitted. For accuracy as a bibliographical reference and for full identification, the name or abbreviated name of the author(s) who first validly published the species name is added after the specific epithet: e.g., Begonta foltosa HBK (abbreviation for Humboldt, Bon- pland & Kunth). 428 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 5 But when the name of a variety is added, the name of the author(s) of the variety must be added, and the author (HBK) of the species epithet may be omitted, e.g., Begonia foltosa var. mintata Smith & Schubert. Names at the rank of species, variety and form are used only for naturally occurring plants collected in the wild. But selected distinctive variants of these occurring in cultivation may be given a cultivar name. HYBRID NAMES Hybrids are assigned to taxa of two principal ranks, intergeneric [hybrid] and interspecific [hy- bridle An intergeneric hybrid is a hybrid between species of two or more genera and has the rank equivalent to genus. I do not know of any intergeneric hybrids of the Family Begoniaceae, so we are not concerned here with this category. An tinterspectfte hybrid is a hybrid between Species (taxa of species rank) of the same genus, and has the same rank as species. I suggest the substitu- tion of "taxa of species rank" for "species" in this definition because the ICBN provides that a hybrid has the same rank as its highest ranking parent. There- fore, an interspecific hybrid can be the derivative of a cross, not only between two species (e.g., Begonia eritspula X Begonta dreget), but also between a hybrid and a species (e.g., Begonia Xfuscomaculata X Begonia heracleifolia), or between a species and a hybrid culti- var (e.g., Begonia hydrocotylifolta X Begonia ‘Lenore Olivier”) ; BOTANICAL DESIGNATIONS OF HYBRIDS Before the establishment of the ICBN, there was no universally accepted style for writing the names of hy- brids. Many authors, as was the custom in their time wrote the hybrid names in Latin and did not distinguish them from the names of species. The botanical names in Latin form for interspeci- fice hybrids and their derivatives are now governed by the ICBN. Such hybrids are designated either by a formula or a name. 1977 Golding, Nomenclature of Begonia 29 A formula consists of the names of the two parents connected by the multiplication sign (X) (e.g., Begonta olsontae Smith & Schubert X Begonia suther- landit Hooker f.) or the name of the genus followed by the specific epithets of the two parents connected by the same sign (e.g., Begonia olsontae X suther- Landti), A formula is a statement of parentage; it clearly designates the entire hybrid population. The sequence of the names or epithets in a form- ula may be either alphabetical or with the name or epithet of the female parent first, when it is known. With these optional methods of listing the parents it is not possible to be certain which is the female par- ent unless it happens to start with a higher initial letter. The ICBN also specifies that all derivatives from the same two species are designated by the same formula (even though the male and female parents are interchanged). For example, with the female parent listed first, the formula for cultivar Begonia 'Emer- aude' is Begonia boltviensts X vettehit, and for the cultivar Begonia 'Topaze', it would be Begonia veit- chit X boltvtensts. But they are derived from the same two species and must be designated by the same formula, making it impossible to list the female par- ent first for one of them. It is more logical and less confusing always to list the parents alphabeti- cally. The name of an interspecific hybrid is a binomial consisting of the name of the genus and a multiplica- tion sign (X) preceding a single (one word) epithet; e.g., Begonta Xweltonensis J. B. Weber. This is the botanical name of the hybrid and must conform to the rules of the ICBN. When botanical names are used in naming hybrids, all descendants of crosses between in- dividuals of the same parent species should have this same name. So the epithet would be considered the collective diesignation for the entire hybrid popula- tion and all the individuals within it. But this is confusing if applied retroactively to the older botanical hybrid names. These epithets apparently were often based by their authors on one distinctive plant and primarily are used to designate only that individual. When these basic botanical hy- brid names are alone (without the additions of a cul- tivar epithet) they often are used as the designation for the individual. 430 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 5 Some typical examples of basic botanical hybrid names are: Begonia Xantontetae Brade, Rodriguesia 32:165, t7. 1957 (X Begonta Antontetae) Begonta Xerythrophylla Herincq, Rev. Hortic. Ser 3, 1:111. 1847 (Begonta erythrophylla) Begonta Xitngramit Moore, Gard. Mag. Bot. 2: 153,t, 1850. (Begonia Ingramit) Begonta Xweltonensis J. B. Weber, Rev. Hortic. 47:105, 1875. (Begonta Weltontensis) FORMULAS, NOT EPITHETS Designations consisting of the epithets of the parents combined in unaltered form by a hyphen, or with the termination of only one epithet changed, are considered to be formulas and not true epithets e.g., Begonta peltato-sanguinea A. Dietrich, Alleg. Gar- tenz. 15:283, 1847 which is not a true epithet but must be considered to be a formula meaning Begonia peltata Otto & Dietrich X Begonta sanguinea Raddi. Begonta mantcata-dtipetala Berol. is not a true epi- thet and must be considered to be a formula meaning Begonta mantcata Brongniart X Begonta dtpetala Graham. The correct binary name for this hybrid is Begonia Xwarscewttztt Herincq. NOTHOMORPH Nothomorph is a variant of an interspecific hy- brid, that occurs either in the wild or in cultivation. It is designated by a botanical epithet in Latin and is subject to the rules of the ICBN. It has the same relation to a hybrid name that variety and form have to a species name. Nothomorph is not the same as the category culti- var, which designates only cultivated variants. An author has the option of designating a culti- vated variant of a hybrid, either as a nothomorph by complying to the rules of the ICBN, or as a cultivar per the rules of ICNCP. 1977 Golding, Nomenclature of Begonia 431 Under the ICBN, epithets subordinate to the bin- ary name of a hybrid published before 1 Jan. 1975 at the other ranks (e.g., variety or form,which are to be used only for variants of natural species) are to be changed to the rank of nothomorph. e.g., Begonia Bunehtt was described in 1914 by L. H. Bailey (Stan- dard Cyclopedia of Horticulture) as a form of Begonia Xfeastit (Feastit) (a synonym of B, Xerythrophylla Herineg). The rank of variety or form must be trans- ferred to nothomorph: Begonia Xerythrophylla nm. bunehtt pro. var. The hierarchy of the hybrid Begonia Xerythro- phylla nm. bunehii is: RANK NAME Genus Begonta Species(Interspecific hybrid) erythrophylla Nothomorph bunchtt CULTIVAR NAMES The full name of a cultivar consists of the bot- anical or common name at species rank and the cultivar epithet. Cultivar epithets designate different cultivated variations of a population. Since 1959, cultivar epithets are fancy names in modern language, markedly different from botanical epithets in Latin. The fancy name is distinguished clearly from the botanical or common name, either by placing the abbreviation cv. before it, or by enclos- ing it within single quotation marks, and by capital- izing each word of the epithet: Begonta Xfuscomaculata cv. Reichenheim Begonia crispula X dreget 'Crispie' Begonta olsoniae X sutherlandtt cv. Victoria Kartack A cultivar epithet can be established by pub- lishing in conformance with the rather simple rules of the ICNCP, or by the acceptance of the cultivar name by a registration authority and the inclusion of that name in a register. The international regis- tration authority for Begonia is the American Begonia Society. Registration is not mandatory but is highly recommended. 432 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 5 Article 19 of the ICNCP states that a plant of an interspecific hybrid, when introduced into cultiva* tion, must be given a cultivar name in addition to the collective epithet or formula, even if only one cultivar is known. A formula is clearly a collective designation for the entire hybrid population so it is logical to designate selected individuals from this population by a cultivar epithet e.g., Begonia hydrocotyltfolta X ‘Lenore Olivier' cv. Clara Elizabeth Begonta hydrocotylifolita X ‘Lenore Olivier' Gertrude Nelson As noted above, botanical hybrid names have been used to designate the individual upon which the au- thor based the name. But by the addition of a culti- var epithet to a basic botanical hybrid name, it is transferred to a collective name for the entire hy- brid population. For example, John Seden crossed Begonia vettchtt Hooker f. with Begonia boliviensts A. DC. One of the progeny was described and illustrated in Veitch's Catalogue of Plants: 2, fig, 1872 and given the name Begonia Xintermedia. This basic name Begonta Xinter- media is used to designate the individual plant de- scribed by Veitch. From the same two species, L. Van Houtte devel- oped hybrids that were described by him in Flores des Serres 19:26, 1873. They were given the French epi- thets Emeraude and Topaze. Since they are selected cultivated variants derived from the same two species, they take the same (now a collective) name Begonia Xintermedta plus a cultivar epithet, i.e. Begonta Xintermedia "'Emeraude' and Begonia Xintermedta 'Topaze'. G. Legros in Revue Horticole, 66:247, t93 & t94, 1894, described and illustrated a Begonta with the epithet Bertinit (Bertini), but he did not know its origin, In an article, "L'origine du Begonta Ber- tintt" (Bertint) in Revue Horticole, 66:294, 1894, Monsieur Lemaitre explainted "The Begonia Bertinit (Bertint) is a cross-breeding of vettehti and boli- vitensis...." Therefore, this is also designated as a 1977 Golding, Nomenclature of Begonia 33 cultivar, Begonta Xintermedia 'Bertinii'. The example after Article 15 ICNCP implies that cultivar names can be abbreviated by the deletion of the epithet at species rank. For precision, when a cultivar epithet is appended to a botanical name, I recommend that the full name be used. For example, if the cultivar name Begonia Xerythrophylla 'Helix' was abbreviated, it would become Begonia ‘'Helix' and lose its identity as a cultivar of the interspecific hybrid Begonta Xerythrophylla. COMMON NAMES The common name for members of the genus Begonia in English is begonia. Various begonias have been given common names such as wax begonia, trout begonia and angel wing begonia. The same common name is often used for various plants, or the same plant may have different common names. It is best not to use common names to identify Begonia. GROUP DESIGNATIONS In addition to the designations of groups by bot- anical collective epithets, e.g., Begonta Xechetmantha Everett, Begonta Xhtemalis Fotsch, Begonia Xtuberhy- brida Voss,- a collective epithet may also be a word or phrase of not more than three words, in a modem language. Normally all derivatives from the same par- ental combination have the same collective epithet in a modern language, but custom has also established the use of these collective epithets to designate groups of Begonia with common horticultural characteristics. Typical names of this type are: Begonta Rex-Cultorum Hybrids Begonta Semperflorens-Cultorum Hybrids Begonta Tuberhybrida Hybrids Other group designations are horticultural class- ifications used as convenient headings in books, cat- alogues, or to classify similar types of plants ina flower show. Typical groups of this type are: rhiz- omatous, stemmed, tuberous, semituberous, cane-like, shrub-like, etc. 43h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 5 These do not have any rank in the hierarchy of plant names and are not regulated by either Code. No attempt is made here to list all the potential group and subgroup designations, these are determined and used by other authors for their particular purposes. ANNOTATED RULES FOR BOTANICAL NAMES OF HYBRIDS Under Article 40 (ICBN), to be validly published, names of hybrids of specific or lower rank with Latin epithets must comply with the same rules as those for names of nonhybrid taxa of the same rank. These rules are: i; The names must be effectively published by the general distribution of printed matter, or at least to botanical institutions with libraries accessible to botanists (Art. 29 ICBN). Publication by indelible autograph (handwirtten text that cannot be rubbed out), in a tradesman's catalogue, in nonscientific news- papers, and by printed matter accompanying exsiccata (dried specimens) is considered effective if it was before 1 Jan. 1953. Publication in a seed exchange list is effective before January 1973. 2. To be validly published, a name of a new plant taxon must be accompanied by a Latin description or diagnosis or by reference to a previously and effec- tively published Latin description or diagnosis of the taxon (Are. 936) LEBN) . Exceptions: (a) names published before 1 Jan. 1935 with a description or diagnosis in other languages. (b) a name published before 1 Jan. 1908 accompanied only by an illustration with analysis showing essential characters. 3. Publication of the name of a new taxon is valid only when the nomenclatural type is indicated [Art. 37 ICBN], except for names published before 1 Jan. 1958. 4. For the name of the taxon to be accurate and com- plete, it is necessary to cite the name of the au- thor (s) (Art. 46 ICBN). ort Golding, Nomenclature of Begonia 35 Under Article 50 of ICBN "When the status of a taxon bearing a binary name is altered from species to interspecific hybrid, or vice versa, the name of the original author must be cited, followed by an in- dication in parenthesis of the original status. A similar indication of original status must be given, when an infraspecific taxon is altered in status to nothomorph, or vice versa. If it is desirable or nec- essary to abbreviate such a citation, the indication of original status may be omitted (and usually is) ." For example, Begonta ricintfolta A. Dietrich (pro. sp.) was originally published as a species (Allg. Gar- uenz. 15:282, 1847) but was later determined to be a hybrid (Klotzsch, Begoniaceen: 95, 1855). Begonia Xweltonensts nm. alba hort. (pro. var.): originally alba was published as a variety of Begonia Xweltonensis but in accordance with the current rules, it is cited as a nothomorph. ANNOTATED RULES FOR CULTIVAR NAMES A cultivar epithet published on or after 1 Jan. 1959 must be a fancy name, except a valid botanical epithet in Latin form for a plant subsequently con- sidered to be a cultivar is to be retained. But, it must be distinguished in the same way as a fancy name by being written in a different type than that used for species names (this is usually roman type), with the initial letter capitalized, and separated from the botanical name by the use of single quotes or the abbreivation cv. Any cultivar name is legitimate when established in accordance with the articles of the ICNCP, or established by legal process, such as by entry in a statutory register (Art. 33). Before 1 Jan. 1959, to be legitimate, a name must be published in printed matter distributed to the public (Art. 37). The name must be approved by the originator of the cultivar, or his assignee (Art. 41). The name must be for a cultivar that does, or did, exist (Art: 42). After 1 Jan. 1959, to be legitimate, a cultivar name must also be: 36 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 5 Published in printed matter dated at least as to the year (Art. 38). Accompanied by a description, or by reference to a previously published description as a cultivar or in any botanical category (Art. 39). SUMMARY Stability in the names of hybrids and cultivars of Begonta can be best maintained by observing the following recommendations: Formulae should be used as collective designa- tions: Begonia olsonta X sutherlanditt ‘Victoria Kartack' Begonta dreget X ‘'Ienore Olivier’ cv. Nancy Gail Botanical names in Latin form based on an indivi- dual maybe the designation for that individual, ex- cept when followed by a cultivar epithet. Begonta Xerythrophylta Herincq Begonia Xfuscomaculata A. Lange Begonta Xingramit Moore Begonia Xweltonensis J. B. Weber The botanical rank, nothomorph, should be used for variants of a basic interspecific hybrid. Begonta Xerythrophylla nm. bunchit Bailey Begonta Xweltonensts nm. alba hort. Cultivar epithets designate the selected culti- vated variants from a population, e.g., the following cultivars were all derived from the same parents des- ignated by the formula Begonia hydrocotylifolta X ‘Lenore Olivier': Begonia 'Clara Elizabeth', Begonia "Gertrude Nelson', Begonia 'Lil O'Neil', Begonta 'Ques- tion Mark' and Begonia 'Posy Wahl’. A cultivar name that includes a botanical name should not be abbreviated, e.g., Begonia Xerythro- phytla ‘Helix’, 1977 Golding, Nomenclature of Begonia 437 ACKN OWLEDGEMENTS Gratefully I acknowledge all those who assisted with the preparation of this monograph, Carrie Karegeannes for her editing, our many dis- cussions and her probing questions that caused me to be more explicit with my interpretations, Drs. GilbertDaniels, Robert Read, Bernice Schu- bert and Stephen Spongberg for their critical review of my preliminary draft, their corrections and sugges- tions, Drs. Fred A. Barkley, Jan Doorenbos, Mildred Mathias and Lyman B. Smith for their helpful comments. The responsibility for the final determinations of the various interpretations of the Codes is mine. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bailey, L. H. 1914. Standard cyclopedta of hortt- . culture. New York: Macmillan Co. Baranov, A., & Barkley, F. A. 1974, The secttons of the genus Begonia. Boston: Northeastern Uni- versity. Barkley, F. A. 1972. The sections of the Begoniaceae. inewsusccontan, Ib, . Supply.) A. ---. 1972. Begoniaceae: the genera, sections and known species of each. The Buxtontan 1, 4. “---. 1975. Begonta studies. The Begonian 42: 83-87. ---, & Golding, J. 1974. The species of the Begon- taceae. 2ded. Boston: Northeastern University. ---, & Boghdan, K. S. 1975. Botanically speaking, What are the Begoniaceae? The Begonian 42: 296-300. Brade, A. C. 1957. Begoniaceae. Rodriguesta 32: 165-166 ,.t.7. Brilmayer, B. 1961. Belva Nelson Kusler--Begonia hybridist. The Begontan 28: 196-7, 205. Buxton, B. R. 1932. Begontas and how to grow them. Boston: Massachusetts Horticultural Society. w--. 1946. Begonias and how to grow them, New York: Oxford University Press. ee-; Carleton, E.; & Graham, A. 1957. Buxton check ltst of begonias. 2ded. Los Angeles: Ameri- Can Begonia Society. 438 Pens TO EO) Girk Vol. 37, no. 5 =---, 1958.--—- Supplement No. t. ---. 1962.--- ——— NG 25 ---,. 1967.--- em No.3. Candolle, A. de. 1864, Begoniaceae, Prodromus 15, 1 206-408. Paris. Chevalier, C. 1938. Les Begonias. Liege: Ecole Professionnelle. ---. 1975. Begonias, Chevalier. English transla- tion by Alva G. Graham. California. Dietrich, A. 1847. Beschreibung von zwei neuen Be- gonien, Allgemeine Gartenzettung 15, 36:281-283. Doorenbos, J. 1970. Check List of Begonta spectes. Wageningen. Everett, T. H. 1939), 1940. The collection eR oe— gonias grown at the New York botanical garden. Journal of the New York botanteal garden 40.41. -=-. 1941. Seale st eZ 22. Carpopodia enlarged and contorted with irregularly shaped cells; inflorescene with laxly ascending branches; pappus setae not smooth on outer surface; petioles often narrowly winged (Texas, Meteo Gs 27 MEM.) 9S. Bee) ly eerie 22. Carpopodia small, short-cylindrical with small cells; inflorescence with stiffly spreading branches; pappus setae smooth on outer surface, scabrae mostly restri- 66 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 5 cted to lateral margins of setae (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil) Austrobrickellia References King, R.M. & H. Robinson 1971. Studies in the Eupator- ieae (Asteraceae). LIV. The genus Symphyopappus. Phytologia 22(2): Li5=LL7. Robinson, B. L. 1913. A key to the genera of the Comp- osite-Eupatorieae. Proc. Amer. Acad. 49:429-437, Acknowledgement This study was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Grant DEB77-13457 to the senior author. NOTES ON MIKANIA (COMPOSITAE) - IV Walter C. Holmes Institute for Botanical Exploration and Dept. Biological Science, Northwestern State University of Louisiana, Natchitoches, Louisiana and Sidney McDaniel Institute for Botanical Exploration and Dept. Botany, Mississippi State University Mississippi State, Mississippi The following new species are presented preliminary to a general treatment of Mikania in Peru. MIKANIA AREOLATA Holmes & McDaniel, sp. nov. Suffrutex volubilis; foliis ovatis, ad 8 cm longis et 6 cm latis, apice acutis, basi cordatis, marginibus integris; inflorescentiis corymbosis; capitulis ca 12-13 mm longis; corollis ca 6 mm longis, dentibus limbi deltatis, ca 0.5 mm longis; achaeniis ca 4.5 mm longis; pappi setis ca 90-100, ca 5 mm longis, barbellatis. Liana, stems terete, costate-sulcate after drying, finely puberulent (especially at the nodes), internodes to 20 cm long, nodes slightly enlarged, with lacerate, puberulent, stipular-like enations. Leaves ovate, ca 8 cm long and 6 cm wide, margins entire to somewhat weakly serrate, apices acute, bases cordate, upper surfaces puberulent, palmately 5-7 nerved from the base, nerves puberulent, lower surfaces puberulent-pilose, lighter than above, veins exserted, tertiary veins forming areolae, petiole ca 4 cm long, puberulent. Inflorescence corymbose, ca 6 cm long and 10 cm wide, bracteal similar to cauline, though reduced, branchlets puberulent, branching trichoto- mously, heads usually arranged in 3's, pedicels 2-5 mm long. Heads 12-13 mm long, exterior bract obovate, 6-7 mm long, somewhat pilose, apices rounded, bases cuneately narrowed to a petiole-like structure, 3-5 nerved, ciliolate, borne at the summit of the pedicel. MInvolucral scales ca 10 mm long, puberulent, densely so at the tips, greenish, appearing to have lavender tips, apices rounded. Corolla pale greenish-yellow, ca 6 mm long, tube ca 3.5 mm long, throat campanulate, ca 2.5 mm long, teeth deltoid, ca 0.5 mm long. Achene ca 4.5 mm long, black, ribs white. Pappus bristles ca eRe Cel ca 5 mm long, barbellate. 7 468 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 5 Holotype: PERU: Amazonas: Cerro Calla Calla, 45 km above Balsas, midway on road to Leimebamba, June 19, 1964, P. GC. Hutehinson & J. Ki 'Wrisht S75a (CE). Superficially Mikania areolata resembles M. cordi- folia (L. f.) Willd. in habit, but may be distinguished by its terete rather than hexagonal stems. The heads are also considerably larger, ca 12-14 mm in length, exterior bract somewhat petiolate, and corolla teeth ca 1/2 or less the length of the throat proper making it clearly separable from M. cordifolia with heads ca 10 mm in length, the exterior bract similar to the involucral scales and the corolla teeth around the same length as the throat proper. Similar in head size is M. chimborazensis Hieron. with heads ca 15-16 mm long, but with glabrate involucral scales, the corolla ca 9 mm long and the achene ca 6 mm long. Mikania areolata has involucral scales that are pilose, the corolla is ca 6 mm long, and the achene ca 4.5 mm long. MIKANIA BREVIFAUCIA Holmes & McDaniel, sp. nov. Suffrutex volubilis; foliis triangularibus, ad 6 cm longis et 3.5 cm latis, apice acuminatis, basi cordatis, Marginibus dentatis vel crenatis; inflorescentiis corymbosis; capitulis ca 10 mm longis; corollis ca 6 mm longis, dentibus limbi anguste triangularibus, ca 2.5 mm longis; achaeniis ca 3-3.5 mm longis; pappi setis ca 70, ca 5 mm longis, barbellatis. Twiner, stems terete, striate to weakly costate, villous, soon glabrate to puberulent, internodes to ca 13 cm long, nodes with laciniate stipular-like enations ca 6 mm wide, the teeth ca 2-3 mm long. Leaves triangular, ca 6 cm long and 3.5 cm wide, villous, glandular, apices acuminate, bases cordate, palmately 3-7 nerved, margins dentate to somewhat crenate, lighter below, petioles to 2 cm long, villous, bracteal leaves similar to cauline, only smaller. Inflorescence corymbose, to ca 9 cm wide and 6 cm long, branchlets terete, villous. Heads ca 10 mm long, pedicels 1-3 mm long, villous, exterior bract lanceo- late to narrowly ovate, ca 3.5 mm long, pilose to somewhat villous, apices acuminate. Involucral scales linear to lanceolate, densely pilose to villous, apices acuminate. Corolla ca 6 mm long, tube ca 3.5 mm long, throat scarcely distinguishable from tube, ca 0.5 mm long, teeth narrowly triangular, ca 2.5 mm long. Achene 3-3.5 mm long, brownish with white ribs, slightly pubescent toward the top (near pappus bristles). Pappus bristles ca 70, white, ca 5 mm long, weakly barbellate, narrowed toward the apex. 1977 Holmes & McDaniel, Notes on Mikania 69 Holotype: PERU: Cuzco: Convencion, Tanamanche to Quello- mayo, 3700 m, July 25, 1944, C. Vargas C. 4447 (F). Salient diagnostic characters include the triangu- lar leaves with dentate to crenate margins and the stipu- lar-like nodal appendages. These appendages are ca 6 mm wide with laciniate teeth ca 2-3 mm long. The corolla is ca 6 mm long, the throat proper scarcely distinguish- able from the tube and the narrowly lanceolate teeth of ca 2.5 mm in length imparts a somewhat rotate appearance. As a whole, the plant is villous, some parts densely so. Related species include Mikania cordifolia (L. f.) Willd., a widespread species, and M. cristata Robins. of Costa Rica and Panama, because of similar habits, inflor- escence, head. size, etc. The two above species have ovate leaves with entire margins, clearly different from the triangular leaves with dentate to crenate margins of M. brevifaucia. The new species also lacks the hexagonal Stems of M. cordifolia. The stipular-like enantions are much smaller than those of M. cristata, a nearly glabrate plant. MIKANIA CONGLOMERATA Holmes & McDaniel, sp. nov. Suffrutex volubilis; foliis ovatis, ad 22 cm longis et 15 cm latis, apice caudatis, basi truncatis vel sub- cordatis, marginibus integris; inflorescentiis conglomeratis, capitulis ca 6 mm longis; corollis ca 4 mm longis, denti- bus limbi deltatis, ca 0.5 mm longis; achaeniis ca 2 mm longis; pappi setis ca 35, ca 4 mm longis, barbellatis. Liana, stems terete, striate, with white sessile glands, internodes to 30 cm long. Leaves broadly ovate, somewhat coriaceous, to ca 22 cm long and 15 cm wide, margins entire, revolute, apices caudate, bases truncate to subcordate, upper surfaces glabrate, subpinnately 5-7 nerved from near the base, tertiary veins prominent, transverse, lower surfaces glabrate, veins exserted, petiole to ca 5 cm long, sulcate. Inflorescence panicu- late, heads sessile, disposed in very dense sphaerical glomerules ca 2 cm in diameter, branchlets angular- flattened, puberulent. Involucral scales elliptic- oblong, ca 4 mm long, puberulent, apices rounded, cilio- late. Corolla ca 4 mm long, white, scarcely fragrant, tube ca 1.5 mm long, throat narrowly campanulate, ca 2.5 mm long, teeth deltiod, ca 0.5 mm long. Achene (immature) ca 2 mm long. Pappus bristles ca 35, ca 4 mm long, barbellate, slightly thickened at the tips. 470 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 5 Holotype: PERU: Huanuco. Pachitea, Honoria, Bosque Nacional de Iparia, a lo largo del Rfo Pachitea cerca del campamento Miel de Abeja, October 24, 1967, J. Schunke V. 2249 (US). Mikania conglomerata is characterized by large leaves up to 22 cm long and 15 cm wide with caudate apices. Heads are sessile and congested at the tips of the branches into very dense spherical glomerules ca 2 cm in diameter. Among the Peruvian species of Mikania, this new species superficially resembles M. hookeriana H. & B., which lacks the dense glomerules and caudate leaf apices. Mikania hookeriana also possesses involucral scales with prominently swollen bases, not found in M. conglomerata. The broadly ovate leaves distinguish the new species from M. desmocephala Robins. of Peru and Bolivia, a plant with ovate-oblong leaves. MIKANIA GLANDULIFERA Holmes & McDaniel, sp. nov. Suffrutex volubilis; foliis late ellipticis, ad 13 cm longis et 6 cm latis, apice attenuato-caudatis, basi truncatis, marginibus integris; paniculis capitulis in spicas; capitulis ca 6 mm longis; corollis ca 3 mm longis, dentibus limbi ca 0.7 mm longis; achaeniis ca 2 mm longis; pappi setis ca 35-40, ca 3.5 mm longis, scabridis. Liana, stems terete, striate-costate, glabrate, with dark glandular punctations, especially near the nodes, internodes to ca 16 cm long. Leaves elliptic to elliptic-ovate, membranous, to ca 13 cm long and 6 cm wide, margins entire, apices attenuate-caudate, bases tuncate to obtuse, upper surfaces glabrate, with dark glandular punctations near midvein, pinnately veined, lower surfaces with dark glandular punctations, petiole to ca 3 cm long, with dark glands. Inflorescence panicu- late, the ultimate segments spicately arranged, branchlets angular, puberulent, with dark glands. Heads sessile, ca 6 mm long, exterior bract lance-elliptic, to ca 1.5 mma long, apices acute, often with dark glands. Involucral scales elliptic-oblong, ca 5 mm long, glabrate, with a few glands, apices rounded, densely pilose, bases some- what swollen. Corolla ca 3 mm long, white, tube ca 1.5 mm long, throat ca 1.5 mm long, turbinate, teeth lanceo- late, ca 0.7 mm long. Achene ca 2 mm long, brownish. Pappus bristles ca 35-40, white, ca 3.5 mm long, scabrid. Holotype: PERU: Hu&nuco: Pachitea, Bosque Nacional de Iparia, Rio Pachitea cerca del campamento Miel de Abeja, January 6, 1967, Jose Schunke V. 1487 (US). 1977 Holmes & McDaniel, Notes on Mikania 71 The strictly spicately disposed heads and elliptic- oblong membranous leaves characterize this species. In addition, the leaf surfaces, stems and heads have dark glandular punctations. Involucral scales are glabrate with pilos2 tips and ca 5 mm in length. It is seemingly near Mikania leiostachya Benth., a plant with subcoria- ceous leaves, lacking evident glandular punctations and with involucral scales 3-3.5 mm long. MIKANIA HEXAGONOCAULIS Holmes & McDaniel, sp. nov. Suffrutex volubilis, caulibus hexagonis; foliis ovato-ellipticis, ad 14 cm longis et 6 cm latis, apice attenuatis, basi rotundis, marginibus integris; inflor- escentiis corymbosis; capitulis ca 12 mm longis, sessili- bus, ternatis; corollis ca 5.5 mm longis, dentibus limbi triangularibus, ca 0.8 mm longis; achaeniis 4.5 mm longis; pappi setis ca 60-70, ca 6.5 mm longis, barbel- Latis, Climbing liana, stems hexagonal, reddish-brown, finely puberulent to somewhat scurfy. Leaves ovate- elliptic, semi-fleshy, to ca 14 cm long and 6 cm wide, margins entire, apices attenuate, bases rounded, intense green when fresh, pinnately veined, secondary veins closely following midvein after branching, then abruptly separating and arching toward the apex, above finely puberulent, below lighter, glandular and somewhat puberu- lent, petiole 1.5-2 cm long. Inflorescence corymbose, ca 8 cm wide and 7 cm long, branchlets angular, densely puberulent. Heads sessile in groups of 3's, ca 12 mm long, exterior bract ovate, ca 1 mm long, glandular and weakly puberulent. Involucral scales greenish-yellow, the outer oblong, 6 mm long, weakly glandular, puberulent, apices rounded, margins ciliate, the inner narrowly obovate, ca 7 mm long, glandular, puberulent, apices obtuse, margins ciliate. Corolla narrow, white, ca 5.5 mm long, the throat scarcely distinguishable from the tube, teeth narrowly triangular, ca 0.8 mm long. Achene ca 4.5 mm long, gradually enlarging from base to apex, olivaceous. Pappus bristles ca 60-70, white, barbellate, ca 6.5 mm long. Holotype: PERU: San Martfn: Palo Branco, al oeste del puente; Mariscal Caceres, Tocache Nuevo, December 16, 1972, J. Schunke V. 5734 (F). Mikania hexagonocaulis is characterized by its hexagonal stem and sessile, ternately disposed heads. It is apparently related to M. parviflora (Aubl.) Karst. as seen in head disposition and leat characters. However, 472 Pon ¥ T:O0h/O'G. vk Vol. 37, no. 5 M. parviflora possesses a terete stem and has exterior bracts nearly as long as the involucre and somewhat petiolate, clearly distinct from the sessile ovate bract of ca 1 mm long of M. hexagonocaulis. The corolla throat and tube of the new species are scarcely discernible, those of M. parviflora are readily discernible. MIKANIA PENDULA Holmes & McDaniel, sp. nov. Suffrutex volubilis: -foliis ‘ovatis , ad) l@tem longis et 5 cm latis, apice attenuatis, basi subcordatis, marginibus serratis; paniculis capitulis in spicas; capitulis ca 5-6 mm longis; corollis ca 3-4 mm longis; dentibus limbi triangularibus, ca 0.5 mm longis; achaeniis ca 2 mm longis; pappi setis ca 35-40, ca 3 mm longis, barbellatis. Slightly woody liana, stems terete, striate- costulate, glabrous to sparingly puberulent, internodes to 12 cm long. Leaves ovate, to ca 10 cm long and 5 cm wide, margins serrate, teeth ca l cm apart, apices attenuate, bases subcordate, upper surfaces glabrous, 5-7 nerved from the base, tertiary veins prominent, lower surfaces glabrate, often glandular atomiferous, petiole to ca 3.5 cm long, glabrous. Inflorescence paniculate, the ultimate branches spicately disposed, branchlets irregularly angled to flattened, slightly pilose. Heads 5-6 mm long, exterior bract elliptic, ca one-half the length of the involucre, glabrate, some- what ciliate toward the rounded apex. Involucral scales oblong, ca 3-4.5 mm long, glabrate to puberulent, apices obtuse, bases slightly enlarged. Corolla narrowly funnel- form, ca 3-4 mm long, glandular, tube 1-2 mm long, throat gradually expanded, ca 1-2 mm long, teeth triangular, ca 0.5 mm long. Achene ca 2 mm long, greenish. Pappus bristles ca 35-40, white, ca 3 mm long, barbellate. Holotype: PERU: Cuzco: Convencion, Quellomayo to Lucumayo, 2800 m, July 26, 1944, C. Vargas C. 4485 (F). Paratype: PERU: Cuzco: Huallpocunca, Pillahuanta, Paucan- tambo, 2800-3100 m, June 14, 1940, C. Vargas C. 1917 (GH). Known only from Cuzco, Peru. The new species is characterized by ovate leaves with subcordate bases, palmate nerves and prominently serrate margins. Heads are disposed in spikes. The only other Peruvian species of Mikania known to possess serrate leaves, though not always, and spicately disposed heads is the easily dis- tinguishable M. psilostachya, a scabrous plant with heads 1977 Holmes & McDaniel, Notes on Mikania 4,73 ca 10 mm long. Mikania pendula is smooth and has heads ca 5-6 mm long. As noted on the label of the holotype, this species is named for its pendent habit. MIKANIA SIMPSONII Holmes & McDaniel, sp. nov. Sufttrutex volubilis:. foliis verticillatis vovatis, ad 14 cm longis et 6.5 cm latis, apice attenuatis, basi acutis ad obtusis, marginibus integris; paniculis capitulis in) spicas; capitulis ca 6.5 mm longis; corollis’ca 3 mm longis; dentibus limbi lanceolatis, ca 1.0 mm longis; achaeniis ca 2.5 mm longis; pappi setis ca 33-35, ca 3.5 mm longis, barbellatis. Liana, stem terete, pithy, lightly puberulent, soon glabrate, internodes ca 6.5 cm long. Leaves ver- ticillate (3 at a node), ovate, to ca 14 cm long and 6.5 cm wide, margins entire, apices attenuate, bases acute to obtuse, upper surfaces dark green, glabrous, pinnately veined, with 2-3 pairs of secondary veins prom- inent and arching toward the apex, lower surfaces medium green, glabrous, reticulate-alveolate, with at least the prominent veins darkened, petioles to ca 2.5 cm long, thickish. Inflorescence a lax panicle with the heads ultimately disposed in rather open spikes, to ca 20 cm long and 25 cm wide, the branchlets irregularly angled to terete, puberulent, with linear bracts near the base, ca 0.5-1.5 cm long. Heads ca 6.5 mm long, ex- terior bract lance-ovate, ca 1/3 the length of the involucre, glabrate, apices acuminate. Involucral scales oblong, ca 4 mm long, glabrate, apices rounded, white inside. Corolla ca 3 mm long, tube ca 1.5 mm long, throat abruptly expanded, ca 1.5 mm long, corolla teeth lanceolate, ca 1.0 mm long, distinctly longer than the throat proper. Achene ca 2.5 mm long, glabrous, dark brown, ribs white, distinctly narrowed at the apex. Pappus bristles ca 33-35, light carneous, ca 3.5 mm long, barbellate, thickened at the tips. Holotype: PERU: Loreto: Maynas, Alto Nanay, trail near Santa Maria de Nanay, March 4, 1968, Donald R. Simpson 781CUS) i This species known only from the type is the only Peruvian Mikania with whorled leaves. Among the Brazil- ian Mikania there are two species with whorled leaves and heads disposed in spikes, M. subverticillata Sch.-Bip. with considerably smaller dentate Teaves and M. triphylla 7h PoBi¥ BO.deO'G, DA Vol. 37, no. 5 Sprengel ex Baker with narrowly lanceolate leaves. Both of these species have corolla teeth distinctly shorter than thethroat proper. Mikania simpsonii has ovate entire leaves with the corolla teeth greater than the length of the throat proper. Another similar species is M. araguensis Badillo of Aragua, Venezuela, with whorled leaves and spicately disposed heads. However, this species has elliptic leaves with cuneiform bases and corolla teeth shorter in length than the throat proper. MIKANIA TURBARICOLA Holmes & McDaniel, sp. nov. Suffrutex volubilis; foliis ovatis, ad 7 cm longis et 4 cm latis, apice attenuatis, basi truncatis, mar- ginibus integris ad irregulatim dentatis; paniculis ad 15 cm longis; capitulis ca 9 mm longis; corollis ca 4.5 mm longis, dentibus limbi deltatis, ca 0.5 mm longis; achaeniis ca 3 mm longis; pappi setis ca 28-30, barbellatis. Subshrub to short vine, stems terete to angled, sulcate after drying, internodes to 5 cm long. Leaves ovate, semi-coriaceous, to ca 7 cm long and 4 cm wide, Margins entire to irregularly and coarsely dentate, the teeth remote, apices attenuate, bases truncate to rounded, upper surfaces glabrous, sparsely glandular- punctate, 5-nerved from near the base, lower surfaces glabrate, glandular-punctate, petiole ca 1 cm long, grooved above. Inflorescence paniculate, to ca 15 cm long and 6 cm wide, branchlets somewhat angled, crisped puberulent to pilose, pedicels ca 2-6 mm long, angular, crisped puberulent to pilose. Heads ca 9 mm long, ex- terior bract lance-linear to oblanceolate, ca 3.5 mm long, borne slightly beneath the head, puberulent. Involucral scales lanceolate to lance-elliptic, ca 6 mm long, puberulent, ciliolate at apex, apices acute. Corolla white, ca 4.5 mm long, glandular, tube ca 1.7 mm long, throat semi-campanulate, ca 2.7 mm long, teeth deltoid, ca 0.5 mm long. Achene (immature) ca 3 mm long, green, glandular. Pappus bristles ca 28-30, white, ca 4.5 mm long, barbellate, thickened at tips. Holotype: PERU: Amazonas: Chachapoyas, Jalca zone 3-6 km w of Molinopampas, 2200-2450 m, July 19, 1962, J. J. Wurdack 1399 (US). The new species is a subshrub or short vine, the holotype collected above 2000 m in a seepage Sphagnum bog. Nodes are short, leaves somewhat thickish 1977 Holmes & McDaniel, Notes on Mikania 75 and with mostly entire margins, but often with irregular spaced and prominent dentations. Branchlets of the paniculate inflorescence are crisped puberulent to pilose. Apparently, this species does not have close affinities with any known Peruvian species of Mikania. MIKANIA WOYTKOWSKII Holmes & McDaniel, sp. nov. Herba volubilis; foliis ellipticis vel anguste ovate, .aa 7 cm longis et 2.5 cm latis, apice acutatis vel acuminatis, basi cuneatis; paniculis capitulis in spicas; capitulis ca 6-7 mm longis; corollis ca 3.5-4 mm longis, dentibus limbi deltatis; ca 0.5 mm longis; achaeniis ca 2 mm longis; pappi setis ca 35, ca 4 mm longis, barbellatis, ad apicem incrassatis. Herbaceous liana, stems terete, costate, hollow, glabrous, internodes to 10 cm long. Leaves elliptic to narrowly ovate, to 7 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, margins entire, apices acute to acuminate, bases cuneate, upper surfaces glabrous, 3-5 nerved from the base, veins exserted, lower surfaces glabrous, veins exserted. Inflorescence a panicle, the ultimate branches spicate, branchlets costate, puberulent. Heads 6-7 mm long, exterior bract elliptic, ca 1/2-1/3 the length of the involucre, lightly puberulent, apices acute, margins lightly ciliate. Involucral scales elliptic-oblong, ca 4.5 mm long, glabrate, 3-5(7) rather obscurely nerved, apices obtuse. Corolla funnelform, ca 3.5-4 mm long, white, tube ca 1.5-2 mm long, throat ca 2 mm long, teeth deltoid, ca 0.5 mm long. Achene ca 2 mm long, glandular, dark brown (immature). Pappus bristles ca 35, ca 4 mm long, white, barbellate, thickened toward the tips. Holotype: PERU: Loreto: Boqueron Padre Abad, 470 mn, August 20, 1946, F. Woytkowski 34393 (F). Mikania woytkowski appears to be a soft herba- ceous, Slender twining vine. Leaves are elliptic to narrowly ovate, 3-5 nerved from near the base with the reticulating veins obscure and with cuneate bases. Invo- lucral scales are elliptic and about 4.5 mm long. It approaches nearest to M. oreopola Robins. in characters of inflorescence, but the Latter species has ovate leaves with very prominent reticulating veins and obtuse bases. Involucral scales are elliptic, but 3 mm or less in length in M. oreopola. Known only from the type and named after the collector. THE NATIVE HAWAIIAN ALTERNANTHERA (AMARANTHACEAE) HAWAIIAN PLANT STUDIES 63 Harold St. John Bishop Museum, Box 6037, Honolulu Hawaii 96818, USA. Amaranthaceae Alternanthera Menziesii St. John, Jardin Botanique del‘'Etat, Bruxelles, Bull. 27(1): 49-50, 52-54, Frei a 5 MU hE A. echinocephala sensu Fosb., Micronesica 2: 143-144, 1966, non (Hook.f.) Christophersen, NYtEeMage Natures By 270 375); 2uoS 2% Discussion: Alternanthera Menziesii was described by the writer, based wholly upon a collection by A. Menzies, labelled only Sandwich Islands (BM). Dr. Archibald Menzies was surgeon and naturalist under Capt. George Vancouverpn his world voyage on the "Discovery." During the years from 1792 to 1794, they made three visits to the Sandwich (or Hawaiian) Islands, and landed on the six largest islands. Menzies made trips and collections from the sea shore to as high as the summit of Mauna Loa (13,680 ft alt.), but all his specimens are labelled merely Sandwich Islands. He kept a journal of his trip. The Hawaiian portion of this has been published (Menzies, ed. Wilson, 1920) and this totals 199 pages in length. It includes accounts of people, places, climate, geology, birds, and I believe the only mention of plants is that on Hualalai there were Sophora and Dodonaea. Nowhere does he list his plant collections and their localities, so his journal is not helpful in phytogeography and taxonomy. Degener and Sherff (1935) had described a new genus, Zemisne Menziesii, based upon a Menzies collection marked Sandwich Islands. This proved to be a member of the genus Scalesia, anda synonym of S. affinis Hook f., subsp. gumifera (Hook. f£.) Harling, a native of the Galapagos Islands. Later, in his index under Zemisne, Degener (Fl. Haw., Ki4, 12/27/57) wrote, “Another genus and species collected by Menzies and to be consid- ered Galapagean rather than Hawaiian until 476 1977 St. John, Hawaiian Alternanthera 77 evidence turns up to prove the contrary, is the amaranthaceous Alttrnanthera menziesi (sphalm £605 menziesii) ‘St. John, in Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat Brus. 275 49=54, 1957." Fosberg (1966: 143-144) expressed the same opin- ion and reduced A. Menziesii to the synonymy of A. echinocephala (Hook £.) Christophersen, of the Galapagos and Peru. This species is well presented inowaggins and Porter (1971: 187, fig. 35a—d) . The writer has recently had the opportunity to compare his species with good collections of A. echinocephala which is a species with the blades 4-9 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, lanceolate to elliptic, mucronate; sepals subequal; filament tube 4-5 mm jong; anthers about 2 mm long; pseudostamindia laciniate at tip, shorter than or equalling the stamens. A. Menziesii has the blades 1-3.2 cm long, 3.5-6.5 mm wide, lance-linear, obtuse; sepals unequal, the shorter ones 5/6 the length of the longer ones; filament tube 5-6 mm long; anthers 1.4 mm long; and the pseudostaminodia ligulate, acute, exceeding the anthers. These differences seem to the writer sufficient to justify A. Menziesii as a distinct species. It has not been collected subsequent to Menzies' time. If found on the Sandwich Islands, as labeled by Menzies, it is a species descended from Similar species native to the Galapagos or South America. This is quite possible, and there are other Hawaiian species of similar American ances- eiayvae An herbarium specimen may bear an incorrect label, and the case of the Zemisne or Scalesia implies that other Menzies collections may be in error. There is, however, other evidence on this question. While hunting in the British Museum of Natural History for the Sandwich Islands plants collected by David Nelson of Capt. Cook's third voyage, the author searched in all plant families that occur in Polynesia, and in their genera of like distribution, and in all genera that he did not recognize, and in such European genera as an 18th Century botanist might have put an Hawaiian plant in. In this search totalling five weeks, 478 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, mo. 5 lists were also kept of collections by other early botanists. One of these was a list of the Sandwich Islands plants collected by Menzies. It totals 112 species, and of these one is an ad- ventive still present in the islands, but the remaining 111 species are indigenous, or endemic, or cultivated crop plants of early aboriginal introduction. All of these are genuine Hawaiian plants. Thus it is evident that the accuracy of the geographic data on Menzies’ Sandwich Islands plants is almost 100%. The writer sees no reason to doubt that Menzies collected a species of Alternanthera on the Sandwich Islands. Literature Cited Fosberg, F. R., 1966. Critical Notes on Pacific Island Plants I. Micronesica 2: 143-152. Menzies, Archibald, ed. W. F. Wilson, 1920. Hawaii Nei 128 Years Ago. 1-199, 40 ill. Honolulu. St. John, Harold, 1957. Discovery of Alternanthera (Amarathaceae) in the Native Hawaiian Flora. Hawaiian Plant Studies 27. Jardin Botanique del'Etat, Bruxelles, Bull. 27(1): 49-54, fig. 2. Wiggins, Ira L. and Duncan M. Porter, 1971. Flora of the Galapagos Islands. XX + 1-998, Stanford University Press, Stanford. THE GENUS RHOPALEPHORA HASSK. (COMMELINACEAE) Pobert B. Faden Field Museum of Natural History Chicago, Illinois 60605 In my monograph of Anetlema R. Br. (Faden, 1975) I consider Rhopalephora Hassk. a distinct genus. In the past, the species which I include in Rhopalephora have usually been placed in Aneilema (e.g., Clarke, 1881; Hooker, 1892; Briickner, 1930) or in Dietyospermun Wight (e.g., Wight, 1853; Morton, 1966). The purpose of the present paper is to make the new combinations in Rhopalephora which will be. needed in forthcoming floristic treatments of the Commelinaceae. Rhopalephora is distinguish- able from Anetlema, its closest relative, by the following com- bination of characters: cincinni elongate and attached to a very short inflorescence axis, filaments fused basally, ovary and capsule densely covered with hook-hairs and smaller, gland- ular, capitate hairs, and ventral capsule valve deciduous. Rhopalephora is separable from Dictyospermum by its inflores- cence form and its cincinnus bracts persistent; bracteoles perfoliate, persistent; fruiting pedicels longer than the cap- sules, erect; petals clawed; filaments long, slender, basally fused; ovary and capsule stipitate, puberulous; and capsules bivalved, commonly with unequally developed locules. Rhopalephora consists of about four ill-defined species separated from one another largely on characters of the mature capsules. The genus occurs in Madagascar (R. rugosa) and from India and Sri Lanka to the Fiji Islands. Final taxonomic treatment of the species must await further studies, particu- larly of living material. Rhopalephora Hassk., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 1864: 58. 186}. Type species: Rhopalephora micrantha (Vahl) Faden. Dictyospermum Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6: 29. 1853, pro parte. Piletocarpus Hassk., Flora 49: 212. 1866, in clavi. The following new combinations are required: Rhopalephora micrantha (Vahl) Faden, comb. nov. Commelina micrantha Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 178. 1805-06. Anetlema micranthum (Vahl) Kunth, Enum. Pl. 4: 70. 1843. Commelina monadelpha Bl., Enum. Pl. Jav. 1: 4. 1827. Anetlema monadelphum (Bl.) Kunth, Enum. Pl. 4: 70. 1843. Anetlema scaberrimum (Bl.) Kunth var. monadelphum (B1.) Rolla Rao, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 25: 183. 196}. Rhopalephora blwmet Hassk., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 1864: 59. 1864. Lectotype: Java, Salak, April, 1784, Blume s.n. (L!) (holotype of Commelina monadelpha Bl.). 4,79 480 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 5 Rhopalephora scaberrima (Bl.) Faden, comb. nov. Commelina scaberrima Bl., Enum. Pl. Jav. 1: 4. 1827. Aneilema scaberrimum (Bl.) Kunth, Enum. Pl. 4: 69. 1843. Dietyospermm scaberrimum (Bl.) Panigrahi, Phytologia 29: 338. 1975. Dietyospermum protensum Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6: 30, Tab. COL LoDo. Lamprodithyros protensus (Wight) Hassk., Flora 46: 389. 1863. Piletocarpus protensus (Wight) Hassk., Commel. Ind., 15. 1870, including vars. a. lattfoltus Hassk., B. tnutermedius Hassk., and y. angusttfoltus Hassk. Anetlema protensun (Wight) Wall. ex C. B. Clarke, J. Linn. Soc., Bote Tdi rSOe | lol Rhopalephora vitiensis (Seem.) Faden, comb. nov. Anetlema vitiense Seem., Fl. Vitiense, 314. 1868. Piletocarpus ? vitiensts (Seem.) Hassk., Commel. Ind., 18. 1870. Dietyospermum vittense (Seem.) J. K. Morton, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 59: 436. 1966. Aneilema keyense Warb., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 13: 269. 1890 (cf. Lauterbach, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 50: 63. 1913). Dietyospermum keyense (Warb.) J. K. Morton, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. BQ: W536. "1966. Rhopalephora rugosa (Perrier) Faden, comb. nov. Aneilema rugosum Perrier, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 5: 195. 1936. The typification and synonymy of Commelina mterantha Vahl require some comment. The type is No. 3207 in the Jussieu Herbarium (P-JU). On the label is the phrase, "ex IndiaA tulit Lahaye -- dedit Thullier 1800." Lahaye, however, did not col- lect in the Old World (Chaudhri, Vegter & Wal, 1972), and Rhopalephora is not known from the New World. If the collector was actually Lahaie, some of whose collections are doubtfully in the Jussieu Herbarium (Chaudhri, Vegter & Wal, loc. cit.), then the specimen could have come from Java, which Lahaie visited and in which this species occurs. In any event, the "IndiaA" on the label does not appear to be India in the modern sense, in which neither Lahaye nor Lahaie collected, and from which this species is unknown. Until further evidence is ob- tained, both the origin and collector of this specimen must be considered uncertain. Also belonging in Rhopalephora but requiring further study before their status can be determined are Anetlema vittense Seem. var. pettolata C. B. Clarke (in DC., Monogr. Phan. 3: 220. 1881) and the nomen nudum Commelina trifida Thunb. (Mus. Nat. Acad. Upsal., Append. XVIII. 1809). References Briickner, G. 1930. Commelinaceae. In Engler, A., Die nattr—- lichen Pflanzenfamilien, ed. 2, 15a: 159-181. Leipzig. 1977 Faden, Genus Rhopalephora 481 Chaudhri, M. N., Vegter, I. H. & Wal, C. M. de. 1972. (Collectors) I--L. IL- Stafleu, F. A. (ed.), A guide to the location and contents of the world's public herbaria. Index Herbariorum, Part II (3). Regnum Vegetabile 86: 1- 473. Clarke, C. B. 1881. Commelinaceae. In De Candolle, A. &. C., Monographiae Phanerogamarum 3: 113-32. Faden, R. B. 1975. A biosystematic study of the genus Anetlema R. Br. (Commelinaceae). Ph.D. Thesis, Washington Univer- sity, St. Louis. Hooker, J. D. 1892. Flora of British India. Vol. 6. London. Morton, J. K. 1966. A revision of the genus Anetlema R. Brown (Commelinaceae) with a cytotaxonomic account of the West African species. J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 59: 431-78. Wight, R. 1853. Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis or Figures of Indian Plants. Vol. 6. Madras. NEW COMBINATION IN WITHERINGIA Julian A, Steyermark Instituto Botanico, Caracas Venezuela WITHERINGIA LINDENII (Dunal) Steyermark, comb. nov. Fregirardia lindenii Dunal in DC, Prodr. 13(1):503.1852. Brachistus lindenii (Dunal) Pittier, Catalogo Fl. Venez. 22358, 1947, Brachistus tovarensis Pittier, Catalogo Fl. Venez. 2:357. 1947, nomen nudum. In connection with the preparation of the Flora of Avila and Naiguat4, it has been necessary to find the correct name for the plant passing as Brachistus lindenii (Dunal) Pittier, with yellow green corollas with lobes longer than broad, non- accrescent, truncate calyx, pubescent filaments, and dimorphic, geminate, long acuminate leaves, This taxon was originally described as Fregirardia lindenii by Dunal from a plant collect- ed by Linden (Linden 218) "circa Caracas", and agrees in all respects with recently collected material from the Caracas area, except for the tetramerous instead of the usually pentamerous flowers, a character found to vary within many species of the Solanaceae, Fregirardia lindenii was combined with Fregirardia riparia (H.B.K.) Dunal under the genus Dunalia by Senora Benitez de Rojas (Rev. Fac, Agron, (Maracay) 7 (3): 46. 1974) as Dunalia riparia (H.B.K.) Benitez, the latter species treated by D'Arcy as Witheringia riparia H.B.K. (Ann. Mo, Bot, Gard. 60:768.1973). Witheringia riparia was described from the Andes of Quindu, Colombia (H.B.K,, Nov. Gen. Sp. 3: 16. 1818) from plants having “ramulis...hispido-pilosis", leaves "subtus in nervo pilosis" with the "nervo medio. .inferne hispido-piloso", In contrast, Fregirardia lindenii has the leaves mainly glabrous throughout, and the stems glabrous or only sparingly pubescent. Moreover, in Fregirardia lindenii the calyx is usually sparsely pilose, where- as in F, riparia it is glabrous, All the material seen from Cerro Avila and adjacent Caracas area agrees with Fregirardia lindenii having mainly glabrous leaves, mainly glabrous or glabrate stems, and mainly sparsely pilose calyx. Hunziker (Bol. Acad, Nac, Cienc, (Cordoba) 41: 211-422, 1960) maintained Dunalia as a distinct genus in the classical sense, i.e. species only with basal appendiculate filaments being in- Cluded, whereas Sleumer (Lilloa 23: 117-142. 1950) and Macbride (Field Mus, Nat. Hist. Bot. Ser. 8 (2): 130. 1930), following 4,82 L977 Steyermark, New combination in Wiitheringia 4,83 the concept of Kuntze (Rev. Gen, Pl. 2: 447-456. 1891; 3: 218- 229. 1898), united the geneia Dunalia and Acnistus. In her de- scription of the genus Dunalia (op. cit. pv. 43), Benitez Rojas refers to the filaments as "generalmente con apéndices dentiform- es en la porcién basal soldado al tubo", Although she places Fregirardia lindenii under Dunalia as Dunalia riparia, it is to be noted that the filaments of Fregirardia lindenii lack the dentiform basal appendages, characteristic of Dunalia in the Classical sense, In his treatment of Witheringia, Hunziker (Kurtziana 5: 104, 1969) pointed out that the filaments of that genus are nearly always provided with a dense amount of pubescence on their inner side. Such a type of pubescence, it should be noted, is encounter- ed in Fregirardia lindenii. Hunziker also noted that the calyx in Witheringia (op. cit. p. 108) may or may not be accrescent, and that this character has no generic significance. He divided the genus into two sections: 1)Witheringia, including species such as W. sOlanacea L*Her,, in which the calyx border is truncate and entire, scarcely never accrescent, and 2)Brachistus, in which the Calyx border is 5-lobed, 5-dentate, or 5-pointed, and slightly to greatly accrescent. D'Arcy (Ann. Mo. Bot, Gard, 60: 761, 1973) has followed Hunziker's treatment with some reservation, and has considered Fregirardia as doubtfully synonymous with Witheringia. In her studies of "Los Generos de las Solanaceae de Venezuela" (Rev. Fac, Agron. (Maracay) 7: 42-46, 1974), Benitez de Rojas, in taking up the genus Dunalia H.B.K., has included some species previously placed in Acnistus, Brachistus, Fregirardia, and Witheringia (in part). In her key to the genera (op. cit. pr. 33- 34) she attempts to differentiate Dunalia from Witheringia as follows: "Corola tubiforme con el limbo muy estrecho o angosto- acampanada con el limbo corto” (Dunalia) as contrasted with "Corola rotacea o acampanada con el limbo ancho" (Witheringia). In her concept, Witheringia solanacea L'*Her should be retained in Witheringia proper, whereas Witheringia riparia H.B.K. is placed in Dunalia as D. riparia, Hunziker, however, (Kurtziana 5: 169. 1969) considers Witheringia riparia as pertaining to the genus Acnistus,. D'Arcy (op. cit. p. 770 ) described Wither- ingia riparia as having an accrescent calyx "investing the entire fruit except at the open but somewhat contracted apex", whereas Benitez de Rojas (op. cit. p. 43) described the calyx of Dunalia as 'no acrescente o muy noco", Hunziker (op, cit. p. 111) includ- ed under Witheringia, section Witheringia, only those species having the calyx 'no acrescente, © que crece muy poco durante la fructificacién." The plants of Cerro Avila and the Caracas area, here under discussion, have the calyx non-accrescent in fructification,. The characters employed by Benitez de Kkojas to differentiate the Venezuelan species of Witheringia from the Venezuelan species which she would assign to Dunalia, are not mutually exclusive characters to separate the taxa of those respective genera. And, 48h PPR YT OL OrG FA Vol. 37, no. 5 if one follows Hunziker in retaining for Dunalia in the classical sense Only those spectes having basal appendages on the filaments, then neither the venezuelan Fregirardia dunalii nor the colombian and panamanian Fregirardia riparia (= Witheringia riparia), both of which lack such appendages, can be included in Dunalia, as treated by Benitez de Rojas. In view of the differences already elaborated between Fregirardia lindenii and F. riparia, I am treating them as separate taxa. The following specimens of Fregirardia lindenii (= Witheringia lindenii) have been examined, all in VEN herbarium, VENEZUELA: Distrito Federal: Las Aguaitas, 2000 m., 11 Aug. 1973, Delascio 2053; below Club Junkolandia, off road Caracas- Colonia Tovar, 1700 m., 24 July 1975, Berry 939; Parque Nacional El Avila, Quebrada Chacaito, 1900 m., 12 Aug. 1977, Manara s.n.; same locality, 1 Oct. 1976, Manara s.n.. Aragua: Colonia Tovar, pica hacia El Limon, 1700 m., May 1969, Aristeguieta 7152, 7124. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON TnE ERIOCAULACEAE. LXXVII Harold N. Moldenke SYNGONANTHUS NIVEO-AUREUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 375—376. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 375—376 & 19. 19283 A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 272. 1938; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 19 & 59. 196; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 1949; Angely, Fl. Paran. 10: 4. 1957; Moldenke, Résumé 108 & 92. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 6: 8. 19633; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 175 & 369 (1971) and 2: 96. 1971. This species is based on A. Silveira 579 from "In pratis areno~ sis siccisque in Serra do Cabral", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in May, 1910, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (1928) comments that the species is "A S. vemsto Alv. Silv., cum quo primo aspectu facile confunditur, foliis planis basi albidis (nec supra convexis necque basi fulvo-castaneis) et florum struc- tura perbene distincta". Thus far it is known only from the original collection, but Angely (1957) asserts that it is culti- vated in Brazil. I suspect that this may be an error in identi- fication for S. elegans (Bong.) Ruhl., whose variously dyed in- florescences are sold in many Brazilian (and other) markets —- the material probably collected in the wild and not from cultiva- ted plants. SYNGONANTHUS NIVEUS (Bong.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (h- 30): 275—276. 1903. Synonymy: Eriocaulon niveum Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser. 6, 1: 635. 1831 [not E. niveum Hoffmgg., 181]. Paepalanthus niveus Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 527. 1841. Paepalanthus niveus var. major Kérn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 435--h36, pl. 57, fig. 1. 1863. Paepalanthus niveus var. @& Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 436. 1863. Dupatya nivea (Bong.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Paepalantms niveus (Bong.) Kunth apud Malme, Bih. Svensk. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 27 (3), no. 11: 31. 1901. Dupatya nivea Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonanthus niveus (Kunth) Ruhl. ex Molden- ke, Résumé 352, in syn. 1959. Paepalanthus niveus Kunth ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 21, in syn. 1959. Paepalantims niveus var. Kirn. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 21, in syn. 1959. Paepalanthus nivens Kunth apud Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 70, sphalm. 1960. Syngonanthus nivens (Bong.) Ruhl. apud Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 72, sphalm. 1960. Syngonanthus niveus Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résum& Suppl. 12: 12, in syn. 1965. Eriocaulon eburneum Mart. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 3): 273, in syn. 1976. = 486 PHITODOCIA Vol. 37, no. 5 Bibliography: Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., ser 6, 1: 635. 1831; Bong., Ess. Monog. Erioc. 35--36. 18313 Steud., Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 585. 180; Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 527-528, 578, 579, 613, & 625. 1813 D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 5: 262. 18523 Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum, 2: [Cyp.] 281 & 33h. 1855; Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 285, 435—h38, 500, & 507, pl. 57, fig. 1. 18633; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 879 (1893) and imp. 1, 2: 02. 189); Malme, Bih. Svensk. Vet .~Akad. Handl. 27 (3), no. 11: 31. 1901; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 271, 273, 275-276, 286, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 419. 19283; Ruhl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 15a: 57. 1930; Stapf, Ind. Lond. 4s 158 (1930) and 6: ahs. 1931; E. J. Alexander, Journ. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 36: 221. 19353; Sampaio, Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 13: 199. 19373; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 15. 1941; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 879 (1946) and imp. 2, 2: 02. 19463; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 19, 30, 38, 51, & 59. 1946; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 223 (1946) and 2: 355. 19485 Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 98. 198; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 710, 731, & 855 (1949) and h: 130k. 19493 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Phytologia : 326. 1953; Angely, Fl. Paran. 10: 4. 1957; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 145. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé 108, 281, 290, 326, 352, & 492. 19593 Mol- denke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 21. 19593 Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 879 (1960) and imp. 3, 2: 02. 19603 Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 70 & 72. 1960; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 3h & 35 (1962), 6: 8 (1963), and 11: 5. 196; Moldenke, Phytologia 10: 89. 1964; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.9: 290. 1965; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 6: 3616. 1965; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12. 1965; Tomlinson in C. R. Metcalfe, Anat. Monocot. 3: 19, 158--162, 175, & 190. 1969; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 258. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 175 & 83 (1971) and 2: 508, 587, 638, & 96. 1971; Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 6: 1163 & Ind. 12 & 28. 19725; Moldenke, Phytologia 33: 25 (1976), 3k: 273 (1976), 35: 292, 303, 310, 315, 3h9, by2, & bh6—nn9 (1977), 36: 35 & hO (1977), and 37: 79. 1977. Illustrations: Ktrn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): pl. 57, fig. 1. 1863. Bongard's original (1831) description of this handsome species is "acaule; foliis caespitosis, vaginis subaequantibus setaceis pilosis glaucescentibus; pedunculis caespitosis temuibus subglab— ris; vaginis pilosiusculis. Tab. XXXVII. Habitat in arenosis siccis Serra da St. Joze, Provinciae Para. Flor. Junio. Obs. Praecedenti ([E. elegans | affine, a quo differt; 1) statura minore; 2) foliis glaucis, basi non lanatis". Kunth (181) adds a Lusch- nath unnumbered collection from "prope Cabo herb. Luc." He affirms that the plate 37, cited by Bongard, was never actu- ally published [probably exists only in the Leningrad library or herbarium]. He repeats Bongard's "Praecedenti affinis differt 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 487 stature minore, foliis glaucis, basi non lanatis" and then adds "nec non, fide iconis Bongardianae, structura florum" — indicat- ing that he apparently had seen the plate. He states that his greatly amplified description of the species is drawn from the Luschnath collection. Recent collectors refer to the inflorescence-heads as "branco- sujo" and have found the plant growing on campos in areas of grassy meadows and adjacent sandy campos, in sandy ground with quartzite fragments, and on campos carpeted with herbaceous grasses and sparse shrubs, at altitudes of 1000--1950 m., flower— ing from December to February, April, June to August, and Octo- ber, and fruiting in July, August and from December to February. Irwin and his associates refer to it as a cespitose herb, the in- florescences to about 15 cm. tall, the heads cream or white, and encountered it on wet campos in a region of sandy and gravelly campos with cerrado on outcrops, and in sand beneath overhanging rocks on sandstone summits in areas of soil-filled cracks and de- pressions and adjacent precipices and steep valleys. Vernacular names recorded for the plant are “capipoatinga", “sempre-viva", and “sempreviva da terra". Angely (1957) reports it cultivated in Brazil, but possibly he means that the dried inflorescences are sold commercially in markets. Ruhland (1903) cites the following collections from the Berlin herbarium: BRAZIL: Bahia: Martius s.n. [Camami]; Riedel 559; Sena sen. [Herb. Schwacke 1)1))6 & 1,06]. Minas Gerais: Glaziou 627; Pizzaro 43; L. Riedel 29h; Schwacke 6388, 11059, 11988, & 12109; Ule s.n. [Serra do Ouro Preto]; Weddell 189); Wied-Neuwied s.n. [Rio Grande de Belmonte]. Rio de Janeiro: Luschnath 1081; Martius s.n. [Campos inter Macahé et Campos]. However, I regard Glaziou 15549 as representing S. elegantulus Ruhl. and Glaziou 16398 as S. elegans var. elanatus Ruhl. It seems most probable that, in spite of Bongard's original statement of "Para" as the place of collection of the type, the actual type of this species is L. Riedel 29) from Serra de S. Jozé in Minas Gerais, deposited in the Leningrad herbarium. Ruhland (1903) notes that the "Species valde variabilis, sed etiam specimina longissime a type divergentia (a. e. spec. acl. Pizarro collecta) formis intermediis adeo conjuncta sunt, ut varietates Koernickeanas melius extinguendas esse putem". He also avers that S. niveus is closely related to S. aciphyllus (Bong -) Ruhl., and this is certainly true. Malme (1901) cites Regnell III 1265 from S&o Paulo [which I, however, regard as S. elegantu- lus Ruhl.], while Silveira (1928) adds his no. 223 from the Serra do Cipé, Minas Gerais, collected in 1896. Eriocaulon eburneum Mart. is apparently based on Martius s.n. from "in arena quarzosa district. adam. Majo 1818" in the Munich herbarium where it is accompanied by a short Latin description. The Clausen 208 in the Bailey Hortorium herbarium consists only of 88 PHEETPOL OG Ds Vol. 37, no. 5 leaves and is placed here tentatively. The Eriocaulon niveum of Hoffmannsegg, referred to in the synonymy above, is a synonym of Philodice hoffmannseggii Mart. It should also be noted here that the Malme (1901) reference in the bibliography is sometimes cited as "1903" and the Angely (1972) work is sometimes cited as "1970", the title-page (but incorrect) date. Material of S. niveus has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as Ss. 8 S. elegans var. elanatus Ruhl. and as S. ele- gantulus Ruhl. On the other hand, the Glaziou 16395 & 16398, irwin, Onishi, Fonséca, Souza, Reis dos Santos, & Ral & Ramos Ramos 2559, and Irwin, Reis dos Santos, Souza, & Fo! Fonséca 22019, distributed as S. ae are actually Ss. elegans - var. elanatus Ruhl., while Glaziou 155u9 & 17841, Herb. Jard. Bot. Belo Horiz. 26610 in part, Irwin, Harley, & Onishi i 29129, Ir Irwin, | Reis | dos Sani Santos, S. Souza, & FonuSeGa! 22019, and Magal Magalhaes Gomes es 66 as well as Schultes & s & Lépez 10308 are are S. elegantulus Ruhl. and Martius 559, 1081... -seiin [in aren arena quarzosa districtu adam., Majo 1818], & s.n. aoe arenosis haud procul a mari prope Camamti, Dec.], Mexia 573h, and Riedel 559 are S. niveus var. rosulatus (Kérn.) Moldenke. Additional citations: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: P. Clausen 208 (Ba); dio, Duarte, Becker, & Silva Santos 3603 (N); G . Gard- ner 5282 ¢, 8)3 Glen Glapion a 16395 (W--83530); I Irwin, Onishi, Fonsé- ca, Souza, Reis dos” Santos, & Ramos 2559 (La, N, N, W—2759028); Wendes Ma Magalhdes ; 6022 2 (Herb. _ Jard. Bot. Belo Horie 48279] fi State undetermined: Herb. A. eA sen. (B). CULTIVATED [in trade]: Germany: Herb. Hermann 1251 (Hm). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): pl. 57, fig. 1, 1863 (N, Z)e SYNGONANTHUS NIVEUS var. ROSULATUS (Korn.) Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 25. 1951 i Synonymy: Paepalanthus niveus var. rosulatum Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 35-436. 1863. Paepalanthus niveus var. rosulatus Kérn. apud Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 425, in syn. 1951. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1.): 35-36. 1863; Moldenke, Phytologia 3: 25. 1951; Moldenke, Résumé 108, 327, & 493. 1959; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 258. 1970; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 175 (1971) and 2: 587 & 964. 19713 Angely, Fl. Anal. & Fitogeogr. Est. S. Paulo, ed. 1, 6: 1163 & Ind. 28. 19723; Molden- ke, Phytologia 3%: 35 (1977) and 37: ‘79. LOTT Kornicke's original (1863) description of this variety is "foliis rigidioribus rosularis plerumque patenti-diffusis, angus- tissime linearibus, )—17 lin. longis; pedunculis gracilibus, 3.5—-9.5 pollicaribus". He cites the following collections as cotypes: BRAZIL: Bahia: Martius s.n. [in arenosis haud procul a mari prope Camami, Decembri]; L. Riedel 559. Minas Gerais: Mar tius s.n. {in arenosis quarzosis districtu adamanti, Majo]; Wied- 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 89 Neuwied s.n. {ad fluvium Rio Gram’e de Belmonte]. Rio de Janeiro: Luschnath [Boa Perna; Martius 1081]; Martius s.n. [inter Macahé et Campos]. This plant has been found growing "in disintegrated rock be- tween crags", at altitudes of 1200-1260 m., flowering and fruit- ing in September. Miss Mexia describes it as an abundant herb growing in extensive colonies. Her no. 5734 is a mixture with Leiothrix spergula Ruhl. The vernacular nam name, "sempreviva", is recorded. Material of this taxon has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as Eriocaulon eburneum Mart., Paepalanthus niv- eus var.® Korn., Syngonanthus habrophyus Ruhl., or as typical al S. niveus (Bong.) Ruhl. ~ Citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: Herb. Zuccarini s.n. [Bahia] (Mu); Martius s.n. {in arenosis haud d procul a mari prope Camami, Dec.] (Mu--117--cotype, Mu--118—cotype). Minas Gerais: Hatwebbach 273h0 (S, Z); Hatschbach & Ahumada 31685 (W—2706753), 31686 (Ld, N); Martius s.n. [In arena quarzosa districtu adam., Majo 1818] (Mu--115--cotype); Mexia 573 in part [Herb. Leonard 7657] (B, B, Ba, Go, Mi, Ut--5022),0A, W--1571898). Rio de Janeiro: Martius 559 (Mu--119--cotype); E. Pereira 91 (Herb. Brad. 6114] (Bd); L. Riedel 559 (B--cotype, Mu--cotype, Ut—l10--cotype). State undetermined: Luschnath s.n. [Herb. Martius 1081] (B--cotype, Mu--116--cotype) . soe NIVEUS var. STRIGOSUS Moldenke, Phytologia 10: 89. 1964. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 10: 89. 1964; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 11: 5. 1963 J. A. Clark, Card-Ind. Gen. Sp. & Var. Pl., issue 26. 1965; Hocking, Excerpt . Bot. A.9: 290. 19653 Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 6: 3616. 1965; Schubert, Assoc « Trop. Biol. Bull. 5: 68. 1965; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 175 (1971) and 23 96lrs. 1971. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having the sheaths white-strigose with closely appressed antrorse hairs. Citations: BRAZIL: Bahia: A. P. Duarte 5926 {Herb. Brad. 1540] (Z—-type) . SYNGONANTHUS OBLONGUS (Korn.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30) 260. 1903. e Synonymy: Paepalanthus oblongus Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 46. 1863. Dupatya oblonga (Korn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Dupatya oblonga Kuntze apud Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902. Syngonanthms oblongus (Korn.) Herzog apud Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 59 (2): 20. 1939. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 278, 288, hlé— 490 PB, Y,D,.0; i): QvuG: Dk Vol. 37, no. 5 lh7, & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 18913; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 02. 189k; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 145. 1902; Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 246, 260, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 419. 19283 Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 212. 19313 Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 59 (2): 20. 1939; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 145. 1913; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 2: 02. 1963 Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 1: 132. 19463; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 5, 19, 30, 51, & 59. 1963; Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 93 & 98. 198; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 955. 19493; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 61, 92, & 213. 1993; Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 102. 1953; Moldenke, Phytologia : 327. 1953; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 15. 19593; Moldenke, Résumé 69, 73, 108, 281, 327, & 493. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 7. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 2: 02. 19603; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 12. 1962; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 120, 127, 175, & 483 (1971) and 2: 587 & 96h. 19713 Moldenke, Phytologia 25: 2h (1973), 312 362, 386, & 408 (1975), 3h: 256 (1976), and 36: 63 & 65. 1977. This species appears to be based on G. Gardner 2962 from Piauf, Brazil, deposited in the herbarium of the Botanisches Museum in Berlin, where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 10693. Kornicke, in his original descrip- tion (1863), cites also Spruce 2578, but Ruhland (1903) appar- ently has designated the Gardner collection as the type collec- tion of typical S. oblongus, since he regards the Spruce collec= tion as the type collection of his var. aequinoctialis. He com- ments that the "Species foliis planis, latis ab affinibus valde diversa", citing only the Gardner collection for the typical form of the species. Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 61) from Goids, collected in 1912. Recent collectors describe the plant as a small herb, 20 cm. tall, with pale-green leaves, white flower—heads, and white flowers. They have found it growing on sandy savannas on a quartzite base, in rills, beside small springs on slopes, at the base of waterfalls, in forests by rocky rapids, and in "open peaty ground trodden by cattle partially shaded by gallery for- est and Mauritia palms", at 230—1300 m. altitude, flowering in June, July, September, and November, and in fruit in June and September. Microscopically, the inflorescence-heads on the typical form of this species seem more obviously villous than they do in var. aequinoctialis Ruhl. The Murga Pires 739, distributed as and previously cited by me (1953) as S. oblongus, appears to be better placed as var. aequinoctialis, as do also Cuatrecasas 7158, Frées 25385, Garcfa- Barriga 13716, Maguire & Maguire 29158, and Schultes 5823. Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Amazonas-Vaupés: Schultes & 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 91 Cabrera 17617 (Ss, W--2113110). Vaupés: Schultes & Cabrera 17519 (Ss), 17555 (W--2113109), 19677 (Ss), 19692 (Ss), 19753 (Ss). VENEZUELA: Bolfvar: Cardona 2857 (Ve); J. A. Steyermark 903)1 (Ca). BRAZIL: Amaz6nas: Berg, Bisby, Steward, & Ramos P.18192 (Ld, N). Maranh#o: Prance 2100 (Ac, N, S). Matto Grosso: Argent, Ramos, Richards, & Souza 6321 (Ld, N). Pard&: Ducke s.n. [Herb. Mus. Goeldi 11951] (Bs); Frées 2990 (Hk, Z); Hemming 12 (S, S). Piauf: G. Gardner 2962 [Macbride photos 10693] (N—photo of type, bo acd of type). MOUNTED ILLUSTRATIONS: drawings by Kornicke B). SYNGONANTHUS OBLONGUS var. AEQUINOCTIALIS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (4-30): 260. 1903. Synonymy: Syngonanthus oblongus var. aequinoxialis Ruhl. apud Alv. Silv., Fl Mont. 1: 119.1928. Syngonanthus oblongus f. brev- ipes Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 212. 1931. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (-30): 260 & 293. 19033 Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 19. 1928; Herzog in Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. 29: 212. 19313; Fedde & Schust. in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 59 (2): 20. 19393 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 19 & 59. 1963 Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 93 & 98. 1983 Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 955. 19493 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac,m [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 1993; Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 102. 1953; Moldenke, Phytologia : 328. 1953; Mol- denke, Résumé 108, 352, & 493. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 7. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 175 (1971) and 2: 587, 638, & 964. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 31: 382 & 08. 1975. This variety is based on R. Spruce 2578, collected "bei Panuré am Ufer des Rio Uaupés", Amaz6nas, Brazil, deposited in the Ber- lin herbarium, An isotype in the Copenhagen herbarium was photo- graphed by Macbride as his type photograph no. 22291. Ruhland (1903) says of the variety "Differt a forma typica foliis caulin- is latioribus, utrinque pilis brevissimis, arcte appressis, dense puberulis, dein glabrescentibus et pilorum residuis quasi albo=- punctulatis." The variety is not well-marked, but in general its flower—heads appear macroscopically more glabrescent than do those of the typical form. Recent collectors describe the plant as an herb, with stems only 3--11 cm. long during anthesis, "roseate leaves, pedicels [peduncles] green", the inflorescence—heads and flowers white, and the subtending bracts green and translucent. The have found it growing in dense groups in rocky soil, on savannas, at the edge of rivers among granite rocks, and in marshy places in for=- ests in areas of cerrado on hillsides of white sand and dense forests at the base of the hills, at altitudes of 1)0--1300 m., flowering from March to May and September to November, and fruit- ing in March. Gentry encountered it "in campina and adjacent roadside and streamside". Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 61) from Bahia, collected in 1912, but he also cites the same number and date, but from Goids, 492 PeBsYiTsO2L90G Terk Vol. 37, no. 5 as typical S. oblongus. Herzog's f. brevipes is based on Lutzelburg 23907 & 23938 from "Rio Papori, Yapu, am Fall", Amazénas, Brazil, deposited in the Munich herbarium, but Herzog comments on the sheet of the former number "vielleicht zu var. aequinoctialis Ruhl. gehorig", while in his original description (1931) he says: "Diese durch kurze Pedunculi abweichende, aber durch Blattbreite und Form wie auch Blutenbau einwandfrei zu S. oblongus gehorende Form ist vielleicht zu Ruhlands var. aequinoctialis za stellen." He describes the form as "A typo differt pedunculis abbreviatis 3--5 cm. longis." Litzelburg 23907 is from "Tiquie, Floresta, uf Sand am Ufer". Material of this variety has been abundantly identified and dis- tributed in herbaria as the very similar typical S. oblongus (Korn. ) Ruhl, Additional citations: COLOMBIA: Vaupés: Cuatrecasas 7158 (N); Garcfa—Barriga 13716 (N); R. E. Schultes 5823 (N). VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Maguire & Maguire e 29158 (N). BRAZIL: Amaz6nas: Black 48-2621 (W=265515h); Frées 25385 (N); A. Gentry 12955 (Ld)3 _ Liitzelburg 23907 (Mu), ~23938 [N. Y. Bot. Gard. type photos new ser. neg. 8879] (Mu, N—photo, Z—-photo); Murga Pires 739 (N, N, W—-2655153) 3 Nelson & Lima P -21062 (2); Spruce 2578 (2745; Mac= bride photos 22291; U. S. Nat. Herb. photo 588] (B—type, B— isotype, N--photo of isotype, P——isotype, W—-photo of isotype). Bahia: Liitzelburg 659 (Mu). Pard: W. R. Anderson 106) (Ld, N); Sick s.n. (Herb. Brad. 1618] (Bd). SYNGONANTHUS OBTUSIFOLIUS Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: \10— 411. 1957. Bibliography: Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 410-11. 1957; Moldenke, Résumé 7h & 92. nae G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 13: 132. 1966; *Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 127 (1971) and 2: 96h. 197i. Citations: VENEZUELA: Bolivar: Steyermark & Wurdack 06 (Mu-— isotype, N--type). SYNGONANTHUS ONEILLII Moldenke, Phytologia 1: 3h6——347. 1939. Synonymy: Paepalanthus oneilii Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 51, in syn. 1946. Syngonanthus o'neillii Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 59, in syn. 196. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 1: 346-~37. 1939; Molden- ke, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 522: 1 & 146. 190; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. , 51, & 59. 19463; Hill & Salisb., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 10: 22). 1947; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 777. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 37 & 213. 1993 Moldenke, Phytologia hk: 328. 1953; Standl. & Steyerm., Fieldiana Bot. 2): 378—380. 1958; Moldenke, Résumé ), 327, 352, & 93. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 82 (1971) and 2: 087, 638, & 964. 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 306. 1977. Additional citations: BELIZE: O'Neill 8548 (S--isotype). 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 93 SYNGONANTHUS PAEPALOPHYLLUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 377--378, pl. 240. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 377--378 & 19, pl. 20. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 478. 19373 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 896. 1938; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 272. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 26. 1913 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 19 & 59. 1963 Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 112 (1948) and 3: 935. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 92 & 213. 1993 Moldenke, Phy- tologia 4: 328. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 108 & 92. 1959; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 175 (1971) and 2: 96. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 240. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 522 which, however, seems to consist of two separate collections: (1) "In campis arenosis, inter saxa quartziiosa, montis Tombadouro, prope Diamantina, Min~ as: Apr. 1908" and (2) "inter Serro et Datas, Jun. 1925", also in Minas Gerais, Brazil, both deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Thus far the species is known only from these two collections. Silveira (1928) comments that "Praeter alia, indumento farinoso foliorum vaginarumque ab affinibus S. Rupprechtiano et S. Kegeli- ano praecipue differt". Curiously, Worsdell (191) erroneously cites "t. 239", instead of 20, as the illustration of this species in Silveira's work. ST RAGsy PAKARAIMENSIS Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 282. 1957. Synonymy: Syngonanthus pacaraimensis Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 4: 13, in syn. 1962. Bibliography: Moldenke, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 282. 19573 Moldenke, Résumé 7), 76, & 493. 19593 Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 13. 19623 G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 13: 132. 1966; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 127 & 131 (1971) and 2: 638 & 964. 1971. Phelps refers to this plant as "very common, typical sundew plant, wine-colored, rare in bloom". The Ruiz-Ter4n & Lépez- Palacios 1117 collection, cited below, is described by the collectors as "Hierba rosulada, cespitosa. Roseta de unos 3 cm. de alto. Escapo de 10--15 cm. Capftulos hemisféricos; involucro blanquecino verdésulo; flores blancas". It matches perfectly the Steyermark 93761 from the same state, but differs markedly from the type collection, Maguire & Fanshawe 32539, from Guyana. Recent collectors have encountered the species on savannas, at 1100-—2000 m. altitude, flowering in July and November, and in fruit in July. Citations: VENEZUELA: Bolfvar: Cardona 2008 (Ve, Ve); Foldats 2638 (N, Ve--l0465); B. Maguire 33231 (N), 33748 (Mu, N)j Phelps 417 (Ve); Ruiz-Ter4n & Lépez-Palacios 11147 (Ld); J. A. Steyermark 93761 (N, Z). GUYANA: Maguire & Fanshawe 32539 (N—type). sae Or a PALLENS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 349—350, pl. 221. 1928. Synonymy: Syngonanthus pallidus Alv. Silv. ex Moldenke, Known 49h PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, noe 5 Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 59, sphalm. 196. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 39-—-350 & 19, pl. 221. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 78. 19373 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 896. 1938; A. We Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 272. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 26. 1913; Mol- denke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 19 & 59. 1963; Moldenke, Phy- tologia 2: 98. 1918; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 93 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Résumé 108, 352, & 493. 1959; Moldenke, Phytologia 20: 89. 19703; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 175 (1971) and 2: 638 & 96h. 1971. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 221. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 88 from "In campis prope Itacambira", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in July, 1926, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. On page 19 of his work (1928) Silveira cites a no. 9,8 from the same locality and also collected in 1926. It is not plain if this is intended as a cor rection of the number given in the original description, if it is a typographic error, or even if it represents a second collection. As far as is knwon to me, the species is known only from this original (or two) collection and Silveira (1928) says of it "Spe- cies ob forma bractearum involucrantium et pilositatem foliorum et vaginarum ab affinibus bene distincta". The M. A. Chase 10360, distributed as S. pallens, actually is Leiothrix argentea Alv. Silv. SYNGONANTHUS PARAENSIS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): Synonymy: Syngonanthus paraensis Ruhl. ex Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 26)— 265 & 293. 19033; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 19 & 59. 1963; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 3: 956. 1919; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 93 & 213. 199; Moldenke, Phytologia : 328. 19533 Mol- denke, Résumé 108 & 93. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 12. 1965; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 175 (1971) and 2: 638 & 96). 1971; Moldenke, Phytologia 29: 29) (197h), 31: 386 (1975), and 35: 452. 1977. This species is based on R. Spruce 107 from "an Katarakten des Flusses Aripecuré", Paré, Brazil, collected in December, 189, and deposited in the Munich herbarium. An isotype at Munich was photographed there by Macbride as his type photograph number 18747. Ruhland (1903) cites only the type collection, but com ments that "Hujus speciei nihil vidi nisi specimina 2 herbarii Monacensis", The species has been found growing in disturbed white sand areas, in anthesis in April, July, and December, fruiting in July, and superficially bears considerable resemblance to S. ferrensis Alv. Silv., differing by characters noted under that species in this series of notes. 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 9S Additional citations: BRAZIL: Amapé: er & Irwin 16578 (N, Z). Amazénas: Prance & Lleras 23730 (Ld, N). Par&: Spruce 107 [Macbride photos 1877] (Mu--type, W—photo of isotype). Flores Island: Murga Pires 122 (N, N, W—2655151). SYNGONANTHUS PAUCIFLORUS Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 356—357, pl. 226. 1928. Bibliography: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 356—357 & 19, pl. 226. 1928; Wangerin in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (1): 78. 19373 Fedde in Just, Bot. Jahresber. 57 (2): 896. 19383 A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 272. 1938; Worsdell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 2: 426. 19413 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 19 & 59. 1963 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 93 & 213. 1949; Moldenke, Résumé 108 & 93. 19593; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 175 (1971) and 2: 96. 19713; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 52 (1977), 36: 7h (1977), and 37: 257. 1977. Illustrations: Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: pl. 226. 1928. This species is based on A. Silveira 725 from "In campis humi- dis inter Formiga et Candéas", Minas Gerais, Brazil, collected in October, 1922, and deposited in the Silveira herbarium. Silveira (1928) notes that the species "Ab affinibus S. plano Ruhl. et llanorum Ruhl. propter pilositatem praecipue differt". On page L19 he cites his no. 725 from just "Formiga" and avers that it was collected in 1921. If these are typographic errors or in- tended as correction of what he says on page 357 in the original description of the species is not clear. It should also be noted that Worsdell (191) cites "t. 225" as the illustration of S. pauciflorus when actually that plate depicts S. ferrensis Alv. Silv., for which he mis-cites "t. 22)", Syngonanthus pauciflorus in habit resembles S. gracilis (Bong .) Ruhl. Thus far it is known only from the original collection. SYNGONANTHUS PAUPER Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (-30): 27h. 1903. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (-30): 271, 27h, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; Alv. Silv., Fl. Mont. 1: 419. 1928; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 19 & 59. 19463; Moldenke, Alph. List Cit. 2: 412 (1948) and 3: 935. 1949; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], 93 & 213. 1993 Moldenke, Phytologia : 328. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 108 & 493. 19595 Renné, Levant. Herb. Agron. Minas 72. 1960; Mol- denke, Résumé Suppl. 12: 5. 1965; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 175 (1971) and 2: 964. 19713; Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 335 & 48 (1977) and 37: 79. 1977. This species is based on Sena s.n. [Herb. Schwacke 1557] from the Serra do Cipé, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and deposited in the Berlin herbarium, where it was photographed by Macbride as his type photograph number 1069). Ruhland (1903) cites only this original collection and comments that the "Species foliis insig- nis", Silveira (1928) cites A. Silveira 540, also from the Ser 96 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, no. 5 ra do Cipé, collected in 1909. Collectors have found this plant in flower in June and August. Material has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as S. habrophyus Ruhl. On the other hand, the Pereira 3157 [Pabst 3992], distributed as S. pauper, acsanaty is S. elegan antu- ius Ruhl, ~~ Additional citations: BRAZIL: Guanabar4: Brade 1100) (Herb. Mus. Nac. Rio Jan. 26708] (Ja, N); H. F. Martins 27 [Herb. Cent. Pesq. Florest. 1129] (Ac). Minas Gerais: Sena s.n. (Herb. Schwacke 14557; Macbride photos 14557] (B-type, N--photo of type, W—photo of type, Z--isotype). SYNGONANTHUS PERUVIANUS Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): Synonymy: Paepalanthus peruviarmms (Ruhl.) Macbr., Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 11: 8. 1931. Eriocaulon acaule Pennell ex Moldenke, Résumé 285, in syn. 1959 [not E. acaule Fosberg, 1965]. Paepal- anthus peruvianus Hieron. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 21, in syn. 1959. Paepalanthus peruviams Ruhl. ex Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 1: 21, in syn. 1959. Bibliography: Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 2h, 253, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3: 175. 1908; J. F. Macbr., Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 11: 8 (1931) and 13 (363): h9l— 92. 1936; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 9: 199. 19383 Fedde in Just, Bot. ese rate "59 (2): 20. 1939; Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Erioc. 7 » & 59. 1963 Moldenke, Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., [ed. 2], ey & 213. 1993; Moldenke, Phytologia : 328. 19533 Moldenke, Résumé 84, 285, 327, & 493. 1959; Moldenke, Résu- mé Suppl. 1: al. 19593 Soukup, Biota 2: 302. 1959; Moldenke, Phy- tologia 17: 52. 19685 Moldenke, Fifth Sum. 1: 113 (1971) and 2: 492, 587, & 96h. 19713 Moldenke, Phytologia 35: 31. 1977. This species is based on Stiibel 19b from Cuesta de Léjia, near Moyobamba, San Martin, Peru, collected between April and June, 1875, and deposited in the Berlin herbarium where it was photo- graphed by Macbride as his type photograph number 10695. Unfor= tunately, Ruhland (1903) mis-read the original collection label as "196" and so cited it in his original description, and this was blindly copied by Macbride (1936), who cited only this col- lection. Recent collectors describe the plant as an herb with white inflorescence—heads and flowers and have encountered it "in wet Sphagnum over sand" and "locally abundant in seepages on wet slopes in Jalca zone", at altitudes of 2)00—3250 m., flowering and fruiting in June, July, and October. The Eriocaulon acaule Fosberg, referred to in the synonymy above, is a synonym m of E E. kinabaluense Van Royen. Ruhland (1903) comments in connection with S. peruviams that the "Species a S. eriophyllo proximo foliis paullo latioribus, capitulis mlto majoribus et manifeste flavidis, bracteis involu- 1977 Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 97 crantibus rigido-curvatis, sepalis fluris $ carinatis etc. dif- fert". In the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, there is a Lobb collection labeled by Hooker "S. Chili". Although thus labeled as from southern Chile, according to the late Dr. Carlos Mufioz, the family Eriocaulaceae is not represented in Chile. Lobb actually collected all over western South America from Colom bia to Chile, as well as in Brazil and Argentina. According to a letter to me from Sir George Taylor, dated July 5, 1963, "Hooker often made mistakes in labelling his specimens (he had so much to do). Moreover, there has been confusion over the labelling of Lobb's plants (see Killip in ‘Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collec- tions', vol. 87, no. 1 (1932)". The Kew specimens is from Hook- er's own herbarium and probably came from somewhere in Peru. The Hutchison & Wright collection, cited below, is said to be deposited also in the herbaria of the University of Michigan, University of California Berkeley, Missouri Botanical Garden, Paris, Leiden, Field Museum, United States National Museum, and San Marcos University in Lima, but I have not as yet seen these specimens for verification. Material of this species has been misidentified and distribu- ted in many herbaria as S. compactus Ruhl. Additional citations: PERU: Amazonas: Hegewald s.n. [Herb. Ha~ mann 3012] (Hm); Hutchison & Wright 5556 (Mu, N, Z)3 F. W. Pen- nell 15769 (N); Seg&stegui 6062 (W—2)71688); Wurdack 1338 (N, N, S, W--20368)), 1379 (N, W-—2)03686). San Martin: Stibel 19b [Macbride photos 10695] (B--isotype, B-type, N--photo of type, W--photo of type). Department undetermined: Lobb s.n. ["S. Chili") (K). SYNGONANTHUS PHELPSAE Moldenke in Maguire & Phelps, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. Ly: 12——13. 1952. Bibliography: Moldenke in Maguire & Phelps, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 14: 12—13. 19523 Moldenke in Maguire, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 102. 1953; Moldenke in Maguire & Wurdack, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 282--283. 19573 Moldenke, Phytologia : 329. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 7) & 493. 19593 G. Taylor, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 12: 138. 1959; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 12. 1962; Sandoval, Biol. Abstr. 6: 2128. 1965; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 17: 2. 1968; Mol- denke, Fifth Sum. 1: 127 & 128 (1971) and 2: 964 & 968. 19713 Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 53: 5252. 1972; Moldenke in Steyerm., Ma- guire, & al., Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 23: 852. 19723 J. A. Steyerm., Biotropica 6: 7& 10. 1973 J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 225 & 232. 1975. Maguire and his associates encountered this plant "in marshy area on cumbre" and "frequent herb of wet places in open savannas on precipitous slopes fringed by woodland". It has been found growing at 1500-2000 m. altitude, flowering in February and De- cember. The Maguire 32801 and Maguire & Politi 27697, distributed and 498 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 37, noe 5 in the latter case even previously cited by me as S. phelpsae, are better placed as var. elongatus Moldenke. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Maguire, Phelps, Hitchcock, & Budowski 31707 (Z—drawings of type); Phelps 30 (Ve). Bolfvar: B. Maguire 32885 (N); J. A. Steyermark 93696 (N, Z). State undetermined: J. A. Steyermark Anes (Ve). SYNGONANTHUS PHELPSAE var. CARDONAE Moldenke, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 23: 100. 1962. Bibliography: Moldenke, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Nat. 23: 100. 1962; Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 3: 12. 1962; Sandoval, Biol. Ab- pe 46: 2128. 1965; Moldenke, Fifth Summ, 1: 127 (1971) and 2: - 1971. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its stems 1l--17 cm. long and the densely congested leaves covering the entire stem, linear, and about 2 cm. long. qrateers VENEZUELA: Bolfvar: Cardona 1990 (Ve—-type), s.n. (Ve). SYNGONANTHUS PHELPSAE var. ELONGATUS Moldenke in Maguire, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 102. 1953. Synonymy: Syngonanthus phelpsae var. elogatus J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 225, sphalm. 1975. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 4: 329. 1953; Moldenke in Maguire, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 102. 1953; Moldenke, Résumé 7) & 193. 19593 Moldenke, Résumé Suppl. 11: ). 1963 Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 1: 127 (1971) and 2: 96h. 1971; J. A. Steyerm., Bio- tropica 6: 7&10.197h; J. A. Steyerm., Act. Bot. Venez. 10: 225 & 232. 1975. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having its stems 5 cm. long and the leaves 2.5——; cm. long. Collectors describe the plant as growing in clumps, the leaves green, erect, and soft, and the inflorescence=heads gray- whitish. They have found it growing at 800-~1800 m. altitude, in flower in February, July, and September, and in fruit in March, July, and September. Maguire refers to it as "frequent in bog- marsh savannas", while Steyermark and his associates say that it is "common in dense tufts" bordering forested areas. Ruiz-Ter4n & Lépez—Palacios record the name "“arib&i-pan4ru- kusf{" and describe the plant as a "hierba helidfila y psamé6fila; résula de unos 3 cm. de altos escapos de 10—15 [or 15--20] cm. delgados; hojas finas, h--5 cm.; capftulos hemisféricos, 3— mi. de didmetros; flores blancas", They encountered it on "oril- las de la carretera", Material has been misidentified and distributed in some her- baria as typical S. phelpsae Moldenke. Additional citations: VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Maguire & Politi 27697 (N, Ve); Je A. Steyermark 10511 (Ld), 105223 (Ft). Bolf- var: B, Maguire 32801 (N); Ruiz-Terdn & Lépez—Palacios 11220 (Ld), 11222 (Ld); J. A. Steyermark 93475 (Lw, N, N, S), 93504 LOTT Moldenke, Notes on Eriocaulaceae 99 (N, Z)3 Steyermark, Espinoza, & Brewer—Carias 10923 (Ld). SYNGONANTHUS PHELPSAE var. PILOSUS Moldenke in Maguire & Wurdack, Mem, Ne VER Bot. Gard. 9: 282——283. 1957. Bibliography: Moldenke in Maguire & Wurdack, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 282--283. 1957; Moldenke, Résumé 7) & 493. 19593 Molden- ke, Fifth Summ, 1: 128 (1971) and 2: 96h. 1971. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having the leaves densely appressed=pilose with silvery hairs. Maguire and his associates refer to it as "locally frequent in clumps in rocky savannas" and found it growing at altitudes of 1900——2100 m., flowering in December. Citations: VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Maguire, Wurdack, & Bunting 37308 (Mu--isotype, N—type); Maguire, Wurdack, & Maguire 2261 (N, S). SYNGONANTHUS PHELPSAE var. VIRIDIS Moldenke, Phytologia 22: 126. 1971. Bibliography: Moldenke, Phytologia 22: 126. 19713; Moldenke, Fifth Summ. 2: 96) & 968. 19713 Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.21: 30. 1972; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 53: 5252. 1972. This variety differs from the typical form of the species in having black involucral bractlets and bright-green glabrous or subglabrous leaves. Steyermark describes the leaves as pale=green and subcoriace=- ous and the flower—heads white and found the plants growing in dense clumps on swampy savannas at 2300 m. altitude. Thus far it is know only from the original collection. Citations: BRAZIL: Amaz6nas: J. A. Steyermark 10380 (N-—type). SYNGONANTHUS PHILCOXII Moldenke, Phytologia 26: 178. 1973. Bibliography: Anon., Biol. Abstr. 56 (10): B.A.S.I.C. S.265. 1973; Moldenke, Biol. Abstr. 56: 5366. 1973; Moldenke, Phytolo- gia 26: 178. 19733; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.23: 293. 197k. Citations: BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: Philcox, Fereira, & Bertoldo 3316 {N. Nive Bot. Gard. photo Ne 8752) (K-—-type, N-=photo of type, Z—-isotype) e SYNGONANTHUS PHILODICOIDES (Korn.) Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (4-30): 266. 1903. Synonymy: Paepalanthus philodicoides Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 69. 1863. Dupatya philodicodes Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 746. 1891. Dupatya philodicoides Kuntze apud Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzenreich 13 (l-30): 266, in syn. 1903. Paepalanthus philo~ decoides Koern. ex Moldenke, Phytologia : 329, in syn. 1953. Bibliography: Korn. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 3 (1): 69--70 & 507. 1863; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 76. 1891; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 402. 189); Ruhl. in Engl., Pflanzen- reich 13 (h-30): 26), 266, & 293. 1903; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 32 175. 1908. [to be contimed] BOOK REVIEWS Alma L. Moldenke "AMERICAN FOREST POLICY IN DEVELOPMENT" by Stephen Hopkins Spurr, vii & 88 pp., University of Washington Press, London & Seattle, Washington 98105. 1976. $6.95. The George S. Long Endowment Fund,established in 1975 by his daughter Helen "to promote better understanding of forestry, natural resources and conservation", commemorates the life work of the Weyerhauser timber industrialist who was also a natural resources conservationist. The dean of the College of Forest Resources administers its program. This neat little book shares the first three lectures with many more forestry students, timber workers, forest managers and policy setters, environmentalists, economists and political leaders than the original audience. "Biological Productivity of American Forests" is based on Professor Spurr's work on the Committee on Renewable Resources for Industrial Materials (=CORRIM) and projects a tripling or quadrupling as possible. "The Need for an American Forest Policy: Its Basic Elements" stresses the need for conservation education, forestry research on all levels and sufficient legal and fiscal opportunities for forest land management agencies. "Timber Policies: Today and Tomorrow" pragmatically assesses the likely increase under pre—- dictable economic, social and political conditions. "PALAEOBIOLOGY OF ANGIOSPERM ORIGINS: Problems of Mesozoic Seed=plant Evolution" by Norman F, Hughes, vii & 22 pp., illus., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge CB2 l1kP, London NW1 2DB, Melbourne 3206 & New York, N. Y. 10022. 1976. $21.50. This challenging study of interest to geologists, botanists, taxonomists, palaeontologists and advanced students in these fields is published in the Cambridge Earth Science Series under the general editorship of W. B. Harland. In it the palaeogeologist-author shakes his finger at the type of botanist who builds a whole plant family on a piece of fossilized non~ descript petal and again at the palaeontologist who explains "the extinctions of dinosaurs through catastrophic cosmic events +ee+e(when] direct continuing physical causes, such as unusually high temperatures at the end of the Cretaceous seem more likely. ...The high temperatures indicated for the Cretaceous seas by oxygen isotope studies on belemnites are perhaps the main guide to all the unusual evolutionary expansion of land plants and animals that took place together from Albian through Palaeocene 500 1977 Moldenke, Book reviews Sol time". He also concludes that none of the pre-Cretaceous fossils so far found represents an angiosperm. The book presents a logical plea for the re-evaluation of fos- sil material by the newer techniques with more awareness of the effects of continental drift based on plate tectonics, with com— parisons within the same time units, with a chance to devise a data-handling code and with a descriptive and not a Linnean bi- nomial naming until much more accurate information is available. Perhaps an analogy can be made with those Fungi Imperfecti that become assigned to certain other groups when their diagnostic fruiting bodies are finally discovered. "McGRAW=HILL DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL TERMS" edited by Daniel N. Lapedes & staff, xv & 163) & 26 pp. (appendix & tables), illus., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., St. Louis, San Francisco, Difsseldorf, Johannesburg, Kuala Lumpur, Lon- don, Mexico City, Montreal, New Delhi, Panama, Paris, S&o Paulo, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto, Wellington & New York, N. Y. 10036. 197). $39.50. Since mathematical symbols, chemical formulae, photographs, drawings of plants, animals and special structures, and well pre- sented diagrams are universally comprehensible or comprehended and since technical English language can be read by so many of those scientists, technicians, technologists, writers, students of several fields of knowledge and the interested public who want or need to know, this book becomes a wonderful investment world wide! There are almost 100,000 definitions with careful cross-referencing, there are almost 3,000 illustrations, there are almost 100 separate scientific and/or technical disciplines or areas of research covered. All is carefully, attractively and accurately prepared. Therefore this is truly the "world's most comprehensive single-volume reference" of great value in many more than the above-mentioned cities for their libraries, technical schools, colleges, universities, specialized industries and laboratories. "FIELDBOOK OF NATURAL HISTORY" Second Edition by E. Laurence Pal- mer & H. Seymour Fowler, xviii & 779 pp., illus., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., St. Louis, San Francisco, Dtfsseldorf, Johannesburg, Kuala Lumpur, London, Mexico City, Montreal, New Delhi, Panama, Paris, SHo Paulo, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto & New York, N. Y. 10036. 1975. $19.95. There must be thousands of American and southern Canadian fami- lies who still treasure the original 199 edition of Prof. Palmer's work as well as Anne Comstock's earlier natural history volume be- cause of some naturalist-oriented teacher, professor, librarian or general reader (and nature observer) on the recent family tree. Our 502 PB YoToOw OGL sk Vol. 37, no. 5 own immediate family started with much used copies from both sides. Because printing plates wear out after repeated use and because information needs to be modernized, the late, much admired Dr. Palmer had already started collecting material for this revision. But the bulk of this task has been executed by Prof. Fowler, re- sulting in this new, larger, attractive format that is more easily legible, that displays its more than 2,000 illustrative photo— graphs and drawings more effectivety, that incorporates data gathered from space exploration and geology, and that describes many more species of plants and animals. With todgy's renewed interest in man's place in the care and use of the environment and in outdoors recreation this comprehen- sive and readily comprehensible source book with its accurate il=- lustrations should prove a wonderfyl guide for families, students and teachers on several levels from kindergarten to graduate edu- cation training,for wildlife management, outdoor education, etc. For large enough groups there is a text edition available for $16. The printing is unusually clear. Unfortunately, the name Lantana montevidensis is misspelled. Index to authors in Volume Thirty-seven Beetle, A. A., 317 Madison, M., 65 Deason, T. R., 1 McDaniel, S,, 67 Degener, I., bog t serie Ae Le, 62, 276c0ues. ner, 0., 281, 09 aes He, 59 Moldenke, He N., 22, 68, 252, 275, Faden, R. B., 79 08, 420, 85 Fowler, B. A., 177 Raju, Ve Se, 453 Fryxell, P. A., 285 Rao, Pe N., 453 Glassman, S. F., 219 Ratnasabapathy, M., 1 Golding, J., 25 Robinson, He, hss, 461 Hocking, G. M., 98 Sreemadhavan, C. P., 12 Holmes, W. C., 67 Steyermark, J. A., 82 King, R. M., 55, 61 St. John, H., 417, Wl, 76 Lackey, J. A., 209 Turner, B. L., 177, 251 MacRoberts, D. T., 51 Ward, D. B., 13, Lo Wasshausen, D. C., 213 1977 Index 503 Index to supraspecific scientific names in Volume Thirty-seven Abies, 108 Abutilon, 285-288, 303, 30h, 316 Acanthaceae, 213, 215, Ny ie) Fb 413 Acanthoideae, )12 Acanthus, [12 Acaulospora, 123 Acer, 103 Achnanthes, 8, 19 Acnistus, 183 Aconitum, 137 Acroceras, 318 Actinastrum, |, 13 Aegilops, 318 Aegopogon, 318 Aeluropodeae, 36); Agaricaceae, 161 Agaricus, 160 Ageratella, 1,63 Ageratina, 1,55 Ageratum, 56, 59 Agonandra, 289, 305 Agropyron, 318 Agrostideae, 318, 320,).337, 3h], 35h, 362 Agrostis, 318-320 Alangiaceae, 119 Alangium, 119 Algae, 98, 117, 138 Allioniaceae, 208 Allolepis, 320 Alomia, 56, 459, 63 Alomiinae, 62, 1,63 Alopecurus, 320 Alternanthera, ),76-),78 Amaranthaceae, 208, 76, 478 Ammineae, 137 Ammocodon, 177, 179, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 181, 193, 195, 197, 199, 201, 203-205, 207, Amphilophis, 321 hipleura, 8, 19 Amphora, 9, 19 Anabaena, 6 Anadenanthera, 100 Anatherum, 321, 322 Andraspidopsis, 79 Andrographis, 1,16 Andropogon, 321-323, 330, 34 Andropogoneae, Sel, 32%, 330, 339, 341-3hh, 348, 352, 353, 356, 358, 393, 396, 397, 02, LOL, 106 Aneilema, )79~)81 Angelicinae 137 Angiospermae, 117, 138, 26 Anisonema, 12 Anisophyllum, },53 Ankistrodesms, , 5, L255 Anomoeoneis, 8 Anthephora, 323 Anthodiscus, 15), Anthophysa, , 10 Anthoxanthun, 323 Anthozoa, 2) Aphanizomenon, 6 Aphanochaete, 1) Aphelandra, ),13-1)16 Aphelandrea, )13 Apioideae, 137 Apium, 176 Aquifoliaceae, 119 Araceae, 65 Ardisia, 291, 306 Aristida, 323-327 Aristideae, 323 Arthraxon, 327 Arundinae, 328, 341, 355 Arundineae, 372, 390 Arundinella, 327, 328 Arundinelleae, 327 Arundo, 328 Asantus, 16) Ascoconidium, 151 Ascomycetes, 171 Ashbya, 10h Asteraceae, 251, 10, 55, 459, 50h PHYTOLOGIA Vole 37, no. 5 Asteraceae (cont.), 61, 466 Breviflora, 20h, 206, 207 Asterionella, 7, 18, 19 Brickellia, 61, 65 Attalea, 219, 22h, 227, 230, 232, Brickelliastrum, 6h 233, 238, 20-23, 245-248 Briza, 335 Attheya, 7, 18 Austrobrickellia, 66 Austrocritonia, 56 Avena, 328 Aveneae, 323, 328, 33, 3h6, 356, 357, 360, 389, 397, 03- 05. Axonopus, 328, 329 Bacillaria, 10 Bacillariophyceae, 1 Bacillariophyta, 7, 16, 17 Bacopa, 70 Bacteria, 138 Bambusa, 329 Bambuseae, 329, 340, 390, 392, 406 Bambusoideae, 112, 363 Barbacenia, 102 Barroetia, 65 Beggiatoa, 6 Begonia, 425-33, 435-0 Begoniaceae, 26, 437-39 Begoniales, 26 Bignoniales, 12 Blastocaulon, 78 Blepharidachne, 329 Blepharoneuron, 329 Bloxamia, 151 Boerhaaviinae, 179 Boletaceae, 113 Boletims, 113 Boletus, 113 Bothriochloa, 330, 331 Botrydiopsis, 11 Botrydium, 11 Bouteloua, 331-33) Brachiaria, 334, 375 Brachistus, 82, 83 Brachypodeae, 335 Brachypodium, 335 Bracteata, 211 Brassicaceae, 277 Bromeliaceae, 39 Bromus, 335, 336 Buchloe, 336 Buchlomims, 337 Bujacia, 209, 210 Burmannia, 90 Byrsonima, 6, 87 Byttneriaceae, 302 Caesalpiniaceae, 1h) Caesalpinoideae, 1h) Calamagrostis, 337 Calamochloa, 337 Calatola, 291, 306 Caloneis, 8 Calothrix, 6 Calycellina, 151 Campuloclinium, 57, 459 Capartogramma, 8 Carex, 159 Carminatia, 6) Carteria, h, 12 Caryocar, 15) Caryocaraceae, 15) Caryophyllaceae, h9 Castalia, lh6, )h8 Cathestecum, 337, 338 Cenchrus, 338 Centotheceae, 05 Centrales, 1, 17, 19 Centritractus, 11 Centunculus, 70 Ceratium, 6 Chaboissaea, 339 Chaetoceros, 7 Chaetochalara, 151 Chaetomium, 172, 339 Chalara, 150, 151 Chalaropsis, 150 Chamae ris, 108 Chamaesyce, 153, oh Characiopsis, 11 Characium, 12 1977 Chasmanthium, 1,05 Chenopodiaceae » 208 Chenopodium, 175 Chilomonas, 6 Chlamydomonas, 12, 18 Chlorella, h, 13 Chlorideae, 318, 323, SBT, 339, 342, 343, 356, 361, 36h, 3735 393, 397 Chloris, 339, 3h0 Chlorobotrys, 11 Chlorocloster, 11 Chlorococcales, 1, 3, Chlorococeum, , 12 Chloromonadophyta, 6, Chlo Chodatella, ), Chromolaena, 157 Chroococcales, 20 Chroococcus, 6 Chroomonas, 6 Chrysamoeba, 10 Index 331, 336, 37, 353- 388, 392, 17 16 Mae. 16, 17 Chrysochromlina, , 10 snrysococcus, B 10 Chrysophyceae, Chrysophyta, Chusquea, 30, 3k Cinna, 3h Clerodendrum, 22 Clidemia, 281, 282 Closteriopsis, 13 Closteriun, 1h, 18 Coccomonas, 12, 18 Coccomyxa, ) Cocconeis, 8, 19 Cocos, 228, 229, 23h, Codonella, Codonodendron, 10 Codosiga, 11 Coelastrum, 13, 18 Coelorachis, 31 Coax, iid Collandra, 150 Collodictyon, 4, 12 Columnea, 150 ang 16,- 27 235-237 Columnophora, 151 Commelina, 79, 80 Commelinaceae, 79-81 505 ae 12h, 209, 459, 67 Condylopodium, 62 Coriandreae, 137 Coronastrum, 13 Coronopifolia, 411 Coronopifoliae, )11 Cortaderia, Bn Cosmarium, 1) Cottea, 31 Critonia, 57 Crossothamnmus, 1,65 stucigenta, a3 styptochios, 3h2 is, 6 =e gl Cryptomonas, , 6, 18 Cryptophyta, 3s 6, 16, 17 Ctenium, 32 Cuphea, 258 Cupressus, 108 Curatella, 47, 87, 90 Cyanophyta, 6, 16, 17 thomonas, 6 Cyclotella, 5, 17, 19 ctostachya, 32 lindrocystis, 1 Cymbella, 9, 10, 19 Cymbopogon, 32 Cynodon, 32 Cyperaceae, 159 Dactylis, 33 Dactyloctenium, 33 Dactylotheca, 1) Danthoneae, 343, 393 Danthonia, 3)3 Dauceae, 137 Delissea, )17=)19 Dendrosida, 289, 290, 302, 305 Denticula, 10,19 Deschampsia, 3L3 Deuteromycetes, 150 Dialphocaryun, 219 Diatoma, Try ae 506 PHYTOL OG@IA Dichanthelium, 37-381 Dichanthiun, 313 Dicliptera, 233, 21h, 217 Dicotyledoneae, 138, 26 Dictoyledonae, 107 Dictyospermm, 79, 80 Dictyosphaerium, 13, 18 Didymogenes, h Diectomis, 3hh Digitaria, 3hh, 345 Dinobryon, 10, 11, 18 Dionaea, 1)5 Diplacrum, 70 Diploneis, 8, 19 Dipterocarpaceae, 280 Discomycetes, 171 Dispora, 1 Dissanthelium, 36 Dissidiales, 155 Dissothrix, 62, 65 nestichlis, 36 Disynaphia, 457-59, 61 Dodonaea, are Drosera, "aus Dunalia, 82-8) Dupatia, 53 Du » 79, 88, 94-96, 263, 22. igs, 489, 499 Duranta, 23 Dyscritogyne, 63 Dysmorphococcus, 12, 18 Echinochloa, 346, 347 Elakatothrix, 1 Eleocharis, 70 Eleusine, 37 Elyms, 37 Elyomurus, 38 Bubryoplyta, 1h6 Endoconidium, 151 Endogonaceae, 123 Endogone, 123 Entosporostilbe, 151 Englerophoenix, 22), 232, 27 Enneapogon, 38 Entosiphon, , 12 Epilobium, 280 Vol. 3T, NOe 5 Epithemia, 10 Eragrosteae, 320, 329, 339, 36, 348, 353, 359, 363, 36h, 372, 37h, 368, 393, sone 103, Lok, Eragrostis, 38-352 Eremothecium, 10) Eriantms, 352 Eriocaulaceae, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29=31, 33, 35, 37, 39, eee LS, 7, 49, 52; 53) 60 sneee thy Tsp Pgh 79, 81,163; 85, 87, 89, 91, 935: 95s0enen 253, 2o5 secs 259, 261, 263, 265, 267, 269, 271, 273, 275, 420, 521, 423, 485, 87, 89, loi, 93, 195, 197, h99 Eriocaulon, 2h, 26, 32, hS, 50, O5 18, tis 79-81, 87-89, 253, 257, 259,263, 26h, 267— 273, 22; 423, 485-L89, 496 Eriochloa, 352 Eriochrysis, 258, 352 Erioneuron, 353 Errerella, 13 Escherichia, 129 Espeletia, 39 Euascomycetes, 171 Euascomycetidae, 171 Euastrum, 14 Eucalyptus, 28) Eucaryota, 152 Euchlaena, 353 Eudorina, 12 Bugenia, "ya Euglena, 11, 18 Eugleno » tl dope Bulepis, ys Eunotia, 7, 8, 19 Eupatorieae, 455, 459, 461, 66 Eupatorium, 55-159 Euphorbia, 453, Lok Euriocaulon, 27 Eustachys, 353 Eutetramorus, 13 Excioconidium, 151 Fabaceae, 59 Ferulinae, 137 1977 Festuca, 353, 35h Festucea, 390 Festuceae, 335, 343, 353, 355, 360, 363, 36h, 373, 406 Ficus, 280 Fimbristylis, 46, 87 Flagellates, a6 Flyriella, 65 Fourniera, 35h Fragilaria, 7, 19 Franceia, 13 Fregirardia, 482-8), Frustulia, 8, 19 Fuchsia, 280 Fungi, 138 Furcellaria, 1) Furcilia, i 12 Tasishalare, 150, 151 Galactia, 59-61 Galeatella, 11h Gastridium, 35) Genisteae, 211 Gigaspora, 123 Glenodinium, Glenodonium, 6 Gloeobotrys, an Glomus, 123 Glyceria, 355 Glycine, 209-211 Golenkiniopsis, h, 13 Gomphonema, 9, 19 Gomphrena, 176 Gonium, 12 Gonyostomum, 2, 6 Gouinia, 355 Goyazianthus, 61, 62, L6h Gramineae, 112 Guadua, 329 Guazuma, 289, 305 Gymnopogon, 355 Gymnospermae, 107, 138 Gynerium, 355 Gyptis, 158, 459 Gyrosigma, 8, 19 Habraeanthus, 21-216, 218 Hackelochloa, 356 Haloragaceae aceae, ))1 Index 507 Haloragis, Wil, 4h2 Halotheles, 172 Hampea, 291, 292, 302, 303, 306, 307 Hantzschia, 10, 19 Hebe, 283 Heliantheae, 251 Helleria, 35) Helogyne, 463 Hemarthria, 356 Hemiascomycetidae, 103 Heteronema, 12 Heteropogon, 356 Heterothrix, 11 Hierochloe, 356 Hilaria, 356, 357 Hippocrateaceas, 209 Holcus, 357 Hd 5 170 Homolepis, 357 Seren 18, Bi (as ol WSS) 396, los Hordeum, 357 Hughesiella, 150 Hyaloscypha, 151 Hyalotheles, 172 Hydrocallis, bh5 Hydrozoa, en iygrophila, Hymenachne , aA Hyparrhenia, 358 Ichnanthus, 358, 359, 376 Tex, 119 Imperata, 359 Isachne, 359 Ischaemum, 359 Txophorus, 359 Jatropha, 12 Javanicae, 211 Johnia, 209, 210 Jouvea, 359 Juniperus, 108 Jurinea, )10 Justicia, 12, 15 Justiciaceae, 12 Justicioideae, 12 508 Kephyrion, 4, 10, 18 Kephyriopsis, ); Keratella, 5 Kirehnerietia, Lee. 18 Koanophyllon, 58 ears 360 Kosteletaiye, 292-295, 302, 308, fae sis, 64 Labiatae, 165 Lachnocaulon, 22-2) Lagynion, 10 Lamarckia, 360 rodithyros, 1,80 Larix, 108 Lasiacis, 360, 361 Lebretoniae, 296 Leersia, 361 ~eeaminosae, 103, lbh, 209, 211, ike 25-31, Same bee 270, 489, lo Bl : Lepocinc vin a Lepsia, oe r Leptochloa, 361, 362 Leptoclinium, 62, h6h Leptocoryphiun, 362 Leptoloma, 362 Leuvenia, 11 Levieranae, },11 Libocedrus, 108 Limnodea, 362 Limnoxeranthemm, 70 Liquidambar, 292, 307 Lithachne, 362 Littorella, 103 Lobelia, 11) Lobeliaceae, )17 Lolium, 363 Ludwigia, 280 raziola, 363 Lycurus » 363 Lyngbya, 4, 6 osurolyra, 112 Magnolia, 291, 292, 306, 307, 39 PHYTO 1, OcGTok Vol. 37, no. 5 Mallomonas, 11, 18 Malperia, | 463 Malvaceae, 285, 287, 289, 291, 293) 295, 297, 299, 301-303, 305, 307, 309, 311, Gag; 315 Malvales, 302 Malveae, 302, 303 Mamullosae, 1,11 Manihot, 127, 151 Markleya, 219 Marthea, Matudacalams, 363 Mauritia, 70, 90 Maximiliana, 219, 22h, 232, 2h7, 24,8 Melastomataceae, 281 Melica, 363 Weliceae, 363, 36 Melinideae, 36) ’ Melinis, 36) Melochia, 258 Melosira, 5, 7, 19 Menoidium, 12 Mentha, 108 Meridion, 7 Merismopedia, 6, 18 Merotrichia, 2, 6 Mesanthemum, 30 Mesosetum, 36) Mesotaeniaceae, 155 Metcalfia, 36 Metschnikowia, 10) Meyenia, 112 Meyeniaceae, }12 Micractinium, 13 Microchloa, 36) Microcoleus, 6 Microcystis, 6 Microthamnion, 1, Mikania, 167-L:75 Milowia, 151 Mirabileae, 179, 208 Modicella, 123 Moldenkeanthus, 30 Monanthochloe, 36) Monerneae, 381 1977 Monocotyledonae, 107 Monocotyledoneae, 117, 138 Monstera, 65 Moraceae, 280 Mougeotia, 1h Mucuna, 175 Muhlenbergia, 36)-372 Munroa, 372 Muscicapidae, 277 Mutia, 56 Nautococcus, 13 Navicula, h, 8, 9, 18, 19 Neeragrostis, 349, 351 Neidium, 8, 19 Nelsonia, 12 Nelsoniaceae, 112 Nelsonieae, 12 Nelsonioideae, 112 Nematospora, 10) Nematosporaceae, 103 Neobellae, 10, 111 Neonotonia, 209-211 Neowimmeria, 11) Nepenthes, 1h5 Nephrochlamys, ) Nephrocytium, 13 Nephroselmis, 12 Netrium, 155 Neurolaena, 251 Neyraudia, 372 Nicotiana, 23 Nitzschia, ), 5, 10, 19 Nostoc, Notonia, 209, 210 Notoselemus, 12 Nyctageae, 179 Nyctaginaceae, 177, 179, 207, 208 Nyctaginae, 179 Nyctagineae, 208 Nymphaea, hhy3=8 Nymphaeaceae, }4))3 Ochromonas, , 10 Odontophyllum, 13-116 Oedogonium, 1) Oenothera, 280 Index 509 Olyra, 342, 373 Olyreae, 112, 342, 362, 389, 02 Onagraceae, 280 Oocystis, 13 Ophiocytium, 11 Ophrestia, 210 Opizia, 373 Oplismemus, 373 Orbignya, 219, 235, 26, 248, 29 Orchidaceae, 159 Orcuttia, 373 Orthoclada, 374 Oryza, 37h Oryzeae, 361, 373, 37h, 407 Oryzopsis, 37h, 390 Oscillatoria, h, 6, 18 Ourococcus, Oxylobus, 159 Paepalanthus, 26-28, 31-55, 69— 71, 7h-81, 8h, 88, 89, 94-96, 253-256, 258, 259, 263, 26h, 267-269, 271-27, 420, 22, 485, 488, 489, 92, 496, h99 Palmae, 27-250 Panaeolina, 161 Pandorina, 12 Paniceae, 318, 328, 33h, 338, 3h, 346, 352, 356-360, 362, 36h, 373, 37h, 382, 387, 392, 393, 396, 399, 02 Panicum, 71, 318, 33h, 358, 374-381, 394, 395 Papilionoideae, 209, 211, 212 Pappophoreae, 341, 381 Pappophorum, 381 Parapholis, 381 Paraphysomonas, , 10 Parascheelea, 219 Paronychia, 49, 150 Paronychiinae, 9 Paspalidium, 382 Paspalum, 71, 382-387 Passeriformes, 277 Pavonia, 295-301, 311-31, 316 Pedaliaceae, }12 Pediastrum, 1) Pedinomonas, 12 510 BBY: 4,0 L, OGT-k Vol. 37, now 5 Pellionia, 103 Psathyrella, 161 Pennales, 5, 17, 19 Pseudechinolaena, 392 Pennisetum, 338, 387, 388 Pseudobrickellia, 65 Pentarrhaphis, 388 Pseudokephyrion, n Peranema, 12 Pseudokyrsteniopsis, 6) Pereilema, 388, 389 Pseudo-Scheelea, 22) Peridinium, , 6, 18 Pseudotsuga, 108 Petalomonas, 12 Psilocephalus, 268 Peucedaneae, 137 Psilophyta, 13) Peyritschia, 389 SS, 107, 134, 146 Phacus, 11, 18 Pterospermae, 1,26 Phalaridese, 389 Pueraria, =a Phalaris, 389 Pumilae, "ya Phanerogamae, 117, 135 Puya, 3 39 Phanerostylis, 65 Pyrenomycetes, 171 Pharus, 389 Pyrrhophyta, 16, 17 Phaseolese, aa 212 Quadricoccus, 13 Philodice, 56, 10, 87, 488 Quadrigula, 13 Phleum, 389 Quercus, 301 Phoenix, 15) Raddia, 32 Phormidiun, hb, 6 Radiococcus, 13 Phragmites, 390 Raulinoreitzia, 458, 459, 461 Sam 289, 305 Rauwolfia, 101 Phyllostachys, 390 Rayssiella, 13 Picea, 108 Reederochloa, 392 Piletocarpus, 479, 480 Reimarochloa, 392 Pinguicula, 145 Penta 2k Pinnularia, h, 9 Rhipidocladum, 392 Pims, 102, 108, 28h, 301 ee Piper, 137 Rhizoclonium, 1) Piptochaetium, 390 Rhizosolenia, 7, 18, 19 Planaltoa, 1,63 Rhodospatha, 65 Plantago, 103 Rhopalephora , 479-81 Pleurocoronis, 63 Rhopalodia, 10 Pleurotaenium, 1) Rhynchelytrum, 393 Poa, 390, 391 Rondonanthus, 56 Ruellia, Podocarpus, 291, 306 : A Ruellioideae, 112 Podostemaceae, 87 rolyesia, eee reereeeet 2 Polypogon, 39 Sacciolepis, 393 Potamogetonaceae, 87 Saccordermae, 155 Praxelis, 58 Salacia, 209 Pringleo ledehi ox 392 Salpin ceca 11 eee An Salpingoeca, Procaryota, 152 Sarracenia, mg Prunus, 158 Sauvagesia, 1977 Scalesia, 77 Scandiceae, 137 Scenedesmus, , 13, 14, 18, 20 Schaffnerella, 393 Scheelea, 219-2)9 Schisms, 393 Schizachyriun, Schroederia, 12 Sclerocystis, 123 Scleropogon, 393 Scrophulariaceae, 165 Scytonema, 6 Secale, 393 Selenastrum, 13 Selinocarpus, 177-208 Selimum, 177 Sequoia, 108 Setaria, 393-395 Setariopsis, 396 Shuteria, 209, 210 Sida, 175, 301-305, 315 Sitanion, 396 Solanaceae, 136 Solanum, 126 Sophora, 76 Sorghastrum, 396 Sorghum, 397 Sparassis, 160 Spartina, 397 Spermatophyta, 13h, 1h6 Sphaerellopsis, 12 Sphaerocystis, 12 Sphagnum, 270, 47h, 196 Sphenopholis, 397 Spirogyra, 1h Spondylosium, 15 Sporendocladia, 151 Sporobolus, 397-399 Sporoschisma, 151 Spumella, h, 10 Stac heta, 08, 21 Staurastrum, 1), 15, 18 Stauroneis, 9 Stenospermation, 65-67 Stenotaphrum, 399 321-323 Index 511 Stephanodiscus, al) Steviopsis, 6h Stigeoclonum, 1h Stilbochalara, 150 Stipa, 399-01 Stipeae, 37h, 390, 399, 02 Stiporyzopsis, 02 Stizolobium, 175 Strephium, 32 Streptochaeta, 1,02 Streptogyne, 1,02 Streptogyneae, 1,02 Streptomyces, 136 Strobilomyces, 113 Strombomonas, 11, 12 Surirella, 10, 19 Svngonanthus, 56 Symphyopappus, 56, 458, 459 61, 462, 466 S hoca: » 289, 239 Synedra, 3, 5, 7, 18, 19 Syngonanthus, 5h, 56-58, 68-97, 252-275, 420-23, 485-99 Symra, 2, 11 Tabellaria, 7 Taraxacum, 175 Taxodium, 108 Taxus, 108 Teilingia, 15 Tephrosia, 12 Teramnus, 209, 210 Tetradesms, Tetraedron, 12 Tetrallantos, 1) Tetrastrum, 1) Tettrallantos, Teyleria, 210 Thallophyta, 3) Theaceae, 155 Theales, 155 Thielaviopsis, 150 Thomandersia, 1413 Thomandersiaceae, 12 Thrasya, 1102 Thuja, 108 512 PHYTO LOGzA Thunbergiaceae, 12 Thurnia, 35 Tinospora, 137 Tintinnidium, 5 Tonina, 261 Torreya, 108 Trachelomonas, ll, 18 Tracheophyta, 26 Trachypogon, 6, 87, 02, 03 eee L62, 52 Tragus, 03 Treubaria, 13 Trichachne, 3h, 3h5 Trichloris, 339 Tridens, )03 Triniochloa, 03 Tripogon, iaincsees oll Tripsacum, Oh Trisetum, 40h, 05 Tristachya, 05 Triticum, hos, 23 Ts suga, Tsuga, 108 Tubi flora, 206 Tyohalea, 298 Ulothrix, 1) Ulotrichales, 17 Umbelliferae, 136, 177 Uniola, 05, 06 Utricularia, 70 Vellozia, 102 Velloziaceae, 102 Verbena, 275, 278 Vigna, 175 Vitex, 275 Vochysia, 292, 307 Be L7 ulpia, Vulpia, 406 ae 13 Witheringia, 482, 483 Xanthophyta, 11, 16 Xyris, 28, 71 Yushania, 06 zanthoxylum, 289, 305 Zea, 06 Zemisne, 76, 477 Zeugites, 07 Zizanieae, 363 Zizaniopsis, 07 Zoysieae, 1,03 Zygnematales, 3, 17 Publication dates Vol. 36, No. -- August 12, 1977 Vol. 36, No. 5 — August 187 1977 Vol. 37, No. 1 — August 25. 1977 Vol. 37, No. 2 — September 12, 1977 Vol. 37, No. 3 -— September 26, 1977 Vol. 37, no. 5 35185 00232 287 1 ee ORS SPSS ee eeern? rel ee ee SS en ai A SS ae ‘ SSS a ee eae Sea er er eS rr ° — “ oem > . -~ oe - ~ ene - CO He a : aoe 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