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Ta exchange FEB 4- 1916 7d aah CONTENTS PAGE BB TMT OS PRE Ne eee earsrcr pees acta a atte st ESE at cla cieovk & lis Syuhcn de: aherayeRs onion neta 65 DIMI RGU SSC eeene eR R Me esr tere ere nen ctr amare ps senile Set chair ar aedsl ete or Sie Sine GR Ran ROS Re: 65 DistrlottiOmeprye es cy ter eerotne rector sel cre voneh ye coy rare eee At ara aman cracstskey eae Piawa & 65 Story ielcceCOnOnmucadM pPOntanee. ts dat eho eats acs a ceape sos LAVA WSE We Nes 66 RS iiEO US lytic CISCASE. tr Matlipct. (lhl sets anor ibe etic ya wa aie< lavals slays obapstael vedas 66 Symptoms of other diseases which may be confused with Phytophthora.. 70 PMiipereta cctete Olto tab eee Mees Arak, Ae Se ERS wc cicy oer err Naa nape ee 70 ScleLovimia WhHibe TOG ies atrias.cc0s ec = suena Be Men eS State te 70 Sclerotinia iblackero troscy. eismic ts cvaiscore's everett Geto s uate asthe cea eeee ae 71 ANerostalacmatis Wilt ter acm ninrcnha ects lathe A eet rutin walt, Siecds. 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Siai. tN As Sci eta cust ts « aioe eT ha iret Re 83 IB xariiiniatl Ouro lslperattineys vies neue ha ornate Oe Eee | eA 83 Gomparisonyoly coliares 6) fo: A a otians aot Se ees a Be RO hae ee 84 Macroscopic srowthvion! variousimediay 9242. ..4.2. os eens ae 84 Kinds of spores produced on various media................... 85 Comparative:morpiolopiy.:...1.Ghon be dels Get oe uke Hae oe eee 87 EAeMISCORY ale wats. ais het see tell bic is ch a acntypant nahin her aR Re 89 Miormiialo py Othe Rum SUS... slo ans orate e aed sesh Aadane es Bir ys tata deen 94 IMinycelitatia ey ts Saye aut Sausmte ove ents cet alwys covc-ad ate cane Mts eee ey Geer 94. (ComiGiophonesienamrccers oo Gea ions ene PEA aL OS en Eee aoe 95 OMIA eee eh ee ae re SS oie Steck Ran 95 (Germunationkoliconidialryear see eri rne Aine ee cee ene eee 97 Germinationtby, cenmatubes a seme) a suieeta eae aces ree 97 Genmuina tions bysswarm Sporesars. ea ee een oe eee 98 SWAGIMIES POLES ccsteeec es a borers eda ee Teak RIS Riny Ieee arn SEE Pots 98 SERUAIORCAIMS Mersememes lor mies teeaas cle Aad Meron cups acre gee ree ne eee 99 Mentiliza tio timers tre ter entire ire cue gees sore ae eee es ae 100 @OSPOTS eae y ee eety hae each ate ooee ie NAN e Se Buel e's eecdeel ce hepa isa oor 100 Oospore-eemuuiaL om ss Key, ee BULLETIN 363 on which it is grown. The antheridium and the odgonium mey arise as branches of the same thread or from different threads (Figs. 11 and 12), but always the threads are close together. The antheridium and the oogonium are terminal swellings of their branches. The formation of the two structures takes place simultaneously. In some cases the stalks bearing the antheridium and the odgonium are on the same side, and the antheridium then falls on the odgonial stalk. Under the micro- scope, such a condition may present the appearance that the odgonium has grown through the antheridium (Fig. 11). The antheridium at maturity is from elliptical to reniform in shape, and is cut off by a cross wall from the main part of the thread. The odgonium is globose and much larger than the antheridium, and is also cut off by a septum. The protoplasm in the early stages, in both the antheridium and the odgonium, is finely granular, with a number of oil globules varying in size. FERTILIZATION Preceding the formation of the odsphere a change takes place in the odgonial contents. The protoplasm becomes denser, and, together with the oil drops, collects in the center. After the odsphere has been formed in the odgonium, one may detect in some cases a fine, lght- colored passageway extending from the antheridium to the wall of the odsphere (Fig. 11). This is the fertilization tube. The passage of any contents into the odsphere from the antheridium has never been observed, though it undoubtedly takes place as an examination of later stages shows that the contents of the antheridium are less dense. But at this time the fertilization tube has disappeared. In one case on five- days-old oat agar culture numerous fertilization tubes were seen. The tubes were present also on the following day, but on the seventh day all signs of them had disappeared. In no case do all the contents of the antheridium pass into the odsphere in the act of fertilization, as is the case in many of the Phycomycetes. OOSPORE After fertilization has taken place the odspore gradually changes color, from hyaline to yellow or brown. During this change in color there is a gradual thickening of the wall of the odspore. The odgonial wall per- sists, but without any change. In most cases, however, in this species, careful focusing will show that the antheridium is superimposed on the oogonium. OOSPORE GERMINATION All attempts by the writer to germinate odspores during the year 1912 and a part of 1913 met with failure, even though the odspores were taken PHYTOPHTHORA DISEASE OF GINSENG IOI from cultures almost a year old. Accordingly, in the fall of 1913 it was decided to place the odspores under as nearly natural conditions as possible. Transfers of pure cultures of the Phytophthora isolated from ginseng and of Phytophthora cactorum from Phyllocactus were made on sterilized bean pod plugs in test tubes. At the end of two weeks these were examined and were found to contain numerous odspores. Some of the test tubes containing the odspore material were sealed with paraffin and covered Fic. 18. GERMINATION OF OOSPORES OF PHYTOPHTHORA CACTORUM with small rubber caps. From the remainder of the test tubes the bean pod plugs were removed and placed in small five-inch flowerpots con- taining sand. On December 2, 1913, the covered test tubes and the pots were taken out of doors and buried an inch below the surface of the soil. On January 8 following, one of the pots was dug up. Small bits of the bean pod material containing odspores were placed in hanging drops of water to germinate. They were examined on several successive days, but no signs of germination were visible. On January 29 one of the covered test tubes was brought in and bits of material were placed 102 BULLETIN 363 in drops of water, but no signs of germination could be seen. Instead of discarding the remaining material, the test tube was partly filled with sterile distilled water. Mounts in van Tieghem cells and in drops of water were again made from this test tube on February 20. An exami- nation on the following day showed that many of the odspores had germi- nated. On the next day the remaining material was brought in and placed under water. At the end of two weeks no difficulty was encountered in germinating odspores from any of the material. The germination of odspores of the Phytophthora from both ginseng and Phyllocactus was identical. The odspores of the wintered material are granular, some being denser than others. In some cases the odgonial wall is broken or entirely gone and only the thick wall of the odspore is seen, in other cases the oégonial wall still persists. Just before germination the granular substance becomes denser near the periphery and the wall of the odspore takes on a striated appearance. Through a break in the wall a germ tube is sent out. The contents of the odspore gradually pass into this tube, which, when it has attained a sufficient length, bears a conidium. More than one conidium may be borne, as is the case with ordinary conidiophores. As germination proceeds, the striations on the odspore wall disappear and the wall itself diminishes in thickness. Various stages in the germination of the odspores are represented in figure 18. The conidia thus produced have been seen to send out ordinary germ tubes, as well as to break up into swarm spores. CONTROL The various methods of control of Phytophthora of ginseng fall under the following heads: (1) spraying with fungicides; (2) removal of diseased plants or parts of plants; (3) deep planting; (4) crop rotation; (5) sterilization of the soil; (6) drainage. SPRAYING As has been pointed out, the most favorable time for infection is very early in the spring, just as the plants are pushing through the soil. At this time the plant tissues are succulent and tender, and the temperature and weather conditions, as a rule, are most favorable for spore germination and infection. In order to prevent this early infection of the tops, a fungicice should be applied as the plants are pushing through the soil, and the application should be continued at intervals until all the plants have made their appearance. Spraying after this period will depend on weather conditions and on the amount of growth that the plants have made since the last applicatien. Spraying should be done before rainy periods, and all the new growth should be covered with the fungicide. PHYTOPHTHORA DISEASE OF GINSENG 103 Various fungicides, such as lime-sulfur solution, bordeaux mixture, and bordeaux mixture with arsenate of lead, have been tried for two seasons. Lime-sulfur solution in some cases causes injury to the foliage. As between bordeaux mixture with and without the addition of arsenate of lead, the former has been found to be the more satisfactory. Arsenate of lead seems to improve the adhesive quality of the mixture, which remains on the foliage longer when this is used. The fungicide employed should therefore be bordeaux mixture 3-3-50, to which has been added two pounds of arsenate of lead for every fifty gallons of mixture. REMOVAL OF DISEASED PARTS It has been found that if the diseased tops — that is, those that show a wilting and drooping — are removed just as soon as they are noticed, the fungus will be prevented from traveling down the stem. When the root is believed to be affected, it should be carefully removed from the bed. It is a good practice to disinfect the soil with a fungicide at the place from which the root has been removed. Formaldehyde, one part to twenty-five parts of water, or copper sulfate, one pound to ten gallons of water, is a good solution for this purpose. DEEP PLANTING During the summer of 1911, in a garden three-quarters of an acre in size, almost every plant was lost through attacks of Phytophthora. The disease seemed to start in the tops, and in ashort time nearly every root in the garden was affected. There were, however, about a dozen plants scattered throughout the garden which did not seem to be affected. These came up again the following spring, and on examination it was found that without exception the roots of the plants not attacked were planted at least four inches below the surface of the soil. From artificial infections recorded in the preceding pages, it is seen that the fungus can travel down the stem and rot the root. When the crown of the root is several inches below the surface of the soil, however, there is less likelihood that the root will rot. In the case of the potato Phytophthora, hilling up of the rows has been suggested as a means of reducing the rot of the tubers; but the method appears to be impracticable, since it causes a consider- able reduction in yield. In the case of ginseng, the roots are left in the ground for five years or longer. ROTATION OF CROPS A garden once affected with Phytophthora cannot be again used for ginseng for some years. A number of growers whose land had become 104 BULLETIN 363 infected allowed the land to he fallow for two years. They then planted seed, and the seedlings were attacked to a considerable extent by the disease. Hartig (1882) showed that the odspores can live for a number of years in the soil. Financially the grower cannot afford to let his land lie fallow for a period of years, since it is almost impossible to move the shade. The writer therefore suggests that a rotation with some other crop, requiring the same conditions of shade, be practiced. Golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis) is a good plant for this purpose. A number of inoculation experiments have been made with the ginseng Phytophthora on golden seal, and in no case has there appeared any evidence of infection. STERILIZATION OF SOIL Where it is not desirable to practice rotation of crops, the sterilization of soil by means of steam will prove of value. The steam pipe method and the inverted pan method have been tried. The inverted pan method is by far the more satisfactory, because of the greater ease with which the pan is handled and because less of the steam is lost than in the pipe method. The pan should be of galvanized iron, of a width equal to that of the beds in the garden, a length of ten or twelve feet, and a depth of from five to seven inches. The sides should be provided with sharp edges, which are forced down into the soil. The soil is prepared as for planting. It is necessary to have a pressure of from seventy-five to one hundred pounds for forcing the steam into the soil. The length of time required for each pan will vary with the kind of soil, owing to the fact that steam penetrates a sandy soil with greater ease than one of clay. Depending on these conditions, the time will vary from twenty to forty minutes. DRAINAGE When plants are growing naturally in the forest, the excess water in the soil is removed by the roots of trees and shrubs. Under culti- vation some artificial means of removing the excess of water from the beds must be employed. In one experiment it was found that a much greater abundance of odspores was produced when the root was placed in an abundant supply of water. Vegetable rots in general are favored by an abundance of moisture. It is therefore suggested that some type of underground drainage be employed to carry off the excess of water in the soil. Ordinary hard-burned clay tiles have proved most effective and permanent for this purpose. The depth, interval, and size of the drains must vary with the character of the soil and of the subsoil and with the amount of rainfall. In general the drains should be placed at a depth of from two to three feet in sand and gravel, and from one and one-half PHYTOPHTHORA DISEASE OF GINSENG 105 to two feet in clay. Where possible a tile drain should be placed under the center of each bed, or the drains may be placed at intervals of from six to eight feet. The size of the tile depends on the volume of water to be carried. In the ginseng-growing sections of New York State a three-inch tile has been found satisfactory. | BIBLIOGRAPHY Bary, Anton de 1876 Researches into the nature of the potato-fungus— Phytoph- thora infestans. Roy. Agr. Soc. England. Journ. 2:12: 239-269. 1881 Zur kenntniss der Peronosporeen. Bot. ztg. 39:585—-595, 601-609, 617-626. Coleman, L. C. 1910 _ Diseases of the Areca palm. I. Koleroga. Mysore State Agr. Dept. . Myce. ser., Bul. 271-92: Hanai, I. 1900 [Japanese title.] On the culture and curing of the Idzumo ginseng. Cent. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Japan). Rept. 8:28-29. Hartig, Robert 1876 Die buchencotyledonen-krankheit. Zeitsch. forst.- u. jagdw. Scr 123" 1882 Phytophthora omnivora (Phytophthora Fagi und Peronospora Sempervivi). Lehrbuch der baumkrankheiten, p. 42-46. Hook, J. M. van 1904. Diseases of ginseng. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 219: 168-174. 1906 A disease of ginseng due to Phytophthora. Spec. crops n. s. 5:94. Hori, S. 1907 A disease of the Japanese ginseng caused by Phytophthora cactorum (Con. et Leb.) Schrét. Imp. Cent. Agr. Exp. Sta. (Japan). Bul. 1:2:153-162. Jartoux, Father 1714 The description of a Tartarian plant, called ginseng; with an account of its virtues. . . . Taken from the tenth volume of letters of the missionary Jesuits. Roy. Soc. London. Philosophical trans. 28: 237-247. Klebahn, Heinrich 1909 Krankheiten des flieders, p. 1-75. Lebert, H., and Cohn, F. 1870 Ueber die faule der cactusstamme. Beitr. biol. pflanz. 1: 51-57. 106 BULLETIN 363 Osterwalder, A. 1906 Die Phytophthorafaule beim kernobst. Centbl. bakt. 2:15:43 5- 440. Saccardo, P. A. 1888 Phytophthora cactorum (C. et L.) Schroet. Syll. fung. 7:238. Schenk, August 1875 Sitzungsberichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. Bot. ztg. 33: 690-693. Schroeter, J. 1889 Gattung Phytophthora De Bary. Krypt.-fl. Schlesien 3:23 5- 2306. U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce 1914 The foreign commerce and navigation of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1913, p. 394. U. S. Secretary of the Treasury 1822 Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting state- ! ments shewing the commerce and navigation of the United States for the year ending the 30th September, 1821, p. 73. Whetzel, H. H. 1910 The mildew of ginseng caused by Phytophthora cactorum (Leb. & Cohn) Schroeter. Science n. s. 31: 790-791. Whetzel, H. H., and Rosenbaum, J. 1912 The diseases of ginseng and their control. U.S. Plant Indus. Bur Bul: aso217—10. PD - 22.2 * ee ee pre ‘ 5 aan (ies as +. GY ES 2 poBa5 BROS. \ LIBRARY BINDING = APR 163” ‘ ST. AUGUSTINE > SIN Teleralsce Fei?) NMEA 0 002 812 265 2