Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. A PILOT PLANTING TRIAL “= ON A SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO DEER WINTER RANGE Dean E. Medin and Robert B. Ferguson USDA Forest Service Research Paper INT-261 Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service USDA Forest Service Research Paper INT-261 September 1980 A PILOT PLANTING TRIAL ON A SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO DEER WINTER RANGE Dean E. Medin and Robert B. Ferguson INTERMOUNTAIN FOREST AND RANGE EXPERIMENT STATION U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Ogden, Utah 84401 THE AUTHORS DEAN E. MEDIN is research wildlife biologist with the Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station in Provo, Utah. He holds a bachelor's degree in forestry from Iowa State University, a master's degree in wildlife management from Colorado State University, and a doctoral degree in range ecosystems from Colorado State University. The research reported in this paper was done at the Intermountain Station's research labor- atory in Boise, Idaho. ROBERT B. FERGUSON is range scientist with the Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station in Provo, Utah. He received his bachelor's degree in forestry from West Virginia Univer- sity and his master's degree in wildlife management from Utah State University. His former assignment was the study of artificial revegetation of deer winter ranges in southern Tdaho, while located at the Intermountain Station's research laboratory in Boise, Idaho. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the assistance of M. Newell, C. Ohs, and members of the field planting crew, Garden Valley Ranger District, Boise National Forest, Idaho. The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this publi- cation is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the U.S. Department of Agriculture of any product or service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable. RESEARCH SUMMARY The 30-acre (12-ha) planting was designed to test the appli- cability of procedures recommended for improving deteriorated deer winter ranges in southwestern Idaho by artificial revegetation. Secondary objectives were to compare: (1) two planting methods-- direct seeding and transplanting; (2) two browse species--antelope bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata [Pursh] DC.) and wedgeleaf ceano- thus (Ceanothus cuneatus [Hook.] Nutt.); and (3) two bitterbrush seed sources--southwestern Idaho and northwestern Nevada--for both the seeding and transplanting methods. Competing vegetation was reduced by preparing scalps about 3-ft (l-m) square with hoes made from square-nosed shovels. About 1,200 scalps per acre (3 000 per hectare) were prepared on a spaced grid pattern of 6 ft (2 m) from center to center. Seeding was done in late October and early November using hand-operated seeders. Three spots were seeded near the center of each scalp at a rate of 12 to 16 seeds per spot. Transplanting of bare-root nursery stock (1-0) was done in April using planting spades. One transplant was placed near the center of each scalp. Overall, the seeding treatments had a sixth-year survival of 80 percent; transplanting treatments had a sixth-year survival of 62 percent. Survival was calculated as the percentage of scalps with surviving plants. Seeded bitterbrush had better survival than bitterbrush transplants. The converse was true for wedge- leaf ceanothus. Bitterbrush from local seed sources, whether seeded or transplanted, outperformed other plants significantly in survival and nonsignificantly in height growth. The findings support the notion that adequate technology is generally available for revegetating southwestern Idaho deer winter ranges, and that inconsistent results are at least partly due to improper application of recommended procedures. CONTENTS Page INTRODUGBION. 5 cd: S<6 Bis Maj Vis, oie to bee er ci eoy ome areas moet err ae ij THE (STUDY \AREA.~. sire 5) ay. 2st ois, Ve pter a euter net ie potato: Mixer mirc) MSMR yas 2 PLANTING METHODS ie sce) is, 6 \Ue> 1 e, Wetey Sho aloes cpereny ge UE are Tne 3 DiTeCt SECAINGs 6 eesiekras ~-os Heriuesdcepevay aap Boultej are eno ktcalecpencraa 3 TranSpLanNtang- 2. “i 7i Shae so or eass isthe Tem oad ore sl aoe op tae toes 3 DATA. COLGECTION: -o.usomsi + ciyis’ ash 6!) «tudes: oe seh) eos) beef oes Newey iy epee oles 4 RESULTS AND .DISCUSSITON:.... oO =) N = a a | [aaa Lu a ee | = = = Ce ae | YN S <— = Oo = x E oO o ia As = Lei ee = Oe — = a) Oo = ” = 1 14 29 18 8 31 20 10 MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. DATE Figure 2.--Trends in first-year survival, precipitation, and soil moisture from May 1 to September 10, 1969: 6 id Rapid desiccation of soils with the onset of the dry season is characteristic of many rangeland sites in southwestern Idaho. Soil moisture, after being recharged in June, dropped to a season minimum of about 2 percent at the 6-inch (15-cm) depth in mid-August (fig. 2). Soil moisture percentages were markedly higher under scalps than under unscalped areas (table 3). First-year survival trends appear weakly correlated with soil moisture trends. The soil mois- ture recharge in June may have prevented more steeply declining survival curves. Table 3.--Average soil moisture content (percent) at three depths (cm) on scalped and unscalped areas, 1969} Date Treatment Depth Eyal 5/14 S27 6/18 7/8 T/A. 8/20 O70 Scalped us) SS 6.4 5:5 Sine) 6.8 5.8 Ziad Ziad 30 ipod 6.8 es) SENS aS 4.4 S24 Si 60 8.0 8.0 Fil 543 ee 4.6 4.2 4.8 Unscalped tS) 4.3 2.8 Bir, 4.3 622 Braid 125 1.4 30 Soe, Si.9 $1.16 S42 hee 4.0 SO) Se) 60 Teall 6.0 Siac 4.0 6.4 4.4 5:6 Dal) lEach soil moisture value is the average of six sampling sites distributed throughout the planting area. Sixth-year survival differed markedly between species, seed source, and planting method ftable 1). Seeded bitterbrush had better survival than bitterbrush transplants. The converse was true for wedgeleaf ceanothus. Overall, seeding treatments averaged 80 percent survival; transplant survival averaged 62 percent. Bitterbrush seeded from local seed sources had a Sixth-year survival of 94 percent, higher (P<0.05) than any other treatment. Bitterbrush from local seed sources, whether seeded or transplanted, outperformed other plants significantly in survival and nonsignificantly in height growth. Although rating standards for shrub plantings are nonexistent, we suspect that few would be dissatisified with sixth-year survival rates from ia to 80 percent (compare fig. 3 and 4). Figure 3.--A pilot planting area before planting (photo taken October 1968). Figure 4.--The same area six growing sea- sons after,planting (photo taken October 1974). Substantial differences occurred in average height growth between species at the end of the sixth growing season. Bitterbrush, regardless of seed source, had better (P<0.05) height growth than wedgeleaf ceanothus. There were no differences (P>0.05) in sixth-year heights between the seeding and transplanting treatments of either bitterbrush or ceanothus. Sixth-year survival and height of bitterbrush planted from local seed sources varied by site (table 4). Survival was strongly related to topographic influences. Generally, the higher survival rates were on lower and upper slope positions. This was true for both the seeding and transplant treatments. Height growth followed a similar pattern except for a ) slower growth rate on the extreme upper slope position. ‘Season-long soil moisture trends measured during the first year were highest on the lower slope sites. Plants on slopes that were either horizontally or vertically concave or convex had higher survival. Those slope shapes were generally associated with the upper and lower slope posi- tions. Lower survival rates were found on vertically and horizontally straight mid-slopes. Slope gradients under 65 percent and those with southeast aspects. generally had better bitter- brush survival than steeper slopes and those facing south or southwest. There are exceptions to these generalities and there is probably some confounding among the topographic variables. Each scalp on, each’ of the 12 samplée.blocks;was.‘classified as to ‘the nature (annuals perennial) of the proximate competing vegetation. There was a tendency toward lower bitter- brush survival on those blocks having the largest percentage of scalps with predominantly perennial competing vegetation (fig. 5). Most of the perennial competition was from bluebunch wheatgrass and arrowleaf balsamroot. Ilolmgren (1956) documented the competitive effect of cheat- grass and other annual vegetation on the survival of seedling bitterbrush. Our study was not designed to directly evaluate the effects of plant competition. Nevertheless, thesdatawapelicace suggest that perennial vegetation may have a stronger competitive influence on bitterbrush seedling survival than annual vegetation. Apparently, scalping effectively reduces competition | from annuals. But perennial plants near the perimeter of the scalp may extend their roots farther laterally and deplete soil moisture throughout the growing season. Causes of Mortality Each time survival counts were made, we recorded the apparent causes of mortality that had occurred since the previous observation, relying heavily on personal judgment. Because survival} counts began on May 1, we probably missed early postemergence mortality. Drought accounted for 36 percent of 3-year seedling mortality and 29 percent of 3-year transplant mortality (table 5S). IHeat and frost heaving caused minor mortality. "SO9dINOS pads OYLP] ULOJSOMY NOS WOIF poysT[qeiso ysnaiqssjI1g, DABOUOD [BOTIAA op 9¢ 98 86 “9ARDUOD TRIUOZTIOY vs qSa todd aah JYUBTCIIS [TBOTIIOA 6S 6S Z6 OOT *SAPDUOD [BIUOZIIOY L9 iG roddy II XSAUOD! [POTIIOA 99 Z79 98 OOT *X9AUOD [RUOZTIO} Z9 eS zoddy OT SABDUOD [TBOTIISA $9 OL c8 86 “yysterys Te{UoZ ILO LE S) OTPPIN 6 SABDUOD [BOTIIOA Co b9 88 86 “OABIUOD [PIUOZ ILO} ste) MSS SLPP tN 8 JYSTCIAZS TVITRIAIA £S 95 SZ 16 “ystetys [ve UoZ TsO} SE S STPPIN 1s JUSTRLIS PRLOLIISA LS cS OL 98 “yysterys Te UOZT4IOH 99 iS STPPIW 9 JYSTVAYS [VITIIOA 8C (6 89 CL “{yste1ys TR UOZTIO} LL M STPPIN S VSTeAYS [BOTIIOA ES a4 88 76 “qysterys Te UOZTIO|] 69 S$ OTPPIN v JYUSTRIYS [VOTIIOA 09 19 v6 96 SVUSTELIS PT eRVUOZ LIOL Ge AS IOMOT ¢ SABDUOD TPITIIOA vs ss v6 OOT “yysterys [Te UOZ TsO} v9 MS TOMO] C DABDUOD TROTIAIOA sae 89 86 96 “VUSTCIZS [eIUOZEIO} Qh ass IOMOT I que[dsuei], BUT [poos que,Tdsuerll Bsurppass odeys quoTpess yoodsy - uorztsod YOOTY ado[s Us IIEd odots ys Toy] [BATAINS SOLAS TIoJOELeYO. OTS [SOLS TfaqoeIeyO 977s 0} PpezePTezr szuerTdsuez}2 pue shutTpees ysniqie7#iTq edoTezue fo (wo) zYybTaey pue (ZUuaedTEed) TeATAInNS Teeh-YRAXTS--"p 9Tqe] SEEDLING 80 (100 - x) _,| ° . | 2100 a 0. 755 ® Y = 68,55 + 27. 36lle = 60 >y.x= 4.70 4 R?= 0.70 oa S (a <— > 5 10r. TRANSPLANT (100- x) 3 5 ; _| 100 90 ¥ = 59,27 + 28,0291 ¢| 9:60 Sy .x=7. 48 R*= 0. 32 70 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT OF SCALPS WITH PERENNIAL- COMPETING VEGETATION Figure 5.--Sixth-year survival of bitterbrush seedlings and transplants (southwestern Idaho seed source) in relation to percentage of scalps with perennial competing vegetation. 10 Table 5.--Percentage of 3-year seedling and transplant mortality attributable to specific causes! Seedling Transplant Wedgeleaf Wedgeleaf Bitterbrush, Bitterbrush, ceanothus, Aver- Bitterbrush, Bitterbrush, ceanothus, Aver- Idaho Nevada California age Idaho Nevada California age Cause N=159 N=307 N=140 N=606 N=90 N=284 N=151 N=525 Weather Drought 42 35 32 36 38 29 25 29 Heat 1 0 0) 1 0 0 0 Frost heave 0 0 0 0 1 1 Z 1 Animal Small mammal Ti i a 7 i 5 18 9 Insect 4 2 6 3 2 0 0 1 Trampling 14 10 8 11 3 1 3 2 Browsing 2 7 1 4 l 2 8 3 Disease (damping-off) 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 Soil movement 1 1 0 1 0) 0 (0) ) Planting technique 0 1 0 1 9 4 2 4 Unidentified 26 34 46 35 39 58 43 51 lSeedling N is the number of seed spots to which a cause of mortality was assigned; transplant N is the number of transplants to which a cause of mortality was assigned. About 25 percent of seedling losses and 15 percent of transplant losses were caused by animal activity. Trampling by deer and clipping, root cutting, and mound building by pocket gophers (Thomomys talpoides Merriam) were mainly responsible. Wedgeleaf ceanothus transplants were particularly susceptible to root cutting by pocket gophers. Trampling killed 11 percent of the seedlings and 2 percent of the transplants. This difference was the largest of any single cause of mortality between seedlings and transplants. Insects (mostly grasshoppers, webworms, and cutworms) also killed more seedlings than transplants. The planting was aerially sprayed (Malathion) in mid-July of the first growing season as part of an area-wide grasshopper control program. Browsing by deer killed 4 percent of the seedlings and 3 percent of the transplants. Most of the browsing mortality occurred between the second and third growing seasons, a period separated by a severe winter. A decrease in average shrub height for some treatments the following year (year 3 in table 1) probably reflected the heavy browsing of that winter. Damping-off fungi and soil movement accounted for 3 percent of seedling mortality. Four percent of transplant mortality was attributed to poor planting technique; most of this was from doubled-up root systems. Although not reflected in table 5, we later observed winter injury and winter kill of wedgeleaf ceanothus. 11 Costs Costs of seeding and transplanting are compared in table 6. Total seeding cost per acre was $204.75 ($505.92 per hectare). Total transplanting cost per acre was $232.56 ($574.65 per hectare). Costs are expressed at approximate 1979 prices. Labor costs were computed on a $5.00 per hour wage scale. Costs for tools, and travel and lodging for planting crews are not included. Table 6.--Estimated costs of seeding and transplanting treatments, 1979 Planting method Cost sper. acre Cost per hectare Seeding Seedbed preparation (scalping hoe) $°.120), 00 $ 296.50 Seeding (hand-operated seeder) 45.00 ES 10) Seed (cleaned) Bitterbrush 28.60 70.67 Wedgeleaf ceanothus 9.40 2525 Preplanting seed treatment! ea ey Total § 204.75 $ 505.92 Transplanting Seedbed preparation (scalping hoe) 108.00 266.86 Handplanting (planting spade) 68.00 168.03 Planting stock (1-0 transplant) 56.56 139.76 Total $ 232256 $ 574.65 lRodent repellent treatment of bitterbrush and hot water treatment of wedgeleaf ceanothus. Seedbed preparation (scalping) was the largest single investment item, accounting for 59 percent of total seeding cost and 46 percent of total transplanting cost. Seeding was about 12 percent less costly than transplanting. The cost of seed was about two-thirds that of nursery planting stock. Seed prices were $14.24 per 1b ($31.40 per kg) for bitterbrush and $28.48 per lb ($62.80 per kg) for wedgeleaf ceanothus. Nursery costs were $47.13 per thousand graded and packed 1-0 transplants. CONCLUSIONS The planting was designed to test the applicability of procedures recommended for improving deteriorated deer winter ranges in southwestern Idaho by artifical revegetation. Subobjectives were to compare: (1) two planting methods--direct seeding and transplanting; (2) two browse species--antelope bitterbrush and wedgeleaf ceanothus; and (3) two bitterbrush seed sources-- southwestern Idaho and northwestern Nevada--for both the seeding and transplanting methods. Although expensive, the pilot planting demonstrated that shrubs can be successfully estab- lished by either seeding or transplanting methods in environments typical of many southwestern Idaho deer winter ranges. Our investigation supports the notion that adequate technology is generally available for revegetating winter range problem areas and that inconsistent results are at least partly due to improper application of recommended procedures. The findings are not conclusive because the planting was done under a single set of environmental conditions. Adverse environmental extremes may cause planting failures regardless of the care used in following procedural details. PUBLICATIONS CITED Adams, Lowell. 1962. Planting depths for seeds of three species of Ceanothus. USDA For. Serv. Res. Note OA ape eeace sOOUtNWeSt FOr. and Range Exp. Stn., Berkeley, Calif. Basile, Joseph V., and Ralph C. Holmgren. 1957. Seeding depth trials with bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata) in Idaho. USDA For. Serv. ReSs-) bapwo4 Op. Intermt. For, and Range’ Exp. Stn..,. Ogden, Utah. Casebeer, Robert L. 1954. The use of tetramine in bitterbrush revegetation. J. For. 52(11):829-830. Ferguson, Robert B. 1972. Bitterbrush seedling establishment as influenced by soil moisture and soil surface temperature. J. Range Manage. 25(1):47-49. Ferguson, Robert B., and Joseph V. Basile. 1967. Effect of seedling numbers on bitterbrush survival. J. Range Manage. 20(6):380-382. Gashwiler, Jay S. 1971. Emergence and mortality of Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and western redcedar Seedlings. “Hors Sei. 17,/(2)3230-237. Guusez, John Ps; and E. Es. Hardin. 1967. A germination study on seeds of five species of the genus Ceanothus occurring in Oregon. Newsletter Assoc. Offical Seed Analysts 41(2):12-19. Holmgren, Ralph C. 1954. A comparison of browse species for revegetation of big-game winter ranges in south- wescerm Idaho. USDA For. “serv; Res. Pap: 53, 12 p. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah. Holmgren, Ralph C. 1956. Competition between annuals and young bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata) in Idaho. Ecology? 37 (Z)i:370=377 . Holmgren, Ralph C., and Joseph V. Basile. 1956. Range revegetation and deer on the Payette. Idaho Wildl. Rev. 9(2):10-13. Holmgren, Ralph C., and Joseph V. Basile. 1959. Improving southern Idaho deer winter ranges by artifical revegetation. Idaho Dep. Eush- and Game; Wildl. “Bull. 3; 61-p. Klemmedson, James O. 1967. Big-game winter range--a diminishing resource. Trans. 32nd North Am. Wildl. and Natur. Res.-Cont. [San Franscisco, Calif., March 1967]. p. 259-269. Snedecor, George W. H956. Statistical methods. Sth ed. 534 p. Iowa State College Press, Ames. Medin, Dean E., and Robert B. Ferguson. 1980. A pilot planting trial on a southwestern Idaho deer winter range. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. INT-261, 13 p. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah 84401. The planting compared: (1) two browse species--antelope bitter- brush (Purshta trtdentata [Pursh] DC.) and wedgeleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus cuneatus [Hook.] Nutt.); (2) two planting methods—-direct seeding and transplanting; and (3) two bitterbrush seed sources-- southwestern Idaho and northwestern Nevada. Overall, the seeding treatments had a sixth-year survival of 80 percent; transplanting treatments had a sixth-year survival of 62 percent. Bitterbrush from local seed sources, whether seeded or transplanted, outper- formed other plants significantly in survival and nonsignificantly in height growth. KEYWORDS: Purshta trtdentata (Pursh) DC., Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook.) Nutt., seeding, transplanting, shrubs, site relations, deer winter range. Medin, Dean E., and Robert B. Ferguson. 1980. A pilot planting trial on a southwestern Idaho deer winter range. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. INT-261, 13 p. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah 84401. The planting compared: (1) two browse species--antelope bitter- brush (Purshia tridentata [Pursh] DC.) and wedgeleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus cuneatus [Hook.] Nutt.); (2) two planting methods--direct seeding and transplanting; and (3) two bitterbrush seed sources-- southwestern Idaho and northwestern Nevada. Overall, the seeding treatments had a sixth-year survival of 80 percent; transplanting treatments had a sixth-year survival of 62 percent. Bitterbrush from local seed sources, whether seeded or transplanted, outper- formed other plants significantly in survival and nonsignificantly in height growth. KEYWORDS: Purshta tridentata (Pursh) DC., Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook.) Nutt., seeding, transplanting, shrubs, site relations, deer winter range. PESTICIDE PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENT This publication reports research involving pesticides. It does not contain recommenda- tions for their use, nor does it imply that the uses discussed here have been registered. All uses of pesticides must be registered by appropriate State and/or Federal agencies before they can be recommended. CAUTION: Pesticides can be injurious to humans, domestic animals, desirable plants, and fish or other wildlife--if they are not handled or applied properly. Use all pesti- cides selectively and carefully. Follow recommended practices for the disposal of surplus pesticides and pesticide containers. POLLOW THE LASEL U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The Intermountain Station, headquartered in Ogden, Utah, is one of eight regional experiment stations charged with providing scientific knowledge to help resource managers meet human needs and protect forest and range ecosystems. The Intermountain Station includes the States of Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and western Wyoming. About 231 million acres, or 85 percent, of the land area in the Station territory are classified as forest and rangeland. These lands include grasslands, deserts, shrublands, alpine areas, and well-stocked forests. They supply fiber for forest in- dustries; minerals for energy and industrial development; and water for domestic and industrial consumption. They also provide recreation opportunities for millions of visitors each year. Field programs and research work units of the Station are maintained in: Boise, Idaho Bozeman, Montana (in cooperation with Montana State University) Logan, Utah (in cooperation with Utah State University) Missoula, Montana (in cooperation with the University of Montana) Moscow, Idaho (in cooperation with the Univer- sity of Idaho) Provo, Utah (in cooperation with Brigham Young University) Reno, Nevada (in cooperation with the University of Nevada)