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The 1974 Pine Needles

Overview 16 Faculty and Administration 62 Organizations 134

Sports 186 Lifestyles 224 Features 248 Classes 286 Endings 362

Karen Suzanne Davis Editor in Chief

The 1974 PINE NEEDLES began with


for that is how all things must begin.

Behind every idea is one. One person who acts as the igniting flame creating the first fire, the first wheel, the first starship. It is the individual who works only for the satisfaction of realizing his own potential, driven by force of ego. He is the flame that cannot go out.

what they do not understand. They cry sacrilege in an effort to stop him, and make rules to try to bind him to their narrow paths. But he realizes that the greatest sacrilege is the denial of one's own poten- tial; he cannot be bound.

Resentful, they use him nonetheless, for without his creativity the world would be dark.

That force does not go out after his death, but continues to burn and guide. Through later histories, his light is reflected and made brighter with other lives.

the life of the individual is a constant remin- der of courage against those who fear their own existence. Fearing, they may try to de- stroy him, to safely return to their own dark paths. But like the human spirit, he can never be completely extinguished; he will take spark and burn once more, against all who hold the faceless masses superior.


He is the fire that will not go out.

Welcome Back to School






"It's what we've done that makes us who we are


The tcimpu'' is bus\ tonight; there are organizational meetings in Elliott Hall. The cynicism of later in the year has not yet set in, and people are still willing to be cajoled into joining one of the many activities. They are returning from dinner now, stomachs trying to adjust to ARA and its myriad delicacies. The leaves are still green on the trees, hilt It IS the tired green of late summer when hot weather seems hadiv inappropriate. People are playing frisbee in the Quad prior to settling down to study. Later tonight there will be a water fight and the freshman girls will allow the guvs from Hinshaw to massacre them. The battle lines will change Mneral times betore wearv housemothers call a halt.

There is still an air ot newness, of excitement, it it can be (ailed that. EspecialK' is this true for the freshmen, but it also spills into those laded upperclassmen who count the semesters remaining. It's the feeling of a fresh start, and underlining it is the first premonition of cold weather.

SGA: A rough year for representative democracy

This year began when Hlnshaw dorm seceeded from the Student Government Association, led by its dorm coordinator Jim McAbee. The student senate became the focal point for the SGA as the year's debate covered such topics as salaries for SGA and organizational officials, By-laws and Constitutional changes, and election policy. There was the usual jockeying for position among some of the senators, and there was an aborted attempt to abolish the student literary magazine. Some students were heard to wonder aloud just what did go on in the senate; for the most part, SGA affects the lives of few students, and so is usually ignored.

Unless, of course, you're involved in it.

Several awdrds were presented by the outgoing president of senate at the end of the year. Among these were the awards for Outstanding Senator, which went to Suzanne lennings, Cathy Krinick, and Ben Sells (above left). A new award in the form of Outstanding New Senator was presented to Chuck Melvin, Don Moore (above right), Kevin Moore, and Roslyn Wells. The awards were followed by the annual throwing into the fish pond of the senior senators by the remainder of the senate.

Vice President Resigns

13^^. /■-;>.> t'-

Rufus Edmisten.

Governor )ames Holshouser,

Robert Morgan

. . . while local politicians campaigned as usual.


Charlie Webb and Nick Califianaki!. at Ihe Tate street Fa


How're you getting home?

Know anybody going to Chapel Hill this weekend?


It now requires several minutes to get out ot classes and the cafeteria. Winter has necessitated the wearing of heavy coats, scarves, etc., and it takes time to grapple into these. Few people go out after dinner. It is too cold to do anything but stay inside and study or watch TV. The dorms are nothing but lights they sparkle through bare trees and the whole campus seems more open.

Walkmg back from night classes or staring out the window, there is a wish for snow so strong it is almost physical. But snow is rare. Popcorn and the Wednesday Night Movie will have to suffice, along with a (possibly salacious) recounting of last weekend's trip to Chapel Hill or wherever. In the back of each mind are the coming finals; there is an almost desperate search for some activity to erase the thought, anything to keep from contemplating impending doom.

Christmas will be here soon, and the looked-tor break. The advantage of finishing exams before going home is balanced against the effort of Christmas shopping while cramming.

The air is sharp with winter cold, and it definitely smells like snow. Maybe tomorrow.

f T




The Oresteia

and other activities

A part of the American College Theater Festival, UNC- C's production of the Orestela was presented at the Ken- nedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington this spring. The group, directed by Dr. Herman Middleton, won the honor on the basis of regional performances, with spe- cial recognition not only for acting but also for its unusual use of the Bronze Age as the setting for the play.

In other action, the Men's Tennis team won first place in the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference; two groups from the Romance Language and Russian Departments won high honors for foreign play competition; and the De- bate Team again won an impressive number of victories. This year's team of 23 students won over 72 awards, in- cluding four first place awards at major competitions. They also won first place in the State Championship Forensics Tournament, ending the year with an average of five awards per competition.



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Backstage (and onstage) with the Theater for Young People

It's more than a kick, and we're sure not getting ricli." "We do it because we love it."

It's Saturday afternoon between performances of "Aesop's Falables", the rock version of Aesop's Fables and the current production of the Theatre for Young People. The cast is talking about the special problems of playing to children's audiences.

' Basically it's the difference between a child's bram and an adult brain. Kids are much harder they'll tell you if they don't like you." Danil Torppe.

"The plays are much more physical; they have to be acted in a broad, slapstick manner. You can tell from the opening number what kind of audience you have, and that changes the character of the play. You have to pick up on that character change and play to it." Bobby Bodford.

"The adjustments are incredible. Each time it's some- thing different, something that must be adapted. You de- velop a reliance on training and character. You learn a whole set of sounds and expressions different from adult theatre." Laurie Conway.

"They'll argue with you, respond to your performance. If

you're the villian it's painful. There's no hate like a child's hate." Bobby Bodford.

"This show in particular is a very high energy show, lots of singing and dancing and movement. We had to rewrite the music and some of the script to this play, to adapt it for these audiences. The actors do everything costume, etc. sometimes three times a day. And each time you open there's the same fear 'I'm gonna blow it this time.'" Ian Powell.

Upstairs in the theatre, what seemed like a million noisy kids were running between rows of seats, making normal passage impossible; pulling off raincoats while mothers re- trieved umbrellas. The lights go down and with much squealing, the children race for their seats. Parents stand up for frantic headcounts. By the time the lights are down, the kids are clapping in and out of time to the overture and bouncing in their seats, anticipating.

"In order to understand your own world, you have to be able to view it from another world. This is part of a million-year-old ritual." Craig Spradley.

















B<.b Bd.lli.r.l


Laurie Conway. Jan Powell, Paula Richardson, Craig Spradley, Rebecca Bean

Dan 1 1 Torpe-

55 and 68: the energy crisis hits home

Amid gas lines and lowered thermostats, the energy crisis changed lifestyles at least temporarily. While buttoning the extra sweater worn to class to compensate for the 68 degree temperature, students could be heard trying to arrange carpools; rides home became infrequent and one trip often had to do for two, whether it was home or to the store. Spring changed that for the time being, old habits were resumed.




On February 20, 1974, the Pine Needles received the following statement:

FROM: lames H Allin

In .iccord.incf willl thf Alljrm.itive Ailmn l'l,„i 1,„ Ihr Llnivnsilv ul N.irlli C.ir,,hn,i ,il ( .rrrnshoro ett«liveimniedi.llfly,.ill UniviTMly pulili< .iImhis, in. lulling sluilriil puhlH .lUonv must i i.n'l.iiii ihr Ii)II(iw- ing statement

"Admissicn to, emplnvmeni In, .incl pr,,r,i,,lion in the University ol North Carolini and all r.t its ronsiiiuent insiiiuiions sh.ill h,. on the basts of ment, and there shall be no disc rimination on the basis ol r.u ,■, ^ olor, c reed, religion, sex, or national origin,"

This stalemeni must he printed in earh ed , ot our student puhlnalions I shall appfuale your

assistance in ensuring that our publltalions i omply uilh this d,re< tiye It you have .my <|ueslions , , ,n, rm- ing this matter, please lei me know

Now, our first reaction was an amused wonder at this brand of freedom of the press. Then we realized that, being only a student publication, we are evidently subject to control by the government, whether student or national. If HEW decides that we can't be unpreiudited wilhoul this statemeni, who are we to nueslton our betters?

And then we realized the true purpose of pnnttng this statement, and suddenly we telt better. Isn't it wonderful how a single paragraph authonzed by some HEW bureaucrat down the street from the Capitol, 300 miles away can end centuries of prejudice and abuse? Now why didn't we think ot that sooner?


Streak inflation recession Cost of Living Council Last Tango Paris Colda Meir The Who Georges Pompidou Golam Heights Doobie Brothers Julie Nixon Eisenhower Impeach the President Sam Dash wage price guidelines freeze Willy Brandt Elton John Watergate Agnew Anne Murray How- ard Baker Muledeer and Moondog Nightowl just an old country lawyer Hinshaw humpers The natural way to do it every night The Three Mus- keteers ShaNaNa Henry Kissinger and Nancy Maginnes Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose Hank Aaron the uncola pepsi's got a lot to give The Sting Back the President The Waltons The Exorcist M*A*S*H yearbook burning Mary Tyler Moore Greensboro the kidney of the south Rockin' Around the Clock shredding Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Kung Fu Gallup Poll you deserve a break today hurry on down Alexander Solzhenit- sen truck strike detente Nick Galifianakis Rufus Edmisten Disney World James St. Clair Bobby Riggs waterfight Jeb Magruder John Mitchell Brezhnev Maurice Stans Charles Colson tapes Ron Ziegler hit the road IHOP Peanuts hitch My Girl Bill Doonesbury beer blast appeal falsification parking permit executive clemency visitation I Am Woman Billy Jean King strike 68 degrees 55mph resignation Angle Natbush City Limits energy crisis Spring Weekend State's No. 1 Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy ACC Tournaments The Way We Were GGO Sambo's Patricia Hearst SLA Yum Yum's David Reuben NOW Anton's Nader Marcus Wel- by, MD Gloria Steinem All My Children out of state Miami Dolphins Zigbop tuition Mazotta NCPIRG road trip OD The Rawk bloodmobile Founder's Day fireworks Bill's book tower Prob- lem Pregnancy Fund ice cream machines mystery meat Joe College wallpaper apathy the Suez War machismo the gay community inoperative plum- bers embargo shortage LSAT NTE GRE MEDCAT Grogan shootings bomb threat independent study Marshall Tucker veto-proof Congress Carly Simon Taylor Rolling Stones Carolina State John Denver Roberta Flack Sonny and Cher Kojak Duke Hope Harbor Seals and Crofts Stevie Wonder clinical All I Know Jim Croce Righteous Brothers lab prece- dent Steely Dan Reelin' in the Years Spiders and Snakes at this point in time campus cops tacky Elliott University Center Carlos Castenda rude wasted Wake Forest suitcase campus ERA Col- orado Bicenntennial 1976 Alexander Haig crash and if you don't know it, tow it.


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The evening is c<ilni and quiel on campus. The air is warm, and scattered students are walking to their Thursday night classes. Others are in the dorms, tmishing what they can of the week's work, so they can pack and be ready to leave tomorrow or party this weekend.

The trees along College Ave. have been in bloom a tew weeks now, and are almost at an end. The return of color to a brick and gray campus has brought spring fever with it; the tennis courts are always crowded and classes are cut in favor of laying out in the sun. Seniors watch the mails tor grad school notices or |ob offers, others look for summer employ- ment, and all over campus there are showers for brides-to-be.

A solitary student cuts across the grass to Graham Build- ing, eating an ice cream cone. He is wearing a tank top, and on top of his books there is a frisbee. Yesterday it rained; with today's clear weather, the cycle began again.




Sounds on campus

or, things you can't get in a yearbook, Part I.

A harmonica in the halls of Mclver the dull silence of lines in the bookstore Russian In front of a classroom building coke trucks rattling away from the dorms trash falling down dorm chutes noisy conversation In the Robot Room the rustling undercurrent of a dull lecture maids flushing the dorm toilets at the same time the hourly electrical buzz throughout the campus the electricity of a good discussion the echo of balls bouncing in the gym apprehensive chatter in the town students' lounges and the cafeteria just before an exam bells that ring at the wrong time on Tuesdays and Thursdays the dead quiet of the campus at 7:00am when student nurses and teachers are leaving for work the blare of the all-page system in the dorms the laughter and yelling of small children In the nursery school the silence of a classroom building during an exam period the sound of pledges screaming their undying devotion to APO the NBS Gospel Choir rehearsing the crack of a gavel calling for attention the hum of machines and people on Cary production nights the expectant clamor of the crowd awaiting the first group of streakers the excited murmur of a rumor spreading . . .

Meanwhile, back at SGA . . .

Lett ti) riKht Kim Cissell, advisor; Anne M.irii- Dowe, Kjren Davis, lohn ( iimriiitlee

Laura Taylor, Bill Pavne, chairman, the Appeals

Senate screws self to wall again

by lanelle Lavelle

In a surprise move Thursday night. Senator Ben Smells forced a bill through a sleepy Senate at 3:00 a.m. The bill abolished all organizations located in the Publications Wing of Helliott Hall and turned their old alio cated space into dressing rooms and holding areas for Christians and the Lions, the two new UNC-C intramural football teams.

"I thought thev were calling for Potty Vote, " said Nancy Frostdon, refer- ring to the traditional five-minute bathroom recesses. Other senator?., nod- ding off during speeches by Smells and sermons by Father Kevin More, seemed to have been similarly deluded.

Smell's debate centered around the extensive use of bathroom doors as news media. "If people wanted to read a newspaper, they'd be ripping oft Carys instead of toilet paper," he pointed out.

Senator Jinks Jacoby maintained that self-expression on bathroom doors was not covered by freedom of the press, since bathrooms were definitely a required-meeting area. Therefore, if Elections Board ever mislaid another election, the candidates could not advertise or publish platforms there,

Father More supported Smells, saying that simply because the students wanted campus- wide votes on everything from Town Crier Editor to Pinball-Machine Auditor, there was no reason on earth to give them enough information to make a logical decision.

And since the Cary is the last bastion of thought at all, logical or otherwise, "the only good Cary is a dead Cary," More ended.

Budget watchdog Cliff Witchell pointed out the extensive cost of Kitty Litter for the Lions' areas. Smells replied that he felt the money used for salaries was quite appropriate for expenditures of this type. "We could emplov defeated SGA vice-presidential candidates as keepers," he added.

Senator Catty Crinyuck, upon being awakened after the vote, moved lor reconsideration of Smell's bill. This was approved, and opening the new debate she pointed out that none of her constituency had read anything but

Mad Magazines for the past two years, and thus found newspapers, literary magazines, and yearbooks a waste of good student monev which could better be spent on jewelry co-ops, Snoopy posters, and free social-disease tests for the men's dorms.

When Senator Flesh Jennings pointed out that Ms, Crinyuck was really supporting Smell's bill, Ms. Crinyuck thanked her with a yawn and unconsi- dered her reconsideration of the consideration, and everyone was right back where they started from.

In other miscarriages. Baron Davis' citizenship was revoked, her property was confiscated in the name of the People, and her Spiro Agnew teeshirt was hung in effigy on Charles Mclver. She was warned that a sterner reprimand would follow if she ever dared call Senator Smells a "little fink" again.

Under appointments, Senate President Cheryl Sozsick flipped a coin and chose Mickey Braylock as incompentent-in-residence, and then called a ten-minute recess to figure out exactly which Braylock Mickey was.

Four new committees were set up: the Ad Hoc Committee on Witch Huntings and Cross-burnings; the Ad Infinitum Committee on Violation by Coke Bottle Investigation; the Ad Nauseaum Committee on Exorcism as an Economical Snow-Removal Method, to be chaired by Father More and man- ned by all hardv souls who hadn't lost their dinner at the last Senate meeting;

and the Ad Hominum Committee on Bram-Wave Testing for Elect members "So we can be sure they each have a whole one, committee's chairthing, Ms. Crinyuck.

Under President Sozsick's announcements, the Con' lion's shotguns to ward off Senator Smells were reported cial Reform Committee had one opening due to a certa caught in an unnatural act with two cows and a tube of 1

)ns Board said the


Legisla- nrder; the judi- lember's being Gay; Thursday

was moved to Tuesday, and Monday ' Sunday's committee extra time to meet

abolished altogether to alio

Homesick for those old activist days? Long for a good old-fashioned romp with the campus police? Want to get out in the fresh air after a night of studying?

Here it is! 1974's answer to the anti-war demonstrations!


strangers in the night, or What's a nice girl like you

Overheard at a streaking: "Cathy! What on earth are you doing here?" "Well, I notice you're out here looking pretty hard your- self, Helen, so don't act so smug to me!"

Records set:

Most number of girls at a streaking

Greatest number of miles streaked on a motorcycle by a couple.

Largest number of members of one or- ganization (Type II) to streak together (this was awarded to WUAG-FM).

Who was that masked man?


m BE- J- /i, J ^, i

Greensboro surrounds the campus. From The Corner to High Point Road to Friendly Center, to the homes and apartments ot town students, the city is influenced by and mlluences the university.

At Random

Mark McDaniel (above) and Roxie Hobson were two UNC-G ■.tudents who ran unsuccessfuly for State House in the Democratic primary.

In ,in ellort lo alleviate wear and tear on Charlie, APO established The Kjwk, upon which random groups could espouse their particular causes.

f ^ service . fl»*'

In Itslirsi lull Msir olac universilv rommunitv

igrna Sigma continued to provide service to the

> um Yum's, the beloved ice cream store, leti its residence of over 50 years to move to a new location across the street. The block it tormerly occupied will be the site of the new Administration Building.


Police survey the scene at Grogan Dorm, where a bullet shot through a window j

tollowed a bomb scare of one week earlier.

Several classroom buildings were altered to bet- ter accommodate handicapped students.

W niT^^r


-c.-- '*• S' , ' - ' •■; ; I'i II''!

Gone but not forgotten Dep't:

Whatever Happened To

Op Art

Earth Day

the jet set

the counterculture

fallout shelters

Ed Sullivan

meaningful relationships

meaningful dialogue

the 5c letter

the 6c letter

the 8c letter

class jackets

mandatory house meetings

anti-war demonstrations

the System

honor policy

dress codes

Steve Levkoff

Timothy Leary

the draft

the Smothers Brothers

love beads


I Am Curious (Yellov^')

creeping socialism

the Green Berets

Alice's Restaurant

Pat O'Shea

Villagers and John Meyer

That Was The Week That Was

Dave Clark Five


Freshman Girl's Quad

DOW campus recruiters

Mr. Right

acid rock

Dr. Abernathey




Rod McKuen

pep rallies

Kent State




flower children

Eugene McCarthy

mini skirts



The Great Society

Rocky and Bullwmkle


social diseases


Andy Warhol?

It was ten years ago this spring That the Beatles first began to sin^


There are ten years remaining until 1984. What will you be doing?

Chancellor James S. Ferguson

Vice Chancellor for Administration

Charles Hounshell

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Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Stanley Jones

James Allen 9 Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Terry Fuller r^ Assistant to the Vice Chancellor


Vice Chancellor for Graduate Studies John W. Kennedy

Henry L. Ferguson Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs

(jfiifiriii. ,,,,,,

George Hamer

Vice Chancellor for Development

Clifford Lowery Dean of Student Activities

Dean of Academic Advising Bert Goldman

Shirley Flynn Dean of Women

Clarence Shipton Dean of Men

Richard Loester Director of Admissions

Alan Atwell Office of Admissions

Hoyt Price Registrar

N.H. Gurley

Director of the Physical Plant

Wilson Davis


News Bureau

William AKpaugh, Emil W. Young, George Smith, Kime-^ Tate (on ladder), Clayton Fnlchey, Bobbie McDaniel, Woodrow McDoug.ild

WUNC-TV Emil W. Young, Station Director

Woodrow McDougald, Engineer

And you were woncliTing dhuul Ihi' lulure dI L'duLjticiiijI television ,

Eleanor Morris Director, Student Aid

Joseph E. Johnson Director, Extension Office


'hti A^

i / ij

Craig Falor Director, Veterans' Affairs



James Blevins Director of Security

Dorothy Boiling

Director of Housekeeping, Resident Halls

James Thompson Director, Walter Jackson Library



Barbara Parrish Alumni Secretary

Trudy Atkins Alumni News Editor

Student Health Center

William McRae, M.D., Director

Peter Anastasia, MD

William E. Dionne, MD

Margaret Westland, MD



Terry Weaver Director of Elliott Hall

Elizabeth Carriker, Assistant Director

Robert Miller Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Chemistry

Walter Puterbaugh, head

Bruce Eberhart, head

Department of Biology

1 Paul Lutz.

Department of English

Charles Tcri.ilr

Sally Carstauffen.

^LLUll!. MW

Department of Romance Languages

James Atkinson, head N


lames Atkinson, far right.

X v^;"^^ ^ "f^

Department of German and Russian

Anne Baecker, head

Robert Schuize, Anne Baecker

Department of History

Richard Bardolph, head

Robert Calhoon.

Department of Geography

Craig Dozier, head


Department of Political Science

David Olson, head

Alvin Scaff, head

Department of Sociology

Department of Psychology

Robert Eason, head

Eldon Posey, head

Department of Mathematics


Ronnie Goolsby.

Department of Philosophy

Robert Rosthal, head

Department of Classical Civilization

Francis Laine, head

Gilbert Carpenter, head

Department of Art

I Gregory.

Herman Middleton, head

Department of Drama-Speech

Department of Religious Studies

Benjamin Ladner, head

Department of Physics

Clifton B. Clark, head

School of Business and Economics

Robert Shelton, dean

Thomas Leary.

School of Music

Lawrence Hart, dean

l.ick and Gdyle Mas.ine, lulic Kohl

David Moscovil/^

School of Education

Robert O'Kane, dean



Pjlnik Malterns

sturient nurses .il Nufstni; ( ,irciTs Dav

Il.'.inor B^.^^nlng, M,iri;jrel Me

School of Home Economics

Naomi Albanese, dean

Kfbr.id Smith

Dr M.L Kei^ler n-tfives ihi- Gardner Excellence Award.

School of Health, W^ Physical Education and Recreation

Ethel Martus Lawther, dean

At Dean Lawlhcrs rftirt-nimt reception.

Howard Braxton

The t.Hulty ,iml ^laff ol the School of Health, Physical EduciiNin and Ki-

In Memoriam

June P. Calloway, an Assistant Professor of Physical Education, died March 13, 1974 after a brief illness. Dr. Galloway's life was one of service to her profession. She served her students, colleagues, and friends with dedication, enthusiasm, and integrity.

To those she taught remains a song

of professionalism tempered with personal warmth . . . of high ideals both in thought and action . . ,

of total commitment to the preparation of teachers-to-be. To those with whom she taught remains a song of dedication to a common cause . . .

of a positive state of mind giving strength to others through personal example . . . of unrestrained concern and affection for those whose lives were so closely entwined with her own. To those with whom she shared a profession remains a song of willing service in helping to keep the torch burning . . . of sincere interest in those who shared her life's work . . . of everlasting devotion to a cause she so deeply loved.

This page was designed A





yes I am it ' s wis(

wise , 5om born


pai-n .

Yes , But If I I am

I paid look how have to strong^

the mu

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price, ch I gained.

can do anyth: am invincible

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The Carolinian

Sue Ellen Brown, news editor

Carol Brook'.

Carol Brooks Pam Smith Sue Ellen Brown loan Little Bill Hunt John Schotfstall Stephanie Lucas Kevin Kilmartin


Managing Editor

News Editor

Assist. News Editor

Photography Editor

Copy Editor

Business Manager

Advertising Manager

Paid tor by student activity fees and advertising. The Carolinian is published twice weekly during the academic year by the students of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro except during holiday and examination periods. Offices are in 201 Elliott Hall, UNC-C, Greensboro, N.C. 27412.

Pam Smith and Kevin Kilmartin

|o Ciraudo

Gary Kotinas, station manager.


WUAC-FM now begins another broadcast day. WUAG-FM is a non-commercial educational sta- tion owned and operated by the students of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. WUAG-FM operates on the assigned frequency of 89.9 mhz In accordance with the rules of the Federal Communications Commission and has Its offices, studios, and transmitter located on the campus of the University of North Cartjlma at Greensboro. Thank you for listening and good night.

Sharon Llewellyn.

Gary Kotinas lohn Fahnestock

Payne Sharon Llewellyn lohn Craven tty Vess

Station Manager

Production Manager

Program Director

News Director

Music Director

Business Manager

Paul Bell.

Michelle WiegancJ.


the literary and fine arts magazine


Terry B Taylor, editor of the Coraddi.

From the wall of the Coraddi office:

I have no witty stateinents toiday. I blew my anthro test anij ain preparing to blow a calculus quiz antd subject myself to an hour of the orneriest micro prof in the world. Consider- ing that she is an ex-FDA beauracrat, any possible stupid action on her part would not be inconsistent.

Dean Flynn is supposed to call around three o'clock to discuss putting the poets in a guest suite in one of the resi- dence halls. The problem has been solved so thank her for her attention and see if she approves of the idea.

We certainly would not wish to disgrace our dear cam- pus by putting our guests in inappropriate accomodations, WOULD WE????????????


Your enthusiastic and

qualified technical HEAD P.S. )ohn is one of THOSE PEOPLE now. Please bow and scrape the floor with your forehead when entering the room a few Ave Marias might be in order, as well.

Schoffstall, that noted sexist, has gone to do the washing, dishwashing, ironing, make the beds, etc. He will be back when he's done and not before. Hold the fort, light the good fight, win one for the Flipper, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and be sure to finish your spinach: CHILDREN ON VEGA VII ARE STARVING'

Love and busses,


By the by, how does one spell Chief Marshal? Each of the candidates spells it differently; I looked in the By-Laws: you look there too, and imagine my annoyance at what I found.

However, a 'marshal' in the armed forces is spelled that way; for the time being we are following suit.

Your favorite grammarian Oh, Beautiful Mrs. L:

I will return about 4:00 or so. I'm so proud of the Al- mighty S. Sorry about all those tacky tests; see ya' later.

janelle M. Lavelle 1 say, lads:

Can any of you tell me who that lovely lass with the sul- try eyes and pouting lower lip who lives over in the PN office IS? just dying to meet her, really ... a sixth sense tells me that she just might be a descendant of that girl child Medea never murdered ... or perhaps spawn of Ap- hrodite's illfated assignation with Vulcan, I can't really say. But doesn't she have that certain aura of lost Atlantis about her? A classical wench, all things considered.

If you can think of anyone, anyone who could introduce me to that gorgeous piece of woman-flesh, don't hesitate to call collect, from Australia, if necessary. I'll gladly pay all charges.

Yours in divine madness, Athflstan Colgate

Sykia Dumuni Lcplin, luJn

Janelle Lavelle and John Schotlstall, author.

Coraddi sponsors the Spring Arts Festival each year on LLlm|:lu^ This mmf s hesii Carolyn Kizer (seated on sota) and ludith Sherwyn (speaking). The three-day attair and their critiques ot works written by UNC-C students.

,1 l.Mtiit..] .lulhors Ooris Bells tluded readings by the author-

Karen S. Davis Harriett Ann Kirk

lanice Apple

Jan Haswell

Nancy Davis

Mary Maxwell

Paul Braxton

Jim Kurtz Wendy Kaldon Dosia Bell

Editor in Chief

Business Manager

Senior Class Editor

Senior Statistics Editor

Sports Editor

Features Co-Editor

Overview Assistant

Organizations Assistant Senior Class Layout

Photo Assignments Underclass Co-Editor

Sophomore/lunior Co-Editor

Head Photographer

Primary Photographers A more detailed listing of divison editors and staff can be found on page 380. This is bylno Jj^

means complete. »*»'

The 1974 Pine Needles

Editorially speaking: A crisis will arise to fill every vacuum.

Media Board

There is a maxim something akin to Murphy's Law or Parl<inson's Law which says that a crisis will arise to fill every vacuum. Each year it seems that something or someone be- comes the target of pursuit for student government. Last year it was the Neo-Black Society; this year it was the campus media.

In an attempt to cope with the resulting problems, Media Board was created. With the old Publications Board defunct for roughly two years, the media heads began meeting on an ad hoc basis in the fall along with several faculty and administra- tive personnel. After spending the fall semester in research, the group evolved a constitution which was approved by the Chan- cellor, and Media Board became a Student-Faculty Committee.

The problems were not long in coming. While still in ad hoc status, the student senate had given to the MB the problem of settling the outstanding bill for the 1973 Pine Needles, plus some related problems which occupied the remainder of the semester. Not the least of these was the difficulty in persuading

the student senate and others that the media were capable of disciplining themselves. Another hindrance was the fact that several of the senate felt that they were losing power to the loosely-structured group; one senator was heard to proclaim, when the MB consitution was formally presented to the body, "Are we bound by any of this garbage?"

Then there was the time in the spring when the student senate attempted to remove in mid-year the salaries which the media personnel had held since September. Tempers flared in a senate meeting which ran until 5:00am, and while individual media heads completed plans for a strike, MB was called upon to assume its role of mediator until the matter was resolved.

The crisis may attack elsewhere next year, but Media Board will be actively defining its role and assuming more responsibil- it\ . This year's co-chairmen were Cliff Lowery and Karen Davis; next year the chair will be held by Kelley Griffith and lanelle Lavelle.

Ravond.i IJ.ilton, SGA reprfsenl.itive; P.im Smith, C.irol Brooks; Terry Taylor. Inol picliirrM \\,l,Mri Ojviv Tom kichy-Smithl

left: Ros Wells, Senate representative; James Allen; Cliff Lowery, faculty co-chairman; Kelley Griffith. Below: Terry Taylor; Karen Davis, student co- chairman; Gary KofJnas; lanelle Lavelle.

%i- '^

■__■' '"^B



m^' "^^^

Jr m.


Student Government Association

The Executive

Chris Jones, President

Cheryl Sosnik, Vice-President

Carleen Sims, Executive Secretar>'

lane Weston, Business Manager

The Cabinet:

Kevin Moore Public Relations

Dave Schuize Proiects

Fran Myers Residential Affairs

Karen Buckle Academic Affairs

lohn Berry Student Services

Cynthia Broome Communications

Buttons Rector Voluntary Action

Cam Owens Publicity

RaVonda Dalton Organizations

lanet Hall Internships

Melinda Murphy Ecological Awareness



Chris brought a special emphasis on ecology to his office with the creation ot a new cabinet ottice ~ the Ottice of Ecological Awareness.


lane Weslon, Business Manager.





The SCA offices are a central clearing house for all stucJent activities and also home for the campus politicos. The secretaries handle corres- pondence, records, and other clerical functions for members of the senate and other organizations as well as the executive branch.

Martha Shaw, Office Manager

Donna Steele

Tru' Blue

Susan Dunn

Marilyn Rice, Secretaries

Carol Moffitt, Workroom Manager

Donna Steele.

student Government judicial

Anornev General Frances Sink and Lynn Nesbitl, Executive Secretan/


North Carolina Student Legislature

North Carolina Student Legislature meets in Raleigh each spring to pass legislation sponsored by its member schools. It is a mock General Assembly with each school sending House and Senate delegates and alternates as well as observers. NCSL is the oldest body of its kind in the nation and has been training the state's legislators for over 35 years.

This year's bill topics ranged from penal reform to the environ- ment. UNC-C's bills on bike paths and the state Fine Arts Council both passed with few amendments.

Cathy Krinick was this year's delegation chairman, and Cheryl Sosnik held a state office in her role as Convention Chairman. The delegation is open through interview to all undergraduate students and regularly includes some not usually involved in student gov- ernment.

Cathy Krinick Roslyn Wells Chris lones Carleen Sims Cheryl Sosnik Phyllis Carlton Cliff Mitchell Kevin Moore Chuck Melvin Marilyn Calhoun Debbie Beatty Cynthia Broome Regina Maclntyre Kevin Kilmartin Marilyn Rice Jane Weston Hollis Harned Martie Croome Yvonne Kilpatrick Nancy Snowdon lenny Jacoby Bob Trippeer Anna Villani Paul Braxton

At thf h,inc|uel vvhuh kicked off NCSL

. of the NC Ge \lthy Krinuk, d

eral Assembly and id Nick Galilianakis

al pre-pnmary hopetuls attended Ihe banquet pictured he

The NCSL Reviewing Board in the process of selecting ihis year's delegation: seated left to nght, below: Cheryl Sosnik, left Kay, Cathy Krinick, Karen Davis chairman, Dena Squires, Phyllis Carlton, Doug Harris.

Martie Groome and Clitl' Mitchell

Student Government Legislative

what can be said about a legislative body which begins the year with a solemn oath of office and ends with a mad scramble by the underclassmen to throw the outgoing sen- ior senators into the fish pond?

The student senate is probably the most divisive closely-knit group of people on campus. It can be fairly said that they are unified only when under attack from an outside force. With meetings every week, they are proba- bly the most consistently active branch of government, al- though many may complain that their domain does not extend to every phase of student life.

Many have accused the senate of being little more than a series of stepping stones for political careers; some use it for this. It remains the representative body of the students and as such provides training in some forms of representa- tive democracy. It is one of the most direct routes by which the student may change the campus.

This year's senate was chaired by SGA Vice-President Cheryl Sosnik in her capacity as President of the Senate. Suzanne lennings served as president pro tem.

Any number can play: a look at

the Student Government elections, 1974

Each spring In a flurry of midnight conferences, poster paint, and wheeling and dealing, the junior politicos of UNC-C set out to prove once more that politics is the simplest of native games.

This year was slightly different. The campaigns started as usual, with candidates and their work- ers babysitting the choice spots for posters until the midnight deadline was reached and cam- paigning could begin. After that, little was the same.

For one thing, one of the candidates for SCA President |ust happened to be the Dorm Coor- dinator of Hinshaw, the men's dorm which se- ceded from Student Government the previous fall. After a year of militant non-involvement with SCA, Jim McAbee not only ran for president; he won.

McAbee's opponents, Kevin Moore and Car- leen Sims, conceded the election when the results were announced. This is worth mentioning be- cause several of the other offices from Vice- President to Chief Marshal were appealed by the losers.

What ensued was a series of maneuvers unlike anything seen since the Keystone Kops met their demise. The co-chairmen of the Elections Board,

Jenny Jacoby and Lou Wilkerson, were faced with a bewildering assortment of appeals, topped only by the fact that SCA had no coherent Appeals Procedure and no one could give them any straight answers. This meant that the appellants had to re-file their appeals because grounds for appeals were not established until after the first flurry of appeals had been filed. The chairmen were slightly hampered since they were filling a vacancy created by the resignation of the original Elections Board chairman just a month prior to the elections, which was followed by a steady re- shuffling of the committee members.

As the campus looked on, first with concern and later with bored disgust, the Senate attempted to rectify the confusion but was handicapped by the factions for each candidate still sitting in the body. After roughly two months, the last of the appeals was heard (Elections Board having first clarified what the "official" results were, a proce- dure which took somewhat over one week), with the final tally being that all races stood as they were before the appeals, and the last of the new officers was finally sworn in.

His truth goes marching on.

HLi- ^afaw

Don't like it? Appeal it!

and appeal it . . . I

and appeal it . . . |

and appeal it . . . ^ _

lenny Idcobv and left Miller, candidate lor Attorney General, who appealed his election Wanda Melzger and candidate lor Attorney General Chene

four difterent times to Elections Board and, losing his case, took his opponent to Honor Flynn, who was finally sworn into office |ust before final e\ams-

Courl He lost there also

Roslyn Wells, former Attorney General ludy Arnn, and Dr jean Gordon of the History Department, who was called in to testify about Chene Flynn

Another appeal

Another appeal?

Fran Garrison, President

Doris Peeler, Vice-President


Britt Blaylock, Concerts

Lois Butner and lanet Harkins,

Coffeehouse Nightowl Dianne Scott, Dances Jim Vestal, Fine Arts Stephanie Pigford, Movies Nancy Payne, Publicity Tee Doyle, Special Events Selwyn Hall, Social

Elliott FHall Council is composed of dorm and town stu- dent representatives who, under the leadership of the chairmen and officers, provide a large portion of the or- ganized entertainment on campus. This included a cof- feehouse which operated every other weekend, bridal fashion shows, at least three dances each semester, and concerts by several artists including Anne Murray, Sha Na Na, Harry Chapin, and Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose. Many of the council members also work in the day-to-day maintenance of Elliott Hall, which serves as the meeting center for the campus as well as the town students' home-away-from-home.

Elliott Hall Council

Fran Garrrson.

' of decorations tor the annual Holiday

Ellrott Hall Council members wait for Mardi Gras to be


vhile later, a student enjoys a candied apple by the graffjtti

Sam Dorsey performs at the Nightowl.

The Easter Cot^ee featured lelly beans distnbuted by the Easter Bunny.




Steve Shytle.

Steve Shytle, President Suzanne Jennings, Vice-President leff Kay, Business Manager lanelle Price, Social Chairman

("IpiT.itini; Ihe TSA liook exchange

l.irrv Ch.iflwrck Pulling nut thr Ti.un Crier, the TSA publiciliun

Friends the campus crisis control center

Friends officers await Senate confir student-run, totally confidential err

nation ot their st; s control center,

IS as a Type II organization pictured are Pat Donohue, Bob Grieser, and Paul Ortir anned from 7:00pm to 7:00am daily by trained personnel

Would someone to talk to help? Phone 5084.

The Debate Team: award winners

L. Dean Fadely, Director of Forensics

Valerie Coins Prichard, Assistant Director of Forensics

Evidential Co-ordinator

Daniel A. Seaman, Assistant Director of Forensics

Personnel Co-ordinator

Peggy Hamrick Cibson, Cfiapter President, Delta Sigma Rho-

Tau Kappa Alpha (Forensics Honorary)





Tru' Blue, Chairman

^ Outing Club

Alpha Phi Omega, Phi Kappa Chapter the national service fraternity

T^F P ■' ^.. (i^tv -The k^.

tin, flNBElfTCNS

Mickey Blaylock, President

loel Ritter, First Vice-President

Tony McCarson, Second Vice-President

Bob Trippeer, Corres. Secretary

Pat O'Doherty, Recording Secretary

Dan Thomas, Alumni Secretary

Bill Roberts, Treasurer

Britt Blaylock and

Barry Day, Social Chairmen

John Ellis, Historian

Roger Jones, Chaplain

Neo-Black Society

Leon Chestnut Coordinator Randy Robertson Asst. Coordinator Angela Phillips Corres. Secy. RaVonda Dalton Community Liason Perita Bryant Problems and Issues Cathy Amy Curriculum Reform )udy Hunter Finance Chairman Quintin Norman Social Chairman Cathy Powell Reporter

Dance Company


'.C^^ ^f^K/ jj.+i.


Women's Choir Symphonic Chorus Chorale Women's Glee Club

Concert Band Jazz Ensemble Sinfonia

Religion on campus:

Baptist Student Union Wesley Foundation St. Mary's House Ba'hai Faith

Lutheran Student Movement Hillel

Newman Club Presby House

Interfaith Council


Psi Chi

Greg Benhovv Su^n Bom Mymjt Brown Brooke Burton Sarah Cecil Terrre Chilton Bet kv Crjii. Anlie Curi



Pam Criftin Earlme Hardip Suvin Hare Sylvia lohnson Donna Io\ce Wanda Maynor loan Pearlman Marlene Sanders June Sasscer Betty Shearon Steve Sheiton Frances Sink Cher^.| Smith Francis Tedder Phvllis Thomas Edwin VWiltei Sandra Ward Susan Willi., George Wong

Gamma Theta Upsilon

Kay O. Garcia Kristin Hayes Chuck Osborne

Pi Alpha Theta

Svlvia F Coats

Lisa A, Cole

Susan jean Dabnev

Mary Susan Daniel

Margaret Elaine Doerschuk

Edilh Rohinson Eddleman

Ceiia Helen Fedler

Michael Harper

Deborah Harvey

Gary larrett

Margaret Ann Kowalski

Gloria Anne Leebrick

William May

Paula Elizabeth Mitchell

Penelope Anne Muse

Patricia I Pegram

Linda Register

Emily lane Williams




Kim Ivarleen Bald Alice Leigh Bradford Elizabeth | Bryan Phyllis E. Corbett Evelyn M. Dunaway juiia Lynn Edens Richard T Gray Eva D Haywood Martha C Highsmiih Kam-Hung K^ Leung Kathrcn A, VonLindern Donald Richard Moore Patncia Isley Pegram Virginia A Player Sandra E Shoal Barbara A. Sipe Margarita V- Townsend Kathleen Williams Susan H Young

Omicron Nu

lame Barrows Carol Blame Barbara Bostain Wanda Brooks Kathenne Carroll Kathleen Colquitt Kay Cumby Patricia Cunnmghan Marysue Davidson Linda Davis Naomi Desautels Angela Dunn Nancy Foster Martha Gabriel Joanne Glassford Lee Grant Sheila Gwennap Jeanne Hancock lane Harris lane lohnson Lou lones Debbie joyner Beverly McAnulty Gail Moser Margaret Pickler Linda Preston Deborah Riley Cynthia Kilrhie Mary Sea well Elaine Sloan Diane Sloe kerl Dale Terry Ann Walls Melanie Williamson

Pi Delta Phi

lulia Eden, lane Folger Myra Hanll Deborah Sam Lynn Thompson

Ma Irsli,. Yi


Phi Beta Kappa

luhn Burffll All.-ti III

Cvnthia DcUvn Asbill

Kim K.irleen Bald

Mrs. Martha B. BLukw.iler

Elizabeth lohnson Bryan

Susan Watson Hartsog Bullock

Maureen Agnes Cahill

Gaylor Forrest Callahan

Phyllis Elaine Corbelt

Linda Carol Davenport

Carolina Louise Diehl

Elizabeth Clare Dolin

Edith Eddleman

lulia Lynn Edens

Leslie Ellen Ellis

Victoria Lee Farthing

Mrs. Bonita Gammons Gibson

Sandra Elizabeth Clasgov\

Mrs. Angela T. Coldston

Pamela P. Gritfin

Colena Faye Hall

Myra Anne Harrill

Mrs. Eva Ruth Duggins Haywood

Cynthia Ruth Howard

Wanda K, Hutchins

Gail Elaine Inman

William Alan Ivey

lams Faye Johnson

Steven leffrey lones

Alice Susan Kirkman

Kam-Hung Kenneth Leung

Mrs. Pamela Ann Carter McAlpine

Donna Elaine Miller

Gregg Raymond Miller

lanice Elaine Morgan

Charlotte Eleanor Myrick

Mrs. Pamela lean Tyndall Overcash

Marsha Ann Overman

Patricia Isley Pegram

Doris Ann Peeler

Dorothy McConnell Pendleton

Stephanie Vyrl Pigford

Pamela Jeanne Polzin

Mrs, loyce Ann Marsh Powell

Mildred Kay Pridgen

Carol Dean Pulliam

Linda Ruth Revis

Barbara Kaye Pollins

Sara Elizabeth Ross

Deborah lean Sain

John Martz Schotfstall

Margaret Humphrey Seawell

Betty Lou Shearon

Anne Monroe Sheffield

Cynthia Anne Shlllmglaw

Norma G. Shively

Sandra Elizabeth Shoaf

Mary Frances Sink

Barbara A. Sipe

Elizabeth Ann Smith

Julia Elizabeth Spears

jerry Davis Stellman

Susan Raye Swing

Janice Marie Tarlton

Phyllis Anne Thomas

Margarita V. Townsend

Mary Catherine Tnplett

Kathryn Anne VonLindern

Sandra Lee Ward

Wendy Lee Whittemore

Mrs. ShiHey Rollins Wilder

Susan Elizabeth Willis

Phillip Ryan Wilkerson

Susan T. Wilkms

George Swee-San Wong




Charles Thomas Allschul Fred A, Ashworlh Steven E. Balog Rebecca S Benson Melanie Annellc Blackley Thomas ). Biair )ohn L. Butz Pamela R. Craven Donna Price Ferree A. Douglas Flick, jr. James Michael Hart Stephen Franklin Flicks David 5, lolley Terry Lou Lampley Douglas H. Little )ohn D. McGowen

Golden Chain

John Berry

Rebecca Bosley Treasurer

Leon Chestnut Scholarship Chn

Phyllis Corbetl

Pam Mcintosh Dame!

Debbie Dion

Fran Garrison

Peggy |o Hamnck Gibson

Joyce Grubbs

Janet Hall

Nancy Harmon

Cathy Helms

Suzanne Jennings

Deborah Jones

Harriet Ann Kirk

Cathy Krinick

Wanda Metzger

Fran Myers

Jan Nunnally

Nancy Payne

Dons Peeler

Tama Rose

Ruby Rufty

Mara Sage

Dianne Scott

Frances Sink

lames (Smitty) Smith

Cheryl Sosnik

Dena Squires

Lynne Stevens President

Phyllis Thomas Vice President

Kathy VonLindern

Roslyn Wells Secretary

L. Jane Weston

Lou Wilkerson

Tandy Wilkins Social Chmn

Alice Anne Yates

Mu Phi Epsilon

Tuyna Adco\

Marian Andrews Secretary

loanna Beck

Carol Bowden

Arden Conway Chaplin

Dana Fox

Jane Grant Vice President

Ann Griffin

Betsy Hood Treasurer

Miriam Lockhart

Fran Loftin

Sheila Marshburn

Faye Parsons

Nancy Phelps

Ginger Player

Brenda Price

Joyce Shater

Victona Silby

Kathryn Smith

loan Stoltz Choirister

Peggy Sweeney President

Barbara Taylor^ Corr. Secretary

Cindy Teague Warden

Louise Wilkerson

Kathy Wright Historian




Field Hockey

Fran O'Meara Captain

JoAnn Messick Captain

Paula Bonner

Kim Bowers

Marti Caldwell

Valerie Craemer

Dorothy Dilliplane

Nan Ferebee

Nancy Frank

Helen Hamm

Cathy Holcomb

Donna Horton

Pat Hughes

Kathy JacotDS

Jan Kokolski

Anita Laughinghouse

Joyce Mouberry

Ann Nettleton

Cam Owens

Missy Parker

Lisa Poole

Sherry Reddick

Wanda Talarico

Leslie White

Nancy Woodside



„,;.JL--. ■•"•■'■








HiKh Point College

Tidewater Community College

Appalachian State University

Carolina Club

Wake Forest University

Winthrop College

East Carolina University

Carolina Club

Appalachian State University

UNC-Chapel Hi

Winthrop College

UNC-Chapel Hill

Catawba College


Erol Balkan Peter Brown Daniel Collins Steve Copley Robert Eanes Richard Heebner Gerald Hill Bob Hites Edward Kramer Lewis Lobosco Bill Messenger George Nyquist Robert O'Kane Ernest Read iames Shaw Jeff Shoaf John Warlick Steve Whitaker lohn Whittemore Bill Utter

Coach Mike Rush











Pat Hielscher, coach Peggy Martin, ass't. coach layne Black, manager Donna DowcJy, scorer Cayle Currie, co-captain Donna Friesen, co-captain Becca Anderson Debbie Bowman Diane Conder lanelle Degree Carol Dixon Marty Hackney Cathy Hefner Liz Phillips Cathy Tamsberg Cinda Whicker

Donna Friesen and Cayle Currie.




Wake Forest

14-16, 15-9, 1S-8



El on

14-12, 15-13




15-3, 15-11




11-13, 15-7, 10-15




17-15, 15-0



East Carolina

12-15, 15-6, 17-15



Western Carolina

3-15, 15-1 1, 15-7




15-10, 8-15, 15-1




15-2, 14-16, 15-11



El on

13-15, 15-1, 15-12




15-9, 15-8



Western Carolina

15-10, 15-5



Mars Hill

15-2, 15-1




15-6, 13-15, 11-15



East Tennessee

15-10, 13-15, 15-12




15-13, 15-9




15-10, 19-17



Tenn. Tech.

7-15, 15-13, 16-14



West Georgia

15-12, 4-15, 6-15



U Tennessee

11-15, 13-15



Mars Hill

15-13, 15-5



Chapel Hill

15-4, 16-14



Wake Forest

15-12, 15-8




8-15, 12-15




15-4, 13-15, 9-15


Lynne Caskin, coach

Kris Burns, ass't. coach

Carol Cooper, diving coach

Mary Luedeka, manager

Marceia Bartlett,

Marty Reade, captains

Marceia Bartlett

Randye Brooks

Pam Brown

lean Bumbarger

Debbie Eakes

Sue Hale

Lynn Hightill

Peggy Kendall

Marty Reade

Patti Shockley

lulia Smeallie

Jeanne Smith

Debbie Sutton

Joy Roycroft

Maria Williamson


Debbie Harnden

Pam Mays


^ II 9 «




v. ■' 'r T*»



-, .rf^N



fuC /'



"T? -


^^^^- ;-"'


: .V ..'Si


^' .-^>.^-^ T ..




Third Place UNC-CH Relays


Duke 88


Appalachian 23


Duke 57


Raleigh Consolidated 61




Appalachian 37


Queens College 18


Columbia College 14

Fourth Place ECU Invitational


ECU 81





Men's Basketball

Jim Swiggett, coach

Doug Tennis, ass't. coach

Mike Rush, manager

Steve lones, captain

Dan Collins

Jim Fields

Daine Eisold

Mike Garner

Steve Hall

Tim Lee

John McCaffery

George Perry

David Stevens

























Central Wesieyan 108

Methodist College 83

Lynchburg College 1 16

Greensboro College 83

Averett College 50

St. Andrews College 83

Bridgewater College 92

Eastern Mennonite 92

Virginia Wesieyan 79

NC Wesieyan College 70

Lynchburg College 90

Methodist College 91

Christopher Newport 80

Virginia Wesieyan 104

Christopher Newport 110

NC Wesieyan College 83

Greensboro College 91

St. Andrews College 68

Averett College 82

Central Wesieyan 100

Methodist College 95

Women's Basketball

loAnn Mes

ick, Cant. Donna Horton

loyce Mouberry,

Capt. Susan lolly

Rita Wiggs


Deborah lones

Peg Bodie

Emmy Marshall

Debbie Bowman

Donna Morris

Amy Corpening

Vicki Troutman

lanele Deg


Marty Tucker

M<irti Hack






Longwood College



High Point College



East Carolina University



UNC-Chapel Hill


6 5

Western Carolina University



College Mars Hill



Elon College



Appalachian State University



Winthrop College



Wake Forest University



Appalachian State University



East Tennessee State



Western Carolina University



East Carolina University



Elon College



UNC-Chapel Hill





Bert Goldman, coach

Hugh Cole

Mike Connors

)im Costa

Albert Khanlanan

Rorin Piatt

Byron Ritter

DIAC Champions!

lini Costa


Albert Khanlarlan.








St. Andrews College



NC Wesleyan College



Methodist College



Lynchburg College



Greensboro College



Christopher- Newport College



Virginia Wesleyan College


Women's Tennis





UNC-Chcipel Hill








Western Carolina


Wake Forest



Chris Burns

Elsa Heimerer, coaches

Sandy Crank

Robin West, managers

Dale Adams

lean Bumbarger

Jane Davenport

Nancy Frank

Jo Ann Kannan

Nanct Leonard

Margaret Malcolm

Jo Ann Messick

Dana Yoder



Lynchburg College

Greensboro College

Virginia Wesleyan College

NC Wesleyan College

Greensboro College

Hampden Sydney

Virginia Tech

Roanoke College

Guilford College

Elon College

Methodist College

St. Andrews College

|im Swiggett, coach Mark Diachenko, captain Rick Hughes John Perrin Steve Ruggiero Ralph Sears Gene Shackelford Grant Walters

Men's Golf

'^■'-'lj''i'7ii-i '-»*^^r^?°?^'^2J^??%ipt*'>^''i'P,^.

Women's Golf

Dee Dee Owens, coach

Dana Craft, ass't. coach

lane Black

layne Black

Peg Bodie

Donna Horton

Bev Marks

Fran O'Meara

Liz Phillips

Betsy Waynick


Donna Norton

tsy Wciynick.

Coach Owens, Betsy Waynick, and Donna Horton.









"■» 1








_ U


. >^ >- » w ^nv^r'j^^^'^y^ I' A^.:

College is more than just classes -it's a way of life.

Students react to this lite in several ways enthusisti- cally joining every available activity or disgustedly avoiding all contacts with humanity. The majority of students tall somewhere in the middle of this spectrum, and at one time or another probably experience both extremes.

The only clear line of demarcation is that between dorm residents and town students and the battle analogy Is not entirely out of place. It's not so much friction between dormles and townles It's just that the two ways 6t life are so different. Living on campus means there is no escape even after you've left the library or cafeteria or classroom buildings, how far away can you get? If you live In town, however, and can find a ride home, or have a car, or can hitch a ride or ride a bike or hoof It then you might get away from the campus pressures.

It probably balances out. In the dorm, someone else takes care of the electricity and the heating bills, but you share a bathroom with 15-25 others (hopefully of the same sex). If you're lucky enough to find a good apartment, where the trash is removed somewhat regularly and you're close enough to walk to school when the car breaks down again or your bike disappears, then you are afforded the luxury of avoiding house meetings and not having to sign your guests in at the desk. In this case, you may also become a sort of haven for your beleagured dorm student friends. . .

■■ „..Mi..iiiiiiiiiimniiiiilii;riMltlllUIIIIIIII

v.- *^

The tendency in a women's dorm is to become close to the girls on the hall. It's hard to avoid this when you're living in each oth- er's laps, as it were. You get used to what your mother would refer to as "all kinds", and you go through Halloween and Christmas parties together, especially in the freshmen dorms. The enthusiasm may wane when you move into the upperclass halls but you get used to making your own entertainment. The threat or some- times outright presence of monotony never quite goes away.

Dorm life could also be viewed as an exercise in primitive interior decorating.

Men's dorms are a shade different from women's or, as one woman put it, "those guys get away with murder". Admittedly, there is a certain peculiar quality to life in Hin- shaw or Guilford or Phillips, and it goes further than the fact that the visitation policy Is almost completely ignored in a men's dorm. For instance, life in Guilford at 3:00am is about as lively as it was at 9:00pm. Maybe more so.

"We had gone out for beer and when we got back, Paul was really out of it, so his girl friend kinda pours him into the front door of the dorm and we waited for him to find his way up to his room. Only took him five minutes what held him up was the fact that he went through all of his keys trying to find the room key. When he finally gets in, he

falls asleep on the floor. Which is cluttering up the room. So we took him down and put him on a sofa in the parlor, and then moved the whole thing in front of Underdog's (the counselor) door, knocked, and ran. I don't know when he finally came to, but I suspect it was shortly thereafter."

The men at UNC-G are still a minority, and subject to commensurate heckling. This may change, however next year the men take over still another former women's dorm when they move into Bailey, and more are escaping what dorm regulations yet exist by moving off campus, so there is an increase in the number of town student men. We've come a long way in ten years.

"The best thing about dorm life is that it convinces you that apartment life is where it's at."

(former Guilford resident)

College lite includes many types of learning coping with ARA Slater is only one. Cafeteria eating is known for developing a cast-iron stomach and a sense of humor or an ability to con- centrate, while eating, on anything other than the matter at hand.





xnnr . T^m pgiun-L^mt. «2i .«v-^iBm

There are diversions to be found, espe- cially when you're desperate. When an evening in the library isn't enough to break the cycle ot dorm-classroom- cafeteria-dorm, tensions may result in a 4:00am trip to Your House, Dunkin' Donuts, or any of the other oases of light and activity in nightime Greensboro.

Another option is extracurricular or- ganizations (see page 132); a few choose this. Or the more structured entertain- ment: coffeehouses, UCLS events, TSA luncheons, dorm parties. Often it's a mat- ter of popcorn and TV in the room, or a fast trip to Bill's or somebody else's apartment for a beer. Anything to relieve the boredom.


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And then there are times when you just have to get outside . . .


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Town students may receive the most practi- cal traming of all they learn to commute. They also learn to cope with that Tscheep Pro- ductions, Inc., answer to a $16 parking fee: The Mud Lot.


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Mabel Come Home!



Attitudes are formed here which are not easily renounced, the more so because the formation is often insidiously subtle. Mother was right you do meet all kinds, and even in your inaction you have made a decision regarding the choice they of- fer. Hopefully you have moved a little closer to an understanding not just an awareness and toler- ance of other people's choices, but a clearer con- ception of that choice which you must make for yourself.

It may be that, of all

the things you learn at college,

the most important

are lifestyles.

A.JL *■ ^1kJ>. A.. ~

Founder's Day 1973

ll Uti'- the biggest birthd.iy pjrty cm campu'.. With the cooper.i- tioii of SCA, ARA Slater, Alumni As'jociales, UCLS, and many others, UNC-C celebrated Founder's Day on October 1 1th. The dimensions of the 2-layer cake were Gargantuan: 48 tt. In 2 It., 900 lbs. total weight (300 of that was icing), and 700 rosebuds. A large turnout of students, faculty, and staff devoured over one ton of fried chicken, in addition to other food, and there were free prizes lor everyone, tricycle races, hula hoop contests, and a Dixieland jazz band. The celebration ended with an impressive fireworks display, followed by the l'-)73 Founder's Day speaker in Avcock Auditorium Winston Churcliill 111.

"You are destroying yourselves in a masochisric contemplation of your political navel . . ."

Winston Churchill III

Fiddler on the Roof




Hansel and Gretel

Cat on a Hot Tin Root

Theatre for Young People

The Theatre lor Young People Tarheel Tales.

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

University Concert and Lecture Series

Mac Frampton Trio

Piano Bella Lewitsky Dance Company

Modern dance David Raksin

Music Composition tor Films Anne Scott

Women in American Life The Fine Arts Quartet

Chamber music FHarvey Cox

Clergyman Who Killed |FK?

Film and lecture FHon. Winston S. Churchill III

Founder's Day Joseph FHeller

Author Janice Madden

Women in American Lite Alirio Diaz

Guitarist Museum Without Walls

Art films series Max Morath

Ragtime pertormer Ferrante and Teicher

Piano duet American Woodwind Quintet

School of Music Chamber Series Awaji Puppet Theatre of Japan

Puppeteers Ralph Nader

Author Woodlands High School Touring Choir

Musical drama Royal Tahitian Dance Company

Native dance Studio II

Modern theater Jazz In

Jazz music Traditional Jazz Dance Theater

Jazz dance Dick Gregory

Lecturer The Tooth of Crime

Experimental theater Piedmont Chamber Orchestra

Chamber music Razoumovskv Quartet

Debut Wilma Scott Heide

President, NOW

Royal Tahitian Dance Company.

Harriett Elliott Lecturer Professor Daniel Bell, Harvard sociologist.

Awap Puppet Theater of lapan.

". . . and I was talking to some girls just before the service, and they said, "Reverend Presley, give us some hope!" But 1 have no hope to give you, for you see, you are the hope . . ."

Rev. Thomas Presley

Moravian Love Feast

The annual Moravian Love Feast was expanded to three nights this year, indicative of its massive success. The service has steadily increased in attendance each year and now in- cludes large numbers of Greensboro residents as well as stu- dents.

It's probably one of the most popular events on campus, and deceptively simple: just Christmas carols, beeswax candles carefully wrapped in red crepe paper by the Interfaith Council, some buns and specially-made coffee served by volunteers from APO, and a brief address by Rev. Thomas Presley of King Moravian Church. It always ends with the singing of the tradi- tional Moravian Carol, and then "|oy to the World", during which lit candles are distributed and raised. The tradition on campus is that your wish is granted if the candles can be carried to the dorm without going out so the service really doesn't end until later, when candles are hopefully blown out in dorm lobbies if you're lucky.

"What are all those paper bags doing on the sidewalk?"

Luminjires .ire another Christiii.is Ir.ulilion nn (dmpus. White paper bags are tilled with sand, into which votive landles are sunk, and are distributed around campus (usually by Elliott Hall Council, APO, and any volunteers who show up tor the bonfire and hot chocolate). At a specified time that night, the candles are lit by anyone who can grab a pack of matt he'. and for a few minutes at least, there is time to think about something other than the impend- ing finals.

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Looking Around

All year long, Elliott Hall and various other organizations sponsor activities which can make life a good deal more pleas- ant. This year the activities ranged from coffeehouses at the new Nightowl to holiday coffees to concerts, dances, and almost spontaneous events. Town Students' Association spon- sored Kite Day (kites and cokes supplied) and regular Tuesday morning coffees for town students, as well as frequent town stu- dent luncheons.

There were religious events, open to everyone for free or a small fee. A Succoth booth was erected on the library lawn in the fall; the annual Christmas lovefeast was again a success; in the spring there were Passover meals and sunrise Easter services.

Elliott Hall was often the scene of departmental and school coffees, seminars, and lectures. In addition, it is the regular meet- ing place for the majority of campus organizations, and the ubiquitous Third Floor Elliott houses the Type II student organiza- tions offices, including the publications and the radio station.

And above all else, if someone came up with an idea re- gardless of how crazy he could probably find someone in Elliott Hall to help him carry it out. In almost every sense of the word, Elliott Hall is the student center and some of the pic- tures that follow give a brief idea of the scope of its activities, as well as activities elsewhere on campus.

Randy Robertson mans the Neo-Black Society booth at one of the Operation '78 conferences.

Vice-chancellor lames Allen mel regularly wilh sludenls in ihf icl.ixcil .liiiiosphfre ol the Akinini lloiisr library

Harry Chapin in concert.

The APO annual slave auction.

APO brothers help with the twice- yearly bloodmobile.

Gamma Sigma Sigma, the service sorority, sponsored a dance marathon for the March of Dimes.

The comedy team of Edmonds and Curley appeared this spring. Last tall saw the highly successful Muledeer and Moondog Medicme Show.

David Barber, author of Presidential Character, spoke this spring (seated is Dr. David Olson).

The Marshall Tucker Band appeared as a result of efforts mitiated by an independent group of students.

A panel discussion from the series on the Changing Role of Women In American Life. Kite Day!

Politicians and artists filled the streets at the Tate Street Art Fair In the spring.

Alumni Associates

Alumni Associates was founded three years ago in an attempt to involve the Alumni Association more directly in the lives of the undergraduates. The group is composed of alumni and undergrads, who together have sponsored and co-sponsored many events such as May Day 1973 and 74, Founder's Day, special nights in the cafeteria, Goodness Day (pictured here), and a campus-wide hunt for ice cream tickets hidden in the trees. For many, Alumni Associates are those people who hand out balloons and lollipops for no special reason but when you've fallen in a rut from routine, a balloon can be quite therapeutic.


Open every other week, the Nightowl cof- feehouse features a variety of campus talent and some from off-campus (auditions are held periodi- cally and are open to everyone). For the small price of a quarter, it's a chance to retreat to candlelight for a few hours.

Charlie McCurry and jim Lancaster.

Mardi Gras

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and sunny spring days

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Spring Weekend 1974:

Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose


"I got just one thing to say to youse . and Roll is here to stay!"

hippies: Rock Screamin'





student Activities Awards Banquet

The first annual Student Activities Awards Banquet was held on April 1 5. Attended by over 300 organization officers and members, faculty, and staff, the evening began with a champagne reception on the Elliott Hall patio. Following dinner was the keynote speaker, C. Shaw Smith, College Union Director of Davidson College, who spoke on the purpose of student activities In college life. The new SCA officers were sworn in, along with the recently-elected organi- zational officers, and several awards were presented to the outgoing members. The evening concluded with a one-act play, a slide pre- sentation, and the giving of the (also first annual) Academy Awards to deserving (?) students.

(.lulRoing SCA President Chris lones dent Fr.in C.irnson

ard trom Elliott H.ill Pn

John Moore, Tama Rose.

Dr, Reardon, Vice-Chancellor and Mr^ )oe Flora, Vickie Inqram

We shall gather at the river .

It's called revenge.

Outstanding Seniors

Each \ecir the senior class elects twenty of its own to the title ot Outstanding Senior. This year, those elected were asked to respond to the following questions:

If you were writing vour autobiography, what would vou title it and whv?

What do vou consider vour most important contriljution to the Universitv?

What are your most important activities while at the uni- versity?

Each Senior was asked to answer these questions in his own words. The answers are reprinted here with as I editing as possible.

Cheryl Sosnik. Autobiographv; The Unsinkable because no one can get me down. Contribution: my work in Student Government; it's been my life. Activities: President of the Senate; Convention Committee Chairman for North Carolina Student Legislature; Freshman Dorm Coordinator; Parliamentarian for the Senate.

Steve Shytle. Autobiography: The Un- known Soldier. Most of the things that I am involved in are not noticeable to the stu- dent body: for example, my work with APO and the Town Students' Assoc. I think that personal glory is not important, though. As long as the final results of the work that I put into something are notice- able, then the work has not been in vain. As long as someone has been helped or served in some way, then it doesn't matter who did the helping or the serving. Con- tribution: established the Dr. Rite Memorial Town Students Scholarship. -Ac- tivities: APO; Town Stuflents' President; Student Senate; ( )ricnlaliiin Committee.

Fran Garrison. Autobiography: The )oy of Life. The

tollovvlng poem, by ,in anonymous author, does a better |ob of explaining my feelings than I could: The joy of life is living it and doing things of worth. In making bright and fruitful all the barren spots of

earth. In facing odds and ma'-tering them and rising from

defeat. And making true what once was false, and what

was bitter, sweet. For only he knows perfect )oy whose little bit of

soil Is richer ground than what it was when he began to

toil. Contribution: I see my greatest success in the strengthening of the EUC Council and its organiza- tion and attitude.

Julie Spivey. Autobiography: Rainbow a nickname from the Psych department that stuck. I teel like my life is a rainbow of many beautiful experiences. Contribution: Nursing. I feel that in my ma|or, I have had a unique chance to represent UNC-C in our community, which I view as an integral aspect of relat- ing university life to the "real world". Activities: Senator; ass't. Dorm Coordinator; Dean's Advisory Council, School ot Nurs- ing; Student Excellence Award.

Terry Taylor. ALitobiographv Guaranteed to Shock Yo' Mama. I entitled it that because my life is so dull that I will need a come-on title to sell it. Con- tribution: I tried to bring to this campus a little bit of evidence that says there are people on this campus that can write and create works of art; we are not a school that turns out mere artistic cretins we turn out damn good ones.

Roslyn Wells. Autobiogrjphy; Girl With Some- thing Extra. I hope th.it through the past few years I h,ive given <i bit extra or more than was neces- sary. Sometimes you wonder if it is even worth it to care, but someone has to. I care, 1 get mad, I work and I prav to Gfxl I accomplish something. Maybe all of us should be given the recognition of having "something extra" because we are fools enough to care. We are all special. Activities: Senator: Secretar\ of Cf)lden Chain.

Leon Chestnut. Autobiography: Survival. These were the times that tried our souls. Contribution: Leadership, patience. Activities: Neo-Black Society Coordinator; Golden Chain,

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)ohn Schoffstall. Autobiography: Crist for the Mill. Uinies Branch Cabell's archetypal author, John Charteris, says of his work (m Beyond Life), "I am afraid that all is grist for that omnivorous mill." Very true. Before everything else, I am a writer. My life is grist grist for the mill. And so are yours, kids. Contribution: Insuring that every sentence that goes by me as copy editor of the Cary has at least one verb in it. Activities: Writing for Coraddi; copy edit- ing for the Cary; wet-nursing the publications IBM.

Dean Squires. Autobiography: Trucking Right Along. I

guess I have a high need for new experience. I don't think I |ump from one thing to another without finishing the job at hand, Luil I like to hurry and get on with it. Contribu- tion: I think my most important contribution to UNC-C is not an office I've filled but my defense of what I believe in. Activities: North Carolina Student Legislature; Senator: SCA Secretary.

Lynn Nesbitt. Autobiogr.iphv: Cone With the Wind,

lie(.iusc I ,im e\fr tlo.itmH Ironi |)l,uc lo place, set'kin.t; only h.ippmess lor others. Contribution: To the students of UNC-G, especially the criminals, my abuncJance of fairness, hrinestv, and intei;ritv. Activities: Court Member, Assistant F.D.C: E\e( utive Secretary of Court.

Mary Frances Sink. Autobiography: The Plants in My Life: A Botanical History of Mary Frances Sink. Having been an avid "plant freak" for several years, I have discovered that across time the health and wellbeing of my personal collection of bo- tanical specimens is an accurate barometer of change in my life. Contribution: Any senior deserving of the title "Outstand- ing Senior" made their most important contribution to UNC-C when they resisted that initial drive toward the inertia which pervades this tanipus and took up their first in a series of thank- less |()bs that keep the mathinery ot campus lite running.

Janet Hall. Aulobiogr.iphy; Camelol. \bc rcisnn I \\,\vv served liere and elsewhere .utively in the (jrg.ini/tilioiis is liccause I believe Ihal activism can be used to society's good as well as to its detriment. Contribution: speaking up in class all my [irotessors knew there was at least one person awake. Activities: CoLirse and leather Coor- dinator; Academic Internships; Secretary tor Cuninuinity Affairs; Assis- tant D.C. and O.A.; Golden Chain.

Tru Blue. Autobiography: The Agony and the Ecstasy,

|ust because that's the way it's been especially these past four years. Contribution: Student Orientation Com- mittee, changes in the program from short period activity to year 'round activities. Activities: Student Orientation Committee, Chairman; University Orientation Committee Student Chairman; Freshman Dorm Coordinator; Alumni/University Council.

Gary Jarrett. Autobiography: Proving Myself. When 1 came here as a freshman, I saw an evaluation of me. It wasn't overly encouraging. From that time I've worked to prove to this university that they had me pegged wrong. Contribution: My willingness to take an active part in University affairs, and taking the time to care what goes on at UNC-G. Too many students at this school are too apathetic. Activities; Active member of Alpha Phi Omega; Chairman of the Senior Steering Committee; Member of Phi Alpha Theta History Fraternity; Town Student Senator.

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L. )ane Weston. Autobiography; The Alarm Clock. I never can seem to hear my alarm clock in the morning . . . I guess my "Circadian Rhythm" is out of tune! Contribution: I just try to help. Activities: Business Manager of S.C.A.; North Carolina Student Legislature; VITA Volunteer; Orientation Assistant; Golden Chain.

Carole Anne Brooks. Autobiography: Neutrality is My Name. I try to stay impartial to many situations so I can have a clear head about all sides of the issue before choosing a stand, if one is taken at all. Contribution: In my past year as editor of the Carolinian, I have brought the paper from the small paper of past years to a full size newspaper, averaging six pages twice a week. I have tried to make this a student newspaper, and not just a sounding block for a few irate people. More at- tention was p.iid to ,i< tivilH's on (am|ius than in the past.

»"^ ^.i -' -'^ •>

Britt Blaylock. Autobiography: Strange Visions, Odd Hours. C (inlnbutions: Showing some people that the "(orrett" way is normally neither the easiest, most ef- licienl, nor most productive method. Activities: A. P.O.; Concerts Committee Chairman; Senate.

Laurie L. Conway. Autobiography: A Divine Comedy of Errors. I suppose everyone can find their lite to be somewhat a divine comedy of errors, but I feel I have certainly had my share. Contribution: Perhaps my greatest contribution to UNC-G was being a part of the Theater for Young People touring company. While we were on the road we were ambassadors of this university and our dramatic program. It was one of my most valuable learning experiences with respect to theater and people. Activities: Dean's List and Honors Program; Spencer Love Scholarship in Drama; W. Raymond Taylor Scholarship in Theater.

Chris Jones. Autobiography: Dear Mispronouncialed Academaniac. Contribution: As far as my great accomplish- ments for this year, I feel that I have no accomplishments to claim for myself. It was the students and the administration that made the great strides forward. I feel my greatest privilege was the opportunity to work for them and to be a part of the new positive spirit on our campus.

Suzanne Jennings. Autoliiograpin : Survival of the

Fittest. Strength uf character, mind and temper are ma|or requirements tor successtully tmlshlng four years at UNC-C. Some of us quit, some en- dure, others prevail; occasionally some choose the five or six year plan. Here the issue becomes lor me not who was president or vice-president, outstanding senior or valedictorian, but how I can best use m\ experiences to prevail in the tutiire, in the real world. Activities: Three years in the Senate; President pro tern of the Senate; Vice- President of T.S.A.

)ohn ). Berry, Jr. Autobiograph\ A Man for All Seasons,

because I know how to dress lor the weather. Contribu- tion: Helping to dispel the rumor that all guys living in Phillips Dorm are homosexuals. I'd like to think I did the |ob all by myself, but . . . Activities: Student Radio; Se- nate; Honor Court Defense Counsel; Secretary of Student Services; Chairman of Internal Senate Committee to Investi- gate Senatorial Absences.



Donald Moore. Autobiography: It's My Story and I'll Tell It the Way I Want To. Contribution: Func- tions of Alphci Phi Omega, because the entire uni- versity benefits from the service. Activities: A. P.O.; Senate; Elections Board.

Karen Davis. Autobiography: No Easy Answers.

For the issues in which I've been involved all my life, I have found that there are no easy answers. A clear view of all sides of an issue often makes the decision more difficult than a myopic viewpoint would have allowed. Contribution: a tie between my work as one of the founders of the Media Board and the author of its constitution, and my willing- ness to speak up for the President and the conser- vative philosophy (the last two items not being necessarily related). Activities: Editor of Pine Nee- dles; Appeals Committee Chairman 2 years; Stu- dent Chairman, Media Board; elected President pro tem in 4th year as senator (later resigned to edit yearbook).

le.in Alkinsiin B.irlMr.i I. Alwfll E Anne Aultm.in Mdry I, Ausli'll Kdhm F Auslin Roliin ( , B.ihihin N.HK\ I B.ikc.f


Kh.indi C B.ikc K.islvn B,iil,-v M,ir>' Ann B.il.ini Vi ruin Id A B.irbc Robin E. B.uiniM Donna |, Barr ShiTrcf A B.iMf

lulic Bc.ii


.in L

Dftw D, Beck P.uil Bell

Cynthia L. Bi-nbow lost-phine D, Bcnfield ludy E, Benfield

Brencla V BennctI Sharon L. Bt-nton William E, Bergen Anne M, Berrv Patricia D Bigby Catherine Birmmghan B Robin Black

Mary I, Black Marva E. Blackwell Archie H, Blount lerry A, Blue Dehora R. Boger Diane R Bond Saundra H, Boone

Margaret A. BootI Susan R. Boutwel Cynthia L. Bovvm, Donna K. Bowma Margaret D, Bcnvi Bonnie F. Boyetle

lanice F. Boyette Jennifer D. EJoyette Teresa A. Bradshaw Elizabeth I Brake Beverly L Brinkley Sarah L Broadfield Wanda E Brower

Deborah C. Brown Katharine L Brown Sandra G. Brown Anna C. Browning Debra K Bruce Beverly H Bryant Debra I Bryson

Elizabeth A. Bulllap Eloise M Burrh Elizabeth S- Burchell Cathy A, Burchetle Carol A, Burgess

Patricia M, Cahill Michelle D. Camp Sheila E. Campbell Eva B Carawan Shirley' A Carroll I Cas


K Ca

Carol D Chalme Esther N Cha()|)i Catherines Che Sandy Cheek

I. Christi, C Clark I I Clark

Fleetwood Winsion-Salem Cherry Hill, N|

Lenoir Lenoir Greensboro Wyckoff, N| Greensboro Rutherford Taylorsville



Berwyn, PA






vn Summit


Mt. Airy





W Palm Beach, Fl,











Annandale, Va





Black Mountain

East Bend





















Tampa, Fl



Eunice D, demons Alma B. Cobb Mark C. Cochran Sherly L. Cockershaw Peggv Y. Cockman Betsey E. Coftield Marlene S Cogglns

Elizabeth A. Cole Caria E Cooper R. Lynn Cooper Laura E. Cordle Patricia C Corns Betty C, Co\ Karen L. Cox

Rebecca VV, Crabtree Penneye D. Crayer Rebecca ). Cresimore Viyian D. Crisp Barbara ). Crissman Carol A. Croom Clementine Crowder

lames R, Crowder Trina M. Cruse lane K. Culbreth Janice A- Cumby Cynthia M. Cunnlnghan Roger L, Dalton Martha E, DaK

Lnri A Dame Betty I Darr Donna A Dayis Karen M Davis Margaret L Day Monica C- Davi' Robin F Davis

Karen D Daye Martha L. Deal Blanche E- DeBerrv Dons D. Dees D. Christine Deese Kima I Degree Katherine DeShields

lamesanna Deviney Eva M DeVos lanice A, Dillon Becky P Docker,- Teresa E, Donahue Teresa A Doty Melmd.i Dovvnie

Louise A- Downs Virginia H, Duncan Dorothy L- Dunlap Roxanne B, Echerd Mary R Edens Catherine A Eddy lewell C- Egerlon

Suzanne C Eggleston Patricia M Eisenhart Cynthia A Elkins Carol A Elliott Deborah L Elliott Katharine H Ellis Rhuvalcr I English

Melinda D. Eure ludith D, Evans William I. Evarts Deborah L. Everett Sheila E. Everhart Sherron A, Fairley Ruby E Farley








Mt. Holly


High Pom!


High Point















Danville, VA


Biacksione. VA

Wake Forest



Mt. Airv


Newport News, VA







)ton Bch NY


Hartsdale, NY





anklin Lakes, N|

Charlotte Spmdale Wadesboro Taylorsville Greensboro Greensboro Raleigh

■son, MD son, MD



Elon College






Pamela C Framer Anna H, Ferrell Willa M. Fisher janel D. Flake Kalharyn B. Ford Melissa S. Forte Linda G Foster

Kannapolis Saxapahaw

Wilmington, DE Frederick, MD

Wilmington, DE Greensboro Yanceyville

Debra A, Fowler Linda 1 Fowler Marilyn Fox Karen L, Francis Nancy L, Frank Marsha C Frazelle Belty P. Freeman



Riverton, CT


Va Beach, VA



Pamela I Freeman Deborah 1 Frulh Monua D Fuller Sandra 1 Gaddy Lynne A, Garber Martha |, Gardo Tina M, Cavazzi






Forest City

Somerville, N)

Cynthia |, Gardner lack W, Gardner II Nancy A, Cams lill L Gasler lune A, Gaston Sandra M Gaston Tanya L, Gayle



Clearwater Bch. FA





Ruth A. Gentry Wendy I Gibson Terry E. Glasgow Margie L. Godwin Martha A, Coff loy D. Goodman Susan L. Goodwin


Mt. Airy






Janet E. Gordon Shirley E. Gordon Sally 1- Gower Patncia D. Greene Carolyn A. Grentz Kymberiy ). Crotlle Susan M. Guerrant



Rocky Mt.


Havertown, PA



Debbie S, Gynn Laura M, Hahn Cheryl D, Hale Diana G Hallman Elizabeth Hamilton loyce A, Hamlett Silvia Is Ham


Glen Rock. N|



Wesllake, OH

Elon College

Summit, N|

Sally L Hannan Barbara L Hardy Vickie S, Hare Melissa 1 Harmon Quinn K, Harned Susan E Harrington Angela W. Hawks

Cols, OH

Snow Hill






Melodi R Hayes Roche D Hayes Leslie B Hearn Pamela 1 Hedrick Cornnne E Helderman Bonnie L Henderson Cynthia G Henderson


Nashville. TN






Gail C Henderson lulia A Hester Susan R Hiikman Sheila F Hill lanice E. Hinson Linda D. Hodge Dons A. Hodges




Rocky Ml

High Point




Donna A. Hoffman lean N. Hogsed Marsfia F. Holbrook Nina A. Hollifield Manon D. Hollowell Elizabeth A, Holt Pamela A. Holt




Black Mountain




Michael D. Honeycutt Sherri A, Honker Susan L. Homey Deborah C House Elizabeth L Howard Luzia A. Howe Ruth A Hoxie

Murphy Hope Mills High Point Rocky Mt Burlington Asheboro Charlotte

Susan E. Hudgins Kathy M. Hudler ludy C. Hudson Ernestine B. Huffman Patricia Hughes Ralph O. Humble Peggy D Hunt


Clendale Springs



Alexandria, VA



William E Hunt Ruth A. Igleheart Henrietta Ijames Vicky L. Ingram Amy E. Irwin Steven C, Ivey Ruth E. lames

High Point






Verona, N|

Tern S, lernigan Rhonda K. jester Diana L. lohnson loan W. lohnson Kathryn R lohnson Louise E, lohnson Maf%' L Johnson






Pompton Plains, Nl


Patricia L lohnson Sharon B lohnson Deborah L, lones Martha M. Jones Rebecca S. lones Ruth E. lones Sharon L, lones



Glasgow AFB, MNT



Cedar Mtn,


Seve R, lones Sandra K, lordan Lu Ann Jordan Patricia C. Joyce Wendy L, Kaldon Bruce D Isaplan Elizabeth A Kay

Greensboro Morven Kemersville Greensboro Greensboro Mahwah. N| Arlington, VA

Theron S. Kearns Camilla |. Kelly Gail M. Kelly Tippy L. Kepley Cathy C. Kernodle Elizabeth A Kimball F Rencc kincaid

High Point

New London

Westwook, N|




ludilh E king Sheree F King Sherry L Kinlaw Barbara E Kinsey B. Cher^'l Kirhy Karen L. kiser Paul \\ Kiyctt


[Ion ( .ill,i;r BI,Hlriil„UM Kli'ijrln 1

Mi IIi.IIn ( oiiiord K.iniM'ur

Dons B Knight M lane Knobbc Mary C, Km h Karol A, Kreshon Kathryn A Kuzminski lanet D, La; key


Silver Spring, Mil

Towson, MD





f^ Jf^'


Sharon D Llil


Line B. L.imljen


Liiu D Lambert

Mt. Airy

Virge A. Lampmen

Morganville. N|

Vicki L. Lane


Debra |. Lang


Karen Lasater


Susan P, Lasbiter


Anita Laughinghouse

Barium Springs

loEllyn L Laurrng


Delois P. Laulen


Suzanne W. LaVange


Vicki C Leary


lou A Ledbeller


Miriam F Ledbetter


lames C Lee III


Palricia 1 Leibell

Bronxville, NY

Thelma E, Leichliler


joy L, Lent

South Boston, VA

Mary B Leonard


Marv T. Leonard


lanet A. Lewis

Walnut Cove

Anne M- Little

West lellerson

Barbara D. Loester


Pricella L. Lloyd


Beverly C Long


Maryann M, Long


Martha S. Love

Pilot Mt

lohn A, Lovin


Alleta 5. Lowe


Mary A. Lowe


Pamela L. Lowery


Lynlette Y. Lucas


lames H. McAndrew

High Point

Suzanne K. McAnulty


lo R. McCachren


Linda McClam

New Bern

Sandra I. McClung


Patricia L. McClure


Suzanne K. McCray

Staunton, VA

Carol L, McDowell

Stuart, FA

Debra A. McCee


lanet E- McCinnis


lames M, McGuire


Edna R. Mclntyre


Nancy L. McKellar


lane E. McKinney


Sherrie M, McKinnon


Bilhe N McLaughlin


Mary M- McLaurin

West leftcrson

Francine D- McLeod


Deborah L. McMillan


Vera D, McMillan


Denise C. McNeill


Paula A McPhail


Norma K McSwam


Donna L Mabe


Chnstel E Mack


Margaret W Malcolm

Charleston, WVA

Laura L. Mann


Alice A. Manuel


LaRhe Markham


Gail B Marlou


llll V Marlow


Emmy A Marshall


Patncia A Martin


Melanie S Massey


Kathy I, Matthews


Mar,- E. Matthews


Linda L. Malthisen

Forest Cily


Susan K. Mavo


Helen H. Mears

Washington, DC

Deborah A Meighan


Marlena Meisenheimer


Mary L, Melton


leflerv Melvin


Karen E Melvin


Holly Mercer


Helen K, Merck


Pamela A. Miller


Sandra K, Miller


Emilv |. Mills


Valeneia L. Miiosky


Elizabeth A. Mincey


Myrna M Minton


Rebecca L Mode

Annandale, VA

Mar\ R. Moodv


Carol F Moore


Cheryl A- Moore


Patricia A, Moorelield


Anne B, Morgan


)an L Morgavan


Christine A\ Morris


Cynthia A, Morris

High Point

Mary M. Morrow


Carolyn Y. Morton


Martha G. Morton


Charles E. Moschler


Robin B Motley


Melinda D Moxley


lody L. Mull


Teresa G Mullis


lulianne Murphy

Morehead Citv

Suellen Murphy


Karen S Nail


Robin E Nance


Sarah E. Needham

Pilot Ml

Barbara A, Ness

Medlield, MAS

Debra K. Norman


Cynthia L. Norman


ludy Norris


Susan H- Nunn


Dennis |. Osborne


Carolyn P. Ostwalt


Desiree R. Overby

Florence, SC

Howard G. Owen


Sherrie L- Pace

Forest City

Wanda G, Padgett


lane L Page

Cumberland, K>

Anita S. Palazzolo

Elizabeth Citv

Clara A. Plamer


Ann E. Parent


leanette C Parke


Patricia A. Parnell


Carolyn S. Parsley


Lucmda M. Parsons


Patsy G Passmore


Deborah A. Patrick

Knowille. TN

Acquanetia F, Patterson


Patncia 1 Patterson


Donna G Payne


Louisa F Payne

l-taw Kivei

Eve R Pendletion

Ruhm.iml, V\

lettery ,M. Pen lev


Dianne C Perdue

Mt. Airv

George E, Perry


Cvnthia A. Peters


Pamela R. Peters


Sharon A. Pettit


lennv I, Phihbs

High Point



Til iiiiiia PI

Suzanne E. Plauche


P.ilncid A. Podboreski


P.ilruia A. Potndexler


Nan<v E, Pollock


Cathv R Pons


Donna M Poole


[>.borah L. Porter


Elmira I. Powell


Pamela D. Powell


Karen L. Priest


Rebecca I. Purgason


Paula 5, Purvis


Celia A, Putnam

Ml Holly

Myra E, Ra^an


Lutia M Randall


Fannie L Ratlilf


Kathy D. Ray


Sylvia 5. Ray


lulie L. Redd


Cheryl L, Reihl


Renee 1 Reszutek

Colonia, N|

Karen L Reynolds


Vickie L. Richardson


Carol F Rierson


Wanda L Riley


Elaine Rivenbark


Dale E. Roberts


Linda M Robertson

Rural Hall

Carol D, Robinson


Resa 1- Robinson


Ursula P. Robinson


Pinkie 1 Rodenck


lulia L- Rogers


Patricia H. Rogers Deborah I Roland



Claudia I. Rollins


leff D. Rosen

Dover, N|

|(.C, Roycroft


Cheryl W Royster


Barbara |. Rubin

New Brunswick, Nl

lanet M Rumley


Irene L, Sadie

Morristown, N|

Mary E Sale


Sue A Sanderson


Luther A, Sandridge


Betty L, Sasser


Mitchell D. Savin


Mary F, Schroeder


Karen E, Schultheis


Laura D. Schwartz

Alexandria, VA

Dorothy A, Scott


lean T Scott


Mayr A. Seals


Rebakah |. Segraves


Edith A. Sells


Camellia K. Sexton


Lydia S Shackelford


Beniamin A. Shapre


Debbie 1, Sharpe


Shannon L Shelton


Robin G. Shepard


Revonda G Shore


Esther A Short


Mildred Carol Short


Kathy W Simmons


Robin 1 Simmons


Suzanne S, Simmons


Vicki L, Simmons


Barbara Simpson


Sarah V, Sims



Marv K. Singletarv Elaine M. Singleton Katherine E. Sink Robena L. Sloan Angela R, Smith David L, Smith Larnice D, Smith

Lucy E. Smith Patncia S. Smith Robert B. Smith Shandi G. Smith Eva F, Snotherlv lane B, Sorenson Martha A Sowdo

Debra A, Speaks lenniter D. Spence Marsha L. Spencer Dinah L. Stafford Paggv L. Stallings joAnn Stamper Chervl L, Stanfield

Deborah C Stanley Martha D. Staton Virginia A. Staton lanet G Steele Pamela H Steele Deborah H Steen lean E Sterner

Brenda I Stevens LouAnn Stevens Denise M. Stockert Rhonda E. Stradley Tracy H, Streater, Jr. Donna L- Summers Path A Summers

Carol L, Sweeney Kyle Y Swisher Ian M. Talbert Suzan Y. Tanner Christeen E. Taylor Debbie A. Taylor Elizabeth A, Taylor

Evangeline Taylor Laura L. Taylor M. Elaine Taylor Alice M. Terry Phyllis D Thacke Deborah D Thon Deborah E Thorn

Gloria T Thoma Susan E, Thoma CIria I. Thompsi Betsy I, Thomps Rebecca A, Thn Sandra A. Tidlin Howard A. Tille

Kristy T. Tinsley Brenda j. Todd Margaret T. Towt

tlcinor H Troi Chervl L fui k, Martha L Turn Wendy | Tumi Ciarnette C






High Point

Rocky Mt

High Point Winston-Salem Martinsville. VA



Granite Falls

Roanoke, VA

Elon College

Greensboro Raeford Ansonvllle Greensboro Sandy Ridge Kannapolis MD



Walnut Cove


High Point





Ellicon City. MD


Spruce Pine













Rocky Ml

Darien. CT


Gretna. V\


evingld Hickoi



■L, Tv

Karen Lllmer




Deerfield, MAS


Arlington VV




Bonitd A, V,flenlino


Bellv 1, Vt.>s

Forest City

SylviJ L. Vic-tur


S.iM L. Viole


Arinj V. Viliani


loan K. Voglec


Borliara A, VonOesen


Ti-re-a L. Waddeil


Susan D. Wade


katherme H. Wagoner

Chapel Hill

Ann C, Waldrop

Richmond, VA

Canddce H Wall


Pnscilla E Wall


Susan T Wallwork

Mt Mourne

Stephanie R, Walter

Nashua, NH

lull A. Warren


Marsha R Watkins


Rachel I, Walson


Cynlhia L Webster


Melanie C Welborn


Carol A Wellons


Linda A Welte

Movlan, PA

Amy L Wendell

Potomac, MD

Lesa B. West


Robin C, West


Vickie L West


Nancy R. Westbrook

Mt, Olive

Anna L. Wheeler


lanice L Whelan


Patricia L White

SanFrancisco, CA

Deana L. Whitehead

Morehead City

Debbie C Whitman


Mane E. Wicker


Carol F Wilkerson


Carol E Wilkins


Linda C, Willcux


Anne R. Williams


Connie R Williams


Linda D, Williams


Nila L. Williams


lulianna Williamson


Mada C, Williamson


Sandra A, Wills


Karen S Wilson


kathy L. Wilson


Vivian L. Wilson

Tar Heel

Susan E Wimbish


Lee M Wing


Cheryl L Winger

Chatham, N|

Arthyr M, Winslead


Annaliese vonWitzky

New Fainield, CT

Malena Wood


Helen M. Woodall


Sharon A. Woodard

Spring Lake

Donna F. Woodruff


Gina C, Woodruff


Debora A Woods


Phyllis A, Woody


Sharon R. Woosley


Linda F. Wooten


Sarah K. Wootfon


Stephanie D Worsham


Carol 1 Wrobel

Mt Pleasant, SC

Susan F- Wyalt


Edwin T. Yarber


Mary K. Yates


Dana K. Yoder

Fredericksburg, VA

Linda L. York


lenniler A, Young


Fonda C. Younger

Mt. Airy


Cvlllli.i I Ad.inis lu.irine M. Albnghl Deborah L. Ale\.incle F. Diane Allison Louise K. Allred Virginia C, Animnns t arolvn 5- Andrews

Chervl |. Andre- M.| Angelini Marsha L Arnii Andra L Alkins, Linda S. Avers Rita D, Avers

Mne E A\

Bels\ H Baile\ Harvev L Bailev VVilluini L Baites Boniia L Baker Pamela Iv Baker CMithia L Ball C\nlhia L Barber

|o\ce A Bartletl Alice G. Balson

Barbara L Bene lanel C Bensor Susan K. Best Melanie L Bets, Lannv I Bische

Pamela R Blatkbum Angela F Blackhursi Cvnthia R, Bland Evelvnne L, Blanton Deborah A, BIomki) Susan P Bost Lri«h H Bovinel

liivu' A Bovvers ( harlene L Bowr Clenria S Bowles Nina I Bowman Susan M Branih Betsv L Branklev lanice L Brav

Mvra Bieitman \lai|orie V Breslin Mollv M Brill D.'borah I Britlian Donna \1 Brillon ( alhi-rmr S Bro( km, \lari;arrl K Brooks

losi-ph () Brooks Donald \, Brookshir F\el\n M Brown Sl.'phen (, Brr.wn Iheresa F Br.jwr, Penia s Br^anl Wanda t, Bullotk

Charles M Aaron Trudy K Abernelh Laura M Adair Ann E Adams

Greensboro Greensboro


i-Hudson, NY


High Point

Stuart, VA





Ptatftown Greensboro






Wood I eat Greensboro

Asheboro Greensboro

Salisbury Concord

Whilevillc Hiijh Point Greensboro High Point Fort Brag.i; lamestovvn Asheboro



Wake Forest

BoilinR Spnngs

H.implon VA



W,id.-sl.,,n, l,,\.-lt.Aill, Mi« ksiill.'

I lulls. .11


Chase Cilv, V\


I h,irlotl.

\1, Don, lid r,iMil.' I ,iN,

ml <,,ird.-n ( h.irlolte










M.irMcircl A Burr M.inh.i L, Burrils W.ind.l I CadifL C.inic-I.i M (alio

Donna L. Cameron Rebecca J. Capp^ Cynthia L. Cardwell Debra E. Cardwell Kathy E. Carey Terry A, Carlton Nona B, Carroll

Pal!.y L. Carroll Wallye R, Carsv Mary E. Carter Beth D. Caiey

Cas Pain

ndra C. I S. Cha

loella M Chamber^

LouAnn Chambers Sheree E. Chambers Madeline D. Chase Connie L. Cheek Sharon E Cheek Martha C Childers

Susan D. Clarke Deborah E, Clegg Caroline M, Cline Shelia A, Cline Katrina A. Coleman Carl D, Collins Debra L, Collins

Sandra L Conciatori Donna G. Conrad Kathleen L. Cooke Claire D. Copeland Vicki L. Copeland Catherine R. Corn Amy A, Corpening

Patricia A, Coltrel Cynthia A Cox David S. Cox Kathy D. Cox Margaret M. CoyI Lynne D. Craft Kimberley S. Crar

Patricia D. Craven Marsha K. Crews Steve W. Crews Karen L. Crocker Vera L Crooke Mary L Crouch Magda L Cruz

Phillip H Cummmgs Sharon L. Dail lo C Dale Ceorganne Daniels Mai\' B Garden Nancy D Daushten,' lane T Davenport

Patricia A Davis Teny D. Dans lanet C Dean Kathy L Dean Sara K Denny Robin M Disher loyce K. Doggelt


North Wilkeshoro






Chapel Hill


Trumbull, CT











Mount Airy

Winslon-Salem High Point Greensboro

Chatham, N|


High Point



High Point

Granite Falls

Reidsville Sanlord

Lillinglrrn Kearneysville

Asheboro Wilmington Greensboro Cherryville Monroe Greensboro Columbia, SC
















Dena S. Dollyhigh Patricia A. Donohue Daniel I. Donovan Wanda G Duncan Beniamin 1, Dunlap Harriet E, East Deborah S Edmonds

Mount Alr\

Abington, PA






Susan G- Elium Neal E Eller Ann C Elliott lohn E. Ellis Vicki L. Engle karen Y Enloe Paula M. Faircloth




High Point



Elm Cit\

Donna K. Faulkner Emily R. Finch Debra L. Fink Cinna Fishburne Beverly |. Fisher Dora F. Fisher Linda L. Fisher








lames I Fitzgerald Kathleen T Flanagan Laura L- Flowers Robbie A. Floyd Karen | FIvnl Man. E Fodel Donald H Foster

Charlotte Charlotte Hickor\ Norwood Asheboro Charlotte Bridgeton, N]

Dana M Fo\ Carolyn S Francis Lydia A Frazier Rita E. Frazer Terri R. Furr Theressa G. Gaddy Karen L. Galloway

Charlotte Wavnesville

R.ilrr^h Greelr-li"|.

Durham Belmoni

Carole A Gammon Sara K. Gardner Barbara R. Garrison Carolyn Cause Linda S- Gay Cynthia A. Gibson Cathv F. Gilliam


Wood leaf






Dale B Glenn Betty L. Godfrey lulia N Goodall Elizabeth M. Goodwin Anne W. Gorrell Margaret R Gould Pamela A Graham








Debra L, Green Ivey A, Green Kathy L. Green Candace D. Greninger Marv E. Grier Elizabeth A, Griffin Laura L Griffiths




High Pcin-

( h.iilMi;,

Barbara A Grimes Martha E. Groome Edda G Groon Kathleen L. Guy Wanda L Hadlev Davvn M Haeberle Kuhartl s flail/


K.llrigh Chailotl.-

' c'hariotle Greensboro

Susan G Hale lellrev A, Hall Sekvvn D Hall Susan 1 Hall Marv F Hamillon Debra 1 Hardii- Blanthe M Harden

Cherrv Hill. N| Wallace

Winston-Sali'iii Gr.'r-i.hoi.i

Builinginn ( hailolh'

km .

k P ^A liM




Elinda Hargrave Lvnda C. Hargrove Elizabeth A. Harold tvnlhia D. Harris Sylvia Harris Donald C, Hartmann Claude A. Harvey

luilv L Haskins t:hervl I Hasweli Frames L. Haydoc Dorothy S. Hayes Randi l\ Hearn Kalhy L Heck luily D Hendersnr

Holly E. Hendrixson Gary L. Henry Virginia A. Hepburn Martha N, Herndon Debra I. Harrin Patricia L- Herring Dana 1 Hessee

Mary K Hewelt Cynthia I Higgins Margaret L Highfill joy D, Hill Susan R, Hill Donna L Hobson Sharon M Hodgin

Elizabeth C. Holland Terri L. Hollingsworth Rhonda M. Holmes Helen M. Horton Donna F Howard Edna N, Howard Deborah L, Howell

lanice I- Howell Sheila M. Howell Anna K. Howie Kenneth F. Huffstetler Dorothy C Hughes Martha G. Humphrey lenniler L, Huntson

William Q, Hurley Ellen Is Hutchins Ion B, Hutchinson Marv L, lack Elizabeth C lackson Terrell E lackson

Rebecca S. laffers Sammie T, lochum Ann C. Johnson Susan P, lohnson Sylvia K- lohnson Martha I, Johnstone


' I, lones

Dorothy W lones Fannie L lones Hughia L lones lanice G. lones Martha W lones Kim A lordon hloben Kautman

Deborah E, Keaton Mary M, Kendall Sherry D Key Kathi S Kiger Mary M, Killough Kathleen A, Kirk Cathenne E Klullz

High Point





Wilmington, DE





?nnington, N|




Wake Forest

AllaniK Randleman

Raleigh High Point High Point Kernersville High Point Petersburg, VA Wadesboro

Fayetteville Aiken

Durham Union Mills Kannapolis Winston-Salem Greensboro Dallas Randleman











Moravian Falls




Black Mountain


Michael R. Kochel


Patricia A. Kohnle

Granite Falls

Peggy E. Kuhn


dgefield, CN

Christina t. Kupp

Ridgewood. N|

Albert M.C, Kwan

Hong Kong

Teresa A. Lambert


Cregorv' H Lambeth


Patricia T Land


Debra A Landreth



Dawn A, Lane


Rebecca L Leathen.vood


Steven S. Leblang


David VV Ledbetter


Louise K, Leonard


Nancy M. Leonard


Pauline H. Leonard


5ui-Ki R. Li KowIi


, Hong kong

David B. Licht


Deborah L. Lightner

Hinli I'nini

Edna M, Lipe


lav 1 Little


Fran E, Loltin


Marsha D. Lohr

High Point

Daphne A. Long


Frieda L Long


lames L. Longworth



Angela M. Lord


M. Darlene Lovern



Susan I Lowe


Robert D. Lov


Susan E. Lucas


David M. Mabe

Walniil 1 ^H.'

Roger K- Mabe


Sue E, Mabry


Martha G MacAvov



Settle A Maddrey


lanet M, Maness


Frances E. Manning


Larry D. Marbert


Mary B, Marett


Mary E. Marking


cin Hill, MD

Paul R, Markle. |r


Sylvia 1 Marshall


Martha N. Matthews

High Point

Wanda F, Matthews


Teresa A. Mauldin


Carol H Mayes


Vicki C. Maynard



Pamela s Mays


Connie V. McAdams


Beth C. McCall


Diane McClellan


Lloyd B, McConnell


Margie E McCorkle


Pamela A- Mclnlvre


Zenobia B, Mr Laughlm



lerry L. MrNeill


Donald B- Mekher


Dons L, Mendenhall



Meilsa E. Mesimore


Mem A. Michael


Lisa G, Midgett


kathy A Milligan ( )kl


m.i ( it\ t )K

Clifford S Mitchell

High Point

Martha M, Mitchell


Nancy P Mitchell


loel G. Moffilt


Suzanne Monlagne


Sue E. Moon

Snow Cam[)

Cynlhi.i 1 Miiorc



ft C C^ ^ 1^ P



K.ilhrvn (, Moori'

St. Pauls

M,ir\ C Morns


Sus.in E Morrow


N.intv C. Moselev

CIcn Mills, PA

Brenda K. Mullins

I atawba

Lmcl.i B Murdoik


B.irhji.l 1 Myers


Mdi^- E Njvlor


MiSrv L. Neaglley

Mechanicsburg, PA

Barbara A. Nelson

Levittown, NY

Virginia E. Nelson

Pilot Mountain

Constance E. Neslor


Marv W. Newman

Boydton, VA

Nancy M. Nicholson


Debra Iv Ni\on

High Point

leri L Noe


MaryAnn Noland


Sherrie A, Nordan


George 5- Nyquist, jr.

Baltimore, MD

Beverly I Dates

Newton Grove

Tempe A Dehler

Myrtle Beach, SC

Susan L. Oglesby


Barbara A Oliver

Somers Point, N|

Kathleen A, Olsen


Paul V, Ortino, |r.

Lehigh, FL

Brenda K, Overton


Laura C. Owens

Red Springs

Lola F Owens


Sally M Pahnke


Anne F. Panarelli

West Deal, N|

Dottie A Parks


Sigrid R. Parks


Donna L Patterson


William C Payne, |r


Elizabeth H Pegram


Betsv L. Pentecost


Clenda A, Perkins


lane W, Perkinson


Lin M. Perriello


Cassandra B Peterson


Deborah E Petersen

Spruce Pine

Martha B Phelps


Angela 1, Phillips


Martha E, Phillips


Bevedy I. Pittman


Leslie E Poe

East Spencer

Patricia L, Pollard


Roslyn S Pollard


Donna k. Pope


lulia k Pope

lax, FL

Christine L Poplin


Cynthia R Pugh


Angela K, Pulliam


lanice M, Purnell


Lmda R, Rafterty


Mar> S. Ragan


Thomas R Rainey


Lynda 1 Randle


Celinda R, Reavis


Lillie M Reaor


Helen |. Redmon


Charles D Reid

High Point

Marcella K. Rhoades


Linda S. Rue


Karen D, Richard


Deborah E. Richardson


Elizabeth C. Richardson


Enola K. Richardson

Brown Summit

Marilyn L, Ricks


Erankie C Rippy



Rebecc.i E, Rilch Cjvie D, Rive-. Connie L, Roberts Nancy E. Roberts Barbara N Robinette ^^a^^■ R. Rodeers Harold E. Roland

Shirley I Rollins Audre\ L Rothroack Susan E Rovals Mar\ L Ruftv


E Russell

ludv ^ Rv

Bob Saturlev Faith D, Saunders Rebecca A. Scarbo lane L. Schwantes Anita L. Scott Kent C- Seely Beniamin L Sells

Waller E. Shackellord Carolyn A Sharpe Beverly A. Sheets lill N. Sheintoch jerry L. Shelton Susan L Shipp loan A. Shoe

Barbara G Shor Robert L- Shoves lune C, Shotwell Deborah S. Shuford Kathryn A, Shut'ord Victoria L. Silby Angela D Siler

lanice L. Silliman Nancy L. Simmons Bonnie 1. Sinclair Nancy L- Singleton Vickie C Sink Stephanie L Sloop Cecily A, Smith

Cheryl S Smith Deborah I Smith lams M. Smith ienniter S. Smith Kathr/n S Smith

Leslie E Linda

Sandra K Smith Shauna N Smith Susan S Smith

lanet C SolberR Virmnia C Sparrc LiseC Slabenall Evelyn Stanles Vitki ( Stanley

Lli/abeth ( Starni Bennie VV Sleven- Christine D Stith Rebel I a I' Stover lulia M, Stuan CrenK M Suhm Russell M Suriall



Pine Hall







Hiqh Point



Bessemer City

Woodstown, Nj







Petersburf^. VA




Virgilma. VA


Flat Rock





I lie

High Point




High Point






Elon Cnlleue



Iter Vie«, VA

Charlotte Longwood HiRh Point






(.Ivnn M Su.iini N.iiuy [ Sw.iini Mundii- L. iwill Emiley M, TalliTi Susjn G. Tarlton Sharon E. Talc Mll/i (, T.ivlor

Sirs.in A Umrui- ri.inn.s E Tedde li.hnny H Thorn, lovif \ Thomas Palsy A, Thomas Sara K Thomas Terrcsa A Thoni.

Elizabi'lh A Thoi Naiuy D Thomp Barliara A Tiikle Lynn Til


Tillman an V TinRen

Marian S Townsend Melanie F Tripp Robert E. Trippeer Barbara R, Tucker lames S, Tucker Terry A. Tucker lanel N, Turbeville

Arlinza E Turner Tom L Turner Cynthia S Tusai Mary C, Updike H Edward VanHori LuAnn Vannoy


A Ve

Sharr)n L Vernon Melinda H. Vetterlem Robert L. Voegele Carol A. VogI Peyton A. Voorhees Joyce M Wagner Mary C. Walczak

Teresa L. Walker Shelia L Wall Mar>' L Waller Denise M, Walsto Linda M. Warren Mary S. Warren Robert F, Waters

Donna F, Watson Mae A, Watson Shirley L. Waugh Robert M. Wearn Helen P, Webb Deborah E. Webster lune E Webster

I inda A, Webster Man/ I Webster lana 5. Welch Deborah E Werner Mary E. Weslbrook Lydia K Wheeler Peggy I. Whichard

lanice M. Whitaker loyce R. Whitaker lanet C Whitlow lohn B Whittemore Ian L. Wilder Melissa A Will Sarah M Williams





lampion. VA



Mount Airy





,il (.abirs, FL

Winston |a< ks,


Newark, DE



Somers Point, NJ

Tubor C ity



Ocala, FL

ehead City



High Point Greensboro Hazlet, N|

Bahama Roseborcj






Beautort, SC




Brown Summit

Sneads' Ferry





Crrjton, MA




Tfjcv L VVillums Valeria R, Williams

Marcia D, VVilliard

Wi Cher\'l M Winged

Cretchen I Womble

Slier Ci' Nancv S VVooriMde

Wilmingli lettrev C- VVoutiHard

McCleansMi Sidney L, VVrav


Patricia L, Wright Sandra K Wnghl Mary- K W\M Vickie H Wynne

lanet L Yates

V\'inston-Sal. Melissa A. Vountz

Winston-Sal Valle I Zayyisicuvski

lack Suzanne E Zeigler



l.uici I , Arnilield K.ithy D Anicy Michael C. Atney Terry A. Arney Teresa D Askew Leslie E Aslin Vukle L Atkinson

nelira K BaKKeM Erol M Balkan Ian A, Ball Palncia A Ballanl William A Ballew Keizo Bandu Carol L Bare

lanel S, Barker

Debra R Be, loanna R Be Kathy D, Bet

SuEllen Beck Bonnie |. Bee< h Sherry A, Belk Mary E Bell Elizalieth A Bend( Alyce E Benfield Randy BerKnian

Cynthia I Berkley Bonnie L Berrier Sarah |o Bevill Pamela S Blackwood Ernestine I Blake Nancy E, Blanton Thomas M Blaylock

Elizabeth S Blee Emma I. Blue Marilyn E Bogas ludy L. Bolac Eula k, Bouldin Carol E Bowden



C lemnions


Istanbul, Turkey

Kensington, ME3



Toyonaka, (Isaka, lapan

El on College

Patsy L B



Bonnie A



Ronald D



Jennie O


Sandra M



Beyerly L



Marcia L



Dianne L



Diane L B


Richard S



Steyen A,




P, Brinkley

Cynthia S







Karen L Browt Deborah A Bn lulian K, Browi Kathy N Brow Michael I Br()\ Susan E Browr Terry S Brown

Cynthia L Brumtield Cecil M, Brunsnn Carolyn D Bryan Anne M Bryant Susan C Bryant Sharon F Buckner Nancy E Buttlap

Elkin Jamestown Scotia, NY Fairfax, VA Lenoir Asheville High Point

Winston-Salem Stokesdale Gulf Fayetteville Greensboro Stony Point ■w Rochelle, NY

Danyille, VA


Brown Summit





Cooperstown, NY



Ale\andna, VA







Rocky Mount

Mill Spring

Columbia, SC

Roanoke, VA Tryon High Point Greensboro Lexington Pine Level Havelock

High Point





Granite Quarry



Tabor City


Chatham, VA





PameM A. Bullard Susan L. Bundy Susan M, Buttner Manlvnn L, Bverly Thelma A, Cam Martha C, Caldwell Judith A. Campbell

Martha D, Campbell Melissa L, Campbell Lee K. Cardweli Ronald O, Cardweli Phvllis E. Carlton lanel M Carnck Deborah R Carter

Suzanne Cartwnght Phyllis A, Casstevens Rebecca E- Cates April E. Chambers Stephen A. Chandler Margaret L, Chau Susan E Chilton

France'. A Clark Beverly A, Clayton Kathy A. Clayton Mar> C. Clodlelter Sheila D Clontz Bonnie T Cobb Fran E Cockerham

Sandra A, Cockrell Marilyn |. Cosdell Susan L. Coleman Raymond W. Comer Carol L. Connell Michael S, Conners Maureen A Cook

Rita K. Cook David C. Cooper Shermayne Corbett Karen D. Core Sallie A. Covey Debra L- Craft Raymond H Creedn

Mar\' R Crenshav Nancy E. Crews Patsy F. Crim Mitzi B. Cromer laniceG Cullina Teresa F Cumbo Anne M Curry

lanel K. Dale Terry B. Dalrymple Deborah A- Daniel Mildred A. Darden Marysue D, Davidsn Cynthia H Davis Anita S. Daw

Wresrh Dawid|an Barry G. Day Tanya L. Daye Margot C. Dellinger Lena I. Dempsey Dorothy L Denton I inda I Denton

lohn M. Diachenko Penelope I, Dial l^eirdrc A, Dias Suzanne M Dickerhn Call L, Dickcrson Donald R Dorsett Betsy I Douli

Hope Mills High Point Hendersonville High Point High Point Gaston I a Randleman

Claymont, D[ Albemarle Mavodan Stoneville Chapel Hill High Point Kannapolis

Winston-Salem Hamptonville Red Springs Greensboro Greensboro Winslon-Salem High Point








Alexandria, VA





Glen Ridge, N|


Rocky Mount





Belews Creek





Sparta, N|




Wilson Asheville



Somerville, N|

Cjreensbon i






Oeal Riyer, N^




Anderson, SC

Bay Village, OH



East Hi.nd


kP A A


Donna K. Dowdy Delores A. Doyle lacquelvn R, Driver (onnicP Drum Marva L Drum Palricia I Dunn Susan R Dunn





N.'Ulon Wmslon-Sairm Hendersonville

Deborah G Eakes William R. Early, jr K, Dru Eason Susan I, Eckstine Gary L Edwards Prisulla 1 Edwards Belh Eldridge

Fort Lauderdale, FL



Fort Myers, FL

( harlotte



Leslie E. Ellis Malva D, Elmore Norma 1. Epperson Sharon W Eslridge Karen S, Eury Angela Evans Cynlhia S, Evans







Pilot Mountain

Sheila Y Everhan Betty K. Ezzell luhe M. Fariss Emily I. Farrell Gregory B, Felts Alelha D, Fernandez laneF, Finch



Roanoke, VA





Debra E, Eisher Ellen H, Fitts lulia K. Fitzpatrick Sally E, Fleming Cheryl E Flynn Carol A Foitz Margaret C, Ford

Cherryville Richmond, VA Bergenlield, N| Tarboro Slate Hill, NY Wmston^Salem Silver Springs, MD

lennifer E, Frank Minam Freel Patncia I. Freeman Rebecca |. Freeman Mary C Fritts Elizabeth B Frye Candace L Fuller







Lewishurg, WVA

lovce Y, Fuqua Maurice E Caddy Ann S Gammon Virginia L Ganong Claudia L, Garland Darlene E Garner Karen 1 Garner




High Point



Silver Spring, MD

Michael E, Garner Cathy K. Garrett Dawn M. Garrett Constance |, Geiger Lauren P, George Louise S, George Ginger L, Gibson




N, Versailles, PA



High Point

Mona S. Gibson lanice K. Gilliam Ginger E. Godard William C. Gorman Harold D, Green lane B, Green Laura G Greenhill

Pine Hall

Elon College






Sena R Gregory Linda M, Grittin Sallie L. Griftin Lucy A, Guest NadineC Gurley ludy K, Gwaltney Alma R. Hagaman









Cvnthia A. Hagt-rslrom



Kjren D, Hall


David M. Ham


■w York. NY

lames A- Hamptfin


Robert E. Hampton



E Elame Harbison


Carnlvn R Harbor


Mar\ E Hargreave


Susan H Harman


Yvunria K. Harrell

Snow Hill

loan M Harnll

Forest City

Lila R Harris


Ramona K. Heath

Snow Hill

lonathan D. Heck


nandale, VA

Marcia Is. Hedgecock



Cath\ A. Hefner


Cynthia A. Helms


lane R. Henderson


Mary H. Henderson


Stephanie A. Henderson


VKlona L Henderson


Frances A. Hendri\


Martha E. Hepler


Deborah A, Harnden

Hershey. PA

Frances C. Higgins


Earl W, Hill


Susan E. Hilliard


Carol H, Hinshaw



Marv E Hinson


Connie S. Hobbs


Rose M- Hodges


Cathy L, Holcomb


Deborah L Holder


Annie L. Holland


Teresa A Holloway


loyce 5, Honeycutt


Elizabeth M, Hood


lacquelyn S. Hovis


Melinda G. Howell


Leslie I. Howie


Martha 5. Huckenede


Betty 1. Hudecek

Titusville. FLA

Sara G Hudgins


Nancy V Hudson


Leigh A Huftman


Rhonda D Hunt


Wanda D Hunt


Claudia L Hurlev


Charlotte L Hurst


Susan G. Hutchins

Kings Mountain

April A, Hyman


Karen E. Inman

Mount Airy

Susan L, Ivey

Maitland, FLA

Edna F. Jackson


Rebecca D, lackson


Barbara A, lacobs


lennilci A jaciibv


■xandria, VA

Brona I letlnes

Rocky Mount

lanice L. lohnsrjn


Melanie A. lohnson


Pamela D. lohnson



Dons M lohnslon


Ea^.in A lones

Rot ky Mount

Cynthia M. lones


Deborah E. iones



lanet F. lones


inand.ile, VA

karen L, lones


Lou E lones


Ma\ R. lones. |r.


own Siminiit

Phyllis S. lones


lot Mountain


f. .

loAnn K.inn.in


M.irilvo K k.n.im

New()orl News, VA

Amy H Kellcv


Sh.iron f. Kellev


tonstante E Kelly


Marsarel S, Kelly


P.ilruk M Kelly


Nanty S Kendrick


Gerald W Kennmgton


Elizabeth L Kiger


Yyonne M. Kilpalruk


Alice F Kins


Heather M king


Harriet A Kirk

MounI Gilead

Debra i Kiser


Deb(5rah A Klosener


iue Knov Bit

e Ridge Summit, PA

Dnnna W Konkler


Sara R Koontz


Alice M Kopp


Artemis M Koutroulias


Kimberlv C Lackey


Donald R Lail


Lisa K Laird


Robin P Lamberth


Terry L. Lampley


Eugenia 5 Lamprinakos

Morristown, TN

Evelyn K- Langston

Rocky Point

Wall L. Larkins


Patricia M Larson


Deborah P, Lassiter

High Point

lennifer E. Lawling


Susan L, Lawrence

MounI Airy

Elva 1 Layton

MounI Pleasant

Margaret L, Lealherman

New Bern

Laurie M. Lechner

Bayport, NY

Wanda G, Lee


Deborah M, Leebrick

Belews Creek

Debra L, Leonard


lanice L. Lester


Sharon D Lingafelt


Karen Little


Melanie 1 Little


Gloria I, Lloyd

Cookeville, TN

Miriam A. Lockhart

Mount Airv

Phyllis S. Loftin


Betsy R. Long


Virginia L Long


Stephanie D Lucas

Rocky Mount

Cynthia R. Lundy


Cynthia M. Lutz


Kathleen P, Lynch


lacquelme D Lyon


lames D, Mabe, |r

Walnut Cove

Estelle A, MacFawn


Sharon A Mackey

Pisgah Forest

Evelyn S Maduzia


Linda S Mahattey


William L Mangam

Spring Lake

Maty lo Manning


Nancy P Mapes

Glen Rock, N|

Phyllis A Marmucci

Adelphi MD

Karen A Marion


Beverly R.M Marks


LaGray I Marks


Sheila D. Marshburn


1 Charlene Martin

Maninsville, VA

Fran Massa

Glen Cove, NY

Sandra G- Mathis

Frederick, MD

)anice L, Matthews



MarN A, Matlheus


Natalie S- Matthews


Stanley K. Mauldin


Sara L, McCall


Tony L. McCarson


Gail L, McCormick


C\nthia E MtCree


Luann ]. McDowell


Harriet Y, McFadyen


Pamela D. McGhee


Bobetta L, McGilvary


Clarissa Y. Mcintosh


Glenn A. McKawn

Chatham. N|

Sheila L. McKinney


RoRer L Mclso\


Palncia F. McMilhan

Mt Air\

Phebe D. McRae


Ruth A. Measmer


Nancy K, Meece


Chades E, Melvin. |r.


Susan M. Merrell


Bonita 1 Merrilt

Washington, DC

lo Ann Messick

N. Augusta, SC

Wanda T, Metzger

Merchantville, N|

Alice R. Miller


Margaret D. Miller


Margaret H. Miller


Marsha D Mills


Cora E, Mitchell


Nettie E. Mitchiner


Joyce 1. Mobley


Karen E, Mottitt


Deborah B. Malloy

Richmond, VA

E. Kevin Moore


iohn A Moore

High Point

Judy C Moretz


lanet K. Morgan


Susan A. Morgan


Susan 1. Morgan

Oak Ridge

Susan Morris

Mornstown, N|

Karen S Morrison


Chrisanna P. Motsinger

High Point

Joyce A. Mouberrv


Patricia F. Mullins


lenalee Mase


Beverly A, Myers


Karen A. Magle

Towson, MD

Rebel ca L Nance

Bethesda, MD

Rebel c a 1 Nehlsen


Kathleen M. Newton


Sheila A. Nicholson

Washington, Nj

Sandra S. Morris

Brown Summit

Carol J, Northcott


Judy A Nunn

Chapel Hill

Jams L, Nunnally

Severna Park, MD

Patrick O'Doherty


Frames M, O'Meara

Timonium, MD

Rita E Orr


Glona 1. Ostwalt


Willie B. Page


Rebel c a 1, Pagett


Dons A Palkowich

W Paletson, N|

Katherine L, Palmer


Margaret N. Palmer

Charleston, WVA

Terry A, Palmer


Barbara J. Parker

Edison, N|

Karen L, Parker


Dons |. Parks

Galax, VA

Catherine A Parlier


Kathv (, Parrom

High Point



Clara F. Parson Curiis E. Patterson latqueline C. Paul Harriet 1. Pearce C hnstina W. Peed Virginia A. Peedin lulia A, Pcgram

Patti L, Peninger Sheila A. Penninger Naniy C, Perkins Bob E. Peters Becky L. Piasecki Margaret E, Pickett Virginia A, Player

lenniler S, Pons Angela F Pope Brenda G, Price Kathy E. Price lanice I. Pruett Barbara |, Pruette

Bobbye S, Rake< Carol A, Rankin Ollie L. Rasbury Davie W. Ray Wyndale I. Redd Frederick R Reed



. P Reid

I L, Reid

Betty I. Remhart Cynthia |. Ritchie loel L. Ritter M. Edward Roach Mary L. Roberts lanice C- Robinson

Bridgette E, Roderick Marie A. Rogers Elaine 5. Ross Marianne Rowe Rebecca L. Royal Edward M. Rozynski Mynck L, Rush






ielews Creek



Danville, VA

London, CONN


East Bend




irown Summit










Winston Salem

High Point





, VA

Charlotte Greensboro Creensfroro Boothbay Harbor, ME Fayetteville Fairlield, Nj Randleman

Nancy L, Russell Sharon L Russell Paula j. Sams Phyllis M. Scheller Denise Schoonderwoerd David M Schuize Laura A. Schumacher

Nancy E, Schuster David L- Schwenke Linda 1. Scott Marcia K. Sears Mary K. Seawell Robert D, Seay Susan O, Sechrest

Cynthia A Secor Stephen C Settle loyce E. Shafer Alice C. Sharpe Katherine R. Sharpe Linda C Sharpe Valeria C Sharpe

Paula D Shaver Mardeen P, Shelton Frances R. Shepard Cynthia A. Shillmglav Cathy D Shirlev Esser Shivers lelfrey B. Shoal



Mars Hill









Winston Salem

Rural Hall



Severna Park, MD

Chapel Hill


Rural Hall


Salisbury Greensboro Rockingham burg


)W Nil eensboro Asheville


K.ilhr\n L Smith P.imelj S Smith Pdtti 1. Smith Rebecca G- Smith Shirle\ F. Smdthers

Kathleen |. Snyder Rebecca W. Solomon Sherry |. Sowers Mary E. Sprinkle ludy L, Stafford Brenda A. Staley Harriet E. Staley

Beny A, Stallmns Donna I. Steele Stephen Sternberg Mary M. Stewart Diane R. Stocken Cynthia C. Stowe Deborah E. Strickland

Karen E Stroud Phyllis A. Stroud Mary K, Sugg Barbara L. Summers Peter E Summers

Linda L Sw


Margaret M Swing

Susan R. Swing Russell L. Tatri) Victoria K. Tatro Sheila D. Taylor Shirley D. Taylor Anita C, Teague Cynthia D. Teague

Phyllis M Terry Rhonda D. Terry Dan J. Thomas, Ir. Carolyn D. Sykes Anna R, Thompson Donna M Thompsi Eh/abeth V Thomi:

Mania C- Thompson Merial D, Thompson Miles N, Thompson Ellen P. Thrower Frances E. Thrower |o Ann Tice Kalhy A Timmis

Hud' Upper Montclair. N Clemmon- Winston-Sal





Imd.i F TiiiKi-n N.iruv K Tiiincv Kinel L Tippell Deborah D. Tranthar ludilh E. Traub Kuby A. Trigg lliann R Tro\ler

Margaret V. Tulloch Margaret S Tuiiitall Deborah G. Turman Sarah A Ussery Paul M Vaughan

Claudia D Ve Emily E. Vir

Nancy E. Vincent Rebecca I- Wade Roberta I. Waddell Shirley A. Wadsworth Valerie A. Wagner Amy L. Walker Kalhryn M, Walker

Kenneth O Walsh Rebecca I, Walton kay S, Ward la net L. Warden Anita L War>vick Sue E, Washam Lolita C, Watkins

Frances M, Watson Mary B. Watson Ann F. Watts Tern L. Weatherly katrina K. Weaver Lucy I, Weaver Cynthia D Weavil

Deborah A, Webster Kathy A. Welborn Karen k Welles loyce L. Wells Eleanor R. Westbrook Cynthia A. Wheeler luhe E. Whichard

Elliot I, White lanel M, White Sharon D, Whitley Sarah E Whilsett Rita S Wiggs Martha L Wikle Louise H Wilkersor

Martha S Williams Regenia S Williams Teresa C. Williams layne L. Willingham Cinny H. Willis Debbie S. Wilmoth Chen L, Wilson

Deborah S Withers ludith N. Wood Kenneth A. Wood Mary A. Woodruff' Thelma I, Wooten Kathy M Wright Thomas E Wylie

Nikki A. Wysor Alice A Yates Rozanna Yates Patricia A Yeagei Philip W. Yip Carl M. Yontz Cheryl L. Young

Clyde andria, VA Perry, liA














Chapel Hill








Suffolk, VA




Mint Hill







Four Oaks

.vn Summit



New Bern


Alexandria, VA








Pittsburgh, PA

Roanoke Rapids

East Bend

Rocky Mount




West letferson

Morehead City

Yan Yat Chuen, Hong Kong



(below, left to right) Debra Michele Andrey, Suzanne Ange, loyce Ellen Angell, John Burrell Allen, III, Drucllla Diane Arakas, Doris Wofford Armenaki, Mary June Arnold, Pamala Ann Ashburn, Cynthia Dawn Asbif

(far above, right) Fred Alexander Ashworth. (above, right) Laura Graham Auman. (left to right) Parks Niell Austin, )r.. Patsy Caro Austin, Nancy E. Ayres, Denyce L Babinec.

(above, left to right) Ellen Ann Barnes, JoAnna Barnes, Mary Mar- aret Barnes, Marceia Lise Bartlett, Deborah Lee Batter, Mary Jeanatta Battle, Janice Susan Baxley, Frances Ann Beaver, Kathryn Magdalen Bender.

(above, left to right) Marilynn Bennett, Re- becca S. Benson, Deborah Hutson Benton, Elizabeth Ann Berrier, Judith Kae Bevan, Martha Elizabeth Biddle.

(above, left to right) Charles Steven Bingham, Bruce Alan Bitter, Geneva Kathleen Blvlns, Barbara Fay Blackburn, Phyllis loan Blackburn, Melanie Annette Blackley, Martha Barney Blackvvelder, Seth Norwood Blackwell, Patricia Lynn Blackwood, Carol Viivan Blaine.

; l'|:|;|FM'«>^li-|| iti''ii


(below, left to right) Debra Ann Blake, Mary Anna Blake, Elizabeth Blalock, Bonnie leanette Blue, Tru' Blue, Eveline Blumenthal, Margaret Ann Bodie, lames Willis Bohmbach, Katharine L, Boone, lames William Booth, |r.

(left to right) Rebecca lane Bosley, Anne Kizer Bost, Barbara Lee Bostain, Peggy Collins Bowden. (below, left to right) Elizabeth Hamilton Briggs, Caroline A. Brinson, Barry Sutton Bristow, Susan Elaine Britt, Belinda Sue Brit- tain.

(below, left to right) Carol Anne Brooks, Daniel Leonard Brooks, Wanda Lambert Brooks, Barbara Diane Brown, Bonnie Lynn Brown, Crystal Diane Brown, Katherine Dunn Brown, Laurann Lanetta Brown, Martha Belinda Brown, Mary Pope Bruton.


(above, left to right) VIcki Lynn Burton, Brenda Burgin, Virginia Sue Burke, Bar- bara Hall Burks, (left to rigfit) Dru Elizabeth Burns, Verne Ellen Butcher, (below, left to right) Lois Elizabeth Butner, Beverly Ann Byrd, Jane Harris Byrd, Ellen Dale Calhoun, Marilyn Jean Calhoun, Cayle Anne Campbell.

(below, left to right) Linda Lock Carey, Tana Carlton, Marguerite Z. Carpenter, Mark Jackson Carpenter, Gloria L. Carr, Mary Geneva Carrick.

(below, left to right) lames Martin Carroll, )r., Katharine lane Carroll, James Anthony Carrozza, Louanne lonnie Cassick, Mary Elizabeth Caviness, Sarah Elizabeth Cecil, Carolyn jane Chadwick, Constance Sylvia Chaney, Karen C. Channell.

(left to right) Donna N. Chappell, Ann Charles-Craft, William Leon Chestnut, Ronda Carol Chilton, Terry Ann Chilton, Carolyn Grayson Chitty, Jean Lynn Clark, Sandra M. Clement, Gloria Jean Cline, Carolyn Olivia Clodfelter, Dorthy Elizabeth Cloninger, Mary Lucile Close.

(below, left to right) Beverly Ann Cockerham, loanne W. Cockrell, Alice |. Coe, Christie Lynn Cohen, Hugh Wilson Cole, |r., Beverly lane Collicutt, lulie Melinda Collins, Kathleen Colquitt, Sarah Dianne Conder, Ava Lynnette Conklin.

(above, left to right) Catherine Leigh Conrad, Laurie Louise Conway, William Craig Cooley, Valeria Ann Cooper, James Gail Corinth, Vickie lean Cornatzer, |udie B. Corriher, James R. Costa, Nancy Elaine Cottingham.

above, left to right) Cynthia Anne Cox, Margie Dale Cox, Michael Maurice Cox, Valerie Anne Craemer. (left to right) Claudia Crane, Sandra Lynne Crank, Marcell H. Crawley, Kathy Lynne Creech, (below, left to right) Belinda M. Crews, Linda Elizabeth Crocker, Kathy Leigh Crook.




(above, left to right) Frances Vandaijean Crowell, Kathy Heavner Crowell, Diane Kay Cum by, Patricia Lynn Cunningham, Gayle P. Currie, Diane Marie Dabney, Marsha Jean Dad dario, Pamela M. Daniel, Cheryll Rawding Darden, Jerttie M. DauEhtridee.

(above, left to right) Linda Carol Davenport, Karen Suzanne Davis, Karen Ann Davidson, Shirley Anne David, Kathryn Elizabeth Davis, (below, left to right) Nancy Winslow Davis, Renee Curley Davis, Sandra Lvnn Davis.

(left to right) Mary Lou Dawson, Susan Elizabeth Day, Laura lean Dempsey. (below, left to right) Linda Kay Dil- ard, Cynthia Sawyer Dillon, Alice Yvonne Dixon, Elizabeth Clare Dolin, Nancy Clare Dolin, Kathy Dianne Dollyhigh, Maureen Adele Dougher, Anne-Marie Dorothy Dowe, Janice Wilson Draughn, Evelyn McClure Duna- way.

(above, left to right) Kathryn Edmonds, Patrick L. Edmundson, Cora Lee Edwards, Pamela Beth Edwards, Patsy Elaine Ed wards, Richard Lee Eller. (left to right Wanda Johnson Elliott, Kathryn Evelyn El , Robin P. Ellrich. (below, left to right Richard William Enchelmeyer, John A Entzi, Marcia Dale Ervin, Carolyn Nan Evans, Margarette Malissa Evans.

(below, left to right) Virginia Dell Evans, Su- san Anne Everington, Krystal Key Fagg, |ohn Herbert Fahnestock, Patricia Elaine Faire, Gloria Ann Faison, Sheila Susan Farrell, De- bbie Ann Feemster, Audrey Lynn Ferguson, Catherine Wood Findlay.

(above, left to right) Frances Concetta Finn, Carol Louise Fisher, Ka- ren Margaret Fisher, Rebecca C. Fisher, John Nathan Fitzgerald, Eleanor Pickett Fleenor, Karin Lee Foscue, Nancy Carolyn Foster, Dabnev Dee Fox.

(above, left to right) Nancy Leigh Franklin, Dorothy S. Freeman, Janet Smith Freeman, Peggy Ann Freeman, (left to right) Mary Emily Friday, Donna Dolores Friesen, Rebecca |. Froneberger, Vickie Paulette Frye. (below, left to right) Judith Huffman Ful- bright, Rita Ann Fulbright, Pat- ricia Lorraine Fulton.

C"^ ^

(above, left to right) Martha Elizabeth Gabriel, Diana Ruth Caebe, Robert L. Gaines, Fran R. Garrison, Marina Beth Gatlin, Claudia Antoinette Geraghty, Becky Lynn Gerber, Deborah Suzette Gibson, Sandra Elizabeth Glasgow, Joanne Elizabeth Glassford.

(below, left to right) Frankie Angela Goodnight, Tanita Ann Good- win, Carol Bruce Graham, Sheila K. Grandy, Jane Louise Grant, Katherine Virginia Grant, Susan Jane Grasmick, Robert Henry Gray, Russell Allen Gray.

(above, left to right) Christine E. Glover, Betty Carolyn Godwin, Charlotte Casey Coins, Angela Tucker Goldston, William Garth Goldston, Laurie Elaine Goode.

•J .->

7< "// f); %

(far above, right) Vickie Jane Greene, (above, right) Pamela Kay Greenlaw, (left to right) Pamela Pearl Griffin, Teresa Anne Griffin, Lillian A. Groce, Karen Ann Grottle.

(above, left to right) Janet Sue Hall, loanne Spencer Hall, Tommie Lynne Hall, Aldena Linn Hamby, lames Franklin Hamilton, Jr., Bridget Margaret Hand, Holly Jo Hand, Robert L. Handlon, Carol Conover Hanks.

(above, left to right) Ester Earlene Hardie, Brenda Kaye Hardin, Dorothy Agnes Hare, Catherine Lee Harmon, Nancy Elaine Har- mon, Hollis Mabry Harned,

(above, left to right) Cathy Smith Harper, Gwendolyn Gale Harrington, Cathy |o Harris, Danny Lee Hartman, Lynn Irene Harwood, Cynthia Carol Hasty, Cynthia Forgay Hatch, Carolyn Anne Hayes, Donna Kay Haywood, Eva D. Haywood.

{below, left to right) Susan Claire Hayworth, Catherine Myers Helms, Micky Gwynn Henderson, Linda Gail Hen- ion, Cynthia Gail Helper, Mary Elizabeth Helper, June Johnson Herring, Nona Elizabeth Herring, Nancy Jane Herthel, Stephen Franklin Hicks.

(left to right) Martha Catherine Highsmith, Cecihd Ann Hill, Christina Howell Hill, Gerald DeLancey Hill, Susan McCas- kill Hilton, Geneva Ceraldean Hines, Pamela Karen Hobson, Emily Elizabeth Hoffman, Lisa Allen Hoke.

(below, left to right) Miriam R.C. Holland, Patricia Holloman, Robert Lee Holton, Ann Elizabeth Honeycutt, Barbara Holding Honeycutt, Vicki Lynn Honeycutt, Janet Ann Hoover, Carol Ann Home, Cynthia Ruth How- ard, Brenda Gale Howell.

(below, left to right) George W. Howe Martha A. Hoyle, Suellyn Hudgins, Paula Sue Hudson, Margaret Tyson Huffman, Donna Hull, Susan Earle Hunnicutt, Judy Hunter, Stephen Wayne Hunter, Georgia Sandra Huntley.

(above, left to right) Wanda Kaye Hutchins, Laura Ellen Inabinett, Nancy |o Ingram, Martha Lynn Ipock, Debra Ann Jackson, Donna Sidney lackson, Janet Yvonne lacobs, Gary Wayne Jarrett, Marcia Gail lenkins.

(above, left to right) Suzanne C. lennings, Rebecca Ann Jensen, Teresa Ellen Jester, B. lane Johnson, (left to right) Cindy Lynn Johnson, Janine Elizabeth lohnson, Mary Beth Johnson, Wanda Faye Johnson, (below, left to right) lanis Faye Johnson, Evelyn Denise Jones, Jacqueline Irene Jones.


4 - > > J

(above, left to right) Karen Lynn Jones, Kathy Lynn Jones, Martha R. Jones, Sharon Dawn Jones, Elizabeth Ann Jordan, Margaret Elizabeth Jordan, Donna P. Joyce, Alice A. Julian, Wendy W. Kauffman, Pamela Anne Kellar.

(above, left to right) Debra Dean Kelly. Allen Cle- ment Kendall, )r., Lonnie Myron Kendall, Roxann Rae Kephart, lenniter Ann Key. (below, left to right) Fern Ellen Kitchman, Debbie Kepler Knight, Theresa Worth Knox.

left to right) Susan Joy Kohler, Karen Elisabeth Kolbe, Ruth Kohl Kossove. (below, left to right) Gena Owens Ko- ta, Janice Ann LaMar, Arlene Paige Langston, Linda Lee LaRoach, Virginia |. Lasater, Eleanor Ann Lathan, Shirley Ann Lawrence, Pamela Sanford Leary, Lettie Carol Led- num. Martha lean Lee.

(above, left to right) Deborah Lynn Leonard, Mary Hazel Leonard, Nancy lames Lester, Jan Denise Lewis, Sharon Ann Lindner, (left to right) Mary Evelyn Lindsay, Lillian Diane Linn, Sandra Kay Lloyd.




(above, left to right) Mary Deborah Lodato, Cynthia |an Long, Elizabeth Ann Long, Leslie Gail Long, Marsha Lynette Long, Mary Fleetwood Long, (left to right) Pamela Gayle Long, Gwendolyn Rene Lowman, Mary Ann Luedeka. (below, left to right) Deborah Craven Lupton, Suzanne Hicks Lyerly, Pamela Elame Ly- tle, lulia Margaret McCarthy, Kathy Ann McCaskill.

(below, left to right) Barbara Alice McCombs, Gail Ellen McCrory, Dawn Mane McDonald, Susan Mildred Mcllhenny, Margaret )ane Mclnlyre, Sandie Leigh McKee, Rebecca Lee McMaster, Beverly Ann McMillan, Cena Lynn McMillan, Bonnie lane McNei

(above, left to right) Marian Toon McPhaul, Helen Macaroe, Kath- leen Madden, Sheila I. Maddox, Virginia Gail Madren, Mark E. Maersch, Carmen Laura Malone, Mary Katharine Maner, Deborah Ann Maness.

(above, left to right) Pamela Chantale Maness, Patricia Ruth Mann, Anne Frances Markey, Patricra Gail Marsh, (left to right) Catherine Elizabeth Martin, Cay Williams Martin, Robert David Martin, Susan Twombly Martz. (below, left to right) William Henry Mastbrook, |r., Alice lean Matthews, Carrie Alana Matth- ews.

(above, left to nght) Nancy Lou Matthews, Resa Evan Matthews, William Franklin May, Wanda S. Maynor, Celeste Jan Mazvco, layne Broughton Mazyck, Rebecca Anna Mears, Lynn H. Medley, Sherry Anne Meece, Laura Meeks.

(below, left to right) Lydia Frances Moffitt, Rosemary Anne Mogelesky, Nancy Nossar Monroe, Bonnie Tysor Moon, Deborah Beryl Moore, Donald Richard Moore, jacque Montelle Moore, lanice Fay Moore, lanice Elaine Morgan.

(far above, right) Rebecca Ann Morgan, (above, right) Ina Lynn Morris, (left to right) Patsy R. Morris, Vickie Lou Morrison, Charles E. Morton, Elizabeth Anne Morton.

(above, left to right) Charlotte Eleanor Myrick, Rolanda Leigh Nel- son, Nancy Lynn Nesbitt, Clarice Annette Newell, Sara Candace Newman, Nancy Kyle Noble, Barbara DeBora Nobles, David Bruce Norton, Beth Norwood.

(above, left to right) Catherine Louise Nunn, Charles Marvin O'Connor, Michael Paul O'Doherty, Retha Lucille Outlaw, Marsha Ann Overman, Cameron R. Owens.

(below, left to right) Lynne Annette Owens, Phillip Anthony Page, Marilyn Marie Pait, Lisa Ellen Palmer, Carol Len Park, Melissa Anne Parker, Susan Fran Parrish, jodi Patton, Robin Nan Patton, Nancy Louise Payne.

(above, let! to right) Elizabeth R. Pearson, Dons Ann Peeler, |o Anne Pemberton, Connie Diane Peninger, Rey Allen Pennell, Paula jayne Perkins, Marsha Lee Perry, Donna Carol Pickerel, Margaret Ezelle Pitkler,

(above, left to right) lean S. Pierce, Stephanie VyrI Pigford, Marie Pitsikoulis, Vicki Sharon Poage. (left to right) Pamela leanne Polzin, Amelia Ann Poole, Michael Ellis Poole, Mary Vernell S. Pope, (below, left to right) Pennilou Pound, Kathy LaVerne Powell, Amy Elizabeth Powers.

(above, left to right) Barbara Webster Powers, Denise Louise Poythress, Patricia )ane Pratt, Ellen Presnell, Linda Marie Preston, Carolyn Byrd Price, Margaret Elizabeth Price, Pamela Kay Price, Kaye Mildred Pridgen, Bonnie L. Pruitt.

(above, lett to right) M.iry Catherine Pugh, Linda Gail Purgason, Alan Blair Putnam, Dollie H, Ram- seur, Sarah Kristina Randall, (below, left to right) Rhonda Gail Randleman, Claudia Lanier Rapier, Bette Mae Rausch.

(left to right) Martha Woodland Reade, Tervolia Reaves, Rebecca Harmon Reavis. (below left to right) Sarah Diane Redding, Sarah Spaugh Reeves, Phyllis Murphy Reynolds, Elizabeth A. Rice, Marilyn Elizabeth Rice, Doris ). Richardson, Linda Marie Richardson, Stan Benjamin Rickman, Margaret Elizabeth Riddle, Ethel Deborah Riley.


(above, left to right) Richard Evans Riley, Byron W. Ritter, Charlene Yvonne Roberts, Gwendolyn Carol Roberts, Penny Susan Roberts, (left to right) Wil- liam Rogers Roberts, David Hunter Robertson, )anet Marie Robertson.

d:-\ lA

(above, left to right) Diane Chisholm Robinson, Virginia Anne Robinson, Alli- son layne Rockefeller, David McCain Ro- gers, Susan Lois Rogers, Nola Marie Rogerson. (left to right) Barbara Rollins, Tama Mayfield Rose, Judy Lynn Roun- tree. (below, left to right) Frances Luanne Rufty, Ruby Rufty, Kathleen Mary Rushford, Susan M. Ryan, Mary Shaw Sams.

(beiow, lelt to rightl Cathy |. Saunders, Sally Anne Scantiand, Laurel E. Schmitt, |ohn Martz Schoftstall, Lydia L. Schwartz, Deborah Annette Scott, Dianne Lynnette Scott, Elizabeth Ann Scott, Mary Kay Scott, Ralph Michael Sears.

(aboye, left to right) Margaret Humphrey Seawell, Sylvia Lucinda Sellars, Nancy E. Shatter, Brenda Faye Shannonhouse, Linda Gale Sharpe, Martha Nortleet Shaw, Patricia Lynne Shaw, Linda Carol Shearin, Betty Lou Shearon.

(above, left to right) Anne Mon- roe Sheffield, Diane Alyce Shinn, Norma Gail Shively, Cynthia Caroline Shore, (left to right) Billy Stephen Shytle, )r., Susan Elaine Sigmon, Judith Dale Siler, Mary Frances Sink, (below, left to right) Sherry Pamela Sink, Barbara Anita Sipe, Maureen Agnes Skel- ley.



(above, left to right) Mimi Skerrett, Karen Ann Sledge, ludith Marie Slowinski, lanice Dawn Smith, Patricia K. Smith, Rebecca Carrad Smith, Teresa Gwen Smith, Trudy Waller Smith, Teresa Jean Smitherman, Teresa Denise Smithwick.

(above, left to right) Anne Moffett Sneed, Carey Hall Snellings, Jr., Janice Carol Snider, Bobbie Caroline Snow, (left to right) Ann Louise Solien, Julia M. Soren- sen. (below, left to right) Cheryl Ann Sosnik, Ada Catherine Southern, Lucille Lachicotte Spearman, Julia Elizabeth Spears, Ann Patricia Speckman, Robert J. Spencer.

(below, left to right! Phyllis Spinks, lulie Dean Spivey, Bridget Lee Spraker, lanet Sprinkle, Melanie Laura Sprung, Dene Faye Squires.

ik H . ^

(below, left to right) Gay Nell St.iley, |e,iniie Meretlith St.inley, Shii- ron Ellzcibeth Stcinley, Tina Rae Steed, Jerry D. Steelman, lynne Wil- liams Stevens, Joyce Marie Stewart, Mary lane SI. Lawreme, l.infla Caddy Styons.

(left to right) Vickie Marie Sum- mers, Anna Beth Swain, Alice Katherine Swaringen, Penny Grietje Swart, Peggy Sweeney, ayne Patrick Swindell, Deborah lean Tagalos, Kathy Owen Talbert, Laiky Karen Tamny, Janice Mane Tarlton, Lisa Boutlard Tate, Elizabeth Barry Tayloe.

(below, left to right) Barbara Lee Taylor, Terry Burgin Taylor, |ohn Clifton Teague, Caria Ann Terrell, Nancy Karen Thaxton, Phyllis Anne Thomas, Anne Stuart Thomason, Kathie Hut- tines Thompson, Sherrie Thompson, Lucinda Ruth Thore.


(above, left to right! Eunetta Angelyn Thorne, Dawn Allrecl Thut, Sara Elisabeth Tisdale, Vickie Delores Torrey, Karen Lynn Towe, Peggy Irene Townsend, Irene Alice Tramer, Susan Flynt Transou, Paula Ephornia Travis.

(above, left to right) lanet Elizabeth Trimble, Mary Catherine Triplett, lane Sharon Troxler, Loretta Tucker, (left to right) Paula Scott Turner, Irene Maria Ulloa, Penny Rene Vance, Sheila Dianne VanNoy. (below, left to right) Dianne Upchurch Vaughn, Cathy Ann VerMeulen, anice Carol Vestal.

(above, left to right) Linda Lou Vestal, Debbie MacKenzie Vetterlein, Kathryn Anne VonLin- dern, Kathryn Lee Walden, Wendy Young Walker, Mary Bette Wall, Cynthia Anne Wallen, Lawrence James Walters, Sandra Lee Ward, Karen Wood Warren.

(above, left to right) Cathy O'Dell Weathers, Bar- bara D. Weaver, Brenda Sue Welling, Debra Ann Wells, Roslyn Marie Wells, (below, left to right) Robert William Westbrook, lanie Carol Whitehead, Wendy Lee Whittemore.

(left to right) Nancy Anne Wickline, Wanda Denise Wiley, Katheryne Cook Wilkerson. (below, left to right) Susan Tandy Wilkins, Mildred lane Willey, Cwindolene Elizabeth Williams, jeannie Oveda Williams, Kathleen Williams, Mary Anne Williams, Patricia Ann Williams, Patricia Olanda Williams, Su Ellen Williams, Susan Elizabeth Willis.

(above, left to right) Kathryn Leigh Winstead, Kathryn Faustine Wirkus, George Swee-San Wong, Florence Ninevah Wood, Kathleen Rose Wood, Sarah Elizabeth Wood, (left to right) Melba Corinne Wooten, Linda Evans Worthington, Rebecca Lou Wright, (be- low, left to right) Sylvia Snider York, Su- san Hester Young, Sandra Gail Yow, Sandra L. Zepp, Debra Kay Ziemann.

Class of 1 974 Record

Anderson, Audrey LaVerne. \l,it.n\,in N I BA EjrK Childhood Education NBS ),4: Gospel Choir 3,4; lunior Scholjr: Tutor for Greensboro Associa- tion ol Poor People ^

Andrey, Debra Michele. Lucama, N,C. BS Math, Lab Ass'l, Bio, Dept, 3; Square Circle 2nd Vice-Pres, !.' Isl Vice-Pres 4; Sophomore Scholar' ES- CHEATS Scholar 2. 3,4,

Arakas, Drucilla Diane. Asheville, NC BA Biology Senator 3,4; Comm on Legislation 3 Chmn 4, student Bill of Rights tomm 4. ECU Council 2.3

Armenaki, Doris Wofford. Greensboro, N,C. BS Nursing. SNA 2.3.4; lunior Scholar, Dean s List 2,4; Graduated Magnum Cum Laude; School of Nurs- ing Class Representative 3,4, Dean's Advisory Comm. 3,4, School of m, 3,4 North Georgia College, Georgia Baptist Hospital

School I

Arnold, Mary (une. Le

1,2,3,4: Dean's List 2J.

lie, N C

3A Ell

enlary Education. ACE

Asbill, Cynthia D, Laurmburg, N C BS ,Malh Pi Mu Epsilon; Dean's List,

Atkinson, Don W. Greensboro, N C BA Element,ir\. Education,

Austin, Parks Neill, |r. Charlotte, NC BA History WEHL 3; VVUAG 4; > DC 4 Carolinian 4

Austin, Patsy. A^hebom, N C BSHE Child Development Dorm Sec, Leader I, AHE\ 4: ACE 3.

Ayers, Nancy E. Asheville, N.C. BA Drama-Speech, Varsity Cheerleading 1,2, Co-Head 2; Campus Crusade for Christ 3,4; USHA 3; Full Gospel Stu- dent Fellowship 3; Homecoming Attendant for DIAC Basketball Tourna- ment from UNC-G 2; PATH School.

Biddle, Martha Elizabeth. Asheboro, NC BA Eark Childhood Education ACEI 3,4; SNEA 4,

Bingham, Charles Steven. .Asheboro, N C, BME Music Education, Academic Forum 3; UNC-C Orchestra 2,3; Concert Band 2, Libraian 3,4; jazz Ensemble 3,4; Student Brass Quintet 3,4; lota Epsilon Warden 3; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; School of Music Scholarship 3.4; University of South Carolina.

Blackburn, Phyllis N. Winston-Salem. NC BA Earlv Childhood Education. NEA ECU, Pembroke University

Blackley, Melanie Annette. Creedmoor, NC BS Economic and Business Administration Square Circle 1,2, Deans List 3; Dorm Sec, Leader 3.

Blackwelder, Martha Barney. Mocksville, N C. BA Sociology. Alumni Scholarship 1,2,3,4; Dean's List 2,3

Blackwell, Seth Norwood. Reidsville, N C BS Accounting Intramural Football, Basketball, Softball, Table Tennis; NBS, YDC; Ford Foundation Scholarship; VITA Rockingham Comm. College

Blackwood, Patricia Lynn. Mocksville. N C. BA Elementary Education. Sophomore Scholar, lunior Scholar; Civinettes 3,4, ACE 3,4; SNEA 4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4

Blaine, Carol Vivian. Asheville, N C, BSHE Child Development and Family Relations SNEA 1,2; ACE 3,4; AHEA 4; Omicron Nu 4; Sophomore Scho- lar; lunior Scholar; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Dorm Social Comm. 3,4; Dorm Big

Blue, Beverly Elaine (Tru'l. Wilmington, N C BS Community Health Alumni University Council 3,4; FDC 3; Court Member 2; Student Orientation Comm 1,2; Chnin 3; University Orientation Comm. 2,4; Chmn 3; National Orientation Directors' Conference Delegate 3,4; NODC Steering Comm, 4.

Blumenlhal, Eveline. Montn diana Stale Liniversily; Univ(

3l, Quebec, Canada, BA French Ballet In- sity of Evansville; UNC Asheville.

Boone, Katharine L. Greensboro. N C. BA Earlv Childhood Education, ACE 3 Wingate lunior College,

Bostin, Barbara Lee. Hickory, NC. BSHE Interior Design. Resident Advisor 4, Omiirnn Nu 4; lunior Scholar; AHEA 3,4; 1D5A 3,4; YDC 3. A5U.

Branan, Lorie. Raleigh, NC, lastrnu Scholarship 3

Bristow, Barry Sutton. Santord, N C BS Ei tralion Western Carolina University

, Art WEHL 2, Music Director 1; Elizabeth

Bailey, Nelson, la

Viie-Pres , APO


ation Outing Club,

Baker, Angela Sawyer. Hertford, N C BSSA Business Erlu' 1, (,.imm.i Alpha 1

n Legislature HI BS ,Math De.in's List 1 ,2,4; Square Circle

Bald, Kim Karleen. An

1 2 4, Pi \\u Epsilon 4

Barnes, Barbara Taylor. Winslon-Salem. N C BS Nursing Arademic Forum t, TSA 1,2, i, 4, Dean's List 1,2,), 4, lunior Scholar 3; NC-PIRG, SNA, Amen.. in legion Scholarship 2,3,4 Wake Forest University

Barnes, |o Anna. Burlington, N C BA Early Childhood Education ACE In- tern,ilioii.il. Membership Chmn Peaie College

Bartlett, Marceia L. R.ilngh, N C BS PEDU

l,2,i, Manai

Battle, Mary leanatta. Rocky Mount, N C BSHE Child Development and Family Rel.itions SCORE rep 1; AHEA ),4; St, Mary's House 1; NBS 1,2,! 4, Student-lo-Sfudenl Grant Scholarship 1,2,!, 4, Sophomore Scholar 2, Dorm s,., Ir.ider 2,4, OA 2

Baxley, lanice Susan. < ,r,ih.im, N ( HA Sociology, Prosy, Legislature 1.

Bender, Kathryn M. ( h.irlottc-, N C BSHE ( lolhing .ind Tesliles FDC 3 IX KeMeuing Bo.ird ), Alumni Assoiiation 4, Intramural Basketball 1.3; De.ins I ,st I 2,i,4, honors work in Home Economics, AHEA 3,4; Newman ( lull 1,4, rlicl,, ( hi Fraternity Sweetheart 2; Sunday School Teacher 4,

Bennett, Marilynn. Morven, N < BA English I Mis I I,, ,11 '. 4 Carolinian i, Kenortei 4

re 1; NBS 1,2. i.4; Benton, Deborah Hulson. Charlotte, N ( BSHE Clcjthing, Civinelles 2.

Brooks, Cjrol. Hii;h Piimt NC B\ I nv;li.h C.lrnlini.iri, Kn.uil l<liln> i, tditor in duel 4

Brown, Barbara Diane. \U LiMiivvilli', N C BA Ki[l\ ( hil.lhi.i.d FiliK.ilinii

Brown, Bonnie Lynn. Eden, N t BS Nutsmg SNA, DcMn s lisl, lunioc

Brown, Crystal D. sijiesville, N C BA Elemrnl.iry Iduution ACE

Brown, Laurann L. Littleton, N C BA Speei h I'.ithdlo.nv NB5,

Brown, Martha Belinda. Rockv MiiunI, N C BA Speech Pjthuldgy, USHA !,4: Work-Study 3.4.

Bryson, Ronald H. CreensEioro, NC. BA Political Science DeanS List; Political Science Student Comm. Chmn. 4; Debate Team 2,3; Harriett El- liott Lectureship Comm, 3; College of Arts and Sciences Comm.

Burner, Lois Elizabeth. Winston S.ileni, N C BA BioIorv Beta Beta Beta 1,4, Fllioti Hall (.(luniil !.4; Ciitlee House Comm Chmn 4,

Byrd, jane Harris. Drexel, NC, BA Speech PatholoRy.AudioioRy EUC Council 1, \DC :,3. Domi Sec, Leadei ),

Calhoun, Ellen Dale. Laurel Hill, N C, BA Sociology Deans List 2,

Calhoun, Marilyn Jean. Raleigh, NC BA Psychology Intramural Volleyball 1,2; R5C Dramatic Workshop 1; French Club I; NCPIRG 4; WEHL 1,2,

Campbell, Gayle Anne. Castonia, N.C, BA Elementary Education OA 2,3; Operation '77 3; Orientation Co-Op 4; Tuition Scholar 2,3; ESCHEATS Scholar 1,4; Collegiate laycees 3; Hostess 2,4, Head 3; Dorm Sec. Leader 2; Teacher's Aid. "

Carlton, Tana. Warsaw, NC. BSHE Interior Design. AHEA 2; NSID-AID 3,4; IDSA 3,4; OA 2; Dorm Comm. 1; Ass't DC 2; Dorm Sec, Leader 3.

Carpenter, Marguerite. Greensboro, NC, BA Psychology. Full Gospel Stu- dent Fellowship 3,4; Town Crier 4, TS Book Exchange 4; Invisible Univer- sity 4

Carpenter, Mark Jackson. Greensboro, NC, BA Economics TSA Pres 4, T5A Book Exchange 4, TSA Housing Service 4, TSA Bus. Man. 5; Senator 1,2,3,4,5; Comm, Qualifications and Classification of Offices 1,2, Chmn. 3.4,5; Constitution and By Laws Comm, 3; Campus Security Comm, 1,2; NCSL House Rep, 4; SCORE 1; Co-Founder Invisible University 4; Ad Hoc Senate. Admin Comm; Intramural Sports 1,2; Town Crier 1,4; Outstanding Senior 1973,

Carrick, Mary Geneva. Lexington, N C. BA Elementary Education David- son County Community College,

Carroll, Katharine Jane. Reston, VA, BSHE Interior Design, Coud 4; Deans List 2,3.4; CJmicron Nu 3,4; IDSA 3.4; OA 3, Syracuse University.

Cassick, Jennie. Greenville, NC. BM Applied Music, Glee Club 1; Choir 2; Chorale 2,3,4; Chamber Singers 3,4; Opera 2,3,4,

Cecil, Sarah Elizabeth. High Point, NC. BA Psychology Psi Chi, ECU,

Channell, Karen C. Elkins, W Va BS Nursing, Potomac State University

Chappell, Donna N. Gihsonvillc, NC BSHE Home Economics, AHEA

Cockrell, loanne W. I'otom.ii , ,Md BSHE Child Development and Family Relations, Domi Resident AiKis.ir i. Legislative Ass't 4; Senioi Class Steer- ing Comm 4

Cole, Hugh Wilson, Jr. Lexington, NC BS Dislributi\e Lilucitioii leiims Team 2,1,4, ( ollegiale DEC A Viie Pies 2; Statewide Collegi.ile l)E( A Vice-Pres t Wingate College; ASU

Gender, Sarah Dianne. Charlotte, NC. BSPE Physual Eduiaimn Varsity Volleyball 1.2. i,4, RA Consul 1.2,3,4; Intramutals 1,2, i, 4; Ollii lals Club 1,2,3; OA 2; Senior PE Maiors Viie-Pres,

Conrad, Cathy L. lexington, N C BA Elementary Eduiation, AG(.) I; ACE 4; Glee Club I; Dean's List

Cenway, Laurie Louise. Launnburg, NC, BA Drama-Speech. Masquerad- ers' Honor Society; Dean's List; Women's Varsity Golf Team; Theatre Board Member; Spencer Love Scholarship; W. Raymond Taylor Scholar- ship; TYP Cast Member; Forensics 1st Place Duet Acting Competition, Appalachian State Contest 197!,

Corbett, Phyllis Elaine. Hampton, Va BA Sociology DC 4; OA 2,i,4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; University Honors Program 1,2; Golden Cham ),4; Freshman Scholar; Sophomore Scholar; lunior Scholar; Scholarship Reci- oient; Fulbright Nominee 4; RC 1,2,3,4; RC Upperclassman Advisor 3,4; Undergraduate Member, Chancellor-s Ad Hoc Comm, on Non-Traditional Study 3,4

Gernatzer, Vickie Jean. Winston-Salem, N C BA Elementary Edu< .ition ACE 1, Dean's List 3

Gox, Margie D. Ayden. NC BSPE Health Education Tutor, TCB Greensboro Association for Poor People 2; Health Manpower Summer Program 4; NBS 1,2,3,4; OA 4; N C, Association of Health, P E, and Recre- ation 3,4; NBS Choir 2; Sec, Leader 1; Volunteer for NC, Memonal Hospi- tal Children's Playroom,

Cox, Michael Maurice. Dover, NC. BA Economics. Consul 1; NBS Unit Manager; Intramurals 1,2,3; NBS 1,2,3,4; Intern, Greensboro Record 4; Senior Research Ass't, Urban Policy Study 4; Research Comm, for Director of Placement 4

Gox, Cynthia Anne. Henderson, N C BS Math, Dorm Sec. Leader 3,4, So- cial Comm I,), Women's Glee Club 1,4; Sec. 2, Pres, 3; Square Circle 2,3,4, Pine Needles 2; lunior Scholar; Pi Mu Epsilon 4.

Crane, Claudia. Hampton, Va, BA Early Childhood Education, Intramural Basketball, Volleyball; Sophomore Scholar; lunior Scholar, ACE; Alumni Associates,

Creech, Kalhy Lynne. Clayton, N C BSHE AHEA 2,3,4, SNEA 4; Dorm Social Chmn !

Crews, Belinda McLamb. Ke

N C BA Sociology, TSA 1,2,3,4,

Crocker, Linda E. Hiikory, N C BS Business Education. Phi Beta Lambda; Sophomore Scholar

Crook, Kathy Leilh. Troy, N C BSHE Interior Design IDSA, NSID.

Cunningham, Patricia Lynn. Charlotte, N C BSHE AHEA 1,2,3,4; Omicron Nu 3,4

Currie, Gayle Person. BSPE Physical Education. Raleigh, N C Swim Club 1; Women's Varsity Basketball 1,2; Varsity Volleyball 1,2,3, Co-Capt, 4; Tennis Team Man. I; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; HPER Council 1; HPER Class rjf ■74 2; HPER Major's Voice Co-Editor 3.

Chestnut, William Leon. Ruflin, N C BM Music Education University Chorale 1,2,3; Men's Glee Club 1,2; Steering Comm. I; NBS Gospel Choir Dir, 3,4; Bethel Male Chorus 1,2,3,4; Academic Forum 2; Student Faculty Academic Forum 2; NBS 1,2, Co-Ord. 3,4; Exec, Advisory Bd. 3,4; Golden Chain 3, Scholarship Comm, Chmn 4, EUC Council 4

Chilton, Terry A. Eden, NC BA Psvchology Psi Chi 4

Cline, Gloria lean. Kannapolis, N C BSHE Home Economics Education, AHEA 2, Dorm Rep, 1,3. Exec Council 1,3,4,

Clodfelter, Carolyn Olivia. Lesington, NC, BS Nursing, SNA 2.3.4; Opera- tion 77 3; Speech Therapist, Kendall Center.

Close. Mary Lucile. Churchville. Md. BA English, Dorm Floor Advisor 2; DC 4; Dorm Sec. Leader 1,3; Intramural Volleyball 1,2; Student Theater 4; Outing Club 1,2,3,4; Newman Club 1,2,3,4; Beta Phi Delta 4

Dabney, Diane Marie. Hickory, NC, BA Elementary Education, ACEI,

Daniel, Pamela M. Charlotte, NC BA Early Childhood Education Co-Rec Day Bouling Team Delegate 1; Wesley Council 2,3,4; VVeslev Foundation Board 2, Secy 4; Community Recreation Coord, 3,4

Davenport, Linda Carol. Elizabeth City, NC BA English Honor s Program 1,2, De.in's list 1,2,3,4; RA 1,2,3

David, Shirley Ann. VVhileville, N C BA Speech Pathology LISHA.

Davidson, Kay. Laurel, Md BSPE Field Hockey SNEA, NCHPER; worked at university pool

Daughtridge, lertlie Mae. High Point, N.C. BA Polilit.il Science. Senator I.J,), Constitution .inil Bv Laws Comm, 2,S, .Appropriations Comm Chnm i, NCSL 2. Ford Round Table Series 3, National Merit Scholarship 1,2.). 4, National Orientation Directors Conterence 3; Senior Class Steer- ing Comm ),4; Commencement Comm 4, Creensboro Internship 3; Op- eration 78,

Davis, Karen Suzanne. Annandale, Va, BA History, OA 2- Senator 1 '> 3- Social Concerns Comm 2; Rules Comm Chmn, 2: Appeals Comm Ctimn' 2.i, member 4; NCSL 1,2, Delegation Chmn. 3. Reviewing Bd Chmn. 4, Bill oi Rights Comm. 4; Harriett Elliott Lectureship Comm. 3. Chmn 4^ SCKAM Esec Dir, i. WEHL D|. Ass't. News Dir I; Carolinian 1.2 Pine Needles Freshman Editor 1, Ass't. Editor Fall 71 . Editor-in-Chief 4; Alumni Associates 2,3; Alumni Speakers Bureau 3.4; Media Board, Student Chmn 4; Senior Class Steering Comm 4; WUNC-TV 2,3,4; Bronze Noose 4 CREP 3; inaugural Comm, 1973. White House Intern 1973

Flannery, Jeanne Genevieve. Bs

Treas ),4. Newman Club

Education, Phi Beta Lambda

FousI, Robin Z. Fuller. Greensboro, N.C, BS Health Education. Glee Club 1; Choir 2, SNE-\ 4, Treas, 1; N C Health Manpower Conterence.

Fox, Dabney Dee. Ma

Early Childhood Educat

Frazelle, Dianne. Richland, N.C BA Early Childhood Education ACE 3' Intern, Model School Protect, Camp Le|eune, 4

Freeman, Janet Smith. Raleigh, N,C BEA Art Education Intramurils 1- YDC 4; SNAEA 5: NCAEA 5, Co-Chmn Announcements Comm Reynolds' Campbell College 1,2,3

Friday, Mary Emily. Gastonij, N C. BSHE Child Development Court V AHEA 2,3,4, Dean's List ),4

Dawon, Mary Lou. Greensboro, N C, BA Chemistry, DC t, OA ) Opera- tion '76 '77 '78, 2,3,4; Intramurals I; Inter- Varsity Christian Fellowship 2,3, Exec .Member 4; Bible SturU Leader 2.3.4; Tutoring I

Dixon, Alice Yvonne. Durham, N C BA Hist<jr\ Court Member 3 4 Coun- selor 2 DC 4

Dowe, Anne-Marie. Wmslon-Salem, N C. BA English ludicial Comm 3, Appeals Comm ),4; hnisible LIniversity Instructor 3, Rep. 4; Dean's List 2: Sophomore S< holar, lunior Scholar; Dorm ludicial Advisor 4

Draughn, lanice. lonesulle N C BA Biolog\ Spanish Club 1,2,3,4, Outing Club 4, Pine Needles 3, Marsh.il 3,4, l-Housc 2), 4

Friesen, Donna Dolores. Greensboni, N C BSPE Varsilv Volleyball 1 '> 3 Co-Capt 4; Intramurals 1,2,), 4, RA Council 1,2,3,4; Otiicials 1.2,3; Oa'2;' Senior PhisK.il Eduiation Ma|ors Pres 4, Lindergraduate Ma|ors Council 3.

Fulbright, Judith Huffman. High Point. N.C BSHE Intenor Design. NSID; AID; Omicron Nu; Home Economics Library Comm, Vera Arml'ield Foscue Scholarship Award Lenoir Rh\ne College; N.C. State University.

Fulbright, Rita An

onnelK Springs, N C BS Nursing SNA 3

Fulton, Patricia Lorraine, s.mtnrd, N C BS Health Education Operation '78; Cuinettes, Linilergraduale HPER Council Rep; Dean's List 1 2 3^ Grea- ter Greensboio FjmiK Lite Coundl; Health Careers Conterence 3

Dunn, Angela. Winston. Salem, N C BSHE Tevtiles AHEA 1,3,4; Cimicron Nu ) Sei.'\ 4, -XATCC ),4, Fieldfrest Foundation Scholarship 4; Dean'-

Eason, Donna L. Raleigh, NC BSHE Home Economics Edui.ilion AHEA 12) 4 siud.'iil Program ,md Polnv Comm , Home Economics 1,2,), 4

Edmundson, Patrick L. Morganton, N.C, BA Drama, WEHL 2); WUAG- FM, C.)n(ert Band 1; |az7 Ensemble 1; UNCG Theatre 2,3,4; Studio The.itii. 2,3,4; Masr|ueraders 2,), 4, St Mark's House 1,2.3.4; Vestry 2,i^

Edwards, Cora Lee. Mooresvilli- NC BS Nursing SNA 1.) 4, IV 4 Dean's

Lisl 12 14

Edv»ards, Pamela Beth. Greensboro, N t Bs Inslrument.il Musk. Education University Sinlonia 2.).4; Llmversitv SMnphon\ ( )r. hestr.i 1,2,S,4; W'eslev Found.ition 1, Bo.ird and Coumil 2,), 4

Edwards, Pats\ Elaine, si ,\1.ir\s(„i BS Nursing >i KC 1.2

Ellis, Kalhryn Evelyn. Sil.i ( it\, N C Bs Nursing SNA 1,) District VI Rec Sc. \ 4 Nnniin.ltions ( omni 4, Summer Senior Student Nurse, Vjnderbilt LnnvrsilN Hospil.il l<ri

Ervin, Marcia D. Tioutni.in \( BF -X Xit Ldui .ition MNEMOS>NE-\N So. I, -In J, SM .\ .1 Br.-i.ird |i ( iillrg.-

Faison, Gloria Ann. iJelmonl, N ( Bslll ( hilil I )rM.|o|)iiienl AHEA, ACE

Feemsler, Debbie Wiseman. R.ilnuh \ c Hs Nmsmg V\'omen's Glee tliib 1,2, SNA 1,2, I'libli.ilv ( linin ! I'les Dislrul 4, Slate By-Laws

( omni 1, llrlcg.iti., N. i.il SN.\ t, I'lol.-ssion.il Nuise Assistant Program,

Diiki- U Medii.il ( rnlri i

Finn, Frances Connie. ( )son Hill Md Rs Nursing

Fil/gerald, lohn Nathan, jr. ( h.ith.im, V.i BM[ Musi, fdm.ilion Univer- sil\ ( hoi.ilr, I'hl Mil Alph.i ri.itrinits Vu.-I'les 4, Upper DiMsion CEFB Sihnl.irship, Who's Who Among lliniol ( olleue students Mitihrll < ollrge

Caebe, Diana R. Greensboni, NC BS Medical Technology. Beta Beta Beta 3,4; Medical Technology Club Program Chmn 2, N,C. Slate University.

Garrison, Frances Ruth. Martinsville. Va. BS Home Economics Communi- cations Senate 2.i: University Invitations Comm, 1; EUC 1, Exec Board 2,3. Pres, 4; Golden Chain

Ceraghty, Claudia A. K.ileigh, N ( BA

al Weltare, Senate

Glassford, loannc Elizabeth. R.ileigh N C BSHE AHEA, Intervarsity Christ- ian Fellowship. Omuron Nu, Trainer- Agent, N.C Agricultural Extension Service )

Glover, Christine Ellen. New Bern, NC. BS Chemistry. Court 1; Folk Dance Exhibition c.ioup 1; Chemistrv Tutor 3,4; Lab Ass't. 4; Sophomore Scholar, lunior Srhol.ir, ACS Analytical Chemistry Award 4; N,C. Academy ot S(ii-n, e Resi-.irih Grant 4

Goode, Laurie E. VVilminglon, N C BS Nursing Intimte Way Study Group ),4, -Xsso.i.Mion tor Rese.m h ,ind Enlightenment studv Group 1,2,3

Goodnight, Frankie Angela. K.nin.ipolis N C BA Ps\cholog\ Psi Chi 3 4 Dean's Lisi 1

Goodwin, Tanita A. Charlotte, NC BA Sociology/Social Welfare. Harriett Elliott Lectureship Comm 4: National Association of Social Workers 4; NBS 2), 4;, Deans List 2,); Beta Beta Beta Biology Award 2; NBS Choir ),4, Dorm Set Leader 4

Graham, Carol Bruce. Goldsboro, N C BSHE Communications Arts SGA Legislature Page 1; DC 4, Volleyball Intramurals 3.4; Political Science Dept Rep . Ad Hoc ( urrnulum Comm 1; Collegiate Civinettes Vice-Pres. 1,2, Pres 2,), World War Veter.ins Scholarship, WEHL 3; Dorm Social Chmn I,), WGBR-WEt^R 2, Home Ei, Intern. High Point Southern Furni- ture \tanul,i<lurers Assoc i.ilion

Grandy, Sheila K. giand\, NC BA EarK Childhood Phi Theta Kappa 2 Colli-geol the Albrm.irl,.

Grant, Katherine Virginia. ( Icmmons, N C BSHF Foods and Nutr n

( tmiiion Nu AHI A 1 li-.in s list

Crasmick, Susan jane. N.w Oxloid, P.i BA F.iil ( hilclhood Educition ( ,lr.' ( liil. 4, 'iKC 1,2,1,4

Gray, Russell A. R.indlrm. in, N ( BARiolog\ APO 1,2)4

Greene, Linda Su/anne. K.iliii;h N( Bs Medic al Tec hnologv Beta Beta Bel. I i 4

Griffin, Pam. New London, NX. BA Psyrhology Honors Progr.im 1,4; Dean'<. Lisl I, J, 4; Pm Chi J, Pres. 4; N.ilur.il Science Lectures studeni Comm, 4.

Crubbs, Joyce Carol. Burlington, N.C. BS Nursing. Academic Forum !; Dorm Sec. Leader 3; SNA 3; SNA State Trea. 4; Student Nurse of the Year 1973; American #53 Scholarship 3,4; lunior Marshal; Senior Marshal.

Guerrant, Gaye L. Charlotte, N.C. BS Math. Pi Mu Epsilon 3, Trea.-Sec'y 4; Civinettes 1,2; Collegiate |C 2; Dean's List 2,1

Cwennas, Shelia. Fletcher, N.C. BSHE Child Development AHEA i,4, ACEI 4; Dean's List 3; Omicron Nu.

Haith, Edith. Meli. Choir.

N.C. BA Early Childhood Education NBS; NBS

Hall, janel Sue. Crantsboro, N.C. BS FHome Economics Education. Student Legislature 1; Dir., Course and Teacher Evaluation, SCORE 2,3,4; Chancel- lor's Ad FHoc Comm., C&T Evaluation 2; University Comm. to Develop Teacher Evaluation 3,4; Sec'y. Community Affairs 3; SGA Academic Intern- ships 4; Ass't. DC 4; OA 2,3; Chmn., dorm student faculty comm. 3; In- tramurals t,2,3,4; lohnson Scholar 1,2,3,4; honors history I; WEHL 1; AHEA 1,2,3,4; Presby House 1,2,3,4, Golden Cham 3,4; Member, Bd. of Directors, Greensboro Voluntary Action Center 3; Member, Consortium Task Force on Internships 3.

Hall, Tommie Lynne. Aulander, N.C. BS Math. Intramural Basketball, Vol- leyball 1,3; Square Circle 1,2,3, Publicity Chmn. 4; Pine Needles 3; Pi Mu Epsilon 4; Dean's List 3,4; 5NEA 4; NCTM 4; ACM 3,4.

Hamby, Aldena Linn Durham, N.C. BSHE Interior Design. AHEA; NSID; Nominee. Fieldcrest Scholarship; Design Dept, Rep., Southern Living Chnstmas Show 1972: Dorm Sec. Leader.

Hamilton, lames Franklin, |r. Rockingham, N.C BS Economics and Busi- ness Administration. Intramurals 3,4. Wingate College.

Hand, Holly. Wheeling, W Va. BS Consumer Ser\ices. AHEA 1,2,3,4; Stu- dent Rep,, AHEA 1; Student Program and Policy Comm , Home Economics Dept. 1,3,4, 2nd Vice-Pres. 2.

Hardin, Brenda Kaye. Orrum, N.C BA Early Childhood Education SNEA 4; ACEI 4; Dean's List 3; Annie Mclver Young Scholarship 4; St Mary's House Kindergarter 2,3, Dir, 4.

Hare, Dorothy A. Charlotte, N.C. BS Home Economics. AHEA 1,2, Comm. Chmn. 3,4; Inler-Varsity Chnstian Fellowship 2, Pres. 3,4; Faculty Ass't, Leadership Development Award in Foods anci Nutrition 4.

Harmon, Catherine L. Seneca Falls, NY. BS Child Development Dean's

Harmon, Nancy Elaine. Rockingham, N.C. BA Political Science. Student Services Secy. 3; Campus Stores Comm. 3; Interships Comm. 3; Outing Club ],1, Pine Needles Art Editor 3; Golden Chain 4; Intern 2,3; Sec. Leader 2; l-House Faculty Student Budget Comm. 3: Alumni Associates 3,4; Political Science Steenng Comm.; Seminar Leader 1973 Greensboro Youth Council 3; Planning Comm., Women's Studies Conference.

Harper, Cathy Smith. Yadkinville, N C. BS Disinbutive Education, Dorm Sec, Leader; DECA 3,4; NADET 3,4, Gamma Alpha 2,3, AHEA I.

Harrington, Gwendolyn Gale. High Point, N C. BA Art

Harris, Cathy jo. Pitlsboro, N.C. BSHE Clothing and Textiles RC 1; Sophomore Scholar; lunior Scholar.

Harris, Karen Mozelle. Greensboro, N.C BA Psychology Senate 1,2,3,4; Appeals Comm. 1; Social Concerns Comm. 4,5; TSA Vice-Pres. 4; Univer- sity Symphony Orchestra 1,2,3; Chamber Orchestra 2; Friends 4; Chancel- lors Comm on Disruption Policy 4; UNCG Rep., Progress and Information Comm., Greensboro Human Relations Council 4; OA 2,3,4,5.

Hartman, Danny Lee. Winston-Salem, N C BFA Art Education. BSU Pub- licity Chmn 2, Co-Chmn, 3; NAEA 3,4; Chmn, International Student Rela-

Design. IDSA; Outing

Helms, Catherine M. Greensboro, N.C. Court 1,2,4, Exec. Secy 3; Freshman Advisory Board Exec. Cabinet; Sec. Leader 1; Sophomore Scho- lar; Rat Day Chmn. 2; lackel Comm Vice-Pres. 2; Tennis Team 2; Ring Comm. Chmn. 3; Who's Who in Amencan Colleges and Universities 3; Golden Cham 3,4; University of Maryland European Extension Frankfurt, West Germany 1971-72,

Hendren, Karen E. Moravian Falls, NC BA Early Childhood Education. Ass't DC 4; ACE 3; SNEA 4 Mars Hill College,

Herring, Nona Elizabeth. Goldsboro, N C. BS Math Court 1, lunior Mar- shal; Square Circle 2,3,4; Collegiate Civinettes 1,2,3,4; Dean's List 3,4; Pi Mu Epsilon 4

Herthel, Nancy Jane. Lumberton, N.C BA Early Childhood Education. Dean's List 1,4; ACE 2,3,4; Presby House 1; Dorm Hostess 3,4

Hill, Christina Howell. Raleigh, N C BS Intc Club

Hilton, Susan McCaskill. Pine Hall, N.C BSHE Home Economics Educa- tion. AHEA Dorm Rep. 1,2,3,4, 4-H Club 1,4, Treas. 3, Sec'y. 2, Dorm Hostess 1,2,3; l-House 3, Treas 2; Rings, Blazers, and Invitations Comm.

Hines, Geneva Geraldean. Lexington, N C BA English ACE 4, lunior Scho- lar

Holloman, Maggie Patricia. Aulander, N C. BA Math Intramurals 1,2; Honor Tutorial 1,2; Square Circle 1,2,3,4; Pi Mu Epsilon 3,4; Phi Beta Kappa 3,4; University Scholarship 1,2,3,4; Mendenhall Math Scholarship 4, Dean's List 1,2,3,4.

Honeycull, Barbara Holding. Wake Forest, N.C. BS Home Economics Edu- cation AHEA 4, Dorm Rep I, Pine Needles 1; Rev. G.D, Alhanese Scho- larship 4, lunior Scholar, N C Prospective Teacher's Scholarship 1,2,3; UNCG Tuition Scholarship 2,!

Howard, Cynthia Ruth. < on, ord, N C Va 2,3,4; Dean's List 1,2,1,4 Honors Program Vicc.-Pres 4, OA 4, Phi Beta Kappa 4

.ity Basketball 1; Intiamurals ,2, BSU 1; Bc-ta Beta Beta 3,

Hasty, Cynthia Carol. Goldsboro, N C BS Nursing, SNA 3; Collegiate Ciuneltes 1,1, Sec'y. 2; Kiser Dorm Rep , Elliott Hall 3

Haywood, Donna Kay. Mount Cilead, NC BA Sociology NASW.

Hayworlh, Susan Claire. Rocky Mount, N C BA Early Childhood Educa- 11, ,n [liMP s list 1, ACEI 3; SNEA 4

Howell, Brenda Gale. Durhai


Hudson, Paula Sue. Zebulon, N.C. Health Education. DC 3, Senate Consul 4 Refrigerator Rep, 3; Student Orientation 2; Operation '77 3; Operation '78 4 Sec. Leader 2; Volleyball Intramurals 2; Rep, Undergraduate Council of HPe'r Maiors 4; Teen Mini Teaihing for He.illh 2,1,4; Rep., Youth Council American Red Cross 1: ECU Ren 2 Dcin's list 1 NDC 1.

Honeycult, Vicki Lynn. Crcfnshora, N.C, BS Mprth.intlisins Bei>inning Tennis TDurnamenI Winner 1; Concerl B.lnd I, J; Phi But.i L.imbdd 4 Honor Roll \J.iA: Slutlv-Tr.ivel in Europe, Summer -)

Hudgins, Suellyn. llolihsMlle, N C BA Elemenl.ui Eikn.ilion. Student

Hunter, |udy. Rih k\ M.uinl, N ( BS M.illi NBS Choir J i 4 Soujre Circle 1 J i 4: NBS I J Bus M.in 1,4, TC B 2

Hunlley, Georgij B. ( .rernshom, N C BS E. onomiis ,ind Business Ad- ministr.ition VITA i,4 ISA i,4, Oe.in'slist !,4

Hulchins, WandJ Kdye. Kuthertordton, N C BA Histiirv SNEA 4 Sopho- more s, hol.ir, lunior Sihol.u: Sludv-Ti.ivel ill Europe, Summer 1971

Joyce, Donna P. Madison, N.C. BA Psychologv. SCORE Sec 3 4 Psi Chi 3 Vice-Pres. 4; Pjrlicipjled in U5WAC Center and School College lunior Program 1973; Upperclass Ereshman Advisor; Evperimenlal Academic Ad- vising Program in Psychologv Depl 4,

lulian, Alice Augusta. Randleman, N C BA Elemenlar\ Education Dean's List 1.2,3,4; ACE 3,4; Co-Op 4

Kelly, Debra Dean. Alhemarle, N C BA Elementarv Education. ACE; Col-

Inobinell, Laura Ellen. W.ishington NC BA EarK (hildhood Education Atfl 4 U..sl,A louml.ition 1 J loumil )4 Board 4

|ngram,^NancyJo^Kerr^uHe^Nr BSHE Interior Design. AHEA 2,3,4,

Ipock, Martha Lynn. Neu Bern, N C, BA English

Ivey, William A. Creensboro, \ ( BS Math Deans List i 3 4 Pi ,Mu Eosi- lon. Sophomore Scholar; luHKir S, holar Sf|uare Circle,

Kirkman, Michael Lee. Creensboro, N C BA English,

Kohler, Susan |oy. ,\ortolk Va BSHE Child Development and Family Rela- tions St Maivs Hoiisr^ Advising Board 1,2,!, 4, ACE 4: AHEA 4' Sec Leader T

Kolbe, Karen Elisabeth. Raleigh, NC. BSHE Nutrition. SCA Cafeteria Evaluation Comm 3; Hostess at Dances 1,2; Dorm Sec Leader 3- OA 2- VVeslev Foundation 1,2,1,4; Wesley Board 1,2,4, Sec, 3; AHEA 'l 2 3 4' Re|) N C UFA 4; Home E< cnomics Honor Dessert 1

Kossove, Ruth Kohl. Charlotte, NC BSHE Interior Design Hillel I5DA- Honors Counril Universitv ol Toronto 1,2.

Jacobs, lanet Yvonne. Rockingham, N C BA History Masr|ueraders 3 Carolinian I, lle.ms List 1,2. Honors Tutorial 1 lunior Si holar" Univer- sitv Sihol.irship 2,),4

Jameson, Gail Corinth. Rocky Mount, N.C. Ba Early Childhood Education Senate 1; Elections Board i; Dorm Social Comm. 3; ACE International 3 4 ^NEA t.4; Altemate, Reymilds Scholarship; Dean's List, ' '

jarrett, Gary. Eden, N C BA Hisloiv Alpha Phi Omega 2,i 4- ( )A 2 3 Phi Alph.i lh,-l,i ),4, EUCCoumil 1, Dean's List 2 !4 Commencement ( onini 4, s,.ni,,r Steering Comm Chmn 4

lenkins, Marcia Gail. Rohersonville, N C BA Earlv Childhood Education lir.in.lisi 14 M H 1,4; Dorm Hostess 2,1,4, OA 3, Dorm So, lal Comm

lennings, Suzanne Christine. R.ileigh, N C BS Nursing SNA 1 Blazer ( omm (.o-lhnln I, Senator 2.1,4, Sec Le.lder 2, judicial Comm. 2,3; lurlK lal Researi h ( omm 2; Chmn Senate Housing Affairs 3; Pres. pro tern Senate 4, Constitution and By-Laws Comm 4; TSA Vice-Pres 4- Bill ol Rights (omm 4, A.l Ho, f omm on Salarn-s 4; Golden Cham 4, Friends 3 < l\ 2, ( tulst, Hilling Si.nior 4

jenson, Rcbetia A. H,iv,'loik. NL BS Nursing s, h,iol ,.t Nursing Cur- ri.uliim ( ,,,11,11 1, SNA 1,2 1. R,'V n,,l,ls S, h,,l,ir Honors Program 1 ^ Olt-( ,impus ( hurih ( host Aiiib.iss,i,lors Vi< e-Po-s I , Pres 2

Johnson, B, jane. R.ih'igh, N ( BSHE Interior Design IDSA! Vite-Pres 4 ( )mi( roll Nil 4 , , - ,

Johnson, Cindy Lynn. \\ ill,, mist,, n N( HSHE ( ,,nsumer Serve es AHEA

liihnson, Mary Beth. I,-M,igt,,n, N( KsHl Inli'iior Design S(,A Under- '"•' ''UK 1 ( oiiil I 2 1, IDSA 2, 1,4, All) NSID 2,!,4, AHEA 1 4, E\ec < ot"i, il I 2 s,,pli,„i„,r,. H,,ii,,is l',ogr,iiii 2, I lA 2

Johnston, lanis. I I,, list,, n hv HA \nthropi .l,,gv Summ,.| Ar, h.ii'.ilogi, .il I "'Id l'i,,|,-, t ,,t IIN( -(, 4 Ann,' H,,vv,ir,l Sh.ivv S, h,,l,irship 4 D.'.iii's list 12 1 4, Phi H.'t,, K.ipp.i 4, lunioi ,M,irsli,ill

liines, fhris. ( ,i,-,'risl„,ni N( AIM 1, s( ,A Pri'sidi'nt

lones, Evelyn Denise. stok,'s,l,ili' N ( BS M.ith

jt.nes, ja<<|ueline Ir.-ne. 1 l.il Ko, k, N( BA Inglish R.'siil.'nti.il Ciillege

lon.-s, Sharon Dawn,

N ( BA Lirlv ( liil,lti,„„l l,lu,

lorrian, Margaret Elizabeth, kiiislon N( lis \l,ith I', Mii I psilon 4, ( ,,l-

La Mat, Janice. High Point, N C BM Music Education. Women's Glee Club I, (. ,,n,ert Bj,i,l 2, Women's Choir 2,3,4; Symphonic Choir 4; MENC Sec.

LaRoach, Linda Lee, Charlotte, N C BA Elementary Education.

Lednum, Lettic Carol. k\iii,lleman, N C BA Elementary Education ACEI 4

De.in \ List 2,1 '

Lee, Martha Jean. Gnensboio, N C BS Business Education Dean's List West.'rn ( .uolin.i Llniversitv, 1

Leonard, Deborah Lynn. Raleigh, NC BA History and International Studi.'s K( 1,2, 1, W,,m,'ii's studies Comm 4; International Studies Comm

Lewis, Jan Denise. Wiiiston-Salem, NC BA Psychologv Western Carolina Dniversilv 1

Lindern, Kalhy Von. Waterloo, Belgium. BA Biology RC 1,2,3, RC Faculty Recruitment Comm, '.i; Proposal lor Interdisciplinary Course Develop- ment in Health Oriented Fields 4, Lab Ass't, 4; Beta Beta Beta 3 4 Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Golden Cham 1,4; Nominee, Danlonh Fellowship 4;' Honors Program 2

Lindsay, Mary Evelyn. I lilihbran, N ( BS Nursing SNA 3

Lloyd, Sandra Kay, H,llsl„„, ,i,gh, N C BA E.irlv Childhood ACE 3,4

Long, Elizabeth Ann. st.it.'sv ille N( BSHE Consumer Services .Mitchell Coll.'ge Wh,,s Wh,. Am,,iig Studenis in Aiiieman lunior Colleges, SGA

Long, Leslie Gail. Asln-vill,', N( BA S,Hiologv Full Gospel Student Fel- louship 1,2, s,', 1, ( ,,,,rd 4, Di'.in's list 1,2,1,4, Phi Beta Kappa,

Long, Marsha, Lynette, k.innapolis, N C BSHE Clothing and Fashion Mer- ,li,iii,lising NBS AHFA, M.irlelme B Street Sc holarship Award 1,

Luedeka, Mary. Knovvilli', h'lin BA Rerreatem SGA Consul 2, Swim Te.ini Man 1,4, Ass'l B.isk,'tli,ill M,iii 1, RA R.'ji 1 , 1, Boaid 4; Dorm Sec le.iiler 1,2


Madden, Kathleen. Gri'ensboio, N < BsHt Int.'nor Design SIDA Treas

Maddox, Sheila I. Gri'i'llsb,,r,,, N ( BS F, , .nonius anil Business ,Administ- r.ition Peiin St.ite Umvi'rsitv, (,,'il,-v,l t ollege; University ot Pittsburgh. LIniveisitv ot M.irv l.inil, l.iv ,, 'Ill's, VR( , GGO

Malone, Carmen Rivera. Fayetteville, N.C. BA Spanish, SGA Consul 2, Senator 3 Comm. on Classification of Organizations 3, Elections Board 3; Spanish Cluli Treas. 1,J.3,4: Dean's List 2,3; Chief Marshall 3.

Maner, Mary K. Adelphi, Wd. BA Biolonv-Medical Technology, Outing Club 4; Marshal 4, l-House 2, i,4. Pine Needles 2; Beta Beta Beta 4,

Maslbrook, William H., |r. Greensliom, N C, BS Economics and Business Administration,

Matthews, Rosa Evon. Greensboro, N C BS Child Development and Eamilv Relations, ACE 4; Floor Advisor 4,

N C BA HKlor\ I'hi Alpha Theta 1,4; lie, N I BS M.ith S(|uare Circle l,2,i,4; Dorm McCabe, Gloria Saunders. Chadhourne, N t BA Early Childhood Educa-

May, William Franklin. Greensb Deans List, 2,

Mazvco, Celeste |an. Di

Social Comm, 2,3

Moore, Donald Richard. Liberty, N.C. BS Nursing. Friends 3; Senator 4; Eleitions Board 4, Student Rep. Specifics Comm, School ot Nursing i,4; Deans ,\dvis,,iv ( omm ),4; APO !,4; Outing Club 2; Student Excellenie Auard 4, OiiM, Hiding New Srn.itor 4: Outstanding Senior Mitchell Co|.

N ( BSML H.ime h lius Dorm Ke|l i

an. K.ilc-igh, N C BS Nursing the

Morton, Elizabeth Anne. VV.idesboro. N C BA Early ChildhootI (di

Wesley House 1,2, Collegiale layiees 2; Civinettes 4; YR( 4; A( f 4, (.ui lord Cty, Young Republicans 4, East While CJaks Tutorial Progr.im i, ( lie cal Experience, Hampton School )

Moschler, Elizabeth Dearing. Builington, N ( BA Sp, •,■,!, I'.nliolog Dean's List 1,2, i, 4, USHA 2,4, Trc-.is t; Honors Independml siudv Campus Crusade for Christ 2; Dorm Bible Study; Volunlec'i, locil llrmc-i tar\' Schools Mclver School; Member of Eliz.ibeth Chapter *41 ol l.istc^

, N,

C BS Busine

ss Education.


shman Whalev

er" 3; Phi Beta


a Sigma 3,4,

McCaskill, Kathy Ann. Mooresvillc Merchandising SGA Consul 3,4; Chnin Lambda 2,3.4; DECA 4; YR 3; Gamma

McClay, Marilyn Louise. High Point, N,C, BA Political Science, WEHL 3; Carolinian 3; Dean's List 3,4; Class Scholar 2,3; Internship, Guilford County Manager 3; Public Affairs Internship, Greensboro Planning Dept. 3,

McCray, Elizabeth |o. Greensboro, N.C, BA Early Childhood, ACE 3; YRC f,2; lunior Scholar, Appalachian State University 1,

McDonald, Dawn Marie. Raleigh, N.C. BA Spanish University Choir 3; YRC 3, Spanish 3,4; lunior Scholarship. Llycommg College,

Mcllhenny, Susan Mildred. Charlotte, N,C, BSHE Child Development DC 4; OA 3; Student Orientation 4; AHEA 1,2,3,4,

Mclntyre, Margaret )ane. lefferson, N,C, BSHE Clothing Academic Forum 3: AHEA 2; EUC Council 2, Exec, Board 1,4, CGO Hostess 3; Miss Greensboro 2nd Runner-Up 3

McKee, Sandie. Rock Hill, S,C BA English Intramural Volleyball I; Ger- man Club; Carolinian Reporter; Sophomore Scholar,

McMaster, Rebecca Lee. Red Springs, N,C, BA Early Childhood Education Senate RA 3; ACE 2,3; Floor Advisor 3

McMillan, Beverly Ann. Stanley, N,C, BSHE Interior Design NSID, AHEA; Campus Student Employee 1,2,3,4,

McMillan, Gena Lynn. Red Spnngs, N,C, BS Nursing, Folk Dance Club 1; SNA Class Rep, 2, Vice-Pres, 3, Pres. 4; Dean's Advisory Council 4; Stale Redislricting Chmn, 4; Delegate National SNA 3; Professional Nurse Ass't, Duke Medical Center 3

McPhaul, Marion Toon. Southern Pines, N,C BA History and International Studies. Dance Co, 3,4; Honors Seminar and Tutorial !,4, Harriett Elliott Lectureship Comm 3,4; Student Honors Council 4, Pine Needles 3

Meece, Sherry Anne. Washington, N.C, BS Nursing, University Choir 3; SNA 1,2,4; Membership Comm 3; Demille Playhouse; Dorm Sec, Leader 3; Bible School Teacher 2; Professional Nurse Ass't, Duke Medical Center

Meeks, Laura Susan. Eden, N C BA Early Childhood Education Collegeiate Civinettes, ACE

Mendelson, Uriel. Morthvale, N,l, BEA Drama, Ithaca College; Dance Company 3,4; Honor Masc]uerader 4; Parkway Playhouse 1,

entary Education ACE,

Michaels, Susan Diane. Greensboro, N.C, BM Music Education Women's Glee Club 1; University Choir 2,3,4; MENC 4; Floor Advisor 3,

Miles, Susan Sigman. Lenoir, N.C BM Music Education. Concert Band 1,2,3,4; Symphony Orchestra 1,2,3,4; Sinfoma 2; Student Woodwind Quintet 1,2,3,4; SMENC 2,4, Sec 3; Reynolds Scholar 1,2,3,4; Music Edu- cation Comm 2; Baptist Student Union 1,2,4, Publicity Chmn 3

Miller, Donna Elaine. Chariotte, N C BA Spanish Spanish Club 1,2,4, Sec

Moser, Rita. Builingli

n, N C BA Ele

nenlary Education ACE; 1)

Moon, Bonnie Tysor.

Educi 1 f.isl Cirol

Pittsboro, N C na University,

BA Early Chiidh 1 and 1

Murphy, Pamela An

(.arolina LIniyisity l

ne. C.ri.ensbi INC-G Summt

ro, N C BM Music Educ r Theater, Stage Mgr

Murray, Sandra Kaye. Greensboro, N,C, BSHE Childhood Dc^velopmer and Family Relations GGO Hostess 2,3, Miss GGO 4; worked with mer tally retarded children, Kendall Center,

Myrick, Charlotte Eleanor. Madrid, Spain. BA Math, Intramural Sporl 1,2,3; Pi Mu Epsilon !,4; Square Circle 1,2,3,4; Wesley Foundation 1,^ Collegiate laycees 2; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Northwestern Bank 4; Commur ity Tutoring 3,

Nelson, Rolanda Leigh. Greensboro, N,C BS Math Square Circle; New- man Club, I'l ,Mii Epsilon, University of Michigan

Nesbitt, Nancy Lynn. Asheville, N.C, BA ECHL judicial RA 3; Court \tember 3; Exec Sec, Court 4; Senior Class Steering Comm 4; Ass't, DC 3,

Newell, Clarice Annette. Ramseur, N.C BS Medical Technology, Intern- ship, Medical Technology, Moses Cone Memorial Hospital; Karate Club 3,4, Dorm Comm Chmn 1,4; Dorm Comm Member, Student-Faculty Comm 4

Nobles, Barbara DeBora. Kinston, N.C, BA Speech, Shaw Players ].l: Pixie Theater; Forensics; Debate Team, NBS; Forensic Assoc; National Assoc, of Speech and Dramatic Arts; Outstanding Teen-ager of America 1; Dean's List 2; Miss Lampados 2

Norman, Teresa Diane. Asheville, N C BSHE Home Economics Education AHEA 1,2, Publicity 1, Soc:ial Chmn 4; NCHEA Conven

Norton, David Bruce. South Euclid, Ohio, BA History and International Studies, Independent Study Abroad in Europe 3; Harriet Elliott Lectureship Comm 4; Senior Honors Program; Drama Productions 2,

Nunn, Catherine L. Charlotte, N,C, BS Nursing, NSNA 4; BSU Oltiicn 1; Ethel Stewart Kiser Scholarship 1,2,3,4; Dean's List 3,



■r, Charles M. Greensboro, N.C, BA History "Outstanding Yen Layman ", Pleas.int Garden laycees 3; Comm Chmn, Scout Troop, Si Troop 3h4 1,2,3,4; Merit Badge Counselor 3,4; Order ot the Arr Brotherhood 1,2,3,4; Sears Roebuck and Company 1,2,1,4 n.iyiiT Count Community College,

Outlaw, Retha Lucille. Mt, Olive, N,C BA Elementar^' Educ.ilion OA SNAE 2, ACE 1, ^KC 2,1; N,C, Veterans Scholarship 1,2,1,4, Dorm s,„ Comm 1

Overman, Marsha Ann. Wilson, N C BA Biology Pre Med SGA Cor

3,4, RC 1,2, ST Mary's House, Vice-Pres 3, Pres, 4; Beta Bc'ta Beta Sec

MoffitI, Lydia Frances. Asheboro, N C BA Early Childhood Education ACE International

Moore, deborah Beryl. Durham, N.C, BSHE Cons Club 3: Newman Club 1,2; AHEA 4; Spanish Hono

Owens, Cameron R. Hamlet, N C BA Spanish, International Studic Hockey 1,4, Basketball Intramurals 1, Capt 4, Choir 1, Outing Spanish Club 3,4, German Kaffeestunde 4: Gamma Sigma Sigma Vi 3, Pres 4; RA 4, International Amity 4; Deans List 2

Pjrker, Melissa Anne. VV.nirdss Cii Rs Phv-K.il Edui .iticiii Field Hockey i-l, DeepSoulh Hockev Te.im 4; B.iskelball Intr.iniur.iK 1,J,!,4: Vdlleyli.ill Intr.imuMis l.JJ; Dedn\ List 2; RA 1.4; NCAHPER 1,2,1.4, AAHPER 3,4; Biolnsv Honor Certifudle 2; Honored in PE DepI loi C.r.ide Point Avei.ifie 2,1, lunior Schoku; Floor ■\dvisor ); Pres, PE Ma|ors CLl^-. !. Rep Major's Voice 4

Patterson, Sallie Bosivell. WiKon, N C BS .Nursing

Ration, Robin N. Severnj Park, Md. BA Drama Speech LISHA 2 Sec i Vice-Pres. 4; N.C, Central School for (he Deaf 2,3,4; Campus Crusade for Chnsi 3,4; Full Gospel Student Fellowship 3; Bookstore i

Pearson, Elizabeth R. Litjertv. N C BSHE Interior Design AHEA 1 2 IDSA 3.4; Deans List 1,2.1

Peeler, Doris Ann. Misenheimer, N C BA English OA 3,4; Operation 77, Honors Program 1,2; EUC Countil 2,i, Vice-Pres 4; Intervarsity Chnstian Fellowship 3,4; Bible Study 4; Reynolds Scholarship 1,2,1,4; Golden Chain 4; Tutor. Lindley |r. High School, and Ben L. Smith High School 2,3,4

Peninger, Connie Diane. Lexington, N C BA Early Childhood Education, SNEA 2,3; ACE 1,3,4; Dean's List 1,2,4; Sophomore Scholar; lunior Scho- lar;Dorm Sec, Leader 3,4

Pennell, Rex Allen. Wilkeshoro, N C BA Ele Community College

Eduialion VViIke

Perry, Marsha Lee. Liberty, N C BS Foods and Nutrition Civmettes 1,2 AHEA 2.i. E\ec Council 4

Pickerel, Donna Carol. Greensboro, N.C, BA Psychology Dean's List 2,1,4; Worked at Dorthea Di\ 2; Volunteer at Kendall Center 3, Worked at Evaluation Home 3. North Carolina State University

Pickler, Margaret Ezelle. Norwood. N C BSHE Nutrition AHEA 1.3,4, Omrcron Nu 3, Comm Chmn 4; Omicron Nu Honors Dessert 1 2 3 Dean's List 1,2,3,; Omicron Nu Scholarship 4, Church Choir 4

Pierce, lean S. Sevierville. Tenn BFA Art Education East Tenn Slate. NAEA

Pigford, Stephanie. Rocky Mount. N C. BA Spanish, Spanish Club 2,3,4; Sec 4; EUC Council 3, Exec. Board 4, Chmn. Campus Movies 4; Honors Spanish. Dean's List; Sophomore Scholar, lunior Scholar,

Pitsikoulis, Maria. Charlotte. N C BS Medical Technology Lab Ass't. 3; German Club 1; Collegiate Civmettes Treas 2,3, Dorm Sorial Comm, 1,3; Dorm Sei Leader.

Polzin, Pamela |. Charleston, S( BA English Fencing Club. RC 1.2 4, TiMihmg Assl 1; Dean's List 1,2 1, lunior Scholar

Poole, Amelia Ann. Ellerbe. N C BA Biology Beta Beta Beta 1.4; Worked .11 N.iliun.il Wildlile Federation's Conservation Summit

Powell, Kathy LaVerne. HalKhoro, N C BA English NBS Reporter

Pratt, Patricia |ane. Fairtield, M.ime BA Speeth Pathology and Audiology Minnesol.i Outward Bounrl s, hool 1, LINC-C 2; LIniversity of Maine Summer School 2,1

Presnell, Ellen. Asheboro, N,C, BSHE Clothing and Textiles Sludenl-Facully Evaluation Comm. School of Home Eronomics; AHEA 1,2, Senior Induc- tion Comm. 3, Membership Chmn 4

Preston, linda Marie. Belews ( reek, N C BSHE Child Devi'lopment AHEA

Randall, Sarah Kristina. Morganton, N C BSHE Child Development Col- legi-ile la\cees 1 , RC I 2

Randleman, Rhonda Gail. Burlington, N C BA Elementary Education.

Rapier, Claudia lanier. lesmgton. N C BA Elementary Education ACE 4

Rausth, Bette M. lamaica. N \ BA Early Childhood Education SNAE Pari 4, I >A 2 Sec Leader 4 Worked in Physu. DepI

Reade, Martha Woodland. Springfield, VA, BS Math. Swimming Team 2 3 Co-Capt 4; Tennis Team 2, 1; Student Theater 4; UNC-G Guilford Summer School Abroad, London 1, Outing Club 1,2,3,4; Beta Phi Delta.

Redding, Sarah Diane. Plafltoun, NC BA Speeih Pathology USHA 3 4 Cuinettes 2.1

Reynolds, Phyllis M. Galas, Va BA English Surry Community College.

Rice, Marilyn Elizabeth. Charlotte, N.C BSSA Business Education Senator 3,4, Chmn of Elections Board 3; SCA Office Sec, 4; NCSL 4; Glee Club 2- Phi Beta Lambda 3,4, Pine Needles 4; Dorm Treas. 3.

Richardson, Linda. Winston-Salem. N.C. BA Social Welfare. Collegiate laviees 1.2, College Rep Chmn, Greensboro March of Dimes 3,

Rickman, Stan Benjamin. Eden, NC, BS Math Intramural Football Basket- hall, Soffbal 1,2,3; APO 1,2; Square Circle

Riddle, Margaret Elizabeth. Gasfonia, N C BA Early Childhood Education,

Riley, Ethel Deborah. Fayelleyille, N C BSHE Home Etono AHEA 1,4, Omicron Nu 4


Roberts, Charlene Yvonne. Charlotte, N C BSHE Clothing and Textiles. AHEA 1 2,3,4; Gamma Sigma Sigma 3. UNC-Charlotte

Roberts, William Rogers, |r. Eden. N.C. 85 Economics and Business .Ad- ministration Men s Glee Club 1,2; Chorale 2,3; APO 1, Chap, 2, Treas. 3.4, N C Veterans' Affairs Scholarship,

Robertson, |anet Marie. High Point. N C. BSHE Home Economics Educa- tion. AHEA 1. Dorm Rep. 2. Treas 3. Pres. 4, Rep, National 4; NCHEA Convention 4; News from Stone 4; Leadership Award 4; Student Program and Policy Comm 4

Robertson, Michael Alan. Greensboro, N.C BA Psychology

Robinson, Diane Chisholm. Rockingham, NC BA Speech Pathology and Audiology, Greensboro College

Rollins, Barbara Kaye. Spindale, N C BA Math SNEA 4, Square Circle 4 De.in s Lisl, Pi ,\lu Epsilon, Pres 4

Rose, Tama Mayfield. Salisbury, Md BM Music Education Women's Glee Club 1, Choir 2,3,4, NBS 1,2,3,4; TSA 4, EUC Council 1,2,3,4; WUAG i.i: Golden Chain 4

Sams, Mary Sha

louship Westerr

Saral, Serra Ayse. Klanhul, Turke

Schoffslall, lohn Marlz. East Dorset, Vt BA English Carolinian Copy Edito 4, Pine Needles 4, Coraddi 4; Dean's List; Phi Beta Rappa

Pulliam, Carol Dean. Ro.inoke R.ipick N f BA Biology Honors Program \J. Beta Bel, I Bet.i 1,4, De.in's list 1,2,1,4, Sophomore Sihol.ir, lunior Sihol.ir, Lab Terh De|)l ol F ntnmology N ( S LI I

Putnam, Alan Blair. Shelby, N ( BM Musi, [ilui.iiion i hor.il 2 1 Pri's 4 Phi Mil M|ih,i. AGO 2,1, Pres 4, S, hool ol .Musi, s, hol.irship 14 Western ( .irolin.i Llmversity

Scolt, Deborah Annette. Greenslioro, N C BA Biology Pre Med. Court 1, LLIC Council 2, Chmn , Dances 3,4; NBS 1,2,3,4

Scott, Dainne Lynnetle. Cireensboro, N C BA Biology Pre Med. Court 3; fUC Council 2, Chmn., Dances 3,4; NBS 1,2,1,4

Scott, Elizabeth Ann. Stanley, N,C. BFA Art Education UNCG Guilford Summer Seminar Abroad 1; NAEA 4; Deans List 1.2.3,4, Beta Beta Beta;

( .■mlN.lte ol Merit ill Biology 2

Ramseur, Dorothy Hyatt. R.ileigb, N( K\ I lem.-nl.iry Iduc.ition WFHL Neus Announcer 1; Dorm Court Proxy 2, Sec I e.ider 2; Sen.lte pioxy 1 ( o op 4, Inti.imui.il Volli.yb.ill 1.2. ISA 4, Pine Needles So|)honioie ( l.iss

l.litoi 2 lunior C l.iss Idilo, 1, Dorm llosli'ss 2,1, Imploymcvll M.llkel Re- v..,ii, h N ( M.inpouer PI. inning t oiiimission 2

Scoll, Mary Kay. Isc^iiK. N ( BSHE Consumer Services, AHEA 3,4; Kellen- berger Scholarship 4, ( l.iss Marshal 1, Dorm Sec, Leader 2, N C, Agricul- tural Extension Servu e Trainee 1

Sellars, Sylvia Lucinda. KaetonI, N.C, BM Music Education, Women's Glee L lub 1; Concert Band 1,2,1,4; Women's Choir 2; Orchestra 2,3,4; Chorale 1,4; Music Scholarshif) 2; MENC Scholarship 4; Dorm Hostess 1.2,3,4.

Scanlland, Sally Anne. Arlinglon, V,i BS NurMng IXmcc Crailiwnv 1,2.

Sharpe, Linda Gale. High Point, N C HA l\\ih<ilos;\

Shaw, Martha Norfleel. Creenshom, N C BA El(>iiiciii,irv tiliR.ilion. 5GA Office Sec. 3, Office Manager 4; flciiiim Bo.ird i,4; A-.-.'! DC 4; ACE; SNEA; De.ins List J,4.

Shearon, Belly. Wake Forest, N C, BA Psychiilogx Psi Chi; De.in's List 2,t.

Shearir, Linda Carol. Greenbilie, N.C. BA Malh. Academic Foium .); RA 3; Orientation Co-Op 2; Square Circle 2,3; Sophomore SchoLir

Sheffield, Anne Monroe. Bisdu' NC RA Six icilogv Dc.ins List 1,2,3,4; At.lilemK Forum 1 s,,pl„ ,nioir s, hoLii lunioi S, li,,l.if, LIniversily Stores SchoLirship 1.2 !4 tollc,i;i..lr K f ( iiiliii!; I liil) 4, Carolinian 2,3,4; St. Man, s Episcop.il Center 1,4, Pri^ln House i, Greensboro Sun 4; RC 1,2; l-House 3,4; NASVV 4; Ministry tor Soii.il Change 4, C^reensboro Gateways Program 4.

Shively, Norma Gail. Eden, N.C BA English SNEA 4; De.in's List 1,3; Sophomore Scholar; lunior SchoLir

Shylle, Billy Stephen, |r. Shelby, NC. BA Sociology Gamma Bela Phi 2; Senate 3; TSA Bus, Man, 3, Pres. 4; APO 3,4; Student Orientation Comm, 3,4; Social Concerns Comm. 3; Campus Security Comm. 3. Gaston Col- lege.

Sigmon, Kathy Jones. Catawlw. N C. BSHE Child Development ACEI 4; AHEA 4; Deans List 3

Sigmon, Susan Elaine. Hickory, N.C BA Elementary Education ACE 4; Honors Program 1,2; Dean's List 1,2.

Sink, Mary Frances. Winston-Salem, N.C BA Psychology. Court Comm. I; Court 2, Chmn. 3; Att. Gen. 4; DC 2; DC Reviewing Board 4; Neb. Conf. Experimental Colleges 2; College Council Comm,, Teacher Evaluation 3; RC 1,2; Golden Cham 3,4; Psi Chi 3, Sec 4; Intern, State Dept. Correction 3; Universitv Admissions Policv Comm 1; l-House ! 4

Sink, Sherry Pamela


N,( , BSML Interior Design. IDSA 4.

Slowinshi, ludilh Marie. Irenlon, N I RS Nursing

Smith, Eli/abelh Ann. Greensboro, NC RS Math s,|u.ire ( in Ic, Sopho more Slholal, lumoi Scholar, Deans List 1,2,3,4; University Stores Schci larship 3, King Scholarship 4; Pi Mu Epsilon,

Smith, Teresa Gwen. Oakbon>, N.C. BA Sociology OA 3; Court 3,4.

Smith, Trudy Waller, ( ,irensl)oro, N C BSHE Inlenor Design,

Smilhwick, Teresa Denise. Belhaven, NC, BA Riologv Senator i; ( omn lor Classihcation ot ( )rgani/alions ); Comm on Kesidenti.il .Mlairs German Club 1,2

Snider, Janice Carol. S.ilisliury, N C BA Ec moreSihol.ir, lunior s, holat

Deans List; Sopho-

Sosnik, Cheryl Ann. Castonia, N C, BS Child Developnienl. Legislature 1; NCSL Delegate 1,3,4, Reviewing Board 1, Interim Council Delegate 3, Chmn , Convention Comm. 4; Dorm Social Comm. Chmn. I; Senator 2; Appropriations Comm. 2,3; Handbook Comm. 2; FDC 3; Senate Pari. 3; Chmn.. Comm. on Legislation 3; SGA Vice-Pres, 4; Senior Class Steering Comm. 4; Commencement Comm. 4; Golden Chain 4

Southern, Ada Catherine. Slokesdale, N C BSHE Ho turn AHEA 1,2,3,4.

Sowers, Mary Vernell. Thomasville, N.C. BA Elementary anri Early Child- hood Eduratinn D.ividson County Community College

Spears, Julia Elizabeth. Lesinglon, N.C. BA Math, Pi Mu Epsilon 4

Speckman, Ann Patricia. Charlotte, NC BS Math Dorm Floor Advisor i;

Spenser, Priscilla, M.idins

Va BA Social Welfa

^ i^^^.Ut,,**** ht

Spinks, Phyllis. Greensboro, N,C BA Art. NBS: IDC- Winston-Salem Stale Universrtv

Spivey, Julie Dean. VVilmmston, N.C. Dorm Sec, Leader 1; Legislature Rep 1; Senator 2, Social Concerns Comm. 2,3, Eledions Board 3; BSU 1,2,3,4; Sophomore Honors Program; Dean's List 2,3; Pine Needles 2; School of Nursing Rep. 3,4; Librarv Comm. 3,4; Dean's Advisor\' Council 3,4; Ass't. DC 3; Student Excellence Award 3; Basketball Intramurals 2,3,4,

Spraker, Bridget Lee. Richmond, Va, BA Psvchologv,

Squires, Dena F. Favetteville, N C, BS Math, Legislature 1; Senate 2,4; Exec Sec- SGA 3; Senate Pari, 3; NCSL 3, Reviewing Board 4; Pine Needles 1; Sophomore Scholar; junior Scholar; Pi Mu Epsilon; Dean's List 1 .2; Golden Cham 3,4; Constitution By-Laws Comm, 3,4. Chmn, 2,

Slaley, Gay Nell. Clii 2,3 4

Steed, Tina Rae. Gte

1 2,5,4

3x, N C, BSHE Home Economics Education, AHEA isboro, N C BS Nursing, SNA 1,2; Beta Sigma Phi

Stevens, Lynne W. Merchantville, N | BSHE Home Economics Education DC 3, AHEA 1,2,3,4; SNEA 2,5; Pine Needles 2; Golden chain Scholarship Chmn 3, Pres, 4; Operation '"S 4, Operation '77 3, OA 2; Orientation Comm 3,

Stewart, Joyce Marie. Liberty, N C BFA ,Art Education Campus Crusade for Christ 2; Dean's List 2,3; Dorm Bible Study 1,2,3,4

Strickland, Mildred Savon. Zebulon, N C National Organization for Women 4

3A Sociologv \RC 2, OA 2;

Swain, Anna Beth. Winston-Salem, N C,, BM Music Education, Women's Glee Club I; Chorale 2,3, Sec, 4; School of Music Curriculum Comm 2; School of Music Admissions Comm, 4; Wesley Foundation Board 2,3,4, Finance Comm, 2, Student Council 2,3,4; Dean's List 1,2,3; Miss Winston-Salem 3; First Runner Up to Miss N,C 3; Chief Usher I ICLS 4,

Swaringen, Alice K. Albemarle, N,C, BSHE Home Ecomonics Education TCB 1, AHEA 1; Gamma Sigma Sigma 3,4; Pine Needles 1; OA 1,2,3; Co-Op 4; Operation '77 3

Swart, Penny Grietje. Raleigh, N,C BA Elementary Education, Volleyball Intramurals 3; Teacher's Aide 3; Clinical Expercience 3; Friends 3; Inier- Varsity Christian Fellowship 3,4; ESCHEATS Scholarship 4; Dean's List 1; Prospective Teachers' Scholarship Loan 1,2,3,4; Sec, Leader 3,4; GBI Agent

Tagalos, Deborah Jean. Charlotte, N C BS Adapted Physical Education. RA 3, Floor .Advisor 3, University Ring Comm 1; Women's Glee Club 1; SNEA 4, NCAAHPER 2,3, NC Student Majors Convention 4

Taylor, Barbara Lee. Ricblands, NC, BM Music Education, Glee Club 1; Chamtier Singers 4, Choir 2,3,4; Symphonic Chorus 4; Honors Program 1,2,3,4, Mu Phi Epsilon 2,3, Corr, Sec, 4; Mu Phi Epsilon Award 4

league, lohn C. Colfax, NC, BA Sociology, Davidson County Community College

Terrell, Caria Ann. Mebane, NC BSHE Clolhmg, AHEA 1,2,3, Co-Chmn, Publicity 4; Infer- Varsity Chnstian Fellowship Publicity Comm 3,4,

Thomas, Phyllis Anne. Mamers, NC, BA Psychology, DC Reviewing Board 4 Sec, Leacfer I, OA 2,3; Co-Op 4; Operation '77, '78 3,4; Exec, Advisory Brd. 3; Intramural Volleyball 1; Psi Chi 3,4; Psychology Club 3,4; SCORE Directory, Course and Teacher Evaluation 1, Vice-Chmn, 2, Pres, 3,4, Dean's List 2,3,4; Golden Cham 3, Vice-Pres, 4; lohnson Scholar 1,2,3,4; Sophomore Scholar; lunior Scholar; Calendar and Scheduling Comm, 4

Thompson, Kathie Huffines. Elon College, N C, BS Business Education

Thut, Dawn A. Winston-Salem, NC BFA Art Education NAW 1972 Florida |r College; Jacksonville University, pSalem College; Broward |r (allege

Tisdale, Sara Elizabeth. Lumberton, N C BS Math, Sec Leader 4; Square Circle, Pi Mu Epsilon 4, Sophomore Siholar; lunior Stholar

Trainer, Irene Alice. Bursaw. NC BA Elementary Education Vollevball, Basketball Intramurals, AC E; SNEA

Travis, Paula E, Martinsville, Va. BA Political Science Intern. NC Stale Rep Hc'nrv E Erye t, NBS \ ,2 Ass't. Co-Ord 3,4, lunior Scholar.

Triplett, Mary Catherine. Wilkesboro, N C, BA French Pi Delta Phi; Phi Beta Kappa; Sophomore Scholar; lunior Scholar

Tripp, John A. High Point, NC, BA Georgraphv, Gamma Thela Upsilon; NC Athletics Officials Association; North Slate Football Officials Associa- tion, North State Basketball Officials Association; Association of American Geographers; Association of Planning Officials.

Tucker, Loretta G. Clemmons, NC. BSPE Adapted Physical Education. Vol- leyball. Basketball Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Co-Rec Play-day Volleyball Team 1,3, Collegiate Civmettes Sgt.-at-Arms 2, Pres. -Elect 3, Pres. 4; RA Rep. 3, Council 4; PE Majors Class of '74 Treas. 2; Undergraduate Maiors Council Rep , Sec. 3, Co-Chmn., NC Student Maiors Convention 4; NCAHPER: AAHPER: SNEA.

Turner, Paula Ellen Scott. Winston-Salem, N C, BA Speech Pathology Glee Club 1,2; USHA 4, Dean's List 3; Worked for Cubernatonal Candi- date Hargrove Skipper Bowles in 1972 Campaign NCSU,

Vestal, lanice Carol, lonesville, N C BA Elemental Educatit

Vestal, Linda L. lonesville, N C BA Elementar^ Education ACE 3,4; SNEA 4; Dean s List 4

Vetterlein, Debbie Mackenzie. Greensboro, N C. BSSA Secretarial Ad- ministration. William Woods College.

Vosnock, Diane Tucker. Wilmington. N C BSMT Medical Technology. Beta Beta Beta 3,4; Alumni Scholarship 1.2,3,4,


Walker, Wendy Young. R.ileigh, N.C, BA Early Childhood Education

Wallen, Cynthia Anne. Spjrtanhurg, S.C. BA Biology, Consul 1 .2: Betj BeM Beta J,4: BSU; Intertaith Council J. Pres. -4,

Walters, Lawrence lames. Greensboro, N.C. BS Economics and Business Aciministration Honors Program l,2,J,4; Dean's List; Omicron Delta Episi- Ion 3,4; SCRAM J; December '7i graduate Cum Laude; 4 years active duty US Coast Guard.

Weaver, Barbara D. Durham, N.C, BS Math Square Circle 1,2,3,4; Inter- Varsity Christian Fellowship 1,2,3,4, Pi Mu Epsilon 3,4; Deans List 2,3,4; Dorm Treas 4

Webb, Barry L. Eden, N.C. BM Music Concert Band 2,3,4; lazz Ensemble 2,3,4; Freshwater Stadium 1,4; Phi Mu Alpha Sinlonia 3,4

Wells, Debra Ann. Mebane, N C BS Nursing lunior Scholar Appalachian State Universilv

Wells, Roslyn Marie. Burgaw, N,C, BS Business Administration and Economics. Counsul 2, DC 3; Senator 4; Handbook Comm, 2; Comni. on Class Organizations 3, Chmn, 4; NC5L 4; Chmn, DC Reviewing Bd, 4; ludicial Comm. 4; Economics Honors Student 3; Golden Chain 3, Sec, 4; Chancellor's Traffic Comm, 4; Rotary Scholarship 1; Tuition Scholarship 3,4; Nominee Rotary Fellowship 4; Sec, Leader 1; Campus Library Employee; Outstanding New Senator 4.

Weston, LouElla lane. High Point, N.C. BS Economics and Business Ad- ministration. Senator 2; Comm. on Legislation 2; SGA Bus. Man. 3,4; Gol- den Cham 4; Outing Club 1; NAA, Piedmont Wmston-Salem Chapter 4; Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program 3,4; National Student Register 3; Greensboro College Summer Scholar.

Whittemore, Wendy L. roton. Mass, BA Sociology. Senator 4; Intramurals 1,2,4; Varsity Field Hockey 3; Concert Band 1,2; Dean's List \,1-

Whittemore, Wendy L. Groton, Mass. BA Sociology. Senator 4; Intramurals 1,2,4; Varsity Field Hockey 3; Concert Band 1,2; Dean's List ].2.

Wike, lanet Gail. Tavlorsville, N.C. BS Math. Square Circle 1,2,3,4; Pi Mu

Epsilon 3

Williams, leannie Oveda. BSHE AHEA 1,2,3,4,

Willis, Susan Elizabeth. Winston-Salem, N.C. BA Psychology. Dean's List 1,2,3,4; Psi Chi 3,4; Phi Beta Kappa 4; Magna Cum Laude Graduate De- cember 1973.

Wilson, Victoria Ann. BSPE. Dean's List; Collegiate Civinettes 4; Chmn, 1')7) N.C Student Ma|ors Convention; Sec, Student Sec, NCAHPER; PE Undergraduate Council 4; Dorm Sec, Leader.

Wood, Sarah Elizabeth. Greensboro, N ( Koxii- king Sc hiil,itshi|i 2; ABWA Scholarship 2,3,4; NSID 3,4

Wright, Rebecca Lou. Wadesboro, N,C, BSHE, Dean's List 4, N.itional ABWA Stephen Button Memorial Scholarship 4; UNC-G Nursery School Wagoner Memorial Scholarship 4; AHEA,

York, Sylvia Snider, lefferson Standard Scholarship 1,2,3,4; Sophomore Scholar; lunior Scholar; Pi Mu Epsilon 3,4.

List; Omicron Delta Epsilo

Young, Susan H. De

Scholarship 4.

Yow, Sandra Gail. Whileville, N C BA Early Childhood Educalit 3,4; Floor Advisor !


We end much the way we began

. , wilh empt\' classrooms; a parent who swears you'll never tit all that stuff into one car ("Where in the world did you put it in that little room? You should have told me you had this much; I'd have brought a U-Haul-lt . . ."); the readjustment to another lifest>'le. Changes aren't easily seen; longer hair, shorter hair, a suntan may be the only visible differences between September and May. But during the goodbyes to the people you've lived with for almost a year, you begin to understand.


In the spirit of the season and all end-of-the-year awards, we are reprinting


by permission of the authors, lanelle Lavelle and John Schoffstall.

The "From Flophouse to Fame" Award to |lm McAbee, who after leading the Hinshaw seccession from SCA last fall, ran successfully for SCA President this spring. (Gee, Mommy, I could swear there's somebody on the Elliott Hall Patio wav- ing behind an American flag . . .)

The "Let 'Em Eat Cake" Award to the student senate for telling all the other organizations to tighten their belts and then raising their own refreshment budget.

The "Hey, Cenr'l Custuh, Ah Think Ah Sees an Injun on That Horizzen" Award to Flash lennings for suggesting in September that it might be a good idea to prepare an Appeals policy, in case we ever needed it.

The "Gertrude Stein 'A Rose is a Rose is a . . .'"Award to the people who have the nerve to name something that starts in January a Spring Term.

The "Spiro, The Key To Your Office Door Doesn't Seem To Fit Any More" Award to Cheryl Sosnik and the Switch- board, who almost had Third Floor Elliott walking the streets office-less after 1 1:00 pm.

The "Top Monkey Is the One Swinging From the Highest Tree" Award to the English Department, which has been dispensing with faculty faster than it has been finding Ph.D. candidates to fill their places.

The "Finding Them Under A Bushel Basket" Award to Cliff Lowery and the Concert Lecture Series for proving that you can bring anybody to campus and somewhere, some-

how, somebody around here will help you sponsor them.

The "Lawrence Welk uh-ONE, and uh-TWO . . ."Award to the Media Board, who finally got it all together after three years (off and on) by deciding to ignore all the nasties who could give them trouble and go straight to the Chancellor.

The "'?$$-l-???&#c$!!!!" Award goes to the SCA Con- stitution and By-Laws for their logic, coherence, complete- ness, and consistency of thought and structure, and their clarity and conciseness of expression.

The "Madison Avenue Advertising Council Award" to Elections Board for the FDC runoff that nobody knew any- thing about.

The "Great Pumpkin's 'What to Do Until Godot Comes'" Award to NCPIRG for their attempts to get money from someone, anyone before the semester is over.

The "Sam Ervin Award for Openness in Politics" to Chuck Melvin and Kevin Moore, for proving that all men are not created equal. (Ed. note: Messrs. Moore and Melvin partici- pated in the streak-in.)

The "Ladies Before Gentlemen, Pearls Before Swine" Award to Cathy Krinick, our new swineherd, who after the last Appealing week may have decided she's sorry she won that old election after all.

The "What I Learned on My Summer Job" Award to Karen Davis, who has been plagued with as many staff changes this year as has her former employer.

To which the editor wishes to add the following:

The "Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed?" or "You Only Thought You Heard A Male Voice; It's 7:00 am" Award to those female dorm residents who defied university and civil authorities by keeping a live night light in their rooms during the energy crisis.

The "First You Have To Catch Her, Men" Award to the campus cops for their swift and courageous action in ap- prehending the lone female streaker from a crowd of several dozen streaking males.

The "Marie Antionette Aqua-Memorial" Award to those who survived the traditional dunking in the fishpond at the last senate meeting.

The "Huey P. Long Representative Democracy for Fun and Profit" Award to all those senators and others who used certain issues as stepping stones in their political careers.

The "Who Says We Can't Take a loke?" Award to the majority of the student body, for proving that, some years, it's just better not to be involved.


In Search of the Hallmark

There was only one real rally this year.

It was an Impeach Nixon rally this spring, and attracted less than a hundred active supporters. Part of the crowd could be attributed to the spill-over from the streak, which was scheduled to take place later that night in the same area. (A lot of people came early to get good seats.) The college campus, that well-known hotbed of revolu- tion and radicalism, was relatively quiet this year.

It was that conspicuous absence that drew attention to the demise of The Movement; and even then, one couldn't be certain what had happened.

Guy was a student at UCLA-Berkley in 1967-69. He noticed it. What happened to the people, the movement? "I don't know. Times change. People change. I miss it like you miss World War II. It just ran out . . . maybe part of it was trivial. Maybe none of it counted for anything.

"Part of it did. The fight over People's Park that mattered. Everything else was on a personal level. Senators didn't debate it, but it was important to us. I was not an activist then I was opposed to the war because my cousin, an illiterate from Arkansas who couldn't even read, got his head blown off in Nam and I said hey, this isn't right. But it was all on a personal level."

Guy was at UNC-G this year, working on his MFA in writing. What did he learn from his involvement?

"Me. I used to say I learned about America, but that was wrong. I learned more about America from going to my grandparent's place, m this incredible small town in Mojave, and just sitting and talking to them. We were hippies, they were rednecks, and they never agreed with anything we said and they never would. But they could sit and listen and say, yeah, I see your point. And that's how I learned about America.

"It's something you have to live through. You have to face the

tear and the fighting and learn not to be scared. That was important.

"The riots in Miami seemed like a game. They were dangerous at

the time, but that was all . . . we knew that they couldn't make

■iny difference.

"What's the shape to come? None of us know right now. We are back where we started from. The generation now in college com- pletely missed the trouble."

Listening to Guy, you remember what this group has been through. The national media have explored the topic many times before; Marshall McLuhan tried to give guidance but wound up dispensing haze filters which really didn't help. Many explanations could be given about us the 'gifted generation' that was supposed to be finding all the solutions we grew disillusioned, got cynical, were disappointed, became realistic, lost idealism, went underground, went crazy. Maybe we're only tired.

Or maybe, |ust maybe, we've passed the point of predictions. Maybe it will be years before our generation which missed Ban the Bomb brochures, civil rights marches, and anti-war rallies can find its own hallmark.

Which may be the biggest change of all.

Alternative Futures

It is 1984, ten years since graduation.

The women of the class of 1974 have gone their separate ways, to become wives, mothers, doctors, lawyers, and many other professions spanning the range of choice which was theirs when they graduated. They were one of the first generations for whom the feminine role held a choice, and for whom neither role assumed a higher or more valid status than another. The choice was the individual's.

And they were one of the first to realize that the choice need not be stated in terms of "either-or", but could be made in terms of "and". To each her own.

Buying Graduation announcements and getting tit ted the first part of the ritual.

dter thai ni^ht. Chancellor's Reception in Vice-Chdncellor st.inl.-\ j<.nes and President William Friday get-

ting ready tor the ceremonies.

^^^^' j23f

Graduation May 12, 1974

Sunday morning, between in- termittment cloudbursts, the Class of 1974 gathers for the first and last time.

One last song together. |ust betore the processionaf

The best vears of your lite, thev told V(ju, these are the best years of your life Graduating nurses are sworn into the Army hours after gradu

Looking at your friends, you could see only a mass of black robes, tfie symbol of four years of work. Proud parents were manuevering pictures of their kids, something for the scrapbook, something tangible to show that four years had accomplished a change. Behind faces that smiled for the camera, you knew what had taken place the impact of outstanding and inexcusable professors; the love affairs, abortions, marriages; the road trips, the religious experiences; the attempted suicide, the nerv- ous breakdown; the decision to join the gay community; the friends made and forfeited. The change of lifestyle, change of major, change of direction, change of plan. All deeper changes whose marks didn't show in the photograph; sometimes didn't show at all, unless you looked at the person and not the robe.

But now it was push, pull, line up for the old family photo, the snapshot to show aunts and uncles how hard you had studied those years, and the changes, the changes . . .

The challenge of the individual is issued again. To refuse against whatever odds to be less than the best within you to hold your own creativity and your own ego as the main reasons tor any achieve- ment — to refuse to fall short of the highest goal you can set these are difficult credos. Unfortunately, they are usually unpopular. But it is only by holding true to these that anything of lasting value is ac- complished on this earth.

But one life, you say how important can )ust one life be? Think what can one flame do?


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Somedays you eat the bears, and somedays the bears eat you.

Considering what this book has been through, it's some- thing of a wonder that it was published at all. As does every halt-alert editor, I think I've learned a lot this year in spite of the particular problems this book faced, coming as it did on the heels of a rough year for yearbooks.

I won't bore you with a report of the trials and tribulations; anybody on campus this year remembers the dire predic- tions given out last fall about this book. And we published anyway, thanks to many good people.

But because I have to be concerned with the welfare of the yearbook, I must issue a warning to the student body. This year witnessed the encroaching of the student senate on the rights of the media. It's a thorny problem, to be sure, and many sincere people are involved on both sides of the issue. But there is a decided lack of understanding of the media on the part of some senators. This lack of knowledge is bringing about the slow but steady destruction of the rights normally given the press.

At the root of the problem is money. The senate controls appropriations and this allows them to extend their domain over other processes, including editorial control. Given enough time and it doesn't take long the student senate will exercise virtually complete control over much of the press.

If you want this, okay. But don't dignify it with the title of "free press". It is not. I would hope that the campus would pay careful attention this year. Media Board was created to promote understanding of the media, among other things, and with the cooperation of the senate, could help to find solutions agreeable to both sides.

Freedom is not always lost in noisy battles or in noticeably large portions. It can be eaten away slowly, in small incre- ments; a few dollars here, a word or two there, a concept that only the press itself would miss. And the press, though it still exists, will become |ust as restrained and government- controlled as if boards had nailed the doors shut. It will be worse, because the illusion of freedom still exists. It can't be changed unless you care.

This year's book tried to respond to student body opinion as reflected in many informal polls conducted by Harriett Kirk, Janice Apple, myself and others. Hence the creation of several new divisions, and the scaling down of others.

In addition, there were certain items included, in part, at the request of the senate as expressed during my confirma- tion hearings. Foremost among these is the inclusion of Out- standing Seniors (Features, p. 274). The OS were excluded last year, and have long been under attack. (In fact, in each of the three years I served as a senator, various people tried to abolish the election itself on the grounds that it was use- less, farcial. childish, unrepresentative.) I have added to the coverage four OS of my own choice, approved by that dead- line's staff. It is my feeling that these people are outstanding, as are many others in the class, and were excluded simply because much of the class didn't know where or when nominations were held. They represent the many other people who deserved recognition but, due to inherent fac- tors of the election, were passed over. John Schoffstall is a recognized writer: Carol Brooks edited the Carolinian; Terry Taylor edited the Coraddi and helped organize the Spring Arts Festival; Laurie Conway is a dedicated actress and holds two of the Drama Department's scholarships. These repre- sent the hundreds of others who should have been desig- nated to make this election something more than an exercise in vanity.

That was the extent of rampant editorialization in this year's book. Student government necessitates this lengthy explanation.

Finally (and why should I try to say it when others have done so well?), in the immortal words of Laura Bullock, 1972 Pine Needles editor: "We've really worked hard some- times productively sometimes not . . . People may or may not believe the time we've spent and spent and spent on this book but this is it! Like it or lump it or be on the staff next year."

Many people deserve thanks for their help with this book; I hardly know where to start.

Thank you, statt, tor sticking it out. I know it was really rough sometimes. Thank you especially to HAK for manag- ing the business superlatively with a smile; to Janice for helping in Overview and Faculty, as well as Features and Sports; to Paul, Wendy and Nancy for their darkroom work. To the rest, thanks for a job well done.

Thank you, Hunter Publishing, for being the best company in the business; and thank you ).B. Edwards, for color layout and help in cover and endsheet design. A special thanks to Ed Coldston, our long-suffering rep, who always, always came through ahead of time with the materials/info/help/ solace.

Thank you, Nick, for the color work and service; and to Barbara Matros, for help with the faculty pics.

Thank you, Wilson Davis, for the use of the News Bureau files to supplement our own faculty coverage.

And thank you, lanelle and lohn, for letting us reprint your articles.

My personal thanks to the following, whose efforts also helped in the production of this book:

To the Media Board, for their advice and cooperation in a difficult year;

For Dr. Wright, Dr. Calhoon, Mr. Tullar, Mr. Barnes, and Mr. Cassell, awards for patience above and beyond the call of duty;

To my first mentors. Col. C.E. Brown and Tom Kelleher, thank you I appreciated you more this year than I ever did before;

To those lunatics who masquerade as the Greensboro Studios of WUNC-TV, thank you for three years of listening, friendship, and escape;

To my parents thanks for more than any parent should be asked to put up with, not to mention layouts on the living room floor and three summer deadlines;

And finally, for the friends who put up with me on a near-if-not-daily basis, thank you: Jenn (Sis); Martha, Anne-Marie, Susan (roomie); Cathy, Nancy, Dosia; Mac, Chuck; lohn, lanelle, Sylvia (Objectivists and critics); Soz and Flash (my dear Athos and Aramis); and |Dar (my turn now to thank you).

And for more than can be named, thank you Robbie and David (wherever you are.) Not without you, guys.

:'.---:^s^-;i7.. :...;-:


The 1974 Pine Needles was published by Hunter Publishing Company of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. All color photography was by I.E. "Nick" Nicholson of Raleigh, North Carolina; Ed Coldston was company representative.

Editor in Chief: Karen S. Davis Business Manager: Harriett Ann Kirk Organizations: Jan Haswell Sports: Janice Apple Features: Janice Apple Sophomore and Junior Classes:

Mary Maxwell, Nancy Davis Senior Class: Harriett Ann Kirk

layouts by Jan Haswell All copy and layout by the editor in chief unless otherwise indicated.

General Staff: Janice Angell, Tru' Blue, Mac Davis, lanet Dean, Susan Dunn, Chuck Houska, Janelle Lavelle, Paul Ortino, Marilyn Rice, Cheryl Riehl, Dee Schoenderwooerd, John Schoffstall, Jay Sharpe, Martha Shaw, Cheryl Sosnik, Donna Steele, Jenny Warren.

Head Photographer and Associate Editor:

I Assignments and Photo Editor:

Primary Photographers:

Nancy Davis

Dosia Bell Wendy Kaldon |im Kurtz Photography Staff: Laura Birdsong, Nancy Davis, Larry Dermody, Bill Hunt, Calvin Johnson, Terry Jones, Ke- vin Kilmartin, Ricky Li, Don Melcher, Cliff Mitchell, Lisa Stump, and the editor.



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