I . : I .:-, ',' .- . t :, . '1 . \ \\ . r ,.,.,. I/Y \, DAVID KENNEDY, SR. .. - ) ( I PIONEER DA YS INCIDENTS OF PIONEER DAYS AT GUELPH AND THE COUNTY OF BRUCE BY DA VID KENNEDY, SR. TORONTO: 1903 Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in th year one thousand nine hundred and three, by DAVID KENNEDY, Sr" at the Depart- ment of Agriculture. TO THE READER The writer of this book would call your attention to three things: first, the contents are actual experiences and conditions which are in no way colored or etnbellished; second that there is no pretense to Ii terary excellence, and third, that it is written that the reader may see the great strides of progress made in one generation and not forget the pioneer days of our great country. \V J\S born in the Mansion House of Craig, in the Parish of Colo- monell, A yrshire, Scotland, upon the 20th day of April, in the year 1828. My father, John Ren- ned:v. \vas the youngest son of David Kennedy, Laird of Craig, which estate is entail. l\Iy Inother, Sarah Caldwell, \vas the youngest daughter of a large farmer, and ,vas born on the Farm of Morriston, in the Parish of Kirks\vald, A yrshire. They were married upon the 27th day of December, in the year 18 2 5. My father and nlother united the names of their birth pJaces, and called our homestead in the Paisley Block, Guelph, Craigmorriston, in ,vhich place I resided for about fifty-five years. Emigration and Ultimate Settlement at Guelph l\Iy father and mother, with my oldest brother, Willian1, and ll\yself, emigrated to Canada when I was one year old, leaving Scotland in the month of April and in the year 1829, and after a long and tedious voyage in a small vessel, ar- rived in lontreal during the SUlnnler. Thly 7 father did not like the appearance of the coun- try and thought of returning to Scotland at once, and going as far do\vn the St. La\VTenCe Ri ver as the town of Berthier, remained there during the winter, and while staying there heard very favorable accounts of the Canada Company lands around Guelph. This caused hitn to change his mind, and in the spring of 1830 he again turned his face \vest\vard, and after a slo\v journey, arrived at Guelph during the sumlner. Guelph at that tiIne was nearly all forest, and had only a few log houses, for it had only been surveyed in the spring of 1827. J\Iy father, after a short residence at Guelph, selected a lot in what was after\vards known as the Paisley Block, in Guelph To\ynship, near what is no\v the City of Guelpli. My father never had much experience in the way of lahor, and especially in clearing up of land, so that very little progress was Inade for Inan y years, and not until \ve boys began to gro\v up, and many and great were the hardships endured at that time by my mother and her little boys, for nlY brother, John Caldwell, was born during our stay in Guelph, in Nov., 1830. As ti1ne passed on, the number of the family incre.ased to ninc. the five oldest being boys and the four YOlUngest girls. All grew up to Inanhood and \vOIUanh0od but one little girl. In the course of a fe\v years, when we gre\\T up towards manhood, \,.e soon put a different face upon things, and in- stead of poverty and want there was a cOlnfort- able home and plenty. But \Ve could see that n 8 a short time this home would be Jlluch too SIn all for us to renlain much longer upon. William and I Journey to Owen Sound and then to Southampton In the beginning of the yea!.- laSl, and some titne after having prepared a comfortable hOJue for our parents and the younger children of the family, my oldest brother, \Villi am , and I thought it to be our duty to start out and try to make new homes for ourselves in SOlne part of the country. and just about this tiule there \vere \vonderfully glo\villg accounts in circulation regarding the sui tablelless of the Saug-cen H.i ver valley as a farming distri,- t. After seriously considering the l11atter 'Villi aln and I concluded that \ye \\ ould try and get there and see for ourselves. So about the beginning of January, in the year 1851, \ve drove a horse and light sleigh up to O\ven Sound, and, after reaching- there and rest- ing a fe\v days \\-ith an old frIend, l\lr. \\Tnl. Cor- bet, and obtaining fuller inforulation concerning the remaining part of our journey. we proceeded, an.d our friend, Mr. Corbet, and a friend of his, l\lr. Sparling, accompanied us to the lliouth of the Saugeen River. So, after making all needful preparations for the journey, and securing an Indian as guide, we started one afternoon, and went as far as IVlr. Jimby's for the night, \\-Those \vas the last and only house on the way, and is about five luiles fronl Owen Sound village. This we did in order !J to shorten the distance and make it possible for us to get through on the following day, a dis- tance then supposed to be about thirty n1Ïles, through a dense forest covered with deep sno\v. But \ve made an early start the following morn- ing, and \vith constant and steady perseverance we all managed to reach Southampton before it was quite dark. Some of us were very tired and nearly used up. But we got a very kind re('ep- tion from the fe\v inhabitants that were in that place. I do not think that there were more than one or two families there. Our Stay at and Departure from Southampton While in Southampton we stayed with an old acquaintance, Mr. George Butchart, formerly of Pilkington 1 0\vnship, who, with his brother-in- law, IVlr. Orr, were at that time engaged in fish- ing. They had erected a log house during the preceding fall and although it was by no nleans con1pleted as yet, still, Mrs. Butchart, a very active lady of very superior appearance, and who, I think, was the only white woman in the place at that time, did all she could to make us all feel as comfortable as possible after our long walk through the deep snow. So the next morn- ing, Willialn and I, after being advised and In- structed as to \vhat direction and course we should take, travelled along the lake shore four or five miles, until we came to what is now Port Elgin, and there we went. back from the lake a mile or t' ro, and were so delighted and satisfied wi th the appearance of the timber and lay of the 10 land that we then and there decided to try if possible to make future homes for ourselves out in this beautiful forest. After another hard day's travel we re- turned to our kind hostess, Mrs. Butchart, \vho soon prepared for us a supply of deliciously cooked fresh w hi te fish, which we all greatly re- lished after a long fast, and, remaining another night there, and getting an early breakfast, we started on our return journey to O\ven Sound, leaving our Indian guide behind, as he preferred to remain at the Indian village where he had left us on the \vay over. \Ve then bid our present friend a parting adieu, hoping all to return some day in the near future, for we were all so \vell satisfied with \vhat we had already seen of the country that \ve wished to get back to it. So, in due time, we all reach- ed the Sound in safety , only feeling a li t tIe tired froln the long journey. Bu t \ve found the return journey hI uch easier, owing to the path being broken by our tracks across a fe\v days before. Our Return to Guelph and Preparations to Return to Saugeen So, after remaining a day in Owen Sound, we again set off on our return journey to Guelph, \vhich place \ve also reached in safety.. Arri ved there, \ve gave an account of our trav- els, and a description of what \ve had seen of the country to those who were anxious to know, and felt an interest in our future welfare, and, after fuller deli1Jeration and consultation \vith inter- 11 ested friends, \ve decided to make an early start to an almost inaccessible and uninhabited part of the country, which at that time was an un- broken forest for many miles, and in a great measure entirely cut oil froln outside cotnl11uni- cation. The country was not yet surveyed, and the few that were at the mouth of the Saugeen River had gone there by boat on the lake for the purpose of carrying on the fishing, \vhich. at that time and for many years was and still continues an important industry. But as there was no rea- sonable way of reaching this place but by water, 1t looked nlore like foolishness than common sense to attempt such an undertaking. Neverthe- less \ve had resolved to make the attelnpt, and \vere joined in and encouraged by two of our near neighbors, young men, like ourselves. We had been raised alongside of each other, upon ad- joining farms, and our intimacy was of the most friendly kind, so, when \ve decided to try our fort'unes in these new quarters, they resolved to accompany us, and began making immediate pre- parations for doing so, as they did not care to remain behind after we had gone. After com- pleting further arrangements, we engaged a col- ored man, a l\Ir. John Taylor, who at that time had a good yoke of oxen and new wagon, and I also had a yoke' of cattle, which I \vished to take up with us. So \ve hitched them to the wag-- on, and then put the other yoke in front, as they \vere better broken to work, and so Mr. Taylor drove the tandem team, 'and amongst us we managed to fill the \vagon up pretty full \vith boxes, bedding, bundles, cook-stove, and other 12 odds and ends that we thought would come use- ful in the settlemen t of a new home in the woods. Besides we took with us a limited sup- ply of provisions and groceries, and such tools as were indispensable in a new country. Upon the whole the load was not of much value, but very useful for us to possess. Our Start for the New Country So, upon the 25th day of March, in the year 1851, one fine morning, for this was an extreme- ly mild and early spring, for the snow was near- ly all gone, although the frost was still in the ground and wheeling 'vas fairly good, upon this eventful morning, my brother \Villiam and I, with our neighbor, Samuel Strowger, and our colored Jehu, started on our journey of migra- tion, Philip Strowger having been detained on business one day behind the others. The roads being fairly good, we reached Fergus the first night, and while staying there we met with a young man called 1 homas Burgess, \vho said that he came from Peel County, and was on his way to Owen Sound or some other part of the country in search of his fortune, and as soon as he heard that we were going to the mouth of the Saugeen River he at once decided to cast in his lot and accompany us, and so afterwards stuck closely to us and became a partaker in all our hardshi ps and sufferings for the time being, and I understand that he afterwards became a settled resident of the place, and, being by trade a coop- er, he found plenty of employment in the making- of fish barrels. 13 On the morning of the second day we left Fergus in good time, and succeeded in getting as far as the Township of Arthur that .night, and putting up at a wayside inn. We made an early start the next morning, and after driving a mile or two we halted to cook some breakfast by the roadside, \vhere there was some \vood. Our Journey Continued, Whiskey Incident While here we were nearly having a tragedy of a very serious k nd enacted, for during our stay in Fergus our colored teamster had purchased for his own use a jug of \vhiskey, and sometime during the previous afternoon he was refreshing- himself from this jug, and then asked our friend Sam to take a little also. This offer \vas wil- lingly accepted. This really was Sam's weakest spot, for all the rest of our present party were strictly temperate in their habits. And as Mr. Taylor had brought a small chest along with him in the wagon to h.old his provis- ions during the journey, he also p.ut this whiskey jug in to it and then securely locked it up for the night, and how great was his surprise and in- dignation, when he got up upon the wagon for his provisions, to find the lock broken and his whiskey jug empty. He at once accused Sam of being the guilty party and of having broken the ] odk and drunk all his whiskey. S am as vigor- ously denied the charge, at the same time using uncomplimentary language to the colored man, which caused him to get himself into a most un- controllable passion. His eyes shone like two 14 balls of fire, he foamed at the mouth, and he had a voice like a lion, and as he \vas a power- fully strong man he would soon have made an end of Sam had he got hold of hitl1. But my brother and I got bet\veen theln and used all our persuasive powers to prevent what might have ended very seriously if \ve had not managed to keep Sam out of his reach until we got him taken away out of his sight. While speaking of OUT friend) Mr. Sam, here, I may say that he belonged to a fine, large English family, comprising eleven in number, and they ,vere supposed to be rather aristocratic in their tenrlencies, and consisted of six verv handsome young ladies, who all grew up and afterwards \vere all comfortably married. The other five were boys, of \vhich Philip \vas the eldest, and our hero, Sam, the second. He was always a great lover of horses, and was much in the pub- lic, and there learned to indulge too freely in the use of that which afterwards became his master. Our Journey Up Continued and Terminated on the 6th Day So, upon the third day of our travels we reached before evening Mr. Thos. Smith's hotel, in Egermont, which is a short distance past \vhat is now l\iount Forest town, but which at that time was. all forest, as there was not a house in sight, and while remaining at this ho- tel \ve \vere overtaken by IVlr. Philip Strowger, which made our party up to five in number, ex- clu ive of l\Ir. Taylor, \vho by this titne had re- turned to his usual mode of temper. 15 And upon the fourth day, evening, we arrived safely at Mr. H unter's hotel, in the village of Durham, remaining there for the night, and \vhile there received a great deal of ktindness, and also useful information from Mr. Hunter regarding the remaining portion of our journey and the best \vay to take in order to accomplish our ob- ject. He advised us to go down the new line of road towards \Valkerton, instead of going by way of Owen Sound. This ne\v road Ironl Dur- ham nad been cut during the preceding fall, and two new bridges were built over the Saugeen River. We were ad\vised to stop at the first bridge and there make a raft or a scow and frotH there go do\vn the river to its mouth. After getting- so mu'ch useful information from Mr. Hunter, \ve concluded to take his ad- vice and carry out his instructions as far as pos- sible. I also made suitable arrangements with Mr. Hunter to keep my oxen when they re- turned after delivering the load at the bridge. So, upon the fi.fth day of our travelling \ve start- ed to go down the Durham line, which \ve found to be a hard road to travel. Night overtook us and we had to make a fire of logs by the "Tay- side, and there we spent the first night, a taste of what we had for several weeks follo\ lillg- to pass through. The night was cold and chilly. However, about noon 01\ the sixth day we reach- ed the bridge and there \ve unloaded the \vagon and allowed our colored Jehu to return with oxen and wagon, with orders to leave my oxen in charge of Mr. Hünter at D'urham until the 16 \\'oods \vouìd supply su'flìcicnt to sustain thelll with food. Our Decision to Make a Scow So, having at last reached our present destina- tion, ,ve hastened to erect some temporary tent or cover as a shelter until \ve had devised the way of our further transportation, and after SOlne deliberation, \ve all came to the conclusion that a good sco,,- \votIld be safer and easier to manage than a raft upon such a great, rushing river. But the question arose, \vhere are \ve to get the lumber to make a SCO\v? There IS none nearer than Durhanl, and that cannot be thoug-ht of; it is quite out of the question. Sonle one sugg-ested that if ,ve could get a sa,\- ,ve . cauld find a pine tree and cut the lUll1ber our- selves, anò, fortunatel for us, just at that tinle \\re received a visit from a IVlr. Schuke, ,vho had helDed to build the bridges the preceding- season, and hE' possessed å sa,y and other tools requisite for the In aking of a sco\\ , so ,ve engaged hin1 to assist us in the undertaking-, \\"h1ch he yery readilv consented to do. Re had ren10\Teld \vith his fal11Ïly into the To,,-nship of Rlntik the preceding- season and settled a short distance froIH ,,-here 've had un- loaded our "'agoB, cUld ".hich is nO\\T near Oil" in the \"i l1agc of II anover. So, \Vc .selected a large pine SOllIe distance frOln the hridge and in a thick S,,-all1p covered :-:everal feet deep ,vith ""atcr and SBO" slush, making- it Yery c1ifììcnlt of access, dud hard to 17 reach. But for all that \ve got at it and had the tree skilfully cut do\vn upon supports high en- ough to enable the sa\vyers to do their \vork tnore perfectly, and it did not take very long time for us to get all the Inaterial cut and ready for the Inaking of a SCO\v. But the next, and greatest difficulty of all, was to ct this lumber to \vhere it could be Inade up, and then c.onvenientlv launched into. the river. The planks \vere green and he vy, they. \vere 1110re than th rty feet in length. t\VO lnches thick and eig-hteen inches wide. Our Continuation and Workshop at the Bridge You InRV Üna,g-ille that it \vas no slnall job to arrv these heavy, long tÜnbers such a distance, and through such a thicket, covered \vith slush Md \vater. HO\\Teyer, hv persistent toil and con- stant perseverance, it \vas accolnplished in tiIne and ,vithout accident, and in a short tinle the sco,,' ,,'as set up and completed, after causing us to make several trips to Durluun for nails and other needed supplies. And to add to our trials and disappointluents, by the titne \ve got our SCO\\y completed the river, from the effects of heavy rains anrl 111elting snow, had risen to such height that \ve found ourselves shut in Upp1ll a. slnall piece of hiKh laud at the end of tpe bridge, \vhere our stuff \vas placed I and \ve \vere surrounded by \vater from three to five feet deep,. so. that our condition \vas anything but an envi- able .one, and still worse than all, \ve \vere in- lormed that the ,vater \vas so high that "\\re coltùd 18 not p;ass unrler the bridge at \\7 alkerton, although it had been built twenty feet above lo\v ,vater, so vO'U may imagine how g-reatly s\vollen the river had become. A.nd I can assure yOU that \ve had all become heartily sick and tired of this place and its sur- roundings. We had no shelter fronl ,vet or cold, day or night, nothing but a continuance of wet clothes and wet feet all the titue for over t\VO \\-eeks. That \ve \vere cOlnpelled t.o relnain in this miserable, comfortless abode, \vhere \ve \vere exposed to the inclen1ency of the \veather at this chang-eable season of the year, and \vhen I tell yOU that \ye had neither bed, table nor chair, cup, saucer nor plate, knife nor fork, and we never had our clothes off during- all this titne, and for several \veeks after\vards. .A..nd vou \vill not be surp;rised \vhen I tell \TOU that we often \vished that we had never left our homes of cOlnfort and plenty to endure such inexpressible hardslrips. Our food consisted of fried pork, boiled potatoes, scones made frotH flour, Inixed \vith cold wa'ter, and a little saleratns and salt, baked in a frying pan over coals, and sometimes a drink of hem- lock tea, and \ve had always'to use our jack- knives to cut our pork \vith and a sconc for a plate, so I can assure you that in a few \vee ks we did not look a very spicy looking crowd, but quite the opposite. Nevertheless our numbers continued to increase. There were nlan,v from all parts coming in looking for land, and stop,ping- at Durham on their way up, heard of OUI making a scow, and they were advised to COlne down to us and try if we would not take 19 them do"v"n the river with us Qn our SCO\v. \\' e had five in our o\vn COIUpany, and were join'ed by three, Messrs Martindale from New Brunswick, a father and t\VO sons, an'.d there \vere also two brothers, John and Jake Atkinson, fronl some- ,,-here near Toronto, and a Mr. Boyle and an- other whose name I have forgotten. Altogether there were t,velve of us awaiting the lo\vering of the waters in tI1e river. SOll1e of these parties had g,one back to Dur hall1 and some \ven t do\vn to Mr. Walker's, all to be in readiness to start so soon as the \vater got lo\v enough to allow of us passing- under the bridge at \Valkerton, \vhich ,,'e hoped v;e \vould be able to accomplish In a fe\v da vs' tin1e. Our Departure Down the River -\nd u1pon the first Monday \ve got our scow loa j ded up and ready to start upon the Tuesday morning. Leaving this comfortless and inhospi t- æble place early in the morning, we started dOMrn the roaring riyer, an we had not gone very far when Ìt cOlumenced to rain, and we soon got \vell soaked. I-Io\vever, \ve \vere becoming we 11 accustomed to such things and did not mind it nluch, so anxious \V'ere we to proceed for\vard on our journey, and before starting \\'e had set up the coo'k-stove in the SCO\v and put a length or t\VO of pipe on and made our fire in in1itati011 of a stean1 boat, and \ve had ro\v locks and pad- dles for oars, besides a long s\veep behind to steer the SCO\v. This sweep or heln1 was twelve feet Iong-. and had great po\ver in the steering of :W the scow, and \ve ""ere greatly assisted by the lVlessrs. lVlartindale, \vho \vere accustomed to rlyer navigation \vhere they caU1e fronl, in the lo"Ter province, so, \vhile pfk,-;sing do.\vn the crooked and s\vi[t f1o\ving river, about noon \ve sa"T the 1Ìrst little clearing. and having brought with us the lon tin dinner horn ,or trumpet, we cOlumenced blo,,-ing in Ï111itation. of a steamboat \\"histle, \v hen 1\lr. .J osep þ' \Y alker, the founder of the now pretty to,,-n of \Valkerton, and the oth- er male inhabitants of the place, came running to the river's edge, cheering runt1 \vaving their hats in thp air, and so g-reat was the tun1ult and noise of cheering and blo"ring the horn that those pulling at the oars did not hear the in- structions iven hy the Ulan at the hehu to pull hard on their oars, hut thought that he \vanted them 10 desist ro\ving-, and the SCO\v at that time \Vas heac1e(l in for the shore. The s\vift current soon got a side s\veep npon her and sent her round ahout at great speed, just l11issing one of the piers of the bridge by a fe\,- inches. \Ye had a very narro\,'" escape froll1 utter de- stnlction, for if "-e had struck the pier our scow and all upon her \vould hav suddenly been dashed to pieces anti lost, the current \v.as so yerv s\vift and the \vater so deep that escape \\"ould ha\ e heen almost illlpossihle, and those on shore ,,-ho sa\v the occu,rrence became pale \\-ith fea.r, and \\T all got a g-reat fright. But lortnnateh- \ve all escaped being s\vept ofi by the sudden swcep, and after receiving on hoard the re1l1aining- paSSCll ers and getting a slllall supply of potatoes and flonr \ve \\'ere soon again :!1 on our rapid course do\vn the river. But \\ e had not passed far from under the bridg,e \vhen we algain \vere nearly having another narro\\- es- cape. So. high \vas the water and s\vift the cur- rent at that time, 3jl1d as there \vas a small is- land near the bridge, and upon it there was a large bent cedar tree, leaning over the deep \Va- ter only a few feet from its surface, and under this tree the s\vift current seelued to dra\v us, so that it required all our skill and efforts to be put forth to prevent ourselves and everything upon the scow being cotupletely s.\vept off in,to the water. It \vas a110ther h airbreadth escape. The weather by this time had changed from the \varm, \vet morning, for it had cleared up no\v, and had becolne cold and \\-indy, which caused our \vet garments to make us feel rather uncomfortable. and \ve suf1ered; more or less from the cold. But \ve continued to proceed do\vn the riyer \vithout meeting \vith any serious luishaps, and towards evening we ran oÜr SCOW" in to the shore and tied her up fast to a tree f.or the night. An(l then looking for the best place to spend the night, \ve took shelter under a large tree. We soon lnac1e a fire and prepared wood for the night and some hemlock branches to lay do,,-n .upon, and as I \vas apiOointed to be chief cook am.d butler for the time bein I had a yerv busy time in preparing: foo.d for so many. I had three frying pans in use, some fryil1 pork and t\VO baking scones, \vhich I made by filling: a large pan with flour and then putting- in a little salt and a snlall quantitv of saleratus, and after this 22 mixing- \\lith cold \\-ater until it heCall1e a stili dou..g-h, and then pressing it into a frying- pan, and if the pan had been lately used for trying- pork that Inade the scone taste all the better. But whether they tasted g-ood or not they \vere in great demand, and it seems astonishing- the quantity it required to supplv the ,,-ants of a dozen very hungry luen, and I could not provide the victuals fast enough to keep them all eng-ag-- ed at one titne in eating-, and it took a long titue hefore all \vere sati"s1ìed, Our First Night Out on the Voyage So. after the app tites of aIr htad been satistìcd \vith eating-, the next important business \,-ith the majoritv of those present \vas to fill their pipes, ,vhen smoking- becalne the order of th evening, and after\vards the telling of anecdotes and stories occupied the greater part of their titne. I \vould say just here that although luan\" of our C0111panY ""ere ahnost entire strangers to lath other, yet our intercourse and treatnlent 01 each other was of the kindliest and lnost consid- erate nature. Perhaps our fe110wship in sufferin IUav have had sOlnething to do in the matter, and we are brought to feel our gTeater depend- ence upon each other. Such has generally been the <:a'e in ne\vlv-settled C0111nIunities. To re- turn to our story, as the evening- passed on, (lro\V'sine s took po .se sion of the speakers, \vhen ",-e'aried nature had to g-iye in, and sleep gained the ascendancy and silence prevailed. Yet the fire 1 equired frequ('nt attention, o\ving- to the nigbt :!: being so cold and \vindy, and SOllle little tÍ1ne before daylight \ve had a thick fall of snow, \yhich soon co\"ered the unprotected sleepers to some depth, but the sleepers continued to enjoy their peaceful repose, seelningh quite uncon,scious of their unpleasant condition. But such are SOll1e of the varieties of life, and I felt tempted to s , great is the po\\'er of endurance. Then I Rot up and made on a g-oo'd fire and prepared a good pot of potatoes, to be ready for breakfast, and I got SOlile hemlock to lnake hot tea, baked more akes or scones, and fried pork. So I soon had hreakfast read\ , and \ve all took a g-ood drink of hot henI10ck tea, as it \vas considered a good preyentive of colds, and we no doubt stood in need of s0111ethin,g d.f that kind, after such severe exposure. Our Second Day on the Water, Past Paisley So upon this Wednesday 1110rnillg- we again un tied our SCO\V and all got aboard, and we tnade an early start down the ríver, and we had not g-one very far before we sa\v the first appear- ance of ci ,'ilization; there \vere SOllie lately cut trees near the ri\Ter banks and a newly-built hanty, and \ve fOlUld the occupant to be Mr Simeon Orchard, the very first settler and foun- der of \,,-hat is no\v the busy to\vn of Paisley, and just \"here the Mujd or 1'aY l iver enters the Saug-een. L\.fter a short stay with l\Ir. Orchard \ve a aln pursued our journey do\vn \vhat was, to all of us, quite unkno\vn regions, and not know- ing what lav hefore us on our ''lay dO\\Tn thi :!..J g:Teat, crooked, rapid running- river, \,. hich it \vas in those days, and the thoug-ht frequently occur- red to us that \ve were the first party of white tHen that eyer were kno\vn to pass safel r down this river. A.nd so, about noon \ve Cal1le to a beautiful level beach, very heavily tÏtnbered \vith fine lar,g-e maples like an extensive sugar bush. Here \\-e \vent ashore to Ret SOlne dinner ready, and also for the purpose of exploration, and so greatly ,,'ere we pleased ".ith the appearance of the land that \ve \vould have liked to locate there had ,ve kno\vn anything- of our \vhere- abouts, So, after g-etting- SOll1e dinner, \ve again g-ot aboard and continued our passage do\vn till aoout the middle of the afternoon \vhen \ve again observed SOlne ne\vlv cut trees, the first since leaving- Paisley. We iUl1uediately nlade prepar- atio'ns to salute and got our long horn and con1- lllenced sounding- it, and no sooner had \ve done "0 than \ve sa\,' two l11en cOining- running- to- \"ards us, wavi g- their hats and arlllS in th air and l'heering aJlò beckoning- us to run our SCO\\- int.o shore, Our Arrival Down Near the Lake A.nd \vhen "oe did![o ashore, ho,,- g-reat \vas I our surprise anò delig-ht to lueet \,dth an old acquaintance froBl the To,,-nshi p of Pilkington! _\1r. Alexander Wallace, ,,-ith his frienël, Vlr. J allies Cathay, the teacher or luissionar\' to the Indians at their villag<.' near the lnouth of the Saug-e'en Ri\Tl'r. lIe was Ol1e of the t".o first :!.-, \vhite 1uen in this p:art of the country .in 184 L The other one \vas the Rev. l\lr. \Villiston, In- dian n1issionary. Mr. Wallace had arrived and located himself here la fe\v days previously, and had lVlr. Cathay assisting h tn to get a house built; after introductory explanations we re- cei\ ed some desirable and useful information re- garding the locality, anjd \vere told that we were only about three miles distant froln the lake, aJ1.d about t\velve fronl the mouth of the river, as the river an(l lake run nearly parallel with each other for SOlne ,distance. So, after obtaining: this inforillation ,, e secured our SCO\V to a newly (ut stump, and started in the way that \ve \vere directed to have a look at the great Lake H ur- on. So \ve passed do\vn through a fine timbered farlning land and \vhat is no"T the pretty village of Port Elgin, and there for the first time most of us took a look at the great lake. RetlI ning by the sanle track, \ve all greatlv admired t1;1e a'ppearance of the forest that \ve had passed through. So, returning to our SCO\\-, \ve Inade prepara- tions for suprer and a place to lodge in during the ni.ght, as it \vas ag-ain turning rather cold, and our ne\vly-found friends had only a shed made of log:s (jt1 three sides and open at the front, "There they had a fire nlade of logs, \vith some brush to lay upon, but the win,d \vas blo""" - ing strongly from the fire into the shed, filling the place \vith smoke and ashes, which made the place most unendurable and we could not stay there any longer, and \ve had to get out and make some other kind of shelter for ourselves, 6 . and g-athering- sorne boug-hs \ve tried to erect a kind of break-\vind, but for all that we put in a mi erable, disagreeahh night, suffering much from the cold wind. Second Night and Philip Selects His Home With Mr. Wallace on River Bank I'his caused son1e of us to deplore our condi- tion and grieve over the folly o.f our coming to such a place. But in due tiIne n10rning came and \"ith it a bright sun and warmer day, and after replenishing ourselves again \vith break- fast and taking further counsel with those of our party \vho were desirous of selecting homesteads, \\-e acted. upon the advice of our new friends, \yho advised us to cross over the river to the other side, as the land \vas reported to be even better than on this side. And in11nerliately a. ting upon such ad\Tice ,,-e ag-ain boarded our scow and. pulled for the other side, and. soon Ia11lded a ain up/on a beautiful, large river flat, \\ here we ag-ain tied up the SCO\v and at once started upon a tour of inspection, and going do\\-n the river quite a distance vie\ving the land. Those that "\vere not so anxious to secure farm- ing lands proceeded do\vn towards ... the Indian ,,-ill age , and thus to the mouth of the river, while the rell1ainder of our party returned to our scow and at once cOlntnenced to erect some ten1porary shelter for the night and prepare food, for we \vere all very hung-rv. Travelling over the virgin soil seenled to be a great appcti7er for ,ve were ahvavs hungry. '!.ï The follo\ving- lllorning Philip Stro\yg-er select.- ed for a home a fine site u.pon the larg-e flats. near where \ve now were and opposite the larg-e island in the ri \'er, and we all immediately join- ed in to assist hÌ1n in the erection of a small hou,se, \vhich he said ,,'ould be a home for us all until \ve had provided one for ourselves. So, in a short titne \ye h ad one up an.d co'vered with slabs of bass\:vood, and we soon had it hàbitable, and it was even a vast improvenlent upon w at "Te had been lately enjoving-, and we were invit- ed to consider this place as our present hOlne. Assisted Philip to Build His House Philip ,,-as a very expert hand at using an axe and a strong- yonng Inau, llle'asuring- near six feet four inches in height, and he soon n1anag-ed to put things i1nto shape, and then he went with us to assist and advise in the selection of farms. \Ve generally took long tramps, as we had so much to choof;e from and \vere ahvavs looking for something better. When we returned in the evening- \\Te \vere nearly dead from hunger. So \\Te thoug-ht it \vould be better that one of us stay at home and have some food pr pared upon our return. So our friend, Mr. Sam, did not seem to be as anpdous as SOllIe of the others abo,ut choosing a farln for hÜnself, and he \vill- ing1v 'Tolunteered to remain arid do the coo1king for that day. As we started out that morning- Philip as usual \"as carrying his gun. When we \vere a fe\v yards fro\1n the house a partridge fle"r u;p, and Philip shot it and carried it back to the :! haWse and gave it to Sam with orders to h ve it nicely cleaned and made into soup by the time we returned, as soup would be such a nice change after using- so. much salt pork. So we departed, leaving San1 to have a nicelv prepared dinner re8idv fox us UpOl1 our return. After a long walk \vc. returned about four o'clock as hungry as hawks, and great was our disappointtnent at finding nothing- ready to eat, and there was Sam I Ting- comfortably Upo'11 his back co:ntentedly smoking- his pipe, quite at his ease, and when Phili p asked him \vh y he had not cood<.ed dinner he replied that he luid, a:nd on being asked where it \vas, said that he had eaten it. Then Philip said, and \vhat have you done \vith the pheasant? lIe said tl at it was in the pot, and on Philip going- to g-et Ï't, asked where was the So.u p. Sam saiìd. that he had drank it all to that. Philip dTank the renl ainder. Experiences of some Cooking of Mr. Sam So Philip, after drinking- the reillainder of the soup, took the bird O\ut of the Plot. It looked plump and yery fat, hut as soon at; he put his fork into it an ex'plosion of the contents ,vas the lonl..-equence, \vhich flew all oyer Philip's face, tor SaIn ,vas quite inexp.erienced in the art of cobking- and he had neglected to renlove any of the inward parts frO'lll the pheasant, but had made and drank the sou,p from such ingredients as it contained. Philip having- drank thc dregs of it caused a little lau gh at his expense, and the saving- IS that a Iltl'ngrY nlaIl is an angry 29 luan. But this only c used good-natured Philip to goo and catch SalTI by the feet as he lay there laughing and pu] I hinl to the outside of the door \vithout using any violence \vhatever. IIo\vever, we all did the best we cqUid under su h disap- pointments and in a short time we had prepared food for ourselves, an;d \v ere satisfied, for ,ve had come to learn by eX'Perience that disappoj nt- nlen ts \vere of frequent occurrence and \Vc had just to put up with such things. William Goes lrp the River and is Delighted with What He Saw The next day being Sunday, Iny brother and I had been brought up under g-oad ' Pres byteriam teaching and "Tere taug-ht to remember the Sab- bath day, to keep it holy, and yet William thouRht that it cou}d not be of mU,ch harm for him to take a quiet stroll up the river bank a short distance, and after walking- a little over a mile he caIne upon \vhat he thoug-ht to be the lo' eliest spot that he had as yet seen, and after his return he told me all about it, and we re- solved to g.o up on the morrow, that is, Mond y nlorning and see it. So when morning came, mv brother and I told the dthers that we were goin,g u;p the river ,to. ha'Ve a look at a part of the cdUntrv \vhich William saw yesterday. Our Selections of Farms Upon a Mo:nday morning, about the middle of the month of April, in the year 1851, about a month after leaving Gu lph, we resolved, after a :m yerv general and close inspection of all the surrounding-s ana conditions of the place, here to pitch our tent, and then try to he\v QU t for ol1rsel ves fu ture hOlnes in tbis beautiful forest, and although the land was not yet surveyed, \ve commen ed at O:lce to cut log-s to build a shanty near by a pure running spring- creek, and not far from the edge of the river, which had a pretty island of g-reen grass just o.pposi te, and this had the ef- fect of giving a very pleasi R, cheerful aspect and appearance to the place. In a sho'rt tÏ1ne \ye Rot our household effects broug-ht here \vith the assistance of our friends, and \ve also Rot the 10Rs of the shanty put up, \vhich \vas only thirteen feet square, and the next morning we werit to assist J a:ke Atkinson to build' his house on the opposi te side of the river, for by this tiIl1e a majority of those \vho had conle dQwn the river \yith us had departed, lnostlv to the Inouth of the riyer or SOlue other part of the cou,ntrv, onl:, those that \vanted farln land re- malnlng. So, \vnen \ve had nearly completed raisinR Jake's house about noon, a Rentlelnan, Captain John Spence, caIne up fJoln SouthaInp- ton to g-et IllY brother or I to g;o \vith hÌ1u, and take squatters' pos.session of SOllie valuable pine land about seyen Illiles do\vn the river towards the Indian H.eser\Tcs, for there \vere g-entlemen frOin Toronto lnaking- enquiries after such land, and also our friend" Mr. l\lcDonald, was an,xious to secure the pine for the purpose of 111 akil1J{ fish barrels. ::1 Incident of the Bear, Wm. Lost So Willialll started Ì1nmediatelv \\-ith Capit. Spence to our quarters across the river and at ance prepared for themselves a hasty dinner, made from pork gr \"v and flour put into a pan and fried together, Thi!s, \vith a d't"in'k of \vater. cqmpleted their Ineal, and as it 'vas a fi'ne, bright, \,yarm day they set off at once, Willialll going in his shirt sleeves and carrying his axe U pOl1 his shou lder . They turned dO\Vl1 by the banks of the river, \vhich they found to be a 1011g-, rough, tedious road to travel. down the crooked river, \vhich lnade the \vay d!ouble the leng-th. Bu t at last they reached the spot and William comlnenced to perforln the duties requir- ed, \vhile Capt. Spence conJinued his cQurse down the riyer past the. Indian villag-e and then home,. \VilliaJ.u, after finishing his work, thought that he could reach hO;J.ue in, a much nearer " a\ by taking a straig-ht line throu:g-h the \voods, and as the day \vas dra\ving to\vards its close, he started off at a rapi d' Piace and after travel1jn g- for a considerable distance \vas surprised to see \vhat appeared to be a large clearing, and get- ting 'nearer saw, to his dis111a;y, that it was a bodv o'f \vater, and as he was not a\vare of atly- thin'g of the kind heing in our near neig-hbO'r- hood, he beCall1e greatly alarmed and frightencd. Sdon he discovered that he \vas lost, and tl1ust have gone a long way in the wrong- direc- tion. This lakc is no\v Arran, situated in the To\vnship of Arran, So \Vil1ial11, after a fe\v moments of study and considering- the hest course : 2 to take, for it was just about dark, started to run back in the direction that he thought he had conle, in hopes of finding the river, and in his excitement and haste he nearly ran over a large bear. William Lost and Found So sudden and unexpected was the occurrence that the bear \vas frightened up a tree, and Wil- liam lost no tinle in making the distanc be- t\veen them as great as possible, and i\vhile run- ning in the dark through a thick underbrush his pants \vere nearly all torn to pieces. Not kno'\v- ing \vhere he \vas, and becoming tired and hot from the running- and excitement, he came to a large fallen tree, and then cra,vled into the ho]- low for the nig-ht, and intended to try and de- fend himself \vi th his axe against the bear or any other night prowlers, should they attempt to attack him. But he soon found his bed Chal11- ber to be a very cold and uncomfortable one, for being very \varm from his previous exertion and being almost ,vithout clothing-, he soon becalne very cold and chilled throug-h. He lay \vi th his teeth chattering all nig-ht, but as soon as day- lig-ht beg-an to appear he cra\vled out of his den and began to take: in his surroundings and be- gan by examining upon \vhich side of the tree the moss I gre\v, and the direction in \vhich the top of the pine leaned, and as it \vas a dark Ino'rning the sun could not be seen, he had to be g-uided by observation of these natural sig-ns. He set ofl in what he knew to be a southerly direc- 33 tion, hoping soon to reach the river, and in the course of a fe\v hours ' travel heard the rushing sound of its waters, and con tinlUing his way up its banks, reached our quarters about noon in a l110st pitiable-lookJing condition. But after giv- ing full explanation as to the cause and getting some dinner, he soon became his former self again, quickly recovering- from all its effects, be- ing blessed \vi th a good consti tu tion. He was as hardy as a knot and felt no worse from this hard experience. My First Night in Our New Home I \vill tell you a little about ho\v I elnplo(yed my time during- '\Tilliam's absence. 'Vhen I re- turned from assisting Jake I found some of the remains of Capt. Spence's and Willialn's dinner in the frying pan, and after more fully supplying tllY own \vants, I at once comluenced operations and began to sa\v a doorway into our shanty, and before night I had completed the cutting, but as \ve had neither door nor roof, I got a forked stick and drove it into the g.round and I put some more sticks across and then covered all over \vith a quilt, and then got sonle hem- lock brush to put on the g-round for a bed, and then I nailed another quilt on the door\vay as a sligh t protection anù made every other prepara- ti on that I could for relnaining- there during the nigh t, as I expected '\Tilliam to return every UlOlnen t, and thus I \vas kept quite busily en- ploved until it became quite dark. Williatn had not yet returned and I began to feel a' good deal 34 anno' ed at his seeming thoughtlessness or indif- ference in thus leaving me to remain alone for the night, for I was under the impression that he had returned as far as Philip Strowger's and was remaining there when he knew that I was alone and \vould be expecting him, for we had only removed that morning and Ii ttle did I think that he ,vas even in a worse plight than 1. But so anxious were \ve to have a home and shelter that I was not willing to lose any more time by going back to Philip's, and yet this place \vas in no condition to remain in over ni,ght. This \vas also my first night of separati'on from the others and my first in our new qnarters, and I felt. any- thing but comfortable. I slept very little, the night \vas so cold, and I heard the lynx roaming about outside the shanty. I would greatly have preferred some other and more desirable com- panionship, but at length morning- came and all nature put on a brighter appearance. Mrs. WaHace's Entrance \nd \vhile I am speaking of the events I think that it \vould not be right for me to omit giv- ing an account of an incident that h'appened abou t this time, j st to give some idea of the kind of material many of the early pioneers were composed of. Our neighbor, l\Ir. \Vallace, on the other side of the river, had just erected a small hou e of logs, but at this I time it had neither roof, floor nor door, when his plucky young wife, who had a short time before \valked all the \vay from Owen Sound through the Indian trail, ac- 35 companied by her husband, who drew a tobog- gan all the way over on the snow, laden ,vith their. household effects, and she also carried some bundles in her hands all the way. Since their ar- rival she had been staying at the Indian village with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Cathay, but be- coming- very anxious to see her new home and assist her husband in his work, one morning she left her comfortable abode with Mrs. Cathay am.d stJarted off to see her new home. Carrying some bundles . containing a fe\v requisites, and walking all the way sh'e reached her intended home before evening, and as there was no door- way cut I or any way of entering, she climbed over the top of th'e logs and got inside in that way, and ever afterwards remained to assist her hlusband in all h!is undertakings, putting up cheerfully with every hardship and inconvenience inciden tal to pioneer settlement, and I am pleas- ed to add that this lady still remains and is yet an active, vigorous' woman, and able to enjoy the fruits of her labors of earlier days, although many of those who tdok a part with her in those days have passed away. Home Incidents In returning to our former subject I may say tha t \ve put off no time in trying to put our shan ty in to a mor.e habitable, candi tion. William was a good hland \vith an axe and with it made many little things that were very useful. \Ve manag-ed to roof our shanty with elm bark and we chinked the cracks up \vith pieces of split 36 basswood and moss, and we made a fireplace wi th stones from the river, and a chi'mney r place of bent sticks plastered with mud, and a floor of bass\vood I slabs, split and hewn with an adze. But we were also very anxious to get some of the land cleared in order to put in some crops and persevered hard to attain that object. There were a good many,people coming into the coun- try about that time looking for land, and very frequen tly we had to ferry them over the river with our little raft, and seldom a day or night passed without having some to entertain. There was no Qther place wi thin reach for many miles, and we never made any charge but welcomed all who came. Sometimes it trou'bled us a little to keep up a supply of prorvisions. We did not kno\v \v here nor ho\v to get them, but we gener- ally managed to have something both for our- selves and others to eat. So we persevered ev- ery day enlarging our clearing, until we had got quite an opening made in the woods, and as we could see with pleasure each day the results of the labor of our hands we were the more encour- aged to persevere in the attainment of this, the object of our ron bi tion, and then to look forward \vith hope to the speedy betterment of our con- dition, and \ve often used to say that the bitter cometh before the s\veet, \vhich will make the s\veet taste all the s\veeter when it comes. A Thrilling Incident of a W reeked Scow One Saturday evening early in May. \ve noticed a large quantity of wreckage floating down the river in the shape of boxes, barrels and bundles 37 of bedding, also a coop full of dro\vned chickens were found stuck in a tree top at the edge of the river. We felt sure that something serious had occurred up the river, so about ten o'clock on Sunday morning- we got word that a scow was wrecked in a rapids some miles up the river, and thát there were men, women and children aboard of lier, and that they were in great dang-er of perishing if they did not get il11Jt11ediate assist- ance, for they had been in the water since Satur- day at noon. This information was given us by a party of surveyors coming. do,vn the river in a small scow, but they dared not ventutre near for fear of knoc.klit1Jg them all olff into the water, so strong and rapid \vas the current at that place. I may here say that the report of our safe pass- age do'\vn the river had become generally kno\vn, and scows becan1e popular. Some one sug-gested that we take up our large scow and try to res- cue them, but that was almost impossible in such a swi.ft running river. It would have taken a long time and the people \vere in imminell t danger, and every moment was precious, as ,ve did not know how far up the river they might be. So ,ve abandoned the idea of taking up the scow, but instead we concluded to take an axe, auger and ropes, and hurry up and make a raft up above them and when down at the proper place anchor it and endeavor by that means to rescue those that \vere in such peril. So Jake :A tkil1- son, William and I each put a small piece of scone in our pockets and then started up the river bank on a run. But we found travelling- very disagreeable that mornIng for there had 38 fallen during the night about an inch of soft sno\v, which made the branches wet and unpleas- ant and the way was very uneven and hard to travel with much speed. But nevertheless \ve soon caIne to our new neighbor's, M;r. Go\vin- lock's, \vho, \vith his son and Mr. J ame Rov,'"- an, who had been there only a few days, had just put some poles up against a tree and cover- ed them with boug-hs to make a tempotrary shel ter. I might say here that the occupants of this place \,,"ere l\lr. Gowinlock, a substantial Scotch Iarll1er Ironl the 1'0\vnship of Chinguacotlsy, and l\Ir. .J all1eS Rowan, who afterwards becalne 111eJn- her for the caunty, so \vhen \ve reachcd this spot \ve called out. Why are you not up yet? Do yOU not kno\v that there are people \vrecked up the river? ..And receiving- no answer \ve looked into the tent and saw a man lying .asleep on some rugs, and again repeating our question and ask- ing:, ".hv are you lying there? wh'en he replied in a sleepy, unintellig-ible \vay, Did you s e anythin1.! of Iny double-barrelled gun? \\'e said 110, and then asked him if he was one of the party that was \vrecked up the river. He said yesA \VE then asked him where Mr. Gowinlock was. He said th'at they had all gone up the river to help tho e that \vere on the 'vater. \Ve asked hitn 'no nlore questions, but at once hurried forv,'"ard as fast as \ve could go. I might as well say here, as I \vas told sdon afterwards, that this pOOl young fellow from which '\ve had just parted. \vas a young Englishman lately Iron1 London, and an expert swimmer. \Vhen the sco'\v struck ::'9 the rock and went do\vn the hinder part sunk first, as it was laden \vith heavy material that would not float, but slid down to that end and anchored her to the bottom in a sloping position, the forepart being a few feet under the water, but all the lig-hter articles that would s\vim were carried away by the current, ,and it was some of these that \vere seen by us as they \vere being carried past on the Sawrday evening. For the scow had been hea vil y laden \vi th household goods and provisions, besides heavy tool chests and nails; and also had on board four n1en, two \v?men and Eve children, and as they \vere in a very perilo'Us condition they made every efrort to save their lives. This young man was the only good swimp-ler and he \vas induced to di- vest himself of his clothing, and tying some bed . cords around his middle jumped into the water, hoping to reach the shore and then make one end fast there and the other to the SCo\V, that by that means they might find a way of escape. After swimming over a distance the current caug-ht the rope in' such a way that he could not endure the efIort and had to be drawn back into the scow. But after resting a little he said that he would try again, but this time he would take the end of the rope in his mouth,as he thoug-ht it would be easier to manage in that \vay. So he made a second effort in this way, but had not g-one very far from the scow when he found that the water was having as great an e.ffect uþon the rope as it had at the first trial, and opening his mouth let the end of the rope go, and m;ade for the shore, which he safely reached and then com- 40 menced his long \valk down the river edge in a perfectly nude condition, in hopes of finding sû ne place of shelter, and getting assistance to help him in trying to rescue those that were still upon the water. Continuing his way down the river's edge fior a long distance without find- ing any help, darklles!s came on and he could not see his way, so he had to content himself by standing up against a tree all night, and to add still further to his discolnfort there fell about an inch of snow during the night, and from the ef- fects of the cold and cHill he got in to a kind of stupid slumber just about daylight, and did not awake for some time, but ,, hen he did he at once con1menced to proceed on his journey down the river, but had only gone a short distance when he saw .a sm'oke and made straight for it, quite unobserved, and he gave a great surprise to Mr. GowinlO'ck, who \vas standing at that moment with his back towards him, busily en- gaged making his oatmeal porridge for break- fast, and turning around suddenly. he sa\v the naked man standing close beside him, \vhich caused him to start back, and holding up his llan'ds he exclaimed, "The Loord be here, \vhar cam- ye fra'?" So after giving I SOlne little ex- planation of his circumstances and the disaster, they at on'ce furnished the poor fellow with a flannel shirt, and after giving him something to eat, put him into the bed they had just lately risen from themJ:;elves. After taking a hurried breakfast and securing the tools and n1aterial that they would require in making a raft, they started oft up the river in search of the wrecked 41 scow, and as they had a good start of us they had succeeded in making a raft and had safely rescued all on board, and were just landing them on the river's edge as we reached .the spot. IVlessrs. Gowinlock and Rowan used great caution and judgment in the successful accom- plishment of such a ticklish job. But the res- cued ones having no more relish for water con- veyance declined to proceed any further by the raft, and so the rescuers proceeded do\vn the swift running strealn and reached their abode, leaving the poor, pitiable, starving creatures to. our care. 'fhey \vere only partly clothed and looked half starved, for they had been in the cold water for more than twenty-four hours \vithout any food and hanging on to the scow for dear life. No' \vonder their first request was for bread. We had only the small piece that \ve put into our pockets at starting and had not yet taken time to eat, but we freely delivered up all that we had, which was not Inuch amongst so Inany. It was now about four o'clock in the afternoon and we each took a shivering child upon our backs, with their teeth chattering frolH the cold and lon1g exposure in the water, and some had no shoes nor coats to wear, for all had been taken down the stream. One poor lady had the misfortune of getting her foot cut with an adze on the scow, \v hich made travelling very painful, especially on such a rough gravelly road. The names of these unfortunate persons, so far as' I can now remember, for it is over fifty years ago, are: Mr. Silas Fuller, Mrs. Fuller and four children; Mr. Gilbert and his man, who SWall1 to., 42 the shore; l\lrs. Philips and another lady and child, whose names I forget. Thus \ve continued our slow journey down the river's edge, each with our load upon our back, and we soon began to feel the need of) some din- ner, for we had all travelled a long way over a rough road without taking any refreshments, and it by this time was getting quite dark, and glad \vere we indeed to see at a little distan)ce the light trom Mfr. Gowinlock's fire, where he in his kind, hospitable way \vas busy pre- paring what he had, and was mak- ing oatmeal porridge, for oatmeal was the only thing in the way of food diet that he possessed at that time. But the children kept crying for bread, and said that they did not like porridge or gruel. Mr. Gowinlock said that he had no bread to give them, nor anything to make bread o , and if they could not take that the - were "nane hungert. J, But we were feeling both tired and hungry and wer.e an.xious to reach our shánty, and suggested that \ve would take the raft that had rescued them from the SCO\v and go the remainder of the ,yay on the river. As Mr. Go\vinlO'ck had only been a very short time there he had no accommodation to offer J bu t kindly consented to keep as Inany of the n1en and boys as would stay \vith hinl, and if \ve could take the women and gir Is \vi th us, for we had the best accommodation to give then1. So \ve agreed to do so, when the \VOlllen offered a very determined opposition to venturing upon the \va- ter again, and it required all I our pov.rers of per- suasion to induce them to do so, and to convince 4:{ them that there was really very little danger, as we \vere acqUJain ted with the course of the river, and that it would be quite impossible to travel, by land on such a dark night. They at last consented and one man also accompanied us, so \vhile we were pr.oceeding safely down the river and had gotten about half way, \vhen \ve heard a loud halloo from the opposite bank of the river. Two or three men had come up the ri ver from that side in search of the wrecked ones, as the news had spread all around by this tiule and getting benighted they had made pre- parations to remain where they were during the night, and hearing us coming down on the raft they commenced to shout and halloo to us, mak- ing many enquiries, and when we told them that all the party had been safely taken off the ,vater they then asked us to put across to them. But we told them that we were too tired and hungïXy and did not want to p.ut off any more tin1'e than we cOiUld help. They then said that we could never get down that rivcr on such a dark night, and that we would all get dro\vned. This set the women to screaming and badly frightening them. We told them to keep quiet and not to be afraid, for we knew the river better than those who wished to alartn theln did, and in a few minutes more we would land them safely on the shore at our lauding place near our shanty, which we very soon reached, where we tied up our raft and quickly luarched up to the shanty. The first thing we did was to lig-ht the candle and then make on a great fire and put the kettle on, and get some food reaåy 44 as fast as possible, for we were all very hungry, especially those poor women and ch'ildrcn. \Ve soon got some ham and bread and a good cup of tea, and after our urgent cravings of hung-er were satislÍÌ.'ed we men all went outside for a tÏ1ne in order to allow the women to retire to \ the only bed that we possessed, and our next concern was to find suitable corners or space in which to obtain a little repose after our hard day's travel, and just as we were getting things into condition and were ready to retire ",,'e heard the sound of voices outside, and upon opening- the door to our astonishment a number of Inen enteredJ--enough to fill the house and occupy all our standing room, for we had not chairs nor seats to offer them, and if \ve had there \vas no room to set them. The ne\vs of the disaster had reached the mouth of the river, and as this \'"as Sunday some of the inhabitants and also a íe\v strangers that were up here looking for laud, s arted. with the others up the river., in order to render what assistance they could. But as they did not know the distance and \vere entirely ig- norant of .the way, they lost thetllselves and in the darkness had been wandering- about for SOUIC till1e until they saw the light from our shanty. It was now getting to be a late hour. They had a loaf of bread which they had broug-ht \vith them and some of them also carried \\rhiskcy, both externally and internally, and were a little inclined sometimes to use Í1n proper ] ang-uage hy swearing, but we told them at once that \ve would not allow any language of that kind in {his shanty. Afterwards there was no more trouble, 4ñ but the night was spent In.ostly in conversation and telling stories and a song or \ two was al o sung. Thus the night passed away and .when daylight began to appear those who had conle up from Southanlpton wanted to get the raft to carry then1 down the river. I said no, that I wanted to go to Durham for my o!Xen in a day or t\VO and \van ted to use it then to go down the river. They pleaded with nle to go now and take them all along with me. I consented, after consultin \vith William and ar;ranging with hinl to COll1e to O\ven Sound and assist Ine in driving the oxen over from there, for William was going that day \vith some others to try to save some of the stu'ff that was still on the wrecked scow. So I and a number more started a little after sunrise to go down the river upon the raft, but we did not reach the. mo\uth of the river till it was nearly noon, and then I went, direct to the house of my friend, Capt. Spence and had a good wash and tidy up, and enjoyed a nice hot din- ner, \vhich \vas rather a luxury to me in those times. Then I started im,.mediately to cross the river on my way to Owen Sound, a distance of 28 miles through the woods. It was now one o'clock. I was told bv evervone that met Ine ..I ..I that I could not get through that night, and as I passed through the Indian village I met the chief and I asked him what he thought of my chance of getting through to-night. He shook his head and said "Sun too much round that \-vay." pointing to the \vest. Notwithstanding this, I pl1shed on as fast as I could go and carried Iny 46 'Coat on my arm, and in one of its pockets I had a verv valuable knife which had been given to tHe b a young friend of Inine lately from Scot- land, a younger brother of the late Charles Dav- idson, Esq., Güelp:h. lVhen I \vas ru.nning, this knife accidentally dropped out of Iny coat pock- 'et anlong-st the leaves of the path, and "\vhen I got nearly half way through I Inet the two voung l\lessrs. l\lartindale, ,vho came do\vn the ri ver \, i th us on our SCO\v. Thev were on their return from Owen Sound, ,vhich place they had left at eight o'clock in the tnorning, and they -\\'ere under the impression that they \vere nearly -all the "\vav across, so they \vere both surprised and alarmed "\'9hen I told them that they were very little more than half ,vav. This inforlna- tion set theln oft at a run and I continued my journey in the opposite direction as fas,t as I could g-o, and I got into the Sound about eight 0' clock, having- made a very quick passage across. Rut then I discovered that in lny haste by running- I had lost my good knife that I had so mu\ch prized. A,s usual I put up at lVir. Cor-- net's hotel and enjoyed a good hot supper, and ver 9 shortly after\vards I retired to bed. I had got ten no sleep on the previous nig-h t and after the long- I \valk of the dav I 'vas very tired and needed rest. 'So after having- a good sleep I felt refreshed and in the morning, after taking break- fast, 1 ag-ain set ofT on n1Y "\vay down to Dur- ham, a distance of twenty-eight Iniles, and reaching that place early in the afternoon I re- luaineò there all nig-ht. But I made all suit- able preparations for returning- to O\ven Sound 47 with the oxen in the morning, and as it would not be possible to drive them through the woods yoked together I thou.ght it better to leave the Ybke and fasten the bóws upon their necks and drive them separately. But I had not got very far before I found out that I had made a great mistake, for ,vhen I came to a cross road (jr an open gate the one ox would turn and run in one direction and the other one the opposite wav. This all caused me a good deal of extra running- and I made very slo\v progress all the way, and to add stiU more to my trouble it commenced snowing heavily just before night, and the ground ,vas soon cov- ered quite a depth. This tuade travel- ling very disagreeable and difficult, and ,vhen it became quite d;ark I could not see the hig-hway. Elspe:cialJy w.as this the case \vhen I reached the commons near Owen Sound where there ,vere no fences nor houses to be seen. All \vas ,vhi te with snow and as the oxen were also \vh te in color I had a hard job to keep them both in sight, and I did not know' whereabouts I had g-ot to, and could only follow the cattle, which ulti- mately brought me to a house, where I made enquiries and got some assistance to dri ve the oxen to .Mr. Corbet's hotel, finally reaching mv destination, tired and discourag d. But I was glad to see my brother William, who had arrived from Southampton a short time before I came, so that after getting supper I was again ready to go to bed, for I had put in a most unpleasant day's work. There was at the hotel that night a Mr. Broadfoot staying, 48 '" ho had come up to look, for land and ". as anx- ious to accompan:, us to Southampton on the I110rrO"V, and assist us in driving the cattle over, ,\-hich proved to be no easy task, for we had riv- ers to cross. and swamps to pass through. But by persistent, patience and perseverance we man- aged to reach the Indian villag-e before dark, and after several vain attempts we at last succeeded in forcing thenl to swim the Saugeen River over to an island where we left them for the nig-ht, as there was plenty of grass for thetu to eat up- on the island. ...A...fter accomplishing this task we all "vent do,,-n the banks of the river to its mouth and then crossed by canoé over to Southampton, and thcn to the residence of our friend, Capt. Spence, for the nig-ht, where "ye ahvays received generous kindness, and after putting in a g-ood nig-ht there "-e ag-ain set ou t in the morning- to look for the oxen. and founò them ,vhere they had been left, and after some little trouble ,ve Rot thell1 to pass over the remainder of the river, and in course of time we at leng-th reacheù our 1it- tIe home in safet:v, after several days of hard toil and sufTering, Rut truly the back seelllS to be made for the hurden, for the I110re we had to do the better ahle \ve were to do it, and the tl10re athletic \ve becalne. So great "vas our po""cr of endurance that \ve would no more feel any ef- fects from running twenty Il1iles than \ve "vould fornlerly do franl walkjng ten, a nd when I now look back for I110re than fifty years and think of the fatigues and hardships 've then endured, and the !l1at1v dangers 'YC caIne safely through, I all1 49 filled with wonder and amazement, and the only w'ay that I can e.xplain these things is that we were both bles sed with good healthy constitu- tions and had al"\vays been of temperate habits, and had also been very strictly taught and trained to continue in such habi ts by a noble, godly mother, whose great influence over us was a po\ver; for good in our lives in those da vs. Recovery of Knife So in a day or two \Vil1iam got a ,yo:ke made and \\Te got the oxen yoked up and ready to start logging, but we found them not very tract- able and a good deal of trouble to manage. They did not like to "\vork and every chance they got would clear a"\vay into the woods, going for tniles,. and although "\ve had a good bell on one of them, yet they would go far away beyond its hearing, and after all we could not blame the poor brutes, for no doubt they "\vere lonely. There were no cattle but themselves within many miles and they would \vander away trying to find the road back to where they came from for long dis- tances, and the only way we had of finding them was by follo"\ving their tracks, and sometimes we ran great risks of losing ourselves in the woods. We had alwavs to carry a small conlpass in our pocket as it would sometimes take us a "\vhole d.ay to find them, and we would often have to leave the yoke upon theln all night to prevent thetll going a\vay again before morning. About this time there "\vere several people com- ing into this place looking for land, and am- ong-st them \vas Mr. Peter Smith, \vho stayed a day' or t\VO \vith us and ably assisted us to do 50 our logging and clearing up of some land, and he afterwards became one of our neighbors, set- tling on the opposite side of the river from us. I aln told that Mr. ...J\lexander Små.th, the Lib- eral organi'zer, is one of his sons. I got another surprise about this time. I was told that one of the 'Martill'dales had found a very valuable knife on his way over from the Sound a short time ago. While he "vas running he tripped and fell "vi th his face almost directly upon the top of this k'llife. And so the first time that I went to Southampton I made enquiries, and being per- fectly able to describe what it was like, he said that it was mine, and at once returned it tð me. This certainly was a very singular lllCi- dent, that he should trip at the very spot '\vhere my knife lay amongst the thick leaves. Home Inc1dents, We Journey to Guelph There were very m'any events, almost of daily occurrence, which would be interesting to relate, but I will confine myself principally to those which did most personally affect ourselves, as the:,- seem to be the most firmly impressed upon my nlelnory, and I am anxious to make nothing but truthful statements so far as my nlell10ry ,,'ill allo\w or carry me back to those days of our early pioneer life. I will again refer to our clearing of the land, "vhich we accomplished in a short time, and had it all planted \vith potatoes and corn, and besides these we had a nice garden of vegetables. As we had. not much more use for oxen at the present, and they were always a charge to look after,' I got a chance to sell them 51 to 11r. l\IcDonald, who "\vanted thelll and offered me eig-hty-five dollars for them. They were a very large, heavy pair of cattle, but never had done much work and were scarcely what Juight be called properly broken in to work. I shall perhaps refer to them again further on in this story. My brother and I h'ad promised our father before leaving- home that if "\ve were all well "\ve \vould return and assist hhn with the haying- and harvest, and therefore we had to hasten orur planting and other work in order to keep our promise, and by constant "\vork we managed to get things into good shape by the time we "\vanted to leave for Guelph, "\vhich' was about the first of July. During- the months of May and June a good many people had COllie into Southanlpton, for it was then being surveyed, and alllongst SOlne of those that I "\vi 11 mention are .Mr . McNab, the agent; Mr. Peter Brown (I believe a cousin of the late Hon. George Brown) and several others \vhose natnes I do not no"\v remember, and about this time also, IVlr. Vidal (now Senator 'Vidal), had commenced the survey of the Township of Saugeen, and "\vas then prospecting up the river near Paisley and "\vor,king his way do\vn towards the mouth of the river. Ho\vever, Willialli and I had to leave before the land "\vas surveyed, and began to make preparations for leaving by care- fully stowing away all destructible household eff'ects, such as bedding and every other thing-. that mice could injure or destroy, for they had become very numerous and destructive. So \\'e made everyth'ing up into bundles and susp nded 52 thenl from the rafters of the shanty by cords, and when "\ve thought that we had cOlnpleted the work satisfactorily \re started on our "ray Over to O\ven Sound, reaching there in the evening- and renlaining for the night. Conclusion of First Trip and Return to Guelph The next day we "\valked as far as Egermont and stayed at Smith's hotel for the night, and from there \ve made an early start in the l11orn- ing for "\ve "\vere anxious to get home that even- ing. But we found that travelling that day "\vas very fatiguing- and painful, as our feet had be- come very sore and tender from the long "\valk of the previous days in such hot "\veather, and over a hard, dusty road. But ,vhen we did at length reach the old home of our youth \ve re- ceived such a kind and cordial welcome that \ve "rere inclined to forget all our pains and toils, so great was our delig-ht at Ineeting with loved ones once more. Beginning of Our Second Migration A.fter enjoying a day or t,,-o of rest we felt able to take part again in the work of the ha T and harvest fields, and "\vhen we had any days to spare from home we ahvays found some of our neig-hbors very anxious to secure our assistance and in that "\vav we earned over 10rty dollars in a fe\v weeks. This proved to be of great help to us in the wav of purchasing a supply of pro- visions and groceries and other needful things, such as \vheat for seed, besides a quantitv of fi3 miscellaneaus articles to'o numerous to mentian. Altagether there was a large wagon load, for be- sides the sttrlI that we had, our cousin, J ahn Caldwell, from Pilkington, who was "\vaiting to' gO' alang with us to' take up land near where we had settled, had also some baggage to take along. And so "\ve engaged a span af horses and \vagan fram aur ald neighbor, Mr. Young-son, to take us to Walkertan, and he sent his man along to' take care of the harses and bring them home. Second Journey After we got everything in readiness "\ve made aur second start for our ne"\v home, but we made very poor pragress an our way up, meeting \vi th many mishaps. Our first serious accident "\vas the breaking af the hind axle of the wagon. This accurred as we were passing along by the Town- ships af Egermant and Narmandy, and it caused us to' unlaad aur wag-on by the roadside, and as there was nO' wagonmaker's shop in these parts tn y brother found an elm tree near I by that \vas suitable far the pnrpp.se of making a ne\v ane, and he soan had it he\ved aut \vith his axe into the praper shape. But the skeans or irons "\vere also broken, and \ve had some trouble I to find a blacksmith and when we did sutceed in finding one he said that he had nO' caal to' do the wark, but as our case was an urgent one he said that if we got him same hemlock bark that he \vauld try and dO' the best he could for us with it un- der the circumstances. And so he mended them 1n a \vay that they stood the test far years as 54 I was after\vards told by the o\vner. .A.fter this. delay" \\Te got as tar as Smith's Hotel, stayin there for the nigJlt, as this hotel was at that time a favorite s10pping place, and then lea:wing early in the morning we reached Mr. Hunter's hotel at Durham early in the afternoon and we stayed there until morning, when "\ve turned do,,"n the Durham line towards Walkerton. We found thfis still a very bad road, and ,,"e had scarcely gone half "\vay do"\vn when we had an- other breakdo\vn. This time it was the \vagou. reach or coupling pole. \Ve had again to unload and then \Villiam soon found a small tree that \vould make a new one, and he cut it into sh'ape.. But \ye had no auger large enough to bore the hole for the king bolt to pass through, and one of us had to go back several miles to Durhaln to oorro"\\- a large auger, and by this delay we lost lunch tinle, so that \ve did not g-et to \Valk- erton until some titue after it \vas quite dark e as \\TC "Tere all quite ignorant of the road, \vhicIJ. \ve found to be a very rough. and uneven one.. Those on foot had to feel their \vay first, then stand and give me instru!ctions where to drive, in order to escape being upset, for there \\Tere luanv dangerous places, and it \vas so dark that I could not see the horses. Our teamster refused to risk his life upon the \vagon, so that I had to take charge and drive as I was directed obv those "Tho were picking the \vay on foot. FQr tunately vIe soon reached the river bank :a.nd .- we did not require to \vait, for he could suppl\T us \vith \vhat \ve \vanted in that line,so that in a fe\v days \ve \\Tere ready to pro- ceed down the river, \vhich at' this time was a very different strewn fronl \vhat it was in the spring, \vhen we first passed do\vn it. So \ve got the SCO\v ready and loaded our stuff upon her, and about noon \ve got aboard and set oll, and had to keep a sharp lookout some places to avoid the shallo"\vs. But \ve were very cautious and succeeded in passing down without any in- tenuption, and before it got dark we ran into the shore and. there tied up for the night, just a few mi les before "\ve reached what is no"\v Paisley town. On the next morning \ve Inade an early tart and arrived safely down at our O\\Tn, htun- 56 ble looking hOlne in the evening, feeling- thankful for our safe return to its shelter, but at the saIne time a little depressed by its lonely condi- tion. On our way down the river \ve no- ticed here and there a fev,r trees chopped, but no actual settlement in sight. But there had quite an advancement been made about Southalupton and along the lake shore. Our Arrival Home and Delight in the Fortune of Our Location, Mice Plague You may conceive of our surprise when we looked around the next morning to find a stake a little in front of our shanty door, with our nalnes marked by the surveyor on both sides, and that our little thirteen feet square shanty stood upon t\VO lots, about equal parts on each, and v,-e also had our names written upon the t\VO rear lot stakes in the same way, and a road or highway running between thenl, so that \ve could not have been better sui ted, nor desired more nor better trea tmen t than we had received from Senator Vidal, who surveyed the tov, r llship during our absence. But we kne\v that althoug-h \ve \"ere a\vay we had some true friends left be- hind us, and although .there was some trouble in SOlne quarters regarding first claÌ111 upon lots, ,,-e never had the least degree of trouble. l though we found everything so satisfactory ou tside of our shanty the inside \vas quite the reverse, for although we had used the precau tion to make up into bundles and suspend fronl the rafters all our hedd.ing- and destrructible stuIT 11('- 5: fore leaving, yet upon our return we found that the tnice had taken advantage of our absence and had made a' nUIsery for hatching amongst our bedding, and cut everything that came in their \vay. So innumerable were the swarms of wood or white bellied mice (sometimes known as deer Inice), that we found it to be impossible for us. to keep our eatahles in any place that they would not get them, except in our round iron bake' kettle with close-fi1tti:ng lids. Close \voodell boxes were of no use, flor. they would gnaw through them in quick time, and now that \\7e had returned with plenty of fresh supplies in the way of provisions and seed wheat their llum- bers seemed to increase tenfold, and so great did the plague of mice becon1.e that we were put to our wits' end, a:nd it became a problem \vhether they would not drive us out and get full posses- sion. We u.sed every conceivable n1eans of de- stroying them by every kind of trap that \ve could invent, and sometimes we 'w"ould be able to get the lend of a cat for a few days, but nothing seemed to have any effect in lessening their num- bers. Thev seemed to increase all the more rap- idly, and so daring were they that if we left the table a moment to fetch the tea or coffee pot frotl1 the hearth, whenever our bachs were turn- ed thev \vould come and snatch our ham or , oJ bread from our plate and ran away with it in a nwment. My brother often caught thenl \"ith his hands a!!d killed them by the dozen \vhile si t ting at the table, for he had made a candle- stick out of a piece of basswood, and I have of- ten seen the mice run up and bite the candle- 51; while we wo I1ld be sitting reading by its light in the evening, and we found as fall and winter approached that their numbers kept increasing, and the more tena;ciO/Us they became; so lnuch so that when we were in be'd and asleep at night, we would often be aw kened by mice pulling at our hair and c:utting dur bed co;vers in order to get the cDtton watl:ding, or O'J1r hair to make them.sel ves nests. I assure you we \\.ere not the only ones that were pester- ed with the plague of mIce, for all of our neighbors had their share of trouble to bear with the same nuisance. Yet, not- \vith'standing these pests, we kept constantly employed in clearing up the land, and making other needed improvements. So anxious \vere we in this undertaking that we often neglected to make any preparations for our next meal, and when at work we became so thoroughly tired and hungry that we could suffer no longer, we would go into the shantv, n1aik.e a fire, and then pa- tiently wait until we got something cooked and ready to appease our hunger, and we often used to declare that this \vduld be the last time that \ve \vould be so foolish as to go to work without having some food prepw-ed that \ve co:uld eat upon our return \vithdut having to \vait so long. But these resolutions ,,'ere like piecrust, only made to be brdken, for as soon as we got a good meal, and \vere satisfied, off to work we \vould go, a.n'd never think a bout the next Ineal, and thus \ve put in rather a dre y titne. But hope carried us on, for we looked for\vard to the time, in the very near future, when we \vould 59 be blessed \vi th a comfortable hOlne and the happy influences of sweet dOlllestic associa:tion. But during- this time we made frequent visits to Southam,pton, where we would meet with old friends, such as l\lr. McDonald, who had boug-ht a small vessel called the Saucy Jack, and was sailing her between Go.derich and Southaulpton, and \vould bring passengers and goods, which was of very great service to the place. So. sOll1etin1es after a verv short visit at the home of our friend, Capt. Spence, and tasting of the cOlnforts enjoyed under such social surroun,dings, it had the effect of Inaking us Inore dissatisfied with our own present condition in our poor shanty life, ana of the misery attendant upon the keeping of bachelor's hall. Inciden t of the Bear I must not forget to relate an incident that oc- curred about this tÌ1ne, in which I was intimate- ly cO'11nected. There was word sent up fron1 Southalnpton urgently requesting one of us to o do\v'n to the pine lands and relnain there in possession of it for a short tin1e, for there were parties at pj!"esent in search of such land, and ,vere making every enquiry where to obtain such. So I volunteered to go down and ren1ain for a time in possession, or until the danger was past. I made a small raft for the purpose of taking me down the river, and I put up a small su'p(plv .of provisio'ns, and providing myself with a blank- et. and putting some matches in my pocket, anid takin!! m T axe and a double-barrelled gun that 60 I had borrowed from lVlr. Brown. After getting- myself so thoroughly eq.uipped, I and the dog got aboard the little raft to descend the rIVer. I may say here that this dog \vas a . very poor, miserable, half - starv d an- imal that took up with us, and fol- lowed us \vhen \ve were coming do\vn the Durham line \vith the wagon. The poor thing was very hungry and \ve took compassion upon him and fed him, and no\v he had become IniUc h changed in appearance, and was growing q:uite fierce and daring. Early in the afternoon I reached the spot and landed, and looked over the ground and cut do\vn a tree here and there, in order to secu e possession, and as I had not seen nor heard anyone aro:und, nor the ap- pearance of anyone having been th re, early in the evening I cut some wo.od and made a fire in the woods, back some distance from the river, and when it began to get dark I spread my mat on the ground, eat my lunch and put on a good fire, and then laid down to rest upon my blank- et, my axe and gun close by my side, and the dog lay close up to my back. In this way I had gone into a very sound sleep, for a long time, as the fire had all burned up and nothing re- mained but ashes. All at once I was a\vakened in a great hurry. The dog had jumped np ann \'i.-as barking- fiercely close by Iny side. I imml"'diately sprang to my feet and commenced to stir up thè fire, at the same time urging on the dog-. \vho would not leave my side, but kept barking fur- iously, with the hair upon his back standing- on end. I knew that there was something nearby f.1 that he was afraid of, and as I stirred the firc I found a piece of stick that had some" fire on cne end, and this I kept S'.h'aking in the air until it became bright. 'Vith this in one hand and tile [(un in the oilier, and the dog a fOút or two in advance, I kept swinging the stick, urgi;ng on fhe dog-, and following in the tlirection indicated by him. I had not gone mruny yards in that wav before I heard., close by me, the trampling of some heaJvy a'nimal, and by the breaking of the br.us:h I ktnew that it \vas a large bear, so I swung my stick around in the air and threw it in the direction of the sound that I heard, and then retreated in haste to Incake on a good fire, the dog- foll.o\ving close at my heels. I put off no time before making a good fire, so as to give 1ig-ht, for I new that my safety depended m,uch upon keeping up a goo.d bright light. However, I heard nothi'ng more of the intruder that night, as I kept o!n a blazing goold fire. I have no doubt but it was Mr. Bruin, thinking to make an early breakfast by catching me sleeping, which no doubt he could have done if it: had not been for the dog, that awo'ke me in time, and I ay mention that this dog was afterwards pre- sented to Mr. Peter Brown at his request. After taking some breakfast, I sauntered about the greater pa;rt of the day, and in the afternoon J started to ret.ul:r;n ba;ck thome, as I did not care to run the risk for a1l1other night of becoming food for the bear, and as I had brought the pock- et compass along with me, I took what I be- lieved "\vould be a straight co'U:rse to our hOlne, and succeeded in reaching there beforp. it \vas 62 dark, and was gladly \VelCOlned safe home 0 nee more. But as the days became sbort: r and the evenings longer, we had no way of an using our- selves but by reading. \Ve had no newspapcrs and very few books, biut we \vould sit and read turn ab. llt, by the lig1ht of a tall w candle, and of the Bible chapter after C'hapter. \Ve were ab'o greatly interested in reading the writings of 1 he Rev. Dr. F. W.' Krumlnatoher on the prophets Elijah and Elisha. These, along- wit;h Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," comprised nearly all thc stock of our reading matter, for no sooner had we settled into a home of our own than we set up and established family worship in our poor shantv, and although we \vere only tlhtree young men, \ve seldom neglected the dru tv, for Cousin .J oh'11 was still \vith u s. at that time, and \vhe- ther \ve had strangers remaining over nig1ht with us, or we were allone, it made no difference to us in that respect, and we would have all kinds of people staying o;ver for a night, for there were manv coming fr.om different parts of the coun- try looking for lanld. We had a small cedar raft that \ve used in cro.ssing the river. This raft would carry the three of us and the dog nicely across the ri ver, and we used to fer- ry a great In any across both ,'(..ay , and amongst the number we had a quiet, pious, middle-aged man, froln Nova Scotia, who remained with us during the night. The next morning, after breakfast, this gentle- m an wanted to cross over, for he wanted to go and see the ne\v To\vnship of Bruce. So I said t hat I "\.vonld t .k.e hitn over, but when \ve came ð3 to the edge of the river he said that he was afraid to trust hÜnself upon that raft to <:ross that large river. I told him that there was 110t the slightest danger, that we crossed and re- crossed it, several titnes, almost every day. \vith two or three upon that raft, and that if he "Tant- ed to get over not to be afraid but get on. and I brought the raft up to the edge and hf'" got upon it, and got do\vn upon his knees on the raft and comlnen':ced to pray. I pushed the raft ofî into the stream and I noticed that it was sinking very much deeper in the water than usual, and I told him that I thought he would be better- standing up, for he was getting wet, but he an- swered me by saying that he preferred to re- main upon his knees, and he continued in this posi tion, with his eyes closed, earnestlv engaged in prayer, although his end of the raft was sunk about a foot under the \vater, and \vhen \ve reached dry land, although wet nearly up to his waist from kneeling, he thanked me, and said that he would never ru'11 the risk of cross- ing that river again, for rather than do so he would travel bv land all the way to GÔderich and get back home by that way. Such all f'ffect had that man's mind over his body, caused. by fear, that he was like a lump of lead, lnore than a man, Home Events Continued, Callers and Indians I must say that we rather enjoved having- strangers calling and conversing "\vith us, for \\.e recei ved a good deal of outside inforlnation 111 61 that \yay that ,ye ,,'ould not otberwise have heard, and SOlne of them \vere greatly pleased and delighted \vith the situation and surround- ings of our place, and declared that it \vas a perfect paradise. \Ve said that no d'dubt but the place was all right if \ve only had a few more of the comforts of civilization, but we hoped that before many' years the conditions would be changed for the better. Amongst other visitors, and in the \vav of variety, we \vould receive calls from the Indians, \vho were often passing up and do\vn the river in their canoes, spearing- fìsh and shooting ducks, and it was most sur- prising to see ho\v expert they were in the man- aging of their canoes, for they would dart about after the sturgeon at great speed, and the squaws '"vere just as q.uick and skilful in Inanag- iug the canoes as the men, for they would stand ".i th a foot 0'11 each side, on the top of the can- oe, and dart it about after the fish like a shot, ,vhile the men \vottld use the spear, and often thev \vo,uld get a nJumber of fish \vhich they \vottld exchange for bread \vith the settlers \vhen they could do so. They used to cOlne up to our shanty and sta41d outside, by the door, and halloo loudly, and when we wo.uld leave our \vork to see \vhat \vas wanted, they would say "tobac o," and when \ve told then1 that we had none, as \ve did not use it, they \vould then pat on their stomachs, and say "buckity." That meant th at they were h/ungry and if we had any bread \ve would give them something to eat. They "'cre always peaceable and quietly disposed, and ,,'ould not attelupt to enter if there \vere no one 65 around, but \vould soon go a\vay, although the door \vas not locked. But they \vere very sus- picious of being cheated in their dealings \vi th \vhite men, and no doubt but they frequentfv sufIered from having been taken advantage of in tneir dealings, and to give an idea of 1.o\v cal- lous an Indian can becolne, I \vill give an in- stance that occurred at that time at the Inouth of the Saugeen River. A few young 111en had gone out in a boat, and while crossing the river near the lake the boat got upset and, \vlIile they \vere all struggling in the \vater and calling for help, an Indian stood ,vith his canoe on the shore near by, and answered back to their pite- ous cries for help, "Ho\v Inuch zo give, then me go?" For, no doubt, he sa\v a good oppor- -tunity at that moment to drive a hard bargain \\Tith those who \vere desperately struggling in the \vater for life. They \vere rescued by others, but little thanks to the Indian, \vho stodd by coolly looking on. During the fall r ulonths the surveying of Sau- geen To\vnship \vas completed, and there \vere large numbers of people coming in looking for land, and the agent, l\Ir. l\lcN ab, \vas very anx- ious to secure the better class of set tIers, and he gave every encouragement to such as \vished to locate upon land. We had also quite a number call upo'n" 'Us in their travels,. and this caused us to Inake frequent trips to Solutlhalnpton, in or- der to keep up the supply of provisions, and w.hile there, at the home of Ca:pt. Spence, \ve would have the pleasure of Ineeting \vith such old acquaintances as John l\IcLean, Esq., an 66 old merchant from Guel\ph, and his nephe\v, l\lr. A. McDonald, also l\1r. l\IcN ab, the ag-ent, and his so'n, John, a lad of about fourteen, who came up from.Toronto during- the August of 1851. (An'd I had the ple ure of m.eeting- him again at his own hOllie in Southanl\ptO'll, in Aug-ust, 1902, and con versed freely \vi th him about old times and the gre t change that has been \vroug-ht in the country since we first met, fifty- one years ago, and just about as g.reat a change has taken place in his apþearan.ce and mine since \ve \vere boys then, but now old, w,hi te- haired men,) At one of these social meetings at the hOllie of Capt. Spence \ve all spoke of our inten- ti on to return to our old home before Christ- mas, and then we agreed also to meet at Mr. Spence's house and all tr vel tog-ether in com- pany from there over to O\ven Sound. But as l\lr. l\lcDonald \vas going to Inake SOllie trips to Goderich \vith his vessel, we promised to await his return to So'UthamiPto.n at the end of the sailing season. But he deferred his return long be:y011'd the usual tÍ1ne for sailing on the lake. Incidents of New Settlers, Mr. Gowinlock and the Tracks I \vill relate an incident that oC.curred shortly after our ret11r11 froln Guelph, about this time, just to give a little idea of the \vonderful aln- ount of confidence and genial kindness and hos- pitality that existed amongst the early settlers of the country. 67 One fine afternoon \\""e noticed a large, he8.ivily- laden raft coming do\v.n the river, and to our surprise we saw that it \vas being pushed right cross to our lan1ding place, and there they com- menced to unload, and as \ve did not know . ,, ho the parties \vere, ,ve went to see and asked hÜn what he \vas doing, when he said that he had latelv selected a lot of land and that he \vas go- ing to leave his wife and family with us until he cauHi get a house put u,p for themselves, and of course \ve could not say nio. This gave us the pleasure of entertaining l\'Irs. McLean and her twin babies and nurse girl for about a week in our small shanty, and strange as it may seem, ,ve felt no real in'convell1ience, nor \vere we great- ly. inconvenienced during their stay ,vith us. This Mr. 1\lcLean settled on a fine farm a little east of Burg,oine, on (he road to Tara, but I am told that he an'd mo;st all of the early settlers of those days have passed away, and those \vho were brought in with their parents over fifty years' ago are now old men and women. I will take the liberty of here relating a rath- er laughable incident that occurred this fall, just shortly after a very heavy fall of snow. I had occasion to go up the river one morning to see our neighbo.r, l\1-r. G'Û\vinlock, about sOlnething, and I foun.d that he was just then making pre- parations to go do\vn the river to Southamp- ton, and \ve \vere ,,-alking back in conlpany and had got about half '\vay to our shanty, when \ve came across the trac'ks of some one \vho \vas out shooting and walking upon snow shoes. Our friend, l\'Ir. Go'\vinlock, had never seen anything 68 of the kind before, and \y hen he caIne to the tracks he \vas struck \vith amazement and alarln at seeing them, and standing still, held up his hands \vith this exclamation, "0 the the Lord preserve us and \vhat kind of great m.utkle beast can that be? 0 I ho,pe that it'll no devour us. See the marks of its great big feet." And \vhen he saw that I was smiling, he said, "Do ye ken \vhat kinld 0' beast it is?" I said yes, that it was not a beast, but the frack of a man \valking upon Sitl'Ow shoes. He said, "Dear me. 'Yell, I \vas \yonderitng that a great beast, having feet of t;hat size did not sink much deeper in the sno\v." Some time about the beginning of November, in the year 1851, or near the tÏ111e \vhen this last related event took place \vith l\Ir. Go\vinlock and the snow shoes, I had been invited to at- tend a local temperaJ1ce meeting, \vhich was go- ing to be held in Southampton on a certain evening- about that time, ani! although our num- bers \vere not large, yet it \vas a very social gathering. Besides some of the Indians would take an interest in the proceedings and give us a specÏ1nen of their native oratory, and sing some of their temperance songs. In their speeches thev \vould tell us of some of the a\vful effects that "squitee \vabboo," or fire ,vater, had \vroug-hit alnongst their people in the pa t. <\.n.d Just \vhile in the midst of the entertain- ll1ent, our \vorthy president, Alexander l\1.c,N ab, Esq., land agent, said that he desired to call the attention of those present to a most import- ant and 'pleasing' event, and it gave him ver 69 great pleasure to be able to introduce to those presen t, no less a personage than l\1r. Sim'On Orchard, the pioneer of Paisley, ",vho has just ar- ri ved amongst us, having driven his oxen and sled, or jumper, through the \voods, and as his 'Nas the first vehicle dra\vn by animals that was ever known to arrive in this place it created quite a little sensation. l\Ir. Orchard stated that it had taken him t\VO days to aocolnplish this journey, as he had to slash his \vay through the \\ oods ",vith his axe. The sno\y \vas not yet much over a foot deep. This seemingly small event had nearly the saIne effect upon t\he inihab- itants of that time as the arrivHl of a first rail- \vay train \vo'uld have at the present day, and neither re these old events soon forgotten. As an install'ce, I hfad t.he pleasure of spending a short time \vith my old friends, Captain and l\lrs. Spence, in the autumn of 1902, and while talking- over old events I was reminded by l\IJrs, Spence that l\f,rs. l\feN ab and herself enjoyed their first sleigh rïde with me in the early win- ter of 1853, a circulnstance I had never thöugtht of. But she said that l\irs. l\IcN ab and herself often spake \vith great delight of ho\v greatly they had enjoyed it. Local Events and Regrets So \ve con tinned at our new home aJt1.d took up the potatoes a'11d disposed of SOlne of them to Capt. Spence an:d l\Ir. Brown, ,vho came utp and made a raft, anp ",vent do\vn the river \vith the potatoes. 1\111". Peter Bro" n had rem.oved to 7(1 Southampton \vith his falnily during the sum- mer, and at his house \ve ahvays found a kind houle and \Varln \velcome. I nlay also say that our cousin, John Cald\vell, \vho had come up ".i th us and relnained for a time, had selected a lot or t\VO and then returned to Pilking-ton \vith the intention of cOll1ing back in the spring, but he, having- after\vards taken up land in _the ne\v To\vnship of l\Iinto, did not return, but dis- posed of his claims afterwards to l\1essrs. "-il- liatn and Joseph Stirtin. These g-ekltlemen, along \vith their brother, John, \vho also settled near bv the others, all becalne prominent men and lcading farmers in that cOlnmunitv. They all camc from near Guelph and ,vere brothers of o'ur venerable old Inetnber for South 'VeIling-ton, David Stirtin, who still lives and holds the posi- tion of postlnaster for the city of Guelph. He is no\V a very aged g-entlelnan, and \vas one of the first settlers around Guelph. l\Iy brother and I. \vere mostly left alone dur- ing these short, dark days of fall, and as winter aPDroached the \veather g-re\v mOTe disag-reeable. Still we contin:ued to underbrush and chop down the trecs, u'ntil the sn:o\v became too deep to do l11uch outsidc. That season the S1l0\V came very earlv and we fou'11d oup:-selves ahntOst entirely cut ofT fronl cOlnlnunication on all sides, for the riv- er \vas nearly frozen o er and it wa.. impassablc! o\ving- to the float,ing ice, a1\d nothing could be seen but sno\v every\vhere and up.on everything,' deep S'l10\V. This had a very depressing and sad- dening efIect upon 'Villian1 and I, altld \ve both keenly fclt our loncly and isolated condition, ïl and often regretted 01.17" folly by ever cOIning- to such a place. \Ve \vould long for a change, and greatly did \ve desire the associations of 1110re cheerful companionship, for \ve felt our condi- tion to be a verv nlonotonous one. Local Events, Preparations for Return, etc. Hþ\vever, time passed on, and the day at last had con1e when we \vere to leave and go to Southampton to meet \vith I those that \ve had made an appointment \vith, to meet at the home of Capt. Spence, and after \ve' had made all ne- cessary preparations for our journey, as \ve did n'ot intend returning before spring, \ve started to \valk do\rn the banks of the river through the deep sno\v, ulltil \ve reached a place in the river w,here \ve kne\v the \vater to be deep and j t had very little current. This part \ve kne\v to be frozen over, and so risked crossing there, and af- ter using all precalUtion and carefully picking our way, we succeede1d in reaching the opposite side in safety, and close to the residcnc.e of .I\tlr. Peter Smith. There we heard fTom l\Irs. Smith the sad rumDr of the loss of th(" "Sau\:v .J ack , " and that Capt. l\l1cDonald and all on hoard of her were dro\v't1 d. This intelligence had the ef- fect of casting- a gloom of sadness over our al- ready depressed spirits, aJnd it required sonIC ef- fort to enable us I to make our way through the deep and little trodrlen sno\v, through the \\Toods to the beach, and \vhen we reached the lake shore \ve, fOUJ1d the \vind intensely cold and piercÏtJg. There \ve sa\v the marks of a hand-slèig-h, ,,'hich 72 had lately passed along to\va:rds SouthalllPton, and \vhich \ve soon disc'Overed was taking the rem,ains of yoU!ng l\lartinidale, who \vas found dro\v'ned in the hold of the vessel. All the others seemed to have been "rashed overboard, and their bodies were not found ntil the ice 111clted a\vay in the spring. '1!he crew consisted (so far as \vas then known), of the captain and o\vner, \Ir. A. l\IcDonald, and the t\VO brothers l\Iartin- dale, \vho came do\vn the river in our sCO\V with us in the spring, and they each, I understood, left young wido\vs an/d small families. The cir- cumstances were so exceedingly sad that it had a serious effect U;p,o,11 the small community in every \vay, for the vessel \vas returning fr 0111 Goderioh very late ill the season, and was ladE'n \vith flour and all other supplies that \vere re- quired for the inhabitants of Southampton dur- ing the \vinter. The vessel, it appears, had been com.pletely overtuTned by the storm, as her sails were fO,u;nd to be \vOUJ1d all around her, and ev- ervthing aboard of her \vas \vashed a\vay, and at this tinle' all their provisions in SouthanliPton had bee consumed, and they were all patiently awaiting- the arrival of this long-delayed boat for fresh supplies. You may imag-ine the con- sternation and alarm caused by this sad ca tas- trophe. I was told that our friend, l\'lr. l\IcDon- ald, had remained mulch longer in Goderich than \vas prudent at this season of the year. But there ,,-as an election in the COUllty of Hrurdn going- on at the time and so anxious ,vas he to assist his friend, the Hon. l\1alcoltll Cailleron, In his election that he had neglected to return In n proper season)and thus it ended \vith such serious results to so mally) for all were concerned) for there ""'as no \vav of getting any m,'Ore sup!{Jlies during the winter but by packing it across by the trail through the \v.oods from d\ven Sound, and this, at that time, would have been a hope- less job, for, o\ving to the deep fall of sno\v, there had been n!o COlnlTIUnication \vith O\ven Sound for some \veeks. ,,"hen \ve rea,ched Southau1pton it \vas not SUI- Plrising to' see thaJ everyone was \vearing a very melattcholy cottntenall'ce, anti had a sad look) arud \ve also met quite a number of young men a\vaiting our arrival and \vanting to pro- ceed at once aCl10ss to the Sound, and although they kne,,'" that there had been no travel, nor any path to guide their \vay through this great forest covered \vith deep) untrotlden sno\v, yet) o\ving to the sad misfortUne that had just hap- pened in the loss of the vessel containing all the supplies, it made it expedient that \ve should depart at once. So, uppn the follo\ving 1110nm- ing, six brave, stout-hearted young men, sup- plied only \vith a biscuit or t\VO each, started to . cross the river in a large ca;noe o\vned by Alex. Butchart, and after several very close shaves frotH being upset by the large quantity of float- ing ice that \vas then at the In.outh of the river, they ultÍ1nately S'uccee ed in reaching the other side, \vhen they then c.ommenced their perilous, long journey through the woods,and as nearly as I can relnember the party consisted of six you.ng Inen, l\Iessrs. Geo'rge Gray, 'Villiam Kennedy, Thos. Burgess, Clenlent Ceifect, and a IVIr. l\lill- 74 \vood and Silverthorne. These poor fello\vs found a hard road to travel. l\1r. l\IcN ab, ,,"h:o \\"as not quite ready to start \vitIl the others in the morning, prevailed upon me to remain \vi th him until the afternoon, \vhen \ve \vould all c;ross the river and go as far up as the Indian village, and relnain at the house of l\lr. Cathay for the night. So, early in 'the afterno,on, \ve, that is to say, l\Ir. l\IcN ab and his son, John, l\Ir. Chishohl1 l\Iillar, the surveyor, ,,'ho had been surveying the To,, nship of BI'\uce, and lnyself, were accom- panied to the river's edge by many friends \v./ho \"ere solicitous about our getting safely across o\ving to the alnoupt of floating ice, \vhich lllade the passage aver very dangerous, and the boat that \vas being used \vas a vcry sillall one and could not carry us all over in one trip. So Captain Spence anti l\Ir. Reid, \vho had charg:e of the boat, asked l\Ir. l\l(cN ab and John to g:et in and they \vould take thell1 over first, and thcn return for l\Ir. l\1illar and ll1e. After cau- tiously pushing- their \vay through the ice and using son1e exertion in their efIorts, thev reach- ed the other side, \vhere l\Ir. !.\IcN ab and J.ohn remained, an"d also Capt. Spen_ce, \vho had been rather tln\vell for some days, fclt the exertion required in the 111anag-ing of the boat rather hard upon hitn, and so 1\I.r. Reid volunteered to bring back the boat for l\Ir. l\Iillar and n1e. But \vhen he got back into the s\vift CUTrent aillongst the ice he scenled to have lost all control of the boat, and kept going- arolu-rd and around \vith the ice and \vas being carried right into the 75 lake, \vhile Capt. Spence, \vl?-o sa\v the eminent- ly dangerous condition of affairs, kept pace with the boat do\vn the river's edge, and at the en- trance into the lake there had formed a jam of ice, \vhere fortunately l\Ir. Reid managed to get in antd Ca;pt. Spen,ce, ,varking out upon the ice, reached the boat and succeeded in getting into her, \vhen he soon brought her over to us again. But \vhile all this was going on we were all standing on tl\e opposite shore po\verless and speechless, ,vith our hearts in our nlQuths, and I confess that I \vas trembling \vi th fear frotH head to foot, for when I entered that little boat I scarcely expected ever to reach the other side. So \vhen lVlr. l\Iillar and I got seated in the boat it \\Tas ,vith much misgiving Qn my part, and ,vhen \ve had gotten out into the middle of the ri ver and amongst the flo\v of ice, one of the ro\vlocks gave way and the boat became un- manageable, and I then felt sure that our end had come and that was just \vhat I expected would happen, for \ve ,vere being carried rapidly do\vn into the lake. So near \vere \ve that \vhen the surf of the lake struck our little boat the water \vould dash all over us and \vauld soon have filled the boat, \vhen 1\1r. l\Iillar with great presence of mind got do\vn and lay in . the bottom of the boat and secured the bolt that had dropped out, put it back into its place, and lay there and held it in place. This enabled Capt. Spence to g,uide and control the boat to the opposite shore, ,vhich \ve at length reached anti landed upon the quickly forming ice, \vhen Capt. Spence, taking- the lead, 76 safely g-uided us to the edge, where we \vere joined by l\1r. McNab and John, who had closely \vatched us through the distressing circumstances by which \v'e \vere surrounded. So, after bid ing each other a parting fare\vell, Capt. Spence and l\Ir. Reid returned to Southampton, and we four pursued our way up the river banks to the Indian village, and to the house of Mr. Cathay, where we \vere kindly received and entertained for the night. As l\Ir. .:\I(cN ab had previously engag-ed t\VO men to carryover his packs to O\ven Sound this made our number up to six also, the same as had passed along- in the morning. .....\fter spending- a pleasaJnt evening \vith l\lr. and l\Irs. Cathay, upon the next lTIorning-, after partaking of an early breakfast, \ve six started on our journey, follo\ving closely in the foot.- steps of the six who ha:d passed along the nlorn- ing- before us. N ot\vithstantling that we had the advantag-e of a partly broken path, we made but slo\v prog-ress anp. found the tra:velling- very fatiguing and OiUr yo;utn.g friend, J oh/11, had the misfortune of getting his feet wet very frequent- ly, for in crossing o,ver creeks or other \vet places he \vould be sure to slip into them and get \vet. A.lthough his father had a good supply of dry stockings along in the packs, yet it \vas no pleas t utn:derta'king to sit do\vn in: the deep S1l0\V an(l put on d!ry ones, \vhich he very fre- quentlv had to do. This young gentleman \vas scar.cely fifteen years of age and had been ten- derly broug.ht up in the citv of Toro.nto, and "as quite unaccustolned to endure hardships of 77 any kind, so before noon, and after \ve had trav- elled several miles throug-h the sno\v, John got so tired that he became almost powerless, and seemed to lose all cOl1trol O'iVer his legs, and \\'outd sliþ into every conceivable place of dan- ger. \Ye tried to render all possible assistan e, but we found it very diffi'üult to do much, 'Hving to the great depth of sno\v an(d the narrowness of the path, and this stop.ping so often to change stockings caused some delay and hindered us luuch in our journey. But his father displayed SO Inuch real patience and kindness with John that l\lr. l\lillar and I felt heartily sorry for theIn, and Inore es.pecially when' John would plead .with his father and all of us to go 011 and leave him there, for he neVer \vould get throu:{h and it was useless for us t'Û sacrifi'ce our lives in order to try and save him. Of course \ve did not listen to such talk and only put forth the great- er efIorts to help him, and abo!ut t\VO 0' clock, just a short tÜne after we crossed the Sobble River, \ve came upon a spot \vhere there had been a fire very lately, and I said to l\1r. l\IcN ab and the others that I \vas I sure froln the appear- ance of the place and froln the \vay that the s\t10\V \vas stam\ped and tracked about that the six poor fello\vs \vho started a day before us ,,-ere here last night, \v,hen l\Ir. .:\fcN ab replied, "0, for God's sake, do not say so." I said that I hoped that I might bel mistaken, but I \vas verv much afraid that it \vO'uld only pro\Te to J be too true. So \ve continued our slow march, l\lr. lVlillar and I rendering every possible assistance to Mr. 7R ,J ohn, for he had by this time become nearly quite helpless, and we tried every way to help hitn along. I tried to carry him u'Pp}h my back, but the S1l0\V \vas so deep al1;d the path so very narrow, and John had no po\ver or cotntrol over his leg-s to keep them turned 'Up out of the sno\v, but allo\ved them to hang do\vn on eaJch side of me, and make t\VO deep ruts in the sno\v like t\VO st.icks, so I had to give up this m thod of conveyance and trv some easier mope of aCCOl11.- plishing- nlY purpose. H,aving around lne a long sash or cravat I tied it across my shoulders and gave hÏ1n the ends to hold on by and his father \vould \valk behind him and steady hin1 up. \Ve manag-ed by that way to make a little progress, but at short intervals he \vould let himself d'rop do\vn into the sno\v and almost draw lne upon the td.p of him, anli after about t\VO hours of this process I becalne exceeding Iv. tired and said that \ve might :just as well give up all hopes of getting throug-h to-night as we were very little Inore t.han half \v,ay, and if IVlr. l\Iillar \vould take IllV place and assist lVlr. l\'IcNab that I \vould hasten fox\vard and pTepare some place "\vhere \ve could remain for the nig-ht, and short- ly after \ve inade this arra gement, I started for\var,d at a more rapid pace and ha.d not gone vcry far before I overtook l\Ir. l\I.cNab's two 1l1en, \vho carried his packs, \VhOln I soon passed. I tûtd theln \vhat I \vas going to do, and short- ly after\varcls I caIne upon a place \vhere the track of those \vho hat! preceded us branched off into diITerent directions. I co;Uld see that they had lost their \vay and that they"had becolne 79 confused, but pursuing \vhat I thought to be the Inost direct line I soon caIne to a place "\v here the tra'Cks ha all u;l1i ted again in to one path, and I C'ould see also that the tracks \vere very fresh and that I \vas getting very' close up- on the first paæty, so I did not stop as I intend- ed doing, to erect a place of shelter, but pressed on, for it was now getting dark and I soon sa\v at a little distance ahead a gleam of lig ht, and in a fe\v min:utes mpre I came upon the first party of six. They had rcached a deserted shan- tv that had been put up durimg the summer. This they had taken ppssession of and they \vere trving to put thetnselves into the best position available under such cirCulnstances, but I can- not say that any of them looked .happy or con- tented, nor \vere they in the lnost agreeable state of disposition or telnper, for, after t\VO days' tramping in the deep snow without food, their suffering may be conceived. After giving and recei vÍng some explanations regarding our several cbnditions, I asked for some one of them to g.o back with me and try to assist for\vard those still behind us up to this place, but no one felt able or \villing to do so, they ,vere all so tired 011 t and hungry that they could not stir. But after a g,ood deal of plead- ing \vith them, 'f1hos. Burgess at length cons nt- ed to accompany me bac-k. After walking some distance and hallooing frequently \\ye at last got a reply, and then thre\v ourselves down in the snow a!11'd awai ted their slow arrival. These turned on t to be M:r. l\IüN ab' s two men \vi th his packs. They said that as they did not see any- thing more of me after I had passed them, al- 80 though they had travelled until it got dark, they had thro\vn themselves do\vn in the sno\V and in- tended to remain there for the night. But when they heard us shouting they got up and caIne for\vard, although they hald neither heard nor seen anything of the remainder of our party since I had passed theln. So then l\1r. B'urgess and I went back \vith theln to the shanty, a.nd after relnaining there for about an hour I again prevaile'd upon 1T. Burgess to accolnpany me back once mo.re to see and bring in the missing ones of our party, and so we travelled slowly back again over the same path. We kept giving an dccasional shQut as we travelled in hope of receiving an ans\ver, but \ve had to go back some distance befoTe \ve got any reply. But when we did get Qne \ve again thTew ourselves down In the S110'V, intending to remain \vhere \ve were until they came up to us, but they kept up such a continuous halloo and shouting that \ve were forced to get up and gJo an'd meet them, and I n111st say that they were needing some help, for both their strength and patience ,vere nearly ex- hausted, so I relieved l\lr. l\1illar of any further duties for the present, so that he an;d Mr. Bur- gess then at once started for the shanty, leav- ing me to assist John. I tied my comforter arouI1d my shoulder again, and by this meél!ns, \\Tith "the assistance of his father, we reached the shanty before midnight, \vhere we found the oth- ers already all h'uddled up in a mixed heap., each one trying to lnake the best thing possible out of it, u'n'der all the CirC'tllnstances. So l\Ir. 1\1c- Xab opened out his pack and took out a rug a nd l a buffalo robe, \vhidh he shared \vith some of us. Thus w passed the night, and \vhen daylight began to appear we al1 made ready for an early start, and as \ve did not wait for brea.kfast \ve soon got ready for the tralnp, \vhere !VI!'. l\lillar and I \vere expected to take the lead in doing the first breaking- up of a path, as many of the others had already had t\VO days of the experi- ence n.d \v.ere used 1W and unable to take any more, an active part in the performance. So as soon as it \vas light enough to see the \vay we set off, taking- each our turn, in opening a path through the deep trackless snow, and the others follo\ving- us in single, file, and \vhen the leader became exhausted he \vould drop to one side am,ongst the sno\v, and the next \vould take the leaíd, but by this time there \vere not m.ore than one or t\VO that had strength enough left to force their \vay through the deep sno\v, and so they ahvays stayed in the rear. I relnember on one occasion I was taking the lead and \\'e \vere passing through a long swaillp and ev- erything \vas so deeply covered with sno\y that no sign of any path was to be seen, \vhen all at olnce I sank down to the neck amo g,St brrush. I had got upon the top of some fallen tree. l\Ir.lVI:il- lar, who was close behind me, turned a little to one side a by that Ineans escaped falling into the same trap upon to'p of me. However I soon m:anaged to extricate myself and regain the proper path, and thus we journey- ed on in comparative silence. You may imagine our joy and delight when about one o':clock \ye sa\v a clearrng and called out to eac>h other to :;2 take courage for here is a clearing, and this ne\vs put new energy into the hearts of the poor, despairing ones, for the Inost of them had beg-un to despair of evelr getting o.ut of the WiOo'd:S. In a short time we reached the home of MJ:". Jimby, but found o.nly Mrs. Jimby and children at the house. We soon tllade our condition known and she hastened at once to prepare food. The :\Iessrs. JÏ1nby had gone down with two yoke of oxen and a sleigh that m,orning to Owen Sound, in order to break a track through the deep sno\v, for there had been no travel since the heavy sno\v storm. \Ve felt a li ttle disap- pointed at this information, as we had fully in- tcnded \v:hen \ve reached l\lr. Jim by's to engage hitn to take us all to O\ven SoU!nd with his oxen and sleigh. BÙt the benefit of having the road broken with the cattle and sleigh would be of .g-reat help to us in the latter part of our jour- ney. l\rrs. Jimby soon ha'd a quantity of pork fried and bread and tea prepared, but \\Te Inade up a rather larg-e company to be waited up- on all at o'nce, and l\Ir. McNab in his n1ag-aani- Inous way suggested that those of the first party be attended to ,first, as they had been the long-est without food. Yo:u may be assured that 1rs. Jimby had no tÌ1ne to lose for it kept Jler very busy for son1e tin1e cutting- bread, frying Ineat and pouring- tea into cups, and after we had all Rotten our immediate \vants supplied l\Ir. McNab asked to be permitted to remUllèrate in a slight Ineasure l\Irs. J imby for the bountiful supper she had so quickly pr-epared for us in our extrell1Ït Y. As it \vas \vearing to".ards ('yening 83 and \\ye had yet five lniles more of a jouL"ney to Inake before \ve reached the Sound, \ve all set off upon the last stage of our travel and \, e found it very much easier to \valk after getting , SOlne din- ner and also froln the track of the oxen and sleigh in the morning, and when we had gone about half \vay we met Messrs. J imby on their return from Owen Sound, whia11 had the cHect of still fU'rther improving our path, so, after our hard experience, "\ve all reached the Sound at last, anJd thankful were we to find ourselves once m'Ore within the comf'oirtable hostelry of our old frien!d, l\Ir. Cürbet. After a short rest \ve all made preparations for pUTsruing the remaining part of our journey to! our several hOlnes, some by stage or other m'ddes of conveyance, and thus "\ve paTteld, all hoping to lneet again in the near future under more pleasant circumstances. In a few days more 'w"e reached our old home near Guelph, the day before Christmas, and \vere gladly \velcoméd back by dur friends and ac- quainta;nces, and thus ende'd our first year, \vith much of the experience of what a pioneer life means in the early settlement of the ne\v coun- . try, in the County of Bruce, in the year 185 I. Making Preparations for Returning :For the \vinter and early spring of 1852 \ve rem,ained at our old h0111e an'd greatly did \ve relish anld appreciate the change of conditions. ...L\ll this m.ade us feel that there \vas no place hke home. It \vas so' very different froln what \ve had so lately experienced in every' \vay, for 84 here \ve \\'ere agaIn invited to taste of the cOlnforts of life and to take a part in llIanv of the pleasu,res and enjoYlnents of the happy social gatherings so fruscinating to our youthful minds. There is no doubt at all but \ve ha'd Qur future plal1s al- ready formed about all these things, but the time for their fruition ha.d not yet come, but \ve hO'ped' soon to be able to erect cOlnfortable hOltlses at our ne\v homes, and then \ve \vo lld be prepared to carty out our lnuc.h c1herished . de- sires to their fullest' con1'pletion, and no doubt but \ve sOlnetimes also built castles in the air \y'hic'h never matured, for \ve had, li,ke others, to c,otnten'd' \\Tith many of the disapp'ointments to \vhich flesh is heir in this life. In this \vav \ve passed the months of \vinter, but at the saIne' time \ve were ahvays looking for\vard to and \vere lnaking full preparatio.ns for our retuxn in the spring. I had secured a very good yoke of oxen and a CO\V by exchanging a good, young horse and SOlne harness for theln. These \vere thing-s that I did not at present. require, so I had to delay IllY return until the beginning of the nlonth of l\1ay, for ,ve hoped that by that tÏ1ne the \\-oorls \vould provide pasture for the cattle in the shape of leaks and CO\\T-cabbage, \\-hich gro\v in abundance every,vhere in spring-. \Yillialn had returned SOlne \veeks before, and \vhen he arrived at Sa'ugeen and told our neigh- bor, 1\1):'. \Vallace, that I \vas \vai ting to bring up SOllIe cattle, l\Ir. \Yallace said that he ".as needing SOllIe also, and that he \vould go to 85 Guelph and meet n1e there and \ve could drive them together, and so \ve could assist each oth- er on the way. In good time l\1r. \Vallace came to Guelph and met me there and so:on after- wards purchased what cattle he required. I think that he bought a yoke of steers and t\VO CO\vs. and just about this titne IVlr. James Sc.ott, froln near the \Vaterloo line, came to see me, a!l1d said that he wanted to go up with me and take u)p land at the Saugeen, and that he wished to accon1pany us and assist in driving the cattle. So, in a short time, we had lnade all necessary preparations for our j01.1rney. Our herd com- prised eight head in all, t\VO yoke of oxen and four CO\vs. Mr. \Vallace and I each had the same nUlnber. It was in the beginning of l\Iav \vhen we again set off on O1Ur long journey up to a ne\v country, but we made very slo\v progress in Ol1r nlarch, for the CO\Vs that 1\1.1'". W'allace had got \vere in a very poor, lean condition and quite unfit to travel such a long distance, for \ve had not gone more than a day or t\VO \vhen one of them show- ed signs of great fatigue froln the contin- uous toiling, and she ,, ould lay do\vn on the roadsi'd frequently to take a rest, so we had ju t patiently to wait with her until she felt dis- posed to rise up and \valk, a)1d this was alw"ays trying to our patience, as \ve were all exceeding- ly anxious to m10ve 0\11, for we fo'U;n1d the wavside inn accomn1\od,ati\o!n to he of a most u'11pesirable kind. I will just describe a few instances as a sample of ma1ny. I do not kno\v w / hetJ1er there were any liceltses granted to sell liquor in thlose 86 days or not, but the places \vhere such \vas sold \vere very plentiful all along the ro d. I re- mem ber j'Ust on the top of the bank before cross- ing the river at \vhat is no\v IVIO:unt Forest there \vas a small log- house \vhich ,had a sign of a bot- tle ahd a glass, made by a. coal upon a pie.ce of board, \v hich \Va'S nailed up just over the door, and many of those places had 11'0' conve;niences or accolnmodation for travellers, yet IVlr. Scott, o as to pass off the time during our freq:uent delays, \vould g-o i'nto some of them a,nd patron- ize their establis1hments by indulging to a limit- ed extent, \vhen l\Ir. \Vallace \vould use his po\vers of persuasion to dissuade him from snch a practice. But IVrr. Scott got a go.od joke upon hÜn, for as \ve \vere moving slo\vly along the road one evening near by the To\vnship of Sulli- van and just close by, the side of the road tthere stood a very slnall shan tv, \vhich had a sign up- 0'11 it \vith this in.scription written, "\Vhiskey sold here by the \vholesale," and just at this place -Ir. \Vallace's poor CO\V laid do\yn and re- fused to go amy further. As it \vas getting- to- \yards night l\Ir. Scott and I had to push on \vith the retnainder of the cattle until \ve could reaCh SOllIe more comm'odious quarters, so after going- about a mile further \ve came to another inn, and there \ve enquired if they ha'd any hay for our cattle, and also if they could accommo- date us \vith supper and beds. \Ve received an- S\Vers i11 the affirnlative, and \vhen \ve got the cattle put up for the nig,ht and went into the house for supper, I assure you it \vas a very p'rÏtnitive looking: place, for as yet there \vere n.o 87 partitions in the h.01lse, a d aTo'U ld the chitu- ney corners of the large fire place there \vas \vhat \ve used to call a grist, that is to say, sever.al bags of flour and bran which had been lately brought fr0111 the mill, and these bags of flour "\\ ere be- ing usefd for seats near the fire place. L\s \ve en- tered the house \ve saw t\VO \VOlUen; one \vas quite busy preparing supper for us, and the oth- er was sitting u,p,an one of the bags of flO'ux, ap- parently soundly sleeping. But presentlv she a\voke anti began to chatter a\vay to herself, and this made the other \voman feel ashamed, and she came and took her a\vay outsi'de for a \vhile. But I noticed \vhen she got up that the bag of flo ur upon \vhich she had been sitting and also upon the floor it was quite \vet. This sig,ht had the effect of spoiling my su'pper that nig{ht, but it is quite pQssible that she h d spilt either tea or tod'dy upon herself. \Ve spent a short titne afterwards in common conversation and were then sho\vn up the ladTder to the loft, a11:d there we found a very pOOT, hard bed, but such incid- ents \vere nothing unusual in those days, so next moming we took breakfast and a\vai ted l\Ir. \V all ace ' s arri v:al \vi t,h his lea,n CO\v. Then l\I;r. Scott tolrd l\lr. \Vall/ace that he need never sav anything l11jore to him about going into taverns to drink, for he had sho\vn that nothing \vould satisfy. him but staying at a place \vhere wihis- key c.duld be bought "\vholesale, but he, ll.\Ir. Scott, onlv occasionally bought it by the glass at retail prices. And then \ve soon got sta;rted off again at a slo\v pace and cOllti'nued utntil \ye 88 reaohed \vithin a few miles of O\ven Sound, \vhen \ve tUTned in through the Township of Derby by the new line of road, near a place that \vas call- ed Ingles IVlills, and through places that are 1l0\Y called 1 ara and Burgoyne, and froll1 there t.hrough to the Saugeen Ri \-er, \vhiüh \ve reachefd after several long, \veary days of travel, \v,hich \ve fournd very often to be very trying to our patien,ce \vhen cOlupelled to endure so lnany enforced delays. Changes in the Country Upon our return frotn Guelph \ve found that since the completion of the survey of the to\vn- ship that there \\-ere nUlllbers of ne\v settlers cOIning into the place, and a1nO lgst some of t110se that I relneln ber \vere l\Iessrs. J ahn and Tholnas Slnith, brothers of l\Ir. Peter Sluith, and also the l\lessrs. Bell, l\IcGillivray, Pilgrilll, Goble, Parish and l\IcLea'11 and some others \vh'ose nan1es I have forg,otten at the present, and some of those \vho had gone back to their old hon1es in the fall did not return in the spring, and thcir places had been taken posses- sion of bv ne\v ClÜlllcrs, and sonle hail left their farllls an(d one do\vn to thc village dttring the \vinter, and then had settled there, for by this tÏ1nc lllallV of the most desirable lots had been taken up and, in a few cases, there arose sonle disputcs regarding prior claitns. But they \vere m-ostlv ahvavs quickly settled \\-itholUt causing Inl1C'h trouble. Ir. Scott, \vh'o caIne up \vith IHC, ,,-or'kcd for 89 a 1110nth or t\VO \vith us, helping to log and clear up the land for spring crops, ank! then he selected a lot for himself do\vn the river a fe\v miles, and after he got a house erected iu due time he got his family moved up and became a resIdent of that ne\v country. I must not oluit to relate am. event that occurred during !Vir. Scott's stay \vith us. About this time \ve had religious services hel'd in a fe\v of the houses by the lV1eth:o'dist minister, IVlr. H;utc,hinson, and a stuHent f otn Knox Presbyterian College, To- rO'11to, and I \vas appointed the collector an,d treasuit'er, anld l\1r. Scott, who had rather too m'uch conceit regarding his ability as a singer or leader of psalmo'dy, \vas appointed precentor in the Presbyterian meetings, and these tneet- ings \yere ge:nerally pretty well attended by all the settlers that \vere near, or that co.uld by any means attend such services, for the greatest of harl11Jony prevailed amongst the different sects. But according- to the denomination of ,the preach- er, the singing " as usually led by one of the sallIe persuasion, and it so h ap'pened upon one occasion \.vhen l\Ir. I-I u tchinson was ofiiciating that his leader, l\lr. \ViUiam Cunning/haln, was disabled from the efIects of a cold, and as Mr. Scott \vas present he \vas asked to lead in the singing during the service. l\ir. Scott, \vithout lnnch hesitatiQ1l, consented, \vhen l\1r. H'utchin- son very C'onsi'derately, and in order to Inake it easier for l\Ir. Scott, gave out the 23-rrl psalm, instead of a hymn, an(l so Mr. Scott, feeling the responsibility and importance of the position, heo-an \vith his favorite old tune of Be] erIna, and 90 he had not gone very far before he \vas assisted by l\lr. Cunning-ham, \vho \vas sitting beside hitn, and started off in the new quick style, \vhile l\1r. Sc.ott continued in the old, slo\v fashion, so that \vhen J\Ir. C. \vas at the end of the verse l\rr. S. \\-as only about half way. This made a great discord of so'Un:ds and so they stopped and ma;de a ne,v start from the beginning, and this time it \\Tas even \vQrse than the first attempt, for by this time l\fr. Scott was gettirng quite nervoltls and tremulO11s of voice. 'Vhen he m;ade the third attempt he got as far as "The Loord is my shepherd," \vhen he fairly broke down, \\yith the exclamation, "I cannot manage it. I am fairly beat," when the minister said, , 'Never mind. Let ulS pray," and as soon as the meet- ing \\Tas closed for that day l\lr. Scott \vas out and oft like a reindeer, and never stopped to say good day to anyone. I never heard hiIn men- tion his singing after that day. I may also say that my Sabbath collections during the season only amo1.1nted to something like four dollars, for it \yas not usual to donate more than a cop- per at each collection, a.nd these preachjngs were cond.ucted, both in village and country, wherever there ,vas a house large enough to accon1!llpdate a fe\\T people, and everyone \\Tas anxious to do all in their power to assist in making the ser- vices both pleasant and profitable, and besides this there ,vas a very strong tell1perance senti- 111ent in the eommulnity an1;ong.st the leading class of the pedple. The agent, l\Ir.! Alexander l\lcN ab, \\.as decidedly a strong leader of tem- perance, and he gave every possible encouTag:e- 91 ment to all good settlers of that cla:ss, d al- thoug-h all ,,-ere not strict teetotallers, yet he secured a very desi:rable class of settlers for Sau- geen and the su'rro'unding to\vnshi ps, $1,d the fruit of their indTIstry and perseverance are very visible to this day, as seen in their fine, \vell- cleared up farms and substantial houses and ba,rns. In the \vay of advancement and intelli- gence the County of Bruce has not Inamy equals. A n1.1mber of the inh'abitants are of Germ: and Scotch des'cent, and I am told that many ,vho caIne i}l1to the county fùrty or fifty years ago and \vere then not \vorth more than forty or fifty dollars, are n'ow \vorth as many thousands. So there ,vas a continuous, stea'dy progress ma'de in the way of settlement and especially along the three leading roads, such as the Goder- ich Tloarl, \vaÜc1h ru',ns through the To\v:nships of Saugeen and Bru'ce a little dista'11ce from the lake shore, and right through the centre of the village of P'ort Elgin. A.ll this part \vas quick1 \Y settle'd and cOlnlprised a line section of cou:ntry. The next an'd most Ï1nportant line that \vas q'Uickly settled \\Tas. what \vas kno\vll as the Elora ò and Saugeen road. This runs through a splendid large section of farlning coutn try, be- sides it passes thh-ough many important to\vns, such as \Valkerton, Paisley, and some others of a little slnaller dimension. I \vell remember the anxiety that was displayed by many to secure lots upon this line. Our old friend, the Rev. Dr. R. TOTrance of Guelph, had asked us to secure him some lots and \ve selected a fine, tra:ct of land upon this road for hitn. I believe that 9:l shortly after\vards these same lots becalnc the .J property of l\Iessrs. Craig, who still retain pos- session of t'hem. The third impo'rtant line of road \-vas that run- ning through the Townships of Arran and Der- by to. the O\ven Sound road. Tþis was opened earl:v in 1852 and several settled that season up- on it all along by 1nverm,ay and Tara, but es- pecially near by the C'orners, that is called Bur- goyne, there is a splendid settlement of well-to- do farmers, \vho have óeen settled there for mapy years. There is a( Presbyterian church at Burgovne of considerable dimensions, and in \\-,hicl1 the'Rev. WIr. Tolmie offi'ciated for a great many years, for this is indeed a fine section of country for several miles around, and is settled by a superiior class of farm,ers. I think that then is also, a good large l\Iethodist church in this place, but I have been a great many years absent from these parts and, therefore, will not attempt to further describe then1, but \vill con- fine my remarks to events that occurred in the days of the early settlement of the cou.ntry, and \vith \vhich I \-vas III ore immediately concerned. I \vill here relate an incident that very closely concerned lllvseH. It \-vas some titne about the middle of J u.ne, in the year 1852. 'fhere came an exceedinglv g eat rain, causing the river to overf1o". its banks lllanv feet, and it \vas con1Ïng do)vn a rushing, ll1Ïghtv strealu, so \Villialn and I thought the ground a little too wet to ,,-ork upon pleasantly, and as \ve \vere needing some supplies of provisions, ,,-e \-vould elnbrace the opportuuitv of going- do\\-n to Southampton 9: to get SOlne. \, e, as usual, took our little raft and crossed the river, an1d after m_aking it fast, \ye \valked clown the river's edge u71til \ve caUIe to our neig:hbor, l\1:r. \V'allace's, place, \vhere \\ e found him very busily engaged in cutting down an:d getting rid of all the timber that was \vith- in reaoh of the water's edge, for as soon as it fell into the river it was carried a\vay, boYlY and bra}nches, anld by that mea,ns he \vas getting a .piece of land cleared u1p wit;Ilout much trouble, and as he \vas very anxious to get a piece of g-round ready to SO\v with turnips, he asked a's a favor if one of us cou1'd not remain and assist him t1hat day, as he wished to take advalntage of the rise in the river. I consented to remain and help him with this \v.ark and Wil- liam \vent O'n to the village alo.ne. And it so happened that there \vas a very large basswood tree w\hic'h we felled into the river, but it was too far from the water to be carried right a\vay. So l\Ir. Wallace and I tried to get it pushed off, but we were not able to do so, when l\Ir. \V. said that he wOlul'd yoke up his steers and per- haps they could müve it, which \vO'uld be much easier for us than lifting so heavily, and also that the cattle might be required much oftener no\v that the trees were further from the river. So in course of a little time l\lr. \Vallace came along with his oxen, which I must say \vere very untractable and unaücustomed to the yoke, and hard to manage. But in tÜne \ve succeeded in getting the chain hitched around the butt end of this big bass\vood tree, and, no sooner \vere the oxen attached to it, than they 11lade a rush for 94 the river, and in spi te of all our efforts to stop them, the tree ,vas soon all afloat and ,vith the oxen still attached to it, \vas rushing rapidly do\yn the river, the oxen making every effort to s\vim across to an island that was in the middle of the river. This had the effect of causing the top of the tree to be suddenly driven in to\\'"ards the shore, \vhen we. caught it by the branches and dre\v it .to\vards the side for all that \ve \vere \yorth, and the oxen, which were getting pretty \vell exhausted by this time, were doing their be t pulling against us, trying to reach the is- land. There ,vas nothing of then1 to be seen but the tips of their horns, and the ends of their noses out of the \vater; the chain had got over their backs and held them down in the " ater, y;hich caused theill to moan piteously. But no sooner had the tops turned in to\vards us than \ve sa,,- our opportunity, \vhen \ve ran and caught hold of the branches and pulled it in such a \vay that :\Ir. T. g-ot into the larg-e IÌ1nbs and cra\yl- ed upon his hands and knees until. he at last reached the chain, when he managed to get it unhooked, and then cra\vled very cautiously, but speedily back to the branches, ,vhich I \vas hold- ing on to with all my might, although I \vas dra\vn into the \vater nearly up to the \vaist, and in another n1ol11ent or t"TO \vould have been off Iny feet. I called to him to make all possible speed, and just as he got near enough to jump I felt lnvself being carried a\vay, and called up- on him to jump, which he did, and I caught hinl not a moment too soon, or he Inost certainly \vould have been taken a\vay do,vn \vith the tree, 95 aT been dro\vned, for he could not s\vÌ1n more than a stone. 'fhe tree was soon car'ried a\vay do\vn the river to\vards the lake, and the poor oxen, after they had been relea. ed from the tree r managed to reach the island, and there the\"" stood very fatigued looking. After resting our- selves for a \ short time and considering- ;,-"That \vottld be the best \vay to get the oxen off the island, for ,,-e could not get along: very well \vith- out them no\v, I proposed that \.ve make a lig-h t raft out of a couple of cedar rails, that \vere ly- ing- near at hand. So "\ve got a hammer and SOlne nails, and t\VO short pieces of board. \Ye nailed thenl tog-ether, and after furnishing- ll1Y- self also ,,-ith a paddle, I got upon the slinl raft and pushed out into the stream, but no sooner had I reached the s\vift current, than by my having to use more force to urge the raft "to cross the stream, it parted in two, and I fell back\vards into the \vater, a)1d my frail coraft floated do\vn the river, but I succeeded in gain- ing the shore, and after resting a few minutes, I said to l\1r. \Vallace, no\v that I was as \vet as I could possibly be, I \vould go up the river a short \vay and s\vÏtn in a slanting direction across to the island, before the s\vift cu:rrent could carry me past. So I foolishly attempted to s\vÌ1n over with a pair of heavy cowhide long boots upon my feet, and a pair of worsted pants, \vith a leather belt around my \vaist. In I \vent and before I knew \vhere I was, I \vas do\vn \vi thin a fe\v feet of the lo\ver end of the island, just \vhere the t\VO currents meet, and I put forth all my strength in trying to reach the is- 96 land, but all to no ptLtpose, for I could not gain an inch against such a current. At last my arH1.S refused to move, and I went down feet first, until I touched the bottom, \vhich \vas about twelve feet do\vn at that place, and then gave myself a hard push up\vards \vith my feet. This sent me up to the surface again, \vhere I rene\ved all my efforts to reach the is- land, which \vas so very near. Mr. Wallaee was going up and do\vn the river's edge in great dis- tress, being quite unable to render me any as- sistance. My strength again failing me I \yent do\vn to the bottom a second time, and in the same way I as I did at the first, I again gave luyself a violent push up\vards, \vhich sent me to the top a second time, and most fortunately at this moment Mr. James Orr, who had just come up from Southampton, sa\v my perilous condi- tion at once, and came running and calling" to Ine to swim do\vn the strealn, and then ran up and got a cedar rail and pushed it in to the \va- ter as far as he could, and no sooner did I turn to go do\vn with the stream, than it gave me quite a rest, and I found it to be easy \\"ork be- sides trying to go up ag-ainst it. So, bv the time the rail came do\vn, I was within reach, and caught it, and pulling it under my arms, I paddled myself to".ards the shore, and it hap- pened that there had been a tree stuck fast at SOlne distance further down the river, and to that spot IVlr. \Vallace ran and climbed in am- ong-st the branches ,,-i th a fishing pole. One end of it he reached out to HIe, and I caug-ht it by the end. and by that nleans got pulled ashore. 17 But I was so exhausted that I could not stand for quite a while, but had to be laid upon the ground for some time to rest. But I quickly recovered sufficiently to go to the house and put on a dry shirt, and get some food, and \vhile I was doing this, MiI". Orr, who \vas a good swim- mer, divested himself of his clothes and swaIn over to the island and drove the oxen back again. By this incident I \vas taught a serious lesson. I may say that I never knew until that day how great and many had been the dangers and risks that we had passed through in cross- ing and redrossing that river so often and sometimes even carelessly and thought- less of danger, for although \ve were fairly good swimmers, yet if by any niis- hap we fell into the middle of the river in our clothing and heavy boots, our chances of escape from drowning" would be very few indeed. And upon the afternoon of this very day an incident occurred that I think is \vell \voTth re- lating. About four o'clock, a party of five men, belonging to a surveying company. had come up from Southampton, to where Mr. \Val- lace and I were at .wor k, and they anxiously de- sired that I should take them across the river. But I did not care to run many more risks, for I had got about enough of the water for one day. I told them where they would find our raft, and that they \vere quite welcome to use it, but that they would require to make t\\'O trips, for the raft would only carry three safely over at once, and if three crossed over one could return with the raft and get the t\VO that had 9 been left. In that way they could all pass over, and then tie up the raft on that. side, and my brother and I would find SOlne other means of passing- over when we returned in the evening. But thev insisted upon my going up to where the raft was tied up. So I accom1?anied them up the river to where the raft ,vas, and when they sa\v it they were very uluch afraid, and \vould not venture upon it, but urged that I should take them over. I said that I had never been afraid of the river until to-day, and besides 1 did not feel able to undertake such hard work after \vhat I had already passed tWrough, and it \yould cause me to pass over three times at least, for the raft \vould not carry more than t\\?O besides myself. But I told them that there ,vas the raft and if they \vanted to cross over that they were very \velcome to use it. At length three of the most daring got upon it and shoved out into the river, but no sooner did they reach the current than they. \vere s\viftly turned about, and the raft began to sink deep do\vn in the ,vater. Fortunately they dit'ifted into an eddy, and we again got theln safe ashore. They had all got ,wet up to their knees, besides receiving a bad frig-ht, and they all turn- ed sharply upon me ånd certainly they gave me al1 thing but a blessing, and told me that that raft never carried three across that river, and that I \vas only trying to play a trick upon thetn, and deceive theJn, and that I did not care if they all got dro\vned. Upon this being- said, I got upon the raft and called upon any t\VO of them to g-et on and I \vould take thelll across, !/fl just to prove to them ,,-hat I had told theln was true. In a Ii ttle time two stepped on with me and I ferried them to the other side in safety, and returned ,vith the raft. "Now you three have seen \vhat I have done. Take the raft and ferrv ..I youtrselves over." They said no, that they were afraid, but would give me a dollar to take thenl across. I said no, that I had taken a good many over at different times and never yet took a copper, and I did not feel like beg-inning to- day, but if they wished they could take the raft and use it, and leave it on the other side, but I \vould do no more for them. So then one of the men declared that he would sooner walk all the \vav up by the banks of the river until he reäched the bridge at \Valkerton, than cross the ri ver on that raft. I told hÜn to please him- self about that, and leaving- three upon one side and t\VO upon the other, I bade them good after- noon, and then returned dO\Vll the river's edge to l\Ir. \Yallace. \Vhen I told him what I had done, he said that I was not to be blamed, tak- ing my experience of the former part of the day into consideration, and from \vhat I had already passed through in crossing over with some that were in 1110rtal fear of being drowned. The mind seems to have such a \vonderful effect upon the body, that one would almost think that they had suddenly changed into a lun1p of lead, and in case of an accident such a one would be sure to grab hold of SOlne one and prevent thetn from s\\Timming, and the consequence would be that both \vould perish together. I will here relate another event that o'ccurred to me sonle titl1e in 100 the lllonth of June, \vhich I \vill neVer forgèt. It happened that along about this tinlc \\"e "Tould have very frequent callers frOln peop c looking- for land, and as a natural conseqllence :he de- 111ands upon our store of provisions \\T re 1.. uch heavier than they would other\vi o,,;e have h!'en. This caused us to make more frequent risíts to Southall1pton for flour and other needful sup- plies, so I volunteered upon this occaSlon to go to the village, for I rather liké(l to go to SouthaInpton to see ll1Y friends, an(l hear the ne\vs, for at this tÜne there \vas neither any established post nor paper, and reading matter \"as scarce in these quarters in those days. So I started one evening, for the days \vere long, although as yet there \\ ere no roads, but O\Ter or under fallen trees, and across creeks 'upon a tree t:ut for the purpose of crossing over upon, in- stead of a bridge, and along by the lake shore on stepping- stones, and by portage, to South- alnpton, . \vhich \\'ould be fu.11y eight miles by thes{' short cuts, yet I reached there \vhen it \vas early in the evening. I got a bag of 100 pounds of flour and all in readiness for an early start home in the 1l10rning. After having tea and spending the night at the hOlne of our good friend, Capt, Spence, I a\yoke about daylight and put the bag of flour upon IllY hack, hoping to reach hOll1e in good titne for breakfast. I lnanag-ed to get along very nicely for a tilne, un- til I had Rotten about half \vay, \vhen Iny load of flour became very heavy and I had to take frequent rests, and I \vas so hungry and \v ak that ,,-hen I put it do\\'n to rest I could scarce-- 111\ ly get it upon lilY back again, and as it got hot- ter to\vards noon the \,-eaker I becal11e and the heavier the load gre\v. About noon I reached home perfectly tired out, and so I proved the old adage to be true in my case also. It \vas onl - a lamb ,vhen I started off \vith it, but it became a very heavv sheep before I got it hOlne, and I never \vanted to try another such experi- ence, as carrYIng a bag of flour eight n1Ï]es be- fore breakfast. Along- during the early part of this SUlnn1er our old friend, l\Ir. George Butchart, COlnl1lenced the erection of a saw mill upon what is kno\\-u as l\Iill Creek, near to Port Elgin, a very IJluch needed construction at that time, as so 111any people \vere moving into the co'Untry and requir- ing lumber for building purposes, and as there \vas some good pine and other timber in this section the enterprise \vas a desirable one. In due time the preparations for the dam \-\'ere made, and the timber franled and ready to put up. For by this time there \vere some framers and other mechanics in and around Southalnp- ton, \vhere several houses \vere in courrse of be- ing erected, and so the day caIne \vhen all \vas in readiness for raising- the saw mill, and al- though the timbers were very heavy, there "-as an abundance of help. But the majority, of those present had never seen a frame building ..,put up in their lives, and they were as green and ignor- ant of what to do as it \vould be possible to conceive. Although they were composed of a nllmber of exceedingly strong men, yet the fram- er or contractor could do nothing- \vith them. 102 They ", ould stand in groups and talk, paying no heed to what the framer said, for they did not know bv name the one piece of timber from the other or \vhere it should be placed. So the fram- - ei h d to g-ive up in despair, after talking him- self neaTly hoarse. Just at this very moment there ar'ri ved a, small party of men that had ne\vl reached Southamp;ton, and was told of a sa\v Inill that was. being raised that day, and they hastened o.ut to the spot. Amongst the number \' as an active young man, a franler, from Orillia, and he said that he never yet had nl uch trouble in managing the hands at a rais- ing of abuilding, and that he would niOt be afraid to take the Inen in charge and put up the building. Consent to let him try \va \villingly gi ven by the contractor, so this young man mounted upon the top of a half-raised bent, there to harangue the people. After he had called thell1 all to order and attention, he said that he wanted them all to keep silent and at- tend to \vhat he said. He knew that they were perfectly able to raise this building in short time, and he asked them all to lift tog-ether when he gave them the command to "Ye 0, heave. No\v are you all ready. Ye 0, heave," and a\vay the bent went up without a stop, as if it had been made of so m,any laths, for so sudden and unexpected \vas the move that the bent \vas taken clear a\vay from under the poor fello\v's feet in a moment, and he fell back- \vards astride of a man's shoulders, and down about sixteen feet into the mill race, striking his head against a beam at the bottom. He 1m never spoke, but only gave a quiver, but \vas soon carried up to the edge of the bank and ev- ery available appliance \vas used in order to bring him around. It was some time. before he gave much symptom,s of life, and it took several \veeks' nursing- before he was able to return to his home again. This accident had the effect of casting a damper and dep,ression over all pTes- ent for a tinIe, ,and \vhen \ve did get to work again it \vas \vo'rse than it \vas before the acci- dent, for none seemed to care to do anything. So then it \vas suggested that \ye try again by calling sides and see what effect that would have. r \vas asked to be one of the captains. I said that there \vere many older men here, I thought, \yho \\-ould do better than I, but \vas told they ,vere wi thou t experience. r then.; said if desired I would try and do the best r could to g-et the building up, and then, the people \vere all called together, and told \vhat \ve \vere going to do. l\Iy opponent had a slight advantage over me, in be- ing a carpenter himself. H'o,vever, the choosing of sides turn about commenced, and, of course, I had to begin \vi th my neighbors, IVLr. Peter Smith and IVlr. Pilgrim, and others, but r did not know the names of all present and I \vas assisted and directed in many cases at the in- stigation of Mr. Smith, \vho knew them all, and \vhen \ve got our sides completed I had as stur- dv a lot of Highlanders as anyone could wish, and the onlv trouble no\v \vas to keep them back T\vo of them \vould take hold of a heavy piece of timber and run a,vay \vith it, while be- fore this six or eight men could scarcely man- 10-1 age to get it along, and ,vhen it caIne to raising the bents, \ve would have our side up and pinned before the others had theirs entered. This no doubt caused trouble and delay, for \ve often had to drive our pins out again before the other side could enter theirs. Not,vithstanding all this, I could not keep theln back, and the next bent would just be the same, and if they had been comlnandcd to capture a fort or engage In a tug of war they could not have gone to \vork \vi th greater \\ ill and deterlnination to ,vin. I Inay say that this sa\v mill served the purpose for ,vhich it was intended, and when timber be- caIne scarce it was converted into a grist mill, and the site has been occupied for several years doing good service in that \vay. I h'ave already stated in a former part of our experience as early settlers, \vhat ",-e had to endure and suffer from the plague of mice, and how we found things upon our return froln Guelph in the spring of 1852. During l\Ir. James Scott's stay \vith us a rather laughable event occurred, \vhich I think is \vorth relating here. l\lr. Scott \\Tas rather what might be called a staid Scotchman, \vho had no bad opinion of himself, and he felt much annoyed at the depre- dations of the ll1ice, and so plentiful " ere they that every effort to over/come them seelned to be of little avail. This gave lVlr. Scott full scope to exercise all the ingenuity of his inven- tive powers to subdue them, and keep thelll \vi thin reasonable bounds, and it was almost im- possible to keep anything eatable that thev \vould not find and destroy. The only places of 10:) safety \yere our t,vo round bake kettles or ovens, with close-fitting lids, and in these \ve had to store a,vay ou,r provisions, but these places of safety were not ahvays available for that pur- pose, for \ve generally Inade lour o,vn bread from salt raising-s or yeast of that material, ankl Mr. Scott was quite an expert in; the making- of bread of that description, \vhich was very palat- able, and, of course, had always. to be very care- fully kept from the ravages of the mice in the bake oven. So \ve had\ to Inake a strong-, heavy box, and suspend it from the \vall, ,vith close- fitting door and shelves, and in this we put our eatables and groceries, such as bread, butter, su- gar, tea, coffee, mustard, pepper, salt, etc. Con- ceive of our consternation \vhen \ve opened this cu p board door in the morning to see about a do'Zen of mice jum,p out of it, and then find, in- stead of our provisions, a large mouse nest, made of cedar bark, and all the paper torn from our grocery parcels, constructed into a large nest, and our tea, sugar, coffee, pepper, mus- tard, all mixed into a dirty confused heap on top of our butter plate. \Ve all felt like g-iving up in despair, but l\Tr. Scott said, that by all means, let us try to get a cat, for \ve cannot live with these destructive vermin over-running everything in this way. So it happened that my brother, William, was do,vn at Southampton a short time after the above occurrence, and was telling some of our friends about the g;reat annoyance that we suffered from swarms of mice, and said that he wished that they could direct liim' to where he could get a cat, when 106 SOlne one saId that they thoug-ht that they could find one for him, After some enquiries he got the offer of an ugly old tom cat" which they \\Tould lend him for a \vhile, but they also said that he \yas rather treacherous and a noto;rious- ly bad' thief. Ho\vever, \Villiam was glad to get anything in the shape of a cat, ,and brought him along, as he \vas told that he need not trouble himself greatly about returning the cat. \Ve all received this ugly old cat as a welcome visito'r, for \ve hoped that he \vould be able to deliver us from the awful tyranny to which we had been subjected by the plague of mice. But \ve ,vere rather doolned to disappointment, for this old cat had no;t been many days in our pos- session before J ames Scott took a very strong dislike and hatred to\\Tards him, and I suppose that he had plen tv of cause and reason for this dislike, for I do not think that this cat posses- sed one attractive or redeeming quality in its nature, for it did not seeln to care to try and catch mice, but depended entirely upon sponging and stealing for a living.. So l\1r. Scott's hat- red became so intense towards that cat that he could nort: see it \vithout having sOlnething l)ad to say about it, and \vished to be allo,vcd to drown hitn in the river. \Ve would ask hin: to have a little patience, for the cat ,vas a strang-er in the place yet, but when he becatne acqnaÜlt- ed with his surroundings that then he would take to his instincts and kill mice. But one day ,,,hen we came to the shanty to get onr dinner, t!he cat ","as left inside as usual to watch the luicc \"hen ,ve went out to \vork in the Inornillg, 1/17 so \vhen "Te opened the shanty door out ran 1he cat, for he had knocked do\vn a flat-iron that hung upon a nail on the \vall, and it fell on the top of our largest bake kettle and broke the cov- er in pieces, and as \vhat w'"e had intended for our dinner had been sto\ved a\v y in the ket- tle, the cat had eaten and destroyed it. The bake' kettle had unfortunately been left sitting directly under "There the iron ,vas hanging, and this proved a severe loss to us under the cir- cumstances, as \ve had' no means of replacing it. .A.ll this gave J ames a double plea in his object of dxo\vning the cat, and J ames said ((Surely af- ter seeing \vhat he had done you will allo\v me to dro\vn him, for such a nasty, ugly, thievish brute should not be permitted to live another hour. " \Ve said, ((\Y ell, J alnes,' if you can catch him, after dinner, \vhile you, are resting your- self, you Inay take him do\vn to the river and æro\vn him." James recei ved this pern1Íssion \\-i th evident pleasua.-e, and just as soon as he had finished eating his dinner, he \ven t out in search of the cat, putting on a very oft, persuasi ve, pleasant tone of voice to induce the cat to allo\v itself to be caught by him. At last he succeeded in capturring it, and taking the cat up in his arms, he said, ((I have g-ot you no\v, vou old thief, and I'll soon put an end to you, you ugly brute. " He carried hÏ1n do\vn to the river's edge. The cat, true to his in- stincts, became alarmed at the sight of the \ya- ter, and struggled to get a\Yay, blLt when it found that it could not escape, as l\lr. Scott had already gone into the \vater some distance, ,the 108 cat only clung the closer to him, and began to crawl up to his shoulders, and as 1\1;r. Scott \vas a man over six feet in height, the cat at- tained to some little distance above the surface of the water. \Vhen l\lr. Scott had reæched the deep, s\\Tift running current, and attempted to remove' the cat fron1 its perch, to complete his purpose, the cat seemed to be a\vare of his in- tention and only clung the more tenaciously to his shoulders, sinking its claws deeply into his flesh through his thin cotton shirt. This had the effect of causing- J ames to turn and quickly retrace his steps to the shore, \vearing a very \\ ry face, and \vith the cat still upon his shoul- der. I said to hiIn, "\Yhat is the matter, Ja]ll\ s, have yo:u relented?" He said no, but that he \yas not able to take the brute off his shoulder. It had stuck its claws all so deep into him, and the In ore he tried to remove it the deeper it sunk them in to hinl and the tighter it clung to hitn But as soon as he had gained the dry land the cat began to relax his hold and \,,-ant- ed to get do\vn. .J an1es caught hold of him and held him tight, and then asked to be given a picce of cord or string, \vhen he fastened one end åround the cat' s neck, and to the other end he tied a stone, and taking it do\vn to the river, said, HI \vill fix YOU this tinle, you ugly old sin-- ner," and \vhen he thought that he had reached a suitable spot for the purpose, he thre\v the cat and stone with all f01!ce into the river. But, lo! to his disapvointnlent, the stone went about t\vice <; far into the water as the cat. It had slipped out o[ the string. The cat only \vent a 109 little way into the water an'd sv.ram ashore, and escaped in spite of l\lr. Scott's efforts to pre- vent it, and then made off to the woods, and \ye never saw any m'ore of that cat. I have sonle- times heard it said that cats were witches, or witches \vere cats. 'Vhichever way it is I do not kno\v, but one thing seemed certain, that this cat took the hint, and kne"v enoug:h to keep away and never sho"v his face around these quar- ters "vhile l\1\r. S-cott remained near at hand. To nlany this story of the cat and mice may appear to be very trivial, but to us at that time it was a very significant and an important busi- ness for us to kno\v how we could OYercome such a great nuisance as these mice had become, for it must be remembea-ed that in those days and in that place we had no means of replacing- those things that were destroyed, for the country \vas very different then from what it is at p esent. I "vill only add that there were other v rtnill ùe- sides mice and much smaller than thetn, that \vere very plentiful in many houses in those days: which also "vere a great plague ,to many. I do not Inean mosquitoes nor flie ', althoug-h there "vere plenty of both of th se pests. Story of Our Cattle I \vill give a little of our experience \vi th the cattle that I took up \vi th me. The oxen we found to be very useful and helpful during the time of logging and clearing up the land in the spring and early summer, but we found it son1e- times very hard to keep track of them, for they 110 would often wander a\vay through the \voods for a great distance, and it was very diffi.cul t some- times for us to find them, and ,vhen the cows calved it made matters much \vorse, for we had to allow the calves to run in the woods and suck their mothers, for we did not have any conven- ience for the making of b'utter or of putting tht: milk to any profitable use, but we only required a Ii ttle for domestic purposes, and this \ve were often deprived of, fo,r it \vas seldom that \ve could find the cows \v hen \ve wished to have some Inilk. Under the cirCulnstances \ve did not find the keeping of stock either pleasant or pro- fitable, in such a ne\v country, and not until we had proper conveniences for pasturing and suit- able buildingis for \vintering stock, was it found to be a profitable business. \V1heat raising 'vas the ptritl'cipal crop for several years for both the soil and climate \vere admirably adapted for its cultivation, and the price of \vheat becatne very high during the con tinuance of the 1l ussian war, \vhich certainly had the effect upon that fine young country of giving it very mate}-ial aid in its early start as a settlelnent dUTing the fif- ties. I will relate a circulustance that \vas of SOl11e importance to lue personally, during the SUllllller of 18 51. I had sold the yoke 01 oxen that we took up with us that spring, and for ,vhich I was to receive the sum of eighty-five dollars from my late friend, l\lr. l\IcDonald, whose life was ac.cidentallv cut short by the sad \vreck of his vessel, the "Saucy Jack," late in the fall of 1851, and ,\"hich sad calal11ity preveni..èd hitn 111 paYIng me for the oxen, \vhien he 110 dOtlh _ would have done had he been spared to return from Goderich in safety. However, as l\Ir. l\Ic- Donald was so unexpectedly taken a\vay, his busine s affairs \vere not \vell understood l)y anv and so I \yas deprived of the money. But along aoout the first of July r \vas informed that there was to be a meeting of the creditors held in Goderich about the middle of July, so before that time I ,,-ent to Southampton to Ineet Cap- tain Spence, who ,vas also going to Godcrich on the satne business, and \yas taking his 1i t tle niece \\-ith him. So w"e all started in the 111orn- ing- in a small sail boat for Goderich, and \"hen we got opposite to what is now Kincardine it \vas just about sun et. Then suddenly caIne up a thunderstorm, \vi th a considerable squall of "rind. Capt. Spence at once lo\vered do\vn the sails and said \ve must take to the oars and pull for the shore with all our might. This had the effect of frightening me considerably, for we "rere about ten miles o'ut fr0111 shore. I immediatelv .J applied. all my might! and st rength to the oar, in hopes of soon reaching land, but as darkness set in I could not see the shore, althoug-h I of- ten asked the question, flow far do you think alre \\'e froln the shore, now? The answer I got was, Oh, pull a\vay, \ve will soon be out of dan- ger, you are doing very well. I said that I hoped that it ,vas not mu:ch further, that I \vas getting so very tired. But no shore did we reach unti1 it \vas just getting daylight, \vhcn "e dre\v in towards land. I asked Capt. Spence what place it \vas, and to my surprise he said 112 that it was Goderich harbor. Then I felt quite angry with Capt. Spence for keeping Inc ro\\;-ing so hard all night, in order, as I thoug-ht, to avoid danger, \vhen, in reality, there \vas v('ry little to avoid. But his object \vas to reach Goderich harbor \vithout losing tÏ1ne. 1\ly hands \vere hlistered and Iny arms sore and tirecl lroln such continuous hard pulling, for I \vas under the impression that our safety depended u.pon our exerti ons. After landing I told hÏ1n that I had gotten all I \vanted of sailing in a slnall boat on the lake, and that rather than return \vi th him I \vould \valk all the \vay hOlne, sooner than put in an- other such night on the \vater. But Captain Spence only made light of IllY troubles and said t hat as soon as I got a sleep that I \vould be all right. Ho\vever, as it was no\v davljg-ht, \ve parted, leaving Capt. S. in conversation \\ ith SOIl1e acquaintance that he met at the ,,-harf, and although I had never been in Goderich be- fore, I started to "Talk up to\vn, looking" for an open hotel door. Soon I caIne to \vhere there \vas a clean-looking place, \vhere a maid ,,-as en- gaged in s\vccping the steps at the front door. I asked hcr if she thought that I could be ac- cOlnlllodated \vi th a bed, for I had becn 011 1 he lake all night. She said, Oh, certainly. Then shc sho\ved Ine in to a rOOIll and a.sked if I \vish- ed to hc callcd for hreaJ<.fast. I said no, that I \vould rather sleep until dinner \vas ready. So I got a good rest, and \vas quite refreshed, and after\vards got up and enjoycd a good dinncr, \vhich lllade HIC feel, as Capt. Spence had said, 113 that I would be all right. I then started off down the street in search of my friend, Spence, from \\ hom I had rather uncivilly parted in the morning, thinking- that I had been a little Ï1n- posed upon through my ignorance of sailing, for I had never had mu:ch p,ractice in that line on the lake. But I had scarcely reached the street corner \vhen, to n1V surprise and I must say pleasure also, I \vas accosted by a young lady, lVliss Gooding, \vhose acquaintance I had the pleasure of making- on the pre(;eding SUllilner, \vhile she \vas a vi si tOT at the home of Capt. Spence in Southampton. I asked her then if she had seen anything of the Captain, and she said that he \vas at their house \vhen she left home, and then she kindly invited nle to accompany her hOll1e and spend the afternoon ,vi th them, and remain fOT tea. I ,villingly accepted this kind invita- tio'n, and \vas richly re\varded, for I do not think that I ever put in a more pleasant and happy afternoon, and, after\vards I spent a most genial and happy \veek in Goderich, tor durIng oU'r stay theiTe \ve \vere all invited to lllake the c0111fortable house of l\1rs. Gooding our hOllle, and I found it to be a delightful change [rolll \vhat I had latelv experienced in our shanty life on the Saugeen River. I do not think that our creditors' Ineeting came to mu.oh. I kno,v that all I got for my share \vas a bag of flour, "\vhich I took home \vith llle. There \vas a quantity of dalnaged store goods sold by auction, but I don't think that they all alnoullted to luuch, as they \vere 114 badly damaged by fire, for the \vhole of l\lr. McDonald's stock \vas supposed to have been ac- cidentally burned at Southampton the preceding winter. After spending a very delightful time in Goderich, \vhich I thought to be a very pretty place, and after receiving a pronlise from Capt. Spence that he \vould not. ask me to row again, and that he \volIld not start out without having the prospect of a fair \vind, not\vi th- standing my fortner protestations, I was per- suaded to venture again in that boat. One fine morning \vith a favo;rable \vind we set ofT, but by noon the \vind had ceased and there \vas a cahn, and \ve then Inade very slo\v progress, and as ,,-e \vere near to \vhat is no\v Kincardine, \ve made for the shore, and ran a little \vay up into the lnouth of a creek or river, for the night remaining- in the boat, and covering our- selves \vi th the sails. I do not think that there \vere more than one or t\VO slnall fishing shanties at Kincardine at that ti111e. It ,vas a very new looking place, a)1d I could not see anything of it, but by daylig1ht there had sprung up a brisk favorable ,,-ind and ,,-e again set oil full sail up the lake in g-ood speed, and when \ve got oppo- site to \vhat is no\v Port Elgin, \vhich ,ve soon reached, Captain S. put me and the loa-pound bag- of flour ashore, and then ran up to South- ampton in short tiule. I put .the bag upon my back and started through the \voods for honle, but \vhen I reached the creek \vhere the sa\v tuill \vas being erected there "'ere several men at \vork at the ne\v dam, so \vhen I arrived \vhere they \vere they took possession of 1IIV bag of 115 flour and \vould not allo\v me to ,carry it any further, but said that they \vould bring it home to me after they quit \vork at night, \vhich they kindly did. Thus ended my first trip upon the waters of Lake H'U\ron, and how very greatl:v ev- ervthing has chang-ed since those pioneer days, I \vill not even attelnpt to describe. Some tin1e after my return fXOll1 this trip to Goderich and during our usual lnonotonous life in clearing up the land, \ve unexpectedly re eiv- ed an urgent letter from our father, a short tin1e alter harvest, requesting that either \Villiam or I \vould at once retu'rn back to the old honle and take cha:rge of, the farm, for he \vas g-etting \,,-ell up in years and he fOllnd that the care of managing the farm \vas too lnuch for hi111, and that he \vas not able now properly nor profit- ably to cond,uct the \vork, especially as he had no\v to depend ælmost entirely upon hired help. So no\v \Villiam and I consulted earnestly and very seriously over this matter and finally canle to the conclusion that it would be, all thing-s considered, the proper thing for one of us to do, and after deciding upon this course, \ve each agreed to give up our present claÏ1n to the t\VO lots of land to the one that remained for the sum of one hundìred pounds, to be paid out of the portion of the old hOlnestead \v hen divided, and \vhich we would be entitled to receive as our' portion of the same when a settlelnent ,,-as finally made. After settling all these matters bet\veen ourselves satisfacto'rily, the next and 1110st impo['tant business \vas to decide \vho \vas to go, and \vhich of us \vas to rell1ain, and as 116 we were both seemingly \villing- to be guided by the \vishes of the other \ve could not decide, and to settle the matter \ve agreed to cast lots. Af- ter a fair trial it came to my lot to go back to the old home of our youth, and \vhere I had al- ready spent t\venty years of my early life. I was glad indeed. to return to it, where I could enjoy more of the social comfortJs of life, yet I felt ver:v sorry to go away and leave all alone in this place my elder brother, from \vhom I had never been long- parted for over t\venty-four years. Our lives had been very cl ely bound together, and \ve had been as one in all ou joys and sorro\vs hitherto, and I felt very sad indeed at the thought of parting from him, fO(t" I never kne\v until that time ho\v greatly \ve \vere at- tached to each other, and I felt like backing out of the arrang-elnent, for'I felt that it \vas an act of cruelty for me to go a\vay and leave hinl by himself like a hertnit in the \\'"ilderness. But he seetned not to mind it, but looked upon the 1uat- ter in a brighter way, and \vas quite reconciled to his circu11l'stances. Of cou se hope is a great encourager and gives stren th to endure great and hard trials, and causes 11',5 to' see the brig-ht instead of the dark side of things, and I will here add that our sepa,ration from this titne becaule nea;-ly final, for in the spring of r854 I entered into arrangements \vith my father and the other members of the family to buyout all their shares and interest in the old homestead, and which agreement I carried out to completion and became sole prop'rietor of the old hOlne in Paisley Block, Guelph. 117 I just \vish to say before closing that 111)'" hro- ther, \Yil1iam, \vho took such a conspicuous and ctive part in all the adventures and vicissi- tudes incidental to early settlement in a new country, is still alive and although in his 77th yeaT, continues to enjoy fairly good health, and is now retired {rom active farming and li viug in a comfortable hOlne in the village of Tara, and is surrounded by many comforts. His faIn- ily are nearly all married and comfortably it- uated and doing well fOT themiselves. In a short time after concluding those very impo1rtant arrangements with my dear brother, \Villiam, I began to make p.reparations for my return to the old home at Guelph. But at t.he same time I must confess that it \vas not \yith- out some feelings of regret that I had been call- ed upon to leave my new .home on the banks of tJhe Saugeen River, where I had purposed luak- ing Iny horne in the future, and where I had hop- ed to spend many year-$ of my life in cOlufort and peace, notwithstanding that much of my past experien e dlllI"ing my short residen\ e in this place had so very much more of the hi tter than the sweet in its composition. Such is 1i.fe everywhere; and when we have youth and hope on our side many of these seeming difficulties can be overcome, for I had already formed many plans and purposes, which I hoped to see COJTI- pleted in the near future. I have no douht now but many, if not all of them, would have turned out to be only captles built in the air, \vhich never \vould have matured. So one morning" af- ter I had got all in readiness for my return to 118 Guelph, I Inade a start for the O\ven Sound road, bringing nothing back \vith 111e but the yoke of oxen aJ1d one CO\V, leaving all else \vith \Villiam, for our expe:rience \vi th the cattle \Vas that \vithout proper conveniences for their care and managelnent that the t.rouble with them \vas moire than they were \vorth, for when \ve \vanted them we never kne\v \vhere they \vere to be found, and we lost a good deal of time in seeking them for they \vould wander a\vay l11any miles through the \voods, apparently very desirous to return to \vhere they came froln. So on lilY return to Guelph with them I found that they \vere I very little trouble to d;rive, but seeln- ed to kno\v \vhere they \vere going, and travel- led right along at a good pace, so that I rea;ch- ed \vhat ,,-as then called the California Inn, on the O\ven Sound road, the first evening. I be- lieve that the place is now called Chats\vorth. I remained there for the night, and the next morn- ing before leaving I was indujCed to pur,chase one or two more animals at a cheap figure, for cattle seemed to be plentiful and 1110ney very scarce, for by the time I had reached the old home I had nn an , and again returned to Guelph for a titne, and starte"d business there. But once Inore he sold out and 123 removed ,to l\Iinnesota, and has carried on farm- ing in that state for several years, and stilll'on- tinues there in that ocC!upation. In the n:onth of September, 1855, my next brother, John C., -came up to Port Elgin and bought four lots from l\1r. Hilker, and then put up a house. Then he established the first \vagon maker's shop in the country, \vhere he made the t\VO first \vag- ons that \vere made in the County of Bruce, ànd where, after a residence of over forty--seven years, he still continues to reside. Althoug-h "be may be said to have practically given up busi- ness he still employs his leisure hours in his .old shop doing little repairings when his health will permit him to do so, and \vhich I aU1 glad to say that in general is very good for a Ulan of over 72 years. He is also the possessor of a very cOlllfortable, desirable home, surround- ed \vith many pleasant, social comfo:-ts, and a competency sufficient to enable him to spend his remaining days in ease. I remember that I c.alne up with my brother, A. H. R., \vho had started store-,keeping in Port Elgin, and \ve brought up t\VO sleighs loaded with store goods from Hamilton, \vhich, at that time, \vas the chief emporium for goods, and I had the honor also of being asked by Mrs. Peter B'ro\vn to bring üp \vi th me her sister, a young lady also from Hamilton, whose society I great- ly enjoyed, for the múre pitchy and rough the road \vas and the harder it stormed and snowed, the louder she would laugh, although at times the wind and cold was almost unendurable. She would only laugh and say, Is not that a great 124 breeze? \.nd the sno\v was so deep and the roads so heavy that it took us a day longer than \ve expected, and instead of g-etting- to Port Elgin on Saturday, it \vas Sunday evening be- fore we reached that place, for we had also the experience of an occasional upset as \ve passed through the ne\v road frOlTI the O\ven Sound line. After unloading the g-oods at Port :B:lgin the next day I drove over to Southcull1}ton and left Miss B. \vith her sister, lVlrs. Bro\vn, and it was at that time that I had the pleasure of giv- ing the Sout!ham'pton ladies that much spoken of and appreciated sleigh ride. Another event which I yet remember in refer- ence to this trip \vas that I had put into iVIr. StaITord's hotel stable t\\-O span of horses for t\\-O nig-l1ts, and that he charg-ed ll1e eight dol- lars for hay and stabling of the horses. Hav \vas very dear and scarce at that tin1e. I have lnade frequent visits since that titne to this part of the country and have ahvays been greatly i111pressed and pleased \yith the steady and continuoTIs progress that has been lnade since those pioneer days. Copy of a letter received frol11 Captain .J ohn Spence of Southaillpton, this 24th day of Octo- ber, 1902, in reply to questions asked hy IHe, and to \vhich he g-i ves the follo\\-ing- ans\yers : That he started frol11 Kingston jn the Sl11n- Iller of 1848, in cOlnpany \vith Captain \Yil1iam Kennedy, and they caIne to Toronto in t.he steamer l\1agnet, Capt. Sutherland. Then they took stage to H'olland Landing, Lake SÏ1ncoe, took the stealner Beaver to Oril1ia, stage from 125 there to Sturgeon Bay, bought a canoe and caBle do\vn the Severn River, took the stea.lner at Fenetanguishene, thence for O\ven Sounrl, and took our canoes round to Colpoys Bay., \vhil.'h is near "\riarton, carried our canoes to the Sobble River and thence to this place. "l\Iy intention was to find a place convenient for fishing and Indian trading, and this place suited Inc. The only \vhite Inen I found here \vere the Rev. 1\lr. Williston, Indian missionary, and 1Ir. James Cathay, tea'Cher. "'I started and built the first house that ever went up in this pla;ce. I becalne acquainted ,,-ith the late John l\1'cLean, Esq., about the year 18 4 0 . I kne\v him \vhen \ve \vere in the Hudson Bay service. I fil.rst met his nephe,v, Alexander McDonald, in Goderich in 1849. George Butchart and James Orr came up sho.rtly after I caIne here, and \vith them I made arrangements to go into the fishing. But when Captain Kennedy left to go in search of Sir John Franklin these arTangements \"ere broken up. l\lrs. Butchctrt was the only \vhite WOlllan in this place in 1850. M):. Chisholm l\1illar surveyed part of the ro\\-n- ship of Bruce. l\'Ir. Brough took a cold and died, leaving his \vork unfinished, \vhich \vas complet- ed bv l\Ir. l\lillar. ""l\Ir. and l\Irs. Peter Bro\vn came here in the summer of 1851, and some years aftex,vards t"C- moved up to the Sault Ste. l\iarie, and they both died there." In conclusion, I \vill just say that possibly I have omitted to 111ention some incidents that n1ig-ht have been much more interesting than 126 many here related, but I have trUlsted altogeth- er to my menlory, fOT my desire is to give a truthful statement of events as they occurred, and I have also tried to avoid all setH blance of fiction. I \vill here relate a fe\v of the incidents that occurred in connection with our settlell1ent in the Paisley Block, in the fall of 1830. l\ly father, soon after arriving in Guelph, selected a lot of the Canada C01nlpany's lands in the To\vnship of Guelph, and then contracted \vith a Mr. l\lac- Donald, \,-ho had some little experience in the art of building: log houses in those days of early settlell1ent, and for such service he and his as- sistants \'Tere to receive four shillings or one dol- lar and a bottle of ,vhiskey each, per day. Such \,Tere the usual \vages paid, and the cUstOlU of the country in those times. So one day l11Y father "Tent to see \vhat progress \vas being luacle in the erection of the house, and after ar- riving there he soon becalue very nluch interest- ed on seeing the IHen chupping do\vn the trees, for he had never seen anything of the kind done before, and Was quite ignorant of the dang-cr at- tendant upon the cutting- do"Tn of timber, so he, instead of keeping "Tell out of the \vay of dan- ger, got right into it, and ,,-as struck and kllock- t-d clo,,-n by a falling tree, \vhich broke one of his legs a little belo\,," the knee. The l11en had to make a kind of ha'ndbarro\v and carry hitl1 hOllle to GUl'lph, dud thcn send all the \vay to IIamil- tall for a doctor, and in a clay or t".o Dr. Iac- Rele-an arriycd and set the broken litub, but it "as crooked ah\"ays after"Tards, being so long 12i before the bone \vas set. This Thtlfortunate acci- dent confined father to the ha,use for several \veeks, and also P revented him frOln assistino' or t.aking- an active part in hastening for\vard t.o completion the ne\v house, \vhich \vas intended so soon to becolne our future honle in the \voods, and it \vas quite late in the fall \vhen \ye could remove, and not having any experience of \vhat a Canadian \vinter tneant, insisted upon relnov- ing his faInilv at that late season of the year out to a half'-finished h'ouse in the \voods, for IHY father, o\ving to the accident, 'vas forced to de- pend entirelv upon hired help in the erection of the house, an'd the \vork \vas not al\vays done in a proper or su'bstantial \vay. For example, a log house required to have a part or t\\"O or three of the bottotn logs cut out at one end of the building and the space built up \vith stone and 1110rtar to form a back \vall for a ÌÎre place, and this ne\v house ha.d one of very large dÍ1nel1- sions built up \vith this n1.aterial, \vhich had be- come frozen. But \v hen there \vas a large fire built uJp against it in order to '\Tarnl t.he cold häuse the very first night, just as soon as the frost tha\ved OJUt of the mud plaster the .whole of the back \vall fell do\vn, \vhich lllade an open space large enollgh to a.dn1Ït the pro\vling- \volv-es \vhich \yere pro,vlin:g all around the house, as if just looking for some place to get in. l\Iy 111oth- er \vould sOlnetinles speak OJ the first- night spent in her ne\v hOlne in the \voods, \vhen she lay all night quaking \,-ith fear and shivering \vith cold, expecting every mOlnent to hear the \\Tolves enter an'd devour her little children. So 128 terrified \vere all present that they dared not at- tempt to get up and make any repairs, but re- Il1'ained in bed unJtil daylig-h't, for they \vere in such mortal "dread of the \volves that they \vere afraid to speak, or even stir, for fear of a{tract- ing- thcm. But \vhen norning came some assist- ance \vas procured, and the breach in the \vall repaired. But before many \veeks had passed the SI10\V beCall1e nearly four feet deep, ,,:hich Iuade travelling difficult, and although sur- rounded by \voods it \vas no easy matter always to procure a sufIìcient supply, o\ving to the grcat depth of sno,,-," , for when a tree was cut do\,-n it \vould si11)k Oiut of ight in the soft sno\v, \vhich had fìrst to be shovelled away before it could bc cut, and so a\V' \vard and inexperienced \vcre they at using an axe that a good chopper \vould cut nlore '\voad in one hour than they could in ten, and so great "vas the ignorance and preju- dice possessed at lìrst hy nlany of the old coun- try iUll11igrants, that they \\-ould only use their old style of a broad axe that they had brought fr01l1 the old c01111 try \vi th fhcll1, and very fe,,- kne\v ho\v to use an axe of any kind, but \Yl)u}(l hack all aro,und a tree, just like as if it had her-n g-na\ved do\vn by a beaver. I can yet rCUlt'll1 ber seeing IllY father an)d mother carrying in the \voad 1.1pon a handbarrow, after they had shov- elled a narro\v path through thc snO\\T to \\ here the \vood had been cut, and often my l..rother \Villiaill and I \vo'uld follo\v theill out by the llarrO\V \vay, that stood up like t\VO high \valls on ei ther side, sa that \\Tt' con 1<1 not see over the top, and \vhen \ve \vould Il1eet thelu returning l ' wi th the loaded. barrow, we had to. turn back and run to the house, for there was no \vay of passing, and it would keep nlY father and lllother pretty ",Ten employed to furnish a suifficient up- ply of \voO'd to keeQ) up anything like a comfort- aJ1)le heat, for the hQuse was in a very unfinished cOl1di tion during- the. first winter. r will try to describe it in part, just as I can relnember it. Its size was 20iX26 feet, built of round logs, one storey and garret in height, but \vithout flooring above, \vith a large round hole dug in the centre for a cellar, \vith ahout one-half of the ground floor covered hy boards, the other plart open over this hold of a cell.ar. A hea,vy carpet \vas hung across from side to side just at the edge of the floor, to form a partition; and also a slight pro- tection from this cellar. But I relueluber that it frequently happened that "\vhen SOlne of us small boys got a little out of telnper that \ve \yotIld often run to this carpet to sulk or Po.ut, and forgetting ours lves we \vould lean too heav- ily against this carpet, which would cause It to slack back a little, \vhen do"\vn "\ve \vould go plunlp into the cellar, out of sight in a lnolnent, so that this hole soon becalne a great dread to us boys. No"\v, this house that I am describing lllay be considered a very f.air average sample of the hOll1eS enjoyed by l11any of the early settlers in those days, but I have oftcn thought since of the sad change it must have been to my father and mother, and many others also, \vho had so lately left Homes of comfort and even luxury, and \vho \vere no\" compelled to suITer in a lle\\ land such unexpected privations and discom- 130 forts as they were then enduring. SOlnetÏtlles \ye were for weeks \yithout bread and hald to subsist upon potatoes and turnips, and these \vere very often frozen during \vinter. I can re- member \vell seeing- Inv 1110ther putting the pota- toes into cold \vater to draw the frost out of them before being- cooked, and then \ve had nei- ther nleat, milk nor butter to eat with thetl1. The labor of clearing the first acres of unbroken land \vas all perfortued by the settlers \v hen they subsisted entirely upon PlÛtatoes as a diet, haked and boiled time about, by \vay of change or variety, \vi th sOlnetinles a dish of greens l11ade from cow cabbage or the tops of young turnips, were added \vhen in season. All this 111ay seem strange \vhen I tell you that the for- ests aboulltled with various kinds of g-alne, and the creeks \vere full of speckled trout, yet it rarely ha.ppened that the settlers succeeded in capturing any deer. But the Indians that callIC nip froln the Credit in the fall of the year would kill deer hy the dozen, an.d it ""as at such titlles that the settlers, if they had any Bloney at all, could get a cheap s1.t1)ply of venison frOtH the In dians, for I can yet rell1enlber, although IUY fa- ther \\'as a sportsll1an in the old country, :vet he \vould never venture into the \voorls to shoot dcer for fear of getting lost or of heing attacked by the \vol ves or hears, and so tÌ1ll id ,,'cre thc people that they "'omld not venture outside of the. house after dark, for in the evening- the deer ,,'ottld COllIe around the house in droves to get a\vay frotH the ,,"olves, ,,'hich could he heard ho\vling in every direction, attd tllY father, \vho 131 had a good rifle, ,,"ould quietly open a \vindo\v sl flìciently to get the point of his rille out, and then shoot at a deer, and if it \vas \vounded it ,\youJ.c1 only run a short distance, \\yhen it \vould be caught and deVìoured by the \volves in a fe,v luinutes, so that nothing- of it could be seen but the blood-stained SllIO'V, so that IHY father's ef- forts to obtain a su.pþly of venison "'ere \\yorsp than useless, yet the deer \vere very plentiful. I can rell1elnber \vhen I \vas a very sll1all boy of s0111etimes con1Ïng across herds of I110re than t\venty in a flock, when the old bucks ,,,ould shake their heads, stall1p their feet, and snort at nle, and I \vauld have to stand still and clap IllY h'a11,ds tog-ether and lllake I all sorts of noises to frighten thell1 so that I 111ight pass then1 safe- ly, and I have seen packs of \volves in the \\Toads and even in the clearing during- the day, for they \vould often kill sheep for us and even attack :voung cattle. Bears I have also g-ot into unpleasantly close quar- ters \vitlt hears ,vhen it ,vas too dark to see thenl, for they ,vill not run froln yOU like a \volf, but they \\Till very seldol11 attack a person if left alone and, not interferred \vith, except \vhen they are hungry or in defence of ' their young. They are very fond of pork and ,vill catch and kill pigs \vhen they find then1 in the ,voods seek ing- beechnuts. The bear is also destructive on grain, eS'peciallv oats, just before they g-et ripe. r can renlenlber \vhen very YOThng that Il1Y father ]32 had SO\\'l1 a sll1'all field of oats near to the house, an'fl just after the:,.T had COlne out into ear, that a large hear \vould COine ahllost every day and feed UpO'11 thell1. He ,,-ould sit and gather the grain all aro'nnd hilll \vith his p.a\VS and then eat the tops oft, and sOIuetÜnes he \,"ould lie rlo\vn and roll the oats flat to the g-ro,uncl and then eat his fill. "Then \ve little boys "\, o'Uld try to frigh- ten hÜl1 a\vav by 111ak ng a great racket by knoeking l(pOn 01d pans and l11aking- other sounds, he \\.ould sit and look at us quite unconcerned for a titne, apparently e:veing Us \vith utter contell1pt, for \ve ahvays had to re- lliain at a very respectful distance frolll hÜn, hut as ""e kept up our noise he at leng-th \vould 1110ve oIT leiS\urely to the \voods, aud go a short distance, and i'hen clÜnh up a tree and rCl11ain there until \ve had lua'de a hurricd retreat to the house, ,,"hen he \vould slo\"l:v COlne do\vn and re- turn again to the oats, for \\ye \\'ere strictly cau- tioned hv our fathcr and l110ther to keep a\vay an.d not go near h1111. ',"c then coulSic1erec1 discre- tion to he the hetÜ'r part of valor, alHl left hilll to enjoy his feed of oats in peace, hut the result \\" as tll at the oats ""ere all C0111])1et(' h- destroyed in a short ti111C. But seventy ycarS or 11lore have \\"rou ht very great changes, hoth upon the appearance of the country anld its inhahitants, for it \vas in the year [R 2 an\d the fe\v fol1o\ving seasons that d great 111 ally 11l1J11Ïg-rants arrived and settled in and around Guelph and the neigh1)oring to"''ll- sUi ps. and SOI11e of thelll brought a considerable dlll0Ullt of 1110ne)'" \viih thCl11, ,,,hile Jnatl \\ycrc 1 ::;; tradeslllcn and laborers, ,,-ho lnostly all proved to be a very desirable. class of settlers, althol1.gh at first many of them \yere exceedingly green re- garding the requirements of a ne\v \vooded coun- try. IVlany laughable and funny stories are told concerning SOlne of their doings. I \vi11 just mention one case as a sample of the ma!ny, to give some idea of the annoying stupidity and ,vant of experience displayed by 1l1any of the ne\v conlers. About the year 1836 there arrived an iuul1igrant \vith a young fam- ily, frOIl1 the north of Ireland, who had been a linen wea'Ver in the old country, and as he had a friend here \v ho had been set tIed upon a. farln of his o\vn (near by o\urs) for several years, he came to hitn upon his arrival, and got permis- sion to huild a shanty upon his land and 11l0VC his fan1Íly into it, until he found a lot for hinl- self, for b T this titne 1110st of the land had been taken üp in the il1lluediate neighborhood. His friend ag-reed to give hilll- ell1ploynlent during- his stay at chop )ing- and clearing up land. So, af- ter he had got evervtl1Ïng set tIed and in order, he \vas then provided ,,-ith a ne\v axe and handle. and he started out one frosty lllorning to COIll- IHence his \'"ork at chopping do\,"n the forest trees, but it so happened that his friend had to go to Guel'pih that lllorning \vith his oxen and sleigh, and 011 his \vay passed near by \\-here this green horn was cutting do\vn a beech tree, an:d after being gone several hours, on his re- turn, saw hilll still pounding a\vay at the saIne tree, \vhen he called to him, "\Vhat , ha;ve vou not got that tree do\vn ytt.. :au h '" ""No, anfl 134 troth I've been \vorikîng tíll I am all \vet \vith s\veat, but the \vood has got so hard fr07e that the axe \von't cut it at all." "Let me see the , axe, lIugh. Man dear, the whole of the steel has broke out of it. Did you not see that?" "1'roth, an' I never looked at the axe, for I thought it \vas the frost that \vas luaking the tree so hard to cut, and I 'as thinking that chopping was very slo\v work here in the "'-In- ter." Such were the beginnings. Yet, not\yithstlanding these drawbacks, in a few years some of the Inost thrifty of the set- tlers possessed a yoke of oxen and a sled, also a cow or two, and a fe\v h'ogs, \vhÏl:h fed lIlostly upon beechnuts. These, with a quantity of fowls, kept the larder better supplied with such varieties as beechnut-fed pork, eggs, very leaky Inilk and butter, nlaple sugar and luolasses. These, \vit1h potatoes, constituted the principal food of the settlers in those days. Money \ya3 very scarce, and \vhen we could sell eggs at three pence per d,ozen \ve thought it a good price. But these days and these pioneers lla V all passed frol11 the changing scenes oj this ,,'orId, having," served their day a lld generation. But to thelll and' their successors, all honor and credit is due, for having changed a dense fore t into a fruitful garden, and the hau;l1ts of the \voIf and the bear into Iïollles of peace and plellLY, occupied by a refined, intellig-ent and educated people, both in city and c Oft\U try , \vho are also in the enjoyment of lllany of the lllodern illlprOV lnel1ts of an d.d-- vanced civili:tation. 1:;;-; ', t ' t't . .æ: