fnflpHPffMB— pi I «uiAjmMmiim« M Mju i W iHMiiiriiiii in iw» '"i1>i|y|||ff^mm«mHHHIWffl n iM^ O>607 .C62 1904 PL. 1. Agaricus muscar A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT OF BRITISH FUNGI WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE ESCULENT AND ECONOMIC SPECIES BY M. C. COOKE, M.A., LL.D. With Coioured Plates of Thirty»Four Species and numerous Woodcuts RK BOTANICAL OARDfcN £Mntnirgb JOHN GRANT 31 GEORGE IV. P. RIDGE 1904 PEEFACE TO THE THlftD EDITION. A Third Edition of this little work having been demanded, I have taken the opportunity of making a few verbal cor- rections and of entirely revising the Plates. Some of the figures have been replaced by others more characterise of the species, but in no case has the individual species been altered from what it was in the first and second editions. In the colouring, as well as in the drawing, it is hoped that the illustrations to the present edition will be found more satisfactory than in either of the preceding. The apologies made in the earlier editions of this work for its production are no longer necessary, since its ready sale has justified its publication. During the period which has elapsed a considerable addition has been made to the number of students of Fungi in this country, and facilities are now afforded for the prosecution of that study which were unknown when this work first made its appearance. It may be permitted me to indicate here, for the benefit of those who may desire to pursue the study further than the present volume will carry them, where they may find C_r>the assistance they require for such an extension. In the .-'first place the general structure, relations, affinities, and * — differences of the principal groups are treated much more ' fully and completely than they could be in a work such as the present in a volume entitled ' Fungi, their Nature, Uses, Influences, &c.,' written by me for the 'International a 2 IV PREFACE. Scientific Series.' Microscopical species, especially those found growing on living plants, arc illustrated in a com- panion volume to the present, entitled, 'Kust, Smut, Mil- dew, and Mould;' whereas an enumeration of all British Fungi known up to the time of its publication will be found in the Author's 'Handbook of British Fungi.' The pages of the 'Popular Science Review' will also be found to contain various contributions from the same pen, which serve to illustrate phases and sections of this extended subject. When it is remembered that at the present time scarecly less than four thousand species of fungi are found to inhabit our islands, it must be conceded that a small volume like this can only pretend to serve as an intro- duction to more elaborate works. In one sense, however, the present volume may be regarded as ample, since it contains, as its main feature, observations on the edible and poisonous kinds, with tho best advice which could be afforded for their discrimination. In conclusion, tho same words may be employed as terminated the first preface: " Let me assure the student that all times, seasons, and localities will afford him some species for examination; and whether he lias felt interested in them before, or now, for the firs! time, adopts these interesting plants as objects worthy of his special regard, I would commend them to his patient and persevering attention, in the assurance ■".Vet this pursuit will 'had from joy to joy.' " M. C. COOKE. Upj'cr Uolloway, London, X CONTENTS. PAGE Giix-bearing Fungi 12 True Agarics 24 Pseudo-Agarics f)0 Pore-bearing Fungi 68 Teeth-bearing Fungi 84 Leathery Fungi 8G Club-bearing Fungi 87 Gelatinous Fungi 90 Peridiate Fungi 91 Subterranean Fungi 92 Stinkhorn Fungi 93 Puff-ball Fungi 94 Dust-like Fungi 100 Thready Fungi 102 Mucoraceous Fungi 103 Spobidiiferous Fungi 104 Discrimination and Preservation of Fungi .. .. 118 Tabular Arrangement of Orders and Genera .. 125 LIST OF PLATES. Fly Agaric, Agaricus muscarius Parasol Mushroom, Agaricus procerus Halli masch, Agaricus melleus .. Satiny Mushroom, Agaricus dealbatus Ivory-caps, Hygrophorus virgineus .. Spindle-stem, Agaricus fusipes Elm Sidefoot, Agaricus ulmarius Furrowed Clavaria, Glavaria rugosa.. Cylindric Clavaria, Clavaria vermiculafa Oyster Mushroom, Agaricus ostreatus St. George's Mushroom, Agaricus gambosus Common Mushroom, Agaricus campestris Maned Agaric, Coprinus comatus Ink Mushroom, Coprinus atramentarius .. Grey Clavaria, Clavaria cinerea Masked Mushroom, Agaricus per sonatus .. Variable Mushroom, Russula heterophylla Amethyst Clavaria, Clavaria amethystina Chantarelle, Canthardlus cibarius .. Milky Agaric, Lactarius dtliciosus ., ., Plate 1 J5 2 )» 3 *1 4, fig. 1 'J 4, ,, 2 9) 5 1 ' 6, ficr. 1 : > G. 1> 2 »? G. >» Q ?) 7 tt 8, fig- 1 '> 8, >> 2 i? 9 »j 10, fig- 1 sj 10, ,, 2 j) 11, ,, 1 ?) 11, ,, 2 )•> 11, ,, 3 )) 12, >> 1 7? 12, ), 2 via LIST OF rLATES. Emetic Mushroom, Iiussula emetica .. Orange-cups, Peziza aurantia Fairy-ring Champignon, Marasmius oreades False Champignon, Marasmius peronatus Nagelschwamme, Agaricus csculentus Edible Boletus, Boletus edulis Scaly Polypore, Polyporus squamosum Oak-tongue, Fistulina hcpatica Imbricated Steccherino, Hydnum imbricatum Hedgehog Mushroom, Hydnum repandum Lattice Fungus, Clathrus cancellatus Truffle, Tuber cestivum hed Truffle, Melanogaster variegatus .. Olive Earth-tongue, Qcoglossum olivaceum Plate 13, fig- 1 13, n 2 14, »> 1 14, >> 2 14, >> 3 15 16 17 18, fig. 1 18, fig- 2 19 20, fig. 1 20, »> 2 20, »> S BRITISH FUNGI. rpO some — and we would hope that the number is ■*■ few — the very name of Fungus is unknown. To others this name is associated only with the pileated species, or at most with the addition of puff-balls, or such as possess a truly fungoid odour. There doubtless may be found a privileged few, amongst the unscientific denizens of our islands, who acknowledge a broader view, and include a far less limited series of these extraordinary productions of the vegetable kingdom within the terms of our title. It would be vain to attempt a general and compact definition of a fungus, or to describe in a few words what is included in the large group to which the name of Fungi is given, so as to be popularly intelligible. The contents of the present volume must be left to perform this office for us, or so much of it as remains untold after we have pointed out some of the most characteristic of the homes of the race. It is indeed a singular and despised family to the history of which we are about to dedicate this volume. Many of those who would merit the title of " good 2 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT botanists" know little or nothing about them. That part of our scientific literature which is devoted to them is remarkably scanty ; and the young student, or the operative botanist, whose means are limited, inquires in vain for assistance in gaining even a slight know- ledge of a very interesting section of our Flora. For such we can scarce hope to accomplish much ; but even this little may not prove unwelcome. Whilst manuals of flowering plants, with or without illus- trations, are abundant, no corresponding guides to cryptogams can be found equally complete, cheap, or useful. The Spitalfields weaver, who gets away into the country, whenever a half-holiday falls to his lot, for the purpose of adding to his humble herbarium, or becoming better acquainted with the Flora of his native land, must look upon the lichen or fungus as objects reserved for the study of those who can better afford the neces- sary literary assistance. Although this may still be asserted, with equal justice, when our work is accom- plished ; yet if we succeed in exciting an interest amongst only a few readers, this may hasten the time when the desideratum shall be supplied. To say that fungi may be found everywhere, would not perhaps be always literally true ; but to say where they are not to be found, under any circumstances, would be puzzling. Not only are shady woods, mossy dells, secluded lanes, and green pastures, the habitats of fungi, but we meet with them in almost every situation where vegetable life is possible, and traces OF BRITISH FUNGI. 3 of them where it is not. Wherever decaying vege- table matter exists, we may expect to find a new race flourishing among the debris, as in the decay of the garden of " the sensitive plant " described by Shelley : — And plants at whose name the verse feels loath, Fill'd the place with a monstrous undergrowth, Prickly and pulpous, and blistering, and blue, Livid, and starr'd with a lurid dew, And agarics, and fungi, with mildew and mould, Started like mist from the wet ground cold ; Pale, fleshy, as if the decaying dead With a spirit of growth had been animated. Their mass rotted off them flake by flake, Till the thick stalk stuck like a murderer's stake, Where rags of loose flesh yet tremble on high, Infecting the winds that wander by. Such a spot is an almost certain home for fungi. Every rotten stump or twig, every decaying leaf or fruit, has its peculiar species, — some large enough to attract immediate attention, others so small as to be invisible to the unaided eye. But we need not travel from home to meet with examples : the unwelcome dry-rot may have committed its ravages beneath our kitchen floor ; or on the walls of our cellars, and our casks, or bottles of wine, may be infested with members of this ubiquitous race. Can we find no morsel of bread or cheese upon which a mould is flourishing ? no towel or other article of household linen presenting traces of mildew ? Are we perfectly certain that all our preserves are unvisited, b2 4 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT or, to come nearer to some of us, all our books un- touched ? But, in places which many would consider more un- likely still, we may look for and expect to find fungi : * on whitewashed walls, plaster ceilings, dirty glass, old flannel, and old boots and shoes, or leather of any description ; on carpets, mats, and boards, and even the plants in our herbaria must be watched against their ravages. Animals bear them about on their horns and hoofs, and the housefly often carries in its body the vegetating fungus which ultimately deprives it of life. The yeast that is employed for fermenting our bread and our beer is a fungus, as well as the mildew and smut that infest our growing corn. From cesspools and traps, the minute dust-like spores of hidden fungi rise into our dwellings, unseen they float in the air, entering everywhere, depositing them- selves everywhere, and vegetating wherever the con- ditions are favourable to their development. It was strongly affirmed at one time that our cholera visitations were due to these invisible agents, and a larorc volume has been written on these vegetable parasites on men and animals. " When our beer becomes mothery, the mother of that mischief is a * As a difficulty is occasionally experienced amongst amateurs with reference to the pronunciation of this word in its plural form, we may remind them, that in the singular the g should be hard as in gum, whilst in the plural fungi lias the g soft, as Fun-ji. It may be permitted us to protest against such a bar- barism as funguses, which has sometimes been employed as the plural of fungus. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 5 fungus ; if pickles acquire a bad taste, if ketchup turns ropy and putrefies, fungi have a finger in it all. Their reign stops not here — they even prey on each other. The close cavities of nuts occasionally afford concealment to some species ; others, like leeches, stick to the bulbs of plants, and suck them dry ; and some pick timber to pieces as men pick oakum." Hop- mildew, vine-disease, turnip-mildew, bunt, smut, ergot, potato-murrain, pea and wheat mildew, may all be traced to them as the fertile source of mischief. That fungi may be developed under, apparently, the most unfavourable circumstances, may be gathered from an instance recorded by Schweinitz, of a blacksmith at Salem, who, having thrown on one side a piece of iron which he had just taken from the fire, was called off to some other business, and on his return in the morning was astonished to see on this very piece, lying over the water on his smith's trough, a mass of fungi two feet in length. It had crept from the iron to some adjacent wood, and not from the wood to the iron. This im- mense mass had grown during the space of twelve hours. The Rev. M. J. Berkeley also found a species of fungus vegetating on a lead cistern at Kew ; and Sowerby, the author of an illustrated work on British Fungi, pub- lished more than half a century since, found a species growing on some cinders on the outside of the dome of St. Paul's. Nor are these plants less worthy of notice on account of the rapidity of their growth. The great Puff Ball springs up in a marvellous manner to the size of a D A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT pumpkin during the night ; and the late Dr. Lindley computed that the cells of which its structure is composed, multiply at the extraordinary rate of sixty millions in a minute. Dr. Greville mentions an instance of one of the largest of our British fungi {Polyporus squamosus) attaining a circumference of seven feet five inches, and weighing thirty-four pounds, after having been cut four days. It was only four weeks in attaining to these dimensions, thus acquiring an increase of growth equal to nineteen ounces per day. Daring the past summer we noticed an individual of this same species, which reached a diameter of eleven inches within the short space of a week. Blue -mould is also rapid in its growth, although the plant indivi- dually is small, and a meadow or pasture which in the evening exhibited no prominent signs of mushrooms, may in the morning yield a good basket-full. The popular notion, current in some agricultural districts, that fungi melt away when the sun shines upon them, sends the mushroom-gatherer to seek them " When the grass is wet with dew, In the morning early." Dr. Carpenter relates an instance of the expansive power resulting from the rapid growth of the soft cellular tissue of fungi which seems marvellous. Some years ago the town of Basingstoke was paved ; and not many months afterwards the pavement was observed to exhibit an unevenness which could not easily be accounted for. In a short time after, the mystery was explained, for some of the heaviest stones were com- OF BRITISH FUNGI. 7 pletely lifted out of their beds by the growth of large toadstools beneath them. One of these stones measured twenty-two inches by twenty-one, and weighed eighty - three pounds, and the resistance afforded by the mortar which held it in its place would probably be even a greater obstacle than the weight. It became necessary to repave the whole town in consequence of this re- markable disturbance. A similar incident came under our own notice, of a large kitchen hearthstone which was forced up from its bed by an under-growing fungus, and had to be relaid two or three times, until at hist it reposed in peace, the old bed having been removed to the depth of six inches, and a new foundation laid. A circumstance recorded by Sir Joseph Banks is still more extraordinary, of a cask of wine which, having been confined for three years in a cellar, was, at the termination of that period, found to have leaked from the cask, and vegetated in the form of immense fungi, which had filled the cellar and borne upwards the empty wine-cask to the roof. It is a curious fact in connection with the growth of these singular plants, that, while Phanerogams under ordinary circumstances absorb carbonic acid from the atmosphere, and respire oxygen, in this instance the order is reversed, and carbonic acid gas is given off It is believed that the absence of green colouring matter, with the exception in some few instances of a kind of mineral green, is due, in part, to this reversal of transpired gases. One thing is certain, that in flowering plants light is absolutely essential not onlv to 8 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT the growth ami healthy condition of the plant, but also to the production of the green chlorophyl, or colouring matter. Fungi, on the contrary, would appear to flourish best in the absence of light, in dark cellars, under flagstones, in hollow trees, and in like places, where no other form of plant could exist ; while some genera are entirely subterranean. The luminosity of fungi is a phenomenon which we do not often see exhibited in these temperate regions ; but in countries nearer the tropics it is not at all an uncommon occurrence for fungi to give out a kind of phosphorescent light with sufficient intensity to enable the traveller to read his letters or write up his journal. " And unctuous meteors from spray to spray Crept and Hi i ted iu broad noonday Unseen, every branch on which they alit By a venomous blight was burned and bit." In our schoolboy days we remember to have often carried home in our pockets a piece of touchwood, to be taken to bed with us on account of the little light it afforded. What we, in common with our elders and betters, termed touchwood, was merely the light, white, decaying wood of an old stump, entirely permeated with the minute mycelium of a fungus, and which exhibited phosphorescence in the dark. The fact was well enough known to us, but the cause was a mystery ; the remotest idea of its being due to the presence of a fungoid growth never entered our boyish Ik ads. A kind of Polyporus (P. sulfureus), often found OF BRITISH FUNGI. 9 forming a dense mass on the stumps of trees, exhibits phosphorescence in the early stages of its decay. The forms which these singular plants assume are extremely diversified : in some instances Ave have a distinct stem supporting a cap, and looking somewhat like a parasol ; in others the stem is entirely absent, and the cap is attached either by its margin, and is said to be dimidiate, or by its back, or that which is more commonly its upper surface, when it is called resupinate. Sometimes the form and colour so nearly resemble that of a tongue, that, as Dr. Badham says, " in the days of enchanted trees you would not have cut it off to pickle or eat on any account, lest the knight to whom it belonged should afterwards come to claim it of you." In some species the form is that of a cup ; in others of a goblet, a saucer, an ear, a birds- nest, a horn, a bunch of coral, a ball, a button, a rosette, a lump of jelly, or a piece of velvet. Indeed, so protean are they in shape, that description fails in giving an adequate idea of their variety. In colour they are almost as variable as in shape : in one or two instances decidedly green ; but this colour must be considered as rare amongst them. We have all shades of red, from light pink to deepest crimson ; all tints of yellow, from sulphureous to orange ; all kinds of browns, from palest ochre to deepest umber ; and every gradation between pale grey and sooty black. Blue and violet tints do not abound ; but even these, as well as a beautiful amethyst, occasionally occur. White or creamy tints are very common. There is a 10 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT livid and suspicious shade to many of the species, not peculiarly attractive to the disinterested observer. Odours are manifestly agreeable, or disagreeable, to a considerable extent, according to the taste of the inhaler; but it must he confessed that some of the fungi exhale an odour so intolerably foetid, that no set of olfactory nerves could be found to endure it longer than was absolutely necessary. A lady having found a specimen of the truly elegant, but rare, Clathrus, set about making a sketch of it ; but, notwithstanding her urgent desire to accomplish the task, she was compelled to have the fungus removed from the house before her sketch was finished. A gentleman of our acquaintance, during a stroll through Daren th Wood, met with a specimen of the common stinkhorn {Phallus impndicus) , which, having deposited in his sandwich-box and consigned to his pocket, he designed to take home and examine. For some time he had become conscious of an unpleasant odour ; but it was not until he had entered the railway carriage, to return to town, that he discovered the true source. Everybody in the compartment com- plained, and wondered what could be the cause, and quitted it as soon as an opportunity offered. Nothing but a resolute determination to make a drawing and section of the fungus could have prevented our friend throwing away stinkhorn and sandwich-box long ere his arrival in town ; but, in this instance, botanical enthusiasm overcame all physical difficulties. The foetid or unpleasant odour is not, however, uni- OF BRITISH FUNGI. 11 versal in fimsri. There are some which have the scent of tarragon, of new-mown hay, of violets, of anise, of walnuts, of new meal, &c. ; while there are others which, we must confess, have the odour of onions, of garlic, of tainted meat, of fish, and equally unpleasant substances ; and others, again, which are devoid of any perceptible odour. Some persons are very fond of tasting, and here they may gratify that propensity ; for in fungi they will meet with a variety of flavours, some <.f which will be calculated to please, and others to disgust. In the raw state, probably, the acrid or unpleasant prevails in the majority of cases, for some species which are pleasant when cooked, have a very acrid taste when eaten raw. The number of poisonous species has, perhaps, been exaggerated ; but of these there are many, and the dangerous properties of a few are extremely virulent. We have always imagined it prudent to taste unknown species with caution, since we have learnt that some mycologists, having, perhaps, more enthusiasm than caution, have, from merely tasting very virulent species, suffered for some time afterwards considerable pain and in- convenience. More especial reference will be made hereafter to the species recommended as esculent, and which may be found, in greater or less number, in our own islands. As articles of food, fungi are certainly deserving of more attention than they have hitherto received from the majority of our countrymen. People widely sepa- rated by mountains, oceans, or vast tracts of desert, 12 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT have been found employing certain species as delicacies. Not only in China, as evidenced by the examples of dried edible fungi sent to the International Exhibition of 1862, but also in the Himalayas and in the Rocky Mountains, as well as in Terra del Fuego, New Zealand, and Australia, to say nothing of European countries, certain species afford wholesome and nutritious food. Of their chemical composition we are very deficient in information. Few authentically- determined species have yet come under the cognizance of the chemist, and there is but little doubt that not only does the composition vary greatly in different species, as evidenced by their wholesome or unwholesome properties, but also in the same species under different conditions of climate and habitat, as well as during the different stages of its existence ; a few hours being sufficient in some cases to convert a wholesome food into a very injurious, and, perhaps, dangerous substance. GILL-BEA1UNG FUNGI. With a view to a mo. comnletp knowledge of the structure and arrangement (/ Vungi, it will be advisable to commence with an examination of one of the best known, as a type of the higher divisions of this inter- esting group of plants. Every one knows what a mush- room is, at least so far as regards its external appearand'. If we carefully remove the soil from the base of the stem which bears the cap-like receptacle of mushrooms, OF BRITISH FUNGI. 13 we shall lay bare a number of pale entangled threads, which constitute the mycelium, or spawn. These thread-like processes consist of a number of separate individuals, which unitedly produce the stem already alluded to. The mycelium of fungi is not always composed of filaments, but this kind will, for the present, serve the purpose of illustration. At certain points in this en- tangled mass of threads, a little rounded protuberance at first appears, which, as it enlarges, ruptures, and the young mushroom may be seen within it, with its cap or pileus supported upon its stem. The membrane which has up to this point inclosed the young mushroom is termed the voka, or wrapper, portions or traces of which often remain permanently at the base of the stem. The young pileus or cap, for some time after it has emerged from the wrapper, retains its spherical or hemi- spherical form. As it expands, the under surface, which is seen to consist of a membrane, or in some cases only of a mass of entangled threads, ruptures, leaving a portion attached to the stem, or stipe, in the form of an irregular collar, rinor, or annulus. This collar is in some species of Agaric permanent, in others it is move- able, whilst in many it is entirely absent. The breaking away of the membrane from the under surface of the pileus, as already described, exposes a series of plates or gill-like processes, called also lamella?, which radiate from the stem. These gills are covered with the fruc- tifying surface, termed the hymenium, which bears the spores, or reproductive bodies. 14 A TLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT The accompanying woodcut will make clearer the position and relation of the parts we have described. At the base of this section of an Agaric the mycelium is represented at m, proceeding from this the stipe or stem (.s), surrounded by the remains of the volva or wrapper (v). The stem is surmounted by a pileus or cap (p), bearing lamella) or gills on the under surface (g). which have been exposed by the disappearance of the indusium or veil, leaving traces in the form of an cumulus or ring (a) around the stem. If we collect a specimen of mushroom, or any Agaric. and having separated the stem from the pileus, invert the latter, with the gills downwards, upon a piece of glass or a sheet of writing-paper, in the course of an hour or two a number of fine dust-like bodies will be seen to have fallen from the under surface of the pileus upon the glass or paper. These are the reproductive bodies, known as spores, which arc borne upon the surface of the lamellaB. Their colour will in many instances be white, but in some of a purple tint, or various shades of brown. The further and more minute examination of these bodies requires the aid of a microscope. It has been said that the spores of Agarics are home upon what are termed Jic gills, and that the spore- bearing surface is called the hymcniuin. In the genus OF BRITISH FUNGI. 15 now under description this hymenium is folded or plaited together in the form of a series of plates radiating from the stem ; the two sides of these folds adhere more or less by their backs, and in some species may be easily opened out. Upon the surface of the hymenium will be found a number of swollen threads or cells, called sporophores, or basidia (b), each surmounted by four smaller branches, termed spicules, or stigmata (a), each of which is terminated by a spore. An immense number of these spores are borne on the hymenium of a single fungus, as will be evident by the deposit obtained in the manner already indicated. The spores vary not only in size, but also in colour and form. Fries says of them :— " They are so infinite — for in a single indi- vidual I have reckoned above 10,000,000— so subtile, scarcely visible to the eye, and resembling thin smoke ; so light, and are dispersed in so many ways, that it is difficult to conceive a place from which they can be excluded." The whole of the description now concluded will only apply to the Agaricini, or Gill-bearing Fungi. Of these there are believed to exist at least three thousand species, and one-tenth of them are probably esculent, while perhaps one sixth of them are not positively unwholesome. To determine the species to which any individual Agaric may belong, it is necessary that the following particulars should be noted — i.k., whether found grow- ing singly or in groups, and whether, if gregarious, it 16 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT formed a portion of a ring ; also, if found on the ground or upon decaying wood, and whether rooting or not. It should carefully be noted if the stem is stout or slender, bulbous or fusiform, scaly, downy, or smooth ; whether central in its inser- tion, eccentric, lateral, or almost obsolete ; what is the colour of the pileus, gills, and stem, the form ol the pileus a in the young as well as the mature plant ; and what is the nature of the surface of the pileus, whether downy or smooth, dull or shining, viscid or dry. Then, by cutting the pileus and stem down the centre, the texture of both, their colour, and also whether the stem is fibrous, stuffed (i.e., filled with a spongy or cottony mass) or fistulose b (i.e., hollow) (a b). The form and position of the gills must also be noted. If their interior extremities are distant from the stem, they are remote (c) ; reaching the stem, but not attached thereto, free (d) ; but if attached, they are then termed adnate(e). If the gills run down the stem, they are said to be decurrent (/)• * Their opposite or outer ex- tremity may be forked, or their interior toothed or emarginate (ritish species, contains one that can be termed esculent. For the mycologist they possess features of interest, but none for the cook. Of Omphalia our report must be to the same effect. Indeed, the species are generally so small that they can establish no claims to the honour of an experiment. The last sub-genus of the white-spored Agarics i£ Pleurotus, or side-foot as some of the species have been called. This name is probably derived from two Greek words signifying side-bone or ribs. The species contained in this group are lovers of wood, upon which they are generally found growing, some on living trees, others on dead stumps or posts. The stem is either inserted into the cap away from the centre or in the margin, or it is absent altogether. Some are not larger than the thumb-nail and solitary, while others are large and grow in dense masses. Some are occasionally subjected to culinary operations, but none present very great attractions to the epicure. Tne trunks of elms often support a large and beau- tiful species, which not only makes itself a home 40 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT on those venerable trees, elevated many feet above the ground, but also from them derives its specific name [A. ulmariui). We have seen it occasionally around Hampstead and Highgate, but it is not considered a very common species. The specimen from which our drawing was made came from the former locality ; it was flourishing alone, but it is more usual to meet with them in tufts. The stem is thick and inserted a little out of the centre ; the pileus is smooth, slightly and minutely spotted ; and the gills are broad, close, and of a dirty white. Although perfectly wholesome, there is not much flavour in it, and whatever it may be when young, it certainly exhibits a tendency to toughness when fully matured, which does not recom- mend it to the gastronomist. It has been customary to regard this and some of its allies as alimentary, but there is no doubt that they could all be very well spared from the list (PI. 6, fig. 1). Late in the autumn the Oyster (^4. ostreatus) may be found growing on trees. But, whilst in the animal world the oyster that groweth upon trees is considered ;is degenerate and unfit for becoming the food of man, in the vegetable world the tree-loving oyster is held by many to be excellent food. The fungus to which we have thus alluded has generally so peculiar an appearance, common only to a very limited number of British species, that it can scarcely be mistaken. The only one which would be liable to be confounded with it makes its appearance in spring, and is not esculent, whilst theoy8ter is an autumnal species and is decidedly PL. 6. I. A I':. Bull. Sen/,. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 41 edible. The densely clustered or imbricated mass in which they are generally found, with the stems attached near the side of the pileus, the dirty white gills run- ning far down the stem, all serve to characterize a species with which our plate (PI. 7) can scarce fail to make one familiar. As to its value or quality when prepared for the table, there is certainly no unanimity of opinion. Another species (A. salignus), found some- times solitary and sometimes in clusters on the trunks of trees, is said to be eaten in Austria, but we are not aware that it has been tried in England. The first sub-genus in the division with salmon- coloured spores is termed Voharia. The veil forms a distinct volva, and gives a decided feature to the group. One species is common in hothouses, where its satiny, dark-grey cap, as it bursts and emerges from the volva, makes it an attractive object. No species is of eco- nomic importance amongst the half-dozen found in these islands. The sub genus Pluteus has the hymenophorum, or part on which the gills are situated, distinct from the stein, by which it is distinguished from the succeeding group. The veil is absent, which distinguishes it from the preceding group There is no esculent British species. In Entoloma the hymenophorum is continuous with. and the gills have a tendency to separate from, the stem. The next sub-genus is Clitopilus (klitos, Gr., a slope, pilos, a cap), in which the hymenophorum is continuous with the stem, down which the attenuated gills de- 42 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT scend in a decurrent manner. In this group we have an esculent species. The true A. prunulus lias the disadvantage of being often robbed of its good name. It is an autumnal species found growing in woods. The pileus is fleshy, and either white or some pale shade of grey. The gills are rather distant from each other and whitish or flesh- coloured, decurrent, or running down the solid stem. The odour resembles that which one experiences on entering a flour-mill. There can be no doubt that it is a very good esculent species, but the confusion of this and A. garnbosw under the same name has perhaps led some to attribute to it part of the honour due to its rival. The St. George's mushroom (A. gambosus) is a vernal, and A. prumdus an autumnal species. Three other sub-genera complete the division of Agarics in which the spores are salmon-coloured ; these are Leptonia, Nolanea, and Eccilia. In Leptonia the stem has a cartilaginous bark. The margin of the pileus is at first curved inwards, and the gills divide away from the stem. In Nolanea the stem is cartilaginous, but instead of being curved at first, the margin of the pileus is straight, and closely pressed to the stem. In Eccilia the stem is also cartilaginous, and the pileus at first inflexed at the margin ; the gills are at- tenuated behind, and truly decurrent, or running down the stem. Until very lately, it was not known that this sub-genus had a representative in Britain. Two species have, however, been discovered ; but in none PL. 7. Agancus ostreatus. Jacq. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 43 of these sub-genera do we recognise any species that is edible. The series called Dermini. which have rust-coloured or tawny spores, is also divided into sub-genera, the first of which is Pholiota, probably derived from the Greek pkolidotos, and "signifying covered with scales," which is a characteristic of many of the species. In this group the stem is furnished with a ring. It has been stated that A. mutabilis, a member of this sub-genus, is escu- lent ; and, having tested the truth of the assertion, we admit it as such, though with no special commendation. Another species (A. squarrosus), which is commonly found D-rowing in dense clumps on trunks of trees, with its cap and stem rough, and bristling with innumerable dark scales, has been found to be wholesome, but we have many others far more worthy of recommendation. In this same group occurs a more commendable species {A. pudicus), but unfortunately it cannot be called common. The pileus is fleshy, smooth, and of a dirty-white colour. The stem is solid and of the same size throughout its length. The gills are at first whitish and ultimately tawny. This fungus will be found growing on trees, more particularly on elder trunks, and has been recommended as wholesome and agreeable. In Hebeloma, the veil, when present at oil, is thread- like, and the gills have a sinus or depression at the extremity next the stem. Several species are very common, but none are esculent. The sub-genus Flammula has the gills either firmly attached to or running down the stem. 4-4 A PLAIN ANL EASX ACC0UN1 In Naucoria the stem is of a cartilaginous character on the outside, and the pileus or cap is bent or turned inwards. A very common little species may be noticed during the summer in almost every pasture, having a fleshy hemispherical pileus ; whence its specific name of semi- orbicularis is derived. In the sub-genus Galera, the pileus is somewhat bell-shaped, and the margin is straight. The next sub-genus, Crepidotus, has an eccentric pileus, which distinguishes it from all the others. This completes the series with rust-coloured or tawny spores. It will have been remarked that in all this series there does not occur a single species which can be recom- mended as an article of food ; still there are a few which may he eaten without injury. Although interesting to the mycologist, our space will not permit us to give mure than this brief summary of the principal features of the groups into which the series is subdivided. Succeeding these are the PratelljE, a series of Agarics in which the spores are brownish-purple or brown, and the first and foremost sub-genus is Psalliota (from psalion, Gr., a ring), having the veil affixed to the stem, and forming a ring. In this group we en- counter the mushroom of the English, the Pratiola of the Italians, or the A. campestris of botanists (PI. 8, fig. 2). "May he die of a pratiola !" is the worst wish that an Italian can express for an enemy. Hence we may learn (he small esteem in which our general favourite is held by the most extensive of fungi-eaters in Europe. Were this species to appear in the markets of Ilnue for sale, it PL 8. : I,' ,r \ \> « /. Agaricvs gambosus. Fr. 2. Agarjcus campestris. Fr. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 4-5 would be certain of condemnation by the Inspector of Funo-i as unwholesome. Autres homines, autres moeurs. In Milan it only became recognised as worthy of being eaten after Vittadini had stood up as its champion, and in the Venetian states it is scarcely known. The sus- picion that attaches to this fungus in the Peninsula extends even to Hungary, where it seldom appears at table, although the Boletus, so rarely eaten in England, furnishes a common dish. At Vienna, on the other hand, the rejected pratiola meets with a welcome, and is enjoyed with impunity. In France, as in Britain, it is probably the one most extensively consumed ; al- though in the former country the consumption of other kinds is more common than in the latter. For the true enjoyment of a mushroom, much will depend upon the method of cooking, which, notwithstanding the little variety in the methods employed here, may be served up in a number of ways. From amongst the most common of continental modes, the following are selected. Having picked a number of freshly-gathered mush- rooms, cut them in pieces, wash them in cold water, and dry them in a cloth. Put them in a pan, with butter, parsley, salt, and pepper, and place them over a luisk fire. When ready, add cream and yulk of egg. to bind them together. Some tastes arc in favour of having them dressed a la Proven^ ale, in which case they must only be cut in two, washed and dried as before, and then soaked in oil for one or two hours, with salt, pepper, and a piece of garlic ; nt the end of this period they should be put 46 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT into a stewpan, with oil, and cooked over a brisk fire; when done, a little chopped parsley and some lemon- juice should be added. There is a delicacy under the form of stuffed mush- rooms, which, although unknown to us bv practical experience, is so strongly recommended by those who count them amongst their experiences, that we are induced to quote M. Roques's instructions for their preparation. " Take mushrooms of a medium size, and prepare for them at the same time the following stuffing ; i e., take a piece of butter, grated bacon, some bread-crumbs, sweet herbs, garlic, salt, coarse pepper, and the least morsel of spice ; when these are all well mixed, turn over the mushrooms with the concave side upwards, take away the stems, and fill the concavity with this stuffing ; then wrap each in paper, and cook them in a pan, adding a spoonful of oil as occasion may require. If thought fit, a few slices of fowl, partridge, or pheasant may be added." There is also an economical method, and one which may serve alternately with, or as a substitute for, the slovenly old English plan, which seems to reduce all ccoking to three types — mast beef, boiled mutton, and grilled chopg or steaks; even mushrooms must be cooked up in one of these plans, unless we can induce a change for the better. Having peeled your mush- rooms, and removed the stems, place them in a stewpan, with fresh butter, and let them stow over a brisk fire; when the butter is melted, squeeze, in the juice of a lemon ; after a little while add salt, pepper, ^pi'-e, and a OF BRITISH FUNGI. 47 spoonful of water in which a clove of garlic has been soaked for half an hour ; let them stew altogether for about an hour, and then add yolk of egg to bind them ; pour your stew upon some small crusts of bread which you would have previously fried in butter. A variety that is charming may be found on "cold- mutton days " in hashing the mutton with mushrooms, makinir what our transmarine neighbours would call Hachis aux champignons. To accomplish this, two dozen mushrooms should be selected, washed, and well dried, then put in a stewpan with a piece of butter. When the butter is melted, stir in a tablcspoonful of flour, two glasses of beef gravy, salt, pepper, and a bay-leaf. These should be cooked until reduced one-half, and then poured over the hashed leg of mutton. The whole should be well mixed together, and served with small crusts of bread fried in butter. To make a Puree of mushrooms, select such as are of a globular shape, called locally in some parts " button mushrooms/' wash them in cold water, and wipe them dry ; chop them as fine as possible, and press them in a cloth ; put them in a stewpan, with a little butter and pepper, let them stand over a brisk fire, and when the butter is melted, squeeze in lemon-juice, and add jelly - broth, according to the quantity of mushrooms ; stew until reduced to the consistency of pea-soup, and serve with meat, fish, or poached eggs. These recipes will suffice to show that there are more ways of cooking mushrooms than stewing them inde- finitely in an uncertain quantity of water, or committing 48 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT them to the gridiron :i sails everything." It will not be necessary to append a description of a species so well known ; but it may not be out of place to repeat the recommendation, that to retain all their aroma, as well as to prevent any unpleasant consequences from a free indulgence in them, care should be taken to reject such as have lost by age the pinkish tint of the gills, and to cook those selected as speedily as possible after being gathered. The varieties into which this fungus diverges are almost infinite ; both the cultivated and uncultivated kinds presenting great deviations from typical forms, as great, indeed, as in some instances separate species, and as such some authors have regarded them. The cultivation of mushrooms has not hitherto received attention equal to that which has been be- stowed upon other garden vegetables, and all the atten- tion which they have received is centred in this one species, as far as English horticulturists are concerned. The promoters of a well-known journal devoted to practical horticulture have once and again recommended experiments on other species, but apparently hitherto ^\ith but little success. It may be that while there are prizes offered for fine cauliflowers or rich grapes, there :ire none for " improved ruushruouis." A kind of mushroom is found in meadows, o-rowinn; in large ring-, and often attaining an enormous size, which has been considered by some as only a variety of the common mushroom, and by others as a distinct species (Aparicus arvemis, Sehoefh). The name of OF BRITISH FUNGI. *S St. George {Agarieus Georgii) has been applied to (his, as well as to another species of Agaricm. Locally it is sometimes called the horse-mushroom, from its size, and one variety is termed " Springers." The gills are a first paler, and when old, of a darker brown than those of the pasture-mushroom. They are said to be coarser and less finely-flavoured, but to make excellent ketchup, for which purpose they are occasionally sold. Like its ally, the common mushroom, it has several varieties, and some of these are of a much finer flavour than others. To some palates the taste of this species is affirmed to be more agreeable than that of the other. It is worthy of consideration whether some of these varieties might not be cultivated, and, perhaps, thereby improved, as well as the ordinary bed-mushroom, which is probably not the very best which could have been selected for the purpose. There are no other examples of edible species to be found in the remaining sub-genera of the PitATELLiE, or brownish-spored series. In Hypholoma the veil is web-like, adhering to the pileus at the margin. During the autumn nearly every post or old stump has its base adorned with clusters of a yellow fungus, with greenish- grey gills. It is very variable in size, and at times much contorted in form ; but so common is it, and so readily recognized, that we are almost tempted to regret that, not only is it bitter and unpleasant to the taste, but probably dangerous. This species, which is named A. fascicular is, from its habit of growing in fascicles or bundles, belongs to the sub-genus I/yp/ioloma. E M) a plain and easy account The next sub-genus, Psilocybe, is sometimes without a veil, avid when present it is not in the form of a ring, which also characterizes the succeeding sub-genus, from which this may be known by the pileus having its margin at first curved inwards ; whilst in Psathyra the margin is at first straight. The last series of true Agarics, in which the spores are black (Copri?iarii), is a small one with but two sub-genera, Panwolus and Psathyrella. In the former the veil is interwoven, the pileus is inclined to be fleshy, with the margin extending beyond the gills. In the latter the veil is not interwoven, and the pileus is thin, with its margin not extending beyond the gills. The members of the first sub-genus are found on dung, and of the last under hedges. They are all so small, that no one would think of committing them to the charge of the cook for the sake of experiment. PSEUDO-AGARICS. Closely associated with the last sub-genus of the genus Agaricus, and agreeing therewith in some points, is the genus Coprinas, which differs mainly in the deliquescent character of its membrane-like gills. The spores are black, as in Coprinarius ; therefore it is to the melting or deliquescing gills that the attention must be directed. In almost every rich pasture, and often in gardens, we meet, during the autumn, with the Maned Agaric (Coprlnus rov/attii), commanding attention by its PL 9. ( 'oprinus comatus. Fr. OF BRITISH PUNGI. 51 Singular and graceful form. It rises from the ground like a cylinder with a rounded end, and afterwards the cap opens to the size and shape of a hand-bell. The whole surface is delicate and silky, and the cap, tinged with brown at the top and greyish at the base, soon becomes covered with scales as of entangled threads. The stem is of a glossy unsullied whiteness, tall, tapering upwards, and hollow within. The narrow ring which surrounds the stem is seldom fixed. The gills are very close together, and are at first pinkish, passing through shades of purple and brown to black. The substance of the hymenophorum, or that portion of the pileus on which the gills are situated, is very thin, and soon becomes torn and split at the margin. In this state probably its name originated {coma, a wig), for it bears a fancied resemblance to a wig upon a barber's block. This species is so rapidly deliquescent, that while standing, or more speedily if gathered, it melts away drop by drop, and is soon converted into a black fluid resembling ink ; and indeed this resem' -lance is so complete, that it may readily be employed as a substitute; all that is required being to boil and strain it, and add a small quantity of corrosive sublimate to prevent its turning mouldy. There is generally no difficulty in pro- curing them for this, or any other, purpose at the proper season. During the past autumn they have been exceedingly abundant in some places, especially in the gardens of Chelsea Hospital. If gathered young, they afford no despicable dish, though perhaps not quite equal to the common mushroom. Even when more b 2 52 A PLAIN AND KASY ACCOUNT advanced, they may lie converted into a very passable ketchup. This condiment will then be equal to the majority of samples sold as mushroom ketchup, made too often from a very heterogeneous mixture of species, and not always before these have passed into a state of decomposition. Whether prepared for the table or for ketchup, it should always be remembered that the sooner the preparation takes place after the fungi are gathered the better. The plants have been blamed " manv a time and oft" for being unwholesome, or affording an indifferent ketchup, when the blame ought to have rested in the kitchen. (PI. 9.) Closely allied to the Maned Agaric is another species (Coprinw atramentarius) greatly resembling it in appearance, except that the scales are absent from the pileus, which in this instance is smooth am! of a greyish colour. It is extremely common about old stumps and also in gardens, flourishing on the naked soil. This species is often found in large clusters, and for all escu- lent purposes should be collected young. It has not only a similar habit, but also similar properties to the foregoing. When fully expanded and melting away in inky drops, it is unfit for anything except to replenish the inkstand. Popular prejudice is as strong against fungi of this kind as against the gigantic frondose polypori and the puff-ball, and one might almost as readily hope to convince the labourer in agricultural districts that flint stones are convertible into soup as that such " toad's meat" is fit for the table of ft Christian. (PI. 10.) PL 10. S V /. (Joprinus atrawientariuts. Fr. u* miirisii fvmii. 53 The genus ftnfhifii/* is small "ml unimportant, but that of Cortinarim, which succeeds it, must not be so speedily dismissed. In this genus, while the gills are membranaceous as in Coprinus, they do not deli- quesce, or melt away. The veil consists of threads of an arachnoid, or spider's web texture, and the spores are commonly of the colour of rust of iron. This genus is subdivided into six groups, founded on minor dis- tinctions, and the names are given in the tabular arrangement at the end of this volume. One of the brightest and most beautiful of this, or any other British genus, not only commends itself to our notice on this account, but also for its excellence as food. The species to which we allude (Cortinarim violaceus) is found in woods, although by no means com- mon. The colour is a beautiful dark violet, sometimes approaching nearly to black, with a coppery-red gloss or shade. The stem is bulbous and spongy, with a white cottony substance at the base. The gills are broad, thick, and distant ; and the spores are of a rusty brown. There is such a distinctness about the character of this species, that one regrets it is not more common, especially when we remember that it has not only the taste and odour of the mushroom when raw, but it is of "a particularly rich flavour when cooked." M. Roques states that he has eaten it, and docs not hesitat to include it amongst those of good quality. The Matron of the French, and Cortinarim casta- neiLs of botanists, is only a small species, deriving both its French and its scientific name from its chestnut 54 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT colour. It is common in woods and gardens on the naked ground, and has violet stem and gills, the latter becoming ultimately of a rusty brown. It is certainly a wholesome esculent species, but a great number would be required to make a good dish. The Cinnamon Mushroom (C. cinnamomeus) is a very common species, with a cinnamon-coloured pileus and a yellowish flesh. It is a lover of woods, and in northern latitudes is found inhabiting them everywhere. In its fresh state it has the odour and flavour of the spice after which it is named, so powerful and peculiar to itself, that this alone is a good test of its identity. The Germans are said to be very fond of this species, which is generally stewed in butter and served with sauce for vegetables. The small genera Paxillus and Gomphidius are intermediate between Cortinarius and Hygrophorus. In this latter genus the main feature is found in the waxy character of the hyineniuin, or spore-bearing surface Herein are found three species, more or less available for culinary purposes. The best of these (H.virginem) is of a beautiful, pure ivory whiteness when in good condition, becoming dingy or tawny when old. The gills are distant and decurrent, or produced down the stem. It is common on Bhort pastures and downs, and although small i- well worth the trouble of collecting. Without a continental reputation, although occasionally eaten in France, it merits a better a :quaintance. When cooked, the method recommended is to stew PL. 1 /. .Uj'ir I',- 2. Rusxula !■ (la. Ft. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 55 them gently with fine herbs and delicate sauce : in this manner, Berkeley says that they may supply the place of better species, and a correspondent, who always economizes all he meets with, affirms that they are excellent. It is believed that our figures (PI. 4, fig. 2) will enable the amateur to distinguish them with facility. The second species (H. pratensis) is found in open pastures in the autumn, not uncommonly. In colour it is variable, in all shades between a light luff and a dark orange. Its habits are gic-^iious, growing gene- rally in tufts, and sometimes in parts of circles. The pileus is slightly elevated in the centre, and smooth. The stem becomes rather smaller at the base, and is more or less spongy in the interior. The gills are not numerous, but thick and decurrent, and of a red- dish buff-colour, and there is no trace of a ring. In colour, therefore, it is readily distinguished from the last species, although occasionally it may be found nearly white. In habit and general appearance it resembles II. xirgineus. It is perfectly wholesome, and is sometimes eaten in France ; and if not quite equal to the other, it is certainly preferable to some which have been more strongly recommended. It is scarcely neces- sary to caution our readers against an allied species of the same genus, which is extremely variable in colour, and is at first covered with a greenish evanescent gluten. The best that can be said of it is, that it is suspicious. It is sometimes called the Parrakeet Mushroom (Il.psit- tacinus), and its tints are generally bright, combin- 56 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT ing parrot-like hues ; whence its cognomen has been derived. The third edible species (H. eburneus) cannot be so well recommended as either of the others, to the first of which it bears some resemblance, but may be distin- guished from it by the glandular scales with which the upper portion of the stem is dotted. This is also common, but prefers woody localities, and betrays a foxy tint as it decays. Did it not flourish in a different situation, there would at least be no dangerous results from confounding the species. To these might be added still another species (//. /tici/is), which so nearly resembles //. virgineus that it may not ultimately prove to be specifically dis- tinct from it. It is, moreover, much smaller, being sometimes so insignificant that it would appear absurd to talk of cooking it, notwithstanding that it is very common in pastures. Whenever found large enough, it may be eaten with II. virgineus, from which the amateur will find a difficulty in distinguishing it. The group of Agarics now classed together as a genus under the name of Lactarius, are distinguished by the presence of a milky fluid, from whence the generic name has been derived. This fluid is commonly at first white, but in one instance it is coloured. In certain of the British species this milk is acrid, and the fungi of that group are not only valueless as food, but many of them are decidedly injurious. There are but two out of thirty species which can be recommended with any confidence, and even these have not escaped OF BRITISH FUNGI. 57 the censure of some who perhaps have never tasted them. In France they appear to be held in but little repute, although in other continental countries they are sought after and esteemed. In Austria, for example, they are considered equal to any that are brought to table. One would imagine from the name {Lactarius deliciosus) given to the reddish orange fungus found in almost every fir plantation, that it would be a treasure to an epicure ; and so indeed it is, if the testi- mony of Sir J. Smith is to be received, that "it really deserves its name, being the most delicious mush- room known." A gentleman of our acquaintance says that whenever he finds them he considers himself possessed of the greatest treat which the fungoid world has to offer ; but that, having made their virtues known to his neighbours, it is now but seldom that he has the good fortune to enjoy them. (PI. 12, lower figure.) The pileus in this species is fleshy, and depressed in the centre, of a reddish orange, with zones or rino-s of a darker colour ; the stem and gills are also of an orano-e colour. The milk which it contains is at first of a deep yellow, but upon exposure turns to a dull green : when raw, the taste is slightly acrid. In some seasons and in some localities this species is very common, especially in the fir plantations of Scotland ; and the characters are so distinct that there is no fear of mistaking any other species for it. The other esculent species {Lactarius tolemum) is not common. When found, it generally occurs in woods, 58 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT and will attain a diameter of four inches. It is of a golden tawny colour, and the crowded gills, which are at first white, become ultimately yellowish. The milk in this species is abundant and white, wherein it differs from the preceding. There is a more common species of Lactarius, found generally in fir plantations, with a darker coloured reddish pileus and white milk ; but it is acrid and disagreeable to the taste, whereas the milk of L. volemum is mild. It would be well to guard carefully against the red species, as it is certainly dangerous ; and should the colour not be sufficiently decided to satisfy the col- lector, the taste will at once set the matter to rest. If the reader has ever inadvertently masticated the leaf, or a portion of the root, of that common hedge-side plant called locally " Lords and Ladies " {Arum maculatum) , he will have experienced some such a sensation, as would have resulted from the mastication of a portion of one of the acrid milky fungi to which we have alluded. Lactarius volemum has been celebrated from the earliest times, and when properly prepared is said to resemble lamb's kidney. The method employed is to mince as many as may be required, and fry them in a pan with a piece of butter, stirring them about mean- while: when done, strew over them salt and pepper, parsley chopped fine, a small portion of shalot, and a little flour. Add, finally, a glass of champagne (or perry will answer nearly as well), and a little of the juice of a lemon, and cayenne. The genus Bu88itla may be known from the last b) PL. 12. /. ' 'antkart litis ■ Fr. .'. I Fr. OF BRITISH FUNOI. 69 the stiff, sharp- edged gills not being milky. It con- tains some of the best and some of the worst of fungi, viewed in an alimentary aspect, and some of the most brilliantly coloured of British species. There is evi- dence of the little interest which fungi have hitherto possessed in the popular mind, in the general absence of vulgar or local names for the different species. This may, in part, be accounted for in the similarity of exter- nal form in many of the Agarics, but other causes have had their influence. A mushroom, a toadstool, and a puff- nail in many districts will comprise the entire vocabulary for the larger kinds. Had they been pleasant to the eye, agreeable to the nose, or of reputed miraculous power in curing the ills that flesh is heir to, each would have enjoyed a cognomen by which it would have been recog- nized as readily as the dandelion or daisy, heartsease or violet. Returning, however, to Russula, which we cannot characterize by a more popular name. Of two species found in woods which are deserving of notice, one (R. vesca) is far from common, and the characters are scarcely such as could be described without fear of mistake on the part of the unscientific, or those to whom the plant is hitherto unknown. Had our space permitted of the introduction of a figure, some of these difficulties would doubtless have vanished. The other species (R. heterophil 1 1 '<(), though very variable in colour, is so common and well known, at least by sight, if not by name, that, with our figure 60 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT becoming depressed, often of some shade of grey. The gills are white, much crowded together, and forked. The stem is white, solid, and firm. Both these species are covered in their young state with a thin pellicle, or superficial skin, which disappears with age, and the latter especially is subject to great variations in colour. Another mild species (B. lepida), not very common, may be met with in the Kentish w r oods and elsewhere. It has a compact, fleshy pileus, with a solid white or pinkish stem, and rounded, thicki.-h, white gills, crowded together. It is commonly consumed on the Continent, where it is much more plentiful than with us. A species (A', virescens) with a rough, warty, greenish, pileus, is occasionally found in woods. It has also a whitish stem and gills, but, although very wholesome, it is not common enough to be of importance as a food resource. In France this species is said to be preferred by some to the ordinary mushroom, and is known in the south under the name of " Verdctte." It is com- mon in Languedoc, where it is collected and grilled with small herbs and oil. There is, however, a very common species (It. aluta- cea) found in similar localities, which, like all the other edible species of Russula, is mild to the taste when raw ; the pileus is generally depressed and changeable in colour. The stem is stout, and either white or red. The gills are always yellowish in all stages of growth. The large size and yellowish gills are sufficient to PL 13. /. /■' metica. Fr, ■ I <". Fr, OF BRITISH FUNGI. 61 distinguish this species from all its congeners. Its flesh is soft and savoury, and may be eaten without fear of unpleasant consequences. We have already hinted at the poisonous character of some members of this genus. As an example we might refer to one which fortunately is not very com- mon with us (R. emetica), and which, could we forget its character, would commend itself by the beauty of its colours and the variety of their shades. Although red is by far the most common tint, this sometimes fades into pink, or deepens into purple. The surface of the pilens is smooth and shining, and the flesh beneath — as well as the broad gills and solid stem — white. Many are the stories of disasters recorded from the inadvertent indulgence in the Emetic Agaric, as it is sometimes termed, only a small fragment of which is said to occa- sion unpleasant sensations, and establish its claims to its specific name. It is questionable whether any amount of culinary preparation will remove all its poi- sonous properties, notwithstanding that the acrid juices of many plants are of so volatile a nature that they may often be dispelled by heat, as in the case of the root of the Mandioca plant of Brazil, from whence tapioca is prepared. A figure of this species is given in our plate (PI. 13), which represents the shade of colour in the pileus most usually encountered. There are also two or three other members of this genus believed to be equally dangerous, and perhaps more common ; so that, under all circumstances, it would be more advisable to reject all, than risk any, unless the 62 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT esculent species are so well known that there is not the remotest possibility of a poisonous species associating with its betters unawares. This advice is given in remembrance of the fact that the poison of the dan- gerous species is so powerful, that a single specimen is capable of producing most unpleasant and fatal results. The genus Cantharellus has thick, swollen, and branched gills, with the edges blunt and rounded so as to have the appearance of veins rather than gills. The beautiful little yellow Chantarelle (Cantharellus cibarius) having been once seen, is sure to be recog- nized, and, once tasted, to be remembered. It is of a bright, deep yellow colour, with a smell like that of ripe apricots ; the pileus becomes at first convex and wafterards funnel-shaped. (PL 12, upper figure.) The gills are thick and branched, and of the same colour as the pileus. The chantarelle is common in woods and occasionally in more open localities, although another species unworthy of commendation is generally found on heaths and commons. Berkeley states that " the chantarelle is occasionally served up at public dinners at the principal hotels in London on state occasions, where every effort is made to secure the rarest and most costly dainties." In some parts of Kent, and also in Sussex, they may be found in profusion at the proper season of the year, and there is no reason why their use should be confined to first- class hotels and " state occasions," provided the preju- dice against eating " toadstools " could be overcome. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 63 Persons who do not emulate French cookery, or cannot provide the adjuncts, are recommended to prepare the chantarelle as they would the common mushroom ; taking care that their stew is not hurried, for if boiled too violently they might as soon experiment upon shoe- makers' parings, for their chantarelles will become " as tough as leather/' In France, Germany, Austria, and Italv, this fundus is alike esteemed, and it is not at all uncommon to hear from epicures, who have been fortunate enough to encounter a well-cooked dish of chantarelles, rapturous encomiums on this golden fungus. Battarra says that if properly prepared the chantarelle would arrest the pangs of death. But regardless of what Battarra or Trattinick, Boques or Vittadini may say, we would advise our readers to taste and try for themselves, should a dish of chantarelles ever come in their way. To this end we will give directions for cooking them as employed in France. After having picked and washed them, they are put into boiling water, then stewed in fresh butter, a little olive oil, chopped tarragon, pepper, salt, and a little lemon-piel : when they are cooked, they are allowed to gently simmer over a slow fire for fifteen or twenty minutes, and moistened from time to time with beef gravy or cream : when about to be served, the stew is thickened with yolk of egg. As a substitute for such elaborate cookery, the chan- tarelles may be simply fried in butter or oil, with pepper and salt, adding a few bread-crumbs, or pouring them when done over a slice of toasted bread.. &'* A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT The chantarelle may be preserved for winter use, either by drying in a current of air, or pickling in sait aud water, and, before being used, soaked a short time in lukewarm water. The genus Nyctalis, which is .intermediate between the last and the next, contains species which are small in size and parasitic in habit, and of which we have but two representatives. Tn Marasmius, the hymenophorum, or part which bears the gills, though continuous with the stem, is dif- ferent in texture. The spore-bearing surface is dry, and the folds are thick and tough, but sharp or acute at the edge. The majority of species are also rather small in size, but are not parasitic on other fungi, as in the last genus. It is a singular fact that whilst in this country " mushroom " is a kind of general name for all the edible species, in France its synonym " mousseron '' is applied to but one species, whilst " champignon," which is used in the latter country as a general term for all fungi, is in England restricted to one species, which is a member of the present genus. The little Fairy-ring Champignon {Marasmius oreades) is one of the privileged few that enjoy a good reputation ; but even in this instance the reputation is but local. (PL It, upper figure.) In the dried state they, are available for culinary purposes, whilst thousands of them annually rot on the pastures where they grow, without a hand to gather them. There is very little difficulty in recognizing the champignon, PL 14. /. Mtirasmiu* oread -. Fr. :. M on-. Fr. . . !■/ ir dentus. Fr. OF BRITISH FUNGI. which is found growing in rings, and the pileus at first is of a brownish ochre, becoming paler as it grows older, until it fades into a rich cream colour. Another species is occasionally found mixed with it, which might perhaps by carelessness be mistaken for it, but not if the two are compared. The taste of Marasmius wrens, the latter species, is acrid, and the gills yellowish or brownish, and narrower than in the true champignon : the stem of both is alike solid, but in the spurious kind clothed with a white down at the base, whilst in the edible kind it is quite naked. A third allied species {Marasmius peronatus) is some- times found in woods, but this is generally larger, and has the base of the stem clothed with yellow stiff hairs or bristles. (PI. 14, lower figure.) As we should not search for the true champignon in woods, there is less fear of mistaking this species. There is scarcely a more delicious fungus than the champignon, and the chance of confounding other species with it is more imaginary than real. The evidence of the Eev. M. J. Berkeley is strongly in its favour: — " When of a good size and quickly grown, it is perhaps the best of all fungi for the table, whether carefully fried or stewed with an admixture of fiia-ly-minced herbs and a minute portion of garlic. It is at the same time tender and easy of digestion, and when once its use is known and its characters ascertained, no species may be used with less fear. It is so common in some districts that bushels may be gathered in a day." They may also be readily dried by stringing the caps together on a thread and v 66 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT suspending them in a dry kitchen, and when thoroughly dried may be kept in close tins. Only a month or two since the same gentleman, whose name we have already mentioned, directed attention to this species in the pages of the Garch-ners' Chronicle, in terms of strong com- mendation. Indeed, we could not mention a species the evidence in whose favour is so strong, and yet bushels are allowed to decay every year, whilst scarce a single mushroom of the common kind is allowed to remain for twenty-four hours, wherever the foot of man or hoy can find access. This species would yield good ketchup, but in very small quantities ; if, however, a few are added with other mushrooms, it greatly improves the flavour of the ketchup. The Rev. Gerard Smith thus describes the general character of the circles on the grass found where these mushrooms do grow, and which were long attributed to— " The nimble elves That do by moonshine green sour ringlets make, Whereof the ewe bites not ; whose pastime 'tis To make these midnight mushrooms." " Fairy-rings consist, generally speaking, of circles or parts of circles of grass, of a darker colour and more 'luxuriant growth than the surrounding herbage, the outer cd^e of the circle being well defined, while the colour and stature of the grass diminish and fade so gradually inwards, that it is difficult to determine the exact limit of the ring towards the centre. Very com- monly there is to be observed an outer and contiguous OF BRITISH FUNGI. 67 ring, much narrower than the inner, and of which the grass is either short and weak, or faded and brown, remarkably contrasting with the vivid green of the inner ring : on this brown ring, or just upon its margin, fungi are found. The duration of fairy-rings varies much ; some disappear in a few weeks, others endure for years. A severe winter will obliterate the external traces of a ring, and prevent the usual crop of fungi appearing upon it at the proper season ; but such rings often reappear, and are thus considered to have been suddenly formed. During the whole course of their appearance the rings increase in diameter, spreading outwards from the centre, the faded brown circle becom- ing rank with green and copious grass, and a fresh outer circle being formed of dead or feeble blades of grass. The rate of increase is various, some enlarging their diameter a few inches in the year, others as many feet. The circles frequently meet in the course of this gradual enlargement, In such cases the point of con- tact becomes obliterated ; and when this contact occurs between the margin of several such rings, the oblitera- tion of the parts which meet leaves a variety of seg- ments of circles upon the turf, which, pursuing an independent course, and some increasing more rapidly than others, present eventually an unaccountable irre- gularity, and, as it were, patchwork of greener and paler, stronger and weaker, portions of turf. When the turf is cut through such a ring at two contiguous points, so that a breadth is taken up from the inner rank green, through the faded breadth, to the outer f 2 68 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT ordinary state, the soil of the faded ring is always found drier and of a paler colour than the adjoining parts, and abundantly impiegnated with mycelium. Indeed, a careful examination will show that the faded and impoverished condition of the turf of the outer ring is due to the close investment of its roots by the mycelium of the fungi which occupy the ring. The dimensions of the rings vary from three feet to three hundred feet in diameter ; they are at times very irregular in form, an accident arising either from the nature of the soil and the obstacles which they meet with in their cir- cumferential expansion, or from more than one ring coalescing, and producing an outline of undulating curves." That these fairy-rings were the nightly haunts and dancing-grounds of fairy-folk was a general belief before the existence of these little people came to be doubted. One old author writes, "They had always fine music among themselves, and danced in a moon- shiny night, around, or in a ring, as one may see at this day upon every common in England where mush- rooms grow." Numerous conjectures were ventured as to the origin of these lings when their fairy history was no longer believed in. They were attributed to the exhalations of a fertile subterranean vapour, to the burrowing of moles, to the effects of lightning, and, in 1807, Dr. Wollaston ascribed them to the growth of certain species of Agarics, which so entirely absorbed all nutriment from the soil beneath, that the herbage was for a while destroyed. OF BRITISH FUNG! 69 The Rev. M. J. Berkeley, an excellent authority, writes of them : ' ' These rings are sometimes of very ancient date, and attain enormous dimensions, so as to be dis- tinctly visible on a hill-side from a considerable distance It is believed that they originate from a single fungus, whose growth renders the soil immediately beneath unfit for its reproduction. The spawn, however, spreads all around, and in the second year produces a crop whose spawn spreads again, the soil behind forbidding its return in that direction. Thus the circle is continually increased, and extends indefinitely till some cause intervenes to destroy it. If the spawn did not spread on all sides at first, an arc of a circle only is produced. The manure arising from the dead fungi of the former years makes the grass peculiarly vigorous round, so as to render the circle visible even when there is no external appearance of the fungus, and the contrast is often the stronger from that behind being killed by the old spawn. This mode of growth is far more common than is supposed, and may be observed constantly in our woods, where the spawn can spread only in the soil or amongst the leaves and decaying fragments which cover it."* One of the fairy legends associated with mushrooms is that of the two serving-girls at Tavistock, to whom the fairies were very kind. One of them by her negli- gence having offended the little people, they proceeded to her room, and debated together as to what punish- * " Outliucs of British Fttogolofrr," p. 41. 70 A PLATN AND EAST ACCOU.N? ment they should inflict. This conversation the unoffending one overheard, and it was to the effect that her companion should have a lame leg for seven years, and be ultimately cured by a herb growing on Dartmoor, but with a name so long that the girl could not remember it. In the morning the other girl arose lame, and con- tinued so to the end of the period assigned ; when, one day, as she was picking a mushroom, up started a strange-looking little boy, who insisted upon striking her leg with a plant which he held in his hand. This was the magical plant, with which he continued striking her leg till she became perfectly cured, and one of the best dancers in the country. Marasniius oreades is not the onlv fundus which has this habit of growing in rings. One of our largest gill- bearing fungi, as well as some others, indulge in this eccentricity — probably, in times past, to the great alarm of the superstitious. Marasmius scorodonius is largely consumed in Austria, Germany, and some other continental countries. It is known under the name of Lauchschwamm and Hayyma gomba ; but neither these nor its garlic odour would commend it to our own countrymen. This little species grows in dry pastures and on heaths. It has a tough and crisped reddish pilous, a hollow smooth reddish-brown stem, and dirty-white gills. Although plentiful in 'the countries already named, it is rare with us. Two or three other species might also be enumerated, equal, if not superior, to the latter for culinary purposes; Bob tint edvlis. I'r. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 71 but their inconstant or limited occurrence would only serve to raise expectations not likely to be realized. Five other genera complete the order Agaririni, all more or less tough and dry, becoming at length hard and cork)'. In Lentinvs the sharp edges of the tough gills are toothed, and in Panus they are equally sharp and touMi, but not toothed. In Xerotus the tous»;h gills are Ci t O CD forked, but with blunt or obtuse edges ; and the two divisions into which the gills separate are spreading or rolled back in Schizophyllum. In Lenzites the whole substance is corky, and the gills are often so connected by lateral branches as to form irregular cavities resem- bling pores. POKE-BEARING FUNGI. The observing eye of the lover of nature in all its Protean forms will have discovered fungi, which in external contour resembled those we have already described, being furnished with a cap or pilous sup- ported upon a stem ; but when more closely examined have been found to present the important distinction of having the under surface of the pileus not divided into plates or gills, but apparently perforated with small hole.>, as if pricked with a pin by some fairy in childish sport. Others, again, entirely devoid of a stem, and in some instances of extraordinary size and as tough as leather, or hard and unyielding as cork or wood, with the under, or sometimes upper surface, similarly perforated. And, again, yet others of a waxy, or almost gelaiinoua 72 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT texture, with wrinkles or folds more or less i in perforated ; all of which arc botanically united into a group, or natural order, in which the pores distinguish them from the gill-bearing order, and to which the distinctive appellation of Polyporei has been given. It requires no great erudition to arrive at the conclusion, that this name has been given in allusion to the numerous pores with which one or other of the surfaces of these fungi are studded, derived from the Greek word polus, signi- fying many. These pores are the extremities of more or less connected tubes, upon the walls or inner linings of which the hymenium, or fructifying surface, support- ing the reproductive bodies, or spores, is borne. Like the Agaridni, this order is again subdivided into smaller groups, or genera, in each of which the indivi- duals agreeing most intimately with each other are associated. In the first genus, Boletus (bolos, Greek, a ball), the tubes arc separable from one another. In Polyporus the pores are not easily, if at all, separable. In Dcedalea the pilcus is corky and hard, and the pores are labyrinthiform, irregular, or torn. The remaining genera are briefly characterized in the Tabular arrangement of Orders and Genera with which this work concludes. Upwards of thirty species of Boletus are British, and one of the commonest of these (B. edulis) in the opinion of some is scarcely inferior to the best mush- room in flavour. It has a smooth, brownish pileus, with tubes at first yellowish, but becoming greenish or green as it advances in age. For esculent purposes they should be collected whilst still yellow. The stem OF BRITISH FUNGI. 73 is reticulated, especially towards the summit, with a delicate pinkish network of fine lines (PL 15). It is frequent in woods, especially in the South of England, and is well diffused and appreciated on the continent of Europe. Frequently it will attain a large size, so that two or three of them are sufficient to furnish a family with a meal. The hest feature by which to distinguish this species from its congeners, is the reticulation of the stem. It would be well to notice if the flesh changes colour when bruised or cut, for the juice of the most unwholesome species of this genus speedily turns blue on exposure to the air. Dr. Badham says that " the best manner of cooking this fungus must be left to be decided by the taste of the gourmand ; in every way it is good. Its tender and juicy flesh, its delicate and sapid flavour, render it equally acceptable to the plain and to the accomplished cook. It imparts a relish alike to the homely hash and the dainty ragout, and may be truly said to improve every dish of which it is a constituent." Mr. Berkeley takes exception to its excellence, and gives as a result of his experience that it is very moderate eating. Our own knowledge, and that of gentlemen of our acquaintance who are much greater amateurs of fungi, hold rather to the opinion of Dr. Badham ; but tastes are universally allowed to vary. The ancient Romans are believed to Lave employed this species of Boletus, and, apart from their predilection for snails, cossi, and other delicacies which we do not nowadays admire, were, on the whole, not bad judges of dainties. 74 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT In Lorraine this species is eaten under the Dame of Polish Mushroom, because, it is said, certain Poles first showed by their own example that these Boleti could be eaten without danger. In Russia they are strung on threads and dried for future use. When the fasts of the Greek Church come round, these dried fungi are in requi- sition, being prepared by simple simmering in water till they become soft. In the department of Gironde, in France, great quantities are preserved in this manner and sent annually to the Parisian markets, and when required for use are soaked in lukewarm water, or beef gravy, till they become softened, and are then cooked in the same manner as when in the fresh state. French cookery has devised many variations in the art of pre- paring this, as well as almost every other commonly used fungus, for the gastronome. There is certainly a kind of sliminess about the Boleti which would not commend them to the tastes of many ; but this becomes far more unpleasantly evident in some methods of pre- paration than others. They arc, nevertheless, in any way better than no dinner at all, and if our rural population could be induced to look upon them with a little more favour, they would often get a relish with their " potatoes and point " for the trouble of col- lecting and cooking, while the Boleti are now per- mitted to flourish and decay year by year, without care or regret. In all cases the young state, while the under surface is still of a pale yellow, is preferable. One ready method of preparation consists in removing the stem, PL. 16. ■ ■> » ■ - • " * 4**:» ^ ** ♦ y Polyporui aquamomis. Fr. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 75 clearing away the pores, and then drawing off all super- fluous moisture upon a gridiron, wiping them, and after- wards stewing them with olive oil, parsley, garlic, pepper and salt, adding, when nearly ready, a little lemon-juice. In the rural districts of France they are simply cooked on the gridiron, and seasoned with salt and pepper, or fried in a pan with butter or oil. M. Roques states, that in the Lower Pyrenees the farm servants and others regale themselves with these fungi, baked on a dish and seasoned with oil, garlic, and parsley. This sometimes forms their principal meal. For a stew, or soup, half a dozen young Boleti are put into a stewpan, with salt, pepper, a little grated nutmeg, a pound of lean ham minced small, half a pound of bread-crumbs, and a quarter of a pound of fresh butter. These are then placed over a brisk fire for an hour, care being taken to add from time to time a little beef gravy. The stew is then strained, and put on the fire again to simmer for twenty minutes, adding beef gravy according to taste. It is finally poured into a soup-tureen upon crusts of bread cut in pieces. A gregarious species (B. bovinus) may be found growing in heathy localities, and especially in fir woods. The pileus is reddish grey, sometimes tinged with purple, and the angular tubes are of a greyish yellow, ultimately becoming of a rusty brown. The spores in this species are yellowish. The taste and smell are sweetish and agreeable ; and Krombholz says, it is much sought after abroad as a dish, and is good when dried. 76 A PLAIN AND EAST ACCOUNT Another species of Boletus (B. scaber) is very com- mon in woods, but, though esculent, does not enjoy so good a reputation as the last. The tubes are white or dingy, the stem rather tough, and it is much inferior in respect of size, smell, and flavour to Boletus edulis. Boletus castaneus, a small species with a velvety, cinnamon-coloured pilens and stem, short, white, and afterwards yellowish tubes, and white unchanging flesh, is rarely found in woods, and although eaten on the Continent, is of inferior flavour. An elegant Boletus (B. elegans) is found in woods, especially of firs, which is remarkable for the brilliant golden-yellow tint, and its pilous being viscid in moist weather ; the flesh is of a pale yellow, and though said to be eatable, is certainly not worthy of recom- mendation. Two other species (B. impolitus and B. aestivalis), also found in woods or woodland pastures, have the reputation of being wholesome. The latter we have seen growing freely in Darenth Wood, Kent ; the flesh is firm, of a nutty flavour when raw, and not to be despised when prepared for the table. It will be advisable to caution all who are incx- perienced in collecting Boleti for alimentary purposes, and who may yet desire to make trial of them, that numerous species of Boletus are common to Great Britain, and 'several of these are unwholesome, some decidedly poisonous. If upon cutting or bruising any specimen, it should be found to change colour, it should be rejected. Pome species become blue almost immc- OF BRITISH FUNGI. 77 diately upon wounding. Those with reddish stems, or with the edges of the tubes, i. e. the under surface of the pileuSj red or crimson, should also be rejected. The large B. satanas, the very name of which conveys suspicion, should be guarded against. It is occasionally found in woods. The under surface of the pileus appears of a blood-red colour, as also the stem. The spores of the Boleti may be collected for exami- nation in the same manner as already described for the Agarics. In many instances they will be found to be coloured, and in some of a beautiful roseate tint. The prevailing colour will be some shade of pallid or reddish brown, white being the exception rather than the rule. The genus Polyporus has the pores not easily sepa- rable, they being closely packed and united together. The substance of the hymenophorum descends between the pores, where it is called the trama. This is not the case in Boletus ; for in that genus the hymenophorum is quite distinct from the pores. This genus is a very large one, and contains every intermediate texture of substance from succulence or pulpiness, to the hardness and density of wood. We remember a slice from one of the latter species being- sent to us for identification, with a number of specimens of wood, and which was supposed to be "some kind of palm wood/' Forms are as varied as texture, and colour as devious as form. Some have stems which are central, others that are lateral, but the majority are without stems at all. A very familiar species (P. squamosa*) of those 78 A PLAIN AND EAST ACCOUNT having a lateral stem is found on almost every decayed ash, and sometimes on other trees. It has a pale ochre- tinted pileus, somewhat of a fan shape, with the surface covered with darker scales (PL 16). The stem is thick and dark-coloured, the pores running some distance down it. It is extremely various in size, occasionally attaining enormous dimensions, perhaps seven feet in circumference, and weighing forty-two pounds. We have already alluded to the rapidity of its growth.* We have seen drawings of exceedingly curious forms that have heen found growing in cellars. The edible qualities of this species cannot be declared first-rate. Mrs. Hussey, who is a very good judge in such matters, says one might as well think of eating saddle-flaps. Young specimens, before they have acquired the leathery consistency, would serve for an occasional meal. In this stage they are prepared for the table in some parts of the Con- tinent. A more suitable application, and one strongly recommended to those who, in these hirsute days, require such an instrument, is to select a large tough specimen, and after drying it carefully, cut it into shape, and employ it as a razor strop. A person who has had one in use for many years, says that it is far superior to the majority of those offered for sale. Another Poly- porus {P. betulums), without a stem, and not uncom- monly found growing on birch-trees, is equally available for the same purpose. Two other species are recommended as esculent, although neither of them is at all common in our • Page G. PL. 17. MM Fi.fi a,' i na hepatica. Fr. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 79 islands ; they are both of them peculiar in appearance, from being broken up into numerous pilei, so as to look like a dense cluster of separate individuals. P. intybaceus, the first of these, is strongly recom- mended, and sometimes attains so large a size that one fungus will weigh forty pounds and suffice for the meal of a very large family. In cooking this species, it is advisable to cut off the darker coloured pileus, and only employ the white branching stem : when pre- pared in this way, it is equal to any Agaric we possess, according to the testimony of some, whilst all agree that it is excellent. The odour is inviting, and we would advise any who may meet with it to condemn it to the stew-pan. P. giganteus is the other species to which we have alluded, and which, with P. intybaceus, is more com- mon on the Continent, where its esculent qualities are known and duly appreciated. Both of these are found growing on the trunks of trees, and sometimes attain extraordinary dimensions. The trunks of trees, of various kinds, are often found bearing a very conspicuous sulphur-coloured fungus {P. sulphureus), consisting of a number of overlapping pilei of the consistence of a mellow cheese. When wounded, it exudes copiously a yellow juice, which has been employed in dyeing, though it is doubtful whether it is of any great value for such a purpose. As this fungus dries, it becomes covered with beautiful crystals of oxalate of potash, which might suggest the presence ot more active properties than the majority of the mem- 80 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT bers of this genus possess. During decomposition this plant emits a bright phosphorescent light, a feature not common in our native fungi, and which makes this an object of curiosity, although we need scarcely add that it is entirely unfit for food. The dry-rot of oak-built vessels is a species belonging to this genus (P. hybndus), whilst the common dry-rot of fir timber is a species of Merulius. A curious leathery substance, known under the name of A madou, or German tinder, found in tobacconists' shops, occasionally in sheets, or irregularly-shaped pieces, but more commonly manufactured into fusees, gives but little external evidence of its fungoid origin. This sub- stance is obtained from several species of Polyporus, and consists of slices of these hard and corky Fungi, beaten out till they have become quite soft and flexible, then saturated in a solution of saltpetre and dried. At one time it was rather extensively employed in medical practice as a styptic, but is now seldom resorted to in England. On the Continent it is still an article of commerce, and in Northern Europe, the smoker would almost as soon think of venturing abroad without his tobacco and pipe as without a supply of Amadou to rekindle his extinguished fire. One of the species usually employed in the manufacture of this article is P. fomentarim, a stemless species common on the trunks of fcr< es. Trametea and Dwdalea arc genera containing no BpecieB of economic value. The latter includes a fungus which, from its corky, rugged nature and OF BRITISH FUNGI. £1 common occurrence, is likely to interest the young mycologist. Dccdalea quercina grows on oak-stumps, sometimes to a large size, spreading out from its sup- port in a semicircular manner, and having the under surface broken up into a number of long, irregular, wavy fissures, as if the walls of several contiguous tubes had been bruken down. Another equally com- mon species (D. unicolor), with a zoned or banded pileus, may be met with on stumps. The peculiar form of the pores is one of the chief features of the genus. In Merulins, the genus which succeeds it, the tex- ture is not of the woody character of Dcedalea, but on the contrary soft and waxy, and the hymenium is disposed in porous or wavy toothed folds. The only popularly known species is one which unfortunately is too well known under the name of dry-rot. This name must not be supposed to indicate that the fungus is itself dry, or is caused by the absence of moisture, — the contrary of this being the case ; but probably on account of its ravages reducing the structure upon which it establishes itself to a kind of dust. The Meruliw lacrymans (lacrt/mo, Lat., I weep) is often dripping with moisture, as if weeping in regret for the havoc it has made. It is found sometimes attaining: a dimension of several feet, and to check or prevent its ravages numerous experiments have been instituted, none having resulted in the discovery of a remedy thoroughly effective, though saturation with creosote appears to be the best. d 83 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT The last genus in this order is Fistulina, which bears much external and general resemblance to Poly- poms, and was at one time included in it ; but is now separated, on account of the hymenium being at first covered with little pap-like elevations, which afterwards elongate into distinct tubes bearing the reproductive bodies. The only species Ave possess is termed F.hepa- tica (hepar, Lat., the liver), from its colour, which resembles that of liver. This fungus assumes a great variety of forms. In its earliest stages it sometimes looks like a strawberry ; when more advanced it has often the appearance of a tongue. One of its conti- nental local names is Lingua di Castagna, which applies to this resemblance. It is a fleshy, juicy fungus, with an undivided, unstalked pileus, and when cut pre- sents a bright streaky appearance, not unlike beetroot, and contains a red juice ; the porous under surface is yellowish or flesh-coloured (PI. 17). The trunks of old oaks are very commonly the habitat of this species, which occasionally attains a very large size. When old, it becomes rather tough, but in all its stages it affords an excellent gravy, and, when young, if sliced and grilled, would pass for a good beefsteak. Specimens are now and then met with that would furnish four or five men with a good dinner ; and they have been col- lected weighing as much as thirty pounds. The liver- colour and streaky interior are sufficient guides whereby to recognise this species under all its protean forms. Mr, Hussey says of it, that " if it is not beef itself, it is sauce for it ;" and she recommends that it should be 0* BRITISH FUNGI. 83 sliced and macerated with salt after the manner of making mushroom ketchup. The deep red liquor that is produced should be put hot into a dish with a little lemon-juice and minced shalots, and a broiled rump- steak deposited in it. Great will be the surprise of the epicure at the quantity of gravy the steak has afforded, greater still when told that it is the simple juice of a fungus ; for the similitude to the juice of beef is exact. The ketchup must be strained from the substance raw, and afterwards boiled with spice for keeping, like ordi- nary ketchup. It ahould not be employed but to repre- sent beef gravy, as it does not possess the flavour of mushrooms. In France, where this species is also eaten, it is first washed and dried, then placed in boiling water for a short time, and afterwards stewed with butter, parsley, scallion, pepper and salt ; yolk of egg being afterwards added, when the stew is ready for the table. It is also grilled. In Vienna it is cut in thin slices and eaten with salad as we employ beetroot, and is also cooked with meat, adding a little cream or lemon- juice. It will be found necessary, whichever method of cooking is adopted, to employ fresh specimens, as they will shrivel up and become leathery if sliced and dried. The best mode of preserving for future use, is by con- verting them into the kind of sauce or gravy to which we have allud d. The late Dr. Blount affirmed that it is of far greater excellence as an article of food, than either our remarks or those of Dr. Badham would lead the reader to imagine. «4 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT TEETII.BEARING FUNGI. The third order of fungi is termed Hydnei, from Hydnum (udna, Gi\, puff's resembling mushrooms), the typical genus. In this order Ave encounter numerous spines, teeth, or pap-like projections from the surface, over which the hymenium is spread, and bearing the spores. The order is not a very large one, but is distinct in its features from the preceding. In Hydnum the spines are awl-shaped, and distinct or separate at the base. This structure will be better understood by a reference to our plate (PI. 18), in which a portion of the pileus of Hydnum repandum is shown in section, magnified. This species is common on the ground in woods and woody places, and has a compact wavy pileus, with spines of unequal length proceeding from the under surface, which is rather paler in colour. There is a variety much redder than our plate, which has been treated as a distinct species under the name of rufescens, but which appears to be the same in every feature except colour. The flesh of this fungus is firm and white, rather hot to the taste when raw, but mild when cooked. On account of its containing less than the average amount of water in its composition, it may be dried successfully, and in this state preserved for winter use. It is employed as food in Austria and Belgium, as well as in France, in all of which localities it is a common Bpecies From the firmness of its texture it may be PL. 18. - '£*&*&!&*> I tf m. I Hydnum imbricatum. Fr. :'. Hydnum repandum. Fr. OF BRITISH FUNGI. o5 concluded that young and fresh specimens are the best, and the cooking operations should be carefully per- formed. The method recommended is to cut them in pieces, steep them in warm water, and afterwards stew them in a rich brown sauce. Roques says that after steeping they should be cooked in hog's lard with pepper, salt, parsley, and beef gravy, taking care that they are cooked lono; enough to become tender. Singularly enough, this species has suffered under the imputation of being poisonous ; but this was evi- dently destitute of foundation, for M. Roques says that himself and friends scoured the woods of Malmaison, " where we gathered a dish of these champignons, which I prepared myself with butter, grated nutmeg, pepper, salt, a point of garlic, and some spoonfuls of chicken broth. This ragout, poured over some thin toasted bread, well browned, was served at table, and was greatly relished by all the guests." In France this species is known locally by the name of Eurchon, Rignoche, and Arrester on ; in the Vosges as Barbe de vache (cow's beard) and Pied de mouton (sheep's foot). The scaly-capped Hydnum {II '. imbricaturri) is found but rarely in our pine woods ; but when once seen is not likely to be forgotten. Our plate (PI. 18, fig. 1) will give a very good idea of its general appearance, and experience the best test of its esculent properties, which are affirmed to be fully equal to those of any other member of the genus. It is much more common on the continent of Europe than with us, where it is regarded equally with 86 A TLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT //. repandmn, and in Austria especially it is included amongst the esculent species. H. coralloides in its early stages greatly resembles a cauliflower ; it is whitish and very much branched, differing in appearance from any fungus which hitherto we have encountered. It occurs on decayed trees and stumps, especially of fir, beech, and ash. This is said to be fully equal to H. repandum, but unfortunately it, as well as the succeeding species, is rare in our country. II. caput-Medusw has very much the same habit and appearance, being branched in a similar manner, but has ultimately a greyish tint. It is also found on the trunks of trees. Though rarely occurring in Fiance, it is common in Italy and in parts of Austria, where it is reckoned among the edible species. The flavour of both these is said to resemble greatly that of the com- mon mushroom. No other species is recorded in this or the remaining seven genera of the order, as of any service to man. The student will find at the end of the volume the names and characters of these genera. LEATHERY FUNGI. The fourth order, Auricularini, has distinct pecu- liarities ; but as no member is of sufficient importance, on account of the absence of economic properties, to claim our notice, we will not attempt the somewhat difficult OF BRITISH FUNGI. 87 task of defining it so as to be comprehended by our non-scientific readers, except by stating in general terms that the hymenium, or fructifying surface, is almost destitute of folds or projections. No fungus is more common or better known than Stereum hirsutum, which is found on stumps everywhere. The leathery pileus spreading out from its matrix, hairy on its upper surface, of a colour bordering upon olive, zoned with a darker tint, and bearing a yellowish margin. In size it is generally three or four inches across, and several pilei are often closely arranged one above another. Many others in this group are nearly equally common, did the limits of our work permit of their description and illustration ; but as more important genera are still unnoticed, we must content ourselves with again referring to the synopsis. CLUB-BEARING FUNGI. In this order (Clavariei) another change of form takes place. We have herein, grouped together, a series of club-shaped, or branched, fleshy fungi, with the hymenium scarcely distinct from the portion which bears it, and often obtaining a great expansion of surface by means of multiplied and intricate ramifications. The most beautiful examples are not met with in Britain, but those which we have may serve to give a general idea of the more magnificent kinds which vegetate in the Alpine regions of Europe. Some of the species have white, and others yellowish spores. The former are nearly all wholesome, the latter seldom. It has, 88 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT however, been distinctly affirmed that none of them are dangerous. Small specimens of some of the edible kinds are represented in our plates, and also a species of Geoglossum (PI. 20) ; the latter being added for comparison, belonging as it does to a different order, to which a brief reference will be made, and which does not furnish any kinds that are esculent. Clararia riif/osa is not an uncommon inhabitant of woods, but is generally so small, and sparingly distributed, as not to repay collecting for esculent purposes. This species may be found either simply club-shaped, delicately white, and with longitudinal furrows, or with the tip more or less lobed, or with decided branches proceeding from the axis. Occa- sionally it is found of a dirty white, or with a bluish- grey tinge. If laid upon a piece of slate or black paper, the white spores will be thrown down. All the white- spored Clavarias are wholesome, but some are so tough and leathery, and others so small, that the num- ber at all available for alimentary purposes is limited. They should, after being collected, be washed in lake- warm water and perfectly dried, then tied together in little bundles like asparagus, and cooked with butter, parsley, onion, pepper, and salt ; when cooked, they may bo improved by the addition of a little cream and the yolk of an «gg. It has also been recommended that a feu s] of ids of stock be milled during the cooking. Rogues states that at Vienna they arc fricasseed with butter and sweet basil. (PL 6 fig. -.) A fleshy, much-branched species, with red tips (C. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 89 Botrytis), is rare in this country, but is common in the Vosges, and in Carintliia, where it is usually eaten. The cinereous Clavaria (C. cinerea) is common in woods in some districts. It has a short thick stem, is very much branched and irregular, and becomes ulti- mately of a cinereous hue. The substance is brittle, and not tough as in some species. In France this is known under various names, as Pied de cog, Galli- nole, fyc, and in Italy as Ditola rossa, in both which countries it is eaten. (PI. 10 fig. 2.) An extremely common, clustered, yellow species is found in pastures (C. fastigiata), and although some authors have proscribed all the yellow species, Piques affirms that it is equally good eating with those generally esteemed as the best, and that in Germany it is eaten under the name of Ziegenbart (goat's beard). The most beautifully coloured species (C. amethys- tina) found in Britain, is rare and small, so that it would be vain to seek sufficient to constitute a dish. It is nut plentiful on the Continent, where it is pre- ferred by some to all the other species, and is said to possess a very fine flavour. (PI. 11 fig. 3.) The coral-like Clavaria {G. coralloides) has rather a thick stem, is much and irregularly branched, white, hollow, with a mushroomy odour and agreeable taste. It is an inhabitant of woods, but not a plentiful species on this side the Channel. It is found commonly, and much esteemed in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, &c. In these countries they arc preserved for winter use by 90 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT beinf plunged in boiling water, dried, and macerated in vinegar. Probably others of our indigenous kinds are edible, especially one resembling C. fastiyiata, which is found on lawns, and is of a tint of palish umber, not at all inclining to yellow ; and C. cristata, which, as well as C. rugosa, is found in woods. Should either of these be found in sufficient quantity, they certainly merit the trouble of an experiment. The largest and most beautiful fungus of this section (Sparassis crispa) has recently been found several times in this country; it somewhat resembles a yellow cauliflower or a Millepore iu appearance, and is excellent eating. The three remaining genera of this order contain no species calling for notice. GELATINOUS FUNGI. The last order of the first family of Fungi is Tre- mellini, in which the whole plant is gelatinous, and more or less folded. The fructifying surface is always uppermost, spread over, and following all its foldings and inequalities. With but one exception, this order is unhonoured in history or romance, and unknown as fojd or physic. The exception is in favour of the Jew's-ear {Hirneola auricula J win), which had at one time a reputation for the cure of sore throats, and also as a topical astringent, and eyen now it has soiii" lvputr aim ad. It is largely collected in South OF BRITISH FUXGI 91 Sea Island-', and exported to China, where it is a favourite article of food. Its faculty of absorbing and holding water like a sponge has resulted in its use ai a medium for applying eye- water to weak or diseased eyes, and similar purposes. Of late years it is seldom to be met with in the herbalists' shops, and, in England at least, its reputation and "occupation 's gone/' The curious name it has appropriated to itself may be traced to the ear-like form which it sometimes assumes. It is not uncommonly found on elder stumps, and sometimes on elms. A variety, shaped something like a bird's nest, has obtained the distinctive appel- lation of Nidularia, but its forms are by no means permanent. The six orders already described, and in part illus- trated, constitute that most important group called Hymenomycetes, from the fact of the hymenium being the most prominent feature. Space will not permit of our entering so fully into the particulars of the succeed- ing groups, which need be less regretted as many of the members are exceedingly minute, and scarce any present features of equal interest with those which have hitherto occupied our attention PERIDIATE FUNGI. The second family of fungi is termed Gasteromycetes (paster, Gr., a stomach ; mzekes, a mushroom), which, though in common with many others to be found in the Appendix, a long and complicated name, truly repre- 92 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT sents the features of the group to which it is applied. Herein the hvmenium, or spore-bearing surface, is in- closed within a covering called a peridium (from perideo, Gr., I wrap round), so that all the spores are produced and ripened within a kind of stomach or gaster ; and from this feature the family bears the name of Gastero- mycetes. Every one knows the puff-ball, a spherical pouch, containing, when ripe, an almost impalpable brownish dust, not unlike Scotch snuff, and which mischievous schoolboys delight in puffing in each other's faces. The pouch is the peridium or stomach, and the brown dust the innumerable ripened spores. But puff- balls are not the sole members of this group ; they constitute but one of five orders. SUBTERRANEAN FUNGI. Ckhtain fungi having such a structure as we have described, are subterranean in habit, and these are in- cluded in the first order under the name of Hypogasi (apo, fir., under ; gcea the earth). In these fungi the hymenium does not become dusty, but remains perma- nent ; nor does it melt away as in other groups, except when it becomes decayed. Some of these resemble truffles so nearly as to be confounded with them. One ,-ji cies of Melanogast&r was sold in the markets of \'.w\\\ under the name of red truffle, and is therefore edible. This is the only example which has come to our knowledge ipI ;i useful species. M<1< (uogaster variega- tus is found under tress, especially in (lie neighbourhood PL 19. I < 'I'll In- H.i can /■',-. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 93 of beeches, in the south and south-western counties of England, and resembles, externally, a brownish irregular tuber ; internally it is divided into cells by whitish walls, containing at first a black pulp, and ultimately a number of minute dark spores (PI. 20, fig. 2). The surface of the red truffle is smooth and not covered with warts or tubercles as in the true truffle. It is believed that the taste and aroma of this species is inferior to that of the truffle, although it may be employed as a substitute when the genuine article is scarce. Although we have employed the term subterranean as representa- tive oiHypogwi, and applied it to this order, it must not, therefore, be concluded that it includes all funo-i which are subterranean in habit, as the Truffles, for instance, are excluded, and must be sought for in the Sporidi- ferous families. STINKHORN FUNGI. An acquaintance with the members of this order, which is known botanically as Phalloidei, will convince any one of the propriety of assigning to them not only their common English but also their scientific Greek name. Some of them are rare, but the common Stink- horn will serve as a type, and answer as a convincing argument in both cases. One of the most striking in appearance, disgusting in odour, and noxious in properties of all fungi, is the Latticed Stinkhorn (Clathrus cancellatus), which is, however, so rare as scarcely to merit a notice here except to call attention to its only commendable feature, that 94 A PLAIN AND EAS1 ACCOUNT of the beauty and singularity of its form (PI. 1!)). The receptacle resembles a spherical network or lattice- work of coral, but is of so putrescent a nature that its odour materially detracts from its beauty ; and it is recorded of a botanist who gathered one for the purpose of drying it for his herbarium, that he was compelled by the stench to rise during the night and cast the offender out at the window. M. Roques relates of its properties that a young person having eaten a morsel was seized with violent convulsions, lost the use of her speech, and ultimately fell into a stupor which lasted forty- eight hours : prompt attention was given to her, but it appears to have been some months before she was per- fectly cured. The common Stinkhom {Phallus impudicus) has an equally abominable odour, to which we have already alluded,* with nothing of beauty to recommend it, and although not uncommon, no one would think of pre- paring it for a meal. PUFF-BALL FUNGI. In the first of the two orders just noticed, the hyrncnium neither melts nor becomes dusty ; in the last it melts, and in the present order it dries into a dusty mass of threads and spores. From the remote resemblance which this mass sometimes bears to a lock of soft brown wool, the order has been called Tric/to- gastr>g (thrix, (Jr., wool or hair). The most pictu- * Kide p. 10. OF 13IUT1SLL FUNGI 95 res ]ue of forms are found in the genus Geaster ; but although we have a dozen indigenous species, none of these are common. In those the peridium or covering is double, the outer one, bursting and dividing into sepa- rate lobes, falls back in a stellate manner at the base of the ball formed by the inner peridium, which latter ultimately opens and discharges its spores from the summit. Although useless, these are very curious and interesting fungi, and are not possessed of the strong and unpleasant odour of the members of the last group. The genera Bovista and Lycoperdon, which follow, may be distinguished from each other by the bark of the former at length shelling off, and of the latter remaining attached in the form of scales or warts. There are but three species of Bovista indigenous to Britain, dis- tinguished chiefly by the colour of the peridium. B. nigrescens is blackish, and B. plumbed of a lead- colour. Although we have never heard of the former being eaten, it is stated that the latter furnishes a very palatable dish. Bovista plumbea and Lycoperdon pyriforme have, however, been so confounded together^ sometimes in name and sometimes in the individuals themselves, as evidenced by the fact that figures of the latter have been given with the name of the former, that one seems disposed to doubt whether both have not been eaten the one for the other, and whether both may not be esculent, though perhaps not excellent. Two species of Bovista are very common in pastures, and resemble little round balls, which, when ripe, dis- charge their dust-like spores from openings in the top of 96' A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT the papery peridium ; the third species, B. ammopldla, is not common. There is scarcely a dweller or stroller into the country that has not seen the giant puff-hall (Ly coper don nigan- f< urn), sometimes attaining the size of a child's head, and in its earlier stages of a dirty whitish colour, becoming browner by age, in which latter condition, if broken, it emits a cloud of snuff-coloured impalpable dust Very few persons are, however, aware that when in its young and pulpy condition this Lycoperdon is excellent eating, and, indeed, has but few competitors for the place of honour at the table. It is especially esteemed in Italy, and would be with us, not only on account of the impossi- bility of confounding it with other species, on which account the repast may be enjoyed without fear, but also for its own intrinsic value. Unfortunately this fungus deteriorates very speedily after gathering, and should be discarded if, when cut, any yellow marks or stains are visible, for then it is too old. When the cut surface of the puff-ball is white as snow, then cut it up into slices of a quarter of an inch in thickness, and fry it in fresh butter, adding according to your taste a sprinkling of pounded sweet herbs, pepper, ami salt. Mrs. llussey recommends that each slice lie dipped in the yolk of an egg and sprinkled with chopped sweet herbs and spice. Then, she says, " they are much lighter and more digestible than egg omelettes, and resemble brain fritt' Our late friend, 11. Ward, Esq., of Chouse Hall, who, by the bye, was a connoisseur in edible fungi, writes, OF BRITISH FUNGI. \)1 " We have a delicious dish in this fungus, which is not uncommon in some seasons in these parts. Sliced and seasoned with butter and salt, and fried in a pan, no French omelette is half so good in richness and delicacy of flavour. I am too glad to seize upon them when I can get them ; of course, in the soft pulpy state." This is not the only testimony we have of their excellence. Another connoisseur says, " The puff-ball makes such an excellent omelette, and is so much better than any mushroom I ever before tasted, that it ought not to be called mushroom." To this we may add our own expe- rience, derived while this work was first pass'ng through the press. A gardener brought us a large puff-ball, equal in size to a half-quartern loaf, and which was still in its young and pulpy state, of a beautiful creamy whit' ness when cut. It had bean found developing itself in a garden at Highgate, and to the finder its virtues were unknown. We had this specimen cut in slices of about half an inch in tLuckm iss, the outer skin peeled off, and. each el c • dipped in an pgg which had been beaten up, then sprinkWd with bread crumbs, and fried in butter, with salt and pepper. The result was exceedingly satisfactory ; and finding this immense fungus more than our family could consume whilst it remained fresh, we invited our friends to partake, and they were as delighted as ourselves with the new breakfast relish, to them, and to us — the first, but we hope not the last, experiment upon a fried puff-ball. Hi' great puff-ball has an ancient reputation for tiie 98 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT stanching of blood, and was consequently dried and preserved by many a good housewife in days gone by, and is still considered by some of the antique dames of the past generations as a sovereign remedy for a cut finder. The use of the spongy portion as a tinder must also be reckoned amongst the achievements of the past, When burnt, the fumes of this fungus are said to possess a stupefying narcotic property ; in this form the Lycoperdon is still occasionally employed to stupefy bees, so that their hives may be robbed of the honey without danger. Lately these fumes have been proposed and recommended as an anaesthetic in the place of chloroform. But the most important of all uses is that of food, to which we have already alluded. Lycoperdon ccelatum is another common species scarcely attaining so large a size, and occasionally found growing in rings. The spores in this species are yel- lowish, whilst in the great puff-ball they are of an olive-colour. When this puff-ball is dried, it may be employed as amadou, first soaking it in a solution of nitre, and afterwards drying it. It is questionable whether in any stage it is wholesome as food. The pear-sh;iped puff-ball (L. pyriforme), to which allusion has already been made, may be found in clus- ters in almost any old decayed stump. It is small and pear-shaped, as its name implies. If good for food at all, it must be during its young state. The remaining genera, Scleroderma, Polysaccum, and dnococcum, contain no species of general interest li lias been stated that the powder from some of the OF BRITISH FUNGI. 99 Scleroderma is irritating to the eyes and nose, and that, taken inwardly, they are poisonous ; but for neither of these statements are we prepared to vouch. The order next in rotation is Mi/xogastres, in which the entire mass is at first pulpy and gelatinous, becom- ing ultimately dusty. This is a remarkable group, sometimes presenting individuals exceedingly beautiful both in form and colouring ; and were they not of such microscopic dimensions, they would certainly become popular favourites, only surpassed by some species of JEcidium, which would compete with them for the preference. Unfortunately, however, these beautiful creations are unknown, save to the privileged few who have, by the aid of the microscope, become acquainted, not only with these, but other minute denizens of a new floral world. As it constitutes a portion of the plan upon which this work was designed, that it should not include more than incidental references to species unapprecialle by the naked eye, these and many suc- ceeding groups, of greater or less extent, will have to be thus summarily dismissed. It is probable ihat the young student of nature has found, and marvelled at, certain curious cup or crucible- snaped receptacles containing a number of roundish or elliptical bodies, which caused the whole to assume the appearance of a miniature birdsnest containing eggs, and hence procured for them the name of Birdsnest Fungi. These singular, but not uncommon, produc- tions are members of the order 2V idulariacei (nidulus, Lat., a little nest), so termed from the features alluded u 2 100 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT to. In this order the spores are compacted together into lenticular or similarly shaped masses, inclosed in a peridium, and several of these are contained within an outer peridium, either open or closed ; this outer peridium constituting the nest, and the compacted masses of spores the eggs. This little order has not more than seven representatives in Britain. DUST-LIKE FUNGI. Tin: third group or family, termed Coniomycetes, consists of dust-like fungi in which the prominent feature is the spores. The mycelium is often obsolete and the threads short ; they are in some instances naked, and in others inclosed. The spores are large in proportion to the rest of the plant, and extremely abun- dant. We shall not attempt to characterize the different divisions of this group, containing, as it does, objects so minute and uninteresting to the general observer. There are, however, some few facts which, even in a work of this description, deserve to be recorded. One section of this family includes the numerous species of rust and mildew which arc found all over the world as parasites upon flowering plants. It was doubted at, one time whether these were plants at all, and now that they are acknowledged as members of the vegetable kingdom, are verymuch despised and neglected. They may not present such beauties of form and colour as to enchant the fashionable collector, or induce him to stroll into the country in search of them ; but the agricul- OF BBTTISH FUNGU. 101 turist views them as amongst the pests of the farm, and, if for no other reason, they deserve to be better known. The Puccinicei are developed on almost every plant, — on wheat, grass, asparagus, mint, plum-leaves, beans, beet, oak, birch, poplar, sallow, willow, roses, violets, primroses, thistles, coltsfoot, &c. &c. The Dhoora corn of the tropics, and the maize of temperate regions, are not less certainly the victims of these parasites than the wheat, barley, and oats of our own land. It has been said, and we fear with some show of truth, that bunted wheat ground up into flour is largely used in the manufacture of gingerbread ; in which case the colour is concealed on the one hand, and the taste on the other ; and not having been found to be seriously injurious, no depreciation in gingerbread has resulted in consequence. Many species of JEcidivm are exceed- ingly beautiful when viewed under the microscope. The clusters of brightly-coloured, urn- shaped bodies resemble the delicate waxy flowers of exotic heaths ; but to the naked eye these appear only as rusty spots on the leaves or other portions of plants upon which they establish themselves. In early spring the leaves of the pilewort {Ranunculus ficarla) will often be found with blight orange-coloured spots on the under surface and occasionally on the petioles. When viewed through a lens, these spots will be seen to consist of clusters of cup-shaped receptacles, fringed at the margin, and filled with minute, bright, dust-like spores. These are examples of JEcidium ranunculacearum, which is also found on other species 102 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT of Ranunculus. There are species of ^Scidium found flourishing on the living leaves of other plants equally interesting and beautiful. For further particulars of this group we refer our readers to a companion volume on " Microscopic Fungi." TH11EADY FUNGI. The fourth group contains the ffyphomycetes, in which the threads are the principal feature. These threads, which bear the naked spores, are white, brown, or coloured, and the best-known examples are those which bear the common name of Moulds. These are amongst the most insatiate of the fungoid race ; scarce anything escapes them : — dead fungi or dead spiders, meal or sugar, cheese or onions, pears or oranges, linen or glass. Mouldy cheese may be relished, and pains taken to engraft or bud the plant upon others, yet the moulds are not always so harmless. In certain species they are decidedly poisonous. Turpin says that milk arrested for some time in the udder of a cow was found to contain mould, and species of fungi belonging to this group are not unfrequent in the lungs and stomach of the human subject in certain conditions of disease. The yeast-plant is a fungus, or, to speak more pre- cisely, a kind of Penkillium, growing and increasing almost indefinitely, and by a species of chemical action producing fermentation in any saccharine matter with which it is mixed. When microscopically examined, yeast will be found to consist of a multitude of ovoidal OP BRITISH FUNGI. 10o cells containing a nucleus. The fresh yeast consists of these individual cells ; but after being mixed with the wort of beer for an hour, budding will have commenced (as in fig. g). These buds will ultimately increase to the size of the parent cells, and these will again bud ; so that in six or eight hours a string of cells will be found to have been produced, attached to each other like a strin^ of beads, with occasional lateral branches. Some authors have referred the yeast-plant to a low station in a subdivision of A Igce. The vinegar-plant is of a similar nature, and both are more correctly included amongst those plants with which we have associated them. This view is supported by the most eminent mycologists of the present day. MUCORACEOUS FUNGI. The fifth group or family, the Physomycetes, is a small one, at least so far as British examples are con- cerned, and forms an intermediate link between the Sjyoriferous, or naked-spored fungi, and the Sporidiife- rous, or those in which the spores are inclosed, to which this group belongs. In the Phrfsomycetes, the cells which contain the spores are bladder -shaped, and scattered upon threads, which are not compacted into a distinct hymeiiiuin. Like the true moulds, these minute plants are found upon decaying vegetable sub- stances, especially articles of food. The bread-mould is a common and familiar example, and if, in this 104 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT instance, decay lias nut already taken place, it is speedily accelerated. SPORIDIIFEROUS FUNGI. The sixth and last group consists of the Ascomycetes, in which the spores are developed in cells or bags, called asci, often accompanied by abortive asci in the form of threads, and termed paraphyses. These are produced upon a cellular stratum, sometimes forming a cavity, or envelope, which constitutes the peridivm, and some- times the p&ridium is absent. A portion of the members of this group are subterranean in their habits ; and though the majority of them are too small to serve as articles of food, there are some which have great repute amongst the lovers of delicious repasts. In the order Ehellacei the hymenium becomes more or less exposed. The substance is in most instances fleshy, in others waxy, and the form is commonly either cup-shaped or club-shaped. The genus Peziza con- tains some of the most elegant of British fungi, as in the example (Peziza aurantia) given on PL 13 fig. 2, and which was gatherod amongst the grass on 1 lamp- stead Heath, early in November. It is by no means an uncommon species, very beautiful, but of no economic value. Another species (P. coccinea) is still more beautiful, both in form and colouring, but less common. Almost every fallen twig of the larch will afford ex- amples of the little white and red Peziza (P. calycina.) Two other species, of more modest hu^, have th« re- commendation ol lining esculent. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 105 The sporidia of many of the Pezizoe are ejected from the hymenium with such force, and in such profusion, that they form a cloud or vapour of minute sporidia in the air around the plant from whence they are expelled In some of the genera of this order the surface of the hymenium is greatly enlarged by folding or plaiting, so that there are deep fissures or cavities, which give such a distinct feature to the plants, that there is little fear of confounding them with other species. In the order Elvellacei we meet externally and superficially with the appearance of a return to the pileated forms encountered in the commencement of our sur- vey. The hymenium is at length more or less exposed, and some- times borne on a stem. In the genus Morchella the hymenium is folded upon a stalked recep- tacle, these folds forming dee]) pits, at times irregular, at others definite in shape. In such species as have the pileus free at the base, the external contour reminds one at first of a conical-capped Fig.h. Agaric ; but this resemblance no longer obtains when it is remembered that the hymenium is borne on the upper surface, and not on the under, as in Agarics and Boleti. The Morell (Morchella esculenta) is chiefly em- ployed in this country in the dried state a? a seasoning 100 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT for soups, in which state they are imported. The retail price at times reaches as much as one shilling an ounce. Although only employed here in its dried state for seasoning, it is far more delicious when fresh, aud affords a liquor of much more exquisite flavour than the ketchup of mushrooms. The demand was formerly so great for morells in Germany, that the peasantry were induced to burn down the woodland in immense tracts, on account of the more productive nature of the burnt soil, until legislative enactments put an end to the practice. We have three native species of Morchella, one of which (31. patula) is too rare to be of economic im- portance. Of the other two, 31. esculenta is distin- guished by having the base of the pileus attached to the stem (fig. h). In 31. semilibera the pileus is free half- way up from its base. In the former the pileus is commonly ovate, and in the latter conical. 31. esculenta is more a lover of woods, and 31. semilibera of hedges. The capability of distinguishing between the two is of little importance for alimentary purposes, since both are good, and equally esteemed abroad. We have the authority of M. Iloques for stating, that they are not less esteemed in France than in Italy, in Germany than in Switzerland, and in Brabant than in England. Some give the preference to one kind, and some to the other ; but both have nearly the same odour which gratifies the smell, and the same flavour which pleases the taste ; but they must not be gathered with the dew upon them. Different methods of cooking morells are in vogue OF BRITISH FUNGI. 107 in France. Amongst the most approved are the following : — Ragout of Morells. — Pick and clean your fungi and cut them in two, wash and dry them well by wiping, then put them in a stewpan with butter, place them over a brisk fire, and when the butter is melted, squeeze in a little lemon-juice, give a few turns, and then add salt, pepper, and a little grated nutmeg. Cook slowly for an hour, adding at intervals small quantities of beef gravy or jelly broth. When done, thicken with yolks of eggs. Morells may also be treated in this fashion : — Put them upon the fire with butter, salt, pepper, and a small bundle of herbs. Simmer and add a little flour. Soften them with good beef gravy. Let them cook and reduce on a gentle fire, then remove the bundle of herbs. Fry some bread-crumbs in butter, then beat up the yolks of three eggs, add a pinch of powdered sugar, which mix with the morells, and pour the whole over the fried bread-crumbs, previously put into a dish. Morells a la Italienne. — Pick, wash, and dry your morells. Cut them in two or three pieces accord- ing to size, and place them in a stewpan over a lively fire ; add olive oil, pepper, salt, and a bundle of herbs ; let them simmer some minutes, then add chopped parsley, a little onion, and a chive of garlic. Continue the cooking over a gentle fire. Soften with beef gravy and a glass of white wine. Serve with the piece of a lemon, and bread-crumbs fried brown and crisp. Besides these ways, morells are eaten in a variety of styles ; but M. Koques affirms that there is none so 108 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT delicate as a piece of veal surrounded with morells, suitably seasoned, and cooked in an oven in its own juices. In the genus Helvetia the return to the forms oi Hymenomycetal fungi seems to be still more complete, on account of the even manner in which the hymenium overspreads the surface, a feature distinguishing this genus from the preceding ; but the student must not be led by the external appearance in opposition to impor- tant structural differences. The best substitute for the expensive morell may be found in two indi- genous species of Helvetia {II. crispa and //. lacunosa). Like the morell, they may be collected during the season and dried, and thus preserved for use all the year round. lie must be indeed an excellent judge and of a most exquisite *" r taste, who can detect ''"!' *' the difference in flavour between the Morchella and the Helvetia, for both are equally good. Five species are found in Great Britain ; i.e., H. sulcata, crispa, lacunosa, clastica, and ephippium. Doubtless all of them would be esculent OF BRITISH FUNGI. 109 but two only are large enough or sufficiently plentiful for the table. Helvetia crispa has a lobed and defiexed pileus, pallid above and ochraceous beneath (fig. *). The stem is fistulose or hollow ; when dried, the texture is tough and leathery, and in this condition it resembles crumpled up pieces of wash-leather, that have been saturated with water and allowed to dry. It is a common species in woods, and may occasionally be found growing on banks in the autumn. It is almost impossible to confound these with any other species of fungi found in Britain, so that they may be enjoyed without fear. Helvetia lacunosa is also common, and is found in similar localities to the last. It much resembles II. crispa in everything save the colour of the pileus, which, in this instance, is cinereous-black {jag.h). Thiskindis not met with so large or so plentifully as the other. Fur all purposes to which the morell is applicable, these species may either of them be substituted. They impart an excellent flavour to gravies and soups, and in establishments where they have been once in- troduced and tested, will, we 9- *• doubt not, for ever afterwards hold equal sway with the more aristocratic morell. Unlike the Agarics, there is no necessity for the Helvellas to be used as 110 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT soon as gathered, and for this reason, superadded to an experience of their excellent qualities, one cannot but feel surprised at their absence from our markets, while the truffle and morell obtain at times most extravagant prices. During the past summer a country gentleman, living remote from town and railway, has assured us that his own kitchen, and those of many of his friends, are kept with a supply of Heltellas, for culinary purposes, from year to year. In Sweden and Germany they are considered equal to the morell, and are known in the latter country under the name of Gemeine Morchel or Stu mpf- Mo rch el. In the succeeding genus, Verpa, we meet with forms somewhat intermediate between the pileate or capped Heltella and the club-shaped Geoglossum ; both species are, however, rare. The only species of Spathularia, with a yellowish, spoon-shaped head, is more common, as are also two or three of Geoglossum. In this genus the receptacle is club-shaped and simple, with the fruc- tifying surface surrounding the club, and, as our figure of G. oUeacenm (PI. 20) will show, might at first be taken for a species of Clavarla. Both the common species of this genus are black, and there is no fear of a tyro cooking them instead of a Clavaria, from which they are further removed by the unbranched and dis- tinctly clubbed termination. One of these is hairy (G. hirmtum) and the other smooth (G. diffbrmc), and both are found growing amongst grass. The surcs.Mon of such forms as are met with in the genus Pcziza seems to be far more sudden. The cup- OP BRITISH FUNGI. 1 1 1 shaped form of the fully expanded plant alone being considered, it would seem to he out of place ; hut its structural association is far more complete. The genus is a large one, and the species exceedingly variable in size, some having an expanse of several inches, whilst others are microscopically minute. On account of dif- ference in substance, this genus is subdivided into three series, each of which contains three or four subgenera. Although many of the Pezizas are exceedingly beautiful, they are equally useless. It is true that one or two species have been mentioned as affording a wholesome and agreeable article of food, but it is questionable whether they really deserve recommendation. The localities on which these fungi are produced are as variable as they are themselves in colour and size. A great number may be found on the ground, others on damp walls, on the branches and trunks of trees, on stumps and decayed wood, on fir-cones, on plaster ceil- ings and whitewashed walls, on sticks, rushes, dead leaves, and gravel walks. Of those that are found on wood, the majority confine themselves to trees of one species or genus, whilst a few are less exclusive in their " natural selection." Allied to this genus is that of Helotium, in which the disc, instead of being at first closed as in Peziza, is always open : the species are less numerous, but the localities are similar. Nearly all the members of both genera may be collected and dried by exposure to the air, and kept, in company with a little cotton wool that has been dipped in, or sprinkled with, oil of turpentine, 112 A PLAIN AND EASY. ACCOUNT in small paper pill-boxes for future reference or exami- nation. Some forms, especially of Peziza, resemble the snields or receptacles of certain lichens, with which, nevertheb ss, none but a novice would confound them. In the manufacture of the handsome Tunbridge-ware. ,i variety of wood is employed, under the name of green oak. Although of a mineral-green colour, this is the ordinary British oak ; but the alteration which it has undergone is due to the presence of a fungus. A hand- some little species resembling a Peziza (HHotium cent- al nosum) traverses with its mycelium the whole fabric of such wood, and these minute threads jnve their green * CO tint to the timber. When examined under the micro- scope, the beautiful network of the green mycelium is distinctly seen. This fungus attacks the fallen oak- branches, and the timber affected by it is therefore generally small in diameter ; but, from the minute size required in the manufacture for which it is employed, it answers equally with the largest. Green wood is so exceedingly uncommon that, although in a state of decay, the green oak becomes of a marketable value. The little green open cups of this Helotium are not so commonly met with as the timber showing traces of its mycelium. So long since as the time of Pliny and Dioscoridcs, the truffle seems to have been known and appreciated. There are numerous species, and several of these are indigenous to Britain. In form and habit they differ considerably from the majority of fungi, having the appeal ance of rough, dark-ooloured, warty nodules, OF BRITISH FUNGI. 1 1 .') occasionally nearly as large as the fist, and which are found buried beneath the surface of the soil (PI. 20, fig. 1). The ordinary method of searching for mushrooms will not succeed in this instance, and, therefore, dogs are trained to hunt for truffles by the aid of their peculiar odour, which makes itself evi- dent to the acute canine sense of smell. In some of the con- tinental countries of Europe where these fungi are found, pigs are employed as hunters. Fi ff- '■ Krombholz gives the following instructions for the benefit of those who would undertake the search : — " You must have a sow, of five months old, a good walker, with her mouth strapped up, and for her efforts recompense her with acorns ; but as pigs are not easily led, are stubborn, and go astray, and dig after a thou- sand other things, there is but little to be done with them. Dogs are better; of these select a small poodle." The truffle most commonly obtained in Britain is Tuber ocsthum (the T. cibarium of some authors) ; but the ordinary truffles of the Parisian markets are much larger and better flavoured. They are, doubtless, more common in chalky districts than has been sup- posed. Our native supplies are obtained chiefly from the downs of Wiltshire, Hampshire, and Kent. From the Continent we import them sliced and dried ; but is this condition one can have but a faint idea of the true truffle flavour, to appreciate which they must be cooked i 114 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT fresh. Lovers of a dish of truffles protest also against the barbarity of paring them, by which process much of the delicious aroma is lost, Like other fungi, these cannot be eaten too fresh ; and amateurs speak with delight of fresh truffles cooked in the embers. Inferior as the dried truffles are, they ordinarily realize from fifteen to twenty shillings per pound in the London market, and on the Continent this fungus always ob- tains a good price, which has occasioned many experi- ments being made on its artificial culture. In woods in the south of France, truffles are raised by watering the soil with water in which the skins of these tubers have been rubbed. In Vaucluse crops have been raised in a meadow manured with truffle parings. In the latter locality, also, seedling oaks have been reared, and with them, what have been termed oak-truffles. M. de Gas- parin, one of the jurors of the Paris Exposition, has reported the result of his visit to one of these truffle- grounds at Carpentras. Encouraged by the high price of truffles, the proprietor of a somewhat stubborn soil determined to convert it into a truffle ground. The land was sown with the acorns of the common and of the evergreen oak. In the fourth year three truffles were found, and in about four years more upwards of thirty pounds were collected. When M. de Gasparin visited the plantation, upwards of two pounds of truffles were gathered in a very poor part of the plantation within an hour. All the truffles collected on this ground have been taken at the base of evergreen oaks ; but other jdantations in Vaucluse produce them at the PL. 20. m M.C.C. 1. Tuber aeslivum. Vitt. 2. M Ur variegatus. Tul. 5. Geoglossum olivacenm. P OF BRITISH FUNGI. 1 15 foot of the common oak. It has been remarked that the truffles produced about the latter trees are larger and more irregular in form than those of the evergreen oak, which are nearly always spherical. The planta- tion of vines in these truffle-plots has been found advantageous ; so that, in some cases, rows of vines alternate with those of oaks. As a remunerative speculation, however, thus far the experiment has not been altogether successful. M. de Gasparin says, " A sow is employed to search for the truffles. At the distance of twenty feet she scents the truffles and makes rapidly for the foot of the oak, where she finds them, and digs into the earth with her snout. She would soon root up and eat her treasure were she not turned aside by the light stroke of the stick on her nose, and given an acorn or a dry chestnut, which is her reward." The truffles are gathered at two periods of the year. In May white truffles only are found, which never blacker, and have no odour ; these are dried and sold for seasoning. The black truffles are dug up a month before, and a month after Christmas, when they have become hard and acquired all their perfume. In order that all who are fortunate enough to find a dish of fresh truffles may be able to cook them to the best advantage, let us commend them to a few of the most approved methods. If one should desire a ragout, then let the tubers be well washed and afterwards soaked in oil, then cut them in slices about a quarter of an inch in thickness, place them in a stewpan, with i 2 116 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT oil, or butter if preferred, salt, pepper, and a little white wine. When cooked, bind the whole together with the yolks of eggs. Another method employed in France includes a bottle of champagne in the preparation. A far more economical one consists in wrapping each truffle in a sheet of buttered paper, and cooking them by steam. Should it be desired to prepare them a I'lt- alienne, then middle-sized truffles should be selected, cut into fine slices, placed in a stewpan, with oil, salt, pepper, parsley, shallots, and chopped garlic. Let them cook gently over a slow fire, and serve with the juice of a lemon. If it is preferred that your dish of truffles should be prepared a la Piemontaise, then, having soaked them in oil, slice them thin, put them in your stewpan (an eminent French authority says it should be a silver dish), add thereto salt, oil, and pepper, and grate over them some Parmesan cheese ; then place the dish over the hot cinders for a quarter of an hour. One method which is highly recommended by those who have adopted it, consists in cleaning some good truffles, sprinkling them with salt and pepper, and wrapping them in several folds of paper, garnished with rashers of bacon. They should be cooked a good hour, then denuded of their paper envelope, wiped, and served hot. It will suffice to add a method for preparing a ratafia which may recommend itself to some. Take two pounds of truffles, cut into fragments, and soak them in two pints of good brandy, to which has been added about half an ounce of vanilla cut in pieces. After three weeks, strain the liquor and add two pounds of sugar OF BRITISH FUNGI. 117 dissolved in one pint of water. The ratafia may then be preserved in well-corked bottles for use. If this process has nothing else to recommend it, it has at least the merit of being rather an expensive one. Besides this the following species are also indigenous to Great Britain : T. brumale, macrosporum, bitumina- tum, rufum, excavatum, scleroneuron, nitidum, puberu- lum, and dryophilum ; but of their esculent properties we confess ourselves profoundly ignorant. Under the name oiLycoperdon nuts, or Hart's truffles, one species of Elaphomyces (E. granulatus) had for- merly a medicinal reputation, and might be met with in the herbalists' shops ; but now the name is almost unknown. In some country districts, amongst the lovers of the marvellous and antique, it still bears a part of its original reputation, and occasionally obtains employment. The medicinal substance known under the name of ergot of rye has a fungoid origin, and is, indeed, an altered condition of the grain, caused by the growth of a parasitical species of Glaviceps (C. purpurea). The mycelium of this parasite traverses the substance of the grain, and so entirely changes its properties, that what was before available as an article of food, now becomes decidedly injurious. Bread made of ergotized grain produces a form of disease called ergotism, which has at different times overspread large districts on the Con- tinent, as though it were the visitation of the plague. The genus Claviceps belongs to the order Sphwriacei, which is nearly allied to that which contains the truffle UH A PLAIN AKD EASY ACCOUNT DISCRIMINATION AND PREShRVATION OF FUNGI. It may, perhaps, be anticipated, that some general rules will be given to facilitate discrimination between esculent and poisonous species. Unfortunately, all attempts at establishing such a code of regulations, which shall be applicable in all cases, have failed ; for unless universally applicable, such rules are useless. We remember to have seen the following example of generalization, which would exclude several useful species; viz., " All that hav Hie following characters are poisonous : — " I. Such as have a cap very thin in proportion to the gills. " II. Such as have the stalk growing from one side of the c;ip. " III. Those in which the '.'.ills are all of equal length. " IV. Such as have a milky juice. " V. Such as deliquesce ; that is, run speedily into a dark watery ilnid. " VI. And lastly, every one that has the collar that surrounds the stalk filamentous, or resembling a spider's Web." If the second rule were always true, then the elm agaric, Aaaricus uhnarhts, which has its stem excen- tric, or near the margin of the cap, would be poisonous, OF BRITISH" FUNGI. 1 19 whereas it is often eaten without ill effects. If the fourth ru\e is without exception, how is it that the orange agaric (Lactarius deliciosus), which contains a milky juice, has obtained the name of delicious, and is really considered so by those who have tried it, and without inconvenience ? If the fifth rule is accepted, then both species of Coprinus, which have been recom- mended as affording an excellent ketchup, must be avoided. In default, however, of general rules, we would re- commend no one to experiment upon species which are unknown to them, or which we have not pointed out as safe. It is not advisable to venture upon such as have a decidedly acrid or unpleasant taste in the raw state, unless they arc known to be edible. One or two species which possess such properties when uncooked, are whole- some when dressed ; but these are exceptions to the general rule. If only such species are employed as we have described in the foregoing pages, and delineated in the plates, there is no fear of unpleasant results. Unfortunately, it is too true that some people will not five themselves the trouble to think or examine, or we should never hear of such manifest stupidity, as con- founding the root of monkshood with that of horseradish ; two roots almost as unlike as roots well can be, and much more distinct than many a noxious and esculent mushroom. Upon such individuals all rules and recommendations would be thrown away ; but the majority of our readers will, we think, confess that we have given them the best guide in the distinct I 20 A PLAIN AND EASY ACCOUNT specific characters of each fungus which enjoys a good reputation. Suhjcct as all fungi are to speedy decomposition, which intimates the existence of new compounds as the result of the chemical action, it is always advisable that all mushrooms, whether of the ordinary kind or those less commonly included under that term, should be prepared for the table as soon as possible after being collected. Not only do they lose flavour by keeping, but they are then more likely to produce unpleasant results. It is also an excellent precaution to employ plenty of salt and spice in the preparation. Even poisonous fungi, and those of an active character, have been cooked with plenty of salt, and eaten with safety. It is only under such circumstances that we can imagine a fungus so injurious as Amanita muscaria being eaten at all, as it is said to be in Russia. The fact is equally well known, that in Russia fungi are thoroughly cooked, and with plenty of salt. We have always exercised what we believed to be a prudent caution in experiment- ing upon the esculent qualities of fungi, and would recommend others to follow our example. It is true that we have a number of species which are now known to be wholesome ; but an amateur testing a species for the first time would do well to exercise caution in con- ducting the' experiment, to have regard to the taste when raw, and to proceed still more cautiously if there is any evidence of acridity in the uncooked fungus. We would fain hope that our little account will be found a " plain and easy " one, and that it may lead to a better OF BRITISH FU^'GI. 121 acquaintance with such species as we have recommended without fear ; hut we would, nevertheless, lend no encouragement to a promiscuous consignment of un- known species to the charge of the cook for a hash or puree. It has often been alleged, not only that the study of fungi has but few attractions, and cannot compete suc- cessfully in interest with that of ferns and algas, but also that there are such insurmountable obstacles in the way of preserving them, that, having once secured the specimens, there is no chance of making them available for a future occasion. It may be true that the delicate and elegant forms and beautiful tints of many sea-weeds, as well as the graceful outline of the fronds of ferns, may make these members of the vegetable kingdom more suitable for the lady's album, but it is not every one who is privileged to dwell by the seashore through the entire year, and the ferns of one locality may soon be collected and consigned to their resting-places. Fungi, on the contrary, abound everywhere, and the collector can never declare the resources of his locality exhausted. Beautiful objects are by no means rare, and the pocket lens and microscope are sure of constant employment. There is no difficulty whatever in pre- serving the minute species upon the leaves, or other matrices upon which they vegetate. These may be dried and fastened down upon small squares of white papei, named, and arranged with as great facility as either of the more popular classes of plants to which we have adverted. Occasionally a group will be met with, 122 A TLAIN ANL EASY ACCOUNT the individuals composing which are so exceedingly fragile that such a method of preservation will not avail. In many such cases the mould, or fungus, may be mounted at once in the ordinary way on a slide for the microscope, and all its features carefully preserved. The greatest difficulty rests with the larger species, such as many of the Agarics and Boleti ; and for these no better method can be recommended than that detailed by Klotsch, himself an indefatigable collector, thirty years ago : — " With a delicate scimitar-shaped knife or scalpel, such as is found in a surgeon's instrument-case, I make a double vertical section, through the middle, from the top of the pileus to the base of the stem, so as to remove a slice. This, it will be at once seen, shows the vertical outline of the whole v fungus, the internal nature of its stem, whether hollow, or spongy, or solid, the thickness of the pileus, and the peculiarities of the gills, whether equal or unequal in length, decurrcnt upon the stem, or otherwise, &c. There will then remain the two sides, or nearly halves of the fungus, which each in itself gives a correct idea, if I may so express myself, of the whole circumference of the plant. But before we pro- ceed to dry them, it is necessary to separate the stem from the pileus, and from the latter to scrape out the fleshy lamella) or gills, if an Agaric, or the tubes of ;i Boletus. We have thus the fungus divided into five portions, — a central thin slice, two nearly halves of the stem, and the same sections of the pileus. These, after being a little exposed to the air, that they may OF BRITISH FUNGI. 123 part with some of their moisture, but not so long that they shrivel, are to be placed between dry blotting- paper, and subjected to pressure as other plants, the papers being changed daily till the specimens are per- fectly dry. When this is the case, the central portion or slice and the two halves of the stem are to be fastened upon white paper, together with the respective halves of the pileus upon the top of the latter in their original position. Here will thus be three sections, from which a correct idea of the ^hole plant may be obtained. The volva and ring of such species as possess them must be retained. With care, even the most fugacious species may be well preserved, according to this method. Some of the smaller and less fleshy kinds will not require to have the gills removed. In collecting fleshy fungi, care must be taken that they are not too old, and absolutely in a state of decomposition, or too much infested with the larvae of insects. When this latter is the case, some oil of turpentine poured over them will either drive them rapidly from their holes, or destroy them. Species with a clammy viscid pileus it is better to expose to a dry air or the heat of a fire, before being placed in papers. " The separate parts of the genera Phallus and Clathrus I fill with cotton, keep them for a time exposed to a dry atmosphere, and then, after removing the cotton, subject them to pressure. The same may be done with the large tremelloid Pezizce." In order to protect the specimens as far as possible from insects, it is recommended that they should be 124 BRITISH FUNGI. washed over, by the aid of a camel-hair pencil, with oil of turpentine, in which a little finely powdered corrosive sublimate has been mixed. As the sublimate will not dissolve in the turpentine, it is essential that it should be powdered as fine as possible, and that the mixture should be well shaken before it is employed. * Some of the smaller species may be dried at once without dissection, and there are others, which, though larger, are less watery, and may be dried in a current of air, so as to retain much of their original character. Many of the species of Pohjporus, Dcedalea, Thelephora, &c, require nothing more than drying in the air, wash- ing with a little turpentine, and keeping in paper trays or boxes. It is scarce worthy of inquiry what fluid will best preserve the specimens immersed in it, since the room occupied by a series of glass bottles or jars, each containing its own individual species, would be so great as to render the method impracticable. Withering recommended, that for such a process two ounces of sulphate of copper should be powdered and dissolved in a pint of boiling water, and when cold added to half a pint of spirits of wine. In this liquor the specimens should be immersed for three or four hours, then taken out and placed permanently in glass bottles containing a preserving fluid of the proportions of three fluid ounces of spirits of wine to a pint of water. We nevertheless entertain serious doubts whether such a plan would in its results offer compensation for the labour, room, and expense to be sacrificed. * \ fadotibtedly turpi atine disc lours the specimens very much \ b .t ■ urbolic acid ilm-n -o much more. TABULAR ARRANGEMENT OF BRITISH FUNGI. Cellular flowerless plants, nourished through their mycelium or spawn ; living in air ; propagated by spores ; naked, or inclosed in asci. Destitute of green gonidia (by which feature they are distingished from Lichens). Cohoiit I.— SPOMFERI. Having the spores or reproductive bodies naked or exposed. Family I. HYMENOMYCETES or AGAEICACE^. Hymenium, or spore-bearing surface, exposed ; spores generally in fours, borne on distinct spicules. Order I.— AGAEICINI. Gill-bearing Fungi. H\ menium, or spore-bearing surface, inferior, spread over lamellae or gills, which radiate from a common centre, and each of which may be separated into two plates Genera. I, Volva distinct; gills membranaceous, persistent, acute. Amanita. 1:20 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 2. Gills membranaceous, not melting ; edge acute, Agakicus L. Series 1. — Lcucospori, with white spores Sub-Gen. Lepiota. Armillaria. Tricholoma. Clitocybe. Sub-Gen. Colly bia. Mycena. Onipbalia. Pleurotus. Series 2. — TTi/porftodii, with salmon-coloured spores. Sub-Gen Volvnria. Piuteus. Entoloma. Clitopilus. Sub-Gen. Clnulopus. Leptonia. Nolani a. Eccilia. Series 3. — Dermini, with ferruginous spores, sometimes tawny. Sub-Gen. Pholiota. Hcbeloma. Flaininula. Tubaria. Sub-Gen. Xancoria. Galera. Crepidotus. Series ±.—Pratell(e, with brownish-purple or brown spores. Sub-Gen. Psnlliota. Pilosace. Strophuria. Hyplioloma. Sub- Gen. Deconica. Psilocybe. Psathyra. Series 5. — Coprinarii, with black spores. Sub-Gen. Panaeolus. Sub Gen. Psatbyrella. 3. Gills membranaceous, deliquescent; spores black. Cop kin us, Fr. 4 GUIs becoming moist ; spores coloured. Imu.bitius, Fr. 5. Gills persistent; veil arachnoid or cobweb-like; spores rust) oehrc CoitTlNAiUUS, Fr. Sub Gen. Pblegmacium. Myxacium. Sub-Gen. Dermocybe. Telainonia. Hygrocybe. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 127 6. Gills persistent, distinct from hymenophorum. Pasillus, Fr. 7. Gills slightly branched ; pileus top-shaped • spores fusiform. Gomphidius, Fr. 8 Hymenophorum continuous with stem. Hygeophorus, Fr. 9. Gills milky. Lactaeius, Fr. 10. Gills rigid, not milky ; veil absent. Eussula, Fr. 11. Gills thick, branched, obtuse-edged. Cantuarellits, Fr. 11.* Gills venose, forked; edges channelled or crisped. Trogia, Fr. 12. Gills fleshy, obtuse ; often parasitic. Nyctalts, Fr. 13. Hymenium dry, continuous between the gills ; lamella} thick, rough, and acute-edged. Maeasmius, Fr. 14. Pileus hard, dry, and tough ; edge of gills acute, toothed . L e N n n d s, Fr. 15. Pileus fleshy and tough ; edge acute, entire. Pa>ls, Fr. 16. Gills tough and forked ; edge obtuse, entire. -\ EBOTUS, Fr. 17. Gills split longitudinally, with the two divisions spreading. Schizopiiylluai, Fr. 18. Corky; gills anastomosing. Lehziteb, JV. 128 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT Order II.— POLTPOREI. Tube-bearing Fungi. II vmenium, or spore-beariug surface, lining the cavities of tubes or pores, which are sometimes broken up into plates. Genera. 19. Tubes separable from one another ; hymenopho- rum distinct from hymenium. Boletus, Fr. 20. Spores globose, or broadly elliptic and rough. Strobilomyces, Berk. 21. Pores not easily separable. Polyporus, Fr. 22. Pores concrete with the pileus. Trametes, Fr. 23. Substance corky; pores labyrinthiform. DjEdalea, Pcrs. 24. Substance waxy, with sinuous toothed folds. Merulius, Fr. 2o. Covered with papillae, ultimately opening. Porotiielium, Fr. 2G. Hvmenium inferior; papillfiB forming distinct tubes. Fistulina, liuM Order ITT. — TTYDXEI. Spine-bearing Fungi. Fructifying surface spread over spines or teeth. Genera. 27. Spines awl-shaped, distinct. IIydnum, L. VH. Gill-like teeth, irregularly distributed, bearing tike hyineniiiin. Siktothema, Pers. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 129 29. Teeth in rows, or like network, connected. Ibpex, Fr 30. With waxy irregular tubercles. Eaduluh, Fr. 31. Hymeniurn subgelatinous, spread over persistent veins. Phlebia, Fr. 32. Hymeniurn granulated. Gra>bi-via, Fr. 33. With spiny, crested warts. Odontia, Fr. 34. Hymeniurn rough, with bristles. Kneotia, St. Order IV.— AUEICULAETXI. Leathery Func/i. Hymeuium commonly even. Genera. 35. Fleshy, smooth, putrescent when old. Cbateeellus, Fr. 36. Hymeniurn tough, fleshy, without a cuticle, at length rigid and flocculent. Thelephoea,.^. 37. Hymeniurn leathery, having a cuticle, even, not bristly. Branson, Fr. 3S. Hymeniurn leathery, even, beset with shurt bristles, Hymexochjete, Lev. 30. Hymeniurn gelatinous when wet, folded, differing in substance from the pileus. Ac Rice labia, Fr. 40. Hymeniurn soft and fleshy, swollen when moist. CoBTiciuir, Fr. 41 Cup-shaped. Hymeniurn inferior, confluent witb the pileus. Cyphella, Fr. K 130 TABULAR ARliANGEMENT Order V. — CLAVAK1EI. Club-bearing Funai. The hymenium not confined to a particular surface, and scarcely distinct ; vertical. Genera. 42. Fleshy, much branched, branches dilated. Sparassis, Fr. 42*. Fleshy. Hymenium dry, simple or branched. Clavaria, L. 43. Gelatinous. Hymenium viscid, simple or branched. Calocera, Fr. 44. Filiform, flaccid. Hymenium thin, waxy. Typiiula, Fr. 45. Club-shaped, waxy, thin, horny. Cellular. PrSTILLARIA, Fr. Order VI.— TEEMELLINI. Gelatinous Fungi. Whole plant gelatinous ; spicules elongated threads. Genera. 40. Immarginate. Hymenium not papillate. Tbemella, Fr. 47. Margined, fertile above, glandular ; barren below. Exidia, Fr. 48. Cup-shaped. Hymenium not papillate, outer sur- face velvety. I Iihneola, Fr. 49. Nucleus solid, entirely invested by the hymeniiia. Nqdmatblia, Fr. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 131 50. Conidia in moniliform rows, sporophores clavate. Dacrymyces, Nees. 51. Hollow, inflated, floccose, smooth. Apyrenicm, Fr. 52. Effused, maculseform, very thin. Hymenula, .Fr. 53. Orbicular, discoid. Hyinenium at first veiled. Ditiola, Fr. Family II. GASTEROMYCETES, or LYCOPERDACEJE. Hymenium, or spore-bearing surface, enclosed ia a peridium ; spores generally in fours, on distinct spicules or stalks. Order VII.— HYPO GyEI. Subterranean Fungi. Hymenium not becoming dusty, or melting ; subter- ranean. Genera. 54. Peridium cottony, with a sterile base. Cells at first empty. Trama byssoid. Spores rough. Octaviania, Vitt. 55. Peridium without a distinct base. Cells at first pulpy. Spores smooth. Melanogaster, Gorda. 56. Peridium fleshy, without a distinct base. Cells at first empty. Spores echinate. Hyonangium, Wallr. 57. Peridium separable. Cells at first empty. Spores minute. Hysterangium, Vitt. k 2 132 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 58. Peridium continuous, traversed with branched fibres. Cells at first empty. Spores smooth. EnizopoooN, Tul. 59. Peridium fleshy, with an absorbing base. Cells at first empty. Trama not byssoid. Spores various. Hymenogaster, Tul. Order VIII.— PHALLOIDEI. Stinkhorn Fungi. Hymenium melting. Genera. 60. Pileu8 perforated at the apex, free. Phallus, L. 61. Pileus imperforate, adnate. Cynophallus, Fr. 62. Receptacle forming a network. Clatitrus, Mich. Order IX.— TRICHOGASTRES. Puff-ball Fungi. Hymenium drying into a dusty mass. Genera. 63. Receptacle pileate, seated on a tall stem. Batarkea, Pers. 64. Peridium thin, distinct from the elongated stem. Tulo stoma, Pers. 65. Peridium double, the outer dividing in a stellate manner. Geaster, Mich. ijij. Peridium with a distinct bark. Spores pedicellate, Hovista, Dill. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 138 67. Peridium membranaceous, bark adnate, breaking up into scales or warts. Base sterile. Lycoperdon, Tourn. 68. Peridium firm, veined internally. Spores large, grauulated. Scleroderma, Pers. 69. Common peridium simple, interior divided into cells filled with peridiola. Polysaccum, DC. 70. Peridium naked, thick, at length hollow. Cenococcum, Fr. Order X.— MYXOGASTRES. Dust Fungi. At first pulpy ; afterwards filled with threads and dust-like spores. Genera. 71. Peridium double, persistent, warty or mealy. Flocci delicate, adnate. Lycogala, Mich. 72. Peridium simple, fugitive, naked. Plocci flat, sub- reticulate. Beticularia, Bull. 73. Peridium with a floccose coat. Flocci interwoven. ^Ethalium, Link. 74. Peridium simple, crustaceous. Spores enclosed in the folds of a membrane. Spumaria, Pers. 75. Peridium double, external smooth, internal eva- nescent. Flocci adnate. Diderma, Pers. 76. Peridium scaly or floccose. Bursting irregularly. Didymium, Schrad. 77. Peridium delicate, smooth. Columella absent. Puysarum Pert. 134 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 78. Peridium membraneous, bursting longitudinally. Flocci flat, adnata. Angioridium, Grev. 79. Peridium naked or mealy. Spores clustered at first in cysts. Badhamia, Berk. 80. Peridium simple, at first closed with an opercu- lum. Ckaterit/m, Trent. 81. Peridium delicate, falling away in fragments. Diachea, Fr. 82. Peridium delicate, evanescent. Threads reticulate, springing from a central stem. Stemonitis, Gled. 83. Peridium delicate, evanescent, except at tbe apex. Spores in cysts. Enerthenema, Boiom. 84. Peridium delicate, evanescent, veined with the enclosed threads. Dicttdium. Schrad. 85. Peridium persistent below. Flocci netted above. Cribraria, Schrad. 8(3. Peridium Bimple, evanescent above. Threads elastic, not spiral. Arctrta, Hill. 87. Peridium simple, bursting longitudinally. Threads of two kinds : 1. delicate, bearing spores ; 2. thicker, branched and echinulate. Opihotiieca, Gurr. 88. Peridium simple, persistent, bursting irregularly. Threads spiral. Trichia, Hall. 89. Peridium simple, persistent, splitting horizontally. Threads not spiral. 1'KitrciiJENA, Fr. 90. Peridium membranaceous, bursting irregularly. Spores not mixed with threads. Licea, Schrad. 91. Peridium persistent, splitting longitudinally. Spores large, rough. Piielonitis, Chev. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 135 Order XI.— NIDULAEIACEI. Nest-bearing Fungi. Spores compacted into globose or disk-shaped bodies, nested in a distinct peridium. Genera. 92. Peridium composed of three membranes. Spo- rangia plane, attached by a thread to the walls. C tat hits, Pers. 93. Peridium uniform, spongy. Sporangia plane, attached by a thread to a little tubercle. Cktjcibulum:, Tul. 94. Peridium double. Inner one at length inverted, ejecting a globose sporangium. SniiEROBOLUS, Tode. 95. Peridium globose, somewhat fle^y. Sporangium globose, papillate. Thelebolus, Tode. 96. Peridium sub-hemispherical, hyaline. Sporangia large. « Polyangium, Link. Family III. CONIOMYCETES, or UREDINACE^I. Spores single, on more or less distinct sporophores ; flocci, or threads of the fruit, obsolete, or nearly so. Order XII.— SPHiEPOJNEMEI. Perithecium distinct. Genera. 97. Perithecium membranaceous. Spores simple. CoNiOTimtiUM, Corda. 136 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 98. Perithecium membranaceous, breaking off at tho base. Spores simple, minute. Leptostroma, Fr. 99. Perithecium subglobose, sometimes incorporated, Spores simple. Phoma, Fr. 100. Perithecium flat, breaking off at the base. Spores cylindrical or irregular. Leptotiiyrium, Kze. 101. Perithecium orbicular. Spores fusiform, simple. ACTINOTHYRIUM, Kze. 102. Perithecium covered. Spores fusiform, simple. Cryptosporium, Kze. 103. Perithecium free. Spores minute, oozing out and forming a globule. Sphjsroneha, Tode. 101. Perithecium free, distinct, papillate. Spores minute. Aposfh^ria, Berk. 10.3. Perithecium distinct. Spores various, simple, escaping at the apex. Sphjeropsis, Lev. 10G. Nucleus immersed in the stroma. Astoraous. Spores pedicellate, simple. Dotiiiora, Fr. 107. Perithecium free, bursting by fissures. Spores simple. Clinteriitm, Fr. [For Acrospermum, see Ascomycetes, page 161.] 109. Perithecium. distinct. Spores uuiseptate. Diploma, Fr. 110. Perithecium distinct. Spores two or multisep- tate. Hendkusonia, Berk. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 137 111. Perithecium delicate. Spores containing a row of sporidiola, oozing out in a tendril. Daeluca, Cast. 112. Perithecium thin, bristly. Spores vermiculate. Veehiculaeia, Tode. 113. Perithecium flat, opening at the base. Spores septate, aristate. Discosia, Lib. 114. Perithecium scutellseform. Spores curved. Pilidium, Kze. 1L5. Perithecium membranaceous, at length effused. Spores minute. Melasmia, Lev. 116. Perithecium irregular, thiu, confluent. Spores large, obovate, at length tomiparous. Piggotia, Berk. 117. Perithecium minute, incorporated. Spores ob- long or thread-shaped, simple or septate, es- caping in tendrils. Septoeia, Fr. 118. Perithecium distinct. Spores uniseptate or sim- ple, escaping in tendrils. Ascochyta, Lib. 119. Perithecium minute, seated on a discoloured spot. Spores ovoid or oblon?, straight, minute, ejected in tendrils from a terminal pore. Piiyllosticta, Pers. 120. Perithecium subglobose. Spores more or less globose, escaping in tendrils through a fissure. Ciieilaeia, Lib. 121. Perithecium bursting longitudinally. Sporophorea branched. Spores oblong, uniseptate. Cystotricha, Berk. 122. Perithecium concealed. Spores hyaline, crested. Neottiosporia, Desm. 138 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 123. Perithecium excipuliform, hispid. Spores hya- line, attenuated. Excipula. Fr. 124. Perithecium excipuliform, hispid. Spores hyaline. anstate. Dinemaspobium, Lev. 125. Perithecium composed of ilocci with free apices. Spores concatenate. Mtxokmia, Berk. 126. Perithecium carbonaceous. Spores fasciculate, fusiform, septate, attached to articulated threads. Pbosthemium, Kze. 127. Perithecium flat, attached to creeping branched threads. Spores Bimple or uniseptate. Asteroma, DO. 128. Conceptacle thin, cup-shaped, covered. Nucleus gelatinous. Rabenhobstia, Fr. 129. Perithecium irregular or compound. Spores minute, oozing out in tendrils or globules. Cttispoba, Fr. 130. Perithecium innate, without ostirolum. Spores simple, linear. Miceopeba, Lev. 131. Perithecium spurious, sometimes excipuliform. Spores elongated, simple or uniseptate. D isc ella, Berk. 132. Perithecium spurious. Spores elongated. Phlyctjen'a, Desm. 133. Perithecium spurious, innate, multicellular. Spores ejected from one or more orifices. Ceuthospoba, Fr. 134. Stroma multicellular. Spores quaternate, filiform, seated on short sporophores. Ekiospoha, Berk. OF BRITISH FUNGI, 139 Order XIII.— MELANCONIEL Perithecium obsolete or absent. Genera. 135. Spores simple, oozing out in a dark mass. Melanconium, Link, 136. Spores cellular, oozing out in a dark mass. Stegonosporium, Corda. 137. Spores septate, oozing out in a black mass. Stilbospora, Pers. 138. Spores septate, stellate, oozing out in a black mass. Astebosporium, Kze. 139. Spores septate, seated on a cushion-like stroma. Cortneum, Kze. 140. Spores septate, pedunculate, crested above. Pestalozzia, Be Not. 141. Spores collected in bundles, at the tips of hyaline sporophores. Cueirospora, Ft. 142. Spores of two kinds, coloured, oozing out in tendrils. Nemaspora, Pers. 143. Spores minute, of one kind, coloured, forming tendrils. Mtxosporium, Be Not. 144. Spores simple, hyaline, forming tendrils. GljEosporium, Mont. 140 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT Order XIV.— TOEULACEI. Perithecium obsolete ; fructifying surface naked. Genera. 145. Spores simple, tomiparous. Tortjla, Pers. 146. Spores multiseptate, radiating, coloured or hya- line. Bactriditjm, Eze. 147. Spores filiform and involute, articulated. Helicospoiuum, Nees. 148. Spores didymous, moniliform. Bispora, Corda. 149. Spores multiseptate, moniliform. Septonema, Corda. 150. Spores quadriseptate, at first enclosed in a mem- brane. Sporoschisma, Berk. 151. Spores multicellular, irregular, springing from the mycelium. Sporidesmtum, Link. 152. Spores multicellular, conglutinate. Coniothecium, Corda. 153. Spores multicellular, tongue-shaped, cells sub- concentric. Dictyospoiuum, Corda. 151. Spores quadri-articulate, growing in fours. Tetraploa, Perk. 155. Spores simple, fasciculate, rough. Eciiinobotryum, Covda. 150. Spores simple, arising from the matrix. G YMNitsroiuuM, Corda. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 141 Order XV.— PUCCINItEI. Parasitic or Mildew Fungi. Peridium obsolete ; spores germinating, aud producing secondary spores. Genera. 157. Spores stipitate, multiseptate, moniliform. Xenodochus, Schlecht. 158. Spores stipitate, multiseptate, cylindrical. Aregma, Fr. 159. Spores stipitate, biseptate. Triphragmium, Link. 1G0. Spores stipitate, uniseptate. Pucsinia, Pers. 161. Spores immersed. Stroma gelatinous, expanded. Gymnosporangium, DO. 162. Spores immersed. Stroma club-shaped. Podisoma, Link. 163. Spores simple, not stipitate, springing from deli- cate threads. Tilletia, Tul. 164. Spores simple, deeply seated, not stipitate, pul- verulent, blackish. Ustilago, Link. 165. Spores simple, superficial, not stipitate, yellow or brown. Ure^o, Lev. 166. Spores simple, not stipitate, nor enclosed in sepa- rate cells. Lecitiiea, Lev. 142 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 167. Spores simple, with deciduous appendages. Tiuciiobasis, Lev. 168. Spores simple, with permanent appendages. Uromyces, Lev. 169. Spores compound, irregular. Polycystic, Lev. 170. Spores compound, subglobose or shell-shaped. Tuburcinia, Ft. 171. Spores of two orders : 1. spherical ; 2. cylin- drical, septate. Coleosporiuh, Lev. 172. Spores of two orders : 1. spherical ; 2. wedge- shaped, compact. Melampsora, Cast. 173. Spores of two orders : 1. concatenate, exposed ; 2. spherical, concealed. Cystopus, Lev. Order XVI.— ^CIDTACEI. Peridium cellular. Genera. 174. Peridium elongated, separating in threads. Rcestelia, Reb. 175. Peridium elongated, rupturing irregularly. Feridermium, Chev. 176. Peridium abbreviated, or semi-immersed. .Kcidium, Pers. 177. Peridium immersed. Enuopiiyli.um, Lev. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 143 Family IV. HYPHOMYCETES, or BOTRYACE^E. .Filamentous ; spores naked, often with divisions. Order XVII.— ISAKIACEI. Threads compacted. Genera. 178. Receptacle elongated, floccose, tips of thread* free. Isaeia, Rill. 179. Eeceptacle elongated, dilated above, confluent with the stem, tips of thread free. Anthina, Fr. 180. Receptacle branched, subgelatinous, reticulated. Ceeatium, A. and S. 181. Stem solid, clavate above, dusted with minute spores. Pachnocybe, Berk. Order XVIII— ST1LBACEI. Receptacle globose; spores minute, involved in gluten. Genera. 182. Stipitate, globose. Spores minute. Stilbum, Tode. 183. Sessile. Receptacle bristly, spores diffluent. VoLUTELLA, Tode. 184. Verruciform, covered with a stratum of spores. Tubeuculahia, Tode. J 44 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 185. Discoid, covered with difflueut spores. Fusarium, Link. 186. Marginate. Spores forming a dark green stra- tum. Mykotmecium, Tode. 187. Subglobose, studded with lare;e spores, Epicoccum, Link. 1S8. Spores irregular, pulverulent. Illospoeium, Mart. 189. Spores irregular, nionilifbrin, on branched pe- duncles. jEgeiuta, Pers. Order XIX.— DEMATIEI. Black Moulds. Threads free, coated, or dark-coloured ; never white. Genera. 190. Stem compacted of jointed threads. Spores large, radiating, septate. AitTiiuoBOTRYUM, Cesati. 191. Threads jointed, free, branched above. Spores terminal, septate. Dendryphium, Corda. 192. Threads jointed, simple, capitate. Spores simple, surrounding the head. (Edocephalum, Pr. 193. Threads compacted into a stem. Head globose, spores terminal. Peiuconia, Corda. 194. Threads jointed, free. Heads globose, studded with spores. Sporocvbe, Pr. i 195. Threads jointed, free. Spores borne singly ou the tips of branchlets, which form little beads. Stachybotuys, Corda. 19(3. Threads jointed, tree. Spores concatenate, colourless. IIaploguapiiium, Berk. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 145 ] 97. Threads jointed, free, supporting large subglobose black spores. Monotc-spora, Corda. 198. Threads jointed, free ; branches tufted, bearing globose spores. Cephalotrichum, Link. 199. Threads free, flexuose. Spores on sporophores at the base. (Edemium, Fr. 200. Threads irregular, bearing scattered multiseptate spores. Helminthospoeium, Link. 201. Threads jointed or torulose, bearing terminal, solitary or agglomerated spores, Mystrosporium, Corda. 202. Threads obscure, spores stalked with transverse and vertical septa. Macrosporium, Fr. 203. Threads jointed, bearing tri-radiate, septate spores. Tkiposporium, Corda. 201;. Threads jointed, bearing from their sides pale spiral spores. Helicoma, Corda. 205. Threads branched, upper joints swollen. Spores large, septate. Cladotrichum, Corda 206. Threads moniliform. Spores didymous. PoLTTniuNciuM, Kze. 207. Threads jointed, branched. Spores uniseptate. Cladospo-rium, Link. 208. Threads jointed, thickened at the joints. Spores fusiform. Artiirinittm, Kze. 209. Threads jointed, thickened at the joints. Spores angular, in whorls. Gonatosporium, Corda. 210. Threads thickened at the joints. Spores curved, in terminal clusters. Camptoum, Link. 211. Threads jointed. Spores moniliform, seated at the base. Sporodum, Corda. 211*. Threads erect, not jointed. Spores siuiplo, ac- cumulated at the base, or scattered. Chloridiuit, Link. L 146 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT Order XX — MUCED 1 N ES. Blue Moulds. Threads never coated, white or coloured. Genera. 212. Threads joiuted, head globose, bearing moniliform spores. Aspergillus, Mich. 213. Threads clavate at the tips, bearing moniliform spores on spicules. Nematogonum, JDesm. 214. Threads jointed, clavate, bearing spores on dis- tinct spicules. Khinotrichum, Corda. 215. Threads jointed, branched, bearing terminal spores. Botrytis, Mich. 215*. Threads erect, branched. Apices of the branches quadriarticulate, spirally convolute. Spores subglobose, granulated, formed from + he joints. Acrospeiha, B. § Br. 216. Threads seldom jointed, bearing terminal conidia, with large globose spores on the mycelium. Peronospora, Corda. 217. Threads jointed. Branches in whorls. Spores terminal. Verticillium, Link. 218. Threads jointed, simple or forked, with spores Bcattered over the tips. Haplaeia, Link. 219. Threads jointed, branched above. Spores in ter- minal clusters. Bolyactis, Link. 220. Threads jointed, bearing tassels of moniliform spores, Penicillium, Link. 2?) Threads short, bearing a moniliform string of spores. Oidium, Link. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 147 222. Threads short, spores cylindrical, septate, at- tached end to end. Cylindbitj}!, Bon. 223. Threads jointed, bearing necklaces of spores in bundles at their tips. Monilia, Hill. 224. Threads jointed, branched, bearing terminal, sep- tate spores. Dactyliuh, Nees. 225. Threads evanescent. Spores nearly straight, filiform. Fusidium, Link. 226. Threads jointed, tufted. Spores simple, scat- tered. Spobotbichum, Link. 227. Threads short, with the joints at intervals cut half-way through. Zygodesmus, Corda. 228. Threads jointed, black, furcate. Spores minute, scattered. Viegabia, Nees. 229. Threads jointed, simple, curled at the tips. Spores large, globose, stipitate, basal. Bola-COTbicha, Berk. 230. Threads branched. Spores in little masses near the base. Mtxotbichum, Kze. 231. Threads branched, knotted, with whorls of branchlets bearing globose masses of spores. Gonytriciujai, Nees. 232. Threads jointed. Spores terminal, at first in bundles, spindle-shaped or cylindrical. Menispoba, Pern. 233. Threads jointed, tapering, branched at the baae. Spores cylindrical, terminal on the branches. Cii-etopsis, Grev. 234. Threads jointed, creeping, with short, simple branches, each terminated by a spore. Acbemokium, Link. L 2 148 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 235. Threads jointed, erect. Internodes swollen, bearing spicules, terminated by obovate spores. GoNATOBOTRYS, Corda. 236. Threads jointed above. Branches in fours. Spores in spikes. Clonostaciiys, Corda. 237. Threads jointed, erect. Branches short, bearing the simple spores in clusters of five at their tips. BoTRTOSPORlUM, Corda. 23S. Threads jointed, prostrate, with short erect branches bearing cellular heads studded with two to four partite spores. PAPULAsroRA, Preuss. 239. Threads jointed, swollen into a bead at the tips. Spores borne singly on spicules, each of which springs from a cavity in the head. Khopalomyces, Corda. Order XX1.-SEPEDONIEI. Mycelium threadlike; spores resting on the matrix. Genera. 2i0. Spores large, simple, globose. Sepedobiuh, Link. 241. Spores fusiform, curved, septate, in a gektinoua .mass. Eusisporium, Link. 242. Spores septate, attached to the matrix. Epociinium, Link. 213. Threads persistent, joined in a mass, covering the simple spores. Psilonia, IV. OP BRITISH FUNGI. 149 Order XXII.— TEICHODERMACEI. Threads covering the spores with a kind of peridural. Genera. ■ 244. Stem solid. Head of flexuous radiating threads, globose. Spores terminal. Pilacre, Fr. 245. Stemless, containing cavities filled with spores. Institale, Fr. 246. Peridium spurious, roundish, formed of inter- woven threads. Spores spread over the disk. TiueiiODERHA, Pers. 247. Peridium spurious, roundish, formed of inter- woven jointed threads. Spores collected in the centre. Arturoderma, Curr. Cohort II.— SPORIDIIFERA. Having the spores or reproductive bodies contained in asci or bags. Family V. PHYSOMYCETES, or MUCORACEJE. Spores surroundeu by a veil or sporangium. Order X X I I I.— A N T E N N A E I E I. Threads black, felted, moniliform. Genera 248. Threads felted. Spores chained together, im- mersed in gelatinous pulp. Antettnarta, Link. 150 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 219. Mycelium septate, byssoid. Sporangia thin and brittle. Spores simple. Zasmidium, Fr. Order XXIV. — MUCORINI. Threads free, bearing sporangia. Genera. 250. Sporangia collapsing and dependent. Fruit sometimes of two kinds. Ascopuora, Tode. 251. Threads free. Sporangia at length bursting, not dependent. Mucor, Mich. 252. Threads erect, terminated by a vesicle at first crystalline, at length indurated. Hybrophora, Tode. 253. Vesicle delicate, perforated by the stem, filled with threads and globose spores. Endodromia, Berk. 254. Stem dichotomous. Vesicles terminal, splitting horizontally. Spores simple, growing on the columella. Sporodinia, Link. 255. Threads with branches in whorls. Vesicles ter- minal, pierced by the threads. ACROSTALAGMUS, Corda. 25G. Threads branched. Vesicles of separate branches conjugating and forming a sporangium. SyZYGITES, Khrenb. 257. Hypogrcous. Threads collected into a spongy mass, vesicles globose. Ekdogonk. Link. OF BRITISH FUNQI. 151 Family VI. ASCOMYCETES, or HELVELLACE.EJ. Sporidia generally eight together, contained in a case or ascus. Order XXV.-ELVELLACEI. Substance soft; hymenium at length exposed. Genera. 258. Receptacle clavate or pileate. Hymenium folded and pitted. Morchella, Dill. 259. Eeceptacle inflated, rough with raised ribs. Gyromitra, Fr. 2G0. Eeceptacle pileate, barren below. Hymenium even. Helvella, Link. 201. Eeceptacle clavate or conical. Hymenium rugu- lose or nearly even. Verpa, Schwartz. 262. Fleshy, capitate. Hymenium surrounding the inflated head. Mitrula, Fr. 263. Eeceptacle capitate, compressed, running down either side of the stem. Spathtjlaria, Pers. 204. Eeceptacle pileate, margin revolute, covered every- where with the smooth viscid hymenium. Leotia, Hill. 265. Receptacle capitate, margin adnate. Asci and spures ejected, rendering the hymenium vel- vety. VlBBISSEA, Fr vt 152 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 266. Eeccptacle clavate, confluent with the stem. Ilymenium surrounding the head. Geoglossum, Pers 267. Crustaceous, effused ; then bullate or inflated, supported on rootlets. Riiizina, Fr. 2G8. Receptacle cop-shaped, soon opening. Disc naked. Asci fixed. Peziza, Link. Series 1. — Aleuria, fleshy ; cup always open. Sub-Gen. Discina. Geopyxis. Sub-Gen. Humaria. Enceelia. Series 2. — LacJiuea, waxy ; cups hairy, Sub-Gen. Sarcoscyplia. Dasyscypha. Sub-Gen. Tapesia. Fibrina. Series 3. — Phialca, waxy, or membranaceous; cups smooth. Sub-Gen. Hymenoscypha. I Sub-Gen. Patellea. Mollisia. I 269. Receptacle discoid, always open, convex or concave, naked. Helotium, Fr. 270. Receptacle indeterminate, immarginate. Hyme- nium always exposed. Psilopezia, Berk. 271. Receptacle patellacform, margined, always open. Ilymenium dusty with sporidia. Asei fixed. Patella kia, Fr. 272. Receptacle almost horny, naked, with a narrow mouth. Disc at length dusty with sporidia. Sphinctbina, Fr. 273. Disc waxy, persistent, covered with a deciduous excipulum. Mouth contracted. Laquearia, Fr. 0? BRITISH FUNGI. 153 274. Eeceptacle cyathiform, horny. Hymenium at length breaking up. Ttmpanis, Tode. 275. Eeceptacle coriaceous, at first closed, covered with a thick cuticle. Cenangium, Fr. 276. Receptacle orbicular, marginate. Asci exploded. Ascobolus, Tode. 277. Eeceptacle orbicular, glutinous within. Hyme- niutn smooth. Bulgaria, Fr. 278. Eeceptacle waxy, gelatinous when moist, sphe- rical, fertile all round. Agyrium, Fr. 279. Eeceptacle obsolete. Hymenium immersed in the matrix, orbicular or elliptic. Stictis, Pers. 2S0. Parasitic. Asci forming a thin powdery stratum mixed with jointed threads. Ascomtces, Mont, fy Besm. Order XXVI.— TUBEEACET. Subterranean ; hymenium wavy and packed. Genera. 281. Integument warty or fcuberculate, no definite base. Asci saccate. Sporidia reticulate or spiny. Tubeb, Mich. 2S2. Integument even. Base definite. A^ci clavate. Sporidia spherical. Ciioiuomtces, Vitt. 154 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 283. Integument thick. Asci saccate, evanescent Sporidia globose, amylaceous. Amylocarpus, Curr. 284. Integument warty, with a terminal aperture. Base distinct. Asci clavate. Sporidia sphe- rical. PaCHYPHLOSUS, Tul 285. Integument cottony. Base distinct. Asci cylin- drical. Sporidia globose, at length verrucose. Stephensia, Tul. 286. Integument minutely papillose. Ilymenium complicated. Asci oblong. Sporidia globose, tuberculate. Hydnotrya, Berk. 287. Integument replaced by evanescent down. Ily- menium complicated. Asci elliptic. Sporidia globose. Hydxobolites, ThI. 288. Integument wanting. Ilymenium exposed. Asci linear. Sporidia globose. Spn.EROSOMA. Kl. 289. Integument warty. Ilymenium lacunoee, not leading to the surface. Sporidia cylindrical or oblong. Balsamia, Tilt. 200. Integument warty, with a terminal aperture. II \ raenium sinuate. Asci cylindrical. Spo- ridia globose. Genea, Tiff. 291. Integument thick, hard. Asci globose or obovate. Interna] mass ultimately dusty. Elaphomyoes, Nees. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 155 Order XXVIL-PHAC1DIACEI. Hard ; hymenium ultimately exposed. Genera. 292. Perithecia bursting in the centre by valvular teeth. Phacidium, Fr. 293. Perithecia fjloboso-depressed, at length open above. Heterosph^ria, Grev. 294. Perithecia confluent, opening by flexuose fissures. Khttisma, Fr. 295. Perithecia labiate, splitting from the centre. Tuiblidium, lieb. 296. Perithecia labiate. Mouth linear, narrow. Asci elongated. Htsteeium, Tode. 297. Perithecia branched. Mouth linear, narrow. Asci subglobose. .Ailoguapuum, Lib. 298. Perithecia hemispherical, seated on a byssoid mycelium, splitting irregularly. Asci short. Astebina, Lev. 299. Perithecia stipitate, wedge-shaped. Mouth linear, narrow. Asci elongated. Lophium, Fr. 300. Perithecia orbicular, splitting horizontally, with a deciduous operculum. Ntf.gia, Fr. 301. Disc innate, erumpent, Beated on a black hy- pothecium, persistent. TROCniLA, Fr. 156 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT Order XXVIII.— SPH^EEIACEI. Perithecia opening by a distinct ostioium or orifice. Genera. Section I. — Xylarici. 302. Stipitate. Stroma corky, rarely fleshy. Perithecia immersed. Sporidia uniseriate, simple, ovate, dark-coloured. Xyi.aria, Fr. 303. Stem shrubby or simple. Perithecia of the same substance as the stem. TlIAMNOMYCES, Ehr. 304. Stipitate. Stroma between fleshy and corky. Fructifying surface discoid. Perithecia im- mersed. Sporidia ovate, simple, coloured. Poronia, Fr. 305. Convex or plane. Stroma corky or brittle. Perithecia immersed. Sporidia ovate or lan- ceolate, curved unsymmetrical, simple, dark- coloured. Hypoxylon, Bull. 300. Stroma expanded, pulverulent, becoming indu- rated and carbonized. Perithecia immersed. Sporidia uniseriate, lanceolate, curved, simple, d'ark-coloured. Ustulina, Tul. 307 Stroma discoid. Perithecia immersed, in sepa- rate cells. Sporidia ovate or ovato-globose, straight, simple, dark-coloured, excluded in tendrils. NUMMULABTA, Tul. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 157 303. Stroma effused, crustaceous. Perithecia im- mersed, shortly papillate, paraphyses few. Spo- ridia small, cylindrical, curved, pale-coloured. Stictospileria, Tul. 309. Stroma fused with the matrix. Perithecia im- mersed, sometimes in the matrix, papillate, paraphyses few. Sporidia clustered, linear and curved, or ovate and straight, simple, pale. EUTTPA, Tul. 310. Perithecia none. Nucleus immersed in the stroma. Ostiolum papillate. Sporidia simple or septate. Dothidea, Fr. 311. Epiphyllous. Perithecia globose, immersed in a fleshy stroma. Sporidia ovate, simple. POLTSTIGMA, P. 312. Stroma globose, depressed, cellular. Perithecia immersed, adnate. Sporidia fusiform, four to six-celled, pale. Meloguamma, De JSFot. Section II — Vulsei. 313. Stroma determinate, verruciform. Perithecia immersed in the stroma. Sporidia small, spermatoid, hyaline. Diatrype, Fr. Sub-Gen. 1. Ai-ci many-spored. — Diatrypella. ,, 2. Asci eight-spored. — Diatrype. 314. Stroma determinate, verruciform. Sporidia two to four-celled, hyaline. Mamiania, Be Not. 315. Perithecia circulating, rostrate, ending in a com- mon disc. Sporidia hyaline. Valsa, Fr. Sub-Gen. 1. Sporidia spermatoid, hyaline. — Valsa. De Not. ,, 2. Sporidia bilocular. — Valsaria. De Not. ,, 8. Sporidia plurilocular. — Pseudovalsa. De Not. 158 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 3L6. Perithecia circinating, rostrate, ending in a common disc. Asci cylindrical, very long. Sporidia linear, vermiculate, hyaline. TuBERCULOSTOMA, Sollm. :^17. Compound or simple. Stroma effused. Sporidia four to eight, ovate or oblong, straight or curved. Septate, with or without appendages, pallid, at first involved in a copious mucus. Aglaospora, Tul. Section III. — Splicer iei. 3 IS. Caespitose, erumpent. Perithecia globose, de- pressed, or minutely papillate. Sporidia plurilocular and cellular, or two to four-celled, and hyaline. Cucijrbitaria, Qray. 319. Csespitose. Perithecia between waxy and horny, aculeolate, astomous. Sporidia bilocular, translucid. Gibbera, Fr. 320. Perithecia coriaceous, immersed, with an erum- pent ostiolum. Sporidia large, epispore thick, hyaline, three or more-celled, cells unequal, dark-coloured. Massaria, Be Not. 321. Csospitose, with a more or less crustaceous or byssoid stroma. Sporidia simple, elliptic, ob- long or fusiform, dark. Eosellinia, Be Not. 322. Oricn csBspitoae. Perithecia tough, rugose or rimose. Ostiolum very minute. Sporidi.i ■uniseptate (or plurilocular), cylindrical, curved, obtuse, hyaline. BerTIA, Be Not. 323. Perithecia carbonaceous, erumpent. Ostiolum large, compressed. Sporidia two or many- celled, coloured or hyaline. LOPHIOSTOMA, Fr. OF BRITISH FUNGI. 159 824. Perithecia globose, depressed or conical. Spo- ridia large, ovate, many-celled, with transverse septa, coloured. Pl^ospoba, Rabh. 325. Perithecia superficial, scattered, carbonaceous, hence brittle. Sporidia oval, oblong, or oblong- fusiform, two or many-celled, coloured. Spii^ria, Fr. 326. Perithecia horny, acute. Sporidia acicular, sep- tate, pale or hyaline. Hhapiiidospora, Be Not. 327. Perithecia scattered, coriaceous, at first covered or superficial. Sporidia oblong or fusiform, often curved, two or more-celled, hyaline or yellowish. Leptosph.eria, Be Not. 328. Perithecia scattered, immersed, membranaceous, with an erumpent ostiolum. Sporidia cylin- drical, curved, or straight, simple, rarely uni- septate, hyaline. Crypto sph^ebia, Be Not. 329. Perithecia rugulose or setulose. Sporidia ovoid, simple, dark-coloured (sometimes caudate at one extremity). Soedabia, Be Not. 330. Perithecia fragile, hispid or setulose at the apex. Ostiolum large. Paraphyses none. Sporidia two-celled, brownish. Ventubia, Be Not. 331. Perithecia papyraceous, villose or strigose. Spo- ridia elongated, septa obscure, hyaline or pailld. Lasiosph-Ebia, Be Not. 332. Perithecia membranaceous. Ostiolum subulate, rostrate. Sporidia simple. ( 'kkatosto.ua, Fr, 833. Perithecia papyraceous, scattered, rostrate. Spo- ridia cylindrical or oblong, often curved, two to four-celled. Gnomonia, Be Not. / / ItiO TABULAR ARRANGEMENT 334. Perithecia membranaceous, immersed, scarcely papillate. Sporidia elliptical or oblong, two or four-celled, rarely simple, hyaline or pale. Spiijirella, Fr. 335. Parasitic. Perithecia globose, black, innate, slightly prominent. Nucleus firm, at first mouthless, then with a roundish aperture. Stigmatea, Fr. 330. Perithecia globose, black, mouthless, innate, con- cealed by the blackened substance of the leaves, ultimately splitting across. Hypospila, Fr. 337. Nucleus without a perithecium, coloured or black, covered by the transformed substance of the matrix, or immersed therein. Isotiiea, Fr. 838. Parasitic. Mycelium creeping, black. Perithecia elongated, often branched, composed of con- fluent threads, with the tips often free at the apex. Capnodium, Mont. 339. Perithecia subcarbonaceous, elliptic, closed, burst- ing by a longitudinal Assure. Nucleus and asci diffluent. Dicu^na, Fr. Section IV. — Nectriei. 340. Stroma vertical, fleshy, clavate or capitate. Perithecia immersed. Sporidea linear, multi- septate, breaking up into fragments. TOEEUBIA, Lev. 341. Stipitate, with a globose head, produced from a sclerotium, fleshy. Asci linear. Sporidia filiform, simple. Claviceps, Tul. OF BRTTTSH FUNGI. 161 312. Parasitic on grass. Coloured. Perithecia fleshy, immersed in a mycelioid stroma. Sporidia linear. Epichloe, Fr. 343. Stroma variable. Perithecia fleshy, pallid or coloured, ovato-globose and obtuse. Asci eight- spored. Sporidia uniseriate, didymous, with two globose and equal cells, at length separa- ting. Hypocrea, Fr. 344. Parasitic on fungi. Mycelium byssoid. Peri- thecia small, globose, papillate. Asci eight- spored (rarely two to tour), without paraphyses. Sporidia uniseriate, lanceolate or elliptic, rarely obtuse, uniseptate, ejected in tendrils. Htpomtces, Tul. 345. Stroma definite. Perithecia free, clustered or scattered, black or coloured, fleshy or horny. Asci eight or many-spored. Sporidia of two kinds. Nectria, Fr. 346. Perithecia erect, contained in a coloured sac, which is free above. Ostiolum punctiform. Oomyces, B. and Br. 346.* Perithecia cylindrical. Sporidia filiform Acrospermum, Tode. Order XXIX.-PERISPOPJACEI. Perithecia sub-globose, astomous, membranaceous, often seated on threads, and appendiculate. Nucleus never diffluent. Genera. 347. "Without appendages. Asci clavate. Spores numerous. Peribporium, Fr. 348. Central peridium attached to radiating fibres Secondary peridium ascigerous. Asci cylin- drical. Lasiobotryb, Kze M C)2 TABULAR ARRANGEMENT, ETC. 349. Appendages dichotomous. Sporangium single. PoDOSPHJERA, Kze. 350. Appendages floccose. Sporangium single. SpujEkotiieca, Lev. 351. Appendages needle-shaped, rigid. Sporangia numerous. Phyli actinia, Lev. 352. Appendages hooked. Sporangia numerous. TJncinula, Lev. 353. Appendages dichotomous. Sporangia numerous. MICROSPH.ERA, Lev. 354. Appendages floccose. Sporangia numerous. Erysiphe, Iledw. 355. Perithecia brittle. Asci linear. Sporidia lemon- shaped, dark. Ch^tomitjm, Kze. 356. Perithecia thin, seated on branched threads. Asci linear. Sporidia elliptic, dark. Ascotricha, Berk, 357. Perithecia reticulated, coloured, seated on muce- dinous threads. Asci delicate. EUBOTIUM, Link. Order XXX.-- ONYGENEI. Peridium of closely woven threads ; sporidia in a com- pact dusty mass. ( 'Cnus. 358. Parasitic on animal substances. Peridium sti- pitate. Asci delicate. Sporidia forming a dusty mass. Onygena, Pert. I N DEL PAGE. Acrid Aciarics 61 /Ecidium, genus ]01 ,, ranuncidacearum 101 A garicini 19, 15 Agaricus alutaceus 60 ,, arvensis 49 ,, campestris 44 ,, canlhartllus .... 62 „ castaneus 53 ,, cinnamomeus .... 54 ,, comatus 51 ,, dealbatus 36 ,, deliciosus 57 ,, eburneus 56 ., emeticas 61 ,, esculent us 38 „ excoriatus 29 „ fascicular ix 49 ,, fusipes 37 ,, gambosus 42, 32 „ genus 24 „ Georgii 49 ,, geotrupus 37 it gi?/anteus 36 ,, gracilenlw 30 „ keierophyllus .... 59 ,, lepidus 60 ,, melleus 30 „ mutabilh 43 ,, nebularis 35 „ niveus 56 ,, odurus 35 ,, weades 64 „ ostrealus 40 ,, peronalis 65 VAGB. Agaricus personatm 63 ,, jniiii nsi.i £5 ,, procerus 28 „ prunulus 43, 33 „ psitlacinus 57 ,, pudicus 43 „ rachodes 29 ,, salignus 41 ,, scorodonius 70 ,, semi-orbicular is . . 44 ,, to determine .... 15 ,, tubcrosus 38 ., xdmarius 40 ,, urens 65 ,, velutipes 38 ,, vesca 59 „ violaceus 53 ,, virescens 60 ., virgineus 54 ,, volemum 57 Amadou 80 A manita, genus 19 „ muscaria 20 „ nivalis 22 ,, ruhescens 23 ,, strobilifwmis. . . . 22 „ vaginata 23 Arwi'laria, snW-ueim ■ .... 30 Arrangement, tabular .... 12 Auricularini, order 86 Barbe de Vache 85 Bath truffles 92 Beef-gravy substitute .... 83 Bird's-nest fungi 99 64 INDEX. PAGB. Black and white truffles . . 115 Bolbitius, genus 53 Boletus wstivalis 76 ,, bovinus /5 ,, castancus <'t> ,. edulis 72 ,, elegans 76 „ impolitus 76 „ satanas 77 . , scaber 76 Boinsla nigrcscens 95 „ plumbea 95 Bread-mould, the Iu3 CaNTHABKLLUS C'TBSRTUS . . 62 Champignon, Fairy-ring . . 64 Chantarelle, the 62 Cinnamon mushroom .... 54 Clathrus cancellatus 93 Clavaria amethystine/, .... 89 ,, botrytis 89 ,, coralloidcs 89 ,, cristata 90 ,, fastigiata 89 ,, rugosa 88 Cluviceps purpurea 117 Clilopilus, sub-genus 41 Clouded Agaric 35 Club-bearing fungi 87 Clytocybe, sub -gen us 34 Cullifbia, sub-genus 38 Colour, variations in 9 Common Stinkhom 94 Conidhi iic< tee, family 100 Cooking of Boleti 73 ,, Champignon . . 65 ,, Chantaielles . . 63 ,, Clavaria; 88 ,, Common mush- room 48 Fiatulina .... 85 „ Uydnum .... 85 „ Milky Agarics , 58 „ Morellu 107 v , Pufl'-ball 96 PiQB. Cooking of Saint George's mushroom . . 33 truffles 115 ihpi inns atramentarius ■ ■ 52 ,, contains 51 Cortinarius enstancus .... 53 ,, cinnamomeus . . 54 ,, violaccus 53 Crepidotus, sub-genus .... 44 Cultivation of Mushrooms . 48 DjEDAI.EA QDKRCINA 81 ,, tin icolor 81 Discrimination of fungi . . 118 Ditola Rossa 89 Dried fungi 74, 65 Dry-rot 81,80 Dust-like fungi 100 Eccilia, subgenus 42 Elaphomyces granufatus .. 117 Elvellacei, order 104 Emetic agaric SI Ergot of rye 117 Entoloma, sub-genus 41 Fairy-rings 66 Fistulina hepatica 82 Flammula, sub-genus .... 44 Fly Agaric 20 Forms, variety of 9 Fragrant Agaric 35 Galera. sub-genus 44 Gallinole, the S9 Gastcromycetes 91 Genster, genus 95 Gelatinous fnngi 90 Gemeine Morchel 110 Geoglossum diffurmt 110 ,, hirsutum 110 ,, olivaccum .... 110 German tinder 80 Giant puff-ball 96 Gill-bearing fungi 12 G ills, structure of 16 INDEX. 165 PAGE. Habitats of Fungi 2 Hachis aux champignons. . 47 Hallimash ?1 Hart's truffles 117 Hebeloma, sub-genus 43 Helotium ceruginosum. .... 112 Helvetia crispa 108 ,, lacunosa 109 tfirneola auricula-Juclce . . 90 Hydnum caput Medusce. ... 86 „ coralloides 86 ,, imbricatum 85 ,, repandum 84 ,, rufescens 84 Hygrophorus ebumeus .... 56 ,, niveus 56 ,, pratensis .... 55 „ psittacinus . . 56 ,, virgineus .... 54 Hi/iiienomycetes 19 Hyplioloma, sub-genus .... 49 Hyphomycetes, family .... 102 Hypogcei, order 92 Ink from mushrooms .... 51 Intoxicating fungi 20 Ketchup, 22, 34, 52, 66, 83, 106 Klotsch's method of preserv- ing 122 LACTARIUS DELIOIOSUS. . .. 57 ,, volemum .... 57 Larch polyporu.s 24 Latticed Stinkhorn 93 Lauchschwamme 70 Leathery fungi 86 Lepiota, sub-genus 28 Leptonia, sub-genus 42 Lingua di Castagna 82 Luminosity 8 Lycoperdon ccelatum 98 • giganteum .... 96 illi.H 117 rj pyriforme. . .98, 9." PAGB. Marasmius oreades .... 64 ,, peronatus .... 65 ,, scorodonius . . 70 ,, urens 65 Marron, of the French. ... 53 Melanogaster variegatus . . 92 Merulius lacrymans 81 Mildew 100 Milky Agarics 57 Morckella esculaita .... . Wb „ patula i06" ,, semilibera 106 Morell ketchup 106 „ the 105 Morells a la Italieune .... 107 ,, ragout of 107 Moulds 102 Mucoraceous fungi 103 Mushrooms, derivation of . 33 ,, English 44 ,, to cook 44 „ \i la Provencale 45 Mycena, sub-genus 39 Myxogastres, order 99 Nagelschwamme 38 Naucoria, sub-genus 44 Nidulariacci, order 99 Nolanea, subgenus 42 Nyctalis, genus 64 Oak Truffles 114 Odours 10 Oinphalia, sub-genus .... 39 Oyster mushroom 40 PaneuLUS, sub-genuB .... 50 Parasol mushroom 23 Parrakeet mushroom ... 56 Pear-shaped puff-ball .... 98 Penicillium, genus 102 Peridiate fungi 91 Peziza aeruginosa 112 ,, aurantin 104 ,, coccinm 20* .t elegaru 10-* 166 INDEX. JAGK. Pcziza, genus 1 1 1 Pkalloidei, order 93 Phallus impudicus 94 Pholiota, sub-genus 43 Physomyceles, family 103 Pied de coq 89 Pilewort fungus 101 PL urotus, sub-genus 30 Plutais, sub-genus 41 Poisonous boleti " fungi H8 Polish mushroom 74 Polypo>~us letulinus 78 fumtnlurius .... 80 ,, ffigamb&M ' a ,, hybridus 80 ,, intybaceus 79 „ of the larch .... 24 u sqitamosus 78 ,. sulfureus 79, S Pore-bearing fungi 71 Pratiola of Italians 44 Preservation of fungi .... 120 Psalliota, sub-genus 44 Psathyrella, sub-genus .... 50 Pseudo-agarics 50 Psilocybe, sub-genus 50 Puccinicei 101 Puff-ball fungi 94 „ to cook 96 Puree of mushrooms 47 Rapidity op Growth .... 5 Razor-straps 78 Red truffle »9 liussuta alutacea 60 ,, emetica . . 61 „ hetetvphylla 59 ,, lepida 60 ,, vcsca 59 ,, virexccns 60 Riwt 100 PAGK Rye, ergotized 117 SCALY-OAPFED HyDNOH .. 85 Sphceriacei, order 117 Sporidiiferous fungi 104 Sporifera and Spoiidiifera . 17 Springers 49 Stereum liirsutum 87 St. George's mushroom . . 32 Stinkhorn fungi 93 Structure 13 Stuuipf Morcbel HO Subterranean fungi 92 Tabular Arrangement of British Fungi 124 Teeth -bearing fungi 84 Thready fungi 102 Toad's-cap, or toadskep . . 31 Tremellini, order 90 Trichogastres, order 94 Tricholoma, sub-genus .... 31 Truffle, the H2 Truffle-culture 114 Truffle-hunting 113—115 Truffles £ la llalhnne .... 116 , a la Piimontaise . . 116 „ of Bath 92 „ red 92 Tuber (BStivum 113 ,, cibariwm 113 \ BBDl ttb 60 Vinegar-plant, the 103 Votvaria, sub-genus 41 Wheat blights 101 Witbering's method of pre- serving 124 Yeast-plant, the 102 ZlEGKNBAKT 89 PRINTED BY OLIVER AND BOYD EDINBURGH New York Botanical Garden Library QK607.C62 1904 gen Cooke, M. C. /A plain and easy account of 6 2195 3 5185 001