LIBRARY OF THE University of California. ■ \ LIBRARY Class ' if :'ii*U*J»»/ jfoob tor iDlants HARRIS AND MYERS I i.iiiiiiii NEW EDITION WITH SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES m EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY William S. Myers, f. c. s., Director Nitrate of Soda Propaganda LAte of New Jersey State Agricultural CoUearc 12-16 JOHN street, NEW YORK FOOD FOR PLANTS HARRIS AND MYER^ Nevv Edition With Supplementary Notes 19 0 5 X EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY William S. Myers, f. c. s., Director Nitrate of Soda Propaganda Late of New Jersey State Agricultural College 12-16 JOHN STREET NEW YORK . u 'J AGR!C> UBRARY |oW,ER5 ^Aress y^\ BRA ?^ e OF THE ( l/NIVERS FOOD FOR PLANTS. In part from the writings of Joseph Harris, M. Sc. Nitrate is a powerful plant tonic and energizer; it is not a stimulant in any sense of the word; a very small •quantity does a very large amount of work. We never recommend the use of Nitrate of Soda alone, except at the rate of not more than one hundred (lOo) pounds to the acre, when it may be -used without other fertilizers. The phosphate, lime and potash manures should usually be applied in connection with Nitrate of Soda at the rate of about two hundred and fifty (250) pounds to the acre of each. This rate will be found generally profitable for all crops. Nitrate is best applied as a Top-dressing in the spring as soon as vegetation begins to sprout. It will be found quite satisfactory also in its after effect in perceptibly sweetening sour land. It is well known that animals, and especially young animals, must have all the food they can -c a -k I 111 i"^ P OOG iiCCCSS3.iy eat in order to properly develop and grow f , pi * fat. This is equally true of plants. Plants will manage to live on very little food, but to grow, thrive and bear fruit they likewise require an abundance of food. The food of plants consists of a number of elements, including Nitrates, phosphates, lime and potash. A suffi- cient quantity of all these necessary elements, except Nitrates, phosphates and potash, exists in nearly all soils. Nitratrs are nearly always deficient, phosphates usually, and potash often. In some soils there may be enough of all the elements of plant food except one. This may be assumed to be Nitrate. In this case the growth and yield .^ ^^ of the crop will be limited only by the . t j- rj.j- ■ 1 'i-i IS Indispensable quantity of JS itrate it can assimilate. 1 here might be an abundant supply of all the other elements. Food for }ynf plants can never use other kinds of food without Nitrate. ^" ^ Plants must have them all to develop in perfection. 4 Nitrate Nitrate (Nitrogen) is the kind that is nearly Nearly Always ^^^^^.^ t/^^^"^', ^^^ question that pre- Deficient sents itself to the farmer, gardener and fruit growler is, How can I supply my plants with Nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash, in the best forms and at the least expense F We v^^ill try to throw some light upon this question in the following pages. We will take first, Phosphoric Acid. '^^^^.^ ^'^ ^^'^^ principal sources of phos- phoric acid, namely, bones and rock phosphate and Thomas Slag Phosphate. Of these, the rock phosphate is the cheapest source. A prevailing im- pression exists that superphosphate made from rock phos- phate is not as good as that made from bones. It has been shown by many experiments that this idea is entirely with- out foundation. What the plants want is available phos- phoric acid, and it makes little or no difference from what source it is derived. The largest deposits of rock phosphates exist in South Carolina, Florida and Tennessee. These beds of phosphate are supposed to be composed of the petrified bones and excrements of extinct animals. When this substance is ground and mixed with a sufficient quantity of sulphuric acid, the larger part of the phosphoric acid which it contains becomes soluble in water, and hence available as plant food. This fact was one of the greatest agricultural dis- coveries of the age. When the rock phosphate is thus treated with sulphuric acid, it becomes what is commercially known as superphos- phate, or acid phosphate. The same is true if ground bone is treated in the same way. Good superphosphate contains 14 per cent, of soluble phosphoric acid. The cheapest sources of potash are muriate of potash and unleached wood ashes, which contain from 3 to 5 per cent, of potash in the form of car- bonate. They also contain from i to 2-2- per cent, of phos- phoric acid. They are worth, usually, as plant food, from ^7.00 to $11.00 per ton. Nitrate is the most important and effective element of plant food, and at the same time, as stated, is the one that is generally deficient in the soil. There are a ereat many sources of Nitrop;en, such as ^0°^ ^or ' ■ O ' PI an to dried fish, cotton-seed meal, dried blood, and tankage. But none of these furnish Nitrogen in the Nitrate form in which 5 it is taken up by plants. This can only be furnished to plants in the form of Nitrate of Soda. Nitrogen applied in any other form must be first converted into Nitrate before it can be used by plants at all. Nitrate of Soda contains the Nitrozen that is necessary for the growth of plants. Nitrate of Soda is the best form in which to furnish Nitrogen to plants. When we say the best form w^e mean the best practical form. Nitrate of Soda not only furnishes Nitrogen in its most available form, but it furnishes it at a lower price than any other source. Nitrate of Soda is found in vast quantities ar T"u u J rx^"^ ^ ^i r^ y u '^ Nitrate of Soda, nil. 1 he beds or Nitrate, or Caliche, as it is called in Chili before it is refined, are several thousand feet above the sea, on a desert plain extending for seventy- five miles north and south, and about twenty miles wide, in a rainless region. The surface of the desert is covered with earth or rock, called "costra," which varies from three to ten or more feet in thickness. Under this is found the " Caliche," or crude Nitrate. The layer of "Caliche" is sometimes eight or ten feet thick, but averages about three feet. This "Caliche "contains on the average about 50 per cent, of pure Nitrate of Soda. The "Caliche" is refined by boiling in water to dissolve the Nitrate. The hot water is then run off and allowed to cool in tanks, when the Nitrate forms in crystals like com- mon salt. The Nitrate is then placed in bags of about two hundred pounds each and shipped to all parts of the world. Nitrate of Soda, as exported, contains about 15.65 per cent, of Nitrogen, equivalent to 19.00 per cent, of ammonia. How these beds of Nitrate were formed has been the sub- ject of much speculation. The generally accepted theory is, that they were formed by the gradual decomposition and natural manurial fermentation of marine animal and vegetable matter, which contains a considerable amount of Nitrogen. The same wise Providence that stored up the coal in the mountains of Pennsylvania to furnish fuel for the people of the United States when their supply of wood has become exhausted, preserved this vast quantity of Nitrate of Soda Food for jj^ f}^g rainless region of Chili, to be used by the people to ^°^^ furnish their crops with the necessary Nitrate when the ^ natural supph" in the soil has become deficient. By "complete fertilizers," we mean fertiliz- omp e e ^^^ containing Nitrogen, phosphoric acid ^S!'^'Tl" »"! and potash. These fertilizers are called "Phosphates" the 4. i ^ u ,, j 11 <- n ,- , T- . phosphates, and people have lallen into Most Expensive ,^ , T- r n- ^ r T,, ■ T- J the habit or calling any commercial terti - Plant Food. u 1 . ^^ -^u , izer a phosphate, whether it contains phosphate or not. Many so-called "complete fertilizers" are merely low grade acid phosphates with insignificant amounts of the other essential plant foods. Thev are un- profitable and ill balanced rations for all crops. Bearing in mind that all that is of any value in these "phosphates," no matter how high sounding their names, is usually mostly phosphoric acid and potash, let us see what they are really worth — that is, what the same amount of plant food can be bought for in just as good, if not better, forms. The New jersey Experiment Station analyzed 195 dif- ferent samples of brands of "Complete Fertilizers," and published the results in a Bulletin. It was found that, in some instances, complete fertilizers that sold for $34.00 to 536.00 per ton only contained plant food worth $15.00 to $17.00. But they were not all as bad as this. The average of all brands analyzed was as follows: They contained 2.74 per cent. Nitrogen, 7.70 per cent, available phosphoric acid, and 4.50 per cent, potash. The selling price was $34.23 per ton and the actual agricultural value $25.66 per ton. By this is meant that the same amount of actual plant food that is contained in the "complete fertilizers," costing $34.23, could be purchased in the open market, in just as good forms, for $25.66. As a matter of fact, it could be purchased for much less than this in quantities often tons or more. In one ton of the above "average fertilizer," selling for $34. 23, there is 154 pounds available phosphoric acid, which can be bought for 5i cents per pound in superphosphate or "acid phosphate," as it is called by the trade. This 154 pounds of phosphoric acid is therefore worth $8.09. There is 54! pounds Nitro- gen, which can be bought in Nitrate of Soda for 15 cents per pound, making it worth $8.22; 90 pounds potash, worth 4^ cents per pound, equals $4.05, making in all $20.36 for the plant food contained in a ton costing $34.23. VIEWS OF CHILEAN NITRATE WORKS. Food for Plants Opening up Trench After Blasting, Showing Extraction of Caliclie by Piece Work. I ►':7*;— ;r» Hwm II '-w.^ "•• _f'ii -i '_,.J r , TTT J substance. A ton of Wheat, btraw and be Used. . , . , , gram together contain about 1,500 pounds of dry matter, of which 25 pounds is Nitrogen. To produce a ton of wheat and straw together would require, therefore, 170 pounds of Nitrate of Soda, in which quantity there is 25 pounds of Nitrogen. A ton of cabbage, on the other hand, contains about 4! pounds of Nitrogen. To produce a ton of cabbage, there- fore, would require 28 pounds of Nitrate of Soda. The most important money crops are beets, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, onions, tomatoes, potatoes and other vegetables and fruits. The most profitable are tobacco, grain, cotton, grass and alfalfa. There are no crops on which it is more profitable to usq fertilizers than on vegetables and small fruits, provided they are used rightly. Many failures with chemical fertilizers are ^^^d for caused by lack of knowledge. Stable manure, when used in __^1 sufficient quantities, almost invariably pro- Fertilizers for ^^ duces good results, while the unintelligent Vegetables and use of chemical fertilizers does not do as Small Fruits, well. In this way many gardeners are persuaded that there is nothing equal to stable manure, which they continue to use in large quantities, paying in many cases fully twice as much for it as the plant food it contains is worth. There is no doubt but that stable manure is valuable as a fertilizer, and in many cases is indis- pensable, but at the same time the quantities necessary to produce good results could be greatly reduced by using chemical fertilizers to supply plant food and only enough manure to give lightness and add humus to the soil. For crops like cabbao;e and beets, that „„ ^ _ ^.,. . . , . Ti r -J .V What Fertilizers It IS desirable to force to rapid maturity, ^ tt f p the kind of the plant food, especially of ^ ^ ^x. ■ • r 1 • . den Crops. Nitrogen, is ot the greatest importance. ^ Many fertilizers sold for this purpose have all the Nitrogen they contain in insoluble and unavailable form, so that it requires a considerable time for the plants to get it. Another fault is that they do not contain nearly enough Nitrogen. Stable manure contains on the average in one ton, lo pounds Nitrogen, lo pounds potash, and only 5 pounds phosphoric acid, while the average "complete" fertilizer contains more than twice as much phosphoric acid as Nitro- gen, a most unnatural and unprofitable ration. A fertilizer for quick-growing vegetables should contain as much Nitro- gen as phosphoric acid, and at least half this Nitrogen should be in the form of Nitrate, which is the only ammoniate immediately available as plant food. The best fertilizer is a mixture of 200 ^ ^ . jrivT- roj J- J Beets, Onions pounds of Nitrate of Soda and 350 pounds ^^^ ' phosphate. A small quantity of sulphate Carrots of potash should be added when the land is sandy. In applying fertilizers it should be remem- bered that any form of phosphoric acid, PP y such as acid phosphate, dissolved bone- .|! bUck, bone meal or Thomas Phosphate Powder is only partially soluble, and will not circulate in S"ood for fjie sQJl These fertilizers should theretore be evenly dis- ^° ^ tributed over the soil and well mixed with it. This is 26 usually best done by applying broadcast before sowing the seed and before the ground is thoroughly prepared. In this way it gets well mixed with the soil. Nitrate of Soda, on the other hand, will diffuse itself rapidly and thoroughly throughout the soil wherever there is enough moisture to dissolve it. It can therefore either be applied with the phosphate before sowing the seed or scat- tered on the surface of the ground as soon as the plants are up. This latter method,Top-Dressing, is usually the best. The best way is to scatter the fertilizer for ^ , ' two feet around the hills and rake it into Cucumbers and u 1 • u i 1 1 -ru- the sou with a steel garden rake. 1 his " ■ not only mixes the fertilizer with the ^oil, but It loosens the ground and kills all small weeds 'that are coming up. Comparative ^°"^^ interesting and valuable experi- Availabilitv of ments were made at the Connecticut Ex- ivTji^^ : periment Station, to ascertain how much JNitrogen in r 1 at- • 1 • 1 • 1 ^ro,:^, -c" ~ or the JNitroeen contained in such materials Various Forms. j • 1 i i ^j 1 ^ c u a as dried blood, tankage, dry hsh, and cotton- seed meal, is available to plants. The experiments were made with corn, and it was found that when the same quantity of Nitrogen was applied in the various forms the crop increased over that where no Nitrogen was applied, as shown in the following table: Increase of Crop from Same Quantity of Nitrogen from Different Sources. „ , Relative Sources ot Nitrogen. Crop Increase. ISIitrate of Soda 100 Dried Blood 73 Cotton-seed Meal 72 Dry Fish 70 Tankage 62 Linseed Meal 78 The above table shows some interesting facts. It is ■evident that only about three-fourths as much of the Nitro- gen in dried blood or cotton-seed meal as in Nitrate of Soda is available the first season. The Nitrogen in tankage is even 3ess available, only a little over half being used by the crop. I VNn These experiments were made with corn, which grows for ^^^'^^ ^^^ a long period when the ground is warm and the conditions ^°*^ most favorable to render the Nitrogen in organic substances ^7 available and yet only part of it could be used by the crop. When it is considered that Nitrogen in the form of Nitrate of Soda can be bought for less per pound than in almost any other form, the advantage and economy of pur- chasing and using this form is very apparent. It is always more economical to buy the ,-n- r ■^■ • ^ • 1 J " i^u What Fertilizers difterent fertilizing materials and mix them at home than to purchase "complete" ferti- ^' lizers as they are often called. Some do not wish to take pains to get good materials and mix them, and prefer to purchase the "complete" fertilizers. If this be done, j-/5ff/<7/ attention should be given to ascertaming in zvhat form the Nitrogen or '■'■ammonia' exists. Many of the manufacturers do not tell this, but the Experiment Stations analyze all the fertiliz- ers sold in their respective States and publish the results in Inilletins, which are sent free to any one asking for them. Ihese analyses should show in what form the Nitrogen is. The ^^ complete fertilizers" that contain the most Nitroge?? or ^'ammonia'' in the form of Nitrate are the ones to use, and tl.>e ones which do not contain Nitrate or which do not give information of this vital point should not he purchased. If yon have on hand a "complete fertilizer" containing a small percentage of Nitrogen or ammonia, and only in organic form, such as cotton-seed, "tankage," etc., it will be of great advantage to use lOO pounds per acre of Nitrate of Soda in addition to this fertilizer. This is often an economical and convenient method of buying fertilizers. The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Fertilizing Station at Auburn, Alabama, has made Cotton, some interesting experiments in fertilizing C\)tton. Experiments were conducted in many different parts of the State and on various kinds of soil. It was noticed that in nearly every case 96 pounds Nitrate of Soda, w^hen used with acid phosphate, gave a better yield than 240 pounds cotton-seed meal when used with the same quantity of acid phosphate. The 240 pounds of cotton-seed meal contained more Nitrogen than 96 pounds of. Nitrate, and cost more than the Nitrate, yet did not give, as a rule, as good results. As a rule, potash did not pay. 28 Food for except on sandy land. While the "no fertilizer" acre ^^^"^^ aave only a small yield, the best results were obtained from the combination of Nitrate, phosphate and potash, but where the land was fairly good, the potash did not seem to be necessary. Cotton-seed meal has been an economical source of Nitro- gen, but it tends to make the soil sour, stale and mouldy. Its use should never exclude the use of Nitrate Nitrogen, /. e.. Nitrate of Soda, at the rate of lOO pounds to the acre. Make two hales of cotton on the same land with the same labor which now makes one. Nitrate of Soda fed to grow- ing crops at the right time repays its cost many times over. Experiments with Fertilizers on Cotton. NITRATE. NITRATE Locality and Character of Soil. Barbour Co., Sandy Loam . . . . Elmore Co., Gray Sand Elowah Co., Red Loam Grfiene Co., Sandy Clay Co., Soil Red Calhoun Co., Mulatto Soil . . . . Lawrence Co., Clay Loam . . . . Cullman Co., Sand and Gravel Madison Co., Clay Loam Randolph Co., Sandy Loam . . , Butler Co., Light Sand Marengo Co., Dark Sand Yield per Acre. Lbs. 624 469 240 104 347 312 288 200 648 J3 Yield, per Acre, Lbs. 672 736 616 480 480 600 928 448 384 640 816 CO -S :< 5. CO o 0> M Yield, per Acre, Lbs. I216 1088 1000 960 800 640 864 1080 800 752 744 936 u<; o o Yield per Acre. Lbs. 768 960 720 1056 704 624 688 1096 544 544 760 784 -g ii 1- T3 »- ^ CO Yield per Acre Lbs. 1020 1088 952 1256 848 816 904 I 120 800 544 800 968 At least a half of the Nitrogen applied should be in the form of Nitrate of Soda. The reason for this is that all the Nitrogen in the cotton-seed meal is not immediately avail- able. It only becomes so after undergoing the process of soil Nitration. If there is no Nitrate present, the plant must wait until the Nitrogen in the cotton-seed meal becomes nitrated, which, in cool, damp soil takes a considerable time. Thus the plant, in its most critical stage, is held back and checked in its growth, jrom which it never fully recovers. On the other hand, if a small quantity of Nitrate is used, the ^^o^ ^o^ plant can take it up at once and get a good strong start by the ^^^1 time the cotton-seed meal is converted into the Nitrate form, 29 the only form that can be used by the plant. Experiments with Nitrate on Cotton. South Carolina, 1904. POUNDS OF THE FOI,I,OWING MATERIAI, TO THE ACRE. Plot. Peru Acid Kainit. c. s. Nit. Nitrate Mur. Manufactured Fertilizer. ! Pounds Seed-Cot- Guano Phos. Meal. Soda. Potash. Pot. ton to the 4-S-4. 2^-8-2 Acre. 0000 100 200 200 300 200 1 1740 lbs. 000 100 200 200 300 ICO 1 IIIO ' 00 200 400 400 600 1140 ' 0 TOO 200 200 300 IOC ! 960 ' I 450 ' 2 200 450 ' 3 200 450 ' 4 200 540 ' 5 ICO 600 ' 6 100 750 ' 7 300 ' « 100 390 ' 9 200 540 ' 10 • 200 540 ' II 200 540 ' 12 200 200 300 1 r° : 13 200 300 100 810 ' 14 330 ' 15 200 200 100 960 ' 16 200 200 300 100 IIIO ' 17 200 2CO 300 50 870 • 18 200 300 100 66 1050 ' 39 300 300 100 100 II40 • 20 300 200 ro2o ' 21 450 ' 22 350 200 200 t290 ' 23 350 300 i50 1350 ' 24 100 200 200 300 780 ' 25 200 200 200 300 960 ' 26 400 930 ' 27 300 300 100 1170 ' 2S 540 ' 29 500 840 ' 30 ! 100 200 200 300 900 ' 31 100 20a 200 300 810 ' 32 100 200 200 3CO ' 930 ' 33 100 200 200 300 780 ' 34 Goo 960 ' 35 350 200 250 1230 ' 36 480 '• Bal- , ance of Harm 100 200 200 300 80 1250 ' 1 Food for J he above is a copy of a series of experiments conducted Plants ^^^. £ g gj^^i^j^^ £g^^ ^f Centenery, S. C. Mr. Smith 30 explains the low average production of the 36 experimental plots, 777 lbs., as compared with 1250 lbs. average for the balance of the farm, first by the fact that in many instances no fertilizer or much less than the regular formula for the balance of the farm was used, and also savs: "The low average production of the experimental plots as compared with the rest of the farm may also be accounted for by the differences in time of preparation and planting, and the coming up of the crop, which was slow on account of the drought, after planting." In experiment No. ^o Peterkin seed was used, in No. 31 Black seed, in No. 32 Cook's Improved, and in No. 33 Mr. Smith used his own cotton-seed. .1 ; .f. .->•,■ ■» ..^ The Cotton Bolls on the Nitrate Plot were better developed and larger, ami opened better. They did not shed as much during the rainy season. There were also many more bolls on the Nitrate Plot. Cotton and Fiber Plants. Cotton is profitably grown on nearly all kinds of soil, but does best perhaps on a strong, sandy loam. On light uplands the yield is light, but with a fair proportion of lint; ^ood for on heavy bottom lands the growth may be heavy, but the ^^J — proportion of lint to the whole plant very much reduced. i^ The preparation of the soil must be even and thorough; light soils should be plowed to a depth of six inches, heavy soils about eight inches. The rows should be four feet apart; on very rich soils the hills may be made twelve inches apart, but on the light soils common to cotton sections twenty-four inches is a better space between plants. About one bushel of seed per acre is the usual allowance. The plant-food needs of cotton are shown by the plant food actually contained in the whole crop, as follows: T>int . . Seed . . Bolls . . Leaves Stems. . Roots. . Ammonia (Nitrogen). Phos. Acid. Potash. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 300 •87 .18 2.22 654 24 . 30 6.66 7-63 404 5-45 1. 14 12.20 575 16.76 2.57 (^■57 658 6.26 1 .22 7-74 250 1 .96 ■38 2.75 2,841 55.60 12.15 39. IJ Many fertilizer formulas have been recommended, and by all kinds of authority, and green manuring is widely- advised as a means of getting a supply of cheap ammonia;, but, with this crop especially, cheap ammoniates are very dear. The cotton plant should have stored up all the food it needs by the 1st or 15th of August; frotn this time on grotuth should be checked that the plant may develop the forynation of seed and lint. If, on the contrary, plant food is still supplied late in the season, new growth is the result, and in consequence a lessened production of lint and seed. The lower (rrade ammoniates, such as cotton-seed meal, green manuring, tankage, and dried blood, continue to supply ai.'ailable Nitrogen until checked by cold weather, hence these forms of ammoniates are not desirable for the most economical production, of cotton. In order to supply the necessary plant food for the earlier stages of growth, so much of these low grade ammoniates must be used that injury from lack of ripening is almost sure to occur. The most rational way of fertilizing cotton is to apply the phosphoric acid and potash with the seed, or just before Food for seeding. As soon as the plants are well above ground, top ^^ ^ dress along the rows with lOO pounds of Nitrate of Soda 32 per acre, and work well in with the cultivator. This fur- nishes the cotton plant with precisely the Best Form of Ammoniate, viz., Nitrated Ammonia, for rapid growth, and does not continue to push the plant long after new growth should have ceased. A good formula for a Cotton fertilizer', per acre, is: Cotton-seed meal loo lbs. Phosphate (14 per cent.) 500 Muriate of Potash 100 " One hundred pounds more of Nitrate of Soda should be used as a top-dressing four weeks after planting. Successful results have been obtained by using Nitrate alone, either at the time of planting, at the ratio of 100 pounds to the acre, or a spoonful ot this salt placed around and near each cotton bush later, mixing it thoroughly with the dry soil. Avoid placing the Nitrate on the plant or in contact with it. For Hemp, 1 00 pounds per acre may be applied as a top-dressing at the time of planting. For Flax, 100 pounds Nitrate per acre may be applied as a top-dressing at the time of planting. Apply, also, about 250 pounds of muriate of potash at the time ot plant- ing in both cases, with 250 pounds superphosphate. The above ingredients may be mixed and put on in one application. Fruits. The following table shows the amount of Nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash removed from an acre of ground by an average crop of the fruits named : Nitrogen. Phosphoric Potash lbs. Acid. lbs. lbs. Grapes, crop of 10,000 lbs 17 15 50 Prunes, crop of 30,000 lbs 45 16 80 Apricots, crop of 30,000 lbs 69 21 84 It will be noticed that while a crop of prunes takes practically no more phosphoric acid from the soil than a crop of grapes, yet the amount of Nitrogen removed is nearly three times as much, and in the case of apricots over four times as much as required by grapes. It is evident ^°°^ ^°^ that a few crops of plums or apricots will materially reduce ^° ^ the amount of Nitrogen in the soil, which is usually deficient 33 to start with and therefore this element of plant food must be replenished or the fruit will soon deteriorate in size. "Time to apply should be when fruit is half groiun, and cultivate in to get the Nitrate mixed with the moist soil." Unless it is known that there is sufficient ^ .... , , . . , . 1 • 1 -1 Quantities phosphoric acid and potash in the sous, -r. • j j ^ ^ r -, ,^ , ^ -r Required and superphosphate or bone meal, and it q,. + a 1 necessary to furnish sulphate of potash, wood ashes, apply early in the winter or early spring. Two or three pounds of bone dust and one pound sulphate of potash or ten pounds unleached wood ashes per tree would be about the right quantities. The Nitrate of Soda should be applied after the fruit is set at the rate of two to three pounds per tree. It is important that the fertilizers should be well mixed with the soil, and that they be applied not close to the trunks of the trees, but considerably further out than the branches reach. After investigating the requirements of Figs. the fig, Professor George E. Colby, of the University of California Experiment Station, says: "The Fig leads among our fruits in its demand upon the soil for Nitrogen. Thus we find for the southern localities especially, the same necessity of early replacement of Nitrogen in figs and stone fruit as for Orange orchards, and partly for the same reason, viz., that California soils are usually not rich in their natural supply of this substance." Nitrate of Soda will furnish the necessary Nitrogen in its most available form, and at less cost than any other material. It will probably be best to use in addition to the Nitrate an equal quantity of bone meal phosphate, say two pounds of each per tree, applied as recommended for plums and apricots. Profitable Onion Cultivation. There is no crop that can be grown so Adaptability of successfully on a large scale, on such a the Onion to variety of soil and climate, and that will all Soils, respond more profitably to intelligent cultivation and fer- Food for tilizine, than the onion. The American farmer has usually been willing to leave the growing of this savory vegetable 34 almost entirely to the enterprising foreign immigrant, who often makes more net profit at the end of the season from his five acres of onions than the. general farmer makes on one hundred acres. The weeder and the improved wheel-hoe have made it comparatively easy to care for the crop; there is no reason why the progressive farmer who is looking about for a New Money Crop should not raise onions with ease and profit. We shall consider here the growing of onions only as a field crop for the fall and winter market. The onion can be successfully grown anywhere in the United States where other vegetables thrive. The reason that onions have not been more generally grown by farmers is owing to the mistaken idea that it is impossible to grow them without the application of vast quantities of stable manure, but Onion-growing with the aid of chemical fertilizers is not only much cheaper, but the average crop is much larger. The excessive quantity of stable manure required to grow a maximum crop tends to make the land too open, when the great secret of onion culture is to get the land solidified. The ploughing under of so much bulky manure also tends to cut off the moisture supply from below, which is so important in the quick growth of crops of this nature and which can only be obtained by having the soil ver)^ compact and in fine tilth so as to promote the capillary movement of the soil moisture to the surface, where it may be retained for the use of the crop by means of frequent and shallow cultivation. The advantage of using Nitrate of Soda instead of stable manure as the source of Nitrogen for this crop is plainly evident, as the Nitrate supplies the most beneficial ingre- dient contained in the stable manure (Nitrogen), and in a form in which it is not dependent upon soil bacteria and weather conditions to make it available for the young plants when they need it most. If it be necessary to add humus to the soil in the form of stable manure it should, if possible, be applied a year in advance. Considering the fact that Nitrogen is the element most frequently lacking in our soils, and knowing that the onion responds most liberally to a plentiful feeding of ammoniate UJ o PU V ry. 'y. ^ 2 £«: O <; Ol X 1—1 J , 1 -t-i f>. c8 c 'ji (/) o 1 ^ r- Pu (— ( z 72 < ^. 1 1 Z 1 /-v T3 •^^^' ". o >-. -^ li \J 2 a; ^-^^ (/"- lo 0 o CO o > CO rt r-< ^ ►— H 'c •UJ 3 z >- (« > J3 c o o <^ V CO Crt o ct u, . 1> ^ 4-^ •J-J t/; z O O o LO z ^ "6 u Food for fertilizers, it should have a liberal supply of that element ^^^°^^ Character of '" ^'^^ ^^^^ possible form, viz.: Nitrate of ^^ Plant Food Re- S^^'^" ^^ ^"°^ ^^^^ '^ ^ yo""g P'g ^^ quired bv the ^^^^ *^°^^ "°^ ^^^^^ ^" abundance of the Q • right kind of food when it is young it becomes stunted in growth and never re- covers from it, no matter how judiciously it is afterwards fed. The intelligent cultivator has learned that the same rule holds good in the feeding of plants ; hence the great importance of an immediately available supply very early in the season just as the plant is starting growth, and at which time it can only be obtained from an application of Nitrate of Soda, since the Nitrogen in other ammoniates does not become available until after the soil itself has warmed up to summer temperature. The presence of Nitrate at the outset enables the plant to start off with a good healthy root growth, whereby it is better able to take up later the other and more complex food elements. If it cost ^45.00 per acre for rent, ploughing, harrowing, seeding, weeding and cultivating to produce a crop of onions ready to harvest, then The crop of 225 bushels per acre costs 20 cts. per bushel. The crop of 450 bushels per acre costs 10 cts. per bushel. The crop of 900 bushels per acre costs 5 cts. per bushel. The latter yield is not at all unusual when the crop is properly fed with Nitrate of Soda and supplementary chem- ical fertilizers. In the first place, the onion, contrary to the general belief, does not require any special kind of soil, such as murk, black sand, etc., but will do well on any good corn or potato soil, provided it is not too sour or so stony as to inter- fere with the early and frequent cultivation of the crop. Even though a field is somewhat stony, it will pay to rake the stones into the dead furrows wdiich should be about twenty feet apart, as the stones would make it impossi- ble to do good work with the weeder and wheel hoe. „ . , In selecting your field for onions it is, of Necessity of j • ui u i • . -^ . course, advisable to choose one that is likely to be affected as little as possible in the event of a severe drought, and it is for this reason that onions, cabbage and those crops that espe- cially require large quantities of moisture during their ^^^^ ^^^ growth are usually grown upon bottom lands. Plants Ploughing for the onion crop should ^ ,,. .. 37 preferably be done in the fall to a depth of eight inches or more, leaving the soil in the furrow to be acted upon by the frost during the winter. It at the same time becomes more compact — the onion likes a solid seed bed. When for any reason the ploughing has to be done in the spring it should be done very early and worked down solid. The lands should be narrow, so that the numerous dead furrows will drain off excessive surface moisture early in the spring, as it is desirable to get the seed sown very early. As soon as the condition of the soil will permit in the spring it should be worked ^^^ ^^ ° ^ over with the harrow or pulverizer as arrow an deeply as the ground will allow and rolled " verizer. with a heavy roller, which should be followed at once with a light harrow, which will loosen the surface soil and form a light mulch to help conserve the moisture. This operation should be repeated each w^eek until it is time to sow the seed, which is in this latitude wiien the apple trees begin to bloom. The seed should be sown with a hand seed drill about three-quarters of an inch deep and in rows about fifteen inches apart, using about six pounds of seed per acre. In about five days after the seed is sown the field should be gone over with the weeder to destroy any weeds that have started to germinate near the surface, and again in three or four days or before the onions come up. Always run the weeder across the rows. After the onions are up so that you can see the rows cultivate them carefully with the wheel hoe using the sharp blades that are made for that purpose and going not more than one-half inch deep. As soon as any more weeds appear to be germinating go over the rows again with the weeder. The weeder may appear to be doing some damage, but if handled carefully there is no danger, as we have sown an extra pound of seed to allow for some being pulled out. When the onions are about four inches high it will prob- ably be necessary to weed them once by hand. This will not prove to be a tedious job if the weeder and wheel hoe have been used with good judgment. Food for Nitrate should be applied as follows: One hundred . ^^ Fertilizing pounds scattered broadcast over the Held 38 within a week after the seed is sown and before the plants break through the ground, and two more applications broadcast consisting of 100 pounds each at intervals of two or three weeks, depending somewhat upon the appearance of the plants as to growth and color. Generally speaking the Nitrate should all ^^ ^ be applied during May and June, though if a drought occurs in July, and the onions show signs of turning yellow at the tips, an extra dressing of 50 pounds per acre may be applied to advantage. In a wet season avoid putting it on late, as it might aggravate the tendency to produce a considerable number of scullions. It should only be applied when the plants are dry. The onion is an alkali-loving plant, and. Use 01 v^oin- i-i 1 !• „ . like asparagus, seems to have a peculiar mon Salt. r j r 1 t-l 1 r tondness tor salt. 1 he results of experi- ments on widely different soils show that it nearly always responds profitably to an application of about 200 pounds of salt per acre. This guides us to the choice of kainit for this crop, as that product contains about 35 per cent, of chloride of soda or common salt, which also aids in con- serving the moisture in the soil. Good judgment must be used, however, as the kainit might have a harmful effect in a wet season on a low and naturally damp soil. About 400 pounds of kainit per acre should be used, as a rule. It should be drilled into the entire surface of the ground early in the spring to a depth of at least three inches, for the kainit becomes fixed in the soil very quickly and should be rather deep, so as not to attract the feeding roots too near the surface. In case wood ashes or muriate of potash are used the time of making the application should be the same. Most vegetables will give greatly increased returns from the use of chemicals ^f lime is emplo\ed in conjunction with them. An application of 75 bushels per acre of ground quick- lime has also proved preventive of onion smut. Use of Thomas ^" regard to the best source from which Sla? and of ^^ obtain the phosphoric acid for our onions T- it is plain that we must be guided by the character of the soil. For instance, if it is a strong, deep soil, rich in humus, with an excessive quantity ^^^'^ 'o*" of organic matter and acid, it is deficient in lime. On muck ^^^°^ and acid soils basic slag if very finely ground seems to give 39 better results with most crops than acid phosphate. This is due to the fact that the basic slag contains from 40 to 50 per cent, of lime, which is necessary to neutralize the excess of acids present which are detrimental to plant growth. If the soil is a medium heavy clay upland and not acid it is best to use the acid phosphate which contains, besides the phosphoric acid, about 50 per cent, of calcium sulphate (gypsum). This unlocks the natural potash in the soil. 7 he quantity of either to apply on ordinary soils is 1,000 pounds per acre very early in the spring, so that in fitting the ground it will become very thoroughly incorporated with the soil before the onion seed is sown. The following table gives the actual field results of six years' experiments with fertilizers and seven years with manures at the rate of 30 tons per acre: Manure. Chemicals. Ions per acre, average 8.90 14.02 Market vfl/u^.^^r /on, average 5 18. 16 ^20.52 The crop grown with chemical fertilizers was 5.12 tons greater per acre, or a gain over the stable manure of nearly 58 per cent.; while the Nitrate crop averaged ^2.36 greater market value per ton, an advance over the manure-grown crop of 13 per cent. Stable Manure and Artificial Fertilizer Upon Fruit Trees. In this country the manuring or fertilizing of fruit plantations is very commonly neglected, but in Europe fruit trees are as regularly treated with plant food as staple crops. According to the investigations of Professor Barth- Colmar and Dr. Steglich, Dresden, the wood, foliage and fruit of apple, pear, cherry and bush fruits consume yearly per square yard of surface shaded by the tree or bush, 219 grains of Nitrogen, 65 grains of phosphoric acid, and 284 Food for grains of actual potash; equivalent to fertilizer chemicals .I"^ as follows: 4° Nitrate of Soda, per square yard 3.5 ounces Acid Phosphate, per square yard 1.5 Muriate Potash, per square yard 1.5 " ■ Amount of Ra- Except on high-priced land, garden crops tion of Plant should not be grown in orchards, but Food for One where this custom is followed the quantity J of plant food should be increased to suit the needs of the additional crop to be grown. For fruit alone apply between the fall of the leaf and the bursting of the buds, per square yard of surface shaded by the tree, the quantities of plant food shown above to be the actual needs of the crop. If the trees have made a weak growth the previous season, or have heavily fruited, apply between May and July about one ounce of Nitrate of Soda per square yard of surface; this in addition to the previously applied plant food. The practical effect of artificial manures for fruit cannot be denied, not only for quantity, but also for the quality of the crop. Stable manures seem to fail of regular bountiful results, probably because the stable manure supplies its ammonia in the Nitrated form very irregularly, and fruit trees can use ammonia plant food only in the Nitrated form. Practical figures showing the profitableness of artificial manures, fertilizers, have been shown by many experiments, particularly by those conducted at Feldbrunnen, near Osterode, Germany. The rational fertilization of fruit trees depends somewhat upon their period of growth; young trees need ample sup- plies of Nitrated ammonia and potash to develop and ripen new wood. Later, at the bearing age, phosphoric acid and Nitrated ammonia are required for the formation of fruiting buds. These two phases in the making of an orchard should have due consideration and plant food used accordingly. Apples. Cherries. Plums. Unfertilized 100 lbs. 100 lbs. 100 lbs. Fertilized 3,420 lbs. 218 lbs. 329 lbs. Asparagus. The soil should be sandy, or a light loam. As the crop remains in position for many years, the land should be selected with that fact in mind. The soil must be kept very ^°o^ *°^ clean and mellow. Stable manure is very objectionable on ^° ^ account of its weed seeds. It is only by a quick, even 4i growth that large, crisp stalks can be produced, and there must be no check through a scanty supply of plant food. In the spring, as soon as the ground can be worked, clear off the rows and loosen up the soil, and apply broadcast along the rows a top-dressing of Nitrate of Soda, from 200 to 300 pounds. With this crop, the full application of Nitrate can be made at one time. Market Gardening with Nitrate. The following is the result of a practical study of conditions on a large truck farm, Results in an near New York.- In every case the opera- Unfavorable tions of the farm were carried out on a Growing Sea- strictly business basis. The soil is a '°^ ^^*^ ^°^ heavy clay with a rather intractable clay Prices for subsoil, decidedly not a soil naturally suited Products, to growing garden crops. The weather was unfavorable, including the most severe drought in thirty years; from March 22d to July 8th practically no rain fell. Owing to the unfavorable season, the grade of garden products was low causing a low ruling in prices. Details by crops follow: Asparagus. The bed was twenty years old, and had been neglected. As soon as workable, it was disc-harrowed, and later smooth- harrowed with an Acme harrow. Nitrate of Soda was applied to the three test plots April loth, 200 pounds per acre, sown directly over the rows and well worked into the soil. A second application of 100 pounds per acre was made to plot i April 24th; and, on the 29th, a third applica- tion of equal amount. The experiment comprised three plots, two fertilized with Nitrate of Soda, and one without Nitrate, plot 3. Plots I and 2, treated with the Nitrate, produced marketable stalks ten days in advance of plot 3, a very material advan- 42 Food for tage jn obtaining the higli prices ot an early market. The ^^^^^^ results were as follows, in bunches per acre: Plot and Fertilizer. Bunches per acre. (jain. 3. No Nitrate 560 — 2. 200 lbs. Nitrate 680 120 I. 400 lbs. Nitrate 840 280 The financial results are as follows, prices being those actually obtained in the New York Markets; Plot I. Plot 2. Plot 3. Fertilizer, Nitrate 400 lbs. 200 lbs. Gross receipts ^207 .90 $161 . 50 ^— — Fertilizer cost 8 . 40 4 . 20 — Applying fertilizer 2.00 i.oo — Net receipts i97-50 161.50 $112.00 Nitrate made gain ^5 • 5° 44-30 The use of 400 pounds of Nitrate of Soda produced on plot I a gain of ^85.50 on a fertilizer and application cost of $10.40; the use of 200 pounds of Nitrate r-eturned a similar gain of $44.30 on a fertilizer and application cost of $5.20. Snap Beans. The Beans were grown for pods, or what is known as string beans. Three varieties were experimented with. Chal- lenger, Black Wax, and the Red Valentine. Seeds were drilled in May loth, in rows two feet apart; on May 2 2d, 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda were applied per acre, and on the 27th, another application of 150 pounds was drilled in. June 12th, an application of 50 pounds was drilled , . along the rows, followed by 100 pounds iiicr63.S6 in ^ . . P rt R t June 19th; in all 400 pounds of Nitrate of |1 .. Soda per acre. Half the field was not „ It H treated with Nitrate. In the case of the „ e • Black Wax beans, the Nitrated land gave a well as Saving , , . , ,. , '=' _,. crop 6 days in advance ot the part not in Time. 1 '1 at- j u treated with JNitrate, and the same gain was made by the Nitrated Valentine beans. The Black Wax beans treated with Nitrate produced 75 per cent, more marketable crop than the non-Nitrated portion, and the Valentine variety 60 per cent. Taking into consideration the enhanced price due to earlier ripening, the average price of the Nitrated black wax beans averaged some 60 percent. Table Beets Grown on Nitrate were Ready for Mar- ket 1 6 Days Ahead of Un- fertilized Plots. 43 higher than the portion of the field not treated with Nitrate ^'o^^ ^^^ of Soda; in like manner, the increased price beans was 45 per cent. Beets. The crop must be forced to quick growth in order to obtain tender, crisp vegetables, quickly salable and at good prices. Nitrate of Soda was compared with unfertilized soil, with the result that on the Nitrated plots, marketable beets were pulled 56 days from seeding; the unfertilized plot required 72 days to produce marketable vegetables. Nitrate of Soda was applied at the rate ot 500 pounds per acre, in lour applications. 500 lbs. Nitrate of Soda to the acre, in four applications. No Nitrate. Early Cabbage. The cabbage plots were thoroughly worked up, and planted to Henderson's Early Spring Variety. Part of the soil was treated with Nitrate of Soda at tt^^, „ r^r... , r 1 • r How a Crop the rate of 575 pounds per acre, m five ^^^ g^^^^^ ^^^^^ apphcations ranging from May ist to June 'p-x„j paii„rp 17th. The part of the plot not treated with Nitrate of Soda was a total failure, but allowing the same Food for number of plants as the fertilized portion, and also allowing for difference in price on account of later ripening, the crop 44 on the portion not treated with Nitrate o ar pen should have returned a gross amount of in Nitrate Re- ^292.50. The Nitrated portion returned turned $21.00 ^^^^^ receipts of $720, from which deduct- in Increased -^^ $19.50 for fertilizer and application of ^^P' same, we have $700.50 for Nitrate of Soda as compared with $292.50 without Nitrate, a net profit for the Nitrate of $408. That is, for every dollar spent for Nitrate of Soda, the crop returned an additional $21 nearly. Cabbage. Cabbage requires a deep, mellow soil, and rich in plant food. Early maturing cabbage, perhaps the most profitable method of growing this vegetable, produces 30,000 pounds of vegetable substance to the acre, using about 140 pounds of ammonia, 129 pounds of potash, and 23 pounds of phos- phoric acid, all as actually assimilated plant food. The crop must be fertilized heavily. As the soil is thoroughly fined in the spring, there should be incorporated with it by rows corresponding to the rows of plants, about 1,500 pounds of fertilizer per acre. After the plants have set and have rooted, say a week from setting, apply along the rows a top dressing of 200 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre and work into the soil with a fine toothed horse hoe; the soil must be kept loose to a depth of at least two inches, and consequently there will be no extra labor in working this fertilizer into the soil. Some three weeks later incorporate in the same man- ner into the soil 300 to 400 pounds of Nitrate of Soda. Soil Nitration cannot be depended on under any circumstances for supplying enough natural Nitrate for cabbage. Nitrate of Soda is the only immediately predigested Nitrated am- moniate in the market and is an absolute necessity for early cabbage, and should be used liberally. This crop should not follow itself more than twice, as by so doing there is no little danger of serious disease to the crop. Formula for Cabbage per acre: Nitrate of Soda 200 lbs. Superphosphate 350 " Sulphate of Potash 100 " Celery. Crisp stalks of rich nutty flavor are a matter of rapid, unchecked growth, and plant food must be present in unstinted quantity, as well as in the most quickly available form, the best example of which is Nitrate of Soda. The soil was plowed early in May, and subsoiled, thoroughly breaking the soil to a depth of lo inches. Thirty bushels of slaked lime were broadcasted per acre -p^f^^^^^i^o^,, . r n J k Extraordinary immediately after plowing, followed by a Returns on dressing of 20 tons of stable manure, all Celerv well worked into the soil. Plants were set May loth. The tract was portioned into three tracts for experimental purposes; plot i received 675 pounds of Ni- trate of Soda per acre in six applications. May i6th, 22nd, June 1st, loth, 17th and 24th. Plot 2 received 475 pounds in five applications. May i6th, 22nd, June ist, 17th and 24th. Plot 3 was not treated with Nitrate of Soda. Plot I was ready for market July 6th, and was all off by the loth. Plot 2 was ready for market July i ith and was all harvested by the 14th. Plot 3 was practically a failure and was not harvested. Plot i, being first in the market, had the advantage of the best prices; the gross receipts were, per acre, ^957.80; from which must be deducted ^18.67 for Nitrate of Soda and the application of same — a net result of $939.13 per acre. Plot 2 gave a gross return of $676.30, from which $13.72 must be deducted for ferti- lizer, leaving $662.58 per acre net. Plot i makes therefore a gain of $276.55 over plot 2, simply from the earliness in maturing, due to the heavy applications of Nitrate, for the total crop was approximately the same for both plots. Cucumbers. Plants were set in box frames May 4th. The frames were well filled with rotted manure, and were banked as a protection against late frosts. A portion of the field was treated with Nitrate of Soda; on May lOth each plant was given a quart of a solution made by dissolving three pounds of Nitrate of Soda in 50 gallons of water. Applications in quantity the same were made on the experimental plot May i6th, 22nd, 29th, June 3rd, 9th, 15th, 22nd and 26th; making a total of 165 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre. Food for Plants 45 Food for Qj^ June 27th the experimental plot was setting fruit rapidly, while the plot not Nitrated was just coming to bloom. The '^ Nitrated plot was given on June 29th a quart of a solution made by dissolving two ounces of Nitrate of Soda in a gallon of water; and this application was repeated July 3rd, 7th, 15th, 24th, and August 8th. This practically doubled the Nitrate application. ^ . . rr- The first picking on the Nitrated plot Gain in Time i t 1 1 >t- i . ., . ^ was made uly ist, on the non-Nitrated in this Crop 1 t 1 i 1 • 1 Very Remark- P^°^ J"v ^^^^' ^"^" P"^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^"^ , J ,p lowest point. After the early market sea- W k ' Ad ^^^ ^^^ over, the vines were treated for pickling cucumbers, the Nitrated plot re- ceiving 50 pounds of Nitrate of Soda dis- solved in water as before; later, two applications of a quart ^ach, containing half an ounce per gallon. The result was that the vines continued bearing until cut down by frost. The estimated yields were as follows: Nitrated plot, per acre, 6,739 dozen, plot not Nitrated gave per acre 948 dozen. Sweet Com. The crop was planted on rather poor soil. Seed was planted May 4th, and the cultivators started May 12th. A portion of the field was selected for experiment, and on this 75 pounds of Nitrate of Soda were applied per acre May 20th, drilled close to the row. A second application of the same amount was made May 26th, and on June 5th a third application. On June 17th 100 pounds per acre were applied and cultivated into the soil. The total Nitrate applied to the experimental plot amounted to 325 pounds per acre. The Nitrated plot ripened corn 5 days ahead of the non-Nitrated portion, and produced gg^ dozen ears against 623 dozen from an acre not treated with Nitrate of Soda. The Nitrated crop, being earlier in the market, brought better prices; the gross return being $99.40 per acre as compared with $62.30 for the non-Nitrated plot. The cost of the Nitrate and its application expenses amounted to $9.75 per acre, leaving a net gain from the use of Nitrate of Soda, of $27.35 per acre. Egg-Plant. The plants were set in the usual manner, part ot the tract being treated with Nitrate of Soda at the rate of 475 pounds per acre to observe the practical value of the Nitrate for forcing. Before setting, the plants were given a light application of Nitrate in solution. June 1st 150 pounds were applied, on the tenth this was repeated, and on June 22nd a third application was made. The Nitrated plot produced marketable fruit July 5th, the non-Nitrated plot did not reach the market until July 26th. The Nitrated plot produced per acre 33-,Sg^ fruits, all of good quality; the non- Nitrated plot produced only 8,^12 fruits per acre. Food for Plants 47 Early Lettuce. The plants were started in the hot-house, and pricked into cold frames; April 26th they were set in the field. The Nitrate applications on the experiment plot were per acre as follows: April 29th, 100 pounds; May 4th, 150 pounds; 750 lbs. Nitrate of Soda to the acre, in 5 applications. No Nitrate. May I2th, 200 pounds; May i8th, 200 pounds; May 23rd, 100 pounds; a total of 750 pounds per acre. The Nitrated plot was first cut May 26th, and at this time the non-Nitrated plot was just beginning to curl a few leaves towards the heart for heading. Approximately, the Nitrated plot produced Food for p^y Q^yg 1,72^ dozen heads, and so early to the market that the ^° ^ average wholesale price was 25 cents per dozen; per acre, 4^ ^431.00. From this we must deduct ^20.00 for Nitrate and the expense of applying same, leaving Aet ^411.00. On the non-Nitrated plot only about ^ per cent, of the plants headed, and these reached the riiarket three weeks late. The financial statement shows 48 dozen heads at 10 cents, or a net return per acre of ^4.80. That is, without the Nitrate dressing, the crop was a failure. Onions. The soil was in bad condition, and was liberally limed. Seeding was completed April 15th, and the plants were rap- idly breaking ground by the 28th. The tract was divided into three plots; plot i received 675 pounds of Nitrate of Soda in six applications at intervals of a week or 10 days; 675 lbs. of Nitrate of Soda to the 375 lbs. of Nitrate of Soda No Nitrate, acre, in 6 applications. to the acre, in 4 applications. plot 2, 375 pounds in four applications; plot 3 was not treated with Nitrate. The Nitrated plots seemed least affected by the exceptionally dry weather, but the crop on all the plots was no doubt reduced by the unfavorable conditions. The followmg table gives the results by plots, computed to an acre basis: t... t-.. ., Nitrate, Nitrate, No 675 lbs. 375 lbs. Nitrate. Total yield 756 bu. 482 bu. 127 bu. Per cent, scullions 1.5 1.7 ig.o Average price per bushel 75 cts. 65 cts. 35 cts. Total receipts ^^567. 00 ^3^3 -30 $44.50 Fertilizer cost 20. 17 9-30 Total net receipts 546.83 304.00 44 -S^ The results show very clearly that but for the Nitrate ^^^^ ^°^ applications, the crop must have been a failure in every respect. 49 Early Peas This crop was planted under same conditions and in like manner to the snap beans; 300 pounds of Nitrate of Soda were applied per acre, to the experiment plots. Two varieties were planted, early and late. The results were: Early. Late. Nitrate. Nothing. Nitrate. Nothing. Date planted April 15. April 15. May i. May i. First picking June 8. June 17. June 29. July .4. Gain to Market 7 days. • 5 days. Period of bearing 11 days. 8 days. 10 days. 6 days. Crop on first picking .... 55 p. ct. 40 p. ct. 57 p. ct. 38 p. tt. Total yield (p. ct.) 165 100 168 100 The season was very unfavorable for this crop, yet the results show that the Nitrate made a powerful effort to offset this disadvantage. The earliness to market in this case is as pronounced as in the other garden crops, and is one of the most profitable factors in the use of Nitrate of Soda. The lengthening of the bearing period is an added advantage. Early Potatoes. Ploughing was finished the second week in April, and limed at the rate of 35 bushels per acre. Furrows were opened three feet apart, and 750 pounds per acre of a high- grade fertilizer worked into the rows. May ist the potatoes were breaking ground, and 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda were applied per acre on the experiment plot. On the nth 200 pounds of Nitrate were applied, and on the 29th 150 pounds more were cultivated in with a horse-hoe. The total Nitrate application per acre was 450 pounds. The Ni- trated plot was harvested July 6th, and retailed at an average price of ^1.60 per bushel; the plot not treated with Nitrate was dug July 17th, eleven days later, and the highest price obtained was 80 cents per bushel. The Nitrated plot pro- duced per acre 19 bushels unmarketable tubers, the non- Nitrated plot 46 bushels. The total crop marketable was 297 bushels for Nitrate, and 92 bushels for non-Nitrated plot. Deducting the cost of Nitrate of Soda and the expense Food for q{ applying same, the Nitrated crop was worth ^463.30 per ^*^ acre, while the non-Nitrated plot returned only ^69.00 per 50 acre. For every dollar expended for Nitrate of Soda, the crop increase gave $30.18 return. Late Potatoes. Conditions same as in the case of early potatoes, except the Nitrate of Soda was used at the rate of 500 pounds per acre, in five applications. The crop per acre on the Ni- trated plot, marketable tubers, amounted to 57^ bushels; on the non-Nitrated plot the yield amounted to 2ji bushels rwarketable tubers. The gain for Nitrate of Soda was 143 bushels, or nearly 62 per cent, increase. Early Tomatoes. ff^ith this crop the object is to mature quickly, rather than obtain a heavy acre yield; one basket of early tomatoes at $1.2^ ts worth more than 75 baskets later in the season, when the price ts about 8 cents per basket. The plants to be used on the Nitrated plot were treated with a diluted solution of Nitrate four separate times. Plants were field set May 17th, and given six applications of Nitrate of Soda: ist, 100 pounds per acre soon after setting out; 2nd, 3rd and 4th of 75 pounds each; and 5th and 6th of 50 pounds each — in all, about 450 pounds per acre. The results were: Nitrate. No Nitrate. Plants set out in field May 17. May 17. First picking Jun« 30. July 1 9. Days, setting to first picking 43 62 Crop at ;^i .00 and upward per basket 40 p.c. 30 " 10 p. c. io " 15 •75 .50 .30 .25 .15 .08 Estimate d yield per acre, baskets 10 20 25 15 '5 500 600 Gross receipts ^377-5° $190.20 Cost of fertilizer and application i°-35 Net receipts 367.15 1 90 . 20 Gain per acre for Nitrate 1 76 . 95 The indicated gain amounts to a return of $17.09 for every dollar expended for Nitrate of Soda. The experiments detailed in this pamphlet are all on a ^^^^ ^^^ working basis. In every case the object was to force the ^"^^ 51 o l-l u a u O B o "q. a. re c^i c V re O C/5 o CO crop to an early yield, and while the applications of Nitrate of Soda seem large and are large in proportion to the actual Food for needs of the crops grown, at the same time the nature of . market-gardening requires free use of immediately available « ^^ pla77t food, and the results show that such use is very prof- itable. Other crops than those enuhierated were experi- mented with, notably Carrots, Kale, Lima Beans, Melons, Rhubarb, Spinach, Strawberries, Endive and Kohl-Rabi. While the detail of results is not given, illustrations from actual photographs show the increased growth from the use of Nitrate of Soda. Late Spinach. 350 lbs. Nitrate of Soda to the acre, in 2 applications. No Nitrate. Cantaloupes. A continuous and rapid growth in Cantaloupes is essen- tial to earliness and a good crop, and Nitrate of Soda under the proper conditions and with proper care, will yield just such results. A dressing of Nitrate of Soda alongside the rows in cultivating, in addition to the general fertilizer used, has been most successful. A general fertilizer may be made up as follows: Nitrate of Soda 400 lbs. Dried Blood or Cotton-Seed Meal 400 lbs. Superphosphate, 14 per cent 500 lbs. Sulphate of Potash 200 lbs. Food for Plants Hints for Right Use of Nitrate. The points to be observed in the use of Nitrate of Soda 53 are: Avoid an excess; make frequent small applications rather than single large ones; avoid wetting the foliage with solutions of it; do not sprinkle the wet foliage with dry Nitrate; and in general Nitrate must not be allowed to come in contact with the stems or leaves of plants. Nitrate of Soda is a Nitrated ammoniate, and is immediately available as plant food. The fertilizer suggested above may be applied at the rate of 1,500 pounds per acre. Subsequent applications of Nitrate of Soda may be made at the rate of 100 pounds per acre at intervals of two or three weeks during the growing season. Apply the Nitrate well mixed with fine dry soil at the rate of I ounce, to h ounce per hill. The general fertilizer may be economized somewhat by using a handful in each hill rather than by making a general application. The Medical Record for July had an article on "Typhoid Fever from Sources Other than Water Supply," the point of which was that infection frotn the soil luas more common than most physicians supposed. The germ may be in vegetables^ in dust blown by the wind, and flies are active agents in carrying it about. The writer warns those who have the care of the sick never to bury the excreta of patients. It is the surest way, he says, of "perpetuating the disease in any locality, keeping it alive for years and causing it to become epidemic." He observes that "there is good evidence that the typhoid bacillus grows to the surface in a mixture of soil and fecal matter, like a fungus in a hot-bed, so that burial is no protection whatever against its spread." Unfortunately, in almost every town or village there are physicians who ignorantly insist on burying typhoid material in the earth as the best way to dispose of it. Chemical fertilizer should always be used by market gardeners. Food for Always use Chemical Fertilizers for all Market Garden Purposes Without Fail. 54 HoAv to Use Chemical Fertilizers to Advantage. All p Crops grow only in consequence of the How All l^rOpS rii 1 I'l* 1 'ii lood placed at their disposal; practicallv, Grow. Lrji r • L- the food plants consist or certain combina- tions or mixtures of ammonia, phosphoric acid and potash. Not any one, nor any two, but all three. AH soils contain- some of these plant foods, and few soils contain them in very large quantities. Fortunately for the permanence of agri- culture, nature does not permit these natural supplies to be drawn upon freely, and any attempt to overforce the soil by injudicious farming is met by a temporary exhaustion. The so-called"artificial manures"are simply As to the Na- u • i • u . u- u chemical or organic substances which con- ture of Chemi- ^ . r .u .u i . r tain one or more or the three elements ot cal Manures. i ^ r j plant rood. The use of Nitrate of Soda is well known Nitrate as a ^^ ^ top-dressing for small grains. Wheat lop-Dressing ^^ strong clay will repay an application of for Grains, jqq pounds of Nitrate per acre, even if Grasses, Root- already heavily manured. Crops, Pas- Yqt Roots lOO pounds at seed time and tures, Soiling jqq pounds after thinning is found profit- Crops, able. The form of ammoniate most active as plant food is the Nitrated form, namely; ncreases Nitrate of Soda. All other ammoniates ea rops. must be converted into this form before they can be used as food by plants. Sir John Lawes wisely remarks: "When we consider that the application of a few pounds of ammonia (Nitrogen) in Nitrate of Soda to a soil which contains several thousand pounds of ammonia in its organic form, is capable of increasing the crop from 14 to 40, or even 50 bushels of wheat per acre, I think it must be apparent to all that we have very convincing evidence of ^^o** ^°"^ value of Nitrate." The ammonia of Nitrate of Soda, Nitrated ^^^°^ ammonia, it may be called for convenience, is immediatelv 55 available as plant food, and it should therefore only be applied until plants are ready to use it. By such a readv supply of available ammoniate plant food, young plants are able to establish such a vigor of growth that they can much better resist disease, and the attacks of insects and parasites. The famous e.xperiments of La-wes and Gilbert at Rothamsted have demonstrated that ,t-. . r- , ... , , Nitrate Com- cereals utilize more than three times as , .,, much of the Nitrogen in Nitrate of Soda ^ ,1., r L AT- / • \ 1 Farmyard Ma - as ot the iNitrogen (ammonia) contained in farmyard manure; in practice, four and one-half tons of farmyard manure supply only as much available ammoniate usable plant food as lOO pounds of Nitrate of Soda. WTieat. From lOO to 200 pounds of Nitrate of .^j,, t^, 5oda per acre should be broadcasted on i. • t- , ^ , 11- ments in Eng- wheat, as soon as the new growth shows in . , the spring. The results of such treatment are shown by experiments made by three English gentlemen, which are tabulated as follows: I. NoNitrate, 23 bu. 300 lbs. Nitrate, 33.5 bu. Gain 46 p. ct n. " 15 " 300 " " 28.0 " " 87 " III. " 34 " 300 " " 49.0 " " 44 " Average " 59 Another illustration is an experiment ^ .. , made by the late Dr. Voelcker; 672 pounds t.«^ , ^ r- ^ , , : . ' ^ . Meal Compared ot cotton-seed meal were used in compari- .,, ,t.x J • , 1 r TVT- r o 1 with Nitrate, son with 275 pounds of Nitrate of Soda, with the result that the latter gave a return of 46.75 bushels per acre, a gain over the cotton-seed meal of nearly 2^ per cent., the above enormous application of cotton-seed meal yielding but 37.7 bushels per acre. Oats. An authenticated experiment made by Mr. P. Dickson, of Barnhill, Laurencekirk, N. B., gave a return from the use of 1 12 pounds of Nitrate of Soda of 64 bushels per acre. 56 Food for while the soil without Nitrate gave a crop of only ^6 bushels. ^" ^ Top-dressings for oats should average lOO pounds to the acre. It should always be applied so?ne ten days after the young plants have broken ground. Barley. In an experiment at Woburn, made for the Royal Agri- cultural Society of England, by the late Dr. Voelcker, the following results were obtained: Mineral manures and sulphate ammonia 36-75 bushels per acre. Nitrate 275 lbs. and minerals 42.50 bushels per acre. Gain for Nitrate, 16 per cent. The ammonia salt and the Nitrate used contained the same amount of ammoniate plant food. Compared with cotton-seed meal, 124 pounds of Nitrate of Soda gave 49.5 bushels barley per acre as compared to 37 bushels from 1,000 pounds cotton-seed meal applied the previous year. Gain for Nitrate 33.7 per acre. Mangolds. Nitrate of Soda pays well for roots if applied at the rate of from 150 to 200 pounds per acre. Use in two applica- tions about ten days apart, the first not earlier than July. The Essex Agricultural Society found by experiment that 12 tons of farmyard manure and 300 pounds superphosphate gave a crof of nearly ten and one-half tons per acre, but when 200 pounds of Nitrate of Soda were Formulas and ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^j^j^ ^^^ increased to over 15 Jjirections. tons. The season was very unfavorable. Three hundred pounds per acre of Nitrate is recommended. Turnips and Swedes. Nitrate is applied for this crop quite in the same manner as for mangolds. Dr. Macadam reported to the Arbroath Farmers' Club a gain of 37 per cent, in yield from the use of 336 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre. An experiment conducted by Dr. Munro, of Downtown T d Y* Id Agricultural College, Salisbury, gave a return of nearly twenty and one-half tons per acre, from an application of 600 pounds of Nitrate per acre, supplemented by phosphoric acid and potash. The Nitrate was used in three applications. An application of ^o^'^ ^^^ 300 pounds of Nitrate resulted in a yield of thirteen and ^°^^ one-third tons per acre. 57 Catch-crops are recommended to pre- Catch-Crops, vent losses of available plant food after crops are removed. Rape, Italian rye grass, Rye, Thousand- headed kale and clovers are suitable. All these should be top-dressed with from 100 to 200 pounds per acre of Nitrate of Soda, depending upon the exhaustion of the soil. In the remarks on the use of Nitrate in this sketch, we have taken it for granted that our readers fully understand that Nitrate alone is not a complete plant food. In all cases where Nitrate has been recommended, phosphoric acid and potash are to be used, unless the soil contains ample supplies of both. Wheat and Oats, Rye and Barley. (Bulletin 44, Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station.) This bulletin gives in detail the results of experiments on wheat with fertilizers, in which Nitrate of Soda is com- pared with cotton-seed meal; in all cases the plots were liberally supplied with phosphoric acid and potash. The average yield of four plots in each instance amounted per acre to 49.4 bushels for Nitrate of Soda, -.x., . , and 40.1 bushels for cotton-seed meal, a ^ ,, , . r i^T- rn ^ r CottOn-Seed gain for Nitrate of boda of over 22 per cent. ,-■ , --, t= . ., . . , "^ ^ Meal Com- A similar experiment with oats gave a re- , ,1^, , r A u I 1 r XT- re J j pared on Wheat, turn of 00 bushels for Nitrate of boda and only 42 bushels for cotton-seed meal, a gain for Nitrate of nearly 43 per cent. The Bulletin recommends, even when cotton-seed meal is used in the complete fertilizer, to employ Nitrate of Soda as a top-dressing in the spring. Three hundred pounds per acre more Wheat, Oats, Rye or Barley may be raised for each 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda used as a top-dressing on the soil. Frequent trials at Agricultural Experiment Stations the world over fully prove this to be so. Barley. This crop does best on a strong clay loam, but the soil must not be rich in organic matter. Soils naturally rich in Food for ammoniates are unfavorable, as one ot the most important ■^^^"^^ points in high-grade barley is a complete maturity of the 58 grain. With soils rich in vegetable matter, the supply of the only digestible ammoniate or v^^hat is exactly the same thing. Nitrated ammonia as Nitrates, continues so late in the season that maturity is retarded seriously. About 400 pounds per acre of fertilizer should be applied broadcast before seeding. As soon as the grain is "up," top-dress w^ith 200 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre. If the soil is very rich, apply 100 pounds of Nitrate. Buckwheat. This crop does well on almost all kinds ot soil, but should follow^ a grain or hoed crop — that is, a clean cultiva- tion crop. On thin soils use about 400 pounds of fertilizer to the acre, applied just before seeding, or even with the seed. Heavy soils do not require fertilizing for this crop, as it has exceptional foraging powers, and will find nourish- ment where many grain crops will starve. As soon as the plants are well above ground, apply a top-dressing of 200 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre, both on strong and light soils. Use one bushel of seed per acre on thin soils, but a heavier application on richer soils. Oats. This gram does well on nearly all types of soil, but responds freely to good treatment. There is a vast differ- ence in the quality of oats when grown on poor or rich soils. Perhaps no other crop so effectually conceals impoverish- ment; at the same time the feeding value of oats grown on poor soil is very low. In the North oats are sown in the spring, and usually after corn or a turned down clover sod. In such cases the crop is rarely ever given fertilizer, but shows an excellent return for a top-dressing of 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre. The crop has strong foraging powers, and will find available mineral plant food where a wheat crop would utterly fail. On soils pretty badly ex- hausted, an application of 500 pounds of fertilizer will . yield a profitable return, provided the top-dressing of Nitrate is not omitted. Under any condition of soil or HIGHLAND EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. 200 lbs. Bone Dust and eight loads of Stable Manure per acre. Yield, 30 bushels per acre. 1,000 lbs. Lime, 400 lbs. Acid Rock, 200 lbs. Muriate of Potash and 100 lbs. Nitrate of Soda per acre. Yield, 60 bushels per acre. fertilizing, a sickly green color of the young crop shows need of Nitrate of Soda plant food, and the remedy is a top dressing of Nitrate. In seeding, use two or three bushels to the acre. Formulas for Oats: For One Acre. Acid phosphate (at sowing time) 200 lbs. Muriate of potash (at sowing time). . . . lOO " Nitrate of Soda (in the spring) loo " Ideal Formula for Oats. 400 lbs. Rye. 1 his is another illustration of the necessity of care in the use of fertilizer Nitrogen (ammoniate). Rye does best on lighter soils so long as they are not too sandy, but if the soil is rich in vegetable matter, or if a fertilizer is used containing much organic ammoniate, the grain yield will be disappointing; the crop fails to mature in season because the Nitration of organic matter is greatest during the warm days of midsummer, and a constant supply of available Food for Plants 59 Food for Plants 60 Nitrate is being furnished at a time when the crop should commence to mature. The crop needs Nitrated ammonia, but it should have been supplied during the earlier stages of growth. Use at first a fertilizer, 500 pounds per acre. Top Dress as soon as the crop shows growth in the Spring with 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda to the acre, broadcast. Wheat. The soil for this grain, fall planting, ranges from a clay loam to a moderate sandy loam. For spring wheat, moist ^^, J\\ i,A , ^ peaty soils are used. Wheat ,_^'-^\j:^y.iif,^i,..^.iy^y:^^ IS usually grown m rotation, "^5^^^ ^ -xV < //^ " '> ;' in which case it nearly always I- ^" ' ^'^ ^//^<:^<^^-^ follows corn, or a clean culture ^l^v ''/m^.^x^0^ crop. The nature of cultivation g^V'- -^^ is too well known to require ^ mention here. Both spring and winter wheat are commonly fertilized crops, particularly the latter. The average fer- tilizer for wheat should contain Ammonia (Nitrogen), phos- phoric acid and potash. This fertilizer is applied with the seed, and at the rate of 500 pounds to the acre. Nitrate of Soda is also applied as a top-dressing as soon as the crop shows green in the spring, broadcast, at the rate of 100 pounds per acre. Like all grains, wheat should have its ammoniate plant food early, and in the highly available, easily digested Nitrated form, such as is only to be found commercially as Nitrate of Soda. The plant food needs of a crop of 30 bushels of wheat per acre amounts to about 70 pounds of ammonia, 24 pounds of phosphoric acid, and 30 pounds of potash; this includes the straw, chaff and stubble. One hundred pounds of Nitrate of Soda supply about 20 pounds of Nitrated ammonia, so that the quantity mentioned for top-dressing is a minimum quantity. Much has been said of legume ammonia for wheat, the crop being generally grown in rota- tion. Whatever ammonia the clover may have gathered, a crop of timothy and a crop of corn must be supplied before the wheat rotation is reached. In many cases, simply top dressing with the Nitrate will be found effectual. In all cases where the acre yields have fallen off, top-dressing of Nitrate of Soda should be applied. Professor Maercker states that Nitrate of Soda for wheat is absolutely necessary under the conditions in Ger- many, and that lOO pounds of Nitrate of Soda produces 300 to 400 pounds of grain and a corresponding amount of straw. An Ideal Fertilizer Formula for Wheat. Acid phosphate (at sowing time) 300 lbs. Muriate of potash (at sowing time) 100 Tankage (at sowing time) 100 Nitrate of Soda (in the Spring) ■ 100 Per acre 600 lbs. Food for Plants 61 FERTILIZERS FOR FRUITS. (Bulletin 66, Hatch Experiment Station.) Lack of Nitrogen in the soil is detrimental to the size and quality of the fruit. The cheapest and most available Ammoniate is Ni- trate of Soda. A few cents worth applied to each tree will give the largest possible yield of choicest fruit, returning many tmies Its cost. Fertilizers for the The results Nitrate of Soda on Apples. Apple: show the most improvement where Nitrate of Soda was applied. For apple trees in grass the following fertilizer is recom- mended: Nitrate of Soda i to 5 pounds. Sulphate of potash I to 5 pounds, S. C. phosphate rock 4 to 10 pounds; the quantity used to be varied according to the size of the tree. Fertilizers for the Peach : The fertilizer recommended, depending upon the size of the trees, is substantially the same as for apples, except that Peaches. Food for f}^e phosphate rock is reduced one-half for the earher stages ^^^ of growth, remaining the same as for apples in the later 62 stages. Nitrate of Soda should not be applied until just as the trees are beginning to grow. „., ^ re J Fertilizers for other Fruits: For all Nitrate of Soda . , - . ,, , , , . perennial fruits as well as shrubs and .. plants, the fertilizer used should be largely available in the early part of the season, as a preventive to winter injuries. Nitrate of Soda is the most desirable form of ammoniate. » 300 lbs. Nitrate. General Fruit ^^^ ^^j^ Phosphate. Formula per Acre. ^^^ ^^^ Sulphate of Potash. The rational fertilization of fruit trees depends somewhat upon their period of growth; young trees need ample sup- plies of Nitrate and potash to develop and ripen new wood. Later, at the bearing age, phosphoric acid and Nitrate is required for the formation of fruiting buds. These two phases in the making of an orchard should have due con- sideration and plant food used accordingly. How Nitrate Benefits the Farmer. Tiri- . TVT-. .. Nitrate of Soda, from the standpoint of What Nitrate , » • 1 11 • • u .,,,., Ti. the Agricultural chemist, is a substance Looks Like ; Its ,, ^ , , . r • • • j j . , formed by the union of nitric acid and Chemical ,. it • u 1 sodium oxide. In appearance it resembles. Properties. , . .^'^, j , coarse salt, in agriculture and the arts, it is valuable chiefly for the active Nitrogen (commercially it is an ammoniate package) contained in the Nitrate of the com- pound; the Soda acts as a carrier of Nitrogen in a combina- tion that can be handled. When pure it What It is in contains 16.47 pounds of Nitrogen per 100 Agriculture. pounds of Nitrate of Soda, that is, 16.47 per cent. Nitrogen. Commercially pure Nitrate contains about 15.75 o^ Nitrogen, equivalent to 19 per cent, of Ammonia, or 380 pounds to the ton. Nitrate of Soda is found mixed with Food for earth in the arid section of northern Chili. ^^^""^ '* '^ P^^^*^ It is extracted bv means of hot water, in ouna. 5^ which Nitrate is soluble. The enormous explosive industry of this country could not be conducted without -,, ,y Nitrate oi Soda, and glass works are dependent upon it. In fact, glass works and powder works usuallv have Nitrate on hand. Nitrate of Soda has a special bearing y p . . on the progress ot modern agriculture: in • ■», j ^ . . ^ . . in Modern the first place it is the most nutritious form » • t. c -^y- ^ • I r 1 Agriculture, or Nitrogenous or ammoniate plant food, and secondly it is a very important factor in the manufacture of sulphuric acid and acid phosphate. While the action of micro-organisms zvith certain crops [legume) combines and makes effective use of the inert Nitrogen of the atmosphere, such action is far too slow and uncertain for all the require- ments of modern agriculture. The rapid exhaustion of combined Nitrogen has several times been noticed by emi- nent scientific men, with reference to food famine, because of a lack of the needful Nitrogenous plant food. It has been estimated under the present methods .^jj * f i m fv. ^ croppmg; the rich lands ot our Western , t^- 1 - . DV our x^ioneer States, that for every pound of Nitrogen -,- - r to rarmers. actually used to make a wheat crop, four to five pounds are utterly wasted. In other words, our pioneer agriculture has proceeded as though Fertility Capital could be drawn upon forever. This injudicious waste is already reducing the yield of many of the best lands, rendering the use of loo pounds of Nitrate per acre both profitable and necessary. The agricultural value of Nitrate of Soda has had the attention of the foremost agri- Eminent Scien- cultural and scientific specialists of the tists the World world, including such men as Dr. Paul Over Well Ac- Wagner and Professor Maercker, of Ger- q^amted with the many; Lawes and Gilbert, Sir William Great Value of Crookes, Dr. Dyer and Dr. Voelcker, in titrate. England; Professors Erandeau, Cassarini, Migneaux, and Cadoret, in France; Professors Bernardo, Giner and Alino, in Spain; and Drs. Voorhees, Wheeler, Kilgore, Brooks, Dug- gar, Stubbs, Ross, Patterson, Hilgard and Shaw, in America. Food for 'The results obtained by these officials may be summarized _Plants ^g follows: 64 I. Nitrate of Soda acts very beneficially and with great certainty upon all straw-growing plants. 2. It is of special value for forcing the rapid develop- ment and early maturity of most garden crops. 3. It is of great importance in the production of sugar beets, potatoes, hops, fodder crops, fibre plants, and tobacco. 4. It is exceedingly valuable in developing and main- taining meadow grass and pasture lands. 5. In the early stages of development it produces favorable results upon peas, vetches, lupines, clover, and alfalfa. 6. It has been applied with much advantage to various kinds of berries, bush fruits, vineyards, orchards and nursery stock, and small fruits generally. 7. It provides the means in the hands of the farmer, for stimulating his crops so that they may better withstand the ravages of drought, or the onslaughts of plant diseases or insect pests, such as boll weevil, etc. _ ^ . 8. It may be used as a surface applica- Top-Dressing. . ^ ■^ r ■ ■ ^\ tion to the soil, from time to time, as the plants indicate a need of it by their color and growth. 9. It is immediately available, and under favorable conditions its effect upon many crops may be noticed within a few days after its application. 10. It may be used either as a special fertilizer, as a supplemental fertilizer, or as a mixed fertilizer, in combina- tion with other fertilizer ingredients. 11. The best results are obtained from its application when the soil has been treated with ample supplies of avail- able phosphoric acid and potash, or where these are already present in ample quantities in the soil. It should always be remembered that it furnishes but one element of plant food, namely. Nitrogen, but this is the most expensive element of the three essential ingredients; and of the various commercial forms of Nitrogen (ammoniates) Nitrate is the cheapest. 12. Its uniform action seems to be to energize the capacity of the plant for developing foliage and growth. Its action is characterized by imparting to the plant a deep green, healthy appearance, and by causing it to grow rapidly and to put out numbers of new shoots. 13. The immediate effect of an application of. Nitrate '^°°^ for of Soda, therefore, is to develop a much larger plant growth, ^^^°*^ and the skillful application of phosphates and potashes ^5 must be relied upon to act in combination with this effect, to secure the largest yields of fruits and grain. 14. Under favorable conditions of moisture and culti- vation, these effects may be confidently anticipated upon all kinds of soils. 15. All of the plant food contained in Nitrate of Soda is available and existing in a highly soluble form. The farmer should understand that it is not economical to apply more of it than can be utilized by the growing crop; one of the most valuable qualities of this fertilizer being that it does not lie dormant in the soil from one season to the next. 16. The best results are secured when it is applied during the early growing periods of the plant. // applied later in the development of the plant, it has a tendency to protract its growing period and to delay the ripening of the fruit, as the energies of the plant are immediately concen- trated upon developing its growth, after a liberal application of Nitrate of Soda. 17. The farmer must not expect it to excuse him from applying proper principles of land drainage, or cultivation of the soil, nor should Nitrate of Soda be used in excessive quantities too close to the plants that are fertilized with it. For most agricultural crops, an application of 100 pounds to the acre is sufficient when it is used alone. 18. It may be applied to either agricultural or garden lands in the form of a solution in water, or by sowing it broadcast upon the land, or by means of any fertilizer- distributing machine in use. If applied in the drv state, in order to insure uniform distribution, a convenient method is to mix it with twice its weight of air-slacked lime, land plaster, phosphates, or even with dry sand, before applying it. It can be applied to the surface, and without cultivation will be absorbed by the soil, or it may be cultivated into the soil by some light agricultural implement, such as a harrow, weeder, cultivator or horse hoe. The capillary movement of the soil waters will distribute it in the soil. Accepting the conclusions of these scientific men, the use of Nitrate of Soda in agriculture ought to be increased proportionate to the dissemination of the knowledge of its 66 Food for usefulness among our farmers. We ought to expect espec- ^^^°^^ ially an increase in the consumption of Its use ug Nitrate among growers of tobacco, fibre to ncrease. plants, sugar beets, the hop, grape, grass and small fruits. The element of plant food first exhausted in soils is Nitrogen, and in many cases a marked increase in crop is obtained through Top-Dressings of Nitrate alone. "Complete" fertilizers are generally rather low in ammo- niates and Nitrate may be wisely used to supplement them. As it is practically the cheapest form of plant food ammonia, its use in complete fertilizers promises to increase still further. Nitrate of Soda Niter in Fertilizing. (Bulletin 24, California State Mining Bureau, May, 1902.) By Dr. Gilbert E. Bailey. All plants require light, air, heat, water, cultivation, and a fertile soil. Every crop removes from the soil a portion of the plant-food contained therein, and continuous crop- ping will, in time, exhaust the richest soil, unless the nutri- tive elements are restored; therefore, the truly economical farmer will feed the growing plant or tree with a generous hand. The literature on this subject is so scattered as to be difficult of access to the general reader, and the follow- ing notes are added in order to give some general idea of the value of Nitrate of Soda in fertilizing. The most important materials used to supply Nitrogen, in the composition of commercial fertilizers are Nitrate of Soda and sulphate of ammonia. Nitrate of Soda is par- ticularly adapted for Top -Dressing during the growing season, and is the quickest acting of all the Nitrogenous fertilizers. Dried blood, tankage, azotine, fish scrap, castor pomace,^ and cotton-seed meal represent fertilizers where the Nitro- gen is only slowly available, and they must be applied in the fall so as to be decomposed and available for the follow- ing season. Nitrogen in the form of Nitrate of Soda is at once available during the growing and fruiting season, possessing, therefore, a decided advantage over all other Nitrogen plant-foods. The following list of materials used as a source of Nitro- gen, in making commercial fertilizers, shows the percentage of Nitrogen in each: Per cent. Nitrogen. Nitrate of Soda 15 to 16 Sulphate of ammonia 19 to 22 Dried blood 10 to 14 Tankage 5 to 12 Dried fish scrap 9 to 11 Cotton-seed meal 6 to 7 Castor pomace 5 to 6 Tobacco stems 2 to 3 Bone meal 2 to 4 Peruvian guano 6 to 10 Nitrate of potash 13 to 14 Manures 0.3 to 1.6 The following table shows the number of pounds of Nitrogen removed in one year from one acre by the crop specified: Crop. Wheat 35 bushels. Rye 30 bushels. Barley 40 bushels. Oats 60 bushels. Corn 50 bushels. Buckwheat 30 bushels. Potatoes 200 bushels. Sugar beets 15^ tons. Mangel-wurzel 22 tons. Meadow hay 2^ tons, dry. 83 Timothy 2 tons, dry. 89 Green corn i li tons. 85 Red clover 2 tons, dry. 105 Lucern 8 tons. 113 Sugar-cane 20 tons. 153 Sorghum 15 tons. I2I Cotton 750 lbs., seed. 26 Hops 600 lbs., seed. 84 Tobacco , 1 ,600 lbs. Grapes 2 tons. Cabbage 31 tons. Cucumbers 25 tons. Onions 11^ tons. Oranges 10 tons. Food for Plants '^7 Nitrogen. 59 51 46 55 67 35 46 69 150 89 32 150 86 72 24 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Food for yj^g following table shows the quantity of fertilizer ^° ^ desirable for one acre, with the percentage of Nitrogen in it. The quantities given are for the average soil, under average conditions, the character and amounts of other plant-foods in the fertilizer not being considered here: 68 Artichokes . . . Asparagus.. . Barley Beans Beets, garden Beets, sugar. . Benne Blackberry. .. Buckwheat. . . Cabbage Cane, sugar.. Carrots Cassava Celery Corn Cotton Cranberry. . . Cucumbers . . Currants .... Egg-plant . . . Flax Hemp Hops Horseradish. . Lettuce Melons Fertilizer Nitrate of Soda. Nitrogen in pounds. Per acre. 500 lbs. Per cent. 18 500 300 100 22.5 5 14 200 300 12 60 200 27.5 300 100 500 300 300 19.5 9.0 ' 60.0 22.5 15.0 300 700 9.0 28.0 150 100 13-75 18.0 200 12.0 500 300 400 36.0 16.5 80.0 200 12.0 200 44.00 400 30.00 300 24 300 300 50.0 36.0 Fertilizer Nitrate of Soda. Mint Mustard Oats Onions Oranges Peas Pineapples Potatoes, Irish. Potatoes, sweet Radishes Ramie Rape Raspberry. . . . Rhubarb Rice Spinach Squash Strawberry. . . . Sunflower Tobacco Tomatoes Trees, general . Turnips Wheat Per acre. 700 lbs. 300 100 300 Per tree. 3 Per acre. 200 300 150 200 240 200 2,800 300 600 300 180 200 300 300 600 1,400 300 200 100 Nitrogen in pounds. Per cent. 28 9 10 60 20 50 21 22 15 13 24 21 29 13-5 36.0 64.0 45.0 60.0 54.00 36.00 8.00 2-5 3 Chemical fertilizers are used freely by the fruit growers of California, and their use among the farmers is steadily increasing. One reason why they are not used more exten- sively is that they have to be imported from the East. It is also a fact that the total amount now" used is only a small percentage of what should be employed. Every one will admit that the use of fertilizers in this State is small com- pared with their use in Germany, where they are employed more extensively than by any other nation; yet Dr. Maercker, the Director of the Government Agricultural Experiment ^ood for Station at Halle, Germany, says: "Just think! the fertilizer ^^*^ consumption of potash alone in Germany must increase ^9 700 per cent, before the normal demands of the lands and farms are met and satisfied." Grass Grov^ing for Profit. limothy and related grasses feed heavily on Nitrogen; they are able to transform it completely into wholesome and digestible animal food. When full rations of plant food are present a good crop of grass will remove about the equivalent of the active fertilizer ingredients of 300 pounds of Nitrate of Soda, 200 pounds muriate of potash and 400 ^^ iU |i|||l|||||||||i|||.j(|iJ 1 ' A ^^*^)ffl|^H^^| V,,. ^^H m , r - "J ill hll^^^^^^B V" T:_iaigM I^^HRH •i - \ ,i: ^ ^m^^M;^' A l*J gum ggs ^^^^^WHM^^^^HMmB J *3 : -•> T ,.ever, their fertilization becomes a very important matter. The new wood must be thoroughly matured to bear next year's fruit, and an excess of ammoniate late in the season not only defeats this ob- ject, but also lessens the number of ■fruit buds. Potash and phosphoric acid must be used freely, about 50 pounds • of potash and 60 pounds of available phos- phoric acid to the acre. This is not a crop for ordinary commercial fertilizers. The fertilizer suggested above should be applied in the spring, and at the ?w ,^ •"^ Food for Plants 93 FERTILIZER PER VINE, WITH NITRATE NITROGEN. 3-5 oz. Muriate or Sulphate of Potash per vine, or 34 lbs. per acre. 2 oz. Acid Phosphate per vine, or 113 lbs. per acre. 3 1-3 oz. Nitrate of Soda per vine, or 189 lbs. per acre. Food for same time broadcast along the rows Nitrate of Soda at the rate of 200 pounds per acre. If the plants lose color in spots. 94 late in the season, work into the soil about the vine an ounce or so of Nitrate, but this must not be done later than midsummer. Profitable Fertilization of Grapes. Summary of Experiments by Prof. Paul Wagner, Director of Darmstadt Agricultural Experiment Station, Darmstadt, Germany. Systematic fertilizer experiments with grapes have been conducted in this country so rarely that we must seek in- formation in this line from foreign experimenters. The experiment detailed below was conducted by Professor Paul Wagner, of the Darmstadt Agricultural Experiment Station, Darmstadt, Germany. The vines were grown singly in pots. The fertilizer application in the two pots illustrated herewith were at the rate of 3.3 ounces of Nitrate of Soda, .6 of an ounce muriate of potash and 2 ounces acid phosphate per vine. At the rate of 907 vines per acre (vines 6 by 8 feet) this application is the equivalent of 189 pounds Nitrate of Soda, 113 pounds acid phosphate and 34 pounds muriate of potash per acre. The accompanying illustrations show the growth of vine and also the production of fruit from the two pots, and the excellent effect of Nitrate of Soda is unmistakably shown. The actual yields of fruit were : Per Acre. Potash and acid phosphate without Nitrate of Soda... . 1,024 lbs. Potash and acid phosphate with Nitrate of Soda 4»929 " A remarkable point in this experiment was data to show the growth of leaf and wood for each 100 pounds of grapes,, as follows: Wood. Leaf. With Nitrate, for 100 lbs. grapes 47 lbs. 13 lbs. Without Nitrate, for 100 lbs. grapes 119 " 34 " The evidence tends to confirm the belief that insufficient or improperly balanced fertilizers produce wood and leaf growth often at the expense of the fruit; that is, the mer- chantable portion of the crop. In fertilizing grapes the phosphate and potash should be applied early in the spring,, before the vines begin to grow; Nitrate of Soda should be Food for Plants 95 a; a bjO o CO c V O Z u fcJJ c s o -o u SI c o Food for applied just at the time the vines commence growth in the ^^^°^^ spring. A better plan perhaps is to apply the Nitrate in 96 two doses, one when the vines start growth in the spring, the second some time three weeks later. Lawns and Golf Links. Lawns and Golf Links. Good lawns are simply a • matter of care and rational treatment. If the soil is very light, top-dress liberally with clay and work into the sand. In all cases the soil must be thoroughly fined and made smooth, as the seed, being very small, require a fine seed bed. In the South seed to Bermuda grass or Kentucky blue grass; in the North the latter is also a good lawn grass, but perhaps a little less desirable than Rhode Island bent grass (Agrostis canina). Avoid mixtures, as they give an irregularly colored lawn under stress of drouth or early frosts or maturity. For Rhode Island bent grass use 50 pounds of seed per acre, Kentucky blue grass 40 to 45 pounds, and for Bermuda grass 15 pounds. If for any reason the soil cannot be properly prepared, pulverize the fertilizer very fine indeed. The grass should be mowed regularly and the clippings removed until nearly mid- summer when they are best left on the soil as a mulch. For a good lawn, broadcast per acre in the spring enough of a fertilizer to supply 100 pounds of actual potash and 50 pounds of available phosphoric acid; also, use at the same time and in the same manner a top-dressing of 300 pounds per acre of Nitrate of Soda. By the end of June repeat the Nitrate top-dressing, using only 100 pounds of the material. At any time through the growing season, yellow spots or lands should be given a light top-dressing of Nitrate, and thoroughly wet down if possible. Lawns are very different from field crops as they are not called upon to mature growth in the line of seed productions, and they may safely be given applications of Nitrate whenever the sickly green color of the grass appears, which shows that digestible or Nitrated ammonia is the plant food needed. These applications of plant food must be continued each year without fail, and all bare or partly bare spots well raked down and reseeded. If absolutely bare, these spots should be deeply spaded. On very heavy clay soils, and in low situations, a drainage system must be established. Food for Plants 97 c V o bjo c a; CO C/) > (U N '> a & bJO M— I o > o c P3 i- 4-1 1) SI Ml o "2. 1^ -a u C Food for Plants How Money Crops Feed. 98 The substance of plants is largely water p J J and variations of woody fiber, yet these comprise no part of what is commonly understood as plant food. More or less by accident was discovered the value of farmyard manures and general farm refuse and roughage as a means of increasing the growth of plants. In the course of time, the supply of these manures failed to equal the need, and it became necessary to search for other means of feeding plants. The steps in the search were many, covering years of careful investigation, and it is needless to go into a lengthy description here; but, as a result we have the established fact that the so-called food of plants consists of three different substances, Ammonia (Nitrogen), Potash and Phosphates. It Pr'nc'oal These words are popular names, and T,, _ , are used for the convenience of the general Elements, ... . ^ ^ i r i Nitrate Ammo- P"^^^^' . ^^ ^ "^^"^'^ °^ ^^^^! plant-food •ni. u • ammonia is not real ammonia, but am- nia, Phosphoric 1 • 1 • 1 1 1 Ac'd Potash monia combined with other elements,, yet * ' the valuable factor is always the ammoniate. Nitrate of Soda contains an amount equivalent to about nineteen per cent, of ammonia, or 380 pounds to the ton, and cotton-seed meal, for example, about nine per cent.; as plant food more than two pounds of cotton-seed meal are necessary to furnish as much plant food as one pound of Nitrate of Soda. We value the plant food on the amount of ammoniate it contains, and on this account ammonia has become a popular standard name for this element of plant food. In like manner. Phosphoric Acid and Potash are standards, hence the importance of farmers and planters in familiarizing themselves with these expressions. We always think of fertilizers and manures as just so much Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid and Potash, as we can then at once com- pare the usefulness of all fertilizer materials. No doubt other substances are necessary for the proper development of crops, but soils so generally supply these in ample quan- tities that they may safely be neglected in a consideration of soil needs and plant foods. The food of plants may therefore be understood to mean simply. Ammonia, Phos- phoric Acid and Potash. Farmyard manure acts m promotmg ,,„ ,- 1 -^11 1 11 I ^ • ° Why Farm- plants plant erowth almost wholly because it con- , „ . ^ . ° , , -^ yard Manure tarns these three substances; green manur- , ^,, 99 , , , ^ , ' » , and Other mg IS valuable tor the same reason and t» j i. Products are largely for that only. Various refuse sub- y , , . stances, such as bone, wood ashes, etc., contain one or more of these plant food elements, and are valuable to the farmer and planter on that account. A number of crude chemicals contain Ammonia, or Potash, or Phosphoric Acid, or some two of these, or even all three of the plant food elements, and are valuable to agriculture accordingly. In fact, in whatever form, state or condition this plant food occurs, crops seem to be able to make a more or less ready use of it. However, the manufacturer, the farmer and the planter ... ^, must not overlook the fact that all three ,,, r 1 1 1 1 TVT Elements or these elements are needed. JNo excess t j- i-i r r 1 Indispensable. of any one, nor ot any two, can make up for the deficiency of any one. To illustrate, should a soil be given enough Phosphoric Acid and Potash for a crop of 8o bushels of corn per acre, but only enough Nitrate Ammonia for 40 bushels, the yield cannot go above 40 bushels. The chain is no stronger than its weakest link. The Quality of Manures and Fertilizers. While plant food is always plant food, Nitrate a \ like all other things it possesses the limita- p j- ♦ ^ ^ tion of quality. Quality in plant food means Arnmon^atV the readiness with which plants can make use of it. In a large sense, this is dependent upon the solubility of the material containing the plant food — not merely solubility in water, but solubility in soil waters as well. Fertilizer substances freely soluble in water are generally of the highest quality, yet there are differences even in this. For example, Nitrate of Soda is freely soluble in soil liquids and water, and is the highest grade of plant food ammoniate; sulphate of ammonia is also soluble in water, but of distinctly lower quality because plants always use ammonia in the Nitrated form (the form in which it occurs in Nitrate of Soda), and the ammonia in sulphate of am- monia must be Nitrated before plants can make use of it. Food for Xhis is done in the soil by the action of certain organisms, ^°^^ Defects and under favorable conditions. The weather ^°° - T^^.^^ ;„ fi,^ must be suitable, the soil in a certain con- Losses in tne ... i i • i i • i i i Use of Ordinarv "'^^°"' ^"^' besides, there are considerable Ammoniates losses of valuable substance in the natural soil process of Nitrating the ammonia. By unfavorable w^eather conditions, or very w^et or acid soils, Nitration may be prevented until the season is too far advanced, hence there may be loss of time, crop and money. Intrinsic Values ^^^ quality of ammoniates, such as of Ammoniates co"on-seed meal, dried fish, dried blood, v>^r,r.A ^« tankage, etc., is limited by conditions some- Based on 1 • M 1 • n • 11 Nitrate as the what similar to those intiuencing sulphate oi. A ^A of ammonia, except that the crude materials Standard. i u, • ttt- i , are not even soluble in w^ater. With these substances, the loss of Nitrogen in its natural soil conversion into Nitrate is very great. Perfectly authentic experiments and made under official supervision, have shov^rn that lOO pounds of ammonia in these organic forms have only from one-half to three-fourths the manurial value of lOO pounds of Nitrate Ammonia in its Nitrated form of Nitrate of Soda. ,,, , , This matter of fertilizer quality is not Pxiospnates . T^ , , ' confined to ammoniates. Potash also must be in soluble form, but as most agricultural potash is in the shape of potash salts, all of v^hich are v^^ater soluble, the solubility of potash is not a problem in manur- ing. Hov^^ever, there are grades even in these salts. For some crops materials containing muriates are thought to be injurious, therefore potash in such forms as are free of chlorine or muriates are of higher grade than those containing chlorine. Special Functions of Plant Food. ,y . As stated before, plants must have all _ ^. , three — Nitrate, Phosphates and Potash — Functions of r i i r i i 1 1 ^. or the plant rood elements, but notwith- standing this imperative need, each of the three elements has its special use. This may seem of little importance if for mere growth all three must be used in any event. However, there are many cases in which considera- tions of the special functions of plant food elements become important. For example, a soil may be rich in organic Food for ammonia from vegetable matter turned under as green ^^^°^^ manure, and through a late wet spring fail to supply the loi available Nitrate in time to get the crop well started before the hot, dry summer season sets in. In this case the use of a Nitrate ammoniate alone in the highly available form, such as Nitrate of Soda, will force growth to the extent of fully establishing the crop against heat and moderate drouth. This method of manuring is simply Top-Dressing, familiar to us all, but which many of us do not fully understand. In like manner, if the soil is too rich in ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ organic ammoniate, which during the sum- pv,r,cT.v.ofa 11 1 -1 ui J I'nospnaie. mer months rapidly becomes available, and as the fall approaches, the crop fails to show signs of manur- ing, liberal top-dressing of acid phosphate will hasten the maturity of the crop. All soils contain more or less plant food as a natural condition, but this plant food is rarely economically balanced for the uses of the farmer or planter. If crops show a tendency to lodge badly, potash is needed. In many ways, in fact, the special functions of the plant food elements are important, and should have the careful attention of those who have to deal with the plant food problem. There is no "royal road" to the under- standing of the fertilizer or manure questions; they must be "worked out." Nitrated ammonia as plant food seems g^g^-^g^j Influ- to influence more especially the develop- ^^^^ ^^ Nitrate ment of stems, leaves, roots, etc., while the ^^ Edible Value formation of fruit buds is held in reserve; , piant in fact, the growth of the framework of the plant. This action is of course a necessary preliminary to the maturity of the plant, and the broader the framework the greater the yield at maturity. The color of the foliage is deepened, indicating health and activity in the forces at work on the structure of the plant. Nitrates also show markedly in the economic value of the crop; the more freely Nitrates are given to plants the greater the relative proportion in the composition of the plant itself, and the most valuable part of all vegetable substance for food pur- . poses at least, is that containing the greatest proportion of combined and modified ammonia. ^° pi ^°^ Potash as plant food seems to influence more particularly the development of the woody parts of stems and the pulp 1 02 of fruits. It is also essential to the formation of sugar and How Nitrate starch. The flavor and color of fruits is ]yjay Be ^^^° credited to potash. In fact, this ele- Supplemented ment of plant food seems to supplement by Potash. ^^^ action of Nitrogen by filling out the ■framework established by the latter. Potash with Nitrate is always an important fertilizer with special crops where the object is to produce sugar, starch, or other products usually more or less a result of the manufacture of agricultural produce. How Nitrate Phosphoric Acid as a plant food seems May Be Aided ^° influence more particularly the maturity by Phosphoric °^ plants, and the production of seed or j^cid. grain. It seems to aid the assimilation of the other plant food elements. Its special use in practical agriculture is to help hasten the maturity of crops likely to be caught by an early fall, and to supple- ment green manuring where grain is to be grown. It seems to be used in excess in commercial fertilizers, because it is prone to take insoluble and therefore unavailable forms in the soil. The natural plant food of the soil comes from many sources, but chiefly from decaying vegetable matter and the weathering of the mineral matter of the soil. Both these Sources of processes are somewhat slow except under Natural Plant ^^^^ favorable conditions, and both supply jtqqjj^ Potash and Phosphoric Acid, but only the former supplies Nitrate. Whether the soil has been fertilized or not, there are certain signs which indicate the need of plant food more or less early in the growth of the crop. If a crop appears to make a slow How They May growth, or seems sickly in color, it does not Be Supple- greatly matter whether the soil is deficient mented with ^" Nitrate or simply that the ammoniates Profit. present have not been Nitrated and so are not available; the remedy lies in top-dress- ings of the immediately available form of Nitrated ammo- niate, of which class of plant food materials Nitrate of Soda alone is commercially available. Top-Dressings. Food for Plants Top-Dressme, as commonly understood, -^ , ^ ^, ^°i ^ . , ,^ ,..-'-, ,, ' Early Growth means simply the application oi plant food , p, after seeding, and after the crop has made some growth. It has various objects, but chief among them is the fact that fall sown crops should make an early start in the spring in order to establish an extensive root system (foraging both for food and water), and to protect the soil by shading before the hot, dry days come. The earlier growth of crops is largely a matter of Nitrate plant food, but in the spring the soil is usually wet and cold, both conditions unfavorable for the action of organisms which convert the stored ammoniate plant food into the Nitrates. A very late spring may prevent the natural and usual Nitration of this kind of plant food, though „ tvt-.. ^ , . . , ^ , ' . & How Nitrate large quantities may have been applied in o q,. the form of organic ammoniates and other ,, ,' ., , ° , , , Money, and the crude manures, so that the warm weather ^ finds the crop very backward and a full crop cannot be made. An application of Nitrate of Soda, • the most quickly available form of ammoniate plant food in commercial use as a fertilizer, as soon as the crop shows the fresh green color of new groiuth in the spring, prevents this loss of time and establishes the crop so as to resist drouth and reach and make use of the plant food necessary for the maturity of its stalk and the ripening of its seed. Top-Dressings are also made to advan- tage on fruits and vegetables from wliich the proportion of valuable produce to stalk or vine is so great. With these crops there must be no check in the regular growth of the plants, and Nitrate of Soda alone insures this. With other forms of ammoniate plant food, rains or cool weather interfere with jj ,. the regular supply of Nitrate, by checking . . . , o. r 1 • 1-1 1 Ammoniates are, the action or the organisms which cause the r -^ .. Nitration of crude ammoniate substances. Tr,-. , , ', rj^ , . , , ... Nitrated, and 1 op-dressings are also used on very rolling o, c lands, in which case the hill tops show ,, p lighter colored foliage in prolonged periods of dry weather, and light applications of Nitrate of Soda are found to be profitable. Food for On heavy clay soils, spring working is impracticable, Pla^ as it results in puddling the top soil. In this case fertilizers 104 cannot be worked into the soil even for spring planting, and Nitrate of Soda is used in the form of a top-dressing spread broadcast; Phosphoric Acid and Potash are usually applied in the fall for such soils. TT X 'p In top-dressing soils, it is very impor- j. tant to secure an even application over the whole area. As the ordinary application per acre is about 100 pounds, it is difficult to get an even distribution unless the bulk of the material is increased. The best method of doing this is to crush the Nitrate of Soda thoroughly, and mix carefully with about three times its weight of fine dry loam. This mixture should be made immediately before using, though the Nitrate may be crushed at any time if mixed at once with an equal bulk of fine, clean sand and tightly packed in bags. In the latter case, just before using, mix with an equal weight of dry loam. Where top-dressings are made with a machine, it is necessary that the mixture be dry, so that the feeders will not clog. Top-Dressing Experiments. ■0 IX r The official Agricultural Experiment Sta- ■j^.. . tions have made many experiments to ■jyj p determine the value of top-dressings of Nitrate of Soda, particularly the New Jersey Station. The work of this Station demonstrated the profit value of Nitrate 'top-dressing on various fruits and vegetables. The Rhode Island Experiment Station made (see Bulletin 71) a top-dressing test on grass land and the results also indicated a profitable use of this chemical fertilizer. The experiment was made on three plots, all of which were treated with ample quantities of Phosphoric Acid and Potash. One plot received no Nitrate, one plot a top- dressing of 150 pounds per acre, and the remaining plot a top-dressing of 450 pounds of Nitrate per acre. The seed used was one-quarter red clover, one-quarter redtop,and one- half timothy. The yield in barn-cured hay was as follows: No Nitrate 1.60 tons. 150 lbs. Nitrate 2.24 tons. 450 lbs. Nitrate 3.28 tons. The season was not good hay weather on account of an Food for early and severe drouth, yet the top-dressing of 150 pounds _^^! of Nitrate of Soda per acre increased the crop of hay 40 per ^°5 cent., and the top-dressing of 450 pounds gave an increase of 105 per cent. In summarizing the results the Station reports that in spite of weather so unfavorable that there was practically no second crop, a top-dressing of l^O pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre increased the crop in value $6.g^, at a cost for Nitrate of $J.JO; a top-dressing of ^50 pounds per acre increased the value of the crop $l6.g8 at a cost of $g.go. Plant Food Needs of Crops. The chemical analysis of plants shows what CroDs the actual amounts of ammonia, potash and Xake out of phosphoric acid they contain, and is a g ., fairly good guide for the composition of fertilizers. The value of plant food, so called, is not solely through its use as simple food, but at the same time there is a fair degree of uniformity in the fertilizer needs of plants as shown by their chemical analysis. At least it is the only practical method of comparison we have. In an examination of the fertilizer requirements of plants by studying their analysis, we must keep in mind the fact that the whole plant must be considered — not only the grain, straw, etc., but also the stubble and roots. While it is true the stubble and roots remain in the soil, there is invariably a considerable loss in the process of transforming crude fertilizing substances into available forms. The Storrs Experiment Station of 'Connecticut reported on an experiment with timothy hay, with results as follows: Yield per acre. Ammonia (Nitrogen). Potash. Hay S^Q^o lbs. 39.0 lbs. 51 .5 lbs. Stubble and roots.. 8,223 " 90.1 " 55.8 " Phos. 25' Acid. 9 lbs. ,2 " Total 12,203 lbs. 129. 1 lbs. • 107.3 'bs. 39.1 lbs. The quantities of plant food actually Eauivalent contained in the crop, computed to the best Ouantitv of known fertilizer materials, are represented Nitrate Food by 807 pounds of Nitrate of Soda, 215 pounds of muriate of potash, and 280 pounds of acid- Food for phosphate. This illustration is interesting as showing the • P^^°^^ really heavy consumption of plant food by ordinary farm i°6 crops. While the yield in this case is a large one, it is precisely such yields all farmers are striving for. It is probably true that an acre application of 800 pounds of Nitrate of Soda would not give a profitable return with this crop; but such crops actually make use of soil Nitrogen and the roughage of the farm, and to do this most effectively, top-dressings of Nitrate are advised to "start the crop off" in the spring. In actual farming operations, the greater part of the timothy crop will be returned to the soil in the form of • farmyard manure, much of which will be applied in the fall. A considerable portion of the ammoniate (Nitrogen) con- tained in this manure will be converted into Nitrate during the fall and winter, and such of this as the plants fail to take up is dissipated by the spring rains and other causes. Consequently, there is a lack of Nitrate Ammoniate in the early spring, when the plants most need it, and this shortage continues until the soil warms and becomes less charged with water, when the organisms of the soil are enabled to convert the vegetable substance containing ammonia into the form suitable for the uses of the plants. Until this action, the plants really starve for Nitrate; a situation instantly relieved by top-dressings of Nitrate of Soda. r» i. -ni A u The following table shows the plant food Part Played by » , r- , N't t PI t necessary to accompany each 100 pounds ^ . . of ammonia (Nitrogen) assimilated by crops figured on a fair yield per acre: P Ammonia(Nitrogen). Potash. Soda. Phos. Acid. '^°P' Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Barley 100 74 — 25 Buckwheat 100 59 — 21 Corn 100 55 — 48 Oats 100 93 — 33 Wheat 100 43 9 34 Onions '100 83 — 42 Potatoes 100 132 2 38 Rye 100 72 — 42 Timothy 100 69 7 26 The figures of the table are based on the complete crop, including stalks, straw, vines, etc. The table shows roughly the proportions which various crops store within their ^"^od for substance of the three elements of plant food; in estimating ^"^^ the composition of a fertilizer for any of these crops, the i°7 table serves as a suggestion. Suggestions for Top-Dressing Crops. It must be understood that fertilizers do not take the place of tillage. However thoroughly a crop may he fertilized, with- out proper preparation of the soil the result must be more or less a failure. In< top-dressing it is very important that the Nitrate of Soda be thoroughly ground, that an even distribu- tion can be made; the fertilizer must go to the plant, not the plant to the fertilizer. The Alfalfa, Cow Pea and Clover Question. This class of plants has the property of taking -g , inert ammonia (Nitrogen) from the air and , transforming it into combinations more or less useful as plant food. This feature is of great value to agriculture, but not so much from the plant food point of view as from the fact that these plants are rich in that kind of food substance commonly called "flesh formers." Liberally fertilized, and not omitting Nitrate in the fertilizer, we have a crop 'containing more Nitrogenous food (protein or flesh formers) than the Nitrogen actually given as fertil- izer could have made by itself. The most common plants of this class are: alfalfa, alsike clover, crimson clover, red clover, Japan clover, cow peas, lupines, Canadian field peas, the vetches, etc. All these forage crops should be sown after clean culture crops. The best method of fertilizing is to apply from 300 to 500 pounds of fertilizer, in the early autumn, and every autumn; in the spring, top-dress with 200 pounds of Nitrate of Soda, and repeat with about 100 pounds after each cutting. It is true that clovers may supply their own ammoniate plant food, but this is an experiment experienced farmers do not often repeat. A fair green crop of clover, for example, removes from the soil some 160 pounds of ammonia, while in 500 pounds of Nitrate of Soda there are less than 100 pounds. Undoubtedly, the ammonia taken from the air is a great aid, but we Food for should not expect too much of it. The method of seeding ^°^^ clovers depends much upon locality and soil needs with i°S reference to previous crops. Crimson clover and Canadian field peas are usually sown in August, after earlier crops have been removed, or even in corn fields. Red clover is commonly sown in the spring on wheat or with oats. Cost of Transportation of Fertilizers. A striking illustration of the difference in the cost of trans- portation by four different ways is given by Representative Brownlow, of Tennessee, in a recent speech before Congress. Mr. Brownlow is the author of the bill asking for national aid to road improvement and in support of the measure he gave the following table which is based on the rnost careful estimates: Cost of Transportation Per Ton. Horse power, 5 miles i^i . 25 Electric power, 25 miles i • 25 Steam cars, 250 miles ; ^ . . . . i . 25 Steamships on the lakes i ,000 miles i . 25 It will be seen that the same amount of money it takes to haul a given amount of produce five miles on a public highway of the United States will pay the freight for 250 miles on a railroad and 1,000 miles on a steamship line on the lakes. This is too great a difference as will be admitted by all, and when we think of the fact that the railroad companies are ever at work repairing and improving their highways while the farmer is apparently so little awake to his own inter- ests in regard to furnishing himself with better roads we wonder why it is. The lesson seems plain and clear and as farmers let us continue to aid the good road movement throughout the country. Nitrate of Soda is essentially a seaboard article; at the present time facilities for supplies at interior points have not been provided. In ordering Nitrate of Soda make the request that in the event of purchasing, that it be sent as "Fertilizer," and that it be marked "For Fertilizing Purposes." It has been the custom of the railroad companies to discriminate heavily against Nitrate of Soda by charging almost prohibitory rates, and it is hoped by correctly designating the material ^oo^^^ or the discrimination will not be practiced. 109 RETABULATION SHOWS THAT: $1.25 Will Haul a Ton — 5 miles on a common road, I2§ to 15 miles on a well-made stone road, 25 miles on a trolley road, 250 miles on a steam railway, 1,000 miles on a steamship. Farm newspapers generally are quite willing to publish wholesale quotations on all those things which the farmer has to sell, and they have not, as a rule, published wholesale quotations on those articles which he has to buy. Among the latter, agricultural chemicals occupy a position of prime importance, not only as to actual effect on farm prosperity, but as to the actual amount of cash which the farmer has to spend, for his produce comes out of the soil and its amount and quality is determined by the character of the chemicals he puts in it. Agricultural journals generally, which profess to be friends of the farmer should make a continued effort in the direction of enhancing his purchasing power, by endeavoring to make him more prosperous. This cannot be done under old conditions of helping to make him, at the outset, pay such a large bonus for agricultural chemicals under one pretext or another. As Nitrate is a powerful plant tonic and energizer, it is NOT a stimulant in any sense of the word; a very small quantity does a very large amount of work. Evenly Top- Dress by broadcasting the Nitrate as soon as the frost leaves the ground in the spring, or as soon as verdure first appears. I never recommend the use of Nitrate of Soda alone, except at the rate of not more than one hundred (100) pounds to the acre, when it may be used without other fertilizers. The phosphatic and potassic manures should usually be applied in connection with Nitrate of Soda at the rate of about two hundred and fifty (250) pounds to the acre of each. A rate of one hundred pounds (100) per acre you will Food for generally find profitable for all crops. It will be found quite satisfactory also in its after-effect in perceptibly sweet- enins: sour land. no t3 Orange Groves. An orange that weighs a pound would sell in New York for a dime. When it takes six to weigh a pound they are worthless. Satisfactory results have been obtained in Florida by fertilizing during the cold season. About two months before the period of growth begins, apply for each full grown tree a mixture of 7 pounds of high-grade super- phosphate and 7 pounds of sulphate of potash, by working it in the soil; after which one pound of Nitrate of Soda may be sown on the surface. In order to accomplish this application economically, it is well to mix the Nitrate with two or three times the quantity of fine, dry soil before applying. The working of the soil must not be so deep or thorough as to start the growth of the tree. An excess of Nitrate is to be avoided, but the amount mentioned is not too much. All other ammoniates on the market must be converted into Nitrate by weathering and the action of the soil bacteria before they can possibly be available for plant food. Nitrate of Soda is a pre-digested ammoniate, and while there is some danger of loss by leaching, this is easily avoided by the use of small and frequent applications. With sulphate of ammonia the danger is much greater, as it must be converted into Nitrate before it is available as food, and during this comparatively long process may all be lost by rains and leaching. Dried blood, cotton-seed meal and all other ammoniates, if .sed in such quantities as to afford an adequate supply of Nitrate, may cause die-back. No disease results from the proper use of Nitrate of Soda. Besides the possible losses indicated, when other ammoniates are used, there is an actual loss of Nitrogen during the process of Nitration, and all ammoniates must undergo Nitration — must be Nitrated before living trees or plants will feed on them. From six weeks to two months after the above appli- in cations Nitrate may be used again as above indicated. If ^°<^^ ^^"^ desirable, two to three months later a further appHcation of one and a half pounds of Nitrate of Soda and potash may be made. In the case of your particular soil, it may well be that it is sufficiently rich in potash, and therefore, may not require a large application of it. In any event, the grower must be governed by the condition of his grove and the general character of soil and climate in his particular locality. . Strawberries. Prof. W. F. Massey (all farmers know him) writes: "I top-dressed an old strawberry bed in its fifth year of bearing with 300 pounds Nitrate of Soda per acre. I had intended ploughing it up the previous summer as it was in an exhausted condition and foul with white clover and sorrel. "The effect was amazing, for this bed of an acre and a quarter, from which I expected almost nothing, gave seven thousand quarts of berries." This plant requires a moist soil, but not one water- jogged at any time of the year. A light clay loam, or a sandy loam, is preferable. There are several methods of cultivation, but the matted row is generally found more profitable than the plan of growing only in hills. While some growers claim that one year's crop is all that should be harvested before ploughing down for potatoes, as a matter of fact the common practice is to keep the bed for at least two harvests. In selecting plants care should be exercised to see that pistillate plants are not kept too much by themselves, or the blossoms will prove barren. The crop is a heavy consumer of plant food, and the soil cannot be made too rich. Farmyard manure should never he used after the plants are set out, as the weed seeds contained therein will give much trouble, especially as the horse hoe is of little use in the beds. Use from 400 to 800 pounds of phosphate, applied broadcast immediately after harvest; in the spring, as soon as the strawberry leaves show the bright, fresh green of new growth, apply broadcast 200 pounds Nitrate of Soda to the acre. Food for 'pabig Showing Prices of Nitrate of Soda Plants on the Ammomate Basis. 112 Figured on Basis of 380 Pounds Ammonia in One Ton of Nitrate of Soda. Price per Cwt. of Nitrate. Price per Ton of Nitrate. Price Ammonia per lb a.s Nitrate. Equivalent Price Ammonia per Ton unit. Equivalent Cost of Nitrogen per lb. $1.85 $37.00 $0,097 $1.95 $0,118 1.90 38.00 0.100 2.00 0.122 1.95 39.00 0.103 2.05 0.125 2.00 40.00 0.105 2.10 0.128 2.05 41.00 0.108 2.16 .0.131 2.10 42.00 0.111 2.21 0.134 2.15 43.00 0.113 2.26 0.137 2.20 44.00 0.116 2.31 0.140 2.25 45.00 0.118 2.37 0.144 2.30 46.00 0.121 2.42 - 0.147 2.35 47.00 0.124 2.47 0.150 2.40 48.00 0.126 2.53 0.153 2.45 49.00 0.129 2.58 0.156 2.50 50.00 0.132 2.63 0.159 2.55 51.00 0.134 2.68 0.162 2.60 52.00 0.137 2.73 0.165 2.65 53.00 0.140 2.78 0.168 2.70 54.00 0.143 2.83 0.173 This table enables one to compare commercial quota- tions on ammoniates with accuracy. The figures themselves are not quotations in any sense of the word, and all the figures of the table refer only to one grade of Nitrate of Soda, namely: that containing 15.65 per cent, of Nitrogen, equivalent to 19.00 per cent, of ammonia. It is prepared merely in order that purchasers may compare the price of Nitrate of Soda which is always quoted by the hundred pounds, with the other ammoniates, which are quoted by the ton unit. In the first column, therefore, are given the prices per hundred weight of Nitrate of Soda; in the second column, the corresponding prices per ton; in the third ^^^^ ^^^ column, the cost of the contained ammonia per pound, a ^°^^ figure which is always discussed, but almost never explained ^^S in Station Bulletins; in the fourth column, the equivalent price of the Ammonia per ton unit, and in the fifth column, gives the corresponding prices of the cost of the Nitrogen per pound, a figure also much discussed, but not explained in Bulletins. The important figures to remember are the price per hundred weight, the price per ton and the equiv- alent price of the ammonia in the Nitrate per ton unit. The table IS prepared to cover fluctuations in price running from one dollar and eighty cents per hundred, to tivo dollars and seventy cents per hundred; or from thirty-six dollars, to fifty- four dollars per ton. From New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 172. The Use of Fertilizers. A Review of the Results of Experiments with Nitrate of Soda. Professor Edward B. Voorhees. The Use of Fertilizers. Great gains have been made in the past few years in our knowledge of the necessity of using, and in the methods of use of, commercial fertilizers. A point of primary impor- tance that has been learned is that their application is neces- sary for the most profitable culture of many of the crops grown, not only in the East and South, but also in sections of the country where it was formerly believed that the natural fertility of the soil would suffice for many genera- tions. Their use has spread from the States of the East and South to those of the Middle and Northwest and Pacific slope — Wisconsin, Colorado, Minnesota and California now use many tons annually. The question as to the need of fertilizer settled, the next in importance is how to use the Food for materials containing the essential plant-food elements in such a manner as to contribute to the best growth and devel- ^^4 opment of the plants under the wide variety of conditions that exist, and thus secure the largest financial return from their application. T...^ 01 u While the three constituents — Nitrogen, ruitrogen Should 1 1 • • 1 1 1 n ^ _, . o • , phosphoric acid and potash — are all essen- Receive Special • 1 1 n i- 1 1 1 .^^ ^. tial, because all are liable to exhaustion. Attention. -.j. . , , 111 iNitrogen is the one that should receive more careful attention than the others, first, because it is the most expensive of the three to supply. Nitrogen is more expen- sive than either phosphoric acid or potash, largely because it costs more to produce it. The great natural deposits of phosphates in America and other countries make the possi- bilities of their exhaustion very remote; besides, the com- parative ease of mining, combined with the facilities with which these phosphates may be converted into superphos- phates, materially reduces the cost of immediately available phosphoric acid. In the case of potash, the vast deposits of Germany furnish unlimited quantities of crude material, which are readily converted into concentrated salts of potash, free from deleterious substances, and which furnish potash in immediately available forms, and, because of their high content of the essential element, the transportation charges • are relatively low per unit of constituent. Nitrogen, on the other hand, is less abundant, and even though fouiid in the form of Nitrate of Soda as a tTatural deposit, the quantity is limited in extent, as compared with the deposits of phosphates and potash salts. The location of the deposits in a barren country makes it more expensive, too, to concentrate and to remove impurities, and even when in its most concentrated commercial form, it is comparatively bulky, as compared with the manufactured poiash salts, thus increasing the cost of transportation per unit of the constituent. Second, because Nitrogen exists in three forms — as organic matter, as ammonia and as Nitrate — and which differ widely in their rate of availability or immediate use- fulness to the plant. The Nitrogen in the first and most common form (organic) generally undergoes a change into a Nitrate before plants can make a large use of it; this change requires a longer or shorter time, according to the character of the material. If, therefore, we desire a large and reason- ably quick use of the constituent when appHed in organic ^^'^^ ^^^ materials, it is necessary, first, to select those likely to change _^^ rapidly, and second, to depend upon favorable weather con- "5 ditions — i.e.y warm and moist — in order that a rapid change into soluble and available forms can take place, and thus permit the plant to obtain its nitrogenous food — that is, it is possible, in the use of these forms, which must undergo a change, to get very meagre returns, though an amount is applied largely exceeding that necessary for the crop, either because the Nitrogen may have been in such combination as to strongly resist decay, or the season may have been such as to render the change, in even high-grade materials, so slow as to prevent the plant from obtaining a sufficient amount to meet its demands. The second, or ammonia, form of Nitro- gen is immediately soluble, and is readily distributed in the soil by means of the soil water; it is then fixed until changed into the Nitrate {orm, which takes place rapidly under average seasonal conditions, though an appreciable time must inter- vene between the date of its application and the time it can be used. In the case of the third form, the Nitrate, no condi- tions modify its availability; it is readily soluble, and imme- diately distributes itself by means of the soil water every- where in the soil, and as it comes in contact with the roots of the plants is at once absorbed by them, and continues to be absorbed until used up, or so long as there is sufficient moisture in the soil to cause activity in the plant itself. The availability of the Nitrogen in the various materials may, therefore, range from practically nil to lOO per cent., making the matter of selection of material exceedingly important. In the third place, because Nitrogen, in this immediately available form, is so readily soluble and so completely carried in the soil water, there is danger of its loss by leaching — that is, while there is no question as to the usefulness of this form of Nitrogen — i.e.. Nitrate — so far as its absorption by the plant is concerned, the best results are not always obtained from its use, because advantage is not taken of its peculiar and valuable characteristics; it is completely soluble in the soil water and distributes itself readily everywhere in the soil, and wherever it comes in contact with the feeding rootlets it is bound to be taken up, hence, when the applications are not properly adjusted, there may be an abnormal and inferior development of plant, because of too large a use of Nitrogen, Food for or, as it forms no fixed compounds in the soil, there may be a ^° ^ loss from leaching into the drains when applied previous to ^^^ the growth of the plant or in too large quantities at the wrong time. In the fourth place, it should receive careful attention, because its right use as a Nitrate — its most available form — permits, not only an economical utilization by the plant, but a control of its growth; it may be used in such a way as to change the natural tendency, and thus improve it for specific uses; thus, in addition to the increase in yield which it may cause, It enhances the market value of the plant. _,, t- • * -J As already pointed out, the mineral ele- Pnospnoric Acid -^ S i i i • • i , p , ments — potash and phosphoric acid — are j..„ , relatively cheap as compared with Nitrogen. ^. In the case of potash, the availability of the different forms in which it is usually ob- tained is not a matter of great importance, since all forms are soluble in water, distribute freely in the soil and are readily absorbed by plants, while in the case of phosphoric acid the soluble and immediately available forms contained in superphosphates may be obtained quite as cheaply as many of the insoluble forms, as animal bone and tankage, which are not so immediately useful; besides, these mineral elements, however soluble when applied, are fixed by the soil, and are thus not liable to rapid loss by leaching. When the farmer applies the "minerals," or materials containing potash or phosphoric acid in their best forms, his initial expenditure is not so great as for an equal amount of Nitrogen; besides, he can depend upon their presence there during the growing season, and also that the plants can make use of the constitu- ents; if the one season's growth of the plant does not use the entire amount supplied, the residues will remain for future crops, though they may be less readily acquired by them. These conditions are quite different from those obtaining when available nitrogenous materials are used, and are the basis of the suggestions frequently made to furnish the soil with an excess of the minerals, but adjust the Nitrogen to the needs of the plant. A very important thing to remember in the application of Nitrogen, however, is that, though it may appear very efficient, it cannot fulfill all the conditions of a complete fertilizer — it is not a complete food in itself; it is only an element of food, and its value as an element is measured ^°°^ ^^^ largely by the content of minerals in the 'pi, -d f —^- soil, with which it must associate and com- „. _ ^^7 bine, in order to fully meet the food needs of I TT 1 AT- • quires an plants. Hence, where JNitrogen m any ^, , ^ j: , , r •^■ ■ Abundance of form IS recommended as a lertilizer, it _,, t. • a -j , , , , 1 ,1 , , , . Pnosphonc Acid should be understood that the phosphoric , -X j. ^ - . , , , r 1 1 and Potash in acid and potash necessary tor the growth , _ „ of the crop must either be supplied with it, or have been previously applied, or should have existed naturally in the soil. On poor soils, therefore, the application of the minerals must be made with the Nitrogen, while in cases where the soil is naturally rich in minerals, if Nitrogen only is added, the crops are largely increased, because, by virtue of the presence of Nitrogen, they are able to gather the phosphoric acid and potash needed from the natural supplies in the soil, previously inaccessible to them, because of the deficiency in Nitrogen. Under such circumstances, it is a commendable practice to use Nitrogen only, as it enables a use of soil constituents, which are of no service while in the soil. The fear that such use of Nitrogen will result in an undue exhaustion of phos- phoric acid and potash, which is sometimes expressed, is not well founded, since, where an increase in crop is caused by the use of Nitrogen only, the amounts of phosphoric acid and potash removed in the crop would not be relatively greater than the amounts removed were some other condition responsible for the increased yield. The chances of recovering, in the form of produce, the minerals used in excess are greater than are the chances of recovering all of the Nitrogen used in excess of the needs of the plants, or even that used in moderate amounts, because of the differences in the fixing power of soils for the different elements when in a condition to feed plants. The Nitrogen, when in its available form, the Nitrate, does not form again any fixed compounds with the soil; hence, if the plant does not take it up, it may be lost by virtue of further changes of form, which results in its loss as a gas. This applies to the Nitrogen in organic and ammonia forms, as well as to the Nitrate. In the use of Nitrogen, the aim should be to feed the plant; in the case of the minerals, excessive quantities may be used, as the accumulations are not liable to escape. Food for ^ T, X In the next place, the best use of Nitrogen Plants The Best Returns ■ , S • • ,• , ' •, • * , , .1. TT r ^^ attained wheji it is applied to soils in pood irom toe U se ot ^^° TVT.. A condition, rather than to poor or worn-out JNitroffen Are • . • . nv.* • A \j^Tv, soils. The soils to which high-grade ferti- vIDCd-lUCQ W X16I1 |- 1*1111 11 A 1' H t r d "zers are applied should possess good ab- > -a n c lbs. 3,580 5,720 7,185 6,400 3,280 2,320 "c5 O iT re c 1; o u 37-6 61.6 50.0 31-4 52.5 96.6 Yield. u be re < -a u re CI u c 1-^ lbs. -lbs. 10,000 3,760 10,000 6,160 14,000 7,000 20,000 6,280 10,000 5,250 8,000 7,728 1) o c ^ re — K, OJ Q 10 9 7 II 64 24 50 42 88 59 It will be observed that the value of the increased crop ranges from ^5.64 to ^11.59 per acre — a profitable increase in every case, as the average cost of the Nitrate did not ex- ceed ^3.60. This profit does not take into consideration the fact that the average increase for all the crops was over 50 per cent., thus reducing, in this proportion, the area required for the production of a definite amount of food — a point of vital importance in the matter of growing forage for soiling purposes. In other words, it is shown that, not only is there a profitable gain, but that with these crops the application of Nitrate of Soda made it possible to double the number of cattle or the number of cows that could be kept on a definite area. In the case of the wheat and rye the application was made when the plants were well started in the spring. In the case of the spring or summer-seeded crops the appHca- ^^^^ ^^^ tions were made after the plants were well started and root _^^_^ — systems well established and ready for the Methods of ^"^^ rapid absorption of food. In raising forage Application, crops the best results, m fact, satisfactory results, can only be obtained when grown under the inten- sive system. The soil must be well prepared and an abundance of all the elements of plant-food supplied. Hence, the application of Nitrate may be greater than is usually recommended for grain crops under the extensive system. Although there are many valuable suggestions offered by the experiments, at least two are of fundamental im- portance, and cannot be too strongly urged upon the atten- tion of farmers: 1. That the constituents Nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash, as found in commercial supplies furnishing these elements, do serve as plant-food, nourishing the plant in the same manner as those in home manures, and should, there- fore, be liberally used, in order to guarantee maximum crops. 2. Of these constituent elements Nitrogen is of especial importance, because it is the one element which, in its natural state, must be changed in form before it can be used by the plants. Hence, its application in an immediately-available form is especially advantageous jor quick-grozving vegetable crops, whose marketable quality is measured by rapid and continuous grozvth, and for those field crops which make their greatest development in spring, before the conditions are favor- able for the change of the Nitrogen in the soil into forms usable by plants. FARMERS' BULLETIN No. 107. Editor: W. H. BEAL. Prepared in the Office of Experiment Stations. A. C. TRUE, Director. Page 7. " Under existing conditions farmers are advised to purchase fertilizer materials and to make their own mixtures rather than to purchase mixed or complete special fertilizers. This course is believed to be advisable for two reasons: First, Food for hecause the 'specials^ are not properly compounded, and second y, ^° ^ because the needed plant food can be thus procured at lower 142 cost.'''"" The continuous use of muriate of potash may so far deplete the soil of Hme that an occasional application of this material may be required in case of such use. The sulphate of potash may be a safer material to use where a growth of clover is desired than the muriate, and therefore it may often be wise to use the sulphate. The high-grade sulphate should be selected. These materials should as a rule be mixed just before use, and applied broadcast (after plowing) and harrowed in just before planting the seed. Where Nitrate of Soda is to be used in quantities in excess of 1^0 pounds per acre, one-half the amount of this salt may be ivithheld until the crop is J or ^ inches high, when it may be evenly scattered near the plants. It is unnecessary to cover this, though it may prove more promptly effective in absence of rain if cultivated in. The quantities recommended are in most cases moderate. On soils of good physical character it will often prove profit- able to use about one and one-half times the amounts given. SUMMARY OF INCREASED YIELDS. From Application of 100 Pounds per Acre of Nitrate of Soda. _,. . T^ . , It should be pointed out that in the Rise in Price of , , . ^ • 1 >t- r n ^ „ T, J .. recorded experiments with JNitrate of Soda Farm Products. ^^ V-> 1 r 1 t 1 i • on Money Crops heretofore published in Experiment Station Reports and Bulletins, farm products were much low^er in price. The prices of agricultural products have risen to a high water mark, and in certain cases the advance has been to extreme figures, and all farm commodities are now higher than they have been for some years. Our statements heretofore published, showing the Tw • f u fif profit resulting from the crop increases JW.arS[lIl Ol "rOnt 1 1 r 'kt- r r' ^ • r ^ °. due to the use of JNitrate of Soda, if re- Greater. J , . 1 r arranged on a basis of present values for crops, would show more profit than before. It should also * U. S. Department Agricultural, Farmers' Bulletin, 65 and 84 (Experiment Station "W ork, II, page 27 ; VII, page 5). . be remarked that the prices of other Ammoniates have ^°°^ ^^^ risen higher than Nitrate of Soda, and it is _,, . ^^1 1 r 11 r II A Other Ammo- ,.^ as heretofore the cheapest or all Ammo- . , ^^. , ^43 , , ^ mates Higher, mates m the market. Economists of authority tell us that the -^ , , , _, , ...^ ,.,... . / -111 Probable Stability cost or living is to remain tor a considerable . _ ,. , , ^ , . , L • L T I 1 of Farm Values, time on the high basis now established, so that it is to be expected that the prices of agricultural products will remain at a high level. In this connection your attention is called to many ex- periments with Fertilizers in which Nitrate ^ , ^ , ^ ^ r c J ■ J 1 L ] • J Good Results Due or boda is said to have been used in order , ...^ , J , , 1 • 1 1 to Nitrate, to produce results to be exploited as due to materials other than this Standard Money Crop Producer. Further, one may add, that when Ni- _, ,^ „,, , , J , -^ r J Result Slight trate is used at the rate or lOO pounds per . J^ I 1 1 . • TT" •!• Auclecl t/Ost per acre, the actual cash increase in l^ertihzer . , ^ ,, J , J Acre and per Ton cost per acre is very small, and when used ,^ .,. r J J . / , of Fertilizer, in mixed goods it cheapens the cost per ton of the Fertilizer. The highest agricultural authorities „„ ,,^., , „ u ui^ujL ri What Nitrate Has have established by carerul expenmenta- ^ r ^ , J r AT- r o J Done for Crops, tion that 100 pounds or INitrate or boda applied to the crops quoted below has produced increased yields as tabulated hereunder: Barley 400 pounds of grain. Corn 280 pounds of grain. Oats 400 pounds of grain. Rye 300 pounds of grain. Wheat 300 pounds of grain. Potatoes 3,600 pounds of tubers. Hay 1,000 pounds, barn-cured. Cotton 500 pounds seed-cotton. Sugar Beets 4,000 pounds of tubers. Beets 4,000 pounds of tubers. Sweet Potatoes 3>900 pounds of tubers. Cabbages 6,100 pounds. Carrots 7,8oo pounds. Onions 1,800 pounds. Turnips 37 per cent. Strawberries 200 quarts. Asparagus lOO bunches. Tomatoes 100 baskets. Celery 30 per cent. Food for It should be remembered that plants take up most of Plants j-j^gjj. Nitrogen during the early period of their growth. 144 It ts now known that there is not as much clanger of if being leached out of the soil by the rains during the growing season as has been generally believed, since the rains seldom reach lower than the bottom of the furrow, and the movement of the soil moisture is up instead of down. Besides, soil moisture is strongly held by good soils by capillary attraction. Nitrate of Soda looks somewhat like common dairy salt, and horses, cows and sheep, if they can get to it, may eat it to an injurious extent. The emptied bags, especially in damp weather, have more or less Nitrate adhering to them. After emptying, it is a good plan to soak in water, which will make an excellent liquid manure, say one empty bag to a barrel of water. // lumpy, the Nitrate should be broken up fine, which is easily done by pounding it on the barn floor with the back of a spade or shovel, or by a hand grinding machine made especially for home mixing, which is now in common use in Europe and beginning to be used in America. If the Nitrate is to be mixed with superphosphate or other fertilizers, put the desired quantity of each in a heap on the floor and turn it over until it is uniformly mixed. Nitrate of Soda, unlike sulphate of ammonia, dried blood and other complete mixed fertilizers, can be mixed with lime or ashes without loss of Nitrogen. FROM BULLETIN No. 67. Maryland Experiment Station on the Culture and Handling of Tobacco in Maryland. H. J. PATTERSON, Director and Chemist. From Page 140. The following materials are well adapted for use in making fertilizers for tobacco: Dissolved South Carolina rock, dissolved bone, dried fish, bone-tankage, cotton-seed meal, Nitrate of Soda, sulphate of ammonia, high grade sulphate of potash, car- bonate of potash and magnesia, and cotton-seed-hull ashes. As a rule, in mixing fertilizers there is not as much Nitro- ^°°^ ^^^ wen and potash used as would be beneficial and profitable. — By the use of crimson clover and cow-peas for adding ^^^ humus to the soils the amount of Nitrogen or ammonia furnished by commercial fertilizer could be either kept low or reduced. Farmers should generally aim to mix their own fertilizers, as by this means they are sure of what goes into the fertilizer, and, as a rule, they get the plant food cheaper than by purchasing it in ready mixed goods. The mixing of fertilizer can he easily and cheaply done on the barn floor, by the aid of a hoe, shovel and coarse sand screen. The following figures give the approxi- _.. __. . mate percentage which each lOO pounds of the various ingredients will represent when they are added to a mixture and the whole made up to a ton or 2,000 pounds. Each 100 pounds of dissolved South Carolina rock represents 7-10 per cent, of phosphoric acid in a ton mixture. Each 100 pounds of standard dried fish or tankage will represent ^ per cent, of ammonia and 4-10 per cent, of total phosphoric acid in a ton mixture. Each 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda will represent about one (i) per cent, of ammonia when made up in a ton mixture. Each 100 pounds of high-grade sulphate of potash will represent about 2^ per cent, of potash when made up into a ton mixture. For illustration, a fertilizer which has been used with good results on the Station farm for tobacco was made up as follows: Dissolved South Carolina rock 1.300 lbs. Tankage (10 per cent.) 400 lbs. Nitrate of Soda 100 lbs. High-grade sulphate of potash 200 lbs. Total, 2,000 lbs. This contained approxmiately : Phosphoric acid (P, O;^) Q to lo per cent. Potash (K, O) 5 " Ammonia 3 Food for Terms Used in Discussing Fertilizers. Plants ^ Y^ Nitrogen may exist in three distinct forms, viz., as Nitrates, as Nitrogenous organic matter, as ammonia salts. Nitrates furnish the most readily available forms of Nitrogen.. The most common is Nitrate of Soda. Nitration, or nitrification, is the process by which soluble Nitrate is formed from the less available and less soluble Nitrogen of drie'd blood, cotton-seed meal, tankage and ammonia salts. It is due to the action of microscopic organisms, and all nitrogenous fertilizers must undergo this process of nitration before plants can use them. Phosphoric Acid, one of the essential fertilizing ingre- dients, is derived from materials called phosphates. It does not exist alone, but in combination, most commonly as phosphate of lime in the form of bones, Peruvian guano and Rock phosphate. Phosphoric acid occurs in fertilizers in two forms — available and insoluble phosphoric acid. Superphosphate. — In natural phosphates the phos- phoric acid is insoluble in water and not available to plants, except in the form of very fine powder. Superphosphate is prepared from these by grinding and treating with sulphuric acid, which makes the phosphoric acid more available. Superphosphates are sometimes called acid-phosphates. Peruvian guano contains much available phosphate when finely ground. Potash, as a constituent of fertilizers, exists in a number of forms, but chiefly as sulphate and muriate. The chief sources of potash are the potash salts, muriate of potash, sulphate of potash. Canada wood ashes and cotton-hull ashes are also sources of potash and also Nitrate of Potash. Ammoniates. Per Cent Lbs. Ammonia Ammonia. Per Ton. Nitrate of Soda 19 . 380 Dried blood 14-5 295 Tankage 13.3 266 Dry fish scrap 10 200 Cotton-seed meal 8.5 1 70 Barnyard manure 0.6 12 Phosphates. Per Cent Phosphoric Acid. Superphosphate 14 Ground bone 22 Bone tankage 12 Thomas slag 16 Barnyard manure 0.32 Potashes. Per Cent Actual Potash. Nitrate of Soda i to 3 Muriate of potash 50 Sulphate of potash 52 Canada wood ashes 6 Cotton-seed hull ashes 25 Waste from gunpowder works 18 Corn cob ashes 23 Maryland marls i .25 Peruvian guano 2.61 Castor pumace 1.5 Tobacco stems 6.5 Barnyard manure 0-43 Sodas. Per Cent Actual Soda. Carbonate of Soda 50 Sulphate of Soda 43 Nitrate of Soda 35 Food for Lbs. Phosphoric Plants Acid Per Ton. ■ 280 ^47 440 240 320 6.40 Lbs. Potash Per Ton. 20 to 60 1,000 1,040 120 400 360 460 25 52.2 30 130 8.6 Lbs. Soda Per Ton. 1,000 860 700 SOUTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. From Bulletin No. 56. /. Comparison of Varieties. II. Quantity of Seed per Acre. III. Experiment with Nitrogen. Wheat. IV. Home Manures. V. Commercial Fertilizers. VI. Tillage. Page 5. If wheat is sown upon land deficient in organic matter, it is wise to use a complete fertilizer, containing Nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. Fertilizers. Food for Plants If wheat shows an unhealthy appearance in early spring, especially upon sandy lands, an application of seventy-five '48 pounds of Nitrate of Soda will prove beneficial provided there is enough phosphoric acid in the soil to co-operate with it to make the grain. Experiment with Nitrogen. „, . To compare effects of Nitrogen from cot- ton-seed meal and Nitrate of Soda and the latter applied with the seed and as a top-dressing. The intention was to use on each plot a constant quan- tity of phosphoric acid and potash as the equivalent of these ingredients in 200 pounds of cotton-seed meal. The first plot received cotton-seed meal alone, yield i 7 ■ 5 bus. The second, phosphoric acid and potash and Nitrate of Soda all applied with the seed, yield ' 20. 8 bus. The third received only phosphoric acid and potash, yield 17.6 bus. The fourth received in addition to phos- phoric acid and potash applied with the seed. Nitrate of Soda as a top-dress, yield 194 bus. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Timely Hints for Farmers, No. 31. PROF. \V. W. SKINNER. A fertilizer of about the composition given below has frequently been advised by the Station for fertilizing orange orchards, and is believed to be in every way suited to the purpose. It should be applied at the rate of from 500 to 1,500 pounds to the acre, according to age of trees and quality of soil, and "plowed in deeply at the edge of the ^^^^ ^^^ branches, about the beginning of the growing season." ^ *^ Formula : Pounds. Bone tankage (lo per cent, ammonia) i,ooo Nitrate of Soda 140 Sulphate of potash 60 Dissolved bone (16 per cent, available phosphoric acid) 800 2.000 PURDUE UNIVERSITY, INDIANA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, LAFAYETTE, IND. C. S. PLUMB, Director. Bulletin No. 84. Growing Lettuce With Chemical Fertilizers. BY PROF. WILLIAM STUART. The subject of lettuce culture with chemical fertilizers was undertaken by the writer some years ago, and has been continued. Page 134. It is safe to infer that for any quick I 7 * • r AvaiiaDiiity 01 grozving crops, or where an application of ^. Nitrogen ts desirable in the maturing of a crop, the N itrate of Soda is preferable to dried blood. The results obtained from the several Conclusions experiments enumerated seem to invite the Pertaining to following conclusions: Nitrate of Soda. 1. That in order to study the action of the three essen- tial elements of plant food, Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, a soil must be used that is fairly deficient in plant food. 2. That potash when used m any considerable amount, either alone or in connection with Nitrate of Soda, pro- duced conditions unsuitable to plant growth. 3. When phosphoric acid was used alone or in con- nection with Nitrate of Soda or muriate of potash, even in 149 Food for large amounts, a marked increase in the growth of the Pla^ plants was obtained. 150 4. The muriate of potash proved somewhat superior to the sulphate, the increase in each case being but slight. 5. But little difference seems to obtain in the efficiency of different forms of available phosphoric acid. 6. In each instance chemical fertilizers proved slightly superior to stable manures. 7. The application of liquid fertilizers from below by the sub-watering method proved perfectly feasible and gave satisfactory results. 8. Nitrate of Soda gave quicker returns than did dried bloody and seems best adapted to lettuce culture. 9. The sub-watered plants made a better growth than the surface watered ones. MASSACHUSETTS EXPERIMENT STATION. „ ... , Since i8q2 the Massachusetts Hatch Sta- Fertilizers for • 1 i j • • r „ , ^ tion has been conductmp; series or experi- Garden Crops. ^, -, • '^ 1 r -kt-. . ments to test the relative value of i\ itrate of Soda, sulphate of ammonia, and dried blood, as sources of Nitrogen for different garden crops; and, at the same time, to make a comparison of muriate with sulphate of potash, when used with each of the three Nitrogenous fertilizers for the same class of crops. Dissolved bone-black was applied equally to all plats from the first. These experiments were continued unvaried until 1897. Sulphate of potash in connection with Nitrate of Soda generally gave the best crop; in cases where it did not, it gave one but slightly inferior to the best except in the case of one crop, sweet corn, a plant which makes much of its growth in the latter part of the season. Nitrate of Soda in almost every instance proved the most valuable source of Nitrogen, whether used with muriate or sulphate of potash. Sulphate of ammonia and muriate of potash when used together gave the poorest yield in every instance. Up to 1897, as has been already stated, only chemical fertilizers were used, but in 1898 a change was made in the plan of the experiment. In view of the fact that market gardeners, in whose interest chiefly these experiments were carried out, almost invariably use large quantities of stable ^°°^ ^°^ manure, and employ commercial fertilizers, if at all, simply ^ — to supplement the manure, it was decided to apply equal ^^i amounts of thoroughly mixed stable manure to each plat and to use in addition the same fertilizers as before. Further, in order to have the best data for determining whether the fertilizers should prove in any degree useful, another plat was added to which manure alone was applied. A number of different garden crops were grown, including spinach, lettuce, table beets, tomatoes, and cabbage; and, as a second crop, turnips. Spinach gave by far the best results with „ . , Nitrate of Soda. With sulphate of am- monia it was almost an absolute failure, many plants dying soon after germination and most of the others becoming yellow and sickly. Sulphate of potash gave better returns than the muriate. Similar results were obtained with beets. Most of the plants on the sulphate of ammonia plats became weak and sickly and many died. The results with tomatoes were also in part similar. Sulphate of potash gave better returns than the muriate, and Nitrate of Soda gave the best yield of any of the sources of Nitrogen. This is thought to be due to the fact that the tomato is not set until about the first of June, and makes most of its growth when the season is well advanced. By this time the injurious compounds formed by the sulphate of ammonia have been washed away by rain or destroyed by further chemical changes. The crops that were injured by the sulphate of ammonia — spinach and beets — are sown early and make most of their growth before the season is far advanced. Lettuce yielded better on barnyard manure alone than on the plats to which fertilizers were also applied. The result is in line with results obtained at the New York State Station, where it was found that "after the soil has received a heavy application of stable manure, any further addition of chemical fertilizers is only thrown away." Here, as before, sulphate of ammonia was found to be highly injurious. Cabbage appeared to be somewhat benefited by the addition of fertilizers to barnyard manure. The difference in the effect of the different fertilizers was not very marked. Nitrate of Soda appeared to be the best source of Nitrogen. Food for The plats from which the beets, lettuce and spinach had been harvested were plowed and sowed to turnips without 152 further fertilizing. In this case the crop was decidedly better on the plats which had received fertilizers in addition to manure. MARYLAND AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Bulletin No. 91. Page 44. Table 7. Nitrate of Soda vs. No Nitrate of Soda Applied on Wheat; Wheat Unfertilized in Fall. Plot No. Yield of Grain per Acre, Bushels. 1. Neither fertilizer nor Nitrate of Soda 10.4 2. Nitrate of Soda, with no Other Fertilizer 18. i* Comparison of Nitrate of Soda and Sulphate of Ammonia Both W^ith and W^ithout Lime. As has already been explained, the Nitrate of Soda and Sulphate of Ammonia represent the mineral sources of Nitro- gen commonly found on the market. The Nitrate of Soda is readily soluble in water and is directly available to plants; while the Sulphate of Atumonia, though quite soluble, has to he changed into a nitrate before it can he used by crops. Hence the action of these two materials is not the same on different soils and under varying weather conditions. The Sulphate has been preferred by some because it would act slower and was not so liable to leach from the soil; yet if conditions for nitration were unfavorable, it might not be available to the crop when needed. Again, under some circumstances, Sulphate of Ammonia has been found to be actually harmful to plants. The use of Lime in connection with the Sulphate of Ammonia has been found by Professor Wheeler, of Rhode Island, to be valuable, in many cases, as a correction of its harmful effects and to be necessary for its nitrification. Professor Wheeler has made a very exhaustive study of the use of Lime with these mineral sources of Nitrogen; they agree, in the main, with the results obtained at this Station. ♦Gaiu of 7.8 bushels, or seventy-five per cent. Food for Plants Some Practical Hints Regarding Nitrate. ^53 It is the quickest acting plant food known. It is immediately available for the use of plants as soon as it goes into solution. It does most of its work in one season. More must not be expected of it, as it gives quick returns and large profits when properly applied. It tends to sweeten sour land. When applied broadcast it should be evenly distributed. In applying lOO pounds to an acre, one pound has to be evenly spread over 48 square yards, and this requires care and skill. It is well to mix it with sand, marl, ashes, land plaster or some other finely divided material of about the same weight in order to secure a more even distribution. Where plants are grown in hills or drills it should be applied near the growing plants and thoroughly mixed with the soil. It does not matter whether it is sown in dry or wet weather except that when applied broadcast to crops like cabbage, which have a large leaf surface, it should be done when the leaves are not wet from rain or dew. It does not blow away, and dews are almost sufficient to dissolve it. It is not necessary to wait for rain. It should be sown early in the spring for cereals, just as they are starting to make their first growth; for roots, after they are transplanted or set out. Autumn sowing is generally not advisable except as an extra top-dressing for Danish or winter cabbage just as they are starting to head, which is practiced very profitably by large cabbage growers. It enables the plant to make use of the necessary mineral elements in the soil to the best advantage. There are no unknown conditions that enter in, in refer- ence to the solubility, and hence the availability of Nitrate of Soda. Food for Plants 154 The Use of Nitrogenous Fertilizers on Vegetables. . Kale. An application of 50 pounds of Nitrate of Soda and 100 pounds of Dried Fish per acre, in May, increased the growth 30 per cent. Lettuce. An application in March at the rate of 250 pounds of Nitrate of Soda and 750 pounds of Dried Fish per acre, to Lettuce, in cold frames, made the crop ready to market one week sooner and increased the yield five pounds per sash or 12,000 pounds per acre; which at two cents per head would have a value of ^240 per acre. Potatoes. Several experiments have been tried on the use of Nitrate of Soda as a top-dressing for early potatoes. This was applied at the rate of 100 pounds per acre, after the potatoes were up and started to growing. One year this treatment increased the yield of merchantable potatoes 100 bushels per acre, and the average of several years was 20 per cent, increase. Tomatoes. Some of the early work of this Station was with fertilizers for tomatoes. The results in detail are given in Bulletin No. 91, but it showed that Nitrate of Soda was particularly active with this crop and produced a larger increase than any other single ingredient. An application of 160 pounds per acre caused an increase of as much as five tons of tomatoes. There has been much valuable work conducted upon the use of Nitrogenous Fertilizers with various crops, and par- ticularly vegetables. This work has proven that this plant food is a potent factor in increasing the yields and improving the quality. With regard to the matter of fertiHzing cantaloupes, con- ^°°^ ^^^ tinuous and rapid growth is essential to earliness and a good ^°^^ crop, and Nitrate of Soda under the proper r 4- i ^^^ itions and with proper care, will yield such results. A dressing of Nitrate of Soda alongside the rows in cultivating, in addition to the general fertilizer used, has been most successful. A general fertilizer may be made up as follows: Dried Blood or Cotton-Seed Meal 400 lbs. Superphosphate (14 per cent.) or Peruvian guano 600 lbs. Sulphate of potash 200 lbs. The points to be observed in the use of ^ , ^ . . TVT. re J A -J J General Points as Nitrate of boda are: Avoid an excess, and ,,,,,,, • J irr -1 1- r to Method of avoid wetting the foliage with solutions of . .. . it, and do not sprinkle the wet foliage with dry Nitrate, and in general Nitrate must not be allowed to come in contact with the stems or leaves of plants. Nitrate of Soda is a nitrated ammoniate, and is immediately available as plant food. The general fertilizer above suggested may be applied at the rate of 1,200 pounds to the acre, and subse- quent applications of Nitrate of Soda may be made at the rate of 100 pounds to the acre, say about two weeks apart, during the growing season, and best by placing the Nitrate well mixed with land plaster or fine dry soil before applying, say one-quarter of an ounce to one-half of an ounce to each hill. There is no Nitrogenous Fertilizer in the market at the present time which sells as low as thirteen cents a pound for the Nitrogen contained in it, which is what Nitrate Nitrogen would cost at the price of ^2.00 per cwt. In looking at quotations Nitrogen in Sulphate of Ammonia costs fifteen or sixteen cents wholesale; and Dried Blood, Tankages and Mixed Fertilizers anywhere from sixteen to twenty cents. Nitrate is, therefore, the cheapest Ammjniate in the market even at its present quoted price of two dollars and twenty-five cents a hundred. The latter price is wholesale and applies only to lots of five tons or more. The prices for all Nitro- genous Fertilizers are likewise wholesale for five to fifteen- ton lots, and smaller amounts cost more. It should be borne in mind that prices for all agricultural crops have risen pro- portionately much higher than Nitrogenous Fertilizers, and especially so as to Nitrate of Soda. Food; for Nitrate for Experiments. ^° ^ As Nitrate is a Powerful Plant Tonic and Energizer tt is NOT a stimulant 156 tn any sense of the word; a very small quantity does a very large amount of work. Broadcast the Nitrate as soon as the frost leaves the ground in the spring. I never recommend the use of Nitrate of Soda alone, except at the rate of not more than one hundred (100) pounds to the acre, when it may be used without other fertilizers. The phosphatic and potassic manures should usually be applied in connection with Nitrate of Soda at the rate of about two hundred and fifty (250) pounds to the acre of each, or if used on the plots (20 ft. by 20 ft.) not more than three pounds of each should be applied thereto. One hundred pounds per acre you will generally find profitable for all crops. It will be found quite satisfactory also in its after effect and in perceptibly sweetening sour land. According to Dr. Wheeler's experiments in Rhode Island soils are less exhausted when complete fertilizers are used with Nitrate than when no Nitrate is used. The Soda always left behind after the Nitrate of Soda is used up conserves always the Lime and Potash, and unlocks the soil Silicates and thereby frees Lime and Magnesia. The Feeding value of Hay is far greater when Nitrate is used as a fertilizer in this con- nection. Rhode Island Formula: Nitrate of Soda 300 lbs. Sulphate of potash 200 lbs. Acid phosphate or its equivalent in Thomas slag 400 lbs. Manures. Dr. Voelcker, F.R.S., made analyses of fresh and rotted farmyard manures. These analyses show a larger percent- age of soluble organic matter in rotted than in fresh manure. The fresh manure contains more carbon and more water, while in the rotted manure the Nitrogen is in more available form for root-absorption. If the process of fermentation has been well managed, both fresh and rotted manures contain the same amounts of Nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. There should be a sufficient amount of litter to absorb and retain the urine and also the ammonia formed in the decomposition of the manure. Leaves, straw, sawdust, moss, etc., to which is added some peat, muck, or fine, dry, loamy earth, mixed with gypsum (land plaster), may be used for litter. The relative value of the ^^°^ *°'" manure is diminished by the use of too much litter, but on the contrary, if insufficient absorbent material is used, too much ^57 moisture prevents fermentation and the consequent chemical changes in the nitrogenous constituents of the manure. The best method for the management of __ ^ , r , 111- Management of farmyard manure is to make and keep it _, \t j , ■' 11 I 11 • Farm- Yard under cover, in sheds, or better still, in __ IVIflTiiirp covered pits from which there can be no loss by drainage. It should also be kept sufficiently moist, and by the addition of charcoal, peat, or vegetable refuse and gypsum the volatilization of ammonia may be reduced to a minimum. Manure so made is worth 50 per cent, more than that thrown into a heap in the barnyard to be leached by the storms of months before being spread upon the land. Where pits cannot be provided the manure pile should rest upon a hard, clay bottom, or on a thick layer of peat or vegetable refuse, which acts as an absorbent and prevents the loss of much liquid manure. The time-honored custom of hauling manure upon the land and of dumping it in small heaps from two to three feet in height, is a wasteful and clumsy practice that should be abandoned by every farmer. A simple and effectual way of disposing _ _ /- , . r ., f ■ ^ r to Farm Sewage ot the night-soil on a rarm is to so construct _. . the closet that the urine will at once drain to a lower level, and there be mixed with an equal quantity of quicklime. The solid excrement should be covered daily with a small quantity of quicklime mixed with a little fine charcoal or peat. Such a receptacle can be made by any farmer at comparatively little cost, and will more than com- pensate for the care it entails by doing away with ill-smelling odors and the disagreeable and often dangerous task of cleaning vaults, besides furnishing a -very rich manurial product for admixture with farm-yard manure or compost. Such receptacle should be made in the form of a shallow drawer or box with an inclined bottom, and should rest upon stout runners like a stone boat or drag, so that, at frequent intervals, it can be drawn by a horse to the manure pile or compost heap. On the bottom of the drawer should be kept a thin layer of quick-lime mixed with peat, wood-pile dirt, or loam. Food for ^s an alkali, soda has no advantage over potash, since the ^^^°^^ decomposing action of the soda is rarely due to its alkalinity. ^58 Potash, if used in the form of wood-ashes, the lime car- bonate of the ashes, will neutralize the acid properties of the peat, and the growth of the Nitrate ferment will thus be greatly promoted. Soda is, in rare instances, needful as a plant food; if needed it would be better economy to use soda ash. In these composts the writer invariably substitutes kainit, or other products of the German mines, for common salt. „ , „ Sawdust, leaves, cornstalks, tan bark, and How to Save n 1 • j r -u ui ^ • ^ all kmds or coarse vegetable materials are more rapidly decomposed by the aid of caustic alkalies than by any other means. Coarse materials, like cornstalks, trimmings from fruit trees, hedges, grape vines, etc., are rich in plant food, and instead of being burned should be composted with potash and lime in separate heaps. More time must be allowed for the decom- position of coarse materials, and they should always be composted in large heaps and kept moist. The process of nitration in the niter-bed, J: l?^ ^°" ^^ the compost heap, or in the soil is precisely Nitration. , ^ -ri, r .• c ^t\. . ■ the same. 1 he formation or JNitrates is due to the continuous life and development of a micro- organism known as the nitric ferment or nitric bacteria, which lives upon the nitrogenous organic matters, ammo- nium compounds, and other things present in the soil. The nitric ferment is a microscopic plant somewhat like the yeast used for leavening bread, and for fermenting malt liquors; and under favorable conditions of temperature and moisture, and in the presence of oxygen is propagated with marvelous rapidity in the soil. One of the results of the life of this minute plant is the formation of Nitrates. Nitration is extremely feeble in winter and at tempera- tures below 40° F. almost entirely ceases. It is most active at about 98° F. to 99° F., and is more rapid in the dark than in bright sunlight. At temperatures above 100° F. the formation of Nitrates rapidly decreases and at 131° F. en- tirely ceases. As w^e have just stated, it has been noticed that the nitric ferment thrives best in the dark, and, hence, one good reason for making compost beds under sheds or in sheltered situations. When so made the conditions for nitrification are more favorable and the beds are protected ^ood for from the leaching action of storms. ^" ^ To ensure rapid nitrification all the food elements required '59 by the nitric ferment must be present. The ash ingredients of plants, phosphates, ammonia, carbonaceous matter, and an excess of oxygen must be present. Peat containing much copperas, coal-tar, gas-lime con- taining sulphites and sulphides, kill the ferment. The Nitrate ferment is developed during the slow^ decay of organic matter in all soils. How to Make Commercial Valuations. First, of unmixed chemicals. Multiply the guaranteed per cent, of ^.^^^^^ ^^ g^^^^ JNitrate or boda by 10.47, which gives the per cent, of Nitrogen; multiply the per cent, of Nitrogen thus obtained by the trade value of Nitrogen in the form of Nitrates (15 cents per pound), then multiply the last result by 20, which gives the value per ton. Example. — A Nitrate of Soda is guaranteed to be 95 per cent, pure; that is, the total impurities in it amount to 5 per cent. : 95 X 16.47 == ^S-^^ P^^ cent, of Nitrogen; 15.64 X ^5 (trade value for 1892) ^ 234 cents, or $2.34, value of Nitro- gen in 100 pounds; $2.34 X 20 zr $46.80, value per ton. Multiply the per cent, of ammonia by c r v, t f .82^'^, and then multiply the result by the , trade value of Nitrogen in ammonia salts, \']\ cents; multiply the result by 20, which gives the value per ton. Example. — A manufacturer guarantees his sulphate of ammonia to contain 22 per cent, of ammonia: 22 X -^235 rz: 18.12 per cent, of Nitrogen; 18.12 X ^l\ ^ 317 cents, or $3.17, the value of Nitrogen in 100 pounds of sulphate of ammonia; $3.17 X 20 z= $63.40, value per ton. Multiply the guaranteed per cent, of sul- c 1 u f * 1 ,- 11 I'll 1 OUlp£ld.t6 Ol phate ot potash by .54; multiply the result p f v, by the trade. value for potash in high-grade sulphate (5 cents) and multiply the last result by 20. Example. — A high-grade sulphate of potash is guaranteed by the manufacturer to contain 45 per cent, of sulphate of potash: 45 X -54 ^= 24.30 per cent, of actual potash; 24.30 Food for ><( 5 rr 122 cents, or ^1.22, the value of actual potash in ^^^°^^ 100 pounds of sulphate; ^i.22 X 20 = $24.40, value per ton. 160 „ . , rr. . 1- Multiply the guaranteed per cent, of ^^"^*7{ ^^'^^^ munate (chloride) by .63; then multiply (C on e). ^^^ result by the trade value for potash in the form of muriate (4^ cents per pound for 1892), and multiply the last result by 20. Example. — A muriate of potash is guaranteed to contain 80 per cent, of muriate (chloride): 80 X -63 = 5040 per cent, of actual potash; 50.40 X 42 cents = 227 cents, or j^2.27,the value of actual potash in 100 pounds of sulphate; ;i52.27 X 20 zz ^45.40, value per ton. Second. How to make a commercial valuation of a fer- tilizer from a guarantee-analysts as given by manufacturers. The statements of guarantee-analysis as used by manu- facturers differ considerably in form, and the amount of each constituent is usually stated as being between two more or less widely varying limits. Thus, we are offered a fer- tilizer which in the guaranteed analysis is stated to contam: Ammonia, from 2 to 3 per cent.; available 'phosphoric acid, 8 to 10 per cent.; insoluble phosphoric acid, 2 to 3 per cent.; and potash, equal to 3 to 5 per cent. In estimating the valuation from such form of statem.ent of analysis the lower numbers should be always used, for the manufacturer is held legally only to the lower figures given in the guarantee. The per cent, of Nitrogen in the guarantee-analysis is most usually given in the form of ammonia, and the per cent, of potash may be given in the form of sulphate or muriate (chloride) of potash. When the per cent, of organic Nitrogen is given multiply the per cent, of Nitrogen by the trade value adopted for organic Nitrogen in mixed fertihzers. But if the Nitrogen is stated in the formof ammonia, multiply the guar- anteed per cent, of ammonia by .8235, which will give the per cent, of actual Nitrogen; then multiply the result by the trade value for organic Nitrogen in mixed fertilizers, which will o^ive the value of the Nitrogen in 100 pounds of fertilizer. Thus, in the fertilizer given above the per cent, of ammonia in the guaranteed analysis is from 2 to 3 per cent. As directed, we take the lower number, 2 per cent.: 2 X -5235 = 1.65 per cent, of Nitrogen; 1.65 X 15 1 cents = 25.58 cents. The per cent, of available phosphoric acid is guaranteed ^^^d for to be from 8 to lo per cent.: 8 X 4i cents = 36 cents. ^^^°*^ insoluble phosphoric acid: 2X2 cents 1= 4 cents. ^^^ The guaranteed per cent, of potash is 3 to 5 per cent. But the statement of analysis does not tell the form in which the potash is present. AH we know is that there is from 3 to 5 per cent, of actual potash contained in the fertilizer, so we will eive ourselves the benefit of the doubt and assume the potash to be in the form of muriate (chloride) : 3 X 4^ cents r= 13^ cents. We now have the value in cents of the Nitrogen, available and insoluble phosphoric acid, and potash. Add these together and the sum is the value in cents of the total fertiliz- ing constituents in 100 pounds of fertilizer. This sum multiplied by 20 gives the value in cents of one ton. Example: — Nitrogen i .65 X 15^ = 25.5 cenrs. Available phosphoric acid. 8 X 7i = 36.0 Insoluble phosphoric acid 2X 2 = 4.0 Potash 3X 4i=_i3J " Total value of 100 pounds 79° cents. 79 X 20 =: 1580 cents, or ^15.80 value per ton. If the potash is given in the form of sulphate we find the equivalent of actual potash by multiplying the per cent, of sulphate by .54 and the result by the trade value, 5^ cents. If the potash is given in the form of muriate (chloride), multiply the per cent, of muriate (chloride) by .63 and the result by the trade value, 4 j cents. Example I. — A manufacturer's guarantee-analysis is 8 to 10 per cent, of potash as sulphate: 8 X -54 ^= 4-32 per cent, of actual potash; 4.32 X 5i cents = 23.7 cents, the trade value of actual potash as sulphate in 100 pounds of fertilizer. Example 2. — ^A manufacturer's guarantee-analysis is 6 to 8 per cent, of potash as muriate (chloriSe): 6 X -63 =^ 3.78 per cent, of actual potash; 3.78 X 4i ^= i7-0 cents, trade value of actual potash as muriate in 100 pounds of fertilizer. Summary of the methods heretofore used in converting one chemical compound into an equivalent of another chemical compound. {a) To change Nitrogen into an equivalent amount of ammonia, multiply the given amount of Nitrogen by 1.214. Food for ^^^ Yo convert ammonia into an equivalent amount of ^" ^ Nitrogen, multiply the given amount of ammonia by .8235. ^^2 (^c) To convert a guaranteed per cent, of Nitrate of Soda to an equivalent of Nitrogen multiply the per cent, of Nitrate of Soda by 16.47. (d) To convert a guaranteed per cent, of sulphate of potash to an equivalent of actual potash multiply the per cent, of sulphate by .54. (e) To convert muriate (chloride) of potash to an equiva- lent amount of actual potash, multiply the per cent, of muri- ate (chloride) by .63. (/) To convert actual potash to an equivalent per cent, of sulphate of potash, multiply the per cent, of actual potash by 1.85. (g) To convert potash to an equivalent per cent, of muri- ate (chloride) of potash, multiply the per cent, of actual potash by 1.585. We now have the data for estimating the commercial values of fertilizers from the guarantee-analyses as usually published by manufacturers. We may in a few moments calculate the comparative commercial values of different trade-brands, and be governed in buying by their actual commercial values and by the requirements of our soil and the crops to be grown. Or, if we have an eye to saving from twenty to thirty per cent, by mixing our own fertilizers dur- ing the idle winter months, when we can usually buy agri- cultural chemicals cheaper than at any other season of the year, we can now proceed intelligently and prepare chemical manures containing just such percentages of Nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, as soil and crop requirements demand. We ascertain the cheapest source of raw materials, esti- mate our wants and buy for cash on guaranteed analyses. Or, better still, by CQ-operating with several other farmers we purchase, at wholesale, sufficient raw materials for our com- bined use. With a few hoes and shovels, a good-sized ash sieve, and an even barn floor we are ready for work. ,-.. . T, We proceed to spread the weighed raw Mixing Raw • 1 • u • 1 1 l a ■jyj , 7 . materials m thm layers on the barn Hoor, building them layer upon layer to a height convenient for easy manipulation; then intimately mix with hoes by working the piles over from the outward edge inward, i63 pass the mixed materials through the sieve, and having ^°°^ ^^^ secured an even admixture, store the finished materials _^i_ away in bags or barrels until needed for use. Examples. — We want a complete high-grade fertilizer for general use, and decide it shall contain from 4 to 5 per cent, of Nitrogen, 8 to 9 per cent, of phosphoric acid, and from 6 to 7 per cent, of potash. In making an approximate estimate of our wants we will take the higher numbers given. Then for one ton we want — Nitrogen 5 per cent. (or 5 pounds in each 100 pounds of fertilizer) X 20 ^ 100 pounds, phos- phoric acid (available) 9 per cent. X 20 =: 180 pounds, and potash 7 per cent. X 20 ^ 140 pounds. The tables of analyses in the appendix have been care- fully consulted before purchasing and our raw materials have been bought upon guaranteed analyses, are of good merchantable quality and are up to the standard of guarantee. We conclude to get our three essential components from a variety of materials and proceed thus: Mater- ial, Lbs. 200 250 100 350 800 200 100 2,000 Nitrate of Soda Sulphate of ammonia.. . . Dried blood Dissolved bone meal Dissolved bone-black. . . . Muriate of potash (chlor- ide) Sulphate of potash (high grade) Total quantities in I ton. Per cent, in I ton Nitro- gen, Lbs. Phosphoric Acid, Lbs. Avail- able. 31-50 51.25 10. 52 9-10 : 47-35 133-60 102 5 37 II 180.95 9.04 Insolu- ble. 1. 91 14.24 2.40 18.55 .92 Total. I. 91 61.59 136.00 Potash, Lbs. 199.50 9-97 104.92 38.60 14352 7-17 Now let us suppose that out of these same materials we wish to make a fertilizer containing from i to 2 per cent, of Nitrogen, 6 to 8 per cent, of phosphoric acid, and from 2 to 3 per cent, of potash. We have four ingredients that supply Nitrogen, namely. Nitrate of Soda, sulphate of ammonia, dried blood, and dissolved bone meal, and they supply it in the three forms of nitric acid, ammonia, and organic Nitrogen. i64 Food for We want from 20 to 40 pounds of Nitrogen, 120 to 160 pounds of phosphoric acid, and from 40 to 60 pounds of potash. In compounding our formula we will take the higher number for Nitrogen (40 pounds), and will take the Nitrogen in about equal proportions; that is, 10 pounds of Nitrogen from each of the four nitrogenous constituents. We begin with Nitrate of Soda, containing 15.75 pounds of Nitrogen in each 100 pounds of the Nitrate. Now, how many pounds of Nitrate of Soda must we have to get 10 pounds of Nitrogen ? It is a very simple calculation; since in 100 pounds there are 15.75 pounds of Nitrogen there must be in i pound of Nitrate of Soda the one-hundredth part of 15.75 pounds, or .1575 pounds of Nitrogen. Hence, we must have about 63^ pounds of Nitrate of Soda.* We make a similar calculation for sulphate of ammonia, as follows: 100 pounds of sulphate of ammonia contain 20.50 per cent, of Nitrogen. Therefore, i pound of sulphate of ammonia contains the one-hundredth part of 20.50, or .2050, and we have .2050 -^ 10,000 = 48.7 pounds, or we simply take 50 pounds of sulphate of ammonia, which con- tain 10.25 pounds of Nitrogen. Like calculations for all the raw materials are made, and, after estimating the required quantities for all the constituents, we have: •i Mater- ial, Lbs. 63i 100 400 515 100 45 i.273i Nitrate of Soda Sulphate of ammonia.. . . Dried blood Dissolved bone meal Dissolved bone-black. . . . Sulphate of potash (high grade) Muriate (chloride) Total quantities in i ton. Per cent, in I ton Nitro- gen, Lbs. 10.00 10.25 10.52 10.40 41.17 2.05 Phosphoric Acid, Lbs Avail- able. 54.12 86.00 1 40 . 1 2 7.00 Insolu- • ble 16.28 1-54 17.82 0.89 Total. 1. 91 70.40 87-54 15985 7-99 Potash, Lbs. 38.60 23.60 62.20 3i» *.i575-^ 10,000 X 63^^ pounds. We have the required percentages of Nitrogen, available Food for phosphoric acid, and potash, but instead of i ton of 2,000 ! pounds we have only 1,273^ pounds of materials. We ^^ may add 721^/ pounds of land plaster, peat, coal ashes, or loam to make up the ton. This formula illustrates the question often raised by farmers: "Why does the sum of the fertilizing constituents in the analysis of a fertilizer amount to so much less than the total weight of the fertilizer, and what is used by the manufacturer to make up the difference.^" We find that when the percentages of Nitrogen, total phosphoric acid, and potash are added together, the sum of thei-r weights range between 16 and 30 per cent, of the total weight, and that in each ton of iertilizer there is from 70 to 84 per cent, of something else. This great difference is not due to dishon- esty on the part of manufacturers or dealers in agricultural chemicals. The essential elements are always combined with other substances which often are of no use whatever to growing crops. Thus, in 100 pounds of Nitrate of Soda we have only 15.75 pounds of Nitrogen and 84.25 pounds of sodium, oxygen, and moisture, and so it is with all other constituents of fertilizers — the greater part of the weight is made up of moisture, dirt, etc. In many States of the Union there is much greater protection against fraud in buying commercial fertilizers than in the purchase of food or clothinor. ... . . . / But commercial fertilizers or raw materials, for mixing, should never be bought except upon guaranteed analyses, and with strict regard to soil requirements and the character of the crop to be fed. In the above formula we might slightly change the per- centages of fertilizing constituents, and probably get a better crop effect by the change. We might drop out the muriate of potash and reduce the sulphate of potash to 50 pounds, and then substitute 821 i pounds of unleached wood ashes for the sulphate and muriate of potash left out. In the wood ashes there will be 45.21 pounds of potash and 15.20 pounds of phosphoric acid. Our formula would then stand: Food for Plants 1 66 Mater- ial, Nitro- gen, Lbs. Phosphoric Acid, Lbs. Potash, Lbs. Lbs Avail- able. Insolu- ble. Total. 63i 100 400 515 50 82I1 Nitrate of Soda ...... Sulphate of ammonia.. . . Dried blood Dissolved bone meal Dissolved bone-black. . . . Sulphate of potash (high grade) Wood-ashes (unleached) 10.00 10.25 10.52 10.40 54.12 86.00 16.28 1-54 1. 91 68.40 87-54 15.20 19.30 45.21 2,000 Total quantities in i ton . Per cent, in I ton 41.17 2.05 140. 12 7.00 17.82 0.89 173-05 8.65 64.51 3-22 The Unit System. In the wholesale fertihzer trade some raw materials are bought and sold on the " uriit system." The unit is i per cent., or 20 pounds per ton. Thus, a lot of dried blood, containing 10.50 per cent, of Nitrogen, equivalent to 12.75 P^'" cent, of ammonia; is said to contain I2f units of ammonia, and, quoted at ^2.50 per unit, a ton will cost: 12I X ^2.50 r^ ^31.87^. A quotation of ^1.50 per unit of available phosphoric acid means ^1.50 for each 20 pounds contained in the material quoted. Illustration. — A manufacturer offers dissolved bone black guaranteed to contain 16 units of available phosphoric acid, at ^0.70 per unit: 16 X ^0.70 = $1 1.20 per ton. Materials Used in Making Commercial or Chemical Manures. Nitrate of Soda or Chili saltpetre occurs in vast deposits in the rainless districts on the West coast of South America, chiefly in Peru, Chili, and Bolivia, from whence it is imported to this country for use in chemical manufacture and in agriculture. As imported into the United States, Nitrate ot Soda usually contains from fifteen to sixteen per Nitrate of Soda or Chili Saltpetre. cent, of Nitrogen. Nitrate of Soda resembles common salt, ^^^^ ^^^ • . . , Plants with which and sodium sulphate it is often adulterated. This salt is at once available as a direct fertilizer, and being "^ very soluble in water is therefore liable to be washed from soils. Whenever practicable its hould be applied as a top- dressing to growing crops, and if possible the dressings should be given in two or three successive rations. Nitrate of Soda is usually applied at the rate of from lOO to 200 pounds per acre on land previously dressed with farm-yard manure. To secure an even distribution, the Nitrate should be previously well mixed with from three to five parts of fine loam or sand. Much has been said and written about Nitrate of Soda exhausting the soil. This is all a mistake and is the out- come of incorrect reasoning. Nitrate of Soda does not exhaust soils. It does promote the development of the leafy parts of plants, and its effects are at once noticeable in the deep, rich green, and vigorous growth of crops. The growth of plants is greatly energized by its use, for the Nitrate in supplying an abundance of nitrogenous food to plants, imparts to them a thrift and vigor which enables their roots to gather in the shortest time the largest amount of other needed foods from a greater surface of surrounding soil. Nitrate of Soda adds nothing of value to the soil but nitric acid. The thirty-seven to forty per cent, of soda which it contains is practically of no use to agricultural plants. In the increased crop contained by its use there must necessarily be more potash and phosphoric acid than would have been contained in a smaller crop on which the Nitrate of Soda had not been used. The increased con- sumption of phosphoric acid and potash is due to the in- crease in the weight of the crop. The office of the Nitrate is to convert the raw materials of the soil into a crop; for we obtain by its use, as Dr. Griffiths has tersely said, "the fullest crop with the greatest amount of profit, with the least damage to the land." On cereals Nitrate of Soda should be used „ ^t j , • 1 • 1 1 II How Used. aloiie or mixed with dry superpnospliate and applied as a top-dressing. On grass lands it may be applied as a top-dressing at the rate of 150 to 200 pounds per acre. Food for Some of our most successful onion growers use Nitrate of ^° ^ Soda at the rate of from 500 to 700 pounds per acre, applying ^^^ the Nitrate in three successive top-dressings, the last ration being given when the crop is about half grown. PVom what is known of the fertilizing action of Nitrate of Soda, the following conclusions may be safely drawn, viz. : First. The Nitrate of Soda is, in most cases, a reliable manure for cereals, roots and grasses, increasing the yield over other nitrogenous manures. Second. Many crops grown with Nitrate of Soda mature from one to two weeks earlier than when grown with other nitrogenized manures. Third. The best results are obtained by applying the Nitrate to crops in fractional top-dressings during the active stages of growth. Fourth. Crops grown with Nitrate of Soda generally have a higher feeding value than those grown with other forms of Nitrogen. Fifth. Crops grown with Nitrate of Soda seem to resist the attacks of parasitic organisms better than those grown without its aid. Sixth. Nitrate of Soda does not exhaust the land. Although in the phosphatic guanos the ^ Nitrogen compounds and the potash which they originally contained have been washed out by the rains, much of the phosphoric acid is in a form that can be more readily dissolved by the roots of plants and by the carbonic acid water of the soil than is the case with many of the finely ground rock-derived phosphates. Phos- phatic guanos, when finely powdered, do excellently for moist grass lands and in soils rich in humus, and are also excellent materials for w^orking into composts or manure heaps. But the phosphatic guanos, of which the Jarves, Baker, and Howland Islands are types, are rarely applied directly to the soil. They are chiefly valuable for the phos- phate of lime which they contain, and are used almost altogether in the manufacture of superphosphates. The phosphoric acid of natural phosphates, when finely enough powdered, is somewhat soluble in weak acids, and hence can be readily absorbed by the acid secretions of the roots of plants. This manure is specially recommended for peat, clay, ^°o^ for and sandy soils, also for moorlands and wet meadows. It can be mixed with Nitrate of Soda, but such mixtures ^^9 should only be made just before spreading on the land; this phosphate must not be mixed with sulphate of ammonia, as a part of the ammonia will be liberated and lost. English authorities recommend that basic slag phosphate, when used alone, be applied from six tcf eight weeks earlier than super- phosphate, because of the greater solubility of the super- phosphate; and that the basic phosphate be used in prefer- ence to superphosphate on wet, peaty, and marshy soils on account of its containmg an excess of free lime, w^hich neutralizes the organic acids of the soil. Dr. Paul Wagner recommends four and one-half hundredweight (five hundred and four pounds) of basic slag phosphate per acre for gen- eral crops. Economy in the Purchase of Fertilizers. Home Mixtures. Economy in the purchase of fertilizing materials or of agricultural chemicals depends not only on the price paid per pound or per ton, but also on the relation existing between the price paid and the amounts and forms of the Nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash furnished. To illus- trate, we will assume that two fertilizers, both made from the best class of materials, are offered by a manufacturer at thirty dollars and thirty-five dollars per ton. The first is guaranteed to contain three per cent, of Nitrogen, seven per cent, of available phosphoric acid, and per cent, of potash. The second is guaranteed to contain five per cent. of Nitrogen, ten per cent, of available phosphoric acid, and seven per cent, of potash. We have but to calculate the commercial values of these fertilizers to ascertain their true relation to the prices asked by the manufacturer. By simply multiplying the actual content of Nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash by the trade values for these constituents in mixed feftilizers, we find that there is an actual difference of nearly ^14 in their commercial values, whereas the difference in price made by the manufacturer is only ^5, Food for ]\[o. I has a commercial value of less than ^24, while No. ^"^^ 2 has a commercial value of nearly ^37 per ton; or in No. i 170 we are asked ^1.50 per 100 pounds for a fertilizer worth about $1.16, and in No. 2 we are asked ^1.75 per 100 pounds for a fertilizer worth ^1.85. The fertilizer materials in the higher priced fertilizers are about thirty-three per cent, cheaper than those in the lower priced article. As a general rule the more concentrated the form of fertiliz- ing materials in commercial fertilizers, or the higher the grade of unmixed raw materials purchased by the farmer for home mixing, the greater will be the saving in actual cost. The higher the grade of materials the less will be the expense for freight, mixing, and spreading upon the land. There are these decided advantages about the mixing of materials at home, viz., each raw material can be sepa- rately examined, and if there is any cause for suspecting inferior forms of Nitrogen, phosphoric acid, or potash, samples may be sent to the State Experiment Station for analysis. The detection of error or fraud is more certain and much easier in unmixed raw materials than in mixed fertilizers. Another important advantage of home-mixing is the opportunity afforded the intelligent farmer to adapt the composition of a fertilizer to the special soil require- ments of his land and to the wants of the crop to be grown. And, lastly, home mixtures have, as a rule, proved to be much cheaper than ready-made fertilizers. However, the economy of home-mixing should in every instance be deter- mined by actual calculation. Nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, as we have already seen, are necessary for the complete development of farm crops, and are the constituents most likely to be defi- cient in cultivated soils; different crops have different capac- ities for consuming these plant foods, so that when no increase in crop production follows a rational application of one, two, or all three of these constituents the soil evidently contains them in sufficient stores to develop crops to limita- tions fixed by season and existing climatic conditions. By a careful study of the capacities of different crops for using Nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, we may, within rea- sonable limits, approximate the quantities, which, under average conditions of crop, soil, and season, should be 171 restored to the land to balance the consumption of p-rowing Food for ^ to to Plants crops. Tables exhibiting the average amounts of Nitrogen, phos- phoric acid, and potash found projfitable for different crops are given on pages 163, 164, 172. In using complete fertilizers, or in special crop feeding, it should be borne in mind that lands in a high state of cultivation generally respond to heavy fertilization with much greater immediate profit than those of ordinary fertility. Home-Mixing. The following formulas, together with the analyses and valuations, are taken from the Twelfth Annual Report of the New Jersey State Agricultural Experiment Station for 1891. They prove most conclusively that farmers can make even mixtures of raw materials which in mechanical condi- tion compare favorably with the best manufactured brands of complete fertilizers, and that the cost of mixing by the m"anufacturers may be saved without increasing the cost of farm labor. The results also show that in this particular instance there was a total difference of thirty-one per cent, in cost in favor of home-made mixtures. "In making these mixtures two important points were taken into consideration. First, that the value of a complete fertilizer depends upon the kind and quality of the essential ingredients, Nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash con- tained in it; and second, that the higher the grade of the materials used in making the mixture the less will be the expenses of freight and handling per pound of essential ingredients. "High grade materials were used in the preparation of all of these mixtures, and the different combinations were, as^a rule, adopted after a careful study of the plant-food requirements of the soil for different crops. "Chemical analyses were made of all the materials used in the mixtures: Food for Formulas. ^^^'^^^ For General Crops: 172 Nitrate of Soda 200 lbs. Dried blood 200 " Ground bone 4°° Superphosphate 1,000 Sulphate of potash 200 2,000 lbs. For Potatoes: I. Nitrate of Soda 100 lbs. Dried blood 200 " Ground fish 200 Ground bone 4°° Superphosphate 800 High-grade sulphate of potash 300 2,000 lbs. II. Nitrate of Soda 250 lbs. Tankage 500 Bone-black superphosphate 800 High-grade sulphate of potash 450 2,000 lbs. HI. Nitrate of Soda 250 lbs. Sulphate of ammonia 400 Bone-black superphosphate 800 Double sulphate of potash and magnesia 675 Land plaster 5°° 2,625 "^s- For Peach Trees: Nitrate of Soda 300 lbs. Dissolved bone 400 South Carolina rock superphosphate 700 Muriate of potash 600 2,000 lbs, "The mechanical condition of these mixtures was all that could be desired; they were fine, dry, and in every respect equal to the best brands of mixed fertilizers on the market in the State.'' What Was Shown by the Analyses. "The main objects of the analyses were to determine, first, whether farmers using the ordinary tools and labor of the farm could make even mixtures of the materials used, and, second, whether in the cost of actual plant food home mixing presented any advantages over the usual method of ^^°^ ^^^ buying manufactured fertiHzers. ^°^^ "In the .following table the actual composition of the J73 different mixtures is compared with the calculated composi- tion of a perfect mixture in each case, the analyses of the raw materials and the weights used in the formulas serving as a basis for the calculation. The estimated commercial value of the mixture is also compared with the estimated value of an even mixture of the materials used. Table of Analyses and Guarantees. Valuation oi Total Total Phos- Potash. AT Station's NiTROGKN. phoric Acid. Price. o -d 0 •6 0 — ■ 6 ■6 .3 6 ij (- 3 0 I- V c: 0 Z c: 5 \j A ii« < 3 0 & 5 fe 5 CI ■3 u. —003 S s 3960 4 01 4.01 '3-34 1369 +0.35 5-43 5-40 ?35 70 $3634 4002 4-43 4.21 — 0 22 10.69 11-45 +076 7.65 696 —0.69 33 92 37.10 3986 5 12- 4.92 — 0 20 7 00 7.20 +0.20 11.16 11.29 +0 13 4003 40.16 3978 3 55 3S7 +0..-Z2 950 Q-57 +0.07 11.25 11.79 +0-54 39- '9 36 18 4246 4 59 452 — 0 07 4-73 5"4 +0.31 6.S6 7.22 +0.36 32.49 30.92 "The plus, -j-, and minus, — , signs in the difference column, indicate the percentage more or less found by analyses than was guaranteed. "There is a very close agreement between the calculated and actual composition of these mixtures; the widest varia- tion is 0.32 per cent, for Nitrogen, 0.76 per cent, for phosphoric acid, and 0.69 per cent, for potash. In home-made mixtures the value of exactness in composition depends very largely upon the value of the relative proportions of the plant food applied to the soil for the different crops. A pound per acre, more or less, of either Nitrogen, phosphoric acid, or potash would probably not be observed in the results secured from their use. Taking the widest variation in the above mixture it would require 313 pounds to make a difference of one pound in the Nitrogen, 133 pounds in the phosphoric acid, and 145 pounds in the potash. The mixtures do con- tain practically the amount and proportion of plant food that they were intended to furnish, and, therefore, show that farmers are able to make even mixtures of such raiu tnaterials as the market affords. Food for Plants 174 "A comparison of the commercial value per ton of the materials used with that of an actual mixture also confirms the results of analyses, the average difference .between the two values being but thirteen cents per ton. This is a severe test, since in three cases out of the five the three forms of the expensive element Nitrogen were used, each of which has a different commercial value, and also because in three mix- tures ground bone or tankage was used, materials which in themselves are valued in a different manner than when they are used in a mixed fertilizer. Valuation. " In Nos. 3960 and 4002 the cost of raw materials included freight charges to point of consumption; in the others the average cost of freight was $1.00 per ton. The cost of mix- ing was variously estimated, ranging from 50 cents to $1.50 per ton. In the table showing cost and value of the mixtures ^i.oo per ton has been assumed as the average cost of mixine. Station Number. Cost per ton Freight and mixing. o o Total cost per ton. . Station's value Value exceeds cost. . 3960 4002 3985 3978 4246 $29.06 $30 . 60 $36.76 $33.00 ^27.74 1 .00 1 .00 2.00 2.00 2.00 30.06 31.60 38.76 35.00 29.74 ■b"-7o 33 92 40.03 39-19 32-49 5.04 2.32 1.27 4.19 2.75 4207 $30.10 2.00 32.10 33-45 1-35 "The average value per ton of these mixtures is ^2.92, or 8.9 per cent, greater than their cost at point of consump- tion. This sum, while worthy of careful consideration by the farmers, by no means represents the actual saving in the cost of plant food that this method of buying offers over the usual haphazard method of buying on credit from small dealers and without regard to the source of materials used or reliability of the manufacturer. The following results shown by study of the analyses of complete fertilizers, made in 1890, clearly illustrate this point, viz., that the value per ton of the average of over 200 brands of complete fertilizers was $28.37 and the average selling price $34.64, a difference of $6.27 per ton, or a cost of 22.1 per cent, greater than the value; this added to the 8.9 per cent, would make a total difference in favor of home mixtures of 31 per cent.; in other ^^^^ ^°^ words, an amoimt of plant food in a mixture that would cost on the average $100 when bought in the form of raiu materials ^75 and mixed at home would, on the average, cost $IJI when bought in the usual manner in the form of manufactured brands. "The best forms of fertihzing materials are used in the preparation of these formulas, as they will probably be found to be the cheapest in the majority of cases. These are, as a rule, in good mechanical condition, and can be bought direct from the leading dealers or manufacturers, and should in all cases be accompanied by a guaranteed composition. It is important that the materials should be evenly mixed. This can be easily done by forming on the barn floor or other dry and level place, a series of layers of the different materials, and working the heap over from the edge outward, breaking all the lumps in the process; a few turnings will suffice to answer the purpose. Screening is also advisable if suitable apparatus is at hand. It is not claimed that the buying of raw materials and mixing at home is the best and cheapest method of getting fertilizers under all conditions; however, the important points in favor of the system will bear repeat- ing, viz.: "i. That a definite knowledge of the quality of the materials is secured; and "2. That where farmers know what they want, and unite in purchasing car lots, there is a decided saving in the cost of plant food." The elaborate investigations of the New Jersey Experi- ment Station plainly indicate that there is a decided saving in the cost of plant food by buying the unmixed raw materials and mixing them at home. Farmers and farmers' clubs should give the method a practical trial. They will have tiie ready co-operation of their State experiment stations in so far as it may be neces- sary to test by analyses the materials to be used. A matter of paramount importance in purchasing raw materials for home mixture is to take advantage of market fluctuations in laying in a season's supply. Marked variations in cost occur, and a saving of from 10 to 20 per cent, is often the result of buying early in the year before the spring work has fully begun, and there is no better time for mixing than during the idle winter months. 1-6 Food for Two Good Home Mixtures. Plants I. Mixture for General Use. (Connecticut Experiment Station.) Dissolved bone-black 834 lbs. Tankage 666 Sulphate of ammonia 208 Muriate of potash 2g2 2,000 lbs. II. Mixture for General Use. (Connecticut Experiment Station.) Tankage 450 lbs. Sulphate of ammonia 170 Dissolved bone-black 1,000 Muriate of potash 280 ." Bone (meal) 100 2,000 lbs. "The actual cost in many, if not all, of these cases has been very considerably reduced by special rates which are given where a number of farmers give a cash order for a car lot or more. "The averao-e cost of materials in these home-mixed fertilizers has been thirty-four dollars and twenty-three cents per ton delivered at the purchaser's freight station. Two dollars will fully cover the cost of screehing and mixing. (From a dollar to a dollar and a half is the estimate of those who have done the work.) The average valuation has been thirty-four dollars and eighty-five cents per ton. On the basis of these figures the average difference between cost and valuation has been less than six per cent. In factory-mixed goods it has averaged in round numbers eighteen per cent. "There is no longer any question as to the expediency of home-mixing in many cases. From such raw materials as are in our markets, without the aid of milling machinery, mixtures can be and are annually made on the farm which are uniform in quality, fir^e and dry, and equal in all respects to the best ready made fertilizers." Amounts of Manure Produced by Farm Animals. From Bulletin 27, Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. In the experiment with cows, eighteen Jersey and Holstein grades in milk were kept in their places during the whole twenty-four hours,. Weight of cows, pounds. , Pood consumed, pounds. Water drunk, pounds. . . . Total excretion, pounds. Nitrogen, pounds Phosphoric acid, pounds. Potash, pounds Value of Nitrogen Value of phosphoric acid. Value of potash Total value Eight sen Average Cows for Pel Cow One Day. Per Day. 20,380 I, 132 1,347 ■ 75 876 49 1,452 -5 81 7 35 •41 5 01 .28 7 40 •41 $1 10 ;^o.o6 35 .02 33 .02 I 78 .10 Composition of the mixed excrement: Nitrogen 51 per cent. Phosphoric acid 35 Potash 51 Value per ton $2 . 46 A few days later a second trial was made with four of the same cows and the solid and liquid excrement carefully collected and analyzed separately. The conditions of food, water, etc., were' almost identical. „. ^^ • , c j t- • ■ ' ' I'lrst 1 rial, becond 1 rial. Average weight 1,132 1,178 Average food eaten 75 76 Average water drunk Average total excrement voided. 49 81 40 82 The four animals yielded in twenty-four hours 255 pounds of solid and 72.25 pounds of liquid excrement, which had the following composition: soiid, Liquid, Mixed, Per Cent. Nitrogen • 26 Phosphoric acid 28 Potash 20 Value per ton ;^2 . 08 Per Cent Per Cent. 1.32 ■49 .... .22 I .00 •38 177 and the manure carefully collected as it was excreted, and a ^o°<^ ^^^ sufficient quantity of bedding and absorbents of known com- ^ position and weight were used to make the collection complete. The COWS' consumed 114 pounds of hay, 893 pounds of ensilage, 186 pounds of beets, and 154 pounds of a mixture of 12 parts wheat bran, 9 parts cotton-seed meal, 3 parts corn meal, and i part malt sprouts. ' The other details of the experiment are shown in the table: Food for 'pi^g averajre of the two trials shows that well-fed cows, yielding milk heavily, may be counted upon to return nearly 178 ten cents' worth of valuable fertilizing materials per day, and the last trial shows that the liquid excrement is of equal value with the solid. The determination of the amount of excre- ment was made by carefully collecting the manure made by the ten horses in the University barn during the time. they were in the stable, for a period of eleven days, including one Sunday. During this time the bedding used was also weighed and separately analyzed. The horses were mostly grade draft horses of about 1,400 pounds weight, doing heavy work and liberally fed on oats and hay. Dur- ing the eleven days of the experiment 3,461 pounds of clear excrement of the following percentage composition was voided: Nitrogen 47 per cent. Phosphoric acid 39 " Potash 94 " Value per ton ^2.79 The amount and value of the fertilizing materials would, therefore, be: 10 Horses for Average per Jl Days. Horse per Day. Nitrogen, pounds 16.27 • ^5 Phosphoric acid, pounds 13-50 ■^- Potash, pounds 32-53 - 30 Nitrogen, value ^2 . 44 $0.02 Phosphoric acid, value 81 .01 Potash, value i .46 .01 Total i^4-7i -043 The horses, therefore, returned in the manure during the time that they were in the stable rather more than four cents each per day, in about thirty-two pounds of excrement. _ For this trial, tight galvanized iron pans, covering the whole surface of the pen, were used; the sheep were kept continuously upon them, and enough weighed straw bedding of known composition was used to keep them dry and clean. The sheep were grade Shropshires, of medium size, and were fed on grain, beets, and hay. • The experiment lasted for thirty-three and two- thirds days with three sheep, during which time 923 pounds of clear excrement of the following percentage composition ^oo So-S.s% . J70^5%- Calcined manure salt, high grade • Calcined manure salt, low grade 21-3 50-4 2.0 15 S II. 8 24.7 II. I 14.0 1.6 1-7 QI.7 8.V.S 72-.'i 44 5 25.6 .2 '3) is (/3 14-5 12. 1 21-5 5-8 11.8 II 0.7 2.7 .^4-0 65.6 .2 2.S, •o a o o 12.4 34.6 21.5 22.4 17.2 26.7 4.0 46.2 5.1 38.2 9-3'34-9 0.4 l.o 0.2 0.4 0.8 22.5 3-1 -I 0.2 0-3 0.6 4.6 6.3 V (fl p. .c >, P-C 3'"' 0.2 1.2 2-5 0.9 7-1 14-5 21.0 12.4 10.3 1-7 1-9 0.8 I 9 3-6 3.6 0.3 0.4 0.9 6.5 0.2 2.9 3 5 0.8 o 5 1-3 1-9 I. 0.2 o 3 12.7 26.1 20.7 8.4 9- 8-3 0.7 2.2 0.6 II. 6 27.2 15.7 II. I 0.2 0.2 0-5 5-3 10.6 52-7 49-9 3 a V o m g -J 01 0.6 I.I 2..1 7.8 12.6 57-9 52-7 46.7 28.1 16.2 .34-9 72-3 30.0 40.6 Some American Rotations. Potatoes. Wheat. Clover. Clover. Wheat, oats or rye. Roots. Wheat. Clover. Clover. Corn, oats or rye. I. Potatoes. 2. Wheat. 3- Grass, timothy and clover 4- Grass, timothy and clover 5- Corn. I. Roots. 2. Wheat. 3- Clover. 4- Clover. 5- Wheat. 6. Oats. Of General Interest. How to Copyright a Book, Map, Chart, Etc. Every applicant for a copyright must state distinctly the name and resi- dence of the claimant, and whether the right is claimed as author, designer or proprietor. No affidavit or formal application is required. A printed copy of the title of the book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, or photograph, or a description of the painting, draw- ing, chromo, statue, statuary, or model or design for a work of fine arts, for which copyright is desired, must be sent by mail or otherwise, prepaid, addressed "Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C." This must be done before publication of the book or other article. A fee of 50 cents, for record- ing the title of each book or other article, must be inclosed with the title as above, and 50 cents in addition (or one dollar in all) for each certificate of copyright under seal of the Librarian of Congress, which will be transmitted by return mail. Within ten days after publication of each book or other article, two complete copies must be sent prepaid, to perfect the copyright, with the address, "Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C." Without the deposit of copies above required, the copyright is void, and a penalty of $25 is incurred. No copyright is valid unless notice is given by inserting in every copy published, " Entered according to act of Congress, in the year , by , in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington"; 191 Rotation on Crops. ^"^'^ ^""^ ^ Plants In the changed conditions of agriculture elaborate systems of crop rotation are no longer itecessary. With the help of chemical manures and the judicious use of renovating crops farmers are no longer subject to rigid rule, but may adapt rotations to the varying demands of local market conditions. 192 Food for or, at the option of the person entering the copyright, the words, "Copyright Plants iQ — ^ by ." The law imposes a penalty of ^lOO upon any person who has not obtained copyright who shall insert the notice, " Entered according to act of Congress," or "Copyright," or words of the same import, in or upon any book or other article. Each copyright secures the exclusive right of publishing the book or article copyrighted for the term of twenty-eight years. Six months before the end of that time, the author or designer, or his widow or children, may secure a renewal for the further term of fourteen years, mak- ing forty-two years in all. Any copyright is assignable in law by any instru- ment of writing, but such assignment must be recorded in the office of the Librarian of Congress within sixty days from its date. The fee for this record and certificate is one dollar. A copy of the record (or duplicate certificate) of any copyright entry will be furnished, under seal, at the rate of 50 cents. Copyrights cannot be granted upon trade-marks, nor upon labels intended to be used with any article of manufacture. If protection for such prints or labels is desired, application must be made to the Patent Office, where they are registered at a fee of $6 for labels and $25 for trade-marks. An American author, who is within the British dominions at the time of the first publishing of his book, and who publishes it there, is entitled to the protection of their copyright laws. Centenarians. The most remarkable were: The Countess of Desmond, killed by falling from a cherry-tree, in her 146th year. Thomas Parr, died after a dinner party, in his I52d year. Cardinal de Salis, who recommended daily exercise in all weathers, aged 1 10 years. John Riva, of Venice, who chewed citron bark daily, died at the age of 116 years, leaving a son of 14 years. Besides the foregoing, Mrs. Ann Butler died at Portsmouth, England, January, 1883, at the age of 103 years. Mrs. Betty Lloyd died at Ruabon, Wales, in March, 1883, in her 107th year, her funeral being attended by two of her children, aged over 80 years. What Machinery Accomplishes. 1. A sewing-machine does the work of 12 women. The United States export 100,000 of these machines yearly. 2. A Boston "bootmaker" will enable a workman to make 300 pairs of boots daily. In 1880 there were 3,100 of these machines in various coun- tries, turning out 150 million pairs of boots yearly. 3. Glenn's California reaper will cut, thresh, winnow and put in bags the wheat of 60 acres in 24 hours. 4. The Hercules ditcher, Michigan, removes 750 cubic yards, or 700 tons of clay per hour. 5. The Darlington borer enables one man to do the work of seven in making a tunnel, and reduces the cost to one-third of work done by hand; it also permits a week's work to be done in two days. Average Annual Rainfall Place. Inches. Neah Bay, Wash 123 Sitka, Alaska 83 Ft. Haskins, Oregon 66 Mt. Vernon, Alabama 66 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 60 Meadow Valley, California 57 Ft. Tonson, Indian Ter 57 Ft. Myers, Florida 56 Washington, Arkansas 54 Huntsville, Alabama 54 Natchez, Mississippi 53 New Orleans, Louisiana 51 Savannah, Georgia 48 Springdale, Kentucky 48 Fortress Monroe, Virginia 47 Memphis, Tennessee 45 Newark, New Jersey 44 Boston, Massachusetts 44 Brunswick, Maine 44 Cincinnati, Ohio 44 New Haven, Connecticut 44 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 44 Charleston, South Carolina 43 New York City, N Y 43 Gaston, North Carolina 43 Richmond, Indiana 43 Marietta, Ohio 4?, St. Louis, Missouri 43 Muscatine, Iowa 42 Baltimore, Marjdand 41 New Bedford, Massachusetts 41 Providence, Rhode Island 41 Ft. Smith, Arkansas 40 in the United States. Place. Inches. Hanover, New Hampshire 40 Ft. Vancouver 38 Cleveland, Ohio 37 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 37 Washington, D. C. 37 White Sulphur Springs, Va 37 Ft. Gibson, Indian Territory 36 Key West, Florida 36 Peoria, Illinois 35 Burlington, Vermont 34 Buffalo, New York 33 Ft. Brown, Texas 33 Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas 31 Detroit, Michigan 30 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 30 Penn Yan, New York 28 Ft. Kearney 25 Ft. Snelling, Minnesota 25 Salt Lake City, Utah 23 Mackinac, Michigan 23 San Francisco, California 21 Dallas, Oregon 21 Sacramento, California 21 Ft. Massachusetts, Colorado 17 Ft Marcy, New Mexico Ter 16 Ft. Randall, Dakota 16 Ft. Defiance, Arizona 14 Ft. Craig, New Mexico Ter 11 San Diego, California 9 Ft Colville, Washington. 9 Ft. Bliss, Texas 9 Ft. Eridger, Utah 6 Ft. Garland, Colorado 6 Food for Plants 193 Number of Years Seeds Retain Their Vitality. Vegetables. Years. Vegetables!. Cucumber 8 to 10 Melon 8 to 10 Pumpkin 8 to 10 Squash 8 to 10 Broccoli 5 to 6 Cauliflower 5 to 6 Artichoke 5 to 6 Endive 5 to 6 Pea 5 to 6 Radish 4 to 5 Beets 3 to 4 Cress 3 to 4 Lettuce 3 to 4 Mustard 3 to 4 Okra 3 to 4 Rhubarb 3 to 4 Spinach 3 to 4 Turnip . 3 to 6 Years. Asparagus 2 to 3 Beans 2 to 3 Carrots 2 to 3 Celery 2 to 3 Corn (on cob) 2 to 3 Leek 2 to 3 Onion 2 to 3 Parsley 2 to 3 Parsnip 2 to 3 Pepper 2 to 3 Tomato 2 to 3 Egg-Plant I to 2 HKKU^^. Anise 3 to 4 Caraway 2 Summer Savory i to 2 Sage 2 to 3 Food for How Deep in the Ground to Plant Corn. Plants The following is the result of an experiment with Indian Corn. That 194 which was planted at the depth of 1 inch, came up in 8)4 days. i^ inch, came up in g}4 days. 2 inches, came up in 10 days. 2% inches, came up in Il^ days. 3 inches, came up in 12 days. 3^ inches, came up in 13 days. 4 inches, came up in 13^ days. The more shallow the seed was covered with earth, the more rapidly the sprout made its appearance, and the stronger afterwards was the stalk. The deeper the seed lay, the longer it remained before it came to the surface. Four inches was too deep for the maize, and must, therefore, be too deep for smaller kernels. Amount of Barbed Wire Required for Fences. Estimated number of pounds of Barbed Wire required to fence space or distances mentioned, with one, two or three lines of wire, based upon each pound of wire measuring one rod (16J feet). I Line. 2 Lines. 3 Lines. I square acre 50% lbs. loi^/^ lbs. 152 lbs. I side of a square acre. . . 127^ lbs. 25^3 lbs. 38 lbs. I square half-acre 36 lbs. 72 lbs. 108 lbs. I square mile 1280 lbs. 2560 lbs. 3840 lbs. I side of a square mile . . 230 lbs. 640 lbs. 960 lbs. I rod in length i lb. 2 lbs. 3 lbs. 100 rods in length 100 lbs. 200 lbs. 300 lbs. 100 feet in length 6yi6lbs. 12% lbs. i8%6 lbs. How Grain will Shrik. Farmers rarely gain by holding on to their grain after it is lit for market, when the shrinkage is taken into account. Wheat, from the time it is threshed, will shrink two quarts to the bushel or six per cent, in six months, in the most favorable circumstances. Hence, it follows that ninety-four cents a bushel for wheat when first threshed in August, is as good, taking into account the shrinkage alone, as one dollar in the following February. Corn shrinks much more from the time it is first husked. One hundred bushels of ears, as they come from the field in November, will be reduced to not far from eighty. So that forty cents a bushel for corn in the ear, as it comes from the field, is as good as fifty in March, shrinkage only being taken into account. In the case of potatoes — taking those that rot and are otherwise lost — together with the shrinkage, there is but little doubt that between October and June, the loss to the owner who holds them is not less than thirty-three per cent. This estimate is taken on the basis of interest at 7 per cent., and takes no account of loss by vermin. One hundred pounds of Indian meal is equal to 76 pounds of wheat, 83 of oats, 90 of rye, iii of barley, 333 of corn stalks. Length of Navigation of the Mississippi River. The length of navigation of the Mississippi River itself for ordinary large steamboats is about 2,161 miles, but small steamers can ascend about 650 miles further. The following are its principal navigable tributaries, with the miles open to navigation: Miles. Minnesota 295 Chippewa 90 Iowa 'So Missouri 2900 Big Horn 50 Allegheny 325 Muskingum 94 Kentucky 105 Wabash 365 Tennessee 270 Osage 302 White 779 Little White 48 Big Hatchie 75 Sunflower 271 Tallahatchie 175 Red 986 Cypress 44 Black 6r Bartholomew 100 Macon 60 Atchafalaya 218 Lafourche 168 The other ten navigable tributaries have less than fifty miles each of naviga- tion. The total miles of navigation of these fifty-five streams is about 16,500 miles, or about two-thirds the distance around the world. The Mississippi and its tributaries may be estimated to possess 15,550 miles navigable to steamboats, and 20,221 miles navigable to barges. Food for Plants 195 Miles. Wisconsin 160 Rock 64 Illinois 350 Yellowstone 474 Ohio 950 Monongahela no Kanawha 94 Green 200 Cumberland 600 Clinch 50 St. Francis 180 Black 147 Arkansas 884 Issaquena 161 Yazoo 228 Big Black 35 Cane 54 Ouachita 384 Bauf 55 Tensas 112 Teche 91 D'Arbonne 50 How to Measure Corn in Crib, Hay in Mow, Etc. This rule will apply to a crib of any size or kind. Two cubic feet of good, sound, dry corn in the ear will make a bushel of shelled corn. To get, then, the quantity of shelled corn in a crib of corn in the ear, measure the length, breadth and height of the crib, inside of the rail; multiply the length by the breadth and the product by the height; then divide the product by two, and you have the number of bushels of shelled corn in the crib. To find the number of bushels of apples, potatoes, etc., in a bin, multiply the length, breadth and thickness together, and this product by 8, and point off one figure in the product for decimals. To find the amount of hay in a mow, allow 512 cubic feet for a ton, and it will come out very generally correct. The Great Canals of the World. The Imperial canal of China is over 1,000 miles long. In the year of 1861 was completed the greatest undertaking of the kind on the European conti- nent, the canal of Languedoc, or the Canal du Midi, to connect the Atlantic Food for with the Mediterranean; its length is 148 miles, it has more than 100 locks, Plants and about 50 aqueducts, and its highest part is no less than 600 feet above jog the sea; it is navigable for vessels of upward of 100 tons. The largest ship canal in Europe is the great North Holland canal, completed in 1825 — 125 feet wide at the water surface, 31 feet wide at the bottom, and has a depth of 20 feet; it extends from Amsterdam to the Helder, 51 miles. 1 he Caledonia canal, in Scotland, has a total length of 60 miles, including 3 lakes. The Suez canal is 88 miles long, of which 66 miles are actual canal. The Erie canal is 350 J miles long; the Ohio canal, Cleveland to Portsmouth, 332; the Miami and Erie, Cincinnati to Toledo, 291; the Wabash and Erie, Evans- ville to the Ohio line, 374. Carrying Capacity of a Freight Car, This Table is for Ten Ton Cars. Whiskey 60 barrels. Lumber 6,000 feet. Salt 70 " Barley 300 bushels. Lime 70 " Wheat 340 Flour 90 " Flax Seed 360 Eggs 130 to 160 " Apples 370 Flour 200 sacks. Corn 400 Wood 6 cords. Potatoes 430 Cattle 18 to 20 head. Oats 6S0 Hogs 50 to 60 " Bran i,oco Sheep 80 to 100 ' ' Butter 20,000 pounds. Rules for Business Farmers. 7 he way to get credit is to be punctual in paying your bills. The way to preserve it is not to use it much. Settle often; have short accounts. Trust no man's appearances — they are deceptive — perhaps assumed, for the purpose of obtaining credit. Beware of gaudy exterior. Rogues usually dress well. The rich are plain men. Trust him, if any, who carries but little on his back. Never trust him who flies into a passion on being dunned; make him pay quickly, if there be any virtue in the law. Be well satisfied before you give a credit that those to whom you give it are safe men to be trusted. Sell your goods at a small advance, and never misrepresent them, for those whom you once deceive will be aware of you the second time. Deal uprightly with all men, and they will repose confidence in you, and soon become your permanent customers. Beware of him who is an office seeker. Men do not usually want an office when they have anything to do. A man's affairs are rather low when he seeks office for support. Trust no stranger. Your goods are better than doubtful charges. What is character worth, if you make it cheap by crediting everybody I Agree beforehand with every man about to do a job, and, if large, put it into writing. If any decline this, quit, or be cheated. Though you want a job ever so much, make all sure at the onset, and in a case at all doubtful, make sure of a guarantee. Be not afraid to ask it; the best test of responsi- bility; for, if offence be taken, you have escaped a loss. Business Laws in Brief. Food for , r , Plants Ignorance oi law excuses none. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. ^97 The law compels no one to do impossibilities. An aereement without consideration is void. Signatures made with lead-pencil are good in law. A receipt for money paid is not legally conclusive. The acts of one partner bind all the others. Contracts made on Sunday cannot be enforced. A contract made with a minor is invalid. A contract made with a lunatic is void. Contracts for advertising in Sunday newspapers are invalid. Each individual in a partnership is responsible for the whole amount of the debts of the firm. Principals are responsible for the acts of their agents. Agents are responsible to their principals for errors. A note given by a minor is void. It is not legally necessary to say on a note "for value received." A note drawn on Sunday is void. A note obtained by fraud, or from a person in a state of intoxication, cannot be collected. If a note be lost or stolen, it does not release the maker; he must pay. The indorser of a note is e.xempt from liability if not served with notice of its dishonor within twenty-four hours of its non-payment. How to Treat Sunstroke. Take the patient at once to a cool and shady place, but don't carry him far to a house or hospital. Loosen the clothes thoroughly about his neck and waist. Lay him down with the head a little raised. Apply wet cloths to the head, and mustard or turpentine to the calves of the legs and the soles of the feet. Give a little weak whiskey and water if he can swallow. Meanwhile, let some one go for the doctor. You cannot safely do more without his advice. Sunstroke is a sudden prostration due to long exposure to great heat, especially when much fatigued or exhausted. It commonly happens from undue exposure to the sun's rays in summer. It begins with pain in the head, or dizziness, quickly followed by loss of consciousness and complete prostration. How to Remove the Smell of Paint from a Room. The smell of paint may be taken away by closing up the room and setting m the centre of it a pan of lighted charcoal, on which have been thrown some juniper berries. Leave this in the room for a day and a night, when the smell of the paint will be gone. This is also effectual in removing the odor of tobacco smoke from the room. 198 Food for Time Required for Digesting Food. Plants Food. How Cooked. h.m. Apples, sour, hard Raw 2.50 Apples, sweet, mellow Raw I-30 Bass, striped Broiled 3.00 Beans, pod Boiled 2 . 30 Beans and green corn Boiled 3-45 Beef Fried 4 ■ 00 Beefsteak Broiled 3.00 Beef, fresh, lean, dry Roasted 3.30 Beef, fresh , lean , rare Roasted 3 . 00 Beets Boiled 3-45 Bread, corn Baked 3.15 Bread, wheat, fresh Baked 1.30 Cabbage Raw 2.30 Cabbage, with vinegar Raw 2.00 Cabbage Boiled 4 • 3° Carrot, orange Boiled 3.13 Catfish Fried 3.30 Cheese, old, strong Raw 3.30 Chicken, full grown Fricasseed 2.45 Codfish, cured dry Boiled 2.00 Custard Baked 2.45 Duck , tame > Roasted 4 ■ o" Duck, wild Roasted 430 Eggs, fresh Raw 2.00 Eggs, fresh Scrambled i .30 Eggs, fresh Roasted 2.15 Eggs, fresh Soft boiled 3.00 Eggs, fresh Hard boiled 3.30 Eggs, fresh Fried 3 . 30 Fowls, domestic Roasted 4.00 Hashed meat and vegetables Warmed 2.30 Lamb, fresh Broiled 2.30 Milk Boiled 2.00 Milk Raw 2.15 Mutton, fresh Broiled 3.00 Oysters, fresh Raw 2 .55 Oysters, fresh Roasted 3.15 Oysters, fresh Stewed 3 . 30 Parsnips Boiled 230 Pork, steak Broiled 3. 15 Pork, fat and lean Roasted 5. 15 Pork, recently salted Stewed 3.00 Pork, recently salted Fried 4- 15 Potatoes, Irish , Baked 2 . 30 Potatoes, Irish Boiled 3.30 Salmon, salted Boiled 4-00 Sausages, fresh Broiled 3 . 20 Soup, bean Boiled 3.00 Soup, chicken Boiled 3.00 Soup, mutton Boiled 3.30 Soup, beef, vegetables Boiled 4.00 Trout, salmon, fresh Boiled 1.30 Turkey, domesticated Roasted 2 . 30 Veal, fresh Boiled 4tif» Veal , fresh Fried 4 . 30 Spirits of Turpentine a Valuable Remedy. This is one of the most valuable articles in a family, and when it has once obtained a foothold in a house, it is really a necessity, and could ill be dispensed with. Its medicinal qualities are very numerous; for burns it is a Food for quick application and gives immediate relief; for blisters on the hands it is of Plants priceless value, searing dov^'n the skin and preventing soreness; for corns on j^^ the toes it is useful, and good for rheumatism and sore throats, and it is the quickest remedy for convulsions or fits. Then it is a sure preventive against moths; by just dropping a trifle in the bottom of drawers, chests and cup- boards, it will render the garments secure from injury during the summer. It will keep ants and bugs from closets and storerooms by putting a few drops in the corners and upon the shelves; it is sure destruction to bedbugs, and will effectually drive them away from their haunts if thoroughly applied to the joints of the bedstead in the spring cleaning time, and injures neither furniture nor clothing. Its pungent odor is retained for a long time, and no family ought to be entirely out of a supply at any time of the year. How to Rent a Farm. In the rental of property, the greater risk is always on the landlord's side. He is putting his property into the possession and care of another, and that other is not infrequently a person of doubtful utility. I hese rules and cautions may well be observed: 1. Trust to no verbal lease. Let it be in writing, signed and sealed. Its stipulations then become commands and can be enforced. Let it be signed in duplicate, so that each party may have an original. 2. Insert such covenants as to repairs, manner of use and in restraint ot waste, as the circumstances call for. As to particular stipulations, examine leases drawn by those who have had long experience in renting farms, and adopt such as meet your case. 3. There should be covenants against assigning and underletting. 4. If the tenant is of doubtful responsibility, make the rent payable in installments. A covenant that the crops shall remain the lessor's till the lessee's contracts with him have been fulfilled, is valid against the lessee's creditors. In the ordinary case of renting farms on shares, the courts will treat the crops as the joint property of lord and tenant, and thus protect the former's rights. 5. Every lease should contain stipulations for forfeiture and re-entry in case of non-payment or breach of any covenants. 6. To prevent a tenant's committing waste, the courts will grant an injunction. 7. Above all, be careful in selecting your tenant. There is more in the man than there is in the bond. Franklin's Words of Wisdom. Want of care does us more damage than want of knowledge. For want of a nail the shoe was lost, and for want of a shoe the horse was lost. For age and want save while you may, no morning sun lasts all the day. Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other. Lying rides upon debt's back; it is hard for an empty bag to stand upright. Food for Creditors have better memories than debtors. Plants Women and wine, game and deceit, make the wealth small and the want 200 great. What maintains one vice would bring up two children. Plough deep while sluggards sleep; and you shall have corn to sell and to keep. Work to-day, for you know not how much you may be hindered to- morrow. Fly pleasure and it will follow you. The diligent spinner has a large shift. Now I have a sheep and a cow, everybody bids me good-morrow. Keep thy shop, and thy shop will keep thee. If you would have your business done, go, if not, send. Who dainties love shall beggars prove. Fools lay out money and buy repentance. Foolish men make feasts, and wise men eat them. He that by the plough would thrive, himself must either hold or drive. The eye of the master will do more work than both his hands. Silks and satins, scarlet and velvets, put out the kitchen fire. Always taking out of the meal tub and never putting in, soon comes to the bottom. Drive thy business, let not that drive thee. Sloth makes all things difficult, industry all easy. Early to bed and early ta rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. If you would know the value of money, try to borrow some. When the well is dry, they know the worth of water. Not to oversee workmen, is to leave them your purse open. If you would have a faithful servant, and one that you like, serve yourself. By diligence and perseverance the mouse ate the cable in two. Diligence is the mother of good luck; and God gives all things to industry. Industry needs not wish, and he that lives upon hope will die fasting. There are no gains without pains; then help hands, for I have no lands. Buy what thou hast no need of, and ere long thou wilt sell thy necessaries. At a great pennyworth pause awhile; many are ruined by buying bargains. Philosophical Facts. The greatest height at which visible clouds ever exist does not exceed ten miles. Air is about eight hundred and fifteen times lighter than water. The pressure of the atmosphere upon every square foot of the earth amounts to two thousand one hundred and sixty pounds. An ordinary sized man, supposing his surface to be fourteen square feet, sustains the enormous pressure of thirty thousand, two hundred and forty pounds. The barometer falls one-tenth of an inch for every seventy-eight feet of elevation. The violence of the expansion of water when freezing is sufficient to cleave a globe of copper of such thickness as to require a force of 27,000 pounds, to produce the same effect. During the conversion of ice into water one hundred and forty degrees of Food for heat are absorbed. ^^^°*^ Water, when converted into steam, increases in bulk eighteen hundred 201 times. In one second of time — in one beat of the pendulum of a clock, light travels two hundred thousand miles. Were a cannon ball shot toward the sun, and were it to maintain full speed, it would be twenty years in reaching it — and yet light travels through this space in seven or eight minutes. Strange as it may appear, a ball of a ton weight and another of the same material of an ounce weight, falling from any height will reach the ground at the same time. The heat does not increase as we rise above the earth nearer to the sun but decreases rapidly until, beyond the regions of the atmosphere, in void, it is estimated that the cold is about seventy degrees below zero. The line of perpetual frost at the equator is 15,000 feet altitude; 13,000 feet between the tropics; and g,ooo to 4,000 between the latitudes of forty degrees and forty-nine degrees. At a depth of forty-five feet under ground, the temperature of the earth is uniform throughout the year. In summer time, the season of ripening moves northward at the rate of about ten miles a day. The human ear is so extremely sensitive that it can hear a sound that lasts only the twenty-four thousandth part of a second. Deaf persons have sometimes conversed together through rods of wood held between their teeth, or held to their throat or breast. The ordinary pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the earth is two thousand one hundred and sixty-eight pounds to each square foot, or fifteen pounds to each square inch; equal to thirty perpendicular inches of mercury, or thirty-four and a half feet of water. Sound travels at the rate of one thousand one hundred and forty-two feet per second — about thirteen miles in a minute. So that if we hear a clap of thunder half a minute after the flash, we may calculate that the discharge of electricity is six and a half miles off. Lightning can be seen by reflection at the distance of two hundred miles. The explosive force of closely confined gunpowder is six and a half tons to the square inch. What Housekeepers Should Remember. That cold rain water and soap will remove machine grease from washable fabrics. That fish may be scaled much easier by first dipping them into boiling water for a minute.. That fresh meat beginning to sour, will sweeten if placed out of doors in the cool air over-night. That milk which has changed may be sweetened or rendered fit for use again by stirring in a little soda. That boiling starch is much improved by the addition of sperm or salt, or both, or a little eum arabic dissolved. Food lor That a tablespoonful of turpentine, boiled with your white clothes, will Plants greatly aid the whitening process. ^^^ That kerosene will soften boots and shoes that have been hardened by water, and will render them as pliable as new. That thoroughly wetting the hair once or twice with a solution of salt and water will keep it from falling out. That salt fish are quickest and best freshened bv soaking in sour milk. That one teaspoonful of ammonia to a teacup of water applied with a rag, wijl clean silver or gold jewelry perfectly. That salt will curdle new milk, hence, in preparing porridge, gravies, etc., salt should not be added until the dish is prepared. That paint stains that are dry and old may be removed from cotton or woolen goods with chloroform. It is a good plan to first cover the spot with olive oil or butter. That clear boiling water will remove tea stains; pour the water through the stain and thus prevent its spreading over the fabric. That charcoal is recommended as an absorber of gases in the milk room where foul gases are present. It should be freshly powdered and kept there continually, especially in hot weather, when unwholesome odors are most liable to infect the milk. That by applying kerosene with a rag when you are about to put your stoves away for the summer, will prevent them from rusting. Treat your farming implements in the same way before you lay them aside in the fall. That a teaspoonful of borax put in the last water in which clothes are rinsed, will whiten them surprisingly. Pound the borax so it vvill dissolve easily. This is especially good to remove the yellow that time gives to white garments that have been laid aside for two or three years. That a good agency for keeping the air of the cellar sweet and wholesome is whitewash, made of good white lime and water only. The addition of glue or size, or anything of this class, is only a damage, by furnishing organic matter to speedily putrify. The use of lime in whitewash is not simply to give a white color, but it greatly promotes the complete oxidation of effluvia in the cellar air. Any vapors that contain combined nitrogen in the unoxi- dized form contribute powerfully to the development of disease germs. How to Preserve Eggs. To each pailful of water, add two pints of fresh slacked lime and one pint of common salt; mix well. Fill your barrel half full with this fluid, put your eggs down in it any time after June, and they will keep two years, if desired. Estimating Measures. A pint of water weighs nearly l pound, and is equal to about 27 cubic inches, or a square box 3 inches long, 3 inches wide and 3 inches deep. A quart of water weighs nearly 2 pounds, and is equal to a square box of abouf4 by 4 inches and 3J inches deep. A gallon of water weighs from 8 to 10 pounds, according to the size of the gallon, and is equal to a box 6 by 6 inches square and 6, 7 or 7^ inches deep. 203 A peck is equal to a box 8 by 8 inches square and 8 inches deep. Food for A bushel almost fills a box 12 by 1 2 inches square and 24 inches deep, Plants or 2 cubic feet. A cubic foot of water weighs nearly 64 pounds (more correctly, 62^ pounds), and contains from 7 to 8 gallons, according to the kind of gallons used. A barrel of water almost fills a box 2 by 2 feet square and l^ feet deep, or 6 cubic feet. Petroleum barrels contain 40 gallons, or nearly 5 cubic feet. Number of Nails and Tacks per Pound. Number Per l,b NAILS. Name Size 3 penny, fine i'^ incli 760 na 3 " ■• 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 c6 20 30 40 50 6 8 10 12 fence ^H 2 2'4 2M 3 3/2 4 A% 5 5% 2 3 ^80 300 200 160 128 92 72 60 44 32 24 18 14 12 80 50 34 29 Name. I oz 1/2 2 2^ 3 4 6 8 TO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 TACKS. I^ength. . \4, inch ;'i6 .Hie .1 . I V16 ■ i/s Number Per Lb. 16,000 10,666 8,000 6,400 5.333 4,000 2,666 2,000 1,600 1-333 1,143 1 ,000 888 800 727 666 The Longest and Name. Amazon Nile .. Missouri, to its junction with the Mississippi Missouri, to the sea, forming the longest in the world Mississippi, proper Lena Niger, or Jobila Obe St. Lawrence Madeira Arkansas Volga Rio Grande Danube St. Francisco Columbia Nebraska Greatest Rivers in the World. Miles. Name. Miles. 3,600 Red River 1,200 3,000 Colorado in California 1,100 Yellowstone 1,000 2 ,900 Ohio 950 Rhine 950 4,100 Kansas 900 2,800 Tennessee 800 2,600 Red River of the North 700 2,600 Cumberland 600 2,500 Alabama 600 2,200 Susquehanna 500 2,000 Potomac 500 2,000 James 500 2,000 Connecticut 450 1,800 Delaware 400 1 ,600 Hudson 350 1,300 Kennebec 300 1 ,200 Thames 233 1,200 Food for Plants 204 Number Brick Required to Construct any Building. (Reckoning 7 Brick to Each Superficial Foot.) Superficial Feet of Wall. I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- TO. 20. 30 40. 60. 70. 80. 90. 100. 200. 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. 900. I COO. Number of Bricks to Thickness of 4 inch. 7 15 23 30 38 45 53 60 68 75 150 225 300 375 450 525 600 675 750 1,500 2,250 3,000 3.750 4,500 5.250 6,000 6,750 7.500 8 inch 12 inch 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 300 450 600 750 900 1,050 1,200 1,350 1,500 3,000 4.500 6,000 7,500 9,000 10,500 12,000 13,500 1 5 ,000 23 45 68 90 H3 135 158 180 203 2^5 450 675 900 1,125 1.350 1,575 1,800 2,025 2 250 4,500 6,750 9,000 11,250 13.500 15,750 18,000 20,250 22,500 16 inch 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 600 900 1.200 1,500 1,800 2,100 2,400 2,700 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 i5,coo 18,000 21,000 24,000 27,000 30,000 20 inch. 38 75 113 150 1 83 225 263 300 338 375 750 1,125 1,500 1,875 2,250 2,625 3,000 3.375 3,750 7,500 11,250 15,000 18,750 22,500 26,250 30,000 33,750 37,500 24 inch. 45 90 135 180 225 270 3'5 360 405 450 900 1,350 1,800 2,250 2,700 3,150 3,600 4.050 4,500 9 000 13500 18,000 22,500 27,000 31.500 36,000 40,500 45,000 Facts for Builders. One thousand shingles, laid 4 inches to the weather, will cover 100 square feet of surface, and 5 pounds of shingle nails will fasten them on. One-fifth more siding and flooring is needed than the number of square feet of surface to be covered, because of the lap in the siding and matching. One thousand laths will cover 70 yards of surface, and II pounds of lath nails will nail them on. Eight bushels of good lime, 16 bushels of sand, and one bushel of hair, will make enough good mortar to plaster lOO square yards. A cord of stone, 3 bushels of lime and a cubic yard of sand, will lay 100 cubic feet of wall. Five courses of brick will lay one foot in height on a chimney; 16 bricks in a course will make a flue 4 inches wide and 12 inches long, and 8 bricks in a course will make a flue 8 inches wide and 16 inches long. Cement i bushel and sand 2 bushels will cover 3^ square yards one inch thick, 4.^ square yards f inch thick, and 6f square yards ^ inch thick. One bush, cement and i of sand will cover 2^ square yards i inch thick, 3 square yards J inch thick, and 4^ square yards, ^ inch thick. Weight of a Cubic Foot of Article. Pounds. Alcohol 49 Ash wood 53 Bay wood 5^ Brass, gun metal 543 Blood 66 Brick, common io2 Cork IS Cedar 35 Copper, cast . 547 Clay J20 Coal, Lehigh 56 Coal, Lackawanna 50 Cider 64 Chestnut 3^ Earth, loose 94 Glass, window 165 Gold 1,203% Hickory, shell bark 43 Hay, bale 9 Hay, pressed 25 Honey 90 Iron, cast 45° Iron, plates 4^^ Iron, wrought bars 486 Ice _ 57'A Lignum Vitas wood 83 Logwood 57 Lead, cast 709 Earth, Stone, Metal, Etc. Food for Article. Pounds. "lantS Milk 64 Maple 47 ^ Mortar iio Mud 102 Marble, Vermont 165 Mahogany 66 Oak, Canadian 54 Oak, live, seasoned 67 Oak, white, dry 54 Oil, linseed 59 Pine, yellow 34 Pine, white 34 Pine, red 37 Pine, well seasoned 30 Silver 625^ Steel, plates 487^ Steel, soft 489 Stone, common, about 158 Sand, wet, about 128 Spruce •. 31 Tin 455 Tar 63 Vinegar 67 Water, salt 64 Water, rain 62 Willow 36 Zinc, cast 428 What a Deed to a Farm in Many States Includes. Every one knows it conveys all the fences standing on the farm, but all might not think it also included the fencing-stuff, posts, rails, etc., which had once been used in the fence, but had been taken down and piled up for future use again in the same place. But new fencing material, just bought, and never attached to the soil, would not pass. So piles of hop poles stored away, if once used on the land and intended to be again so used, have been con- sidered a part of it, but loose boards or scaffold poles merely laid across the beams of the barn, and never fastened to it, would not be, and the seller of the farm might take them away. Standing trees, of course, also pass as part of the land; so do trees blown down or cut down, and still left in the woods where they fell, but not if cut, and corded up for sale; the wood has then become personal property. If there be any manure in the barnyard, or in the compost heap on the field, ready for immediate use, the buyer ordinarily, in the absence of any contrary agreement, takes that also as belonging to the farm, though it might not be so, if the owner had previously sold it to some other party, and had collected it together in a heap by itself, for such an act might be a technical severance from the soil, and so convert real into personal estate; and even a lessee of a farm could not take away the manure made on the place while he was in occupation. Growing crops also pass by the deed of a farm, unless they are expressly reserved; and when it is not intended to convey those, it should be so stated in the deed itself; a mere oral agreement to that effect would not be, in most States, valid in law. Another mode is to stipulate that Food for possession is not to be given until some future day, in which case the crops or Plants manures may be removed before that time. ^^ As to the buildings on the farm, though generally mentioned in the deed, it is not absolutely necessary they should be. A deed of land ordinarily carries all the buildings on it, belonging to the grantor, whether mentioned or not; and this rule includes the lumber and timber of any old building which has been taken down, or blown down, and packed away for future use on farm. Relative Value of Different Foods for Stock. One hundred pounds of good hay for stock are equal to: Articles. Pounds. Beets, white silesia 669 Turnips 469 Rye-Straw 429 Clover, Red, Green 373 Carrots 37 ' Mangolds 368>^ Potatoes, kept in pit 350 Oat-Straw 347 Potatoes 360 Carrot leaves (tops/ 135 Hay, English loo Articles. Pounds. Lucern 89 Clover, red, dry 88 Buckwheat 7^)4 Corn 62^ Oats 59 Barley 58 Rye Wheat 44 >^ Oil-Cake, linseed 4-^ Peas, dry 37"^ Beans 28 53 J^ Weights and Measures for Cooks, Etc. - I pound of Wheat Flour is equal to i quart I pound and 2 ounces of Indian Meal make i quart I pound of Soft Butter is equal to i quart I pound and 2 ounces of Best Brown Sugar make i quart I pound and i ounce of Powdered White Sugar make .... i quart I pound of Broken Loaf Sugar is equal to i quart 4 Large Tablespoonfuls make ^ gill I Common-sized Tumbler holds ^2 pint I Common-sized Wine-glass is equal to ^ gill I Tea-cup holds. i gill I Large Wine-glass holds 2 ounces I Tablespoonful is equal to yi ounce Capacity of Cisterns for Each 10 Inches in Depth. 25 feet 20 feet 15 feet 14 feet 13 feet 12 feet II feet 10 feet 9 feet 8 feet n diameter n diameter n diameter n diameter n diameter n diameter n diameter n diameter n diameter n diameter holds, holds, holds, holds, holds, holds, holds, holds . holds, holds. 3059 1958 IIOI 959 b27 705 592 489 396 3>3 gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons 7 feet in 6h feet in 6 feet in 5 feet in 4J feet in 4 feet in 3 feet in 2i feet in 2 feet in diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter holds. . 239 holds. . 206 holds. . 176 holds. . 12? holds. . 99 holds.. 78 holds. . 44 holds. . 30 holds. . 19 gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons Surveyor's Measure. 7.92 inches i link, 25 links i rod, 4 rods i chain, 10 square chains or 160 square rods i acre, 640 acres i square mile. Sizes of Boxes for Different Measures. Food for Plants A box 24 inches long by 16 inches wide, and 28 inches deep, will contain a barrel, or three bushels. 207 A box 24 inches long by 16 inches wide, and 14 inches deep, will contain half a barrel. A box 16 inches square and 8 2-5 inches deep, will contain one bushel. A box 16 inches by 8 2-5 inches wide, and 8 inches deep, will contain half a bushel. A box 8 inches by 8 2-5 inches square, and 8 inches deep, will contain one peck. A box 8 inches by 8 inches sijuare, and 4 1-5 inches deep, will contain one gallon. A box 7 inches by 4 inches square, and 4 4-5 inches deep, will contain halt a gallon. A box 4 inches by 4 inches square, and 4 1-5 inches deep, will contain one quart. A box 4 feet long, 3 feet 5 inches wide, and 2 feet 8 inches deep, will contain one ton of coal. Strength of Ice of Different Thickness. Two inches thick — Will support a man. Four inches thick — Will support a man on horseback. Five inches thick — Will support an eighty-pounder cannon. Eight inches thick — W ill support a battery ot artillery, with carriages and horses. Ten inches thick — Will support an army; an innurrterable multitude. Amount of Oil in Seeds. Kinds of Seed Per Cent. Oil. Kinds of Seed. Per Cent. Oil. Rapeseed 55 Oats 6%, Sweet Almond 47 Clover hay 5 Turnipseed 45 Wheat bran 4 White mustard 37 Oat straw 4 Bitter almond 37 Meadow hay 3^ Hempseed 19 Wheat straw 3 Linseed 17 Wheat flour 3 Indian corn 7 Barley 2^ Results of Saving Small Amounts of Money. The following shows how easy it is to accumulate a fortune, provided proper steps are taken. 1 he table shows what would be the result at the end of fifty years by saving a certain amount each day and putting it at interest at the rate ot six per cent: Daily Savings. The Result. Daily Savings. The Result. One cent $ 950 Sixty cents .$57,024 Ten cents 9,5'J4 Seventy cents 66,528 Twenty cents 19,006 Eighty cents 76,032 Thirty cents 28,512 Ninety cents ^5,537 Forty cents 38,015 One dollar 95,041 Fifty cents 47, 520 Five Dollars 463,208 Food for Nearly every person wastes enough in twenty or thirty years, which, if ^^^"^^ saved and carefully invested, would make a family quite independent; but 208 the principle of small savings has been lost sight of in the general desire to become wealthy. Savings Bank Compound Interest Table. Showing the Amount of $i, from One Year to Fifteen Years, with Compound Interest Added Semi-Annually, at Different Rates. One year Two years. . . . Three years. . Four years. . . . Five years .... Six years Seven years Eight years . . . Nine years. . . . Ten years .... Eleven years . . Twelve years. . Thirteen years Fourteen years Fifteen years. . Three Per Cent. 03 06 09 12 16 19 23 26 30 34 38 42 47 5' 56 Four Per Cent. $1 04 I 08 I 12 I 17 I 21 I 26 I 31 I 37 I 42 r 48 I 54 I 6n I 67 I 73 ■I So Five Per Cent. $1 05 I 10 1 i.S I 21 I 28 I 34 4' 48 55 63 I 72 X 80 I 90 1 99 2 09 Time at which Money Doubles at Interest. Rate. Simple Compound Interest. Two per cent 50 years 35 years, i day Two and one-half per cent 40 years 28 years, 26 days Three per cent 33 years, 4 months 23 years, 164 days Three and one-half per cent 28 years, 20S days 20 years, 54 days Four per cent 25 years 17 years, 246 days Four and one-half per cent 22 years, Sr days rs years, 273 days Five per cent 20 years 15 years, 75 days Six per cent 16 years, 8 months r i years, 327 days One Dollar Loaned One Hundred Years at Compound Interest Would Amount to the Following Sum: One per cent $ 2.75 Twelve per cent $ 84,675.00 Three per cent '9-25 Fifteen per cent 1,174,405.00 Six per cent 340-*JO Eighteen per cent 15,145,207.00 Ten per cent 13,809.00 I'wenty-four per cent. 2 ,55 1 ,799,404.00 Fertilization and Cultivation of Food for Plants Corn and Cotton. ^°9 Bulletin of North Carolina Department of Agriculture. By DR. B. W. KILGORE, Raleigh, N. C. Corn It unquestionably pays well to thoroughly Culture break and broadcast harrow land for corn. Using a two-horse plow and running it 8 to lo inches deep, and afterwards harrowing with large smoothing harrow, puts the land in nice condition. It is also well to run a small- tooth harrow across corn rows about the time the plants are coming up, and even after they are several inches high, slant- ing the teeth of the harrow backward. Harrowing in this way saves after-cultivation, and is a quick way of getting over the land. The land being thoroughly broken before the corn is put in the ground, only shallow, level cultivation with some one of the considerable number of good cultivators need be given during the growing season. The one-horse cultivators cover corn rows in two to three furrows, and the two-horse ones at a single trip. The cultivation should be frequent — -about every ten days — and if possible just after rains, so as to break any crust formed by showers, leaving a dust mulch to retard the loss of moisture added to the soil in the previous rains. Toward the end of the growing season the cultivators should only be run one to one and a half inches deep, so as to disturb as little as possible the roots of the plants, which, by that time, are well into the middle of the rows. The experimental work on the sandy soils p, ... of the east, reports of which have been made . Pqj._ previously, has progressed far enough, we feel, to draw some conclusions m reference to the best amounts and proportions of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash for corn. As the results of the past two years' work have not yet been published, the following formulas, based on the result of the first two years' tests and tests in other Food for States with similar soil and climatic conditions, are given as Plants 1 r ^ ^^..„ . good ones tor coin: 2IO For Corn on Land in Fair Condition. Acid phosphate, 14 per cent, phosphoric acid 1,045 't)^- Cotton-seed meal, 6.59 per cent, nitrogen, 2.5 phos- phoric acid and 1.5 potash . . . , 520 lbs. Nitrate of Soda, 15 per cent, nitrogen 225 lbs. Kainit, 12.5 per cent, potash 210 lbs. 2,000 lbs. In this formula one-half of the nitrogen is supplied by nitrate of soda and the other one-half by cotton-seed meal. This mixture will contain: available phosphoric acid, 8.0 per cent.; potash, 1.7 per cent.; nitrogen, 3.4 per cent, (equal to ammonia, 4.0 per cent.). Acid phosphate, 14 per cent, phosphoric acid 965 lbs. Cotton-seed meal, 6.59 per cent, nitrogen, 2.5 phos- phoric acid and 1.5 potash 75° lbs. Nitrate of Soda, 1 5 per cent, nitrogen 1 10 lbs. Kainit, 12.5 per cent, potash ^75 "'s. 2,000 lbs. In this formula one-fourth of the nitrogen is supplied by nitrate of soda and the other three-fourths by cotton-seed meal. This mixture will contain: available phosphoric acid, 7.7 per cent.; potash, 1.7 per cent.; nitrogen, 3.3 per cent, (equal to ammonia, 4.0 per cent.). This material is quick-acting because of its Nitrate of Soda, easy solubility in water. For this reason when used in a considerable quantity in fertilizers at time of planting on light sandy land, there is danger of its being leached beyond the reach of the roots of the plants before they can use it. On clay lands and loams having good subsoils, to them this danger does not exist, certainly not to the extent that it does on light soils. A small amount of nitrate of soda in the mixture will give the crop a quick start and make its cultivation easier and more economical. On light lands it would likely be better to omit the nitrate from the mixture and apply it as a top dressing between the tenth and last of June on early corn. Nitrate of soda may take the place of a portion of the other nitrogen- furnishing materials in any of the formulas, one pound of nitrate being equal in its content of nitrogen to 2.2 pounds cotton-seed meal, 2 pounds fish scrap, 1.2 pounds dried 211 blood. Nitrate of soda is frequently used as a top dressing ^<^*^^ ^'^^ for corn and is a valuable material ior use in this way. A ^" ^ good application is 50 to 75 pounds per acre, distributed along the side of the row or dropped beside the plants and three or four inches from them, or else where there is a ridge in the centre it may be distributed on this and when it is thrown out the nitrate will be thrown to the two sides of the row. On clay lands and loams having good sub- a ,• • soil the fertilizer should be applied in the ^^ ^ J n ^ ■ ^ u I' 1 ^ -u .uU ^ Fertihzers to drill, at or lust before planting, at the rate 'J Corn of two to four hundred pounds per acre. On light sandy lands it is best to use 50 to 100 pounds (of nitrate) in the drill at time of planting, to give the crop a good start, and the balance of the fertilizer as a side-dressing when the corn has begun to grow well. Cotton. The remarks regarding the preparation ^ ,, and cultivation of corn also apply with equal force to cotton, unless it be the part regarding breaking the land well before planting. Some doubt the necessity of this for cotton. Cotton is generally grown on ridges. This is necessary on wet soils, but on all fairly well-drained upland and sandy soils we are convinced that level and frequent shallow cultivation, as was indicated for corn, is the best and most economical method to follow in growing cotton. Ridge culture may give better results in very wet years, but taking the seasons as they come the advantage will lie, we think, with flat culture. The preliminary remarks regarding fertil- Fertilizers izers for corn also apply to cotton, the follow- r„ r-^**^ 1 I • ' ^rr J -1 J ^°^ Cotton, ing formulas being offered tentatively and as the result of our best judgment, after studying the best obtainable data on the subject: For Cotton on Land in Fair Condition. Acid phosphate, 14 per cent, phosphoric acid i>oi5 H^s- Cotton-seed meal, 6.59 per cent, nitrogen, 2.5 phos- phoric acid and 1.5 potash 415 lbs. Nitrate of soda, 15 per cent, nitrogen 180 lbs. Kainit, 12.5 per cent, potash 390 lbs. 2,000 lbs. Food for Plants 212 Brown Cotton. Without Manure. 4 Cwt. Kainit. 12 Tons Farm- Yard Manure. -,,lg,^«p»,f***^ '"'**l& 'fe. — _.«< *&%l?av '^ 4 Cwt. Superphosphate. 2 Cwt. Nitrate of Soda. 2 Tons of Poudrette. 5 Cwt. Superphosphate. Abbasi White Cotton, Lower Egypt. 12 Tons Yard Manure. 4 Cwt. Kainit. Without Manure. 5 Cwt Superphosphate. 2 Cwt. 4 Cwt. Superphosphate. Nitrate of Soda. 2 Cwt. Nitrate of Soda. Results on Cotton Grown in Lower Egypt. Food for 213 In this formula one-half of the nitrogen is supplied by nitrate of soda and the other one-half by cotton-seed meal. This mixture will contain: available phosphoric acid, 7.6 per cent.; potash, 2.7 per cent.; nitrogen, 2.7 per cent, (equal to ammonia, ^.^ per cent.). Acid phosphate, 14 per cent, phosphoric acid 955 lbs. Cotton-seed meal, 6.59 per cent, nitrogen, 2.5 phos- phoric acid and 1.5 potash 605 lbs. Nitrate of soda, 15 per cent, nitrogen 90 lbs. Kainit, 12.5 per cent, potash 350 lbs. 2,000 lbs. In this formula one-fourth of the nitrogen is supplied by nitrate of soda and the other three-fourths by cotton-seed meal. This mixture will contain: available phosphoric acid, 7.4 per cent.; potash, 2.6 per cent.; nitrogen, 2.6 per cent, (equal to ammonia, 3.1 per cent.). The remarks under corn regarding ^^^^^^ g^^^ ^^^ these two materials apply also to cotton, as j^ji-j-^tg of Soda do the suggestions concerning the change in the quantity of nitrogen-supplying materials in the for- mulas, should cotton follow peas or any other leguminous crop. In Formula No. 3 one-fourth of the Nitrogen is sup- plied by Nitrate of Soda, with the view of giving the crop a quick start, and in No. 2 one-half of the Nitrogen comes from this source. On light lands it will be good practice to omit this Nitrate from the mixture and apply it as a side- dressing about the middle of June. Good results come from the use of it in this way on heavy types of land. Where land does not produce a good stalk of cotton, and fertilizers are used which contain only a moderate amount ot nitrogen, or ammonia, good results are obtained from a side-dressing of 50 to 100 pounds of nitrate of soda per acre. The nitrate should be distributed along one side of the row, or where there is a ridge in the middle it may be put on this and when the ridee is thrown out the nitrate will be . i:^^+:^„ „* o . - , , Application 01 thrown on two sides of the row. Fertilizer to The fertilizer should be applied in the r.^^^.^^ J 11 • L r 1 • ^-ru ■ Cotton, drill at or just before planting. 1 he quantity used for cotton varies from 200 to 1,000 pounds per acre. ^°piaSs Fertilizers for Tobacco. 2U There are few products whose quahty and quantity are more affected by kind of soil and fertihzer than is tobacco. For bright tobacco, the main kind grown in this State, the fine and deep sandy loam with yellow-colored sandy clay subsoil is the type of land most largely used and the one which grows the best grade of this character of tobacco. Generally, the kind of soil that is suited to the production of tobacco is better understood than the fertilizer that should be used on it. Evidence of this is seen in the great variation in the composition of fertilizers sold in the State, especially for use on the tobacco crop. In 1901 there were registered with the Department of Agriculture one hundred and eight (108) special fertilizers for tobacco. It is interesting in this connection to note the wide variation as well as the average composition of these fertilizers. The highest amount of available phosphoric acid guaranteed in any of them was 9.25 per cent., the lowest, 5 per cent., and the average 8.12 per cent. The highest amount of ammonia guaranteed was 10 per cent., the lowest 2 per cent., and the average 2.73 per cent. The highest amount of potash guaranteed was 5 per cent., the lowest i per cent., and the average 2.64 per cent. These wide variations in the amounts of the valuable fer- tilizer constituents indicate that the fertilizers themselves must have had very varying effects on the quality and quantity of the tobacco crop. A study of the experiments in tobacco-growing and a consideration of the experiences of good tobacco growers show that the amounts of ammonia and potash in the aver- age tobacco fertilizers, as stated above, are not as large as are needed to give the best results. It would appear that the largest amount of ammonia (10 per cent.) in any of these "specials" is greater than is required for bright tobacco, while the maximum quantity of potash (5 per cent.) in any of the 108 brands is less than is used by numbers of our best bright tobacco growers, especially in the eastern part of the State. A considerable number of these growers either mix their own tobacco fertilizers, or else have them put up according to formulas of their suggestion. Below are given five formulas for mixing fertilizers for tobacco. The grade of those fertilizers will be higher and they will, of course, cost more than the goods that are o-enerally used in the State ^'^^^ ^^^ . • • Plants on tobacco, but I feel confident that the increased yield will more than justify the additional expense. In The Bulletin ^^^ of the Department of Agriculture and in our correspondence with farmers we have been recommending formulas of about* the composition of these for a number of years, and evidence is accumulatincr which shows that the character of tobacco fertilizers is undergoing quite a considerable change. No. I— Cotton-seed meal 900 lbs. Nitrate of soda 100 lbs. High-grade sulphate of potash 250 lbs. Acid phosphate, 14 per cent 75° ^^s. 2,000 lbs. This mixture will contain: available phosphoric acid, 6.3 per cent.; potash, 6.9 per cent.; nitrogen, 7,."] per cent, (equal to ammonia, 4.5 per cent.). No. 2— High-grade dried blood 500 lbs. Nitrate of soda 125 lbs. High-grade sulphate of potash 310 lbs. Acid phosphate l>o65 lbs. 2,000 lbs. This mixture will contain: available phosphoric acid, 7.4 per cent.; potash, J.J per cent.; nitrogen, 4.3 per cent, (equal to ammonia, 5.2 per cent.). No. 3-^ Fish scrap 725 lbs. Nitrate of soda 100 lbs. High-grade sulphate of potash 300 lbs. Acid phosphate 875 lbs. 2,000 lbs. This mixture will contain: available phosphoric acid, 7.2 per cent.; potash, 7.5 per cent.; nitrogen, 3.8 per cent, (equal to ammonia, 4.6 per cent.). N0.4— Dried blood 500 lbs. Nitrate of soda 100 lbs. High-grade sulphate of potash 400 lbs. Acid phosphate 1,000 lbs. 2,000 lbs. Food for This mixture will contain: available phosphoric acid, 7 ^"^^ per cent.; potash, 10 per cent.; nitrogen, 4.1 per cent, (equal 216 to ammonia, 5 per cent.). No. 5- Cotton-seed meal 700 lbs. Nitrate of soda 100 lbs. High-grade sulphate of potash 300 lbs. Acid phosphate goo lbs. 2,000 lbs. This mixture will contain: available phosphoric acid, 7.2 per cent.; potash, 7.7 per cent.; nitrogen, 3.1 per cent, (equal to ammonia, 3.8 per cent.). Four hundred to one thousand pounds of these mixtures should be used to the acre. The mixtures made from formulas Nos. 2 and 3 are some- what more concentrated than that from No. i, on account of cotton-seed meal containing less ammonia than fish scrap and dried blood. The three formulas are given to enable the use of any one of the three main organic, nitrogenous mate- rials— dried blood, fish scrap and cotton-seed meal. In the coast sections, fish scrap and meal are both easily obtained; some distance inland meal is more accessible, while in the more western end of the tobacco belt it will be found con- venient to use dried blood. All three are good sources of ammonia for tobacco. The other materials — nitrate of soda, sulphate of potash and acid phosphate — are the same for all mixtures. Occasional requests are made for formulas furnishing as much as 10 per cent, of potash, and No. 4 has been arranged to meet needs of this nature. It is known that excellent tobacco, in quality and quantity is grown by the use of fertilizers of this class, and some of our farmers greatly prefer them to others containing less potash. It takes con- siderable observation and experimentation to determine the best practice in matters of this kind. A limited quantity of stable manure is very beneficial to tobacco and it succeeds well after peanuts. These materials add ammonia to the soil, and where heavy applications of fertilizers are to be made in connection with manure, and on peanut land, it would be well not to have so much ammonia in the fertilizers as is used in the ones employed on land not having other ammonia materials put on them. Formula 2r7 No. 5 is destined to meet cases of this kind. A good many ^°od for Eastern tobacco growers plant tobacco after peanuts, and some of them grow peas between the hills of tobacco, plant- ing them with hoes and putting six to ten peas in a place the latter part of June or early in [uly. This improves the soil for after-crops, but tobacco grown after tobacco and peas is said not to be of good quality; though, as would be expected, the growth is very large. Good results will come from the use of high grade fertili- zers, such as are suggested above, or similar ones, and we believe that when once tried there will be no inclination to go back to the lower grade ones now so largely used. Fertilizing Hay Crops. The experiments with fertilizers on hay crops, begun in igoi, were continued during the season of 1902-3. ' During the season of 1901-2 it was found that the use of Thomas phosphate slag and sulphate of potash with Nitrate of Soda did not pay as we 1 as Nitrate of Soda used alone. The experiments during the last season were planned to test the availability of the phosphate after the first season. It was thought last year that there was a possibility that the in- soluble slag phosphate would become more available the second season after applying it. The plots used in the 1 901-2 experiments were subdivided and given different applications of Nitrate of Soda used alone and in combina- tion with sulphate of potash used at the rate of 300 pounds per acre. The yield of hay was lower on both fertilized and unfer- tilized plots during the season of 1902-3 than it was in 1 901-2. This difference is undoubtedly due to an unfav- orable season. The late spring rainfall failed almost entirely, and to this no doubt must be attributed the decreased yield. An inspection of the summary of results tabulated below shows that the heaviest yields of hay on both red and 2lS 'Food for granite soils and the largest money returns per acre were Plants • . • ... obtained from the plots which were fertilized with phos- phate during 1901-2. On red soil with oats the gain from the use of Nitrate of Soda on the plot which had phosphate the year previous was $11.70 per acre, as against only ^3.72 per acre where the nitrate was used on land having no previous fertilization. On granite soil with oats, there was no gain from the phosphate. The use of Nitrate of Soda alone without pre- vious fertilization yielded $9.44 per acre profit, while on the plots having phosphate applied the previous year, the gain was only $5.74 per acre. The heaviest yield of hay and the largest profit per acre in 1903 were obtained with wheat on granite soil which had an application of Thomas slag, sulphate of potash, and lime in 1902. Nitrate of Soda was used at the rate of 320 pounds per acre in 1903. The yield of hay was 5,772 pounds per acre, and the resulting profit $12.89 per acre. It should be remarked here, however, that this plot was fertilized at a loss of $21.50 per acre in 1902; and as the application of nitrate was larger than was used on any other plot, the increased returns were at least partly due to the increased supply of the nitrate. Through some misunderstanding, there was no no corresponding wheat plot on granite soil with nitrate only. The use of sulphate of potash in combination with Ni- trate of Soda, on granite soil, did not pay in 1903. Potash was used at the rate of 300 pounds per acre. In most cases the fertilizer cost more than the increased crop of hay; hence its use incurred a loss of from 76 cents to $4.57 per acre. The experiments with Nitrate of Soda used alone were- broadened in 1903 to test the efficacy of different amounts per acre and the division of the application into two doses. The results show that in 1903, 160 pounds of Nitrate of Soda per acre in one application yielded the largest profits, viz.: $9.44 and $8.90 per acre, respectively, on two plots on granite soil. In all cases the yield was reduced when the fertilizer was put on in two applications; thus, with 160 pounds per acre applied in two doses, only $4.82 and $7.27 per acre were yielded by two plots on granite soil. RHODE ISLAND EXPERIMENT STATION. ^ood for Plants What Percentage of "Water Does Hay Lose During Storage ? Hay which had been stored during the summer of iQOi was removed from the mow the following February, and found to contain 12.21 per cent, of water. A careful com- parison of other moisture determinations of hay leads to the conclusion that 12.21 is a fair general average of the per- centage of water in the best quality of barn-cured hay. RESULTS IN NEW YORK. The general practice among farmers is to buy complete medium or low-grade fertilizers in preference to high-grade fertilizers. In high-grade goods, the cost of plant-iood is considerably less than in fertilizers of lower grade. Available phosphoric acid is cheapest in the form of dissolved rock (acid phosphate). Bone-meal furnishes a cheap source of phosphoric acid in less available form. Nitrate of Soda is one of the cheapest sources of Nitrogen, while bone is another. Nitrogen in the form of dried blood is rather high. Potash in the form of muriate is the cheapest source of potash. In mixtures of fertilizing materials, whether complete or incomplete, the plant-food usually costs more than in unmixed materials. When purchasing mixed fertilizers, farmers are ad- vised to purchase only high-grade goods, and then to make a commercial valuation to compare with the selling price. Even in high-grade goods, the selling price should not exceed the commercial valuation by more than $^. For greatest economy, farmers are advised to purchase unmixed materials and do their own mixing; or, in the case of clubs, several farmers can purchase their unmixed materials and hire a fertilizer manufacturer to do the mixing for them. The following data, taken from the last U. S. Census Report, are of interest in this connection as indicating in what portions of the State the largest amount of money is expended for commercial fertilizers: 219 Food for Long Island (Counties of Nassau, Queens and Suffolk) ;^i,24i,28o Plants Monroe County 214,000 220 Erie County 1 86,370 Cayuga County 131,260 Oneida County 112,630 Onondaga, Ontario, Wayne, Ulster, Chautauqua, each from $102,000 to 1 10,000 These twelve counties use about one-half of the com- mercial fertilizers used in the entire State. Composition of Fertilizers in Different Classes. If we compare our four different classes of complete fertilizers in respect to the average amounts of Nitrogen, available phosphoric acid and potash contained in them, we have the following table: Composition of Different Grades of Fertilizers. Class of Fertilizers. Low-grade Medium-grade Medium high-grade. High-grade In 100 Pounds of Fertilizer. Pounds of Nitroeren. 1 .22 1 .70 2.47 4.00 Pounds of Available Phosphoric Acid. 8.18 9. 10 8.82 8.36 Pounds of Potash. 2.60 3-48 6.02 7.22 Pounds of Total Plant-food. 12.00 14.28 I7.37 19.60 In the fourth column, under the heading "pounds of total plant-food," we give the sum of the Nitrogen, available phosphoric acid and potash. We notice the following points in connection with this table: 1. The percentage of phosphoric acid does not vary greatly in the different classes of fertilizers. 2. The percentage of Nitrogen and of potash increases in the higher grades. 3. The total amount of plant-food in 100 pounds of fertilizer increases in the higher grades, this increase being due to increase of Nitrogen and potash. 4. Representing the amount of Nitrogen in each grade of fertilizer as i, we have the following proportions of avail- able phosphoric acid and potash in the different grades: Composition of Different Grades of Fertilizers. Low-grade Medium-grade Medium high-grade High-grade Nitrogen. Available Phosphoric Acid. 7 5 5 3-5 Potash. 2 2 2-5 1.8 Food for Plants 221 Cost of One Pound of Plant-Food in Different Grades of Fertilizers. Cost of one pound of Nitrogen. Lowest Highest Average Cost of one pound of Available Phos phone Acid. Lowest Highest Average Cost of one pound of Potash. Lowest Highest Average Low Grade. Medium Grade. Medium High- Grade. Cents. 20 36.8 26.3 6.r II. I 8.0 5-2 9-5 6.8 Cents. 17.9 28.3 23.2 5-4 8.6 7.0 4.6 7 3 6.0 Cents. 17 26 21 51 8.1 6.4 4-4 6.9 5-4 High Grade Cents. 26.0 19.6 425 7-9 6.0 3-4 6.7 50 From these data, we readily see the truth of the following statements: 1. The cost of one pound of plant-food, whether Nitrogen, phosphoric acid or potash, is greatest in low-grade, and least in high-grade, fertilizers. One purchaser of low-grade goods paid 36.8 cents a pound for Nitrogen, while the highest price paid in high-grade goods was 26 cents, which is less than the average paid for Nitrogen in low-grade goods. The least amount paid for one pound of Nitrogen in low- grade goods was 20 cents, in high-grade goods 13.3 cents. Similar relations hold good in respect to the other elements of plant-food. 2. In general, the higher the grade of goods, the lower the cost of each pound of plant-food. Food for Plants 222 Cost of Nitrogen in Nitrate of Soda. In the samples of Nitrate of Soda examined by us in 1902, the percentage of Nitrogen varied from 15.21 to 16.20, averaging 15.77. The selling price varied from ^42 to S48.50, averaging $44.12. The commercial valuation varied from $45.63 to $48.60, averaging $47.30, which was con- siderably in excess of selling price. The cost of one pound of Nitrogen in this form varied from 13 to 15 cents and averaged 13.9 cents. This was much cheaper than the cost of Nitrogen in the form of complete fertilizers. Tabulated General Summary. In the table following, we give a general summary of the data that have been presented, showing the cost of one pound of plant-food in different forms to consumers: Cost of One Pound of Plant-Food to Consumers. Nitrogen in Low-grade complete fertilizers Medium-grade complete fertilizers Medium high-grade complete fertilizers High-grade complete fertilizers Dried blood Bone-meal Nitrate of Soda Phosphoric Acid in Low-grade complete fertilizers Medium-grade complete fertilizers Medium high-grade complete fertilizers High-grade complete fertilizers Phosphoric acid and potash mixtures. . Acid phosphate or dissolved rock Bone (total) Potash in Low-grade complete fertilizers , Medium-grade complete fertilizers Medium high-grade complete fertilizers. High-grade complete fertilizers Phosphoric acid and potash mixtures. . . Muriate of potash Lowest Cents. 20 17.9 17 14.8 II. 5 13 . I •4 . I •25 •3 •4 . I Highest. Cents. 36.8 28.3 26 26 22.9 32 15 II . I 8.6 8.1 7-9 19.5 II .0 8.6 9 7 6 6 16 4 •5 •3 •9 •7 ■5 •9 Average. Cents. 26.3 23.2 21 19.6 18.5 14.9 13-9 8.0 7.0 6.4 6.0 6.6 5-1 3-96 6.8 6.0 5-4 5.0 5-6 4.6 Plants can take up Nitrogen only in the form of ^''ood for Nitrates — that is, in combination with alkaHne base, such ^^^ as Hme or sodium. 223 The Nitrogen contained in all fertilizers, with the exception of Nitrate of Soda, must first be nitrified — that is, converted into Nitrate — before the plant can take it up. This nitrification is always attended with greater or less loss of Nitrogen. A sufiiciency of lime in the soil hastens nitrification, while a scarcity of lime retards it. Nitrate of Soda is the only nitrogenous fertilizer that will do its work perfectly without lime, because it already contains Nitrogen in a form that is capable of absorption by plants. Leguminous plants assimilate free Nitrogen from the air through the medium of the micro-organisms inhabiting the nodules found in their roots. Leguminous plants, in the early stages of their growth, avail themgelves ot the Nitrates in the soil. Nitrate of Soda has been very profit- ably used in the cultivation of Lucern, or "Alfalfa," etc. Crops that have suffered from wintering, from insects, etc., can, in most cases, be considerably improved by top- dressing with Nitrate of Soda. When the soil is very poor in potash, the soda contained in Nitra'e of Soda will, to a certain extent, serve as a sub- stitute for potash. It is not, however, a perfect substitute. • Poverty in potash can be fully made good only by applying a sufficient quantity of a potash fertilizer. Nitrate of Soda is easily soluble, and it distributes itself immediately through the soil. *to Distribution of Nitrogen in the Grain and Straw of the Principal Cereals. Nitrogen per Two and One-Half Acres. GRAIN. Oats, Barley, Wheat, Rye, 82.42 lbs. 86.61 lbs. 81.10 lbs. 67.44 lbs. Rape Seed, Peas, Vetches, Inroad Beans, 176.32 lbs. 117-03 lbs. 143-9^ lbs- 181. 16 lbs. STRAW. Oats, Barley, Wheat, Rye, 26.4 lbs. 26.4 lbs. 3306 lbs. -9-31 'bs. Rape Seed, Peas, Vetches, Broad Beans, 29.75 lbs. 118.35 lbs. 112.40 lbs. 79.34 lbs. Food for Distribution of Nitrogen in the Principal Root Crops. Plants Nitrogen per Two and One-Half Acres. "^ ROOTS. Sugarbeet, Beetroot, Swedes, Carrots, Potatoes, 105.79 ^^^- ^38-85 lbs. 165.30 lbs. 145-46 lbs. 112.40 lbs. Tubers. LEAF. ^ugarbeet, Beetroot, Swedes, Carrots, Potatoes, 52.89 lbs. 80.66 lbs. 55.1 lbs. 168.60 lbs. 15. 11 lbs. Shaws." The figures in this table show how many pounds of Nitrogen are withdrawn from two and one-half acres of ground by an average harvest. The table shows clearly that the principal quantity of Nitrogen is always in that portion of the crop that is sold, only a small quantity of Nitrogen being found in the straw and leaves, the portion that is retained for use upon the land; consequently, unless a sufficient quantity of nitrogenous fertilizers be applied, the soil will very soon suffer from impoverishment of Nitrogen. POINTS FOR CONSIDERATION AS TO PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS ' AND NITRATE PRICES. ** T~^ROM the farmer's point of view, a reduction in cot- r1 ton and produce prices is to be deplored, but the point to be considered is whether abstention from the use of Nitrate is a wise way of meeting the situation. The utility of a fertilizer obviously depends upon its pro- ductivity, and as its productivity is not affected by its price, an increase in the latter justifies abandonment of the fer- tilizer only when its productivity ceases to be profitable. The profit to be reasonably expected from the use of fer- tilizer, although somewhat less than when it was cheaper, is not so materially mterfered with by any rise in price of Nitrate as to economically justify any substantial reduction in its consumption." GRADES OF HAY AND STRAW. ^^^^ f°^ Plants ^ i "^HE following are the rules and regulations adopted 225 I by the Chicago Board ot Trade for the inspection of hay and straw: Choice Timothy Hay: Shall be timothy not mixed with over one-twentieth of other grasses, properly cured, bright, natural color, sound and well baled. No. I Timothy Hay: Shall be timothy. mixed with not more than one-eighth clover, red-top, and other tame grasses, properly cured, good color, sound and well baled. No. 2 Timothy Hav: Shall include all timothy not good enough for No. i, not over one-third mixed with other tame grasses, fair color, sound and well baled. No. 3 Timothy Hay: Shall include all hay not good enough for other grades, sound and well baled. No. I Clover Mixed Hay: Shall be timothy and clover mixed, with at least one-half timothy, good color, sound and well baled. No. 2 Clover Mixed Hay: Shall be timothy and clover mixed, with at least one-third timothy, reasonably sound and well "baled. No. I Clover Hay: Shall be medium clover, not over one-twentieth other grasses, properly cured, sound and well baled. No. 2 Clover Hay: Shall be clover, sound, well baled, not good enough for No. i. No Grade Hay: Shall include thieshed timothy and all hay badly cured, musty, stained, or in any way unsound. Choice Prairie Hay: Shall be upland hay, of bright color, well cured, sweet, sound and reasonably free from weeds. No. I Prairie Hay: Shall be upland, and may contain one-quarter midland, of good color, well cured, sweet, sound and reasonably tree from weeds. No 2 Prairie Hay: Shall be upland of fair color or midland of good color, well cured, sweet, sound and reason- ably free from weeds. No. 3 Prairie Hay: Shall be midland of fair color or slough of good color, well cured, sound and reasonably free from weeds. No. 4 Prairie Hay: Shall include all hay not good enough for other y-rades and not caked. Food for Jsj-Q grade Prairie Hay: Shall include all hay not good ^" ^ enough for other grades. 226 No. I Straight Rye Straw: Shall be in large bales, clean, bright, long rye straw, pressed in bundles, sound and well baled. No. 2 Straight Rye Straw: Shall be in large bales, long rye straw, pressed in bundles, sound and well baled, not good enough for No. i. Tangled Rye Straw: Shall be reasonably clean rye straw, good color, sound and well baled. Wheat Straw: Shall be reasonably clean wheat straw, sound and well baled. Oat Straw: Shall be reasonably clean oat straw, sound and well baled. All certificates of inspection shall show the number of bales and grade in each car or lot inspected and plugged; and when for shipment the final inspection and plugging, in order to ascertain the sound condition of each bale, shall take place at the time of shipment. The fees for inspection shall be i$3.oo per car, to be divided equally between the buyer and seller. GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR STAPLE CROPS. THE use of Nitrate of Soda alone is never recommended, except at the rate of not more than one hundred pounds to the acre. It may be thus safely and profitably used ivithout other fertilizers. It may be applied at this rate as a Top-Dressing in the Spring of the year, as soon as vegetation begins to turn green; or, in other words, as soon as the crops begin new growth. "" At this rate very satisfac- tory results are usually obtained without the use of any other fertilizer, and the Soda residual, after the Nitrogenous Ammoniate Food of this chemical is used up by the plant, has a perceptible effect in sweetening sour land. When it is desired to use a larger amount than one hundred pounds per acre of Nitrate of Soda as a Top- Dressing, or in any other way, there must be present some form of Phosphatic and Potassic Fertilizer, and we recom- mend not less than two hundred and fifty pounds of either Acid Phosphate; or Thomas Phosphate; or fine ground Raw Food for Rock; or Peruvian Guano; and two hundred and fifty pounds ^^^"^^ of some high-grade Potash Salt, preferably the Sulphate. 227 jd much larger amount than one hundred pounds of Nitrate per acre, when used alone on staple crops, is generally sure to give an unprofitable and unbalanced food ration to the plant. For Market Gardening Crops, however, somewhat more may be used alone. When the above amounts of Phosphatic and Potassic Fertilizers are used, as much as three hundred pounds of Nitrate of Soda may be applied with profit. In applying Nitrate in any ration it is desirable to mix it with an equal quantity of land plaster or fine, dry loam or sand. Generally, on the Pacific Coast, nitrate may be applied as a top-dressing after the heavy spring rains are over, but before crops attain much of a start. The statement fraudulently made that Nitrate of Soda is a stimulant, is false and misleading, as the Nitrogen (which is the essential element for the growth of all plants) is the same in Nitrate of Soda as it is in stable manure, and has the additional advantage that it is thirty times as abundant and of a hundred-fold greater immediate avail- ability. Its after effect is also marked in subsequent sea- sons, owing to the energy and increased size and feeding capacity which it imparts to the roots of plants. It also has a sweetening influence on sour lands, and hence is of direct as well as indirect benefit to the land. As a healthy plant tonic it has no equal, and owing to its complete digestibility as a plant-food there is absolutely no roughage or raw matter in it. Food for Plants 228 FERTILIZERS. Contributed by J. L. Hills, Vermont Experiment Station. Average cost of a pound of plant food in low, medium and high grade (Vermont, 1903.) Mtrogen ^ra^ Available Fhosphoric Acid L?,.i.) - i-i-i , '■■I.J- Fotash LOW GRADE MEDIUM " HIGH Food for Plants 229 FERTILIZERS. Contributed by J. L. Hills, Vermont Experiment Station. For $30 there was purchased in Vermont, in 1903, in average high grade, medium grade and low grade fertihzers the following amounts of actual plant foods: Nitrogen LOH'GRADE MEDIUM " HIGH " i!. ,'l:. CSS Ofe>.c Available Phosphoric Acid d:^© DfeSo mm~. .. .4 Q©© ijfe Potash %1I Dfeg„ Food for Plants 230 PLAN FOR TOP-DRESSING EXPERIMENTS. The above simple plan for Top-Dressing Experiments has been in satisfactory use in Europe for several years. The plots may be of any size from a square 20 feet x 20 feet, and upwards. The squares marked O are not fertilized, and serve as check plots. The Nitrate application recommended for a square 20 feet x 20 feet is one pound, which is equiv- alent to one hundred pounds to the acre. For further details, see General Directions for Staple Crops. Index. Abbasi White Cotton, Lower Egypt (Illus.) 2I2 Acid Phosphate, Use of loi Adaptability of the Onion to All Soils ' 33 Alkaline Soil Necessary for Grass 74 All Three Elements Indispensable 99 Always Use Chemical Fertilizers for all Market Garden Purposes, Without Fail 54 Ammoniates 146 Ammoniates, Higher, Other 143 Amount of Barbed Wire Required for Fences 194. Amounts of Manure Produced by Farm Animals. From Bulletin 27, Cornell University, Agricultural Experimental Station 176 Amounts of Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid and Potash Found Profitable for Different Crops Under Average Conditions per Acre (Taken Chiefly from New Jersey Experiment Station's Reports) 190 Amount of Oil in Seeds 207 Amount of Ration of Plant Food for One Tree 40 Analyses of Commercial Fertilizing Materials 180, 181, 182 Analyses of Farm Manures (Taken Chiefly from Reports of the New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut Experiment Stations 183 Analyses of Fertilizing Materials in Farm Products; Analyses of Hay and Dry, Coarse Fodders 183, 184, 185, 186, 187 Apples, Nitrate of Soda on 61 Application of Fertilizer to Corn 211 Application of Fertilizer to Cotton 213 Apply and Mix Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers, How to 19 Applying Fertilizers for Potatoes 24 Are the Farmers of Little Europe More Intelligent than Those of America ? 12 Asparagus 19, 40, 41, 123 Availability of Nitrogen in Various Forms 26 Availability of Nitrogen 149 Average Annual Rainfall in the United States 193 Barley 56, 57 Barley and Oats 15 Basic Slag Phosphate, or Thomas Slag Phosphate Powder 57 Beets 43 Beets (Table) Grown on Nitrate, Ready for Market Sixteen Days Earlier 43 Beets, Onions and Carrots 25 Best Returns from Use of Nitrogen are Obtained when Applied to Good Soils Well Prepared for Crops, The 118 Best Use of Nitrogen Requires an Abundance of Phosphoric Acid and Potash in the Soil, 'Ihe II J Better Quality Resulted as Well as Saving in 1 ime and Increase in Crop 42 Brown Cotton (Illus.) 2i2 Buckwheat 58 Business Laws in Brief 197 Cabbage 44 Cabbages, Corn and Cauliflower 22 Cantaloupes 52, 155 Capacity of Cisterns for Each Ten Inches in Depth 206 Carrying Capacity of a Freight Car (This Table is for Ten-Ton Cars). 196 Catch-Crops 57 Cauliflower, Cabbages and Corn 22 Celery 22,45, ^3° Centenarians 192 Certain Crops are Especially Benefited by Nitrate Nitrogen 119 Character of Plant-Food Required by the Onion 36 • Chemical Manures, Nature of 54 Chili Saltpetre or Nitrate of Soda 166 Chloride (Muriate of Potash) i6o Clark's Grass Cultivation, Nitrate of Soda as Used in 78 Common Salt, Use of 38 Comparative Availability of Nitrogen in Various Forms 26 Comparison of Nitrate of Soda and Sulphate of Ammonia, Both With and Without Lime 152 "Complete Fertilizers" and "Phosphates" the Most Expensive Plant Food . 6 Composition of Different Classes of Fertilizers 220 Composition of Fertilizers in Different Grades 220, 221 Conclusions Pertaining to Nitrate of Soda 149 Corn 90, 209 Corn, Sweet 46 Corn, Cabbages and Cauliflower 22 Cost of Nitrogen in Nitrate of Soda 222 Cost of One Pound of Plant Food in Different Grades of Fertilizers. . 221 Cost of One. Pound of Plant Food to Consumers 222 Cost of Transportation of Fertilizers 108 Cost of Transportation per Ton of Material 108 Cotton 211 Cotton Fertilizing. . . .■ 27 Cotton and Fibre Plants 30 Cotton-Seed Meal and Nitrate Compared on Wheat 55 Cotton-Seed Meal Compared with Nitrate 55 Cotton Seed and Nitrate of Soda 213 Cows • 176 Crops Especially Benefited by Nitrate Nitrogen 119 Crop Was Saved From Total Failure, How a 43 Cucumbers 45, 130 Cucumbers, Squashes and Melons 26 Cultivation 37 Culture of Corn 209 Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries 23 Defects and Losses in the Use of Ordinary Ammoniates 100 Directions and Formulas ^6 Distribution of Nitrogen in the Grain and Straw of the Principal Cereals, Nitrogen per Two and One-half Acres 223 Distribution of Nitrogen in the Principal Root Crops, Nitrogen per Tw^o and One-half Acres 224 Dollar Spent in Nitrate Returned $21.00 in Increased Crop 44 Early Cabbage 43, 126 Early Growth of Plants 103 Early Lettuce 47 Early Peas 49 Early Potatoes 49, 132 Early Table Beets 122 Early Table Turnips 127 Early Tomatoes 50, 124 Economy in the Purchase of Fertilizers. Home Mixtures i6g Economical and Profitable Practice 76 Edible Value of Plant, Special Influence of Nitrate on loi Effect of Nitrate on Quality of Hay 73 Egg Plant. 47 Eminent Scientists Well Acquainted with Value of Nitrate 63 Equivalent Quantity of Nitrate Food 105 Estimating Measures 202 Excess of Value of Hay Over Cost of Fertilizers 76 Experiments in England, Wheat 55 Experiments on Tobacco at the Kentucky Experiment Station 16 Experiments, Other Details of 180 Experiments, Summary of, on Farm Animals 1 80 Experiments with Fertilizers on Cotton 28 Experiments with Fertilizers on Sweet Potatoes 16 Experiments with Fertilizers on Tomatoes 18 Experiments with Forage Crops 139 Experiments with Nitrate on Cotton, South Carolina, 1904 29 Experiment with Nitrogen 148 Extraordinary Returns on Celery 45 Facts for Builders 204 Farm Sewage Disposal 157 Farm Values, Probable Stability of 143 Farmers' Bulletin, No. 107. Editor, W. H. Beal. Prepared in the Office of Experiment Stations. A. C. True, Director. Page 7. . . 141 Farmyard Manure Compared with Nitrate 55 Farmyard Manure, Management of 157 Farmyard Manure and Other Products are Valuable, Why 99 Fertilizer Experiments on Meadow Land (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 23, February, 1890) 188, 189 Fertilizers per Vine, Omitting Nitrate Nitrogen (Illus.) 91 Fertilizers per Vine, with Nitrate Nitrogen (Illus.) 93 Fertilizers 147, 228, 229 Fertilizers for Corn 209 Fertilizers for Fruits (Bulletin 66, Hatch Experiment Station) 61 Fertilizers for Garden Crops 150 Fertilizers for Tobacco 214 Fertilizers for Vegetables and Small Fruits 25 Fertilizers in Use for Garden Crops, What 25 Fertilizers to Buy, What 27 Fertilizing 38 Fertilizing Cotton 27 Fertilizing Hay Crops 217 Figs 33 Financial Profit from Use of Nitrate 75- Food Necessary for Plants 3 Food, Plant, Amount of Ration of. For One Tree 40 Food, Plant, Character of. Required by the Onion 36 Forage Crops, Experiments with 139 Forage Crops, Nitrate of Soda for 17 For Crops of Low Commercial Value 133 For Melons, Cucumbers, and Squashes 26 Formulas 172 Formulas and Directions for Mangolds 56 For Wheat, the Best Form of Nitrogen 12 Franklin's Words of Wisdom 199 Free Use of the Harrow and Pulverizer 37 From Bulletin No. 67. Maryland Experiment Station on the Culture and Handling of Tobacco in Maryland. H. J. Patterson, Director and Chemist. From Page 140 144 From New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 172. The Use of Fertilizers; A Review of the Results of Experiments with Nitrate of Soda. Professor Edward B. Voorhees. The Use of Fertilizers 113 Fruits 32 Fruit Formula, General, per Acre 62 Fruits Generally, Nitrate of Soda for 62 Fruits, Nitrate on 103 Functions of Nitrate, Unusual 100 Gains from Use of Nitrate of Soda 137 Gain in Time Remarkable, Two Weeks in Advance 46 Garden Crops, Fertilizers for 1 50 Garden Crops, Market 22, 121 General Directions for Staple Crops 226 General Fruit Formula per Acre 62 General Points as to Methods of Application 155 Good Results Due to Nitrate 143 Gooseberries, Currants, Raspberries 23 Grain and Hay 133 Grains, Grasses, Root Crops, Pastures, Soiling Crops, Nitrate as a Top-Dressing for 54 Grapes 92 Grass 1 56 Grass Growing for Profit 69 Grasses, Grains, Root Crops, Pastures, Soiling Crops, Nitrate as a Top-Dressing for 54 Greenhouse Plant Food 85 Growth (Early) of Plants 100 Guano, Phosphatic 168 Harrow and Pulverizer, Free Use of the 37 Hay 135 Hay and Grain 133 Hay, How Nitrate Improves the Quality of the 73 Highland Experimental Farms (Illus.) 59 Hints for Right Use of Nitrate 53 Home-Mixing 145, 171 Hops. A Record of Four Years' Experiments with Hops 8g Horses 178 How a Crop was Saved from Total Failure 43 How All Ammoniates are, of Necessity, Nitrated, and Slowness of Process 103 How all Crops Grow 54 How and Where to Buy Fertilizing Materials 23 How Careful Cultivation May Aid in the Profitable Use of Nitrate. . . 78 How Deep in the Ground to Plant Corn 194 How Grain Will Shrink 194 How It Pays 75 How Money Crops Feed 98 How Much Shall be Applied 135 How Nitrate Benefits the Farmer 62 How Nitrate Increases Wheat Crops 54 How Nitrate Improves the Quality ot the Hay ']t^ How Nitrate May be Aided by Phosphoric Acid 102 How Nitrate May be Supplemented by Potash 102 How Nitrate Neutralizes Soil Acids and Sweetens the Soil 75 How Nitrate Saves Time, Money and the Crop 103 How Supplemented with Profit 102 Howto Apply Nitrate 125 How to Apply Nitrate of Soda to Wheat 14 How to Apply Phosphatic Fertilizers 25 How to Copyright a Book, Map, Chart, Etc 191 How to Make Commercial Valuations 159 How to Measure Corn in Crib, Hay in Mow, Etc 195 How to Mix and Apply Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers 19 How to Preserve Eggs 202 How to Remove the Smell of Paint from a Room 197 How to Rent a Farm 1 99 How to Save Humus 158 How to Save Money on Fertilizers 8 How to Top-Dress 104 How to Treat Sunstroke 197 How to Use Chemical Fertilizers to Advantage. Abstract of Lecture by Dr. Dyer 54 Ideal Formula for Oats 59 Ideal Formula for Wheat 61 Increase in Crop and Better Quality Resulted as Well as Saving in Time 42 Increase of Crops from Same Quantity of Nitrogen from Different Sources 26 Increased Yield on Turnips and Swedes 56 Indispensable, Why Nitrate is 3 Intrinsic Values of Ammoniates 100 Kale 154 Kind of Crop an Important Factpr in Determining the Agricultural Value of Nitrogen, The 118 Late Carrots (Illus.) 51 Late Potatoes 50 Late Spinach (Illus.) 52 Lawns and Golf Links 96 Length of Navigation of the Mississippi River 195 Lettuce 1 54 Lime and Thomas Slag, Use of 38 Litter 156 Losses and Defects in the Use of Ordinary Ammoniates 100 Making Two Blades of Grass Grow Where One Blade Grew Before. . 71 Management of Farmyard Manure 157 Margin of Profit Greater 142 Mangolds 56 Manures 156 Market Garden Crops .' .22, 121 Market Gardening with Nitrate 41 Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 91, page 44, Table 7. Nitrate of Soda vs. No Nitrate of Soda, Applied on Wheat; Wheat Unfertilized in Fall 152 Massachusetts Experiment Station 150 Materials Used in Making Commercial or Chemical Manures 166 Melons 88 Melons, Cucumbers and Squashes 26 Methods of Application .126, 127-131, 136, 141 Methods of Practice 125, 128, 129, 132, 133 Methods of Using Nitrate 1 23, 1 24 Mix and Apply Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers, How to 19 Mixing, Home 145 Mixing Raw Materials 162 Modern Agriculture, Position of Nitrate in 63 Moisture in Soil, Necessity of _ 36 Money Crops, Results of Nitrate on 104 Muriate of Potash (Chloride) 160 Muskmelons 129 Nature of Chemical Manures 54 Natural Plant Food, Sources of 102 Nearly Always Deficient, Nitrate 4 Necessity of Moisture in Soil 36 Neutralizes Soil Acids and Sweetens the Soil, How Nitrate 75 Nitrate 4 Nitrate, Its Uses Ought to Increase 66 Nitrate on Fruits 10.5 Nitrate for Experiments 156 Nitrate Nearly Always Deficient 4 Nitrate a Pre-digested Ammoniate 99 Nitrate in Plant Nutrition, Part Played by 106 Nitrate Compared with Farm-Yard Manure 55 Nitrate Test at Kentucky Experiment Station 15 Nitrate of Soda as Used in Clark's Grass Cultivation 78 Nitrate and Cotton-Seed Meal Compared on Wheat 57 Nitrate as a Top-Dressing for Grains, Grasses, Root Crops, Pastures, Soiling Crops 54 Nitrate of Soda 3, 137, 159, 210 Nitrate of Soda, Amount to Apply 138 Nitrate of Soda, How Used 167 Nitrate of Soda on Apples 61 Nitrate of Soda for Forage Crops 17 Nitrate of Soda or Chili Saltpetre 166 Nitrate of Soda for Fruits Generally 62 Nitrate of Soda Nitre in Fertilizing. (Bulletin 24, California State Mining Bureau, May, 1902.) By Dr. Gilbert E. Bailey 66 Nitration or Nitrification 158 Nitrogen Should Receive Special Attention 114 Number of Nails and Tacks per Pound 203 Number of Years Seeds Retain Their Vitality 193 Number Bricks Required to Construct any Building (Reckoning Seven Bricks to Each Superficial Foot) 204 Nursery Stock '. 87 Oats 55, 58 Oats, Ideal Formula 59 Of Generallnterest 191 Onions 48 Onion, Adaptability pf the, to All Soils 33 On Uncultivated Clay Loam 189 On Uncultivated Light or Medium Soils 189 On Uncultivated Pasture Land 189 On What Crops Nitrate Should be Used 24 Orange Groves 86, no Other Ammoniates Higher 143 Part Played by Nitrate in Plant Nutrition 106 Pastures, Soiling Crops, Root Crops, Grains, Grasses, Nitrate as a Top-Dressing for 54 Peaches 61 Peppers 131 Philosophical Facts 200 Phosphates 147 Phosphates, Potashes loo, 147 "Phosphates" and "Complete Fertilizers" the Most Expensive Plant Food 6 Phosphoric Acid 4 Phosphatic Guano l68 Phosphoric Acid and Potash Differ from Nitrogen 1 16 Phosphoric Acid, How Nitrate May be Aided by 102 Pioneer Farmers' Wasteful Methods 63 Plan for Top-Dressing Experiments 230 Plant Food Needs of Crops 105 Position of Nitrate in Modern Agriculture 63 Potashes 4» H? Potashes, Phosphates 100, 147 Potash and Phosphoric Acid Differ From Nitrogen 116 Potatoes ^9,154 Potatoes, Sweet 81 Potatoes, How to Apply to 20 Potatoes, Applying Fertilizers for 24 Practical Conclusions 76 Practical Suggestions as a Result of Experiments, i. For Crops of High Commercial Value 121 Pre-digested Ammoniate, Nitrate a 99 Price of Farm Products, Rise in 142 Principal Elements, Nitrated Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid, Potash. ... 98 Probable Stability of Farm Values 143 Profit, Margin of 142 Profits from Use of Fertilizers 120 Profitable and Economical Practice 76 Profitable Fertilization of Grapes. Summary of Experiments of Prof. Paul Wagner, Director of Darmstadt Agricultural Experiment Station, Darmstadt, Germany 94 Profitable Onion Cultivation 33 Profitable Use of Nitrates, How Careful Cultivation May Aid in the. . 78 Pulverizer and Harrow, The Use of the 37 Purdue University, Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station, Lafay- ette, Ind., C. R. Plumb, Director. Bulletin No. 84.) Growing Lettuce With Chemical Fertilizers. By Prof. William Stuart. ... 149 Quantity (Equivalent) of Nitrate Food 105 Quantities Required and Time to Apply 33 Raspberries, Currants, Gooseberries 23 Raw Materials, Mixing 162 Ready for Market Sixteen Days Earlier, Table Beets Grown on Nitrate 43 Relative Value of Different Foods for Stock 206 Results (Good) Due to Nitrate 143 Results in New York 219 Results of Nitrate on Money Crops 104 Results of Saving Small Amounts of Money 207 Results on Cotton Grown in Lower Egyp t 212 Result, Slight Added Cost per Acre and per Ton of Fertilizer.- 143 Results in an Unfavorable Season with Low Prices for Products .... 41 Returns on Celery Extraordinary ; 45 Rise in Price of Farm Products 142 Root Crops, Pastures, Soiling Crops, Grains, Grasses, Nitrate as a 54 Top-Dressing for . Rotation on Crops . 191 Rules for Business Farmers 196 Ryt 59>i39 Save Humus, How to 158 Save Money on Fertilizers, How to 8 Savings Bank Compound Interest Table, Showing the Amount of ;^l. From One Year to Fifteen Years, With Compound Interest Added Semi-Annually, at Different Rates 208 Saving in Time and Increase in Crop, as Well as Better Quality Resulted 42 Sewage (Farm) Disposal 157 Sheep 1 78 Sizes of Boxes for Different Measures 207 Slight Added Cost Per Acre and Per Ton of Fertilizer, Result 143 Small Fruits 84 Small Fruits and Vegetables, Fertilizers for 25 Snap Beans 42 Sodas 147 Soiling Crops 84 Soiling Crops, Root Crops, Pastures, Grasses, Grains, Nitrate as a Top Dressing for 54 Some American Rotations 191 Some Practical Hints Regarding Nitrate 153 Sources of Natural Plant Food 102 South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. From Bulletin No. 56 147 Special Crops 24 Special Functions of Plant Food 100 Special Influence of Nitrate on Edible Value of Plant lOI Spinach 151 Spirits of Turpentine a Valuable Remedy 198 Squashes, Cucumbers and Melons 26 Stable Manure and Artificial Fertilizer Upon Fruit Trees 39 Stability (Probable) of Farm Values 143 Strawberries 22, 83, 1 1 1 Strength of Ice of Different Thickness 207 Sugar Beets 83 Sugar Cane 82 Suggestions for Top-Dressing Crops 107 Sulphate of Ammonia I 59 Sulphate of Potash 1 59 Summary of Increased Yields. From Application of One Hundred Pounds Per Acre of Nitrate of Soda 142 Surveyor's Measure 206 Sweet Corn 46, 1 28 Sweet Potatoes 81,132 Sweetens the Soil and Neutralizes Soil Acids, How Nitrate 75 Swine 170 Table Beets Grown on Nitrate Ready for Market 1 6 Da3'S Earlier 43 Table of Analyses and Guarantees 173 Table, Showing the Number of Pounds of-Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash Withdrawn Per Acre by an Average Crop. (From New York, New Jersey and Connecticut Experiment Stations' Reports 187 Table Showing the Number of Pounds of Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash Withdrawn Per Acre by an Average Crop. (Con- tinued) 188 Table Showing Prices of Nitrate of Soda on the Ammoniate Basis. Figured on Basis of 380 Pounds Ammonia in One Ton of Nitrate of Soda 112 Tabulated General Summary 222 Terms Used in Discussing Fertilizers • H^ The Amount to Apply 138 The Alfalfa, Cow- Pea and Clover Question ■ 107 The Best Form of Nitrogen for Wheat I2 The Best Use of Nitrogen Requires an Abundance of Phosphoric Acid and Potash in the Soil 117 The Great Canals of the World 195 The Kind of Crop an Important Factor in Determining the Agricul- tural Value of the Nitrogen 118 The Longest and Greatest Rivers in the World 203 The Most Expensive Plant Food, "Phosphates" and "Complete Fer- tilizers " 6 The Quality of Manure and Fertilizers 99 The Use of Nitrogenous Fertilizers on Vegetables 154 The Unit System 1 66 The Various Potash Salts and Their Composition 190 Thomas Slag and Lime, Use of 38 Time at Which Money Doubles at Interest 208 Time to Apply and Quantities Required 33 Time Required for Digesting Food 198 Time Required for the Complete Exhaustion of Available Fertilizing Materials, and the Amounts of Each Remaining in the Soil During a Period of Seven Years. (From Scottish Estimates.) On Uncul- tivated Clay Loam 189 Tobacco 16, 80, 144 Tomatoes 1 8, 79, 1 54 Top-Dress, How To 104 Top-Dressings 64, 103 Top-Dressing Experiments 104 Top-Dressing Grass Lands 76 Top-Dressings of Nitrate of Soda 120 Top-Dressing for Grains, Grasses, Root Crops, Pastures, Soiling Crops, Nitrate as a 54 Turnips and Swedes 56 Two Good Home Mixtures 17^ University of Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station. Timely Hints for Farmers, No. 31. Prof. W. W. Skinner 148 Unusual Functions of Nitrate lOO Use of Acid Phosphate lOi Use of Common Salt ' 38 Use of Legumes 107 Use of Thomas Phosphate Powder and of Lime 38 Use Ought to Increase 66 Valuation 1 74 Value of Nitrate, Eminent Scientists Well Acquainted With It 63 Vegetables and Small Fruits, Fertilizers for 25 Wasteful Methods Pioneer Farmers 63 Weight of a Cubic Foot of Earth, Stone, Metal, Etc 205 Weights and Measures for Cooks, Etc 206 What a Deed to a Farm in Many States Includes 205 What Crops Take Out of Soils 105 What Fertilizers to Buy 27 What Food Is * 98 What Fertilizers to Use for Garden Crops 25 What Housekeepers Should Remember 201 What Machinery Accomplishes 192 What Nitrate Has Done for Crops 143 What Nitrate is in Agriculture 62 What Nitrate Looks Like; Its Chemical Properties 62 What Percentage of Water Does Hay Lose During Storage ? 219 What was Shown by the Analyses 172 Wheat • .55, 60, 137, 147 Wheat and Oats, Rye and Barley. (Bulletin 44, Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station.) 57 Wheat Crops, How Nitrate Increases 54 Wheat, Cotton-Seed Meal and Nitrate Compared on 55 Wheat Experiments m England 55 Wheat, How to Apply Nitrate of Soda to 14 When to Apply Nitrate 38 Where It is Found 63 Where and How to Buy Fertilizing Materials 23 Why Farmyard Manure and Other Products are Valuable 99 Why Nitrate is Indispensable 3 Yield of Cured Hay Under Different Rates of Nitrogenous Fertilization. 72 Yield of Vine Fertilized Omitting Nitrate Nitrogen, 1.13 lbs. of Grapes (Illus.) 95 Yield of Vine Fertilized with Nitrate Ration, 5.45 lbs of Grapes (Illus.) 97 Yield of Forage Crops Per Acre 140 '"•law • O The McWhorter Manufacturing Company Riverton, New Jersey The above machine is recommended for Top-Dressing Nitrate, and has been found to do excellent work in practical trials. 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