Probilience JFranklin ^octets* PLANTS RHODE ISLAND. J. L. BENNETT. ^ rMlf FIE SCHOOL PROVIDENCE : PROVIDENCE PRESS CO., 1888. PROCEEDINGS OF PROVIDENCE FRANKLIN SOCIETY, PLANTS EHODE ISLA:ND, AN ENUMERATION PLANTS GEOWING WITHOUT CULTIVATION IN THE STATE RHODE ISI-MND, (Latitude 41° 18' to 42° 3' N.) {Longitude 71° 8' to 71° S3' W.) "NOMINA SI NESCIS, PERIT COGNITIO ,RERCf^/5'r=' BY PROVIDENCE, R. I. PROVIDENCE PRESS COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1888. / DS^ At a regular meeting of the Providence Fi'anklin Society, Jan- uary 6, 1885, the Standing Committee was authorized to print reports on Botany and Geology. Attest: JOHN DABOLL, Secretary. botanical committee .' Mk. George Hunt, " Thomas J. Battey, " D. W. HOYT, Mrs. E. M. Alben. It is now more than forty years since the publication of Mr. Ohiey's Catalogue of Khode Island Plants,* which was the first enumeration, other than the partial lists occasionally made by visiting botanists, ever made of our plants. Since that time, and more especially during the last decade, the study of Botany has received increased attention, and is regularly taught in the schools, generally, however, in a merely perfunctory and necessa- rily superficial manner, but any attention given to the study is an advance upon the previous total neglect of the science. The Franklin Society has continued its discussions and lectures upon botanical subjects, and an interest has been maintained and fos- tered, which, it is pleasant to note, is more general at the present than at any previous time; withal, Mr. Olney's genei'ous bequest to Brown University, and the endowment of a jjrofessorship of Botany under his will, has made the possibility of gaining a knowledge of botanical science so comparatively easy, that it is but reasonable to expect that this branch of Biology is to receive, at least in part, that attention which it deserves. When the first enumeration was made, many problems remained unsolved which are to-day of easy explanation; text books to which recourse might be had for careful generalizations from * The fint part of this Catalogue was the conjoined toork oj the Committee of the Providence Franklin Society, Stephen T. Olney, George Hunt, George Thur- her and Henry B. Metcalf; the supplementary additions were made by Mr. Olney. VI accumulated observation, were in more than one direction at that time entirely lacking; sources now broadly open to all were then, so far as they at all existed, accessible to none other than the pro- fessional botanist; new fields prolific in unimagined forms were all around us, but for long time we were entirely dependent upon our older brothers beyond the sea (with whom correspondence was frequently in a foreign tongue), for information and knowledge, which is now the privilege of the beginner. It is not then strange that the first enumeration of Rhode Island plants contained but one-third as many as we note in the following list, which itself contains, it is believed, but little more than the half of those species which grow without cultivation within our borders. This Catalogue is prepared at the suggestion of and under the auspices of the Providence Franklin Society, and forms a portion of its published proceedings. It has in large measure been com- piled for a number of years, but for many reasons its issue has postponed; yet we trust that the larger field which it conse- quently covers will make amends for the delay, especially as we are thereby enabled to add several hundred species. The list could have been never made, certainly not to embrace so much of the field which it aims to cover, without kindly and very generous aid of many friends, all of whom will understand, we trust, that whether their names appear in its pages or not, the sense of obligation is here fully acknowledged and thankfully remembered. It would be impossible to mention all those who have in various ways, by advice or suggestion or information, contributed to any measure of success attained, yet it were unworthy not to acknowl- edge an indebtedness, for many years in common with every bot- anist, to him who for so long time was "/aciie princeps'''' of botanists, and kindliest of men; on whom we were in so many ways depend- Vll ent, who was so entirely our wise leader and teacher, that we ever refused to think of that time when he might be called away from us. The imiiortauce biological studies now hold in American schools and colleges and in an enlightened public esteem, and the value therefrom which results to every commonwealth, is due more than to any other to Dr. Asa Gray. "All hearts grew warmer in the presence Of him who, seeking not his own, Gave freely,— for the love of giving, Nor reaped for self the harvest sown." May the memory of his simple, unaffected life, full of wisdom and the desire to be helpful, linger long with us and strengthen us, according to our degree, to similar loving acts of help ! We have to thank for assistance in special departments Mr. William Boott, for kind aid in the nomenclature of the genus Carex ; Dr. George Thurber and Dr. George Vasey for similar aid in Gramineoi ; Mr. Willey, of New Bedford, for revision of the Lichenes ; Dr. W. G. Farlow, of Cambridge, and Prof. D. C. Eaton, of New Haven, for many additions to the list of Marine Algoe ; Mr. C. H. Peck, of Albany, N. Y., and Mr. J. B. Ellis, of Newfield, N. J., for revision of the Fungi; Mr. L. Lesqereux, for the nam- ing and verification of many species of Musci ; Rev. Francis Wolle, for information regarding FreaJi Water Algce ; Mr. Lathrop, for contribution of Desmidiaceoe, &c. ; and other friends whose con- tributions are noted in the text. Thanks are due to the Botanical Committee of the Franklin Society, for their patience and consid- eration in the extremely vexatious delays which have occurred, and especially for the liberal manner in which they have provided for the publication of these pages. Gray's Manual — 5th edition, 1867 — has been followed in the arrangement and nomenclature of the Flowering Plants and Ferns, and in those cases wliere by proper authority such names have been reformed, the former name is inserted in italics. Dr. Vasey's various publications liave determined the arrange- ment, &c., of Gruminea ;" Lesquereux' and James' that of the Mnsci ;2 the late Prof. Tuc^kerman the Lichenes ;' Mr. M. C. (!ooke's arrangement of the Finigi* lias been followed, with revis- ions by Mr. Peck and Mr. Ellis; T)r. Farlovv has been the guide for the Marine Algce/' and Rev. Mr. Wolle for the Fresh Water AlgcR.^ It should be noted that for convenience' sake the Marine and Fresh Water Algie are separated, and in the one is followed Dr. Farlow's ascending, and in tlie other Mr. Wolle's descending series. Although unscientific, it was believed that there were suf- ficient advantages in not merging all the Algety under one syste- matic arrangement. The arrangement of the Diatomacece^ is that in Pritchard. We follow Prof. Underwood's arrangement of Hepaticoi.'^ The Mimci were determined or previous determinations verified by Mr. Les(iuereux. Some of them, however, and all the Hei)a- ticie, passed through the hands of the late Mr. Coe F. Austin. The late Prof. Tuckerman very kindly determined, or verified, the Lichenes, and all herein named passed under his examination. The Fungi were all named by the late Rev. Dr. M. A. Curtis, or by him in connection with Dr. Berkely; the revision of the same by 1 Descriptive Catalogue of United States Grasses, 1884. 2 Manual of the Mosses of North America, 1884. ' Synopsis of N. Am. Lichens. Parti. 1882. Genera Lichenum, 1872. * Handbook of British Fungi, 1871. 5 List of the Marine Algse of the United States, 1875. Marine Algae of New England and adjacent coast, 1881, &c. cDesmids of the United States, 1884, and Supplement, 1887. Fresh Water Algae of the United States, 1887. 'Pritchard's Infusoria, 1861. Article Diatomaceae. ''Descriptive Catalog of the North American Hepaticse, north of Mexico, 1885. IX Mr. Peck and Mr. Ellis has been referred to. Valuable assistance was received from Mr. Olney's Algca RJiodiacct, to which reference is duly made by No. in the text, and wherever the names have been reformed, the species as named in Ahj. Ehod. follows the now accepted name in italics. Very valuable information regard- ing a large number of Diatoms was obtained from Mr. S. A. Briggs' papers in The Lens. A great amount of material in Besmids, Diatoms, &c., await determination, and all our fresh water pools, and ponds, and brooks, teem with species yet to us unknown. It has been the intention to insert the names of all plants so far found indigenous to the State, and also all those not native, but which have becom.e tlioroughly naturalized; the names of all plants which did not appear to be perfectly established, are omit- ted ; unquestionably there are some which deserve insertion, and further study will allow their claim, but " consuetudo loci obser- vando est," and it has been thought better to practice that con- servatism which has heretofore characterized Rhode Island's treatment of aliens, and make them fully earn citizenship before allowing it. Naturalized plants are designated in the text by the method of spacing commonly adopted. Wherever the habitat is general it is not mentioned, but when the plant has been found only locally, such fact is noted; when a species has been noted by only one collector, such fact is stated, save that in a few cases the note refers to the person by whom it was first found ; the other notes will explain themselves. These remarks do not apply to the Cryptogamia, as the marine algae were worked out first by Mr. Olney, and the other orders mainly by the writer. Although this enumeration contains the names of upwards of 3,150 species and varieties, yet it is probably only the moiety of those which grow in tlie State. The Phanerognins fiml Arrogens are pretty nearly lull, the Anopfiytes less so, but no department of the Thallogem, except the Mnrine Abjtz. is probably represented in this list by one-half of those species which belong there ; indeed, the enumeration was so evidently incomplete, that at first it was intended to omit the entire class, except the Marine Algce, and it is now inserted v/ith this explanation, and the hope that micrcscopists may be induced to search out and add the missing species to those herein name.d. It may well be said in this connection, that questions of great- est interest, not alone in a merely technical sense, await solution, which may fairly be expected from the study of the life history of the microscopic Algce and allies: that algoid and fungoid vege- tation has much to do with disease in man and beast and higher vegetable organisms, is held as proven; but whether as cause or effect, or only coincident, is not entirely agreed. No greater ques- tions of material value await determination, than the relations between decay of physical life and the growth of microscopic veg- etation. It may be perhaps tliat the study of these relations, by some of our younger botanists shall lead to an elucidation of facts and a determination of truths of unmeasured value to the com- monwealth. That family of plants, Protophijta, containing those species always present in ferments, comprising Saccharoniycea, Bacillus, Bacterium, &g., is not here noted ; a lack which some future student must supply. All that is claimed for this enumeration is its purpose to help and encourage the beginner; — at the same time it gives, we believe, correct information to the advanced botanist of facts regarding liabitats and distribution of species. Claim to absolute accuracy of determination, in every case, is not made, and it is frankly admitted that corrections, as well as reformations, perhaps XI not a few, may be necessary. Information of necessary additions or corrections is desired. Criticism of the manner in which the work has been done may be deserved; there can fairly be none, however, of the intent, which is, to magnify the wonders of Nature, and prompt the student, to look beyond Nahire\s merely outward appearing. Whatever of value the following pages possess belongs in largest measure to the help of kind friends ; whatever of incor- rectness and imperfection to the writer. JAMES L. BENNETT. Providence, September 1, 1888. COKRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. age 4, 1 12. " 'h ' 2(3. " ", ' 8. " 7, ' IT. " 10, ' 5. " 12, ' 8. " 16, ' 2. " " ' 26. " 21,' ;j5. " 22, ' 22. " 2;^., ' 15. U 41 1. ;30 " 24, ' 1. " 27, ' 10. " ;J0, ' :;. 34. 30, 40, 44, 46, 51, 54, 57, 58, u 61, Add Alyssum incanum, L. Tiovidence, J. L. B. For tomentesa, read tomentosa. " Spurrer, read spurge. •' Perlslane, read Purslane. Add Genista tinctoria, L. Newport, Tweedy. Add Poteriiam Canadense, L. Matunuck, J. L. B. For Beuth, read Eeiitli. " ^GAPODIUM, read ^GOPODIUM. " WoKMWEEi), read WojjiMWOoi). " Rinz, read Ruiz. " oboyatus, read obovatus. :30 and 32. For St-ap, read Scop. For Cateen, read Cotton. " DISPYROS, read DIOSPYROS. Add Rhinanthus Crista-Galli, L. Newport, Tweedy. Before Order 66, insert ()j!i)EK NYCTAGINACE^. Oxybaphus nyctagineus, Sweet. E. Providence, Arnold Green, Esq. For Samimiine, read Sami'HIRE. Add P. Pennsylvanicum, L. Common. For Peir. read Poir. " Caw, read Carr. • ~ " verticellata, read verticillata. " auceps, read anceps. " ]5av, read Bog. " microcarpum, read microcarpon. 13. 6. 24. 25. 6. 34. 19. 17. 22 and 24. For C. read P. 48. For PHRAGMITIS, read PHRAGMITES. 3. " Ebeneum, read ebeneum. 33. •' septentrionavis, read septentrionalis. 27. Add var. gracilis, P^nijjelm. Larkin's Pond. 4. For Heau, read Hedw. 30. " Sebth, read Sibth. X1I1 Page 62, 1. 12. For Scbwfegr, read Schwaegr. 73, " 44. " Duraeii, read Durisei. 77, " 31. " foensecii, read foenisecii. 80, " 11. " brunalis, read brumalis. 95, "6. " LYNGBIA, read LYNGBYA. 100, " 12. Add No. 44. " ''16. Add Xo. 42. 103, " 2(5. For Sphrerophea, read Kphocroplea. 104, " 6. " RHIZOZLONIUM, read RHIZOCLO- NIUM. 108 and 109. For Elirh. wherever it occurs, read Ehrb. 111, 1. 15. For Thwaiter, read Thwaites. 112, " 3. Add var. Crux-Africanum, Wolle. Cat Swamp. SERIES I. PH^NOGAMIA. Class I. DICOT YLEDONE^ . Sub-Class I. ANGIOSPERM^. Division I. POLYPETAL^. Order 1. RANUNCULACE^. CLEMATIS, L. Virgin's Bower. 1. verticillaris, D. C. Johnston. 2. Virginiana, L. ANEMONE, L. Wind-flower. 1. cylindrica, Gray. 2. Virginiana, L. 3. nemorosa, L. 4. Hepatica, L., var. obtusiloba. Hepatica triloba, Chaix. ANEMONELLA, Spach. thaliotroides, Spach. ThaUctrum anemonoides Michx. THALICTRUM, Tourn. Meadow-Rue. 1. purpurascens, L. 2. dioicum, L. 3. Cornuti, L. RANUNCULUS, L. Crowfoot, Buttercup. 1. aquatilis, L., var. trichophyllus, Chaix. 2. multifidus, Puish. 3. alismaefolius, Geyer. Little Compton. 4. Flammula, L., var. reptans, Gray. N. Providence. 5. Cymbalaria, Pursh. 6. abortivus, L. 7. recurvatus, Poiret. 8. Pennsylvanicus, L. 9. fascicularis, Muhl. 10. repens, L. PLANTS OF BHODE ISLAND, 11. bulb OS us, L. 12. acris, L. C A L T H A , L. Mausii Marigold. palustris, L. C O P T I S , Salisb. GOI>DTHREAD, trifolia, Salisb. AQUILEGIA, L. Columbine. Canadensis, L. A C T -^ A , L. Cohosh. 1. spicata, L., var. rubra, Michx. 2. alba, Bigelow. CIMICIFUGA, L. Black Snakeroot. racemosa, Ell. Order 2. MAGNOLIACE^. LIRIODBNDRON, L. Tulip-Tree. Tulipifera, L. Order 3. BERBERIDACE^. BERBERIS, L. Barberry. vulgaris, L. CAULOPHYLLUM, Michx, Pappoose-Root. thalictroides, Michx. Cumberland, Olney. Smithfield, Batte^l/. PODOPHYLLUM, L. May- Apple. peltatum, L. Hopkinton, Bennett. Order 4. NYMPHS ACE^. BRASENIA, Schreb. Water-Shield. peltata, Pursh. NYMPHS A. Pond-Lily. odorata. Ait. var. minor. var. rosea. Warwick, Dr. Georye Thw'ber, Bennett. NUPHAR, Smith. Spatter-dock. advena. Ait. PLANTS OF BHODE ISLAND. Order 5. SARRACENIACB^. SARRACENIA, Tourn. Side-saddle Flower. purpurea, L, Order 6. PAPAVERACE^. CHELIDONIUM, L. Celandine. maj us, L. SANGUINARIA, Dill. Blood-root. Canadensis, L. GLAUCIUM, Tourn. Horn-Poppy. luteum, Scop. Order 7. FUMARIACE^. ADLUMIA, Raf. cirrhosa, Raf. Cumbei-land, rai-e. Foster, Flint. CORYDALIS, Vent, glauca, Pursh. FUMARIA, L. Fumitory. officinalis, L. An occasional weed. Order 8. CRUCIPER^. NASTURTIUM, R. Br. Cress. 1. officinale, R. Br. 2. palustre, D. C. 3. Armoracia, Fries. Horse-Radish. CARDAMINE, L. Lady's-Smock. 1. rhomboidea, D. C. 2. hirsuta, L. var. sylvatica, Gray. ARABIS, L. Rock-Cress. 1. laevigata, D. C. 2. Canadensis, L. 3. perfoliata, Lam. BARB ARE A, R.Br. Winter-Cress. vulgaris, R. Br. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. ERYSIMUM, L. Treacle-Mustard., L. Providence. SISYMBRIUM, L. Hedge-Mustard. 1. officinale, Scop. 2. S O p h i a , L. J. L. Bennett. BRASSICA, Touru. Mustakd. 1. Sinapistrum, Boiss. 2. alba, Boiss. 3. nigra, Boiss. DRAB A, L* Whitlow-Gkass. 1. Caroliniana, Walt. 2. verna, L. CAMELINA, Cranz. False-Flax. S a t i V a , Crantz. CAPSELLA, Vent. Shepherd' s-Purse. Bursa-Pastoris, Moench. THLASPI, Tourn, Penny-Cress. arvense,L. E. ProAidence, A. Greene, Esq. Providence, Bennett. LEPIDIUM, L. Pepper- wort. 1. Virginianum, L. 2. ruderale,L. 3. canipestre,L. 4. D r a b a , L. SENEBIERA, D. C. Wakt-Cress. L Coronopus, D. C. Newport, Bennett. 2. didyma, Pers. Newport, Bennett. C A K I L E , Tourn. Sea- Rocket. Americana, Nutt. RAPHANUS, L. Radish. 1. Raphanistruni,L. 2. sativum, L. Occasionally spontaneous. Order 9. RESEDACE^. RESEDA, L. Mignonette. Luteola, L. Wanskuck, Olney. Dyers-Weed. * Alyssum maritimum, L. is (rarely) spontaneous. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. Okder 10. VIOLACE^. VIOLA, L. Violet. 1. rotundifolia, Michx. Burrillville, Bennett. 2. lanceolata, L. 3. primulaefolia, L. 4. blanda, Willd, & var. 5. odorata.L. 6. palmata, L. V. cucullata, var. palmata. var. cucullata. V. cucullata, Ait. 7. sagittata, Ait., & vars.* 8. pedata, L. var. bicolor. Bailey, Bennett. 9. canina, L., var. Muhlenbergii, Gray. V. canina, var. sylvestris, Begel. 10. striata, Ait. 11. pubescens, Ait. var. scabriuscula. Dr. George Thurber. Prov- idence, Bennett. Okder 11. CISTACE^. HELIANTHEMUM, Tourn. Rock-Rose. Canadensis, Miclix. Ice- Wort. HUDSONIA, L. 1. ericoides, L. 2. tomentesa, Xutt. LECHEA, L. Pin-Weed. 1. major, Miclix. 2. thymifolia, Pursh. 3. minor, Lam., var. racemulosa. var. tenuifolia. 4. Novee-CaBSarese, Austin. Quidnesset, Bennett. Order 12. DROSERACE^. DROSERA, L. Sun-Dew. 1. rotundifolia, L. 2. intermedia, Hayne, var. Americanum, D. C. D. longifolia, L. Order 13. HYPERICACE^. H Y P E R I C U M, L. St. John' s-Wort. 1. adpressum. Barton. 2. ellipticum, Hook. * A variety with fragrant white flowers occurs at Quidnessett. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 3. perforatum, L. 4. corymbosum, Muhl. 5. mutilum, L. 6. Canadense, L. var. major. 1. Sarothra, Mich. Pink-weed. EL ODES, Adans. cam.panulata, Pursh. E. Virginica, Am. Ohdei: 14. ELATINACE^. ELATINE, L. Water- Wokt. Americana, Arnott. Oedeu 15. CARYOPHYLLACE^. DIANTHUS, L. Pink. Armeria, L. SAPONARIA, L. SoAPwoRT. officinalis, L. VACCARIA, Medik. Cow-Herb. vulgaris, Host. SILENE, L. Catchfly. 1. stellata. Ait. 2. inflata, Sm. Bladder-Campion. 3. Pennsylvanica, Michx. Appoiiaug, &c. 4. antirrhina, L. 5. noctiflora, L. Providence. LYCHNIS, Touin. 1. vespertina, Sibth. 2. Githago, Lam. Cockle. 3. diurna, L. Providence, &c. ARENARIA, L. Sandwort. 1. serpyllifolia, L. 2. Groenlandica, Spreng. Westerly, 3Ir. George Hunt. 3. lateriflora, L. 4. peploides, L. STELLARIA, L. Starwort. 1. media, Sm. Chick-weed. 2. longifolia, Muhl. 3. borealis, Bigelow. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. CBRASTIUM, L. Mouse-Ear Chickweed. 1. vulgatum, L. 2. viscosum.L. 3. arvense, L. Cumberland, Providence, Bennett. SAG IN A, L. Peaelwort. , 1. procumbens, L. 2, apetala, L. LEPIGONIUM, Fries. Sand-Spurrer. 1. rubrum, Fries. Spergularia rubra, Presl. 2. salinum, Fries. (?) Sperr/idaria salina, Presl. 3. medium, Fries. Spergularia media, Presl. SPERGULA, L. Spurrey. arvensis, L. Order Ifi. PORTULACACE^. PORTULACA, Tourn. Perlslane. oleracea, L. CLAYTONIA, L. Spring-Beauty. Virginica, L. S. Kingstown, Olney. Order 17. MALVACE^. MALVA. L. Mallows. 1. rotundif olia, L. 2. sylvestris.L. 3. crisp a, L. 4. moschata, L. ABUTILON, Tourn. Indian Mallow. Avicennae, Gsertn. HIBISCUS, L. 1. Trionum, L. Arnold Greene, Esq. 2. S y r i a C U S , L. S. Kingstown, J. W. Congdon, Esq. 3. Moscheutos, L. Order 18. TILIACE^. T I L I A , L. Linden Basswood. Americana, L. Wick-up Tree. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. Orper 10. LINAGES. LINUM, L. Flax. 1. Virginianum, L. 2. striatum, Walt. 3. sulcatum, Kiddell. 4. usitatissimum.L., frequent on waste-heaps. Orper 20. GERANIACE^. GERANIUM, L. Crane's-Bill. 1. maculatum, L. 2. Carolinianum, L. 3. dissectum,L. 4. Robertianum, L. ER ODIUM, L'Her. Stork' s-Bii>l.- cicutarium, L'Her. IMPATIENS, L. Balsam. 1. pallida, Nutt. 2. fulva, Nutt. Jewel- Weed. OXALIS, L. WOOD-SORRELL. 1. Acetosella, L. 2. violacea, L. 3. corniculata, L., var. stricta. 0. stricta, L. Order 21. RUTACE^. ZANTHOXYLUM, Coklen. Prickly Ash. Americanum, Mill. Order 22. ANACARDIACE^. RHUS, L. Sumach. 1. typhina, L. 2. glabra, L. 3. copallina, L. 4. venenata, L. Swamp Sumach. Dogwood. 5. Toxicodendron, L. Poison Ivy. Poison Oak. var. radicans. Order 23. VITACE-S. linoides, Solander. 12. arguta, Ait. .S. Muhlenbergii, T. & G. 13. juncea, Ait. {% 3. Pennsylvanicum, Lam.* Low BLUEBEiyi A j IS H^^jlH Hf ;f|i?}j 4. vacillans, Solander.* Canada BLUEBikRY/.i^'^^ i- A«*ii^ i.'A/ii-/>J, 5. corymbosum, L.* Swamp WnoRTLEBE^iii var. amoenum, var. glabrum. var. atrococcum. CHIOGENES, Salisb. Snowberrt. hispidula, T. & G. Foster, &c. Rare. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS, Adans. Bearberry. Uva-Ursi, Spreug. ♦These species produce sometimes the (so-called) white whortleberries. 26 PLANTS OF EIIODE ISLAND. EPIG^A, L. repens, L. Mayfloaver, Trailing Arbutus. GAULTHERIA, Kalm. procumbens, L. Wixtergreex. LEUCOTHOE, Don. racemosa, Gray. CASSANDRA, Don. Leatheeleaf. calyculata, Don. ANDROMEDA, L. 1. Mariana, L. Stagger-Bush. 2. ligustrina, Muhl. CLETHRA, L. alnifolia, L. Sweet Pepper. KALMIA, L. Laurel. 1. latifolia. L. Calico-Bush, High Laurel. 2. angustifolia, L. Lamb-Kill, Low Laurel. RHODODENDRON, L. 1. viscosum, Torr. White Swamp-Cheese. Azalea riscosa. L. 2. nudiflorum. Ton-. Pink Azalea. Azalea nudiflora, L. 3. niaximuin, L. Rose-Bay. S. Kingstown, &c. 4. Rhodora, (L.) JRliodora Canadensis, L. ' PYROLA, Tourn. 1. rotundifolia, L. Wood-Lettuce. 2. elliptica, Nutt. Shin-Leaf. 3. chlorantha, Swartz. Somewhat rare. 4. secunda, L. MONESES, Salisb. uniflora, Salisb. Burrillville, Bennett. Smithtield, Mr. Russell. CHIMAPHILA, Pursh. 1. umbellata, Nutt. Prince's Pine, Pipsissewa. 2. maculata, Pursh. Spotted Pipsissewa. MONOTROPA, L. 1. uniflora, L. Indian Pipes. 2. Hypopitys, L. Pine-Sap. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 27 Order 49. AQUIFOLIACE^. ILEX, L. 1. opaca, Ait. Holly. So. Kingstown, &c. 2. verticillata, Gray. Black Alder. 3. laevigata, Gray. Smooth Alder. 4. glabra, Gray, Ijtkberry. N. Kingstown. NEMOPANTHES, Raf. Canadensis, D. C. Mountain Holly. Order 50. EBENACE.^. DISPYROS, L. Virginiana, L. Persimmon. Woonsocket, Olney. Order 51. PLANT AGINACE^. PLANTAGO, L. Plantain. 1. maj or, L. 2. Rugelii, Decaisne. E. Providence, Bennett. P. Kamschatica, Cham. 3. decipiens, Barneoud. P. maritima, L. var. juncoides. 4. lanceolata, L. Ribwort. 5. Virginica, L. Providence. 6. pusilla, Xiitt. Potawomut, Congdon. 7. Patagonica, Jacq., var. aristata, Gi-ay. Quidnessett, Bennett. Order 52. PLUMBAGINACE^. STATICE, Toiirn. M.VRSH Rosemary. Limonium, L., var. Caroliniana. Order 53. PRIMULACE^. TRIENTALIS, L. Chickweed-Wintergreen. Americana, Pursb. LYSIMACHIA, Tonrn. Loosestrife. 1. stricta. Ait. 2. quadrifolia, L. 3. thyrsiflora, L. Dr. Geo. Thurber. 4. nummularia, L. 5. vulgaris, L. Middletown, Pro/. Bailey. STEIRONEMA, Raf. Loosestrife. L ciliatum, Raf. Lysimachia ciliata, L. 28 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND, 2. lanceolatum, Gray. Lysimachia lanceolata, Wali. var. hybridum. Lysbnaclthi lanceolata, var. ANAGALLIS, Tourn. Pimpernel. arvensis, L. SAMOLUS, L. Water Pimpernel. Valerandi, L., var. Americanus, Gray. HOTTONIA, L. Feathekfoil. inflata, Ell. Little Compton, &c. Okdek 54. LBNTIBULACB^. UTRICULARIA, L. Bladderwort. 1. inflata, L. 2. macrorhiza, Le Conte. U. vulgaris, L. 3. minor, L, Smlthfield, Congdon. 4. clandestina, L. East Providence ; Quidnessett. 5. intermedia, Hayue. Providence. 6. biflora. Lam. J. W. Congdon, Esq. 7. gibba, L. 8. purpurea, Walt. Lincoln, Cranston, Congdon. 9. resupinata, Greene. S. Kingstown, Olney. 10. cornuta, Michx, IL subulata, L. Worden's Pond, Congdon. Order 55. OROBANCHACEuE. EPIPHBGUS, Nutt. Beech-Deops. Virginiana, Barton. CONOPHOLIS, Wallroth. Cancer-Root. Americana, Wallr. Olney. APHYLLON, Mitchell, uniflorum, T. & G. Broom-Rape. Order 56. SCROPHULARIACE^. VERBASCUM, L. Mullein. 1. Thapsus, L. 2. Blattaria, L.* Moth-Mullein. 3. Lychnitis.L. White-Mullein. * The yellow flowered form is seldom found with us. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 29 LIN ARIA, Toiun. Toad-Flax. 1. Canadensis, Spreng. 2. vulgaris. Mill. Butter and Eggs. 3. Elatine, Mill. Middletown, Bennett. SCROPHULARIA, Touiii. Figwobt. nodosa, L. CHE LONE, Tomn. Snake-Head. glabra, L. PENTSTEMON, Mitchell, pubescens, Solander. Cranston, Bennett ; Conanicut, L. W. Bussell. MIMULUS, L. Monket-Flowek. 1. ringens, L. 2. alatus. Ait. GRATIOLA, L. Hedge-Hyssop. 1. Virginiana, L. 2. aurea, Muhl. ILYSANTHES, Eaf . False Pimpernel. gratioloides, Bentli. LIMOSELLA, L. Mudwort. aquatica, L., var. tenuifolia, Hoffm. Point Judith. VERONICA, L. Speedwell. 1. Virginica, L. Culver's Root. West boundary of State. 2. Anagallis, L. 3. Americana, Schweinitz. 4. scutellata, L. 5. officinalis, L. Providence, J. L. B. 6. serpyllifolia, L. 7. peregrina, L. 8. arvensis,L. 9. agrestis,L. Providence, Apponaug. 10. heder8efolia,L. (In Herb. Olney.) GERARDIA, L. False Foxglove. 1. purpurea, L.* 2. maritima, Eaf.* 3. tenuifolia, Vahl.* 4. flava, L. 5. quercifolia, Pursh. 6. pedicularia, L. * The flowers of these species are frequently white ! 30 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. CASTILLEIA, Mutis. Painted Cup. coccinea, sjneni;. PEDICULARIS, Tourn. Betony. 1. Canadensis, L. 2. lanceolata, Miclix. Exeter, Prof. Bailey, MELAMPYRUM, Tourn. Cow Wheat. Americanum, Michx. Order 57. VERBENACE^. VERBENA, L. 1. hastata, L. 2. urticifolia, L. 3. officinalis, L. Cranston, Bermeii. PHRYMA, L. Leptostachya, L. Order 58. LABIATE. TEUCRIUM, L. Germander. Canadense, L. TRICHOSTEMA, L. Blue Curls. 1. dichotomum, L.* 2. lineare, Nutt. N. Providence. MENTHA. L. Mint. 1. viridis.L. Spearmint. 2. piperita, L. Peppermint. 3. Canadensis, L. Canada-Mint. LYCOPUS, L. HOARUOUND. 1. Virginicus, L. Bugle Weed. 2. sinuatus, Ell. L. Eurojyceus L. var. 3. lucidus. Ell. Spectacle Pond, Congdon. L. Europfeus L. var. PYCNANTHEMUM, Michx. Basil. 1. incanum, Michx. 2. muticum, Pers. 3. lanceolatum, Pursh. 4. linifolium, Pursh. THYMUS, L. Thyme. Serpyllum, L. Matunuck, Bennett. * A variety with pale piuk flowers occurs at Quidnessett. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 31 CALAMINTHA, Moeuch. Calamint. Clinopodium, Benth. HEDEOMA, Pers. Penxykoyal. pulegioides, Pers. COLLINSONIA, L. Hoese-Balm. Canadensis, L. MONARDA, L. Horse Mint. fistulosa, L., var. mollis. Westerly, &c. NEPETA, L. 1. Cataria.L. Catxep. 2. Glechoma, Benth. Gill, Ground Ivy. PHYSOSTEGIA, Bentb. Dragon-Head. Virginiana, Bonth. E. Providence, 3Ir. Leland. BRUNELLA, Tourn. Self-He al. vulgaris, L. SCUTELLARIA, L. Scull-Cap. 1. integrifolia, L. Found once in Cranston. 2. galericulata, L. 3. lateriflora, L. MARRUBIUM, L. Horehound. VUlgare, L. East Greenwich, &c. GALEOPSIS, L. Hemp-Xettle. 1. Tetrahit, L. 2. Ladanum.L. STACHYS, L. Hedge-Xettle. 1. palustris, L. 2. aspera, Michx. S. palustris L. var. 3. cordata, Pdddell. K Kingstown, &g. S. palustris L. var. 4. hyssopifolia, Michx. Smithfield, Congdon. LEONURUS, L. Motherwort. Cardiaca, L. LAMIUM, L. Dead-Nettle. 1. amplexicaule, L. 2. purpureum.L. 32 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 3. album, L. BALLOTA, L. HoREHOUND. nigra, L. Pi-ovidence, Westerly; rather rare. Order 50. BORRAGINACB^. ECHIUM, Tourn. Viper's Bugloss. vulgare, L. Providence. LYCOPSIS, L. Bugloss. arvensis, L. Providence, &c» SYMPHTUM, Tourn. COMFREY. officinale, L. ONOSMODIUM, Michx. False Gromwell. Virginianum, D. C. Xear Greenville, &c. LITHOSPERMUM, Tourn. Gromwell. 1. arvense.L. Corn-Gromtvell. 2. officinale, L. Uncommon. MYOSOTIS, L. FORGET-MK-NOT. 1. palustris, With. 2. laxa, Lehm. 21. palustris, var. laxa. 3. arvensis, Hoffm. 4. verna, Nutt. CYNOGLOSSUM, Tourn. Hound's Tongue. 1. officinale, L. East Greenwich, &c. ECHINOSPERMUM, Swartz. Stick-Seed. Virginicum, Lehm. Cynoglossum Morisoni, D. C. Order 60. CONVOLVULACE^. IPOM.^A, L. purpurea. Lam. Morning-Glory. CONVOLVULUS, L. Bind-Weed. 1. arvensis, L. 2. sepium, L. Calystegia sepium, E. Br. 3. spithameea, (Pursh.) Calystegia spithameea. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 33 CU SCUTA. DoDDEE. 1. inflexa, Enfjelm. Spectacle Pond, In herb. Olney. 2. chlorocarpa, Engelm. 3. Gronovii, Wilkl. 4. compacta, Juss. East Greenwich, Cony don; Quidnessett, Bennett. Order 61. SOLANACBJS. SOLANUM, Tourn. 1. Dulcamara, L. Bittersweet. 2. nigrum, L. Nightshade. 3. rostratum, Dunal. East Providence, Bennett. PHYSALIS.L. Ground Cherry. 1. Virginiana, Mill. 2. angulata, L. Providence, &c. 3. pubescens, L. Providence. 4. viscosa, L. Coventry, near Connecticut line, Bennett. 5. Alkekengi.L. Strawberry Tomato. Escaped. 6. Peruviana, L. Providence, Prof. Bailey. NICANDRA, Adans., Gaertn. Apple of Peru. LYCIUM, L. V u 1 g a r e, Dunal. Matrimony Vine. HYOSCYAMUS, Tourn. Henbane. niger,L. Block Island, O^ne?/. DATURA, L. Thorn Apple. 1. Stramonium, L. 2. Tatula, L. Order 62. GBNTIANACE^. SABBATIA, Adans. 1. chloroides, Pursh. 2. stellaris, Pursh. Narragansett, Mr. Hunt. Matunuck. GENTIANA, L. Gentian. 1. crinita, Froelich. Fringed Gentian. 2. Andrewsii, Griseb. Box Gentian. BART ONI A, Muhl. tenella, Muhl. MENYANTHES, Tourn. Buck-Bean. trifoliata, L. 3 M PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. LIMNANTHEMUM, Gmelin. lacunosum, (iiiseb. Floating Hp:ahts. Order 63. APOCYNACE^.. APOCYNUM, Tourn. Dogbane, Indian Hemp. 1. androsaemifolium, L. 2. cannabinum, I.., & vars. Order (U. ASCLEPIADACE^. ASCLEPIAS, L. Milk-Weed 1. Cornuti, Dfcaisne. 2. phytolaccoides, Pursh. 3. purpurascens, L. 4. quadrifolia, J acq. Not common. 5. incarnata, L. var. pulchra. 6. obtusifolia, Michx. 7. tuberosa, L. Pleurisy-Koot, Butterfly-Weed. 8. verticillata, L. Order 65. OLEACE^. LIGUSTRUM, Tourn. Privet. vulgare, L. FRAXINUS, Tourn. Ash. 1. Americana, L. White Ash. 2. pubescens, Lam. Red Ash. 3. viridis, Mich. f. Nooseneck. 4. sambucifolia, Lam. Water Ash, Black Ash. Division III. APETAL^. Order 66. PHYTOLACCACE^. PHYTOLACCA, Tourn. Poke, Garget. decandra, L. Order 67. CHENOPODIACE^. CHENOPODIUM, L. Goosefoot. 1. album, L. Pig-Weed. var. viride. 2. glaucum, L. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 35 3. urbicum, L. var. rhomb if olium. 4. murale, L. 5. hybridum.L. 6. B o t r y s . Jerusalem Oak, 7. ambrosioides, L., var. anthelminticum. Worm- seed. BLITUM, Tourn. Elite. maritimum, Nutt. Quidnessett, Block Island. ATRIPLBX, Tourn. Oeache. 1. patula, L. 2. arenaria, Xutt. Quidnessett, Newport. SALICORNIA, Tourn. Glasswort, Samphine. 1. herbacea, L. 2. Virginica, L. 3. fruticosa, L., var. ambigua. S U ^ D A , Forskal. Sea Elite. maritima, Dumortier. SALSOLA, L. Saltwort. Kali, L. Order 68. PARONYCHIE^. A N Y C H I A , Michx. Forked Chickweed. dichotoma, Michx. SCLERANTHUS, L. Knawel. annuus, L. Order 69. AMARANTACE^. AMARANTUS, Tourn. Amaranth. 1. hypochondriacus.L. Love-lies-bleediivg. 2. paniculatus, L. 3. hybridus.L. A. retroflexus, L. var. 4. alb US, L. 5. pumilus, Raf. Easton's Eeach, Bennett. 6. spinosus, L. Thorny Amaranth. Congdon. ACNIDA, L. Water Hemp. cannabina, L. 36 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. Okdek 70. POLYGONACB^. POLYGONUM, L. Knotweed. orientale, L. Peince' s Feather. 2. Careyi, Olney. 3. Hartwrightii, Gray. Providence. 4. incarnatum, Ell. Apponaug, &c. 5. Persicaria, L. Lady' s Thumb. 6. Hydropiper, L. Smartweed. 7. acre, II. B. K. Water Smartweed. 8. hydropiperoides, Michx. Water-Pepper. 0. amphibium, L. 10. Muhlenbergii, Watson. P. amphihiiun, var. terresfre. 11. Virginianum, L. 12. articulatum, L. Joixt-Weed. 1.3. aviculare, L. Knot-Grass. 14. erectum, L. P. avirulare, var. 1-5. maritimum, L. Newport, &c. 16. ramosissimum. Barrinyton. Olneij. Newport, «fec. 17. tenue, L. 18. arifolium, L. Tear-Thumb. 19. sagittatura, L. Tear-Thumb. 20. Convolvulus, L. Black Bindweed 21. cilinode, Michx. Johnston, Bennett. 22. dumetorum, L. Climbixg False Buckwheat. PAGOPYRUM, Tourn. Buckwheat. esculentum, Moenoh. RUMEX. L. Dock. 1. salicifolius, Weinm. Providence ; banks of Seekonk. 2. verticillatus, L. Point Judith, &c. 3. maritimus, L. Newport, &c. 4. crispus,L. Narrow Dock. 5. obtusifolius.L. 6. Acetosella, L. Sorrel. Order 71. LAURACB^. SASSAFRAS, Nees. oflBcinale, Nees. .sassafras. L I N D B R A , Thunberg. Benzoin, Meisner. Fever-Bush, Spice-Bush. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 37 Order 72. THYMELEACE^. D I R C A , L. Le ATHERWOOI). palustris, L. Cumberland, Olney ; Burrillville, &c. Order 73. SANTALACE.^. COMANDRA, Nutt. Bastard Toad umbellata, Xutt. Order 74. CERATOPHYLLACE^. CERATOPHYLLUM, L. Hornwokt. demersum, L., var. cominune. Stillwater, var. echinatum. Wenscott Reservoir. Order 75. PODOSTEMACE^. PODOSTEMON, Miclix. River Weed. ceratophyllus, Miclix. Order 76. EUPHORBIACE^. EUPHORBIA, L. Spurge. 1. polygonifolia, L. 2. maculata, L. 3. hypericifolia, L. 4. Cyparissias.L. Cypress. 5. P e p 1 u s , L. Newport, Congdon ; Matunuck, Bennett. ACALYPHA, L. Three-Seeded Mercury. Virginica, L. var. gracilens. Order 77. URTICACE^. ULMUS, L. Elm. 1. fulva, Michx. Slippery Elm. East Providence. &c. 2. Americana, L. CELTIS, Toiirn. Hackberry. occidentalis, L., & vars. URTICA, Tourn. Nettle. 1. gracilis. Ait. 2. dioica, L. 3. urens, L. 38 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. LAPORTEA, Gaudichaud. Wood Nettle. Canadensis, Gaud. P I L E A , liindl. Clearweed. pumila, Gray. BOEHMERIA, Jacq. False Nettle. cylindrica, Willd. PARIETARIA, Touru. Pellitory. Pennsylvanica, Muhl. CANNABIS, Tourn. Hemp. sativa, L. HUMULUS, L. Hop. Lupulus, L. Order 78. PLATANACE^. PLATANUS, L. Plane. occidentalis, L. Buttonball, Sycamore. Order 79. JUGLANDACE^. JUGLANS, L. Walnut. 1. cinerea, L. Butternut. 2. nigra, L. Black Walnut. Doubtfully native ? CARYA, Nutt. Hickory. 1. alba, Nutt. White Walnut, Sh age ark. 2. microcarpa, Nvitt. Providence, &c. 3. sulcata, Nutt. Shell-Bark. J. W. Congdon, Esq. 4. tomentosa, Nutt. Mocker-Nut. 5. porcina, Nutt, & vars. Pig-Nut. 6. amara, Nutt. Bitter-Nut. Order SO. CUPULIPER^. QUERCUS, L. Oak. 1. alba, L. White Oak. 2. obtusiloba, Michx. Post Oak. Quidnessett, Bennett. 3. bicolor, Willd. Swamp White Oak, 4. Prinus, L.* Chestnut Oak. Providence! var. monticola. Smithfiield, &c. var. humilis. Chinquapin Oak. 5. ilicifolia, Wang. Bear Oak. *Q. macrocarpa, Mx., is reported from Buck Hill Woods. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 39 6. coccinea, Wang. Scarlet Oak. var. tinctoria. Yellow Bakk. var. ambigua. Gray Oak. East Providence, &c. 7. rubra, L. Red Oak. var. runcinata. E. Providence, S. Kingstown. 8. palustris, Du Poi. Pix Oak. Cumberland, Mr. Hunt ; S. Kingstown, &c. CASTANEA, Toiirn. Chestnut. vesca, L., var. Americana, Michx. PAGUS, Tourn. Beech. ferruginea, Ait. CORYLUS, Tourn. Hazel. 1. Americana, Walt. 2. rostrata. Ait. O S T R Y A , Micbeli. Hop Horx-Beam. Virginica, Willd. CARPINUS, L. Iron Wood. Americana, Michx. Order SI. MYRICACE^. MYRICA, L. 1. Gale, L. Sweet Gale. 2. cerifera, L. Baybekby. 3. Comptonia, C. DC. Sweet-Fekn. Comptonia asplenifolia, Ait. Order 82. BETULACE^^, BE TULA, Tourn. Bikch. 1. lenta, L. Cheery Birch, Black Birch. 2. lutea, Mich. f. Yei,low Birch. 3. alba, var. populifolia, Spach. Gray Birch. 4. papyracea. Ait. Canoe Birch. Smithfield, &c. 5. nigra, L. Red Biech. Buck Hill Woods. ALNUS, Tourn. Alder. 1. incana, Willd. Hoart Alder. 2. serrulata. Ait. Smooth Alder. Order 83. SALICACE.^. POPULUS, Tourn. Poplar. 1. tremuloides, 3Iichx. Aspen. 40 PLANTS OF BIIOBE ISLAND. 2. grandidentata, Michx. 3. monilifera, Ait. South Kingstown. Native? 4. balsamifera, L., var. candicans. Balm of Gilead. 5. alba, L. White Poplar. SAL IX, Touni. Willow. 1. tristis, Ait. Sage Willow. 2. humilis, Marshall. 3. discolor, Muhl. 4. sericea, Marshall. 5. petiolaris, Sm. Woodlawn. 6. purpurea, L. 7. viminalis, L. 8. cordata, Muhl, & vars. 9. livida, Wahl., var. occidentalis. 10. lucida, Muhl. 11. nigra, Marshall. var. falcata. Providence, var. amygdaloides. Neutakonkanut. 12. fragilis, L. 13. alba, L. 14. longifolia, Muhl. 15. myrtilloides, L. Johnston, J. W. Congdon. Sub-Class II. GYMNOSPERM^. Order 84. CONIFERS. PINUS, Tourn. Pine. 1. rigida. Miller. Pitch Pine. 2. resinosa, Ait. 3. Strobus, L. White Pine. PICE A, Lk. Spruce. nigra, Lk. Black Spruce. Johnston, Foster, &c. Abies nigra, Peir. T S U G A , Caw. Hemlock Spruce. Canadensis, (Endl), Carriere. Abies Canadensis, Michx. L A R I X , Tourn. Larch, Hackmatack. Americana. Mx. West Greenwich. Native! CHAM^CYPARIS. White Cedar. sphseroidea, Spach. Cupressus thyoides, L. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 41 JUNIPBRUS. L. 1. communis, L. Junipek. 2. Virginiana, L. Red Cedak. 3. Sabina, L., var. procumbens. E. ProvirUnce. TAXUS, Tourn. Yew. baccata, L., var. Canadensis. Snaswood, Foster. Class II. M O XO COT YLE DON E^ . Order 85. ARACE^. A R I S ^ M A , Martins. 1. triphyllum, Torr. Indian Turnip. 2. Dracontium, Schott. Providence, (Hedge.) PELTANDRA, Pvaf. Arrow Arum. Virginica, Raf. C A L L A , L. Water Arum. palustris. L. SYMPLOCARPUS, Salisb. Skunk Cabbage. fcBtidus, Salisb. ORONTIUM, L. Golden-Club. aquaticum, L. Local. A C O R U S , L. Sweet Flag. Calamus, L. Order 86. LEMNACE^. LEMNA, L. Duckweed. 1. minor, L. 2. polyrhiza, L. Newport. Order 87. TYPHACE^. TYPHA, Tourn. Cat-Tail. 1. latifolia, L. 2. angustifolia, L. SPARGANIUM, Tourn. Bur-Reed. 1. Eurycarpum, Engelm. 2. simplex, Hudson. 42 PLANTS OF RUODE ISLAND. Order 88. NAIADACE^. NAIAS, L. Naiad. flexilis, Eostk. ZANNICHELLIA, Micheli. Horned Pond- Weed. palustris, L. ZOSTERA, L. Eel-Grass, Wrack. marina, L. RUPPIA, L. Ditch-Grass. maritima, L. POTAMOGETON, Tourn. Pond-Weed. 1. natans, L. 2. Oakesianus, Robbins. Olney. 3. Claytonii, Tuckerm. 4. Vaseyi, Robbins. In herb. Olney. 5. hybridus, Michx., var. . Westerly, &c. 6. Spirillus, Tuck. Robbins ; Quidnessett, Bennett. 7. lonchites, Tuck. (?) So. Kingstown. 8. gramineus, L., var. graminfolius. var. heterophyllus. var. myriophyllus. Gorton's Pond. 9. perfoliatus, L. 10. compressus, L. 11. pauciflorus, Pursh. Niantic, Ac. 12. pusillus, L. 13. gemmiparus, Robbins. Lonsdale, &c. 14. pectinatus, L. 15. Robbinsii, Oakes. Smithfield. 16. Tuckermani, Robbins. (Our Potamogetons were kindly revised by Dr. Robbins a short time only before his death; his last botanical work.) Order 89. ALISMACE^. TRIGLOCHIN, L. Arrow Grass. 1. palustre, L. 2. maritimura, L. SCHBUCHZERIA. L. palustris, L. N. Providence, Olney. A L I S M A , L. Water Plantain. Plantago, L., var. Americanum. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 43 SAGITTARIA, L. Arrow-Head. 1. variabilis, Engelm, var. obtusa. var. latifolia. var. hastata. var. diversifolia. var. angustifolia. var. gracilis. 2. calycina, Engelm. Woonasquatucket, &c. 3. graminea, Michx. Benedict's Pond, &c. 4. heterophylla, Pursh. Olney. Order 90. HYDROCHARIDACE^. ANACHARIS, Richard. Water- Weed. Canadensis, Planchon. VALLISNERIA, Micheli. Tape Grass, Water Celery. spiralis, L. Harrington, &c. Order 01. ORCHIDACE^. ORCHIS, L. Orchis. spectabilis, L. Scituate, Flint. H A B E N A R I A , R. Br. Orchis. 1. tridentata. Hook. 2. virescens, Spreng. 3. viridis, R. Br., var. bracteata, Reich. Lime Rock. 4. Hookeri, Torr. Hunt, Flint. 0. ciliaris, R. Br. Yellow Fringed Orchis. 6. blephariglottis. Hook. White Fringed Orchis. var. holopetala. Hedge ; Quidnessett, Bennett. 7. lacera, R. Br. Ragged Fringed Orchis. 8. psycodes, Gray. Small Purple Orchis. 9. fimbriata, R. Br. Large Purple Orchis. So. Kingstown. G O O D Y E R A , R. Br. Rattlesnake Plantain. 1. repens, R. Br. Smithlield; rare. 2. pubescens, R. Br. SPIRANTHES, Richard. Ladies' Tresses. 1. cernua, Richard. 2. graminea, Lindl., var. "Walteri. 3. gracilis, Bigelow. 4. simplex. Gray. E. Greenwich, Congdon. L I S T E R A , R. Br. Twayblade. cordata, R. Br. So. Kingstown. 44 PLANTS OF BIIODE ISLAND. ARETHUSA, Gronov. bulbosa, L. POGONIA, .luss. 1. ophioglossoides, Nutt. 2. pendula, Lindl. Foster, Glocester. 3. verticellata, Nutt. N. Providence, Providence, Bailey. CALOPOGON, R. Br. pulchellus, K. Br. MICROSTYLIS, Nutt. Adder's Mouth. ophioglossoides, Xutt. Exeter, Prof. Bailey. LIPARIS, Richard. Twayblade. 1. liliifolia, Richard. 2. Loeselii, Richard. Extremely rare. CORALLORHIZA, Haller. Cokal Root. 1. odontorhiza, Nutt. 2. multiflora, Nutt. CYPRIPEDIUM, L. Ladies' Slipper. 1. parviflorum, Salisb. Olney. 2. pubescens, Willd. Johnston, &c. 3. aoaule, Ait. Order 92. AMARYLLIDACE^. HYPOXYS. L. Star Grass. erecta, L. Order 93. H^MODORACE^. LACHNANTHES, L. Red Root. tinctoria, Ell. Worden's Pond, &c. ALETRIS, L. CoLicRooT. farinosa, L. Order 94. IRIDACE^. IRIS, L. Iris, Fleur de Lys. 1. versicolor, L. 2. Virginica, L. SISYRINCHIUM, L. Blue Eyed Grass. auceps, Cav. PLANTS OF BHODE ISLAND. 45 Order 95. DIOSCOREACE^. DIOSCOREA, Plumier. Yam. villosa, L. Washington County, Providence. Order 96. SMILACE^. SMIL AX, Tourn. Green-Brieb. 1. rotundifolia, L. var. quadrangularis. Potawomut, &c. 2. glauca, Walt. East Greenwich, Congdon ; Quidnessett, &c. 3. herbacea, L. Carrion Flower. Order 97. LILIACE^. TRILLIUM, L. 1. erectum, L. Birth-Root. var. album. Yellow Birth- Root. 2. cernuum, L. Wake Robin. 3. erythrocarpum, Michx. Cumberland, South Kingstown, Leland. ME DEO LA, Grouov. Cucumber-Root. Virginica, L. MELANTHIUM, L. Virginicum, L. Olney. VERATRUM, Tourn. False Hellebore. viride. Ait. UVULARIA, L. Bellwoet. 1. perfoliata, L. 2. sessilifolia, L. CLINTONIA, Raf. borealis, Raf. SMILACINA, Desf . False Solomon Seal. 1. racemosa, Desf. 2. stellata, Desf. 3. trifolia, Desf. Johnston, Congdon. 4. bifolia, Ker., var. Canadensis. POLYGONATUM, Tourn. Solomon's Seal. 1. biflorum. Ell. 2. giganteum, Dietrich. Gloucester, Burrillville. ASPARAGUS, L. officinalis, L. 46 PLANTS OF BUODE ISLAND. LILIUM, L. Lily. 1. Philadelphicum, L. 2. Canadense, L. 3. superbum, L. Turk's Cap. ERYTHRONIUM, L. AmericanurQ, Smith. Dog's Tooth Violet. ORNITHOGALUM, Tourn. umbellatum, L. Stai: of Bethllhem. ALLIUM, L. Wild Onion. 1. tricoccum, Ait. 2. Canadense, Kalm. 3. vineale,L. Cvnuston, Bennett. HEMEROCALLIS, L. Day Lily. fulva, L. Order 98. JUNCACE^. L U Z U L A , D. C. Wood-Rush. 1. pilosa, Willd. 2. campestris, D. C. JUNCUS, L. Bay-Rush. 1. effusus, L. 2. Balticus, Dethard. Stone Bridge, Congdon. 3. marginatus, Rostk. 4. Gerardi, Loisel. 5. bufonius, L. 6. tenuis, Willd. 7. Greenei, Oakes & Tuckei-man. 8. pelocarpus, E. Meyer. 9. articulatus, L. 10. militaris, Bigelow. var. , with long capillary leaves. Wood River, Bennett. 11. acuminatus, Michx. var. debilis. var. legitimus. 12. nodosus, L. 13. scirpoides. Lam. 14. Canadensis, J. Gay, var. longicaudatus. var. subcaudatus. Quidnessett, Bennett. Order 99. PONTEDERIACE^. PONTEDERIA, L. Pickerel- Weed. cordata, L. Blue Arrovf-Head. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 47 Order 100. XYRIDACE^. X Y R I S , L. Yellow-Eyed Grass. 1. flexuosa, Willd. 2. Caroliniana, Walt. Order 101. ERIOCAULONACE^. ERIOCAULON, L. Pipewort. septangulare, With. Order 102. CYPERACE^. CYPERUS, L. Galingale. 1. flavescens, L. 2. diandrus, Ton-. 3. Nuttallii, Torr. 4. inflexus, Muhi. 5. dentatus, Ton-. 6. phymatodes, Mulil. 7. strigosus, L. 8. Michauxianus, Scliultze. Block Island, Olney ; Quidnes- sett. Bennett. 9. Grayii, Ton-. 10. filiculmis, Yahl. DULICHIUM, Richard, spathaceum, Pers. F U I R E N A , PiOttboell. Umbrella Grass. squarrosa, Michx. Benedict Pond, var. pumila. Worden's Pond, Bennett. HEMICARPHA, Nees. subsquarrosa, Xees. Long Pond, Providence. ELEOCHARIS, R. Br. Spike-Rush. 1. Robbinsii, Cakes. 2. equisetoides, Torr. Cumberland, Olney ; Cranston. 3. tuberciilosa, R. Br. 4. obtusa, Schultze. 5. olivacea, Torr. Providence, E. Greenwich. 6. palustris, R. Br. 7. rostellata, Torr. Quidnessett, Field's Point. 8. tenuis, Schultze. 9. melanocarpa, Torr. 10. acicularis, R. Br. 11- pygmaea, Torr. Seekonk River, &c. SCIRPUS, L. 1. planifolius, Muhl. 48 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 2. subterminalis, Ton-. 3. pungens, Vahl. 4. Olneyi, Gray. Providence. 5. Torreyi, Olney. 6. validus, Valil. 7. debilis, Pursh. 8. Smithii, Gray. S. Kingstown, Congdon. 9. maritimus, L. var. macrostachys. 10. fluviatilis, Gray. 11. sylvaticus, L. 12. atrovirens, Muhl. 13. polypliyllus, Vahl. 14. Eriophorum, Michx. ERIOPHORUM, L. CottonGkass. 1. Virginicum, L. 2. polystachyon, L. 3. gracile, Koch. PIMBRISTYLIS, Vahl. 1. autumnalis, R. & s. 2. capillaris, Gray. RHYNCHOSPORA, Vahl. Beak-Rush. 1. scirpoides, Gray. 2. fusca, R. & S. 3. alba, Vahl. 4. glomerata, Vahl. 5. macrostachya, Torr. CLADIUM, P. Browne. Twia-RusH. mariscoides, Torr. SCLERIA, L. Nut-Rush. 1. triglomerata, Michx. Warwick, Congdon. 2. reticularis, Michx. 3. laxa, Torr. CAREX, L. Sedge. 1. polytrichoides, Muhl. 2. bromoides, Schk. 3. siccata, Dew. 4. teretiuscula. Good. 5. vulpinoidea, Michx. 6. stipata, Muhl. 7. muricata, L. Stone Bridge, Congdon. 8. sparganiodes, Muhl. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 49 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1.5. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 32. 33. 34. 3.5. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. cephaloidea, Dew. cephalophora, Muhl Muhlenbergii, Sclik. rosea, Schk. retroflexa, Muhl. trisperma, Dew. canescens, L. Deweyana, Schw. exilis, Dew. sterilis, Willd, stellulata, L. var. scirpoides. scoparia, Schk. var. minor, Boott. lagopodiodes, Schk. cristata, Schw. var. mirabilis, Boott, adusta, Boott. foenea, Willd. silicea, Olney. C. foenea, var? sabulonum. straminea, Schk., var. typica. var. tenera, Boott. var. aperta, Boott. var. festucacea, Boott. var. minor. Warwick, Congdon. Cumberland, Olney. J. W. Congdon, Esq. alata, Torr. vulgaris. Fries torta. Boott. aperta, Boott. var. — Mr. William Boott. Middleto%vn, &c. Olney. -, Boott. Virginiana, Sm. C. stricta, Lam. strictior. Dew. C stricta, var. strictior. crinita, Lam. gynandra, Schw. Mitchelliana, M. A. Curtis. limosa, L. Johnston, Quidnessett, Bennett. Buxbaumii, Wahl. aurea, Nutt. panicea, L. & vars. pallescens, L. conoidea, Schk. grisea, Wahl. gracillima, Schw. virescens, Muhl. triceps, Michx. 4 J. W. Congdon, Esq. Quidnessett, Bennett. 50 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 46. platyphylla, Carey. Cumberland, Eocky Point, Bennett. 47. retro cur va, Dew. 48. digitalis, Willd. 49. laxiflora, Lam. var. plantaginea. var. intermedia. 50. blanda. Dew. C. laxiflora, var. blanda. var. major. var. minor. 51. umbellata, Schk. 52. Novee-Anglise, Schw. 53. Bmmonsii, Dew. var. elliptica, Boott. 54. Pennsylvanica, Lam. 55. varia, Muhl. 56. pubescens, Muhl. 57. miliacea, Muhl. 58. scabrata, Schw. 59. debilis, Michx. 60. flava, L. 61. filiformis, L. 62. lanuginosa, Michx. Field's Point, Congdon. 63. vestita, Willd. 64. polymorpha, Muhl. N. Providence, Olney. 65. striata, Michx. 66. riparia, Curtis. E. Providence, Congdon. 67. Pseudo-Cyperus, L. var. comosa, Boott. C. comosa, Boott. 68. hystricina, Willd. 69. tentaculata, Muhl. var. altior. 70. intumescens, Rudge. 71. lupulina, Muhl. 72. lupuliformis, Sartwell. Quidnessett, Bennett. 73. subulata, Michx. Wordeu's Pond, Olney. 74. utriculata, Boott. var. minor, Boott. 75. Olneyi, Boott. Cat-Swamp. Strictly local. 76. Tuckermani, Boott. 77. bullata, Schk. 78. monile, Tuckerm. var. minor, Olney PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 51 Order 103. GR AMINES. PASPALUM, L. 1. setacum, Michx. 2. laeve, Mx. PANICUM, L. PAiiic Grass. 1. flliforme, L. 2. glabrum, Gaud. 3. sanguinale.L. 4. virgatum, L. 5. amarum, Ell, 6. agrostoides, Spreng. 7. proliferum, Lam. 8. capillare, L. 9. miliaceum, L. 10. latifolium, L. 11. clandestinum, L. & vars. 12. microcarpum, Muhl. Warwick, Congdon ; Johnston, Ben- nett. 13. pauciflorum, Ell. 14. dichotomum, L. 15. laxiflorum, Lam. C. dichotomum, var. 16. ramulostim, Mx. C. dichotomum, var. 17. depauperatum, Muhl. 18. verrucosum, Muhl. Field's Point, E. Providence, &c. 19. Crus-Galli,L. Cock' s-Comb Grass. var. hispidum. S E T A R I A , Beauv. Bristly Fox-Tail Grass. 1. verticillata, Beauv. 2. glauca, Beauv. 3. viridis, Beauv. 4. Italica, Kth. CENCHRUS, L. Burr Grass. tribuloides. L. SPARTINA, Schreber. Cord Grass. 1. cynosuroides, Willd. 2. polystachyon, Willd. 3. juncea, Willd. 4. stricta, Roth, & vars. TRIPSACUM, L. Gama Grass, Sesame. dactyloides, L. E. Providence, Rocky Point, &c. var. monostachyum. Field's Point. 52 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. ZIZANIA, Gronuv. Wild Rice. aquatica, L. L E E R S I A , Solander. White Grass. 1. Virginica, Wilkl. 2. oryzoides, Swartz. ANDROPOGON, L. Beakd-Grass. 1. provincialis, Lam. A. furcatus, Muhl. 2. scoparius, Michx. 3. dissitiflorus, Mx. Washington County. A. Virguilcus, L. CHRYSOPOGON, Trin, Bkoom-Corn. nutans, Benth. Soryhum nutans, Gray. PHALARIS, L. Canary-Grass. 1. Canariensis.L. 2. arundinacea, L. ANTHOXANTHUM, L. odoratum, L. June Grass. HIEROCHLOE, Gmelin. Holy-Grass. borealis, R. ct S. Vanilla-Grass. AL OPE GURUS, L. Fox-Tail. 1. pratensis, L. 2. geniculatus,L. var. aristulatus. A. aristnlatns, Michx. ARISTIDA, L. 1. dichotoma, Mx. Poverty' Grass. 2. gracilis, Ell. E. Greenwich, Congdon ; Providence, Bennett. 3. purpurascens, Poir. N. Kingstown, &c. S T I P A , L. Feather Grass. avenacea, L. ORYZOPSIS, Michx. Mountain Rice. 1. melanocarpa, Muhl. Smithfield, &c. 2. asperifolia, Mx. N. Providence, Johnston. 3. Canadensis, Torr. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 53 MILIUM, L. Millet Grass. effusum, L. S. T. Olney. MUHLENBERGIA, Schreber. Drop Seed Grass. 1. sobolifera, Trin. 2. glomerata, Trin. 3. Mexicana, Trin. & vars. 4. sylvatica, T. & G. 5. "Willdenovii, Trin. J. W. Congdon, Esq. 9. diffusa, Schreb. 7. capillaris, Kth. Providence streets, Bennett. BRACHELYTRUM, Beauv. aristatum, Beauv. P H L E U M , L. Cat' s-T ail Grass. pratense, L. Timothy. SPOROBOLUS, R. Br. 1. asper, Ktli. Rush Grass. Vilfa aspera, Beauv. 2. vaginaeflora, Torr. Vilfa vaginoeflora, Torr. 3. serotina, Gray. Dropseed Grass. AGROSTIS, L. Bent. 1. perennans, Tuckerm. Thin Grass. 2. scabra, Willd. Hair Grass. 3. canina, L. R. I. Bent. 4. vulgaris, With. Red-Top, Herds Grass. var. alba. White Bent. A. alba, L. C I N N A , L. Wood Reed-Grass. arundinacea, L. & vars. DEYEUXIA, Kunth. Reed Bent Grass. 1. Canadensis, Beauv. Calamagrostis, — . 2. Nuttalliana, Steud. Calamagrostis, — . AMMOPHILA, Hest. Sea-Sand Reed. arenaria, Roth. Calamagrostis, — . DESCHAMPSIA, Beauv. Hair Grass. flexuosa, L. Air a, — . 54 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. H O L C U S , L. Meadow Soft Grass. lanatus, L. TRISETUM, Pers. palustre, L. ARRHENATHERUM, Beauv. Oat Grass. avenaceura, Beauv. DANTHONIA, D. C. Wild Oat Grass. 1. spicata, Beauv. 2. sericea, Nutt. ELEUSINE, Gaertn. Crab-Grass. Indica, Gaertn. Providence, J5en?ie(f. DIPLACHNE, Beauv. fascicularis, Beauv. Leptochloa fascicularis, Gray. TRIPLASIS, Beauv. purpurea, Cbapm. Tricuspis purpurea, Gray. PHRAGMITIS, Trin. Reed. communis, Tiin. EATON I A, Raf. 1. obtusata, Gray. Manville, Congdon. 2. Pennsylvanica, Gray. ERAGROSTIS, Beauv. 1. minor. Host. S. Providence, &c. E. poceoides, Beauv. 2. maj or, Host. E. pocBoides, var. megastachya. 3. pilosa, Beauv. 4. capillaris, Xees. 5. pectinacea. Gray. var. spectabilis. DISTICHLIS, Raf. Spike-Grass. maritima, Raf. Brizopyrum spicatum, Hook. DACTYLIS, L. Orchard-Grass. glomerata, L. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 55 POA, L. Meadow-Grass, Speak-Grass. 1. annua, L. 2. compressa, L. 3. serotina, Ehrh. Fowl Meadow-Grass. 4. pratensis, L. Kentucky Blue Grass. 5. trivialis.L. 6. debilis, Ton-. G L Y C E R I A , R. Br. Maxna Grass. 1. Canadensis, Trin. Rattlesnake Grass. 2. obtusa, Trin. 3. nervata, Triu. 4. pallida, Trin. Rocky Point. 5. aquatica, Sm,, var. Americana, Vasey. Reed Meadow Grass. 6. fluitans, R. Br. 7. acutiflora, Torr. 8. maritima, Wahl. Sea Spear-Grass. 9. distans, Walil. B R I Z A , L. Quaking Grass. media, L. Waste places. FBSTUCA, L. Fescue. 1. tenella, Willd. 2. M y u r u s , L. E. Providence, &c. 3. ovina, L. Sheep's Fescue. 4. duriuscula, L. F. ovina, var. 5. rubra, L. F. ovina, var. 6. nutans, Willd. BROMUS, L. Brome Grass. 1. secalinus,L. Cheat or Chess. 2. racemosus, L. 3. mollis, L. 4. ciliatus, L. var. purgans. 5. sterilis,L. 6. tectarum, L. LOLIUM, L. Darnel. perenne, L. AGROPYRUM, Beauv. Wheat. 1. repens, Beauv. Triticuin, , L. var ? . Allen's Harbor, Nayatt. 56 PLANTS OF ERODE ISLAND. 2. caninum, R. & S. Triticum, — , L. E L Y M U S , L. Wild Rye. 1. Virginicus, L. 2. Canadensis, L. 3. striatus, Willd. var. villosus. Rocky Point, &c. ASPRELLA, Bottle-Brdsh Grass. hystrix, Willd. Gymnostichum Hystrix, Schreb. SERIES II. CRYPTOGAMIA. Class III. ACEOGENS. Order 104. EQUISETACE^. EQUISETUM, L. Horse-Tail, Scouring Rush. 1. arvense, L. 2. sylvaticum, L. 3. limosum, L. 4. hyemale, L. Order 105. FILICES. POLYPODIUM, L. Polypod. vulgare, L. var. Cambricum. ? Westerly. P T E R I S , L. Brake, Bracken. aquilina, L. ADIANTUM, L. Maiden-Hair. pedatum, L.* WOODWARDIA, Smith. Chain Fern. 1. Virginica, Smith. 2. angustifolia. Smith. CAMPTOSURUS, Link. WalkinCx Fern. rhizophyllus. Link. One locality only known. * A. ameatum, Kavlf. Maintained itself and grew profusely for several seasons in Cumberland, but at last died out. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 57 ASPLENIUM, L. Spleexwort. 1. Trichomanes, L. 2. Ebeneum, Ait. 3. thelypteroides, Michx. 4. Filix-foeraina, Bernh. PHEGOPTBRIS, Fee. Beech Fern. 1. polypodioides, Fee. 2. hexagonoptera, Fee. 3. Dryopteris, Fee & var. ASPIDIUM, Swartz. Shield Fern. 1. Thelypteris, Swartz. 2. Noveboracense, Swartz. 3. spinulosum, Swartz, var. intermedium. var. Boottii. 4. cristatum, Swartz. var. Clintonianum. Cranston, Bennett. 5. marginale, Swartz. 6. acrostichoides, Swartz. var. incisum. CYSTOPTERIS, Bernhardi. Bladder Fern. 1. bulbifera, Bernh. 2. fragilis, Bernh. var. dentata, Hook. E. Greenwich, Bennett. ONOCLEA, L. 1. Germanica, Hook. Ostrich Fern. First detected by Mr. Hunt. Struthiopteris, — , Willd. 2. sensibilis, L. Sensitive Fern. var. obtusilobata. Hill's Grove, Bennett. WOODSIA, R. Br. 1. obtusa, Torr. 2. Ilvensis, R. Br. DICKSONIA, L'Her. punctilobula, Kze. LYGODIUM, Swartz. Climbing Fern. palmatum, Swartz. O S M U N D A , L. Flowering Fern. 1. regalis, L. Pride of the Meadows. 2. Claytoniana, L. 3. cinnamomea, L. var. frondosa. Johnston. 58 PLANTS OF BHODE ISLAND. BOTRYCHIUM, Swartz. Moonwort. 1. Virginicum, Swartz. 2. ternatum, Swartz, var. lunarioides, Milde. B. lunarioides. var. obliquum, Milde. B. lunarioides, var. var. dissectum, Milde. B. lunarioides, var. OPHIOGLOSSUM.L. Adder' s Tongue. vulgare, L. Rare and local. Order 106. LYCOPODIACE^. LYCOPODIUM, L. Club Moss. 1. lucidulum, Michx. 2. inundatum, L., var. Washington County. 3. annotinum, L. Olney. 4. dendroideum, Michx. Ground-Pine. 5. clavatum, L. Lion's Paw. 6. complanatum, L. Creeping .Jenny. SELAGINELLA, Beauv. 1. rupestris, Spring. 2. apus, Spring. ISOBTBS, L. QUILLWORT. 1. lacustris, L. 2. Tuckermani, Braun. E. Greenwich, Congdon. 3. echinospora, Durieu. Davisville, Bennett. 4. riparia, Engelm. Apponaug, Congdon. 5. Engelmanni, Braun. Davisville; Newport, Dr. Farlow. Order 107. CHARACE^. CHARA, (L.) Ag. 1. coronata, var. Schweinitzii. Newport, Dr. Farlow. 2. vulgaris, L. 3. fragilis, Desv. 4. Hydropitys, A. Br., var. septentrionavis. Gorton's Pond. 5. sejuncta, A. Br. Apponaug, Mr. E. Faxon. NITELLA, Ag. 1. gracilis, Ag. 2. intermedia, xVdst. Apponaug, Dr. Allen. 3. tenuissima, Desv. (Kutz.) Dr. Allen. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 59 Class IV. ANOPHYT.E. Okder 108. MUSCI. SPHAGNUM, Dill. 1. acutifolium, Elirh. Swamps and bogs. var. purpureum, Schimp. var. fuscum, Schimp. 2. cuspidatum, Eluh. var. falcatum, Russ. var. plumosum, Schimp. 3. intermedium, Hoffm. Shady bogs. 4. squarrosum, Pers. " " 5. rigidum, Schimp. C. F. Austin. 6. subsecundum, Nees, var. contortura, Schimp. Swamps and bogs. 7. cymbifolium, Ehrh. Swamps and bogs. 8. papillosum, Lindb. " " 9. macrophyllum, Bernh. ? stagnant marsh, Quidnessett. EPHEMERUM, Hampe. 1. serratum, Hampe. On the ground in fields. 2. crassinervium, Hampe. Moist ground. 3. spinulosum, Br. & Sch. " " 4. cohserens, Muhl. " " SPH^RANGIUM, Schimp. 1. rufescens, Schimp. On moist ground. 2. triquetrum, Schimp. On the ground in fields. PHASCUM, L. cuspidatum, Schreb. On the ground in fields. PLEURIDIUM, Brid. 1. Ravenelli, Austin. Fields Quidnessett, Bennett. 2. alternifolium, Brid. Fields. BRUCHIA, Schwaegr. 1. flexuosa, Muell. Clayey ground. 2. Sullivantii, Aust. 3. brevipes. Hook. ? Providence, damp ground. WE I SI A, Hedw. Viridula, Brid. On damp ground, var. gymnostomoides, Muell. " " 60 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. CYNODONTIUM, Br. &Sch. gracilescens, Schimp. In rocky woods. DICRANELLA, Schimp. 1. cerviculata, Schimp. In damp places. 2. varia, Schimp. In wet woods. 3. rufescens, Schimp. In heavy soil. 4. subulata, Schimp. In shady wood. 5. heteromalla, Schimp. On clayey land. DICRANUM, Hedw. 1. Starkii, Web & Mohr. In rocky woods. 2. flagellare, Hedw. On rotten logs in the shade. 3. fulvum, Hook. In rocky woods. 4. longifolium, Hedw. On trees. 5. fuscescens, Turner. In woods on trees. 6. scoparium, Hedw. & vars. On trees and rocks and the ground. 7. Schraderi, W. & M. Shady wet places. 8. spurium, Hedw. On poor soil. 9. undulatum, Turn. Wet shady places. FISSIDENS, Hedw. 1. exiguus, Sull. On wet rocky places. 2. minutulus, Sull. " " " 3. taxifolius, Hedw. Wet shady spots. 4. adiantoides, Hedw. Wet open ground. CONOMITRIUM, Mont. Julianum, Mont. Damp woods. LEUCOBRYUM, Hampe. vulgare, Hampe. In woods. CERATODON, Brid. purpureus, Brid. On open ground, var. aristatus, Austin. POTTIA, Ehrh. truncata, Fuern. In old fields. LEPTOTRICHUM, Hampe. 1. tortile, Muell. Sandy land. 2. vaginalis, Sull. Damp clayey banks. 3. pallidum, Hampe. Shady woods. BARBULA, Hedw. 1. unguiculata, Hedw. In heavy land. 2. caespitosa, Schwaegr. In shady woods on trees. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 61 3. tortuosa, Web. & Mohr. Austin. 4. papillosa, Muell. Providence on Elm trees. GRIMMIA, Ehrh. 1. (Schistidium) apocarpa, Heau. Upon rocks. var. gracilis, K & H. " var. rivularis, N. & H. On wet rocks. 2. Olneyi, Sull. On granite rocks. RACOMITRIUM, Br. & Sch. canescens, Brid. Warwick, Bennett. On rocks. HEDWIGIA, Ehrh. ciliata, Ehrli. ct vars. On rocks. DRUMMONDIA, Hook. clavellata, Hook. Upon trees. U L O T A , Mohr. 1. crispa, Brid. Upon rocks. 2. crispula, Brid. Austin. 3. Hutchinsiee, Scliimi). On rocks and trees. ORTHOTRICHUM, Hedw. 1. sordidum, Sulh tt Lesqx. On trees in wet woods. 2. Ohioense, Sull. >$: Lesqx. On trees. 3. strangulatum, Beauv. On trees and rocks. 4. obtusifolium, Schrad. On trees, fide Austin. TETRAPHIS, Hedw. pellucida, Hedw. On decayed logs in shade. APHANORHEGMA, Sulliv. serratum, Sull. In clayey shady spots. PHYSCOMITRIUM, Brid. pyriforme, Brid. In old fields by wall sides, &e. FUN ARIA, Schreb. liygrometricurQ, Sebth. On ground, var. calvescens, Br. & Sch. In a few places. BARTRAMIA, Hedw. pomiformis, Hedw. On shady hill-sides. PHILONOTIS, Brid. 1. Muhlenbergii, Brid. In springy places. 2. fontana, Brid. In same positions as last. 62 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. LEPTOBRYUM, Schimp. pyriforme, Schimp. In light soil in shady places. WEB ERA, Hedw. 1. nutans, Hedw. Moist shady soil. 2. annotina, Schwaegr. Rocky woods. 3. albicans, Schimp. Swampy places. BR YUM, Br. &Sch. 1. pendulum, Schimp. On rocks and logs in woods. 2. intermedium, Brid. On rocks. 3. bimum, Schreb. In wet woods. 4. argenteum, L. In open places. var. majus, Scbwaegr. In shady spots, var. lanatum, Br. & Sch. In dry sunny places. 5. caespiticium, L. In open land. 6. capillare, L. In shady wet woods, 7. pseudo-triquetrum, Schwaegr. In springy places. 8. roseum, Schreb. In dry woods on trees and rocks. MNIUM, Br. &Sch. 1. cuspidatum, Hedw. In woods at roots of trees. 2., Bland. In same places. 3. hornum, L. Brook side " Grotto," Providence. 4. stellare, Keich. Shady banks. 5. cinclidoides, Hueber. Swamps. 6. punctatum, Hedw. Swamps. AULACOMNION, Schwaegr. 1. palustre, Schwaegr & vars. In swamps. 2. heterostichum, Br. & Sch. In wet places. POGONATUM, Beauv. brevicaule, Beauv. On ground. POLYTRICHUM, Brid. 1. formosum, Hedw. In woods at foot of trees. 2. piliferum, Schreb. In open places. 3. Juniperinum, Willd. In poor soil. 4. commune, L. In woods and also open places. var. perigoniale, Br. & Sch. In same places. ATRICHUM, Beauv. 1. angustatum, Beauv. In shady woods. 2. undulatum, Beauv. On ground or dry stumps. DIPHYSCIUM, Web. &Mohr. foliosum, Mohr. Damp clayey ground. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 63 BUXBAUMIA, Haller. aphylla, L. On ground, Pleasant Valley. FONTINALIS, Dill. 1. antipyretica, L. In brooks. var. gigantea, Sulliv. Pleasant Valley brook, itc. 2. Dalecarlica, Br. & Sch. In running water. 3. biformis, Sulliv. In streams in woods. 4. Novae-Angliae, Sulliv. In brooks. 5. Lescurii, var. gracilescens, Sulliv. In brooks. DICHELYMA, Myrin. 1. falcatum, Myi-in. In swamps and brooks. 2. capillaceura, Br. & Sch. In swamps. NECKERA, Hedw. 1. pennata, Hedw. On trees. 2. complanata, Hueber. On rocks. HOMALIA, Brid. ? trichomanoides, Br. & Sch. ? Coe F. Austin. LEUCODON, Schwaegr. 1. julaceus, Sulliv. On trees. 2. brachypus, Brid. On trees. PTERIGYNANDRUM, Hedw. filiforme, Hedw. On trees and rocks. THELIA, Sullivant. 1. hirtella, Sulliv. On trees. 2. asprella, Sulliv. On trees. 3. Lescurii, Sulliv. On trees and ground. LESKEA, Hedw. 1. polycarpa, Ehrh. On trees. 2. obscura, Hedw. On trees in swamps. 3. tristis, Cesat. On trees in swamps. ANOMODON, Hook & Tayl. 1. rostratus, Schimp. On trees. 2. attenuatus, Hueben. On trees and ground. 3. obtusif olius, Br. & Sch. On trees in swamps. 64 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. PLATYGYRIUM, Bry. Eur. repens, Br. & Sch. On rotten wood in shade. PYLAIS^A, Bry. Eur. 1. subdenticulata, var. obscura, Schimp. On the ground in woods. 2. intricata, Br. & Sch. In woods on trees and stumps. 3. velutina, Br. & Sch. On trees. HOMALOTHBCIUM, Bry. Eur. subcapillatum, Sulliv. On trunks of trees. CYLINDROTHBCIUM, Bry. Eur. 1. cladorhizans, Schimp. On rotten logs in swamp. 2. seductrix, Sulliv. In same places. CLIMACIUM, Web. &Molir. Americanum, Brid. In swamps. HYPNUM, Din. 1. (Thuidium) minutulum, Hedw. On tree bases in woods. 2. scituin, Beauv., var. asstivale. On same. 3. taraariscinum, Hedw. ? In wet places. 4. recognitum, Hedw. In same situation. 5. delicatulum, L. On trees in same situation. 6. abietinum, L. On ground in shade. 7. (Elodium) paludosum, Sull. In marshy places. 8. (Camptothecium) nitens, Schreb. In swamps and bogs. 9. (Brachythecium) Isetum, Brid. On ground and wet logs. 10. acuminatum, Beauv. In same situation. 11. salebrosura, Hoftm. & vars. In same situation. 12. velutinum, L. On ground in damp shades. 13. rutabulum, L. & vars. In similar situations. 14. plumosum, Swartz. On stones in damp woods. 15. (Eurhynchium) strigosum, Hoffm. In woods. 16. diversifoliumi, Schimp. On shady banks. 17. Boscii, Schwaegr. On the ground in woods. 18. hians, Hedw. In shady woods. 19. SuUivantii, Spruce. In wet shady places. 20. (Rhapidostegium) demissum, Wils. Damp rocks. 21. recurvans, Schwaegr. Wet bogs in woods. 22. (Rhynchostegium) deplanatum, Schimp. On ground in woods. 23. serrulatum, Hedw. On ground in woods, &c. 24. rusciforme, Weis. & vars. In brooks on stones. 25. (Plagiothecium) turf aceum, Lindberg. On rotten logs in swamps. 26. denticulatum, L., & vars. On rotten logs. 27. Muhlenbeckii, Spruce. On ground and rocks. 28. (Amblystegium) subtile, Hoffm. At foot of trees. 29. serpens, L. In damp spots on logs. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 65 30. (Amblystegium) radicale, Beauv. In shady wet places. 31. orthocladon, Beauv. In wet places. 32. adnatum, Hedw. On tiees and rocks in shade. 33. riparium, L. & vars. In swamps 34. (Campylium) hispidulum, Brid. On trees in swamps. 35. chrysophyllum, Brid. Fide Austin. 36. stellatum, Schreb. On rotten wood in swamps. 37. polygamum, Wils. In swamps. 38. (Harpidium) aduncum, Hedw. & vars. Bogs and swamps. 39. uncinatum, Hedw. & vars. Bogs and swamps. 40. fluitans, L. & vars. In stagnant places. 41. exannulatum, Guembel. In swamp, Quidnessett. 42. (Ctenium) Crista-Castrensis, L. In woods. 43. (Ctenidium) moUuscum, Hedw. In woods. 44. (Hypnum) reptile, var. protuberans, Michx. On trees. 45. imponens, Hedw. On roots of trees. 46. cupressif orine, L. & vars. On trees and rocks. 47. curvifolium, Hedw. On decayed logs in woods. 48. Haldanianum, Grev. On logs in wet places. 49. (Calliergon) cordifolium, Hedw. In swamps and bogs. 50. cuspidatum, L. In stagnant swamps. 51. Schreberi, Willd. In woods on ground. 52. stramineum, Dicks. In swamps and bogs. 53. (Pleurozium) splendens, Hedw. On ground in woods. 54. brevirostre, Ehrh. Fide Austin. 55. (Hylocomium) triquetrum, L. On ground in shady spots. 66 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. Okdek 109. HEPATIC^, (Musci hepatici.) RICCIA, Mich. 1. lamellosa, Raddi. Damp wood paths in light soil. 2. arvensis, Austin. Shady sterile earth. 3. lutescens, Schwein, In ditches infertile. 4. fluitans, L. & vars. In standing water and by ditch sides. 5. natans, L. Stagnant places. MARCHANTIA, Raddi. polymorpha, L. Shady damp spots. PREISSIA, Corda. hemisphaerica, Cogn. In moist places. P. commutata, Nees. GRIMALDIA, Raddi. barbifrons, Bisch. On the ground in fields. ASTERELLA, Beauv. hemisphaerica, (Raddi.) By brook sides. RebouUa, — , Raddi. CONOCEPHALUS. Neck. conicus, (Corda.) Damp shady spots. Fegatella, — , Corda. FIMBRIARIA, Nees. tenella, Nees. In damp shades. LUNULARIA, Mich, cruciata, Dmtr. In hot beds around greenhouses. L. vulgaris, Mich. ANTHOCEROS, L. 1. laevis, L. In wet places. 2. punctatus, L. In wet places. NOTOTHYLAS, Sull. 1. orbicularis, Sull. In damp spots. 2. melauospora, Sull. In moist ground. ANEURA, Dmtr. 1. multifida, Dmtr. In wet places. 2. palmata, Nees. On rotten stumps. 3. sessilis, Spreng. ? C. F. Austin. 4. pinguis, Dmtr. Among mosses and Peltigeras. 5. pinnatifida, Nees. C. F. Austin, PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 67 PELLIA, Raddi. epiphylla, (Corda.) Nees. In damp ground. BLASIA, Mich, pusilla, L. Ditches. STEETZIA, Lelim. Lyellii, Lehm. Swamps. METZGERIA, Raddi. myriopoda, Lindb. On rocks and trees. 3f. furcata, Nees. POSSOMBRONIA, Raddi. 1. pusilla, Nees. Damp spots. 2. angulosa, Raddi. Wet places. FRULLANIA, Raddi. 1. Eboracensis,* Gottsche. On rocks and trees. 2. squarrosa, Nees. On trees. 3. plana, .Sull. On rocks. 4. Virginica, Gottsche. Generally on trees. 5. Hutchinsise, Nees. var. On stones. 6. Tamarisci, Nees. On trees. 7. Grayana, Mont. On trees and rocks. LEJEUNIA, Lib. 1. serpyllifolia, Lib. var. Americana. On wet rocks. 2. echinata, Taylor. Ms. Found but once. L. calcarea, Lib. PHRAGMICOMA, Dmtr. clypeata, (Schwein.) Sull. On rocks. Lejennia, — , Schwein. MADOTHECA, Dmtr. 1. Thuja, (Dicks.) On rocks and trees. 2. platyphylla, Dmtr. On trees. 3. Porella, Nees. On rocks by brooksides. RADULA, Nees. 1. complanata, Dmtr. On roots of trees. 2. tenax, Lindb. On rotten stumps. B. pallens, Swtz. BLEPHAROZIA, Dmtr. cilaris, Dmtr. On rotten stumps. Ptilidium, Nees. TRICHOCOLEA, Dmtr. tomentella, Dmtr. On earth and rotten logs. * This includes F. saxatilis, Lindbg. of SuUivant in Gray's Manual. 68 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. BAZZANIA, B. Gr. trilobata, (Nees.) B. Gr. In shady places. MaatUjohryum, — , Nees. LEPIDOZIA, Nees. 1. reptans, Dmtr. On the earth, seldom on rocks. 2. setacea, Mitt. On the ground. Junyermannia, — , Web. CALYPOGEIA, Raddi. Trichomanes, Corda. In wet and swampy places. GBOCALYX, Nees. graveolens, Nees. Among Hypna in damp places. CHILOSCYPHUS, Corda. 1. ascendens, Hook. & Wils. On old stumps in swamps. 2. polyanthos, Corda. On stones. var. rivularis, Nees. On stones in wet places. LOPHOCOLBA, Nees. 1. bidentata, Dmtr. Swamps. 2. minor, Nees. Roots and stumps. 3. heterophylla, Nees. On rotting logs. 4. crocata, Nees. Rare, found once in Lincoln, on log. LIOCHL^NA, Nees. lanceolata, Nees. C. F. Austin. ODONTOSCHISMA, Dmtr. denudata, Dmtr. In swampy places. O. Uuebneriana, Rab. HARPANTHUS, Nees. scutatus, Spruce. On old wood. Jungermannia, — , Web. CEPHALOZIA, Dmtr. 1. multiflora, Lindb. On rotten logs. Jungermannia connivens, Dicks. 2. divaricata, Dmtr. Light soil in shades. 3. catenulata, Lindbg. On damp logs. 4. curvifolia, Dmtr. On stumps, &c. Jungermannia, — , Dicks. COLEOCHILA, Dmtr. Taylori, (Hook.) Dmtr. In bogs. Jungermannia, — , Hook. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 69 JUNGERMANNIA, L. 1. Schraderi, Mart. On dead wood. 2. barbata, Schreb. On earth and rocks. 3. crenulata, Smith. On damp earth. 4. pumila, With. On the ground and rotting logs, 5. ventricosa, Dicks. On old logs. 6. Helleriana, Nees. Upon rotten trunks. 7. polita, Nees. Wet woody hillsides. 8. incisa, Schrad. On the ground. SCAPANIA, Dmtr. 1. nemorosa, Nees. On damp earth. 2. undulata, Nees. & Mont. In damp places. PLAGIOCHILA, Dmtr. 1. porelloides, Lindbg. var. nodosa, (Taylor.) 2. asplenioides, (N. cSc M.) On damp earth. To Hepaticoe, perhaps less attention has been given by American . botanists, than to any order; it is certainly to be hoped that this neglect may not be a continuing quantity. No classification is yet quite satisfactory, and difficulties exist, which can only be overcome by careful and long continued inves- tigations. It would at first seem, that if Hepaticcn are related upon the one hand to Muscl, and through Ricciaceoe upon the other hand to Llchenes, that a reversal of the above arrangement were called for, and that the thallophytlc forms should be at the end of the series touching Lichenes, and cormophytic species should immediately follow Musci ; but to quote Prof. Underwood: "A lineal classification ***** does not properly present the "natural position or inter-relations of the Hepaticoi and other "groups, and indeed the affinities of the lower grouDs are too " imperfectly understood to represent even a tolerable natural, that •'is to say genetic relationship." This remark will apply with force to the classification of all the crytogamic orders. 70 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. Class V. THALLOPHYT^. OuDEii 110. LICHENES. RAMALINA, Ach. 1. rigida, Pers. On trees. 2. calicaris, (L.) Fr. a. fraxinea, Fr. On trees. b. fastigiata, Fr. On trees. c. canaliculata, Fr. On trees. d. farinacea, Schaer. On rocks and trees. 3. pollinaria, (Ach.) On rocks. 4. polymorpha, (Ach.) On rocks. CETRARIA. (Ach.) Fries. 1. Islandica, (L.) Ach. On the ground. 2. aleurites, (Ach.) Th. Fr. On trees. b. placorodia, Tuckerm. On rail fences. 3. Fendleri, Tuckerm. On rails. 4. ciliaris, (Ach.) On trees and rail fences. 5. lacunosa, Ach. On trees and rails. 6. glauca, (L.) Ach. On rocks and trees. 7. Oakesiana, Tuckerm. In same places. 8. juniperina, (L.) Ach. Upon trees. E V E R N I A , (Ach. ) Mann. 1. furfuracea, (L.) Mann. Upon trees. 2. prunastri, (L.) Ach. On trees and rails. USNEA, (Dill.) Ach. barbata, (L.) Fr. On trees. a. florida, Fr. On trees. *hirta, Fr. On trees. **rubigenia, Michx. On trees. AL ECTOR I A, (Ach.) Nyl. jubata, (L.) b. chalybeiformis, Ach. On dead wood. THBLOSCHISTES, (Norm.) Tuckerm. 1. chrysophthalmus, (L.) Noim. On trees, &c. b. flavicans, Wallr. On trees- 2. parietinus, (L.) Norm. On trees near salt water. 3. polycarpus, Ehrb. On old fences. 4. lychneus, Nyl. On stones. 5. concolor, Dicks. On stones and trees and old fences. PARHELIA, (Ach.)DeNot. 1. perlata, (L.) Ach. On trees. 2. perforata, (Jacq.) Ach. On rocks and trees. 3. cetrata, Ach. On trees and rocks. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 71 4. crinita, Ach. On rocks and trees. 5. tiliacea, (Hoffm.) Floerke. On rocks and trees. 6. Borreri, Turn. On trees and fences^and stones. b. rudecta, Tuckerm. In same situation. 7. saxatilis, (L.) Fr. On rocks and fences and trees. 8. physodes, (L.) Ach. In similar position. 9. pertusa, (Schrank.) Schaer. On rocks and trees. 10. colpodes, (Acli.) Nyl. On trees. 11. olivacea, (L.) Ach. On rocks and trees. 12. caperata, (L.) Ach. On rocks and trees and dead wood. 13. conspera, (Ehrb.) Ach. In same places. PHYSCIA, (D. C.) Th. Fr. 1. speciosa, (Ach.) Nyl. On rocks and trees. 2. hypoleuca, (Muhl.) Tuckerm. On trees. 3. aquila, (Ach.) Xyl. b. detonsa, Tuckerm. On rocks gen- erally. 4. pulverulenta, (Schreb.) Nyl. On the ground and on rocks. 5. stellaris, (L.) On rocks and trees and fences. 6. astroidea, (Fr.) Nyl. On trees. 7. tribacia, (Ach.) Tuckerm. On rocks. 8. csesia, (Hoffm.) Nyl. On stones. 9. obscura, (Ehrb. ) Nyl. On dead wood generally. *endochrysa, Nyl. On rocks and trees. 10. adglutinata, (Floerke.) Nyl. On small trees and bushes. PYXINE, Fr. 1. Frostii, Tuckerm. On rocks. 2. sorediata, Fr. On rocks. UMBILICARIA, Hoffm. 1. Muhlenbergii, (Ach.) Tuckerm. On rocks. 2. Dillenii, Tuckerm. On rocks. 3. Pennsylvanica, Hoffm. On rocks. 4. pustulata, L. On rocks. b. papulosa, Tuckerm. On rocks. STICTA, (Schreb.) Fr. 1. amplissima, (Scop.) Mass. On stumps and rocks. 2. aurata, (Sm.) Ach. On ground, &c. 3. pulmonaria, (L.) Ach. On rocks and trees. 4. quercizans, (Michx.) Ach. ? On trees. 5. crocata, (L.) Ach. On stumps, &c. 6. scrobiculata, (Scop.) Ach. Without fruit, on rocks. NEPHROMA, Ach. 1. tomentosum, (Hoffm.) Koerb. On rocks and trees. 2. laevigatum, Ach. On rocks and trees. 72 PLANTS OF BHODE ISLAND. PELTIGERA, (Willd.) Fee. 1. aphthosa, (L.) Iloffm. On ground and on rocks. 2. horizontalis, (L.) Hoffm. f)n wet rocks. 3. polydactyla, (Neck.) Hoffm. On ground and on rocks. 4. ruf escens, (Neck.) Hoffm. On ground, on trunks and on rocks. 5. canina, (L.) Hoffm. On ground and roots of trees. PHYSMA, Mass. luridum, Mont. On rocks and fences. PANNARIA, (Delis.) Tuckerm. 1. microphylla, (Sw.) Delis. On rocks and trees. 2. tryptophylla, (Ach.) Mass. On rocks. EPHEBE, Fr., Born, pubescens, Fr. On rocks. OMPHALARIA, Dur. & Mont. phyllisca, (Wahl.) Tuckerm. On rocks. C O L L E M A , Hoffm. , Fries. 1. pycnocarpum, Nyl. On tree trunks. 2. leptaleum, Tuckerm. On trees. 3. flaccidum, Ach. On rocks. 4. nigrescens, (Huds.) Ach. On trees. 5. ryssoleum, Tuckerm. On rocks. LEPTOGIUM, Fr.,Nyl. 1. lacerum, (Sw.) Fr. On wet rocks. 2. pulchellum, (Ach.) Nyl. On base of trees and rocks. 3. Tremelloides, (L. f.) Fr. On rocks and trees in wet places. 4. myochroum, (Ehrb.) Tuckerm. In similar positions, a. saturninum, Schaer. On rocks and trees. PLACODIUM, (D. C.) Naeg. & Hoppe. 1. cinnabarrinura, (Ach.) Anz. On rocks. 2. microphyllinum, Tuckerm. On old fences. 3. aurantiacum, (Lightf.) N. & H. On trees and dead wood. 4. cerinum, (Hedw.) b. sideritis, Tuckerm. On rocks. 5. ferrugineum, (Huds.) Hoppe. On fences and rocks. b. Pollinii. On trees, especially Juuiperus. 5. vitellinum, (Ehrb.) N. & H. On rocks and fences. LECANORA, Ach. , Tuckerm. 1. rubina, (Vill.) Ach. On rocks. 2. muralis, (Schreb.) Schaer. a. saxicola. On rocks. 3. pallida, (Schreb.) Schaer. On trees and dead wood. c. angulosa, Hoffm. On rail fences. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 73 4. subfusca, (L.) Ach. On rocks and fences and trees. e. distans, Ach. On rocks and trees. 5. atra, (Huds.) Ach. On rocks and trees. 6. varia, (Ehrh.) Nyl. On trees and fences and stones. d. symmicta, Ach. In similar places. e. saepincola, Fr. In similar places. 7. elatina, Ach. On dead trees. 8. pallescens, (L.) Schaerer. On dead wood and rocks. 9. tartarea, (L.) Ach. On ground and stones. 10. cinerea, (L.) Sommerf. On rocks. c. gibbosa, Nyl. On rocks and fences. 11. cervina, (Pers.) Nyl. On rocks. 12. fuscata, (Schrad.) Th. Fr. On rocks. b. fuscescens, Th. Fr. On rocks. 13. privigna, (Ach.) Xyl. On rocks. b. pruinosa, Auctt. On rocks. c. Clavus, Koerb. On rocks. RINODINA, Mass., Tiickerm. 1. oreina, (Ach.) Mass. On rocks. 2. sophodes, (Ach.) Nyl. On rocks and fences. b. atrocinerea, Nyl. On rocks. d. confragosa, Nyl. On rocks and trees. e. exigua, Fr. On rocks and fences and trees. 3. constans, (Nyl.) Tuckerm. On trees and fences. PERTUSARIA, D. C. 1. velata, (Turn.) Nyl. On rocks and trees. 2. multipuncta, (Turn.) Nyl. On trees. 3. communis, D. C. On rocks and trees. 4. pustulata, (Ach.) Nyl. On trees. 5. leioplaca, (Ach.) Schaer. On rocks and trees. 6. Wulfenii, D. C. On trees. CONOTREMA, Tuckerm. urceolatum, (Ach.) Tuckerm. On trees. GYALECTA, (Ach.) Anzi. Pineti, (Schrad.) Tuckerm. On bark of pine trees. URCEOLARIA, (Ach.) Flot. SCruposa, Nyl. On ground, var. gpysacea, Nyl. On earth and mosses and lichens, var. parasitica, Nyl. On Cladonia. MYRIANGIUM, Mont. & Berk. Duraeii, Mont. & Berk. On bark of Walnut trees. 74 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. CLADONIA, Hoffm. 1. alcicornis, (Lightf.) Floerke. On light soils. 2. cariosa, (Ach.) Spreng. On ground. 3. pyxidata, (L.) Fr. On old stumps and ground. 4. fimbriata, (L.) Fr. In same places. b. tubaeformis, Fr. In same places. 5. degenerans, Fl. On the ground. 6. gracilis, (L.) Nyl. On the ground. a. verticillata, Fr. On the ground, c. elongata, Fr. On the ground. 1. cornuta, (L.) Fr. In Herb. Olney. 8. Papillaria, (Ehrb.) Hoffm. On sandy soil. 9. cenotea, (Ach.) Schaer. On old stumps. b. furcellata, Fr. On old stumps and earth. 10. furcata, (Huds.) Fr. On old logs and earth. a. crispata, Fr. On the ground. b. racemosa, Fr. On the ground. c. sublllata, Fr. On the ground. 11. rangiferina, (L.) Hoffm. On sterile soil. a. On the ground. b. sylvatica, L. On the ground. c. alpestris, L. On stony land. 12. uncialis, (L.) Fr. On the ground. b. adunca, (Auctt.) On the ground. 13. Boryi, Tuckerm. On the ground. 14. COrnucopioides, (L.) Fr. On the ground. 15. macilenta, (Ehrb.) Hoffm. On old stumps and on the earth. 16. cristatella, Tuckerm. On rotten wood and ground. b. ochrocarpa. In same places. CYST O COL EUS, Thwaites. rupestris, (Pers.) Rabenh. Dr. Farlow. B^OMYCES, Pers., Nyl. 1. roseus, Pers. On the earth. 2. byssoideus, (L.) Fr. On the earth. BIATORA, Fr. 1. exigua, (Chaub.) Fr. On trees. 2. lucida, Fr. Sometimes fertile, on stone walls. 3. rubella, (Ehrb.) Rabenh. On trees. var. Schweinitzii, Tuckerm. 4. anthrocephala, Nyl. On trees. LECIDEA, (Ach.)Fr. 1. contigua, Fr. On rocks. 2. enteroleuca, Ach. On trees. 3. melancheima, Tuckerm. On trees and fences. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 75 BUELLIA, (DeNot.) Tuckerm. 1. atro-alba, (Fl.) Th. Fr. On granite rocks. 2. paraseema, (Ach.) Kbr. On trees. 3. myriocarpa, (D. C.) Mudd. On rocks? 4. petraea, (Fl.) Tuckerm. On rocks? 5. geographica, (L.) Tuckei-m. On rocks. OPEGRAPHA, Humb. varia, (Pers.) Fr. On trees and dead wood. GR APHIS, (Ach.)Nyl. SCripta, (L.) Sch. On trees, var. limitata, Scbaer. On trees, var. recta, Scbaer. On trees, var. serpentina, Scbaer. On trees. ARTHONIA, Acb.,Nyl. pyrrhula, Nyl. On bark of trees. A C O L I U M , Fee., DeNot. tigillare, (Acb.) On old fences and rails. CALICIUM, (Pers.)Fr. 1. trichiale, Acb. On bark of trees. 2. lenticulare, (Hoffm.) Acb. On dead wood. 3. trachelinum, Acb. On trees and dead wood. 4. turbinattim, Pers. On Pertusaria, ENDOCARPON, Hedw., Fr. miniatum, (L.) Scbaer. On rocks, var. complicatum, Scbaer. On rocks, var. aquaticum, Scbaer. On rocks. VERRUCARIA, (Pers.) Tuckerm. 1. nigrescens, Pers. On rocks. 2. muralis, Acb. On rocks. PYRENULA, (Acb.) Naegr. & Hoppe. 1. gemmata, (Acb.) Nyl. On trees. 2. nitida, Acb. On trees. 76 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. Order 111. FUNGI. Sub-Order HYMENOMYCETES. AGARICUS, Linn. 1. [Amanita] phalloides, Fr. 2. muscarius, Fr. 3. excelsus, Fr. 4. rubescens, Pers. 6. [Lepiota] procerus, Scop. 6. cristatus, Bolt. 7. granulosus, Batsch. B. [Armillaria] melleus, Vahl. 9. [Tricholoma] sculpturatus, Fr. 10. luridus, Schaeff. 11. albus, Fr. 12. nudus, Bull. 13. humilis, Fr. 14. [Clitocybe] nebularis, Batsch. 15- elixus. Sow. 16. aggregatus, Schaeff. 17. fumosus, Pers. 18. infundibuliformis, Schaeflf. 19. laccatus, Scop. var. amethystinus. 20. [Collybia] platyphyllus, Fr. 21. velutipes, Curtis. 22. tuberosus. Bull. 23. dryophilus. Bull. 24. [Mycena] rosellus, Fr. 25. purus, Pers. 26. lacteus, Pers. 27. galericulatus. Scop. 28. alcalinus, Fr. 29. mopes. Bull. 30. hsematopus, Pers. 31. epipterygius. Scop. 32. citrinellus, Pers. 33. corticola, Schum. 34. capillaris, Schum. 35. [Omphalia] pyxidatus, Bull. 36. hepaticus, Batsch. 37. umbelliferus, L. 38. campanella, Batsch. 39. camptophyllus. Berk. 40. fibula, Bull. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 77 41. [Pleurotus] ulmarius, Bull. 42. applicatus, Batsch. 43. [Entoloma] sinuatus, Fr. ^ 44. clypeatus. L. 45. rhodapolus, Fr. 46. [Clitopilus] prunulus, Scop. var. Orcella. 47. [Nolanea] pascuus, Pers. 48. fusco-carneus, Fr. 49. caperatus, Fr. 50. [Pholiota] durus, Bolt. 51. praecox, Pers. 52. mutabilis, Schaeff. 53. [Hebeloma] rimosus, Bull. 54. lacerus, Fr. 55. lucifugus, Fr. 56. geophyllus, Sow. 57. [Flammula] flavidus, Schaeff. 58. spnmosus, Fr. 59. [Naucoria] ver-vacti, Fr. 60. semiorbicularis, Bull. 61. [Galera] lateritius, Fr. 62. tener, Schaeff. 63. Hypnorum, Batsch. 64. [Tubaria] furfuraceus, Pers. 65. [Psalliota] arvensis, Schaeff. 66. campestris, L. 67. [Strophanial stercorarius, Fr. 68. semiglobatus, Batsch. 69. [Hypholoma] sublateritius, Fr. 70. fascicularis, Huds. 71. [Psilocybe] foensecii, Pers. 72. [Panaeolus] campanulatus, L. 73. papilionaceus, Bull. 74. [Psathyrella] disseminatus, Fr. COPRINUS, Fries. 1. comatus, Fr. 2. atramentarius, Fr. 3. fimentarius, Fr. 4. tomentosus, Fr. 5. niveus, Fr. 6. tergiversans, Fr. 7. micaceus, Fr. 8. radiatus, Fr. 9. domesticus, Fr. 10. ephemerus, Fr. 11. plicatilis, Fr. 78 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. CORTINARIUS, Fries. 1. turbinatus, Fr. 2. violaceus, Fr. 3. pholideus, Fr. 4. tabularis, Fr. 5. anomalus, Fr. 6. sanguineus, Wulf. 7. cinnamomeus, Fr. 8. castaneus, Fr. PAVOLUS, Fries. Canadensis, Kl. PAXILLUS, Fries, involutus, Fr. HYGROPHORUS, Fries. 1. eburneus, Fr. 2. niveus, Fr. 3. Isetus, Fr. 4. ceraceus, Fr. 5. coccineus, Fr. 6. cantharellus, Fr. LACTARIUS, Fries. 1. torminosus, Fr. 2. trivialis, Fr. 3. zonarius, Fr. 4. vividus, Fr. 5. piperatus, Fr. 6. vellereus, Fr, 7. pallidus, Fr. 8. rufus, Fr. 9. volemus, Fr. 10. subdulcis, Fr. 11. fuliginosus, Fr. RUSSULA, Fries. 1. adusta, Fr. 2. rosacea, Fr. 3. foetans, Fr. 4. nitida, Fr. 5. alutacea, Fr. CANTHARELLUS, Adans. 1. cibarius, Fr. 2. cinnabarinus, Schwein. 3. aurantiacus, Fr. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 79 4. umbonatus, Pers. 5. infundibuliformis, Fr. 6. cinereus, Fr. NYCTALIS, Fries. 1. asterophora, Bull. 2. parasitica, Fr. MARASMIUS, Fries 1. peronatus, Fr. 2. plancus, Fr. 3. fusco-purpureus, Fr. 4. archyropus, Fr. 5. calopus, Fr. 6. rotula, Fr. 7. androsaceus, Fr. 8. Olneyi, B. & C. 9. haematocephalus, Mont. LENTINUS, Fries. 1. ecochleatus, Fr. 2. Le Contei, Fr. PANUS, Fries, stypticus, Fr. SCHIZOPHYLLUM, Fries. commune, Fr. TROGIA, Fries. crispa, Fr. LENZITES, Fries. 1. betulina, Fr. 2. tricolor, Fr. 3. Klotzschii, Berk. 4. Sepiaria, Fr. 5. abietina, Fr. 6. Berkeleii, Lev. 7. corrugata, Kl. 8. eximia, B. & C. BOLETUS, Fries. 1. flavidus, Ft. 2. granulatus, L. 3. bovinus, L. 4. piperatus, Bull. 5. parasiticus, Bull. 6. variegatus, Fr. 7. calopus, Fr. 80 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 8. edulis, Bull. 9. luridus, Fr. 10. castaneus, Bull. 11. cyanescens, Bull. STROBILOMYCES, Berkeley, strobilaceus, Berk. POLYPORUS, Fries. 1. [Mesopus] lentus, Berk. 2. leucomelas, Pers. 3. . perennis, Fr. 4. brunalis, Fr. 5. tomentosus, Fr. 6. [Pleuropus] elegans, Fr. 7. varius, Fr. 8. lucidus, Fr. 9. Boucheanus, Fr. 10. [Merismus] sulfureus, Fr. 11. [Apus] destructor, Fr. 12. lacteus, Fr. 13. hypococcineus, Berk, 14. adustus, Fr. 15. spumeus, Fr. 16. benzoinus, Fr. 17. betulinus, Fr. 18. conchifer, Schw. 19. fomentarius, Fr. 20. cinnabarinus, Fr. 21. salicinus, Fr. 22. cervinus, Pers. 23. connatus, Fr. 24. radiatus, Fr. 25. cupulaeformis, B. & C. 26. hirsutus, Fr. 27. velutinus, Fr. 28. zonatus, Fr. 29. versicolor, Fr. var. fasciatus, 30. laceratus, Bterk. 31. [Resupinatus] elongatus, Berk. 32. Xalapensis, Berk. 33. pinsitus, Fr. 34. ferrugineus, Fr. 35. vaporarius, Fr. 36. incrustans, B. & C. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 81 37. nidularis, Fr. 38. subfuscoflavidus, Rostk. 39. favillaceus, B. & C. TRAMETES, Fries. 1. lactinea, Berk. 2. sepium, Berk. D^DALEA, Fries. 1. cinerea, Fr. ? 2. quercina, Pers. 3. unicolor, Fr. MERULIUS, Fries. 1. tremellosus, Scbrad. 2. Corium, Fr. 3. lacrymans, Fr. FISTULINA, Bull, hepatica, Fr. IRPEX, Fries. 1. pityreus, B. & C. 2. cinnamomeus, Fr. 3. crassus, B. it C. 4. sinuosus, Fr. HYDNUM, Linn. 1. imbricatum, L. 2. subsquamosum, Batsch. 3. repandum, L. 4. compactum, Pers. 5. aurantiacum, A. & S. 6. ferrugineura, Fr. 7. spadiceuni, Pers. 8. zonatum, Batsch. 9. cyathiforme, Schaeff. 10. adustum, Schw. 11. erinaceum. Bull. 12. ochraceum, Pers. 13. alutaceum. Pers. 14. amplissimum, B. & C. RADULUM, Fries. 1. molar e, Fr. 2. orbiculare, Fr. 3. Bennettii, B. & C. 4. laetum, Fr. 82 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. PHLEBIA, Fries. 1. merismoides, Fr. 2. vaga, Fr. KNEIFFIA, Fries. setigera, Fr. CRATERBLLUS, Fries. 1. cornucopioides, Fr. 2. crispus, Fr. 3. sinuosus, Fi-. 4. clavatus, Fr. THELEPHORA, Fries. 1. anthocephala, Fr. 2. caryophyllea, Fr. 3. Candida, Fr. 4. multipartita, Scliw. 5. pallida, Schw. 6. pteruloides, B. & C. 7. laciniata, Pers. 8. sebacea, Fr. 9. cuticularis, Berk. STEREUM, Fries. 1. purpureum, Fr. 2. hirsutum, Fr. 3. spadiceum, Fr. 4. rugosum, Fr. 5. Pini, Fr. 6. acerinum, Fr. var. nivosum, Curtis. 7. complicatum, Fr. 8. ochraceo-flavum, Schw. 9. Curtissii, Berk. 10. frustulosum, Fr. 11. Micheneri, B. & C. 12. albobadium, Schw. HYMENOCH^TE, Lev. 1. rubiginosa, Lev. 2. avellana, Lev. 3. insularis, B. 4. corrugata. Lev. AURICULARIA, Fries. mesenterica, Bull. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 83 CORTICIUM, Fries. 1. salicinum, Fr. 2. Oakesii, B. & C. 3. laeve, Fr. 4. viticola, Fr. 5. cseruleum, Schrad. 6. quercinum, Pers. 7. cinereum, Fr. 8. incarnatum, Fr. 9. polygonium, Pers, 10, umbrinum, Fries. 11. laxum, Fr. 12, olivaceum, Fr. 13. ferrugineum, Fr. 14. venosum, B. & Rav. 15, vagum, B. it C. 16, colliculosum, B. & C. 17. scutellatum, B. & C. CYPHELLA, Fries, 1, fulva, B. & Rav. 2. cupulaef ormis, B. & Rav, EXOBASIDIUM, Peck. Azale8e, Peck. SPARASSIS, Fries, crispa, Fr. CLAVARIA, Linn, 1. flava, Fr. 2. botrytis, Pers. 3. fastigiata, D. C. 4. cristata, Holmsk. 5. aurea, Schaeff. 6. formosa, Pers. 7. striata, Pers. 8. crispula, Fr. 9. fusiformis, Sow. 10. insequalis, Miill, 11. argillacea, Fr. 12. contorta, Fr. CALOCERA, Fries, viscosa, Fr. 84 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. TREMBLLA, Fries. 1. foliacea, Pers. 2. lutescens, Pers. 3. mesenterica, Retz. 4. vesicaria, Bull. 5. albida, Huds. 6. intumescens, Sow. 7. torta, Willd. EXIDIA, Fries. 1. glandulosa, Fr. 2. obliqua, B. & C. N^MATELIA, Fries. 1. nucleata, Fr. 2. encephala, Fr. DACRYMYCES, Nees. 1. deliquescens, B. & Br. 2. stillatus, Fr. 3. chrysosperma, B. & C. DITIOLA, Fries, radicata, Fr. Sub-Order. GASTEROMYCETES. RHIZOPOGON, Tulasne. rubescens, Tul. PHALLUS, Linn. 1. impudicus, L. 2. duplicatus, Bosc. GEASTER, Mich. 1. hygrometricus, Pers. 2. fornicatus, Fr. 3. multifidus, Grev. BOVISTA, Dill. 1. plumbea, Pers. 2. nigrescens, Pers. ' LYCOPERDON, Tourn. 1. pyriforme, Schaeff. 2. gemmatum, Batsch. 3. cruciatum, Rotsk. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 85 4. saccatum, Fr. 5. coelatum, Vahl. 6. giganteum, Batsch. SCLERODERMA, Persoon. 1. vulgare, Fr. 2. bovista, Fr. 3. Texense, Berk. 4. verrucosum, Pers. MITREMYCES, Schw. lutescens, Schw. LYCOGALA, Mich, epidendrum, Fr. BREFELDIA, Rostk. maxima, (Fr.) Rostk. RETICULARIA, Bull, lycoperdon. Bull. PHY S ARUM, Pers. 1. cinereum, Batsch. 2. Schumacheri, Rostk. TILMADOCHE, (Rostk.) 1. nutans, Pers. 2. mutabilis, Rostk. DIDYMIUM, Schrad. clavus, A. & S. FULIGO, Persoon. varians, Rostk. CHONDRIODERMA, Rostk. radiatum, Rostk. DICTYDIUM, Schrad. cernuum, Rostk. ARCYRIA, Hill. punicea, Pers. TRICHIA, Hall. 1. fragilis. Sow. 2. chrysosperma. Bull. 86 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. HEMIARCYRIA, Persoon. rubiformis, Pers. CYATHUS, Persoon. 1. striatus, Hoffm. 2. vernicosus, D. C. CRUCIBULUM, Tiilasne. vulgare, Tnl. SPH^ROBOLUS, Tode. stellatus, Tode. Sub-Order CONIOMYCETES, LBPTOSTROMA, Fries, litigiosa, Desm. PHOMA, Fries. 1. concentricum, Desm. 2. radula, B. ct- C. 3. scabriusculum, B. & C. 4. nebulosum, B. & C. 5. glandicola, B. & C. 6. ampelinum, B. & C. 7. brunneitinctum, B. & C. 8. raelaleucum, B. & C. LBPTOTHYRIUM, Kunze. 1. Juglaudis, Lib. 2. Pragariae, Lib. 3. Ribis, Lib. 4. Celastri, B. & C. 5. punctiforme, B. & C. SPH^ROPSIS, Lev. 1. ocellata, B. & C. 2. insignis, B. & C. 3. collabens, B. & C. 4. memnia, B. & C. 5. brunneola, B. & C. 6. Gallae, B. & C. 7. torulosa, B. & C. 8. viticola, B. & C. 9. plantaginicola, B. & C. DISCOSIA, Lib. alnea, Lib. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 87 DIPLODIA, Flies. 1. viticola, Desm. 2. Rosee, B. & C. 3. vulgaris, Lev. DOTHIORA, Fries. 1. pyrenophora, Fr. 2. Zeae, Sw. VERMICULARIA, Tode. 1. circinans, Beik. 2. dematium, Lk. 3. Liliaceorum, Schw. MELASMIA, Lev. ulmicola, B. & C. SEPTORIA, Fries. 1. polygonorum, Desm. 2. ochroleuca, B. & C. 3. castaneaecola, Desm. 4. Ulmi, Kze. 5. Nabali, B. & C. 6. Herbarum, B. & C. 7. maculans, B. & C. 8. plantaginicola, B. & C. 9. Rubi, B. & C. 10. Pyri, Curtis. 11. CEnotherae, B. & C. 12. inconspicua, B. & C. 13. Stigma, B. & C. 14. complanata, B. & C. 15. Ribis, Desm. DEPAZEA, Fries. 1. cruenta, Fr. 2. brunnea, B. & C. D I S C E L L A , B. & Br. carbonacea, B. & Br. MELANCONIUM, Link. 1. oblongum. Berk. 2. magnum. Berk. CORYNEUM, Kunze. 1. pulvinatum, Kze. 2. decipiens, B. & C. 3. unicolor, M. A. C. 8'8 PLANTS OF ERODE ISLAND. PESTALOZZIA, DeNot. 1. Guepini, Desm. 2. unicolor, B. & C. MYXOSPORIUM, DeNot. nitidum, B. tt C. N^MASPORA, Persoon. crocea, Pers. TORULA, Pers. herbarum, Lk. SEPTONEMA, Berk, spilomeum, Berk. SPORIDESMIUM, Link. 1. Lepraria, B. tt: Br. 2. melanopum, B. & Br. 3. epicococcoides, B. & C. 4. pallidum, B. & C. 5. acerosum, B. & C. 6. epiphyllum, B. & C. PHRAGMIDIUM, Link. 1. mucronatum, Lk. 2. bulbosum, Schl. PUCCINIA, Pers. 1. Graminis, Pers. 2. Violarum, Lk. 3. Menthae, Pers. 4. Sorghi, Schw. 5. Polygonorum, Lk, 6. Anemones, Pers. 7. Circeese, Schw. GYMNOSPORANGIUM, D. C. Juniperi, Lk. PODISOMA, Lk. Juniperi, Fr. USTILAGO, Link. 1. carbo, Tul. 2. urceolorum, Tul. 3. Maydis, C'orda. 4. utricvilosa, Fr. 5. Caricis, D. C. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 89 UROMYCES, Lev. 1. Lespedezse-violaceae, Schw. 2. appendiculata, Lev. MELAMPSORA, Cast. salicina, Lev. UREDO, Lev. 1. Potentillarum, D. C. 2. Solidaginis, Schw. 3. effusa, Straw. 4. Caricis, Lk. 5. Labiatarum, D. C. 6. vitellina, I). C. 7. mixta, B. & C. 8. Pyrolse, Straw. 9. Leguminosarum, Lk. TRICHOBASIS, Lev. Pyrolae, Berk. RCESTELIA, Reb. lacerata, Tul. ^CIDIUM, Persoon. L Euphorbiae, Pers. 2. Berberidis, Pers. 3. Ranunculacearum, D. C, 4. Grossulariae, D. C. 5. Urticae, D. C. 6. Geranii, D. C. 7. Aroidatum, Schw. 8. Compositaruui, Mart. 9. Violse, Schum. 10. rubellum, Pers. IL Ari, Berk. 12. Menthse, D. C. 13. Botryapites, Schw. Sub-Ordee HYPHOMYCETES. ISARIA, Fries. brachiata, Schum. CERATIUM, A. & S. 1. crustosum, B. & C. 2. hydnoides, A. & S. 90 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. TUBERCULARIA, Tode. 1. granulata, Pers, 2. nigricans, D. C. FUSARIUM, Link. lateritium, Nees. ILLOSPORIUM, Mont. coccinetun, Fr. EPICOCCUM, Link, neglectum, Desm. HELMINTHOSPORIUM, Link. macrocarpon, Grev. POLYTHRINCIUM, Kunze. 1. Trifolii, Kze. 2. Gallae, Kze. ASPERGILLUS, Mich, glaucus, Lk. PERONOSPORA, DeBy. infestans, Mont. OIDIUM, Link. 1. fructigenium, Schrad. 2. fulvum, Lk. PENICILLUM, Link. candidum, Lk. DACTYLIUM, Nees. 1. dendroides, Fr. 2. roseum. Berk. STREPTOTHRIX, Corda. atra, B. & C. Sub-Order PHYSOMYCETES. M U C O R , Mich. L mucedo, L. 2. phycomyces. Berk. PILOBOLUS, Tode. crystallinus, Tode. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 91 SAPROLEGNIA,* Kutz. ferax, Kutz. Sub-Order ASCOMYCETES. PHYLLACTINIA, Lev. guttata, Lev. PODOSPH^RIA, Kze. Kunzei, Lev. BRYSIPHE, Hedw. L Martii, Lk. 2. communis, Schl. MORCHELLA, Dill. 1. esculenta. Pars. 2. conica, Pers. HELVELLA, Linn. 1. crispa, Fr. 2. lacunosa, Afz. 3. elastica, Bull. 4. ephippium, Lev. MITRULA, Flies. 1. paludosa, Fr. 2. cucullata, Fr. LEOTIA, Hill, lubrica, Pers. GEOGLOSSUM, Persoon. 1. hirsutum, Pers. 2. difforme, Fr. RHIZINA, Fries. umbellata, Fr. PEZIZA, Linn. 1. acetabulum, L. 2. venosa, Pers. 3. aurantia, Fr. 4. micropus, Pers. * I have found forms of Saprolegnia upon dead fish in Benedict Pond, which appear to accord with Archer's description of S. monoica, Pringsli. and S. dioica (Pringsh.) 92 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 5. subhirsuta, Schw. 6. granulata, Bull. 7. furfuracea, Fr. 8. coccinea, Jacq. 9. umbrata, Fr. 10. scutellata, L. 11. calyceria, Schw. 12. cerina, Pers. 13. villosa, Pers. 14. fusca, Pers. 15. flexella, Pers. 16. cinerea, Batsch. 17. atrata, Pers. IS. lucida, B. HELOTIUM, Fries. 1. aeruginosum, Fr. 2. citrinum, Fr. 3. pallescens, Fr. 4. herbarum, Fr. TYMPANIS, Tode. 1. alnea, Pers. 2. conspersa, Fr. CENANGIUM, Fries. 1. Cerasi, Fr. 2. Rubi, Fr. ASCOBOLUS, Tode. furfuraceus, Pers. BULGARIA, Fries. 1. inquinans, Fr. 2. sarcodes, Fr. STICTIS, Persoon. 1. radiata, Pers. 2. versicolor, Fr. CLAVICEPS, Tulasne. purpurea, Tul. HYSTERIUM, Tode. 1. pulicare, Pers. 2. pinastri, Schrad. 3. juniperinum, DeNot. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 93 TORRUBIA, Lev. 1. militaris, Fr. 2. ophioglossoides, Tul. HYPOCREA, Fries. alutacea, Fr. NECTRIA, Fr. 1. cinnabarina, Fr. 2. polythalamia, B. & C. 3. sanguinea, Fr. XYLARIA, Fries. 1. Hypoxylon, Grev. 2. polymorpha, Grev. 3. digitata, Grev. USTULINA, Tulasne. vulgaris, Tul. HYPOXYLON, Fr. 1. coccineum, Bull. 2. fuscum, Fr. 3. udum, Fr. 4. punctatum, 5. marginatum, Schw. DOTHIDEA, Fries. 1. Ulmi, Fr. 2. Trifolii, Fr. 3. graminis, Fr. 4. Pteridis, Fr. 5. filicina, Fr. DIATRYPE. Fries. 1. Quercina, Tul. 2. verrucseformis, Fr. 3. Stigma, Fr. MELANCONIS, Tulasne. Stilbostoma, Tul. VALSA, Fr. 1. prunastri, Fr. 2. salicina, Fr. 3. nivea, Fr. CUCURBITARIA, Gray, elongata, Grev. 94 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. LOPHIOSTOMA, DeNot. 1. macrostomum, Fr. 2. nucula, Fr. SPH^RIA, Hill. 1. aquila, Fr. 2. pomiformis, Pers, 3. pulveracea, Ehr. 4. livida, Fr. 5. rubella, Pers. 6. Doliolum, Pers. 7. clypeus, Schw. 8. verbascicola, Schw. 9. ulmea, Schw. GNOMONIA, fimbriata, (Pers.) SPH^RELLA, DeNot. 1. maculaeformis, Fr. var. aequalis. 2. punctiformis, Pers. 3. pinastri, Duby. 4. Pteridis, Desm. MICROTHYRIUM, Desm. 1. microscopicum, Desm. 2. Smilacis, Not. CAPNODIUM, Mont, elongatum, B. & Desm, DICH^NA, Fries, faginea, Fr. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 95 Obdee 112. ALG^. [Marine.] Sub-Order CRYPTOPHYCE^. GLOEOCAPSA, Kutz. crepidinum, Thuret. Newport, Dr. Farlow. LYNGBIA,* Ag. 1. majuscula, Harv. Providence, Olney. tNo. 108. 2. aestuarii, Liebm. Xarragansett Bay. 3. luteo-fusca, Ag. Newport, &c. 4. tenerrima, Thuret. Newport, Dr. Farlow. SYMPLOCA, Kutz. fasciculata, Kutz. Newport, Dr. Farlow. CALOTHRIX, (Ag.) Thuret. 1. confervicola, Ag. Providence, &c., Olney. No. 112. 2. Crustacea, (Schousb.) Born. & Thuret. Narragansett Bay. 3. scopulorum, Ag. Providence, Olney. No. 113. var. vivipara. Seaconnett, &c., Prof. J. W. Bailey. 4. pulvinata, Ag. Newport, Dr. Farlow. 5. parasitica, Thur. " " MONOSTROMA, (Thuret. ) Wittrock, pulchrum, Farlow. Watch Hill, Prof. Eaton. ULVA, (L.) Le Jolis. 1. Lactuca, (L.) Le Jolis. var. rigida, Le Jolis. Narragansett Bay. var. Lactuca, Le Jolis. Providence, &c. U. Lactuca, L. Alg. Ehod. No. 74. var. latissima, Le Jolis. Providence, &c. TJ. latissima, L. Alg. Rhod. No. 75. 2. Enteromorpha, (L.) Le Jolis. var. lanceolata, Le Jolis. Providence to Newport, var. intestinalis, Le Jolis. " " Enteromorpha intestinalis. Alg. Rhod. No. 71. var. compressa, Le Jolis. Enteromorpha coynjrressa, Grev. Alg. Rhod. No. 72. 3. clathrata, Ag. Newport, Olney. Enteromorpha clathrata, Grev. Alg. Rhod. No. 73. * Other species are noted under Fresh Water Alga, p. 113. tThe No. refers to Algae Rhodiacs, by Stephen T. Olney, Providence, 1871; synonyms have same reference. 96 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. CH^TOMORPHA. Kutz. 1. aerea, Dillw. Newport, Prof. J. W. Bailey. No. 89. 2. Linum, (Fl. Dan.) Kutz. Ch. sutoria, Berk. Alg. Rhod. No. 98. 3. Olneyi, Harv. Little Compton, Ohiey. No. 90. 4. longiarticulata, Harv. " " " No. 91. var. crassior. " " " No. 92. CLADOPHORA,* Kutz. 1. arcta, Dillw. Watch Hill, Prof. Eaton. 2. rupestris, (L.) Kutz. Newport, «fec., Olney. No. 83. 3. albida, (Huds.) Kutz. Newport, &c., Dr. Farlow. 4. refracta, (Roth.) Aresch. So. R. Island, Olney. No. 85. 5. glaucescens, (Griff.) Harv. Narragansett Bay, OJney. No. 84. 6. Rudolphiana, Ag. Providence, Olney. No. 86. 7. gracilis, (Griff.) Kutz. Little Compton, Olney. No. 87. 8. fracta, (Fl. Dan.) Kutz. Prof . J. W. Bailey. No. 88. 9. Magdalenae, Harv. Napatree Point, Prof. Eaton. BULBOCOLEON, Pringsh. piliferum, Pringsh. Newport, Dr. Farlow. Sub-Order PH.EOSPORE^. P H Y L L I T I S , (Kutz.) Le Jolis. Fascia, Kutz. Watch Hill, Prof. Eaton. SCYTOSIPHON, (Ag.)Thuret. lomentarius, Ag. Narragansett Bay, &c. Chorda lomentaria, Lymjb. Alg. Rhod. No. 9. PUNCTARIA, Grev. 1. latifolia, Grev., var. Zosterse, Le Jolis. Providence, &c. P. tenuissiiaa, Harv. Alg. Rhod. No. 12. 2. plantaginea, (Roth.) Grev. Pt. Judith, Olney, No. 13. DESMARESTIA, Lamx. aculeata, Lamx. Narragansett Bay, &c. DICTYOSIPHON, Grev. foeniculaceus, Grev. Narragansett Bay, Olney. No. 11. BCTOCARPUS, Lyngb. 1. Chordariae, Farlow. Newport, Dr. Farlow. 2. reptans, Cronan. " " 3. granulans, Ag. " " *See p. 102, under Fresh Water Alga?, for other species of this genus. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 97 4., (Roth.) Le Jolis. Providence, &c. Ec. vlrklis, Harv. Alg. Rliod. No. 23. var. siliculosus, Eyellman. Ec. siliculosus, Lyngh. Alg. Rhod. No. 22. 5. fasciculatus, Harv. Narragansett Bay, Olney. No. 24. 6. firmus, Ag. Newport, Olney. Ec. littoralis, Harv. Alg. Rhod. No. 21. SPHACELARIA, Lyngb. radicans, (Dlllw.) Harv. Newport, Dr. Farlow. MYRIOTRICHIA, clavaeformis, Harv., var. filiformis. Newport. M. filiformis, Griff. Alg. Rhod. No. 20. CLADOSTEPHUS, Ag. verticillaris, Ag. Newport, Olney. No. 19. var. spongiosus. Newport, Matunuck. C. spongiosus. Alg. Rhod. No. 18. ELACHISTEA, Duby. fucicola, Fries. Narragansett Bay. No. 17. LEATHESIA, S. F. Gray, difformis, (L.) Aresch. Point Judith, Block Island, Olney. No. 16. CHORDARIA, Ag. flagelliformis, Ag. Narragansett Bay, Olney. No. 14. MESOGLOIA, Ag. divaricata, Kutz. Newport, Olney. Chordaria divaricata, Ag. Alg. Rhod. No. 1.5. RALFSIA, Berk, verrucosa, Aresch. Newport, Dr. Farlow. STILOPHORA, Ag. rhizoides, Ag. South Rhode Island, Olney. No. 10. CHORDA, Stackh. fllum, L. Narragansett Bay, &c. No. 8. LAMINARIA, Lamx. 1. longicruris, De La Pyl. Watch Hill, Prof. Eaton ; Sachuest, Bennett. 2. saccharina, (L.) Lamx. South Rhode Island. No. 5. 3. digitata, (Turn.) Lamx. Narragansett, Olney. No. 6. 7 98 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. Sub-Order OOSPORES. ASCOPHYLLUM, (Stackh. ) Le Jolis. nodosum, Le Jolis. Fztcris nodosuK, L. Alg. Rhod. No. 5. FUCUS, L. vesiculosus, L. & vai s. No. 4. SARGASSUM, Ag. vulgare, Ag. Rocky Point, Bristol Ferry, &c. No. 1. var. Montagnei. Little Compton, Olney. S. MontayneL Alg. Rhod. No. 2. Sub-Order FLORIDE^. TRENTBPOHLIA, (Ag.) Pringsh. virgatula, Ilarv. Napatree, Prof. Eaton. PORPHYRA, Ag. laciniata, Ag. Newport, Olney. No. 69. BANGIA, Lyngb. fusco-purpurea, Lyngb. Narragansett Bay, &c. No. 70. HILDENBRANDTIA, Nardo. rosea, Kutz. Napatree Point, Prof. Eaton. NEMALION, Duby. multifidum, Ag. Narragansett Bay. No. 45. SCINAIA, Bivona. furcellata, Bivona. Newport, Prof. J. W. Bailey. SPERMOTHAMNION, Aresch. Turner!, (Ag.) Aresch. Olney. Calllthamnion Turneri, Ag. Alg. Rhod. No. 67. CALLITHAMNION, Lyngb, 1. Rothii, Lyngb. No. 68. 2. cruciatum, Ag. Napatree Point, Prof. Eaton. 3. Americanum, Harv. Watch Hill, Prof. Eaton. 4. plumula, Lyngb. Newport, Block Island, Prof. Eaton. 5. Borreri, Ag. Newport, Dr. Durkee ; Seaconnett, Congdon. No. 62. 6. tetragonum, Ag, Newport, &c. No. 60. 7. byssoideum, Arn. Providencce, Olney. No. 63. 8. corymbosura. Providence, Prof. J. W. Bailey. No. 65. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 99 9. Baileyi, Harv. Newport, Olney. No. 61. 10. Dietziae, Hooper. Narragansett Bay, Olney. No. 64. 11. seirospermum, Griff. Prof. J. W. Bailey. No. 66. GRIFFITHSIA, An. Bornetiana, Farlow. Providence, &c. G. coralUna ? var. tenuis, Harv. Alg. Rhod. No. 59. P T I L O T A , Ag. 1. elegans, Bonnem. Newport, J. W. Bailey. No. 58. 2. serrata, Ktz. Block Island, Prof. Eaton. CBRAMIUM, Lyngb. 1. rubrum, Ag. " Providence to Block Island." No. 54. var. proliferum, Ag. Newport. No. 55. 2. diaphanum. Roth. Providence, &c. No. 56. 3. Deslongchampsii, Ch. Newport, Harvey. 4. fastigiatum, Harv. Newport, &c. No. 57. 5. tenuissimum, (Lyngb.) Ag. Dr. Farlow. SPYRIDIA, Harv. filamentosa, Harv. Newport, &c. PLYLLOPHORA, Grev. 1. Brodiaei, Ag. Newport, Dr. Farlow. 2. membranifolia. South Rhode Island, Olney. No. 48. AHNPBLDTIA, Fries, plicata, Fries. Southern shores, Olney. No. 49. CYSTOCLONIUM, Kutz. purpurascens, Kutz. Narragansett Bay. No. 50. CHONDRUS, Stackh. crispus, (L.) Stackh. Rooky ocean shores. No. 51. RHODYMENIA, (Grev.) J. Ag. palmata, (L.) Grev. South Rhode Island, Olney. No. 46. CORDYLECLADIA, J. Ag. ? Huntii, Harv. Nai-ragansett Bay, Mr. Geo. Hunt. No. 47. EUTHORA, Ag. cristata, J. Ag. Newport, ,/. W. Bailey ; Watch Hill, Prof. Eaton. 100 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. LOMBNTARIA. (Gaill) Thuret. 1. uncinata, Menegh., v. filiformis. Prof. Harvey. Chylocladia, Bailey and Harv. Alg. Rhod. No. 52. 2. rosea, (Harv.) Thuret. Chylocladia rosea, Harv. Alg. Rhod. No. 53. CHAMPIA. (Ag.)Harv. 1. parvula, (Ag.) Harv. Newport, &c. No. 39. 2. salicornioidea, Ag. Watch Hill, Prof. Eaton. HYPNEA, Lamx. musciformis, Lamx. Narragansett Bay, &c. POLYIDES, Ag. rotundus, Grev. Newport, Prof. J. W. Bailey. GRINNELLIA, Harv. Americana, Harv. Providence, &c. No. 42. DELESSERIA, Lamx. sinuosa, Lamx. Newport, Prof. Eaton. GRACILARIA, Grev. multipartita, J. Ag. Providence, Prof. Harvey. G. multipartita, var. angustisslma, Harv. Alg. Rhod. No. 43. CHONDRIOPSIS, J. Ag. 1. dasyphylla, Ag. Chondria dasyphylla, Ag. Alg. Rhod. No. 25. 2. tenuissima, Ag., var. Baileyana. Narragansett Pier, &c. Chondria Baileyana, Mont. Alg. Rhod. No. 26. RHODOMELA, J. Ag. subfusca, Ag., var. gracilior, J. Ag. Providence. R. subfusca, Ag. Alg. Rhod. No. 27. POLYSIPHONIA, Grev. 1. subtilissima, Mont. Providence, Olney. No. 28. 2. Olneyi, Harv. Providence. No. 29. o. Harveyi, Bailey. Providence, Dr. Farlow. No. 30. 4. elongata, Grev. Napatree, Prof. Eaton. 5. fibrillosa, Grev. Newport, Prof. Harvey. No, 31. 6. violacea, Grev. Point Judith, Dr. Farlow. No. 32. 7. variegata, Ag. Narragansett Bay, &c. 8. parasitica, Grev. Providence, Prof. Harvey. No. 33. 9. atrorubens, Grev. Little Compton, Dr. Durkee. No. 34. 10. nigrescens, Grev. In all waters. No. 35. var. fucoides, Ag. Newport. P. nigrescens, var. disticha, Harv. Alg. Rhod. No. 36. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 101 11. fastigiata, Grev. Narragansett Bay, &c. No. 37. DASYA, Ag. elegans, Ag. Providence to Block Island. No. .38. CORALLINA, Lamx. oflBcinalis, L. Newport, &c. No. 40. MBLOBESIA, Aresch. pustulata, Lamx. Narragansett Pier, Prof. Harvey. No. 41. LITHOTHAMNION, Phil. polymorphum, (L.) Aresch. Watch Hill, Prof. Eaton. The following named species of Marine Algfe mentioned by Dr. Farlow in his various works upon New England Algse, seem to deserve insertion here, as they probably occur in our district : Clathrocystis rosea-persicina, Cohn. " Whole New England coast." Isactis plana, Thuret. " Whole New England coast." Rhizoclonium riparium, Both. " Probably common all along the coast." Rhizoclonium tortuosum, Kutz. "Common all along the Neio England coast." Bryopsis plumosa, Lamx. '■'■Not uncommon all along our east- am coast." Desmarestia viridis, Lamx. " Common on stones." Sphacelaria cirrhosa, Roth. " Common on Fucus." Myrionema vulgare, Thur. "■Everywhere common." Asperococcus echinatus, Grev. " Common along the whole coast." Porphyra leucosticta. " Probably occurs in Neio England." Ceramium strictum, (Kutz.) Harv. " FVom Neto York to Cape Cod." Rhabdonia tenera, Ag. " Common from Cape Cod southward." Gelidium crinale, J. Ag. " Common in all seas." Polysiphonia urceolata, Grev. " Ne^o Jersey northward." Melobesia farinosa, Lamx. " Probably occurs throughout our limits." 102 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. [FRESH WATER ALG^.] Sub-Order RHODOPHYCE^. Batrachosperi)iace 2 1 •J 3 29 1 1 12 2 7 2 2 8 1 1 27 2 8 1 4 10 1 5 1 5 2 1 7 1 8 50 1 41 8 6 3 1 8 3 12 1 6 2 1 1 27 122 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. iVo. of Gen. Araliaceae 1 Cornacese 2 Caprif oliaceae 6 Rubiaceee 4 Compositae 45 Lobeliaceae 1 Campanulaceae 2 Ericacese 16 Aquif oliacese 2 Ebenaceae 1 Plantaginaceae 1 Plumbaginacese 1 Primulaceae 6 Lentibulaceae 1 Orobanchacese 3 Sclirophulariaceae 14 Verbenaceae 2 Labiatae 20 Borraginaceae 8 Convolvulaceae. 8 Solanaceae 6 Gentianaceae n Apocynaceae 1 Asclepiadaceae 1 Oleaceae 2 Phy tolaccaceae l Chenopodiaceae 6 Paronychieae 2 Amarantaceae 2 Polygonaceae 3 Lauraceae 2 Thymeleaceae 1 Santalaceae 1 Ceratophyllaceae 1 Podostemaceae 1 Euphorbiaceae 2 Urticaceae 0 Platanaceae 1 Juglandaceae 2 Cnpulif eras 6 Myricaceae 1 Betulaceae 2 Salicaceae 2 Conif erae 7 Araceae 6 Xo. of Sp. No. of Vara. 8 15 12 152 4 3 32 5 1 7 1 10 11 3 35 4 37 12 8 14 7 2 8 5 1 15 2 7 28 2 1 1 1 1 6 12 1 8 14 3 7 20 11 7 1 18 1 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 123 No. of Gen. No. of Sp. No. of Vars. Lemnacese 1 2 Typhaceae 2 4 Naidaceae 5 20 3 Alismaceae 4 8 6 Hydrocharidaceae 2 2 Orchidacese 12 30 1 Amaryllidaceae 1 1 HaBmodoracese 2 2 Iridaceae 2 3 Dioscoreaceae l l SmilaceaB 1 3 1 Liliaceae 14 25 1 Juncaceae 2 16 5 Pontederiaceae 1 l Xyridaceae l 2 Eriocaulonaceae 1 1 Cyperaceae 12 131 18 Gramineae 48 126 7 Equisetaceae l 4 Filices 16 33 10 Lycopodiaceae 3 13 Characeae 2 8 Musci 54 185 13 Hepaticae 37 74 2 Lichenes 41 151 45 Fungi 150 582 3 Algae 190 619 53 TOTAL. Phanerogams. . .103 orders, 475 genera, 1,259 species, 101 varieties. Cryptogams.... 9 " 494 " 1,669 " 129 112 971 2,928 230 3,158 species and varieties. Twenty-two orders are eacli represented by one species. 251 genera of Phanerogams are represented by one species. 229 " " Cryptogams. Where the typical form is not found with us, but is represented by a variety, I have esteemed that variety as a species in the above enumeration. Of the 1,259 species of flowering plants, 200 species are Intro- duced. 124 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. APPENDIX B. NATIVE TREES AND SHRUBS. Liriodendron Tulipifera, L. Local. Berberis vulgaris, L. Tilia Americana, L. Zanthoxylum Americanum, Mill. Local. Rhus typhina, L. glabra, L. copallina, L. venenata, D. C. Toxicodendron, L. var. radicans. Vitis Labrusca, L. aestivalis, Michx. cordifolia, Michx. riparia, Michx. Local. Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Michx. Rhamnus catharticus, L. Ceanothus Americanus, L. Celastrus scandens, L. Staphylea trifolia, L. Local. Acer Pennsylvanicum, L. Northern part of State, spicatum, Lam. Kara and local, saccharinum, Wang. var. nigrum, rubrum, L. A dasycarpum, Ehrh. Not common. ^ Negundo aceroides, Moench. Prunus Americana, Marshall. Scarce, maritima, Wang. Common south of Providence, pumila, L. Pennsylvanica, L. Virginica, L. serotina, Ehih. Spiraea salicifolia, L. tomentosa, L. Rubus odoratus, L. Not common, strigosus, Michx. occidentalis, L. villosus. Ait. Canadensis, L. hispidus, L. Rosa Carolina, L. lucida, Ehrh. PLANTS OF ERODE ISLAND. 125 Crataegus coccinea, L. tomentosa, L., var. pyrifolia, var. punctata. Crus-Galli, L. Pirus Americana, L. In northern part of State, arbutifolia, L., var. erythro carpa. var. naelanocarpa. Amelanchier Canadensis, T. & G., var. Botryapium. var. oblongifolia. var. rotundifolia. Ribes oxycanthoides, L. floridum, L. Hamamelis Virginica, L. Nesaea verticillata, H. B. K. Cornus florida, L. circinata, L'Her. sericea, L. stolonif era, Michx. Not common, paniculata, L'Her. alternifolia, L. Nyssa multiflora, Waug. Linnaea borealis, Gronov. Rare, Sambucus Canadensis, L. racemosa, L. Diervilla trifida, Moench. Viburnum lantanoides, Michx. Northern part of State. acerifolium, L. dentatum, L. cassinoides, L. nudum, L. Lentago, L. Lonicera coerulea, L. oblongifolia, Muhl. sempervirens, Ait. glauca, Hill. Cephalanthus occidentalis, L. Mitctiella repens, L. Gaylussacia dumosa, T. & G. Washington County. frondosa, T. & G. resinosa, T. & G. Vaccinium Oxycoccus, L. macrocarpon. Ait. Pennsylvanicum, Lam. vacillans, Solander. corymbosum, L. & vars. Chiogenes hispidula, T. & G. Rare and local. 126 PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi, Spreng, Epigaea repens, L. Gaultheria procumbens, L. Leucothoe racemosa, Gray. Cassandra calyculata, Don. Andromeda mariana, L. ligustrina, Muhl. Clethra alnifolia, L. Kalmia latifolia, L. angustifolia, L. Rhododendron viscosum, Ton-, nudifloruna, Ton-, maximiini, L. Rhodora, (L.) Pyrola rotundifolia, L. elliptica, Xutt. chlorantha, Swartz. secunda, L. Moneses uniflora, Salisb. Chimaphila umbellata, Nutt. maculata, Pursh. Ilex opaca, Ait. verticillata, Gray, laevigata, Gray, glabra, Gray. Nemopanthes Canadensis, D. C. Diospyros Virginiana, L. Fraxinus Americana, L. pubescens, Lam. viridis, Michx. f. sambucifolia, Lam. Sassafras oflBcinale, Nees. Lindera Benzoin, Meisner. Dirca palustris, L. Ulmus fulva, Mx. Americana, L. Celtis occidentalis, L. Platanus occidentalis, L. Juglans cinerea, L. nigra, L. Whether introduced or native unknown. Carya alba, Nutt. microcarpa, Nutt. sulcata, Nutt. Scarce. tomentosa, Nutt. porcina, Nutt. amara, Nutt. Washington County. Not common. Rare and local. Southern part of State. Perhaps obliterate ? ♦ Quite local. As yet only in East Providence. PLANTS OF RHODE ISLAND. 127 I Quercus alba, L. obtusiloba, Michx. bicolor, Willd, Prinus, L. var. monticola. var. ? humilis. ilicifolia, Wang. coccinea, Wang. var. tinctoria. var. ambigua. rubra, L. var. runcinata. palustris, L. Castanea vesca, L., var. Americana, Mx Fagus f erruginea, Ait. Corylus Americana, Walt. rostrata. Ait. Ostrya Virginica, Willd. Carpinus Americana, Micbx. Myrica Gale, L. cerifera, L. Comptonia, C. DC. Betula lenta, L. lutea, Michx. f. alba, var. populifolia, Spach. papyracea. Ait. nigra, L. Alnus incana, Willd. serrulata. Ait. Populus, Michx. grandidentata, Michx. Local. Local Kather scarce. Quidnessett. Washington County. monilifera. Ait. balsamifera, var, Salix tristis, Ait. humilis, Marshall. discolor, Muhl. sericea, Marshall, petiolaris, Sm. cordata, Muhl. livida, Wahl., var. occidentalis lucida, Muhl. nigra, Marshall. & vars. longifolia, Muhl. myrtilloides, L. Pinus rigida, Miller. Washington County. candicans. Local. Native ? Found so far in Johnston only. 128 PLANTS OF BHODE ISLAND. Pinus resinosa, Ait. Strobus, L. Picea nigra, Lk. Not common. Tsuga Canadensis, (Michx.) Larix Americana, Mx. Certainly native in W. Greenwich ! Chamsecyparis spheeroidea, Spach. Juniperus communis, L. Virginiana, L. Sabina, L., var. procumbens. Local. Taxus baccata, L., var. Canadensis. Rare and local, Smilax rotundifolia, L., & var. glauca, "Walt. To the south of Providence. i