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But the col- lector of phanerogams sees his most interesting laboratory closed for the season and turns to the lower plants as a temporary pas- time to occupy his time until the advent of spring when his seri- ous work begins. Such collectors may busy themselves to ad- vantage during winter by studying deciduous trees and shrubs in their winter condition. I wish to say a few words here to teach- ers and amateurs who are not familiar with the twig characters of woody plants and who would like to know how such plants may be identified during their dormant period. The twig characters suffice to distinguish readily all except closely allied species. Even of the latter there are very few cases in which the species can not be distinguished by a careful study of the twigs and the aspect of the whole plant. Space will not permit of the presentation of a scheme of classi- fication, but we may look somewhat in detail at the characters that would be used in such a scheme. A twig is the portion of the growth in length of the woody stem which has taken place during the preceding season ; an older portion would be a branch- 2 THE PLANT WORLD. let. At tliL- base of the twig is usuall}' found a elustcr of scars niarlving the position of the bud-scales which feU off when the bud expanded. The twig consists of central pith, surrounded by a woodv zone. Outside of the woody zone is a zone of softer tissues, a discussion of which would take us too far into anatomy for the purposes of this paper. On the outside is the epidermis, which may become ruptured on the older portions by the growth in diameter. Alost of this outer zone becomes, in branches, the layer commonly known as the bark. At regular intervals lateral structures, leaves, are produced upon the growing stem, which, at the advent of winter, are shed (in deciduous plants) by means of the production of a corky layer near the base of the petiole. The scars thus caused on the sides of the twigs are known as leaf scars. In the axils of the leaves are normally produced the lateral buds or nascent branches. The terminal portion of the twig also usually has a bud which will continue the growth the following season. These parts will now be taken up more in de- tail. A few representative examples are given in each case. PitJi. — The pith is usually solid and continuous, white in color, and circular in cross section. The pith is diaphragmed in the walnut and hackberry, that is, though solid in the younger por- tions, it soon separates into numerous thin, transverse plates. In the grape vines the pith is interrupted at the nodes by woody partitions. The color is brown in the smooth sumac, Rhus iila- hra, and in .UhvifJiiis glandulosiis. The cross section is rhom- boidal in the buckthorn, Rhaiinius, and in some other distinctly 4-angled twigs, and is 5-angled or star-shaped in the oaks. Smila.v, and other monocotyledons have no distinct pith.. Tivig. — The surface may be smooth, pubescent, glaucous (Acer Negiindo) ; roughened with lenticels (Rhus copallina) ; or spiny ( Ribcs, Ruhus, Siuihi.v) ; cylindrical, angled, roughened by corky ridges (bur oak, sweet gum, i'hiius ahita) : various shades of brown, yellow, red, green and gray. Tn some cases the odor of the bruised bark is characteristic as in sassafras and spice bush. Leaf-scars. — The arrangement of the leaf-scars may be op- posite and 4-ranked, or alternate. Tn a few cases there are more TWIGS OF WOODY PLANTS. 3 than two at a node (sonietiines in Cafall^a). Of the alternate arrangement there are two series, 2-ranked and 5- to 8-ranked. Twigs of the latter series are commonly either 5-ranked or 8- ranked, but in most cases both arrangements may be found in the same species, often on the same individual; and even a 13- ranked arrangement may occur. The shape of the leaf-scars is variable, liut varies within fairly well defined limits, so that certain general forms are characteristic of species and often of genera. The catalpa has nearly circular leaf-scars. In the elms, basswood, and in fact most of the 2- ranked genera, the scars are oval or semi-elliptical. The walnuts and hickories have them heart- or shield-shaped. Sometimes the scar becomes narrow and crescent-shaped or U- or V-shaped as in the maples and sycamore. The plums bear oval leaf-scars, while those of the apple are U-shaped. The vascular bundles which pass from the stem to the leaf are usually aggregated into definite groups which in the leaf-scar present scars or dots called bundle-scars. The arrangement of these is a character to be noted. In plants possessing well-marked stipules these organs leave a scar on the twig at each side of the leaf-scar. Certain genera are characterized by the stipule-scar encircling the twig. Among our trees may be mentioned the magnolias and their relative, the tulip tree ; and the sycamore. The bud scales, being modified stipules, are in pairs encircling the bud. As the bud expands, the scales fall ofi; and leave these scars. The genus Ficiis and some other exotics also have encii"cling stipule-scars. Occasionally the stipules are transformed into spines as in the black locust and some other woody Leguminosae. In prickly ash similar spines occur in pairs at the nodes but they are not transformed stipules. Prickles may be aggregated at the nodes to simulate stipules as the triple prickles of certain gooseberries. Buds. — These may be lateral or terminal. The former occur in the axils of the leaves ; the latter at the end of the stem. In the ordinary course of development the buds expand in the spring and the growth in length of the twigs takes place rapidly during the time that the leaves are attainins: their full growth. The THE PLANT WORLD. Description of Fig. i. 1. Twig of Hickory {Hicoria alba (L.) Britt.) showing strong terminal bud and two superposed lateral buds. 2. Twig of Walnut {Jiiglaiis nigra L.) showing terminal bud, super- posed lateral buds, heart-shaped leaf-scars, and diaphragmed pith. 3. Twig of Oak (Qiicrcus alba L.) showing lateral buds clustered at apex. 4. Twig of Ash (Fra.viniis Pciiiisyhaiiica Marsh.) showing termiijal bud, opposite leaf-scars, felty-pubescent scales, and a continuous central bundle-scar. 5. Soft Maple (Jeer saccharinuin L. ). Buds opposite, leaf-scars U- shaped, with three bundle-scars, the angles of the leaf-scars connected by a line on the epidermis. X 2. 6. Box-elder {Acer Ncgtiiido L.). Opposite leaf-scars with a peculiar, thin appendage connecting the angles. The portion of the twig just above the leaf-scars is compressed in a characteristic manner. X 2. 7. Beech (Fagits Americana Sweet). Bud long and slender, with nu- merous scales. On each side at the base is a stipule-scar. 8. Honey Locust (Gleditschia triacanthos L.). Twig showing super- posed buds, the uppermost of which develops immediately into a thorn. A longitudinal section shows the numerous superposed buds. X 2. 9. Tulip Tree (Liriodcndron Tulipifera L. ). Twig showing flattened buds and encircling stipule-scars. 10. Azalea (A;:;alea nitdiflora L.). Twig showing terminal flower-bud and clustered leaf-buds. 11. Sycamore (Platanus oeeidentalis L.). Twig showing conical bud with a single bud-scale and the encircling stipule-scar. The uppermost lateral bud continues the growth of the stem. Beside this is shown the scar of the cast terminal portion of the twig. 12. Smooth Sumac (Rhus glabra L.). Twig showing felty-pubescent, so-called naked buds, U-shaped leaf-scars which enclose the buds, and the base of the well-developed terminal portion whicli is deciduous. 13. Chestnut (Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh.). Twig showing the terminal scar such as occurs also in elms, basswood, and other 2-ranked twigs. y ! ^,,i| ry .:1 tJS |X| l'» ■ 'I'il' 1 Fig. I. 6 Tlili I'LAXr WORLD. buds for the following year arc formed at this time and the growth is finished for the season m May or June, the end of n. ■ twig having ]^roduced a terminal bud. Such growth is often called definite or determinate. The growth in length is not al- ways so definite and may extend through the season until stopped by the advent of cold weather. As examples of this may be mentioned some of the willows and the genus Riibiis. Xo defi- nite terminal bud is then formed. Other plants have adapted themselves by an intermediate process which may be termed the casting of deciduous tips. The smooth sumac is a good illustra- tion of this. The growth of the t^vig is indefinite, but in the fall the terminal portion of the twig (some four or five inches), is cast off b\- the formation of a corky layer in the same wav as leaves are cast. The uppermost lateral bud is strong and con- tinues the growth of the twig, while tlie dead portion falls off during the winter, leaving a scar which represents the end of the twig. In other genera this habit of casting has become so fixed that it takes place early in the season, about the same time that the terminal buds are formed in such plants as the hickory. If these twigs are examined in early summer the dwarfed terminal portion, sometimes an inch or so long, can be seen, but it soon falls away, leaving a scar. Such casting of the tips is common in the 2-ranked twigs. The elms, mulberry, and basswood will all show a terminal scar, usually pushed aside by the vigorous uppermost lateral bud which continues the growth of the stem. The axes of such plants are. of course, always s\mpodial. The lateral Ijuds are normally single in the axils of the leaves but ma)- be superposed, that is, two or more, one above the other, in which case the uppermost in the largest. Superposed buds are shown in some of the hickories (c. f^. Hicoria mini ma (Marsh.) liritt. ) and several Leguminosae (the Kentucky coffee tree Gyiiiiiocladus, the honey-locust Glcdifscliia, etc ). In Glc- ditschia, a longitudinal section through the leaf-scar and twigs reveals a row of six or eight buds, the lower successively smaller and hidden by the scar, while the ui)])erniost is usuall}- trans- formed into a more or less branched tliorn. In some si)ecies the fiower buds are conspicuous during winter TWIGS OF WOODY PLANTS. 7 and may differ markedly in size and shape from the leaf buds, as in the azalea, red-bud and soft maple. Biul-scalcs. — In our elimate the buds are usually protected by scales, which are modified leaves or stipules. In a few cases the buds are naked (RIiiis, Asiiiiiiia), the distinction being' that in the scaly buds the scales drop oft' as the bud expands while in the naked buds the outermost protecting leaves develop into foliage and do not fall oft'. This, however, scarcely holds good with our species as the outer leaves are shaped similar to foliage leaves but fall off easily and do n(~)t function as mature foliage leaves. The scales are usually modified leaves or leaf-bases but may be modified stipules. In fact the latter is usually the case in plants possessing stipules. When the scales are stipules they occur in pairs and the transition to ordinary stipules can be traced in the bud, at least at the time of expansion. ]\Iany of our genera have stipular bud-scales, as Magnolia, Tilia, Uhniis, Platajuis, Qiicrciis. The bud-scales may be ])rotected by a pubescent coating, by a gummv exudation (Popiihis) or by being sunken in the bark (Gyiniiocladits) . The above is a mere outline of the subject, presenting facts of common knowledge to botanists and no claims of originality are made. But the amateur or even the professional botanist will find it a pleasing and profitable occupation to classify the local woody ])lants according to the characters presented in their winter condition. On November 1 1 last, Dr. D. G. Fairchild, of the Department of x\griculture addressed the American Brewing Institute on the subject, " Pure Races of Brewing Ijarley." The speaker urged the importance, from the economic point of view, of uniformity of barley races, and showed evidence that such uniformity may be arrived at b}" care in the selection of seed. Before this may be undertaken, however, it is necessary for the practical brewer to decide on the standards of cjuality desired in the material. It was evident from the address that there remains very much to be done in the directions indicated. 8 THE PLANT WORLD. SUCCESSFUL NATURAL PARKS. Bv William Palmer. A board sign ' To Macleay Park ' at the end of the iron bridge leading to WiUiamette Heights, Portland, Ore., had long been familiar to me during the early days of the late Lewis and Clark Exposition, and I had assumed that it pointed the way to a real estate subdivision. Late one rainy afternoon I had an oppor- tunity to explore this narrow ravine leading into the hills. With my portfolio I wandered up the narrow path, collecting a few plants on the way, and passing through a narrow opening in a crude sapling fence, I soon noticed several copies of a placard tacked on trees about a bark-covered tee])ee. My curiosity was aroused and the following was what I read : "PICK NOTHING. " Please Read This. " There being a strong desire on the part of the citizens, the Lewis and Clark Board and the Park Board to have one wild spot in onr city limits that is untouched and untrammeled by the hands of man. the Park Board has therefore selected as that place the Macleay Park and such portions of the Macleay Park trail as come under the control of the board. It is desired that not a fern, flower, leaf, twig, or branch of any name or nature be disturbed. While the Park Board feels that about 95 per cent, of the commu- nity are thoughtful and appreciative, still there are a few that are careless and indifferent, and to these few it necessitates the board making stringent laws not allowing any one to pluck or mar any- thing. A keeper clothed with authority will be constantly kept in the park rigidly to carry out this plan, by arrest or otherwise. All good citizens will confer a favor if they will report quietly to the local keeper any depredation of this kind coming under their no- tice, and thus assist in keeping this park in its native wild beauty. There is plenty of room for marauders outside the park premises. It is requested that no one carry cut shrubs through the park, as this would give vandals a loophole out of which to escape. The keeper in charge is hereby requested to carry out the spirit of this statement. " George H. Williams, "J. D. Meyer, " Ion Lewis, " L. L. Hawkins, "Park Board. "The Park belongs to you, kindly .\ssist in protecting it." The possession of m\- ])ortfolio would naturally have suggested to a stranger that I had botanical intent on the plants, and SUCCESSFUL NATURAL PARKS. 9 although it seemed improbable in the drizzling rain that I should meet the keeper, I at once turned back through the fence opening, hid the portfolio under a log, and again returned to explore the character of the place. In a few minutes I met the keeper and spent some time with him learning of the nature of the park. An old resident of Portland had left the ground, less than two hundred acres, to the city on condition that a path should be maintained through its wilderness, but that the natural beauty should not be changed. The Park Board of the city, headed by the mavor, is evidently faithfully carrying out the intent of the donor. The watchman, deeply interested in the matter, keeps the path clear and as dry as possible, cuts partly through fallen logs, so as to permit easy stepping, removes stones, and trims the side of the path where the bank is steep : provides for the drainage across the path, especially where the ground is soggy, but in- variably leaves everything untouched except in the narrow wind- ing way. A few crude log benches have been erected with a bark liut and teepee ; in the rocky stream several small dams have been made, the accumulated waters turning crude but picturesque waterwheels and pumps which are constantly in motion to the de- light of the juvenile visitors. Outside the park, except in almost inaccessible places, much of the vegetation, especially the larger ferns, are badly broken and trampled, but inside one looks in vain for evidence that anything has been touched. No one can miss seeing the placard, and evidently its warning is rarely, if ever, disregarded. The fence consists of a few uprights driven between trees and supporting slender saplings held by wire. The entrances are openings in this fence, less than two feet wide, be- tween two uprights, yet although 'a public road borders one side, the isolation of the park is complete. On fine days and on holi- days the visitors may number several hundreds ; usually a dozen or so visit it every day, and workmen pass through as a short cut between their country homes and the exposition side of the citv. The object is a success, the expense nominal. And when, as is rapidly occurring, forests have been obliterated from the vicinity of Portland, the cit\- may congratulate itself lO THE PLANT WORLD. tliat the foresight of one individual wih permit tlie people to enjoy forever a little of nature's former abundant wilds. A mueh grander park, closer to a large and growing city and containing magnificent forest growths, is Stanley Park at \"an- couver, B. C. Huge forest trees are abundant here ; ferns are everywhere, but the wilderness is marred somewhat by attempts at horticulture, the bane of almost every efifort to set aside a piece of natural wildness. Pathways cross each other in many direc- tions and there are good driveways, with little effort at improve- ment. It is essential perhaps that at the principal entrance of a natural park there should be erected suitable buildings for pur- poses of supervision, luit it does seem unnecessary to erect green- houses and to maintain flower beds. Some member of a park board at some time or other will persist in iiiipnrz'iiii:;, first the driveways, then other areas, until finally little is left of the Natural Park, a montrosity of landscape gardening costing thou- sands of dollars, replacing a bit of nature that in all probability the ingenuity of man cannot restore. It is well, perhaps, that provision should be made for children's swings and for baseball, but the natural wildness should be preserved untouched. In the city of Halifax, N. S., are two parks. In one an old Scotch gardener has produced a bit of landscape gardening un- ec[ualed in my experience ; culture is evident everywhere, every bit of area being maintained in perfection for definite purposes. The whole is superb. On the outskirts of the city another but larger park has been established, a natural park. It has a fine entrance with splendid Inuldings and a boun(lar\- wall, but noth- ing more except well-kei)t drives and paths with the smallest possible amount of culture. However, little of the park seems to be of the original forest ; yet nature will find her own way if only man will fix the boundaries and protect the effort. What has been done in these instances can be done in others. There is no reason why everv community should not set aside a small or large tract of wild, perhaps rocky, ground within or near its limits. A few congenial spirits nught be associated in almost any community to carry out such a plan and to cooperate with some landowner who has more than he knows what to do with. FOREST BELTS OF WESTERN KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. I I or who needs a helping hand to interest him in caring properly for his property. The preservation of wild plant life wonld thus fall along easy lines and perhaps become a dominant feature. The writer was one of a few who leased an island in the Po- tomac river above Washington some years ago. We have built a cottage and some crude narrow paths, yet in other respects, as nature made it, so we leave it — a beauty spot, a bit of nature amidst the surrounding culture, where the botanist, the orni- thologist, the entomologist and others may pursue their investiga- tions, but not by destructive methods — a place where we seek seclusion from city cares and which we hope will remain as long as the Potomac flows past our rocky shores. FOREST BELTS OF AVESTERN KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. A Bulletin of the Forest Service Dealing With Use and Means of Extending Them in This Region. That forests will extend, of themselves, even under disad- vantageous conditions, over the moister soils of western Kansas and western Nebraska, and that this natural extension may be fostered with profit, are the interesting facts brought out in Bul- letin No. 66 of the U. S. Forest Service, of which Royal S. Kel- logg is the author. The climate of nearly all this region is essentially semiarid, be- ing characterized by light and unevenly distributed precipitation, high winds, excessive evaporation, and great fluctuations of tem- perature — conditions clearly unfavorable to the thrifty growth of manv forest trees. Fortunately, however, most of the scanty rainfall, which would otherwise often prove insufficient, comes during the growing season. As regards trees, the result of ad- verse climatic factors is that the common hardwoods are con- fined closely to the water courses or to comparatively wet situa- tions. Even the permanent subterranean water is not sufficient for all species ; the excessive evaporation also limits plant dis- * tribution. Trees have been killed in seasons of severe drought. 12 THE PLANT WORLD. The steps by which forestation begins are often apparently insignificant and unobserved. On the streams, the sandbar wil- low and the false indigo play an important part, their roots hold- ing the banks and bars from shifting until tree species can get a foothold. After the sand is fixed and other species have started, the willow dies, but its mission has been fulfilled. Its seed is carried by the water as well as by the wind, so that the same flood which makes the sandbar often seeds it with the tree which will redeem it. In heavier soils other shrubs, such as the smooth sumac, the wolfberry, and the wild plum, which grow in clumps and are able to win in the fight against grass, are fore- runners of the forest. The one thing which, above all others, makes for improved conditions on the plains, and gives assured hope for better tree growth in the future than in the past, is the cessation of fires. Before the country was settled fires were both frequent aitd ex- tensive. Only the trees along streams could survive, and, at best, make a stunted, scrubby growth. Reproduction was extremely uncertain, owing to the loss of seedlings, and grass gained the ascendency over all other forms of vegetation. But with the nearly complete stoppage of fires since the country has been per- manently settled, conditions are greatly improved. Several tree species have succeeded, despite other most adverse circum- stances, in forcing their way into the very heart of the plains by following up the water courses tributary to the Missouri River. It is therefore quite certain that with protection they will in the future steadily gain new territory. As a result of the study it becomes clear that the forests of this region are much more restricted in area and poorer in character than they need be. That it takes a long time to grow trees fit for any practical purpose is true, yet a region without trees is seri- ously handicapped, and few farmers can do better for their property than to establish groves upon it. The government is so well convinced of the practicability of growing trees from seeds in this region that it has created two forest reserves, containing 208,000 acres, in the sand hills of Nebraska for this purpose. EXPERIMENTS WITH WATER CULTURES. 13 A SBIPLE METHOD FOR EXPERIMENTS WITH WATER CULTURES. By Burton Edward Livingston. The methods commonly in use for fixing seedlings in jars for water cultures usually involve absorbent cotton or some similar material the purpose of which is to hold the plants in place. One of the most frequent causes for the failure of such experiments is the accidental moistening of this material and the subsequent growth of fungi therein, which sooner or later causes injury to the stems at the points of fixation and often result in damping off. Furthermore, these methods of wedging the plant stems into lniffti% Fig. 2. Method of germinating seeds on paraffin-coaled disks floated by means of cork stoppers. openings in cork stoppers or other jar covers always require con- siderable care in preparation and more dexterity in manipula- tion than is possessed by the average student of plant physiology, at least in beginning classes. For the research worker, the time required for the setting up of such cultures is an important con- sideration and a method adapted to more rapid work would allow the use of more cultures and tlie accompanying greater accuracy of results. 14 THE PLANT WORLD. A method which has been devised in the laboratories of the Bureau of Soils of the U. S. Department of Agriculture is much simpler in operation and in man}' other ways nuich more satis- factory for many water culture experiments than any other with which the writer is acquainted. It can be used for cultures of any plant in which the stem does not increase too markedly in diameter during the period of the experiment, and is well suited to such plants as wheat, and the allied grasses, buckwheat, radish, etc. The writer has used it mainl\- for wheat, a plant which gives excellent responses to all manner of treatments and deserves a more prominent place in physiological experimentation than it holds at present. Seeds of wheat or some similar grain are germinated on paraffin-coated disks of galvanized iron wire net- ting of a convenient size, having a ^-inch mesh, and are floated just at the surface of a pan of water by means of several cork stoppers pinned to the under side of the disk close to its circum- ference. In coating the disks they are repeatedly dipped in melted paraffin and the openings are thus decreased to a size allowing the needed contact with the water but keeping the seeds from falling through. If, after paraffining, the openings are too small, they may be enlarged by cutting out the superfluous para- fin with a small cork-borer. The w^ater below the disks is from two to three inches in depth. It must be changed often, several times a day in warm weather, to prevent injury tc^ the seedlings from the accumulation of materials which the seeds exude and from the products of bacterial and fungus growth during germi- nation. Fig 2 shows the method of germination. The water has been removed from both pans for taking the photograph. In the pan at the right the paraffined disk is supported on a ring stand in order to show the corks and roots. These seedlings are of the right size for placing in the bottles. Shortly after the first true leaf has begun to emerge from its sheath the seedlings are removed from the gernnnating apparatus and placed in the culture bottles. These bottles are wide- mouthed and of a low, broad form, containing eight ounces,* and * The most satisfactory bottle wliicli has been found for the purpose is No. 5677 of Elmer and Amend's catalogue of chemical supplies. It is made of a green flint glass which is fairly free from the objection of being soluble in water. EXPERIMENTS WITH WATER CULTURES. I 5 are provided with flat cork stoppers one-half inch in thickness. Each bottle is covered with opaque black paper or is painted ex- ternally with asphaltum varnish or other opaque covering" to pre- vent the access of lig-ht to the roots. The stopper is prepared by cutting ten uniformly spaced vertical wedges from its lateral surface, these being about one-eighth inch broad and of some- what greater depth, and extending from top to bottom of the stopper. Each cork wedge, after being cut out, is truncated at its inner angle by the removal of enough cork to allow it to be re- placed in position after a seedling has been placed in the groove from which the wedge was cut. The stem of a seedling is placed in each of the ten grooves, the seeds being just beneath the lower surface of the stopper, and the wedges are pressed into position. They should wedge the stems into place just firmly enough to hold them when the stopper is inserted in the bottle. After all are in position a rubber band is placed around the stopper about one-eighth inch from its upper surface, to hold the wedges in place. The stopper is then pressed firml\- into the neck of the bottle, the latter having been filled to the shoulder with any desired solution. If the culture is properly set up all joints are so tight that practically no opportunity is ofifered for the direct evaporation of water from the bottle. Either the solution should be renewed or the bottle should be replenished with distilled water every three or four days, according to the character of the experiment, to make up for loss of water by the transpiration of the plants. Such cultures of wheat can be continued for three or four weeks or even longer without difficulty. Since the water loss therefrom is only through the plants, the entire cultures may be weisfhed at each change and the sum of the losses recorded mav be taken as the total loss by transpiration of ten plants for the period of the experiment. This total water-loss, being propor- tional to the area, and hence to the size of the leaves, a convenient method is thus offered for determining the relative growths of several cultures. f At the end of the experiment the green and t Livingston. B. E., Relation of transpiration to growth in wheat. Bot. Gaz. 40: 178-195. 1905. i6 THE PLANT WORLD. dry weights of the tops and the dry weight of the roots may be taken as additional criteria of growth. The method here described may be used for studies of the nutrient or stimulating value of various substances. A striking illustration of the value of the endosperm to the young seedling may be presented by making two cultures in the same solution, the seedlings of one culture having had the seeds removed at the time of setting up. while those of the other are normal. A single example to illustrate the kind of results which may be ob- FlG. 3. tained is given in Fig. 3. No. i is in pure water, No. 2 in a Knop's nutrient solution containing 112 parts per million (0.0112 per cent.) of total salts. The succeeding cultures have the same nutrient solution, each one being twice as concentrated as the pre- ceding one of the series. It is seen that the optimum strength lies in the range of concentrations from 224 to 14336 parts per mil- lion ( Nos. 3 to 9 in the figure), and that variations in concentra- tion within these limits do not markedly effect the growth of the plants. The solution in No. 10. containing 28672 parts per mil- lion of total salts, is obviously too strong for the plants. THE HOP-HORNBEAM OR IRONWOOD. I / THE HOP-HORNBEAM OR IROXWOOD. Osfrya Jlr<^iiiiaiia. By Mary S. Van Hook. A tree that borrows most of its good points from its neighbors and yet succeeds in being individual enough to be interesting deserves to be noticed. The branchlets of the hop-hornbeam re- sembles those of the elm, its leaves are very like those of the birch, while the appearance of its fruit, so similar to that of the hop vine, gives the tree its name ; yet the tree has its own peculiar charms and piques immediate further study, when once it is ob- served. Graceful and dainty in appearance, seldom over thirty feet high, throughout the year the hop-hornbeam attracts atten- tion by its beauty. In the spring the vivid green of its leaves, and in the autumn their brilliant coloring", make the tree an ornament wherever it grows. Late into the winter many leaves remain, withered it is true, but still a pleasing brown, and with them hang the pistillate aments. the hop-like fruit clusters, like little lanterns on the tree. Each seed, shaped like an apple seed but light colored, is enclosed in a small sac from which it does not escape until spring. On the same tree are the staminate catkins in groups of three, each one, in the winter condition, not more than an inch long, but in the spring stretching out to twice that length. The wood of the hornbeam is its most characteristic feature. Close grained and very hard, it almost defies destruction and is indeed like iron. The ancients employed it in making chariot wheels, and it is now used for the handles of small tools and weapons. In the young trees the bark, smooth and reddish brown in color and marked with short white lines, suggests that of young cherry trees but later on it becomes rough and grey more like that of the elm. A near relative to the hop-hornbeam is Osfrya Carpi ints, the bluebeech-hornbeam. Its leaves resemble those of the beech, and the trunk is often blue or slate color, whence the name. Tlie I 8 THE PLANT WORLD. bark of the \()iin,f;- tree is often perfectly smooth with curious ridges upon it and with its pecnhar color, the trunk of the tree actually resembles a column of iron in appearance as well as in character. O. car/^liiiis grows to be much taller than O. J^ir- giniaiia and prefers the rich woods and banks of streams to the sandv hillsides which / 'iri^^iiilaiia elects. ISoth trees love to be alone and are never found growing in groves as are oak or beech trees. THE DEVIL'S TONGUE.* By Olga Whittlesey. When the plant first started to grow it was a round, brown, corm with knobs on its hard surface. It was about five inches in diameter. In the middle was a round disk with a little pinky knob in its center which was the plant just beginning to grow. The plant was placed in a glass jar with a cloth under it and two glasses holding it firmly against the side of the jar. It was only given water a few times. The first eleven days it grew five inches but the next twenty-two it grew two feet nine inches. As the plant grew the corm became smaller until there was room between it and the glasses to put a finger. Meanwhile the little pinky part grew, first slowly and then very fast. Before it was two inches in height it changed in color, becoming a dark speckled green. It grew in one straight, heavy, stalk with little flaps forming the outside covering. Later it became one smooth stalk with a reddish blade at the end. In about three days there was a great change in the plant. It had attained the height of five feet six inches and its coloring had changed greatly. The lower part or corm had become wrinkled and the leaves at the bottom of the stalk were very loose. They were a light magenta and the stalk had changed from a mottled green to the light color of the leaves with brown spots. The greatest change of all had taken place in the thick part at the top. From it had come a long tongue-like formation which *This is a first-prize compL'titive essay emljodying the original observa- tions of the author (aged 13, a pupil in the Trenton Model School) on the development of the curious aroid AniorphophaHiis Rh'icri. — Ed. THE DEVILS TONGUE. 1 9 looked as if it were the flower of the devil's tongue. The tongue and the leaf which enveloped it were a rich magenta in color giving the whole plant a weird look. Certainly the plant was well-named for its flower is remarkablv like a huge tongue. The flower faded when it had been in bloom a few days. The long tongue or spadix withered and both it and the spathe hung down limply. The leaves near the bottom became dry and brittle, the corm became still smaller and the stalk thinner, causing the outside skin to wither. Nothing was left of the gorgeous plant but a dejected looking mass of faded magenta, hanging from a shriveled stalk. Xow that the flower was dying we could ])ull it ajjart and look at its stamens and other organs. We found that the stamens were above the pistils, at the base of the tongue. They were reddish brown in color while the pistils were bright red. As the stamens were fastened above the pistils and did not ripen until after them, it was hard to see how the pistils were fertilized. The devil's tongue has no nectar by which to attract insects but it has another device equally good if not as pleasant. The tongue is hollow and has in it a ver^■ bad-smelling secre- tion. This liquid smells like decaxing meat and attracts the carrion flies who bring pollen on their legs and wings. The leaf of the devil's tongue is almost as curious in its growth as the flower. The leaf-stalks grow directly from the corm and the scars, which were on the sides of the corm when the flower began to grow, are left by them. The stalk is dark green in color, mottled with white like the flower stalk when it first began to grow. It is about three-quarters of an inch in diameter and its cells are spongelike and contain a watery liquid. The leaf is compound. As the stalklet divides a great many times and into a varying number of parts, it is called decom- pound. The first division of the leaf-stalk is about three feet from the ground. At this point it divides into three parts. The stalklets, from here on, instead of being bare, are bordered throughout their whole length bv oval leaflets arranged alter- nately and connected by a strip of leaf varving from a ([uarter to an eighth of an inch in brcadtli. The leaflets arc a dark, glossv 20 THE PLANT WORLD. green on tlic upper side and a lighter green on the under side. The leaf is very graceful when growing. At present the devil's tongue seems like a very useless plant but perhaps it may become a useful one in later years through Mr. Burbank's wonderful experiments. OF INTEREST TO TEACHERS. Edited by Dr. C. Stuart Gager. As stated in the December Plant World, the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture is distributing to schools and colleges for use in teaching economic botany and commercial geography, samples of plant fibers, which formed part of the fiber exhibit of the De- partment at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Such a package, received lately at the Wadleigh High School, New York City, contained samples of five kinds of fibers from different parts of the world — cotton, sisal, Jaumave istle, hemp, and flax. Each sam]:)le was plainly labeled with the common and Latin name of the plant, together with a brief description of the method of preparing the fiber, and its commercial uses. Accompanying the package was a very instructive illustrated pamphlet by Mr. Lyster H. Dewey, Botanist in charge of In- vestigations of Fiber Plants, Bureau of Plant Industry, entitled " Principal Commercial Plant Fibers." The writer divides vege- table fibers into three distinct classes: (i) The cottons, with soft, lint-like fiber one-half inch to two inches long, composed of single cells, borne on the seeds of different species of cotton plants. (2) The soft fibers, or bast fibers, including flax, hemp, and jute; flexible fibers of soft texture, ten to one hundred inches in length, composed of man\- overlapping cells, and borne in the inner bark of the plants. (3) The hard, or leaf, fibers, including manila, sisal, mauritius, New Zealand fibers, and istle, all having rather stifif, woody fibers one to ten feet long, composed of numerous cells in bundles, borne in the tissues of the leaf or leaf stem. A detailed description of the difl^erent fibers has the following in- teresting introduction : OF INTEREST TO TEACHERS. 2 I " One of the most important manufacturing industries of this country is that which iuchides the various Hues of textiles. Leav- ing out the silk and woolen mills, which use chiefly animal fibers, there are the cotton factories, the linen and jute mills, and the twine and cordage mills, which use plant fibers exclusively. These number about 1,200 distinct establishments, representing an invested capital of more than $500,000,000 and giving pro- ductive employment to more than 300,000 persons. " The source of the raw material required by this great in- dustry is an item of no small interest. ^lost of the cotton is produced in our southern states, but nearly all the other vegetable fibers are imported. The importations of raw fibers, including cotton, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1903, amounted to $46,161,172. These figures cover only the raw fiber. The im- portations of all the different kinds of textile plant fibers in the various stages of manufacture, from yarn and coarse twine to fine woven goods, laces and hosiery, amount annually to more than $80,000,000."' M. AI. B. A'alue of Nature Study. — One of the most gratifying fea- tures of our educational progress is the growing interest in na- ture study. Nature study at the very outset turns the child's in- quiring mind to the things near at hand ; it is the first step in practical education ; the first thing to make the child think of his schooling, not as a foreign, unnecessary accomplishment, but as a vital thing that is to blossom and bear fruit in his everyday experience. We are more interested in the development of the nature stud}- idea, too, because nature study is the stepping stone, the logical introduction to the studv of agriculture. This is the policy favored by our North Carolina school authorities, and the policy which Dr. F. L. Stevens has kept steadily in mind in Teachers' Bulletin No. 5, " A Course in Nature Study," just issued by Superintendent Joyner. Prepared only after the most exhaus- tive study; clear, practical, and admirably arranged, this bulletin ought to be in the hands of every teacher in the South, and we take it that Professor Joyner will send copies to all applicants. as long as the supply lasts. 22 THE PLANT WORLD. NOTES ON CURRENT BOTANICAL LITERATURE. The very rare little fern. Schi::aca ('iisllla ha.s been found by George E. Nichols about two hundred miles northeast of the station reported in 1879 by Mrs. E. G. Britton, at Grand Lake, Nova Scotia. The new locality is on Cape Breton Island, about ten miles from Northeast Alargaree, \'ictoria County. In this northern station the i)lants are dwarfed, being hardly two inches high. (Fcni Bulletin, 13: Oct. 1905.) Another interesting find has been made b\- Mr. A. B. Klugh, in CJntario, that of Scolopcndriuui z'til_^an\ the Hart's-tongue fern. (See Pl.\xt World, Nov.. 1905.) The Popular Science }[outIi!\' for Januar}' contains an article by T. G. Montgomery, University of Nebraska, entitled " \\diat is an Ear of Corn? " As opposed to the generally accepted theory that the ear originated from the fusing together of a number of two-rowed spikelets, the author maintains the view that the ear developed directly from the central spike of some tassel-like structure similar to the corn tassel. The evolution of the car is traced from a much-branched grass, each branch terminated by a tassel-like structure bearing hermaphroditic flowers, to a central tassel producing only staminate flowers. At the same time, the lateral branches produce only pistillate flowers. In the Journal of the A't"et.' York Botanical Garden for Decem- ber. Dr. Murrill has an interesting account of a Fungus collecting trip in Maine, as a result of which he brc^ught l)ack about 1,500 specimens. He found agarics only here and there, while the large woodv funsri are exceedingly common, and are verv de- structive to the elms. Much damage is done by wood-destroying fungi in the lumbering districts of Maine. Most of the wild cherry trees scattered through the woods were entirely dead, and their trunks covered with an imdescribed species of Poria. Dr. Murrill finds a close relationship between the fungi of Maine and those of the old world, particularl}' of F.urope and Siberia. Robert F. Griggs has written a monogra])h of " The Willows of Ohio "" as No. i 1 of the Special Papers, being volume 6. part 6, Proc. Ohio State .\cad. of Science. The paper comprises 58 REVIEWS. 2^ octavo pages and is illustrated by sixteen half-tone plates. This \vork should be of interest to students of local floras, and will, no doubt, stinuilate the study of these difficult plants, the willows, in the region comprehended in the monograph. Bulletin Xo. 89, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, is entitled " Wild Medicinal Plants of the United States " by Alice Hengel. This is a full list, so far as the plants are known, giving their scientific and common names, the kinds of places in which they are to be found, and the parts which are used. The Department of Agriculture will do a good work in edu- cating people up to the cultivation of many of our drug plants for the market. There is in them a source of income yet little appreciated. H. A. Gleason publishes in the Ohio Naturalist (vol. 6, No. 2: Dec. ]'j05) a revised annotated list of the St. John's worts (Hypericaceae) of Ohio. John H. Schaft'ner. in the same, gives a key to the Ohio Dog- wods in the Winter Condition, a paper which will be of special use to teachers. " Free-floating Plants of Ohio " is the title of an interesting little article of biological notes, also in the same journal, b\' Mabel Schaffner. REVIEWS. Wild Flozccrs of California. I-"rom water-color drawings by Elisabeth Hallowell S.vunders. $1.50. Philadelphia: ^Mlliam M. Bains. L nder this title is published a collection of twelve very artistic water-color sketches of some familiar Californian wild flowers. Each sketch occupies a separate sheet of heavy paper, interleaved with a tissue on which is printed the popular and scientific name, together with a brief description of the plant in c|uestion. written by Air. Charles F. Saunders. The sheets are placed unbound within a heavy folder. Mrs. Saunders' work is especiallv to be commended for the purity of color and the artistic arrangement, 24 . THE PLANT WORLD. which has not been permitted to interfere with the accnracy of the drawing. Among the subjects of especial exceUence may be mentioned the Mariposa tuhps. CaHfornia poppy, wild pansy, and wild heliotrope. The book is a charming gift and an excel- lent souvenir of California's floral charms. C. L. P. PERSONALS. Dr. Daniel T. MacDougal, formerly assistant director of the New York Botanical Garden, has accepted the position of Director of Botanical Research in the Carnegie Institution. Dr. ^lac- Dougal is now at the Desert Laboratory of the Carnegie Institu- tion at Tucson, Arizona, where he will remain for the rest of the winter. Tucson is to become the residence, also, of two of the Board of Editors of the Plant World. Professor Francis E. Lloyd has resigned from the Teachers College, Columbia University, to accept a position on the Research Staff of the Desert Laboratory. Professor Lloyd will, however, continue to be editor and pub- fisher of this magazine. Dr. Burton E. Livingston, recently of the Bureau of Soils, U. S. Department of Agriculture, whose valuable article on " A Simple Method for Experiments with Water Cultures " appears in this number of the Plant World, is now a member of the Staff of the Desert Botanical Laboratory. Dr. C. S. Gager, who edits the department for teachers in the Plant World, has resigned his position as instructor in biology in the Morris High School, New York City, to become Director of the Laboratories of the New York Botanical Garden. Volume 9 Number 2 The Plant World 9t iflaja^inc of popular ^otanp FEBRUARY, 1906 THE OCCURRENCE OF ICE IN PLANT TISSUE. By K. M. Wiegand. Cornell Uiiiz'crsity. It is a commonly observed phenomenon that when the tempera- ture falls below the zero point centigrade many plants undergo a change in texture as well as to some extent in form and color. When the temperature again rises these same plants are afifected in a definite manner. Either they return to their normal condi- tion, or they immediately wilt and in a short time inidergo almost complete disintegration. An examination of the interior of such plants, while still rigid, discloses the presence of ice crystals, usuallv in large numbers, in some cases appearing to almost fill the leaf, stem or bud, in others occupying certain definite regions in the tissues of these organs — in other words, the organs are " frozen." Although the fact that plants freeze and are often killed by freezing" is well known to every one, the details of the process are known to Imt very few, as most text-books give little attention to the subject. It is not the object of this paper to present the re- sults of many new investigations, but to bring together in acces- sible form what is already known of the subject. The early Greek philosophers gave the matter their attention in an attempt to account for the death of plants by cold. Not understanding the cellular structure of organisms, they believed the injurv due to the rending and mashing of the various organs bv the ice-formation, which they correctly discovered often oc- 25 26 THE PLANT WORLD. currcd extensively enough to make sueh injury appear natural. After the discovery of cell structure in plant tissue De Bufifon and Du Hamel were about the first to present a definite theory of ice-formation, and consequent death. To them death seemed due to the formation of ice within the cells. Since water when chang- ing" to the solid form increases in volume, it seemed to them fair to suppose that the cell-sap would, on freezing, increase in the same way, thereby stretching the cell-walls until they ruptured. It was supposed that the Huid from the ruptured cells flowed together and froze as one piece. Only in this way did it seem possible to account for the large ice masses found in frozen potatoes, beets and other thick succulent material. ?\lany other investigators since that time have held the same view, among whom were Hales, Miller, Stromcr, Sennebier. Thonin. Sprengel and Schubler. Goeppert" in 1830 seems to have been the first to point out that in some cases ice forms in the intercellular spaces instead of within the cell. Sachsf in i860 showed that it forms almost always in the spaces. Sachs and Nageli| both showed that the expansion caused by all the water in the cell would not be suf^cient to rupture the wall. Nageli discovered that cells of Spirogyra which had been frozen and thawed still showed some power of osmotic action, which he thought could not have been the case had the cell-wall been ruptured by the freezing. The relation of the protoplasmic membrane to osmosis was not then understood. Both Nageli and Sachs attributed the loss of turgidity accompany- ing the freezing process to molecular changes in the cell-wall which thev likened to the change occurring in frozen starch paste whereby the paste-like nature and abilit\- to retain large quanti- ties of water are both lost. This was an important comparison and holds good even now if protoplasm is substituted for cell-wall. * Goeppert. Ueber die Warmeentwickelung in derm Pflanzen, deren Gefrieren, und die Scluitzmittel gegen dasselhe. Book 1830. t Sachs. Krystalll)ildung Krystallbildungen bei dem Gefrieren und Veranderung der Zellhaute bei dem Aufthauen saftiger Pfianzentheile. Bericht. u. d. Verhand. d. Kon. Siichs. Gesell. d. Wiss. zu Leipzig, Nat. Wiss. Klasse, 12: 1-50. 1860. t Nageli. Ueber die Wirkung dcs Frostes aut die Pflanzenzelk-n. Sitz. der Konig. baycr. Akad. d. Wiss. Miinchen, r: 264. i86l ICE IN PLANT TISSUE. 2/ Since i860 the studies of Goeppert.* Prillieux.f AIuller-Tluir- gan.]; Kunisch.§ and ■\rolisch|| have all shown that, in nature, ice very rarely forms within the cell, and that cells are rarelv, if ever, ruptured by ice formation. The cases where the sap freezes within the cell have been found limited to large cells that are verv rich in water, containing little protoplasm, and having large vacuoles, as for example, the large internodal cells of Chora and A'itclla, the epidermal cells of Tradcscaiitia (Molisch), and a few similar cases. Even in Chara and Xifella the ice is produced within the cell only when the freezing is rather rapid. Cells that are cutinized nearly all the way around, and which consequently have no external water film in which ice may start, also produce ice within. The cells of varicnis plant hairs are of this nature. ?\Iolisch has studied in detail the freezing of Spirogxni threads, finding that the water passes to the surface in almost every case, while the cell itself collapses completely. Kunisch found the same true for Xitel la. Colin* claims to have found ice between the wall and protoplasm in Xitella syiicarpa. and Goeppert the same in Cladophora fracta, but no one else has verified these observa- tions. On the other hand, Mtiller-Thurgau has shown that ice forms exclusively in the intercellular spaces only when the tissue is very gradually brought to the point of ice formation. Fresh * Goeppert. Ueber Einwirkung niederer Temperatur auf die Vegetation. Gart. Flora Deutsch. Russ. u. d. Schweiz. 1879. Ueber das Gefrieren, Erfrieren der Pflanzen und Schutzmittle dagegen. Stuttgart (book), 1883. t Prillieux. Snr la formation de glacons a I'interieur des plantes. Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 5, 12 : 125. 1869. t Midler-Tliurgau. Ueber das Gefrieren und Erfrieren der Pflanzen. Landw. Jahrb., g: 133. 1880 and 15: 453. 1886. § Kuniscb. Ueber die todlicbe Einwirkung niederer Temperaturen auf die Pflanzen (book). 1880. II Moliscb. Untersuchungen iiber das Erfrieren der Pflanzen (book). 1897. Oberdieck. Beobacbtungen lilier das Gefrieren der Gewiicbse. etc. (book). Ravensburg. 1872. Dalmar. Ueber Eisbildung in Pflanzen mit Riicksicbt auf die anatoni- iscbe Beschaffenheit derselben. I-'lora, 80: 436. 1895. * Cohn. Report of a paper read before Die Schlesiscben Gesellschaft f. vaterland. Cultur. P'ot. Zeit. 29: /2^. 1871. 28 THE PLANT WORLD. sections cooled quickly produced ice within the cells. The writer has found this to be true also of Xitclla and Spirogyra cells. To this is probably due the finding of ice within the cells bv the older authors. In many of their experiments bits of watery tissue were usually placed abruptly in the freezing mixture, or exposed di- rectly to outside temperature. In the natural process of freezing, however, the fall of temperature is so gradual that ice formation within the cell does not occur. In considering the structure and arrangement of the ice masses produced when plant tissue freezes it mav be best to commence with those formed on the free outside surface of organs. As shown by Sachs and others, all moist substances, when cooled very gradually and protected from evaporation, at length become covered with an incrustation of ice. This crust possesses a definite structure in that it is composed of innumerable little prisms placed side by side palisade fashion, perpendicular to the substratum. Perhaps the most familiar instance of this sort is in connection with the freezing of damp soil. In little cavities underneath boards or other covering which prevents evaporation, we often find in winter ice crusts of considerable thickness consisting of prisms set rather loosely together and often more or less curved. If the soil is well protected, ice crusts often one to two inches in thickness are formed, the individual crystals of which are quite stout as compared with those formed on plant organs. This is largely because the water in the soil is not held with as much force as in plant tissue. Hugo V. Mohl* has described an especially fine case occurring in the Black Forest where the outer layer of the earth froze and was afterward raised by an ice crust forming beneath it and drawing its water from the unfrozen earth below. The crystals were from two to five cen- timeters long, and from the thickness of a needle to that of a goose-quill. Similar cases were described by ^^liiller-Thurgau, Sachs found that succulent plant tissue such as beets, turnips. * Hugo V. Mohl. Ueber die anatomischen Veranderungen des Blatt- gelenkes, welche das Al^fall der Blrittor, herbeifiihren. Bot. Zeit. i8: i6. i860. See also, Monthly Weatlier Review, U. S. Dept. Ag. 26: No. 5, 217. 1898. ICE IN PLANT TISSUE. 29 potatoes, etc.. wlien presenting- a moist cut surface, became coated with an ice crust exactly similar to that produced on soil, hut only when protected from evaporation ( V\g. 4, C). Ex]Dosed tissue usually produced no prisms at all. Good crusts were formed only when the fall of temperature was very gradual, and in such cases the prisms often reached the length of several millimeters — always, of course, with one end closely applied to the freezing tissue. Large artificial or abnormal chambers in turnips, etc., also became lined with a similar crust. In the interior of each prism was Fig. 4. Diiigrammalic reyresenia'uon of ice-masses produced on or within frozen beets, potatoes, etc. A, in tlie interior. B. near the periph- ery. C, on a freshly cut surface. ustially a chain of minute air bubbles lying longitudinallv near the axis. These probably came from air dissolved in the cell sap and separated from it in the process of freezing. On melting, these bubbles remained in the water for a long time undissolved, thus forminc' a sort of foam. 30 THE PLANT WORLD. Such ice prisms grew solely by additions at the end in contact with the tissue, but they showed no obvious relation to the cells upon which they rested. In many cases the cells were nmch smaller in diameter than the crystals so that one of the latter might cover two or three of the former with no regularity whatever. In other words, the water going to form the crystals seemed to come from the whole tissue in general rather than from any particular cell. Indeed they seemed to form indiiTerentlv upon the paren- chyma, upon a cross-section of the bundle, or upon a longitudinal section of the latter. The thickness of the crystal depended onlv upon the molecular force to be overcome, not upon the morpho- logical nature of the substratum. Sachs found no relation be- tween the cr}stal formation and the structure of the cell-wall, or the kind of substances in the cell-sap. Subsequent investigators have fully confirmed these observations. Similar incrustations have been found also on and within animal tissue according to Miiller-Thurgau. For observing the formation of such ice crusts on the surface of single cells where the whole process can be easily followed, the writer has found Spirogyra and NitcUa especially easy and in- structive. P^ilaments were mounted in cedar oil, as first suggested by Molisch. Then by placing the microscope and slide out of doors they were gradually subjected to a freezing temperature while still in the field of the microscope. In this way the forma- tion and growth of the needles could be seen with remarkable clearness. These were produced closely packed side by side all over the outer surface of the wall, and the growth of the crystal was so rapid that the increase in length could be easily seen to occur while one looked through the microscope. As this increase continued the cells began to collapse, until finally no vacuole re- mained, and the walls were almost in contact. The crust did not form all over the cells at the same time, but began at certain localities from which the prism-formation extended rapidly in all directions. The growth of the crystals here is clearly due to the addition of molecules of water at the end in contact with the cell- wall, and no increase in thickness of the crystals was observed to occur after their inception. Thus Sachs's observations are sus- tained. ICE IN PLANT TISSUE. 3 I Regarding the formation of ice within the tissue, one of the first detailed accounts was also by Sachs. In the first edition of his " Lehrbuch " (1868) he described the appearance of ice masses in the petioles of artichoke, Cyiiarca Scaly in us. In this plant the bundles of the petiole are somewhat free in the tissue. On freez- ing, ice cylinders, each made up of radiating ice prisms side by side, were formed around each bundle. The epidermis of the artichoke was usually completely separated from the remainder of the petiole by a subepidermal ice layer, leaving the epidermis hanging about the petiole like a loose sack when the ice had melted. Prillieux more careftdly studied the ice masses within the tissues. His conclusions were, in brief, that the large ice clumps formed in plant tissue were composed of ice-needles placed close together ; that the cells were not ruptured, but that often when the quantity of ice was very great and the intercellular spaces were not sufficiently large the cells were forced apart to accommodate the large clumps. Sometimes the epidermis or bark was ruptured and the lamellae of ice were protruded, thus giving rise to the so- called " frost-plants."* He was also the first to affirm that the sap comes out from the cell in the liquid form. He rightly stated that in the case of hardy plants the separation of the cells by the ice masses ordinarily causes no injury. The regularity of ar- rangement of the masses for each species was found very marked both by Prillieux and Kunisch, but this was to be expected since it depended more or less on the tissue configuration. In most very fleshy structures, as in potatoes, the ice masses which are usually lenticular in form lie irregularly or perhaps more or less parallel to the surface. In beets, however, according to Miiller-ThurgaUjthe masses, although mostly tangential near the surface, are in the interior either tangential, radial, or cross-wdse. In Dahlia tubers only small lenticular masses were found in the in- terior, while near the periphery very large ones were present. In the intermediate portion of the tuber only radial masses were found. Sometimes the ice masses in these tissues reach the length of a centimeter, but are usually much smaller. * See also MacDongal. Frost plants, a resume. Science, 22: 351-52. 1893. 32 THE PLANT WORLD. In succulent stems and petioles the arrangement is usually such that the masses in the cortex are tangential, as also in the outer pith, while in the woody ring they are radial and mostly in the pith-rays. The vascular bundles are in this way more or less completely surrounded by ice. In leaves, the writer's own observations show that the ice crys- tals first line the spaces of the spongy-parenchyma, but later as freezing continues they completely fill these spaces, or in some cases of leaves rich in water, thev may fuse into a sheet of ice com- A B Fig. 5. A, section of bud of Lombardy poplar. Note layers of ice in organs. B, section of bud of lilac, white layers composed of ice. Temp. — 10° F. pletely separating the upper layers of the leaf from the lower. In bud-scales this latter condition normally occurs in cold weather except in a few species where the scales contain little water. Fig. 5 shows the distribution of ice in buds of lilac and Lombardy poplar. The light layers represent the ice. These photographs were taken from free-hand sections with a photo-micrographic apparatus set up out in the open at a temperature of — 10° F. Under these strenuous conditions the negatives were not of the best. In twigs there is frequently an ice c>linder entirely around ICE IN PLANT TISSUE. 33 the stem completely separating^ the outer layers from the parts within. Small ice crystals usuallv occur within the dead pith cells, within the vessels, and sometimes between the cells of the pith-rays, as Miiller-Thuroau has shown, and as the writer has often observed. The structure of the lenticular ice masses in beets, potatoes, etc.. when the tissue has been forced apart to accommodate them, has been studied by Prillieux and later in more detail by jNIiiller- Thurgau. A\'hen examined in cross-section under the microscope they are seen to be composed of two layers of prismatic crystals which in each la}'er are packed closely together side by side. The prisms are more or less regularly hexagonal, and the majority contain at their axis a chain of minute air bubbles as did those in the free ice-incrustation already described. In case the ice mass comes from near the center of the beet or potato the two layers of which it is composed are of nearly equal thickness (Fig. 4, A). If, on the other hand, it comes from near the peri- phery, then the outer layer of crystals is always much thinner, the separate crystals being therefore much shorter (Fig. 4, B). This decrease in thickness of the outer layer continues in pro- portion as one progresses from the center toward the periphery until in subepidermal masses only the inner layer remains. The transition is therefore gradual from the two-layered structure to the superficial ice crust of Sachs composed of the single series of palisade-like prisms. A similar transition occurs in going from the interior toward the simple ice crusts lining the walls of the large cavities within the tissues. The cause of this variation in the two layers is probably not due to their position in the organ, but to the amount and source of the water at command. The ice crystals are added to in every case at one end only. Consequently, if the tissues on both sides of the ice mass are filled with available sap then the mass will consist of two layers, and if this water is equally accessible on both sides, that is, requiring the same force to disengage it from the tissues in equal quantities, then the layers will be of equal thickness. Water comes to these masses from quite a distance, hence the character of the tissue round about must be considered. 34 THE PLANT WORLD. The cells toward the periphery of the beet or potato gradually become smaller and therefore less rich in water, which in turn is more strongly held by imbibition. Therefore, in an ice clump lying half way from the center to the outside, the water is more available on the inner side, and still farther out the difference is still more pronounced. Near the outside only a few cells inter- vene between the ice mass and the surface of the organ, and these are small, while on the inside all the Ikrge cells tiitough to the opposite side are available. The presence of other ice masses seems not to greatly disturb this relation, but simply to reduce the size of the remaining ice masses in the vicinity. The above conditions obtain typically only when the organ is frozen very slowlv. Rapid freezing tends to produce amorphous masses of smaller size, and then occasionally within the cell. Sometimes a few spaces are found entirely filled with ice which shows no crystalline structure even though the cooling was gradual. Prob- ably in these cases the spaces were filled with water before freezing began. For observing the ice masses in frozen tissue the writer has found the following a very good method if one does not mind the cold. Place a table, microscope, razor, slides, cover glasses and a small vial of cedar oil out of doors when the temperature is low (15° F. or lower). Make free-hand sections of the frozen tissue and mount in the oil. When observed through the luicro- scope the location of the ice masses and their structure can be seen very easily. Then, if the slide is carried rapidly to another microscope in a warm room the thawing and sponging out of the tissue may be observed as the water is drawn back into the cells, if the tissue is a " hardy " one. The water is not drawn back into the cells to any extent in delicate tissues which are killed by the freezing. The writer used this method one winter in the study of the ice relations within the buds and twigs of about thirty species of woody plants with good results. The large ice masses in succulent tissues may be seen with the naked eye. If frozen beets or potatoes are cut in two the lenticular ice masses may be picked out with a needle. The water of which the ice crystals are composed is almost ICE IN PLANT TISSUE. 35 pure. If several of these masses of ice from a frozen beet are placed in a watch glass and allowed to melt and evaporate no residue will remain, at least very little ; they are almost pure ice. This accords well with the generally established observations in physics that when a solution freezes the water separates from the solute to form almost pure water crystals. It is not always entirely pure, in many cases some molecules of foreign substance being seemingly caught in the ice. The results of experiments by Aliiller-Thurgau showed only very slight, almost undetectible, residue after evaporation of 21.08 grams of ice from the ice clumps in the inside of a large beet. Ice formed on the surface of a piece of beet did not seem so pure, and this was to be ex- pected, because, unlike the former case, the water was not filtered through protoplasm and cell wall, but might contain fragments of either of these structures from the cut outer cells in contact with the ice. Sachs found that the ice crust of prismatic crystals formed on the cut surfaces of beets, etc., when protected from evapora- tion, was not pure ice but contained an acid in sufficient quantity to strongly redden blue litmus paper on which it was allowed to melt. In the case of solutions and water-soaked materials of other kinds the separation of the water from the solid substance has been studied in detail by Molisch. The substances studied by him were as follows : ( i ) Colloidal substances — gelatine, starch paste, gum tragacanth, gum arable, egg albumen, Gleocapsa gela- tine ; (2) emulsions — milk of Ficits clastica, aqueous carmine solution, indigo solution, caoutchouc emulsion; (3) dye stuffs — solutions of anthocyanin, red-beet sap, nigrosine, methyl blue; (4) salt solutions — potassium nitrate, magnesium sulfate, potassium monophosphate, cobalt chlorid. From all of these nearly pure water separated to form the ice crystals distributed through the substance. Except in woody structures the cells of frozen tissues are always in a more or less collapsed condition. Since the water is abstracted from the cell when ice formation occurs, collapse must necessarily follow, especially in soft-walled tissue. 36 THE PLANT WORLD. Frozen tissue when sectioned shows between the ice masses dense areas composed of the collapsed cell-walls packed closely together. Frozen buds and bark of hardy trees show this con- dition markedl}' and appear entirely disorganized, but on thawing the cells again expand and become normal. So is it also with evergreen leaves. This extreme shrivelled, shrunken or collapsed appearance of the cells is one of the most marked charactristics of frozen tissue. In solutions, especially of substances having considerable " affinity " for water, the force with which the water and solute are held together is often considerable. This is shown by the slowness with which certain solutions of colloidal substances, if exposed to evaporation, dry out after they reach a certain concen- tration. The more concentrated the solution becomes the greater is the force with which the remaining molecules of water are held. Considerable water is held in the protoplasm and cell walls by a still stronger force, that of imbibition ( molecular capil- larity). Here again the retaining force increases as the water is withdrawn. In freezing these forces must be overcome by the ice-forming forces before ice will be produced. The force of crystallization, although strong at the start, increases in pro- portion to the fall in temperature after the crystal begins. Consequently ( i ) the largest quantity of ice will be formed near the freezing point since then the freezing force is relatively strone: ; but soon sufficient water is removed from the tissue so that the two sets of forces come into equilibrium, after which more ice is formed only as the temperature falls. (2) The amount of ice formed per degree, as the temperature falls, con- sequentlv becomes less and less. In succulent tissue most of the water is frozen out at temperatures but slightly below the freezing point, while in drier tissues, with most of the water in the protoplasm and walls, a smaller percentage separates out at these higher temperatures. An apple which Miiller-Thurgau in- vestigated contained at — 4.5° C. 53 per cent, of ice by weight, which was equal to 63.8 per cent, of the water content. At - — 15.2° C. onh' 79.2 per cent, of the water had frozen. There still remained a considerable quantity to freeze at still lower tem- peratures. ICE IN PLANT TISSUE. IJ Muller-Tluirgau could detect this increase in ice content by simply sectioning^ various tissues under diiTerent temperatures. The writer found it very apparent in the case of winter buds. Sections taken at — 20° F. showed very little ice. It was found necessary to work at a temi)erature of 0° F. in order to find the ice content well developed. At this temperature, in the buds of about nineteen out of twenty-seven species of trees and shrubs the ice could be plainly seen and in the majority it was very con- si^icuous. The remaining eight were sectioned again at — 15° F. and all but two showed ice, but in small scattered crystals. The buds of these eight species, butternut, l)eech, witch-hazel, hickory, ash, oak, hazel and chestnut all contained little cell-sap and small cells with rather thick walls. It has been found by Miiller-Thurgau, Molisch and others cited earlier in this paper that in no case can the death of anv plant be traced directly to absolute cold alone at temperatures below the freezing point. At present there seems little if any evidence that death is due to shock, over-stimulation, or any other action of cold which might produce the so-called " cold rigor," although there are several cases yet unexplained by the drying theorv.* It may well be that in these and other cases additional secondary changes are produced. An unconvincing attempt has recently been made to show that in no case is death due to the amount of ice for- mation and drying out.f If death were due to shock we should have to assume a special sensitive point at a temperature a few degrees below freezing, which is unlikelv, especially since the frequent death at this temperature can be more easily explained in another way. Most plants are killed by the first ice formation within the tissue. If they survive this, a considerably lower tem- perature is reciuired to kill them, or they may be capable of en- durinof anv deirree of cold. It has been demonstrated bv means of orchids, the sap of which turns blue when the cell is killed, and Ageratu]n,% which gives oiT a peculiar odor under similar circumstances, that, in the case of delicate tissues at least, death * See Pfeffer and Ewart. Ph\-siology of Plants, p. 244. t Mez, C. Neue Untersuchungen uher das Erfrieren eisbestandiger Pflanzen. Flora, 94 : 89. 1905. § See Molisch. 38 THE PLANT WORLD. occurs when the ice-formation has progressed to a certain extent, and bears no relation whatever to the thawing out as was once supposed. Death seems due to the actual withdrawal of water to form ice, not to the cold. The ice formation dries out the cells and the plant suffers therefore from drought conditions. Every cell has its critical point, the withdrawal of water beyond which will cause the death of the cell, whether by ordinary evapo- ration or by other means. It may be supposed that the delicate structure of the protoplasm necessary to constitute living matter can no longer sustain itself when too many molecules of water are removed from its support. In the great majority of plants this point lies so high in the water content that it is passed very soon after the inception of ice-formation, hence the death of so many plants at this period. Others may be able to exist with so little water that a very low temperature is necessary before a sufficient quantity is abstracted to cause death. From some plants enough water cannot be extracted by cold to kill them. This explanation seems the most plausible one so far advanced to account for death by freezing. In conclusion, the principal points of the paper may be sum- marized as follows : The older idea that the ice forms within the cell, and thus causes death by rupturing the wall, has been shown to be erroneous. Except in a few cases, ice forms invariably in the intercellular spaces, unless the cooling is more rapid than usually occurs in nature. The ice-masses produced in the spaces are often large lenticular structures. These are composed of ice prisms side by side in two layers. Superficial ice crusts, and those produced on damp soil, are similar to those in the tissue, but composed of only one layer of crystals. These crystals grow only by additions at the end in contact with the tissue. The water of which the crystals is composed is almost pure. The cells of frozen tissue, except when strong and woody, are always in a more or less collapsed condition. Much more ice is separated from the tissues to form ice at temperatures just below where freezing begins than at lower tem- THE GEORGIA BARK OR QUININE TREE. 39 peratures. As the temperature falls the quantity separated per degree becomes constantly less and less. In rather dry tissues, as some winter buds for instance, a tem- perature as low as 0° F. or even — 10° F. may be required before ice crystals can be readily seen in the tissue. As far as the protoplasm is concerned, this is a drying process, and it seems very likely that death from freezing is usually, if not always, due to the drying out of the protoplasm beyond its critical water content. THE GEORGIA BARK OR QUININE TREE (PINCKNEYA PUBENS). By Elfleda B. Taylor. That a plant of such unusual beauty and reputed usefulness in the past as the subject of this sketch should remain in obscurity is difficult to understand. In life, it is true, the meritorious do not always meet with just reward, and old things, however long and faithful their service, are put aside for new ways and inven- tions. Year after year, in the depths of the wild woods, the Piiickiicya, or Georgia bark, as it is commonly called, spread its rose-crowned branches — unsought and comparatively unknown, while the fame of its neighbor on every hand, though of less im- portance, is spread far and wide. I have learned from good authority that this tree played no small part in the weal and woe of mankind during the Civil War. It was known as the quinine tree, or Georgia bark, and was held in no little reverence by the inhabitants of certain malarial districts where doctors were inac- cessible and quinine could not be had. A drink was made from the bark and administered as a substitute for tea. This is an obvious example of the belief prevalent and still adhered to among the negroes that — "' bark for tea slips from the tree." In the efifort to uproot a small plant, apparently but slightly an- chored in the sand, so readily does it slip, the bark is left in hand, while the plant remains stationary, denuded root and branch. 40 THE PLANT WORLD. The beauty of the plant seems to have been overlooked in view of its utility during- those strenuous times, or by some chance it would have come into notice and now be valued for ornamental purposes, especially since peace and i)lenty abound and the pro- gressive florist is ever on the alert for rare and etTective novel- ties. An exquisite study in pink is the Piiickneya ! That the name suggests the color which so conspicuouslv pre- vades the plant, is merely a coincidence. It was named in honor of a renowned statesman. General Charles Pinckney, of South Car- olina. It belongs to the Rubiaceae or madder family, a family known for its attractiveness as well as for its economic value. Only those familiar with the family characteristics would rec- ognize it as close of kin tc) Mifclidla rcf^ciis, the dear little " tur- key " or " partridge "" berry, trailing at its feet, or to Hoiistonias, the charming bluets or " blue eyes." which greet us so appeal- ingly from the ruts of the wheels. Another of the same family as the Piiickiicya is Ccplmlaiiflnis occidcnfalis, frequentlv found growing with it and blooming at the same time. Unlike our sub- ject it is well known, and the medicinal qualities of the " button bush "" are accepted as " globe flower syrup," " honey ball mix- ture," etc. The Piiickneya is a tree or large shrub of quick, luxuriant growth. The leaves are opposite, large, oval or oblong and entire, hoary and pubescent, with linear deciduous stipules. They are often flaked with dots of pink, and the midrib is some- times of the brightest hue ; if torn, the scar turns red before turning brown — it would seem but natural did the wound bleed, so suggestive of the color is the plant throughout. It is inter- esting to note the arrangement of the roseate leaves. Four of the five sepals of the terminal and largest flower of the cluster are converted into floral leaves, two large ones and two smaller. Only one lobe of the caly.x on others of the cluster are thus transformed into bright leaves of varying size, the rest of the calyx being early deciduous (Fig. 6). The flower of the Piitckiicya repays close study, revealing won- derful points of beauty, especially as viewed under the glass. The corolla is tubular, with five linear revolute lobes, slightly THE GEORGIA BARK OR QUIXINE TREE. 41 imbricated in the bud. The five stamens are exserted with Ions: heavy anthers and obtuse stigma. Accurately speaking, there are but four petals, for one is broader than the others with the lines of indentation, but it rarely splits. They are a soft creamy tone in color, thickly dotted with ]Mnk and are one and a half inches long, recurving strongly, as paper can be curled by means of a sharp surface — an unfurled flower would measure an inch across the top instead of a half inch. They are covered throughout Fig. 6. Flower of Piiiclciicya piibcns. with a soft hairiness which holds the dew and gives the appear- ance of being encrusted with rubies and diamonds. The hairv surface is no doubt a protection against insects, as would be inferred by the tentative steps of a bee as he lights thereon bv accident from some nearby flower. The depth of the corolla sug- gests, too, the necessity of a long bill for its fertilization or the securing of the honey stored so deep. The seed pods are in clus- 42 THE PLANT WORLD. ters of (lark globose papery shells, dotted on the surface with white ; they are two-celled with numerous seeds arranged in two rows. They add an artistic etifect, remaining on the tree from one season to the next and contrasting as they do with the pink. Those who have never seen this beautiful tree and to whom a technical description, however simple, conveys but little, may have a better idea of its unique qualities by recalling the Poinsettia or "Christmas plant" (Euphorbia pidclicrrima), so popular in city greenhouses for the holiday trade, the beauty of which lies in the gorgeous crimson bracts surrounding the flowers. Imagine each branch surmounted by a superb cluster of pink floral leaves instead of red, ranging through every shade of the La France rose with the same silvery lining and tints of lilac. Only in the bright floral leaves, however, and in the comparative insignifi- cance of the flower does the comparison hold good. In low pine barrens bordering streams the roots of Pinckncya spread in search of moisture, sending up numerous shoots from dense clumps no taller than Cyrilla raccuiiHora (leather wood) which, about the first of June, is a study in white. Together they mingle, a wealth of radiant white and pink, interspersed with the downy balls of Cephalantlius (button ball), whose hanging heads, heavy with their own sweetness, constantly sway, disturbed as they are by the bees. The air is intoxicating with the fragrance of Cvrilla. Swarms of busy bees are seemingly distracted with the wealth and work before them, sifting the white petals like snow on everything near, and like snowflakes they cling to the broad luxuriant foliage of the Pinckncya, which, unlike the smooth coriacious surface of " leatherwood," is pubescent in tex- ture. Near by, Storax pnlvcrnloita is hanging thick with droop- ing green balls instead of white bells. Magnolia glauca, the " silvery-leaf-bay," has almost finished its season of blow. Under foot are the first pure white Sabbafias and the dwarf Rhcxia of feathery foliage, ranging through many shades of rose and lilac to white, with a lower carpeting of the dainty Eryngium studded with blue enameled balls. It is with such surroundings that we find great colonies of Pinckncya, producing an eft'ect — a pic- ture — but rarelv seen in nature. Verv lovelv it is, but to be seen FLORAL NOTES OF FOREIGN LANDS. 43 at its best it must be sougbt in the low river liummock, its favorite habitat, where it reaches the proportion of a tall slender tree with trunk emersed half the year. If seen from a car win- dow when slowly passing over a high trestle, a not unusual point of view, and we look down on the rose-crowned wilderness, sway- ing with the breeze just after a refreshing shower, when the sil- very underside of the foliage is displayed, and the raindrops catch the glint of the sunshine — a spectacle, never to be for- gotten, greets the eye. The setting of this tree is but one of innumerable examples where the landscape gardener has an infal- lible guide in nature. FLORAL NOTES OF FOREIGN LANDS. Bv Feltx J. Koch. At Ogulin. in Croatia, one finds at their Ijest the " old-fashioned gardens," with the tall pink phlox, the petunia, dahlia and sun- flower, as well as mignonette and coriopsis in long beds. Sum- mer-houses are set out in these gardens and gay-colored glass balls, such as we hang on our Christmas trees, are hung on the ends of short poles and scattered among the plants. Somobo. in the grape country, is famous for its oleanders, while in the old ruined castles of the vicinity sweet clover, mullein, sweet-fern and wild carrot, as well as the wild-rose, thrive lux- uriantly. To these, in the Sissek region, the road-side adds the butter-cup and whole fields of yellow lenum. as well as a pretty purple flower unknown to us, while in the parks the zinnias raise their many-colored heads. To the south, in Bosnia, notably at Banjaluka. blossom jas- mines that recall the vales of the Arabian Nights' legends. At the railway station at Novi. in this province, zinnias and white roses and castor-beans combine to produce a most pleasing efifect. In the fields abound the sun-fern and the yellow daisy, as well as a small purple thistle and the wild carrot. In the coal mines of Banjaluka there are magnificent white fungi, hanging as downy white pendants from the roofs of the galleries, while below them thrive queer mushroom-shaped species. 44 THE PLAXT WORLD. In this section of Europe the althea and the jasmine and oleander compete with the osage as hedo;es to the gardens, even the Trappist monks g-racing their estates with althea hedges. In the canons of I'osnia, toward Rjeka. the wild parsnip and the elder, together with a queer red seed-bearing herb, are almost the sole flora, though inside the old fort at this place the meadow land is filled with flowers, blue and yellow aufl white and purple. In the gardens, among the vegetables, phlox and sweet william thrive, and among the forests ferns are p-lentiful. Every home has a little veranda outside its window, and there the Jew-ger- anium and other ])lants grow, so that, on entering a peasant home in this place, the housekeeper may present the guest with a little bouquet of this and the ordinary red geranium, together with a very sweet-smelling native herb. At Sarajevo, the capital of I^osnia, the Turkish seminaries have the oleander thriving in their courts, although during Rhamasan the Moslem may smell neither these nor any other flowers. On the Austrian Juiii)eror's birthday each soldier wears in his cap a little sprig of oak leaves. In the Elerzegovina, on the trail to Alostar, one sees the chicory and the wild carrot still, but here, as in P"rance. the poppies thrive in the millet fields, and at Hadjiei there are sun-flowers in the gardens. Here, too, theie grows the sun-fern, tall almost as in New Zealand, and actually so high that the browsing cattle in the fields are hidden beneath its fronds. The giving of a little floral gift is (|uite the vogue in liosnia. On the Ihma the old hermit gives the occasional visitor a white, velvety herl), really used for heart troubles, Init presented b\- him because of its beauty. At Ilidje the porters of the hotels present favored Iad\- guests with bouquets. So it goes all over the coun- try. There, again, artistic and practical are combined, for at Mostar the city sand filters are placed in a park that banana palms and kohlia, the coxcomb and other ])lants ma\' thrive over the covered reservoirs, and at Ilidje the national fish hatchery likewise is in a park with the dahlia and the sun-flower and the morning glory grouped picturesquely together. In northernmost Turkex', be}-ond (lorazda, the fields run riot THE WILD FLOWER PRESERVATIOX SOCIETY. 45 with the yellow mullein, the wild rhubarl), wild heliotrope and mint and fern, together with wild roses and clematis and elder in shadier spots. Xear Plevlje the magnificent forests present endless varieties of fern, and there is a curious blue-flower with a stalk much like that of our Solomon's seal. The tall yellow dandelion, together with little low daisies, fringe the borders of the forest, while moss covers the parterre l)etween. About Fort Jabuka. where the wild rose and the white clematis do not overhang the train, the wild yellow-pany and the hare-bell rise from the wayside, and the thin-stocked mullein grows aloof. The thistle and the cowslip, the mint and the yellow elyssum, together with a great yellow chamomile, the marguerite, the wild althea and the moth-mullein, and a verv tinv white morning glory, greet one on every walk. The tansy and the hare-bell and the passion flower, too, grow wild and in profusion in this land. {To be concluded.) THE WILD FLOWER PRESER\'ATIOX SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Xotiee to Members. The deferred annual meeting of the Board of ^Managers was held at the Xew York Botanical Garden, February 23, 1906, there being present in person or by proxy Messrs. Underwood, Lloyd,' JMorris, Crawford, \\'aters and Pollard, the latter occupying the chair in the absence of the President. The need of reorganiza- tion along more active lines was pointed out, and the draft of a new constitution, submitted by Mr. Pollard, was read, discussed, and unanimously adopted. Under the terms of this instrument the election of officers for the remainder of the year was then held, and resulted as follows : President, Professor Charles E. Bessey ; Secretary-Treasurer, Charles Louis Pollard ; Menibers-at-large of the Board: Terms expire ipo6. Professor L. M. Underwood, Dr. Carlton C. Curtiss, Mr. E. L. Morris. Terms expire 190J, Dr. F. H. Knowlton, Professor Francis E. Llovd, Professor W. A. Kellerman. Terms 46 THE PLANT WORLD. expire igo8, Professor Wm. R. Dudley, Professor S. ]\r. Tracy, Dr. C. F. Alillspaugh. The Board then appointed the following executive committee: Messrs. Pollard (chairman), Curtiss, Johnson. Morris and Mrs. Britton. The report of the outgoing treasurer. Dr. Waters, was read and accepted, and will he printed, together with the Constitution and a statement of our plans for the coming year, in a circular to be sent shortly to all members. Charles Louis Pollard, Secrctarx-Trcasurcr. OF INTEREST TO TEACHERS. Edited by Dr. C. Stuart Gager. Meeting of Biology Teachers of New York City. — At a meeting of the department of biology of the High School Teachers' Association, held on February 3, 1906, the topic dis- cussed was " Is it desirable to give more time to the economic and practical aspects of first year biology, and somewhat less time to the purely scientific study of structure and function?" Mr. Walter H. Eddy treated the topic from the standpoint of botany. He spoke of the necessity of serving more directly the needs of city pupils to whom most of the objects presented for laboratory work or those on exhibition in museums and aquaria are " specimens " only — not in any way connected with the pupil's life. He emphasized the necessity of doing away with the pop- ular misconceptions as to the uselessness of the science and the strangeness of the objects studied. The only ground of appeal to such pupils and their parents would be the economic side of the subject. Mr. Eddy presented outlines showing how eco- nomic interpretations were applied in the High School of Com- merce ; he emphasized particularly the practical work done on bacteria, the study of agricultural processes in connection with germination, the observations on marketable roots and stems ; and, finally, showed how the recitations on these topics were con- ducted. OF INTEREST TO TEACHERS. 47 Mr. Edward C. Hood spoke from the standpoint of zodlogy. After a discussion of the aims of the course in biology, Mr. Hood called attention to the fact that a number of the forms re- quired in the present syllabus had a purely scientific value as indicating evolutional relationships. As such relationships can- not be appreciated by first-year students, such types could with benefit be omitted and things of more practical value substituted. Mr. Hood suggested the substitution of coral for hydra, the omis- sion of study on the earthworm and the more detailed study of such topics as the " economic importance of birds," " lobster fish- eries " and the like. Mr. George W. Hunter, Jr., presented the physiological aspect of the subject. He showed that human physiology, as given to high school pupils, offered unlimited opportunity for the em- phasis of the practical side of biology. He believed that most of the morphological side could be omitted in the study of human physiology when the frog is used as a comparative type. He summarized four reasons for adopting a more practical method of teaching first-year biology : 1. Its usefulness to the child in family life. 2. The ultimate trend for the benefit of the race. 3. Its pedagogical superiority. 4. The necessity for satisfying the Xew Yorker's demand for the practical. E. M. KUPFER, Secretary pro tcm. The Context of the High School Course in Botan^'. — The discussion at the recent meeting of the Xew York City Asso- ciation of Uiologv Teachers as to whether /t\s\s- structural and phys- iological botany, and more economic botany should be taught in the city high schools, raises again the quesfion as to the proper function of public high schools, and especially of the position which the science of botany should have in their courses of study. Should the public high school be an educational institution, or largely a training school ? And how is the status of botany af- fected in either event ? 48 THE PLANT WORLD. A report card recently sent to the father of a pupil in one of the New York City hi^h schools was returned to the teacher with this comment on the hack : " I fail to see how the circulation of the blood in the tail of the tadpole has anythino^ to do with the formation of character." ^^'hich is the greater need in a "practical" age and a "prac- tical '■ communit\- ; to teach that only that is practical which brings quick and large financial returns, or to dispel in the rising greneration such ignorance and narrowness of view as is illus- trated in the instance above cited? It is argued that the pupils are not interested in botany. ^lany, if not most pupils, are not interested in algebra. Shall we, therefore, teach less quadratic ec[uations, and more mechanical draughting ? We do not mean that high schools should teach nothing useful. There is no objection to teaching in the high school the economic uses of plants, if the pupil is already grounded in the principles of botan>-. Something of this nature ma}' very properly be included in an elementary course, but not if fundamental prin- ciples and scientific habits of thought and work must be sacrificed. The value of the service which the high school can render to the State must be measured by the increased number of citizens who can api^reciate the value of a liberal education for its own sake, and who can see how even the study of the circulation of the blood in the tail of a tadpole, or of photosynthesis and cross- pollination can make for character and good citizenship. Botany can never hope to reach and maintain the position which language and mathematics now enjoy in the scheme of education if it is willing to acknowledge that its chief value lies in a certain amount of information it can confer about the economic uses of plants, and that as an educational discipline it has too few claims to entitle it to a position in the course of study. C. S. G. We have received ( February 7 ) from a botanist in Lakehurst. N. J., a fresh specimen of pyxie { Fyxidaiifliera harhulata) in flower. The tinv white blossom of this " flowering moss," as it is also called, is scheduled to arrive in April. Volume 9 Number 3 The Plant World SI iflaffa^inr of popular -Botanp MARCH, 1906 TWO MILES UP AND DOWN IN AN ARIZONA DESERT. By W'u. a. Cannon, Desert Botanical Laboratory. Tucson. Arizona. A trip across the Territor}- of Arizona from the south to the north, or from the west to the east, or an ascent of any of the numerous hi^h mountains, reveals several sreat floral belts, or aggregations of plants, which go to make up the extremely inter- esting vegetation of this portion of the arid southwest. These belts, for the purposes of this paper, may be roughly classed into (i) the desert belt, having the grease-wood or creosote bush {CoviUca tn'dciifata) , Frauscria dnuiosa. the mesquite (Prosopis vclutina) . and numerous other forms as re])resentative of the vegetal covering; (2) the desert belt, at an altitude somewhat higher than the last, with various yuccas, agaves and the bear grass or sotol (Dasylirioii) ; (3) the higher land or mountain zone with juniper and dififerent oaks; (4) the mountain zone with various pines and cedars, maples, and the beech and quaking aspen; and (5) the highest mountain zone which represents the alpine formations. This vast range of plant life, continental in its scope, is made possible by the varied topography of the country, which is the last chapter of an interesting geological history. The northern and the eastern portions of the Territor}- are plateaux and moun- tains, with altitudes varying from 5,000 to over 12,000 feet above the sea. The southwestern part ranges in altitude from a little above sea level to about 2,500 feet except where isolated mountain ranges carry the elevation 7,000 or 8,000 feet higher. 49 50 THE PLANT WORLD. Geological record shows the higher portions to be verv old ; they constitute an integral part of the Cordilleran uplift, but the lower portions of the Territory are more recent and to about the 3,000 foot level were washed by the waves of Tertiary seas.* It is not surprising, therefore, that, with so extensive a varia- tion in altitude, with a portion of its territorv constituting a part of a great plant highway, and with a situation so far south, 31.3° to 2)7° ' the plant covering of Arizona should be so diverse in character, as, without doubt, it also is in origin. Plant Zones in the San Franciscan Region. Perhaps in no region does the succession of plant zones occur in so short a distance as in the northern portion of Arizona. From the summit of the San Francisco mountains, an altitude of 12,600 feet, to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, which at Bright Angel creek is about 2,400 feet above the sea, the distance in a straight line is probably not more than forty miles. This great difference in altitude is accompanied by an equally great variation in temperature. Merriamf assumes the mean tempera- ture during the period of reproduction at the altitudes of the various plant zones in this region to be as follows : Arctic-alpine zone, 11,500 to 13,000 ft 39-2° F. Subalpine or timber line zone, about 10,500 to 11,500 ft... 44.6° Hudsonian or spruce zone, about 9,000 to 10,500 ft. ..... . .50° Canadian or fir zone, 8,000 to 9,000 ft 554° Neutral or pine zone (transition ?), about 7,000 to 8,000 ft. 60.8° Pinon or ceder zone, about 6,000 to 7,000 ft 60.2° Desert zone, about 4,000 to 6,000 ft 71.6° Thus, in so short a distance as forty miles as the crow flies, a vertical one of nearly two miles is crossed during which climatic changes and plant zones are encountered which correspond to the temperatures and the plant zones of all of North America outside of the tropics and the extreme north. * Privately communicated to tbe writer by Professor W. P. Blake, Uni- versity of Arizona. t Results of a Biological Survey of tbc San Francisco Mountain Region and the Desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona. U. S. Dept. of Agric, Div. of Ornithology and Mammalogy, North American Fauna, No. 3. page 32. TWO MILES UP AND DOWN IN AN ARIZONA DESERT. 51 In the summer of 1904 the writer had the pleasure of travehng with Professor F. E. Lloyd, editor of the Plant World, from the southern to the northern portion of Arizona, of ascending the San Francisco Mountain, of visiting the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, and of camping opposite Bright Angel creek b}' the muddy waters of the Colorado. x\lthough only a general recon- FiG. 7. Gravell}- deserf in Arizona. The low shrubby plant in the fore- ground is Franscria dimiosa. Giant cactus Cereus gigaiitciis, in the back- ground. naissance of the territory traversed was made, so much of interest and so much that was suggestive was seen that the writer wishes to recommend the San Francisco Mountain and the Grand Canyon region to some botanist as a suitable and profitable locality in which to pass a delightful vacation. And with this end in view I wish to state briefl}- how the canyon and the mountains were visited by us in 1904 in the hope that others may repeat the jour- ney and share the pleasure of our experiences. 52 the plant world. The San Francisco AIountain. Before going to the canyon we visited the San Francisco Moun- tain. Flagstaff was our base of supphes. In Flagstaff every- thing that is needful for the mountain trip, from bacon to burros, can be purchased, and. if desired, the trip can be made from this town, but for various reasons we started our burros from Bel- mont — a way-station nine miles west of " Flag." \'iewed from Belmont, the highest summit of the San Fran- ciscos lies about fifteen miles to the north and about 7.000 feet above, and the way to it is straight and a plain one, since there is no interposing range. We left Belmont one Wednesday afternoon late in Julv and directed the course of our three burros straight for San Francisco Peak. At first the way lay through a forest of fine pines ( Piniis pondcrosa ) and we did not emerge from the pine forest, in fact, until we reached the very base of the mountain and began the ascent. Wednesday night was passed in an abandoned barn, which served better than a tent to keep oft' the rain, and early the next day we were en route again. By noon we had reached the large meadow which lies so conspicuously on the lower southwest corner of the mountain and which was seen from Belmont. This meadow was skirted by Douglas spruces and aspens. W'q con- tinued the ascent and were driven to make camp the latter part of the day at about 9,000 feet among firs because of the approach of rains. The rains continued more or less intermittentl}" until Sunday morning, when, lured by promise of a fair day, we shouldered our riick-sacks and started for the summit. We climbed upward through the forest of spruce and pine (Picca eiigehnaiuii and Piiiiis aristata), the trees of which continually became smaller, until at last we emerged above the timber line and went up on the peculiar debris characteristic of the old vol- cano. At length the edge of the crater was reached and we stood on a narrow crest with the inside of the crater a few hun- dred feet below and to the north, and the plateau through which we had come to the south stretching as far as we could see. The general shape of the mountain was then easily made out. As is TWO .MILES UP AND DOWN IX AX ARIZOXA DESERT. 53 well known. San Francisco ^^lonntain is an extinct volcano, the northern side of which has disappeared. We were on the sonth- ern side, on the rim. and could see the arms of the crest extendins: to the rii^ht and to the left ; the latter appeared to be higher and so we walked along the crest in this direction, northwest. At length a large cairn was reached and the crest ended abruptly at the highest point, about 12,600 feet above the sea. After the upper zone (the arctic-alpine) was reached we found small plants hidden between boulders ; these numbered, among others, some saxifrage and arenaria, etc., characteristic of the cold and exposed situation. After lingering on the summit a few minutes we left at one o'clock, and returning directly to cam]). i)acked our burros and made our way back to Belmont, arriving there about half-past six the same evening. This itinerary is given to show that the trip from Belmont or from Flagstaff, both of which are on the Santa Fe Railroad, is in no sense a difficult one, and provided it is made before the siunmer rains, it may be very pleasant as well as very profitable. Graxd Canyox of the Colorado. From Belmont we went by train to Williams where we caught a train for Grand Canyon, a three hours' trip from this station. The journe}- from Williams to the Grand Canyon was rather monotonous. The railroad runs through a more or less level open country among groves of pihon and juniper. From the train we could get good views of the San Francisco ^fountain which was in sight during much of the entire rvui. The can\"on was reached about sunset and our first view of the misrht\- chasm, "six feet across"* (about 12 miles at Grand Canyon), with its sunken world of plateaux, mountains and dis- tant river which looks from the "rim" as it did in 1540. when the first Europeans saw it, was one never to be forgotten. On account of the altitude the night at the " rim " was cool and our woolen blankets were none too warm, but when we made up our bundles for the descent we took but a single one each and, as a matter of fact, found that no blanket at all was needed * The Journey of Coronado, George Parker Winship. New York, 1904. 54 THE PLANT WORLD. in the bottom of the canyon. The trip to the river was made on foot and in a leisurely manner. We left the rim earlv in the morning, taking the well kept Bright Angel trail to the half-way house, 3,000 feet below, and there we joined the party of Mr. Godfrey Sykes of Flagstaff, and finished the descent on a rougher and more precipitous trail which lies somewhat north of the one commonly used by tourists. We reached the river's edge by six o'clock and quenched our lively thirst with the brick-red water. After passing the following day and the succeeding night by the Colorado, during which time a crossing was eft'ected, we made the ascent to the rim in a manner quite as leisurely if not as comfortably as when we went down. It has already been noted that many desert shrubs which might be expected to grow in the lower part of the Grand Canyon are absent there,* but despite this fact there are many very inter- esting forms. Along the lower portions of the canyon, by the Colorado River, are plants which are doubtless attracted to the place because of the abundance of water. Notable among these is a species of Baccharis. On the '' first bench," which is a broad dipping plateau approximately half way between the rim and the bottom of the canyon, there are large plantations of a rosaceous shrub (Coleogyiie raiiwsissima), a species of Ephedra and several species of cacti. Such are typical desert plants, and they occur in dry situations. Along the streams on this bench may be found quite different forms, among which are cat claw (Acacia greggii) , cottonwood (Popiihis nioiiilifcra) and species of willow. On the dry slopes above the first bench may be found species of yucca and sotol (Dasylirioii). From the first bench, or somewhat above, one meets the trees characteristic of much higher altitudes, as well as those characteristic of the plateau and of the canyon. These include the Douglas spruce (Psen- dotsuga douglasii), found on San Francisco Mountain between 8,000 and 9,000 feet, the cedar and piiion (Jiuiipcnis and Piiiiis edulis) of the plateau, and the fir {Abies concolor). This remarkable range in the flora at the Grand Canyon is * Desert Botanical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution, F. V. Coville and D. T. MacDougal, Washington, 1903, p. 2^. TWO MILES UP AND DOWN IN AN ARIZONA DESERT. 55 made possible by the great variation in climax conditions. The differences in temperature between the altitude of the Colorado River and the rim has already been noted above, and it may be possible that there is also a difference in the actual precipitation as well. AMiether the last is true or not, the variation in tem- perature would bring an unequal total evaporation which is of great importance in determining the desertic character of any place. Our stay of only three days was far too short to make possible more than the most superficial study of the plants and of their environment. However, it was very apparent that in the canyon there is a rare opportunity, and one which appears to have re- ceived scant attention, for a close study of the relation of plants to their environment. Xot only does the question of altitude enter, but the effects of exposure, and the substrata of different structure and of varied origin come into great prominence. These various factors are not necessarily confused, but stand out in ckar relief and may be definitely measured and possibly their influence as clearly defined. It is to be hoped that some inter- ested botanist will spend his simimer vacation, and longer, in the region of the Grand Canyon and especially in the canyon itself, for as [Nlerriam has well said, "the Grand Canyon of the Colorado is a world in itself, and a great fund of knowledge is in store for the philosophic biologist whose privilege it is to study exhaustively the problems there presented." The semiarid region of the Southwest contains a great number of historic and prehistoric ruins of cliff dwellings, towers, com- munal houses, shrines, and burial mounds, examples of which are found in the Flagstaff district of the San Francisco Mountains. The question of the preservation of this vast treasury of infor- mation relative to our prehistoric tribes has come to be a matter of much concern to the American people, and has received special attention from the Secretary of the Interior. Parts of this region are sufficiently rich in prehistoric interest and scenic beauty to warrant their organization into national parks. 56 THE PLANT WORLD. THE ARTIFICIAL IXDUCTIOX OF LEAF FORMA- TION IX THE OCOTILLO* By Francis E. Lloyd, The post-pluvial appearance of foliage within a very short time upon desert plants which remain through periods of drought in a leafless condition is a phenomenon which has very often been remarked. The behavior in this regard is most striking in deserts, where there is prolonged lack of rain. Although in some regions the rain penetrates into the grouiid ver}- rapidly, nevertheless it has seemed im|)robable to many, no doubt, that the absorption Fig. 8. Fouquicria splriidciis. showing a branch which had been irri- gated during four days. of this water from the soil alone gives the necessary stimulus to leaf formation. Led by this idea, attempts have been made to find in man\- of the superficial structures of plants the means for the absorption of water, or water vapor, and it may very well be that experimental research will in the future throw light upon the * This work was done at the Desert Botanical Laboratory, Tucson, Arizona, under a grant from the Carnegie Institution, of Washington, during the summer of 1905. Reprinted from TDirrya. Vol. 5. No. 10. Oct., 1905. INDUCTION OF LEAF FORMATION IN OCOl'lLLO. 57 extent of adaptation, as evidenced by anatomical structures, to which plants have attained in this matter. It was during a con- versation upon such points with Dr. W. A. Cannon at the Desert Botanical Laboratory that the suggestion was made by him that it would be instructive to see if any light could be obtained upon the influence of meteoric water upon the development of leaves in Foiiqiiicria splcjulciis, the ocotillo of the southwest. I accord- ingly planned three experiments which were carried out upon a perfectly leafless plant, all alike in prinicple, but differing in de- tails. In one case, the only one I shall describe, a reservoir, con- sisting of a gallon bottle, was attached to the neighboring limbs of a " palo verde," and a siphon arranged to lead water to a string of cheese-cloth, which in turn led the water to a bandage of the same cloth tied about a stem of the ocotillo three feet from the ground. The fierce winds several times played havoc with my arrangements, but finally I managed to adjust the apparatus to the swinging of the stems by allowing slack in the cheese- cloth string. The siphon ended in a capillary tube, so that the flow of water was small, and while it ran down the ocotillo stem at times, it did not reach the ground in anv case. The reservoir Fig. 9. fouqitlLria splciuh'iis — the same as in I'lg. 8, three days after a rain. 5^ THE PLANT WORLD. was replenished daily, but the flow of water was discontinuous. The result was, of course, a closer simulation of the actual occur- rences at the time of the rainy season. The first run of water was applied on the morning" of the first of July, and this was repeated each day. The stem was thus kept more or less wet for half the time. On the evening; of the fourth, the leaves along 12-15 inches of the stem below the Ijan- dage showed marked development, being i centimeter long ; and by the sixth of July, at three P. M., their length was 1.5 centi- meters. ( )n July 9. the largest leaves were 2 centimeters long, and the branch in question, together with its neighbors were photographed (Fig. 8). In looking at this picture one nuist realize that all the stems shown were at first equally leafless. It will be instructive to compare the above facts with those observed after rain. On July II, at 5 P. M., we had the first shower of the rainy season, the amount of precipitation being one and one-tenth inches within two hours, drenching, of course, all the vegetation. On the following day (the twelfth) at four P. M., it was quite evident to the eye that the buds had made a start. By July 13, the slender conical buds along the whole extent of the stems were 7 to 8 milli- meters long. On July 14 at five A.M., the rosettes of leaves were well formed; the length of the largest leaves was 1.5 centimeters, their size being, however, quite uniform. On July 15, the photo- graph forming figure 9 was taken. It will be noted that the leaves on the irrigated stem were at that time much larger than the freshly formed leaves, that is, those produced after the rain, and as a result of the stimulus thereby given. It will be noted that the development after the rain was more rapid than after irrigation, notwithstanding that the water was applied artificially from time to time during the period of growth under observation, while the wetting by rain occurred but once. The fact, however, must not be lost sight of, that following the rain there is a marked rise in the relative humidity, though I re- gret that I did not take observations on this point at the position of the plant. Then, too, the ground got a good soaking, and it is remarkable how rapidly the soil becomes moist for a consider- FLORAL NOTES OF FOREIGN LANDS. 59 able depth. Undoubtedly this fact was contributory to the rapid growth of the post-pluvial foliage. In the experiment detailed above, the total growth in a few daws was due wholly to the water available on the surface of the stem, and the inference is not strained. I believe, if we conclude that, normally, the first stimulus to growth in the leaves is due to the water taken up, probably, at or near the buds. In view of the very thick coating of waxy bark it seems unlikely that the water would find entrance elsewhere, though we may be wrong in this, since there are rifts through which conceivabl}' the water might enter. It may also be noted that the buds of the ocotillo are minute, sometimes indeed scarcely visible, and covered by, at most, a few light-brown, thin. chalTy scales. The repeated loss of leaves at the same place results in a rough area surrounding the base of the bud at which water may, we may well believe, be taken up. There is otherwise no evidence of the presence of any special adaptive structures to this end, and their absence in a very marked desert type of plant is not to be overlooked. That the absorption of water l)y the stem is of no very great importance, if anv, in the economy of the ocotillo, may perhaps well be maintained : while on the other hand we might argue that in regions where the rain is very scarce the very rapid jM-oduction of foliage would be of so great importance that even the little water absorbed would be equally so. At any rate, the question here barely touched upon is one of a host of similar ones which need elucidation by con- stant study under just such special conditions as are to be found in the desert. FLORAL XOTES OF FOREIGX LANDS. By Fei.ix J. Koch. {Coiicliisioii.) At Belgrade, the capital of Servia, the laurel leaf is employed extensively for decorative effect. Along the streets of Belgrade on festive occasions, such as at a coronation, little red. white and blue poles are erected at set in- tervals, and these are then joined by garlands of oak-leaves woven bv the soldiers. 6o THE PLANT WORLD. Most of the homes of this city have potted plants thriving on the sills between the two sets of windows which the bitter cold of this region necessitates. Here the " Jew geranium " is popular. At a wedding in Servia, in the ride from home to church, it is the third carriage of the cortege which carries the floral offerings. In honor of certain religious feasts, or sacraments, a tiny garland of dried tansv. enclosing a small oniou, is set over the house-doors. At balls, such as that of the coronation of King Peter, many of the ladies of the nobility wear a slight floral arrangement in the hair. Flowers grace the buft'et, too, being interspersed among the platters. In the suburbs of Belgrade the sun-flower is in frequent use for decorative effect. At Terpscidor, the royal chateau contains a small collection of wax flowers set in queer slanted cases. Outside the walls of the cemetery are tables where flowers are sold, while on the graves wreaths of artificial flowers almost cover the mounds, each wreath enclosing paper or cloth bouquets inside a center glass casing. On stated occasions, in the great Greek Cathedral at Bucharest, capital of Roumania, the worshippers bow and kneel, and, on ris- ing, are presented with a bouquet by the ])riest, much as bits of palm are presented on Palm Sunday in our own Catholic churches. One of the noted churches of this capital stands in a park of flower-beds, made up of coxcombs, petunia, begonia, pinks, cannas and kohlias. Before the oldest church in the city a gravel path extends, and in this the portulaca runs riot, together with the nasturtium vines. The handsomer residences of Bucarest, one and all face their gardens, rather than the street, and there asters are abundant. At the annual agricultural fair here are shown artificial flowers ; and, enclosed within, samples of the timber, and the leaf and blossom of the " lumber-giving " trees. Floral patterns appear in much of the women's work, and there are poppies sewn upon blue silk, and scarfs or roses (each flower of a bit of red silk sewn in petal-like form upon the background), that speak well for the work of the women of this region. FLORAL NOTES OF FOREIGN LANDS. 6 1 Poor as are the villagers of the Giurgevo region of Roumania, in every home, upon a shelf, there will be a cup with flowers, while in the yards, as with Mrs. Wiggs, of cabbage patch fame, an old wash-tub will serve to contain a geranium stock, or a young oleander shrub, and gourd-vines serve to cover its sides. Among the underground hovels of the gypsies, in Roumania. on departure, the visitor is presented with a dahlia and a sweet- smelling herb. Chicory and muilein, as well as dandelion, flourish along the roadsides, and the sun-flowers are set to adorn the burying grounds. Along the railway between this ])()int and Tirnovo. the grass is set in diamond patterns, in the cuts along the track, that it may present a pleasing appearance while growing, and so that the several diamonds may join. Dandeline and mustard, chicory and the elder constitute the principal flora of the fields. In the picturesque iron balconies to the homes at Tirnova, oleanders are planted, while on the broad flat roofs there are regular gardens. On the doorstep, too, the jew geranium is set to blossom. School children here bring the teacher bouquets, as they do in our own country. Rose leaves and the locust petals are cooked in sugar, and served as a confection to offer the visitor. The pillars of the old churches are frequently hung with floral wreaths which are never taken away, but allowed to dry. In the windows of many of the homes the fuchsia blossoms the year around. On the battlefields at Plevna. Bulgaria, flourish thistles and mullein and dandelion, a queer white flower slightlv resembling the elyssum. the chicory, the wild rose and the fluffy wild clematis, and there is only the golden-rod absent to make the October meadows resemble our own. At funerals, mourners awaiting the cortege at the door to the church, one and all carrv flowers, and later, still bearing: these, they follow the body to burial. On the left breast, and across the body alone are flowers placed on the dead, a mourner puttering constantly at their arrangement during service, but 62 THE PLANT WORLD. elsewhere they are absent. Old floral wreaths are allowed to accumulate in the balcony of the church. PARAFFINED WIRE POTS FOR SOIL CULTURES. By Burton Edward Livingston. Everyone who has ever attempted to grow seedlings or cut- tings in small pots of the ordinary form has observed the fact that the first roots developed under these conditions penetrate rapidly through the soil to the wall or bottom of the pot and then develop against its inner surface, often forming a dense weft of branches in this region before any considerable branch growth has oc- curred within the soil mass itself. It is rarely possible in these pots to obtain such a uniform distribution of the root system as is produced b}- the same plants in the open soil, where, under normal conditions of moisture, the root branches radiate uni- formly, and by binding the soil grains together, produce the familiar ball of earth which clings so tenaciously to small plants lifted from the open ground. This peculiar l:ehavior of the roots of potted plants is probably due to the unusual condition existing where soil and pot come in contact. There is often an appreciable opening between the pot and its contents through which air changes can take place much more rapidly than through the pore-spaces of the soil itself, and it is certain that in such pots there is always a better opportunity for gas diffusion along this surface of contact than elsewhere in the pot. Besides this, the porosity of clay pots allows diffusion of gases directly through the walls and may also exert an in- fluence on the growth of the plants through evaporation on the external surface and the accompanying movement of water from Avithin outward. Whether the outward growth of the first roots is a phenomenon of aerotropism or not, it seems quite probable that the greatly accelerated growth and production of branches in the vicinity of the walls is largely due to the better aeration in that region. PARAFFINED WIRE POTS FOR SOIL CULTURES. 63 In attempting' to use potted plants for studies of the relation of soils to plant growth, whether the physical properties of the soil or the chemical nature of the soil solution is under consideration, this peculiar and undoubtedly abnormal growth of the roots has always constituted a serious difficulty, for it is obviously unsafe to assume that the behavior of such potted plants is the same as would be exhibited had they been grown in the open. Indeed it has been found in the laboratories of the Bureau of Soils of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, at Washington, that if two soil samples, one of an agriculturall}- poor soil and the other of a good one, are placed in 3 or 4 inch pots and wheat is grown there- FiG. 10. in, the plants in the two pots fail to show the relative productive- ness of the soils and are apt to be quite similar in the two cultures. This is probably on account of the abnormal distributi(in of roots described above. Roots of plants grown in common pots are not entirely controlled by the soil conditions but are in an environment quite foreign to soil in the open ; many of these organs have one side closely applied to the wall of the pot, which is very dififerent from the soil, and a large portion of them are living, if not prac- tically in moist air instead of soil, at least in soil to wdiich an abnormally great access of air is allowed. Thus the growth of plants in these conditions should not be expected to exhibit anv marked relation to the nature of the soil which fills the pot. A new form of pot which completely avoids the difficulties men- 64 THE PLANT WORLD. tioned above and which lias other distinct advantages over the ordinarv clav pot for certain forms of experiment, has recently been devised by the Bureau of Soils of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and bids fair to become widely used for determining by the culture method the manurial and other requirements of soils. This pot should prove of great value to anyone wishing to perform physiological experiments on the effect of soil conditions upon the growth of potted plants, for classroom or other purposes, and for this reason the present paper has been prepared. The pot under discussion consists essentially of an artificial hard-pan of the soil to be studied, in which the cement which holds the grains together is ordinary hard paraffin. It is prepared as follows : A pot or basket (Fig lo, a) three inches in diameter and three inches high, made from galvanized iron wire netting of one- eighth inch mesh, is inverted and repeatedly dipped to a depth of about one inch in melted paraffin, until a firm paraffin ring or zone is formed around the top margin (Fig. lo, b). The soil to be used is then placed in the pot, having been first thoroughly mixed and made up to the desired moisture content, and is pressed firmly against the bottom and sides (Fig. lo, c). The pot is filled to within about one-half inch of the top. The soil which has been pressed through the walls and bottom is then brushed oflf and the pot seized by the paraffined zone at the top and plunged in hot melted paraffin, being held there until the paraffin has had time to penetrate about one-eighth inch into the interstices of the soil. The length of time needed for this operation varies, of course, with the nature of the soil, a sandy soil requiring a shorter ex- posure to the hot paraffin than a clay soil, since the interstices are larger in the former. It is then removed and allowed to cool, after which it is again dipped momentarily, this time in cooler paraffin (Fig. lo, d). The purpose of the second dipping is to form a firm layer of paraffin over the external surface of the walls and bottom, to facilitate handling and lessen the danger of lireak- ing the hard-pan formed by the previous treatment. When cool the pot presents a uniform, smooth surface which covers the wire netting on the outside, and it can be handled in the same manner PARAFFINED WIRE POTS FOR SOIL CULTURES. 65 as are clay pots (^f the ordinary form. Seeds are then planted in the soil and treated in the usual way (Fig. 10, c). It will be observed that the surface of the wire is completely covered with paraffine so that danger of contamination of the soil from the metal of the wire is entirely eliminated. It will also be observed that the surface of contact between the internal soil and the walls of the pot — which really are formed of the same soil cemented into a solid mass b}- paraffin, the wire netting serving now onlv as a support to the otherwise fragile walls — is much less definite than in ordinary pots : for the soil mass continues into the T7 IG. II. walls themselves, the only difference between walls and contents Iving in the fact that the spaces which are tilled with air in the latter are filled with solid paraffin in the former. It is this fact upon which the peculiar value of this pot depends, for it avoids the objectionable region of better aeration which occurs in the vicinitv of the walls of other pots. It also avoids the continuous evaporation from the external surface and its possible disturbing effects. Where it is desirable to have aeration at the bottom of the pot one or more openings may be made in the wire netting before the soil is placed in position and the paraffin hard-pan and external paraffin layer which afterwards close the openings can be cut away with a knife or other instrument. Wheat seedlings will grow well for six weeks or longer without this aeration. P^or determin- 66 THE PLANT WORLD. ing, by weighing", the amount of transpiration from plants in these pots it is only necessary to seal the upper surface with a piece of paraffined paper cemented by means of paraffin to the pot walls having this fit closely against the stems of the plants. In the case of loamy or clayey soils if water is to be added to the soil from time to time to keep its moisture content uniform, it is well to cover the soil surface with a thin layer of clean sand, which pre- vents puddling and facilitates the equal distribution of the water added. Seedlings grown in these paraffined wire pots exhibit a perfectly normal distribution of roots throughout the soil mass. The par- affin is harmless and exerts no injurious influence upon the plants. Fig. 1 1 shows the soil masses of two cultures of six wheat plants each, a having been grown in a pot of the paraffined form, and b in a glass beaker of the same size. The points brought out in the discussion are very evident, the soil mass from the paraffin pot showing practically no roots on its surface, while that from the beaker has its lower surface nearly covered. The first soil mass was found to be completely filled with well-branched roots, the second contained very few except near its lower surface. With plants having small roots it is very rarely that these organs pene- trate the wall of the paraffined pot. Plants with larger roots often penetrate, however, and thus such plants are not well adapted to this method. Wheat and the smaller grasses serve admirably, while Indian corn often forces its roots through the bottom of the pot. The culture method above described appears to offer the best means yet devised for determining or demonstrating the influence of soil conditions upon the growth of seedlings. It* may be used for studying the effect of different moisture contents of the soil, for determining the relative productiveness of different soil samples, for studying the effects produced by the presence of various substances in the soil, and for many other lines of experi- mentation. THE COCO DE MER. 6/ A RARE PALM, THE COCO DE MKR^ In the palm house of the conservatories of the New York Botanical Garden there has recently been placed a palm bearing unusually handsome, fan-shaped leaves. At the base of the plant can be seen what looks to be part of two cocoanuts grown together. It is the huge seed from which was raised, in the propagating houses of the Garden, this specimen of the Coco de Mer, or double cocoanut (Lodoicca maldivica) . The home of this rare palm is in the Indian Ocean, several hundred miles east of Zanzibar, and about 4° south of the equator, on a group of islands known as the Seychelles. Here, in 1743, this palm was discovered by the French who then occupied the islands. The fruits had been known for many years before, for they had often been found floating in the sea around the neigh- boring Maldive islands, whence they had been carried by the ocean currents. But the tree itself had been a mystery, and there were many tales afloat regarding it. The Malay and Chinese sailors insisted that it grew on a tree deep down in the water off the coast of Sumatra, but that the tree instantly disappeared when they dived down to see it. The negro priests declared that it grew near the island of Java, its branches protruding above the water, in which a monstrous bird had its home, and from which it made nightly visits to the land, killing tigers, elephants and other large animals. It was further asserted that ships were attracted by the waves which surrounded the tree, and that sailors fell an easy prey to this ravenous bird. The fruits were coveted by the princes of Hindoostan as an antidote against possible poisoning, and they paid large prices for these mysterious safeguards to their lives. The king of the Maldives turned this superstition to his own advantage, keeping the fruits as his private property and disposing of them at high prices. But upon the discovery of the tree which bore the fruits there was no longer anything mysterious about them, and their value quickly diminished. * These facts have been taken from an article, " The Coco de Mer, or Double Cocoanut," by Mr. George V. Nash, in tlie Journal of the Nczv York Botanical Garden, January, 1906. 6S THE PLANT WORLD. The native of the Seychelles put this palm to many economic uses. The heart of the crown of leaves is eaten as a vegetable ; Fig. 12. Lodoicca iiiahiiz'ica (Gmcl.) Pers., the coco dr incr or double cocoanut. the leaves are used in house-building, both for thatching and for making walls and partitions ; they also furnish material for hats ; OF INTEREST TO TEACHERS. 69 the down of the young leaves is used in fiUing mattresses and pillows ; and the nuts are fashioned into various vitensils. In the Ravine of the Coco de Mer. on one of the islands of the Sevchelles. the trunks of these beautiful palms rise to a height of ninety or a hundred feet, and bear aloft a handsome crown of leaves often twenty feet long and ten or twelve feet wide. U. M. B. OF IXTEREST TO TEACHERS. Edited by Dr. C. Stuart Gager. Forestry in the Public Schools. In the September (1905) number of Forestry aiul Irri:j;atioii A. Xeilson gives some sugges- tions on how to interest children in the practical side of forest growth. He advocates that each country school have a small nursery, of about one quarter acre or even less, to be planted with trees and taken care of b\- the pupils. From two to four hours a week are suggested as being sufficient for the forestry work, whicli should include the setting out of seedlings, about six inches high, the planting of tree seeds and the care of the nur- sery. I'upils should collect the seeds and seedlings from the woods. Correlated with this field work there should be " little lectures on tree matters "' given to the children in the woods. ''A large number of trees can be grown on a nursery of one fourth of an acre, and giving three years as the age of removal from the nursery, the plantings should be more than a third of Editor's Note. — The study of trees is surely becoming more and more a factor in modern botany teaching. The Department of Agriculture is leaving no stone unturned to interest the public in the physiographic and economic importance of trees in general, and the above abstract would seem to be an indication that this work is bearing fruit. Nearly every locality, also, contains trees of individual interest, which are quite un- known to people of other localities, and we are glad to have been able to publish articles such as that on the Hop-Hornbeam, by Miss Mary S. Van Hook, in the January issue of the Plant World; and Miss Taylor's account of the Georgia Bark or Quinine Tree, in the February issue. We are indebted to Mr. George V. Nash for the facts contained in the account •of a tree of the tropics, the Coco de ^Nler, a specimen of which is to be seen at the New York Botanical Garden. Next month, Mr. J. C. Blumer will tell of an interesting tree of the southwest, the .\lligator Juniper. We shall be glad to receive other descriptions of trees in different parts of the world. 70 THE PLANT WORT-D. the nursery area each year. \Mien the trees, at the end of three years, must be taken up. they can be given to the parents of the children or can be sold. If sold the money would go to the school to establish a library or for other useful purposes." It is also suggested that a long time on one dav given to the vvork would be better than a short period on several different days. Relation of Amides to Plant Growth. — According to Na- ture Jules Lefevre gave an account before the Paris Academy of Sciences on November 20, 1905, of experiments showing that when green plants are grown in a soil containing amides, their growth is accompanied by a rapid increase in dry weight, although they are deprived of carbon-dioxide. C. S. G. REVIEWS. The Book of the Rothauisted Experiments. By A. D. Hall. Pp. xl -f- 294. London : John Murray. 1905. The manor of Rothamsted is situated in the parish of Harp- enden, Herts. England. In 1837 John Bennet Lowes, lord of the manor, began experiments in pots with agricultural plants and various manures. In 1843 Dr. J. H. Gilbert became associated with hini in this work. The duration and extent of their labors is indicated by the following inscription on a granite monument erected in 1893 in front of the Rothamsted laboratory: " To com- memorate the completion of fifty years of continuous experiments (the first of their kind) in agriculture, conducted at Rothamsted by Sir John Bennet Lowes and Joseph Henry Gilbert, A. D. MDCCCXCIII." As the inscription states, such experiments on such a scale in scientific agriculture had never before been conducted. It was Sir John Lowes who introduced the manufacture of artificial manures, and this alone ranks him as one of the greatest bene- factors of agriculture. The present volume gives a summary in seventeen chapters of part of the experiments carried out during the fifty years colab- oration of Mr. Lowes and Dr. Gilbert. The book is of more than REVIEWS. 71 historic interest to the worker in pure science and of practical vakie to the agriculturist. C. S. G. The Heather in Lore, Lyric and Lay, by Alexander Wal- lace,* is a small volume full of human interest, if somewhat less devoted to the scientific aspect of the plant. We little realize until we give special attention to such matters how much a pretty little plant as the heather may be interwoven with the life of the people of the countries where it grows. Those who are inclined to the study of the human aspect of botany will find this book well worth reading. It has numerous illustrations, one in colors. The JJlld Floi^'ers of California. Their X antes, Haunts and Habits, f by AIary Elizabeth Parsons, illustrated by Margaret Warriner Buck. A popular treatise, dealing with the commoner plants. These are classified according to the color of the flower. Each plant is described under its common, followed by its tech- nical name. The text consists of semi-technical descriptions and general notes. The full-page illustrations are in black and white. Philadelphia has from the time of Bartram been an important center of botanical study, and there are many students of its local flora. These will be glad to have for their use the " Hand-book of the Flora of Philadelphia and A'icinity.".| with keys for the identification of species, compiled by Ida A. Keller and Steward- son Brown. The " local flora " of this type is becoming more and more favored, and will do much toward stimulating an intel- ligent study of plants — even more in the long run, we dare say, than ■■ nature " volumes with an apparently more obvious applica- bility to popular needs. Agriculture Tliron^h the Laboratory and School Gardens. A Manual and Text-book of Elementary x\griculture for Schools. By C. R. Jackson and Mrs. L. S. Daugherty. New York: Orange, Judd Co. 1905. The above seems to be a good, practical book for normal or high school classes. The teacher of botany will not find it a sub- * New York, A. T. de la Mare Printing and Publishing Company. Ltd. 1903. t Payot, Uphane and Co., San Francisco, 1904. i Philadelphia Botanical Club, Philadelphia, 1905. 360 pp. ■J 2 THE PLANT WORLD. stitiite for the usual text-book, as there it inchides very httle ou the inner structure of plants and plant types. ( )smosis is insufficiently treated (p. 60). sexual and asexual reproduction are not clearly distinguished (p. 271) and a scientist would state dif- ferently the beginning sentence on variation ( p. 245 ) . The paper and print are good, the illustrations clear and the references and tables helpful. Soils, insects and other related subjects are clearly and fully treated. The city boy would be profited by such a course, but the book seems a direct answer to the needs of our rural schools. T- B. NEWS ITEMS. 73 NEWS ITE^IS. The Dioscurides Codex. — The Library of the Xew York Botanical Garden has recently accjuired the two volumes of " The Dioscurides Codex Aniciae Julianae picturis illustratus, nunc A'indobonensis Med. g^r. I Photot\pice editus." The original manuscri])t. now in the Imperial Library at \'ienna. was photo- graphed and the present edition is a phototypic reproduction of the photographs. This work dates from the year 512 A. D., and is the basis of most of the earl\- herbals. The work is important, not only from the standpoint of botany, but also in the history of the science, for the illustrations are from original specimens of the fifth cen- tury. The work was written for the Princess Anicia Ji^diana, of B}zantium, whose portrait appears in the book. The two folio volumes are bound in heavy oak, and the plates are said to reproduce the originals with great faithfulness. In addition to the illustrations of plants, there are miniatures of groups of physicians and botanists, and of artists protlucing pic- tures of plants. Two copies of a reproduction were made previous to the pres- ent, one of which was used by Linnaeus, and is now in the Library of the Linnaean Society of London. The other copy, now at Oxford, was used by Sibthorpe in preparing his " Flora Graeca." At the twelfth annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, held at Xew Orleans in affiliation with the American Association for the Advancement of Science, January 1-4, 1906, the following pa])ers were presented : J. C. Arthur: "Cultures of Uredineae in 1905." , G. F. Atkinson : "' The Development of ItliyfhaUits iiiipiidicits (L.) Fries, from France." F. E. Lloyd : " Some Physiological Aspects of Stomata." B. E. Livingston : " Relatixe Transpiration." G. H. Shull : "Comparative Variation and Correlation in Three JNIutants and their Parent." G. H. Shull: "Some Latent Characters of the White Bean." D. T. ]\IacDouga! : "Origin and Heredity of Bud Sports." "The Indue- 74 THE PLANT WORLD. tion of Mutation Ijy Artificial Stimulation." " New Mutants of the Even- ing Primrose." W. A. Cannon : " Topography of the Chlorophyll-apparatus of Some Desert Plants." D. S. Johnson : " A New Type of Embryo-sac in Pcpcromia." E. C. Jeffrey and Arthur Hollick : " Affinities of the Cretaceous Plant Remains referred to the Genera Dammara and Brachyphyllnvi. B. J. Howard: "The Tannin Cells of Persimmon." (By invitation.) V. M. Spalding: "Some Problems in Desert Botany." (By invitation.) The Production of Oil of Wintergreen. — While oil of wintergreeii was formerly made b}' distilling an etherial oil found in the leaves of the wintergreen (Gaiiltheria prociimbeiis, Linn.), the cost of gathering this plant became prohibitive. Now " oil of wintergreen " is made by distilling the etherial oil found in the bark of the sweet birch (Betula leiita, Linn.). " The wholesale chemists refine it and sell it as ' essential oil of wintergreen." This is the natural oil. 'Artificial oil ' is made by a purely synthetic process in the laboratories. Chemically it is exactly the same, and being produced at less expense sells at a much lower price. — Forestry and Irrigation. Volume 9 Number 4 The Plant World 91 ;fHa5a^inc of popular ^otanp APRIL, 1906 THE BLOOMING OF AN UNUSUAL ORCHID. By R. G. Leavitt. Ph.D., The Ames Bofaiiica! Laboratory. Xorth Easfon. Mass. There has recentl\- bloomed in the greenhouse at North Easton an orchid with a remarkable flower. The plant belongs to the South American genus Masdci'alUa. a group of small orchids, of which there are numerous species. The flowers are curious and often oddly beautiful. The species illustrated in our drawing — MasdevaUia iiniscosa. the " mossy " or " mosslike " MasdevaUia — is found in Ecuador and Colombia, growing most frequently on trunks and thick branches of trees in damp mountain forests (alti- tude 6,ooo to 8,ooo ft. ), though sometimes on volcanic rocks and walls of lava in the open sunshine. Frequent rains and heavy nocturnal dews ofifer to its spongy roots copious drafts of water, which are absorbed and stored in its thickened leaves. The golden flowers are lifted singly on pale-green hairy stalks above the tufted foliage. The floral structure may be easily understood from the accompanying drawings. The three outer floral leaves, recurved and produced into long tails, are united below into a shallow, somewhat triangular, chalice. From the center of the flower, but deflected toward one side of the cup, arises the col- umn, — the distinctive character of an orchidaceous flower, — an organ fashioned from the fusion of the stamens with the tips of the carpels. The anther lies upon the end of the column, with its waxy pollen in two compact masses. The receptive spot, or stigma, is on the under side of the column, not far back of the 75 76 THE PLANT WORLD. anther. The two matched petals, long, narrow and curved, stand beside the column, their extremities projecting- and forming an arch, in such a way as to leave a three-sided opening between petals and anther ; while the third petal stands away from the column, the narrow stalk adherent to the calyx, the roughly trian- gular blade free and pendant from a point within the margin. The unmatched petal, the lip or labellum, of orchid flowers, is usually larger and more highly modified in form and brilliant in hue than the petals, and is usually so placed as to serve as a land- ing stage for visiting insects, often with bosses and ridges for secure footing, often also with some sac or spur at the base for nectar. The lip of Masdcvallia inuscosa adds still another dis- tinction ; for besides being expanded and hollowed and bearing cushions of deep maroon hairs, its blade is irritable and full of lively motion. When a flower first opens, the tails of the sepals curve back and the labellum is seen with its bearded tip folded just beneath the arch of the petals. Presently, however, the blade descends, turning by a flexible neck, or hinge, until it stands in the position represented in the right-hand flower of our plate. If the surface is now very gently touched, almost instantly the lip springs up, rising slowly for a moment and then shutting with a sna]). The blade fits the walls of the calyx and the curve of the petals so that a space is enclosed, open nowhere except at one point, where the arched petals extend beyond the column. The highest flower (Fig. 13) shows this aperture as a dark spot. In newly opened flowers in warm moist air the whole operation may take as little as two seconds. After a few minutes — usually fifteen to twenty — the lip again falls, but very gradually, and immediately is ready for a repetition of the performance. A flower on our greenhouse plant responded many times a day without loss of sensibility ; in fact after repeated stimulation the lip opened out somewhat sooner than before. The whole surface of the labellum is not sensitive. Touches anywhere except upon a median ridge, or cushion {cv. b^ig. 14, A), produce no efl^ect. But the lightest brushing of this crest with a hair suffices to set off the mechanism of movement. Hence THE BLOOMING OF AN UNUSUAL ORCHID. 77 Fig. 13. MasdcvaUia muscosa. 78 THE PLANT WORLD. if an insect lays foot upon the crest, he is quickly raised and almost at once thrown forward into the calvx-cnp. W^ith the labellum shut he finds himself in a shallow box with translucent golden walls, veined with red. When he regains his feet and turns about he sees light through a small opening. Climbing up, he squeezes out past the end of the column (at c, Fig. 14). Here he brushes against the sticky knobs of the pollen-masses, and takes one or both of them away with him. If he visits a second flower and is entrapped he may leave the pollen of the first flower upon the adhesive stigmatic surface of the second, past which surface he must crawl when again escaping. The case is in eft'ect very like that of our moccasin flower, or lady's slipper. The motility of this labellum reminds one also of the similar powers of barberry stamens, which spring together so suddenly upon having their filaments touched. It is interesting to find that other stimuli besides contact are capable of springing the lip. I found that moving the lip back- ward and forward upon the hinge, without touching the sensitive ridge, produces the efifect. When the plant was carried out of doors into a temperature of 46° F. the lip immediately closed. When drops of water fell on the lip it closed, probably from sudden change of temperature. A red-hot needle w^as held near the cushion with the same result. Discharge of electric sparks oper- ated in the same way, but it is not certain — though probable enough — that the effect was a purely electrical one. About an hour after night-fall the lip folded up of its own accord ; before light next morning ( 5 : 30 a. m., December 23) it was open again. This action is periodic and diurnal. Darkening the plant in the daytime had no effect. A side sectional view shows that the movement results from the flexure of the neck (Fig. 14, /; ). In fact, as there are no tendons and no transmission of power, the motors must be located here. But the stimulus is received by the crest, which is at a little dis- tance from the hinge. Wlien the surface cells of the crest are pressed by an insect's foot, changes, the nature of which is un- known, take place in their contents, which cause changes in under- lying cells, and these affect in turn the next cells, an impulse thus THE BLOOMING OF AN UNUSUAL ORCHID. 79 travelling from cell to cell until the motor tissues of the hinge are reached. There is no development at the hinge of a distinct cushion or pulvinus such as we find at the base of the leaf in the Sensitive Plant, for the lip is of a very light body and easily moved about. The mechanism of the hinge depends for its operation on the smell- ing powers of its thin-walled tissues and their capacity for sudden release of watery contents with consequent contraction of the elastic membranes. To make the mechanism clear we may fix our attention upon a single cell (Fig. 14, B). Suppose the cell A --CW Fig. 14. Masdcvallia niuscosa: A. Side sectional veiw of lip and col- umn in open and closed positions, a, anther; s, stigma; c, column; h, hinge ; cr. crest of lip : p, petal ; c, point of insects' exit. — After Oliver. B. Diagrammatic section of cell in the motor region, pr. protoplasmic layer ; cs. cell sap ; cxi', cell wall. lying near the upper surface of the hinge to be flaccid, like the other cells in the same vicinity. The lip is now in its raised posi- tion, the hino;e bent. The selected cell is not filled with water to its full capacitv. Its walls are under little or no tension. When the time comes for the lip to be moved downward, the cell begins to absorb water. This happens when the cell begins to produce in the protoplasm soluble substances diffusing into the cell-sap, which are unable to escape through the finer-textured protoplasmic laver next the wall. These confined solubles exert an expansive force such as gases exert in a balloon. Consequently the whole 8o THE PLANT WORLD. cell is expanded — the walls being somewhat elastically extensi- ble — and water, supplied to the general tissue-mass by the veins of the lip, enters. The entrance of water is the result of the expansive tendency, not its cause. As this cell swells, others do so too. The whole upper region of the hinge therefore expands and the hinge gradually straightens, lowering the lip. When the cell and its mates have reached the full measure of this expansi- bihty and become fully turgid the hinge is at its straightest and the lip is in position for the reception of visitors. Now a fly puts foot on the irritable cushion. The irritation travels with great rapidity to the neck cells. Coming to our selected cell the efifect is to release the cell sap, so that some of it flows out into the inter- cellular spaces or into the ducts of the veins. It seems that release must be effected through a sudden change in the confining layer of protoplasm. We may imagine this to relax so that the invisible meshes of its finer structure increase in size and allow the mole- cules of the solubles — hitherto causing distention of the walls — to pass through with ease. Solubles and water — the sap — pass out together, and the cell contracts by its own elasticity. Other cells act simultaneously, and the tissue on this surface of the hinge shrinks, while that on the opposite side remains turgid. The hinge bends and the lip is raised. The great irritability of the cells, including those of the crest and the hinge, is seen when we recall the different kinds of stimuli which aft'ect them : touch, heat, cold, mechanical motion of the parts, and diurnal change of illumination. When the lip is down, the protoplasm of the irri- table parts seems to be in a state of very delicate equilibrium, which may be upset !:>}" trifling changes in the physical conditions.* * For Fig. 13, which so well represents the plant, I am indebted to the delineator, Mrs. Oakes Ames. OUR MOCCASIN FLOWERS AT HOAlli. 8 1 OUR MOCCASIN FLOWERS AND OTHER ORCHIDS AT HOME. By Grace Greylock Niles. The rarest of all rare blossoms are the Orchids — a family con- sisting of flowers with strange fantastic forms, and secret and inac- cessible homes. A'ery few species choose dry rocky soil, although these delicate plants readily adapt themselves to their environments throughout a broad and variable continental range. In May and June a brief glance through the bogs of Berkshire and Bennington and northward will reveal some of the most luxu- riant groups of our moccasin-tlowers and other orchids to be found in the world. Along the slopes of the Hoosac Highlands are several slowly drained swamps where many moccasin-flowers and tall spikes of habenaria flourish. In the Swamp of Oracles, northward in Bennington County, grows the greatest profusion of orchids which the writer has observed in this region, there being represented five species of the moccasin-flowers of genus Cypripcdiuin, — an unusual report so far southward in New England. The orchid family in these states consists of fifteen genera and no less than sixty species. The Cypripcdinnis, commoidy known as lady's slipper, moccasin-flowers and whip-poor-will shoes, are among the most showy of the orchids. There are only thirteen native Cxpripcdiums on the continent, and the finding of five of this number in one small swamp area in the Hoosac Valley region emphasizes the adaptation of the soil to the growth of Orchidaceae. Our moccasin-flowers, as the name implies, are shoe-shaped, or pouch-like ; the grace of the whole plant and the dainty poise of the undulating sepals and petals, give a certain charm to these alert blossoms, nodding in the dense glooms of the boglands, or bordering the rocky edges of the marsh, amid rich piles of decay- ing logs and brush, where the whip-poor-will rears her young and feeds upon the insects attracted to these orchids. It is not at all strange that they have been deemed the foot-gear of these melancholy birds who haunt the deepest shades of the woodlands. 82 THE PLANT WORLD. Beneath the primeval pines bordering the swamp, the ram's- head moccasin-flowers {Cypripedinni arietinum) bloom from the middle until about the twenty-fifth of May. These purple flowers are the smallest of the eastern species of Cypripedinni and, being pouch-shaped, in certain positions suggest a ram's head. The apex of the labellum serves as the nose, and the twisting side sepals and petals correspond to the horns of the ram. The pink moccasin-flower {Cypripcdium acaiilc) follows at the same date along the damp rocky hillsides near the whip-poor- will's nest. This is the best known of our Cypripcdiinns, and is conspicuous for its two basal leaves — it being the only two-leaved moccasin-flower found in eastern North America. It creeps over the mountain plains where the huckleberry loves to grow and adapts itself, also, to the water-soaked hummocks of the swamp lands. Closely following are its sisters — the two yellow moccasin- flowers — Cypripedinni hirsiifum and Cypripedinni parvidornin, which bloom so closely associated as to intergrade and confuse their individuality The homes of these two species are in higher woodlands or in the secret solitudes of the swamp and, despite their being such showy and glaring flowers, they are seldom dis- covered except by the most alert observer. Frequently the small moccasin-flower hides among dense colo- nies of fern and brake giving forth the most exquisite perfume of anv of our New England flowers. It is the onlv trulv fragrant Cypripcdium in eastern America, the others having a heavy oil}" pungent odor. The large yellow species often follows the pink moccasin-flowers suiumitward and delights to bloom along rocky ridges beneath the shades of birch, chestnut and beech ; yet the more common haunt is in the heart of the conifer boglands on the higher hummocks of moss, surrounded with cowslips, spring- beauties, violets and ferns. About this date, if we closely examine the marshlands, we will observe the dewy-tipped spikes of the showy moccasin-flower {Cypripcdium rcginac) pushing above the rich leaf-mould or sphagnum. This Cypripcdium is a full month behind the others, l)looming about June 20, and is one of the most regal species of OUR MOCCASIN FLOWERS AT HOME. 83 which the world can boast. Queen indeed of the Indian moccasin- flowers, it flaunts its alert white petals and dainty wine-tipped slippers in the most choice glooms, at the feet of the tamarack and spruce, or sheltered among tall ferns, brakes and Indian-poke. The plicate leaves of the Cy[^rilyediiinis resemble the foliage of Fig. 15. The Small Purple-fringed Orchis (Habciiaria psycodcs) Closely allied to Habciiaria grandiflora of New England, and to the Eng- lish Long Purples (Orchis iiiorio) of ancient literature. They are men- tioned by Shakespeare in Hamlet. " There with fantastic garlands she did come Of croii.'-flo-a'ers. nettles, daisies, and long piirf'les." '■ Hamlet," Act U-\, Sc. 7. 84 THE PLANT WORLD. Indian-poke or hellebore and they were early confused with this plant bv the ancients and designated, " false hellebore with a round flower" (Hcllcborijic Calccolus). Later this group of shoe-shaped flowers was known to Rembert Dodoens — a physician to the German Emperor in 1550 or later, who dedicated these flowers to Marianus — " our lady the Virgin Marv," and they were commonly known as " our lady's slippers " (Cakeohis Mariainis). The generic name, Calccolus, signifies " round like a little shoe." Our lady's slipper is the old European name for these flowers, while moccasin-flower is purely American, originating from Mazvcahsun or Mokkosin-HoT^'crs. the Algonquin Indians having observed the same resemblance to the shoe shape as did the Europeans. In 1 740-1 753 the great Linnaeus revised this genus and dedi- cated it to Venus, " Our Lady the Divine Mother of the Romans," whose ancient name was Cypris, and thus wc obtain Cypripedium — Venus' slippers or our lady's slippers, as form.erly. One of the early orchids of the bare and leafless woodlands is the showy orchis (OrcJiis spccfabilis), dwelling along the rocky borders of streams, about May 15. until June 20. It is closely related to the early spring orchis of England which Darwin loved so much to study. Soon, now, follow a host of Habcnarias. each in its turn making the glooms or meadowland gay with strange spikes of green, white, yellow and purple-fringed and winged flowers. Space does not permit me adequately to describe them all ; a few of the most beautiful types of the group will be enumerated. The found-leaved orchis (Habcnaria Hookcriana) is among the first to bloom, coming just as the pink moccasin-flowers and the showy orchis have faded, and choosing much the same haunts, save that they stand out as sentinels along the higher ridges. These plants produce round cool-looking leaves, lying flat or nearly so upon the ground, between which rises a spike of green- ish-yellow flowers, ornamented with fantastic spurs, capes and hoods all twisted and tied to the scape. They very much resemble winged insects, and were likened to a strap by the ancients, the flowers being placed in a " Certaine order like to a kind of Hat- OUR MOCCASIN FLOWERS AT HOME. 85 band, or the rolling of a gable rope." The Habcnarias are for this reason known as the rein orchises. Several tall green spikes of this group now appear along the brooksides in the swamplands. About the open places bordering springs we discover the tall white northern orchis (Habcnaria dilatata), rarely appreciated save by the flies and moths which are attracted by its rich per- fume. A little later in meadows, gracing lakeside solitudes and sluggish streams bloom the gorgeous purple-fringed orchises ( Ha- benaria psycodcs) and (Habcnaria grajidiflora). One may live a lifetime in the hills and never behold these beautiful fringed blos- soms of the meadows. They are similar to the long purples and dead men's fingers v/hich grow along the damp borders of the corn-fields in England (Fig. 15). Various species of the orchid family dwell in the open meadows, such as Arcfhiisa, the beautiful nymph of the fountain; and thou- sands of Pcgoiiia and Liiiiodoniiii dance and wave among the sedges. Approaching the laiid niargins the tamaracks grow larger, and on the higher mounds of moss beneath the pines, innumerable plants of the pink moccasin-flowers flourish, inter- laced with the evergreen vines of the wolf's claw (Lycopod'ni)n) . Stray plants of Loesel's twayblade {Lcptorchis LocscUi), the tall white northern orchis, and the small bog-orchis here live in peace and unity. Closing in about the land margin are the larger tamaracks, pines and spruces, which press upon the shrubs of the interior ; beneath these the pitcher plant and the showy queen of the mocca- sin-flowers are still thriving. Beyond this zone, hemlocks, maples, birch, elm and chestnut are encroaching on the conifers ; while far beyond all, over the hills encircling this grave of an ancient lake, the cultivated corn-fields and pasturage of the herds are crowding upon the whole area and in time will fill the unfathom- able pool in the heart of the hills. In the slowly drained swamp. Arethusa is not to be found, nor is sphagnum so frequent, but many species of fern and shrubs dwell here peculiar to this area. The last orchids of the autumn are the fragrant ladies' tresses, which come with the blue-fringed gentians and stars-of-Pamassus, making the marshland of September a gorgeous wave of nodding colors. 86 THE PLANT WORLD. TWO JUNIPERS OF THE SOUTHWEST. By J. C. Blumer. The following notes are from the Cameron Creek basin, lying on the southern slope of the Pinos Altos Mountains of New Mexico. This region lies only forty miles north of the Gadsden Purchase and seventy-five miles from the Mexican boundary. The sun- bathed peaks of the Mexican plateau are daily seen to rise like hazy pyramids out of the' desert of Egypt. The tract, last summer added to the Gila River Forest Reserve, is tributary to the U. S. military hospital at Fort Bayard, and has an altitude of 6,000 to 7,500 feet. Here the writer spent the latter half of 1905, in the interest of the U. S. Forest Service. This far southwestern world offers many interesting things to the student of plants. Among these are two junipers, which con- stitute a large part of the typically evergreen woods, very open and orchard-like. The other species comprise four oaks, two pines, mountain mahogany and garrya. a relative of the dogwood. Several other woody species are limited mainly to water-courses. The one-seed juniper {Junipcnis monos[^cnna) is a tree not often above apple tree size, though it sometimes reaches a diam- eter of thirty inches and a height of not over twenty-five feet. The whitish bark, becoming one inch thick, peels off in long shreds. The berries of the pistillate tree, ripening early in autumn, are dark blue, sweet and juicy, of oval shape and about half the size of the berry of Jiniipcnis scoptilonnn. They contain a single, bony, ovate-conical seed about the size of a grape seed. The crop this season was so scarce that not over five bearing trees were found. Birds are probably the chief agents of distribution. While gathering the seed, certain sparrow-like members of the feathered tribe once or twice hovered within arm's length of the picker, in an effort to save their proper share. Its densely clus- tered leaves of rusty green closely protect the very short branchlets from the thirsty semi-desert air. Usually half the grotescjue form of the older trees has been stripped by time and environment of both leaves and bark. But it clings to life with great tenacity. It is the patriarch of the foothills. TWO JUNIPERS OF THE SOUTHWEST. 87 Not SO its associate, the alligator juniper, known to botanists as Junipenis pachyphloea (see Fig. 16). Though often attaining twice the usual diameter of the one-seed juniper, or over four Fig. 16. Alligator Juniper {Juniperus pachyphloea Torn). 88 THE PLANT WORLD. feet, a height of about thirty feet and greater age, it presents a full, thickly clad and often beautifully rounded crown, but only at the lower altitudes. As one approaches the mountains from the plains 6,000 feet below, he finds the first tree, cropping up here and there, to be the one-seed juniper. This increases in size, but gradually loses its hold as the dominant species and at about 6,500 feet it dis- appears. The alligator juniper first appears approximately at the line of best development of the one-seed, and becomes dominant where the latter ceases. On the succeeding steep slopes it is inter- rupted by horizontal belts of shrubby blue oak. only to re-appear as occasional lesser belts to the top of the higher slopes at 7,500 feet, and as extensive orchards on the malpais* mesas. It occu- pies a large part of these tablelands at 7,000 feet, to the exclusion of every other noticeable plant except grama and agave. Here, however, our desert alligator becomes as picturesquely deformed as its brother species below. Many trees show less than half their girth covered with new wood bark. This gives rise to great eccentricity of both trunk and limb. It will perhaps interest physiologists that on such limbs the growth is always made on the lower side. The writer measured one that was five inches in horizontal diameter at the crotch, grad- ually widening to eight inches downward, with a vertical diameter of twenty-eight inches. The pith of the limb was probably not over two inches from the crotch. The dead parts, barring fires, persist for many years owing to the absence of the fungi of decay. The living tree undoubtedly exists to a great age as well. The age of both species is difficult to ascertain. This is due to the formation of two annual rings per year — thus more properly called " semi-annual rings " — Ijrought on by two distinct growing seasons. The winter rain and snow give rise to the first growth early in spring, which is checked by the drouth of May and June. The rains of July and August, ^diminishing toward October, stimulate the cambium into renewed * " Alalpais " is of Spanish derivation meaning " bad lands," and is ap- plied to country covered with basaltic boulders, in these parts a very exten- sive formation. Humboldt, 100 years ago, spelled it "malpays." TWO JUNIPERS OF THE SOUTHWEST. 89 activity, which is again quieted by the advent of winter. This process is not always regular, and determination of age is com- plicated by the formation of sometimes but one, sometimes three or possibly even more, annual rings per year. The age of a young grow^th of both species, coming up on a cut-over area, and five to twelve feet high, was thus found to be approximately twenty years. During the season of 1905, followdng heavy snows and rains, a remarkably fine growth was made. The mean of a con- siderable number of measurements was not far from fourteen inches. A certain stump of alligator juniper upon a ridge, thirty inches in diameter, was found to have been about five hundred and forty years in the making. Another of the same species and size, that had grown on bottom-land, was approximately three hundred and seventy-five years old. A conservative estimate of the age of trees double this diameter — stumps of many such are found, but are very hard to count — would be seven hundred to eight hundred years. It is not at all improbable that the tree shown in the picture is one thousand years old. In temperate regions at least, the alligator juniper should perhaps be given second place to the famous California sequoia. The writer should be glad to hear of any evidence to the contrary. It means that these trees struck root in the middle ages, that they reared their fragrant crow^ns to the ozone of the Cordilleran breeze before civilized man dreamed of America. The junipers are dioecious, /. c. staminate and pistillate flowers are on separate trees. An occasional staminate tree was found that bore a berry or two, thus proving that the tree is sometimes monoecious. Its berries are small cones covered with juicy pulp. It is thus a conifer. On the berries of the alligator juniper are seen protuberances like those on a large green caterpillar. They appear to be the covered tips of the cone-scales. The berries of the juniper take tw^o years to mature. The globular berries of the alligator juniper run very large, viz., from the size of an ordinary pea to five-eighths of an inch in diameter. One tree was seen that bore fruit as much as three- fourths of an inch in diameter. It contained no good seeds, how- ever, and was clearly abnormal. The fibrous flesh is dry and go THE PLANT WORLD. insipidly sweet, seemingly without resin, and very unlike the pun- gent sweetness of the one-seeded species. It is eaten by bears and other mammals, as well as by birds. The berries contain from one to four bony, angular seeds, usually two or three, of the same size as those of its one-seeded relative. Fifty berries that were examined gave a symmetrical curve, i. c: 3 berries contained no seeds. 12 " " I seed apiece. 20 " " 2 seeds " 12 " " 3 seeds " 3 " "4 seeds " Unlike its congener, it bore an abundant crop of seeds this sea- son. . Several bushels would often hang upon a single tree. This light blue mass, distributed about the periphery of the crown, gives a strikingly unique as well as handsome effect. This is heightened by myriads of tiny white specks upon the foliage, peculiar to the older trees of this species. These are bits of hardened resin exuded by the single resin duct on the back of each leaf. The season of ripening seems to be variable. A certain localitv was observed, where the berries turned reddish and fell as early as September. Some fell later, but the majority seemed to cling firmly as late as the middle of December. The bark resembles an alligator skin, and at once distinguishes it from all other junipers. One seeing it for the first time would not question its identity. This cross-wise checking of the bark is characteristic even at tender seedling age. Branches less than one inch thick usually slough off their cuticles in the form of scales, revealing a skin that is perfectly smooth and of a yew-like red. Where both species make young growth together this serves as a secondary distinguishing mark. The primary one naturally will be color, which is quite remarkably constant within the species. The one-seeded species is a pretty olive green, while the alligator's namesake is an exceedingly handsome bright blue. The two growing side by side give a color variation not excelled by any other conifers, the Colorado blue spruce included. With age, the blue spruce often acquires much dark green, approaching the con- stantly green one-seed. In December, the staminate trees of both THE PERILS OF ORCHID HUNTING. 9I species become sprinkled with yellow, due to numberless male flowers, producing pollen despite the snow and frost. The wood of both kinds is yellowish in color, light in weight, non-resinous, and highly esteemed for fuel and posts. The tree shown in the picture is a landmark for many miles around, because of its beauty and extraordinary size. It is a little over five feet in diameter and between sixty and seventy feet in height. The ground on which it stands recently fell into the hands of a mining company. A ranchman and ex-cowboy living near, rode by the tree one day. The manager for the company had some men on the spot, preparing to cut it down. " What are you doin' ?" said the ex-cowboy. " Why, I'm going to cut this tree down : it's no use here ; it's in the way," replied the manager. "No, you don't; not while I'm a-crawlin'," broke in the ex- cowboy, his hand instinctively going to his belt. " This tree stood a guide-post to the ranchman and the cowboy of this country before you and your mining company ever thot o' bein' born. And it'll keep on a standin', too !" With this he rode to town, and the manager prudently desisted. The ex-cowboy spread the manager's intention. For days there- after talk of six-shooters was rife amongst the neighbors. The manager abandoned his plan, and the noble tree lives on for the guidance and delight of cowboy children yet unborn. THE PERILS OF ORCHID HUNTING. The strange perils and risks that attend the collecting of wild orchids have been graphically described by Mr. William Fitz- gerald in the Sunday magazine of the New York Tribune of Feb- ruary 25. The writer tells how, in some of the wildest and most remote regions of the world, in Mexico, Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Brazil, Burma, in the interior of Assam and the Himalayas generally, in Borneo, New Guinea, and on the west coast of Africa, a certain orchid dealer in London maintains a staff of collectors who often risk their lives in the hunt for these gorgeous epiphytes of the tropical forest. 92 THE PLANT WORLD. The orcliid hunter starts out from a certain base of supplies. A man about to collect on the lower Himalayas, for instance, will purchase his outfit and hire his servants in Calcutta. When the jungle is reached he puts up a hut, building- a broad veranda about it where he can lay out and dry his orchids. Many of these col- lectors have met with tragic deaths from fever, drowning, falls, the hostility of savages, or the attacks of wild beasts. Some years ago a collector voyaging up the malarial Fly River in British New Guinea came upon a sacred cemetery where great masses of a rare crimson orchid known as the elephant moth dendrobe were growing in and out among the dead bones of the cannibal Papuans. The flowers of this orchid shade from rich crim- son to almost pure white, and resemble gigantic moths fluttering on slender stems. The natives of the place, displeased at this dis- turbance of the remains of their ancestors, menaced the orchid hunters with their poisoned spears, but presents of brass wire and calico soon won them over, and they finally assisted the col- lector in gathering the new orchid, insisting, however, that he send with the plants a quaint little idol as a propitiation to the disturbed spirits of the departed. The idol was afterwards sold with the plants at a London auction. One specimen of this lot which at- tracted particular interest grew out of the eye-socket of a human skull and was purchased, together with its gruesome holder, for six hundred dollars. Fabulous indeed are the sums paid for rare orchids, but so great is the uncertainty that they are generally sold at auction. A plant of Laclia aiwcl^s was observed by the London dealer to have a ring-mark on its pseudobulb higher up than is usual. The dealer bought it for twelve dollars, and five years later sold the same plant for one thousand dollars. In a consignment of Cxpripcdium insigiic was once found one orchid plant with a bright yellow flower stalk instead of the normal brown stalk. The plant was put to one side, and when it flowered the blossom was a beautiful gold. The owner cut the plant in two and sold each half at public auction for five hundred and twenty-five dollars. One of the pur- chasers divided his also, selling two pieces at five hundred dollars each, and the third piece the original owner bought back for THE PERILS OF ORCHID HUNTING. 93 thirteen hundred dollars for the purpose of hybridizing. A plant of MasdevaUia Tovarcnsis was cut up in the same wa}- and its fragments sold for large sums, until a consignment of forty thou- sand plants from Caracas reduced the price to a mere song. Mr. Fitz-gerald tells an interesting story of the orchid Cypri- pedium Spiccriaiunu. An English lady, a Mrs. Spicer, sold to an orchid dealer for three hundred and fifty dollars a strange orchid that had appeared in her greenhouse. The dealer divided his specimen and sold the pieces at fabulous prices. Then the London dealer set about to discover the whereabouts of this priceless plant. He knew that it had arrived in a mass of Cypripcdium insigne, therefore it must be a native of the Himalayas. Mrs. Spicer's son was a tea planter on the confines of Bhutan, and it was he who had found the orchid. The London dealer sent his man to get from the tea planter all he could about the locality in which the orchid had been discovered, and then to set out after it. The orchid hunter " swam and waded through giant rivers, often waist deep in miasmatic mud, or plowed his way through the incredibly dense tropical vegetation, and finally came upon a glade encircled by rocks steep as a wall, and here at last, with a cry of delight, he reached out his bamboo rake and dragged down masses of the gorgeous orchid he had sought so long and so heroically." The element of gambling begins as soon as the orchid hunter finds his plants. He nn;st bring them to his hut, dry them for four weeks, and then, when they are entirely free from moisture, fasten them to tough twigs and pack them in wooden cases with a liberal allowance of air. They are then transported by coolie, llama, raft or elephant, over land and across the ocean. If they are exposed to sunlight, or are placed too near the boilers on board steamer, they may all be ruined. " Ten thousand plants," writes Mr. Fitz-gerald, " may be collected on some remote Andean peak or Papuan jungle with infinite care, and consigned to Europe, the freight alone amounting to thousands of dollars, yet on arrival there may not be a single orchid left alive." M. AT. B. 94 THE PLANT WORLD. OF INTEREST TO TEACHERS. Edited by Dr. C. Stl'art Gager. " Collapse of Enolution." — The above caption is the title of an address, dehvered under the auspices of the American Bible League, in Boston, in December, 1904, by Professor L. T. Town- send, Emeritus Professor in Boston University. Professor Townsend quotes from an unnamed Cornell professor the statement that attacks upon the fact of evolution " are made only by persons who are not familiar with either the evolution hypothesis or the facts of natural history," and, " are made for the purpose of bolstering up dogmas and beliefs." The address under discussion is one of the strongest evidences of the truth of these quotations that has appeared in recent years. An idea of the author's comprehension of what evolution is, and especially of his acquaintance with standard literature of biology may be inferred by his statements that the terms germ- plasm and protoplasm (sic) have not for five or ten years "been employed seriously by any reputable writer on these subjects " (p. 12) ; that evolutionists should be able to show a chain with no missing links (p. 15) ; that species should generally improve and primitive forms die out (pp. 16, 17, 19) ; that evolution means that one species transforms "into another" (pp. 21. 29); that evolution demands the existence of " millions of intermediate forms" (p. 23); that DeVries "appears to have developed a mutable species of primrose," but that, on the contrary, nothing has been accomplished outside of " an oscillation around a primi- tive center " (p. 28) ; that De Vries is a believer in special crea- tion (p. 52) ; that, " There is no evidence whatever of a tendency in nature towards the transmutation of species " (p. 28) ; that, if evolution were true, " classification would be out of the question," but " the scientist is not embarrassed by any such perplexing con- ditions " as a difficulty in classification (p. 29) ; and, finally, that the theory of evolution " is discredited and abandoned by the best scholarship of the world." The same writer is the author of a volume entitled, " Evolution or Creation." OF INTEREST TO TEACHERS. 95 More lamentable than the misconception of facts is the great lack of appreciation on the part of the lecturer of the spirit and point of view of every sincere investigator in science. This is shown, for example, where the author speaks of Huxlev's " dis- comfiture " because the real nature of bathybius was discovered ; of his " reluctantly " and " mournfully " giving up the bioplast theory, and of Ritter's studies in deep sea fauna being " trouble- some " to the evolutionist (p. 17). We have given so much space to this address in the hope that the Teachers' notes are read by teachers, and especially bv young teachers, who have been prevented by professional duties, or otherwise, from keeping abreast of recent or current literature, and who might be led into the erroneous notion that scientists are beginning to or alread\' have abandoned the theory of evolu- tion. The suggestion is that the teacher should not waste too much time in reading elementary text-books, nor " popular " books and magazine articles on scientific subjects, but onlv standard writings. Above all should the young teacher or botanist avoid too much reading of purely theoretical and abstract discussions of such questions until he is thoroughly grounded in the facts, the only true basis of any theory. Regeneration in Roots. — The following notes are taken from a review of Nemec's Studien uber die Regeneration, in Xaturc, for December. 1906. " It is well known that if the tip be removed from a growing root a new apex is commonly dilTerentiated, growth in length commencing once more when the new tip has been completely formed. The objects of Dr. Xemec's investigation have been to endeavor to throw some light on the nature of the process of regeneration itself, the causes that initiate and determine its occur- rence, and the meaning of the physiological events that are as- sociated with it. The methods adopted were extremely simple. The tips of growing roots, chiefly of seedlings, were injured in various ways by making incisions into the region about the apex, and the leactions that ensued were carefully followed and com- pared. 96 THE PLANT ' WORLD. " It was found, in confirmation and extension of the less com- plete observations of Prantl and Simon, that the roots of ferns never truly regenerate themselves as do those of flowerino- plants. Possibly the diiTerence is to be attributed to the more definite con- centration of formative protoplasm in the apical cell of the former as contrasted with its "reater extension as layers in the roots of the latter. At any rate, no regeneration occurs in the roots of ferns, although some attempts at healing the actual wound may be made. " The case is diiTerent with the roots of phanerogams, although in them, also, the conditions of regeneration are more limited than might have been anticipated. In the first place, no union of the halves of longitudinally cut roots took place ; the damaged apex was either replaced b}- a new one on either side of the slit or else the regeneration was confined to one half. " Lateral incisions are inefifective to bring about the difl:'erent- iation of a new apex unless the slit has severed at least half the circumference of the pericycle. If this be done, regeneration takes place with the concomitant appearance of statolith starch in the new organ. All the experiments made on the roots go to emphasize the great importance of the pericycle in connection with regenerative processes, although it is not from this layer itself that the new layer is differentiated, but from the indifferent plerome cells within it. The damage done to the pericycle appears to act as an interruption of the coordinative relations between the vari- ous parts of the embryonic region as a whole. When this co- ordination is interrupted the capacity resident in the embryonic protoplasm of giving rise to entire organs, asserts itself, and the new formation thus appears." Labelling Paraffin Blocks.^ — The following may be nothing new, nevertheless it is an excellent way to keep a record of the material embedded in paraffin blocks. On a small paper slip write the name and character of preparation, whether stained or injected, and lay this in the surface of the still liquid paraffin with its embedded material and let it solidify with the block. Or melt the slip on with a hot wire after the block has been cooled. In CURRENT BOTANICAL LITERATURE. 97 this way there are no troublesome wrappers and the label cannot get off. — Fred L. Holtz in School Scjencc and Mathematics, February, 1906. NOTES OX CURRENT BOTANICAL LITERATURE. TJic Garden Mas^aciiie for ]\Iarch contains an interesting ac- count of the finding, in the mountains of Tibet, of the long-lost lady's slipper, Cxpripcdiinn Fairicanum. " Orchid lovers have been watching for years for the rediscovery of this plant, the actual source of which was unknown. They wanted it, not merely because it had been utterly lost to cultivation, but because it was the parent of many of the most beautiful hybrids we have. . , . Cypripcdiuni Fairicannni transmits its high coloring and its peculiar droop of the petals to all its hybrids. The flower of Fairie's orchid, which is borne on a stalk about six inches long, has a remarkably attractive combination of bright colors. The upper standard is white, yellowish green at the base, and is veined with rich purple. The same colors appear in the petals, and the slipper or pouch is reddish green, veined with purple." Now, when the grape fruit season is at its height, the follow- ing notes from an article by Sir Daniel Morris on " Grape Fruit and Shaddocks '" in the JJ\'st Indian Bulletin, vol. \T, no. 3, 1905, mav be of interest. " During my recent visit to New York I was much interested to notice the considerable demand that existed there' for grape fruit from the West Indies. . . . The fruit I saw in New York consisted of various sorts and qualities, and there is little doubt that much confusion exists as to what is really grape fruit as distinct from the allied citrus fruits passing under such names as Pumelo (Pomelo), Shaddock, Forbidden Fruit, etc. The name Forbidden Fruit (from a fancied connection with the Garden of Eden) is tolerably old in the West Indies. The fruit commonly called grape fruit in New York is really the Forbidden Fruit. The true grape fruit (so-called because it grows in clus- ters like a bunch of grapes) is pear-shaped, and when obtainable at its best, is preferable to the Forbidden Fruit. The fruit shipped 98 THE PLANT WORLD. from the Bahamas as grape fruit is usually round, with a polished yellow skin of a silky texture and very heavy. This is probahly one of the best of its class and quite equal to the pear-shaped variety. Xext comes some excellent fruit from Jamaica, no doubt that already referred to under the name of Forbidden Fruit." Germination of Orchid Seeds. — When the seeds of orchids are sown, especially those of the Caftlcyia or the Loclia. it is found that the germination, which is quite irregular, is accom- panied with the presence at the extremity of the plantule of a clus- ter of filaments due to an endophyte fungus. Recent experiments of the French scientist, M. Noel Bernard, have shown that the presence of this fungus is indispensable to the germination of the orchid seed. If the seeds are asepticized, they will not germinate; but if they are put in a pure culture of the fungus, the mycelial filaments of the latter penetrate the embryo ; then the germination commences, and is pursued regularly. This observation shows a distinct case of normal parasitism, in which an organism cannot be developed without the penetration of a parasite. — Scientific A nicy icon. At a recent meeting of the Torrey Botanical Club Mr. George V. Nash told some interesting facts on the botanical features of orchids. There seems to be a general misconception among many as to just what an orchid is. The uniting in one organ, called the column, of the stamens and pistils serves to distinguish this family. Most orchids have thickened stems. In some the stem is very short and much enlarged. Such stems are known as pscudohulhs. Oncidiiiin and Odontoglossiiin are examples of this sort. In others the entire stem is thickened, as in Catflcya and Dcndrohiuui. Some orchids have a lateral, others a terminal, form of inflorescence, the former arising from the base of the pseudobulb, the latter from its apex. The majority of the orchids, represented by the genera Epidoidron, Oncidiuni, Odonioglossum, MasdevaUia, and others, have a limited manner of growth ; genera such as J^anilla and Angraccnni have an unlimited growth, in which the axis ascends continuously. The orchid family embraces some 6,000 or 7,000 species, mostly CURRENT BOTANICAL LITERATURE. 99 distributed in tropical regions. In the United States there are about 150 species, representing 44 genera. Nearly all tropical orchids are epiphytic, while in temperate regions they are terres- trial, the soil around iheir roots protecting them from the extreme cold of winter. As a rule terrestrial orchids have thin leaves, for their water supply is not so limited as is the case with epi- phytic orchids. NEWS ITEMS. ]\Irs. A. A. Anderson has given $100,000 to Barnard College, Columbia University, toward the establishment of a course in science leading to the degree of bachelor of science. The published accounts indicate that the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in South Africa last summer was a very successful and enjoyable one. Of our own botanists only one, Professor D. H. Campbell, of Stanford Uni- versity, was present. Of the special features of botanical interest was an exhibit of living South Africa plants, consisting particularly of '' desert forms from the Karrvo and a characteristic collection of heather and other flowers from the southwest district of Cape Colony." The interest of the exhibit was extended by a number of photo- graphs, made by Dr. Alarlott, illustrating the ecology of Cape Colony. From verbal accounts we judge that the value of this exhibit was very great to the foreigners, especially to American visitors who had acquaintance with the appearance of our North American desert flowers. The two elements which, naturally, give a characteristic appear- ance to the desert vegetation of South Africa are the fleshy euphorbias and the aloes, paralleling the cacti and agaves of North America. These, together with the forms of erosion found in certain areas, produce a general similarity to certain parts of our western country which is most striking. One of the plants of Africa which every botanist knows some- thing about is the remarkable IVehwifschia. We note with pleasure that Professor Pearson, of the Botanical Department of lOO NEWS ITEMS. the South African College, has begun to carry out researches on this unique form. His results, thus far, include the development and germination of the spines. It appears that the state of the country, Damara land, prevented a full collection of material at the time of Professor Pearson's visit. We expect that further opportunity for collection and study will be afforded. To read the account of many other matters of especial interest to the botanist in the Xc'K' Phyfohgist,'^- from which these notes are gleaned, makes one humanly envious of the attending visitors. It must certainly have been a rare treat of permanent value. The following plants are in bloom (April 12) at Lakehurst. in the pine barrens of Xew Jersey : Pyxie, or " flowering moss," Py.viihvtthcra harbulata; leather-leaf. Cassandra calyculata; whit- low-grass. Dvaha vcnia: arbutus, Epigaea re pens: ground ivy, Nepeta gleehoiiia: violet, Viola palniata, var. cucnUata; red or swamp maple, Aecr nibnnii ; wood-rush, Liiciila caiiipesfris; smooth alder. A! mis serrulala: dandelion, TaraLvaciiiii ofiiciiiale; sand-m_\rtle, LeiopJiylhuii buxifoUum (in bud) ; sweet fern, Myrica asplenifolia (in l)ud). ERRATA. The age of the writer of the competitive essay " The Devil's Tongue " which appeared in the January issue, should have read 15 years, not 13. * November, 1905. Volume 9 Number 5 The Plant World 91 f^a%npmt of popular ^otanp MAY, 1906 SOME MONSTROSITIES IN TRILLIUM.^= By F. ;M. Andrews, Assistant Professor of Botany. Indiana State Unii'crsity, Blooniington. Indiana. The genus Trillimii occasionally shows interesting" variations not only in the form, but also in the number of foliar and floral parts. These changes are especially conspicuous in some speci- mens of Trillium found near Bloomington. Of these, some varia- tions worthy of note have been observed. Two plants were found growing' within a meter of one another, one of these being Trilliiiiii sessile and the other Trilliuui rcciiri'iifuiii. In both of these speci- mens no trace of the usual stamens or pistil was present, all the floral organs being completely transformed into floral leaves which in Trillinui rcciirz'afuiii were considerably larger (with the excep- tion of the central ones ) than the same parts in normal flowers growing near them. In Trilliimi rccurvatum the number of these leaves in the flowers without reproductive organs was twenty- three, and in Trilliiiui sessile fourteen. Fig. 17, A, shows such a flower with twenty floral leaves. No gradation from petals to stamens was observed in these specimens, as is sometimes seen in some water lilies. The number of sepals, floral leaves, venation and other features were normal in all of the plants named above. A third interesting variation was a specimen of the species Trillium sessile (Fig. 17, B) in which the various parts were * See also Variations in Trillium by Lester B. Gary, Plant World, vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 190S, p. 257. lOI 102 THE PLANT WORLD. present, but varied in number. To enumerate, there were four floral leaves somewhat smaller than in normal specimens, three small sepals, four large partly greenish petals, six small stamens and four styles. This change in the size and especially in the number of very close successive whorls of the foliar and floral leaves was also observed in several other species of the genus TriUium. The plant in this instance was considerably smaller than the normal specimens. Some other specimens of TrUUuui sessile and T. recurvatniii showed two sepals and petals partly, or entirely grown together. Here the sepal half was the usual green and the other half, or petal part, was partly white. TriUium erect imi also deviated somewhat from the usual appear- ance by showing a multiplication in the number of parts in one whorl, and a reduction in the usual number of parts in others. For example, one specimen (Fig. 17, C), had the usual floral leaves, the three sepals, but five petals, four stamens and two styles. In all other respects this plant was normal. Some flowers of this species have shown a tendency to unite two or more of the parts. Some slight deviations in Trill in 111 iiiz'ale have been observed in the way of a union of the floral parts. It would be an interesting point to determine whether or not the plant arising from a rhizome showing such changes as here mentioned would appear afterward, or if other and greater varia- tions would occur. Accordingly, experiments of this nature are in progress to ascertain this fact. A DECEMBER RAMBLE IN TUSCALOOSA COUNTY, ALABAMA. By Roland AI. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, the seat of justice of the county of the same name in Alabama, is situated about fifty miles northwest of the center of the state, at the point where the Warrior (also known as Black SOME MONSTROSITIES IN TRILLIUM. 103 Fig. 17. Variations in Trillium. A. T. recurvatum ; B. T. sessile; C, T. cvcctum. I04 THE PLANT WORLD. Warrior or Tuscaloosa) River crosses the fall-line or inland boundary of the coastal plain. Going- up the river (northeast- ward ) from Tuscaloosa one soon enters the terrane of the Coal Measures (upper Carboniferous strata) at the southwestern ex- tremity of the Alleghanian region, where high sandstone cliffs and deep ravines are characteristic features of the landscape, as in many other parts of the country where the same formations occur. In the other direction from Tuscaloosa the coastal plain, a region of very dift'erent aspect, stretches away to the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. Although by no means a homogeneous or monotonous region, the coastal plain is pretty sharply dift'eren- tiated from other parts of eastern Xorth America by the absence of high elevations and the scarcity of steep slopes and rock out- crops ; its Cretaceous and Tertiary strata are almost everywhere concealed under a blanket of sand and loam of Quaternary or late Tertiary age ; and its flora differs constantly and unmistakably ( but bv no means totallv ) from that of the other regions farther inland. , So much for the surroundings of Tuscaloosa. My first oppor- tunity to botanize in this part of the state came on December 5, 1905, on which date I went about eight miles up the eastern bank of the Warrior River into the coal region and back by the same route. There was a heavy frost in the morning, some of which remained on the ground all day in shaded places, so flowers were hardly to be expected ; but there were enough unfamiliar or unex- pected trees, shrubs, and evergreen herbs along the route to make the trip interesting. Although some outcrops of Carboniferous rocks appear within the limits of Tuscaloosa, the first real cliffs encountered in going up the river are about five miles above the city, near the mouth of North River, a tributary of the Warrior which enters f ro ii the west side. At about this point I noticed on the cliffs across the river many specimens of what appeared to be Finns Jlr- j^iiiiaiia, a species which had never been reported to occur so far south, or at so low an altitude in the southern states (about two hundred feet). A few minutes later my identification was con- firmed by finding specimens on the same side where I was, and DECEMBER RAMBLE IN TUSCALOOSA COUNTY, ALABAMA. IO5 farther up the river this species became more abundant, until at the point where I turned back there was probably more of it in sight than of any other tree. At the mouth of the first creek I came to, I stopped to examine the flora of the cliiTs more minutely, and found there among other things the lip-fern, Chcilaiitlics lojiosa. in abundance: the ferns JVoodsia obtitsa and Asplcjiiiiiii Trichoiiuvics ; stone crop, Scdiim tcrjiatuiii, and 6'. Xc-z-ii; early saxifrage, Sa.rifra^^a Jlrgiiiiciisis ; Hydrangea qiiercifoUa ; a species of syringa, Pliiladclpliiis ; Xci-iusia Alabamciisis; golden-rod, Solidago aiiiplc.vicaulis. and Aster Caiiipfosonis. The Xez'iitsia was discovered somewhere near this spot about fifty years ago by Drs. Xevius and Wyman,* and was known nowhere else until Mr. T. G. Harbison found it a few years ago on Sand ]\[ountain in the northern part of the state. t A few specimens of an elm loaded with fruit near the base of the same clifl:'s could be no other than Ulniiis serofina, described by Professor Sargent in 18^9 and known only from a verv few stations in the southern Alleghanies. At the same place was seen a single specimen of Pnimis Caro- liiiiaiia. an evergreen tree which is commonly cultivated for orna- ment in many of the older cities of the South, but is so rare in the wild statei that one can hardly be certain that the specimens seen in the woods have not sprung from seeds brought by birds from cultivated specimens. Its geographical distribution is conse- quently very imperfectly understood, but it seems to be normally confined to the coastal plain, like many other southern evergreens. A little farther up the river the fern Dryopferis luargiiialis was abundant on the clifl:'s, and with it many specimens of Jlola Cana- densis, which was previously known in Alabama only from Jack- son County, where Mr. Harbison found it in I90i.§ Most of these violets, strange to say, were in full bloom, though at this time the leaves were covered with frost after midday. This par- ticular spot happened to be on a railroad right-of-way, from * See Plant World. Sept., 1900. t Biltmore Bot. Stud, i: 155. igo_'. $ See Mohr, Contr. U. S. Xat. Herb. 5: 553. 1901. § Fillmore Eot. St--d. i: 157. ico?. I06 THE PLANT WORLD. which the few small trees and bushes seemed to have been cleared within a few months previously, but whether or not this had any- thing to do with the appearance of flowers at this unusual season I am unable to say. ( )n the dead stems of a species of T'ivbcsiiia (probably V. occi- dciifah's) near this place were some magnificent " frost-flowers," with ribbons of ice fully six inches long and wide (and this about I p. M.). The freezing had evidently commenced in or near the cambium layer, and the ice had pushed the bark completely off for a distance of several inches in each case, usually in one piece.* On the same cliffs, which by this time were seventy-five to one hundred feet high in some places, I found for the first time the cowslip Dodccathcoii Mcadia, which was not reported from this part of the state by Dr. Mohr, though Dr. E. A. Smith tells me that he collected it in this county some vears a^o. Biimelia lycioidcs, a small tree which usually grows on limestone, accom- panied it. Just before turning back I made the most interesting find of the day. one of the Spurge family, namely, Crofon Alabaiiicnsis. This Euphorbiaceous shrub was discovered in an adjoining county (Bibb) by Dr. Smith in 1874, and for nearly thirty-two years was known only from that county, where it is said to grow on shaded limestone rocks, and to be confined to a few scjuare miles. f iVt the new station its habitat is on steep sandstone cliffs, well exposed to the afternoon sun. Unlike all its North Amer- ican congeners. Croton .-Uabaiiioisis is an evergreen shrub, and I was able to recognize it at once from having seen specimens grow- ing in Dr. Smith's yard. I did not have time to ascertain how far up the river it extends, but hope to do so at some future time. On the return trip I noticed another interesting plant, which I had overlooked on the way up. namely, Ma'^iiolia iiiacrophylla. As its name implies, its leaves are very long, sometimes attaining a length of over two feet, and when lying on the ground with * For an interesting summary of this subject see ]\IacDougal in Science 22: 351-352, Dec. 29, 1893. tSee ^lohr, Card. & For. 2: 592. /. 130. 1889; Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 6: 93. 94- 591- 1901; Ferguson, Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 12: 38. 1901. PASSAGE OF WATER FROM PLANT CELL. lO/ their pale lower surfaces uppermost, they attract attention to the tree which would otherwise be easily overlooked in winter, as it is rather small and not at all abundant.* Tuscaloosa is probably at present the most convenient point in the eastern United States at which to study the boundary between the Palaeozoic region and the coastal plain, for nearly everywhere east of here the coastal plain is bordered by ancient crystalline rocks (as at all the well-known fall-line cities from Columbus, Ga., to Washington, D. C, and even Xew York), and west of Alabama there happen to be very few important towns along the fall-line. Here the relations between geology and flora are very striking. ]\Iost of the species above mentioned, as well as several others seen on the same day but not mentioned, are not known to occur in the coastal plain at all, though at this point, if not else- where, they approach within a very few miles of it. The reasons for this are mostly too complex to be discussed here, but are all originally dependent on geological history. While climatic fac- tors may and do bring about profound differences in the floras of dift'erent parts of the earth, such factors are rarely responsible for abrupt changes in vegetation such as we see here. THE PASSAGE OF WATER FRO^I THE PLANT CELL DURIXG FREEZING. By K. M. Wiegand, Cornell University. In a previous number of this journal f the writer has attempted to outline the occurrence and structure of ice masses within plant tissue. The present paper deals with the question of how the water gets from the cell cavity into the intercellular spaces during the process of ice formation, there to be converted into ice. In regard to this point two general theories have been held, which * A little later in traveling over the state I was able to recognize this tree from moving trains at many points where if the leaves had all been lying face up I would not have noticed it at all. t Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb., 1906, p. 25. ]^S THE PLANT WORLD. mav be termed for convenience the " expulsion " theory and the " attraction " theory. The first of these seems to have been the more popular in the past and has been upheld by a number of plant physiologists. In this case it is assumed that, in order to freeze in the spaces, the water must be in those spaces before freezing begins ; in other words, that the cell actively gives up water at low temperatures, probably as a protection against ice-fcrmation within the cell. Kerner* states the theory thus : " In order that the water shall get from the interior of the cell into the adjoining intercellular spaces a pressing and squeezing is necessary, and the pressure can only proceed from the living protoplasm in the cell-chambers ; con- sequently the process of freezing can be most correctlv repre- sented in this way, viz., that the protoplasm becomes stimulated and roused by the lowering of the temperature to transport a por- tion of the water from the interior to the exterior of the cell by means of contraction and pressure. What happens then is accord- ingly not unlike the excretion of watery sap into the intercellular spaces in the stimulated pulvini on the leaf-stalk of Mimosa ; but the advantage obtained by the excretion of water in the two cases is very dififerent. In the cooled leaves the benefit, of course, is to be sought for in the fact that the living portion of the cells is protected from destruction as long as possible by the production of ice crystals in the intercellular spaces. If the water were forth- with frozen inside the cells between the groups of molecules of the living cell body and its wall by a few degrees of cold, fundamental displacements and disorganizations of the groups of molecules would be unavoidable. On the other hand, the ice crvstals on the exterior of the cells do not produce such destruction." Whether cells do or do not extrude water is of course no longer a question. It seems fairly well established that such is the case in Mimosa and the sensitive staminal filaments of the C\"nare:e (Pfefifer), and to the loss of turgidity thus caused, is probably due the movement of the various organs. Water seems to be extruded in nectaries, but there osmosis often seems to plav the * Kerner and Oliver, The Natural History of Plsnts, i: 541. PASSAGE OF WATER FROM PLANT CELL. I O9 most important part. It has for a long time been suggested that the cells of root tissue possibly act as pumps, forcing water into the vessels, and thus causing root pressure, but whether such expulsion of water in the roots actually occurs has as yet never been satisfactorily demonstrated. Droplets appear on the surface of some mycelial threads when kept in a damp atmosphere, also ^ on many plant hairs and on the rhizomes of Alarchantia under similar conditions. To this list might be added a number of other cases (see Pfeffer's Pflanzen Physiologic). Evidence is also gradually accumulating which tends to show that some plants do excrete water at a temperature just above 0° C. We have the casual notice of Molisch that in some stamen hairs of Tradcscaiitia subjected to a temperature of — 5° to — 9° C. for six hours the plasma membrane separated from the wall, but no freezing took place until a temperature of about — 15° C. was reached. If subjected to a temperature of — 15° to — 20° C. the separation from the wall occurred immediately. In Tradcscaiitia Jlri^iiiica, according to Ki^ihne,'^ the changes before freezing are more marked but take place only when the fall in temperature is abrupt and severe. The separations do not always occur, especially when the cooling is slow, and seem rather to be accidental contractions due to the cold stimulus, than general phenomena. Greeleyf has shown that the reduction of temperature to near zero decrees C. for a few hours will cause the animal Stciitor to contract and become cyst-like, probably with the expulsion of water. Threads of Spirogyra became much plasmolized under similar treatment, and Livingston^ has shown that when mounted in oil this plasmolysis is accompanied by an extrusion of droplets of water into the oil. The effect upon both organisms is the same as though they had been placed in a strong osmotic solution. * Kiihne, W. Untersuchungen iiber das Protoplasma. Leipzig, 1864. t Greeley, A. W. On the Analogy between the Effects of Loss of Water ;ind the Lowering of Temperature. Amer. Journ. Physiol. 6: 1 12-128. 1901. t Livingston, B. E. The Role of Diffusion and Osmotic Pressure in Plants. Chicago, 1903 (p. 75). IIO THE PLANT WORLD. Such exudations as above described may be accomplished either by the actual contraction of the protoplasm (cold rigor), or more likelv bv a sudden change in permeability of the membrane to the solute, either over its whole surface or at special points, or per- haps both of these conditions may occur together. Although from the foregoing it appears that, in special cases at least, water may be excreted by the protoplasm, and that such excretion mav, in certain plants at least, be induced by the appar- ently stimulating action of temperatures near the freezing point, still there are some important objections to assuming this to be the way in which all water gets out of the cell to be frozen. In the first place, the fact that a few cases are known where this particular temperature stimulates the protoplasm in this par- ticular way does not warrant us in assuming that all cells are stim- ulated in a similar way at the same temperature. Such a universal phenomenon does not seem probable. The first ice-formation in plant tissue does not take place at o° C, nor even at the freezing point of the tissue, but at a tem- perature several degrees lower, known as the over-cooling point of the tissue. This point is usually lower in proportion to the inaccessibility of the water. Therefore if the water is already present in the intercellular spaces before freezing begins, the over- cooling point will naturally be much raised or will entirely dis- appear under such conditions. It seems necessary to assume then that the critical stimulating temperature corresponds with the overcooling point of the tissue, and it may even be assumed that the overcooling point is determined by this critical temperature. Since the overcooling point is nearly at the same temperature in the majority of plants, the range of the critical temperature would be still further limited, and therefore the theory becomes still less probable, especially since all these phenomena may appar- ently be explained in a much simpler manner. A third objection lies in the fact that similar ice crusts and ice masses form in connection with dead material of various sorts where there can be no question of the activity of the protoplasm in excreting water. PASSAGE OF WATER FROM PLANT CELL. I I I We may now turn to the other theory, here designated for con- venience the " attraction " theory. In ordinary plant tissue containing intercellular spaces the fol- lowing conditions are present. In the interior of the cell first we find a cell sap of varying concentration, the quantity of which is conditioned principally by the size of the cell. Outside of this is the protoplasmic layer containing a considerable quantity of water, usually from 60 to 90 per cent. This is in direct contact with the cell wall, which in turn contains from 30 to 60 per cent, of water. Bordering on the wall is the free atmosphere of the intercellular space. The water contained in the wall and in the protoplasm is water of imbibition, in the limited sense of the word. The term " cap- illary water " is usually applied to water of imbibition in spaces large enough to be readily detected, and in which most of the molecules of the liquid are out of range of the molecular forces of the substance with which the liquid is in contact. These extreme conditions are connected by insensible gradations dependent upon the size of the minute chambers in which the water is contained. The forces acting to inject the liquid into the substance are pri- marily the same in either case, namely, the great attraction of the molecules of the one for those of the other. The fact that a substance swells implies that the molecules of the liquid have a greater attraction for those of the substance than the latter have for each other, at least than they have for each other in some directions. The result is that the particles of liquid prv and wedge themselves between those of the substance, forcing the latter apart. The particles later to enter, however, cannot come as near the substance as did the first ones, and hence their action is less intense. Perhaps the physicist more accurately describes this wedging power of the liquid when he says that it depends upon the concavity of the meniscus at the end of the minute water columns entering the substance. The smaller the capillarv canals the more concave is the meniscus, and hence the greater will be the penetrating force. Therefore, as the substance becomes more saturated the force rapidly decreases. A substance that cannot swell is simply one in which the molecules have a I I 2 THE PLANT WORLD. greater attraction for each other than tliey have for water. In a substance that swehs only to a hmited extent it seems necessary to postulate a difference of attractive force among the molecules in different directions ; for otherwise liquid would continue to be injected, though with gradually decreasing force, until the whole substance went into a condition resembling solution. We may sav, therefore, that water will continue to be absorbed by such a substance until the attractive forces of the molecules in the substance in direction of their strongest action equilibrate with the constantly diminishing force of penetration of the liquid. It must of course be assumed that the attractive forces among the mole- cules of the substance in their strongest direction are stronger than those of the fluid for the same molecules. From this it follows that the first particles of the fluid pene- trate and are held with greatest force. Since the molecular forces in all substances act only through an exceedingly short distance, and the meniscus of the capillary in-flowing streamlets becomes rapidly less concave as the streamlets grow larger, the force of imbibition decreases very rapidly. As quoted by Pfeft'er, Reinke found in a frond of Laminaria that while it required but sixteen atmospheres pressure to squeeze out water when the content was 63 per cent., it required two hundred atmospheres to cause the same result when the content was reduced to 48 per cent. This point becomes of very great importance in the theory of freezing, as we shall see later. The force of imbition for the first molecules absorbed is often enormously great. Rodewald found that this for starch was equal to about 2,523 atmospheres. Hales found that swelling peas could lift a weight of 83.5 K. or about 185 pounds. An experiment instituted by Sachs showed the great strength of this force in an impressive manner. He found that if asphalt lack was spread upon a very dry bladder-membrane or bibulous paper, and then well dried, it would adhere to these substances with enormous force. An attempt to separate the two usually resulted in tearing oft" thin layers of the membrane or paper. If, however, the paper was brought in contact with water, so that imbibition commenced, the lack would soon be separated PASSAGE OF WATER FROM PLANT CELL. I I 3 in great flakes. The molecules of water force their way between the lack and the paper and literally pry the two apart. Water imbibed from solutions usuall}' leaves the solute behind and penetrates the substance in an almost pure state. The water contained in the cell wall especially is probably nearly pure. The purity is somewhat proportional to the force required to penetrate the substance. Xot only will an imbibing' substance, if homogeneous or nearly so throughout, contain water in the interstices between the par- ticles of which it is composed, but also the same forces acting will cause molecules of water to become attached to the surface par- ticles as well, thus fc^rming a layer of water over the whole surface of the substance. The above experiment with lack and paper con- stitutes a very pretty demonstration of the presence of such a laver, as does also the fact that the surface of an imbibing body reacts toward oils and resins in the same way as does the surface of free water. Oils and resins will not adhere to the surface of a soaked body of this sort. Such a layer of water then covers the surface of both cell wall and protoplasm, but that upon the outer surface of the protoplasm and the one on the inner face of the cell wall, when these two structures are in contact, necessarily fuse into one. Since the molecular force in a given substance is constant, it fol- lows that the thickness of the water film will depend upon the quantity of water at command. In general, the more water pres- ent the thicker will be the layer and the less firmh- will it be held by the substance, since some of the particles are necessarilv at a distance from those of the substance attracting them. The plant cell then is essentially a system composed of the fol- lowing parts : A film of nearly pure water of varying thickness bordering on the intercellular space ; a cell wall filled with water of imbibition, which is continuous with the water of imbibition in the protoplasm ; and a cell sap which is continuous with the water in the protoplasm. Normally the whole system forms a complex in a state of equilibrium.* If water is taken from one member of the series a readjustment will follow throughout the whole. * See also Miiller-Thurgau. Ueber das Gefrieren und Erfrieren der Pflanzen. Landw. Jahrb. 9: 1880, see page 144 and 145. 114 THE PLANT WORLD. When a substance passes from the hquid to the soHcl state through change in temperature or pressure, in many cases it does so by the formation of crystals. The size of the crystals depends mainly upon the accessibility of the liquid and the rate of fall in temperature, or rise in pressure, being smaller when this is rapid and when the fluid is more inaccessible, and vice versa. Fig. i8. Diagram illustrating the water-system concerned in the form- ation of ice crystals in intercellular spaces, a. Intercellular space ; b, prismatic ice crystal ; c, superficial water film ; d, cell wall ; e, protoplasm ; f, vacuole containing cell sap. The formation of a crystal is accompanied by the exhibition of considerable force on the part of the molecules on entering into it. To prevent more molecules of the liquid from being applied and added to the crystal an enormous force is often required. This is nowhere better shown than in the expansive force of newly forming ice which can even rend rocks asunder, break iron bands, etc., when properly applied. This, however, is molecular force pure and simple, and can act oidy at an infinitesimal distance from the forming crystal. Material can be drawn to a forming crystal PASSAGE OF WATER FROM PLANT CELL. I 1 5 only very indirectly. The molecular force drawing the fluid particles to the crystal becomes more intense in proportion as the temperature falls or pressure increases. It follows also that any force acting in opposition to this molecular force will tend to retard the crystallization. Such a force acts when a liquid is a solvent in a solution, or is water of imbibition in a swollen sub- stance. In either case the molecules of the solute or substance, as the case may be, in one sense exhibit an attraction for those of the liquid, tending to prevent the latter from passing to the crystal. Consequently, crystallization will take place with more ease in pure liquids free from solute or from imbibition. This really means that crystallization will take place at a higher tem- perature and lower pressure in pure liquids. We are now in position to determine what will occur when the temperature falls below the zero point centigrade in succulent plants provided with intercellular spaces as are all leaves, stems, tubers, roots, etc. Of the system outlined in a previous paragraph, w^ater film, cell wall, protoplasm and cell sap, the water is held most firmly by the cell wall, less so by the more porous protoplasm, still less so by the cell sap of varying concentration, and least firmly by the surface film of nearly pure water on the outside of the wall and lining the intercellular space. In this layer, as it exists normally adjacent to the free space, only the inner mole- cules are held firmly by the wall particles. The outer ones are held less and less firmly until the outermost are barely able to maintain their position. Therefore as the temperature gradually falls crystals will begin to form in this surface film rather than in any other part of the ■cell. This explains the occurrence of ice only in the intercellular spaces. The passage of water from the cell to these crystals may be conceived of as taking place in either of two ways : (a) The formation of the crystal takes water from the surface film with considerable force, thus leaving the surface of the wall Avithout its quota of water of imbibition, and that force will then rapidly increase at that point. Following ordinary physical laws I l6 THE PLANT WORLD. the water will move through the cell wall until this increase in imbibition force is equalized. For this purpose water will be taken from the inner wall layers, thus increasing their power of imbibition. They in turn will be supplied by water from the pro- toplasm, and this in turn by the cell sap. In other words, a read- justment of equilibrium will occur throughout the whole svstem. As crystallization progresses, more and more water will be ab- stracted from this system until finally the force of imbibition becomes sufiiciently strong to equilibrate the molecular force of crystallization, at which time the growth of the crystal necessarily ceases. Not all the water passes from the cell on freezing, but only a part of it. depending upon this equilibration of forces. No further freezing will now occur unless the temperature again falls, thus causing an increase in strength of the force of crystallization. More water will then pass to the crystal until equilibrium is again established. Naturally the greatest quantity of water which will move through the wall to equalize the disturbance in the system will come from the regions where the force of imbibition is least, namely, from the cell sap. Consequently, in freezing, the sap is the first to lose water, then the protoplasm, and finally the cell wall. The quantity of water lost is greatest from the cell sap and least from the cell wall. The quantity of water in the protoplasm will not decrease until the force of imbibition in the cell sap reaches in intensity that acting upon the molecules of water held weakest in the protoplasm. ^A. like relation will exist between the protoplasm and the cell wall. Even after water has begun to be extracted from all these layers the larger quantity will for some time continue to be extracted from the sap and protoplasm. The greater quantity of the water to form the ice crystals in plants therefore comes from the cell sap and the next largest quantity from the protoplasm. (b) It may be assumed that the crystal actually draws water toward itself. This it might do in this way. The water through- out, not only the cell, but the whole adjacent tissue may be con- ceived to be a connected whole possessing an adhesion and rigidity PASSAGE OF WATER FROM PLANT CELL. I I / of molecular structure under certain conditions, as is now often assumed in the water-adhesion theory of the ascent of sap. Xow, if a molecule is taken from this body of water at the crystal surface we may conceive that the whole structure will be pulled along one molecule nearer the crystal, and so on. This is similar to ])ulling on the end of a string, thereby moving all the molecules of the string along a similar distance. The greatest objection to this idea that the crystal pulls the water out lies in the doubt as to whether water of imbibition possesses a rigidity similar to that of a column of great diameter. Either of these views will explain the formation of ice-masses where the water passes to the crystals from a distance much greater than the diameter of the cell, as it does sometimes for a distance of many cells. There may be either a general equaliza- tion of imbibition or a pulling on the various strings of water as above indicated. Either view will also explain the formation of ice-crusts and ice-masses in connection with dead tissue, for the conditions iiT dead material as regards surface film and water of imbibition are essentially the same as in living tissue. In the case of living cells, to the force of imbibition in the sap and protoplasm must also be added the osmotic force of the cell. The ice crystal in abstracting water from these two struc- tures must overcome both sets of forces. Since, however, as com- pared with the force of imbibition in moderately dry substances, the osmotic pressure is never very great, this last factor is of importance only at the very inception of freezing. In tender tissue killed bv freezing it would disappear very soon. Normal tissue usually contains a large quantity of water and the series of structures concerned in freezing are nearly saturated with water of imbibition. Hence when freezing first begins very little force is required to abstract the water, but as the process goes on the imbibition-force regularly but rapidly increases until it becomes very great, as we have already seen. \\^ith the force of crystallization the increase is not regular. Before freezing begins the force is absent. With the first crvstal-formation it Il8 THE PLANT WORLD. rises abruptly and becomes very strong ; and with the decrease in temperature thereafter it continues to rise gradually but very much less rapidly than at first. The result is that when tissue freezes a very large quantity of water is abstracted at the start to form the first particles of ice, but with each degree of fall in temperature thereafter only a very small quantity is lost by the cell. This quantity becomes less and less with each degree, since the imbibition force increases at a more rapid rate than the force of crystallization."^ In conclusion, then, it may be said that the water comes out of the cell during freezing either through the equalizing action of the force of imbibition following the abstraction of water by the crystal from the surface film lining the intercellular space, or through the pulling action of the ice crystal at the end of minute but possibly rigid columns of water which extend into the cell. Until the rigidity of this capillary water is demonstrated the former method is the more probable. The extrusion of water by the protoplasm of certain plants at low temperatures can be con- sidered only as an accidental, not a necessary, phenomenon as far as the freezing process is concerned. Botanical Symposium. — The third annual meeting of the Botanical Symposium will be held from July 2d to 9th, 1906, at Mountain Lodge, Little Moose Lake, Old Forge, N. Y. Through the courtesy of the members of the Adirondack League Club the privilege of occupying the club house for one week is extended to the members of the Conference. Tickets should be bought to Fulton Chain Station on the Adirondack Division of the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. Single fare from Xew York City $6.46. Board $2.50 to $3.00 a day. Stages will meet the party at Fulton Chain Station. Those expecting to attend are requested to notify Mr. Joseph Crawford, Secretary, 2824 Frankford Avenue, Philadel- phia, Pa. * Cf. Sachs' " Lelirhuch," and Muller-'rinirgau's work for accounts of the physics of freezing, in the main sinnlar to the one here given. SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OF NATIVE PLANTS. II9 MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF NATIVE PLANTS. At the fifth annual meeting of the Society for the Protection of Native Plants, held in Boston on March 24th, an interesting address was made by Professor IMerritt L. Fernald. of the Gray Herbarium, Cambridge, who acted as chairman of the meeting in the absence of the president, Professor Robert T. Jackson. Certain important facts were presented regarding the flora of this country ; first, the rapid changes from causes which we can not influence, such as the inevitable destruction of native plants resulting from the building of towns and highways, and the culti- vation of large tracts of farm lands. Where, from any cause, woodland disappears, the delicate wild flowers, which flourish only in their native soil of leaf-mould, are also sure to disappear. As soon as we dry out the humus, whether by burning, cutting out, or building, these somewhat fastidious plants have to go, with no hope of return. Plants which like open spaces are more apt to be coarse and showy, unlike the woodland flowers. Many of these, like the golden-rod and asters, are native and spread rap- idly into cleared spots, but in the neighborhood of large towns even these coarse and vigorous natives find themselves crowded by the coarser and more vigorous roadside plants of Europe. Such plants come from Europe with the populations which have emigrated, the seeds being brought in clothing, blankets, etc. ; and having had generations of breeding under hard conditions, they find nothing to hinder their growth. Over six hundred of them, familiarly known as weeds, are now among our wild plants, and at no very distant time they will cover the con- tinent. Already, over large tracts of our prairie region, the native flora is vanishing, or has actually vanished, and the wild flowers are of the weed-like type. To check the coming in of this coarse, vagrant type we should encourage the setting apart, for the public, of spots of woodland, where natural conditions can be maintained. I 20 THE PLANT WORLD. Create a sentiment against spreading rubbish and ashes through the woods and in ravines, which kills all delicate growths and as surely invites the coarse. Reach, if possible, the influential people in suburban places, that their aid may be secured against this evil. The corresponding secretary of the Society in her annual report told of the work that is being done b\- the hundred or more persons acting as secretaries in difi^erent localities. Extracts from their letters were read, which gave interesting experiences and offered most helpful suggestions. If all of our 1,400 members would constitute themselves such secretaries and make a point of keeping on hand and distributing leaflets, the influence of the Societv would without doubt be largely increased and many persons brought into touch with it who otherwise might never have the chance of helping in this cause. One leaflet, Xo. 11, a reprint of an article in The Plant World, entitled "A Treasure-Spot of Wild-flowers,"""^ was issued last year. During the spring and summer leaflets and posters were sent to hundreds of schools, camps, boarding-houses and summer resorts, and in the autumn letters were sent to clergymen, shopkeepers and persons likely to give large entertainments, re- garding the use of laurel and other evergreen for decoration. Our literature was also sent to Milage Improvement Societies and to Women's Clubs in Massachusetts. Publishers have kindly sent out many hundreds of slii)s in their nature books ; and posters have been put up in railroad stations and other public places. A poster printed on cotton for use in arbutus localities is now ready and new leaflets will soon be issued. All literature of the Society will be sent free of charge by applying to Miss Maria E. Carter, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass. Membershi]) in the Society is free. Sustaining members are those who contribute one dollar annually, or a larger sum at any one time. It is desired to increase the membership list ; and per- sons interested are asked to send new names to the corresponding secretary. The following officers were reelected for the year 1906: Hon- orary president, Mrs. Asa Gray: iiresident, Robert T. Jackson, * Vol. 8, no. 3, March, 1905, p. 76. SUMMER COURSES IN BOTANY. 121 Cambridge; vice-presidents, Benjamin L. Robinson, Cambridge; George L. Goodale, Cambridge ; Merritt H. Fernald, Cambridge ; George H. Martin. State Board of Education, Boston ; Treasurer, Miss Amy Folsom, 88 ^larlborough Street, Boston ; Secretary, Miss M. E. Carter, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston ; corresponding secretary. Miss Margaret E. Allen, 12 Marlborough Street, Boston. Margaret E. x\llen, Corresponding Secretary. SUAEMER COURSES IX BOTANY. For the benefit of those of our readers who are contemplating summer study, we give a list of the summer courses in botany of which announcements have been received. Woods Hole, ]\L\ss. AFvrine Biological Laboratory. June I TO October i. Staff : Dr. Bradley Moore Davis,* assistant professor of botany, University of Chicago ; Dr. George T. Moore, Washington, D. C. ; James J. Wolfe, adjunct professor of biology. Trinity College, Durham, N. C. ; Lillian J. MacRae, collector in botany. Courses; Iiiz'esfigafion: A. Under supervision — Morpliologw Plant Physiograpliy. B. Without supervision — information by writing to Dr. George T. Moore, Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. Botanical instrnction : July 5 to August 16. Thallophytes, Drs. Moore and Wolf; Plant Life-hisfories. Dr. Moore and assistant. Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island. Biological Lap.oratory OF the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. July 2 to August 18. Staff: Dr. D. S. Johnson, Johns Hopkins University; Dr. E. N. Transeau, Alma College; Harlan H. York, A.^L, Columbia University. * Absent in 1906. 122 THE PLANT WORLD. Courses: Cryptogauiic Botany, Dr. Johnson and 'Sir. York; Ecology, Dr. Transeau ; Adz'anced U\?rk in Cryl^fogainic Botany or Ecology, by arrangement ; Inz'csfigation. For further information address Professor Frankhn W. Hooper, 502 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, or Professor Charles B. Davenport, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, X. Y. Minnesota Seaside Station. Port Renfrew, British Columbia. July 8 to August 18. Staff: Professors MacMillan, Tilden. Butters and Rosendahl. Courses: General Algology; for teachers. Algology; for ad- vanced students. Morphology and Ecology of Kelps. Nature Study, Taxonomy of the Conlferae. Taxonomy of the Angio- spermae. For further information address Professor Conway Mac^lillan, Universitv of Minnesota, Alinneapolis, Alinn. Cornell University, Fihaca, N. Y. July 5 to August 15. Staff: Assistant Professor W. W. Rowlee, Dr. E. J. Durand, Dr. K. M. Wiegand. Courses: Elementary Plaiit Physiology and Morphology, Dr. Durand ; Special Morphology of the Higher Plants, x\ssistant Pro- fessor Rowlee; Organography and Identification of the Higher Plants, Dr. Wiegand ; Taxonomy and Embryology of the Bryo- phytes and Perns, Dr. Durand ; Trees and Shrubs, Biological and Taxonomic Study of Trees, Assistant Professor Rowlee. Ecology of Plants, Dr. Wiegand. Harvard University, Cambridge, ]\Iass. July 5 to August 15. Staff: Dr. Robert Greenleaf Leavitt, Dr. Minton Asbury Chrysler, John Galentine Hall, A.^I. Courses : Introductory Course: Structure, Physiology and Ecol- ogy of Flozceriiig Plants, Dr. Leavitt and Mr. Hall ; Morphology, Histology and Ecology of Elowering Phuits, Dr. Chrysler. For further information address Dr. M. A. Chrysler, 61 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Mass. of interest to teachers. 1 23 New York University. University Heights, New York City. July 2 to August 10. Staff: Dr. C. Stuart Gager, New York Botanical Garden. Courses: Introductory Botany, Dr. Gager. Rcscarcli Course. Research work under the direction of the scientific staff of the New York Botanical Garden. OF LXTEREST TO TEACHERS. Edited by Dr. C. Stuart Gager. Meeting of Biology Teachers of New York City. — At a meeting of the New York Biology Teachers' Association, held at the Board of Education, on April 27th. four of the principals in the high schools of Greater New York, upon invitation, pre- sented their views on " \"alue and Scope of First-year Biology." Dr. Felter, of the Girls' High School, Brooklyn, was the first speaker. He expressed the opinion that biology is a successful first-}ear subject. In the first place, the fact that 95 per cent, of the girls like the subject seems a strong argument in its favor. Then biological science trains the powers of observation and ex- pression, and correlates these powers as manifested in laboratory drawings and records : the faculties thus developed are an aid to the pupil in other subjects. Dr. Felter declared it absurd to expect thoroughness on the part of high school pupils : if thev are trained to see more things, and more details in each thing ; if relations can be seen and the power to classifv facts gained through the study of biology, the subject more than justifies its position in the course. Dr. Wight, of the Wadleigh High School, the next speaker, crit- icized the course in biology as not developing the same degree of scholarship in the pupil as do the other subjects. The fault lies in the content of the present course which is far too compre- hensive and therefore superficial. He advocated the exclusion of human physiology and the relegation of this subject to the depart- ment of physical training. The course would be further im- 124 THE PLANT WORLD. proved if one subject only — either botany or zoology — were taught for the entire year. Dr. Wight advocated botany because of its higher aesthetic value, and because a certain degree of cor- relation with zoologv could be brought about in the lower ])lant forms — (which could then be treated from the evolutional stand- point) — and in the cases where there are interrelations between plants and insects. The objection that plants are farther removed from humanity than animals, and that the zoological side of the subject is thus almost wholly neglected, would be counterbalanced by the advantage of a fuller knowledge of the local flora, and the sounder scholarship which would thus be induced. Dr. Gunnison, of the Erasmus Hall High School, who followed Dr. Wight, declared that biology has not the same determining efifect upon the life of the pupil that the other suljjects have. There is alwavs a certain proportion of students who like one or more of the other subjects well enough to desire to continue them further in the high school course. This is not the case with biol- ogy, as few students profess interest in this science. Dr. Gun- nison suggested that the trouble might lie in the fact that the city is the wrong place in which to teach biology. All the charm which comes from seeking out and finding the desired object is necessarily lost in the city course ; thus the vital force is missed, and the subject is not a success. Dr. Denbigh, of the Morris High School, was the last speaker. He expressed the opinion that it would be well-nigh impossible to make the first-year biology course too simple. This course is successful when it secures three objects — the power of scientific thinking, as wide a knowledge as possible of the animal and vege- table kingdoms, and the development of a permanent interest which will increase the pupil's power of enjoyment in his sur- roundings. From this point of view, the insistence upon details of structure and elaborate drawings is pernicious ; precise scholar- ship should not be exacted or expected. Dr. Denbigh emphasized the fact that field work can be most valuable in arousing interest ; and the importance of learning biology is exactly proportional to the difficulty of reaching the plant or animal. This subject pro- vides a training which the student lacks and therefore needs ; and A CORRECTION. I 2 5 conseqiientlv there is no more valuable cultural study than first- vear biology. It fulfills Huxley's requirement of knowledge — that of making a man live more happily and usefully. In summing up the results of the discussion. Dr. Peabody, chairman of the meeting, called attention to the fact that nobody had opposed the subject as such ; and that the lines in which liiol- ogy seems in need of improvement are in the simplification of the subject matter, in the emphasizing of the development of power rather than of expression of fact, and in the presentation of the threads of unity in the biological field. E. M. K. A CORRECTIOX. In the article by Dr. Leavitt on the sensitive lip of Masdcz'allia niiiscosa in the April issue of the Plant World, through a typo- graphical error, the word " smelling"" appears (page 79) instead of " swelling."" In calling attention to this mistake the author writes: " I have no desire to impute to this orchid pow'ers more remarkable than that which it really possesses. The sudden closing of the flower is in no sense to be regarded as a sneeze."' t/) o o -1 C^ Volume 9 Number 6 The Plant World JUNE, 1906 THE DISIXTEGRATIXG INFLUENCES OF TROPICAL PLANTS. By Mel. T. Cook, Ph.D.. Agricultural Station. Santiago dc las J'cgas, Cuba. The literature upon the methods of plant distribution and the influences of plants upon their surrounding-s is voluminous, and yet much more might well be written on this very interesting and important subject. Wherever the conditions will permit, plants are continually migrating" into new territory, and thev are also continually making' their old homes unfit for themselves but suitable for other species. In this work, in connection with frost, and water, and animals, thev become one of the greatest leveling forces of nature. They stop the flow and change the courses of rivers : they fill the lakes, converting them into marshes and then into dry land ; they incroach upon the ocean coast line and gradually push it out farther and farther ; they help to level the hills and to tear down the mountains. Neither are the\- respecters of the works of man, for the}" attack and destrov his greatest and noblest structures. His largest castles, temples, and monuments become vine clad, old, ancient, and then historical men"iories, in rapid succession. In no part of the western hemisphere is this better illustrated than in the old Spanish fortifications in and around Havana. Here, far south of the frost line, plants become the n"iost im- portant factor in this slow but sure work of destruction ; and, unconfused with other disintegrating" factors, their work is all 129 130 THE TLANT WOKLU. the more conspicuous. The most important and best known o' these fortifications are Morro Castle anrl Cabanas. Built as a defence against the " flesh and the devil," Morro only has expe- rienced one siege, and yet both are being rapidly disintegrated through the agencies of nature. Morro is much the older, hav- ing been completed in 1597, while Cabanas was begun in 1763 and completed in 1774. And yet Cabanas looks as old or older than Morro. For generations these immense piles of masonry have stood as military scarecrows to all the rest of the civilized world, only to be destroyed by the slow but ever working forces of nature. Crossing the harbor from Havana, the visitor lands at the foot of a covered road which leads up to the south entrance of Cabanas and into " Los Fosos de los Laureles " (the laurel ditch) with its thick walls of masonry forty feet in height. \\'ithin this moat are a number of very large laurel trees (Ficiis iiitida) and at various places through this and other moats are numerous plants of many species. Of the trees, the most common are the Delonix rcgia (royal poincianas), Ficiis iiitida (laurel) and occa- sionally some others. Among the smaller plants the following species are very abundant: Riciiuis sp., Solauuiii vcrbasifoUnm and other solanaceous plants, Ipoiiia:a doiiiciii^iiiciisis. Hauielia patens, Moiiiordica charantia, Cordia sp., Tribiihis cistoides, Iresinc paiiiciilata. Bidriis hicaiifha, J'aclwlla fanicslaiia, Stachy- tarpheta jainaicciisis. Tunicra uluufolia, Porfiilaca sp., Stcno- lohinni staiis and a number of Compositge and Gramine?e. Many of the above mentioned plants grow in holes and crev- ices of the walls, but by far the most conspicuous of these wall plants is Rhytidophy/hiin crcmilatuni (see Fig. 19) which grows everywhere over the surface of the walls. The plant belongs to the family Gesneracese, and the genus is restricted to the Greater Antilles. This species, though comparatively rare, grows upon the rocks along the coast. The wonder is how this vigorous plant can secure a foothold and nourishment in these walls, and yet it seems to take advantage of every opening, however small, and grows in luxuriant abundance. Its work as a disintegrating factor is undoubtedly very important. DISINTEGRATING INFLUENCES OF TROPICAL PLANTS. I3I Several grasses, two or three species of small ferns, and many other plants are to be seen helping in this work of destruction, and here and there a small tree may be observed widening the small crevice which gives it a foothold. The leveling influence of the vegetation upon these fortifications is very evident to the most casual observer. Here, practically unaided by any other influence than the vandalism of the tourist, the tropical vegeta- tion is slowly but surely obliterating the pride of Spain's militarv rule in the western hemisphere, that last outpost against modern progress, the key to the west. Phenological Records for 1905. — During the past year phe- nological records were kept showing the dates of certain stages in the development of vegetation in New York State. The for- est trees showed first leaves about oVIay 3d to 5th, and the woods were generally green by May 14th. The leaves began coloring September i6th, and began falling from October 4th to 21st, according to the kind of tree. The woods were generally bare by Xovember 5th. Of the five principal fruit trees in the State, viz., apple, peach, pear, plum, and cherry, the apple showed first leaves earliest, ]\Iay 3d, and the plum latest, May 6th. The peach bloomed earliest, first bloom showing ]\Iay 5th and being in full bloom by May loth ; then followed the. plum, the cherry, the pear, and last the apple, which bloomed May i6th to 23d. The period of harvest for the cherry was June 29th to July i6th ; for the peach, July 26th to October 5th ; for the plum, September 3d to 20th ; for the pear, September 4th to October 5th, and for the apple, September 15th to October 25th. — Climate and Crops: A'czv York Section. Jan.. IQ06. ox THE ^lOUNTAIN TOP. Bv Geo. E. Osterhout. Almost every one enjoys mountain elimbing' and standing on a mountain top, if only for the satisfaction of putting it under one's feet. It is an undertaking accomplished and an aspiration satisfied. I have always enjoyed reaching the summits of our Rocky Mountains, even if these were not the summits of the highest peaks. The debris l}"ing at the foot of the chasms and the partly thawed lakes look as if some of the old world were yet in the making. The boundless range of vision, and the being amid the alpine summits is a rare experience. I wish to write here of two little trips — a day each — when on horse-back and alone I rode from Moraine Park to the top of the range to collect botanical specimens. The first trip was on a dav in July and the second on a day in August of another year. The high mountains, like the plains, have a succession of flower- ing plants, though the season is short, and I made the change of time to get a greater variety of specimens. Leaving the valley I rode leisurelv u]) an old trail made years ago by miners pros- pecting for gold on the north fork of the Grand river, and ascended a hill-side to the crest of a ridge. Far below, the waters of the Thompson river coming from the canyon above, wound their \va\- through the valley and meadows and glinted and sparkled in the sunlight ; and across the valley and beyond the hills to the southward rose the grand ])roportions of Long's Peak. Before me was a vallev into which the trail descended ox THE MOUNTAIN TOP. I 33 and then continued up it to the timber-hne. Throug-h this valley ran a little rivulet, fed b}' the melting snow-banks on the moun- tain above. Once the valley and hill-sides had been clothed with spruce and pine, but thirty or more years ago they had been fire- swept, and for the most part were now barren and desolate, and the rocks and soil reflected the heat of the summer sun. A few quaking" aspens were growing in clumps : a few will(^ws flourished along the little rivulet, and a number of small flowering plants — among them Pciitstcnioii i:;laucus stciioscpalits, one of the niost beautiful of our pentstemons. found here a favorable habitat. A short distance below where the trail enters the valley ends, and a precipitous mountain side slopes to the park. A glacier once came down the Thompson canyon, leaving a lateral moraine along the mountain side, and this moraine, crossing the brink of the valley, had dammed the little rivulet and made a swampy place which now is mostly covered by willows and several old spruce trees. Just above timber-line the trail turns aside to a spring of the purest cold water. Have not we noticed that all roads and trails have a side-path to the springs? " Sometimes there comes a taste surpassing sweet Of common things — the very breath I take ; A draught from some cool spring amid the brake." A steep ascent along the zigzag trail brings one out onto the summit of the range, which here is cjuite broad and compara- tively level. It is made of broken rock which has gathered soil and been beautified by nature with such plants as the soil and climate permit to grow. Grasses and sedges form most of the covering, but among them grow many of the higher flowering plants of an alpine sort: the gentian, Goifiami frii^^ida: the primrose, Priiinila air^iistifolla : Sicz'crsia tiirbiiiafa : Phlox ccrs- pitosa : SHeiic acaulis; painted-cup, Castillcja occidciifalis : Tctra- iiciirls acaulis. Rydbergia grandiHom, Polygonum bistoridcs, Paronicliia pulvinata. Here for the first time I collected Cam- panula unitlora, a little plant which extends from the Colorado Rocky Alountains to the arctic regions. On the July day when I was here a snow bank lay on the level mountain top, and about the snow and growing up through its edges were the large golden 134 'J'HE PLANT WORLD. vellow blossoms of the buttercup, Ranunculus adoncus. The snow which Hes on the mountain tops until summer becomes coarsely granular and hard, and it seems strange that this par- ticularly tender and fragile buttercup should push its way throus'h the hard icv snow. I have always found it blossoming close to retreating snow, and have noticed that some other plants blossom under like conditions. The dogs-tooth violet is ordi- narily an early spring flower, but I have seen it in full blossom beside a retreatuig snow bank on the high mountains in the mid- dle of August. No matter what the time of year, it is spring only when the snow melts, and early spring beside a retreating snow bank. While busily engaged in getting some of the Ramincuhis I was attracted by a slight noise, and looking round saw within a few feet of me a mother Ptarmigan which had hidden at my ap- proach ; and looking more carefully I saw several chicks which could not have been many hours out of the shell. Both the mother and chicks were so like the color of the rocks and soil that it was difificult to see them. I put my hat over and then held in my hand several of the little brown bodies, which were feathered to the toes. In the middle foreground as I came out on the mountain top is a ledge of rock standing ten to fifteen feet above its surround- ings, and on the western edge another ledge. Soil has accumu- lated in the crevices and on the less precipitous places, and it was about these ledges that I found the most interesting collecting, particularly on the eastern side which is sheltered from the cold west winds. Growing in the crevices was the alum-root, HcucJicra bractcosa. which is almost always found in the crev- ices of ledges; Orco.vis luunilis. a very small umbellifera which blossoms in July and reaches the fruiting stage about the middle of August; cinque-foil, Potcufil/a iiiz'ca; mountain sorrel, O.vyria digyna; Macroncnia {^ygtjucuni : and Saxifraga ccnnia. About the bases of the ledges, sheltered by large boulders which probably hold the moisture, were several larger plants, such as Scnccio Frcinoitti. first collected by Lieut. Fremont and described bv Torrey and Gray in their Flora of North America ; ON THE MOUNTAIN TOP. I 35 columbine, Aqnilegia cccnilca, a beautiful and showy plant which begins to blossom along the foot-hills in May and reaches the alpine districts in August; Hcuchcra parvifoUa. another plant which grows from the foot-hills to alpine heights ; Mcrtcnsia Parryi, a species recently described by Dr. Rydberg, and Ribcs parviflora. Growing on the western ledge was the somewhat rare cinque-foil, Potciitilla ituiHora. It had been growing here some time, for the decumbent stems were quite long and their bases covered with dead leaves. It trails close to the rocks, and the flowers are large for the size of the plant. Sheltered by boulders under which one must look to find it was the colum- bine. Aqiiilcgia saximoniajia. and a little farther down among boulders was Angelica Grayi — a plant which for some time was called ArchangcUca Ginclliii. then described by Drs. Coulter and Rose with some assurance as Scliniuii Grayi, and again by them transferred to Angelica, where it now stands. Growing in the more open were such plants as the thistle, Carduus scopnlonim; Polcnioninui confertum mclitiDU, the large flowers varying from deep to light blue ; the dwarf alpine form of the whitlow-grass, Draha strcptocarpa; the alpine form of Clia)niiuiii, we find both bisexual and unisexual spe- cies, this condition indicating that the origin of the male is some- thing very different from a budding oft" from the female. It is true that we have in some species of CEdogoiiiniii certain dwarf males, which become attached to the female, but these are prob- ably to be regarded as degenerate organisms, and surely not as primitive, or as indicating anything regarding the origin of sexes in plants. But it is in his discussion of sex among higher plants that Mr. Ward misses the recent view entirely, and writes of male and female flowers and even of whole sporophytes (roots, stems and leaves) as bisexual, or male and female, not recognizing alter- nation and the sporophytic generation { the plant as we ordi- narily understand it ) , though he does among Thallophytes, Bryo- 1 82 THE PLANT WORLD. phytes and Pteridoph}tes. But after admitting " the true sexual stage" (gametophytic) in lower plants, and that this is followed bv the spore-bearing or sporoph\tic stage, he concludes that " this peculiarity has no bearing on the theory under discussion." We must take issue with this view and insist that in the discussion of sexuality among plants we should hold primarily to the game- tophytic or sexual generation and not follow the obsolete and erroneous view which holds that the sporophyte of higher plants is a sexual structure as A\'ard does in his discussion of fertiliza- tion ( ? ) by insects and in his discussions of staminate and pis- tillate plants of Cannabis safiz'a (hemp), Ambrosia trifida (rag weed) and Aiitciinaria plaiitagiitifolia (Indian tobacco). We do not doubt that there is a physiologi-cal sense in which stamens and pistils may be regarded as sexual structures, as W. F. Ganong has done iSciciicc, April 24. 1903), nor do we doubt that the pistil-bearing sporophytes are much stronger than the stamen- bearing ones in many plants, but it is the distortion of the facts of plant morphology and physiology that is objected to, admit- ting that the real female sexual plant is parasitic on the pistil- bearing sporophyte and that the real male sexual plant is like- wise first integrated with the stamen-bearing sporophyte and afterward a parasite on the stigma of the pistil-bearing sporo- phyte. Whether or not it is true of man, as Havelock Ellis says in his " Man and Woman," that the female, being " the mother of the new generation," is of more importance " from Nature's point of view " than the male, this may be truly said of the plant world, where cephalization has not wrought wonders and where repro- duction and maintenance of the individual and the race seem to be prime functions. Suppose we begin with Spirogyra, a genus in which there is no well-marked differentiation of sexes and where there is no alternation of generations, unless we include in our idea of alternation rejuvenescence without segmentation. In Spirogyra we find the conjugation of non-motile isogametes, and the cell or filament from which the more active gamete passes to the less active through the conjugating tube may be regarded as male. Here we are near the basis of sexual differentiation in THE GYN.ECOCENTRIC THEORY. 1 83 plants, and some observers claim to have found that the receptive cells are of slightly larger size, or in other words, that the incipient female is better developed than the male. Whether such differ- ences in size of male and female plants have been observed in higher unisexual, filamentous algae, where heterogamy prevails, as in Qidogoiiiuiu, the writer is not prepared to state, but doubts not that here the female plant is likewise the better developed. Passing to the Bryophytes (mosses and hepatics), where there is an undoubted alternation of generations, we find that the adult sexual shoot in mosses is often unisexual ( though arising from an embryonic form, the protonema, which often gives shoots of both sexes), and it is a matter of observation in many mosses that the female shoot is larger and stronger than the male. Whether there are instances in which the male moss plant is as well developed as the female, we must leave to the taxonomic bryologist to decide, but the fact is well established that, when the sexual leafy plants are unisexual, the female is commonly stronger than the male. In the lower members of the Bryoph}tes, the hepatics, the unisexual condition is not so frequently found as in mosses, but in Marchaiitia po/yinorpha and some species of Riccia and Prcissia which have unisexual gametophytes, the bet- ter developed female gametophyte obtains as in the mosses. Of course the better development of the female plant in such in- stances is related to higher nutrition required for egg-production, and to the supporting of the sporophyte, either entirely or in part, while the male plant escapes this work of support, which is in a sense a caring for offspring. In the Pteridophytes unisexual gametophytes are more com- mon than among the Bryophytes, and wherever the sexes are dis- tinct, the female is better developed than the male, whether among the homosporous members or among the heterosporous. In our common ferns, the homosporous leptosporangiates, the sex may be governed to some extent in the laboratory, as the writer has done in Asplcniitiu, by sowing some spores on clay and others from the same plant on black soil ; those on the clay gave rise to small males and those on the black soil to similar males ( where crowded ) and, where not so much crowded, to 184 THE PLANT WORLD. plants many times larger, which produced female sexual organs. In those species of the common ferns in which the sexual plants are unisexual, the facts are in accord with Air. Ward's gynaeco- centric theory. With the advent of heterospory, the sexual plants have become uniformly unisexual, and much reduced, never be- coming free from the spores, males developing from microspores and females from macrospores. But here again the females, on which the sporophytes are more or less dependent in their early development, are much less reduced than the males, and therefore the stronger plants. This condition is illustrated in the following well-known genera: Isoctcs, MarsUia, AzoUa, Salvinia and SelagiucUa. Finally, in the Spermaphytes, our common flowering plants, we have great reduction of the sexual generation. Nevertheless, the sexual plants exist in these highest members of the plant world, and the sexes are here uniformly distinct. In the Gymnosperms (conifers for the most part), where the reduction of the male and female gametophytes has not gone so far as in the Angio- sperms (herbs and trees and shrubs other than conifers), the female gametophyte is plainly better developed than the male. In Angiosperms there may be some dispute as to what consti- tutes the female gametophyte, and a new structure, the endo- sperm (which is perhaps a second sporophyte), comes in to aid in the nourishment of the young offspring (sporophyte) of the fe- male gametoph}te. Here not only the male gametophyte, but the female as well, is reduced to little more than reproductive cell or cells, and, consequently, in these highest plants, we may not speak quite so confidently of the superiority of the female over the male gametophyte. And it is just here that Mr. Ward and some other writers bring in the sporophyte, or asexual generation, and regard part or all of it as a sexual structure. We admit readily enough that, in dioecious species, the pistil-bearing sporophyte is often better developed than the stamen-bearing one, and this for the same reason that the female sexual plant is better developed than the male among lower plants, viz., for the nourishment of the sporophyte (here the intraseminal, embryonic sporophyte), which is, for a time, at least largely dependent upon sporophytic (non- THE GYN/ECOCENTRIC THEORY. I 85 sexual) tissues for food. So it comes about that, in plants, the care for offspring is, finally, largely transferred from the female gametophyte to the dioecious or to the monoecious asexual (sporo- phytic) plant. And with this transfer of labor, the difference in degree of development in the two sexes in our highest plants seems to be disappearing. Thus, with the progress of plant evo- lution, sexes have been first differentiated ; then the female sex has become better developed ; and finally the tendency among highest plants is toward equality of the sexes, as Mr. Ward thinks is also the case in higher animals. But in plants equality is ap- proached through reduction, the female remaining plainly the dominant sex, at least until the sexes are reduced, as in Angio- sperms, to little more than reproductive cells. There are many interesting facts which cannot be considered in the present brief survey, but it is hoped that enough has been stated to illustrate the relation of the sexes in plants and to show that, in the main, the facts are still in favor of Mr. Ward's gyn^e- corentric theory. A renewed eft'ort is to be made this year for the creation of a great national park in the southern Appalachian Mountains extending through the western portions of Virginia, North Caro- lina, Georgia, and parts of the mountainous districts of Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama. Coupled with this proposition will be another for the creation of a very much smaller national forest reservation in the White Mountain region of New Hampshire, the destruction of which is eminent unless some action is taken by the national government. Floral Life, August, 1906. 1 86 THE PLANT WORLD. AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF BOTANY IN NEW YORK CITY.* By Henry H. Rusby, :M.D. Dean of the New York College of Pharmacy. II. The New York Botanical Garden. So eager was the desire of the early members of the Torrey Botanical Club to observe how plants lived, that many of those able to own gardens ignored vegetables and flowers, and main- tained little botanical gardens at their homes. As succeeding decades of extending settlement destroyed the localities which had been so greatly prized, the demand for a botanical garden arose independentl}- in the mind of every botanist, professional and amateur. So early as 1874 the club appointed a committee to act with the New York F^harmaceutical Association in re- questing the city to establish such a garden in Central Park. As the educational side of our work grew in importance, and especially in breadth, and as the student body doubled and re- doubled, the cry for the garden grew equally loud from that di- rection, and continued until at length it was satisfied. The great value to Harvard and its work of the well-managed plot that it utilized in this way was appreciated and often discussed at the little meetings which gathered around the old pot stove in Pro- fessor Newberry's room during his presidency of the Club. Under the influence of Columbia's progress, as already de- scribed, it appreciated this want as much, probably, as any other of our botanical elements. Its peculiar relation to the former Elgin Garden was recalled in the public press. A contributor to the New York Herald, of November 26 and 22, 1888, made an ear- nest appeal for the recognition by the city of this great want. Dr. Arthur Hollick, to whose faithful and self-sacrificing work * Portion of an address delivered before the Torrey Botanical Clnb at a special meeting held on May 2^, 1906, in commemoration of the tenth anni- versary of the commencement of work in the development of the New York Botanical Garden. Concluded from the July number. Fig. 26. Palm House of the New York Botanical Garden. (Courtesy of the Garden.) See page 186. DEVELOPMENT OF BOTANY IN NEW YORK CITY. 87 as secretary, our club largely owed its strength for a prolonged period, directed our attention to these articles and proposed that he write an official letter to the Herald endorsing them. Such a letter was authorized, and it appeared on December 2 following. A committee was appointed consisting of Dr. Hollick, Air. E. E. Sterns, and Professor Newberry, to deliberate and report to the club whether it were advisable for us to take anv action for ffl tSS^. Fig. zy. Ph\'siological Laboratory, New York Botanical Garden. (Courtesy of the Garden.) the furtherance of this movement. The possibility of the realiza- tion of our long-cherished hopes now began to take possession of our minds, yet without any very strong hope being entertained. The club had no political influence and little acquaintance with those financial interests the aid of which was rightly deemed to be essential to success. As it resulted, however, some of these men were led to interest theinselves in the proposition, largely 1 88 THE PLANT WORLD. through the influence of Judges Addison Brown and Charles P. Daly, and of Mr. Charles F. Cox and Mr. William E. Dodge. For a long time the idea was regarded with favor in influential circles, but without any definite steps being taken to execute it. Finally, it was remembered that all history teaches that when you have w-earied of discussing a project, and are at length really resolved to carry it out. you must call in the assistance of the women. So a committee of ladies was appointed and held a memorable meeting at the residence of Mrs. Charles P. Daly, which some of the men, your favored speaker among them, were graciously permitted to attend. This influence, while but one of many, each of which was necessary to success, seemed to give the final impetus needed. Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt assumed the financial and executive management of the enterprise, and the stage of organization was reached. C)ne element in the success of the garden that has alread}^ shown itself to possess a value beyond price, and which is certain to do so with increasing clearness in the future, is the protective influ- ence of its charter. Born of the learning, long and wide experi- ence and ripe judgment of Judges Brown and Daly, and occupy- ing their attention for considerably more than a year before they were willing to regard it as satisfactory, it seems to provide for every important contingency that it was possible to foresee, and it promises a safety, permanence and stability that are too often wanting in similar organizations. To enter upon a discussion of the personal credit due in the membership, the boards of man- agers and of scientific directors, and in the garden staff, would be an agreeable pleasure, but I must confine myself to the very earnestly made remark that the great success of the garden has been due to the love of the institution and its work which has animated all concerned in it. It is this which has lent faithfulness, earnestness and energy and has incited to many acts of great sac- rifice. If it could ever be said of any similar institution, we are able to say of this that it is a monument of loving service. I dare not enter upon a detailed history of the garden's devel- opment, and it has been so often and so recently recorded that I do not deem it necessary. An excellent account of its organiza- P^ DKNELOPAIENT OF BOTANY IN NEW YORK CITY. I 89 lion and of Columbia's relation to it by Professor Underwood, can be found in the Columbia Quarterly 4 (1903) : 278. Our charter was secured in 1891 and was amended in 1894. It was agreed upon that 250 acres of park lands should be set apart for our use and $500,000 appropriated for the museum building and conservatories, as soon as an endowment fund of $250,000 was obtained. This fund was completed in 1895. Columbia making the first subscription of $25,000. With the election of Dr. X. L. Britton as director-in-chief, and his selection of a working staff, the preparations were completed and work begun in 1896, the event which we are to-day celebrating. This was the year in which was published the first part of Britton and Brown's '* Il- lustrated Flora." Ground was broken for the museum building in December, 1897, and for the conservatories in 1898. The mu- seum was opened in 1899. In 1898 the bulk of the herbarium of Columbia College, numbering nearly half a million specimens, and of its botanical library, including more than 5,000 bound vol- umes, were turned over to the garden, in trust ^nd for its use, under certain stipulated conditions. Since then the herbarium has been more than doubled, and the library has been enlarged to 18,000 volumes. A vast amount of grading has been done, many miles of walks and roadways built, bridges erected, and a great increase in all the collections has been made. Besides the Bulle- tin and the Journal, regularly published, the garden has entered upon work of a much more ambitious character. Utilizing thet David Lydig fund bequeathed by Mrs. Daly, it has begun the- publication of an elaborate Flora of Xortli America, the first. parts of which have already been published. Provision has beeuz made also for the publication of colored plates of American plants. Among the very important undertakings maintained have been extensive explorations not only in the United States proper, but in such distant regions as the West Indies and the Philippines. A tropical station is maintained in Jamaica for the convenience of visiting botanists. -At the garden a scholarship fund is main- tained by which it is rendered possible for investigators desiring to pursue studies here to be supported for a limited period. 190 THE PLANT WORLD. Only those who have demonstrated their abihty to pursue original investigations are admitted, and these are expected to engage while here in work of that character. ]»kIore than half a hundred such pieces of original investigation have been conducted here in a single year. Our Botanical Garden suffers greatly from the want of a larger endowment fund. Its charter provides for the construc- tion and maintenance of its frame work, but back of this lies the necessit}' for supporting its higher life, and for this support we must naturally look to its endowment. The two should keep close pace. The crown of the greater tree demands a greater root system for its support. Our plant has increased wonder- fully in ten years, both in size and in the intensity of its activity, while the endowment has remained stationary. Its increase to the sum of $1,000,000 has been undertaken, and the amount is none too large and can come none too quickly. One of the special needs of the Garden, or rather of this part of the country through its garden, is a department of forestry. From an economic point of view, this is by far the most im- portant department of botany at the present time. Our need of increased forest resources is already alarming to every serious political economist. When an attempt is made to provide them, we find that we do not know how ; that every tree must be known separately, and that until this is done practical operations must fail ; and that the acquisition of this necessary knowledge is as slow as the growth of the trees themselves. It is urgently neces- sary that such centers of investigation should be established in numbers. Scarcely anywhere is there an institution that com- bines so man}' advantages for a successful organization of this kind as here. Editor'.s Note. — It will be of interest here to speak of the relation of the New York Botanical Garden to public education. Public museums are generally regarded as part of the educational forces of a citv, and teachers of natural science frequently avail themselves of the opportunities oft'ered by visiting the collections with their classes. It is not uncommon to have a special exhibit DEVELOPMENT OF BOTANY IN NEW YORK CITY. 1 9 I for children. Courses of spring and fall lectures on botanical subjects for adults, open to the public without charge, have been a feature of the work of the New York Botanical Garden from the beginning. In the spring of 1905 a new feature in the educational work was inaugurated by the organization of a course of lectures on nature study subjects to the public school pupils of the fourth and fifth grades. The experiment proved so successful that the ar- rangement was continued during the fall months and again this spring. Twice each week, on Tuesday and Fridays, lectures were given by various members of the garden staff to audiences numbering from five hundred to over eight hundred pupils from the fourth and fifth grades. The grades were taken separately, and the pupils were accom- panied by their teachers. The lectures were amply illustrated by lantern views, and at the close the pupils were divided into groups of convenient size and taken by competent demonstrators to the collections, both indoors and out on the plantations, where the subject of the lecture was more full}- illustrated. By this means the pupils of a crowded metropolis are not only brought face to face with the facts of nature, but are given a breadth of view quite beyond the possibilities of the class room alone to confer. The following were the subjects of the lectiuxs this spring: Before Grade 5B — I., Woody plants and plants without wood; Protection of trees in cities. II., Industries depending on for- ests; Plant products. III.. Classification of plants. Before Grade 4 B — I., Cultivation of plants. II., Seedless plants. There has been in bloom at the Xew York Botanical Garden a remarkable plant known as Queen A^ictoria's Agave, the stem of which is out of all proportion to the body of the plant. The latter is fifteen inches high. Above this, the stem extends for ten feet, making a total of eleven feet three inches, the upper four feet and a half of which was covered with flowers. 192 THE PLANT WORLD. TROPICAL EPIPHYTES. By Mel T. Cook, Ph.D., Agricultural Sfatiuu, Santiago dc las Vegas. Cuba. The forests have always been, and probably always will be, especially fascinating to mankind. In our earliest childhood their mysterious depths have concealed the goblins and the fairies, and the love for the first wild flowers of spring have led us on and on until mystery after mystery was explored, but the fascination not lessened. The early settlers of America clung tenaciously to the forests. Where the soil would produce trees it would produce the desired crops, and so the forests were sacrificed and the prairies left un- touched for many years until chance demonstrated their im- portance. Now we lament the wanton destruction of the forests carried on by our forefathers in their fierce struggle with nature. Now we are beginning to appreciate their importance, not only for their commercial value but also for their general influences upon the surrounding country, and for their great beauty. The forests give special character to the country. The pine for- ests of the north and south, the redwood forests of the Pacific coast, the oak, maple, beech and hickory of the central states, and the live oak forests of the gulf and Pacific states each give specific characters to their respective localities. Who has not admired the little spring beauties, dutchman's breeches, and other delicate plants that are sheltered in the northern for- ests, the trailing arbutus of the New England states, the pro- fusion of liliaceous plants of the Pacific coast or the moss of the southern states? And if we leave the bounds of our own country and go into the tropics, there we find new and peculiar forests- each sheltering its own host of smaller plants of various kinds. There we find the massive trees covered with numerous epiphytes, chained together in an almost impenetrable jungle by vines struggling upward to the light. In Cuba, the oldest and the newest of the new world, we meet TROPICAL EPIPHYTES. 193 with these very interesting forests. A careful study of them has never been made, and they will present problems to the scientists for many generations to come. To the casual ob- server, the most striking features of these forests are the epi- phytes which festoon the trees everywhere. The predominating plants among these epiphytes belong to the families Bomeliaceae Fig. 28. '■ Wild Pines " and other Epiphytes. and Orchidaceae. To the family Bromeliaceae belong the so- called Florida moss, Tillaiidsia usncoides, and also that luscious fruit of the tropics, the pineapple. Many of these tropical epi- phytes resemble miniature pineapple plants perched upon th€ branches of the trees. The Orchidacese is one of the most inter- esting families of plants, since it includes some of the most inter- 194 '^HE PLANT WORLD. esting and beautiful of our flowering plants. It is not restricted to the tropics, but reaches its greatest perfection there. Bletia ncrccitiida is said to have been sent from the West Indies to Eng- land as early as 1731 and since then, from time to time, various species of orchids have been sent by officers and missionaries to northern countries where they have been grown in glass houses. Their value as ornamental plants was early recognized and men were tempted by the high prices to take great risks of health and life in exploration in search of them. One of the most interesting lines of study has been the special devices of these plants for in- sect pollination. Aside from their ornamental value the only one of commercial importance is the J\inil/a plaiii folia or the vanilla plant of Mexico which is now cultivated more or less in tropical America. MICROSCOPIC AQUATIC PLANTS AND THEIR PLACE IN NATURE.* Every piece of water, besides containing large plants and ani- mals which are readily visible to the naked eye. harbours a more or less considerable number of minute forms, which pervade all the lavers of the water in varving amount, and collectivelv con- stitute the plankton or pelagic life. The most important difl:'er- ence between the plankton and the remaining flora and fauna of our waters lies in the fact that all the organisms which compose it are free-floating during the greater part of their life. Prac- tically all the pelagic plants belong to the group of the algae, and their minute size, of course, suits them well to a floating existence. A certain number of them are motile (c. g., Volvox, Goniimi, Paiidorina, etc.), and these are able actively to main- tain themselves in their position in the water ; but the large ma- jority are non-motile, and all these forms are slightly heavier than water, and consecjuently tend to sink ; they develop diverse mechanisms, by means of which their power of flotation is in- creased. The most important of these are : assumption of a flat plate-like shape (Pediastniiii, Mcrismopedia, many desmids) ; development of numerous delicate processes from the body of the * Abstract of a lecture on " The Microscopic Plants of our Water," deliv- ered before the London Institution on February ist In- Dr. F. E. Fritsch. TROPICAL EPIPHYTES. I 95 plant (StcphaiiodiscKs, RichicricUa) \ arrangement of the indi- viduals of a colony in a more or less stellate manner {AstcrioiicUa, some TahcUarias) ; assumption of a delicate acicular shape (Syncdra) ; formation of fat in the cell (many Diatoms and Cya- nophyceae). and so on. In spite of these adaptations, however, most of the non-motile organisms of the plankton sink to the bottom of the containing vessel in the space of a few minutes after they have been col- lected. How is it that this does not happen in nature? It has been suggested that the continuous currents in the water, due to the wind and other causes, help to buoy up the organisms of the plankton ; but it is of course also possible that in collecting such delicate forms they are damaged in some way or other so as to deprive them of that power of floating which makes them so well suited to their natural habitat. An interesting point connected with the development of the diverse floating mechanisms is that in some plants they have been found to be far more strongly devel- oped in the summer than in the winter forms ; this is, imdoubtedly, in some way connected with a lower specific gravity of the water in summer, although the exact relation is not yet quite evident. If the plankton of any piece of water is examined from week to week or month to month, we find not only astonishing varia- tions in the quantity of organisms present, but also very marked dift"erences in the specific constitution of the pelagic life. The quantity of the plankton is generally very much less in the winter than in the summer months, and the organisms composing it are quite different in the two seasons. Thus in the Thames there are four well marked annual phases, each characterized by its own peculiar plankton. This periodicity exhibited by the pelagic life stands in close relation to the external seasonal changes ; some of the forms prefer cold, others warm water, and conse- quently they flourish in those seasons which are most to their liking. Some plants are particularly sensitive and consequently only put in appearance for a very short space of time each year. During their period of absence from the plankton these organ- isms persist as resting spores in the mud at the bottom of the piece of water ; when favorable conditions return the spores ger- 196 THE PLANT WORLD. minate. giving' rise to a new generation of pelagic organisms, which by their prohfic division are able in a few days to domi- nate completely a piece of water. The pelagic plants form the food of the animal plankton ; these, again, are devoured by their larger brethren, which are the main source of nutrition for the smaller fishes. The larger fish are mostly carnivorous, feeding on smaller individuals of their kind. The organic matter of the pelagic plants thus gradually travels from one organism to another until it comes to form part of the body of the large aquatic animals ; it passes through a series of incarnations before being returned to the water in the form of excrement or products of decay of dead animal and vege- table bodies. This organic matter is built up by the pelagic plants from simple inorganic salts and from carbon dioxide dis- solved in the water, and these latter substances are thus changed into a form which makes them available to ac^uatic fauna. All the organisms of the latter, as, indeed, all the animals of the world, are ultimately herbivorous. Without some kind of plant growth a piece of water must remain a lifeless, dead mass, unpop- ulated, and a thing apart from the living world around it. The presence of vegetation immediately transforms it into a throbbing imiverse, full of energetic life, exhibiting complex interrelation- ships, and connects it with the remaining parts of our universe. The most important element of the vegetation from this point of view, however, is the phyto-plankton. and a piece of water with plenty of pelagic plants is sure to form a good breeding place for fish and other aquatic animals. — Nofurc, London, March 22, 1906. THE JARDIX DES PLANTES BEFORE AND DURING THE REVOLUTION.* In the Edinburgh Rcviciv for April, 1906, an anonymous writer has given us a charming glimpse into the Jardin des Plantes of two centuries ago. " A long garden, lying low and flat for the most part, planted with inconsiderable trees, it rises imperceptibly from the left bank of the Seine to the further eastern slope of the JNIontagne Ste. Genevieve; crowned * From the Edinburgh Rcz'icu'. ■ THE JARDIX DES TLANTES. 1 97 there by a twy-peaked monticule (not unlike the Dane — John at Canter- bury), planted with a labyrinth of cedars and evergreen trees, some of them old and fine. Everyone knows the Jardin des Plantes and has felt its superannuated charm, composed of mouldy retirement and popular de- light. That part of it which butts on the Latin Quarter, with its cedared mount and bronze temple, and a certain homely grace in its eighteenth- century buildings (of which not "a few remain), is pleasant with its plots of wild flowers and clumps of peonies among the grass. From this end, right in front of the handsome modern buildings which house the natural history collections, an avenue of lime-trees sweeps across the flat to the river, dividing on either hand the world of beasts and the world of plants." The Jardin des Plantes was founded by Richelieu. It was then a garden for the study of medicinal herbs — for botany was then regarded merely as a branch of medicine — under the direction of the king's physician, Guy de la Brosse. He was succeeded by a line of court doctors with no peculiar turn for science, and the garden " dwindled to a desert of dust and disorder." The genera- tion of Louis XIV paid scant attention to the herb garden. They sought Nature rather in the relation between star and star, fol- lowing the lead of Descartes and Rottsseau in France and- Hobbes in England. " With Newton they dropped from the cosmic rush of Hobbes and Descartes to the grass of that orchard where Sir Isaac's apple fell ; they rose, with something of a shake, and began to look about them. These humble forms of Nature, after all, are interesting and even pretty ! And the second quarter of the eighteenth century in France inaugurated a race of botanists and students of natural history, who one day turned their attention to the long-neglected Jardin des Plantes, began to dream of the chemistry of vegetable life and to turn their attention to the organic structure of a substance which hitherto they had chiefly cultivated as herbs to dry in bunches, or grains to bray in a mortar. "It was in 1732; Dr. Chicoisneau, the king's phj-sician, had just died, leaving behind him a wilderness, a little east of Paris. The Academic des Sciences rose to the occasion, and. pointing out the scandalous state of things, suggested that the post be taken from the hands of the doctors and confided to a man of science. The chemist, Dufay, an academician and a student of Newton, was chosen as director. A man of forty years of age, he was full of plans and projects when, suddenly stricken by a fatal illness, on his deathbed he designated as his successor Buffon." From 1739 until his death in 1788, Georges Leclerc de Buffon reigned supreme as " Intendant dit Jardin et du Cabinet du Roi." During those fifty years the garden remained, as it had been, a 198 THE PLANT WORLD. garden of plants. When Bufifon entered upon his duties there, he found only an old sixteenth centur}- country-house with two wings ; a few greenhouses and sheds ; the grounds of no great extent, and hedged in and limited by a monastery. The Roval Cabinet of Natural History consisted of two rooms, one for the herbarium and one for the storage of medicinal plants. Buffon at once suppressed the private apartments of the court physician, who had a sort of countr}'-house in the garden, and afterward he evicted himself as well. He arranged in order the collections of natural objects, which }ear by year increased in interest, rarit}' and beauty ; he entered into communication with naturalists and travelers all over the earth, and created an order of corre- spondents of the garden. There were thus introduced into the garden the first hydrangea from China : the dahlia, the sweet- acorned oak, the first plane-trees in France, and a quantity of shrubs and flowers. Later, the greenhouses were remodeled, and the garden was expanded through Bufifon's negotiations with the Abbot of the neighboring monastery. And all the time that Bufl:on was at- tending to every detail of administration in the garden he was writing his great work, the " Histoire Xaturelle." Bufifon's successor at the Garden of Plants was the Marquis de la Billarderie, a courtier who took an interest in nature and science — after the fasion of the age. The new intendant ap- parently regarded his post as a sinecure, resided at the Tuileries, and scarcely occupied himself with the administration of the garden, which was left in the care of Andre Thouin, the head gardener, while the scientific management of the cabinets and lectures was in the hands of Doctor Daubenton, who had been the friend and co-worker of Bufi'on. While the Marquis de la Billarderie was doing nothing, the doctor was laying plans for the reorganization of the garden and cabinets as a museum of natural history, and Andre Thouin was laying out the grounds in beautiful mazes and gardens, making of the place the popular resort it has ever since continued to be. " On the fine summer nights of 1790 the Parisians used to stream across the bridge, quitting Paris on the brink of revolution for this green paradise." THE JARDIN DES PLANTES. 1 99 Meanwhile the Marquis, being an incapable administrator, was getting deeper and deeper into debt. By way of economy he suggested that the chair of mineralogy, occupied by Faujas de St. Fond, might be suppressed ; the Chevalier de Lamarck also, he thought, " peut-etre utile, mais pas absolument necessaire." The garden was proud of Faujas, the great geologist, and of La- marck, " who had enriched the cabinet, though he was poor, by gifts of specimens, engravings, rare plants, seeds, and minerals from Holland and Germany." The officials of the garden rose in revolt and recommended to the king that the useless and expensive intendant be the one dispensed with. In the summer of 1791 the Marquis sent in his resignation. The next incumbent of this office was Beniardin de St. Pierre, who proved to be a diligent, economical and exact administrator. It was he who suggested a menagerie for the Jardin des Plantes, and he thus became the founder of the French Zoological Gar- dens. About this time the garden officials were elaborating a scheme for the conversion of the royal garden and cabinets into a natural history museum, and in 1793 the scheme was adopted, a plan in which the post of intendant found no place, and Ber- nardin de St. Pierre was retired on a small indemnity. The new system provided for twelve professors, directed by a principal annually reelected ; all the lectures free and open to the public. The chair of mineralogy was occupied by Daubenton; botany, A. de Jussieu ; horticulture, Thouin ; natural history, Geoffroy St. Hailaire; geology, Faujas de St. Fond. Chairs were also established in anatomy, comparative physiology and zoology. The chair of botany being occupied, a chair of insect zoology was created for Lamarck, who was also commissioned to found a library of natural history. " Meanwhile the museum inaugurated a new career of laborious and fruitful activity. But the people of Paris continued (and continue still) to call it the Jardin des Plantes, and to love it chiefly for the beasts and birds which Bernardin added to its charms, and for the Swiss valley, which Andre Thouin laid out ou the land acquired by Bufifon with so much difficulty." M. M. B. 200 THE ILANT WOP.LD. NOTES ON CURRENT BOTANICAL LITERATURE. Shisfeo Yamanouchi contributes to the Botanical Gazette for June a paper on " The Life History of Polysiphonia VioJacca," in which he shows that there is an alteration of generation in this seaweed. Howard Frederick Weiss, in the same magazine, gives the results of a detailed study of the bark of sassafras. In .-Ipplcfon's Magazine for August, Frank French has a popu- lar article of botanical interest entitled " Plant Kinships." The author writes of the relationship between the skunk cabbage and the jack-in-the-pulpit of the bogs and woods, and the AntJiuriuni and calla lily of the florist's window. He describes the tropical pitcher plant Xepcntlies, of the same family as the American pitcher plant Sarrace)iia purpurea: and compares the gorgeous Mediiiilla magnifica of the Philippines with its diminutive relative, deer-grass, Rhe.via z'irgiiiica. In the August Garden Magazine W'ilhelm Miller has written on " The Cultivation of Hardy Orchids." He says: " No one really knows how to grow hardy orchids. There are sixty species in the northeastern United States and not one of them will ever become a common garden plant. Most of them are too small, and all re- cjuire special conditions. Hundreds of people can make them live for a year or two. A few people have colonies of a dozen plants that have flowered regularly for five or six years. No one seems to have naturalized them on a large scale. Unless we can supply those special conditions it is worse than folly to transplant orchids from the woods. It is vandalism." Among the nine best hardy orchids are mentioned the showy lady's slipper, Cypripediiim spectabile; large lady's slipper, C. puhescens; rattlesnake plantain, Goodyera puhescens; and the small lady's slipper, C. parvifolium. Volume 9 Number g The Plant World a iflaffa^inc of popular -^Sotanp SEPTMBER, 1906 THE HOPE BOTANICAL GARDENS. By Forrest Shreve, PhD. The Jl'ninan's College of Baltimore. No counti'}' twenty times its size can boast as many botanical gardens as does the island of Jamaica. Of the six which are to be found within its narrow borders, one — that at Bath — is now neglected although not uninteresting, and two, — the Parade Gar- den and the King's House grounds, — are primarily show gardens and parks. The other three combine the uses of ornament, scien- tific interest and practical helpfulness. Hope Gardens are situ- ated near Kingston in the drv Liguanea Plain ; Castleton Gardens are at a low elevation in the moist hills of the north side ; and the Hill Garden at Cinchona is at a temperate altitude in the Blue Mountains. The happy choice of these locations renders possible the growing of plants from almost every region of the tropics or warm temperate zones, and the visiting botanist is treated to the sight of the palms and screw-pines of the East Indies, the eucalypti and grevilleas of Australia, the water-lilies of the Amazon, the rhododendrons of the Himalayas and the cacti of America. As early as 1775 the Jamaican government began to lend aid to a private garden at Gordontown, near Hope, and ever since that date there has been a more or less intimate association of the ideals of botanical science and agricultural practice in the devel- opment of the public gardens of the island, which has been in no small measure due to the fostering influence of the Royal Gar- 102 THE PLx\NT WORLD. dens at Kew. Seven years after the government made its first grant in aid of the garden of Mr. East at Gordontown, one of Admiral Rodney's captains seized a French ship bonnd from Mauritius to Haiti, both then colonies of France, on board which were found a large number of living plants. These were brought tc Kingston and turned over for the new garden, where they were set out with the original tags, on which were not names but num- bers. Among the lot were many trees of economic importance which had never before been grown in Jamaica, notably the mango, the jack-fruit and the cinnamon. " Tree No. ii " proved to be a very delicious variety of mango which is known to this day in Jamaica as the Number Eleven. In 1863 the desire of Governor Sir John Peter Grant to see what might be made out of the cultivation of Peruvian bark (the cinchona or quinine tree of the Andes), at higher elevations in the r)lue Mountains, led to the establishment of the Hill Gar- dens, which for many years continued to be the headquarters of Fig. 29. At the centre of the Garden. The spreading tree is the Royal Poinciana. THE HOPE BOTANICAL GARDENS. 203 the Department of Public Gardens and Plantations. East Indian competition eventually made the growing of Peruvian bark un- profitable, and shifting economic conditions rendered it more important that the department give its attention to the develop- ment of lowland growths. The old Hope sugar plantation had been used by the depart- ment since 1874 as a nursery for sugar cane and teak, and it was selected as a site for tlie development of a new^ garden which should be at once the headcjuartcrs of the department, a park, a nursery and a botanical garden. With an annual rainfall of but fifty-one inches, it is not an easy matter to main- tain a fine sod at Hope or to raise moisture-loving plants, and indeed the freshness a n d beauty w^hich the garden dis- plays would be impos- sible if it were not that the water reservoirs for the supplying of Kingston are hard by the garden and can be liberally used. Although the garden at Castleton is more tropical in aspect than Hope, none of the island gardens are more beautiful. A forty-minute trolley ride from Kingston brings us to the main entrance of the Hope gardens, where we traverse a long avenue of Cassia Siamca to reach the proper entrance to the grounds. From this spot where the garden first bursts upon the eve it is seen at its best, and there are few visitors who do not pause there in surprise and admiration. Stretching away toward the centre Fig. 30. A Castilloa Rubber Tree in the experimental grounds. 204 THE PLANT WORLD. of the grounds is a broad expanse of well-kept sod traversed by a driveway bordered with palms. The lawn is set about the edge with beds of showv-flowered plants or masses of shrubbery and annuals, displaying" a pleasing' variety of foliage. Above the borders are seen the tops of the trees in the further parts of the garden, strange in form or gay with bloom, and above them in turn rise the grass-clad hills which quite encircle the gardens, and over the further summits of which fleecy clouds are often rolling down to vanish in the dry air of the plains. The passing of the seasons works but little change in the appearance of the gardens ; in winter the Poincettias are at the height of bloom ; a little later the papilionaceous tree ErytJiriiia iinibrosa is a con- spicuous object with its gigantic clusters of scarlet flowers, and it is closely followed by its rival in showy beauty, the Royal Poin- ciana or " Flamboyante " of Madagascar. Both the purple and the brick-red varieties of the Bougainvillea are grown, and may be counted on for a display of color throughout the greater part of the vear. With them, as with the Poincettia, the flowers them- FiG. 31. Residence nf the Director of Pulilic Gardens and Plantations. THE HOPE BOTANICAL GARDENS. 205 Fig. ^2. Administration Building. The tree at the right is a Guango. selves are small and inconspictious and the showiness is due to colored leaves or bracts. Let tis now make an orderly round of the grounds beginning" with the collection of cacti, which is sure to catch the eye from the main entrance. Here are gathered examples of the " dildoe " {Opuiifia Szcarfcii) which is extremely common on the south side of the island ; the spinv opiuitia (O. spiiiosissima) ; the climb- ing cereus (C friaiii:;iilaiis) which is frequent as an epiphyte; and other species of cereus, Alelocactus, Mamillaria, Agave, Euphor- bia, Gasteria and other succulents. Near the cacti is a showy and interesting plant, Xoraitfca Giiiaiiciisis, a native of Trinidad and Demerara. With foliage somewhat like that of the man- grove, this plant has long racemes of flowers which are them- selves very inconspicuous but are subtended by long honey-sacs of a bright orange-red hue, constituting in color and contents very efficient organs of attraction for insects. Here are some native trees of interest, — notably the lace-bark {Lagcfta linfcaria) endemic to Jamaica, the inner bark of which is capable of being 206 THE PLANT WORLD. shredded out into a l^eautiful and strong lace-like fabric, from which many things are made to attract the tourists' shillings. The guango tree (Pithccolobiiiiii Saniaii), which is common in and about the gardens, is a splendid example of the spreading flat-topped type of tree characteristic of dry savanna regions the world over. Similar to it in appearance is the Albizzia, or " woman's-tongue/' another mimosaceous tree the ripe pods of which, filled with loose seeds, have suggested to the imaginative black man his name for the tree. Here, too, are the " umbrella tree" (Cccropia umhcUata), used in parts of Jamaica as a shade tree for coflr'ee, and remarkable for its hollow stems, which in some of its South American congeners have an opening in each internode, inducing the cohabitation of ants ; the " sand-box tree " (Hiira crepitans) , with a very spiny trunk; and the "anchovy- pear" (Grias caiiUilora) , which is notable for its unbranched trunk directly out of which grow flowers and fruit. Beautiful indeed on a breezy day is the " star-apple" tree {ClvysophyUum Cainito), for its leaves are dark green and glossy above, while beneath they are silken and rusty brown. If you should behave deceitfully to a native he will tell you : " Yo' two-face' like a star- apple." Passing toward the centre of the garden we find a collection of trees which are mostly exotic, — a row of date-palms, a group of olive trees, ravenalas, myroxylons, Castiariiia eqitisctifolia, and a double row of Caesalpinca coriaria, the " divi-divi " or " mon- key 's-ear-ring tree " of Africa. In the shaded walk between the divi-divi trees is arranged the collection of orchids, which must be one of the finest in America, as it has been built up by years of exchange with all parts of the world, and embraces many rare and magnificent species. Such is the interest which the public takes in the orchids that a list of the species in bloom is published every morning in the Kingston papers. Most interesting to the morphologist are those forms in which the shoots have undergone transformation into absorbing organs, losing their foliage leaves and most of the chlorophyll, and developing a velamen, but none the less continuing to bear the flowers. The greater part of Hope Gardens is taken up with the experi- THE HOPE BOTANICAL GARDENS. 20/ mental grounds and nurseries. Here may be seen plots of guinea-grass (Paiiiciiiii iiiaxiiiniui ), the chief forage crop of Jamaica; cassava (Maiilhof iifilissiina) , one of the most valuable sources of starch: and the ippi-appa palm {Carhidovica gracilis), from which hats similar to panamas are made. Some notion of the diversity in tropical agriculture may be had from the large variety of economic plants grown here, all of which are to a greater or less extent planted in various parts of Jamaica, the number including sugar-cane, cofifee, bananas, pimento (allspice), oranges, limes, grape-fruits, shaddocks, tobacco, chocolate, vanilla, kola, mangoes, pine-apples, sisal-hemp, rubber and ginger. Lluch of the work of the Public Gardens consists in supplying planters with young plants of cofifee, chocolate, nutmeg, etc., at a price which is merely nominal, and since there are no nurseries in the island, this is a very important service. The plants are rooted in bamboo pots, which are made by cutting stems of Bainhnsa Tulgaris of about three inches diameter into sections about seven inches long, in such a manner that the partitions at the nodes of the stem form the bottoms of the pots. In these cheap receptacles the plants are readily handled and shipped. In the centre of the garden stands the administration building, in which is the ofifice of the Director and the library of the Depart- ment. The library is quite complete in works on tropical agri- culture and systematic botany ; is well filled with all the texts* and general works in the various fields of botany ; and has a good representation of the leading journals. On the lower floor is a small museum and the herbarium of the department. The her- barium cases are all made of dififerent native woods and are an interesting exhibit in themselves. The sheets which they contain bear a very complete collection of Jamaican flowering plants, ferns, mosses and hepatics, including types or co-types of all the more recently described species of higher plants native to the island, together with a representation of the flora of the neigh- boring islands. 208 THE PLANT WORLD. OUTLINE STUDY OF SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS. By Dr. C. Stuart Gager, Nczv York Botanical Garden. The following paragraphs were written for the use of the grade teachers in a city where school gardens had been intro- duced, and the work here outlined was correlated with the out- of-door work in the garden. The studies are only a suggestion as to the kind of work essential to secure the most desirable re- sults from the work in the garden. It is a great pity that so much school botany formerly consid- ered the plant apart from the soil and air in which it grew. It were as great a pity to cultivate plants in the school garden with- out studying the elementary facts of physiology and ecology which are necessary to their intelligent care. To make a successful garden one must know that the plants need to be a certain distance apart. But if the object of the school garden work is something more than merely to train gar- deners, if it is to have sufficient educational value to justify the time it takes, then it becomes vitally important for the pupil to know why the plants must be a certain distance apart — to under- stand the fundamental needs and nature of the plant that make necessary all that he does in his garden. While nature study is not a science, and while a course in na- ture study is non-scientific, it should never be unscientific in either its content or its method. Especially should the pupil begin here to acquire a scientific habit of thought and work. This aim is not antagonistic to the acquisition of a love of and sympathy with nature. Both objects should be attained if the subject is to jus- tify its place in the course of study. The surest foundation for the teacher, so far as plants are con- cerned, lies in a clear understanding of the principles of botany. The best preparation for teaching nature study is, not to have " taken " nature study one's self, but to have had thorough intro- ductory laboratory courses in botany and zoology. OUTLINE STUDY OF SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS. 2O9 The outlines suggest a way to take up with grade pupils the topics indicated. The questions may either be asked of the class vocally, or each pupil may be supplied with a specimen and a mimeographed copy of the cpestions. Or the questions may be written on the blackboard. The main point is that the pupil shall proceed as independently as possible in his ob- serving and thinking. The " Notes," of course, are for the teacher only. About a week may profitably be spent on the structure of seeds. At the beginning of the study, seeds of the bean, pea, corn, squash, and castor-oil should be planted in boxes of soil after being soaked in water over night. About three days before needed, seeds of the same kinds should be soaked over night and placed to germinate in moist sawdust, sphagnum, or between blotters. The Structure of the Bean Seed. Outside Parts. Material. — Three or four dry bean seeds for each pupil. Obscrz'alion. — Observe and describe the shape of the seeds. Are they all practically the same shape ? Mow many times as long as broad ? How many times as broad as thick ? Make drawings four times as large as the seed to show the shape as seen from (a) the side, ( b ) the edge, (c) the end. Describe the color of the seed. Do you find any diflr'erences in color? If so, describe them. Ob- serve a seed that has been soaked over night. Does it differ in any way from the dry seeds. If so, how? Do you find any parts or marks (besides differences in color) on the surface? If so, tell all you can about where they are, and their size and shapes. Alake another drawing, enlarged four times, to show the parts you have observed. Write a paragraph telling clearly and accu- rately all you have learned about the structure of the bean seed. Note. — This is not a memory exercise and the pupil should not be given any technical names of the structures observed. The aim is to teach the pupil to see the natural object as it is, and to describe it as seen in as clear and accurate a manner as possible. In the process the pupil acquires a knowledge of the seed struc- 2IO THE PLANT WORLD. ture, but this is of secondary importance. Nothing should be told b}' the teacher that can be found out by the child himself by observing the specimen. He should have observed the scar (hilum), or place where the seed was fastened in the ]:)od ; the little hole, micropyle, at one side of the scar, and on the opposite side a small knob (stro- phiole), somewhat heart-shaped. (Oftentimes the ends of the seeds are somewhat flattened, due to crowding in the pod.) Little is gained by giving the scientific terms. Not because they are hard (hilum is as easy as scar), but because they do not add at all to the clearness of the child's idea. Young pupils are apt to confuse ideas with their terms, and to think that they know a thing when they know only its name. The knowledge of scien- tific terms is an absolute hindrance to the child in an endeavor to describe. Inside Parts. Material. — Provide for each pupil, one soaked seed with the cotyledons carefully separated, the seed coat still adhering to the halves, and the hypocot}l and plumule still intact. Cut the skin so as not to injure any of the structures on the hilum edge. Observation. — Observe the half of the seed to which the peg is not attached. Is the bean covered with a skin or seed-coat? Is this coat tough or very delicate? Is the coloring of the seed on the coat or under it? Is the inner surface of this half flat or cup-like? Is the surface of the other half the same? Can you think of any reason why the cup shape is a better one for the seed than a flat surface would be? Was this half attached to the other in any way? If it was, describe where. On the other half, do the knob, scar, and little hole belong to the seed-coat, or to the parts under the seed-coat ? Is the peg straight or curved ? What part of the seed-coat is over the tip of the peg? Is this* the same in all bean seeds? What is on the opposite end of the peg from the pointed end? Is it composed of parts? If so, how many? What is their color? Are they in a straight line with the peg, or do they make a curve with it? Is the peg attached to this half of the bean? Can you see any signs of its having been attached to the other half? Make drawings (X4) showing OUTLINE STUDY OF SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS. 211 ( I ) the halves of the seeds as they were placed at first, only with the seed-coat removed; (2) only the peg with the leaves attached. Write a paragraph describing all you have learned concerning the inner parts of the bean seed. A^ofc. — This exercise teaches the importance of little things and the need of care and accuracy. The pupil should be made to feel that the bean seed must not be handled carelessly or picked to pieces merely because it is a common object. The children must not be permitted to poke the specimen with pencils, knives or pins. Insist that the drawings be enlarged by the amounts indicated. Allow no shading. Every line in the drawing must represent some structure of the seed. The pupil should have observed : I. The relatively tough character of the seed-coat. 2. The fact that all the external features belong to the seed-coat. 3. The more or less conccvz'c inner surfaces of the two halves of the seed, giving room for the peg and especially for the tender leaves at its end. 4. The position of the tip of the peg ahi'ays directly under the little opening or Iiole. 5. The peg curved and the leaves at the end making a little arch with the peg. The attach- ment of the peg to both halves of the seed. 6. The leaves, two in number, and folded one within the other. Each half of the bean seed being roughly cup-shaped is termed a cotyledon (little cup). The leaves at the end of the peg form the pluninle. The Structure of the Pea Seed. With this exercise the teacher will doubtless meet such ques- tions as : " What ought I to find ? " " Ought there to be a little knob on the pea seed?" etc. The treatment of such cjuestions in observational work marks the difference between the wise and the foolish teacher. In observation it is not a question of " ought," but a question of fact. Not " ought " there to be a little knob, but is there one. This point is dwelt on because there is none more important in observational science than this. From the standpoint of ednea- 212 THE PLANT WORLD. fioii it means acquiring the habit of independent thought and work, or else a bhnd, unintelhgent following of authority. From the standpoint of science^ it means valuing facts as they are, above preconceived notions of things as we imagine they are or ought to be. From the standpoint of knozvledge, it means clear cut ideas obtained at first hand, instead of vague indefinite notions secured at second hand. From this study of the outside of the pea seed, the pupil will karn its globular shape, the absence of the little knob (strophiole), and the possession, in common with the bean seed, of the scar and little opening. Usually some indication of the peg shows through the seed coat. If so, pupils should determine for themselves whether the little hole is directly over the tip of the peg. A study of the inside of the pea seed, made as directed above for the bean seed, will show the tough seed-coat, the peg, fatter than in the bean seed, not as long, and not curved so much. The pupil will observe the much swollen plumule here, also, not in a straight line with the peg, but making an arch with the latter. Are the cotyledons cup-shaped? Drawings (X4) should be made of one view of the outside, showing the scar, little opening, and peg (if it shows through the coat) ; of the inside, similar to the one made of the bean seed. In what ways are the bean seed and the pea seed alike? In what ways do they diflfer? Write a paragraph telling all you have learned about the pea seed, and another paragraph telling all the ways in which the two seeds are alike and in what ways they are different. The Castor-Oil Seed. The knob at the end is similar to the little knob on the bean seed. Here it is much larger and fleshier, and it is directly over the little opening which may be seen extending down through it. The scar is not prominent, but is close up under one side of the knob. Make drawings (X4), one showing the seed as seen from the side, another to show the end view with the knob ( here called the caruncle). Do not give the pupils the term. OUTLINE STUDY OF SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS. 21 3 The study of the internal structure of the seed is very difficult for young pupils. The teacher should have several well-soaked seeds dissected to show the pupils, and plain drawings on the board. Call attention to the hard brittle seed-coat. Notice the short, straight peg. The fleshy halves of the seed are not cotyledons, but food for the young plant. This may be very carefully removed, showing the white, leaf-like, delicate cotyledons. The plumule is too small to be easily seen. Germination. Material. — In boxes of convenient size, containing garden soil or, preferably, clean sand, plant six or eight seeds of the common white bean, the pea, corn, squash, having first soaked the seeds for twenty-four hours. Plant about a week before the study of how they break through the soil is taken up. The successive steps in germination may best be followed by allowing seeds to germinate behind glass. For this purpose, line a Wellsbach chimney with a tube of blotting paper, setting the end of the chimney in sand or soil in a flower pot or box, and fill the chimney with moist saw-dust to keep the blotter close to the glass. (If this device is not convenient, an ordinary tumbler may be used. The shallowness of the tumbler, however, does not permit of very extensive root development.) Have the children place five or six seeds of each kind men- tioned above in w-ater to soak over night. On the following day the pupils will observe that all the seeds have swollen. Tins is the first step in geniiiiiatioii and the point should be made at this time. Now place these seeds between the blotters and the glass so that they may be seen, and placed so that the tip of the peg of some of the seeds points vertically downward, of others upward, and of still others horizontally. Be sure that the corn grain is placed with the embryo side next the glass. Keep the seeds moist but not immersed in water, and, if possible, put in a dark place to develop. Lead the children to see that this would be best by questioning them concerning the light conditions under which the seed germinates naturally in soil. 2 14 THE PLANT WORLD. Obserz-atioii. — What part of the seed first breaks through the seed-coat? Is this the same for all the seeds? Is it better for the root to grow first? Would it not be just as well if the stem and leaves came out before the root grew ? Why ? Do you see any special growth on the peg of the squash seed that helps the young squash plant get out of the seed-coat? Does more than one root come through at first? Is this the same in all the seeds? In what direction does the first root (or roots) grow? Does the root grow downward in the seeds where the peg was placed horizontally or pointing vertically upwards? Would it not be just as well if the roots grew vertically upwards or sideways? Why? Would the gardener's or farmer's work be any different if roots did not always grow downward in germination? Explain how. After a time does the root begin to branch? If so, in what direction do these side roots grow? Would it not be better if they grew directly downward just as the first root grows? Why ? Can you see any fine white hairs (root-hairs) growing on the surface of the root? If so. do they cover all the root? Do they grow up to the very tip? \\diat do you think they are for? What part of the seed first appears above ground? Does this part appear before or after the branch roots have begun to grow ? Is this the same in all the plants? Drawings and written descriptions as above. Note. — In these exercises the pupil begins to study the plant in action. It is doing something. The value, as in the study of seeds, consists in practice in observation, expression, and inter- pretation. That the first root grows vertically downward is a fact worth knowing. It is of infinitely more value to have reasoned out, even in the most elementary manner, the meaning and sig- nificance of this. Here, also, is emphasized the fact that obser- vation is something more than merely looking at an object. It implies an active attitude on the part of the pupil in which dcfiiiitc questions are put and their answers soiti^^ht in the objeets studied. Besides the educational discipline secured, the pupil will learn the following facts : OUTLINE STUDY OF SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS. 21 5 In the germination of a seed, the first part to begin growth is the root. The squash plant is helped out of the seed-coat by means of a little knob. One root only always appears first, and no matter in what position the seed lies, the root wall take a course vertically downward. After the appearance of the main (or tap) root, the stem begins to grow. Branch roots do not grow downward like the main root, but more nearly horizontal. The root is covered in a definite region with numerous root hairs, which never extend quite to the tip of the root. By careful questioning on the part of the teacher, the pupil should be taught that the greatest need of the plant is water, that the most abundant supply is in the soil, and that the plant needs to be held fast where it can get water. Therefore, the best good of the plant makes it necessary for the root to grow downward, first to hold the plant fast, second to absorb water for the plant. If the root did not grow downward (curving when necessary) no matter in what position the seed is placed, then gardeners and farmers would have laboriously to plant every seed root downward or else man}' would perish on germination. By growing laterally, the branch (secondary) roots hold the plant more firmly in the soil, and at the same time enable the plant to secure water from a wider area. The fine white root-hairs are parts of the root by which it absorbs the water from the soil. If they grew at the very tip of the root, they would be liable to injury, as the root pushed its way through the soil during growth. How THE Stem Lifts Itself into the Air. Watch carefully for the first signs of the planted seeds break- ing the surface of the soil. How does the bean seedling break ' the ground ? Does the tip of the stem appear first ? Do all the different seeds planted break through the soil in the same way ? Describe. Do all the seeds of the same kind break the ground in the same manner? Rule a horizontal line across a sheet of pad paper to represent the surface of the soil, and at the left make a drawing to show how the bean seedling breaks through the ground. Save the 2l6 THE PLANT WORLD. space at the right for the successive stages of growth and begin similar records for the pea, corn and squash. Observe from day to day the different stages by which the stem becomes erect in the air, and represent them, as observed, in a row from left to right along the soil line as directed above. Rep- resent five stages in each plant. Are the halves of the seed raised into the air in any of the plants? Written description as above. Note. — It is best not to try to explain zi'hy some plants break through the soil in the form of an arch, while others do not, or why some lift the halves of the seed, while others do not. It is doubtful if the true significance of the fact is known, and a child is too young to discuss theories. The Parts of the Plant. Material. — Young seedlings of the common white bean, 5-6 inches high. (Any other variety will do.) The plant will be cleaner to handle if grown in moist sawdust instead of soil. Carefully remove the plants and clean the roots in water. It will be desirable also to have a plant or two grown in soil or sand for the purpose of showing how closely the soil clings to the roots. Obsen'atioii. — Can you easily distinguish the underground por- tion, the root, from above-ground portion, the slwotf How can you tell them apart? What part of the embryo has grown into the shoot? Can you recognize the plumule in the seedling? Have any of the parts changed color since leaving the seed-coat? If so, what parts and how have they changed? The Root. — Is there a main tap root? Is the root branched? Which is longer, the root or the shoot? Which is the more branched? Do you think this is an advantage to the plant? How? What might be the result if the young shoot should branch more than the root? Does the soil cling very closely to the roots ? What advantages result to the plant from the branch- ing of the root ? Ttie Shoot. — Observe that the shoot is composed of the stem and the leaves. Does the stem have branches? If so, describe. Are the leaves opposite each other on the stem? If not, describe how they occur. What do you find at the tip of the shoot? If OUTLINE STUDY OF SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS. 2 1/ the cotyledons are raised above the soil, describe any changes you can see in their appearance. Are they opposite each other? Is the stem any bigger below the cotyledons than above them ? Are there any leaves below the cotyledons? Do the cotyledons begin to shrivel up? What do you think makes them do so? The Leaves. — Observe the first leaves above the cotyledons. Is there is a distinct leaf stalk and a broad, thin, flat blade F Do you find any szvelling at any place on the leaf stalk? If so, where? If possible examine plants that have grown in a window. Have the leaves turned toward the light ? If so, where did the bending take place ? The tip of the blade is the apex, the place where the blade joins the leaf stalk is the base of the blade? Can you find two little wing-like parts on the leaf stalk at the base of the blade ? Are there any where the leaf joins the stem? Is there a joint in the leaf stalk at this place ? Does the stalk extend up through the blade toward the apex, forming a midrib f Does the midrib branch into ■z'cinsf Can you see an unbroken line of vein extending around the blade par- allel to its edge? Of what advantage is this to the leaf? How can you tell the upper from the under side of the blade? What purposes do you think the veins serve? Are the two opposite first leaves alike? Make labeled drawings. The other leaves above the first pair are cuDipouud leaves. How many blades has each? Each of these blades is a leaflet. Has each leaflet a stalk? Is there a joint where each leaflet joins the leaf stalk? Does each leaflet have a pair of little leaf-like bodies near the base of its blade? Is there a pair also where the stalk joins the stem? Is there a joint in the stalk at this place? Are the stalks of the lower leaves longer or shorter than those of the upper ones ? If the lower stalks were shorter could the lower blades get the sunlight as well ? If the upper blades were not divided into three leaflets, would they shade the lower leaves more than now ? Alake labeled drawings and write descriptions. The cotyledons have shrivelled because the food that made them thick has gone to nourish and feed the growing seedling. The first leaf of the bean is not a true simple leaf. It is what is known as a uiiifoliate compound leaf, that is, a compound leaf with only 2l8 THE PLANT WORLD. one leaflet. This is shown in part by the joint at the base of the blade, and by the wing-like outgrowths (stiplcs). These out- growths are seen at the base of the blade of each leaflet in the other leaves. The similar outgrowths at the base of the stalk are stipules. Elongation of the lower leaf stalks carries the blade out from under the upper leaves so that it gets better sunlight than it otherwise would. To observe this fact and reason out the meaning is more important than to learn the name of the stalk (petiole). The leaves above the first pair are trifoliate coiiipoiiiid leaves. This branching of the blade permits more sunlight to penetrate to the lower leaves. To recognize this fact is more im- portant than to learn that the leaves are pinnately compound. This work gives a basis for the study of any other plant in the garden. It shows the kind of facts to look for and question about. All other plants in the school garden will be seen to be modifica- tions, more or less profound, of the bean type. OUR IMPORTATION OF VEGETABLE FIBERS. In 1905 the United States imported $48,000,000 worth of vegetable fibers. Of this amount cotton makes up $9,000,000. Of the 61,000,000 pounds imported 52,000,000 was consigned from Egypt. The reason for this large import of cotton from Egypt is its use in the making of the finer grades of cotton cloth. The two fibers which excel cotton in the value of the imports are manila and sisal grass. In 1905 the value of the former was $12,000,000 and the latter $15,000,000. In 1905 the Philippine Islands furnished 56,511 tons of the total 61,562 tons of the manila imported and Mexico 97,698 tons of the total 100,301 of sisal grass. The only other fiber imported in large c[uantities is jute and jute butts, of which India consigned 93,843 of the total 98,215 tons imported in 1905. — Report of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Fig. t,^. Haunt of the Filmy Fern. Jamaica, B. W. I. THE FILMY FERXS (HYAIEXOPHYLLACE.F:), By Winifred J. Robinson, Vassar College. The delicate maiden hair, the fragile woodsia, the slender bladder-fern seem to ns as exquisite as possible in the way of fern structure, but nothing in our northern latitude can compare in delicacy with the filmy ferns which are represented by one species in the southeastern part of the United States and by numerous species in the tropics and sub-tropics. In size they vary from Tricliouiancs piisilliim, which is less than half an inch long and bears but one sorus, to Tricliouiancs scandens, which is about eighteen inches long. They are only one layer of cells in thickness, except at the veins, which gives them their peculiar filmy character. Whether they have the light green color of Hyuicnophyllnin asplcnoidcs, or the dark green of Tricliouiancs rigidiiui, or the rusty bronze of Hyuienophylluin lauosiiui, they form an exquisite drapery upon the trunks of trees oi the banks of humus, where their short, wiry stems are buried. There are a hundred upon the trees to one upon the ground, but some of the more hardy may be found upon limestone rocks. 220 THE PLANT WORLD. The life-history of the members of the fihny fern family resem- bles that of the common brake iPtcridiiiiii) of our roadsides, but varies in certain details. Along the margins of the fronds at the ends of the veins are the receptacles or sori, within which the spores are borne. These sori are flattened in the genus HyiuenophyUum (fig. 34, A) and have the form of a two- valved capsule. In the gfenus Triclwiiiancs the sporangia are attached to the protruding vein and the sorus has a vase-like form (fig. 34, B ) . This elongation of the veins beyond the margin gives this genus Triclwinaiics its name (Greek, thrix, hair). The spore-cases are encircled horizontally by a ring or annnhis (fig. 35, a) of diick-walled cells, and burst vertically downward. The spores are green, and are spherical or triangular in shape in different species. They often besfin to orerminate while thev are still within the sporan- gium, though the later de- velopment is often extremely slow. They do not produce a heart-shaped prothallus like that of the brake, but in the genus Hyinciiophylliiiii, at least, a slender, tapering structure which bears the sexual organs at its base; the male, or antheridia (fig. 36, a), and the female, or archcgonia {b). Fig. 34. Filmy Ferns. A, Hymcnophylla aspic noidcs: B, Trichoinaiics rigidum. Fig. 35. Sporangia and Spores. THE FILMY FERNS. 221 Fertilization takes place in the usual way : an antheroxoid escapes from the enclosing" antheridium and swims to the neck of the archegonium hy means of the small amount of water which is always present in the soil where they grow. It makes its way down th-e canal of the arche- gonium (fig. 37, c) and unites with the egg- cell at its base and from this union a young fern plant arises. Occasionally in the genus Trichoiiiaiics the sexual organs appear upon a filamentous prothallus. instead of upon the strap-shaped form. Various forms of asexual reproduction oc- cur. Figure 36, g, shows a cluster of brood- bodies or gemm(e which have formed at the apex of the prothallus. One of these bodies, enlarged, would show the nuclei and chloro- phyll granules within its cells. About 160 species of the Hymenophyllacese have been described. Thev are the aristo- FiG. 36. Prothal- lus. (a) antheridia. {b) archegonia. {g) gemmae. Fig. 27- Archegonium. (c) canal; egg-cell at its base. crats of the fern world. Finable to accommodate themselves to variations in heat and humidity, their favorite habitats are the warm, moist forests of the tropics, but in these restricted localities they produce forms of such rare beauty as to make any fern lover feel that he has been well repaid for the pains of a pilgrimage to their haunts. 22 2 THE PLANT WORLD. REVIEWS, The Physiology of Plants. A Treatise upon the Metabolism and Sources of Energy in Plants. \^olume III. By Dr. W. Pfeffer. Second fully revised edition. Translated by Al- fred J. EwART. Large 8vo. Pp. 451, with many illustrations. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1906. 21 shillings. Every student of botany knows so well the character and usefulness of Pfeffer's magnum opus that criticism would be quite beside the mark. The translation has been long expected, and is at last welcomed. To the translator belongs no small amount of praise and congratulation — praise for the excellence of the labor, and congratulation on its completion. But for the universal acknowledgment accorded the author and his work, so brief a notice would ill fit the great value of the book. Mosses zvith Hand-lens and Microscope. A non-technical Handbook of the more common Mosses of the Northeastern United States. By A. J. Grout. Part III. Quarto. Pp. 167-246. Richly illustrated. Published by the author, 360 Lenox Road, Brooklyn, New York. 1906. $1.25. It will bear repeating that the author of Mosses with the Hand-lens and Microscope deserves the thanks of students of the mosses of this country for the work of which the third part is now to hand. It contains, besides many other very clear and useful illustrations, about twenty full page plates reproduced from the Bryologia Europcea and Sullivant's I cones, thus, to this useful extent bringing original literature to the use of the person interested in these plants, but who is removed from the privileges of the large library. Dr. Grout's treatment is gener- ally stimulating, and the book will certainly further greatly the wide study of the mosses. The earnest elementary student will get from it a very great deal of the help that he needs. The typography is excellent. REVIEWS. 223 Species and J^arieties. Their Origin by Mutation. Being Lec- tures Delivered at the University of California. By Hugo deVries, Professor of Botany in the University of Amsterdam. Edited by Daniel Trembly MacDougal, Director Department of Botanical Research, Desert Botanical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington. Second edition, corrected and revised. Cloth, 8vo, pp. 18 + 847. With a Portrait of the Author. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co. Price, $3.00. 1906. This most important work of Professor de\>ies in the English presented a no inconsiderable task to the editor, to whom, next to the illustrious author, are thanks due for bringing this work to the Western continent. In the previous volume of this maga- zine, Species and J'arieties, on its first appearance, scarcely a year ago, received a lengthy review which served to indicate very fully to our readers the scope and treatment. These remain unchanged, but there are so very many corrections and emenda- tions that the second edition will needs be in the hand of every student of evolution in its contemporary form. The portrait, which was taken by Dr. W. x-\. Cannon and the reviewer during Professor deWies" visit at the Desert Botanical Laboratory, is, we venture to say, a valuable addition from the human point of view, and will be highly appreciated by the admirers of the author. It is informal in its treatment, but the more shows the man's kindlv soul in the spontaneitv of the expression. L. Hozu Ferns Grow. By Margaret Slosson. With forty-six plates by the author. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1906. As several good books on ferns have appeared within the last few years, one naturally looks for something unusual in Miss Slosson's book, Hoiv Ferns Grow. The author has treated her subject entirely from the standpoint of the development of the fern leaf, showing by detailed description and illustration the successive aspects, in respect to form and venation, taken on by the sporophyte from the youngest stage through to the mature frond, including the modifications which a frond may assume on 2 24 THE PLANT WORLD. becoming' fertile. Eighteen species of ferns of the northeastern United States are discussed in as many chapters, with an intro- ductory chapter on the development of the fern leaf. The treat- ment of the subject is both original and scientific. The illustra- tions are of the kind that " really illustrate," and are an attrac- tive feature of the book. M. M. B. Volume 9 Number lo The Plant World 31 f^a%R}ix\t nf Popular ^otanp OCTOBER, 1906 THE PAIRED SEEDS OF COCKLEBUR. By Professor J. C. Arthur, Purdue University. The cocklebur (Xanfhiiim) is a common native weed through- out the central and eastern United States, especially along sandy river bottoms and in corn fields. The seeds are enclosed in a hard, spiny covering, two in each bur. The spines undoubtedly assist in the distribution of the seeds by clinging to the rough coats of animals. Unlike many other seed pods, they do not open to discharge the seeds, either at maturity or by subsequent changes of moisture or temperature. Not only is the bur inde- hiscent, but it does not readily disintegrate, and after a number of years in the soil may appear little changed. From this hard, unyielding bur the young plantlet frees itself at the time of germination by first pushing out the radicle and then pulling out the seed leaves, while the bur retains its usual appearance. There is quite a common belief among farmers that one of the seeds in a cocklebur germinates the first year after maturity, and the other seed not until the year following, thus accounting for the persistency of the weed in cultivated fields. The truth in this theory was not tested, I believe, until a few years ago, when the writer took up the matter and made some preliminary trials which led to a study of the subject extending through seven years, and which established the essential correctness of the farmers' opinion. 228 THE PLANT WORLD. First there were planted 75 cocklebiirs in a garden bed in May, and by the middle of June 64 seedling plants had made their appearance, and in only one instance did two seedlings come from the same bur. I was able to identify 14 of the burs which had sent out one seedling each and upon opening them found that two contained only the remains of decayed seeds, and the other twelve had a good seed in each bur. Eleven of the husked seeds, one having been destroyed in removing it, were placed in a germi- nating pan in the laboratory, with the result that two of the seeds grew in two days, one in three days, one in nine days, two in twenty days, one in twenty-three days, one in forty-two days, and one in fifty-six days, while the two remaining seeds kept the plump fresh appearance for nearly three years, when by accident the germinator was allowed to become dry and the seeds weie killed. The other 61 burs of the experiment, which re- mained in the garden bed over winter, produced 20 seedlings the following spring, but whether from burs that had already grown one seed, was not ascertained. This preliminary trial gave considerable coloring to the farmers' theory, which, however, was somewhat neutralized by the rather prompt germination in the laboratory of eighty per cent, of the seeds that failed to start in the ground. Nevertheless, the two facts remained that out of 75 burs only one gave a pair of seed- lings the first year, while twenty produced single seedlings the second year. In May of the second year of the study a quantity of burs were placed in germinating pans and out of these 100 were selected from which a seedling each had emerged. These burs that were known to contain no more than one seed each were planted in a garden bed. No further germinations were observed that sea- son. The next year the bed was not very carefully watched, and but five seedlings were noted ; the year following there were eigh- teen seedlings observed. This experiment, although not very complete, gave further credence to the farmers' theory, and even improved upon it, as some seeds ma}' evidently remain in the ground for more than two years in a growing condition. THE PAIRED SEEDS OF COCKLEBUR, 229 Trials on a larger scale were made to ascertain the frequency with which both seeds of a bur germinate at the same time. Of 137 burs placed in the germinating pans at one time, onh^ one gave twin seedlings. Another year, 1787 burs produced 134 twin seedlings, the largest percentage obtained in any trial. It is unnecessary to give in detail the numerous observations which finally led to the confirmation of the popular belief. From the data obtained it is possible even to extend the statement. In round numbers, one may assume that out of every hundred ap- parently good cockleburs, one-fourth will not grow, owing to various causes, especially the depredation of insect larvse and failure to properly mature. Of the remaining three- fourths, about five burs will produce two seedlings each, and about seventy one seedling each. In the year following about thirty seedlings will appear, in the third year about five, and two or three in subse- A B Fig. 39. Cocklebur. A. Vertical section showing one seed a little higher than the other. B. One side a little more convex than the other. quent years. Thus it seems that the farmer is amply justified in his dislike to these pestiferous weeds with their adaptation for a prolonged occupancy of the soil. Following upon the establishment of the fact that the two seeds in a bur behave dififerently under like conditions for ger- mination, came a still more difficult task — the discovery of the reason for it. Although the two seeds appear to be exact counter- parts of each other, some difiference must really exist either in the seeds or in the protecting bur. A careful microscopic exami- nation of the seeds brought out no dififerences. The comparative weight of the twin seeds was then obtained. Thirty-five perfect burs were opened and the seeds accurately weighed on an ana- 230 THE PLANT WORLD. lytical balance. The thirty-five heavier seeds of each pair gave an average weight of 65 milligrams, while the thirty-five lighter seeds gave an average weight of 46 milligrams, a difference of 19 milligrams. This promising result appeared to be of no significance, however, when the seeds were placed in the germi- nating pan, for the two lots showed no difiference in rate of germination. As study of the paired seeds revealed no recognizable features to account for the difiference of behavior, attention was turned to the enclosing bur. It was thought that perhaps one side of the bur was not pervious to water until partly decayed. To test this, burs were placed in chemical solutions and colored liquids. But on cutting them open, however short the immersion, both cavities of the bur were found equally and abundantly afifected. A little further examination showed that the opening in the apex of each half of the bur, through which the style once protruded, was still in the ripe fruit an opening large enough to admit a needle, and that, furthermore, a considerable channel existed in the base of each half, closed only with loose fibrous material. This structure permits liquids to penetrate through both ends of the bur without hindrance, and to pass into both seed cavities with equal readiness. At the beginning of the sixth year of the study an important discovery was made. In dissecting the cockleburs it was necessary to make longitudinal sections, and in this way attention was at- tracted to a difiference in position of the two seeds ; one seed is placed a little higher in the bur than the other, see fig. i. This slight but significant difiference seems to have escaped the illus- trators, for a considerable search through standard and miscellane- ous botanical books has failed to bring to light any cuts showing the seeds otherwise than exactly side by side. Further examination made it possible to tell without dissection on which side of the bur the higher or the lower seed lay. The unsymmetrical posi- tion of the seeds causes a slight curvature of the bur, see fig. 2, and the lower seed lies on the inner or less convex side, while the higher seed lies on the more convex side. Here was the key to the situation. It was now possible without injury to the burs to THE PAIRED SEEDS OF COCKLEBUR. 23 I detect and compare corresponding seeds in each, and further study of the subject was taken up with renewed interest. With this new information at hand a lot of cockleburs were placed in wet sand to germinate. Out of 223 from which one seedling appeared, it was the lower seed which grew, except in fifteen burs. Upon cutting open the fifteen exceptions, eleven were found to contain no viable lower seed, and should conse- quently be excluded. This trial, therefore, gave ninety-eight per cent, germination for the lower seed against two per cent, for the upper. The result was in general confirmed by further observa- tions of the same nature. Comparison of the weights of the upper and lower seeds was now undertaken ; when the lower seed exceeded fifty milligrams the upper proved to be lighter, but when the lower seed fell below fifty milligrams the upper was heavier. It is clear that when the burs are well developed, the lower seed will be larger and stronger than the other, and is the one that will grow quicker. This was found to be true even when the seeds were removed from the bur and placed in a germinating pan. A number of weighed seeds were thus tested, and after three to four months twenty per cent. of the lower and also heavier seeds remained in viable condition, and over ninety-two per cent, of the upper and lighter seeds. A number of trials of this sort were made with fairly uniform results. Comparing the various observations, both those where accurate data were recorded and others less complete and exact, the general statement appears to be warranted, that as a rule the lower seed in a cocklebur is better developed, sensibly heavier, and will grow sooner than the upper one. If burs are planted in the soil, the lower seed usually grows the first year after maturity, and the upper seed grows the second or some subsequent year. When removed from the bur and placed under conditions for germina- tion, both upper and lower seeds grow more readily than when in the bur, but still dififer considerably, the lower growing sooner than the upper. This rule appears to hold good for all species of Xanthium. The one most employed in the above experiments was X. Pcnnsyl- 232 THE PLANT WORLD. vanicum, Wallr., but X. glabratuiii (DC.) Britton and X. spi- nosiini L. were also used. In the last named species the burs have very thick indurated walls and the curvature is not well marked, making them less satisfactory for study. Outside the genus Xanthiniii there are no seeds which behave in a similar manner, so far as can be ascertained, and no fruits of like structure. A number of grasses have two seeds in a spikelet, the lower seed usually being the larger and more vigorous. In the case of oats careful tests show no difference in time of germination be- tween the upper and lower seeds of a spikelet. But in the sand- bur (Cenchrus trihuloides L.) the two seeds of the spikelet are enclosed in a spiny covering which keeps them from readily separating, and thus bear some superficial resemblance to the cocklebur. In a trial in which sandburs were placed in a germi- nating pan the upper seeds grew somewhat more slowly than the lower ones, but in ten days practically all that were viable had germinated, that is, 89 per cent, of the upper seeds grew against 99 per cent, of the lower. These have been the most favorable seeds for such a study, outside the genus Xanthium, that have so far come under observation. In this study of the behavior of the paired seeds of cocklebur it has not been possible to show that any structural or mechanical difference exists, either in the seeds themselves or in their cover- ings, which would account for the fact that while the lower seed in a bur germinates normally the upper only grows after resting one year or more. To be sure, it has been shown that the lower is usually slightly larger and more vigorous, but this in itself could not be the primary cause of difference in behavior. But, how- ever the phenomenon is brought about, it is clear that by this very serviceable adaptation the cocklebur has solved the problem of giving each plantlet the utmost freedom for development, and incidentally has increased the chances for the perpetuity of the species. So far as the two seeds in each bur are concerned, it is an instance of distribution of the plants by time rather than by space, a seemingly unique character for the genus Xanthium. THE PROBABLE ORIGIN OF KEY-FRUITS. 233 THE PROBABLE ORIGIN OE KEY-FRUITS. By H. Tullsen. In late autumn and in winter, long; after the leaves have fallen, we are apt to see still clinging to the trees some of the foliaceous seed-vessels— called samaras, or key-fruits — of certain maples and ash-trees. These trees are not closely allied, but the external structure of the fruit, /. e., the wing, is much the same in the one case as in the other, indicating that the function thereof is identical in both. The wing is present for the purpose of serving as a sail against which the wind shall act and blow the seed far away to be planted in new soil. The fruit of the ash consists of one samara, while that of the maple consists of two, and these are ultimately separable. There are about one hundred species of maples {Acer) and forty species of ash {Fra.nnus). All have winged fruits. We may be certain that this peculiar form of fruit was not developed independently in each of these numerous species. In order so to believe we should have to expect too much of chance. In the case of the maples it was inherited from some ancient aceriform pro- genitor, which, through natural selection, had taken to the pro- duction of winged fruits; and an old-time fraxinoid tree, also bearing this sort of fruit, was the ancestor of our present-day ash-trees. The direct action of the environment can have done nothing towards the development of the foliaceous fruits of the trees under consideration. It would be hard to conceive of any other factor than natural selection as having wrought to produce them. Nat- ural selection, we know, can operate only where there prevails a fierce and keen struggle for existence. So, in some great struggle of the past, we may conclude that the production of winged seed- vessels, by insuring the wider territorial distribution of the trees that bore them, saved the ancestors of the maples, and those of the ash, from extinction. 234 THE PLANT WORLD. That this is true, it may at first be somewhat difficult to appre- hend. The ashes and maples, it may be said, grow peacefully, and in their tranquil shade there is nothing that smacks of struggle. And when contemplating one of our ash-trees, red maples, or box-elders upon the fertile soil of one of our central states, along the roadside or in the meadow, where any spot, almost, whereon a seed might chance to fall, would furnish the proper conditions for germination and growth, it is hard to believe that in the past the ancestors of these trees were subjected to severe hardships, owing to overcrowding upon small tracts, and through natural selection, were driven to produce the winged fruits by means of which the species might become broadly dispersed over wide regions, and thus escape extinction. It may be held that even a gentle breeze can waft an actually wingless fruit to a suitable spot. But he who argues thus is thinking of present and local conditions only. Now let us look at one of these trees under another and a dififer- ent environment. Upon the great Pine Ridge Indian reservation in South Dakota, for example, are numerous streams and " draws " or' coulees (which are nothing more or less than ravines or gullies free of water except in time of flood and rain) which, as a rule, are far below the general surface of the adjacent country, and often miles from one another. Upon the flood-plains of such streams, and in the " draws " grow ash-trees and box-elders in company with trees of a few other species. Nowhere on the high, dry hills do they or any other trees, except pines, grow, although I have often found their wind-tossed samaras there ; and if germination takes place, the seedlings are doomed to perish. Along the draws and other water-courses all the various kinds of trees that grow in such places are crowded together in dense and tangled masses ; wherefore it is to the advantage of a given spe- cies that its seeds shall be carried to a " draw " or creek-plain where the chances of life are more favorable. Now let us suppose the ancestor of our box-elder and maples, on the one hand, or that of our ash-trees on the other, growing in an isolated " draw " amid vast hills barren of deciduous trees and unfavorable to their growth. Its fruits as yet are wingless, but often vary towards THE PROBABLE ORIGIN OF KEY-FRUITS. 235 producing a minute winglike appendage on the end or margin, as is in reality the case with the fruits of many plants. Violent winds, such as sweep perennially over such regions, carry a few of the nascent key-fruits out of the ravine where the parent-tree grows, and perhaps, after being borne through the air for a con- siderable distance, a few fall upon the fertile and unexhausted soil of another draw, or flood-plain, which is as yet unpeopled by trees. The unappendaged seed-vessels, unable to fly far with the winds, perish in the tree-crowded coulee or upon the barren hills. Plants that spring from the seeds of such fruits, by virtue of the laws of inheritance, will themselves have a tendency to bear fruits lacking the incipient wing, and growing as they do in im- poverished soil, will stand but an unfavorable chance in life, as will their descendants also. Likewise, the trees that spring from the seeds of appendaged fruits by heredity will tend to produce this kind of seed-vessels themselves. Thus year in, year out, the selection and elimination goes on, and it can easily be understood how, in time, first a samaroid and later a fully-winged fruit will be evolved. Sometimes among hundreds of perfect ones we find a maple key- fruit the wing of which is very short and rounded; that is, has been arrested in its growth. Such partly-developed samaras illustrate an early stage attained ages ago in the evolu- tion of the typical specimens. Without a wing of some sort, countless thousands of the fruits would annually be stranded amid the unproductive hills, and even as it is I have often found samaras of ash-trees and box-elders inextricably entangled in dense mats of buffalo-grass. To support the idea that the ancestral trees may have been driven to develop this peculiar form of seed-vessel in order that seeds might be carried from one productive spot, in an arid or semi-arid country to another, I may adduce the fact that plants indigenous to desert regions often have special means of insuring the transportation of their seeds across the barren wastes, to moist and fertile tracts. Says Lubbock, " The Anastatica hierochnntia, or * Rose of Jericho,' a small annual with rounded pods, which frecjuents sandy places in Egypt, Syria and Arabia, when dry curls itself up into a ball or round cushion, and is thus driven about by 236 THE PLANT WORLD. the wind until it finds a damp place, when it uncurls, the pods open and sow the seeds." In this plant the contrivance through which dispersal is effected differs from that of the maples, but the end to be attained is identical in both. Easy conditions of life cannot have impelled the ashes and maples to develop key-fruits. Great difficulties have in the past been encountered, and the trees that were enabled to establish means of dissemination survived in the struggle for existence. But the barriers to be passed over may not have been in all, or even most, cases hills. Sir John Lubbock finds that the only trees that bear winged fruits are forest-trees, which fact would seem to indicate that such fruits in many instances have been evolved in order to be carried over vast tracts of dense woodland. But the theory here set forth remains unshaken, and is really thus sup- ported, for the principle is the same, namely, that there were areas so conditioned that germination and growth thereon was impossible or unusual, and these unproductive tracts must be tra- versed so that at length the seeds might find a resting-place in propitious and fertile soil. To sum up : It is certain that key-fruits were developed in a country where they became of far greater service to the trees which bore them than they appear to be to the ash-trees and maples in many regions of our eastern United States and else- where. But I do not wish to insist that the barriers to be sur- mounted were necessarily hills. They may have been broad dry plains, or forest-growths of other kinds of trees, or even bodies of water — it all depends upon the nature of the region where the changing form first grew. u o o ^ Oh u 1) Q ^^