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I . . I *

I Pocket Almanack \ \


I For the Year of our LORD I

t 1784-1


T Being Bissextile, or Leap Year, f


T »

f Eighth of American Independence, i

A * ;

Ji T CalcuUted for the Ufe f

»^ I I

'«^i O F TH E *

R i Commonwealth



r OF T


I MajfackufettSy \

r t

^ , 3 N f

f Latitude ^^. ;;o. I&rth. f

f LoDgkode 69. 23. W. from London, i


"y . A

I Boston I

I Printed and Sold by T.& J. FLEET, \

j, it the Biile and H^ar/ in CornhiDi f

.^1 .! .


Defcription (j/ France.

THE French Monarchy has always bern enjoyed by an uninterrupted faccefljon of native Kings : it h^s never borne the yoke of the Barbarians : it has never been altered by a mixture of heterogenous people : it hai already fubfifted fourteen ages in the fame form that it \% no^.— -France, formerly Gab/, lies between 15 and 30 degrees of longitude, and 4* and 51 of northern la' tude. Itj I«ngth, from eaft to weft, is about 150 leagues, and its breadth, from north to fouth, is about 200. ■■ - The air is very clear and healthy, and all the b!c0iiigs of the feafona are enjoyed there, under a very tempeiate climate, without feeling- their inconveniences, as in other places. There is no country in Europe wfa6fe fitua-i tion is (0 charming, and where it is fo pleafant to iiveJ It is watered by the ocean on one fide, and the Meditcr-' iran^can on the other. A great many rivers runriing thro*. Ithe country, communicate v»ith both feas, and bring a Ivery confiderable trade. Every thing that can niioifler toi jthe delight and W4nt« of life, abounds there ; and the jfruitfulnefs of Sicily and Egypt;, fu much celebrated, is loot to be compared to that of France \ fioce, befides the iianumerable multitude of natives (he maintains, /he has enough largely to Tupply other nations with her fuper fiuities. There is nothing to be Teen uncultivated or bar len. There the fields produce abundance of corn & fruity without aJmoAany )itip^^n and huibandry. The very Lmountaio»are eoVcred/^^ with Ittreoi l and the vallies are Ifull of a prodigious ntimber of cart'e. The gsme is of an exquifite .favour, and t)»«|ia^js the btft in the world. France makes a J^i^e trade of it, as well as of its wines and other manufaOtircs. , A,\\ ^he(e advantafrs make it fufficiently appear, that France in general is the bcft Icountry in Europe. 1 can do without other nations Ikut they cannot, witho<ir g eat difF.cuties, do without it, (either on account of the nceeflaries or comforts of life. "^hejr reckon in Franc* ?oo cities, whereof 40 are of thefirft rate, 125 of the fecond, and about 635 of thi •hjfdjwithout conaprehend'ng avaft mmy market towns and an exceeding great number of village* and noblemen's ieats. The number of the inhabitants amounts to abovr 'tkirty millions. Thofe who know Spain, tn|bnd and

Germany, have made ic appear, that Frant^ is three times j more populous thaa the two former, and near twice as | papulous as the fatter. Very txi€t calculations alicw j nine millions of fouis to the kingdcm of Spain, tea | il lions and aa half to the three kingdoms of £n^Und».| Scotiaud and Ireland, 2nd eighteen millions to Ger* any. Therefore France is looked upon as the moft cOn-i (iderable power in Europe ; and it ought not to he a mat- 1 ter of wonder^ that in time of war it i:atfei four hundred | and fifcy thousand men, and keeps a ftanding arm; cf j two hundred and fifty tiioufand men in time of peace.] The wattke temper of the people, the furptifing number of fortified places oo her froctiecs, the prodigioui land and Tea armaments /be keeps at all times, the trade, great finances, and the improvement of Sciences and Arts, sre in a much more flounihing (late than they ever were at Athens and Rome, and make France the firft State of Europe. Erery thing juftly gives it that pre-eminence, and raifcs it to that high pitch of gieatnefs, which makes it fo dreadful to its neighbours. The yearly revenue of the iCing amounts to about three hundred xnillions, whiich mske about fifteen milliooj ftcrling ^ and he takes place of ail the other Chtiftian Princes, except the Emperor.

PARIS, the capital of France, it the moft mag. aificcnt city of Europe, it has i7 gates, and contains 25 grand fi^uarcs, 12 bridges, S30 ftreets, 50,000 houfes, 100 convenes, 74 paridi churches, many abbiei for men and women, and 26 hnf;pitals, the moft celebrated of which is that of the Hotel-Oieu, into which have been teceived, at rimes when firkoefs has prevailed, 3000 pa- tients, OOQC being excluded on accoOnr of theirnatton or religion. It has alfo a univerfxty with 60 colleges^ befidei 6 academ rs. Paris contains about one million of fouls.

TiR^AixLKS, the place of the ordinary refidencc of theFrench Monarch, is a fmall city, fituatcd four leagues fromParis. Its caftle.or Roya^ Palace, which was built by Lou'S XV. is one of the finrft edifices in the world, being the tDafter piece of the rtof^ celebrated architects, painters •nd Iculptors t even the Aables are more fbtely than the palaces of many European Princes. It is faid thaf the e^flle of Verfailles has co ft more than «co millions of

I' ivrcs, bcfidts the cxpence of npwardi of 30 miiiiona for the fubtenaneom works.

E C L 1 P S E S >r /^^ Tear 1784.

THERE wiiJ be four Echpfn thu Year, two of the Sun and two of tlie Mjo«, in th« following Oider :

I. The firft will be of the Sun on Friday the 20th of February, at 4 o'Clock in the Afternoon, invifibJe. The Sun's tn*an dillance f:om the Moon's afcending Node. I if. 20' 32* 9' It wiU be celebrated in the zd de grce of the celeftial Ftfliei,

II. The fccand will be of the Moon^ •a Friday the 6th of M^ch, viAble, calculated as follows, viz.

Beginning at - - Qh. 50m. Evening, Middle, - - loh. 5gm. End, - - - jah. 6m. Duration, - - ah. i6m. Quantity eclipfcd 4 Digits, on the north Lionb. Moon's diftance from her afcending Node 6 f, 8* 17' 11" Celebrated in the I7tb degree of the celeftial Firgin. Ifl, Toe third will be of the Sun on Sunday the t 5th ^iay of Augurt, at about half after 7 o'clock in the After ooon, inrifible. Sun's true diftance from the Moon's afcending Node, 5 f. 23^ I* 41" Celebrated in the sotb degree of the ce leflial Lion,

IV. The fourth will be of the Moony on Monday the loth of Auguft, about 10 o'clock in th«morotng,invifible. Celebrated in the 9th degree of the celeftial Fijhes,

Vulgar yor the commonNotes^for thsTenr 1 784.

Golden Number, - \%

Epaa, - - - 7

Dominical Letters > D C

Cycle of the Sun - 1

Numberof Direftion ' %i Roman Indift on - 2 Dionyfi an Period - J 13 Julian Period - ^497

On the RnvolutUn of the PJanets. ^AlURN in thirty years his Ring compliatf, O Which fwifter Jup'uer in twelve completts. Ma'i three and twenty months revolving fperds. The Earth in twelve her annual journey ends. Venui, h?r race in twice four m. nth? is run, "^ For his Mercuriui three demands j the Moon r Her Revolution tinifties in one. ^

N.B. Tbe Letter t S.J.C. in the Callender Months, ftaadl for Supreme Judicial Court, andCX,?. for Court of

Cnmmnn Plffat. ■. t

Coromoo Picas. <


JANUARY 1784, begins on Thurfday.

Full Moon 7th Day 10 in the Morning, Laft Quarter 15th Day at Noon, New M >on zzd D«y 4 in the Morning, Firft Quarter 29th Day a in the Mtrcing,





























































Remarkabfe Days, &ci Ir.Qs.

Circumcijion, 1 7 33

Biittle at Prineetotvn r 777'|7 3*

CoW v/eatber. 7

Sun flo>w of clock 5m. 37f. 7 O'd Cbriftmat Day. 7

Epipbany. C.C.P. ^o/w. 7 O Apogee. 7

^»«TV «r rain, tbm 7

pltafant but cold, 7

Day's length 9h Sm 7

Fifft Sund. paft Epi^bavy, t

0!d A/ew T^ear's Day. 7

fjBftf?/ Hall burnt l-6f . 7

Britijb evacuate Cbarl/.tiun 7

[5o. Carolina »783. 7

Ctldfrtjiy weatber, 7

Morgan def. Tar It on I 7 8 » 7

Second Sun. paft Epipbany, 7

Co/)fr»7Vuf AAro. borni47 3 7

Preliminaries C^n'd bffween 7

[Brit. F ran ce & Spain 17837

# Perigee. 7

S»n flow of clock lam »7f^7

King Pruffia born 17 I». 7

Thiti fiAEfiipb. Contcr- 7

[rion St, /'flW. 7

//;^>& T;Vm. 7

Co/<^ and Sn$zo, 7

Day's 'cHgth gh I 6m 7

K.. C,t;z7-/ei d€Col]a^. 64.S-ei7

Co/i/. [-/Et.49. [7

32 31 30 30 29 xS

»7 26

»5 »5


*3 22

21 21


T9 18





13 IX



9 S


2 4

3 1'

4 17 518

6 14

7 4 (I rife

5 36

6 37

7 38 S 46

9 48 io 59 moro.

f> 13



6 43

7 42

9 * »o 18 (1 36

mirn. o 4^

2 58

6 50

6 20

9 5

9 50

10 36

11 2C

IX 5

12 5c

33 19

3 47 3' 14




8 49

9 43 10 37 I \ 31 12 23


2 2


7 59


43 34 '9

FEBRUARY 1784, begins ^n Sunday.

Foil Moon 6th Day 6 in the Morning, Laft Quarter i3;bDay 12 in the Afternooor New Moon 2©th Day 4 in the Afternoon, Firft Quarter 27th Day 6 in the AfternooD.




5 6

7 S


10 II









«4 *5 %6

a? a8

»9 D

Remarkable Days, &(.

Fourth Sund. \>»REpiphany. furifcatitn Virgin Mary^ CefTation of Arms with Gr. [Britain & jimeric^ 1783 ® Apogee..

Treaty vi'xihFranee ScAnttr, Cold. [fign^d J778. StftuagejirHa Sunday,. Wind and rain, C.C.P. Nortkampton, Gen. Wafiiington born i7i» %X,KittiXxV.\>^Frencb 17 8z

C«/W tfm/ Snoit^i. f^aUntine'i Day. ^txagefima Sunday,

Bluflering vteather, S.J.C. 5oy?o«. twrlir died >5£t. 63, 1546. Perigee. 0 fciipfed, inrilible*

^ f oW fihrm, S^ing'irge^ma Sunday. Sun f} *> of cidck 1 3xa 4 < f ShroveTuefJay, St. Mathias AfiaWtdntfday or i ft 0/ !,«»? Day's lengrb 1 ih. PUafant nueatttr for tbijeafin, ^adragefma Sunday.

^be Planet VENUS nviil be Morning Star till tbe ^th •fAviifift'y tbea-Eiftning Star to tbeTears end.

MARCH 1784, begins on Monday,

Full Moon 6ch Day 1 1 in the Afterooon, Laft Quarter 14^*1 Day 10 in" the Morning, j N^w Moon 2ift Diy x in the Morning, j Firft Quarter 28th Day at Noon. j






5 6


9 lo ii iz

»3 H «5

17 1%

'9 zo



»S z6



»9 30


Remarkabli Days, fife.

St. David. C.C.P. Edgartovin, ) Apogee.

Cold bluftering leeatber, Boflon MaflTacre 1770. _ eclipfed vifiblr. sTadholderi/o//d«'^bo. 1748 TownOfficeri chofeatfi<y?on C.C.P. Taunton Se Concord. Day's Irngth i ih 3401.

JVindy and rain, Sf, Gregory.

Sun flow of the c]«ck lom.

Mobilli taken by Span, iyto

[Batr. at GuHferd, l^Zi.


St.Pa.rJck.Bof'on eira, 1776

Staitin Aft repcai'd 1766.

D^y & Night s»early equal.

t^'rcat Pue in 5i?/?ofl 1760.

^tchb. Cratmer burat 1556

Co/i/ and sloudfi 7**sfef iih. 4 Q^^'/as-K^. died 1601 /1S-.70 ■Annunciation or La^ £)fly ^nn'iBfE firft bro't to Engl. Pleafant. ['471-

Sir Jf. Newton buried 1 7*7. Emprefs RvJJia born 1729. C.C.P. Wotiejttr, Nantuck. # Afogee. 1 I ■'■ ■'■' "


AFRIL 1784, begins on Thurfday.

Fufl Moon jth Day 2 in the Afternoon, Laft Quarter 1 «rh Day 5 in the Afternoon New Moon i9ih Day 1 in the Afternoon, Firft Quarter 27th Day 8 in the Morning.




3 4

5 6

7 g

9 10 II


13 14

'5 16


18 19 20 21 22 as 24

*5 26

*7 x)i 29


UemarkabU Dayt, &c.

j^JHril Fool Day,

Ha%otold and ivindy, y jDay't leniith lih 400). C St. Amhrtfe, z [rowns v.-te for Gov«rncr. C.C.P. Iffwicbf Barn/table.

Small Tides. Maunday Thurfdajr. Good Friday.

Expert fii^tV Jhenveri. EAiTtR Sunday, Cong^efs [proclaim celTa. armf i 7 i^ 3 3 S.i. C.Concord. C.C.P.Ply- 9 Perigee, [meutb, Tork, Sun and clock together. /re/<2ff</dccl.her righti 1781 Atntr. decl. indep. by Outch Ift paft jE'fly?^r. £1782. Battle at Lexington I 775> 1 'i.].Q. fVorcefler. C.C.P.j Warm rain. \BojtQnA Day's length TSh 16m. | St. George.

Boften vote 3 market houfei St. Mark. [»734.

[Danhury burnt 177 J. S. J . C. Northampton , 9 Apogee.

SmaJl Tides. Suo fail of clock 3111 1 f

r. G««

41 40

39 37 36 34


32 3a 28

27 26 25 24 23 22 20 18 17






9 7 6

5 3




+ 8 4 49

4 50

5 6 diife

8 11

9 »7

TO 24

II 31 morn.

0 30

1 23


2 47

3 »4

3 45

4 ^ 4 26

D fets 8 23

6 33 io 36 II 34 morn.

0 2j

1 7

1 44

2 14

2 40

3 o

8 »3|

8 57

9 43 10 28

i> II 12 a



2 31

3 ao

4 13;

94 5 58 6' 50

7 4*!

8 3«.

9 30|

I a 20J

ii «3'

II 5*'

I* 4^i


2 20

3 5|

3 50;

4 57

5 *3

6 i<i}

6 58

7 44

Full Mooa 5th Day i in the Morning, Lafl Quarter nth Day 10 in the Atternoon. New Moon 19th D^y i in the Morning, Firft Quarter 27th Day i in the MorDing.

May 1784, begins Of) i>aturday.

Remarkah:e Dayt. &(.

7 \S\Philip and St. J^wTT."" '^1 [iS-ing Tammany*^ Day. 2 lEmnref* Ruffia born i 719. Warm ard p?t'fanc»

G-en. ElefliuD Neiupsrt,

Siege of ^:^«^?c raifed 1776.

Jamaica tait.by Brit. 1655.

Clinton ^kci comniind 1778


iio 2

C( Florida tak. by Span, 1 7 8 x F.rftConti.BilUiffiicd 1775




15 16

17 i&







*5 26

»7 28 29 3^,

C.C.?. Pitti/eld. ^Perig.

S.J. J. Barnfta. & DukaCt.

[CharljiSMS.tcCliaton ' yio

G.Cagtitnvti itHofi. I 774

Stormy and %vet, Regatisn Sunday.

Pleajant tveather, S.),C. P/ymo.C.C.^'.Grotcn The di'kDijl7ic[^'prir.g. Af:enji.n Day.

Fine groiving weather, 7*'s fei Sh. S^nfaft cf the clock 4m4

O.C.P. Falmouth.

4 lEledl.of Govfrnfvr dcchred.

5 Calviri die-' /Sr. 5 5, i 64. IS' a> rti foutberh %vind,

and frokak'y a (hovotr, IVbitfunday. Tiilotfontn^de Arcbb. 159J

z 7

1 7 07

.59 8

58 8

578 56 S 55 8 54 8 538


5°c 4 49 8

4 48 8

* 47 8

46 <

4 45 8 4 ^4 8 4 43 8 4 8 4 4I 8 4 40 8 4 39 8

-,7 8

56 8

35 8 34 8

33 8 32 8

31 »



3 19

8 30^

3 3J^

9 «7

3 59

10 4]

4 2C'

10 51J

d rife

II 38,

9 ^4

»* 3»,

10 29

I »3

11 14

2 lb.


3 9

0 IT

4 *.

0 i;2

4 55

I 22

5 4«;

I 54

^ 37;

2 16

7 »»,

a 35

8 19;

2 56

9 »o

3 20

10 Oj

3 48

10 5®.

11 40


9 13

I a 25;

TO 16

1 10


I 51

,11 35?

1 38

mtT n.

3 »}

0 12

4 8

0 38


T 0

,s 38.

I 2C

6 26,

. 1 42

? '^'

a 0

8 ^

2 20

8 5io:


k L-'rwJs XVT. K;ng of Francv, crown'd lOththis^Mon.'

■■■i>j»» I. iiujii ri ^__^__a»__

% \i

JUNE 1784, begins on Tuefday.

Full Moon 3d Day 10 in the Moroing, Laft Quarter loth Day 4 in the Morning, New Moon lyth Day 3 in the Afternoon, Firft Quarter 25 th Day 6 in tke Afternoon.

■Remarkable Dayt, ftff.

4- 30

9 10


>3 H

»5 x6

17 18

ao ai 22

»3 H

»<; 26 27

2g 29:


C.C.P, Po'vunalhorougb,

4 Tobagmak.hyOeGrafelySi ^ ^^ ^

5 ^Gov.Hutchinfott died 1 780. j4 29 8

6 JK.Cr. Britainborn 1738.(4^ 29 8

7 /ir/«i:/y a»i fitvwery, (4 a8 g C Trinity Sunday. ® Perigee.

Art. EUa. £»^i»B byCharter C.C.P. raunt«n, Worcejier.

Warm aadfUafant. 7»'srifc3h. St. Barnabat apoft. Hamover fucceffi. t€t figo'd, Firft part Trinity. [1701. Sua and Clock together. S.J.C. Jfjwcb.

4 NcwConftitu.agr. to, 1780. .,,.-, ' Bat.JSr*£j*sHiIICAtfr/.i75s|4 a6 8

27 8

27 8

4- a? 8

27 8

4 »7 8 4 26 8 4 26 8

5r//. evac. Fhiladelp. 17784 ji6 8 Fair and pkajant, 4 a6 8 Second paft trinity. 4 26 8

9 Apoget. Smalt Tidtt. 4 a6 8 S.J.C. rork. 4 j6 8

/^er ««(/ dry. 4 a6 8

St. John the Baptift bora. 4 26 8 '•'a rife ab.am. 4 26 8

Congiefs removed xoPrinct- 4 26 8 Third part 7>»». [tentji^ 4 *7 8 BatfI«»tAf*ffl»w*/it, 1778. 4 »7 8 St.fet. ScPaul. S.j.C.Fal. 4 27 8 imutbt CCV.Barnft. 4 aS

2 4z

d rife

9 10

10 3

4 28 8 10 49

4- 28 8 I , aoj

4 28 fjij 53

4 28 8 morn, j

o 25




T 55

a 30

3 1


8 50

9 30 10 10

10 32

10 59 f » ao

i> 37

«» 54


o 13 o 33


i 40!

I. F.Sea,

9 38 10 20 ii 10 la



a 3 4

5 6

7 7

56 50 40 35 20 16

8 ^"^

9 40

9 30

10 ao IS 10

11 50 la 30

1 to a 6

50 30



4 5



7 8 9 x6


3 50

43 30


|V *rr-mj<wy


JULY 1784, begins orr Fhurfday.

Full Moon 2d Day 8 in ihe Afternoon, Laft Quarter 9th Day 1 1 in the Morning, New Moon 17th Day 5 In the Morning, Firft Quarter a5th Day 7 in the Morning.



a 3


5 6

7 i

9 10 II 12

J3 3 4




S5 16

a? xS


20 Al




as 26

27 2S

30 6


RemarkabU Dayt, fife.

JVarm and dry..

Vifitation Virgis Mary,

'> Perigee. High Tidex.

4cb paft Trin. independence

Oieclared 1776.

C.C.P. Bofton, St Plimou:b,

Fair artd pleofant . Day's length i4h 46in Fairjfeld, Con. burnt i779 G.FreJcott caiT.cffRh.IJland 5lh pad Trinity. [»f 77 Norvualkf Cor, burnt 1779 C.C.P. 5fl/ow, 4 r#r*^. Sun flow ot the clock 6io. Duke Monmouib beh. 1685

Hot fultry •Wiatber,.

I Apogee, 6tfc piU Trinity.

M»ifl »ir and tbundtr, Sr. Margaret Vir. h mart. Commencement Cambridge, MaryMagdalen. NewMeet- [ingHoufe ereft.atCixar '*/- DogDays begin. [t(m>n\'j%i 7lh paft Tr;»/rv &',yames. St. j^nne Mcher V. Mary.

Frying clouds andivindy.

Small Tides, Dat*» length I4h23m. Sun flowoftheclocl ^m. .4 ff^arm, dear and pleafant,\^



7.% g ig S 29 g 29 g 8 31 8

31 8 31 g

2 2g|lO

d rifejix g 31 »

9 lo

9 46

TO H 10 35 10 56

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ^ -

4 8rii 19






4 4 4

32 8

33 «

33 8

34 8

34 8t

35 I

35 «

36 g

37 g

38 g




44 *

45 8

46 8

47 8

48 8

49 I

50 e



0 15


1 38

2 30

3 26 Dfets

8 35 ^ o

9 »3

6 57 10 j6 10 34

10 59

11 3f moro

o I 1 2 10

9 c

' 54 ta 48 I 42 I 36

3 30

4 a4

5 18 6

7 39

8 26

9 12

9 58 10 44

I 30 12 15

» 59

1 43

2 27



4 35

5 24


7 8

8 55

9 48

16 9

3 24 10 41

|^A U G U S 4' 1784, begins oa 5ui53ay;

T^'?I1 Moon ift Day j.iVthe Morning. Lnft (garter yrh Day 8 intbe Afternoon, New Moon 15th Day 8 m the Afternoon, Ftfft Q.'janer 23d Day 7 in the Afternoon, FuH M )on gorh Day 10 in che MornlRe,





5 6

7 8

9 o



'3 t4





2? Z3


as 26



Refr.jrkahlc Dayi,&c, \r.Qi

8tb paft Trinity. Lammas.

Battle at Blenheim, 1704..

9 Perigee,

High Tidn.

Firft N.England fettlcrs fail

Transjigu. [iv, Engl. iSxo. Thunder and Ram,

Qth part Trinity.

54 5r/A, Ships talf. hy Span.

St. Lawrence. [1780,

, Pf^indy and rain.

K..G. Brit.fir^ fon bo. ijSi 6jS«n fl 'w of clock 4m 341' 7 Sie^e Penob/cot ti'tki 1779. C loih paft TV/mVy. O eclipf.

2 Batrle »t i5fnn/"ng-/(j», 1777

3 0 . Apogee. Pau/us Hoe k uksn 1 779. Da-'s Jciigrh > -h V6in 7*'ii rife lob 22m.

Pleaja't iviather^ nth pad Trinity

4 51 ? 4 52 8

4 53 8 4 543

4 55 8 56 g

4 57 8

4 58 8 59 8


5 17 5 17 5 3.7 5 5 7 597 5 7 ,

> 8 y

S 9 7 5 'o 7

5 12 T

S Ti 7

5 14 7 Kjng of FriTT'^ born 1754. <: 36 7

St. Barth^lomeiv apoft

4 A-nnivc r Off^f of St.JLow;x.

5 G Hutckinfoni Hnufe dam. 61 [ 76. &allow'd;{;3i69. 7 Si'/Iugu/ijre. 9 Perigee,

29| ? I2(h paft Tr;«/Vy.

30*2 % ec:ipf»(J, invifible.

3t1 3S.j.C.iS»/^«.C.C.P.;Vcr/i.

([ rife

8 12 I 38

9 ' 9 *3 9 48

10 16 to 56 It 40 motn.

0 29

1 26

2 »5

3 ^7



7 49

8 6 S 24

8 41

9 4 9 34

i?. 5*tf

ro 12 5 17 7 11 o

5 19 7 ij 57 5 2' 7im"rp.

5 13 7 5 ^ 24 7 2 23 1: 26 7J 3 43 '10 20

5*7 7^ "f^f^ '7 5 28 ^1 7 7|i2 9

1 1 30

12 25

1 20

2 15

3 10

4 ^

5 o

6 30

7 10

8 o

8 40

9 30

10 lo J i o

11 40

T2 30

J 75 2 O

2 40

3 30 4'3

5 56

6 49

7 42

8 36

9 30


Krps.of Cr,Britaitt'i 1 5ib Child born the 7tb this Mop.

' SEPTEMBER begins on Wednefday,

Laft Quarter 6tb Day 8 m the Morniag, New Moon 14th Day at Noon, Firft Quarter 22d Day 4 in the Moriling, Full Moon 28th Day 7 in the Afternoon,

Remarktble Days, &fr.



23I5 6

*9 4 30I5

SuGilei. Commcnc.Prov:', Dcg Days end. O.Crem%veII6iei 1658. Famous uAlcsFielditig died 1 3 h part Trinity. [ 1 7 80. ^. Ltndtn burnt by Arnold C.C'^' ^orcefter, [178 1. Nitivitj Virgin Mary,

Cooi and rain. Sun faft i>f the clock 3m.

Pltafant. 1 4th paft Trinity, Apogee. V CCP, Concord, Taunton, [Great Barringten,

Flying clouds iff windy, St. Lambert.

•'s rife 8h 32m iSth paft Trinity. Parf of N.Tork burnt 1^76. ^r.Matbew. <? ].Q.Worcefi. K.. ScQ^of England crown'd. Sun taft of 'he clock 9m.

ExpeSi a Borm. Arnold's Plot difco. 1 / 8«. 1 6'^h paft Tr/«. 9 Perigee, ^ow enter'd Pbiladel, T 77 7 %.'.Q, Spring. C.Q.P.NeW' St. Michael. [bury Port,

[BarnR, & Poivnalbtro' .

5 7 5 31 7 5 33 7 5 34 7 5 35 7 5 36

5 3^ 7 S 40 7 5 43 7 5 44

5 45 5 46

5 47 5 49 5 50 5 7 5 53 7 5 54 7 5 56 7 5 57 7 5 587 5 59 7 o


7 50

7 56^

8 20

8 56

9 41

10 2I

1 1 s6 morn

0 27

1 32

2 36

3 41

r 4 46


1 4

1 50

2 40

3 46

6 2 6 46

1 0 6 6 76



7 7 8



10 50 morn, o 1 1 T 30 2 49 4 16 d rife 6 2 6 27


20 iO 50


4 50

TO 30 ] I 10 J2 3 12 50




io 5 30

o »7

7 22

8 37

9 1%

10 7

11 z

11 49

12 3S

Commencement at Dartmouth College the 3d Wcdoifdaj

OCrOiir>R 1784, oegins on Friday, i . 1

Laft Quarter 6tli Day i in the Morning, New Moon 14th Day 4 in the Morning, Firft Quarter zift Day at Noon, Full Mooa aSili Day 6 in tlic Morning,

Remarkable Days, &c. Cold and ctilly.



6 1 Cold and chilly. [6 lo 6

7 jMa'j.^w^re hang'd for a Spy!6 ii 6 C '



lo Ii




17 1%


20 21


^3 24

^5 26








5 6

7 31IC

J / th pad Trinity, [llio. Batt. iXGermantaiun flJ,

3 S.J.C.Cr.earr/K^. C.CP,

4 [ ojion, Flimo. Nantuck.

5 Treaty Comm. '^■IthHoHand

6 Sr, PennM. [fign'd 178a. 7^ © Apogee.

C I 8th paft Trinity,

2 Co/kw^z/s <J if. America 1494

3 C.CJ>. EiddiforJ.

4 Sun flow of the clock iim.

5 Gen. Eleftion New Haven.

6 £/»/>» iburot by JSrit, 1777.

7 Pleajant.

C iglh paftT/r/n. Burgo^ne fur.

2 St. y.a;^^. [1777.

5 S. I.e. Taunt. Comivai/is

4 [and army furrer.d.178 1.

5 Pleajant tbo' sool,

6 ^ Perigee. /

7 ///'('^ TiVfj.

C 20th paf^ 7r'«. Pr/V. eva. Criff'tn. [Rh.IJIand 177 9 S.J.C.C«w3r. C.CP. fa/. [moufb, Ti/bury. St. S/«!0«andSt. Jude.

fVindy. Night's length I3h 44m zift part Trinity.

6 13 6 6 14 5 6166 6 17 6 6 19 6 6 20 6 6 22 6 6 23 6 6 24 6 6 26 6 6 28 6 6 29 6 30 6 32 6

34 6

35 6 37 6

39 6 6 40 6 6 41 6 6 42 6 6 43 6 6 44 6 6 45 6 6 47 6 6 48 6 6 49 6 6 50 6 6 5a 6

7 o


8 z%

9 24 lo 26 ir 31 morn.

0 36

1 43

2 47

3 49

4 58

5 so >fets

6 17

6 44

7 9

7 5

8 56

10 4

11 18 morn.

0 38

1 50

3 22

4 4T 6 3

d rife

5 40

6 23

7 15




50 4 40 3 30

6 ao

7 3

7 40

8 3o

9 lo

9 59 lo 40 u 30


1 10

J 59

2 40

3 30

4 2p

5 10 6


7 5t>

8 49

9 40

10 30

I) 26

I a 10

> 3

I 49

King of Great-Britain proclaina'd the a6th, 1760.

NOVEMBER 1784, begins on Monday.

Laft Quarter 4tb Day 8 in the ^fternooc. New Moon 12th D<»y 7 in the Afternoon, Firfl Quarter 19th Day 7 in the AfteruooD, Full Moon 26th Day 7 in the Ahernoca,





5 6

7 8







lis' 3



^9 20 21




2C 26 27 2i$ 29 30

Remarkable Days, &c.


6 <;4 6 S.J.C. 5.^/m. [.1755 6 55 6

yi!I Saints. Q^Frar.ce Worn

Somerjet loft 3tC.Cod,l77S

Coo/ i»eatber. A 74. Gun Ship Izur.ch'd at # Apogee. [Porf/mo. 1 78 z. Twenty fecond uaft Trinity.

Blufiering imatber, C.C.P. Springfield, Sun fart oi^ the deck l6rn. St. Martin.

Snoiv Or rain. Day's Icnech, loh. Twe-ity rhird paft Trinity. Mud IJJand tike'^, '777. -.C.P. Great Barrington.

4 Windy and ckudy,

5 Great Earthquake 2755.

6 9 Perigee.

7 'Treaty with Hvlhnd fign'd C J 4th paft Trz>;V^. [1782.

2 St. Ceci'ia, vir. and mart,

3 St. Clement, rnart.

4 Pleajant weather.

5 St. Catharine. St.Eufiatia [ ctak. by French > 78 j . 7 Sunfaft of the clock 13m. C Advent 5^ and ay.

2 Empr. Hungary died 780.

3 ^t.Andrew"^ C.C.PXatnb

;6 o












i^. 5«a '

I 5

a 5

4 5

5 5

6 ^

7 5 9 5

10 5 5 I* 5 »3 5

7 T4 •;

7 J5 5 16

57 5

18 5

19 5

20 5 II

22 5

23 5 7 24 7 25 5


0 37

1 45

2 50

3 56

c I

6 6


5 i>

6 49

7 49

9 7

10 20

1 1 40 morn.

o 59

2 18

3 36

4 so 6 9

([ rife

5 o

5 53

6 54

7 57






















1 I


I \


























1 1


1 1




I 2

10 0

ArticlesPeacebetw.Gr.fir/r.'&^wfr/fa fign'd jotb i78z»

DECEM BER 1 78+,begins on Wednefday

Lad Quarter 4th Day 7 Afternoon,

New Moon rath Day 9 in the Morning,

Fiiil Quarter 1 9th Day 4 in the Morning,

Full Moon 26th Day 10 in the Morning,


Remarkable Days, &c.

r, Os. 7 26 5


9 3




7**s fei 1 ih.

2 40



^ Apogee.

7 27 5

10 9

3 30



Sun faft of the clock lorn.

7 27 5

«» 15

4 ^9



t^yarm winds, and

7 28 5


5 *



perbapi r*in.

7 29 5

0 22

5 50



St. Nicholas.

7 29 5

1 29

6 30



C.C.P. Salem, Barnft.fVirc.

■' 30 5

2 30

7 »o



Conception Vir. Mary,

7 3* 5

3 40

g 10




Bojion Town Houf« burnt

7 3> 5

4 50

8 50



Cold and -windy. [1747.

7 31 5

5 51

9 40



7**s fet loh.

7 3^ 5

6 5z

10 30


Day's length 9h.

7 3* 5


M 20



St. Lucy, virjj. & mart.

7 33 5

5 *9

12 10



C.C.P. Plimou.h, Britifh

7 S3 5

6 4t

I 9



[p.va. part So.Caro. lySz.

7 33 5

7 59

2 0



Tea dcftroyedinJ5o/?on 1773 7 33 5

9 16

* ^?



1^ Peripee.

7 34 5

10 34

3 40



Snoiv or rain.

^ 34 5

M 55

4 39



middling tides.

7 34 5


5 ^^



Engl, dtc, i%i. Dutch 1780

7 34 5

I 10

6 20



SuThomas. C,C.?. Taunton

7 34 5

2 30

7 10



Sun faft of che clock 1 m.

7 34 5

3 42

8 0



Twilight ends 6h 15m

7 34-51 4 53

8 50



Warm for the feafon.

7 34 5

5 57

9 4C^



CkeUtmas Day,

7 34 S

6 58




St. Stephen,

7 34 5

d rife

11 20



Si . Jthn, Apoft. Sc Evan,

7 34 5

5 26

12 0



Innocents martyr'd.

7 33 5

6 30

12 40



Archb. Besket murd. 1 130.

7 33 5

7 40

I 30



% Apogee,

7 33 5

8 47

z 10



Very C0ld and Snow,

7 33 5

9 SO

z 50

Weight. 5




4 i8





10 22

8 i6









L. M.





2 I


2 1



o o






4 \i




d. o

o o o o

o o o o o 8 o o 6

A TABLE of the Weight & VaJue of Com^i COINS.

A Guinea, - -

Half Guinea, -

Moidore, -

4 Piftole Piece, -

2 Piftole Piece, -

I Piftole, -

Double Johannes,

Single Johannes,

Half Johannes, -

Quarter Johannes,

Crown, Silvert -

Dollar. - - -

Half Dollar. -

Quarter Dollar -

Note^ 24 Grains make one Pennyweight, 20 Pennyweight one Ounce, 12 Ounces one Pound of Gold or Silver.

Value of Gold, &c. Lawful Money

i' J' "• i-

I Ounce of Gold is - 514

1 Pennyweight of ditto is I Grain of ditto is 1 Ounce of Silver is - I Pennyweight of dttto is

'H^HE yyorldoKcs thought, and fo ma--; think it ftill^

That all Mer. may get Money if they nvill j A thousand Wayz leji dang^rout, tho' more I'/.V, 7he Juhtile Stranger knoivs to gain the i>pcil : J'^Idi') gathers »;of, no matter hoiv ^tisgaind. Standi frff in Rank, nor minds bis Honor Jjaind ] While 'virtuous Pocr^ dejpis'd, unfitiedfall^ For want o/" Money, is the want of a Li.,



o o o



8 4


B L E 1

To reckon Dollars in La'wful Money.


L. Money.


L. Money.


No •;

^ / d-



~ 26

7 i6 0


0 3 0








0' 6 0


8 14 . 0


0 12 0


9 0 .0


0 V'8 0





9120 ,


I \o 0


9 18 0


I 16 0


10 4 0


2 20


lO 10 0




10 I? 0


2 14 0


11 2 0




u 8 0


3 6 0


«> 14 0


3 13 0


12 0 0


3 i3 0


12 6 0


4 4. 0


12 12 0


4 JO .0


12 18 0


4 16 0


»3 4 0




13 10 0




13 16 0


5 H 0


14 2 0




14 8 0




14 14 0


6 12 0




6 18 a





IS 12 0

1 ll.^

7 10 0

I 53

15 18 0




To reckoa Dollars

in Lti'vjful Money,



L. Mom



L. Money 1

16 4


No- I

L- '■ 'I-

5 +


24 12 0


16 10



24 18 0


16 j6



25 4 0


\j 2



25 10 0


17 8



25 16 0


17 14



26 2 0


18 0



26 8 0


18 6



26 14 0


18 12



i7 0 0


18 iS



37 6 0


19 4



27 12 0


19 iO



27 18 0


19 16



28 4 0


20 2



28 10 0


20 8



28 16 0


20 14



29 2 0


21 0



29 8 0


21 6



29 14 0


21 12



30 00


21 18



60 0 0


22 4



90 0 0


22 10



120 0 0


22 16



150 0 0


23 2




300 0 0


25 8



1500 0 0


23 14


I coco

3000 0 0

80 81

24 0



6000 0 0

24 6



9000 0 0

\ TABLii oi Siaiple Intet

. For any Sum t'rorn lo/.

7, Mon

f 2

( Mon.

O I o Q 2 I

3 ! o 3 2

043 060


o 8 I


o 103

o 3 2


0 103

1 2 I I 6 o

1 9 2

Z I o

2 4 3 2 8 I

ert at 6/>i;r Cent I

to j^. 1000.



^. /
































I. s. d. (. /. d.

JO o 1 003 O

20 (o 2 olo 6 o

30 o 3 oio 9 o

40 o 4 00 12 o

50 o 5 ojo ly o

60 jo 6 o|o 18 o

70 10 7 o[ I I o! 2

80 o 8 01 402

90 fO 9 Oji 70

100 I o 10 o; 1 10 o

200 j I o 03 00

300 ' I 10 0^4 10 o 9

400 ii o 06 o o, 12 500 1 2 100

'30 c

3 '<^ o

/. d 6 o 12 o 18 o| 4 o! 10 o 16 o

2 oi

8 oj 14 o o o

I. f. d, o 12 o

4 «




7 100150

9 o o i8 o

10 ioo 121 o o o

1000^5 o o|J5 o 0300

600' 700 8co 900

I I 2

3 3 4 -r 5

16 o 8 o o o

12 O

40 O 12 O 0124

4 10 o|i3 10 27

6 12 hB 24 o 30

o 42


o|54 0:6o

4 16


o o o o

o o o o

o o


ROADS from Boston to the principal Towns on the Cootiaent, v/ith the N«mes oi the Tavern-Keepeis, or Innh.lders.

and (II.) To Martha's Vine- yard,


Falmoutb^ FiA lO '

r ' .t-' Bourn « '

raiiKoutb-Jown, wj ^ y. °

^ood'iHi/e, Parkei 4 -Jvc F' rv 'o Vineiars 9

To *''Iy9iouib

Cape- Cod,

Town*. Tavernt,

Dorcbefiery Kent

_-., Vofrand

^'^''''''^ Ranfival




'ytymoutb, dii tc , Hingb'jm, Scituate Hanover y ditto, I Kingfion,


ditto, ditio,








Lit> e




Newc mb Sandvftcb^ Fi-«^ma

FfffViiden 71 fl^i; Howianc I •^ Chipman

arrlr &f J rjrber.v ^

^lU.) Roac .0 launton and Swaftxey


6? Crocker |

Harv)icb, Clark

<//'//o, Chapman

Towns. Dorchtjiery



>')tougbtott, Ditto "ittzrti, Eajion, ^.'ortorty launtoriy Ihgbton, luanxes













ditto i Eafibam,


ditto, ^ellfleett TrurOy


Atwood Crocker Myrick

Smith Collinf Grofs

(IV.) Road to l<ifVffort

koxbur\ Vhstrng

I Dedbomy Ameo or Gay

^ i iValpote, Downcs

7I D:Vfo Heading

aj tfrentbaiKy Mann

1 1 Attkhorcugby Dagprt

3 S



ProviaceTovin, Attjood 8








Daf!gef 12

Hunt 4

Burr 4

Smith 5

Pierce 2

Turner 3

, (\^ J 1^0 ft R.)ad t t*rovi-

diKce and So, Carolina Providence^ Olney, P

or Aldrich 4.<; Pafwxet yhhoxn cr Randal! 5 E.Greexvficb, Peirce lO N. Kingfion, Allen 8 7ewer.bil/, Sand* S

S. Kingfion, Hawkins 4 Cbarlefiotvnf Cham pi in ■■ o Wefterl^, Thompfon 8 Stonington. Williams 1 o Greion Ferryj, J'ffrics'8 NeivLonderif Donglafs

or Bciden r Rope-Ferr^f Waterman 5 Lymey Anderfon 6

Thence acrcfs the Ferry, 5 Saybrcfik, Lord i

Killing j'soortb , Merriil Guilford, Bradford, Ntv) Havettf Milford,



ditto Fairfield,

ditto. N or 10 elk f

ditto Stamfordf

ditto, Horfeneck, Rye

Marrinach, Ne-w-PocheU Eaft Cbefier, Kirifxhridge, Ha/fwSy Houfe,

NeTv ■T'crk, 8

Acrofs to Stat en IJland, 8 Elixaheth Totun Point, 7


Ward !i

BaUwtn I \

















.ElizabetbToiVfitGnhim a

Woodbridge. Dawfon lo Brunf'unck, Vanhoorhie lo

Prince Town, Hjrer 17

Trenton, Ste'Jg I2

Brifiol, BelTonet 10

Frankford, Potti 15

Philadelphia, Biddle 5

To Darby, y

Chefter, g

Brandevvintf 14,

Neio-Cafile, 6

Elk Piver, 17

North'EaJi, 7

Sufquebanna, 9

Gunpoivder Ftrry^ *5

Patapfco Ferry f ao

4nnapolii, 50

Mount Pleafantf 13

Upper Marlboro* 9

Pifcataway, 15

Per/ Tobacco, s. 15

Ho/<j'< Ferry, 10

Per? /?oy^/, 15

Snead's Tavern, IS

Teddys Bridge, sc

Clay burn s Bridge, 14

Frenau't, tz

WiUiamfburgb, 1 6

//ujfl' IJland, 7

/> of Wight Ct. Houfe, 1 8

Nanfemondy ao

Bennetts Cnek, JO

Edenton, 30

^^/r* F<?rrf, 8

fid/A Town, 45

New burn, J*

f4''hitecock River, ao

Mw /?rv*r F^rrjf, 30

Cape-Fear River, 45

Lockivood's, 18

Shallot River, 8

. End of dittOf ^<.

■crFs-Toton, 3c

Santee Fe.-ry, 12

Savti Ferry, to

Cbar'cf^oivft^^XiToVirz ^6

{Vi.) Wcftero roft raac

to Ujirtford, FlpJ-Ktli

»nd ?kitad:!pb:a.

^fVatertC'wn, Williogton 9

Waltbam, Gleafon 2

I ditto ^ Baldwin &' J'-nea 1 [Sudbury, Benr, Barker,

and Whee'cr 3

ditto, Ezsk. How 6

Marlborough, Cyp. How a

</;>ro, Sawin 1

Nortbberough, MunrPJ 5 Sbrezo/hury, Farrar &f Baldwin^ 5

!/://o, How I

fyorcc^er. Knight 2

^f/Vfi-, Brown %

ditto,{ ternc£f Stowers i Leicefter, Taftj 6

</;rr0, Lathrop t

Sfencerf Whittemore 4 Brookfelit Waite 5

<//rr»,R:ce&f Hitchcock 2

Wtftern, CuHer 6

P<j/wer,Scott&f G *»e« 10 Wilbraham. Bills 6

Sprtngji. Plain, Chap'n Springfield. PtrfcD* L 0 «^ Meadow, hmt ^n field, Knighta

mndfor, Eifwnih D;>r«, Biffeil

Ditto, Lummifs 3

E.Hartford, Bp-ijamm 4 Hartford, Bull &f Jonej a ■Farffl/gjgrgg^Wadfworih 10

Soutbir.gion, Lca-Is 9 ,

i'^'aterbwy, judd o

Southbury, Kemmans lo Nenvttnvn, Chandler 9 Danhury, Clark lo

0^/c«^, VantsfTall 9 Fredericksburg, Paierfcn g Hopeivell, Srornjs I I

FiJh-KiUs. Br'erums 9 Frew Fifli-K'lis re

Phi!ade'phia. North River, 5

Ch^fler, 1-j

Co!. Flawthorn's, 10 Wailen's, 15

Sni^icr^s, %\

Petti. 's, g

Wire's, 6

Hacket's-Town, 6

Miller's, 7

Johnfor,*s-Mills, 7

l^u'] itk's. 6

Q;iaker's-T'wn, 6

H'^ well's- Ferry, j^

Penne'-t'$- Tavern, 7 Crof-^-Road*, 7

Philadelphia, 20

fVIT. ^M dd'e '•'^ad tf J/jr^

ford and A'ifw Haven.

Dedbam, Ames n

D/Vra. Eilii 3

Medfield, Clarke 6

Medway, Richardfon 5 Ditto, Clark 1

Hoiltfion, Hill 4

Z);Vfo, Smith I

Mendoiif Amadon 6

Ditto Keith a

Uxbridge, Wood »

0;>/«. Moredock 4

Douglafi, Hill 8 1

iiompfon^ Jacobs |0

Ditto, Wilifon 3

^omfrtt, . Grcfvencr 8

ijhford^ Kcri^Jt 6

''' ' Perkius I ■*

dittOf Snow 3

'f^o . K nap 3

Mansjieldf Peirce 3

tiiito, Brigham 3

Coventry, Rtchardfon 3 E. Hart ford, Woodhrligt 8

ditto, Benjamin 10

Hartford, Bull i

Veatberijitld, K-Dern 3

Cfr.Snvamp. Buckley 7

Kerfington Hinfdale 3

/ITeriddti. Robinfon 6

''?'a/iTJ'fr$ford, |ohnfon - NottbBaven. Mai sfipld f

NeiV: Haven, Be^rs 51

(VTn.1 UdpC' Ro^d to

Falmouth in Cafco-Bay.

Mc(1ford. Sorter 4

Woburn ^lackh^rfe -^

^it«-o, Kindall K>r F'^ivle 3

Wilmington, Df/7« 3

ditto, Bluf-chard 3

Andover, Ballard 4.

ditto, Adams 6

Haverhill, Barred 7

Plailow, Sawyer 5

Kingfion, ^//2/i<; 6

Exeter, JPoZ/'ow 6

Stra^bam, Fo//*o»i 5

Newmarket, Foljom 5

Durham, ^''f* 4

Dover, Shannon 6

Berwick, Lor^ 6

ditto> Tbompfon %

WeJis, Llttlefeld 9

Keunebunk, Ktmball 9

Drto, Pflfrf« a

■^aco, ^//ffn 7 Peppere)boro*,Brfl^(^«ry 3

Scarborough, MiiUkin a

F.i'moot^, It

v^iX.) PoftRoad .0 AV«o-, ^ary Porr, t'ortjmoutb, and Cafco-Bay» H/ledford, Pot ter 5

Maiden, Hill a

LvKH, Ne*e!) 4

Dan-vert, Fl.nt 6

5fl/m,Webb &fR linlon x

beyerly, Wa'era

H'tnban, Porter

Ipfioicb, Piemonr or

Hrmans Poivley Payfon

Netvbury^ Titc mb Newbury Port, Merrick

and Davenport, 1

Sail/bury, Noyej 4

Sealrook, Griffith a

Hampton- Falls Sanborn,

and WeUs, %

Hampton. Lcavitt a

l^ortb HamptOTtfLfiy/iit 3 Greenland, Poor 4

For^/mo. Tilton orStavera 5 OldTork, Wpodbridge

tfsi Row, TVelh, LUtle'ield

Ditto, Cole

Kennebunh, Kimball Arundeil^ Pa^ ten

Saco, Allen

9 3

% 6

Scarborough, Bradbury « DittOf Miilikeo ^

niftn. March

Ditto, March

FaltMuth, Town,

(„I. )








Governor and Commander inChief of the Arm; & Navy,

and the Military Forces by Sea and Land.

^i/.-5 Excellency kaibcen yearly eleBed, hy a great majority,

JiTice tbt Commencement of the Ne%u Confiitu(ion.'\

Hob. Thomas Cy s hi KO,Erq;Lt. Governor. COUNSELLORS

F«r advijing the Governor in the exefutive Part #/ hii Givernment,


•Jeremiah Powell .J James Prefcott —i Nathan Cufhing --Walter <;pooner 4-MofeiGill _ Jona. Grcenlcaf "Bnja. ChadbourneiTimcthyDanieifor^ -Aaron Weed


yf Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and forty perfoni 'for C>-HinfcliCrs and Scrarors, a-e to be nj-Aid fr by the euahftd inbahitarti (at a mcttirg cf -be fex-e^al tcivns

; ro be called for that purpofe) on the firfl monday in Afril

I (iTir.ua'ly.^—~^l^be qualifcaticm for voter % are, that they muji be 2.1 yeart of age, or uf wards, and k&ve a fret-

J bold cf the annual income of ^, 3, qt other efate of tbf

i -value of £. 60,


( ^ )

/i r (J R s.


For the County o/Suffj'k.

"-Jabez Ffher,

-•Samue. Niles, ^ohn Pitts, ^Cot?on Tuf's Efq'rs.

Co-xnty cfEffcX. Hon, Stephen Choate, "Samuel Phill.ps, jun. -«Nath. Tracy, JBerjarjiii Gi)odhue.E'"q'r«

County <?/■ Barnftable.

Hon.bjmuei AdimSyPrtJiJp Hon. $>o\' monFrceman,Efgj

Cor^nty of BrNftol.

»^Han, Thonrias Durfee,


County 0/ Woicefter.

-^JJon. Smucl Baker,

••Ifrael Nichols,

^Seth Wafliburne,

.^^ftratSs Warner, Efq'rs.

C'^unty oj York.

Coir.Cf of Middlefcr. H n. Nahan-cl Wells, Efqj

jHon. J fiah Stone,

ibrahatn Fuller,

-<£!e2zer rc< ks,

-Jibrnezar Br dge, Efq'rs«H-H<jn. Wi iml.'t^gi w,Er<j^

Couny of Him'jCti.^\e. •^Hcf). (ohn Bi;fs

County t/ Cumberland, County of L\nco u.

County of ile:k.{hne, -4H'>n. Jah. "^^ omJbtidpe, —Jonathan Snii'b, Eq'rs,

None ele&id far Dukes- County & Naatuctcet

j— -Noah Goodman. Lwjohn^Haftir.gs, EfqVs, County of Pl)moatb, -*^on. W ihsm ' e-^ver,

"Charles Turnes E'q'rs.

John Avery }ua Efq; Secretary.

Mr. William Bak^r jun. Deputy 'secretary, end Clerk to t$i Hono-'able Stnate.

Thomas Iveks, Etq. Treajw er.

RiCHAXD UEVENSjETq LGpivr^jfuryGeneral.

Tie Stcif Z'Vt Treafurirr and C'-mm irar>-GeneraI, are to he ('/jojetj dnnua.'/y k'jqint haLot of th- Senators aJ'd \Rep efentatives in rie room ; and that the Comm-riveaff'-b't may be sjfu ed, fr m time to tiiie,thaf the >n.nies remain-A ing n t> e public Treajw' , wp « th jettlcment and liquiA dat on cf ttje pub ic accounts, a^e their property, no pef.»i ian be ii.'.gi'-^e as iieafuiP' dw ' Rece'Vf Gtn"r..l mo-e V f -an five years fuccfftvely. I'he records of the Com- ^

, ionivda'th a^e to bt kep' in the ojjice of the •^icit\''\\A r/u'tto may appoint Depu .ies,but for ivhoje condu£i be ii to\ ie accountable.


-(.3 J

A L'A of the Honorable Hnuf^ of R R PR ES EN- r A- n VES,

Ch-/cn in May J7?3. and" to continue till the day.: prcceed 'g he 'afl wcdrpftay -n /If^^ ^ 7S4, of whrin', I upvyards of lOO were not of the H nfe !a0 year : ; . Alfo thenamsf of all thsTowns in tl-eCcmmon\vcaith.|

Hon. Tktstram Dalton, Efq} Sieaker, •} '

f . Mr. George Rxhaids Minor, Clerk. ij

Ffl^ ?J^ Covnt'f of



pfi/:OT5*Ceo. Wi 1 rns. efcij ' -,mr. ':aniue F igg

/lf/«<:«. SeihSomner, efqj 1 TTift.Da!ton,e'qr3^

Brahures col Eben. Thay* \M,rhkhead,

Ihngbam capt, T. Cufhing -

If r oL-i- r. /• •i-i?<'*;/cr£/, capt. luac Adams

C^fTl-^z, rev. Phillips Pa\fonT,,. -', '^

Frank tn.mr^ ^Cr.f;''"'' Mar.che(}er,

( 4 )


Camin'dgc^mr.W.YrmthiopiSpringJig.'d, capt.T.Stebbin«'

Char!e/Joxvn.,'^ .GoTham,tfq;


->mr. Natb. Ely, jun.*

^'a/errcww lona.Brown.efq Ife^^ jAb.Rurbank.eTij Pf^ol}urti,cip>:. Sam.B.eIkna^.•-'^'/'a■r^^^.wjj^,ftin Ely, efq;' Crnccrd. hon. J.Hofni«r,frq;' ''^//^r/j^^OT, capt. P.Srebbinj' Nevj^on, J, Woodward. efqr^'"'^'^'2P^/^^oa,E.Wr!ght,eA5;' Reading, capt. J^m.Bancroffr ■''''5:</iJ'flw;&re«,mr.Joiia. Clark Marlboro*, m-.W. BrighsftT ^£i<//<?y, ca't. Oliver Smith j BitU'-ica. maj. Ed. Farmer-f^i^K^i Hadlxy, 1

F/-tfw«^/?)ti«, mr.W. BrowrrMw^^r?, N. Dickiofon, efqj Lfxingtin. Benj. Brown, rfq^^Vdtw^j;, mr. John Ayrcs j CLelmsforJ.m'.AzTor\Ch2m-''fi''f^eU, I

[berlain* -^^Wamshurgb, mr. Willlamr Sber'urn,D. Whitney, c(<]', ^^'l^a^ehy, [Bodman*

SudBury,cz^i, Afa.Wiieeler J'^e/^/^^/^jJohn Inge foil, efqj! Maldex, Njnr. Samuel Fowlerl'

IVeJir^n, mr. Samuel F!/k '-'^eerfield, mr. John Will iamj^ Weftford, mr. Fra. Leigh tort" '<^<'»Wrt^, capt. Prince Toby ' Medford, m'. Aaron Kal! "^"'aii-^r/^??:^, capt.If.Hubbard ff<«//,6a-(H, Jonas DijE, ef(j; '-^rimfidd, ' |

.S/o-jy, 5«7i'/'i jcapt. Nchemlah

C'-o.'j'B Ifrae! Hobart, cfq; '^rimfield, I [^*2y|

Hcfkinton, •*-Ne<wSalem, capt.j. Sampfoo

.V/E./r/*y, ijhfidd,

VttpfrreU, W. Prefect, efq," ''^'"ot /< /'»£'^9«,Nah.Eager,erqj tonjonftnd, -^hefferjseldfmv. Riiffd KcUog

Dracut, C3Pt. J. B. Varnurr. -ofien, Bedford, ^ i>"ffildy

Hollifton, ^>': . 'Ji^snf on, rr\r, Ahr.GooiiW

A&otf,\ - - ^' f.-\Pelbam,mT. Tho. Johnfon CarUp] *^"-^^"''"^"'«'^i^a.Wr, capt. David S.ear Dunj^ahk, hon. J. Ty ng.cTq- Montague, j cfc jhRoct, efq; Li»co'fi, A^Wr k^i/d. mr. Ai.'Whnney

lP'ilm'ivgton,T .VJzWcfx ,t^(\^elchertezvn, col. C. (Jlarke *Tt"ivkfbury mr. W. Browrf t^9''e''<r/«,coI.HughM'Clan3n Littleton, jooa. Reed, efq;"" <^^<J'-/^«tf'?/, J. H^injr?,c''q; Afoly, -^Sbelburne mr. Rob.Willfon

Stonebam, - Soutkivick, capt.SilasFL-wler

Natich, ^ GrarfviUi^

E^/iSudBury, cayt, R. Heard 'j^cw.-f*,

Cnen'w-ch, mr. Caleb Weft Blandford,

Wart, -

£ sverett, -<

f bejler^ mr. Jeffc Johnfon ,Scr7;ardfion, inaj. jcbaBurk

ASJ>-<^-f-^ry 4f leap- Serb _ £^ , Eben.Smith,rfqt

Enji:ld, Somen, hiid'oiu,

Trur Of

Ftf/w5Kr,&, Nat Shirer ick^eft^


?ro<vince- Tonn .


Tijkury, Shubaei Cotrlc efqj^


-Norwich., ]o\inYi'rk\iTiiyt^r^^^rhurr.e. capt. Alsx.CofBn \Wefl Hampan, ! —mr. Pcleg Cor-,n

'IMs'-r-fie/d, I m .Stcp.Huflcy.jun.

\Buck:and, I BRISTOL

-^CumiK^CoK, cart. Wm.Wardj.r^,,.,,,, i^b Smith, efq; j mr. Eben. Si-sll -J^fi^i^s/^.S-.ep.BuIiuck.efq;

;ikf.«,'^ «^ry, D.n. Carpentcr,e%

m.ddltfitld. ■J'narrr::urh, Edw. Pope.efq:'

I P L Y M 0 U T H.-JM./.n, mr. Abra. White

//ym.yri,]. fli.Thomaf.cfq; M.imfield, cant. Sam.Wh;tc!

-j^mz/iSi'e, Ifrael Vi.-ia!, efqj -.y?;:,V^o.|Elifha May, efq;,{

Dv.v^^rar.'^/', Capt.S. Lf>ring4— rci^i jS'epRichardf in.crq;

Ma^JhJiild. Mr. Dan Lfwi*.Of^i> ,'<)>:, mr, Ab e2.?^h:llips!

B- >dg=u!ater^ct<^X,\i.M:'.thik'Frcetoivny JeflcBuHock.rfq;-

Mi IdUborough m ^aynharr.. capt. Noah Halli

Rochefter, col. Ebio . Whit* -^oy?©/!, James Perry, efq; I

Plimpton, cap'. Fr.Shu'tli i-^tr;t/«)r, Samuel Tobey, efqj'

Pemhrzke, capt. Seth Hatch YORK. j

-4s:,nj^9,.C3pr.Eb. WaftburrJ)',^^^ col. Edward Grow

^Fiano-ver, mr. Bcnja. Raf^ _ ^iT,,/^^^ TohnH.Bartlet.efq;'

Ah r.gton, mr. Sapi. Brown_j;^'^/;,_ ^^^^^ y,^^^ Bragdoa

■Kj/;/;x. mr. Mofes \x^%'tnj>,^^i,^^ John Hill, cfqj


War eh am.

"iru ndslh

3ARNSTABL E-45/W^^>r^.ca?t.Bca.Hooper Barnjiable, Shearj .BoMro.cft^FepperreH- 1 Jamc? Scam


capt, Sam. H:nckle> •- Sartd-Tj-icb, Jofcph Nye, efqj


Leb fton, Sanftrd,

[mon, efqji

'HJ/jr^t/rVfe capr.Kin-.bXIarlgtefcXfoa. mr.JacobBra<iburT J

L.-^, .)_

^Coxb'Xil, •+%''if;K^/tfro»c2pt'.Ez.KnowI?or:

\ji1ajlabeftc, \Limeric ■, Wro^vnfieldy iLitt'e Fa. 'Is.

'^ ''ri fleet n AfaW- i"-f omb.efq *" 'Vinchend « Ab'lWilder.pfq •Afhhurnh -tjt, mr., .Ilism IS! r hhridge, [ V:'**c- rrb-

W O R C E S TE R.4^^'-^. cap . John Prcn ice I

*nf^orcefier, Szm. Curtifs efq;


^T J n 1 ■'■-'r^r/r^o-, Wm. Putnam, e qj)

,/i/if»?rfo«, cape. Per. Perjniman /-^rf irtroT " Ml-\ 1

•o^BrookJh'dy capr. Berj. R cf


-4o.y/W, Ebfin! Learned, cfqjt^^ ''«''"'*' '

ji't/r/flw, Am: sSingletaryjerq'

H>S'/^««r, mr. Ifagc Jcnks "-i/df/^/fl^d', mi', jonss How

\Otikkam, .^tlart-g, crl.NathaftSparha-A


New jmcj. Joreph Uow-.

Brain'ree^\ [m-iri

'^ Houtk'Ooroughf capt". Scb

IVejiboyough^ [Mewtnn

Northborougb, mr, SeihRice

Shreivsl ury, mr. J. Temple

Lunsnburghy capt, J.SteaTns


'^ca^-iorcugb, col.B.larrabyi


—Hhi-ham. mr. Jofi, Tftatther


Pearfo»hiv», t'loyaiiiorcugbf Raymcfiditcn '-'ake f en, Bridgetaivn, Silniffter,


r'tfchhwgb, T. Cowder,efqj»{» '^'^^'"*' av i \xr/.>»j

Uxbridge. capf.Bfzi'eei i arr*>o</)?y^^. I

Uar-vOrd, mr, J'^Hn Munrne>if^^crf<?<"<rfflmr.Nat.Wyn38it •«4,:'z/*7ey, Edw. Davif, cfq; ^K/sitcaftU, mr. Jona, Jone» ' Ro'fofjj Eph.Fairbanks, efq; Pf'oci'wicbf.

Upton, Paxter.f ^atb,

Sturhridge^ Topjham,

-»t Leomin3er, Boivdo:r,hamf

'^ Hardivick, mr. Icha,. Dexfei Pittsp-'^n-, flloIJe:; John Cb\]6, t(q; Hnilo'wdl, ^Wcftcrn, co!. James Stone*"'-'^^7«'-5"'i5/>mr. Jona. Whiting

\poi^glafs, yaiiaihorotigb,

*^Grapon, doft. 'ofep'hWood fVir.Jloiv, ^Peterpam, C3Vt.W .S^coTHir^ff''aldobi>ro\ capf. J.Ludw'g '^Rsyaipojiy Jyhn Frye, erq;4j?eof/fc^av ca^t. Paul Reed J

7 )

'^Brifrol, ^m. Jqnes, efqj "^.ichriond, rar. Wm. Lufe

Jf'a po.e,


Norrii gcivalkf




•^ ^J -hn F<- !ow; Mount'l'ejhmgton, [elq'r* Great imaj . W i

Edgcomhe, St. Georges, Medumcooky

Warren mr. PatrickPepbleS*' upamfion mr.T. .Sk>nner bomajten, r- Egrimor.t^ capt. Oliver Pier




'Adams, Jacob Stafford, efqj

t ecket

IViJt Stecklridge,

Ajhaivelet Equivalent ^


AiW Ajhfordy AViw {m% Noah

B E R K S H i R E AMarlhorovgh,\ [' hurch Theo.Sedgwick-wyi'ri^'w, capt.t.Heir.ck


-.df-jr^ ca-.'t. L.GrofvcRor ->Pflrfr.y^(?^i!.y, m*'. E. Peirce £^^.»«^/on I' ' [K ng*f^^'''--'* ^am <■' Hand.e/q; 6 fcc-ii>';;;^<?,hon J. Bacon.ef^' afbn.mv., ~ I-f^i- Viitsfield d ft. rm.Childs"^'^"'^'/'^''^' ""'• a-AyrauIt IVir, Wi'liam Baker, frnior, Mcjjenger to the I^oufe.

Ivjr. Ifaac Pe icc, M'JJ'engerto be Governor ard Council, Bvcy T^wn haviig < 50 rateable fills ha a' rnftt- lotional Dghr to e'ett and de \iXt ore Reprefenta("ve y,

nd a ? own containing of 3- 1^ ma ' e'ffttw,and ;* 60c, the may r!e£t three; and To o ', rrukiig 225 rateable polls »h? mean increTfing number for evevy additional

P^eprefentative. The> are to be chf^fen annually in

May, ten davs at c^ft before the laft wednefday of (hat mori'h, and each of »^herR to have been one year an inha- bitant of, ard f'Z'-d tn his own ri^ht'if a fierhold of the value of ;^. 100 within the towr he fhall he rhofen jto re "elPT. 0^ any la'ca^'e rl^a'e to th^* va'ue "f £.^00, ' No' el's tha '•omembrrc a;e 'o ci-nfti u'e a qu rum j and n> m mber can be a rpftc^ on mea" '.rfcel, dur'rg his g 'Mig unto, returning fr. m, or at'erd ng rhr Getje-j

ral our'. '• hey ha' e power to imp. fe fines oprn

fuc^. towns as fhall neg ttt to return rrt-m^ers. All

m'ney bills are to •'rigina''e wi»h them, ft'o' the Senate

may fin^pofe o- concur wi»- artie dmen'f.' They

have power to a jfnir.! thfmfe ve.":, but not exreed^ng two day? at a 1 me ; anA a;e iu:<ges of the re'.urnS;, gltdtions, and qualifications of their own meSibert.— ^

( 8 ) MtniJIers, Churches and Religious Afamhliss in the Cotnvton<vi«^ahh (j/^Maflachufetis.

iFirft Church, Rev. Charles Cbauncy, D. D. | Founded, I acd Rev. ^oi« C/tfT^^f, Cornhill Bofton, | 1630 [Second, or old NorthChurch, Rev. John Latbrcf, 1 650 (The Mrtnn^ HoM^tber.givbollydcftrsyed-^y tbe ene- rrJes of America in 17"' 5, the Members of the Jecoud Church hwuefmce met at tbf Church inMiddle (ireet.) Antipffdobapnft Church, Kev. Samuel Stil man, i6ic Oi*^SouthChurch,Mar boro'-arcet,Rev,7v/.iic;J:'9;,T669 K:ojf'iChapc!.j&. T^erao^t-ftrcet,Re7.^fl.Fr£c•f^•Jn, !628 Church m Bratt.ie ftree', Rev.^rfWw^/Cp'/fe/', D.D. 1699 Quskcrs Mceting-Huufc, in Lcverctt's Laor, 1710

NewNortb Chu?ch.North-ftrcct, Rev. John Eliot, 1714 NewSo Church. Summcr-ftrcct, Rev. C?/;a'£r£z;^rr/r, 17 16 Church in M'd!eftrcet, 1721

(United ivitb the fecovd Church in «770.) ChrifiCburch.^. Salem-ftreet, Ktv.StepbX.Le'ues, ijzi Prelby^erian Church, in Long Lane, Vacant, ^730

Church In Holl s ilreet, Rev. Ehene^er Wight, 17 3a T/init Church,£.Sumrr)er.flree'.Rpv.5flff7.P<ir;ifr, 1734 Weft Church, Lynds -ftrec'. Rev. Simeon Howard^ 1736 Church in Btnnet-ftreet, Rsv. Sam. Ma her, D.D, 1741! SecondAntipzed, baptifl Church Rev. If aac.\Jki I/man, 1745 Chufch in SoSrhcol-ftreet. Rev. AndrewCrofzvell 1748

Roxbtiry, Rev. El iph. Porter


Wm. Gordon, D.D, Dorcbefler, Vlofcs Everett Milton^ Nathaniel Robbins Braintrte, Anthony Wibird'

Mofcj Tafc

Ezra Weld

Vacant E

Weymouth, vVjlliam Smith

S rreoQ WilHaras Hingbam, Ebcnczcr Gay

Daaie! Shute Cohnffct, Jahn Bro»n Medfield, Thomaa Prentjfs ^rentbam, Jofeph Bean fSrscUyn, Jofeph Jsckfo.i

Dedhqmf Rev. Jefan Haven Becjataio Caryl Jabcx Chickcring Thomas Tbarthcr Vacant E

Needham. Samuel Weft

Stougbton, Vacant

Jcdidiah Adams

Sharon, Phillip Curtji*

Mediuay, Nath. Buck nam Uaniel Sanfcrd

Bellingbam^ Vacant

//*//, Vacant

tVaipole, Vacant

Cbelfca, Philhp* Payfon

Franklin, Nath. Inimona

I'exborough, Vacant

( 9 )

Religious AJfemhliss in t'^e C^.iinty -/"Efrex. 5<i/fOT, Rev.THomasBarnard Andover Rrv. Wm.Symmej.| John Pii-ce ~ j Jonathan French

Jame«; Diman fl«i Beverly Vacan:

William Bcntley I Vacant ,

Natlr.Whi'.»ker,DD /fow/fyi Bradford j

Daniel H -fikos Narhanic! Fiflier E Friends

Danvers, Benja.Wadfwotth Nathan H'-vIt

Jpfwicb, Levi F Ibie

ManafTrh .'. uticr Jofeph Dana John Cleaveland

Neivbury, John Tucker - True Kimbail Dav d Tupoan Mofcs Parfor.s Oliver Noble

Newbury- tsrty The. Cary Samuel Spring John Murray P Kdward hafi E

James Chandler Vacant Salijbury, Edward Noyej

Samuel Webfier Altnjhury, Thomas Hibbcrt

Paine W ngia'C Haver biiff J c h n S h a w

Phineas Ad?mg Giles iV]errill . Vacant Glscejferf E'lF'-rbes

Daniel Fuller Vacant Vacant I Vacant Tifsjtefd, Daniel Breck Bradfo'^d, Jcnathan AUea Du ch

Marbkhead, Eben. Hubbard Metkuen, Chrift". Se-geant


Ifaac Story V.icant Vacant j.fe: h Roby Fr end3

Eoxjerd; E izut Holy ke

Mofe.-^ Ha;e Mancbtfiery Bcnjj. Toppan Wenham, fofc.h Swain

MiddUton' '^'^^ Smiri,

Relgiouf j^Jfavibii-.-i in .viidd eiex C.« ?;/^

Cambridge, ?^, A ppleton, DD. Vacan: Vjc^nt E

xCharleJioivn Vacant y/aterteivn R ch, R. Eiiot IVoburTtf Vacant

J )hn Marrett \C':ncord, Ezra R p'ey llknotGny jr.na'h '^ H mer f Wm. GieeiiOugh

' exin^ton, Rev.J'^nat C.arke Readings Caltb Prenrce

Eiijab Stone

Vacant Marlborough^ Vacant Bilker ica. Henry Cumirgg | f rami .gl 2Tn David FCeUog- C- :r,iifoti:^ E'f fze .H. ;dge She hurne, E .jah Biowr.e « Sudbury^ JaCvb iiigluW \



' Eaji SuJburjy /hah t5» dgerjcwrjherd, Samue! D:x

Mj/den, Peter Thatcher Eliakim Willis PFeHon, Vacant Medford, David Ofgocd ilopkingtoti) El jah Fitch AEiony Mofes Adorns Carhjle, Paul Lichfield iVepford. Matthew Scnbner Waithaniy iac( b Cufhmg Sto^o, Jonathan Newell Proton, Danif. CKaplin Shirley. Fhineas Whitney Pippsrr (//, johi) Bulla 'd

Religious .ijjeri.blies in Hamplhire r onnty

Dracut, Vacant \

Bedford, jofeoh Pennlmsn Hollijlcn. JoHioa Prtntice Dunjiabie, Vacant Lincoln, Chailcs 3 Yearns IVi.'miiigton, Ifaac Moirill Teivkshury, Sam. Spaulding Littleton, Vacant

Edmund Fofter jphy. Vacant \Naiick, Stephen Badger iStonehartif Vacant

!j-'n>:gj}e d Rev. Rob, Breck


I. K*cKirflry

hreJtSpriv}j{eid, ]r.i. Ln- hror.

I by vanutGi ifwoic.

\V/'ilbrahamy Vacant

^oiilhan-ptiT), jpna. Judd iHad'ty, Samuel Hopkins \SouikHjdleys {oel Hayes [/^mbe-l}, David Fajfons ySrani>y, Smorr Backus ^atfiild, lofcph Lvxnan Whateley^Ryyin^ V/ells hf'iiliamsburg., Jofcph Strcn? UVeJlfcld, Noah Atwarer pee' field, Vacant GreesfieldyRo'.CT New ten Sbelburne. Robrrt HubhcTt Ccnivay, {ohn Emci fen i?under!ard, jo'epb / lh!cy MorJaguCt Jcdah Nafh Nor hjidd, John Hubbard iBrtmne'd, Natb. V/illiams ISoii'hB'imfield, Ezra Reeve, iAUrfon, Jefie Ives Tmaffj, Vacant P j

Gri'er.ivichp Robert Cuticr Slahdford. Vacant Palmer^ Ehen. Baldw'n P Grawiile^ Vacant NfwSchm, Joel Fcfler BelcbertGiun,]\t&M'YoT^'Zrdi Co'emirt, S. muclTzggait P Ware, Vacant Wattvick. Samuel Reed Bcrvaidjion, job Wright Ckefier, Aaron Bafcrn-ib Cbartemor.t, Jona. Leavitt ^jkfield, Nehemiah Porter M ottbirgton, J. Huntington ^'kutCjO-uyy Vscant Er'vingp:>ire, Vacant iieuthivjck, Abel Forward Cuwington, lames Briggs ie'vereltf^ Vacant j'^V.-^ Harrpion, Enoch He-'e iChe/ierfisId, Vacant Grjhen, Vacant Norivicb, Vacant IP'etidetly Jofeph Kilbura




LudlciVf Erfi.Id,, MffiigCTKery:

....... I . !-*•

( " )

Reliif'toHS f^fefuhlies in Plymouth County, kmjutb. Rev. Ch.Robbinsi Af/V/tf7e^oro«<j-i>. Jam. Barker!


Iv^^ry Florey Vacarsr

Scituats, Vicant

Davd Bams Vacant


Caleb Turner i Solcrr.cn'P.eed

iRccbef.er, Jonathan Moore I Thomas Weft

Lemuel LeRarron

Duxhoroughy'Lt^iC^. dinger Plifftpton, Izra ^ampfon ^ ' - -. John Howland

Penihrohe, Thomas Smith Gad Hitchcock

iAIarpiJisld, Wiiliam Shaw I Athffton Wa'es

[Bridgwater, John Reed * . JohnAn^'.er, a'd

iSamue; Angler , ]ohn Shaw

John Porter Ah'tngtcn, SaTnuel Niles

KingRsn. Z^haniah Willis Hanover, Vacant Halifax, Ephrajm Briggs VVarebamy Noble Everitt

Tiehgions /^jjemblies in Barnfiable (^oww/)*.

BarnftabU^ Vacant

Oakes Shaw

Sar.dt^ich, Abra. Williaoos EliHia Tupper Friends

Eafibam, Edw. Cheever

Jonathan Bafcomb

irellfeet, Ifaiah Lewis |

Truro, Ca't-bUpham Fcimoutb Ifaiah K'ann

Yarmouth, Timothy Aldco •Chatham, Thomas Roby s KT-»i c I n ; <rr c o-.f >

Natbao S;:one Hariuieb, Ifaiah Dunfter

PrcuinceTcivn, S.tm.Varker; ' MarfateelnAianiyG. Haw ley i

\ Religious Affi?}ib!ies in Dukes County. f2.Vj-cr?c-a*fl,Rev jol. ThajLfer CbriJiiai^Tcivn, Z. Mayhew /-i-; 1 TT Gay-Head, Zac, Hcnfoit |

'.Chilmcrk, Varant '■^ijoury. Vacant

F:eligi9U ^U'tnihiies at Nantucket. [Shirhurrt Rev, Bezaleel Sbaw \ Fiicrds

Reii^ic^us Aff^smblies in Briftol County.

*iaur,ton, Pev. Eph. Judd

i Vacant E

Reoohoth, Ephraim Hyde

^ Robert Rogerfon

'S'-.'jjTizeyj Vacant

/?' (2 '-.'ffz-'Zi.'i), Samuel Weft j £"a/?:';i. Vacant

Nrfn, iof'iph Pamer jJSir^r/ey, Vacant

L1^r.:f,dd, R..'ar.fi Cieen !

Attlehorough, Vacant Dightotty J hn Smith

Vacant Freetoivr., Vacant tf-asrha;:'., Perez Fobsa

( T2 ) Religious /^fe?nbHes York Courty.

Torkf Rev. Ifaac * yman

Samuei Lankton

Kittery, Ber«jafn;n Stevens Alpheus Spring j-((Vph Litchfield Friends

If^ells, Mofcs Hemingway Daniel Little

Ber'wick, John Tompfon

^ ArundelU Silas Moody I

Biddeford, Nath. Web(»er 1 Pepperre!bor9\]ohn?i\xfit\^ Leb:rion, Tfaac Hafey i

Sanford, Vacant "^

Buxren, Pe er Crffin Frp'burgh, Wm. Feflcndc, Coxh'alL Vacant MaJJabeftc, Limerick,

MiHheyfMerhna'Brc^unJjeid, ' Litt'e Falls.

Reiighus Affemhliss in ^otcc^qv County, i\ Worcefler, Rev.T. MzccirX\\l.unenburgh, Zabdiel Adams'

^Lancafier, Tim. Harrington Mendon, Vacant

Amiriah Froft Ftiends Brochfield, Ephra'm Ward Nathan Fiflc ■— Appleton lOxfsrJ, Vacant

\Sutton, David Halj. D.D. I Eberw-zcr Chaplin

[Leicejier, Pcnjamin Conklin I Friends

iSpeticer, Jofe h ['ope ^Rutland, Jof. Buckminftcr '\Paxton, V;cant

Fitcbhu 'gb, J ohn Pay fon

Uxbridge, Spaiilding

Harniard, Eb?n. Grnfvenor Dudley, Chailes Gleafon Holton^ Vacant Upton, Eli/ha Fifti Sturbridgey Jofiiua Paine heominfier, rrancis Gardner

John Rogers Hardivick, David White Holder, jcfeph Avery Wejiern, Ifaac Jones Douglafs, Ifaec Stone Grafton, Daniel Grnfvenor Peterjham, Solomon Reed Ro\^ai[lon, Jofeph Lfe IVeRminfier^ Afjph Rice ' Temp/eton : Ehen. Sparhawk

iCakham, Vacant

\Sa'fe, Jofiah Dana

\Hubhard,^on, Nthirn.Parkerl Princeton, Vacant

}Neso Bra(ntresj V?.cjnt lyijhburnhjnty lohn Ccrtiing

I ' Daniel Fofter ^'inchendw, Jofeph Brown

ISoutbbo'OUgb, v. cant \ N' nbbridge, Vicz^i P

uVe':bo'-cugh, Vacant iTVardt Vacant

i/7(j-f ':/'!3ro.'/^/?)Pe'er\Vhftney |yf/i)c/. Vacant

iSbrewsl ury jorc^h Si^TDrtcT] M:!ff)rd. Vacant

' "^ El ;azer Fairbanks UVfrZ/Vro-, Reuben Kolcrmb

( '3 )

I Religicus AJfemhliei /> Cumberland County. I

'Falmou.bi R«v, Th-^ Sm\\\\C:3}eElizal>etb, Eph.Cla'rke Samuel Dean \Gorham. Vacant EberiezsrWiliiams', />'1f«if/?)£i.«K, Percr T. Smith

Thomas Brown Vacant E

No.Yarmouth^ Thc.Giirrar Scarl>orough,Tho. Laocaftc: Brur.fivick, J.hn Miller H»rffiveU, Samuel Eaten

N.Gloafer^ Sara. Foxcrcft "^^ray, Vacant p£arfoK:civTt, Vacant Roya'faorougb, Vacant Faymor.d ten hakctjcn^ Bnefgetoivytf Silvejter,

Religious AJfemhlies ;«L.incoln County,

Poivnalhoro' t Rev.T. Moore Vacant E

Georgetonvn. Vacant

Francis Winter

Newcastle, Vacant «

JVooliuich, J- fiah Win/hip

Bath, Vacant

T6pjham. Vacant

Soivdoinkam, Vacant

Pittsf.'on, Vacant

Hnlloivell, \ acant

M^intbrop, Vacant

VajfadoorQu^h. Vacant

IVinJIijW. Vc-cant

V/aldob^rough^ Vacant Boothbay Vacant Brifol, Vacant Edgecombe, \ acant St. Georges, Vacant IWedumcook, Vacant iVarren, Vacant Thomafton, Vacant Waipoie, Vacant Hoivardftotvn, Vacant Norndgsicaik, Vacant Sterlington, Vacant l-eivifton, Vacant BaUfcoiLn &i f^'ahiy Vacant

Rev. John Lyon, Min fte; at Macbt is.

Religious /ijfdmhiies in Rerkfhire Couttiy. Sheffield, Rev. Jol.n Keep [iVe]'- Stockbndge, Vacant j Grea'Barring'on, Vscant {jl^loatceht. Vacant 1

/oc^iriVg-f, Stephen Weft I ^/W. Vacant - '

f*ittsjleld, Thoma? Allen 'Nao AfhforJ, Viani

~ ' Vezu h^arliorough, YiCZnt.

Glc^eort Eofwick E Ricbmondy Vacapt Lenox, Sainuel Monfoi

Tyirigham A<io n -jahBid weir London, V?cant

Laneiborough, DanieiCollinsi i'trdfjr, Vacant

Adattii. Vacant 'f^ill amfton, Seth Swift Egr.mont, Eliohalet Steele hecket, Zaci.ck Hun Rev.J hnScrjr-an'.PrMf^^

Partridfefield, JehnLealand-, Hanccck Vacant ^ j

IVaJhington, & Let, Vacant \ Sandtsfeld, Eteazei S^oirs j r t9 the /w^/flwjfl Srockbridge.] •'

Rev. Sannuel Kirkbnd. Milfinrfjry aworig the M:-haM k^.

( H )

ITt.c annivfrfaiv Convei'ion of the Corj^r^gaioria! J Miniftffre !•< aUvay? held ar Be/?on rhe.Tburfday fnllow- ' ing the Jaft wedTfrd^y m May ; on which day a Sermon '8 prciched before them, nnd a coDeftion made for -he fciief nf fuch of their f<icierv or fami'ie? U-ho mav fland

in need thereof. The Rev. Mr. Jof.pb Millard,

Prefidcnt of the Univcrfity at Cambridge, is to ixreacb the Sermon ar fhe 'ext <*onventipn,

A Charity Qtisrierly Lecture is alfo held at F.<fJ-i!i' Hall, for the bcnefi'" of the nno' of the tow/n, on thefiifi Lord's Dav evening in March, jfufie, ^September and December, b'E^inninjz at fix o'clock,

V>y the Laws of this C .^mnrjijnwealrh the inhaHtanti of each to«vn within the fame are to take due care f'om time to tijiis to be cinft?.tit'jr provided with an able, learned, orthodox minifler or mini^lers to dif^enfe the word of God to them, who sre to be fjitably cncoflraged

and fefficiently fopp';tfed and maintained. l.

Aifo; every Town having 50 houfliolders an.-l upwriri^s, arc to be conftanrly pvovided with a School- mauer, to teach children and youth to read ard wrrte : And where 3ny town has the number of 1 00 families or houfholder?, there is alfo a Gramtr/ar fchoo} 'o be fet up thcr^rn, the Mafter of W'hich is to be fuifabW cncouragrd and paid. #*^ The Names of the Rap rift Minifters zvill be infernal in a feparate Lift

M^tte'-s "elathi to the Toiun o( Holton, The MftropoUt of th' Commoniu^nUb of Maffachnfetrs. N ;he laft year's Majfuchufett% Register, was eiven _^ a particular defciptiDn of the Town of BOSTON, (which is about z Mile? in length, exciufive of the Neck, and inbreadih.at the widcft part, t & an half) with its fita- ation, number of inhabitanrj, houfes &c, now is inferted. bv the defire of nrwny perfm', the names of .the prefer.:, OiRcers of the Town, as alfo of the principal Strset?', iLanss Alleys, &c. within the fame. And as thebutts [and bounds of houfes and laida are, or oueht to be. lalwavs fr>ec!'icd in 4m*1s by the oris^snal paroes of the ftreets, &c. on which they adjoin, thev are therefore hert printed j 'thi' the b(^undar;e! 2t fomt of the principal corners arc m-mioned by, the nJ>mes of the f>rtfcnt owners or poficiTajs, in order to render the limits more 'intel'If'b'eatthi' tim-.

( 'S )

Town Officer t.

All ToTi.'n Oncers in the Commcr.iuealtby are, hy T^atu, to bs choji in the Mor.tij rf AJarch arruaHy, •■;■■—' In Bofton ;/ bai gencraHy been praSiJsd on the Jecond Monday of that llonth,

Tcun Ci'etk i William Cooper, Efq;

Se'.cBmen : John Scoilav, e^qj Haf brittle Dprr, efq; •Ezckicl Price, eft^; Capt. Wi iiam Mackay, Tulhjll iHuhbsrd, cfqj Deacon Thomas G.eenwocd, and David Ijtllricf, efoj

I 0-v Tj'cers of the Poor: Hon. Wiiliatn Phillips, efqj [Ifaac Smith, cfqj Mr, jonaihan iViaUm, Capr. Sam»e. Partridge, Mr. Sami/cl Whitwrll, |ohn W';ie, cq, [Edward Prowler, eiqj Wiljiatn Powell, e'q; j'hn S'.^eti- j/rr, efqj Ssmue! Banett, efqj Mr. Nichoas Bi '.vcs, and ijofefh VA'ebb, cfq;

Cowmi.'fee of Cirrefpondena, In^peSii>n and Safety : Nathaniel Briber, ci<\, Ed ' a-d " d^f r, pfq^ Capf. ..ho Pulling. Abiei R'.dd.ck, ei'qj Ebfifzer Harc-ck, el'q^ Capr. Ifaac Ph. Hips, SamufJ R-v^gles, efqj and ThfUiiia Mr'v 11, e^q; ,

Firetvardi : John Sc:>l!ay, efq^ William Cooper, efqj Francis Shaw, rfqj Edw ar^. Prc(fler, eiq; Capt. John «''allin>? ; Caleb Davis, cfq; .vlr. Thr.mas T iieftt-o, Capr, Gu{!avas Fellows, Jofeph Webb, efqj Mr. John Lowe'l, i hf ma; Melvill, e'/|- j.ihcz Fh'c'i, ffq; Ca-^r. Ifaac i hilli^.f, j fi h 'v'. af's jiin. rfqj Mr. jacc-b Rhodes,* Capr. tb'-n^zfr Paifofj, and Johi. Coffin Jones, efq;

Tcivn -Tteatu^er ; M'. Peter Boyer. ^ C/<? L fibeMa'ket: Capr. lobn W^nH'^';^, Mtffi'rB .xcberi .\;cWei'1, Nr^fhan Siear, Will-am Hvfl'^p, Tho- rn >$ Kiib/ [-^nc, "^amuH De.T.ir p. Lffwi? r-arnfi. John Jrown, Wiiiam Payre, John Amory, William FviorriJl, ard SamnrI Gon'd,

Purdafen of Grain: ]yhn Whife, John' Swcetfer, ar.d ,'ohn Loca«, cfqoires.

Surveyon tf II' heat : (ohn Luca?, rfq; MefTi'rs Ed. ward Tufk-rmar., Edward Edes, Samuel Smith, and ihn ierkns ^JjyMafiers : Mem. Thcmas Green & jnhnSkinnrr.

( '6 )

AJfJJ'j's: MelTi'-3 WiiJiam iowder, Mo'fcs May,' Jnbn R. Sigoqr ey, lohn Pulling, Bartholomew Knee- land. C!?pr. V/iII,iam Fleer, and Samuel Rugples, cTqj

Collefioti ofTaxss .- Mcju'rs Benjamin Sumnct, jun. James Thompfon, Th imis P^yley, & Alexaiid. Thomas.

Surveyors of Hemp : MtPCi'ts William M'Neil, and Edward H )vv. '

Surveyors of Beards, &e. MefTrra Joffph Butler, Clemen CoUin?, jun. lohn Ballard, jun. John ( hamp- ney, J 'feph Bailard, jonathanSt ddari, EdmundRanf.er, jAbraham -Joward, Henjamiri Page, Samuel Fenno, James Rogers, Samuel Dillaway, Fhomas Uran, J^fephAyres, Hcnrv BaiT^el, and Ssmr.e! Dyer.

Fer.ce Vieivers : fvI-ITrrs Daniel Brown, Jofeph Srod- dard, lohn Neit, Samuel F .Id, and WillJEm Clough.

Ssa'e'S :jf Leather : Mefli'rs Nathan Green, Samuel Sangs. Stephen Gore, and Jofeph Hayden,

Informer of Deer : Mr. Adam Colfon.

Ctillen of Staves : MeffiVs Jofeph Spear, ManaflTeh Marft.in, Jofhua Pico, CaJeb Hayden. David Spear, Jchn Owen, Edward Burt, Jifeph goring, Pvobert Ktchborn, Daniel BeJl, R'bv; Brsck, and John McEIroy.

Hogreevei : Mefli'rs William Mc Fadden, William Sharp, Jacob Ede^, and Jofiah S mpfon.

Hayivardi : M^^xt^ Geoige Hamlin & SamoelCurtis,

Scavengers i Mefli^rs John Cads, Ttiomai Stoddard, Jofeph Pna.e, John Cogfwe;!, Simuel Sumner, Jere- miah Bumftead, Epbraim Copeland, John Kennedy, Gi bert Si:»eakm3n, 'J -fe^h Shed, George Langlcy, and Peter Gsver.

Conliablei : Robert Breck, Alexander M'Leod, Abncr Romn: !, Bar holomew Broaders, Smu^e' Smith, Samuel Whitney, jfasc Wendel', Ge irgr Ha.Tj'in. Rufus Hent, John Bu'te>field, W;iliam Fa;ten, and J^hn Whee.er,

On the'non-acceptanc', death or removal tf any Town _ Officer, that WIS chife .at the anxual ^'iarch meet ing the Town may fupp'y the vacancy at an^ other

-^ meeting

Mr. Matthev^N-zm Clerh of Faneuil- Hall Market Mr. John Weare, Totvn Cryer,

( '7

Names of the Streets^ Lan?s, and Alleys ^ in the Town of Boston.

The Tcwn lies rear N.N.E. rfW S.S.W. X^ The Stree's ars redortd in order fv^m tbefzutbivard^ ^ I . '^HE Streets fr:',n thi Fcrtificati'jn. over the Drcinjj-Bridoe, to Hudion'; Pomt't at tks :\ortb End.

the enf^rance uf the Town to Eliot'' -\r^^^_^ r., ^ , ne- at Libcrfy 1 rce, j *

- * " Ne'zvbury


Corn Thence to Bethu■ne'^-Qo^x\tr, at the turn

inp t"» Tr nity Churc^i, '

To Ljughtrns Corner, at the bottom

of South GraiiJinar School-ftreit, To the late St^ne Houfr, now Barreli\

Srcrc, oppcfite to Sam. E ict^, From iben<fe rcur <J Fa^ ru. i Ha!i ( rclud-

ing the lite Town-Dock) and back bv

Su/i's corner, la;e Scott AniGHi'Sf to

Brcioer' s Tavern, From BuJ}y-i corner,' ever the Dra-A-brii^gc

to Crcji Jireet at Fulling'' corner, Thence to the head of ScurJet's wharf, To the North Hatteiy, ' To the oid Ferry way a; Hudfoni Point,

whcfC theincw 74 is'on the Stocks,





Dock and Market^quan

y^Kti Street^

Fijh Street, Ship Street,

Lynn Street,

II. Street i (ead'tng frornt' e South End by thg Rev. Dr. Byles'j. over the Mill-Bridge t9 W^nniftmmel Ferry.

FrcmGoof/j's corner up to Rcv.Dr.5y/«'!?IA, ,0

« <• - ' . . C'ougk Street.]

Thcpce UiWiiiiamFc^er*^, l^,te PonoeWsf tiolyrke.Sterct^' T- K.rg'r CKajxl, / ;_ / ^, Q\tKpn \'fect.

Thehce by Dr. Lloyd's tq (''/)rcrr»,Hali, 'tf(r7.ritStreef. Fr m Jmrcrt- H.^n f? t^e M il Bcdjc, tianm>ii\^treet Thesxe to Rev. Dr, Ma.'6er\- Me«tifi|, MiJd'e Strict. To Winn.fimaiet Fcr^y, , _ ' ivif^-^ ^ffff^r


( i8 )

II 11. The Sfrtefj and Ltsnet branching from

the foregoing, reik'-ning from Souflyward,

(i ) L''ail n^ /rem 0\z^gt'%x ttt.

I. From Orange-ftreet (the fi: ft ar tie rn-

trarce of the Towr.) crofling eaft and

weft so the fpa each wav, Fiom the copier ar Pond^i nCM fchoo)

houfe to th* 1 6<mm.ir-, Leading to Rev. M . T^'jgbd meetirg, Op ofi'e to Hoi'lis fireet o the lea, The nexf, runn n^ eaft to the fea b*

Johcn}! t'f .Siill-H,u<e, From Inches*' come? to LujIPs Tan-yard The I'^x runr irg eaft the fouth Mar-

kei by Loriyig's Malt-houfe to the fea ' From Mcore^a ccfuer, opucTi'.e L brrty-

:Tee, vvrft to the new buryirg grcuiid Frcm F/iot's rnrner, at Lib^rly-tree, e.'ft

to W'Pi Still houfe, Frctn the fea, leading ficrirof Hi7/'sSli:l

houfe to Sumrrer-Preet,

Cafile Street,

PUaJant Street

Hoi /is Street, Sennet Street,


E to: Street.

Beach Str4et,

Ft eg Lam.

EJex Street^

South Street,

(2 ) Branching from Newbwy-Street

rFicra the corner cfGibhcjis^s Arch, weft, ?Fri my^f^r^'i corner vcft to the coin m on, iFrcm CTeft\ correr, by VinaPi fchool to I the ccnfimon, ^Frcnj M^C/ertfi corntr, and down by

!- ydn Roive,'E{q'is, to the Quaite: Ma Her Gsneral's Oifire.

(•ihbor.iCcurtt Sheaf's LaM,

}^"efi Street, ond Street,

jThence fo the new fo'Jth Chuich, iFrom 5<ri)z/Kf's coiier Ccft by Trinilv I Chuich to Buirs Wharf, jThe oppofire Street, weft to thecrinmon

Blind Lane, . ummer Street, mnt,er Streit,

I (3) Leading from Marlborough Street

i.VrrniFi«..f»/^8 cornel E. "^o Bijl f^'s Alley,

fFrom Curtis'6 corne»^. weft ro Bumftead's ftop, lare Pcddoe)i''^t in C^mman f-Teet Frtm the Old South Chuch eaftward Xv the !a*e Mr. Hallcwell^f Ship-yard, From Laygbton'*i tormr wefterly by <^« , , ^

:; Souih Grammar Srhnol -o Sherburn',, ^'^"^^ ^'^"'*

*rhenc« by Go'crnor JlaneotlCi to ibc fta,i£«w»i5^rf«/

Vinscnt's Lent Ra'wJ»n*slen9 Milk Street,

( '9 )


Lejdin^ from CornhiU,

Trom Dehloii' s S ore to M.s. Have*s,

Ffom F/fe/'s corner (Printers at 'he'HibV and'Hea'-t in C/trnhi!') ^oO/'X'^'-'sD ick

rhroueh Peci'$ Arch, weftA-a.-d,

Riu .<i the O d B.-i^k Church,

Fr m. 'b» T iw.T.Hju/i eaft to the Long Wharf, fa called, a; it is fuppoftd to b; the longed on the contir.en?, being 1700 feet in length and above 100 in width,

i-rom the corner at the P)ft-Otfic», near the TowTi Pumr", north wefterly to Concerr-Ha'l,

Thence north to the bottom ofCt'dLarte,

The Wav 'eadng from about the ra ddle of Sudbury ft'Cft round to CherdoHi, coman 'niy called 7j-r/f ftreet.

Spring Lore.

Vater Street.

'^avjg.^sCour' Cbufcb fifuari.

K!nr.f:reet, new ca I'd Stats ftreet,

S^een ftreet.

now Courtjcrie:.

iiudbury preJt

HaiviirSi Street,

(5) IVays hading from Dock-Square.

From Edtu. "Jackfon's corner eaft to the

bamt Stores at the lateTowa Dock, U,> by D'. Noytt't^

Fr m Parkman aad HtnkUy'a ccrncr into ' Staff ftreer,

Trntr,' Kennedy* i corner into ditto, Fom SaM. E/io^'s inti d tto, B^rwecD Breive '$ Tavern and Barre'Ti

Store to D . Cocper*s Church, thence

S.Torh to Court ftrect, a:id North to

ff'ing^'^ Lans, Fr mPo Icrd'i corner hyBelknap'sLeixhcT

DrefTcrs ya;d to the la'e h'lt , Moffatt" i , F/Om Proffer 8c Loivtii*5 corner weft to

Haniie- ft'eC, Fr ra the C<:pduit at Dcck-fq-jare, c-of. I fi ig f/ar<)x'fr ftrectjb) the Green Dra- ; p -n to ths Mii Por.l1, Fr jm Capt./oia Bradford' t^otatx north

weft to the Mi! Ford Ft >m Dr. Pecker' i to the Mi". Pood, Fi" vaFro'-.uJhcr''i.ccrnet \n fyanuxer ftrcc

the back way to the Mi-Is,

Corn Market.

Corn Ccurt. Peiree*s AVfy^

Sbr{mpton*s L, ■yUljon iLar,4,

Brattle-ftreet. \

HiHer'i Lane, IVingi Lar.e. |

UniiK fre:t.


Cold Lane, | FrierM ftreetj Link A (ey. f

^ _(_jo_J

|The Alley l;acing from Ann-2i-tcl tc

jFr-m ►hence fo BoAon Sione,

JFrom Dea.Grj«f*s corner in Union-ftreet

\ up to Joj, Scoit'i,

|FrosT5 Bradford''': caft to C?-£fi{ Lane,

Frcra ^■iji:n% to dftto,

F/om the Covniicid to the Mi'!- bridal.

Seotteiv'sA!l€y\ Creek Lane,

If- not'' s Court

Marp Lane, Sail ^ ane. 'i'JayJhaULane]

(6) IVays leauin^ from Ann Street. ?rom the Go-den Key to Swing-britJi-e. XS'win^hrid^ell TtcmSi'mpk Mj'scornfr eaft to the wharf, |/?ovtf//'i Af/gyl Twm''Phi(e*s, late Fletcher*8 corner we{>|„ . \ :, to M\6^/e-{\retr, ^addy i AUty. ?>.cn\Ri(!gv ay''^ comer eafl to the wharf, WentwortbsL, Y'%A-\ t*ullitig^$ corner, weftarly ')croi"i'

h'jiflde-ftffttt and Sack-ftreet to the Crofs-firtet, Mill P.in?,

(7) IVay 5 leading from FIfh Street.

From DcC/^i' (t's Qtvrner into Middle ftteet

From Co!. Pf:Ber*s in-.o d rro.

From i/a«?'s culler, late Gardti;r^s,w7:^

to th* Did N'or-h, From <Sri3>'/W\ wharf to Dr,M<i/j?'^r's Ch. F'om Dr. Mauntforfs corner by the ea'' fide of the late OldNor'h ro /""/eifr ft.-ce',

(8) M''ays Ida J/ n^ from Ship Strtn iFr'^m Clarke Ship-yard weil tf> Rev, Mr. ! E!ioc\ Chuvch' in North fi-eer, ITl^e Alley next to the r.orthsvard leading; ? weft into North li-reer,

I'Fiom Salutation Tavern weft into ditto, \Sahtatior.Ally\ lOppofi e the North Battery weft to ditto,) Batt£ry Alley. \ (9) (Vays hadi"o frot?: Lynn-llreet. Throcgh Grtenougb^B Ship-yaid, iQM\}\\Greenough*s ' weft to Charier ^\tv.K, From the late Mri Aved corner fouth

to ditto, ^

The nest northward, fouth weft to ditto. From Wbits'i. Ship-yerd, at Budfon^:

point, Ui-^ tothe North Huryinp-pUce

GalUfs Alley. \ IVood l.a»e,

Sttft Covrt,

Fleet, lireet.

Moan- fireet.

Lime Alley,

Fion^ }Judfort''s point, round the Beach to^_ _,." \" Icharleliownr^rry, \ Ferry H ay. }


'4''bife Bread Alley.

Alky. Henchman's

Lane |

Sliding Alley. \

( " )'

Seer Lane.

[( to) Streets, Sac leading from Middle Streets

jFrom ihe Mill-Bridge northerly to Har-

rod*~ corner, at the curning ioCbarlef- Beck-fireett

toivn ferry, ^

From Tiompfon' i corner, nearly '^pppfifc

Rfv.Mi.Latbroft's Church, h)Atkini''.

to Back-Hrtti, The Si reef l.-3Cirig from Ckar/froztinTcrry . -

up. to M/WJ'/f ftreet, commoniy calledj '' .

Elackhorfi La re, j

From GHeii c -rn-r^aft to the.OldMorth J Bel! Ailey.

Fff.m Cell A ev north by HuuhinJon%\^ , I r -c-i \ n. ^ \Lf order, Lcurt.

houie to Fleet ftreer, I ;

The Space at the front of the Old '^orthy^ Clark' s^quare.

From D ,Mather''s Church, bv theNorrbl _ a . .

r^ v.- u 1 c ; A . xBennet-Jtr^tt.

Or-JHTiinar bchowi to o.2/if//2- (tiee?, I ■'

O Dofirr the North GrammarScbool intolo . , y,,, a A . [School A/ley,

( ii) H^ays leading from North-Street, &c

Frf>m Grand corner by north Writing; jr l^ane.

School to Salem ftrcet, he PafT^ge Way at Hunt\ corner, From near'y rppofite Rer. Mr. Eiiot\

chuich, ronnirg up by the nordi hit

of the huiyjpg ground to Cop's lull, The Way jtift above Greenough^i hou'e

in Charter f^ieet o Df2. tobie'^, From ' he iare W'irtiamfVki:£''i hnuf? down

to Ilarrod'"' c>'rner in Prir.cs ilrecr, Fioni !<.e». Mr.Sti//?nan^<i cornei mSalem

ftrec , \\efterly to Cop's H il.

The Way aSour *h- middle of Sbeaffe' .. t

.1 I 5- J r, n in/far^retLane,

K.eet leading down t. Pnnce itit-et, [ *"

From oppcfjte Chifft Chuich up to the L, »/ -s ^

Npr'h puryirg ground. i

The Way near Charlefioivn Ferry nor' hi ,

up to the Burying ground on Cop's- 'S««w-^r«^


KobinfonsAllej Charter-fiteet,

EHcCi-Hreet. Salem Jlreet, Sbeafe frett.

Hijhofi Alley A

Coiv Lane, I

Purchafe f


Sta Street,

( 22 ) ^ '

IV, Of^^r Crofs Streets and Lanes (l) Fr!>m the South End to DockSquarf

Leading; from EJfex IJreet fouth weft to|i?3/«{/ori'f I Jackfons Suh-hc}A(t\n Beach ^'.ttt, i Lar.e.

[The r,ext ruaning N. from Maj. ^'^'^^^'^\sbort-Street.

] corner to Pond (Ireef,

iFrom Trinity Church in Summer ^.t^tt,

\ i'^\Bovjdoin\ corner in Milk fttcet,

From tatgky'i corner up by the head of

\ the Rope VValks to Fort Hill.

From the lower ; art of Summer-Areet

up hvCo^. Dawes's to Hubbard' sV<J had,

From fift.VWharf f'.uthby Capc.^oA^/Vs

\ to Windm'U point,

[From Bult vVharf northerly to Tilefion's^SFhunderr.ane,

S I Crooked Al'ey.

Ti" 1 J' e ^ \. c I ^ Cray's Lave, 1

Hays leadtng from P.rchafc I ^-^^.^ La«.. 1

Street inu Cow,La»e. ( ^ Gr/i.V.La«f.|

3 5 Gikjb^s Lane. * [From StimpfoTi'z in CotvLzne down by the

/r/^/& Meeting into M/7^ flreet, From G'-ay^s Kric Store, next to his Rope walk, by Grien\ Sti'l-houfe. into ditto, From Long Lai\e bv Sang\ & IP't Hi ami' t

into Atkir.fon Areer, By the Irifo fvjes'^ing into di'to, From Green'-i ftore in Round Lane jcrofs

in;o Bury {Ireet, From M/i';^ftrect north by the late Con-

tif^fntal Navy Office to Water ftr^et. The Way ro<ind Ca/^/'s Tan-vprd, rhePaffare between Parrot''i8cPFilHaTni''i

into Milk {^rcef. The Way back of ^Ws the Pumpmaker

to Milk'-^ VV.ind wharf, Fr; m Hal'oiveii's Ship- vard round by. the

South Bitteiy 'O Hubbard's whirf, From the north eaft fide of Fort Hill to Battery March,

LoKg Lar.e,

dthinfon Street

Round Lane, £ury i)tr€et. Sifter Street.

Joliff^s Lane, Tanners Lane. Board Alley.

Gfabb Alley,

Battery March

Sconce Street,

Deiienjhire I St rest. I

From Abi;l^tr.itb'& in Siate-ftreet, fouth

to Wattr ftrect, The Way round the Buildings back of

th* \yhipping Poft, From Amory\ corner in State ftrcet run- I ning f utherly by the ^aen meeting I and DahcnsRow to Milk ftieet, iFrotn opj'! ri'.e the Quakers meecing'^ in I Lever ett Lane ro Oliver^ Dock, 'From the Bunch of G a.^es Tavern run-

Iniog bv He oes\ Fifh-maiket to //7/- liam Mt!ier''i in Mi k ftrcet, iirom nearly oppofite fa;d M/ /fr's up toj I Fort H. II, j

iThe Way running up to Cotu Lan? by| I (he ea/l fide of the R.opc'.v3 ks, |

iFrom Bangt's fliop in Kitby fircst eaft by i Col. IF^bb'i ftore, Fjom Aim.f^.'rnons corner \riSt::te ftrect, north to the late Swing- Biidge,

(2) Frvf/t the Place known by the, Name of M^ Orange Tree, round the Weft Part of the Toivn fo the S^uth School Street.

Halffquare \ Courts

Leveret'' s Lane

hindair iLane,

Kilby Street,

Oliver Street,

Huchinftn ftreet.

Mar(halt 'iVef

Merchants i Rtnv.

Fiona the late Mr. jB^wJa/b's, weft by the

Hon. y&bn Pitts''-, . From the upper end oiSudbury ftreet, near!

the Orar.ge Tree, runni>g by Deacon

Nezvell's d'nvn to the Pef> Houfr, . The Way opp'fi e 'he H-m. John t^itu'i

houfe into Cambridge ft eec, The next leading nonheriy by Mr. Ccfe-

land's in''© Sudbury ftrcer. From lV!nr.£t!^s,)i:f(Ve/h's corner, north

weft to John Allen'' s, Opr-ollte Ladd Saunden'i in Green ftreet,

down to Todd aid Coolidge^s. From the late Co). yarvis^^ comer leading

down by Capt. Jfaac Ptillifs's to Bar ton 5 Point, From Allen % houfe up by t'bilUps and ' ff^intbrop^s new Rope Walk,

S outback' t. Court,

Cambridge Street,

StoddardLane,] Alden: Lane, Greenfireet, Pittt Lane, Levertt-flreet,


the Way wefteri3f to Q:i<?Ujcb?rinc7s, VThJrtv^FJTt iTiiC forty feet way next above, Iea'^ing! i^affa^e,

along the I'ront of late Mr. M''DanieV%\ .,, /ioufcto ftVanci^ri's wharf, X^l'^njirett,

From Sir corny iK:.0'n^\, leading up to CaL\Middlecott

Itrtdern ftake-houff. From oppr.fite Capt. Cbeever''s, up to the

back of B acoo-Hill, From Che£-uer*& cfirnesr northerly into

Creen fireef, From hcRev.Nffr. Howards houfp, baick'

of the Weft Church io, Green ftreer. From o^f^iSiitdA.Mackay^s Stiji-houfc

northsriy to yf.Vrn's houfc iiy ditto, | ^^^'«^<'"y'^ From f a d Srill-h-ufe fouthcriy b-y Box*i\„ ^

re- G-vernoT Hancock's Stabiee, ' \ ' & 'J ''^

From h- Granary to i eacon-Hii), \Sen.ry-/}re

Thf Way back of the South Gramma: :,, ,, >, c V, 1 ' Cook s Co:;

Sthooi, j

txcm William Foivell's corner in SotitKi

Sch-ol dteeU f_urhei-ly to Lieut. -Gov. i

Cu/hirig\ in Baivfon*. Lane. I

Streets forwe'-ly laid out on the

'Land at IVeft Bofton near

Carnes'j Repe-ivalk, lately

imprcved as a Potatoe Fieldy

runr.ing N, & S. fromQdim-

biic'pc iireet to the Mount,

beginning near the Ropeivalk.

Crofs fir;ets, at Right Angles, ', jrom Eajt to V/ejt^ I

Goiiernor^i Alley,

1 Butto'pb-Jlreet, \

2 Garden ftreer. \

3 Center-fireet,

^ Cronje fijeet.

5 BiU'ftteety

I Soutback-Breet, 1 MiyfiKeet, leadings to :L>e FovJderHeuje.

Keepers of the Pcivder Magaz,ines^ Mr. Thomas Fofter, at Bcfton. Mr. John Au'iin, 2* Ckarlejtoivn, Col. Wij'iam Burbeck; r'roaf M after, « By Law, no l-*erfoi» in Bofton is to keep in any build- ing, eafcept the Magazne, moie than a5!b. we:|thio/j Gun-Powder, on penalty of forfeiting the fame ; and; for every half barrel (exc'ufive nf the forfeiture t|»e-eof), they arc to pav a fine of zo/. 'ai5 J fo ir. piopi.rttor. U r a! greate> quantity, and to pay a double tine on the fecondi



(_JJ ^ ) ._

And by an A£l pafs'd in Match I7S3, in confptjuence of 'he lare fi'ft at rhe northMi'ls (near which v.er** drpo-' fi'rd a '^umber of oaded Shells) no ofrfin in Btftitn to ake i*ro cr keep in anv dwel'ing-houfe, ftable. barn,! out-hcufr, warfhr ufc. ftote, /hop, or other build np, ?ny| Ca'iron, Swivc!«. Morrarj, Hov.'itzers, Cchorns, Fire- Arms, HcmKs, Ganade?, or Iron Shells of anv kird, charged w th or havirig Gun Powder in the fame, on aenaky of fcrfei'ine and payir.g thefum of lo/. Such Fire-Arma.Bc-mbjGranadeso'O'hirr S e'!s,3re alfo ) abtaj to be fe'tedzrd hid, one half to the FfCwards, atid the other half to chepoor of the Ti'wn.

The foUoiving Ofiiert ( appointed ^hy the Juftices of the ^a'ter Sejjionii or Se'ecimtn, in Tczvns needful thereof) are at prejent for the Tcnvn of Bf fton.

Sea'eri>fV/e':gbts& Meafures : \^r. Thcmas Dakln.

Trieafuren of ['i^e-JVood : Mefli'rs Na-hanie! Thayer, John Prefiort, john KaHarH, aid rhomi= Bav1?v.

Mtajurir of Sai'r.Coal & Grain : Nir, Cor-eI'a« Thayer.

\Cagers : Mtfli'rs A mbrofe Vincent, David Spear, Job Wbeelwrig' t, JofliaaP-co,CalehH^vden lof? r^nSpear, Foi^er Crvff ^-dwa^d Burt, Th^ma's Ri'^gway, I'rael Ci-ok, Lemn.'l Gardr>er, JoL'ph Whi'emnre, chn

OweT, HafTime'r, J :)rephF,.orir!p, H '•chb^uto and}

Nf-ws!', J bn Brav, Eiiphaiet Flyof, Samuel WheeU wrtghr, 2rd David M^rfton. I

^♦# Thofe of thrm v> hi are Coopers are a'fo Pack^rt^^ and Surveyers ff Pit h. Tar. Turpentine, Sec. aodi ail to be under Oath In the f^-m foTowne, viz, | TOU A. 3. fivear, diligently and faithfully to intend the,

cffice of that you are appointed unto^ toithirt'

the To'u^f! cf ard to di (charge- ths duty and]

truft thereby required ofycu impartially after your kejt- Jki'.l and Cunning accordir.^ to !aiv. So help you God i

Offices for the Infurance of Veff^b^^c \

Kept by Ed>*ard Payne, Efqj ^ ' *^'' I

John Hurd. Efq; and \^iXBof(>n, \

Mr. iMofes Mirhael HavF, ^ \

Mr. James Jfffirw, at Schm. \ Mr. vViiiiini Mcrhod, at Ne'wliury.

( _ ^_x__^

Coltetiors of Duties and Excife in the ' Jive^al Counties. Suffolk : Samue H.-^ fhaw. Efq; of Bofton. EjJ'ex.: '^amuel Wird, efq; of Sa'em,

MtdiHefex : Sirnue! Hen'ey, rfq; nf Chsrlcftowa, HatKpfoire : Elijah Hunt, e q; ^f N 'ftbampton. Plymouth: Jercm ah Hall, efq;; of Pen broice, BarKffab'e : J leph Nye, efq; -t Sandwich. Fripio' : Samuel Fa'«^ e(q; of Tiunfon. York : Jona. Chidty Chadbun e, efq; of Berwick.

IVorcefier : Mr, Ca'tbAmnudowp, of Chariton, Cumberland: Mr. janifs Lunf, jun. of Faimnuth. i

Lincoln : Jofeph Nor'b, cfqj of HalU'well. !

Berhfhire : Mr. Tijrmas Ives, of 'G(;eat Bari'ingtOD, DukesCoun'v <Sr S Th imaf Crokf, Efq;

Nantucket : ( Chuftopher Huffcj, juD. Efq;

an A£l of this Commin wealth, pafs*d in July

1783, ** there is to be raid an Impoft of 5 pfr cent, sdj

vaio-um, on a!' naiis, !o king-jjIaflTes, china, gla'^s, fto'icj

and earthen ware | and an impoft of two aad an ha'f i

per cent, ad valorura, at the time aid rlace of im:orta-|

tion on ail other goods, wares, and merchandize, thatj

Aal! be brnvjtjhr into the Commonwealth by 'and or]

UMter (except hetsrjo and fa't, and fuch articles as are rhej

ItJan'jfadlu-e and growth of the Uoi'cd Stares of Ame-f

rica) that fl»il| be landed or unloaded within the f.'.me.'*|

Alfd. a Duty or Excifs upon the /oJlowjng articles, vias,'

For every pallnn of M'sdcira wine, id^ I

F >r cvsry galion of ofher wire, 6d, i

Fir every gallon of brar,(^y, 6d. |

For every gallon of Geneva, 6d. ^ |

For every ga'ion of Wrft India r»fn, 6<I. i

Fjr every gaii^n of Ne^v England rum, j-f. |

Fur every gallon ofother dift'i'led fpirits, S^- \

F.vr every p; u;;d of ioipor'ted loaffu^ar, 4^. \

F>r c^very poirid <^f othsr fugir, half a p^nn^f, ' \

(Ten i;er cont. to be a'lov-ed on all duiic'^i tiqjors and

br.^w.n r pa'S f:)f fomm^n aod ordinary waftage.) J

F.T everv tound of coff's-r, .It/. |

F' r 8. cry pound ^f cotoa, \d. \

F jr evcty pound of imported chccolate, 4^. \

( ^7 )

For ev^ry p. u'.d of b hra tea 6d. F'v every pound of other Ind a rea, ^f, For every twx oMcram'jn', conitinirg 400, 3/ an^. To in prnpoirion f r a g'cater 01 lefs quanuty. F -r ever\ cflc i '& fins 2/ FcrevctA pund cf imported fnt'ff, 4*/, Fr eveiy ^a' on of draft porter, afe or bser, i^, F«r CTtiy b trie of 'hf famr, i</. F<'i every (curd of im or; rd tobacco, id, F r every oonce of wrcupht fi vcr mpcr'rd. ^f. F'^' every Oirce of w lou^ht gnlj impoftcd lc_/*. F r every m > r ed c'rck. icy 1

For every fo'd wa ch m 'tfd intothi" S'3'c. 12/. F'lr evpiy o f^er vva c^> im fred m'o 'his S'ai', bj. F r every beavet or bea^e et bar mpoited, hj. Far everv caft r hat imtor e^ '.J, F r every o hei 'ropi'trd '"lar, 'J. '

Likfcw fe, the (W er t pcflViTu j? he to!'o\w;nf car. gf, are to pay vear r, en 01 before the 1 5'b of iMay, for each can a{;e as f Jiows v z. For every coach. ^. 5. F r every chan % ^. 5^ F r everv ph.e 0 , J^. 3. F 'r every fi ur wh-e ciiaife £. 3, Fir eve y fa!, b ck cha fc, |^. For eve-y o'-he: cnaif-, Jo/.

For every 'ulc, a'li <>:lisr lid rg chair, ^f, i

It s alfo fr a<fled, thatzevery perfon taicfig <-ut aHcm«e as ifjoholHci, fta'i pay the fLin ^f *4/. and for a !ic<.)ce! 'as a Teta)!cr <'f fpintuou*: I q lors, the lom of 12/ to be [paid to rhe Cl-'k of rhe Pseas at the 'im« ef taking out

(their ifcencff, exc ufive of other change?. A't the m nies a'ifuig fr^m the above-men jrtned ,<jurie< and pxc fe arc <o be aop'ied for the paymenr of the !inrere<i on p ve-nment cocfo.ida'cd fecunfei?, andintereft [on he no'e ffucd to the cfficers and foldiers ef 'he [Mifrachu'ctts line of the armv for ttrir ferviccs in 17S0, j The time by law, that all I'cenccd and permfted perfcns are to account and pay in the Excife to the Col- ijeft ,r (who '$ to Bttend at (ome convenient p'ace tot .that purpofc, fi-ft giving feafcnabie and public norice; ia the 15 h d y rf M»y> and the 15th day «! NcTcm- i«r aonualiy. .

( »3 )

*"■ II I .1.1 . I iMT IT ■■ 1 ^ ^ ^

Committee for fd'-ing forfeited Eajltes* I

Ftr (be Ccunty of Suffo k. I

RichardCranch,Samuell3arrett,& Samuel Her;ihaw,Er<|r8.

For (be County of Mlc'dlefex. j2mesPrefcott,JoreprH>fmpi,& SamuciTiiatcher, Efqrs.

I For (be Cmnty of Eflf-x.

SantjuelWar(»,!fr2elHu'cbtt Ion & DuirBicrJcwett, Efqrs, For the County o/Hamp re. {John fCirkUf d, Dav^d Smead, & Be i jrminBarDey,Efqi5.

For the Courty e/PiMno\)th, ,

Mcffi'ffi Naihanrviitchfl, JofepfiSini h, and Zeb. Sprout.

For the County of Barnftablc. Natbanicl Freeman, Jofeph Oris, & Daniel Davis, E'qrs,

For the County o/Brifto!. Mr IlraclW Ihbu.n, Sa .TobvjEfqj & Mr.lfaacHodgcJ

For tbe^'ountycf York. John Hill, Edwaid Grow, & Thomas Cutts, Efq'rs,

For tbe County of Worccftcr. johnFeffeadcn, CalebAmmdown, & Jona. Warner, Efqrj,

For the County of Ci mbe- land. John LcwiSjEfq; S^muel Ftfeeman,Efqj & Mr.Sam Smal].

For tbe County tf Bcrkft^re. JohnAfliley, Jonathan Smiih, ft Nathan Kingficy, Efqrj,

Naval Officers fo'%i)e fevsral Sea Ports. ^ fio/zcff ; Nathaniel Bnber, Efq J Saem: vlr. jofeoh Hillicr. MarbUhead : J hn Gerry. Efq; Glocefter : Sam<ie' Whittemore, Efq; Neivoury port : J nahan fitcomb, Efqj Tork : Ci ?. *^ chard Trevort. J Pcperrelb rough :'Tr. dram J .rdan, Efqj I Falmiutb : Th, mas Chjid Efq; I'ownfend : Willi m McCobb, Efq; Plymouth : William \Vatfi)o. Efqj Harvf able : Cz^r, >.''il(iam aylor, Dar'tn^uth : -^^i'X. WiHiam G don. Duk^s County, M!. 'hn I'cafe jun, Nantucket : S'Cchef H>>ffev, Efqj

Abisi Ruddo<k, Efqj Deputy Naval Offi'-er for the P rt .)t Boftun.

( ^9 )

Notaries Public in the fevera! Ceuntiei* ^Svffolk : Ezekiel Price, Efqj and Mr. Henry Aliync.j > c Mr. Edward Norris, Jofhua Orre, E^qj

EJfex : < William Atkins, Efqj Mr. Peter Coffin, junj

' znd Capt. Daniel Rogers, Middlefex : Capt. Jofcph Cordis. Plymouth : Capt. Ephraim Spooner. . ,, 1 MeiTi'rs Richard Sears, HezckiahDoane, Barnftablc : ^ ^^^ g^^^^, Hinckley.

Brijtol : ' WiIlian>-Toby,Efq; and Mr.WjlHam Brown. Ytrk : Daniel Moulton, and Thomas Cutts, £fq;

Cumberland: Mr. John Frcthinf,ham. Lincoln : Mr. Thomas Boyd, jcn, DukesC9uKty:IAT. Ebenezer Smith. Nantucket : Chriftopbcr Hnfler. Efqj

CommiJJianers appointed by Congrejs to j^ttle and adjufi

Accounti Hvitb the United States : liko an aljo to

liquidate and fettle infpecie value , all Ccrtijicatet given

Lf public Ojpcers, for fupplics er fervicei, and otter

claims of individuals againft the Lr.it ed States,

"Wiiilam Imlay, Efq; frcm Connecticut, to fettle with

MaJJ'achufett:, his Office kept at Bofitn.

(The poffejfors of f^rfurtate nunihers in tke ^tb clafi of

the Vniud States Lottery are alfo to prefent to bim

their Tickets for feitletner.t^*

William Thcmpf.in, E'.'q; frrm Majfachufetts. with the

S'.ate o^ Connecticut j Office kept at Hartford, •Stephen Gorham, Efq; from TAaffackufetts, with the I State of NcusHampfiire 5 Office kept at Exeter.

Commiaee to receive, examine, and pafs on all Accounts \ exhibited for Services pit formtd for this LoTminwealtb, |Hon. Ephraim Sfarkv\ea;f er, Charles Turner, and

Jofcph Hofmcr, Efq'rs. Mr. Jofeph B. Varnura, and

Stephen Metca'f, Efqj

Ccn.mittee for methodizing and flating the f'ubiicAccounts j and for fettling ivitb the MafTacliufetif Line of the Army ; a Ifo Cotnmifjioners to fettle tie J!ccounts of the Cojfimittces for tie Sale of forfeited Eftates ; and likt%uife a Committee to jetfe the Accounts betiveen tbit and the United States ivith the C'.mmi[j cner fron. . Ccng refs,— Their Office Is/cnb Side of the State- lie ufe, |John Dcroing, Thomas V.ailty,£rd Peter Bo\»r Efq'rs.l

( 30 ) ,

iCemmittee for£xamintrg and auditing the lateTreafurer't

I Accounts,

[Benia.Auft'n, Richard Cranch, &Nath.Appleron, EAj'rs*

Xonmitteefsr fettlingAccounti nvith the late Board ofiVar Thomas Ivers, Efqj and Mr. Peter Roe Palton,

Continental Supe'inter.datit of Finance. Kon. Robert Morris, Efq; of Pcnnfylvania,

Receiver of Continental Taxa for Mafiachufctt9. Hon. James LovelJ, Er<j; of BoJIon.

Continental Lofin Office in Bofton. Nathaniel Appleton, ETq; Commiflioncr.

CcmmiJJ'ury of Penfioneri forM&ffichufctti Line of theArmy John Lucaf, Efqj "of Boflon.

Truck'Mafler at Fort Halifax. Ccl. Jofiah Brewer.

Superintendant of the Indians at the Ea/i'ward, Col. John Allen, at Machia%. Frederick de Bourgcs, Miffionary to the Eajiern Indii

Truck' Majier for the E slier n Indians, Mr. Stcp+.en Smith.

Minifters Plenipotentiary from the United State x at Foreign Courts, and Comm^Jfioners for trea'ing of Peace loitb the Croivn of Great Britain. Hon, Benjamin Franklin, Efaj Hon. John Adam?, Efqj ' ^

Hon. [ohn Jay, Efq;

Hon. Henry Laurens, Efq; ^

W. T. Frariklin, Efq; Secretary to American Comtniffiojj;

Minifter Plenipotentiary from the Court /?/ France to tb

United States, refiding at Philadelphia.

Han. the ChevaWer de !a Luzerne.

ConfulG rner a I of ^xinct for the States o/"NewHampihire, Maffacbufetts, Rhode- Ifland, and Conncfticut. Refdence at Bofton. The Sieur Phillip jokph de la Tombc.

Jofeph Maria SoJcipon Tc/can, Vice Conful.

( 3^ )

Names of the Gentistnen app<^'tnted by arA

AB of the General Afembt;) to afctrtain the current monthly prices of Ccn, Beef, Sheeps Wool and Sole- Lea: her, '/'« ordsr that a juH and equitable fee tkrr.ir.t may b: ar.r.ual/'y m:2de tvith this State' i quota of the Corui- ntmal army fjr their fer'vices.

Richard Cr«pch. Eft| ; ia the County of Sufolk, S.ephen Choaje, efcj ; in the county of Ejpx, Simon Stow, efq j ia the county of Middhfcx, j'jftin '-iy, cfq ; in the county of IIatnf>jhiie,

John Turner, ef^ ; In the county of Phmoutb, *)f^ ^•'!;,.,u t»i..' I. ^L- -. * V D a

Cape. Jof^h Sewall, in the county of Tork, Mr. Thomas Child ' in the county of Cumberland, Thomas Rice, efq j in the county ef Lincoln, Afa Esmont, tfq ; in the county of Eerkfoire. Toey are feveraliy appointed te cclIeSf and keep a true ac- mnty according to the btj} of their judgment, of the prices, f each of theab'jve m'-ntioned four articles in their refpecA

eport into toe cccreiars s ojpce on toe lajt lueiciiiy ik /Sm-; uf, and the third Tuefday of February, annualh', during lid eight years, ivhicb return is to he under oath, and. be Committee for fe:t ling toitb the army are to have r*-I :}irje thereto in O'der to aJf^H them in their calculations.-". 'or the more eafily obtaining the a-v^rage price of f aid four rtic'es, the SeleBmen of the fcvzralToions are to tratfrnit. 7 their refpeciin/e i4gents the curreit pr.ccs thi'C'jf m:nthly.

'~Kfi~\UJhrs. 'l

Ebenezer Hazird, Efq; i''o(i Mafcr General. \

Mr. Jamss iJryfon, Affif-ant or Clerk, \

IMr. Jonathan Hading'!, ^o'JMj,'?//' ^rBofton. I

Mr. Mafcol WiUiams, at S/iem. »

Mr. Djniel Noyes, at Ipfivich. {

Mr, Bjlklcy Emerfan, at NeivburyPcrt. \

Sam .cl Frcimun, efqj at Falmjuth. I

Mr. liaiah Thc^mi--, at Vr'arcefer '

Mr. Mofcs Ch'jfch, at Springfield. «

(32 )

Managers of Lotteries^ Bofton Pier, or Long Wharf Lottery. Thomas Crafts, Efq; j Samuel Ruggles, Efq5 Deacon John Simpkins, } Mr. John Lowell,

Ftr re-lu'ilding the NerthMdh in Bofton. Hon. John Pitts, Efq; Mr. Wilh'am Pain*, Mr. Enoch Brown, Mr, William Hunt and Capr, Henry Prentifi.

, For buUditg a Gia{'s-Hoafe in Bofton.

Colonel JoCah Waters, Major Thomas Melvill, and

Captain Alexander Hodgdoa.

Tor re, building tht Papar-Mill <f? Milton. amuel Keiilliaw, Efq; Me.Ti'rs Allen Crocker, and Ifaac Davenport.

Tor ividening and air.endin^ the Streets o/*Char!cftown,

Mefii'fs John H:ty^ Eliphalet N2«e!I, Samuel Swan, jun.

Ebejiezcr Auftin, and Lewis Foye.

For npaitfif!^ the Bridge at Newbury, Samuel Tufts, MofesFiJzier, & EJmuod Sawyer, Efq'rs.

For hui'idinr a Bridge e^'cr Chetsbcei?/T'er <rf Springfield. William Pyrchcors, j'ln, Efq; Mr. Luke Blifs, Mr. Tho- mas Wiilifton, Jonaihan Hale, Jc Gideon BurfjEfq'rs.

Fsr fuppiTtir.g a Bridge over Agawan Rivtr in Wcfl Spriogfield. Abraham Burbanlc, Jufiin Ely, Eiiphalet Leonard, Efq' rs. i Mr. Benjamin Subbins, and Mr. Jof<?ph White.

I Tor re-huiliir.g end mahvg gcod lie Bridges and I Caufe-Ways in Lancafier.

tCautain Samuel Ward^ Doftor L^:ael Atherton, ^r.d I ' Jofiih \Vi!de', Efq;

iFcr repairing and building Bridges and Highways /i-v I Teivr of Winshendnn,

Samujl CroPjy, Efq; Ab?l Wi'der, Efq; and ' Mr. Levi Nichols. Fo'- building a Bridge acrofs Weftfield River, |SamucI Mather, Samuel Fowicr, John inperfoll, Davie Mofzly, ar»d Ifrael Aihley, EfqVg. The Managers of Lotteries are to be fwcrn to the faithful Di [charge (if their ^frufi.-"'-^


( 3^ ;

Ofi.srs of toe Fort at Cajile IJland, Kon. Tbomaj CuOiinj, Efqj Captain. Col. Wi!li2m Burbeck, Captain- Lieutenant, Sair.uel Treat, Efq; Second Lieutenant, WiJJiam Hickling, -Efqj Gunner. —■■ •• " Chaplain .

Signah at the Cafile. For a Ship in Sigh:— y^3/».' J'Arg- boiftedon the upteriitaff.

For a Snow A Ur.ion Flag.

For a BrigantJne— y5? Pendant,

No Signals are made for Schooners #r Sloops.

If three Topfail Veleii appear, iht blue Fleg, Union,

and Pendant are hoifted, the Pendant uppermoft.

If two Topfail VefTslf, two Flags.'—lf more than three] Tof-fail Vcflels appear, and under twenty, then a Gun/ is to be fired, and the two Flags and Pendsnt hniileQ,the) Pendant lov/ermofl.---If tvcnty or more Topf?!! VefTcls^i appeir, the large blue flag is ro be boil^ed uppcrmoft,! \ht i'endant next, and the L^k/o« lowcrraof^, an3 two Guns fiied at o e Minute's tiiftance. The Caflle is voy lo Salute any Veffels coming in, except Men of War, Fr'gites, and aimed Veffcls belonging to our Allies, and_ none of them with more than 13 Gups, and always t»! difcharge two lefs than the VcfTei difcharge;.- |

Upon difcQvcring an Enemy in the Night, the Akrn. is to be given at Nanta.-'et Fort (near the Lipht Houfc} iby fi.ing one Cannoti and three Rockets fucceffively>| every fix Minutes, til! anfwcred by the Caft'e ; and thsj jCaft e is ty do the fzme till :hcy arc aafwered at Bofto.'i ^by the Battery on Fort-Hi'l. '

I/*an Alarm fh^u'.d be general in the Night, thd Bea- con on Beacon- Hill is to bs fet on Fire, and Exprefles feot into the Country to Fire the other Beacons there.

Lewis de Marerque!!.*, Efq: Colonfl cf ArtiUer^f and InfpcBor Ccr.erdl of the Foundaries,

Chief Engineers. \

Col. Richard Gridley, Lieur. Colonel William Burbeck,]

and Major Scarborough Gridley, j

( 3+

f Militia Matters, ki. \

\ By the Militia Aft cf this Commonweaitb, thetrain-j

ing band is to confif^ of a!i able, bodied men from l6 to'

1 50 years o\^., exceotirg the Lieutenant Govsraor, n-.cm-|

jbers of the Council, Senate and Houfeof Reprefeatatives,

jmembsrs of Congrefs, Secretary, Juftices of tke Supreme

|Coun and Court of Comm'-'n Pica?, Judges of Probate,

L'uftices of the Peace and SheritTs, Officers and Students

[of the College, Minifters, Eiders, and Deacons^ Church

jWardcns. Grammar ScfcooUm »l*.ers, Maflers of Ar's,

Quakers, SeicfPcmen, and all who have held the poft of a

SDbaltert? or higher OfEcer, Msfters of VefTells, Confta-

bies. Deputy Sheuffs, Negroes and Molattoes : And!

(the alarm iifi'lo confift of all ab'e bodied men from 16

11065 years of age, with only the following excsp-ions.

fviz. the Lieutenant Governor, Council, Senate, & Houfe

|of ReBreferitstives, the Anierican Congrefs, Secretary,

JMinifteTs, Quakcts, Sele<5l«nen, Negroes, Indians, and

|Mo!attoes J each to be. eq-iipt and conflantJy provided

iwith a good Fire Arm, with 8 ftee! or iron ram rod, a

Iworm, priming wire ar?d bru/li, and a bayonet fitted to

ihi'sgun, a cartridgs-bcx that will hold fifteen rounds at

llesft, fix Piir.ts, one pound cf powder, forty leaden balls

ffitted to his gur,, a haverfack and blanke-;, and a canteen

[that will hold one quajt,- Any officer or foldier, of

ifafficieot ability, not fo furniflied.is liable to a fine, as arc

htlfo the foidiers for not appearing on mufter days when

duly DGtified thereof by trie eomraanding officer,—

The fine<: to be rec! vered by the Clerk within fixty days

after the offence is committed.——— As the Militia of this, as well as the other United

'States of AmcMca. is looked upon zt the palladium of

ftheir fecurity, having ever been the firft (and fometimes

'|€ffe6^ual) 'eiort in cafe of iioftiii y, fo the Legiflatare of

iMafTachufens have always been very careful, from the

ifirft fettlement of the country, :o have a well regulated

land difciplined one ready, at a mivutii warning, to tura

fcut for their defence aga'rift any hoftile invader what-

fever :— The foliovvjng therefore are the names of the

[Gcncals and oiher Field OfHrers who at prcfent have

i;he command, accoidirg the laft returns.——



i His Excellency John Bancock, Efq;

Capta-n Genera!, ar.d Commander in Chief of the Military Force? of the Cimmonwealth by Sea and Land, Aids de Camp to hit Exce!k?3cy. Col. Andrew Symmes, | Maj. John Boyle Coi. Ifrael Keith,

' Majs

Names, ,

HQn.Tirao.DanieToijEfqj Hjo. j<ina. Warner, Efq; Hon. lona.Titcomb, Eiq;

Generals .

Counties. Hamp/hire, Worcefter,

Place of Abode. Bnmfield, Hardwick, Newbury Port

Brigadier Generah,

Nam Si,



I EfTrx, M db^efcx, Himn/hiic,

Benjamin Brown. ETqj Warham Parks, Efq; Nathaniel Goodwin, Efqj' Plymouth, Nathaniel Freeman, Efq; ' Barnftable, James Williarrs, Efqj | Briftol, John Froft, Efqj .York,

jcfiah Whitnev, Efq; j Worcefter, \ Samuel Thomofon, Efqj 'Cumberland,

Samuel McCobb, Efqj David RofTeter, Efq;

Lincoln, I'erkfhlre,

! Place of Abode,











Adjutant General, ivitb rank cf Brigadier-General. Hon. Ebenczer Bridge, Efqj of Cbe'msford,

Field Officers, <bc, of the Bofton Regimtnt. Joleph Webb, Efq; Colohe/. John May, Efqj Lieutenant-Colonei. Ehas Parkman, Efq; Major, Lieut. Nathaniel V/illis, Adjutant, Capt. Wiliiam Peak, ^^a'-ter-MaJier, Doft. I "ho Homans, Surgeon.

' Surgeon s Mate,'

Chelfca Company, ie.'ongitig to Bofton Regiment, J2IBCS Srowers, Captain, j^feph Cheever, Lieutenant, Jofeph Green, jun. id Lieutenant.

( %(> )

.The Number of Towns and Companies of Militia in each\ I County 'witkin the Coinmontuea'tb,

I Counties, S-jftoIk,

:Mi'3d!erex, Hampfhire,

;Piy mouth, iBtifto), iYork. tWorcefter,


39 5^ .




Conjp. Csunties. Towns. Camp,

50 Cumberland, 16 50

$1 Lincoln, '27 55

67 Bet'-.flilre, a 5 45

52 Barnftablc, 10 30

53 DukesCounty, 3 45 I Nantucket, i

35 .

26 j * 307 661

Officers of the Boftcn Regiment of Militia.

Captains Norton Brailsford John Wife Williiam Donnifon WilliamBoardman Samael Howard Caleb Hay den Simon Eliot, jun. IJofeph Webber

ly? Lieutenants. David Howe Will'am Kennedy Thomas Pons icfeph'May Samuel Bcala Fienry Foye

Jonathan Lcring John Dyer

'i-d Lieutenants. Jofeph L. Brown Johij Todd JohnWeft Folfoiri Samuel Emmons |o{hua Pitnam Samuel Hitchboin John Stratioa

Officers of the Brigade Train for Suffilk County. Pxobcrt Davis, Efqj Captain, tvith Rank of Major, Jofhua Wetherlee, Capt, Lieut .ivitb Rank of Captain, Ebeoezer May, iji Lieutenant. John Parker, T.d Lieutenant,

William End, Adjutant.

Field Officers in the fe'veral Counties,


ift Regiment, 9 Companies. jEbenezsr Satcle, Colonel Joaaihan Patten, Lieut. Col. iViofe? SuUard, Major

James Stevens, Adjutant

2d Regiment, 6 comp. Charles Cufliing col.

A.fa White lieut. col.

Job Cufhing

3d R<;^iment, lo comp, Seth Sumner col-

Hcpeftiii Hall lieut. col. Ezra Morfe maj

3iil Vofe adjut

4th Regiment, lo ccmp. Sabjn Mann col

John Metcalf lieut, col. ^v,.. .Samuel Cowell maj.

maj. 'Benjamin Plimpton, adjut.

( 37 )

5th Regiment, 6coinp.

Ebenezer Thayer cot.

Edmund Billing* lieut. coi. Seth Turner, maj.

SamuelM;ller Thayer adjjr. SethTurner.jun, quart. maft.

E S 3 E X.

id, ad, & 3d Regiments, No Return 1 reaived.

4.th Regimen', 15 comp. Samuel Johafon, col,

[amcs Brickct, lieut col Bepjtm'n Gage, maj.

Peter Ofgood adjut.


id Regiment, :\ com? Stephen Daca Jofiah Fuller

'"^anicl Barnes major

ibfz Brown adjut,

<o\ Regf. 10 companies.

i 'ha Gieafon colonei

joihua Leiand lieut, co

rhcmss Miller major

Fhnmas Budcminfter adjut.

Fred. Manfon quart.maRer

6 h Regt. 1 I companies. Henry Woods colonel

Zacheus Wright lieut. col, John Porter mjjor

Sarapfon Woods adjut.

Brigade Train,

AnioJ Farnf'.vorth captsfn

Abel Bancroft jft lieut.

Ij ■>n3s Farnfworth adl^eut.

col.j 7th Regt. II ccmpanies,

lieut. coJ, 'onathan Brown colonel

Jofuh Cai-en

Timothy JickTon adjut.

Brigade Train 4rtilkry, Abraham Watfon captain James •ead ift lieuc.

Wm. FrothJngham ad lieut.

ad R;jimefti 8 €Ojnpi

Jofcph Bryant lieut. col. Jortiua Harnden maj

Thomas "Brown adjut.

$d Regiraer.t 8 ccmp. jFrancis Faulkner col.

Nathaniel Sa:rctt lieut. col, Samuel Lannfon maj.

Ebenezer Heald sdjut.

Ccmpa ny of Ligbt-Jtifantry, Roger Brown captain

Samuel Brown J ft lieut. Thaddcci Fiunt ad Heut.

4-th Regt. g companies- Cyprian How .oriirhsn R.icc


maj. [Ebenezer Bancroft lieut. ccl, Edward Farmer major

VViiliam Bridge adiut.


ift Rept. i4companie!, Gideon Burt colonel

I-lCubcn Munn Aaron Graves

lieut. ccl. I


ad Regt. i7 coirpaniee. |

Ifrael Chapin colorel'

yenj. Honney, lieut, col.i

Daniel Pomerojr major]

3d Regt. 17 companies. I

iDav'd Mofe'y colonelj

Na:han Rowley lieut, col.|

Sanr»u:l Tlcwcrs inzjcr!

?vufls!I Dev-cy adjutant

Tho, Ja. Douglafg brif.maj.'

Leonard K-'njt quart.mafteri

4'h Regr. i \ companies, \

Slfha Porter colonel

c'oioriel I^pirnabas Sears lieut. c-jj,

'isut. co'.jEI'ish Dw'.ehf n-i;;jor:

( ^8 )

{ <th Regt. 17 ccmpnaies. IHu^hMcLallea colonsi 'jifeph Stebbins lieut, coi. Jonathan Haftings major i 6th Rc«^t. 1 J companies. ;Djniel Whitmor: colons


rft Regr. 9 companies.

Sbubael Peck col,

Pelcg Shearman lieut. col. Ellphalet Slack m3Jo(

Fi^Jerick Drown, adjutant

[Wi!!. S^nith, jun. lieuNco! I^^j Regt. lo companies. :j->feph Mayo rn^jorf iVlanafTeh Kempton <

I PIT MOUTH. \ ift Regt. 13 comparties.

Seth Cuihing col. jCalvin Partridge lieut. coK [Benjamin Rider mij. I John Cotton brig. msj. IJohn Torrey adjut.

* Train of Artillery. [Thorais Mayhew captain [Thcmar.Nicholfon ill lieut.

John May ad lieut.

ad Regt. i* companies. jWiiiiam Turner co!.

^Amo8 Turner lieut. col. Briggs Thomas ' maj. 3d R.egt. 1 1 companies, Aaron Hobart col.

JRobert Orr lieut. col.

iThonnds Allen ra;.].

[MelzsrTur.Oaklram adjot.

4th Regt

ManafTeh Kempton col, lodph Durfee lieut. ccl, George Claghorne major I vViJIiam Sever brig, major

3d Regt. 9 companicj. Robert Crofman col.

Jonathan Shaw lieut. coKj Jofliaa Wclbors major

Ephraim Crofman adjat,

4th Regt. 9 companies. Elifiia M^y colonel

Silas Cobb lieut. col.

:Ifa2c \Vh;:e major

Eiihi! Daggett adjutant


ifi Regt. » 1 cr.mpanils.

Noah M. Littieii:!d colonel'

johnNoweil lieut. coT.j

V^ organ Lewi« major

Jonathan Nowcll brig.m'.jor.

2d Regt. J 3 com'panies. |

I 4th Regt. 15 companies, jchabod Gooilv/in colonelj

John Nclfon _ *^^''l|ona. Shapltigh lieut. col.j

.»T>ii -r .-..* «« Jededi3h Goodwin major

3d R''gr. JO companies. \ Hum.^bry Pike co'onel:

.William Tuppcr lieut. co!. Edward Spariow major

JamcJ fjprout ailjut.


id Rcg^ 1 1'compaiiies. Enoch Halle t col.

•fc'^h DimiTT'ck I'eit. co!.

jofeph Morrill . lieut. col.j Nathaniel Coofens major.

W5 RC e'Jt'e~r7 j

\Cx Regt. 9 companies. ! ad Re?r. 10 companies, l^^^h Wafhburne colonel Recjam'n G-dfrey '^'^\'\thzn'-zt: Loveli lieu', col.

:WiiS,am G3M ^^J^^'iTKctTiai Denny adjuta_ntj

j-feph Fains - 2<ij" "I L^auiel Golden qa^rt.m^%


( 39 )

T"2d Regf". II ccmpaaief, hViiliam G:ccnleaf colonei ijofeph Sargenc licjtrcol. jEphraim Dzvh major

[Jonas Wyrnan adjncant I 3d Regf. 9 companiesl. (Nathan Tylsr colone!

;ifaac Marlin lieut, co!. David Barchcllor major

I 4.tbReEr. lo.ccmpaoics. (Timothy Paige colonei

Ebeneaer Newell Jieut. co!. Ali Dan''cr(h major

j Train of ji' tiller yt

ijofeph Richardfon captain JAmos Adams ifl lieu\

Jfaac Cnrler 2d lieut.

[ 5th Regr. 1 5 companies. JTimothy Newell colcne" jBarth. Woodbury licut. co', Savl-'im Town " msjo: ijofhua Harding adjutant 1 6th Regr. 8 companiej. iMcfes Whcelock colone! iLuke Urury

JAfa Rice major

jBreck Park man adjutant ^HenryBaldwin quart. mafter

7 h Regr. ij ccm,,anies. jjohn Boyntoa colcne!

Siias Bent I'Cut. cr,'.

rphraim Stearns major

Amos Haywood adjutant

Sth Regt. 8 companies.

John Rand calone!

lofeph Bellows Ii«ut. col,

jTim-thy BowtfM maj?^


. adjim.l

2d Regr. S companies. 1

Edwatd Ruffsll colonel

Aaron Hmckley licot co'.j George Rogsrs mcjor]

1^. Regt. 6 compaBie?. j Edmund Phinnej cnionel

enj. Larrabee - lieut. co). William Hafly msjor

4th Reg*^. 6 companies, [faac Parfcns colonei

jabez Matthews Heat. cgl. Edward Anderfon majior


i(l Rfgiment,

Jime5 Hunter colonel

Bcpiamin Lcmont litur. co),

John Lsmont maj^ r.

2d Regimen, j

'Villiam Howard cr lord

Szekiel Patten lieut. co).'

lieut. rol. iReuben Coiburre major.

3d Repment. J

Edward Emerfon Colonel.

rhcmas Bracket lieut. coj.l

Paul Dodge major

.Villiam Rce-J adjut.

4th &f 5th vo Ke turns,

6'h R'gimenr, Afeiarder Campbell crione' George Stillman lieut. col. Jofcph Wallis m?jor

James Farofworth adjut.


ift Regmcnt.

cclonel lieut. col.

Joel Whitney Commandant of tbe Militia at Chand- lex'i Rf-ver.

( )

2d Regt. 14 companies Ad Barnes colonel

Wiiiiam CJarke lleut, col. Samuel Low major

gd Regt. 13 companies. Caleb Hyde colonel

Aaron Rowley lieut. col. Oliver Hoot major

BaroQ Stuben's EXERCISE.

Ordered by Congrefs to he objermed by the Troops of the United Siatci] and, by the direSion of bis Excellency Governor Hancock, to le prafiifed by tbs Miitiia of this vCommonivea.tbymay bi badof'T.& J. Fleet.


id Regt. 16 companies.

John Afhley, jun. colonel

John Collar licut. col.

[Samuel Wolcott major

Wiiiiam Afhicy adjatt

I BY a Law of this CcnrmonwcaUh, pafs'd^in July 1I78J, the Governor, with adVicc of Council, «re ixn- 'Bo*ered and requefted to appoint fuitable Hcrfons as ; Pilots for the feveral Harbours of BoBon, Salem, Marble- head, Gloucejier, Newbury -port, Plymouth, Nantucket,] Vineyard, and other Places as may become neccflary : each Pilot to have Bracchcs or Warrants, and to be un- der oath and enter into bonds of ;^. 1000 for the due performance of the trufi rcpofed in him. I The following are the Names of thnfe who arc ap pointed to that truft for the harbour of Bojion, xhtVme yard, and Nantuijiet Shoals,

i> k"^!V "^** > For the Harbour of Bo^on,

Pwobert Knox, J / ' »

For the Vineyard and Nantucket Shoals,

Samuel Dagfett John Holmes "William Daggett Abner Norton David Norton

James Shaw Lemuel Kelly Francis Norton Abi/ha Peafe Ifaac Daggett

The dif^ria of the Pilots for the Port of B»Jlon h :frcin the highlands oi Marjhjield on the fouth, to whac ^is ufually called Nahant Rock on the north.— —The [pilots for the coafts cf Natilucket and the f^intyard ne [to take charge of any vefTel on the coafts thereof that [fhall be bcund over the flicals. \

( 4' )


I \n Cambridge, founded io the Year i6j6,

From which time to the prcfcnt year upwards of 2900 Students have received honorary degrees thereat ; of which cumber about 1430 are ftill living.

Rev. JOSEPH WiLLARR, Prefidsnt.


His Excellency the Governor, his Honor the Li-sutenant

Governor, the Honorable Council and Sena.e j tiic Rev. Prefident, and Minifters of the Congregational Churches in the Towns of Cambridge, {{'atertown^ Cbarlejtoiun, Bojiatit Rcxbury, and Dorchefter. Rev. Simeon Howard, Secretary to tie O-verfeers. -

CORPORATION. Rev. Jofeph WilJard, Frefidtnt, -^

;Hon. James Bowdoin, Efq; LL. D. /

jRtv, Samuel Cooper, D. D. L jr //

[Rcv. EdwardWigglefworth.S.T.P. Hollir, f ^^"°^^' *jRev. John Lathrop, \

Rev. Simeon Howard, J

IEbenczer Storer, Efq; Treasurer. PROFESSORS. ■Rev. Edw. Wigglefworth. HoIIiftan Prcfefhrof Di'vlnit<f,

o 1 itrii- S Hollifian 'rrofcfr.oftbeMatbeA

Rev. Samuel Williams, •< / f^ J •" iL'-^r^L 1 J / mattes tST Natural t oiiojipty,\

fc. u p 11 A HZ i Hancock Prcfe/]] of iiebreio

IStepbcnSewall, A. M.< j 7 •• -^ 1 r

\ ' I ana other Oriental Larguages.s

jDr. John Warren, Prcfeffhr of Anntcmy and Surgery. |

|Benj.Waterhoufe, M.D. oftkeTbecty&FraeLcfPhyf^}

*Dr. Aaron Dexter, cfCbymiftry & tbc Materia Mcdica,

T tk T ,0 R S. {

John MeUen, A.M. I Jdm Hale, A. M.

Elrazcr James, A. M. I Bezalrel Howard, A.B.

James Winthrop, Efq; Librarian.

Caleb Gannett, A. M. Steivard.

Elijah Paine, A. B. Butler,

Commencement third WeJnefiay in yuly annually.

•Vacations .- From Ccmmercemcnt tour weeks. From the

' third wcdnefday in Ocfcbcr, two weeks. Frcm ifae firfl

wcdoeiday in yaruary, five weeks. The two weeJcs

irrmedr2tc!y prcceedirg the laft wcdnefday in j^.^ril.

{ 42 )


'In the State of New-Ham^/hire, fouade<i by tlie late j Rev. Eleaxer ffheelock, D.D. <*flno Dom. T769. The Hon. John Wke^^-ock, Efqj Prcfident. TRUSTEES.

The Governor,

Hon. George Jaffrey, Ifq;

Jlev. Benja. Pomeroy, D.D.

Hon, Elifha Payne, Efq, Rcf.Silvanus Ripley, S.T.P. Hon. Sam. Phillips, jun.Efqj

Hon. jchuJ Phillips, LL.D. jRev. David Macclure, H&n,6ezal.Woodward,Efqj!Hon. John Wheelock, rfqj ^ev. Eden Burroughs, !Rev.fofcphHuntington,DD,

kon.Bez3leclWoodward,Efq; Pro/. Matb.^ Pbile, Rev. Silvanu; Ripley, Prr-fcffor of Divinity, Rev. John Smith, ProfeJTor ef learned Languages, Hon. Bezaleel Woodward, Efq; Secr'y Ssf Treajurer» Rev. Silvanuj Ripley, DireBor of Moot^s School, Caleb Bingham, A.M. Ma/ier of Moor's Scboo!. Commencement the third iVsdnefday in September.


Free MaJoiCs Lodges.

The Records of the firft Grand Lodge in Bofton,

'RightWorfliipful^oAflRowtf, Efq; prefcnt GrandMefter)

being carried away by the Secretary, at the time the BrL-

tifli trcops evacuated the Town in 1776, a particular

Lift of the feveral Ledges in North America who re

:eived Deputations from, and are under its Jurifdi^ion,

cannot ?t prcfent be obtained. They arc in Numhw

aboat Thirty. Thofe in Bofton are,

St. y«hH6, or I ft Lodge, i -, '. , .

, f , ' ^ ' > Now united m one. ad Lodgj^j \ _^___

LODGES under the Jurifdiaion of St. ylndrtw^s Lodge

in Bofton, ^ohn frgrren, Efq; prefent Grand Mafler

St, Atidre-w* s Lodge is held at .the Free Majcn't Armi!

tn the I'econd Tucfday of every Month,

Tfrean Lodge, atGloceftcr, McJJacbujtttSt at Bofton, SuPeter's, atNewburyPort, Eerkfhirey at Stoekbridge, 'trinity f at Lancafter, United States, at Danvers, 0^arrer^ *at Machias, PtrfeB Uni$n, or French

Lodge, at Bofton, Unity t at Ipfwich,

EJ/eXf at Salem, yimity^ at Beverly, Wajbingtony MafTa. Line Ar. I St.P<irr;V*, atPortfmo.N^H. Vermont^ at Charlft. No. 4. py^orfier^ ttColchefter, Con*' ^t.PauPiy at Litchfield, dit.j ¥J\n% Hiram, at Darby, dit.j W(5n/'^»«fry,at Salifbury,dit. K.SoIomonf atCharleftowo. 1

( 43 )

|L//? of the Baptilt Churchet in Mafiachufetts, |

Viitb the Namet of tbeir rejfe^ive Pafiors,

AttUbirough, Job Seaman* £li/ha Carpenter

In the County of Svffolk. lo/?#», Rev. Samuel Sollman Ifaac Skillman 'Vrentbam, Wm. Williams hllir.gbam,^ oih Alden MeJfield, Thomas Gair Weedbam, Noah Bai:cr ttougbtcH, Vacajjt

County of Ejfex. iaverbtU, Hezek'nh Smith

County of MiddUJtx. •amifridgCf Vacant Wevjton, Caleb Eiood 'helmsford, Ab;/7iai Crofman

County of PI'ymoutb. iiddUborougb, Ilaac Backus EbcDczcr Hiada Afa Hunt County of fiampjhire, ^efiSpring field, Ed. Upham '^tlbrabam, Seih Clark 'ranby^ James Smith o.Brimfield, Elijah Codding fewSalem, Samuel Bigelov* hutejbury^ William Ewing fontague. Vacant 9/erma, Vacant tjh/ffd, Ebenezer Smith bej^erJieUj Vacant

County of Barnfiahle: arnflabh. Vacant ^ariuicbf Vacant

Sa ruel NickerfoD County of Dukes-County, ^/bury. Vacant n/mari, Silas Paul

Ceun^y of Briflol, aunton, William Nclfan £^r:bam^ Vacant

Siuanxey, CharlesTbompfeo RuffellMafon

Rebobath, John Hicks

£lkanah tngalls Nathan Pcirce Ja«<)b Hicks Jonathan ChaBec Jairits Sheldea Vacant

DigBton, Enoch Geff Ifaac Cafe

Freetown^ Abncr Lewis Amos Marrows David Seamans

Dartmouth, Vacant

Daniel Hicks County of Tori.

BerivicP., Jcfcph Emery

tyel/s, Nathaniel Lord

Sanford, Peletiah Tingley CouDty of fy«rcefierf

Ilar'uard, Ji'aiah Parker

Temple con, Vacant

Grafton, Vacant

Sutton, Vacant

Nsrtbbridgty Vacant

Douglafsy Vacant

Dudley, Vacant

Charlion, Nathaniel Green

SturbrUge, Vacant

Leicejier, Vacant

Peterjham, Vacant

^ip^burnham. Vacant

koyaljlon. Whitman Jac.>t>i County of Cumber>6r.d,

'Jcrbam^ Vacant


( 4+ )

Covn'y of Ferk/hire.

\fV,Stockl>ridge, Elna. V/ilcox \SandiiJield, Jo/hua Mftrfe Lane/borough, NatharjMafon

Adams, Peter Wardea Alfcrd, Jacob Drake Wapington, Vacant Hancock, Clark Rogers la all 74 Churches,

N.B, Baptift Meetings are held in various other Placet but nnt Churches formed. The Warren AJfociation meets this Year at Mr. Hunt's Meeting Houfa, in Middleborougby the Tuefday after the firft Wedoefday in September, at a o'clock, P. M.

TruJUes of Phillips'/ /Academy at Andover.

[Incorporated O^Htober 4, 1780.] Hon, Samuel Phillips, Efq; of Andover, iHon. John Phillips, e''q; of Exeter, in New- Hampjhire, "•Ion. William Phillips, efq; Hon. Oliver Wendell, cfqj

and Hon. John Lowe!), efq; of Bofton, Rev. Mr. Ellas Smith, of Middle ttn. Rev. Mr, William Sym.Tics, Rev.Mr. Jonathan Freach, Samuel PbiHips , jun. efq; Mr. Eliphalet Peirfon, and Mr. Nehemiah Abbot, of Andover. and jRev. Mr, David Toppan, of Neivbury Pert,

Mr. Eiiphalet Pearfoo, Preceptor «f the Academy M'. Nehemiah Abbot, TreaJurer.K

Truflecs £?/"Dummer Academy at Newbury.

[Incorporated Oftober 3, 1782.] Hon. Jeremiah Powell, Hon. Benjamn Grecnieaf, a Hon. Jonathan Green'eaf, Efquires, Rev, JofephWillard, iVrefident of HarvardCollege, Rev. Charles Chauncy, DD. jRev. Mofcs Paifons, Rev. John Tucker, Rev. Thomas jCarjrj Samue! Moodv, Efq; Vv'ill'am Powell, Efq; Mica- I ah .^lawyer, Efq; Dummisr jcwett, Efq; Samuel Ofgood pEfq; Nathaniel Tracy, E'q; and Mr. Rirhard Dummer Hon. Jerem'ah Powell, Efq; Freftdent, Hon. Henj^min Grcenlraf, Efq; F'icePrefident, Rev. Mofei Parfons, Secretary.

Saznucl Moody, Efq; f receptor. The intention of tbefe Academics (the names of ivboj 'r.ivfiifcent D$n»rs they rcfpeBlvelt bia<- ) is t$ promot \trve piety and virtue^ and for the inftruSiion of ytuth i W^ritingyand in the Grch^ and Latin language ; ani' lit fucb of the ufeful ^nd liberal Aru and Sciences as tt ^rujtetsjhali hereafter dire5i. •• ■-

. ( 4? )

Queers of the American Academy of Arts and Sicetices. j [Incorporated May 4, f/So.]

Hon.Jame? Bowdoin, Efij; LL.D. of BoG:on, Prefident. Rev. Samuel Cooper, D. D. o{ BoAon, Vice Pre/ideni.

Counfeliors- of the Academy, alpha^itical/y arranged, Hon. Samuel Adams, Efq; IRev. Phillips Payfon ^ hon. Thomas CuQiing, cfq; Ihon. Cotton Tufts, efq; Excellency J. Hancock, efqjihon. James Warren, efqj hon. John Lowell, efq; jrev. Jofcph Willard hon. RobcrtTreat Paine, ffqj rev. Samnel Williams

Mr, Caleb Gannett, of Cambridge, Recording Secretary,

and Keeper of the Cabinet. Rev. Prcfident Willard, of ditto, Correfponding Secretary^ Ibenezer Storer, efq; of Bofton, Treafurer. Mr. Stephen Scwall, of Cambridge, ViceTreaJurer,

The J} at ed Meetings of the Academy are four times in year, 'viz,, on the laH fVednefday in January, and the day\ next preceeding the lafi fVednefday in May, at Boflon : And on tke IVednefday next preceeding the la/i Tuefday, in Au<>uft, and the fecond IVedr.efday in November, at\ the Uninjerfit^ in Cambridge. |

Ih'e end and defign tf the inHitution of this Academ'f it^ to promote and encourage the knaisledge of the antiquities] "f America^ and of the natural hifiory of the country^ and to determine the ufet ivbicb the larious natural pro-] du&ions of the country mav be applied ; to fromote and, encourage medical difcsveries^ mathematical difquiftiioni^ phikfopbicsl enquiries and experiments j aftroncmical,] meteorological & geographical ohfervations \improvementt\ <tn agriculture, ansy manufacture and commerce ; and in\ \fne, to cultitjate evcy art and fcience ivhich may tend t(t\ ^advance thi intereft, hanor, dignity, and bappinejs of a\ \free, independent and virtuous pe«ple, j

Delegates appointed fromM»(rac\\ufetti State to reprefent it at C0ngrefs toe ^nfuiug Year.

Hon. Klbridge Gerry, Efq;

Hon. Samuel Of^ood, Efq;

Hon, George Partridge, Efq;

Hon. Timothy Danielfon, Efqj I Hon. James Sullivan, Efq;

I His Excellency Ellas Boudinotr, Efqj is Frefident J cf the American Ccngrefs.


( )

cert of the Marine Society at Bofton

[Incorporatcfl by Ciarrer, Februwy a, 1754.3 Capt. Mungo MactcRy, Mafiety Capt. AMen Bafs,, Deputy. Mafler, Capt. Job Prince, Treajurery Capt. James Kirkwood, CiVri.

Officers of the Marine Society at NewburyPort [Fornied io the Year 1771, antt incorporatei by Charter in Oaoher 17 77.]

Capt. William Coombs, Mafier,

Capt. David Coat«, Deputy. Mafiery

Capt. John Fletcher, Tregfurer,

Capt. Michael Hodge, Clerk. The principal endt of tbefe Societies ('whieb confifi of Majieri oftiejfeh) are to improve the knoruledfre of tbit toafi by tbeir feveral meetings, upon their arrival from fee ; cemmunicating their ebfervatipnt inwards and out. tvards of the variation of the needle, tbe foundings, cour fes and difianees, and all otber remarkahU thingr ; iibich are to be lodged in ivriting ivitb the Society for the mating navagation more fa fe j alfe to relieve one another and tbeir families in ptverty or ether adverfe accidents of life, Vihicb tbey are more particularly liable to.

Officers tfthe MaiTachufetts CharitableScciety [Incorporated December 16, 1779] Thomas Dawes, Efq; Prefdent. Capt. Alexander Hodcdon, Secretary, Deacon John Simokins, Treafurer, MANJG E R S. Mr. Ephraim Copeland 1 Capt. Samuel Barrett Mr. Eiias Thomas j Mr. Jofcph Hall

jMr. Bcniamin Edes I Doft. John VVarr«n

Cart. William Pell '

Mr. Samne' Webb, Mtffenger. The dffign of this Society is for the mu'ual aid of them *felves and fami'i.'S, tuho may he diffrejfed by psverty ani\ the adverfe accidents of life, and for the cemfrdng and relievivg of 'widow sand orpbant of thurdeceafed members. The number of the mrmbers it nt no time tf exceed too, and are to meet annually f-n the frfi mondav in Septfmber, in Foff-^r, for the choice 'f Officers, and may alf'> affemhle ihefrfi tr.onday in evtry month for all o'ber hvfinefs.

, ( 47 )

I Officers of the MafTachufetts Medical Society. {Incorcoiated Novembtr I, 1781.]

Edward Auguftus Holjoke, Efq; M. D. Prtfident, Doctor James Pecker, Fice-Prefident. COUNSELLORS,,

Dr. Samuel I>«r,forth, Dr. Jofeph Gardner, William Kneeland, Ffqj James, Lloyd, Eiq}

Jfsac Pxand, Efq; Dr. Ifaac Rar/d, jun. Hon. Cotton Tufts, Efi] ^


Dr. John Barnard Swctt, Correfptniing Secret try, \ Dr. Nathaniel Walker Appieton, RecordingSecretary,\ Dr. Thomas VVe'-Hi, Tnafurer. Dr. Aaron Derter, Vice-Treajurer atd Librarias,


' Dr, Charles jarvis, I S^mon Tuffs, Ef^^

I! Dr. Thomas Kaft, 1 Dr. John Warren,

William Kneeland, Efq; I Tbe defign ef thit Inflitution is, ** to promote medi~ cal and furgicat knoivledge ^ enquiries into tbe animal, teconcmy, and tbe properties and cffe^ls of medicines^''' by encouragirg^a free intercourse ivitb tbe gent lemfn »f tbe^ ^ faculty througbeut the United States of America, and a \frirndiy corrfffonder.ee ^vitb tbe eminent in^hife profe£iont \througbout tbe ivorld ; as ivell as " to make a jufi dfcri- mination between fucb as are duly educated and properly qualified for tbe duties (hereof, and tbofe ivho may ig'io- rar.tly atfd ipickedly admimfer iKedicint,'wberehy the health and Ifvcs of many •valtiable individuals raav be endangered, and perhaps toft to tbe community,^*

The number of this Socitty, ivbo are inhabitants of 'birCotnmonioeaitb, is at no time to exceed f evenly, nor lefs ban ten.

Their fiated Meetings are on tbe fectnd Wednefda^ in April ; tbe firfi Wednefday in June \ and tbe third Wednefday in .Oftober annually.

Tbe day after e^siery fiated "Meeting is ajfigned far th« examination of all fucb Candidates for tbe praci\ce of Pby'i fick or Surgery, as jbalt apply to tbe recording Scerefat^' »n •r before the day of the fiated meetings.

( 48 )



Jonathan Trumbull, Efq; Governor.

Hon. Matthew Griswold, Efqj Deputy Govir nor.


Oliver Wolcott, Samuel Huotingtojij, Richard Law, Oliver Ellfworth, Andrew Adams, Benjamin Huntington,


George Wyllis, Efq; Srcrrtary.

John Lawrence, Efqj Treafurer,

Jabfz Hannblin, E)\phalet Dyer, WiUiam Pitkin, Roper Sherman, Abiham Davenport, Jufeph Spencer,

Delegates at Congrefs,

Samuel Huntington, Oliver EHCvvorth, Oliver Wolcott, Benjamin Huntington,

Jcdidiah Strong, Stephen M. Mitchell, Richard Law,




William Greene, Efq; Coverndr.

Hon.' Jabez BowEn, Efqj Deputy Governor,


Welcome Arnold, Thomas Wells, jofeph Brown, Richard Searle, Gideon Mumford,

Sylvefter Gardner, Enoch Hazard, Thomas G. Hazard, Jahn Cooke, John Smith,


Henry Ward, Efq; Secretary.

William Channing, Efqj Attorney -Genet ah

Jofeph Clarke, Efqj Treasurer,

delegates at Congrefs. Hon. WJlliamEilcry, I Hon. David Howell, I Jonathan Arnold, I Henry Marchant,

« Efqnires,

( 49 )



BiNjAMiN G'J £RARD, Efq; Govemor. Hon. Alexander Dillon, Efq; Lt. Cover.

€ommonivsalth #/ VIRGIN! A.

His excellency Benjamin Harrison, Efq; Governor.



Wn.LiAM Paca, Efq; Givsrnor,


Hi« EXCELLENCY John DrcKiNseN, Efq; Prejidert.

Hon. James Ewing, Efq; Vice ?rejident.

t ___________ -«».»i»-^ ____».

I State of NEW-] E R S E Y.


. William Livingston, Efq; Gevsmtr.

I 'St^tT'^f N E w - y O R K~


George Clintsn, Efq; Governor.

State of NEW.HAiMP.SHlR£.

Hon. Meshech Wearr, Efq; prejidsnt. Hon. Ebenezer Fhompsps. ^{(\\SccretMry Hon. Nathaniel Oilman, Efq; Treafurer

jHon Frakcis Dana, Efq: of Bofton.

ii American Negociator for Treaties of Com-, merce and Amity with the Wcrthcro Pairs of Enrore.


^ ( ;o >

^Chil Officers /«MafrachufettsCi>CT»i?czzrj;^<j//A. Jujiices of the Supreme "judicial Court.

H6n. WillJara Ca&ing, Efq; of Scituate, Chief JuJUett

Hon. Nathaniel Peailey Sergeant, Efqj of HavcrhiJI,

Hon. David Scwall, Efq; of York,

Hon. Incrcafe Sumner, Efq; of Roxbury, |

Charlis Cufhing, Efqj and JohnTuck«r, jun. Efqj CUrkt\ . The Jufbices of the Supreme Judicial Court, and the Judge of Admiralty of the Commonwealth, or any two}, of them, are, by Law, confl-itu:cd Judges .for hearing and trying pcffons charged with piracy or felony upon thej high fea?, by grand and petit Jufojs, according to the. courfe of common Law. The times and pljce? for hold-} >ng fuch Courts arc to be in the Counties o( Suffolk, Mid-X dlejex, Egex, Plymouth, Barrftaklc, Briftol^ York, and! Cumberland, at the times the Supreme judcial Court is] to be held iafaid Counties, and at fuch other time and! place in any Maritime town in faid Countiee, as the ■■Governor, with the advice of Council, feall order and direft. The firft Juftice of the Supreme judicial Court, who is prefent, to be always Prcfident.

Judges of the Maritime Courts,

jifaac Mansfield, Efq; of Dan vers, I pj i Mr. Bartlet LeBaron, of Plymouth, J ^''''^^' Hon. Timothy Langdon, Efq; ftr tbe Eafiern DiftriEi. Nathaniel Thwing, Efq; of Woolwich, Cltrk. By an Aft of this Commonwea'th the Judges of tbe Maritime Courts /hall be deemed and taken to be Judges of the Court of Admiralty, in the true fenfs and mean- ing of an Ordinance of Congrefs, till a Judge or Judgei ef Admiralty, exprefly by that Name, (hail be duly nomi- nated, commiflioned and fW{^l». ' ' i

All JudicialOfficers, duly appointed, •cfitrmiflioncd and fworn, are to hold their OfficesvduTing good behaviour (excepting fuch concerning whom there is different pro- vifioa made in the Conftitution) tho', neverthclefs, the' Governor, with the confent of Council, jmay remove them jopon the addrefs of both Houfes of the Legislature. '

( V )

.777 Ojjjc-ers, ^i. in the County 6f%w^o\^, ofe Commiflions have been renewed, or appointed fines thc-Gommencemenr of the Ntiv Confiuutio;i.

Judge of Prohati for Suffolk County ^

Honorable Oliver Wendell, Eiq; of Boston.

(VillianvCooper, Ifq^ of Boilon, Regifier c( Probate.

!icurt5 of Probste are held at the Probate Office in Sofia n

every Tuefday, excepting the firft of each month :

Af tVeymo'jtb, on the fifft Tuefday nf every yanuaryf-

Match, Mayy July ^ September and November j and at

Mt\^jield, vntbr fjrft Tuefday of every February, yipril^

yur.a, Au-yuflf Ociober, and Deamber.

Jufiicss throughout the CofH^mon'-.vealih. The Honorable Thomas C»5l1iing,Erq;5o/>cnj fames Bowdoin.Efq; Bcfio4i leremiah Poweif, efq; ^;V/ojWilJ, Cudiingjefq; Scituate WalrcrSpooner,erq,- ZJarrwjo. Nat.P.SargcntjCfqjHaffr^/7/ Bcnj.Chadbcurn.efq 5frw/f/i David Siwal), cfq; York

James Prcfcott, efq; Grcton^ ]-imss Sullivan, efqj Boftcn 5amutl Ho!tcn,efq^ Dangers Robert T. Paine, tfQ\ ditto fvlofes Gill, efq; p /■/»£■?/?« Benjamin A^ftin, efqj ditto Tim, Dinielfon. efq ;5r/wj;fe/^[ Oliver Wendell, efqj ditto Nathan Cufhiiig,efqj5c/r«i2r?!lncreafe.Sumrer,cfqj/foxi'«ry Atot Orne. e''q; MarbJehecd^

Juflkes of the Common Pleas, c^.

for the Csur.iy of Suffolk. Hon. Samuel N>les, efq; of Braintice, jofeph Gardner, efqj of Boftcn Richaid Cranch, cfq;^ of Braintrcc, Edmund Quincy, cfq j of Boftcn. Hon. OiiTer XVcndell, efq; of QoRoD,fpecia/ Jufiice. Ezek'el Price-, efq; Cierk of thi Pleas and cfthe Se£ion%. 'Jofhoa Hcnfhaw, rfqjofBofton, Regifier of Deeds. David Jc;frie*, cfq; of Bofton, County Ireajurer, Jofeph Henderfon, cfq; 0/ Lofton, Sheriff. Deputy Sheriff's. Pool Sfcar Bo^fiotilMofes French Braintree

Benjam'.n Homans r?/rro|Thomas Braftow Wrenihctm

Thomas Barker ditto\]:.htz Baker Dedbaw

1^9 h. F fher Staughtoti

I Jufiicffi of the Peace and of the ^orum.

Tot the County of S«rrotK. Sdmund Qoincy Boston

Belcher Noyes William Phiilipi lofeph Gardner John Barrett John Avery ll'aac Snijrh John Tiido'' Jonathan Williamj Arnold Welles Samuel Adims Jofepb Greenlcaf John Lowe M Hzekicl Price Thomas Crafts, jun.

Jofiah Quincy Braintrce

ditto Samuel Niles ditto

ditto; Jofcph Palmer ditto

ditto John Adams ditto

ditto Norton Quincy ditto

c'ittoi Richard Craach ditto

ditto 4itio ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto iitto ditto

fabcz Fi/her


James Humphreys^A/y>«#»rA Cotton Tufts Jonathan Metcalf Nathaniel Sumner Robert Peirpont Eleazcr Weld Thomas Lo:hrop William Hyflop Thomas Crane Elijah Clark










iBenjamin White Brooklyn Jolhua Clap tBcnjimin Lincoln /J/»fi>fl»2 1 Stephen Metcalf /?<r///n^i>«ai [John Gould '//«//! Mofes Bullen Medfield

Jufliees oj the Peace, Efquires.

Divid Jeflries Thomi^ Bulfjnch John Pitts Nathaniel Appleton William Cooper

Tuthill Hubbart ditto

Edward Payne ditto

Caleb Davis ditto

Richard Devens ditto

Juhn Bradford ditto

Jufhua Hcnfhaw ditto

Solomon Davis difto

Nathan Frazier ditto

Thomas Ruflell ditto

Th^mi" Dawe« ditto William Greenleaf

John White ditto

Ifaac Srars ditto

Samuel Henfhaw ditto

Pafchal N. Smith ditto

muel Breck ditto

jBo^off Ebcnceer Hancock Bofton

dittojStephen Higginfon ditto

ditto James Bowdoin, jun. iitto

dittoljohn Avery, jun, ditto

ditto John Furnafs ditto

Harbottle Dorr ditto

Samuel Barrett ditto

John Swe'i'fer ditto

Thomas Cu/hing, jun. ditto


Samuel Broom* Samuel A. Otis ncnjamln Hitchbourn jabcz Hatch John BrowB WiJjiam Tudor ditto- John Coffin Jonei Leonard Jarris Thomas Ivera Jonathan Mafoo, jun. Do£i. jofeph Gardntr Oenjamio Clarke

ditto ditt& ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditt*

i a )

Juj^iccs of the Peace in Suffolk County

Tinnothy Newell

William Powell

Daniel Sar{;ent


John Warren

JoCah Newell

Benjamin Cuihing Hingharri

Jonathan Bafj Braintree

ifaac Lincoln Cohajf'et

William Heath Hoxbury

^Solomon Lovell Weymcutb

Boflon ditto ditto ditto dictc- Needbam

George Crofsman Stougbton] Benja. Hewins Sbaren

l^avid Rawfon Milton\

Benjamin Guild Jfrtntham IIbene«er Wales Uorcltfttr^ Ebenezer BattleJun.P^c^^awi Swift Payfon Foxborougb (ofhua Cheever Cbelfea Daniel Perry MedfieUl

Ebenezer Clap I)*rchtfltr, William Bowman Roxbury Efquires. Coroners,

Bo^««J John Brewer JLcxlury

ditto\Xiiv\i Capcn ditf

///rro' Samuel Holbrook Braintree

Hingbam\ S. Lethbridee, ]\in.Wrentbam

DcdbamUitioh Gould Hull

Nathaniel Bayley dica

'Samuel Sellon

Samuel RugglM

William Fallafg

Jofcph Andrews

Abner Ellis

:Ebenerer Battle, jun-. ditto\'Vitnry Vok, jun,

Nathaniel Fi/her <///ro Philip Curtis, jun.

Beriah Baflow ff'^rfntbaml Jimci Richardfon

Milton Sbaron

Civil Officers for the County ofEfftx. Jufiicti ef the Common Pleas, &c. Hon. Benjamin Grecnleaf, efq^ of Newbury Port, Hon. Samuel Holten, efq; of Danvcrs, Hon, John Pickering, efq; of Salem, Hon. Samuel Phillips, jun. cfqj of Andorer. Aaron Wood, «od Ebenezer March, efq'rs. fpecial Juftica Ifaac Ofgood, efqj of Salem, Clerk of the Pleas. Hon. Benjamin Grecnleaf, efqj Judge of Pttbate. Daniel Noyes, efq; of Salem, Hegifier of Probate, John Pickering, efq; of Salem, Regifter ifDeed$,

Jujiiees of the Peace and of the Riorum,

Samuel Phillips Andoi>e *ofeph Apfleton Jpftvich Benja. Grecnleaf Newb.port Jonathan Greenleaf ditto rheophilus Pai/ons Nicholas Pike William Whetmore f^ahm

John Pickering Salem

SamuclPhillipj,jun. Andover

Samuel Ofgood ditto

Stephen Choate Jpjxvicb

ditfolUiiz Manjfieid Damvert

diftt ^Theoph. Bradbury Nt%ubury


( 54- )

i Jiifiicei ef the Peace for Effcx C'cunty.

[William Atkiai Neiixb.port. ijofhua Ornc Marhlebead iSamuel White Haverhill I John. Lcc Manchefcer



jKaac Merrill fSamud Moody Mofes Noves

Edward A. Holyoke Richard Darby John Gardnci-j jun, Samuel Ward Dummer Jewett John Choate-

;Edmun<} Sawyer Enoch Sawyer

JMofcs Little

JoAya Baylcy John Tucker, jua.

■Ebcnezer 'March



dittoUohn Barker <if/ro!.john^Patch ditto Abner Checver ditto John Flaeg ditto jameV.Ncwell- ditto >VtKer Ccffia ditto ^ Samuel W hitternorc ditto, John Low

Salem ditto ditto dittt Jpfzuicb ditto din ditto Lynn <littc ditto Glocejier dittc ditto

jTriftram Dalron Neivb.port\ jom^hanGiofst Marblebead

■Micajah Sawyer Stephen Hooper Nathaniel Tracy Jonathan Titcomb Stephen Crofs Jonathan Jackfon Mofes Frazier Rufas King Nathaniel Carter Benaiah Tifcomb Tohn Tracy Jofiah Fairficld- Stephen Barker Nathaniel MiRhill Ifracl Hi^tchmfon Anaos Putnam William ShtUaber Daniel Thutfton

ditte\ThoTnzs Gerry ditto

^/Vroj Stephen Phillips dittt

<^/Vro Samuel ScwsU ditto

t/;V.'5 1 Jofiah Batchellor Bewerly dltti\Bin]im)a Jones ditto

dltto\Lirkin Thorndike ditt« ditto -GcoTgc Cabot ditto

^jr".v,?j Nathaniel Lovejoy Andover «^///»! Samuel Abbet ditt*

ditto\]o{h'iz Holt ditt(i

diftol Benjamin Evans Salijhury ^fff^flw' Samuel Smith Topsfield Methuen Chriftop. Sargeant Almjbbry SamuetMoody,jun. Newbury Tyler Porter IVenham

Daniel Noyes Jpjiuicb

Baiiey Bartlett Haverhill Efquircs,






Hon. Mich>e! Farley, Efqj o/Ipfwich, SberiJ',

Deputy SberiJ's'

William Dodge //>/w/V/>'Bnmflsy Steveni Salem

William Irgalls iVi?':w^.^V?[ Thomas Bragg Andtver Oavii Bradley fia v^r />///■ John Sargent, jwn. Methuen

( 5? )

Coroners in the County of ElTex.

fonathin Bancroft 5(«/cffzj Jofcph WcoiJ Jerem. Patfons //fw^./^orriMofes Putnam |ohn Mvcall ^/VToilfasc Adams

Neivbury Saliikurj


Stephen lifley Mciss Trvie John Orns lofcph NcA-hall Benjamin f' hnfon ditto Benjamin Walker Bradford Jacob AUcn Gloucejhr

Richard Harris Caleb Cufhing Heiay Ingalis dittoii^WWzm Peirce John Hear^ John Hufc Lfmuc) VVco(^






And over

Ne vjbury




Civil Officers, <bc. in thg County //Middierex,

Jufiicei if tht Common P lea?. Hon. John Tyng-, efgj of Dunftab!e,

Sam'jei PhiUJpi Savage, efq; of Wefton, Abraham Fuller, efq; ot Newton, James Prcfcott, efq; of Grotcn. Hooi Jofiah Stone, efqjof Framingham,y/)effa/ Juliice. Thadieus Mafon, eCqj Clerk of tbe^leaz and SeJjioTH, Hon. Oliver Piefcott, efq; of Groron, Judge of Probate. James Winthrop, e^q; of Cambridge, Regifier of FroBate.^ Thaddeus JVIafon, efq; of Cambridge, Regiftfr of Deed:; Loammi Baldwin, efq; ef Woburn, Sheriff. Deputy Sheriffs. Peter Ball ^^Ai^awj' AbrahamWhitn€y,jur.5/oto

Abijah Prcfcott Grofffn' William Baker Concord

Teivhbury Billerica

lephthah Richardfon ditto' [ofeph Burr

^oiiah Bowers

Thomas Durant Cambridge

William Gocdcoow Sudbury

Samuel Johnfon Hopkington Ifaac Coolidge Natick

AIcxandetBoyd Mariborcugh Abijah Thompfon JVoburn

Juji'tcss of the Peace and of the ^orum, Thaddeus Mafon C5»:^r:W^^| Abraham Full.* Neivton John Tyng _-.._. ^

John Varnura John Gumming Oliver Prefcott

J)un/iab/e\'E\e3ztr Brooks Lincoln

r>rfif«r Samuel P. Savage Wejton

Coffcor^/ Jofiah Stone Framingbam^

(JrefoniNath. Goiham tbarhjlo'ivnS

Efqoires I

( ;6 )

Jujliccs •/ the Peace in Middlefex County,

John Reed Bedford

Leonard Williams Waltham (onas Preftott JVeJlford

Ifaac Bowman Ltxington Jofiah johnlon Wtburn

Samuel Wyman ditto

Samuel Thcmpfon ditto SimeonSpaulding Cbelmtjord Oliver Barron ditto

James Barrett Concord

lEi'hraim Wood ditto

t>avid Greene Reading

Benjamin Browne ditto

Jol'eph Perry Sberhume

Daniel Whitney ditto

Benjamin Hall Medford

Stephen Hall, gd Thomas Brooks Parker Varnum Joha Remington JVattrt$wn Jonathan Brown ditto

Samuel Fi/k ditto

Oaniel Parker vVilliam Hunt David Havtn FrarKingbam

Maiden dittt A£}on Sttto

John Jones John Stonfj Ifrael Hobart Jofiah Sarrell Jonathan Reed

Ebenczcr Bridge Chelmsford William Prefcott Peppertll Benjamin Blany Ezra Sargent Francis Faulkner Jonathan Wood James V^mihxo^ Cambridge Joel Parkhurft Dunftable John Woodward l^eivton Enoch Grcenleaf fVtffn Ezekiel How Sudbury

Timo. Walker WilmingtBn John Lock Jfhby

William Boden JSletick

Samuel Thatcher Cambridge Ebenezer Bradifli, jun. ditto Henry Woods Pepper ell Simon Stow Murlitrougb WilliamThompfon EilUrica Timothy Tufts Cbarlefteivv Benjamin Brown Lexingtcn Robert Harrington dittt «////(>( Jofeph Curtis E aft Sudbury </zVro! Samuel Park Htliiften

Stephen Dana Cambridge Samuel Henlej* Cbarlefcavn William Rice PTeft Sudbury Groton I Peter Wood Marlborough drV/a Timothy Fitch Medfori Lfr/Zt-roJ William WinthropCtfOT^rrV^ Efquircs.





Hopkington Holiiftsn

EphraimNewcll C^tfr/<f/i'<?w» David Brown Concord

John White Billerica

lEphraim Ruficll Groton

Benj.Eafterbrooks Lexington jofeph Bixby Frumingbam J eel Smith J^'efton

ETeckMar/h Hollifton

Bart.Richardfon^un./fi^am Amos Bradley Dracut

AlpheusWoods Marlborough Oliver Blood Stow

Jofeph Underwood Reading

( n ) -

Civil Officers t <bc. in the County p/'Hampfmre. Ju/fices of the Common Ple-as. Hon, Timothy Daaiclfon, efq; of Brimfield, Eleazer Porter, efq; of Hadler, John Bur?, slq; of Wiibraham, ,_ Samuel Mathdr, efqj of Weftfield, Abraham Burbank, cfq| of JVeftJieldf fpcclal Jufticf, Robert Bf eck, «fqj Clerk tf the P/egs and ({f the Scjfitns, Horn, Eleazer Porter, efqj o/Hadiey, Judge of PrabaU. JohnChcftcrWHliams.cfq; o/'Hadley Kegijier •fPiobtte, William Pynchon, efq; o/SpriEgfield, Rcgifter of Deedi, Elifha Porter, efq; c/ Hadley, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriffs.

John Heaton Sbelhurne

TiroothyMcach Wortbijigtoe. Hophni King Nortbfeld

Simeon Virions Nirtbampton Daniel White Hadiey

Joel Day Springfield ,^^^ _ ^

VVillian Shaw Mtnfon

Jujiices of the Peace and of the ^orum.

] o(eph Hiwlsy Nortbatr.ptsn Ekizcr Porter Hadiey

Caleb Strong ditto John Blifs JVithrabatn

Samuel Mather Ji^fificld Efquires

Jufiices of the Peace.

Abraham 3nrbank We ft field] ]om. Hale.jun. Springfield T\moKh^Ko\i\rXox\Granville Oliver Phelps Gran'ville

Noah Goodman So. tlaaley jScnjamin Mills Chefterfiefd Mof-s Gunn Montague

William ?ynchonSpring field Robert Breck Ihrthamptor Jacob Shcrvvin Ajhfield

David Sme^d

Samu;! Taylor Bucklar.d Abnsr MorgJH Brimfield John Kirkland Norivicb Elip. Leonard PP^sft ^pringfi. JHftin Ely Warham Parks

Nat. Dickenfon,jun..<^»ji»fr/? David Dickeiifon Deerfield Dan.^hlttemore Sunderiar d Samuel Williams Warwick Jofiah Peirce Hadiey

Eph. Wright Nonkainpiov

C'ihfield\D^y\^ Field Deerfield

Jonat!)an Judd Southampttv

Nahuro Eager iVortbir.gtor,

David" Mclcly V/ef:fiela^

_ Hugh McLeilan Cokrain

^fV/ajEWenezer MattooR Amberft^

BlandfordlCh^uacy Brewer Sprir^fislt

John C. Williams Ha^^vj Jofsph Metcalf GV/^«;[

John Haftings Hatfiddi. EfquirCJ,

Elijah Hwnf,. of Noribaiaptof}^ Cr>rorif!

^'r, 784:3

_■■ , ( 58 ) ,

Civil Officer Sy ^c.^ in the County ^/Plymouth Jvflices of the Common Pleas. Hon, William Sevci-^ efqj of Kingfton^ John Turner, efq; of Pembroke, Benjamin Willis, efqj Bridgwater, William Watfon, efq; of Plymouth. William Drew, efq j of Kingftoa, fpecial Jtijiice. (John Cotton, & Jofiah Cotton, tfq'rs, Ckrh of the Bleat. Hon. Jofeph Cufhing, efq; of Hanover, Judge of Probate. Jfaac Lotfirop, efqj of Plymouth, Regifter of Probate.

John Cotton, efq; of Plymouth, > ^jf^'^f^^f ' ^' ^ f .and County"! reufurer,

Hon. George Partridge;, efq; of Duxbury, Sheriff

Deputy Sheriffs.

ilchabpd Simmons Duxhvty Jirah Swift Bridstoattr

tifrael Perry


jCapr. John Doty Rocbcfter Silvanas Clap £apt,}o<}%'E,dd'/MiddIchro' John Ajdams William Kennedy, j«n,<://rfo Jfajiices of the Peace a fid of the Quorum.

Jonathan Ames

ditto ■Scituate KingJtOB

Daniel Johnfon Bridgtuater John Cottoo Plymouth

William Watfon ditto

William Sever Kingston

Iohi> Turner Benja. Willis Jftfeph Cufhing ?Jathaniel Clap

Pembroh Bridgtoater

Hanover Scituate Efqwires

Plymouth Kirgfton

Jufiices of the Peace,

David Wing Kochefter]\{•&^c Lothrop

Noah Fearing ?!^(j;fi'j/7J) William Drew ^

Eben, Sprout M/</<//«^(?/'oa_g-/^Edw. Mitchell Bridgwater Jo/hua White ^//froj Richard Perkins ditto

David Jones j4iiKgiorj\ Barmb:^* Howard ditta

Ignariua Loring Plympton Samuel Oakman Marjhfield Jfrael Vina), j'jfi. aSt/V^^^^ Waterman Thomas ditto William Turner ditto Ebe^ czer ThompfoDiy<j///<z*

Ebcnczer White /^Cf^f/irfrl Jofiah Cottco Plymouth

Coroners, Efquires.

David Jacobs Hanover

Samuel Savory Wareham S.ephen Sampfon 'Plymouth

David Kingmsn Bridgnvater . Waitc Ford Pemhroki

jjofiab Smith dittr>

\ ames Briggs^ ^'in. .Scituatj'J<iAt\\.YoQ.e,irWn,MiMebertf

,__ _ ( l^J ,

XTiv^i Officers^ <tc. in the County (?/"BarrftaBIe,{ Jujlices of the Common Pieas» \

Hon. Daniel Dav=s, cfq; of Barnflable,

Nathaniel Fie«m«n,erq; of Sandwich,

Richard Baxter, efq; of Yarnftouth, Solomjn Freeman, efq; of Harwich Joreph Otis, e'qj Clerk of the Pleas and of the Sejjions. \ Hen. Dioiel Davis, cfq; Judge of Probate. Nathaniel Freeman, efqj Regiffer ofVrobaie. Mr. Eben. Bacon, Regjfter of Deeds and County Treofnrer, Enoch Hallett, eiq; c/" Yarmouth, Sheriff. Deputy Sheriffs. Ephraim Berry 5tfr»/ai/f KimbaM dark ^ J^artvicb Nathan'*' Howland ^//rej Jonathan Snow, jun. ditf Elifha Pope 5tf»iw;Vi)lToreph Paine Chatham

Jofcpb Bourn i^'awoar^rjofhua Atkios T^ruro

Athertcn Hall YarmcuthS

Juflices ofths Peace and of the ^orum. Daniel Davis B amj: ahlep%s\i. Thatcher Yarmouth

NathanielFreeman5flff<^wr'ci) Jofeph Nye, Sandwich

Richard Baxter Tcrwaarijjofeph Ny;, jun. Harivicb iSoIomon Freeman Harw/Vit; Shear ja. Bourfte Barnjiable Jofcph Otis Beirnftahle' Efquires.

Juftices of the Peace. Nathan»elShiverickF«/woK/i Jofeph Doane Chatham

Jofeph Dimcck ditto Sylvanu-< Snow Trure

Scth Freeman Sandtuicb Elijah Knowlcs Eaphem

Coroners. Efquircs.

Lemuel Pope SandtvJchV^^iih. Downes harivicb Richard Sears Chatham\Szm. Bourne, jun, FAlmoutb

Benjam n Pepper Eajtham

Civil Officers y Cc. in the County <?/'Briftol. Jujiices of the Co^nmon Pleat. Hon. Walter Spooner, efq; of Dartm uth,

Hon. Thomas Durfee, efqj of Freetown, Be-jim'n Wil'iam*, efq; of Taunton, "Will-am M^avl'cS; efq; of Diebton. Samuel Falesj ef<ij Cleikofthe Pleas and of tbt Srjfis^^ f.

J ( ^oJ__ ^

Civil Officers fot BriftoJ County CGniinued.

Hon. Benjamin Williams, eCq-y Judge 0/ Vrciun.

Hon. George Leonard, cfqj of Norton, Regifter afPrthati,

James Willia^as, efqj of Taunton Regifter of Deeds.

George Godfrey, efq; of Taunton, CtutttyTreafurer.

Zephsniah Leonatd, ef^j t/Rzynhztn, Shr if .

Deputy Sherijfs^ Jcfiah Crecker^ 51fli^«/««ISethSpooncr4un.Z7flrrf«#a/i John Porter «////o Samuel Barney SiLanUy.

Elijah Dean ^;V/a Jofeph Wbeatoo Kehthoth

Afattb. WhitraarA D/^^A/on Ephraim Burr liorton

Williasn Reed jTr^r^^^ww! Richard Fiel* Mansfield Samuel French "■ Berkley^

Jufiices cfthe PeaCe and of the ^i^rum

George Leonard Norton\tzTa. Richmond Digktt*

Thomas Durfec Fr^f^oTOwj William Baylies dittt

George Godfrey 7d»K/a«jEdward Pope Dartmouth lienjamin Wil'liama </«<o Shufeael Peck Rekthotk

Robert LufcomU' ditw Ef(5uire»

Jufiices cf the Pcai:«.

John Daggett AtiUhor$ugb iWilliaiJi Halmcs Norton

! Samuel Toby Berkley

Eph. Starkweather Rebcbctb George Codding Digbton jWilliam Davis Dertmouth jlfrael Walhburne Raynbam iJefTs BiiUock Freetown

Elifha Mjy At tleborougb I&ac Dean Mansfield

Apolios Leonard 7auntni Samuel Fates ditto

lames Williams ditto

Scth Paddleford ditto

Bcnj.Ruflcll,jun. Dartmouth Thomas Church Digbton Alden Spooner Dartmsutb James Perry Eaflon

Daniel Carpenter Reboboth Stephen Bollock ditto

Efquirci. Coroners,

Jonathan Ingalfs TauntonVO^v'xA Whitm«rfli Digbton 'john Brown, 2d Reb6i'otb\Lt7'i French Berkley

I Jonathan Reed Fre&townUhic ¥in^%t9 Ner-4or

JLsvi Maiey jSitleb^rough*

{ 6t )

Civii Officer J i itc. in the County of York,

Jujl'tcei of the Common Pleas,

Hon. Dant«l Moulton, tfq; of York,

Riihworth Jordan, cfqj of Biddeford, Benjamin Ghadbourne, efq; of Berwick, Jofcph Simplbn, cfqj of York,

Edward Cutts, efq; and Nath. Welh, t(<\'j fpectal Jujiices*

Timothy Froft, efq; of Kittfry, Clerk tfthe Pleas.

Hon, Jofcph Sirapfon, efq; Judge of Probate.

Daniel Sewal), cAjj of York, Regtfier tf ProbAte.

JohofoD MoultoB, efq; cf Y axk, Sheriff,

Jufices cfthe Peace and of the ^orum.

Daniel Moulton Ysrl

^ifhworth Jcrdan Biddtftrd Nathaniel Wells Wdh

Charles Cbauncj Kittery

David Sfwall Edward Cutts Jofeph Frye Jofeph Simpfon






John Svett Tork

John H«vey Arundell

DorninicusGoodwin Bertvick TiiHtimjoxiiaPepperelboro^ Thomas Cutts ditf

HumphChadbourne£^rw;f-J John Froft Kittery

J'enja, Meads Lord Arundell John ICingfljury

J unices of the Peace,

John Hill Berwitk

Jona.ChefleChadbourne ditto Simon Frye Fryeburgh

John Head Bartlett Kittery Thcophilus Lyman IVelli Jo{hua B.Ofgood Eronvrjield Jeremiah Hill Biddeford John Storer IVelU

T'c^r/i I Jacob Bradbury Buxton



Edward Emerson York

John Co'e miU

Will. Lcighten, jun. Kittery


Henry Hamilton Sanford Daniel Farrington/''r)'<r^tfr£/) Jacob Shorey Berwick

( 62 )

CivilOffcers^^c. in the.Csunty afD\jiktiQQU\My^

Juftices of the Common Pleas„ Hon. James Athearn, efqj of Tifljury, Shubael Cottle, cfq; of Tifljury, pbeaez'rr Smith, cfq; of Edgartowo, John Allen, efqj of Chiimark. Ebenezer Norton, efqj of EdgartoWn, ^fecial Jujiice, Mr. St<!phen Luce, Clerji of the Pleat, Hon. jarne* Atheara, efqj Judge of Probate, Ml*. Thomai Coofee, fl/gi^er of Probate.

Samufl SmitI, cfqj Regifier of Deedt,

lAr, Jethro Athearn, jun. Csunty Treafurer,

Benjamin Stnitb, efqj of Edgartown, Sheriff,

MefliVs Samuel Manter & Abraham Chafe, Dep.Shenft ^

Jujiices of the Peace and of the ^icrum, J«mw Athearn, and Shubael Cottle, Efq'r». of Tisbury,

Juji'tces of the Peace, Ebenezer Smith and Thomas Cook€,Erq'rs. ^iEdgarttnun-

Coroners, \

EbenezerNorton J?</^<»rrow«IRobcrt Allen Chiimark^

Melatiah Da»j« <(///relSvlvanus Boardman iitt^

Civil Officers y <be, in the County ^Nantucket

. Juflicet or the Common Pleat. Hon, [ofiah Barker, efq; "^

Srephen Hofley, efq: C .r o/ r

r> *^ ^ J ' ? r 01 Sherburne,

George Gardner, efq; V

William Hammatt, efq^ -^ Hon. Grafton Gardner, cfq; Judge of Probate, Frederick Folger, efq; Regi/rer •{ Probate, John Gardner, efq; o/Shrrbum, Ske>iff,

Jufiicei of the Peace.

Oraffon Garflner, Sf^rifT-jT; fi-pli (''ffin,n>n. Skerburn Gfforge pjjfdner, 9.d dim Efqttire?.


( 63 )

I Civil' Officers^ <tc. in the County i?/VVorceflef

Jujiices ofths Common Plsas^ HoDt Artsmas Vv'ard, ef^j of Shrewfbury, ' Mofes G'il, efq; of Prineetown,

i' Samuel Baker, cfqj of Bolton,

Jofcph Doir, efq; of Mendon. Jofcph Allen, etq; of Worcefter, Clerk of the Pleai. Hon. Jofeph Dorr, t\<\\ Judge of Probate. Jofcph V/hccJer, cfqj of Harvaid, ^egifier of Probate. Nathan Baldwin, efq; Regtjier of De^ds, Mr. Nathan Perry, CcunXy Treafurer. William Grecnleaf, efq; «/ Lancafter, Sherij^. \ Deputy Sheriff. |

Cyrus Fairbanks Lancajler\]'^hn K\:^g Suttsu'.

Abi ha Phelps dftto^Jciei'i'ih Marcy Sturbridgi]

Jonathan Rice iVcrcelhr T\\o, W. W^rd Sbr:'ivsbury\

Joel How dittolliihh Pirmsnnir Qakbam**

Afa Bigelow Brockfield\]n'mihinH\iuhztt Paxton]

Robert Peck ham Fefetjham


Amariah Preftoti

Turner Ellis

William Ruffell

Elifta Alien

Ediyard Bzrr\iri ^'e/iim'nfter

John Haftings^ Hardivick

Ifaiab Rider

DivM Kelly.

Charlton- Upton\ Mendon Peter Atlifrton llarvard\ \V illlcim'W ^rntrff^ificheKdea Timothy Rugz'cs Rut/and Thomafl Kimball I.uner^nrg Mettopher C.hacc Leominfier

oar re Princeton

Jufiicet of the Peace and of the Riorum

Artemss V/ard Sbreivsbury Seth Wafhburne Leicejf,

Thomas Leggatt Leominfier

jofeph Wheeler Har-vard

Levi Lincoln IVorcefier

JohnSprague Lancafter


Jufiiccs of the Peace.

William Avrea jSr»»^/f(f^/ Jonathan Grout Vett'ftiam

Samuel Baker Bolton

Toferh Dorr Mendon

John V/hetcf;n:b Bolton ifracl Nichols 'Leominfier

Edward Davis Oxford

Ephiafm Wiiifon Princeton JonathiinVVard Southboreugb Ed war d Raw Ion Milford

Ebenez:: Learned Oxford Amos Singletary liuttor

WilliamDunfmore Lancaftet Jofjah Wilder ditto

( 64

Jujlices in Worcefter County continued.

John Frink , Rutland

Nicholas Drlce TVcftmipder jofhua Bigclow W»r-cejier WillJam Young ditto

Samuel Curtis ditto

fohn Mafon Barre

. Percival Hall New ^raintree Jofeph Baker IVefihorough jofeph Henfhaw Shreivibury Samuel Croihy JVincbendon Jonathan Lccv ^ Lunenburg Paul Meni^al! Hardivick Jonathan Baldwin T.'tnpleton

Nathan Tyler, Uxbridg, John Feirenden Rutland Edward Davis, jun. Dudley William Phippg IVard

Will. H'ltctihonrnFitcbburg John Bifco Spencer

Nathan Putnam Sutton

Jedediah Marcy Dudley D wight Fofter Brookjitli Danfoith Keyes Wejiern Ifaac St«nc Oakbani

Hyram Newhall Atbol

jo/hu* Smith Scuthborougb A fa Whetcomb Princetoivn Solomon Lcland Sutton

Abel Wilder JVincbendon Jofeph Allen Worcefier

Jofjah Dean Men^o»jcfiah Whitney Harvard

Jacob Davis Charlton Benjamin Goddard Grafton

William King - Sutton James Hawes JVeHborougb , Heztkish Ward Leicefter William Putnam Sterling Ebenczer Crafts Sturbridge Thomas Cewden- Fitchburg John Childs, j'jn. i/8/<^f« George Kimball Lunenburg ■Ezra Whitney ' Douglafs Samuel Wilder Ajbburnbam John Batchcllor Roya'Jlon Jofeph Reed

Jofhua Whitney Jofiah Pcirce Jofeph White jThomas Denny lEphiaim Spooner Reuben Tafts I jofeph Hartvi'cll Loring Lincoln

Cor oner t.









BraoMficld Efquirey.

Mark Lincoln Leominfier Andrew Parker Barn

Elijah Gaificid Fitcbburg Silas Jol^s Templeton

NathanBridges Soutbborougb Benja. Joflyn NewBraintree jofiah Goddard Jltbcl

\CivilGfficerSi<bc, in the County i?/'Cuaiberland. Juftices of the Common Pleai,

Hon. Enoch Freeman, cfq; of Falmouth, Jedidiah Prebblc, ^fq; of Falmouth, David Mitchell, efq; of North Yarmouth, John Lewis, efqj of North, Yarmouth. -

William Gorham, cfqj of Gorham, fpecial Juftice.

Samuel Freeman, t(^\ of Falmouth Cltrk of the Pkes.


( 6; )

Civil Ojlficer s ,f:jr^\:imhQxV>ivACcunty continued Hon. William Gcrham, efqj Judge of prthate»

Samuel Freeman, efq; Regifter of Prchate,

Hon. Enoch Ffscman, efqj Regifter of Deeds,

John Waits, cfq; #/ Falmouth, Sberijf,

Deputy Sheriffs.

Benjamin Baylcy Fslm»Lth\T\vnti\.h^ Cutler Scarhorcugb

Ijona.Armftrong C'tf/>t?£'.Vz«i».lDayid Froft Gcrham

ijvflices of the Peace and of the ^orum. E'iOch Frfsman Falmoutb'.D^^'x^ Mitchell N.Tartntutb jjedidiah Prebbic ^/rr#ljohn Lewis ditto

Jujlices of the Peace, Efquires.

Wm.Simonton CapcElixab,

Wiliiam SyWefter //dr/»/we// Clement Jordan ditt»

WiII.Thompfon5f^?-^5r»w^i) William Gorham Gerham Samuel Freeman Falmouth Joftua Fabyan Scarhoreugb Jofeph Noyes Falmouth

Richard Cod man ditu

Sam. Thompfon Brunfavick Nam. Purrington Harpfiuell Ifajc PirfoB* NciuGhceJter

David StroutCtf^e EHzahetb

Idward Ruffeil N, Tarmcutk Edmund Phinney Gorham Jofeph Noyea F*lmoutb

Stephen Hall ditf

Samuel Small Sctrberougb William Thompfon dittg John Cufhing Royalfitm

Ephraim Jones Fmlmeutb John Dean Fearfont6%vn



David Barker If^WiawlThoma* Scale?, N.Tarmoutb

Peleg C handler AV-«;g/o<:gy?gr| James Lunt,jun. Falmoutb

Chit Officers, ^c. in the County c/LihcoliJ. fnflices cf the Comrion Pleas. Hon. William Liihgow, efqj of Georietoi-rn, Thomas Rice, efq; y\ Georgetown, James Howard, efqj of Winflow, James McCobb, efq; of Georgetown. Nathaniel Thwing, efq; of ^09\vi]ch, /fecial yuftice, Jonathan Bowman, efq; Clerk of the PUat, Hon. Jonathan Bowman, efq; Judge •fProhattt Roland Cuftiing, efq; Regijter tf Prehate, Thomas Rice, efq; Regijter of Deeds. William Lithgow, efq; Ctunty Treafurer, [1784.3 '' ~

( 66 )

I Ctvil Officers for Lincoln Lisunty c^ntinuid. i I Jufliccs of the Peace an I of the Riorum, .WiHiamLithgow(7tf3r££^flw«|fona, Bowman Pownalboro iThbmas Rice <//>/e|NathaHiie! Thwing WoiltDich

" Efqu'ires,

Woolivicb Deer IJland



- - Tbomaflon]

Machiaii Edm.Bridgc Poivnalbcrougb]

lValf>ole\PtttT Howard Canaam

Benj a mi n Fofter rj^d/*oroa_g A

Timo. Langdon ditta]

I \ Jufices cf the Peace.

[John Stinff>n C?«rg-ffow«[ Samuel Harnden iJames McCobb ^/zVro Thomas Stinfon

iDummer Sewall ^/«ol John Merrill

jjamzs Howard HaUoivell\NLo{z% Davis iA'exaDder Nichols 5r//?5/ Jonathan Buck lAhra. Prebb!e B oiv Join ham] M^f on Whearon [Stephen Jones jArthur Noble iDzekie! Pattce hofiah Brewer

Winjlo'w ditto

ISamucl Jordan Union-Ri'ver William McCobb Bcothbay^

[Alex. Campbell ^rV /a ".Oliver Wood Kenrebeck

Jofeph North P?«/ro»jPatfick Pebbles Warrtn

Benp.Woodbridge iV«wc^;?/e Efquirep,

Edmund Bridge, efqj o/Po*irnalborcugh, Sheriff. Deputy Sheriffs,

Stuart Hunt Poivnalborough

Samue4Cj03dwin,jun.. ditto

lavid Murray, Netveaftk

Benjamm Brown HalltweUi Ezekiel Thompfon Toppaml [ohn Brewer PenobJcotXi

|Samue) Brown, Edgcombe]ijimti Craigg Winthrcp

fwilliam Tuppcr Maci^/^rj Shtibael Bragg Vaffalbarough jJo/huaConamore Medumco*k\


Thomas Boyd Briflol

John White Georgetoivn Elihu Gatchpll Boivdoinham

William Lewis Ptnvnalboro^ Jonas Farnfwcrth Macbiss John Farley Vaffa^borougb


Civil Officer!^ ac /;; the County of Berk (hire. Juflices of the Cf^mmcn Plear. Hon. William Whiting, cfq; of Great Barrin|tOB, Jahleel Woodbridge, cfq; of Stockbridge, J-ames Barker efq; of Lanffborough, Charles Goodrich, cfqj of Pitfjfield, ^fr. Henry Wilii-sm? Dwighr, Clerk of the Pteas. Hon. Timofhv Edwards, efq; Judge cf Probate, Williarn Walker, efq j Regifter of Probate. Mcfcs Hopkins, efqj Regifter of Deeds. Col. Caltb Hyde, of LenoXt Sheriff. '

^^ y . .. _

Civil Cfjicers for Berkfhire County CGrAlnusd* \ Jufllces of the Pedce and cfth^ ^tirum. \ 'Wil\.\\h\ungG,B.arrir.gtcn Charles Goodrich Vittsfe/dl

ker Lantiborcug^i

Jah.Woo^biidge Stockbridge J aha Aihley, jun. Sheffield

James Barl

Epbraim Fitch Egremtnt^ Efquiics.

Jujlices ff///^^ Peace.

Theodore- Sscgwick SceffieId.G\'t$ JickfoD Tyrringbam] Lemuel Baniard d: ct 3 j W iWizm Vvi\ktt Zenoxi

Tiue.VfhfthrGr.Barrjrgton Kiitl Dewey ditto-,

Jon4than Naih ditti ^^- " - r. .iz ji

Gideon Whceicr Laneikoro'

yimes Harris ditt«

John Bacon Stockbridge-.

William Goodrich ditto^

Samuel Hand Hancsck\

["VViiiiam Clark Wi>:df«r\ Jzmes Gates RicLmcxd.

|E;i Root - tittiJield'.'DiWQ Rcflster ditto

Daniel Brcwn Scndisjield Ab-mai*z Eafton W*fmngt<jn. Kathaniel Kingifey itc^t^John Halhbut Jfcfoid\

Ifaac Stratton f/^///a?K/?0Bj William Ihgerfoll Lte'^

Jibez Ward If, MarIb6r»ugb\'Zno& f'aiker ^dams.

Efquiies, j Mr. John Nifh, of GreM BarringUtt, Coionc»\, |

By the Conftitution of this Commonwealth, in order i that the people may not fufrer from the long continuancej iVi place ef aoy Juftice of the Peace, >vho Ihall fail of dif-| charging the important duties of his offi-c ft'ith fidel.ty,| a!i Commilfions of Juftices of the Pe ce are to expire and; b:come void in the term of 7 years frtm thtir rcfpeftivei dates j and upon the expiration of any Commiffion, thei dme may, if nacefliry, be renewed, or another pesfcoj appointed, a& fhall moft conduce to the well-being cf the Commonwealth.

Cj" all forts of Court, Jufticet, Prohate\ Sherifisy Cororiers^ and other Blacks, com -I manly ufed in this Commonwealth, may be) had of T. Ic. J Fleet, at the Bible and

Heart in Cornhill, Bejisn. At the fame!

Place Printing Work may. be had well done] a ad cheap. »'

J.WorthingtonEfqj 5;>r/n5jf. JjhnSprague,Efqj Lancafier. Jof.Hawley.Efqj Nortbampt.\

Atternics at Laiu praBifing at the Supremt Court,

Mcfes f^arfons Haverhill,

BenjaminHitchbourn Bofton

Benjamin Ktnty Efq; Robert T.Paine,Erq; Attdrney General John Lowell, Efi^} James Sullivan, Efci;

( 68 )

Barrijiers at Latv.

BoJioH dittt ditto

William PynchoD,Efq;.W^« Mofes B!if8,Erq; Springfield T. Bradbury, Efq; Newbury Shear], Bourn, Efq; BarnJiaBU ditto I O ikes Angier, Efq; Bridj^ivat

William Tudor Perez Morton jfona Mafon, jun. Ifrael Keith. Chriftophcr Gore, David Gotham Ba

John Frothingham Falmoutif' Levi .Lincoln Worcefter.

luftin Ely ^yeft Sprimrfie Id ^ George Leonard ""* Seth Psddleford Ebene2«r Bradiili





ditto 'iftaBle Edward Pepe l'aunton\a\t\> Emery

Theodore Sedgwick Sheffield Nathaniel Paine Timo.Langdon PiXvnalf>oro' Roland Cuflting ditta

William Lithgo ditto Royal Tyler

Caleb Strong Northarrpton^'U.ufvts King






Thomas Dawes, jua. Bofion

Jamrs Hughes* ditto-


Neiviury port

Joftiua Thrsmas Plymouth Edward Pulling William W-rmore Salem Theo. ParfofiS New L-ury Port William Hunt irafcrtoivn

Attnrniei pr^Biffig at th Court of Common Pleas.

Salem Dwi^ht Foftcr Erookfield Abner Morgan Worcefier

Samuc! D-^ggett ijo/^ort. Nathan Dane

Rufu5 G ccne Amory «/.>^o Jonathan Fay George R. Minot <//r/o Edward Bangi

Benjamin Lincoln, jun. ditto John C. WMliams Edward H. Robbins Milten George Thatcher Fifher Ames Dedham David L. Barnee

Samuel Sewall Metrblebead David Nnble








•' \

The following Gentlemen are appointed Commifli 'nerjj to join w'th fuch ss may be appointed by the Legiflature of the State of New -York in running and afcsrtaining the', dividing line between that State and the unappropriated lands belonging to this Commonwealth, lying to the weft- ward of Hudfon^s River, viz.

Hon. Ca'eb Strong, Efq;

Hon. Samuel Phillips, jun. Efq;

Hon. Timothy Danielfor, Efq;

( 69 )


Of Confederation and Perpetuai Union,) between the Sates oi Nfw-Hampjhire^ MaJJjcbuJettS'\ Bay, Rbode-ljland and Providence Plant ationtt Connec-^ ticut. New York, Netu Jerfey, Pennfylvaniji, Delaivare^ | Mary!anJ,yirginia, NortbCarolina, SoutbCaratiKaf aod | Georgia. [Ratified by Congress March ift, 17% t.} |

Art. I. rr^HE ftile of this Confederacy fhtil be, j

IX "The UnttibStatcs OF Amirica,'*! Art. II. Each Siatc retains iis fovereignty, freedon*} «nd inGepe;idcoce, and every power, jarirdiftion and right,] :which is not by this Confederation exprefsly delegated lo the U.ited States in Confircfs airernbled. I Art. III. The faid Srates hereby Teverally enter intoanrm league of friendfli.p with each other, for ihcirj eorr.mcn defence, the fccuruy of their iibertcs, and thcirj mutual and genera! welfare, binding thcmfeivcs to afiift xach ether agalnft ali force ofi'crcd to, or attacks m^d« iupon thsm or any of them, on accouiit of rciigion, fove reignty, trade, or any oiher jrctei.tc whatever.

Art, IV. The bcttrr to fecure and perpetuate mu tual friend/hip zni intercourfe amor.g the people of the different S;2*es in this Union, the f refl»nh»bitants of each of thcfe States (paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives fro juftice excepted) ^all bt cctitled to all priviled^es inii immunities of fiee ciiicent in the feveral States; aad ihe| peop'e of each State niiil Have free ingrcfl and tegrcfs to and from mj other State, and fhill enjoy therein ail the privileges of -trade and commerce, lubje£l te the fimc duties, impofi-.ions and reftri^lions, as the inhabitantt thereof rcfpe£live!y, provided that fuch reftridlion iball not ez^^end fo far ae to prevent the removal of property imported into any State, to any other State of which the owner is an inhabitant ; provided alfo, that no impofition^ duties or reflri(flion, fhall be laid by any State on the pro- perty of the United States, or either of them.

If any perfon guilty of, or chargcd^with treafon, felony, or other high mifdemsanor, in any State, diaU flee from iuilice, and be found in any of the United States, he(kaU, upon demand of the Governor, or executive power of 'he State from which he fled, be delivered up. and remor- ed to the State having jurifdi€lion of bi« offence.

( 7Q )

Full faith and credic fhail be gj^frr^ in each of thc^^" States, fo the records, a£ls and jjdicial proceedings ci the courts and magiftrates of every other State, i

Art. V. For the msre convenient management efl' ," the general intercfts of the U.iited States, Delegates fhall}^ be annually appointed, in fuch manner as the legiflaturel U>f each State AalJ direft, to m:et in Congrefs en the Firftj j^Monday in November, in every year, with a power re-j [ferved to each State to recal its Delegates, or any of ihem,! at any time within the year, and to fend others in theirl flead for the remaindt/ of the )ear. i :

No State fliaii be reprefented it) C'lngrefs by lefs thar^sK Two, nor by more than Seven members j and no peifoa! fhali b<s capable of being a Delegate for mote tkaa Three, |>eare, in any teim of Six years j nor fliill any pcrfac,' being a Delegate, be capable of holding aoy cfHci underj ,■ , the Uaited Suies, for which he, or ano'.her for hisV Lenefi:, receives any (alary, fees or emo!ument,of any kind.!?

EachState OmW maintain its ownDelega cs in a meeting [■

:)i the State% and while the/ aft as members of the Comi-|

mitt(^e of the States. i

. in determining q-jeflions in the Uaited States in Con-j

grcfs aHembled, each State (hall have one vote. 1

Freedom of fpeech and debate in; Congrefs ftiall not bc' mjjeached, or queftioncd in any court or p!ace oat of Congrefs ; and the members of Congrefs /hall be protcft-] ed in their perfoos from atrefis and imprifonT.ents, daring the time of their going to and from, and attendance on < Congrefs, except for trcafon, felony, or breach of the peace,'

Art. VI. No State, without the confent of the UaUed, States in Congrefs affemb'ei, fhall fend any cmbafly to, or receive any embafTy from,or enter into any conferencc,3grcc- m^nt, alliance or treaty with any king, prince ci ftate ; r.cr Ihall any perfon holding any office of profit or truft under the United States, or any of them, accept of any piefcnt, «moJument,office or title, of sn^ kind whatever, f.'om any King, Prince or foreign State j nor fhall the Uaitcd Sates i.\ Congrefs afleinblcd, yor any of them, grant any tiiJc of .nobility^ ,

No two or more States fhall eater into any treaty? Ciinfederation or alliance whatever betviecn them, viihout the confent of the United Staces ia Congrefs affembxd, |fpec fying accurate)^ the purpofes for which the fame is i 0 be entered into, and how long it fliaU c'>ofiriuf.


N'-* State ih^ll Jay any impofts or dutes, which rna inc.T^flrc urith any ft'pu'ations in treaties, entered into by lh». T/i"fcd States in Congrefs afT^mbled, with any K n^, Princs or S-ate, in purfuance of any treaties already proppfed by CosjTef? to the Courts of France and Spain,

Na veflTs's cf wir iliail bs kspt up in t ms of' peace by any Stare, except Auh rivin'^er cnly a^ fhall be dcv^med recf fTiry, 'by the Ufiitr J Stares in Congrefs siTemblcd, for th; iifznzt of foch S*3:e. or its trais ; nnr ihall any body of foiC2s b; k^pt up by aay 3tatejin time of {leace, except ftich numi-er only, as in tha judgmsnt of the Unitec Sra»es in Congrcfs ailimbled ihall be deemss^ req-iifite tn garrifon the forts nccelTary for th: ^;feic2 of fuch Stat? j bu'. evtry State fhill always keep up a well regulated and djfciplined militia, fuffici'en'ly arrned and accoutred, and /hall provide and conflant'y have r^afy for' ufe, in pwblic i1o-e?, a iiie number f^t field pifccs ?^d tsnf«, at!d a proper quantity of arms, rmtn'jniticn and cimp equjpage.

No State fliall engage in any war without the confent of the United States in Cong'sfs aiT«mb!eJ. uo'ffs fuch Sate be a£luaily invadcu by enem es^orfhall hav6 received ceru:n advifc of a refcluticn be;ng forTicd by fome nation of Ird-ans to irj-v^de fuch ?'ate, and the da-gir is fo im- minent as not to admit of a delay, t.U the United States in Congrefs affemb.'fd can be conruhed j nor /hall any Sfate grant commilTions to any /hips or vefTcls of war, oor letters of marqy; or reprifat, except it be after a declaration of war by the United States in Congrefs a/Temblcd, and then only againft the kingdom or State, ard the fubjeiis, thereof, jgainft which war has bee:? \c dec'ared, and under' fuch regu'atior.8 as fhall be e/!^2bli/hed by the United States in C- ngrefs aTenribled unlefs AichState /hail be infcfled by pirate?, in which cafe ve/Tels of war may be fitted out fo^ that rccation,and kept folcng as the danger "fliaH continue, tor urtil the United States in Congrcfs affembled fha|I de- termine ctherwife.

Art. VII. When land forces ate raifcdby any S*ate for the cr.mmTn defence, all officers of cr under the rank' of Colonel ihall be appointed by the leg-/lature ef each State refpcftive'y, by whom fnrh forces /hall be raifcd, or in fuch manner as fuch Stats /hall d;re<S, and all racancips (hy\\ be filled u? by the State which firft.jr.ade the ap- ointment.

( It ) ,

Art. VUl. All charges of war, and all otherexpcncej (that fhall be incurred for the eomrnan defence or general ;Welfar<!, and allowed by the United States in Congrefs 'alTemblcd, fh-il! be defr2yed out of a common treafurjr, which null be fvmplied by the feveral States, in proportion to the value of a{f lan4 within each State, granted to or furvey cd for any pcrfon, as fuch land, and the buildings and improvements thereon ftal! be eftimated according to fuch mode a? the United S'^ates in Congrefs affemblcd fhall from time to time direft and appoint. The taxes for paying that proportion fhall be 'aid and levied by the authority and direction of the^Icgiflaturrs of the feveral Sratc«, within the time agreed upon by the United State3 in Congrefs aflVmbled.

Art. IX. The United States in Congrefs aflemblcd ihall have theible and exclufive right and power of deter- minirvf -on peace and war, except in the cafes mentioned in the ifitch article^— of fending and receiving ambaffa- dors—— entering into treaties and alliance?, provided that no treaty of commerce fhall be made whereby the legiHstiTe power of the refpe£tive States fhall be retrained fTom impofing fuch impofts and duties on foreigners, as ikit\x own people are fubjeftfd to, or from prohibiting the exportation or importation of any fpecics of goods or

commodities, wTiatfceyer ' -of eflablifhing rules for

deciding in all cafes what captures on land or water fhall be legal, and in what manner prizes taken by land or naval forces in the fervice of the United Statec fhall be (divided or tppropriated—— of granting letters of marque and repriful in times of peace— —appointing courts for i^he trial of piracies and felonies committed on the high Yeas, and eftablifhing courts for receiving and determining £lnaHy appeals in ail cafes of capture?, provided that oo snember of Ccngrcfs fh»ll be appointed a judge of any of the faid courts.

The United States in Congrefs afTcmbled fhall alfo be the laft refort on appeal in all difputcs and difference; now fubfifling, or that her«after may arife, between two or more States, concerning boundary, jurifdiftion, or any other caufe whatever ; v/hich authority fhall always be eatrcvfed in the manner following. Whenever the legilla- tiveor executive authority, or lawful agent of any State,! in ctfoverfy with anorhfr, ft»H ptefcnt a petitiop to'

( n )

jGon^rcfs, ftatiog the matter in qucftioPj and prayjng for a I hearing, notice tbetcot" fhal! be given by order of Congrefs to the legifiativc or cxccutire authority of the other State in controvcrfy, and a day sfligned for the appearance of ihe patties by their lawful agents, who f];aU then be di- refted to ap point, by joint confent. ccmniflRoncrs or judges to conftitute a court for hearing and determining the matter in queftion ; but if they cannot agree, Con- gtefi Aall name three perfons out of each of the T/nited States, and from the lift of fuch perfons each party iliali alteinately ftnke out one, the petitioners beginning, until the number fhall be iti uted to thirteen j and from that number not lefs than feven, nor move than nine names, as Congrefi fhall dire£l, fhail in the piefence of Cougrtfs be drafen out by lot, ard the perfons whofe names Ihali be fo dtEwn, or any five of them, fhall be ccinmiffioners or judges, to hear and finally defetmine the controvcrfyf fo always as a major part of the judges who fhall hear tbej caufc (hall agree ir the determination : And if either party /hall ncgleft to attend at the eay appointed, without /hew- ing leafons, which Corgicfs fhall judge fufScienf, or bcmg prefent fhall rcfufe to {Irikc, the Congrel's ihaJl proceed to nominate three perfons out of each State, and the Secretary of Congrcfs fhall ftrike in behalf of fuch party abfcnt or refufing j and the judg»ient and fentence of the court to be appointed, in the manner before pre- fcribed, fhall be final and ccnclufive ; sfid if any of the parties (hall refufe to fubmit to the authority of fuch court, or to appear or defend their claim or caufe, th« , {court (hall neverthe'efs proceed to prcnounce fentence or ijudgment, which fhail in like manner be final and decifire, jthe judgment or icntcnce and other proceedings being in icithcr cafe tranfmittcd to Congicfs, and lodged among theafts of Ccngiefs, fcr the fecurity of the parties con- cerrcd ; provided that every commifiioner, before be fits in judgment, fhall take an caih, to be adminif^rcd by one of ihe jt-dgss of the uprcmc or fupcricr court of 'h« Srate where the caufe fhal! be tried, ''well ard tr-oiy ?o hes and determine the matter in queftiop, according to the belt of his judgment, without favour, afleftion, or hope cf leward :" ProTided aifo, that no State ^:a!I be deprived ofj«J_ritory, for the bgr.cfit of th= Uiiiied St

( 74 )

All controvetfies concsrning the private right of foil, claimed under different grants of two or more States, whofe jurifdifiions, as they may ref}f£i foch lands and the States which pafftd fuch grants, arc adjuftcd, the faid grants or either of them being at the fame time claimed to have originated antecedent to foch fettlement of jurif. di£lion, AaU, on the petition of either party to the Con- gr efs of the United States, be finally determined, as near s may be in the fame manner as is before prefcribed for deciding difputes rcfpcfting territorial jurifdiftion between [different States.

The United States in Congrefs afTembled fhall alfo have

the foJeand exclufive right and power of regulating the

Moj and value of coin ftrutk by their own authority, or

by that 6f the refpeftive States j fixing the ftandard of

weights and meafures throughout the United States

regulating the trade and managing all affairs with the In-

idians, not membera of any of the States, piovidcd that

sthe legiflative right of any State within its ov/n limits

[be not infringed or violated ; eftablifhing and regulating

fpoft cfKces from one State to another, throughout all the

.United States, and cxafting fuch poHage on the papers

ipaffing through the fame, as may be lequifite to defray

■ths experces of the faid office j appointing all officers of

'the land forces in the fervice of the UnitcdStates, exccpt-

fjng regimental cfiicers 5 appoiiiting all the officers of the

'raval forces, and ccmmiffioriing ail officers whatever in

[the frrvice of the United States ; making rules fcr the

^jdvernment and regulation of the faid land and «aval

tfcrcer, and direfting their operations^

I The United Slates in Congrefs affemblcd fliall have au

tbofity to appoint a Ccrr.mittee, to fit in the recefs of

^Congrefs, to be denominated, *'A Cemmitteeof the States,

and to corfjft of one Delegate frcm each State; and to

appoint, fuch other Committees and cieil tfficcts as may be

|nece<Tary for managing the gcnerfci affairs of the United

^States under their dir?<^ion; to appoint ore of their

[number to piefide, provided that nO perfon be allovred to

fervc in the office cf Prefidcnt mere tbaii one year, in any

Term of three years j^ to sfccrtain the necfffary fums of

Oicrry to be raifed fey the fcrv;{;e of the United States

^*9d to appropriate and apply the kmt for defraying the

i: 7; )

^iublic expence? j to borrow money, or emit bills on the credit' of the United States, tranfmitting every half year to the refpeftive States an account of the fums of borrowed or emitted j to build and equip a navy j to agree upon the numbsr of land forces, and to makerequi- Jiijons f -^-m each State for its quota, in proportion to the aumber of white inhabitants in fuch State j which requi- Ction fiiali be binding, and thereupon the legiflaturo of, each Staertiall appoint the regimental officers, raife.the men, and cloath, arm and equip them in a fsldicr-Lke manner, at the expence of the Uaited States, and the offi-| cers and men fj cloathed, armed and equipped, fhall march to the place appointed, and within the time agreed on by the United States inCongrefs affembled : But if the United! States in Congrcfs affembled ihall, on confideration of cir-j cumftances, judge proper that any Scate ihould not raifc; msn, orthouldraife a fmallcr number than its quota, aadi that any other State fliouid raife a greater number of mpn; than the quota thereof, fuch extra number /hall be raifcd,! officered, cloathed, armed and equipped in the fame man"'; oer as the quota of fuch State, unlcfs the Lcgiflaturc of] fucii State fhall judge that fuch extra number cann;t be; fafcly fparcd out of the fame, in which cafe they fhallj raife, officer, cloath, arm and equip as many of fuch extra] number as they judge can be fafely fpared. And the offi-| cers and men fo cloathed, armed and equipped, fhall march* to the place appointed, and within the time agreed on byj the United States in Congrefs afTembeld. The United] States in Congrefs affembled fhaii never engage in a war,] nor grant letters of marque and reprifal in time of peace,: nor enter into treaties or alliances, nor coin mosey, norj regulate the value thereof, nor afcertain the furos and ex-j pcnces neceffary for the defence and welfare of the United] States, or any of them, nor emit bills, nor borrow money] on the credit of the Unit6d States, nor appropriate money, ! nor agree upon the number of velTels of war to be built or] purchafed, or the number of land or fea forces to be raifed,] nor appoint a Commander in Chief of the army or navy,j unlefs Nine States afTent to the fame ; nor fhall a queflion] on any other point> except for adjourning from day to day,l be determined, unlefs by the votes of a majority of thgj United States in Congrefs aflembled, ,j

( 76 )

The Congrcfs of the United States ftall have power tO; adjourn to any t;me wuhin the year, and to any place with-j in the Unitfd States, fo that no period of adjournmjnt be; for a longer duration than the fpacc of Six months, and ftalJ publifh the Journal of their proceedings monthly, ex cept fuch parts thereof relating to treaties, alliances or mi litary operations, as in their judgment require fecrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the Delegates of each State on any queftion ihall be entered on the Joorna', when it is defircd by any Delegate} and the Delegates of a State, or any of them, at his or their requcft, Ihali be furmfli'-d with a tranfcript of the faid Jjurnal, except fuch parts as are above pxce^^ted, to lay before the leg.fliturcs of thcfcveral States.j

Art. 3^, The Committee of the States, or any ti'int] of them, /hall be au:horifed to exscu.c, in the recefs of Congrefs, fuch of the powers of Coagrefs as the Uniied States ;rj Congrefs aff-mbled, by thccenfent of Nine States, lihall ffonrj time to time think expedient to vcft thern with, provided that no power be delegated to the faidCommittee, ifor the exercife of which, by the articles of Confederation, ithc voice of Nine States in the Congrefs of the United States laflembled is requiGtc.

Art. XI. Canada acceding to this Confederation, and [joining in the meafures of the United States, fiiall be ad [jnitted into.a.id entitled to all tfieadvantages of this Union [hut no other colony /hall be admitted into the fame, unlefs [fuch adm'/5on be agreed toby Nine StatCJ.

!Art, XII. All bills of credit emitted, monies borrow- ed, and debts contrafled by or under the authority of Con- .grefs, before the a/Tembling of the United States, in pur jfuance of the prefent Confederation, /hall be deemed and iconfidcred as a charge againft the United States, for pay ment and fatisfaftion whereof the faid United States and the public faith are hereby folemnly pjedged.

Art. XIII. Every State /hall abide by the determina tjons of the Uaited States in Congrefs a/Tembled, on all queftions which by this Confederation arc fubmitted to them. And the articles of this Confederation /hall be in- violably obferved by every State, and the Union (hall be perpetual nor iha 11 a«y alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them, unlefs fuch alteration be agreed to in a Congrefa of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the kegiflatures of every State.

( 77 )

Alt2rations and Additions. Since printing tbe firfi Parti of the foregoing Rcgiftcr, »^ f9 November ift, 1783.

Hen. Timothy Danicilbn, Efq; having refgmd. bis Seat

as one sf the Governor s Council iu as re- e levied Repre.

jentative for thi Tozun of Brimfisld. Hon. William Walker, Efqj of Lencx, eU^ed a Se/iat»r

in the rsom of the Hon, Jah. Woodbridgc, Efq; refgned Edward Grow, Efq; a/ York, appointed Colie&or of Excifg

for the County 0/ York, in the room 0/ Jonathan CJheflcy

Chadbourne, Efq; reftgned. John Heard Bartlctt, Efq; of Kittery, Clerk of the Pleas

and of the Sejfions in the County of York, in the Room

of Tivnjihy Frcfl, Efq; Daaiel Moulton, Ffq; Hegijier of Deeds and County Trea

Jurer in the County of Yjrk.

Deputy Sberfffs in the County of York

Jofliua Lunt Tork

Timothy Fergufon Kittery Daniel Wood Berwick

jofeph Hubbard ff^ells

Jame^ Goold Arundell

Danici Hooper Biddeford

Caleb Emciy Sanford

Andrew Burlcy Coxball

Monfi. de Grandcbain, MemhtT of the Marine Acadeoiy eflablilhcd at Breft ; and Mjnfi. Jeaurat, fenior Pro. fe.ibr of the Mathematics and Penfioner of the Royal Military School at Paris, eleEied Member<; sf the Ame- ricifn Academy of Arts and Sciences fince the publicatio?: of the Lift of their Names in lafi Year's Regijier.

His Excellency the Governor of Conncdicut, bas reJSgned tbefupreme executive Authority of that State ; as has alfo the Hon. 0!i?er Walcott, Samuel Huntingtonj Richard Law, and Oliver Ellfworth, Efq'rs. as Members of CoTigrefs.

Hon. Alexander Dillon, Efq; Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina, reftgned.

His Excellency M. Van Berkel, Ambaffador from the States o/Holland, Refidence at Philadelphia.

Rev. Mr. Robert Annin, late 0/ Wall-Kill, in the State of New York, inftalled Pafior of the Prejbyterian Con- gregation in Bo^on.

( 78 )

I AlteraH$ns and Addition t continued, ~|

Rev. Mr. Timothy Hiiiier, late of aarnftable, infialled\

Colleague Pajior of tbejirji Church in Camljridgc. |

Rsv. Mr. jofeph Mottcy, ordaimd Pajior of the Cburcb\

in Lynnfield, in Eif^x Qrj,nty, |

Rev. Mr. Samue'.Ksade), ordained Paftor of the Cbunb] ^

at Wcfton, in M ddlefex County. j

27. Mr. WiUiatn Balch, /^K/'ar P<3/?or of the feconlCburcbi I Brad ford, E.Tex Co tt»/'j'. j

IRcv. Mr. JoSn Cran:, PaHjr of the Church at North-) } bridge, in Worcefler County, i

Rer. Mr. Reuben PuiTsr, Pa^or of the fnond Church in

Bolton, in Worcefter County. Rev. Mr. William Sm^th, 0/ Weymouth, dead. Re\r. Mr. Ephiaira Hide, of Rehobath, dead. Jonas Dix, Efqj a J-if^'^e of the Peace and Reprefentative

from the Town of Wilthirn, dead. Mr. Robert Breck, Qne of the Conjiahlei of the Taivn of

Bofton, dead, Capt. lii.et.ot McNeil, chofsnMaJier, Capt.Jab Princf, jun.

Deputy. Majler, and Ci^z.'EiMir A Tyii:, Clerk of the

Marine Society in Bofton/or the Year enfuing. Mr. Adam Kiox, jufi. appointed a Branch Pilot for tbi

Port of Boftaoo Capt. Jofeph Siyward, Pilot for the Port o/Glouccfter. "vieffi'rs. Jonathan Folger, Abraham Pcafe, Jofeph Swain,

Jonathan Mirick, Piloti for the Coafi and Sboah of


T'HOSE Gentlemen inh) are in puhlic Office of any kind ivithin this Common zvealcb^ ivhofe Names art not mentioned in the foregoing Ktg\^tx,$rhave not their Titles, or are not infirted in their pr'>per Places, by informing T. ST f. Fleet thereof in f^afon, they (ball be reSified in their future Publication.— 'the Gentlemen wi» ba'va hitherto been fo obliging at to feni the alterations lahicb yearly take place in the feveraJ Counne:, by death or at her - •wife, are earnejily deftred to continue their favours j and^ any Obfervations that may tend to the Improvement of this^ Work luill be thankfully ackntwledged. -"^ ^ I

*i ->fciMWJ

( 79 )

50— 67i 63


i PagelC-vii Officers, &c

i A Cademyof Arts,&c, 45 Corcners ir>Ccunties,53—

I /A Phillips's, 44lCollcacrsExcife,&c. 26,z7j

Duromcr's, 44'- new ore for York 77!

fAdjutaotGencra), 35 jConfuls snd Pknipoten. ^•<

i Auornies at Law, 68 Captain General, &c . 35^

(Art. ConfederaticD, 69— 76|Coiporaticn cfUnjveifify, 41J

i Additions & Alterations, 77

[■DRigadiciGcncials , 35

li Barrlfters at Law, 68

[Bcfton Regr. Officers of, 35

jBaptift Minifters, 43, 44


, Clerk to Senate,

toRcpiefentativcf, CommifTary Genera), |— Penficcers, Clerks of Pleas, 51 66

[ of the Market, I5>l6

Conftables, 15

'Cullers of Staves, 16

"r\Elrg2tcs toCorgrefs, •^"^^ Dar'mcuth College, J^Ngir.ccrs,

•plrewards In Boflon, 15 1

Free Mafon Lodges, ^Zi

FiclrCfficers cfRegiments I

cf Militia, &c. 40]

QOvcrnor in Chief, i|

Lieut. i\

in UnitedStates,48,4

Gen. Court how chcfen, 7 Gagers in Bcfton, Z5

Governors refigned, 77I

451 4il


«^ /r T ' (T^ T_lArvard Univerfity. 41

CornmijuoncrLoar.Ornte, 301 JtJ.

for fettling Accounts with United State?, 29 for running Line

j with New York, 68 .Committeelnffeftion,&c. 15

- methodizing Acco. 19

fettling withArnny, 29

-■ fcttl ing the average

I prices of Corn, &c. 31

«^ for felling forfeited

Eftaies, to examineAccounts, 29 tofcttle with Com

} mittee Sequefeaticn, 29

iNfurarce Offices, 25

Jnfpf ftcr otFcurderies, 33 Judges of fufrcircCbart, 50 —— Maritime Courts, 5c -■ of Probate, 51 67 Juftices fbro' Common w. 53 Ccirmcr!P!eas,5i— 66

ofFcace&Quo.52 67

r ieut. Governor, I

28 TV/i Eflengcr to Council,

to Senate, &c. Minifters, S— 14 Baptift ditto, 43, 44

to fximine lateTrea- Lift torrefied

I furer's Accounts, 30

«— tofet. Board of War, 30

[Caftle, Officers cf; 33

ChelfeaCcnap. Officers of, 35


Minifters Picnipctentiary, ;:{C I\<;aiine Societies, 46

IVIe^ica! Scciety, /t"|

Msffzchufeiis dirto, 46

I. N

( So )





Managers of LoClerie;; 32]cEnators, 2

Milii a Matieis, 34-— 4Ci Srcietary and Deputy, 2 Major Generals, 35 Speaker of Reprefcntatives, 5

Meafurcrs of W<^od, 25 SuperJnterdant Finance, :

Mi/^ionaries tolndians, 13,30 Members, rew ones <.f Acad. Arts & Sciences 77

^^0!■aries public, 28

' XT 1 r»«:,-„

Indians, Signals at the Caftle, Scleftmen of Bnfton, SuflFoikMilitiaOfricer8,3 5, 36

Naval Officers, 29 Supreme Court Judges, 50

/~\Vcifeers of the Poor j Sheriffs & Dep. Sheriffs in

at Bofton, I5I the fcv. Counties, 51— 66

UniverCry, 41 for York County 77

Officers of the Caftle, 33 Streets, &c. in Bofton, pOwdcr Houfe Kcepeis, 24., Names of them 17 24 Proof Msfter Powder, 24' Surveyors of Boards, lO

PcnfioDerEComn)ifrary of, 30

Hoft Mafters,


additional ones,

PrcCdent of Congrefs,

Camb Univerfity,

Profefl'ors of ditto,

liEprefentatives, 3 7

7 Receiver Conti. Taxes, 30

Rfgifters of Probate, 51—67

of Deeds, 51 66

Scalers of Weights,

"1 Rcafurer,


Train of Artill. Officers, 36 45 Town Officers, 15, 16

4iiT6".vn Crier, 16

41 Tutors Univerfiry, 41

Truftees Phillips's Acad, 44

Dummer's ditto, 44

TTAcations at Harvard Univerfity, 41


[Of which thofe coricerned are dffircd to take Notice 2

ALL Perfons, in Town or Country, who are indebted to T. & J. Fleet for Ne\ys- Papers and Advertifements fupplied them, at a great Expence, before the Year 1775, or on ?.ny other Account, are defired to call at their Office, at the Bib'e & Heart in Boflon, and pay the fame, as by that means they will iivoid further Trouble
