BCBRARY Oi- 111- '..:..: ivy.wv i.^yiAMCAL GAilDEIi Photo by Martin. PLATYCERiUM BIFORME (SW.) BLUME. (IN CULTIVATION IN MANILA. Nil. a«. — iri.\. i!»o.-. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF GOVERNMENT LABORATORIES I. THE POLYPODIACEAE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS IL NEW SPECIES OF EDIBLE PHILIPPINE FUNGI BY Edwin Bingham Copeland, Ph. D. SYSTEMATIC BOTANIST MANILA BUREAU OF PUBLIC PRINTING 24036 1905 1. THE POLYPODIACE/E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Government Laboratories, Office of the Superintendent of Laboratories, Manila, P. I., December 21, 190Jf. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith and to recommend for publication articles entitled "I. The Polypodiaceae of the Philip- pine Islands,"' and "II. New Species of Edible Philippine Fungi," by Edwin Bingham Copcland, Ph. D., Systematic Botanist. Very respectfully, Richard P. Strong, Director Biological Laboratory, Acting Superintendeni Government Laboratories. Hon. Dean C. Worcester, Secretary of the Interior. 5 1. THli in)LVP0I)IACE.4-: oF THH PHIMI'IMNI-: ISLANDS. INTRODUCTION. The Pohjpodiaccw are distinguishod from the other orders of true ferns by the character of the sporangium, which is usually stalked and provided with a longitudinal annulus interrupted by the stalk, and opening by a stomium at right angles to the annulus. In the field, and without tlic use of the microscope, they can be distinguished as a rule from other ferns by the following charac- teristics : They are rarely tree ferns, as are Marattiacew and Cyatheacece. They are not filmy in texture, as are HymenophyUacece. They are not dichotomously compound, like most of our Gleiche- niacecc. They do not have climbing fronds, as do most of our Schizaeacece. In the Philippines, as elsewhere in the world, the Polypodiacece are several times more numerous than are all other ferns combined, and, therefore, a treatment of the order does not fall far short of being an entire fern flora. My attempt has been to collect and publish descriptions of all the ferns known to have been found in these Islands. It is likely that I have fallen considerably short of this goal, for in some groups the discrepancy between my number of species and the larger one given by IFnderwood ^ is far greater than can be explained by any difference in our interpretation of specific limits. A history of the work on the ferns of these Islands would be superfluous, since the subject has been well handled within the past two years by both ^lerrill- and Underwood. While I was engaged on this work practically no ferns collected bfi'ore the Ahierioau occupation were available for study in Manila. 'Underwood, L. M.: A Summary of Our Present Knowledge of the Fem3 of the Philippines. Contr. Bot. Dept., Columbia Univ., No. 20G, 1903. 'Merrill, E. D. : Botanical Work in tlie Philippines. Bull. (Philippine) Bureau of Agr. No. 4, 1903. 7 8 POLYPODIACE^ OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. I am not personall}^ acquainted with a large part of those ferns still known here only from earlier collections and have compiled their descriptions from various sources', especially from the Synopsis Filicum. Of the collections most frequently cited, those of Cuming, Baranda, Steere, Warburg, and Loher are given on the authority of other botanists; while I have at my disposition the collections of Merrill, Elmer, Whitford, Barnes, other collectors employed by the Bureau of Forestry and the Exposition Board, and my own. Ferns have been among the plants most ill favored by the imposi- tion of plural names, and therefore, in these days of chaos in nomen- clature, they present the best of material for jugglery. Not caring to take any part in the strife between the advocates of the different "rules" of nomenclature, I have made it my chief principle to form no new combination of names for any plant which already had, in its proper genus, a name valid under any rules. Pending a gen- eral agreement among competent botanists, it seems to me that current usage should be the chief criterion in deciding a choice between names. Because their adoption would have compelled me to make new combinations for many species, rather than from any preference for these generic names themselves, I have retained the ones in common use, rather than those taken up by Underwood, for Gymnopteris, Nephrodium, HymenoUpis, and Niphoholus. Chiefly for the same reason, but in part too because I can not see that the multiplication of genera adds a particle to the naturalness of the presentation, I have maintained as very large genera Nephrodium, Aspidium, Asplenium, and Poly podium. It may not be superfluous to add that this Bureau will be very glad to undertake the determination of any ferns which may be sent to it. It is to encourage the interest in our ferns, and in response to very numerous requests for a guide in the determination of the local plants that this paper, our first systematic treatment of any part of the Philippine flora, is published. I take the liberty of copying literally, from Professor Underwood's already mentioned paper, the following directions for the profitable collection of fern specimens : (1) In all ferns not over 2 feet high an entire plant should be secured, but in plants growing in dense crowns the rootstock may well be split lengthwise and several of the leaves removed before drying. (2) In all ferns not over 4 feet high an entire leaf should be secured if possible attached to the rootstock or to some portion of it. In case of INTKolMCTKtN. 9 very wide Icavi's the lower piiiiia- on oin' sido niay bo cut away to prevent the too great niassiny of foliage when the leaf is doiiijled on itself to make a manageable specimen. (3) In tree ferns the basal portion of the petiole should always be secured, if possible, attached to the lower pinnules. Wiiere possible the top of tlie eaudex should also be taken. Notes on the character of the leaf scars sliould always be made. (4) If the specimen taken does not sliow whether the leaves are scattered or ccspitose this should always bo iiu'lud('- its center.. (3) PoU/stichum 4. Indusium cordate-reuiform or wanting (4) Lastraea 3. Lowest veinlets of neighboring veins uniting to form regular triangular areolse, usually with a series of regular areolce outside. 4. Sori round (4) Ncphrodium 4. Sori elongate along the cross-veinlets (5) Meniscium 3. Veins anastomosing copiously (6) Aspidium 2. Fronds or their segments dimorphous, sori covering the parenchyma. 3. Veins free (7) Polybotrya 3. Veins anastomosing. 4. Veins free toward the margin (8) Stenosemia 4. Veins anastomosing throughout (9) Gymnopteris 1. Frond and venation dichotomous (10) Dipteris (2) DIDYMOCHLAENA Desvaux. Fronds at least bipinnate, the basiscopic half of the ultimate divisions almost suppressed; veins free, branched; sori terminal on them but not marginal, somewhat elongate; indusium the shape of the sorus, fixed along the middle, opening on all sides. A single variable species, terrestrial in most tropical countries, resembling a Littdsaya more than any of its relatives in Aspidiecr. 15 16 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (1) D. lunulata Desv. Rhizome erect, rising above the ground or not; stipes clustered, fronds 1 to 2 m. high, commonly bipinnate; pinnules almost dimidiate, trapezoidal, the lower margin almost straight, the upper slightly rounded, entire, glabrous, herbaceous; sori 4 to G to a pinnule, large, partly immersed. Luzon, Cuming 142, Steere; Mount Apo, DeVore and Hoover 345, com- mon at about 4,500 feet. Pantropic. (3) POLYSTICHUM Roth. Fronds at least pinnate, usually tough or rigid, with toothed and spinulose margins and the basiscopic half the less developed; veins free, or in one species anastomosing sparsely and irregularly; sori round, usually dorsal; indusium normally peltate, exceptionally reniform. A reasonably natural genus, but difficult to define because of the many directions in which single species or groups vary; related to both Neph- rodiiim and Aspidium. Mostly terrestrial. 1. Pinnae articulate to rachis (Cyclopeltis) (1) P. presUmium 1. Pinnae not articulate, veins free {Eupolystichum) . 2. Simply pinnate (2) P. auriculatum 2. Lower pinnae pinnate, sori costal or medial. 3. Teeth aristate (3) P. aculeatum 3. Teeth blunt or mucronate (4) P. obtusuin 2. Lower pinnse pinnate, sori submarglnal (5) P. amabile 2. Lower pinnae at least bipinnate. 3. Teeth mucronate or awned. 4. Lower pinnae lanceolate-deltoid. 5. Rhizome creeping (6) P. aristatum 5. Rhizome erect (7) P. coniifoHum 4. Pinnae linear (8) P. horizontale 3. Teeth awnless (9) P. varium 1. Pinnae not articulate, veins inclined to anastomose toward the margin (10) P. falcatum (1) P. preslianum (J. Sm.) Moore. Rhizome creeping or oblique, short, densely fibrillose; stipes clustered, 3 to 10 cm. high, naked or nearly so; frond 20 to 40 cm. high, 8 to 10 cm. broad, simply pinnate; pinnse jointed to the rhizome, broadly lanceolate, obscurely crenate, almost horizontal, acute, cordate on the lower and truncate on the upper side at the base, coriaceous, glabrous; veins forked about three times, the lower branches falling short of the margin; sori in 1 to 3 rows on each side of the costa, the costal row the most constantly complete. Masbate and Catanduanes, Baranda ; Tayabas, Merrill 3351. Malaya. A sjjecies very near this, but with thinner foliage and the pinnae not articulate to the rachis, occurs in Luzon and Mindanao, and probably throughout the Archipelago; the two are decidedly too alike for me to separate them generically, by recognizing J. Smith's Cyclopeltis. (2) P. auriculatum (Sw.) Presl, var nervosum (Fee) Christ. Stipss fasciculate, decumbent, 10 to 15 cm. long, scaly below or throughout; frond about 30 cm. long, 5 cm. broad; pinnae numerous, subsessile, crenate, AsriiMr.-i: i'dlvsikiii m. 17 without .iwns, falcate, acutt-, auriclcd nn tlic iii>por side, subcoriaceous ; sori niiinitt'. scattered, iiidusia almost Wiintiiig. Mount Mariveles, 1,400 ni., Lolur. India to Fornuisa (tlie type). (3) P. aculeatum (S\v.) Roth. Stipes tufted, 15 cm. and upward in heipht. more or less clothed with ovate-lanceolate and fibrillose pale brown .seniles; frond .30 to (iO cm. high, 20 cm. broad, bipinnate below or almost throughout ; pinna; close, horizontal, lanceolate; pinnules ovatc-rhomboidal, oblique, auricled on the acroscopic side at base, aristatc-serrate, sub- coriaceous, almost glabrous; rachises fibrillose or scaly; sori principally in rows, nearer the midrib than the margin. An exceedingly variable species, or type of a large group of closely related species, of which our material is not sufficient to determine which are distinct enough to be profitably named. Beside fairly typical specimens the following varieties are reported : Flastatum Ten., Davao, Warbury 141.50. .^uhamfrntim Christ. Davao, Warburf/ 14124, 141.30. lint janense Christ, which is almost triiiinnate, Benguet, Loher. Luzon, Steere; Davao, Warburg 14149, Copeland 10.31. Cosmopolitan. (4) P. obtusum (Mett.) Presl. Stipes tufted, 10 to 15 cm. high, densely clothed with large, ovate-acuminate, bright brown scales; frond 30 cm. or more high, 10 to 15 cm. broad, lanceolate; pinnte numerous, distant, linear- lanceolate, the lower ones 6 to 10 cm. long; pinniiles distinct, oblong- rhomboidal, the obscure teeth blunt or mucronatc, subcoriaceous, glabrous; rachis densely fibrillose; sori in rows midway between the midrib and margin. Luzon. Cinning 234. Lobb ; Mount Arayat, Loher; Bagnio, Topping 170. Xot very distinct from P. aculeatum. (5) P. amabiie (Bl.) Presl. Rhizome creeping, scaly; stipes scattered, about .30 cm. high, slender, stramineous, scaly toward the base; frond 30 cm. or more high, 20 to 25 cm. broad, with a lanceolate, acuminate, terminal pinna, and 3 to (! similar lateral ones on eacli side; pinnules rhomboidal, with at least half of the lower side cut away, 10 to 15 mm. long, over half as broad, the upper side and outer half of the lower lobed and sharply spinulose-serrate, subcoriaceous, glabrous; sori submarginal, small. Benguet, Loher; Davao, Copeland 1114. India to Formosa and Java. (6) P. aristatum (Sw.) Presl. Rhizome creeping; stipes scattered, 30 to 50 cm. higli. clothed at least toward the base with linear or fibrillose scales; frond 30 to 60 cm. high, 20 to 30 cm. broad, ovate-deltoid, tri- or quadripinnatifid; lower pinna; largest, 15 to 25 cm. long, .subdeltoid; lowest pinnules nnich largest, lanceolate-deltoid, 5 to 10 cm. long, with subdeltoid lower segnnents; teeth copious, aristate; texture subcoriaceous; glabrous, rachis nearly so; sori small, principally in rows near the midrib; indusium sometimes reniform. 2403*; 2 18 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANES. Luzon, Steere; Bengiiet and Aiayat, Loher ; Caraarines, Bcnonda. Africa to Japan and Polynesia. (7) P. conifolium (Wall.) Presl. Rhizome erect; stipes clustered, 20 to 50 cm. liigh, clothed at the base with narrow black scales, stramineous ; frond 30 to 50 cm. high, deltoid; pinnae deltoid, the lowest 10 to 15 cm. long, with its lowest basipetal pinnule largest, usually falcate, 6 to 8 era. long, its pinnules of the second order stalked and toothed or lobed, spinulose, subcoriaceous, glabrous; sori mostly in rows along the midribs. Luzon, Cuming 262; Benguet, Loher, Topping 192; Aiayat, Merrill 3815; Mount Mariveles, Copeland, Barnes 130, 142; Whitford 130. Africa to Polynesia. (8) P. horizontale Presl., in Epim. Bot., p. 57. Stipes clothed with short, ovate, and long, linear acuminate scales; frond about 1 m. high, ovate, tripinnate; pinnae subopposite, short stalked, linear, very acute, the lower ones horizontal; primary pinnules subsessile, oblong-lanceolate, acute; secondary pinnules sessile, rhomboidal, obtuse, mucronate-dentate, coriaceous, the veins beneath bearing scattered, minute scales; sori rather large, with coriaceous, persistent indusium. Luzon, Cuming. (9) P. varium (L. ) Presl. Rhizome short, creeping; stipe 30 to 00 cm. high, densely fibrillose toward the base; frond 30 to 50 cm. high, about 30 cm. broad; lower pinnae the largest, 15 cm. long, subdeltoid, with the lowest basipetal pinnules elongate, 8 cm. long, and divided into distinct, linear-oblong, falcate secondary pinnules; the rest of the frond only bipinnate, teeth rather obscure, not spinulose; coriaceous, glabrous, but rachis and midribs fibrillose; sori medial; indusia rcniform or peltate. Baguio, Elmer 6,489; Arayat, Loher. Japan and China. (10) P. falcatum (L.) Diels. Stipes tufted, 15 to 30 cm. high, beset at the base with large, dark scales; frond 30 to GO cm. high, ovate- lanceolate, simply pinnate; pinnae numerous, the lower ones stalked, ovate- acuminate, falcate, 10 to 15 cm. long, 2 to 5 cm. broad, entire or slightly undulate, contracted suddenlj- on the upper side and often auricled; rounded or obliquely truncate on the lower, coriaceous, glabrous, glossy above; veins as a rule anastomosing toward the margin; sori small, copious, scattered. Mount Data, 2,250 m., Loher. Natal across India to Hawaii. (4) NEPHRODIUM Richard. Fertile and sterile fronds or parts of the frond not differentiated, or but slightly so; veins free, or the branches of adjacent veins anas- tomosing to form regular areolae, triangular next the costa, trapezoidal farther out; sori round, the indusim cordate-reniform or wanting. Mostly terrestrial ferns, of medium or large size, thin or moderately firm, but not very coriaceous, compound. Related through Pleocnemia to Aspidium. A very large genus, so natural that even the separation of the two great AS!'II»Ii:.K — NKrilUobUM. 19 suhficni'ia lca\i's .■•(•vfial ^pccii--^ in :ui cijuiN ocal position. In >pil<' of tliis liomofii'iii'ity it iiu-ludi's a larj^t- iiiiiiilnr of <,'ciiira proposal at (liUcri'iit timos. Lastriiu: \'(iiis free. 1. Simply pinnate, pinna? not Incised beyond ihe middle nt .V. Itirtiins 1. Simply pinnate, pinntp Incised beyond the middle. 2. Lowest pinnrp not reduced conspicuously. 3. Lowest pinna> considerably loiiKer than others. 4. Frond over .30 cm. high (2) N. distana 4. Frond under 10 cm. high (3) N. (irammitoidea 3. Lowest pinnae not longer than others. 4. Segments of pinnie at right angle to cost a. 5. Segments obtuse (4) N. cra.isifolium _ „ . . 1(5) .V. Faurici clatius 5. Segments acute ) 1(6) N. attenuatum 4. Segments of pinnae forming acute angles. 5. Veinlets less than 10 on a side. 6. Lower surface villous (7) N. calcaratum G. Lower surface grandular .... (8) N. viacosum (5. Lower surface glabrous (1.5) AT. sagenoidea 5. Veinlets more than 10 on a side. 6. Sori submarginal, texture thin (9) A', iinmcrsum 6. Sori marginal, subcoriaceous (10) N. Ugulatum 2. Lowe.st pinna? reduced, veinlets simple. 3. Pinnie not lobed nearly to their midrib (11) N. exiguum 3. Pinna? lobed nearly or quite to their rachis. 4. Veinlets 4 or 5 on a side (12) N. Deddomci 4. Veinlets 8 to 12 on a side |'13) A'- Luersacni 1(14) N. orydon 2. Lowest pinnae reduced, veinlets forked. 3. Lobes of pinnse entire. 4. Sori subtermiiial, indusiuni absent (16) N. obacurum 4. Sori subterniinal. indusium present (17) N. syrmaticum 3. Lobes of pinnse toothed or pinnatifid. 4. Surfaces glabrous, young indusium red . (18) X. erythroaorum 4. Surfaces glabrous, indusium never red.... (19) N. Preslii 4. Lower surface villous (20) iV. flaccidum 1. Decompound (except .V. disscctiim) . 2. Small or middle sized ferms with erect rhizome. 3. Frond ovate-lanceolate, glabrous (21) N. sparaum 3. Frond deltoid, pubescent beneath (22) N. crcnatum 2. Small or middle sized ferns, rhizome creeping. 3. Sori marginal (23) N. reccdcna 3. Sori medial (24) A', hirtum 2. Large ferns, indusium usually Inconspicuous. 3. Bipinnatlfid (25) N. diaacctum 3. Bipinnate. 4. Lamina glabrous (26) N. intermedium 4. Both surfaces villous (27) iV. aapcrulum 3. Tripinnate. 4. Indusium present. 5. Frond not glabrous (28) N. aetigentm 5. Glabrous throughout (29) A', diviaum 4. Indusium wanting. 5. Rhizome erect (30) A'. or>iatum 5. Rhizome creeping (31) AT. ruguloanm 3. Quadripinnate .. (32) X. megaphyllum 20 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Goniopteris: Vemlets from neighboring veins anastomosing regularly. 1. Terminal pinna much exceeding the lateral, lobes uniform. 2. Sori small, lamina not villous (33) N. simplicifolium 2. Sori large, lamina villous. 3. Frond obtuse (34) N. Bakeri 3. Frond acuminate (35) N. canescens 1. Terminal pinna exceeding lateral or not, lobes of pinnas very unequal (36) N. diversilobum 1. Terminal pinna hardly exceeding lateral, lobes uniform. 2. Rhizome creeping. 3. Lower pinnae hardly, if at all, reduced. 4. Pinnae entire (37) N. rubidum 4. Segments of pinnae entire. 5. Sori marginal in the lobes (38) N. pteroides 5. Sori not confined to lobes, pinnae not lobed over half way to costa. 6. Indusium hairy (39) N. unitum 6. Indusium absent, sori in- definite (40) 2V. aoristisorum 6. Indusium absent, sori definite. 7. Proliferous (41) N. proliferum 7. Not proliferous (42) N. urophyUwn 6. Indusium present, not hairy (43) N. moulmeinense 5. Sori not confined to lobes, pinnae lobed two-thirds of way to costa.. (44) X. extensum 4. Segments of pinnae sharp toothed (45) N. Otaria 3. Lower pinnae shorter than the succeeding. 4. Glabrous (46) N. aridum 4. Not glabrous beneath. 5. Rachis nearly naked (47) N. cucuUatum 5. Rachis villous, sori marginal (48) N. loherianum 5. Rachis villous, sori medial. 6. Pinnae 15 cm. long, villous beneath (49) N. invisian 6. Pinnae 25 cm. long, gland- ular (50) N. hirsutiim 2. Rhizome erect. 3. Pinnae entire, or not lobed one-third of dis- tance to midrib. 4. Lowest pinnae not much reduced. 5. Pinnae under 10 cm. long (51) N. glandulosmn 5. Pinnae over 20 cm. long (52) N. philippinense 4. Lowest pinnae reduced. 5. Rachis and lower surface glabrous (53) JV. latipinna 5. Rachis and lower surface not glabrous. 6. Lower pinnje gradually smaller and deflexed (54) N. amboinense 6. Lower pinnae very abruptly reduced. 7. Veinlets 3 to 4 on a side (55) N. Arbuscula 7. Veinlets 6 to 9 on a side (56) N. pennigerum 3. Pinnae incised one-third or two-thirds of dis- tance to midrib. Asi'iiiiK.i; — .m;i'iii:()I»ii .m. 21 4. Lower ptnnse abruptly reduced to auri- cles (57) .V. /us/ik/iz/k/ii 4. Lower pinns not abruptly reduced to auricles. 5. Stipe black flbrlllose, later rough.. (58) N. fcrox 5. Stipe nalcpd or villous. 6. Frond about 40 cm. high. sort medial (59) N. parasUicum 6. Frond about 1 m. high, sort close to veins (60) N. trunratum (1) N. hirtipes (Bl.) Hooker. Stipes tufted, 30 cm. or iiiort- liigli, densely clotliod with long, blackish, fibrillose scales; frond CO to 100 cm. hi{;;h, 20 to 40 cm. hroad ; pinna' 10 to 20 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. broad, cleft about one-third of the way to the midrib into obtu.se lobes, herbaceous, glabrous, the lower ones not reduced; rachis fibrillose like the stipe; veinlets 4 or 5 on each side; sori medial, indusium sometimes wanting. Benmiot and Ararat, Lohcr. India and Malaya. (2) N. distans (Don) Diels. Rhizome more or less creeping; stipes 30 to 45 cm. high, slender, glossy, stramineous or chestnut; frond 40 to 100,cin. high. 20 to 30 em. or more l)road; lowest pinnse rather tlie largest, 15 to 20 cm. long, 4 cm. broad, cut down nearly or quite to the rachis into deeply piiiiiatilld pinnules 6 mm. broad, with obtuse or acute, toothed or subentire lobes, herbaceous, slightly pubescent beneath; rachis naked; veinlets slightly pinnate in the lower lobes, pellucid; sori scattered, copious, e.xindusiate. Benguet, Loher. India to C'elel)es. (3) N, grammitoides i Christ, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 6:193). Rhizome short creeping, scaly; stipes weak, 3 to 4 cm. high, stramineous, clothed, like the entire plant, with short, stiff, whitish hairs; frond 5 to 7 cm. long. 15 to 20 mm. broad, catidate-attenuate, broadest at the base, bipin- natifid; free pinnte about 0 pairs, remote, alternate, sessile, triangular- deltoid, acuminate, incised below to the costa into acute, triangular, crenatc lobes 4 mm. long; veins pinnate in the lobes; sori minute, round, 3 or 4 on each side of the vein; indusium minute and pilose, or wanting. Mount Mariveles, 1,400 m., Loher. (4) N. crassifolium Hooker. Stipes tufted, 30 cm. or more liigh. glossy, slightly villous; frond 40 to GO cm. high, 20 to 30 cm. broad; pinna; 10 to 15 cm. long. 2 to 4 cm. broad, their lobes obtuse, falcate, 4 to 6 mm. broad, reaching from half to two-thirds down to the midrib, subcoriaceous, glossy but the midribs finely villous, lower pinna; distinctly stalked; veinlets 10 to 12 on each side, with the sori nearer the midrib than the margin; indusiiun small, evanescent. Philippines, Loher; Negros, Copeland 93. Malaya. (5) N. Fauriei (Christ) var. elatius (Christ) probably belongs here. It is a small fern, with very narrow fronds, and consequently short pinnae, 22 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANIS. and large sori; in the Pliilippine form the pinnae are incised at the base to the rachis, or nearly so. Mount Tonglon, 2,250 m., Loher. Japan. (G) N. attenuatum (J. Sm.) Baker. Stipes 30 cm. or more high, firm, glossy, naked; frond about 100 cm. high, (SO cm. broad; pinmie 20 to 30 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. broad, long-acuminate, incised three-fourths of the way to the costa into spreading, entire, obtuse lobes 2 mm. broad, the basal lobes much reduced, subcoriaceous, glandular beneath, lowest pinnae slightly stalked; veinlets 12 to 16 on each side; sori in a close row, indusiate. Samar, Crnning 327; Rizal, Loher. (7) N. calcaratum (Bl.) Hooker. Rhizome short, erect; stipes densely tufted, stramineous, 20 cm. high; frond 30 to 40 cm. high, 10 to 15 cm. broad; pinnae spreading, 4 to 10 cm. long, 1 to 2 cm. broad, cut down two-thirds or more of the way to the midrid into oblique, subfalcate, linear-oblong, acute or obtuse lobes, the lowest acroscopic the longest, herbaceous or subcoriaceous, dark green, more or less villous beneath ; veinlets 3 to G on each side; sori medial, indusium glabrous, persistent. Philippines. India and Malaya. (8) N. viscosum Baker. Stipe 15 cm. or more high, firm, erect, reddish brown, slightly seah', finely villous; frond 20 to 30 cm. high, about 10 cm. broad, oblong-lanceolate; pinnae close, 5 to 8 cm. long, 1 cm. broad, cut down nearly to the midrib into close, spreading, linear-oblong lobes, herbaceous, dark green, densely glandular beneath; veinlets 5 to 0 on a side; sori medial, indusiate. Philippines, Lobb. Malacca and Borneo. (9) N. immersum Hooker. Stipes tufted, CO cm. or more high, stra- mineous, scaly at base, naked above, or sparsely pubescent at top; frond 100 to 200 cm. high, 40 to 60 cm. broad; pinnae 20 to 30 cm. long, 20 to 35 mm. broad, almost horizontal, acuminate, cut down almost to the midrib into close, spreading, subacute, linear lobes 2.5 mm. broad, papyraceo- herbaceous, pubescent with stiff white hairs nearly 1 mm. long; veinlets 10 to 15 on each side; sori nearer the margin than the vein, immersed so as to be prominent on the upper side; indusium peltate. Southern Luzon, Baranda ; Davao, Copeland 695. Our plant is atypical in the close lobes and more pubescent fronds. Assam to Xew Caledonia. (10) N. ligulatum Hooker. Stipes gray, glossy, naked; frond about 100 cm. high, 30 to 50 cm. broad; pinnae 15 to 25 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. broad, cut down very nearly to the midrib into linear, obtuse, entire, erecto-patent libes 2 mm. broad with more than their own space between them, subcoriaceous, finely pubescent beneath, as is the rachis; veinlets 10 to 12 on a side; sori quite marginal, indusiate. Luzon, Cuming 04; Cagayan-Luzon, Warburg 12216; Cebu, Cuming 343. Asi-iiMi:.i: — NKi'iiicoitii M. 23 (11) N. exiguum llookiT. Stiju's tufted, 15 to 25 cm. l»i;,'li, sIcikIit, •rrny, iinknl; linml Jd lu 25 iiii. lii^li, '.i to 5 cm. l)r«)ii(i ; pinna' 2 to 3 cm. lonj;, 1 cm. Iiiiiiid. cut down liiilf way to tlic uiitlril) or more into close, obtuse lobes, pjipv raceo-beibaceous ; raciiis villous; veinlets obscure, 2 to .3 on encli side; soii near tlu> veins. Luzon, f'it)niii;i 251. 272. (12) N. Beddomei Maker. Kliizome sliiider wide-creeping; stipe 15 to 25 (Ml. Iii^'li, slender, glossy; frond 15 to 50 cm. lii;,di. 5 to 10 cm. broad, lanceolate; central piiuue the lar^'esl, I? to 5 cm. I<>n^', lanceidate, cut (low II to tlieir racliis into close, ratiirr acute, entire lobes, {glabrous except fnr the veins, liiin: lower |)iMMa' distant and dwindling down very gradually; veinlets 4 to 5 on a side; sori close to the incurved margin, indusiate. Menguet, Lolur, TupiiiiKj '.V.W, Kliiicr ti4!tl. India, Java, southern China. (13) N. Luersseni Tlarriiigtmi, .Tourn. T.inn. Soc. 16:20. Stipes clus- ter«'d. firm, shining, light i)uiplish; frond 45 to 75 cm. high, 15 to 25 cm. broad, oblong, tajx'ring abruptly to the base; jiinn.r 10 to 20 cm. long, 2 to 4 cm. broad, lanceolate, acuminate, jointed at the base, cut ilown almost <>r (Hiitt> to tlie rachis into numerous linear or olilanceolate lobes 2 to 4 cm. long, mend)ranaceous, glabrous, lowest pinuic very small; veinlets 8 to 12 on a side, distant; sori marginal, indusiate. Near X. prolixum Baker. Baluku Island, growing on the margin of a pond, Steere. (14) N. oxydon (Baker in .lourn. of Bot., 1S79, p. 66, sub Bolypodio) should probably be inserted lure. Jolo Archipelago, Jiurbidf/c. (15) N. sagenoides (Mett.) Baker. Stipes tufted, slender, 15 to 50 cm. high, almost black, polished, scaly at the base; frond 150 to 60 cm. high, half as broad; pinnae 10 to 15 cm. long, .3 to 4 cm. broad, narrowed gradually from the base to the apex, cut down nearly to tlie midrib into linear-oblong, obtuse, crenate or entire lobes, papyraceo-herbaccous, gla- brous; veinlets 6 to 10 on a side, forked; sori terminal on the acropetal branch, nearer the margin than tlio vein, indusiate. Davao. WarhK,;/ 14122, Vopeland 1238. Malaya. (16) N. obscurum (Fee) Diels. Stipes tufted, 30 cm. high, black, glo.ssy, naked; frond 20 to 40 cm. high, deltoid-oblong, acuminate; pinnae aboiit 10 cm. long. 2 to 3 cm. broad, cut three-fourtlis of the way to the midrib into close, obtuse lobes 5 mm. broad, thin-papyraceous; veinlets 6 to S on a side, forked ; .sori subterminal on the acropetal branches, medial. Philippines. Cuniinfj 302; Rizal, Lohrr, a small form. Tavoy ? (17) N. syrmaticum (Willd.) Baker. Rhizome erect; stipes tufted, 30 to 60 cm. high, stramineous; frond 100 cm., more or less, high, less than half as broad; pinna; 15 to 25 cm. long, about 4 cm. broad, cut down 24 POLYPODIACE.^ OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. almost to the midrib into slightly toothed lobes 5 mm. broad, subcoi'iaceous, glabrous, the lowest stalked, not much reduced; veinlets 8 to 12, some- times more than once forked ; sori subterminal on the branches, as near the mararin as the midrib, indusium small but evident. Near N. crassifolium. Luzon, Cuming 13, 14, 154; Sorsogon and Catanduanes, Baranda; Bohol, Cuming 354; Davao, Copeland 669, 928, 953, small forms; Zamboanga, Copeland 736. India, Malacca. (18) N. erythrosorum Hooker. Stipes tufted, 15 to 25 cm. high, more or less densely clothed with long lanceolate and linear scales; frond 30 to 50 cm. high, 20 to 30 cm. broad, ovate-lanceolate; pinn* lanceolate, the lowest the largest, 10 to 15 cm. long, cut quite down to the rachis below into oblong-obtuse pinnules which are slightly, sometimes spinosely, toothed, herbaceous but firm, glabrous; sori in rows of 6 to 9, near the veins; indusium 1 mm. broad, flat, bright red when young. Japan and China. Benguet, Loher. (19) N. Preslii Baker. Stipes 15 to 25 cm. high, slender, deciduously fibrillose; frond 15 to 25 cm. high, 10 to 15 cm. broad, lanceolate-deltoid; upper pinnae lanceolate, close; lowest pair deltoid, the upper pinnules 4 mm. broad, obtuse, entire, the lower ones pinnatifid with similar lobes and broad uncut center, subcoriaceous, glabrous; rachis fibrillose; sori about 6 to the lower lobes, dorsal on the veins, nearer the vein than the margin. Luzon, Cuming 255. (20) N. flaccidum Hooker. Stipes tufted, 30 cm. or more high, slender, stramineous, naked; frond 30 to 50 cm. long, 15 to 20 cm. broad; pinnae 7 to 10 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. broad, cut do\\ai to a rachis with a narrow, distinct wing into oblong lobes 4 mm. broad, cut about half way down in turn, herbaceous, villous beneath, like the rachis; lower pinnae distant, shorter than the others and deflexed; veinlets forked, or in the lower lobes subpinnate; sori about midway between the vein and margin. Benguet, Loher. Himalayas to Java. (21) N. sparsum Don. Stipes tufted, 15 to 30 cm. high, scaly near the base, stramineous and glossy above; frond 30 to 60 cm. high, 20 to 30 cm. broad, ovate-lanceolate; lowest pinnae the largest, 10 to 15 cm. long, 3 to 5 cm. broad; lowest pinnule sometimes compound, the others lan- ceolate, unequal sided, pinnatifid with oblong, obtuse lobes, herbaceous but firm, glabrous, pale green; sori usually one to each lobe, near the vein; indusium flat, naked, 2 mm. broad. Benguet, Loher, Topping 282. Mauritius to IMalaya and China. (22) N. crenatum (Forsk.) Baker. Stipes 25 to 50 cm. high, stramin- eous, glossy, densely clothed at the base with a tuft of lanceolate, bright brown scales: frond 20 to 40 cm. high, deltoid; lowest pinnae much the largest, deltoid, 15 to 25 cm. long, 6 to 10 cm. broad; pinnules lanceolate, Asi '1 1 1 1 K.i-: — N 1 : 1 ■ 1 1 K< II ii r M . 25 often inibricatf, with ovate or olilon^' pinnatifiil scymcnts witli rmuidt'd lobes, lifiljaci'ous, pale green, puliescenl lieiiealli as is (lie lacliis; soii copious; iiuUisiuiu larj^e, pale, villous. Cagayaii-Luzoii, W'dtbur;/ 12205; Benguet, Loher, Elmer (J48U, G5i).); Arayat, Lohcr. Cape \'eie tiMiiicateolitiise teetii, furfuraceous ; sciri siiif^'le at tiie l)ase of tlie ultiniate lobes; iiiiliisi\iiu lenifonii. Ua<^iiio, l-oliir. Horiieo. (.■{."{) N. simplicifolium llnok. Klii/.nnie ereepin-i ; stijies tufted, strong, villous u|)\vard, al nut In cin. lii<,'li; frond lo to M) em. iiifjli. witli a lanceolate : luniiiiate. entire ajiex about :? em. Inoad, an. Fiji. (;U) N. Bakeri llai rin;;tcin. Khi/ome erect ( "M ; stipes clustered, light brown, villous or scaly, 4 to lit cm. lii^li ; fnind oblong-oblanceolate, 10 to 1.") cm. high, 2 to ;{ cm. broad, obtuse, coarsely crenate or lobed one- third the distance to the costa, with usually 2 to 4 distinct oblong-ol)ovate sessile |dnna' at the base hanlly as large as the lobes, papyraceous, villous; veinlets (1 to S pairs, tiie majority of tliem anastomosing; sori small, midway on the veinlets, the indusium hairy, often absent. Panay, terresti-ial in the mountains, Slccre. ( 3o ) N. canescens (Bl.) Christ. Rhizome creeping; stipe of sterile Iroiid aliiiiit .'> cm., of fertile about 20 cm. high, erect, villous above; rachis likewise villous; .sterile frond 10 cm. more or less, high, ovate-lanceolate, acute, tlie terminal segment sometimes almost the whole length, sometimes much less than half, crenate; pinnte truncate at both ends, crenate or slightly lobed toward tlie broad apex, ]iapyraceous, mostly glabrous; fertile frond similar except that tlie pinnie are usually narrower and occupy a relatively large part of the frond; sori near the main veins, or irregularly scattered, indusium usually absent. I follow Christ in referring this plant to Blume's Gymnogramme canescens, though our plants are largely glabrous. It is variable here as in Celebes (cf. Christ. Ann. .fard. Buitenz. 15:1."?0). Isabela-Luzon, ^Vftrhurg IIGOS, llGll; Xueva Vizcaya, .Merrill 162; Rizal, Loher; Lamao, Merrill 3130, Copeland 2.50; Samar, Cuming 322; Davao, Copeland .503. Java, Celel)es. (30) N. diversilobum Tresl. Rhizome creeping or ascendent; stipe of sterile frond 10 cm., of fertile 20 cm. high; rachis very closely villous; frond 1.5 to 30 cm. high, lanceolate or ovate; pinmr opposite, acuminate, below their apex dee])ly and variously lobed, crenate near the tnuicate, sometimes auricled base, papyraceous, glabrous except for the costa; fertile frond the same, sori midway on tlic veinlets, exindusiate. Luzon, Cuming .51, 102; Xegros and Davao, Copeland .'^3. 698. This and the preceding two species arc very close together, and probably all very near .Y. parasitieum. (37) N. rubidum Hooker. Stipes firm, erect, glossy, reddish brown, naked; frairs, tin' sdii iin'diiil on iIhtii, forming two rows, or, near tin- iiiidril), tt-rniiiial and forinin}:^ a sin;,'l(' row, cxindusiate. Luzon, liaiundit, Strcrc; Davao, \V(iibut(i 14171, Vupclutid !•.").!. India to Queensland and I'olynrsia. (4.'5) N. moulmeinense Hcddcmu'. Uliizonio short, creeping; stipe 60 to 120 cm. lii^rli, irict, naked unless at tlie lop; frond fiO to 120 cm. higli, 40 to 00 cm. l)road ; piiniir usually more than (i on each side, 20 to 30 cm. long, scarcely 4 cin. l>n>ad, long-acuminate, entire or crenato or more often serrate witii falcate teeth 2 to ."{ mm. deep, abruptly contracted to the sessile nv suhsessile base, Hubcf)riaceous, glabro\is or nearly so, smooth: vcinlcts about 15 on a side; sori medial on them, mostly witli a \isii)Ie imlii^iuiM. Rizal, Lohrr : Mindoro, MnriU f>07 ; Zamboanga, Copeland; Davao, Cnprldiid 1240, called "Snio])" in I'agobo. India and Malaya. This species differs typically from tlie preceding; in being of finiier texture, with more numerous, narrower, and more uniformly narrow piiuue with less entire margin, more numerous main veins, and indusia; in practice, they are not very distinct. (44 1 N. extensum (HI.) Hooker. Stipe 30 to 60 cm. high, naked or nearly so. brownish; frond 60 to 120 cm. high, 30 to .50 cm. broad: pinna; 15 to 25 cm. long, about 2 cm. broad, cut ilown about two-thirds of the way to the rachis into linear-oblong lobes, papyraceo-herbaceous, naked or nearly so; veinlets 6 to 8 on each side, often only the lowest pair united; sori nearly terminal, not confined to the lobes, indusiate. llizal, Loher ; Albay, Baraiida. India, Malacca. (45) N. Otaria Baker (Anisocampium Cumingiainun Presl.). Stipe 15 to 30 cm. high, substraniineous ; frond 30 cm. or more high, witli a linear-oblong terminal pinna 10 to 15 cm. long, 2 to 4 cm. broad, acuminate, lobed one-fourth to one-third of the way to the midrib into fineh' serrate lanceolate lobes, and 3 to 0 distant, spreading, similar lateral pinmr on each side, the lower ones stalked, thinly herbaceous, glabrous; veinlets 6 to 8 on each side, the lowest uniting midway between the midrib and the edge; indusia present. Luzon, Cuming 230. India. (40 I N. aridum i Don) Baker. Stipe 30 cm. or more liigli. erect, naked; frond about 100 cm. high. 30 to 50 cm. broad: pinnip 15 to 25 cm. long, about 3 cm. broad, cut aho\it one-third of the way down to the midrib into sulitriangular, acute lobes, coriaceous, glabrous or slightly hairy; veinlets 8 to 10 on a side; sori in rows about midway between midrib and margin. Luzon, Cuming 278. India. Malaya. (47) N. cucullatum (Bhune) Baker. Rhizome wide-creeping; .stipe 30 cm. or more high, erect, brownish, nearly naked: frond 40 to 80 cm. high, 20 to 30 cm. broad; pinn.-e close, 10 to 15 cm. long, 1 to 2 cm. 30 POLYroDIACPLE OF THE THILIPPINE ISLANLS. broad, cut down one-third of the way to the midrib into triangular, acute, subfalcate lobes, the lower ones dwindling down suddenly to mere auricles, coriaceous, lower surface, like the rachis, densely pubescent; 8 to 10 veinlets on each side; sori subterminal, indusiate. Luzon, Cuming 254; Cagayan-Luzon, Warburg 12206, 12212; Lepanto and Rizal, Loher; Nueva Ecija, Merrill 283, 284; Benguet, Elmer 6486; Mindoro, Merrill 879; Davao, ^Varhurg 14097, Copeland 326, 447. India across Polynesia. (48) N. loherianum (Christ, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 6:191). Rhizome creeping; stipes subtufted, 30 cm. high, sparsely scaly at the base, densely but closely strigose-pubescent above, as are the rachis and veins; frond deltoid-ovate (aside from some auricles representing the lowest pinnae), 30 cm. high, 18 to 20 cm. broad, acuminate; pinnae 10 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, horizontal, lanceolate, acuminate, sessile, cleft down to 3 mm. from the midrib into obtuse, oblong, falcate . lobes 3 mm. broad, subcoriaceous, short-pilose, ash-brown; veinlets about 12 pairs, only the lowest anastomosing, and these not always; sori small, marginal, crowded, with pilose indusia. Montalban, Rizal, Loher. (49) N. invisum C'arruth. Rhizome stout, wide-creeping; stipe 30 cm. or more high, stout, brownish, villous; frond 45 to 60 cm. high, 20 to 30 cm. broad; pinnae numerous, 10 to 15 cm. long, 1 cm. or more broad, cut about one-third of the way to the midrib into sharp, triangular, falcate lobes, subcoriaceous, the lower ones distant and dwarfed; rachis and lower surface villous; veinlets 6 to 8 on each side; sori in rows close to the midrib, indusiate; capsules setose. Moimt Mariveles, Warhtirg 12759; Tayabas, Warhurg 12509. Polynesia. (50) N. hirsutum .J. Sm., Presl. Stipes 100 cm. more or less high, scaly at tlie base, closely hirsute toward the top; frond 100 to 200 cm. high, 50 cm. or more broad; pinnae 20 to 35 cm. long, narrowly linear, acumi- nate, incised about half way to the midrib into obtuse, falcate lobes, subcoriaceous, closely glandular beneath ; rachis densely but closely hirsute, surfaces very sparsely hairy; veinlets about 8 on each side; sori medial on them. Luzon, Cuming 82; San Ramon, Copeland 751, a form with about 13 veinlets on each side, the sori reaching most of their length. Celebes. (51) N. glandulosum J. Sm. Stipes tufted, 30 cm. or more long, naked or slightly villous; frond 30 cm. or more high, 10 to 15 cm. broad; pinnae 8 to 10 pairs, spreading, larger and closer on the sterile frond, 6 to 10 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. broad, entire or nearly so, truncate and sometimes auricled at the base, papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachis and lower surface naked or slightly villous, sometimes glandular ; fertile pinnae somewhat contracted; veinlets 4 to 8 on a side, with the sori close to the midrib, indusiate. Near A', uropht/llum. Luzon, Cuming 16; Leyte, Cuming 298. Malaya. ASl'UUK.K — NKl'llUnlH I M. 'M (52) N. philippinense Itnkci, in Ann. I'.ot. 5:.'{27. Kroinl olilnng- lanrt'olalf, l>i|«iiin:it il'nl. (il» In ".Ml cni. lii^'li, W to 43 em. lnoad, jilabrous tliidii^'lioiit ; iiiniuf hiiicfolatc-aiiiiiiiiiatf al)<)iit 20 cm. Ion;; l)y 3 cm. broad, flit tliiuii los tliaii liall way tn llif racliis into oliloii;;. crccto-patont lobes, modi'iati'ly lirin. tlic Inwcr ones not dwarfi-d; vi-inlfts S to 0 pairs; .sori int-dial, witli linn. L'latnons. |>cr.si.stciit indnsia. Nr.ir \. Arbu.snila. Luzon, Cutnitifl 10, S4 ; Hen^riH't and Kizal, Lohrr ; Cebii, f'luninr/ 33H. (53) N. latipinna Hooker. Stipes tufted, 10 to 1.") em. liiirli, slentbr. naked; frond iU to :!0 em. IukIi, S to 12 cm. broad, tlio u|)per tliird or lialf lanceolate, pinnatitid with broad oblonp lobes; below this .several pinna' on each side, the lar^jest 5 to S cm. lon^r. about 2 cm. broad, cut al)out one fonrtli of the way down into broad, oblonp. subfalc.ite lobes, papyraceo-lierl)aceous. tlie lower ones much reduced and distant; rachis and sides ;;labrous: .S to .'> di-'tMnt \iinlcts on each side, with a sorus about the middle of each. Doubtfully distinct from .V. jiarasitiruni. Isabela-Luzon. 11«;/^i//y/ ll.i't'.). ll()04, 11010. 11070; Manila. }Vfnhinfj 12747. Honpkon^r. Java. (;)4) N. amboinense Prcsl. Stipes tufted. 1.^ to 20 cm. high, grayish, nearly naked; fronds (>() cm. ftr mf>re high, 20 to 30 cm. broad: pinnae spreading, about 10 cm. long, 1 to 2 cm. broad, cut one-fourth of the way to the midrib into obtuse, slightly falcate lobes, papyraceo-herbaceous, the lower shorter and deflexed ; rachis and lower surface slightly pubescent; veinlets 4 to li on a side; sori in rows close to the midrib. Luzon, Cuwiiip 83; Leyte, Cuming 317. India :uii] Mnlaya. (;!.") ) N. Arbuscula Desv. Stipes tufted, 10 to 20 cm. high, naked or slightly pubrsccnt ; frond 30 to ^0 cm. high, 1.") to 20 cm. broad; pinnip close. nun:cMous, about 10 cm. long by 1 cm. bioad, cut not more than one-fourth of the way to tlie midrii) into obtu.se lobes, herbaceous, several of the lower pairs short and distant; rachis and lower side finely villous; veinlets distant, 3 or 4 on a side; sori in close rows. '■Pliilipi)ines." India to Polynesia. (.")(li N. pennigerum (IJi.) Hooker. Stipes tufted, stout, 20 to 30 cm. high, linrly vilidiis: frond fiO to 120 cm. high, 30 to 50 cm. broad; pinnie numerous, spreading, 15 to 25 cm. long, about 3 cm. broad, acuminate, cut about one-fourth of the way to the midrib into oblong, falcate lobes, herbaceous or subcoriaceous, the lower ones dwarfed and distant ; rachis and under surface finely villous; veinlets 6 to 9 on a side, the sori medial on them, indusiate; capsules setose. Near Y. vwulmeineiise. Bagnio. I.Dhrr. Africa. India, .Malaya. (57) N. hispidulum I'.aker. Stipes tufted, slender, 30 to 50 cm. high, grayish, villous; frond 30 to 50 cm. high, 15 cm. broad; pinme distant, spreading, about 10 cm. long, 1 cm. broad, acuminate, cut about half 32 POLYPODIACE.^ OF THE THILIPPINE ISLANDS. way to the midrib into oblong, slightly falcate lobes, the lower pinnae suddenly dwarfed to mere auricles; rachis and under surface finely villous; veinlets 3 to 4 on each side, with a large sorus on each near the margin, indusiate; capsules naked. Luzon, Cuming 268; "Philippines," Baranda. Malaya. (58) N. ferox Moore. Stipe 30 to 80 cm. high, strong, densely fibrillose with black hairs which leave the stipe rough when they fall ; frond 90 to 150 cm. high, 60 cm. broad; pinnse rather close, spreading, 15 to 40 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. broad, very acuminate, cut about one-third of the way to the midrib into lanceolate-falcate lobes, subcoriaceous, glabrous and glossy; veinlets 10 to 12 on each side; sori close to the main veins. Benguet, Loher, Topping, 162, 320, Elmer 6232; Albay, Baranda. Malaya. (59) N. parasiticum (L.) Baker. Rhizome short; stipes tufted, 30 cm. high, slender, deciduously hairy; frond 30 to 60 em. high, 30 cm. broad; pinnse spreading, 10 to 15 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, obtuse or acuminate, cut about half way to the midrib into subfalcate obtuse lobes, truncate at the base, herbaceous, finely villous, the lower ones deflexed, usually distant and rather shorter; veinlets 6 to 8 on each side; sori medial, indusiate. Isabela-Luzon, Warhurg 11976; Benguet, Topping 319; Rizal, Loher; Mount Mariveles, Copeland 226, 1389; Albay and Masbate, Baranda; Culion, Merrill 589; Davao, Warburg 14096. All warm countries. (60) N. truncatum Presl. Stipes tufted, stout, erect, 00 cm. high, grayish, naked or slightly villous; frond 60 to 120 cm. high, 30 to 50 cm. broad; pinnse 15 to 25 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. broad, very obtuse, cut down one-third of the distance to the midrib, more deeply toward the apex, into obtuse, spreading, oblong lobes, papyraceo-herbaceous, glabrous or nearly so; rachis slightly villous; veinlets 6 to 8 on each side, with a sorus near the base of each. This includes A", caudiculatum Sieb. and N. abruptum J. Sm. Luzon, Cuming 120, Steere, Baranda; Leyte, Cuming 317. India across Polynesia. (5) MENISCIUM Schreber. Fronds simple or once pinnate; veins anastomosing as in Goniopteris, the veinlets from adjacent veins uniting in pairs, and from the points of fusion veinlets rimning toward the margin parallel to the main veins; sori elongate along the cross-veinlets, exindusiate. A small genus of terrestrial ferns, very closely related to Nephrodium, with which it is perhaps better combined. (1) M. triphyllum Swartz. Rhizome wide-creeping, the younger part scaly; stipes slender, 20 to 30 cm. high, stramineous, slightly pubescent; fronds simple, oblanceolate, 10 to 15 cm. high, 1, 5 to 2 cm. broad, acute, repand, auricled at the base; or the auricles becoming free, as distinct ASIMMK.T: — MKNISCII M. 33 I)iiinulcs, herbaceous, slij^litly inihcsccnt on tlie veins beneath; areolae 5 to 9 between cost;i ami inar;,'iii. 'Jlie simple form is M. simplex Hooker. Isabela-Luzoii, WUrlitirii llCiOi); i.cyte, Cumiuy 201); Nejjros, Cope- land 76. India to Java and Formosa. (2) M. cuspidatum Blumc. Stipe 30 to 100 cm. high, brownish, naked; frond 40 to 100 cm. high, with few scattered pinna>, the terminal like the lateral; pinna; erccto-patent, about 1.5 cm. long by .'5 cm. broad, caudate-acuminate, usually falcate at the end, nearly entire, short stalked or sessile, subcoriaceous, glabrous or nearly so, dark green above, with rows of light or reddish dots marking the e.\current veinlets. This species is very near ycphrodium iiroplii/llum, but must be specifically distinct even if the genera were unilcil. Luzon, Cuming 178; Mount Mariveles, Whitford 272; Leyte, Cuming 314; Mindoro, Cuming 301. Himalayas, Java. (0) ASPIDIUM Swartz. Fertile and sterile fronds alike or nearly so, inclined toward a triangular shape, and the pinnae toward a stronger development of the basiscopic side; texture moderately thin; veins anastomosing irregularly, usually very copiously, with or without free included veinlets; sori nearly always round, on a distinct receptacle; indusiiun peltate, reniform or wanting. An almost exclusively tropical genus of terrestrial ferns, whose greatest development is reached in this region; intimately related, through Pleocne- mia, to Xephr odium. The most of our species seem to be of very local occurrence, and nut oven locally abundant: the number of species still to be discovered is therefore probably large. The arrajigement of the species adopted here is probably artificial, and it is therefore undesirable to raise any of these groups (unless it be Pleoonemia) to generic rank. 1. Veins anastomosing very copiously. 2. Indusium wanting, Arcypteris. 3. Fronds simple. 4. Lowest lobes entire (1) A. Bryanti 4. Lowest lobes forked or lobed (2) .4. Barberi 3. Fronds pinnate. 4. Sori in rows along main veins. 5. Pinn.T? mostly entire (2) A. Barberi 5. Pinna} pinnatifld (3) .4. macrodon 4. Sori strictly marginal (4) .4. Brogniartii 4. Sori scattered. 5. Pinnre entire or once forked (5) .4. Jamaocnse 5. PinniB pinnately lobed. 6. Veinlets inconspicuous (6) .4. difforme 6. Veinlets very conspicuous above (7) .4. Whitfordi 2. Indusium reniform, Saflcnia. 3. Sori in rows along main veins. 4. Frond not compound. 5. Rhizome erect (8) .4. heterodon 5. Rhizome creeping {9) A. decurrens 2403G -A 34 polypodiace.t: of the PHiLirpiNE islands. 4. Frond pinnate. 5. Margin of pinnae nearly entire. 6. Apex of frond entire (10) A. persorifcrum 6. Apex pinnatifid (H) A. pachyphyllum 6. Apex trifid (12) A. [irande 5. Pinnae pinnatifid. 6. With free included veinlets.. (13) A. siifolium 6. Without free included vein- lets (14) A. cicutai-ium 3. Sori scattered. 4. Frond simple, pinnatifid (15) A. vastum 4. Frond pinnate. 5. Terminal pinna deeply pinnatifid.. (16) A. melanocaulon 5. Terminal pinna lobed at base (17) A. irriguum 5. Terminal pinna merely sinuate.... (18) A. Menyanthidis 2. Indusium peltate, Tectaria. 3. Lowest pinnae forked (19) A. repandum 3. Lowest pinnte pinnate (20) A. calcareum 1. Veinlets forming costal areolae, and a few others along the main veins, Pleocnemia. 2. Caudex not subarborescent. 3. Sort round. 4. Indusium peltate (21) A. mcmbranaceum 4. Indusium reniform. 5. Frond bi-tripinnate (22) A. giganteum 5. Frond simple (23) A. heterophylhim 3. Sorus oblong (24) A. ambiguum 2. Caudex subarborescent (25) A. leuzeanum (1) A. Bryanti Copeland. Stipe 20 to 40 cm. high, bearing sparse horizontal scales on the back, and on each side a nnifonn wing 1 cm., more or less, broad, which is truncate near the base of the stipe; frond 30 to 50 cm. high, ovate, trifid with close lateral lobes or more often quinquefld with the lower lobes remote and connected by a broad wing; apical segment 20 to 30 cm. high, about 10 cm. broad, acuminate, entire or subrepand, papyraceous, glabrous; lateral segments similar but smaller: primary veins curved, almost reaching the margin, connected by conspic- uous, arched cross-veinlets, the large, regular areolte thus formed divided into small, irregular ones with free included veinlets; sori mostly in rows along the main veins;, indusium none or fugacious. Terrestrial in forest near Gimogon River, Negros, Copeland 82. (2) A. Barberi (Hooker). Stipes tufted, 15 to .30 cm. high, slightly scaly at the base; frond palmately 5-lobed, or more usually pinnate with a large terminal segment and 1 to 4 pairs of pinnae, the upper ones oblong-lanceolate, 10 to 15 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. broad, nearly entire, the lowest pair with a deep lanceolate lobe at the base on the lower side, subcoriaceous, glabrous; areolae rather large and regular, with copious free veinlets; sori copious, principally in two rows near the main veins. Majayjay, Loher. Malaya. (3) A. macrodon (Reinw. ) Diels. Rhizome deciunbent; stipe 30 cm. or more high, slightly scaly" below; frond 00 to 100 cm. high, half as broad, the apex deeply pinnatifid, below this numerous lanceolate pinnae, the lowest sometimes 30 cm. long, deltoid, cut do\\Ti to a narrow wing ASIMKIK.i: — ASI'IDIIM. 35 into i>innatitiil, cli)se, liinceolato piiimilos, tliiii. }ilal)ious; areohp copious, without free voinlets; sori small, in rows iioar the main voins. Luzon, Ciiniiiig 0, 114. Malaya ami Polynesia. (4) A. Brogniartii (I?ory) Dicls. Rliizomo sliort, erect, densely scaly at the top; stipe 150 cm. or more hifjh. dark hrown at tlic Imse, liplitor above and j;ial)rous; frond oO to 100 cm. iii^li, lialf as lirf)ad, apex pin- natitid into deep, re|)and or lobed segments; below tliis numerous distinct pinnie, the lowest 15 to 20 cm. long, lanceolate-deltoid, lobed throughout into broadly lanceolate lobes of which all except the lowest basipetal one are entire or nearly so, subcoriaceous, glabrous; areohe copious, with few or no free veinlets; sori rather small, quite conlined to the margin. Rizal, Lohcr; Albay, Camarines and Masbate, Baranda; Xegros. Copcland. Malaya. (5) A. iamaoense Copeliuid. Rhizome ascending; stipe 1.") to 2.} cm. higii. with a few snuill, lanceolate scales at the base, fibrillose near tlie top. like the rachis; frond 15 to 25 cm. high, deltoid, usually trifoliate, with a deeply tripartite apical segment, less often with the apical segment entire, or with an extra pair of entire pinnse intercalated; lowest pinntp short-stalked, about 10 cm. long, furcate with the smaller, lower segment distant, herbaceous, glabrous, margin entire; areola^ witli free veins; sori copious, irregularly scattered, round or elongate, exindusiate, bright, deep red. On bowlders in creek bed, Lamao Forest Reserve, Luzon, Copeland 223. This may not tn' distinct from .1. irririitiini. (()) A. difforme lilume. Stipes ttifted. erect: .'?() cm. or more liigh, scaly near the base; frond 1 in., moic or less, liigh, at least lialf as broad; upper pinnse lanceolate, nearly entire or with broad obtuse or falcate lobes reaching half way to the costa ; lower pinna? often deltoid, with the lobes of the lower side prolonged and pinnatitid, subcoriaceous, glabrous; areola" copious with few free veinlets; sori very copious, scattered. Isabela-Luzon, Wurhurff 115S9; Rizal and Laguna, Lohcr: Culion, Merrill (j(;3 ; Davao, Warburg 141.32. Malaya. (7) A. Whitfordi Copeland. Rhizome suberect, very short, densely scaly at llie apex; stipe 20 to 30 cm. high, dark l)rown at the base and clothed with linear scales, lighter above and glabrous; frond 30 to 40 cm. high, deltoid, acuminate, papyraceous, glabrous, olive green, the white veins conspicuous on the upjier surface; apex pinnatifid. the segments broadly crenate and obscurely serrate; below this aliout (i free pinnit on each side, erecto-patent, acuminate, lanceolate, pinnatifid more or less than half way to the rachis into oblong, obtuse, entire or serrate lobes, lower pinnre stalked; lowest ones deltoid, with one free basi.scopic pinnule resembling one of tiie upper pinnie; v(>ins laxly anastomosing, without free included veinlets; sori round or oblong, irregularly scattered but wanting near the costa, exindusiate. Lamao Forest Reserve, near the river. Luzon. Whitford 201. o 6 rOLYrODIACE^E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (8) A. heterodon Copeland. Rhizome short, erect, woody; stipe 15 to 20 cm. high, glabrescent, bearing on each side a wing about 5 mm. broad at the top, attenuate to the base; frond 20 to 30 cm. high, 3 or 5 partite, herbaceous, glabrous; apical segment oblanceolate, 4 to 5 cm. broad, acu- minate, serrate with irregular teeth 0 to 10 mm. long; lateral lobes smaller, erecto-patent, less conspicuously serrate; primary veins reaching the margin; areolae irregular with free included veinlets; sori large, in rows along the main veins; indusiuni reniform, persistent. Terrestrial in forest near Catalonan, Davao, Copeland 951. (9) A. decurrens Presl. Rhizome creeping; stipe with a few scattered paleae, and on each side a wing 5 to 10 mm. broad at the top attenuate almost to the base; frond 50 to 100 cm. high, 30 cm. or more broad, cut down to a broadly winged axis into 4 to 8 pairs of usually crenate lance- olate segments 10 to 20 cm. long the lowest of which are sometimes forked, herbaceous, glabrous; main veins distinct to the margin; areolae copious, with free included veinlets; sori large, in regular rows along the main veins; indusia reniform. Luzon, Cuming 148; Rizal, Loher ; Sorsogon and Catanduanes, Baranda; Mindoro, Merrill 1773; Davao, Copeland 967. India to Polynesia. (10) A. persoriferum Copeland. Rhizome short, ascending; stipe 40 to 60 cm. high, stramineous or brown, clothed at the base with lanceolate, arciiate palese 12 mm. long, glabrous above, like the rachis; frond 30 to 50 cm. high, ovate, pinnate, the sterile the more ample; apical part about 25 cm. high, 7 em. broad, acuminate, entire or subrepand, subcoria- ceous, glabrous; lateral pinnae about 3 pairs, sessile, erecto-patent, subar- cuate, lanceolate, 15 to 20 cm. long; fertile pinnae smaller, about 10 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, obscurely crenate, the lowest stalked; main veins almost reaching the margin; areolae irregular with free included veinlets; sori in rows along the main veins, almost covering the entire lamina; indusium reniform, very persistent. River bank near Catalonan, Davao, Copeland 929. (11) A. pachyphyllum Kunze. Rhizome short, apparently erect; stipe 30 cm. or more high, brownish, naked; from 60 to 100 cm. high, half as broad, with a subdecurrent terminal part deeply pinnatifid at its base and entire or sinuate above, and 4 to 8 erecto-patent lateral pinnae on each side, acuminate, subcoriaceous, glabrous, the lower ones with a long fork on the lower side; main veins almost reaching the margin; free included veinlets copious; sori large, in fairly regular rows; indusium reniform. {A. platyphyllum Presl.) Cuming, Luzon, 224; Cebu, 339 and 340; Panay (?) 356 in part; Min- danao, 290; Benguet, Topping 337, 338; Elmer, 6171. Malaya and Polynesia. (12) A. grande J. Sm., Mett. Stipe rufescent, shining; frond 1 m. high, pinnate: apex deeply 3-lobed, composed of "three confluent pinnae;" pinnae 5 to 6 pairs, 25 cm. long, 6 cm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, caudate- acuminate, subsinuate, membranaceous, glabrous, the lowest stalked, Asrii»ii:.i: — Asi-iim m. 37 cuneate at the base, umMjually l)i|)artitf; venation of Diynaria; soil in i()\\s close to tiie main veins, large; indusiuin reniftJiiii, plane, eoriaceous. •Lii/on?" Ciiniiiiti s. ii., or No. 'MM fide Baker, or Panay, .s. n., fide Presl siili. A. (/I a ltd if olio. The deseription does not siiow ulierein liiis is sullicienlly distinct from A. pachi/pfn/lliim. (13) A. siifolium (Willd.) Mett. Stipe 30 cm. .>r more liijfh, brownish, naked; frond :i(i cm. or more hifih, 15 to 20 em. broad, with a broad, oblong, acuminate terminal pinna, and 3 to 4 lateral ones on each side, the lowest stalked, 8 to 10 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, forked at the base and ratlur deeply lubed, subcoriaceous ; main veins close, distinct to the marjrin; areola' line, with free included veinlets: .sori large, in rows close to the main veins, often eontluent. Luzon, Cuming 4.' Java and Sumatra. (14) A. cicutarium (L.) ISw. Rhizome ascending; stipe 30 cm. or more hij:li. bearing scattered deciduous, spreading palea; frond 80 cm. more or less high, subdeltoid, apex deeply pinnatifid; below this, 3 to G pinnre on each side, papyraceo-herbaceous or subcoriaceous, glabrous unless on the midribs, the lowest pinna; subdeltoid, deeply pinnatifid or pinnate below; main veins distinct to near the margin; areolse with few or no free included veinlets; sori rather large, in rows near the main veins; indusium rotuid-reniform. Isabela-Luzon, ]\'urbiirg 11973; Mount ^lariveles, Lohcr, Copeland 217; Davao, ^Varburg 141GC. Pantropic. E.Kceedingh' variable. (l.>) A. vastum Blume. Rhizome creeping; stipes scattered, narrowly winged often nearly or quite to the base; frond 1 m., more or less, high, 30 cm. or more broad, cut down to the very broadly winged rachis into entire, linear-oblong segments 15 to 30 cm. long, 3 to 5 cm. broad, papyraceo-herbaceous or subcoriaceous; main veins distinct three-fourths of the way to the margin; areola; copious, with free included veinlets; sori small, scattered. Panay, Cuming 35G in p:irt. India and ^I;il;iy;). (IG) A. melanocaulon JMume. Rhizome ascending; stipe 30 cm. or more high, ebeneous, glossy, scaly at tlie base; frond 30 to tiO cm. high, ovate-deltoid, with a large, deeply pinnatifid terminal pinna, and 1 to 4 lateral ones on each side, the central one deeply pinnatifid with ovate- acuminate lobes, the lowest stalked, 15 to 30 cm. long, 10 to 15 cm. broad, often again pinnate at the base, papyraceo-herbaceous; main veins reaching the margin; areola* fine, with free included veinlets; sori numerous, minute, scattered; indusium fimbriate, fugacious. Luzon, Cuming ;)7. Malaga. * This is inserted here on the authority of the Synopsis Filicum, p. 299. A sterile frond in our herbarium strongly suggests Arcypteris, and both Smith and Hooker (S|). Kil. V:8G) treated this plant as exindusiate. 38 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (17) A. irriguum J. Sm., Presl. Stipes tufted, 10 to 15 cm. high, grayish, finely villose; frond 15 to 25 cm. high, 10 to 15 cm. broad, subdeltoid, with a large oblong, terminal pinna with a pair of deep lanceolate lobes at the base, and below - this 1 to 2 pairs of slightly sinuate lateral pinnte, the lowest forked at the base, papyraceo-herbaceous ; main veins flexuose; areolte fine, with free included veinlets; sori small, scattered, often confluent; indusium small, fugacious. Luzon, Cuming 31; Rizal. Loher. (IS) A. Menyanthidis Presl. Rhizome creeping; stipe 15 to .30 cm. high, brownish, naked; frond 30 to 60 cm. high, 30 cm. or more broad, with an acuminate, oblong-lanceolate, sinuate terminal pinna 15 to 30 cm. long, 2 to 4 cm. broad, and 2 to 4 similar ones on each side, the lowest stalked, sometimes forked, subcoriaceous ; main veins, close, conspicuous, reaching the margin; areolae fine, with copious free veinlets; sori small, scattered, all on the .connected veinlets. Sorsogon, Haenke; southern Camarines, Cuming 1S3 in part; Sorsogon, Baranda. New Guinea, Solomon Islands. (19) A. repandum Willd. Stipe 30 to GO cm. high, grayish brown, naked; frond (iO cm. or more high, 30 to 45 cm. broad, the apex deeply pinnatifid, witli linear-oblong, slightly sinuate lobes; below this 4 to 8 pinnae on each side, 15 to 20 cm. long, about 3 cm. broad, acuminate, narrowed to the base, sinuate, subcoriaceous, the lowest stalked and forked; main veins distinct to the margin; areolae copious with free veinlets; sori in distinct rows near the main veins; indusium orbicular, peltate, 1 mm. broad. Luzon, Cuming 1S3 in part; Sorsogon and Catanduanes, Baranda. (20) A. calcareum Presl. Rhizome subcreeping; stipe 10 to 15 cm. high, naked; frond 30 cm. or more high, ovate-lanceolate, with acuminate pinnatifid apex, and below it 4 to 6 distant, stalked pinnae on each side, the lowest deltoid, 15 cm. long, cut do\\'n to the racliis below into stalked lanceolate-acuminate, deeply and obtusely lobed pinnules, subcoriaceous; areolae not very abundant and mainly costular; indusium orbicular. Leyte, Cuming 310. (21) A. membranaceum Hooker. Rhizome ascending, with a mass of black paleae at the apex: stipes tufted, about 30 cm. high, nearly naked, with a few spreading linear paleae below; frond about as high as the stipe, deltoid, acuminate, membranous, puberulous especially beneath; upper part subbipinnatifid, free pinnae 5 to 7, lowest much the largest, subdeltoid, 10 to 20 cm. long, pinnules on the lower side much the larger, pinatifid into obong, entire or crenate segments; veins anastomosing principally in costal arches; sori copious, mostly marginal in the lobes. "Philippines," Cuming; Arayat, 800 m., Lohcr ; Davao, Copeland 898. China, Formosa, Java, Ceylon. (22) A. giganteum Blume. Stipe 30 to GO cm. high, brown, glossy; frond 30 to GO cm. high, broadly deltoid, with pinnatifid apex and 4 to 5 pairs of pinnae of which the upper are decurrent, the lower stalked; Asi'iDiK.K — Asriiur.M. 39 lowest iiimiii' very lar^a", ol)li(HU"ly di-ltoiil. piiniwli's mi its lia^isenpie side prolonged, and at loast dt'oply pinnatitid in turn; vciiilcts iinastoniosing at least near the midribs, without sterile included veinlets; indnsia suhcordate. I suppose tliat Xriihiodiuin (I'leocnemiu) tjif/dntcutii ISaker is our I'hilippine plant; if it is distinct from .1. yiytiutruin IMume, Baker's name can not stand. Leyte, Cuminfit; Caniarines and Alhay, liarninhi. (23) A. heterophyllunn Mett. Rhizome creeping; stijie 5 to 10 em. higli, densely villous; froml 10 to 15 cm. liiRli, linear-ohlonfr, simple, with obtuse, oblonjr. slif;litly falcate lobes reaching one-fourth of the way to the costa, coriaceous, villous on both surfaces, l)\it especially on the margin and costa beneath; anastomoses of the veinlets not very regular, l)ut suggesting (ioniopteris; sori midway the veins and the margin of the lobes. Apparently related to yephrodiuDi canescens. Samar, Ciiinlini '.V12. (24) A. ambiguum (linokiTl Diels. Stipe slender, ncaily naked ; frond 40 to (')() cm. high. ."iO em. lnoad, oblong-deltoid, bipinnatifid; pinnte lance- olate, 10 to 1.5 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, the lower ones slightly stalked, cut half way or more to the rachis into linear-oldong lobes, the fertile ones contracted, thinly herbaceous, dark green, rachis and both sides thinly clothed witii long, jointed hairs; veinlets of the lobes often forked, the lower ones forming costular areolte; sori oblong, confluent when the veins fork : indusiuni none. Luzon, Ciimiitfi 154 (Samar, Cuming 321?). (25) A. leuzeanum I Presl) Kunze. Rliizonie erect, usually short but sometimes arborescent, densely scaly at the crown; stipe 1 m.. more or less, long, stout, striate; frond 1 to 2 m. long, subdeltoid; pinna; 30 to 50 cm. long, 15 to 25 cm. broad, upper ones simple, lowest ones pinnate on the basiscopic side, and the large pinnules pinnatifid ; segments 10 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. broad, subfalcate, entire or sinuate; veinlets anastomosing sparsely and irregularly, rarely free; sori in single close rows; indusia orbicular-cordate, fugacious. Luzon, Cuming 33, 34, 107; Rizal and Laguna, Lohcr ; Mindanao, Cuming 289. India and China to Polynesia. (7 I POLYBOTRYA H.. P.. ami K. Fronds at least pinnate, the fertile nuich contracted; veins free in the I'hilippine species; sori originating in a receptacle on the veins, almost or entirely covering the under surface, e.xindusiate. Our species are rather sjnall terrestrial ferns. 1. Pinnae not articulate to rachis. 2. Setae projecting between teeth (1) P. appcndiculata ' 2. Without set». 3. Frond bipinnatifid (2) P. stciwsemioidcs 3. Frond bi- or tripinnate (3) P. apiifoUa 1. Plnnse articulate to rachis (4) P. articulata 40 POLYPODIACE^E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (1) P. appendiculata (Willd.) Blume. Rhizome short, creeping; stipe of sterile frond 10 to 20 cm. high, of fertile 20 to 40 cm., erect, scaly throughout, as is often the rachis; sterile frond 40 to 70 cm. long, apex usually rooting; pinnae about 5 cm. long in the middle of the frond, horizontal, lanceolate, acute, simply or doublj' serrate with the tip of a vein excurrent from the sinus between each two main teeth, abruptly contracted at the base, sometimes auricled on the upper side, papyraceous, glabrous; fertile frond shorter and narrower, Avith obtuse pinnae, the lower ones stalked; pinnae often rolled up in fruit and appearing to be entirely covered by the sori. Mount Arayat, Loher; Benguet, Topping 340, Elmer 6457 ; Mount Mari- veles, Warburg 12508, Copeland 245. India and Malaya, Hongkong. (2) P. stenosemioides Baker sub Achrosticho. Stipes high, chestnut, with a few lanceolate scales toward the base; sterile frond 30 to 45 cm. high, 20 cm. broad, bipinnatifid, submembranaceous, glabrous except for a few deciduous hyaline paleae on the margin; pinnae sessile, 10 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, numerous, pinnatifid to a broadly winged costa into oblong, obtuse segments 5 mm. broad; fertile frond similar, but with a longer stipe, nearly GO cm., and smaller and more lax pinnae. Rizal, Loher. Sarawak. (3) P. apiifolia Hooker. Rhizome short, stout, erect; stipe of sterile frond 2 to 7 cm. high, of fertile 15 to 20 cm. the former densely, the latter very sparsely fibrillose; sterile frond 8 to 15 cm. high, 4 to 12 cm. broad, bi- or tripinnate; pinnae close, rhomboidal, they or their divisions more dissected at the base than in the part above, where they are broader, only the lowest pair ever with pinnate pinnules, rather obtuse, with entire or dentate margin, herbaceous, glabrous beneath except on the midribs; ultimate divisions of the fertile frond reduced to isolated orbicular or globose, beadlike bodies 1 to 2 mm. in diameter. Luzon, Cuming 26, Lobb; Rizal, Loher; Lamao Forest Reserve, Merrill 3129, Barnes F. B. 73, Copeland; Masbate and Bataan Id., Baranda. (4) P. art icu lata .J. Sm. Stipe 30 cm. high, firm, erect, nearly naked; sterile frond 30 to 80 cm. high, 20 to 30 cm. broad, bipinnate; pinnae articulate to the rachis, narrowly lanceolate; pinnules unequal-sided, oblong, obtuse, crenate, auricled on the upper side, subcoriaceous, glabrous; pinnae of fertile frond 10 cm. long, linear-cylindrical, auricled on the upper side. Leyte, Cuming 296. Celebes across Melanesia. (8) STENOSEMIA Presl. Sterile frond ample, fertile reduced to linear segments, both broadly trifoliate in plan; basiscopic side of lower pinnae strongly developed; veinlets anastomosing to form areolae along the midribs and main veins, free toward the margin, without included veinlets; sori eventually covering the dorsal or both surfaces. Indusium none. ASl'lltlE.i: — STKNOSKMIA. 41 (1) S. aurita Pii-il. Rliizomo erect, .^liort ; >ti|>c of sti-rile frond 15 to 20 cm. lii;;li, vi Icrtik' JU to ;iO cm., i'l)i>iu-ous, Id-niin^i; a ffw lax palca-; sterile frond 8 to 20 cm. liigli and broad, its central part dooply pinnatifid witli entire, or obtusely serrate, lanceolate lobes; lateral |iinnip very une(|uai sided, witli lowest basisoopie sej^mi'iit pinnatifid, nifinbi iinaceoiis, glabrous or with scattered liairs, especially on tlie veins; fertile on the same plan as the sterile. Imt rather smalitT and the segments hardly over 1 mm. broad; terrestrial. Leyte, C'in/ii/1/7 2!t."i ; Zamboanga, ('(iiuldud 7.">X: Oavao. Wnrhurfj 14170, Copeland O")?. Malaya to Polynesia. (9) GYMNOPTERIS I'.ernhardi. Khizome usually ciecping; frond sinijiie or piiuialf, the iiTiib.' much contracted; veinlets copiously anastomosing, with, or less frequently with- out, free included veinlets; sori covering the entire dorsal surface, e.vindu- siate. Mostly terrestrial ferns of small or moderate stature. 1. Sterile frond simple, entire, or nearly so. 2. Main veins evident nearly to the margin. 3. Free included veinlets usually wanting (1) Gf. Uiiitaeana 3. Free included veinlets copious (2) G. variabilis 2. Main veins obscure, short, or none. 3. Sterile frond about 5 cm. long (3) G. mitior 3. Sterile frond 15 cm. or more long. 4. Rhizome creeping (-1)0. lanceolate 4. Rhizome scandent (5) G. axillai-is 1. Sterile frond typically trifld (6) G. taccaefolia 1. Sterile frond typically pinnate. 2. Lateral pinnae but one pair (7) G. flagellifcra 2. Lateral pinnae several pairs. 3. Terminal pinna unlike the lateral. 4. Fonds 30 cm. or more high. 5. Terminal pinna entire or sinuate (8) G. subrepanda 5. Terminal pinna pinnatifid (9) G. rcpaiula 4. Fronds rarely 10 cm. high (10) G. inconsta»s 3. Terminal pinna like the lateral. 4. Free included veinlets few or none (11) G. contaminans 4. Free included veinlets regularly present. 0. Primary veins conspicuous (12) G. costata 5. Primary veins obscure (13) G. presliana (1) G. linnaeana (Hooker), Rhizome wide-creeping; stipes 5 cm. more or less high, slightly fibrillose below; sterile frond 10 to 20 cm. high, 1 to 2 cm. broad, narrowed gradually to both ends, sometimes rooting at the apex, entire, papyraceous, subopaque, dark green; main veins fine, rather zigzag but distinct nearly to the margin; arcohe copious, without free veinlets; fertile frond hardly 10 em. long, less than 1 cm. broad. Rizal. Lohcr. This plant often has a pair of minute free pinna; at the base of the linear frond; or even the sterile frond pinnate. Malaya. " (2) G. variabilis (Hooker) Bedd. Rhizome wide-creeping; stipe of sterile from! 0 to 10 em. higli. of fertile 30 cm. or more; sterile frond .W 42 POLYI'UDIACE.E OF THE PHILirPINE ISLANDS. cm. more or less liigli, contracted gradually to the base, oblong-spatulate, acute or obtuse, entire, papyraceo-lierbaceous, glabrous; main veins prom- inent, zigzag, reaching nearly to the margin, areolte copious, with free included veinlets; fertile frond 15 to 30 cm. high, 4 mm. broad. Davao, Warburg 14114. India and ^lalaya. (3) G. minor (Mett.) Bedd. (Dendroglossa normalis Presl in part.) Rhizome wide-creeping, firm ; stipe of sterile frond 2 to 5 cm. high, glabrous, stramineous; of fertile about 10 cm.; sterile frond 3 to .5 cm. high, 1 cm. broad, obtuse, entire, with tapering base, herbaceous, glabrous; no main veins, areolae and included veinlets copious; fertile frond 3 to 5 cm. high, 3 mm. broad. Saniar, Cuming 32G in part. Khasya hills in India. (4) G. lanceolata Hooker. Rhizome woody, wide-creeping; sterile frond sessile or decurrent on a short stipe, 15 to 30 cm. high, I to 3 cm. broad, obtuse or acute, entire, narrowed very gradually below, herbaceous, glabrous; main veins raised but falling short of the margin; areolae copious, with free veinlets; fertile frond 15 to 30 cm. high, 2 to 4 mm. broad, on a stipe 20 cm. high. Saniar, Cuming 32G in part, a small form; Davao, Copeland 932. India and Malaya. (5) G. axillaris (Cav.) Presl. Rhizome wide-scandent, branching; stipe of sterile frond short or none, of fertile about 10 cm. high, slightly scaly at the base; sterile frond 15 to 30 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. broad, obtuse, entire, tapering gradually to the base, papyraceous, glabrous; no main A'eins; areolae very copious, with free veinlets; fertile frond 15 to 30 cm. long, 2 to 6 mm. broad, flexuous. Luzon, JVee, Cuming 30; Albay, Baranda. India and Malaya. This and the two preceding species are sometimes regarded as forms of G. variahilis. (G) G. taccaefolia (Hooker) J. Sm. Rhizome short, stout, creeping; stipe of sterile frond about ID cm. high, of fertile about 30 cm., both clothed below with narrow, horizontal paleae; sterile frond 30 cm. more or less, long, typically trifid, sometimes simple or pinnate, sometimes rooting at apex, pinnae acute, entire, lanceolate, rachis winged in the more complex forms and tlie lowest pinnae forked, papyraceous, glabrous; main veins distinct nearly to margin, with regvilar transverse veinlets and copious areolae with included veinlets; fertile frond typically trifid with middle segment 15 cm. long, the lateral 10 cm., 3 to 4 mm. broad, exceptionally simple or pinnate. This species is regarded as including Anapausia decurrens Presl, Gymnopteris subquinqiiefida Presl, and G. lati folia Presl. Luzon, Cuming 3 and 5; "Manila," Meyen, Gaudichaud; Rizal, Loher; Mindoro, Cuming 357; Culion, Merrill 534. (7) G. flageliifera (^Yall.) Bedd. Rhizome short and terrestrial, or scandent up tree trunks when it is scaly and climbs by means of rootlets; ASriDIE.i: — GYMNOl'TKKIS. 43 stipe of sterile fioiul 5 to 20 cm. liij,'li, of fertile 20 to 4it em., scaly or glabrescent; sterile frond simple, or with 1 to 3 pairs of piiinu', the terminal one lanceolate, entire, repand or siiliserrale, often elongate and rooting, lateral ones more or less reduced, herliaceous, glai)rous: main veins distinct, areohe of various forms, with few or no included vcinlets; fertile fronds usually trifoliate or pinnate, .! to Id cm. long, lanceolate. This species is well distinguished from tlie i)receding l>y the venation and the longer, more slender rhi/.ome. This species includes I'oerilnpliris hftrrn- clita Presl ami /'. ilirnsifitlid I'resl. Isabela-Luzon, Warbin;) IKIO.S; •.Manila," Haenkc, Cuming 32; Sorsogon, Ilaenkc, linranda ; Davao, Copcland 071, 7.")2. 950. India and Malaya. (S) G. subrepanda (Hooker) J. Sm. Rhizome w<^ody, wide-creeping; stipe 15 to 30 (111. liigh, stout, erect, nearly naked; sterile frnnd simple and 30 cm. long hy 3 to 5 cm. hroad, or pinnsite, and 00 cm. long hy 30 cm. broad, with several pairs of linear-oblong, entire or subrepand pinnfP, subcoriaceous. glabrous; main veins distinct nearly to margin; areola; and included vcinlets copious; fertile frond like the sterile, but smaller. Luzon, Cuming 225; Isabela-Luzon. ^Vln■hlll■g 11022. Penang. (9) G. repanda (Blume) Christ. Rhizome creeping; stipe 15 to 30 cm. high, that of the sterile frond usually the longer, naked; sterile frond 30 to 00 cm. long, 20 to 30 cm. broad, sometimes elongate and rooting, with numerous pinnie on each side, the lower ones 10 to 15 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, cut one-fourth of the way to the costa into entire, obtuse lobes, herbaceous, glabrous; main veins distinct, areolfe copious, without free veinlets; fertile pinna' much sinaller, stalked, entire or repand. Achrosti- chum Quoyanuin (Jaud. is a fcuin with tlie lobes deeper and toothed. This species is construed as including also Poecilopferis fiinuofta Presl, lletc- roncuron arguttim F^e, and Heteroneurum cuspidafum Presl. Luzon, Cuming 104. 105, 101; Sorsogon, Haenke; Leyte, Cuming 204. Java to China and Polynesia. (101 G. inconstans Copeland. Rhizome creeping, scaly; stipe of sterile frond 1 to 3 cm. high, of fertile 3 to 10 cm., filiform, erect, green, glabrous or scaly below; sterile frond 4 to 8 cm. or more long, usually pinnate, linear to ovate in form, membranaceous, glabrous, the terminal pinna usually elongate, linear, proliferous; lateral pinn;p 2 to 0 ])airs. lanceolate to orbicular in form, usually entire, sessile, somewhat decurrent ; veins inconspicuous, forming few areolae, without included veinlets; fertile frond linear, with 2 to 4 pairs of round or oblong remote pinna' 1 to 4 nun. long, the lowest sometimes stalked, with few or no veins beside the costa. Lamao Forest Reserve. Luzon. Cnprlnnd 251, Merrill 31 2S. Completely covering l)owlders in beds of streams. (Ill G. contaminans (Wall.) Bedd. Rhizome short-creeping, thick; stipe 30 to 40 cm. high, glabrescent; sterile frond 30 to 60 cm. high, ovate; pinnnp 10 or more on each side, alternate, sessile or short-stalked, lanceolate, acute, entire, crenate or pinnatifid; terminal pinna commonly 44 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. elongate and proliferous; main veins evident about half way to margin, areolae large, with few included veinlets; fertile pinnae much contracted, entire or sinuate. This partly includes Achrostichum hlumeanum Hooker. Luzon, Cuming 223, 225; Rizal, Loher ; Lamao, Copeland 249. India, Burmah. (12) G. costata (Wall.) Bedd. Rhizome creeping, bearing subulate scales; stipe 45 cm. or less high; frond 60 cm. or more long; pinnae reaching a length of 35 cm. and a breadth of 8 cm., stalked, acuminate, entire, sinuate or crenate, subcoriaceous. glabrous; main veins very prom- inent, close; areolae and included veinlets copious; pinnae of fertile frond smaller and more coriaceous. "Manila," Gaudichand. Upper India, Burmah. (13) G. presliana (Fee). Rhizome woody, short-creeping; stipe 10 to 20 cm. high, firm, erect, naked; sterile frond about 30 cm. long, half as broad, witli numerous erecto-patent pinnae 5 to 8 cm. long, 1 cm. broad, entire, narrowed to both ends, submembranaceous, glabrous, lower ones short-stalked; rachis winged above; venation as in Goniophlehium, veinlets uniting in pairs, with one free veinlet in each areola; fertile fronds usually with longer stipes and pinnae much contracted. Sorsogon, Haenke. India. (10) DIPTERIS Reinwardt. Rhizome creeping, stipes not articulate to it; frond cleft to the base into parts, which are dichotoniously divided or lobed; main veins dichoto- mous; veinlets anastomosing, with free included veinlets; sori small, round, mostly along the main veins and cross veins, without indusia. Striking terrestrial ferns of large size, fan-shaped or reniform in general outline. (1) D. conjugata (Kaulf. ) Reinw. Rhizome covered with dark brown, linear scales; stipe usually 1 m. or more high, firm, brown, naked, polislied: frond usually more than 30 cm. high and much broader, the halves lobed at least two- thirds of the way down, their divisions successively more shallowly, segments acute, coarsely or obscurely serrate, subcoriaceous, glabrous, dark green above, glaucous and bluish beneath; main veins very conspicuous, areolae copious. Luzon, Cuming 155, Steere; Benguet, Mariveles, and Laguna, Loher; Baguio, Topping 164, 238, Elmer 5782; Mount Mariveles, Merrill 3228, Whitford 250; Davao, Warburg 14185. Malava to Formosa and Polvnesia. 111. 1»A\ ALLIE.i:. Sori (exci'i)t in Olcandia) terminal on their veins, on or near tlio margin of the frond; indnsiuni opening toward tlie margin (wanting in ^Jo>nl■ vhonunim) ; margin of frond often modified in connection with sorus; stipes articulate to rliizonie. or nut ; fronds usually at least deeply pin- natifid: piiniules of segments usually more developed on tlic aeropetal side. 1. Finns not dimidiate, i. e., the lamina is more or less developed on both sides of the costa. 2. Sorl separate and distinct. 3. Indusium fastened at the base only. 4. Pinnfe articulate to the rachis. 5. Stipe articulate to rhizome (11) Arthropteris 5. Stipe not articulate to rhizome.. (12) Nephrolepis 4. Pinnae not articulate to the rachis, or frond simple. 5. Stipe articulate to rhizome. 6. Sori dorsal on veins, near costa (13) Oleandra 6. Sori marginal or sub- marginal (14) Ilumata 5. Stipe not articulate to rhizome.. (15) Saccoloma 3. Indusium fastened at base and sides. 4. Stipe articulate to rhizome J {16) Davallia [Microlcpia ciliata 4. Stipe not articulate to rhizome. 5. Margin of frond hardly modified. 6. Ultimate divisions of frond not cuneate nor sori marginal (17) Microlcpia G. Ultimate divisions cune- ate, with sori on the broad ape.\ (18) Odontoaoria 5. Margin united with indusium to form a cup-shaped receptacle.. (19) Dcnnstaedtia 3. Indusium wanting (20) Monachosorum 2. Sorus continuous around the pinna (21) Schizoloma 1. Pinnte dimidiate, lower half obsolete (22) Lindaaya (11) ARTHROPTERIS J. Smith, Diels. Rhizome scandent, stipes articulate to it or a little above it; frond pinnate, the pinnae articulate to the rachis; sori orbicular, indusium round- reniform, fixed by the sinus, or (not in Philippine species) wanting. A >niall rrenns very near Nephrolepis. 45 46 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (1) A. glabra Copeland. Rhizome wiry, climbing 3 m. high on tree trunks, sparsely clothed with black appressed scales or their bases; stipes about 5 mm. high, articulate well above the rhizome; frond 20 to 30 cm. high, 5 to 7 cm. broad, pinnate, with a terminal pinna rather larger than the others; lateral pinnae aboift 8 mm. broad, obtuse, or the upper ones subacute, obscurely crenate, slightly auricled, the upper side abruptly truncate, the lower very oblique at the base, papyraceous, gla- brous, remaining green when dried; sori orbicular, in a row a little nearer the margin than the costa; indusium fixed by a very narrow sinus, persistent. E-wi-ig River, Paragua, Merrill 740. (2) A. ramosa (Beauv. ) J. Sm. Stipes very short, scattered, on a slender, wiry, wide-creeping rhizome; frond 15 to 30 cm. long, 3 to 7 cm. broad; pinn£E 1 to 3 cm. long, 1 cm. broad, slightly crenate, the upper edge auricled and truncate, parallel with tlie stem, the lower oblique; texture papyraceous; rachis and both sides slightly villose, the whole plant turning blackish when dried; indusium roundish, very fugacious. Luzon, Cuming 101; Basilan, Steere. Africa to Samoa. (12) NEPHROLEPIS Schott. Fronds pinnate; pinna? articulate to the rachis but rachis not articulate to the rhizome; sori on the back of the pinnie, near the margin or remote from it, in a row parallel to it, reniform, varying from broadly so to orbicular. The most of our species are terrestrial with erect caudices above the ground, supported by braces which also function as roots and runners. 1. Indusium with broad sinus, opening toward apex of pinna (1) A', cordifolia 1. Indusium with deep sinus, opening obliquely toward margin. . 2. Rhizome short. 3. Frond nearly glabrous (2) N. exaltata 3. Frond hirsute (3) N. hirsutula 2. Rhizome scandent _ (4) N. volubUis 1. Indusium orbicular-reniform, attached at top of sinus or sub- peltate. 2. Rachis nearly glabrous, sori far from margin (5) N. acuta 2. Rachis tomentose, sori near margin. 3. Pinna? hirsute (6) N. rtifescens 3. Pinna? glabrous (7) N. barbata (1) N. cordifolia Presl. Caudex suberect or oblique, the wiry fibers from it often bearing tubers; stipes tufted, wiry, 5 to 1.5 cm. high, naked or scaly; fronds 15 to 40 cm. long, 2.5 to 3.5 cm. broad; pinnae close, often imbricate, obtuse, entire or nearly so, the base cordate or rounded on the lower side, with a short, sharp auricle on the upper, subcoriaceous, nearly glabrous; sori large, in a row midway between midrib and margin; indusium broad, firm, opening toward the apex of the pinnae or somewhat obliquely. i>A\ ALLii:,i: — m;i'iik<>i.i;i'is. 47 Bonfjuot, Lofier (altitiulo, 2,500 m.), h'lmcr G507 (form witli vcrj- chaffy stipe and raoliis), (ir)2S (vorv lax, serrato form, in moist ravines), Topping 2.J1 ; Nuova Kcija, Merrill 240; Arayat, SOO m., Lolicr ; Marivoles 1,300 m., Merrill 323(i. Pantropic. (2) N. exaltata Sciiott. Stipes tiifti-d, 10 to !."> em. Iii;.'li, naked or sliglitly scaly; fnmds .10 cm. or more lonp, about 10 cm. broad; pinnir close but not ind)rieate, tiie fertile linear, acute, usually sul)falcate, sterile shorter ami less acute, base rounded on the lower side, auricled on the upper, entire or nearly so, suhcoriaceous, neaily ;rh»lirous; soii submurfjina! ; indusium reniform with a deej) sinus. .Sorsogon, Baranda ; Rizal, Loher, Marave. A form with repeatedly diehotomous pinnules is rnmmnn in cultivation in MMiiila. Pantropic. (3) N. hirsutula I'lcsl. Like A', exaltata, except that botli surfaces of the pinnu', and es|)eeially the rachis, are downy. Pataan Island. linraiida : Benguet and Manila, Lolirr ; cultivated in Manila. (4) N. volubilis •!. Sm. Rhizome scandent indefinitely, naked, pale brown, wiry, beariiifr small clusters of fronds at the ends of very short branches; stipes about 10 cm. long, firm, naked or nearly so; fron 15 to 25 mm. broad, separated by less than their own breadth, acute, cuneate or more abruptly contracted at the base, sterile entire, fertile obscurely crenate, herbaceous or suhcoriaceous, glabrous or nearly so; sori almost as near the costa as the margin; indusium becoming orbicular by the meeting of the two broad basal lobes. (Includes X. macrophylla Presl.) Luzon, Cuming 22, Steere; Benguet, Loher (altitude, 2,250 m.), Elmer 0145; ^fanila, Warburg, Marave; Tayabas. Warburg: Sorsogon, Jiaranda ; Paragua, Merrill 725; Basilan, DeVore and Hoover- S6; Davao. Warburg 12757, Copeland 365, 029. Pantro])ic. (6) N. rufescens Presl. Caudex erect, stout, with numerous braces, coated with small black, appressed scales; stipes 20 to OO cm. high, firm, brown, glabrescent; frond GO to 100 em. high; pinnie 10 to 15 mm. broad, acute, sterile entire, fertile more or less .serrate, broadly rounded at the base on the lower side, the upper usually prominently auricled, herbaceous. 48 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. under surface, and still more the rachis, ferruginous-pubescent; sori near the margin; indusium becoming orbicular. Cagayan-Luzon, Warburg 12221; Benguet, Elmer 623.5, G469; Topping 211; Sorsogon, Baranda; Manila, Santos, Ramos; Tayabas, Merrill 24.38; Mindoro, Merrill 884; Davao, Copeland 389, 485, 589, the most char- acteristic plant of the edges of drier thickets. (7) N. barbata Copeland. Rhizome short, suberect, with many fine supporting roots; stipes 10 to 15 cm. high, firm, sparsely scaly at the base, glabrescent above; frond rather more than 50 cm. long, 8 cm. broad; pinnae, the larger sterile ones 35 mm. long, 10 mm. broad, acute, entire, the fertile 50 mm. long, 7 mm. broad, acuminate, more or less serrate toward the apex, rounded on the lower side at the base, acutely auriculate on the upper, subarcuate, subcoriaceous, glabrous, reduced toward the base of the frond ; sori near the margin ; indusivun orbicular, the lobes overlapping. Todaya, Davao, epiphytic on tree trunks, Copeland 1286. (13) CLEAN DRA Cavanilles. Rhizome creeping or erect, branching, scaly; stipes articulate to projec- tions from the rhizome; fronds simple and entire, lanceolate; veins free, running to the margin of the frond, sori on the backs of the veins, near the costa; indusiiun reniform, fixed by the sinus, firm. This genus was formerly classed with the Aspidieo', and has lately been separated as constituting an isolated group. It seems to me, however, that the resem- blances to A'arious Davalliece, and specially to the simple species of Humata — the creeping, scaly rhizome, the articulate stipe, the free, forked, closely parallel veins, the shape, attachment, and texture of the indusium, and its opening obliquely toward the apex of the frond — all these can not well be construed otherwise than as evidences of real affinity; and that, while the position of the sori may well serve as a generic character, it ought not to make us adopt a larger classification that fails to express so many characters in common. 1. Rhizome woody, suberect. 2. Stipe articulate just below lamina (1) 0. coluirina 2. Stipe articulate "below its middle" (2) O. neriiformis 1. Rhizome creeping. 2. Palese squarrose (3) O. Whitmeei 2. Palese appressed — (4) O. Cumingii (1) O. colubrina (Blanco) Copeland. Rhizome woody, stout, suberect, branching, clothed with scales whose very narrow spreading tips are decid- uous, leaving the persistent, imbricate, peltate bases, black with brown margins; stipe articulate immediately below the lamina; fronds mostly clustered, 15 to 20 cm. long, about 2 cm. broad, widening toward the upper end, then abruptly contracted and caudate, narrowed gradually toward the base, entire, the margin sometimes slightly cartilaginous under the lens, ciliate with whitish hairs, with which the surfaces are sparsely and the costa densely clothed, papyraceous; sori in an irregular row on each side of costa ; indusia small, brown with white margins, firm, almost without a sinus. Mount Mariveles, Merrill 3238, Copeland 1381, Whitford 248. 1 >\ \ A LLI EJE — OLEA .N 1 > KA . 49 (2) O. neriiformis Cav. Rluzome woody, mostly erect, branching, clothed witli appifssed scales; stipe articulate below the middle — that is, loiifjer tliaii tlic out^'rowth of tlic iliizoine tiiat bears it — fronds scattered or clustertd, 20 to 40 em. lii{,'li, 2 cm. broad, narrowed gradually toward both ends, usually subcoriaeeous and glabrous; indusium oblique, lar^'e enough to cover sorus. Tiiis species is con.strued as including Presl's 0. nwUis, with pubescent fronds, and 0. macrocarpa, with large sori and ciliate margin. Luzon. \ic, CuiiiiiKj 04. 00 in part; Baguio, Elmer G28C; Davao, War- hurti UlSti. Pantropie. (3) O. Whitmeel Baker. Rhizome wide-creeping, 2 mm. thick, densely beset witii squarrose paleie 4 mm. long; stipes (including both parts) about 4 em. high, articulate about the middle; fronds 20 to .30 cm. high, one-tenth as broail. aiimiiiiatc. narrowed to the base, slightly repand, membranous, glabrous except for fine short hairs along the margin, and narrow scales 2 mm. long standing horizontally from the costa, the latter sometimes deciduous; sori large, almost orbicular, indusium membranous. Mount Apo, DcVorc and Hoover 364; Copeland 1055. Samoa, Colcl)fs. (4) O. Cumingji J. .Sm. Rhizome creeping, 2 mm. thick, densely clothed with appressed lanceolate-subulate scales; stipe (including both parts) about 5 cm. high, articulate below the middle; frond 20 to .30 cm. high, one-tenth as broad, lanceolate, acuminate, contracted rather abruptly at the base, subentire, with narrowly cartilaginous margin, papyraceous, costa and both surfaces slightly pubescent ; indusium rough. Luzon. Cuming 60 in part; Baguio, Elmer 6513. India, southern China. (14) HUM ATA Cavanilles. Rhizome creeping, scaly, the stipes articulate to it; sori terminal, at the margin or somewhat remote from it : indusium reniform or more elongate, fixed by its broad base. Mostly small epiphytic ferns, resembling Davallia. from which they are distinguished by the free sides of the (usually broader) indusium. 1. Euhumata : indusium thin. 2. Sterile frond entire. 3. Fertile frond entire (1)//. atujustata 3. Fertile frond lobed (2) H. hetcrophylla 2. Sterile frond pinnatifid or pinnate. 3. Lowest segments not greatly enlarged (3) H. gaimardiana 3. Lowest segments or pinnie very large. 4. Not more than bipinnatifld (4) H. rcpens 4. At least tripinnatlfid. 5. Sori on the teeth of the seg- ments { 1(6) //. i'tiniiinjii 5. Sori almost covering segments (7) //. botrychioidcs 24036 4 50 POLYPODIACE.1^ OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1. Leucostegia; indusium thin. 2. Frond about 2 dm. high, triangular (8) H. falcineUa 2. Frond more than 3 dm. high. 3. Sori 1 to 2 mm. wide (9) H. immersa 3. Sori minute (10) H. liiimenophyUoides (1) H. angustata Wallich. Rhizome wide-creeping, scaly, stout; fronds scattered, short-stalked, about 10 cm. long and 1 cm. broad, apex acute, margin slightly and irregularly crenate, very coriaceous, glabrous or with a few scales on the costa beneath; sori in a row along the edge. E-wi-ig River, Paragua, Merrill 778, on rocks in forest. Malaya. (2) H. heterophylla (Desv.) J. Sm. Rhizome wide-creeping, scaly; frond shortly stalked, 6 to 10 cm. long, one-fourth as broad, glabrous, coriaceous; the sterile one ovate-lauceolate, entire or slightly lobed at the base, the fertile one narrower, deeply sinuato-pinnatifid; sori 2 to 10 to a lobe. Maquiling, Loher; Saniar, Cuming 338; E-\vi-ig River, Paragua, Merrill 763, epiphytic. Malaya and Polynesia. (3) H. gaimardiana (Gaud.) .J. Smith. Rhizome wide-creeping, scaly; stipe about 1 cm. high, scaly or glabrescent; frond 10 to 15 cm. high, 3 to 5 cm. broad, ovate-lanceolate, cut down nearly or quite to the rachis into parallel, entire or crenate, linear-oblong lobes, the lowest pair of which are often deeply incised on their lower side, glabrou.s, coriaceous; sori oblique, in full rows between midrib and margin. Luzon, Cuming 01 ; Gimogon River, Negros, Copeland 54, in tree tops in the forest. Malaga and Polynesia. Our plant is intermediate between Davallia parallela Wallich and D. pectinata Sniitli. (4) H. repens (L.) J. Sm. {Davallia pedata Smith). Rhizome wide- creeping, scaly; stipe 5 to 10 cm. high, rather scaly; frond 5 to 10 cm. long, 3 to 5 cm. broad at the base, deltoid in general outline, cut down nearly to the rachis; upper segments linear-oblong, acute, erecto-patent, inciso-dentate, the lower pair broader, deeply inciso-pinnatifid, especially on the lower side; texture coriaceous; sori placed in rows on the teeth on both sides of the lobes. Arayat, Loher, Merrill 3818, differs from the type in that the sterile frond is smaller and broadly lobed, and the fertile larger and more deeply incised, and the rachis very scaly; Cagayan-Luzon, Warburg 12219; Mount Mariveles, Merrill 3210, Forestry Bureau (Barnes) 347, Copeland. India to Japan and Australia. (5) H. vestita J. Sm. Rhizome wide-creeping, densely scaly; stipe about 10 cm. high, rather scaly below; frond 10 to 20 em. long, 10 cm. broad, deltoid in outline ; all except the upper pinnse cut down to a narrowly winged rachis; barren frond with the segments of all except the lower pinnae blunt, scarcely toothed; lobes of the fertile pinnae narrower, sharper toothed; of the lower ones deeply so; texture coriaceous; sori placed on the teeth of the segments. D.WAI.I.IK.i;— li r.MATA. 51 Mount Data, .i.ioO in., Lohrr ; UuKiiio, Toiipitig 199 (?). Java, C'l-yloii; (ProWalily a iihtc vaiit-ty nf //. niirufs.) (U) H. Cumingii (Hook.). Itlii/.oiuf creeping, scaly; stipe 10 cm. hjgli, bdtli it ami ilir lacliis latlior scaly; sterile frond about 3 era. each way, deltoid-conlate, cut down maily to the racliis; upper pinnie blunt, sliphtiy tootlied. the lower [)air dieply ])iiiiiatifid below; texture coriaceous; fertile frond 10 to 12 cm. lonj:, H em. broad, the same shape, but much more di\idrd; lowest ]iinnulrs deeply pinnatilid with sharply toothed lobes; sori placed in tiie tretli of the se<,'ment3. iSaniar, Cintiinr) ]M. (7) H. botrychioides •!. Sni. Klii/nmr wide-creeping, scaly; stipe 5 to 10 em. lii;,di, .scaly l)elow; frond ti to 20 em. Ion;;, o to 10 cm. broad, deltoid in ;,'eiieral outline, decidedly dimorphous, the barren ones with a narrowly-win^'ed rachis; lower pinna; cut down nearly to the rachis, with deep bluntly-toothed segments; fertile pinna? much more finely divided; pinnides of the lower i)innse cut down to a narrow rachis with narrow sharply-toothed segments almost cf)vere.\\ .\i.i.ii:.i: — i»A\ Ai.i.iA. 53 Mount AjM). MiiidaniKi, Cni„l,i,if l.S(((l m. (2) D. contigua Swait/,. Fronds tnltc.l. sc.H.silu or iirarly so, :!il to 4') cm. lonj,', al)oul •'! cm. l)ro!ul, liiicar-lanccolatc, cut iluwn nearly or (|uilc to tlic raclii> into nunu'rous liiicar-acuniiiiali- or hlunti-^li, sli;,'litly- tootlu'd IoIhs; texture ooriaoeous; .sori 1 to 8 to a lohc, plact'd in the teetli on tlifir upjier |iait. I-u/.on, Cumiuij Jli'.; r.eni_'uet. I'.biirr (i27">: Davao. Coinliiml Ull:?, DcVore and Hoover 3'S't. Coylon to PoIyniMJa. (3) D. alata I'.l. i />. Kmcrswii Ilk. and fir.) Rootstalk erect, short, scalv: Irnnds tutted. ses>ile, 20 to .'?() oni. liij,'li, :? cm. wide at the \vi(h'st part, lincarlanceohite, out more than half way down to the rachis into niuiicious linear-ohlon invisihle; s(H i I to S, ]i!aceil round the edge of tlie h)hes. Mount .Mariveles, Topping. luilia to I'orneo. (4) D. epiphylla HI. IJhizonie tliick. fihrillose: stipe 10 to 50 cm. long, erect, tirm; frond variable in size, deltoid-lanceolate, tri-quincjue- pinnatilid; main rachis hardly at all winged; pinnules of the lowest pinna^ lanceolate, segments narrow, niucronate, sharply toothed; texture coriaceous; veins not immersed, one or two carried into each tooth; sori small, suhmarginal, lialf-cupshaped, with the sharp mucro of the tooth extending beyond them. Davao, Waihiiru 141.S8, Copchnid. Java and Malay Peninsula. Not sulliciently distinct from />. rlcf/tnts. (5) D. elegans Swartz. Rhizome stout, creeping, densely clothed with wooly tibrous scales; stipe stout. 10 to 50 cm. high, brown; froiul 30 to no cm. high, two-thirds as wide, deltoid tri- to quinquepinnatitid; main rachis slightly winged toward the apex; ultimate segments oblong-deltoid or narrower, themselves usually toothed, inaequilateral ; texture coriaceous; venation prominent, irregular, with false veins free at both ends between the true ones; sori several to a segment, marginal but exceeded by the teeth; indusivim half-c\ipshaped. I.u/oii, Cuiniiiii 77: Benguet, Klnirr 0385; Gimogon River, Negros, Cojichind ti!); Capiz, I'anay, Copchnid. Madagascar across Polynesia. Very variable in size and the degree of di.ssection of the frond. Epiphytic and terrestrial. It. rifita Sw. is a larger ami h-s coriaceous form of this species, with finer divisions. (6) D. solida Swartz. Rhizome stout, densely clothed with adpressed scales or fibers; stipe 10 to 15 cm. high, strong, erect; frond 30 to tJO cm. long, deltoid, tripinnatifid ; apex with a moderately broad undivided center; segments ovato-rhond»oiilal. deeply toothed, narrower and sharper 54 POLYPODIACE.T] OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. ill fertile frond; veins uniform; texture coriaceous; sori nearly or quite marginal; involucre semicylindrical. Cagayan-Luzon, Warburg 12203; Mount Mariveles, Merrill 3715. Malaya and Polynesia. D. solida var. caudata C'av. (as species) ; pinnules more divided with narrower segments. Baguio, Toppmg 272, Elmer 6005. (7) D. bullata Wallich. Rhizome creeping, stout, densely clothed with light-brown or whitish fibrillose scales; stipe about 10 cm. high, erect, strong; frond 15 to 20 cm. long, almost as broad, deltoid, tri-quadripin- natifid; pinnules of the lower pinnse lanceolate, 5 to 8 cm. long, witli deeply inciso-pinnatifid oblong-rhomboidal segments; texture coriaceous; sori deeply half-goblet shaped, occupying the greater part of the tooth in which they are placed, marginal, with usually a horn on the outside. Benguet, Loher, Elmer 0490 — epiphj'tic on Pinus, fronds purplish. India to Korea and Celebes. (8) D. decurrens Hooker. Rhizome stout, creeping, densely fibrillose; stipe 10 to 15 cm. high, stout, erect; frond 30 to 60 cm. long, deltoid, tripinnatifid ; main rachis hardly at all winged at the apex; pinnules of the lower pinnae lanceolate-acuminate, 10 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. broad, cut down throughout Avithin a short distance of the rachis, with broadly- toothed linear-oblong segments; texture subcoriaceous; veins uniform; sori falling short of the margin; involucre half-cupshaped. Philippines. Resembles D. divaricata in the shape and position of the sori, but the frond less divided. (9) D. divaricata Bl. Rhizome creeping, stout, clothed with linear ferruginous scales; stipe 15 to 30 cm. liigh, firm, erect; frond 60 to 90 cm. long, tripinnatifid; lower pinnae often 30 cm. long by 15 cm. broad; segments deltoid, cut down to the rachis in the lower part, with linear- oblong, sharply toothed lobes; texture coriaceous; veins uniform, not conspicuous; sori half-cupshaped, placed obliquely as regards the central veins in the teeth at some distance from the edge. Montalban, Loher; Davao, Warburg 14137. India to Hongkong and Java. Best distinguished from D. solida and D. elegans by the position of the sori. (10) D. wagneriana Copeland. Rhizome stout, scandent, densely clothed with lanceolate, acuminate, appressed brown scales; stipe stout, scaly near the base, glabrous above, as is the thick, slightly winged rachis; frond 20 to 25 cm. high, 10 to 15 cm. broad, glabrous, coriaceous, tripinnatifid at the base only, the fertile narrower than the sterile; the lowest pinnae not larger than the succeeding, with a few distinct, deeply toothed equal pinnules at the base of each, followed by broadly linear, acutely toothed segments; sori usually a little deeper than broad, only rarely reaching the margin. Todaya, Davao, 1,100 m., Copeland 1300; epiphytic in the crown of high trees. l»AVALLIK.li: — .MUItnLKl'lA. 55 ( 17) MICROLEPIA I'n'sl. Rhizoino creeping, liairy, stijK-s lutt artifulatf to it (exc. .1/. riliata) ; sori neiir tlic iiiarj;in; indusiuiii usually as Wroad as loiifl. fastfiicd at the base and sides. 'I'li rest rial and epipliyt ic ferns of various aspect. As construed here, the genus ineludfs Wilnlin BitmIi. i .1/. pinndln and its varieties). 1. DavalUxlts : fronds sprlnte, stipes Jointed to rhizome (1) .W. cilialn 1. Wibclia; fronds clustered, trncheldes preaent In specialized receptacles of sorus (2) M. pinnala 1. Eumicrolcpia ; no tracheldes In receptacle, fronds seriate, not Jointed to rhizome. 2. Induslum as long a.-s broad, or longer. :{. Pinnules bluntly toothed (3) M. strigosa 3. Pinnules of lower pinnae Incised nearly to rachls (l) M- ihoinboidra 2. Induslum broader than long. 3. Frond glabrous. 4. Small, pinnules crenately lobed (.5) .V. philippinensis 4. Large, pinnules cut nearly to racbls (6) M. platyphyUa 3. Frond not glabrous (7) M. Spclunra (1) M. ciliata illk.l. Rhizome creeping, covered with soft, hrown hairs; stipe 10 cm. liij^li. firm, erect, pubescent; frond 30 to 4.5 cm. I«mg, half as broad, ovat«»laneeo!ate, tripinnatifid ; pinnie spreading, lanceolate, the central ones the largest, 10 cm. or more long, 2 to 4 cm. broad, cut down to a broadly winged rachis, with oblong pinnules cut about half way down with faleatr, nnuronate teeth: texture thinly herbaceous, flaccid; rachises and under surface softly hairy; sori 2 to 12 to a pinnule, very small, placed near the center of the teeth near the base. Luzon, Cnininy 174; Arayat 800 m., Loher. Tol. Rhizome short; stipes therefore clustered, not articulate to the rhizome; fronds at least bipinnate; ultimate divisions (in our species) cuneate; sori terminal, at or very near the truncate apex of the segment; indusium fixed by the base and sides. Two confused species. Normally terrestrial. l)A\ALI.Ii;.i: ODO.NTOSOKIA. i) ( (1) O. chinensis (l-.l •/. Sin. {Lindsaya tenuifolia (Sw.) Christ.) Rliizoiiit' stout, (.rc'c|)iii;,', ilcnscly tilnillosc ; stipo stout, erect, polished, linked, (hirk l)ro\vn, 1") to 'M) ciii. liij,'h ; froiul 'M) to 45 cm. Ion;,', half as broail, ovate, quadriiiinnal itiil ; luwir [lituia- ovuti'laiiccolMtc, 10 to l."i (•m. lonj:;, lialf as broad; ])imiiili's lanceolate, their sejjnieiits eiit down to the raehis below with tootheil cuneate lobes, texture subcoriaceous, both surfaces naked, the upper shining; sori terminal, usually solitary, often rather broader than deep. Toii^'lon, l.oOO ni., and Kilad. 1.200 m.. Lohrr lil ; Sampaloc, Tayabas, Warhurg 127G2, Nueva Kcija, Merrill 20.5. Madagascar to Japan and Polynesia. (2) O. retusa (Cav.) J. Sni. Stipes strong, erect, not prickly or climb- ing: frond tri|)iiiiiatifid ; lower pinna' .'?0 to 40 rin. long, 15 to 20 cm. broad: pinnuh's laiu'colate-deltoid. tiie lower segments the same shape, 5 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, cut down to the racliis below, cunneate; texture herbaceous; sori narrow, marginal, occupying the whole breadth of the lobes. Sampaloc. Tayabas, Warbiirfi 127t'>l ; Limutan. Morong, Loher 62; south- ern Luzon. Iktrintda 15; H.-nguet. Elmer 5J)17, 0004, Topping 3.34, 289; Da vac, Copeland 970 and 12t)0. To New Caledonia. (lOi DENNSTAEDTIA I'.ernliardi. Rhizome hair}', the stipes not articulate to it ; fronds at least bipin- nate; sori marginal; indiisium united with the margin of the frond to form a sharply differentiated globose receptacle. Rather large ferns, superficially resembling Dicksonia, and formerly included under it. 1. Rachises not prickly. 2. Sori at bottom of sinuses. 3. Lower surface tomentose-glandular (1) D. Smithii 3. Frond glabrous (2) D.cuneata 2. Sori on ends of teeth. 3. Rhizome creeping, frond tripinnatifld (3) D. acabra 1. Rachises prickly, rhizome scandent (4) D. scandens (li D. Smithii i Hk. i Christ. Frond tripinnate; lower pinna? 3 dm. long, 1 dm. broad; pinnules linear-acuminate, their divisions distinct, rather distant, narrow, acute, the lower ones 12 imn. long, 4 mm. broad, slightly inciso-pinnatifid; rachises and under surfaces densely tomentose- glandular; texture subcoriaceous; sori 2 to S to a segment; receptacle subglobose, cupshaped, 0.5 mm. across. Luzon, Cuming; Rizal, Loher; Davao, Warburg 14134. DeVore and Hoover 333, from Davao, is probably this species, but has the segments of the pinnies obtuse. Java, Formosa. (2) D. cuneata (Hk.) Christ. Frond ample, subdeltoid, quadrii)in- natifid; rachises stramineous, naked; pinna? lanceolate, 15 to 30 cm. long; pinnules close, short-stalked, lanceolate, 1 cm. broad: segments oblong- rhomboid, 2 to 4 mm. broad, inciso-pinnatifid, cuneate at base, sessile, more cut away on lower side; texture moderately firm; both sides green, 58 POLYPODIACE.'E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. glabrous; veins subflabellate ; sori at base of ultimate sinuses; receptacle cup-shaped, glabrous. Luzon, Cuming 231; ]\Iount Arayat, Loiter. Batjan. (.3) D. scabra (Wall.) Moore. Rhizome wide-creeping; stipe 30 cm. high, scabrous; frond 25 to 80 cm. high, deltoid or lanceolate, bipinnate; pinnae lanceolate; pinnules quite distinct, the lower ones cut down nearly to the rachis into numerous pinnatifid oblong deltoid segments, herbaceous or subcoriaceous ; rachis and both surfaces more or less hairy; sori 2 to 6 to the lower segments; receptacles cup-shaped, subglobose. Baguio, Loher. India to Celebes and Japan. (4) D. scandens (Bl.) Moore. Rhizome scandent; fronds sometimes several meters long, growing indefinitely at the apex, climbing by means of their pricklj' rachises, tripinnate, w'ith the segments bearing broad teeth, flaccid; sori small, placed in the sinuses. Davao, Warburg 14160. IMalaya and Polynesia. (20) MONACHOSORUM Kuntze. Rhizome short; stipes therefore clustered, not articulate to the rhizome; frond large, finely dissected ; sori a little below the tips of the veins, indusium wanting. The Philippine species is a fairly large terrestrial fern, of very doubtful affinity. (I) M. subdigitatum (BI.) Kuhn. Stipes tufted, firm, 20 to 50 cm. high, stramineous, glabrescent; frond 45 to 60 em. high, liardly as broad, quadripinnate; pinnae horizontal, the lowest 20 to 30 cm. long, 10 to 15 cm. broad; pinnules lanceolate, their segments cut down in turn to their rachis into divisions which in the lowest part of the frond are deeply bifid, pellucido-herbaceous, dark green, tiirning back in drying, glabrous; vein one in each ultimate segment, not reaching the margin; each vein bearing one sorus below its apex. Davao, Warburg 14178, DeVore and Hoover 323, Copeland 1032, 1143. India, Malaya. (21) SCHIZOLOMA Gaudichaud. Fronds in the Philippine species tufted, pinnate; pinnae not dimidiate; veins free; sori forming a continuous submarginal line, protected by the more or less inflexed margin and the continuous extrorse indusium. Our first species, not hitherto known from the Philippines, has the aspect of an Asplenium, and in its fructification is strikingly like Vittaria, to which genus it was first referred ; its nearest relatives are probably in Lindsaya. (I) S. divergens (Wall.) Diels. Stipes erect, about 10 cm. high, black, polished; frond 15 to 30 cm. high, 3 to 4 cm. broad; pinnae close, horizontal, except the lower ones which are strongly deflexed and much reduced, lanceolate, obtuse, entire, obliquely truncate on the lower side DA\ ALLli:.!': «CH1Z(>1J>.MA. .)'.) and obtusely auricled on tlit' upper at tlu- hasf, subooiiaceous, glabrous; veins inconspieuous, forked, costa wavy; sonM slij,'htly iiiterniptcd, or continuous aro\nid botli sides and tlie a|)ex. K-wii;; KiM'i-. i'arii;;iia, Mmill 7ti!l. Malaya. (2) S. heterophyllum iDiy.i ■!. Sm. Uliiziiort, creeping', clothed witli line, liinwii -.cales; stipes clustered erect, 5 to 15 cm. hij^li, naked, green above; imiid Ki to 20 cm. liif.'li, i)innate and lanceolate or bipinnate ami deltoid; piniwe ^emiorhieular and ti\ed Ity tlie middle of tlie straight side with radiate venation and cotitinuous -.ubmar^^inal imlusi\nn around the upper side, or triangular with indusium along two sides, or trapezoidal with usually contintU)Us indusiuui along upper and outer aides, outer acropetal angli' rounded or acute, margin entire or finely toothed, papyra- ceous, glabrous: veins free except in s(uus, or anastomosing more freely. An exceedingly xaiinble fnii. some of whose forms are lianlly distinguish- able from Liiidsiij/d. Luzon, Ctttiiiny 27"); Mnmit .\lari\ele.s, Copclnnd l.'JTo, Whilforfl 11C2, Topping 351. Mniiritius to Honkong and Malaya. (22) LINDSAYA Dryander. Rhizome short or creeping, stipes not articulate to it; fronds at least pinnate; the lower half of each pinna (or pinnule) almost or quite undeveloped, the "midril)" tin relore miming along tiie entire lower margin; sori along or near the upper margin; indusia fixed by the base. Small ferns, terrestrial or e])iphytic, superficially resembling Adidntum. I. Veins free. 2. Fronds once pinnate. 3. Upper edge of pinnje entire or lobed less than half way to costa. 4. Rhizome stout and scandent. 5. Simple sori about as deep as broad. , 6. Upper margin, of pinna entire or lobed (1) L. repcns 6. Pinna cleft nearly to rachis (2) L. hymcnophylloUles 5. Sori narrow. 6. In an unbroken line (3) L. scandcns 6. In a broken marginal line (4) L. pcctinata 6. Submarginal in the lobes.. (5) L. Merrillii 4. Rhizome not stout and scandent. 5. Pinnjp less than 1 cm. long. 6. Frond very narrowly linear (6) L. (jracillima 6. Frond not narrowly linear. 7. Stipe flexuous, pin- nae somewhat au- rlcled (7) L. ovata 60 P0LYP0DIACE.5] OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 7. Pinnae not auricled. 8. Lamina very thin (8) L. concirma 8. Lamina sub- coriaceous .. (9) L. montana ■ 5. Larger pinnae more than 1 cm. long. 6. Upper edge of pinnae very shallowly lobed (10) L. ciiUrata 6. Lobed one-third of way to costa (11) L. adiantoidcs 3. Pinnae deeply bifid (12) L. lohcriana 3. Pinnae repeatedly cleft to the costa. 4. Rhizome stout (2) L. hymenophyUoidcs 4. Rhizome filiform (13) L. capiUavea 2. Fronds when fully developed bipinnate. 3. Upper edge of pinnules entire, pinnules deep ■. (14) L. Laiicea 3. Shallowly lobed (15) L. rigida 3. Cleft nearly to the winged costa (16) L. triquctra 3. Cleft to the filiform costa (17) L. blumeaiia (Diels puts the preceding two species in the next section.) 1. Veins anastomosing : Synaphlebmw. 2. Anastomoses well below the sori. 3. PinnEe dimidiate at base only (18) L. Sarasinoruni 3. Dimidiate throughout. 4. Lobed one-third of depth (19) L. davallioides 4. Almost entire (20) L. lobata 2. Anastomoses in the sori only. 3. Rhizome stout '. (21) L. apoensis 3. Rhizome filiform ,. (22) L. pulchella (1) L. repens (Desv.) Christ (DavaUia Desv., H. and B.). Rhizome wide-creeping, paleaceous, climbing; frond simply pinnate, 20 to 45 cm. long, 2 to 4 cm. wide; pinnae 1 cm. long, about half as broad as deep, the lower line slightly curved, oblique at base, the upper rounded, nearly entire or crenately lobed; texture pellucido-herbaceous ; sori marginal, large, about as broad as deep, often confluent in the not crenate form. Luzon, Hdetike, Cuming 50; Mount Mariveles, 1,400 m., Loher 59; Davao, Warburg 14109 and 14182. India and Mauritius across Polynesia. Very variable in size. (2) L. hymenophylloides Blume. Rhizome scandent, 1 to 1.5 mm. thick, paleaceous; frond sessile, simply pinnate, larger ones 20 cm. long, 2.5 cm. wide; pinnae 15 mm. long, 6 mm. deep, cut down to a winged costa into linear-cuneate, entire or forked segments, each bearing 1, or rarely 2, roundish sori ; texture membranaceous, entire frond glabrous. Mount Mariveles, Merrill 3220, Copeland 229, at 1,200 m. altitude. Java and New Caledonia. Regarded by Hooker and Baker as probably a variety of L. repens. Put by Diels into § Synaphlebium ; but our material has free veins. (3) L. scandens Hooker, Sp. Fil. I p. 205 t. 63 B. Rhizome stout, wide-creeping, scandent, paleaceous; frond 20 to 30 cm. long, 4 cm. broad. I)A\ Al.IJK.K — MNHSAVA. 61 simply pinnate; pinna' - cm. lon^'. lli mm. lnoad, tin- lower line slij^litly tleeurveil, tiu- upper rounded, entire, the point l)roiidly rounded, placed in a lony row cdose toj^etlier, l>ut not imbrieate; texture pidlucido lierbaeeous ; costa marginal; sori in a continuous marginal line. Pliilip|)incs, CumiiKj ; Mcuint l);L;.':it p:iii. Davao, WHiliuifi 14142. Malay Peninsula. Said to l)e sonietinir> liipiiinate, JMit very douKl fully distinct from L. pectinata. The two characterized l>y tin- stout scandent rhizome. (4) L. pectinata Hlume. Khizome stout, scandent, paleaceous; stipe erect, very ^hort : lowei- fronds SO cm. long, 3 cm. broad, simply pinnate; pinna' 1") ihtu. long, (i mm. deep, the lower line nearly straight, the Mp|ier margin rnund. slightly cri-nate, the point Muiit. close together but not imbricate; texture pelhicjilo lierbaceous; sori in an interru])ted line along the upper edge. Luzon, Cuiniini lH(i; Ma(|uiling. I.olirr CO: em. high; froiul narrowly linear, about 320 by 0 mm., pinnate, glabrous; pinnse stalked, triangular or rhom- boidal. 4 nmi. wide, 3 mm. deep, lower margin straight, upper rounded, entire, or when sterile crenate, the lowest pinuic minute: texture herba- ceous; veins free, flabellate; s«ri marginal, more often continuous. Caraballo Sur, Luzon, Mcnill 287, on shady groiuid. altitude, 800 m. (7) L. ovata .T. Sm. Rhizome short-creeping; stipe .") to 8 cm. high, wiry, tiexuose, black; frond 10 to 15 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, simply pinnate; pinna> 8 nun. long, 4 mm. deep, not imbrieate, the lower ones with their own breadth between tliem. luirizontally ciMong, the point very blunt, the lower side oliliquely truncate at the base, the upper slightly auricled; texture subcoriaccous; sori in a continuous marginal line. Luzon, Cuming 175. (8) L. conclnna 1. Sm. Rhizome short-creeping; stipe 1.5 to 7 cm. long, wiry, end ; liond l(t to 30 cm. long. 12 to 17 mm. broad, simply pinnate; larger piinia- 7 nun. long, 4 mm. deep, very blunt on the outer 62 POLYPODIACE-E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. edge, the upper edge very slightly crenate, the upper ones close together, but scarcely imbricate; texture pellucido-herbaceous; sori in a continuous or slightly interrupted line along the upper edge. Luzon, Cuming 198; Tonglon, Loher 51; Gubat, Baranda 18, Lamao River, Bataan Province, Merrill 3779, Copeland 271, 231, 228 (with remote pinnae), Gimogon River, Negros, Copeland G7, 52 (pinnae imbricate). Borneo. Baker says this is merely a varietj' of L. citltrata. (9) L. montana Copeland. Rhizome very short-creeping; ferruginous- scaly; stipes 1 to 3 cm. high, tufted, slender, flexuous, red brown below, upward becoming straw color and almost glabrous, like the rachis; frond 3 to 6 cm. high, 1.5 cm. broad, pinnate; pinnae stalked, 9 mm. broad, 6 mm. deep, the lower ones very deflexed, their lower margin reflex-arcuate, upper margin round, entire or incised, general shape semiorbicular, upper pinnae smaller, ascendent, with acute bases; texture coriaceo-meinbrana- ceous; veins free, flabellate; sori submarginal, usually continuous. Mount Mariveles, altitude, 1,100 m., Copeland 230, terrestrial. Different from L. concinna in the much shorter fronds, and deflexed, firmer, and much deeper pinnae. (10) L. cultrata Swartz, Syn. 119. Rhizome short-creeping; stipe 3 to 6 cm. long, wiry, flexuose, rich brown; frond about 20 cm. long, about 2 cm. broad, simply pinnate; largest pinnae 12 mm. long, 6 mm. deep, not imbricate, the lower margin straight or slightly curved, usually upwards, the upper edge slightly lobed, so that the continuity of the line of the fructification is broken, sometimes nearly entire, pinnse stalked; texture coriaceo-membranaceous. Luzon, Cuming 05. 243; Davao, Loher 50; Copeland 1268; Hinay-Gate, Baranda 19; Benguet, Topping 197, 308. ^ladagascar and Himalayas to Queenslantl and perhaps Japan. L. cultrata Sw. var. varia Copeland. Differs from the type in the much shorter frond and stipe, membranous texture, and very variable form of the pinnie. Baguio, on rocks along streams, apparentl}' common, Elmer 6003, Top- ping 191, 198. (11) L. adiantoides J. Sm. [L. humilis Kuhn). Stipes nearly tufted, black, polislied, wiry, 2 to 5 cm. high; frond 10 to 15 cm. long, about 2 cm. broad, simply pinnate; pinnae 1 cm. long, G mm. deep, the upper imbricate, the lower edge straight or slightly curved, the upper rounded and broadly lobed about one-third of the way down; texture pellucido- herbaceous; sori marginal in the lobes. Camarines Sur, Cuming 176; southern Luzon, Baranda 17. Java. (12) L. loherlana Christ, Bull. Herb. Bois. 6(1898) :144. Rhizome short-creeping, firm; stipes 2 cm. long, fasciculate, terete, slender but firm and erect, base purple; frond 12 cm. long, 1 cm. wide, lanceolate- acuminate, simply pinnate; pinnae alternate on 2 mm. long petioles, 5 mm. long, triangular-cuneate, lower edge entire, upper deeply bifid; lobes broadly cuneate, with evident, forked, free veins; sori terminal, single ltA\ ALlJi:.]; — MNliS.WA. Go or it of !i siinill ami >iini>!e fm in <'\ I,. riridiN (ol. (!.■}) L. capiilacea Ciirist. Hull, iirii.. Hnis. 6 ( IS!)H ) : 144. Kliizoino filiform, cieciiiiii; ami iiitertw iiied ; >{i\h- I.") niiii. loii^r. tllifonii, fuscescent, rachist f;reen : frond 1 dm. loiifi, 1 em. wide, linear lanceolate, acuminate, weak, liac'cid, .sul>l)i|>innate ; [linna' allernate. ."> mm. loiifj, ohlony-triaiifjular, lower ed^'e entire with co.sta close to it. U])i»er e(I;;e incised almost or (|uite to the costa into '.i or 4 erect se^^ments wiiich are linear, narrowed upward, the lower segments forked: sori -mall, terminating the segments, flanked on each side by acute teetli. Ma(|uilinf,'. T.OO to 1.000 m.-. Loher .57; Bapuio, Elmer 0020. The dissected sterile fronds adveiitive on old rhizomes of //. jiictiiKihi resemlile this plant. I 14) L. Lancea il.. ) (lirist t [.. trnprz'iformis Pry.). Rhizome short- creepinji:: ^tipe stronji. er»'ct. 14 cm. long, green except at base; frond 10 to 20 cm. long, with a long entire |)oint and 1 to 4 pairs of rather rigidly erecto-pateni luaiiche-., pinna' i|iiiimile>i about 2..'> cm. Iimil;. 1 cm. deep, the lower line nearly straight or curved dowiiwards. the u|)|)er rounded, entire, closely placed, but scarcely imbricate; texture pellueido herbaceous; sori in a ctmtinuous line below the upper margin. Negros, Gimogon River, Copeland tl(!: Davao, Loher 'rl. Tropical America. Ceylon. Malay ri'gion. (15) L. rigida -1. Sni. Khizome wide-creeping; stipe lo tn 1.") cm. liigii, rigid, erect, prickly towards the base; frond with a long unbranclird central point ami 1 to 4 pairs of flexuose lateral branches, 10 to 20 cm. long: ]>itiimles )i to ,S mm. broad, 4 mm. deej), the lower edge often falc.ite, the upper three or four times blinitly. not (h'cply lobed. placed close together but not imbricated; texture very thick and coriaceous; veins prominent; sori in a marginal line on the lobes. Davao, Lolier .lo ; l.uzon. linrdiidn 20. Malay Peninsula. The color of the mature frond is sepia brown, and the |)ale veins stand out froni the groundwork in relief. (I(!) L. triquetra (Baker) Christ (/.. tennifitlin \\\.) . Khizome creeping, fibrillose; stipe strong, erect, 10 to 1.') cm. high: frond with 2 to 7 jiairs of pinna' and a ti'imiiial one; lateral pinna' spreading, with subrigid rachiscs, 10 cm. long. 1 to 2 cm. broad; ])innules cut down on the upi)ei- side into narrow simple or forked linear segments widl toward the marly straight costa; texture pellucido-herbaceous, both surfaces naked; sori small, terminal on the segments; indusium suborbicular. Leyte, Ciiiiiixfi 300; Davao. Loher .58. Java to Samoa. (17> L. blumeana (Hk.). Rhizome creeping; stipe 10 to 1.') cm. high, strong, erect; frond 20 to 30 cm. long, 1.") to 20 cm. broad, bipinnate; pinna' rigid, ereeto-patent, 10 to 1.") cm. long. 1 cm. broad; ]>imiules thinly herbaceous, cut down on the upper side into very slender tiliform simple 64 POLYPODIACE^ OF THE PHILIPriNE ISLANDS. or forked segments to a recurved filiform rachis; sori small, nearly terminal on the dilated apices of the segments; involucre suborbicular. Epiphytic. Leyte, Cuming 309. Celebes, Java. (18) L. Sarasinorum Christ, Ann. Bot. Buitenzorg. 15:101. Rhizome short-creeping; stipe 12 cm. high, reddish brown, clustered, brown-squa- niulose, as is the rachis; the rest of the plant glabrous, herbaceous in texture; frond 8 to 12 cm. long, simply pinnate or tripartite; pinnse (pinnules) halved at the base, becoming equilateral toward the apex; narrowly oval or rhomboidal, up to 3 cm. long, strongly bent outward, on the outside lobed into 4 or 5 lobes, which are often forked, broad, obtuse, with a thick, brown, apical sorus; veins freely anastomosing near the base, free toward the margin. Maquiling, Loher. Celebes. Differs from L. davallioides in that the pinnae are longer, narrower, arcuate-deflexed, and not dimidiate at the apex, and the lobes broader, deeper, and often forked. (19) L. davallioides Blume. Rhizome short-creeping; stipe 6 to 12 cm. high, firm, erect; frond with a long central point and one to three pairs of spreading curved branches. 4 to 8 cm. long; pinnae 1 cm. long, 5 mm. broad, the lower margin straight or slightly curved, the upper with 3 to 6 regular trimcate lobes one-third the depth of the pinnae, placed close together but not imbricated; texture pellucido-herbaceoiis; veins anastomos- ing below the base of the lobes; sori marginal in the lobes. Castillo, 800 m., Loher .53; Daet and Gubat, Baramla 16; Mount Mari- veles, Copeland 1380. Malay region. (20) L. lobata Poir. Rliizome short-creeping; stipe 10 to 20 cm. high, firm, erect; frond simply pinnate or with a long unbranched apex, and 1 to 6 pairs of erecto-patent branches, 7 to 20 cm. long; pinnules 10 to 13 cm. long, half as broad, the lower decurved principally at the base, the outer margin rounded, the upper entire or incised enough to interrupt the sorus, close-placed, but not imbricated; texture thinly pellucido-herbaceous; veins anastomosing; sori marginal. Luzon, Steere ; Paragua, Merrill 713. India to Polynesia and Queensland. Much resembling L. davallioides in general appearance, but the pinnules are deeper and not so much lobed. (21) L. apoensis Copeland. Rhizome 1 mm. thick, scandent, ferru- ginous, almost glabrous; stipes 12 to 18 cm. high, straight or flexuous, stovit, the bottom rich brown, upward green and nearly glabrous, as is the rachis: frond about 20 cm. high, 6 cm. broad, pinnate; pinnae short- stalked, glabrous, herbaceous, the larger ones 40 by 7 mm., the lower margin arcuate, the upper incised into usually linear lobes, more deeply toward the end of the pinna; veins free except sometimes in the sori; sori small, roundish, just below the tip of the lobe. 1)A\ ALMK.T: LIN USA YA. 05 Mount Apo, Minilanao, altitude 1,(500 in., Copehiml llSl, DcVore and Hoover ;U'>.'>. (22) L. pulchella (Ilk.) [Ihivallia § Odontoloma Hooker). Rhizome slender, wide creepinj,', and much branched; stipe slender, wiry, erect, naked, reddish brown below, 2 to 4 cm. lonjj; frond 15 to 25 cm. long, 10 to 17 nun. broad; piniiiB slightly stalked, larger one3 8 mm. across, 5 mm. deep, the lower or all more or less curved upward, oldique at the base, the upper cut into 2 to 3 blunt lobes or entire; texture membra- naceous, rachis and both surfaces naked; sori small, placed in the lobes at a short distance from the edge; veins sometimes anastomosing at the apex, and then their sori confluent. "Manila," .Y<5c, Cumiufj 217; Davao. ^yarhurg 141S0, Copeland 991 and II 10, altitude, 4,000 and 0,000 feet; Baguio, Elmer 0019. Fiji, Samao. 2408(i 5 IV. A8PLENIE.^^. Sori superficial (not in grooves), springing from tlie sides of the fertile veins; indusium opening on tlie side away from the vein, or wanting; stipe not articulate to the rhizome. 1. Sori born along lateral veins or veinlets, not parallel to the midrib. 2. Indusium wanting. 3. Veins free, fronds pinnate (23) Coniogramme 3. Veins anastomosing, fronds simple. 4. Sori anastomosing copiously (24) Hemionitis 4. Sori seldom or never anastomosing. 5. Veins invisible, anastomosing through- out (25) Loxogramme 5. Veins visible, anastomosies marginal.... (26) Syngramme 2. Indusium present. 3. Veins forming regular areolae. 4. Indusium opening along its margin (27) CaUiptcris 4. Indusium rupturing irregularly (28) AUantodia 3. Veins free (unless at the margin). 4. Some sori double, on both sides of a vein, the free sides opening (29) Diplazium 4. All sori simple (30) Asplenium 4. Sori between two veins, indusia attached to veins, opening along middle (31) Triplilehia 1. Sori parallel to midribs (Blechnece) . 2. Indusium wanting, rhizome scandent (32) Stenochlacna 2. Indusium present, mostly terrestrial. 3. Veins free between sori and margin (33) Blechmon 3. Veins anastomosing between sori and margin (34) Woodwanlta (23) CONIOGRAMME F6e. Rhizomes creeping; fronds pinnate or bipinnate, glabrous, fertile frond nowise differentiated; veins pinnately arranged, forked, in Philippine material free; sori covering the veins from the midrib to well toward the margin, exindusiate, without paraphyses. Large terrestrial ferns, thin in texture. (1) C. fraxinea (Don) Fee {Gijmnogramme Javanica Bl.). Stipe 0.3 to 1.2 m. high, naked unless at the base, stramineous or brown, polished; frond about 1 m. high, broadly lanceolate, pinnate or bipinnate; pinnae (or pinnules) .short-stalked, the upper sessile, lanceolate, long-acuminate, entire or serrate, herbaceous; veins mostly once forked; sori along all of them. 66 Asi'r.K.viK.i: — ('(ini(h;i; AMMi:. 67 Baguio, Elmer (idiii; Ar.iviit, Lnhrr ; Davao, Copeland OSO, ll:{.'>. Tropical Africa across .Malaya to Hawaii. Two reasonable (listiiict I'liilippiiie ferns are inchnled In-re, one entire anli', ami entire or merely sinuate, fertile and sterile alike; veins pinnately arranged, simple or forked, anastomosing near the margin only; sori in imbroken straight rows along the veins, naked. Terrestrial ferns, notable for their ample simple fronds. (1) S. vittaeformis J. Sm. Stipes suhtuftt-d, not very tall, naked, flexuose, dark brown; fnm.l JO to 30 cm. tall. ■> to ti cm. broad, spatulate- oblong, irregularly repand, acute, coriaceous, glabrous; veins line, parallel, forming one or two rows of distinct areola; near the edge; sori extending from the midrib to the margin. Samar, Cuming 329. (2) S. alismaefolia (Prcsl) J. Sm. Rhizome short, clothed with minute chestnut liairs; stipes 20 to 60 cm. high, firm, polished, chestnut- brown; frond 15 to 25 cm. long, 6 to 10 cm. broad, acuminate, entire, witli roimded base, coriaceous, glabrous; veins fine, indistinct where they unite, near the margin; sori on all tlie veins, from the midrib to where they unite. Luzon, Haenke; Gimogon River, Negios, Copeland 75. Singapore. (3) S. Wallichii Hooker (sub Gymnogram.) . Rhizome creeping under- ground; stipes subfascicled, 15 to 40 cm. high, ebeneous; fronds subco- riaceous-membranaceous, simple, 15 to 25 cm. long, 3 to 5 cm. broad in the middle, broadly lanceolate or subelliptico-acuminate, entire, cuneate- attenuate at the base; veins numerous, approximate, simple or forked, anastomosing only near the margin, forming rarely more than 2 series of oblong, hexagonal areolae; sori narrowly linear, on all the straight veins, but hardly extending to the anastomosing ones. Distinguished from .S'. alismaefolia by the longer fronds and the tapering base. Jolo Archipelago, Burhidge. Singapore and Borneo. (27) CALLIPTERIS Bory. Rhizome short, erect; fronds accordingly in clusters, simple, pinnate, or bipinnate; veins from neighboring clusters anastomosing; sori as in Diphizium, that on the lowest acropetal branch double, the others single as in Asplaiium. Terrestrial ferns, mostly with large glabrous fronds. Callipteris is combined with Diplazium by Diels, and both are included in Asplenium in Synopsis Filicum. Underwood says twelve species are known from the Philippines. Beside those here described, Presl enumerates Microstcgia ambigua, M. serrulatn, and Callipteris attenuata. 1. Simple, or with terminal pinnre like lateral. 2. Cordate, lateral plnnee at most 2 pairs (1) C. cordifoUa 2. Not cordate. 3. Lateral plans at most 3 pairs, veins about 3 together (2) C. aliamaefolia 3. Lateral pinnae at most 6 pairs, veins 4 to 8 together (3) C. eUgans 70 POLYPODIACE^ OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 3. Lateral pinnae more than 6 pairs, veins mostly 2 together (4) C. pariens 1. Pinnate with pinnatifid apex (5) C. prolifera 1. Twice or more pinnate (6) C. escu2enta (1) C. cordifolia (Blunie) J. Sm. Stipes clustered, 20 cm. long, firm, erect, scaly below; frond 30 cm. long, 10 cm. broad, entire, cordate, acu- minate, coriaceous; veins in close groups of about 4, anastomosing copiously in the outer half of the pagina; sori reaching from the midrib to the margin. Less frequently there are one or two pairs of smaller lateral pinnae {Diplazium integri folium Blume). Leyte, Cuming 307. Africa to Polynesia. (2) C. alismaefolia J. Sm. Hook. Journ. Bot. 3:409. Stipes 5 to 15 cm. high, firm, erect, scaly througliout; frond varying in shape from simple, oblong-lanceolate, 15 to 25 cm. long, 5 to 8 cm. broad, entire, acuminate, to ternate or pinnate, with a large terminal and three pairs of lateral pinnse, each like the entire frond of the simple state, coriaceous; veins about three to a group in the inner half, but anastomosing copiously with hexagonal areolae toward the edge. Luzon, Cuming 116; Davao, Warburg 14115 (simple), 14102 (trifoliate), 14177 (pinnate). Celebes. Although Presl separates this plant as the genus Ochlogramme from the neighboring two, it is too near them for easy specific separation by the descriptions. (3) C. elegans J. Sm. Hooker's Journ. Bot. 3:400. (First described as Anisogonium elegans Presl, Epim. Bot. p. 93. Asplenium lineolatum ^lett. in SjTi. Fil.) Stipes 15 to 25 cm. high, firm, erect, gray, scaly below; frond occasionally simple, usually with a terminal pinna and 3 to G pairs of lateral ones, which are 15 to 30 cm. long, 5 cm. or more broad, entire, often suddenly acuminate, coriaceous; rachis naked; veins 4 to 8 to a cluster, uniting slightly toward the edge. Luzon, Cuming 276; Leyte, Cuming 305 {A. grossa Presl). Malaya. (4) C. pariens Copeland. Caudex black, clothed with lanceolate, dark brown paleae 8 mm. long; stipe channeled, about 35 cm. high, black and somewhat scaly at the base, like the rachis above, green and clothed with very minute fibrils; pinnae in the type 11 pairs, those of the lower half of the frond larger, 10 cm. long, 4 cm. broad, ovate, acuminate, base rovmded, short stalked, entire, subcoriaceous, glabrous; terminal pinna like the lateral; upper axils bearing bulbils which grow into yoimg plants before falling; veins once or twice forked, anastomosing and indistinct in the marginal third of the blade; sori linear, straight, extending as far as the veins are distinct. Todaya, Davao, altitude 1,100 m., Copeland 1287. (5) C. prolifera Bory (Asplenium decussatum Swartz, Syn. Fil.). Stipe 20 to 40 cm. tall, firm, erect, muricate; frond 40 to 120 cm. tall, Asi'hKMK.K — rALi.iriKias. ( 1 witli inmi.ious piiiniv iiml u hiii,'.' |iimi:ii iliil tcnninal scgnu-nt; pinniK 8 to 20 em. Iniijr. .$."> to ."> cin. hioail, I'litire or sciiiitc or sli<.'lit]y lohnd, acuniiiiiitf, the lowiT .stalkctl, tlie uii|H'r senile and somcf iiiics inolifciniis ; vi'ins in iiiiinate groups, tlic veinlets from noiphborin;.' v.iiis nnitiii;,' to form a series of arclies; sori on all tln'-c vcinlct-, Imt tlir veins running,' from tlie eosta to tlie margin stcrili". Luzon and J.eyte, Cuiniiitf ."{(KJ ; l?aeo River. Mindoro, MmiU ITTti; Davao, Copeland (503, 94!); San Ramon, Zamboanpa, Copeland 737. Africa across Polynesia. ((() C. esculenta (Ketz). Caudex sometimes risinj; al«>ve tlie ground; stipes :W to (■((» em. liigli. firm green, almost smootli : fruiting fronds 80 to l.")!! em. IiIliIi. lialf as wide, hipiimate; iiiiinulrs more or less lobod, acute, truncate at base, sometimes auricled, glabrous, herbaceous; veins pinnate running directly from costa to margin, sterile, tlicir branches bearing sori. anastomosing in pairs from neighl)oring veins forming a series of small mclii's. Luzon, flacnke; Manila. Lohrr; Warhury 1274tl: Province of Pataan, Merrill 2542, 25.52; Carranglang, Merrill 280; Penguet, Topping 210; Davao. Copeland G04. India to Malaya and Formosa. The young plants are eaten as greens by uatives everywhere, called "Paco." (28) ALLANTODIA K. Brown (in part). Veins forming 2 or 3 series of areolfc in the marginal lialf of the lamina and ending in an intramarginal cross-vein; sori running from near tlie costa to the first areola; indusium fastened all round its margin, and vuiit\iring irregularly when the spores mature. A single terrestrial fern, apparently related to Callipteris. The first plant described in this genus has since been placed in Asplenium § Athyrium; but the genus is now universally recognized as defined here. (1) A. javanica (Blume) Beddonie. Rhizome short; stipe about 30 cm. liigli; frond :!(i to GO cm. high, half as broad, pinnate; pinnie lance- olate, entire or serrulate at the apex, glabrous, membranaceous. Davao. Warburfi 14118. India across Polynesia. (29) DIPLAZIUM Swartz. Rhizome creeping, or more often erect; fronds simple to tripinnate; veins free; the lowest acroscopic branch of each vein bearing a double sorus, the other fertile veinlets bearing single sori on the side facing the apex of the vein the veinlet springs from, as in Asplenium. Mostly robust terrestrial ferns. Palete often harsh and dark ; main roots usually stout and black. 72 POLYPODIACE^ OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. On some species, and on sparsely fruiting fronds of others, the lowest pinnae are sterile, and the sori present are all of the Asplenium type. 1. Simply pinnate. . 2. Pinnae entire or nearly so. 3. Pinnas few. 4. Terminal pinna like lateral. 5. Sori reaching margin (1) D. bantamense 5. Sori remote from margin (2) D. palauanense 4. Apex pinnatifid (3) D. cultratum 3. Pinnae 8 or more pairs. 4. Veins once or twice forked. 5. Frond membranous (4) D. camarinuvi 5. Frond subcoriaceous (5) D. pallidum 4. Veinlets more numerous (6) D. sylvaticum 2. Pinnae lobed. 3. Upper half of pinna the more developed. 4. Stipe and rachis more or less hairy (7) D. grammitoides 4. Rachis naked, stipe nearly so (8) D. japonicuin 3. Pinnae equilateral. 4. Rachis naked unless at base. 5. Small, pinnae less than 10-jugate (9) D. bulbifcrum 5. Large, pinnae more than 10- jugate (10) D. speciosum 4. Rachis fibrillose or hairy. 5. Lower pinnae sessile (11) P. sorsogonense 5. Lower pinnae stalked (12) D. petiolare 1. Frond barely bipinnate (13) D. brachypodum 1. Frond copiously bipinnate. 2. Pinnules lobed less than half way to costa. 3. Rachis naked, stipe nearly so (14) D. cyatheaefolium 3. Rachis naked, stipe scaly below (15) D. latifolium 3. Rachis and stipe tomentose (16) D. vestitum 2. Pinnules lobed more than half way to costa. 3. Fronds less than 50 cm. tall (17) D. deltoideum 3. Fronds 1 m. or more tall. 4. Sori reaching nearly to margin (18) D. meyenianum 4. Sori falling well short of edge. 5. Rachis green (19) D. polypodioides 5. Rachis ebeneous (20) D. ebenum (1) D. bantamense Blume. Rhizome short, stout, scaly; stipe 15 to 30 cm. high, scaly at the base, firm, erect, stramineous; frond 20 to 40 cm. high, rarely simple, usually with a large terminal pinna and 1 to 3 pairs of similar but usually smaller lateral ones; pinnse 1 to 2 dm. long, broadly lanceolate, entire or nearly so, acute or acuminate, narrowed to an almost sessile base, glabrous, coriaceous; veins forked about three times ; diplazioid sori extending from the midrib nearly to the margin. Sablan, Elmer; Rizal, Ramos; Negros, Copeland 60, 80; Balabac Island, Steere. Himalayas, Hongkong, Malaya. (2) D. palauanense Copeland. Stipe firm, 30 to 40 cm. high, black and black-scaly at the base, stramineous or bro^vn above, glabrous; frond 30 to 60 cm. high, pinnate, terminal and lateral pinnse alike; pinnae about G pairs, alternate, remote, larger ones 30 cm. long, rather narrowly lanceolate. ASl'l.KMK-i: DIl'I.A/H.M. 73 acute, obscurely senate, glabrous, coriaceous, the lower ones short stalked; veiii3 2 or 3 times forked; sori linear, not reaching the margin, raiaiinii, in open wootls; altitude, "jOO m., Mrrrill 74ti. (3) D. cultratum Tnsl Epim. Bot., p. 84. Stipes tufted, 10 to 15 cm. high, gray, naked, or the upper part and the rachis bearing a short hyaline horizontal pubescence; frond 15 to 25 cm. iiigh, half as liroad, pinnate with pinnalilid apex; pinnie 3 to 5 pairs, oblong-ovate, acute, subfalcate, nearly entire, narrowed abruptly at base, and auricled, the lower stalked, coriaceous, glabrous; veins twice forked; sori linear, reaching the edge but not the midrib. Luzon, Cumin ff lOf), Steerc. (4) D. camarinum liaker. Stipe and rachis dull brown, naked; frond oblong, simply pinnatf. ."iO to 45 cm. long. 15 to 25 cm. broad; pinme 8 to 12 pairs, distant, stalked, linear-ligulate, acute, crenate, 10 to 15 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, rather reduced on lower side, rounded on both sides at base, lowest not reduced, membranous, glabrous, dull green; veins distinct, in close, little ascending pairs, posterior forked, anterior simple; sori reaching from costa to edge, indusium persistent. South Camarines, Cuming. (5) D. pallidum Blume. Stipe 15 to 30 cm. high, firm, erect, naked; frond 30 to 00 em. long, 15 to 30 cm. broad, with numerous horizontal pinnie on each side, the lower ones stalked, 4 cm. apart, 8 to 15 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, base rounded especially on the upper side, edge often sharply toothed, subcoriaceous ; veins once or twice forked; sori in regular lines from the costa very nearly to the edge. Davao, terrestrial in the forest, Copeland 95G. JIalaya. The Davao fern is larger in every way than this description, copied from Synopsis Filicum, states, but otherwise agrees perfectly. (6) D. sylvaticum Swartz Syn. Fil., p. 92. C'audex decumbent or erect, stout, short, bearing crowded stout roots; stipes 10 to .SO cm. high, firm, erect, scaly at the base only; frond 20 to 40 cm. high, half as broad, pinnate with pinnatifid apex; pinnse numerous but not crowded, acute, broadly but shallowly lobed and lobes entire or obscurely toothed, rather abruptly narrowed at the base, mostly stalked, glabrous, subcoriaceous, pale beneath; veins pinnate-forked; sori not quite reaching the margin. "Luzon," Haenke; Montalban, LoUcr ; Mount Mariveles, Copeland 238, ^yhitford 234; Davao, Copeland G72, 701. Pantropic. The plants with erect root stalks and those with decumbent ones are undoubtably the same species. (7) D. grammitoides Presl Epim. Bot., p. 84. Rhizome wide-creeping slender, cluitly; slipos 10 to 20 cm. high, gray-green, clothed throughout with light, slender scales; frond 15 to 25 cm. high, about 7 cm. wide, pinnate below, pinnatifid above; pinnae acute, sessile, subauriculate; gla- brous, membranaceous, cut half way to the costa into entire or dentate 74 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. lobes; A^eins 4 to 7 forked; sori copious, the simjile ones linear-oblong, the diplazioid oblong. Luzon, Cuming 56; Baguio, Topping 156, Loiter. Malay Islands. Presl says Diplazium tenerum is a related species from Leyte, Cuming 333 in part. (8) D. japonicum Thunb. Rhizome slender, wide-creeping; stipe 15 to 30 cm. high, stramineous or brownish, slightly scaly towards the base; frond 25 to 35 cm. long, 10 to 15 broad, ovate-lanceolate, with 8 to 10 rather distant pinnse below the pinnatifid apex, the lower ones sessile, 10 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, cut down in the lower part two-thirds of the way to the costa into close, oblong, slightly toothed lobes, herbaceous, nearly naked, both surfaces, bright green; veins about 6 on each side in the lower lobes, with sori on each reaching two-thirds of the way to the edge, the lowest 3 mm. long, indusium broad, brown, tumid. Davao, Warhtirg 14125. •Tapan and Formosa to the Himalayas. (9) D. bulbiferum Brack. (Aspleniiim Brakenridgei Bak.). Stipes 15 to 25 cm. high, lirm, grayish, naked; frond 30 to 45 cm. long, 15 to 25 cm. broad, the apex pinnatifid, below this 6 to 9 pinnae on each side, the lower ones 3 to 5 cm. apart and distinctly stalked, 10 to 12 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, acuminate, sharply .serrate, cut down one-third of the way to the costa into blunt incised lobes 6 mm. broad, subcoriaceous; veins pinnate in the lobes; sori in long lines, reaching to the edge. Philippines, Cuming 333, 388. Fiji. This is possibly D. tenerum Presl, from Leyte. (10) D. speciosum Blume. Stipes tufted, 30 cm. or more long, firm, erect, stramineous or brownish, nearly naked; frond 30 to 60 cm. long, 20 to 30 cm. broad, with 10 to 20 pairs of pinnae below the pinnatifid apex, the lower ones often stalked, 10 to 15 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, very acviminate, lobed down at least two-thirds of the waj' to the costa into close slightly toothed lobes 6 mm. broad, truncate or subcuneate at base, herba- ceous but firm ; veins pinnate in the lobes ; sori reaching nearly to the edge. Philippines, according to Synopsis Filicum. Malaya, Hongkong. (11) D. sorsogonense Presl Tent. Pterid., p. 114. Stipes tufted, 10 to 15 cm. high, densely fibrillose below; frond 30 to 60 cm. long, 20 to 30 cm. broad, with numerous pinnae on each side, the lower ones sessile, 10 to 15 cm. long, 25 mm. broad, cut down regularly throughout two-thirds of the way to the costa into spreading, blunt, subentire lobes about 4 mm. broad, herbaceous; rachis slightly fibrillose; veinlets of the lobes simple, with sori in regular rows reaching from the midrib to the edge. Sorsogon, Eaenke ; Leyte, Cuming 301. Himalayas, Malacca. (12) D. petiolare Presl Epim. Bot., p. 86. Stipe brown, smooth; frond about 50 cm. high, pinnate Avith pinnatifid apex; pinnae about 12 cm. ASI'I.I'MK.K — IM1'I,A/I r.M. 10 lonp, the lowest a littli' .-.Imrtcr luit Imiiror stalked, linear, acute, pinnntifid half way clown to the eosta, witli fi|uilat('ial, ae\itf hase, jjlalnons^, licr- haeeous, brij,'ht <,M('fn ahovc, pale iM-neath; rachis densely beset witii short patent liairs; veinlets all bearing' soil. Bohol, CumiiKj ;{4!t. (13) D. brachypodum (Bakfi). Stipes tufted, slender, about 2 cm. high, dark firetii, willi a ivw niinvite linear scales; frond oblanceolatc, acuminate, 10 to 15 cm. long, 2.5 cm. broad, bipinnate; lower pinniE lanceolate-deltoid, G mm. broad, distinctly stalked, square on upper side, cuneate-trunoate on lower, cut down to rachis below, many lower distant, reduerd; lowest anterior pinnule much largest, cuneate-ojjiong, dentate, 2 to .3 mm. broad, tlie otliers lanceolate, entire; texture moderately firm, surfaces dull green; railiis naked; veins pinnate in lower lobes; sori medial, linear. Luzon, Cuming 56. (14) D. cyatheaefolium (Bory) Presl. Caude.K erect, subarborescent ; stipe tirm. erect, dark brown, nearly naked; frond 45 to 00 cm. long, 30 to 45 cm. broad, lower pinna? 25 cm. long, 8 cm. broad, cut down to their rachis in the lower two-thirds into numerous pinnules on each side, the lower ones 4 cm. long, 1 cm. broad, the upper ones inciso-crenate, the lower ones cut down (Hie-third of the distance to the costa into oblong, falcate, sharply-toothed lobes, herbaceous; veins pinnate, with 3 or 4 veinlets on each side in the lower lobes; sori falling considerably short of the edge. Luzon, ('urn in q 15S. (15) D. latifolium (Don). Caudex erect, subarborescent ; stipes tufted, strong, erect, 30 em. or more liijih, livid, smooth, clothed toward the base with linear crisped, dark brown scales; frond 1 m. long, 30 to 45 cm. broad, subdeltoid, with about 12 pinna? on each side, the largest 30 cm. long, 10 cm. broad; pinnules numerous, the largest 5 cm. long, 2 cm. broad at the base, acuminate, slightly toothed, abruptly truncate at the base on both sides, suV)Coriaceous; veins about 6 in a group; sori linear, the lowest often 4 mm. long. Philippines. Ceylon to Celebes and southern China. (16) D. vestitum Presl Epim. Bot., p. 87. Rhizome erect; stipe stout, erect, brownisli, lunu-ntose, sometimes muricate; frond tlO to 90 cm. long, 25 to 45 cm. broad, with numerous pinnae on eacli side, the lower ones 25 cm. long, 10 cm. broad, with numerous distinct subsessilc pinnules, which are 5 cm. long, 25 mm. broad, blunt, bluntly lobed to a depth of 3 to 0 mm., base narrowed suddenly or even cordate, thin-herbaceous; rachis like the stipe; veins pinnate in tlie lobes, with 4 to 5 veinlets on each side; lower sori G to 8 mm. long, not reaching the margin. Samar, Cuming 336. Luzon specimens, Merrill 2667 from Rizal, Copcland s. n., from Mount Mariveles, resemble this in their pubescent rachises, but have acute pinnuh s, and are very large, reaching a height of 3 m. 76 POLYPODIACE^ OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (17) D. deltoideum (Presl) Christ. Caudex erect, clothed with black palese, and bearing stout roots; stipes about 20 cm. high, black and black- scaly at the base, glabrous and greenish above; frond 30 to 40 cm. high, two- thirds as wide, deltoid, with a few distant pinnae; the lowest pinnae about 12 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, bearing numerous subsessile pinnules; pinnules obtuse, lanceolate, cut two-thirds of the Avay to the costa into blunt lobes, glabrous, herbaceous; veins pinnate-forked in the lower lobes; sori rich- bro\\ii, reaching the margin. Luzon, Cuming 29; Davao, Warburg 14126, Copeland 966, the Davao plant differing from the type in having narrower pinnae and their rachis green. Celebes. (18) D. meyenianum Presl Epim. Bot., p. 86. Frond probably about 1 m. high, ovate-triangular, bipinnate; pinnte 40 cm. long, alternate, stalked, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate; pinnules subsessile, linear-oblong, acuminate, pinnatifid three-fourths of way to costa into subopposite ovate- oblong subfalcate obtuse serrulate segments, glabrous, thin-coriaceous; veins pinnate-forked; rachis brown, channeled above; sori copious, reaching from the midrib nearly to the edge. "Manila," Meyen, Arayat, 800 m., Loher. Christ distinguishes this from D. polypodioides by its thinner texture, broader, less serrate segments, and sori less lined up. A plant from San Ramon, Zamboanga, Copeland 734, agrees with Presl's diagnosis, but the sori are sparse and remote from the costa. (19) D. polypodioides Blume. Caudex erect, subarborescent, densely clothed at the top with long, dark bro\vn, fibrillose scales; stipes densely tufted, erect or spreading, ebeneous at the base, green above, stiff, muricate, 50 to 100 cm. high; frond 1 m. or more high, rather over half as wide, bipinnate; pinnae alternate, the lower ones in large fronds reaching a length of 60 cm. and a breadth of 18 cm., bearing many alternate pinnules; pinnules stalked, acuminate, cut down almost to their costa into numerous linear-oblong obtuse more or less serrate segments, herbaceous or sub- coriaceous; veins pinnate in the segments, veinlets numerous, simple; sori in regular rows, usually falling considerably short of the margin. Southern Luzon, Baranda; Isabela Province, Warhurg 11618, 11623; Tarlac, Hall; Caraballo Sur, Merrill 233; Bataan Province, Barnes 132, Copeland 235, Whitford 194. India and Malaya. Forms corresponding to Blume's D. asperum, with rather coriaceous fronds are common, liut not separable even as a variety. (20) D. ebenum J. Sm. differs from D. polypodioides in having a slender naked ebeneus rachis, and erecto-patent lobes, with but 4 distinct veinlets in each. Philippines, Cuming 159. (30) ASPLENIUIVl Linnaeus. Sori simple, usually confined to the acropetal side of the veins; indusium the shape of the sorus, and continuous across the vein in the few species ASrLENlK.i: — ASPLENIUM. t I in which tlio sorus cinvps across it. Fi-riis of the most various form, simple to finely dissected, growing in all situations, and all over the world. As construed iierc, it includes several sections the types of some of which are different enough to have been generically separated, but whose characters intergrade. Tlirough § Athi/rium it is closely related to Diplazium. 1. § Neottioptcria ; frond simple, usually entire, elongate. 2. Veins connected near margin {Thamnoptcris) (1) A. Nidus 2. Veins as a rule free. 3. Frond entire, more or less coriaceous. 4. Induslum leaving a ridge at dehiscence (2) A. scolopendrioidcs 4. Induslum not leaving a ridge. 5. Stipe scaly. 6. Frond acuminate or cau- date (3) A. aquamulatum 6. Frond merely acute (4) A. apoense 5. Stipe naked (5) A. vittaeforme 3. Frond serrate, membronaceous (6) A. cpiphyticum 1. i Euasplenium ; once or more pinnate, veins forked In segments, sorl confined to one side of vein. 2. Frond once pinnate. 3. Pinnae deep, not narrower than oblong. 4. Rachls green, at least in part. 5. Rachls pubescent (7) A. loherianum 5. Rachls glabrous. 6. Plnnte aurlcled, frond nar- row (8) A. tappingianum G. No auricles, frond broad .. (9) .-1. subnorinale 4. Rachls glossy, nearly black (10) A. normale 3. Plnn£e usually linear-oblong or linear. 4. At least half of lower side of pinna cut away (11) A. resectum 4. Plnnse equal sided at base. 5. Herbaceous, dark green (12) A. multilineatum 5. Coriaceous, pale green (13) A. wightianvm 4. Upper side of base of pinna; nearly , parallel with main rachls, lower side obliquely truncate. J 5. Veins conspicuous. 6. Frond herbaceous, dark green. 7. Apex of plnnse round- ed (14) A. tenerum 7. Apex of plnnse obtuse or acute. 8. Inclso crenate throughout .... (15) A. lunulatum 8. Upper side lobed at base (16) A. Stcerei 7. Apex of pinnae acu- minate. 8. Veins usually simple (17) .4. prioiiurus 8. Veins forked .... (18) A. pcrsicifolium 6. Frond firmer, pale green. 7. Pinnules broad (19) A. griaeum 7. Pinnules narrow (20) A. hirtum 78 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 5. Veins Inconspicuous. 6. Sori equal, at wide angle to costa (21) A. anisodontum 6. Sori unequal, veins leav- ing costa at very acute angle. 7. Pinnae only toothed.... (22) A. macrophyUum 7. Pinnae deeply lobed. 8. Stipe nearly smooth. 9. Sori al- most reaching edge .-.. (23) A. falcatum 9. Fal ling well short of edge .... (24) A. contigiium 8. Stipe fibrillose.. (25) A. crinicaide 8. Stipe chaffy, sori costal .... (26) A. caudatum 2. Fronds more than once pinnate. 3. Stipe smooth. 4. Pinnules of lower pinnae few (27) A. cuncatum 4. Pinnules of lower pinnae many. 5. Pinnules inciso-serrate or lobed.. (28) A. affine 5. Pinnules cut to their rachis. 6. Segments inciso-serrate .... (29) A. nitidum 6. Segments deeply pinnatifid.. (30) A. laserpitiifoUum 3. Stipe wooly (31) A. prae mors urn 1. § Darea; ultimate segments linear, with solitary simple veins. 2. Rhizome short, stipe long _ (32) A. Belangeri 2. Rhizome scandent, stipe short (33) A. scandens 1. § Athyriuvi ; sori more or less curved across their veins, sometimes horseshoe-shaped. 2. Indusia naked. 3. Small fern, pinnules round-oval, lobes nar- ^ \var. philippinense 3. Large fern, pinnules elliptic-rhomboidal, lobes broad (35) A. nigripes 2. Indusia ciliate (36) A. ivoodxcardioides S Neottiopteris. (1) A. (Thamnopteris) Nidus L. Frounds GO to 120 cm. long, 8 to 20 cm. broad, entire, acute or acuminate, tapering gradually into a short stem, midrib rounded on the back; coriaceotis, glabrous; veins fine and parallel, 1 mm. more or less apart, their ends connected; sori reaching about half way toward the margin. Luzon, Haenke, Cuming 59; southern Luzon, Baranda; Montalban, Loher; Bagnio, Topping 299; Paragua, Merrill 722; Todaya, Davao, 1.000 m. Copeland 1261, 1296. Mauritius to Japan and New Caledonia. Asplenium PhyUitidis Don is a smaller form, usually bearing longer sori. Saraar, Cuming 319. ASri.KMK.i: — ASl'I.KNUM. 79 T am uiial)lo to locate Thnmnoptcris stipitala Prc-tl. coll cot od in Luzon by Cuiiiiii'j H*">. (2) A. scolopendrioides .1. Sm. Kliizome S iiiin. in iliaiiit'tcr, clothed with lanceolate, brown cliafT; stipe 2 to 4 cm. hifih, xealy or almost naked, passinjj insensibly into the attenuate base of tiie frond; fronds 40 to 50 cm. iiif,'li, .'J to 4 cm. broad, apex caudate, marj^in entire, texture subco- riaceous; veins oblique, usually simple, rather remote; sori reaching from the midrib to witliin (i nun. of the marj^'in ; edpe of tin- indusium leaving a distiiu't ridge f)n the lamina where it dehisces. I'hiliiipines, Cumin;/ .118; Haco River, Mindoro, .]tcnill 1810. (This de- cription adapted to Merrill's plant.) Tlie fern of DcVorc and Hoover .329, from Mount Apo. difTers most conspicuously in the indusium's leaving no prominent line wiiere it dehisces, but the material in hand does not justify its description as a new species. (.3) A. squamulatum Hlume. Stipe tufted, ii to 10 cm. long, scaly below; frond lanrrDlatc, .'{() to 70 cm. long, 4 to 0 cm. broad, acuminate, base gradually attenuate to the stipe, entire or nearly so, lamina coriaceous, glabrous, midrib somewhat chaffy; veins inconspicuous, as a rule free; sori reaching fiom near midrib to within 1 cm. of the margin. Southern Luzon, liaranda : Montalban, Loher; Todaya, Davao, 1,200 m., Copeland 1201. 1288. Java, Borneo. (4) A. apoense (opcland. Uhizome very .short, erect; stipes clustered, stout, scaly, 1 to ."> cm. high, ])assing insensibly into the attenuate base of the frond: costa stout, scaly; frond 20 to 3.1 cm. high, !.."> to 2.5 cm. broad, entire, acute, glabrous, coriaceous; veins inconspicuous, erccto-patent, usually forked; sori linear, reaching two-thirds of the way from the costa to the margin. Mount Apo, Mindanao, 1,800 m., Copeland 1108; epiphytic in clumps. (.)) A. vittaeforme Cav. Rhizome creeping, naked; stipe short, erect, naked; frond hin< dilate. 30 to 45 cm. long, 4 to 8 cm. broad, narrowed to an acute point and very gradually into the stem below, the margin obscurely toothed; texture coriaceous; veins simple, close, nearly horizon- tal, the copious sori often reaching from the midrib nearly to the edge. Davao, M'arhurfj 14112; southern Luzon, Baifnidn. Java, Fiji. The stipes are jointed to the rhizome, as in Polypodiuni. (6) A. epiphyticum Copeland. Rhizome scandeut, bearing scattered, minute scales; stipes about 8 cm. long, clothed with minute ferruginous scales; typical fronds simple, 20 to .30 cm. high, about 4 cm. wide, acuminate, base obtuse or subacute, margin serrate or crenate, texture niembr:inaceous; costa stout, like the stipe; lamina glabrous; veins conspic- uous, usually forked, almost transverse; sori linear, touching neither costa nor margin; younger plants bear fronds bi-tri-pinuati-dissected; and there are intermediate forms. Davao, Mindanao, epiphytic on tnuiks in coast forest. Copeland GG4. 80 POLYPODIACE.B OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. § Euasplenium. (7) A. loherianum Christ, Bull. Herb. Boissier 6(1898) :152. Rhi- zome small; stipe very short; fronds only 2 to 5, scarcely 10 cm. high; rachis weak, flexuous, decumbent, pubescent ■with linear scales, base purple or green, apex rooting; pinnjB alternate, 12 to 18 on each side, very remote, 3 mm. long, ovate, deeply crenate-dentate; texture subfleshy; sori oblong, early confluent and covering the under side of the pinnae. La Trinidad, Benguet, Loher 99, on limestone. (8) A. toppingianum Copeland. Rhizome creeping, chaflFy; stipe 3 to 8 cm. high, the base brown and chaffy, upward becoming like the rachis, green and glabrous; fronds 10 to 15 cm. high, 2 to 2.5 cm. broad, her- baceous, glabrous, acuminate, apex not rooting, pinnate; about 6 pairs of pinnae free but sessile, and as many more connected by a wing widening toward the cleft apex; pinnse smooth, thin, oblong, obtuse, serrate-crenate, acroscopic half of lower pinnse auricled at base; sori mostly not confluent, straight and confined to the one side of the vein, or curved and even horseshoe-shaped. Baguio, Topping 284, Elmer 5787. A. toppingianum var. mistum Copeland. Differs from the type in being larger, with the teeth of the pinnae more rounded, and especially in the lowest pair of pinnse, which are of more than twice the dimensions of those above, and deeply incised. Baguio, with the type, Topping 194. (9) A. subnormale Copeland. Fronds solitary or few on a short, creeping, terrestrial rhizome; stipe about two-fifths of the total height, smooth except at the base, slender, seldom straight, dark and polished, but shading into a green rachis with green lateral lines representing wings; frond 4 to 9 cm. high, lanceolate-ovate, acute, apex not rooting, pinnate; distinct pinnae about 6 pairs, 2 or 3 more pairs indicated by clefts, the lowest smaller tlian or equalling the next above, crenate, mostly trapezoid, irregular in shape, but the lower half of the pinnae always cut away to the midrib at the base, the base of the acroscopic half parallel to the rachis : sori 6 or less to the pinna, not confluent ; indusia narrow. Lamao River, Bataan Province, Copeland 236, 1395. (10) A. normale Don. Stipe 2 to 6 cm. long, tufted, wiry, blackish, polished; frond 10 to 25 cm. long, 10 to 17 mm. broad, with very numerous close-placed pinnae, the lower ones reduced and deflexed, the point obtuse, the edge inciso-crenate, the upper side auricled and narrowed suddenly at the base, the lower truncate in a straight line; texture herbaceous; rachis glossy, nearly black; veins mostly once forked; sori in two unequal parallel rows. Benguet, Loher, Elmer 6537. Madagascar to Japan. Christ inclines to regard this as a form of A. Trichomanes, to which the Benguet plants are very close. This description is adapted to our plant. AJ^l'LKMlLE ASrLKMl .\1. 81 (11) A. resectum Smitli. Khizonic slentU-r, creeping on ground; stipes scattercil. .-"KuiUr, 10 to 25 cm. liigli, dark hrown, jiolislu-d; fronds 20 to 30 cm. l>igl>, C cm. broad, acuminate witli nuimrous subses.?ilc pinna;, till' lowest not reduced: |iiMn;c witli more than lialf nf tlic liasiscopic side cut away, base of upper side truncate at a riglit angle, rather ol)tuso, margin inciso-crenatc except tiic part cut away, niemijranaceous, glabrous; racliis like the stipe or sonu'times green above; veins once or twice forked; sori iKit tnueiiing either costa or edge. Luziin. Cumiiuj 110; Tongloii 2.2.'>0 m., I-ohcr; Isabela Province, Warburg 11007; Davao, Vopcland 'J55, 1112. Africa to Hawaii. (12) A. multilineatum Hook. Stipe 1.5 cm. high, firm, erect, naked, grayish gn-eii ; frond ;fO to 45 cm. long. 15 to 20 cm. broad, oblong- lanceolate, with a long liiu'ar-lance(date terminal pinna and 0 to IS hitiMal ones on each side, which are Id to 15 cm. long, 12 to 20 mm. broad, acuminate, tlie edge faintly toothed, hut the point more deeply, the base cuneato-truncate with a short petiole; texture herbaceous; color dark-green; rachis naked; veins mostly simple, with sori on each reaching from the midrib to the edge. Tonglon 2,250 ni., Loher. .Samoa and Fiji. (13) A. wightianum Wail. Stipes tufted, 15 to 25 cm. high, greenish, naked ; frond M) to 45 cm. long, 15 to 20 cm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, witli (5 to 9 pinni? on each side, wliich are distinctly stalked, and the lowest 5 cm. apart, 12 to 15 cm. hmg, 12 to 18 nnn. broad, acuminate, irregularly crenate, tlie base gradually truncato-cuneate, equal on both sides ; texture coriaceous ; color pale green ; veins inconspicuous, distant, often forked; sori distant, falling short of the edge. Luzon, iiteere. Madras and Ceylon. (14) A. tenerum Forst. Stipes tufted, firm, erect, grayish, nearly naked, 0 to 25 cm. high; frond 10 to 40 cm. long, 3 to 12 cm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, with 10 to 25 stalked horizontal pinna; on each side, which are lA to 4 times as long as broad, bluntly rounded at the point, the edge deeply toothed througliout, tlie two sides uiunjual, the upper one narrowed almost at a right angle, sometimes slightly auricled, the lower one very obliquely truncate, lower pinnse deflexed; texture lierbaccou3; rachis compressed; veins usually simple; sori numerous, regular, parallel, not reaching either edge or midrib. Maiiuiling, Lohcr ; Davao, Warburg 14140; Baco River, Mindoro, Merrill 1771 (very large) ; Gimogon River, Xegros, Copeland 78; Mount Mariveles 1,050 m., Copeland (very small). Ceylon across PoljTiesia. This fern varies widely in stature, but is comparatively constant in other respects. (15) A. lunulatum Swartz. Stipes tufted, 5 to 10 cm. high, firm, nearly nakfd. gray or ebeneous; frond 15 to 45 cm. long, 3 to 5 cm. 24036 6 82 POLYPODIACE/E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. broad, narrowly lanceolate-oblong, with 12 to 20 horizontal pinnae on each side, which are 3 to 4 em. long, 1 cm. broad, bluntish or acute at the point, more or less deeply inciso-crenate throughout, the two sides unequal, the upper one at the base narrowed suddenly at about a right angle, the lower one obliquely truncate; lower pinnae often deflexed; texture herbaceous; rachis firm, grayish; veins simple or once forked; sori falling short of both edge and midrib. Mountains of Panay, Steere. Tropics, everywhere. (16) A. Steerei Herrington. Stipe dark gray, 12 to 1.5 cm. high, firm, with a few small, brown, scattered scales; frond 20 to 25 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, oblong-lanceolate; pinnae 12 to 15 on each side, short petioled, 3 to 5 cm. long, 1 cm. broad, apex acute, margin coarsely crenate, unsymmetrical; upper side abrupt at the base with a more or less distinct large lobe; lower side obliquely truncate; lower pinnae slightly deflexed; texture firm, herba- ceous; surface dark green above, browTiish below; veins distant, simjile, or once forked; sori 2 to 8 in a row on each side of the midrib, regular, falling a little short of midrib and margin. Mount Majayjay, Luzon, Steere, in small clusters on tree trunks. (17) A. prionurus J. Sm. Stipes tufted, 15 to 25 cm. high, firm, erect, slightly scaly below; frond 30 to 45 cm. long, 15 to 25 cm. broad, oblong, with 9 to 18 pinnae on each side, which are 10 to 15 cm. long, rather over 1 cm. broad, very acuminate, deeply and regularly toothed throughout, the base rather imequal, more truncato-cvmeate on the lower side, with a short, distinct petiole ou the lower ones; texture herbaceous; veins usually simple, with sori on each reaching nearly to the edge. Philippines, Cuming 197. Ferns collected by DeVore and Hoover, 348 and 377, from Blount Apo, probably represent this species, but are too imperfect for certainty; they seem equally near A. lineatum Swartz, indicating, as is suggested in S\niopsis Filicum, that the two species are not distinct. (18) A persicifolium J. Sm. Stipe and rachis gray, with a few scattered minute gray scales; frond oblong-lanceolate, 60 to 90 cm. long, often gemmiparous at apex; pinnae distant, ascending, 15 to 30 jugate, subpetiolate, 10 to 12 cm. long, linear-ligulate-acuminate, 1 to 2 cm. broad, distinctly inciso-crenate throughout, more cuneate on the lower than on the upper side at the base, the lowest not reduced; texture thin but firm; surfaces dark green, naked; veins erecto-patent, fine, forked, not close; sori regular, parallel, 6 to 8 mm. long, reaching nearly to midrib and edge. Southern Luzon, Baranda. Formerly accredited to Hawaii, but incorrectly, according to Hillebrand, Flora of Hawaiian Islands, p. 591. (19) A. griseum Copeland. (A. insigne Copeland in Perkin's Frag- menta, not of Blume nor Liebm.) Rhizome short, stout, densely coated with large, brown scales; stipe 40 to 50 cm. high, stout, dark green or brown, slightly chaffy; frond 30 cm. broad, more than 60 cm. higli, pinnate; pinnae about 12 pairs, stipitate, about 20 cm. long by 3.5 deep, lanceolate, acuminate, subserrate, tough-herbaceous, ash-green, somewhat unequal at ASI'I.KNIK.i: — ASIT.KNUM. 83 t!i(* l)as<', oimcatc hclou, t runcato-ciiiK'atc above; veins oblique, usually I'dikiil, conspicuous, sori larj!;e, close to tin- miiliili :iiiil rfucliinfj; half way to tlio iuar;,'in. Davao, .MiiKhiiuio, mi lucky licil ol .Sil)uliiii l!i\iT, alliludr, 7UU m., Copcliind !)S:{. The a|>c\ i>f fi'itilr fioinU often wanting.'. (20) A. hirtum Kaulf. Stipes tufted. ."> to 10 cm. hi;;ii. stron;^, erect, brownisli, clrriiUmu^ly tibiillose; froml 'M) to 00 em. long, 10 to 20 cm. broail, with very numerous liorizontal pinna' mi each .side, which are 5 to 8 cm. hniu, 1 cm. bruad. aeumiiuite, broadly not deeply tootiied, the base on llw iip|ier side cmispieuously aurieled, on the lower side rather suddenly but obli(|uely narrowed; texture coriaceous; rachis dark colored, strong, iiion- or less tibrillose; veins oblique (Syn. l-'il. says inconspicuous; Diels says evident I ; soii in two regular rows, wliicli f.ill cnn-iiderably short of the edge. Mount Mariveles, Merrill 3700, Barnes; Mount Ai'ayat, Merrill 3810, Toppinii ; southern T>u/on. Bfinnuhi ; Moiuit Apo, DeT'orc and Hoover 310. Madagascar to Polynesia. A. hirtum Kaulf. var. repressum C'o|)eland. Dill'ers from the type in being smaller, less than 2i) cm. high, almost sessile, and having obtuse pinna>. Mount Mariveles, 1,200 ni.. on exposed ridges, Merrill 3212. A allien ill III nieyenicniUDi Presl, Epim. Bot. p. 73, said to differ from .1. hi rill III in the serration of the pinnse and the form of the pubescence is probably not really separable from it. Manila. Meiim. f'lnniiifj 147. (21) A. anisodontum Presl. Stipes tufted, firm, erect, gray, naked or slightly fibrillose; t'mnil llo to 43 cm. long, 10 to 15 cm. broad, with numerous horizontal or subfalcate sessile pinna? on each side, which are 5 to 8 cm. long. 1 cm. broad, acuminate, inciso-crenate, the base on the upper side aurieled and narrowed ratlier ol)liquely, on the lower side obliquely truncate; ti^xture subcoriaceous ; rachis firm, erect; veins oblique, mostly once branched; sori parallel, in two regular rows, reaching nearly from the midrib to the edge. Luzon, Cinniiig 128. Java. No. 334 of DeVore and Hoover, from ]Mount Apo (but from no such altitude as their label states) may be .1. anisodonlum, but is serrate, not crenate; many pinnae have a free lobe in the place of an auricle, as A. Steerei is described. (22) A. macrophyllum Swartz. Stipes tufted, 15 to 30 cm. high, stout, erect, browiii>li. nearly naked; frond 15 to 45 em. long, 15 to 30 cm. broad, with 0 to 12 opposite pairs of stalked nearly horizontal pinnie, which are 10 to 20 cm. long, 3 to 8 cm. broad, acuminate, sharply serrate, the two sides nearly equal, but the lower one narrowed rather more obliquely; texture subcoriaceous; rachis naked, firm, erect; veins very obli(iue; sori in close long parallel lines reaching from the midrib nearly fo the marj'in. 84 POLYPODIACE.E OP THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Masbate and soiitliern Luzon, Baranda ; Montalban, Loiter; IMariveles, 1,400 m., Loher, Whitford 275; Culion, Merrill 509, Elmer's 6147, from Baguio, is a small form of this. India across Polynesia. (23) A. falcatum Lam. Rhizome short-creeping; tipes tnfted, 10 to 15 cm. high, firm, erect, dark grayish, nearly naked; frond 15 to 35 cm. high, 7 to 15 em. broad, with 6 to 12 stalked pinnae on each side, which are 4 to 7 cm. long, 1 to 1.5 cm. deep, acuminate, shallowly lobed and lobes toothed, inequilateral, lower side very obliquely truncate, texture coria- ceous; rachis almost naked; veins very oblique; sori reaching almost to margin. Luzon, Haenke; Calolbon, Catanduanes, Baranda. Zambesi Land to New Zealand and Polynesia. A. chamissonianum Presl, collected "at Manila" by Chamisso and Meijen, may be a form of A. falcatum. (24) A. contiguum Kaulf. Stipes tufted, 15 to 25 cm. high, firm, erect, chestnut-brown, naked; frond 30 to 45 cm. long, 10 to 15 cm. broad, with 20 to 30 horizontal subfalcate pinnse on each side, which are acuminate, more or less deeply inciso-serrate or lobed, the base narrowed suddenly, and sometimes auricled on the upper, obliquely truncate in a curve on the lower side; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis firm, naked or slightly villose, chestnut-colored; veins oblique, obscure; sori close, copious, falling con- siderably short of the margin. Arayat, 800 m., Loher; Montalban, Loher; Baguio, Topping 317. Hawaii, Hindostan. A. contiguum, var. bipinnatifidum Christ, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 6(1898) ; 152. Pinna^ again pinnate at the base; pimiules cuneiform, auriculate, deeply dentate; looking like a hybrid between A. contiguum and A. affine Sw. Arayat, 800 m.; Tonglon, 1,900 m., Loher. A. lepturus Presl, Epim. Bot., p. 72, is described as diff"ering from A. contiguum in the form of the frond, which is lanceolate, about 20 cm. high, and in the incision of the pinnae into sharply and inequally serrate, truncate lobes; the sori seem to be costal, as in A. caudatum. Luzon, Cuming 211. (25) A. crinicaule Hance. Stipes densely tufted, 8 to 10 cm. long, erect, dark brown, slightly fibrillose; frond 15 to 20 cm. long, 4 cm. broad, with 9 to 15 horizontal pinntie on each side, which are 2 cm. long, hardly 1 cm. broad, bluntish, irregularly inciso-crenate, the upper side narrowed suddenly, sometimes auricled at the base, the lower obliquely truncate; texture subcoriaceous; rachis firm, slightly fibrillose, no distinct midrib; veins subflabellate ; sori few, linear, very oblique. Davao, Warburg 14163 and 14178. India, southern China. (26) A. caudatum Forst. Rhizome very short, adscendent; stipes tufted, 0 to 15 cm. high, firm, erect, densely clothed with fine, brown fibrillose scales; frond 15 to 35 cm. high, 8 to 16 cm. broad, with 20 to 30 pinnae on each side, the point acuminate, the edge deeply toothed sometimes A.sri.KMK.K — ASl'LKMl.M. 85 lol)o»l iiioif tlian lialf way down In tlic racliis in the lower part, the two sidos iiiit'([Uiil, till' iipiicr iiuriclrd mid riarrowfd sudih-iily, tlic lower very ol)li(Hi(dy truncate at tlir Ka-r; texture eoriiiceou.H ; rarhis tleciduously villoso; veins vi-iy (il)liqne; sori siihfhihelhite. Arayut, 800 ni.; Tonjrlon, '2,2.')() in.: Marivoles, 1,400 ni., and .\f<)ntall>an, Lohcr, pinnir stroiifily aurieled, rpseinhlin}^ .1. dimidiatiiin, hut tlie point aciiininato; Xueva \'izoaya, Mrrrill 2!t5; IJarjuio, TdjtpiiKj 2(iti. Tropics, around the worhl. A. pohjoilon l'"orst., ooUeeted at Sorso^^on hy lhi, conspicuous on the upper surface; sori linear, suhllalu'ilate. Davao, Wdrhin;/ 14144; Maquiling, Loher. Tropics, every wliere. See coininent under .1. Iiee. India, across Polynesia. This and the preceding three species are decidedly too near together. Young plants of A. laserpitiifolium, and plants in poor situations, bear fronds indistinguishable from those of the less dissected species. Thus plants from Davao that would very probably have become typical A. laser- pitiifolium bear fronds smaller and less dissected than typical A. cuneatum ; and the same is true of Elmer's 6538, from Benguet. (31) A. praemorsum Swartz. Stipes tufted, 10 to 20 cm. high, firm, erect, wooly; frond 15 to 45 cm. long, 10 to 15 cm. broad, with 12 to 20 pinnae on each side, which are lanceolate-deltoid in general outline, 5 to 8 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, cut doA%-n throughout nearly or quite to their rachis into linear-cuneate pinnules, which are sharply serrate on the outer edge; texture coriaceous; rachis firm, erect, more or less fibrillose like the stem ; veins deep-channeled, flabellate ; sori linear, radiant. Arayat, 800 m., Loher. Most tropical countries. Specimens from Mount Apo, Copeland 1195, differ in that the pinnules are ovate-cuneate, giving a very different appearance. § Darea. (32) A. Belangeri Kunze. Stipes tufted on a very short, chaffy root- stalk, erect, 15 to 30 cm. high, greenish, naked except near the base; frond 30 to 40 cm. high, 10 to 12 cm. broad, with numerous horizontal pinnae about 6 cm. long, 1.5 cm. deep, obtuse, the basiscopic side obliquely truncate at the base, acroscopic somewhat auricled; cut down throughout to a regularly winged rachis into linear, erecto-patent segments 1 mm. broad separated by more than their breadth, the lowest of which are once or twice forked; texture subcoriaceous; color pale green; rachis compressed; one vein and sorus to each segment, the latter marginal. Davao, Warburg 14133 and 14164, Copeland 1198. Sumatra to Amboyna. The Davao plants, to which this description is adapted, differ from the typical in being broader, in the frequently more than once forked lower segments, the chaffy base of the stipe, and thinner texture. (33) A. scandens J. Sm. Mett. Stipes scattered on a stout scandent rhizome, very short; frond 30 to 60 cm. long, 15 to 30 cm. broad, with numerous horizontal pinnae, which are 10 to 15 cm. long, 4 cm. broad, cut down to a distinctly winged rachis into numerous subdistant ovate-rhom- boidal pinnules, which are cut do^vn to a rachis throughout; lower segments again pinnatifid; ultimate divisions narrowly linear; texture thinly herba- ceous; rachis firm, erect; one vein in each division; sori solitary, marginal. Lej-te, Cuming 297. New Guinea. Asri,i:Mi:.K — asplkmi m. H7 § Athyrium. (:54) A. (Athyrium) Sarasinorum irliii>t Ann. hml. I'.nt. I'.iiitciiz. 15(1808) :12:i, var. ph i I i ppi nense (Christ Hull. l[.rl.. I'.nis. 6 (lS!t8): 154). C'audc.K .xlmrt, luarin^' lonf:, dark-hrown srah-s; stipes ;j to G in a cluster, slciKJcr, weak, brown, sparsely sealy, 15 cm. (ir more liigh; froiiii above 10 iin. liifjli, two-fifths as broad, acute, tripinnatilid ; pinna; 10 or more on each side, alternate, the lowest the longest ; pinnules sessile or the lowest short stalked, round-oval, divided to tiie costa below into segniiMits whicli in turn are incised into linoar-lancoolate subacute lobes; sori 1 to oacli lobe, sliglitly curved, with oval, loose, brown indusia. Mount Data. Benguet, 2.250 ni., Lohcr. The type of the siiccics in Celebes. (35) A. (Athyrium) nigripes I'.lunie. Stipes tufted, 15 to .30 cm. high, stiaiuiiiious, erect, scaly below; frond 30 to 60 ciu. long, 20 to 30 em. broad, ovate-lanceolate, with numerous pinna* on each side, the lowest lanceolate, 15 to 25 cm. long, 4 to 5 cm. broad, cut down to the rachis into numerous elliptico-rhomboidal pinnules, which are broadly lobed about half way down and the lobes slightly toothed; texture herbaceous; lateral veins of tlie segments forked: sori linear-oblong, often curved, 2 to 3 mm. long, principally in two parallel rows close to the midrib of the pinnule. !Mount Arayat, 800 m., Loher. India to Java and Japan. (36) A. (Athyrium) woodward ioides iPrcsl) Baker. Stipe firm, erect, naked, tlark olu'>tnut-br(iwn : frond t!0 to 100 cm. long, 30 cm. or more broad; lower pinnre 15 to 25 cm. long, 8 cm. broad; pinnules lanceolate, slightly stalked. 4 em. long. 1 cm. broad, cut dowii two-tliirds of the way to the costa into linear-oblong, subfalcate, finely toothed lobes, herbaceous, glabrous; veins pinnate in the lobes, with 4 to 5 veinlets on a side, the upper ones forked, ends clavate; sori oblong, confined to the lower lobes close to the costa and not reaching more than half way to the margin. Luzon, Cuming 153; Baguio, Loher. Java. (31) TRIPHLEBIA Baker. Veins free; sori borne on a special receptacle between two parallel veins; indusium double, each bounding vein bearing half of it, opening regularly down the middle. Our two species are exclusively Philippine. (1) T. longifolia (Presl) Baker. Differs from the following species only in that the frond is simple and entire, and the line where the two halves of the indusium meet is not emphasized. Luzon, Ihicnke; Sorsogon, Barandu ; Davao, Warburg 14117. (2) T. pinnata (J. Sm.) Baker. Stipe compressed, grayish; frond 50 to 120 cm. long, lanceolate-deltoid, rooting at the apex, with an entire or finely crenate terminal pinna and 1 to 6 pairs of similar lateral ones, glabrous, subcoriaceous; veins usually once forked; sori numerous, oblique, linear, the indusium ridged where the halves meet. Philippines, Cuming 1S7. 311; Biga, Catanduanes, Baranda. 88 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (32) STENOCHLAENA J. Smith. High-scandent ferns, with pinnate dimorphous or polymorphous fronds; veins free near the margin; sori parallel to the costa, finally spreading over the whole under surface; indusium wanting. The stipe in some species is segmented to the rhizome, as in Polypodiece. Stenochlaena is not very evidently related to any other genus. 1. Stipes articulate to the rhizome. 2. Rhizome scaly, frond herbaceous (1) S. sorbifolia 2. Rhizome naked, frond coriaceous (2) S. palustris 1. Stipes not articulate to rhizome (3) S. laurifolia (1) S. sorbifolia (L.) J. Sm. Rhizome climbing indefinitely high, woody green, muricate, bearing few hard brown scales (roots?) ; stipes obscurely articulate to rhizome, 10 to 30 cm. long, stramineous with or without a conspicuous umber line; frond simply pinnate, the segments articulate to the rachis on stalks about 1 cm. long; sterile pinnae 15 cm. long, nearly 2 cm. broad, acuminate, entire or obscurely serrate, base cuneate, glabrous, herbaceous or subcoriaceous ; fertile pinnae 20 cm. long, filiform. Castillo, 800 m., and Mariveles, 1,400 m., Loher; foot of Mariveles, Barnes Forestry Bureau 368; Isabela Province, Warhurg 11600, 11974, 11978; Paragua, Merrill 773; Davao, Warburg 14107, 14108, 14111. Pantropic. Beside the sterile fronds described above, bipinnate variously incised or divided ones also occur. S. haenkeana Presl is a dubious species described from the sterile plant alone; the pinnse are elliptic-oblong, abruptly acvuninate, rounded at the base, the terminal twice as large as the lateral ; rhizome and base of stipe clothed with peltate scales. Sorsogon, Haenke. (2) S. palustris (L.) Mett. Rhizome climbing iijdefiniteh', scaleless; stipes naked, 15 to 30 cm. long; fronds 50 to 80 cm. long the sterile rather the larger, pinnate, with almost sessile pinnse articulate to the rachis; pinnae of sterile frond 10 to 12 cm. long, 2.5 cm. broad, finely but sharply serrate, subcoriaceous, the two sides at the base forming a right angle; segments of the fertile frond 15 to 20 cm. long, 3 mm. broad, the lower ones remote. Luzon, Haenke, Cuming 133; Davao, Copeland 532. India to Queensland and Fiji. S. Juglandi folia Presl is described as diff"ering from »S'. palustris in having longer naked petioles, the sterile pinnae rounded at the base, fertile pinnae leafy at the base, and muricate stipes; it is usually regarded as only a form of the same species. Luzon, Haenke, Cuming 133 in part. (3) S. laurifolia (Hook.) Diels. Stipes firm, erect, naked; frond 60 to 90 cm. long, 30 to 45 cm. broad, simply pinnate; sterile pinnae 15 to 25 cm. long, 4 cm. broad, narrowed gradually from the cordate base to ASI'LKMK.i: STKNOCIII.AKNA. 89 the apex, 9haii)l_v Imt finely tootht-d, sfssilc, not articulate to the rachis and witlioiit a fiiaiid, coriacfdiis, ■.'lalnous; fertile piniiii- 15 to 2') cm. long, about 1 cm. broad, the lower ones 1 cm. apart. Luzon, Cuming 22(i. Solomon Island.s. S. fraxinifoiia I'resl Kpim. Hot., p. 104. Pinini" stalked; the sterile oblon^-laiicc'ilatf, Mciiiiiiiiate, siibaeute and eipial at tin- base; fertile pinnx narrowly linear. This plant is ineiudi'd iiv .1. Smith under .S'. acandens, and placed by I'resl close to .S'. laurifolid, but with a dilTerent charac- terization of the latter from that just piveii. Xegros, Viiining 347. (33) BLECHNUM Linninus. Sterile fronds with free veins ^e\ceI)t in B. (irroUirc) , fertile with a series of areola? along the eosta, otherwise free; soii along the far side of these areohv, linear, usually continuous, parallel to the co.sta, sometimes spreading over the parenchyma; indusium the shape of the sorus, opening on the costal side. Mostly terrestrial ferns of moderate size, with erect caudices. The two sections are usually treated as genera, but are not sufficiently distinct. 1. %Eublechnum: sori close to the costa ; fertile and sterile fronds not exceedingly different. 2. Fronds pinnatifld (1) B. nitidum 2. Fronds pinnate. 3. Lower pinna? contracted at base (2) B. orientale 3. Pinnne with spreading, adherent base (3) B. egregium 1. § Lomaria: sori occupying most of the space from costa to margin ; fronds decidedly dimorphous. 2. Simply pinnate. 3. Sterile frond with costal areolae (4) B. areolaris 3. Sterile frond with free veins (5) B. capcnse 2. Bipinnate (6) B. Fraseri (1) B. nitidum Presl. Stipes stout, erect, naked, 10 cm. high; frond oblong-lanceolate, 30 cm. or more long, 10 to 15 cm. broad; pinnte numerous, erecto-patent, subfalcate, linear, 10 cm. long, 1 cm. broad, narrowed jrradually toward the point, dilated and connected at the base, the edge inidulato-crcnate, the lower ones linear-acute and not much smaller than the rest; texture coriaceous, both surfaces and rachis naked; veins fine; sori in a continuous line close to the midrib; indusium conspicuous. Luzon, Cuming 104; Sorsogon, Haenke. India, Polynesia, southern Brazil. (2) B. orientale L. Caudex erect, often subarborescent, clothed at the crown with librillose, dark-brown scales; stipe 15 to 30 cm. high, strong, erect, scaly at the base; frond 40 to 100 cm. high, ovate, with very numerous close linear pinnae; pinnae 10 to 25 cm. long, 1 cm. broad, narrowed to a long point, contracted to a sessile base, the upper ones decurrent, the lowest abruptly reduced to mere auricles strung along the stipe; subcoriaceous, glabrous; sori in a long continuous line close to the midrib. Isabela, ^Varhurg 11975; Benguet, Loher, Elmer, 5824, Topping 243, 298; 90 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Nueva Vizcaya, Merrill 256; Culion Merrill 480; Panay, Copeland 56; Basilan, DeVore and Hoover 56. India to Australia and Polynesia. The following species are included vinder Blechnum orientale: B. cum- ingianum Presl, Luzon, Cuming 257, 259, 166; B. pyrophyllum Blume, Luzon, Meyen; B. elongatum Presl, Manila, Meyen ; Blcchnopsis stenophylla Presl, Luzon, Cuming 165, in part. B. salicifolium Kaulf., collected "at Manila" by Chamisso, I have not been able to locate. (3) B. egregium Copeland. Stipes clustered in form of a nest, 10 to 20 cm. high, stout, brown, black below and densely clothed with long black scales; frond about 1 m. high, 30 cm. broad, pinnate, glabrous, moderately dimorphous; pinnae acuminate, serrate, confluent at the top, lower down attached to the rachis by a broad base but distinct, at the bottom reduced gradually to remote auricles; fertile pinnae coriaceous, 15 cm. long, 15 to 20 mm. broad next the rachis, contracted gradually until the sorus occupies very nearly the whole breadth; pinnae of the sterile frond thinner but broader; indusia coriaceous, persistent. Sibulan Eiver, Davao, along mountain creeks, Copeland 1314. (4) B. areolaris (Harrington, Journ. Linn. Soc. 16:28). Caudex long, slender, twisted, naked; stipe 15 cm. long in the sterile, nearly twice as long in the fertile fronds, glabrous; barren frond ovate, 10 to 15 cm. long, 10 cm. broad, pinnate; pinnae 7 to 9, lateral nearly sessile, terminal stalked, linear-lanceolate, 5 to 8 cm. long, 12 to 16 mm. broad, acute, finely serrate, obtuse or roimded at the base; texture coriaceous; nerves forming a series of arches close to the midrib, thus forming on each side a row of long narrow areolae parallel to the midrib; beyond this, nerves are free and simple or forking; surface naked, except that the midribs and nerves are a little chaffy below; fertile pinnae 7 to 9, narrowly linear, 4 to 5 cm. long, rather distant; indusium narr6w, marginal. ]Mount ^lajayjay, growing among the leaves of a Pandanus, Steere. (5) B. capense (L.) Schlecht (Lomaria procera Spr.). Caudex stout, woody, elongate, clothed with large ovate or lanceolate-acuminate ferrugi- nous scales; stipe 15 to 30 cm. high, stout, erect, scaly below; frond 30 to 100 cm. high, one-third as broad, the fertile and sterile not always very different, coriaceous; pinnae of sterile frond linear, the iQwer stalked, with rounded or cordate base, acuminate; fertile pinnae narrowly linear; indusium broad, membranaceous, ciliate, sometimes slightly intramarginal ; rachis densely chaffy. Luzon, Cuming 141. Southern Hemisphere and Mexico. (6) B. Fraseri (Cunn.) Mett. var. philippinense (Christ). Caudex arborescent, 0.5 to 1.5 m. high, 1 to 2 cm. thick, black, clothed with lance- olate-ovate, dark brown, subulate scales 3 mm. long, and above with the bases of stipes, flexile, woody, bearing a crown of 6 to 8 fronds; stipe short, 3 to 4 cm. long, densely scaly; frond 40 cm. long, 20 to 25 cm. broad, long- acuminate, attenuate to the base; pinnae about 12 to 18 on each side, alternate, 1 to 2 cm. broad with their o^vn breadth between them, strongly ASl-LKMIi-i; lU.KCllM .M. *Jl decurrcnt, cleft almost to the costa into cniwdt'd lolits; lobea scarcely 1 cm. lf)nf;, half as lnoiid. ii^', sul)fah'ati', limly hut aciitidy ser- rato; rat'liis licaiinji tiiaiij,'uhir, oftt'ii hifurcate k)hos hftwei-ii th(; piiin.'p; sori linear, midway between the niarj.'iii aiir more high, one-third as wide; pinnre broadly lanceolate, acuminate, subsessile, cut down almost to the costa into narrowh' linear segments serrate toward their apices, subcoriaceous. Benguet, Loher, Elmer G512. Warmer parts of Northern Hemisphere. Our plant is intermediate between 11'. radicals as originally described and IF. orientalis Swartz of Japan and Formosa, which is no longer regarded as a distinct species. V. PTERIDE.E. Stipes not articulate to the rhizome; frond at least pinnate, in most species more or less deltoid; sori near the margin, on the ends of the veins, or- a strand connecting their ends, protected, except in Nothochlaena, by the inflexed and modified margin of the frond. 1. Sorus on inner face of reflexed lobe (35) Adiayitum 1. Sori on main body of frond, on tips of veins. 2. Fronds not dimorphous. 3. Indusium continuous (36) Doryopteris 3. Indusium interrupted. 4. Sori distinct and solitary (37) Hi/poJepis 4. Sori more or less confluent (38) Cheilanthes 3. Indusium wanting (39) Nothochlaena 2. Fronds dimorphous (40) Plagiogyria 1. Sori on intramarginal strand connecting vein tips. 2. Extrorse indusium wanting. 3. Ultimate divisions fine, almost covered by sori (41) Oiiychimn 3. Ultimate divisions more ample. 4. Lowest pinnules like others (42) Pteris 4. Lowest pinnules stipule-like (43) Histiopteris 2. Extrorse indusium typically present. 3. Stipe with many vascular strands (44) Pteridium 3. Stipe with one vascular strand (45) Paesia iCeratopteris, a fern growing in brackish or fresh marshes, may be looked for here : it is not in the Polypodiacew.) (35) ADIANTUM Linnaeus. Stipes not articulate to rhizome, usually black and polished; frond, in our species, pinnate to tripinnate, pinnse inclined to be dimidiate; por- tions of the margin of the pinnules altered and reflexed, and a sorus borne on the inside of each such portion and protected by it. A natural genus of chiefly terrestrial ferns of most graceful habit, universally cultivated under the name of "maiden-hair." 1. Sporangia springing only from veinlets. 2. Frond simply pinnate, apex rooting. 3. Frond glabrous, pinnules stalked. 4. Rachis not winged (1) A. philippense 4. Rachis winged (2) A. alatum 3. Frond hairy (3) A. caudatum 2. Frond tripinnate (4) A. Capillus -Veneris 1. Sporangia on veinlets and parenchyma between them. 2. Stipe and rachis glabrous (5) A. d iaphanum 2. Stipe and rachis squamulose (6) A. hispidulum 92 i''ii:i;ihi;.i:- Aiii.wn .m. \K] (1) A. philippense I.. Stipos ;j to 20 I'ln. Iii;^li, wiry, !iakcil, ixilislied, (lark hriiwii; Ircim l."> to 2'> cm. Ion;;, or tlio a|)cx morr [jrolonj^'cd nnrl rooting, alioiit .'> cin. hroad, simply piimnto; piniui' variable, mostly about 2 cm. long by 1 cm. Ijroad, morr or less deeiduou.s from the upper end of a stalk sometimes 15 mm. \i>u'^. tlie side toward the rachis forming an obtuse angle with tlie basiseopic, <>r sometimes a straight line with it, tiie upper and outer margins rounded, moie or less iiu-ised; veins only moderately con- spicuous; sori nariHJwer than llie lubes they are borne on, and lunulatc rather than straight. .1. hinuUitum Hurm. Luzon, Ciiniintj 7'-i; I'hilippines, Kuhii ; Bagnio, FJmrr (i.)!)tj; Pangasinan, Merrill 2>tl ; J^amao Forest Reserve, Cupclnnd .397; Manila, Muruvc, Topping (i ; Albay, Hurdiidn. Pantropie. (2) A. alatum ('opeland. Like tlie preeeding species in size and general appearance: stipe, rachis, and ])etiohdes with a membranous wing 0.5 mm. broad on eacii side; petiolules ratlur shorter; iniur and lower sides of pinme at about a riglit angle, u])i»er side nearly straight; venation very prominent; sori the width of the lobes bearing them, .straight rather than lunulate. Lamao Forest Reserve, Copeland 243, 1:300; C'ulion, Merrill 482. (3) A. caudatum L. Stipes tufted. s])reading, .3 to 10 cm. long, tonien- tose; frond l.j tu 30 em. long, usually elongate and rooting at the apex, simply pinnate; pinnie 10 to 15 mm. long, half as deep, horizontal or ascend- ing, almost sessile, dimidiate, broadest next the base, lower line straight and entire, upper finely incised more deeply than in the preeeding species, herbaceous or sidjcoriaceous, villose; veins prominent, close; sori mostly roundish, on the ends of the lobes. Luzon, Cuniing 11; Cagayan-Luzon, Warburg 1221.3; Benguet, Loher, Elmer 6403; Xueva Ecija. Merrill 278; Bataan Province, Merrill 1603, Barnes Forestry Bureau 164, Whit ford 200; .Manila, Loher, Warburg; Masbate, Baranda; Capiz, Copeland 55; Mindanao, Cuming 202; Davao, Copeland 633. Africa to Malaya. (4) A. Capiilus-Veneris L. Stipes about 20 cm. high, black, polished; fronil 20 to 411 cm. high, deltoid or narrower; lowest pinnae themselves spar- ingly bipinnate: ultimate segments fan-shaped, 10 to 18 mm. deep, with cuneate base and rounded, lobed outer side, membranous, glabrous; sori (in Philippine specimens) decidedly broader than deep. Benguet, Elmer 6417; Mariveles Loher. Sojithern Kuro|if and Tropics everywhere. (5) A. diaphanum I'luine. Stipe 10 to 20 cm. liigli, slender, blackish, polished; frond In to 1.") em. liigli. 2 to 3 cm. broad aiul simply pinnate, or usually with 1 to 3 branches at the base, which are sometimes nearly as large as the terminal one; pinnules 1.5 cm. long, half as deep, lower line ratlier decurved, upper parallel with it and crenate like the outer edge, membranaceous, not quite glabrous; sori round-reniform, in the sinuses of the upper and other margin. Beside the usual mature form, young plants 94 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. with simi^ly pinnate fronds hardly 3 cm. high, on filiform stipes, are some- times copiously fertile. Benguet, Loher, Topping 22.5, 280; Lamao Forest Reserve, Whitford 266, Copeland 1400; Davao, Copeland 969, 1113. China to New Zealand. (6) A. hispidulum Sw. Stipe (in Philippine plants) 3 to 15 cm. high, deciduously squamiilous, then scabrous; frond pseudo-pedate. really tripin- nate at base, the longer pinnae ascending together or somewhat divaricate; segments about 1 cm. long, over half as deep, lower ones stalked, lower side entire and straight or curved upward, upper and outer sides sharply toothed, subcoriaceous, not quite glabrous; rachises decidedly hairy; sori round, contiguous around the upper and outer margin; indusium hairy, con- spicuously veined. Our plant is not the. typical A. hispidulum, but does not seem to me reasonably separable from it. Mount Mariveles, 1,200 m., Merrill 3250, Copeland 1390. Paleotropic. (36) DORYOPTERIS .J. Smith. Rhizome short, its palese costate; stipe black and shining; frond more or less deltoid, simple or pinnate with the pinnae not articulate to the rachis. opaqiie; sori terminal, submarginal, in our species fusing laterally and forming a continuous marginal line, protected by the narrow indusium formed by the inflexed margin. A chiefly American genus, represented here by two terrestrial species, readily distinguishable from Pteris by the black stipes. (1) D. concolor (Langsd. & Fisher) Kuhn. Stipe 10 to 15 cm. high, erect, wiry, with a few scales near the base like those on the rhizome; frond triangular, 5 to 10 cm. each way, cut down nearly to the rachis into 3 to 5 pairs of segments, of which the lowest, sometimes distinct pinnae, are much the largest, and especially deeply cut on the lower side into oblong segments, which in turn are deeply lobed, with margin entire in detail, subcoriaceous, opaque, glabrous or glaucous beneath, greenish above, brown beneath ; veins free, invisible, midribs conspicuous, black. Luzon, Cuming (260 ?) ; Benguet, Elmer 6481; Manila, Loher. Pantropic. (2) D. ludens (Wall.) .J. Sm. Rhizome slender, creeping; stipe about 10 cm. high, that of fertile frond higher, naked unless at the base; sterile frond variable in shape, ovate-lanceolate or triangular, hastate, deeply cordate or auriculate, sometimes with two or three pairs of lobes, acuminate, with entire or crisped margin, subcoriaceous, glabrous, pale green beneath, dark above; fertile frond deltoid, 15 to 20 cm. high, cut down to a central part 10 to 15 cm. broad into terminal segment and 1 to 3 pairs of lateral ones, of which the lowest are deeply forked, all aciuninate, ascending, entire; veins hidden, anastomosing everywhere; fruiting line continuous except at the tips of the segments, narrow. Luzon, Cuming 238; Benguet, Elmer 6349; Rizal, Loher. India and ^lalava. iTi:uii>i:.K — iivi'uLi:i'is. 1)5 (ST) HYPOLEPIS H.-inhanli. Rhizome creeping, stipes imt articulate to it; fronds at least bipinnate, tliiii, imhesccnt; veins free, soii iinrdly terminal, single in the sinuses, piolecti'd by reflexed marginal lobes too small to rover them ["lermanently. Our species is a large terri'strial fern. (li H. tenuifolia Uernh. Rhizome wide-creeping, densely glandular- puberulent; stipe about '.iO cm. high, maroon, shining, jjuberulous like the rhizome but less so; frond 50 to 250 cm. high, (piadripinnatifid ; lower pinna- ovate-lanceolate, 20 to 50 cm. long; |)innuies about 10 cm. long, lanceolate; pinnules of second ordei- 2 to '^ cm. long, lanceolate, c\it down about to the rachis into linear-oldong. tootiied ultimate divisions, lierbaceous, sparingly glandular-pubescent beneath, the rachises more so; sori placed in the sinuses of the teeth or ultimate division.s. The resemblance of this species to yephrodiiiDi nuinlosu))\ is most striking, extending to every detail except the position and protection of the sorus; and in that matter I have specimens of the later species with the sorus nearer the margin iliaii usual, witli the tip of the tooth somewhat curled upward, strongly suggesting that these two ferns, apparently representing widelv separated groups, may really be the same. Luzon, Ctiiiiinr/ 118, 140, 233; Benguet, Loher; Lamao River, Copeland 233; Mount Apo, Copeland 1130, this plant possibly distinct. Malaya to New Zealand. (38) CHEILANTHES Swartz. Rhizome short, scaly; fronds at least bipinnatifid; veins free; sori ter- minal on tlieir thickened ends, usually confluent at maturity, protected at first or permanently by the infolded and modified (membranous) margin of the frond. Terrestrial ferns, chiefly of warm and dry countries. 1. Lower plnnte smaller than others (DC. Boltoni 1. Lower pinn.-r somewhat larger than others. 2. P'rond glabrous, not waxy. 3. Frond lanceolate, bipinnatifld (2) C. variatis 3. Frond deltoid, tripinnatifld (3) C. tenuifolia 2. Frond waxy beneath. 3. Frond and stipe chaffy (4) C. riifn 3. Frond and stipe not chaffy (5) C. fariiiosa 1. Lowest pinna decidedly largest (6) C. argoitea (1) C. Boltoni f i>i)ilaiitipe 3 to 12 cm. higli. erect, (irm, like the rachis, maroon, hearing spirse tibrillose pakw; frond Id to "JO cm. higli. 2 to .'{ cm. l)r()a. Mii>>t rcmaikuMe for the poor (lelinilion of the species. Ainoii;,' our species, /'. rrilicii and /'. iiu(» cm. hi-rh, oblong, simply pinnate; pinme in numerous ojjposite pairs, the largest 30 cm. long, narrowly linear, entire, cuncate at base, coriaceous, glabrous except for the costa beneath; racliia pubescent like the stipe; veins sunk in the froml and only visible as faint striations: indusiiun narrow, brownish. Sainar or (^ebu, Cuming 342. Celebes. (2) P. longifolia L. Stipes clustered. l.> to 30 cm. high, firm, erect, pale, more or less clothed at the base with pale In-own scales; frond 30 to 50 cm. high, 10 to 20 cm. broad, attenuate below, simply pinnate; pinntie sessile, numerous. 10 to l.'> cm. long, the lowest reduced, the upper linear, 100 POLYPODIACEiE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. acuminate, entire, truncate or cordate or subauricled at the base, subcoria- ceous, glabrous; rachis naked or slightly scaly; veins close and fine, usually once forked; indusiuni membranous, yellowish brown. Luzon, Cuming 6; Cagayan-Luzon, Warburg 12214; Benguet, Loher, Manila, Loher, Warburg; Camarines, Albay, and Catanduanes, Baranda; Zamboanga, Challenger Exp. Tropical and warm-temperate lands, everywhere. (3) P. cretica L. Rhizome short-creeping; stipes 15 to 30 cm. high, erect, wiry, naked, polished, pale; frond 15 to 30 cm. high, 10 to 20 cm. broad; pinnse 2 to 6 pairs, the upper sometimes decurrent, ascending, the fertile narrowly linear, sterile broader, spinulose-serrate, the lowest pair usually cut about to the base into 2 to 3 linear pinnules, subcoriaceous, glabrous; veins fine, close, parallel, simple or forked; indusiuni membranous, pale. Rizal, Loher; Mount Mariveles, Merrill 3122; Masbate, Baranda; Davao, Copeland 700. ]\Iost warm countries; exceedingly variable. Pteris stenophylla Hook, and Grev. is a varietj' with 3 to 5 pinnte clustered at the apex of the stipe, collected on Gorregidor by Cuming, No. 283, known also from India. (4) P. melanocaulon Fee. Rhizome erect, small; stipe slender, naked, black, shining, fragile: total height 25 to 30 cm.; frond ovoid, pinnate, with the basal pinnae forlced to the base ; pinnae stalked, linear, arcuate, sterile toward the apex and crenate, acuminate, membranous, glaucous; venation obscure, indusiuni broad. Treated as a variety of P. cretica in Synopsis Filicum. Isabela-Luzon, Warburg 11972; Benguet, Elmer 6160 ( ?) ; Rizal, Loher; Catanduano^,, Baranda ; Jolo Archipelago, Burhidge; Davao, Warburg 14121. (5) P. pellucida Presl. Stipe 30 cm. or more high, erect, naked, stra- mineous, frond 30 to 60 em. high, ovate-lanceolate, simply pinnate, or the lowest pinnae forked; pinnae 3 to 6 pairs, sessile, linear, entire or serrulate toward the point, upper ones slightly decurrent, coriaceous, bright green, often glossy; veins conspicuous, fine, close, simple or forked; indusium membranous, broA\Tiish. Luzon, Eaenle, Cuming 85; Benguet, Loher. Merrill's No. 3772, from the Lamao Forest Reserve, may be this or a form of P. longifolia with the lowest pinnae forked. Guinea, India, Malaya. (6) P. ensiformis Burman. Rhizome short, creeping; stipe of sterile frond 5 to 10 cm. higli, of fertile, 10 to 30 cm. slender, erect, naked, stram- ineous; sterile from 10 to 15 cm. high, 3 to 8 cm. broad, bipinnatifid or bipinnate, the segments with rounded, dentate apex, obovate, about 10 mm. long; fertile frond 20 to 30 cm. high, pinnate; pinnae entire or the lower pinnatifid, 8 to 15 cm. long, linear, sterile apex serrate, upper ones adnate at base, herbaceous, glabrous; veins usually forked, not conspicuous. Exceed- ingly variable. Luzon, Cuming 45, 46; Manila Loiter, Warburg 12745, Marave; Mindoro, ri-i;iiiiti;.i: — ri'Kins. inl Merrill :i;{47 ; Mashato ami Bataaii, Baranda; Capiz, Copeland 50; Davao, Copeland 375. India tn Polynosia. (7) P. semipinnata I,. Stipe almvit .'to em. iiij,'ii, tirm, erect, naked, briglit du'.stiuit hrowii ; fKiiid alxnit .">(i em. iii^'ii, liaif as luoad, ovate-lance- olate, tlie upper part cut down to tlie raelii.s into close entire lobes, the lower two-third.s with U to 8 pairs of opposite distantly-placed pinnu;; pinna; with lon<,', entire points, and a broad entire wing on the upper side, but the lower side with several liiii-ar pinnules, sterile margins finely serrate, subcoriaceous, glabrous; veins simple or once forked; Indusium mem- branous. Luzon, Cuming 258. Merrill's No. 3790, from tin- Lamao Forest Reserve, differs only in that all the divisions are shorter, and pmpoii innally broader. India to .Tapan and Borneo. (S) P. distans .F. Sni. Stipe about 1.1 cm. high, slender, erect, naked, pale: frond about ;10 oiu. high, 10 to 1.1 cm. broad, upper part long, linear, sharply .serrate, below this 12 to 20 pairs of close short lobes, the lower two- thirds of the frond with G to 9 pairs of opposite, distant, linear-pointed pinnu"; each with a few spreading pinnules at its base, coriaceous; rachis scabrous; veins conspicuous, simple or once forked; sterile lobes finely spinulose-serrate; indusium membranous. Luzon. Cuiiiinii 410. (0) P. heteromorpha F^e. Stipe 15 to 30 cm. high, naked, erect, pale; frond 30 to 45 em. lii;;li. half as broad, ovate-lanceolate, the upper part with a long entire terminal point, below which it is sinuate and furnished with a few short, linear lobes; piniuv in several opposite pairs, the lowest of wliich are 1 dm. apart, the upper ones entire or slightly compound at the base, the lowest pair cut down nearly to the rachis, with several spreading linear pinnules on each side, subcoriaceous, glabrous, the margins slightly crisped; veins conspicuous, usually once forked; indusium narrow, mem- branous. Luzon, Cuming 409; Rizal and Manila. Loher. Celebes. P. dispar Kunzc is a fern differing from P. semipinnata only in that the upper side of the pinnsc as well as the lower, is more or less pinnate: they arc hardly s]>ecifically distinct. Isabela-Luzon, Warburg 11G13. China and .Japan. (lOi P. quadriaurita llctz. Stipe 30 to 00 cm. high, strong, erect, naked or slightly scabrous, stramineous or brownish; frond varying from 15 to 100 cm. in height, 10 to 30 cm. or more broad, with a terminal, central pinna cut down nearly to the rachis into numerous, close, parallel linear- oblong lobes 1 to 2 cm. long, 4 to 6 mm. broad, the sterile ones entire or slightly serrate; lateral pinnse several pairs. 15 to 30 cm. long, 2 to 5 cm. broad, the lowest ones usually again compound, having 1 or 2 similar but smaller pinnules branching from the base on the lower side, all cleft to the rachis into close, erecto-patent, entire, linear or linear-oblong segments; 102 POLYPODIACE.E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. veins conspicuous, usually once forked; sori often continuous along the whole margin of the segments. Luzon, Cuming 69, 79; Isabela-Luzon, 'War'burg 11612; Nueva Vizcaya, Merrill 234; Benguet, Topping 287, Elmer 5619, 6213; Arayat, Loher, Merrill 3813, puberulous; Lamao River, Copeland 239; ^Manila, Warburg, Merrill 642; Camarines and Masbate, Baranda; Jolo Archipelago, Burbidge; Davao, Warburg 14120, DeVore and Hoover 254, Copeland 667. We have many more specimens very near this. All warm countries. P. quadriaurita var. setigera Hooker is a form with fine, spine-like scales on tlie rachises and main veins, at least on the dorsal surface, and usually more linear segments. Luzon, Cum,ing 253,413; Cagayan-Luzon, Warburg 12215; Arayat, Merrill 3814; Rizal, Loher; Basilan, DeVore and Hoover 93. India, Hongkong. (11) P. grevilieana Wall. "Dimorphic, barren stipe shorter, winged toward the apex; barren frond pedately 5-fid, scarcely pinnate, margin spinulose-serrate; fertile frond with 5 pinnfe, the lower pair bipartite, veins exceedingly obscure. Suspiciously like P. quadriaurita, except that the fronds are dimorphic." Benguet and Rizal, Loher. India. (12) P. excelsa, Gaud. Stipe thick, erect, naked, glossy, pale brown; frond nearly 2 m. high, sometimes more; terminal pinna 30 cm. or more long, 8 cm. broad, with numerous close, falcate, linear lobes on each side, Avhich are sometimes more than 5 cm. long, hardly 1 cm. broad, narrowly obliquely decurrent, and slightly serrate where sterile; lateral pinnae several, similar to the terminal one, the lowest remote, sometimes bipartite, subcoriaceous, glabrous; veins once forked; sori not reaching the apex of the segments. Philippines, Gaudichaud. Himalayas, Hawaii. (13) P. longipes Don. Stipe 30 to 60 cm. high, erect naked, stramine- ous; terminal pnina about 15 cm. high, linear, cleft to the rachis into numerous erecto-patent, linear-oblong lobes which are obtusely toothed toward the point when sterile; lateral pinnae numerous, close, the longest simple ones about 15 cm. long, the lowest pair compound, sometimes nearly as large as the whole of the rest of the frond, 30 cm. long, 15 cm. broad, herbaceous, glabrous; veins not prominent, forked; sori falling short of the apex of the segments. Costa of pinnules sometimes spinulose on the upper side. Luzon, Cuming 8; Masbate, Baranda. India to New Guinea. (14) P. patens Hooker. Stipe 30 cm. or more high, erect, naked glossy, chestnut brown: frond ample, 1 m. high, 60 cm. or more broad; terminal pinna 15 to 25 cm. long, 4 to 5 cm. broad, with several linear lobes on each side, which are widened suddenly near the base on each side, the sterile ones slightly serrate; lateral pinnae numerous, similar but larger, some- ITKKlliK-K — ITKKIS. 103 times 45 cm. lonp, .'> cm. hroail, t!ie loweHt forked, scarcely coriaceous, •llahrniis; vein-* <>l>li(|ne, not conspicuous, usually forketl, sori reaching nearly to tlie end of tlie sc^jment. 1 am sceptical as to tliu anastomosing of tlie veins. Luzon, <'iiiiiint/ ]():{; Davao, Warbiini 141"i;{. Himalayas to .lapan and Polynesia. (l.">) P. biaurita 1.. Stipe 30 to (!() cm. lii;:li. strong, erect, naked, stram- ineous; frond with a terminal pinna 1.") to :i(> cm. ion;:, .3 to ."> cm. broad, cut down within al)out .'> mm. of the rachis into numerous s|irea(lin;c linear- oblong lobes; lateral pinna- several pairs, similar to the terminal one, the lowest rather remote and usually once forked, segments entire, obtuse, papyraceous or subcoriaceous, glabrous; veins evident, forming single areohc along the costa of the jiinna but entirely free in the segments. i;i/.al. M'inirr 130. I'aiit ro]iic. P. armata Presl. "Fronds cordate-ovate glabrous glaucescent pinnate, jiinna- ojiposite sessile pinnatifid lowest ones bipartite, segments linear obtuse entire luieijual, terminal one elongate, repand, secondary rachises and costa above spinose, stipes smooth." This is probably /'. qitadriauiita var, sctificra, fitting perfectly \\itli tlie plant from Arayat. Sorsogon. fhirnkr. (10) P. kieiniana Presl. Total height 2 m.; frond pedately ovate, pinnate; pinme broadly lanceolate, long-caudate, deeply pinnatifid into subfalcate segments, crenate where sterile, submemljranaceous; sori falling well short of the apex of the segments; otherwise like P. hiaurita, with which Hooker and Baker imite it. Cagayan-Luzoii. Wurhinfi 11017, 12202. India. (17,1 P. wallichiana Agardh. Stijx' about l.l cm. high, strong, naked, glossy, bright chestnut brown: frond tri|>artite with lateral divisions again forked, the central often GO cm. long, 30 cm. broad, with niunerous lanceolate, sessile, o])])osite pinnules, the largest of which are l."> cm. long, 2 cm. broad, cut down within about 2 mm. of the costa into numerous contig\ious linear-oblong lobes, the sterile ones nearly entire, herljaceous, glabrous; lateral pinme nearh- as large as the terminal one; veins not conspicuous, forming single areolae along the costa between the main veins, rarely another areola at the base of the main vein; sori continuous iijiiiii,' nearly the entire margin. Luzon. ('Hilling 204, Lohh 4S1. Himalayas to I^Jamoa. (18) P. tripartita Sw. Stipe 30 to 100 cm. or more high, strong, erect, naked, polished, stramineous or brownish, like the rachises; frond tripartite, the central jiart (iO cm. or more long; terminal pinna l.^j to 2.') cm. long, 1.5 to 30 mm. broail, cut deeply into numerons close, linear or oblong lobes, which are subfalcate and slightly toothed where sterile, herbaceous, glab- rous; lateral pinnip numerous, close, all unbranched ; lateral divisions similar, but shorter and usually branched; veins fine, anastomosing chiefly along the costa and main veins, sori not reaching the apices of the segments. 104 I'OLYrODIACE.i: OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Luzon, Cuming 41, 204; Isabela-Luzon, Warburg 11616; Benguet, Loher, Elmer 6028: Lamao River, Copeland 242; Rizal, Ramos; Laguna. Loher; Mindoro, Merrill 877; Masbate (?), Baranda; Paragua, Merrill 824a; Tropics, Africa across Polynesia. (43) HISTIOPTERIS Agardh. Rhizome wide-creeping; stipe polislied, stramineous to purplish; frond bi-quadripinnatifid, lowest pinnules usually stipule-like; sori as in Pteris, but commonly continuous around the sinus, and the spores bilateral instead of tetrahedral. A genus of pantropic terrestrial ferns, usually all reduced to a single species. (1) H. incisa (Thunb.) Agardh. Entire height commonly 2 m.; stipe stout, erect, sometimes muricate toward the base; frond ovate or narrower, bi-tripinnate; uppermost pinnae with entire oblong or linear-oblong pin- nules; those next below with numerous long, pinnatifid pinnules, the lowest of which are close to the rachis and often adnate to it; lowest pinnae often very large, and quadripinnatifid, herbaceous or subcoriaceous, glabrous or glaucous beneath; veins anastomosing to form several series of areolae, free near the margin; sori interrupted, or continuous around the sinuses and apices of the segments. Luzon, Cuming 192; Baguio, Topping 239, Elmer 6007; Mount Mariveles. Tropics and farther south. (2) H. men tana Copeland. Rhizome beset with minute, brown paleae; stipe firm, 10 to 20 cm. high; frond 15 to 30 cm. high, often broader than high, bi-tripinnatifid, lowest pinnae slightly larger than succeeding, very coriaceous; veins prominent, raised above upper surface; indusia broad, margin everywhere rolled in, giving segments a lomarioid appearance. Mount Apo, above 2,.500 m. ; DeVore and Hoover 332, Copeland 1049. (44) PTERIDIUM Gleditsch. Rhizome creeping, scaly; stipe with many fibro-vascular bundles; frond at least bipinnate, deltoid; sorus on an intramarginal strand connecting the ends of the veins, covered by an extrorse indusium, and this by the infiiexed margin of the frond; spores tetrahedral. A single polymorphous species. (1) P. aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. Rhizome stout, wide-creeping, under- ground; stipe 30 cm. or more high, strong, erect, naked, stramineous or light bro^vn; frond 60 to 100 cm. or more high, 30 to 60 cm. broad; upper- ir.ost pinnae simple, the next pinnatifid, then pinnate; the lowest the largest, bipinnatifid or tripinnatifid, coriaceous, glabrous. Le panto and Benguet, Loher, Cosmopolitan, chiefly northern. P. aquilinum var. lanuginosum Bory. Fronds evidently pubescent or si'.ky-tomentose beneath; pinnules more generally and regularly pinnatifid. Luzon, Cuming 24, 100; Bohol. Cuming 3.53. Cosmopolitan, chiefly tropical. Topping, No. 242, from Baguio is a mixture, perhaps including both forms of this species. iTi:i;ii>i:.]: — i-aksia. lOo (45) PAESIA St. Hilaiiv. Rlii/.omc cici'pin;,': stipe witli a siiijjlo liorsoMlioo-slinpod fibro-vascular liiiii(llf; nt liiTwiso liki' I'ti'iiiliuin. iNrc])t tliat tlif cxtiorsc induHiiim !■* soiiictimi's want in;,', am! tlic sport's art' bilateral. (1) P. rugulosa (Lal5.| Kuiin. Stipo and racliisos slcndiM-, glutinous- pubescent, castaneous; frond quadripinnatifid. rlioniboidal ; pinnse close, erecto-patonf, under 30 cm. long; pinnules close, lanceolate, nearly .sessile, 1 em. broad; segments laneeolate, cuneate-truneate on lower side at base, tlie lower deeply pinnatilid with oblique blunt lobes, subcoriaccous, glutinous and minutely furfuraceous especially below, dull green; sterile segment serrate, fertile with revolute margin, the sorus reaching to the costa. ilount Data, Lepanto, in pine forest. Loher. New Caledonia, (")talieite ( ?). I do not know this fn n. hut liiul nothing in the descriptions to indicate that it has an c.xtrorse indusium: its aspect must be that of Hypolepia, to which it was assimied bv Hooker. VI. VITTAIUE.E. Fronds simple and entire, not articulate to the rhizome; veins free or anastomosing without free included veinlets; sori marginal or dorsal, linear, usually immersed. Small ferns, mostly epiphytic. 1. Sori single, lines parallel to the costa, fronds grass-like. 2. Sori on or near the costa (46) Monogramme 2. Sori in or near the margin (47) Vittaria 1. Sori following the veins and anastomosing with them, fronds broader (48) Antrophyum (46) MONOGRAMME Schkuhr. Rhizome creeping; fronds (in our species) scattered, small, linear, with- out other veins than the costa, glabrous; sorus on or near the costa, usually protected by an outgrowth of leaf-tissue. Exceedingly simple epiphytes. 1. Sori on the costa (1) M. trichoidea 1. Sori beside the costa. 2. Outgrowth of tissue on both sides of costa (2) M. paradoxa 2. Outgrowth of tissue on one side of costa (3) M. dareaecarpa (1) M. trichoidea J. Sm. Rhizome slender; fronds numerous, filiform, 10 cm. or less long; the fertile ones dilated in two or three places, and there bearing the sori, with high-raised edges on each side. Luzon, Cuming 1(jO. (2) M. paradoxa (Fee) Bedd. Rhizome creeping, scaly; fronds form- ing a turf, 5 to 'M cm. long, 1 mm. broad, flaccid, herbaceous; sori sunk in a furrow on one or both sides of the costa. Philippines, according to Synopsis Filicum. Ceylon to Hawaii and Australia. (3) M. dareaecarpa Hooker. Rhizome clothed with minute, narrow, brown scales; fronds forming a turf on living trees, about 2 cm. high, hardly 1 mm. broad near the top, subacute, narrowed downward but without a distinct petiole, the fertile taller and relatively more slender than the sterile, often notched at the apex by the projection of the pseudo-indusium; sorus along one side of the costa, covered by an outgrowth from it reaching almost to the margin, confined to the apex of the frond, not more than 3 mm. long. Gimogon River, Negros, Copelaiid G3. Labuan, New Guinea ( ? ) . The Xegros plant dift'ers from the type in the absence of a distinct stipe, and the very short sorus. 106 VnTAIMK.K — VrriAKIA. 1<>7 (47) VITTARIA Smith. llhizomo cn't'pin;;; fronds {jmss-likc, mure t. Kitiplivtes in moist fort'sts, very common, i'liere is no er^nns of ferns whose sjiecies are more ilillieiilt of dctennination. Tlie followinj; list l>y no means e.xhausts tlie i'iiilippine species; but includes all of who.se identity and distinctness 1 feel certain. 1. Sorus in a two-lipped marginal groove (1) V. ilonyata 1. Sorus a .'^UKlitly Intramarginal line, with the margin rolled back over it at first. 2. Sorus narrow, fronds thii-k. 3. Sori subimmeraed (2) I'. U>ica(a 3. Sorl immersed (3) V. falcata 2. Sorus broad, fronds thin (4) V. xrolopcndrina (1) V. elongata >S\v. Fronds 15 to (JO cm. lony, seldom 1 em. broad, acute or oliiuse, coriaceous; veins simple, oblique, immersed, parallel, con- nected by the int ramarj,nnal soriferous veinh't ; soi i (|iiite sunk in a mar<,'inal groove with two nearly e(|ual lips o|)ening outward. As defined here, this species includes V. cnsifonnis >>\v., collected in Luzon by Cuming, nos. 28 and 7G, and several other rather diverse forms. Malanipa, Zamboanga, Challenyer Exp.; Jolo Archipelago, liurhidrje; ]?enguet and Kizal. Lohcr ; Mount Mariveles, Voiirlnnd 1401 : .Mount Apo, Cupehnid 9!}2. Tropics of Eastern Hemisphere. (2) V. lineata 8w. Frond 1.") to 50 cm. long, less than 1 cm. broad, at- tenuate below, passing insensibly into the stipe, coriaceous; costa reaching the apex, veins innuersed, parallel, oblique; sorus intramarginal in a shallow groove. ])rotected when young by the margin of the frond. l?enguet, Lohcf, Toppituj 210, Elmer 0125, 0277; Blount Arayat, Loher, Merrill; Mount Mariveles, Copclaud 221. 222; southern Luzon, Baranda; Negros, Copeland 57. Pantropic. V. lineata, var. trichoides Christ. DifTers from the typical form in having fronds only one-luill mm. broad, and the margin so folded over the sorus that it may scarcely appear. Davao, W'lnhiirn 1415L (.3) V. falcata Kimze. Frond 10 to 15 cm. long. 3 nun. broad, obtuse, narrowed gradually to the base, very thick; costa reaching the apex of the sterile but not of the fertile fronds, veins short, (>l)li((ue, parallel, immersed; sori quite sunk in slightly intranntrginal grooves. V. minor VC'e is a smaller fern included here. lviz;il, Lohcr. iLilaya. (4) V. scolopendrina M(>tt. Fronds .30 to 50 cm. long, 1 to 2 cm. broad, acute, contracted gnulually to the ba.se, coriaceous, but not exceedingly thick; costa thick, veins fine, oblique, simple; .«sorus in a rather broad subniarginal groove protruding slightly from the n])per surface, protected at first by the margin. (atanduanes, lidrinnln : Davao. Wnrhurrj 14152. Paleotropic. 108 P0LYP0DIACE.1: OF THI-: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (48) ANTROPHYUM Kaulfuss. Rhizome short, creeping, clothed with copious very narrow brown paleae; fronds clustered, simple, entire, rather thick; veins anastomosing, without free included veinlets; sori along the veins, in general lengthwise of the leaf and anastomosing with the veins. Aside from Vitfaria, the nearest relatives of Antrophyum in our flora are Loxogramme, treated by Blunie as a section of it, and Hemionitis, under which the first species were described. The species are variable, and not at all sharply distinguishable. 1. Stipe long (10 cm.) (DA. plantagineum 1. Stipe short or none. 2. Costa reaching half way up the frond (2) .-1. semicoslatiim 2. Costa disappearing near base of frond. 3. Apex broadly rounded (3) A. obtusum 3. Apex obtuse or acute. 4. Frond broad, sori free (4) A. callaefoJium 4. Narrow or sori anastomosing. 5. Frond very thick (5) .4. coriaceitm 5. Frond only moderately coriaceous. 6. Frond small (15 cm.), stip- itate, sori free (6) .4. jyarvulum G. Frond larger, sori usually anastomosing (7) .4. rcticulatttm (1) A. plantagineum Kaulf. Stipes stout, glabrous, about 10 cm. high; fronds 10 to 20 cm. long, one-third as broad, broadest above the middle, acute at both ends, very fleshy when fresh; costa wanting but median line of frond sterile; sori copious, deeply immersed, anastomosing somewhat. Rizal, LoJier; southern Luzon, Baranda; Davao, Copeland 632. India across Pol_vnesia. (2) A. semicostatum Blume. Frond 15 to 40 cm. high, 5 to 8 cm. broad, broadest near the apex, narrowed abruptly to the acute apex, and gradually to the base or sliort stipe; costa blackish, visible half way up the frond; sori copious, anastomosing freely, rising above the surface. Sorsogon and Catanduanes, Baranda. Ceylon across Polynesia. (3) A. obtusum Kaulf. Fronds 2 to 6 cm. high, spatulate, gradually contracted from the broad, rounded apex to a short stipe, thin-coriaceous, very young fronds black-hairy; costa entirely wanting; sori in grooves but rising well above surface, forking, and sometimes anastomosing. Davao, Copeland 845, 931; Paragua, Merrill 786. Bourbon, Java. (4) A. callaefolium Blume. Fronds 15 to 30 cm. high, 4 to 8 cm. broad, "spatulate-lanceolate," abruptly contracted to the acuminate or obtuse apex, gradually to a base decurrent on a short stipe, coriaceous; costa wanting; sori free, rather straight. Rizal, Loher; Davao, Warburg 141G1, DeVore and Hoover 277, Copeland 1253. Java, Celebes. \ iTTA u I i;.i: — A Ni'Kor 1 n r M . I < »'. ) (5) A. coriaceum Wall. I'roiuls 15 to 20 cm. high, 1 to 2 cm. hroml, narrowed <.Mii(lii!illy Iroin tlu' middle to the acute apex and usually sessile hasc, very tliiik; costa want in;,'; sori entirely immersed, confluent or not. Los Bafios, Loher. Himalayas, soutliern Cliiiia, Malaya. (C) A. parvulum lUume. Fronds 10 to 20 cm. hif,'li, 1 to 2 cm. broad, at- tenuate from the middle to the acute apex and short stipe; costa wanting; sori ratht-r spar.se and straight, in grooves, mostly free. Mount Ajio, Cnpcland 1117. .lava. (7) A. reticulatum Kaulf. Fronds 15 to 50 cm. iii;.'li, mostly about one- tenth as broad, exceedingly variable, broadest in tin- middle or near the apex, gradually or abruptly contracted to an aemninatc or merely subacute apex, attenuate below to a sessile base, or (in Pliilippine specimens) short stalk, thin-coriaceous; costa black or green, usually visible for a few cen- timeters into tlie frond, sometimes wanting, venation very evident; sori jisually copious and anastomosing, rarely sparse, or even reduced to two lines on each half of the lamina. This is our commonest Antrophyum, and in one or another of its forms approaches almost all the other species. Our conunonest form is A. fulratum Bl.. which is shorter-stalked than the type, but not really distinguishable. A. Cumingii Fee, Cuming 416, also col- lected in southern Luzon by Baranda, is likewise inseparable from it. Benguet, Elmer 6126; Mount Arayat, Loher; Mount Mariveles, Merrill 2."i40, Copclanil 210. 211: Rizal. Merrill 2G65 : Davao, Copeland 974; .J«do .Archipelago Jiurbidge. India across Polynesia. YII. POLYPODIE.^^:. stipes articulate to the rhizome; indusiuni wanting. The fronds are simple or variously cut, the pinnte as a rule equilateral ; veins free or variously anastomosing; sori terminal or dorsal on them, usually of definite form and size, superficial or less often sunken. 1. Sori linear, parallel to the midrib, sometimes spreading over the parenchyma (Taenitidce) . 2. Sori on sharply differentiated apex of frond (49) Hymenolepis 2. Sori not confined to a specialized apex. 3. Fronds pinnate, stipes not articulate to rhizome.... (50) Taenitis 3. Fertile fronds trident-shaped (51) Christopteris 3. Fronds entire (52) Drymoglossum 1. Sori usually round, sometimes elongate but not along costa. 2. Fronds with stellate pubescence, fronds simple (53) Niphobohis 2. Fronds naked, or pubescence not stellate. 3. No distinct brown basal fronds. 4. Sori definite, not spreading over paren- chyma. 5. Sori dorsal (54) Polypodium 5. Sori in reflexed outgrowths of margin.. (55) Lecanopteris 4. Sori spreading over parenchyma, confined to apical segments of frond. 5. Frond pinnate (56) Photinopteris 5. Frond pinnatifid . (57) Dryostachyiim 3. Dimorphous, basal fronds brown and rigid (58) Drynaria (49) HYMENOLEPIS Kaulfuss. Rhizome stout, creeping, scaly; fronds simple, entire or repand, con- tracted to a sharply differentiated fertile apex; no distinct sori in the fertile region; veins anastomosing, with free included veinlets. Small or moderate sized ferns. (1) H. spicata (L. f.) Presl. (Including E. revohifa Bl. and H. ophio- glossoides VA.). Kliizome creeping, scaly; stipe 2 to 4 cm. high, glabrous, stramineous or the base ebeneous; sterile part of frond 15 to 40 cm. high, one-tenth as broad, entire, attenuate to both ends, or more abruptly con- tracted above, glabrous, herbaceous or coriaceous, flat or carinate; fertile part narrowly linear, o to 2.3 cm. long, decurved. Epiphytic. Luzon, Meijen, Cuming 02; Benguet, holier, Barnes Forestry Bureau 961; Mount Arayat, Loher, Merrill: Moimt :\Iariveles. Copeland 213; Mount Apo, Copeland 1001 (very small), 102G. Madagascar to southern China and Pol%'nesia. (2) H. platyrhynchos (J. Sm.) Kunze. ( Macropletlms Presl.) Rhi- zome very short, scaly; fronds clustered, attenuate to almost sessile bases, 110 I'oLVl'oDlK.i: — 11 VMKNoLKl'lS. 1 1 1 sterili- i)art about 25 cm. liijjli, more tlian one-fiftli as i)ioail, mar;;in wavy, both .surfaces jilahrous, coriaceous ; fertile sofjtnent ahout "> cm. h\ cm. long, linear-lanceolate, entire, acute at both ends, sessile or short-stalked, glabrous, cjiriaceous. bright green above, brownish below; sori rather nearer tiu' margin than tlie costa. Sorsogon, Baranda ; Xegros, Copelainl 71; (iuimaras, Cuminy 277: Para- g\m, Merrill Tin. (Vylon to Malaya. Platytaenia requiniana ((Jaud.) Kuhn is a fern very like Tornitis in its vegetative characters, but with the entire back of the contracted fertile frond covered by sporangia. From tlie meager descriptions it seems likoly to me that it is a (!ii»\)ioi)teris. but Diels ])laees it next to Taciiifis. l'liili[)pines. X4e. Moluccas to New Hebrides. (.t1) CHRISTOPTERIS ( opeland. lUiizome creeping, .scaly; froniis dimorphous, tlie sterile triangular, ample, the fertile tripartite into linear segments; veins anastomosing with free inchuled veinlets; sori parallel and close to the costa. linear, finally covering: the whole surface. E])iphytio. C. Sagitta (Christ) I'opeland. Ivliizome creeping or scandent. the young part densely beset with spreading cinnaninn-colored li;\irs about S nun. limg. which are deciduous, leaving older parts sparsely clothed with ferruginous scales about 4 mm. long; stipes fuscous or ebeneous. of sterile frond about 10 cm., of fertile about 20 cm. high, glabrous; sterile frond triangular. 1.") to 20 cm. high, and Itroad. the points acuminate, with a trian- guliir sinus 2 cm. high and wide where the stipe is attached, and broatl shallow ones between the lateral points and the apex. glabriMis. coriaceous; the 3 nurin ribs cons])icuous, their branches strictly ])arallel. subevident ; fertile frond cleft to witliin 1 em. of the base into 3 narrowly linear some- what sprea