J A POPULAR CALIFORNIA FLORA, oa, MANUAL OF BOTANY FOR BEGINNERS. ILLUSTRATED INTRODUCTORY LESSONS, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE PACIFIC COAST. TO WHlCn 13 ADDED A5 ANALYTICAL KEY TO WEST COAST BOTANY CONTAINING BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF OVER 1500 SPECIES Oy PACIFIC COAST PLANTS. By VOLNEY rattan. TEAClIiiE OF NaTUKAL fcJClENCES IN THE fcJTATE NOKMAL SCUUOi<« SAN JOSE UBKJARY '^ilW YORK vMCAU plintli I^evised Editicn. • i)^s SAN FRANCISCO: THE WHITAKER c\: RAY CO., Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1882, ■Ry a. I^ BANCROFT AISTD COMPANY, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washingtoa PREFACE. Thk first edition of this book waa prepared for the press during the evenings and Satxii^ days of the month of January, 1879. The hope that an abler hand would undertake the task deferred the beginning, and the needs of a class of over five hundred pupils hastened the completion of a work that would have been more slowly elaborated had the reputa- tion of the author been the only consideration. The errors incident to such rapid work were as far as possible corrected the following year, in a second edition, which was pre- faced as follows: "I have endeavored to prepare an inexpensive manual which will enable beginners in botany to determine the names of all plants with conspicuous flowers that may be found growing wild in the Central Valley of California from Visalia to Marysville, and through the Coast Ranges from Monterey to Ukiah. Over six hundred species of plants are characterized by descriptions condensed, for the most part, from Vol. I of the 'California Botany,' and Sereno Watson's 'Revision of the North American Liliaccae. * Valuable material has also been obtained from a 'Revision of the Eriogoneae,' by Torrey & Gray, Gray's 'Synoptical Flora of North America,* and 'Gray's Manual of Botany.' "Plants belonging to the Parsnip, Aster, Willow, Oak, and Pine Families, are not de- scribed, being mostly too difficult for beginners, or of little interest to them. The Intro- ductory Lessons are designed to show the learner how to study the growth of plants, aa well as to give such knowledge of their structure aa will enable him to understand the descriptions in the Flora. The 'Glossary of Generic and Speciuu Namea ' will enable the student to make appropriate common names for most plants. "To the authors whose works have furnished the materials for this book is due the credit for whatever of excellence it may possess; to the compiler, who may, in a few cases, have misrepresented these authors, attaches the blame for most of its defects. "I am indebted for suggestions and criticisms to Prof. E. W.Hilgard, Dr. C. L. Ander- son, Prof. W. H. Brewer and Dr. Asa Gray. To the latter I am especially grateful for his kind interest in uiy humble work." One third of the second edition was new matter, and only about half of the book in its present form is printed from the stereotype plates of the first edition. The newer half •^J of the work, although necessarily partaking somewhat of the nature of patchwork, is aa O^ good aa I can make it. My drawings upon wood have been faithfully engraved, and, *""" though claiming no artistic merit, will, I trust, prove helpful to the learner. With few ^^^ exceptions — always noted in the text — the plants, or parts of plants, are represented of ^^"^ the natural size. Besides the more obvious improvements, an entirely new Analytical -9^ Key replaces the old one; and our most common oaks are described. IT PREFACE. Assuming that facts in natural history are useless if merely memorized from the book, and that the student must earn his knowledge by observing and experimenting, it is ob- viously best to encourage him at first bj' showing him how to try simple experiments whose results are easily interpreted. Seeds are the best material for such experiments, since the phenomena connected with their germination are not only easily observed, but deeply interesting. For this reason what may seem a disproportionate space in the Intro- ductory Lessons is devoted to "The Beginnings of Plant Life." There are no lessons of greater educational value than those given to observing eyes by the growth of a plant from the first quickening of the dry embryo to the putting forth of flowers and the ripen* ing of fruit. A sunny window in each school-room should be devoted to these beautiful object lessons of nature. It must not be forgotten, however, that since most young peo- ple are eager to learn the names of plants whose flowers they admire, it is best to devote most of the spring months to the study of Systematic Botany. The child's "What i» it?" and the fijiger pointing to the plant in bloom, show plainly with what to begin the- study of botany. Baron Frederick von Mueller says in his preface to an elementary work upon the botany of Victoria, Australia: "An experience of nearly forty years has convinced the author that the use of a grammar-like publication for initiating into a study of plants is alike wearisome to teacher and children, and that as a rule, subject to rare exceptions, the knowledge acquired from the ordinary first elementary works on botany is as quickly lost as gained. The only method of rendering such studies agreeable and lastingly fruitful consists in arousing an interest of the young scholars in the native plants of their locality, to afford them all possible facilities to recognize and discriminate all the various plants within reach, to lead them by observations thus started to com- prehend the limits of specific forms, of generic and ordinal groups, and to conduct thenj. afterwards to the more difficult study of special anatomy and physiology of plants." Teachers and learners are here reminded of the importance of carefully writing out the details of experiments tried, as well as descriptions of what has been observed. In. the words of Dr. Asa Gray: " The naturalist must not only observe that he may describe, but describe if he would observe." It will be noticed — and the fact has formed the basis of a criticism — that the descrip- tions of genera and species in this Flora are very brief; as a rule only the contrasting characteristics being given, since more is calculated to confuse rather than help the be- ginner. Dr. Gray says: "In floras, as in more general works, abridged descriptions or diagnoses suflBce — indeed, are preferable in all cases where the region is pretty well explored, and where materials can be thoroughly elaborated." Although the Flora is designed especially for students in Central California, it will be found only a little less useful to those studying as far south as Los Angeles, or as far north as the Columbia. The Introductory Lessons are suited to the entire Pacific Coast* Sa2J Fbjln Cisco, January, 1S82. V. R. TXTIJODUCTOirr LESSONS IN STRUCTURAL BOTANY. SECTION 1.— THE BEGINNINGS OF PLANT LIFE. 1. If the first rain of the wet season is followed by warm, sunny weather, sjiecks of green will soon appear among the dry stems of last year's weeds; and in fence corners or other edd}' nooks where summer winds have drifted seeds and covered them with dust, you may find per- fect mats of bab}' plants. With a shovel skim off a few square inches of this plant-bearing soil, and carefully examine it. Except a few green needles, which you recognize as spears of grass, most of these little plants seem to consist of white stems, which split at the top into pairs of green leaves. Looking sharply, you may find between each pair of leaves a 1. Seed (if Bnr-clover juKt be- fore it appears above grouud. 2. Same three days older. 3- Mus- tard. 4-. llur rlover showing the tirst and secoud plunmle leaves; tlie former simple (apparently), the letter with three lentiets. 5- Mallows ( Malva borealis), show- ing the hjng-petioled s< e I leaves 'Cotyledons , and one plumule leaf unfokied. 6- I'ilaria (Ero- dium), with lobed or sub-tom- pounil seed leaves. tiny l)ud; or, in the older plants, this may have grown other leaves, which curiously enough are not like the first two. (Figures 1 to 0). Searching through the shovelful of earth you will likely find plants in all stages of ^Towth, from swollen and sprouting seeds to stems, which are just push- ing their bowed leaf-heads into the sunlight. Here, then, is material from which 3'ou may learn liow plants grow; a lesson, remember, which no text-book or schoolmaster can teach you. It will be easier, however, since most of these early wild plants come from very small seeds, to take n INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. jour first lessons from plants which have larger beginnings. You should first study — 2. The Plant in the seed. Get many kinds of large seeds, such as peas, beans, squash-seeds, bucke^^es, castor beans, corn, etc. Put them in water that they may become soft enough to be readily separated into their parts. In a day or two starchy seeds, such as peas or beans, will be in good condition. 3. First take a bean and make drawings showing the outlines as seen sidewise and edgewise. Any marks that seem to be found on all beans must be put down in the drawing, but do not bother about the shading. These attempts to represent what 3'ou see will lead to the discovery of certain marks on the concave edge of the bean, the meaning of Avhich you may sometime learn by studying the growth of the seed in the pod. After 3^ou have thus studied the outside of the seed, slit it along the back with a sharp knife and take out the kernel. It readily splits into halves which are held together near one end by a short stem. Upon breaking them apart the stem sticks to one half, and you discover growing from the inner end a pair of tiny embracing-leaves. Make another drawing and compare it with Fig. 7. Presently it will be clear to you that this entire kernel is a little (ff\%k\ /M plant. The plant in this dry apparently' lifeless first stage of its existence is called — 4. The Embryo, or Germ. This, as you have f liilihliiil!'/ \\1 seen, is made up of the stem, or Radicle ; the thick parts called Cotyledons, and the two-leaved 7 8 ~ One cotyledon of a bean witb IT Ti; 7 mi I p • • 7. One cotyledon of a bean with bud, or rlumuie. ihe emwyo or a pea is Sim- the radicle and large plumule. 8. •1 I 1 1 1 (. 1 1 i. xi 1 1 • Embryo of a peanut, o, inner side liar to that 01 a bean, but the plumule is more of one cotyledon with the radicle decidedly a bud. Fig. 8 represents the straight same^'"'"'''"' '' '"''' "'^" "' '""' embryo of a i3eanut. The radicle is not bent around against the cotyle- dons as in the pea, and bean, and the plumule shows two divided leaflets. The cotyledons of the squash are thin and the plumule is scarcely visible. Lupine, though its seeds resemble beans, has a long radicle and a minute plumule. The buckeye seems to have a long radicle, but since it splits nearly to its point, where 3'ou will find a large plumule, it is evident that the apparent radicle is mostly made up of the cotyledon stems (petioles). INTRODtJCTORY LESSONS. VU 5. Albuminous Seeds. Remove the shell-like coat of a castor bean, and carefully split it flatwise. What at first seems to be a large plumule proves to bo free from the rest of the kernel, and with care you may be 10 9. Sefd of W'ill.iw (,r Dig- li'-v Mne cut ho as to show the Ktraiglit embryo in the center of the oily all>unien. a and h, embryo taken out, tliecotyledouB (M separated. 10- Seed of tlie » ahtor-bf-an . a, the broad tliin eni>)r>o ueaily dividing the albu- men; 6, the embryo removed and the leaf-like cotyledons separated. H. Seed of i>a- 11 12 tnra (Brut,'manFia\ showing at a the bent embryo in the scanty albumen; b, the embryo taken out and the blender cotyledons seiiarated. 12. A grain of coflfee. a, the straight embryo. able to get it out whole (Fig. 10.) It is a straight embryo with beautifully veined, leaf-like cotyledons, embedded in a wbite, oih' substance, which makes up the mass of the kernel. This substance is called Alhu.mfn, a name which ap23lies to anything inclosed with the embryo by the seed coats. Peas, beans, acorns, nuts, and most large seeds have no albumen. Carefully cut thin slices from a well soaked coffee grain until its embryo appears as represented in Fig. 12. The horny, folded albumen makes up most of the seed. A similar, but smaller embryo, may be found in the brain-shaped, fleshy albumen of the ivy seed. The embryo of the Tree-Datura, or Stramonium, is shown in Fig. 11. It has slender cotyledons, folded down against a thick radicle, the whole embedded in tough, fleshy albumen. Take the embryo of a Morning-Glory seed and pick the bits of transparent, jelly-like albumen out of the j^ockets in the crumpled coty- ledons. An attempt to flatten out the cotyledons will probably result in something like b, Fig. 13, which may lead 3'ou to suppose that the coty- ledons are separately crumpled, which is not the case. They stick closely together by their inner faces, as do the cotyledons of other seeds you have examined, and they are crumpled as one; but, being notched at the end, they readily split down the center. Buckwheat seeds will give you some trouble 13. Morning - Glory Just appearing above the ground with the seed coat sticking tu the cotyle- dons. «, th" swollen seed; /'. embryo, with the crumpled cotyle- dons S|dit down the middle in the attempt to flatten them. Indeed, it will VUl INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. be much, easier to make out the exact shapes and positions of the em- bryos in most albuminous seeds after they have begun to grow. Monocotyledonous Embryos. Corn, wheat, oats, and possibly a few other seeds in your collection, are different in plan from any yet described. In corn the soft portion called the chit is the embryo. "Wheat and oats have smaller but similar embryos. You cannot easily distin- guish the parts of these embryos, but you can, at least, determine that they have not two cotyledons. Really they have one cotyledon, and are therefore said to be Monocotyledonous. When you study the growing eeeds you will see how widely they differ from seeds which have — Dicotyledonous Embryos. These are embryos, which, like the bean, have two cotyledons. A few plants belonging to the Pine Family have Polycotyledonous Embryos. Fig. 12 shows the embryo of the common Willow or Digger Pine, which has more than two cotyledons in a whorl at the top of the radicle. The Germination of Seeds. Plant the remainder of your seeds — those of a kind together — in boxes or pots of sand, or any kind of loose soil you can get. Keep this little experimental garden in a warm place, where it can get a bit of sunshine, and water it daily. At intervals of three or four days dig up one of each kind of seed, and, after careful examination, make drawings to illustrate the successive stages of growth. It is of the greatest importance that you repeatedly attempt to draw what you see; it is of the least importance that your drawings are pretty. You will learn, among many interesting facts, that most seeds are pushed up to the surface of the ground by the growth of the radicle. There the seed-coats drop off (except that in seeds without albumen the cotyledons are apt to slip out of their coats on the way up); the cotyledons spread apart, become longer and broader, and turn green; lastly, the plumule becomes a leafy stem. Meanwhile, roots grow from the lower end of the radicle. Some cotyledons, like those of the pea, do not ap- pear above ground, but send the plumule up. The seeds of Big-root — a pest which grows in nearly every field — behave in a remarkable manner. The nut-like seeds drop from their prickly pods in June or July, and Boon become covered with leaves. The rains of November and December cause them to sprout, as represented at d. The mimic radicle — really a INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. IX tube formed by the united i:)etioles, or stems, of the thick cotyledons, and only tipped by the radicle — penetrates the ground to a depth, usually, of four or five inches. The 2)lumu]e meanwhile, as shown in/*, remains dormant in tlie bottom of the tubular sprout. "When the pe- tiole growth ceases, the radicle grows rapidly by absorbing the nourish- ment stored in the cotyledons, and Ijecomes a tuber. Meanwhile the plumule begius its upward growth, splitting the petioles apart, and usu- ally escaping from between them, as showm in the figure below c. In this Avonderful way the plumule bud is deeply planted together with nour- ishment(stored in the radicle) which, if necessary, can be used to aid its first growth. The reason for this curious behavior is obvious, when Wv know that ground squirrels are fond of these seeds, and that a severe frost will kill the young j^lant. If the seeds wait till warm weather to sprout, hungry rodents may find them; if they germinate early, and in the manner of other seeds, Jack Frost may nip them.* '■-■ Dr. Asa Gray, who first experimeuted with these seeds, found them to grow as represented at a, ia the figure [reduced one fourth from Fig. 43, Botanical Text-book, edition of 1879]. Evidently og a>couLt of some obstruction, probably the bottom of a small pot, the sieds were elevated two or threa inches above the surface of the soil [the dotted line S represents the surface of the ground for flgurea a, b, and c]. My experiments with seeds planted in shallow boxes gave very diflorent results — shown at h, which is a reduced copy of Fig. 14 of second edition. The plants came up about four inches from where the seeds were planted, Uie plumule being pash<"d laterally that distance by the elongation of the cotyledon petioles. Such inexplicable behavior stimulated to further observation, which resulted iu the discovery that naturally plan:ed seeds, unhampered by boxes c r pots, usually grow as represented at c and d. In one instance a sprout measured seven inches Irom the plumule to the cotyledonsi Tlu hairs at e probably help the pprout to penetrate the soil, by fastening on to the surface crust. Curiouslj