1 LIBRARY OF THE Theological Seminary, PRINCETON, N. J. i i Case, XILL Shelf, C- re , 1 Booh, i?.U ♦^ POPULAE LECTURES ON SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS. POPULAE LECTUEES ON SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS. / " H. 'hELMHOLTZ, PROFESSOR OF PHYSIC:J IN THE UNIVEIISITX OF BERLIN. TEANSLATED BY E. ATKINSON, Pu.D. F.C.S. PBOPESSOR OB- EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE, STAFF COLLEGE. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BT . PROFESSOR TYNDALL. NEW YOEK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 549 & 551 BROADWAY. 1873. AUTHOR'S PREFACE, In compliance with many requests, I beg to offer to the public a series of popular Lectures which I have delivered on various occasions. They are designed for readers who, without being professionally occupied with the study of Natural Science, are yet interested in the scientific results of such studies. The difficulty, felt so strongly in printed scientific lectures, namely, that the reader cannot see the experiments, has in the present case been materially lessened by the numerous illustra- tions which the publishers have liberally furnished. The first and second Lectures have already appeared in print; the first in a university programme which, however, was not published. The second appeared in the 'Kieler Monatsschrift ' for May, 1853, but owing to the restricted circulation of that journal, became but little known ; both have, accordingly, been reprinted. The third and fourth Lectures have not previously appeared. These Lectures, called forth as they have been by incidental occasions, have not, of pourse, been composed in accordance y^iih. a rigidly u.?\iforin plan. Each of theii^ has b^eiji kep^ perfiectly independent of the others. viii AUTHORS PREFACE. Hence some amount of repetition has been unavoidable, and the first four may perhaps seem somewhat confusedly thrown together. If I may claim that they have any leading thought, it would be that I have endeavoured to illustrate the essence and the import of Natural laws, and their relation to the mental activity of man. This seems to me the chief interest and the chief need in Lectures before a public whose education has been mainly literary. I have but little to remark with reference to individual Lectures. The set of Lectures, which treats of the Theory of Vision, have been already published in the ' Preussische Jahrbiicher,' and have acquired, therefore, more of the character of Eeview articles. As it was possible in this second reprint to render many points clearer by illustrations, I have introduced a number of woodcuts, and inserted in the text the necessary explanations. A few other small alterations have originated in my having availed myself of the results of new series of experiments. The fifth Lecture, on the Interaction of Natural Forces, originally published sixteen years ago, could not be left entirely unaltered in this reprint. Yet the alterations have been as slight as possible, and have merely been such as have become necessary by new experimental facts, which partly confirm the statements originally made, and partly modify them. The seventh Lecture, on the Conservation of Force, developes still further a portion of the fifth. Its main object is to elucidate the cardinal physical ideas of work, and of its unalterability. The applications and con- sequences of the law of the Conservation of Force are comparatively more easy to grasp. They have in recent author's preface. ix times been treated by several persons in a vivid and interesting manner, so that it seemed unnecessary to publish the corresponding part of the cycle of lectures which I delivered on this subject ; the more so as some of the more important subjects to be discussed will, perhaps in the immediate future, be capable of more definite treatment than is at present possible. On the other hand, I have invariably found that the fundamental ideas of this subject always appear difficult of comprehension not only to those who have not passed through the school of mathematical mechanics ; but even to those who attack the subject with diligence and in- telligence, and who possess a tolerable acquaintance with natural science. It is not to be denied that these ideas are abstractions of a quite peculiar kind. Even such a mind as that of Kant found difficulty in comprehend- ing them ; as is shown by his controversy with Leibnitz. Hence 1 thought it worth while to furnish in a popular form an explanation of these ideas, by referring them to many of the better known mechanical and physical examples ; and therefore I have only for the present given the first Lecture of that series which is devoted to this object. The last Lecture was the opening address for the ' Naturforscher-Versammlung,' in Innsbriick. It was not delivered from a complete manuscript, but from brief notes, and was not written out until a year after. The present form has, therefore, no claim to be con- sidered an accurate reproduction of that address. I have added it to the present collection, for in it I have treated briefly what is more fully discussed in the other articles. Its title to the place which it occupies lies in the fact that it attempts to bring the views enunciated in the X author's preface. preceding Lectures into a more complete and more com- prehensive whole. In conclusion, I hope that these Lectures may meet with that forbearance which lectures always require when they are not heard, but are read in print. THE AUTHOR. TEANSLATOR'S PREFACE. In bringing this Translation of Helmholtz's Popular Scientific Lectures before the public, I have to thank Mr. A. J. Ellis for having placed at the disposal of the Publishers the translation of the third Lecture ; and also Dr. Francis, the Editor of the ' Philosophical Magazine,' for giving me permission to use the translation of the fifth Lecture, which originally appeared in that Journal. In addition to the Editorial charge of the book, my own task has been limited to the translation of two of the Lectures. I shoidd have hesitated to undertake the work, had I not from the outset been able to rely upon the aid of several gentlemen whose names are appended to the Contents. One advantage gained from this division of labour is, that the publication of the work has been accelerated ; but a far more important benefit has been secured to it, in the co-operation of translators who have brought to the execution of their task special knowledge of their respective subjects. E. ATKINSON. Staff College: March 1873. CONTENTS. LECTTIRB PAGE I. On the Eelation of Natural Science to Science in General. Translated by H. W. Eve, Esq., M.A., F.C.S., Wellington College 1 II. On Goethe's Scientific Researches. Translated by H. W. Eve, Esq 33 III. On the Physiological Causes of Harmony in Music. Translated by A. J. Ellis, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. . . .61 IV. Ice and Glaciers. Translated by Dr. Atkinson, F.C.S., Professor of Experimental Science, Staff College . . .107 V. On the Interaction of the Natural Forces. Translated by Professor Tyndall, LL.D., F.KS 153 VI. The Recent Progress of the Theory of Vision. Translated by Dr. Pye-Smith, B.A., F.R.C.P., Guy's Hospital : I. The Eye as an Optical Instrument . . . .197 II. The Sensation of Sight 229 m. The Perception of Sight 270 VII. On the Conservation of Force. Translated by Dr. At- kinson .317 VIU, On the Aim and Progress of Physical Science. Translated by Dr. W. Flight, F.C.S., British Museum , . . .363 INTRODUCTION. In the year 1850, when I was a student in the Univer- sity of Marburg, it was my privilege to translate for the ' Philosophical Magazine ' the celebrated memoirs of Clausius, then just published, on the Moving Force of Heat. In 1851, through the liberal courtesy of the late Pro- fessor Magnus, I was enabled to pursue my scientific labours in his laboratory in Berlin. One evening during my residence there my friend Dr. Du Bois-Kaymond put a pamphlet into my hands, remarking that it was ' the production of the first head in Europe since the death of Jacobi,' and that it ought to be translated into English. Soon after my return to England I translated the essay and published it in the ' Scientific Memoirs,' then brought out under the joint-editorship of Huxley, Henfrey, Francis, and myself. This essay, which was communicated in 1847 to the Physical Society of Berlin, has become sufficiently famous since. It was entitled ' Die Erhaltung der Kraft,' and its author was Helmholtz, originally Military Physician in the Prussian service, afterwards Professor of Physiology in the Universities of Konigsberg and Heidelberg, and now Professor of Physics in the University of Berlin. Brought thus face to face with the great generalisation of the Conservation of Energy, I sought, to the best of my ability, to master it by independent thought in all its physical details. I could not forget my indebtedness to Xvi INTRODUCTION. Helmholtz and Clausius, or fail to see the probable in- flueuce of their writiDgs on the science of the coming time. For many years, therefore, it was my habit to place every physical paper published by these eminent men within the reach of purely English readers. The translation of the lecture on the ' ^Yechselwirkung der Naturkrafte,' printed in the following series, had this ori