IklLi GEO. C. HOITT, I Manchester, N. H, I i i£!> al Dr. ASA FITCH. THE popuLAE scie:i^ce MONTHLY. CONDUCTED BY K L. AND W, J. YOUMANS. VOL. XVI. NOVEMBER, 1879, TO APRIL, 1S80. NEW YORK : D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 1, 3, AND 5 BOND STREET. 1880. COPTRIGHT BY D. APPLETON AND COMPAKY, 1880. 10^3^ THE POPULAR SCIEKCE MONTHLY. NOVEMBER, 1879. THE EECENT PEOGKESS OF SOLAE PHYSICS.* By Professor' S. P. LANGLEY, OF THE ALLEGHENY OBSEEVATOEY. LEAVING to those of wider knowledge the survey of the whole field of scientific labor, it has seemed to me that I could best present to you some account of that branch of it with which I am most familiar, which is that of "Solar Physics." This study is essentially a modern one. Astronomy, which in the earliest times could only mark the annual path of the sun, or count the stars, with the invention of the telescope still concerned itself more with the motions of the heavenly bodies than with their physi- cal nature. It sought out new methods of precision to fix the places of these stars and to mark out for the navigator the path of the moon on the celestial dial ; it united itself intimately with the sister science of mathematics in predicting the places of the heavenly bodies from the law of gravitation, but it was still as a surveyor and marker of boun- daries in the field of space that the observer chiefly labored, and we associate the most striking triumphs of the classic astronomy with this work of precision. It is this aspect that appeals even to the imagi- nation, and which is seized as distinctive by the poet of Urania : " That little Vernier on whose slender lines The midnight taper trembles as it shines, Tells through the mist where dazzled Mercury burns, And marks the spot where Uranus returns." These are noble aims, and noble results ; but it is curious to see how observers of the last century, who had learned this excellent lesson * Address before the Phj-sical Section of the American Scientific Association at Sara- toga TOL. XTI. — 1 , 2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of precision, had learned no other, and remained indifferent to a great question to which the old methods did not apply. We are called into existence by a great central fire, the sun, by which we continue to exist from one hour to another. What is it ? what is this heat which it pours into space, and wiih whose cessation we shall cease ? How long will it continue to feed our lives ? A few years ago, with almost the sole exceptions of the Herschels and Pouillet, no one even asked these questions, much less intelligently sought their solution. It is hard to say to whom the awakening of attention is due ; yet if any one were to be named, it should perhaps be the Italian physicist Melloni, "the Newton of heat." His book, " La Thermochrose," has to me an attraction of its own, for the author, with the ingenuous confidence of his nation, begins, not by describing his thermopile or galvanometer, but by taking the reader into his j^ei'sonal experience, and telling him how even as a child he felt an invincible curiosity about what we have just seen hardly any one else then cared for, and how, rising long before dawn, he loved to seek some quiet spot, to wait there in the silence of the sleeping world the first beams of the sun, and as he felt their warmth and heard the stir of life they awakened round him, how he too was stirred with wonder and interest as to the nature of that mysterious thing, radiant heat, and resolved to give his future to its study. If to distinguish a cause for wonder and inquiry in what to the common mind has called for neither be a characteristic of genius, then Melloni must be allowed its possession, and in his. but too short years he showed the world how much interest and importance lay in this then neglected stiidy, which so many with clearer knowledge and better methods follow to-day. Fraunhofer's previous work had prepared the way for the spec- troscope, and with the now awakened interest in these questions, its employment by Kirchhoff in 1860 may be said to inaugurate the pres- ent study of solar physics, as distinguished from the classic astronomy, which concerned itself with number and measure first, and in a wholly secondary degree with the physical characteristics of the heavenly bodies. This study occupies itself with the former, indeed, but chiefly in aid of other investigations, and by the study of solar physics then, we mean much more than a telescopic examination of the sun ; we mean besides this the analysis of its radiations by the spectroscope, their summation by the photometer and thermopile, the determina- tions of its heat and the possible effects of changes in it on teirestrial meteorology, and generally the pursuit of all those problems which unite the methods of physics and astronomy. In 1860 we already knew that the sun was surrounded by an en- velope then visible only during total eclipses, and which was surmised to be gaseous ; and of the sun itself we knew very little more than that it was a hot globe with spots upon it ; for, though Schwabe had THE RECENT PROGRESS OF SOLAR PHYSICS. 3 observed the periodicity of the spots, and Carrington was already at work, their results were not wholly public, and the facts of the variable velocity of the sun's rotation were rather the surmises of a few than part of the body of acquired knowledge. Since then this branch of astronomy has grown almost to the position of an independent science, and, though it has not yet been distinctly divided into specialties in its turn like its elder sisters, yet we already see a tendency to their formations. Thus, with the study of the motions of the solar surface we associate with the names just mentioned those of Sporer, De la Rue, and Wolf ; with eye-studies of the photosphere or solar meteor- ology, those of Dawes, Secchi, and others ; with the telescopic use of the spectroscope those of Huggins, Janssen, Lockyer, Secchi, Young, and Tacchini. The work of mapping the spectrum, begun by Kirch- hoff, has been continued by Angstrom, Mascart, and Cornu, while pho- tography, in the hands of Rutherfurd, Janssen, and Draper, has largely superseded telescopic studies of the photosphere, and the list might be enlarged indefinitely. Let us glance at part of the work done by these during the past twenty years, for their labors make the history of our study. The work of Carrington, completed in 1861, taught us what had before been suspected — both the periodicity of the spots and that this great globe, so far as we can see it, has diflferent periods of rotation, its equatorial zones completing a revolution in less time than its polar ones. We know very little more on this point now, the cause of both phenomena remaining wholly mysterious to-day. In the next year (1862) an impulse was given to the study of the solar surface by the announcement of a supposed discovery of gigantic individual bodies in it, of from 500 to 1,000 miles in length, distinct from each other, and existing in countless numbers. This extraordi- nary statement was not easily disproved, as it is with great difficulty that the real structure is discernible by the best telescopes. Forms, we can scarcely call them " bodies," are undoubtedly there, of a size and in numbers which could only exist on so vast a surface, and which are no doubt the chief immediate cause of the sun's light and heat — but what are their causes in turn, and what is their real nature ? The suggestion was made at the time by the then, perhaps, most emi- nent living astronomer, that they might be, in a sort, living things — beings, in fact, whose vital force gave us the solar heat ; a suggestion which we may smile at now, but which was received at the time with a kind of awe, as adumbrating some possible truth. Of its author I would speak with all possible respect in citing it, which I do here, as nothing can better indicate the obscurity of our knowledge, even at so recent a period. We may look back on such a possible suggestion and its connection with that " vital force,'^ now itself banished by physiology, as a kind of landmark on the road we have traveled. Our science, young as it is, is old enough to have had its age of fable. 4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Since that time, in France, in Italy, in England, and here, thou- sands of telescopic studies have been made with the purpose of defin- ing these forms, and of learning more about the growth of those mysterious objects with which they are associated — the sun's spots, which drew the attention of Fabricius and Galileo, and which still attract our own more than ever to-day, with problems which seem nearly insoluble. Everything we see convinces us that the solar sur- face in which they are formed is neither a solid nor a liquid, but com- posed of volumes of whirling vapors ; yet through this vapor, which seems to offer no resistance, come eruptions of explosive violence such as one would suppose must arise from the sudden bursting of some rigid shell. The turmoil within the areas of disturbance is so great, the area itself so vast and inclosing such diversities of action, that we are still doubtful how far this action is downward, how far upward. Under the. circumstances, we can hardly say that twenty years of observation in this department have brought us results commensurate with the labor expended, nor have we derived great aid from photo- graphy until some recent advances of which I have presently to speak. A review of our past studies of the corona is a review of the solar eclipses during the past twenty years ; for it is a fact, unparalleled in the sciences of observation, that the opportunities for this knowledge last only minutes, and are separated by intervals of years. Till 1860 it was uncertain whether the protuberances belonged to the sun or moon, but in that year the then newly applied photographic method made it nearly certain that they were parts of the former, and previous surmises that they were extensions of an envelope everywhere sur- rounding the sun were confirmed. In 1868 some traces of the corona were first photographed. The spectroscope was used upon the promi- nences, their gaseous nature was proved, and nine of the chromospheric lines were determined ; and nearly together Messrs. Janssen and Lock- yer made the discovery that these lines could be seen without an eclipse ; 1869 brought that eclipse which traversed our own territory, and in this the distinctive coronal line was first observed by Young and by Harkness ; while in this, and yet more in the eclipse of 1870 and 1871, we obtained better photographs of the corona, and greatly increased our knowledge of its apparent structure. It is hardly possible to present even in the briefest way any review here of the separate history of spectroscopic reseai'ch since 1860, during which time it has been connected with most of the important steps in every field of our study. It has, in the hands of Messrs. Hug- gins, Zollner, and Young, made visible to us the forms of the chromo- sphere, and enabled us to measure the velocity of motions upon the sun otherwise beyond estimate, while at the same time it has given us independent data for the absolute velocity of other suns in space, and for that of the rotation of our own solar photosphere. It has, in the hands of Secchi and others, connected our knowledge of our sun's THE RECENT PROGRESS OF SOLAR PHYSICS. 5 physical constitution, and perhaps of its past history with that of other suns, and even assumed to give us information whence we might infer something as to their mass, as well as physical constitution, while it has immensely increased the number of lines mapped twenty years since in the spectrum, and modified the ideas we then entertained as to the interpretation of these lines themselves. The important question of the amount of heat received from the sun has been the subject of almost uninterrupted experiment and study during the period under review, but without essentially altering the data of Herschel and Pouillet which we already jiossessed. In this field the French physicists and our countryman, Mr. Ericsson, have been prominent workers, and we have attained results possessing all desirable certitude relatively to our knowledge in other branches. Investigations on the solar temperature have been carried on by many observers, but with results which ai'e thus far less satisfactory. I am painfully sensible of the inadequacy of this review of the history of solar physics, but the brief time before me warns me to come from its past to its present. Within the last two years the difii- culties I have alluded to, as so great in eye-studies of the solar sur- face, have been singularly modified by the remarkable advance of solar photography at the hands of M. Janssen. When I recently visited his observatory at Meudon, I found him producing original negatives on a scale of nearly thirty English inches to the solar diameter, and which bear enlargement to nearly ten feet with remarkable precision ; and one of these negatives, which presents over a million discrete cloud-forms, can be taken in ^-^ of a second. In another branch of photography, that of the reproduction of spectral lines, for which so much is due to Rutherfurd and Draper, I know nothing more surpris- ing than the recent success of Captain Abney (of the Royal Engi- neers) at South Kensington, who has photographed the red end of the spectrum, and far beyond the red end, to a wave-length of about 12,- 000. As this statement may of itself convey no clear idea to some of my audience, let me explain in less technical language that it means we can now photograph objects in absolute darkness — objects which are not luminous — simply by the heat they give out. This is a dis- covery which obviously lends itself to important practical applications, while it is of further interest as bringing another proof of that identity of heat and light, with radiations differing only in wave-length, long since surmised by physicists, and asserted prominently by Dr. John Draper, wliose photographs are also the earliest in the path which Captain Abney has carried on by indei^endent methods. Theoretically, there Avould seem to be no limit to this power of photography so long as objects radiate any heat whatever. Of recent coronal studies, I have only to speak of the opportunity afforded by the eclipse of last year in our own Western territory. Observed as it was in the pure air of the Rocky Mountains, we found 6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. an immense and hitherto almost unsuspected extension of the corona in the direction of the solar equator, such as to make it increasingly probable that the outer corona and the zodiacal light are different ap- pearances with a common origin. The physical constitution of the inner corona seemed to be modified by the weakness or absence of a former constituent, and perhaps we may say that some additional knowledge was gained as to its telescopic structure and its absolute light, while the polariscopic evidence was contradictory. In the light of our latest knowledge, what, then, is the corona ? We do not know. We have literally had but about twenty minutes in the last twenty years to look at it, and from that brief study it re- mains every way problematical. The extent of this vast solar appen- dage is unknown, its constitution is unknown, its function is unknown, and it is still uncertain whether we can devise any means for its study which will free us from this dependence upon momentary glimpses. Our only hope, since the most powerful telescope is useless in our lower atmosphere, seems to be to transport our observatory to some mountain-height, like that of Etna or the elevated table-lands of Colo- rado. There, even, we can not be sure of seeing it without an eclipse; but there, if anywhere, ingenuity will be hopefully employed in an endeavor to remove the difficulties which bar the way. After spend- ing some weeks this year myself upon Mount Etna, on which the new solar observatory is to be built, I can testify to the excellence of such a station ; and yet, when we have sites equally good, I can not but regret that it should be left to others to first enter such a promising field. Of recent spectro-photographic observation, I may mention the valuable work of M. Cornu, who, working at the other extremity of the spectrum from Captain Abney, has extended it beyond the violet to a wave-length of 2,900, far beyond which the solar spectrum prob- ably exists, but where M. Cornu finds our own atmosphere to inter- pose an almost impassable barrier. The solar spectrum, therefore, is now known by photography through three times the extent of the visible portion, and this great gain on our former knowledge may be said to have been completed for us in the past year. In last November and subsequently, Mr. Lockyer has made the ex- tremely important announcement that, reasoning from analogies fur- nished by known compounds, he has been able to show that many ele- ments are really compound bodies, which, incompletely dissociated at the highest temperatures we can command, furnish under the form of feeble lines the spectra of their components. I do not enter here into discussion of points still in debate ; but that which has arisen round this and the recent communications of Dr. Henry Draper, at any rate elicits the evidence of the immense labor now requisite in establishing new facts in our science, and the refinement of some of the adverse explanations suggested in contro- THE RECENT PROGRESS OF SOLAR PHYSICS. 7 versy shows us to how limited a company of si^ecialists we must look as judges in matters so important. The instrumental aids of our study have grown in the period un- der review with the demand for greater accuracy, until the detached prisms of Kirchhoff's apparatus are replaced by trains of automatically adjustable mechanism, giving us in Thollon's recent instrument the equivalent dispersion of thirty prisms of fliiit, or what has replaced the " gitter " of Fraunhof er, that wonderful product of skill, the Ruth- erf urd grating, which for a large variety of uses has already supplanted the prism. Observatories especially devoted to solar physics are being established by European governments, as at Potsdam by Prussia, and at Meudon by France. I have already alluded to that on Etna, and I hope it will not be long before we have a distinctly physical observa- tory within our own territory. There is no step in our power to take which promises so much for immediate advance as the installation of one in a suitably elevated station, for certain investigations can be made only under this condition, and no amount of instrumental appli- ance, patience, or skill, at a lower altitude, supplies their place. In now reviewing the acquisitions which this twenty years' labor has brought us, we can not but agree that we have achieved a great deal, and yet must admit, with wonder at the field still before us, how little is our progress in comparison w^ith what remains unknown. "VVe have found out how to detect daily the outbursts from the sun which were before invisible, but we watch these outpourings of enor- mous forms without yet knowing what drives them forth, without be- ing sure how far our very view is not in part illusion. We have learned how to study and fix many of the wonderful de- tails of spot-actions without knowing what spots are. We see them presenting themselves in increasing importance through a term of years, and then diminishing, and we attempt to assign a period to these cycles of gi-owth and decay. This period is often fixed at about eleven years, with a perhaps unjustifiable confidence, for we can not be said to know whether what we have seen in so brief a time is con- stant or variable, nor whether it be not the mere incident of some greater cycle, whose course began before man was here to see it, and whose term may not be complete till he has gone. We are possibly now led to ask what our science has taught us on the connection of these remote changes with questions which affect our daily lives, and perhaps to put the utilitarian question, " What is all this worth ? " We find at the present time our study growing into a closer union, not merely with stellar astronomy on the one hand and terrestrial me- teorology on the other, but with all the physical sciences, than would once have been supposed possible. Thus, to give a single instance, whatever be the result of the discussions aroused by Mr. Lockyer's statements, it seems likely that we are to look to the analysis of the 8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. solar radiations for the most favorable evidence of that resolvability of our so-called elements to simpler forms, which our chemists are now very generally ready to admit as possible. It is in the solar spectrum that we are now searching for the laws of the molecular groupings which affect the ultimate constitution of matter, and in recent questions as to the real nature of certain ter- resti-ial elements, which our laboratories can not yet deal with, the Mount Sherman observations of Professor Young on the appearance of their analogues in the sun have been accepted by both parties in debates before the Royal Society, as pertinent evidence, the only doubt as to which lies in its interpretation. Of problems " practical " in the sense that their utility is apparent alike to the learned and the unlearned, there are two at least of the highest importance which now occupy us. The solar heat, which grows for us the food by which we live, is no doubt in one sense the final cause of every meteorological change, bringing those years of want and years of plenty which are due to local variations of climate, that depend, through a chain of causes very remote and obscure, no doubt, yet finally, upon the sun. We have seen the magnetic needles vibrating all OA^er the globe together at the time of a sudden commotion upon the solar surface ; we watch the in- crease and decrease of auroras, and find we can almost predict their frequency, so apparently united are they by some mysterious bond with the changes of solar spots ; and we look with natural hope for other signs of union which may enable us to anticipate more impor- tant effects on our meteorology. Extreme pains have been devoted — in some cases misdevoted — to researches aiming to establish such a connection, by collecting data as to the changes in rainfall, the move- ments of storms, the prices of grain, and of almost every feature of terrestrial meteorology, in order to see whether these run through periods coincident with those of known changes on the solar surface. It will be admitted by the most utilitarian that the end aimed at is a worthy one, for the practical result of success, such as some be- lieve possible, would be to enable its attainer to predict the price of breadstuffs years in advance, to control the markets of the world ; to bestow, if unselfish, an almost priceless knowledge to man, or, if self- seeking, to acquire wealth beyond wish. I need hardly say that the attempt has thus far been unsuccessful. There is hardly any topic on which there is more popular interest, hardly any on which there is more popular error, than this of the sup- posed influence of the sun on the weather. By means of the study of what Professor Sraythe terms the "rain-band" in the spectrum, we appear to have lately gained increased facility in predicting local weather-changes ; but, excepting this comparatively unimportant con- tribution, studies connected with the sun have as yet done very little for us here, and it seems necessary to say that, as far as prophecy is THE RECENT PROGRESS OF SOLAR PHYSICS. 9 concerned, none of us are yet prophets, or more able to tell from our knowledge of the sun what the weather will be next week than what the harvest will be next year. There is another utilitarian aspect of our study about which there is less public interest, but more real promise — I mean that which con- cerns the direct application of solar heat to arts and manufactures. These are now all using it indirectly — by the water, for instance, which it lifts into the clouds to turn the mills of Lowell or Lawi'ence, as it flows back to the sea, or by the coal which it stored in former ages to drive our engines to-day. These indirect means use but the feeblest portion of the solar heat, which is in theory capable of furnishing nearly one horse-power for each square yard of the earth's surface under full sunshine. What we have actually realized in experiment is still considerable. The visitor to the last Paris Exposition may have seen upon its grounds a machine of strange appearance, in the open air, pointing sunward the axis of an immense reflector, shaped like a truncated cone, which gathered the rays to a linear focus upon the boiler of a working steam-engine, which it drove thus by direct solar heat. Many not dissimilar solar engines have been built in this country and in India, the particular one of which I speak, due to M. Mouchot, having actually realized about one horse-power to ten feet square of surface. We are startled when we make the computation, to find the immen- sity of the force thus placed at our disposal, or to see what the util- ization of the waste places of the earth would bring us. Upon the limited area of the Adirondack wilderness to the north of us, for instance, the daily wasted sun-power actually realizable, and after every allowance for loss, is many times that of all the estimated steam- power at present in use in the whole world. I am not myself so far utilitarian as to wish to see this use made of our pleasant summer haunts, but thei'e are regions of the earth at present as entirely worth- less as that great African desert which it is now proposed to partly reconvert to an inland sea, a sunburned area now apparently hopeless- ly useless to man, and yet on which an amount of power is every year poured in utter waste which could not be made good by the con- sumption of all the coal known to underlie the soil of Great Britain. Such machines as those of M. Mouchot, owing to the expense of construction and attendance, cost more than an engine driven by coal, though the sun supplies its power gratis ; but it is simply, it seems to me, a question of time when, with another form which I be- lieve our researches already indicate, such engines may become an economical as well as a mechanical success, and in a larger sense it is stijl only a question of time when the rapidly consuming coal-beds of Great Britain yield their last, and her manufacturing empire is trans- ferred to countries which have not exhausted their supply. But these will exhaust their own in turn ; the stock, though great, is finite and 10 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. not renewable ; and we must look, for the only power we know which can replace coal, to those regions of the earth now desolated by solar heat, and to which future empire may probably tend. We have considered the past and the present of our study ; for its future, lies the solution of all the great problems I have already al- luded to, but these questions are so interlocked that the complete answer to one will probably not be given till we are nearly ready to answer all. I have spoken of the fallacy of the popular impression of the result of our study as enabling us to predict the weather, or to anticipate the character of coming harvests. Repeating my belief that we as yet know nothing here, or next to nothing, I yet do not mean to dispai'age the object of such researches, nor even to deny the possibility of their ultimate success. We can look forward, among other fair dreams for our science's future, to a time when it will enable us to predict the years of plenty or play the part of a beneficent Providence, by warn- ing in season against those of famine, which have cost in our time so many million lives in China and in India. These are, I repeat, still dreams only, but we may call them hopes if we will — hopes of which increased knowledge may deprive us, but of which we can not say it may not bring fruition. There remains among the greatest problems of the future of our science the all-important one to the whole human race of -the future constancy of the sun's heat, of which we have, it seems to me, no assurance of the present rate of supply. We have, it is true, every assurance that in the contraction of the solar mass and in the supply of meteoric matter, we have heat to warm the human race for periods almost beyond limit ; but we learn also that this heat is tempered to us by a solar envelope, which seems to be, as far as we know, in con- ditions which do not favor stability. It is constantly being added to by eruptions from within the sun, caused by we know not what, and constantly diminished by some counter-process which we understand as little. When we consider that the thickening of this solar atmos- phere would bring back the age of ice, or its thinning carry our polar regions to tropical temperature, and when we remember that rhyth- mical action, not uniformity, seems to be the law of nature here, we can feel no certainty of the future constancy of the solar heat, nor of our protection against such changes as seem to have befallen other suns in space, and against which we are powerless to guard. But such considerations of our ignorance and helplessness, while they may prevent us from any undue pride in what our science has al- ready attained, may teach us renewed confidence from the very brevity of our life. These green fields around us were once covered with gla- cial ice, and the change has been absolute from that condition to the one of to-day. Yet in the lifetime of any one of the thousands of insect generations which have succeeded each other in these fields. THE DISEASES OF WILD ANIMALS. ii there must have seemed no alteration ; and, remembering what instants our own lives are, in a like comj^arison Avith the uncounted ages of the sun's history, we may well reckon that our generation shall see no change. In the little span which is allowed us, however, we will try to learn something more of that source of light, life, and power of which we are materially the creatures ; and, if we can leave a knowledge which will not die with ourselves, feel that we have left also the record of a something in us " which owes no homage to the sun." THE DISEASES OF WILD ANIMALS.* By Professor JEAN VILAIN. SOME naturalists have asserted that wild animals, when in a state of liberty, are almost entirely free from disease, and that the lat- ter afflicts them only when in captivity. I know that this is entirely erroneous, and it can be proved that captive wild animals are more exempt from ailments than those roaming at large. While First Surgeon of the Thirty-first Regiment of the Line, then stationed at Alabera, in Algeria, I dissected the carcasses of about fifty lions. The lungs of twenty of them were affected ; one half of them were almost gone, showing that consumption is prevalent among the lions of the Sahara and the Sahel. At the Jardin des Plantes, here in Paris, seven lions have died since 1869. All of them were born here. I dissected them, and found that their lungs were entirely healthy. To what was the difference due ? They received their food regularly, and were carefully protected from inclement weather, while the lions in Africa had to go without food for days, had to inhale the sandy air of the desert, and were frequently drenched by terrible rains. There is at the Jardin des Plantes a wolf from the Ardennes, He was caught when about six years old. He was suffering from cough, and at one time we thought he was dying. He hawked and spat, and was always sullen and morose. Often he abstained from food for sev- eral days. At last we chloroformed him, and examined his throat. He was found to be suffering from nasal catarrh in its most aggra- vated form. Under proper medical treatment ■ he recovered rapidly. Nine wolves born at the Jardin never showed the slightest sign of disease. M, Jacquemart, the famous Indian hunter, often told me that he had seen tigers spitting blood, which exhausted them so that they could be approached within a few feet with impunity. * Translated from the " Revue Zoologique." 12 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. All monkeys are very delicate animals. They are not gluttonous ; and haying so much exercise, they are rarely afflicted with diseases of the bowels. But they have weak lungs, and the reason why so many of the most interesting among them die when brought to Europe is the too sudden change of aii', diet, and water. There is no more intelligent monkey than the chimpanzee, a truly wonderful animal. While in Berlin I dined at the Zoological Gardens by the side of a pet chim- panzee. He partook of every dish like a human being, put sugar into his teacup, stirred it with the spoon, and drank the beverage with evi- dent relish. But his eyes looked supernaturally bright. I felt his pulse. It was 125. " He will not live long," 1 said to his keeper, " Why not ? " he asked with a sorrowful mien. " He is consumptive," I replied. "Indeed ! He often coughs." The chimpanzee died a month later. His left lung was entirely gone. Carnivorous animals suffer from digestive disorders only when fed upon poor meat. I dissected three hyenas : two in Paris, one in Lon- don. Their bowels presented an entirely healthy appearance, and so did their stomachs. But the reverse was the case of an old Abyssin- ian hyena belonging to a Greek menagerie-keeper, who had caught the animal himself in Africa. He managed to keep it alive for two years, but told me : " The beast always vomited, and often lay on the ground, moaning piteously. What was the cause ? " I dissected the hyena. The stomach was in a terrible condition. It was dotted with the scars of boils. Dogs are gluttons. Wild dogs are worse. We have at the Jardin one of these able to devour meat enough to gorge a tiger or a lion ; but the animal has to pay dearly for its voracity ; it is always suffer- ing from aggravated constipation, and will not live long. Foxes are shrewd about everything, and so they are about their food. What hunter has ever found a fox that died from disease ? Zoologists admire the dissected body of a fox because there is never anything unhealthy to be found in its organs. Hence, foxes are long- lived. Six months ago we received at the Jardin four buffaloes from the North American Plains. Two of them died three days after their arrival. They were found to be suffering from a multiplicity of dis- eases—dyspepsia, imperfect action of the kidneys, and fatty degenera- tion of the heart. The other two have been ailing ever since, and yet the young buffalo born at the Zoological Gardens of Cologne is the embodiment of health. The elephant is one of the most temperate and abstemious of ani- mals. He eats for his size so little food that it is a wonder how he is able to exist upon it. True, he dies in captivity before his time, but not from physical causes. There is no doiibt that he is one of the O.y RADIANT MATTER. 13 most sensitive of animals. A slight or a disappointment mortifies him deeply. The elephants of South Africa, which are rough animals when compared with those raised in captivity, die from diarrhoea or constipa- tion, as Le Vaillant has stated. Their tamer brethren are free from disease ; and, if they die before their time, they generally do so from the above-mentioned causes. Sultan, the pride of the Jardin, the most amiable elephant I ever knew, was unable to survive the death of his companion, the pet dog Jean. OX RADIANT MATTER.* By WILLIAM CROOKES, F. E. S. I. TO throw light on the title of this lecture I must go back more than sixty years — to 1816. Faraday, then a mere student and ardent experimentalist, was twenty-four years old, and at this early period of his career he delivered a series of lectures on the general properties of matter, and one of them bore the remarkable title, " On Radiant Mat- ter." The great philosopher's notes of this lecture are to be found in Dr. Bence Jones's " Life and Letters of Faraday," and I will here quote a passage in which he first employs the expression radiant matter : If we conceive a change as far beyond vaporization as that is above fluidity, and then take into account also the proportional increased extent of alteration as the changes rise, we shall perhaps, if we can form any conception at all, not fall far short of radiant matter; and as in the last conversion many qualities were lost, so here also many more would disappear. Faraday was evidently engrossed with this far-reaching speculation, for three years later — in 1819 — we find him bringing fresh evidence and argument to strengthen his startling hypothesis. His notes are now more extended, and they show that in the intervening thi-ee years he had thought much and deeply on this higher form of matter. He first points out that matter may be classed into four states — solid, liquid, gaseous, and radiant — these modifications depending upon dif- ferences in their several essential properties. He admits that the ex- istence of radiant matter is as yet unproved, and then proceeds, in a series of ingenious analogical arguments, to show the probability of its existencc.f * A lecture delivered before the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at Sheffield, Friday, August 22, 1879. f I may now notice a curious progression in physical properties accompanying changes of form, and wliic-b is perhaps sufficient to induce, in the inventive and sanguine philoso- 14 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. If, in the beginning of this century, we had asked, What is a gas ? the answer then would have been that it is matter, expanded and rare- fied to such an extent as to be impalpable, save when set in violent motion ; invisible, incapable of assuming or of being reduced into any definite form like solids, or of forming drops like liquids ; always ready to expand where no resistance is offered, and to contract on being subjected to j)ressure. Sixty years ago such were the chief at- tributes assigned to gases. Modern research, however, has greatly enlarged and modified our views on the constitution of these elastic fluids. Gases are now considered to be composed of an almost infinite number of small particles or molecules, which are constantly moving in every direction with velocities of all conceivable magnitudes. As these molecules are exceedingly numerous, it follows that no molecule can move far in any direction without coming in contact with some other molecule. But if we exhaust the air or gas contained in a closed vessel, the number of molecules becomes diminished, and the distance through which any one of them can move without coming in contact with another is increased, the length of the mean free path being in- versely proportional to the number of molecules present. The further this 23rocess is carried the longer becomes the average distance a mole- cule can travel before entering into collision ; or, in othel- words, the longer its mean free path, the more the physical properties of the gas or air are modified. Thus, at a certain point, the phenomena of the radiometer become possible, and on pushing the rarefaction still fur- ther— i. e., decreasing the number of molecules in a given space and lengthening their mean free path — the experimental results are obtain- pher, a considerable degree of belief in the association of the radiant form with the otli^rs in the set of changes I have mentioned. As we ascend from the solid to the fluid and gaseous states, physical properties dimin- ish ill number and variety, each state losing some of those which belonged to the preced- ing state. When solids are converted into fluids, all the varieties of hardness and softness are necessarily lost. Crystalline and other shapes are destroyed. Opacity and color frequently give way to a colorless transparency, and a general mobility of particles is conferred. Passing onward to the gaseous state, still more of the evident characters of bodies are annihilated. The immense differences in their weight almost disappear ; the remains of difference in color that were left are lost. Transparency becomes universal, and they are all elastic. They now form but one set of substances, and the varieties of density, hardness, opacity, color, elasticity, and form, which render the number of solids and fluids almost infinite, are now supplied by a few slight variations in weight, and some unimpor- tant shades of color. To those, therefore, who admit the radiant form of matter, no difficulty exists in the simplicity of the properties it possesses, but rather an argument in their favor. These persons show you a gradual resignation of properties in the matter we can appreciate as the matter ascends in the scale of forms, and they would be surprised if that effect were to cease at the gaseous state. They point out the greater exertions which Nature makes at each step of the change, and think that, consistently, it ought to be greatest in the passage from the gaseous to the radiant form. — (" Life and Letters of Faraday," vol. i., p. 308.) ON RADIANT MATTER. 15 able to which I am now about to call your attention. So distinct are these phenomena from anything which occurs in air or gas at the ordi- nary tension, that we are led to assume that we are here brought face to face with matter in a fourth state or condition, a condition as far removed from the state of gas as a gas is from a liquid, 3Iean Free Path — Radiant Matter. — I have long believed that a well-known appearance observed in vacuum-tubes is closely related to the phenomena of the mean free path of the molecules. When the negative pole is examined while the discharge from an induction coil is passing through an exhausted tube, a dark space is seen to surround it. This dark space is found to increase and diminish as the vacuum is varied, in the same way that the mean free path of the molecules lengthens and contracts. As the one is perceived by the mind's eye to get greater, so the other is seen by the bodily eye to increase in size ; and, if the vacuum is insufficient to permit much play of the molecules before they enter into collision, the passage of electricity shows that the " dark s^jace " has shrunk to small dimensions. \Ye naturally infer that the dark space is the mean free path of the mole- cules of the residual gas, an inference confirmed by experiment, I will endeavor to render this " dark space " visible to all present. Here is a tube (Fig. 1), having a pole in the center in the form of a metal disk, and other poles at each end. The center pole is made neg- ative, and the two end poles connected together are made the jDositive terminal. The dark space will be in the center. When the exhaus- tion is not very great, the dark space extends only a little on each side of the negative pole in the center. When the exhaustion is good, as in the tube before you, and I turn on the coil, the dark space is seen to extend for about an inch on each side of the pole. Here, then, we see the induction-spark actually illuminating the lines of molecular pressure caused by the excitement of the negative pole. The thickness of this dark space is the measure of the mean free i6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. path between successive collisions of the molecules of the residual gas. The extra velocity with which the negatively electrified molecules re- bound from the excited pole keeps back the more slowly moving mole- cules which are advancing toward that pole. A conflict occurs at the boundary of the dark space, where the luminous margin bears witness to the energy of the discharge. Therefore the residual gas — or, as I prefer to call it, the gaseous residue — within the dark space is in an entirely different state to that of the residual gas in vessels at a lower degree of exhaustion. To quote the words of our last year's President, in his address at Dublin : In the exhausted column we have a vehicle for electricity not constant like an ordinary conductor, but itself modified by the passage of the discharge, and perhaps subject to laws diifering materially from those which it obeys at atmos- l)heric pressure. In the vessels with the lower degree of exhaustion, the length of the mean free path of the molecules is exceedingly small as compared with the dimensions of the bulb, and the properties belonging to the ordi- nary gaseous state of matter, depending upon constant collisions, can be observed. But in the phenomena now about to be examined, so high is the exhaustion carried that the dark space around the negative pole has widened out till it entirely fills the tube. By great rarefac- tion the mean free path has become so long that the hits in a given time in comparison to the misses may be disregarded, and the average molecule is now allowed to obey its own motions or laws without in- terference. The mean free path, in fact, is comparable to the dimen- sions of the vessel, and Ave have no longer to deal with a continuous portion of matter, as would be the case were the tubes less highly ex- hausted, but we must here contemplate the molecules individually. In these highly exhausted vessels the molecules of the gaseous residue are able to dart across the tube with comparatively few collisions, and radiating from the pole with enormous velocity, they assume proper- ties so novel and so characteristic as to entirely justify the application of the term borrowed from I'araday, that of radiant matter. ON RADIANT MATTER. 17 Radiant Matter exerts Powerful Phosphorogenic Action v)here it strikes. — I have mentioned that the radiant matter within the dark space excites luminosity where its velocity is arrested by residual gas ■outside the dark space. But if no residual gas is left, the molecules will have their velocity arrested by the sides of the glass ; and here we come to the first and one of the most noteworthy properties of radiant matter discharged from the negative pole — its power of exciting phos- phorescence when it strikes against solid matter. The number of bodies which respond luminously to this molecular bombardment is very great, and the resulting colors are of every variety. Glass, for instance, is highly phosphorescent when exposed to a stream of radiant matter. Here (Fig. 2) are three bulbs composed of different glass : one is uranium glass («), which phosphoresces of a dark-green color ; another is English glass {b), which phosphoresces of a blue color ; and the third (c) is soft German glass — of which most of the apparatus before you is made — which phosphoresces of a bright apple-green. My earlier experiments were almost entirely carried on by the aid of the phosphorescence which glass takes up when it is under the influ- ence of the radiant discharge ; but many other substances possess this phosphorescent power in a still higher degree than glass. For in- stance, here is some of the luminous sulphide of calcium prepared ac- cording to M. Ed. Becquerel's description. When the sulphide is ex- posed to light — even candle-light — it phosphoresces for hours with a bluish-white color. It is, however, much more strongly phospho- rescent to the molecular discharge in a good vacuum, as you will see when I pass the discharge through this tube. VOL. XVI. — 2 i8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Other substances besides English, German, and iu*anium glass, and Becquerel's luminous sulphides, are also phosphorescent. The rare min- eral Phenakite (aluminate of glucinum) phosphoresces blue ; the min- eral Spodumene (a silicate of aluminium and lithium) phosphoresces a rich golden yellow ; the emerald gives out a crimson light. But, with- out exception, the diamond is the most sensitive substance I have yet met for ready and brilliant phosphorescence. Here is a very curious fluorescent diamond, green by daylight, colorless by candle-light. It is mounted in the center of an exhausted bulb (Fig. 3), and the mo- lecular discharge will be directed on it from below upward. On dark- ening the room you see the diamond shines with as much light as a candle, phosphorescing of a bright green. Next to the diamond the ruby is one of the most remarkable stones for phosphorescing. In this tube (Fig. 4.) is a fine collection of ruby- pebbles. As soon as the induction-spark is turned on, you will see these rubies shining with a brilliant rich red tone, as if they were glowing hot. It scarcely matters what color the ruby is, to begin with. In this tube of natural rubies there are stones of all colors — the deep-red and also the pale-pink ruby. There are some so pale as to be almost colorless, and some of the highly prized tint of pigeon's blood ; but under the impact of radiant matter they all phosphoresce with about the same color. Now the ruby is nothing but crystallized alumina with a little color- ing-matter. In a paper by Ed. Becquerel,* published twenty years ago, he describes the appearance of alumina as glowing with a rich red color in the phosphoroscope. Here is some precipitated alumina pre- pared in the most careful manner. It has been heated to whiteness, and you see it also glows under the molecular discharge with the same rich red color. The spectrum of the red light emitted by these varieties of alumina is the same as described by Becquerel twenty years ago. There is one * " Annales de Chimie et de Physique," third series, vol. Ivii., p. 50, 1859. ON RADIANT MATTER. 19 intense red line, a little below the fixed line B in the spectrum, having a wave-length of about 6,895. There is a continuous spectrum begin- ning at about B, and a few fainter lines beyond it, but they are so faint in comparison with this red line that they may be neglected. This line is easily seen by examining with a small pocket spectroscope the light reflected from a good ruby. There is one particular degree of exhaustion more favorable than any other for the development of the properties of radiant matter which are now under examination. Roughly speaking it may be put at the millionth of an atmosphere.* At this degree of exhaustion the phosphorescence is very strong, and after that it begins to diminish until the spark refuses to pass, f I have here a tube. Fig. 5, which will serve to illustrate the de- pendence of the phosphorescence of the glass on the degree of exhaus- * 1-0 millionth of an atmosphere = O-OOOTG millim. 1315"789 millionths of an atmosphere = I'O millim. 1,000,000- " " " = 760-0 millims. " " " " =1 atmosphere. f Nearly a hundred years ago, Mr. WilUam Morgan communicated to the Royal Society a paper entitled " Electrical Experiments made to ascertain the Non-conducting Power of a Perfect Vacuum," etc. The following extracts from this paper, which was published in the " Philosophical Transactions " for 1 785 (vol. Ixxv., p. 272), will be read with in- terest : A mercurial gage about fifteen inches long, carefully and accurately boiled till every par- ticle of air was expelled from the inside, was coated with tin-foil five inches down from its sealed end, and being inverted into mercury through a perforation in the brass cap which covered the mouth of the cistern, the whole was cemented together, and the air was exhausted from the inside of the cistern, through a valve in the brass cap, which, producing a perfect vacuum in the gage, formed an instrument pecuharly well adapted for experiments of this kind. Things being thus adjusted (a small wire having been pre- viously fixed on the inside of the cistern to form a communication between the brass cap and the mercury, into which the gage was inverted), the coated end was applied to the conductor of an electrical machine, and, notwithstanding every effort, neither the smallest ray of light, nor the slightest charge, could ever be procured in this exhausted gage. If the mercury in the gage be imperfectly boiled, the experiment will not succeed; but the color of the electric light, which in air rarefied by an exhauster is always violet or purple, appears in this case of a beautiful green, and, what is very curious, the degree of the air's rarefaction may be nearly determined by this means ; for I have known instances, during the course of these experiments, where a small particle of air having found its way into the tube, the electric light became visible, and as usual of a green color ; but the charge being often repeated, the gage has at length cracked at its sealed end, and in consequence the external air, by being admitted into the inside, has gradually produced a change in the electric fight from green to blue, from blue to indigo, and so on to violet and purple, till the medium has at length become so dense as no longer to be a conductor of electricity. I think there can be little doubt, from the above experiments, of the non- conducting power of a perfect vacuum. This seems to prove that there is a limit even in the rarefaction of air, which sets bounds to its conducting power ; or, in other words, that the particles of air may be so far separated from each other as no longer to be able to transmit the electric fluid ; that if they are brought within a certain distance of each other, their conducting power begins, and continually increases till their approach also arrives at its limit. 20 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tion. The two poles are at a and b, and at tlie end c is a small' supple- mentary tube, connected with the other by a narrow aperture, and containing solid caustic potash. The tube has been exhausted to a very high point, and the potash heated so as to drive off moisture and injure the vacuum. Exhaustion has then been recommenced, and the alternate heating and exhaustion repeated until the tube has been brought to the state in which it now appears before you. When the induction spark is first turned on nothing is visible — the vacuum is so high that the tube is non-conducting. I now warm the potash slightly and liberate a trace of aqueous vapor. Instantly conduction commences, and the green phosphorescence flashes out along the length of the tube. I continue the heat, so as to drive off more gas from the potash. The green gets fainter, and now a wave of cloudy luminosity sweeps over the tube, and stratifications appear, which rapidly get narrower, until the spai'k passes along the tube in the form of a narrow purple line. I take the lamp away, and allow the potash to cool ; as it cools, the aqueous vapor, w^hich the heat had driven off, is reabsorbed. The purple line broadens out, and breaks up into fine stratifications ; these get wider, and travel toward the potash-tube. Now a w^ave of green light ap- pears on the glass at the other end, sweeping on and driving the last pale stratification into the potash ; and now the tube glows over its whole length with the green phosphorescence. I might keep it before you, and show the green growing fainter and the vacuum becoming non-conducting ; but I should detain you too long, as time is required for the absorption of the last traces of vapor by the potash, and I must pass on to the next subject. Radiant Matter proceeds in Straight Lines. — The radiant matter whose impact on the glass causes an evolution of light, absolutely re- fuses to turn a corner. Here is a V-shaped tube (Fig. C), a pole being at each extremity. The pole at the right side {a) being negative, you see that the whole of the right arm is flooded with green light, but at the bottom it stops sharply and will not turn the corner to get into the left side. When I reverse the current and make the left pole negative, the green changes to the left side, always following the negative pole and leaving the positive side with scarcely any luminosity. In the ordinary phenomena exhibited by vacuum-tubes — phenomena with which we are all familiar — it is customary, in order to bring out the striking contrasts of color, to bend the tubes into very elaborate designs. The luminosity caused by the phosphorescence of the residual ON RADIANT MATTER. 21 gas follows all the convolutions into which skillful glass-blowers can manage to twist the glass. The negative pole being at one end and the positive pole at the other, the luminous phenomena seem to de- pend more on the positive than on the negative at the ordinary exhaus- tion hitherto used to get the best phenomena of vacuum-tubes. But at a very high exhaustion the phenomena noticed in ordinary vacuum tubes when the induction-spark passes through them — an appearance of cloudy luminosity and of stratifications — disappear entirely. No cloud or fog whatever is seen in the body of the tube, and with such a vacuum as I am working with in these experiments, the only light observed is that from the phosphorescent surface of the glass. I have here two bulbs (Fig. 7), alike in shape and position of poles, the only difference being that one is at an exhaustion equal to a few millimetres of mercury — such a moderate exhaustion as will give the ordinary lu- minous phenomena — while the other is exhausted to about the millionth of an atmosphere. I will first connect the moderately exhausted bulb (A) with the induction-coil, and retaining the pole at one side {a) al- ways negative, I will put the positive wire successively to the other poles with which the bulb is furnished. You see that as I change the position of the positive pole, the line of violet light joining the two poles changes, the electric current always choosing the shortest path between the two poles, and moving about the bulb as I alter the posi- tion of the wires. This, then, is the kind of phenomenon we get in ordinary exhaus- 22 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tions. I will now try the same experiment with a bulb (B) that is very highly exhausted, and, as before, will make the side pole {a') the negative, the top pole {l>) being positive. Notice how widely differ- ent is the appearance from that shown by the last bulb. The negative pole is in the form of a shallow cup. The molecular rays from the cup cross in the center of the bulb, and thence diverging fall on the opposite side and produce a circular patch of green, phosphorescent light. As I turn the bulb round you will all be able to see the green patch on the glass. Now, observe, I remove the positive wii'e from the top, and connect it with the side pole (c). The green patch from the divergent negative focus is there still. I now make the lowest pole {d) positive, and the green patch remains where it was at first, unchanged in position or intensity. We have here another property of radiant matter. In the low vacuum the position of the positive pole is of every importance, while in a high vacuum the position of the positive pole scarcely matters at all ; the phenomena seem to depend entirely on the negative pole. If the negative pole points in the direction of the positive, all very well, but if the negative pole is entirely in the opposite direction it is of little consequence ; the radiant matter darts all the same in a straight line from the negative. ON RADIANT MATTER. 23 If, instead of a fiat disk, a hemi-cylinder is used for the negative pole, the matter still radiates normal to its surface. The tube before you (Fig. 8) illustrates this property. It contains, as a negative pole, a hemi-cyl- ^^^- ^' inder (a) of polished aluminium. This is connected with a fine copper wire, h, ending at the platinum terminal, c. At the upper end of the tube is another ter- minal, d. The induction-coil is connect- ed so that the hemi-cylinder is negative and the upper pole positive, and when exhausted to a sufficient extent the pro- jection of the molecular rays to a focus is very beautifully shown. The rays of matter being driven from the hemi-cyl- inder in a direction normal to its sur- face, come to a focus and then diverge, tracing their path in brilliant green phos- phorescence on the surface of the glass. Instead of receiving the molecular rays on the glass, I will show you another tube in which the focus falls on a phos- phorescent screen. See how brilliantly the lines of discharge shine out, and how intensely the focal point is illumi- nated, lighting up the table. Radiant Matter when intercejited by Solid Matter casts a Shadow. — Radiant matter comes from the pole in straight lines, and does not merely permeate all parts of the tube and fill it with light, as would be the case were the exhaustion less good. Where there is nothing in the way the rays strike the screen and produce phosphorescence, and where solid matter intervenes they are obstructed by it, and a shadow 24 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. is thrown on the screen. In this pear-shaped bulb (Fig. 9) the nega- tive pole (a) is at the pointed end. In the middle is a cross {b) cut out of sheet-aluminium, so that the rays from the negative pole pro- jected along the tube will be partly intercepted by the aluminium cross, and will project an image of it on the hemispherical end of the tube which is phosphorescent. I turn on the coil, and you will all see the black shadow of the cross on the luminous end of the bulb (c, d). Now, the radiant matter from the negative pole has been passing by the side of the aluminium cross to produce the shadow ; the glass has been hammered and bombarded till it is appreciably warm, and at the same time another effect has been produced on the glass — its sensibility has been deadened. The glass has got tired, if I may use the expres- sion, by the enforced phosphorescence. A change has been produced by this molecular bombardment which will prevent the glass from re- sponding easily to additional excitement ; but the part that the shadow has fallen on is not tired — it has not been phosphorescing at all and is perfectly fresh ; therefore, if I throw down this cross — I can easily do so by giving the apparatus a slight jerk, for it has been most ingen- iously constructed with a hinge by Mr. Gimingham — and so allow the rays from the negative pole to fall uninterruptedly on to the end of the bulb, you will suddenly see the black cross (c, d, Fig. 10) change to a luminous one {e,f), because the background is now only capable of faintly phosphorescing, while the part which had the black shadow on it retains its full phosphorescent power. The stenciled image of the luminous cross unfortunately soon dies out. After a period of rest the glass partly recovers its power of phosphorescing, but it is never so good as it was at first. Here, therefore, is another important property of radiant matter. It is projected with great velocity from the negative pole, and not only strikes the glass in such a way as to cause it to vibrate and become temporarily luminous while the discharge is going on, but the mole- cules hammer away with sufficient energy to produce a permanent im- pression upon the glass. JOHN STUART MILL. JOHN STUART MILL. By ALEXANDER BAIN, LL. D., PROFESSOR OF LOGIC IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. IV. THE year 1842 was memorable for the American repudiation, in which Mill was heavily involved. He had invested, I am told, a thousand pounds of his own money, and several thousands of his father's money which he had in trust for the family, and which he would have to make good. The blow completely shook him for the time. From whatever cause, or union of causes, his bodily strength was prostrated to such degree that, before I left London that autumn, he was unequal to his usual walk from the India House home, and took the omnibus before he went far. The disaster must have preyed upon him for a year or more. He alluded to his state in the Comte letters, in which he described his depression as both physical and moral. It appears that in a letter to Comte of the 15th of November, he gave assurances of his being much better. So in writing to me on the 3d of October, he says, " I am quite well and strong, and now walk the whole way to and from Kensington without the self-indulgence of OTombV But on the 5th of December he says, " I have not been very well, but am a little better." He was now in the middle of the very heavy winter's work 6f getting the " Logic " through the press. There is no more heard of his health till the following June, in which he wrote to Comte in a very depressed tone. I remember, either in that or in the previous summer, his confessing to me that he was in a low state. I naturally urged that he had a long continuance of very heavy work. He replied hastily, " I do not believe any man was ever the worse for work," or something to that effect. I listened in mute astonishment, being quite ignorant that other circumstances besides his intellectual strain were at work. In writing to Comte, who, unlike him, believed in the bad consequences of prolonged study, he said his doctors advised him to rest his brain, but, as they knew so very little, he preferred to abide by his own feelings, which taught him that work was the only thing to counteract melancholy. Comte, however, urged that a " true positive therapeutics " involved rest and diversion ; and Mill believed in regular holiday tours. It was during this dreadful depression of June and July, 1843, and after the American repudia- tion had beggared him, that he made his offer of pecuniary assistance to Comte. He had had no holiday for two years, and, except for his customary Sunday walks, he did not leave town that autumn : I sus- pect that his money affairs had something to do with his still postpon- ing his holiday. In October his letters announce an improved state of health. 26 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. His work in 1843, after the publication of the " Logic," was his *•' Michelet " article, written in autumn. In September he writes : " I am now vigorously at work reviewing Michelet's ' History of France ' for the ' Edinburgh.' I hope to do Napier, and get him to insert it before he finds out what a fatal thing he is doing." On November 3d he says : "My review of Michelet is in Napier's hands. If he prints it, he will make some of his readers stare." The article appeared in January, and had none of the serious consequences predicted. We have a difficulty, reading it now, to see anything very dreadful in its views. But a philosophic vindication of the Papacy and the celibacy of the clergy, as essential preservatives against barbarism, was not then familiar to the English mind. Mill had worked himself into sym- pathy with everything French, and echoed the importance of France from the French historians. He always dealt gently with her faults and liberally with her virtues. While writing this article, he was projecting in his mind his next book, which was to be on the new science, first sketched in the " Logic," to be called " Ethology." With parental fondness, he cher- ished this subject for a considerable time ; regarding it as the foun- dation and corner-stone of Sociology. " There is no chance," he says, " for social statics, at least until the laws of human character are bet- ter treated." A few months later he wrote : " I do not know when I shall be ripe for beginning ' Ethology.' The scheme has not assumed any definite shape with me yet." In fact, it never came to anything ; and he seems shortly to have dropped thinking of it. I do not believe there was anything to be got in the direction that he was looking. He was all his life possessed of the idea that differences of character, indi- vidual and national, were due to accidents and circumstances that might possibly be, in part, controlled ; on this doctrine rested his chief hope in the future. He would not allow that human beings at birth are so very different as they afterward turn out. His failure with "Ethology" fatally interfered with the larger project, which I have no doubt he entertained, of executing a work on Sociology as a whole. The opinion was long afloat in London that he had such a work in view ; but I do not think he ever said so ; it was not his way to give out what he was engaged upon, at least before making himself sure of going through with it. That he despaired, for the present at least, of making anything out of " Ethology," at the time I refer to, is proved by his betaking himself soon after to the composition of his " Political Economy." I have now disposed of all my memoranda relating to 1842 and 1843. The beginning of 1844 saw the publication of the article on Michelet to which I have adverted. In a letter dated 8th of January, I find this upon Beneke : " I am reading a German professor's book on Logic — Beneke is his name — which he has sent to me after reading- mine, and which had previously been recommended to me by Austin JOHN STUART MILL. 27 and by Herschel as in accordance with the spirit of my doctrines. It is so in some degree, though far more psychological than entered into my plans. Though I think much of his psychology unsound for want of his having properly grasped the principle of association (he comes very close to it now and then), there is much of it of a suggestive kind." From the Comte letters it appears that he had another relapse of his indisposition at this time. Comte earnestly urges him to try a change of climate — Naples or Lisbon — to fortify him for the next few years against "le sejour spleenique de Londres." "What is the opinion, I do not say of your doctors, whom you have little faith in, but of those of your friends who are biologists ? " I passed three months in London in the summer of 1844, and saw him frequently as before. I have no special recollections of his work this summer. In the autumn he took his long-deferred holiday, and was absent from London two months. He came back quite recruited, and in the course of the winter wrote his admirable article on " The Claims of Labor," which appeared in the " Edinburgh " in the follow- ing spring. I had several letters from him in the winter of 1844-'45, but they say little about himself. He remarks of the review of his " Logic " in the " Eclectic Review," that the reviewer differs from him on the Syllogism which he understands, and agrees with him on the rest of the book without seeming to understand it. He announces with satis- faction, as a most important conquest for Comte, the appearance of Littre's papers in the " National " newspaper. This, however, was im- mediately followed by his renewed and final exclusion from the Poly- technic examinership ; for which one resoui'ce was suggested — to start a Positive Review ; a scheme that bulks largely in the correspondence for some months, and receives from Mill a qualified support. In March, 1845, he writes to me : " Have you seen Ward's book, ' The Ideal,' etc.? It is a remarkable book in every way, and not the least so because it quotes and puffs me in every chapter, and Comte occasionally, though with deep lamentations over our irreligion." The Comte correspon- dence shows that he had written to Comte informing him of Mr. Ward's allusions. Comte is very much flattered, and thinks the com- pliments deserved, because of the justice he had rendered to Catholi- cism (p. 323). The summer of 1845 was marked by an interesting incident. In June the British Association met at Cambridge, Sir John Herschel in the chair. I was at the meeting, and listened to Herschel's address. One notable feature in it was the allusion to the recent works on the " Logic of Science," by Whewell and Mill especially, on both of whom Sir John bestowed high encomiums. He also mentioned Comte, but in a very different strain. There was, I remember, a good deal of buzz among Mill's friends that were present, at this unexpected men- 28 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tion of him. Mill was of course extremely gratified on his own ac- count, but considered that Comte was very unfairly handled. Her- schel brought up the nebular hypothesis, as advocated by Comte, but treated Comte's mathematics with contempt, and spoke of his book as "a philosophical work of much mathematical pretension, which has lately come into a good deal of notice in this country." To dismiss Comte in this summary fashion, even supposing he had laid himself open by his supposed mathematical proofs of the hypothesis, was a little too strong. Mill naturally thought it an evidence of some weak- ness in Herschel's mind that he should be so blind to the abundant manifestations of intellectual force in the " Philosophic Positive. " * He wrote to Herschel, thanking him for the mention of himself, and remonstrating on his treatment of Comte ; but went a little out of his depth in attempting to uphold Comte's calculation. Herschel, in reply- ing, reiterated his approval of the "Logic," stating that it was his intention to have reviewed it in the " Quarterly," as he had done Whewell ; but as regarded Comte, he was obdurate, and demolished at a stroke the proof that Mill had relied upon. I think Mill wrote a rejoinder. It is to be hoped that these letters are preserved. Mill copied them and sent them to Comte. It was not the first time that Herschel's name had come up between them ; he must have previously written to Mill in acknowledgment of the " Logic." In Comte's letter of date 21st October, 1844 (p. 276), he refers to the information given him by Mill, that Herschel meant to read " mon grand ouvrage," but does not count upon its making a favorable impression, " du moins intense." He then gives the reasons : one being Herschel's preposses- sions in favor of sidereal astronomy ; the other his analogy to Arago, although "without the charlatanism and immorality of that disastrous personage." Such was the previous reference. The result of his see- ing the present correspondence appears on page 362. Comte is very much touched with the zeal displayed by Mill on his behalf ; but declines Mill's suggestion that he should himself take up the cudgels in his own defense. Mill, he says, had sufficiently proved, although in a polished way, the malevolent spirit and even the bad faith of Herschel, He is, however, quite satisfied with his former explanation of Herschel's motives, namely, the soreness caused by his discarding sidereal astronomy, on which Herschel's father and himself rested their chief fame. In the summer of 184.5 1 became personally acquainted with Grote. For several years previously, Mill appears to have seen little of him, * The following sentence in Mill's review of " Comte and Positivism " does not apply to the scientific magnates of England, at the date of Herschel's address : " He " (Comte) "has displayed a quantity and quality of mental power, and achieved an amount of suc- cess, which have not only won but retained the high admiration of thinkers as radically and strenuously opposed as it is possible to be to nearly the whole of his later tenden- cies, and to many of his earlier opinions." JOHN STUART MILL. 29 but they had now resumed their footing of intimacy. Grote was liv- ing chiefly in the country, but when he came into town he made a point of arranging walks and talks with Mill. From the time of my introduction to Grote, I was usually asked to join them. I remember well our first meeting at the London Library, and subsequent walk in Hyde Park. Their conversation took an exceptional turn ; how it came I can not exactly remember, but they went over all the leaders of the Reformation, discussing their several characteristics. The sub- ject was not one that either was specially informed upon. As Grote was then on the eve of bringing out the first two volumes of his " His- tory," this was a natural topic ; but much more so, after the volumes were out. But Grote was never satisfied if we parted without coming across some question in metaphysics or philosophy. Although his time was mainly given to the " History," he always refreshed his mind at intervals with some philosophic reading or meditation, and had generally a nut to crack when we came together. Plato and Aristotle were never long out of his hands ; he was also an assiduous reader of all works on science, especially if they involved the method of science; but the book that was now oftenest in his hands, in the intervals of work, was Mill's " Logic." I doubt if any living man conned and thumbed the book as he did. " John Mill's ' Logic,' " I remember his saying, " is the best book in my library." He had not the same high opinion of any of Mill's other books. He was himself one of nature's logicians ; he was a thoroughgoing upholder of the Experience-phi- losophy, and Mill's " Logic " completely satisfied him on this head. Often and often did he recur to the arguments in favor of a priori truth, and he was usually full of fresh and ingenious turns of reply. It was only in Mill that he could find a talker to his mind in this re- gion, as in philosophy generally. Equally intense was his devotion to utility as the basis of moi'als, and still more varied was his elucidation and defense of the principle ; on that topic also he had few that he could declare his whole mind to, and this was another bond of attrac- tion to Mill. Toward himself, on the other side. Mill had an almost filial affection, and generally gave him the earliest intimation of his own plans ; but, much as he loved Grote's company, his movements were under the control of a still greater power. Notwithstanding their wide agreement, and numerous bonds of sympathy from this cause, as well as from long intimacy, Grote had always a certain misgiving as to his persistence in the true faith. He would say to me, " Much as I admire John Mill, my admiration is always mixed with fear," meaning that he never knew what unexpected turn Mill might take. This I regarded as an exaggeration due to Grote's gloomy temperament, as well as to the shock of the " Bentham " and " Coleridge " articles ; and to Mill's consequent making himself at home with Maurice, Ster- ling, and Carlyle, with whom Grote never could have the smallest sympathy. 30 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The first opinion held by both that I found occasion to controvert, in those early conversations, w^as the Helvetius doctrine of the natural equality of human beings in regard of capacity. I believe I induced Grote at last to relax very considerably on the point ; but Mill never accommodated his views, as I thought, to the facts. With all his wide knowledge of the human constitution and of human beings, this region of observation must have been to him an utter blank. This summer (1845) produced the article on Guizot, the last of his series on the French historians (apart from Comte). It seems to have been a great success, even in the point of view of the old " Edinburgh Review" connection, to which it was often an effort to accommodate himself. Jeffrey ("Napier Correspondence," p. 492) is unusually elated with it : "a very remarkable paper," " passages worthy of Macaulay," " the traces of a vigorous and discursive intellect." He did not then know the author ; when made aware of the fact, he adds, " Though I have long thought highly of his powers as a reasoner, I scarcely gave him credit for such large and sound views of realities and practical results." The reader will remember that the most prom- inent topic is the Feudal System. We are now at the commencement of the " Political Economy," which dates from the autumn of this year. The failure of the " Ethol- ogy " as a portal to a complete sociology left the way clear for this other project, at a time when his energy was still up to great things. Indoctrinated as he was from babyhood in the subject, and having written on it in articles and discussed it, both in private and in the Political Economy Club, with all the experts of the time, it seemed to offer a fine field for his expository powers. Add to which, he found he could attach to it his views as to the great social questions ; although, it must be allowed, the bond of connection was somewhat loose, and the larger sociology would, have been a more fitting occasion for such wide-reaching topics. In a letter dated February, 1846, he announces that the third part of the " Political Economy " is written. He says, in the " Autobi- ography," that it was the most rapidly written of any of his books ; which showed that the subject had been well matured. He turned aside to write an article for the "Edinburgh" on French politics, the text being a series of political papers by Charles Duveyrier. Louis Philippe was now at the height of his prosperity ; but the political system was very unsatisfactory : and Mill returned for a little to his old interest in France, and discussed in his usual style the workings of the constitutional system, its weakness and its remedies. His author — a calm, clear-sighted reasoner — put much stress upon a second Cham- ber made up of old oflficials, and Mill sympathizes with his object in desiring a counterpoise to democracy ; but remarks, with his usual acuteness, " It is not the uncontrolled ascendancy of popular power, but of any power, which is formidable." The article came out in JOHN STUART MILL. 31 April, 1846. It appears that the editor thought fit to omit a passage controverting the prevailing notion of the warlike propensity of the French. Mill wished the passage had been retained : " The opinion is a very old and firm one with me, founded on a good deal of personal observation." He adds, " The ' Edinburgh ' has lately been sometimes very unjust to the French." He fui'ther interrupted the "Political Economy " to write his review of Grote's first two volumes, which ap- peared in the " Edinburgh " in October. This was, in every sense, a labor of love — love of the subject, love of the author, and admiration of the work. Writing in September, he says : " I have just corrected the proof of my review of Grote, in which I have introduced no little of the Comtean philosophy of religion. Altogether I like the thing, though I wrote it in exactly four days, and rewrote it in three more, but I had to read and think a good deal for it first." His reading, I remember, included the whole of the Iliad and Odyssey, for the sake of the Homeric discussion in which he perilously ventured to differ somewhat from Grote. There was no man whose opinion Grote was more sensitive to, but the objections raised did not alter his views. In deference to Mill, he made some slight changes in the next edition. One, I remember, was to leave out of the preface the words " femi- nine " and " masculine," as a figurative expression of the contrast of the artistic and scientific sides of the Greek mind. Mill could never endure the differences of character between men and women to be treated as a matter of course. In the letter above quoted, he announces that he has " got on well with the ' Pol. Ec' I am on the point of finishing the third book (Ex- change)." He was now beginning his hardest winter, after 1842-'43. It was the winter of the Irish famine, and he thought he saw an oppor- tunity for a grand regenerating operation in Ireland. He began in the " Morning Chronicle " a series of leading articles, urging the reclama- tion of the waste land to be converted into peasant properties, and iter- ated all the facts showing the potency of the proprietary feeling in strengthening the disposition to industry. In the months of October, November, December, and January, he wrote two or three leaders a week on this topic ; we used to call these, in the language of the medi- cal schools, his " Clinical Lectures." He was pushing on the " Politi- cal Economy " at the same time. Moreover, a letter to his brother James (2d November) shows that he was laboring under illness — " had been ill, now better, but still a bad cold." In the middle of Novem- ber he wrote that the articles " have excited a good deal of notice, and have quite snatched the initiative out of the ' Times.' He adds : "It is a capital thing to have the power of writing leaders in the ' Chroni- cle ' whenever I like, which I can always do. The paper has tried for years to get me to write to it, but it has not suited me to do it before, except once in six months or so." On the 28th of December, he says : " I continue to carry on the ' Pol. Econ.' as well as I can with the arti- 32 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. cles in the ' Chronicle,' These last I may a little slacken now, having in a great measure, as far as may be judged by appearances, carried my point, viz., to have the waste lands reclaimed and parceled out in small properties among the best part of the peasantry." In another month he changes his tune. On the 27th January (1847) he writes : " You will have seen by this time how far the Ministry are from having adopted any of my conclusions about Ireland, though Lord J. Russell subsci'ibes openly to almost all the premises. I have little hope left. The tendency of their measures seems to me such that they can only bring about good to Ireland by excess of evil. I have so indoctrinated the ' Chronicle ' writers with my ideas on Ireland that they are now going on very well and spiritedly Avithout me, which enables me to work much at the * Political Economy,' to my own satisfaction. The last thing I did for the ' Chronicle ' was a thorough refutation, in three long articles, of Crocker's article on the Division of Property in France." Two months later, he announced that the first draft of the " Political Economy " was finished. As to public affairs : " The people are all mad, and nothing will bring them to their senses but the terri- ble consequences they ai-e certain to bring on themselves, as shown in Whately's speech yesterday in the House of Lords — the only sensible speech yet made in either House on the question, Fontenelle said that mankind must pass through all forms of error before arriving at truth. The form of error we are now possessed by is that of making all take care of each, instead of stimulating and helping each to take care of himself ; and now this is going to be put to a terrible trial, which will bring it to a crisis and a termination sooner than could otherwise have been hoped for." Before passing from this memoi'able winter, I may mention that Liebig, in a reprint of his "Animal Chemistry," handsomely repaid the notice taken of his researches in the " Logic," saying of his amended views that " he feels that he can claim no other merit than that of having applied to some special cases, and carried out further than had previously been done those principles of research in natural science which have been laid down " in Mill's book. Mill exultingly remarked : " The tree may be known by its fruits. Schelling and Hegel have done nothing of the kind." Before arriving in London this year, I had another letter (5th of May). He delays to commence rewriting till he sees the upshot of the Ii'ish business. " The conduct of the Ministers is wretched beyond measure upon all subjects ; nothing but the meanest truckling at a time when a man with a decided opinion could carry almost anything triumphantly." I saw him as usual during the summer, but do not remember any incidents of importance. Grote was in town for several weeks on the publication of his third and fourth volumes, which was a new excitement. I went down to Scotland in the autumn, but hav- ing no longer any teaching-appointment there, I returned to London in JOHN STUART MILL. 33 November, and entered the Government service, and was therefore in constant residence until I saw fit to resign in 1850. For this interval, I have not the advantage of possessing any letters from Mill, and can only give a few scattered recollections of the more impressive occur- rences. The " Political Economy " was published in the beginning of 1848. I am not about to criticise the work, as I mean to do the subsequent writings, but I have a few remarks to niake upon it. One modification in the laying out of the subject he owes, as I have already said, to Comte's sociological distinction into Statics and Dynamics. This is shown in the commencement of the fifth book, entitled " The Influ- ence of the Progress of Society in Production and Distribution." I can believe, although I am not a political economist, that this distinc- tion may have been as useful in political economy as in politics. He spoke of it to me at the time as a great improvement. But what I remember most vividly of his talk pending the publica- tion of the work, was his expectation of a tremendous outcry about his doctrines on property. He frequently spoke of his proposals as to inheritance and bequest, which, if carried out, would pull down all large fortunes in two generations. To his surprise, however, this part of the book made no sensation at all. I can not now undertake to assign the reason. Probably people thought it the dream of a future too distant to affect the living ; or else that the views were too wild and revolutionary to be entertained. One thing strikes me in the chapter on property. In section 3, he appears to intimate that the children even of the wealthy should be thrown upon their own exer- tions for the difference between a bare individual maintenance and what would be requisite to support a family ; while in the next sec- tion he contemplates " a great rftultiplication of families in easy cir- cumstances, with the advantage of leisure, and all the real enjoyments which wealth can give, except those of vanity." The first case would be met by from two to five hundred pounds a year ; the second sup- poses from one to two thousand. The whole speculation seems to me inadequately worked out. The question of the existence of large for- tunes is necessarily a very complex one ; and I should like that he had examined it fully, which I do not think he ever did. His views of the elevation of the working-classes on Malthusian principles have been much more widely canvassed. But there is still a veil of ambiguity over his meaning. Malthus himself, and some of his followers, such as Thomas Chalmers, regarded late marriages as the proper means of restricting numbers ; an extension to the lower classes of the same prudence that maintains the position of the upper and middle classes. Mill prescribes a further pitch of self-denial, the continence of married couples. At least, such is the more obvious in- terpretation to be put upon his language. It was the opinion of many, that while his estimate of pure sentimental affection was more than VOL. XVI. — 3 34 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. enough, his estimate of the sexual passion fell a good deal below the truth. The strong leanings toward some form of socialism, indicated in the " Autobiography," would have led us to believe that his opinions nearly coincided with those of the Socialists commonly so called. The recent publication of his first draft of a projected essay on the subject shows the wide gulf that still separated him and them. The obstacles to the realizing of socialistic schemes could not be more forcibly ex- pressed. Above all, the great stress that he always put upon individ- uality would be almost impossible to reconcile with the constructions of Fourier, Owen, Louis Blanc, and the American communities. His socialism is thus to be the outcome of a remote future, when human beings shall have made a great stride in moral education, or, as Mr. Spencer would express it, have evolved a new and advanced phase of altruism. The publication of the " Political Economy " was followed by another very serious break-down in his health. In the summer of 1848, an affection of the thigh (I am not sure whether it began in a hurt) was treated by his doctor with iodine ; the consequence of which was a speedy impairment of his eyesight. I remember him in a state of despair from the double misery of lameness and blindness. His elas- ticity of constitution brought him through once more ; but in the fol- lowing year (1849) he was still in an invalid condition. I introduced to him that year Dr. Thomas Clark, of Marischal College, himself a permanent invalid from overwork, who spoke a good deal to him about regimen, and endeavored to induce him to try the water-treatment, then just started. He was, however, not to be moved from his accus- tomed routine. His view of the medical art (at the time I speak of) was, that it should restore a shatterect frame by something like magic. In other respects, his intercourse with Clark gratified him much, and led to a permanent friendship. His work, as a great originator, in my opinion, was now done. The two books now before the world were the great constructions that his accumulated stores had prepared him for ; and I do not think that there lay in him the materials of a third at all approaching to these. It is very unlikely indeed that he was even physically capable of re- newing the strain of the two winters — 1842-'43 and 1846-47. His subsequent years were marked by diminished labors on the whole ; while the direction of these labors was toward application, exposition, and polemic rather than origination ; and he was more and more ab- sorbed in the outlook for social improvements. Not that his later wi-itings are deficient in stamina or in value ; as sources of public instruction and practical guidance in the greatest interests of society, they will long hold their place. But it was not within the compass of his energies to repeat the impression made by him in 1843 and again OCEAN METEOROLOGY. 35 in 1848. We must remember that all through his severest struggles, he had a public official duty, and spent six hours every day in the air of Leadenhall Street ; and although he always affected to make light of this, or even to treat the office-work as a refreshing change from study, yet when his constitution was once broken, it would tell upon him more than his peculiar theories of health and work would let him confess. In another article, I propose to review the writings subsequent to the date now reached. OCEAN METEOROLOGY. Bt Lieutenant T. A. LYOXS, U. S. N. WERE the captain of a ship to contemplate making a passage in a sea he had never before traversed, he would find it desirable to be supplied with charts of two different kinds : one kind showing the rocks, shoals, and other dangers scattered throughout its expanse, the contour of its islands and bounding shores, and the soundings of its shallow waters ; the other kind giving full and reliable information regarding its winds and weather, storms and currents, barometric and thermometric fluctuations. The first is essential to safe navigation ; the second an invaluable auxiliary to a speedy jjassage. It is of this second kind — meteorological charts — that this article is to treat. And, first, partly to introduce the subject, partly to illustrate it, I will very briefly touch upon a similar work for the land — a work which has now become familiar to all — I mean the daily synopsis and forecast of the weather published by the United States and several European Governments for the benefit of their people. The value of an extensive organization for observing atmospheric phenomena was early appreciated in Europe, and as long ago as the year 1780 the Society of the Palatinate was established under the au- spices of the Elector Charles Theodore, who entered with spirit and ability into its pursuits, and furnished it w^ith the means of defraying the expense of instruments of the best construction, which were gra- tuitously distributed to all parts of Europe, and even to America. Some idea may be formed of the comprehensive scale of the journal of this society, when it is known that it contains observations three times in the day of the barometer, thermometer in the shade and in the sun, hygrometei', magnetic needle, direction and force of the wind, quantity of rain and of evaporation, the height of any neighboring water, the changes of the moon, the appearance of the sky, and the occurrence of meteors and of the aurora borealis. To these must be added, in some places, observations upon the electrical state of the 36 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. atmosphere, upon the progress of vegetation, the prevalence of dis- ease, changes of population, and migration of animals. The field of observation extended from the Ural Mountains in the east to Cam- bridge, in the United States, in the west ; and from Greenland and Norway in the north to Rome in the south. This range included also stations upon three high mountains in Bavaria and upon the summit of St. Gothard. The observations of each year are summed up and compared with those which precede, in copious and most laborious tables of mean and extreme results, and many very interesting essays upon various branches of meteorology are interspersed throughout the volumes of the society. Unfortunately for science, the secretary, Hemmer, died in the month of May, 1790, and from that time the society appears to have languished, and finally to have become extinct amid the troubles and the wars of the French Revolution.* It might be of interest to trace the progress of meteorology since the days of the Palatinate Society — to recount the many improvements in the instruments, the new auxiliaries impressed into its service, the successive unfolding of its laws as immense masses of data came into view, and the gradual passing of the subject from the care of amateurs, who pursued it mostly as a pastime or matter of curious inquiry, into trained hands and organized bodies maintained by liberal government support. But this is not my purjaose here : with a passing glance at an important guide-post erected about the year 1840 on the highway of this science, I will make a single stride over all this field and come at once to the problem proposed to the meteorologist of the present day, and the means at his command for its solution. The writer of this guide to the way beyond gives in clear-cut out- line all that has since been realized both in this country and England. After stating the necessity of making observations on land coordinate with those at sea, in order to study the atmosphere in its entirety, he uses these prophetic words : " This extension of the system landward was proposed in the beginning as a part of the original plan. I have never ceased to advocate it since, and to couple with it a system of daily weather reports through the telegraph. As much as we have accomplished at sea, more yet can be accomplished through the mag- netic telegraph on the land. With a properly devised system of me- teorological observations to be made at certain stations wherever the telegraph spreads its meshes, and to be reported daily by telegrams to a properly organized ofiice, the shipping in the harbors of our seajoort toMTis, the husbandman in the field, and the traveler on the road, may all be warned of every extensive storm that visits our shores, and while yet it is a great way off. The laurels to be anticipated from such extension of our beautiful field of research would crown the results * For these particulars of the Society of the Palatinate I am indebted to the valuable treatise on meteorology by the late Professor John Frederick Dauiell, of England. OCEAN METEOROLOGY. 37 already obtained, and probably entitle the whole to be regarded as among the most splendid achievements of the age. With this system established, and conducted as it ought to be, no ship need ever put to sea from any of our seaports in ignorance of the approaching storm. A like system for the British Islands and the Continent would lead to like results there ; many storms, after visiting our shores, travel across the ocean and carry devastation there. Should the sub-Atlantic tele- graph be laid, and, when laid, should it answer its ends, warnings of all such storms may be sent across the ocean several days La advance." — (" Sailing Directions," by Lieutenant M. F. Maury, U. S. N., vol. i., p. viii. of Introduction.) To recur to the problem of the meteorologist) of to-day, it assumes three distinct phases : first, from a number of observations extending through many years and over a large expanse of land or sea, to dis- cover the laws of atmospheric phenomena ; second, from an unbroken series of observations at any one place, through a sufficiently long pe- riod to eliminate all merely adventitious changes, to determine the climate of that place ; and third, from a number of simultaneous ob- servations at different points of any circumscribed area, to predict what the weather will be over that area for any short time. The solution of the first phase is all but complete : the great gov- erning principles of our atmosphere are now quite well known — it is only the details that need defining. That of the second phase can scarcely be said to be more than begun : in only a few places on the globe have accurate observations been continued for a long enough period to reliably define their climates ; but of late years, especially during the last twenty, such an interest has been awakened in this subject, that ere the century closes very many cities will possess the data for thoroughly describing the atmospheric changes to which they are subject, not according to the recollection of the oldest inhabitant, but by accurate records — figures that never deceive. The effect of the weather upon mankind is only too well known : with the invalid or convalescent it is often a matter of life or death ; with us all, how different our feelings on a fresh, genial day, when the air is dry and bracing, and a bright sun illumines an azure sky — ^how elastic, how full of vigor are we, compared with the lethargy that seizes us in somber, bleak weather, when dense, misty clouds hang in heavy folds around us, and shade even our very sensations with their gloom ! In Boston, the east wind of spring and autumn is a source of an- noyance to its inhabitants; it comes laden with moisture and — coughs. In California, it is an equally unwelcome visitor, but for a very differ- ent reason : it parches and all but cracks the skin. In both places, the relative prevalence of this wind is a fact important to know. In Buffalo, the storms that sweep in from the lakes are disagreeable in the extreme ; in Texas, the fierce blast of the norther is often very 38 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. destructive. But all these instances are peculiarities singled out from a variety of items, highly interesting to any one contemplating either a temporary or permanent residence in a place new to him. The storms, the rain, and the snow he has to encounter ; the average hu- midity and tenuity of the air he has to breathe; the variety and char- acter of the winds that are to blow upon him ; the mean and extreme of the daily, monthly, and yearly temperature to which he will be sub- jected ; the relative number of cloudy and clear days — all this, con- stituting the climate of a place, should be known to one ere he hazards his comfort, his good feeling, or, it may be, his health, by a change of residence. And it is probable that, with the great number of ob- servers noAV carefully noting and recording these items in various cities, the day is not far distant when their laborious experience of long years will be classified, reduced, and published in such a compen- dious form, that a stranger to any given place may, by half an hour's study of this publication, inform himself correctly as to its climate. The solution of the third phase of the problem is the one produc- tive of most immediate benefit to all, how much soever their callings may differ ; and this universal interest warrants my stating its condi- tions more at length than I have done with the other two. This phase may be likened unto an algebraic equation — a combination of known and unknown quantities, which, being operated uj)on according to cer- tain rules, gives a desired result. First, to determine the known quantities, a variety of instruments must be read and recorded at stated periods. These are, anemometers, to indicate the direction and velocity of the wind ; barometers, to mea- sure the pressure of the air ; and hygrometers, its humidity. Suppose sets of these, standard in quality, to be furnished a corps of trained observers stationed at various points throughout a given area, say a thousand square miles ; let each observer note his instruments at pre- determined hours, or, better, let the observation be automatic and con- tinuous, which is now often done by means of mechanical contrivances; let a network of telegraphy connect all the stations with some central point : then, at any moment he wishes, a person at this point can as- certain the prevailing weather all over the area, or, in other words, the known quantities of his equation. Now, the atmosphere that en- circles our globe is but an ocean of less density than the watery ele- ment that surges upon its surface ; like that, it moves, contracts, and expands according to well-known physical laws, and these laws consti- tute the rules whereby the person at the central station operates on his known quantities, solves the equation, and obtains for a result the forecast of the weather for the next few hours. Having a due regard for the conformation of the ground over which his prognostics extend, he well knows that, according to the relative variation of pressure, temperature, and moisture, there will be a corresponding variability of weather : that if the pressure is great OCEAN METEOROLOGY. 39 at one place and slight at another, the air will as naturally flow from the former toward the latter as water will down an inclined plane ; and as the velocity of the water will depend on the inclination of the plane, so will the violence of the wind be chiefly due to the difference of pressure : hence the direction and force of the wind are predicted. Again, whether the day will be warm or cold depends mostly on the temperature of this wind ; and, furthermore, if it contains much vaj)or and blows toward a point where the temperature is lower than that from which it started, clouds, or rain, or snow will follow, according to the difference of temperature and the supply of vapor ; but if a saturated wind blows toward a place where the temperature is high, and air dry, its moisture will be licked up by the thirsty air, and a mere haze will ensue, or clear weather continue. This problem in its ever-varying conditions is the one daily solved by the Weather Bureaus of several Governments, in the interest of agriculture, comfort, and commerce ; and perhaps nowhere more suc- cessfully than by our own. With its large corps of trained observers, its military discipline, variety of standard instruments, extensive field of operations covered by telegraphic lines, liberal Government support, and educated intelligence to guide the whole, there is every reason for the confidence so generally felt in the weather prognostics of the Sig- nal Office of the United States Army. With this preliminary glance at meteorology on the land, I shall now pass to a consideration of it as regards the ocean — the subject proper of this article ; and as I have already divided the problem into three phases, it will be convenient to maintain this distinction — only, that for the ocean, the cases reduce to tAVO : first, to seek out the hidden cause of the winds, whether as the gentle trades that scarcely ruffle the waters over which they glide, or as the violent hur- ricane that lashes the waves into a tempest of confusion ; and, sec- ondly, to determine the many items that, together, make up the cli- mate of small areas of every sea. The third phase of the problem on land is entirely excluded from the ocean. There we can not establish fixed stations and spread a web of electric wu'e over them, with some guiding genius ensconced in the midst. We can not (as is done every morning in the United States, England, France, and Germany, for the limits of each country) say what the weather will be, and how the winds will blow, for the ensuing twenty-four hours, in the Indian Ocean, the South Seas, or the North Atlantic. But we can give information yielding in no degree in importance to this purely ephemeral benefit ; and the manner in which this is obtained and published is what I shall fully describe hereafter. To the late Commander M. F. Maury, of the United States Navy, is due the credit of having given to ocean meteorology that vigorous impulse that placed it in the foremost rank of pursuits, and justly 40 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. obtained for its advocate his distinction in this branch of physical sci- ence. He planted a germ which, under his own assiduous care, grew and overspread the globe : its seed fell in every maritime nation, and to-day they are producing meteorological charts of the ocean — all modifications or elaborations of his useful idea. It is therefore but proper that I should here give a short sketch of both himself and his great work. Matthew Fontaine Mauet was born in Virginia, January 4, 1806. He entered the navy as midshipman in 1825, and was promoted to the grade of lieutenant in 1836, having in the interval been attached to various cruising-vessels, on which he performed the customary duties of a sea officer. It was during one of these cruises that the outline of his future work acquired form and shape in his brain. In 18.39 an accident permanently incapacitated him for further service at sea, and he was therefore given charge of the depot of charts and instruments in Washington : this was soon afterward united to the Naval Observatory, and he became superintendent of both, retaining the position uninterruptedly until 1861 — a period of more than twenty years. Later still, the scope, character, and impor- tance of the chart department grew to such dimensions as to necessitate its separation from the observatory : this was done, and it became the Hydrographic Ofiice, which it continues to this day, under the man- agement of a naval ofiicer. At present, it has no closer intimacy with the observatory than being under the guidance of officers of the same branch of the Government — the navy. Maury was promoted to the grade of commander in 1855, and it was then also that he attained the height of his scientific fame : he had written his "Physical Geography of the Sea"; he had been chiefly instrumental in bringing about the Brussels Conference, whereby the civilized nations of the world entered into his plan of " ocean meteor- ology " .; he had prepared his ponderous volumes of " Sailing Du-ec- tions " ; he had received the encomiums of numerous scientific bodies both native and foreign ; and, with the constant aid of a large number of naval officers, he had compiled, with incredible labor and pains, that series of charts that has made his name so familiar to sailors, whatever the flag they sail under. On the 1st of February, 18T3, after having done more than any other man that preceded him toward tracing the wind in its circuits, and showing the navigator how to take advantage thereof, he died at Lexington, Virginia, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. I will now give an outline of the charts compiled under Maury's direction. A full description would necessitate the reproduction of specimen-sheets, and that is impracticable here. First and most important are the Pilot Charts. These give for small areas of ocean — every five degrees square — the relative frequen- cy of different winds during each month. The following figure is a OCEAN METEOROLOGY. 41 sample square of the whole series, and a few explanatory words will disentangle this web of figures. The radii extending from the inner to the outer circle inclose sixteen points of the compass — as north, north-northeast, northeast, etc. Every two concentric circles contain the data for each season. The problem being, then, to compare the relative prevalence of the same wind in different months, it is done as follows : suppose it a northerly wind ; looking at the figures between the two radii opening toward the top and between the outer and second circles, we see that, of periods of eight hours each, there were 32 in December, 21 in January, and 29 in February ; the figures be- tween the same radii and the second and third circles show that there were 41 periods in March, 33 in April, and 6 in May ; and similarly, for each wind between every two radii. To compare different winds for the same month, say December, we look at the first figure to the left in each space between the outer and second circles, and find that, of periods of eight hours each, the wind was 32 times from the north, 29 times from north-northeast, 56 from northeast, and so on round the compass. The figures 416, 385, and 408, in the upper right-hand corner, de- note the total number of observations in December, January, and Feb- ruary, respectively ; and similarly for the other months in the other corners. The figures in the center express the periods of calm in the several months. Though this arrangement is compact and ingenious, still, when we come to make the comparison that is the real object of the chart, viz., the relative frequency of different winds in several adjoining squares, we find the task a little irksome. Second, the Thermal Charts. These show the temperature of the 42 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sea- water at the surface for every month, isothermal lines bring drawn at every 10° from 40° to 80° Fahr. By using three colors, and a dif- ferent arrangement of the figures for each season, all the observations of each month are made separately visible on one sheet in the sjDOt where taken. The sheet thus appears to the eye a continued inter- mingling of curves and figures — blue, red, and black — generally open and easily traced where the observations are moderate in number, but an inextricable tangle where frequent. As difference of temperature in adjacent portions of the sea indi- cates difference of density, which in turn denotes a mobility of the waters, that is, oceanic currents, these currents are therefore indirectly shown by this series of charts. Third, the Track Charts. Such a quantity and variety of infor- mation is crowded into these, that I despair of giving any intelligible idea of them. Imagine an artist perched a thousand feet above the center of New York and provided with canvas on which to delineate the city below — to trace in outline every street, house, and tree ; every railway and telegraph line ; all the moving objects, man, horse, and vehicle — what a complicated picture it would make ! Yet this would by no means represent the intricacy of the network on the Track Charts. On them the experience of a large number of all the vessels that sailed the ocean for a period of fifty years is spread before us. Most promi- nent are their jagged courses from port to port ; along these are sym- bols to represent the direction and force of the wind : roman numerals to express the magnetic variation ; arrows and figures to indicate the set and strength of currents ; figures to show the temperature of the sea-water ; great circle routes ; trade-wind limits ; the name of each ship and date of making the passage — and all this in distinctive colors and peculiarity of line, so that each item can be determined with great exactness as regards both time and space. Indeed, this profuse interweaving and crossing of lines and figures taxes the patience of even the most painstaking mariner. What the charts show forcibly at a glance, are the great ocean highways, but this chiefly by the multiplicity of tracks through the beaten paths, compared with their sparseness over less frequented routes. Fourth, the Storm and Rain Charts. For every five degrees square and each month, they clearly show the relative prevalence (com- pared with the whole period of observation) of the following phenom- ena : gales from eight cardinal points of the compass, calms, fogs, thunder and lightning, and rain (including hail, snow, and sleet). The arrangement of these charts is excellent, and they are easily understood. Fifth and last of the entire set, the Trade- Wind Charts of the Atlantic Ocean. By a judicious use of colors, figures, and lines, the limits of both trades, of the calm belt between, and of the calm zone THE STUDY OF PHYSIOLOGY. 43 on the outer border of each system of ti-ades, together with the sev- eral observations by which these limits were determined, are all clearly and distinctly shown for each month, on a single sheet. In 1863 the publication of Maury's charts was discontinued ; but in 1876 other charts, similar in nature, though entirely different in the method of compilation, were begun, are now in progress, and will be continued, until sets for all the navigable waters of the globe are com- pleted ; and it is a description of these new charts that will constitute the second paper of this article. THE STUDY OF PHYSIOLOGY. Bt p. h. pye-smith, b. a., m. d., VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE BIOLOGICAL SECTION OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. BIOLOGY is the science of the structure, the functions, the distri- bution, and the succession in time of all living beings. If the proper study of mankind be man, he has learned late in the inquiry that he can only understand himself by recognizing that he is but one in the vast network of organic creation ; that intelligible human anat- omy must be based upon comparative anatomy ; that human physiology can only be approached as a branch of general physiology, and that even the humblest mold or sea-weed may furnish help to explain the most important problems of human existence. The branch of physiology which is concerned with man, not as an individual, but a family, the branch which we now call Anthropology, is obviously related to practical politics, and it was not without reason that the late illustrious pathologist Rokitansky began a speech in the Upper House of the Austrian Parliament on the autonomy of the Bohe- mian nation with the words, " The question really is, whether the doc- trine of Darwin be true or' no." In another dej^artment, that of psychology, the physiology of the nervous system has already thrown more light upon the mysterious phenomena of consciousness than was gained by the acutest minds of all ages without the help of anatomical methods. All the improvements of modern agriculture and stock-breeding rest upon more or less fully understood scientific principles, and the more perfectly the results have been first worked out in the laboratory the more safe and the more luci-ative will be their application in the field.* Still more important is the relation of physiology to the national health. The commonplaces of hygiene which are now, one may be * I need only refer to the fruitful labors of Mr. Lawes and Dr. Gilbert in this di- rection. 44 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. thankful to say, taught, if not practiced, in almost every schoolroom and factory in England, are the direct results of the abstruse researches of Boyle and Priestley, of Lavoisier and Pasteur. Ages of experience did not teach mankind the value of fresh air, or the innocence of clean water. Indeed, I have myself heard astonishment expressed by a Ger- man professor at the peculiar immunity with which English skins will bear the daily and unstinted application of soap and water. If the art of keeping a community in health is but the application of plain physiological laws, it is no less true that the art of restoring the health, curative as distinct from preventive medicine, rests upon the same basis. In former days the physician was one who recognized what he called the disease of his patient, who referred to his books of precedents as a lawyer to his statutes, and who prescribed a proper remedy to cast out the disease. We now know that disease is, as the name implies, a purely subjective conception. The disease of a host is the health of the parasite, and we cure a human sufferer by poison- ing the animals or plants which interfere with his comfort. The same changes which in the old man are the natural steps of decay, the ab- sence of which after a certain age would be truly pathological, are the cause of acute disease in the young. Pathology has no laws distinct from those of physiology. When these now obvious considerations are thoroughly understood, it clearly follows that all "systems of medicine" are in their very nature condemned. All that the art of medicine can do is to apply a knowledge of natural laws, of mechanics and of hydrostatics, of bota- ny and zoology, of chemistry and electricity, of the behavior of living cells and organs when subjected to the influence of heat and of cold, of acids and alkalies, of alcohols and ethers, of narcotics and stimu- lants, so as to modify certain deviations from ordinary structure and function which are productive of pain, or discomfort, or death. It is, therefore, plain that rational medicine, or keeping right and setting right the human body, must rest upon a knowledge of its structure and its actions, just as a steam-engine or a watch can not be mended upon general principles, but only by one who is familiar with their construc- tion and working, and who can detect the source of their irregularity. An objector may say : " Admitting that medicine is an art, it is a purely empirical art. You can not detect the origin of many of the maladies which you are yet able to cure ; your best remedies have not been obtained by scientific experiment, but by chance, observation, and accumulated experience ; and, if you doctors would give more time to practical therapeutics, that is, to finding out what is good for the sev- eral aches and pains we complain of, you would spend your time better than in abstruse researches into microscopic anatomy or the properties of a dead frog's muscle." The answer to the objection is an appeal to fact. For centuries so- called observation and experience left medicine in the condition it THE STUDY OF PHYSIOLOGY. 45 occupied at the end of the seventeenth century. The progress of therapeutics is to be marked, not by the labors of " practical raen " (who, by the way, are of all the most theoretical, only that their theo- ries are wrong), but by the, at first sight, unconnected studies of Des- cartes and Newton, of Hooke and Grew, of Lavoisier and Davy and Volta, of Marshall Hall and Johannes Miiller. The history of science proves that unconnected, unsystematic, in- accurate observations are worth nothing. For untold ages men have had ample opportunities of studying the indications of the weather, and have felt the utmost desire to obtain a knowledge of what they portend. Yet it may fairly be said that nothing had been done to the purpose until combined and systematic observations were made in this country and America. The fact is, that popular notions do not rest upon experience or observation. They rest, with scarcely an excep- tion, upon metaphysical theories. In dealing with uneducated per- sons, both of the lower and higher ranks, physicians find abundance of theories as to the nature and the origin of disease, and of sugges- tions as to its cure. The only thing which would be of value is what we can scarcely ever get — an accurate observation of what they see and feel. Every fallacy of popular medicine, every solemn medical imposture, is the ghost of some long defunct doctrine of the schools. Therefore it is that common experience is almost absolutely useless in practical arts. They, without exception, depend for their progress upon the advance of science— that is, upon methodical, continuous, and scrupulously accurate observations and experiments. Many important advances in the practice of medicine have been gained by direct and intentional experiments instituted with a thera- peutical object. Such was the Hunterian operation for aneurism, the process of skin-grafting, and subperiosteal operations ; such was the administration of chloroform and the introduction of nitrite of amyl, chloral hydrate, and carbolic acid. Such direct experiments still go on, and among them deserve mention, for the skill and the untiring patience with which they were carried out, those investigations upon the action of various drugs on the secretion of bile for which we are indebted to Professor Rutherford and his coadjutors. Even appar- ently accidental discovei'ies were not made accidentally. Hundreds of country surgeons must have been familiar with the cow-pox, and have seen examples of the immunity it conferred from the more tcn'ible variola, but he who discovered vaccination was no falsely-called prac- tical man. He was a man of science, the friend of Hunter and of Cavendish, an anatomist and natural philosopher. The fruits of Jen- ner's discovery are spread over the whole earth. This humble village doctor has saved more lives than the most glorious conqueror de- stroyed, but his name is little honored, and the only monument to his memory has been banished from association with vulgar kings and skillful homicides to an obscure corner of the great city where his 46 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. only homage is the health and beauty of the children who play around his statue. But, after all, it is not so much by direct and immediate contribu- tions to the art of healing that Physiology has vindicated her ancient title of the institutes of medicine, numerous and important as these contributions have been. It is still more by the scientific spirit which has transformed the empty learning so justly ridiculed by Moliere and Le Sage into the practical efficiency of modern surgery. Let me give an instance of what I mean. The notion of measuring the tem- perature of the body is simple enough, and the rough observation that in inflammation the temperature is raised had led to the various terms by which it was denoted in ancient medicine, and to numberless theories now happily forgotten. But although the thermometer was well known, and had been applied by many scientific physicians, notably by De Haen, by Dr. John Davy, and by Sir Benjamin Brodie, yet the practi- cal value of the clinical thermometer which now every practitioner carries in his pocket was not understood until the other day. Those only who had been trained in accurate physical and physiological in- vestigations, who had learned the worse than uselessness of " rough observation," were able to see the enormous importance of clinical thermometry. This most practical of modern improvements in medi- cine would never have been dreamed of by " practical men " ; we owe it to the scientific training of German laboratories. If physiology is of such great national importance, if the necessity of experimental research is so vital to the common national wealth, to agriculture and commerce, to health and well-being, ought not its well- ascertained results to be taught in our common schools, and its prose- cution directly encouraged by the state ? There is no question of the great importance of children being taught the rudimentary laws of health, the bodily evils of dirt and sloth and vice, the excellence of temperance, the danger of the first inroads of disease. Such teaching, now broadcast in many excellent manuals, as " The Personal Care of Health," by the late Dr. Parkes, and Dr. Bridges's " Catechism of Health," is no doubt extremely val- uable, and happily is daily more and more diffused. But when beyond the direct utility of such knowledge we attempt to make it an intel- lectual discipline, there are, I conceive, difficulties which will always prevent even elementary physiology from forming an important part of general education. First, there is the practical difficulty of the necessary dissections ; next, the impossibility of making j^hysiology demonstrative ; and, thirdly, the abstruseness of the subject. It is impossible to have even an elementary knowledge of the laws of liv- ing beings without a very considerable familiarity with those of phys- ics and of chemistry, and even in medical schools it requires all our efforts to prevent it degenerating into a mere dogmatic statement of THE STUDY OF PHYSIOLOGY. 47 results, or a labored repetition of hearsay statements. As an intellec- tual discipline, for facility of demonstration, for the simplicity of the objects, their beauty and interest, their associations with the green lanes and broad moors of England, with the poetry of " Cymbeline " and " Lycidas," Avith fairy tales and local folk-lore — botany is to my mind the branch of natural science which is above all others to be chosen where one only can be taught. Next in importance I would place elementary physics, the knowledge of the simplest laAvs of masses at rest and in motion, of heat and light. Its great recommendations are its precision, its constant and useful illustrations in daily life, the interest it gives to the handicrafts and manufactures in which so large a number of English boys and girls are busied, and the necessity of such knowledge as the first step in acquiring all other natural sciences. First, then, I would that every Sheffield girl should love flowers with the deep and abiding affection of familiar knowledge, and that every Sheffield lad should know every common plant in your beautiful woods, and find his purest pleasure on the heights of Bell Hagg and the broad expanse of Stanage Moor. And next I would that your workmen and work-boys should know so much of mechanics that they may take an intelligent pride in your vast factories, and that in some of them may be awakened the genius to which we trust to repeat in future generations the national services of Ai'kwright, and Watt, and Stevenson. With regard to the endowment of research in biology, I must con- fess that I should be sorry to see it undertaken by government funds. That such investigations are of public interest, that they are difficult and expensive, and that at present they languish for want of adequate support, is all true. But this country is not so poor, nor our country- men so wanting in public spirit, that Ave need appeal to the national purse to supply every ascertained want. Great as is the national im- portance of science, the nation is more important still ; and even if that were the alternative, I would rather that we should indefinitely continue dependent on Germany for our knowledge than give up the local energy, the unofficial zeal which has made England what she is. Far better for the strength and the civilization of the nation that a thousand pounds were raised every year for the endowment of unre- munerative researches in this wealthy toAvni of Sheffield than that ten thousand were paid you by a paternal monarch or an enlightened de- partment. But surely there is no need for us to go to Parliament for such sums as we require. In the first place, scientific men themselves show a good example of not asking before they give. There is the modest sum M'hich we raise in this Association, there are the funds for help- ing research of the Royal Society, the Chemical Society, the British Medical Association, the Iron and Steel Institute, the Whitworth 48 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Scholarships. Next we have the resources of our universities, which have scarcely begun to apply themselves to the task. I need do no more than allude to the Cavendish Laboratory, or to the Physiological School at Cambridge, where a simple college tutor of i-are ability, and of still more rare sympathy and energy, has in ten years achieved results which we need not shrink from comparing with those of the great Continental laboratories. The magnificent Museum of Anatomy, maintained by the College of Surgeons almost entirely out of their own funds, is another instance of private care for science to which we find no parallel abroad ; and the Zoological Society wisely spends a large part of its income in prosecuting comparative anatomy, and in publishing its beautifully illustrated memoirs. But besides the efforts of scientific bodies and the wealth of our national universities, we may surely look to the public spirit of ancient companies and corporations to do something for the cause of science. In the middle ages our country was covered with parish churches by private munificence ; in the sixteenth century most of our public and grammar schools were endowed ; in later times our great religious and charitable societies were founded. May we not hope that, before the close of the present century, the discriminating knowledge which alone prevents gifts of money from being a curse instead of a blessing to a community, may lead to the establishment of libraries, and museums, and laboratories by universities and towns, which shall bear compari- son, I will not say with those of Paris, or Leipsic, or Bonn, but with the poorer but scarcely less distinguished schools of Heidelberg and Gottingen, of Wiirzburg and of Utrecht ? Where we have institutions already under government control and patronage, let them be maintained as efficiently and liberally as pos- sible. The British Museum, and its library, the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, and the Royal Gardens at Kew (happily preserved for the present from the short-sighted eagerness of those who would destroy their scientific value) — these are great national institutions of which we are justly proud. Successive governments will have enough to do to maintain their efficiency and to guard them from incompetent inter- ference. Whatever may be thought of the duty of the state directly to en- courage the pursuit of animal and vegetable physiology, one would have supposed that at least what diplomatists call a benevolent neu- trality would be shown to a pursuit so laborious and costly, which demands trained workmen and the devotion of a lifetime, which is so important for the national wealth and health, and which, by reason, by experience, and by testimony, we know to be the only guarantee for advance in the various branches of the healing art. Why is it then that institutions which owe nothing to government assistance, and men who spend their time and talents in self-denying and unre- THE STUDY OF PHYSIOLOGY. 49 munerative service for the public good, are not suffered to pursue their beneficent work in peace ? You know that certain persons who profess to be shocked by the methods of physiological research have succeeded in placing this branch of science under as great disabilities as that sense of humor would allow which so often redeems British ignorance from its most mischievous results. The method that has given rise to so much excitement is the per- formance of experiments upon living animals. Now, if this were in- jurious to the greatest good of the greatest number of the community, or if freedom to perform these experiments interfered with the free- dom of other persons to abstain from them, or if such experiments were forbidden by any religious or moral authority, by the ten com- mandments, or by Mr. Matthew Arnold, of course they must be given up ; but, equally of course, the science of physiology must also come to a stop, and the farmer, the cattle-breeder, and the physician must be content with such knowledge or such ignorance as he at present possesses. I know it has been asserted that the science of the func- tions of living organs is quite independent of experiment upon living organs. But this is said by the same persons who have denied that the art of setting right the functions of the body when they go wrong has anything to do with the knowledge of what those functions are. If you could be persuaded that chemistry can make progress with- out retorts and balances, that a geologist's hammer is a useless incum- brance, or that engineers can build bridges just as well by the rule of thumb as by the knowledge gained in a workshop, then you might believe that physiology also is independent of experiment. It is absurd to object to the difiiculties of the research or even the contradictory results sometimes obtained. The functions of a muscle or a gland are more complicated than those of water or gas, and their investigation needs greater skill, more caution, and more frequent repetition. Imperfect experiments can lead to nothing but error ; criticism from other physiologists, or from scientific men experienced in other branches of research, is not wanting, and is always welcome. But vague assertion that further progress is impossible by the very means which have led to all our present knowledge, coming from those " who are not of our school," or any school, is undeserving of serious notice. The real contention, of course, is a moral one, that we ought to relinquish the advantage of all experiments which are accompanied with pain to the creature experimented on. The botanist may serve his plants as he pleases, and even the animal physiologist may cut, or starve, or poison all sentient organisms which happen not to possess a backbone, and he may try experiments with all backboned animals, including himself and his friends, so long as they do not hurt ; but that must be the limit. On the most extreme humanitarian views no ob- TOL. XVI. — i 50 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, jection can be made to experiments upon animals in a state of insen- sibility to pain, and as these constitute, happily, the vast majority of physiological experiments, the question is narrowed to comparatively restricted limits. Is it wrong to inflict painful experiments upon ani- mals for the sake of science ? In the absence of any authority to ap- peal to, we can but judge of the matter by analogy. Now, it has been the practice of all mankind, and is still allowed by the common con- sent both of law and feeling, that we should destroy by more or less painful means, that we should enslave and force to work, and mutilate by painful operations, and hunt to death, and wound, and lacerate, and torture the brute creation for the following objects : for our own self-preservation, as when we offer a reward for the killing of tigers and snakes in India ; for our comfort, as when we poison or otherwise destroy internal parasites, and vermin, and rats, and rabbits. Our safety, our food, our convenience, our wealth, or our amusement — all these objects have been and are regarded by the great mass of man- kind, and are held by the laws of every civilized country, to be suffi- ciently important to justify the infliction of pain or death upon animals in whatever numbers may be necessary. The only restriction which Christian morality or in certain cases recent legislation imposes upon such practices is, that no more pain shall be inflicted than is necessary for the object in view. Killing or hurting domestic animals when moved by passion or by the horrible delight which some depraved na- tures feel in the act of inflicting pain was until lately the only recog- nized transgression against the law of England. I trust I need not say that it is only under such restrictions that physiologists desire to work.* Any one who would inflict a single pang beyond what is ne- cessary for a scientific object, or would by carelessness fail to take due care of the animals he has to deal with, would be justly amenable to public reprobation. And remember it is within these limits that the whole controversy lies, for, after a long and patient examination of all that could be said by our accusers, the Royal Commission which was nominated for the purpose unanimously reported that in this country at least scientific experiments upon animals are free from abuse. What is deliberately asserted is, that within the restrictions which all humane persons impose upon themselves, it is lawful to inflict pain or death upon animals for profit or for sport, for money or for pastime ; that property and sport are in England sacred things ; but that the practices which they justify are unjustifiable when pursued with the object of increasing human knowledge or of relieving human suf- fering. Of those persons who answer that they consider vivisection for the sake of sport to be almost as detestable as vivisection for the sake of duty, I would only ask first that they should deal impartially with * They are, in fact, the very limits that were put on record by this Association long before the agitation against physiology began. (See Report for 1871, p. 144.) THE STUDY OF PHYSIOLOGY. 51 both offenses, and secondly that since in the one case their opinions are opposed to the practice of genteel society, and in the other to the convictions of all who are qualified to judge, they should at least con- template the possibility of being mistaken. Putting the question of field sports altogether aside, you know perfectly well that in every village in England an extremely painful mutilation is constantly per- formed upon domestic animals in no registered laboratory, under no anaesthetics, and with no object but the convenience and profit of the owner. You remember how, when an epidemic threatened the destruc- tion of valuable property, every booby peer now eager to stop, so far as in him lay, the advance of knowledge, was no less eager to have carried out at the public expense any slaughter and any experiments, painful or otherwise, which would save his pocket. But you will say: All this seems reasonable enough; but if so, how do you account for the prejudice against you ; what has induced so many amiable and otherwise sane persons to join in the outcry against physiology ? First, I answer, it is due to the most frequent cause of folly — ig- norance. Many persons, supposed to be educated, are so destitute of the most ordinary conceptions of natural science that they do not un- derstand the necessity for experiments. So little do they appreciate the difference between formal knowledge and real knowledge, that a distinguished statesman once assured me that he would as soon have his leg set by a man who had gained what he called his knowledge from books, as by one who had " walked the hospitals." Next, there is the vulgar dislike of whatever is not obviously and immediately useful. When knowledge for its own sake is in question, those of the baser sort are always ready to cry, with equal ignorance of literature and of science, " Cut bono ? " In another class of persons, less ignorant and less stupid than these two, opposition to physiological experiments appears to spring from what may fairly be stigmatized as sentiment, that is to say, excitable, rather than deep feeling, uncontrolled by reason. People first gratify their fancy by calling cats and dogs our fellow creatures, which, in one sense, undoubtedly they are, and then, by the familiar fallacy of an ambiguous middle term, argue that it is cruel to put our fellow crea- tures to pain ; or, as some would add, to reduce them to slavery, or to use them in any way for our own, rather than their good. Such per- sons compel their fellow creatures to drag them through the streets, they eat their fellow creatures when sufiiciently vivisected to be pala- table, and then find philosophical excuses for those who kill their fel- low creatures for fun. But they are properly shocked when their fel- low creatures are hurt or killed for the benefit of mankind. Such persons have been accused of feminine weakness ; but I must say that I never have found an intelligent woman who could not see the rights of the case when fairly explained to her, whereas I have met a few 52 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. men wlio in this, as in other matters, consistently refuse to give up to argument the notions which were formed by prejudice. This sentiment is, I admit, the degradation of just feeling. To many unaffectedly compassionate hearts there is a peculiar pang in thinking of suffering which is deliberately inflicted, with only the jus- tification of duty, instead of the excuse of ignorance or passion. They see in the helplessness of the dumb animals an appeal for pity, almost like that of childhood, and are justly indignant with the selfish cruelty so often exercised upon them. All honor to the efforts which have banished so many cruel sports from England ; all honor to the society which seeks to prevent cruelty to animals ! If it can point to any ad- ditional means by which the sufferings of animals in the cause of sci- ence can be diminished, we shall be anxious to adopt them. If it can point to any abuse in one of our laboratories, we will hasten to correct it. This society has honorably declared that they know of none. That physiologists have been heedless, or even callous, in their experi- ments upon animals in past times, when men were strangely insensible even to human suffering, or in countries where a healthy result of Christian civilization has not yet been seen in habitual gentleness to animals, I need not deny. Such cases have been eagerly sought and sometimes most unfairly judged. Only lately a learned body felt itself not strong enough to retain the admittedly invaluable services of an eminent foreigner, who had once admitted that when absorbed in scientific and beneficent researches he lost sight of any pain that might be inflicted.* Is not this the very excuse which is held valid in the case of sport ? Doubtless we ought to be ever mindful of every branch of duty, but such occasional forgetfulness does not show hardness of heart. It is an excusable weakness for a student of medicine to shud- der or to faint at the sight of blood, but he learns that this merely physical sensibility becomes selfish and mischievous if indulged : he is taught to suppress all such exhibition of emotion, and to let it stimu- late without j^aralyzing his efforts to relieve. But no one surely would think the hysterical youth more truly humane than the surgeon whose compassion is shown in the very firmness with which he inflicts a tem- porary pain for an ultimate good, I have hitherto rested the whole argument upon the lawfulness of inflicting pain and death iipon the lower animals for the sake of sci- ence and humanity, but as a matter of fact I may again assure those who, while assenting to the justice of the plea, yet shrink from what it may involve, that the great majority of experiments upon animals are rendered painless, and that the remainder are mostly those experiments which are most immediately and directly subservient to medical art, * Fortunately, Dr. Klein, whose researches in raicroscopic anatomy and pathology are so well known and appreciated, knows that he retains the confidence and respect of his scientific brethren, and we hope that his honorable connection with the largest school of medicine in London will strengthen other and closer ties in binding him to England. THE STUDY OF PHYSIOLOGY. 53 and happily even these are generally productive rather of discomfort than of pain. Let me give you an example of such a vivisection, far more painful than the immense majority of those of the laboratory. Suppose a country surgeon were sent for late at night to some case of urgent peril ; knowing that his ride is for life or death, and unsparing of himself or his horse, he rides him to the utmost limits of endurance, and beyond: who would not applaud the action ? Those only who ap- pear deliberately to believe that our life is worth less than that of many sparrows, those legislators only who look forward to the time when wars will cease, not because of human slaughter, of devastated homes, of all the horrors which the world has endured for centuries, but be- cause of the cruelties to which the horses in the artillery are subjected. TVe, who are familiar with human suffering and sorrow, which our knowledge is all too feeble to prevent, best understand how, in testing some new remedy on a less precious fellow creature than a man, one who is truly humane may be tempted to forget the comparatively trivial suffering of a rabbit or a frog. But some enthusiastic opponent will say : " I can not pretend to doubt that these experiments are in every sense of the word useful ; but we ought not to purchase the benefit they confer by inflicting pain upon innocent creatures. I would sign a petition to-morrow to put down all field sj^orts by law, I would allow no operation upon domestic animals, and I will abstain from all animal food until I am certain that I can eat creatures which have been killed without suffer- ing pain. But if I were lying at the point of death, and you brought an animal to my bedside and assured me that by putting it to pain my life would be saved, I would refuse to j^urchase it on such cruel terms." We may hope that the excellent person who made this heroic profession would, in the hour of trial, be better advised, but if not we may surely reply: "Eight reverend sir, you are the best judge of the value of your own life, and, if you think proper to sacrifice it to the comfort of a Guinea-pig, we must submit to the loss with such resigna- tion as we can muster ; but when you say that in obedience to this silly whim you will let your dearest friend suffer, allow the sacrifice of the most important life, and forbid those studies which have already rescued multitudes from deformity and misery and death, then those of us who have to do with the real responsibilities of life, and on whom presses the awful sense of impotence to which our defective science too often leaves us, answer that we too have duties to fulfill, and to the best of our power we mean conscientiously to fulfill them." There is, I fear, another reason which animates much of the oppo- sition to physiological experiments. It is nothing else than aversion from the methods and the results of science. It may be that an excuse for this dislike has been furnished by the pretense of false science, and the arrogance of much even which is true. But surely no reason- able creature, from such trivial irritation, can deliberately wish to 54 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. check the progress of accurate knowledge by observation and experi- ment. There are, indeed, some who, fearing (as I think prudently) that, " while a little philosophy inclineth men to atheism, depth in phi- losophy bringeth men's minds about to religion," and desiring to sub- ject the human mind to a bondage as hard and more degrading than that of medieval Rome, would gladly call off interest from the unre- munerative labors which are prompted only by the thirst for knowl- edge and faith in the possibility of learning more and more of the divine order of the world, to pursuits which bring obvious and material utility. There are those again who, fearing (as I think foolishly) that increasing knowledge of this divine order will lower our admiration of its beauty, or that the better a man understands the laws of God the more likely he is to break them, have an unfeigned dislike for natural science in general, and for biology in jDailicular. They rejjeat over again the error of which the Dominican friars, with far greater excuse, were guilty when they imprisoned Galileo. If any such are here, may I venture to tell them^in quietness and in confidence is your strength : the vast fabric of Christian morals is in no danger of being over- turned by the discovery of a new chemical method in the laboratory, or of a hitherto undescribed animalcule. If noisy attacks are made in the injured name of science, you have only to Avait, and you will see these attacks repelled by the true leaders of science themselves, or, at the worst, by the next generation. But if, leaving your secure for- tress of defense, you come down with your rhetoric and your senti- ments, your petitio principii, your ignoratio elenchi, and all your familiar fallacies and tropes, thinking that with such weapons you can meet, on their own ground, men who have spent their lives in the study of science, then no wonder if you suffer grievous defeat. Happy for you if you learn, like another discomfited pilgrim, to betake your- selves to another " weapon." But I imagine that some of my audience are saying : " This de- fense would have been necessary before the Royal Commission made their report ; but when that was made, and affirmed the necessity of physiological experiments, and the groundlessness of accusations of cruelty against physiologists, when an act was passed which licenses physiological laboratories, under the very restrictions which you had already imposed upon yourselves, may we not regard the controversy as closed, and the result as satisfactory ? " I answer that I have taken up your time with this defense of phys- iological experiments partly because I would fain help, however feebly, in the enlightenment of the public conscience, but also because the result of recent legislation is 7iot satisfactory. Science does not work readily in fetters. A system of licenses and certificates, numerous and complicated, obtained with trouble and delay, and revocable at the will of a minister who may, by the acci- dents of party, be at any time amenable to anti-scientific influences, THE STUDY OF PHYSIOLOGY. 55 such a system adds serious difficulties to those already in the way of experiments. SujDpose, as an illustration, that certain persons opposed on various groxmds to learning, and especially hostile to Greek, had attacked the study of Plato. They would point out the danger of modern ladies becoming as well read in his writings as was Lady Jane Grey. They would show that the laxity of modern manners was coincident with the popularity of the " Symposium," and that the notorious increase of infanticide was the result of the teaching of the " Republic." Asso- ciations for the total suppression of Plato would be formed, with hired advocates, and anonymous letters, and " leaflets," spreading a knowl- edge of his most objectionable passages. Scholars would be threat- ened with eternal punishment, and schoolmasters with the withdrawal of their puj)ils. Then a royal commission would be appointed — a great Latin scholar, a Whig, and a Tory statesman (who, having taken a B. Sc. degi'ee at Oxford would be impartially ignorant of Greek), the most intelligent despiser of Plato who could be found, the master of a grammar-school on the modern side, and (perhaps the most efficient of all) a lawyer, who knew nothing about Greek, but hated cant. This commission would take evidence that the Platonic writings were not all immoral, that they had been quoted with approval by Fathers of the Church, that they were of great importance to literature and phi- losophy, and even to the elucidation of the Sacred Writings. It would also be proved that the Platonic dialogues were far less immoral than multitudes of other widely circulated books, or than a French novel which one of the royal commissioners happened to be reading ; and, lastly, that the morals of Greek scholars, and of clergymen who had read Plato at college, were not obviously degraded below those of other people. On the other hand, witnesses would depose that a knowledge of Plato was of no consequence to a student of philosophy ; that, if it were, the text was in so corrupt a condition that no two scholars agreed as to a single chapter, and that, after all, philosophy was of no practical use, least of all to clergymen. Others would affirm that, though they had never read a line of him, they knew that his style was as vicious as his sentiments ; and perhaps some cross-grained scholar might be found who, having once edited a play of Euripides, would declare that all studies in Greek literature ought to be restricted to the tragedians, and that for his part he had never opened any other authors and had never felt the want of them. At last the commission would report that there was no question of the value of the works of Plato, that it would be mischievous and im- practicable to prohibit their study, and that there was no evidence that schoolmasters habitually chose the least edifying passages as les- sons for boys. Then what is called a compromise would be made. It would be enacted that Plato might be read, but only in colleges annu- ally licensed for that purpose ; that every one wishing to read must 56 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. have a general certificate signed by certain professors, and setting forth his object, also to be renewed every year ; and that" special cer- tificates might be severally obtained for reading certain excepted dia- logues, for copying from them, for publishing them, or, in rare cases, for translating them. However reasonably such a system might be administered, who can doubt the result would be a diminution of the number of scholars, and a check to the progress of learning ? Now this is what legislation has done for physiological experi- ments. The act (39 and 40 Victoria) was hastily drawn and hurriedly discussed ; for noble lords and honorable gentlemen who had been taught from childhood to vivisect for unscientific purposes were eager to hurry off to their own merry vivisections, for which they were ready provided with license and certificates. And it works as might be expected. Some shrink from seeing their names figure in disreputable newspapers, and receiving more or less savagely abusive anonymous letters. Others have no laboratories, and find difficulty in licensing their houses. Others are refused the certificates they require. In one case two thoroughly qualified men were anxious to cany out an important investigation on the treatment of snake-bites. They procured venomous snakes from a distance, and applied for the special certificates necessary. Considerable delay ensued ; various objections were raised, and set at rest ; and at last all the certificates were ob- tained ; but meantime the snakes had died. MYTHOLOGIC PHILOSOPHY.* By Major J. W. POWELL. IL IV. — Outgrowths from Mtthologic Philosophy. THE three stages of mythologic philosophy that are still extant in the world must be more thoroughly characterized, and the course of their evolution indicated. But in order to do this clearly, certain outgrowths from mythologic philosophy must be explained, certain theories and practices that necessarily result from this philosophy, and that are intricately woven into the institutions of mankind. Ancientism. — The first I denominate ancientism. Yesterday was better than to-day. The ancients were wiser than we. This belief in a better day and a better people in the elder time is almost universal among mankind. A belief so widely spread, so profoundly enter- * An Address delivered before the American Association for the Advancement of Sci- ence, at Saratoga, New York, August 29, 1879, by Major J. W. Powell, Vice-President of Section B. MYTHOLOGIC PHILOSOPHY. 57 tainecT, must have for its origin some important facts in the constitu- tion or history of mankind. Let us see what they are. In the history of every individual, the sports and joys of childhood are compared and contrasted with the toils and pains of old age. Greatly protracted life, in savagery and barbarism, is not a boon to be craved. In that stage of society where the days and the years go by with little or no provision for a time other than that which is pass- ing, the old must go down to the grave through poverty and suffering. In that stage of culture to-morrow's bread is not certain, and to-day's bread is often scarce. In civilization, plenty and poverty live side by side ; the palace and the hovel are on the same landscape ; the rich and poor elbow each other on the same street : but, in savagery, plenty and poverty come with recurring days to the same man, and the tribe is rich to-day and poor to-morrow, and the days of want come in every man's history, and when they come the old suffer most, and the burden of old age is oppressive. In youth, activity is joy ; in old age, activity is pain. No wonder, then, that old age loves youth, or that to-day loves yesterday, for the instinct is born of the inherited experiences of mankind. But there is yet another and more potent reason for ancientism. That tale is the most wonderful that has been most repeated, for the breath of speech is the fertilizer of story. Hence, the older the story, the greater its thaumaturgics. Thus, yesterday is greater than to-day by natural processes of human exaggeration. Again, that is held to be most certain, and hence most sacred, which has been most often affirmed. A Brahman was carrying a goat to the altar. Three thieves would steal it. So they placed themselves at intervals along the way by which the pious Brahman would travel. When the venerable man came to the first thief he was accosted : " Brahman, why do you carry a dog ? " Now, a dog is an unclean beast which no Brahman must touch. And the Brahman, after looking at his goat, said : " You do err ; this is a goat." And when the old man reached the second thief, again he was accosted : " Brahman, why do you carry a dog ? " So the Brahman put his goat on the ground, and after narrowly scrutiniz- ing it, he said, " Surely this is a goat," and went on his way. When he came to the third thief he was once more accosted : " Brahman, why do you carry a dog ? " Then the Brahman having thrice heard that his goat was a dog, was convinced, and throwing it down, he fled to the temple for ablution, and the thieves had a feast. The child learns not for himself, but is taught, and accepts as true that which is told, and a propensity to believe the affirmed is implanted in his mind. In every society some are wise and some are. foolish, and the wise are revered, and their affirmations are accepted. Thus, the few lead the multitude in knowledge, and the propensity to believe the affirmed started in childhood is increased in manhood in the great average of persons constituting society, and these propensities are in- 58 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Lerited from generation to generation, until we have a cumulation of effects. The propagation of opinions by affirmation, the cultivation of the propensity to believe that which has been affirmed many times, let us call affirmatization. If the world's opinions were governed only by the principles of mythologic philosophy, affirmatization would become so powerful that nothing would be believed but the anciently affirmed. Men would come to know new knowledge. Society would stand still listening to the wisdom of the fathers. But the power of affirmatiza- tion is steadily undermined by science. And, still again, the institutions of society conform to its philosophy. The explanation of things always includes the origin of human insti- tutions. So the welfare of society is based on philosophy, and the venerable sayings which constitute philosophy are thus held as sacred. So ancientism is developed from accumulated life-experiences ; by the growth of story in repeated narration ; by the steadily increasing 130wer of affirmatization, and by respect for the authority upon which the institutions of society are based ; all accumulating as they come down the generations. That we do thus inherit effects we know, for has it not been affirmed in the Book that "the fathers have eaten grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge " ? As men come to believe that the "long ago" was better than the "now," and the dead were better than the living, then philosophy must necessarily include a theory of degeneracy, which is a part of ancientism. Theistic Society. — Again, the actors in mythologic philosophy are personages, and we always find them organized in societies. The social organization of mythology is always found to be essentially identical with the social organization of the people who entertain the philosophy. The gods are husbands and wives, and parents and chil- dren, and the gods have an organized government. This gives us theistic society, and we can not properly characterize a theism without taking its mythic society into consideration. Spiritism. — In the earliest stages of society of which Ave have practical knowledge by acquaintance with the people themselves, a belief in the existence of spirits prevails — a shade, an immaterial ex- istence, which is the duplicate of the material personage. The genesis of this belief is complex. The workings of the human mind during periods of unconsciousness lead to opinions that are enforced by many physical phenomena. First, we have the activities of the mind during sleep, when the man seems to go out from himself, to converse with his friends, to witness strajage scenes, and to have many wonderful experiences. Thus the man seems to have lived an eventful life, when his body was, in fact, quiescent and unconscious. Memories of scenes and activities in former days, and the inherited memories of scenes witnessed and actions performed by ancestors, are blended in strange confusion by MYTHOLOGIC PHILOSOPHY. 59 broken and inverted sequences. Now and then the dream-scenes are enacted in real life, and the infrequent coincidence or apparent verifi- cation makes deep impression on the mind, while unfulfilled dreams are forgotten. Thus the dreams of sleepers are attributed to their imma- terial duplicates — their spirits. In many diseases, also, the mind seems to wander, to see sights, and to hear sounds, and to have many won- derful experiences, while the body itself is apparently unconscious. Sometimes on restored health, the person may recall these wonderful experiences, and during their occurrence the subject talks to unseen persons, and seems to have replies and to act, to those who witness, in such a manner that a second self — a spirit independent of the body — is suggested. When disease amounts to long-continued insanity, all of these effects are greatly exaggerated, and make a deep impression upon all who witness the phenomena. Thus the hallucinations of fever- racked brains, and mad minds, are attributed to spirits. The same conditions of apparent severance of mind and body wit- nessed in dreams and hallucinations are often* produced artificially in the practice of ecstacism. In the vicissitudes of savage life, while little or no provision is made for the future, there are times when the savage resorts to almost anything at hand as a means of subsistence, and thus all plants and all parts of plants, seed, fruit, flowers, leaves, bark, roots — anything in times of extreme want — may be used as food. But experience soon teaches the various effects upon the human sys- tem which are produced by the several vegetable substances with which he meets, and thus the effect of narcotics is early discovered, and the savage in the practice of his religion oftentimes resorts to these native drugs for the purpose of producing an ecstatic state under which divi- nation may be performed. The practice of ecstacism is universal in the lower stages of culture. In times of great anxiety, every savage and barbarian seeks to knoAV of the future. Through all the earlier gene- rations of mankind, ecstacism has been practiced, and civilized man has thus an inherited appetite for narcotics to which the enormous propen- sity to drunkenness existing in all nations bears witness. When the great actor in his personation of Rip Van Winkle holds his goblet aloft and says, " Here's to your health and to your family's, and may they live long and prosper," he connects the act of drinking with a prayer, and unconsciously demonstrates the origin of the use of stimu- lants. It may be that when the jolly companion has become a loath- some sot, and his mind is ablaze with the fire of drink, and he sees uncouth beasts in horrid presence, that inherited memories haunt him with visions of the beast-gods worshiped by his anoestors at the very time when the appetite for stimulants was created. But ecsta- cism is produced in other ways, and for this purpose the savage and barbarian often resorts to fasting and bodily torture. In many ways he produces the wonderful state, and the visions of ecstasy are inter- preted as the evidence of spirits. 6o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Many physical phenomena serve to confirm this opinion. It is very late in philosophy when shadows are referred to the interception of the rays of the sun. In savagery and barbarism shadows are supposed to be emanations from or duj)licates of the bodies causing the shad- ows. And what savage understands the reflection of the rays of the sun by Avhich images are produced ? They also are supposed to be emanations or duplications of the object reflected. No savage or bar- barian could understand that the waves of the air are turned back and sound is duplicated in an echo. He knows not that there is an atmos- phere, and to him the echo is the voice of an unseen personage — a spirit. There is no theory more profoundly implanted in early man- kind than that of spiritism. Thaumaturgics. — The gods of mythologic philosophies are created to account for the wonders of nature. Necessarily they are a wonder- working folk, and having been endowed with these magical powers in all the histories given in mythic tales of their doings on the earth, we find them performing most wonderful feats. They can transform themselves ; they can disappear and reappear ; all their senses are magi- cal ; some are endowed with a multiplicity of eyes, others have a mul- tiplicity of ears ; in Norse mythology the watchman on the rainbow bridge could hear the grass grow and the wool on the backs of sheep ; arms can stretch out to grasp the distance, tails can coil about moun- tains, and all powers become magical. But the most wonderful power with which the gods are endowed is the power of will, for we find that they can think their arrows to the hearts of their enemies ; mountains are overthrown by thought, and thoughts are projected into other minds. Such are the thaumaturgics of mythologic philosophy. Mythic Tales. — Early man having created through the develojj- ment of his philosophy a host of personages, these gods must have a history. A part of that history, and the most important part to us as students of philosophy, is created in the very act of creating the gods themselves. I mean that portion of their history which relates to the operations of nature, for the gods were created to account for those things. But to this is added much else of adventure. The gods love as men love, and go in quest of mates. The gods hate as men hate, and fight in single combat or engage in mythic battles ; and the history of these adventures impelled by love and hate, and all other passions and purposes with which men are endowed, all woven into a complex tissue with their doings in carrying out the operations of nature, con- stitutes the web and woof of mythology. Belig ion.'— Agdiin, as human welfare is deeply involved in the op- erations of nature, man's chief interest is in the gods. In this interest religion originates. Man, impelled by his own volition, guided by his own purposes, aspires to a greater happiness, and endeavor follows endeavor, but at every step his progress is impeded : his own powers fail before the greater powers of nature ; his powers are pygmies, na- MYTHOLOGIC PHILOSOPHY. 6\ ture's powers are giants, and to him these giants are gods -with wills and purposes of their own, and he sees that man in his weakness can succeed only by allying himself wdth the gods. Hence, imj^elled by this philosophy, man must have coriimunion with the gods, and in this communion he must influence them to work for himself. Hence, re- ligion, which has to do with the relations which exist between the gods and man, is the legitimate offspring of mythologic philosophy. Thus we see that out of mythologic philosophy, as branches of the great tree itself, there grow ancientism, theistic society, sj)iritism, thaumaturgics, mythic tales, and religion. y. — The Evolution of Mythologic Philosophy. I shall now give a summary characterization of zootheism, then call attention to some of the relics of hecastotheism found therein, and proceed with a brief statement of the higher stages of theism. The apparent and easily accessible is studied first. In botany, the trees and the conspicuous flowering plants of garden, field, and plain were first known, and then all other plants were vaguely grouped as weeds ; but, since the most conspicuous phenogamous plants were first studied, what vast numbers of new orders, new genera, and new species have been discovered, in the progress of research, to the lowest cryptogams ! In the study of ethnology, we first recognized the more civilized races. The Aryan, Hamites, Shemites, and Chinese, and the rest were the weeds of humanity — the barbarian and savage, sometimes called Turanians. But, when we come carefully to study these lower people, what numbers of races are discovered ! In North America alone we have more than seventy-five — seventy-five stocks of people speaking seventy-five stocks of language, and some single stocks embracing many distinct languages and dialects. The languages of the Algonquin family are as diverse as the Indo-European tongues. So are the lan- guages of the Dakota, the Numa, the Tinne, and others ; so that in North America we have more than five hundred languages spoken to- day. Each linguistic stock is found to have a philosophy of its own, and each stock as many branches of philosojihy as it has languages and dialects. North America presents a magnificent field for the study of savage and barbaric philosophies. This vast region of thought has been explored only by a few adventurous travelers in the world of science. No thorough survey of any part has been made. Yet the general outlines of North American philosophy are known, but the exact positions, the details, are all yet to be filled in — as the geography of the general outline of North America is known by exploration, but the exact positions and de- tails of topography are yet to be filled in as the result of careful sur- vey. Myths of the Algonquin stock are found in many a volume of Americana, the best of which were recorded by the early missionaries who came from Europe, though we find some of them, mixed with 62 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. turbid speculations, in the writings of Schoolcraft. Many of the myths of the Indians of the South, in that region stretching back from the great Gulf, are known — some collected by travelers, others by edu- cated Indians. Many of the myths of the Iroquois are known. The best of these are in the writings of Morgan, America's greatest anthropologist. Missionaries, travelers, and linguists have given us a great store of the myths of the Dakota stock. Many myths of the Tinne also have been collected. Petitot has recorded a number of those found at the North, and we have in manuscript some of the myths of a Southern branch — the Navajos. Perhaps the myths of the Numas have been collected more thoroughly than those of any other stock. These are yet unpublished. Powers has recorded many of the myths of various stocks in California, and the old Spanish writings give us a fair collec- tion of the Nahuatl myths of Mexico, and Rink has presented us an interesting volume on the mythology of the Innuits ; and, finally, frag- ments of mythology have been collected from nearly all the tribes of North America, and they are scattered through thousands of volumes, so that the literature is vast. The brief description which I shall give of zootheism is founded on a study of the materials which I have thus indicated. All these tribes are found in the higher stages of savagerj^, or the lower stages of barbarism, and their mythologies are found to be zootheistic among the lowest, physitheistic among the highest, and a great number of tribes are found in a transition state, for zootheism is found to be a characteristic of savagery, and physitheism of bar- barism, using the terms as they have been defined by Morgan. The supreme gods of this stage are animals. The savage is intimately associated with animals. " From them he obtains the larger part of his clothing, and much of his food, and he carefully studies their habits and finds many wonderful things. Their knowledge and skill and power appear to him to be superior to his own. He sees the mountain- sheep fleet among the crags, the eagle soaring in the heavens, the humming-bird poised over its blossom-cup of nectar, the serpents swift without legs, the salmon scaling the rapids, the spider weaving its gossamer web, the ant building a play-house mountain — in all animal nature he sees things too wonderful for him, and from admiration he grows to adoration, and the animals become his gods." * Ancientism plays an important part in this zootheism. It is not the animals of to-day whom the Indians worship, but their progenitors — their prototypes. The wolf of to-day is a howling pest, but that wolf's ancestor— the first of the line — was a god. The individuals of every species are supposed to have descended from an ancient being — * Vide "Outlines of the Philosophy of the North American Indians," by J. W. Powell. Read before the American Geographical Society at Chickering Hall, December 29, 1876. MYTHOLOGIC PHILOSOPHY. 63 a progenitor of the race ; and so they have a grizzly-bear-god, an eagle- god, a rattlesnake-god, a trout-god, a spider-god — a god for every species and variety of animal. By these animal-gods all things were established. The heavenly bodies were created and their ways appointed, and when the powers and phenomena of nature are personified, the personages are beasts, and all human institutions also were established by the ancient animal- gods. The ancient animals of any philosophy of this stage are found to constitute a clan or gens — a body of relatives, or coyisangidnii, with grandfathers, fathers, sons, and brothers. In Ute theism, the ancient Togoav, the first rattlesnake, is the grandfather, and all the animal- gods are assigned to their relationships. Grandfather Togoav, the wise, was the chief of the council, but Shinauav, the ancient wolf, was the chief of the clan. There were many other clans and tribes of ancient gods with whom these supreme gods had dealings, of which hereafter ; and, finally, each of these ancient gods became the progenitor of a new tribe, so that we have a tribe of bears, a tribe of eagles, a tribe of rat- tlesnakes, a tribe of spiders, and many other tribes, as we have tribes of Utes, tribes of Sioux, tribes of ISTavajos : and in that philosophy tribes of animals are considered to be coordinate with tribes of men. All of these gods have invisible duplicates — spirits — and they have often visited the earth. All of the wonderful things seen in nature are done by the animal-gods. That elder life was a magic life ; but the descendants of the gods are degenerate. Now and then as a medi- cine-man by practicing sorcery can perform great feats, so now and then there is a medicine-bear, a medicine-wolf, or a medicine-snake that can work magic. On winter nights, the Indians gather about the camp-fire, and then the doings of the gods are recounted in many a mythic tale. I have heard the venerable and impassioned orator on the camp-meeting stand rehearse the story of the crucifixion, and have seen the thou- sands gathered there weep in contemplation of the story of divine suffering, and heard their shouts roll down the forest aisles as they gave vent to their joy at the contemplation of redemption. But the scene was not a whit more dramatic than another I have witnessed in an evergreen forest of the Rocky Mountain region, where a tribe was gathered under the great pines, and the temple of light from the blaz- ing fire was walled by the darkness of midnight, and in the midst of the temple stood the wise old man telling in simple savage language the story of Tawats, when he conquered the sun and established the seasons and the days. In that pre-Columbian time, before the advent of white men, all the Indian tribes of North America gathered on winter nights by the shores of the seas whei-e the tides beat in solemn rhythm, by the shores of the great lakes, where the waves dashed 64 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. against frozen beaches, and by the banks of the rivers flowing ever in solenan mystery — each in its own temple of illumined space — and lis- tened to the story of its own supreme gods, the ancients of time. Religion, in this stage of theism, is sorcery. Incantation, dancing, fasting, bodily torture, and ecstacism are practiced. Every tribe has its potion or vegetable drug, by which the ecstatic state is produced, and their venerable medicine-men see visions and dream dreams. No enterprise is undertaken without consulting the gods, and no evil impends but they seek to propitiate the gods. All daily life, to the minutest particular, is religious. This stage of religion is character- ized by fetichism. Every Indian is provided with his charm or fetich, revealed to him in some awful hour of ecstasy produced by fasting, or feasting, or drunkenness, and that fetich he carries with him to bring good luck, in love or in combat, in the hunt or on the journey. He carries a fetich suspended to his neck, he ties a fetich to his bow, he buries a fetich under his tent, he places a fetich under his pillow of wild-cat skins, he prays to his fetich, he praises it, or chides it ; if successful, his fetich receives the glory; if he fail, his fetich is disgraced. These fetiches may be fragments of bone or shell, the tips of the tails of animals, the claws of birds or beasts, perhaps dried hearts of little warblers, shards of beetles, leaves powdered and held in bags, or crys- tals from the rocks — anything curious may become a fetich. Fetich- ism, then, is a religious means, not a philosophic or mythologic state. Such are the supreme gods of the savage, and such the institutions which belong to their theism. But they have many other inferior gods. Mountains, hills, valleys, and great rocks have their own spe- cial deities — invisible spirits — and lakes, rivers, and springs are the homes of spirits. But all these have animal forms when in proper persons. Yet some of the medicine-spirits can transform themselves, and work magic as do medicine-men. The heavenly bodies are either created personages or ancient men or animals translated to the sky. And, last, we find that ancestors are worshiped as gods. Among all the tribes of North America, with which we are ac- quainted, tutelarism prevails. Every tribe and every clan has its own protecting god, and every individual has his " my god." It is a curi- ous fact that every Indian seeks to conceal the knowledge of his " my god " from all other persons, for he fears that, if his enemy should know of his tutelar deity, he might by extraordinary magic succeed in estranging him, and be able to compass his destruction through his own god. In this summary characterization of zootheism, I have necessarily systematized my statements. This, of course, could not be done by the savage himself. He could give you its particulars, but could not group those particulars in any logical way. He does not recognize any system, but talks indiscriminately, now of one, now of another god, and with him the whole theory as a system is vague and shad- MYTHOLOGIC PHILOSOPHY. 65 owy, but its particulars are vividly before bis mind, and tbe certainty witb wbicb be entertains bis opinions leaves no room to doubt bis sincerity. But tbere is yet anotber jDbase of tbeism discovered. Sometimes a particular mountain, or bill, or some great rock, some waterfall, some lake, or some spring receives special worsbip, and is itself be- lieved to be a deity. Tbis seems to be a relic of becastotheism. Feticbism, also, seems to bave come from tbat lower grade, and all tbe minor deities, tbe spii'its of mountains and bills and forests, seem to bave been derived from tbat same stage, but witb tbis development, tbat tbe tbings tbemselves are not worsbiped, but tbeir essential spirits. From zoutbeism, as described, to pbysitbeism tbe way is long. Gradually, in tbe progress of pbilosopby, animal-gods are detbroned and become inferior gods or are forgotten ; and gradually tbe gods of tbe firmament — tbe sun, tbe moon, tbe stars — are advanced to suprem- acy : tbe clouds, tbe storms, tbe winds, day and nigbt, dawn and gloam- ing, tbe sky, the eartb, tbe sea, and all tbe various pbases of nature perceived by tbe barbaric mind, are personified and deified and exalted to a supremacy coordinate witb tbe firmament gods ; and all tbe gods of tbe lower stage tbat remain — animals, demons, and all men — be- long to inferior tribes. Tbe gods of tbe sky — tbe sbining ones, tbose tbat soar on brigbt wings, tbose tbat are clotbed in gorgeous colors, tbose tbat came from we know not wbere, tbose tbat vanisb to tbe unknown — ai'e tbe supreme gods. We always find tbese gods organ- ized in great tribes, witb migbty cbieftains wbo figbt in great combats or lead tbeir bosts in battle, and return witb much booty. Sucb is tbe tbeism of ancient Mexico, sucb tbe tbeism of tbe Nortbland, and sucb tbe tbeism discovered among tbe ancient Aryans. From tbis stage to psycbotbeism tbe way is long, for evolution is slow. Gradually men come to differentiate more carefully between good and evil, and tbe etbic character of tbeir gods becomes tbe sub- ject of consideration, and tbe good gods grow in virtue, and tbe bad gods grow in vice. Tbeir identity witb physical objects and phenom- ena is gradually lost. Tbe different phases or conditions of tbe same object or phenomenon are severed, and each is personified. Tbe bad gods are banished to underground homes, or live in concealment, from which they issue on their expeditions of evil. Still, all powers exist in tbese gods, and all tbings were established by them. With the growth of their moral qualities no physical powers are lost, and the spirits of the physical bodies and phenomena become demons, subor- dinate to tbe great gods who preside over nature and human institu- tions. We find, also, that these superior gods are organized in societies, I have said the Norse mythology was in a transition state from pbysi- tbeism to psycbotbeism. The Asas, or gods, lived in Asgard, a 66 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. mythic communal village, with its Thing or Coimcil, the very coun- terpart of the communal village of Iceland. Olympus was a Greek city. Still further in the study of mythologic philosophy we see that more and more supremacy falls into the hands of the few, until mono- theism is established on the plan of the empire. Then all of the in- ferior deities whose characters are pure become ministering angels, and the inferior deities whose characters are evil become devils, and the differentiation of good and evil is perfected in the gulf between heaven and hell. In all this time from zootheism to monotheism, ancientism becomes more ancient, and the times and dynasties are multiplied. Spiritism is more clearly defined, and sj)irits become eternal ; mythologic tales are codified, and sacred books are written ; divination for the result of amorous intrigue has become the prophecy of immortality, and thaumaturgics is formulated as the omnipotent, the omnipresent, and the infinite. Time has failed me to tell of the evolution of idolatry from fetich- ism, priestcraft from sorcery, and of their overthrow by the doctrines that were uttered by that voice on the Mount. Religion, that was fetichism and ecstacism and sorcery, is now the yearning for some- thing better, something purer, and the means by which this highest state for humanity may be reached, the ideal worship of the highest monotheism, is "in spirit and in truth." The steps are long from Shinauav, the ancient of wolves, by Zeus, the ancient of skies, to Jehovah, the "ancient of days." Comparative theology furnishes grand illustrations of the pro- cesses of evolution. It presents a multiplicity of events occurring in orderly succession in obedience to the laws of adaptation, heredity, and survival of the fittest, and, in passing from the lower to the higher state, it demonstrates the fundamental law of progress, that evolution is from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous by successive differen- tiations and integrations. THE EYOLUTION OF A NEW SENSE. By WILLIAM A. EDDY. WE find that the degrees of perception in people vary. In other words, one may receive more impressions than another, so that we measure the extent of a person's life by the number of objects or ideas that produce a lasting effect and modify the disposition or mental tendency. This suggests a comparison of the senses in different per- sons. Then arises the general question of the possible evolution of new powers, for with a wider meaning we may term the telegraph, the i^rinting-press, and particularly the telescope, approximations to THE EVOLUTION OF A NEW SENSE. 67 what we may consider new senses. The subject may be thus carried to the higher point concerning the increase of all the mental powers. In " our little life . . . roimded with a sleep," we are cut off by invisible barriers from even a comj)rehension of the peculiar tastes for enjoyment manifested by some others. It is difficult to understand Livingston's contentment during a life of exile and exposure. There was in him an inextinguishable mental tendency which appeared in his strange delight in conquering difficulties. But we need not cite an example from the other hemisphere. We see this bias or mental mo- mentum (if a mechanical phrase be allowable in affairs of the mind) all around us. It is true the force is not always effective, but this does not invalidate the reality of this peculiar tendency, which too often shows in how singularly narrow a manner the mental powers act. The minds of men are like circles which allow elongation in a given direc- tion, but at the expense of another part of the circle which contracts in a corresponding degree. The addition of a sixth sense would result in a resource which would not lessen the effectiveness of other facul- ties by a withdrawal of force to supply the new demand. That we are mentally inadequate appears in our ever-recurring errors. This narrowness of view is also illustrated by the misunder- standings that arise between ideal and practical men. Some persons who are devoted exclusively to every-day affairs can not easily com- prehend how others can look at a printed page and then form imaginary images or be greatly interested in fiction. On the other hand, the imaginative reader is forced to admit the importance of practical peo- ple, yet he can not see why they take pleasure in trade, which to the reader of intense literary taste involves necessary monotony — like that of a mill at which tramps in England were forced to grind before they could obtain lodging. The ideal and the practical are apparently at opposite poles, yet the general result conforms to the law of liquids in hydraulics : a proper balance is maintained in spite of particular variations. But this intense progressive action, or bias, on one side or the other, should be distinguished from the primary power which would be added were another subjective connection opened with the objective world. The perceptions of a new sense would be positive, like those of our present senses, and would in no manner seem the result of effort or of the skill that comes by practice. Mr. Gladstone, in an article contributed to the " Nineteenth Cen- tury," tried to demonstrate theoretically that the perception of color among the ancients was especially defective. In support of this he cited numerous passages from Homer as showing that the great Greek poet could not distinguish fine shades of color. After noticing Homer's comparison of the objects in nature with the colors of ani- mals, he argues that a person with the average modern eye for the perception of color would not have made such comparisons without being aware of their inaccuracy. But he does not maintain that every- 68 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. body in Homer's time was color-blind. He simply quotes many pas- sages from Greek literature as supporting his position that, we will say, where one person is color-blind now, nine were color-blind then. Looked at hastily, this question of color seems of small importance. But let us look carefully. Is it not startling to think that the primary senses may be widening? It would follow, if additional evidence should be found to sustain Mr. Gladstone's theory, that the highly civilized portions of the human race are capable of perceiving finer shades of color, owing to a more delicate material development of the sense of sight. Once admit the development of one of the senses to be a demonstrated process, and the door is opened to tremendous con- sequences and possibilities of power, and consequently to a Avider scope for the soul in the coming generations of men. For comprehension of the methods of Nature inevitably results in that form of control which opens the way to further perceptions. In some respects the development of the senses is not quite as in- conceivable as it may at first appear. The following analogies can hardly be considered sufiiciently connected by evidence to be j^roperly called theories, yet they are only relatively visionary. For example, imagine that we should acquire the power to become aware of the smallest change of material particles many miles away. Tait and Stew- art have ingeniously argued that, according to the law of attraction, the slightest vibration or change of particles in the human brain during thought infinitesimally influences the remotest fixed star. This does not appear wildly theoretical, because it is mathematically demon- strable to the imagination. The visionary theory is in supposing that owing to corresponding vibrations of nerve-fiber we would be definitely conscious of distant material changes. This would result in a form of universal consciousness and consequent confusion, un- less the perception were specialized in the form of a concentrated effort. The singular analogy is that the effect arising from the mu- tually attractive vibrations of particles would resemble the process by which sound reaches us — an accordance of the vibration of the ear-drum with that of the air. George Henry Lewes has shown that " the physiologist can lawfully speak of unconscious sensations as the physicist can speak of invisible rays of light — meaning those rays which are of a different order of undiilation from the visible rays, and which may become visible when the susceptibility of the retina is exalted." This is in part applicable to Mr. Gladstone's theory of the development of the perception of color. It is believed that the heat-rays of the sun, largely consisting of what are called the dark rays, do not produce a luminous effect, simply because the vibra- tions of the nerve-substance of the retina are not in unison with the invisible ray. In the same way the perception of color may involve a special series of vibrations absent in color-blind persons. Then arises the question here noticed, as to whether the sensation of color THE EVOLUTION OF A NEW SENSE. 69 is owing to individual education, or is the result of slow and contin- uous physiological evolution during thousands of years. Owing to lack of evidence the question seems at present unanswerable. But it is obvious that our present senses might reveal more to us, because we are inferior to many animals in detecting objects by smell, hearing, or sight. Our comparative dullness is apparently due to the fact that there is with us no incessantly impending danger, and in consequence some of these senses are not as often excited. It is unquestionably our wish that we could have greater powers of discernment. The telegraph and printing-press are indications of this longing for a wider life. Science has taught us that we perceive only an infinitesimal part of the objective world and of its processes. The theoretical addition of another sense does not satisfy us. It would seem only a new working- wheel of the mechanism. In fact, greatly magnified powers of perception without the assistance of in- struments seem possible only through slow methods of development. If a sixth sense should confer upon us with our present range of fac- ulties the power to be everywhere at once, we would be reduced to a state of confusion equivalent to the nullification of consciousness. The attempt to conceive it results in absurd contradictions. It is precisely this condition of omnipresence which is vaguely imagined as possible in clairvoyance. One of the difficulties in regard to accepting clair- voyance as an indication of a sixth sense is that the effect arises from a diseased condition of the sensibility. The result is unaccountable, but at the same time unwholesome. It is at variance with the steadily increasing scientific knowledge of our day in the fact that its phenom- ena evade verification or reduction to a consistent law of action. Men have been learning for the past five thousand years or more that phys- ical or mental work and obedience to natural law increase the force and effectiveness of the individual and of his descendants. The geo- logical discoveries of Huxley and Marsh, and the development of the simplest forms of vegetable life, denote an irresistible evolutionary sequence or working power in nature. It seems as necessary that those animals with the greatest power of adaptation should survive and express the later result, as that, to use Spinoza's geometrical illus- tration, the sum of the angles of a triangle should equal two right angles. And it is probable that a finer and higher grade of percep- tions would not be altogether through the physiological development of our present senses, because such senses imply an inevitable relation or result from the action of the outer world ; but many such percep- tions would be due to a greater command of material potencies — such as that outlined in the possible extension of knowledge through the telephone, the phonograph, or the liquefaction of all the gases. Among the many singular and original ideas attributed to Edgar A. Poe, was one to the effect that during a silence of about twenty minutes it is possible to know an intimate friend's line of thought as 70 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. well as if the ideas had taken form in words. In order to be success- ful, this would require a very intimate acquaintance with the friend's habits of thought. In fact, we all try to interpret the thoughts of others during silence, but we are generally wide of the mark, because we do not know the peculiar law of association of ideas applicable to each person. There is a general process by which one idea suggests another in all minds, but there are also j^articular variations. Never- theless, unless the person is on his guard, fully seventy-five per cent, of his ideas will be known to any one who is accustomed to following the thoughts of others. The first thoughts, which arise in the mind automatically, are limited in number, because the connection with more remote ideas has not yet been made. It is probable that with increased knowledge of the j^eculiar laws of mental action, great skill will be shown in thus following the ideas of others, and it is clear that such a science of mind-reading would be built upon metaphysical data, just as mathematical data are now necessary factors in estimating the distance and motion of a planet. In some respects the limit of mental penetration may not be as absolute as we imagine. It is certainly not advisable to set limits like those astronomers who claimed that they had discovered the center around which the visible universe is revolving in a mighty orbit. It was found that this so-called center was describ- ing a vast arc of a circle around another center inconceivably distant. The discoveries of the past indicate that others as important are to be made. The horizon recedes, revealing new objects. In the light of past discoveries it seems highly improbable that so important a physiological gift as a sixth sense could come to us sud- denly and mysteriously. This is not the manner in which Nature works. Everything is paid for, and our advantages come only from work and its accompanying natural growth, or by the hereditary trans- mission of a fortunate balance of powers in a line of ancestors. The first impulse arises from the necessity of work, and from the actions of events which stimulate the ingenuity. The increased activity is ac- companied by an increase of fiber or power of continuance. Tyndall has admirably illustrated the fact that this law of mental supply and demand applies with precision to the processes of nature : " No parti- cle of vapor was formed and lifted without being paid for in solar heat. There is nothing gratuitous in physical nature, no gain with- out equivalent expenditure." It is our tendency to look for theatrical or imposing manifestations of human power not paid for by work, and when a result appears mysterious owing to our ignorance of its source, we too often settle the difficulty in accordance with a convenient and visionary theory. In this way we hear a coincidence called a prophetic dream. No one has adequately estimated the enormous number of dreams that drift through the mind during a lifetime, and when a dream coincides in a measure with an event which takes place long afterward, the assumption then is that some dreams are of a pro- WffV BO SPRINGS AND WELLS OVERFLOW ? 71 phetic nature. It seems clear that the only element of prophecy is due to a coincidence or similarity between the dream and the event. The minute particulars missing from the dream will be filled in by the imagination almost unconsciously, because the events of the dream and the real events become confused in the recollection. All this does not divest the unknown of its mysterious possibili- ties. But there is a striking contrast between the so-called unaccount- able results of clairvoyance and mesmerism, in their relation to tran- scendental knowledge, and the theories of science founded upon verified experiments. The obscurity or apparent mystery of the scientific theory steadily decreases with each addition of evidence, until the astonishing possibility "hardens into a fact." The clairvoyant theory not only evades all attempts to analyze it, but utterly fails in regard to any valuable results which could serve as starting-points for future discovery. The coming fact at once seems " reasonable and real," and does not rest upon the mere belief of one person. It can be veri- fied from more than one point of view, and carries with it the convinc- ing force of an axiom. Emerson, in his lecture in the Old South Church, Boston, on February 24, 1878, finely said, "The gracious lesson taught by science to this country is, that the history of nature from first to last is incessant advance from less to more, from rude to finer organization, the globe of matter thus conspiring with the prin- ciple of undying hope in man." We must look to the onward march of progressive development for new power, and not to the mysterious and so far valueless results of clairvoyance, with its examples of trickery or nervous organisms thrown out of balance. There is more of the spiritual element in a beautiful sunset than in the table-rapping and other dramatic effects of animal magnetism or jugglery. WHY DO SPRINGS AXD WELLS OVERFLOW? By nelson W. GREEN. SINCE water tends to find a level, we infer that flowing water is acting in harmony with this natural law, unless it be put in motion by some equivalent force. The overflowing of wells and springs has hitherto been accounted for by scientists only upon the supjiosed existence of hydrostatic pressure. But a more careful investigation seems to justify the conclusion that, while in exceptional cases this may occur, yet as a proposition it is fallacious, and it will be the aim 06 the following discussion to expose the fallacy. In 1844 Rev. William Buckland, Professor of Geology at Oxford, 72 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. England, was invited, on account of his learning and character, to give an address, in which he made the following statements : * " Wells sunk to a greater depth through stratified rocks often afford large supplies, but rarely rise to the surface ; and in cases where they do so they are called artesian wells, from the circumstance of such arti- ficial flowing wells being common in Artois (France). In all these cases [among which the Professor included the flowing wells at Gre- nelle, near Paris] the water was forced up by hydrostatic pressure to various distances from the surface. At Brentford, England, there were many wells that continually overflowed their orifice, which is a few feet only above the Thames. In the London wells the water rises to a less level than in those at Brentford." By hydrostatic pressure, the Professor, of course, means a head, i. e., that the water flowed to these wells from a higher point. If this rise were due to hydrostatic pressure, why did the water rise to a lower level at London than at Brentford among the hills? Professor Buck- land continues : " In November, 1840, notice was given of an applica- tion to Parliament to obtain a new supply of water for London from wells and water- works to be made at Wetf ord in the chalk-hills. A company had been proposed to effect this object, which would probably have been carried out, had not Mr. Clutterbuck demonstrated, by a long-continued series of measurements of the water in the chalk-hills of Hertfordshire, near Wetford, that every drop of water taken from that neighborhood would have been abstracted from the summer and autumn supplies of the river Coin and would have robbed the jDropri- etors of more than thirty mills upon this river and its tributaries, and the owners of adjacent water-meadows, of rights they had had from time immemorial. One intelligent manufacturer, Mr. Dickinson, had, during many years, found arithmetical evidence that the quantity of summer water in the river Coin varied with the rain in the preceding winter. He could always tell, at the end of February or March, what water there would be in the following eight or nine months ; and he regulated the contracts he made in every spring, for paper to be deliv- ered in the summer and autumn, by the quantity of water in his win- ter rain-gauge. This rain-gauge, the invention of Dalton, being buried three feet below the surface, showed that except in December, Jan- uary, and February, rain-water rarely descended more than three feet below the soil, so as to add anything to the supply that sinks into the earth to issue during summer, and from springs and rivers; and, when- ever Mr. Dickinson found by this instrument that but little rain had fallen in the three months of winter, he proportionally limited his con- tracts for the following summer and autumn, thus proving the practical advantage of inductions from j^hilosophy." The following abstract from Professor Buckland's speech may also be in order : " As persons who have no experience in these subjects * Copied into vol. iii., p. VO, of " Littell's Living Age," from the " Edinburgh Journal." WHY DO SPEnYGS AND WELLS OVERFLOW? ji may be surprised at the knowledge geologists profess to have acquired respecting the internal structure of the earth, he (the Professor) would endeavor to confirm the above theoretical explanation of the origin and supply of springs by appealing to practical proofs in the proceed- ings of water companies and well-diggers, and in the pounds, shillings, and pence in the ledgers of manufacturers." It certainly must be a matter of " surprise " to most people that, while the rain-water rarely sank deeper than three feet into the soil, it could yet influence the water-supply to be drawn from deep wells in the earth, so much as to draw upon the water-supply of the river Coin, which like that of all rivers is more or less dependent upon surface influences in addition to overflowing springs. Wells to supply London, the Professor thinks, must not be utilized to draw water from a depth of thirty or forty feet because it would cut off the supply due to the rains Mdiich do not sink deeper than three feet ! It should have been the easiest possible thing to supply London without in any way drawing upon the supply of the river Coin, since the river and the wells draw from different sources. The learned Professor had no idea of the existence of any force in the premises other than hydrostatic pressure, and yet he proceeds in the next paragraph to give important evidence of some other force : " In Germany, Mi-. Buckmann, of Heilbronn, published in 1835 an octavo volume on artesian wells in the valley of the Necker, from which it appeared that there were manufactures in Wurtemberg near Constadt where the mills were kept in work during the severest cold of winter by means of the warm water from artesian wells which overflowed into the mill-ponds and prevented them from freezing. And at Heilbronn, also, there were persons who saved the expense of fuel by conducting artesian warm water in pipes through their houses and greenhouses. . . . Let those who doubt go to Grenelle and see the majestic column of warm water from the philosophically discovered fountain rising thirty feet above the surface, at the exact temperature foretold by Arago, and learn the correctness and value of practical deductions from geology applied to the useful purposes of life." From which quotations it appears that the Professor is in a remark- able position. At Wetford these wells could not be utilized because the river-supply of the Coin would be exhausted ; but in Germany they were a new and important source of supply to the rivers themselves. Imagine the " majestic column " at Grenelle rising thirty feet high and the overflow in the other cases being due to hydrostatic pressure — i. e., due to the fact that all these immense floods were the result of a flow from some other higher bodies of water. Why did it not occur to Professor Bucklarid that, however high and abundant the source, such drains must of necessity have sooner or later exhausted the supply, if no equivalent streams were flowing into that also ? But suppose this to be so, whence could come the higher head to flow into and supply that in turn ? Carry this on until a flow is secured from the high- 74 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. est land on the earth, and then whence comes the flow to supply that ? The mere statement of the case proves the existence of some force in nature other than hydrostatic pressure by which these vast bodies of water are driven to the surface. This hydrostatic pressure Pro- fessor Buckland thus illustrates and explains : " The portions of a water-logged, porous bed between two beds of clay may be illustrated by a tea-saucer placed within another tea-saucer, and having the nar- row space between filled with sand and water. If a hole were drilled through the bottom of the upper saucer and a quill or small pipe fixed vertically in the hole, water would rise in the pipe to the level at which it stands within the margin of the lower saucer, its rise being caused by the same hydrostatic pressure that raised the water in the well at Southampton, coming from subterranean sheets of the fluid which exists in the fissured chalk-beds of the Hampshire basin, as they do also in the chalk under the basin of London." Should these exceptional and assumed conditions occur in nature, the result would be substantially as indicated ; but, as will be seen at a glance, the flow from a well sunk under such circumstances would be limited to the amount of water between the two saucers, and this will be limited to the quantity of rainfall. Since flowing wells and springs are seldom if ever thus limited, we infer that the case supposed does not occur. But whether it does or not is of no importance, since it in no sense satisfies the conditions of the "majestic column" at Grenelle, and other cases where the flow is perpetual. We must, therefore, look for some other force to explain this class of phenomena. Professor Faraday followed Professor Buckland's lead six years later. M. Gar- nier, the celebrated French engineer, whose essay in 1822 upon this subject took the governmental prize, also takes this position ; as does Dr. Halley. This theory we combat not merely from speculative mo- tives, but in the interest of public health. Various other theories have been advanced besides hydrostatic pressure. Aristotle and Seneca suggested the central heat of the earth. This theory has been more fully and scientifically stated by E. S. Chapin, in his work on gravity. But this is not the force that we seek. It is inadequate, as the following simple experiment shows : If a moderately flowing spring is surrounded by an air-tight iuclosure which shall contract, and terminate in a tube, and this tube be allowed to have a discharge some distance beloAv the surface of the water in the spring before its inclosure, it will be found that the water-flow from the spring has been greatly increased, though no change of tem- perature has occurred. Again, it has been suggested that the over- flow of springs was due to capillary action ; but this 'can hardly need a serious consideration in view of the amount and character of those overflows. There are three classes of water to be taken into account in this discussion : 1. The surface waters mainly influenced by rainfalls ; 2. WHY DO SFRI.VGS AXD WELLS OVERFLOW ? 75 Subterranean waters, seldom if ever influenced by rains ; 3. A class of waters coming from both of these sources. This discussion relates mainly to the second class. But what are the facts as to the flow of water in this class ? Arago says of the well at Grenelle, 1,800 feet deep, " The water to suj^ply it may have come from 40, 80, or 100 miles." There is a " large and important spring called Pales's Hole which issues permanently in quantities sufficient to run a mill at Otter- bourne (England). . . . Springs of fresh water often rise even from fissures at the bottom of the sea, and one near Chittagong was 100 miles distant from the land." " The artesian well at Tours rose with a jet that sustained a cannon." " Chautauqua Lake rests like a jewel in the crown of a high mountain-ridge. The basin is shallow, with not more than 80 feet of water at the deepest points, and an average depth of about 20 feet. The surrounding hills are low, 100 to 150 feet higher than the water. Viewed from the hills near Jamestown, four miles distant, the lake has the appearance of being lifted up above its shores ; you seem to be looking up to a ' hanging lake,' and you Avonder the M'hole concern does not fall over into some of the valleys close around it. It is a wonder to the unpracticed observer where the water- supply of Chautauqua Lake comes from. The lake nearly fills its own valley. There is not a live stream emptying into it, save one, and that would run through a six-inch pipe. Of course, it is supported like a weary sleeper by the springs in its bed. These must be innumerable to maintain a body of water 20 miles long and two miles wide. Where the water is shallow you can plainly see these springs bubbling up from the bottom of the lake. Their warmth cuts the ice out in large spots in winter at points where they are most numerous. You see floating in the lake tufts 'of water-grass, which have been uprooted from the bottom by these under-currents." — (" New York Semi-\Veekly Trib- xme," August 2, 1878.) This lake is on the highest land in the State, west of the Catskill Mountains, and yet it is but a vast overflowing spring from which issues a large mill-stream. To account for this large flow from the top of this elevated region by supposing it to fall from some other higher elevation is absurd, since there is no such higher ground from which it could flow Avithout being exhausted. The whole mountain-region of northern Pennsylvania may be referred to as another good illustration of high springs. At every step the traveler notices abundant streams of the purest water, gushing sometimes from the very tops of moun- tains, and it is in these thickly clustering springs that the great rivers of that wild labyrinth of high ridges and deep valleys find their abun- dant sources. Within sight of the main road which crosses the sum- mit dividing the waters of the Alleghany River from those running into the Genesee is to be seen a cluster of abundant streams which unite and cross the highway — a noisy torrent — rejoicing in being among the head- waters of the latter river, and the brightest product of ■je THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. overflowing springs. No possible head to this overflow could exist ; and, in general, this class of springs flowing out of the mountain-tops can not be materially influenced by the rainfall. There is no land above them from which such torrents could flow in such constant abun- dance. The White and Adirondack Mountains are also full of similar " Scribner's Monthly " (vol. xi., p. 784) has a very interesting article by Martin A. Howell, Jr., entitled " Is there a Subterranean Outlet to the Upper Lake Region ? " While we are sorry to quarrel with Mr, Howell as to his conclusions, we are very hajDpy to accept his facts. He speculates upon the premise that, because " an area of some 400,000 square miles is drained by the tributaries of Lake Winnipeg alone," a certain amount of this accumulation of waters Avhich do not find an exit " toward the Polar Sea and through the Mississippi Valley " may pass by subterranean channels into Lakes Superior and Huron ; and he says that "while Lakes Superior and Huron are supplied largely through such subterranean channels on the one hand, they suffer se- verely through losses by similar channels at some point in their vast expanse." He show^s by a map the track of this supposed underground current to be down the valley of the Illinois from Lake Superior to the valley of the Mississij^pi. The facts he gives tend strongly to support his novel theory of underground flow southward from the lakes, how- ever it may be as to the amount of it. He gives no evidence that it comes from the direction of Lake Winnipeg, but, on the contrary, the balance of his evidence goes to prove that the Northern lakes are no- thing more or less than great, overfloAving springs. " That there exist channels of communication with some of these lakes," Mr. Howell says, " has long been believed and admitted by many " ; and then, having shown that Lake Superior at its surface is 600 feet above the Atlantic and at its bottom 5T3, and Ontario to be 235 feet above, with the same depth as Superior, he proceeds to make the following signifi- cant statement, which is not at all conclusive as to the intercommuni- cation between the lakes, but is unanswerable as proof that these lakes are overflowing springs : " And that a great subterranean influx into the upper lakes exists there is little doubt, as a comparison of the discharge through the mighty St. Lawrence with the limited supply from the country border- ing on the upper lakes clearly demonstrates, leaving the problem to be settled in the mind as to where this volume does come from in its course to the ocean. Again, the discharge through the St. Lawrence is equal to double the volume poured into Ontario through the Ni- agara, or into Erie through the St, Clair ; suggesting that from the shallowness of Lake Erie and the great depth of Superior and Huron a subterranean channel may connect Superior and Huron with Ontario, giving to the latter, through this source, to be discharged by the St. Lawrence, a greater volume than is given through St, Clair, It is also WHY DO SPEIXGS AND WELLS OVERFLOW? jj a well-demonstrated fact that the volume of water escaping from the lakes through the mighty St. Lawrence is far greater than the amount discharged from the upper lakes into Ontario by the proper channels — the St. Clair and Niagara ; and it is also well settled that the supply of Lake Erie from St. Clair is about equaled by its discharge through the Niagara ; showing that it receives from no subterranean source any perceptible surplus of water. And this is generally attributed to its comparative shallowness as compared to the greater depth of Su- perior, Huron, and Ontario " — from Avhich it follows that the immense difference between the outflow and the inflow of Ontario is due to its greater depth, thus making it a possible deep spring ; and that this applies also to the other deep lakes ; and that Superior, Huron, and On- tario, and possibly Michigan, are overflowing springs of subterranean water. The conclusion is therefore inevitable that this great overflow must be accounted for upon some other hypothesis than that of hy- draulic pressure, since there is no higher land which could furnish an adequate supply. Indeed, if we suppose all the land on the continent which is higher than Lake Superior to be but shells tilled with water, the difference between the outflow and inflow of Ontario would ex- haust the supply in a short time. But the subterranean supply is known to be constant, and has always been so. But Mr. Howell sup- poses this vast surplus in Ontario to come through a subterranean channel, connecting it with Superior. And here, again, we must thank Mr. Howell for his facts. The surface of Superior is, he says, 600 feet above the sea, and Ontario but 235 above. Therefore, the differ- ence of level between the two is 365 feet. If this channel exists as supposed, the surfaces of these lakes would find a common level, in- stead of a difference of 365 feet ! Mr. Howell, in presenting the proof that there is a great under- flow from Superior southward under the valley of the Illinois River, says : " And here on this bank of the old Illinois, oi:)posite the junc- tion of the Fox River, are the celebrated Mineral Springs. . . . These waters are somewhat similar to the waters of Saratoga County, New York," which certainly proves that they do not come from Superior, the waters of which are not of this class. The editor of " Scribner's Monthly " naively adds this note : " Whether the Great Lakes are the true reservoirs from which our Northern wells, springs, and subterra- nean streams receive their constant supply of water, is a question of suflicient interest and significance to merit a thoughtful consideration. The data upon which the advocates of this theory found their conclu- sions are manifold and forcible, and, though there may be breaks in the line of evidence, the facts as now established would seem to favor the views which the author of this paper now proposes to define and defend." While Mr. Howell jiresents strong evidence of a possible underflow from Superior southward, he has hardly claimed that the gen- eral supply of the " Northern wells, springs, and subterranean streams," 78 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. all comes from the Northern lakes. A hundred facts are at hand which prove the contrary, even in the vicinity of the lakes. Among these are the magnetic wells at Three Rivers and other places in Michigan and other States. Certainly, Chautauqua, in New York, which has been shown to be but a large overflowing spring, does not draw its supply from these lakes, as its surface is many feet above even that of Superior, the highest of the four Northern lakes. At different times irregular tidal influences have been observed on these lakes, an example of which is given in this news-note printed in the " Springfield Republican," June 26, 1876 : " The water in the canal at Sault Ste. -Marie, Michigan, began rising about ten o'clock Fri- day morning without any apparent cause, and reached a greater height than has been known for many years. Its variation was four feet nine inches in one hour and twenty minutes." All this without apparent cause. Continuous western winds would have been an " apparent cause," but this did not exist. This and other irregular tidal influ- ences on these lakes are in harmony with the supposed internal force for which we seek. The following is also well authenticated : " Silver Springs, one of Florida's curiosities, is a subterranean river bubbling up into a basin nearly 100 feet deep and an acre in extent, which sends out a stream 60 to 100 feet wide to the Ocklawaha River six miles distant. To this natural inland port I'un three streams from St. John's, and in the basin the fish and everything on the bottom can be seen through the crystal waters." Here is a case for which no adequate cause recognized by scientists can with certainty account. A singular case occurs on the shore of the Gulf of Mexico, opposite the town of Alvarado. A ridge of sand has formed on the beach by the action of the wind. It is Avithin memory that, before this ridge formation, " a fresh-water spring- was known to exist at its northern extremity, which was then but a few feet in height. The spring is there still, though the ridge is twenty feet in height, the water rising to the top of the ridge." But instances need not be multiplied. The ordinary observer will recall the common fact that the highest land is universally best sup- plied with flowing springs, and that these overflows can not be ac- counted for on the supposition of the fall of waters from higher grounds, since such higher grounds do not adequately exist. " The cataract issu- ing from the Himalayas, or as it is sometimes called Roodroo, is the source of the river Jumna — a rapid and lai-ge river ; and in fact, many of the largest rivers of the world proceed immediately from moun- tains and lakes that are formed from cataracts." Thus the Ganges, Nile, Indus, Senegal, Rhine, Rhone, Vistula, Elbe, Loire, Guadiana, Po, Adige, Swale, Tay, Severn, Don, Monongahela, Platte, Missouri, and numerous others have their sources directly in mountains, and many of these " receive no increase from tributary streams, but issue with such astonishinir abundance from rocks as to overflow and fertilize the I war BO sPIiI^^GS and wells overflow? 79 countries through which they pass." This has been more than con- firmed by the discoveries of Dr. Livingstone and Mr. Stanley in the heart of Africa, where some of the greatest rivers of the world flow out of the highest part of the African Continent. And in this con- nection the important element of the rainfall is not ignored. These countries are subject to long and weary droughts. But, while the volume of these great rivers is sensibly affected by the rain and the want of it, they continue to flow within their banks, subject to l»ss by absorption and evaporation — great and navigable rivers, throughout the longest dry season ; and the Nile has no tributaries for five hun- dred miles of its course. And, lastly, from the highest mountains in the world — the Hima- layas— out of their highest points, great cataracts and streams have poured and still do pour, with an abundance that not only is astonish- ing, but that wovdd exhaust any possible reservoirs at their extreme tops. Since this is the highest land of the Avorld, no such higher source is possible. Hence the conclusion is inevitable that some force not yet identified exists to which these great overflows are due. It should be remembered that up to this time it is generally held, to use the words of M. Garnier, that "unless there be a reservoir higher than the sur- face whence we intend to bore, we can not hope to obtain an over- flowing fountain." And, as if conscious that there might be some mis- take about this theory, he says further that gases may force water up, by which he means to suggest a cause other than hydrostatic pressure. But the experiment which may be seen any day at the gas-works will show that gases do force water down when both are inclosed by a common receiver. There is no conceivable situation in which gases could be expected to force subterranean water in a direction opposed to gravity in such quantities as to satisfy the conditions. Is it possible, then, to point out any other force in nature which not only may, but which positively must, force waters out of springs at high elevations ? Let a, a, a, be a great circle of the earth attained by passing a plane through the earth's center C, perpendicular to its axis, and I, h, b, the circle cut by the same plane through the inner surface of the earth's supposed crust. In order to obtain room in the figure for illustration, this section is exaggerated. Let the line A B represent the force of gravity, and A E the centrifugal force, at the point A, which will operate in the direction of the tangent A G. These two forces, for the purposes of this discussion, may be assumed to be equal, as the ques- tion of their relative intensities does not enter into the problem. Erect upon the line A B the square A B D E, and draw the diagonal A D produced to F. By a well-known law we shall have A D represent- ing the resultant of the forces A B and A E — that is, the line A D will represent the direction A F, and the intensity of the resultant of the force of gravity and the centrifugal force, acting at tlie point A. So THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. It will be observed that since the diagonal either of a square or of a parallelogram is longer than either of its sides, the resultant, A D, will have a greater intensity than gravity represented by A B. Now, suiDpose the point A' to be some point inside the earth's crust, and some distance from the surface, and suppose also that it is a particle of water in a body of water imprisoned by surrounding rocks. This par- ticle will be acted upon by a continual impulse to raove in the direc- tion A' F', with an intensity represented by A' D'. This will be true of every other water-particle in the imprisoned body of water. If, now, in an hermetically sealed vessel of water a set-screw is turned and pressed upon the water inside until the resistance to it is equal to one pound, that one-pound pressure will be duplicated upon every other equal space of the vessel : and thus, if the end of the screw has one square inch of surface, every square inch of the inside of the vessel M'ill feel a pressure of one pound. Exactly this Avill occur in the case of the water imprisoned in the rocks. The resultant of the two natural forces, centripetal and centrifugal, will be duplicated upon WBT BO SPEnVGS AXD WELLS OVERFLOW? 81 every point of the inside surface of the supposed rock-prison. The in- tensity of this resultant will be represented by the aggregation of all the resultants of all the particles of water. Now, suppose a small open- ing to be made in this rock-prison. Immediately, the water will be forced out with a velocity equal to the influence of these aggregated resultants modified by the laws of friction, and this velocity will not be at all influenced by the direction of the original impulses given to the water-particles. Although the direction of the resultant itself is say 45° from the direction of the force of gravity, its transmitted force will be unimpaired should the opening lead in a direction opposed to gravity, or in fact in any direction, since the tendency of water expansion or reaction under pressure is uniform in all directions. Moreover, since the resultant has been shown to be greater under all circumstances than gravity, certainly the vast aggregations must also be greater than the aggregated gravity, and will be able to overcome it under the con- ditions stated. Hence, if fissures exist in rocks that lead to imprisoned waters it would happen that through these outlets the waters must certainly flow ; and, if by any artificial means, as by boring, an opening should be made between a body of confined water and the surface of the earth, a flowing well would result. But, of course, it must be understood that this would not happen if the body of water supposed were an isolated one and completely un- connected with other bodies of water through channels and intercom- munications known to exist in the various ramifications of the earth's surface. The subterranean water circulation which interpenetrates the crust of the earth is clearly caused by the centrijoetal and centrifugal forces of nature, reenforced no doubt often by differences in tempera- ture and other minor causes. And it also might and probably does occur that the overflowing of a well or spring is due to the fact that the water flows from a higher to a lower level, but this will be found to be too rare to form a rule. The intensity of the centi'ifugal force will increase with the dis- tance from the center of the earth, while gravity will decrease ; the resultant will also increase. Thus, we find the strongest and most abundant overflows at the tops of mountains or on high plateaus. But suppose it had been fully proved that a particular overflowing spring was caused by hydrostatic pressure, it would still remain to be ac- counted for how the water got to that higher point. This can best be done by the force demonstrated, which is always acting upon the partially confined water-beds and water-channels forming the inter- nal water-structure of the earth's crust. The conditions necessary to the realization of the best results are that these water-deposits shall be more or less imprisoned and the outlets comparatively limited. The overflow will be continued and upward until the resultant is overcome by friction. The lengthening of the channel of overflow, as in the TOL. XTI. — 6 82 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. spring at Alvarado, furnishes a corroborating instance of how this law of overflow operates. The spring was originally on the level of the shore until the sand drifted by degrees and formed a ridge twenty feet high, hut the water appeared at the top of the ridge. This law can be utilized in increasing the flow of water. As above mentioned, it was found that, by inclosing an overflowing spring tightly and allowing the inclosure to be terminated by a tube with an opening carried to a level below the fountain, the flow was increased because the channel was increased, and the resultant of the natural forces with it. If an artificial connection be made with a stratum of water or water-bed, as by a tube tightly set in the earth or a series of tubes, and the suction-tube of a pump be attached thereto, we shall have the best conditions for a utilization of this newly discovered force in obtaining water for domestic purposes. The natural channels will thus be con- tinued to the pump, and when this is operated (the air being lifted ofi^) the new force acts as a handmaid in lifting the water. Many experi- ments fully prove this. As the water-deposits di'awn upon are subter- ranean they are ample for all practical purposes; and, if these facts had been within the knowledge of Professor Buckland and the proposed company to which he has given such prominence, London could have been supplied with pure water without the least occasion for anxiety that the manufactories on the banks of the river Coin would be robbed of their portion. The force, then, which we have demonstrated may be thus formu- lated : The resultant of the earth's centripetal and centrifugal forces acts impulsively upon the subterranean water-deposits, and tends to force them into and through the natural channels of the earth's crust. MARS AND HIS MOONS. By Professor JOHN LE CONTE, OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. THERE is no member of the solar system, with the exception of our moon, which can be studied under such favorable circum- stances as the planet Mars ; for, although Venus, when in inferior conjunction, is nearer to us than Mars in opposition, yet Venus, at this time, turns her darkened hemisphere toward the earth. Moreover, although Mars does not appear so large an object in the telescope as Jupiter, yet he is in reality seen on a much larger scale, not only on account of his much greater proximity to us, but because, being like- wise much nearer the sun, his surface is much more brilliantly illumi- nated, so that a much higher telescopic power can be advantageously MARS. AND HIS MOONS. 83 employed. Accordingly, ever since the invention of the telescope, Mars has been a favorite object of observation. The largest and most powerful instruments have been employed to scrutinize this planet, and the varied physical details of its surface have been most carefully mapped by many astronomers. When, therefore, it was announced two years ago* that the Ameri- can astronomer. Hall, had discovered two satellites belonging to Mars, we ought not to be surprised at the astonishment with which the news was received by the scientific world. Moreovei', there can be no question that for more than two centui'ies past astronomers have recognized the probability of the existence of satellites to this planet. In fact, analogy would lead us to expect that Mars would be furnished with one or more moons ; for, being situated at a greater distance from the sun than the earth, it seems more especially to need such luminaries to cheer its dark nights. Under the influence of these an- ticipations, the astronomers, who have so carefully studied the physi- cal features of Mars, have doubtless been looking for these satellites. In fact, many of them have contended that the failure to discover them is not by any means a conclusive proof of their non-existence ; since, Mars being a very small planet, we might expect his moons to be proportionally small, in which case they miglit escape detection by the telescope. Thus, for example, the second satellite of Jupiter is only about the forty-second part of the diameter of the planet ; and a satellite which would only be the forty-second part of the diameter of Mars would be about one hundred miles in diameter. At the least distance of the earth from Mars a satellite of this dimension would subtend an angle of less than one half of a second ; so that, even in the most favorable position of Mars, powerful telescopes might fail to reveal such an object, especially if it do not recede far from the disk of the planet. Thus, Thomas Dick (" Celestial Scenery," American edition, p. 123, 1838) remarks in relation to this question : " If such a satellite exist, it is highly piobable that it will revolve at the nearest possible distance from the planet, in order to afford it the greatest quantity of light ; in which case it would never be seen beyond two minutes of a degree from the margin of the planet, and that only in certain favor- able positions. If the plane of its orbit lay nearly in a line with our axis of vision, it would frequently be hidden either by the interposition of the body of Mars or by transiting its disk. It is therefore pos- sible, and not at all improbable, that Mars may have a satellite, al- though it has not yet been discovered. It is no argument for the non- * It was on the memorable night of the 11th of August, 1877, that Professor Asaph Hall, of the Naval Observatory at Washington, caught the first glimpse of these diminu- tive companions of Mars. The intervention of unfavorable weather kept him in a state of anxious suspense, and postponed, for a period of five days, the complete verification of his great discovery. 8+ THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. existence of such a body tliat we have not yet seen it ; but it ought to serve as an argument to stimulate us to apply our most powerful instruments to the regions around this planet with more frequency and attention than we have hitherto done, and it is possible that our dili- gence may be rewarded with the discovery. The long duration of winter in the polar regions of Mars seems to require a moon to cheer them during the long absence of the sun ; and, if there be none, the inhabitants of those regions must be in a far more dreary condition than the Laplanders and Greenlanders of our globe." This state of doubt and uncertainty in relation to the question of the existence of Martial moons afforded legitimate game for the satiri- cal writers of the last century. Thus, Jonathan Swift, in his " Gulli- ver's Travels," published about 1727, in giving an account of the ex- traordinary race of abstract philosophers who inhabited the " Floating Island " called Laputa, informs us that " they spend the greater part of their lives in observing the celestial bodies, which they do by the assistance of glasses far excelling ours in goodness ; for, although their largest telescopes do not exceed three feet, they magnify much more than those of one hundred with us, and show the stars with greater clearness. This advantage has enabled them to extend their discov- eries much farther than our astronomers in Europe ; for they have made a catalogue of 10,000 fixed stars, whereas the largest of ours does not contain above one third of that number. They have likewise discovered two lesser stars or satellites, which revolve about Mars ; whereof the innermost is distant from the center of the primary planet exactly three of its diameters, and the outermost five ; the former re- volves in the space of ten hours, and the latter in twenty-one and a half; so that the squares of their periodical times are very near in the same proportion with the cubes of their distances from the center of Mars ; which evidently shows them to be governed by the same law of gravi- tation that influences the other heavenly bodies." About twenty-five years after Swift wrote the foregoing, that is in 1752, the celebrated Voltaire (apparently in imitation of " Gulliver's Travels ") cuttingly ridicules the pretensions of the class of reasoners who found their conclusions upon analogy. In one of his satirical tales, Micromegas, an imaginary inhabitant of Sirius, is supposed to make a voyage of discovery through the solar system in company with a denizen of Saturn ; they philosophize as they go. Approaching the planet Mars, Micromegas and his companion plainly descried two moons acting as satellites to that body — moons which have certainly escaped the ken of terrestrial astronomers. " I know perfectly well," continues the author of the tale, "that Father Castel" (an astronomer of the time) " will write, and write sufliciently pleasantly, too, against the existence of these two moons ; but I appeal against his decision to logicians, who reason from analogy. These excellent philosophers are perfectly aware how difficult it would be for Mars — a planet so far re- MAES AND HIS MOONS. 85 moved from the sun — to get on with less than two of these satellites." (" (Euvres de Voltaire " — Micromegas, chapter iii.) How completely the recent discovery of the American astronomer has "turned the tables" on the renowned satirist of the last century ! The previsions of those " excellent philosophers " who founded their conclusions upon analogical reasoning, although slumbering in the domains of the un- proved for more than two centuries, have at last been verified by direct observation. As the moons of Mars are very small objects, it is only under the most favorable circumstances that they can be seen by the most power- ful telescopes. Mars is nearest to us when his opposition occurs, when he is near his perihelion ; and the greatest possible proximity to us occurs when Mars is in opposition in perihelion and the earth is in aphelion at the same time. The oppositions of Mars near perihelion occur at intervals of fifteen and seventeen years successively. A very good opposition occurred in 1862, and a great many distinguished astronomers embraced the opportunity of scrutinizing Mars with the aid of excellent instruments. A still more favorable opportunity was presented in the summer of 1877, when Mars was nearer to us than it has been since 1845. It was at this time that Professor Asaph Hall was fortunate enough, by means of the new 26-inch refractor of the Naval Observatory at Washington, to discover two moons belonging to this planet. It is true that this was probably the first time that so powerful a telescope had ever been directed to the examination of Mars under similar favorable conditions ; yet it is a significant fact that, since the announcement of the discovery, the satellites have been de- tected by means of telescopes of more moderate power. The secret of Professor Hall's discovery seems to have consisted in devising the means of cutting off, from the field of view of the telescope, the glar- ing light of Mars. In like manner, M. Henry, of the Observatory of Paris, on August 27, 1877, was able to see the satellites when Mars was screened from view. These diminutive moons nestle so closely to the planet that it is difficult to see them in the blaze of light reflected from Mars. Had similar means of screening the planet been employed, it is probable that one or both of these satellites might have been dis- covered in 1862. The distance of the inner satellite from the center of the primary is about 2*73 times the radius of Mars ; that of the outer one about 6'846 times the same radius. Assuming the diameter of Mars to be about 4,200 miles, these distances become, respectively, 5,733 and 14,376 miles from the center of Mars. The nearest satellite of Jupiter is distant about six times the radius of the primary, and the innermost satellite of Saturn is distant a little more than three times the radius of that planet.* * The following table exhibits the mean distances of the satellites from the centers of the primaries, expressed in equatorial radii of the latter. ("Nature," December 13, IS??. p. 129.) 86 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Earth. Mars. Jupiter. Saturn. Uranus. 1 Neptune. 1 60-27 2-72 6-82 5-70 9-07 14-46 25-44 2-98 3-83 4-75 6-08 8-47 19-67 24-80 57-28 7-71 10-75 17-63 23-67 14-55 2 3 4 ... 1 ] 6 1 6 ■ 7 8 1 Professor Newcomb gives, for the period of revolution of the inner satellite around Mars, about 7'65 hours, or 7h. 39m., and 30-25 hours, or 30h. ISm., as that of the outer moon. Both of them, like our moon, revolve around the primary from west to east. Mars rotates on its axis from west to east in 24*623 hours, or 24h. 37m. 23s. ; this is the duration of the Martial day. We have seen that the period of revo- lution of the inner satellite is less^ while that of the outer is greater, than a Martial day. It is evident, therefore, that, as seen from the surface of the planet, the apparent motion of the satellites will be in opposite directions, the inner rising in the icest and setting in the east, the outer (like our moon) rising in the east and setting in the west. This anomalous condition of things must have greatly perplexed the primitive astronomers of Mars, and probably led them to the invention of cycles and epicycles to account for these appearances. It follows that the phenomenon of two moons meeting in mid- heavens will be no unusual occurrence to the observers on the surface of Mars. The apparent motion of the fixed stars from east to west, produced by the rotation of the planet upon its axis, is at the rate of 14-62° per hour. The real motion of the inner satellite among the stars from west to east is at the rate of about 47*06° per hour, while that of the outer one is at the rate of 11*90° per hour. Hence it fol- lows that the api^arent motion of the inner satellite from west to east across the heavens, to an observer on Mars, will be at the rate of about 32*44° per hour, while the apparent motion of the outer moon from east to toest will be at the rate of nearly 2*72° per hour. It likewise follows from the preceding calculations that the time elapsing between two successive meridian passages of the inner ^tel- lite will be about 11*09 hours, and the time elapsing between two suc- cessive conjunctions of the inner with the outer moon will be about 10*24 hours ; consequently two conjunctions will occur in less time than it takes for Mars to rotate on its axis, or than a Martial day. This satellite completes more than three orbital revolutions in a Mar- tial day. As the apparent motion of the outer satellite from east to west is at the rate of only about 2*72° per hour, it is obvious that the time elapsing between two successive meridian passages of this moon will be about 132*35 hours ; so that there will be no less than twelve con- MABS AND HIS MOONS. 87 junctions with the inner moon in the course of its lunar day. It is likewise evident that the outer satellite will frequently be above the horizon of Mars more than sixty hours, during which period six con- junctions with the inner may occur. Moreover, as the outer moon will go through its cycle of phases in a little more than thirty hours, all of these changes may be accomplished while it is above the horizon of the observer on the surface of Mars. The apparent diameter of Mars, as seen by an observer on the in- ner satellite, would be no less than 41 '8°, or about seventy-eight and a half times the apparent diameter of the sun as seen from the earth ; and from the outer moon the diameter of Mars would subtend an angle of 16"T°, or about SI'S times the apparent diameter of the sun as seen by us. Of course the apparent areas of the disk of Mars, as seen from his two satellites, would be in the ratio of the squares 6i these numbers, that is, the apparent area of the disk of Mars, as seen from his inner moon, would be 6,167, and from the outer 980 times the ap- parent area of the solar disk, as seen from the earth. From the innermost satellite of Saturn, the diameter of the primary would subtend an angle of 35*8° ; from the nearest satellite of Jupi- ter, the diameter of that planet would subtend an angle of 18-6° ; and from our moon the earth's diameter would subtend an angle of less than 2°. Astronomers are, as yet, ignorant of the real magnitude of the Martial satellites ; but, assuming each of them to be one hundred miles in diameter, it is easy to calculate their apparent magnitudes as seen by an observer on Mars.* The inner moon being 5,733 miles distant from the center of Mars, would, when in the zenith of the ob- server, be only 3,633 miles distant from the surface of the planet. Hence it appears that, when this satellite is seen in the horizon of the observer on the surface of Mars, its diameter would subtend an angle of about 60', or nearly twice the apparent diameter which our moon presents to us ; but, when it is in the zenith of the observer, it would subtend an angle of 94-3', or more than three times the apparent diameter presented by our moon. In other tei'ms, in rising from the western horizon to the zenith, the apparent diameter of this moon would be increased nearly in the ratio of two to three ; and, of course, its apparent area would be augmented nearly in the ratio of four to nine. * Professor E. C. Pickering, of the Harvard College Observatory, has attempted to determine the real magnitude of the satellites of Mars, by comparing the intensity of the light reflected from the primary with that reflected from each of his satellites. He is thus led to estimate the diameter of tlie inner satellite to be about seven miles, and that of the outer one to be about six miles ! (" Annual Report of the Director of Harvard College Observatory," November, 1877, page 17.) It is very questionable whether esti- mates, founded on photomctrical comparisons in which the relative reflecting powers of the bodies compared are unknown, can inspire the confidence of astronomers in relation to the accuracy of the deduced diameters. 88 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The outer satellite would, under like positions, jDresent apparent diameters, respectively, of 24' and 28', or considerably less than the apparent diameter of our moon. The nearest satellite of Jupiter (having a diameter of 2,310 miles) would, in like positions, present to an observer on the surface of that planet apparent diameters, respec- tively, of 31' and 37'. As we have seen, the inner satellite of Mars completes three orbital revolutions in less than a Martial day. " This anomalous fact in the planetary system would seem, at first view, to be utterly inconsistent with the nebular hypothesis." According to this hypothesis, the or- JiYa^periods of the satellites should be approximately equal to the rotation-periods of the primary at the epochs when the satellites were thrown off from it. The acceleration of the rotation-period of the primary, in consequence of its subsequent contraction, would neces- sarily render its time of rotation less than the orbital-period of any satellite. As far as yet known, the inner satellite of Mars affords the only instance in which the rotation-period of the primary is greater than the orbital-period of the secondary. It must be remembered, however, that if we regard the rings of Saturn as comjjosed of clouds of independently revolving minute satel- lites, those constituting the innermost portions of the inner ring must revolve in less time than the rotation-period of that planet. Under this view, therefore, the case of the inner satellite of Mars is not unique. There are, however, several methods by which the apparently anomalous fact may be accounted for consistently with the nebular hypothesis : 1. In the first place, it has been suggested that Mars may not have obtained his satellites by means of the usual process of moon-forma- tion, but by the appropriation to himself of a couple of the numer- ous asteroids or planetoids, some of which, in their perihelion excur- sions, approach comparatively near to Mars in his aphelion positions. Thus, the planetoid called Phocea, when it is at its least distance and Mars at his greatest distance from the sun, would only be about 11,000,000 miles from each other. It is, therefore, possible that some of the planetoids, moving in orbits of greater eccentricity than any yet discovered, may, at some former period, have approached so near Mars as to have become permanently attached to it as satellites. 2. In the second place, it is possible that these Martial moons may have originally revolved in larger orbits, and therefore in longer peri- ods than at present, but that the retarding influence of a resisting medium on such synall masses might, in the course of myriads of ages, have contracted their orbits and consequently shortened their orbital- periods. In this connection it must be borne in mind that, according to the nebular hypothesis. Mars must be a vastly older planet than the earth ; so that this retardation may have been in progress for an MAES AND HIS MOONS. 89, incalculable number of centuries before the earth became a separate planet. Until quite recently, it was generally conceded that tico comets of short period have revealed the existence of a resistmg medium in the celestial spaces. It is well known that the celebrated Encke inferred the existence of a resisting medium from the fact that the periodic times of the comet which bears his name were progressively diminish- ing. Thus he found the following values of these times : 1786-1795, periodic time = 1208-112 days. 1795-1805, " " = 1207-879 '' 1805-1819, " " =1207-424 " 1845-1855, " " = 1205-250 " In this view he was sustained by Olbers and most contemporary astronomers, although Bessel and some others dissented from it. But Encke continued steadfast in his theory of a resisting medium in space for more than forty years ; in fact, up to the period of his death in 1865. There are two other periodical comets which were expected to fur- nish important evidence on this question. These are Faye's and Win- necke's comets, which have periods of seven and a half and five and a half years respectively. The orbit of the former has been carefully determined by Professor Axel Moller, of Lund, Sweden. At first his cal- culations indicated that the period of this comet was shortened at each revolution by about seventeen hours ; and Encke, in his declining years, thought that this fact was a complete proof of his hypothesis of a resisting medium. But, in 1865, Professor Moller revised his calcula- tions, and found that it was j)ossible to harmonize all of the facts loithout the assumption of the resisting medium. With regard to Winnecke's comet, it seems that, according to the computations of Professor Oppolzer, of Vienna, it is scarcely necessary to call in the assistance of a resisting medium to account for its mo- tions. It thus appears that, up to the present time, Encke's comet stands alone in demanding the existence of a resisting medium to ex- plain its motions. Nevertheless, it must be recollected that such in- vestigations involve the computing of complex planetary perturbations, and that, consequently, more accurate data and better mathematical methods may, in the future, place these two comets in the same cate- gory, in relation to a resisting medium, as that of Encke. In the mean time, divers physical considerations press upon us the inherent prohahility of the existence of a resisting medium in the celestial spaces. The connection between our organs of sense and re- mote bodies necessarily implies the existence of some intervening medium ; and, moreover, to convey a p'hysical impression to the organ of sense, this medium must be material. Whatever theory of light we 90 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. adopt, we are equally driven to the conception of the existence of some form of matter in the celestial spaces. The fact that light and heat are propagated from one part of si:)ace to another in time demands that the medium of communication should possess inertia — an essen- tial property of matter. According to the wave theory^ the celestial bodies move in an attenuated and subtile ethereal medium ; according to the corpuscular theory, they move in a perpetual shower of cor- puscles emitted by the sun and stars. In both cases matter exists — in- ertia exists — therefore resistance must be encountered. The smalhiess of the resistance, however small we choose to suppose it, does not al- low us to escape this certainty. There is resistance, and therefore the movements of satellites cannot escape its influence. Nevertheless, such attenuated and htdky masses as comets are best adapted to test the ex- istence of a resisting medium. 3. In the last place, it is possible that Mars may have originally rotated on his axis in five or six hours, but that the tidal rotation- retardation produced by the action of his moons might have brought about its present rotation-period. It is evident that the solar tides, on a planet so small and so remote from the sun, must be inappreciable ; and, at first sight, the lunar tides produced by such small masses might be supposed to be equally insignificant. But it must be recollected that the tide-generating power of a moon is (other things being equal) inversely proportional to the cube of its distance ; so that nearness might more than compensate for smallness of mass. To be more spe- cific : In the mathematical language, the tide-generating power is in proportion to the Thus, Diameter of Primary X Mass of Satellite (Distance of Satellite.)' for example, let us suppose the diameter of our moon to be twenty times the diameter of the inner satellite of Mars, and both moons to be equally dense ; then the mass of our moon would be 8,000 times that of the Martial satellite. Taking the diameter of the earth as equal to twice the diameter of Mars (and it is not so great), and the distance of our moon from the center of the earth to be forty-one and a half times the distance of the inner satellite from the center of Mars, we then have the tide-generating power of our moon acting on the earth, will be to that of the inner satellite acting on Mars as — to 1, or as r^^A^c) to 1, or as -—.J— to 1, or as 1 to ^\. Hence, the tide-generating power of this small satellite would, in consequence of its nearness to Mars, be about four and a half times as great as the tide-generating power of our moon on the earth. This view, however, is not free from the most serious p)hysical difficulties. For it is evident that the tidal rotation -retardation pro- duced by the moons would be limited by the final condition, that the MARS AND HIS MOONS. 91 rotation-period oi the primary becomes exactly the same as the orhital- period of the satellite. When this condition is attained, the tides can no longer retard the rotation-period of the planet. So far, therefore, as the inner moon of Mars is concerned, it must long ago have ceased to retard the rotation of the primary. For, the orbital-period of this satellite being far shorter than the present rotation-period of Mars, its tidal action would tend to accelerate instead of retarding the time of rotation of the planet. So far as the outer moon is concerned, it is evident that its tidal action must tend to retard the rotation-period of Mars ; but, in consequence of its greater remoteness, the magni- tude of its influence must be small compared with that of the inner satellite. It is, therefore, difficult to conceive how the tidal influ- ences of the moons of this planet can explain the anomalous fact that its rotation-period is longer than the orbital-period of one of its satellites. In connection with the idea of the rotation-period of Mars having, at &0Tae former time, been much shorter than it is at present, it may be noticed that the great compression or ellipticity of this planet is totally inconsistent with its observed rotation-period.* In 1784 Sir William Herschel estimated the ellipticity of Mars at ^. Schroter refused to admit this result ; he contended that, if the ellipticity existed, it would not exceed -gV Bessel failed to discover any appreciable ellipticity of Mars, even with the celebrated heliom- eter of Konigsberg. On the other hand, Arago's measurements, ex- ecuted at the Observatory of Paris, from 1811 down to 1847, all con- firm the existence of an ellipticity in this planet of about ^*^. (" As- tronomie Populaii-e," tome iv., p. 130. Paris, 1867.) More recent observations give somewhat contradictory results. Professor Kaiser, of Leyden, makes the ellipticity y-fr ; Main, of the Radcliffe Observa- tory, deduced -^^ in 1862 ; and Dawes's measurements give negative results. To show the discordance of these results with what may be deduced from the theory of gravitation, it must be recollected that the ellip- ticity of a rotating planet depends upon the ratio of the centrifugcd force at its equator to the /brce of gravity at the same place. Thus, to compare the earth and Mars — Let r and r' = equatorial radii of earth and Mars respectively. " t ^ t' = time of rotation " " " " " " Q " Q' nr mass " " " " " " / " /' = centrifugal force at equator " " " <7 " g' z=L force of gravity " " " " " * The oblaleness or compression or ellipHciti/ of an oblate spheroid Is the difference of its equatorial and polar radii, divided by its equatorial radius. Thus, if a and 6 are the equatorial and polar radii respectively, then ellipticity = -^. 92 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. J J f f. Then, by dynamical principles, we have — r , r' and ^:^'::_._. Now, .for these two planets we have — r = 3962-8 miles, and r' = 2100 miles. t = 86164 seconds, " t' = 88643 seconds. Q = 3-^ 6^6 5 0? and Q' = -g-owooo- of mass of the sun. Substituting these numbers in foregoing proportions, and performing the arithmetical operations, and we have — /:/::l : 0-500704, and (J : g'::l : 0-376482. Hence we have '-C'^ '' ^ ' ao^?!o1- or 1 : 1-32996. But, for the earth, g g 0*376482 f \ If owQ » ^ence we have -— : ^ :: 1 : 1-32996. Consequently for g /wOt/ /i'Oi/ g f 1-32996 1 Mars we have -^, — — -— ^ — = — ■. Now, according to the elesrant g 289 217 '^ ^ theorem of Newton, if the rotating planets were homogeneous liquid masses, their elli^yticities would be f of -^i-w = tsi ^^r the earth, and f of 8TT == TTT ^or Mars. These are the greatest jyossible values of the ellipticities for these two planets with their present rotation-periods.* In the case of the earth, we know that it is much smaller ; being about -5-^ instead of 3^. Hence, for Mars also, we should expect an ellip- ticity smaller than j^ ; whereas, as we have seen, nearly all the measurements indicate a much greater ellipticity. It is evident that a more rapid rotation of the planet would aug- ment its ellipticity ; hence the question naturally suggests itself : Might not this great ellipticity of Mars have been the result of solidi- fication having taken place when his rotation-period was much shorter than it is at present ? This explanation is not free from serious diffi- culties. For, if aqueous and aerial agencies were in action after solidi- fication took place, they would have tended to make the shape of the planet conform to its new rotation-period. * That the values of ellipticity deduced from the assumption of an homogeneous liquid mass in the rotating planet must be maxima is evident from the consideration that, if the density augmented from the surface toward the center of the planet (which must, from the compressibility of matter, be the real condition of things), it would render the com- puted ellipticity smaller. The problem of the theoretical figure of a rotating planet is greatly complicated as soon as we abandon the assumption of homogeneousness. INTELLECTUAL STRAINING IN AUTHORSHIP. 93 INTELLECTUAL STRAINKs^G IN AUTHORSHIP. WE hear a good deal of the joylessness of the present generation, and no doubt there is a greater unrest and a greater impatience among those who lead the forward movement of thought than in any former time. And partly, no doubt, this is due to want of trust, want of power to lean on any invisible hand ; partly, too, to a habit closely connected with this want of trust — a habit contracted by men of the greatest intellect, of straining to see or say something new, as if such straining were the only healthy condition of the mind, as if without it one must sink into a sort of death. Carlyle was one of the first to set the example of this straining. His genius, great as it is, may be al- most said to have grown out of the taste for abrupt changes of light and shadow, in the flickerings of which he has contrived to set so considerable a tract of life, both domestic and historic. His peculiar dialect itself is a great instrument for startling men, for giving them little shocks or thrills of unexpected impression. Very often, too, he lias succeeded, as some great photographers have succeeded, in pro- ducing a very powerful impression by deliberately taking his portraits out of focus. Carlyle's influence is in this res2)ect more or less reflect- ed in Ruskin, who has taught the younger generation of Oxford men so much and yet often so grotesquely, who has fostered so much more excitement of mind than is healthy, and who has accustomed them to so much disproportion between the vehemence of what he says and its truth. And, of those of our younger generation who go abroad for tuition, how many prefer Victor Hugo to any home-bred master for this very reason alone — that his genius is so irregular and grotesque, that it combines so much excitement with so much insight, that there is such a piercing glance and so little law ! It is the same in the New World. There are many who believe that Ralph Waldo Emerson is the greatest of living sages. And certainly his career has been calm and sedate enough, and there is real penetration in his glance. But, though he has never thrown much of emotional excitement into his teaching, his philosophy means nothing, if it does not mean that you get a truer view of life by standing on intellectual tiptoe and straining at a universal truth that is not quite within your reach than you do by humbly putting together what you may really be said to understand. There is no greater contrast between intellectual men than there is between the sedate calm of Emerson and the transcendental exulta- tion or anguish of Victor Hugo. But, on a purely intellectual theme, the one reminds us curiously of the other. Here is a preface furnished by Emerson to a series of portraits of the hundred greatest men of the human race, which has just been begun by an enterprising publisher.* * Messrs. Sampson Low & Co. 94 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. How does he try to interest the reader in the images of these hundred greatest figures of history ? Why, by writing thus : " The great are our better selves, ourselves with advantages. It is the only platform on which all men can meet. If you deal with a vulgar mind, life is re- duced to beggary. He makes me rich, him I call Plutus, who shows me that every man is mine, and every faculty is mine — who does not impoverish me in praising Plato, but contrariwise, is adding assets to my industry." Well, that alone seems to us pure strain to say some- thing new, without much care whether or not it be true. Beethoven's faculty is not mine, whether I like to say so or not — nay, nothing can make it mine ; probably nothing can make me even understand it. Great men are not our better selves, they are only something that our better selves very slowly learn to apprehend. But as if that were not overstrained enough, Emerson goes on : "An ethereal sea ebbs and flows, surges and rushes hither and thither, carrying its whole virtue into every creek and inlet which it bathes. To this sea, every human house has a water-front. Every truth is a power. Every idea, from the moment of its emergence, begins to gather material force, after a little while makes itself known. It works first on thoughts, then on things ; makes feet, and afterward shoes ; first hands, then gloves ; makes men, and so the age and its material soon after. The history of the world is nothing but a procession of clothed ideas. As certain- ly as water falls in rain on the tops of mountains, and runs down into valleys, plains, and pits, so does thought fall first in the best minds, and runs down from class to class until it touches the masses, and so makes revolutions." We have heard that kind of thing from Mr. Emerson now for so many years, that it has almost the charm of an old, old landscape, to find him saying again now what he said in the first volume which Mr. Carlyle introduced to the British public with the unique emphasis of one of his peculiar redundancies of repetition, " The words of such a man, what words he thinks fit to speak, are worth attending to." But no one, we think, who puzzled out Mr. Emerson in his youth, and has since compared his mode of presenting the Pantheistic idea with that of other thinkers, will regard it as a simple or natural mode — quite apart from any opinion as to the truth or falsehood of the idea itself. It is emphatically an unnatural and paradoxical mode of pre- senting it. It is the mode of a man who wishes to say something grander than any clear thought he can express, something that does not fit the thought so much as attract attention to it by phraseological unsuitability and extravagance. It is the style of one of the Illuminati, not of simple, sincere philosophy. And even among a very different school — the school of what we may call physical skepticism, as distinguished from transcendental skepticism — there is the same tendency to intellectual strain, as in the case of the late Professor Clifford — a man of whom his biographer INTELLECTUAL STRAINING IN AUTHORSHIP. 95 tells us that, before taking his degree at Cambridge, and for some little time afterward, he was " an ardent High Churchman," but who within ten years of that time gravely assui'ed his Sunday audience as follows : " On the whole, therefore, we seem entitled to conclude that, during such time as we can have evidence of, no intelligence or volition has been concerned in events happening wathin the range of the solar sys- tem, except that of animals living on the planets. The weight of such probabilities is, of course, estimated differently by different people, and these questions are only just beginning to receive the right sort of attention. But it does seem to me that we may expect in time to have negative evidence on this point of the same kind, and the same cogency, as that which forbids us to assume the existence between the earth and Venus of a planet as large as either of them." It is hardly possible to regard a statement of that kind, made by a brilliant young man to a popular audience, within a few years of the time when he was himself an ardent Christian, and on the mere strength of the assumption that " mind without brain is a contradic- tion," except as the result of a delight in intellectual straining for its own sake. It is not merely that the atheistic drift is inti'insically so audacious and violent, but that the mode of its statement is still more audacious and violent. To assert that a disproof of a divine intelli- gence might be expected of the same degree of validity as the dis- proof of the existence of a large inferior planet, in a position in which its influence would long ago have been detected, both directly and in- directly— where, indeed, it would have vitiated every calculation made for a century and a half at least — can hardly have been the result of anything but a sheer desire to inflict a great intellectual shock, to pro- duce the excitement of a new intellectual strain. It was, indeed, the product of the same state of mind which made the same brilliant par- adox-monger enjoy saying, when at college, " There is one thing in the world more wicked than the desire to command, and that is the will to obey." But that startling saying was commonplace itself com- pared with those statements w^hich he made as a mature man many years later, to a large and indiscriminate popular audience. And, in his great philippic against the sin of credulity, he strains matters often to a point as shrill. Nay, even Mr. Pollock, in writing his memoir of his friend, appears anxious to strike a similar chord. Speaking of Clifford's last days, he says : " Far be it from me, as it was far from him, to grudge to any man or woman the hope or comfort that may be found in sincere expectation of a better life to come. But let this be set down and remembered, plainly and openly, for the instruction and rebuke of those who fancy that these dogmas have a monopoly of hap- piness, and will not face the fact that there are true men, ay, and women, to whom the dignity of manhood and the fellowship of this life, undazzled by the magic of any revelation, unholpen of any promises 9+ THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. How does he try to interest the reader in the images of these hundred greatest figures of history ? Why, by writing thus : " The great are our better selves, ourselves with advantages. It is the only platform on which all men can meet. If you deal with a vulgar mind, life is re- duced to beggary. He makes me rich, him I call Plutus, who shows me that every man is mine, and every faculty is mine — who does not impoverish me in praising Plato, but contrariwise, is adding assets to my industry." Well, that alone seems to us pure strain to say some- thing new, without much care whether or not it be true. Beethoven's faculty is not mine, whether I like to say so or not — nay, nothing can make it mine ; probably nothing can make me even understand it. Great men are not our better selves, they are only something that our better selves very slowly learn to apprehend. But as if that were not overstrained enough, Emerson goes on : "An ethereal sea ebbs and flows, surges and rushes hither and thither, carrying its whole virtue into every creek and inlet which it bathes. To this sea, every human house has a water-front. Every truth is a power. Everj^ idea, from the moment of its emergence, begins to gather material force, after a little while makes itself known. It works first on thoughts, then on things ; makes feet, and afterward shoes ; first hands, then gloves ; makes men, and so the age and its material soon after. The history of the world is nothing but a procession of clothed ideas. As certain- ly as water falls in rain on the tops of mountains, and runs down into valleys, plains, and pits, so does thought fall first in the best minds, and runs down from class to class until it touches the masses, and so makes revolutions." We have heard that kind of thing from Mr. Emerson now for so many years, that it has almost the charm of an old, old landscape, to find him saying again now what he said in the first volume which Mr. Carlyle introduced to the British public with the unique emphasis of one of his peculiar redundancies of repetition, " The words of such a man, what words he thinks fit to speak, are worth attending to." But no one, we think, who puzzled out Mr. Emerson in his youth, and has since compared his mode of presenting the Pantheistic idea with that of other thinkers, will regard it as a simple or natural mode — quite apart from any opinion as to the truth or falsehood of the idea itself. It is emphatically an unnatural and paradoxical mode of pre- senting it. It is the mode of a man who wishes to say something grander than any clear thought he can express, something that does not fit the thought so much as attract attention to it by phraseological unsuitability and extravagance. It is the style of one of the Ilhiminati, not of simple, sincere philosophy. And even among a very different school — the school of what we may call physical skepticism, as distinguished from transcendental skepticism — there is the same tendency to intellectual strain, as in the case of the late Professor Clifford — a man of Avhom his biographer INTELLECTUAL STRAINING IN AUTHORSHIP, 95 tells us that, before taking his degree at Cambridge, and for some little time afterward, he was " an ardent High Churchman," but who within ten years of that time gravely assured his Sunday audience as follows : " On the whole, therefore, we seem entitled to conclude that, during such time as we can have evidence of, no intelligence or volition has been concerned in events happening within the range of the solar sys- tem, except that of animals living on the planets. The weight of such probabilities is, of course, estimated differently by different people, and these questions are only just beginning to receive the right sort of attention. But it does seem to me that we may expect in time to have negative evidence on this point of the same kind, and the same cogency, as that which forbids us to assume the existence between the earth and Venus of a planet as large as either of them." It is hardly possible to regard a statement of that kind, made by a brilliant young man to a popular audience, wdthin a few years of the time when he was himself an ardent Christian, and on the mere strength of the assumption that " mind without brain is a contradic- tion," except as the result of a delight in intellectual straining for its own sake. It is not merely that the atheistic drift is intrinsically so audacious and violent, but that the mode of its statement is still more audacious and violent. To assert that a disproof of a divine intelli- gence might be expected of the same degree of validity as the dis- proof of the existence of a large inferior planet, in a position in which its influence would long ago have been detected, both directly and in- directly— where, indeed, it would have vitiated every calculation made for a century and a half at least — can hardly have been the result of anything but a sheer desire to inflict a great intellectual shock, to pro- duce the excitement of a new intellectual strain. It was, indeed, the product of the same state of mind which made the same brilliant par- adox-monger enjoy saying, when at college, " There is one thing in the world more wicked than the desire to command, and that is the will to obey." But that startling saying was commonplace itself com- pared with those statements which he made as a mature man many years later, to a large and indiscriminate popular audience. And, in his great philippic against the sin of credulity, he strains matters often to a point as shrill. Nay, even Mr, Pollock, in writing his memoir of his friend, appears anxious to strike a similar chord. Speaking of Clifford's last days, he says : " Far be it from me, as it was far from him, to grudge to any man or woman the hope or comfort that may be found in sincere expectation of a better life to come. But let this be set down and remembered, plainly and openly, for the instruction and rebuke of those who fancy that these dogmas have a monopoly of hap- piness, and will not face the fact that there are true men, ay, and women, to whom the dignity of manhood and the fellowship of this life, undazzled by the magic of any revelation, unholpen of any promises 96 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. holding out aught as higher or more enduring than the fountain of hu- man love and the fulfillment of human duties, are sufficient to bear the weight of both life and death. Here was a man who utterly dismissed from his thoughts, as being unprofitable, or worse, all speculations on a future or unseen world ; a man to whom life was holy and precious, a thing not to be despised, but to be used with joyfulness ; a soul full of life and light, ever longing for activity, ever counting what was achieved as not worthy to be reckoned in comparison of what was left to do. And this is the witness of his ending, that as never man loved life more, so never man feared death less. He fulfilled well and truly that great saying of Spinoza, often in his mind and on his lips, 'Homo liber cle nulla re minus quam de morte cogitat. '''''' There is surely a clear straining after startling announcements in the very manner of this passage. Why does Mr. Pollock fall into the manner of our translators of Scripture, with his " unholpen of," and the unmeaning adjective which, from his point of view, he chooses for Professor Clifford's view of life, namely, " holy," unless he wants to emi^hasize, by the use of such affectations, the antithesis between his meaning and the meaning of the book of which his turns of phrase re- mind us ? And, however true it may be, as it doiibtless was, that Professor Clifford met death with the courage and calmness that befit a man in meeting the inevitable, it is clearly nothing but an exaggera- tion, and an attempt to strain beyond the truth, to endeavor to make us believe that, if, as we are told. Professor Clifford was a man of warm affections, he did not fear death any the more, believing it, as he did, to be the extinction of love, than he would have done if he had thought it but the entrance on a life of deeper and truer love. What Spinoza says is well said for a man of action and for a man of thought, but very ill said, indeed, for a man of loving nature. Thought and action are so full of the present that they do not live in the future. True affection can not but shiver at the thought of extinction, and with Professor Clifford, too, doubtless it was so, as it would be with any one else. It does not follow that, because a man is brave and reticent, he does not suffer from the pang he conceals. If it could be shown that in relation to his personal affections he really feared death less than those who do not regard it as the end of either life or love, all we can say is that the only proper inference would be that he feared it less, because to him it signified less, because he loved less. And that is not at all the inference we should draw from the facts of his life. We suspect that Mr. Pollock is only imitating his friend in straining after a startling saying, without considering that what is intellectually startling is not, on that account, the more, but the less likely to be true. This tendency to strain after intellectual excitements and surprises, which has flowed from so many quarters upon the present generation, is a very natural accompaniment of an age of discovery and of popu- RESPECTING RUBBISH. 97 lai" education — an age when people have been taught to expect con- stantly new advances, and, in a rough kind of way, even to approciate the enjoyment of an intellectual change of air. But though this love of change may be appropriate to a state of progress, we must remember, after all, that it is most inappropriate to a state of knowledge. The condition of the highest knowledge is the condition of least surprise. The more we have that is real to lean upon the less excuse there will be for this straining and craning of the neck after startling intellectual novelties. Even now we are sure that the tendency to grasp at new ideas is often fatal, not merely to the utilization of old truths, but to the mere holding of the ground which had been gained by' our ances- tors. All this razing to the earth of the moral and religious beliefs of former days is far more loss to man than the best of the new glimpses of truth are gain. And, indeed, the tendency is to eradicate the tem- per of repose, the heart of confidence in what has been gained, and to substitute for it a constant reliance on the stimulus of an intellectual excitement the very essence of which depends on change. Professor Clifford begins one of his lectures by pointing out that if any one will consider what he has done during that day, that which he has done oftenest is to change his mind — i. e., not to alter his resolves, but to change the subject-matter of thought and resolve. It is very true, but the tendency of Professor Clifford's and his clique's teaching is to something much more dangerous — to make change of mind an object of aspiration, and almost of moral duty ; to depreciate the value of the leaning disposition which rests on what is old, and to overrate that of the mercurial disposition which cares only for what is novel. — Spectator, EESPECTING KUBBISH. MOST of the substance we call the rubbish of our houses finds its way sooner or later into the dust-bin, and thence into the dust- man's cart, which conveys it to the dust-contractor's yard ; and there we are for the most part contented to lose sight of it. It is worth- less to us, and we are thankful to be rid of it, and think no more of it. But no sooner does it reach its destination in the yard than our rub- bish becomes a valuable commodity. The largest cinders are bought by laundresses and braziers, the smaller by brickmakers. The broken crockery is matched and mended by the poor women who sort the heaps, that which is quite past repair being sold with the oyster-shells to make roads ; and the very cats are skinned, before their dead bodies are sent away with other animal and vegetable refuse to be used as manure for fertilizing our fields. Nothing is useless or worthless in the contractor's eyes; for rubbish, like dirt, is simply "matter out of place." VOL. XVI. — 7 98 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The term is an entirely correlative one ; what is rubbish to one person under certain circumstances being under altered conditions ex- tremely valuable to another. Gold itself is rubbish in the eyes of a man who is starving on a desert island ; and the pearls which adorn a royal diadem, and have made the fortune of the lucky finder, were probably felt to be worse than useless by the poor oyster, tormented by the presence of some particle of matter which he felt to be de- cidedly " out of place " within his shell. Many a cook, no doubt, has washed the little fresh'-water bleak, a fish about four inches long, and had thoughtlessly poured away the water after the operation, before it occurred %'o the French bead-maker that the lustrous silvery sediment deposited at the bottom of the vessel might be turned to account in the manufacture of artificial pearls, or pearl-beads. It is, indeed, strange to consider how many of our most highly prized adornments and our most useful and important manufactures are derived from our own and Nature's refuse. The jet which brings in some twenty thousand pounds a year to the town of Whitby alone is merely a compact, highly lustrous, and deep-black variety of lignite a species of coal less ancient in origin than that of the Carboniferous era which we usually burn. And coal itself, as we know, is merely the refuse of ancient forests and jungles, peat-mosses and cypress- swamps, which has been mineralized in the course of ages and stored for our use in the bowels of the earth. Amber, too, which is also used for ornaments, especially in the East, is but the fossil gum or resin of the Pinites succinifer, large forests of which seem to have existed in the northeast portion of what is now the bed of the Baltic. To the pine-tree this gum was certainly nothing but refuse, a something to be got rid of ; but Nature, who rejects nothing however vile and con- temptible, received it into her lumber-room, her universal storehouse, and, after keeping it patiently much more than the traditional seven years, sends it out again, transformed and yet the same, to adorn the Eastern beauty, and to give employment to many a skillful pair of hands. Bogwood, which, like jet, is used for bracelets, brooches, etc., is merely oak or other hard wood which has lain for years in peat-bogs or marshes, and has acquired its dark coloring from the action of oxidized metal upon the tannin it contained. Turning, however, from Nature's processes to those of man, we find that he is doing his best, however clumsily, to follow the thrifty example she sets him. For many and many a year no doubt the pine- tree shed its pointed, needle-like leaves in the Silesian forests, and there they were left to decay and turn into mold at their leisure, until M. Pannewitz started a manufactory for converting them into forest-wool, which, besides being eflicacious in cases of rheumatism when applied in its woolly state, can also be curled, felted, or woven. Mixed with cotton, it has even been used for blankets and wearing apparel. The ethereal oil evolved during the preparation of the wool RESPECTING RUBBISH. 99 is a useful medical agent, besides being serviceable as lamp-oil and also as a solvent of caoutchouc ; and even the refuse, left when the leaves have yielded up their oil and wood, is not looked upon as rubbish, but is compressed into blocks and used for firewood, while the resinous matter it contains produces gas enough for the illumi- nation of the factory. Truly, as one man's meat is another man's poison, so one man's rubbish is another man's treasure. While the Russians export or simply waste all their bones, other more thrifty people boil them, to extract their grease and gelatine ; convert them into charcoal, to be used in refining sugar ; pass them on to the turner, to be made into knife-handles and a thousand other useful articles ; or grind them up to supply phosphate of lime for the farmer's crops. The com- monest and roughest kinds of old glass are now bought up by a cer- tain manufacturer, who melts them up, colors the liquid, by a secret process of his own invention, to any tint he desires, and finally jDours it out to cool in flat cakes. These are broken by the hammer into fragments of various size and shape, which are used to produce most effective decorations, such as might be introduced with advantage in many a now plain unattractive-looking building. The cost of this variety of mosaic is less than that of any other, and no doubt it will be extensively used as it becomes better known. Even such insignificant things as cobwebs are turned to account, not merely for healing cut fingers — Bottom's sole idea as to their use — but for supplying the astronomer with cross-lines for his telescopes. Spiders' threads have even been woven, though one can not imagine where or how, except in fairy-land, by fairy fingers, and for fairy gar- ments ; and among the curiosities which travelers bring home from the Tyrol are pictures painted upon cobwebs, the drawing of which is per- fectly clear and distinct, with the spider's handiwork at the same time plainly apparent. High prices are charged for these strange works of art, and no wonder, for the cobweb paper — ^which resembles a fluffy semi-transparent gauze — looks as if it must be extremely unpleasant to draw upon ; and no doubt the eccentric artist fails many times before he succeeds in producing a salable article. But we may descend even lower than cobwebs in the scale of refuse, and still find that we have not reached the dead-level at which things become utterly worthless and good for nothing. Nay, much that is sweetest and associated in our minds with luxury and refinement may now be produced from that which is in itself most repulsive ; for, while artificial vanilla can be made from the sap of the pine-tree, essence of almonds from benzine, and the delicate perfumes of woodruff and melilot from coal-tar, other scents as fragrant can be obtained from the unsavory refuse of the stable. Perhaps there is nothing more interesting and instructive, as show- ing how the meaning of the word " rubbish " varies, than the history 102 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. . Such is the essayist's introduction ; and that he deems his ambitious project to have been triumphantly accomplished is evident from the words of his conclusion : " But it is unnecessary to pursue this point any further. We have already said enough to satisfy our present object, which is simply to expose the weakness of the reasoning (if reasoning it could be called) by which the theory before us is assumed to be maintained. The question is essentially one to be decided by the exercise of the judicial faculties, . . , and if so dealt with, apart from all fanciful speculation, we feel no hesitation in asserting that the conclusion will be that at which we ourselves have long since arrived, viz., that development by evolution is merely a rhetorical expression, a form of words, and nothing more." It will thus be seen that the reviewer's purpose is sufficiently sweep- ing ; and, considering he is not blind to the fact that the weight of competent authority is against him (p. 225), we must at least be startled by the boldness of the man who, without any armor of fact either on the right hand or on the left, rushes like David full of self-confidence against the Goliath of modern thought. The stone which is hurled is indeed in one respect a stone of tremendous weight, the style of the article being ponderous to a degree that borders on pomposity. But, unfortunately, if there is a hole in the armor of the giant, the stone has certainly failed to hit it ; and, as the modern champion of Israel has evidently found the armor of fact too heavy to put on, he must not now object to receiving some rough treatment at the hands of the foe which he had the courage to attack. The allusion to the writer's evident ignorance of science leads me to say at the outset that it is not my intention to waste time by trou- bling him upon this subject. He expressly says in the passage already quoted that he does not intend to contemplate matters of scientific fact, but to discuss the whole question of evolution " on broader philo- sophical grounds." It is impossible not to recognize the wisdom of this resolve. When a man supposes that elemental matter is now affirmed to be only one substantial form, at present subsisting in the condition of a gas (the hydrogen — p. 221), or that it is the rule "in the case of ophidian reptiles, serpents, etc.," that "the places assign- able to the arms and legs in other animals are occupied by rudimental representatives of those organs imbedded in the surrounding tissues " (p. 228) ; that paleontology reveals only " a solitary case of approxi- mation to the equine species " ; that the sum total of animal species amounts to only one hundred and twenty thousand ; and so on — a man, I say, who supposes such things, is no doubt wise to abstain from "critically reviewing" scientific facts. I shall proceed to show that he would have been still wiser had he also abstained from tres- passing "on the broader philosophical grounds" of scientific theory. Taking the features of his article seriatim, we may first observe that in his opening paragraphs he displays an altogether erroneous A REPLY TO ''FALLACIES OF EVOLUTION:' 103 estimate of what is meant by the faculty of scientific observation. He makes a broad distinction between the "faculties of observation and of ratiocination or reasoning,'''' and states that "they are, in fact, the distinctive characteristics of two different classes of men, regarded with reference to their intellectual endowments. The man of observa- tion, prone to notice and apt to discern the peculiarities of form and substance — all, in short, that comes within the cognizance of the senses — is by no means equally apt to discern, or competent to appre- ciate, the conclusions to which they are calculated to conduce ; while, on the other hand, the man of reasoning, accustomed to deal with the suggestions of the mind rather than of the senses, prone to speculation rather than to experiment, is comparatively unfitted for the more mat- ter-of-fact employment of investigation and research. Both classes of minds and of men are equally essential to the progress of scientific discovery, though it can not be said that both stand on the same level in the estimation of their respective faculties. The faculty of observa- tion, important as it is, is a faculty common, not merely to all men, but more or less to all animated beings, whereas the faculty of reason- ing, at least in its higher grades, is peculiar to man alone." Now, that there is a distinction to be drawn between an observant and a contemplative mind — between a man who sees and a man who thinks — there can be no question. But, that the distinction is of the kind here drawn, no one in the least degree acquainted with experi- mental research could for a moment suppose. The idea of the wi-iter seems to be that all scientific observation consists merely in a refined use of the senses, the things to be observed lying in Nature already formed, like shells upon the beach. Such an idea is applicable only to the pursuits of a species-hunter, or " systematist " — a man who holds merely the rank of a private in the scientific army. For the discovery of all that deserves the name of scientific truth, for the classifying of hidden analogies and the unveiling of general principles, the highest faculties of the human mind, in the highest degree of their develop- ment, must be taxed to the highest degree of their power. "With a clear perception of the problem to be solved, a man of science must either think out the particular conjunction of conditions occurring in Nature, which, if found to occur, would give an unequivocal solution, or he must devise such an artificial conjunction of conditions as may lead to the same result. And whether, as in astronomy and geology, the former method be employed, or the latter method be employed, as in all the experimental sciences it must be, I fearlessly affirm that in no department of intellectual activity is there a greater demand made upon that particular faculty of mind which our author terms the facul- ty of ratiocination. If we follow the intellectual operations by which any of the greater results in science have been achieved, their most conspicuous feature will always be found to consist in the number, the length, and the intricacy of the chains of reasoning converging now 104 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. upon this point and now upon that, as each is made the securely-fast- ened point of attachment for the next. The great distinction between the reasonings, say of the metaphysician and the man of science, con- sists, not in any difference of degree, but in a difference of subject- matter. For, while the man whom our author calls the " man of rea- soning " has no other test by which to estimate the accuracy of his conclusions than the subjective processes of reason itself, " the man of observation " has the uncompromising court of objective fact whither to bring his conclusions for a trial that is sure to be remorseless, and for a judgment from which there can be no appeal. And because the court of Nature is alone infallible, the man of science shows his wis- dom as a seeker of truth by directing his best faculties of thought toward the arguing of his case in such a way that the judgment of this court upon the issue presented shall be final. The issue is that concerning the truth of a laboriously reasoned hypothesis ; the argu- ment is a perhaps no less laboriously reasoned experiment ; and the judgment is either a triumphant verification or a crushing non-suit with costs — the latter being now happily to some extent defrayed by government. In a word, to disparage those faculties of mind which elaborate scientific generalization, as contrasted with those which elaborate philosophic speculation, is surely too preposterously absurd to be entertained even by the most benighted reader of the " Edin- burgh " or any other Review. The author of this attempt appears, from the authoritative style in which he writes, to regard himself as among the favored " men of reasoning, prone to speculation rather than to experiment." That he would be " comparatively unfitted for the more matter-of-fact employ- ment of investigation and research," we can not entertain the shadow of a doubt, and therefore I see no reason why we should hesitate to place him in the category of those who are " accustomed to deal with the suggestions of the mind," without condescending to bring these suggestions to the test of fact. If so, I grieve to observe that .in this case the suggestions of the mind have certainly been of a most unfor- tunate character. He first briefly considers the present balance of authority regard- ing the question of spontaneous generation, or the development of living from non-living matter. On this subject I have no remark to make, except that, so far as the doctrine of evolution is concerned, there is no a priori reason to anticipate the occurrence of spontaneous generation within the limits of time that are possible to human obser- vation. Miserably small as is our knowledge of protoplasm, we at least know enough to be astounded at its enormously complex chemi- cal constitution, and the no less enormously complex physical proper- ties with which it is endowed. The numerous species of elaborately sculptured shells which owe their varied and intricate forms to the vital activities of protoplasm ; the fact that all cells, and therefore all A REPLY TO ''FALLACIES OF EVOLUTION:' 105 organizations, ultimately owe their forms and their functions to the apparently same material ; and, lastly, the fact that all specific organ- isms spring from minute specks of this substance, which specks there- fore contain and transmit the vital record of billions on billions of hereditary qualities, specific and individual — these things show that the term protoplasm must be considered as merely a general term for all living matter, the constitution of which may perhaps in some cases be comparatively simple, while in others it must be immensely com- plex, the only common feature of protoplasmic material being that its constitution is too minute for the microscope to analyze. But even if we suppose that the constitution of the simplest form of existing pro- toplasm— whatever that may be — is as simple as we choose to suppose, it must at least be enormously complex as compared with any known form of non-living matter. Therefore an evolutionist, or a man who believes in the doctrine of gradual development in nature, is certainly not the man who would be prepared a x^fiori to expect the spontane- ous production of protoplasm within any period that it is competent for experiment to span. If experiment should ever succeed in une- quivocally producing protoplasm by artificial means, the fact would, of course, be an immense gain to science, and by bridging the chasm between the physical and the vital would be also a gain to the doctrine of development. But the absence of any such experimental proof of continuity is no presumption against that doctrine, so long as the pre- sumption remains that if the passage from the non-living to the living ever took place it must have taken place by slow degrees. Passing over the reviewer's comments on the theories of Lamarck and the author of the " Vestiges," I shall at once proceed to examine the main portion of his review, which is simply an attempt at a criti- cism of Mr. Darwin's work. Here he says : " With the facts, our only concern is to understand them, that we may be able to reason from them. Our business is with the conclusions, to test their correctness in accordance with the recognized principles of right reasoning, that error may be eliminated and truth secured." "VYe shall see that it can not well be said whether it is in understanding the facts, or in testing the conclusions, that this writer has shown himself the more deplorably incompetent. First, he undertakes to expound and to criticise what he properly terms the distinctive " peculiarity " of Darwinism — the doctrine of natural selection. It may well be thought incredible that at the pres- ent day an educated man, writing in a respectable review on the sub- ject of Darwinism, and introducing his criticism with all the solemn floui-ishes of pedantry that I have quoted, should at once proceed to show that he is entirely ignorant of what the doctrine of natural se- lection is. Yet such is the fact, and the heavy charge of uninstructed arrogance which I thus level at the writer in question is but too easily maintained by the following quotations (pp. 225-227) : io6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. This instrumentality was at first supplied in the theory of Dr, Darwin by the " struggle for life," occasioning the disappearance from the scene of the feeblest and the " survival of the fittest " to carry on the race. The notion is a striking one ; and with the advocacy of its able author, his charming style, and the in- teresting illustrations by which it was supported, naturally produced a powerful impression upon the public mind. A little consideration, however, gradually weakened the first effect. It was presently observed that such a description was only properly applicable to a certain class of animals — the polygamous^ in which one male in the herd or flock assumes possession of all the females ; and to that class but imperfectly, making no account of the females, whose influence in determining the condition of the offspring is at least equal to that of the males. . . . With regard to the two propositions upon which the Darwinian theory essen- tially depends, we have already alluded to an apparent objection to the first mentioned, the " struggle for life," and which is indeed equally predicable of the other, the principle of " selection in relation to sex " — namely, that it is lim- ited in its application to certain classes of animals, and those neither the most numerous nor the most important. For we confess we can not understand how either of them could be supjjosed to prevail at all in at least one whole depart- ment of animal life — the aquatic. Surely there is but scant room for the hypothesis of a "struggle for life," and still less for that of "selection in rela- tion to sex " among fishes ! And these, with the other denizens of the deep, constitute more than one half of the animal kingdom. But there is yet another point of view in regard of which both the conditions in question are obviously inadequate to the conclusion that is built upon them — namely, that it is only in the already advanced stages of animal subsistence that they come into operation at all. The "struggle for life" and " selection in relation to sex " could have no scope for exercise among the lower forms of life ; many of them without the power of locomotion, incapable of either seeking their food or choosing their mates. And yet these are, in the theory before us, the foundation of the ani- mal superstructure, comprising the earlier stages of that progressive develop- ment which by those means is supposed to be accomplished. From these passages we can only suppose that their writer believes what he states, viz., that Mr. Darwin's theory of natural selection in the struggle for life is limited to natural selection in what Mr. Darwin has called " the law of battle." In all animals that fight among them- selves Mr. Darwin supposes that strength, courage, and all other quali- ties conducive to success in battle, are some of the qualities which in such animals constitute that " fitness " to survive which is laid hold upon by natural selection in the struggle for existence, and perpetuated in advancing degrees by heredity. But to suppose that the struggle for existence is limited to a literal fighting among animals is a miscon- ception so extraordinary that it could scarcely be suspected, were it not so carefully enforced by the writer himself. Why else should he mention only " the feeblest " as those individuals which must disappear in the struggle for life ? or why else should the process of natural se- lection be restricted in its operation to such animals as are " polyga- mous " ? And how else can there be any meaning in the statement that " we confess we can not understand how either of them could be A REPLY TO ''FALLACIES OF EVOLUTIONS 107 supposed to prevail at all in at least one whole department of animal life — the aquatic,'''' or " that the struggle for life could have no scope for exercise among the lower forms of life," etc., etc, ? The truth can only be that this A\Titer has either never read Darwin at all, or that he has forgotten the most distinctive principles of which Darwinism con- sists. For, it would be needless to tell nine persons out of ten who may read this reply, that Darwin is most explicit in assigning a very subordinate place to the function of actual contest in the struggle for existence ; he supposes a host of other agencies to be of far more im- portance in determining the fitness of the survivors— a host, indeed, which it is literally true that no man can number. Doubtless the poetic force of Mr. Darwin's metaphor has ludicrously misled his critic ; and, if the latter were to substitute for it some such term as Competition for Life, it is impossible that we could hear anything more even from the " feeblest " unfortunate among the strugglers against evolution, about being unable to understand how the principle could apply to the lower forms of life. The remarks, then, which I have quoted concerning natural selec- tion clearly prove that that writer has either never read, or has entirely forgotten, the " Origin of Species." His remarks simultaneously quoted concerning sexual selection further prove that he has either never read, or has entirely forgotten, the " Descent of Man." Otherwise it would have been imposgible for him to waite, with all the added emphasis supplied by a mark of admiration, " Surely there is but scant room for the hypothesis of a * struggle for life,' and still less for that of ' selec- tion in relation to sex,' among fishes ! " A reviewer has a perfect right to differ to any extent he pleases with the writer whom he reviews, provided that he gives some evidence of having read the works of that writer ; but a man who, " listening to the suggestions of his o^oi mind," thinks that he is making a strong point by propounding, as a reductio ad absurdicm, a belief which the author he reviews has brought a large quantity of evidence to support — such a man can only be deemed a foolish adventurer in the province of criticism. Whether or not sexual selection obtains among fish may properly be regarded as an open question, and the supposition that it does may, perhaps, seem to some persons unlikely, even after they have read all that Darwin has to say upon the subject. But any dubiousness of the doctrine itself does not affect the evidence, which is supplied by the reductio ad ahsurdum form, that the reviewer is ignorant that Darwin has seriously advocated the possibility of sexual selection occurring among certain aquatic animals. Having spoken of the reviewer's ignorance of the " Origin of Spe- cies " and the " Descent of Man," I may next allude to his ignorance of the "Variation of Plants and Animals under Domestication." Here, at least, total ignorance of the work he names is the most chari- table construction that we can put upon the following passage : io8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. We can not admit that anything deducible from such premises can have any application in the case before us. What we are here concerned to determine is the effect of the operation of the laws of nature in the state of nature ; and this can not be affected by anything that could be achieved in a state in which those laws are superseded by wn-natural restraints. The conditions of existence in a state of domestication, whereinsoever they differ from those in the state of nature, are by their very definition peculiar to the state of which they are pred- icated, and consequently out of place in an argument that concerns the ages which preceded the advent and dominion of man. Granted the very utmost that is sought to be established by such means, even to the extent of the actual production of a new species — and nothing of this kind is pretended to — it would leave the question of development by evolution (in the abstract) wholly un- touched." Whether or not this passage has been written after a perusal of the "Variation," it displays an inability to appreciate the function of experiment that to most persons will appear, and rightly appear, la- mentable. Comment on so astonishing a passage would be useless, for nothing that I could say could throw its condensed absurdity into any stronger relief. As well might it be said that all our study of elec- tricity is useless for the purpose of furthering our knowledge of natu- ral forces, except so far as observations on the subject are confined to the phenomena of lightning. Next in order we come upon the writer's estimate of the argument from classification : The validity of this argument [he says] disappears altogether in view of the fact that just the same state of things would be practicable in the case of a creation according to the vulgar hypothesis of an exercise of the divine power. Considering the mass of animal life to be dealt with, amounting, as just observed, to 120,000 different species, it is almost of necessity that they should be formed upon one or more types or models, implying a certain uniformity of character among the members of the same typical construction, which it is not unreason- able to suppose intended to be evidenced in those animals that were apparently least, amenable to it, by the otherwise inexplicable indications of imperfectly de- veloped organs. Disregarding the error that it is not only in such animals that rudimentary organs are present — seeing that, on the contrary, their occurrence is so general that almost every species presents one or more of them — the idea Avhich is conveyed by this passage is one of the wildest attempts at criticism that I have ever encountered. The instances of afiinities in the animal and vegetable kingdoms would, if they could be enumerated, run up into the thousand millions, and ex- tend to the most complex and delicate traits of structure that it is possible to imagine. That such a state of things may be due to intel- ligent design is a suflSciently reasonable hypothesis, and as such may be properly opposed to the hypothesis of hereditary descent. But the supposition that such a state of things can be due to any *' necessity " A REPLY TO ''FALLACIES OF EVOLUTION:' 109 arising out of "the mass of animal life to be dealt with," is a suppo- sition that could only occur to a mind altogether unacquainted with anatomical science. The marvel always is, not the accidental simi- larity of organs, due to the exigencies of their performing similar functions, but the adaptation of anatomically homologous organs to the performance of widely different functions. To take only one instance by way of illustration. Where is the " necessity " that no one among the many species of bats should not have the wing formed in any other way than by the highly peculiar and distinctive modifica- tion of the hand ? Or where is the " necessity " that all the still greater number of species of birds should have their wings formed by another highly peculiar and equally distinctive modification of the arm ? Both structures serve equally well for flight ; as, indeed, do the wings of insects and did the wings of the pterodactyl. So far, then, as the exigencies arising out of " the mass of animal life to be dealt with " are concerned, there is no reason why these four types of wings should not occur indiscriminately among the four classes of animals in question — and this even if we follow our author in confining the possibilities of creative invention to the anatomical structures of which we are cognizant. This, of course, is but a general refutation. The absurdity of the argument from " necessity " becomes the more apparent the more numerous and more minute the homologies of struc- ture are found to be within the limits of the same type, without ever transgressing on the equally numerous and minute homologies of any other type. But the fact that homologies never thus commingle — that no one of a vast congeries of organs characteristic of one group of organisms ever appears in any other group of organisms — this fact is of such overwhelming force as evidence of genetic descent, that its supposed failure of application in one solitary instance was, as Sir Charles Lyell wisely observed, to his mind the strongest argument against evolution with which he had met. This solitary case of fail- ure had reference to the eye of a mollusk (the cuttle-fish), which was alleged to be anatomically similar to the eye of a true fish. The alle- gation proved to be wholly false ; but, so far as any " necessity " aris- ing from the difficulty of inventing new forms is concerned, there is no reason why the allegation should not have been true. Our reviewer next treats of the argument from embryology, and in doing so his ideas present that same crudity of cast which gives to his whole essay its grotesque character. He says : " Certainly these remarks are exceedingly curious, and even in a sense imposing. . . . But these resemblances, be they never so close, infer no real connection between the objects thus heterogeneously associated. It is not pre- tended that the objects compared together are ever entirely alike — that the unborn young of the higher animal is, at any stage of its development, identical with any of the lower animals, but only that some of the features of the one are like the analogous features of the no THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. other. . . . That some such resemblance should, in fact, be found to prevail is only what might naturally be expected, considering that each full-grown individual is itself the result of a process of gradual devel- opment from a sizeless and shapeless germ, in which development all its organs equally participate," etc. Here, again, we encounter the same argument from "necessity" that has just been considered ; and here, again, it is no less preposterous than it was in its previous con- nection. For to an embryologist nothing could appear more ridicu- lous than the statement that " in such a case of gradual development it follows, almost as a matter of course, that both the entire animal and all its component members should, in their advance to maturity from a mere pimctum saliens, exhibit some faint resemblance " to other and allied animals. As a matter of fact, the resemblance is never " faint " but profound, affecting all the structures which constitute the essential framework of the organism. The kind of resemblance on which the reviewer would appear inclined to place most reliance would be a superficial resemblance of specific details. But although even this is supplied by many facts — such as the hair on the unborn child, clothing the body except on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, which are also denuded in apes — it is not of so deep a significance to a i^hilosophical mind as are the deeper resemblances of anatomical structure. Hence, even if the unborn young of a higher animal were, " at any stage of its development, identical with any of the lower animals," the fact would not speak so strongly in favor of its derivation from a lower form as does the fact of its passing through a whole series of changes, each stage of which refers, in some point of anatomical significance, to some stage in the existing grade of animal organizations. Actual identity is not what the theory of descent with modification would lead us to expect, seeing that, according to this theory, the comparable features usually refer to features that are de- rived from a common ancestor lower down in a branching stem of descent. In a family tree we may expect the constituent members to inherit in common some peculiarities possessed by their common an- cestors, but we do not expect the personal appearance of all the indi- viduals to be identical. Lastly, when we consider the enormous com- plexity of organisms, the marvel is how the more complicated, in attaining their higher complexity, mimic so closely the anatomical structures of the organisms lower in the scale of complexity. Far from its being " almost a matter of course," it is in the last degree astounding that a vertebrated animal, for instance, should begin its course of development by the same process of yolk-cleavage that oc- curs in the rest of the animal kingdom, that its first differentiation of body-layers should present the essential anatomical features of the body-layers that characterize the jelly-fish, and so on. In short, when any one at all acquainted with the facts of embryology regards them e7i masse, the last of all notions to enter his mind will be that they A REPLY TO ''FALLACIES OF EVOLUTIONS in must be as they are " almost as a matter of course." Rather will he be constrained to ask, " How can these things be ? " audit is fortunate that there is now a voice of authoritative teaching to answer, " Art thou a master in Israel and knowest not ? " Next we come to the argument from geographical distribution. Here the alleged fallacy of evolution is as follows : " If the environ- ment be taken to be the cause of the specific characters of the animals, similar environments ought to be productive of similar species. But this is very far from being the case." This is, perhaps, as good an instance as we have met of our author's inability to view all the area of an extensive problem. His idea of what constitutes an " environ- ment " is about as adequate as the idea of space that a baby shows when it tries to grasp the moon. The following expresses his idea : " If the environment be taken to be the cause of the diversification of the species, how is it that, where the scope for diversity of environ- ment is apparently the least, the greater is the variety of species ? We have before observed that there are about 120,000 species of ani- mals; of these more than one half are aquatic, the inhabitants of seas^ lakes, and rivers ; to which distinction, combined with temperature, the grounds of diversification seem almost exclusively confined." This is really exquisite — so exquisite that it seems a pity to mar its comicality by a prosaic answer. But, even though I may spoil the joke by explaining it, I must at least explain to the author himself how good a joke he has made. First, then, besides varying in temperature, the ocean, in its differ- ent parts, varies somewhat in depth, in the nature of its bottom, the strength of its currents, the degree of its saltness, and its relations to the laud. Next, as contrasted with the land, the water on the globe presents an immensely greater — not only area — but cubical capacity for sustaining life. Again, and of still greater importance, it is a mat- ter of fact, whether or not the doctrine of evolution is true, that geol- ogy reveals the existence of multitudinous forms of aquatic life as preceding in time the advent of terrestrial life. And, as the theory of evolution supposes that all the latter forms of life are the lineal descendants of the former, it is clear that by the terms of this theory, no less than by those of geological fact, far more time has been allowed for the differentiation of aquatic than for that of terrestrial species. Indeed, looking to the degree in which water, as contrasted with land, has thus been favorably handicapped in the time allowed for the pro- duction of species, the only wonder is, that the water does not show a greater comparative wealth of specific forms than it does. But, lastly, and most important of all, it is a huge blunder to imagine that an " environment " consists merely in the physical conditions as to me- dium, climate, etc., to which an organism is exposed. Of far more importance are the innumerably complex relations of the organism to its neighboring organisms, whether of its own or other species, to 112 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. which must be added the effects of hereditary endowment from a long line of ancestors occupying other and changing environments, to all of which these ancestors must have been structurally adapted. The word " environment " is a term of the most comprehensive kind, em- bodying, in every case that it is used, an assemblage of conditions pre- senting an amount of complexity that is not only inconceivable but wholly unnamable. It is nothing less than amazing to- find a man at this time of day seeking to argue that environments can not " be the cause of the diversifications of species," on such grounds as that differ- ent species flourish in " parts of South Africa and Australia which are wonderfully similar in their soil and climate." Indeed, not to prolong the discussion of nonsense, I will conclude this part of my reply by quoting the sentence with which he concludes his statement of this particular " fallacy of evolution." I do so because, while he appears to think that the question is of so unanswerable a character as to de- serve the place of anti-climax in his argument, it really presents as good an example as could anywhere be found of misconceiDtion blatant. Here it is : " And then, what is to be said for the multitude of species to be found in the same localities, the same forests, the same jungles, the same lakes, the same streamlets, where there is literally no room for any difference in the environments at all ? " After an exj^ose of ignorance so crass I do not think that I should be performing any useful function by following the writer any further in his luckless flounderings. The rest of his article consists in a trite statement of the facts that species are not producible by artificial selection, and that some specific forms have remained unchanged through long geological epochs — neither of which facts has the small- est tendency to negative the doctrine of descent. He also devotes a page or two to sustain the theory that the lake- dwellers and other prehistoric men were the " degraded descendants of a civilized ancestry." Of course, in so doing he has no facts to adduce — merely maintaining that " it is just as possible, just as likely, that the artificers in stone, and the dwellers in the caves of the earth, were the degraded descendants of a civilized ancestry, as the barba- rous ancestors of a civilized posterity " — forgetting, on the one hand, that, if the general theory of evolution be true, this is not so possible or oiot so likely ; and, on the other hand, that it is a very unfortunate fact for the possibility and the likelihood in question that the " civil- ized ancestry " should have been so much less fortunate in leaving behind them relics of their existence than have been their " barbarous posterity," Next, he treats of "the distinction and equable distribu- tion of the sexes." This is, indeed, a subject which the theory of evolution has not yet been successful in completely explaining ; but our author, by again displaying his ignorance of Mr. Darwin's writ- ings, has not made so strong a case as he might have made. He ap- pears to think it self-evident that over such things " the struggle for A REPLY TO ''FALLACIES OF EVOLUTION:' 113 life and natural selection must be equally powerless" — a statement which is self -evidently absurd ; for, although a man may doubt wheth- er the alleged cause (natural selection) is competent to effect all that Darwinians here suppose, this writer only weakens his own case by showing that he is ignorant of such a cause having been alleged. And no less unfortunate is he when " attending to the suggestions of the mind " in the matter of protective coloring. Foi', after stating one or two cases of protective coloring, he makes the startling announcement : "Here, then, are examples of the adaptation of the species to the con- ditions of their existence which can not .... be by virtue of any law of nature ; for Ave neither know of any such law, nor can we con- ceive of any that could produce the effects in question exclusively in the case of the few species alluded to without regard to the multitudes inhabiting the same localities." Here, again, the most charitable sup- position we can make is, that the wi'iter has never read the doctrines which he undertakes to criticise. For, if, after having read all the evidence in favor of protective coloring, he could think to dispose of it by so absurd a criticism as this, we must refuse to consign him a place even among those whom he calls " men of reasoning." If three animals — A, B, and C — inhabit the same locality, and if A is protec- tively colored, while B and C are not, what must we think of the reasoning which from these premises alone definitely concludes that the imitative coloring of A can not conceivably be due to the opera- tion of a natural law ? There may be a thousand and one reasons why B and C should not be affected by the law of protective coloring ; yet, merely on the ground that all animals in the same locality are not so affected, we are told to conclude that all the thousands of cases in which animals are thus affected constitute no evidence of the opera- tion of a natural law ! Did ever our " man of reasoning " hear of a method of reasoning called the method of concomitant variations ? Lastly, the reviewer enlarges upon the absence of paleontological evidence of connecting specific forms ; but, as we have already sufii- ciently gauged his competence to deal with such subjects as the imper- fection of the geological record, I will not occupy further space by considering what he says, fui'ther than to show by one concluding quotation the truly appalling state of things, which " it can require but little reflection to perceive " would have been the result of organic evolution, had the world been so unfortunate as to have been subject to such a process. " It requires but a very small stretch of thought further to perceive that, so far from such a principle of creation afford- ing reasonable grounds for the inference of the development of the species, according to the present intent of the term, the result must have been the absolute exclusion of all species whatever — the produc- tion of an indiscriminate mass, or rather moh of animals, extending in indistinguishable series from one end of the creation to the other." Here I gladly stop. It is not to be expected that the majority of TOL. XTI. 8 114 ^^^ POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. those who read the criticism can themselves be in a position to esti- mate the full extent of its impudence ; and for this reason I have taken the trouble to show how, as a criticism, it is beneath contempt — useful only as a warning to those whom it concerns to abstain from meddling with any subject which, neither by mental constitution, thought, nor training, are they in the lowest degree competent to treat. — Fortnightly Mevieio. THE INAUGURATION OF ARAGO'S STATUE. THE statue to Arago recently unveiled at Perpignan is not the first erected to that great astronomer and greater physicist. In 1867 M. Isaac Pereire, then representative of the native place of Arago in the Imperial Chamber of Deputies, erected one at his own expense at Estagel. The inauguration was accompanied by speeches delivered by the generous donor, M. Bertrand, the Perpetual Secretary of the Academy of Sciences, and others. It was stated then that Arago had supported against his own party the construction of the railways by public companies, and had been grossly abused by some of his political friends. Although a political leader, it must be said, to the glory of Arago, that he never was influenced by party considerations. He was always writing, and speaking, and voting according to the dictamina of his own judgment. These facts should be remembered, as efforts have been made, in the recent Arago celebration, to degrade him into a mere politician, which never was the case. Arago was made a mem- ber of the Provisional Government of France in Februarj^, 1848 ; it was owing to his personal exertion that the abolition decree was pro- claimed before the convocation of the National Assembly. It is true that he was appointed in the beginning of May one of the qidnquem- virs of the Executive Commission. But this Government was over- thrown by the popular rising of the end of June, and from that time he abstained from taking any prominent part in politics. Arago was not rich, his works having been mostly published in the " Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes " without any copyright, and sold for the benefit of the Bureau, of which he was the most influential member. His paying works were all of them posthumous, and edited by M. Barras, the Perpetual Secretary of the Agricultural Society of France. The sale was not so large as anticipated, and the publisher who purchased the copyright fi-om the inheritors failed. The sale of the " Annuaire " was so large during Arago's lifetime that the Bureau had a profit by it. Since his death it has become necessary to provide special funds for the publication of that useful work. Arago had no salary at all as director of the Observatory. He was THE INAUGURATION OF ARAGO'S STATUE. 115 appointed every year by the Bureau, receiving only £200 for his mem- bership. His other salaries were £50 as a member of the Academy of Sciences, £250 as Perpetual Secretary, and when he was lecturing on astronomy, £50. The functions of deputy and member of Munici- pal Council of Paris being entirely gratuitous, he was no receiver of any other public moneys. Under the republic his membership of the Assembly brought him one pound a day. From the eloquent eloge pronounced by M. Paul Bert at the recent inauguration, we take the following extract : " To contemplate Arago under all the aspects that may attract the admiration of posterity we must think of him as a man of science overturning the Newtonian hypothesis of the emission of light, determining the physical constitu- tion of the sun, explaining the scintillation of the stars, the nature of the aurora borealis, discovering magnetization by currents, the origin of the electric telegraph, extending to all bodies magnetic properties ; finally, for I must limit myself to the most prominent points, indicat- ing to the most eminent of his disciples the star still unknown and in- visible, whose discovery introduced order among the perturbed planets, and which still remains the most extraordinary mark of the power of human genius. As a professor, again, before three thousand audi- tors at the Observatory, or in his chair as Perpetual Secretary, writing his incomparable scientific notices, or dictating, when blind, his popu- lar astronomy, always, by speech or by pen, marvelous for his clear- ness, his accuracy, his power and fullness, elevating all he touched, returning to the astonished inventor his discovery developed and fer- tilized, sowing broadcast his ideas, and rejoicing when others, friends or foes, were enriched by the precious fruits of his genius. As a sci- entific historian he excelled Condorcet, equaled Cuvier and Fontenelle, and was characterized above all others by his eagerness to give every one his due, and his jealous love of justice. As an orator he carried into the tribune the vigor and clearness of the scientific chair, vivified by the emotions of master-spirits, and dominating the assembly by his lofty stature, with his beautiful southern head, and his eye full of fire. He was a man, in fact, in whom the will to act was united with the consciousness of power, an intelligence marvelously comprehensive and powerfully creative, so bold and yet so prudent at times that it never committed an error that required to be retracted. Of an ardent but loyal nature, ready for power, but incapable of hatred, and thirst- ing for justice, a heart sensitive and valiant, sometimes drawn, says a contemporary, to show itself severe to the strong in order to support the weak ; a soul austere but a brow serene ; a father and citizen wor- thy of the ancient legends, and able, like Carnot, on quitting life to bear the noble witness, 'My hands are clean and my heart pure.' From the extent of the sketch you may judge what will be the nature of the picture." — Nature. ii6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. SKETCH OF DR. ASA FITCH. By E. p. THUKSTON. THERE is in the world a class of men whose characters, labors, and attainments well entitle them to be called great, who are yet so modest in their self -estimate, so unassuming in their knowledge, that those who dwell about them recognize only the common characteristics of average men ; or if, from peculiar ideas and habits, they are found to be different, the difference is accredited them with complacent tolerance. They are so guileless in life, so pure in thought, and withal so generous- hearted, that in ordinary affairs the world holds them at a disadvan- tage, quietly appropriating the fruits of their laboi-s with little if any sense of obligation. To this class belonged Dr. Asa Fitch, well known in the scientific world as a distinguished entomologist, whose writings and investigations have contributed largely to our present knowledge of American insects. Dr. Fitch was the descendant of a long line which in this country, in early colonial times, was linked with the Brewsters of the May- flower, and other distinguished families. He was the second son of the Hon. Asa Fitch, M. D., a man eminent in the medical profession, and equally so in various positions of public trust to which the people called him. The subject of our sketch was born at Fitch's Point, Salem, Wash- ington County, New York, February 24, 1809. His childhood was passed on a farm, and until twelve years of age he attended the dis- trict school. He was then sent to the academy at the neighboring vil- lage of Salem, and at about the same time began a journal of the interesting and important events of his daily life, which, with two or three brief lapses, was continued until his death. Early entries in this record betray the possession in a marked degree, even in his boyhood, of keen observing powers, and a rare faculty for accuracy and lucidity of description, characteristics which in later life grew into striking prom- inence, and gave to his scientific work an exceptional value. He was an unusually studious pupil, and early evinced a preference for the natural sciences, botany first claiming his attention. In his fifteenth year he began, according to a note in his diary, to arrange the botani- cal collection of his preceptor in classes and orders. His studies at the academy completed, he remained at home until his eighteenth year, engaged a portion of the time as clerk in a neighboring store. In the spring of 182G his father sent him to Rensselaer School, at Troy (now the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), where he soon be- came deeply interested in natural history, zoology almost immedi- ately awakening his enthusiasm. The bent of his mind toward en- SKETCH OF DR, ASA FITCH. 117 tomology quickly declared itself, and it was not long before the insects had more or less complete possession. He graduated with honor at the Rensselaer School with the class of 1827, and immediately after, at the instance of his father, began a course of medical studies, attending lectures at the Vermont Academy of Medicine, at Castleton, but still giving much of his time to the study of insects, the observation of which had now become almost a passion. He persevered, however, in the medical course, graduating M. D. in 1829, and afterward attended lec- tures at Rutgers Medical College, in New York City, concluding his preparation for the profession in the office of the late Dr. March, of Albany. While thus engaged he made industrious use of the libra- ries of that city so far as they could aid in advancing his knowledge of entomology. Being unable to purchase the books he needed, and determined to possess all the information they contained about the in- sects of this country, he copied with gi-eat accuracy and rapidity, from the various entomological works in both the State and academy libra- ries, all that had then been written on American insects. His medical studies terminated, in the capacity of Assistant Pro- fessor of Natural History he accompanied the Rensselaer School Expe- dition of 1830 to Lake Erie, having then just attained his majority. The President of the school, Professor Eaton, regarded him at this time as the best entomologist in the United States, and he was urged by his friends to publish on the subject. He replied that " Sir Walter Scott was above half right, * Study in youth, and publish in mature life,' " a precept the youthful investigator followed. At the western terminus of the expedition, Dr. Fitch left the party and traveled ex- tensively in the Western States, collecting and analyzing the rare species of insects found in the localities visited. He returned home in the summer of 1831, and almost immediately began the practice of his profession at Fort Miller, New York, having his office with Dr. Tayler Lewis, afterward the distinguished Professor of Greek in Union Col- lege. November 15, 1832, Dr. Fitch married Elizabeth, daughter of John McNeil, of Stillwater, New York, and soon after removed to that place, continuing the practice of the profession he cordially hated, for six years. In 1838 he gave up practice and returned to Salem, to as- sume the management of his father's business, for which the latter had become incapacitated by ill health. From this time he devoted him- self largely to agricultural pursuits, which gave more ample opportu- nities for investigation in his favorite field, that he was not slow to im- prove. It is related that he would frequently be seen after a shower, on his hands and knees, searching about for insects and all manner of " creeping things," and would finally return to the house with his tall old hat completely covered inside and out with the writhing victims of his scientific greed. He was nicknamed " The Bug-Catcher " by his neighbors ; and so eager became his quest for curious specimens in ii8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. wood, field, and stream, that many thought him demented, while others declared that he destroyed more grain than his scientific inves- tigations were worth. At its organization he became identified with the Washington County Agricultural Society, and soon began to give attention to the public need by various contributions to the local journals on economic entomology. In 1845 he published in Dr. Emmons's " American Quar- terly Journal of Agriculture and Science " an article of thirteen pages on " Insects of the genus Cecidomyia," in which he described a new species of willow gall-fly, illustrating it by. figures of the insect in different stages of growth, and of the excrescence it produces on the willow. This was his first formal entomological essay. Six months later he sent another of thirty pages to the same journal on " The Wheat- Midge," and, in 1846, a third of sixty-three pages on "The Hessian Fly." This was afterward revised and republished in the " Transac- tions of the New York State Agricultural Society." In 1847 he pub- lished a valuable paper on " Winter Insects," of which he was the first to write specifically ; and also in the " Transactions " gave an account of the currant-worm and its moth. This paper, beautifully illustrated with colored engravings, was widely copied in foreign scientific jour- nals, and brought its author prominently into notice as a scientific investigator. At this period Dr. Fitch was employed for a time col- lecting and naming the insects of the State of New York, for the State Cabinet of Natural History. In the Report of the Regents of the University for 1851 he gave a descriptive catalogue of the insects of New York of the order Homoptera^ in which he named and described a number of new species. In 1854 Dr. Fitch was appointed New York State Entomologist, and held the position seventeen years, during which period he devoted himself exclusively and most assiduously to scientific woi-k. The little ofilce a few yards from his residence became his workshop, and night and day sent forth light to the world. So close was the watch he kept at the hatching-time of the various larvae collected, that for a week together he would catch his sleep in an arm-chair, waking at intervals to note the wonderful changes taking place in the insect-life before him. At such times, his meals, and an extra hour after tea to read the news, was all the recreation he allowed himself, and even then his pocket-net was always within reach, to capture any unwary moth or curious beetle whose love of light attracted it to the room. Dr. Fitch was a most devout Christian, and reading the Scriptures and prayer with his family was a daily habit of his life. But even when thus engaged it was not safe for an attractive insect to come in his way. A daughter, the one to whom he was indebted for many of the beautiful drawings which illustrate his writings, relates that on one such occasion when he had the Bible in his hands, and was about to begin reading, a moth of peculiar appearance alighted on the book SKETCH OF DR. ASA FITCH. 119 before him. The ruling passion was too strong for either time or circumstance : glancing about, as if conscious of the incongruity of the proceeding, he quickly seized his net, bagged the curious speci- men, and with a half-guilty look proceeded with the reading. The capture was an important one, as the moth proved to be new to sci- ence. "While State Entomologist, his correspondence grew so large as to seriously interfere with other work, and he was at last reluctantly com- pelled to answer only such letters as were of most importance, devot- ing the remaining time to research and the preparation of his annual reports. These reports, of which there were thirteen in all, were pub- lished in the " Transactions of the State Agricultural Society " ; the first nine being also issued in three bound volumes, which were widely circulated both here and abroad, and attracted very favorable atten- tion. His researches were thus brought to the knowledge of foreign entomologists, their value promptly recognized, and the Doctor was soon enrolled as corresponding member of several foreign entomologi- cal societies, and later became the recipient of their diplomas, medals, and other testimonials of the appreciation m which his woi*k was held. The great entomologists of Europe — Westwood and Curtis, of Lon- don ; Dr. Signoret, of Paris ; Dr. Gerstacker, of Berlin ; Baron d'Osten- Sacken, of St. Petersburg — were quick to avail themselves of his dis- coveries, not only by gleaning from his published works, but through the avenue of personal correspondence. His portfolios of foreign cor- respondence ai-e literally filled with letters of inquiry and acknowledg- ment from such noted specialists as Dr. Sickel, M. Selys de Lonchamp, and the Abbe Marseul, of France ; Professor Boheman, of Sweden ; M. Malde, of Germany ; and Andrew Murray, of Edinburgh, together with many others of equal reputation. The success Dr. Fitch achieved was not in any sense the result of favoring circumstances, but the legitimate outcome of his patience in observation and study — study which was always directed by a well- defined plan to a definite object, which as early as 1840 he thus laid down : *' I have undertaken a very great work, and have laid upon my- self a task both hard in the plan and difiicult in the execution. To unite in one very limited body the most essential facts of the history of insects ; to class them with precision and accuracy in a natural series ; to delineate the chief traits in their physiognomy ; to trace in a laconic and strict manner their distinctive characters, and follow a course which shall correspond with the progress of the science and the emi- nent men who have contributed to its advancement ; to single out the useful and obnoxious species, those which from their manner of living interest our curiosity ; to mark the thousand sources where the knowl- edge of the original authors may be consulted ; to render to Entomolo- 120 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. gy that amiable simplicity wliicli she has had in the times of Linnseus, of. Geoffrey, and of the first productions of Fabricius, and yet j^resent her as she is to-day, with all the richness which she has acquired from observation, but without surcharging her with it ; to conform her, in one word, to the model which I have under my eyes, the work of Cuvier — such is the end which I have taken upon myself to attain." Dr. Fitch, to a large extent, accomplished this work ; but his pub- lished treatises form only a small portion of his labors in that direc- tion. One hundred note-books filled with complete and accurate en- tomological descriptions still remain on the shelves of his ofiice, nearly or quite ready for the press ; and it is much to be regretted that his life Avent out before he had finally completed and published them, and before he had arranged for the permanent retention in this country of his cabinet of insects. The position of Dr. Fitch as State Entomologist, and the wide cir- culation of his published writings, brought to him from all quarters insects of rare and little known species to be named and classified. This, joined to his own untiring energy as a collector, enabled him to fill his cabinet to overflowing with the rarest and least known species of many lands. It is rich in all the orders, and especially so in useful, obnoxious, and curious species ; and is probably one of the most valu- able collections in this country, and one that it would be impossible to duplicate. As such it should be purchased and retained by the State. It is impossible to summarize the benefits which scholars of Dr. Fitch's character confer upon the world. But it is safe to assume that they are of incalculable value. It is many millions the richer for Dr. Fitch's researches in the science of entomology, and would have been had he written only of the wheat-midge, the Hessian fly, and the currant-worm. Dr. Fitch lived to the age of seventy. His life was full of strong, pure manhood — full of such labor and study as few men have physical power to endure — full of the gentleness, the kindliness, and peace which come of well-living, and full of the honors which his labors had earned. He died April 8, 1879, the death of a good man. EDITOR'S TABLE. EDITOR'S TABLE. THE SOLAR APPENDAGES. FROM Professor Langley's address at the Saratoga Scientific Asso- ciation, on the recent progress of solar physics, which is herewith printed, we get a vivid idea of the rapidity with which knowledge upon this subject has advanced within a very few years. We have found out more about the most conspicuous and familiar object in the universe in the last twenty years than all that was known before put together. A late writer in the London " Times " draws attention to the views now taken in regard to the solar surroundings. He considers that recent observations have tended toward marked agreement in the opinions entertained respecting coronal phenomena, and their relation to the zo- diacal light. In presenting the results of observations on the eclipse of 1878 those are first taken which give the luminous effects displayed nearest the sun. Mr. Lockyer's drawing represents the black body of the moon as surrounded by a narrow ring of light, the inner corona. Outside this ring are three projections nearly in the ecliptic, and therefore co- inciding with the axis of the zodiacal light. The longest of these projections extended to about one and a quarter of the sun's diameter, or not far from one million miles. General Myer described the corona as showing five radial lines of a golden color, beyond which in the direction of the ecHptic were prolonged bright silver rays. General Myer had observed effects so similar in the eclipse of 1869 as to make probable the infer- ence that the objects extending far away from the sun are not subject to change like the prominences. Mr. Alfred C. Thomas also observed streamers of light extending for abomt one and a half time the diameter of the moon, and also in the plane of the ecliptic. Professor Cleveland Abbe saw the streamers which other observers had compared to a wind-vane, but he traced them to a much greater distance than they had done. The point of the vane as he saw it reached away from the sun to fully six diameters, or more than five million miles. The breadth of the vane, where it crosses the sun, is almost exactly equal to the solar diameter. On the other side of the sun the double streamer forming the tail of the vane did not ex- tend more than three million miles. He also saw other luminous streaks at right angles with these, but of less breadth and length. Professor Langley saw the coronal light extending farther than the long rays observed by Professor Abbe. He traced it to a distance of twelve diameters of the sun on one side and three on the other. Its extension was in the direction of the ecliptic and the light resembled the zodiacal. At its extreme distance from the sun it was a faint and softly graduated luminosity, and not the separate rays discerned at about half the distance. Professor New- comb saw a similar luminosity, and traced it to the same distance from the sun that had been assigned by Professor Langley. The results are thus summed up by the " Times " writer : From a comparison of all the observations the following important conclusions seem es- tablished beyond all possibility of doubt or question : Outside the solar sierra, averaging some 6,000 or 7,000 miles in height, comes the prominence region, extending about 100,- 000 miles from the sun's surface. Outside this comes the inner corona, shining in part with its ovai light, sometimes coming chiefly from multitudes of solid or liquid bodies in a state of incandescence, sometimes chiefly from glowing vaporous matter. This region THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. extends from 200,000 to 500,000 miles from the sun. Beyond the inner corona is the outer corona as already known and photo- graphed during the eclipses of 1870 and 1871, and extending about a million miles from the sun. But far outside the outer corona there is a region occupied by matter so situated and so illmninated (or possibly self-luminous) as to present the appearance of long rays ex- tending, if we may judge from observations hitherto made, directly from the sun to a distance of 5,000,000 miles. Outside this re- gion again lies another in which, whether by the combination of multitudes of such rays as are seen separately close to the sun or through the presence of matter in other forms, a softened luminosity prevails which during total eclipse can be traced along the zodiac at least 10,000,000 miles from the sur- face of the Sim. Lastly, from observations made during evening twilight in spring and during morning twilight in autumn (at which twilight hours the zodiac near the sun is most nearly upright during the year) we can trace the extension of the zodiacal luminosity seen by Langley and Newcomb, to distances ex- ceeding seven or eight times at least those to which they traced it during total eclipse. Nay, there are reasons for believing that at times this luminosity has been traced to such a distance from the sun as to show that the zodiacal matter extends much farther from him than the orbit of our own earth. Now, in one sense, the relations here pre- sented are not new. The zodiacal light has been known from the time of Childrey, if not from that of Tycbo Brahe. Mathemati- cians have long seen that it must belong to a solar appendage, rejecting utterly the doc- trine advanced by some that it comes from matter traveling round our own earth. Again, the long coronal rays had been very confi- dently regarded by most mathematical as- tronomers, and indeed by all who had suffi- ciently studied the evidence, as belonging to matter near the sun. And though the zo- diacal had never before been recognized dur- ing totality, and so the gap between the outermost coronal rays and the innermost part of the zodiacal seen during twilight had never been observationally filled up, yet the mind's eye of science had clearly discerned even that portion of the zodiacal. Still the recognition of the whole range of solar sur- roundings, in such sort that no question can any longer, it should seem, be raised as to their reality, even by those least able to fol- low scientific reasoning, can not but be re- garded as an important step. CONCERNING EONOBS TO SPIES. Me. CTRtrs "W. Field has dedicated a memorial stone to the memory of Aiidr6. It marks the place of his exe- cution and hurial. It was uncovered at noon, October 2d, as nearly as pos- sible at the same hour that Andre was hanged. But few persons were pres- ent, and not a word was spoken by any one. The monument is a plain polished block of Maine granite, five feet in height and three and one half feet square. On the side toward the west is the following inscription : " Here died, October 2, 1780, Major John Andke, of the British Army, who, entering the American lines on a secret mission to Benedict Arnold for the surrender of West Point, was taken prisoner, tried and con- demned as a spy. His death, though ac- cording to the stern code of war, moved even his enemies to pity, and both armies mourned the fate of one so young and so brave. In 1821 his remains were received at Westminster Abbey. A hundred years after his execution this stone was placed above the spot where he lay, by a citizen of the States against which he fought, not to perpetuate the record of strife, but in token of those better feelings which have since united two nations one in race, in language, and in religion, with the earnest hope that this friendly union will never be broken." Beneath was the name — " Aethue Penehyn Stanley, Dean of Westminster." On the south side the inscription reads as follows: " Sunt Lacrymaj rerum et mentem mor- talia tangunt." — Viegil, " jEneid," I., 462. The only other inscription is upon the north side, and is this: " He was more unfortunate than criminal. An accomplished man and a gallant officer." Geoege Washington. An inscription wUl be placed on the east side next year, the centennial of the execution. The spot where the monument stands EDITOR'S TABLE. 123 is about two miles from tlie Hudson Kiver, and is high ground, overlooliing a beautiful country. Mr. Field has pur- chased thirteen acres of land surround- ing it, which he proposes to convert into a park ; and, when completed, he will present the property to the citizens of Tappan, The shaft is to be surround- ed by an iron railing, and around it at the cardinal points are to be planted four trees, oaks or elms, two English and two American. The remains of Major Andre repose with the illustrious dead in Westmin- ster Abbey. They were exhumed and carried to England in 1821 by the Duke of York, who was sent over by the British Government for that purpose. We are glad that this monument has been erected. It indicates the strength- ening and a triumph of the nobler sen- timents of civilization and a decline of the intensity of international prejudice. And it is especially fitting that Mr. Cy- rus W. Field, to whom we so largely owe that grandest of all unifying agen- cies among nations, the intercontinen- tal telegraph, should have carried out the spirit of this great work, by doing honor to the memory of an enemy of his country, which has been especially odious for these hundred years. To be sure, Andre was hanged, but that was merely one of the chances of war. Washington would have been hanged also, if the luck of war had run differ- ently. Is it not time to begin to judge of the merits of men independently of the casualties that happen to befall them ? We should be sorry not to go behind the gallows, the cross, and the axe, in estimating the characters of their victims. But another aspect of the matter is noteworthy: Mr. Field is reported to have said that, if he were granted per- mission, he would erect a monument to the memory of Nathan Hale, the Amer- ican spy, who was hanged in the pub- lic grounds near Hamilton Park in this city. It would have been especially graceful if Dean Stanley had recipro- cated Mr. Field's generosity by taking the initiative as an Englishman in doing honor to the memory of Hale. But that was not necessary. The main thing is the concession that the monument was deserved. No one will deny that the young American who gave his life for his country, and only lamented that he had but one to give, well deserves a monument. But in thus doing honor to the mem- ory of spies it is important to discrimi- nate between the motives that animate them and the traits of character dis- played. The military spy represents his country's side in war, and is justi- fied by the ethics of patriotism. The soldier encounters the chance of an honorable death on the field of battle, but is safe if taken prisoner. The spy, on the other hand, if he fails, is certain of an ignominious death. He takes a deadlier risk than the soldier, and re- quires a firmer courage to meet it. Let the military spy, therefore, who perils and loses his life, have his posthumous honors, the honors due to courageous, unselfish conduct, on whatever side en- listed. But there is another class of spies who should be hanged without the benefit of monuments; we mean Sher- man's custom-house spies. We have rev- enue laws so scandalous that the regu- larly appointed ofiicers are ashamed to enforce them. They shrink from brand- ing all American citizens upon their return home after foreign travel as thieves and swindlers, and so the Gov- ernment sets spies upon its own officers to see that they carry out our revenue regulations in the full measure of their meanness. These spies, employed by Government in time of peace, from purely sordid considerations on both sides, and who are destitute of every manly impulse, abundantly deserve the ropes they do not get, and the spies that are hanged should not be ( by being classed with them. 124 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. VENTILATING STOVES. The season has again come whicli drives people into their houses to pass a large portion of their time in closed apartments where they can keep warm. But the house so tight as to exclude the cold excludes also the air, so that good warmth is apt to involve bad breathing. There will be renewed complaints of deficient ventilation, and plenty of grounds for them. And as people suffer they will exclaim against the backwardness of the art of venti- lating, and wonder that science does not bring forward some satisfactory system of furnishing fresh air and plen- ty of it to those who are shut up in houses during the cold season. Yet the inventors and constructors are ahead of the people, and ah-eady fur- nish many excellent devices which are not appreciated or used. It is perfect- ly well known, not only that fresh air ought to be furnished to inhabited apart- ments, but how much should be fur- nished in given conditions, and how it may be effectually introduced. The problem was in fact practically solved more than a hundred years ago with the invention of the Polignac fireplace, which not only warmed the room where it was set up, but provided for ventila- tion by bringing in a stream of air from without through suitable ducts, warm- ing it and then throwing it into the apartment. Various modifications of this contrivance have appeared in the shape of ventilating grates which fur- nish warm fresh air to occupied rooms. But grates are constantly put into bouses now which have no more refer- ence to ventilating arrangements tban as if nothing of the kind had ever been thought of. Steam and hot-water ap- paratus, and furnaces to warm large quantities of air for distribution through buildings, have come into extensive use, by which heat and adequate ventilation are well secured ; but, after all, these engines are employed by but a small part of the population. A large pro- portion of the inhabitants of towns, and the great majority of country peo- ple, use stoves for warmth ' in cold weather. But here, again, we see the same neglect in providing fresh air to breathe that is observable in the current use of grates. Stoves are economical and efficient means of warming, and their use for this purpose must long continue. But they are generally non- ventilating, and give us the worst ef- fects of bad air. They draw off from apartments only the air required for combustion, and which is replaced by more air from without to be used for the same purpose. Then there is com- plaint again, and with abundant rea- son, of bad ventilation. It seems to be forgotten that there are such things as ventilating stoves. But they have long been in use. The Franklin stove as originally constructed had a provi- sion for ventilation. Euttan's "Air Warmer" is a double box-stove, which heats by radiation, and also by air which is brought from without, warmed by passing between the inner and outer plates, and delivered into the apart- ment. The inventor, however, was so intent upon a " system of ventilation " which implied the adaptation of. the house to it, that he failed to make his stoves readily available for ordinary use. The best contrivance we have seen of this kind is the ventilating stove or fireplace known as the "Fire on the Hearth." This combines the advan- tages of a stove within the room to warm by radiation, a grate giving an open fire, which is prized by many, and a passage or chamber open below and above through which warm air ascends into the room. An opening in the floor with a duct leading to the outside of the house brings in a supply of fresh air which is passed through the stove, warmed, and streams into the apart- ment. We have tried this stove, and found it satisfactory, both as a heater LITERARY NOTICES. 125 and a ventilator, TTe used one of mod- erate size, which, as tested by the ane- mometer, gave from eight to ten thou- sand cubic feet of air per hour in the room, and thus secured excellent ven- tilation. The difference between an ordinary stove and this ventilating stove in an occupied apartment was most marked to all the inmates, while to gain its advantages it is only needful to incur the small outlay necessary for bringing in the outer air. Fresh air is happily very cheap, but it must have a channel for introduction. If people will not go to the small trouble and expense required to give it entrance, they should not complain of the diffi- culties and imperfections of ventilation. TRE WORKS OF PROFESSOR YAUGHAy. We have received various communi- cations from widely different and dis- tant sources in relation to the reputa- tion and works of the late Professor Daniel Vaughan. Severe animadver- sions have been passed upon the depre- ciatory tone of comment that has been indulged in with regard to his person- ality and life ; and there has been in- quiry as to -where his writings may be obtained. Several suggestions have been made respecting the publication of an edition of the most important and popular of his scientific contributions, A correspondent of Salem, Massachu- setts, suggests that a very attractive and valuable volume could be made up by his papers on "The Tides," "The Rings of Saturn," "The Origin and End of the World," " The Advent and Appear- ance of New Stars," " The Nebular Hy- pothesis," "The PluraHty of Worlds," "The Primitive Earth," " The Ancient Atmosphere," "Physics of the Internal Earth," "Volcanoes," "The Moon," "Revelations of Spectrum Analysis," and " The Catastrophes in Celestial Space." These are certainly interesting top- ics, and they were handled by Professor Vaughan not only with the ability of an able expositor, but with the fresh- ness of an independent thinker, who had formed his own opinions upon many of the questions involved. Pro- fessor Vaughan, as we, however, under- stand, left no property to pay for the publication of his works, and whether such a volume can be issued will depend upon how publishers regard the venture, or whether he has any friends sufficient- ly interested in his memory and pro- ductions to cooperate in bringing out a collection of his essays. LITERARY NOTICES. Ethics, or Science of Duty. By John Bascom, author of " Principles of Psy- chology," etc. New York : G. P. Put- nam's Sons. Pp. 385. Price, $1.75. Dr. Bascom has here given us a freshly- reasoned and excellent manual of morals. It is attractively written, and very judicious as an exposition of practical duty. But the title chosen raises expectations, at the present time, which the work seems to us hardly to fulfill. The author recog- nizes that the subject he is dealing with belongs among the sciences, and is there- fore a branch of improvable or progressive knowledge. He, moreover, admits that there is some force in the claim that ethics requires both a new foundation and a new method. The subject is therefore con- fessedly in a state of transition, or is under- going a development such as all sciences experience from a less perfect to a more perfect form. Dr. Bascom does not give suflScient prominence to this fact and its important implications. Had he confined himself merely to summarizing the empirical rules of morality as they have been arrived at in social practice, this objection would be less pertinent ; but he goes analytically into the subject, works out its principles, reviews ethical systems, discusses ethical methods, and reasons his way to full con- clusions respecting the right and wrong of conduct, and the grounds of moral obliga- tion. The whole subject being thus opened, we think the author should have gone fur- 126 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ther in the scientific direction than he has seen fit to go. He should have placed his exposition upon a scientific groundwork, or have given the reasons for not doing so. His omission is the more surprising when we observe how far he has actually pro- ceeded in the right direction. It is sufficiently obvious that ethical method passes to a new stage of develop- ment with the establishment of the doc- trine of evolution. If evolution be true, the foundations of old systems are subvert- ed, and it is necessary to build anew. When he wrote his late elaborate book on " Methods of Ethics," Mr. Sidgwick could not see that evolution' had much to do with the subject. If the doctrine had been de- veloped in the universities, he would have probably found its bearings more impor- tant. He has found more in it for his sec- ond edition, and will be likely to discover still more for the third. Should he finally be compelled to admit that the relation is fundamental, it will be but another instance, of which the history of science is so full, in which what was at first insignificant comes to be supreme. Dr. Bascom begins better. His first chapter is on "The Remote or Physical Conditions of Duty " ; and if this starting- point of a treatise on morahty would have seemed surprising a generation or two ago, still more surprising would have been the considerations he has brought forward in this chapter. It does not require a very long memory to recall the time when evo- lution in any form and to any degree was visited with universal malediction. It was the one poisonous heresy of thought that could not be too severely denounced. But now we see the able President of an influ- ential university planting this doctrine in the opening chapter of a text-book upon morals! If Dr. Bascom assumes rather than formally avows the doctrine, he is but doing what Professor Marsh says the whole scientific world must henceforth do — assume the theory, and go on. But let the author here speak for himself.. He says : " The body has been brought up to its present serviceablencss through so pro- tracted a development, and the power of the mind is now so measured by it, and is hereafter to be so much extended by means of it, that a brief survey of this middle term between the spiritual and physical worlds becomes very desirable. . . . This power " (the plastic power of life) " has as many forms as there are kinds of living things. In the higher varieties of animals this plas- tic power which controls the structure, which receives and transmits tendencies, has been built up into a wonderfully com- plex and mysterious potency by the entire development of Ufe from its first appearance on the globe. This is plainly true if we accept the theory of evolution with definite or indefinite increments. It is also true, though less manifestly so, if we believe in a series of distinct creations. . . . The first term in this plastic power is an organic one. This has every grade of complexity, from that shown in a globule of protoplasm to that manifested in the human body. In it functions and organs are developed co- etaneously, are united into a life increasing- ly complex and single, are left susceptible to a thousand modifying circumstances, and are transmitted with a full entail of estab- lished tendencies." After pointing out the gradations of unfolding life through auto- matic action, instinct, and the higher com- plexities of mind, the author says : " An- other consideration of utmost moment, in estimating our moral activity in its relations to the physical world, is that of inheritance. The power of to-day is not that of a cen- tury since, nor will it be that of a century to come. Nor are these forces, in their transition from one stage to another, inap- proachable by man. On the other hand, the stream of descent is flexible at every point, as flexible as it can be and retain its general direction. Physical descent is made up of three laws. The primary and central one is, that all organic powers tend to pass from parent to ofi'spring. There is a momentum in the waters of life by which they flow steadily along the slopes prepared for them. A second law, which directly modifies the first, and without which it would lose much of its beneficence, is, that organs and functions are subject to changes, which changes may be transmitted. A third law, of less significance, yet one of moment, is, that living forms easily revert to a long antecedent state. As the new con- ditions impressed upon living things, which LITERARY NOTICES. 127 are shaken off by this atavism, have refer- ence to secondary adaptations, to new cir- cumstances, and, in many cases, to the wants of man, this reversion is virtually a retrogression under feeble progressive forces. . . . New powers and new beauties may arise in the transfer of inheritance un- der inscrutable causes, and yet may be tak- en up by heredity and consolidated among more primitive endowments." Now, having gone so far, we see not how Dr. Bascom could refrain from going further, and carrying out the doctrine to its logical consequences. For, if evolution be true at all, its truth is fundamental ; and, if it have any influence upon ethical method, it must be a determining influence. If de- velopment be the method of nature, as Dr. Bascom tacitly admits, then must the moral sentiments and faculties of man be a prod- uct of it ; and, if man's moral attributes have been evolved in immense time by slow experience, if our present morality has been derived from a lower stage by processes that are carrying it to a higher stage, then surely we have upon us the most important of all ethical questions, viz., by what causes and under what conditions is morality grow- ing better ? We have forced upon us the problem of the genesis of moral relations — how lower conduct is passing into higher conduct — what are the present imperfec- tions of moral impulse and guidance which may be expected to disappear in the future — and how far is ethical requirement rela- tive to the progress of the social state. It may not detract from the practical value of Dr. Bascom's manual, that these considera- tions are not pursued with the thoroughness and in the direction implied by his title and commencing chapter ; but the failure of the exposition in this respect leaves it open to the charge of not fully representing the present state of ethical inquiry. Dr. Bascom makes frequent and critical reference to the ethical views of Herbert Spencer as presented in his " Social Statics," published twenty -nine years ago. But it is nowhere stated, as we observe, that this was a transitional work that no longer ac- curately represents Mr. Spencer's views, and that, because of its unsatisfactoriness, he entered into a more extensive develop- ment of the subject, in which the " Princi- ples of Morality " were to be treated after an exhaustive elucidation of the chief sciences that bear upon the subject. If it was worth while to quote Spencer at all — if his views of a generation ago have still suffi- cient insight to demand critical attention — it would certainly have been propcr'to state that the author held them so insufficient that he has devoted his life to the task of placing morals upon a sounder and more scientific basis than was possible when his first work was written. Freedom in Science and Teaching. From the German of Ernst Haeckel. With a Prefatory Note by T. H. Hpxley, F. R. S. D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 121. Price, $1. The collision of two such minds as those of Yirchow and Haeckel over the evolution question could not fail to strike fire and create light. Much able discussion has fol- lowed, in which certain important aspects of the question have been scanned and sifted with a thoroughness that would hardly have been secured in the absence of conflict. The reply to Virchow that has been called out from Haeckel and fills this volume is an extremely interesting and instructive contribution to the popular literature of the subject. It needs hardly to be said that in his celebrated address, which has been received with such favor by the non-scientific por- tion of the public, and by such scientific persons as are dominated by traditional ideas, Virchow took the ground that evolu- tion is an hypothesis not proved, and that therefore it should not be taught in the German schools; that the evidence of an- thropology is thus far against the doctrine of the derivation of man from lower forms of life ; and, finally, that there is such an affiliation of Darwinistic theories with mod- ern communism as to raise the question whether the state is not justified in inter- fering for the suppression of a dangerous teaching. For the reply that Professor Haeckel makes to Virchow's charge that evolution is an "unproved hypothesis," we must refer the reader to the book, which is valuable as showing — 1. What kind of evi- dence is required ; 2. That it is abundant in quantity ; and, 3. That the difficulty with .128 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Virchow is, that he don't understand or ap- preciate it. In regard to the anthropologi- cal objection, Professor Huxley declares in his preface that Virchow is entirely in the wrong. Authority is here opposed to au- thority; and Huxley asserts that all we know concerning the most ancient men har- monizes with the view that they have origi- nated under the general law of evolution. In regard to Virchow's attempt to bring evolution into reproach by associating it with communism. Professor Huxley says : " I think I shall have all fair-minded men ■with me, when I also give vent to my repro- bation of the introduction of the sinister arts of unscrupulous political warfare into scientific controversy, manifested in the at- tempt to connect the doctrines he (Haeckel) advocates with those of a political party which is at present the object of hatred and persecution in his native land." Professor Haeckel in dealing with this charge says that "those two theories are about as compatible as fire and water," and remarks upon the subject as follows : " With all these empty accusations, as with all the empty reproaches and groundless objections ■which Virchow brings against the doctrine of evolution, he takes good care in no way to touch the kernel of the matter. How, in- deed, would it have been possible, without arriving at conclusions wholly opposed to those which he has declared ? For the the- ory of descent proclaims, more clearly than any other scientific theory, that the equality of individuals which socialism strives after is an impossibility ; that it stands in fact in irreconcilable contradiction to the inevitable inequality of individuals which actually and everywhere subsists. Socialism demands equal rights, equal duties, equal possessions, equal enjoyments for every citizen alike; the theory of descent proves, in exact op- position to this, that the realization of this demand is a pure impossibility, and that in the constitutionally organized communities of men, as of the lower animals, neither rights nor duties, neither possessions nor enjoyments, have ever been equal for all the members alike, nor can ever be. Through- out the evolutionist theory, as in its biologi- cal branch, the theory of descent — the great law of specialization or differentiation — teaches us that a multiplicity of phenomena is developed from original unity, heterogene- ity from original similarity, and the compos- ite organism from original simplicity. The conditions of existence are dissimilar for each individual from the beginning of its existence ; even the inherited qualities, the natural " disposition," are more or less un- like ; how then can the problems of hfe and their solution be alike for all ? The more highly political life la organized, the more prominent is the great principle of the division of labor, and the more requisite it becomes, for the lasting security of the whole state, that its members should be variously distributed in the manifold tasks of life ; and as the work to be performed by diflFer- ent individuals is of the most various kind, as well as the corresponding outlay of strength, skill, property, etc., the reward of the work must naturally be also extremely various. These are such simple and tangi- ble facts that one would suppose that ev- ery reasonable and unprejudiced politician would recommend the theory of descent and the evolution hypothesis in general as the best antidote to the fathomless absurdity of extravagant social leveling. "Darwinism, I say, is anything rather than socialist ! If this English hypothesis is to be compared to any definite political ten- dency— as is, no doubt, possible — that ten- dency can only be aristocratic, certainly not democratic, and least of all socialist. The theory of evolution teaches that in human life, as in animal and plant life everywhere and at all times, only a small and chosen minority can exist and flourish, while the enormous majority starve and perish miser- ably, and more or less prematurely. The germs of every species of animal and plant, and the young individuals that spring from them, are innumerable, while the number of those fortunate individuals Avhich develop to maturity and actually reach their hardly- won life-goal is out of all proportion tri- fling. The cruel and merciless struggle for existence which rages throughout all living nature, and in the course of nature must rage, this unceasing and inexorable compe- tition of all living creatures, is an incontes- table fact ; only the picked minority of the qualified ' fittest ' is in a position to resist it successfully, while the great majority of the competitors must necessarily perish mis- LITERARY NOTICES. 29 erably. We may profoundly lament this tragical state of things, bat we can neither controvert it nor alter it. ' Many are called, but few are chosen.' The selection, the picking out of these chosen ones, is inevita- bly connected with the arrest and destruc- tion of the remaining majority. Another EugHsh naturalist therefore designates the result of Darwinism very frankly as the ' survival of the fittest.' At any rate, this principle of selection is nothing less than democratic ; on the contrary, it is aristo- cratic, in the strictest sense of the word. If, therefore, Darwinism, logically carried out, has, according to Virchow, an ' uncom- monly suspicious aspect,' this can only be found in the idea that it offers a helping hand to the efforts of the aristocrats. But how the socialism of the day can find any encouragement in those efforts, and how the horrors of the Paris Commune can be traced to them, is to me, I must frankly confess, absolutely incomprehensible." Report of the Geological Sprvet of Ohio. Vol. III. Geology and Paleontology. Part I. Geology. Published by Author- ity of the Legislature of Ohio. Colum- bus: Nevins & Myers, State Printers. 1878. This volume, the third in the series, fully sustains the high character which the two previous ones gave to this important work. The officers on whom rests the responsibility of the survey are J. S. Newberry, chief geol- ogist ; E. B. Andrews and Edward Orton, as- sistant geologists ; T. G. Worniley, chemist ; and F. B. Meek, Paleontologist, A corps of local and special assistants have rendered important service. Those of the corps who have contributed reports for the present volume are Messrs. John J. Stevenson, M. C. Read, A. W. Wheat, John Hussey, F. C. Hill, A. C. Lindemuth, J. S. Hodge, and F. Hesser. All of these reports are of a high order, and show in how careful and thor- ough a manner the work is being done. Reports of surveys of six counties are by the geologist-in-chief, who also contributes an important paper reviewing the general geological structure of the State. This pa- per is a wonderfully clear statement of the facts brought out by the local surveys, and of the conclusions which they suggest. It is VOL. XVI. — 9 the more interesting from the fact that it reviews conclusions presented in previous reports of the survey which had been criti- cised by several eminent geologists in other States. Much of the uncertainty which ex- isted as to the age and geological equiva- lence of the Ohio rocks seems now to be removed. Concerning the Cincinnati uplift it is said that " the Cincinnati axis in Ohio is an anticlinal ridge of which the arched strata of the Cincinnati Group form the core." This uplift formed an elevated ridge through the Upper Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous ages. Many of the great de- posits thin out on the sloping sides of this elevation. It constituted, indeed, two isl- ands, one in Tennessee, the other in Ken- tucky and Ohio. The Cincinnati Group referred to is shown to contain the characteristic fossils of the Hudson River Group, Trenton Lime- stone, and some which are found in the Black River and Birdseye Groups. But, says Professor Newberry, they are so inter- mingled as to make it impossible to identify any one of the subdivisions of the Cincin- nati Group with either of the Lower Silu- rian Limestones of the East. The Oolitic Iron-ore band of the Clin- ton is in Ohio, sometimes two or three feet in thickness, sometimes it is scarcely more than a ferruginous stain. This is stated to be in no sense a clay iron-stone, as has been suggested. It is a red hematite, and is called dye-stone ore in Tennessee. It is a marine not a marsh deposit, as shown by the fossils present. The iron was probably brought by drainage water from ferruginous districts and deposited. The Corniferous Limestone in this State is a vast storehouse of fossils. Extensive collections of these will be fully described in Part II., which treats of paleontology. The land-plants found in this limestone at Sandusky and Delaware may have formed part of the luxuriant vegetation that covered the Cincinnati Island in the Devonian age, " the first land flora of which we have any traces in the United States." Of the Huron Shale, much has been writ- ten. It occurs through Central Ohio in a line of outcrop with a maximum thickness of 350 feet. This formation is a nearly ho- mocreneous bituminous shale, containing at 130 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. least ten per cent, of combustible matter. It is known in the Western States as black shale. Its precise geological horizon has been a subject of debate. The conclusion of the author is that " the Huron Shale of Ohio is made up of the black shales of the Lower Portage and Genesee." This depos- it is an interesting one, from the fact that it is the most important source of supply of petroleum in this country, and also that most of the gas-wells of Ohio and Pennsyl- vania derive thence their supply of carbu- retted hydrogen. If space permitted, we would be glad to present the views of Professor Newberry on the buried river channels — evidences of glacial action — clay deposits of the Drift age, and other subjects of interest to the geologist. The reports of the local surveys by coun- ties and districts are not only valuable to ge- ologists, but are throughout of a thoroughly practical character. These include thirty- four counties of the State, besides reports of the Hocking Valley coal-field. Perry, and portions of Athens, and Hocking Counties, and the Hanging Rock District. The reports of counties are illustrated by maps and charts, of which there are twen- ty, while fifty-three illustrations are printed with the text. In the preface we are informed that Vol. IV., Zoology and Botany, is now in the print- er's hands, and that Vol. V., Economic Ge- ology, is in progress. Besides these, full and elaborate maps are in course of preparation. The work has been issued in editions of 20,000 copies — to the honor of Ohio, be it said. Distribution of Heat in the Spectra of Various Sources of Radiation. By William W. Jaynes, Ph. D. Cambridge, Mass. : University Press. Pp. 24. This pamphlet is the thesis presented to the Faculty of Johns Hopkins University by the author upon applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. It first gives an account of former experiments to determine the distribution of heat in the spectrum ; and then details the author's elaborate ex- periments for the determination of the re- sult. There is one plate of apparatus and three large plates of the curves of thermal intensity in different parts of the spectral region. He thus sums up the inquiry : " In concluding this paper there is a strong temptation to speculate upon the meaning of the results obtained. That the geomet- rical form of the curve should be so nearly the same at all temperatures, and of the same general form for all substances, is a fact that probably must have an important physical interpretation. Does not the simi- larity of the curves for different substances show a similarity of movement of the ulti- mate components of the several substances, and so point to a similarity of ultimate com- position of all matter, the slight differences in the grouping of these parts giving rise to the comparatively slight variations from the same form ? Certainly this is not proof, but is it not evidence ? And is it not probable that the superposition upon the radiations from the ultimate atoms of the radiations from the groupings of these atoms should cause the curve, as a whole, to move slight- ly to a shorter or longer wave-length, as the weight of a group is lighter or heavier? But I am aware that such speculations are founded on too insufficient data, and I offer these results merely as an experimental con- tribution to the science of radiant energy." A Defense of Philosophic Doubt, being an Essay on the Foundations of Belief. By Arthur James Balfour, M. A., M. P. Pp. 355. Price, $3.50. The object of this book would not be guessed from its title. It would be sup- posed to imply an argument in favor of skep- ticism, unbelief, or freethinking, in their customary applications to religious belief. But this is not the author's aim. On the contrary, the work is " a piece of destruc- tive criticism " directed against the founda- tions of science. According to the author, it is the function of philosophy to give an account of the grounds of all belief and disbelief, and he labors to show that all the assumptions, principles, postulates, and criteria of truth that are usually taken as the basis of scientific knowledge are illusive and indefensible. The independent exist- ence of an external world is denied ; Kant, Hamilton, Mill, and Spencer are refuted; and the conclusion is reached that "science is a system of belief which, for anything we can allege to the contrary, is wholly without proof. The inferences by which it LITERARY NOTICES. 131 is arrived at are erroneous; the premises upon which it rests are unproved." In a closing chapter on " Practical Results," the object of the work is disclosed — it is to harmonize religion and science by showing that religion is, at any rate, as well off for fundamental proofs as science. The con- ceptions of causality, uniformity, and per- manence of order in nature being held as unproved, it is argued that supernatural interferences are logically admissible, and science and religion come into agreement by opening the doors of ancient and modern spiritualism. The Science of the Bible ; or. An Analysis of the Hebrew Mythology, wherein it is shown that the Holy Scriptures treat of Natural Phenomena only. By Milton "WooLLKY, M D. Chicago: Knight & Leonard. Pp. 613. 8vo. Price, $4. This elaborate book is alleged by its author to have had the following origin: Impressed by the sentiment that human nature in every age and country is much the same, he inferred that cosmologies and mythologies generally resemble each other. But, if this be so, then the Hebrew mythol- ogy is probably like the rest. So the author, after he was turned sixty, studied the He- brew language to find the key to the He- brew mythology and the Hebrew Scriptures. He claims to have succeeded, and this vol- ume is the exposition of his view. His notion is, that the Bible from begin- ning to end is but a mass of astronomic myths. On the cover of his book is stamped in gilt the old almanac diagram of the twelve constellations of the zodiac. This diagram reappears printed on a card at the close of the book, with a movable index to show the position of the sun throughout the year. Now, the writer claims that the whole Bible is to be inter- preted as referring to the phenomena of the year — the changes of seasons, and the movements and places of the sun, moon, planets, etc. Armed with this clew. Dr. WooUey marches deliberately through the Old Testament, taking its narratives, " Crea- tion," "Adam and Eve," "Cain and Abel," " Flood," " Tower of Babel," " Abram and Sarai," all the way through to " Job " and " Jon:\h," explaining, right and left, that what is really meant by these stories is to symbolize natural phenomena, terrestrial and celestial. For example: " 'Now when Moses was grown ' (i. e., when Aquarius rises he- liacally as before the sun) ' he spied an Egyptian smiting a Hebrew, (winter smiting summer), ' and he looked this way and that way, and perceiving himself unseen ' (the sun's rays hid him) ' he slew the Egyptian ' (i. e., winter was followed by summer). ' But when he went out the second day ' (i. e., after he passed the summer solstice) ' he saw two Hebrews ' (the two halves of summer) ' striving together.' In attempting to pacify them he was reminded by the first half of summer, which witnessed his act, of his murder the day before, became frightened, and on learning that Pharaoh (the winter sun) intended to slay him, fled into the land of Midian (strife = the point between win- ter and summer). Here ' he sat down by a well.' Beer-sheba = the end of the seventh month, when the ' former rain' begins." And so everything is construed. This exegesis would get monotonous and tiresome, but the author peppers his text so profusely with sarcasms at the expense of those who hold to the I'teral interpretation of Biblical narratives that the tediousness of the expo- sition is somewhat enUvened. The work evinces much ingenuity, great learning, and indomitable perseverance, though whether these accomplishments have been wisely expended in its preparation is perhaps a question. Nests and Eggs of American Birds. By Ernest Ingersoll. Published in Parts, 50 cents each. Part I. Pp. 24, with Plates. Salem, Mass. : S. E. Casino. Hitherto there was no American work on the nests and eggs of birds, and informa- tion on that subject existed only in detached form in a multitude of publications or in the minds of ornithologists. Mr. Ingersoll has done a valuable service to ornithology by compiling the present work. When com- pleted it will form a handsome volume, beau- tifully illustrated with tinted lithographs. The Evidence of the Senses. Inaugural Address before the Poughkeepsie Soci- ety of Natural Sciences. By W. G. Ste- venson, M. D., President. Dr. Stevenson has here brought together many illustrations of errors and delusions 132 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. to which persons are often subject through defective action of the senses or false inter- pretations of their impressions. The facts are well interpreted and the accompanying comments judicious. He closes with a ref- erence to spiritualism, and insists upon the need that it should be investigated by ex- perts in matters of evidence. Haeckel's Genesis of Man ; or, History OF THE Development of the Human Race. Being a Review of his Anthro- pogeny ; and embracing a Summary Ex- position of his Views, and of those of the Advanced German School of Science. By Lester F. Ward, A. M. Philadel- phia : Ed. Stern & Co. Pp. 64. We have read this able and admirable pamphlet with much pleasure. As a review of the principal works and a condensed ex- position of the thought of the great German biologist, it is executed with judgment, and as an introduction to the study of evolution from a point of view with which the public is not generally familiar, it will prove use- ful and be welcomed by many readers. And to these merits of the brochure it must be added that it is clearly, effectively, and at times eloquently written. To any beginner who proposes to enter upon Haeckel's works, we should say, read this first ; and that he will not be misled is sufficiently sure from the fact that Haeckel himself tes- tifies to the substantial correctness with which this essay represents his position. In stating this position, and in estimat- ing Haeckel's claims, the writer inevitably opens the question of the claims of other men, and has to dwell on points of rivalry, priority, and originality. To whom belongs mainly the credit of working out the theory of dissent, or of establishing the doctrine of development ? Thus far Mr. Darwin has had a virtual monopoly of the honor ; but, while nobody will grudge him a liberal share of it, it begins to be seen that justice has something to do with it, and that there has been a great deal of loose exaggeration of Mr. Darwin's share in the work. Mr. Ward says that " Professor Haeckel is no mere disciple of Darwin," but has independently cultivated a gre::t biological province, which bears directly upon development, but which Darwin hardly touched, viz., the province of embryology, which has for its object the study of transformations. This department Haeckel has made his own, and, as Mr. Ward shows, it furnishes the most impressive and overwhelming proofs of the truth of evolu- tion that are to be gathered from any spe- cial source. This subject Mr. Darwin bare- ly touched in his first book. Mr. Ward recognizes that Darwin was " diaplomatic," and there can be no doubt, both that this is true and that it had much to do with the success of the " Origin of Spe- cies." In that work be invoked supernatu- ral intervention where his scientific explana- tions were faulty ; and he abstained from ap- plying his theory to man. Haeckel had no- thing of this quality ; he was simply logical, and applied the law of descent to the human race at the outset. The consequence was, that he was bitterly attacked, not only by anti-Darwinians but also by Darwinians, who charged that " he was more Darwin- istic than Darwin himself" Darwin after- ward published " The Descent of Man," but Haeckel had to take the first brunt of the opposition in Germany. In reviewing the history of the subject, Mr. Ward, following Haeckel, credits Eras- mus Darwin, Goethe, and Lamarck with the honor of founding the doctrine of evolution. Lamarck's " Philosophic Zoologique " was published just fifty years before the " Ori- gin of Species," yet Mr. Ward goes so far as to say that every important principle em- braced in the latter work is also contained in the former — except the principle of " natural selection." That principle, more- over, had been long recognized, and the doctrine of the fixity of species was under- mined. Mr. Darwin and Mr. Wallace inde- pendently showed how " natural selection " may give rise to new species. It would have afforded a still further il- lustration of the ripeness of thought upon this subject, and increased the equity of Mr. Ward's distribution of honors, if he had stated that, before Mr. Darwin had pub- lished at all on the subject, Spencer had drawn up in full detail his prospectus of the evolution philosophy, covering the whole ground, in ten volumes, and that the subse- quent contribution of Mr. Darwin did not make it necessary to disturb the order of his work by so much as the introduction of an additional chapter. The new contribu- tion fell into its proper place in an already organized body of thought. LITERARY NOTICES. 33 Easy Lessons in Popular Science. By James Monteith. New York : A. S. Barnes & Co. Pp. 252. Price, $1. This is a very mixed book, as it treats of almost everything pertaining to air, land, and water. There is a good deal of geog- raphy, and something about ships, machin- ery, plants, animals, etc., etc., with maps and numerous woodcuts drawn in outline with a view to being copied by pupils upon the blackboard. «rhe book can no doubt be made useful in the hands of judicious teach- ers, and the drawing exercises for which it provides are a good feature ; but we do not think that its leading topics are the best to begin with in early science teaching, and it does not sufficiently provide for the direct study of things themselves. Hints toward a National Culture for Young Americans. By S. S. Boyce. New York : E. Steiger. Pp. 69. The author's object here is to recom- mend and enforce a practical system of industrial education for American youth. He points out the deficiencies of the present modes of popular culture, and is favorable to the Kindergarten as a foundation in pri- mary instruction. Scientific Lectures. By Sir John Lub- bock. London and New York : Mac- millan & Co. Pp. 187. Price $2.50. Of this book, we must speak of Mac- millan's part first. Paper, type, printing, and illustrations are elegant, so that to read it is a luxury. It is such a book as an Eng- lish baronet might with graceful propriety present to his friends. Imported into this country, it comes rather expensive, consid- ering the amount of its contents ; but, hap- pily, they are not of a sort that makes it necessary for anybody to procure the vol- ume. Yet Sir John's lectures are very pleasant reading. He discourses of flow- ers, plants, and insects, and of the habits of ants, and gives us a great deal of curious and interesting information on those mat- ters which he has made a special study. The fifth and sixth lectures are on "Prehis- toric Archaeology," and epitomize the views developed in the author's larger works, " Prehistoric Times " and " On the Origin of Civilization." Science Lectures at South Kensington. Vol. ir. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 344. Price, $1.75. This volume, like the one that preceded it, is filled with good, soUd work. There is no attempt at extreme simplification, and not a word for effect ; but each lecturer has aimed to make a sound, instructive presen- tation of his subject. The names are strong, and the subjects well chosen. President Spottiswoode treats of " Polarized Light " ; Professor Forbes of " Thermal Conductivi- ty " and " ThermoDynamics " ; H. W. Chis- holm of " Balances " ; Professor Pigot of " Geometrical and Engineering Drawing " ; Froude of " The Laws of Fluid Resistance " ; Dr, Siemens of " The Bathometer " ; Bar- rett of " Sensitive Flames " ; Pigot of " Lighthouse Illumination " ; Burdon-San- derson of " Apparatus for Physiological In- vestigation " ; Lauder Brunton of " Appa- ratus for Physiological Chemistry " ; Mac- leod " On Audiometers " ; and Roscoe on "Technical Chemistry." Zoology of the Invertebrate Animals. By Alexander Macalister, M. D. Special- ly revised for America by A. S. Pack- ard, Jr., M. D. Pp. 143. Price, 60 cents. This volume belongs to Holt's series of handbooks which claim to be intermediate between the larger text-books and the so- called " primers." In what way the Ameri- can editor has " revised " the English work for use in this country is not explained, nor does it much matter ; the book is well adapted to introduce pupils into the study of zoology, as it will attract and interest them. The information furnished has been selected with good judgment, and is no doubt entirely trustworthy. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The Younp Folks' Cyclopaedia of Common Things. By John D. Champlin, Jr. With nu- merous Illustrations. New York : Holt & Co. 1879. Pp.695. $3. Key to the Universe, or a New Theory of its Mechanism. By Orson Pratt, Sen. Salt Lake City : The Author. 1879. Pp. 118. $1.50. Primitive Manners and Customs. By J. A. Farrer. New York: Holt & Co. 1879. Pp.345. The Value of Life : Reply to Mallock's Essay "Is Life worth Living." New York : Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp.253. $1.50. Illustrated Dictionary of Scientific Terms. By William Rossiter. New York: Putnam's Sons. Pp. 350. $1.75. 134 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Wonders of the Flora. By H. A. Kresken. Dayton, O. 1879. Pp. 204. $1.50. The Rosicrucians, their Rites and Mysteries. By Hargrave Jennings. With numerous Illus- trations. Kew York : J. W. Bouton. 1879. Pp. 388. Report of the Commissioner of Education for the Year 1877. Washington : Government Print- iDg-Offlce. 1879. Pp. 850. First Step in Chemical Principles. By H. Leffmann, M. D. Philadelphia : E. Stern & Co. 1879. Pp. 52. 50 cents. Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Sym- bolism. By Thomas Inman, M. D. With Illus- trations. New York : J. W. Boutou. 18i0. Pp. 147. Lessons in Inorganic Chemistry. By W. G. Valentin. With Illustrations. New York: Put- nam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 186. $1. Report on Copper-Tin Alloys. By R. H. Thurston. Washington: Government Printing- Offlee. 1879. Pp.300. Local Government. By R. P. Porter. From " Princeton Review." Pp. 24. 5 cents. The Public Library and the Common Schools. By C. F. Adams, Jr. Boston: Estes & Lauriat. 1879. Pp. 52. 25 cents. The South Pass Jetties. By M. E. Schmidt. From " Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers." Pp. 36, with Plates. Address to the New Orleans Sanitary Associa- tion. By Dr. J. H. Rauch. Pp. 13. Domestic Sanitation. New Orleans : Graham Print. 1879. Pp.20. Milk and Dairies in New Orleans. New Or- leans : Rivers Print. Pp. 16. Tracheotomy with Galvano-Cautery. By Dr. W. A. Byrd. From " St. Louis Clinical Record." Pp.7. Shall the Metric System be made compulsory " By H. T. Blake. From " The New-Bnglander." Pp. 22. Petroleum. By P. Schweitzer. Columbia, Mo. : " Statesman " Print. 1879. Pp. 64. Report of the Entomologist. By C. V. Riley. Washington : Government Printing-Ofllce. 1879. Pp. 52, with Plates. Phenol. By David Cerna. From "Philadel- phia Medical Times." Pp. 5. American Industries and the Proposed Fran- co-American Commercial Treaty. San Francis- co : " Alta California " Print. Pp. 211. History of Massage. By D. Graham, M. D. New York : W. Wood & Co. 1879. Pp. 80. The Pocasset Tragedy. By W. Denton. Bos- ton: The Author. 1879. Pp.38. Biographical Notice of Joseph Henry. By Joseph Levering. Pp. 11. Sanitary Condition of Montreal. Bv F. P. Mackelcan, C. E. Montreal: Lovell Print. 1879. Pp. 41. 10 cents. The More Common Families of Insects. By L. C. Wooster. Whitewater, Wis. : " Register " Print. 1879. Pp.52. POPULAR MISCELLANY. Experimeats with Platinum.— A paper by Mr. Edison, on the behavior of plati- num under the influence of the electric cur- rent, was read at the last meeting of the American Association by Professor F. R. Upham, the author being absent. Hav- ing found that a platinum wire, heated by the electric current and suspended in the air, loses weight in proportion to its mass, its heat, and the length of time during which the current passes through it, Mr. Edison took a platinum wire ifg-y of an inch in diameter, and wound it in the form of a spiral one eighth of an inch in diameter and one half inch in length. The two ends of the spiral were secured to clamping- posts, and the whole then covered with a small glass shade. After the spiral had been made incandescent for twenty minutes, the shade opposite to the spiral on both sides was slightly darkened, and after five hours was no longer transparent, a film of the metal having been deposited on it. Mr. Edison is convinced that this effect, namely, the loss of weight in the spiral, is due to the washing action of the air, to the wearing away of the surface of the platinum by the impact of the stream of gases upon the highly incandescent surface, and not to vol- atilization. That this supposition is correct is shown by the very different behavior of platinum wire in vacuo. Mr. Edison placed a spiral of platinum in the receiver of a common air-pump, and arranged it so that the current could pass through it while the receiver was being exhausted. At the pres- sure of two millimetres the spiral was kept incandescent for two hours before the de- posit on the glass shade became visible. In another experiment, when the exhaustion was higher, the deposit became visible only after five hours. The same paper contained observations on other phenomena of still greater interest. It has been known for some time that platinum, when long subjected to a high temperature, becomes disintegrated. A platinum wire which has been heated to incandescence for twenty minutes, on being examined under a microscope, is seen to be full of cracks, and appears shrunken. If the current is continued for a considerable time the wire will fall to pieces. Now, Mr. Edison finds that this shrinking and crack- ing of the wire are due entirely to the ex- pansion of the air in the pores of the metal, and its contraction on the escape of the air. If these air-spaces be previously eliminated, the platinum can be heated to incandescence without disintegration. How this is to be done is best told in Mr. Edison's own words : POPULAR MISCELLANY 135 " I had made a large number of platinum spirals, all of the same size and from the same quality of wire ; each spiral presented to the air a radiating surface of three six- teenths of an inch ; five of these were brought by the electric current up to the melting-point, the light was measured by a photometer, and the average light was equal to four standard candles for each spiral just at the melting-point. One of the same kind of spirals was placed in the receiver of an air-pump and the air exhausted to two millimetres ; a weak current was then passed through the wire slightly to warm it for the purpose of assisting the passage of the air from the pores of the metal into the vacu- um. The temperature of the wii'e was gradually augmented at intervals of ten minutes until it became red. The object of slowly increasing the temperature was to allow the air to pass out gradually and not explosively. Afterward the current was in- creased at intervals of fifteen minutes. Be- fore each increase in the current the wire was allowed to cool, and the contraction and expansion at these high temperatures caused the wire to weld together at the point previously containing air. In one hour and forty minutes this spiral had reached such a temperature without melting that it was giving a light of twenty-five standard candles, whereas it would undoubt- edly have melted before it gave a light of five candles had it not been put through the above process. Several more spirals were afterward tried, with the same result. One spiral, which had been brought to these high temperatures more slowly, gave a light equal to thirty standard candles. In the open air this spiral gave nearly the same light, although it required more current to keep it at the same temperature. Upon ex- amination of these spirals, which had passed through the vacuum process, by the aid of a microscope, no cracks were visible ; the wire had become as white as silver, and had a polish which could not be given it by any other means. The wire had a less diameter than before treatment, and it was exceed- ingly difficult to melt in the oxyhydrogen- flame. As compared with untreated plati- num, it was found that it was as hard as the steel wire used in pianos, and that it could not be annealed at any temperature." Animal Mounds in the Pyrenees.— An interesting paper was read by Dr. Phene at the last meeting of the British Association, on a discovery of animal mounds in the Pyr- enees. The author said that this discovery was, in a great measure, due to tlie descrip- tion given by Sir Vincent Eyre in 1869 of a remarkable custom of burning living ser- pents at a particular spot in the Pyrenees. While investigating the region around this place of immolation. Dr. Phene found in certain directions indications which always accompany animal mounds. The churches abounded in features expressive of the sub- version of a pagan faith, of which the ser- pent or dragon had evidently been the cen- tral point. Following the track where these indications were plainest, he had eome upon mounds as distinct in resemblance to ani- mal forms as any of the American mounds : they were altogether artificial, and shaped into an appearance of animal outline so real as to seem like life. In the parts forming the heads the chamber had been replaced by an arched chamber of Roman work, in another by a descent of several feet into the body of a small church. On the spire of the best preserved animal mound had been a tumulus in which, the cure of the church in- formed Dr. Phene, had been found several of the most primitive cinerary urns, con- taining bones, Celtic articles, and above them objects of the Gallo-Roman descrip- tion, and again above these later or Chris- tian Roman works. One of the most inter- esting of the latter had been laid aside, and the cure sought it out for Dr. Phene among some d'ehrh ; it was the stem of an ancient cross, and on it were sculptured serpents — not in the usual position of subjection to a superior power, but evidently as being in a condition of supremacy ; but, as there were also several dead ones represented, it might be that the sculpture figured the condition of the real serpents before and after the cer- emony of burning. In the district there were many emblems of the serpent or drag- on, and the mounds were distinctly of such a form. On the mountains overlooking these mounds were a number of stone cir- cles, like those so well known in Britain. Dr. Phene promised to give further details in a paper which he was to have read before the Congress of Americanists at Brussels. 136 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Carl Vogt on the Archseopteryx. — Tlie Congress of Swiss Naturalists held its sixty- second annual meeting this year at St. Gall. Professor Carl Vogt delivered one of the public lectures, choosing for his subject the archa3opteryx, an animal intermediate be- tween birds and reptiles. Of the archaeop- teryx there exist only two (fossil) speci- mens, one of which, that first discovered, is in the British Museum ; the other, which is by far the more perfect of the two, was dis- covered a few years ago at Solenhofen, Ger- many. It is the property of Dr. Haeber- lein, of Pappenheim. It was once fondly hoped that the Emperor of Germany would purchase this treasure and preserve it for the Fatherland ; but, as Professor Vogt re- marks, a petrified cannon or musket would have found infinitely more favor in that quarter ! The naturalists who studied the specimen in the British Museum pronounced this Jurassic animal to be a bird, inasmuch as it had a beak, nails, and feathers. But the Solenhofen archseopteryx proves, un- doubtedly, that the animal was a bird-like reptile, of the size of a pigeon, which had both scales and feathers, a beak provided with teeth, armed wings, bird-like feet with nails, and a reptilian tail, consisting of twen- ty vertebra". Stilling the Waves with Oil.— A few months ago we printed some observations on the use of oil as a means of calming a tempestuous sea in cases of danger to mariners. A later number of the journal (Chambers's) from which those observa- tions were quoted contains the ofBcial re- port of a ship-master, whose vessel ap- pears to have escaped disaster through the timely use of oil in a storm. This report was sent to " Chambers's Journal " by Mr. Sprunt, British Vice-Consul at Wilmington, North Carolina. It is as follows : "British brigantine Gem, of Sackville, New Brunswick, Richardson, master. On the 1st of April last, bound from Wilming- ton, North Carolina, for Bristol, took a heavy gale of wind about a degree to the eastward of Bermuda, from the south, veer- ing rapidly to the northwest, whence it blew a hurricane for thirty-six hours, with a cross-breaking sea, ship laboring heavily — ' started ' the after-house and boats, stove lazarette hatch, and took try-sail from the mast. All hands aft in the cabin in case the sea should break over and carry away fore-house. 8 p. M., sea getting worse, the master thought of resorting to the oil ex- periment, which he had read of in ' Cham- bers's Journal.' Had a canvas bag pre- pared, holding about three quarts of kero- sene oil, with a rope of six fathoms attached, and kept trailing to windward ; the oil leak- ing through the canvas greatly broke top- ping sea, and made matters much more favorable for the ship. This was kept up through the night ; and at 3 a. m. on the 2d of April the weather began to moderate. The mate, who had himself lashed to the rigging during the whole of his watch, be- lieved with the captain that the resort to the oil saved the ship, as such fearful weather had never during the captain's experience of fourteen years been witnessed by him. A drop of the oil will smooth about four feet circumference of sea. Captain Rich- ardson suggests that a canvas bag to hold about six gallons is the best size, pierced with small holes with a penknife, the holes to be enlarged as the canvas becomes wet and its texture closer." Petrolenm for Steam-making.— A suc- cessful exhibition was recently made at Pittsburg of a method of using petroleum as fuel on board steamers. In its main features this new method resembles other methods which have been tried with more or less success — air, steam, and oil-spray being injected into a suitable fire-box. The spray is said to be immediately converted into inflammable gas, becoming a pure, bright, powerful flame, free from smoke. To accomplish this result, the inventor re- sorts to a very simple contrivance, described as follows in the " Journal of the Franklin Institute " : A small hole is drilled into the iron front of the fire-box, and into this passes a tube which branches, as it leaves this point, into two pipes. One of these connects with the boiler itself, and the other with a receptacle containing crude oil. At the junction of these pipes there is an aperture for the admission of atmos- pheric air. Valves of peculiar construction regulate the quantity of steam or oil ad- mitted to the furnace. Our contemporary POPULAR MISCELLANY. 137 gives the following account of the experi- ment made to test the efficacy of this meth- od of employing petroleum in place of coal: "The little steamer Billy Collins was selected by Mr. Campbell for the test. A preliminary blaze of wood under the boiler raised the small quantity of steam neces- sary to start the burner into operation. The oil-valve was opened ae trifle, the steam- valve ditto. The petroleum trickled into the feed-pipe, was caught up by the steam, and both plunged into the depths of the fire-box, a mass of many-tongued, roaring, brilliant flame. As the pressure of steam increased, this flame grew in fury and in- tense heat. The needle of the steam-gauge climbed rapidly up the dial, and in twenty minutes the safety-valve blew off at 120 pounds pressure. ... To ocean-going steamers this device must prove of extraor. dinary interest. A tank of oil, situated at a remote end of the ship, would hold fuel BuflScient for a double trip, and supplant the great coal-bunkers with their attend- ant dirt." What ]Vordenskjdld has done.— A cur- rent misapprehension of the work done by Nordenskjold (pronounced Nordenshuld), in his recent memorable voyage, is cor- rected by the " Pall Mall Gazette." He is supposed to have discovered the " North- east Passage." He has discovered nothing, not even the shore along which he sailed. Every part of his route was known be- fore, and the whole coast-line had been laid down by the expeditions which, for more than three hundred years, have pene- trated from the east and west, or, descend- ing the great Siberian rivets, have crept along the European and Asiatic arctic shores in boats or in dog-sleds. What Norden- skjold has actually done is to have sailed, in one continuous voyage and in one ship, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and to have made en route a series of scientific collec- tions and observations such as no other ex- plorer in these seas — unless, perhaps, him- self in former voyages — had been able to carry away. Professor Nordenskjold is san- guine that he has proved the feasibility of the northeast passage for ships during most sea- sons. This the " Pall Mall Gazette " pro- nounces too hopeful a view, and assuredly a passage which requires over twelve months for its accomplishment can hardly be called " feasible " in any remunerative sense. But one tiling is made clear by this voyage, name- ly, that the great Siberian rivers drive the ice off the coast during several of the late sum- mer and autumn months, and that the Yeni- sei and Obi may be reached during average years. So confident is the Russian Govern- ment that the products of their Asiatic em- pire will find their way to European mar- kets by way of the Siberian rivers and the Arctic Sea, that they have already estab- lished custom-houses at the entrance to the Yenisei and the Obi. Eflfects of Tobacco on the Teeth. — Habit- ual users of tobacco will draw some comfort from observations made by the author of a paper read before the Odontological Society of London. This writer, Mr. Hepburn, says that the direct action of nicotine on the teeth is decidedly beneficial. The alkalini- ty of the smoke must necessarily neutralize any acid secretion which may be present in the oral cavity, and the antiseptic property of the nicotine tends to arrest putrefactive changes in carious cavities. The author is inclined to believe that the dark deposit on the teeth of some habitual smokers is large- ly composed of the carbon of tobacco-smoke. This deposit takes place exactly in those portions where caries is most likely to arise, and on those surfaces of the teeth which escape the ordinary cleansing action of the brush. That tobacco is capable of allaying to some extent the pain of toothache is, he thinks, true — its effect being due not only to its narcotizing power, but also to its direct action on the exposed nerve ; and he is in- clined to attribute the fact of the compara- tively rare occurrence of toothache among sailors in great measure to their habit of chewing. Distribntion of Lnminons Power in the Snn's Rays. — With the aid of a new spec- trometer based on the optical principle that a light becomes invisible when it is in pres- ence of another light about sixty-four times more brilliant, Professor J. W. Draper has been enabled to prove that all the rays of the sun's light possess the same luminous pow- er. In the prismatic spectrum the luminous 138 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. intensity is greatest, not in the yellow but in the red ; and this effect is due to the action of the prism, which narrows and as it were condenses the colored spaces more and more as we pass toward the red, in- creasing the intensity of the light as it does that of the heat. But in the grating or diffraction spectrum the luminous intensity is found by Dr. Draper to be equal in all the visible regions, all the colors being si- multaneously obliterated by an " extinguish- ing light," that is, a light about sixty-four times more brilliant. Dr. Draper describes his new spectrometer in the " American Journal of Science and Arts " for July. The Wild Cattle of Great Britain.— In a work recently published in England is given an account of the origin, history, and pres- ent condition of the wild " white cattle " of Great Britain. The supposed primogeni- tors of these wild cattle were abundant in the Pleistocene age, both in the British Isles and on the neighboring continent, and in later prehistoric times they still existed, as their fossil remains testify. Advancing to historic times, the author, Rev. John Storer, quotes from Herodotus a passage in which mention is made of " large, ferocious, and fleet white bulls " abounding in the country south of Thrace. Poland, Lithuania, and Muscovy were their last strongholds on the Continent of Europe, and they became ex- tinct there in the fifteenth or sixteenth cen- tury. But they have still living representa- tives in England, the Chillingham herd being the most noted. This herd is kept in the park attached to Chillingham Castle in Northumberland, the residence of Lord Tankerville. The earliest historian on this herd, Mr. Storer says, is Thomas Culley, whose book on "Live Stock," published in 1786, is pretty well known. The date of the inclosing of the park of course would probably indicate the period when the wild cattle were first confined, but there seems to be no clear evidence on this point. As long ago as the year 1692, however, there is direct proof in Macken- zie's " View of the County of Northum- berland," published in 1825, that the herd then existed, for among other curious notes given therein are those of William Taylor, the steward of Chillingham : " May, 1692 — Beasts in the parke. My lorde's, 16 white wilde beasts," etc. Since that period they have flourished in fluctuating numbers, never increasing very rapidly, but retaining all their wild characteristics. The herd is now generally kept up to about threescore. Regarding the herd of wild cattle in- closed in Chartley Castle Park, Stafford- shire, the property of Earl Ferrers's family, accounts alluding to them show of their existence as far back as 1658. They are more massive in character than their con- geners of Chillingham, and are not so wild. From what we gather from this most inter- esting work, the characteristics of the two herds are such as might lead one to infer the descent of the domestic breed of short- horns from the Chillingham herd, and the old and almost extinct " long-horn " breed from the Chartley stock. It is a remark- able fact in connection with both these iierds that the animals individually are built on perfect lines, and their general contour is such that many of our great fat-stock breeders would be glad of such correctly formed frames to work upon. Of the existing Scotch herds of wild cattle, the only one now found retaining to any great degree its pristine condition is the Hamilton herd in Cadgow Park, Lanark- shire. In 1874: this herd numbered some forty animals. Other herds have existed, and some half-wild herds still are preserved in a few instances in the British Isles ; of all of these Mr. Storer has given most entertain- ing information. Circnlatlng Libraries and Contagions Disease. — The question having been raised, at a meeting of the directors of the Chicago Public Library, whether books in circulating libraries may become a means of spreading contagious diseases, a committee was ap^^ pointed to investigate the subject. Letters of inquiry were addressed by this commit- tee to medical and sanitary experts, also to librarians in different parts of the country, and the replies (nineteen in number) are set forth by a member of the committee in a communication to the "Library Journal." None of the writers of the replies could give any fact falling under his own observation tending to show that a contagious disease POPULAR MISCELLANY. 139 was ever imparted by a book from a circu- lating library, and hence the question had to be discussed simply as one of theory. The doctors differed, of course, some of them asserting the risk of contagion to be great, while others held it to be nil. The conclusion reached by the committee is that, " while there may be a possibility that contagious diseases may be transmitted by books of a circulating library, the real dan- ger of such transmission is very small." Nevertheless, they recommend to the direc- tors of the library " to act under the advice of the Commissioner of Health, and adopt such regulations as he had suggested, name- ly: that he furnish to the library, whenever he thinks proper, a list of the premises in- fected with contagious diseases, and of their residents ; that no books be loaned to such houses until they are reported by the health office to be free from contagious diseases, and that all books returned from such houses during this period be disinfected before they are replaced on the shelves of the library." Bird-Reasoning. — The first winter after the erection of a telegraph line on the coast of Antrim, Ireland, numbers of starhngs migrating from Scotland were found dead or wounded on the roadside, they having, evidently, in their flight in the dusky morn- ing, struck against the wires. Strange to say, during the following and succeeding winters, hardly a death occurred among the starlings on their arrival. The inference drawn from all this by a wsiter in " Nature " is that " the birds were deeply impressed and understood the cause of the fatal accidents among their fellow travelers, that previous year, and hence carefully avoided the tele- graph wires ; not only so, but the young birds must also have acquired this knowledge and perpetuated it — a knowledge which they could not have acquired by experience or even by instinct, unless the instinct was really inherited memory derived from the parents whose brains were first impressed by it." Habits of the Thresher-Sharlc.— Having received a fine specimen of the fox, or thresher-shark, Mr. Frank Buckland sends to " Land and Water " an account of all he has been able to learn concerning the habits of that animal. Premising that what he says has to be taken with many '' grains of salt," we subjoin the main points of his com- munication. This shark, it appears, is called " the thresher," from the power it has, in company with the sword-fish, to destroy a whale, by jumping into the air and striking the whale with its tail, the sword-fish in the mean time striking the whale from beneath. Mr. Buckland has never seen a thresher hunting mackerel, but believes that this shark " rushes into a shoal of these fish, and lays about right and left with his long tail ; when the frightened mackerel are en- deavoring to fall into their ranks again, the shark has a good opportunity of seizing them one by one." Of the contests between thresher-sharks and whales he gives the fol- lowing animated account, on the authority of one Captain Hill, and in that worthy skipper's own words : " The thresher-sharks just do serve out the whales. The sea some- times is all blood. A whale once got under our vessel — the Hurricane — to get away from these threshers, and when she was there we was afraid to throw a rope over- board, almost to walk about, for fear she should chuck her tail and punch a hole in our vessel. She was full length, in water as clear as gin, right under our bottom, and laid as quiet as a lamb for an hour and a half, and never moved a fin. Where they had been a-threshing of her, the sea was just like blood. I have seen these 'ere threshers fly out of the water as high as the masthead, and down upon the whale while the sword-fish was a pricking of him from underneath. There is always two of 'em — one up and one under ; and I think they hunt together, and you can see the poor whale blow in great agitation ; and I be bound the pair of them don't leave him till they have had their penn'orth out of him. I don't think they leaves him till they kills him." Cost of the Proposed Lake in Algeria.— M. Roudaire, the engineer in charge of the preliminary surveys for flooding the Alge- rian shotts (dried up lake-beds), estimates the cost of the proposed work at not ex- ceeding 20,000,000 francs. It is only ne- cessary to cut through the narrow isthmus separating the head of the Gulf of Gabes 140 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, from the extremity of the shott El-Djerid, to form the proposed sea. In a letter from M. Roudaire to M. de Lesseps, the advan- tages which may be expected to result from the creation of this new sea are stated to be " an immense amelioration of the climate of Algeria and Tunis, since the moisture caused by the evaporation from the vast ex- panse of water will be driven by the prevail- ing southerly winds over these countries, forming a layer of humid atmosphere which will greatly mitigate the intensity of the so- lar rays and retard the cooling of the earth by radiation during the night. The proposed sea, too, being navigable for ships of the greatest draught, will also open a new com- mercial route for the districts lying to the south of the Aures and the Atlas range ; while watercourses which from the south, west, and north converge toward the shotts, but which are now dry during the greater part of the year, will again become rivers, as they once undoubtedly were, leading ultimately to the fertilization of vast tracts of now desert land on their banks." On the Antiqaity of Man. — Starting from the opinion generally accepted among geolo- gists, that man was on the earth at the close of the Glacial epoch, Professor B. F. Mudge adduces evidence to prove that the antiquity of man can not be less than 200,000 years. His argument, as given in the " Kansas City Review of Science," is about as fol- lows : After the Glacial epoch geologists fix three distinct epochs, namely the Champlain, the Terrace, and the Delta, all supposed to be of nearly equal length. Now, we have in the Delta of the Mississippi a means of measuring the duration of the third of these epochs. For a distance of about two hun- dred miles of this delta are seen forest- growths of large trees, one over the other, with interspaces of sand. There are ten of these distinct forest-growths, which have begun and ended one after the other. The trees are the bald cypress {Taxodium) of the Southern States, and some of them were over twenty-five feet in diameter. One con- tained over 5,Y00 annual rings. In some instances these huge trees have grown over the stumps of others equally large; and such instances occur in all, or nearly all, of the ten forest-beds. This gives to each forest a period of 10,000 years. Ten such periods give 100,000 years, to say nothing of the time covered by the interval between the ending of one forest and the beginning of another — an interval which in most casts was considerable. " Such evidence," writes Professor Mudge, " would be received in any court of law as sound and satisfactory. We do not see how such proof is to be discarded when applied to the antiquity of our race. There is satisfactory evidence that man lived in the Champlain epoch. But the Terrace epoch, or the greater part of it, intervenes between the Champlain and the Delta epochs, thus adding to my 100,000 years. If only as much time is given to both those epochs as to the Delta period, 200,000 years is the total result." Tbe Immensity of tlic Stars. — We take from " Le Monde de la Science " the fol- lowing interesting " Considerations on the Stars," by Professor J. Vinot : " It is known that the stars are true suns, that some of them are larger than our own sun, and that around these enormous centers of heat and light revolve planets on which life certainly exists. Our sun is distant from us 38,000,- 000 leagues, but these stars are distant at least 500,000 times as far — a distance that in fact is incommensurable and unimagi- nable for us. Viewed with the unaided eye the stars and the planets look alike, that is, appear to have the same diameter. But, viewed through the telescope, while the planets are seen to possess clearly appreci- able diameters, the stars are still only mere luminous poiuts. The most powerful of existing telescopes, that of Melbourne, which magnifies 8,000 times, gives us an image of one of our planets possessing an apparent diameter of several degrees. Jupiter, for instance, which, seen with the naked eye, appears as a star of the first magnitude, with a diameter of 45" at the most, will in this telescope have its diameter multiplied 8,000 times, and will be seen as if it occu- pied in the heavens an angle of 100°. Mean- while a star alongside of Jupiter, and which to the eye is as bright as that planet, will still be a simple dimensionless point. Never- theless that star is thousands of times more voluminous than the planet! Divide the distance between us and a planet by 8,000, POPULAR MISCELLANY. 141 and you have for result a distance relatively very small ; but divide by 8,000 the enor- mous number of leagues which represents the distance of a star, and there still remain a number of leagues too great to permit of the stars being seen by us in a perceptible form. In considering Jupiter, or any of the planets, we are filled with wonder at the thought that this little luminous point might hide not only all the visible stars, but a number 5,000 fold greater — for of stars visible to our eyes there are only about 5,000. All the stars of these many constel- lations, as the Great Bear, Cassiopeia, Orion, Andromeda, all the stars of the zodiac, even all the stars which are visible only from the earth's southern hemisphere, might be set in one plane, side by side, with no one overlapping another, even without the slightest contact between star and star, and yet they would occupy so small a space that, were it to be multiplied 5,000 fold, that space would be entirely covered by the disk of Jupiter, albeit that disk to us seems to be an inappreciable point." A Scientifie Detective. — One of the most remarkable among recent inventions is the induction - currents balance, briefly de- scribed as follows in the " Athenaeum " : " It consists of two induced currents from sepa- rate induction coils, which are so equal that they neutralize each other. They are con- nected with three elements of a Daniell's battery, with a small clock and microphone, and a receiving telephone. If a piece of metal is placed in one of the coils, the bal- ance of the currents is disturbed, and the clock is heard to tick ; but if another piece of metal, exactly similar, is placed in the opposite coil, the balance is restored, and silence again prevails." From this brief de- scription it will be understood that in this new instrument the phy.sicist has an exqui- sitely sensitive test of the molecular con- stitution of many substances, for it detects the presence of mixtures and alloys, how- ever small the quantity. Hence a scale of qualities may be formed ; and if the value of silver be placed at 115° there can be no question that everything that marks 115° must be silver, 52° will be iron, 40^ lead, and 10° bismuth ; and, further, the instru- ment is at once affected bv magnetism, heat, or strain in the substance under examina- tion, and will indicate even the effect of half a minute's rubbing of a piece of metal between the thumb and finger. The induc- tion-currents balance 'u a contrivance of Professor Hughes's. Stained Windows. — The method of con- structing stained-glass windows is described as follows in " Chambers's Journal " : " The design of the window being determined upon, and the cartoon or full-sized drawing being prepared, a kind of skeleton drawing is made showing only the lines which indi- cate the shape of each separate piece of glass. It is apparently not generally un- derstood that a window is not one piece of glass, to which are applied the various colors displayed, but a number of small pieces, which are united by grooved lead, which incloses each individual fragment, and that each different color we see is the color of that particular piece of glass, the only painting material employed being the dark-brown pigment used to define the more delicate and minute details. This skeleton or working drawing then passes to the cutting-room, where sheets of glass of every imaginable shade are arranged in racks, each bearing a number, by which a particular tint is known. The drawing being numbered on each separate piece of glass by means of a frame containing small pieces of every shade, and each numbered according to the rack containing the glass of that color, the use of this frame renders unnecessary the tedious process of visiting each rack in search of the particular shade required ; the glass is laid bit by bit on the drawing, and each piece is then cut to the required shape by means of a diamond. After the glass is cut, it passes to the paint- er, who, laying it over the drawing, traces upon it with his brush all the details of features, folds of drapery, foliage, etc., as designed by the artist. But as the action of the weather and the continually varying conditions of the atmosphere would speed- ily remove every vestige of paint if left in this state, it is necessary to sutyect the painted glass to the action of heat by plac- ing it for several hours in a kiln, under the influence of which the paint is fused into absolute afiinity with the glass, and 142 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. becomes actually incorporated with its sub- stance. After tbis burning process, it only remains for the different pieces to be united with the grooved leaden framework which binds the whole together. The places where the leads join are then carefully soldered together, and nothing remains but to thoroughly work over the whole surface with a thick kind of cement, which fills up any interstices between the glass and lead, and renders the whole panel perfectly water- tight and weather-proof. " Assimilative Power of Plants. — In a paper read before the Dublin Royal Society, Dr. C. A. Cameron states the result of a prelimi- nary experiment made by him to determine the possibility of substituting for some of the elements in plants other elements of the same atomicity. A sod was taken from a field in which a crop of the so-called artifi- cial grasses (which are chiefly leguminous plants, and not grasses at all) was just peep- ing over ground. It was placed in a box, and one half of the plants were watered twice a week with a weak solution of potas- sium selenate. The total quantity of potas- sium selenate applied to the plants during four weeks amounted to twenty grammes. The result showed that selenic acid, at least when applied in small quantity, does not injure plants. Secondly, it was found that selenic acid had been absorbed by the plants. To determine this point, the plants were partially dried and boiled in strong nitric acid until thoroughly destroyed. The solution was evaporated to dryness, and the residue was treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, which dissolved it nearly completely. The solution was concentrated and mixed with a saturated solution of sulphurous acid, whereupon the liquid assumed at once a deep, blood-red color, from the separation of selenium. The plants had been carefully washed before being dried. In concluding his paper. Dr. Cameron writes as follows: " I think this experiment proves that selenic acid is not injurious to plants when used in small quantity, and that the acid is taken up and retained by plants, or at least by certain varieties of plants. The experiment, however, did not prove whether or not there was a partial replacement of sulphur triox- ide by selenium trioxide or of sulphur by selenium. Having lately become possessed of large quantities of selenium compounds, I propose to grow plants in soil or water free from sulphur in any form, but supplied with potassium and ammonia selenates. Should the results of this proposed experi- ment prove interesting, I shall do myself the honor of submitting them to the so- ciety." Honey-making in the United States. — The annual production of honey in this country is estimated at about 35,000,000 pounds, and the business of bee-keeping is being rapidly systematized. One firm of wholesale grocers in New York keeps as many as 12,000 swarms ; other keepers have often from 3,500 to 5,000 swarms. Arrangements are made with farmers and owners of orchards to allow an apiary of a certain number of swarms to be placed in their grounds. At the distance of three or four miles another apiary is placed with another fanner, and so on. For this accom- modation the bee-keepers pay either in money or in shares. It is estimated that on an average an acre will support twenty-five swarms, yielding fifty pounds of honey each. The apiaries are cared for by men in the employ of the bee-owners. Many ingenious contrivances have been introduced for the purpose of saving the labor of the bees and the keepers. About ten years ago a Ger- man suggested that thin, corrugated sheets of wax, which he called " artificial tablets," should be provided for the bees to make their comb from. These, however, did not come into general use ; but a few years ago Mr. W. M. Hoge effected an improvement by starting the side-walls of the cells. When these "foundations," as they are called, were presented to the bees, the intelligent little creatures at once took advantage of them, and extended the side-walls so as to form the regular hexagonal cell. The ma- chine by which the impression is made on both sides of the wax is very simple, and somewhat resembles a clothes-wringing ma- chine, only the iron rollers are studded with little hexagonal-headed pins just the size of the section of a cell, so that, when the thin sheet of wax is pressed up between the pegs to the height of about one sixteenth of an inch, it offers a substance for the con- struction of the cell-walls. Another re- markable adaptation of machinery is afford- NOTES. 143 ed by the use of a rotating frame, which causes the cells of the comb placed in it to be emptied by centrifugal force. The empty, uninjured comb is afterward replaced in the hive, and again used by the bees. As about three fourths of the time of the bees, it has been computed, is taken up in the construc- tion of the comb, it will be seen that by these contrivances a great saving of bee- labor is effected. Brain-Textnre and mental Make-ap. — The members of the Paris Anthropological Society were not a little surprised by the tenor of a report made by M. Thulie upon the appearance of the brain and cranium of M. Asseline, one of their fellows, lately deceased, at the age of forty-nine. M. As- seline belonged to a "society for mutual autopsy," and the examination of his brain was made by his bereaved cosociefaires, who were prepared to find in it all the common- ly received external indications of a highly refined and intellectual nature. He had been a republican and a materialist ; pos- sessed enormous capacity for work, great faculty of mental assimilation, and an ex- traordinarily retentive memory ; had a gen- tle, kindly disposition, keen susceptibilities, refined taste, and subtile wit. As a writer he had always displayed great learning, un- usual force of style, and elegance of diction ; and in his intercourse with others he had been unassuming, sensitive, and even timid. But " the autopsy showed," says " Nature," " such coarseness and thickness of the con- volutions that M. Broca presumed them to be characteristic of an inferior brain. The fossae or depressions regarded by Gratiolet as of a simian character, and as a sign of cerebral inferiority, which are often found in women, and in some men of undoubted intellectual inferiority, were very much marked, especially on the left parieto-oc- cipital. But the cranial bones were at some points so thin as to be translucent ; the cer- ebral depressions were deeply marked, the frontal suture was not wholly ossified, a decided degree of asjTnmetry was mani- fested in the greater prominence of the right frontal, while, moreover, the brain weighed 1,468 grammes — i. e., about sixty grains above the average given by M. Broca for M. Asseline's age." NOTES. The important statement is made by Professor C. V. Riley that for the feeding of silkworms there is no appreciable dilier- ence between the leaves of the osage or- ange and the mulberry, provided care is taken to reject the more tender and milky leaves of the former, as they are apt to pro- duce flaccidity and disease. A WRITER in " Nature" suggests the em- ployment of carrier-pigeons in the British meteorological service as a means of bringing accounts of the weather at different points in the Atlantic Ocean 300, 400, or even 500 miles out, the pigeons being dispatched on outward voyages of ships leaving such ports as Queenstown, Southampton, etc. The present great difficulty of the meteoro- logical service of Europe is that storms reach the coast unannounced over the At- lantic. Upon the publication of Siemens's re- marks on conveying to a distance, by means of electricity, the power developed by the Falls of Niagara, several electricians de- clared the idea to be preposterous. Thus one writer calculated that the thickness of the cable required to convey to the distance of several hundred miles the current which could be produced by the power of Niagara, would require more copper than exists in the whole of the Lake Superior region. Another statement estimates the cost of the cable at about sixty dollars per lineal foot. But calculations made by Professor Elihu Thomson and Edwin J. Houston, of Phila- delphia, show that these estimates are er- roneous, and that it is possible to convey the total power of Niagara a distance of five hundred miles or more by a copper wire not exceeding one half inch in thickness. Even though in practice this result be unattain- able, the important fact still remains that, with a cable of very limited size, an enor- mous quantity of power may be transferred to considerable distances. Bernhard von Cotta, the eminent Sax- on geologist and Professor of Geology in the University of Freiberg, died at that place September 14th, at the age of seventy- one years. He was an indefatigable student and writer, and his published works are very numerous. His first book, on " The Dendroliths," was written while he was yet a student at Freiberg. Later he was asso- ciated with Naumann in preparing the geo- logical map of Saxony. The first volume of his " Geognostic Travels " appeared in 18.S6, and the second in 1838. One of his principal works, namely the " Introduction to the Study of Geognosy and Geology," first published in 1839, passed through sev- 144 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. eral editions. But his greatest work was undoubtedly his "Geologie der Gegenwart" (The Present State of Geology). This work has passed through five editions. A few of his works have been translated into English and other languages of Europe. The metal scandium, obtained by its dis- coverer Nilsson from ytterbine, has lately been found by P. Cleve in yttrotitanite from Norway. The only oxide of scandium, scan- dine, appears to possess the formula SC2O3. The atomic weight of the new metal is 45. Scandine is a pure white powder, light, in- fusible, and resembling magnesia. The hy- drate of scandium is a white and bulky pre- cipitate like hydrate of alumina. The scan- dium salts are colorless or white ; they have an astringent and very sour taste, very dif- ferent from the sugary taste of the other yttria earths. Scandium is one of the met- als predicted by Mendelejef ; he gave it the name of ekabor, and fixed its atomic weight at 44. The characters of ekabor correspond pretty closely with those of scandium. By means of his new spectroscope, with compound sulphide of carbon prisms, M. Thollon has produced a remarkable map of the solar spectrum. This map is no less than ten metres in length, and is composed of about 4,000 lines. M. Thollon has de- voted great care to reproducing the physiog- nomy of each line; and there are many new features revealed which will doubtless be utilized for theory. The German Empress, Augusta, soon after the death of the young Prince Walde- mar, son of the German Crown-Prince, of- fered a considerable sum of money as a prize for the best essay on " Diphtheria, its Nature and Treatment." A commission of eminent physicians has been appointed, with Dr. von Lansenbeck, of Berlin, as chairman, to award the prize. The lists will remain open until December 16, 1880. The competing essays may be written either in German, French, or English. During the first six months of the pres- ent year, regular tides have been observed in the subterranean waters of the Fort- schritt mine in Bohemia. This strange phe- nomenon has attracted the attention of the Academies of Science of Berlin and Vienna, but as yet no adequate explanation of it has been proposed. A Chinaman was fined ten pounds for " sweeping the streets " in an Australian town. In explanation, it may be mentioned that the streets are metaled with quartz, which is crushed to powder by vehicles, and that the sweepings often give a very lucra- tive return in gold-washing. Here the gold return is largest when the streets are left unswept ! The Rev. Dr. Barnard, President of Co- lumbia College, New York City, in his last annual report, warmly advocates the co-edu- cation of young men and young women in colleges. It is, he says, mainly the spirit of conservatism which opposes the opening of colleges to women, rather than anything inherently objectionable in the proposition itself. That this is so, is made evident by the fact that no such opposition manifests itself to the association of students of both sexes in academies and high-schools, many of which profess to teach the same subjects as the colleges, to the same extent, and to pupils of similar ages. The historian of civilization in some dis- tant future period will probably quote the following passage from a letter written by a British officer in Zululand, as an illustra- tion of the state of civilization existing iu the last quarter of the nineteenth century. This officer writes : " I flatter myself that I put an end to six promising young Zulus. We expected no quarter and gave none. When the fighting was over, some of our native troops were sent out on the errand of dispatching the wounded, many of whom had crawled away into the long grass, and even into the ant-bear holes, but our allies were even with them all round." At Baku, on the Caspian Sea, the resi- due {astalki) left after the final distillation of petroleum is produced in such enormous quantity that its price is only nominal, and much of it is poured into the sea for lack of stowing space or demand. For years it has been the only fuel used on board the war-ships and mercantile steamers of the Caspian. It is employed in cooking also, and for the production of illuminating gas. In the latter case it is allowed to trickle slowly into retorts raised to a dull-red heat, pure gas with a little graphite being the result. Weight for weight, astalki gives four times as great a volume of gas as ordi- nary coal. According to Gerard von Schmitt, phy- sician and traveler, the plant Alikania guaco possesses medicinal properties very effica- cious in the treatment of cancer and allied diseases. The following is Hersch's test for sew- age contamination, or the presence of pu- trescible organic matter in water: Fill a clean pint bottle three quarters full with the water to be tested, and in it dissolve half a teaspoonful of the finest sugar ; then cork the bottle and set it in a warm place for forty-eight hours. If, meanwhile, the water becomes cloudy or milky, it is unfit for do- mestic use. If it remains perfectly limpid, it is probably safe to use. HEINRICH WILHELM DOVE. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. DECEMBEE, 1879. EECENT ANTHEOPOLOGY.* By EDWAED B. TYLOR, D. C. L., F. E. S. IN surveying modern scientific opinion, the student is often remind- ed of a doctrine proclaimed in the ancient hymns of the Zend- Avesta, that of Zrvdna akarana, or "endless time." Our modern schemes of astronomy, geology, biology, are all framed on the assump- tion of past time immense in length. In fact, one reason why the lat- ter sciences grew so slowly till almost our own day, was their being shackled by the bonds of a short chronology, allowing no room for the long successive periods through which it is now clear that the earth with its plants and animals passed into their present state. Even the science of man, though concerned with the later forms of being, be- longing to times which geologists treat as almost modern, has never- theless to deal with periods of time extending far back beyond the range of history and chronology. Looking back four thousand to five thousand years, what is the appearance of mankind as disclosed to us by the Egyptian monuments and inscriptions ? Several of the best-mjtrked races of man were al- ready in existence, including the brown Egyptian himself, the dark- white Semitic man of Assyria or Palestine, the Central African of two varieties, which travelers still find as distinct as ever, namely, the black or negro proper, and the copper-colored negroid, like the Bongo or Nyam-nyam of our own time. Indeed, the evidence accessible as to ancient races of man goes to prove that the causes which brought about their differences in types of skull, hair, skin, and constitution, did their chief work in times before history began. Since then the races which had become adapted to their geographical regions may * Address before the Anthropological Section of the British Association, at Sheffield. VOL. XVI. — 10 146 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. have, on the whole, undergone little change while remaining there, but some alterations are traced as due to migration into new climates. Even these are difficult to follow, masked as they are by the more striking changes produced by intermarriage of races. Now, the view that the races of man are to be accounted for as varied descendants of one original stock is zoologically i:)robable from the close resemblance of all men in body and mind, and the freedom with which races inter- cross. If it was so, then the fact of the different races already exist- ing early in the historical period compels the naturalist to look to a prehistoric period for their development to have taken place in. And, considering how strongly differenced are the negro and the Syrian, and how slowly such changes of complexion and feature take place within historical experience, this prehistoric period was probably of vast length. The evidence from the languages of the world points in the same direction. In times of ancient history we already meet with families of languages, such as the Aryan and the Semitic, and as later history goes on many other families of language come into view, such as the Bantu or Caffre of Africa, the Dravidian of South India, the Malayo-Polynesian, the Algonquin of North America, and other fami- lies. But what we do not find is the parent language of any of these families, the original language which all the other members are dia- lects of, so that this parent tongue should stand toward the rest in the relation which Latin holds to its descendants, Italian and French. It is, however, possible to work back by the method of philological com- parison, so as to sketch the outlines of that early Aryan tongue which must have existed to produce Sanskrit and Persian, Greek and Latin, German, Russian, and Welsh, or the outlines of that early Semitic tongue which must have existed to produce Assyrian, Phoenician, He- brew, and Arabic, Though such theoretical reconstructions of parent language from their descendants may only show a vague and shadowy likeness to the reality, they give some idea of it. And what concerns us here is that theoretical early Aryan and Semitic, or other such re- constructed languages, do not bring our minds appreciably nearer to really primitive forms of speech. However far we get back, the signs of development from still . earlier stages are there. The roots have mostly settled into forms which no longer show the reasons why they were originally chosen, while the inflections only in part preserve traces of their original senses, and the whole structure is such as only a long- lost past can account for. To illustrate this important point, let us remember the system of grammatical gender in Greek or German, how irrationally a classification by sex is applied to sexless objects and thoughts, while even the use of a neuter gender fails to set the confu- sion straight, and sometimes even twists it with a new perversity oj its own. Many a German and Frenchman wishes he could follow the example of our English forefathers who, long ago, threw overboard the whole worthless cargo of grammatical gender. But, looking at gender RECENT ANTHROPOLOGY. 147 in the ancient grammars, it must be remembered that human custom is hardly ever willfully absurd, its unreasonableness usually arising from loss or confusion of old sense. Thus it can hardly be doubted that the misused grammatical gender in Hebrew or Greek is the remains of an older and reasonable phenomenon of language ; but, if so, this must have belonged to a period earlier than we can assign to the theo- retical parent language of either. Lastly, the development of civiliza- tion requires a long period of prehistoric time. Experience and history show that civilization grew up gradually, while every age preserves recognizable traces of the ages which went before. The woodman's axe of to-day still retains much of the form of its ancestor — the stone celt in its wooden handle ; the mathematician's tables keep up in their decimal rotation a record of the early ages when man's ten fingers first taught him to count ; the very letters with which I wrote these lines may be followed back to the figure of birds and beasts and other ob- jects drawn by the ancient Egyptians, at first as mere picture-writing, to denote the things represented. Yet, when we learn from the monu- ments what ancient Egyptian life was like toward five thousand years ago, it appears that civilization had already come on so far that there was an elaborate system of government, an educated literary priest- hood, a nation skilled in agriculture, architecture, and metal-work. These ancient Egyptians, far from being near the beginning of civili- zation, had, as the late Baron Bunsen held, already reached its half- way house. This eminent Egyptologist's moderate estimate of man's age on the earth at about twenty thousand years has the merit of having been made on historical grounds alone, independently of geo- logical evidence, for the proofs of the existence of man in the Quater- nary or mammoth period had not yet gained acceptance. My purpose in briefly stating here the evidence of man's antiquity derived from race, language, and culture, is to insist that these argu- ments stand on their own ground. It is true that the geological argu- ment from the implements in the drift-gravels and bone-caves, by leading to a general belief that man is extremely ancient on the earth, has now made it easier to anthropologists to maintain a rationally sat- isfactory theory of the race-types and mental development of mankind. But we should by no means give up this vantage-ground, though the ladder we climbed by should break down. Even if it could be proved that the flint implements of Abbeville or Torquay were really not so ancient as the pyramids of Egypt, this would not prevent us from still assuming, for other and sufiicient reasons, a period of human life on earth extending many thousand years further back. It is an advantage of this state of the evidence that it to some extent gets rid of the " sensational " element in the problem of fossil man, which it leaves as merely an interesting inquiry into the earliest known relics of savage tribes. Geological criticism has not yet abso- lutely settled either way the claims of the Abbe Bourgeois's flints from 148 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, Thenay to be of niiocene date, or of Mr. Skertclily's from Brandon to be glacial. The accepted point is, that the men who made the ordi- nary flint implements of the drift lived in the Quaternary period char- acterized by the presence of the mammoth in our part of Europe. More than one geologist, however, has lately maintained that this Qua- ternary period was not of extreme antiquity. The problem is, at what distance from the present time the drift-gravels on the valley- slopes can have been deposited by water-action up to one hundred feet or so above the present flood-levels ? It does not seem the prevailing view among geologists that rivers on the same small scale as those at present occupying mere ditches in the wide valley-floors could have left these deposits on the hillsides at a time when they had not yet scooped out the valleys to within fifty or a hundred feet of their pres- ent depth. Indeed, such means are insufiicient out of all proportion to the results, as a mere look down from the hill-tops into such valleys is enough to show. Geologists connect the deposit of the high drift- gravels with the subsidence and elevation of the land, and the power- ful action of ice and water at the close of the Glacial age ; and the term " Pluvial period " is often used to characterize this time of heavy rainfall and huge rivers. It was then that the rude stone implements of palaeolithic man were imbedded in the drift-gravels with the remains of the mammoth and fossil rhinoceros, and we have to ask what events have taken place in these regions since ? The earth's surface has been altered to bring the land and water to their present levels, the huge animals became extinct, the country was inhabited by the tribes whose relics belong to the neolithic or polished-stone age, and afterward the metal-using Keltic nations possessed the land, their arrival being fixed as previous to 400 b, c, the king of the Gauls then being called by the Romans by the name Brennus, which is simply the Keltic word for " king " — in modern Welsh brenin. To take in this succession of events geologists and archaeologists generally hold that a long period is re- quired. Yet there are some few who find room for them all in a com- paratively short period. I will mention Principal Dawson, of Montreal, well known as a geologist in this Association, and who has shown his conviction of the soundness of his views by addressing them to the general public in a little volume, entitled " The Story of the Earth and Man." Having examined the gravels of St. Acheul, on the Somme, where M. Boucher de Perthes found his celebrated drift implements, it appeared to Dr. Dawson that, taking into account the probabilities of a different level of the land, a wooded condition of the country, and great- er rainfall, and a glacial filling up of the Somme Valley with clay and stones subsequently cut out by running water, the gravels could scarce- ly be older than the Abbeville peat, and the age of this peat he esti- mates as perhaps less than four thousand years. Within this period Dr. Dawson includes a comparatively rapid subsidence of the land, with a partial reelevation, which left large areas of the lower grounds beneath RECENT ANTHROPOLOGY. 149 the sea. This he describes as the geological deluge which separates the post-glacial period from the modern, and the earlier from the later prehistoric period of the archaeologists. My reason for going here into these computations of Dr. Dawson's is, that the date about 2200 b. c, to which he thus assigns these great geological convulsions, is actually within historic times. In Egypt successive dynasties had been reigning for ages, and the pyramids had long been built ; while in Babylonia the old Chaldean kings had been raising the temples whose ruins still remain. That is to say, we are asked to receive, as matter of geology, that stupendous geological changes were going on not far from the Mediterranean, including a final plunge of I know not how much of the earth's surface beneath the waters, and yet national life on the banks of the Nile and the Euphrates went on unbroken and apparently undisturbed through it all. To us in this section it is instructive to see how the free use of parox- ysms and cataclysms makes it possible to shorten up geological time. Accustomed as we are to geology demanding periods of time which often seem to history exorbitant, the tables are now turned, and we are presented with the unusual spectacle 'of Chronology protesting against Geology for encroaching on the historical period. In connection with the question of quaternary man, it is worth while to notice that the use of the terms " primeval " or " primitive " man, with reference to the savages of the mammoth period, seems some- times to lead to unsound inferences. There appears no particular rea- son to think that the relics from the drift-beds or bone-caves represent man as he first appeared on the earth. The contents of the caves espe- cially bear witness to a state of savage art, in some respects fairly high, and which may possibly have somewhat fallen off from an ancestral state in a more favorable climate. Indeed, the savage condition gen- erally, though rude and more or less representing early stages of cul- ture, never looks absolutely primitive, just as no savage language ever has the appearance of being a primitive language. What the appear- ance and state of our really primeval ancestors may have been seems too speculative a question, until there shall be more signs of agreement between the anthropologists, who work back by comparison of actual races of man toward an hypothetical common stock, and the zoologists, who approach the problem through the species adjoining the human. There is, however, a point relating to the problem to which attention is due. Naturalists not unreasonably claim to find the geographical cen- ter of man in the tropical regions of the Old World inhabited by his nearest zoological allies, the anthropomorphous apes, and there is at any rate force enough in such a view to make careful quest of human remains worth while in those districts, from Africa across to the East- ern Archipelago. Under the care of Mr. John Evans a fund has been raised for excavations in the caves of Borneo by Mr, Everett, and, though the search has as yet had no striking result, money is well 150 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. spent in carrying on such investigations in likely equatorial forest re- gions. It would be a pity that for want of enterprise a chance, however slight, should be missed of settling a question so vital to anthropol- ogy. While the problem of primitive man thus remains obscure, a some- what more distinct opinion may be formed on the problem of primitive civilized man. When it is asked what races of mankind first attained to civilization, it may be answered that the earliest nations known to have had the ai't of writing, the great mark of civilization as distin- guished from barbarism, were the Egyptians and Babylonians, who in the remotest ages of history appear as nations advanced to the civilized stage in arts and social organization. The question is, under what races to class them ? What the ancient Egyptians were like is well known from the monuments, which show how closely much of the pres- ent fellah population, as little changed in features as in climate and life, represent their ancestors of the times of the Pharaohs. Their reddish-brown skin, and features tending toward the negroid, have led Hartmann, the latest anthropologist who has carefully studied them, to adopt the classification of them as belonging to the African rather than the Asiatic peoples, and especially to insist on their connection with the Berber type, a view which seems to have been held by Blu- menbach. The contrast of the brown Egyptians with the dark-white Syi'O- Arabians on their frontiers is strongly marked, and the portraits on the monuments show how distinctly the Egyptian knew himself to be of diflPerent race from the Semite. Yet there was mixture between the two races, and, what is most remarkable, there is a deep-seated Semitic element in the Egyptian language, only to be accounted for by some extremely ancient and intimate connection. On the whole, the Egyj)- tians may be a mixed race, mainly of African origin, perhaps from the southern Somauli-land, whence the Egyptian tradition was that the gods came, while their African type may have since been modified by Asiatic admixture. Next, as to the early relations of Babylonia and Media, a different problem presents itself. The languages of these nations, the so-called Akkadian and the early Medic, were certainly not of the same family with either the Assyrian or the Persian which afterward prevailed in their districts. Their connection with the Tartar or Turanian family of languages, asserted twenty years ago by Oppert, has since been further maintained by Lenormant and Sayce, and seems, if not conclusively settled, at any rate to have much evidence for it, not depending merely on similarity of words, such as the term for " god," Akkadian dingira, being like the Tartar tengri, but also on the simi- larity of pronouns and grammatical structure by post-positions. Now language, though not a conclusive argument as to race, always proves more or less as to connection. The comparison of the Akkadian lan- guage to that of the Tartar family is at any rate prima facie evidence i RECENT ANTHROPOLOGY. 151 that the nations who founded the ancient civilization of Babylonia, who invented the cuneiform writing, and who carried on the astro- nomical observations which made the name of Chaldean famous for all time, may have been not dark- white peoples like the Assyrians who came after them, but perhaps belonged to the yellow race of Central Asia, of whom the Chinese are the branch now most distinguished in civilization. M. Lenormant has tried to identify among the Assyrian bas-reliefs certain figures of men whose round skulls, high cheek-bones, and low-bridged noses present a Mongoloid type contrasting with that of the Assyrians. We can not, I think, take this as proved, but at any rate in these figures the features are not those of the aquiline Semitic type. The bronze statuette of the Chaldean king called Gudea, which I have examined with Mr. Pinches at the British Museum, is also, with its straight nose and long, thin beard, as un-Assyrian as may be. The anthropological point toward which all this tends is one of great in- terest. We of the white race are so used to the position of leaders in civilization, that it does not come easy to us to think we may not have been its original founders. Yet the white race, whether the dark- whites, such as Phoenicians or Hebrews, Greeks or Romans, or the fair- white's, such as Scandinavians and Teutons, appear in history as fol- lowers and disciples of the Egyptians and Babylonians who taught the world writing, mathematics, philosophy. These Egyptians and Babylonians, so far as present evidence reaches, seem rather to have belonged to the races of brown and yellow skin than to the white race. It may be objected that this reasoning is in several places imper- fect, but it is the use of a departmental address not only to lay down proved doctrines, but to state problems tentatively as they lie open to further inquiry. This will justify my calling attention to a line of argument which, uncertain as it at present is, may perhaps lead to an interesting result. So ancient was civilization among both Egyptians and Chaldeans, that the contest as to their priority in such matters as magical science was going on hotly in the classic ages of Greece and Rome. Looking at the literature and science, the arts and politics of Memphis and of Ur of the Chaldees, both raised to such height of cul- ture nearly five thousand years ago, we ask. Were these civilizations not connected ? did not one borrow from the other ? There is at present a clew which, though it may lead to nothing, is still worth trial. The hint of it lies in a remark by Dr. Birch as to one of the earliest of Egyptian monuments, the pyramid of Kochome, near Sakkara, actu- ally dating from, the first dynasty, no doubt beyond 3000 b, c, and which is built in steps like the seven-storied Babylonian temples. Two other Egyptian pyramids, those of Abu-sIr, are also built in steps. Now, whether there is any connection between the building of these pyramids and the Babylonian towers, does not depend on their being built in stages, but on the number of these stages being seven. As to 152 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the Babylonian towers, there is no doubt, for, though Birs-Nimrud is now a ruinous heap, the classical descriptions of such temples, and the cuneiform inscriptions, put it beyond question that they had seven stages, dedicated to the seven planets. As to the Egyptian pyramids, the archaeologists Segato and Masi positively state of one step-pyramid of Abur-sir, that it had seven decreasing stages, while, on the other hand, Vyse's reconstruction of the step-pyramid of Sakkara shows there only six. Considering the ruinous state of all three step-pyra- mids, it will require careful measurement to settle whether they origi- nally had seven stages or not. If they had, the correspondence can not be set down to accident, but must be taken to prove a connection between Chaldea and Egypt as to the worship of the seven planets, which will be among the most ancient links connecting the civiliza- tions of the world. I hope, by thus calling attention to the question, to induce some competent architect visiting Egypt to place the matter beyond doubt, one way or the other. While speaking of the high antiquity of civilization in Egypt, the fact calls for remark that the use of iron as well as bronze in that country seems to go back as far as historical record reaches. Brugsch writes in his '* Egypt under the Pharaohs," that Egypt throws scorn on the archaeologists' assumed successive periods of stone, bronze, and iron. The eminent historian neglects, however, to mention facts which give a different complexion to the early Egyptian use of metals, namely, that chipped flints, apparently belonging to a prehistoric Stone age, are picked up plentifully in Egypt, while the sharp stones or stone knives used by the embalmers seem also to indicate an earlier time when these were the cutting instruments in ordinary use. Thus there are signs that the Metal age in Egypt, as elsewhere in the world, was preceded by a Stone age, and, if so, the high antiquity of the use of metal only throws back to a still higher antiquity the use of stone. The ancient iron-working in Egypt is, however, the chief of a grouj) of facts which are now affecting the opinions of anthropologists on the question whether the Bronze age everywhere preceded the Iron age. In regions where, as in Africa, iron-ore occurs in such a state that it can, after mere heating in the fire, be forged into implements, the invention of iron-working would be more readily made than that of the composite metal bronze, which perhaps indicates a previous use of copper, afterward improved on by an alloy of tin. Professor Rolleston, in a recent address on the Iron, Bronze, and Stone ages, insists with reason that soft iron may have been first in the hands of many tribes, and may have been superseded by bronze as a preferable material for tools and w^eapons. We moderns, used to fine and cheap steel, hardly do justice to the excellence of bronze, or gun-metal as we should now call it, in comparison with any material but steel. I well remember ray own surprise at seeing in the Naples Museum that the surgeons of Herculaneum and Pompeii used instruments of bronze. RECENT ANTHROPOLOGY. 153 It is when hard steel comes in, that weapons both of bronze and wrought iron have to yield, as when the long, soft iron broadswords of the Gauls bent at the first blow against the pikes of Flaminius's soldiers. On the whole, Professor Virchow's remarks in the " Trans- actions of the Berlin Anthropological Society for 1876," on the ques- tion whether it may be desirable to recognize instead of three only two ages, a Stone age and a Metal age, seem to put the matter on a fair footing. Iron may have been known as early as bronze or even earlier, but nevertheless there have been periods in the life of nations when bronze, not iron, has been the metal in use. Thus there is no- thing to interfere with the facts resting on archseological evidence, that in such districts as Scandinavia or Switzerland a Stone age was at some ancient time followed by a Bronze age, and this again by an Iron age. We may notice that the latter change is what has happened in America within a few centuries, where the Mexicans and Peruvians, found by the Spaniards living in the Bronze age, were moved on into the Iron age. But the question is Avhether we are to accept as a general principle in history the doctrine expounded in the poem of Lucretius, that men first used boughs and stones, that then the use of bronze became known, and lastly iron was discovered. As the evi- dence stands now, the priority of the Stone age to the Metal age is more firmly established than ever, but the origin of both bronze and iron is lost in antiquity, and we have no certain proof which came first. Passing to another topic of our science, it is satisfactory to see with what activity the comparative study of laws and customs, to which Sir Henry Maine gave a new starting-point in England, is now pursued. The remarkable inquiry into the very foundations of soci- ety in the structure of' the family, set afoot by Bachof en in his " Mut- terrecht," and McLennan in his " Primitive Marriage," is now bringing in every year new material. Mr, L. H. Morgan, who, as an adopted Iroquois, became long ago familiar with the marriage laws and ideas of kinship of uncultured races, so unlike those of the civilized world, has lately made, in his "Ancient Society," a bold attempt to solve the whole difiicult problem of the development of social life. I will not attempt here any criticism of the views of these and other wi-iters on a problem where the last word has certainly not been said. My object in toitching the subject is to mention the curious evidence that can still be given by rude races as to their former social ties, in traditions which will be forgotten in another generation of civilized life, but may still be traced by missionaries and others who know what to seek for. Thus, such inquiry in Polynesia discloses remarkable traces of a prevalent marriage-tie which was at once polygamous and jjolyan- drous, as where a family of brothers were married jointly to a family of sisters ; and I have just noticed in a recent volume on " Native Tribes of South Australia," a mention of a similar state of things oc- 154 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. curring there. As to the general study of customs, the work done for years past by such anthropologists as Professor Bastian, of Berlin, is producing substantial progress. Among recent works "I will mention Dr. Karl Andree's " Ethnologische Parallelen," and Mr. J. A. Farrer's " Primitive Manners." In the comparison of customs and inventions', however, the main difficulty still remains to be overcome, how to de- cide certainly whether they have sprung up independently alike in different lands through likeness in the human mind, or whether they have traveled from a common source. To show how difficult this often is, I may mention the latest case I have happened to meet with. The Orang Dongo, a mountain people in the Malay region, have a custom of inheritance that when a man dies the relatives each take a share of the property, and the deceased inherits one share for himself, which is burned or buried for his ghost's use, or eaten at the funeral feast. This may strike many of my hearers as quaint enough, and unlikely to recur elsewhere ; but Mr. Charles Elton, who has special knowledge of our ancient legal customs, has pointed out to me that it was actually old Kentish law, thus laid down in law-French : " Ense- ment seieut les chateus de gauylekendeys parties en treis apres le exequies e les dettes rendues si il y est issue mulier en vye, issi que la mort eyt la une partie, e les fitz e les filles muliers lautre partie e la femme la tierce partie." — (" In like sort let the chattels of gavelkind persons be divided into three after the funeral and payment of debts, if there be lawful issue living, so that the deceased have one part, and the lawful sons and daughters the other part, and the wife the third part.") The Church had indeed taken possession, for pious uses, of the dead man's share of his own property ; but there is good Scandi- navian evidence that the original custom before Christian times was for it to be put in his burial-mound. Thus the right of the rude Malay tribe corresponds with that of ancient Europe, and the question which the evidence does not yet enable us to answer, is whether the custom was twice invented, or whether it spread east and west from a common source, perhaps in the Aryan district of Asia. It remains for me to notice the present state of comparative my- thology, a most interesting but also most provoking part of anthropol- ogy. More than twenty years ago a famous essay, by Professor Max Mulier, made widely known in England how far the myths in the classical dictionary and the story-books of our own lands might find their explanation in poetic nature-metaphors of sun and sky, cloud and storm, such as are preserved in the ancient Aryan hymns of the Veda. Of course it had been always known that the old gods and heroes were in some part personifications of nature — that Helios and Okeanos, though they walked and talked and begat sons and daughters, were only the Sun and Sea in poetic guise. But the identifications of the new school Avent further. The myth of Endymion became the simple nature-story of the setting Sun meeting Selene the Moon ; and I well RECENT AXTHROPOLOGY. 155 remember how, at the Royal Institution, the aged scholar. Bishop Thirlwall, grasped the stick he leaned on, as if to make sure of the ground under his feet, when he heard it propounded that Erinys, the dread avenger of murder, was a personification of the Dawn discover- ing the deeds of Darkness. Though the study of mythology has grown apace in these later years, and many of its explanations will stand the test of future criticism, I am bound to say that mythologists, always an erratic race, have of late been making wilder work than ever with both myth and real history — finding mythic suns and skies in the kings and heroes of old tradition, with dawns for love-tales, storms for wars, and sunsets for deaths, often with as much real cogency as if some my- thologist a thousand years hence should explain the tragic story of Mary Queen of Scots as a nature-myth of a beauteous dawn rising in splendor, prisoned in a dark cloud-island, and done to death in blood- red sunset. Learned treatises have of late, by such rash guessings, shaken public confidence in the more sober reasonings on which com- parative mythology is founded, so that it is well to insist that there are cases where the derivation of myths from poetic metaphors is really proved beyond doubt. Such an instance is the Hindoo legend of King Bali, whose austerities have alarmed the gods themselves, when Yamana, a Brahmanic Tom Thumb, begs of him as much land as he can measure in three steps ; but when the boon is granted, the tiny dwarf expands gigantic into Vishnu himself, and striding with one step across the earth, with another across the air, and a third across the sky, drives the king down into the infernal regions, where he still reigns. There are various versions of the story, of which one may be read in Southey ; but in the ancient Vedic hymns its origin may be found when it was not as yet a story at all, only a poetic metaphor of Vishnu, the Sun, whose oft-mentioned act is his crossing the airy re- gions in his three strides. " Vishnu traversed (the earth), thrice he put down his foot ; it was crushed under his dusty step. Three steps hence made Vishnu, unharmed preserver, upholding sacred things." Both in the savage and civilized world there are many myths which may be plainly traced to such poetic fancies before they have yet stiffened into circumstantial tales ; and it is in following out these, rather than in recklessly guessing myth-origins for every tradition, that the sound work of the mythologist lies. The scholar must not treat such nature-poetry like prose, spoiling its light texture with too heavy a grasp. In the volume published by our new Folk-Lore So- ciety, which has begun its work so well, Mr. Lang gives an instance of the sportive nature-metaphor which still lingers among popular story- tellers. It is Breton, and belongs to that wide-spread tale of which one version is naturalized in England as " Dick Whittington and his Cat." .The story runs thus : The elder brother has the cat, while the next brother, who has a cock left him, fortunately finds his way to a land where (there being no cocks) the king has every night to send 156 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. chariots and horses to bring the dawn ; so that here the fortunate owner of Chanticleer has brought him to a good market. Thus we see that the Breton peasant of our day has not even yet lost the mythic sense with which his remote Aryan ancestors could behold the chariots and horses of the dawn. But myth, though largely based on such half -playful metaphor, runs through all the intermediate stages which separate poetic fancy from crude philosophy embodied in stories seri- ously devised as explanations of real facts. No doubt many legends of the ancient world, though not really history, are myths which have arisen by reasoning on actual events, as definite as that which, some four years ago, was terrifying the peasant-mind in North Germany, and especially in Posen. The report had spread far and wide that all Catholic children with black hair and blue eyes were to be sent out of the country, some said to Russia, while others declared that it was the King of Prussia who had been playing cards with the Sultan of Turkey, and had staked and lost forty thousand fair-haired, blue-eyed children ; and there were Moors traveling about in covered carts to collect them ; and the schoolmasters were helping, for they were to have five dollars for every child they handed over. For a time the popular excitement was quite serious : the parents kept the children away from school and hid them, and w^hen they appeared in the streets of the market-town the little ones clung to them with terrified looks. Dr. Schwartze, the well-known mythologist, took the pains to trace the rumor to its sources. One thing was quite plain, that its prime cause was that grave and learned body, the Anthropological Society of Berlin, who, without a thought of the commotion they were stirring up, had, in order to class the population as to race, induced the authorities to have a census made throughout the local schools, to ascertain the color of the children's skin, hair, and eyes. Had it been only the boys, to the Gov- ernment inspection of whom for military conscription the German peas- ants are only too well accustomed, nothing would have been thought of it ; but why should the officials want to know about the little gii-ls' hair and eyes ? The whole group of stories which suddenly sprang up were myths created to answer this question ; and even the details which became embodied with them could all be traced to their sources, such as the memories of German princes selling regiments of their peo- ple to pay their debts, the late political negotiations between Germany and Russia, etc. The fact that a caravan of Moors had been traveling about as a show accounted for the covered carts with which they were to fetch the children ; while the schoolmasters were naturally impli- cated, as having drawn up the census. One schoolmaster, who evi- dently knew his people, assured the terrified parents that it was only the children with blue hair and green eyes that were wanted — an ex- planation which sent them home quite comforted. After all, there is no reason why we should not come in time to a thorough understanding of mythology. The human mind is much what it used to be, and the ON RADIANT MATTER. 157 principles of myth-making may still be learned from the peasants of Europe. When, within the memory of some here present, the science of man was just coming into notice, it seemed as though the study of races, customs, traditions, were a limited though interesting task, which might, after a few years, come so near the end of its materials as no longer to have much new to offer. Its real course has been far otherwise. Twenty years ago it was no difficult task to follow it step by step ; but now even the yearly list of new anthropological litera- ture is enough to form a pamphlet, and each capital of Europe has its anthropological society in full work. So far from any look of finality in anthropological investigations, each new line of argument but opens the way to others behind, while these lines tend as plainly as in the sciences of stricter weight and measure toward the meeting-ground of all sciences in the unity of nature. — Nature. ON RADIANT MATTER.* By WILLIAM CEOOKES, F. E. S. n. Eadiant Hatter exerts Strong Mechanical Actioji ichere it strikes. WE have seen, from the sharpness of the molecular shadows, that radiant matter is arrested by solid matter placed in its path. If this solid body is easily moved, the impact of the molecules will reveal itself in strong mechanical action, Mr. Gimingham has con- structed for me an ingenious piece of apparatus which, when placed in the electric lantern, will render this mechanical action visible to all present. It consists of a highly-exhausted glass tube (Fig. 11), hav- * A lecture delivered before the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at Sheffield, Friday, August 22, 1879. 158 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ing a little glass railway running along it from one end to the other. The axle of a small wheel revolves on the rails, the spokes of the wheel carrying wide mica paddles. At each end of the tube, and rather above the center, is an aluminium pole, so that whichever pole is made negative the stream of radiant matter darts from it along the tube, and striking the upper vanes of the little paddle-wheel, causes it to turn round and travel along the railway. By reversing the poles I can arrest the wheel and send it the reverse way ; and if I gently incline the tube, the force of impact is observed to be sufficient even to drive the wheel uj) hill. This experiment, therefore, shows that the molecular stream from the negative pole is able to move any light object in front of it. The molecules being driven violently from the pole, there should be a recoil of the pole from the molecules, and by arranging an appa- ratus so as to have the negative pole movable and the body receiving the impact of the radiant matter fixed, this recoil can be rendered sensible. In appearance the apparatus (Fig. 12) is not unlike an ordi- nary radiometer with aluminium disks for vanes, each disk coated on one side with a film of mica. The fly is supported by a hard steel instead of glass cup, and the needle-point on which it w^orks is con- nected by means of a wire with a platinum terminal sealed into the glass. At the top of the radiometer-bulb a second terminal is sealed in. The radiometer, therefore, can be connected with an induction- coil, the movable fly being made the negative pole. ON RADIANT MATTER. 159 For these mechanical effects the exhaustion need not be so high as when phosphorescence is produced. The best pressure for this elec- trical radiometer is a little beyond that at which the dark space round the negative pole extends to the sides of the glass bulb. When the pressure is only a few millimetres of mercury, on passing the induction- current a halo of velvety violet light forms on the metallic side of the vanes, the mica side remaining dark. As the pressure diminishes, a dark space is seen to separate the violet halo from the metal. At a pressure of half a millimetre this dark space extends to the glass, and rotation commences. On continuing the exhaustion the dark space further widens out and appears to flatten itself against the glass, when the rotation becomes very rapid. Here is another piece of apparatus (Fig, 13) which illustrates the mechanical force of the radiant matter from the negative pole. A stem (a) carries a needle-point in which revolves a light mica fly {b b). The fly consists of four square vanes of thin, clear mica, supported on light aluminium arms, and in the center is a small glass cap, which rests on the needle-point. The vanes are inclined at an angle of 45° to the horizontal plane. Below the fly is a ring of fine platinum wire (c c), the ends of which pass through the glass at cl d. An aluminium terminal (e) is sealed in at the top of the tube, and the whole is ex- hausted to a very high point. By means of the electric lantern I project an image of the vanes on the screen. Wires from the induction-coil are attached, so that the platinum ring is made the negative pole, the aluminium wire (e) being positive. Instantly, owing to the projection of radiant matter from the platinum ring, the vanes rotate with extreme velocity. Thus far the apparatus has shown nothing more than the previous experi- ments have prepared us to expect ; but observe what now happens. I disconnect the induction-coil altogether, and connect the two ends of the platinum wire with a small galvanic battery : this makes the ring c c red-hot, and under this influence you see that the vanes spin as fast as they did when the induction-coil was at work. Here, then, is another most important fact. Radiant matter in these high vacuS, is not only excited by the negative pole of an induc- tion-coil, but a hot wire will set it in motion with force sufficient to drive round the sloping vanes. Radiant Matter is deflected by a 3Iagnet. — I now pass to an- other property of radiant matter. This long glass tube (Fig. 14) is very highly exhausted ; it has a negative pole at one end {a) and a long phosphorescent screen (J), c) down the center of the tube. In front of the negative pole is a plate of mica {b, d) with a hole (e) in it, and the result is, when I turn on the current, a line of phosphores- cent light {e,f) is projected along the whole length of the tube. I now place beneath the tube a powerful horseshoe magnet : observe how the line of light (e, g) becomes curved under the magnetic influ- i6o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ence waving about like a flexible wand as I move tbe magnet to and fro. This action of the magnet is very curious, and if carefully fol- lowed up will elucidate other properties of radiant matter. Here (Fig. 15) is an exactly similar tube, but having at one end a small potash tube, which if heated will slightly injure the vacuum. I turn on the induction-current, and you see the ray of radiant matter tracing its trajectory in a curved line along the screen, under the in- fluence of the horseshoe magnet beneath. Observe the shape of the curve. The molecules shot from the negative pole may be likened to a discharge of iron bullets from a mitrailleuse, and the magnet be- neath will represent the earth curving the trajectory of the shot by gravitation. Here on this luminous screen you see the curved trajec- tory of the shot accurately traced. Now suppose the deflecting force to remain constant, the curve traced by the projectile varies with the velocity. If I put more powder in the gun, the velocity will be greater and the trajectory flatter ; and if I interpose a denser resisting medium between the gun and the target, I diminish the velocity of the shot, and thereby cause it to move in a greater curve and come to the ground sooner. I can not well increase before you the velocity of my stream of radiant molecules by putting more powder in my bat- tery, but I will try and make them suffer greater resistance in their ON RADIANT MATTER. i6i flight from one end of the tube to the other. I heat the caustic pot- ash with a spirit-lamp and so throw in a trace more gas. Instantly the stream of radiant matter responds. Its velocity is impeded, the magnetism has longer time on which to act on the individual mole- cules, the trajectory gets more and more curved, until, instead of shooting nearly to the end of the tube, my molecular bullets fall to the bottom before they have got more than half way. It is of great interest to ascertain whether the law governing the magnetic deflection of the trajectory of radiant matter is the same as has been found to hold good at a lower vacuum. The experiments I have just shown you were with a very high vacuum. Here is a tube with a low vacuum (Fig. 16). When I turn on the induction-spark, it passes as a narrow line of violet light joining the two poles. Under- neath I have a powerful electro-magnet, I make contact with the magnet, and the line of light dips in the center toward the magnet. I reverse the poles, and the line is driven up to the top of the tube. Notice the diiference between the two phenomena. Here the action is temporary. The dip takes place under the magnetic influence ; the line of discharge then rises and pursues its path to the positive pole. In the high exhaustion, however, after the stream of radiant matter had dipped to the magnet it did not recover itself, but continued its path in the altered direction. By means of this little wheel, skillfully constructed by Mr. Giming- ham, I am able to show the magnetic deflection in the electric lantern. The apparatus is shown in this diagram (Fig. IT). The negative pole {a, h) is in the form of a very shallow cup. In front of the cup is a mica screen (e, d), wide enough to intercept the radiant matter coming from the negative pole. Behind this screen is a mica wheel {e,f) M-ith a series of vanes, making a sort of paddle-wheel. So arranged, the molecular rays from the pole a h will be cut off from the wheel, and will not produce any movement. I now put a magnet, g, over the tube, so as to deflect the stream over or under the obstacle c d, and the result will be rapid motion in one or the other direction, according to the way the magnet is turned, I throw the image of the apparatus on the screen. The spiral lines painted on the wheel show which way it VOL. XVI. — 11 l62 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. turns. I arrange the magnet to draw the molecular stream so as to beat against the upper vanes, and the wheel revolves rapidly as if it were an overshot water-wheel. I turn the magnet so as to drive the radiant matter underneath ; the wheel slackens speed, stops, and then begins to rotate the other way, like an undershot water-wheel. This can be repeated as often as I reverse the position of the magnet. I have mentioned that the molecules of the radiant matter dis- charged from the negative pole are negatively electrified. It is prob- able that their velocity is owing to the mutual repulsion between the similarly electrified pole and the molecules. Tn less high vacua, such as you saw a few minutes ago (Fig. 16), the discharge passes from one pole to another, carrying an electric current, as if it were a flexible wire. Now it is of great interest to ascertain if the stream of radiant matter from the negative pole also carries a current. Here (Fig. 18) is an apparatus which will decide the question at once. The tube con- tains two negative terminals {a, h) close together at one end, and one positive terminal (c) at the other. This enables me to send two streams of radiant matter side by side along the phosphorescent screen, or, by disconnecting one negative pole, only one stream. Oy RADIANT MATTER. 163 If the streams of radiant matter carry an electric current, they will act like two parallel conducting wires and attract one another ; but if they are simply built up of negatively electrified molecules, they will repel each other. I will first connect the upper negative pole {a) with the coil, and you see the ray shooting along the line d, f. I now bring the lower negative pole {b) into play, and another line {e, h) darts along the screen. But notice the way the first line behaves : it jumps up from its first position, df, to d r/, showing that it is repelled, and if time permitted I could show you that the lower ray is also deflected from its normal direction : therefore the two parallel streams of radiant matter exert mutual repulsion, acting not like current carriers, but merely as similarly electrified bodies. Radiant Matter produces Heat when its Motion is arrested. — Dur- ing these experiments another property of radiant matter has made itself evident, although I have not yet drawn attention to it. The glass gets very warm where the green phosphorescence is strongest. The molecular focus on the tube, which Ave saw earlier in the evening (Fig. 8), is intensely hot, and I have prepared an apparatus by which this heat at the focus can be rendered apparent to all present. I have here a small tube (Fig. 19, «) with a cup-shaped negative pole. This cup projects the rays to a focus in the middle of the tube. At the side of the tube is a small electro-magnet, which I can set in action by touching a key, and the focus is then drawn to the side of the glass tube (Fig. 19, i.) To show the first action of the heat, I have coated the tube with wax. I will put the apparatus in front of the electric lantern (Fig. 20, r7), and throw a magnified image of the tube on the screen. The coil is now at work, and the focus of molecular rays is projected along the tube. I turn the magnetism on, and draw the focus to the side of the glass. The first thing you see is a small circu- lar patch melted in the coating of wax. The glass soon begins to disintegrate, and cracks are shooting star wise from the cen- ter of heat. The glass is softening. Now the atmospheric pressure forces it in, and now it melts. A hole [e] is perforated in the middle, the air rushes in, and the experiment is at an end. I can render this focal heat more evident if I allow it to play on a piece of metal. This bulb (Fig. 21) is furnished with a negative pole in the form of a cup (a). The rays will therefore be projected to a focus on a piece of iridio platinum {h) supported in the* center of the bulb. b (U' 164 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. I first turn on the induction-coil slightly, so as not to bring out its full power. The focus is now playing on the metal, raising it to a white-heat. I bring a small magnet near, and you see I can de- flect the focus of heat just as I did the luminous focus in the other tube. By shifting the magnet I can drive the focus up and down or draw it completely away from the metal and leave it non-luminous. I withdraw the magnet, and let the molecules have full play again ; ON RADIANT MATTER. 165 the metal is now -white-hot. I increase the intensity of the sj^ark. The iridio-platinum glows with almost insupportable brilliancy, and at last melts. The Chemistry of Radiant JIatter.— Fig. 21. As might be expected, the chemical dis- tinctions between one kind of radiant mat- ter and another at these high exhaustions are difficult to recognize. The physical properties I have been elucidating seem to be common to all matter at this low density. Whether the gas originally un- der experiment be hydrogen, carbonic acid, or atmospheric air, the phenomena of phos- phorescence, shadows, magnetic deflection, etc., are identical, only they commence at different pressures. Other facts, however, show that at this low density the mole- cules retain their chemical characteristics. Thus by introducing into the tubes appro- priate absorbents of residual gas, I can see that chemical attraction goes on long after the attenuation has reached the best stage for showing the phenomena now under illustration, and I am able by this means to carry the exhaustion to much higher de- grees than I can get by mere pumping. Working with aqueous vapor, I can use phosphoric anhydride as an absorbent ; with carbonic acid, potash ; with hydrogen, palladium ; and with oxygen, carbon, and then potash. The highest vacuum I have yet succeeded in obtaining has been the ^-o.o-oV.Tro o^ ^^ atmosphere, a degree which may be bet- ter understood if I say that it corresponds to about the hundredth of an inch in a barometric column three miles hish. It may be objected that it is hardly consistent to attach primary importance to the presence of matter, when I have taken extraordinary pains to remove as much matter as possible from these bulbs and these tubes, and have succeeded so far as to leave only about the one mil- lionth of an atmosphere in them. At its ordinary pressure the atmos- phere is not very dense, and its recognition as a constituent of the world of matter is quite a modern notion. It would seem that, when divided by a million, so little matter will necessarily be left that we may justifiably neglect the trifling residue, and apply the term vacuum to space from which the air has been so nearly removed. To do so, however, would be a great error, attributable to our limited faculties being unable to grasp high numbers. It is generally taken for granted that when a number is divided by a million the quotient must neces- i66 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sarily be small, whereas it may happen that the original number is so large that its division by a million seems to make little impression on it. According to the best authorities, a bulb of the size of the one before you (13"5 centimetres in diameter) contains more than 1,000000,- 000000,000000,000000 (a quadrillion) molecules. Now, when exhausted to a millionth of an atmosphere we shall still have a trillion molecules left in the bulb — a number quite sufficient to justify me in speaking of the residue as matter. To suggest some idea of this vast number, I take the exhausted bulb, and perforate it by a spark from the induction-coil. The spark produces a hole of microscopical fineness, yet sufficient to allow mole- cules to penetrate and to destroy the vacuum. The inrush of air im- pinges against the vanes and sets them rotating after the manner of a windmill. Let us suppose the molecules to be of such a size that, at every second of time, a hundred million could enter. How long, think you, would it take for this small vessel to get full of air ? An hour ? A day ? A year ? A century ? Nay, almost an eternity ! — a time so enormous that imagination itself can not grasp the reality. Supposing this exhausted glass bulb, indued with indestructibility, had been pierced at the birth of the solar system ; supposing it to have been present when the earth was without form and void ; sup- posing it to have borne witness to all the stupendous changes evolved during the full cycles of geologic time, to have seen the first living creature aj^pear, and the last man disappear ; supposing it to survive until the fulfillment of the mathematicians' prediction that the sun, the source of energy, four million centuries from its formation will ultimately become a burned-out cinder ; * supposing all this — at the rate of filling I have just described, one hundred million molecules a second — this little bulb even then would scarcely have admitted its full quadrillion of molecules, f But what will you say if I tell you that all these molecules, this quadrillion of molecules, will enter through the microscopic hole be- * The possible duration of the sun from formation to extinction has been variously estimated by different authorities at from eiahteen million years to four hundred million years. For the purpose of this illustration I have taken the highest estimate. f According to Mr. Johnstone Stoney ("Philosophical Magazine," vol. xxxvi., p. 141), 1 c. c. of air contains about 1000,000000,000000,000000 molecules. Therefore, a bulk 13-5 centims. diameter contains 13-53 >< 0-5236 X 1000,000000,000000,000000 or 1,288252,350000,000000,000000 molecules of air at the ordinary pressure. Therefore the bulk, when exhausted to the millionth of an atmosphere, contains 1,288252,350000,- 000000 molecules, leaving 1,288251,061*747,650000,000000 molecules to enter through the perforation. At the rate of 100,000000 molecules a second, the time required for them all to enter will be — 12882,510617,476500 seconds, or 214,708510,291275 minutes, or 3,578475,171521 hours, or 149103,132147 days, or 408,501731 years. THE GENESIS OF SEX. 167 fore you leave this room ? The hole being unaltered in size, the num- ber of molecules undiminished, this apparent paradox can only be explained by again supposing the size of the molecules to be dimin- ished almost intinitely — so that, instead of entering at the rate of one hundred millions every second, they troop in at a rate of something like three hundred trillions a second ! I have done the sum, but fig- ures when they mount so high cease to have any meaning, and such calculations are as futile as trying to count the drops in the ocean. In studying this fourth state of matter we seem, at length, to have within our grasp and obedient to our control the little indivisible par- ticles which, with good warrant, are supposed to constitute the physi- cal basis of the universe. We have seen that, in some of its proper- ties, radiant matter is as material as this table, while in other properties it almost assumes the character of radiant energy. We have actually touched the border-land where matter and force seem to merge into one another, the shadowy realm between known and unknown, which for me has always had peculiar temptations. I venture to think that the greatest scientific problems of the future will find their solution in this border-land, and even beyond ; here, it seems to me, lie ultimate realities, subtile, far-reaching, Avonderful, " Yet all these were, when no man did them know, Yet have from wisest ages hidden beene ; And later times thinges more unknovvne shall show. Why then should vvitlesse man so much misweene, That nothing is, but that which he hath seene? " THE GENESIS OF SEX.* Br Professor JOSEPH LE CONTE. THE subject on which I address you to-day is one which is still veiled in much obscurity — so much so, indeed, that it is barely alluded to by evolutionists, is not touched upon by physiologists, and is regarded by the popular mind, even the intelligent popular mind, as wholly beyond the possible ken of human science. 1, Defining the Subject. — In regard to the origin of sex there are two distinct yet closely-related questions : 1. The origin of sex in the history of the individual ; 2. The origin of sex in the history of the organic kingdom. The one question is, " What are the conditions which determine the appearance of the one or the other sex in the de- * In order to explain the forms of expression in some parts of this article, it is neces- sary to state that it was delivered in 1877 as a lecture to the class in Comparative Pb.ysi- ology in the University of California, and again in 1878 to the class in Physiology of the medical department of the same. i68 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. velopment of the embryo?" The other question is, "What is the process and what are the steps by which sex was developed and then gradually differentiated in the evolution of the organic kingdom ? " The one is the genesis of sex in ontogeny ; the other the genesis of sex in phylogeny. It is this latter question which I wish to bring be- fore you to-day. The two questions, however, though distinct, are yet closely re- lated. The ontogeny is a rapid recapitulation of the main points of the phylogeny. As in the former, sex was developed out of a primi- tive sexless condition of the embryo, so in the latter the sexed condi- tion so universal now among mature organisms was evolved out of a primitive sexless condition of the organic kingdom. In the ontogeny some of the conditions which determine sex have been determined and others surmised. In some animals, as, for example, in some insects and crustaceans, the fact of fertilization or non-fertilization deter- mines with certainty the sex, as proved by the well-known observa- tions of Siebold and others on parthenogenesis. In others it is prob- ably the degree of maturity of the ovule at the moment of fertilization that determines it, as shown by the experiments of Cornaz under the direction of Thury.* In still others, as, for example, in butterflies, it seems to be the kind and degree of nutrition of the larvae, as shown by the observations of Mrs. Treat.f In still others it may be the prepo- tency of the one parent or the other, or still other causes wholly un- known. In any case, however, the subject lies fairly within the do- main of science ; the conditions will eventually be discovered, and, being known, will be artificially arranged so as to determine the one sex or the other with certainty. But this is not the question which now concerns us, for we have already discussed this in a previous lecture. We wish in this lecture to show that, in the history of the organic kingdom also, sex has been gradually evolved out of a primitive sexless condition, and if possible to catch some glimpses of the main steps of the process. The most important steps are indeed very obscure ; but this is only because these are among the very earliest steps of evolution. 2. The General Law under which the Process falls. — Now, the law under which I wish to bring the process of evolution of sex is that most universal of all the laws of evolution, viz., the laio of differentiation. We have already explained to you and illustrated in many ways how, from an almost unorganized condition, in which every part is like every other part, and each part performs in an imperfect manner all the functions necessary to life — how, I say, from this primi- tive generalized condition, the several organs were gradually differen- tiated, the several functions separated and localized, and thus the com- plex work of the body parceled out by division of labor, until in the * " Biblioth^que Universelle," September, 1863. f "American Naturalist," 1873 ; "Popular Science Monthly," June, 1873, THE GENESIS OF SEX. 169 highest organisms each part or organ has but one function to perform, and therefore does it thoroughly. You will observe that the final cause, the end to be attained, the raison cFetre, in all this process is better xcorl; a better result. Now, my object will be to bring the ori- gin of sex under this general law — to show some of the steps, and that each step was attended with better results. 3. The Ki>"ds and Grades of Repeoduction. — You already know that there are two fundamentally distinct kinds of reproduction, viz., sexual and non-sexual — so distinct, indeed, that there seems to be no possible connection between them. But remember that not only are our distinctions in science far more trenchant than they are in na- ture, but also that the distinctions in nature noio are far more trench- ant than they were in early geological times. It is the peculiarity of modern science, under the guidance of the doctrine of evolution, that it loves to dwell upon the gradations rather than upon the distinctions — it seeks for the missing links which make the chain of nature con- tinuous. Now, there are several grades of sexual as well as of non- sexual reproduction ; and through these grades they closely approxi- mate each other. For example : sexual reproduction consists essen- tially in the union of two different cells, the germ-cell and the sjyerm- cell, to form one cell, the ovum. It is in the most literal sense a union of diverse ticain to form one flesh. These two cells may be called the sexual elements. This is all that is absolutely necessary to the idea of sexual reproduction, even though the tico elements may be formed by the same organ. But, further, the two elements are usually elaborated by two distinct organs, viz., the ovary and the spermary. These are the essential sexual organs. When these two organs are found in the same individual, the condition is called bisexuality, or hermaphroditism. Further, in the higher animals these two organs exist in different in- dividuals. This condition is called unisexuality . Thus there are sev- eral grades of sexuality. The sexual elements only may be separated, or in addition the sexual organs may be separated, or in addition there may be distinct sexual individuals. Any mode of reproduction not answering to this description is non-sexual. But non-sexual reproduc- tion also is of different grades. The lowest is fission. A cell or a community of cells grows and divides itself into two. Each half, again, grows and divides, and so on ad infinitum. Next above this is bud- ding. A spot on the external surface of an organism groAvs more rap- idly than contiguous spots, and forms a tubercle which grows into a bud, assumes the form and structure of the parent, and finally sepa- rates. In the next grade the budding is internal, from a sj^ecial organ simulating an ovary, though not a true ovary, as in aphides. Finally, in parthenogenesis we have a perfect ovary forming true ova and per- fect embryo without fertilization or cooperation of the sperm-cell. Now, my object, more specifically stated, is to show — 1, that the highest form, viz., unisexuality, was developed out of bisexuality 170 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. or hermapbroditism ; 2, that bisexual reproduction was developed out of non-sexual reproduction ; and, 3, that non-sexual reproduction is but an unessential modification of the ordinary process of growth. 4. Facts which furnish a Key to the Process of Deriva- tion.— There are certain facts which throw light on each of these steps, but, as might be expected, the light is far clearer on the higher steps, because these were also the last taken. (a.) Facts lohich hear on the Last Step, viz., the Derivation of Tlnisexuality from Bisexuality. — These facts are taken from both the vegetable and the animal kingdom, but especially the former. They are comprehended under the general term " cross-fertilization of hi- sexuals?'' Plants. — It is a familiar fact that most plants are bisexual, i. e., have both ovary and spermary (anther-cell), in the same individual plant and in the same flower ; and that nearly all such cases are capa- ble of self-fertilization. But Mr. Darwin has shown that, although capable of self-fertilization, yet cross-fertilization — i. e., the fertiliza- tion of the ovules of one flower, or, still better, of the flowers of one plant by the pollen of another — produces more seeds, larger seeds, and stronger seedlings ; in other words, produces better results. Now, it is a law which necessarily results from the principle of the survival of the fittest that Nature ever strives to secure better results. Therefore, she immediately sets to work to contrive methods of insuring cross- fertilization and preventing self-fertilization. The cross-fertilization is insured — 1, by winds, aided by the lightness of the pollen ; and, 2, by insects which carry the pollen from flower to flower. The beauty, the fragrance, and the honey of flowers are undoubtedly intended pri- marily to attract insects, and thus to insure cross-fertilization. But this alone is not sufficient. It is necessary also to prevent self-fertili- zation. This is done sometimes, as in orchids, by sticking together the pollen in masses by means of a gummy substance, so that it can not fly, and placing these masses entirely beyond the reach of the stigma, and sometimes by the maturation of the ovules and of the pol- len at entirely different periods. In these cases the plant is wholly dependent upon insects for their fertilization, and we accordingly often find the most curious and ingenious contrivances in the structure of the flower to make sure that there be no failure in this respect. In other cases self-fertilization is still more effectually prevented by^ separation of the sexes in different flowers {Ifona'cia), or in different plant individuals {Dioecia) — of course, winds and insects being still the carriers between the two sexes. This separation of the sexes was un- doubtedly a gradual process. In bisexual plants, habitually cross-fer- tilized by winds or by insects, the one organ or the other became aborted until first only rudiments remained, and finally even these are lost and unisexuality is complete. These stages are sometimes detect- able. THE GENESIS OF SEX. 171 Animals. — In animals the process is probably similar. Many ani- mals, such as oysters, polyps, etc., are bisexual and self-fertilizing. But even in these, cross-fertilization must be very common, if not the rule. These animals usually live together in great numbers ; the sperm- particles are extremely light and abundant. These are therefore car- ried by waves and currents, so that the waters are full of them, and a promiscuous cross-fertilization is unavoidable. In fact, there can be no doubt that it is in oi'der to insure this cross-fertilization that the sperm-particles are so light and abundant ; and the final cause of this, again, is that cross-fertilization produces better results than self-fertili- zation. But if so, then Nature will take steps not only to insure cross- fertilization, but to prevent self-fertilization. This in animals as in plants can only be done in two ways, viz., either by so placing the two organs that self-fertilization is impossible, or else by separating them in different individuals. A curious example of the former method is found in snails. These animals are bisexuals — i. e., have both ovary and sperraary perfect, but these are so placed that self-fertilization is impossible. They, therefore, mutually cross-fertilize. The latter meth- od, of coarse, produces unisexuality, so universal in higher animals ; but the process was probably the abortion, in habitually cross-fertiliz- ing bisexuals, of one organ or the other in different individuals until unisexuality is established. If, then, we compare plants and animals, we find the steps similar in the two kingdoms. Bisexual animals living together in numbers, and cross-fertilized by waves and currents, correspond to aneraophilous flowers cross-fertilized by winds. Mutually fertilizing bisexuals like snails correspond to orchidaceous plants, except that the cross which is voluntary in the former is effected by insects in the latter. Finally, unisexuals in animals correspond to Dicecia in plants. In both king- doms unisexuality is derived from bisexuality * — in both because thus self-fertilization is prevented and cross-fertilization secured ; and this, again, because thus a better result is secured in the offspring. But the question has probably dwelt in your minds, " Why is it that cross-fertilization produces better results, i. e., stronger progeny, than self-fertilization ? " There are probably two reasons : 1. The elaboration of both ovules and sperm in the same individual is loaste- fal of vital energy. The concentration of vital energy on one repro- ductive element secures that one product in a higher degree of perfec- tion. Thus better sperm and better ovules combine to produce better ova and a stronger embryo. This is in accordance with the effect of differentiation of functions and organs of all kinds. 2. Again, in all cross-fertilization different individual characteristics are inherited by * This must be taken as a general statement only. It is probable that in many cases the opposite or retrograde change occurred, and that the difficulties in the way of cross- fertilization compelled a return to self-fertilizing bisexuality. Such retrograde changes are common in evolution. 172 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the common offspring. Now, among the many characteristics thus inherited from both sides in the offsj^ring, there is a sort of struggle for life and a survival of only the fittest and strongest, and thus the cffsjiring improves by the cross. Now, such cross is most completely secured by the separation of the sexes in different individuals — i. e., by unisexuality. {p.) Facts which bear on the next Preceding Stex>, viz., the Deriva- tion of Bi sexuality from Asexiiallty. — This is doubtless the most ob- scure step ; yet I believe some light is visible. Here is the greatest gap in the process ; yet this gap may be largely filled. Remember, then, that there is a striking correspondence between the embryonic or ontogenic series and the evolution or phylogenic series — that the former is a rapid recapitulation, as it were by memory, of the main points of the latter. The embryo repeats by a kind of organic memory the main point of its descent from primordial proto- plasm. The lesser points, and especially the earliest points, often in- deed drop out of memory, but usually the main points remain. Now, in all the higher animals, ontogeny is a continuous change without break, and completed in one generation. In many lower animals, how- ever, there are apparent pauses, and sudden great changes in this pro- cess of ontogenic development. These are called metamorphoses. In insects, for example, there are two active conditions, the larva and the perfect insect, and a soi*t of second passive egg-stage between — the pupa. Here we have a semblance of, but not really, two generations. Of course, only the perfect insect reproduces. But in many still lower animals we find the metamorphoses occupying two or even more dis- tinct generations. It follows, of course, that in these animals (contrary to what occurs in all higher animals) reproduction takes place both in the larval condition and in the perfect or mature condition. Now, the mode of reproduction in these two conditions is of wholly dif- ferent kinds, the former being non-sexual and the latter sexual. A single example will suffice : The common medusse or jelly-fishes, as you know, are unisexual — i. e., male and female. The fertilized females produce eggs which grow, not into medusae, but into polyp-like ani- mals which are the larval form. These polyps produce buds which open into flower-like bells, then separate and swim away as male and female medusae, which again produce eggs that spring up as polyp- like larvae, etc. Here ontogenesis requires two generations to complete itself. In ontogenesis when both kinds of reproduction occur, the non-sexual (gemmation) precedes the sexual (ovulation). This fact strongly suggests, in fact renders almost certain, that the same is true in phylogenesis, or at least in the phylogenesis of this class. But again : Aphids (plant-lice) also rejjroduce in the larval condi- tion, and only reach maturity after many successive generations, some- times as many as nine or ten. In spring these insects are hatched from eggs in a larval wingless condition. From an internal organ analogous THE GEXESIS OF SEX. 173 to an ovary, but not a true ovary, these larvae end another generation of larvae like themselves, which in their turn, by internal budding, form a third generation, and so on until autumn, when the last genera- tion develop into perfect winged insects, male and female. These last cooperate to produce eggs which hatch next spring, to commence another cycle of changes. Here, then, we observe as before the lower form of reproduction in the larva, and the higher in the perfect insect. Here, again, we have non-sexual mode preceding the sexual mode in ontogenesis, suggesting a similar succession in phylogenesis. But in addition we observe here that the form of non-sexual reproduction very closely simulates sexual reproduction ; for the budding is from an internal organ set apart for the purpose and very closely resembling a true ovary. The next step in the chain of approximation is found in imrtheno- genesis or virgin generation. This consists in the formation, in a per- fect female capable of sexual generation, of ovules which develop into embryos loithout the cooperation of the male element. In bees and wasps the ovules are sometimes fertilized and sometimes unfertilized. The fertilized eggs always produce females, the unfertilized always males. In this case the analogy to non-sexual reproduction is not close ; because the female is, of course, the sex absolutely necessary to carry on the succession of generations, and it is this sex which it requires fertilization to produce. But in other cases, for example, in certain moths and in some j)hyllopod crustaceans, according to Siebold, the unfertilized eggs produce females and the fertilized males. In such cases, it is evident, a succession of females may be formed without the cooperation of the male ; and thus we have continuous generation which is completely intermediate between sexual and non-sexual. It is sexual in that an embryo is developed from an ovule formed in a perfect ovary, it is non-sexual in that the cooperation of the male ele- ment is unnecessary even for an indefinite succession of generations. On the other hand, the case of moths and phyllopod crustaceans a]iproaches equally the case of aphids already mentioned — so much so, indeed, that the larval reproduction of these latter have often been classed under parthenogenesis. The difference is this : true partheno- genesis takes place in perfect females, capable of sexual union and of fertilization, possessing perfect ovaries and producing true ovules which develop into embryos without fertilization. The larval aphid, on the contrary, is not a perfect female, is not capable of sexual union nor of fertilization ; its ovary-like organ is not a true ovary, does not produce true ovules which develop into embryos, but forms an embrj'o at once within, which then is born in an active state. Still the resemblance to parthenogenesis is undoubted, and together they almost wholly fill up the gap between the sexual and non-sexual modes of reproduction. There is still another fact which must be brought forward to fill this gap. True sexual reproduction, as we have seen, consists essen- i 174 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tially in the union or conjugation of two diverse cells (sperm and germ cell) to produce one cell (ovum). Now, in the lowest forms of sexual reproduction, among unicelled organisms, the conjugating cells are not 2')erceptihly different ; so that the element of diversity in the conju- gating cells may be eliminated from the essential conditions of this mode. In parthenogenetic reproduction of female offspring, as in the case of moths and phyllopods, we have the other element, i. e., the necessity of tioo cells, eliminated ; so that there remains nothing which is absolutely essential. (c.) Facts which bear on the First Step, viz., Derivation of Non- Sexual Modes from Ordinary Processes of Growth. — The transition between the lowest form of non-sexual reproduction, viz., fission, and ordinary growth, is so obvious that it is hardly necessary to insist on it. A single cell divides itself into two ; each half grows, and again divides itself into two, and so on. Now, if the cells cohere, we call it growth ; if they separate, we call it reproduction. Again : a mass of cells grows by continued cell-multiplication, as above. Finally, the increasing mass or community becomes too large to be managed well from one center ; it therefore divides itself into two masses or com- munities, each of which continues to grow as before. It is plain that a slight difference only in the degree of cohesion determines whether the same process be called growth or reproduction. Thus we have shown the easy gradation, and therefore the prob- able derivation, of the highest mode of sexual reproduction — the uni- sexual— from the ordinary processes of growth, through the different grades of asexual and bisexual reproduction. The derivation of dif- ferent modes of sexual reproduction from each other will not, I think, be questioned. Still clearer is the fact that non-sexual reproduction is but a modification of the ordinary process of growth. The only place where there is any gap is between the asexual and the sexual modes. Throughout growth and non-sexual modes of reproduction we have everywhere only cell-nndtiplication — everywhere we have divis- ion of one to form two: in sexual reproduction, on the other hand, we have the contrary process, viz., tJie Pinion of tico to form one. Yet this gap is certainly partly filled by the larval reproduction of aphids, by those cases of parthenogenesis in which unfertilized ovules pro- duce females, and those cases of true sexual generation in which the conjugating cells are similar. 5. Outline of Probable Histoet of the Process. — The grad- ual evolution of the higher forms of sexual reproduction probably took several different roads. There is little doubt that in some cases sexual reproduction in its simplest form was reached at a very early period. It is probable, for example, that in very early times unicelled organisms multiplying usually by fission (asexual) from time to time conjugated (sexual). The simple form of sexual reproduction thus reached was afterward perfected. But it is also probable, nay, judging from the THE GEXESIS OF SEX. 175 transitional stages still in existence, almost certain, that in other cases sexuality was reached by a slower process and at a later period. It is this slower jDrocess which I now wish to trace in outline : {a.) Fission. — In the loAvest animals the individual cells which form their structure are almost wholly independent. The independent life of the cell is strong, the common life of the aggregate is feeble. By continued cell-multiplication, the aggregate, becoming too large to be held together by the common life, divides. Thus arises the lowest form of reproduction, viz., by fission. Many lower animals still prac- tice this mode. {b.) Budding on Any Part. — In the next step excess of growth occurs on any part indifferently, gives rise to a tubercle which grows into a bud, assumes the structure of the parent stem, and finally sepa- rates to become a new individual. This is higher than the last, be- cause the original individual is not sacrificed, but only a part separated. Many larval medusa3 and many polyps still practice this mode. (e.) Budding on a Specicd Bart. — In the last case the budding oc- curs in any part. In the next step a particular part is selected, and to it is assigned the function of forming buds which form new beings. Many larvse of medusse belong to this category ; for they bud only on the mouth-disk. This is a higher form than the last, inasmuch as the assignment of a function to a particular place, or localization of a function, is an invariable stej) in evolution, and always attended with better results. (d.) Special Budding Organ, internal. — The next step was probably the relegation of the function of producing buds to an internal organ, as being far safer and more certain of success, which organ thus be- comes by position and function strongly analogous to an ovary. This is the case in larval aphids. The reproductive organ of these larvai has been regarded by some as an ovary, by others as an internal bud- ding organ. It is certainly not a true ovary, but rather perhaps an organ uniting the yet undiffei'entiated functions of ovary and sperm- ary, an organ producing cells having the properties of both germ-cells and sperm-cells, and therefore capable of directly forming an embryo by cell-multiplication. (e.) Differentiation of Sexual Elements. — The interior reproductive organ last described next forms two kinds of cells which by conjuga- tion produce the ovum ; the sexual elements are now differentiated, but not yet the sexual organs. It is not absolutely certain that this con- dition actually exists in any species now living ; but it is jwohable that it does. According to Kleinenbei-g,* the reproductive organ of the hydra produces both ovules and spermatozoids. In many mollusks and polyps the separation of the ovary and spermary is not yet made out. In some gasteropods the epithelial cells of the oviduct seem to become mother-cells, in which are produced spermatozoids. The sepa- » " Annals and Magazine of Natural History," vol. ii., p. 351, 1818. I 176 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ration here is only partial. Preceding the condition represented by the hydra, and connecting with the last {d), we ought to find one in which two similar cells elaborated by the same organ unite or conju- gate to commence the new life — a condition in which the sexual ele- ments are potentially but not visibly differentiated. This condition is realized, as far as we yet know, only in the conjugation of unicelled organisms. (/.) BisexuaUty. — The next step is of course the complete differen- tiation not only of the sexual elements, but also of the sexual organs. This is bisexuality or hermaphroditism, very common, as is well known, among lower animals and almost universal among plants. {g.) Uniseximlity. — The last step is the separation of the sexes in different individuals. This of course effectually prevents self-fertiliza- tion in both animals and plants. But cross-fertilization must be in- sured. This, as already seen, is done by winds and insects in the case of plants, and by waves and currents in some lower animals. These agents do not, however, insure fertilization in higher animals. There- fore, in them there is added sex-appetite and all associated feelings for tbat purpose. (A.) After the separation of the sexes has been a sufficiently long time accomplished, the evidence in the ontogeny of former conditions is gradually obliterated — the memory of them is lost. 6. Differentiation of the Two Sexual Individuals. — We have now reached complete unisexuality — i, e., the separation of the sexes into different individuals, but not yet the very best results. Unisexuality is better than the orchid and snail method of mutual fertilization, only because the latter method is incapable of further differentiation, and therefore of any further improvement of results. In cases of mutual fertilization the individuals are all alike, except these small individual differences, which occur even in self -fertilizing bisexuals. But as soon as the sexes are separated into different individuals, then there is room for indefinite differentiation of the two sexual individuals. Now, as we go up the animal scale we find that such differentiation has indeed taken place, and that progressively. The sexual differences — i. e., the difference between male and female individuals of the same species — become greater and greater as we rise in the scale. They are also greater, we believe, in the higher as compared with the lower races of man, and in the cultivated classes as compared with the uncultivated classes. From this sexual difference springs sexual attractiveness, and from this lowest root, it is not too much to say, springs much if not all our noblest altruistic nature. For, as our physiological functions are primarily divisible into two great groups, viz., the nutritive and the reproductive, the one including all that assemblage of functions which conserve the individual life, the other all that assemblage of functions which conserve the continuous life of the species, so all our psychical functions are also primarily divisible into two groups, the egoistic and THE GENESIS OF SEX. 177 the altruistic — the one concerned only about the well-being of self, the other about the well-being of the race. These correspond each to each. Traced to its deepest physiological roots, the one in its last analysis is connected with the nutritive functions and the appetite for food, the other with the reproductive functions and the sexual appetite. It seems to me not inappropriate to draw passing attention to the fact that that form of woman's rights which would assimilate as much as possible the two sexes is certainly in direct conflict with the law of evolution which we have been tracing. If founded in nature at all, we must seek for its justification in a higher law than that of animal evolution. 7. Crossing of Varieties, — Are there still further differentiations and still better results possible ? Yes ; by judicious crossing of varie- ties. Groups of individuals of both sexes, under the influence of dif- fering environment, become different. This difference may be slight (slight varieties), or decided (strong varieties), or still more decided (races), or may become in time so great as to constitute distinct species. Now, it has been found that the indefinite interbreeding of individuals subject to identical conditions (close-breeding) produces weakness and degeneracy ; and, on the contrary, the judicious cross- ing of slight varieties produces improved results. The reason is ap- parently this : Among all the qualities, good and bad, strong and weak, inherited from both sides by the offspring, there is a kind of struggle for life, and a survival of the best and the strongest qualities. It is probable that this improvement is more decided in the psychical than in the physical nature, and therefore is more conspicuous in man than in animals. Too close breeding — i. e., the interbreeding in iso- lated communities of individuals subject to identical conditions, and therefore with identical customs, habits, feelings, thoughts — tends to deteriorate the mind and character, even when the physique is unim- paired ; tends to petrify the communal character and destroy that plas- ticity on which all progress depends. Now, it is quite certain that toithin certain limits the improved results of crossing increase with the diversity of the crossing varieties. But mark, only within certain limits, beyond which they again decrease until deterioration is reached ; and the deterioration increasing with the increasing divergence, when the crossing varieties reach a diver- gence represented by the term species, Nature practically forbids the ban. Thus, when species cross, there is either {a) no fertilization, and therefore no offspring ; or {h), the offspring is an infertile hybrid, and therefore perishes in the next generation ; or (c), if the offspring be fertile, the progeny is feeble, and perishes in the struggle for life in a few generations, or {d) is absorbed by crossing with the stronger parent species. If this were not so, species, in many cases at least, could not exist. Many species of oak or of pine grow in the same grove ; the air is full of the pollen of many species ; the conditions VOL. XVI. — 12 178 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. necessary for the crossing of different species must constantly occur, and yet the species remain distinct. The same is true of many her- maphrodite species of marine animals living in great numbers togeth- er ; the water is full of the sperm of several species, and the condi- tions of cross-contact of sexual elements are constantly present, and yet species remain substantially distinct. It is evident, therefore, that in close-breeding, and in the crossing of varieties of different degrees of divergence, there is, first, a less than average result, then an average, then better than an average, then this better result quickly reaches a maximum and again declines, crosses the line of average and becomes bad, and finally infinitely bad, or dies out. In the human species it is probable that the crossing of those varieties called national varieties, even strong national varieties, pro- duces good results ; but the crossing of varieties so divergent as those called primary races is probably bad — these approaching too nearly the nature of different species. The general law of the effect of breeding may therefore be graphi- cally represented by the following diagram, in which the absciss A B represents the level of average result, distance on this absciss from the middle point a represents the divergence of crossing varieties, and ordinates positive and negative represent the result of crossing, wheth- er good or bad. Further, the middle point a represents no divergence or identical individuals, the distance b h individual differences, c c di- vergence constituting slight varieties, d d strong varieties, // races, and g g species. By inspection of the figure it is seen that close-breed- ing (a) produces negative ordinates or bad results, then going from this point the curve crosses the line of average at h h, then the ordinates become positive and reach maximum at d d, or strong varieties, then again crosses the line of average and becomes negative at //, indicat- ing the bad effect of crossing races, and finally becomes infinitely neg- ative before it reaches g g, showing the practical infertility of crossing different species under natural conditions. If I am right in this view, then the mixing of primary races is bad, and such mixed races, as weaker varieties in the struggle for life, must perish. There is one possibility which may save these races. Admit- ting the fact of deterioration as an immediate result of universal cross- ing of existing races, it is possible that by judicious crossing again of the slight varieties which must eventually arise in the mixed race, this OCEAN METEOROLOGY. 179 common, inferior result may again be raised to a higher level. Thus, if the present higher races could consent to sacrifice their present supe- rior position for several, perhaps many, generations, it is conceivable that the human race may be again raised, and possibly to a still higher plane. From a lower plane but broader base, it may be possible to build up again to a higher point than any yet reached. Or, to put it differently : the effect of true breeding is doubtless excellent in one direction, and for the perfecting of one or a few qualities, but it tends also to specialize, and therefore to petrify, and thus to prevent indefi- nite progress. Mixing, on the other hand, it produces a more plastic nature or better clay, a more generalized and therefore a more pro- gressive form — for the line of true progress has ever been through generalized forms. Therefore it may be that, after the best results of true breeding have been attained in the production of the best varie- ties in several limited directions, then the general mixing of these perfected varieties will produce a generalized hi\man type capable of more universal progress in all directions. OCEAN METEOROLOGY. By Lieutenant T. A. LYONS, U. S. N. THE frequent examination of Maury's charts for the purpose of shortening tedious passages under sail, led to the idea of remod- eling them for greater ease of consultation, and at the same time of adding the vast store of data accumulated since their publication. The first conception of the new charts embraced only their salient features : from time to time, during the progress of the work, vai-ious details occurred and were added, so that to-day the undertaking may be said to be systematized, and it is this system which I shall de- scribe. The sources whence the information for the charts is derived, are two : log-books of ships of our own navy, and journals of merchant- vessels. On board every vessel of the United States Navy it is obligatory to keep an official daily record, called the log-book. The first part contains full and explicit directions for keeping it ; lists of the officers and men composing the ship's company ; plans and sections of the ship ; a description of the armament, boats, and small-arms ; a table of deviations of the compasses ; and a description of the meteorological instruments used, their location, and comparisons with standards. Following this matter are blank pages, suitably ruled, for a six months' i8o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. record, two pages for each day ; the left-hand page is chiefly for meteorological observations — the right, for miscellaneous events. At the end of every hour, both day and night, and in port as well as at sea, the following items are observed by the midshipman of the watch, and recorded in their respective columns : the speed of the ship ; direction and force of the wind ; leeway ; height of mercurial barometer and its attached thermometer ; temperature of the air and of evaporation (dry -bulb and wet-bulb, both in a lattice-work case) ; temperature of the sea at the surface ; weather by symbols ; forms of clouds ; portion of sky clear ; condition of the sea ; and the sail the ship is under. At the end of every four hours, the lieutenant in charge of the deck enters on the right-hand page such particulars of the weather as could not be described in the columns, together with whatever events occurred during his watch. Every day at sea, the navigator enters on the left-hand page the distance run since the pre- ceding noon ; the latitude and longitude at noon, both by observa- tion and by account ; the current (if any) experienced during the day ; and the variation of the magnetic needle with the position in which it was determined. The watches or tours of duty on board a vessel of war are divided into four-hour periods, each watch being in charge of a lieutenant, as- sisted by a midshipman ; the number of observers throughout the twenty-four hours will, therefore, vary with the number of watch- officers : generally there are four. Each lieutenant is solely responsible for the correctness of the log during his watch ; but, as different officers contribute to the record of a day, this lays the log-book open to both error and incongruity, if a general supervision were not exercised by some one person. Such is daily done by the navigator, who, after examination, certifies to its correctness, and then the commanding officer examines and ap- proves it. With accurate instruments, careful observers, and this system of scrutiny, there remains nothing to be desired in the way of a continu- ous, complete, and accurate record of the experience of a ship, whether cruising on the high-seas or at anchor in a landlocked harbor ; and it is believed that more trustworthy observations are never taken at sea. Furthermore, they are made at such short intervals — every hour — and the atmospheric phenomena and corresponding instrumental changes are so closely contrasted side by side that no error, break, or flaw can enter, without easy detection. I have been thus explicit regarding the log-books, in order that the accuracy of the charts which are based upon them may be fully ap- preciated. As regards the data furnished by merchant- vessels, in 1878 a very complete meteorological journal was prepared at the Hydrographic Office for the use of ship-masters, and is issued to them free of charge OCEAN METEOROLOGY. i8i either from the office directly, or from one of its agents in the princi- pal commercial ports of the world. It is essentially like the log-book of the navy, and is for observations at sea only. AVhen full, it is to be transmitted to Washington at the expense of the office. A number of sailing charts and all the latest hydrographic information are sup- plied gratis as an inducement to keep the journal. Hundreds of them are already afloat on ships of various nationalities, and are being filled with valuable data regarding every sea known to commercial enter- prise. Before proceeding to describe the method of compilation, I shall dwell for a moment on one of the items of record in the log-book, viz., the ascertainment of the ship's speed. Besides probably being of in- terest to many who yearly cross the sea in quest of either pleasure or health, a knowledge of this will tend to elucidate another matter of which I shall speak hereafter — the determination of whatever currents are drifting a ship, it may be, into serious danger. The ship's speed is found by " heaving the log." The principle in- volved is the same as if one were to fasten the end of a tape-line, which is coiled on a spool, to a post, and then, holding the spool in his hand, he walked from the post at a uniform pace, allowing the line to easily roll off, but not become slack. If at the end of one minute he had walked 300 feet, in an hour he would have walked (at the same rate) 18,000 feet, or about three nautical miles. Now, no stationary point exists in the ocean from which to mea- sure, but this desideratum is attained by means of a thin flat board, sector shape, of eight inches' radius, and with the rounded edge loaded with lead to keep it upright in the water. Short lines connect the three corners of this "log-chip," as the sector is called, with the "log- line " — one of them by means of a wooden plug which is gently forced into a hole in a piece of wood fastened to the log-line about two feet from the chip. After well soaking and stretching, the log-line is marked as follows : A length of it about 100 feet from the chip is allowed for " stray-line," and then the length of a " knot " (for the sand-glass that runs for 28 seconds) is determined by this proportion. As the number of seconds in an hour is to the number of feet in a nautical mile, so is the length (in time) of the sand-glass to the length (in feet) of a knot ; or 3600 : 0086=28 : 47*33. The limit of stray-line from the log-chip is marked by a piece of red bunting six inches long, and each length of 47'33 feet after that by a piece of fish-line with one, two, three, etc., knots in it, according to its number from the limit of stray-line. Each length of 47'33 feet (the " knot ") is subdivided into five equal parts, and a small piece of white bunting two inches long is turned into the line at every two- tenth division thus formed. " To heave the log " is performed thus : one person holds the sand- glass, another the reel on which the log-line just described is coiled, i82 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and a third throws the log-chip with the line attached over the ship's stern ; the chip, floating upright, is kept stationary by the resistance of the water, while the vessel moves on, and the line runs out ; the midshipman watches it until the limit of stray-line just passes the rail, when he sharply says " Turn " ; the glass is quickly reversed, the sand begins to run into the lower compartment, and both time and space are reckoned from the word turn. The " knots " reel off slowly or rapidly according to the ship's velocity, and, when the last grain of sand runs out, the line is instantly stopped. The number of knots and tenths run out denotes the speed at the moment of making the experiment, and, according to the conditions of wind, sea, and sail for the whole hour, the speed is deduced for the hour, and so entered in the columns. To draw in the line, a quick, strong jerk on it frees the plug, when the chip floats horizontally, and can be hauled aboard with little re- sistance. The " course steered," which is always a coordinate entry with the velocity, is obtained from a standard compass, whose every error is found and tabulated, to be applied when necessary. As the course and velocity are entered every hour in the log-book, we have thus a continuous record of each direction in which the ship headed, together with the distance she proceeded in that direction. The courses and distances are the data by which, with the aid of a traverse-table, the ship's position may be found at any time — the position by " dead reckoning," or " account," as it is called. Inde- pendently of this, the position — " by observation " — is daily found by the navigator by altitudes of the sun, the moon, or the stars. Suppose a ship to leave New York at noon of any day, and that her " run " is accurately kept until noon of the next day, when the latitude and longitude by account are found. The ship may not really be in this position : currents may have borne her along or athwart her course, yet we can not discover them ; they act on log-chip and vessel alike : but let the position " hy observation " be determined for the same instant that it is " by account,^'' and we have at once a standard of comparison whereby the treacherous streams are made known. If none exist, the position by the two methods should agree within the small limit of error due to the unavoidable imperfection of both ob- servers and instruments. A third mode of ascertaining the ship's run is by the patent log — an instrument constantly towed astern at the end of a long line. It has a small propeller which the motion through the water causes to revolve. This revolution is communicated to a series of cogged wheels connected with hands that point to a circular scale — an arrangement not imlike a gas-meter. Every noon the log is hauled aboard, read, reset, and then thrown overboard, to record again the number of miles by which the ship nears her port. Being entirely independent of both OCEAN METEOROLOGY. 183 dead reckoning and observation, it forms a kind of check on those two methods. I will now enumerate some corroborating circumstances that must be considered in connection with the difference between the position by observation and that by account, ere this difference — its set and velocity — be tabulated as one of the permanent, ever-flowing currents of the ocean : I. Temperatuke. — Of two contiguous bodies of water — one hot, the other cold — the latter, being specifically heavier, will displace the former, and hence 2i permanent current is established, II. Evaporation. — Since no salts are taken up in the vapor, a body of salt water from which great evaporation takes place will be specifi- cally heavier than an adjoining one that gives off less vapor, and so a continuous flow from the dense to the light fluid will be main- tained. III. "Winds. — In a gale, the waves roll one after another in huge volumes toward the point to which the wind blows ; and the friction of the wind upon the water produces a temporary surface set to lee- ward. IV. Difference of Barometric Pressure. — In gales of wind, it is common for the barometer to fall from, say, 30*20 to 29-70 — half an inch — in less than a day, and while the ship is passing over a compara- tively small extent of ocean. Take a very extreme case, merely for illustration. Suppose two contiguous square miles of ocean, the barom- eter standing 30*20 over one of them, and 29*70 over the other. This difference of half an inch in the barometer is equivalent to a difference of about one quarter of a pound pressure per square inch of surface, or 36 pounds per square foot. Taking 6,086 feet as the side of a square mile, it will contain 37,039,396 square feet ; each square foot sustains a difference of j^ressure of 36 pounds, so that there are in all 1,333,418,256 pounds more pressure on the square mile over which the barometer stands 30*20 than on the one over which it stands 29*70. It is evident that, in order to attain an equality of level, a very decided temporary set must take place from the former square mile toward the latter. Instead of confining the case to the impossibly small area of two square miles, let us suppose a gradual fall of the barometer from one part of the ocean to the other — such a fall, in fact, over such an area as often comes within the experience of every naval ofiicer — and it stands to reason that waves of the ocean, like those of the air, only smaller and more sluggish, are consequent upon every change of the barometer. V. Rotation op the Earth. — From being at' rest, suppose the earth to begin to revolve, as now, from west to east. On starting, the water of the ocean would, owing to its inertia, recede from the western shores of all the continents, and, as the earth continued to revolve, it i84 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. would flow to the westward. For two reasons, however, it would be confined to equatorial regions : first, the centrifugal force there is greatest ; and, second, the meridians converge as we near the poles. This second reason will appear evident if we suppose a body of water of five degrees area and any depth to set out from the equator toward either j)ole. At each remove it would find the linear dimen- sions of a degree smaller. The depth remaining constant, its volume would be too great for an area of five degrees square in latitude 30°, still more so for one in latitude 60°, and so on. This constant crowd- ing in extra-tropical zones would therefore constitute an opposing force sufiicient to confine the flow of water to a zone where its volume would undergo little or no compression — that is, in the vicinity of the equator. Arriving, then, at the eastern shores of the continents to the west- ward of those from which it started — at the North and South Amer- ican shores, for instance, having started from Europe and Africa — and being banked up by constantly arriving volumes of water, it would be forced to the northward and to the southward along the coast-line of each continent ; it would then flow to the eastward in high latitudes until reaching the western shores of the continents from which it started, where, owing to the divergence of the meridians toward the equator and the greater centrifugal force at that parallel, it would flow from the north and from the south along the shore-lines of the continents until reaching the intertropical zone, where it would again start westward on its circuit. Imagine this system of circulation once set up, and nothing is more natural than that it should continue while the earth revolves ; indeed, a glance at any current chart of the world will suffice to show the force of this reasoning. It will now be seen how important a part the thermometer and hy- drometer play in the discovery of oceanic currents : by the former a difference of temperature, and by the latter a difference of density, is quickly detected ; and, if a decided difference of either kind is found, a permanent current may be fairly inferred. A consideration of the winds, whether an accidental gale, the constant trades, or the seasonal monsoon, may lead us to deduce intelligently whether a set that may have been experienced for days is a temiiorary surface-flow or a per- tnanent current. So, also, keeping in view the range of the barometer for a few days — the locality and amount of its rise or fall — may assist in deciding whether a certain set be due to its extreme range or not. A consideration of the rotation of the earth is of assistance only in determining the general direction of the great ocean-currents. A few other entries of the log-book require a passing notice. The direction of the wind is indicated by a vane in connection with a compass, and its force is estimated according to the following scale : OCEAN METEOROLOGY. 185 Force of wind, scale. Kautical designation. Sail that a full-rigged «hip may carry, close-hauled by the wind; also her probable speed. Sail that a full-rigged ship may carry, wind on quarter ; alio her probable ipeed. Force of wind in poundi per square foot. Velocity of wind inmUes per hour. 0 Calm. All sail. All sail. 0 0 1 Light aibs. All plain sail and stay- sails; smooth sea; 0-5 to 1 knot per hour. All plain sail and stud- ding sails; smooth sea; 1 to 1*5 knots per hour. 0 004 to 0-019 lto2 2 Light breezes. All plain sail and stay- sails; smooth sea; about 2 knots. All plain sail and stud- ding-sails; smooth sea; 2 to 3-6 knots. 0-08 4 8 Gentle breezes. All plain sail and stay- sails ; smooth sea ; 3 to 4 knots. All plain sail and stud- ding-sails ; smooth sea; 4 to 5 knots. 0-36 9 4 Moderate breezes. All plain sail and stay- sails ; smooth sea ; 5 to 6 knots. All plain sail and stud- ding-sails; smooth sea; 6 to 7 knots. 10 14 5. Stiff breezes. Courses, top-sails; to'- pallant sails, and stay- sails ; mod. sea ; 6 to 7 kts. All plain sail and stud- ding-sails; moderate sea; 8 to 9 knots. 1-5 17 6 Fresh breezes. Courses, single-reefed top-sails, to'gallant sails ; moderate sea; 7 to 9 knots. Courses, top-sails, to'- galLint sails, lower and topmast studding-sails ; mod. sea; 10 to 12 kts. 2 20 7 Very fresh breezes. Courses, double-reefed topsails, fore topmast stay-sail; moderate sea; about 7 knots. Courses, single-reefed top-sails, to'gallant sails ; moderate sea; 12 to 14 knots. 3 24 8 Moderate gale. Single-reefed courses, treble-reefed fore and main top-sails, close- reefed, mizzen, fore top- mast stay-sail ; rough sea ; 4 to 5 knots. Single-reefed courses, double-reefed fore and main top-sails, close- reefed mizzen ; rough sea ; about 10 knots. 5 30 9 Strong gale. Close-reefed courses, close-reefed fore and main top-sails, storm stay-sail ; rough sea. Close-reefed courses, close-reefed fore and main top-sails, storm stay-sails; rough sea. 8 40 10 Very strong gale. Close-reefed fore sail, close-reefed main top-sail, fore storm stay-sail ; very rough sea. Close-reefed fore-sail, close-reefed main top-sail, fore storm stay-sail ; very rough sea. 28 67 11 Violent gale. Storm-sails, or close- reefed main top-sail and fore storm stay-sail ; very rough sea. Close-reefed fore-sail, close-reefed main top-sail, fore storm stay-sail. 32 SO 12 I Hurricane, \ Typhoon, ( Cyclone. None; lying to; drift- ing bodily to leeward. Scudding under bare poles. 50 and upward. 100 and upward. The above sail and speed, corresi^onding to various forces of the wind, are but approximations to what really takes place according to particular circumstances, such as model of ship, course steered with reference to the wind, condition of the sea, etc. The customary designations of the clouds are employed, and the portion of clear sky is denoted by figures — 10 representing a wholly clear sky, 0 an entirely cloudy one, and intermediate numbers a sky partly clear and partly cloudy. In the column descriptive of the weather, the following sym- bols are used, and by means of them, all the possible variations of i86 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. weather that can occur in an hour, may be succinctly and accurately described : b. — Clear blue sky. c. — Cloudy weather. (7. — Drizzling or light rain. f. — Fog, or foggy weather. g. — Gloomy, or dark, stormy-looking weather. A.— Hail. /. — Lightning. m. — Misty weather. o. — Overcast. 2). — Passing showers of rain. q. — Squally weather. 7\ — Rainy weather, or continuous rain. s. — Snow, snowy weather, or snow falling. ^.— Thunder. i(. — Ugly appearances, or threatening weather. V. — Variable weather. vj. — Wet, or heavy dew. z. — Hazy. We now arrive at the method of compilation, and for this several blank forms are used which will be described as the necessity arises to speak of each kind. First, however, eveiy log-book and journal is closely examined for any errors it may contain, and, if such exist, they are scored with a red pencil, and hence do not enter into the compilation or charts. Whatever judgment of the log-book this scrutiny warrants, is en- tered in it for guidance of the compiler. The first blank to be used is Form A — a sheet 36 inches by 20. It is a projection according to Mercator of that pai't of the sphere between the 70th parallels of latitude north and south. Beginning with the equator and the meridian of Greenwich, parallels and meridi- ans are drawn at every fifth degree, thus dividing the ocean, like a chess-board, into small squares. These are numbered consecutively from 1 to 1,G67, so that, either by its number or its limits in latitude and longitude, the expanse of ocean covered by any square can be designated. When a ship makes a passage under sail, she will cross certain of these squares on devious courses, and be in each square a short or a long period according as the winds and weather favor or oppose her. The particular square in each day can be ascertained by referring the noon position to Form A ; and the hour of entering and of leaving it can be found by working the ship's run, by means of the courses and distances, backward or forward as necessary, from the noon posi- tion. Then, drawing heavy lines across the left-hand or meteoro- logical page of the log-book at the hours of entry and of exit, it OCEAN METEOROLOGY. 187 is evident that all the observations between these lines Avere taken in that square. The limits of all the squares traversed are determined and marked in like manner, the number of each square is written between its bounding lines, and, when thus wholly prepared, the observations taken in each square during whatever length of time the ship was in it — whether one hour or several, provided it was continuous time in the same month — are compiled on one blank of Form B. This is a sheet of thick, durable paper, so ruled into columns with appropriate printed headings that each of the following-named items has a place for en- try : the limits in latitude and longitude of the square, its number, and the number of hours the ship was in it ; date of passing through the square, name of the ship, and the period covered by her log-book — all, that direct reference may be had at any time to the original sources. In a series of columns the thirty-two points of the compass are printed in regular order ; blank spaces are provided on the right and left of each point — those on the left for the number expressing the wand's duration from that point, and those on the right for the figure denoting its mean force for the period of that duration. To compile the direction of the wind, the number of hours it w^as from the same point, whether consecutively or at different intervals, are counted, and the sum total is entered on the left opposite the point ; for the force, the mean of the several hourly forces corresponding to the period of direction just mentioned is found and entered on the right of the point. Similarly for each point from which the wind blew while the ship was in the square. As the entries regarding the wind in the log-book are hourly esti- mates of both its direction and force, for the hour — an interval that permits little variability in either quantity — accuracy to this degree is insured in both the compilation and charts. There is no averaging the force or direction for longer periods than an hour, and, as far as I am aware, this is the only system pursued by any nation wherein these items are comj^iled with such detail. When calms or light, variable airs occur, the number of hours of each is counted, and the sum entered in its proper place. "When a gale — that is, wind of a force of 8 and upward — happens, the number of hours it blew from any of the eight principal points of the compass (supposing it to have varied in direction), together with the force during each period, are duly tabulated. The total number of hours of fog, of rain (including snow and mist), and of squalls (heavy, moderate, and light) ; the state of the weather by symbols ; quantity of clear sky ; and variation of the magnetic needle, with the location in which it was observed, are all entered in their respective places. The mean of the mercurial barometer, attached thermometer, dry- bulb, wet-bulb, and temperature of the sea-water at the surface — that i88 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. is, the mean of all the hourly observations of each of these quantities while in the square — is found and entered. Beside each is placed its daily range, by which is to be understood the mean of the differences between the daily maxima and minima for the number of days the ship was in the square. Throughout a wide zone on both sides of the equator, the barom- eter has a remarkably regular oscillation, attaining two maxima and two minima every day. In order to discover the extent of this phe- nomenon, the hours of its recurrence, and the amplitude of the alter- nate rise and fall, the daily record of the barometer is carefully examined, and, whenever the phenomenon is found clearly defined, the hours of the two extreme lowest and two extreme highest read- ings, together with the readings themselves, are noted and tabulated on the blank. To save repetition, I will state here that all compila- tions of the barometer are reduced to 32° Fahr. and sea-level. As two more items of interest, the highest and the lowest readings of the barometer and dry-bulb that occurred during the whole time the ship was in the square are noted and entered. A miniature chart of a five-degree square, but on a sufficiently large scale to allow of con- siderable accuracy, is printed on the Form, for plotting the ship's track : the position of the shij) being determined at 8 a. m., noon, and 8 p. M. of each day, these points afford the data for tracing the track. Whenever currents exist, their set in points and their velocity in knots and tenths of a knot per hour are written on this little chart at each noon position ; an arrow is also projected from the track to indicate their direction. At every noon the temperature of the sea- water at the surface is very carefully taken, and entered on the chart on Form B, beside the noon position of the ship ; it assists in coming to a con- clusion as to the existence of currents. This completes the tabulated portion of the compilation on Form B ; but, to unite the whole, to trace the connection of the several re- lated quantities, and to describe such matters as could not be other- wise noticed, ample remarks are made on the blank. Thus, at a glance, are all the observations of a ship in each square visible on a single sheet ; it is not assumed that what she experienced prevailed over all the expanse of the square ; her track lies before us on the little chart that represents that square, and the tabulated obser- vations beside it relate to that track only — a single line ! If we have the observations and tracks of a large number of vessels, all over every part of a five-degree square for each month — in other words, if we have a multitude of sheets of Form B compiled — it is evident that we can easily deduce the meteorological features of that square, and judge whether they be like or dissimilar throughout its entire extent. To follow up the fate of Form B, compilations having been made on many thousand sheets of it from all the log-books and journals that OCEAN METEOROLOGY. 189 could be obtained relative to the expanse of ocean under consideration, the next step is to classify these, and to reduce the observations. The classification consists in grouping together all the sheets of the same square for the same month, without distinction as to year or ship ; and, to reduce, all the observations on the blanks of each group are first transcribed to a single sheet of another blank, Form D — a kind of ledger, as it were, to which the separate sheets of Form B bear the relation of so many entries in a day-book. It may not be entirely devoid of interest to some of my readers, to have here such a description of Form D as will enable them to repro- duce it : a fac-simile before one would render the details of the reduc- tion more easily intelligible. At the top of the form are spaces for entering the number of the square and the name of the month. Under this are six vertical col- umns crossed by thirty-four horizontal lines. The headings of the columns in succession, from the observer's left to right, are as follows : 1st column, " Total No. of hours of wind from every alternate point " ; 2d, " No. of hours of wind from every point " ; 3d, " True direction of wind" (under this heading the points of the compass, beginning with north, are printed — one point on each line — down the first thirty- two lines of the blank, and " calms " and " variable wdnds " are on the last two lines ) ; 4th, " Mean force of wind from every point " ; 5th, " Final mean force of wind from every alternate point " ; and, 6th, " Percentage of wind from every alternate point." To illustrate the use of Form D, suppose that for any square for any month — say No. 643 for July — there are fifty sheets of Form B. To collect the numerous observations of the wind scattered through- out these, each point is considered separately and in succession. The sum of the different periods that the wind was of the same force from the same point on all the sheets of Form B is found ; the direction of the wind on this Form being magnetic, it is corrected for the varia- tion of the compass, and then the sum is entered on Form D opposite that point w^hich it becomes as a true direction. Take a specific case, and let it be the magnetic north of Form B, with the variation one point westerly for the square under reduction : suppose that all the hours the wind was a force of 5 amounted to 80 ; then " 80 " would be entered in the 2d column, and " 5 " in the 4th column of Form D, on the horizontal line on which " N. by W." is printed ; because a magnetic north wind becomes a true north-by- west wind when the variation is applied. Again, if all the hours the wind was of another force, say 3, from the same point (magnetic north) amounted to 120, then " 120 " would be placed in the 2d col- umn, on the right of the previous sum 80, and " 3 " in the 4th column, on the right of the other force, 5. Similarly, with all the hours of each force, and with every point of the compass, the order being pre- served throughout of havinor the first sum of hours in the 2d column ipo THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. correspond with the first force in the 4th cohimn, the second sum of hours with the second force, and so on. As the direction of the wind is given on the charts for only the alternate points, the observations of the intermediate points are dis- tributed among those adjacent. Suppose the transfer of the observa- tions of the sheets of Form B, for one point, to stand on Form D thus : 80 + 120 -|- 300 + etc. . . . (hours) . . . . N. by W. . . . 5 ; 3 ; 2 ; etc. . . . (Force). The point N. by W. not being used, all these observations must be distributed between !N'orth and North- northwest — half to each : i. e., 40 hours, force 5 ; 60 hours, force 3 ; and 150 hours, force 2, must all be placed opposite North, and the same opposite N. N. W., just as if they had come from the sheets of Form B. The " Total No. of hours of wind from every alternate point " is now found by adding up the separate periods, and the sum is placed in the 1st column opposite its own point. To obtain the mean force for this sum, each separate period of hours is multiplied by the force peculiar to it, the products are added together, and their sura is divided by the " Total No. of hours of wind from every alter- nate point " ; the quotient is the " Final mean force," which is accord- ingly placed in the 5th column. The totals of " Calms " and of " Variable winds " are now found, and carried out to the 1st column ; then all the figures in this column are added up, and the result is the " Total No. of hours of wmds, calms, and variables " observed in square No, 643 during the month of July. To complete the treat- ment of the winds, the percentage that the total number of hours from every alternate point, as well as the percentage that the calms and the variables are of the total number of hours of observation in the square, are worked out and entered in the 6th column. On the back of Form D are columns for collecting the other data scattered over the sheets of Form B, viz. : 1, Barometer and thermom- eters. Beside the mean of each of these quantities transcribed from Form B is placed the number of hours of observation from which that mean is deduced, so that, in obtaining Wq filial mean of the square for the month, due weight can be given to each individual mean. 2. The separate mean daily ranges of the preceding items, with the number of days of which the mean is formed written beside it ; 3. The regular daily oscillations of the barometer ; 4. The highest and the lowest readings of the barometer and dry-bulb, with the period during which each separate observation was made ; 5. The total number of hours of fog, of rain, of squalls (heavy and light), and of gales from each quar- ter, with their strength ; and, 6. A summary of the currents, weather, and magnetic variations. To complete Form D, a resume of the re- marks on the various sheets of Form B is made — a generalization of the experiences of the several ships — and transcribed to the back of the form. When the observations of every square for each month are collected on sheets of Form D in the manner described, the reduction OCEAN METEOROLOGY. 191 of the data is complete for the part of the ocean under consideration. The final step is to arrange the matter in shape for the engraver and printer. This is done on sheets of Form C — a blank eight inches by ten — which is a fac-simile of one of the squares of the monthly charts enlarged to a size suitable for writing all the data in the proper spaces. The data for all the squares for one month are transcribed from Form D to Form C ; these are sent to the engraver ; a proof-sheet comes back in due time ; this is read and corrected ; and eventually the charts themselves issue complete from the press. Until the year 1876 no systematic use was made of the log-books of our vessels of war. Every six months they were sent from each squadron to the ISTavy De- partment, where they have been accumulating since the days when Maury had the supply then on hand compiled for his charts. Now, a large number await examination — a rich mine of valuable ma- terial. A set of charts for the Pacific Ocean between the equator and latitude 45° north, and from the American coast to the 180th meridian, are the first fruits of labor in this mine. The complete set consists of fifteen different sheets : 1. Twelve on which the information peculiar to each mouth is given on a separate sheet ; 2. One that summarizes all the observations of the direction and force of the wind of every month and year ; 3. One that similarly gives all the observations of the barometer, thermometer, and weather ; and, 4. One in colors show- ing the wind systems, stormy regions, and areas of equal heat and equal pressure — a graphical exhibit of what the other charts contain. Preceding the set are, a table giving for every month the latitude and longitude in which each ship entered or lost the trade-winds ; a list of the log-books whose data enter into the charts ; and a preface chiefly descriptive of the method of compilation. All are printed on thick paper and bound together in a folio volume convenient for use. los^w /oo° y^ f^ w. N:2.o' ,V /5' /cs Ty fs^'w 192 THE POPULAR SCIENCE ' MONTHLY. The method of compilation having been described, the charts will now be easily understood. The figure on page 191 is a fac-simile of two adjoining squares of a monthly sheet — February. They cover the small area of ocean west of the Mexican coast between the parallels of 15° and 20° north and the meridians of 95° and 105° west. The month and square constitute jointly the unit for which all the information is given ; for some squares this is meager, for others full — always dependent on the length of time ships were in the square and the number of log-books examined for it. The explanation of one of the above squares — No. 106 — will afford a key to the whole series. The figures inclosed by circles relate to the winds ; those between the outer and the middle circle indicate its duration and force; and those between the middle and the inner circle, its percentage, from every alternate point. The points are inclosed by parts of radii that extend from the outer to the inner circle : thus, the two radii opening toward the upper left-hand corner, and containing the figures l^^-y inclose the N. W. point ; the two containing inclose the N. N. W. point, and so on to the right through North, N. N. E., etc. If we add together the hair-line figures between the outer and the middle circle, as 226, 85, 76, etc., they will amount to 1,062 ; add to this the figures under the heading " calm " (38), and " var." (wind) (10), and the total is 1,110. This means that if the hours all the vessels spent in the square were added together, the total would be 1,110 hours, or 46 days 6 hours ; this is the whole period of observation in this square for this month ; it is composed of fragments of February collected from many years. An hour is the unit of observation, and a vessel had to be a whole hour in a square in order to have it constitute an observation. In this square, then, there were 1,110 observations of the wind : of this number, it was 226 hours from the N. W. ; 85 hours from the N. N. W. ; 76 hours from North, etc. The small dark figures to the right of the hair-line figures indicate the force of the wind : thus, the 3 annexed to 226 signifies that the mean force for those 226 hours was 3, according to the scale already given. The number of hours of wind from any one point may have been the experience of one or several vessels ; and that number may be composed of hours of light, gentle, fresh, and strong breezes ; but, however such variations may have occurred, the mean force is indicated by the small dark figures. It would, no doubt, be desirable to give the percentage of different forces of the wind from each point, but this would greatly detract from the simplicity and ease of consultation of the charts. The defect is, however, approximately met by giving, as is done, the extreme variations of the wind, i. e., the number of calms as well as of heavy OCEAN METEOROLOGY. 193 squalls and gales. The figures between the middle and the inner circle denote the percentage of wind from every alternate point : thus, of the 1,110 hours of observation, the wind was 20 per cent, of the time from the K TV. ; 8 per cent, from N. N. W. ; 3 per cent, was calm ; and one per cent, light variable winds. The little table below the number of the square is to be read thus : of the 1,110 hours, 30 were calm ; 10 were characterized by light airs flying all round the compass ; no fog ; 9 hours were rainy ; no heavy squalls ; and no light squalls. In the upper left-hand corner is the mean of the barometer, 30-05 — the mean of all the hourly observations taken in the square during the month ; under it is the mean daily range, 0*09 inch — the mean of the differences between the daily maxima and minima for 46 days. In the upper right-hand corner, under D. B. (dry-bulb) is the mean tempera- ture of the air (in the shade), 80° Fahr. ; the 5° under it is the mean daily range, both means obtained as for the barometer. Similarly, in the lower right-hand corner, is the mean temperature of evaporation and its daily range ; and, in the lower left-hand corner, the mean tem- perature of the sea-water at the surface and its mean daily range. The remarks within the circles are drawn from the experience of all the vessels that passed through the square in all the months of the year. It is their aim to fill up the outline character of the square afforded by the figures. While these remarks run through all the squares that have sufficiently similar features to be described together, the figures are applicable only to the square and month in which they appear. Thus are the climatic features of each small area of ocean de- lineated. It should be understood that these charts merely exhibit the ex- perience of the past reduced to a scale of probabilities for the future : if, then, the conditions stated in any square be not exactly realized, the system should not hence be condemned. Let any navigator consider the degree of dependence he will place on a trustworthy record of a passage he once made ; the confidence with which he will refer to that record — to the experience of a single voyage ! — for his guidance in traversing the same ground again : now, it is not the record of one passage alone, but of many — all conveniently arranged, with every discernible error and inaccuracy eliminated— that is given in any square of these charts. As a fair way of regarding them, let us consider the data of the square 106 : of the 1,110 observations of the wind, it was 226 hours, or 20 per cent, of the whole time, from the N". W. ; hence, at any future time, there are twenty chances for a N, W. wind of a force of 3, against eight for a N. K W, wind, force 2 ; against seven for a N, wind, force 3 ; against three for calms and one for very light airs. The observations of the direction of the wind on Maury's pilot charts have been incorporated with those extracted from log-books and journals of recent date, and, although they outnumber the latter, still VOL. XVI. 13 194 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. they do not form the basis of the charts. That basis is the variety of observations comi^iled and reduced in the careful and laborious manner already described, and which have then been examined from every standpoint to elicit whatever beam of information they might contain to illumine the ocean highways. Therefore, in justice to the amount of thought, care, and labor bestowed on these charts, it must be stated that they are not a rearrangement of old matter, but are essentially new, and from original sources. The second series of charts (now in course of compilation) embraces a series for the whole Atlantic between the parallels of 60° north and 60° south. The observations of the direction of the wind on Maury's pilot-charts, to the number of about 2,600,000, or 300 years, will be embodied in them : the actual period over which these observations extend is from the year 1800 to 1855. But, as with the Pacific charts, the real groundwork of the Atlantic series is the various kinds of ob- servations at present compiled in the careful manner already described from recent log-books and meteorological journals. In number, these observations will amount to about 650,000 hours, or 75 years. The actual period over which they will extend is from the year 1855 to 1881, the time when it is confidently hoped this set will be ready for issue. By far the greater part of the compilation is already done. The Atlantic charts, then, will contain hourly observations to the num- ber of about 3,250,000, or nearly 375 years : in other words, if it were imposed on a single ship to collect this mass of data, she would have to cruise in all parts of the Atlantic during every month of the year, for a period of 375 years, without ever going into port ! As, however, these observations were collected by a multitude of vessels and during a continuous series of 81 years, several vessels were observing at the same time in different jsarts of the ocean. Surely, this is an abundance of facts that must render indisputable the in- formation contained in the more frequented squares : more would be mere accumulation, without perceptibly affecting the mean results. On some accounts it would be desirable to have the areas for which the "information is classified smaller than 5° squares, as 1° squares, for example ; but, again, there are objections, all but insuperable, to such a system : 1. To collect data for it suflicient to give trustworthy results, would require a fleet of cruisers almost as large as the combined mer- chant marine of the world — all to be assiduously engaged for many years. This is unattainable. Even with the inducements now offered, and notwithstanding that the undertaking is mainly for their benefit, only a very small percentage of all the masters of merchant-vessels will take the trouble to keep a meteorological journal with the requi- site accuracy and care. Were it not for the excellent log-books of our ships of war, our knowledge of the phenomena of the ocean would indeed be most meager and inaccurate. OCEAN METEOROLOGY. 195 2. Supposing the data obtainable, the organization essential to deal- ing with it in such detail would be immense : a lifetime would hardly suffice to reach a practical result. 3. Its publication would require five times as many volumes as the present system — a series already bulky enough to deter any one from increasing it. 4. Throughout by far the greater part of the ocean, the several quantities do not vary rapidly enough to warrant compiling them for such small areas. The prevailing direction and force of the wind are substantially the same in many adjoining 1° squares ; and so also are the pressure and temperature of the air, the weather, etc. : therefore, to classify them for 1° squares Avould only be multiplying what, for the most part, was equally applicable to the whole extent of a .5° square. Besides, the object sought by the 1° system, the determination of the well-defined limits of the different phenomena, is more accurately attained by a method pursued in connection with the 5° system : on a Mercator's projection of very large scale, all the observations relating to one subject of inquiry are plotted in the position where they were observed. For example, the winds : at each noon position of the ship, an arrow is drawn to indicate its direction, and a small figure placed beside it to denote the force ; a circle represents calms, and several short lines radiating from a point, light variable airs. This continued until the whole sheet is studded with symbols, it is evident that we can determine, not to the closeness of one degree only, but to within a few miles, the precise area covered by the trades, or calms, or monsoons, or irregular breezes. The observations of the temperature of the air, of the sea-water, and of the barometer, are all similarly plotted, each on a sheet by itself. In every instance the sym- bols are in different colors, to distinguish the data peculiar to each month. In order to determine with the greatest possible precision the limits of the Gulf Stream, as well as the veins of varied temperature that per- meate it, a separate sheet for each month on an unusually large scale is provided for the observations relating to it. It might seem that, instead of publishing such elaborate charts as the series described, a single sheet containing merely the conclusions arrived at would suffice — a chart showing those courses fi-om port to port on which the most favorable winds and weather would be found. As well lay railway-tracks over the ocean and expect ships to glide upon them ! In matters pertaining to their profession, none are more tenacious of their opinions than sailors — and justly so : they form them after hard experience. To dislodge those opinions it must be proved wherein they are faulty and others correct ; and this can not be done by mere results. To lay down a rigid rule for a man to follow is to deprive him of the exercise of discretion and judgment — quali- 196 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ties in which it is eminently proper a sailor should be untrammeled. No, a track-chart is a useful auxiliary — it partly solves the problem of tracing the best course from port to port, and such a chart will eventu- ally form part of the entire set ; but a full exhibition of all the data on which the judgment is based is essential to every intelligent sea- man. It is the log-books of ships of our own navy from 1855 to 1877 — the large accumulation of twenty-two years — that are now undergoing compilation at the Hydrographic Office for the series of charts de- scribed : since 1877, by an order of the Navy Department, the compi- lation is made by the navigator of each cruising ship. Being an offi- cer of many years' experience at sea, and having direct and daily supervision of the log-book, there is great advantage in having the data ari-anged in the requisite form, on the spot and at the time of its occurrence, by such a competent person. Both the observations and compilations are made with a definite object in view, and, as that is to furnish charts for their future guid- ance, it is an incentive to the officers engaged in their preparation to make them as trustworthy as possible. The compilation is to con- tinue until charts for all the frequented portions of every ocean are published. When a log-book is full, both it and the compilations are sent to Washington, where they are examined, compared, and used as found necessary. In an article in a former number of this magazine, I have said that it is impossible to predict, as is done on the land, what the weather will be in various parts of the ocean for any short period ; there we lack the stationary points of observation with direct and instant com- munication : as pointed out by Maury, the most that can be done in this way is to warn European countries by telegraph of the approach of storms that traverse the Atlantic from the American Continent ; and of late this has been successfully done by the " New York Her- ald." In conclusion, I will merely allude to the utility of the charts that form the subject of this article. If, on land, it be optional to choose one's residence according to the salubrity of the climate, so at sea, the mariner, with a panorama of the winds and weather spread before him, can direct his course through only those squares that are favorable and avoid the stormy. Moreover, the novice to the sea or the philosopher in his study can, by a mere inspection of them, see what has passed over the waste of waters during the last hundred years, and be more fully and accu- rately informed regarding what in all probability he would have to encounter, in the way of aerial phenomena in an ocean-voyage, than the most weather-beaten tar that plows the main. FIRST-HAND AND SECOND-HAND KNOWLEDGE. 197 FIRST-HxVND AND SECOND-HAND KNOWLEDGE.* By ^y. B. DALBY, F. R. C. S. IN every system of education in which natural science forms no part, whatever knowledge the pupil gains is acquired from what he reads or from what he is told, and the truth of facts so presented to him he must take either upon trust or, in so far as they can be demon- strated to his reason, by logic or mathematics. In the study of natu- ral science, on the other hand, he sees, he feels, he hears the same fact repeated again and again under the same conditions ; and his inform- ant is Nature — Nature, who never errs. Which is the better mode of acquiring information ? Which information is the more likely to be true, to be the more worthy of trust, and safer to be acted upon ? These questions need no reply. We shall all agree that one of the most important elements in education is English literature, and cer- tainly in this department history must be included as not the least use- ful and delightful. But consider for a moment how entirely different, as a force in mental culture, is the information acquired by learning anything in science or in history. Take, for example, the character, or even the acts, of Mary Stuart. Although the events in her life occurred only some three hundred years ago, I dare say I could find among the students I am addressing as much difference of belief in many of her recorded actions, and certainly of opinion in regard to her character, as on any subject I could raise. To do this it would only be necessary to select a student fresh from the reading of Mr. Fronde's history, and another who had derived his impressions from earlier his- tories, and had not laid aside the romance with which Scott's novels have surrounded this Queen. Mr. Froude's references to existing doc- uments may be sufficient to induce me to receive his facts for purposes of history ; but, accept his accounts as much as I will, my belief is of a very faint sort if I compare it with anything I have seen for myself. Viewed in the light of actual knowledge, the facts derived in the two Avays have a different kind of value to me, both no doubt good in themselves, but still widely apart. With all due respect to the author- ities at our old universities, I can not but think that the time will come when the elements of physiology and chemistry \\i\\ be considered as valuable a method of mental training as the production of what are fancifully termed Latin verses, as the study of the traditional records of Jewish history, or the learning by heart of sentences from Paley's " Evidences." In the work which you now propose to undertake you will require no one's evidences but those of your own senses, and any statement from your teachers you will be able to subject to such tests. In whatever degree you do this your studies will be useful; when once * Part of an address delivered at St. George's Hospital, London, October 1, ISYQ. 198 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. you omit this they will be feeble and barren in their results. When you read or are told that an artery pulsates, that it is composed of so many coats, each possessing peculiar properties and uses, you will see and feel the artery to beat, you will examine its coats, you will see their properties exemplified in life, in death, in health, and in disease : in health, when it is divided by the knife, or tied to arrest haemor- rhage ; in disease, when it is the seat of aneurism and other changes. Of what service would it be to you to read of all this ? You would be better almost without such miserably insufficient information. Besides, what you read may not be true ; you will decide for yourselves wheth- er it is or not. If you wish to see the result of an education which makes a man arrive at an opinion accurately, act boldly, display man- ual dexterity, and effect good results, you may see it in any of the sur- geons while deligating an artery to cui-e an aneurism. Again, suppos- ing you to have made yourselves acquainted with the most complete account of typhoid fever, and simply to have supplemented what you have so learned by looking at any number of cases, and hearing what others have to say upon them. Until you have tested for yourselves the truth of all that you have heard or read about the disease, your knowledge would be worse than useless, for you might fancy that j^ou know something about it, and, armed with such conceit, have the ef- frontery to take charge of a patient so suffering. When you have seen patients every day from the beginning to the end of the fever, have taken the temperature of their bodies and noted its variations, become so familiar with their pulses that you recognize the period at which it may be necessary to administer stimulants, examined the excretions, watched the changes in symptoms, noted the effects of treatment, ob- served every detail in diet and nursing, made j^ourselves acquainted with the affections which the fever leaves behind, witnessed the modes of death with patients who do not recover, examined the 2^ost-mortem changes in those who die from it, and, lastly (most important of all) have discovered the source whence the fever arose — if you have done all these things, your knowledge of the subject will be real, and you will have learned that, though books have their uses, they should in science and medicine be only used for the purpose of directing atten- tion to what is to be looked for, and as a means of comparing the observations of others with your own. Thus far, then, books may be relied upon and no further. If this be so, the very essence and good- ness of a scientific education is lost when a student endeavors to pass his examinations by learning from text-books what he should have taught himself by observation, and from pictures what he should have learned from realities. Those whose information is so gained have seized the shadow instead of the substance, and their work will for ever bear the marks of their indifferent education. The results of the two modes of acquiring knowledge will be seen in the different classes of practitioners which they respectively pro- FIRST-HAND AXD SECOXD-HAND KNOWLEDGE. 199 diice. In the first order is the pliysiciau who intelligently studies phys- iology, who recognizes in pathology what I would for the moment call an eccentric physiology ; who says to himself when contemjjlating disease : " I here see such and such organs of the body out of order, such and such functions imperfectly performed ; let me try to place these organs at rest, so that they may recover themselves (where recovery is possible) and perform, perhaps, in time their functions as heretofore " ; who appreciates that in pneumonia the tendency is toward recovery when not interfered with, if the patient's strength is so supported that he can tide over the period during which the lung recovers itself ; who sees in typhoid fever the same necessity for sup- port, Avith the additional one of resting the intestine until the ulcera- tion has time to heal ; who, in the case of diseased kidneys, rests these organs by putting their work on to other organs, such as the skin and intestines, and allows no food which requires the special exercise of the kidneys for purposes of elimination. Similar management with other diseased organs. Here knowledge of physiology precedes knowl- edge of disease, and disease means to this physician disorded physiol- ogy. How different from the meddlesome apothecary of not long ago — never easy without he was pouring his medicines into his patient every few hours, having for every symptom a fresh drug Avhich added to his patient's difiiculties, and for every pain some outward applica- tion which increased his discomfort ! Now, his modern counterpart is he who has learned chiefly from books and untrained observation what he knows of disease ; for, please observe, that constantly seeing pa- tients by no means implies that the faculty of accurately observing has been attained, and if this faculty is not acquired by a man early in life he will blunder on into old age. Such a one does much the same as his predecessor in a milder way when his first consideration takes the form of the inquiry, What is a good medicine for this, and what for that ? He knows what will cure something or other, and so prescribes it. So well is what I am saying beginning to be under- stood that the very expression " cure," unless applied Avith a special meaning, as to an aneurism, a hernia, or the like, has become almost offensive, and will ere long be used only by the ignorant and preten- tious. The physician does not pretend to cure his patients ; he places them in the conditions most favorable to recovery, and is thus often the means of averting death and conducting them to health. You must not think that I am underrating the value of -medicines ; a large number of drugs we know well to be most useful and often necessaries in the treatment of disease, but the practice of ordering medicines to every patient who applies for relief is no longer the practice of phy- sicians, although perhaps it may be followed by those who would on occasions be the last to resort to it, if they had the courage of their opinions. But pathology is better understood than it was a few years since, and with a more comi^lete knowledge of morbid processes has 200 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, come a corresponding knowledge of the frequent inability of drugs to control them ; add to this that, with a fairly intelligent patient, the man M^ho possesses an intimate acquaintance with the morbid change which produces the symptoms has the power of explaining his disease to him, and so successfully insisting upon the requisite conditions for treatment, irrespective sometimes of little, if any, assistance from drugs — such a knowledge can not be attained without a thorough scientific training, and I could multiply examples where this kind of education is as useful as it is to the physician. At the risk of being tedious, I can not help repeating that the mental training which encourages the habit of careful observation, of accumulating facts, the reality and truth of which are tested by ex- periment, which sweeps away opinions based upon imperfect premises, which succeeds in leaving upon its pupil a profound regard for accu- racy in all his work, must be a valuable addition to any course of education — an addition, for I should be sorry to urge that it was a complete substitute for any branch of knowledge except it be philoso- phy and metaphysics. How science has superseded philosophy was well told by George Henry Lewes when he wrote : " The method of verification, let us never forget, is the one grand characteristic distin- guishing science from philosoj^hy, modern inquiry from ancient inquiry. The proof is with us the great object of solicitude ; we demand cer- tainty, and, as the course of human evolution shows certainty to be attainable on no other method than the one followed by science, the condemnation of metaphysics is inevitable. Philosophy was the great initiator of science ; it rescued the nobler part of man from the do- minion of brutish apathy and helpless ignorance, nourished his mind with mighty impulses, exercised it in magnificent efforts, gave him the unslaked, unslakable thirst for knowledge which has dignified his life, and enabled him to multiply tenfold his existence and his happi- ness. Having done this, its part is played ; our interest in it is purely historical." — Lancet. EDUCATION OF BEAm-CELLS. By J. MORTIMER GRANVILLE, M. D. THE very interesting and important case recently narrated by Pro- fessor Sharpey in this periodical * recalls one that fell under my owm observation rather more than twenty yeai'S ago. I will state its principal features, without going into details, and then venture to make the two cases an occasion for a few brief speculations which I am desirous of laying before medical-psychologists, with a view to * See " Popular Science Monthly " for August, ISTO — article " Reeducation of the Adult Brain." EDUCATION OF BRAIN-CELLS. 201 obvious practical inferences in respect to the treatment of what I con- ceive to be a not uncommon cerebral condition. In 1858 I was requested to see a daily governess and teacher of music, who had been suddenly attacked with what Avas thought to be acute mania. I found a spare, somewhat angular, eccentric-looking young woman, aged twenty-six, in a state of great excitement, hysterical and choreic. Within a few hours — after a paroxysm of considerable violence, during which she talked and sang wildly and was with diffi- culty restrained by those around her — she fell into a state verging on suspended animation, which lasted a week. The skin was cold, and pre- sented a dark, mottled appearance ; the pulse was scarcely perceptible at the wrist ; the breathing slow and seldom deep ; there seemed to be complete loss of consciousness, and scarcely any trace of sensibility. The muscles were cataleptic, and the extremities dropped slowly when raised. It was barely possible to feed the patient by the mouth, by holding forward the larynx and placing the fluid far back in the pharynx with a spoon, when it seemed to flow down the oesophagus as through a flaccid tube. This condition, which was treated with the interrupted current from the occiput and nape to the hypogastrium, and mustard-poultices down the spine, subsided very gradually. Then came the state I am chiefly interested to note. There had clearly been an exciting cause for the attack in religious excitement, acting on a nervous system exhausted by protracted toil as a teacher. When consciousness began to return, the latest sane ideas formed previous to the illness mingled curiously Avith the new impressions received, as in the case of a person awakening slowly from a dream. When propped up with pillows in bed near the window, so that pass- ers in the street could be seen, the patient described the moving ob- jects as "trees walking " ; and, when asked where she saw these things, she invariably replied, "In the other gospel." In short, her mental state was one in which the real and the ideal were not separable. Her recollections on recovery, and for some time afterward, were indistinct, and, in regard to a large class of common topics which must have formed the staple material of thought up to the period of the attack, memory was blank. Special subjects of thought immediately anterior to the malady seemed to have saturated the mind so completely that the early impressions received after recovery commenced Avere imbued with them, while the cerebral record of penultimate brain-work in the life before the morbid state was, as it were, obliterated. For example, although this young woman had supported herself by daily duty as a governess, she had no recollection of so simple a matter as the use of a writing implement. When a pen or pencil was placed in her hand,"^ as it might be thrust between the fingers of a child, the act of grasp- ing it was not excited, even reflexly : the touch or sight of the instru- ment awoke no association of ideas. The most perfect destruction of brain-tissue could not have more completely effaced the constructive 202 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. effect of education and habit on the cerebral elements. This state lasted, some weeks, and the " recollection " of what had been " forgot- ten," to use conventional terms, was slow and painful, needing, or, as I would now say, seeming to require, a process of reeducation as distinct as (though, I judge, less prolonged than) that which proved necessary in the case detailed by Professor Sharpey. In the end recovery was mentally and physically satisfactory. I can not assume that anything in these two narratives will strike the practical psychologist as novel, or of even unfrequent occurrence. The clinical aspect of such cases has been sketched times without num- ber. Nevertheless they present features of interest, as viewed from an etiological standpoint, which may be worthy more than a passing notice. Either of three conditions may, I believe, be set up by brain dis- turbance, or disease, causing "loss of memory" : 1. Complete destruc- tion of cerebral cells ; 2. Withering or blighting, which amounts to obliteration of the cells without destruction of their nuclei ; * 3. A sus- pension of function without arrest of nutrition, as though a particular area of the cerebral organism were thrown out of the circuit of energy. In the first event there will be final effacement of the records of ideation. So far as the cells destroyed are concerned, they and their properties are lost for ever. If the functions previously performed by these strata or tracts reappear, it must be because some other part of the brain has taken up the business vicariously — as I believe is possible with nearly every function or manifestation of mental energy. In the second event, when the cells are withered but the nuclei remain, a new crop of cells may spring from the parent organism, and, after a la^ise of time sufficient for development, the educationary record will reappear, the seed reproducing its kind, plus the effect of training and ideation. It may be that there will need to be so much reeducation as to culti- vate the new growth, and pei;haps a reimpression of purely objective ideas, but it may, and probably in the majority of instances does, hap- pen that the new cells will be developed with all the characteristics of the old. In the third event recover)^ may occur instantly, almost at any moment, if the obstacle to communication is overcome or breaks down in convalescence, so that the isolated, but scarcely injured, congeries of brain-cells may again be energized. I speak of brain-cells instead of " nerve-molecules," because, even accepting the vibration theory, it must be assumed that the vibrating particles are cellular vital organ- isms. Supposing the states I have described to exist, I venture to suggest that the development of a new crop of cells from denuded germs or nuclei will account for the facility with which reeducation, in cases like that described by Professor Sharpey, reproduces knoicledge, even * I use the term nucleus here and throughout in a non-physiological sense, simply to designate the seat of life in a cell, whatever that may be. EDUCATIOX OF BRAIX-CELLS. 203 at a period of life when it is not easy to learn. What the new train- ing and teaching does is not so much to impart infoi'mation as to foster the growth of a new crop from the old seed, just as an after-crop may be procured by breaking up an overstocked soil and applying the stimulus of manure. It is always possible that in the first process of instruction more seed may have been sown than germinated. Some good mental seed doubtless falls on barren ground, and it is perhaps due to the vitality and subsequent germination of this seed, that ideas which we do not seem to have cultivated deepen as the years go on. Meanwhile I fancy it is as the progeny of old nuclei that the phys- ical' bases of a revived memory are restored during general recovery in cases of the class before us. It seldom happens that the reeducating process needs to be very explicit or prolonged. Far less teaching than would have sufficed to implant the knowledge originally Avill cause it to reappear. In cases where the cells only are destroyed and their cen- ters of vitality remain, it may even happen that the mere establish- ment of health will suffice to bring about complete restoration. When the new cells grow, the old memories will be revived. This is what takes place in ordinary cases, when, although no especial pains are taken to reeducate, the " lost " knowledge returns. The completeness of the recovery will probably depend on the vigor of the first growth, and is doubtless governed by the same law which determines permanence or tendency to revert to an old type in the propagation of recently im- pressed or acquired qualities of species or family. Ideas, or an organic tendency to form particular conceptions, are certainly transmitted from parent to child. The cells first developed in a foetal cerebrum are probably imbued Avith the qualities and properties of the brains of the mother and father, in different proportions. The transmission of germs of mental character which slumber through one generation and awaken with all their ancestral energy in the next is a recognized fact. It will therefore probably happen that the new crop does not at first present all the features of that which was blighted by disease, but develop part of its characteristics later on. Thus vigorous health at an ad- vanced period of life will sometimes produce a perfecting of the re- covery commenced, but not consummated, years before. Cases of the first and third class are very likely to be confounded in practice. Final destruction may be assumed when, perhaps, a tract has been isolated without being destroyed. In this way I venture to think hopeless dementia is occasionally diagnosed, Avhen what has happened is the disconnection, or throwing out of the circuit of cere- bral energy, of a particular tract or stratum of element ; and, unless watched, partial recovery, susceptible of treatment, may happen with- out being observed and helped at the critical moment. Treatment for the first class of cases is valueless ; for the second, the cure must consist in the reproduction of brain-cells, or rather, as I have suggested, the development of a new crop from the denuded 204 TH^ POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. nuclei of blighted cells. The so-called " reeducation " is only in a limited and scarcely physiological sense educationary. It is a repeti- tion of the training, not so much to teach as to stimulate the growth of new organic elements from preexistent germs imbued with forma- tive forces and characteristics which must themselves determine the physico-mental result. If new cells are produced, they will be found already educated, that is, endowed with inherited characteristics which constitute the physical bases of memory. The educated germ natu- rally produces an educated cell. Upon this hypothesis rests the whole theory of heredity, species, and transmission. In the third class of cases, recovery occurs as an accident of treat- ment, except -when in the presence of a constitutional cachexia like syphilis, specific medication may remove the grip of disease which, so to say, holds the mental organism in fetters that its energy can not act. It will, I think, be often found that the seemingly permanent losses of memory which occur after acute disease are due to the isola- tion of special strata of cerebral tissue by the stasis of syphilitic or gouty disease. Mercury, iodide of potassium, or colchicum may in this way serve as a " memory-powder," and work a cure. The two points I am chiefly anxious to place on record, without any claim to novelty of suggestion, are, first, that what is called reedu- cation is often simply the fostering of a natural growth — never harm- ful unless overdone, but of less value than may at first sight be sup- posed ; second, that, in the absence of sj)ecial indications that what seems to be helpless dementia is actually w^hat it seems, i. e., a physical destruction of brain-cells, it is always possible the patient may recover, and therefore never justifiable to write a case off as incurable, and leave it to drift unnoticed and unhelped. — Brain. EAELY METHODS IX AKITHMETIC. By E. 0. VAILE. IN our day arithmetic is looked upon as a science of which every boy at fourteen ought to be master. Such was not the case a cen- tury or so back. In England, as well as upon the Continent, arithmetic was long considered a higher branch of science, and a university study, like geometry. In part, this is accounted for by the strong conviction which has always possessed mankind until within the last two hundred years, that numbers have about them very potent and mystical proper- ties. During the middle ages this science had its skilled professors. The partial title of a work gives an idea of its exalted claims even after the time of Shakespeare and Bacon. The book appeared in Lon- don in 1624. Its title-page read thus : '* The Secrets of Numbers EARLY METHODS IN ARITHMETIC. 205 according to Theological, Arithmetical, Geometrical, and Harmonical Computation. Pleasing to read, profitable to under stande, opening themselves to the capacities of both learned and unlearned y being no other than a Keg to lead Man to any Doctrinal Knoicledge ichatsoever.^^ But, in addition, there was difficulty and complexity in the science as practiced then that made it no boy's play. Even making allowance for the great advantage of " being used to a thing," the middle-age processes in the fundamental rules were often much more intricate than those practiced nowadays. In his incomparable history of the science of arithmetic, in the " Encyclopedia Metropolitana," Dr. Pea- cocke gives many interesting illustrations, some of which will doubt- less strike the reader as novel. Some of their steps are easily ex- plained, but others are by no means so simple. It might prove of interest and advantage to test the higher grades in some modern schools in regard to their actual comprehension of the first four rules by requiring them to explain the philosophy, not the process merely, of a few of these medieval "sums." Explanations further than a description of the process are purjDosely omitted. In subtraction they usually began at the left hand instead of the right. Inconvenient as it is, the method was continued as late as the end of the sixteenth century. The difference was placed above the numbers instead of below. Example 1. Subtract 35843 from 54612. When the digits in the subtrahend are greater than those in the minuend, units are placed be- neath them as in the example ; 3 being increased by the unit in the next place to the right, and similarly for 5, 8, and 4. Process. Example 2. Subtract 23245 from 30024. Of 06779 remainder. course with such an arrangement it is of no con- 2991 sequence whether the operation proceeds from right 30024 minuend. to left or from left to right. It will be easily seen 23245 subtrahend, how the substituted minuend is obtained, with the exception of the one ten. Suppose the figure 4 in the subtrahend had been 1 ; then to what device would the boys and girls of the time of Luther and of Queen Elizabeth have had to resort to save their credit ? There is reason for thinking that the modern method of subtrac- tion was the invention of an English mathematician of the first part of the seventeenth century, by the name of Gath. In multiplication there were some ten or twelve different processes in practical use ; but, strange to say, our present mode is not found among them. A few of the subjoined examples are easily intelligible. A little study will make the others plain : Example 1. Multiply 135 by 12. Process. 18769 remainder. 54612 minuend. 35843 subtrahend. 1111 206 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Process 1. 13 5 12 12 12 Process 2. 1 3 1 2 60 G 1 6 0 0 1 2 0 3 0 5 6 1 0 Process 3. 135 12 10 11 5 1 1G20 The commentator considers this method as difficult, and not to be learned by dull schol- ars without instruction. Example 2. Multiply 15 by 12. 15 = 4 + 5 + 6. 12 = 2 + 4 + 6. Process. 8 16 24 48 10 20 30 60 12 24 36 72 30 60 90 180 Process. 1610 35 X 46 Example 3. Multiply 30 by 46. This method was called " crosswise," from the manner in which the partial products to be added were obtained. It is not improbable that our present sign of multiplica- tion was derived from the crossing of the lines in this pro- cess, as being somewhat indicative of the operation. Here is a larger example worked by the cross-method : Example 4. Multiply 456 by 456. Process. ft To indicate the successive steps the link- ing-lines are numbered, so as to show the groups in which the products are to be taken for addition. 2 0 7 Process. 456 added mentally, and one will better appreciate how much 456 -^e depend upon mere mechanism in our own mental opera- 207936 tions. .Q 3 6 Let the products be found and properly grouped and EARLY METHODS IN ARITHMETIC. 207 The method by the little castle was much practiced at Florence. Why the name was given to it is not very clear. Example 5. Multiply 9876 by 6789. Process. 9 8 7 6 6 7 8 9 6 110 1 .5431 2 4 7 5 2 3 4 0 7 3 4 67048164 The method by the square was regarded as elegant, not requiring the operator to attend to the places of the figures. Process. 9 8 7 6 6 7 8 9 8 7 8 9 9 8 0 1 2 0 3 5 4 8 6 2 5 6 0 Latticed Multiplication. Process. 9 8 7 6 9 8 7 6 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 ,5 2 7 4 6 6 8 4 3 6 6 9 4 2 4 4 5 2 4 6 3 6 7 Some authors wished to elevate the character of the study, so as to save the labor of carrying tens. Here are two processes, or rather one process under different forms, which save that labor : Example 6. Multiply 234 by 234. Example 7. Multiply 5142 by 43. 2o8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Processes. Ex. 6. Ex. 7. 2 3 4 2 3 4 4 6 116 6 8 2 1 2 9 8 5 4 7 5 6 5 1 4 2 4 3 1 0 6 1 5 3 2 1 0 8 2 0 4 6 2 2 110 6 Though the multiplication-table was in use by the Arabians and Italians at an early date, no notice Avas taken of it during the middle ages in the rest of Europe. It may give us more charity for the boys and girls who are now wrestling with it — although nowadays it does not seem to require the struggle that it used to — to know that grown men, and wise men probably, sought for devices by which the labor might be avoided which we go through in childhood. Outside of Italy, many writers considered it necessary to relieve the memory from retaining the products of digits above five. The principal rule — known as the " sluggard's rule " — given for this purpose during the last half of the sixteenth century, the half century after the time of Luther, Melanchthon, and Erasmus, was this : Subtract each digit from ten, and write down the differences ; rtiultiply the differences together and add as many tens to their product as the first digit exceeds the second difference, or the second digit the first difference. Examples. 7 X 8 == (3 X 2) + (7 — 2 = 5) tens = 56. 6X9= (4X1) + 5 tens = 54. The method which we call short division was largely used in the middle ages, as was also the method of dividing by using the factors of the divisor. The process by long division was known, but was not so commonly used as others. It was called the process " by giving," since after subtraction we give or add (bring down) one or more fig- ures to the remainder. Here is an example set down after the fashion of those times : Example 8. Divide 97335376 by 9876. Divisior. Proveniens. 9 8 7 6 9 8 7 6 9 7 3 3 5 3 7 6 8 8 8 8 4 8 6 5 13 7 9 0 0 8 7 5 0 5 7 6 9 13 2 5 9 2 5 6 5 9 2 5 6 EARLY METHODS IN ARITHMETIC. 209 De Burgo, the most noted medieval writer on arithmetic, thinks this last process — our long division — much less pleasant than the following method. Surely tempora mutcmtur, et )ios mutamur in illis. Example 9. Divide 97535399 by 98T6. 1 5 7 G 5 8 2 9 14 5 4 4 8 6 10 2 2 9 7 5 5 6 5 16301373 97535399 9 8 7 6 6 6 6 9 8 7 7 7 9 8 8 1^ 9 8 7 6 9 In this work the divisor is placed next below the dividend, and removed one place to the right since it is not contained in the first four figures of the dividend. The process with the first figure of the quo- tient, placed as usual at j^resent, is as follows : The first number of the divisor, 9, is contained in 97 nine times with a remainder 16. The first figure of the divisor having been used is canceled ; as are also the first two figures of the dividend. (The " scratches " or canceling- marks are omitted in the illustration.) The remainder, being of the same denomination as the first two figures of the dividend, is put directly above them. The next number to be used is 165. Multiply- ing the second figure of the divisor, 8, by 9, and subtracting from 165, 93 remains ; 165 and 8 are now canceled, having been used. The remainder 93 is placed above in the proper orders, the 6th and 7th places. So it continues, leaving, after completing the work with the first figure of the quotient, the remainder 8651399. The divisor is now set down again, taking one place to the right as it should to cor- respond to the highest order now in the dividend ; the last figure being raised to the line above, probably for symmetry. The process is continued as before. All writers upon arithmetic appear to have agreed in commenda- tion of this method as late as the end of the seventeenth century. It was, in fact, the only method thought necessary to notice. The Eng- lish arithmeticians, from evident cause, called it the " scratch way " of division. Our present method was known specifically as Italian division, and was not introduced until the beginning of the last cen- tury. One writer on arithmetic, a pious monk, furnishes a good illustra- tion of medieval logic. He is embarrassed by the usage and meaning of the term "multiplication" in the case of fractions in which the product is less than the multiplicand, and he proposes the question, VOL. XTI. 14 2 10 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. " Whether the multiplication of fractions is an increasing process ? " In order to prove that to multiply means to increase, he bases his ar- gument on Scripture, and clinches the whole by quoting the promise to Abraham, " I will multiply thy seed like the stars of the firma- ment," To this devout logician there would be no joke in the com- mon conundrum that proves Abraham to have been a mathematician because he increased and multiplied on the " face of the earth." But how is this to be reconciled with the numerical result in the cases under consideration ? He supposes the units of the product to be of greater virtue and significancy than those of the factors : thus, if ^ and ^ represent the sides of a square, their product will represent the area of the square. The first actual mention of real decimal fractions is in a Flemish work published in 1590. There the mixed number 2T'847 is written 2 V' ^J ^7 7 To the present advocates of the metric system it may afford encouragement to know that Stevinus, in this work, enumerates the advantages which would result from the decimal subdivision of the units of length, area, capacity, value, etc. In 1619 the contents of the Flemish book were embodied in an English work — " The Art of Tens, or Decimal Arithmetike, exercised by Henry Lyte, Gent., and by him set forth for his Countries Good." After enlarging upon the value of his system to all classes, he adds : "If God spare me life, I. will spend some time in most cities of this land for my countries good to teach this art. I hold the lively voice of a mcane sj^eculator somewhat practised, furthereth ten fold more in my judgement than the finest writer that is." Rather severe on those " meane speculators," his contemporaries, Francis Bacon and William Shakespeare. SPENCER'S DATA OF ETHICS. By ALEXANDER BAIN, LL. D., PROFESSOR OF LOGIC IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. IN the immense abundance of literary production a great deal of criticism is avowedly calculated to supersede the jDerusal of the works themselves. Such a book as the present, however, is among the rarest ; and being on the most interesting of all themes, and withal lucid and short, the critic would be much mistaken in assuming that it will not be read by his own readers and many besides. The field of ethics has been crossed and recrossed in many direc- tions ; and we are now called to follow a new and unbeaten track. Our interest and expectation are awakened, not simply on account of the general philosophic ability of the writer, which disposes us to BAIN ON THE DATA OF ETHICS. 211 listen to him on any topic that he may see fit to take up, but also be- cause he regards the work before us as the end and outcome of all his labors, the object to which all the preceding parts of his systematic elaboration are preparatory. The philosophy of evolution, which he has spent his life in constructing, is here to reach its application to practice. With a view to the popularity of the work, this may seem a disadvantage, as comparatively few of those that are attracted to a book in morals have followed the author through his long precursory series of magna opera ; yet the disadvantage is not so great as might be so supposed, for such is the expository clearness gained from long familiarity with the materials, that the work is self -explaining in a remarkable degree. Although thus disclaiming the purpose of dispensing with the inde- pendent perusal of the work, yet without making a general survey of its plan and leading ideas I am unable to criticise any portion intelli- gibly. The preliminary question necessarily is the definition or province of ethics. What is meant by conduct, and what by good and bad con- duct ? Conduct is the adjustment of acts to ends. As to good and bad, we must i^roceed systematically through the animal series ; or trace the "Evolution of Conduct." The lowest creatures are charac- terized by insufficient adaptation of actions to the ends of existence ; they move about at random, and live at the mercy of chance. But proceed upward from the infusorium to the rotifer, and we find the actions better accommodated to the situation, and as a consequence greater chances of preservation. Move still upward to the higher vertebrates, and look at the superiority of an elephant to a cod ; go yet further, and compare the civilized with the savage man : we find the same expression to apply — the multiplication of activity in the serving of useful ends, whereby life is increased both in length and in breadth. Turn next to the conservation of the species by the treat- ment of the young, and we find the same progress ; in the lowest creatures only one germ in ten thousand comes to maturity. Lastly, take into account the social situation, where individuals act and react on each other, whether for prey or for assistance. There is here a like progress, shown in the like results ; in the lower stages, mutual destruction ; in the higher stages, mutual cooperation, with greater security of life and greater amounts of enjoyment. This survey being premised, let us ascertain the meanings of good and bad. A good action is one that subserves either individual life, or the rearing of offspring, or the interests of the society at large. The relatively good is the relatively more-evolved. The highest con- duct of all is what best reconciles all the three ends. Having reached this point, the author asks. Is there any postulate involved in these judgments of conduct? and answers yes, namely, the question. Is life worth living ? which question he briefly discusses, making out that 212 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. both optimist and pessimist must assume that life is satisfactory or otherwise, according as it does, or does not, bring a surplus of agree- able feeling. He disposes of the ascetic theory as being the product of the inferior religious creeds ; and in so far as any persons in the present day retain the ascetic view, he runs them into absurdity by asking what they mean by the virtue of administering to a sick per- son ; is it to increase the pains of illness ? He then reviews the ethical end expressed by " perfecting " one's nature, and shows that there is no other test of perfection than " complete power of all the organs to fulfill their respective functions." Then as to making " virtue " the standard, he criticises Aristotle and Plato, and finds that they are playing off juggles of language. He next argues that virtue could not be upheld as virtue unless on the supposition that it is pleasurable in its total effects. Again as to the " intuitional " theory, he shows that the holders can not, and do not, ignore the ultimate derivations of right and wrong from pleasure and pain. He admits, however, that there is still among us a survival of the devil-worship of the savage, seen in our delight in contemplating the exercise of despotic power — the worship that owns Carlyle as its prophet, disguising itself by de- nouncing happiness as pig-philosoi^hy, and substituting " blessedness " as the end. So much for good and bad conduct. In a new chapter, the author pursues the criticism of the ethical theories, under the title, " Ways of judging Conduct." As a prelimi- nary remark, he shows us with what exceeding slowness the idea of causation has been evolved. He is struck with the fact that all the theories — theological, political, intuitional, utilitarian — are character- ized either by the entire absence of the idea of causation, or by an in- adequate presence of it. Thus the theory of the " will of God " origi- nates with the savage whose only restraint besides fear of his fellow men is fear of an ancestral spirit. Now, the notion that actions are good or bad simply by divine injunction is tantamount to saying that they have not in their own nature good or bad effects. After review- ing Hobbes and the Intuitionists, he tells us that even the utility school is very far from recognizing natural causation. In other words, he enunciates his known principle, of which the present volume is the expansion, that morality is not an induction from isolated facts, but a deduction from the processes of life as carried on under established conditions of existence. The proof of this principle needs a survey of ethics under four aspects — Physical, Biological, Psychological, Socio- logicah In the four chapters devoted to the survey, Mr. Spencer's ethical foundations are laid. To begin with the Physical view. This treats conduct as so much motion suited to its purposes by paying respect to the law of conservation of force ; in which view the ethical progress is progress to duly-proportioned conduct ; and that conduct is increas- ingly coherent and definite, increasingly heterogeneous or varied, and BAIN OX THE DATA OF ETHICS. 213 tending to balance or equilibrium. " Complete life in a complete so- ciety is but another name for complete equilibrium between the co- ordinated activities of each social unit and those of the aggregate of units." The author admits that there is some strangeness in thus pre- senting moral conduct in physical terms. The Biological view takes account of man's nature as an organism, or an aggregate of organs, to be maintained in due condition by regu- lated exercise, rest, and nutrition, and as liable to disorder by excess or defect. According to this view, the moral man is he whose func- tions— numerous and varied though they be — are all discharged in degrees duly adjusted to the conditions of existence. It is immoral to treat the body so as in any way to diminish the fullness or vigor of its vitality. One leading test of actions is. Does the action tend to main- tenance of complete life for the time being, and does it tend to pro- longation of life to the full extent ? This position is not simply the consequence of the necessity of living in order to be happy ; it takes us up to the further docti-ine that happiness is fulfillment of function in each and all of the organs. In fact, the law of pleasure and pain — connecting pleasure with vitality and pain with the opposite — is here invoked as an indispensable link in ethics, and as one of the ways of rendering the science deductive, and of superseding the laborious if not impossible calculations of empirical Hedonism. In this chapter Mr. Spencer illustrates the truth at great length as a practical and moral lesson, and one as yet very imperfectly apprehended. The dependence of the mental on the physical, so completely neglected by our fore- fathers in all but the most obtrusive instances, has been gradually receiving more attention, and Mi\ Spencer will be hereafter distin- guished for giving it an additional impetus, as well as for contributing to its more precise definition. It must necessarily enter more and more into the guidance of human conduct, and must to that extent become an ethical factor. The doctrine in his hands cuts closer than ever ; he proceeds upon the assumption that pleasure points out the way to the healthy discharge of the functions, and pain to the opposite. He is not unaware of the exceptions, and regards them as an imper- fection of adjustment destined to pass away as evolution reaches its term. The Psychological view takes us to the genesis of the moral con- sciousness through conflict of states, and through the subordination of lower ends to higher. In order to this we must conceive pleasures and pains in the future, and by such conceptions hold in check all present urgencies incompatible with remoter interests. The yielding of the lower to the higher may, however, be carried to excess ; the subordination is a conditional subordination. The pleasures of the present are not to be absolutely sacrificed to the pleasures of the fu- ture ; the present is always to be counted at its own value in striking the balance. Mr. Spencer illustrates this by the practical absurdity of 214 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. men living entirely for the future. The source of the feeling called moral obligation is now indicated. The essential trait being the con- trol of some feelings by some other feelings, Mr. Spencer traces the different species of control from without, in political govei-nment, re- ligious fear, and the general influence of society. All these have evolved with society, as means of social self-preservation. The pen- alties accompanying them impart the feeling of coercion ; in other words, the sense of moral obligation. At the same time we are not to exclude from the aggregate the earlier and deeper element of self- regarding prudence^ based on the penalties of improvidence. But now the moral motive, arising at first from external sources, is destined to transformation when the individual mind is completely accommodated to the social situation. The higher actions required for the harmo- nious carrying on of life will be as much matters of course as are those lower actions prompted by the simple desires. The Sociological view, already implied, is the sujjplement of the physical, the biological, and the psychological views. It teaches the modes of conduct for reducing individual antagonisms, and bringing about mutual cooperation. Out of this, by necessary deduction, we obtain the reasons for fulfilling contracts, for assigning benefits in pro- portion to services, which is Justice ; and further for the rendering of gratuitous services, in a certain degree, which is Beneficence. We see how social life is furthered, not merely by mutual abstinence from harm, but by exchange of services beyond agreement. In a separate chapter, entitled " Criticisms and Exj^lanations," Mr. Spencer compares his deductive theory of conduct with the utilitarian computation, as handled by Bentham, Mill, and Sidgwick. I will re- turn to this on completing the survey of his entire scheme. His next chapter is an illustration of the dependence of pleasures and pains on the state of the organism, and is equally necessary for his purpose, as being the completion of the theory of pleasure. People have often supposed that pleasurable agents, such as sugar to the taste, are so by intrinsic and absolute quality, the same to all persons in all situations. This is soon shown to be a mistake ; and the opposite truth is one of great importance in the ethical point of view. Physical pain is im- mensely greater in a highly developed nervous system. Exercises that give great pleasure to some creatures give none to others ; the system being in the one case adapted to them, and in the others not. Emo- tions presuppose a suitable organization. Destructiveness will give way to amity, if the nervous arrangements for one are atrophied by disuse, and those for the other persistently exercised. The civilized man is distinguished by contracting the same delight in peaceful in- dustry as the savage feels in war and the chase. The next two chapters — " Egoism versus Altruism " and " Altruism versus Egoism " — are the most incisive in the whole book. The rela- tion of altruism to egoism is subject to habitual exaggeration even to BAIX ON THE DATA OF ETHICS. 215 the extent of self-contradiction, and Mr. Spencer brings a rigid scrutiny to bear on the whole question. His position is — the permanent suprem- acy of egoism over altruism ; and he elucidates this in his systematic way. He cites numerous striking examples to bring home the truth that the first condition of the performance of duty to others is the per- fect vigor and competence of the agent's self. As a pertinent moral lecture, nothing could be more effective. He allows that his view is the one practically recognized among men, and only regrets that the nominally accepted beliefs should be at variance with it. In the chapter on altruism, Mr. Spencer, by a review of the entire social situation of human beings, endeavors to assign the exact scope and value of our sympathetic regards. While avoiding all exaggera- tion, he proves by numerous and striking examples the value of altru- istic conduct to all and to each. The dependence of egoism upon altruism tends ever toward universality, becoming greater as social evolution advances. He next proceeds to consider the conflict of the two principles, which leads him a second time to discuss the utilitarianism of Bentham and John Mill. Ho inquires what guidance the principle of " the greatest happiness of the greatest number" offers (1) to public policy and (2) to private action ; and pronounces it defective as undertaking an impracticable operation, viz., first to gather all the happiness of mankind into one stock, and then to apportion it properly among indi- viduals. I doubt, however, whether either Bentham or Mill conceived the doctrine of utility as necessitating any such operation. The es- sence and strength of the doctrine seem to me to be brought out by Bentham's two negatives of it — asceticism and unreasoning sentiment; to both of which Mr. Spencer is as much opposed as Bentham. The positive expression — the greatest happiness of the greatest number — is not itself happy, and was ultimately reduced by Bentham to the simple expression, " greatest happiness," which in its convenient vagueness seems to defy hostile criticism. How the greatest happiness of man- kind is to be arrived at remains open for discussion. ■ There is a gen- eral agreement at the present day that the best course is for each indi- vidual to occupy a limited sphere without thinking of the universal happiness. Mr. Spencer seems to me to be arguing for sevei*al pages without an opponent. The expressions that he quotes from Bentham and Mill need to be taken along with their whole system, which is, to my mind, not so very far from Mr. Spencer's own. They would say that society should confine itself to protecting each man and woman in the pursuit of their own happiness in their own way. This is the text of Mill's " Liberty." I admit that they are not able to prove beyond dispute that the greatest happiness will be attained in this form ; but, as far as the needful computation can be carried, they think it is in favor of such an arrangement. The discussion has, at all events, been brought to the point of stat- 2i6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ing that ethics is a regulated compromise between egoism and altruism. What remains is to consider the possibility of an ultimate conciliation. The position at present being that egoism is too strong or altruism too weak, the conciliation must work by finding some means of strength- ening the altruistic promptings. Mr. Spencer sees in the tendencies of evolution a progress in this direction. In an interesting dissertation on the sources of sympathy, he endeavors to point out that the faculty admits of development in two ways, viz., the natural language or ex- pression of the feelings, and the susceptibility to that expression as witnessed. He expects such an increase in these two powers as to re- I verse the predominance of egoism, and to make altruism the prevalent fact of our constitution in minds generally, as it is at present in a few. There will then be as much competition in rendering services as there is at present in exacting them. Indeed, the difficulty will be to find scope for the altruistic cravings. The spheres finally remaining will be chiefly (1) family life, in which the care of children by parents and of parents by children will be better fulfilled, (2) social welfare, in the improvements of the social state, and (3) private relations, where the casualties of life will always afford occasion for help to the sufferers. " Far off as seems such a state, yet every one of the factors counted on to produce it may already be traced in operation among those of high- est natures. What now in them is occasional and feeble, may be ex- pected with further evolution to become habitual and strong ; and what now characterizes the exceptionally high may be expected event- ually to characterize all. For that which the best human nature is capable of is within the reach of human nature at large," In a chapter entitled " Absolute and Relative Ethics," Mr. Spencer defines absolute ethics as formulating the normal conduct for an ideal society, such as we shall have in the future, and relative ethics as the science that interprets the phenomena of existing societies in their transitional states, laboring under the miseries of non-adaptation. The coexistence of a perfect man and imperfect society is impossible ; and, could the two coexist, the resulting conduct would not furnish the ethical standard sought. Among people that are treacherous and without scruple, entire truthfulness and openness must bring ruin, " Hence it is manifest that we must consider the ideal man as existing in the ideal social state. On the evolution hypothesis, the two pre- suppose one another ; and only when they coexist can there exist that ideal conduct which absolute ethics has to formulate, and which relative ethics has to take as the standard by which to estimate diver- gences from right, or degrees of wrong." The final chapter — " The Scope of Ethics " — is the summary and outcome of the whole, and offers the easiest means of comparing the author's point of view with the prevailing theories. The ethics of per- sonal conduct is the best defined of all, from the requirements being so largely affiliated upon physical necessities. If this ethics could be BAIN ON THE DATA OF ETHICS. 217 made perfectly definite, it would necessarily go a far way toward set- tling the social ethics, which is made up of individual interests, and has for its function the balancing of each against the rest. The first division of social ethics is Justice, which is the prime condition of co- operation. The final division is Beneficence, negative and positive, involving all those nice adjustments of egoism and altruism previously commented on. While there are many questions of great interest propounded for debate in this highly original work, I must be content with adverting to what I gather to be the author's main position — the displacing of utilitarian calculation or empirical Hedonism by an ethics of evolution. Not that the acceptance of the evolution hypothesis is an essential pre- liminary ; if it were so, a great many people would at once refuse a hearing to the whole speculation. The relationship of the physical and mental, taken as a matter of fact, is in reality the chief corner- stone of the whole ei-ection. Mr. Sidgwick, after stating the difficulties attending an empirical Hedonism, as a means of investigating right and wrong, examined the various alternative methods " of determining what conduct will be attended with the greatest excess of pleasure and pain, so as to dis- pense with the continual reference to empirical results, which it has been found so difficult to estimate with accuracy." In book ii., chap- ter vi., of his " Methods of Ethics," he took up Mr. Spencer's views as propounded in " Social Statics." To this chapter Mr. Spencer ex- pressly replies in his " Criticisms and Explanations." The real reply, however, is the entire volume. We must peruse and assimilate the whole, before giving an opinion on the question as between evolution and empirical Hedonism. I had occasion to remark, in noticing Mr. Sidgwick's work ("Mind," vol. i., p. 185), that the Hedonic or utilita- rian calculation admits of being helped out by a variety of devices such as to mitigate the apparent hopelessness of the problem. Every suggestion of this nature should be welcomed and made the most of. Now Mr. Spencer recasts the mode of propounding the problem, with- out altering its essential character as an inquiry into the best means of attaining happiness. But he does more than this. He provides cer- tain new lights that were not possessed by the earliest theorists on the side of utility. The comparison Avith empirical Hedonism is best taken in the per- sonal ethics. It is admitted that a code of personal conduct can never be made entirely definite. " But ethical requirements may here be to such extent affiliated upon physical necessities as to give them a par- tially scientific authority. It is clear that between the expenditure of bodily substance in vital activities, and the taking in of materials from which this substance may be renewed, there is a direct relation. It is clear, too, that there is a direct relation between the wasting of 21 8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tissue by effort, and the need for those cessations of effort during which repair may overtake waste. Nor is it less clear that between the rate of mortality and the rate of multiplication in any society, there is a relation such that the last must reach a certain level before it can bal- ance the first, and prevent disappearance of the society. And it may be inferred that pursuits of other leading ends are, in like manner, de- termined by certain natural necessities, and from these derive their ethical sanctions. That it will ever be practicable to lay down i^recise rules for private conduct in conformity with such requirements, may be doubted. But the function of absolute ethics in relation to private conduct will have been discharged, when it has produced the warrant for its requirements as generally expressed ; when it has shown the imperativeness of obedience to them ; and when it has thus taught the need for deliberately considering whether the conduct fulfills them as well as may be," Mr. Spencer's great advantage, then, consists in the jirimary and constant reference to the physical side of our being. For a very large part of our happiness, physical tests may be assigned ; and the prob- lem is transferred fi'om the purely subjective estimates, which are so vague, to objective conditions which are comjDaratively well de- fined— from the inward and spiritual grace to the outward and visible symbol. The author's antagonism is not toward the utilitarians as such, but toward the almost universal disregard of physical conditions by our forefathers. He is not the first to call attention to this great desid- eratum ; but he makes a more thorough and systematic employment of it for the ends of happiness. Lord Shaftesbury said long ago that there were among us human creatures in such vile physical conditions that even religion was not possible to them. It would not be difficult to assign the lowest pitch of worldly means compatible with the fair requirements of a human being. The settlement of this point pre- cedes all computations of pleasures and pains ; or rather it is a short cut to the goal. The utilitarian has more or less enjoyed the advan- tage, without being so fully aware of it as he might be ; for he has not scrupled to use worldly abundance as a first rough test of well- being ; and, if the test were only rigorous and thorough, there would be nothing perplexing in the Hedonistic calculation ; it would be as simple as common arithmetic. Personal ethics would be. Make a suf- ficient amount of money : social ethics. Do not defraud any one, and be ready, on suitable opportunity, to help those that are in need. The Hedonistic difficulties begin where money gained and expended is not commensurate with happiness. Moralists in all ages (Aristotle per- haps excepted) have delighted to dwell upon the occasions where the two things are incommensurable. A better consideration of the hu- man organism, supplying a better knowledge of physical conditions, explains many of the exceptions, and helps to reinstate the problem on a definite basis. PALEONTOLOGICAL DISCOVERY. 219 The best way to compare the two methods would be to try them upon some of the contested questions of life and society. Mr. Spencer incidentally overhauls a good many of the commonplace usages and views, and rectifies them upon his principles. He shows the absurdity of men living and woi'king all for the future, and depriving themselves of nearly every present indulgence. He earnestly inculcates the neces- sity of counting the present loss in the estimate of the future gain. This, it might be said, is merely empirical Hedonism. So it is, with this addition, that loss of pleasure is loss of vitality ; the question of pleasure and pain being now resolvable into the question. To be or not to be ? Of course, such a sweeping doctrine is to be held with certain qualifications and exceptions ; and the point is. Can these qualifica- tions be rendered definite ? A rule with well-defined exceptions is practically universal. Without assuming that Mr. Spencer has propounded a new doc- trine, the antithesis of the doctrine of utility, he may claim to have put forward a new point of view, in the working out of the doctrine ; a point of view that does not admit of being reargued until it has been tried. "Who shall say what amount of gradual transformation of ethi- cal conceptions will follow from steadily regarding conduct under the lights that he has afforded ? He will be a bold man that can treat the regard to the physical organism, its capacities and developments, as of no importance in the Hedonic computation ; and, if it is of importance, Mr, Spencer shows the way to turn it to account. The bright future of complete accommodation of man to his cir- cumstances, brought about by evolution, is cheerful to contemplate ; and, if it be a work of imagination, it is at least based on science. The socialism that Mill would work out by a long course of education is clinched, according to Mr. Spencer, by inherited modifications and material suarantees. Our fervent wishes are with both. — 3find. HISTORY AND METHODS OF PALEOXTOLOGICAL DISCOYEEY.* By Professor 0. C. MAESH. I. IN the rapid progress of knowledge, we are constantly brought face to face with the question, What is life ? The answer is not yet, but a thousand earnest seekers after truth seem to be slowly approach- ing a solution. This question gives a new interest to every department of science that relates to life in any form, and the history of life offers * President's address delivered before the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, at Saratoga, Xew Yorlv, August 28, 18'79. 2 20 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. a most suggestive field for research. One line of investigation lies through embryology, and here the advance is most encouraging. An- other promising path leads back through the life-history of the globe, and in this direction we may hope for increasing light, as a reward for patient work. The plants and animals now living on the earth interest alike the savage and the savant, and hence have been carefully observed in every age of human history. The life of the remote past, however, is pre- served only in scanty records, bui'ied in the earth, and therefore readily escapes attention. For these reasons, the study of ancient life is one of the latest of modern sciences, and among the most difficult. In view of the great advances which this dej^artment of knowledge has made within the last decade, especially in this country, I have thought it fitting to the present occasion to review briefly its development, and have chosen for my subject this evening " The History and Methods of Paleontological Discovery." In the short time now at my command, I can only attempt to pre- sent a rapid sketch of the principal steps in the progress of this science. The literature of the subject, especially in connection with the discus- sions it provoked, is voluminous, and an outline of the history itself must suffice for my present purpose. In looking over the records of paleontology, its history may con- veniently be divided into four periods, well marked by prominent features, but, like all stages of intellectual growth, without definite boundaries. The first period, dating back to the time when men first noticed fossil remains in the rocks, and queried as to their nature, is of special historic interest. The most prominent characteristic of this period was, a long and bitter contest as to the nature of fossil remains. Were they mere " sports of Nature," or had they once been endowed with life ? Simple as this problem now seems, centuries passed before the wise men of that time were agreed upon its solution. Sea-shells in the solid rock on the tops of mountains early attracted the attention of the ancients, and the learned men among them seem to have appreciated in some instances their true character, and given rational explanations of their presence. The philosopher Zenophanes, of Colophon, who lived about 500 B. c, mentions the remains of fishes and other animals in the stone- quarries near Syracuse, the impression of an anchovy in the rock of Paros, and various mai-ine fossils at other places. His conclusion from these facts was, that the surface of the earth had once been in a soft condition at the bottom of the sea ; and thus the objects mentioned were entombed. Herodotus, half a century later, speaks of marine shells on the hills of Egypt and over the Libyan Desert, and he in- PALEONTOLOGICAL DISCOVERY. 221 ferred therefrom that the sea had once covered that whole region. Empedocles, of Agrigentum (450 b. c), believed that the many hip- popotamus-bones found in Sicily were remains of human giants, in comparison with which the present race were as children. Here, he thought, was a battle-iield between the gods and the Titans, and the bones belonged to the slain. Pythagoras (582 b. c.) had already an- ticipated one conclusion of modern geology, if the following statement, attributed to him by Ovid, was his own : * " Vidi ego quod fuerat solidissima tellus, Esse fretum : vidi factas ex sequore terras ; Et procul a pelago conchoB jacuere marina3." Aristotle (384-322 b. c.) was not only aware of the existence of fossils in the rocks, but has also placed on record sagacious views as to the changes in the earth's surface necessary to account for them. In the second book of his " Meteorics," he says : " The changes of the earth are so slow in comparison to the duration of our lives, that they are overlooked ; and the migrations of people after great catastrophes and their removal to other regions, cause the event to be forgotten." Again, in the same work, he says : " As time never fails, and the uni- verse is eternal, neither the Tanais nor the Nile can have flowed for ever. The places where they rise were once dry, and there is a limit to their operations : but there is none to time. So of all other rivers ; they spring up, and they perish ; and the sea also continually deserts some lands and invades others. The same tracts, therefore, of the earth are not, some always sea, and others always continents, but everything changes in the course of time." Aristotle's views on the subject of spontaneous generation were less sound, and his doctrines on this subject exerted a powerful influence for the succeeding twenty centuries. In the long discussion that fol- lowed concerning the nature of fossil remains, Aristotle's views were paramount. He believed that animals could originate from moist earth or the slime of rivers, and this seemed to the people of that period a much simpler way of accounting for the remains of animals in the rocks than the marvelous changes of sea and land otherwise re- quired to explain their presence. Aristotle's opinion was in accordance with the Biblical account of the creation of man out of the dust of the earth, and hence more readily obtained credence. Theophrastus, a pupil of Aristotle, alludes to fossil fishes found near Heraclea, in Pontus, and in Paphlagonia, and says, " They were either developed from fish-spawn left behind in the earth, or gone astray from rivers or the sea into cavities of the earth, where they had become petrified." In treating of fossil ivory and bones, the same writer supposed them to be produced by a certain plastic virtue latent * " Metamorphoses," liber xv., 262. 222 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. in the earth. To this same cause, as we shall see, many later authors attributed the origin of all fossil remains. Previous to this, Anaximander, the Miletian philosopher, who was born about 610 years before Christ, had expressed essentially the same view. According to both Plutarch and Censorinus, Anaximander taught that fishes, or animals very like fishes, sprang from heated water and earth, and from these animals came the human race ; a statement which can hardly be considered as anticipating the modern idea of evolution, as some authors have imagined. The Romans added but little to the knowledge possessed by the Greeks in regard to fossil remains. Pliny (23-79 a. d.), however, seems to have examined such objects with interest, and in his renowned work on natural history gave names to several forms. He doubtless borrowed largely from Theophrastus, who wrote about three hundred years before. Among the objects named by Pliny were : ^^Bucardia, like to an ox's heart " ; "Brontia, resembling the head of a tortoise, supposed to fall in thunderstorms " ; " Glossoptra, similar to a human tongue, which does not grow in the earth, but falls from heaven while the moon is eclipsed"; "the Horn of Amnion, possessing, with a golden color, the figure of a ram's horn"; '■'■Ceraunia and Omhria, supposed to be thunderbolts " ; " Ostracites, resembling the oyster- shell" ; '^Spongites, having the form of sponge"; '•'■Phy cites, similar to sea-weed or rushes." He also mentions stones resembling the teeth of hippopotamus ; and says that Theophrastus speaks of fossil ivory, both black and white, of bones born in the earth, and of stone.s bearing the figure of bones. Tertullian (160 a. d.) mentions instances of the remains of sea- animals on the mountains, far from the sea, but uses them as a proof of the general deluge recorded in Scripture. During the next thirteen or fourteen centuries, fossil remains of animals and plants seem to have attracted so little attention, that few references are made to them by the writers of this period. Dur- ing these ages of darkness, all departments of knowledge suffered alike, and feeble repetitions of ideas derived from the ancients seem to have been about the only contributions of that period to natural science. Albert the Great (1205-80 a. d.), the most learned man of his time, mentions that a branch of a tree was found, on which was a bird's nest containing birds, the whole being solid stone. He accounted for this strange phenomenon by the vlsformativa of Aristotle, an occult force, which, according to the prevalent notions of the time, was ca- pable of forming most of the exti-aordinary objects discovered in the earth. Alexander ab Alexandro, of Xaples, states that he saw, in the PALEOXTOLOGICAL DISCOVERY. 223 mountains of Calabria, a considerable distance from the sea, a varie- gated hard marble, in which many sea-shells but little changed were heaped, forming one mass with the marble. With the beginning of the sixteenth century, a great impetus was given to the investigation of organic fossils, especially in Italy, where this study really began. The discovery of fossil shells, Avhich abound in this region, now attracted gi'eat attention, and a fierce discussion soon arose as to the true nature of these and other remains. The ideas of Aristotle in regard to spontaneous generation, and especially his view of the hidden forces of the earth, which he claimed had power to pro- duce such remains, now for the first time were seriously questioned, although it was not till nearly two centuries later that these doctrines lost their dominant influence. Leonardo da Vinci, the renowned painter and philosopher, who was born in 1452, strongly opposed the commonly accepted opinions as to the origin of organized fossils. He claimed that the fossil shells under discussion were what they seemed, and had once lived at the bottom of the sea. " You tell me," he says, " that Xature and the influence of the stars have formed these shells in the mountains ; then show me a place in the mountains where the stars at the present day make shelly forms of different ages, and of different species in the same place." Again, he says, " In what manner can such a cause account for the petrifactions in the same place of various leaves, sea- weeds, and marine crabs?" In 1517, excavations in the vicinity of Verona brought to light many curious petrifactions, which led to much speculation as to their nature and origin. Among tlie various authors who wrote on this sub- ject was Fracastoro, who declared that the fossils once belonged to liv- ing animals, which had lived and multiplied where found. He ridi- culed the prevailing ideas that the plastic force of the ancients could fashion stones into organic forms. Some writers claimed that these shells had been left by Noah's flood, but against this idea Fracastoro offered a mass of evidence, which would now seem conclusive, but which then only aroused bitter hostility. That inundation, he said, was too transient ; it consisted mainly of fresh water ; and, if it had transported shells to great distances, must have scattered them over the surface, not buried them in the interior of mountains. Conrad Gesner (151G-'65), whose history of animals has been con- sidered the basis of modern zoology, published at Zurich, in 15G5, a small but important work entitled " De omni rerum fossilium genere." It contained a catalogue of the collection of fossils made by John Kentmann. This is the oldest catalogue of fossils with which I am acquainted. George Agricola (1494-1555) was, according to Cuvier, the first minei-alogist who appeared after the revival of learning in Europe. 224 "^HE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. In his great work, " De Re Metallica," published in 1546, he mentions various fossil remains, and says they were produced by a certain ^^ ma- teria /»^V^^^^^5," or fatty matter, set in fermentation by heat. Some years later, Bauhin published a descriptive catalogue of the fossils he had collected in the neighborhood of Boll, in Wurtemberg.* Andrew Mattioli, a distinguished botanist, adopted Agricola's no- tion as to the origin of organized fossils, but admitted that shells and bones might be turned into stone by being permeated by a " lapidify- ing juice." Falloppio, the eminent professor of anatomy at Padua, believed that fossil shells were generated by fermentation where they were found ; and that the tusks of elephants, dug up near Apulia, were merely earthy concretions. Mercati, in 1574, published figures of the fossil shells preserved in the Museum of the Vatican, but ex- pressed the opinion that they were only stones, and owed their peculiar shapes to the heavenly bodies. Olivi, of Cremona, described the fossils in the Museum at Verona, and considered them all " sports" of nature." Palissy, a French author, in 1580, opposed these views, and is said to have been the first to assert in Paris that fossil shells and fishes had once belonged to marine animals. Fabio Colonna aj^pears to have first pointed out that some of the fossil shells found in Italy were marine and some terrestrial. Another peculiar theory discussed in the sixteenth century deserves mention. This was the vegetation theory, especially advocated by Tournefort and Camerarius, both eminent as botanists. These writers believed that the seeds of minerals and fossils were diffused through- out the sea and the earth, and were developed into their peculiar forms by the regular increment of their particles, similar to the formation of crystals. "How could the Gormt Ammonis^'' Tournefort asked, " which is constantly in the figure of a volute, be formed without a seed containing the same structure in the small as in the larger forms ? Who molded it so artfullj^, and where are the molds ? " The stalac- tites which formed in caverns in various parts of tlie world were also supposed to be proofs of this vegetative growth. Still another theory has been held at various times, and is not yet entirely forgotten, namely : that the Creator made fossil animals and plants just as they are found in the rocks, in pursuance of a plan be- yond our comprehension. This theory has never prevailed among those familiar with scientific facts, and hence needs here no further consideration. An interest in fossil remains arose in England later than on the Continent; but when attention was directed to them, the first opinions as to their origin were not less fanciful and erroneous than those to which we have already referred. Dr. Plot, in his " Natural History of Oxfordshire," published in 1G77, considered the origin of fossil * " Historia novi et admirabilis Fontis Balneique BoUensis, in Ducatu Wirtembergico." Montbeliard, 1508. PALEONTOLOGICAL DISCO VERY, 225 shells and fishes to be due to a " i)lastic virtue, latent in the earth," as Theophrastus had suggested long before. Lhwyd, in his " Lithophy- lacii Britannici Ichnographia," published in Oxford in 1699, gives a catalogue of English fossils contained in the Ashmolean Museum. He opposed the vis plastica theory, and expressed the opinion that the spawn of fishes and other marine animals had been raised with the va- pors from the sea, conveyed inland by clouds, and deposited by rain, had permeated into the interior of the earth, and thus produced the fossil remains we find in the rocks. About this time several impor- tant works were published in England by Dr. Martin Lister, which did much to diffuse a true knowledge of fossil remains. He gave fig- ures of recent shells side by side with some of the fossil forms, so that the resemblance became at once apparent. The fossil species of shells he called " turbinated and bivalve stones," and adds, " either these were terriginous, or, if otherwise, the animals which they so exactly represent have become extinct." During the seventeenth century there was a considerable advance in the study of fossil remains. The discussions in regard to the nature and origin of these objects had called attention to them, and many collections were now made, especially in Italy, and also in Germany, where a strong interest in this subject had been aroused. Catalogues of these collections were not unfrequently published, and some of them were illustrated with such accurate figures, that many of the species can now be readily recognized. In this century, too, an im- portant step in advance was made by the collection and description of fossils from particular localities and regions, in distinction from gen- eral collections of curiosities. Casper Schwenkfeld, in IGOO, published a catalogue of the fossils discovered in Silesia ; in 1G22 a detailed description of the renowned Museum of Calceolarius, of Verona, appeared; and in 1642 a catalogue of Besler's collection. Wormius's catalogue was published in 1652, Spener's in 1663, and Septala's in 1666. A description of the Muse- um of the King of Denmark was issued in 1669, Cottorp's catalogue in 1674, and that of the renowned Kirscher in 1678. Dr. Grew gave an account in 1687 of the specimens in the Museum of Gresham's Col- lege in England ; and in 1695 Petiver, of London, published a cata- logue of his very extensive collection. A catalogue by Fred. Lauch- mund, on the fossils of Hildesheim, appeared in 1669, and the fos- sils of Switzerland were described by John Jacob Wagner in 1689. Among similar works were the dissertations of Gyer, at Frankfort, and Albertus, at Leipsic. Steno, a Dane, who had been Professor of Anatomy at Padua, published in 1669 one of the most important works of this period.* He entered earnestly into the controversy as to the origin of fossil re- * " De solido intra solidum naturaliter contento." VOL. XTI. — 15 226 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. mains, and by dissecting a shark from the Mediterranean, proved that its teeth were identical with some found fossil in Tuscany. He also compared the fossil shells found in Italy with existing species, and pointed out their resemblance. In the same work, Steno expressed some very important views in regard to the different kinds of strata, and their origin, and first placed on record the important fact that the oldest rocks contain no fossils. Scilla, the Sicilian painter, published in 1670 a work on the fossils of Calabria, well illustrated. Pie is very severe against those who doubted the organic origin of fossils, but is inclined to consider them relics of the Mosaic deluge. Another instance of the power of the lusus naturcB theory, even at the close of the seventeenth century, deserves mention. In the year 1696 the skeleton of a fossil elephant was dug up at Tonna, near Gotha, in Germany, and was described by William Ernest Tentzel, a teacher in the Gotha Gymnasium. He declared the bones to be the remains of an animal that had lived long before. The medical facul- ty in Gotha, however, considered the subject, and decided oificially that this specimen was only a freak of Nature. Besides the authors I have mentioned, there were many others who wrote about fossil remains before the close of the seventeenth century, and took part in the general discussion as to their nature and origin. During the progress of this controversy the most fantastic theories were broached and stoutly defended, and, although refuted from time to time by a few clear-headed men, continually sprang up anew, in the same or modified forms. The influence of Aristotle's views of equiv- ocal generation, and especially the scholastic tendency to disputation, so prevalent during the middle ages, had contributed largely to the retardation of progress, and yet a real advance in knowledge had been made. The long contest in regard to the nature of fossil remains was essentially over, for the more intelligent opinion at the time now ac- knowledged that these objects were not mere " sports of Nature," but had once been endowed with life. At this point, therefore, the first period in the history of paleontology, as I have indicated it, may ap- propriately end. It is true that, later still, the old exploded errors about the plastic force and fermentation were from time to time revived, as they have been almost to the present day ; but learned men, with few excep- tions, no longer seriously questioned that fossils were real organisms, as the ancients had once believed. The many collections of fossils that had been brought together, and the illustrated works that had been published about them, were a foundation for greater progress, and, with the eighteenth century, the second period in the history of paleontology began. The main characteristic of this period was the general belief that PALEONTOLOGICAL DISCOVERY, 227 fossil remains xoere deposited hy the Mosaic deluge. We have seen that this view had already been advanced, but it was not till the beginning of the eighteenth century that it became the prevailing view. This doctrine was strongly opposed by some courageous men, and the discussion on the subject soon became even more bitter than the previous one, as to the nature of fossils. In this diluvial discussion theologians and laymen alike took part. For nearly a century the former had it all their own way, for the gen- eral public, then as now, believed what they were taught. Noah's flood was thought to have been universal, and was the only general catastrophe of which the people of that day had any knoAvledge or conception. The scholars among them were of course familiar with the accounts of Deucalion and his ark, in a previous deluge, as we are to-day with similar traditions held by various races of men. The firm belief that the earth and all it contains was created in six days ; that all life on the globe was destroyed by the deluge, except alone what Noah saved ; and that the earth and its inhabitants were to be destroyed by fire, was the foundation on which all knowledge of the earth was based. With such fixed opinions, the fossil remains of animals and plants were naturally regarded as relics left by the flood described in Holy Writ. The dominant nature of this belief is seen in nearly all the literature in regard to fossils published at this time, and some of the works which then appeared have become famous on this account. In 1710 David Biittner published a volume entitled " Rudera Dilu- vii Testes." He strongly opposed Lhwyd's explanation of the origin of fossils, and referred these objects directly to the flood. The most renowned work, however, of this time, was published at Zurich in 1726, by Scheuchzer, a physician and naturalist, and professor in the University of Altorf. It bore the title " Homo Diluvii Testis." The specimen upon which this work was based was found at Oeningen, and was regarded as the skeleton of a child destroyed by the deluge. The aiTthor recognized in this remarkable fossil, not merely the skeleton, but also portions of the muscles, the liver, and the brain. The same author was fortunate enough to discover, subsequently, near Altorf, two fossil vertebrae, which he at once referred to that " accursed race destroyed by the flood ! " These, also, he carefully described and figured in his " Physica Sacra," published at Ulm in 1731. Engravings of both were subsequently given in the " Copper-Bible." Cuvier after- ward examined these interesting relics, and pronounced the skeleton of the supposed child to be the remains of a gigantic salamander, and the two vertebras to be those of an ichthyosaurus ! Another famous book appeared in Germany in the same year in which Scheuchzer's first volume was published. The author was John Bartholomew Adam Beringer, professor at the University of Wurz- 228 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, burg, and his great work* indirectly had an important influence upon the investigation of fossil remains. The history of the work is instruc- tive, if only as an indication of the state of knowledge at that date. Professor Beringer, in accordance with views of his time, had taught his pupils that fossil remains, or " figured stones," as they were called, were mere " sports of Nature." Some of hig fun-loving students rea- soned among themselves, " If Nature can make figured stones in sport, why can not we ? " Accordingly, from the soft limestone in the neigh- boring hills, they carved out figures of marvelous and fantastic forms, and buried them at the localities where the learned Professor was accustomed to dig for his fossil treasures. His delight at the discovery of these strange forms encouraged further production, and taxed the ingenuity of these youthful imitators of Nature's secret processes. At last Beringer had a large and unique collection of forms, new to him and to science, which he determined to publish to the world. After long and patient study his work appeared, in Latin, dedicated to the reigning prince of the country, and illustrated with twenty-one folio plates. Soon after the book was published the deception practiced upon the credulous Professor became known ; and, in place of the glory he expected from his great undertaking, he received only ridicule and disgrace. He at once endeavored to repurchase and destroy the volumes ah-eady issued, and succeeded so far that few copies of the first edition remain. His small fortune, which had been seriously impaired in bringing out his grand work, was exhausted in the effort to regain what was already issued, as the price rapidly advanced in proportion as fewer copies remained ; and, mortified at the failure of his life's work, he died in poverty. It is said that some of his family, dissatis- fied with the misfortune brought upon them by this disgrace and the loss of their patrimony, used a remaining copy for the j^roduction of a second edition, which met with a large sale, suflicient to repair the previous loss and restore the family fortune. This work of Beringer, in the end, exerted an excellent influence upon the dawning science of fossil remains. Observers became more cautious in announcing sup- posed discoveries, and careful study of natural objects gradually re- placed vague hypotheses. The above works, however, are hardly fair examples of the litera- ture on fossils during this part of the eighteenth century. Scheuchzer had previously published his well-known " Complaint and Vindication of the Fishes," illustrated with good plates. Moro, in his work on " Marine Bodies which are found in the Mountains," 1740, showed the effects of volcanic action in elevating strata, and causing faults. Val- lisneri had studied with care the marine deposits of Italy. Donati, in 1750, had investigated the Adriatic, and ascertained by soundings * "Lithographia^Virceburgensis, ducentis lapidum figuratorum, a potiori, insectifor- mium, prodigiosis imaginibus exornata." Wirceburgi, 1726. Edit. II. Fraiicofurti et 1767. PALEONTOLOGICAL DISCOVERY. 229 that shells and corals were being imbedded in the deposits there, just as they were found in the rocks. John Gesner's dissertation, " De Petrificatis," published at Leyden in 1758, was a valuable contribution to the science. He enumerated the various kinds of fossils, and the different conditions in which they are found petrified, and stated that some of them, like those at Oenin- gen, resembled the shells, fishes, and plants of the neighboring region, while others, such as Ammonites and Belemnites, were either unknown species, or those found only in distant seas. He discusses the struc- ture of the earth at length, and speculates as to the causes of changes in sea and land. He estimates that, at the observed rate of recession of the ocean, to allow the Apennines, whose summits are filled with marine shells, to reach their present height, would have taken about eighty thousand years, a period more than " ten times greater than the age of the universe." He accordingly refers the change to the direct command of the Deity, as related by Moses, that " the waters should be gathered together in one place, and the dry land appear." Voltaire (1694-1778) discussed geological questions and the nature of fossils in several of his works, but his published opinions are far from consistent. He ridiculed effectively and justly the cosmogonists of his day, and showed also that he knew the true nature of organic remains. Finding, however, that theologians used these objects to confirm the Scriptural account of the deluge, he changed his views, and accounted for fossil shells found in the Alps by suggesting that they were Eastern species, dropped by the pilgrims on their return from the Holy Land ! Buffon, in 1749, published his important work on natural history, and included in it his " Theory of the Earth," in which he discussed, with much ability, many points in geology. Soon after the book was published, he received an official letter from the Faculty of Theology in Paris, stating that fourteen propositions in his works were repre- hensible, and contrary to the creed of the Church. The first objection- able proposition was as follows : " The waters of the sea have pro- duced the mountains and valleys of the land ; the waters of the heavens, reducing all to a level, will at last deliver the whole land over to the sea ; and the sea, successively prevailing over the land, will leave dry new continents like those we inhabit." Buffon was politely requested by the college to recant, and, having no particular desire to be a martyr to science, submitted the following declaration, which he was required to publish in his next work : " I declare that I had no intention to contradict the text of Scripture ; that I believe most firmly all therein related about the creation, both as to order of time and matter of fact ; and I abandon everything in my book respecting the formation of the earth, and, generally, all which may be contrary to the narration of Moses." This single instance will suffice to indicate one great obstacle to 230 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the advancement of science, even up to the middle of the eighteenth century. Another important work appeared in France about this time, Bour- guet's "Traite des Petrifactions," published in 1758, which is well illustrated with faithful plates. In England, a discourse on earth- quakes, by Dr. Robert Hooke, was published in 1705. This author held some views in advance of his time, and maintained that figured stones were " really the several bodies they represent or the moldings of them petrified, and not, as some have imagined, a lusus naturae, sporting herself in the needless formation of useless things." He an- ticipates one important conclusion from fossils, Avhen he states that " though it must be very difficult to read them and to raise a chronol- ogy out of them, and to state the intervals of time wherein such or such catastrophes and mutations have happened, yet it is not impos- sible." He also states that fossil turtles, and such large Ammonites as are found in Portland, seem to have been the productions of hotter countries, and hence it is necessary to suppose that England once lay under the sea within the torrid zone. He seems to have suspected that some of the fossils of England belonged to extinct species, but thought they might possibly bo found living in the bottom of distant oceans. Dr. Woodward's "Natural History of the Fossils of England" appeared in 1729. This work was based on a systematic collection of fossils which he had brought together, and which he subsequently bequeathed to the University of Cambridge, where it is still preserved, with his arrangement carefully retained. The descriptive part of this work is interesting, but his conclusions are made to coincide strictly with the Scriptural account of the creation and deluge. He had pre- viously stated, in another work, that he believed " the whole terres- trial globe to have been taken to pieces and dissolved at the flood, and the strata to have settled down from this promiscuous mass." In sup- port of this view, he stated that "marine bodies are lodged in the strata according to the order of their gravity, the heavier shells in stones, the lighter in chalk, and so of the rest." * The most important work on fossils published in Germany at this time was that of George Wolfgang Knorr, which was continued after his death by Walch. This work consisted of four folio volumes, with many plates, and was printed at Nuremberg, 1755-'73. A large num- ber of fossils were accurately figured and described, and the work is one of permanent value.f A French translation of this work appeared in 1767-'78. Burton's " Oryctographie de Bruxelles," 1784, contains figures and descriptions of fossils found in Belgium. Abraham Gottlieb Werner (1750-1817), Professor of Mineralogy * " Essay toward a Natural History of the Earth," 1695. f " Lapides ex celeberr. viror. sententia diluvii universalis testes, quos in ordines ac species distribuit, suis coloribus expremit," etc. 272 Tab. 1755-"73. PALEONTOLOGICAL DISCOVERY. 231 at Freyberg, did much to advance the science of geology, and indi- rectly that of fossils. He first indicated the relations of the main formations to each other, and, according to his pupil, Professor Jame- son, first made the highly important observation that " different for- mations can be discriminated by the petrifactions they contain." Moreover, that " the petrifactions contained in the oldest rocks are very different from any of the species of the present time ; that the newer the formation, the more do the remains approach in form to the or- ganic beings of the present creation." Unfortunately, Werner pub- lished little, and his doctrines were mainly disseminated by his enthu- siastic pupils. The great contest between the Vulcanists and the Neptunists started at this time, mainly through Werner, whose doctrines led to the con- troversy. The comparative merits of fire and water, as agencies in the formation of certain rocks, were discussed wath a heat and acri- mony characteristic of the subject and the time. Werner believed in the aqueous theory, while the igneous theory was especially advocated by Hutton, of Edinburgh, and his illustrator, Playfair. This discus- sion resulted in the advancement of descriptive geology, but the study of fossils gained little thereby. The "Protogrea" of Leibnitz, the great mathematician, published in 1749, about thirty years after his death, was a work of much merit. This author supposed that the earth had gradually cooled from a state of igneous fusion, and was subsequently covered with water. The subsidence of the lower part of the earth, the deposits of sedimentary strata from inundations, and their inturati^, as well as other changes, followed. All this he supposed to have been accomplished in a period of six natural days. In the same work Leibnitz shows that he had examined fossils with considerable care. Linnaeus (1707-1778), the famous Swedish botanist, and the founder of the modern system of nomenclature in natural history, confined his attention almost entirely to the living forms. Although he was fa- miliar with the literature of fossil remains, and had collected them himself, he did not include them in his system of plants and animals, but kept them separate, with the minerals ; hence he did little directly to advance this branch of science. During the last quarter of the eighteenth century, the belief that fossil remains were deposited by the deluge sensibly declined, and the dawn of a new era gradually appeared. Let us pause for a moment here, and see what real progress had been made — what foundation had been laid on which to estoblish a science of fossil remains. The true nature of these objects had now been clearly determined. They were the remains of animals and plants. Most of them certainly were not the relics of the Mosaic deluge, but had been deposited long before, part in fresh water and part in the sea. Some indicated a mild 232 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. climate, and some the tropics. That any of these were extinct species was as yet only suspected. Large collections of fossils had now been made, and valuable catalogues, well illustrated, had been published. Something was known, too, of the geological position of fossils. Steno, long before, had observed that the lowest rocks were without life. Lehmann had shown that above these primitive rocks, and de- rived from them, were the secondary strata, full of the records of life ; and above these were alluvial deposits, which he referred to local floods, and the deluge of Noah. Rouelle, Fuchsel, and Odoardi had shed ncAV light on this subject. Werner had distinguished the tran- sition rocks containing fossil remains, between the primitive and the secondary, while everything above the chalk he grouped together, as the " overflowed land." Werner, as we have seen, had done more than this, if we give him the credit his pupils claim for him. He had found that the formations he examined contained each its own peculiar fos- sils, and that from the older to the newer there was a gradual approach to recent forms. William Smith had worked out the same thing in England, and should equally divide the honor of this important dis- covery. The greatest advance, however, up to this time, was that men now preferred to observe rather than to believe, and facts were held in greater esteem than vague speculations. With this preparation for future progress, the second period in the history of paleontology, as I have divided it, may appropriately be considered at an end. Thus far, I have said nothing in regard to one branch of my sub- ject, the methods of paleontological research, for, up to this time, of method there was none. We have seen that those of the ancients who noticed marine shells in the solid rock called them such, and concluded that they had been left there by the sea. The discoveiy of fossils led directly to theories of how the earth was formed. Here the prog- ress was slow. Subterranean spirits were supposed to guard faithfully the mysteries of the eai-th ; while above the earth, Authority guarded with still greater power the secrets men in advance of their age sought to know. The dominant idea of the first sixteen centuries of the pres- ent era was, that the universe was made for man. This was the great obstacle to the correct determination of the position of the earth in the universe, and, later, of the age of the earth. The contest of as- tronomy against authority was long and severe, but the victory was at last with science. The contest of geology against the same power followed, and continued almost to our day. The result is still the same. In the early stages of this contest there was no strife, for science was benumbed by the embrace of superstition and creed, and little could be done till that was cast off. In a superstitious age, when every natural event is referred to a supernatural cause, science can not live ; and often as the sacred fire may be kindled by courageous, far-see- PALEONTOLOGICAL DISCOVERY. 233 ing souls, will it be quenched by the dense mists of ignorance around it. Scarcely less fatal to the growth of science is the age of Author- ity, as the past proves too well. With freedom of thought came definite knowledge and certain progress ; but two thousand years was long to wait. With the opening of the present century began a new era in pale- ontology, which we may here distinguish as the third period in its his- tory. This branch of knowledge became now a science. Method re- placed disorder, and systematic study superseded casual observation. For the next half century the advance was continuous and rapid. One characteristic of this period was, the accurate determination of fossils by comparison with living forms. This will separate it from the two former epochs. Another distinctive feature of this period was the general belief that every species, recent and extinct, icas a se2yarate creation. At the very beginning of the epoch we are now to consider, three names stand out in bold relief — Cuvier, Lamarck, and William Smith. To these men the science of paleontology owes its origin. Cuvier and Lamarck, in France, had all the power which great talent, educa- tion, and station could give ; William Smith, an English surveyor, was without culture or influence. The last years of the eighteenth century had been spent by each of these men in preparation for his chosen work, and the results were now given to the world. Cuvier laid the foundation of the paleontology of vertebrate animals ; Lamarck, of the invertebrates ; and Smith established the principles of strati- graphical paleontology. The investigator of fossils to-day seldom needs to consult earlier authors of the science. George Cuvier (1769-1832), the most famous naturalist of his time, was led to the study of extinct animals by ascertaining that the re- mains of fossil elephants which he examined were extinct species. "This idea," he says later, "which I announced to the Institute in the month of January, 179G, opened to me views entirely new respect- ing the theory of the earth, and determined me to devote myself to the long researches and to the assiduous labors which have now occu- pied me for twenty-five years." * It is interesting to note here that in this first investigation of fossil vertebrates, Cuvier employed the same method that gave him such important results in his later researches. Remains of elephants had been known to Europe for centuries, and many authors, from Pliny down to the contemporaries of Cuvier, had written- about them. Some had regarded the bones as those of human giants, and those who recognized what they were considered them remains of the elephants imported by Hannibal or the Romans. Cuvier, however, compared the fossils directly with the bones of existing elephants, and proved them * " Ossemens Fossiles," second edition, vol. i., p. 1V8. 234 ^^^ POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. to be distinct. The fact that these remains belong to extinct species was of great importance. In the case of fossil shells, it was difficult to say that any particular form was not living in a distant ocean ; but the two species of existing elephants, the Indian and the African, were well known, and there was hardly a possibility that another living one would be found. It is important to bear in mind, too, that Cuviei-'s preparation for the study of the remains of animals was far in advance of any of his predecessors. He had devoted himself for years to careful dissections in the various classes of the animal kingdom, and was really the founder of comparative anatomy, as we now understand it. Cuvier investigated the different groups of the whole kingdom with care, and proposed a new classification, founded on the plan of structure, which in its main features is the one in use to-day. The first volume of his "Comparative Anatomy" appeared in 1800, and the work was com- pleted in five volumes in 1805. Previous to Cuvier, the only general catalogue of animals was con- tained in Linnaeus's " Systema Nature," In this work, as we have seen, fossil remains were placed with the minerals, not in their appro- priate places among the animals and plants. Cuvier enriched the ani- mal kingdom by the introduction of fossil forms among the living, bringing all together into one comprehensive system. His great work, " Le Regne Animal," appeared in four volumes in 1817, and with its two subsequent editions remains the foundation of modern zoology, Cuvier's classic work on vertebrate fossils — " Recherches sur les Osse- mens Fossiles," in four volumes, appeared in 1812-'13. Of this work it is but just to say that it could only have been written by a man of genius, profound knowledge, the greatest industry, and with the most favorable opportunities. The introduction to this work was the famous " Discourse on the Revolutions of the Surface of the Globe," which has perhaps been as widely read as any other scientific essay. The discovery of fossil bones in the gypsum-quarries of Paris by the workmen, who consid- ered them human remains ; the careful study of these relics by Cuvier, and his restorations from them of strange beasts that had lived long before, is a story with which you are all familiar. Cuvier was the first to prove that the earth had been inhabited by a succession of dif- ferent series of animals, and he believed that those of each period were peculiar to the age in which they lived. In looking over his work after a lapse of three quarters of a cen- tury, we can now see that Cuvier was wrong on some important points, and failed to realize the direction in which science was rapidly tend- ing. "With all his knowledge of the earth, he could not free himself from tradition, and believed in the universality and power of the Mosaic deluge. Again, he refused to admit the evidence brought for- ward by his distinguished colleagues against the permanence of spe- PALEONTOLOGIGAL DISCOVERY. 235 cies, and used all his great influence to. crush out the doctrine of evo- lution, then first proj^osed. Cuvier's definition of a sjDecies, the domi- nant one for half a century, was as follows : " A species compre- hends all the individuals which descend from each other, or from a common parentage, and those which resemble them as much as they do each other." The law of " Correlation of Structures," as laid down by Cuvier, has been more widely accepted than almost anything else that bears his name ; and yet, although founded in truth, and useful within cer- tain limits, it would certainly lead to serious error if applied widely in the way he proposed. In his discourse he sums uj) this law as follows : "A claw, a shoul- der-blade, a condyle, a leg or arm bone, or any other bone separately considered, enables us to discover the description of teeth to which they have belonged ; so also reciprocally we may determine the form of the other bones from the teeth. Thus, commencing our investiga- tion by a careful survey of any one bone by itself, a person who is sufiiciently master of the laws of organic structure may, as it were, reconstruct the whole animal to which that bone had belonged." We know to-day that unknown extinct animals can not be restored from a single tooth or claw, unless they are very similar to forms already known. Had Cuvier himself applied his methods to many forms from the early Tertiary or older formations, he would have failecl. If, for instance, he had had before him the disconnected frag- ments of an Eocene Tillodont, he would undoubtedly have referred a molar tooth to one of his pachyderms ; an incisor tooth to a rodent ; and a claw-bone to a carnivore. The tooth of a Hesperornis would have given him no possible hint of the rest of the skeleton, nor its swimming feet the slightest clew to the ostrich-like sternum or skull. And yet the earnest belief in his own methods led Cuvier to some of his most important discoveries. Jean Lamarck (1744-1829), the philosopher and naturalist, a col- league of Cuvier, was a learned botanist before he became a zoologist. His researches on the invertebrate fossils of the Paris Basin, although less striking, were not less important than those of Cuvier on the ver- tebrates ; while the conclusions he derived from them form the basis of modern biology. Lamarck's method of investigation was the same essentially as that used by Cuvier, namely, a direct comparison of fos- sils with living forms. In this way he soon ascertained that the fossil shells imbedded in the strata beneath Paris were many of them ex- tinct species, and those of different strata differed from each other. His first memoir on this subject appeared in 1802,* and, with his later works, effected a revolution in conchology. His " System of Inverte- brate Animals " appeared the year before, and his famous " Philosophie Zoologique " in 1809. In these two works, Lamarck first announced * " Memoires sur les Fossiles des Environs dc Paris," 1802-'6. 236 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the principles of evolution. In the first volume of his " Natural His- tory of Invertebrate Animals " * he gave his theory in detail ; and to- day one can only read with astonishment his far-reaching anticipations of modern science. These views were strongly supported by Geoifroy Saint-Hilaire, but bitterly opposed by Cuvier ; and their great contest on this subject is well known. In looking back from this point of view, the philosophical breadth of Lamarck's conclusions, in comparison with those of Cuvier, is clear- ly evident. The invertebrates on which Lamarck worked offered less striking evidence of change than the various animals investigated by Cuvier ; yet they led Lamarck directly to evolution, while Cuvier ignored what Avas before him on this point, and rejected the proof offered by others. Both pursued the same methods, and had an abun- dance of material on which to work, yet the facts observed induced Cuvier to believe in catastrophes, and Lamarck in the uniform course of nature. Cuvier declared species to be permanent, Lamarck that they were descended from others. Both men stand in the first rank in science, but Lamarck was the prophetic genius half a century in advance of his time, [To be continued. '\ THE BEGINNINGS OF GEOGEAPHICAL SCIENCE. By GEOKGE a. JACKSON. "^VTO other science has to-day so distinguished a patronage as that of ^^ geography. In September, 1877, there convened at Brussels, in a palace of the King of the Belgians, and at his invitation, a Congress made up of the presidents of the leading geographical societies, and the most distinguished geographical writers, and explorers, and patrons of explorations, in the world. At that Congress was formed an associa- tion, under the presidency of King Leopold II., which has for its object the exploring, and opening up to science and civilization, of the whole unknown territory of Central Africa. Branches of this organization are formed in nearly all the nations of Europe, and are, as a rule, under the direction of the royal houses. Mr. Stanley also, in his " Dark Continent," makes hearty acknowledgment of encouragements and re- wards received at royal hands. And as in these last days, so in the first days of its history, royal patronage did much to promote geo- graphical science. The very earliest knowledge of geography was doubtless gained in a blind way, as men went to neighboring countries in the pursuit of trade ; but Herodotus tells us that so far back as 640 ■*"Histoire naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres," 7 vols., Paris, 1815-1822. Second edition, 11 vols., 1835-1845. THE BEGINNINGS OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE. 237 B. c. a voyage for geographical discovery was undertaken, under the patronage of a king, Pharaoh Necho of Egypt. This monarch engaged a company of Tyrians to circumnavigate Africa. Setting out by the Red Sea, these voyagers sailed southward until autumn, when they landed and sowed corn, and waited for it to ripen. Reaping their crop, they set sail again, and in this manner, having consumed two years, in the third year they turned the pillars of Hercules and came back to Egypt. They asserted, said Herodotus, that which he could not be- lieve, though others might, that, in sailing around Libya, they had the sun on the right hand. The arguments for and against the actuality of this voyage need not here be given. Suffice it that it was not an im- possible achievement for mariners of that age ; and that Eratosthenes, one of the earliest geographers, represented Libya as circumnavigable. Accustomed as we are to-day to think of all science as of modern development, most men are content to have read a summary of the " Ei'dkunde," to have followed Humboldt in his principal researches, and to have formed some acquaintance with Buffon, and Zimmermann, and Blumeubach, If, besides, they know something of Malte-Brun, they think they have compassed the history of the science. A hun- dred years ago there was no such feeling. The vast advances of tliis century had not been made. Scholars were not far enough removed from the Renaissance to have lost all reverence for the ancients ; and, although they no longer turned to Ptolemy for information, they had a lingering affection for the work which had been the geographical au- thority down to two hundred years before their day. Elaborate works were written in exposition of the ancient systems, with a patience that would hardly be exercised to-day. The father of such study was D'Anville ; but pei'haps no single work upon the subject is of more value to us than that of M. Gosselin.* In our sketch we have made large use of this work. Tradition takes us back to days when men thought of the earth as a flfit disk, covered with the arching vault of the skies, whose edges rested upon far-off giant pillars ; and even to the time when they be- lieved that the earth rested upon elephants, who stood on the back of a tortoise, who in turn were encompassed in the folds of a serpent ; but those were not the days of science. The first among the Greeks to teach the doctrine of the sphericity of the earth was Thales (b. c. 640). He held that the equator was cut obliquely by the ecliptic, and he divided the earth into five zones. His successor was Anaximander, who also taught that the earth was a sphere (Diogenes Laertius), though some said (Plutarch) that he called it a column. The latter statement could hardly be true, as he was sufficiently scientific to erect at Lacedsemon a gnomon for observing the solstices and equinoxes. * Geographic des Grecs Analysee; ou Les Systemes d'Eratosthenes, dc Strabon, etde Ptolemee compar^e entre eux et avec nos Gonnoissances modernes. M. Gosselin, h Paris, MDCCLXXXX. 238 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. He is even said to have been the inventor of this instrument — which was a simple column, the length of whose shadow determined the posi- tion of the sun — though more probably Thales had brought the knowl- edge of it from Egypt. To Anaximander is also assigned the honor of having made the first geographical chart known among the Greeks. He is even claimed to have made an artificial globe representing the earth, with divisions of land and water. He was not, however, the inventor of maps, since among the Egyptians Sesostris, long before his day, is said to have caused maps to be made. Passing over Anax- imenes and Anaxagoras, the next name worthy of mention is that of Pythagoras (b. c. 570), who, like Thales, had traveled in Egypt, where he is said to have learned the obliquity of the ecliptic. But the great thing for which Pythagoras is remembered by scientists was his doc- trine that the earth revolved about the sun — a truth, however, which he taught only esoterically, his open doctrine being the common one that the sun revolved about the earth. Herodotus (b. c. 484), notwith- standing his extensive travels, contributed nothing to mathematical geography, and had very incorrect ideas as to the several divisions of the world. " Europe," he said, " was as long as Asia and Africa to- gether. The river Nile, before entering Egypt, flowed eastward from near the west coast of Africa." This opinion he formed partly from the account which he said had been given by certain youths who were taken prisoners and carried into the interior of Africa, to a city on the bank of a great river flowing eastward, in which were crocodiles. An- other reason he had was that to the north of the Mediterranean Sea a great river, the Ister (Danube) was known to flow from the extreme west to the east of Europe ; and so, ^'inferring the unknoion from the hnoiim^'' he concluded that the Nile must flow through Africa in a similar way. Of more value to science were the observations of Pytheas (about 320 B. c), a Greek seaman of Massilia (Marseilles), who sailed far north- ward from the coasts of Britain, where he said the longest day was nineteen hours long, to what he called Thule (probably Iceland), where he said " the summer tropic served for the arctic circle." Notwith- standing certain wild statements of Pytheas, such as that at this place there was found neither earth, air, nor sea, but a mingling of them all ; and that the days and nights there were six months in length, we can not help believing that he did reach the arctic circle, and observe the phenomenon of the sun remaining above the horizon throughout the twenty-four hours. To Pytheas also is due the first suggestion of a computation of latitude. He recorded that the length of the gnomon at Marseilles, the day of the summer solstice, was to the length of the shadow as 120 to 41*8, which, reckoning the tropic at 23° 51' 15", where it was placed by Eratosthenes, would give a latitude of 43° 3' 35". If allowance be made for the penumbra, this reckoning will be found very nearly correct. Other names to be noticed are Eude- THE BEGINNINGS OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE. 239 mus, the first Greek to give the angle of the ecliptic — as subtended by the side of a pentadecagon, or equal to 24° — and Eudoxus, who wrote a work on the " Period or Circumference of the Earth." This brings us down to the school of Alexandria. Alexander had founded near the Canopic mouth of the Nile a city which was destined long to perpetuate his name and glory. The glory was to come not so much from its commercial importance, though it rose to be the chief commercial city of the world, as from its intellectual supremacy. It Avas the ambition of the Ptolemies to make their capital the intellec- tual center of the world, and in this they were successful. The Attic and Ionian scholars gave place to the Alexandrian, not only in the department of letters, but also in the domain of science. One of the librarians of the great Alexandrian Library was Eratosthenes (b. c. 270), who may justly be called the Father of Geography. His work is in great part preserved to us in the pages of Strabo and Pliny. Hav- ing under his eye everything that had ever been written upon the subject, he first combined the whole into a complete system, which can to-day be restored. The map of the world which he prepared, if less perfect in some respects than Ptolemy's, was in other respects far more perfect ; indeed, was the most correct which the world was to see down to the sixteenth century a. d. Besides other and doubtless very important data, of which we have no information, Eratosthenes must have had a record of an expedition undertaken in the fifth cen- tury B. c. by Hanno, under the direction of the Carthaginian Senate, in which he sailed down the west coast of Africa as far as to the Gulf of Benin ; as well as an account of the observations made by the fol- lowers of Alexander during his march through Asia, and by his naval commander Nearchus, who conducted the fleet from the mouths of the Indus along the coast to the Euphrates. After him came Hipparchus, who lived at Rhodes (b. c. 160-145). His great merit was in his use of astronomical observations to deter- mine positions upon the earth, instead of depending upon itinerary dis- tances from a few known points, as had been the method of Eratos- thenes. But the age did not appreciate his work, and the science was not to realize the advance which was thus made possible; nearly three centuries must elapse before the fruit of his labors was to appear. Era- tosthenes had been able to determine latitude by the heavenly bodies, but not longitude. Hipparchus showed how this also could be done, by observing the eclipses of the sun and moon. Again, he invented the method of projection in map-making, another most valuable con- tribution to the science which was to be despised until a coming age. Posidonius is a name to be remembered for an error which he in- troduced into the science, so successfully that it remained for many centuries. What it was we shall see under Ptolemy. Strabo (54 b. c), notwithstanding his voluminous work on geogra- 240 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. phy, which, indeed, is of great value as a compilation of the facts then known about the different countries of the world, was not, like Eratos- thenes, Hipparchus, and Ptolemy, a scientific geographer. He neglect- ed mathematical and astronomical data, and, instead of following Hipparchus's method of projection, of which he knew, he expressly says that he describes the world as if it were spread out as a vast plain. Indeed, there is some reason to think that Strabo did not even prepare a map to accompany his work. From his descriptions, however, a map may be made, as was done by both D'Anville and Gosselin, and we find that it does not differ greatly from that of Eratosthenes. Almost the only improvements are in a better outline of the coasts of Iberia and Gaul, in a truer longitude for the Sicilian Straits, and in a correct dis- tance from these straits to Rhodes. On the other hand, Strabo loses sight of Thule, says that Africa is not circumnavigable, and makes greater errors in latitude and longitude than his distinguished prede- cessor. The leading Roman writers on geography were Pomponius Mela, who wrote a treatise in three books, and Pliny, who devoted a part of his great work on natural history to geography. Marin of Tyre deserves a glance. Phoenicia was the great com- mercial nation of the earlier ages. Her mariners brought tin from Britain and spices from the far East. She certainly had opportunities to surpass all other nations in geographical work. But we should almost infer that, when Cadmus brought letters from Phoenicia to Greece, as we learned in boyhood, he left no letters there ; for, with all her wealth and opportunities, Phoenicia did little for literature or science. Wholly absorbed by the commercial spirit, she forgot all else. It is the same to-day. Commerce alone has never opened any great field to science. Arab traders have known the region about the sources of the Nile for centuries, but science was never the gainer. Some disinterested spirit must enter in. Patrons of science must send out explorers, or missionary workers must give their lives to opening up the dark places of the earth. In the last days of Tyre, however, one scientific name does appear — that of Marin. He collected some valuable information in regard to the east coast of Africa, of which Ptolemy made use. He also attempted in a crude way to use the method of projection in map-making. Lastly appears the great name of Ptolemy (middle of the second century). As the scholars of Alexandria had the honor of collecting and carefully editing all the great literary works of antiquity, pre- paratory to the centuries of darkness through which the world was to pass, so, under the hand of Ptolemy, was put into compact and dura- ble form what had then been gained of geographical science. If he is the great man who makes grand use of his knowledge, then was Ptol- emy greater than Hipparchus ; for, what Ilij^parchus had thought out three centuries before him, Ptolemy now used to reestablish — almost THE BEGINXINGS OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE. 241 to transform — geographical science. He carried out both Hipparchus's plan of determining latitude and longitude by astronomical observa- tions, and that of representing the earth by the modern method of pro- jection— with the " curved meridians and parallels " which Strabo had despised. We can see from the errors which he makes that he did not fully understand Hipparchus's ideas, but he did measurably; and he had the energy to stamp his knowledge upon the world, and thereby became the master of geography. To examine now the work of the two greatest geographers of an- tiquity, Eratosthenes the father, and Ptolemy the master. We have seen Eratosthenes in the library of Alexandria, surround, ed by every existing appliance of learning. Besides the data to which we have referred, he had before him what Hipparchus calls the " An- cient Map," possibly that of Anaximander, which Hipparchus prefers in some respects to the map of Eratosthenes. But, with all these appli- ances, he had not the one great essential to their accurate combination into a system of the world, viz., the length of the earth's circumfer- ence. He had, however, made certain astronomical observations that were to help him. By observing the difference of the shadows at the summer and winter solstices, he had calculated the angle of the eclip- tic. He had also learned that the city of Syene, in Upper Egypt, was directly under the northern tropic, since there, at the summer solstice, the rays of the sun illumined the bottom of a deep well. Ascertain- ing by the gnomon, or by the armillary spheres, which he invented, the latitude north of the tropic of Alexandria, which he considered to be on the same meridian with Syene, he found the arc between Syene and Alexandria to be one fiftieth part of the earth's circle. Learning then from the itineraries that the distance between the cities was 5,000 stadia, he multiplied this by fifty and had his circumference, 250,000 stadia ; or, as he divided the circle into 300°, each of 700 stadia, he called the circumference 252,000 stadia. Not knowing the precise length of the stadium, we can not tell how exact this measurement was ; but to have measui-ed the earth at all was surely a brilliant beginning of Eratosthenes's geographical work. His method, it may be said, is the same that is followed to-day in measuring the earth. Having, then, a basis upon which he can convert degrees into stadia and stadia into degrees, he proceeds to construct his map. He makes no recognition of the lines so prominent in all our maps of the world, the equator and the tropic, and polar circles ; but simply establishes a few parallels at irregular distances, viz., of the limits of the inhabitable eai-th — Meroe, Syene, Alexandria, Rhodes, the Hellespont, Byzantium, the mouth of the Borysthenes, and Thule. Some of the distances between these parallels were determined by itinerary measurements, some by astro- nomical observations. For example, the distance from Alexandria to Rhodes was determined by estimating the arc between the cities at the rate of 700 stadia to the degree. Again, the latitude of the Borys- VOL. XVI.— 16 24-2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. thenes having been determined by itineraries, and the latitude of Thule being known from Pytheas, as the same number of degrees from the pole that the tropics were from the equator, this distance was determined. The most important of these parallels was that of Rhodes, since upon this he measured the entire length of the world. He reckoned his measurements of longitude from Cape Sacrum in Iberia (now Cape St. Vincent), this being considered on a parallel with the Straits of Gades (Gibraltar), the Straits of Sicily, Rhodes, the Gulf of Issus (eastern extremity of the Mediterranean), the Caspian Gates (mountain passes south of the Caspian Sea), andThinse on the Eastern Ocean. Not hav- ing here any astronomical data, his longitudes are less correct than his latitudes. The principal points established are Carthage, the Straits of Sicily, and Rome, which he erroneously places on the same meridian, Alexandria and Rhodes, which he also places on the same meridian, Issus, the Caspian Gates, the source of the Indus, and the mouth of the Ganges. Though using a plane chart, he yet recognized the fact that a degree of longitude on the parallel of Rhodes had not the same value as at the equator, but was as 555 to 700, which is very nearly correct. Dividing now the distances from Cape Sacrum, which he gives us only in stadia, by 555, we find for Carthage a longitude of 21° 15' 40", which is only two degrees in excess of its true longitude ; for Alexandria we have 45° 35' 8", which is an excess of between six and seven degrees ; for Issus we have 54° 35' 40", making the Mediter- ranean too long by between nine and ten degrees ; for the Indus the longitude of 100° 10' 48" is between twenty-three and twenty-four degrees too great ; while for the Ganges 126° 7' 34" is an excess of be- tween forty-five and forty-six degrees. These excesses, it will be seen, increase uniformly toward the east, as they would by using too short a measure for the degree ; and since Eratosthenes expressly states that the degree at Rhodes is only four fifths of that at the equator, it has been conjectured that he has used stadia of different values. An argument in favor of this is that, if we use a stadium of such value that there would be 700 to a degree (as at the equator), the length of the Mediterra- nean would be very nearly correct, nearer indeed than upon any subse- quent map down to the eighteenth century a. d., while the mouth of the Indus would be within three degrees of its true longitude. Know- ing Eratosthenes's coi-rectness upon other points, one can hardly resist the conviction that he did use stadia of different lengths, and that Strabo and Pliny have failed to quote his statement and explanation of the fact. "VYe are further confirmed in this opinion when we con- sider that his age believed the inhabitable world to be very nearly twice as long as it was broad, and that this estimate makes its length to its breadth as 106 to 54. Nevertheless, we have given here a representation of his map, in which 555 stadia, of the same length with the stadia of latitude, are allowed to each degree of the parallel of Rhodes. THE BEGINNINGS OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE. 243 IVe call attention to only a few of its noticeable features. First of all, the accuracy of most of its latitudes is to be noted, some of them being more accurate than those given by Gosselin, less than a hundred J= S - •saSang innjasg 8dB0 years ago. Not only is the Mediterranean unduly elongated, but the placing of the Sicilian Straits and Carthage on the same meridian, and Alexandria and Rhodes on the same, necessitates much too great a 244 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. distance between tlie straits and Rhodes. Since the length of the Macedonian coast was placed within its proper limits, no way re- mained to adjust the distances but to prolong the Thermaic Gulf to the westward, and make of Greece a long peninsula stretching from west to east. The Caspian Sea, owing to reports that had been brought by certain followers of Alexander, appears as an arm of the Northern Ocean. The most striking feature, however, is the representation of India as extending east instead of south, with the Ganges flowing into the Eastern Ocean. This would seem to have arisen in this way : The mouth of the Indus had been reported by Alexander's officers too far south. It was also well known that from the Indus to the island known as Taprobane (Ceylon) there was a long stretch of coast such as is given in the map. But, if this extended southward, it would carry India below what was considered to be the limit of the habitable world, seen in the map at latitude 11° 51' 26". So it was turned away to the eastward. The distance from the Indus to the mouth of the Ganges had been learned through the mission sent to India by Seleu- cus ; and, since the latter river did not enter the sea on the southern coast, it must have an eastern embouchure. But as the traditional limit of the earth — a length twice its breadth — was now reached, it only remained to extend the coast-line to the northward to complete the map. In accordance wnth the principles upon which his map was con- structed, Eratosthenes said that India could be reached by sailing west- ward from Spain — a suggestion by which Columbus is said to have been influenced. Before leaving Eratosthenes it may be mentioned that Gosselin contends that this ancient geographer had been preceded by geographers far better informed and more skillful than himself, and that all the best features of his map are due to them. Indeed, he claims that there was a period long before Eratosthenes, when the geography of Europe was as well known as in his (Gosselin's) day, and he even intimates that projected maps, similar to our modern ones, had then been used. His arguments in support of this, however, will not bear scrutiny. Ptolemy, we have said, prepared the science for the ages of dark- ness on which the world was soon to enter. In a sense, the first shadows of that darkness had already fallen. The science had gone backward perceptibly since the days of Eratosthenes. True, there was a larger fund of information in regard to the countries of the Roman Empire ; but, as we see in Strabo, there was no scientific grasp of the world as a whole. Ptolemy was therefore almost as much of an excep- tion to his age as Hipparchus had been to his. Still he had helps which none of his predecessors had had, such as the works of Strabo and Pliny, and Marin of Tyre, for statements of facts, and those of Era- tosthenes, and, above all, Hipparchus for scientific statement. The work which he composed with these helps was to be the standard and THE BEGINNINGS OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE. 245 10 -0 Sd 4i) oJ GO TO 8J 90 100 110 liiO 13 1 14J loO UO lit) PTOLEMY'S MAP OF THE WORLD. only authority foi* more than thirteen centuries. Happily it has come down to us entire, though the different manuscript copies vary considerably among themselves. Through the generosity of the Emperor of Russia, fac-simile copies have been made of the old- est extant Greek MS., written about the year 1200 a. d., and now at Mount Athos ; and these copies are in the more important libra- ries of the world. The method of projection which Ptolemy used in his maps had been slow of practical realization. Ilipparchus's work had not gained a circulation. Marin of Tyre had had but poor success in attempting it, so that Ptolemy's approach to success seems the more commendable. We present a map drawm upon his system. In it are to be noticed two great errors. We have spoken of Posido- nius as the originator of an error. Dissatisfied with Eratosthenes's mea- surement of the earth, he had measured it anew. To do this he had observed by a star the arc between Alexandria and Rhodes, and had ascertained the distance as nearly as he could from the number of days' sail between the cities. But soon becoming dissatisfied in regard to the distance he had employed, he adopted Eratosthenes's distance, which the latter had obtained by computing the arc at 700 stadia to 246 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the degree. With this distance, and with his own observed arc, he made such a computation of the earth's circumference as gave him 500 stadia to the degree. But the absurdity of thus employing the 700- stadium degree as an element in the computation, by which he obtained the 500-stadium degree, did not prevent even Ptolemy from adopting the latter estimate. A degree of 500 stadia at the equator gave him one of 400 stadia on the parallel of Rhodes. On this basis, reckoning from the Fortunate Isles (Ferro 18° 9' 45" west), he obtained the fol- lowing longitude : Carthage 32° 20', Rhodes 56°, Issus 66° 30', Indus 122° 30', Ganges 146°, Thinae (conjectured to be Tenasserim, in farther India) 177° 30' — errors respectively of about four, ten, twelve, thirty, forty, and sixty-one degrees. These large errors he had no means of recognizing, but when he came to his latitudes he did have a correc- tive. Accepting, as he was disposed to do, Eratosthenes's distances, all his own latitudes became too high. Pytheas's Thule, instead of being at the arctic circle, would have been beyond the north pole. He therefore did what is so often done, allowed one error to force him into another, viz., the use of a degree of one length (500 stadia) for his longitudes, and of another length (700 stadia) for his latitudes. Like those of Eratosthenes, therefore, his latitudes are tolerably correct. A few features of this map should be noticed in comparison with for- mer maps. Thule, which was unnoticed by Strabo, reappears, though it is not the Thule of Pytheas, but an island much nearer to Britain. The Sicilian Straits are no longer on a parallel with the Columns of Hercules, nor the straits and Rome on the same meridian. Alexan- dria and Rhodes are on different meridians, as also the Hellespont and Byzantium. The Caspian becomes again an inland sea. In the East, the great peninsula of the Deccan disappears, the island of Taprobane occupying its place. The Indian Ocean is an inland sea, Africa being connected by unknown lands with the lands of the far East. In our map we have followed Gosselin's opinion that the Golden Chersonese was the region about the mouths of the Irrawaddy River, not the Malay Peninsula. But the most important of the minor fea- tures of the map, with which we must close our sketch, is its repre- sentation of the sources of the Nile. Nili caput qucarere was a work projDosed to itself by the ancient as seriously as by the modern world. In the days of Herodotus the source of the river was considered a question of antiquity. The an- cient dynasties, the Persian conquerors, and later the Greeks and the Romans, all made more or less of effort to solve the problem. We have seen how Herodotus answered the question. In the days of Era- tosthenes, opinions were far more correct. Speaking of the Astaboras (Atbara), and the Astapus or the Astasobas (Blue Nile), he says, " Certain authors pretend that this last name applies to another river, which flovjs from lakes situated to the south, and forming the principal affluent of the Nile." This is the first definite reference to the south- EXPECTED METEORIC DISPLAY. 247 ern lakes, and how a knowledge of them had then been gained we do not know. It seems certain that no one in ancient times had ascended the river to them. Expeditions were repeatedly sent out with this object, notably one by Nero, which ascended higher than any other, but was finally stopped by impenetrable marshes, apparently in about 9° north latitude. But in ancient as in modern times the problem was finally approached in a different way. Marin of Tyre had furnished Ptolemy with information in regard to the east coast of Africa. Trad- ers had gone as far south as the promontory of Prasum (Cape Delgado), and doubtless information gained there in regard to Madagascar had given rise to the conjecture of lands inclosing the Indian Ocean. But in trading along the coast these men had heard of two lakes in the interior, which were called the sources of the Nile. Ptolemy would seem to have made particular inquiries about these lakes, for he says that a Greek trader had told him that they were farther inland than he had supposed. He accordingly placed them, as seen in our map, in latitudes 6° and 7° south, and longitudes 57° and 65° east, or on either side of the meridian of Alexandria. Information like this was worthy of the greatest geographer of antiquity, and which should not so long have been despised ; for it was only when modern explorers, following ancient traditions, went in from the coast of Zanzibar, that they — not solved but re-solved the ancient problem of the sources of the Nile. EXPECTED METEOPJC DISPLAY. By EICHARD A. PKOCTOE. IT is expected, by nearly all astronomers who have given attention to the subject, that there will be a display of falling stars on or about November 27th next, though the night of the shower may perhaps fall earlier or later, within a week or so either way. The display, should it occur, will possess far more interest than any ordinary shower of shooting stars, or even than the displays which have been witnessed on the night of November 13th-14th, in 1799, 1833, 1866, and other years. For, though we now know that when these showers of Leonides (as the meteors of November 14th-15th are called) occur, the earth is passing through the track of a comet which is followed by uncounted millions of meteors, and the like when on the nights of August 10th, 11th, and 12th the meteors called Perseids are seen, yet the comets corresponding to these longer-known meteoric showers are less interesting to astronomers than the comet along whose track those bodies travel which produced the shower of falling stars seen on the night of November 27, 1872, and which are expected to produce a similar display this year. It was well remarked by M. O. Struve, at the last meeting of the German As- 248 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tronomical Society, that no object has thrown more light on the gen- eral nature of cometic bodies than the comet known as Biela's. I pro- pose now to give a brief sketch of the history of this interesting body, and then to consider the reasons why astronomers expect that during the last week of November, 1879, there will be a display of shooting stars as the earth passes through the comet's track. In the year 1826 Biela discovered a comet, the path of which was calculated by Gambart, a French astronomer, insomuch that, accord- ing to the usual rule in such cases, the comet should be called Gam- bart's, not Biela's. It was found to revolve around the sun in a period of about six and two thirds years. It was not a conspicuous body — in fact, it has seldom been much more than barely visible under the most favorable conditions by the naked eye. Yet it differed from most tel- escopic comets in showing not only a nucleus and a coma, but a tail also. In 1832, 1839, and 1846, this comet returned to the earth's neighborhood, and on two of these occasions it was well seen. In 1839 it was so situated as to be lost in the sun's rays. In fact, at every third return astronomers knew that it would be hopeless to search for the comet. Thus, it was discovered in 1826, and well seen in 1832, but not seen and not even looked for in 1839. So, again, it was seen in 1846 in its calculated place, and again in 1852, but it was not looked for in 1859. In 1866 and 1872 it should have been visible, but, as will presently be explained more fully, it was not seen. In this present year, 1879, supposing all had gone on as in the forty preceding years, the comet would not have been visible, passing too near the sun's place in the sky. Astronomers have been set to search for it this year (but quite fruitlessly), because there were reasons to believe that, if seen at all, the comet would not be seen on its former track. But we must not pass to this part of the comet's history until the strange circum- stances connected with former returns and with former expected re- turns of the comet to visibility have been briefly considered. In the year 1846, when Biela's comet was well seen, it divided — or rather, after having apparently been single, it was seen to be divided — ^into two distinct comets, each having coma, nucleus, and a short tail of its own. These two comets traveled along side by side until they passed out of view ; but in 1852 both returned into view, though the distance between them was then greatly increased. Whether in 1859 the companion comets would have been seen had the earth been more favorably situated, is not known. The comet was not even looked for in that year, so hopeless did the search seem for so faint an object, close as the comet then was to the sun's apparent place in the sky. But in 1866 the comet should have been seen as favorably as in 1846. The superintendent of the " Nautical Almanac " published an ephermis of the comet's motions — in other w^ords, he stated where the comet was to be looked for day after day, and a number of the most skillful practical observers in Europe searched carefully for it, but it EXPECTED METEORIC DISPLAY. 249 was not seen. " There was not the slightest room," I wrote in 1872 (and, despite the opinions which have been since expressed by several astronomers, I see no reason for changing my opinion), *' for question- ing the accuracy of the calculations by which its path had been pre- dicted. Astronomers were certain that, if undestroyed or undissi- pated, the comet would follow the assigned path — as certain as a station-master would be that a train would enter a station along the line of rails assigned to it, unless some accident or mistake should occur. But comets do not make mistakes, though, as we now see, they are not free from accidents. This comet had already met with an accident, being broken by some mischance into two parts, under the very eyes of astronomers. Possibly in 1859 it met with further misadventures. At any rate, something had happened to the comet since its retreat in 1852. ' It is now,' Sir J. Herschel wrote in Feb- ruary, 1866, ' overdue. Its orbit has been recomputed, and an ephem- eris calculated. Astronomers have been eagerly looking out for its reappearance for the last two months, when, according to all former experience, it ought to have been conspicuously visible, but as yet without success — giving rise to the strangest theories. At all events, it seems to have fairly disappeared, and that without any such excuse as in the case of Lexell's, viz., the preponderant attraction of some great planet. Can it have come into contact or exceedingly close approach to some asteroid as yet undiscovered? or, peradventure, plunged into, and got bewildered among, the ring of meteorites, which astronomers more than suspect ? ' " But, as I pointed out at the time, there was a convincing objection against the first of these theories in the circumstance that, the two comets into which Biela had separated being more than a million miles apart when they passed out of view in 1852, it was not in the least likely that both would be so far perturbed by asteroidal perturba- tions as to remain thenceforward undiscoverable. " It would be a sin- gular chance," I said (this was before November 27, 1872, when fresh light, presently to be noted, was thrown on this object), " which should bring one of these objects into collision with a minor planet, or so near as to occasion an important disturbance. But, supposing this to happen, then the fellow comet, not traveling in the wake of the first, but side by side, would certainly have escajjed. For it must be remembered that, although 1,250,000 miles is a very small distance indeed by comparison with the dimensions of the solar system, it is an enormous distance compared with the dimensions of the minor planets, some of which have a surface not much greater than that of an Eng- lish county. The minor planet occasioning the comet's disturbance would presumably be one of the smallest, since it has not yet been detected, and the newly-discovered planets are on the average much smaller than those first detected. Now, the earth herself would have no very marked influence on a comet or meteor passing her at a dis- 2 50 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tance of 1,250,000 miles ; for it is to be remembered that the comet as well as the earth would have an enormously rapid motion, and the disturbing power of the earth would therefore only act for a short time. But a minor planet — even the largest of the family — would not have the twenty-thousandth part of the earth's power to disturb a pass- ing comet. At a distance of 200,000 miles a comet would pass such an asteroid without any marked disturbance of its motions," and at a distance of 1,250,000 miles there would practically be no disturbance at all. " It is, of course, not absolutely impossible that one of the comets of the pair should have been encountered by one minor planet, and the other by another, but the probability against such a contin- gency is so great, that we need scarcely entertain the idea even as a bare possibility." On the other hand, the supposition that the comet was destroyed or dissipated by meteor - streams, though not altogether untenable, seems little likely to be correct. I was disposed, when I wrote the article from which I have quoted the above passages, to think other- wise. " The comet," I said, " had been seen to divide into two parts in a portion of the solar system where certainly no bodies but meteor- ites can be supposed to travel. It seems reasonable to suppose that on that occasion the head of the comet had come upon some group of meteors, and so had divided, as a stream of water divides against a rock. Assuming this, we find reason for believing that the track of this comet crosses a rich meteor region. The particular group which had caused the division of the comet would of course pass away, and would not probably come again in the comet's way for many years or even centuries ; but another group belonging to the same system might in its turn encounter the comet, and complete the process of dissipation which the former had commenced. On this theory the distance between the companion comets would introduce no difficulty. For not only is it quite a common circumstance for meteoric systems to have a range of several millions of miles, but — a much more impor- tant consideration — both the comets would be bound to return to the scene of the former encounter. It was there that each had been sent off on a new track, but each new track started from there, and there- fore each new track must pass through there." The reasoning here is correct enough as far as it goes, but it does not duly take into con- sideration the extreme sparsity of meteoric distribution and the ex- treme tenuity of the heads and even of the nuclei of comets. As I pointed out in an essay which appeared in the "Popular Science Review " two months only after the essay from which I have quoted above had ajspeared in the "St. Paul's Magazine" (if I remember rightly), the meteors of even one of those comparatively rich clusters which produce an important display are strewed so sparsely that each occupies on the average a space corresponding in volume to a cube one hundred miles in length, breadth, and height. The largest meteor in EXPECTED METEORIC DISPLAY. 251 the solid form is probably not many inches in diameter (I am speaking, be it remembered, of the meteors producing displays of ordinary shooting stars or falling stars, not of those masses which thrust their way through the upper regions of the air, and, exploding, cast their fragments often over many square miles of the earth's surface). It will be understood how small is the chance that a flight of bodies so minute compared with the average space occupied by each could cause the dispersion of a mass so rare, and therefore so free to pass through a meteor-flight without disintegration or disturbance, as a comet. How Biela's comet came actually to be divided into two distinct bodies, and later to be so far dissipated as to be no longer visible even in the most powerful telescopes and under the most favorable circum- stances, will probably be understood when we know the nature of those processes of repulsion which lead to the formation of comets' tails. For our present purpose it is only necessary to observe that these processes of repulsion do most obviously carry away parts of the substance of a comet's head to enormous distances, and that, in some way, Biela's comet was divided, even as it were under the eyes of astronomers, into two distinct comets ; for we thus learn to recognize the further disintegration of the comet as part of a process undoubt- edly commenced in 1846 and undoubtedly competent to effect the dissipation of the comet's substance. As the comet was searched for in vain in 1866 in the region which unquestionably it would have traversed had it remained unchanged, there can be no reason for doubting that it had thus been thoroughly dissipated and disinte- grated. If anything could have made this more certain, it would have been the circumstance that in 1872, also, the comet was searched for in vain. Remembering that the observations made during the first few weeks after the comet's discovery in 1826 gave astronomers such a mastery over its motions that they could successfully predict its return in 1832, and show precisely where it would appear, nay, even calculate back its path and recognize its identity with a comet discov- ered by Montaigne in 1772, and rediscovered (though not recognized as the same) by Pons in 1805, it is obvious that in 1866, after several carefully observed returns and nearly a century after its first discoveiy, the comet's motions must have been much more thoroughly under- stood. It would have been much more easily detected that year than in 1846 and 1852, even as Halley's comet was much more easily de- tected at its return in 1835 than at its return in 1759. If the comet had been like most of its fellows, astronomers must have given up all idea of obtaining further information respecting it. But in one important respect it differed from them. It is one of the few known comets whose paths cross, or at least pass very close to, the track of the earth. Already in 1832 attention had been called to this circumstance. Indeed, fears had been excited among those un- familiar with astronomical relations by the announcement that the 252 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. comet would cross the earth's path in that year, although it was ex- plained that the comet would pass a month before the earth reached that point of her path. " We escaped that time," Sir John Herschel wrote in 1866. ''Had a meeting taken place, from what we know of comets, it is probable that no harm would have happened, and that nobody would have known anything about it." But from what we have since learned we have reason to believe that we should have known a great deal about the encounter, though it remains altogether probable that no harm would have happened. For we have learned that as a rule the tracks of comets are followed by millions of meteoric bodies, which, as the earth passes through the flight, produce displays of falling stars, each meteor in its rush through the earth's atmosphere producing a trail or streak of light ; and doubtless in the head itself of a comet meteoric bodies are much more richly strewed, so that an encounter with the head would produce an unusually splendid display of falling stars. It is, however, very noteworthy, as will presently appear more clearly, that no display of meteors is recorded as having occurred in the last week of November, 1832, though the comet had crossed the earth's track less than a month before. Yet in 1872 as- tronomers were led to expect somewhat confidently that, as the earth passed the track of Biela's comet, which had gone that way only some ten or twelve weeks before, there would be a shower of falling stars produced by the bodies following in the comet's path. I may pause here, by the way, to remark on the clear way in which this expectation, and what w^as actually observed, should show every one who has clear mathematical conceptions that it is the train, and not the tail, of a comet, which is followed by meteoric attendants. Professor Tait, of Edinburgh, who is a master of mathematical analysis, but apparently wanting in the power of clearly conceiving geometrical relations, has based on the mistaken idea that comets' tails are made up of meteors a wild theory of the phenomena presented by these ap- pendages, a theory which could not be accepted even if it had been proved that comets' tails are formed of meteor-flights. For he explains the appearance of a long cometic tail as due to the circumstance that at the time the earth is in the plane of a vast meteoric stratum attend- ing on the comet, though it is certain that not one of the known long- tailed comets can have kept its stratified meteoric tail (assuming al- ways that it had one) directed with its plane earthward during half the time of the tail's actual visibility. But so far as real evidence is concerned, the probability is that there are no meteors in or near the tail of a comet. For, on the one hand, on the only occasion ichen the earth is known to have passed through the tail of a comet — namely, when she passed through the tail of the splendid comet of 1861 — no meteors were seen which could have belonged to that appendage ; and on the other, in every single case in which meteors have been associated with a comet, those meteors have not been in or anywhere near the EXPECTED METEORIC DISPLAY. 253 comefs tail. As I have -said, Biela's comet is a case in point, and so obviously in point that it is difficult to understand how any mathema- tician could follow the history of the case without at once recognizing the error which nevertheless has misled and still misleads Professor Tait. That double comet, with its tails projecting from the sun, crossed the earth's path in or about the first week of September, 1872, travel- ing on a path slanted to the plane of the earth's orbit at an angle of twelve and a half degrees, and with a velocity considerably exceeding that of the earth in her orbit. Moving at this rate, and with this in- clination, the companion comets would of course attain in ten weeks a position many millions of miles south of the plane of the earth's orbit. Thus a line from the sun to either comet would not, where prolonged into the tail, approach within many millions of miles of the earth's orbit — that is, of any position which the earth can possibly occupy. Both comets were even farther away from the actual position occupied by the earth at the time when, nevertheless, astronomers predicted a star-shower, and when, as they predicted, such a shower occurred. For the comets had left that place ten or twelve weeks before, and nearly the whole of the comets' motion had carried them away from that place, whereas only a small part of their motion had carried them away from the plane of the earth's orbit. In fact, no one who had studied with any attention the circumstances of any predicted meteor-display could have fallen into the mistake made by Professor Tait, a mistake actually so elaborated as to be made the basis of an entirely novel, and for other reasons utterly impossible, theory of comets' tails.* * I may here remark that the tone of the above paragraph is, in my opinion, altogether objectionable, considered in itself. It is almost impossible even for the most careful students of science to avoid making mistakes from time to time, and occasionally mistakes of the most egregious nature. There is scarcely one of the great thinkers whose work has most effectively advanced science, who has not made mistakes even in dealing with his own special subject ; while those who, like the Herschels, Humboldt, and others, have dealt from time to time with subjects outside their own labors, have naturally been ex- posed to more serious misapprehensions. It is not wonderful that Professor Tait, engaged chiefly in analytical and physical researches, should fall into errors in dealing with astro- nomical matters, as when he discusses comets' tails, the solar corona, and so forth. But such errors should be corrected genially and pleasantly, not sneeringly (which, indeed, I have not done) nor censoriously. I must point out, however, that Professor Tait lays himself open to the severer forms of correction by the perfect savagery of his own cor- rections of mistakes made by those who chance to have offended him. The man who, in his lecture on " Force," so fiercely denounced Tyndall for mere errors, or, rather, in- exactnesses of verbiage which could mislead none ; the man who jeeringly exchiimed, " These be thy gods, 0 Israel," because one of the greatest physicists of the age omitted, in defining work done in raising bodies, to mention that such bodies were on the earth, not on Jupiter or elsewhere ; the man who has even honored me by his sneers at real mis- takes of mine, and who with ingenious garbling has invented mistakes for me which I had never made (apparently for no other reason than because I pleasantly expostulated with him on one occasion for his attacks on Tyndall) — can hardly object to be corrected in the hard though not harsh tone adopted above. If the tu quocpie defense be considered in- sufficient, then let me note that Professor Tait, by advancing a theory capable of being tested by evidence without being at the pains so to test it, and by refusing even to ex- 254 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The predictions made in November, 1872, were not so precise as they would probably have been if the comet had been seen in 1866 and in 1872, as had been expected. Indeed, astronomers had very little experience as to the meteors of Biela's comet. They were in doubt what showers among those recorded by various observers of meteors as occurring during the last week of November and the first week of December could be associated with this particular meteor system. For until the astronomical significance of meteoric disjjlays had been fully recognized, the observers of shooting stars, even when these were seen in showers, had been more careful to record the brightness and the number of the meteors than their course among the stars. So that the criterion which at present distinguishes one meteor system from another, even though both meteor systems may show falling stars on one and the same night or at one and the same time, is not applicable to most of the records of star-showers. That criterion, it need hardly be said, is the position of what is called the radiant point of the star- shower, the point from which all the meteor-tracks on the sky seem to tend. The reader must not fall into the mistake of suj^posing that every meteor-track absolutely extends from the so-called radiant. On the contrary, it may truly be said that not one such track does or can extend from that point. But each tends from the point in the sense that, if the course pursued by the meteor be supposed to be extended backward in a straight line (or, more correctly speaking, in a great circle of the heavenly sjDhere), the line would pass through the radiant point. The expression is used in the same general sense, and has, in fact, the same significance as the statement usually made about par- allel lines and their vanishing point in perspective. Lines which are really parallel are so drawn in perspective that they all tend from one and the same point, but they do not extend from it. An artist might indeed draw them all in pencil from that point, but he would after- ward rub out pai'ts of the pencil-lines, leaving the rest all tending from the vanishing-point, but none of them extending actually from it. Now, what is the radiant point of a meteor system ? It is in real- ity that infinitely remote point from which all the meteors seem to be traveling — the point toward which all the parallel lines on which they are actually traveling seem to converge. No meteor, then, approach- ing the earth on the course thus indicated could possibly seem to move actually from the radiant point. If moving directly toward the ob- server, it would be visible at the radiant point, all the time, not seem- ing to move/rom it ; if not moving directly toward the observer, but on a course parallel to that from the radiant point to the observer, it would be seen, from the beginning to the end of its flight, at points removed from the radiant, but all on a line tending from it. Thus the amine the evidence brought forward by others, has committed an offense against scientific morality (scientific morality only, be it understood) such as he can allege against none of those whom he so warmly denounces. EXPECTED METEORIC DISPLAY. 255 actual path pursued by a meteor may be on one side of the heavenly sphere, while the radiant is on the other ; precisely as any particular yard of a set of parallel railway lines and telegraph wii-es may be to the right or the left, or above or below, or may be behind an observer, while the point from which all these lines converge is in front of him. Yet two meteor-tracks, carefully observed, will suffice, unless abso- lutely coincident, to show the radiant point belonging to them, assum- ing of course that they belong to the same system. And when on any night many meteors of the same system are seen, the radiant point of the system, w^hich indicates the direction from which with respect to the earth they all seem to travel, can be most accurately determined. In this way each meteor system is perfectly distinguishable from all others ; and also, from the position of the radiant point of a system, the question whether the meteors are or are not bodies following in the track of any known comet, can be at once set at rest. The path of such bodies can be calculated with perfect exactness. The apparent path resulting from the combination of their motions with the motions of the earth can equally well be determined. This gives the radiant point of such bodies, if such bodies there are, as they appear in shooting-star displays in our skies. No scattered meteors, still less any meteor-shower, can be mistaken for attendants on such a comet — at least, if we set aside the bare possibility (for such it is) that bodies really traveling in a different course may appear to travel on the same course. This can happen ; but it is so exceedingly unlikely, that if a meteor-flight appears at the time, and from the radiant point, cor- responding to the attendants of a particular comet, it may be confi- dently assumed that they really are such attendants. But, as I have said, on former occasions when displays of meteors occurred during the last week in November or the first week of De- cember, which might therefore have indicated the earth's passage through the train of Biela's comet, no special observation was made of the tracks of individual meteors, so that it was not possible to ascertain afterward whether such showers might or might not be thus explained. Nor were any observations made for Biela meteors when the earth passed through the track of the comet in 1836, when, from what we now know, a display of such bodies might have been expected. It was otherwise in 1872. Biela's comet itself having been searched for fruitlessly, several astronomers called attention to the circumstance that in the last week of November the earth might be expected to pass through a train of meteors following in the track of the now disin- tegrated comet. They showed also how Biela meteors, if such existed, could be distinguished from other shooting stars ; the radiant point corresponding to attendants on Biela's comet lying in the region where the constellation Andromeda borders on Cassiopeia, near the feet of the former of these celestial bodies. I myself wrote in the following terms, in a paper written in October, and which appeared in the " St. 256 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Paul's Magazine " for November, 1872 : *' There will probably be a display of meteors following the track of Biela's comet. At any rate, the skies should be carefully watched. The shower of meteors (should one occur) will fall in such a direction that shooting stars might be looked for at any hour of the night. Those belonging to Biela's comet could be very readily distinguished from others, because their tracks would seem to radiate from the constellation Cassiopeia. So that should any one observe, on any night between November 25th and De- cember 5th, a shooting star following such a track, he will have the sat- isfaction of knowing that in all probability he has seen a fragment or portion of a comet which has divided into two if not three distinct comets, and has followed up that process of dissipation by dissolving altogether away." The prediction thus made was abundantly fulfilled. On November 27, 1872, there was a display of shooting stars second only in magnifi- cence among those seen since the middle of the present century to the shower observed in the early morning hours of November 14, 1866. In numbers, indeed, the shooting stars of November, 1872, fully equaled, if they did not exceed, the shooting stars of Novembei-, 1866. Professor Grant, of the Glasgow Observatory, counted no fewer than 10,579 meteors between 5h. 30m. p.m. and llh. 50m. p. m. Four ob- servers in Italy, w^ho severally limited their observations to the four quarters of the heavens between the four cardinal points, counted in six and a half hours 33,400 shooting stars. It appears that the greatest number were seen between 7h. and 9h. p. m. Between 6h. 55m. and 6h. 56m. the whole of the sky around the radiant of the system seemed to be occupied by a meteoric cloud. This region lay, as predicted, near the feet of Andromeda. There remained no doubt that the earth on the night of November 27th had crossed a stream of meteorites, following in the track of Biela's comet. But now followed w^hat gave rise to considerable misapprehension, by which it would seem that even some mathematicians of consider- able skill have been misled. A German astronomer, Klinkerfues, tel- egraphed to Pogson, the Government observer at Madras, " Biela touched eai'th November 27th ; look for it near Theta Centauri " : mean- ing, doubtless, what was in reality the case, that the earth had passed through the meteoric train of Biela, and that it might be worth while to look out for the retreating flight in the part of the heavens directly opposite the point from which the meteors had seemed to arrive. Whether Klinkerfues meant this, or whether, as some seem to suppose, he meant that possibly Biela's comet might have been delayed ten or twelve weeks, and so have certainly encountered the earth on Novem- ber 27th, need not for the moment be considered.* Suffice it that Pog- * Strangely enough, Mr. Hind, the Superintendent of the " Nautical Almanac," has written (in " Nature ") as though the comet had been in some way delayed ten or twelve weeks between 1852 and 1872, so that the earth did actually " touch Biela," as Klink- EXPECTED METEORIC DISPLAY. 257 son examined the heavens in the region indicated, and there, in the early morning hours of December 2, 1872, detected two cloud-like ob- jects. These he saw again on the morning of December 3d — by which time their position on the star-vault had charged, so that it was clear they were not nebulte or star-clouds, but veritable attendants on the sun, though whether comets or meteor-flights was not clearly made out. It was, however, clearly shown that neither of these objects could possibly have been the meteor-flight crossed by the earth on the night of November 27, 1872. It was equally certain that neither the meteor-flight nor these two cometic objects could have been Biela's comet itself — though all three were traveling in such courses that they might be called attendants of that body. There for the time the history of Biela's comet has closed. No- thing more has been seen of it, either as a comet or as a meteor-flight, though scattered meteors traveling in its train were seen toward the end of November, 1877, and more would probably have been seen at the same part of last year if the skies then had not been overclouded in nearly all European countries. The next passage of the earth athwart the track of the comet is the first, since that of November 27, 1872, during which a meteor shower could be expected to occur. The comet crossed the earth's track, or passed very near to it, early in April last ; and though the interval is considerably longer between then and the end of November than elapsed between the comet's passage in 1872 and the display of that year, yet it is most probable that many meteoric attendants of the comet will be seen on some nights (or perhaps on several nights) be- tween November 25th and December 1st, and quite possible that a very fine shower may be seen. The meteors will be well worth looking for in any case, since, if they are carefully observed and counted hour by hour, astronomers will probably obtain some further insight into the nature of the processes which lead to the dissipation of a comet and cause its path to be occupied over a range of many millions of miles by scattered meteoric attendants. To others than astronomers, the me- teors will be full of interest ; and it is not at all unlikely that they will appear in such numbers as to produce an exceedingly beautiful display. — Belgrama. erfues telegraphed to Pogson, "on November 27, 1872." But this is quite impossible. Any perturbation active enough to delay the comet's perihelion passage ten or twelve weeks would have entirely changed the character of the comet's orbit. But the very cir- cumstance that the earth crossed the train of cometic attendants on November 27, 1872, showed that they were in the track of the comet, whose path could not, therefore, have been greatly altered. The case may be simply put thus : Either the comet's motions had been or Aat/ no< been very greatly disturbed between 1852 and 1872: now, if they had been, the comet's path would no longer have passed near the earth's, and the comet could not have encountered the earth either on November 27, 1872, or at any other time ; and if they had not been, the comet must have crossed the earth's track early in September, 1872, and therefore, in this case also, must have been far away from the earth on Novem- ber 27, 1872. VOL. XVI.— 17 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. MANY-TOED HOKSES. WHEN Professor Huxley gave his lectures in New York, three years ago, on the evidences of evolution, he brought forward the gene- alogy of the horse as made out by recent fossil discoveries, and claimed that it was decisive in establishing the principle of descent, derivation, and development through the geological periods. There was a good deal of wise shaking of heads and shrugging of shoulders, at his presen- tation of the case, on the part of many who attended the lectures ; and all who were perfectly ignorant of comparative anatomy and could not comprehend the course and force of the argument, were certain that the great biologist had for once made a total failure. No doubt if these critics had been questioned they would have readily pronounced the case closed for ever against evolution ; but knowledge grows and evidence accumulates, and so it will be worth while to recall the sub- ject, that we may appreciate some of the further points of illustration that have been made out since. Professor Marsh, of Yale College, who has had this inquiry especial- ly in hand, has made a short communication to " Silliman's Journal," on "Polydactyle (many-toed) Horses, Recent and Extinct," the sub- stance of which we here reproduce. It is stated that America is the original home of the horse, and that during the whole of Tertiary time, which the geologists divide into three periods — the Eocene, Miocene, and Pliocene — early, middle, and later — this continent was occupied with horse-like mammals of many and various forms. These all became extinct before the discovery of the country, but their abundant remains furnish the materials for mark- ing out the genealogy of the horse in an almost unbroken succession of forms. The study of fossils has shown that the oldest representatives of the horse on this continent all had many toes, and were of small size. In the course of development there was a gradual increase in size and a diminution in the number of toes, until the present type of horse was produced. The line of genealogy has been made out through seven successive stages, and the fossil proofs of its validity and completeness are all to be seen in the Yale Museum of Natural History. In vol. x. of " The Popular Science Monthly," page 295, the figures are given that illustrate the whole subject ; we here simplify the representation by indicating the succession of changes that have taken place in the structure of the fore-foot of this series of quadrupeds (Fig. 1). All the facts go to show that the horse tribe is derived from an original ancestor having five toes on each foot, but this parent of the race has not yet been discovered. The oldest member of the group that has become known is the Eohlppxis, which had four well-developed toes and the rudiment of another on each fore-foot, and three toes behind. MANY-TOED HORSES. 259 It was about as large as a fox, and the base of the Tertiary formation. Huxley's lectures were given, and since the diagrams we follow were made, and we therefore have no figure of it. The Orohippus^ in the next higher division of the Eocene, resembled its predecessor in size, but had only four toes in front, as the diagram shows. The Mesohip- pus came later, was about as large as a sheep, and had three usable toes, and the splint of another, on each fore-foot. In the later Mio- hippus, the splint-bone is reduced to a short remnant. In the Plio- cene above, a three-toed horse {Pro- tohippus), about as large as a don- key, was abundant ; and, still higher up, a near ally of the modem horse (Pliohippus) makes his appearance. The series is completed in the sub- sequent appearance of a true Equus, as large as the existing horse. The horse has thus advanced in his development by getting rid of superfluous toes or digits ; but, un- der the principle of reversion to an early ancestral type, to which it is now well understood that animals are liable in various ways, these sup- pressed splints or digits break out as extra hoofs. Professor Marsh says : " In addition to each main digit of the ordinary horse, the anat- omist finds concealed beneath the skin two slender metapodial ' splint- bones,' which are evidently the rem- nants of two other toes originally possessed by the ancestor of the horse. It is an interesting fact that these splint-bones are sometimes quite fully developed, and may even support extra digits which are much shorter and smaller than the main foot. As these small hooflets appears in the lower Eocene or at It was discovered since Professor puonsppcs. PKOTOKIPPCS iUipparioii). MTOnrPPTTS {^Andiitherium). IIESOHCFPITB. PLIOCENE. MIOCENE {NeartJiS base\ OEOHipprs. Eonippus. z {Four toes and the 'fi EOCENE ritdime,nt of another g {_2i'ear the base), on each fore-foot.) « (Original f/te-toed ancestor of the horse.) 26o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. are usually regarded as a serious detriment to the animal, they are gen- erally removed from the colt soon after birth; but, in such cases, the en- larged splint-bones not unfrequently indicate in the adult their former existence. Numerous cases of extra digits in the horse have been re- corded, and in nearly all of them a single lateral hooflet was present on one of the forelegs." Professor Marsh states that the first recorded instance of extra digits in the horse known to him are two mentioned by George Simon Winter, in his famous book on horses, published at Nuremberg in 1703. One of the horses referred to, and figured in this work, was " eight-toed," having a small extra digit on the inside of each foot. Winter states that this horse was exhibited in Germany in 1663, and a portrait of it preserved in Cologne. His account was derived from a person who had examined the animal. The other horse described by Winter had a small hoof in the inside of each fore-foot ; and this steed, Winter states, he had not only seen but ridden. Other instances of this phenomenon are referred to, on the authority of Geoffrey Saint- Hilaire, Owen, and Leidy. Fig. 2.— Outline op Horse with Extra Digit on Each Foot. Professor Marsh has described an interesting case of this reversion in the horse, which he has personally examined, and which is repre- sented in Fig. 2. He says : " This animal was on exhibition in New SKETCH OF HEINRICH WILHELM DOVE. 261 Orleans in the spring of 1878, and Dr. Sanford E. Chaille, of that city, first called the attention of the writer to it, and likewise sent a photo- graph from which the cut was made. This same horse was subse- quently brought to the North, and a few days since was on exhibition at New Haven, Connecticut, where the writer examined him with some care. The animal is of small size, about ten years old, and is said to have been foaled in Cuba. He is known among showmen as the 'eight-footed Cuban horse.' With the exception of the extra digits he is well formed. The four main hoofs are of the ordinary form and size. The extra digits are all on the inside, and correspond to the index-finger of the human hand. They are less than half the size of the principal toes, and none of them reach the ground. " Among the instances of recent polydactyle horses described to the writer by those who have seen them are two of special interest. One of these was a colt with three toes on one fore-foot, and two on the other. The animal recently died in Ohio. Another is a mare, raised in Indiana, and is still living, which is said to have three toes on each fore-foot, and a small extra digit on each hind-foot. In regard to the latter animal, the writer hopes soon to have more definite infor- mation. " Besides the instances mentioned above of extra digits in place in the existing horse, there are many cases on record of true monstrosi- ties, as, for example, additional feet or limbs attached to various por- tions of the body. Such deformities now admit of classification and explanation, but need not be considered in the present discussion." SKETCH OF HEINEICH WILHELM DOYE. By FREDERICK HOFFMANN. THE veteran savants who inaugurated the great advances in modern physical research are passing away, one after another, leaving their achievements for completion to the succeeding generation, and their imperishable fame to the records of human history. Foremost among the centers of exact and productive inquiry and learning ranked the University of Berlin, founded in the years of Prussia's deepest hu- miliation at the hands of the great Corsican adventurer, out of the royal motive " to raise the down-trodden nation to strength and great- ness by intellectual and mental vigor and virtue." Among the brilliant array of famous scholars of the first period of that university were Wilhelm and Alexander von Humboldt, Leopold von Buch, Carl Rit- ter, Fichte, Plegel, Enke, Boekh, Kunth, Link, Ehrenberg, Johannes Mttller, E. Mitcherlich, Heinrich and Gustav Rose, Poggendorf, Dove, 262 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Magnus, and others. Dove, being one of the youngest, outlived them all. Heinkich Wilhelm Dove vras born at Liegnitz, Silesia, on Octo- ber 6, 1803, and at the age of eighteen passed from the schools of that town to the Universities of Breslau and Berlin, where for the next three years he devoted himself to the study of mathematics and phys- ics. In 1826 he took the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Uni- versity of Berlin, his thesis on the occasion being an inquiry regarding barometric changes ; and it is significant of his future life-work that his first 2:)ublished memoir was a paper on meteorological inquiries relative to winds, these two subjects holding a paramount place in the great problem of weather-changes. Dove began his public career as a professor at the University of Konigsberg, where he remained till 1829, being then invited to Berlin as supplementary Professor of Physics. His strikingly clear-sighted, bold, and original intellect turned forcibly to that intricate group of questions in the domain of physics which comprise the sciences of meteorology and climatology. In these fields, then but imperfectly understood, his success as an original explorer was so marked and raj^id that it at once attracted the attention of the scientific world and of the governments throughout Europe ; and these were but the first of a long series of consummate researches and deductions by which Dove, besides Humboldt, opened new fields of inquiry and laid the foundation of those sciences. Stimulus and encouragement were not wanting ; for he entered upon his brilliant career at a time when a most produc- tive era prevailed in the rise of the exact physical sciences in Germany : Goethe was still living, the glory and the giant mind of his age ; Al- exander von Humboldt had stirred the world of science and culture by his ever-famous popular lectures on physical and cosraical geography, in the great hall of the Berlin University in 1827 to 1828, and his fas- cinating " Views of Nature," translated into most civilized languages, had delighted and inspired all Europe ; the first German Geographical Society had been established in Berlin in 1828, second in time only to that of Paris, the oldest European Geographical Society. Ehrenberg * had returned from his six years' explorations in Africa and Asia with immense treasures of collections and geographical and meteorological observations. Leopold von Buch, geologist and geographer, stood in the zenith of his fame. Carl Ritter, the father of comparative geog- raphy, inspired both the youth and the learned of Germany by his masterly exposition of that science in his lectures and writings. Dove, then in the prime of youth, soon took a foremost rank as a lecturer at the university, and among the cultured circles of the Prussian capital ; the combined qualities of accomplished scholarship, of vivid and clear exposition, of tine imagination, of humorous and sarcastic wit, com- bined with a commanding presence, and the extent over which his elo- * " Popular Science Monthly," vol. xiv., p. 668. SKETCH OF HE IN RICH WILHELM DOVE. 263 quent utterances were heard, marked him as the Arago and Brewster of Germany. For more than a quarter of a century his audiences were among the largest and most accomplished in the great hall of the Ber- lin University, overcrowded as it was by students and scholars of all ages and from all stations in society and in the army, Germany show- ered on him in profusion those honors which it but sparingly bestows except on the highest order of learning and science ; and other coun- tries amply recognized the successive results of Dove's masterly re- searches ; there is scarcely a learned or scientific society of any note that has not his name enrolled among its honorary members. The Berlin Academy of Sciences elected him, in 1837, one of its youngest members ; and in 1845 he was raised to the distinguished position of the chair of Physics in the University of Berlin, now held by his suc- cessor Professor Helmholtz.* When Alexander von Humboldt died. May 6, 1869, the insignia of the high order pour le merite, worn by him, were bestowed upon Dove ; and in 1867 he was chosen Vice- Chancellor of that most exalted rank for scientific achievement in Ger- many. It would far surpass the limit allotted to this brief sketch to enter in detail upon the scientific labors and works of Dove ; his scientific pa- pers published in the memoirs of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, in Poggendorf 's " Annalen," in " Zeitschrif t f ilr Erdkunde," in " Zeit- schrift des Preussischen Statistischen Bureau's," etc., between the years 1827 and 1876 number more than two hundred and fifty, besides his lai'ger published works and treatises, of which the most noted are : " tJber Maas und Messen," 1835 ; " Meteorologische Untersuchun- gen," 1837 ; " tJber die Nichtperiodischen Veranderungen der Tempera- tur-Vertheilung auf der Oberflache der Erde," 6 vols., 1840-1859 ; " Un- tersuchungen im Gebiete der Inductions Electricitat," 1843 ; " Uber den Zusammenhang der Warme- Veranderungen der Atmosphare mit der Entwicklung der Pflanzen," 1846 ; " Temperaturtaf eln," 1848 ; "Uber Electricitat," 1848; "Monats Isothermen," 1850; "Verbrei- tung der Warme auf der Erdoberflache durch Isothermen und Isano- malen," 1852 ; " Darstellung der Farbenlehre," 1853 ; " Monats-und Jahres Isothermen in der Polarprojection," 1864 ; " Darstellung der Wiirme-Erscheinungen durch fiinftiigige Mittel," 3 vols., 1856-1870 ; " Die Witterungs-Erscheinungen des nordlichen Deutschlands," 1858- 1803 ; " Das Gesetz der Stiirme," 1857 ; " Optische Studien," 1859 ; " Anwendung des Stereoscopes zur Erkennung falschen Papier Geldes," 1859 ; " Die Stiirme der gemaessigten Zone," 1863 ; " Klimatologische Beitrage," 2 vols., 1857-1869 ; " Klimatologie von Nord Deutschland," 2 vols., 1868-1871 ; " Eiszeit, Fohn und Sirocco," 1867 ; " Der schwei- zerische Fohn," 1868 ; " Der Kreislauf des Wassers auf der Erde," 1868 ; " Gedachtnissrede auf Alexander von Humboldt," 1869, etc. They show Dove to have been a most thorough and successful * "Popular Science Monthly," vol. v., p. 231. 264 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. worker and investigator in electricity, magnetism, optics, crystallog- raphy, and in such practical subjects as measures and weights, and the metric system of civilized nations. Among other discoveries, he also first recognized the presence of a secondary electric current in a metallic wire, at the moment that the circuit of the principal current is completed. The large number of physical instruments originated and devised by his genius and skill, among them his polarization apparatus, his differential inductor, his rotating polariscope, and numerous other important devices, bear evidence of his many contributions to the ad- vancement of physics. But it was to meteorological, hydrographical, and climatological inquiries that Dove devoted his full strength and the great powers of his mind ; and by his comprehensive and well-directed labors he has written his name in imperishable characters on the records of science. His fame rests preeminently on the successful inquiries which he car- ried out with a view to the discovery of the laws regulating atmos- pheric phenomena, which apparently are under no law whatever, and on his isothermals and isabnormals of temperature for the surface of the globe, in which labors one can not sufficiently admire the breadth of view which sustained and animated him as an explorer, during the long, toilsome years spent in, and requisite to, their preparation. Equally charactei'ized by philosophic depth and by what really seemed a love for the drudgery of detail, even to profuseness, when such drudgery appeared necessary or desirable in attaining his object, are his various works on winds, the manner of their veering, and their relations to atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, and rainfall, and the important bearings of the results on the climatology of the globe ; and on the relation of the variations of temperature to the development of plants and their life and distribution. The origin of storms and their connection with the general circulation of the atmos- phere has been much elucidated by Dove's comprehensive and exact researches ; and the " laws of the rotation of the winds and storms," of so vast importance to the mariner, are for ever linked with his name. Alexander von Humboldt had originated the Prussian Meteorologi- cal Bureau, and Dove, since 1848 its director, gradually organized, extended, and summarized throughout Germany, the valuable system of meteorological observations and publications, since widely and suc- cessfully accepted and introduced in most civilized countries. When we consider the condition in which Dove found man's knowledge of the weather, and the large accessions and development it received from his hand, the breadth of his views, and the well- 'directed patience rising into high genius, with which his mind was inspired and his researches were pursued, there can be but one opinion, that these give Dove claims, which no other physicist can compete with, to be styled " the Father of Meteorology." SKETCH OF H BIN RICH WILHELM DOVE. 265 So much of Dove as an original investigator and scholar. As pro- fessor at the Berlin University he accomplished more than one hun- dred lecture terms (Semester), and among the many thousands who have been instructed and inspired by his masterly and impressive lec- tures and occasional orations, most of the eminent physicists of our generation and the scientists of Germany may be counted, who all will remember with pleasure and veneration the great teacher's exquisite style, his humor and wit, the lucidity and precision of his logic and demonstration, and the elegance and perfection of his experiments. Pie did not address himself to beginners, but presupposed the full intellectual maturity and learning of the German gymnasium educa- tion, and his audiences were composed of men of every age and of the highest stations of society. Dove was also for years Professor of Physics at the Military and the Polytechnic Academies of Berlin, and a member of the highest boards of the Prussian Government for state examinations in the various branches of civil and military vocations. Governments, learned institutions, and societies from many countries resorted to him as the highest authority. The celebration of Dove's fiftieth year of his Doctorate in Philoso- phy, March 4, 18T6, was the occasion of well-deserved felicitations from all parts of Germany, from the people and Government, and from institutions and seats of science and learning. The feeling was general that the fifty years of Dove's active life in a very large degree represented and I'eflected the recent history of physics, and of mete- orology and climatology in particular. Congratulations and honors poured in upon the veteran savant from all parts of the civilized globe, as his name and fame were well known, and his labors and achievements are still of inestimable value on all continents and to the mariner on the seas. Three years later, after a protracted illness, Dove passed peacefully away on the 4th of April, 1879, in the seventy-sixth year of his age, one of Germany's greatest and most gifted naturalists and teachers of the present century. 266 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. CORRESPONDENCE CURIOUS EFFECT OF LIGHTNING. Messrs. Editors. rriHE following remarkable freak of light- _L ning seems to me worthy of record : There was a severe shower, accompanied by vivid lightning and peals of thunder, in Sa- lem, Massachusetts, August 6, 1879. A lady, while passing through a room in range of two open windows, was suddenly enveloped in a blaze of light from her feet to her waist. She was not in any way unpleasantly affect- ed by it, but from a sense of fright threw herself on the bed beside a friend ; both de- tected the smell of sulphur and of burned leather. Nothing more was thought of the matter till two days after, when the lady went to her dress, which had hung in a closet ever since the afternoon of the storm, to get her purse from the pocket. The purse contained eighty-five dollars in green- backs. What was her astonishment, when it was opened, to find the money gone, and in its place only charred fragments of the same and ashes ! The remnants of the bills were adherent to the sides of the central pocket in which the money was contained. Nothing was left of it sufficient to identify it as bills. The pocket of the purse in which it was held was surrounded by a rim of nickel with a central clasp. The clasp was bent and blackened. The band was riveted on by two steel pins. A car-ticket in an adjoining compartment of tlie purse was blackened ; a silver half-dollar was blackened and also bent. The purse was not burned or marred externally, but there was a crisp, burned spot at one end. The purse was in a cotton pocket between two woolen stuffs. It has been seen by hun- dreds, and by all it is considered a remark- able freak of this most subtile agent. M. J. Safford. Boston, Jvly 20, 1879. WHY DO WELLS AND SPRINGS OVER- FLOW? lles.9rs. Editors. I HAVE read with interest the paper in your November number, " Why do Springs and Wells overflow ? " The theory ad- vanced by the writer is ingenious, but it would have been more satisfactory if he had told us how the water which is forced out of subterranean reservoirs in the man- ner he describes is first forced into them. He says, " If fissures exist in rocks that lead to imprisoned waters, through these outlets the water must certainly flow." Then, of course, such fissures can never serve as inlets ; for the same cause — " the resultant of the force of gravity and the centrifugal force " — which sends the water out, would for ever prevent any water from sinking in. If the rainfall, as I suppose he would admit, is more or less remotely the source of supply for these reservoirs, or if they have any source external to them- selves, and are not miraculously inexhaust- ible, his theory seems to involve a contra- diction. I am, sir, in the interest of science, very respectfully yours, J. T. Trowbridge. Arlington, Massachusetts, October 27, 1879. ON ATLANTIS. Messrs. Editors. Dear Sirs : I have read the article on " Atlantis " in your October number, but can not agree with its conclusions. It is unlikely that any such geological convul- sions could have taken place in times when mythology was forming, and if they had done so the myth based upon them could not have taken so realistic a shape. We must agree that myths are petrified de- scriptions of natural processes expressed in language which can now only be under- stood figuratively. I think, then, there is room for the probability that the Atlantis myth is founded on the observation of low- lying clouds in a sun-flushed sky which looked like islands in a golden sea. Yours respectfully, A. R. Grote. Society Natural Sciences, * Buffalo, October 1, 1879. ) EDITOR'S TABLE. 267 EDITOR'S TABLE. GOLDWIN SMITH ON MORALS. PROFESSOR GOLDWIX SMITH is a student of history, and in the November " Atlantic Monthly " he has given us the fruits of his historical stud- ies in relation to morality. He con- tributes an article on " The Prospect of a Moral Interregnum," which, being in- terpreted, means a moral break-down. He says that morality is based upon re- ligion, and that in the past the coUapse of religious systems has always been fol- lowed by periods of moral debasement. He then shows that in the present age there is an extensive decline of religious belief, which promises, and has already brought forth, another period of moral debasement. Goldwin Smith is an elo- quent writer, and always sure of a large number of readers ; whatever he says, therefore, is entitled to attention, and this article is entitled to especial atten- tion. We dissent from some of his views, and propose to give the reasons for it. His first historic illustration is from the Greeks, Hellenic life, public and } private, is stated to have been full of j religion, while the fear of the gods Avas a mainstay of morality. " Hellenic re- ligion, however, was entangled with a gross mythology, immoral legends, a worship of sacrifices, a thaumaturgic priesthood, an infantine cosmogony, a polytheistic division of the physical uni- verse into the domains of a number of separate deities." We are told that it fell before awakened intellect, while its fall was conducive to progress ; but mo- rality felt the withdrawal of its basis, as is variously shown, especially in the pages of Thucydides. Rome is next taken up, and we are in- formed that here also public and private virtue was sustained by reverence for the gods. Polybius is quoted as attest- ing the strength of the religious senti- ment among the Roman people, and the necessity of maintaining superstitions " as a concession to the requirements of the multitude." But the Roman reli- gion, like the Greek, broke up, though " practical good sense probably played a more important part in the over- throw of superstition at Rome than in Hellas." This was followed by wide- spread immorality, but it is admitted that the case is complex : " At the same time a tremendous strain was laid on public morality by the circumstances of the empire. There ensued a cataclysm of selfish ambition, profligate corruption, and murderous faction, which left to society only the choice between chaos and a military corruption." Professor Smith next points out the marked religious character of life and society in the middle ages under Catho- lic predominance, and enumerates many moral conquests of that period. Be- sides the triumphs of religious art there grew up the conception of the brother- hood of mankind, the sanctity of life, the value of virtues other than military, and the happy transition of society from slavery through serfage to free labor. " Catholicism fell through the supersti- tions and impostures which had gath- ered around it, and which intellect, awakened by the Renaissance, spurned away ; through Papal tyranny and cler- ical corruption, through the general os- sification, so to speak, of a system which had onCe in all its organs ministered to spiritual life. With it fell the morality that it had sustained, and once more we find ourselves in a moral interreg- num." Now, if we assume that these are correct historical representations, what :68 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. is the obvious inference? Why, that religion has hitherto proved an inse- cure foundation for morals. Be there or be there not an indestructible core of truth in all religions, morality, ac- cording to Professor Smith, has been planted upon their perishable parts, their mutable elements, and has lost its hold upon men as these have passed away, A foundation that crumbles and permits its superstructure to fall is a bad foundation ; and the i*eal ques- tion forced upon us by Professor Smith's historical lessons is, Shall we continue to build the edifice of morals upon this unstable basis, or shall we seek a better and more enduring basis? Are the rules of conduct to be derived from what men know concerning this world, or what they conjecture concerning another? Or will it be maintained that morals can have no other possible foundation than that which history and experience have proved to be incapable of supporting it ? Professor Smith assumes that his- tory will repeat itself. He draws a vivid picture of the extent and depth of the prevailing unbelief, and insists that it must be followed by the same perilous decline of morals as in former times. But he here overlooks the altered condition of the question. He seems to have forgotten that the circum- stances in this age are profoundly differ- ent from what they were in the former great periods of religious decadence. In those times, when a set of supersti- tions was worn out and discarded, the state of knowledge was not such as to prevent their reentrance in new forms. But it is not so in this scientific age, when the doubt of traditions is due to an increasing knowledge of nature. The profound and widespread questioning that characterizes our time is charged upon science, which is a new factor in human affairs of modern growth, and in so far as it is connected with sci- ence it springs from allegiance to truth. The skepticism engendered by science is not a blind passion for sweeping things away, but everything is exam- ined, that it may be proved what will stand. The active mind of the period is vigorously engaged in getting opin- ions off of their illusive traditional foundations, that they may rest upon their intrinsic merits and go for what they are honestly worth. Doubt does not lead to negation, but to construc- tion. The search for principles, and trust in them when established, are becoming, through the influence of science, intellectual characteristics of the time. Morality has its principles ; and right and wrong are grounded in the nature of things. Goldwin Smith goes for the sandy foundation of my- thology and theology, which may lead to further moral collapses; while sci- ence is unweariedly laboring to avoid them by planting morality upon a basis that will be permanent. It is significant that Professor Smith never refers to any element of truth in his religious foundation of morals. These foundations, however, consist of fear of fabulous gods, superstitious le- gends, and perishable dogmas, and he declares that now for the fourth time on a great scale they have rotted away. Morality has, therefore, not rested on any divine, immutable basis, but upon crude and transitory belief, mere human devices. But is it not a vicious system which plants morals upon a basis that can be carried away by the necessary progress of knowledge? And what more effectual way could be devised to subvert morality than to make it depend upon that which is not valued for its truth, and is liable to be discred- ited at every step of advancing intelli- gence ? In short, what immorality can work such profound and far-reaching evil as to place the motives and rules of human conduct upon a false, facti- tious, and transitory basis ? From this point of view there is a fallacy in representing morality as based EDITOR'S TABLE. 269 upon religion, as a statue stands upon its pedestal. Morality and religion have grown up together, supernatural beliefs being mixed with ethical ideas as with everything else. Astronomy was mixed up with religion in the astrological pe- riods. Chemistry was mixed up with religion in early times when the al- chemist always began his experiments with prayer. But who would say that astronomy and chemistry were based upon religion ? In the progressive dif- ferentiations of knowledge they have become freed from superstitions, and are now independent branches of sci- ence. Morals is later in its separation, but it must follow the same law, and become also an independent branch of science. But in these past interactions Professor Smith does not tell us to what extent religious superstitions have cor- rupted morality and hindered its devel- opment ; nor does he intimate to what extent the life of such superstitions may have been prolonged by the conserva- tive influence of their accompanying codes of morals. But the Professor comes to closer quarters with his subject when he as- serts that the moral debasement result- ing from change of religious belief is a matter of fact, and already upon us. Religion has succumbed, and its place is taiien by materialism, agnosticism, and evolution. A frightful catalogue of public crimes is made out and charged upon evolution. His curious logic here is, that evolution involves the concep- tion of force, and therefore represents the execrable doctrines of brute force, outrage, and violence in human affairs. He says : " The worship of success sig- nally exemplified in the adoration of a character such as that of Napoleon seems to be the morality of evolution supplanting that of Christianity." The " seeming " is here quite illusive. Evo- lutionists as a class are neither worship- ers of success nor adorers of Napoleon. The parties addicted to these practices will be found in the opposite camp. The most signal and representative ex- ample of this adoration that we know was that of a Christian clergyman, the Eev. John S. C. Abbott, who wrote the life of Bonaparte in a strain of extrav- agant eulogy, and found hundreds of thousands of Christian readers who shared the admiration of the reverend author for his hero. It was not in the school of evolution that Abbott and his multitudinous readers were trained to the worship of brutal military success. Mr. Smith cites the barbaric policy of England in the treatment of inferior races, the Zulu and Afghan wars, and the English sympathy with the slave power during the American civil war, as further illustrations of that ascen- dancy of brutality which he considers due to the present prevalence of evo- lutionary doctrine. The proposition is preposterous. The Avorship of success and the practice of national atrocities upon inferior races are not things of yesterday. They belong to the historic policy of Christian peoples. Afghan and Zulu wars are not novelties in Eng- lish experience. Many in England may have sympathized with the slavehold- ers in our war, but what of the his- tory of the slave system itself in rela- tion to religion and morality? Were the negroes stolen and enslaved by evo- lutionists or Christians? Did religion abolish or nourish that stupendous im- morality during the two centuries of its growth ? Did not religion through its organizations lend itself to the perpetua- tion of this " sum of all villainies," which was only at last brought to an end solely by the indiscretion of its partisans, who went a little too far, and thus brought on the horrors of a fratricidal war ? And as to war itself, the subversion of aU morality and the very revel of brute force, has it not ever been the pastime of religious nations ? And do regiments ever want for chaplains to bless their brutal and bloody vocation ? Professor Smith further illustrates the ascendancy of brute-force ideas in 270 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. England by citing the case of Governor Eyre. He says : " Moral phenomena of the same kind marked the controversy arising out of the Jamaica massacre; the enthusiastic supporters of Governor Eyre perfectly recognized in him an organ of the sanguinary vengeance of the dominant race, even if they did not believe that he had committed a foul judicial murder." But still the question is, Upon whom is this savagery chargeable ? Professor Smith says it is a result of the present predominance of evolution supplanting Christian moi*ality. He utters " the thing that is not." Who was it that held up Governor Eyre to reprobation, prosecuted him, and demanded his pun- ishment ? And who was it that excused his conduct and organized to defend him? It was Carlyle, the great apostle of the brute-force philosophy, who was very properly chairman of the commit- tee of defense ; and he was backed up solidly by the Christian lord-bishops. But no one, except under the desperate necessity of making out a case, will charge that either Carlyle or the bish- ops were animated by evolutionary sen- timents. On the other hand, John Stu- art Mill, the agnostic, was chairman of the committee that prosecuted Govern- or Eyre, and on that committee, and among the most earnest and vigorous in its work of resisting the control of brute force, were the eminent evolu- tionists, Charles Darwin, Professor Hux- ley, and Herbert Spencer. Professor Smith ought to have more respect for the facts of his case. MORALITY AMONG THE CHINESE. Early in his article in the " Atlan- tic," Professor Goldwin Smith says: " Be the significance of the fact what it may, a fact it seems to be, that only men with a religions belief and a sanction for morality which they believe to be divine, have been able to live under a government of law." Yet a few pages further on he remarks : " China is without any real religion ; she is thor- oughly positive." Professor Smith will reconcile these propositions as best he can with the fact that China is the oldest govern- ment and the largest nation in the world. She has a recorded history of more than four thousand years, and gives law to one third of the human race. It will be instructive to glance briefly at the state of morality among these " positivists," that we may see how it compares with that of confess- edly religious countries. It will be remembered that our in- formation concerning the Chinese is largely from prejudiced sources — from missionaries who went there to get them out of their heathenism, and the official representatives of foreign gov- ernments bound to open this dark re- gion to the light of civilization. These witnesses will, at any rate, not be biased in favor of the Chinese. In the last edition of the " Encyclo- poadia Britannica " it is said, " Educa- tion is probably more widely spread among the male population in China than in any other country." The British Governor, Sir John Davis, in his able work on this country,* says : " It is deserving of remark that the general prosperity and peace of China have been very much promoted by the diffusion of intelligence and education through the lower classes. Among the countless millions that constitute the empire, almost every man can read and write sufficiently for the ordinary pur- poses of life, and a respectable show of these acquirements goes low down in the scale of society." S. Wells Wil- liams, missionary, interpreter, and sec- retary to the British Legation in China, in his " Middle Kingdom " says, " Edu- cation has always been highly esteemed and exerted a dominant influence on the manners and tastes of the people." * Davis's "China," addressed to Lord Palm- erston, vol. i., p. 25T. EDITOR'S TABLE. 27] Now, this universal Chinese educa- tion differs widely from ours. It is not a smattering of acquisitions of all kinds; it is an able, well-tried system of train- ing, narrow but thorough, and directed to the practical end of fitting men for the discharge of their moral duties in domestic and social life. Williams re- marks : " The great end of education, therefore, among the ancient Cninese, was not so much to fill the head with knowledge as to discipline the heart and purify the affections. One of their writers says: 'Those who respect the virtuous, and put away unlawful plea- sures, serve their parents and prince to tlie utmost of their ability, and are faithful to their word — these, though they should be considered unlearned, we must pronounce to be educated men.' " Five hundred years before the Chris- tian era China produced one of the most eminent moral teachers that the world has seen — the philosopher Confucius. The simple, pure, and sublime morality of that old master forms the staple of Chinese education. His ethical inculca- tions constitute the chief element of the old Chinese classics, which are drilled with such tedious minuteness into the minds of Chinese youth. They are trained in his maxims with an assiduity that is unparalleled. Rational or scien- tific morality is taught nowhere. It is everywhere a matter of dogmatic, em- pirical lesson-learning, and from this point of view the moral education of the Chinese is superior to that of any other country. And here has been the stumbling-block of the missionaries. They have not been successful with this people, and acknowledge that they have nothing to encourage them to keep on save " Scripture promises." What else could be expected? When they tell those persons that " their righteousness is all as filthy rags," and that they want a theological system as a basis of morals, it is not surprising that they make but very little impression. The authorities we have quoted at- test that this extensive moral teaching has not been without practical influence upon the national character. The va- riety and minuteness of the instructions of Confucius for the nurture and educa- tion of children, and the stress he lays upon filial duty, tell powerfully upon Chinese social life. The " Encyclopfe- dia Britannica " says (article " China ") : " There is a vast deal of quiet, happy domestic life in China. . . . In the or- dering of a Chinese household there is much that might be imitated with ad- vantage hy European families. The duty of filial piety, which is the first object of Chinese religious teaching, represents much more than the cere- monial observances which outwardly mark its performance. The reverence with which children are taught to re- gard their parents fosters the affection of which that reverence is the outward and visible sign ; and the peace of each household is assured by the presence of a supreme authority against whose dicta there is no appeal." Such principles pervading the household can not be re- stricted in their influence, and accord- ingly we are told that in China " the whole theory of government is the em- bodiment of parental and filial piety." In regard to the common virtues, the same authority says : " In daily life the Chinese are frugal, sober, and in- dustrious. Their wants are few, and they are easily satisfied. . . . Spirits — they have no wine— appear to have no great attraction for Chinamen. They drink them occasionally, and sometimes to excess, but a reeling Chinaman is rarely to be seen upon the streets." The "American Cyclopedia" (arti- cle " China") says: "As to the moral and intellectual characteristics of the Chinese, great injustice has been done to them. . . . The Chinese, so far as they have come in contact with Euro- peans and Americans, are industrious, skillful, polite, and provident. ... In the use of food and drink they are re- markably temperate. . . . Cookery is 272 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. almost esteemed as a science in China. Mr. Wingrove Cook assigns to the Chi- nese in cookery a middle position — be- low the French and above the English. The Chinaman considers the English- man's mode of feeding the nearest ap- proach to that of the savages of For- mosa; 'for,' says he, 'the Englishman does the chief work of the slaughter- house upon his dinner-table, and he re- mits the principal work of the kitchen to his stomach.' . . . The social life of the Chinese is generally described as a mass of ceremonials and cold formali- ties, devoid of all real kindness of heart ; but this opinion is based upon incom- plete observations. In their common intercourse the Chinese are not more formal than is elsewhere considered to be well bred. Whether in the crowded and narrow thoroughfares, the village green, the bustling market, the jostling ferry, or the thronged procession, wher- ever the people are assembled promis- cuously, good humor and courtesy are observable." The Chinese are eminently a peace- able people. In this respect they con- form more perfectly to the theoretical standard of Christian morals than any Christian nations. Duels are unknown among them ; and they consider a re- sort to force as proof of an inferior kind of civilization. They are conserv- ative, and dread all violent disturb- ance. Governor Davis says, " They have lived so much in peace that they have acquired by habit and education a more than common terror of political disorders"; and again, "Their common maxim is, ' Better be a dog in peace than a man in anarchy.' " The ancient and permanent policy of the Chinese Government has accord- ed with the spirit of its population, and has been peaceful. " Happy the people ■whose history is wearisome," remarks Montesquieu ; and Governor Davis ob- serves, " If this be the character of Chinese history — if we find the even current of its annals for a long time past (before the late rebellion) less troubled by disorders and anarchy than that of most other countries — we must look to the causes in the fundamental principles of the government, and in the maxims by which it is adminis- tered." * Such habits of life are of course not favorable to the virtues of the prize-ring and the battle-field. Christians have hence reproached the Chinese for practicing the pacific mo- rality of Christ, and, because they have not been given to internal discord and external war, have accused them of cowardice— the leading characteristic, by the way, of the American militia. If the reader will look over the first article in the November " Atlantic Monthly," on " Our Military, Past and Future," he will find it proved that, in the various wars that make our annals such lively reading, Amer- ican citizens have always proved the most arrant cowards, who will never stand up to fight unless they have been so long subject to military disci- pline that all manliness is drilled out of them, and they become mere pup- pets, good for nothing but to obey or- ders. And it further turns out that the " courage " of even the old disci- plined soldier, in nine cases out of ten, is a differential result of his opposing fears, and that he fights the enemy be- cause he is more afraid of his friends. We used to hear many years ago about a quality called moral courage, and the stand for principles in defiance of brute force ; but since our great war less has been heard of that very unmili- tary virtue. It will therefore be re- freshing to recall a conspicuous Chinese instance of it. On the 28th of Decem- ber, 1857, a mile of gunboats, English and French, were drawn up in line be- fore the city of Canton. They sum- moned the Viceroy to surrender, but he did not comply. The allies then opened fire, and kept up for many hours 'Davis's " China," vol. i., p. EDITOR'S TABLE. 273 a hot bombardment. Nothing entitled to be called resistance was ofiered; there was no enemy. Having battered down a sufficient number of dwellings, and got tired of their " glorious " sport, the allies stopped the cannonading. A squad was then sent to demand of the Viceroy Yeh the formal surrender of the town. " We shall surrender no- thing," was the reply, "because we are right, and you are wrong." " Then we will take you prisoner." " You have the power." " Come with us, then." But the Viceroy did not move. There- upon they lifted up the chair in which lie sat, and carried him on board Lord Elgin's ship. As to who were the real victors in this case may be safely left to the future verdict of civilization ; un- less, indeed, General Grant anticipates it in the great work on " The Philoso- phy of the Chinese Policy," which it is to be hoped he will soon publish. Mr. Wells Williams remarks,* '' It was about a. d. 600 that Taitsung, of the Tang dynasty, instituted the pres- ent plan of preparing and selecting ci- vilians by means of study and degrees." That is, more than twelve hundred years ago China adopted its present thoroughgoing policy of competitive civil-service examinations to secure honesty and efficiency in the discharge of political duties and trusts. Whatev- er may have been its results, England, within a generation, has adopted a sim- ilar system, confessedly in imitation of the Chinese. We, too, have feebly tried to secure something of the kind ; but such is the degraded condition of American political morality that the effort has been little else than a ridicu- lous farce. Perhaps Goldwin Smith will show us that the beastly condition of our politics is due to " evolution supplanting Christian morality." It is said that the Chinese are un- truthful ; but Mrs. Opie, in her classi- cal book on lying, did not have to go to * " Middle Kingdom," vol. i., p. 422. VOL. XVI.— 18 China for her illustrations either of the nice gradations or the great popularity of this practice. She dealt with it en- tirely as the phenomenon of a religious country. Moreover, as we are just fresh from a political campaign, perhaps the less we say about veracity the better, even in comparison with the pagans. An intelligent gentleman, many years a resident of China, and accustomed to large business transactions with their merchants, informs us that among these merchants in the great centers of com- merce the standard of mercantile honor is higher than anywhere else in the world. The tea and silk sent us from China are no doubt often adulterated, which is, of course, very immoral ; but the highest English authority, Dr. Has- sall, declared, in his big book upon the subject, that in his country every article under heaven that can be adulterated is adulterated. " But they are such dreadful opium- smokers!" ejaculates the complacent tobacco-chewing deacon, as he seeks the spittoon. Very true ; and we are not bringing forward these godless hea- then as models of all the virtues. But speaking of opium recalls another pas- sage in Chinese history, which throws light on this comparison of Christian and pagan morality. The Chinese Government undertook to suppress the opium-traffic, so as to cut off the for- eign supply and arrest the demoralizing influence of its use among the people. Profoundly impressed by the dreadful evils of this increasing habit, the au- thorities did their utmost to stop the smuggling of the article ; but, when its vigorous measures began to be effective, the great Christian nation which was embarked in the villainous trade, made war upon the country, and forced the accursed drug upon it at the cannon's mouth. The conduct of England in this " opium war " will be infamous through all time ; but its policy was as deliberate as its motives were execra- ble. In the prehminary discussion of 274 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the subject in the British Parliament, before war was declared, no consider- ations of morality or humanity were recognized, and Wells WilHams informs us that Lord Melbourne but echoed the common sentiment when he said, " We possess immense territories peculiarly fitted for raising opium, and, though he would wish that the Government were not so directly concerned in the traffic, he was not prepared to pledge himself to reUnquish it." And when the war was over "members of Par- liament expressed their gratification at being at last out of a bad business; while now the light of the gospel and the blessings of Christian civilization might be introduced among the be- nighted millions of China." The war was over for the English, and they had gained their disgraceful object; but the end had not come for the Chinese. The spell of their pacific history and the prestige of the impe- rial Government were broken together. In a previous quotation Governor Davis speaks of the peaceful current of Chi- nese history till the disturbance of the "late rebellion." He refers here to the great Taiping rebellion, which threatened the subversion of the es- tablished Government, and which Gov- ernor Davis says " can be clearly traced to changes produced by our war'''' — the opium war. The Taiping rebellion broke out in southern China in 1850. There had been repeated failure of crops in the district where it originated, followed by sufi'ering and disaftection, A man of humble origin, named Hung Siu- tsuen, seized the occasion to incite an outbreak. He had failed in the civil- service examinations, and had no pros- pect of ofiice under the Government. He had read some of the tracts issued by the missionaries, got a notion of Chris- tian supernaturalism, gave out that he was a recipient of divine messages, as- sumed the title of " Heavenly Prince," and conceived the idea of founding a new religion and at the same time of expel- ling the existing dynasty. His schemes were favored by the foreigners, who professed to beheve that the cause of Christianity would be promoted by their success. The insurrection was pushed with great vigor and effect. Battles were won, towns captured, dis- tricts ravaged, and multitudes of people butchered, while the Government was able to check the disastrous movement but partially. For centuries "the em- pire had been peace"; the Christians had suddenly brought war and insti- tuted the reign of brute force, and with this the nation, by its habits and cir- cumstances, was but poorly prepared to cope. The rebellion, accordingly, smol- dered along for sixteen years before it was finally suppressed. The foreign officials, seeing at length that there was little chance of succeeding with Chris- tianity as they had with opium, and that the rebellion meant simply anar- chy, the destruction of law and order, with danger to trade, threw their influ- ence at last in favor of the existing Government, and helped to end the in- surrection. Surely the morality of these pagan positivists, said to be without any real religion, does not suff'er in comparison with that of a nation which boasts of a "great religion" at the foundation of its moral system. ROOD'S Cim03IATICS—A MISLEADING CRITICISM. We early expressed a high opinion of Professor Rood's work on Chromat- ics, both as an admirable popular expo- sition of the science of colors and also as to its bearing on their artistic man- agement. This estimate has been ratified by discriminating criticism both in lead- ing American journals and the best English periodicals — all of which have been emphatic in their commendation of its judicious and instructive treat- ment of the artistic relations of the EDITOR'S TABLE. 275 subject. It was not without some sur- prise, therefore, that we read in the "Nation," of October 16th, a review of this work, which, though in some respects cordially appreciative, was in important respects at variance with the common verdict. The writer speaks of the scientific character of the book in a very pronounced way as "a work so laden with untiring and skillful ob- servation and so clear and easy to read, that it is plainly destined to remain the classical account of the color-sense for many years to come." But before he gets through he talks in so different a strain as to occasion some perplexity with reference to his real state of miad upon the subject. The critic in the " Nation " raises the question whether scientific inves- tigation can be of use to artists, and he assumes that Professor Rood be- lieves it may be. That question, how- ever, we do not here propose to con- sider, but merely to show that the writer in the " Nation " has been both unfair and unfortunate in the examples he cites as proof of the bad consequences flowing from the assumption he attrib- utes to Professor Rood. He says: "As to the question whether scientific in- vestigation is an aid to artistic produc- tion or to artistic judgment, the author seems to assume that it may be. In the preface it is asserted that while knowledge of the laws of color ' will not enable people to become artists,' it may help in artistic work. Now, wheth- er this is so or not, there is no chance to discuss in these columns, but a chap- ter of Professor Rood's book might well have been devoted to the exami- nation of that question, and we regret to find instead of such examination the whole argument of the last two or three chapters resting upon the assumption of what we think ought to have been proved." Again he says : " The last chapter is devoted to the use of color in painting and decoration ; and in this the evident knowledge and right feel- ing of the author are made useless by the false system adopted — the system of arguing from assumed principles to results instead of comparing results to- gether with the view of establishing principles." As an example of this "false system," the fact is then pointed out that four pages are devoted to state- ments respecting the good, bad, and in- different combinations of colors in pairs. The fact is, however, that Professor Rood has taken especial pains, in the very instances selected, to explain that the method complained of is precisely the one he has not followed ; and that the information contained in the tables is not derived from scientific experi- ments, but by observation of the results of artistic experience. Professor Rood has carefully guarded himself here in the very opening paragraph of the chap- ter " On the Combination of Colors in Pairs and Triads." He there says : "In the previous portion of this work we have dealt with facts that are capable of more or less rigorous demonstration ; but we now encounter a great series of problems that can not be solved by the methods of the laboratory or by the aid of a strictly logical process. Why a certain combination of colors pleases us or why we are left cold or even some- what shocked by another arrangement, are questions for which we can not al- ways frame answers that are satisfac- tory even to ourselves. There is no doubt that helpful and harmful con- trasts have a very great influence on our decision, as will hereafter be pointed out ; but, besides this, we are some- times influenced by obscure and even unknown considerations. Among these may perhaps be found inherited ten- dencies to Hke or dislike combinations or even colors; influence of the gen- eral color-atmosphere by which we are surrounded ; training ; and also a more or less delicate susceptibility. The au- thor gives below, in the form of tables, some of the results furnished by expe- rience, and takes pleasure in acknowl- 276 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. edging his indebtedness to Briicke and to Chevreul for niucli of the informa- tion contained in them." These tables, then, are given as em- bodying the results of artistic experi- ence solely, and contain a comparison of artistic results collected " with a view of establishing principles." The different triads of colors that are men- tioned further on in the chapter belong in the same category : we read on ])age 299 that " the triads tliat have been most extensively used are spectral, red, yellow, and blue," etc. These are fol- lowed by a triad which, it is stated, was much used in the middle ages, and again by one which, it is claimed, was a favorite in the Italian schools. Throughout the whole list of pairs and triads, good and bad, we fail to i3nd a single case which it is not claimed em- bodies the results of artistic experience. It seems to us, then, that in this chap- ter the first and main aim has been the collection of " results with the view of establishing principles." Our author, then, having accepted without question these fruits of artistic labor, proceeds to analyze them for the purpose of as- certaining the principles that have been at work in their production. Among these, he finds helpful and harmful con- trast, the desire to employ warm rather than cold color, etc. A less cautious writer than Professor Rood would prob- ably have endeavored to construct a theory for practice based on the prin- ciples thus more or less established, but he attempts nothing of the kind. The facts and their suggested explanations are simply handed over to the student for his consideration. Thus the method pursued in this chapter by our author is precisely that which the writer in the " Nation " blames him for not fol- lowing. A word may here be added respect- ing the greater or less success with which this correct method has been ex- ecuted. The critic in the "Nation " is apparently not aware that by far the larger part of the statements contained in the tables is taken not from Chevreul but from Briicke, and now for the first time appears in an English dress. This distinguished scientist states in the pref- ace to his work (" Physiologie der Far- ben," Leipsic, 1866), that he is the son of a painter, has always been in con- stant intercourse with painters, and that from his youth he has studied op- tics in connection with its artistic appli- cations. His statements with reference to the combination of the colors in pairs and triads he asserts embody the results furnished by artistic experience, and he adds that he has been unable to find any general rule which presides over the facts he has collected. These observations of Briicke are alluded to by Von Bezold, in the preface to his " Chromatics " ( " Die Farbenlehre," 1874), as a great mass of delicate observations ; and, from the fact that they are quoted by Professor Rood, we may also safely conclude that he has taken every pains to verify them as far as possible. As to what value they may ultimately be found to have for the artist and decorator, time alone can show, but for the present it will hardly answer to dismiss them contemptuous- ly without study, particularly when we remember that they are not the fruits of scientific investigation, but of obser- vation on artistic results. We pass now to the second point made by this critic : Should the artist regard Chevreul's " laws of contrast " ? The writer in the " Nation " thinks that our author would say " Ay," but he declares that most artists would say "No," Now, the laws of contrast sim- ply express in a condensed form the ef- fects that colored surfaces experience owing to the presence of other colored surfaces ; it seems to us that to this question there can be only one reply, viz., that, consciously or unconsciously, artists always have and always will respect them ; a delicate obedience to these laws in then- most subtile appli- LITERARY NOTICES. 277 cations constituting, indeed, one of tbe great merits of an accomplished color- ist. Concerning this matter of con- trast Euskin well remarks : " Every hue throughout your work is altered by every touch that you add in other places ; so that what was warm a min- ute ago becomes cold when you have put a hotter color in another place." * The so-called laws of contrast simply point out the nature of these subtile changes. The merit of a colorist is not that he formally follows these laws, but that consciously or unconsciously he is so completely permeated with them in all their varied applications, that they have become a part of him- self, enabling him to apply them to complicated cases with a delicate cer- tainty which often appears magical. We are surprised that the critic who assumes to know so much about artists should ask the question, "Ought the artist to regard the laws of contrast ? " Established laws can never be disre- garded with impunity by any class of men ; they are self-executing. LITERARY NOTICES. Gray's Botanical Text-Book. Sixth Edi- tion. Part I. Structural Botany, or Organography on the Basis of Morphol- ogy. To which are added the Principles of Taxonomy and Phytography, and a Glossary of Botanical Terms. By Asa Gray, LL. D., etc., Fisher Professor of Natural History (Botany) in Harvard University. New Yorlc : Ivison, Blalie- man, Taylor & Co. 1870. Large 8vo. Pp. 442. Price, $2.50. This is the first volume of what, in the end, is to be a full botanical course of study. Part II., by Professor Goodale, will treat of physiological botany. Part III., by Professor Ilarlow, will be an introduc- tion to cryptGgamic botany; and Part IV., which Professor Gray hopes to accomplish himself, will contain a sketch of the natural orders of phajnogamous plants, and of their * " Elements of Drawing," p. 196. special morphology, classification, distribu- tion, products, etc. The title-page of this important install- ment of the sixth edition will be made more intelligible to the general reader by the following extract from its introduction : ^'■Structural botany comprehends all inqui- ries into the parts and the organic compo- sition of vegetables. This is termed organ- ography Yih^n it considers the organs or ob- vious parts of which plants are made up, and morphology when the study proceeds on the idea of type." By taxonomy is meant "the principles of classification," and by phytography " the rules and methods of de- scribing plants." Ill the opening paragraph of Chapter I. it is further explained that morphology, the doctrine of forms, as the name denotes, is used in natural history in nearly the same sense as the older term comparative anatomy. If it were concerned merely with the description and classifica- tion of shapes and modifications, it would amount to little more than glossology and organography. But it deals with these from a peculiar point of view, and under the idea i of unity of plan or type. The first edition of Gray's " Text-Book of Botany " was published in 1842, in one moderate-sized octavo volume. The four subsequent editions were each a little en- larged from its predecessor ; but, until now, one volume has sufficed for tbe treatment of the entire field of botanical science. When it appeared, botany was not gener- ally studied in our schools. The analysis of flowers by the Linnfean system was fash- ionable in girls' seminaries, where there was a pretense of studying plants themselves; but it resulted in the merest pedantry. The system of classification was artificial ; it did not appeal to the rational faculties, as did natural philosophy and chemistry; and sen- sible boys and girls repudiated the subject. To give it rank, it had to be placed on a new basis and Gray's " Text-Book " accom- plished this by the masterly way in which he presented the life-history of plants. The structure and development of colls was clearly set forth, the natural system of classification was adopted, and the study became both rational and attractive. But other changes besides increase of size have taken place in this text-book. In 278 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the old editions, structural and physiologi- | cal botany were considered together. There was no attempt to deal with them separate- ly. But the present volume is specially de- voted to structural botany, and leaves out physiology as far as possible. This diifer- ence is really greater than at first appears. Although structural botany was given along with physiology in the old editions, yet phys- iology was the only division of the science that was really learned from its pages. Of course, this was not intended by the au- thor ; but, with the human mind what it is, and the public schools such as they are, no other result was possible. When this work first appeared, and for long years thereafter, studying objects was undreamed of in our schools; lesson-learning ^was their sole occupation. But a descriptive science can not be learned from the pages of a book. Physiology could be acquired by the prevailing method, since it takes little account of the differences among plants, and would be much the same if the vege- table world consisted of only one species. The impression made upon pupils by the descriptive portions of " Gray's Class-Book " was so slight that, to the average student, the science of botany and the physiology of plants were about the same thing. And so it happened that class after class of our youth left school complacently think- ing that they knew botany, but with only the merest book-smattering concerning the classification of plants. Of course, if the forms and modifications of the organs of plants were not regarded, there could be little occasion for glossology ; and, by the neglect of both organography and glossolo- gy, the sketch of the natural orders at the end of the volume was unintelligible. This could only be understood when the actual features of a large variety of plants were familiar to the mind, and the memory was also furnished with the exact terms applied to them. Educationally considered, there- fore, this chapter of illustrations of the nat- ural orders, covering more than a hundred pages, was little better than waste-paper. The order of publication now adopted, which presents structural botany by itself at the outset of the study, will compel the teachers of botany to change their practice, and make the study of plants by direct ob- servation a serious business. For, interest- ing and fundamental as is the physiology of plants, the discoveries of the last twen- ty years have rendered their morphological study more captivating still, so that the in- terest of the science reaches its highest point in systematic botany, or classification on the basis of genetic relationship. But the only possible admission to this delight- ful portion of the subject is through such a genuine knowledge of the contents of the present work as will come from wide and careful observation of living vegetable forms. Another noticeable change in this treat- ise is the substitution of the doctrine of the development of species by natural selection for that of the special creation of species, which was taught in all former editions. The fifth was published in ISSY, and Dar- win's work on the " Origin of Species " did not appear until 1859. The new direction given to inquiry in natural history by this work, and the copious literature of the sub- ject which followed it, have profoundly al- tered the aspects of biological science. The old system of comparative anatomy, which was based upon the doctrine of special cre- ations, has given place to the modern sci- ence of morphology ; which, from being, before Darwin's time, merely a descriptive study of forms, has become an analytical science of form, pervaded throughout by the principle of descent with variation. The following extract from his chapter on "The Principles of Classification " will sufficiently indicate the present attitude of Professor Gray toward the question of the evolution of species : The theory of descent, that is, of the diversi- fication of the species of a geuus through varia- tion in the lapse of time, aftbrds the only nat- ural explanation of their likeness which has yet been conceived. The alternative supposition, that all the existing species and forms were originally created as they are, and have come down essentially unchanged from the beg^inning, offers no explanation of the likeness, and even assumes that there is no scientific explanation of it. The hypothesis that the species of a ge- nus have become what they are by diversifica- tion through variation is a very old one in bot- any, and has from time to time been put for- ward. But, until recently, it has had little in- fluence upon the science, because no clear idea had been formed of any natural process which I might lead to such result. Doubtless, if varia- I tion, such as botanists have to recognize within LITERARY NOTICES. 79 the species, be assumed as equally or even more operative through long anterior periods, this would account for the diversification of an orig- inal species of a genus into several or many forms as diflereut as those we recognize as spe- cies. But this would not account for the limita- tion of species, which is the usual characteris- tic, and is an essential part of the idea of spe- cies. Just this is accounted for by natural selec- tion. This now familiar term, proposed by Dar- win, was suggested by the operations of breed- ers in the development and fixation of races for man's use or fancy— breeding in each gen- eration those individuals only in which the de- sired points are apparent and predominant ; in the seed-bed, by rigidly destroying all plants which do not show some desirable variation, breeding in and in from these with strict selec- tion of the most variant form in the particular line or lines, until it becomes fixed by heredity, and as difi'erent from the primal stock as the con- ditions of the case allow. lu nature, the anal- ogous selection, through innumerable genera- tions of the exceedingly small percentage of in- dividuals (as ova or seeds) which ordinarily are to survive and propagate, is made by competi- tion for food or room, the attacks of animals, the vicissitudes of climates, and, in fine, by all the manifold conditions to which they are ex- posed. In the struggle for life to which they are thus inevitably exposed, only the individuals best adapted to the circumstances can survive to maturity and propagate their like. This sur- vival of the fittest, metaphorically expressed by the phrase natural selection, is, in fact, the de- struction of all weaker competitors, or of all which, however they might be favored by other conditions, are not the most favored under the actual circumstances. But seedlings, varying, some in one direction and some in another, are thereby adapted to diflferent conditions, some to one kind of soil and exposure, some to another, thus lessening the competition between the two most divergent forms, and favoring their preser- vation and further separation, while the inter- mediate forms perish. Thus an ancestral type would become diversified into races and species. Earlier variation, under terrestrial changes and vicissitudes, prolonged and various in geologi- cal times since the appearanceof the main types of vegetation, and the attendant extinctions, are held to account for genera, tribes, orders, etc., and to explain their actual affinities. Aflinity under this view is consanguinity; and classi- fication, so far as it is natural, expresses real relationship. Classes, orders, tribes, etc., are the earlier or main and successful branches of the genealogical tree, genera are later branches, species the latest definitely developed ramifica- tions, varieties the developing buds. Briefly : Taken as a working hypothesis, the doctrine of the derivation of species serves well for the co- ordination of all the facts in botany, and afi^ords a probable and reasonable answer to a long series of questions which, without it, are totally unan- swerable. It is supported by vegetable paleon- tology, which assures us that the plauts of the later geological periods are the ancestors of the actual flora of the world. In accordance with it we may explain in a good degree the present distribution of species and other groups over the world. It explains, by inheritance, the ex- istence of functiouless parts, throws light upou the anomalies of parasitic plants, and, indeed, illuminates the whole field of morphology with which this volume has been occupied. In looking through Part I. we are struck by the many new illustrations, and the new headings of pages and sections, all bearing witness lo the recent rapid growth of mor- phological science. There is an entire sec- tion of nearly thirty pages given to the sub- ject of " Adaptations for Intercrossing" — a subject the interest in which began in 1862, with the publication of Darwin's book on the fertilization of orchids by the aid of insects. But, important and interesting as is the volume before us, and rejoicing as we do in the promise of those to come, we are chiefly glad that Professor Gray has proceeded upon the method of putting structural botany first in this elaborate course of study. It is now possible in some of the schools to study living plants, and this' arrangement is an assurance that students of Gray's Bot- any will rationally pursue the subject of classification. A Treatise on Hygiene and Public Health. Edited by Albert Buck, M. D. In Two Volumes. Illusti-ated. New York: William Wood & Co. Pp. 1450. Price, There is something ludicrous and pitia- ble in the estimates which men form of the relative importance of difi'erent subjects of thought. It seems to be still the law that the popular solicitudes are in inverse ratio to the vital usefulness of the questions to which they are directed. Men lash them- selves into furious excitement over the dif- ferences between tweedledum and tweedle- dee in politics, while they can be aroused to only a languid and careless attention to the life-and-deatb interests of daily family life. Say what we will, the next great subject in order in the development of civilization is that of hygiene. To use this world rightly, and get the most out of it, health is the first condition, and there is no interest so impor- tant both to the individual and to the com- munity as its promotion and preservation. But to accomplish these objects knowledge 28o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. is necessary. Valuable and trustworthy in- formation upon hygienic topics such as can be followed with confidence to beneficent results has been but slowly acquired, and is yet far from perfect ; but enough has been accumulated to work a sanitary revolution in society if reduced to general application. Of course, in matters of personal hygiene everything depends upon individual knowl- edge, and the disposition to use it ; but the efficiency of measures for the promotion of public health is hardly less dependent upon popular intelligence. Needful sanitary laws may be passed, but the essential thing, after all, is that they shall be faithfully and vig- orously carried out and not remain dead let- ters in the statute-book. This must depend upon the degree to which the people are in- structed in hygienic subjects and are alive to the care of health. Hygiene has grown in recent years into an important branch of study, with a copious literature of mono- graphs and manuals. Cyclopaedias have been attempted, but they have hitherto been hastily compiled and are altogether inade- quate for their purposes. We can, however, no longer complain of the want of a com- prehensive and authoritative treatise upon this many-sided subject. The work before us covers the full ground, is thoroughly di- gested, and constitutes of itself a tolerably complete hygienic library. This elaborate work seems to have had the follo'iv'ing origin : In reproducing Ziems- sen's " Cyclopfedia of Practical Medicine" from the German, the editors and publishers found that the first volume, relating to the subject of public health, had been prepared so entirely from the German standpoint, and took cognizance of a state of things so materially different from that which exists in this country, that it was considered ad- visable to omit it in the American edition. But as the subject was of fundamental im- portance, it was felt that this omission must be repaired, by taking up the subject with special reference to the different climates, conditions of soil, habitations, modes of life, and laws of the United States. lu this way the deficiency of Ziemssen's " Cyclopfedia " would be amply repaired, so that its sub- scribers might possess the work in its com- pleteness, while the hygienic volumes would be of interest to physicians generally, and also to the educated classes, who are acquir- ing a growing interest in the subject. The introduction by Dr. John S. Billings, besides prefatory explanations, treats of the causes of disease and the jurisprudence of hygiene. After considering the various definitions of hygiene, and showing how its meaning may be so extended as to sweep in immense tracts of human knowledge, Dr. Billings says : " The hygiene of which this volume is to treat has not so broad a scope as that just hinted at, since the intention has been to produce a practical treatise fimited to a consideration of the most usual preventable causes of disease in civilized countries, and more especially in the United States, and of the surest and most economi- cal means of diminishing or destroying these causes." The following remarks are still further illustrative of the ideas involved in the scheme of this work : " To what extent the prevention of disease, the prolongation of life, and the improvement of the physical and mental powers in man may be carried, we do not know ; but no doubt the tendency of those who write and speak most on this subject is to exaggerate the possibilities of improvement ; since it does not seem prob- able that the conditions of perfect personal and public health are attainable, except in rare and isolated cases, and for compara- tively short periods of time ; yet ' that the average length of human life may be very much extended, and its physical power greatly augmented ; that in every year with- in this Commonwealth thousands of lives are lost which might have been saved; that tens of thousands of cases of sickness occur which might have been prevented; that a vast amount of unnecessarily impaired health and physical debility exists among those not confined by sickness ; that these preventable evils require an enormous ex- penditure and loss of money, and impose upon the people unnumbered and immeasu- rable calamities, pecuniary, social, physical, mental, and moral, which might be avoided ; and that means exist within our reach for their mitigation or removal ; and that measures for prevention will effect more than remedies for the cure of disease ' — will probably be admitted by every one who has carefully studied the subject and made him- LITERARY NOTICES. 281 self familiar with what has been accom- plished in certain limited localities." It will not be possible in our space to go into any analysis of the varied and extensive contents of this treatise, much less to at- tempt a criticism of its plan or execution. It has evidently been done with admirable judgment, and the names of its contributors are a sufficient guarantee that its pages faith- fully reflect the present state of hygienic knowledge. Part I. of the first volume is devoted to individual hygiene, and begins with the treatment of " Infant Hygiene," by Dr. A. Jacobi, of New York. This is fol- lowed by " Food and Drink," by Dr. James Tyson, of Philadelphia. Professor William Ripley Nichols, of Boston, writes " On Drink- ing Water, and Public Water Supplies." The article on " Physical Exercise " is by Dr. A. Brayton Ball, of New York ; and the last essay of Part I. is on "The Care of the Person," by Dr. Arthur Van Harlingen, of Philadelphia. Part II. of Volume I. treats of " Habitations," and its first essay is on " Soil and Water," by Dr. William H. Ford, of Philadelphia. Dr. D. F. Lincoln, of Boston, next takes up " The Atmosphere," and Dr. Francis H. Brown, of Boston, closes Volume I. by a disquisition on the " General Prin- ciples of Hospital Construction." Part I. of Volume II. treats of "Occupation." The first essay is on the " Hygiene of Occupa- tion," by Roger S. Tracj', M. D., of New York. Charles Smart, M. D., C. M., assist- ant Surgeon U. S. Army, takes up the "Hy- giene of Camps " ; and Dr. Thomas J. Tur- ner, Medical Director U. S. Navy, treats of " Hygiene of the Naval and Merchant Ma- rine." Heniy C. Sheafer writes on the " Hygiene of Coal Mines," and Rossiter W. Raymond, New York, contributes an essay on " The Hygiene of Metal Mines." Part II. of Volume II. is devoted to the general subject of "Public Health." Dr. Thomas B. Curtis, of Boston, presents the subjects of " Infant Mortality " and " Vital Statistics " ; Professor Stephen P. Shar- pies, of Boston, considers " Adulteration of Food " ; and Dr. Roger S. Tracy develops the subject of "Public Nuisances." "Quaran- tine," with reference to seaport towns, is by Dr. Vanderpoel, of New York ; and Dr. S. S. Herrick, of Louisiana, writes on " Inland Quarantine." "Small-pox and other Con- tagious Diseases " are treated by Drs. Ham- ilton and Emmett, of New York, and " The Hygiene of Syphilis " by Dr. F. R. Sturges, of New York. "Disinfectants" is by Dr. Elwyn Waller, of New York ; " Village Sanitary Associations" is by Dr. R. S. Tracy ; and Dr. Lincoln, of Boston, closes the work by an essay on " School Hygiene." The treatise has an excellent index, and a very valuable feature of it is the copious bibliography appended to each contribution. First Lines of THERAPEriics : As based on the Modes and the Processes of Healing as occurring spontaneously in Disease ; and on the Modes and Processes of Dy- ing as resulting naturally from Disease. In a Series of Lectures. ByALEXANDEii Harvey, M. A., M. D., Edinburgh, Eme- ritus Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Aberdeen ; Lecturer on the Practice of Medicine, etc. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 278. Price, — . This important work is addressed to a fundamental question in practical medicine — the old question of the relations subsist- ing between nature and art in the cure of disease — what is the value to be assigned to the vis mcdicatrix naturce, or the sponta- neous processes of healing and recovery in the diseased constitution ? That the follow- ers of the medical art should magnify their vocation, and that practitioners should be led to favor those theories which enlarge the sphere of practice, is perfectly natural, but there can be no doubt that the conse- quence is greatly to exaggerate the efficacy of drugs in the treatment of disease. The doctors want business, and the people want medicine ; and so the profession is at any rate not pecuniarily interested in belittling the administration of remedies. But able physicians have appeared from time to time who recognized very clearly that there is far too much medical meddling, and too little recognition of the forces and tenden- cies of nature in the eradication of disease. It is to the credit of the profession that its best mind is in cordial sympathy with all rational hygienic measures which have for their object the prevention of disease ; but the use of hygienic agencies in disease is a lesson which many think has yet to be more enforced in the sphere of medical practice. Many medical men have ranged them- THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. selves on the side of this question repre- sented by Dr. Harvey in the present volume, prominent among whom have been Alison Gubler and Sir John Forbes — the latter author, indeed, having carried his views so far as to be ranked as a therapeutic nihil- ist. But it is diflScult to take up a position strongly without being charged with exag- geration and exclusiveness. Dr. Harvey, at any rate, is not open to the charge of ex- treme partisanship, and has done an excel- lent service to his profession by this digest of information from wide sources, and the analysis which he has made of the nature of the curative powers of the organism, and the quality of disease ; and while he strongly asserts the supremacy of nature over art, he yet gives to art that which is fairly its due. The final chapters of the work, on the "Physiology of the Several Processes of Dying," are of especial interest. The author publishes an extract from a letter written him by Sir Thomas Watson, author of the well-known " Principles and Practice of Physic," a portion of which we here append. Dr. Watson says : " You have thoroughly thrashed out the great theme which you proposed to discuss. It is certain that a sound system of therapeu- tics must rest on a consideration of what nature in many cases is capable, and in some fewer cases is incapable of doing in disease ; and, on the other hand, on what art may do in helping or hindering nature. All this, I say, you have most fully ex- plained ; and I feel sure that the student of your volume can not fail to have his mind cleared up and settled on these most important subjects." The reception of Spencer's " Data of Ethics " by critics generally has been most gratifying, and indicates a favorable change in the habits of these parties. Formerly they seem to have been chiefly anxious to put before the world their own views of Spen- cer's works ; now they conclude it is better to let him speak for himself. This may somewhat belittle the function of the criti- cal go-between, but it will be much more satisfactory to both the author and the pub- lic, besides the incidental advantage of get- ting more truth into circulation. A large number of the reviews of the "Ethics" have consisted of able and discriminating summaries of Spencer's doctrines ; and even Professor Bain, whose position certainly en- titles him to assume the function of judge, is chiefly concerned to get Spencer's opin- ions fully and fairly before his readers. We reprint his article because of its authority in this branch of thought. Mr. Spencer has resumed labor upon the "Principles of Sociology," and will shortly publish that part of Vol. II. which treats of the " Development of Ceremonial Institutions." This is a most interesting subject, and becomes very attractive in Spencer's hands. This will be followed by the " Development of Political Institutions," one of the most important parts of his phil- osophical undertaking. Neurility : Correlated Converted Physi- cal Forces. By S. V. Clevenger, M. D. Pp. 24. The point which the author aims to es- tablish in this essay, if we rightly under- stand him, is that physical energy is suffi- cient for the production of all the phenom- ena of life without the intervention of a so-called " vital " force ; and that the ner- vous system is capable of holding in its sub- stance all forms of physical energy which by means of " cells and ganglia may be in- terchanged into different higher and lower forms or held as originally absorbed." PUBLICATIONS RECER'ED. Lectures and Essays. By the late W. K. Clifford, F. R. S. L. London and New Yoik : Macmillan. 1S70. '.i vols'., pp. S40 and 321. $7.50. Units and Physical Constants. By J. D. Everett, F. R. S. L. Same publishers. 1879. Pp. 191. $1.10. Seeing and Thinking. By the late W. K. Clifford. Same publishers. 1879. Pp. 156. $1. First Book of Qualitative Chemistry. By A. B. Prescott. New York : D. Van Nostraud. 1879. Pp. 160. $1.50. Ice-making Machines. By M. Ledoux. Same publisher. 1879. Pp. 150. 50 cents. The Origin of Fever. By R. T. Colbum. Rochester, New York: Andrews print. 1879. Pp. 26. Memoirs of the Science Department of the Tokio University. Vol. I., Part I. Shell Mounds of Oranri. By E. S. Morse. Tokio : The Univer- sity 2539 (1879). Pp. 36, with 18 Plates. Der Irrthum des Speciesbegriffes. Von Dr. Otto Kuntze (Verhandl. d. Leipz. geogr. Ges. 1879). Pp. IS. Verwandtschaft von algen mit Phanerogamen. Von dem selben (Aus " Flora." 1879). Pp. 22. The Creeds or Christ : a Plea for Religious P OP ULAR MIS CELL ANY 283 Honesty. By Rev. J. L. Douthit. Shelbyville, Illinois : " Democrat " print. 1879. Pp. 35. 10 cents. Tlie Railroads and the State. By H. S. Haines. Savannah : " Moruins; News " print. Pp. 23. Lithophane and New Noctuidce. By A. R. Grote. From " Bulletin U. S. Geological Sur- vey." Pp. 8. Practical' Mode of studyin;? the Heart. By Dr. W. H. Smith. From "Physician and Sur- f;eon." Pp. 15. Darwinism : its Weak and Strong Points. By A. J. Howe, M. D. Pp. 8. Anatomical Uses of the Cat. By Burt G. Wilder, M. D. New York : D. Appleton & Co. 1879. Pp. 16. On the Superposition of Glacial Drift u])on Residuary Clays. By W. J. McGee. From " American Journal of Science and Arts," Octo- ber, 1879. Pp. 2. On Heating and Ventilation, with Special Reference to the Public School Buildings of Nash- ville. By N. T. Lupton, M. D., LL. D., with De- scriptive'Plans and Tables, by William C. Smith, Architect. Pp. 23. A New, Simple, and Complete Demonstration of the Binomial Theorem and Logarithmic Series. By J. W. Nicholson, A. M. Baton Rouge : " Capi- toliau" print. 1879. Pp.5. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. By W^ Douglass Hemming, M. R. C. S. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 72. 50 cents. A Pocket Classical Dictionary for Ready Ref- erence. By Frederick G. Ireland. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 114. 75 cents. The Secret of a Clear Head. By J. Mortimer- Granville. Salem, Massachusetts : S.E. Cassino. 1879. Pp.108. 50 cents. Aids to Anatomy. By George Brown, M. R. C. S., etc. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 64. 50 cents. Aids to Therapeutics and Materia Medica. By C. E. Arnoud Semple, M. R C. P. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 60. 50 cents. King's Pocket-Book of Cincinnati. Edited and published by Moses King, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1879. Pp. 88. Paper, 15 cents ; cloth, 35 cents. Electro-Metallurgy practically treated. By Alexander Watt, F. R. S. Sixth edition. New York: D. Van Nostrand. 1879. Pp.195. $1. Modern Meteorology : Six Lectures delivered under the Auspices of the Meteorological Society inl87S. London: Edward Stanford. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp.186. $1.50. Fuel : its Combustion and Economy. Edited by D. Kinnear Clark, C. E. London: Crosby, Lockwood & Co. New York: D. Van Nostrand. 1879. Pp. 394. $1.50. Studies in German Literature. By Bayard Taylor, with an Introduction by Geo. H. Buker. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1S79. Pp. 418. $2.25. Consumption, and how to prevent It. By Thomas J. Mays. M. D. New York : G. P. Put- nam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 89. $1. Tlie Masrio of the Middle Ages. By Viktor Rydberg. Translated from the Swedish by Au- gust Hjalraar Edgren. New York : Henry Holt &Co. 1879. Pp.231. $1.75. Notes on Railroad Accidents. Bv Charles Francis Adams, Jr. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sous. 1879. Pp.280. $1.25. Water-Color Paintinsr. Bv Aaron Penley. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 68. 50 cents. The Publishers' Trade List Annual, 1879, embracing the latest Cataloeues supplied by the Publishers, preceded by an Order List for 1879 ; a Classified Summary and Alphabetical Refer- ence List of Books recorded in the " Publishers' Weekly," from July 1, 1878, to June 30, 1879. wiih Additional Titles, Corrections, Changes of Price and Publisher, etc., forming a Third Provisional Supplement to the "American Catalogue " ; and the " American Educational Catalogue " for 1879. Seventh year. New York : F. Leypoldt. 1879. $1.50. POPULAR MISCELLANY. PliysioIo?y of the Turkish Bath.— Most accounts of the Turkish bath have been confined to general descriptions of the de- tails of the process, and of the sensations experienced during its use ; while compara- tively httle attention has until lately been paid to the more important consideration of its influence on the bodily functions. To supply this need, Mr. William James Flem- ing, M. B., Lecturer on Physiology in Glas- gow, began some years since a series of careful experiments with the action of the bath on his own person. These were con- tinued down to a recent period, and we now have the results of the investigation in the form of a valuable paper published in vol. xiii. of the " Journal of Anatomy and Physi- ology." To those not acquainted with this form of bath it will be sufficient to say that the essential part of the process consists in the immersion of the body in dry air at a tem- perature varying from 130° to 200° Fahr. for from half an hour to an hour generally, and subsequent douching with cold water. Mr. Fleming's experiments were all made between lunch and dinner, usually from 4 to 6 p. M., in a bath heated by Constantine's system. This is an arrangement of stoves by which a constant current of pure air is drawn from the outside atmosphere, heated by passing through a species of oven, and driven into one of the apartments of the bath with such force that it traverses the whole suite of rooms, parting with some of its heat in each, and ultimately escaping from the last into the outer air again. By this means not only the air for breathing but also that in contact with the skin is constantly renewed, so that a layer of wa- tery vapor does not, as in all baths heated with stationary air, soon cover the body, and thus convert the bath into a vapor one. The experiments usually began with a heat of about lYO' Fahr. for a few minutes, in 284 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. order to produce sweating rapidly, followed by a temperature of about 130° Fahr. during the remainder of the stay in the hot rooms. This the author regards as the best practice for habitual bathers, as perspiration, being once freely established in the hottest room, is kept active by ihe lower degree of heat. The investigation was specially directed to the effect produced by immersion in hot, dry air on — 1. The amount of material elim- inated from the body in excess of the nor- mal ; 2. The alteration produced in the temperature of the body; 3. The influence on the pulse-rate ; 4. The influence on the rate of breathing ; 5. The alteration in the composition of the urine ; 6. The compo- sition of the sweat ; and, 7. The arterial tension as sliown by the sphygmograph. The results of the investigation are pre- sented in the form of averages representing a large number of observations. Omitting a description of the manner in which the experiments were conducted, and also the detailed results obtained, the fol- lowing are the conclusions drawn by the author from those results. It was shown — 1. That a very large quantity of material can be eliminated from the body in a com- paratively short time by immersion in hot, dry air; and, although the greater part of this is water, still solids are present in quantity sufficient to render this a valuable emunctory process ; 2. The temperature of the body and the pulse-rate are markedly raised. The respiration falls at first, but afterward is less influenced than would be expected. The urine is increased in density, and deprived of a large portion of its chlorides, while, if anything, an increase in the amount of urea is produced. Arte- rial tension is increased, due probably to the rapid action of the heart and the gorged condition of the capillary circulation. From these the following practical con- siderations as to the use of the Turkish bath in medicine are deduced : Its most impor- tant effect is the stimulation of the emunc- tory action of the skin. By this means we are enabled to wash as it were the solid and fluid tissues, and especially the blood and skin, by passing water through them from within outward to the surface of the body. Hence, in practice, one of the most essential requisites is copious draughts of water during the sweating. The elevation of the temperature, and more especially of the pulse-rate and blood- pressure, point to the necessity of caution in cases where the circulatory system is dis- eased. Excessively long duration of the bath seems to produce more or less depression, as shown by the fall of the pulse and tem- perature after fifty-five minutes. The great advantage of the bath seems to be the power it gives of producing a free action of the skin in persons of sedentary habit, or suffering from disease interfering with fluid excretion, and by its means prob- ably a considerable elimination of morbid matter may also be brought about. Be- sides, and along with this, it is an efficient means, if resorted to sufficiently early, of relieving internal congestion. Distributiou of the Electric Light.— A recent trial, in San Francisco, of Molera's and Cebrian's system of dividing and dis- tributing the electric light, is thus described in the San Francisco " Morning Call " of Sep- tember 30th : "An exhibition of a new sj^s- tem of utilizing and dividing the electric light, recently discovered by Messrs. Molera and Cebrian, civil engineers, of this city, was given last night at 412 Market Street. Quite a crowd of spectators witnessed the experiments, which had a very satisfactory result. Two floors were well and uniformly lighted by the light obtained from a genera- tor placed in one corner of the upper story of the building. The manner of thus divid- ing the electrical current consists of the use of a system of reflecting mirrors and lenses, which concentrate and conduct the parallel rays or beams of light by the medium of tubes to any desired distance without weak- ening, except in a comparatively small de- gree, its intensity. The main advantages claimed by the inventors for this system arc, that the light may, through the agency of a diffusing lens, be distributed from a single beam throughout all the rooms of a house or hotel, and may be divided without material loss of power. The supply of light is also controlled by the reflector, and in any or all of the rooms the brilliancy of the light may be increased or diminished at will. It is further argued that the system dispenses with the necessity for regulators or lamps, thit the loss consequent upon the use of P OP ULAR MIS CELL ANY. 285 electrical conductors is avoided, and that the capital invested is smaller than is required for gas-works. Heretofore the difficulty ex- perienced by electricians has been to divide the light without weakening in too large a degree its power. Should the system of Messrs. Molera and Cebrian prove a practical success, it may be economically used in light- ing not only private residences and public institutions, but even whole cities." Color-Bllndncss of Seamen. — An article on color-blindness, in a lute number of the " English Mechanic," quotes some very important facts from the records of the British Board of Trade, derived from exam- inations of seamen applying for " mate's " or " master's " certificates, concerning their ability to distinguish colors. We select a few from the many instances of color- blindness detected by these examinations. One seaman, a candidate for a second mas- ter's certificate, described green glass as " dark red " ; in another case a green card was called " yellow " ; and a man who had been over eighteen years at sea was report- ed as quite unable to distinguish any of the colors. Another who had been more than seven years at sea described the red glass by daylight as " green," the dark green as "red," and the yellow as " red" ; while by gaslight he named the light blue "green," the dark green " red," and the yellow " red." This appears to be a case of Daltonism, or incapability of perceiving the red end of the spectrum. There are several similar in- stances which differ only in details ; but per- haps the most interesting case is that of a candidate for a second mate's certificate who had served nearly five years at sea — a case that ought to have been sent to a court of appeal. By daylight he described the red card as " green," the yellow and green glasses " red," and the red glass as " dark green." By artificial light he called the yellow and green glasses "red," and the white glass " dark green." This man ob- tained a certificate from the London Oph- thalmic Hospital testifying that he was not color-blind, but on reexamination he still described dark green as " red," light green as "neutral," and yellow as "red" by arti- ficial light, while by daylight he called the green glasses "red" once and" yellow" once. This last difference may have been caused by the manner in which the ques- tion was put, and ignorance of the names of colors. In view of these facts, the query suggests itself, may not the recent dreadful accident to the steamer Champion have been due to the inability of the lookout to distin- guish the Hghts on the other ship, which was discovered only when near enough to take in her general outline ? Apprentice-Schools in France. — This is the title of a highly suggestive paper on the subject of science teaching in the pub- lic schools, read by Professor S. P. Thomp- son at the last meeting of the British As- sociation. As the subject is daily acquiring new importance in this country, we present a pretty full abstract of the paper as it ap- peared in "Nature." The problem to be solved, in the author's opinion, is, how to give that technical training and scientific knowledge to artisan children which their occupation demanded, without detaining them so long at their schooling as to create a distaste for manual labor. There were four solutions of the problem, all of which had been tried, and illustrations of which could be seen in Paris. They were : 1. Send the children to work in the factory or work- shop at an earlier age, making it obligatory all through their apprenticeship that they should have every day a certain number of hours' schooling in a school in the work- shop or attached to it ; 2. Keep the chil- dren at school as long as their education was unfinished, but set up a workshop in the school, where they should pass a certain amount of time every day so as to gain at least an aptitude for manual labor; 3. Organize a school and a workshop side by side and coordinate the hours given to study with an equal number of hours devoted to systematic manual labor ; and, 4. Send the children half the day to the existing schools, and the other half to work half-time in the workshop or factory. Schools of the first type had existed in France for nearly thirty years, and at the close of 1878 there were no fewer than 237 schools of this character. So far as he was aware, there was only one school of the second type — the Ecole com- munale d'Apprentis, in the Rue Touruefort, Paris. The peculiarity of this school was that workshop training was being given to lads who had not yet completed a course 586 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of elementary education. Of the third type some admirable examples were to be seen in Paris. Some very interesting particulars were given of the progress of the horologi- cal school at Besan9on. The fourth type or half-time school, which was English in its origin, was rarely to be found in France. Since the old apprenticeship had virtually lapsed, there was nothing to save the young artisan of the rising generation from de- generating into a mere machine, unless a new agency could be practically organized. What was claimed for the apprenticeship school was that its pupils do not possess just a bare minimum of knowledge suffi- cient to procure them means of subsistence in one narrow department of one restricted industry, but that they possess both manual dexterity and a fair technical knowledge which would enable them not only to earn more and to turn out better work, but also to be less at the mercy of the fluctuation of trade for the means of subsistence. Be- sides the new apprenticeship being better for real instruction in technical principles, it was also better for practical work in so far as it shortened the needlessly long years of the apprenticeship, and imparted at an earlier age all the manual capacity that ap- prenticeship in any form could impart. There were not wanting on our horizon signs of significance in the problem of the relation of science to labor. We had real- ly skilled workmen, and no foreign work- men were their equals, but they were only units in a crowd. Take which view they would, technical education, and, above all, the technical education of the artisan classes, was a sine qua non of the future industrial prosperity of Great Britain. What steps, then, must be taken to give effect to the new apprenticeship? Two things would determine the success or failure of the school : 1. The obtaining of the right kind of teachers ; and, 2. The adoption of a sys- tem of instruction based upon drawhig, which was the language of the manufac- tures, the handicrafts, the constructive in- dustries of all kinds. It was evident that the first step would be the foundation of a system for training competent teachers. Then there must be a central technical col- lege, for through such an institution alone could community of thought and method of work be obtained. Two Remarkable Epidemics. — In the spring of 1878 an epidemic of typhoid fever broke out at Zurich, Switzerland, which possesses peculiar interest. A musical fes- tival was held in that town in May, and out of the seven hundred persons who attended it five hundred were attacked by typhoid fever, of whom one hundred died. A mi- nute inquiry into the circumstances left but little doubt that the epidemic was due to the use of bad veal furnished by an inn- keeper of the place. It may be claimed by those who attribute to general causes the power of originating specific diseases that the typhoid fever was due to a septic poison present in the veal, depending possibly on a beginning fermentation, which was not destroyed by the cooking to which it had been submitted. On the other hand, as the animal from which the meat was taken was sick, it may be asked whether it might not have been suffering from typhoid fever, al- though this disease has never yet been rec- ognized among animals. It is a remarkable fact that in 1839 a similar but much less fatal epidemic occurred in a neighboring locality. After a reunion that took place under similar circumstances, four hundred and forty persons were taken sick with all the symptoms of typhoid fever. It is proba- ble that in this case also the meat of a sick calf gave rise to the disease. South - African Cannibals.— At the late meeting of the British Association, the French explorer Brazza read a paper on " The Na- tive Races of the Gaboon and Ogowai." A preceding speaker, Major Serpa Pinto, had spoken of races having European character- istics inhabiting the region about the head- waters of the Zambesi. M. de Brazza was of opinion that these people had come from the north of Africa, because, under the name of Ubamba, he had found races very much resembling them to the south of the Congo. The negroes Pinto saw wei'e prob- ably the advance-guard of an invasion which had overrun the country to the east of the Gaboon. Stanley spoke of a great emigra- tion very much resembling what had taken place among the Fan cannibals. There had been much talk indulged in adverse to the cannibal races of this part of Africa. Du Chaillu, who had visited for one day only one of the Fan villages, had given a descrip- NOTES. 287 tion of this race, which had been too much influenced by accounts he had received from a tribe at war with the cannibals. He had said that in their villages he had found quar- ters of human flesh exposed for sale ; that they killed and ate their prisoners of war, and that they sold the bodies of their own dead who had died of disease to their neigh- bors. M. de Brazza denied the truth of such accounts. As a proof that the Fans had kindly and generous sentiments, he told how a Fan chief had been kind to him when he was obliged to leave his people sick in the bush. He owed his life to the Fan chief, and he should always be grateful to him and his people. He wished, there- fore, to do all he could to remove the pre- judice against the Fans which had been excited by Du Chaillu. They were a very generous, courageous people. It was true they were cannibals — that they ate their prisoners of war ; but it was with them a religious idea, for they believed that in eat- ing the heart of a brave man the courage of the dead passed into themselves. M. de Brazza also gave an interesting sketch of the Akkas, a dwarf race he found scattered up and down among the different peoples, like what the Jews or the gypsies were in Europe. The height of the Akkas was from three to four feet. Raising Snnlten Vessels. — In the Plotzen Lake, which is not far from Berlin, and the depth of which is very considerable, reach- ing in some parts to twenty-eight metres, an interesting attempt has been made to raise sunken vessels. The method, which is the invention of Herr Eidner, a Vienna civil engineer, consists in applying carbonic acid in the following manner : In an empty balloon a bottle half filled with sulphuric acid, surrounded with Bullrich's salt, is fixed ; the bottle is destroyed by turning a screw, and the two substances mix and pro- duce carbonic acid, which fills the balloon. It is obvious that, when this apparatus is brought into operation in the hull of a sunk- en ship, the effect must be, if a sufficient number of balloons are filled, to raise the vessel. In the experiments on the Plot- zen Lake, a small vessel or boat weigh- ing several hundred-weight, was first sunk. A diver then went down with the necessary apparatus, which he set in operation in the interior of the ship. Hardly had he done so before the vessel began to rise to the surface, where it was maintained by the balloon. In a second experiment five heavy sacks filled with sand were thrown over- board, in a part of the lake which was six- teen metres deep. The diver descended, fastened all the sacks together, and, fixing the balloon apparatus to them, set it going, with the effect that the whole of the sacks were brought up to the surface. Petroleum in Iron-making. — The suc- cessful employment of petroleum as a fuel in the manufacture of iron, has, according to the "Engineering and Mining Journal," been accomplished by a process invented by Dr. C. J. Fames, and now in practical opera- tion at Titusville, Pennsylvania. The pe- troleum is vaporized by means of highly heated steam, thrown into a chamber in which the oil is caused to trickle over a se- ries of horizontal shelves ; and the mixture is then driven onward to the combustion- chamber, where it is ignited and forced into the furnaces by the air-blasts which it en- counters at this point. " The evident advan- tages," says the "Engineering and Mining Journal," " of petroleum-fuel, are the perfect control under which the heat is held ; the extremely high calorific intensity of this ' wa- ter-gas ' ; and the freedom of the fuel from any elements injurious to the iron. It is claimed that the work can be performed much quicker, and the quality of the pro- duct can be made much more uniform and of higher grade, than can be secured with coal-fuel." NOTES. According to Professor Lintner, Presi- dent of the Entomological Club, the study of entomology is making very gratifying progress in this country ; collections are multiplying, and the literature of the sub- ject is growing rapidly. The Club has compiled a list of persons engaged in the study of entomology in the United States ; it already contains eight hundred and thirty- five names. Dr. Krummel, of Gottingen, estimates the mean depth of the sea at 1,877 fathoms, and then makes a comparison of the vol- ume of the land above sea-level with the volume of the sea. Accepting Leipoldt's THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. estimate of the mean height of Europe, viz., 300 metres, and estimating the mean heights of Asia and Africa, of America and Australia, to be 500, 830, 250 metres re- spectively, Dr. Kriimmel obtains the mean of 420 metres or 0'0566 geographical mile. The surface ratio of land to water being considered as 1 to 2'75, the volume of all dry- land above sea-level is inferred to be 140,- 086 cubic miles, and the volume of the sea 3,138,000 cubic miles. Thus the ratio of the volumes of land and water is as 1 to 22-4. That is, the continents, so far as they are above sea-level, might be contained 22-4 times in the sea-basin. But reckoning the mass of solid land from the level of the sea- bottom, the former would be contained only 2"443 times in the sea-basin. The circulation of scientific works in Russia is so small, that native men of sci- ence find it nearly impossible to get their labors published. Kovalevsky, according to the London "Examiner," left at his death no less than thirty works in MS. ; he could find no publisher for them. Professor Yasi- lief, the eminent Orientalist, has several vol- umes on " Buddhism and Philolog)^" which he is compelled to keep in his portfolio for want of means to publish them. The "Gazette des Hopitaux " records an extraordinary case of loss of hair from fright. A girl seventeen years of age one day nan-owly escaped death by crushing, and was much frightened. For three days she suffered headache, chills, and itching of the scalp. The symptoms were then allayed, with the exception of the itching, which con- tinued. On combing her hair, it came out in great quantities, and soon she was quite bald. This baldness was permanent. Of the views adopted by modern chem- ists concerning the structure of the carbon compounds. Professor Ira Remsen holds that they are correctly based and fairly de- monstrated, but that they are steps in a path where greater progress is yet to be at- tained. Some of them will no doubt be disproved, yet, like the search for the phi- losopher's stone, they will serve to advance chemical science. The usual average of rainfall in Eng- land, as reckoned for the first six months of the year, is a fraction less than twelve inches. This year the fall from January to June — five months — was eighteen and a half inches. Again, in the first six months of 1878, according to observations made at Greenwich Observatory, there were six hun- dred and forty-three hours of sunshine. This year there were only four hundred and seventy-one hours of sunshine in the same time. June, 1878, was regarded as a gloomy month ; but it had one hundred and eighty- one hours of sunshine, whereas June, 1879, had not quite one hundred and nineteen hours. From experiments made by Arloing, it appears that chloral does not act as an an- esthetic on the sensitive-plant, while ether and chloroform have an effect upon it simi- lar to that which they exert on animals. M. Arloing in his experiments caused the anaesthetics to be absorbed by the roots of the plant. Near Stramberg, in Moravia, have been discovered certam caves which, in prehis- toric times, were inhabited by man. The contents of these caves clearly prove the existence of man in very remote times — the age of the mammoth and the cave-bear. Thousands of bones have been found at the depth of two or three metres, representing mammoths, rhinoceroses, bears, horses, deer, reindeer, and with them well-preserved im- plements of stone and bone, objects in bronze, rings, needles, pottery, arrow-heads, and knives. An exhibition was lately given in Paris of a method of employing electro-magnet- ism as a means of subduing vicious horses. With bits, bridles, nose-bands, and curbs specially constructed so as to apply a gen- tie current from a portable electro-magnet" to the requn-ed place, seven particularly violent horses were reduced to obedience, and suffered themselves to be shod. In the " Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal " is published an account of a very remarkable snowfall in Cashmere, which began in October, 1817, and continued al- most uninterruptedly up to May, 1878, the general depth of the snow being then esti- mated at from thirty to forty feet. Houses and villages were crushed under the enor- mous weight, avalanches were frequent on the hillsides, and wild animals perished in great numbers. Messrs. Martin and Tessier propose a mixture composed as follows for making uninflammable textile fabrics, paper, etc., viz. : Pure sulphate of ammonia eight parts by weight, carbonate of anmionia two and a half parts, boracic acid three parts, pure borax 1*7 part, starch two parts, water one hundred parts. The articles are to be steeped in the mixture (boiling) till they are thoroughly saturated ; then they are dried and pressed. The French Association for the Ad- vancement of Science takes a surprising " new departure " next year by selecting Algiers as the place of its meeting in 1880. To avoid the inconveniences of the great heat of August, the meeting will be held in April. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. JANUARY, 1880. THE mTEKXATIOIs^AL WEATHEPw-SERYICE. By Professor T. B. MAUKY. THE " weather " is that mystic word which sums up the physical influences most affecting the human frame for good or ill. The splendid, ever-varying panorama of the sky, the benign mutations of the seasons, the immense pulsations of the atmosphere furnished, how- ever, for ages, themes for the poet rather than for the philosopher. In the presence of its tremendous though cloud-veiled forces, as the high priest of old on the entrance of the sanctuary, we tread with awed footstep. From time immemorial its phenomena have engaged the daily and deepest attention of men ; and the ever-popular, ever-com- pulsory study of their changes, in the language of all civilized nations, has been called "meteorology," which literally means "the science of the sublime." "Distance and time," says the physical geographer Ansted, " seem annihilated when we watch the action of these mys- terious influences, and we may almost recognize the reality of an ex- istence unhampered by natural impediments when we find an instanta- neous response of our innermost senses to a material stimulus applied within the burning atmosphere of the sun." But the overmastering interest and awe, awakened by the terrestrial atmosphere, through which this stimulus reaches us, are intensified by the consciousness that upon it we depend for vital breath, and that it is the medium through which an invisible hand sweeps every chord of humanity. It is to that grand and systematic investigation of this physical agent, which has recently been commenced by the concert of the na- tions, in a system of world-wide " Simultaneous " observations, known as The International Weather-Service — to its history, methods, and utilities — we would now direct the reader's indulgent attention, Be- TOL. XVI. — 19 290 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. fore doing so, however, it will be necessary to glance at the advances in weather-research that have led to this undertaking. The exploration of the vast body of water which surrounds the land-masses of the globe has been, since the sixteenth century, rapidly prosecuted. Its configuration has been determined, its tides have been weighed, its gulf-streams and counter-currents gauged, and even its abyssal depths sounded and surveyed, until we can now hardly speak, save by poetic license, of "the dark, unfathomed caves of ocean." But the exploration of that other and almost boundless ocean of air which envelopes the whole earth and w^hose winds sweejJ its surface, swaying the waters of the sea and affecting every form of terrestrial life, has progressed but slowly. The upper atmosphere is pierced by but few of the earth's mountain-peaks upon which meteorological stations can be efficiently maintained, while the spasmodic attempts at aeronautic in- vestigation of the cloud-land, daring as they have been, have realized less knowledge of its currents than that which Columbus in his voy- ages of discovery acquired of the circulation of the equatorial waters. Investigation has been, therefore, perforce restricted for the most part to the phenomena of storms, cyclones, and anti-cyclones, moving at the bottom of the great sea of air — phenomena involving such insig- nificant portions of the atmosphere, when compared Avith the superin- cumbent mass, that a leading meteorologist has hyperbolically likened them to ordinary "smoke-rings." Eveii in the lower atmospheric strata, the different national bands of observers have been widely sepa- rated— here and there an ocean unsentineled rolling between them — so that their collated reports conveyed no clearly connected account of the transcontinental movements of air ; and it is to-day disjiuted by some that North American storms cross the Atlantic to western Eu- rope. But, worse than all else, the observations taken by the most painstaking and indefatigable observers were, until recently, systemat- ically vitiated, not only by a lack of uniformity in the methods, but by the more fatal lack of uniformity in the hours of observation. What would be thought of a little army confronting immense odds, some of whose regiments had one plan of battle and some another, some asleep when others were engaged, but none acting simultane- ously ? Yet, such is a fair representation of the world's observational force which was expected to attack the great problems of meteorology, as it was until less than a decade ago. In 1870 the United States entered the field of weather-research ; and, for the first time in the history of meteorology, there was then established a broad system of simultaneous observations and simul- taneous reports of the weather. These reports were immediately worked up and graphically embodied in the simultaneous weather- maps, issued thrice daily from the office of the Chief Signal-Officer, U. S. A,, General Albert J. Myer, whose original and announced plan was to observe the weather over the whole country " at the same mo- THE INTERNATIONAL WEATHER-SERVICE. 291 ment of actual (not local) time,'''' as was stated on every weather-map. This conception aimed at the rescue of meteorological researches from that disorder and disconnectedness which had always characterized the observational work. The prime object was to gain a daily conspectus of the atmosphere over the country as it actually was, and as it would be seen if a photographic view of it, so to speak, could be taken. The simultaneous method, when announced, seemed so natural and simple that one might have wondered that any other was ever attempted. Observations called " synchronous " had been, indeed, before this time, energetically made in several countries ; but the term " synchronous " was used to signify that every observer read off his instruments at given hours of his own local time, and not at the same moment of physical time. Etymologically, there might be little or no difference between " synchronous " and " simultaneous," but, for all the jjurposes of atmospheric investigations over a vast territory like that of the United States, the practical difference was by no means insignificant. When observers, who on the old " synchronous " method reported the weather-status each at the same hour of local time, were separated by hundreds of miles, their reports failed to represent the actual fluctu- ations of the atmosphere and the true bearings of its cyclonic and anti- cyclonic movements ; so that, when the meteorologist came to compare and chart the combined data, they yielded necessarily a distorted or untrue picture of the ever-restless aerial ocean. On the other hand, in the " simultaneous " method, since all the observers over the wide field of the research read their instruments at one and the same moment (7.35 A. M. Washington mean time), their reports, when charted, gave a true and life-like representation of the physical phenomena as they actually coexisted and conspired. As on the screen of the artist's camera the sun instantly paints the true image of the human face before its expression can be changed, so does the process of simul- taneous observation seize and secure all the elements necessary to de- lineate the current physical features and conditions of the atmosphere, as existing at o. fixed moment, and before they can have time to un- dergo change. Simple as this expedient is, it is evidently the key to all effective research in a vast gaseous ocean whose currents and waves are ceaselessly rolling and rapidly altering their geographical bearings, even while the sun is quickly passing from one meridian to another. W^ere all the weather observers of the world to read off their instru- ments as it were by a given tick of one clock, their collective data would furnish materials for the most exact delineations of the complex atmospheric machinery which it is possible to obtain. Instead of piling up a mass of weather bulletins unsuited for purposes of a rigidly scientific inter-comparison, as was so long done,* they would contribute * In the old system of telegraphic weather-reports established by the Smithsonian Institution, the observers reported at 8 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m., each at his own local time. Accordingly, their reports could not give exact results. To take a not uncommon 292 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. solid and coherent facts of nature, all ready to be put together and worked up by the meteorologist into a noble and useful science. Having noticed the first attempt ever made to establish a system of " Simultaneous weather-reports," and indicated the unique character of the system, as carried out by the United States since 1870, we hasten on to the history of its extension to the vast field of international meteorology. In September, 1873, the International Meteorological Congress was convened at Vienna, to consider all the graver questions that were then agitating public and private investigators, as to the progress of weather-science. The Congress was composed of ofiicial representatives, charged with the meteorological duties pertaining to the researches of their respective Governments. It was then proposed by the representative of the United States, General Myer, that " it is desirable, tcith a view to their exchange, that at least one uniform ohset'vation, of such character as to be suited for the preparation of synoptic charts, he taken and recorded daily and simultaneously at as many stations as p>racticable throughout the world.'''' This proposition was unanimously concurred in, and its hearty adoption by the Congress, the members of which virtually legislated for the nations they repre- sented, at once secured the extension of the American " simultaneous " system (as inaugurated in 1870 for the United States) to the entire field of weather investigation then covered or yet to be covered by the observers of all the nations.* Soon after the adoj^tion of this proposi- tion at Vienna, by the courteous cooperation of scientific men and the chiefs of the meteorological weather-bureaus of the different countries, records of uniform observations, taken daily and simultaneously with the observations taken over the United States and the adjacent islands, example of a storm central at Omaha at 8 a. m. and moving toward New York : since the difference of actual time between the two cities is nearly one and a half hour, and the storm-center might be progressing at the rate of forty-five or fifty miles an hours, the Omaha report would represent its bearings, as respects New York, from sixty to seventy miles out of its true place ? So also all observers not on the meridian of New York would more or less mis-locate the center. Since neai-ly all cyclones and anti-cyclones move from east to west or from west to east, and very few in a meridional direction, the systematic misrepresentation of their relative positions in point of longitude works grave defects, A weather-map based on such non-simultaneous reports, instead of faithfully mirroring the sky overhanging a continent, necessarily gives it rather a wry face. Even at this date, we can not say that all European weather-stations take observations simultaneously. So far as they do, their present method is shaped after that introduced originally in this country by General Myer, in 1870. Professor Espy called his observations " simulta- neous, or nearly simultaneous " ; but evidently they were taken at the same hour of local time, and were, therefore, less " simultaneous " than the Smithsonian. * Referring to an exchange of United States weather-reports with those of Canada, the Chief Signal-Officer, in his annual report for 1872, said: "It is to be hoped the system, may be extended in the Canadas, and the cooperation be yet closer, this connec- tion of the services becoming the first link in the grand chain of interchanged interna- tional reports destined with a higher civilization to bind together the signal-services of the world " (p. 83). The same scheme he had foreshadowed in a public document dated January 18, 1870, and also the plan of using ocean-cables for storm-warnings. THE INTERNATIONAL WEATHER-SERVICE. 293 were commenced, and since then have been exchanged in semi-monthly communications. These reports, steadily increasing, now cover the combined territorial extent of Algiers, Australasia, Austria, Belgium, Central America, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Greenland, Iceland, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunis, Turkey, British North America, the United States, the Azores, Malta, Mauritius, the Sandwich Islands, South Africa, South America, and the West Indies, so far as they have been put under meteorological observation. On July 1, 1875, the daily issue of a printed bulletin, ex- hibiting these international simultaneous reports, was commenced at the Army Signal-Office in Washington, and has since been maintained. A copy of this " International Bulletin " is furnished each cooperating observer. This publication combines for the first time of which we have any record the joint labors of the nations in a research of this kind for their mutual benefit. As the network of cooperating stations already spreads over so vast a proportion of the land-surface of the globe, there is needed only the more general cooperation of the naval and merchant fleets of the world to supply ample data for a compre- hensive study of the atmosphere as a unit. This need is now grow- ingly appreciated, and nine series of marine reports, each containing the simultaneous observations of a number of sea-going vessels,* have been added to supplement the similar reports contributed by the land-observers, swelling the total observational force to 500 laborers. The harvest of physical data already garnered by this force, and daily increasing, will be invaluable for all future weather investi- gations. As the Committee of the Scottish Meteorological Society recently said, " This truly cosmopolitan work, which the United States are alone in a position to undertake, thanks to the liberality and enter- prise of their Government, will bring before us month by month the general circulation of the earth's atmosphere, and raise if it does not satisfy many inquiries lying at the very root of meteorology, and inti- mately affecting those atmospheric changes which meteorologists have been recording." It will greatly enrich the meteorology of the ocean and aid navigation, by supplying data for deducing those true mean physical values which teach the mariner at sea where he may find " a fair wind and a favorable current," how he may best utilize the forces of nature and elude its terrors. It will afford material for the renova- tion of the climatology and sanitary meteorology of regions not now fully investigated. But, above all, it will facilitate the elucidation of the laws of storms and those associate phenomena which conspire to produce the many-colored phases of " the weather." The cardinal object of this vast scientific enterprise, as the reader may anticipate, is the study of the atmosphere as a unit. The atmos- pheric ocean must be viewed by every thinking mind as a whole, whose * The number of marine observers now exceeds one hundred. 294 ^^^ POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. complex jiarts act interdependently — as the various parts of a steam- engine — yet all constituting one grand mechanism. Nature's forces respect no national frontiers ; and, if their mighty play is to be watched by science, its observational corps must be expanded to cover every accessible part of the globe. This will be made more apparent if we consider the intensities and movements of cyclones. The storms generated over the sea often jDush with resistless energy against the loftiest mountain-walls, and, surmounting their acclivities, press on as if they had felt no retardation, to sweep across an entire con- tinent, and then, untired, to take a fresh start on a long ocean-voyage. In a rigid examination of the Signal-Service data for a period of twen- ty-six months, twenty-eight storm-centers, it was found by Professor Loomis, traveled eastward across the Rocky Mountains, and reached the Mississipi^i Valley in unimpaired vigor, having scaled that impos- ing barrier, 10,000 feet high, as easily as the steamship on its rapid course overrides a wave. In discussing the two cyclones which visited the Bay of Bengal in October, 1876, Mr. Elliott, Meteorological Reporter to the Government of Bengal, incidentally gives us some idea of the cyclopean forces which are developed by such storms. The average "daily evaporation," registered by the Bengal instru- ments, in October, is " '2 inches." * The amount of heat absorbed by the conversion of this amount of water daily over so large an area as the Bay of Bengal is enormous. " Roughly estimated," says Mr. El- liott, *' it is equal to the continuous working power of 800,000 steam- engines of 1,000 horse-power." A simple calculation will show that it / , l/ifimi/m/il/iii/ii iiniiiiii/i i ' ^ ^ ^ / //'////////////////////////////////////////////// Vertical Section op the Heakt of a Ctclone. (Arrows show direction of wind and the ascending current in storm-center; the dark-shade, nimbus, or rain-cloud.) suffices to raise aloft over 45,000 cubic feet of water in twenty-four hours from every square mile of the bosom of the bay, and transport it to the clouds which overhang it. When we extend the calculation from a single square mile to the area of this whole Indian gulf, the * "Report of the Vizagapatam and Buckergunge Cyclones of October, 1876," by J. Elliott, p. 182. THE INTERN'ATIONAL WEATHER-SERVICE. 295 mind is lost in the effort to conceive the force which, in a clay's time, can lift 50,000,000 tons ! Yet, it would be easy to show that such figures, fabulous as they seem, do not adequately represent the cyclonic forces of a single storm. " The usual size of the cyclones in the Bay of Bengal," according to Piddington, "is from 300 to 350 miles ; but," as he adds, "it would appear that they sometimes much exceed that extent " ; and others give the average diameter as still greater than 350 miles. Now, in the passage of a cyclone over such a sheet of water, the vapor which has been slowly generated over its sur- face for many days is rapidly condensed and reconverted into water, and falls in the shape of torrential rains — as Dampier declared, " faster North KG' South Horizontal Movements op Air around Center of Cyclone in Northern Hemisphere.— (Lar^e arrow shows path of storm ; smaller arrows, the winds taking a more radial direction, and increasing in velocity, as they near the ceuter.) than he could drink it." On the coasts of India, twenty inches have been known to fall in a single night ; in the Bengal storm just men- tioned, 15-2 inches fell in eighteen hours. Assuming that the mean 296 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. daily precipitation within the areas of storms like those just referred to is only three inches, it is evident that Mr, Elliott's calculation of the mechanical force daily exerted in the work of evaporation falls short of expressing the force exerted in the work of precipitation during a day's march of a cyclone. The latter is, however, but one of the many tremendous agencies engaged in the development of a storm of ordinary magnitude in the intratropical regions. In the extratropical and high latitudes, cyclones are much more extensive, " being seldom less than GOO miles in diameter, but oftener two or three times that amount, or even more " (Buchan) ; while the waves of the sea, driven by their winds, beat upon the seacoast, as Mr. Stevenson, the well- known English engineer, has estimated, with the almost incredible force of " 6,000 pounds on the square foot." In the hurricane of last August, the winds on the North Carolina coast blew at the rate of from 138 to 165 miles an hour. In citing these illustrations of the storm-phenomena which modern meteorology is charged with investigating, we have not alluded to the equally important yet far grander phenomena of " anti-cyclones," or those " atmospheric waves " of high pressure which, emanating from the higher latitudes, submerge a whole continent at once — around whose borders cyclones move as diminutive eddies playing around a rock in mid-stream. But enough has been said to show the imj)erative necessity for the prosecution of wide-extended or international research (including of course oceanic observations) if the laws of weather are ever to be discovered and defined. In no branch of physics is it so true, as in that of weather-lore, " a little learning is a dangerous thing." An approximation to the conception and study of the atmospheric ma- chine as a unit is the sine qua non of all future advance in this knowl- edge. Phenomena such as we have just glanced at, by their immen- sity and by the intensity of the forces which resistlessly propel them across seas and continents, will for ever defy adequate investigation, save by an army of observers, acting simultaneously, both on the ocean and on the land, whose outposts stretch from the rising to the setting sun and from the equator to the polar circle. For, as another has so for- cibly and felicitously said : " The atmosphere, unlike the ocean, is undi- vided and uninterrupted; and every change of state, in any part of its expanse, sends forth a pulsation of energy which is speedily felt far and wide." If the oracles of Him by whom are all things declare that he spreads " the cloud of dew in the heat of harvest," who " gathereth the winds in his fists," and once hushed the roar of the Galilean tempest, well may these wonders, ever fresh from his hand, enlist the earnest and inspiring study and observation of intelligent men everywhere. Our favored planet, not like the airless moon, is folded in the kindly bo- som of an atmosphere which, while ministering nourishment to man and accommodating itself to all his movements and vicissitudes, interposes as his shield against the fiery influences of the solar system, even to THE INTERNATIONAL WEATHER-SERVICE. 297 arresting and consuming those countless meteoric stones, showered upon us from stellar space, before they can penetrate to the lower aerial strata. For us, at least, in respect to this sublunary scene, it is of engrossing interest, as that all-pervading organism Avhich "Lives through all life, extends through all extent, Spreads undivided, operates unspent." In the technical execution of this purely pioneer work, the first step was the preparation of a daily graphic and synoptic chart exhibiting all the weather observations taken simultaneously in the northern hemisphere. On the 1st of July, 1878, the Signal-Office at Washing- ton began the regular publication of a daily international loeather- map, charted daily and issued daily, each chart being based upon the data appearing in the " International Bulletin of Simultaneous Re- ports " of similar date. The daily issue of a weather-chart of this kind and scope is without a precedent in history. It illustrates the cooper- ation, for a single purpose, of the civilized powers of the globe north of the equator, and brings the atmospheric phenomena over the whole field of the research, and in their true relations to each other, within the easy comprehension of the student's eye. (See frontispiece.) As these charts in successive order are spread out day after day, the investigator has before him a vivid panorama of the physical forces in pictured action, so that he can readily trace their mutual depen- dence and interaction in the normal working of the ponderous, yet beautiful, atmospheric machinery. The history of progress in the discovery of physical phenomena and their laws is intimately connected with the introduction of technical contrivances so simple that at first they attract little notice. After the invention of the mariner's compass, and the astrolabe, nothing perhaps that was done for geographical science gave it such an im- pulse as the chart introduced in 1556 by Gerard Mercator, by which the earth's entire surface was presented in a single picture to the geog- rapher's eye, and by which (the degrees of latitude and longitude at all places bearing to each other the same relations they bear on the sphere itself) the navigator could readily steer his ship in straight lines. This simplest of contrivances became, in a word, an invaluable instru- ment of maritime exploration and discovery, the present and almost exclusive employment of which by mariners of all nations, as the chart for the ocean, has brought the name of Mercator down to this day in honored remembrance. Not to dwell upon the charts of Paolo Tosca- nelli in the fifteenth, and of Martin Behaim in the sixteenth century, so justly celebrated — the former as guiding Columbus on his great west- ward voyage, and the latter as blazing Magellan's perilous way toward the southern shore of South America, to circumnavigate the globe — we may well say, " Accurate maps are the basis of all inquiry conducted on scientific principles." The " International Weather-Map of Simulta- 298 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. neous Observations " is a generalization in itself, and offers the meteor- ologist every day a hird''s-eye view of the aerial world as it actually was at that fixed moment of physical time when all the observations embodied in it were made. Nothing can be simpler or more intelli- gible to even unscientific eyes than a chart which, by means of sugges- tive symbols, displays the different elements of the weather over a hemisphere, each in its own color. Just as Mercator's projection rep- resents the entire ocean to the mariner — as if there were no horizon or sphericity — and all objects in their true meridional bearings to each other, so the " International Weather-Chart " depicts the aerial ocean in its beautiful integrity and all its parts in their true jjhysical relations to each other, as certified by strictly simultaneous reports. Of course, the two charts are entirely independent and different ; but we refer to the invention of the old Flemish geographer merely to illustrate and enforce the immense value of every really synoptic chart as a weapon of research and as a medium of scientific discovery. The cartographic method, by which truly synoptic views of the atmosphere are obtained, is indeed the natural accompaniment and handmaid of the method of "simultaneous weather-reports," both of which are peculiar to the national weather-service inaugurated at Washington in 1870, and, through the adoption of General Myer's proposition at Vienna, in 1873, extended to the new international weather-sei*vice. Without " simultaneous " weather observations, it is obvious, no truly " synoptic " weather-chart is possible ; and, as has been said, the first " simultaneous " observations were those instituted by the United States in 1870. The unique and novel feature of the international weather-charts, and the feature which will most commend them to meteorologists, is that they furnish a faithful pictorial history of the atmosphere and its revolutions, enabling the inquirer to trace its currents and counter-currents, to witness the behavior of its cyclonic storms and other barometric waves as they traverse continents and de- ploy upon the ocean, and to form clarified conceptions of its massive yet orderly machinery. The well-known English journal of science, " Nature," " earnestly hopes that the navies and the mercantile vessels of all nations will soon join in carrying out this magnificent scheme of observations, originated by the Americans in 1873, and since then fur- ther developed and carried on by them with the highest ability and success." Its French namesake, " La Nature," said recently, when speaking of this service, " One ought not to be surprised to learn that the United States, encouraged by their first successes, are to attempt a new extension of a system of observations which has already, in so few years, produced considerable results." It would not be an easy task to predict the future results to be obtained by such a system of investi- gation ; but we may confidently conclude that no system of weather inquiry ever before undertaken promised a richer harvest of meteoro- logical lore than that which rigidly follows up its simtdtaueous obser- THE INTERNATIONAL WEATHER-SERVICE. 299 vations and amasses its corresponding charts. Every cooi^erator in the work, it should be added, is encouraged and stimulated by the fact that a daily copy of both the " International Bulletin " and " Chart " is furnished by the United States, without cost, to each observer, on land or at sea, of whatever nation, who, at the request or with the sanc- tion of the Chief Signal-Officer, cooperates in the enterprise. We come now to the question of the practical application and util- ity of the data and charts jDublished in connection with the interna- tional weather-service. And here the embarrassment arises from the multiplicity of matters, affecting almost every interest and industry of mankind, upon which this service will bear. There is not a profession, or trade, or handicraft in society which is not at every turn more or less influenced by the weather, and compelled to act upon some kind of weather-forecasts. No sooner had the Weather Bureau commenced its daily publication of "Probabilities " or "Indications," in 1870, than " whole troops of practical applications " of the data sprang into exist- ence. It will be so with the international bulletin and charts of simul- taneous meteorology. One of the first practical applications of the simultaneous obseiwa- tions over the northern hemisphere will be realized in the elucidation and correction of "^Ae laio of storms,'''' and of the rules for the extri- cation of ships from the storm-vortex. Great have been the intellect and learning employed in the settlement of this question, so important to commerce and navigation. The time-honored researches of Red- field, Reid, Espy, Piddington, Thom, and others of the past, supple- mented and harmonized in a measure by those of living laborers in the storm-field, have indeed established the existence of a " law of storms " upon an unassailable foundation. But they have not defined some of its cardinal conditions. The definition of stomis as " revolving gales," in which the winds blow in concentric circles around a calm center, has been rudely damaged by the facts every day brought to light. And the contrary theory, that the storm-winds blow in radial lines toward the vortex, has not fared much better. The intermediate hypothesis, that the winds blow in regular spirals around the center, while it apparently reconciles some of the otherwise conflicting facts, and has given a temjjorary quietus to the storai controversy, strictly speaking, is not less objectionable than either of the theories it affects to correct : for it apparently obliterates, or seemingly ignores, the two large and distinct classes of indisputable wind-phenomena upon which the rival deductions of Redfield and Espy were respectively based. Time has fully demonstrated the insufiiciency of both the " circular " and the " centripetal " theory to account satisfactorily for all the salient and phenomenal featui-es of a cyclone, but it has attested the immense value of them both as scientific approximations to the truth. But, it must also be said, the theory of " spiral " currents arranged symmetrically around the storm-center does not furnish a complete so- 300 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. lution of the problems raised by a study of cyclone observations. In the domain of practical " nautical meteorology," and in its applications to the handling of ships on the outer circles of revolving gales, it is especially yet to be sifted in the light of the most exact " simultaneous " observations. The international weather-charts, illustrating the exacter forms of marine storms, show us that they assume very eccentric shapes (see chart, p. 305), and consequently develop variant wind systems. On the liquid expanse of the stormy North Atlantic, crowded with the steamers and sailing-ships of all nations, there exists the finest field for this investigation to be found on the globe. When these vessels be- come " floating observatories," rendering up accounts of their daily simultaneous weather experience, it will be comparatively an easy matter to set for ever at rest the yet disputed questions of the phenom- ena of cyclones, and to formulate rules for manoeuvring ships so as to elude their crushing forces. MLiNCEtrvRiNG Ships on the Exterior of a Ctcloke. (The dotted lines Aa, Bb, Cc\ Pd, and Se show the pathss o{ escape from daii