%}nr smmAnAmmmirsaati ^^i^wmv^ it,M mmmmm *f ?&^^ M^ ^^ >^^m^' BstablisbeD bp E&warb %, l^oumans APPLETONS' POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ■ EDITED BY WILLIAM JAY YOUMANS VOL. LI MAY TO OCTOBER, 1897 NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1897 COPTBIOHT, 1897, Bt d. appleton and company. L I B R A R Y I 30 l^\ ^^^ /*C^/ 'XMO^ism'imwim'iiiimmmimim JAMES NASMYTH. APPLETONS' POPULAK SCIEI^ MONTHLY. ^ MAY, 1897. KOREAN INTERVIEWS. By EDWAEU S. MOKSE. DURING my residence in Japan I sought many interviews with Korean students, attaches of the Korean legation, and others, and in journalistic fashion asked them many questions concerning their country, people, habits, manners, customs, etc. At that time I found no Korean who understood English, but the younger men were studying Japanese, and so through them, by the aid of a Japanese interpreter, I managed to ask many ques- tions of the older men. Since my return a number of oppor- tunities have occurred — meeting Koreans who spoke English, and for several months I had a Korean as house companion. The information thus gained was not originally intended for publica- tion, but for comparison with similar material of a cognate but far more advanced people, the Japanese.* I may say here, though not as an excuse for any errors which may doubtless occur, that my questions could not have been more carefully asked, or the answers more promptly recorded, had I been on Korean soil. It is also proper to state that in every case the information was derived from Koreans of official position, and therefore the statements, so far as their own class is con- cerned, ought to be reliable. * It is an extraordinary fact that in the late war with China the Japanese, single-handed, overawed the Koreans, a hostile nation of at least eight million people, drove every Chi- nese soldier out of the country, and, had it not been for the interference of three powerful European nations, would have held the Regent's Sword, and would have supported the young Korean party in its patriotic efforts to regenerate that poor country. That the Koreans could not make the faintest stand against the Japanese, though aided by Chinese armies, leads one to wonder what manner of people are the Koreans, and this is my reason for publishing the following memoranda, disjointed and fragmentary as they are. TOL. LI. — 1 2 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Family Relations. — The relations between the father and son are very strict, as between the king and the subject. If the son enters the room where the father is sitting, he must meekly stand with hands together until invited by his father to be seated ; in sitting, he must lean forward in a humble attitude ; he can not rise again without permission. He sweeps his father's room, makes his bed, and rises early to perform these menial serv- ices ; he often gets up at midnight in solicitude for his parent's comfort. Filial love prompts these attentions, for fear the serv- ants may grumble and cora])lain and thus bring disquiet to the parent. In summer the son fans his father and attends minutely to every want ; this same attention and respect are shown to his father's friends. Seasonal changes of clothing are not made until the parent's consent is given. It is considered exceedingly im- proper to cough, sneeze, eructate, or spit before old men. Boy- hood continues until the fifteenth year, or until marriage ; up to this time the hair hangs behind in a long queue ; when manhood is assumed the hair is tied in a knot on top of the head. All the possessions of the children, as well as their earnings, belong to the father, and no matter how much the son may have the father can claim it all. If, however, the son lives in a separate house, he has the use of his earnings as well as his wife's dower ; but if the father has no money, he may sell his son's house over his head and take all. Old men will not allow their sons to drink intoxi- cating liquors. From all that I could learn, the son is in abject enslavement to his father. After the death of the father the property goes to the oldest son. Brothers are very devoted to one another, and aid in supporting the less fortunate among them. The daughters have a much easier time ; they do nothing but eat and dress ; they jest with their father and brothers, scold them, and act with great familiarity ; indeed, all my inquiries about their behavior brought out the fact that they act like spoiled children. Virtue is rarely lost among the more favored classes. Male and female servants do not sit down together or work in the same apartment. The wife is absolute mistress of the female servants. The apartments of the female servants are under a separate roof, and male servants never enter these apartments, though their duty is to clean the yard and garden belonging to the female servants. Servants are inherited by successors in the family ; they are bought and sold. Loyal servants work and support their masters when they become poor. Masters can and do free their servants. Education. — The higher classes employ private teachers. Children at the age of five or six begin the study of Chinese characters ; they are provided with books for composition. Five KOREAN INTERVIEWS. 3 rules of conduct are drilled into tliem ; these are : To obey the father, respect the elder brother, be loyal to the king, be respect- ful to the wife, and be true to friends. These rules are strictly Confucian. After these rules are firmly fixed in the minds of the pupils they are taught to compose letters ; next comes the study of history ; after these studies Confucius and the Chinese classics are taken up, and finally the art of poetical composition. These studies go on through life. A gentleman will study classics in winter, composition of poetry in spring, and in summer study those subjects which will fit him for official duties. The king appoints judges to examine candidates for office ; the number appointed may be three, seven, or twelve. The student for ex- amination is locked up in a room for three days without books. The subjects usually selected for examination are from ancient poetry and classics, as follows : 1. Long- word poetry of seven words. 2. Short- word poetry of six words. 3. Problems in clas- sics. 4. Clearing up doubts in classics. 5. Criticising famous men of olden times. 6. Considering what system of morality is best to correct or modify bad customs. 7. Suggesting what kind of military organization is best to defend and control the coun- try. In these various examinations it is claimed that poetry reveals one's nature, that problems in classics show one's knowl- edge, that clearing up doubts in classics demonstrate one's powers of decision, that criticising famous men indicates one's knowledge of persons, that judging of the best system of morality and decid- ing as to the best kind of military organization displays one's mental attributes.* In olden times Korea had public schools ; for centuries it has had none. Private schools are kept in private houses ; no special school building is known in the land. In many Confucian tem- ples free classes are supported by the priests, but only Confucian doctrines are taught. Buddhists have no schools, but have stated times of teaching and expounding. Position op Women. — The condition of women in Korea is unhappy and degraded to the last degree. Among the more favored classes the women are kept as prisoners within the house ; in rare instances they may visit relatives. This seclusion begins after a girl reaches the age of ten or twelve. Four or five hundred years ago they had greater freedom. The women often refer to these times, and the intelligent classes express sympathy and pity for their present unfortunate condition. The seclusion of the women from the men is so strict that it is customary in the cities * The swindling and thieving character of Korean officials, their torturing and murder- ing subjects without trial, and the degradation and helplessness of Korea to-day, stand in curious contrast to this ennobling list of studies and examinations, and indicate a depth of hollow pretense and hypocrisy which is simply appalling. 4 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, for the thatcher, before climbing to the roof, to shout in loud tones, " The thatcher is coming ! the thatcher is coming ! " so that the women in neighboring compounds may have a chance to run to cover. Women are confined to domestic labor. Among the lower classes the husband has a right to beat his wife. There is no law for women. If she commits a crime, such as a personal assault or theft, she is not punished, but her husband is. A woman can pass in front of the king's procession, and the king must wait. The women are considered greater than men in trivial things. Customs. — The chopstick is evidently not so commonly used in Korea as in Japan or China. A spoon is used for soup and all other forms of liquid food ; even rice is eaten with a spoon. Dry food, however, is eaten with the chopstick. Guests of high rank sit midway between the two ends of the table. If two guests are present, they sit side by side. When at table the Koreans remain silent and eat very slowly. In passing food both hands must be used in holding the dish, as in Japan. In summer the meals are usually at seven, one, and eight o'clock. Dinner is at midday, though there is very little difference in the character of the meals. Salxe is drunk at every meal. The relation between master and servant is supposed to be the same as that between father and child. The servants help the master through the yard to his house and up the steps, and this attention is given whether the master stands in need of assistance or not. At dinner a servant ties a big napkin about the master's neck. The Koreans have no music at weddings or funerals. (Con- trary to this information. Carles records loud chanting at funer- als.) On birthday festivities and times of feasting music is heard. They have battle songs and love songs. The Koreans never tattoo or wear earrings, though in the west- ern part of the peninsula prostitutes are sometimes seen with ear- rings. Women use paint for facial decoration. Men and women wear finger rings, but this custom is not very common with men. An extraordinary feature is seen in the dress of women of the lowest classes, in the fact that the breasts are fully exposed. An abbreviated jacket drops from the neck to the upper part of the breast, while the waist of the skirt portion comes up just under the breast. The exposure of this part of the body seems all the more singular when it is considered that Koreans never go bare- footed ; even coolies working in the city do not go barearmed or barelegged. Women rarely wear a comb in the hair. Men and women do up their own hair. Among the middle and higher classes it is considered improper to speak of money, and for this reason mathematics is not taught. KOREAN INTERVIEWS. 5 All openings in the house must be square. An arched door- way or window is not allowed except in the emperor's palace. There is a prohibitory law against decorating in any way the outside of a house, nor can the people build a house of over one story. Streets are named after trees, famous men, historical events which have happened on the ground, and attributes. Thus there is a Happy Street, Blessing Street, Virtuous Street, etc. For centuries the fishermen of Korea have been accustomed to pour oil on the water to make the sea calm. The Japanese also follow the same practice. Makriage. — Koreans never marry cousins or any one de- scended from the same ancestors, or even any one of the same name. One of the most famous of Korean kings, Seijong Dai- wang, four hundred years ago, said that intermarriages would cause the race to become extinct. It was this same king who in- vented movable type made of iron. Marriages are arranged by the parents. The bridegroom does not see the bride until the wedding. The groom goes to the bride's house and escorts her to his own house; after reaching the house they bow to one another standing. The bride then bows to the groom's father and mother and other relatives. She then offers wine and fruit to the groom's parents, and this represents a form of tribute. The relatives of both parties then have a great feast. When the groom goes to the bride's house he carries a paper from his father to the father of the bride, upon which is written, " I have a son, you have a daughter." He also carries with him two pieces of silk — one red, the other blue — each piece sufficient for a suit or dress. The red silk is wrapped in blue paper and tied with a red cord, while the blue silk is wrapped in a red paper and tied with a blue cord. The cords are tied in a peculiar knot called the " same-mind knot." Blue signifies the male principle, and red the female principle. This silk constitutes the wedding present, and is known as the " first cloth of ceremony silk," meaning the first present of her future husband. Dresses are afterward made of these pieces. When the wife dies the letter from her husband's father, above mentioned, is buried with her. The first son derives his name from both parents ; thus, if the father's name is Kum Pak and the mother's name is Chul Hei, then the boy's name will be Kum Hei. A boy may marry as young as fifteen years — that is, the ceremony may be performed then — but he does not live with his wife until he is eighteen. They may see each other, however. Adultery is punished by fining both parties. For rape the offender is heavily fined and exiled for three years. Prostitution is recognized by the Government. Adulterers are often forced to be cooks in prisons and otherwise severely treated. Concubines 6 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. are allowed by law, but the practice is considered bad, as it is liable to break up tbe family relations, and the finger of scorn is often pointed at the man. Rich men have concubines in secret. Widows of higher classes never marry, though four hundred years ago they had the privilege of marrying again. This prohi- bition does not extend to the lower classes. Divorces are not per- mitted, but separation takes place in case of adultery ; the man, however, can not marry again. Marriage with a slave girl is considered a great disgrace, and the friends of one who commits such an offense desert him. Children born of such a union, how- ever, are not regarded with reproach. Manners, Habits, etc. — The Chinese practice of medicine is in full force ; the lower classes rarely employ a doctor, but ask the advice of gypsies. The people believe that all sickness is caused by evil spirits. Blind people find employment as devil expellers. The liquors drunk are distilled and fermented from rice, cor- responding to the Japanese sochiu and sake. An impure wine is made from oats ; there is also a malt wine resembling ale. Liq- uors, cordials, or wines are made from' bamboo, honey, peach, and pear mixed with sake. A wine is made out of the new twigs of the pine ; there is also a wine called the hundred floiver luine. A Korean gentleman of high rank assured me that it was con- sidered impolite for children to say " Thank you " to their parents. Parents never thank their children, and at table the expression is not heard. The children eat at a separate table from their parents. It is considered impolite to smoke in the presence of another without asking permission and offering tobacco. As an illustration of the rigid lines of propriety, a young man in the family is chided if he undertakes to make any addition or improvement to the house ; he is told that such work is for the carpenter or cabinet-maker. He must attend to his books; he can not even invent or suggest any device. Five hundred years ago the Koreans had paper money ; this was very thick, and varied in size according to the denomination. Until within a hundred years they had gold and silver coins, len- ticular in shape, like the checkers used in the game of "go." The coinage was abandoned by the Government on account of the extensive counterfeiting. The nobles now use these coins as checkers for " go." The iron horseshoe was invented by a Korean general who fought against the Japanese invaders in 1596; before that time straw horseshoes were used, as in Japan. It is customary to build large bonfires near pine forests, to attract and destroy moths, thus preventing destruction of forests. KOREAN INTERVIEWS. j Religion and Morals. — The general Government supports Confucian temples. In one temple there are over two hundred Confucian philosophers. Every county has its temple, with twenty or thirty Confucians. The Government stands in fear of these men, for they vigorously protest if rulers err in any way, and more particularly if their allowance is abbreviated. Con- fucius forbade the study of curious things as disturbing to the mind, and this ridiculous idea has grown into a superstition, and thus a man is prevented from preserving any relic dug from the ground for fear of a ghost following it. Previous to the four- teenth century the country was strongly Buddhist; since that time Confucian doctrines have spread from China, and within four hundred years Buddhists have been expelled from all cities and towns, and their temples have been destroyed. The priests can not even live in the villages, but must live in the mountains away from the villages. A certain Buddhist monument, thirty feet in height, was so beautiful that even Korean bigotry would not destroy it; it was cut halfway down, and the upper half was placed on the ground near the monument's base. Pupils of Confucius are taught that if struck on one cheek they must turn the other, and if spat upon they must let it dry, for wiping it away would signify anger. Friendship is believed to be more faithful among Koreans, and the people are supposed to be more truthful than the Chinese or Japanese. Burial. — The body when buried must be clothed in a shroud made of native cloth ; this differs but slightly from the usual dress. A burial service is held, but no religious ceremony. Poor people hire a hearse, but a rich man will have a special one con- structed. If the deceased cared for any special objects, these are buried with him — books, for example. The grave is dug to the depth of six feet. This depth is fixed for all. Books are pub- lished describing the forms of burial. The expenses of a funeral, with the construction of a tomb, a new hearse, etc., are often very great. The body may be kept in the house from three days to three months. Confucian doctrines enjoin a mourning period of three years, during which time no work is done. The king mourns seven days. A prominent feature of the mourner is a hat of large size, which comes down to the shoulders, thus concealing the face. The mourning color is yellow ; it was formerly white. The clothing is always made of flax. No one ever accosts or interrupts a mourner on the street, and Jesuit priests often use the mourners' habiliments as a disguise. Operative. — Among the various trades and occupations are those coming under the definition of silver- and goldsmiths, iron and bronze workers, builders and architects, wrights of various kinds, masons, decorators, artificers, weavers, saddlers, butchers, 8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, curriers, salt makers, a few seal engravers, plowmen, cattle and swine drovers, special thatcliers and tilers, no barbers, but hair- dressers, dyers, tanners, carpenters and cabinetmakers, and these latter go by the name of large and small carpenters. Craftsmen are not allowed to sell raw material ; the lumber dealer, for exam- ple, would prevent a carpenter from selling even a board. There are also stone polishers, paper pasters, and tailors who make cloth- ing by quantity. As in this country, such clothing is not consid- ered as good as custom-made clothing. Women make their own clothing. Boys are not commonly employed, but are sometimes seen on the streets as peddlers. In Japan, on the contrary, boys are everywhere employed, and in all occupations, thus adding to the industrial strength of the nation. Men make shoes, though this is considered a mean occupation. Sandals are made by monks. As with us, there is a localization of industries and trades. A system of apprenticeship exists. In the first year's service the apprentice is fed, in the second year he receives half pay, and in the third year full wages are paid him ; in the fourth year, if skillful, he becomes a partner in the work, or goes off by himself, the master helping him. The Government builds long markets in which are shops for special merchandise, such as silk, cotton, shoes, paper, etc. These are hired by merchants on perpetual lease, and the merchant who thus rents a shop receives all the trade in his specialty. Thus every one dealing in cotton must come to the cotton shop. A shop thirty or forty feet long will sell for five thousand dollars. Traders are accustomed to borrow capital from the nobles, upon which they pay interest. There are a great many guilds, which are called Brotherhoods in Trading. Partnerships are common. In the guilds, if one meets with a loss or failure all the others help make up the loss ; in partnerships this is not so. Public work is done by the co-operation of villages. In S^oul public work is done by the general Government, the city, how- ever, collecting taxes for the work. If the people volunteer to do the work, no taxes are imposed. If the municipality does the work, then continuous taxes are collected ; if the Government does it, the city is taxed for it. In the country, five days' work on public improvements is considered an equivalent for the tax. In farm work no distinction is recognized between the sexes. Female domestics are employed in spinning, weaving, sewing, and universally in cooking ; women even of high rank may cook with propriety ; indeed, such service is considered quite legitimate for women of all ranks. Men never become cooks. In certain dis- tricts women make hats and straw mats. In the western part of the country silk is made, in the northern part linen, while in the southern part cotton is made. This kind of work is all done by women. 'A KOREAN INTERVIEWS. g Regulative. — Co-operations are not hereditary, excepting those connected with the soil, such as mining, brick, tile and pottery kilns, etc. Farm labor is done by freemen and serfs. Serfs are called tributary slaves. The Government pays for its labor. During the times of great depression the Government orders certain work to be done as a relief to the people. Three kinds of public work are done — namely, by the Government, by the city, and by the people. For example, the people living near a river embankment may plant trees upon it (usually the willow, pine, or elm). Serfs in government employ work eight hours a day. In the Department of the Interior, and other departments, the king appoints a secretary or head officer, who in turn employs the subordinates. As an illustration of the shameful waste of time, it is customary for a force of employees to work by install- ments : thus, if thirty serfs are employed, ten of these work for three days only, then another lot of ten continues the work for three days, and finally the third set of ten takes up the work for the same time ; thus, each set of ten have a week's vacation fol- lowing three days' work. What wonder that the people are among the poorest on earth ! There are two kinds of serfs, a higher and a lower kind. The higher serfs take their vacation in precisely the same way. The chiefs of departments have under their control not only various clerks, but also serfs who accom- pany the chiefs to their houses, and the chiefs may employ them on their own private work. There are no lawyers. Judges there are, and these are appointed by the king. The commercial ways are very low. In some respects the methods are like those of nomadic tribes. Peddlers are called burden merchants, and travel through the country ; if they have means they will buy their food ; if not, they beg. They have no house or home, but with their families are traveling all the time. These people have very severe laws among themselves. Adultery is punished with death. When this crime is detected a letter is circulated among them. Hundreds assemble, and each one strikes the adulteress with a stick or club. They are very kind and polite among themselves. In many respects they resemble our gypsies, but are true Koreans, and are considered the lowest class. There are the other kinds of merchants who have no shops, but assemble in small towns on every fifth day to buy and sell. This is derived from an old Chinese custom. The higher classes of merchants have shops. Pawnbrokers abound, and auctions are common. Festivals. — The last day of the old year and the first week of the new year are given up to festivities. The fifteenth day of the first month is called the New Moon holiday. A particular kind of food is made at this time, consisting of dates, chestnuts, honey. lo POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and cake rice (a peculiar kind of rice) boiled together. This food 18 called medicine food, and is supposed to be prophylactic and also to strengthen the brain. In the country, torches are lighted to welcome the moon, and people assemble in great numbers to catch the first glimpse of the moon, as it insures happiness. This day is also observed as All- Fools' Day. A favorite trick is to attach a flower secretly to some one's clothing. In the second month, usually on the sixteenth, Butterfly holi- day occurs. The third day of the third month is observed as the Flower holiday. On this day young men make cake of flowers mixed with wheat and rice, and this is fried ; they also cook fish, and other articles of food. The eighth day of the fourth month is called by the Buddhists the Washing-day of Buddha. Households have a lantern for each person, and these are supplied with oil lamps instead of candles, as candles are made of ox fat or honeycomb, and Buddha forbids the killing of animals. Oil for lamps is always a vegetable oil. The lower classes attend church on this day and sacrifice to Bud- dha. A cake is made of black beans, and this was formerly deco- rated with flowers ; now this is rarely done, though artificial flowers are sometimes used for this purpose. At this time forms of animals are made of meal or lime and sold to the children. The fifth day of the fifth month is called Swinging Day, and is derived from China. Swings are suspended from trees and frames, and everybody indulges in the sport. Boys put on their new clothes at this time. The root of the flag is cut with a slop- ing edge which is colored red, and this is worn in the hair to ward off calamities. (The Japanese have a holiday at this time, but have no idea of its derivation.) The sixteenth day of the sixth month is observed as Hair- washing Day. Everybody observes the day except the laborer. At this time wheat cake and macaroni are eaten. The seventh day of the seventh month is observed as a general holiday, and cake and macaroni are eaten. The holiday is based on the following story: Two stars in heaven were married; one was the daughter of God. Before marriage she was very indus- trious, but after marriage she became negligent and idle, and God, becoming angry, banished her to the eastern part of the Milky Way, while the male star was sent to the western part of the Heavenly River, as the Japanese call it. The woman had to weave, and the man had to attend cows. The female star is called the Weaver, while the male star is called the Patroller. They are allowed to meet once a year on this day. If it rains during the evening of that day it is interpreted as being caused by the tears of separation. The fifteenth day of the eighth month is the Harvest holiday. KOREAN INTERVIEWS. ii It forms a great festival for the farmers, and is mucli like a New- England Thanksgiving Day. Gentlemen go to the country to see the festival, have food and wine, and generally get hilarious. The ninth day of the ninth month is observed because the maple trees turn red and yellow flowers are in bloom. Poetry is written about the day and its beauties. The tenth day of the tenth month is observed by every one making cake in the evening. Each one makes a number of cakes and presents them to all his friends. Friendship is supposed to be bound and strengthened by these gifts. Gentlemen engage in this pastime, and it is also a great day for the farmers. On the eleventh month, at the winter solstice, a drink is made of red beans, and on this day sacrifice to ancestors is made. On the twelfth day of the twelfth month people go hunting. Young men also call on the old men, who offer food and give good advice, and will say, " One year older, one year more." On this day the young man can sit down in the old man's presence and will listen respectfully to his advice. Besides these stated festival days parties are often given, and if ten are invited, for example, provision must be made for three hundred, as each invited guest is accompanied by many servants, high and low. A large table is provided for each guest, and this is heaped with food and fruit, of which little is eaten, as most of it is given to the low servants, special tables being provided for the high servants. An ordinary party of this kind may often cost a thousand dollars. A certain kind of picnic is called a " one-dish party.'' This is for men only, and each man brings to such a picnic a dish of some one kind of food sufficient in quantity for all. Games. — The Koreans have dice, and cards of two kinds, with which several games are played, one being a gambling game, which is forbidden by law. They have chess, and " go," a pecul- iar game with four sticks, and also many puzzles. Children play ball by patting and bouncing it on the ground, have whipping tops, and fly kites. A portion of the kite string has broken glass stuck to it, and by this device they are enabled to cut the strings of other kites. (In Japan a device holding a sharp cutting edge is employed for the same purpose.) Children also play jackstones, using seven balls and having many ways of picking them up ; these ways have their special names, such as " Hatch the chicken," " Laying eggs," " Making the kitchen," " Sawing wood," " Win- nowing wheat," " Collecting eggs," " Striking ground," " Wear- ing the hat," etc. " Pease porridge hot " and " Cat's cradle " are also common ; this last is called " Thread dipping." Superstitions. — It is believed that if a cat approaches a dead person the body will stand upright. In such a case it must be 12 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. knocked down with a broom from the left. In Japan a similar superstition prevails. In eating rice (which is always eaten with a spoon), if the first spoonful is accidentally spilled it is a sign of bad luck. My informant's father often did this, and purposely challenged other superstitions as well, to show his contempt for them. In parties meeting together it is desirable to have an odd number, as in two, four, six, etc., there is an end, while in three, five, seven, and the like, there is no end ; hence thirteen at the table is considered a lucky number. If a bride, in coming to her husband's house, stops on the threshold, it is a sign of bad luck. A horseshoe fastened over the door is to invite good luck. Bad dreams are, as with us, neutralized by saying that dreams go by contraries. If the hat is blown off by the wind it is a sign that something will be lost. In occux)ying a new house it is customary to have a woman, either the wife or a servant, enter first, carrying a bunch of matches ; this insures prosperity, as a flame burning up. To avert infectious diseases, it is believed that a paper ob- tained from a priest and fastened over the door will be effective. A fierce face carved out of wood and placed over the door will drive away diseases which are supposed to be brought by the devil; also the burning of strong incense will have the same effect. Nothing can be removed from the house structure with- out vigorous protest from the womenfolks. (The women in Korea, as elsewhere, are the conservers of superstition. Old women, even in the higher classes, are superstitious, though there are some exceptions.) If the removed portion is to be replaced by other structures, then no objection is made, but to take any- thing away from the house structure without substituting some- thing else is considered a bad omen. If a coal gathers on the lamp wick, it is a sign that one is to receive money, or some lucky windfall ; so fixed is this superstition that many will not remove the coal. In Japan also this is considered a good omen. If the ear itches, it is a sign that some one is talking about you. If the chin itches, it is a sign that candy or cake will come as a gift. If one dreams of a Buddhist priest, it is a sign of being poisoned. A certain bird singing in a tree near the house presages the coming of a guest. If an owl hoots near the house, it is a sign that the master will soon die. If a fragment of tea floats vertically in the cup, it is a sign that a guest will come. If a candle is lighted in the middle of supper, it is a sign that the boys will get fierce wives. If money is found, it is considered a sign of bad luck, as it is gained without labor; an unexpected calamity will occur unless the money is spent before entering the house. If one acci- dentally places his spoon on the table upside down, it is a bad sign. If one's boot is upside down, it is considered bad ; one will remain in the house if this happens rather than risk the consequences, KOREAN INTERVIEWS. 13 whicli are, that he will lose something or be insulted. If both boots are wrong side up, it means nothing. When lying down to sleep it is considered best to have the head directed toward the south. The head pointing toward the north is considered very bad. If the head is directed toward the south, it indicates longevity ; to the east, happiness ; to the west, success ; to the north, short life. If one eats during lunar or solar eclipses sickness will follow. In Japan it is considered proper to remain indoors during eclipses. In Korea drums are vigorously beaten, to drive away the assailant of the sun or moon. This is a Chinese idea. An eclipse is observed by its reflection in a vessel of water. In Japan the same thing is done, because it is consid- ered impolite to look directly at the eclipse. Shooting stars are supposed to be the excreta of stars. Farmers have an idea that the moon is trying to catch the sun, and if the moon ever over- takes the sun they will both fall to the earth, pressing the sur- face below the water, and thus the world will come to an end. A country philosopher told one of my informants that the sun was many hundred times larger than the earth, that the moon was three times larger than the earth, and that all the stars were much larger than the earth. Lightning is supposed to be the result of God looking angry, while thunder is supposed to be God scolding. It is considered rude to lie down when God is scolding. The lower classes believe that if insanity occurs three or four times in a year it is an indication of the devil's work. Gypsies are called in to drive the devil away by incantation. Intelligent doctors look upon insanity as the result of physical disease — namely, that the fire of the heart burns in excess. They also believe that some hearts are chilled, and that other hearts are empty. Cases of in- sanity are not common, and cases of idiocy had never been seen by my informant, though he had heard of instances. It is be- lieved that when a certain river becomes filled with sand Korea will become powerful, and so it is a custom with many people in passing this river to throw in sand. The true-lover's knot is the same as ours. A ring around the moon is a sign that it will rain ; the larger the ring the sooner the rain will come. The accidental breaking of a mirror is a sign that death will occur in the family. After the birth of a child persons can not enter the house for three days, nor can animals be killed for three days. If a man's eyes have more white than black he will become foolish. Tapering or pointed fingers are looked upon as indicat- ing dexterity. A long arm is considered an indication of wisdom, and its owner will occupy a high official position. In Japan the same peculiarity indicates a thief, which may be regarded as only another name for a Korean official. A large eye is a sign of short life. Physiognomists interpret many features of the face ; thus a 14 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. curved line extending from the lobe of the nose on each side is a sign of starvation. Palmists also exist in Korea ; thus the line of life in the left hand indicates long life, as it does in our palmistry ; the same line in the right hand, however, indicates position. A line corre- sponding to our line of heart in the left hand indicates riches, while the same line in the right hand indicates power. The num- ber of wrinkles at the base of the little finger, on the outside in the left hand indicates the number of brothers one will have, while in the right hand it indicates the number of sons to be expected. Other lines occur in the palm of the hand between the line of life and the line of heart, and these often have a fanciful resemblance to some Chinese character. A combination of these lines resembling the character for water is considered most pro- pitious, because water is unlimited, and man can not do without it. Here the Korean chiromancer is far ahead of his Occidental brother in idiocy, for he can make out many ideograms in the fortuitous wrinkles in the center of the palm. A familiarity with the language would undoubtedly reveal many peculiarities of expression; thus, for "Excuse me," they say " Do not blame me." " Naked truth " is called " Blood truth." Where we say " Neither hay nor grass," the Korean says " Neither calf nor colt." A house fly is called parri which means slan- derer; the connection is obscure till it is explained that a fly leaves a light spot on a dark surface and a dark spot on a light surface. Among the sayings is " Rare as a white-headed crow " ; in Japan it is a " horse's horn " ; with us it is " hen's teeth." A mean man is one who gets his smoke by asking for a light from another man's pipe. In Japan the same expression occurs ; also in Japan a mean man is one who finds his clogs in the dark by rapping his friend's head ; the light emitted from such a blow is supposed to illuminate the vicinity. Our expression " The devil is always near when you are talking about him " is rendered in. Korean " Even the tiger comes " ; in Japan it is said " his shadow appears." A stupid fellow in Korea is called a " pumpkin face " ; in Japan, a " pumpkin fellow" ; with us he is a " pumpkin head." Miscellaneous. — Twins at a birth are not uncommon, but triplets are very rare. When the latter event occurs the Govern- ment makes a present of money to the amount of fifty dollars to the parents, besides furnis'iing rice for two months. A Korean gentleman told me that when he first saw the Jap- anese he regarded them as savages, but was much struck with the convenience of their dress. Another informed me that his father sent him into the country to learn farming, at the same time instructing the farmer who was to have the care of him to pro- vide only the ordinary food of the farmhouse. The young man's KOREAN INTERVIEWS. 15 mother, however, used to send him secretly nice food and deli- cacies. Among ignorant people the impression of the hand is signed as an autograph to legal documents, but never to marriage docu- ments. Human statues are not made at the present time, but in olden times figures of large size were sculptured in wood and stone. Reddish hair and beard and blue eyes are not unknown ; my informant had seen a number of such cases. The classes of the people in Korea rank much as they do in Japan ; they are in the following order : 1. Nobles. 2. A class like the Japanese samurai, which is inherited. 3. Soldiers. In Japan the teachers would come third, but they have no rank in Korea. 4. Farmers. 5. Merchants. 6. Coolies. 7. Butchers, ped- dlers, and gypsies. Suicide is uncommon. When it occurs it is among the coun- try people. Forms of suicide are usually hanging, the taking of poison, inhaling fumes of charcoal, and cutting the throat ; the most usual form is that of hanging. My informant had never heard of more than four or five instances of suicide. Infanticide is not known. People in the western part of Korea often kill each other in fights. A curious story was told me by a Korean, who vouched for its truth. Two men, strangers to each other, were stopping at a hotel ; one of them went away forgetting to pay his bill ; the other paid his bill, and, on leaving, the landlord demanded pay for the one who had defaulted, supposing him to be his friend. This he refused to do, and a dispute over the mat- ter led to a fight, in which the landlord was accidentally killed. The man who had forgotten to pay heard of the row and murder, and hastened back and inquired of the other why he killed the landlord. Explanations followed, and the forgetful man, in re- morse at having been the cause of such a tragedy, killed himself ; whereupon the survivor, in horror at having caused the death of two, immediately committed suicide. A brutal sport is not uncommon wherein men engage in stone- throwing, and a number are often killed outright. It is consid- ered a great feat if one can catch a stone and return it. They also fight with sticks and clubs. Boys imitate the men in these kinds of fights. The Koreans regard their country as possessing eight remark- able objects : 1. An artificial pond thirty miles in length. 2. A mountain known as Kumgansan, having twelve thousand peaks of white stone. This may be the mountain known as Pak-tu, or White Head, which is likened to a piece of porcelain with a scal- loped rim. The flora is said to be white, and the mammals white- haired. (If true, a case of protective coloration.) 3. A hole in i6 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the mountain from whicli the wind constantly blows. 4. A build- ing in the southern part of Korea which has one room having the dimensions of one thousand squares ; one square has the dimension of seven feet each way ; the floor equals an acre in extent. 5. A beach composed of water-worn stones assuming the shapes of wild beasts, cattle, mountains, and other forms. (Ob- jects of this kind are often seen mounted on little teakwood stands in Japan and China.) 6. A river called by a Korean name which means " against sand " — in other words, it is believed that the water flows in one direction while the sand runs in an oppo- site direction. 7. A flute one thousand years old, and only one man has been known who could play on it. 8. A stone Buddha. An examination of Korean objects of manufacture, as exhib- ited in the United States National Museum, and in the Museum of the Peabody Academy of Science in Salem, will convince one of the degraded condition of the people. The rude musical in- struments, rude pottery, rough work generally, and the almost complete absence of all industrial art handwork, testify to the alarming decay of the nation. Flanked as Korea is by China on the one hand and Japan on the other, with their advanced indus- tries and skillful art handwork, and possessing, as Korea does, the records of a great past, the degradation and decay that have come upon the nation must have come about through their own fault. Repeated demands for an explanation of these conditions only brought out the answer that a noble could ruthlessly claim from the artisan any work he might do, and this without recom- pense. As a result, all ambition is crushed, and the workman dares not attract the attention of these official sharks by fabricat- ing anything of special excellence. From hand to mouth they live ; the masses are in abject poverty, and the only comforts they appear to command are heat and tobacco. The corruption of the official class makes Tammany officials seem like white- robed angels. Conclusion. — If my various questions have been correctly answered, one may glance at the preceding statements and realize in how many ways the habits and customs of the people prevent work, discourage industry, and in a surprising number of in- stances encourage the survival of the unfittest. The appalling waste of time, the degrading habits of life, and the avarice and oppression of the official class illustrate in a forcible manner the result of unnatural selection. When one learns, for example, that custom, following Confucian doctrines, commands an industrious brother to waste his energies in supporting a number of idle, dis- solute brothers, thus permitting them to survive to transmit their lazy and vagabond tendencies, one can easily understand the present degradation of the people. THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 17 Despite these lamentable conditions, there is a leaven in the nation which may work for regeneration if the accursed and ster- ilizing effects of Chinese influence and dominion can be rooted out of the land. I have met Koreans of the highest character, noble, unselfish, possessing every lovable trait and animated by the highest patriotism, and these men may yet be heard from in the councils of the nation. ♦»» THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. A SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY. (Lowell Institute Lectures, 1896.) By WILLIAM Z. EIPLEY, Ph. D., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF SOCIOLOGY, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TF.CHNOLOGY ; LECTURER IN ANTIIROPO-GEOGRAPHY AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. IV.— STATURE. THE average stature of man, considered by racial groups or social classes, appears to lie between the limits of four feet four inches and five feet ten inches, giving, that is to say, a range of about one foot and a half. The physical elasticity of the spe- cies is not, however, as considerable as this makes it appear. The great majority of the human race is found restricted within much narrower limits. As a matter of fact, there are only three or four groups of really dwarfed men, less than five feet tall. Our map of the world shows a considerable area inhabited by the diminu- tive Bushmen in South Africa, and another large body of dwarfs occurs in New Guinea. The line of demarcation in the first case between the yellowish African Bushmen and the true negroes is very sharp ; but in the East Indies the very tall and light Poly- nesians shade off almost imperceptibly in stature through Mela- nesia into the stunted Papuans. Other scattering representatives of true dwarf races occur sporadically throughout the Congo region and in Malaysia, but their total number is very small. On the whole, considerably more than ninety- nine per cent of the human species is above the average height of five feet and one inch ; so that we may still further narrow our range of variation between that limit and five feet ten inches. We thereby reduce oiir racial differences of stature to about nine inches between extremes. These variations in size, it will be observed, are less than those which occur among the lower animals within the same species. Compare, for example, the dachshund, the St. Bernard, the Italian greyhound, and the smallest lapdog, and remember that they are all ascribed to the same species ; or that the Shet- TOL. LI — 2 THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 19 land pony and the Percheron horse are likewise classified together. These abnormities are, to be sure, partly the result of artificial selection by man ; but the same variation holds to a considerable extent among the wild animals. The bodily height of a group of men is the resultant of a num- ber of factors, many of which are as purely artificial as those con- cerned in the domestication of animals. These causes are quite as truly social or economic as they are physical or physiological. Among them we may count environment, natural or artificial selection, and habits of life. Beneath all of these, more funda- mental than any, lies the influence of race which concerns us ultimately. This is overlaid and partially obscured by a fourth peculiarity manifested as a result of the sportiveness of Nature, whereby a large number of variations are due to chance, seem- ingly not caused by any distinct influences whatever. By scien- tific analysis we may eliminate this last factor, namely, chance variation. The first four causes besides race are more important and deserve consideration by themselves. Among savages it is easy to localize the influence of environ- ment, as it acts directly through limitation of the food supply. In general, the extreme statures of the human species are found either in regions where a naturally short race, like the Bushmen of South Africa, are confined within a district of great infertility like the Kalahari Desert ; or, on the other hand, where a natu- rally tall race, like the Polynesians in the Pacific Ocean, enjoys all the material bounties which Nature has to bestow. It is prob- able that the prevalent shortness of the Eskimo and other inhab- itants of the arctic regions is largely due to this factor. It is also likely that the miserable people of Terra del Fuego are much shorter than the Patagonians for the same reason. Scarcity or uncertainty of food limits growth. Wherever the life conditions in this respect become changed, in that place the influence of environment soon makes itself felt in the average stature of the inhabitants. Thus the Hottentots, physically of the same race as the Bushmen, but inhabiting a more fertile region, and, more- over, possessed of a regular food supply in their flocks and hefds, are appreciably taller from these causes alone. All the aborigines of America seem to be subject to this same influence of the fertility of their environment. In the Mississippi Valley, for example, they are much taller than in the desert lands of Arizona and New Mexico. In the mountains on either side of the Mississippi basin, they are as a rule distinctly shorter, al- though living the same life and belonging to the same race. The Creeks and the Iroquois exceed the Pueblos by several inches, probably because of the material bounty of their environment ; and where we find a single tribe, such as the Cherokees, inhabit- 20 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ing both the mountains and the plains, we find a deficiency of stature in the mountains quite marked by comparison.* Among civilized peoples this direct influence of environment acts likewise through the food supply to affect the stature of any given group of men. Thus, in Europe as a rule, it may be said that, as among the aborigines of America, the populations of mountainous districts are shorter than those which enjoy the fer- tility of the plains and the river basins, f Wherever the geology of a district has produced a soil which yields with difficulty to STATURE After Colli gnon cultivation, or where the climate is unfavorable to prosperity, the influence is reflected in the physical stature of the population. All over Europe we may locate such "misery spots," one of which will, however, serve as an example. It is depicted in the accompanying map. This spot is likewise indicated in the south central part of France upon our general map for Europe, on page 30, by a small black- dotted area. This means a general average stature of five feet and two to three inches — a low level not elsewhere touched * Dr. Boas, in Veihandlungen der Berliner anthropologischen Gesellschaft, Sitzung von Mai 18, 1895, gives fine details on the American aborigines. f Ranke, in bis Beitriige ziir pbrsiscben Anthropologic der Bayern, finds the mountaineers taller in bis country ; but Dr. T,ivi proves the opposite for Italy. Vide also Der Meuscb, ii, p. 126. THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 21 in France save in a little spot to the southwest of this, where similar conditions prevail. Here in Limousin there is a barren range of low hills which lies along the dividing line between the departments of Dordogne, Correze and Haute-Vienne, about half- way between Pdrigueux and Limoges. The water courses on our map show the location of these uplands. They extend over an area about seventy-five miles long and half as wide, wherein average human misery is most profound. Dense ignorance pre- vails. There is more illiteracy than in any other part of France. The contrast in stature, even with the low average of all the surrounding region, is clearly marked by the dark tint. There are sporadic bits of equal diminutiveness elsewhere to the south and west, but none are so extended or so extreme. Two thirds of the men are below five feet three inches in height in some of the communes, and the women are three or more inches shorter even than this. One man in ten is below four feet eleven inches in stature. This is not due to race, for several racial types are equally stunted in this way within the same area. It is primarily due to generations of subjection to a harsh climate, to a soil which is worthless for agriculture, to a steady diet of boiled chestnuts and stagnant water, and to unsanitary dwellings in the deep, narrow, and damp valleys. Still further proof may be found to sho'sv that these people are not stunted by any heredi- tary influence, for it has been shown that children born here, but who migrate and grow up elsewhere, are normal in height ; while those born elsewhere, but who are subject to this environment during the growing period of youth, are proportionately dwarfed.* We have referred in the preceding paragraph to another similar "misery spot" to the southwest of the Limousin hills. It is dotted black upon the map of Europe. The cause is here the same. The department of Landes derives its name from the great expanse of flat country, barely above the sea level, which stretches away south of Bordeaux. There is no natural drainage slope. The subsoil is an impervious clay. In the rainy season, water accumulates and forms stagnant marshes, covered with rank vegetation. At other times the water dries away, and the vegetation dies and rots. Malaria was long the curse of the land. Government works are to-day reclaiming much of it for culti- vation and health, but it will be generations before the people recover from the physical degeneration of the past. Influences akin to these have undoubtedly been of great effect in many other parts of Europe, especially in. the south of Italy, in Sardinia and Spain, where the largest area of short statures in Europe prevails to-day. * CoUignon in Memoires de la Societe d'Anthropologie, series iii, vol. i, fasc. 3, pp. '61 seq. 22 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Environment thus acts directly upon stature througli the food supply and economic prosperity. The second modifying influence lies in so-called artificial selection — a cause which is peculiarly potent in modern social life. The eflSciency of this force depends upon the intimate relation which exists between bodily height and physical vigor. Other things being equal, a goodly stature in a youth implies a surplus of energy over and above the amount requisite merely to sustain life.* Hence it follows that, more often than otherwise, a tall population implies a relatively healthy one. Our double map, covering the westernmost promontory of French Brittany, shows this most clearly. In the interior can- tons, shorter on the average by an inch than in towns along the seacoast, there is a corresponding increase of defective or degen- STATVRE AN,. HE/\LTH ^^ FIN15TERRE AFTER CHASSAGNE 0-29 8-69 erate constitutional types. The parallelism between the two maps is broken in but three or four instances. The map, in fact, illus- trates the truth of our assertion far better than words can ex- press it. This relation between stature and health is brought to con- crete expression in the armies of Europe through a rejection of all recruits for service who fall below a certain minimum stand- ard of height, generally about five feet. The result of this is to preclude the possibility of marriage for all the fully developed men, during their three years in barracks ; while the undersized individuals, exempted from service on this account, are left free to propagate the species meanwhile. Is it not apparent that the effect of this artificial selection is to put a distinct premium upon inferiority of stature,- in so far as future generations are con- cerned ? This enforced postponement of marriage for the normal man, not required of the degenerate, is even more important than at first sight appears. It implies not merely that the children of * The two maps by Chassagne on Brittany are given in Revue d'Anthropologie, series ii, vol. iv, p. 440. THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 23 normal families are born later in life — that would not be of great moment in itself — it means far more than this. The majority of children are more often born in the earlier half of married life, before the age of thirty-five. Hence a postponement of matri- mony means not only later children but fewer children. Herein lies the great significance of the phenomenon for us. Standing armies tend in this respect to overload succeeding generations with inferior types of men. This selection is, in operation, akin ' to the influence which Galton has invoked as a partial explana- tion for the mental darkness of the middle ages. This he ascribes to the beliefs and customs by which all the finer minds and spirits were withdrawn from the field of matrimony by the Church, leaving the entire future population to the loins of the physically robust and adventurous portion of the community. Mind spent itself in a single generation of search for knowledge ; physique, bereft of intellect, was left to its own devices among the common people. The intensity of this military selection, potent enough in time of peace, is of course highly augmented during the prosecution of a war. At such periods the normal men are not only isolated for an indefinite period ; their ranks are permanently decimated by the mortality at the front. The selective influence is doubly operative. Fortunately, we possess data which appear to afford illustration of its effects. Detailed investigation in various parts of France is bringing to light certain curious after-effects of the late Franco- Prussian War. We do not always fully realize what such an event means for a nation, quite irrespective of the actual mortality, and of the direct economic expenditure. Every family in the land is affected by it ; and the future bears its full share with the contemporaneous population. In France, for example, during the year of the war, there were seventy-five thousand fewer marriages than usual. In 1871, upon its conclusion, an unprece- dented epidemic of them broke out, not equaled in absolute numbers since the veterans returned from the front in 1813, on the cessation of hostilities at that time. Two tendencies have been noted, from the comparison of the generations of offspring severally conceived before, during, and after the war. This appeared in the conscripts who came before the recruiting commissions in 1890-'92, at which time the chil- dren conceived in war times became, at the age of twenty, liable for service. In the population during the progress of the war the flower of French manhood, then in the field, was without pro- portionate representation. There must have been an undue pre- ponderance, not only of stunted men, rejected from the army for deficiency of stature alone, but of those otherwise physically un- fitted for service. Hence, the population born of this time ought. 24 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. if heredity means anything, to retain some traces of its relatively degenerate derivation. This is indeed the case. In Dordogne this contingent included nearly seven per cent more deficient statures than the normal average. Quite independently, in the distant department of Herault, Lapouge discovered the same thing. He found in some cantons a decrease of nearly an inch in the average stature of this unfortunate generation, while exemptions for de- ficiency of stature suddenly rose from six to sixteen per cent.* This selection is not, however, entirely maleficent. A fortunate compensation is ajfforded in another direction. For the gener- ation conceived of the men returned to their families at the close of the war has shown a distinctly upward tendency almost as well marked. Those who survived the perils and privations of serv- ice were presumably in many cases the most active and rugged ; the weaker portion having succumbed in the meanwhile, either to wounds or sickness. The result was that the generation con- ceived directly after the war was as much above the average, especially evinced in general physique perhaps more than in stature, as their predecessors, born of war times, were below the normal. Another illustration of the operation of artificial selection in determining the stature of any given group of men appears in the physique of immigrants to the United States. In the good old days when people emigrated from Europe because they had seri- ously cast up an account and discovered that they could better their condition in life by coming to America — that is, before the days when they came because they were overpersuaded by steam- ship agents, eager for the commissions on the sale of tickets, or because of the desire of their home governments to be rid of them — in those days investigation revealed that on the average the immigrants were physically taller than the people from whom they sprang. This difference, in some instances, amounted to upward of an inch upon the average. Among the Scotch, a difference of nearly two inches was shown to exist by the meas- urements taken during our civil war. These immigrants were a picked lot of men — picked, because it required all the courage which physical vigor could give to pull up stakes and start life anew. This law that natural emigrants, if I may use the term, are taller than the stay-at-home average was again exemplified during the civil war in another way. It was found that recruits hailing from States other than those in which they were born were generally taller than those who had always remained in the * For further details, vide the excellent analysis by Dr. CoUignon, in M6moire8 de la Societe d'Anthropologie, Paris, series iii, vol. i, p. 36 seq., and Dr. Lapouge, in Les Selec- tions Sociales, pp. 208 and 234 scq. A most noteworthy treatise in many ways. Vide also Bulletin de la Societe Languedocienne de Geograpliie, xvii, p. 3c5 scq. THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 25 places of their birth — that is to say, here again physical vigor and the adventurous migratory spirit seemed to stand in close relation to one another.* In times of peace, perhaps the most potent influence of this form of artificial selection bears upon the differences in stature which obtain between different occupations or professions. The physically well developed men seek certain trades or occupations in which their vigor and strength may stand them in good stead : on the other hand, those who are by nature weakly, and coinci- dently often deficient in stature, are compelled to make shift with some pursuit for which they are fitted. Thus, workers in iron, porters, firemen, policemen are taller, as a class, than the average, because they are of necessity recruited from the more robust por- tion of the population. In marked contrast to them tailors, shoemakers, and weavers, in an occupation which entails slight demands upon the physical powers, and which is open to all, how- ever weakly they may be, are appreciably shorter than the aver- age. Moreover, certain diseases fall upon this second class in a way which tends still further to lower the average stature among them. Thus, consumption is uncommonly prevalent in these par- ticularly sedentary industrial classes, and it is also more common among tall youths. It seems, therefore, that this disease weeds out, as if by choice, those who within this relatively stunted class rise above its average. As an extreme example of this selective influence exercised in the choice of an occupation we may in- stance grooms, who as a class are over an inch shorter than the British population as a whole. This is probably because men who are light in build and short in stature find here an opening which is suited to their physique. Their weight may neverthe- less be often greater than the stature implies, because of an in- crease which has taken place late in life. The final effects of this influence of artificial selection are highly intensified by reason of the fact that, as soon as the choice of occupation is once made, other forces come into play which differentiate still further the stature of the several classes. This is the last of our modifying influences upon racial stature, name- ly, the effect of habits of life or of the nature of the employment. Thus, the weakly youth who enters a sedentary occupation imme- diately becomes subjected to unfavorable circumstances as a * For most of the examples of social and economic diiferences in stature, I am in- debted to Dr. Beddoe for his superb work On the Stature and Bulk of Man in Great Britain ; to the Anthropometric Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, report of 1 883 ; to Roberts's Manual of Anthropometry ; and to our American results given in Gould's Investigations in the Military and Anthropological Statistics of American Soldiers, 1869; and Baxter, in Medical Statistics of the Provost-Marshal-Gener- al's Bureau, 18*75. 26 POPULAR SCIJiJNCE MONTHLY. result of his choice. If he chooses to take np the tailor's trade because he is physicaly unfitted for other pursuits, all the influ- ences of the trade tend to degenerate his physique still further. Among these we may count the cramped position in which he works, the long hours, the unsanitary surroundings, etc. An active life conduces to growth and vigor, especially an active life in the open air. Denied all these advantages, everything oper- ates to exaggerate the peculiarities which were due to natural causes in the preceding generation alone. This direct influence of the nature of the employment is probably the second principal cause of the great differences in stature which we observe among the several social classes in any community. At the head stand the liberal professions, followed in order, as our table shows, by the farmers and the commercial group, then by the industrial Average Stature in Inches (Great Britain). No. of Qbeerva- tions. Age (males). Professional class. Commercial class. INDUSTRIAL CLAS8. Country. City. 3,498 592 1,886 15 years. 23 ■ " 30-40 " 63-6 68-7 69-6 62-2 67-4 67-8 61-8 67-4 67-6 61-3 66-4 66-8 Averagea by Occupations. No. of observa- tions. . Occapation. stature (inchts). Weight (pounds). 174 Miscellaneous outdoor 67 67 67 67 66 66 66 6 3 1 1 9 7 5 142-0 242 Clerks lSG-7 834 Laborers 140-0 209 Iron- workers 140-0 135 Tailors and shoemakers 134-5 235 Miscellaneous indoor . 1 32 - 5 101 Grooms . . . 138-7 open-air classes, and finally by those who are engaged in indoor and sedentary occupations. The difference between these last two — namely, those who work in the open air and those who are confined within doors — amounts in Great Britain to upward of one half an inch upon the average, if we consider masons, carpen- ters, and day laborers as typical of the first class, and tailors and shoemakers of the second. As our table shows, the differences during the period of growth often amount to upward of two inches, greater among girls than among boys. As an extreme example of divergencies of this kind, we may instance a difference of seven inches between boys of fourteen in the well-to-do classes and those who are in the industrial schools in Great Britain. Later in life this disparity becomes less, as it appears tnat the THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 27 influence of factory life is more often to retard growth than to cause a complete cessation of it. Interesting deductions might also be drawn from the relation of the height to the weight in any class, by which we may deter- mine to some degree when and how these degenerative influences become effective. Thus clerks, as a class, are above the average stature, but below it in weight. This follows because these men are recruited from a social group where the influences during the period of growth are favorable. The normal stature was attained at this time. The unfavorable circumstances have come into play later through the sedentary nature of the occupation, and the re- sult is a deficiency in weight. The case of grooms given above is exactly the reverse of this, for they became grooms because they were short, but have gained in weight afterward because the occupation was favorable to health. These differences in stature within the community offer a co- gent argument for the protection of our people by means of well- ordered factory laws. The Anthropological Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science delares, as a result of its detailed investigation, that the protection of youth by law in Great Britain has resulted in the gain of a whole year's growth for the factory children. In other words, a boy of nine years in 1873 was found to equal in weight and in stature one of ten years of age in 1833. This is nature's reward for the passage of laws presumably better than the present so-called " beneficent " statute in South Carolina which forbids upward of eleven hours' toil a day for children under the age of fourteen. In every coun- try where the subject has been investigated — in Germany, in Russia, in Austria, Switzerland, or Great Britain — the same influ- ence is shown. Fortunately, the advance out of barbarism is evidenced generally by a progressive increase in the stature of the population as an accompaniment of the amelioration of the lot of the masses, which is certainly going on decade by decade, abso- lutely if not relatively. There is no such change taking place among the prosperous and well-to-do. It is the masses which are, so to speak, catching up with the procession. It offers a conclusive argument in favor of the theory that the world moves forward. One of the factors akin to that of occupation which appears to determine stature is the unfavorable influence of city life. The general rule in Europe seems to be that the urban type is phys- ically degenerate. This would imply, of course, not the type which migrates to the city on the attainment of majority, or the type which enjoys an all- summer vacation in the country, but the urban type which is born in the city, and which grows up in such environment, to enter a trade which is also born of town life. z8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The differences in stature which, are traceable to this influence of city life are considerable. The town population of Glasgow and Edinburgh offers an extreme example wherein the average stature has been found to be four inches less than the average for the suburban districts. The people, at the same time, are on the average thirty- six pounds lighter. Dr. Beddoe, the great author- ity upon this subject, concludes his investigation of the population of Great Britain by this statement : " It may therefore be taken as proved that the stature of men in the large towns of Britain is lowered considerably below the standard of the nation, and as probable that such degradation is hereditary and progressive." On the other hand, it must be confessed that this unfavorable influence of city life is often obscured by the great social selection which is at work, as we shall hope to show later, in the deter- mination of the physical type of the population of great cities. While the course of the town type by itself is downward, often- times the city attracts another class which is markedly superior, in the same way that the immigrants of the United States have been distinguished in this respect. Taking London as a whole, the stature of its people is apparently above the level of the surrounding districts, despite the unfavorable influences of urban life. At the same time the suburban counties about London are marked by a standard below the average. This follows, probably, from the great selective process by which all of the better types of the rural population are continually being drawn off into the vortex of city life. The effect of it is, of course, to increase the average stature of the town population, taken as a whole. It would be interesting to inquire in how far the relative height of the sexes is due to a similar selective process. Certain it is that among us, in civilization, women average from three to four inches below men in stature, a disparity which is consider- ably less among primitive peoples. Dr. Brinton has invoked as a partial explanation, at least, for this, the influence of the law of sexual division of labor which obtains among us. This law com- mands, in theory, that the men should perform the arduous phys- ical labor of life, leaving the more sedentary portion of it to the women. If the conscious choice of mates had followed this tend- ency, its effect would certainly be unfavorable to the development of an increasing stature among women, while it might operate to better the endowment of men in that respect. It is impossible, in the time at our command, to follow this out. Probably this difference of stature between the sexes is partially due to some other cause which stops growth in the woman earlier than in the man. The problem is too complex to follow out in this place. From the preceding array of facts it will appear that in stature we have rather an irresponsible witness in the matter of race. A THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 29 physical trait so liable to disturbance by circumstances outside the human body is correspondingly invalidated as an indication of hereditary tendencies which lie within. We are compelled for this reason to assign the third place to this characteristic in our series of racial tests, placing it below the color of the hair ' and eyes in the scale. This does not mean that it is entirely worthless for our ethnic purposes. There are many clear cases of differences of stature which can be ascribed to no other cause ; but it bids us be cautious about judging hastily. It commands us to be content with nothing less than hundreds of observations, and to rigidly eliminate all social factors. The best way to do this is to take the broad view, by including so many individuals that locally progressive and degenerative factors may counter- balance one another. Turning back to our world map of statures, it will at once appear that we can not divide the human species into definite continental groups characterized by distinct pecul- iarities of stature. The so-called yellow Mongolian race comprises both tall and short peoples. The aborigines»of America are, as a rule, tall ; but in the Andes, the basin of the Columbia River, and elsewhere they are quite undersized. The only two racial groups which seem to be homogeneous in stature are the true African negroes and the peoples of Indonesia and the Pacific. In Africa the environment is quite uniform. In the other cases racial peculiarities seem to be deeply enough ingrained to overcome the disturbances due to outward factors. The Malays are always and everywhere rather short. The Polynesians are obstinately in- clined toward tallness. With these exceptions, racial or heredi- tary predispositions in stature seem to be absent. Let us turn to the consideration of Europe by itself, and inquire if the same rule holds here as well. The light tints upon this map * indicate the tall populations ; as the tint darkens, the people become progressively more and more stunted. Here again we find that Europe comprehends a very broad range of variations. The Scotch, with an average height of five feet and ten inches, stand on a level with the tall Polyne- sians and Americans, both aboriginal and modern white. At the other extreme, the south Italians, French, and Spaniards, range alongside the shortest of men, if we except the abnormal dwarf * This map is constructed from a great number of detailed local investigations, the re- sults of which have been, as far as possible, correlated and reduced to a common base. Many serious difficulties have to be overcome, and the final result must be regarded as merely approximate. For example, some observers have studied the entire population of districts ; others draw their figures from the army alone, from which, of course, all the abnormally short men have been eliminated. Some give averages alone ; others- work by percentile grades. To be sure, these two methods give parallel results ; but how discover the average from them ? Complete details will be published in due season. 30 POPULAR SCI EN CI] MONTHLY. races of Africa. From one to the other of these limits there is a regular transition, which again points indubitably to racial law. Two specific centers of tall stature appear, if we include the minor but marked tendency of the Dalmatians and Montenegrins along Average Stature Inches Metres 70 5-693 [m 1.79-1.76 69 3-68 1! I 1.76-1.73 681-669 1.73-1,70 669-657*H 170-1.67 65 7-64 6 gg^ 167-1.6+ 64- 6-63.4^ 164-1.61 634-6ZzHH 161-158 6ZZ-6I0HI 1.58-1.55 ly^ /? recit the Adriatic Sea. The principal one lies in the north, culminat- ing in the British Isles and Scandinavia. In Britain, economic prosperity undoubtedly is of importance, as the level of material comfort is probably higher than on the Continent. With this exception it appears that the Teutons as a race are responsible THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 31 for the phenomenon. Wherever they have penetrated, as in northern France, down the Rhone Valley, or in Austria, the population shows its effects. Central Europe is generally marked by medium height. The people tend to be stocky rather than tall. The same holds true as we turn to the Slavic countries in the east of Europe. Across Austria and Russia there is a progressive although slight tend- ency in this direction. The explanation of the extreme short stature of southern Europe is more problematical. Our map points to a racial center of real diminutiveness, at an average of five feet and one or two inches. Too protracted civilization, such as it was, is partly to blame. Some authorities, notably Lapouge ^, 'A//( ^ CO 7^ 'O/v t Eastern Bovndary or Celtic Speech N OR D ^ Percent UNDER. 1^6 METERS (5ft i^Wi) , -4 □ 4-6 \\Z-\A 14-17 '■■:^:Kl STATV/RE LOWER AFTER BROCA BRITTANY (1S50-59) and Fallot, even assert that naturally the people are as tall as the Alpine populations. Northern Africa certainly favors this view. We must await further investigation on this point, rest- ing content with the fact, whatever the cause may be, that the average stature is exceedingly low to-day. We may demonstrate the innate tendency of the Teutonic peoples toward tallness of stature more locally than by this con- tinental method. We may follow the trait from place to place, as this migratory race has moved' across the map. Wherever these " greasy seven-foot giants," as Sidonius Apollinaris called them, have gone, they have implanted their stature upon the people, where it has remained long persistent thereafter. Per- 32 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. haps tlie clearest detailed illustration of the expression of this racial peculiarity is offered by the people of Brittany. Many years ago observers began to note the contrasts in the Armorican Peninsula between the Bretons and the other French peasantry ; and especially the local differences between the people of the interior and those fringing the seacoast. The regularity of the phenomenon is made manifest by the preceding map. This is constructed from observations on all the youth who came of age during a period of ten years from 1850-'59. There can be no doubt of the facts in the case. It has been tested in every way. Other measurements, made twenty years later, are precisely paral- lel in their results, as we have already seen in Finisterre.* The average stature of the whole peninsula is low, being only about five feet and five inches ; yet in this " tache noire " it de- scends more than a full inch below this. This appreciable differ- ence is not wholly due to environment, although the facts cited for Finisterre show that it is of some effect. Tlie whole penin- sula is rocky and barren. The only advantage that the people on the coast enjoy is the support of the fisheries. This is no insig- nificant factor, to be sure. Yet we have direct proof beyond this that race is here in evidence ; this is afforded by other physical differences between the population of the coast and that of the interior. The people of the littoral are lighter in hair and eyes, and appreciably longer -headed; in other words, they show traces of Teutonic intermixture. In ancient times this whole coast was known as the "litus Saxonicum," so fiercely was it ravaged by these northern barbarians. Then, again, in the fifth century, immigrants from Britain, who in fact bestowed the name of Brit- tany upon the country, came over in hordes, dispossessed in Eng- land by the same Teutonic invaders. They were probably Teu- tonic also; for the invaders of Britain came so fast that they literally crowded themselves out of the little island. The result has been to infuse a new racial element into all the border popu- lations in Brittany, while the original physical traits remain in undisturbed possession of the interior. The Normans to the northeast are, on the other hand, quite purely Teutonic, espe- cially marked in their height. In this case environment and race have joined hands in the final result, but the latter seems to have been the senior partner in the affair. One more detailed illustration of the persistence of stature as a racial trait may be found in the people of the Austrian Tyrol, familiarized to us in the last paper. Unfortunately, our * Dr. Chassagne has maps almost identical with this, for the period 1874-'78. Vide Revue d' Anthropologic, second series, vol. iv, p. 439 seq. Our map is adapted from Broca's original results in Meraoires de la Societe d'Anthropologie, Paris, series one, vol. iii, p. 186 seq. THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 33 present map is constructed by different districts, so that we can not compare valley with valley, as it would be most profitable to do. We have to be content with more general results. For purposes of orientation we have reproduced upon this sketch the rivers shown upon our map in the preceding paper, so that certain comparisons may be drawn. We have already seen that the lower Inn Valley (uppermost in our map) was a main channel of Teu- tonic immigration into a primitively broad-headed Alpine coun- try by race. On the south up the Adige Valley by Trient came the second intrusive element in the long-headed brunette Medi- ^(\\J^R\A^ ^•^ ^ STATVRE AFTER. TOLDT least mn ~^gr AvsTRiAN Tyrol terranean peoples. This map at once enables us to endow each of these with its proper quota of stature ; for the environment is quite uniform, considered as in this map by large districts cover- ing valley and mountain alike. Each area contains all kinds of territory ; so that we are working by topographical averages, so to speak. Moreover, the whole population is agricultural, saving a few domestic industries in the western half. Such differences as arise must be therefore in large measure due to race. The regular transition from the populations at the northeast, with generally a majority of the men taller than five feet seven inches, to the TOL. LI. 3 34 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Italian slopes, where less than one fifth attain this moderate height, is sufficient proof.* The progressive decline goes on still further as we go south, as our map of Europe has indicated, away down to the toe of Italy's boot. Could demonstration in mathematics he more certain that here in the Tyrol we have a case of an in- crease of stature due to race alone ? One of the most persistent traits of the Teuton is his bodily height. We in America, among the tallest people in the world, owe much of our advantage in this respect to our Teutonic lineage. The rest is due to the high level of prosperity enjoyed by the people in the United States as a whole. REVERSIONS IN MODERN INDUSTRIAL LIFE. By franklin SMITH. PART SECOND. I HAVE already shown how modern trade and professional cor- porations are a reversion to feudal corporations, which were the natural and spontaneous product not of legislative wisdom and philanthropy, but of chronic disorder, and how, for a time, they provided security for despised and plundered toilers, and promoted the growth of civilization. While pointing out the astonishing absurdity involved in the revival of such obsolete institutions in an age devoted almost exclusively to industrial life — a life based upon peace and the largest liberty compatible with justice— I described some of their more flagrant economic evils, the inevitable fruits of their alliance with the state and of their establishment of despotic monopolies. I shall now give an account of some of their moral evils, the fruits also of the same despotism ; and though it will, as before, be confined chiefly to the plumbers, because they are the most powerfully organized and the most completely protected, it applies with like fidelity to all other trade and professional corporations sheltered behind a stat- ute or a code of tyrannical rules and regulations. An optimistic essayist of the National Association of the Mas- ter Plumbers may boast that " protection has not only elevated the trade and eliminated from our ranks the incompetent and unworthy," but has "■ reached out and enhanced man's highest good, and given humanity the greatest benefactions of the age." He may boast also that in consequence of these noble fruits of protection, " the plumber receives the esteem, respect, and honor * Details are given in Mittheiluugen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, vol. xxi, 1891, p. 69 se^. REVERSIONS IN MODERN INDUSTRIAL LIFE. 35 of his fellow-men, and enjoys tlie dignity and consideration given to the learned professions about him." * But the destruction of personal liberty and the establishment of a monopoly in labor and trade did not confer these blessings upon the corporations of the middle ages ; they have not conferred them upon their modern successors. Brief as their history is, it discloses all the traits of their predecessors in embryo or in an advanced state of growth. They have not transformed human nature ; they have not made it more honest, generous, or sympathetic. All they have done is to add another to the countless demonstrations that the reform of human society is not to come from legislation. They have pro- voked strife ; they have stimulated deception ; they have favored incompetency and dishonesty; they have discouraged character and excellence; they have created false hopes; they have pro- duced indifference to the very dangers they were designed to guard against. The honest plumbers that expected most from this kind of legislation have suffered the greatest disappointment. The making of master plumbers, said Mr. Edward Braden, of San Antonio, Texas, at the Cleveland convention, " is a Herculean job. They love to go to conventions, have a good time, and even ridi- cule any advancement or strict enforcement of the sanitary laws." f So great does the task appear to be, and so vast is the work still to be done, that it must long remain incomplete. More than that, unless a different course is pursued, it must always remain incomplete. " It would seem," says another plumbing authority, " to be a safe assertion that too many [plumbers] do not have a true conception of the dignity of their calling. Their dominant idea is to do the cheapest work without much thought of the moral obligations resting upon them to guard in every way in their power the health of all concerned." X The president of the Milwaukee convention complained that "in several in- stances parties, after becoming members of the National Associa- tion," have " endeavored to use their membership to keep other practical and worthy plumbers out." * Not finding the time ripe for such mediaeval proscription, some of them have preferred to forego the benefits of the association. Other plumbers, equally oblivious to the " dignity of their calling," have been dishonest enough to conspire with the jobbers and consumers to violate the sanctity of the Baltimore resolutions. One of the more striking cases was the collusion of a plumber and jobber in one State with a consumer in another several hundred miles away. | " Many * Proceedings, Cincinnati, 1891, pp. 129, 131. f Proceedings, Cleveland, 1896, p. 96. X Proceedings, Wasiiington, D. C, 1892, p. 80. * Proceedings, Milwaukee, 1893, p. "71, I Proceedings, Cleveland, 1896, p. 145. 36 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. contractors/' says the account of another case, which duplicates almost literally the experience of the Parisian marchands de Veau* showing again how independent of time and space, of feudal despotisms and despotic republics human nature is, "in- duce journeymen plumbers to take out licenses so that they can give the money to the journeymen and get the goods at plumbers' prices. Too often they do not go through the for- mality of having the money pass through the journeymen's hands. " It is to be regretted," adds the account mournfully, " that some supply houses sell to such so-called plumbers when they know the circumstances." f As in the past, so to-day, the desperate attempt made to fence off trades and professions with the barbed wire of legislation, and to grant admission to the sacred circles of monopoly only to those that meet official standards of excellence, has led to the creation of absurd and arbitrary distinctions and provoked fierce anger and contention. Already the opticians of Pennsylvania distinguish between opticians, dioptricians, and ophthalmotri- cians, J thus reminding one of the five kinds of hat makers in old France, and when they come to get a law enacted for their pro- tection, these distinctions will doubtless be perpetuated in the statutes, to the instruction and amusement of some future Mon- tesquieu. In the bill that the New York opticians have framed the line is drawn with scrupulous care between " dispensing op- ticians," who sell the products of the industrial skill of others, and " refracting opticians," * who dispose of the products of their own skill. But hardly had the measure been published before there was a quarrel, or rather a series of quarrels, that rivaled any that the regulations of the French hat makers stirred up. There was, first, the fight between the regular physicians, who claim, by virtue of their diplomas from medical colleges, the right to prescribe for optical defects, and the oculists and opti- cians, who want to establish a monopoly of this business. Next came the fight between the oculists, who assert that they alone have the requisite knowledge and skill to practice their profes- sion, and the " refracting opticians," who insist that they are just as competent to prescribe in certain cases. " When it is remem- * " II est vrais que I'on employoit . . . bien de ruses pour eluder les lois ripoureuses imposees au commerce par le hanse. Les contrebandiers trouvoient dans le corps meme des marchands de I'eau des hommes assez complaisans pour etre les compagnons Idgaux des speeulateurs etrangers, et qui, dans le fait, se contentoient de preter leur nom, sans prendre aucun part h, la speculation. Lorsque cette fraude etoit d6eouvert, le prevot de Paris condamnoit les marchands k I'expuLsion de la comnmnautc de hanse." (Reglemens sur les Arts et Metiers de Paris. Introduction. Par G.B. Depping, p. xxxiii.) + Proceedings, Cleveland, 1896, p. 37. X The Optical Journal, vol. ii. No. 8, p. 335. « Ibid., vol. ii. No. 10, pp. 391-393, REVERSIONS IN MODERN INDUSTRIAL LIFE. 37 bered that certain oculists/^ says tlie president of the New York State Optical Society, disclosing the bitter spirit that animates these two classes of " philanthropists " and " benefactors," " have elected to assault even skilled opticians by calling them quacks, charlatans, and fiery-eyed ignoramuses, we are certainly justified in refuting their allegations in a more gentlemanly and profes- sional way." * Finally came the smothered conflict between the " dispensing opticians " and the " refracting opticians," who, al- though united for relentless war on the oculists, have widely divergent notions as to the character and limits of their own professional skill. The same belligerent spirit exists between the plumbers and kindred trades. " A practical plumber, one who is concerned about elevating his profession," says a report from Delaware, " finds it exceedingly difficult in the small towns to compete with the tinsmith and hardware men." f The same complaint comes from Kentucky. " Nearly all of the plumbing in the smaller towns," it says, is " done by tinners, hardware men, machinists, and even ' nigger ' blacksmiths." | Could anything be more provocative of indignation and resistance in men pos- sessed of a high spirit and noble aims ? Afflicted as the feudal corporations were with illegitimate competition, they did not have to meet upon the field of honorable labor the ignoble rivalry of " niggers." The vice-president of the Oregon Association men- tions as a particularly flagrant example of the unfair competition that the " honest plumber," one " concerned about elevating his profession," has to struggle against, a firm that advertises " Hard- ware, stoves, and ranges, sanitary plumbing, tin and sheet- iron work, groceries, provisions, and cord wood." " And still," he adds, as though recounting a miracle, but showing that honest work may be done without laws and ordinances, " these parties do a good job of plumbing." * Passing from the country to the city, where the evolution of industry has gone further and the lines that separate one trade or profession from another have become more distinct, the conflicts between plumbers and other occupations are more bitter and relentless. || A stone mason is not permitted to build a drain under a house nor connect it with the sewer. With- out the risk of arrest and prosecution a steam or gas fitter can not put in a water or waste pipe. To the hardware man is denied * The Optical Journal, vol. ii, No. 4, p. 119. » f Proceedings, Cleveland, 1896, p. 52. X Ibid., p. 58. * Ihid., p. 64. II The I'ecent quarrel between the pUunbers and gasfitters in New York city, which at one time threatened very serious consequences, grew out of the absurd question, decided by President Setli Low, who was made arbitrator, as to which trade had the righ*; to put in the thermostatic attachment to radiators. 38 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the riglit to connect tlie range he has sold with the water system of his patron's house.* Although this intolerable despotism continues to grow by what it feeds on, and its complete abatement is not likely to come soon, there are not wanting some faint signs of revolt. The hard- ware men of Buffalo, N. Y., have refused to submit to it, and are engaged in a hot fight against the tyrants of the wrench and soldering iron, f As already indicated, the opticians of the State are also in rebellion against the oculists, having discovered in the benevolent legislation of these " social reformers " an attempt to enslave them. " Let us," says the president of the State Optical Society just quoted, summoning his followers to arms and defend- ing his course with an argument equally cogent against all other assaults on personal liberty, " concentrate with the fearless deter- mination to throw off the yoke which some oculists are so deter- mined to have us wear by relegating us to a position of abject dependence upon them, and thus exposing ourselves to the exer- cise of a power which might, in a moment of emergency, make perjurers of all who lack the fortitude to resist it." X But futile as has been the attempt to create the honest and competent plumber and to make him a national blessing, the effort to find the honest and competent official to enforce legis- lation and to rescue the public from the dangers of imperfect work has not been less prolific of disappointment. When I say that the failure has been signal and inevitable, I do not express the opinion deduced from first principles nor from every experi- ment with the black art of the lawmaker since its first dicovery. I express only the honest and unpremeditated convictions that plumbers themselves have reached. Even Mr. Spencer has scarcely described more vividly and effectively the political entanglements, the industrial paralysis, and the moral enervation that follow the practice of this system of modern magic. " It does seem impossi- ble," said a Syracuse delegate at a State convention of master plumbers, after listening to a melancholy tale of the neglect of * So intolerant have some plumbers become that it has been proposed to pass "a law making it a criminal offense for a person to hang out a sign, handle tools, or construct any part of plumbing work." (Remarks of Mr. Hosford, of New York. Proceedings, Pitts- burg, 1889, p. 105 ) A less intolerant but equally absurd and despotic proposition is that of the Michigan dentists. In a State Convention last year they passed a resolution in approval of an act for the appointment of a State dental examiner, whose duty should be to inspect the teeth of all children, and enforce such regulations as might be necessary to preserve the molars and bicuspids of the public. (Chicago Times-Herald, June IG, 1896.) f Buffalo Courier, November 12, 1896. As further proof of the unselfish spirit that animates the plumbers of Buffalo, it may be said that for the work of connecting a range with the water pipes they charge from eight to twelve dollars. The hardware men claim that it is worth only three or four dollars. \ The Optical Journal, vol. ii. No. 4, p. 120. REVERSIONS IN MODERN INDUSTRIAL LIFE. 39 examining boards to do their duty, " to keep politics out of exam- ining boards." * But the same trail is just as visible elsewhere. " You think it is the Board of Health," said an Albany delegate, showing how other officials have shirked their duty. " We have been there and made our complaint. They inspect the work brought to their office, they say. I have been to the corpo- ration counsel and can not get any satisfaction. I have been to the district attorney and to the justice of the police court. They laugh at us." f This is the experience always had with the ma- chinery invented to enforce the laws of any despot, be he French or American. The men that refuse to submit to them are too influential to be antagonized with impunity. Even if public officials possessed the Spartan virtue of Boy- leau, who, according to the Sire de Joinville, yielded to no influ- ence " de parenfe, ni d'ainys, ni d'or, ni d'argent " ; J even if they were to enforce the law with Draconian rigor, it could and would be evaded. "' There are many ways of killing a cat besides chok- ing him with butter,' " said Mr. Firmin at the Philadelphia conven- tion, " and the law may be obeyed, while it is at the same time practically evaded and violated. No matter," he added, speaking with a professional knowledge that a layman would not presume to question, " how impartial, honest, and competent an inspector may be, in the very nature of things there are one hundred and one ways of putting his eyes out." * Could some legislative genius discover a way to prevent this loss of sight, protection from incompetent or dishonest plumbers would still be impos- sible. " There are a great many things," said Mr. Edward Schus- ter, of St. Louis, at the same convention, " necessary to a first- class job, which do not come under his supervision and which he is not responsible for, and yet they are of so much importance that they can not be omitted." || Of what use, then, is a plumbing law ? Of what use also are inspectors ? Still, the bottom of the Pandora box, which " philanthropists " and " benefactors " have stuffed with the evils of such legislation, has not yet been reached. While it does not benefit the honest plumber, it often screens the dishonest one. Here again I do not trust to the conclusions drawn from the doctrine of laissez-faire, nor from the unsupported assertions of prejudice. My statements are none other than those of the master plumbers themselves. " Plumbers imagined," said Mr. Dent Yates at the Detroit con- vention, " that the strictest ordinances (a few of which would make the framers of the Rhode Island blue laws weep with * Unpublished Proceedings, Buffalo, 1894, p. 59. f Ibid., pp. 55, 56. :[: Biographie Universelle, vol. v, p. 436. * Proceedings, Philadelphia, 1896, p. 91. || Ibid., p. 94. 40 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. envy) would be a big bonanza. . . . But some of the self- same ordinances, designed to protect tlie good, conscientious plumber, have here and there acted as a screen for the quack plumber and fat for the ward bummer and the grog-shop politicians." * Is this not saying, as was once said to a French despot, that for every oflSce he was pleased to make God was pleased to make a fool to fill it ? With a touch of bitter disappointment over honest toil gone for naught, Mr. Firmin declared, in the essay quoted from already, that the plumbers that had "endeav- ored to be just to their fellow-men," that had " given their best thought " to " devising improved methods of practical sanita- tion," that " could point to the improved standard of plumbing as a part of their labors," had " not been rewarded in anything like a just ratio. ... I might," he added in a tone of deeper disap- pointment, "even say in an everyday dollars-and- cents view," that they " have not directly benefited at all." f The most serious evil remains to be mentiolied, for it falls upon the very persons whose benefit is, in the eyes of the "philan- thropists" and "benefactors," its sole justification. Instead of making them more alert to protect themselves from the dangers that assail them and to secure the services of the most expert to aid them in this difficult task, it creates in them a state of indif- ference. Conscious that benevolent statesmen have made laws to keep them from harm, they fancy that it is no longer needful for them to take thought of the morrow. Plumbers themselves, with all their ardent faith in legislation, have not been able to shut their eyes to this peril. More than once have the thought- ful among them called attention to "overconfidence on the part of the architect and the general public" in "the cure-all-ism of the plumbing law." " This danger is at once serious to the public and to ourselves as business men," said the Sanitary Committee at the Philadelphia convention. J " We found," said Mr. Firmin, also, " that the public has come to rely to a dangerous degree upon plumbing laws. . . . The danger lies," he added, "in the fact that the public believe that all plumbers, by virtue of the law's operation, are compelled to produce equal and certain results, and that if they have a certain piece of work to be performed it will make no difference whether they give the job to Jones or Brown. . . . Therein they fall into error, injuring themselves, as well as the honest plumber. They remove the incentive to progression and honesty." The Sanitary Committee takes the same view in almost the same words. "There has arisen a belief," it says, " that now it is not necessary to use care in the choice of your * Proceedings, Detroit, 1894, p. 169. f Proceedings, Philadelphia, 1895, p. 91. % Ibid., p. 43. REVERSIONS IN MODERN INDUSTRIAL LIFE. 41 plumber, since he is by law compelled to comply -with modern sanitary principles and mechanical arrangements. Never was a greater error committed by the public," with "far-reaching re- sults for evil." * This, however, is only an expression of the truth that the public must, in spite of all supervision, look after itself. But, like a nobler sentiment, faith in the efficacy of legisla- tion for the cure of all social ills, including those from incom- petent barbers and horseshoers, "springs eternal in the human breast." It is not enough that such a law as the plumbing law can not be enforced ; that, even if it were enforced, it would not yield the benefits that its framers anticipate; that, instead of favoring the honest plumber, it favors the dishonest one, and enables the unscrupulous j)olitician to bribe or coerce constitu- ents; that, instead of promoting the interests of the public, it is a detriment to them, producing a false sense of security perilous to health — it is still proposed to follow to the death the same ignis faiuus. To be sure, the most advanced "philanthropists" and '' benefactors " do not propose to enact more rigorous municipal regulationsor more elaborate State laws. These have failed. But they propose to resort to the great panacea of periodic inspection and national legislation. Preparing the way for the exercise of the last hope of the apostles of benevolent despotism, the Sani- tary Committee of the Philadelphia convention declared that "no matter how thorough and complete" a piece of plumbing may have been done, " Nature, assisted by use, abuse, and neglect, will render that which was perfect most imperfect." f It then pro- ceeds to urge with fitting solemnity "the very great impor- tance of legislative action looking to and providing for periodic expert examination of sanitary appliances." That is to say, since people can not be trusted to keep their plumbing in order, the State must, like a policeman, compel them to do so. "A system of laws emanating from Congress," says an authority quoted with approval by the same committee on another occasion, after point- ing out, among other things, that "the laws enacted by State and local authorities are continually subject to change according to the whim of any petty politician who sees his self-aggrandizement * Proceedings, Philadelphia, 1895, pp. 43, 44. "The committee did not believe, how- ever, that national legislation on the subject was desirable. It said: 'In the nature of things, it is impossible to form laws which would be equally appropriate to all sections of the country ; that which would be best suited to the needs of Michigan would prove most faulty for Louisiana. A system approaching perfection as applied to California would be ridiculous if applied to Maine ' (p. 43). But, as shown in the text, this sensible view was repudiated by the committee in the following year. It was crushed under what Mr. Spencer has fitly characterized as the momentum of the socialistic movement." f Ibid., p. 44. 42 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, in any movement that may please a portion of liis constituency," "would obviate all such trouble. . . . Such laws would be en- forced by the State and local boards of health, and, in case of their failure or neglect, such attention and assistance from the national powers should be given as the circumstances of the case may require." * That is to say, again, a defective principle inopera- tive on a small scale can be made a success on a large one. Al- though a despotic local law can not be enforced, a despotic na- tional law will be scrupulously observed. If local officials can be blinded in " one hundred and one wavs," national officials are sub- ject to no such impairment of vision. II. But this is only a fresh illustration of the pathetic faith of the chronic invalid, ever on the search for a new pill or a new tonic. A change from one despotism to another, or from one set of offi- cials to another, will not deliver society from the defects of human nature. Much less will that blessing come from the increase of despotism and the multiplication of officials. Such quackery has been tried from the dawn of Greek democracy down to the latest product of popular sovereignty — the Brazilian Republic. It has failed ; it must inevitably fail. It violates a law of social devel- opment as immutable as the law of gravitation, one that punishes those that fail to heed it with equal certainty and severity. I refer to the law set forth by Mr. Spencer that the more peaceful and industrious a nation becomes, the less is its need of the re- straints of either custom or legislation. But of this matchless induction of modern science the social reformers of to-day have no conception. They act upon the assumption that the world has made no headway in a thousand years ; that men are still barba- rians and require the shackles of an age of disorder ; that there must be the official mechanism of an old French or Prussian despotism, which had no other use than to recruit and drill troops and to wring taxes from despised and impoverished toilers. But since the days of feudal chaos humanity, despite the obstacles thrown in its path by ignorance and interest, has gained ground. Men have outlived the rules and regulations of a military despot- ism. They do not pay homage to the occupant of a throne, sur- rounded by courtiers as intent on the plunder of subjects as sol- diers on the plunder of enemies. Their allegiance is to another ruler, which, though less regal, is not less powerful ; it is con- science, the embodied restraints that come of peace, sympathy, and culture. * Proceedings, Cleveland, 1896, p. 31. REVERSIONS IX MODERN INDUSTRIAL LIFE. 43 If the obedience due this ruler of the modern industrial world is imperfect, the reason is not difficult to discover. It is because his reign has been brief, and human nature is still crude. Too many vestiges of countless ages of conflict cling to the brain of man. Too much misdirected effort is made to fit the institutions of murder and pillage to times of peace and industry. Obsolete as a battle axe or a coat of mail, they do not extinguish the traits inherited from savage ancestry ; they only stimulate and perpetu- ate them. No matter whether they be tried under the despotism of a French feudal monarchy or under the popular sovereignty of the American Republic, the effect is identical. They engender the same greed, the same hypocrisy, the same deception, the same contention. No abridgment of liberty that philanthropists or statesmen may deem essential to the safety of modern civilization will permit them to realize their Utopian dream. The millennium lies in another direction — in the direction of greater liberty. As society becomes more and more complex, with wants so great and varied as to pass the knowledge of any benevolent despot ruling by divine right, or any group of despots ruling by virtue of uni- versal suffrage, individuals must be allowed more and more to control their own destiny, and to take the consequences, good or bad. Whatever government they may need to direct their count- less enterprises for the supply of those wants and for the regula- tion of their relations with one another and with the public, must not be the product of political selection, but of industrial selec- tion ; it must not be the choice of ward bummers and complaisant citizens that register the will of an unscrupulous and irresponsible demagogue, ambitious to exercise a power that decent people re- fuse him, but of the men that have staked their fortunes in busi- ness, whose success or failure is dependent upon the wisdom of their action. Not the least fit, but the most fit, will then admin- ister the affairs of the world. With the continuance of peace and industry they will not be the greatest fools or knaves, now so often charged and unhappily so often proved, but the wisest and most upright. Civilization will not then go backward, as it now threatens to do, but it will go forward, as it did with the enlargement of liberty that has been the most splendid achieve- ment of the last four centuries of thought and effort. The eager haste with which men of fixed notions are apt to rush to con- clusions is portrayed rather than caricatured in Lord Houghton's version of the debate between Huxley and Bishop Samuel Wilberforce in the Brit- ish Association in 1860, which Sir E. Grant Duff quotes in his Notes from a Diary. As the story is told, Mr. Huxley asserted that the blood of guinea pigs crystallizes in rhombohedrons. "Thereupon the bishop sprang to his feet and declared that 'such notions lead directly to atheism.' '' 44 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. By DAVID A. WELLS, LL.D., D.C. L., CORnESPONDANT DE l'iNSTITUT DE FRANCE, ETC. VII. — RULES OR MAXIMS ESSENTIAL TO AN ADMINISTRATION OF RIGHTFUL TAXATION UNDER A CONSTITUTIONAL OR FREE GOV- ERNMENT. PART II. IN continuance of tlie discussion entered upon in the preceding part of this chapter, as to whether under a constitutional and free government, and in virtue also of the natural and inalien- able rights of the people governed, a state has a lawful right to levy and expend taxes in furtherance of private interests, more especially by way of bounties, the following additional points may be worthy of consideration : Probably no better exposition of the limitation on the exer- cise of the taxing power incumbent on a free government pro- fessing a regard for the rights of the people, and more especially on the Federal Government of the United States, under its Con- stitution, in respect to the granting of payment of bounties for the promotion of the private interests of any of its citizens, can be found than the following, accredited to Justice Thomas M. Cooley : ''It is not in the power of the state, in my opinion, under the name of a bounty, or under any other cover or subterfuge, to furnish the cajjital to set private parties up in any kind of business, or to subsidize tlieir business after they have entered upon it. A bounty law of which this is the real nature, is void, whatever may be the pretense on which it may be enacted. The rig-ht to hold out pecuniary inducements to the faithful performance of public duty in dangerous or responsible positions stands upon a different footing altogether ; nor have I any occasion to question the right to pay rewards for the destruction of wild beasts and other public pests, a provision of this character being a mere police regulation. But the discriniination by the state between different classes of occupations, and the favoring of one at the expense of the rest, whether that one be farming or banking, mer- chandising or milling, printing or railroading, is not legitimate legislation, and is an invasion of that equality of right and privilege which is a maxim in state government. When the door is once open to it there is no line at which we can stop and say with confidence that thus far vpe may go with safety and XDropriety, but no further. "Every honest employment is honorable; it is beneficial to the public; it deserves encouragement. The more successful we can make it the more does it generally subserve the public good. But it is not the business of the state to make discriminations in favor of one class against another, or in favor of one employment against another. The state can have no favor- ites. Its business is to protect the industry of all, and give all the benefits of equal laws. It can not compel an unwilling minority to submit to tax- ation in order that it may keep upon its feet any business that can not stand alone." PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 45 A brief historical retrospect is here pertinent to this subject. The payment of bounties from the proceeds of taxation, or rather of exaction, is a relic of the commercial methods of the middle ages. They were, however, regarded as legitimate fiscal expedi- ents for the encouragement of trade and domestic industries dur- ing the whole of the last (eighteenth) century ; but since then, under the influence of a higher civilization and modern economic ideas, have been almost entirely discarded from the fiscal systems of the leading commercial nations until within a comparatively recent period, when they have been revived and made mainly applicable to the production and sale of a single one of the world's great commodities — namely, sugar ; * and the history of this experience constitutes a most interesting and instructive chapter in economic history. Although the practice of stimulating the production of beet- root sugar in Europe through high protective duties on imports and export bounties dates back to the first quarter of the century, the present complicated and curious state of affairs is really due to a method of taxing beet sugar by Germany which was adopted in 1869. The idea involved in this method was, in brief, to collect an excise or internal -revenue tax on all sugar produced, and give a bounty on so much of the domestic product as was exported or sold to the people of other countries. The other states of conti- nental Europe, finding the markets of their own product of beet- root sugar everywhere supplanted by the German sugars, and their domestic manufacturers being thereby brought to the verge of ruin, made haste to follow the example of Germany, until the policy of Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Austria, and Russia seems to have been to stimulate their domestic product of sugar to the greatest extent, and then enter into competition with each other to see which of them could sell cheapest to for- eigners at the expense of their own people. The general result is, that the great beet-sugar industry of Europe has been estab- lished and is now conducted on what may be regarded as an arti- ficial basis, and one not inaptly characterized as a most ingenious method for entailing money losses on the mass of the people of the countries above mentioned. The immediate sequence of this policy has been an enormous increase in the beet-sugar product on the Continent of Europe — i. e., from 2,323,000 tons in 1885-'86 to nearly 5,000,000 (4,789,000) tons in 1895-'96 — with such a reduction in price that the whole sugar industry of Europe is seriously depressed, with a general * The policy of payment of bounties for the encouragement of shipping and of ship- building enterprise has also, to a limited extent, been established, more especially by the two Governments of France and Italy. 46 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. complaint on the part of producers that the amount received by tliem does not cover the cost of production. Under such a condi- tion of affairs, the German Parliament (Reichstag), in May, 1896, accepting a popular declaration that " sugar was the last and only agricultural product in which there remained any profit for the German farmer, and that whatever skillful legislation could do to preserve and protect that industry should in justice to the suffering landowners be given a prompt and thorough trial," passed an act increasing the bounty on the export of sugars to an extent assumed to be sufficient " to enable German exporters to compete against all comers in foreign markets"; advancing the import duty on sugars to a prohibitory degree ; and fixing an internal-revenue tax on sugars to such an extent as to yield a net income to the state in excess of its disbursements on account of bounties on exports. The effects of the new statute have now become apparent and ominous. The foreign sugar market has responded to the increased bounty export by a proportionate decline in price ; and a movement now finds favor to petition the Reichstag to make certain amendments in the existing statute so as to restrict instead of stimulating production, and to invite international negotiations for the gradual abolition of all export bounties, which have been proved to be simply a burden on the treasury, which pays them for the benefit of non- producing for- eign countries. The present burden which the sugar-bounty system entails upon the taxpayers of Europe is estimated at about $25,000,000 per annum, while the excise tax on sugar in Germany, France, and Austria is said to amount to $100,000,000 per annum. On the sugar consumed by the people of the continental nations of Europe which have adopted the bounty policy there is no bounty, but on the contrary an excise tax ; the result of which legislation is to make exported sugars very cheap and home consumption abnormally dear. This is demonstrated by reference to the sta- tistics of the comparative consumption of different countries. Thus in England, whose policy since 1874 has been to give her people sugar free of taxation, the per capita consumption has risen from fifty-six pounds in that year to eighty-six pounds in 1896; while the saving to the British people from the reduction of the cost of this one item of their living has been estimated to be at least £6,000,000 ($30,000,000) per annum. The great reduction in the price of sugar has also given a remarkable impetus to the British industry of manufacturing sweets, in the form of confec- tionery, preserves, jams, marmalades, etc., which last to a consid- erable extent have undoubtedly supplanted the use of butter. The present annual average consumption of sugar in Germany is re- ported to be about twenty- seven pounds 2^^^ capita. In France PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 47 the declining consumption of sugar has been made the subject of recent debate in the Chamber of Deputies, where the question was pertinently asked by one of the deputies (M. Mery) if the object of the existing governmental policy in respect to sugar "was mainly to produce it or to have and enjoy it." The Agricultural Society of France has also recently unanimously indorsed a de- mand of the French sugar makers and refiners that the Govern- ment should increase the present bounty on the export of sugar to an extent equivalent to the combined or aggregate bounties allowed in Austria and Germany. So much, then, for nearly half a century's experience on the part of the leading continental nations of Europe in attempting to regulate the production, price, and consumption of sugar through a system of bounties. Practical experience in respect to the employment of bounties also leads to a deduction, which may be almost regarded in the nature of a principle, that when bounties are employed for the promotion of some public good, the object sought eventually be- comes subordinate to the opportunity which an unnatural and unprincipled perversion of the bounty provisions affords for the promotion of private rather than public interests. The following illustrations, though somewhat comical in their nature, serve to sustain this proposition : In the early years of the present century the State of Con- necticut, having in view the promotion of its agricultural inter- ests, offered a premium on the destruction of the crow; to be paid on the production of the head of the bird to the proper authorities. Thereupon the sons of the farmers, desirous of earning a little money, then much more difficult to obtain than at present, diligently searched the woods for the nests of crows, from which at the proper time the eggs were transferred to sit- ting hens, by whom they were hatched and the resulting off- spring brought up until their heads became available for presen- tation and procurement of the bounty. A summary of the general results of such experience would be somewhat as follows : First, a perversion of the legitimate industry of the hen ; second, an ele- mentary lesson for young persons in perpetrating frauds against the State ; third, an impairment of the agency of a bird, whose habits have been proved by subsequent scientific investigations to be beneficial rather than detrimental to the interests of the farmers. Again, in the early history of one of the Northwestern States of the Federal Union a bounty was offered, at the request of the farmers, for the heads of little burrowing animals known as " gophers," which attracted little attention till the experience of several years showed that the disbursements of the State on this account had become abnormal and were rapidly increasing. In- 48 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. vestigation then proved that the raising of gophers by citizens of the State for the procurement of bounties had become a regular industry. A like experience in British India is also worthy of note. Some years since the Government, with a view of arrest- ing the mortality among its native population from the bites of poisonous serpents, offered a bounty on their proved destruction ; when it was found that for the sake of obtaining the bounties the cultivation of the " cobra " and other like snakes had been actu- ally entered upon. Third. The sphere of taxation should he limited to persons, property, and business exclusively witliin the territorial jurisdic- tion of the taxing power. It would seem to be in the nature of a self-evident proposition, although in fact it is by no means so re- garded, that the power of every state or government to tax must be exclusively limited to subjects within its territory and legal jurisdiction. "All subjects," says Chief- Justice Marshall, in giv- ing the opinion of the Supreme Court in the case of McCullough vs. Maryland (4 Wheaton, 431), "over ivhich the sovereign poiver of the state extends are objects of taxation; but those over luhich it does not extend are, on the soundest principles, exempt from taxation." And again, " the sovereign power of the state extends to everything which exists by its oicn authority or is introduced by its permission." "Every nation,^' says Wheaton, ''possesses and exercises exclusive sovereignty and jurisdiction throughout the full extent of its territory. It follows, from this principle, that the laws of every state control, of right, all the real and per- sonal property within its territory. The second general principle is, that no state can, by its laws, directly affect, bind, or regulate property beyond its own territory. This is a consequence of the first general principle ; a different system, which would recognize in each state the power of regulating persons or things beyond its territory, would exclude the equality of rights among different states, and the exclusive sovereignty which belongs to each of them." (Wheaton's International Law, chap, ii, § 3 ; Foelix Inter- national Prisd, §§ 9 and 10.) And in a decision of more recent date (State Tax on Foreign-held Bonds, 15 Wallace, 30G, 328), the United States Supreme Court said : " The power of taxation, how- ever vast in its character and searching in its extent, is necessarily limited to subjects 2vithin the jurisdiction of the state. Property lying beyond the jurisdiction of the state is not a subject upon which her taxing poiver can be legitimately exercised. Indeed, it would seem that no adjudication should be necessary to establish so obvious a proposition." The principle under consideration has also been made the sub- ject of adjudication by the United States Supreme Court in a case of historic as well as of legal and economic interest. In Septem- PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 49 ber, 1814, the country being then at war with Great Britain, the town of Castine, in Maine, was captured by the British forces, and remained in their exclusive possession until after the ratification of peace in 1815. During this period the British Government exercised all civil and military authority over the place, estab- lished a custom house and allowed merchandise to be imported, some of which remained in Castine after it was evacuated by the enemy. On the re-establishment of the authority of the United States, the American collector of customs for the district, claim- ing a right on the part of the United States to Federal duties on the goods in question, demanded payment of the same from the owners or importers ; and, the claim being resisted, the case went up to the United States Supreme Court, which with complete unanimity gave judgment, through Justice Story, for the owners or importers in the following language : " We are all of the opinion that the claim for duties can not be sustained. By the conquest and military occupation of Cas- tine, the enemy acquired that firm possession which enabled him to exercise the fullest rights of sovereignty over that place. The sovereignty of the United States was suspended, and its laws could no longer be enforced there, or be obligatory on the inhab- itants who remained there and submitted to the conquerors. By the surrender the inhabitants passed under a temporary allegiance to the British Government, and were bound by such laws and such only as it chose to impose. From the nature of the case, no other laws could be obligatory on them ; for where there is no protection or allegiance, or sovereignty, there can be no claim to obedience." Taxes, therefore, are necessarily the creation of each state, and no self-respecting Government ever permits any other Govern- ment to interfere with its tax laws or their execution, and a toleration of such interference in any degree presupposes de- pendence, subjection, or absence of independence. An obvious CO- relation of this proposition, and also a matter of fact, is that a violation of the tax or revenue laws of one country has never been regarded as an offense or crime in any other country ; and the Euglish courts have held that contracts to evade the customs laws of a foreign country are not illegal. Hence, also, offenders in this respect are never taken into account in extradition treaties between different nations and their governments. Some years ago a United States district attorney in New York procured through the Department of State at Washington the extradition of a person from England on the. charge of forgery. On his arraignment before a United States court it transpired that the offense committed was the manufacture and use of fraudulent invoices, to which forged or fictitious names had been attached, for the purpose of evading the payment of United States customs VOL. Li, — 4 50 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. or taxes on certain imports ; and that the intent of the prosecu- tion was punishment, not for forgery in the ordinary sense of the term, but for smuggling, for which latter offense there was no precedent that extradition had ever been granted by any country. The attention of the British Government having been called to the case, a request was preferred by it to the authorities in Wash- ington that the trial of the accused should be discontinued, on the ground that a fugitive from justice, when surrendered by a country in which he had sought refuge, should not be tried for any offense other than the one specified in the extradition de- mand, and for which extradition was granted. Compliance with the request being refused, although as a matter of fact the trial was discontinued, the British Government took occasion, when extradition was next demanded of her by the United States — which happened to be the case of a former well-known citizen of Boston who had committed forgery in the sense that constitutes a crime in all countries — to refuse it, although the offender had in the first instance been arrested in England and was in custody ; and for many years subsequent and for reasons above given there was no extradition in force between the United States and Great Britain and her colonies, with the result of making Canada an Alsatia, or place of safe refuge, for all criminals of the former country. All, therefore, that any government can legitimately ask of another government in respect to taxation is, that its subjects or citizens residing in such foreign state shall not be there discrimi- nated against because they are foreigners ; but shall be treated in exactly the same manner as the subjects or citizens of the taxing power and their property are treated — no better and no worse. If foreigners feel aggrieved, they must first exhaust all the remedies against unjust taxation provided by the institutions of the taxing country ; as foreign importers, for example, aggrieved by rulings or appraisements at the custom houses of any country, must first appeal for redress to the courts of such country. A recent event of great economic and legal importance is also worthy of narra- tion and consideration in this connection. A board of appraisers and assessors charged with the duty of assessing, for the purpose of taxation, the property in Ohio of tele- graph, telephone, and express companies, discharged the duties incumbent upon it — taking an express company for example — in the following manner : First, by determining the value and lia- bility to taxation of the real estate of the company situated in Ohio ; second, the personal property, including moneys and credits, owned by the company in Ohio, and the value thereof ; third, the gross receipts during the taxing year of the company in Ohio, from whatever sources derived. It was conceded that the PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 51 returns made by the company to the above officials were correct, and that the aggregate value of the items included in such re- turns liable to taxation in 1895 — the same as other like property in the State — was $42,065. The board of appraisers and assessors added, however, to this amount the sum of $491,030, making the aggregate of the tax liability of the express company $533,095 ; and based their action not on any belief or pretense that any con- siderable amount of real or personal property within the terri- torial jurisdiction of the State had been discovered which had hitherto escaped taxation, but that sources of reported value which were entirely outside of the territory and beyond the juris- diction of the State of Ohio — when they constituted a part of the value of the capital or franchise of a corporation located and established in some other State for the purpose of carrying on business, and that business " interstate commerce " entirely within the control of the Federal Government — might be added to the intrinsic value of property within the State ; thereby assessing not only property ivithin the State of Ohio, but a proportion also of all property situated luitliout its territorial boundaries. The question involved was therefore the constitutionality of extra- territorial taxation ; and the case, after consideration by State and United States Circuit Courts, was finally brought before the United States Supreme Court. Here, notwithstanding the cita- tion of numerous former opinions and judgments of the court wholly adverse to the constitutionality of the principle on which was based the assumption and action of the State of Ohio, the court by a majority of one held to a contrary view ; and gave judgment in support of the State assessments on the express com- pany. It is clear, therefore, that the State of Ohio has been justi- fied, for the time being, in an attempt to tax something that it calls property, but which is neither tangible nor visible ; that has no intrinsic or essentially inherent value ; and which procedure, if generally accepted and put in practice by other States, would antagonize all formerly accepted theories and legal decisions in respect to extra-territorial taxation, and ultimately destroy all in- terstate commerce between the several States of the Federal Union. An Implied but Fundamental Reciprocal op Taxation. — Notwithstanding the absence of any warrant for assuming that there was ever any real or implied contract, whereby a State in its beginning or development agreed to give a certain amount of protection to life and property in return for an equivalent in money, goods, or services of its citizens — an assumption which has been characterized as the " commercial theory of taxation " * — * " The right of a state to take the citizen's property must be put on higher ground if it is to stand on perfectly safe ground. Of course, such higher ground is not to be found 52 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. it is nevertlieless true that the "co- relative" or "reciprocal" of taxation is protection ; or, in other words, according to the polit- ical theory of our governments, national and State, and in fact of every government claiming the title to be free, taxes may be legitimately assumed to be the compensation which persons and property pay the State for protection. This assumption, it is be- lieved, has been indorsed and accepted by every writer of repute on economic subjects who has discussed taxation from the time of Montesquieu down to a very recent period ; * and in the re- peated instances in which this matter has come before the courts for adjudication, the highest judicial authorities have uniformly given judgment or expressed opinions to the same effect. In con- firmation of these statements the following citations are sub- mitted : "Where there is no protection," said Judge Story (in the case of the United States vs. Rice, 4 Wheaton, 27G), "there can be no claim to allegiance or obedience." Again the same eminent au- thority (in the case of Miles vs. Duryea, Cranch, 481) thus strongly expresses himself : " It is an eternal principle of justice that juris- diction can not be justly exercised by a State over property that is not within reach of its process — that is, property which it can not protect." " Taxes are a portion whicli each individual gives of his prop- in the pretense that the right in question is the simple right of might ; that the ruling power, whether monarch or majority, is physically able to take and apply as it chooses all that the individuals ruled over called their own ; and that because it can, it morally may, take whatever part it thinks fit. With simple ethics the leviers of taxe«, whenever they are a distinct class, are wont to content themselves. But whatever countenance they have received from such moral philosophers as venerate successful force, the principle will hardly serve those who study the matter as taxpayers." — Theodore Bacon. * " The philosophy of our plan of voluntary political association is, that all individuals, and all the values within a community, shall aggregate into one mass all the power which they separately contain, which sum total shall constitute a sovereignty of the whole. Thia sovereignty — the soul of the State, which can not be impaired and the State survive — re- flects back upon its constituents, in detail, all that it has received from them. What it re- ceives, and what it returns, is of two kinds, as to both source and object, viz., individual service to the Government, and protection to the individual from it. Thus, in his indi- vidual capacity, a man is bound to perform military service, and the State, by the military arm, is bound to protect him from invasion. He is bound to do jury duty, and the authori- ties are bound, upon his demand, to provide him a jury. He is bound to aid the sheriff, and the sheriff is bound to execute process in his favor by posse comtfaius, if necessary. These personal services correspond to those which in feudal times the mesne lord, holding a frank tenement, owed the lord paramount. They can not be compounded for, for their value consists in their being rendered in kind. J7ieir performance is the onlij price which the citizen pays for his citizenship. The terms are not only consistent and harmonious with our general scheme of government, but are highly politic. To all political privileges we admit each one by virtue of his being a man, free born, and of lawful age ; we ask him nothing concerning his property, unless his property asks something from us." — Lowrey.^ Argument, Hew York Assemblij, 1862. PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 53 erty, in order to secure and have the perfect enjoyment of the re- mainder. Governments are established for the protection of persons and property within the limits of the state, and taxes are levied to enable the government to afford and give such pro- tection. They are the price and consideration of the protection afforded." (Ingersol, J., Circuit Court of the United States, Duer vs. Small.) " There is nothing poetic about tax laws. When they find property, they claim a contribution for its protection." (Lowrie, Chief Justice, Tinley vs. The City, etc., 33 Peun., 381.) Montesquieu, writing with the monarchical institutions of France mainly or solely in view, discusses this subject in his Spirit of Laws (book xxxi, chap, i), as follows : " The public revenues are a portion that each subject gives of his property, in order to secure or ejijoy the remai^ider." "The right to tax an individual results from the general pro- tection afforded to himself and his property." — Vattel, Law of Na- tions, hook i, chap. xx. " Property and law (i. e., government or the state) are born together and die together. Before laws were made, there was no property ; take away laws, and property ceases." — Bentham, The- ory of Legislation. The principle here involved is also clearly and succinctly further expressed in the following citations : " Taxation " is, in any view, taking private property for public use, and it can not be so taken without an equivalent, both as to the Government or the citizens. It is not competent to convert private property to public use by way of taxation, and without compensation, any more than by any other mode. Taxation (if anything in the nature of principle is assumed as its basis) therefore implies that the government imposing it will return an equiva- lent. But to return an equivalent in the form that was taken, namely, money, would be stultification. The only equivalent that a government can return, and the only one, in truth, that justifies taxation, is in the na- ture of a guarantee that the pei-son. property, or business on which the tax is imposed shall have all the rights which the civilization of the state repre- sents, or, in other words, "protection." — Redfield. " If it were practicable to do so," says Justice Cooley, " the taxes levied by any government ought to be apportioned among the people according to the benefit which each receives from the protection the government affords him. This is upon the assumption, never wholly true in point of fact, but sufficiently near the truth for the practical operations of govern- ment, that the benefit received from the government is in proportion to the property held or the revenues enjoyed under its protection." — Cooley, On Taxation, pp. lJf-17. Notwithstanding this preponderance of opinion, argument, and legal decisions in favor of the correlation of taxation and 54 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. protection, the truth of this assumption has been called in ques- tion in recent years, and even wholly denied by some economic and legal authorities. Thus, in most of the States of the Federal Union (but not in other countries), sovereignty in respect to taxa- tion is assumed, or enacted to embrace " goods, chattels, money, and effects, wherever they are ; ships, public stocks and securi- ties, stocks in turnpikes, bridges, and moneyed corporations, luith- in or ivithout the State" ; and where the administrators of the law tax residents for personal property, even of a visible, tangible character, having a situs in another State or country ; and, by another irreconcilable rule, tax non-residents for all of their per- sonal property having a sittis within the State. (Massachusetts Statutes.) Such antagonism would seem to be wholly due to an inade- quate comprehension of the subject. It is assumed, for example, that there can be no necessary reciprocity of the nature indicated between the State and the subjects of taxation, because, in the case of subjects — persons, property, and business — upon which no tax is levied, there can be no correlation, and therefore no claim whatever for protection ; and in illustration and support of this proposition it is pointed out that churches and other public insti- tutions, specifically exempt from taxation, need and receive as much protection from the State as structures used for dwellings and stores, and that tramps, who have nothing to pay with, are equally entitled to invoke and use the power of the State for pro- tection as those who are taxed for millions. " So also the busi- ness that is not taxed at all, it is said, can no more be plundered with impunity than that which is taxed the heaviest." * The error in all this reasoning is fundamental, and arises from a fail- ure to comprehend that in every civilized state every person or thing is taxed, either directly or indirectly, by the diffusion of taxes, and that it is not possible to name anything in such a state that is exempt from taxation ; that the primary purpose for which the state exists is to afford protection to persons and property ; that it — the state — practically ceases to exist when it is unwilling or unable to afford such protection ; and that, even if willing, it could not protect, except through the ability that comes to it through the possession of the power and the exercise of taxation. Fourth. Taxes should he reasonable, regular, and not arbitrary as respects method, time, and place of assessment and payment, and, above all, proportional. The justice and the necessity of these conditions as essentials of a true system of taxation ought to command universal assent * The claim or argument in defense of extra territorial taxation will be more fully con- Bidered hereafter. PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 55 without argument. Adam Smith held to the opinion, " founded," as he says, " on the experience of all nations, that the certainty of what each individual ought to pay is, in taxation, of so great im- portance that a very considerable degree of inequality is not near so great an evil as a small degree of uncertainty." The evil of uncertainty does not, however, often characterize the tax systems of the United States, except in the case of taxation by the Federal Government of imports, when rates (customs) are sometimes held for considerable periods in abeyance by reason of political an- tagonisms of legislators. One of the most remarkable exam- ple of this occurred during the months from December, 1893, to August, 1894, when the uncertainty as to the prospective rates on imported merchandise occasioned great stagnation of business in the United States, with inevitable great contingent losses. An- other even more striking illustration of the evils of uncertainty in taxation is to be found in the recent (1897) proposition to sub- ject merchandise, imported in strict conformity with established laws and rates at the time of importation, to the retroactive inci- dence of increased taxes, not certain but prospective in respect to rates, and not enacted or embodied in the form of statute laws. Such action is in the nature of an arbitrary fine or penalty, and not taxation, and probably does not find a parallel in the history of any civilized nation, and would not now be tolerated in any of the most despotic governments of Europe. The term pr^oportional, which is largely used in constitutional provisions and in statutes relating to taxation, has, however, a meaning so much broader and of such greater significance than is generally attributed to it by law-makers and even law inter- preters, that it is worth while to institute an inquiry and endeavor to understand clearly what it does mean. Scientifically consid- ered, it means the making of the burden of taxation equal upon all subjects of immediate competition. This principle is one of the prime essentials of taxation, and when it is violated the act of taking, or the enforced contribution, is not entitled to be consid- ered taxation, but becomes at once an arbitrary spoliation or con- fiscation. Thus, to illustrate: Suppose it were proposed to tax the stock in trade of red-haired men five per cent, and those of red-nosed men ten percent; or, as was provided in the income- tax law enacted by the Congress of the United States of 1894, which exempted incomes below four thousand dollars per annum from taxation and taxed all above that sum two per cent ; or to do as actually once was done in England, under an income-tax law enacted in 1691, tax Catholics at rates double those imposed on Protestants ; it seems clear that such transactions could not involve any principle or be regarded in any other light than the mere arbitrary and despotic exercise of power; or the making of 56 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the possession of a red nose or red hair, or the result of enter- prise, skill, economy, or the fortuitous circumstance of birth or belief, the occasion for inflicting a penalty. Yet this was what substantially was done in the middle ages, when nobles were ex- empt from taxation because they were nobles, and the common people were taxed because they were villains or bondmen ; when Jews were assessed because they were not Christians, and Catho- lics because they were not Protestants. It would seem to be clear, therefore, that a tax that is not levied proportionally or, what is the same thing, equally and uni- formly upon all subjects in the same field of competition — as, for example, upon all persons engaged in the same business or profes- sion, or upon all property of the same kind and all profit or income (less exemptions in the nature of charities) in the same ratio — is a discriminating exaction, without claim to either jus- tice or equality, inasmuch as to the same extent that some are favored by the discrimination others are inevitably plundered or crushed. It is also well to remember that when the term " uni- formity" in respect to taxation is used, as it often is, in the place of "proportionality," the meaning is .essentially the same; and that uniformity of taxation does not consist in the payment of the same amount by each taxpayer, but that the proportion of the value of each particular class or subject which each person pays in taxation to the state shall be everywhere the same. In the soundings which have been made at great depths in the ocean for telegraphic or other purposes, the sounding line has not infrequently brought up from the bottom small chambered shells or other minute animals of exquisite organization and structure ; and the question naturally arises. How can these minute organ- isms live and flourish under the enormous pressure that in some instances must be exerted upon them of at least three tons to the square inch ? The explanation is to be found in the circum- stance that the pressure is everywhere equalized, being as much from within outward as from without inward, and thus an equi- librium is maintained, under which development goes on and existence is made possible ; and it is in preserving this equilib- rium, this equalization of pressure, that constitutes the very essence of correct taxation.* Another point worthy of attention in connection with this sub- ject is, that forms of taxation which were not authorized with any purpose of making them unequal in their incidence or burden, not infrequently (as is especially the case in the United States) become so by reason of extraneous circumstance ; inasmuch as every tax which popular sentiment, year after year, will not allow * Speech of Mr. Lowe, Chancellor of the British Exchequer, afterward Lord Sherbrooke. PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 57 to be equally enforced, is, to the extent that it is enforced, a dis- criminating tax of the most unjust and unequal character. Under the internal revenue laws of the United States as they existed not many years ago, there was a very striking example of this char- acter in the case of the tax on matches, to which more particular reference will be made hereafter, and one worthy of notice still exists, in the case of the tax on negotiable securities (or instru- ments)— as railroad and other corporate bonds — which the laws of every State in the Federal Union make subject to taxation ; inas- much as it is notorious that such taxes are not paid by the great majority of the citizens who own such securities, but are paid as a rule by guardians, trustees, and executors, who are obliged to in- ventory them in probate offices ; with the result that widows, orphans, and minors are plundered and crushed ; while those who evade the tax, through the utter inability of the State to collect it, are rewarded for their evasion in an increased rate of interest. Uniformity or proportionality in taxation is, therefore, one of the fundamental principles of every free and just government ; and the safety of all tax-payers against the grossest abuses demands that in taxing any class or locality the principle of equdlity of rate should be kept sacred and inviolate. The Constitution of the United States requires that " all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States " ; and the question as to what constitutes uniformity of taxation under this provision has repeatedly come before the courts — Federal and State — for the purpose of definition, and so has become invested with a degree of historical interest. A natural inference, at first thought, would be, that under this pro- vision of the Federal Constitution all property subject to taxation must necessarily be taxed at the same rate or ratio — that is, if horses, wagons, and land are taxed, then the same per cent of value must be assessed upon the horses and wagons as upon the land ; and if some eight hundred per cent is assessed upon distilled spirits — whisky — (as is the case in the United States at the present time) every other commodity from which it was proposed to raise revenue ought to be taxed in the same proportion. In like man- ner under the customs, all imports — liquors and pig iron, for ex- ample— would have to be subjected to one rate of duty. This dif- ficulty, so far as the Federal Government is concerned, has been obviated by an assumption, which the courts have sustained, that a tax " is uniform within the meaning of the constitutional require- ment if it is made to bear the same percentage over all the United States" — that is, it must be uniform as regards any particular article in all places ; that whisky or any other commodity, for example, shall not be subjected to Federal taxation at one rate in one State and at a different rate in another State, but that differ- 58 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ent articles may be subjected to different rates, provided tliey are ■uuiform as between different places and different States ; as it obviously " could not have been the intent of the framers of the Constitution that the Government in raising its revenues should not be allowed to discriminate in respect to articles which it de- sired to tax." * In the case of the several States of the Federal Union, to which the Federal constitutional requirement in respect to uniformity of taxation does not apply, the same question — i. e., as to what constitutes uniformity — has been also a troublesome one, but dif- ferent in its manifestation. The provisions relating to taxation in the Constitutions of these several States generally start with the idea, expressed or implied, that taxes must be uniform ; and a strict construction of this language in a tax statute, operative in only one State, and where the Federal limitation of uniformity as respects place does not apply, might be construed as restrain- ing the authorities of a State from imposing any different rate of taxation on the manufacture or sale of liquors and the manufac- ture and sale of other merchandise, or on the laud and the busi- ness of the agriculturist. These difficulties in the way of con- struction have, however, been largely obviated by recognizing that when in the statute of a State the words " taxes must be uni- form " are used, the word " uniform " does not mean, as in the Federal Constitution, uniformity as to "place," but uniformity " with regard to the subject of the tax"; an interpretation in full conformity with the principle before enunciated, that uniformity of taxation consists in the making of the burden of taxation equal upon all subjects which are in the same field or sphere of compe- tition ; or, as has been also expressed by Justice (S. F.) Miller, "dif- ferent articles may be taxed at different amounts, provided the rate is uniform on the same class everywhere, with all people and at all times. Take, for instance, the case of a license : if every- body in any particular class is required to pay a certain license — if all lawyers are taxed twenty-five dollars a year, all merchants one hundred dollars, and all saloonkeepers two hundred dollars — then the license taxation is uniform, because it imposes the same burdens upon every man of the same class, who comes within a circle of well-defined limits. . . . This interpretation," he adds, " may be a little strained, but probably it has arisen from the ne- cessity of enabling the Legislatures to levy taxes according to common sense, if not altogether with regard to strict uniformity." f The opinions expressed by the State courts of the United States when this question of uniformity of taxation has been * Lectures on the Constitution of the United States, Justice Miller, pp. 240, 241. f Miller (Justice S. F.), ibid. PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. S9 practically brouglit before them, is indicated by reference to the following decisions : The Constitution of the State of Pennsylvania provides (Article IX, sec- tion 1) that " all taxes shall be uniform upon the same class of subjects within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax, and shall be levied and collected under general laws." In June, 1885, an act was passed by the Legislature imposing a tax of three mills on the dollar on mortgages, moneys loaned or invested in other States, money capital in the hands of individual citizens, and other classes of property. The act did not extend to corporations, which were taxed at a similar, in some cases at a higher rate, under a statute of 1879. The act of 1885 was opposed on the ground that it violated the constitutional rule of uniformity, but it was declared valid by the Supreme Court of the State, which held that substantial uni- formity had been obtained. A decision in New Jersey turned upon a constitutional jirovision that " property shall be assessed for taxes vnider general laws and by uniform rules, according to its true value." In 1884 the Legislature of the State passed an " act for the taxation of railroads and canals," which imposed a tax upon the lands and tangible property used by railroad and canal companies and their franchises, and touching no other property. The constitutionality of this law was questioned by most of the leading com- panies, but was affirmed by the State Court of Errors and Appeals, which held that as the law was a general one, framed in general terms and re- stricted to no locality, it operated equally upon a whole class of property, whose characteristics enabled it to be dealt with separately. The court further declared, that as a previous act had secured the companies against being required to pay more than their full share of tax, a substantial uni- formity was thus secured. These and other like decisions of the State courts of the United States show that in order to sustain a tax law under the require- ment of generality or uniformity it is not necessary that all prop- erty should be taxed, and that a State has the right to select prop- erty for taxation at its discretion. Of course, discrimination may result from the exercise by the State of the power of dividing the objects of taxation into classes, but while persons of the same class and property of the same kind are subjected to an equal burden, the constitutional requirements as to uniformity seem to be satisfied. The fourteenth amendment of the Constitution of the United States, which prohibits any State from depriving any person of property " without due process of law," is also in conformity with the principle enunciated in the above citations ; for taxation without jurisdiction, and therefore without the possibility of the correlative return of any protection as compensation, would obvi- ously be an arbitrary exaction and not due process of law. But if property is otherwise (than by taxation) taken by the Govern- ment (as by the so-called law of " eminent domain "), full and fair pecuniary return must be made for its value. This is a prin- 6o POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ciple as old at least as constitutional government, and is so impor- tant that it is incorporated in the fundamental law of every State in the Federal Union. Article V of the Constitution of the United States also provides that private property sliall not be taken for public use without due compensation. It is clear, therefore, that there must be a line between the taking of private property for public use by the law of eminent domain and by taxation. But how can that line be drawn except by the rule that rightful taxation means uniformity of burden on com- peting vocations and competing property ? The following de- cision by the Supreme Court of New Jersey is clearly in con- formity with this conclusion: "A tax," it said, "upon the persons or property of A, B, and C individually, whether desig- nated by name or in any other way, which is in excess of an equal apportionment among the persons or property of the class of persons or kind of property subject to taxation, is, to the ex- tent of such excess, the taking of private property for a public use without compensation. The process is one of confiscation and not taxation." (Township Committee of Reading, 35 N. J., p. Qi}, 1873.) Fifth. Taxation should not he employed as an agency or for the purpose of enforcing morality, or as an instrumentality for correction or punishment. The punitive or moral idea has probably always entered to some extent as an element in all those taxes which have been levied on luxuries, and more especially on all those forms of luxury which are regarded as frivolous or as mere insignia of wealth and title, such as hair powder, wigs, coats of arms, car- riages, etc. But when a government assumes to inquire what are the articles the consumption of which is prejudicial to the in- terests and well-being of its people, and then embodies the results of such inquiries into its measures of revenue ; so that while pro- viding means for the support of the state it also prescribes how the citizen ought to live, dress, eat, or drink, the result is always ineffectual for purposes of revenue, and far more so for the pro- motion of morality. Examples illustrative and confirmatory of these conclusions are so numerous as to make a selection of them not a little difficult. The following have been cited by the late Sir Morton Peto : "A tax on dice in Great Britain, repealed in 18G2, had the ludicrous result of producing for many years a reve- nue of five shillings per annum from a license of thirty to forty pounds a year on the business of manufacturing them. Another provision of law was that every person having dice unstamped by the revenue officials in his possession was liable to the penalty of five pounds for each pair ! But stamped dice could not be ob- tained. Every one who wanted dice, even cabinet ministers and PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 6i revenue officials, purchased square pieces of ivory for a few pence and marked them for themselves. As regards packs of cards, the regulations imposed by a number of complicated acts of Parlia- ment were so stringent that legally cards could scarcely be made or sold. Nevertheless for many years cards were hawked about the streets unstamped and without a license ; and the manufac- ture of cards for exportation was so flourishing that nearly half a million packs were estimated to be surreptitiously made for ex- portation at the time the obnoxious taxes were repealed." Sixth. No tax should he levied the character and extent of which offer, as human nature is generally constituted, a greater inducement to the taxpayer to evade rather than pay. The justification and wisdom of the above maxim find sup- port in a lesser degree from argument than from experience, although the deductions from abstract reasoning ought alone to constitute its sufficient indorsement. It has been pointed out by Herbert Spencer that ideal men are possible only in an ideal state ; and, conversely, that a perfect social state is possible only when every unit has achieved perfection. As this condition has not been attained, and until the "millennium" arrives is not likely to be, the inference is legitimate that a large proportion of mankind are not " decently honest," inasmuch as in every variety of business where opportunity for the perpetration of fraud exists, much labor is expended in guarding against dishonesty. This is specially exemplified in the case of railroads, " where tickets have to be dated, punched, and carefully collected to prevent their being used again by the masses." But it is in matters of taxation that the largest amount of irre- futable evidence is to be found in support of the above maxim. Thus in the case of smuggling or the evasion of duties on im- ports, the experience of all governments and of almost all coun- tries is to the effect, that when sufficient inducement in the way of gain from a violation of the law is offered, such statute can not be executed even when penalties as severe as death have been made contingent on individual arrest and conviction. But it has been reserved for that nation whose people claim to be the most law-abiding and intelligent, to furnish the most confirma- tory evidence on this subject — namely, the United States— the Congress of which in 1865 imposed a tax on distilled spirits amounting to more than fifteen hundred per cent on the then average prime cost of production. The result was, that the Government was only able in 1868 to collect the tax on less than seven million gallons out of an annual product of certainly not less than fifty million gallons; which last, sold as it undoubt- edly was at the current market price (tax included), left to the credit of popular corruption at least $80,000,000. 62 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The United States is confessedly one of the most powerful of nations and governments, but its entire military force can not crush the illicit traffic in refined opium, under a temptation of the realization of six dollars contingent on every pound of this com- modity that is successfully smuggled into the country. 4t» THE BUBONIC PLAGUE. By victor C. VAUGHAN, pb0fe8s0k of hygiene in the university of michigak. THOSE twin monsters of human misery, Famine and Disease, are now holding high carnival in India. Death follows in their wake and gathers in a rich harvest. Appeals to the chari- table of the world are being made, and the civilized nations of Europe and America are looking apprehensively toward the East. The great plague, which has confined its ravages for the most part to certain limited districts of Asia for the past two hundred years, seems to have grown strong enough to threaten to take a journey abroad. The black death has unfurled its banner in the face of modern civilization. For a period of more than a thousand years this disease once held dominion over Europe. The story of the horrors of the fourteenth and seventeenth cen- turies has seemed a history of a past so remote that it has been nearly forgotten save by those especially interested in the prog- ress of medicine. Is history to repeat itself in this form of human suffering ? What is the bubonic plague ? Do we know anything of its specific cause, of its methods of invasion, of the means necessary to combat it ? These are questions which I have thought might at this time be of more than passing interest. Oribasius was physician and friend of Julian the Apostate, and lived in the fourth century of our era. He wrote a medical encyclopfedia, composed principally of extracts from older med- ical authors. This encyclopsedia remained unknown in the Vati- can Library until the early part of the present century, when it was discovered by that indefatigable student of old manuscripts. Cardinal Mai. In the forty-fourth book of this collection there is a note from Rufus, who states that the physicians of the time of Dionysius were acquainted with a disease which is described as " Pestilentes hubones maxime letales et acuti, qui maxime circum Libyam et Egypium et Syriam observantur." There follows a description of this disease sufiBciently accurate to leave no doubt that it was identical with the bubonic plague. Now, this Dio- nysius lived about three hundred years before Christ. There is THE BUBONIC PLAGUE. 63 therefore no doubt that the plague has been known for more than two thousand years. The next authentic account of the plague is that of the epi- demic of the sixth century. The disease at this time was first recognized in Lower Egypt, from which country it extended into Europe by two routes. It was brought from the north coast of Africa, and it also extended through Palestine and Syria, and by this way into Europe. This disease became pandemic and spread, according to the chroniclers of the time, to the "ends of the habitable world." It prevailed in an active form for about sixty years, showing great virulence in certain localities. According to Warnefrid, " it depopulated towns, turned the country into a desert, and made the habitations of men to become the haunts of wild beasts." Hirsch says : " It is impossible to decide whether this outbreak of plague in the second half of the sixth century was the first general diffusion of the disease on European soil, or whether it had been epidemic there before, and if so, to what ex- tent. What is certain is that this outbreak gave it firm hold in Europe, and that it kept its dominion there for more than a thousand years." It is an interesting fact that this pandemic occurred during the reign of Justinian the Great, the most illustrious emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. This man, who did so great a service to the world in the codification of the Roman laws, seems to have been both wise and unwise. He is said to have been so filled with Christian ardor that he forcibly baptized more than seventy thousand pagans in Asia Minor alone ; and yet he was a pagan by birth, and there is reason for believing that he died a j^agan. He is known as the great legislator, and yet he oppressed the people to the verge of starvation by the imposition of unjust taxation, and by granting monopolistic privileges to a few. On one side he instituted just reforms and on the other he fell into reckless and extravagant expenditures. He built the great cathedral of St. Sophia, now a Turkish mosque and one of the architectural wonders of the world, with a treasury filled with the sighs and tears of his overtaxed subjects. I mention these facts in order to show that the spread of the plague occurred at a time when the masses of the people were ox3pressed by wrong and broken by burdens too heavy to carry. From the time of Justinian on, for more than ten centuries, as has been stated, the plague raged, sometimes with more, some- times with less, severity, in Europe. The historians of the time generally content themselves with a statement of its most violent outbursts and an enumeration of its victims. The numbers given must, in many instances at least, be gross exaggerations. It is possible, also, that other diseases, especially smallpox, were in- 64 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. eluded in these accoTints, but, as Hirscli states, the bubonic plague takes at any rate a foremost place among the great epidemic dis- eases of those times. The same author says: "There is only one of the epidemics of the plague in the middle ages that has arrested the attention of the chroniclers, poets, and physicians of those days ; and that interest was awakened by the enormous diffusion theat it reached over the whole of the then known world, by its victims reckoned in mil- lions, and by the shock to the framework of society which it brought with it and left behind it. This disastrous pestilence, known everywhere under the name of black death, as one of the great events of the world's history, has fixed the attention of writers in a high degree, and has been thought worthy to be painted in minutest details and in the most vivid colors." Several accounts of the plague of the fourteenth century have become classical. Among them I may mention that of Boccaccio, which begins as follows : " In the year, then, of the fruitful na- tivity of our Lord, 1348, there hapjjened at Florence, the fairest city in all Italy, a most terrible plague ; which, whether owing to the influence of the planets, or that it was sent from God as a just punishment for our sins, had broken out some years before in the Levant " ; and concludes thus : " Between March and July follow- ing it is supposed, and made pretty certain, that upward of a hundred thousand souls perished in the city only ; whereas, be- fore that calamity, it was not supposed to have contained so many inhabitants. What .magnificent dwellings, what noble palaces were then depopulated to the last person! What families ex- tinct ! What riches and vast possessions left, and no known heir to inherit ! What numbers of both sexes in the prime and vigor of youth, whom in the morning, neither Galen, Hippocrates, nor JEsculapius himself but would have declared in perfect health — after dining heartily with their friends here, have supped with their departed friends in the other world ! " This epidemic, like all others of the plague, spread from the East to the West. It prevailed in the Crimea in 1346, reached Con- stantinople in 1347, and, as we have seen by this quotation from Boccaccio, began its devastations in Florence in 1348, and by the beginning of 1350 it had spread all over the continent of Europe and the adjacent islands. Hecker places the number of deaths from this epidemic at no less than twenty-five millions, or about one fourth of the inhabitants of that part of the globe at the time. Hirsch believes that this estimate was not too high. The history of the fifteenth century is dotted with notes of local epidemics, and at this time physicians begin to report more accurately and in greater detail the characteristic symptoms and the course of the disease. It was at this time that exanthematic THE BUBONIC PLAGUE. 65 typlms was recognized as a distinct disease, and distinguished from the other pests of the medical profession. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the bubonic plague seems to have prevailed as an endemic disease in Europe. There was scarcely a year during these two centuries that this disease did not assume alarming proportions at some place on that continent. The last visitation in England is known as the Great Plague in London, which occurred in 1665. This has been very graphically described by De Foe, and has been the basis of the thrilling story by Ainsworth entitled Old St. Paul. During the last quarter of the seventeenth century the plague seems to have gradually receded toward the East. During the eighteenth century it repeatedly threatened to ex- tend over Europe, but seldom reached farther than Turkey and the immediately adjacent territory to the north. However, there were as many as eighteen distinct and severe epidemics in Con- stantinople during that time. Up to 1841 the plague occasionally became epidemic in the Bal- kan Peninsula, and there was an outbreak in the province of Astrakhan in the winter of 1878-79. Since the last-mentioned years it has not appeared in Europe, but has continued in certain parts of Asia. In 1894, just before the beginning of the Chinese- Japanese War, it appeared in a virulent form at Hong Kong. The Japanese Government sent Kitasato and the French sent Yer- sin to study this disease according to the latest methods of bac- teriological research. Both of these men were eminently quali- fied for the work of their mission, and independently each soon succeeded in isolating the specific bacillus. It is found in the faeces, in the contents of the swollen glands, and in the blood. It consists of rods with rounded ends, which take stains more markedly at the extremities than in the middle. Sometimes the germ seems to be surrounded with a capsule. In beef tea it grows in chains and forms a viscid deposit on the walls and bottom of the tube. It also grows on blood-serum and agar. On potatoes it does not grow at ordinary temperature and only feebly at 38° C. It shows but little motility and grows most abundantly at the temperature of the body. The bacillus is pathogenic to guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, and mice, and it is stated that at times of the existence of an epidemic of the plague some of these animals acquire the disease, and it has been suggested that they may act as agents in its spread. In the above-mentioned animals the first symptoms manifest themselves usually within from one to two days after inocu- lation. The animal becomes apathetic, the eyes are watery, the temperature rises, and death, preceded by convulsive move- ments, comes on within from two to five days. The tissue around VOL. LI. — 5 66 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the point of inoculation is inflamed and infiltrated with a bloody, gelatinous exudate. The spleen is enlarged and sometimes the lymphatic glands are swollen. The bacillus is found in the blood and in all the organs. Mice and guinea pigs fed with pure cultures or with tissues containing the germs die with the symptoms mentioned above. Kitasato found the bacilli in a dead mouse from a plague- stricken house. He also inoculated animals with dust gathered from such houses, and one of these died with symptoms of the plague, and the bacillus was found in its body. In certain parts of Asia the disease is, according to Cantline, known as " rat plague," thus indicating an extensive infection of these animals. Cantline makes the following statement concerning the sus- ceptibility of rats to the disease : " On all hands rats are reported to behave peculiarly and with a wonderful constancy. Before, or it may be during an epidemic of plague, or before the individuals in any particular house in an infected locality are stricken, the rats leave their haunts and seek the interior of the house. They become careless of the presence of man, and run about in a dazed way with a peculiar limping jerk or spasm of their hind legs. They are frequently found on the bedroom floor or on the tables, but not infrequently their death is known by the putrefactive odor of their decomposition arising from beneath the flooring. So pertinent has this rat affection become, that during the epi- demic in Macao in 1895 the Chinese and Portuguese left their houses when the diseased rats invaded their premises. The cause of the rats' behavior is undoubtedly disease, and the symptoms tally wonderfully with plague symptoms of man. Dr. Rennie examined them carefully in Canton, and noted the following post- mortem appearances : (1) The stomach was distended and filled with particles of food, sand, and indigestible substances, and the mucous membrane was red and inflamed toward the pyloric end ; (2) the liver was much enlarged and congested, and contained ova of tfenia and distoma ; (3) there was congestion at the base of the lung present in about forty per cent ; and (4) glandular enlargement was present in thirty per cent of those examined. There is no doubt now that the disease in the rat and man is identical. The bacillus of plague has been met with in every case of rat disease of this description when it has been searched for. The infection of the rat is raised from being a mere popular belief into one of scientific precision, and we must now accept the rat, at any rate, as one animal liable to the plague. Whether the rat is affected previously to, coincidently with, or subsequently to man being attacked is open to question. Is the disease among rats a forerunner of its outbreak in man, and, if so, are they a means of infection ? These are, of course, two separate questions." THE BUBONIC PLAGUE. 67 Exposure of the bacillus in thin layers to the direct action of sunlight destroys it after from three to four hours, but to accom- plish a like result from exposure to diffuse light as many days are necessary. The germ is killed by an exposure to a temperature of 80° C. for thirty minutes and at 100° C. within a few minutes. Spore formation has not been observed. There is some reason for believing that there is a pseudo- bacillus of the plague as there is one of diphtheria. In his studies of the soil of the infected districts of Hong Kong, Yersin found a bacillus that resembled that obtained from persons with the dis- ease, both morphologically and in its growth on culture media, but it was without effect upon mice and guinea pigs. He also observed great differences in virulence in the germs obtained from the sick ; some of these were without effect upon the above- mentioned animals. There were, moreover, observable varia- tions in the size of the bacilli found in the bodies of the sick and dead. The studies of Yersin and Kitasato were interrupted by the war between China and Japan, and a much more thorough knowl- edge of the bacillus and the disease caused by it will probably soon be in our possession. I will now consider some of the characteristic symptoms of the disease. It is undoubtedly a septicemia, or form of blood-poi- soning. As has been stated, the bacillus is found in the blood and in all the organs. It is customary to describe the disease under two forms. The milder epidemics are known under the name of pestis minor. In this form the glands of the groins and armpits swell and either suppurate or undergo resolution. There is moderate fever, although in exceptional cases the temperature may reach 104° F. The disease usually continues from ten to twenty days, and may last for from four to eight weeks. Pestis minor sometimes precedes and at other times follows the more severe forms of the disease. The former was the case in the epidemics in Mesopotamia in 1873 to 1878, and in Astrakhan in 1878. Foder^, as quoted by Cantline, makes the following statement concerning pes^t's minor : " In the Levant and in the Marseilles epi- demics of 1820, cases were to be seen which were not ushered in by any alarming symptoms, and where the natural functions were undisturbed, and where buboes and carbuncles appeared without fever, or only with slight fever, or the buboes went on to a healthy suppuration more or less prompt, or even disappeared and went on to resolution without the help of art, without any inconven- ience, and with a perfect integrity of all the functions. This state is comparable to benign smallpox, during which children play to- gether and walk in the streets without any precautions, no care 68 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, being taken of their treatment, and yet terminating favorably. It is the benign plague of authors, which is observed when the disease commences and when it is at its end, though it is rarely seen in the middle period, which is entirely devastating, but it is not less plague, and it no less merits the attention of physicians and magistrates." In pestis major there is a prodromal stage, accompanied by aching in the limbs, shivering, and a high degree of nervousness. The patient seems to be unable to quickly comprehend questions. There is a staggering gait similar to that of alcoholic intoxication. There is intense headache, with thirst and great pain in the epi- gastrium. The eyes become red ; the tongue dry, swollen, fissured, and sometimes black, and at other times covered with a thick white coat. Coma may set in and death result before there is any marked elevation of temperature. In some cases, however, the temperature may reach 107° F. during the twenty-four hours pre- ceding death. In the cases less rapidly fatal there are glandular swellings. These occur in the groin in about fifty per cent of the cases, in the armpits in about thirty-five per cent, and less frequently in the neck and other localities. One peculiarity of the graver form of the disease is the occurrence of stablike pains in various por- tions of the body. This symptom gives rise to the superstition among the ignorant that the victim is wounded by invisible arrows shot from the bow of some demon. Suppuration of the buboes with free discharge has been regarded as a favorable symptom. The skin is sometimes covered with livid petechias, w^hich become very dark after death. This condition gave rise to the term black death, which has been applied to certain epi- demics. Large carbuncles may form in various parts of the body, and these are regarded as a very unfavorable sign. A highly fatal form of the disease is accompanied by haemor- rhages from the lungs. This was a noticeable feature of the pan- demic of the sixteenth century, and it was also observed in the recent outbreak along the Volga. Such haemorrhages indicate a grave form of intoxication, and have been observed in the severer forms of other acute infectious diseases, such as smallpox. The virulent form of the plague is often very rapid in its action, sometimes destroying life in a few hours, but the majority of fatal cases terminate about the fifth day. During an epidemic at Bagdad it was said that those who lived until the seventh day were safe, but, according to Colvill, four per cent of the fatal cases terminated after the tenth day. The mortality from the plague in its virulent form is probably as great as or greater than any other of the acute infectious dis- eases. In many epidemics it may be more than ninety per cent. THE BUBONIC PLAGUE. 69 Hecker gives the following statement, which must be an ex- aggeration, concerning the mortality of the black death : " Cairo lost daily, when the plague was raging with its greatest violence, from ten to fifteen thousand. In China more than thirteen mil- lions are said to have died. India was depopulated. In Caramania and Csesarea none were left alive. On the roads, in the camps, in the caravansaries, unburied bodies alone were seen. Twenty-two thousand persons and most of the animals were carried off in Gaza within six weeks. Cyprus lost almost all its inhabitants, and ships without crews were often seen in the Mediterranean, as afterward in the North Sea, driving about and spreading the plague wherever they went on shore. It was reported to Pope Clement that throughout the East, probably with the exception of China, 23,840,000 people had fallen victims to the plague." Probably the most constant pathological lesion found after death from this disease is an enlargement of the lymphatic glands. The disease may run so rapid a course that the enlargement of the glands is not observable during life, but, according to recent and competent observers, changes in these tissues will be found in the great majority of cases. This has led Cantline who studied the disease at Hong Kong in 1894, to propose for it the appellation of " malignant polyadenitis." The same authority offers the follow- ing definition : " Plague or malignant polyadenitis is an acute febrile disease of an intensely fatal nature, characterized by in- flammation of the lymphatic glands, marked cerebral and vascu- lar disturbances, and by the presence of a specific bacillus." Geographically the plague has been known as far east as the island of Formosa, where it now prevails ; as far west as Ireland ; as far north as Norway ; and there is no definite information con- cerning its extension southward in Africa. It has never been known in the western hemisphere, but this is only due to the fact that up to the present time there has been no opportunity of its importation to this half of the world. In this connection the following quotation from Hecker may be of interest : " The inhabitants of Iceland and Greenland found in the coldness of their inhospitable climate no protection against the southern enemy who had penetrated to them from happier countries. The plague caused great havoc among them. Nature made no allowance for their constant warfare with the elements and the parsimony with which she meted out to them the enjoy- ments of life. In Denmark and Norway, however, people were so occupied with their own misery that the accustomed voyages to Greenland ceased. Towering icebergs formed at the same time on the coast of east Greenland, in consequence of the general con- cussion of the earth's organism, and no mortal from that time for- ward has ever seen that shore or its inhabitants." 70 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. There is no known racial immunity to this disease. It is alike fatal to Mongolians, Africans, and Europeans. It has prevailed in the marshes along the Euphrates and on the Himalayas ; in densely populated cities and in sparsely settled rural districts ; on the sands of Egypt and amid the snows of Norway. Climate and season have been studied in order to establish be- tween them and the plague a causal relationship. Epidemics have followed prolonged droughts, and have prevailed during rainy seasons. The wind may blow where it listeth, but the bacillus heedeth it not. The epidemic at Hong Kong in 1894 appeared after a prolonged season of dry weather. Rain was anxiously looked for — probably prayed for. It was said. All will be well when the rain comes. At last the rain did come, and with it the disease seemed to be refreshed and the number of deaths was mul- tiplied. The attempt to find in meteorological conditions a cause for our ills is a relic of the superstition of ages when it was be- lieved that disease was sent from heaven to afflict man for his sins, and was due to the anger of the gods. Overcrowding is undoubtedly a factor in the distribution of this disease, as it is of all other infectious diseases, simply because it renders transmission of the germ from one to the other more speedy and certain ; but that the disease can be due to overcrowd- ing is, in the present state of our knowledge, an absurdity. Poverty and famine are factors in the propagation of the dis- ease. Want of proper food renders the individual more suscep- tible. This has been demonstrated in case of more than one in- fectious disease by experiments upon the lower animals. Priva- tion has always been associated with the most notable outbreaks of the plagues. As stated in the beginning of this paper, famine and disease are twin brothers, inseparable. Where one of them dwells there the other may be found. This is undoubtedly the reason why this disease has always found a home in the Levan- tine. Cantline says : " In the densely packed cities of Asia the poor exist forever on the fringe of destitution, and the least rise in the price of food brings scarcity, so that the term, ' the poor man's plague,' holds good for all time." There has been much written concerning the period of incuba- tion of this disease, but necessarily all is indefinite. Because a well man comes in contact with a sick one on a certain day, and manifests the first symptoms of the disease ten days later, does not prove that the period of incubation is ten days. The well man may have carried on his person the bacillus from the sick-room, and any time subsequent thereto it may have been introduced into the body. All that is said about the period of incubation of the infectious disease is based on the old theory — long since exploded — that the well man breathes in the miasm at the time of his com- THE BUBONIC PLAGUE. 71 ing into the presence of tlie sick one, while the truth is he may- carry the germ under his finger nails or elsewhere about him, and there is no telling when it may first find its way into his body. We can determine the period of incubation in the lower animals by inoculation, and here we know that it varies greatly with the method of inoculation, the virulence of the germ, the number of germs introduced, and the susceptibility of the animal. All that may be said about the period of incubation in man is of but little value. The same is largely true concerning the extent to which the disease is contagious. In the epidemic of 1835 in Egypt only one of the French physicians who attended the sick contracted the disease. Bulard, who did not believe the plague contagious, wore for two days a shirt taken from the body of a dead man. He remained well, and thought that by this he had demonstrated the truth of his theory. Such experiments demonstrate nothing. There is no evidence that any of the bacilli were on the garment, or that, if they were, they were introduced into his body. During the epidemic in Hong Kong, fifteen European physicians and a number of Chinese medical students cared for the sick in the hos- pital, and none acquired the disease. This only shows that with care and cleanliness the sick may be attended without danger of infection of the attendants. Hundreds of bacteriologists in labo- ratories are daily handling the most virulent cultures of the diph- theria bacillus, and the first case of infection from this source has yet to be reported. This does not prove that these bacilli are not pathogenic to man, or that these men are insusceptible to the dis- ease. Because an expert handles the most venomous serpents without being bitten, does not prove that the bite of these reptiles is harmless. The exaggerated idea of the contagiousness of the plague held by some of the older writers is exemplified in a graphic way by the following quotation from Hecker : "Every spot which the sick had touched, their breath, their clothes, spread the conta- gion ; and, as in all other places, the attendants and friends who were either blind to their danger or heroically despised it, fell a sacrifice to their sympathy. Even the eyes of the patient were considered as a source of contagion which had the power of act- ing at a distance, whether on account of their unwonted luster or the distortion which they always suffer in plague, or whether in conformity with an ancient notion, according to which the sight was considered as the bearer of demoniacal enchantment.'' The plagues of the middle ages were undoubtedly spread by the processions of the Brotherhood of the Cross. These fanatics went, sometimes in great numbers, from place to place, praying for the sins of the world, and scourging themselves with leathern straps armed with points of iron. 72 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The horrors of the plague of the fourteenth century have been depicted by Hecker and others. The moral depravity brought to light by this great epidemic is hardly credible. Many believed themselves poisoned, and suspicion fell upon the Jews, who have so often been treated by Christians with barbaric cruelty. Under the torture confessions were made, and then began the whole- sale slaughter of the children of Abraham. In Basle, the whole Jewish population was brought together in a wooden building constructed for the purpose and burned. "At Strasburg two thousand Jews were burned alive in their own burial ground. ... At Eslingen the whole Jewish community burned them- selves in their synagogue ; and mothers were often seen throw- ing their children on the pile to prevent their being baptized, and then precipitating themselves into the flames. ... In all the countries on the Rhine these cruelties continued to be perpe- trated during the succeeding months; and after quiet was in some degree restored, the people thought to render an acceptable service to God by taking the bricks of the destroyed dwellings and the tombstones of the Jews to repair churches and to erect belfries." Knowing, as we now do, the specific cause of the plague, we may easily predicate the modes of its distribution. Anything that carries the bacillus may be an agent of its transmission from one person to another, or from one country to another. It is need- less to dwell upon this point. Is there danger of the plague being imported to this coun- try ? Yes, there is danger, but this being foreseen may be eas- ily avoided. Thorough inspection of persons and disinfection of things from infected districts will keep the disease out of Europe and America. Only by the most gross carelessness could the plague be permitted to enter either of these continents. The method of disinfecting the mails from the Orient, as practiced by the English, is wholly inadequate, and the American authori- ties should redisinfect all such matter coming from the infected districts of India. On the occasion of the opening of the Davy Faraday Research Labora- tory at the Royal Institution, London, Dr. Ludwig Mond observed that if Great Britain had distinguished itself in one way more than another in that glorious rivalry with other nations for extending our knowledge of natural phenomena and our power over the forces of Nature, it had -been by the large number of contributors to our knowledge who on the Conti- nent would be called amateurs in science— men who devoted their lives to the study and advancement of science from pure love of the subject. He need only instance the names of Cavendish, Joule, and Darwin to say that they included men of the very highest rank. HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION IN MASSACHUSETTS. 73 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION IN MASSACHUSETTS. By CHARLES LIVY WHITTLE, M. E. IN the course of time there have been many changes in the method of transporting merchandise from town to town and from one country to another. Here, as in everything else, we see the gradual evolution of transportation, at first by man or beast, and finally by steam and electricity. Early man used himself as a beast of burden, and finally the ox and other animals were made to do service in his stead. With every improvement in method came a wider and wider range of trade and its consequent benefits. Efforts to improve the means of transportation resulted in the early invention of carriage by water. Hence we see the maritime peoples were the first to attain any considerable com- mercial prominence. At the time this country was settled the lack of adequate means of moving commodities, excepting by water, led to the settlement of lands bordering the ocean, streams, and lakes, while equally good lands, not in close vicinity to water, offered but little attraction to the settler. Gradually the frontier was pushed far- ther westward ; the narrow and obscure Indian trails were trans- formed into paths for horses and eventually became carriage roads. Before the railroad was devised public roads that pos- sessed any claims to excellence were limited to the more popu- lous States bordering the Atlantic coast. It is without doubt true that, had not transportation by rail been invented until the present time, the public roads of this country would be in a far more satisfactory condition than we find them to-day. With the advent of the locomotive came the withdrawal of active interest in the character of our highways. All the energies of our people were devoted to extending and perfecting the vast network of railroads that cross and recross the United States. Railway con- struction has now reached an equation of demand and supply, a,nd we once again see the Commonwealths awakening to the im- portance of good roads, many communities vying with one an- other in their efforts to lead the States and earn a reputation for the excellent character of their highways. The natural conservatism of the farming element of our peo- ple has been a difiicult feature of the problem of arousing public interest in better roads to overcome in the past. The farmer has had but few object lessons in what a road should be. Adding to this the objections he has to an increase of taxation, we perceive the difficulties that stand in the way of educating the people up to the point of appreciating the numerous advantages that would accrue to them with a system of highways properly constructed VOL. LI. — 6 74 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and maintained. Little attention has been paid by the rural dweller to the arguments in favor of good roads. His line of reasoning is that roads that were satisfactory to his father and grandfather are good enough for him. In vain has he been told that, with good roads all the year round, the farmer and mer- chant come into closer communication ; that he can sell his stock and grain when prices tempt him, instead of being dependent upon a favorable state of the road ; that he can buy his supplies on rainy days, and increase his number of perishable crops, which are of uncertain value with bad roads, but become of cer- tain value when impassable ways cease to cause spasmodic trans- portation. To-day State roads are furnishing the farmer the much-needed object lessons — roads which by their general excellence through- out the year are causing, as in some counties in New Jersey, a marked increase in farm values. Other States, as Massachusetts, are building highways with State money, one fourth of which is eventually returned to the State by the county traversed by the way, while the legislative enactments of other States require a portion of the expense to be borne by the county in which the road lies, and by the freeholders whose property immediately abuts the improved roads. The mutual benefit derived from im- proved highways by all classes of people is now generally recog- nized in the more thrifty States, and from now on we may expect with surety the gradual development of our highways until the principal thoroughfares of the country come up to the required standard of excellence. Travelers have described the celebrated Peruvian military road, leading from Cuzco to Quito, that was constructed long be- fore the time the Spaniards conquered that country, about 1544. This road is variously estimated at fifteen hundred to two thousand miles in length, passing over deep caiions and across high moun- tain ranges. Large sandstone blocks formed the foundation, and this was covered with a native cement of a bituminous nature, forming a very smooth surface possessing great durability. Some portions of the road are still in an excellent state of preservation. The Romans also constructed over ten thousand miles of paved ways ; but none of these ancient builders understood the prin- ciples made use of to-day. The art of building the type of road known as the modern highway is not a new one. The second decade of this century in England witnessed the first examples of turnpikes constructed on" scientific principles in that country as enunciated by Macadam. Like many discoveries, the first and one of the most important principles involved is one that we should expect would have been discovered and put in general practice long before 1816. At that 76 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. time it was the custom in Great Britain, as elsewhere, to build roads very largely of clay or gravel. Macadam observed that gravel never afforded a good, compact wearing surface until a large amount of traffic had passed over it, when it became hard- ened and cemented together. He sought an explanation of this phenomenon, and learned that when the pebbles were broken under the impact of heavy wheels they soon consolidated into a firm mass. Here was the great principle : angular stones solidify underpressure; rounded stones do not.* Amplifying this prin- ciple, he built up a complete system of road building which is in use to-day, as best shown in Switzerland and France, in Eng- land, and in other foreign countries, and is being revived so gen- erally in this country at the present time, where the farmer is learning its advantages in the appreciation of land values, and where the bicyclist promotes the cause as the advance agent of good roads. As defined by Macadam, a good road should be a hard, some- what elastic surface to receive the wear of all kinds of traffic at every season of the year and during the greatest vicissitudes of weather, which shall also serve as a roof to that part of the road lying below. To use his own words, " A road ought to be con- sidered as an artificial floor, forming a strong, smooth, solid sur- face, at once capable of carrying great weights, and over which carriages may pass without meeting any impediment." In order to realize such a surface it is necessary that the substructure of the road should be kept free from water, since, by the alternating freezing and thawing of the water, the wearing surface of the broken stone is disrupted, the water is offered a passageway through it, and the road becomes rough and difficult to travel. It was the custom of Macadam, after the engineering work was completed and the subgrade established, to spread on a layer of stone to a depth of ten inches and to roll this surface with a heavy roller drawn by horses. These stones were broken by hand with small hammers, frequently a whole family working together, and were broken small enough to pass through a three-inch ring, or were not to have a maximum weight of over six ounces. A family of five people could break several tons per day. Side ditches were excavated where necessary, so that at no season of the year could water penetrate to the substructure of the road. In 1816 Macadam began the construction and maintenance of one hundred and eighty miles of turnpike in Bristol District, * It is not improbable that Macadam was acquainted with the Napoleonic military roads constructed in France about 1775, wliicli involved the piinciple of a thin layer of broken stone placed on a rock foundation. These roads were the invention of Tresaguet, a French- man, at about this time, and to him seems to be due the credit of first constructing wliat is now known essentially as the Telford system. HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION IN MASSACHUSETTS jj England.* A modification of this system was adopted by Thomas Telford about this time, which substituted a layer, or foundation, of irregular broken stone, set up on edge on the subgrade. Nine inches was the maximum dimension of these fragments. The rough surface thus made was smoothed down by going over it and breaking off the tops of the blocks with small hammers and packing the pieces thus obtained between the large blocks. This surface was then rolled as before. Telford built the celebrated Holyhead road, extending from Holyhead through North Wales to Shrewsbury — a road that served as a model at the board of inquiry appointed by Parliament in 1823. Each system had its partisans, and to-day the best features of both methods have been adopted under different conditions, dependent upon the character of the ground over which the road passes. In 1892 the State of Massachusetts appointed a commission to investigate and report upon the character of the highways of the State, and to point out the trend that legislation should take in the matter of framing laws appropriating a yearly sum of money for the construction of State roads, and defining the powers of the Highway Commission to be appointed under the same act. This commission made its first report in 1893, and, on June 20, 1894, the Legislature appropriated the sum of three hundred thousand dol- lars for this purpose, to be used at the discretion of the Highway Commissioners the ensuing year. This commission appoints its own chief engineer, who has ultimate authority with the commis- sion in the settlement of all questions that arise in connection with the work. The laws enacted at this time do not place the initiation of State roads directly in the hands of the commission, but make the commissioners the tribunal to which all petitions made by towns, cities, or counties of the State are referred for action. It is a part of the policy of the commission not to allow a random construction of isolated stretches of road, but to make all ways constructed fit into a general scheme that shall have for its object a system of thoroughfares traversing the State that shall benefit the greatest number of municipalities and the State as a whole. The method of procedure, as defined by the statute of 1894, is as follows : The selectmen of any town, the aldermen of any city, or the county commissioners must first file a petition with the High- way Commissioners, accompanied by a plan and profile of the road. Plans are then prepared by the chief engineer and sub- mitted to the commission for its approval. It is a part of the set- * Although one of tlie earliest pieces of work on a large scale that was ever attempted, the report of the board of inquiry, referred to above, showed that similar roads had been built in Sweden previous to 1823. o a> o IC ■'■■ P s S o O S ^ " 3 £ S O) a> o ^ a 02 ** ^ HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION IN MASSACHUSETTS. 79 tied policy of the commission to reduce all grades to a maximum of five feet in one hundred — called a five-per-cent grade. After courses and distances are plotted, and the necessary data obtained for determining the quantity of the various materials used in the construction of a road, a conference is held between the peti- tioners and the State commissioners, in order to ascertain if a contract for the construction of the road is to be made by the municipality, and, if so, at what price it is to be done. In case the city or town authorities are unwilling to contract for the work upon the prices agreed, the commission advertises the same, and it is let to the lowest responsible bidder, subject to the ap- proval of the Governor and Council. It is the custom in award- ing competitive contracts to require the contractor to furnish bonds : one insuring a faithful completion of the work ; the other to safeguard the interests of the town or city in case damage results from accidents during the building of the way. Upon the contract being made and a notification being received that the municipality or contractor is ready to proceed with the work, the commission appoints a resident engineer, who has personal charge of the work of construction, subject only to the supervision of the chief engineer. Now comes the period of actual construction, and the first step in advance is the excavation and filling the road to the required subgrade. In general the subgrade is about nine inches below the finished grade ; but the extent of excavation differs widely in actual practice, owing to the different treatment necessary as determined by the varying character of the ground. The sub- grade established and rolled, broken stone is then added to a depth of six inches, the fragments varying in size from one and a quarter to two and a quarter inches in their longest dimen- sion. This is then rolled with a steam roller until thoroughly compacted (Plate I). A second layer of broken stone, three inches thick, is next spread upon the road, the pieces ranging in size from one half to one and a quarter inch. This is then rolled as before, and a finishing coating of screenings, put through a half-inch mesh, is then added to a depth of half an inch. Water is now turned on until the broken stone is well wet down, when the final rolling is done, and the surface becomes firmly and smoothly knit together (Plate II). In the foreground of this picture the second layer of broken stone is seen. The main part of the road is in its completed state, having just been com- pacted with the steam roller. Some modifications are made in these steps of the process, depending upon the quality of the stone used and the amount and kind of travel to which the road is to be subjected. As pointed out by Macadam, it is not wise to place a layer of broken stone directly upon a subgrade of granite 8o POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. or other rock existing as a ledge. Owing to the loss of the ele- ment of elasticity, the road would soon become weakened in its coherency, and the rate of wear would be much increased. It is therefore customar}^ to excavate, when a cut in rock is necessary, some four inches below subgrade, and to fill in to subgrade with gravel on which the broken stone is placed as before. Another modification is practiced when clayey, wet ground is encountered. Under these circumstances it is generally best to excavate some sixteen inches below the finished grade and spread on a layer of gravel four inches deep. Upon this Telford founda- tion is laid by hand to a depth of eight or ten inches and care- fully rolled (Plate III). A layer of broken stone is then put on, and a finishing coating of screenings is added as before. As to the character of the roads already constructed in Massa- chusetts, Prof. N. S. Shaler, of the Highway -Commission, in- formed the writer that, in his opinion, they are in no way inferior, in so far as quality and durability are concerned, to the celebrated Swiss roads. So well pleased are the people of Massachusetts with the State roads already constructed, and so active are they in the cause of good roads, that the Legislature appropriated the additional sum of four hundred thousand dollars for highway construction dur- ing the year 1895 and five hundred thousand dollars in 1896. At first glance it would seem that the engineering skill neces- sary to construct a Macadam road would not be of a particularly high order ; and yet the problems involved in building roads in the latitude of Massachusetts, where great variations exist in the character of the soil, owing to the glacial conditions that once existed here, call for engineering ability of a peculiar kind, as well as an extended experience in the treatment of special cases and the economical application of the materials at hand. As an adjunct of the Highway Commission, a laboratory has been established in Cambridge, where the systematic study of road materials is carried on. It has come to be generally recog- nized that materials which possess the necessary qualities for a good road stone are both limited in kind and in quantity. It is the object of these laboratory investigations to classify the road stones of the State in the order of their fitness for this purpose, and to prepare a map showing the area and location of the most desirable varieties. Here are investigated the questions of the rate of wear of stones under impact, and the cementing and re- cementing value of the powdered rock on which the life of the road depends in a large measure. The hardness and toughness also come within the scope of the experimental work. Experi- ment has shown that a stone must possess certain all-around properties in order to come up to the desired standard. For 82 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. example, ({uartz or quartzite has a hardness of seven in a scale of ten, and for this quality alone it is best suited for road building of any rock of common occurrence ; but it does not possess any cementing power or elasticity whatever, and is therefore of little use for Macadam work. As a result of long trial on roads in England and on the Continent, it is found that the stone best suited for road metal must possess toughness and cementing qualities and as great a resistance to abrasion as is possible in a stone having the first two properties. It is an important fact that experimental investigation in the laboratory has pointed scientifically to the same conclusions that have been obtained from the severe test of long experience in actual use. The most important road stones are known under the common names of " trap " or " dike stones." They are usually of a dark- green color, are fine-grained, and are composed essentially of the minerals pyroxene or hornblende and feldspar, the individual minerals often not being visible to the unaided eye. Geologically, they are rocks that have been forced up through fissures in the earth's crust from great depths, where they existed in a melted condition. Rocks of this kind are very numerous in eastern Massachusetts and generally throughout the old mountain ranges of the United States. The road engineer, however, has other materials besides quarry stone, which, though not possessing so many good qualities, nevertheless make excellent road metal under proper conditions. Among these may be mentioned the blue glacial gravels, kame gravels, beach pebbles, and field stones. Another rock in common use in various parts of New Eng- land is granite (a mixture of the minerals quartz and feldspar) and the allied rock, gneiss. Both these rocks are normally coarse- grained, possessing a hardness, as measured by that of their com- ponent minerals, a little under seven. In its use as broken stone granite has certain advantages over quartz alone, in that the feldspar, when pulverized or decomposed by the action of the weather, has considerable cementing value ; but the decomposi- tion of the feldspar liberates the quartz, and the physical difl^er- ences in the matter of hardness, cleavage, etc., between the quartz and the feldspar promote differential wear of the stone as well as other defects. Granite, however, is an important road stone, and is far superior to such rocks as limestones, slates, or marbles, which, owing to their softness, are rapidly worn out. The production of broken stone has now assumed such im- portance that several concerns in Massachusetts are making a regular business of furnishing all sizes to the State or munici- palities. Broken stone, as a commercial commodity, is now sold on the cars at about one dollar to one dollar and seventy cents per ton for the best quality of trap. DAVENPORT ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. 83 THE DAVENPORT ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. . By FREDERICK STARR. THE scientific work of our Government bureaus and of the great universities of our country is of supreme importance and justly arouses the pride of every American. It is not likely to be overlooked. The work of local societies is less imposing, but is of the highest importance and calls for more than a passing word. In many American cities there are organizations of per- sons who are intelligently interested in science. These hold regu- lar meetings for discussion, publish papers as new contributions to science, and gather museum collections which serve as object lessons to the public. Few persons realize how much such local organizations, supported by private means and personal enthusi- asm, are doing for the cause of science. To make known the story of some of these academies of science and to sketch their work is the purpose of the series of articles of which this is the first. To present their achievements and their claims to respect and assistance is a task which the author gladly undertakes, being one of the many students who have been helped and en- couraged by them. The choice of the Davenport Academy of Science as the sub- ject of this first article is simply from convenience. In some respects the story of its origin and development is typical, in others unusual. There is rather more of personality in it than in most, for the Davenport Academy has had a peculiar environ- ment. When it was organized the city of Davenport was in the " far West " ; opportunities for literary and scientific work were meager ; the town itself was small, commercial, unsympathetic. That any organization of its kind so far from other centers should exist and thrive was astonishing. In 1867, on December 14th, four gentlemen — Messrs. L. T. Eads, A. U. Barler, A. S. Tiffany, and W. H. Pratt — met in a business office to organize a natural history society. No one of the four was a professional scientist ; all were busy men ; none of them was really wealthy. They added names enough to their own to sup- ply officers and a board of trustees, drew up a constitution and by-laws, and then and there became an actual society. Thereafter regular meetings were held and topics of more or less scientific importance were discussed. Before a year had passed the mem- bership had grown to more than fifty, and the attendance at the meetings indicated continued interest. A cabinet of natural his- tory was begun and a place for its display was secured in the rooms of the Davenport Library Association. The first sign. 84 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. however, that the organization was really purposing to advance the sum of human knowledge was given when the academy ar- ranged for the scientific observation of the solar eclipse of August 7, 1869. The undertaking was a somewhat serious one for the little group of workers. Money had to be secured and subscrip- tion lists were passed. Arrangements were made for photograph- ing, and during the two hours of the shadow three dozen negatives were made, of which twenty were fairly good. From them sets of prints were made, some of which were sold to repay expenses, others of which were sent to foreign societies. It was the first exchange contact of the academy with the scientific world. In July, 1873, the academy, now nearly six years old, rented " a small back room," into which it put three or four cases for its collection and where for the first time it felt itself at home. The next year more commodious quarters were obtained in the Odd- Fellows' Building. Increasing activity showed itself by weekly conversaziones of a popular kind in addition to the regular meet- ings, by the purchase of a geological library, and by field work in DAVENPORT ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. 85 local archaeology. More room was necessary, and the lady mem- bers— for lady members had been determined to be a good thing — bestirred themselves to secure and furnish a second room. This was progress, but greater things were in mind. Even as early as March, 1873, there was talk of buying property or a building. At that time a combination scheme was in mind, the Library Association, Horticultural Society, and academy uniting in the purchase. Fortunately, the plan failed. On Washington's birthday, 1877, Mrs, Newcomb donated a building lot to the academy. The fever to build was fanned. Before the year ended plans were drawn up and the building erected. Just one year to a day from the donation of the land the building was opened. The first president of the academy was Prof. David Sylvester Sheldon.* He was born in Vermont, December G, 1809. At six- teen years of age he went to Castleton Academy, and three years later to Middlebury College, where he was graduated in his twenty-third year. Studying theology at Andover, he never preached, but entered the vocation of teaching. For a time he was principal of the academy at Bennington, Vt., then taught at Potsdam, N. Y., and still later at Northampton, Mass, At thirty- nine years he had lost health and was compelled to travel in the South. Going West later, he settled at Burlington, Iowa, in 1850. When forty- four years old he accepted the chair of Natural Sci- ence in Iowa College, then located at Davenport. Later on the college removed to Grinnel, but Prof. Sheldon remained in Dav- enport, where subsequently he took a professorship in Griswold College, retaining it until his death in 1886. Prof. Sheldon was an inspiring teacher, a man of excellent thought, and of kind and lovely character. He was an ardent collector and student, but not a writer. Local zoology and botany occupied much of his attention, and the remarkable collection of fresh-water Unios which he made greatly delighted Louis Agassiz. In his botanical field work, the afterward eminent botanist Sereno Watson, then a young man, was associated with him. When the Academy of * The list of presidents of the academy is as follows : 186'7.— Prof. D. S. Sheldon. I 1884.— H. C. Fulton. 1868-'69-'70- Yl-'7:2-'73-"74.— Dr. C. ! 1885-'86.— Charles E. Putnam. C. Parry. 1887-88.— Charles E. Harrison. 1875.— Dr. E. H. Hazen. 1876.— Prof. W. H. Barris. 1877.— Rev. S. S. Hunting. 1878. — Dr. R. J. Farquharson. 1879. — Mrs. Mary L. D. Putnam. 1880.— Prof. W. H. Pratt. 1881. — J. Duncan Putnam. 1882.— Dr. C. H. Preston. 1888.- E. P. Lynch. 1889- 90.— Dr. Jennie McCowen. 1891. — James Thompson. 1692. — James Thompson (died night of his election, Dr. William L. Allen, 1st Vice-President, acting President 1892). 1893-'94.— Dr. William L. Allen. 1895-96.— Edward S. Hammatt. 86 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Science was organized, Prof. Sheldon, then a man of sixty years, was urged to be president. He retained the office only a few months, but up to the last week of his life he was the academy's trusted counselor, constant supporter, and faithful friend. Fortunately, there was then in Davenport one who was a pro- fessionally scientific man — Dr. C. C. Parry. For more than six Fig. 2. — David Sylvester Sheldon. Fig. 3. — Charles CHRisioruEB I'aruy. years he was president of the academy. From the start he held the idea that the academy was called to a higher purpose than to supply pastime to a few townspeople. Charles Christopher Parry was born in Admington, Gloucester, England, August 28, 1823. When he was but nine years old his parents came to this country, settling in Washington County, New York. Educated at Union College, Schenectady, he studied medicine at Columbia College. He settled in Davenport in 1846. There he was a diligent student of the local flora. Later on he examined the mountain flora of California, Colorado, and Mexico. He was official botanist of the Mexican Boundary Survey. Later he held official positions in the Department of Agriculture and as special agent of the For- estry Department of the census of 1880. His journeys to every part of our great Western mountain region were extensive and scientifically productive. He was the discoverer and describer of many new species of plants and of several important genera. His name is associated with that of Torrey and Gray both in geogra- phy and on the pages of botanical literature. A man of energy, convictions, and heart, he was the very one to shape and mold a DAVENPORT ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. 87 young society's work. In one of his presidential addresses before the academy, Dr. Parry emphasized the importance of three things to be held constantly in mind toward which to work. These were (1) a home, (2) a complete local collection, (3) publica- tion. These three aims have ever been before the academy. We have seen how they gained the first ; the second has been in view from the very inception of the society ; the third began early to be agitated. The election of a schoolboy to membership in a scientific soci- ety might seem to mean little, but to the Davenport Academy it meant much. One of the charter members of the academy. Prof. Pratt, was writing teacher in the public schools, giving instruc- tion from building to building. At times he told the scholars to write anything they might have in mind on slips of paper and to hand them in to him. On one such occasion a boy not fourteen years of age wrote the words Davenport Academy of Natural Sci- ences. On inquiry. Prof. Pratt found that the boy had read of the academy in the newspapers and wanted to know what it was. When told of the meetings and collecting excursions he desired to become a member, but only if his mother could become one also. The question of lady members had not before been raised, but now posed it was soon solved. J. Duncan Putnam and his mother were elected to membership, June 2, 18G9. The ardent enthusiasm of the schoolboy and the moth- er's love were to do more for the academy than the few members voting at that meeting could real- ize. It was this mother's interest that led to the second rented room, to the donation by ladies in 1875 of new cases and carpets, to the gift by a woman in 1877 of the lot, and to much of the energy and interest displayed by the towns- people since. It was the boy's enthusiasm and the mother's love that led to the publication. Im- pelled by Dr. Parry's words and his own feeling of its importance, J, Duncan Putnam on November 26, 1875, then a boy of nineteen, urged the academy to publish Proceedings. A committee was appointed to look into the matter and to devise means if possible to carry out the plan. December 20th a company of ladies — the Women's Centennial Association — agreed to see that the first Fig. 4. — J. Duncan Putnam. 88 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. volume of Proceedings, covering the years 18(J7-'75, should be printed. It was no easy task. Entertainments were given and other ways of raising money devised. A fire interfered seriously, but at last the handsome octavo volume was printed and turned over to the academy. The volume formed part of the display of women's work and achievement at the Centennial at Philadelphia in 1876. The happy result of publication upon the academy was immediately apparent. The Proceedings were sent to all parts of the world, and the library of the academy has grown almost entirely out of its exchange. The publication has not only benefited the scientific world by making known valuable original work, but it has made the academy widely known. The Proceedings have been continued up to the present time, and Volume VII is now in progress. During his life- time the Proceedings were ever in J. Duncan Putnam's mind. Volume II was due to him, and early in 1881 he offered to turn over to the academy a complete printing outfit and to personally superintend the publication of Volume III. He did not live to complete it, and that volume is a memorial volume, the final bringing out of which is due to Mrs. Putnam. Since her son's death this lady's great desire in connec tion with the academy has been to see the publications continued. Her energy has never flagged, and finally she has seen the future of the Proceedings assured. One of the notable papers in the first volume of the Proceed- ings dealt with the archaeological treasures found by the acad- emy's workers in the mounds of Iowa and Illinois, not far from the city. Local archaeology began to attract the academy's atten- tion about 1873. A little group of interested students did the work of exploration mainly at their own expense and often with their own hands. Important objects had been found. In 1874 the academy published a series of seventeen photographs of seven mound-builder skulls. At the 1875 meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Dr. Robert James Farquharson represented the academy and read a paper upon these finds. It was this paper to which reference is made above. Its author was no common man. Born of a Scotch father and a Fig. 5.— Mks. M. L. D. Putnam. DAVENPORT ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. 89 Kentucky mother at Nashville, Tenn., July 15, 1824, he was a graduate of the University of Nashville in 1841. At that time Dr. Gerard Troost was connected with that institution, and young Farquharson was profoundly impressed by him. Graduating in 1844 in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Farqu- harson settled as a practitioner in New Orleans in 1845, and in 1847 was appointed assistant surgeon in the United States Navy. Resigning in 1855, he returned to Nashville and married there. Through the war a strong Unionist, he was in hospital service, and at its close removed to Arkansas. In 1868 he went to Daven- port. He joined the academy in its first year, and for twelve years was an important factor in its work. In 1880, being ap- pointed to the State Board of Health, he removed to Des Moines, where he resided until his death in 1884. Unusually modest, quiet, and unassuming, Dr. Farquharson was a profound thinker and an original investigator. Among his notable studies was an interesting investigation upon Leprosy in Iowa. In this same first volume were several important entomo- logical papers by J. Duncan Putnam. Mr. Putnam's election has already been mentioned and his interest in the Proceedings described. In the history of American entomology there are no more devoted workers. Al- though dying when most men begin work, he had accomplished more than many who live long. He was born at Jacksonville, 111., October 18, 1855, his mother be- ing the daughter of the second Governor of Illinois. When a boy of eleven years he began col- lecting insects, and three years later was a serious student of his gatherings. He joined the soci- ety in 18G9, and at fifteen years of age, in 1871, was its recording secretary. . In 1872 he took a three months' trip into Colorado, where he met John Torrey and Asa Gray, with whom he formed a lasting friendship. In 1873 he was appointed meteorologist on the Jones Yellowstone Exploring Expedition, which was in the field for five months. Returning home, he continued his prepa- ration for Harvard College, but was obliged to give up all hope of a collegiate course on account of failing health. It was in December of that year that his first hsemorrhage of the lungs VOL. LI. — V Fig. 6. — Eorebt James Faequhabson. 9° POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. occurred. Although knowing perfectly what lay before him, the young man kept unflinchingly onward. Wrapped up in his loved science and toiling like a strong man in the service of the acad- emy which had won his boy-heart, he kept happily and whole- somely busy to the very end. His labor in a loved cause no doubt prolonged his life, but at last, December 10, 1881, the long- expected summons came. The monument of that young life consists of a series of papers, chiefly entomological, of no mean merit — and the academy. In 1872 Duncan Putnam found his first specimen of Galeodes. This be- longs to the family SolpngidcB, a curious group related to the spiders and scorpions. From that date on his interest centered up- on this little-known and curious group. To so good profit did he labor that even now in our latest general authoritative work on ^^ ^^ ^K- ^^^^™ insects Prof. Comstock names P^L l«™n*™n-™»^JHBH[ Putnam as the chief authority. Fig. 7.-Cai>tain Wilfred P. Hall. The results of his Study WerC not fully ready for publication at the time of his death, but Prof. Herbert Osborne put them in shape for the printer. They comprise one brief paper — Notes on Solpugidse, an important Bibliography, and data for a Mono- graph upon the American Galeodidse. All of this material, beau- tifully illustrated by the author's own drawings, was published in the memorial volume of the Proceedings. Besides the material upon the Solpugidm, Mr. Putnam's work includes a score of im- portant papers which were printed in the Proceedings, Popular Science Monthly, United States Government reports, etc. The whole motive in J. Duncan Putnam's work was to do what ought to be done. As he himself once said," If others are unwilling to do what ought to be done, I must." No one outside his family knew him better than Dr. Parry, who said of him : " Though over thirty years his senior in the broad field of Nature, we occupied the same level. Always respectful to my personal wishes or sugges- tions, never flinching from any imposed duty, always cheerful, hopeful, and zealous, he proved a companion worthy of the high- est regard, which he never forfeited either by word or deed." By his activity in field work Mr. Putnam gathei-ed a collection of twenty-five thousand specimens, representing more than eight DAVENPORT ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. 91 thousand species of insects. Some of these were type specimens from which he had himself described new species. This whole collection, together with his entomological library, was turned over by his parents to the academy, upon certain conditions securing its proper care and integrity, June 25, 1880. The archaeological work of the academy has been done in two localities. Among Davenport residents who have been interested in the academy is Captain Wilfred P. Hall, better known as "the old man of the skiff." Captain Hall through a long series of years made great journeys on the Mississippi and its tributary streams in a little boat. Among the Arkansas mounds he made extensive diggings and collected many beautiful and valuable relics. The district is a rich one, especially in objects of pottery and shell. When fine specimens were found in private hands, the captain would secure them by purchase or exchange. In his barter, books, including dictionaries, were of special use. After every trip Captain Hall brought back new and interesting mate- rial, until the academy's collection was one of the finest, if not the best, from that district. It was this collection that supplied the better part of William H. Holmes's important paper upon the Fig. 8. — Pottery from Arkansas Mounds. Ancient Pottery of the Mississippi Valley.* Captain Hall's col- lection is still one of the strongest features in the academy's museum, and the old skiff in which he traveled so many thou- * Proceedings, vol. iv. Expanded to cover a larger field and under another title ia annual report, Bureau of f^thnology. 92 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sands of miles is still preserved on the academy's grounds. The other region archieologically explored by the academy is the local field immediately around Davenport. In the inves- tigations here some most important facts regard- ing mound construction and burial have been se- cured and curious and valuable relics found. Among these local relics are skulls, objects of shell, carved stone pipes, cop- per axes wrapped in cloth (the structure of which has been preserved by impregnation with salts of copper produced by at- mospheric action), and stone tablets bearing in- scriptions or pictorial de- signs. None of these relics have attracted so much attention as two of the stone pipes, called from their shape "ele- phant pipes," and the tab- lets, which are three in number, two of black slate and one of lime- Fic. ;».-CuPPK,i AxLs WRAPPED IX Cluth. stone. About the authen- ticity of these five objects a bitter controversy has waged. The matter first appeared within the academy August 29, 1884, when attention was called to an article by H. W. Henshaw in the Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. In this article the authenticity of the elephant pipes was seriously impugned. A committee was ap- pointed to look into the charge and meet it. A somewhat acri- monious discussion, in which many took part, was conducted in various periodicals. Mr. Charles E. Putnam, father of J. Duncan Putnam, and president of the academy, prepared a vindication, which was published as an independent pamphlet, and later re- published with an appendix of congratulatory letters from various archaeologists. While this is not the proper place for discussing the authenticity of these specimens, it may not be out of place for" the writer to say that to his judgment no substantial argument DAVENPORT ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. 93 by the opposition demonstrates either the falsity of the specimens or fraud on the part of the academy. A careful examination of the objects themselves by a disinterested and impartial commit- tee has never been made. Until it has been, every expression of opinion can only be personal. Up to the year 1883 there was no paid office in connection with the academy. Early in 1883 the heavy labors devolving upon the curator were emphasized, and the payment to him of a salary was uged. Toward the end of that year the modest sum of five hundred dollars was voted as salary, the incumbent being Prof. W. H. Pratt, one of the original four of 1867. At about the same time the financial condition of the academy made a vigorous efl^ort on the part of its friends to relieve it from debt quite necessary. There was a little balance of indebtedness upon the building and other obligations had arisen. An appeal was made to the city, and a citizens' meeting was held on April 24, 1883. At that meeting twelve hundred and ninety dollars was subscribed, and, by a short canvass among the citizens, that sum was raised to twenty-nine hundred and sixty dollars, more than enough to pay all debt. The surplus, amounting to nearly one thousand dollars. Fig. 10. — Slate Tablet, Davenport. was set apart toward a permanent fund, the interest only on which was to be available. Just at this time of favorable financial condition came the attack upon the elephant pipes. Whether this was intended to harm the academy or not, it had that result. The society was already weakened by loss of active members. Death or removal had taken from the academy Sheldon, Putnam, Parry, and Far- 94 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. quharson. Interested and self-sacrificing members remained, but they were not professional scientists. The attack surprised some, disgusted others, dis- couraged more. A few- brave workers kept their hands on the work. Among them the curator was inde- fatigable. The care of the collections was but a small part of his la- bors. Besides that he had many of the cares of correspondence and of the library. He it was who encouraged the young members of the Agassiz Associa- tions. To make the academy useful to a larger company than its own membership, he organized and de- livered courses of pop- ular lectures to the children of the public schools; these were given at the academy, and were illustrated by its collections. Classes from the different schools had their set times for these lectures, and the result of them was encouraging. The experi- ment might well be tried at other places. While not directly an academy enterprise, it is certain that its work and influence led to the holding of the second annual con- vention of the Agassiz Associations of the United States at Daven- port in 1886. There were then two flourishing chapters of the " A. A." in the city, one at the high school and the other in the grammar schools ; the combined membership was about seventy. That the active young members of these chapters drew a large amount of their interest from the academy is beyond doubt. The meeting at Davenport was a great success, and young scientists throughout the United States were stimulated by it. With the death of Charles E. Putnam and the later removal of the patient curator to Minneapolis, the little force of workers was still further reduced. The one thing that held the organi- zation together beyond all others was the publication with the mother love, erecting a monument, behind it. In 1886 the publi- cation fund was begun with a gift from Charles Viele, of Evans- ville, Indiana, of fifty dollars. From that time the idea of keep- Fio. 1 liLKT, DaVEXPOKT. DAVENPORT ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. 95 ing the Proceedings alive was foremost in mind. Mrs. Putnam exercised every energy to secure the funds. The curatorship had passed from Prof. Pratt to Prof. Barris, whose important papers on local geology are a valuable part of the Proceedings. Leav- ing to him all the curator's duties and more, she devoted herself to this. In 1895 she saw her desires gained : a bequest of ten thousand dollars was left in that year by Mrs. Mary P. Bull as a permanent publication fund, a memorial to Charles E. and J. Duncan Putnam. With this substantial encouragement the academy now looks forward with increasing hope. Much needed improvements have just been made in building and cases ; books have been rearranged in the library ; much needed binding of pamphlets and magazines has been done. The membership is increasing, and when the faithful few long toilers are gone new recruits will be ready. Definite plans of growth and development are shaping themselves. An effort is making to raise the permanent endowivent fund to fifty thousand dollars. When that is done a paid secretaryship can be established to direct and organize the work. Then, with permanent publication secured and direction and activity in- sured, an effort will be made to complete the building. The edi- fice already constructed is only the rear part of a far more ex- tensive one. On the lot before it is ample space for a large and imposing structure. The pres- ent building is of brick, and is in two stories. The dimensions are shown on the accompanying ground plans. The front door opens on a central hallway, on either side of which is a small, square room. One of these is the office and workroom of the cura- tor ; the other contains the Put- nam entomological collection and library, and is used for the regu- lar monthly meetings of the academy. Behind these rooms is the main museum hall. It consists of a ground floor, with a second- story gallery running around its four sides. On the main floor are the collections in natural history, representing all depart- ments, and particularly rich in local zoology and geology. Here are the results of the field work of Sheldon, Pratt, Barris, and ■X Fig. rj. — Charles E. Putnam. 96 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Pilsbry, not to mention many other local collectors. Here are Captain Hall's collections from Arkansas, and the tablets, pipes, copper axes, and other notable specimens from the local mounds. In the gallery are collections of minerals and an extensive series of stone-age tools and weapons. In front of this gallery and over the hallway and two front rooms of the lower story is the library, which can be used as a hall for a reasonably large audience. The library is one of the best devoted to science in the West, and has been chiefly secured in exchange for the Proceedings. Nominally it contains more than forty thousand volumes ; but this number must be considera- bly reduced, as latterly single issues of periodicals have been catalogued under distinct num- bers. With all reductions made, however, the library is impor- tant. Publications in twenty- two different tongues are on its exchange list. Among the most recent subjects in which the academy has interested itself is an archaeological study of the State of Iowa, planned by the writer. The plan involves several distinct pieces of work : 1. The preparation of a hibliograpliy of Iowa antiquities. 2. The publication of a summary of Iowa archaeology. 3. Organization of field work throughout the State. 4. Publication of a final report and an archaeological map. 5. Preparation of a series of diagrams and casts of an edu- cational character for distribution to the higher institutions of learning in the State. The first two parts of the plan have been accomplished, and the academy is now endeavoring to carry out the third. While the academy has given and is giving considerable attention to archaeology, it is not neglecting other lines of science, and papers of importance in geology, botany, and entomology are in its hands for publication in the near future. Thirty years is not a long time, even in America. In Decem- ber, 18!»7, the academy will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary by a special meeting. It may then look back with pride over its rec- ord. From a membership of four meeting in an office, it has grown Fig. 13.— \V. II. r KATT. 98 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. to one of scores meeting in its own home; it has a neat building free of debt ; it pays a curator a regular, if small, salary ; it has something toward a permanent endowment fund ; with six credit- able volumes of Proceedings, it has a permanent invested fund of ten thousand dollars to perpetuate their publication ; it owns a valuable museum, which is open free to the public, and acts as a constant incentive to develop scientific interest. And all this has oeen done by the academy in a small town in the West, without the assistance of any particularly wealthy patrons. -♦♦♦- SOURCES OF THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY.* By E. W. scripture, yale university. PSYCHOLOGY did not begin with the development of its own methods or in the psychological laboratory ; on the contrary, it has been largely the product of other sciences. In most cases the first impulse to the investigation of psychological phenomena was given by the discovery of sources of error in the other sciences which were due to the scientist himself. In astronomy Tycho Brahe did not accept his instruments as being correct, but determined their errors ; it was not, however, until centuries later that a suspicion arose concerning the possi- bility of errors in the observer himself. Astronomers have to record the time of the passage of heav- enly bodies across parallel lines in the telescope. When the star is about to make its transit the astronomer begins counting the beats of the clock. As the star approaches and passes the line he fixes in mind its place at the last beat before crossing and its place at the first beat after. The position of the line in respect to these two places gives the fraction of a second at which the transit occurred. In 1795 the British astronomer royal found that his assistant, working with another telescope at the same time, was making his records too late by half a second. Later on, this amounted to 0"8 second. This difference was large enough to seriously disturb the calculations, and, as the astronomer did not suspect that he himself might be wrong, the blame was laid on the assistant.! In 1820 Bessel X systematically compared his observations with * From a forthcoming work, The New Psychology (London, Walter Scott ; New York, Scribner). •f Greenwich Astronomical Observations, 1795, vol. iii, pp. 319, .^89. X Astronom. Bcobacht. d. Sternwarte zu Kiinigsberg, Abth. VIII, p. iii; Ahth. Xf, p iv; Abtb. XVIIl, p. iii. SOURCES OF THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY. 99 those of another observer for the same star. They found a differ- ence of half a second. Later he made similar experiments with Argelander and Struve, with the result of always finding a per- sonal difference. Bessel sought for the cause of this " personal equation " by varying the conditions. He first made use of the sudden disap- pearance or reappearance of a star instead of steady motion. The personal difference was much decreased. This seemed to indicate that the trouble lay in comparing the steady progress of the star with the sudden beat of the clock. The next step was to change the beats, with the result that for Bessel the observations were made later with the clock beating half seconds than with one beating seconds, whereas Argelander and Struve showed no par- ticular change. One other point was investigated — namely, the effect of the apparent rate of the star; within wide limits the per- sonal equation was not changed. About 1838 the personal equation began to receive regular notice in astronomical observations, as appears in the publica- tions of Airy * and Gerling of that year.f It was natural to wish for a comparison of the astronomer's record with the real time of transit. At the suggestion of Gauss, an artificial transit was arranged by Gerling, the object observed being a slow pendulum. This is probably the first measurement of a reaction time. In 1854 Prazmowski X suggested an apparatus carrying a luminous point for a star and closing an electric cir- cuit at the instant it passed the line ; a comparison of the true time with the astronomer's record would give the real amount of his personal equation. From this time onward various forms of apparatus were invented and numerous investigations were car- ried out. The astronomers found that in such observations sometimes the star was seen to pass the line too soon, sometimes too late, and that the error varied with every variation in the method of observing and in the mental condition of the observer.* Let us turn for a moment to another science. The new physi- ology, begun by the pupils of Johannes Miiller, in which the phenomena of life were to be explained by physical and chemical processes, had undergone a remarkable development. Du Bois- Reymond had taught how to apply the experimental methods and apparatus of physics to the study of physiological processes. Soon after this Helmholtz measured the velocity of nervous transmission (1850), an experiment that Johannes Miiller had * Greenwich Astron. Observations, 1838. p. xiii. + Astron. Nachfichten, 1838, vol xv, p. 249. \ Comptes rendiis, 1854, vol. xxxviii, p. 748. * For the history of the personal equation, see Sanford, Personal Equation, Am. Jour. Psych., 1888, vol. ii, pp. 3, 271, 403. loo POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. considered hopeless. This involved the construction of the myo- graph and the application of Pouillet's method of measuring small intervals of time. The nerves, however, are only the peripheral portions of the nervous system ; the desire lay near to measure the time occupied by the brain processes. Such measurements have been (and still are at the present day) impossible by direct physiological methods. It was, however, a sufficiently settled fact that the brain processes are closely accompanied by mental processes. This consideration led to the employment of the time-methods on living human be- ings. The stimulus was applied to the skin, to the eye, or to the ear, and the time required for the subject to respond by a muscu- lar movement was measured. Since the subject could tell what he experienced under different variations of the experiment it was found possible to measure the time of sensation, of action, etc. The physiological processes corresponding to these mental pro- cesses were to some extent known. It was soon discovered, how- ever, that other mental processes — e. g., discrimination, associa- tion, etc. — could be introduced in such a way as to be measured. Beginning with 1865, Donders made a systematic attack on the problem of psychological time- measurements, and was soon fol- lowed by Exner. Helmholtz had already directed the experi- ments of his pupil Exner in measuring the time of sensation, and in 1877 the work of Auerbach and von Kries appeared from his Berlin laboratory. The interest of the physiologist lay, however, mainly in the deductions to be drawn concerning brain action. Even from the simpler forms of reaction time the amount of physiological knowl- edge to be obtained is small, and for the more complicated forms it is zero. It was natural, therefore, for physiology to pursue the subject not much further.* Thus the two sciences of astronomy and physiology discovered and developed the methods of investigating mental times ; the further development was the task of psychology. Another source of the new psychology is to be found in the physiological study of the sense organs. The most obvious method for determining the functions of the nerves and end organs of the skin — the nose, the ear, or the eye — is to ask the living sub- ject what he feels when various stimuli are applied. In this way there has arisen a large body, of knowledge concerning the sen- sory functions of the nervous system. In this form, however, the problem is a purely psychological one. To inquire if the skin * For the historieal account of experiments on reaction time, see Buccola, La Icgge del tempo nci tVnoiiieni del ])ensieio, Milano, 188:5, and Rihot, La Psychologie allemande con- temporaine, Paris, 1885 ; for a summarv, with literature, see Jastrovv, Time Relations of Mental Phenomena, New York, 1890. SOURCES OF THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY. loi " feels " heat is, from a physiological point of view, an indirect question. Physiologically, the nerves of the skin may respond to heat by some chemical process ; that they do so respond may be inferred on the hypothesis of a correspondence between the occur- rence of a sensation of heat and the action of the nerve. The di- rect question is one of psychology ; it is asked by physiology for its own purposes, and the psychological data are collected as long as they are of use in this way. Physiology, however, is " physics and chemistry of the body," and as soon as psychological data cease to afford physical deductions the interest of the physiologist generally ceases. The study of the psychology of sensation and action, however, has formed and still forms an important portion of physiology. Historically considered, the study of the sensations of the skin received its first great impulse from Ernst Heinrich Weber's monograph, Tastsinn unci Gemeiiigefiilile* This has been fol- lowed by the work of a host of investigators from the labora- tories of Ludwig, Du Bois-Reymond, and their pupils.f The physiology of the eye originated much of the psychology of sight. Concerning the functions of the optical system, physiology can scarcely be said to have gone beyond the dioptrics of the eye. Nearly all further knowledge consists of deductions from the mental experiences of the subject. For example, physiology knows almost nothing concerning the functions of the retina. Psychologically, however, the color sensations and their combi- nations can be accurately measured. It is true that the investi- gations of color vision have been and are mainly carried out by physiologists and physicists ; but the point of view has become primarily a purely psychological one. This is strikingly exempli- fied in the researches of Konig, from which physiological deduc- tions are practically excluded. For the various other phenomena, such as those of the optical illusions, of monocular and of binocu- lar space, we have at present no hope of anything beyond a psychological knowledge, and the investigations of Hering, Helm- holtz, and others can be regarded as direct contributions to psy- chology. There is a third science whose influence is to-day the strongest of all. Physics is theoretically the co-ordinate science to psychol- ogy. Every direct experience has an objective, or physical, and a subjective, or psychical, side. Again, the fundamental science of Nature is physics, that of Mind is psychology. Practically, however, psychology receives from the most powerful science * Wagner's Handworterbuch d. Physiologie, 1851, vol. iii (2), p. 561 ; also separate. f For summaries and references, see Funke und Hering, Physiologie der Hautem- pfindungen und der (iemeingefiihle, Herrman's Handbuch der Physiologie, 1880, vol. iii (2), p. 287; and Beaunis, Nouveaux elements de physiologie humaine, vol. ii, Paris, 1888. 102 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of modern times an invaluable protection and an uninterrupted series of scientific gifts. The photometry of Lambert led not only to the methods of modern technical photometry but also to the measurement of our sensations of light, while the law of relativity of sensations had been — before Fechner — established for lights by Bouguer, Masson, Arago, Herschel, and Steinheil. The study of the errors of observation in physics and astronomy has led not only to the science of physical measurements, but also to that of psychological measurements. Newton, Young, and Maxwell began not only the science of ether vibrations, but also the science of sensations of color. The laws of mechanics apply not only to inanimate objects but also to the results of our own volitions. In fact, in every department of psychology, progress has been and still is closely dependent on the achievements of physics and technology. Psychology has not only received most of its methods and much of its material from physics ; it has for the first time in history reached through physics a definite conception of its own problem. The older psychology and philosophy had always main- tained the necessity of directly investigating the facts of con- sciousness. The standpoint was simple enough, but, as no scien- tific methods of doing so were developed, the whole problem remained vague and unsatisfactory. Among the proposals for a better state of affairs was that of first investigating the nervous system and then deducing psychological laws therefrom. The brain was to be accurately mapped out into faculties, the paths of nervous currents were to be traced along various fibers, and the interaction of nervous molecules was to be known in every par- ticular ; it was even expected that various cells could be cut out, with a memory or a volition snugly inclosed in each. In other words, there was to be no psychology except on the basis of a fully developed brain physiology. Unfortunately, very little has been ascertainable concerning the finer functions of the nervous system. Aside from a general knowledge that the cerebellum has to do with co-ordination of movements, the convolutions of Broca have to do with speech, and similar facts, nothing of even the remotest psychological bearings has been discovered concern- ing the functions of the brain. The roseate hopes of those who expected a new psychology out of a " physiology of mind " were totally disappointed. In the effort for something new, however, the psychologist supplied the data concerning the " molecular movements" in the brain out of his own imagination ; the famil- iar facts of mind were retold in a metaphorical language of " nerve currents," " chemical transformation," etc., of which not one par- ticle had a foundation in fact. The physiology of mind started with an impossibility and ended with an absurdity. SOURCES OF THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY. 103 It is to be noted that these statements refer to investigations of and speculations on the brain for psychological purposes. For physiological purposes the case is utterly different. The develop- ment of brain anatomy and of the knowledge concerning the localization of cerebral functions are among the greatest achieve- ments of modern times.* Moreover, the collection of facts and the development of theories of the nervous activities accompanying mental phe- nomena has given rise to the science of physiological psychology.! With these sciences, however, the psychologist has compara- tively little to do. The study of brain function has not con- tributed a single fact to our knowledge of mental life ; the deduc- tions of physiological psychology concerning nervous function have begun with the facts of experimental and observational psychology, and are still so unsettled as not to allow additional deductions backward. While this was going on, physics had through Helmholtz, J Mach,* and others gradually come to a clear understanding of the relation of its facts to the immediate facts of consciousness. Direct experience as present in our sensations was accepted as supplying the facts of physics. For example, in measuring the length of a bar, a visual sensation, the scale of measurement, was applied to another visual sensation, the bar. Indeed, as was clearly recognized, every direct measurement of physics was primarily a comparison between sensations — in other words, a psychological measurement. From this combined measurement the physicist reduced as much as possible the psychological ele- ments ; it was but a step for the psychologist to reduce the phys- ical elements in order to have a psychological measurement. || This step made psychology for the first time a science in the * For a historical sketch and an account of the latest remarkable discovery, see Flechsig, Gehirn und Scale, Leipzig, 1896. f As a representative work see Exner, Entwurf zu einer physiologischen Erklarung der psvchischen Erscheinungen, i. Theil, Lepzig, 1894. For a convenient sumraarv see Ziehen, Leitfaden der physiologischen Psychologic, second edition, 1893, also translated. X Helmholtz, Ueber das Ziel und die Fortschritte der Naturwisseaschaft, Populiire wiss. Vortrage, Braunschweig, 1871. Helmholtz, Die Thatsachen in der VVahrnehmung, Leipzig, 1879. * Mach, Die Mechanik in ihrer Eutwickelung, Leipzig, 1883, second edition, 1889; also translated into English, Chicago, 1895 (Mach's earlier monographs are mentioned in the preface). Mach, Beitrage zur Analyse der Empfindungen, p. 141, Jena, 1886. II The psychological standpoint has been clearly stated by Wundt, Uel)er die Messungen psychischer Vorgange, Philos. Studien, 1883, vol. iv, p. 1 ; Weitere Bemerkungen iiber psy- chische Messungen, Philos. Studien, p. 463 ; Ueber die Entheilung der Wissenschaften, Philos. Studien, 1889, vol. v, p. 1 ; Ueber die Definition der Psychologic, Philos. Studien, 1896, vol. xii, p. 1 ; Ueber naiven und kritischcn Realismus, Philos. Studien, 1896, vol. xii, p. 307. I have followed Wundt in The Problem of Psychology, Mind, 1891, vol. xvi, p. 305 ; Psychological Measurements, Philosophical Review, 1893, vol. ii, p. 677. 104 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY full meaning of the term, with all the previous achievements of physics for its use. With a real science of the facts of consciousness at hand, the attempt at a " mental physiology " appears as absurd as an at- tempt to establish a science of meteorology from the twitterings of the birds — especially when the birds are imaginary ones. The physicists have thus not only given to the new psychology its basis, but have also freed it from the rubbish of an overheated imagination. There is still another source which we must consider, namely, the old psychology. By the " old psychology " we mean psychol- ogy before the introduction of experiment and measurement ; in its last forms it is the psychology of the Herbartians or of the English associationalists. We have already seen how the fundamental method, that of observation, was established by the old psychology. The method of direct observation of mental life is the only possible one, and until it had received a firm basis any science of psychology was impossible. As has been explained in Part I, all the other methods of psychology are only refinements of this method. The new psychology is thus merely a development on the basis of the old ; there is no difi^erence in its material, no change in its point of view, and no degeneration in its aim. What the old tried to do, namely, to establish a science of mind, and what it did do, as far as its means allowed, the new psychology with vastly improved methods and facilities is striving to accomplish. This close connection, however, must not involve us in a false estimation of the direct results accomplished by the old psychol- ogy. The method of unaided observation was applied to exhaus- tion, and the later works contained little more than the earlier ones. Indeed, the final sum total of psychological knowledge acquired by this method can be stated to be a mass of ingenious speculations, of endless discussions, and of true and untrue facts ; even such achievements as the laws of association have, in the light of newer methods, been shown to be merely superficial arrangements of facts. It has been claimed that unaided ob- servation has yielded valuable storehouses of facts, and it fur- nishes a special satisfaction to some people at the present day to point out guesses of this older psychology forestalling achieve- ments of the newer science. Among the clever observations con- cerning facts of mental life and the ingenious guesses at their laws, there are and must be some which are ultimately found to be partially or wholly correct. As Helmhoitz remarks: "It would be a stroke of skill always to guess falsely. In such a happy chance a man can loudly claim his priority for the dis- covery ; if otherwise, a lucky oblivion conceals the false conclu- SOURCES OF THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY. 105 sions. The adherents of such a process are glad to certify the value of a first thought. Conscientious workers, who are shy at bringing their thoughts before the public until they have tested them in all directions, solved all doubts, and have firmly estab- lished the proof ; these are at a decided disadvantage. To settle the present kind of questions of priority only by the date of their first publication, and without considering the ripeness of the research, has seriously favored this mischief. " In the type-case of the printer all the wisdom of the world is contained which has been or can be discovered ; it is only requi- site to know how the letters are to be arranged. So, also, in the hundreds of books and pamphlets which are every year published about ether, the structure of atoms, the theory of perception, as well as on the nature of the asthenic fever and carcinoma, all the most refined shades of possible hypotheses are exhausted, and among these there must necessarily be many fragments of the correct theory. But who knows how to find them ? " I insist upon this in order to make clear to you that all this literature, of untried and unconfirmed hypotheses, has no value in the progress of science. On the contrary, the few sound ideas which they may contain are concealed by the rubbish of the rest ; and one who wants to publish something really new — facts — sees himself open to the danger of countless claims of priority unless he is prepared to waste time and power in reading beforehand a quantity of absolutely useless books, and to destroy his reader's patience by a multitude of useless quotations." * In order to give a psychological illustration, I will refer to the case of mediate association of ideas. f The existence of such asso- ciations was discovered in the course of an extended experimental investigation of the manner in which ideas were associated. It was proved, for the first time, that such associations are made. A single personal observation of this sort is to be found in Hamilton's works. A still earlier one is reported from Hume, and a favorable perusal of the works of Aristotle would probably reveal something similar. Such cursory observations, fruitless and unconfirmed, do not entitle the makers to any special credit. The credit of an experimental discovery remains with the dis- coverer, regardless of previous guesses that may have hit the truth. The debt of the new psychology to the old psychology of the past does not involve any claims by the " sensation-psychology " of the present. Among the pupils of the old psychology there * Helmholtz, Popular Lectures, Second Series, p. 228. New York, 1881. f The idea, C, follows a totally unrelated idea, A. A and C had previously been inde- pendently associated with B, but now B is not thought of, or is entirely forgotten. VOL. LI. — 8 io6 POPVLAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. were necessarily many who grew up in ignorance of tlie new, or who did not learn of its existence until too late for changing the mode of thought. Just as the old psychology led to an improved science on the part of the progressive men, so it led to a degener- ated form on the part of the others. Unable to grasp and to apply the methods of true science, these men can not even under- stand what the new is all about; and in their attempt to do some- thing new they have fallen into the absurdities of " psychical re- search," or " experimented " with spiritualistic mediums, or gath- ered " statistics " concerning ghosts, or interviewed the several personalities of the hypnotic subject. The older psychology, with its traditions and its dignity, was a discipline to be treated with filial consideration and respect; but the latest " sensation-psychology," plunged in the dregs of all the mysticism and superstition of the middle ages, not only con- tributes nothing to the progress of science, but arouses in opposi- tion to it all the ghosts of the witches' caldron. Summarizing, we are entitled to say that the new psychology is the old psychology in a new phase of development ; that the impulses to this development came from physics, physiology, and astronomy ; and that the resulting application of the best meth- ods of modern science to the great problems handed down from the past is what makes the new psychology a true science worthy of its origin. THE LATENT VITALITY OF SEEDS. By M. C. de CANDOLLE. SEEDS that remain in keeping without losing the faculty of germination are said to be in a state of latent life. The term is not exact, for it leaves us still to ask whether the life of the seeds is completely stopped, or is simply slackened in its activity — questions to which the same answer can not be given under all circumstances. It may be that a seed will continue to respire without producing any formation of new histological elements, when a loss of substance results to the plantule it contains which is compensated for by the assimilation of reserve materials from the energides, or living protoplasmic masses of the cells. A plant- ule may be supposed to live in this way for a considerable time if the temperature is favorable and the seed and the surrounding air are not too dry. Under these conditions the latent life may be considered one of slackened activity. An experiment by MM. Van Tieghem and Bonnier proves that seeds may retain their vitality for a considerable period in this condition. Three lots of peas and beans were left — one in THE LATENT VITALITY OF SEEDS. 107 the open air, a second in a sealed glass tube containing common air, and a third in a sealed tube containing pure carbonic-acid gas. At the end of two years the seeds of the first lot had per- ceptibly increased in weight, and nearly all germinated ; those kept in confined air had increased less in weight, and fewer of them germinated ; the air inclosed with them in the tube had changed in composition, having lost oxygen and gained carbonic acid. Of those sealed up in carbonic acid, the weight had not changed, and none germinated. While these results show that the seeds continued to lead a retarded life in open and in confined air, it is possible that the retarded life was only of short duration, and that it had ceased, before the end of the experiment, to give place to a complete stoppage of respiration, assimilation, and life. But to admit this we have to suppose that the protoplasm in seeds in latent life finally becomes wholly inert, while it preserves its composition and its internal chemical structure. This view seems to be con- firmed by a number of experiments and observations which I am about to describe. I have already several times related experiments that prove that seeds may be subjected to a very intense cold for many hours in succession without losing their germinating faculty. A recent experiment of this sort, made with M. Raoul Pictet's appa- ratus and under his direction, proves that some peas and beans and fennel seeds germinate quite well after having endured for four days a temperature of — 200° C. (— 328° F.). The seeds had not undergone any previous desiccation, and no precautions were taken to adjust the depression of temperature. Others of M. Pictet's researches have demonstrated that the chemical reac- tions which take place at ordinary temperatures cease to be pro- duced at very low temperatures, like those reached in the experi- ments just mentioned. If this is so, we may suppose that the protoplasm of seeds exists during these experiments in a condition of complete inertia, without either respiring or assimilating. In other words, life is then really stopped ; yet this does not prevent their vegetating anew when the conditions of temperature and moisture permit it. The seeds in these experiments were cooled so very rapidly that it is natural to suppose that their protoplasm was already quite inert before the test began. It would be hard otherwise to explain its complete indifi'erence to abrupt variations of temperature, which would certainly have been more harmful if they affected protoplasm still active. Another experiment I have recently tried casts more light on this point. "Wrapping seeds of wheat, oats, fennel, and the sensi- tive plant in packages of tinned paper and inclosing the whole in a sheet- iron box, hermetically sealed, I placed them under the io8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. cover of a wooden box in a compressed-air refrigerator for meats, where they were exposed for a hundred and eighteen days to repeated but not continuous refrigerations, most of which lasted twenty hours each. The lowest temperature reached was - 53-89° C. (- 65° F.) ; the highest, - 3778° C. (- 36° F.) ; and the mean, — 41*93'' C. (— 43*4° F.). After each refrigeration the temperature rose to that of the interior of the receiver, but slowly, while the refrigerations were rapid. After the conclusion of the experiment, when taken out of the refrigerator and planted, the wheat, oats, and fennel came up promptly; only thirteen out of sixty seeds of sensitive plants germinated, and of lobelia seeds, which were too small to be counted, only ten. The failures of the sensitive-plant seeds could not all be attributed to the cold, for others of the same species which were not refrigerated did but little better. The lobelia seeds were, however, certainly killed by the cold, for the control seeds germinated abundantly. It is safe, too, to infer that seeds can remain inert and unharmed in a medium unsuitable for respi- ration, provided nothing is present to injure their protoplasm through chemical action. Such a medium, for example, would be an atmosphere of carbonic acid. I desired to ascertain the effects on germination of keeping seeds in vacuum. The most obvious way of trying this experi- ment, by the formation of a barometrical vacuum, was liable to the objection that the abrupt removal of the air and moisture might disturb the tissues and modify the structure and compo- sition of the protoplasm of the seeds, and thereby produce a complication of results. I therefore tried another way, by im- mersing them in mercury under such precautions that no air could reach them other than what they contained within them- selves. The results agreed substantially with those obtained by refrigeration, and go to confirm the view that seeds can continue to subsist in a condition of complete vital inertia, from which they recover whenever the conditions of the surrounding medium permit their energides, or the living masses of their cells, to re- spire and assimilate. At first sight, this return to life resembles the resumption of motion by a machine that has been resting when it is put into communication with its motor — a comparison which has been often made. But the phenomena are not of the same nature in the two cases, and the energides, of which the total constitutes the living individual, are not machines in the usual sense of the word. For a machine works without changing its structure, while the energides segmentate after they have grown, and their segmentations operate in their turn as energides. This is because the matter assimilated by living protoplasm augments its mass THE LATENT VITALITY OF SEEDS. 109 without diminislimg its energy. For it to be so, this mass must evidently continually receive new portions of energy, and this can come only either from the surrounding medium or from the reactions that go on in the protoplasm itself. In the former case the agency consists of radiations of different sorts, and is of a purely physico-chemical order ; while this can not be in the sec- ond case. In fact, the life of protoplasm is manifested by move- ments which are combined in such a way as to produce an orien- tation of its parts according to certain structural dispositions succeeding one another in a determined order; phenomena to which ordinary physico-chemical actions never give rise. We are therefore necessarily led to suppose the existence of a special class of reactions of which assimilated matters become capable only after their absorption into this special medium, living and pre-existing protoplasm, into which they penetrate. Under this relation we might, in a certain way, compare as- similation to what occurs when combustible matter takes fire on being heated in a furnace in which a combustion is already going on, and is kept up by the new matter. So, one might say, it is only after having been previously put into a special condition by their mixture with protoplasm that assimilable substances react among themselves in such a way as to produce a new quantity of living matter. So one may suppose that protoplasm in the condi- tion of latent life, having become inert but retaining the faculty of reviving, resembles those mixtures formed of substances that do not react except under certain conditions of temperature or other influences, and which, so long as those conditions are not fulfilled, continue indefinitely in contact without combining. Such, for example, are explosive mixtures. The presence of assimilable matter in protoplasm or within its range is not sufficient for the production of the phenomena of assimilation and orientation. Certain conditions of temperature, moisture, and aeration have to be realized. As long as they are not realized, and if nothing occurs to change the composition or structure of the energides, they will remain inert, while they re- tain the faculty of evolving anew when the circumstances become favorable again. Such condition of chemical and vital inertia may probably endure for a long time, possibly indefinitely. This, as it seems to me, is at least the only way of accounting for the preservation of seeds during very many years. Cases are in fact known where seeds have germinated after so prolonged a rest that it is impos- sible to assume that they have lived during the interval even a retarded life. We cite a few examples. M. A. P. de Candolle * * Physiologic, p. 621. no POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. speaks of seeds of the sensitive plant that germinated after more than sixty years of rest. Girardin * saw beans germinate that were taken from Tournefort's herbarium, where they had been kept more than a hundred years. In 1850 Robert Brown, out of curiosity, sowed some seeds from the collection of Sir Hans Sloane, of which they had formed a part for more than a hundred and fifty years. He succeeded in making several of them germinate, particularly a seed of Nelum- hium speciosum. The plant has been preserved in the galleries of the British Museum.f where I saw it a few years ago. The pretended germination of wheat from mummies is said to be a fable. It seems, besides, that wheat was always sterilized before being introduced into the sarcophagi, so that the possi- bility of its being brought to life again was excluded in advance. On the other hand, various well- verified facts have demonstrated that seeds may preserve their faculty of germinating after an ex- tremely prolonged abode underground — that is, when sheltered from atmospheric influences. The most extraordinary case of this kind was observed a few years ago by Prof, de Heldereich, I director of the Botanical Garden at Athens. While herborizing around the mines of Laurium, this naturalist discovered, in 1875, a glaucium, which he unhesitatingly considered a new species, and described under the name of Glaucium serpieri. The plant had just made its appearance on a tract from which had recently been removed a thick bed of scoria produced in the workings of the mines by the ancients, or at least fifteen hundred years ago. Unless we assume a spontaneous generation, this glaucium must be regarded as a species which existed formerly in the place, the seeds of which had been preserved intact under the protection of the ground and the scoria that covered them. Many instances are mentioned in which the opening of deep trenches or the clearing of forests has been followed by the ap- pearance of species formerly unknown in the place. Prof. Peter, of Gottingen,* has very recently made a long series of method- ical researches, the results of which are of great interest. His method consists in collecting specimens of forest earth, the age and all the anterior conditions of which are fully known. He cultivates them, taking all precautions against introducing for- eign seeds. These specimens of earth are always taken from * Sur la propriete qu'ont certaines espfeces de graines de conserver longtemps leurs vertues germinatives. f See Gartenflora, 1873, p. 323. X These facts have been recently confirmed by Mr. W. Carruthers, director of the bo- tanical galleries in the British Museum. * Nachrichten v. d. ktinigl. Gesellschaft dcr Wissenschaften u. d. Georg- Augustus Universitiit zu Gottingen, November, 1893, and December, 1894. THE LATENT VITALITY OF SEEDS. in thickly shaded spots, destitute of all other vegetation except the moss that carpets the surface of the soil. Holes are dug under this moss, from which the earth is taken at depths successively of eight, sixteen, and twenty-four centimetres. The specimens taken from these several depths are cultivated separately. The cultivations, prolonged for more than three months, have all ulti- mately given rise to plants the seeds of which must of neces- sity'' have remained under the earth for a greater or less length of time. M. Peter has carefully indicated in detail the plants that cor- responded to each of the specimens of earth on which he operated. It resulted from the experiments that the specimens of earth from very old forests gave plants of the woods, while those from forests of more recent date yielded species the nature of which was mani- festly related to the previous disposition of the soil — that is, plants of the fields or the meadows, according as forestation had replaced one or the other of these methods of cultivation. While he is extremely reserved as to the probable duration of the abode of the seeds in the soil, M. Peter concludes in these words : " Al- though the experiments in cultivation just described do not fur- nish a solution to the question of the length of time during which seeds at rest preserve their faculty of germinating, the conclusion results from this demonstration that for many field and meadow plants this duration may considerably exceed a half century." These researches of M. Peter's deserve careful attention, and it is to be hoped that they will, without delay, be imitated in other countries and different kinds of land, for they may reveal very important facts in biology and prehistoric botanical geography. Alphonse de Candolle * insisted a few years ago on the desira- bility of making soundings beneath the snows of the Alps with a view of recovering vestiges of the vegetation anterior to the Glacial period. It is to be regretted that no one has carried out this idea, for the facts I have just summarized almost permit us to hope that research of this kind may lead to the recovery of still vital seeds dating from very remote epochs. — Translated for the Popular Science Monthly from the Eevue Scientifique. The managers of the Cornell University Experiment Station Extension Work are able to draw comfort even from seemingly the most unpropitious conditions. They represent that they have been greatly aided in their mis- sion of extending the knowledge of plain facts and enforcing their mean- ing " by the hard times and multitudes of bugs and special difficulties. These things have driven people to thinking and to asking for infor- mation." * Extract from the Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles. 112 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. STRANGE PERSONIFICATIONS. By M. TH. FLODRNOY. WHILE cases of colored audition and visual schemes are quite frequent, we have fewer instances of that special kind of synopsy which I call personification, because it consists, in its typical form, in the concrete representation of a personage — sometimes of an animal or a thing — being regularly awakened by a word that has no comprehensible relation with its curious associate. This sort of personification in its marked degrees is rare, and in the few instances that have come under my knowl- edge has been applied to the days of the week. In M. E. F , student in letters, nineteen years old, the fig- ures of persons of very definite pose and occupation are provoked by various suggestions ; among others, by those of the days of the week. Monday and Tuesday are to him a young man of serious aspect, with his forefinger on his eye — dark weather. Wednesday is a young man in the act of stealing something behind him, stooping down and putting his arms between his legs to take it. M. F does not see what this man takes, and does not know what it is ; dark weather. Thursday is a man turning the knob of the kitchen door to go through that room to the next one. Friday is a man selling something on a wagon, which he holds with his hands. The object is indistinct, and M. F does not know what it is, but in his mind the man is the Wednesday man, and is selling the thing he stole on that day. The weather is clear. Saturday is a man falling against a door and putting both hands forward to push himself back, falling again, and so on several times. He is doing this for amusement. Sunday is a man buttoning his cuffs, and the weather is fine. It will be seen that in respect to their psychological nature these personifications are a triple mixture of visual representa- tions, of interpretative ideas (the idea of Wednesday's man steal- ing an object which is the same unknown thing that he sells on Friday, etc.), and of general impressions corresponding with the weather that is prevailing — except Thursday and Saturday, which have no weather assigned to them. The visual represent- atives of mental images do not take on the character of hallu- cinations, but remain simple mental images. These personages have no color, and their dress is extremely indefinite, but their figures are very sharply defined. M. F distinguishes all these details, and perceives clearly the expression, which is always serious (with the exception of Wednesday, who laughs while he is stealing his object). The localization of these visual images is not less precise. The man of Monday, for example, appears to STRANGE PERSONIFICATIONS. '- 113 M. F always outside of him, but very near — hardly a yard away ; he is and always has been of the same size as he, from which he concludes that they have grown up together. The man of Wednesday and Friday, on the other hand, is always seen at a considerable distance — more than fifty yards. M. F does not personify any figure or number, except 14, which represents itself to him as an accountant sitting at his desk, writing. Of the months and seasons, only autumn is per- sonified, as the same sad-looking man with his finger on his eye who represents Monday and Tuesday. Most of the common nouns are associated with personifica- tions, or rather were ; for the phenomena were formerly much more numerous and persistent than now. M. F does not recollect having ever had such visions for isolated syllables, arti- cles, pronouns, and other words without special significance ; yet, at an age when he knew nothing of the gender of words or of sex, the letters of the alphabet called up — some (A, B, C, D, etc.) the image of a pair of trousers, and others (as H, M, N, R, etc.) of a robe. Words of a positive significance invoked representations largely independent of their real sense. Bottle, for instance, in- voked and still invokes the image of a large woman, laughing, sitting on a little backed bench, with a table in front of her, but no other suggestion of a bottle in the vision. Shark {requin) is personified in a large horse stationed near the subject and by the side of a load of hay. These parasitical representations, grafted on the word and always accompanying it, were often considerable impediments to conversation and reading. Now, with a few exceptions — such as the days of the week, the figures of which are still very intense — the images do not rise in the course of conversation or of an interesting reading, but they appear readily enough on reflection or when the book is a dull one. The relations of the personifica- ti^n and of the real idea are reversed in this way: Formerly the induced representation preceded the thought of the proper mean- ing ; now it comes after it or remains latent, except in a few instances — as, for example, shark, where the image of the load of hay and the horse appears before the idea of the fish. M. F believes that his personifications reached their greatest intensity in his childhood, when he was seven or eight years old, and that they have progressively diminished since he was twelve. He formerly thought that as a rule everybody had similar impres- sions, but he was met with surprise and ridicule when he spoke of them to others. M. F can say nothing of the cause of these curious phe- nomena ; he finds them as far back as his recollection can reach, almost unvarying in intensity and inexplicable. A very small VOL. LI. 114 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. number permit glimpses into their origin ; it is, for example, probable that habitual or verbal associations have had a part in suggesting the likeness of Sunday to a person buttoning his cutfs, and of Friday {vendredi) to a man selling {qui vend) something placed upon a van. The masculine or feminine character of tlie dress attributed to the letters seems to be suggested by the pro- nunciation (&, masculine ; m, feminine, etc.). In like manner, the personification of the word college may be explained as a youth wearing a large white collar {col) turned back on his jacket as children's collars are. So the word cat {chat) brings up the image of a cat with a twist in its mouth, as if it were laughing, because, perhaps, M. F had an impediment in his speech in childhood which caused him to make a face when he tried to pronounce the letters ch. But, while M. F regards these explanations as very plausible, they are still only hypotheses to him ; for he has no precise conviction, no sure recollection that such were indeed the causes of his inductions in these cases. The special incidents to which these speculations apply are relatively very few, and his speculations as a whole are entirely enigmatical. Perhaps their origin will become a little less obscure if we make account of the exaggeration which follows a process in M. F that is familiar to us all in a lower degree. When we hear somebody we do not know spoken of, or when the author in a romance introduces a new character, we spontaneously form an idea of his appearance and moral qualities which is not exclu- sively based on what we are told of him, but in which our fancy involuntarily participates to a considerable extent. Yet this idea usually remains vague and indecisive till more ample information comes to it, susceptible of being modified and enriched according to the course of events. With M. F this fanciful anticipation of the facts operates with exceptional promptness, while the im- ages it engenders are distinguished by a rare persistence. A proper name is enough to call up in him, without any known rea- son, a complete and precisely defined figure, which thenceforth continues so fast attached to the name that meeting with the per- son himself does not dissociate it. Thus, M. F conceived the two Coquelins, before he had seen them, by virtue of their iden- tity of name, in exactly the same form and with identical heads. He was much surprised not to see me wearing the full black beard he had immediately given me the first time I was spoken of to him. I supposed the beard belonged to another person of his ac- quaintance whose name had some similarity in sound with mine; but he did not think this was the case, and could not give any ex- planation of the fact. He can not even tell whether it is the audi- tive perception of the name, or its appearance when written, or its articulation, or a mixture of all these that induces his personi- STRANGE PERSONIFICATIONS. 115 fications. This shows how unknown and mysterious are those associations with, which the creative activity of the imagination is fed, which a single word suffices to bring into play, and of which a notorious consequence is the well-known importance attached by novelists to the choice of names for their heroes. The rapidity of the evocation of the images and their tenacity when they are once formed appear especially marked in the ideas M. F conceives of the characters in a book. From the first two or three lines relative to a character he sees him rise in his mental vision, often very different from the description given by the author. A person described as blond, for example, appears brown to him. The representation, however, persists firmly, and the reading of the story does not modify it. No matter if the little girl of the first pages does grow and change her character in the course of the volume — she always continues to him the little girl of the beginning. When he reads the book a second time, after the lapse of a few months, the identical personifica- tions appear again unchanged. It is not so with the pictures of places, likewise arbitrary and inexplicable, which M. F asso- ciates spontaneously with every scene he reads about, and also, in a smaller degree, with stories told him. These pictures, which are usually recollections of childhood without connection with the subject of the reading — a description of a mountain, for in- stance, suggests the recollection of a plain — have some degree of permanence in that they do not vary from one day to another during the time he is occupied with the book ; but when he takes up the volume again some time afterward he finds that they have changed. He remembers very well on every occasion the image of the place which he had before, and finds that the story now calls out another. This variability of local images, in opposition to the fixedness of personations proper, points to their greater immediate dependence upon the subjective dispositions of the movement,* These details seem to me, if not to exptain the inexhaustible phantasmagoria of M. F 's personifications, at least to illus- trate the special kind of imagination under the dominance of which they spring forth. This imagination is characterized by the union of two properties akin to those of sealing wax : great docility in receiving an impression at the right moment, and — that moment once past — an equal rigidity which opposes itself to any further modification of the impression. Novelty, emotional excitement, or a happy concourse of circumstances, accomplishes * For analogous examples of curious evocatioms, but apparently inconstant, induced by reading or thought, see M. Pilo's Coatributo alio studio dei fenomeni sinestesici. Belluno, 1894, pp. 7, 8. ii6 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. here what heat does for sealing wax, and permits the fixation of the group of images, disordered as they may be, that burst out at the opportune moment. But while we can expose the wax again to the fire, these curious products of fancy do not bear remelting, and the ideas or the cerebral cells continue fixed in the fortuitous relations that were contracted at that privileged instant. How else can we account for associations so absurd and at the same time so persistent as that of a day of the week with a person steal- ing or selling some indefinite thing ? We can not reconstitute the striking incident or the collection of unforeseen relations and subtle analogies which accomplished the soldering of two such heterogeneous things in M. F 's mind ; but it is supposable that the operation is effectuated at once, and that the initial plasticity was immediately spent; for the thing stolen and sold continues always indistinct, in spite of the natural curiosity which would ultimately have precisely identified it, if the activity of the im- agination had retained the slightest hold upon it. The same remark may be applied to the other incomprehen- sible details abundant in M. F 's personifications. We might speak of fragments of dreams suddenly registered and riveted for- ever to the words which the caprices of the nocturnal imagina- tion had momentarily brought into relations with them. The dissociation of words from their usual sense and their application to other images by virtue of a connection which the dreamer clearly feels and finds quite natural, but which vanishes on awak- ening to give place to the opposite feeling of complete incoher- ence, are in fact a frequent feature of dreams. In the personifi- cations the images attached to the words independently and outside of their proper sense are nearly always as arbitrary as the dream, but permanent, and the connection is felt by the sub- ject, although he himself knows that it is irrational and inex- plicable. The physiological conditions of this singular process are still unknown to us. No evidence of heredity has been brought to light in the particular case. Still, the fact that M. F has never met an echo in his family when he speaks of his impres- sions does not prove that his parents have not in their infancy experienced similar phenomena, which have disappeared and been forgotten in older life. — Translated for the Popular Science Monthly from L'Annee Psychologique. An amusing story is told in liis Notes from a Diary by Sir E. Grant Duff of the London Metaphysical Society, now defunct. It is to the effect that Sir John Simeon, after one of the society's early meetings, rushed up to one of the members and asked, with the appearance of great anxiety, " Well, is there a God ? " " Oh, yes," was the reply, " we had a very good majority." SKETCH OF JAMES N AS MYTH. 117 SKETCH OF JAMES NASMYTH. JAMES NASMYTH was pre-eminently a self-made man. Though, taught in the schools, he worked out his own way without regard to the teaching he had received, and by methods peculiarly his own. He was a master engineer, an astronomer whose discoveries and conclusions attracted the attention of learned societies and were admired by the great, and a successful manager of men. " There can be no doubt," says Nature, in a sketch of him, "that he stands in the front rank of those who have advanced the material interests of mankind by the applica- tion of science to industrial methods," Mr. Nasmyth was born in Edinburgh, August 19, 1808, the next to the youngest child of a family of eleven, and died in Lon- don, May 7, 1890. He was the son of Alexander Nasmyth, an artist of considerable distinction, and reckoned in his ancestry two or three successive generations of architects and builders. Mention is made of his exercise of his observing powers in very early infancy. The conditions of his childhood life, although it was passed in the city, gave him opportunities to become ac- quainted with l^ature. Many workshops were in operation near Calton Hill, where the nurses took the children to play, and he was one of the throng of little boys who were interested in watching the proceedings of the workmen. Having tools at home in his father's shop, he tried to imitate what he had seen done. He became skilled in making things for himself, and was called " a little Jack of all trades." He was taught by his eldest sister, then sent to a teacher of such a character that he con- tracted " a hatred against grammatical rules," and was enrolled in the Edinburgh High School in 1817. The teaching here was of the old routine sort, and aroused little interest in the pupil ; but he did his tasks punctually and cheerfully, "though they were far from agreeable." A different condition prevailed in the shop, where his father directed his attention to the action of the tools and to all the pro- cesses required for turning out the best work ; and gradually he had planted in his mind "the great fundamental principles on which the practice of engineering in its grandest forms is based." Nasmyth became famous in the school for the perfect spinning tops, or " peeries," he could make, for his accurate construction of kites, and for his paper balloons. He cast, bored, and mounted small brass cannon, and made guns of cellar keys. With the fine steels he made he was able to buy the monitors off from the too strict enforcement of the assigned tasks. But he learned little of what the school taught — " a mere matter of rote and cram." He ii8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. formed intimacies with fellow-pupils that proved of value to him: with a youth whose father had a foundry, where he spent profit- able hours, and with another whose father had a special genius for practical chemistry, and made colors and white lead ; signals were arranged with this boy, so that when anything particular was going on at the laboratory Nasmyth was notified of it; and the boys made their own reagents, and acquired considerable skill in producing various substances. Nasmyth left the high school at the end of 1820, not much the better for his small acquaintance with the dead languages, but the mathematical studies had developed his reasoning powers. He practiced accuracy in drawing, made his own tools and chemical apparatus, and interested himself in the volcanic geology of Edin- burgh. He attended the Edinburgh School of Arts from 1821 to 1826, and at seventeen years of age he was constructing steam en- gines of different designs and for various purposes. He heard the lectures at the university on chemistry, geometry and mathemat- ics, and natural philosophy. He established a brass foundry in his bedroom, but did his heavier work at George Douglas's foundry, for which he made an engine to drive the lathes, the operation of which had such an enlivening effect on the workmen that the pro- prietor affirmed that the output was nearly doubled for the same wages. He made an expansometer or instrument for measuring in bulk all metals and solid substances, which so pleased Dr. Brewster that he described and figured it in the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. He experimented upon steam carriages for highways, and hit upon a device for increasing the draught of the engine chimney by the use of waste steam that George Stephenson had adopted, and which has given the locomotive its efficiency. When it became possible, Nasmyth went to London to visit Henry Maudsley, the great manufacturer of machines, and seek employment in his establishment there. Maudsley's experience with pupil apprentices had not been pleasant, and he was not at first willing to employ him; but when the young man said he would consider himself fortunate if he could even be employed to clean the ashes from the furnaces, Maudsley answered, " So you are of that sort, are you ? " and his heart was opened at once. Nasmyth exhibited his drawings the next day, and Maudsley instituted him his assistant workman, or private secretary, as no apprenticeship was needed in his case. His first work was on a machine fpr generating "original screws"; next, in connection with the construction of two small models of engines, he invented a device for exactly reducing bolt-nuts. Being given a month's vacation in the fall of 1830, he went to Liverpool to witness the X)erformance of George Stephenson's locomotive, " The Rocket." With the desire to see all he could on his return of the mechan- SKETCH OF JAMES N A SMYTH. 119 ical, architectural, and picturesque, lie determined to walk lei- surely back to London. He was impressed with the pretty sur- roundings of Manchester, especially as seen from the Patricroft Bridge ; visited the cotton mills, and continued his walk to Lon- don, occupied with the thought of settling down in the busy neighborhood he had just left. Mr. Maudsley died in February, 1831, and Mr. Nasrayth con- tinued to work with his partner, Mr. Field, till the latter part of that year, when, in the twenty-third year of his age, he decided to go into business for himself. Mr. Field was pleased with his intention, and gave him facilities for starting. He went to Edin- burgh and set up a small temporary shop, where he made himself a set of engineering tools. He subsequently chose Manchester as his permanent place of business. He found a shop in an eligible situation, with convenient appurtenances, but in a building occu- pied by other tenants. The time of his starting in Manchester was an auspicious one for his business. Workmen of all kinds were short of the demand, and, taking advantage of the scarcity, were disposed to be careless, irregular, and insubordinate, and machine tools, which would not get drunk or go on strike and were unfailingly regular and accurate, were in great request. Mr. Nasmyth got his full share of the work of supplying these tools : planing machines, slide laths, drilling, boring, and slotting machines, and others ; and orders pouring in upon him, his flat became loaded with work. He having constructed an engine that was almost too large for the shop, one end of the beam, while it was being taken apart for shipment, crushed through the floor, disturbing the tenant below, and it had become evident that he needed a larger shop. He found a site within the very landscape that had attracted his attention years before, as he was resting at the Patricroft Bridge. He built there the celebrated Bridgewater Foundry, and took in Mr. Holbrook Gaskell as a partner. Ob- serving the inconvenience and danger attending the operation of the foundry ladle then in use, he invented the screw safety ladle, with which, he says, some twelve or sixteen tons of molten iron could be decanted " with as much neatness and exactness as the pouring out of a glass of wine from a decanter." The maxim of the Bridgewater Foundry, " Free trade in abili- ty," was put in force early in its operation. By this maxim was meant promotion of the workmen according to the skill and activity they displayed, without regard to the kind of apprentice- ship they had served. This conflicted with the rule of the trades unions, which required a seven years' apprenticeship, and the in- evitable strike and picketing occurred. Workmen were brought from Scotland, the trades unions were conquered, and the foundry continued to practice and exemplify its maxim unmolested. The 120 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. practice was "to employ intelligent, well-conducted young lads, the sons of laborers or mechanics, and advance them by degrees according to their merits. They took charge of the smaller ma- chine tools, by which the minor details of the machines in prog- ress were brought into exact form. ... A spirit of emulation was excited among them. They vied with each other in executing their work with precision. Those who excelled were paid an extra weekly wage. In course of time they took pride not only in the quantity but in the quality of their work, and in the long run became skillful mechanics. . . . The best of them remained in our service, because they knew our work and were pleased with their surroundings ; while we, on our part, were always desirous of retaining the men we had trained, because we knew we could depend upon them." The rapid extension of railroad construction, and the orders that consequently came in, led to much attention being given at Bridgewater to the building of locomotives, for which the machine tools used there gave great advantages. The Great Western Rail- way Company ordered twenty large engines, offering to add £100 to the contract price of each if they proved satisfactory. The premiums came, and with them a letter from the board of direct- ors of the company offering to stand as references as to the quality of Messrs. Nasmyth and Gaskell's work. The Great Western Railway Company having successfully dispatched its steamship Great Western between Bristol and New York, and having elected to construct another steamer, the Great Britain, procured tools for making the engines from the Bridgewater Foundry. They were perplexed, however, about the forging of the intermediate paddle shaft, which was to be of a size never before attempted. They applied to Mr. Nasmyth, and he devised the steam hammer, the most famous of his inventions — an instru- ment with which, as he says in his autobiography, the workman might, "as it were, think in blows. He might deal them out on to the ponderous glowing mass and mold or knead it into the desired form as if it were a lump of clay ; or pat it with gen- tle taps, according to his will, or at the desire of the forgeman." All was going well for setting the hammer in operation, when the plan of the vessel was changed by the introduction of the screw propeller, which rendered the immense shaft unnecessary. No patent was taken out for this invention, but the drawings of it were kept in the shop, open to the inspection of visitors. Among those who looked at them were M. Schneider, and M. Bourdon, his foreman, of the great iron works at Creuzot, France. A few years afterward, when Mr. Nasmyth visited Creuzot, he admired the excellence of a certain piece of machinery, and asked M. Bourdon how the crank had been forged. M. Bourdon SKETCH OF JAMES NASMYTH. 121 replied, " It was forged by your steam hammer/' Mr. Nasmyth. was then taken to the forge department, where he saw this " thumping child of his brain," which for him had existed only in his books, at work. The foreman had recollected the draw- ings, and embodied them substantially in the machine. Mr. Nas- myth at once secured a patent, introduced some improvements, and made the construction of the steam hammers a branch of his business. Though he was prompt enough in explaining to them the merits of his invention, it took considerable time to arouse the official minds of the Lords of the Admiralty, "who are very averse to introducing new methods of manufacture to the dock- yards." But after he had furnished hammers to the principal manufacturers of England and had sent them abroad, these digni- taries learned in the course of three years that a new power in forging had been introduced. A deputation visited the foundry to see the invention, and were pleased and "astonished at its range, power, and docility." An order came for a hammer for the Devonport Dockyard. Their lordships were present when the hammer was started, and Mr. Nasmyth " passed it through its paces," He made it break an eggshell in a wineglass without injuring the glass. It was as neatly effected by the two-and-a- half-ton hammer as if it had been done with an 13. Price, 40 conts. SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 131 GENERAL NOTICES. The strong efforts now being made to develop a vehicle that shall propel itself, and the measure of success already achieved, promise the early attainment of an advance in locomotion as great as that afforded by the introduction of the safety type of bicycle. A good idea of the mechanical principles that are being employed in the solution of the problem may be gained from a translation of a recent book by a French engineer.* Of the four kinds of motor that have been ap- plied to self-propelling vehicles — steam, elec- tric, compressed air, and naphtha — the au- thor has by far the most hopes of the last, and gives most space to this type in his book. His early chapters are devoted to a state- ment of the mechanics of steam and other gases, and he gives here also the theory of the electric motor. In describing the vari- ous systems of steam traction he gives first place to the SerpoUet generator — the only generator of steam allowed for traffic in the large cities of France. Other steam motors that find place here are the Le Blant, De Dion & Bouton, Bollee, Filtz, Rowan, and Francq. Compressed-air autocars are repre- sented by the Popp-Conti tramway and the Mekarski system. M. Farman is naturally most familiar with motor wagons of European origin, but he has inserted such accounts as were accessible to him of the American types. Among petroleum motors he ranks as king the one invented by the German Daimler, which is employed in the carriages of Pan- hard & Levassor, Peugeot, Gautier, and other builders. He gives a full description of this and describes also the Roger car with the Benz motor, the Gladiator auto-cycles, the Duryea, Kane-Pennington, Tenting, and Dela- haye cars, and several machines so far used only for agricultural or other industrial pur- poses. Electric carriages are represented by the Jeantaud, Morris & Salom, and Bogard. His concluding chapter deals with lubrica tion, tires, bearings, and other details. Over a hundred carefully drawn figures and dia- grams illustrate the volume. The notes which the reader will find in Miss Merriani's attractive volume were * Autocars. By D. Farman. New York: The Macmiilan Co. Pp. 249, 12mo. Price, $1.50. taken at Twin Oaks in southern California.* The author is a bird enthusiast who, before going to the Pacific coast, had known only the birds of New York and Massachusetts. " Every morning right after breakfast " she has her horse brought round, and together in silent sympathy she and Canello, the faithful patient little broncho, go the rounds of the valley, getting acquainted with the birds as they come from the south. Canello liked well to " watch birds in the high alfalfa un- der the sycamores, but when it came to stand- ing still where the hot sun beat down through the brush and there was nothing to eat, his interest in ornithology flagged perceptibly." Then after dinner the author strolls through the trees to get a nearer view of the nests. The white egret, the green heron, the spotted sandpiper, the valley quail, are as fascinating to Miss Merriam as are the ants to Sir John Lubbock. Her description of all the birds is marked by a charming simplicity and by a beautiful use of English. She is in touch with Nature, with an eye for color, an ear atune to melody, and intellect clear and clean. It is a pity that we have not more such books as this and more such women as the author- ess. We can imagine no better mental tonic than a ride on horseback in the early morn- ing while the dew is on the grass, with the authoress as a chaperon and teacher of bird lore, for the weary city woman who needs to be lulled back to rest and get mental and physical health on the bosom of Mother Na- ture. Prof. Ramsay, who was associated with Lord Rayleigh in the remarkable discovery of argon, has written a popular historical sketch of the several investigations that have given us our present knowledge as to what air is composed of.f He begins with the work of Robert Boyle, who published about 1650 his Memoirs for a General History of the Air, and proceeds with the less known labors of John Mayow and Stephen Hales. * A-Birding on a Bronco. By Florence A. Merriam. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Price, $1.25. t The Gases of the Atmosphere. By William Ramsay, F. R. 8. London and New York : The Macmiilan Co. Pp. 240, 12mo. Price, $2. 132 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. From some pai=sa{res in their writings it would seem that each of these worthies came within a step or two of discovering all the main facts relating to the composition of the air, but each failed to look quite far enough in the right direction. Boyle, it appears, rea- soned shrewdly from imperfect observations ; Mayow died young ; while Hales accumulated many and definite experimental facts, but lacked the ability to make use of them. All were hampered by the current errors of their time, among which the chief were the inabil- ity to distinguish one gas from another, lack of attention to gain or loss of weight, and above all erroneous ideas regarding combus- tion. Prof. Ramsay shows how the phlo- gistic theory, which came up about the end of Boyle's life, interfered with the researches of his successors — Black, Rutherford, Priest- ley, and Cavendish — until it was overthrown by Lavoisier. We are told something about the achievements of each of these men, and the account is made more interesting by including descriptions and portraits of the men themselves. After Cavendish little ap- parently remained to be done but to make more exact determinations of the constitu- ents that had been found in the air. But in the course of some investigations in 1892 Lord Ray leigh noticed that nitrogen prepared from ammonia is somewhat lighter than at- mospheiic nitrogen. A i-esearch undertaken to find the reason for this difference brought out the existence of the inert argon. The circumstances of the discovery and the rea- soning which led to it are set forth by Prof. Ramsay, who adds chapters giving the prop- erties of argon and its po.-ition among the elements. The author has succeeded well in keeping his book within the comprehension of the persons without special scientific train- ing for whom it was written. Prof. Crockett's Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry* by a mathemati- cian of note who is Professor of Mathemat- ics and Astronomy in the Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute, has been prepared for the use of beginners in the study. Assuming that a high degree of proficiency can not be expected from such students, the author, not * Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonome- try, with Tables. By C. W. Crockett. American Book Company. Pp. .^11. Price, $1.25. striving after original demonstrations, has limited himself to the selection of simple proofs of the formulas, to which geometrical proofs have in many cases been added. The definitions and explanations are admirably clear and concise. The numerical examples have been computed by the author, with spe- cial attention to correctness in the last deci- mal place. The tables are a special feature, are printed from differentiated type, and on paper of a different tint from the text, so as to make them easier to turn to. They give five places, while the angles in the examples are given to the nearest tenth of a minute. We find the book lucid and convenient. The recent book of Prof. Keasbey * on the Nicaragua Canal urges frankly and emphatic- ally the choice of the Nicaragua route for a canal across Central America, and the assump- tion by the United States of a dominant posi- tion in the political control of this water way. The author opens his discussion with a brief description and comparison of the ten or twelve more or less distinct routes that have been proposed, expressing the decided con- viction that the Nicaragua and Panama routes are the only two worth considering, with the advantage on the side of the former. The greater part of the volume is devoted to a history of the attempts that have been made to construct canals in this region and to ob- tain political control of the territory through which they would pass. The record begins with the first Spanish explorations, and men- tions canal projects of Spanish engineers formed before 1550. A chapter on the Eng- lish freebooters opens an account of the struggle between England and Spain, lasting into the early part of the present century. The term from 1815 to 1865 Prof. Keasbey characterizes as a period of private initiative in canal projects. Two events in this divi- sion of his record which have an important bearing on the idea of cutting the American isthmus are the enunciation of the Monroe doctrine and the execution of the Clayton- Bulwer treaty. The time since 1865 he de- scribes as a period of governmental activity in this matter, and he closes his chronicle of recent events by givmg his view of the po- * The Nicaragua Canal and the Monroe Doc- trine. By Liudley Miller Keasbey. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 622, Svo. Price, $3.50. SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 13? litical, the technical, and the diplomatic situa- tions of to-day with regard to the two chief routes. In his concluding chapters he argues for the construction of a canal as of tran- scendent importance to the economic develop- ment of America, and gives his reasons why the United States should control the passage. The volume is carefully indexed and contains four maps. Among the papers accompanying the Re- port of the United States Commissioner of Education for 1894- 95 are two dealing with important subjects connected with the edu- cational system of Great Britain. One of these is the question of religious instruction in the free schools, and the other is the or- ganization of secondary education as shown by the report of a royal commission. The legal aspects of the Manitoba school case are given in another contribution. Foreign mat- ters of interest treated in other papers are the university education of women in Eng- land, the educational status of women in various countries, and English teaching on the history of the American Revolution. Of domestic interest are the chapters on teach- ers' pensions, Chautauqua education, and early educational history in the United States. The book on Alternating Currents aytd Al- ternating Current Machinery, by Profs. Du- gald C and John P. Jackson, forms Volume II of their textbook on Electromagnetism and the Construction of Dynamos (Macmil- lan, $3.50). The authors have followed in it methods that have been found advantageous in teaching other branches of engineering. The volume is designed to present the fun- damental phenomena of alternating currents as met with in engineering practice, and to point out their controlling principles and ap- plications. Descriptions and illustrations of commercial machinery are not included per se, though where practical data may be use- ful in illustrating deductions in the text they are copiously used. For the fuller information of the reader, a large number of references are given in footnotes. In the chapters on polyphase currents the authors could not hope to supply a list of references that would remain long adequate, as material of over- shadowing importance is being constantly published. Descriptions of experiments hav- ing only historical interest have been care- fully excluded. In the use of mathematics the authors have sought to avoid presenting unnecessary formulas on the one hand, or giving results without reasons on the other. Numerous original demonstrations of the standard formulas have been introduced and a few additions have been made to the no- menclature. The volume contains over three hundred diagrams and other figures, and is adequately indexed. In a neatly printed little pamphlet ff. Edwin Lewis has discussed The Philosophy of Sex scientifically, delicately, and impres- sively. His chapter on Reproduction and the Origin of Sex and that on the Nature and Relation of Sex lead up to an earnest appeal for sexual purity, which can not fail to help well-intentioned persons who are weak or thoughtless or who do not know where to turn for guidance. (Vermont Medi- cal Publishing Co., Burlington, 85 cents.) Much out of the common run of text- books is Numhtr and its Algebra, by Arthur Lefevre (Heath, $1.25). It deals with the theory of numerical operations, and is de- signed to be introductory to a collegiate course in algebra. It thus bears a similar relation to algebra that the chapters on chemical philosophy in books on chemistry bear to their main subject. The mathemat- ical operations whose natures are explained range from counting up to work with radi- cal surds, undetermined coeflScients, roots of integral and quadratic equations, radix frac- tions, and functions. The several chapters are based on lectures which the author has given for a number of years to his univer.sity students with the especial design of aiding the large part of them who were preparing to teach, hence pedagogical applications will be found throughout the book. "Plainly the first step," says the author, " to the un- derstanding of the algebra of number is to understand the nature and laws of number. It is hoped that these lectures have been a fairly adequate guide and stimulus to this step. After masteiing what may be called the vocabulary of the language (proficiency in this matter has been assumed), the next step is to grasp the idea of algebraic /orm. In the study of algebra this should be the main standpoint. It is only by following out the problems which arise in a systematic 134 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. study of algebraic form that the modern de- velopments of pure algebra, or its applica- tions to geometry, can be rightly compre- hended." From the Department of Agriculture we have received /wAr^-^s affecting Dome-tiic Ayi- imals, an account of the species of impor- tance in North America, by Herbert Osborne, Professor of Zoology and Entomology, Iowa Agricultural College. This report gives, in about three hundred pages, a description of all the parasites the stock raiser has to con- tend with. After an introductory chapter on parasites in general, the following six chap- ters deal with the various pests in detail. The seventh chapter tells of remedies and preventive treatment. Classified lists and a bibliography complete the pamphlet. The report represents the result of investigations carried on at intervals since 1885. In the words of L. 0. Howard, entomologist to the department, it " will form an excellent text- book of the subject, and is a work which should be in the hands of all stock raisers." It is fully illustrated by plates and cuts. Observations on the Fur Seals of the Pri- biloff Island* — Preliminary Report by David Sta/rr Jordan, Commissioner in charge of Fur-seal Investigations for 1896- -brings some interresting data as to the condition and the fishery of seals on a little cluster of islands in the Bering Sea. Under different headings it describes the islands, the rooker- ies, habits and breeding of the seal, and the different modes of killing, and their effects. A number of statistical tables put these dif- ficult investigations on a scientifically accu- rate basis ; and a map appended to the pam- phlet locates the routes of the seal under way. The February number of the Expositor, a theological magazine, opens with a rather searching criticism of Ian Maclaren's The Mind of the Master, by the Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe. He points out what to him seem numerous errors of interpretation of the Gospels ; and from his Anglican point of view the Rev. John Watson's broad if not exactly new proposition — that of sub- stituting the Sermon on the Mount for the creeds of Christendom — would mean a giv- ing over of Christianity altogether. Among the other papers of interest to lay readers may be mentioned Christian Perfection, by the Rev. Joseph Agar Beet ; John's View of the Sabbath Rest, by the Rev. George Mathe- son ; and The Priest of Penitence, by the Rev. E. N. Bennett. Among the reviews a large space is given to books on social topics. Two of these reviews are by Prof. Richard T. Ely, and one by Prof. William Adams Brown. The Analytic Keys to the Genera and Species of North American Mosses, prepared by Charles M. Barnes, and published by the University of Wisconsin, is a new edition and enlargement of a Key to Genera pub- lished for free distribution in 1886, and Keys to Species published in 1890, and is intend- ed to serve the same purpose as they — of furnishing a convenience to students rather than to present a critical study of North American mosses. It includes, therefore, a very large number of new species that have been described since 1890. For the beuefit of amateurs, though specialists may not need them, collected descriptions are ap- pended of all species not found in Lesque- reux and James's Manual. The attempt is made to include all the species reported or described as belonging to our flora, unless later study of the genus has shown the addi- tion to be untenable ; and such special stud- ies are cited in the Keys. Pains have been taken to include as many of the barren and insufficiently described species as possible, in order that they may be recognized, if they exist, or may be referred to their proper place. Varieties are not discriminated, l)ut inquiry into the subject is suggested. The work of preparing this edition has been largely done by Mr. de F. Ueald, with the co-operation of the author. Prof. G. Frederick Wrighfs comprehen- sive and fully illustrated account of The Ice Age in North A merica, which first appeared in 1889, reached its fourth edition in 1896 (Appletons, $5). Detailed work upon the glaciated areas has been going on actively since the third edition came out, but Dr. Wright finds no occasion to modify mate- rially his original statements, either of fact or of theory. In his preface to the new issue he gives a list of papers in which the results of this recent work have been em bodied, accompanying it with notes on the SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 135 contents of many of the papers. He inserts also a map prepared by Mr. Warren Upham showing the three stages in which Prof. T. C. Chamberiin has classified the glacial formations of North America and the later lines of recession toward the northeast. Prof. Wright sees many open questions in glacial geology " inviting the continued atten- tion of local observers and promising to all interesting and important discoveries." The Report of the Neio York State Board of Charities for 1895 gives evidence of a year of active work. The report proper is accompanied by a large number of special reports of inspections by one or more mem- bers of the board, made to ascertain the gen- eral condition of the several hospitals, alms- houses, children's homes, and other charitable institutions in the State or to investigate alleged abuses. Institutions found to be in good condition are cordially praised, and de- fects are unhesitatingly condemned. The ordinary operations of the institutions under the supervision of the board are fully shown in tables. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins | and Reports. Cornell University : The Pistol- case-Bearer in Western New York. By M. V. Slingerland. Pp. 17; A Disease of Currant Cants. By E. J. Durand. Pp. 16 —Michigan : Bacte ia: What they Are and what they Do ; and Eopiness in Milk. By C. E. Marshall. Pp. 44.— New Jersey : Report of the Botai icsl Department for lf<96. By Bvron D. Halsted. Pp. 136 —New York : Director's Report for 1896. Pp. 30 ; The Cucumber Flea-beetle as the Cause of " Pimply " Potatoes. By F. C. Stewart. Pp. 10 ; Economy in using Fertilizers for raising Potatoes. By L L. Van Slyke. Pp. 14.— Ohio : Potatoes (Cultural Notes, etc). Pp.16 ; Beet-sn gar Production. Pp. 32 • Investigations of Plant Diseases in Forcing- hou e and Garden. Pp. 26 : Newspaper Bulletm on Black Knot, etc. Pp. 2.— Purdue University : Ninth Annual Report. Pp. 61.— United States Department of Agriculture : The Carbohydrates of Wheat, Maize, Flour, and Bread ; and the Ac- tion of Enzymic Ferments. By W. E. Stone. Pp. 44 ; Grasses and Forage Plants of the Rocky Mountain Region. By P. A. Rydberg and C. A. Shear. Pp. 48. America and the Americans from a French Point of View. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 273. $1.25. Angot, Alfred. The Aurora Borealis. New York : D. Appleton & Co. (International Scien- tific Series.) Pp. 264. $1.75. Balch, E. S. Ice Caves and the Causes of Sub- terranean Ice. Philadelphia. Pp. 18. Baldwin, Joseph. School Management and School Methods. New York : D. Appleton & Co. (International Education Series.) Pp. 395. $1.50. Baskett, J. N. The Story of the Birds. New York : D. Appleton & Co. (Appletons' Home- Reading Books.) Pp. 268. 65 cents. Bell, Louis. Electric Power Transmission. New York : The W.J. Johnston Company. Pp. 491. Bulletins. United States Department of La- bor. March, 1897. By C. D. Wright and O. W. Weaver. Pp. 236.— State Library, New York: LegislKtion by States in 1S96. Pp. 110.— Geo- graphical Club of Philadelphia: A Trip to Manika Land. By J. E. Farnum. Pp. 10.— Pasteur In- stitute ((iuarterly), Paul Gibier, Editor. Pp. 38. Burgess, John W. The American History Series, Middle Period, 1817-18.58. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 544. $1.75. Christiansen, Dr. C. Elements of Theoretical Physics Translated by W. F. Magie. New York : The Macmillan Company. Pp. 339. $3.35. Columbia Urdversity, New York. President's Annual Report, 1896. Pp. 89. Conn, H. W., and Esten, W. M. Bacteria in the Dairy. (Two Papers.) Middletown, Conn. Pp. 36. Duclaux, E. Atmospheric Actinometry and the Actinic Constitution of the Atmosphere. Smithsonian Contributions. (Hodgkins Fund.) Pp. 48. Elliot, D. G. Catalogue of Birds obtained by the Expedition into Somanliland. Chicago : Field Columbian Museum. Pp. 38. Gamble, Eliza Burt. The God Idea of the Ancients, or Sex in Religion. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp .3.39. Greenleaf, J. L., New York. The Times and Causes of Western Floods. Pp. 10. Hollick, Arthur. Geological Notes, Long Is- land and Block Island. New York : Columbian University. Hopper, Dr. M. S. Origin of the Tobacco Habit. Pp. 6. Hughes, J. L. Froebel's Educational Laws for all Teachers. New York : D. Appleton & Co. (International Education Series.) Pp. 296. $1.50. ' Huntington, A. K , and McMillan, W. G. Metals, their Properties and Treatment. New York : Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 562. $2.50. Interstate Commerce Commission. Eighth Annual Report on the Statistics of Railways. Washington. Pp. 6'J7. Kofoid, C. A.Plankton. Studies in the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Pp. 25, with plates. McAdie, Alexander. Equipment and Work of an Aero-physical Observatory. Smithsonian Mis- cellaneous Collections. (Hodgkins Fund.) Pp. 82. Maxwell, Sir Herbert. Robert the Brace. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. (Heroes of the Nations.) Pp. 387. $1.-50. Mayer, Alfred G. On the Color and Color pat- terns of Moths and Butterflies. Boston Society of Natural History. Pp. 96, with 10 plates. Mearns, E. A. Preliminary Diagnosis of New Mammals. United States National Museum. Pp. 4. Merrill, George P. A Treatise on Rocks, Rnck-weathering, and Soils. New York : The Macmillan Company. Pp. 411. $4. Peet, Stephen D. The History of Explorations in the Mississippi Valley. Pp.31. Pellegrini, Pietro. I Diseredati e loro Diritti (The Disinherited and their Rights). Borgo a Mozzano, Italy. Pp. 205. Price, Sadie F. The Fern Collector's Hand- book and Herbarium. New Yf rk ; Henry Holt & Co. 72 plates, with botanical indexes, etc. 136 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Reports. Home for Aged Jews of Chicago, 1894-1896. Pp. 62.— Perkins Institution and Maw- eachu^etts School for the Blind. Year ending August 31, 1896. Pp. 274. Ridgway, Robert. Birds of the Galapagos Archipelago. United States National Museum. Pp. 11-2. Scott, William B. An Introduction to Geol- ogy. New York : The Macmillan Company. Pp. 573. $1.90. Setchell, William A. Laboratory Practice for Beginners in Botany. New York : The Macmil- lan Company. Pp.190. 90 cents. Sharpe, R. W. Coutribulion to a Knowledge of the North American Fresh- water Ostracoda. Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Urbana. Pp. 7'3, with plates. Starr, Frederick. Stone Images from Taras- can Territory, Mexico. Pp. 4, with 3 plates. Stone, W. E., and Balrd, ^W. H. The Occur- rence of Raflinose in American Sugar Beets. Purdue University. Pp. 9, with plate. Tarr, Ralph S. Elementary Geology. New York : The Macmillan Company. Pp.499. $1.40. Tubeuf, Dr. Karl Freiherr. Diseases of Plants induced by Cryptogamic Parasites. English edi- tion, bv W. G. Smith. New York : Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 598. Walsingham, Lord, and Dnrrant, John n. Rules for regulating Nomenclature (in Entomol- ogy). New York : Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 18. 20 cents. Wines, F. H., and Koren, John. The Liquor Problem in its Legislative Aspects. Boston and New York : Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 342. Work in Anthropology at the University of Chicago. Pp. 8. vagmciits of ^cizntt* Horticultural Extension ScJioois. — Ex- periments in methods of extension teacliing as applied to horticulture have been made by Prof. L. H. Bailey in connection with the Cornell University Experiment Station, through itinerant or local experiment, read- able expository bulletins, the itinerant horti- cultural school, elementary instruction in rural schools, and correspondence and reading courses. The greatest good as yet accom- plished seems to have come through the bul- letins. These have taken the form of sur- veys of the status of certain industries, with especial attention given to floriculture and ornamental gardening. Besides the consecu- tive teaching of horticultural schools, Nature study and object lessons were taught in a series of schools, with the object, besides imparting specific horticultural information, of awakening closeness of observation and careful reasoning from it on the part of the attendants. Observation lessons constituted one of the most useful exercises in connec- tion with these schools. Small objects, like leaves or roots or flowers or seeds, were put in the hands of all the attendants, and after they had examined them for a few minutes the instructor began to ask questions con- cerning them. This exercise drilled every participant in observation and in drawing proper inferences from what he saw, and was productive of the greatest interest and good. Such schools serve better as the culmina- tion of a series of extension efforts than as a primary or preliminary means of awaken- ing the rural communities. Another series of lessons had the determination of the man- ner in which pupils could be reached by means of object-lesson teaching, and the amount of interest they would be likely to manifest in agricultural matters in case it should ever be found desirable to introduce such teaching as a part of the distinct school work. The conclusion is drawn by Prof. Bailey, from this experimental work, that the farmers, as a whole, are willing and anxious for education. They are difBcult to reach, because they have not been well taught, not because they are unwilling to learn. Effect of Veils on Eyesight. — In experi- menting upon the effect of the wearing of veils upon the eyesight. Dr. Casey A. Wood, of Chicago, selected a dozen typical speci- mens of veils and applied the ordinary tests of ability to read while wearing them. These tests showed that every description of veil affects more or less the ability to see dis- tinctly, both in the distance and near at hand. The most objectionable kind is the dotted veil. Other things being equal, vision is interfered with in direct proportion to the number of meshes per square inch. The texture of the veil plays an important part in the matter. When the sides of the mesh are single, compact threads, the eye is much less embarrassed than when double threads are employed. The least objectionable veil FRAGMENTS OF SCIENCE. 137 is without dots, sprays, or other figures, but with large, regular meshes made with single, compact threads. Eve troubles do not ne- cessarily result from wearing veils, for the healthy eye is as able as any other part of the body to resist the strain they impose upon it. But weak eyes are hurt by them, and prudence should teach not to strain healthy eyes too much. Domestication of tlie Egret. — A resolu- tion was adopted at the International Zoologi- cal Congress held in Leyden in 1895, favor- ing measures for the preservation and do- mestication of the egret. Under present conditions the bird, so highly prized for its plumes, is undergoing rapid extermination. M. J. Forest, the author of the Leyden reso- lution, is confident that the domestication of the egi'et herons will be found as practicable as that of the ostrich has proved to be. The little egret, or garzette, in particular, has already shown itself quite susceptible to the taming process. In a heronry established at Tunis in 1873, a flock of thirty young birds has increased to about four hundred. The establishment contains a pool and trees, and cost less than twenty-eight hundred dol- lars. It was stocked in the beginning with captured wild birds, whose disposition and capacity to breed did not seem to be affected by their captivity. The proprietor repre- sents that he gets six or seven dollars a year from each bird, plucking the plumes twice a year, in June and October, besides the in- crease of the flock. The capacity of the large egret for domestication is not so well established ; but a specimen of this bird, which had been captured wild and then tamed, was sent to the Jardin d^ Avclhnatation in Paris from Guiana in 1853; and several travelers— Paul Marcoy, Thouar, the lamented Crevaux, and Ehrenreich — mention having seen in Paraguay and along the Amazon numerous domesticated birds, herons and grebes among them, living in the Indian villages on whatever they could find to eat there. Herons bearing ash-gray plumes are kept in some of the larger houses of Bagdad. Inventing a Match. — The credit of the invention of chemical matches is claimed for various persons in different countries — for Friedrich Kamrer in Germany, Roemer and Preschel in Austria, Ironvi and Moldenhauer in Hungary, Ivan Worstakoff in Russia, Watt and Isaac Holden in England, and Charles Lauria in France. The one thing agreed upon is the date — 1833. For Lauria the claim is made by M. Jacques Boyer that he thought about the matter in 1827, when he saw Gay-Lussac's hydrogen tinder box at Lyons in 1827, and had made a practical match before 1833. Immediately after wit- nessing Gay-Lussac's experiment he began to look for a fulminating powder which would enable him to realize the dream he had con- ceived, and while still in this search saw his professor of chemistry, Nicollet, produce the detonation of powdered sulphur and chlorate of potash. Then he thought that if he could incorporate phosphorus with this mixture he might produce the blaze he wanted. He had no apparatus but a few sticks of sulphur-tipped pine and some glass tubes. He had got some parcels of sulphur and chlorate from the college laboratory at Dole, and having obtained a little phosphorus from a pharmacy, he proceeded to melt hia mixture. As he was inexperienced and awk- ward at the work, he suffered a number of accidents, in which his bed curtains proved readier to take fire than his matches. At last he dipped the end of one of his sul- phured sticks into the chlorate slightly warmed. Some of the chlorate adhered, and, rubbing his half-finished match on the wall where a trace of phosphorus had found its way, the stick blazed up at once. Lauria called his comrades and the principal of the college to witness his achievement, and en- joyed a kind of triumph. He made a few improvements in his invention, added a little gum arable to his mixture to make it more adhesive, and had what is in principle the match of to-day. His fellow-students amused themselves with the matches. Prof. Puttenay made some for his own use, and they found their way into a cafe at Dole, but the effort to find a more general market for them did not succeed. Young Animals at School. — A new the- ory of the sports of young animals put forth by Prof. Groos, of the University of Giessen, holds that they are a preparation for after- life, for the adaptation of the faculties for the sterner purposes of maturity, and are in 138 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. effect dependent upon the necessity of modi- fying instincts. The higher an animal may be in the scale of life, the author assumes, the more varied become its relations to sur- rounding things and the less suited to vary- ing circumstances becomes a mechanical and rigid instinct. If, however, there is a period of youth during which inherited instincts may be used merely as a vehicle for redun- dant energy, an opportunity is afforded for modification and alteration of the rigid sys- tem. The instinct of a creature with prac- tically no period of youth, as with insects, must be complete and ready for use. The mammal or bird, however, passes through a period of youth " during which it has no im- mediate duties to perform and is cared for by its parents. In this time it plays with its instincts, learns to fly or to run and jump, to recognize its kind, to distinguish between the palatable and unpalatable, to make and un- derstand call notes or cries of alarm ; in a thousand ways to suit each occasion with its action and deserve a place in the hierarchy of intelligent beings." The games and sports earliest to appear in animals and most universal are classed by Prof. Groos as those of experiment and curiosity. "Young crea- tures play with everything that attracts their attention. They try their teeth or their claws on every available object. They taste and smell, rush and tumble about, collect in heaps or scatter everything they are able to reach, and, indeed, make attempts on the unattainable. The greater the intelligence of the adult animal the more surprisingly the young animal treats its surroundings in the spirit of an empirical philosopher. A young monkey observed by a sister of the late Prof. Romanes discovered for itself that the handle of a hearth brush was screwed into a socket. It succeeded in unscrewing the handle with ease, and after long experiments discovered that only one end twisted in a particular direction would fit into the socket. Another young monkey, chained just beyond the reach of a fire, found out how to tear strips from a newspaper and roll them up into tapers sufficiently long to reach the flames. By some such fertile employment of curiosity the professor thinks that the an- cestors of man may have gained their mas- tery over fire." Skill in flying is attained by considerable practice, and " in mammals the exercises of the young bear a definite rela- tion to adult habit. Mountain-living crea- tures, like kids and chamois, continually practice standing jumps, springing vertically into the air. . . . Gazelles, on the other hand, which have to jump watercourses and gul- lies on the Veldt, confine their youthful en- thusiasm to practice of the running jump. Similarly the play of tiger cubs with balls or with the tail of their mother, and the wrest- ling and mimic combats of other carnivo- rous young, all exhibit an instinctive bias by which the restless zeal of youth is disci- plined for the real purposes of maturity." Seals and their Pnps, — A fur seal has none of the altruistic instincts of some other animals, for it will never feed any pup but her own. Not a very affectionate mother at best, she yet unerringly knows her nursling's voice, and he in turn learns to find her. When they meet and recognize each other at meal time, it is easy to see that they belong to- gether. Her duty done, however, she lets it shift for itself till the next feeding time. She instantly knows any little hungry in- truder that is stealing up to her to get a meal on the sly. She cuffs and bites, until the starveling, intimidated, slinks away to die. These orphaned younglings are the fruit of the indiscriminate " pelagic " seal- ing. Their mother being killed, and they unable to obtain another nurse, they perish by the thousands. A United States report estimates the number for 1896 at 20,331. The Last Resting Place of Pastenr. — On December 26, 1896, the remains of Pasteur were borne to their final resting place, a crypt at the Pasteur Institute. On the stone is inscribed a sentence from his reception speech at the Academy : " Ueureux celui qui porte en soi un dieu, un id6al de beaute, et qui lui obeit — ideal de I'art, ideal de la, sci- ence, ideal de la patrie, ideal des vertus de I'evangile " (" Happy he who bears within him a god, an ideal of beauty, and follows it — an ideal of art, an ideal of science, an ideal of patrioti.sm, an ideal of the Chris- tian virtues "). Many men of science and thinkers of note, both French and foreign, were present, and deputations and wreaths were sent by scientific societies. A service at Notre Dame, where the remains had been FRAGMENTS OF SCIENCE. 139 reposing for the last fifteen months, was followed by the ceremonies at the crj'pt. M. J. B. Pasteur said to the council of the institute, in behalf of the family, " I intrust to you this tomb which we have raised to our father in this institute which he loved so dearly." Addresses were delivered by M. Rambaud, Minister of Education, and M. Baudin, President of the Municipality, and an address by M. Legouve was read by M. Gaston Boissier. Bachelor SealSt — The young male seals, commonly called " bachelors," are very much like the females in size and color. During the breeding season they are not permitted by the bulls to enter the rookeries, hence they herd together separately on the so- called "hauling grounds." Unlike their seniors, who in the " harems " are busy founding families, these young bachelors have no fixed place of abode, but range at will over a large area of ground, usually sand beaches near the rookeries. Known also as " killable " seals, they are driven from their haunts and killed with clubs at about three years of age, the time when their fur is at its best. Small four-year-olds and large two-year-olds, being about the same size as the bachelors, are also hunted. Among these herds may sometimes be found bulls from four to six years old, who, being too cowardly to assert themselves in the harems, are forced to keep company with these young- sters. Another mode of hunting them is called " pelagic sealing," which means kill- ing them in the open sea wich firearms, or with the spear and club. In order to digest their food, they lie sleeping on the surface of the water, and the hunter finds it easy enough to steal up in his boat and spear the defenseless animal. This is really wholesale slaughter, for the hunter indiscriminately kills whatever lies in his way, even the nurs- ing mothers, thus leaving the pups to die of starvation. Nationality and Scenery. — In the intro- duction to an article in the Deuhche Rund- schau descriptive of the German landscape, Herr Friedrich Ratzel shows by a few well- directed allusions how the intrinsic charac- ter of the scenery of a region, even in its apparently most natural features, is affected by the nationality that occupies it, and re- flects the character of that nationality. The allusions are local, but the principle they illustrate is general. A country with such a history as Germany's can have no purely natural landscape. The people and their land are the resultant of a long material de- velopment. When the Romans knew Ger- many— a barbarian region with few inhabit- ants— the works of man were less in evidence, and Nature prevailed. The effects of cultiva- tion have worked in two principal directions : First, the woods are cleared up, the water is confined within limits, the habitations of men are multiplied and enlarged and made more durable, and new plants and animals are brought in. Then uncontemplated changes step in, which proceed of them- selves from the works of cultivation. With the drying of the soil the climate is modi- fied. The introduction of new plants and animals imposes new features upon the con- ditions of life. Where before only stretches of heath, moor, and swamp formed natural openings in the predominant forest, exten- sive woodless regions arise through the la- bors of man, from which the shade-loving plants and animals that were protected by the forest gloom disappear, and other inhab- itants are at home in the cultivated fields. The variations in the particular shaping of these changes are more especially marked where the boundaries run through mountain regions. In the Saxon Erzgebirge the for- ests have lost all their wildness, and planta- tions of firs and oaks grow in regular order, all nearly of a height, with no trees towering into prominence, and the mountain has the trimmed and symmetrical appearance of a nursery. The brooks are tamed, dammed, and made to earn their right to be as the servants of the mills. Passing over the mountains and going down the Bohemian side, we are in the woods again, with the valleys free and irregular, and the brooks running according to their own will. The contrast is seen again, but less marked, in going up from Bohemia and down into Ba- varia. Within Germany itself the garden- tilled plots near the industrial centers and the little rectangular holdings of the south- western and middle districts, each distinctly marked off from its neighbor, and making the whole look like a party-colored checker- 140 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, board, impress one very differently from the immense fields devoted to single crops and the commodious barns of the north. Other differences may be seen on the upper Rhine, where the inhabitants of both sides were originally the same people, but have been subjected to different influences in the course of their history. The French have made their marks all over the Alsatian territory and in the towns cf quite another character from the native German aspects of the Baden side. A Snrvival of Torture. — Although the practice of torture to extract evidence was formally abolished in 1789, the spirit of the Inquisition has not yet died out in the conti- nental countries of Europe. This is shown now and again in criminal cases. But not the convicts only are treated with the utmost severity. The mere suspicion of crime is enough to make a man's life miserable. He practically loses all civil rights, and finds himself at the mercy of an interrogating magistrate with full power to extract a con- fession, by moral suasion if possible, by more forcible means if need be. Subjected to a prolonged and tortuous system of cross-ques- tioning, the accused often completely break down mentally and confess at random what- ever has been suggested to them, much in the manner of the trials for witchcraft in our own Puritan New England. A case creating quite a sensation in Paris some thirty years ago was that of a woman who under this fire of interrogation admitted hav- ing killed her newborn infant, two months even before the birth of the child. If the culprits are suspected of obstinacy in an- swering, all sorts of expedients are used to make them more compliant, such as making their diet unpalatable, or altogether with- holding food and water, and penning up in close, dark quarters. Prof. Cannlzzaro's Jnbilec. — The seven- tieth birthday of Prof. Stanislas Cannizzaro was celebrated on November 21, 1896, amid a concourse of the most distinguished scien- tists and other men of note of Rome. He was presented with a gold medal and a bust of himself in bronze, and received innumer- al)le letters, telegrams, addresses, and perga- menus from the leading scientific societies of the world. Prof. Semeraro, Rector Magnifi- cus of the Roman University, said in his address : " His greatest glory lies in the fact that most of the professors now teaching in Italian universities have been his pupils. The pressure of business as vice-president of the Senate and member of the Superior Council of Public Instruction, and many oth- ers, never were pretexts to him for overlook- ing the modest duty of a teacher." Hon. Galimberti, presenting him with the Grand Cordon of the Crown of Italy, said : '" Your name is worthy of being joined with those of Galileo, Torricelli, Volta, and Galvani. To Emanuel Kant, who, in his absolute sen- tence, considered chemistry as a union of empirical knowledge, you replied half a cen- tury ago, pronouncing among the confusion of doctrines immovable ideas and true laws that render chemistry an exact science, for it lies now on mathematical truth." Cannizzaro replied in an interesting speech. Referring to the combination of the functions of teacher and investigator, he said : " Had I not been a teacher, my publications would not have appeared, and I should have continued to disseminate science of new carbon com- pounds. I bring here Lord Kelvin's exam- ple, who, in his last jubilee, spoke of the utility he had found by the continued con- ferences with his pupils." Some Antipathies of Animals. — A num- ber of very curious featuries in the antipa- thies of animals are pointed out in an article on the subject in the London Spectator. There are permanent hereditary antipathies, like those of cats against dogs, and purely instinctive, inexplicable antipathies, which are naturally the least common, but of which there are marked and definite examples. Of such is the disgust which tlie camel excites in horses. These animals " have been asso- ciated for centuries in the common service of man, and early training makes the horse acquiesce in the proximity of the creature which disgusts him. Otherwise, it is far more difficult to acctistom horses to work with camels than with elephants, precisely because the repugnance is a natural antipa- thy and not a reasoned fear." They get used to the sight of an elephant, but the smell of a camel disgusts and frightens them. English horses that have never seen a camel FRAGMENTS OF SCIENCE. 141 refuse to approach ground where they have stood. For this reason a traveling menage- rie was recently refused permission to en- camp on a village green, although the people would have been glad to see the show, but because the presence of the camels would interfere with the customary use of the place for a market, by engendering difficulties when the next attempt should be made to drive horses upon it. Yet, at a performance of two bears in London, one of the horses of a four-in-hand almost touched one of them, without himself or any of the team showing any nervousness over the matter. The hatred of cattle for dogs is supposed to have been inherited from the days when their calves were constantly killed by wolves or wild dogs. But " why the horse not only does not share this antipathy, but, on the contrary, loves a dog, it is difficult to explain." The dislike of the cat family for dogs likewise probably dates from the time when the wild dogs hunted and destroyed their whelps. " There is much probability in this conjec- ture, for it is the dog, and not the wolf, which the tiger so intensely dislikes, and it is only the packs of wild dogs, not wolves, which would venture to kill a cub. Leopards, which naturally live in branches of trees, sim- ply look on dogs as a favorite article of food ; and the puma of the pampas, which inhabits a country where the wild dog is unknown, is also a great dog-killer. The dogs, on their part, seem quite aware of the difference of view on the part of the various cats ; they will mob a tiger and hunt all tiger-cats. But they all seem to fear the leopard, and by nature to fear the puma, though in North America they can be trained to hunt it. It was re- cently noticed that a large dog, which found its way to a point opposite the outdoor cages of the lion-house at the Zoo, crept under- neath a seat as soon as the puma caught sight of it, and exhibited signs of the utmost nervousness and fear." The antipathies of most animals find a climax " in the com- mon and intense horror of the poisonous snake." MINOR PARAGRAPHS. The Municipal Administration Commit- tee of the Reform Club of the City of New York has secured Mr. Robert C. Brooks as its secretary, who has established his office at the University Settlement House, 26 De- lancey Street ; has begun the collection of a working library, which is rapidly growing ; and has practically completed a bibliography of Municipal- Administration, of twenty-five hundred manuscript pages, comprising a sub- ject index and another list, arranged alpha- betically and containing nine thousand en- tries referring to thirty four hundred articles in American, English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish publications, with the names of twelve hundred writers. It has more recently begun the issue of a quarterly magazine called Municipal Affairs, the first number of which contains the bibliography. It is working earnestly to enlist those who are willing to aid in propaganda work — chiefly by holding meetings, at which questions of municipal polity are discussed by competent speakers. The importance is insisted upon by Thomas A. Williams, in a paper on the Grasses and Forage Plants of the Dakotas, of making every effort to preserve the native grasses. They are naturally adapted to the conditions that prevail in the region, and it is very improbable that introduced forms can be had to take their places satisfacto- rily for many years to come. Climatal evi- dences are abundant to prove that some of the native forms will flourish under condi- tions that would kill the common cultivated ones ; and the prolonged dry weather of the later summer, which would be destructive to cultivated species, simply cures these native ones on the ground, so that cattle can forage on them in winter as if they were hay. The importance of these grasses is illustrated by the immense shipments from the Dakotas of stock which have had no other feed than that growing naturally on the prairies. Many of the most valuable of these grasses are much benefited by judicious irrigation, even though it be only slight. An expedition is fitting out by the Amer- ican Museum of Natural History, with the aid of Mr. Morris K. Jesup, for the system- atic study of the peoples inhabiting the coasts of the North Pacific Ocean between the Amoor River in Asia and the Columbia River in America. The exploration is to be 142 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. prosecuted during six years, and to include both the Asiatic and the American coasts. Its primary object is to search for light con- ceruing the origin of the American race and its relations to the races of the Old World, concerning which, in the absence of all defi- nite knowledge at present, a confusion of opinions exists. The characteristics of the American races have been studied to a con- siderable extent by the Russian missionary Ycmiaminoff, Dall, and others, in Alaska and the Aleutian Islands ; Murdoch among the Eskimos of Point Barrow, and Boas under the auspices of the British Associa- tion in British Columbia ; but, as Dr. Boas observes, very much remains to be done in those districts ; while of the correspond- ing region in Asia, notwithstanding the few investigations that have been published, the types of man, languages, customs, and my- thology are practically unknown. Among the interesting jubilees celebrated during 1896 was that of the York Retreat in England. In 1792 William Tuke, a member of the Society of Friends, became convinced that the methods of treatment of the insane which prevailed at that time were unneces- sarily harsh ; they were treated more like wild beasts than as human beings. William Tuke therefore conceived the idea of found- ing an institution where sufferers from men- tal disease could be treated in a manner more in accordance with humanity and with sound therapeutic principles. The necessary support was after a time obtained, and the "Retreat" was opened in 1796. It was the first institution in England where the in- sane were treated m a humane and rational manner. Mr. B. N. Brough affirms, in a lecture on deep mining, that the greatest depth yet reached in mines is 4,900 feet at the Red Jacket shaft of the Calumet and Hecla mine, in the Lake Superior district. The Tamarack mine, in the' same district, 4,450 feet, is the only other mine going below 4,000 feet in depth. Four mines in Ger- many, two in Belgium, and one in Austria- Hungary are between 3,500 and 4,000 feet deep. The deepest British mine is the Pen- dleton, near Manchester, 3,474 feet deep ; and the deepest in Scotland is the Niddrie, at Porto Bello, 2,010 feet. The products of the mines are now lifted with ropes of cru- cible steel wire, of which a flat rope is men- tioned weighing only 8 '2 pounds per foot, which had a tensile strength of eighty-nine tons per square foot, and lasted twelve months while used for raismg loads of eleven tons from a depth of 3,117 feet. At the deep mines of Calumet the cage, carrying six tons, was lifted at the rate of a mile in a minute and a half. In England the speed has been as great as fifty-seven miles an hour. The increased cost of sinking these deep mines is believed not to be very appre- ciable where the output is considerable. At Tamarack the cost of increasing depth was more than compensated by the increased output and improved machinery. The most important events in last year's history of the astronomical observatory of Harvard College were the erection of the Bruce photographic telescope in Peru, and the establishment of a series of circulars, which furnish a prompt means of announc- ing discoveries. Twenty-five hundred and eight photographs were taken with the eight- inch Draper telescope, and twenty-seven hun- dred and seventy in Peru with the eight- inch Bache telescope ; and " there is probably no star brighter than the thirteenth magni- tude in any part of the sky from the north to the south pole that does not appear on one or more of these plates." The attempt is made to photograph all the regions in which variables are discovered at least once a month. In Mrs. Fleming's examinations of the spectra photographed, a large number of objects having peculiar spectra have been discovered. Two new stars have been found in the constellations Carina and Centaurus. The photographs of one of the new variable stars show a very peculiar spectrum and changes of light unlike those of any star hitherto discovered. Meteorological obser- vations were continued at La Joya, 4,150 feet above the sea ; Arequipa, 8,060 feet ; Alto de los Huesos, 13,300 feet ; Mont Blanc station on El Misti, 15,600 feet ; El Misti, 19,200 feet; and Cuzco, 11,000 feet. A WORK by M. Meguin on the Bacteria of Dead Bodies is reviewed in a recent issue of the British Medical Journal : " As a result of this work it is now possible to determine in a most accurate manner the time of death FRAGMENTS OF SCIENCE. 143 of an individual by an examination of the cadaver and of the successive generations of insects which are found inhabiting it. The author has established the important fact that these successive inhabitants always ar- rive in the same order from the time of death to that of complete disintegration of the body. . . . The importance of this work from a medico-legal point of view can not be overestimated, and that it is capable of prac- tical application the author shows by a num- ber of interesting cases." NOTES. The presidents of sections of the British Association, nominated for the coming meet- ing at Toronto, are : Section A, Mathemat- ical and Phvsical Science, Prof. A. R. For- syth, r. R. S. ; B, Chemistry, Prof. W. Ramsay, F. R. S ; 0, Geology, Dr. G. M. Dawson, C. M. G. F. R. S. ; D, Zoology, Prof. L C. Miall, F. R. S.; E, Geography," Mr. J. Scott Keltic; F. Economic Science and Sta- tistics, Prof. E. C. K. Gonner ; G, Mechan- ical Science, Mr. G. F. Deacon; H, Anthro- pology, Prof. Sir W. Turner, F. R. S. ; I, Phys- iology, Prof. M. P'oster, Sec. R. S. ; K, Botanv, Prof. H. Marshall Ward, F. R. S. The even- ing discourses will be delivered by Prof. Roberts-Austen, C. B., F. R. S., and Prof. John Mihie, F. R. S. A BANQUET was recently given by scien- tific men of France to Mme. Clemence Rover in celebration of her seventieth birthday. She is eminent in the study of the mental traits of animals ; translated Darwin's work into French ; is an advocate of evolution ; and is the author of articles on the Mental Faculties of Monkeys, and Animal Arithme- tic, which were published in the Popular Science Monthly several years ago. Mr. Herbert Spencer was offered the honorary degree of Doctor of Science by the authorities of the ITniversity of Cambridge, but, adhering to his uniform practice, from which he says he can not depart, has de- clined it. The Emperor of Germany has just deco- rated Dr. Rous, the discoverer, with Dr. Behring, of the vaccine against diphtheria. Two years ago Pasteur refused a similar honor, for reasons of his own. Dr. Roux, although the intimate friend and successor of the great scientist, did not allow his loy- alty toward his master to stand in the way of accepting this mark of recognition from the foreign potentate. The Paris Academy of Sciences has awarded an Arago medal to Lord Kelvin, on the occasion of the jubilee of his professor- ship in Glasgow University. In conferring it, M. Cornu. the president, touching on the testimonies coming from all parts of the world, said : " Nothing is more consoling for the future than the spectacle of these honors rendered by delegates of all nations to great men of science like Kelvin and Pas- teur, who so worthily represent science in its loftiest and at the same time most be- neficent aspect." According to the Times, the Government intends to introduce next session a bill to promote free vaccmation throughout Eng- land, following continental methods. A small committee, headed by Dr. Thorne Thome, of the Local Government Board, has investigated these methods in Paris at the Institut Vaccinal and the Academic de Mede- cine, and in Brussels at the Ecole de Mede- cine, and at Dr. Janssen's vaccination de- partment under the municipality of the city. They intend also to investigate the modes of procedure in Germany. Edward D. Cope, Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the School of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania, died in his museum in Philadelphia, April 12th, aged about fifty-seven years. The illness which took him away was one from which he had been a sufferer for many years. He delivered his last lecture at the university two weeks before his death, had been able to attend to some scientific work the Wednes- day previous, and his condition had been alarming only for four days. A sketch of his life and work to that time, and a portrait, were given in the Popular Science Monthly for May, 1881. He was presiding officer of the Biological Section of the American Asso- ciation in 1884, and was president of the Buffalo meeting of the association in 1896. His later publications since cur sketch have been: Origin of Man and other Vertebrates, 1885; Tertiary Vertebrates, 1885; The En- ergy of Life Evolution, and how it has Acted, 1885; The Origin of the J'ittest, 1886 ; and The Primary Factors of Organic Evolution, 1896. Prof. Cope was most eminent in paleontology, but was distinguished in many other branches of biology. Prof. James Joseph Sylvester, of the University of Oxford, died in London, March 15th, in the eighty-third year of his age. He was born in Loudon, September 3, 1814, was graduated from St. John's College, Cam- bridge, in 1837, as second wrangler, was appointed Professor of Natural Philosophy in the LTniversity of London, and in 1841 became a professor in the LTniversity of Vir- ginia. He did not, however, remain there quite a year, but returned to London, found employment as an actuary and conveyancer, and was called to the bar in 1850. He was appointed Professor of Mathematics in the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, retired from this position in 1862, and was appointed Professor of Mathematics in Johns Hopkins 144 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. University. Here his abilities seemed for the first time to have free scope, and his career was brilliant. He established the American Journal of Mathematics, through which and by his personal teaching and in- fluence he gave a great vitality to mathemat- ical study in this country which still pervades it. In 1883 he was elected Savillian Pro- fessor of Mathematics in the University of Oxford, where he repeated the success he had achieved at Johns Hopkins and exerted as potent an mfluence. Prof. Henry Drcmmoxd, who died in March, 1897, was best known to scientific and the religious circles by his book on Nat- ural Law in the Si)iritual World, which touched upon points in which both were in- terested. His later volume, a collection of Lowell Lectures, on the Ascent of Man, also went into both fields. These books, how- ever, well intentioned and readable as they were, were subjected to adverse criticism from both sides. In 1879 he accompanied Sir Archibald Geikie in a geological tour in the Rocky Mountains, and afterward visited the Scotch mission stations in East South Africa. A result of this visit was a very interesting book on Tropical Africa. Mr. Sidney Walker, fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society since 1873, whose death was recently announced, read several papers on nebulae before the society, and contributed an article on the distribution of the stars in the southern hemisphere to the Monthly No- tices for 1878. He made two very fine maps showing the distribution of the nebulae and clusters in Dr. Dreyer's catalogue. M. Antoine T. d'Abbadie, a member of the French Academy of Science since 1857, in the Section of Geography and Navigation, died in Paris, after a long illness, March 20th, in his eighty-seventh year. His scientific work included exploration, astronomy, geod- esy, physics, and numismatics. In 1893 he bequeathed to the Academy, reserving a life interest to his wife, the chateau of Abbadie, in the Pyrenees, which yields an annual revenue of 20,000 francs, and bank shares yielding 15,000 francs. He was one of the earlier explorers of Abyssinia, observed the eclipse of the sun of 1882 in Santo Domingo, and published important works on geograph- ical exploration and geodesy. Prof. Charles To.mlinson, who died Feb- ruary 14th, in his eighty-ninth year, was on the Council of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, a fellow of the Royal Society, a fellow of the Chemical So- ciety, and one of the founders of the Physical Society. For a number of years he was lec- turer on Experimental Science at King's Col- lege, and was examiner in physics to the Birkbeck Institution. He held the Dante lectureship at University College, 1878-'80. He wrote many bandy text-books on natural philosophy, meteorology, and natural history, and contributed largely to the Transactions of the Royal and Chemical Societies. In 1854 he edited Tomlinson's Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts, Mechanical and Chemical, Manu- factures, Mining, and Engineering. He com- piled the lives of Smeeton, Cuvier, and Lin- n;cus, and the notices of scientific men in The English Cycloptedia of Biography. Among the men of science abroad who have died are Dr. Nikolai Zdekaner, St. Petersburg, member of the Imperial Acad- emy of Sciences, and known for his work in behalf of hygiene and knowledge of epidem- ics ; Hcrr Alois Rogenhofer, formerly Curator of the Imperial Natural History Museum in Vienna ; Dr. Hermann von Noerdlinger, for- merly Professor of Forestry in Tiihingen Uni- versity ; Dr Luigi Calori, Professor of Anat- omy in the University of Bologna ; Dr. J. D. E. Weyer, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy in the University of Kiel ; and M. Vivien de St. Martin, famous for his re- searches in ancient geography. The death is announced of Mr. Henry Boswell, a noted bryologist. Beginning his botanical studies with flowering plants, he later on turned his attention to the study of mosses, both British and foreign, and made a fine collection. It seems certain that eels, while not ex- actly amphibious, venture to spend consider- able intervals of time on the land, away from water. A German zoologist, Herr Frenzel, as well as several other persons, recently ob- served a young eel, about five inches long, concealed in the network of the superficial roots of a bush. It had come from a pond about fourteen feet away, and six feet lower down, and must have exerted vigorous ef- forts to climb the bank. A CONSIGNMENT of the American craw- fish ( Cambarus affinu) has been received at the French agricultural station Fecamp, for acclimatation and propagation. These crus- taceans are said to have been taken from the waters of the Potomac. They are sought because they appear not to be subject to the disease which has carried away most of the crawfish in the rivers of France, and are in- tended to make up for the loss occasioned thereby. One of the latest papers of the late Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson set forth the qualities of organic membranes as insulators. Experiments were cited by the author going to show that various membranes of the ani- mal body, in addition to performing the functions usually ascribed to them, are also electrical insulators, and by their presence confine and render useful the vital force that is developed in the organs they sur- round. '//.''■'//■'//■i,„l, KTCHAKH OWKN. APPLETONS' POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. JUNE, 1897 EVOLUTION OF THE MODERN HEAVY GUN. By W. LE CONTE STEVENS, PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. DURING the last half of the nineteenth century, a period of extraordinary fertility in the industrial application of all departments of physical science, it would be remarkable if great progress were not made in the development of the materials of warfare, both offensive and defensive. It is true there have been few great wars during the half century just closing, fewer than during the corresponding previous period, when Napoleon made all Europe his chronic battle ground. But with progress in the arts of peace there comes progress in machinery of all kinds. Guns are machines which happily we are not often called upon to use in deadly earnest. The degree of perfection with which a machine does deadly work serves as a powerful argument to induce caution before bringing it into use. If the civilized world ever attains the millennium of freedom from warfare, it will not be because the philosophy of good will to men has triumphed, but because war is too terrible and costly for any nation to risk the sure and swift destruction it brings upon the vanquished. Patriotism will not be extinguished, but it will be tempered with the spirit of rational compromise. During the thirteen years of Napoleon's leadership his wars cost France one billion dollars. During the four years of civil war in America the cost to the Government of the United States was about four billion dollars, apart from treasures expended in vain by the Confederate States. The American civil war was thus at least a dozen times more expensive per year than war was during the time of Napoleon. VOL. LI. — 1 1 146 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. With tlie construction and use of the materials employed in modern warfare none but the professional military engineer can be reasonably expected to attain much familiarity. But all have an interest in national preparation for contingencies, and even to the nonprofessional it may be an engaging study to trace in out- line the evolution of the cannon as now made at great armories like that at Watervliet, near Troy, New York. It would be only repeating an oft-told tale to show that our remote human ancestors were all savages, and that the normal condition of society among them was that of warfare. What were the earliest weapons employed we can only conjecture. If we disregard the long and for the most part unknown period that preceded the beginning of definite human records, we find that when these records began man was already acquainted with the ruder processes of metallurgy. But there are no indications that during the age of universal savagery metal was used to any great extent for projectile purposes. Arrows and javelins were early and abundantly employed, and the use of the sling was undoubtedly common among the Israelites long before the dramatic duel between David and Goliath. The Romans in conducting their sieges employed the catapult and ballista for the projection of large arrows and stones ; but from the vague description of these instruments we can glean little more than that they were probably immense crossbows. They were un- wieldy, but powerful enough to project stones, each as heavy as an ordinary man, over a distance of a hundred yards. During the first dozen centuries of the Christian era there was but little improvement over Roman methods of warfare. That the elastic force of hot gas suddenly evolved should be substituted for that of a stout cord under great tension could not have been possible without the previous discovery of the means by which such gas could be appropriately generated. There is no probability that we will ever learn definitely the true history of the invention of gunpowder. Quite probably it was inde- pendently invented by different persons at different times. There can be little doubt that the knowledge of its composition existed at a very early date among some of the inhabitants of India, where the rich soil under a tropical sun has during many centu- ries been leached for the puri)Ose of procuring niter. Assuming the presence of this salt in abundance, it would hardly be possible for one who handles it to remain long ignorant of its capacity to explode when sufficiently heated in contact with charcoal, sul- phur, or any other kind of fuel. It is not surprising that some of the earlier alchemists should be credited with the preparation of gunpowder. It has been common to attribute its invention to Roger Bacon, whose life lasted through the greater part of the EVOLUTION OF THE MODERN HEAVY GUN.. 147 thirteenth century. But his language is characteristically vague ; for, in regard to the mixing of saltpeter with sulphur and another undefined substance, he merely says, "You will thus make thun- der and lightning if you know the method of mixing them." Another claimant to the invention of gun- powder was the Ger- man monk, Berthold Schwartz, who is said to have ground togeth- er in a mortar a mix- ture of niter, charcoal, and sulphur. Acci- dentally allowing fire to come into contact with the mixture, an explosion ensued. The pestle was projected from the mortar and from the hand of the surprised alchemist. This suggested the use of the uncanny sub- stance for military purposes, and the mortar was subsequently made on a larger scale for the special purpose of propelling pro- jectiles. The determination of the proper percentages of niter, carbon, and sulphur in gunpowder implies a knowledge of the quantita- tive laws of chemistry. It is not to be supposed, therefore, that the earlier users of this explosive were able to make powder equal in quality to that of modern times, or that they knew how to adjust its granulation to the special purposes intended under varying circumstances. The Saracens seem to have introduced it into Spain for pyrotechnic purposes about the same time that Schwartz made his suggestion regarding its most important practical application. Its first definitely known use was for cannon. These were called " bombards," on account of the noise occasioned by firing. The primitive cannon was a rude tube made up of iron bars hooped together, edge to edge, like' the staves of a cask. It was by no means readily portable, and was not provided with any wheeled carriage. As an offensive weapon its natural place was EoGER Bacon. Born near Ilchester, about 1214; died probably at Oxford in ] 292. 148 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. " MoNS Meg " Cannon at EinNBrRoii. Caliber, twenty inches. Made in 1486 at Mons, Brittany. The arrangement of hoops around staves is shown at the part injured Viy its bursting in 1682. on shipboard ; as a defensive weapon, upon the wall of a besieged town. This iron barrel was firmly fastened down upon a hori- zontal bed or to a fixed framework of timber. The balls shot from it were of stone. Since there was no provision for aiming, it can be readily conceived that the enemy might be equally safe or unsafe at a variety of points in front of such an ostensible engine of destruction. Small cannon, intended for transportation on land, were un- doubtedly constructed early in the fourteenth century. They were used by the English, possibly as early as 1327, in battle with the Scotch, and certainly against the French in 1346, at the battle of Crdcy. There is noth- ing to indicate that on this occasion any one was killed or wounded by a cannon. The sole func- tion was that of fright- ening the enemy. Nor have we any record of the method of support- ing or transporting such field artillery. It was rather as heavy artillery that cannon found their chief earlier use, and they were soon made of such size as to be quite comparable in this respect with modern guns. One of these bombards, made in Belgium in 1382, weighs about sixteen tons, is more than eleven feet long, and its caliber is about two feet. It is still kept on exhibition in the city of Ghent. Another is the " Mons Meg," made in 1486 at Mons in Brittany. It was captured by the Scotch, and is now kept at Edinburgh. A gun somewhat similar in construction to that in Ghent was dug up about forty years ago from the bed of a river in Bengal, and now stands on exhibition in the city of Moorshedabad. It was made of wrought iron, was more than twelve feet in length, and about seventeen inches in caliber. That the forging of iron on so large a scale was accomplished at such a time and in such a place indicates a marked degree of progress in metallurgy in the far East, and adds force to the thought that cannon may have been in use in Asia long before they were ever employed in Europe. During the siege of Constantinople, in the fifteenth century, according to Gibbon, the Turks employed cannon with which stone balls, each six hundred pounds in weight, were projected, and the walls of the city were thus breached. Von Moltke men- tions such a gun at the same place, twenty-eight inches in diam- eter at the muzzle, with which a ball more than fifteen hundred pounds in weight was projected by a charge of one hundred EVOLUTION OF THE MODERN HEAVY GUN. 149 pounds of powder. For some of these ancient Turkish cannon the diameter of the stone shot was as much as a yard, while the length of the gun was only five yards. It is not therefore so much in the size of heavy ordnance as in its efficiency that we of to-day are warranted in claiming much superiority over our ancestors. The plan of hooping iron staves together gradually gave place to that of molding guns, sometimes in cast iron, sometimes in bronze. Wrought iron also came ex- tensively into use for the purpose of gun construction. The gun was made up of a succession of short forged tubes jointed to- gether. Over each joint a ring was shrunk on while hot, for the sake of strengthening the whole. Many guns made in this way during the sixteenth century are still to be seen in European museums. The use of breech-loading cannon is of considerable antiquity, despite the great difficulty that has been experienced in securing safety in their use. Among the earliest breech-loading devices was that of a short movable tube or chamber, closed at one end. This was loaded to its muzzle and then inserted into the breech of the large tube. It was propped behind with a heavy block of wood or iron, and firmly wedged into position before firing. It is readily seen that with such loose fittings much of the force of the powder was wasted. None of these guns were provided with any facilities for adjustment in aiming. The stone projectile was but poorly fitted to the size of the bore. Not only did much of the expanding gas escape without doing useful work, but the strength of the gun was never sufficient to warrant a charge of powder large enough to send the projectile more than a few hun- dred yards. In course of time it became evident that greater efficiency was attainable by the use of smaller cannon and more accurate fitting. The clumsy and unmanageable heavy guns were discarded, and their places supplied by guns many of which were small enough to be carried by a single man. The introduction of the musket was merely one phase in the fluctuation of the waves of custom, a reaction after many unhappy experiences in the use of large can- non which had been inefficient and often more dangerous to the user than to the enemy. The musketeer with his burdensome flintlock became more important than the cannoneer in field work. A variety of forms of small cannon came into use, all of which were, like the muskets, smooth-bored, muzzle-loading arms, made of cast metal of one kind or another. Iron balls were substituted for those of stone, and about the beginning of the present century a weight of eighteen or twenty pounds was deemed best for most artillery purposes. War ships were equipped with armaments sometimes in excess of a hundred small cannon. Custom had 150 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. fluctuated to the other extreme, but at this stage of evolution guns had become well differentiated into two classes, the musket and pistol being representatives of the one, while the portable cannon was a type of the other. Each was crude in comparison with the war machines of to-day, but efficient enough to make Napoleon the terror of Europe. This warrior's celebrated remark that " God is on the side of the heaviest artillery " was an indi- cation of his view that the limit had not been reached, and that the art of cannon construction was enough developed to warrant the making of yet larger guns. In the War of 1818 an American officer, Colonel Bomford, in- troduced a large cast-iron gun, intended specially for seacoast defense by firing bombshells at long range. Up to this time cannon had been made with little or no provision for the varia- tion of stress in different parts of the gun due to the exploding powder. It was known that this stress must be greatest around the seat of the charge, but no experiments had been made to de- termine even roughly the rate of decrease, although methods were already in use for ascertaining the initial velocity of the projectile shot forth. Bomford bored a hole into the side of a cannon and screwed into this a pistol barrel, with a bullet in- serted. A definite charge of powder being exploded in the can- non, the velocity of the pistol bullet gave a measure of the pres- sure at that point. A series of holes being made in succession from muzzle to breech, the corresponding velocities of the dis- charged bullets gave an indication of the relative strengths needed to resist explosion and the thickness of metal required. The form of gun was therefore modified to suit the stress, and greater strength in proportion to weight was thus secured. To this im- proved gun he gave the name of columbiad. This style of gun was soon adopted in Europe, and long continued to be a standard. But there were inherent weaknesses due to the very fact of employing cast metal. Assume a mass of hot liquid iron poured into a mold to form a solid cylinder, the central part of which is to be afterward bored out. The exterior surface cools first and becomes a rigid solid, while the whole mass has contracted but little. Gradually the interior hardens and crystallizes, but nor- mal contraction is prevented by the rigidity of the exterior shell. The condition of the mass is much like that of a Rupert's drop of glass, which breaks into fragments as soon as the outer shell is broken. The weakest part of the cylinder is the axial region, which is removed by being bored out ; but still the weakest parts of the completed gun are its inner surface and breech, the very parts against which the greatest force of the exploding charge is exerted. With such a gun the limit of safety is exceedingly un- certain. The vibration due to discharge weakens the cast iron. EVOLUTION OF THE MODERN HEAVY GUN.. 151 and the gun becomes dangerously weak after but little use. Nevertheless, this method of construction did not begin to receive modification of any great importance until about fifty years ago. In 1846 these smooth-bore, cast-iron columbiads varied in caliber from eight inches to twenty inches, and in weight from four tons to fifty-seven tons. The projectiles were spherical iron balls, from sixty-eight to one thousand pounds in weight, the charge of pow- der never exceeding one sixth of the weight of the ball. Between 1850 and 1800 Major Rodman, of the United States Army, conducted an epoch-making series of experiments on the improvement of gunpowder and the method of casting iron guns. Dahlgren, about the same time, modified the form of gun, giving it great thickness at the breach and as far as the trunnions, with rapidly diminishing di- ameter thence to the muz- zle. This form has often been compared to that of a champagne bottle. The contrast between this and the older forms is well shown by comparing the " Tsar cannon," a thirty- inch gun of the seven- teenth century, now in the arsenal at Moscow, with the United States fifteen-inch columbiad, as improved by Dahlgren. Accepting the proportions thus established, Rodman devised the method of "hollow casting" and cooling from the interior. The melted iron is poured into a vertical mold, the axis of which is occupied by a hollow core. Through a pipe in this cold water is conveyed to the bottom and conducted away at the top after being warmed by the surrounding hot metal. The hardening of this begins thus at the inner surface where the greater strength is needed. The exterior surface of the mold is at first strongly heated from without and this heat gradually diminished, while the flow of water is continued many hours or even days. The cast iron thus goes through a process much like the tempering and annealing of steel. As the metal gradually cools the inner surface becomes strongly compressed, and the outer surface is left in a state of tension. The condition is the exact reverse of that brought about by the older process of solid casting and subsequent boring. The great improvement in strength secured by this process is indi- cated by Rodman's testing of two columbiads of the same size, material, and form, made at the same time, the one by hollow casting, the other by solid casting. The solid-cast gun burst at The Tsar Cannon at Moscow. Calilier, thirty inches. Seventeenth century. 152 POPULAR SCIEiVCE MONTHLY. Rodman Fifteen-inch Gun. the eiglity-fif til round, the hollow-cast at the two hundred and fifty- first round. Its endurance was thus three times that of the other. Rodman's process was of fundamental importance, because it established experimentally the principle of initial exterior exten- sion and interior com- pression. This princi- ple is applied in all gun construction to-day, al- though the use of cast iron has been wholly dis- carded. Like many other ideas of great importance in the history of inven- tion, it seems to have been evolved independ- ently by several claimants. The names of Blakely, Whitworth, Armstrong, Longridge, Brooke, Treadwell, and Parrott are at once called to mind. To describe their inventions and discuss conflicting claims would require a volume. The discovery of such an important principle, followed by the outbreak of the American civil war, gave an impetus to the improvement of ordnance which was felt over the entire world. Hitherto the materials used in gun construction were cast iron, wrought iron, and bronze, this last being an alloy of copper with ten per cent of tin. In tenacity bronze is superior to cast iron, but it is softer, more fusible, and more expensive. Cast iron is moderately fusible, but not fixed in composition, having a vari- able amount of carbon, silica, and other impurities diffused through its mass. Its properties are correspondingly variable, but it is in general hard, brittle, and more or less crystalline. Wrought iron is the result of oxidizing out all of the carbon by puddling, then squeezing out the silica, and rolling so as to de- velop a fibrous in place of crystalline structure. It is much more tenacious than cast iron, almost infusible, but capable of ready welding and forging. The admixture of carbon seems to confer the property of fusibility. Steel is the product of the recombination of pure wrought iron with a very small percentage of carbon and sometimes of man- ganese or nickel. Like cast iron, it is fusible ; like wrought iron, it can be readily forged ; and it is superior to each in elasticity and tenacity. The idea long ago suggested itself that steel ought to be the best material for the construction of cannon. But the practical obstacle was the great difficulty of securing large enough forgings of steel, and this of sufficiently good quality. Only since 1860 have the methods of steel manufacture been so improved as to make this metal available on a large scale. 100,000 90,000 80,000 EVOLUTION OF THE MODERN HEAVY GUN 153 So important is the relation between cast iron, wrought iron, and steel that it may be well to illustrate this by the use of a dia- gram due to Professor Merriman. Assume that short rods of these materials, each of the same length and one square inch in cross- section, are subjected to great stretching force by the use of a test- ing machine. As this force increases up to the elastic limit of six thousand pounds, the cast-iron rod becomes elongated proportion- ally. It breaks suddenly when the stress reaches twenty thousand pounds. At this limit of tenacity the rod has been increased in length less than one per cent, as shown in the diagram. The wrought iron becomes lengthened at a less rapid rate, reaching its elastic limit for a stress of about twenty-five thousand pounds. In each case, up to the elastic limit, if the stretching force be re- moved the rod will recover its former length and condition. On further increasing the stress, the wrought iron stretches at a more rapid rate, and bears a stress as great as fifty-eight thousand pounds. If now the force be withdrawn the iron remains in its deformed condition, the lengthening being about twenty-two per cent. On again apply- ing the stress there is further rapid length- ening up to twenty- five per cent, this yielding causing a de- crease of stress till the rod breaks at a limit below fifty-eight thousand pounds. The elastic limit and the breaking limit are thus widely different. In the case of steel the elastic limit is not reached until the stress becomes fifty thousand pounds. Its elastic limit is thus double that of wrought iron. Further increase of stress now causes the steel to increase its rate of stretching, and permanent strain results. Its breaking limit, one hundred thousand pounds, is nearly double that of the wrought iron, and is reached when the yielding attains fifteen per cent. This is not much more than half of the twenty-five per cent of yielding of the wrought iron. The figures just given are only averages. Cast iron has been made with a tenacity in excess of forty thousand pounds, while that of steel may vary in different specimens from sixty thousand to three hundred thousand pounds. This wide range shows that for a u 70,000 <» 60,000 m 50,000 40,000 3 o a a 30.000 20,000 10,000 ^ ^^^ y^ ^ / 1 \vo» --' -^ '"^x ^iii^ y^ fl 1 Iss U^'^ 10 15 Per Ceut. of Elougation 20 25 Curves showing Tensile Strength of Timber, Cast Ikon, Wkought Ikon, and Steel. 154- POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the construction of a heavy gun, if steel be employed, the utmost care should be exercised to secure that of the highest grade pos- sible, in order to withstand the enormous tension due to explosion. As soon as this tension becomes equal to the limiting measure of elasticity for the steel, the wall must yield, even if the thickness of the gun were infinite. Since the breaking limit, or ultimate tenacity, of cast steel has just been seen to be, on an average, at least five times that of cast iron, it follows that, with the same diameter and thickness of metal and the same weight of projec- tile, a steel gun warrants the use of a charge of powder of the same quality five times as great. Professor Treadwell showed in 1856 that, if we assume a gun to be made up of a large number of uniform, cylindrical, concentric layers of metal, then the resistance of each layer to the bursting force of explosion will vary inversely as the square of the diame- ter. The stress, therefore, decreases at a rate very similar to that of the radiation of heat or light. If the wall of the gun be under no initial stress of any kind, its inner portion must have great resisting power, and very little is gained by thickness of wall much in excess of the diameter of the bore. Treadwell therefore proposed a plan of construction by which a cast-iron tube of only moderate thickness should be re-enforced by a series of layers of encircling wrought-iron hoops. These should be shrunk on while hot, so that, after cooling, the cast iron tube is strongly com- pressed while the wrought-iron hoop becomes stretched. The force of compression is thus added to the ordinary strength of the cast iron to resist explosion. With various modifications this plan has been carried out by most gun constructors during the last forty years. During the civil war it was applied with great success by R. P. Parrott, of West Point, and by Blakely, Arm- strong, and Whitworth in England. It is perhaps impossible to say what inventor was the first to introduce the use of rifled cannon. They have now entirely superseded smooth-bore guns. The Parrott rifled cannon, made of cast iron according to the Rodman plan and re-enforced around the chamber with a hoop of wrought iron, was the most generally serviceable gun employed during the late war, more than two thousand of them coming thus into use. The largest of these was twelve feet in length, with a bore ten inches in diameter, its weight being about twelve tons. A charge of twenty-five pounds of powder was employed to project a shot weighing two hundred • and fifty pounds. The cost of its construction in 1863 was forty- five hundred dollars. These details are given for the sake of subsequent comparison with the rifled cannon of to-day. For twenty years after the close of the war there was a period of stagnation in America, so far EVOLUTION OF THE MODERN HEAVY GUN. 155 as development in ordnance was concerned. Our coast defenses continued to be provided with, nothing better than the Parrott rifles and smooth-bore Rodman guns which had been in use dur- ing the war. Meanwhile there had been great progress in Europe, particularly in France and Germany. In 1885 a commission ap- pointed by Congress reported the necessity for heavy expenditure of money in order that this country be put into a condition of reasonable readiness to repel foreign invasion. During the last ten years appropriations to the amount of twenty million dollars have been made to meet these needs, and the work of rehabilita- tion is now well started. The rifled gun of to-day, as finished at the Watervliet Arsenal, is constructed almost wholly of steel. This is of the best quality that can be produced on a large scale in American foundries. It is made by the " open-hearth " process, for the most part at Mid- vale and Bethlehem in Pennsylvania. The forgings, after under- going thorough official inspection and careful testing, are sent to the great gun shops at Watervliet. Here the various parts com- posing a gun are worked up, assembled together, and finished. Before assignment for government service each gun is subjected to a searching test, more severe than should reasonably be ex- pected in actual use. The largest gun thus far designed at Watervliet is a rifle of twelve-inch bore, forty feet in length, and fifty-seven tons in weight. From such a gun an elongated steel-pointed projectile, weighing one thousand pounds, or as much as an ordinary horse, is shot with a charge of five hundred and twenty pounds of powder. It receives an initial velocity of two thousand feet per second, and would penetrate through rather more than two feet of steel armor plate put in front of the muzzle. If shot into the air at the proper elevation it would pass over a range of nearly nine miles. Such a missile, thus fired from the lower end of New York city, would pass over Central Park into the district beyond Harlem River. This range would be covered so quickly that the shot would reach its destination several seconds before the sound of the explosion is heard at the same point. The initial energy of the projectile would be sufficient to lift a weight of twenty-seven thousand tons through a height of one foot. If this weight were that of a spherical mass of gold, the heaviest popularly known metal, its diameter would be nearly forty-six feet, and its value eighteen billion dollars. This is more than a dozen times the value of the total gold production of the world during the last twenty years. The cost of such a gun is about sixty thousand dollars ; that of the charge of powder, one hundred and seventy-five dollars ; of the armor-piercing projectile, three hundred and fifty dollars. 156 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. JAC^^''' The cost of a single discliarge thus exceeds five hundred dollars. But this is not all. So great is the wear and tear of each dis- charge upon the ST4GEsoFTHE/4ssEMBM6E_^ bore that after two hundred and fifty- rounds the gun be- comes unfit for fur- ther use until it is relined by the in- sertion of a new rifled tube within the original tube, the old rifling hav- ing been removed. The gun will then stand two hundred and fifty more rounds. Assuming six hundred rounds for the entire life of the gun, each round thus costs one hundred dol- lars in wear and tear, in addition to the five hundred dollars' worth of material used in loading. Such a gun as this is but ■Sectional Diagram, showing compression of tube and extension ^ Single Smail Cie- of hoops after assemblage of the compoDeut parts of a gun. ment ill the COSt of a modern war. Several of them, besides a number of smaller guns, are usually placed on every large armor-clad battle ship. The cost of this with its equipment mounts up into millions of dollars. Neverthe- less, it has been necessary to coin into our language the word *' jingo," to designate the bragging noncombatant who clamors for war because of the fancied stimulus which it is supposed to give to patriotism and prosperity. On comparing this gun with the largest Parrott rifle of thirty years ago we see that its length is more than three times, its weight nearly five times, and its cost thirteen times as great. For the cast-iron Parrott gun the charge of powder weighed about one tenth as much as the projectile. For the modern steel gun this ratio is raised to one half, with corresponding increase of destructive energy. EVOLUTION OF THE MODERN HEAVY GUN. 157 Passing now to the construction of the modern gun, a longi- tudinal section shows an inner tube rifled within and slightly- enlarged at the breech end of the bore. Around this is a long tubular jacket extending from the breech two thirds of the length of the gun. Around this jacket is a series of compressing hoops^ and around this a second or outer series of the same. Originally the interior diameter of the jacket is a little less than the exterior diameter of the tube. By heating the jacket suflBciently it is made to expand until it can be slipped over the cold tube, which becomes enormously compressed by the subsequent cooling of the jacket. In like manner the first hoop is too small to be slipped over the cold jacket except when heated for this purpose. The same remark applies to the second hoop. The final result, as shown by the cross-sectional diagram on opposite page, is that the diameters of the tube, both internal and external, are permanently diminished by the compression of the jacket, while those of the hoops are permanently increased. Their contractile force is not sufficient to compress the jacket, which is itself resisting the enormous reacting force of the compressed tube within. Th& hoops therefore serve to re- enforce the jacket by their own tend- ency to contract from the enlarged condition in which they were- applied while hot. They are in a state of permanent tension. The scale of differences exhibited in the diagram is greatly ex- aggerated to make these perceptible. The longitudinal diagram shows by curves how the expansive force of the exploding powder diminishes from breech to muzzle, how the yet greater elastic cutive or tuisTtc ntiisTJtHcz Curves showing Decrease of Elastic Eesistance, Powder Pressure, and Increase ob Projectile Velocity. resistance of the steel components, after they are assembled together, is adjusted to resist this expansive force, and how the velocity of the projectile increases' from breech to muzzle. All rifled guns built in America at present, whether for sea- coast, siege, or field artillery, are breech-loading. Many futile- 158 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. experiments were made before a successful breecli-loadiiig mech- anism, was perfected. An explanation of either of the two modern systems would be beyond the scope of the present discussion. It TwKLVE-iNcn Rifle, with Bkeech-loading Mechanism Closed. may be sufficient to say that the system in use in America is sub- stantially that of the French, an interrupted screw which fits into the breech and is provided with an efficient gas check. This is so constructed that the mere fact of explosion tightens the gas check and effectually prevents the escape of hot gas between the threads of the screw. The largest and most celebrated gun factory in the world is that of Krupp, at Essen in Germany, near the Belgian border. Besides monopolizing the construction of guns for the German Government, this factory has supplied a great number to most of the leading powers of Europe. It was established in 1818, and from the very outset attention was concentrated upon the making of steel. The first finished piece of artillery in cast steel was made in 1847. This was a small field gun capable of projecting a ball of only three pounds. The manufacture of steel at these works has since been so perfected that Krupp can now be scarcely said to have an acknowledged rival in the world. His magnificent display at the Chicago Exposition was seen and admired by many thousands of visitors. Among these exhibits was a steel rifle forty-two centimetres (1G"54 inches) in caliber, and thirty-three calibers (forty-six feet) in length. Its weight is one hundred and twenty tons, or a little more than double that of the twelve-inch rifle at Watervliet. With a charge of nine hundred pounds of powder it gives an initial velocity of two thousand feet per second to a projectile weighing twenty-two hundred pounds, whose ini- tial energy is thus sixty thousand foot tons. When fired at an elevation of about eleven degrees it sends this projectile to a dis- EVOLUTION OF THE MODERN HEAVY GUN. 159 tance of five and a lialf miles, and it pierces through armor a yard thick at a distance of a mile and a quarter. Another rifle, twenty- eight centimetres (eleven inches) in caliber and forty calibers (thirty-seven feet) in length, when elevated forty degrees sends a seven hundred and sixty pound projectile over twelve and a half miles. This is the distance from the Battery to Fordham in New York city. The shot reaches an extreme height of a trifle over four miles. It could thus be easily made to clear the highest mountain peak in North America. The j^ower of endurance of a gun diminishes raj^idly with in- crease of projectile power. The life of the American twelve-inch rifle has been given as only five hundred or six hundred rounds, while a field gun of modern make may be fired thousands of times if used with reasonable care. Within the next two years a new rifle of sixteen-inch caliber will be constructed at Watervliet. This is nearly equal in size to the monster Krupp gun at Chicago. Such immense guns can be employed only for seacoast defense. In handling them complex machinery is necessary, not only for moving and adjusting the gun but for loading it. No group of soldiers could without machinery lift and put into place a projec- tile weighing a ton. It seems doubtful whether any real advan- tage can be gained by going beyond the limits of size already Twelve-inch IJifle, with Breech-loading Mechanism Open. reached. The difiiculty at present is not confined to that of ma- nipulation, but extends to the quality of the forgings made on so large a scale. Krupp makes his guns entirely of " crucible " steel, such as is employed for cutlery. Made by this method, steel is indeed the most uniform in composition, but nowhere outside of the Krupp works has it been manufactured on a scale large enough for great gun forgings. In France, in Eng- land, and in America, the " open-hearth " process is depended i6o POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, upon, which yields a high grade of steel ; but in uniformity of composition and elasticity it can scarcely be equal to the more expensive crucible steel. This perhaps may at present be only a matter of opinion. On such a point no definite and final conclu- sion should be reached without a series of comparisons such as can not be accomplished in a day. An unfortunate mishap which occurred at Water vliet in 1895 may have some bearing in this connection. In assembling the parts of a forty-caliber twelve-inch rifle, the tube was, as usual, rested vertically upon its breech end, and the heated, jacket was let down over it. The heating had been insufficient to secure all KkUPP SiXTEEN-lNCH GdN, MOUNTED ON CoAST CaKKIAGE. Weight of gun, seventy-one tons. the expansion needed, and as a result the cooling jacket gripped the tube before quite reaching the final position intended. An interesting problem was now presented, that of separating the tube and jacket after they had become thoroughly cool, and com- pleting the process which had been so unexpectedly interru])ted. The gun was provided with the inlet and outlet tubes such as Rodman employed to secure a continuous flow of water in hollow casting, and the exposed part of the tube below the edge of the jacket was inclosed in a bag of asbestos cloth through which a stream of cold air could be transmitted. The gun with its adher- ent jacket and these adjuncts was let down into a furnace so as to heat the jacket. Immediately a flow of cold water was started through the tubes, and of cold air through the bag, while the inclosing jacket was soon raised to a temperature estimated to be 1100° F., which was maintained for several hours. The experi- ment proved unsuccessful. It was subsequently repeated twice with slight modifications, but all in vain. To test the correctness of the theory thus applied, a " dummy " was constructed, its parts THE SILENT CITY OF THE MUIR GLACIER, 161 assembled together firmly, and the experiment of separating them was rewarded with prompt success. On account of the magnitude of the large gun it had been impossible to heat it with perfect uni- formity from without, while no such difficulty was experienced with the much smaller dummy. A series of measurements upon the large gun revealed the fact that during the first experiment it had become warped, and the diameter of the tube had been dimin- ished in varying degrees at different parts. Whether such results as these would have been brought about had the materials been of the best quality of crucible steel instead of open-hearth steel can not be answered positively. The larger the gun the greater is the danger of such mishaps. It is left to coming experience to determine which is to be the steel of the future for gun construction. THE SILENT CITY OF THE MUIR GLACIER. By DAVID STARK JORDAN, PRESIDENT OF LELAND STANFORD JUNIOK UNIVERSITY. MR. RICHARD G. WILLOUGHBY is a mining prospector and " promoter," resident in Juneau, Alaska, a man whose vocation enables him to see some wonderful things. In June, 1888, according to his statement, Mr. Willoughby beheld an extraor- dinary mirage from the surface of the Muir Glacier. It was the apparition of a great city of tall houses of brick and stone, plainly shown in the air under the influence of some powerful refraction. Behind the city was a river in which shipping was faintly shown. In the foreground the leafless branches of tall elm trees were clearly traceable. In the center of the city was a large edifice with several towers, and on some of these towers the presence of scaffolding showed that building was still going on. This mirage was seen by him several times from year to year, and on the unfinished building the stages in the process of erection each season could be distinctly followed. Mr. Willoughby sent to San Francisco and secured a camera with a number of highly sensitized plates of the usual commer- cial sort in order to photograph the apparition. This he suc- ceeded in doing but once successfully. The necessary exposure was a very long one, because of the unsubstantiality of the object. The one negative, however, gave a fairly clear print. Copies were at once made, and R. G. Willoughby's Silent City (seventy- five cents each) was added to the wonders of Alaska. I present herewith a copy of this picture bought by me in Sitka in 180(). The picture is not quite the same as the original edition of 1888. VOL. LI. 12 i62 POPULAR SCIENCP: MONTHLY. The scene is exactly identical, but the card has been reduced in size by the omission of superfluous sky. It has been rendered much fainter and more ghostlike than the original, and is perhaps taken from a new negative in which the lines of the houses and gravel walks have been purposely made less distinct. The original edition has the following on the back of the card: " The Glacial Wonder of the Silent City. " For the past fifteen years Prof. Richard Willoughby has been a character in Alaska as well known among the whites as he has been familiar to the natives. As one of the early settlers of old Fort Wrangel, in which his individuality was stamped among the sturdy miners who frequented the then important trading port of Alaska, he has grown with the Territory and is to-day as much a part of its history as the totem poles are iden- tified with the deeds of valor or commemorative of the past tri- umphs of prominent members of the tribes which their hideous and mysterious characters represent. " To him belongs the honor of being the first American who discovered gold within Alaska's icy-bound peaks, but his greatest achievement from a scientific standpoint is his tearing from the glacier's chilly bosom the ' mirages ' of cities from distant climes. " After four years of labor amid dangers, privations, and sufferings, he accomplished for the civilized world a feat in photography heretofore considered problematic. " It was on the longest day of June, 1888, that the camera took within its grasp the reproduction of a city remote, if indeed not altogether within the recesses of another world. The silent city is here presented for the consideration of the public as the wonder and pride of Alaska's bleak hills, and the ever-changing glaciers may never again afford a like opportunity for the accomplish- ment of this sublime phenomenon." The picture attracted much attention and met with an encour- aging sale. The skeptical bought it as an original document in the natural history of mendacity. The credulous regarded it as a wonder not surpassed by the gigantic glacier itself. The dis- cussion arose in the newspapers as to whether some distant city, as Montreal, could have been brought into view by the freaks of the marvelous Alaskan atmosphere. Many who thought this impossible leaned to the belief that in the heart of Alaska or in British Columbia there is some great settlement of civilized men, as yet undiscovered by geographers. To those who held this opinion neither the nearness of the houses to the observer nor the 16+ POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. peculiarities of the vegetation (leafless elm trees in midsummer) nor the tiles on the chimneys offered any difficulties. The obvious but commonplace explanation was that of the few only. Even now, every summer, some account of the marvel goes the rounds of the newspapers. I am told that in 189G a company of people encamped for some time on the glacier, in hopes of seeing this great wonder of Nature. They did not see it, unfortunately, but others had better success, and these lucky ones have recently substantiated their account by their affidavits. An affidavit in Juneau costs but a drink of whisky, the usual price along the Northwest coast, a fact of which one great nation of our day has not been slow to profit in connection with an International Tribunal of Arbitration. As the sale of photographs declines, more persons will probably be granted a sight of the Silent City, and there will arise anew series of affidavits and newspaper stories. It is hardly necessary to call the attention of the intelligent reader to the absvirdities involved in Mr. Willoughby's story and in the photograph which is its financial justificaion. But there are many persons, not without education and culture, who believe without the least question any tale which is uncanny or which seems outside the ordinary run of things. In vain does Science protest that the natural order is the only order there is, that all contradictions to it are either so in appearance only or else are deceptions or frauds. An interest in human psychology led Dr. Charles H. Gilbert, then acting as naturalist on the Albatross, to investigate Mr. Willoughby's methods of photography. He learned from Mr. Willoughby that the plates used were of the ordinary sort, but that the mirage required a very long exposure to set the x>icture. Mr. Willoughby had had no previous knowledge of photography, and had never tried to reproduce anything except mirages. The chemicals used in developing the negative he would not describe. It was a secret process. The exposed plates had to be soaked for three months in the secret compound before the picture would be fixed. This soaking took place in the open daylight, no dark room being required, nor did Mr. Willoughby seem aware of the ordinary function of the dark chamber in photography. The original negative, examined by Dr. Gilbert, was a very old, stained, and faded plate, apparently a negative which had been discarded because underexposed. Prof. William H. Hudson, of Stanford University, who lived for a time in Bristol, England, recognizes the picture as a view of that city from Brandon Hill, above the town. The picture must have been taken some twenty years ago, because Prof. Hudson distinctly remembers the scaffolding around the towers PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 165 of Bristol Cathedral at that time while the building was being repaired. The hotel and the church to the left of the cathedral are also recognized by him. A more transparent fraud could hardly be devised, but its very imbecility assures its success. We may be certain that for many years to come the " Silent City " will be the " wonder and pride of Alaska's bleak hills," and tourists eager to " pierce the veil " will speculate on the probability of its being " perhaps altogether within the recesses of another world." Thus it comes about, as I have elsewhere said, that " there is no intellectual craze so absurd as not to have a following among educated men and women. There is no scheme for the renova- tion of the social order so silly that educated men will not invest their money in it. There is no medical fraud so shameless that educated men will not give it their certificate. There is no non- sense so unscientific that men called educated will not accept it as science." PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. By DAVID A. WELLS, LL.D., D.C.L., COERESPONDANT DE l'iNSTITUT DE FRANCE, ETC. VIII. — NOMENCLATURE AND FORMS OF TAXATION. THE most simple form of taxation is a poll or capUation tax. Both terms may be regarded as identical in use and meaning, but the former is probably more frequently used in tax treatises and discussions. What is a Poll Tax ? — In a strictly economic sense the es- sential requisite of a " poll " or " head " tax is that it be laid on all polls or heads, and be unvarying in amount. A varying poll tax would be an arbitrary exaction, and would not be sustained for a moment as a proper exercise of the right of taxation, if laid with- out reference to a man's ownership of property. So soon, how- ever, as the amount of the tax exacted is made dependent upon the amount of the property owned, the tax ceases to be a varying poll tax, and becomes a tax on the property itself. The popular idea of a poll tax in the United States is an annual tax, small in amount, uniform as respects rate, and applicable only to adult male persons. Such conceptions are not, however, in accord with historical experience, which is to the effect that uniformity in as- sessment has never been an essential or even usual feature of this form of taxation, but as a rule the tax has been intentionally rated to the person assessed according to his rank and station and sup- posed property. The " poll " or " capitation " tax of history has, therefore, been rather an " income " than a per capita tax ; and the i66 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. poll tax of the United States finds few precedents in history. Un- der the Byzantine Empire a so-called universal poll tax was sub- stituted in lieu of almost all the tithes, customs, and excises which had before been relied on for revenue ; and this substitution and its influence was regarded by Hume as one of the chief causes of the decadence of the Roman state (see page 584, voh xlviii, March, 1896). The first so-called poll tax in England was granted in 1377, and from that date down to the time of Queen Anne was an im- portant source of revenue, and, not being uniform, except in its incidence per capita, gave rise to great popular dissatisfaction, both by reason of its amount and inequality, and also by the in- quisitorial methods employed for its assessment and collection. At first (1377) the rate was fourpence on every head, male and female, above fourteen years of age. Subsequently, under the reign of Richard II, in order to avoid the unfairness of subjecting all — rich and poor, noble and serf — to such a uniform tax, a more equitable system was introduced, the taxpayers being classified by reference to rank, condition of life, and property, the rate ranging from six pounds thirteen shillings for dukes and arch- bishops, to two pounds for barons and knights, and three shillings fourpence on those of " least estate." The retention of the former uniform rate of fourpence on all married laborers and upon all single men and women above fourteen years of age, who were presumed to be without estate, was, however, a cause of great dis- satisfaction among the masses, and the attempt to collect it un- doubtedly constituted the prime cause of the famous " Wat Tyler rebellion " of 1381. In the case of the last poll tax authorized in England under Queen Anne a like attempt at classifying persons was continued ; the rate commencing at one shilling per annum on all persons worth more than fifty pounds, and rising to ten pounds for peers of the realm, both spiritual and temporal. One curious provision of this final enactment was, that in all cases Catholics were to pay double the rate imposed on Protestants. Bachelors and widowers without children were also subjected to special rates. Some writer has remarked that such exactions could only have been designed and authorized by a government of misan- thropes ; for if one with a view of escaping them abandoned single blessedness, he only involved himself in greater difficul- ties ; for there was a tax upon marriages, a tax upon births, and, if the health of the victim broke down under these exactions, a sum varying from three to thirty florins, according to his station, had to be paid before his sorrowing relatives could bury him. These taxes on marriages were enforced in England from 1G95 to 1705, and during the first five years of their continuance yielded an average annual revenue of about two hundred and fifty thou- PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. . 167 sand dollars. It was noted that their continuance had the unde- sirable effect of increasing the number of marriages by irrespon- sible persons, and in a manner devoid of all solemnity. The rates imposed in England as late as 1706 on bachelors and widowers contracting marriage varied according to the class in life to which they belonged ; from thirty pounds to twenty-five pounds on the elder sons of the higher orders of nobility to twelve shil- lings on persons possessed of an income of fifty pounds per annum. Within a very recent period a petition, numerously signed, has been presented to the French Chamber of Deputies asking that a special tax on bachelors be established in France, and recalls the fact that the French revolutionary Convention of 1789, and some of the old republics, established such a tax. The petition further stated that the number of bachelors in Paris is nearly half a million, while the number of married men is not more than 379,- 000 ; and " that such a tax ought to be doubly welcome in France : first, because it will increase the declining population of the state by inducing bachelors to marry ; and, secondly, because it will help to make up a growing deficiency in the national budget," In Switzerland, in the assessment of an income tax and taxes on dwelling houses, certain deductions allowed to married persons with families, are not allowed to bachelors or childless married people. Legislation looking to the taxation of bachelors has also been seriously proposed of late in several of the States of the Federal Union. In Illinois, for example, a bill has been introduced in its Legislature imposing a uniform tax on all single men, sound in mind and body, above thirty-two years, who are not able to show that they have proposed marriage three times — and been rejected. The proceeds of the tax are to go toward establishing a home for worthy and indigent single women above the age of thirty-eight. A Missouri bill makes the tax progressive, increasing by suc- cessive increments as the bachelor persists in his state of single blessedness. In modern times (1848) an English Governor of Ceylon — Lord Torrington — undertook to repeat the experience of his country- men of near five centuries before, by imposing a poll tax of three shillings per annum, or one week's labor, valued at three shil- lings, from every man, rich or poor, in the colony. This exaction, in point of inequality, was worse than the poll tax of Wat Ty- ler's time, inasmuch as it made the average income of the poorest laborer the standard according to which the rate of taxation was to be established for all. There was also another curious feature connected with this experience. The Cingalese priesthood were held liable to pay this tax, either in money or a week's work, when their religion required that they must neither perform i68 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. work nor possess property. The result was a revolt attended with much bloodshed, an abandonment of the tax, and the recall of the Governor. In one of the states of Central America a poll tax was recently- required to be paid monthly ; all adult male inhabitants of the several towns and cities being obliged to present themselves at the municipal treasuries and pay their dues in person. In the colonial period of our history the poll tax was enacted by nearly all the North American colonies at one time or another. In Virginia and Maryland it was for a long time the only direct tax ; and in the latter State it was imposed upon all free men and free women, and upon all free children over twelve years of age ; and was rendered particularly odious and burdensome from the circumstance that its payment was required in tobacco, a given number of pounds to the head, the value of which commodity was not constant, but varied with supply, which at times was in- tentionally restricted, with the intent of augmenting its market price. There was, however, another side to this experience. The poll tax in the two States named was almost a measure of neces- sity. Land was of small value, for there was in the new colo- nies little distinction between improved and unimproved lands. Slaves were not taxable as personal estate, but belonged to the land and figured as real property ; and the personal estates of the planters were comparatively small. Polls were therefore the most available measure of taxation, and tobacco was the currency of the day. All bills and charges were made out in so many pounds of tobacco; all lawyers' and court fees were so determined; the parish and county levies were fixed in weights of tobacco ; and the minister drew as his salary so many pounds of tobacco from each parishioner, without respect to the market value of the crop. It accordingly happened that a poll levy might be excessive one year and nominal the next ; with lawyers, ministers, and clerks rejoicing in abundant means one season and reduced to starva- tion point the next. Unequal, in proportion to wealth of the payer, as such a poll tax was, its inequality was furthermore greatly aggravated by fluctuations in the exchangeable value of the medium in which it was payable. During the colonial period also, in North America, men's per- sons were included in the schedules of property made in reference to taxation ; and instead of having a fixed sum, as was subse- quently the rule in assessing a poll tax, the value of the poll was rated according to the earning capacity of the individual ; and if he was old and infirm, or in any way disabled, the value of the poll was placed at a small amount. Possibly by reason of English and American colonial experi- ences, and perhaps from an infiltration as it were, down through PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 169 the ages, of the fact that in Greece and Rome the poll tax was exacted only of the people of subjugated provinces, and was there- fore regarded as a mark of inferiority or slavery, this tax in modern times has not been in accord with public sentiment, and in most countries has now been abandoned. The last poll tax in England was enacted in 1689. Like all its predecessors, it was always unpopular and was regarded as unsuited to the people of England. It was repealed in 1698, and " henceforth this form of tax passed into the list of taxes tried and never again to be im- posed in England. What minister," said Henry Fox in 1748, " would presume again to suggest the hated hearth money of the Stuarts, or the poll taxes of the reign of William III ?" (Dowell, Taxation in England, vol. ii, p. 49.) In the United States the poll tax formed, in 1895, a part of the tax system of twenty-six of the States and Territories, and was not recognized in twenty others, and in some of the latter its levy is prohibited by constitutional provisions. In New York a gen- eral law for the incorporation of villages confers upon its trustees the power to raise money by levying a poll tax. From a theoretical or purely economic point of view the pres- ent popular opposition and adverse sentiment to the poll tax in the United States do not seem to be warranted by any very good reasons. The arguments made use of by those opposed to its continuance are not derived from old-time precedents, or war- ranted by the experience of foreign countries, inasmuch as its assessment in the States of the Federal Union has always been inconsiderable in amount, and has rarely involved in its col- lection any inquisitorial or arbitrary measures. The one most deserving of attention has been, that it practically imposed a property qualification upon the right of suffrage by making its payment a prerequisite to the act of voting, a money payment of even so small a sum as two dollars per annum in Massachusetts and one dollar in Connecticut being regarded in that light. But in answer to this it may be said that paupers are disfranchised not because they are vicious or illiterate, but, because of their inability to support themselves or aid in supporting the State, it is held that they ought not to be allowed a voice in the govern- ment of the State. To be consistent, therefore, the advocates of the abolition of the poll tax as administered in New England ought also to connect with it — i. e., its abolition — an extension of suffrage to the inmates of poorhouses who, otherwise qualified for its exercise, are now debarred from it exclusively by a lack of property qualification. On the other hand, a leading argument in favor of its continuance is that the majority of citizens who pay no direct State taxes upon property of any kind, but who are self- supporting and not paupers, ought not to be exempt from directly VOL. LI. 13 170 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. contributing to the support of the government, and this argu- ment may be amplified and illustrated as follows : Thus, there is no citizen, be he ever so humble, who is not vitally interested in the preservation and welfare of the civil society of which he is a member ; and it is of the first importance, more especially as the tendency of the age seems to be antagonistic, that each member of society should be encouraged to realize at all times his personal interest in the well-being of the State. To the rich man society comes and exacts a contribution in some proportion to his means, and as a consequence he has inducements to directly interest him- self in the fiscal management of the government. To the poor man, who is otherwise rarely directly confronted with the tax gatherer, society comes also, and, in common with all citizens of a certain age, asks a very small annual contribution for the sup- port of the State, because each citizen is interested in its exist- ence and welfare, has a measure of responsibility resting upon him, and should be made to realize that responsibility. In the fact, therefore, that the poll tax touches directly every citizen and is an effective agency for awakening him to a sense of his polit- ical duties and responsibilities, and so better qualifies him for the exercise of the right of suffrage, is to be found the true reason for the incorporation of a small annual poll tax into every cor- rect system of State taxation. As has already been pointed out, a poll tax, having regard solely to the person and not to his property, is the only tax to which the term 'personal can be rightfully applied. It is the essence also of every free and just government that every person — the most humble as well as the most exalted — is equal before the law, and has a right to invoke the sovereignty of the State in all its fullness for the protection of his person. Keeping these two points in view, it would further appear that a poll tax as- sessed equally upon all citizens, and free from all discrimination, represents the most perfect equality of service, and is the only tax which a citizen can pay which can be regarded in the light of a reciprocal for the service which the State renders to him in pro- tecting his person, all other taxes being in respect to property or business. As the Constitution of the United States also excludes from representation " Indians not taxed," it would seem to imply that its authors regarded the exercise of suffrage by a citizen that was not a pauper and paid no direct tax, as an anomaly not likely to occur under a government founded upon equal public rights and responsibilities, and also that a citizen who did not pay any direct tax to the State was not likely to have any more correct idea or measure of his true relation to the State than a wild Indian. PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 171 If, however, public sentiment in any community is so adverse to the levy of moderate poll taxes that their collection is not and can not be enforced with any degree of uniformity and equality, as is reported to be the case in many States, then the advisability of their abandonment can not well be questioned, for the want of respect for all law, which always results from the maintenance upon the statute book of any law which a community will not regard or permit to be enforced, is an evil that far outweighs any possible good that can come from its continuance. Furthermore, the statement is probably warranted that in no instance in history has it been possible to enforce a permanent tax against which by common consent the public has revolted. In considering the feasibility of its continuance it should not be overlooked that the tax upon property can be collected because the State holds a confiscatory power over the property to the ex- tent of the tax. But the tax upon the non-property-holding polls can not be collected except through the consent of the assessed person, unless resort is had to the old law of imprisonment until payment is made — a remedy not likely to find favor. The recent experiences of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania are especially worthy of note in this connection. The Constitu- tion of Massachusetts, adopted during the Revolution, limited the suffrage to " every male inhabitant of twenty-one years of age and upward, having a freehold estate within the Commonwealth of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate of the value of sixty pounds." This restriction was abolished in 1821, but payment of a poll tax was still required before a man could vote. In recent years, however, this form of taxation has become so un- popular in this State, mainly by reason of a general belief that politicians, without distinction of party, were in the habit of col- lecting and disbursing large sums for the purpose of influencing or bribing voters by payment of their poll taxes, that in 1891 an amendment to the Constitution of the State was adopted which, while retaining the previous obligation of the payment of an an- nual poll tax, abolished such payment as a prerequisite for vot- ing. The result was that before the adoption of this amendment from fifty-two to fifty-nine per cent of the poll tax due in the city of Boston was collected year by year ; but since then the percent- age of collection has fallen below forty-four per cent. Many of the city's own employees figure among the delinquents, and it has been found necessary to place hundreds of poll bills in the hands of the city treasurer for the deduction of the amount due from their wages. Leaving out the persons who can not pay without great sacrifice, it is stated that Boston is still losing above one hundred thousand dollars yearly in revenue from failure to col- lect the taxes upon polls that can and should pay. And this, in a 172 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. modified form, is probably the situation throughout the State of Massachusetts. In Pennsylvania the State Constitution makes the payment of a State or county tax, at least one month before election, a pre- requisite to the exercise of suffrage ; and as the poll tax involves the smallest amount of tax that a citizen could pay, it was ex- pected that almost every man would pay it. But, in point of fact, it was found that thousands of citizens neglected to do so, and the political campaign committees, irrespective of party, recognizing this fact, have adopted the policy of furnishing voters whom they desired to influence with receipts for the payment of their poll taxes ; and this practice has attained to such magnitude in recent years, that the two leading party organizations in the city of Philadelphia alone purchased in the year 1894 over ninety-five thousand such receipts. Obviously this is a form of bribery which is forbidden by the spirit if not by the letter of the law ; and to meet such a situation of affairs the Legislature of Pennsylvania has recently (1897) enacted a law forbidding the payment of a poll tax by any other person than the elector against whom such tax is assessed.* Neither of the judicial authorities above referred to seem to have grasped the great principle essential to the continuance of every truly free state — that the poiver of taxation should not he in- voked for police purposes, hut be strictly limited to the raising of revenue to meet legitimate state expenditures. * During the American colonial period some attempts were made to compel the exercise of suifrage by imposing a fine on citizens neglecting to vote at regular elections ; the fine imposed in Maryland on citizens in default of such action having been one hundred pounds of tobacco. But since the adoption of the Federal Constitution no legislation of like character is believed to have taken place in any of the States until 1889, when Kansas City adopted a charter provision imposing a tax of two dollars and a half on each citizen who should fail to vote at a general election. This provision coming up for review before the State courts of Missouri, was affirmed in the first instance by a Superior Court judge, who took the ground that " in the enlightenment of the present age it is in the power of the State to compel its voters to exercise the election franchise, and if the State can do so the city is invested with the same power." After enumerating many things of an arbitrary nature that are done to maintain good municipal government, the judge said that he could see no legal objection to the use of the taxing power for the purpose of securing a full and perfect ex- pression of public sentiment and the election of competent and worthy men to public offices. The position was an advanced one, he admitted, but not an unreasonable one, in view of the fact that " the highest type of government is attained when every voter casts his vote, and that vote is counted just as it is cast." On an appeal to the Supreme Court of the State, the provision was, however, declared unconstitutional, the language of the decision being as follows : " Taxes may be levied," it said, " in money or in services having a money value to the public, and he who pays in money does not necessarily have to pay more or less than he who pays in services, and vice versa, and it is upon this principle that these taxes are upheld ; but who can estimate the money value to the public of a vote ? It is degrading to the franchise to associate it with such an idea. The ballot of the humblest in the land may mold the destiny of the nation for ages." PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 173 "The man who will not buy a tax receipt, but expects his party to purchase it for him, is a bad citizen. He is, in effect, a person who is bribed, and who holds the value of his vote at a very small sum." — Philadelphia Times. Of other terms employed to indicate different forms or meth- ods of taxation, and a clear understanding of the meaning of which is essential to any correct discussion of the subject, the following are the most important : Direct and Indirect Taxes. — Taxes are generally charac- terized or classified as being either direct or indirect j but these terms, although in common use, are somewhat indefinite, owing to the inability of economists to agree as to their exact meaning ; while in the United States this indefiniteness has been increased by the circumstance that its Supreme Federal Court has felt com- pelled by the language of the Federal Constitution to assign to the term " direct" as applicable to taxation, a " legal " rather than an economic definition. In a general sense the term direct is applied to those taxes which are demanded from the particular persons whom it is intended or desired shall pay them ; and indirect to those which are demanded from a person with the expectation and intention that he shall indemnify himself for payment of the same at the expense of some other person.* There is, furthermore, a marked distinction, founded on sound philosophy, between a direct and indirect tax, which, if concisely expressed, will constitute two unimpeachable definitions. Thus an indirect tax, whoever may first advance it, is paid voluntarily and primarily (in the sense of ultimately) by the consumer of the taxed article. On the other hand, a direct tax has always in it an element of compulsion ; not necessarily on the person who advances the tax in block, but on the person who is compelled to use or consume the taxed property * " In the assessment of indirect taxation, and such as is intended to bear upon specific classes of consumption, the object itself is alone attended to without regard to the party who may incur the charge. Sometimes a portion of the value of the specific product is demanded at the time of production — as in France, in respect to the article of salt. Some- times the demand is made on entry, either into the State, as in the duties of import ; or into the towns only, as in the duties of entry. Sometimes the tax is demanded of the con- sumer at the moment of transfer to him from the last producer — as in the case of the stamp duty, and the duty on theatrical tickets in France. Sometimes the Government requires a commodity to bear a particular mark, for which it makes a charge — as in the case of the assay mark on silver and a stamp on newspapers. Sometimes it monopolizes the manufac- ture of a particular article or the performance of a particular kind of business — as in the monopoly of tobacco and the postage of letters. Sometimes, instead of charging the com- modity itself, it charges the payment of its price — as in the case of stamps on receipts and mercantile paper. All these are different ways of raising a revenue by indirect taxation ; for the demand is not made on any person in particular, but attaches upon the product or article taxed." — M. Jean Say, Treatise on Political Economy, 1821. 174 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. or its product. For example, there is nothing compulsory or un- equal in an ordinary license tax. If the license is high, no one is compelled to engage in a business covered by its legal require- ment ; and few persons will until the average profits of the taxed business by the regular laws of competition finally reach the average profits of other like employments or investments. A tax on commodities like whisky, tobacco, fermented liquors, oleo- margarine, playing cards, dice, and the like, can always be avoided as a primary tax, or can be paid at discretion. But there is nothing voluntary in the payment of a tax upon all real or per- sonal property, or on the income of such property. Human beings can not subsist without some forms of personal property, and therefore a tax upon all personal property or its income is of necessity compulsory and not voluntary. Any general assess- ments of personal property on or by reason of its income, as well as assessments on real estate, are unavoidable in their nature, and therefore, from a philosophic or economic point of view, are typically direct taxes. (See Alexander Hamilton's brief in the Carriage case, Hamilton's Works, vol. vii, p. 848.) The presence or absence of the principle of compulsion as con- stituting the essential difference between a direct and an indirect tax has not, it is believed, been before recognized by economists. And yet it is clearly involved or comprised in the definitions given by acknowledged authorities on the subject. Thus M. Leroy Beaulieu, in his Traite de la Science des Finances, charac- terizes those taxes " as direct which the legislator intends should be paid at once and immediately by him who bears their burden. They strike at once his fortune or his revenue, and every interme- diary between him and the treasury is suppressed." McCulloch (Principles of Taxation) describes a tax " to be direct when it is immediately taken from property," and indirect " when it is taken from its owners by making them pay for liberty to use certain articles or exercise certain privileges." M. Say defines a direct tax to be the " absolute demand of a specific portion of an indi- vidual's real or supposed revenue." (Political Economy, p. 461.) In the assessment of direct taxes a proportionality is generally sought between the person who pays and the value of his prop- erty, or ability to pay. Thus, in the taxation of watches, which are popular subjects for direct taxation, the proportionality be- tween the owner who pays and the amount of property rated is recognized and maintained, by imposing, as in the city of Phila- delphia, a tax of one dollar on watches of gold and one of seventy- five cents on watches of silver. In the assessment of indirect taxes the maintenance of any proportionality between the tax- j)ayer and his fortune is not regarded. The idea of a jiersonal assessment, which is characteristic of direct taxes, furthermore PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 175 does not apply to indirect taxes, and the person upon wliom the incidence of siicli taxation primarily falls may be regarded as ad- vancing rather than paying the tax, which is ultimately paid by a consumer, not as a tax, but as a part of the market price of a commodity. In other words, the general effect if not the avowed object of an indirect tax is to place its burden in a roundabout way on the person who ultimately bears it. Taxes on imports, or customs dues ; most internal revenue taxes ; " octroi " taxes, or taxes levied by municipalities on commodities — mainly articles of food — brought within their limits from without ; stamps and fees for registering or verifying documents, are typical examples of in- direct taxation. The objections to this form of taxation are so great as to warrant their characterization as evils. In the first place, they prevent the taxpayer from knowing what he pays, by mixing up the price of an article with the tax, as has been already noticed. Secondly, they enhance the cost of a commodity to the consumer to a degree (often largely) in excess of the original burden of the tax. Thus, if an importer of sugar, salt, wool, coal, or metals pays taxes on these commodities when they enter the territory of another country (as, for example, that of the United States), he adds them to the first or invoice cost of the importation. On this aggregate he calculates and adds interest and profits when he sells to a wholesale dealer ; and this process is repeated by every smaller dealer or retailer through whose hands the commodities pass on their way to final consumption ; and as the number of such intermediaries is greatest in the case of articles sold by small retailers, the final burden of the tax is greatest on the very poor, whose necessities compel them to buy in very small quan- tities.* There is thus a very real and close connection between indirect taxation and pauperism. In dealing ^ith the relative influence of direct and indirect taxation, Mr. Gladstone, when Chancellor of the Exchequer, took the position in a parliamentary discussion in 1859 that " the dis- tinction between them involves the question between rich and * Some years since, at the instance of the writer, the late Charles L. Brace instituted an examination to determine the difference in price to individual consumers of coal bought in comparatively large and small quantities. He reported that as a rule, when coal could be delivered at private residences in the city of New York (at the time when the investigation was made) for four dollars and a half per ton, its cost to the people whose poverty com- pelled its purchase by the " bucketful " was at least twelve dollars per ton. And yet when subsequently a philanthropic capitalist proposed to remedy this grievance of the poor by selling coal bought in small quantities at greatly reduced rates, his attempt did not meet with the full approval of the people whom he desired to serve, by reason of an inference by them that the project must in some way be a scheme for the promotion of private gain rather than public good. 1/6 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. poor. All classes pay indirect taxation : the middle and wealthy pay direct ; but indirect taxes press much more seriously on the laboring population." An instructive comparison of the method and influence of direct and indirect taxation may be instituted by supposing the two systems to be put into practical operation under similar cir- cumstances, for effecting a purpose which all are willing to admit is most desirable or necessary. For example, a town meeting is held to provide means for building a bridge. The direct and honest way would be to assess and levy an equitable tax, ade- quate to provide for the proposed expenditure, on the property of the citizens of the town. An indirect way, as exemplified by the tariff (omitting the complicated machinery for appraising mer- chandise), would be to provide that the storekeepers of the town should charge, on account of the proposed expenditure, an excess over general prices to the extent of two cents a pound on sugar, twenty-five cents more per yard on woolen cloth, five cents more for each tin pail or cup, and, keeping an account, return the results of the extra prices paid on the above-mentioned and other like commodities by their consumers, to the town treasury. Would it not be evident that under such a method of procedure the wealth of the town would in a great degree escape taxation for the construction of the bridge, and that its expense and bur- den would fall mainly upon the poor ; inasmuch as the average amount of consumption of sugar, cloth, and tin by the citizens of the town, and the average per capita taxation contingent on the same, would have no just or uniform relation to their ability to pay for the same ? A man with ten thousand a year income will not probably consume ten times as much sugar as one with one thousand a year. In the case of imported commodities charged with import duties, not only is the price of the imported commodity enhanced directly by the duty, but the price of a much larger quantity of competing product of domestic origin is increased to approxi- mately the same extent. Thus, in the case of iron and steel, the average difference in the prices of these commodities in England and the United States during the ten years from 1878 to 1887 in- clusive, occasioned by the imposition of indirect customs taxes by the latter country on such a comparatively small proportion of its domestic consumption as was imported, increased the cost of the total consumption of these products in the United States during the period mentioned, to the extent of at least $550,000,000. Such an increase represented an average of $55,000,000 per annum in excess of the cost of a like quantity to consumers in Great Britain during the same period ; an aggregate, according to the census data of 1880, in excess of the entire capital invested in the PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 177 iron and steel industries of the country, including all its mines of both coal and iron. An incident also illustrative of the character of an indirect tax was afforded some years ago when it was proposed in Wash- ington to ex-Governor Warmoth, of Louisiana, as representa- tive of the sugar-producing interest of that State, to substitute a bounty on domestic sugars in place of the protection afforded by the then tariff (taxation) on the importation of foreign sugars. The suggestion was repelled with no little warmth, on the ground that such a substitution would be most prejudicial to the domestic sugar industry. " The people," he said, " know that a bounty is a tax, and as soon as they found out its amount would insist upon its repeal, and thus the sugar interest would lose both the protec- tion of the tax on foreign competitive imports as well as the bounty." How far subsequent events harmonized with this fore- cast by Mr. Warmoth is worthy of brief notice in this connec- tion. Congress in 1891 entirely repealed all the tariff (tax) on the importation of raw sugars, and to compensate the domestic pro- ducers of sugar for the abrogation of the protection which had been previously given them, authorized the payment by the Fed- eral Government of a bounty of from one and three fourths to two cents per pound on their product. In a little more than four years subsequently, when the effect of the bounty — aggregating over $30,000,000 and representing nearly the whole cost of produc- ing the sugar entitled to bounty — had been fully recognized by the public. Congress repealed the act authorizing its payment without restoring the former protective duties; and with such a pronounced approval of its action on the part of the people of the United States as to render it almost certain that no Congress will hereafter authorize the direct payment of bounties by the Federal Government for any purpose.* The Relative Burden on Taxpayers of Direct and Indi- rect Taxation. — Any discussion of this subject would be incom- * The fundamental question involved in this sugar-bounty matter has never been passed upon directly by the Supreme Court of the United States ; but the disbursement of the money voted by Congress for the payment of the sugar bounties having been withheld by the Comptroller of the United States Treasury on the ground that the appropriation was unconstitutional, the case came up before the United States Court of Appeals of the Dis- trict of Columbia, which sustained the opinion of the Treasury official, and was adverse to the claim that " the general welfare " clause of the Constitution might be stretched to encourage the production of a commodity by a bounty. " If to Congress be conceded," it said, " the power to grant subsidies from the public revenues to all objects it may deem to be for the general welfare, then it follows that this discretion renders superfluous all the special delegations of power contained in the- Constitution, and opens a way for a flood of socialistic legislation, the specious plea for all of which has ever been ' the general wel- fare.' " For further notice of this celebrated case see Chapter VII, Popular Science Monthly, p. 518. 178 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. plete that failed to notice the estimates of the relative burden on taxpayers of direct and indirect taxation by persons well quali- fied by study, and administrative tax experience, to express an opinion. It is not a matter of dispute that the cost of collecting di- rect taxes is, as a rule, much less than is the case with indirect taxes, and that of the receipt contingent on the former the largest proportion accrues to the Government. Thus in Prussia, where the administration of taxation may be characterized generally as despotic, the cost of raising revenue from direct taxes has been reported at four per cent and of indirect at twelve per cent. Under a direct tax system everybody knows how much he really pays, and if he votes for war or any other expensive national luxury, he does it with his eyes open to what it costs him. If all taxes were direct, taxation would be much more apparent than at present, and there would be a continuous popular demand, which at pres- ent there is not, for economy in public expenditures. In England it has been estimated that for eveTj fifty millions of indirect taxes paid into the exchequer, seventy millions are finally taken from consumers ; and M. Guyot,late French Minister of Public Works, has recently shown by a series of statistical dia- grams, that the octroi system of indirect taxation in France adds on an average twenty per cent to the cost of goods to consumers over and above the tax.* In New Zealand, where a compara- tively small population and limited and definite sources of revenue have afforded extraordinary facilities for making an analysis, an expert has recently calculated that for every million and a half collected through the customs the people of that colony have paid not less than a million and two thirds. In 1851 a committee of the Liverpool (England) Financial Re- form Association published a statement, that a careful investiga- tion instituted by it showed, that the difference between the net amount paid into the exchequer from indirect taxes and the gross amount taken through or in consequence of this system from the taxpayers, was not less than an average of thirty-seven per cent ; and added that the evidence that had led to this con- clusion "can neither be controverted as matter of fact, nor strengthened as a matter of argument." In 1846 Hon. Robert J. Walker, then Secretary of the Treasury, in accordance with instructions from the United States Senate to report the extent to which the price of domestic products was enhanced by the then existing duties imposed on the import of * It seems incredible, he is reported as graphically saying, " that Frenchmen, usually 80 sensitive to ridicule, can quietly submit to be ' sweated ' and ' plucked ' like fowls, with- out crying out against this antiquated method of indirect taxation only so long as they are kept blind to the tax." PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 179 competing commodities, submitted the following statement : " Tlie revenue from imports last year exceeded twenty-seven millions of dollars, of which, twenty-seven millions are paid to the Govern- ment upon imports, and forty- four millions in enhanced prices of similar domestic articles. This estimate is based upon the posi- tion that the duty is added to the price of the import and also of its domestic rival. If the import is enhanced in price by the duty, so must be its domestic rival, for, being like articles, their price must be the same in the same market." (Senate Document, First Session, Twenty-ninth Congress, 1845-'46.) * In a debate in the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York in 1867-'68, the late Hon. George Opdyke, a member, and one of the best economic and fiscal authorities of his time, stated that his investigations had led him to the conclusion that consumers of imported articles in the United States are " charged with at least fifty per cent in addition to the duties actually received by the Government." As the result of a careful study of the subject, based on the rates of duty imposed by the tariff law of March, 1883, Hon. Wil- liam H. Springer (for a long time a prominent member of Con- gress) was led to the conclusion that the average increase in the prices of domestic commodities due to the duties imposed on the import of competitive products had not been less than $556,000,000 for every year of the twenty years next precedent to 1883, "mak- ing an aggregate of over eleven billions of dollars, not one dollar of which went into the national Treasury." (See North American Review, vol. cxxxvi. No. 319.) The experience of the indirect taxation of commodities also shows that they favor the concentration of business in a few hands, or the creation of monopolies. Of this the experience of the internal revenue system of the United States has furnished some curious examples. Thus a tax was imposed in 1864 on matches at the rate of one cent per package of one hundred or less ; and, although comparatively insignificant, it yielded at one time, by reason of the immense number of matches consumed, an annual revenue of over $3,500,000, which sum the manufacturer was obliged to advance by purchasing and affixing stamps to each package as a prerequisite to selling. To manufacturers furnish- ing their own design for the stamp, the Government allowed a discount of ten per cent on stamps of an aggregate value in excess of five hundred dollars purchased at any one time, and sixty days' credit to such manufacturers as could offer satisfactory security * This estimate was founded on an apparently careful investigation of the prices " of sixteen leading domestic articles and the manufactures thereof, similar to those on which the present duties (1845) are imposed." i8o POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. (i. e,, in tlie form of United States "bonds) for their payments. Under such circumstances small manufacturers with a limited capital were crushed, and the business of manufacturing concen- trated in a very few firms, which raised the retail price of matches to an extent considerably in excess of the amount of the tax. In later years (1883), when it was proposed to repeal this tax, the sin- gular spectacle was afforded of the larger manufacturers strenu- ously exerting themselves to influence Congress to prevent the repeal, and asking that they might continue to be taxed. Their efforts were, however, unavailing. The tax was abolished, and the retail price of matches immediately declined more than fifty per centum — i. e., from fifteen cents to six cents for six boxes. Many years ago the late Henry C. Carey characterized indirect taxation in the following forcible and figurative language : " The whole system of indirect taxation," he said, " is mere petty larceny. It is an attempt to filch that which can not be openly demanded. It is one of those ' inventions ' of man by which the few are enabled to grow rich at the expense of the many, and is therefore greatly favored by that class of men who prefer living by the labor of others to living by their own. The man who plunders a city is of the same species with the highway robber. The one who imposes indirect taxes is of the same species with the chevalier d'indusfrie. All belong to the genus of great men. All are equally destitute of manly or generous feeling. The plunderer of cities selects those which are weak and defenseless, and the collector of indirect taxes selects the commodities used by poor men who can not defend themselves; and where the system most prevails, men are most weak and cheap and food most dear.^' * (H. C. Carey, Past, Present, and Future, pp. 4G4, 465, Philadelphia, 1848.) * " So long as it (indirect taxation) shall be permitted to exist, depopulation, and the system of large revenues, raised by means of indirect taxation, to be squandered by those who live by managing the affairs of others, must continue. So long as it exists, the planter and farmer must continue to give a large portion of their small product in exchange for a small quantity of clothing. So long as it exists, every attempt at the establishment of freedom of trade must be a failure. With its correction, every obstacle to the establish- ment of perfect freedom will disappear, and the tariff will pass out of existence. The interest of every farmer and planter, and of every laborer and mechanic, is directly con- cerned in the adoption of a measure that shall be calculated to promptly produce the effect desired — i. e., repeal of indirect taxation — but it is not more his interest than his duty. So long as the present system shall continue, trade of every kind must be subject to violent fluctuations which enable the few to enrich themselves at the expense of the many, and enable gambling speculators to live in palaces and ride in coaches by aid of indirect taxa- tion levied upon the hard-working mechanic and honest trader, ruined by changes in the value of their property. It is, therefore, the bounden duty of every man desirous to pro- mote the great cause of morality, justice, and of truth, to unite his efforts with those of his neighbor for the early accomplishment of this great object." — //. C. Caret/, Past, Present, and Future, pp. Ji.71, 472, Philadelphia, I84S. PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 181 And yet Mr. Carey's name, more than that of any other citizen of the United States, is identified with a system of raising revenue which is based exclusively on indirect taxation. Mr. Henry George, in one of his essays, also thus forcibly makes clear a leading characteristic of the indirect taxes levied by the Federal Government: " Propose," he says, "to abolish, or even reduce, one of these taxes, and Washington will be filled with lobbyists begging and working for its extension. What does this mean ? It means that these taxes yield revenue to private parties as well as to the Government." Carlyle was not far out of the way in characterizing legisla- tors who advocate indirect taxation as having a purpose, " that those who are not hungry should suppress those who are. The pigs are to die — i. e., be subject to taxation — no conceivable help for that ; but we, by God's blessing, will at least keep down their squealing ! " The question of the relative merits of the two systems of tax- ation under consideration, has long been — since the days of Jeremy Bentham — a subject of discussion, with a trend of popular sentiment unmistakably in favor of indirect, or it should rather be said in opposition to direct taxation.* What satisfactory explanation can be given for a conclusion so clearly adverse to public interest ? John Stuart Mill has attempted it as follows : " The feeling is not grounded on the merits of the case, and is of a puerile kind. An Englishman dislikes not so much the payment as the act of payment. He dislikes seeing the face of the tax collector and being subjected to his peremptory demand. Perhaps, too, the money which he is required to pay directly out of his pocket is the only taxation which he is quite sure that he pays at all. That a tax of two shillings per pound on tea, or of three shillings per bottle on wine, raises the price of each pound of tea and bottle of wine which he consumes by that and more than that amount can not * " We find, as the result of our examination and contrast, that direct taxation is, in every essential feature, vastly superior to our present method ; that the former accords with justice, economy, and all the other requirements of a sound policy; while indirect taxa- tion violates every principle on which legislation should be based. It must be owned, how- ever, that notwithstanding the weighty objections to the one and the economy and perfect fairness of the other, there are few of our citizens who are desirous of making the proposed change. Direct taxation is a phrase that grates on the nerves of all. Men start at its sound as though it was a portent of evil ; something which had impressed them with deadly fear. They seem to regard it as deeply imbued with the spirit of tyranny, to say the least, if not as the most forbidding impersonation of that monster. So unpopular is this method of taxation, that an aspirant for public station or honors would as soon think of committing high treason as propose or advocate it ; and if his ambition ^ ere bounded by the present, he would be right, for he could not more effectually destroy his popularity." — Treatise on Political Economy, by George Opdyke. i82 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. indeed be denied. It is the fact, and is intended to be so, and he himself is perfectly aware of it ; but it makes hardly any impres- sion on his practical feelings and associations, serving to illustrate the distinction between what is merely known to be true and what is felt to be so." Mr. Mill also expressed the opinion that men's minds are so little guided by reason on this subject that if it was attempted to raise all the imperial revenue of Great Britain by direct taxation, the dissatisfaction on the part of the people at having to pay so much would be extreme. Speaking on this subject in the House of Lords in 18G0, the Earl of Derby said that " by making the whole revenue of the United Kingdom depend upon direct taxation the pressure would be so odious that wars would be avoided, because no party would incur the odium of carrying them on." There can be no doubt that high direct taxes, making evident to the most unobservant citizen the excess of burden imposed upon him, have been the prime cause of the repudiation of public debts in the United States, and the arrest or ruination of internal improvements of great importance. Mr. George Opdyke, in his Treatise of Political Economy, advanced the idea that the phenomenon of preference for indirect taxation in the United States might be accounted for in part by the fact, that the unjust manner in which taxes were levied by Great Britain on her American colonies engendered in the public mind of their people " a deep-seated hatred of every form of taxa- tion ; and the direct being its most visible or sensible form, it has been mistaken for the worst — an impression that was strength- ened when the most unpopular of our Presidents (the elder Adams) recommended this policy, and when the opposing polit- ical party, seizing the occasion to profit by public prejudice, represented it as the worst form of tyranny." * An economic phenomenon in connection with this subject goes far to support the idea that political economy can not be an exact science, inasmuch as it is largely or wholly based on human action, concerning which nothing certain and invariable can be * An acute economic student and observer writes as follows on this subject : " I have been very much struck by the apathy of taxpayers to the increase of taxes in their most direct form. Take Philadelphia, for example. Nearly every man o\vna a house there, and yet there seems to have been no objection to the grossest municipal extravagance, entailing heavier and heavier burdens every year. The city to-day levies about ten times as much per head as it did thirty or forty years ago. The exact figures would be easy to get, and would certainly point a moral adverse to your view that direct taxation is twin brother to public economy. I am inchned to look for an explanation to the fact that real estate values have steadily risen, so that after all the increase of taxation has been easily met." PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 183 predicated. Thus the argument and evidence are complete that it is not a wise, humane, or perhaps a moral policy for a state created or maintained for the purpose of promoting the interests of its people to adopt a system of indirect taxation for the raising of revenue ; and, furthermore, that it is contrary to human nature for a people to desire or be willing to pay more for any service or commodity than it is intrinsically worth ; or, what is the same thing, perform more work in return for the same than is a fair equivalent. And yet both governments and the people in all countries and at all times (including the present) have shown a preference for this system of taxation over any other. One explanation of this curious inconsistency is as follows: It is and ever has been the aim of all governments to avoid re- sponsibility and occasion for popular criticism in respect to their financial policy ; and a direct tax is an annual reminder to their citizens or subjects of the burden of government, and prompts them to hold the government to a strict accountability. Under a free or popular form of government a general system of direct taxation would practically call for an annual judgment of the voters on the fiscal policy of an administration in power, and such a tightening of the purse-strings as would reverse such policy in case of its popular disapproval. But with a system of indirect taxation, as a tariff on imports, a government can undertake the most unnecessary and extravagant measures and obtain revenue sufiicient to defray its contingent exiDenditures without general popular disapproval. Indeed, the best defense that can be offered for the continued resort to indirect taxation is, that with the present large demands on the part of all civilized states for revenue to meet increasing fiscal obligations, mainly incurred for war expenditures, past and present, and the unwillingness of the people to pay direct taxes, it would be practically impossible to maintain the modern gov- ernment without large contributions from people of limited re- sources ; and that this purpose can only be accomplished by taxing them indirectly. On the other hand, it may be replied that if direct taxation was alone made the agency for obtaining revenue, unnecessarily large expenditures through the resistance of the masses would not be possible. In like manner, if the present in- direct taxes levied on imports by the United States were to be replaced by direct taxes, collected in money or in kind from pur- chasers for final consumption, on whom the burden in both cases finally rests — if every person buying silk or sugar were stopped by a government tax gatherer at the door of the place of purchase and thirty per cent of his purchases taken in kind in one case and fifty per cent in the other in payment for taxes, it is safe to say that such a system would not continue operative any longer i84 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. than would suflfice for the people, througli legal methods, to com- pel its modification. One explanation — i. e., of inconsistency — on the part of the people who pay taxes is, that although the benefits derived from the institution of government (which practi- cally can not exist without taxation) are of the first importance, they are not so very obvious, nor so striking, as to be readily recognized and appreciated by the masses, who are accordingly apt to look with complacence upon a direct (personal) demand for a tax in the light of a compulsory payment, for which no equivalent is returned. Indeed, this feeling is so strong that it has become an almost popular maxim in all countries that " there is nothing which a person so hates to do as to pay taxes," in case they are direct. But by the ingenious plan of taxing articles on which incomes are expended, rather than openly demanding a portion of the income itself, the amount of taxation is concealed from the mass of taxpayers, and its payment is made to appear in some measure voluntary. The indirect tax being generally advanced rather than paid, as has been already shown, in the first instance by the importers, the ultimate purchasers for consump- tion confound the tax with the natural price of the commodity. No separate demand being made upon them for the tax, it es- capes their consideration, and the article which they receive seems the fair equivalent of the sacrifice made in acquiring it. Indirect taxes have also the advantage of being paid by degrees, in small portions, and at a time when the commodities are wanted for consumption, or when it is most convenient for the consumer to pay them." * In the attempt, furthermore, of civilized rulers to maintain a civilized government over an uncivilized people, there seems to be no practical method of compelling such a people to help maintain a proper and desirable government except through a resort to in- direct taxation. Thus, in British India, a country of low civiliza- tion, small accumulation of wealth, and under such climatic con- ditions as necessitate the minimum of clothing, shelter, and food, the only way by which the mass of the native population can be compelled to contribute anything whatever, apart from a tax on land in the form of rent, toward the support of a government whose beneficent and civilizing influence has become a matter of history, is by the taxation of salt, the consumption of which is a necessity to all, and the production and distribution of which can in a great measure be controlled. In the British island and colony of Jamaica, populated mainly by emancipated blacks and their descendants (557,132 out of a total of 580,804 in 1881), who own little or no land, and consume * J. R. McCulloch. Taxation and the Funding System. PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION. 185 little of food other tlian what is produced almost spontaneously, the problem of how to raise revenue by any form of taxation for defraying the necessary expenditures of the Government has been one of great embarrassnient. For the year 1884 these expenditures averaged three dollars and forty cents per head of the entire population, and of this amount an average of about fifty cents per head could only be obtained from any internal taxation, and this mainly through the indirect agency of licenses and stamps, and not by any direct assessment. The balance of required revenue was ob- tained from a special tax on some set manufacture, and from export and import duties. A similar state of affairs in Mexico, heretofore noticed somewhat in detail (see vol. xlix, No. 1, pages 45, 46), would also seem to necessitate a resort to a system of indirect taxation. It is interesting to note, in connection with this subject, that while the States and municipal governments of the Federal Union derive their revenues almost entirely from direct taxation, the national revenues flow almost wholly from indirect taxes on com- modities or personal property. Attention is here also particularly directed to a fact that has almost entirely escaped the notice of economic and fiscal authori- ties and writers, and that is the remarkable change that has taken place within the last fifty years in the British tax system, where- by, through an extensive substitution of direct for indirect taxa- tion, the burden of tax incidence has been shifted to a great extent from the community at large to the propertied classes. Thus, in 1841-'42, indirect taxes yielded seventy-three per cent and direct taxes twenty-seven per cent of the total imperial revenue, but in 1895-'96 indirect taxes yielded fifty-two per cent and direct taxes forty-eight per cent. Is not the inference warranted, that in the change in the incidence of British taxation above noted is to be found at least a partial explanation of the remarkable and pro- gressive increase, in comparatively recent years, in the consump- tion of the various commodities that enter into the living of the laboring classes of Great Britain, and is it not also singular that the above facts and their possible inference do not as yet seem to have attracted the attention of those most interested in social economics ? [7'o be continued.^ The Mazamas is the name of a society of mountain climbers organized on the summit of Mount Hood in 1894 for the promotion of mountain ex- ploration, the protection of forests and scenery, and the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge concerning these things. The qualification for membership is the ascent of a recognized snow-cap peak. The meeting at which the society was organized was attended by 193 people, who as- cended 11,225 feet for the purpose. VOL. LI. — 14 186 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. SUICIDE AND THE ENVIRONMENT. By ROBERT N. REEVES. IN the discussion of the increase of suicide in the United States, a great deal has been said in the consideration of the act as a crime, but little, comparatively, in reference to its causes or to those preventives which society has power to enforce. Dr. D. R. Dewey, who some years ago made a careful study of the ques- tion as it related to the New England States, declared that since the year 1860 suicide had increased in those States to the extent of thirty-five per cent. This percentage, with but slight varia- tions, will probably apply to all other States of the Union where there is great industrial and commercial activity. Suicide is so violent a reversal of that strongest instinct of Nature — the instinct of self-preservation — that its causes and preventives will always be the subject of deep and careful in- vestigation. If it is on the increase, there must be causes for its increase, and these causes being ascertained, it is then our duty to devise means for its prevention. Insanity, heredity, financial re- verses, and domestic complications may be direct incentives to suicide, but back of them all is the real cause — the growth of a nervous, disordered temperament in the American people. The steady habits of our colonial ancestors no longer satisfy us, and, as a consequence, those amusements, those ventures and schemes which excite the mind and nervous system to the highest degree are becoming more and more prominent. This, no doubt, is the fundamental cause of all suicide. But it is only with the direct incentive that society is capable of dealing, and these direct causes are so numerous and varied that it is almost impossible to classify them with any degree of accuracy. The individual may be impelled to self-destruction by circumstances, by an innate craving or instinct, by an uncontrollable impulse, by the unhealthy reasoning of a disordered intellect, and by many other influences. Suicides may therefore be divided into two great classes — those in which reason is called upon to decide between life and death, and those which are due to impulse or insanity. In the former class the self- destroyer has, after reason- ing upon his condition, come to the conclusion that death is the most acceptable of impending evils. In this class may be placed all those suicides due to sickness, financial embarrassment, un- gratified ambition, the desire to escape justice, and causes of a like nature. Among the second class, or those self-murders which are the direct or indirect outcome of insanity, may be included all cases of persons who are impelled to destroy their lives when insane, of SUICIDE AND THE ENVIRONMENT, 187 those who commit the act on some trivial cause or provocation or from imitation, of those who while sane give way to sudden im- pulse, and of those who, after a longer or shorter struggle, suc- cumb at their own hands to a growing impulse. Civilization, drunkenness, imitation, and hereditary propensities are account- able for much of the self-destruction prevalent ; and so, to a greater or less extent, are age, sex, the state of health, and daily occupations of the victim. Attempts have been made to prove that climate has an effect upon the rate of suicide, but these attempts have never done more than show that the temperate regions have the highest ratio. This, of course, is not due to the climate, but to the more compli- cated civilization, the greater physical and mental wear, and the more extensive interference with natural laws met with in the temperate regions. While it is true that climate exerts but little influence over the rate of suicide, the seasons, on the contrary, do strongly affect it. The popular belief is that suicide is more fre- quent during the months of winter and spring. This, however, is incorrect. Cold, wet, damp weather does not, as so many people suppose, promote despondency and suicide. Strange as it may seem, at that period of the year when the sufferings of the poor and the sick are least, when employment is most readily obtained, when the pleasure of living should be at its highest, suicide is most frequent. May, June, and July, the months of song and sun- shine in all countries, give the greatest number of self-murders. For this there is no satisfactory explanation, unless we accept that of the medical fraternity, which is that during the period of early summer the organism is working at a higher tension, every func- tion of mind and body is more active than at any other period of the year, and consequently there is greater liability to sudden physical and mental collapse. The sad fact that suicide and education increase at an equal rate is now generally admitted. Civilization does not free hu- manity from grief, disgrace, and disappointment ; but wherever civilization is highest the struggle for existence is fiercest, life is most artificial, and there the most failures of the human race are met with. There was a time in Roman history when suicide was almost epidemic. It was when the great republic had reached its acme of civilization — when poetry, art, and eloquence were tri- umphant. It is probable that the proportion of suicides due to mental derangements is increasing, but how rapidly can never be exactly determined. Morselli says that about one third of all suicides may be attributed to insanity. Many people, however, anxious to stamp the act with reproba- tion, declare that every suicide is insane. This is wrong. While those who bring about their self-destruction may have acted i88 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. wrongly or unwisely, we have not the right to declare them all insane. It is true that many persons brood over their troubles until everything loses proportion, their minds become unbalanced, and in such a state they kill themselves. In such cases the act may be correctly attributed to insanity. But what are we to say of those who are to all appearance rational and yet are the victims of sudden or growing impulses ? Such people are not voluntary agents, and yet they can not be called insane. They are abnormal. There is a fatal defect in their organization which is incompatible with their survival under natural conditions. This defect may give rise to sudden impulses or may cause a growing gradual propensity which terminate in the final tragedy. Instantaneous impulses are often brought about by the slightest circumstances. Thus, gazing steadily at the wheels of an approaching train or looking down from some great height may produce a delirium, a distention of the blood-vessels of the brain, that instantly para- lyzes the will of the victim. In the consideration of those propensities which are of gradual growth we are confronted with an extremely difficult problem. We know that a great many of those who ultimately destroy themselves fight for years against the impulse. How are we to account in such cases for the persistence of the tendency toward suicide, which seems to be a part of their nature, a part which draws them instinctively to death just as the normal creature is drawn to a desire to live ? For such cases heredity may be in a great measure responsible. It is clear that hereditary influences may reveal their force in the suicidal impulses as in many other of the problems of life. Whole families have been known to kill themselves. There are a great many human beings who by nature are predisposed to self-destruction, and only wait through life for a calamity sufficiently great to prompt them to the act. They are victims of their own faulty organizations. Individual temperament may have a great deal to do with the question of suicide. In America the population is largely com- posed of the various European races, and although these are liv- ing under the same conditions, each nationality retains its own peculiar rate of suicide. Drink and crime are responsible for a large proportion of the daily self-murders. Drunkenness, the most active agent of degeneration known, is directly responsible for those which occur during a period of nervous depression fol- lowing a debauch. Among the criminal classes suicide is quite common, but it is among the petty and not the grave offenders that it occurs. Poverty and disease are also strong incentives to self-destruction. Suicide is often regulated by the price of bread. Life has few pleasures for the homeless and friendless. Death to SUICIDE AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 189 them is often a welcome friend, a happy relief from walking the streets hungry. How many suicides are directly attributable to disease can not be stated with exactness, but it may be said, nevertheless, that at the present time, with our advanced skill in surgery and medicine, suicide from disease is undoubtedly on the decrease. Of all sui- cides there are none to be pitied more than those who kill them- selves to escape the racking pain of an incurable illness. For the victim of this sort there is no hope. Another class of sui- cides, which closely resemble those caused by disease, includes those due to infirmity. Often persons smitten with blindness, or who have met with some terrible accident, in a fit of discourage- ment kill themselves. Those blind or deformed from birth, how- ever, seldom resort to suicide. Not knowing the pleasure of sight or limb, they go through life contented. The theory that we hold more strongly to life as we approach its natural conclusion is contradicted by statistics, which every- where show that the last half of life exhibits a great increase in the rate of suicide. And here it may be pointed out that as to the age of greatest frequency, suicide and crime are diametrically op- posed. While suicide attains its highest rate after the prime of life is past, crime, on the contrary, reaches its highest point be- tween the ages of twenty and thirty years. We remark, further, the alarming increase in late years of what is called child-suicide. It is here that education strongly asserts itself as a true and ex- citing factor, for it has been shown that in those countries where what we are pleased to call education is rigorously forced upon children, there child-suicide is most frequent. And for this sys- tem of forced education there is no excuse. It is terrible in its consequences. To increase the strain to just below the collapsing point is not to educate. It only serves to fill the world with nerv- ous, neurotic, morbid beings. Another cause of the increase of child-suicide is the fear of physical punishment. Instances of children destroying them- selves because of punishment or the fear of threatened punish- ment are constantly recorded in the public prints. Repeated cruel punishments will often extinguish, even in the healthy child, the love of life so characteristic of youth. What, then, are we to expect of poor, devitalized children subjected to the cruel- ties of barbaric parents ? At the present day man is much more prone to suicide than woman. This is true of man in regard to epilepsy, crime, and other marked signs of degeneration. But it has been observed that as woman approaches man in her mode of life she also becomes more familiar with those abnormal conditions which have previously been peculiar to man. The comparative immu- 190 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. nity of woman from self-destruction in the past has depended greatly upon the relatively less harassing part she has taken in the struggle for life. To-day it is different. Now woman occupies the fields of art, literature, finance, and even politics, and, as she goes deeper into these vocations, she must expect to suffer the consequences. Already it is noticeable that feminine suicide is not now entirely due to the sentimental causes of dis- appointed love, desertion, and jealousy, but to those trials of a more material order such as have led men to the act of self- destruction. Imitation far exceeds any other of what are called "trivial causes " of suicide, and asserts itself more in woman than in man. It is much more common than is supposed. When self-destruc- tion becomes epidemic, as it sometimes does, its prevalence very largely depends upon imitation. It is said that many years ago the wail of Thomas Hood over The One More Unfortunate brought many a sentimental person to a watery grave in the Thames. And in our own day the vivid representation of suicide upon the stage under conditions appealing forcibly to the imagi- nation has been known to be followed by the self-imposed death of persons whose conditions resembled closely those of the suicide in the drama. The daily papers are largely responsible for this class of sui- cides. It can scarcely be doubted that the general diffusion of newspaper reports familiarizes too much the minds of the people with suicide and crime. A single paragraph, a chance expression, a cause given which resembles that of the circumstances sur- rounding the reader, seizes the imagination, and in a morbid excitement the desire to repeat the act is born. Newspaper re- ports further promote suicide by inflaming the passion for the notoriety which will be conferred upon the perpetrator through their accounts of the act. Has city life any influence over the proportion of suicides ? This question must be answered in the affirmative. Where the population is dense and the laws of health are neglected, where dirt is common and vice flourishes, where the poor are concen- trated, and where fortunes are made and lost in a day, will always be found the highest rate of suicide. It is in the poorer districts of our large cities that suicide is most frequent. In these dis- tricts the deprivations of light and air, the poverty, the diseased conditions about them, render the poor moody, morbid, and de- spondent, and raise in their minds a feeling that life is not desirable. What can society do to prevent suicide among the poor ? The obvious method would be to render their conditions more enjoy- able by giving them ampler provisions for pleasure and recrea- SUICIDE AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 191 tion, making tlieir surroundings more cleanly and agreeable, and by faithfully executing thorough, and most effective sanitation. Proper sanitary and hygienic measures have a wonderful effect in renewing the vitality of our people. They are powerful agents for improving morality. There probably never will be a time when suicide will be unknown in the world, but there are many preventives that are of value to-day. Religion has in the past been a powerful pre- ventive. But this fear dies out as religion becomes broader. The fear of future punishment on account of self-imposed death is not now the preventive of suicide that it was fifty or a hundred years ago. The moral influences of family life naturally have a tendency to decrease suicide. Thus it has been found that in a million of husbands without children there were four hundred and seventy suicides, and in the same number with children there were but two hundred and five. Of a million wives without chil- dren one hundred and fifty-seven committed suicide, as against forty- five with children ; widowers without children, one thousand and four ; with children, five hundred and twenty- six ; widows without children, two hundred and thirty-eight ; with children, but one hundred and four. These figures are eloquent pleaders in favor of family ties as conservators of life. They prove dis- tinctly that man must love in order to live. Laws prescribing punishment for suicide are solecisms. If we wish to prevent suicide we must change conditions for the better, not for the worse. Suicide is beyond the reach of the criminal code. Its prophylactic must be founded, not upon a statute, but upon a wise and judicious management, medical, moral, and philanthropical, of those unfortunate enough to attempt their lives. It would be far better and more humane to sweep away all legislation upon the subject so far as it relates to the indi- vidual, and even take for granted that every person is insane who attempts suicide, than to punish their attempts by imprison- ment. If the victim is insane, efforts should be made to restore reason ; and if failure is met with, a sanitarium should be pro- vided. Those who are sane should be reasoned with, calmed, and assisted. Our hearts should be filled with tender compassion for those whose lives have been such as to become valueless to them. We should pity them. In the gentlest language possible we should condone and not condemn their act ; for it is only with a spirit of sympathy and not of vindictiveness that we can hope to study with profit the causes and preventives of suicide. 192 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. A SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY. [Lowell Institute Lectures, 1896.) By WILLIAM Z. EIPLEY, Ph. D., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF SOCIOLOGY, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ; LECTURER IN ANTHROPO-GEOGRAPHY AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Y.— THE THREE EUROPEAN RACES. IT may smack of heresy to assert, in face of the teachings of all our text-books on geography and history, that there is no sin- gle European or white race of men ; and yet that is the plain truth of the matter. No continental group of human beings with greater diversities or extremes of physical type exists. That fact accounts in itself for much of our advance in culture. We have already shown in the preceding papers that entire communities of the tallest and shortest of men as well as the longest and broadest headed ones are here to be found within the confines of Europe. Even in respect of the color of the skin, hair, and eyes, responsi- ble more than all else for the misnomer " white race," the greatest variations occur. To be sure, the several types are to-day all more or less blended together by the unifying influences of civilization ; there are few sharp contrasts in Europe such as those between the Eskimo and the American Indian or the Malay and the Papuan in other parts of the world. We have been deceived by this in the past. It is high time for us to correct our ideas on the subject, especially in our school and college teaching. Instead of a single European type there is indubitable evidence of at least three distinct races, each possessed of a history of its own, and each contributing something to the common product, population, as we see it to-day. If this be established it does away at one fell swoop with most of the current mouthings about Ar- yans and pre- Aryans; and especially with such appellations as the " Caucasian " or the " Indo-Germanic " race. Supposing for present peace that it be allowed that the ancestors of some peoples of Europe may once have been within sight of either the Caspian Sea or the Himalayas, we have still left two thirds of our Euro- pean races and population out of account. As yet it is too early to discuss the events in the history of these races ; that will claim our attention at a later time. The present task before us is to establish first of all that three such racial types exist in Europe. The skeptic is already prepared perhaps to admit that what we have said about the several physical characteristics, such as the shape of the head, stature, and the like, may all be true. But he will continue to doubt that these offer evidence of distinct races because ordinary observation may detect such gross inconsisten- THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY Ot EUROPE. 193 cies on every hand. Even in the most secluded hamlet of the Alps, where population has remained undisturbed for thousands of years, he will be able to point out blond-haired children whose parents were dark, short sons of tall fathers, and the like. Our portraits of four Corsicans chosen at random offer a case in point. The people of this rocky island are as highly individualized as any in Europe. They offer the purest examples of the southern or Mediterranean type of Europeans ; and yet these four men are quite different from one another. As the indexes show, the heads are quite unlike in their proportions. The man on the right is apparently broader-faced than either of the fellows next him, although he is relatively much longer-headed than either. The four vary considerably in the color of the hair and eyes. Nor in stature is there any greater apparent similarity. Such diversities 72-3. 80-8. 80-1. Cephalic Index of Corsican Peasants. ^5. confront us on every hand even in this retired corner of Europe. What may we not anticipate in less favored places, especially in the large cities ? Traits in themselves are all right, our objector will maintain : but you must show that they are hereditary, persistent. More than that, you must prove not alone the transmissibility of a single trait by itself, you must also show that combinations of traits are so handed down from father to son. Three stages in the develop- ment of our proof miist be noted : first, the distribution of separate traits; secondly, their association into types; and, lastly, the hered- itary character of those types which alone justifies the term races. We have already taken the first step : we are now entering upon the second. It is highly important that we should keep these dis- tinct. Even among professed anthropologists there is still much confusion of thought upon the subject — so much so, in fact, that some have, it seems to me without warrant, abandoned the task in despair. Let us beware the example of the monkey in the fable. Seeking to withdraw a huge handful of racial nuts from the jar of fact, we may find the neck of scientific possibility all too small. We may fail because we have grasped too much at once. Let us examine. VOL. LI. 15 194 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. There are two ways in which we may seek to assemble our separate physical traits into types — that is, to combine character- istics into living personalities. The one is purely anthropologi- cal, the other inferential and geographical in its nature. The first of these is simple. Answer is sought to a direct question. In a given population, are the blondes more often tall than the bru- nettes, or the reverse ? Is the greater proportion of the tall men at the same time distinctly longer-headed or otherwise ? and the like. If the answers to these questions be constant and consistent, our work is accomplished. Unfortunately they are not always so, hence our necessary recourse to the geographical proof : but they at least indicate a slight trend, which we may follow up by the other means. Let it be boldly confessed at the outset that in the great num- ber of cases no invariable association of traits in this way occurs. This is especially true among the people of the central part of Europe. The population of Switzerland, for example, is persist- ently aberrant in this respect ; it is everything anthropologically that it ought not to be. This should not surprise us. In the first place, mountainous areas always contain the " ethnological sweepings of the plains," as Canon Taylor puts it. Especially is this true when the mountains lie in the very heart of the conti- nent, at a focus of racial immigration. Moreover, the environ- ment is competent to upset all probabilities, as we hope to have shown. Suppose a brunette type from the south should come to Andermatt and settle. If the altitude exerts an influence upon the pigmentation, as we have sought to prove ; or if its concomi- tant poverty in the ante-tourist era should depress the stature, the racial equilibrium is as good as vanished in two or three generations. It is therefore only where the environment is sim- ple ; and especially on the outskirts of the continent, where migra- tion and intermixture are more infrequent, that any constant and normal association of traits may be anticipated. Take a single example from many. We have always been taught to regard the Teutonic peoples — the Goths, Lombards, and Saxons — as tawny- haired, " large-limbed giants." History is filled with observations to that effect from the earliest times. Our maps have already led us to infer as much. Nevertheless, direct observations show that tall stature and blondness are by no means constant com- panions in the same person. In Scandinavia, Dr. Arbo asserts, I think, that the tallest men are at the same time inclined to blond- ness. In Italy, on the other edge of the continent, the same combination is certainly prevalent.* Over in Russia, once more on the outskirts of Europe, f the tall men are again found to be * Livi. Anthropometria Militare, pp. 74, 76. f Globus, vol. xlii, 1892. p. 337. THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 195 lighter complexioned as a rule. Dr. Beddoe asserts that in Britain it is more often true than otherwise.* But if we turn to central Europe we are completely foiled. The association of stat- ure and blondness fails or is reversed in Bavaria, in Baden, along the Adriatic, and in upper Austria and Salzburg, as well as among the European recruits observed in America during our civil war. In Wiirtemberg alone have we assurance that the relation holds good.f It seems to me significant, however, that when the asso- ciation fails, as in the highlands of Austria, where the environ- ment is eliminated, as in lower Austria, the tall men again become characteristically more blond than the short ones. In this last case environment is to blame ; in others, racial intermixture, or it may be merely chance variation, is the cause. In order to avoid disappointment, let us bear in mind that in no other part of the world save modern America is such an amal- gamation of various peoples to be found as in Europe. History, and archaeology long before history, show us a continual picture of tribes appearing and disappearing, crossing and recrossing in their migrations, assimilating, dividing, colonizing, conquering, or being absorbed. It follows from this that, even if our environ- ment were uniform, our pure types must be exceedingly rare. Experience proves that the vast majority of the population of this continent shows evidence of crossing. Thus, in Germany, of six million school children observed on a given day, not one half of them showed the simple combination of dark eyes and dark hair or of light eyes and light hair. In the British Isles it appears that over thirty per cent of persons measured have fair eyes and dark hair — in other words, that the hair and the eyes do not ac- company one another in type. Of four hundred and eighty-six students of the Institute of Technology, sixty-five per cent of them were of this mixed type. Even among the Jews, less than forty per cent of them are characterized by the same tinge of hair and eyes ; so that in general we can not expect that more than one third of the population will be marked by this simple and single combination. We need not be surprised, therefore, that if we next seek to add a third characteristic, say the shape of the head, to this combination of hair and eyes, we find the propor- tion of pure types combining all three traits in a fixed measure to be very small indeed. Imagine a fourth trait, stature, or a * Stature and Bulk of Man in the British Isles, p. ITl. The opposite is perhaps true in Scotland (Topinard, Elements, p. 491). f Ranke. Phjsische Beitrage zur Anthropologic Bayerns, p. 195 stq. ; and Der Mensch, ii, p. 124. Ammon, in Sammlung gemeinverstandlieher, wissenschaftliche Vortrage, Series V, vol. ci, p. 14. Mittheilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, xxv, p. YO. Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie, Supplement, 1884, p. 26. Baxter, op cit., vol. i, pp. 23, 38. Von Holder, Zusammenstellung der in Wiirtemberg vorkommenden Schiidelformen, p. 6. 196 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. fifth, nose, to be added, and our proportion of pure type becomes almost infinitesimal. We are thus reduced to the extremity in which my friend Dr. Ammon, of Baden, found himself when I wrote asking for photographs of a pure Alpine type from the Black Forest. He has measured thousands of heads, and yet he answered that he really had not been able to find a perfect speci- men in all details, as all his round-headed men were either blond, or tall, or narrow-nosed, or something else that they ought not to be. Confronted by this situation, the tyro is here tempted to turn back in despair. There is no justification for it. It is not essen- tial to our position that we should actually be able to isolate any considerable number, nor even a single one, of our perfect racial types in the life. It matters not to us that never more than a small majority of any given population possesses even two phys- ical characteristics in their proper association ; that relatively few of these are able to add a third to the combination ; and that al- most no individuals show a perfect union of all traits under one head, so to speak, while contradictions and mixed types are every- where present. Such a condition of affairs need not disturb us if we understand ourselves aright. We should indeed be perplexed were it otherwise. Consider how complex the problem really is ! We say the peo- ple of Scotland are on the average among the tallest in Europe. True ! But that does not mean that a great number of medium and undersized persons do not occur among them. We may illus- trate the actual condition best by means of the accompanying dia- gram.* Three curves are plotted therein for the stature of large groups of men chosen at random from each of three typical parts of Europe. The one at the right is for the tall Scotch, the middle one for the medium-sized northern Italians, and the one at the left for Sardinians, the people of this island being among the shortest in all Europe. The height of each curve at any given point indi- cates the percentage within each group of men which possessed the stature marked at the base of that vertical line. Thus eight per cent of the Ligurian men were five feet and five inches tall (1'65 metres), while nine per cent of the Sardinians were fully two inches shorter (1*60 metres). In either case these several heights were the most common, although in no instance is the proportion * The curve for the Scotch, taken from the Report of the Antliropometrie Committee of the British Association for the Advancenient of Science for 1883, has been arhitraiily cor- rected to correspond to the metric system employed by Dr. Livi in the other curves. A centimetre is roughly equal to 0'4 of an inch. It is assumed that in consequence only 0-4 as many individuals will fall within each centimetre class as in the groups of stature differ- ing by inches. The ordinates in the Scotch diagram have therefore been reduced to U"4 of their height in the original curve. THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 197 considerable at a given stature. There is, however, for each coun- try or group of men some point about which the physical trait clusters. Thus the largest percentage of a given stature among the Scotch occurs at about five feet nine and a half inches. Yet a very large number of them, about five per cent, fall within the group of five feet seven inches (1"70 metres)— that is to say, no taller IS -I 0 METERS I 55 INCHES, ^ „ 1 + ABOVE S FT. 160 3 + 165 5 + 1.70 7 + 175 9* 1.80 11 + 1.85 li-r METEK 190 than an equal percentage of the Ligurians — and even in Sardinia there is an appreciable number of that stature. We must under- stand therefore, when we say that the Scotch are a tall people or a long-headed or blond one, that we mean thereby not that all the people are peculiar in this respect even to a slight degree, but merely that in this region there are more specimens of these spe- cial types than elsewhere. Still it remains that the great mass of the people are merely neutral. This is a more serious obstacle to overcome than direct contradictions. They merely whet the appetite. Our most difficult problem is to separate the typical wheat from the noncommittal straw ; to isolate our racial types from the general mean of the continent. We have now seen how limited are the racial results attain- able by the first of our two means of identification — that is, the purely anthropological one. It has appeared that only in the most simple conditions are the several traits constant and faith- ful to one another in their association in the same persons. Nor are we justified in asking for more. Our three racial types are not radically distinct seeds which, once planted in the several parts of Europe, have there taken root ; and, each preserving its pecul- iarities intact, have spread from those centers outward until they 198 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. have suddenly run up against one another along a racial frontier. Such was the old-fashioned view of races in the days before the theory of evolution had remodeled our ways of thinking, when human races were held to be distinct creations of a Divine will. We conceive of it all quite differently. These types for us are all necessarily offshoots from the same trunk. The problem is far m.ore complex to us for this reason. It is doubly dynamic. Up- building and demolition are taking place at the same time. By our constitution of racial types we seek to simplify the matter — for a moment to lose sight of all the destructive forces, and from ob- scure tendencies to derive ideal results. "VVe picture an anthro- pological goal which might have been attained had the life con- ditions been less complicated. Are we in this more presumptuous than other natural scien- tists ? Is the geologist more certain of his deductions in his res- toration of an ideal mountain chain from the denuded roots which alone bear witness to the fact to-day ? In this case all the super- structure has long since disappeared. The restoration is no less scientific. It represents more clearly than aught else the rise and disappearance, the results and future tendencies of great geologi- cal movements. We take no more liberties with our racial types than this geologist with his mountains ; nor do we mean more by our restorations. The parallel is instructive. The geologist is well aware that the uplifted folds as he depicts them never existed in completeness at any given time. He knows full well that ero- sion took place even as lateral pressure raised the contorted strata ; that one may even have been the cause of the other. If indeed denudation could have been postponed until all the elevation of the strata had been accomplished, then the restoration of the mountain chain would stand for a real but vanished thing. This, the geologist is well aware, was not thus and so. In precisely the same sense do we conceive of our races. Far be it from us to assume that these three races of ours ever in the history of man- kind existed in absolute purity or isolation from one another. As soon might the branch grow separate and apart from the parent oak. No sooner have environmental influences, peculiar habits of life, and artificial selection commenced to generate distinct vari- eties of men from the common clay ; no sooner has heredity set itself to perpetuating these ; than chance variation, migration, in- termixture, and changing environments, with a host of minor dis- persive factors, begin to efface this constructive work. Racial up- building and demolition, as we have said, have ever proceeded side by side. Never is the perfect type in view, while yet it is always possible. " Race," says Topinard, " in the present state of things is an abstract conception, a notion of continuity in discon- tinuity, of unity in diversity. It is the rehabilitation of a real THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 199 but directly unattainable thing." In tbis sense alone do we main- tain that there are three ideal racial types in Europe to be dis- tinguished from one another. They have often unfortunately dissolved in the common population ; each trait has gone its own way ; so that at the present time rarely, if indeed ever, do we dis- cover a single individual corresponding to our racial type in every detail. It exists for us nevertheless. Thus convinced that the facts do not warrant us in expecting too much of our anthropological means of isolating racial types, we have recourse to a second or inferential mode of study. In this we work by geographical areas rather than by personalities. We discover, for example, that the north of Europe constitutes a veritable center of dispersion of long-headedness. Quite independ- ently we discover that the same region contains more blond traits than any other part of Europe ; and that a high average stature there prevails. The inference is at once natural that these three characteristics combine to mark the prevalent type of the popula- tion. If one journeyed through it, one might at first expect to find the majority of the people to be long-headed and tall blondes; that the tallest individuals would be the most blond, the longest- headed most tall, and so on. This is, as we have already shown, too good and simple to be true, or even to be expected. Racial combinations of traits indeed disappear in a given population, as sugar dissolves, or rather as certain chemical salts are resolved into their constituent elements when immersed in water. From the proportions of each element discovered in the fluid, quite free from association, we are often able to show that they once were united in the same compound. In the same manner, we, finding these traits floating about loose, so to speak, in the same popula- tion, proceed to reconstitute types from them. We know that the people approach this type more and more as we near the specific center of its culmination. The traits may refuse to go otherwise than two by two, like the animals in the ark, although they may change partners quite frequently ; and they may still manifest dis- tinct aflinities one for another nevertheless. The apparent inference is not always the just one, although it tends to be. Suppose, for example, that one observer should prove that sixty per cent of ten thousand natives of Holland were blondes : and another, studying the same ten thousand individuals, should prove that a like proportion were very tall — would this of necessity mean that the Hollanders were mainly tall blondes ? Not at all ! It might still be that the two groups of traits merely overlapped at their edges. In other words, the great majority of the blondes might still be constituted from the shorter half of the population. Only twenty per cent need necessarily be tall and blond at once, even in this simple case where both observers stud- 200 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ied the same men from different points of view. How much more confusing if each chanced to hit upon an entirely different set of ten thousand men! This, be it noted, is generally the case in practice. Nevertheless, although there is always danger in such inferences, we are fortunate in possessing so many parallel inves- tigations that they check one another, and the tendencies all point in one direction. These tendencies we may discover by means of curves drawn as we have indicated above in our diagram. By them we may analyze each group in detail. Every turn of the lines has a mean- ing. Thus, the most noticeable feature of the Sardinian curve of statures is its narrowness and height ; the Ligurian one is broader at the base, with sloping sides ; and the Scotch one looks as if pressure had been applied at the apex to flatten it out still farther. The interpretation is clear. In Sardinia we have a relatively unmixed population. Nearly all of the people are characterized by statures between five feet one inch (1'56 metres) and five feet five inches (1"65 metres). They are homogeneous, in other words : and they are homogeneous at the lower limit of human variation in stature. The curve is steepest on the left side. This means that the stature has been depressed to a point where neither misery nor chance variation can stunt still further ; so that suddenly from seven per cent of the men of a height of five feet one and a half inches [more frequent than any given stature in Scotland] we drop to two per cent at a half inch shorter stat- ure. A moment's consideration will show that the narrower the pyramid, the higher it must be. One hundred per cent of the people must be accounted for somewhere. If they do not scatter sidewise, their aggregation near the center will elevate the apex, or the shoulders of the curve at least. So that a sharp pyra- mid points to a homogeneous people. If they were all precisely alike, a single vertical line one hundred per cent high would result. On the other hand, a flattened curve indicates the intro- duction of some disturbing factor, be it an immigrant race, en- vironment or what not. In this case the purity of the Sardin- ians is readily explicable. They have lived in the greatest isola- tion, set apart in the Mediterranean. A curve drawn for the Irish shows the same phenomenon. Islands demographically tend in the main to one or the other of the extremes. If unattractive, they offer examples of the purest isolation, as in Corsica and Sar- dinia. If inviting or on the cross-paths of navigation, like Sicily, their people speedily degenerate into mixed types. For if incen- tive to immigration be offered, they are approachable alike from all sides. The Scotch, as we have observed, are more or less mixed in type, and unequally subjected to the influences of envi- ronment ; so that their curve shows evidence of heterogeneity. THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 201 Scotland combines tlie isolation of the highlands with a great extent of seacoast. The result has been that in including the population of both areas in a single curve we find evidence of impurity in the great variability of stature. By the second geographical method which we have described, we constitute our racial types as the archseologist, from a mass of broken fragments of pottery, restores the designs upon his shat- tered and incomplete vases. Upon a bit of clay he discovers tracings of a portion of a conventionalized human figure. A full third — let us say the head of Thoth or some other Egyptian deity — is missing. The figure is incomplete to this extent. Near by is found upon another fragment a representation of the head and half the body of another figure. In this case it is the legs alone which lack. This originally formed no part of the same vase with the first bit. It is perhaps of entirely different size and color. Nevertheless, finding that the portions of the design upon the two fragments bear marks of identity in motive or design, data for the complete restoration of the figure of the god are at hand. It matters not that from the fragments in his possession the archseologist can reconstruct no single perfect form. The pieces of clay will in no wise fit together. The designs, notwith- standing, so complement one another that his mind is set at rest. The afi&nity of the two portions is almost as clearly defined as the disposition of certain chemical elements to combine in fixed pro- portions; for primitive religion or ornament is not tolerant of variation. We copy the procedure of the archseologist precisely. In one population color of hair and stature gravitate toward certain defi- nite combinations. Not far away, perhaps in another thousand men drawn from the same locality, the same stature is found to manifest an affinity for certain types of head form. It may require scores of observations to detect the tendency, so slight has it be- come. In still another thousand men perhaps a third combina- tion is revealed. These all, however, overlap at the edges. Granted that an assumption is necessary. It is allowed to the archseolo- gist. Our conclusions are more certain than his, even as the laws of physical combination are more immutable than those of mental association. For it was merely mental conservatism which kept the primitive designer of the vase from varying his patterns. Here we have unchanging physical facts upon which to rely. Of course, we should be glad to find all our physical traits definitely associated in completeness in the same thousand recruits, were it not denied to us. The archseologist would likewise rejoice at the discovery of a single perfect design upon a single vase. Both of us lack entities; we must be contented with afiinities instead. 202 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. A final step in our constitution of races — that is, of hereditary types — is to prove that they are persistent ; that like father like son corresponds to the facts in the case. Of direct testimony we possess nothing. No single investigator, save perhaps Gal- ton, has to my knowledge followed down a line from one genera- tion to another. Anthropologists are human themselves. The life of man is all too short to cover such tasks. But of indirect proof we have plenty. We know, for example, that in the north of Europe, as far back as archaeology can carry us, men of a type of head form identical with the living population to-day were in a majority. Likewise the lake dwellers in Switzerland in the stone age, little more civilized than the natives of Africa, were true ancestors of the present Alpine race. Prehistoric ar- chaeology thus comes to our aid with cumulative proof that at all events traits are hereditary in populations, even if not always so in men. In truth, we here enter upon a larger field of investiga- tion than the anthropological one. The whole topic of heredity opens up before us, too immense to discuss in this place. Suffice it to say that in the main no question is entertained upon the sub- ject, save in the special cases of artificially acquired characteristics and the like. After this tedious summary of methods, let us turn to results. The table on this page shows the combinations of traits into racial types which seem best to accord with the facts. It speaks for itself. European Racial Types. Head. Face. Hair. Eyes. Stature. Nose. Synonyms. Used by. 1 Teutonic. Long. Long. Very light. Blue. Tall. Narrow ; aquiline. Reihengriiber. Germanic. Kymrif. Aryan. (V) Germans French. 2 Alpine (Celtic). Round. Broad. Light chest- nut. Hazel- gray. Medium. Variable ; rather broad ; Homo Europasus. Celto- Slavic. Dissentis. Arverniau. liapouge. French. Germans Beddoe. 3 Mediter- ranean. Long. Long Dark brown or bl'k. Dark. Short. (V) heavy. Rather broad. Ligurian. Homo Alitinus. Il)eiiiiii. Ligunan. Taylor. Lapoiige English. Livi. The first of our races is perhaps the most characteristic. It is entirely restricted to northwestern Europe, with a center of dispersion in Scandinavia. Our portraits, chosen as typical by Dr. Arbo of the Norwegian army, show certain of the physical peculiarities, especially the great length of the head, the long oval face, and the straight aquiline nose. The face is rather smooth in outline, the cheek bones not being prominent. The narrow nose seems to be a very constant trait, as much so as the THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 203 tendency to tall stature. Dr. Collignon has even demonstrated it as a law in France that the relation between the two holds good. The Teutonic race is also strongly inclined to blondness. The eyes are blue or light gray, and the hair flax- en, tawny, reddish, or sandy. The whole combination accords exactly with the descriptions handed down to us by the ancients. Such were the Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Van- dals, Lombards, together with the Danes, Norsemen, Saxons, and their fellows of another place and time. History is thus strictly corroborated by natural science. Our second racial type is most per- sistently characterized by the shape of the head. This is short and at the same time broad. The roundness is accompanied by a broad face, the chin full, and the nose rather heavy. These traits are all shown more or less clearly in our por- traits, one from south central France, two from Bavaria, and one from northern Italy. The side views show the shortness of the Teutonic Type. Norway, Vaage. Cephalic Index, 75. Teutonic Types. Norway, Hedaleii. Cephalic Index, 76. head as contrasted with the Teutonic type above described. At the same time the cranium is high, the forehead straight, some- times almost overhanging. It seems as if pressure had been ap- plied front and back, the skull having yielded in an upward direc- tion. This type is of medium height, decidedly inclined toward stockiness in build. Its whole aspect is rather of solidity than of 204 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. agility. The color of tlie liair and eyes is rather neutral, at all events intermediate between the Teutonic and Mediterranean Alpine Type. Auvergne, Central France. races. There is a tendency toward grayish eyes, while the hair is more often brown. In these respects, however, there is great variability, and the transition to the north and south is very gradual. Climate or other environmental influence has in these Alpine Types. Bavaria. traits eliminated all sharp division lines. These peculiarities aj)- pear only when the type is found in extreme isolation and purity. What name shall we apply to this second race, characterized by its great breadth of head primarily, and which has its main THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 205 center of dissemination in the Alps. For the first three of our types the task of christening was simple enough. To name this second one would have been comparatively easy as well, if Csesar had not introduced his Commentaries by the well-known passage : "All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgse inhabit ; the Aquitani, another ; those who in their own language are called Celts, in ours Gauls, the third." The so-called Celtic question is all involved in this simple statement. Let us reduce it to its lowest terms. The philologers properly insist upon calling all those who speak the Celtic language Celts. With less reason the archaeologists follow them and insist upon assigning the name Celt to all those who pos- sessed the Celtic culture ; while the physical anthropologists, finding the Celtic language spoken by peoples of divers physical types, with equal pro- priety hold that the term Celt should be applied to that phys- ical group or type of men which includes the greatest number of those who use the Celtic lan- guage. This manifestly oper- ated to the exclusion of those who spoke Celtic but who dif- fered from the linguistic major- ity in physical characteristics. The practical result of all this was that anthropologists called the tall and blond people of northern France and Belgium, Gauls or Kymri ; and the broad heads of middle and southwest- ern France Celts : while Cccsar, as we saw, insisted that the Celt and the Gaul were identical. The anthropologists affirmed that the Celtic language had slipped off the tongues of some, and that others had adopted it at second hand. Their explanation held that the blond Belgse had come into France from the north, bringing the Celtic speech, which those already there speedily adopted ; but that they remained as distinct in blood as before. These anthropologists, therefore, insisted that the Belgae deserved a distinctive name: and they called them Gauls, since they ruled in Gaul, in distinction from the Celts, who, being the earlier in- habitants, constituted the majority of the Celtic-speaking people. This was a cross- division with the philologists, who called the Belgse Celts, because they brought the language, reserving the name Gaul, as they said, for the natives of that country; but Alpine Type. Piednioiit, Northern Italy. Cephalic Index, 91 •2. zo6 POPULAR SCIEJ^CE MONTHLY. both philologists and anthropologists alike differed from the his- torians, who held to Cfesar's view that the Gauls and the Celts were all one. Still greater confusion arises if we attempt to discuss the origin of the people of the British Isles, where this Celtic question enters again. Thus the people of Ireland and Wales, of Cornwall and the Scottish Highlands, together with the Bretons in France, would all be Celtic for the linguist because they all spoke the Celtic language. For the anthropologist, as we shall see, the 7- Alpine (Slavic) Types. Middle Eussia. Breton is as far from the Welsh as in some respects tlie Welsh are from the Scotch. It happened that the father of modern anthropology, the illus- trious Paul Broca, having pre-empted the term Celt for the people including most of the broad-headed type and its main crosses, all the anthropologists have followed him. The linguists have re- fused to yield their side, and still use the name in their own sense. We shall not seek to solve the question. If we have shown what confusion may result from the use of this term, we are content. Our own view is that the linguists and the archaeologists are per- haps better entitled to the name Celt; but that they should be utterly denied the use of the word race. Be this as it may, we shall invent a new term, or rather adopt one from M. de Lapouge, THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. 207 Mixed Alpine (Asiatic) Type. Hungary. and call the broad- headed type Alpine. It centers in that region. It everywhere follows the elevated portions of western Europe. It is, therefore, pre-eminently a mountain type, whether in France, Spain, Italy, Germany, or Albania. By the use of it we shall carefully distinguish between language, cul- ture, and physical type. Thus the Celtic language and the Aryan cul- ture may spread over the Alpine race, or vice versa. As, in fact, each may migrate in independence of the others ; so in our terminology we may distinctly follow them apart from one another. No confusion of terms can result. It is purely a geo- graphical name, like the one we have applied to the third group. One more matter of racial names remains for consideration. What shall we do with the term Slavic, which like Celtic is purely a linguistic or ethnological term ? Curiously enough, from Poland to Macedonia, all over eastern Eu- rope in fact, where the Slavic lan- guage is in common use, the people are of the same physical type as the Alpine race. The distinctive fea- tures, especially the broad-headed- ness, are somewhat attenuated, to be sure ; but anthropologists are agreed that the two groups are iden- tical. Our Russian portraits show the tendency in this direction. In eastern Europe, however, this type ceases to be identified with the moun- tainous areas. Its zone of extension is widespread over the plains. Shall we continue to call these people Slavs from their language, or assign them to the Alpine group despite this cir- cumstance ? Or shall we, as in re- cent vogue, apply the term Slavo- Celtic to the whole combination ? The question is still further confused because the Slavic language linguistically is akin to the Teutonic, although the two physical types are as wide apart as the poles. If we reject our term Celt, Mediterranean Type. Corsican. Cephalic Index, 72 '3 . 208 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Berber, Tunis. Cephalic Index, 72. rowness of tlie forehead. the other, being equally a linguistic term, should go as well. The only alternative seems to be to apply the term Homo Alpinus to this broad-headed group wherever it occurs, whether in moun- tains or plains, in the west or in the east. The name is justified by the circum- stance that its main body occurs in the Alps, and that its purest types culminate there as well. We now come to the last of our three races, which is generally known as the Mediterranean or Iberian type. It pre- vails everywhere south of the Pyrenees, along the southern coast of France, and in southern Italy, including Sicily and Sardinia. Once more we return to a type of head form almost identical with the Teutonic. Our portraits of Corsicans on a preceding page, with the enlargement of one of the four in the group, show the exaggerated length of face and the nar- The cephalic index drops from eighty- seven and above in the Alps to about seventy-five all along the line. This is the primary fact to be noted. Coincidently, the color of hair and eyes becomes very dark, almost black. The figure is less amply proportioned, the people become light and rather agile. It is certain that the stature at the same time falls to an exceed- ingly low level : fully nine inches — more than a head — below the aver- ages for Teutonic Europe. Authori- ties are, however, divided as to the significance of this. It has been shown that while the average height is low, a considerable number, and those of the purest type in other re- spects, are of goodly stature. It may indeed be that, as we have already suggested, too protracted civilization is responsible for this diminutiveness. The people of northern Africa (illustrated by our portrait), pure Mediterranean Eu- ropeans, are of medium size in fact. Personally I incline to the view that culture is to blame, and that the type is normally of Mediterranean Type. Montiicllier. C'ephali'" lude.x, 07. GLOBE LIGHTNING. 209 medium size, although it would be impossible of proof at this writing. It would be interesting at this time to follow out the intel- lectual differences between these three races which we have described. The future social complexion of Europe is largely dependent upon them. The problem is too complicated to treat briefly. In a later paper, devoted expressly to modern social problems, we may return to it again. Our physical analysis is now complete. The next task is to trace the origin of nationalities from the combination of these elements. We shall begin with the French ; for this single nation is, alone in all Europe, com- pounded of all three racial elements ; nay, more, we shall be able to point to a still older population than any of these, living to-day in France, with an unbroken ancestry reaching back to the pre- historic stone age. GLOBE LIGHTNING. By M. HAGENAU. OCCASIONALLY in thunderstorms peculiar electrical appa- ritions occur, similar in destructiveness to ordinary light- ning, but by no means so transient. Their duration is measured, not by thousandths of a second, but by whole seconds or even minutes. They move so slowly that their progress can be accu- rately followed by the eye. As they generally appear in the form of glowing spheres, they are known as fireballs or globe lightning. The first account of this peculiar form of lightning was given by the celebrated English physicist, Robert Boyle, who described a ball which suddenly appeared on July 34, 1681, on the ship Albemarle. The sailors attacked it in vain with blows and water, but it burned itself out, leaving behind a strong smell of gunpowder. In Boyle's time ordinary lightning flashes were thought to consist of inflamed gas, so that an occurrence like the above did not appear particularly striking, but later investigators were unable to make the fireball fit their knowledge and theory of electricity, and declared it to be a myth. A layman stated that such a ball appeared in his room during a storm and slowly made its way to the chimney. The scientific people asserted that it was an illusion of the senses, and that there were no such things as fireballs. But the balls continued to appear, in some instances being simultaneously seen by a number of trustworthy witnesses, so that their existence had to be admitted. Let us notice a few well-attested recent cases : Dr. A. Wartmann has given the Physical Society of Geneva TOL. LI. 16 2 10 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. an account of a ball which he observed during a very violent storm on December 20, 1888, at half past six in the evening, while he was driving from Versoix to Genthod. As he passed the entrance gate of a large mansion he became aware of a very bright and persistent illumination, quite different from the inter- mittent light of the incessant lightning Hashes. Thinking it was a fire, he turned and saw, about one thousand feet away, a ball of fire some eighteen inches in diameter. It floated about half its diameter above the ground, and moved par- allel with his own course with the swiftness of a hawk, leaving no trace behind it. At a point about twenty-five yards ahead of him it burst with an appalling crash. " It seemed to me," the report concludes, " to throw out lines of fire. We felt a violent shock, and were blinded for several seconds. As soon as I could distinguish anything, I saw that the horses were standing at right angles to the carriage, with their heads toward the hedge. Their ears drooped, and they exhibited every symptom of intense fright." At the same time, a little less than a mile away, a farmer found himself surrounded by a violet light. He heard a loud explosion, and was thrown bodily ten feet, alighting on a piece of soft turf, more frightened than hurt. On July 1, 1891, a fireball entered a carpenter's cabin near Schlieben. The carpenter was sitting on the edge of a bed on which a child was sleeping. A ball of fire sprang suddenly and with a loud noise from the fireplace to the bed, which was imme- diately shattered. Then the ball rolled very slowly to the oppo- site wall of the room, through which, or the floor, it apparently vanished with another fearful crash without setting fire to any- thing. The man's wife and another child were sleeping in a sec- ond bed and the baby in a cradle, all in the same room, but none of the five persons was wounded or even stunned. All complained of headache and deafness on account of the heavy sulphurous vapor which filled the room, but they soon recovered. Some frac- tures were discovered about the stove and chimney. Less fortunate were the children in a schoolhouse in Bouin, France, who were visited by a fireball while at their afternoon prayers. It was preceded by a shower of lime, wood, and stones. The ball, which was small, rolled along under the benches, killing three of the children, and went out through a window pane, in which it merely made a round hole, whereas all the other panes were shattered. On January 2, 1890, a ball appeared in an electro-technical establishment in Pontevedra, Spain. It was seen to strike the line wires about nine o'clock in the evening under a clear sky, but no one could say just how it struck or from what direction it came. GLOBE LIGHTNING. 211 The ball, which was about as big as an orange, moved slowly along the wires to the central station and struck the dynamo, which was running. Before the eyes of the terrified workmen it sprang twice from the dynamo to the wires and back. Then it fell from the machine and burst into a shower of sparks without doing any damage. The electric lamps flickered during its visit, and the thick copper plates of the switch were melted and welded in places. Of especial interest is the appearance of a large number of balls during a tornado on August 18, 1890, in the French De'parte- menf Ills et Vilaine. A farmer of Vizy, who was caught by the storm in the field, saw a fireball fall with great velocity. Panic- stricken, he threw himself on the ground. The luminous ball struck the earth, burst with a loud noise, and covered him with dust. Dwellers in Vers I'Eau and Samiset saw balls as large as a man's head and of a vivid red, which moved slowly toward some barns, where they vanished after setting the haystacks on fire. In Saint- Claude a great number of balls entered dwellings by the chimneys. They moved slowly to and fro and escaped through windows, doors, and walls, after doing more or less damage. The air in the houses was impregnated with the smell of sulphur or gunpowder. The region of the Hochgebirge is especially favorable for the observation of globe lightning. Alluard, the director of the observatory on the Puy-de-Dome, reports that frequently during thunderstorms showers of small balls of fire are seen falling. On the peak Saentis, in the same region, where a meteorological station was founded at an ele- vation of twenty-five hundred and four metres in 1882, some very remarkable phenomena were observed by a minister named Studer on June 28, 1885. He and a companion were caught out in the storm after nightfall. All at once they saw on the ridge ex- tending from Saentis to the neighboring peak of Altmann flaring flames and small yellow balls of light. The latter ran along as if on a wire, approached each other, then exploded and fell down. A single larger ball of fire hovered over the same ridge, moving to and fro in a flat parabola with about the speed of a ball thrown by the hand, except that its velocity was uniform. It was visible for several minutes. Then there was a frightful explosion, which seemed to shake the whole mountain to its foundations, and a dis- play of natural fireworks, " of a magnificence never before wit- nessed," amazed the spectators. The telephone wire from the station to the valley glowed with great brilliancy as far as it could be seen, and waving sheets of fire extended from it to the ground. Suddenly the whole fiery 212 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. mass fell to the earth, the wire melted, and the spectators were left in total darkness. The nature of this peculiar form of lightning is not yet under- stood, although Plants and F. von Lepel have succeeded in pro- ducing in the laboratory, with the aid of powerful electrical machines, small balls of fire which, like those of Nature, moved to and fro for a while and then vanished. These experiments have suggested the theory that the fireballs consist of heated air and water vapor. But this theory is insuffi- cient, and gives no satisfactory explanation of the various phe- nomena which have been observed. The subject still needs in- vestigation. It is especially desirable to increase our store of working material — that is, of observations. Whoever, therefore, is fortunate enough to have witnessed a display of globe light- ning should communicate his observations to one of the meteoro- logical journals. — Translated for the Popular Science Monthly from Die Gartenlaube, by Laivrence B. Fletcher. WORLD'S GEOLOGISTS AT ST. PETERSBURG. By WILLI A.M H. BALLOU. THE Fifth International Geological Congress at Washington received an invitation from the Russian government to hold its seventh session in St. Petersburg. The Sixth Congress at Ziirich accepted the invitation. By unanimous vote, A. Karpin- sky. Director of the Committee of Geologists of Russia, was elected president of the Bureau of Organization ; A. Inostranzew, vice-president; Th. Tschernyschew and N. Androussow, secre- taries. His Majesty the Czar will open the Seventh International Congress at St. Petersburg on August 17th, and welcome the visiting delegates to his empire. The Grand Duke Constantino- vitch will act as Honorary President. Prof. Karpinsky will doubtless be made President of the congress. Circulars of in- formation in French have been received by geologists, outlining the occupations of the delegates, so far as the Russians can arrange for their pleasure. The sessions will last seven days, preceded and succeeded by intervals of geological and sight-seeing excursions, covering the principal areas of Russia. In many respects this will be the most important of the con- gresses so far held. The geological map of Europe, which will probably be printed complete in two years, will be exhibited. Seg- ments of this map have already been received by geologists, and will probably have their hearty approval at the congress. The WORLD'S GEOLOGISTS AT ST. PETERSBURG. 213 committee on geological nomenclature will doubtless make a fair showing, although beset by many difficulties in harmonizing the •views of members. A difference of opinion of grave proportions, which has threatened the life of past congresses, concerns the prob- able culmination of previous attempts of geologists to get the con- trol of the organization out of the hands of officials of the scientific bureaus of various governments. The excur- sions laid out certainly cover a vast territory, including the Ural Mountains, Moscow, Volga River region. Samara to Kazan, the glacial forma- tions of Esthonia, Finland, basin of the Donetz, mineral waters of Vladikavkaz, Nij- ni-Novgorod, Kiew, Dnieper River, to Tifiis and glaciers by military route of Geor- gia, Tifiis to Baku, Batoum, and Kertch, all parts of the Crimea, Sebastopol, southern Russian mining region, to the glacier Guenaldon at Pia- tigorsk. Lake Gokhtcha, Mount Ararat, etc. The International Geolog- ical Congress was conceived by the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the Buffalo meeting, 1876, when a resolution was adopted, calling for such a congress to be ' held in Paris in 1878. The committee comprised W. B. Rogers, Dr. James Hall, J. W. Dawson, the late Dr. J. S. Newberry, the late Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, C. H. Hitchcock, R. Pumpelly, of Amer- ica ; the late Prof. T. H. Huxley, Dr. Otto Torrell, and E. H. van Baumhaur, of Europe. Dr. Hall was made chairman of the com- mittee and Dr. Hunt secretary. Their labors resulted in the first international congress being held in Paris in 1888. The second congress was held in Bologna, the third in Berlin, the fourth in London, the fifth in Washington, and the sixth in Zurich, at in- tervals of three years. The geological map of Europe was conceived at the congress of Bologna, where it was determined that the methods of accom- plishing the ends of unification in nomenclature and coloring had become sufficiently understood. It was thought best to select The Grand Duke Constantinovitcii, President of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and Hon- orary President of the Congress. 214 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Frof. a. Karpinsky, Director of the Impcriul Geological Survey aud President of the Bureau of Organization of the Congress. Messrs. Beyrich and Hauchecorne, direction at Berlin ; Prof. Renevier, retary; Messrs. DauLree, of France ; Giordano, of Italy ; A. Karpinsky, of Russia; Mojsisovics, of Austria-Hun- gary ; and Topley, of Great Britain. Professors Dau- br^e, Giordano, and Topley have since died. The scale of the map is one in one mil- lion and a half. It is divided into forty - nine sheets of 18-89 by 20-86 inches. These sheets, when all are com- pleted, will form a rectangle 11-04 feet high by 12-17 feet wide. The topographic base was prepared by Prof. Kie- pert, of Berlin. D. Reimer & Co., Berlin, are the pub- Europe as the subject of the map because it contained a great area, practically well known, the largest number of geologists, and included the greatest number of carto- graphical difficulties. Con- taining the largest number of geologists, representing many nationalities, it was conceded that any map which could pass their acceptance would stand any test of criticism elsewhere. The inherent puz- zles of structure in Europe furnished a fascinating series of difficult problems for solu- tion, long and zealously dis- cussed, with both natural and artificial intricacies. No bet- ter area to test the patience and tax the genius of the con- gress could have been chosen. The committee appointed to prepare the map comprised of Germany, with power of of Switzerland, as general sec- 1)h. .Iames Hall, New York State Geologist. WORLD'S GEOLOGISTS AT ST. PETERSBURG, 215 lishers at their own risk. The price of the work was fixed at 125 francs ($35). The vari- ous national committees sub- scribed and paid the publish- ers for nine hundred copies at the rate of 100 francs each. The map represents the com- pletest and most accurate geological information ob- tainable, and every step in its progress has been carefnl- ly taken, so that the result forms a consensus of Euro- last congress at pean opinion At the Ziirich, Switzerland, two propositions were submitted by Dr. Persifor Frazer, and the bureau was ordered to report on them at St. Peters- burg, as follows : " 1. To what extent does the congress recognize the right of Prof. The Late Prof. E. D. Cope, University of Pennsylvania. Peesifor Fkazer, Philadelphia Academy of Sciences. governmental bureaus as such, or of any kind of organiza- tions, to send representatives to the congress ? "2. Within what limita- tions does the congress rec- ognize the right of such rep- resentatives, or of only a por- tion of the members of the congress coming from the same country, to choose who shall be the vice-president representing their country, or to take any other steps in the name of their country without consultation of all of their countrymen, mem- bers of the congress ? " In these propositions is said to lie the future of in- ternational geological con- gresses. If government offi- cials are alone to represent 2l6 POPULAR SCIEJSCE MONTHLY. Prof. C. D. Walcott, Director, United States Geological Survey. were declared by the Swiss council alone eligible and representative, and were made vice-president and dele- gate from the United States, At present too many mem- bers of government bureaus comprise the official roster of the congress, although the congress itself is composed of several hundred of the most distinguished geologists of the world, who, if not mem- bers of a geological survey, are ignored by those now in control. This is a situation which does not commend it- self to scientific men, many of whom occupy chairs in great universities or emi- nent positions as specialists. These men think the abuse has become a flagrant one. countries and hold office, the congress at St. Petersburg may be the last. Formerly the officers of geological sur- veys of nations fought the establishment of the con- gress. The congresses once established, the bureaucrats changed front, got hold of the machinery through their representatives, and now mostly control it. At St. Petersburg the unofficial ge- ologists of the world will try to wrest the direction from the members of geological surveys. At Ziirich, for in- stance, there were present thirteen of the most distin- guished geologists of the United States. Two sala- ried assistants of the Unit- ed States Geological Survey J'u'iF. .1. .1. StI'.vknson, University of New York, President New Yorli Academy of Sciences. WORLD'S GEOLOGISTS AT ST. PETERSBURG. 217 If there is an object for the congress to accomplish, it is to open its doors and honors equally to all geologists. It is thought that if the con- gress decides that only bu- reau employees enjoy ex- clusive privileges and alone constitute the personnel of the permanent organization, which keeps the organiza- tion alive in session and out, then the body has simply be- come a medium of ofhcialism, a governments' trust, and should be disbanded. As a trust, it will simply continue to extenuate errors and pre- serve the power of govern- ment survey directors. The independent geologists think the congress has been per- verted and diverted from its original high purpose, and that / A Prof. B. K. Emerson, Amherst College. Prof. C. 11. Hitchcock, Diutmoutli College. the time has come to rescue it. They desire it to be the high- est tribunal of appeal on purely scientific matters. The protesting Americans are led by Dr. Persifor Fra- zer, of Philadelphia, who is an able linguist and parlia- mentarian. He will repre- sent the American Philosoph- ical Society, the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, and the editorial staff of the Ameri- can Geologist. Prof. Giovan- ni Capellini (Italy), who re- cently received the Hayden medal and who will probably be decorated by the Czar at this congress, thinks the bat- tle against officialism already won. In a recent letter he states : " The committee of organization has the good 2l8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Prof. William N. Rice, Wesleyan University. tervening work of these committees has been adopt- ed, clause by clause. When- ever unsettled questions were announced they were either adjourned to subse- quent sessions, or discretion was granted to the commit- tees to mature their own plans. The committees have been remarkably successful, and no attempt has been made by them to force their conclusions on the con- gresses or introduce into the discussions the narrow partisanship of particular schools. Among the men who have been active in the unification of coloration are Profs. Zittel and Hauche- corne, of Germany; Prof. Thomas McKenny Hughes, of England ; Prof. Del- intention of returning the congress to the right path, in conformity with the ob- ject of its institution, hav- ing recognized that it has been entirely deflected from its path in Switzerland." While the committee's "in- tentions" may be good, it will require something more powerful to break down offi- cialism and restore the chair of a university to its equal- ity with a membership of a government bureau. Two international com- mittees have been at work for some years to secure a uniform nomenclature and coloration in European geo- logical science. At each ses- sion of the congress the in- Prof. N. II. WiNCHELL, University of Minnesota, State Geologist. WORLD'S GEOLOGISTS AT ST. PETERSBURG, 219 walque, of Belgium ; Prof, de Lapparent, of France ; Prof. J. Szabd, of Hungary ; Profs. Delgado, Choffat, Bensaude, Goncalves, and de Lima, of Portugal ; Prof. Stefanescu, of Roumania ; Prof. Mayer-Eymar, of Switzerland ; Profs. Capellini and de Zigno, of Italy; Prof. Nikitin, of Russia; Prof. Stur, of Austria; Prof. Vilanova, of Spain ; Prof. Johnstrup, of Denmark ; Prof. Kjerulf, of Norway ; Prof, van Calker, of Holland ; and Prof. Torrell, of Sweden. The committee on the unification of the nomenclature of rocks comprises Knop, Zirkel, and Rosenbusch, of Germany ; Golliez, Hutenmal, and Schmidt, of Switzerland ; Renard and de la Vallde Poussin, of Bel- gium ; Behrens and Wich- mann, of Holland ; Macpher- son and Gonzalo y Farin, of Spain ; Bensaude, of Portu- gal ; Michel-Levy, Barrois, and La Croix, of France ; Teall, Geikie, and Judd, of England ; Brogger, of Nor- way ; Zujovis, of Roumania ; Lowinson-Lessing, of Rus- sia ; Tietze and Tschermak, of Austria-Hungary ; J. P. Iddings,Whitman Cross, and C. R. Van Hise, of the Unit- ed States; and Barcena, of Mexico. A committee will report on an exhaustive study of the changes which occur in glaciers, for which Prince Prof. Eugene A. Smith, University of Alabama, State Geologist. Roland Bonaparte is chair- man and pays the cost. It is composed as follows : Richter, of Austria; Fintswalder, of Germany; Reid, of the United States; Bonaparte, of France; Hall, of England; and Forel, of Switzer- land. The original American committee of the International Con- gresses has been somewhat decimated by death. It comprised Prof. James Hall, chairman, Albany; Dr. Persifor Frazer, sec- retary, Philadelphia ; the late Dr. J. S. Newberry, New York ; the late Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, Montreal ; Prof. C. H. Hitchcock, Han- over, N. H. ; Prof. Raphael Pumpelly, Newport ; Prof. H. S. Wil- liams, Yale ; Prof. J. P. Lesley, Philadelphia ; Major J. W. Powell, Washington ; the late Prof. G. H. Cook, Brunswick, N. J. ; 2ZO POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Prof, J. J. Stevenson, New York ; the late Prof. E. D. Cope, Phila- delphia ; Prof. Eugene A. Smith, Tuscaloosa, Ala. ; Prof. N. H. Winchell, Minneapolis ; and the late Prof. James D. Dana, New Haven. Most of those above living will be present at St. Pe- tersburg, and are nearly all opposed to the control of the congress by bureaucrats. Through the eflforts of the former personnel of the Unit- ed States Geological Survey, the American committee was abolished at the Indianapolis meeting of the American As- sociation for the Advance- ment of Science, where the survey staff got temporary control. At the last meeting of the Association, at Buffalo, the following delegates were appointed to St. Petersburg : Prof. James Hall, Albany ; the late Prof. E. D. Cope, Philadelphia ; Prof. B. K. Em- erson, Amherst; Prof. C. D. Walcott, Washington ; and Prof. W. N. Rice, Middle- town. These delegates will soon be made a new Ameri- can committee, and their number materially increased in the near future. The delegates of the Geological Society of America will comprise Prof. J. J. Stevenson, New York University ; Prof. B. K. Emerson, Amherst College ; and Prof. I. C. White, Morgan- town, W. Va, All objects for exhibition bearing the address " Russia, St. Petersburg Exposition of the International Geological Congress,"' can go through without having to be submitted to customs in- spection at the frontier. Russian consuls everywhere have been instructed to vise passports of geologists presenting membership cards, which will also facilitate matters at the frontier. Mem- bers will receive a ticket of first-class transportation on all Rus- sian and Finland railways. The sessions of the congress will be held at the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Accompanying this article is a copy of the official map of the excursions offered to geologists by the Russian Government, which has made great sacrifices to entertain its guests. Over six hundred membership cards have been issued, in consequence of Pkof. II. S. Williams, Yale College. WORLD'S GEOLOGISTS AT ST. PETERSBURG. 221 which the committee has decided to exclude from the excursions all who are not authors of geological publications. It is esti- mated that the restriction will reduce the number of excursion- ists to about two hundred people. The cost of the excursions, reduced to the mere maintenance of individuals, has been fixed approximately as follows : To the Urals, four hundred francs ; in Esthonia, one hundred and thirty- five francs; to Finland, fifty francs ; the great excursion after the congress, six hundred and sixty-five francs ; to Ararat, two hundred and seventy francs ; to the glacier Mamisson, one hundred and twenty francs ; to Elbo- rous or Sebastopol, forty francs additional to general excursion. Each of the smaller and special excursions have a price estab- lished, estimated at twenty-one francs per day. The committee 222 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. will refund any overcharges made. These magnanimous reduc- tions in the cost of travel are due to the personal efforts of A. Yermolow, Minister of Agriculture, to the proprietors and ad- ministrations of the districts having works, and to the officers of municipalities along the routes of the excursions. WOMAN SUFFRAGE AND EDUCATION.* By IlKLEN KENDRICK JOHNSON. IN 1848 a Woman- Suffrage Convention, called by Mrs. Stanton. Mrs. Mott, and others, issued a "Declaration of Sentiments,"' which was an imitation of the famous Declaration of Independ- ence. It constituted an elaborate indictment of man as the oppressor of woman, and the suffrage leaders of to-day still hold to it as their broad exposition of principles. The seventh count in the indictment was, " He has denied her facilities for obtain- ing a thorough education, all colleges being closed against her." Among the resolutions passed in an early suffrage convention was one demanding " equal rights in the universities," and the first petition presented by suffrage advocates contained a clause asking that entrance to men's colleges be obtained for women by legal enactment. We note that this is far from being a demand for education for women equal to that given to men in the uni- versities. Men have founded colleges for women, men and women have worked together in securing for woman every facility and opportunity for education of the highest grade ; but the "barrier of sex" is not broken down in education. Bat few of the older colleges for men admit women, and those few, so far as I have learned from conversation with members of their faculties, speak of the arrangement as an experiment, and give the need for economy, combined with a desire to assist women, as a reason for making that experiment. Meantime the knocking at men's liter- ary portals by suffrage advocates has gone on as vigorously as if women could obtain education in no other way. In the first suffrage convention ever held in Massachusetts these two resolutions were adopted: "That political rights ac- knowledge no sex, and therefore the word * male 'should be stricken from every State Constitution " ; and " that every effort to edu- cate woman, until you accord to her her rights, and arouse her conscience by the weight of her responsibilities, is futile, and a waste of labor." * PVoin Woman and tVie Republic. By Helen Kendrick Johnson. In pre.«s of D. Appleton & Co. WOMAN SUFFJiAGA' AIVB EDUCATION. 223 The State in which these sentiments were uttered abounded in fine schools for girls, among which were Mount Holyoke and Wheaton Seminaries, A rapid survey of some of the educational conditions that led to the state of things existing when suffrage associations were formed will be in place. Learning seemed incompatible with worship early in the Christian era. The faith that worked by love was " to the Jews a stumbling-block and to the Greeks fool- ishness." That great battle between the felt and the compre- hended, which in this era we have named the conflict between science and religion, was decided in the mind of the apostle to the Gentiles when he wrote : " We know in part, and we prophesy in part ; when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done awaj''." He recalled the accusation, " Thou art beside thyself, much learning hath made thee mad," and he has- tened to assure the unlettered fishermen and the simple and de- vout women who were followers of Christ, that " all knowledge " was naught if they had not love ; that even faith was vain if it led to the rejection of the diviner wisdom that a little child could understand. The great learning of Augustine and the Fathers brought into the Church pagan speculations of God and morality, as well as pagan knowledge in art, science, and literature. The Church be- came corrupted, and a great outcry was made against the learning itself, which was falsely supposed to be the cause of the degenera- tion of faith. Symonds says that during the dark ages that followed upon this first battle between faith and sight, the mean- ing of Latin words derived from the Greek was lost; that Homer and Virgil were believed to be contemporaries, and " Orestes Tragedia" was supposed to be the name of an author. Milman says that "at the Council of Florence in 1438, the Pope of Rome and the Patriarch of Constantinople being ignorant, the one of Greek and the other of Latin, discoursed through an interpreter." It was near the time of the Reformation that a German monk announced in his convent that " a new language, called Greek, had been invented, and a book had been written in it called the New Testament." " Beware of it," he added, " it is full of daggers and poison." But the tradition of the love that book revealed had crept into the heart of the world, and now awoke. Through what struggles the "spirit of all truth" promised by Christ was leading, and would lead the world, the history of civilization can tell. Women shared in some degree the outward benefits of the revival of learning. They became in not a few instances doctors of law and professors of the great universities that sprang up, as well as teachers, transcribers, and illuminators in the great nunneries. 2 24 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. I could give a long and honorable list of names of woman writers and artists, in many lands, from mediioval to modern times; and one of the interesting things revealed by such a record would be the number who were working with or were directly inspired and helped by a father or a brother. The court had some names of women who, like Lady Jane Grey, upheld the model of purity while taking the learning that naturally accompanied wealth. But elegant letters had again become the associate of moral and religious corruption in the courts, and the " ignorance of preach- ing "arose to combat it in Cromwell, the Roundheads, the Dis- senters, the Covenanters. Yet sound learning was not to die that Christian truth might live. Of the band of Pilgrims and Puritans that came first to our shores, about one in thirty was college bred. While subordinating book knowledge to piety, they had learned scarcely less the dan- gers of ignorance. Their first college was founded because of " the dread of having an illiterate ministry to the churches when our ministers shall lie in dust." Charles Francis Adams says, in re- gard to the establishment of Harvard College, " The records of Harvard University show that, of all the presiding officers during the century and a half of colonial days, but two were laymen, and not ministers of the prevailing denomination." He further says that " of all who in early times availed themselves of such ad- vantages as this institution could ofl:'er, nearly half the number did so for the sake of devoting themselves to the gospel. The prevailing notion of the purpose of education was attended with one remarkable consequence — the cultivation of the female mind was regarded with utter indifference." It was attended with still another remarkable consequence, the effect of which is felt up to this hour. Only men who were fitted for a profession were given a college education. It is well within my memory when it began to be seriously said : " A col- lege education is good for a boy, whether he intends to follow a profession or not ; it will make him a better business man, or even a better farmer." The country girl is now, as a rule, better edu- cated than her brother. It also happened in those earlier days that the artist and the musician were expected to attain knowl- edge by intuition, save in technical branches. During the first two hundred years of our existence it would have been almost absurd to expect that women would be exten- sively educated outside the home. The country was poor, and struggling with new conditions, and great financial crises swept over it. There were wars and rumors of wars. Until after 1812- '15 American independence was not an assured fact. Whatever may be said of the present, woman's place in America then was in the home, and nobly did she fill that place. That she had not WOMAN SUFFRAGE AND EDUCATION. 225 been wholly uninstructed in even elegant learning is evidenced by the share she took in literature and in the discussion of reli- gious and public matters, and in such personal records as that of Elder Faunce, who eulogized Alice Southworth Bradford for "her exertions in promoting the literary improvement and the deportment of the rising generation." Dame schools were early established for girls, and here were often found the sons of the farmer and the mechanic. These were established in Massachu- setts in 1635. Late in 1700 girls were admitted through the sum- mer to " Latin schools " where boys were taught in winter, and in 1789 women began to be associated with men as teachers. In 1771 Connecticut founded a system of free schools in which boys and girls were taught. In 1794 the Moravians founded a school for girls at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Here were educated the sisters of Peter Cooper, the mother of President Arthur, and many women who became exponents of culture. New England began before this to have fine private schools for girls, but no great step was taken until Miss Hart (afterward Mrs. Willard) had become so successful with her academy teach- ing in her native town of Berlin, Connecticut, and in Hartford, that three States simultaneously invited her to establish schools within their borders. She went to Massachusetts, but afterward, at the solicitation of Governor Clinton, of New York, she removed her school to Troy in 1821. It was a new departure, and there was ignorant prejudice to overcome. Governor Clinton, in an appeal to the Legislature for aid, said, " I trust you will not be deterred by commonplace ridicule from extending your munifi- cence to this meritorious institution." They were not deterred. An act was passed for the incorporation of the proposed institute, and another which gave to female academies a share of the literary fund. The citizens of Troy contributed liberally, and the success of an effort for woman's high education was assured. As early as 1G97 the Penn Charter School was founded, and it has lived until to-day. Provision was made " at the cost of the people called Quakers " for " all children and servants, male and female, the rich to be instructed at reasonable rates, the poor to be maintained and schooled for nothing." They also provided for "instruction for both sexes in reading, writing, work, lan- guages, arts, and sciences." The boys and girls have been taught separately, the girls' school being much behind the boys, neither Latin nor other ancient language forining a part of their curric- ulum. Friends are just beginning to discuss giving higher edu- ■cation to girls. This is a fact especially significant in our discus- sion, because it has always been claimed that the Quaker doctrine that "souls have no sex" led them to place woman on an "equal- ity " with man before other sects had thought of allowing that VOL. LI. — IT 2 26 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. they were equals. Lucretia Mott, Susan Anthony, Abby Kelley, and a great body of the women who adopted the resolution that set forth the uselessness of educating woman until she could vote, and who clamored for her entrance to men's institutions, were all of this sect that has kept its women generally far behind in the acquisition of knowledge. In 1845 Mrs. Willard was invited to address the Teachers' Con- vention that met in Syracuse. She prepared a paper in which she set forth the idea that " women, now sufl&ciently educated, should be employed and furnished by the men as committees, charged with the minute cares and supervision of the public schools," but declined the honor tendered her of delivering it in person. Sixty gentlemen from the convention visited her at the hotel, and at their earnest request she read the essay, which met with their emphatic approval of the plan she proposed. The em- ployment of women in the common schools and the system of normal schools were projected by her. A teachers' convention was held in Rochester in 1852. Miss Anthony, though a teacher, was not in attendance upon it, but she records that she went in and listened for a few hours to a dis- cussion of the causes that led to their profession being held in less esteem than those of the doctor, lawyer, and minister. In her judgment the kernel of the matter was not alluded to, so she arose and said, "Mr. President." She writes that "at length President Davies stepped to the front and said in a tremulous, mocking tone, "What will the lady have?" "I wish, sir," she said, " to speak to the question." " What is the pleasure of the convention ? " asked Mr. Davies. A gentleman moved that she be heard; another seconded the motion; whereupon, she says, " a discussion, pro and con, followed, lasting full half an hour, when a vote was taken of the men only, and permission was granted by a small majority." She adds that it was lucky for her that the thousand women crowding that hall could not vote on the question, for they would have given a solid " No." The president then announced, " The lady can speak." " It seems to me, gentle- men," said she, " that none of you quite comprehend the cause of the disrespect of which you complain. Do you not see that, so long as society says a woman is incompetent to be a lawyer, min- ister, or doctor, but has ample ability to be a teacher, every man of you who chooses this profession tacitly acknowledges that he has no more brains than a woman ? Would you exalt your pro- fession, exalt those who labor with you. Would you make it more lucrative, increase the salaries of the women engaged in the noble work of educating our future Presidents, Senators, and Congressmen." Several thoughts arise in regard to this scene, which was so WOMAJV SUFFRAGE AND EDUCATION. 227 strongly in contrast with the conduct of Mrs. Willard or any of the great educators. Miss Anthony gave no reason for her belief that the entrance of woman upon the other professions would raise either the status or the wages of those engaged in the teach- er's profession, and as a matter of fact it has not done so. It was not the society that cast scorn at woman's " lack of brains " which assisted to remove the natural prejudice against her assum- ing duties that had been deemed unsuited to her physique and her necessary work. Meantime, one year before the Rochester meeting was held, the first college for women had been chartered at Auburn, N. Y., under the name of " Auburn Female University." In 1853 it was transferred to Elmira, and it was formally opened in 1855. It was placed under the care of the Congregational Church, but its char- ter required that it should have representative trustees from five other denominations. Its course of study for the degree A. B. was essentially the same that was then pursued in the men's col- leges of the State. It was expected to rely upon endowment, which put woman's education upon a new and more secure footing. Suffrage leaders lose no opportunity to represent the Church as an enemy to woman's advancement. Nothing can be further from the truth ; and in striking evidence stand the colleges, which, while unsectarian in spirit and in method, have been es- tablished and cared for by special religious denominations. Dr. Jacobi, in her book Common Sense, takes up the tale and says, *' The Mount Holyoke Seminary, the immediate successor of that at Troy, was opened in 1837 by Miss Lyon, in spite of the opposi- tion of the clergy." Many besides the clergy were opposed to the plan for which Miss Lyon was endeavoring to raise money. Her idea that the entire domestic work of the establishment could be done by pupils and teachers was thought unwise and hopeless; and it was simply this feature that they disapproved, not the school itself. In that noble school, where thousands of women have been educated, a great number have become missionaries. When a suffrage convention in session in Worcester wrote to Miss Lyon, asking her to interest herself in the wrongs of her sex, she answered, " I can not leave my work." Neither was Vassar Col- lege founded from any impulse or suggestion of suffrage agitators, but in a spirit exactly the opposite. The real impetus to its found- ing came from Milo Parker Jewett. He suggested to Mr. Vassar an endowed college for women, and visited the universities and libraries of Europe with a plan of organization in mind. Mr. Vassar gladly accepted this great enlargement upon an idea that had lain dormant in his own mind, and Vassar College was founded, Dr. Jewett becoming its first president in 1862. 2 28 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. I may claim to have been beside the cradle of Vassar College ; for when Dr. Jewett resigned the presidency in 1864, my father named the successor, who was appointed, Dr. John H. Raymond, his lifelong friend. Dr. Raymond came to Rochester to discuss a plan of work, and, knowing my father's interest, I was on tip- toe to hear about the new college. At my earnest solicitation he and Dr. Raymond and President Anderson permitted me to be present at their discussions. I learned to comprehend the value of womanliness to the world by the estimate that those noble edu- cators put upon it. It was evident that they were arranging for those for whose minds they felt respect. They made no foolish remarks about the superiority, inferiority, or equality of the sexes, and had no contempt to throw upon the old education of tutor and library and young ladies' seminary. They did not sneer at the " female mind," but they did talk of the feminine mind as of something as distinct in its essence from the masculine mind as the feminine form is distinct in its outlines. To "preserve womanliness " was a task they felt they must fulfill, or the women for whose good they labored would one day call them to account. The dictum so frequently in the mouths of suffrage leaders, " There is no sex in brain," would have been abhorrent to them. In their view, there was as much sex in brain as in hand ; and the education that did not, through cultivation, emphasize that fact, would be a lower and not a higher product. They laid that intellectual corner stone in love, and in the faith that the same womanly spirit which, when there was not college education enough to go round, had said, " Give it to the boys, because their work must be public," would find, through the glad return the boys were making, a way to teach the world still higher lessons of womanly character and influence. Since that time college after college has arisen without a dream on the part of the founders, faculties, or students that " every effort to educate woman, until you accord to her the right to vote, is futile and a waste of labor," and it may well be that the women educated in these colleges will decide that, because political rights do acknowledge sex, therefore the word "male" should not be stricken from any State Constitution. Before the committee of the New York State Constitutional Convention in 1894, Mr. Edward Lauterbach, who was arguing in favor of woman suffrage, said : " It was only after the establish- ment of the Willard School at Troy, only after its noble founder, believing that women and men were formed in the same mold, suc- cessfully tried the experiment of educating women in the higher branches, that steps for higher education became generally taken." If Mr. Lauterbach imagines that Mrs. Willard was in the most distant way an advocate of woman's doing the same work as man in the same way, he is unfamiliar with her life and work. Mrs. WOMAJV SUFFRAGE AND EDUCATION. . 229 Willard, in setting fortli her ideal of woman's education, said : "Education should be adapted to female character and duties. To do this would raise the character of man. . . . Why may not housewifery be reduced to a system as well as the other arts ? If women were properly fitted for instruction, they would be likely to teach children better than the other sex ; they could afford to do it cheaper ; and men might be at liberty to add to the wealth of the nation by any of the thousand occupations from which women are necessarily debarred." Old-fashioned wisdom, but choicely good. In a woman's club, last winter, a New York teacher. Miss Helen Dawes Brown, a graduate of Vassar College, founder of the Woman's University Club and also one of the founders of Barnard College, in a speech said in part : " The young girl who doesn't dance, who doesn't play games, who can't skate and can't row, is a girl to be pitied. She is losing a large part of what Chesterfield calls the ' joy and titivation of youth.' If our young girl has learned to be good, teach her not to disregard the exter- nals of goodness. Let our girls, in college and out, learn to be agreeable. A girl's education should, first of all, be directed to fitting her for the things of home. We talk of woman as if the only domestic relations were those of wife and mother. Let us not forget that she is also a granddaughter, a daughter, a sister, an aunt. I should like to see her made her best in all these char- acters, before she undertakes public duties. The best organiza- tion in the world is the home. Whatever in the education of girls draws them away from that, is an injury to civilization." At the close of an article in The Outlook, written by Eliza- beth Fisher Read, of Smith College, she said, speaking of their last adaptation of athletics : " From the beginning, the policy of Smith College has been, not to duplicate the means of develop- ment offered in men's colleges, but to provide courses and meth- ods of study that should do for women what the men's courses did for them. Emphasis has been put, not on the resemblances be- tween men and women, but rather on the differences. The effort has not been to turn out new women, capable of doing anything man can do, from walking thirty miles to solving the problems of higher mathematics. Instead of this, the college has tried to develop its students along natural womanly lines, not along the lines that would naturally be followed in training men." This sounds strangely like Mrs. Willard, who would be the first to rejoice in the new education and in the old spirit that it can develop. Of course, suffrage claims to have the same end in view. Every college woman must decide for herself where she will stand on the question. So far, there never has been any open affiliation between the colleges and the suffrage movement. 230 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Tlie kind of education best suited to the idea of suffrage is a training in political history and present political issues ; but the women who have talked loudly and vaguely of the right of suf- frage for years have been the last to present such knowledge. I have read their History, attended their conventions, glanced at their magazines, but never have come upon the discussion of a single public issue. I think those most familiar with it will bear me out if I make the statement that their principal periodical, The Woman's Journal, edited by Mary A. Livermore, Julia Ward Howe, Mr. Blackwell, and Alice Stone Blackwell, has not contained any presentations of questions of public policy in the past ten years. One of the grievances of the suffrage leaders lay in the fact that the literary women of the country would express no sym- pathy with their efforts. Poets and authors in general were de- nounced. Gail Hamilton, who had the good of woman in her heart, who was better informed on public affairs than perhaps any other woman in the United States, and whose trenchant pen cut deep and spared not, always reprobated the cause. Mrs. Stowe stood aloof, and so did Catherine Beecher, though urged to the contrary course by Henry Ward Beecher and Isabella Beecher Hooker. In a letter to Mrs. Cutler, Catherine Beecher said : " I am not opposed to women's speaking in public to any who are willing to hear, nor am I opposed to women's preaching, sanc- tioned as it is by a prophetic apostle — as one of the millennial re- sults. Nor am I opposed to a woman's earning her own inde- pendence in any lawful calling, and wish many more were open to her which are now closed. Nor am I opposed to the organiza- tion and agitation of women, as women, to set forth the wrongs suffered by great multitudes of our sex, which are multiform and most humiliating. Nor am I opposed to women's undertaking to govern boys and men — they always have, and they always will. Nor am I opposed to the claim that women have equal rights with men. I rather claim that they have the sacred superior rights that God and good men accord to the weak and defense- less, by which they have the easiest work, the most safe and com- fortable places, and the largest share of all the most agreeable and desirable enjoyments of this life. My main objection to the woman-suffrage organization is this, that a wrong mode is em- ployed to gain a right object. The right object sought is, to remedy the wrongs and relieve the sufferings of great multitudes of our sex ; the wrong mode is that which aims to enforce by law instead of by love. It is one which assumes that man is the author and abettor of all these wrongs, and that he must be restrained and regulated by constitutions and laws, as the chief and most trustworthy methods. I hold that the fault is as much. THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. 231 or more, with women than with men, inasmuch as we ha,ve all the power we need to remedy the wrongs complained of, and yet we do not nse it for that end. It is my deep conviction that all reasonable and conscientious men of our age, and especially of our country, are not only willing but anxious to provide for the good of our sex. They will gladly bestow all that is just, reason- able, and kind, whenever we unite in asking in the proper spirit and manner. In the half a century since I began to work for the education and relief of my sex, I have succeeded so largely by first convincing intelligent and benevolent women that what I aimed at was right and desirable, and then securing their influ- ence with their fathers, brothers, and husbands, and always with success." Miss Beecher, like Mrs. Willard and Mrs. Phelps, made text- books for the use of her own seminaries, and her Arithmetic, and Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Applied Theology were among the educational forces of her day. It is one of the sig- nificant signs of the times that science and education, as well as philanthropy, are occupying themselves just now with childhood and motherhood and housewifery. Mrs. Willard's high ideal of womanliness is beginning to be set forth by the electric light of modern thought. ♦♦♦ THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. By Dr. CHAELES EKNEST PELLEW. I. IN studying the history of alcoholic beverages we are at once brought face to face with the fact that there has hardly been a nation on the face of the globe which has not used some vari- ety of stimulant or narcotic. In almost every instance this has been some form of alcohol, and in a few cases where alcohol has been unknown, and tobacco, opium, hemp, or some other drug used in its stead, the introduction of alcohol has been followed at once by its use and, alas ! its abuse. A curious example of this is given in the account of Henry Hudson's famous voyage in 1609,. when he discovered the Hudson River. The Indian chief and warriors waited for him on the shore of Manhattan Island, pre- pared to sacrifice to the great " manito in red." He landed, with a few of his crew, and pouring out some rum into a glass, drank it to their health, and then passed a cupful round to the Indians. One after another they shrank from it, evidently fearing that it contained a deadly poison. At last one, bolder than the rest, drank it down, and soon began to reel and stagger, and finally fell. His companions were horror-struck. But soon he recovered 232 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. himself, and described his drink in such glowing terms that they all begged and implored for their share, and, before Hudson left, they had all become intoxicated. In other words, there seems to be a natural craving by man for some drug which shall " drive dull care away," and, as alcohol possesses this power, it has been used from the earliest ages and is still being used by rich and poor, high and low, civilized and savages, in more or less complete disregard of the evil effects of overindulgence. The earliest historical records which have come down to us — the sacred classics of China, India, Judea, and Persia — all give de- tails about the use and abuse of alcoholic beverages. The Chinese Egtptian Vinetaed, with Kesekvoib of Water. (Wilkinson.) made use both of wine from grapes and of a beer made from rice, somewhat like the present saki of Japan ; and, if we can believe their writings, intemperance was not at all confined to the lower classes, but in many instances proved the disgrace and the ruin of the reigning dynasties. The Rig- Veda, or sacred books of the ancient Brahmans, give us many details about the Hindu drinking customs, which were, among the upper classes at least, closely connected with their re- ligious observances. The common people drank a variety of beer, known as sura, made from rice, barley, honey, and other ingre- dients. This was cheap and freely used for intoxicating pur- poses, and was, accordingly, in great disrepute among the priest- hood and rulers, who made most stringent rules and regulations against it. But they were full of the praises of the sacred wine, soma, made from the juice of certain plants, which, after fer- mentation, was offered as a libation to their favorite gods, Indra, Vishnu, and others. These deities were supposed to drink soma freely, and to be highly gratified at the resulting intoxication. These exercises were particularly pleasant because it was not necessary, in order to honor the gods, to pour out all the wine upon the altar, but the act of devotion might be equally well per- THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. = 33 Wjne Phess of iSIatting. (Wilkinson.) formed by the worshipers drinking the libations themselves. Of course, the pleasant after effects were considered as solely due to the divine favor, and not to any in- gredient common also to the vulgar sura. In the Bible we find frequent refer- ences to both the good and the evil effects of wine. In such marked contrast do some of these passages stand that serious effort has been made, by many well-intentioned moralists, to attribute all the favorable com- ments— " Wine that maketh glad the heart of man," " Thou hast put gladness into their hearts since the time that their corn and wine and oil increased," and the like — to unfermented grape juice or to the fruit itself, and to apply to the fermented juice, the wine of our everyday life, only the passages, so well known and so frequently quoted, of condemnation. Some grounds for their be- lief exist in the fact that two Hebrew words, yaijin and tirosli, occurring in the Old Testament, are both translated in the au- thorized version as "wine," although yayin is almost always mentioned with scorn and contempt and tirosh with approval. But this is not always the case. The substances meant by both words are condemned alike in a chapter in Hosea (Hosea, iv, 2). And, furthermore, it is very doubtful whether the unfer- Pressing the Grapes and Storing the Wine. (Wilkinson.) mented grape juice is not mentioned under an entirely different word, debish, translated as honey. In that hot climate, with no glass jars and rubber stoppers in which the sterilized grape juice could be preserved, and with no antiseptics to delay or prevent fermentation, the fresh grape juice must have been at once boiled VOL. LI. -18 234 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. down to a thick sirup, or it would have begun to ferment in half an hour. That is the present practice in Syria, and the resulting debs is used to this day as a substitute for honey or sugar for sweetening purposes. And our respect for the wisdom of King David and other great men of Judea hardly permits us to think that their enthusiastic language was used about a sweet, cloying sirup. There is no reason at all to doubt that the Greek word otvos, used in the New Testament, refers to the ordinary fermented wine ; and, on the whole, it seems evident that in both Old and New Testament the commendations and denunciations refer to the use and abuse of alcohol, respectively, rather than to any specific differences between the beverages employed. The ancient Egyptians at a very early date discovered the art of making barley wine, or, in other words, true beer, as well as V,<«5i!» r-^* ■«*' ■ ■. ' "^ fW ^trf -^ 0>* 3^- T5J Taking Wine like a Gentleman. (Wilkinson.'* grape wine. They have left evidences of this, not only in their writings and in the tales of early travelers like Herodotus, but also in several remarkable series of mural paintings found on their monuments. The most interesting of these are at the tombs of Beni-Hassan, where, some five thousand years ago, the Egyp- tian artists amused themselves by portraying the scenes of every- day life in a most graphic manner. We find there pictures of vineyards, with the vines carefully trained on trellises, and watered from artificial reservoirs. We find several varieties of wine presses — some for treading the grapes, some for pressing the grapes by twisting them tight in a bag. We can see how they poured the fresh wine into jars for fermentation and storage. We can watch them drinking their wine like gentlefolk, in the THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. 235 bosom of their family, with wife by the side and children on the knee. And, finally, we find pictures of them using wine like beasts — men being carried home from supper on the backs of slaves ; women staggering round, hopelessly and in- decently intoxicat- ed. Verily "there is nothing new Un- After a Supper, (Wilkinson.) der the sun." The ancient Persian writings, the Zend Avesta, dating back to the period of Zoroaster, possibly 4000 to 6000 b. c, contain like the Rig- Veda many references to a sacred drink, homa, and a popular drink, hura. Wine seems to have been of somewhat later discovery, but, once introduced, proved extremely popular. The lowlanders, living in the rich, warm plains of Asia Minor, were especially addicted to its iise, and the temperate young prince Cyrus, coming down from the mountains with his Persian war- riors, found little difiiculty in routing the effeminate Medes. But the attractions of luxury proved too strong for them, and, in a few generations, both rulers and people had badly degenerated. The famous Xerxes, the Great King, the descendant of Cyrus and monarch of Asia Minor, left as his epitaph no great record of valiant deeds, but the sole fact that " he was able to drink more wine than any man in his dominions." Small wonder, then, that his forces were so easily routed by the Greeks. For, of all races that have yet appeared, the Greeks have been best able to use alcoholic beverages freely and yet with tem- perance. Their land was fertile and their crops varied, and they early learned how to prepare intoxicating drinks from barley, figs, the palm, and other sources. And their wines, especially those from the Greek islands, have retained their rep- utation, not for hun- dreds but for thousands of years. The vine was widely cultivated, and valued as one of the greatest gifts of the gods to man ; and yet, such was their respect for the human body and such their dread of injuring it by excesses, that we A Woman Intoxicated. (Wilkinson.) 236 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. find that, in their golden age at least, alcohol was used and not abused. Their strongest drink, we must remember, was natural, unfor- tified wine, containing no more alcohol than our present clarets Sleeping Dionysos. (From Greek has-reliel' in the Cainpana Colleetiou.) and hocks. And yet they never drank it pure ; they always added water to it, or rather, added it to water. Some of their wines, the Pramnian and Maronian, for instance, were of such strong flavor as to be mixed in the proportion of one to fifteen or one to twenty parts of water. The average dilution was one to five, or one to four. When the young bloods of Athens had a supper party they would elect a " master of the feast," who sat, crowned with flowers, at the head of the table, and set the pace for the festivities. A very festive youth would sometimes at these occasions order the wine one to three, or even two to three. To drink wine unmixed — well, that was imaKvOiaraL, to act like a Scythian, to be a beast and a barbarian. It is not to be supposed from this that drunkenness was un- known, but in the golden age of Greece it was both uncommon and despised. Drinking with them was different from drinking among other nations ; they drank for exhilaration, not for intoxi- cation. This can be recognized at once from the character and position of Dionysos, their god of drink, corresponding to the Roman Bacchus. No drunken debauchee was he. His statues represent him as a laughing, innocent child, as a beautiful, grace- ful youth, as a finely developed adult, and even as a gentle, re- fined, full-bearded man, the patron of literature and the drama. THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. 237 For Dionysos was one of the greatest gods of Greece. At the vintage in the autumn all was fun and jollity, and in his honor rude, humorous plays were acted by the country people. Hence developed the " comedy," so named from kw/xos, the country cart from which the actors at first held forth. In the spring, at the opening of the new wine, occurred the great Dionysiac festival. Every one flocked to Athens, from the countryside, from all Greece, from the whole civilized world ; and there, in the great Theater of Dionysos, the marble seats of which are still standing under the walls of the Acropolis, were acted the glorious tragedies of ^schylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the noblest masterpieces of ancient literature. But after Athens and Sparta, and later Thebes, had wasted their resources and exhausted their energies against each other, a new and fierce and semibarbarous race came down from the mountains and conquered the whole of Greece. Under the famous King Philip of Macedon the weak and scattered clans united, learned the art of war, and rapidly overthrew the more civilized and cultivated lowlanders. This marked the end of Grecian temperance. The Macedonian nobles were always heavy drinkers, and toward the end of his career they were encouraged in their habits by the king himself. Many stories have been handed down to us about the royal drinking bouts. One, which has passed almost into a byword, Dionysos, from the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates. (From The Antiquities of Athens, Stuart and Kevett. 1762.) relates to a famous philosopher, who brought a lawsuit, in which he was a party, up before the highest court, the king himself. The case was heard and the judgment given against him. "I appeal," shouted the old man. "Whom do you ap- peal to ? " said Philip, " I am the king ! " "I appeal," said the other, " from Philip drunk to Philip sober." And the next day 238 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the case was heard over again, and decided in the appellant's favor. Another episode, which bade fair to have very serious results, happened the year before he died. He had recently divorced his Satyr punishing a Sailor, from the Chokagic Monument. wife Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great, and was cele- brating his marriage to a new wife, Cleopatra. At the wedding banquet, where the wine flowed very freely, her uncle Attains made some insulting remarks about the young prince Alexander, who at once rose in his place at the table and threw a goblet at his head. This enraged the king, who sprang from his seat, drew his sword, and rushed at his son to kill him. But, in his rage and intoxication, Philip slipped and fell to the ground. Then Alex- ander, rather unfilially, shouted out : " See now, men of Macedon, this man, who is preparing to cross from Europe to Asia, can not step from one couch to another without falling I '' When Alexander came to the throne, a year later, the im- provement in manners was but temporary. At first, indeed, the young king, with his companions in arms, devoted all their ener- gies to affairs of state and war. Two years after he came to the throne he crossed the Hellespont, and with a small but picked army routed the vast, unwieldy hosts of the Great King. In a few campaigns he conquered Asia Minor, and even led his victo- rious forces into India. But with success came intemperance, and his brief and glorious career closed in disgrace. In the garb of Dionysos, accompanied by a band of drunken roisterers, he entered Carmania in triumph. At Samarcand, in- flamed by wine, he killed with his own hand his friend Clitus, who had saved his life at the battle of the Granicus. At Persep- olis, in a drunken frenzy, urged by dissolute companions, he set fire to the famous palace of the Great Kings, and although. THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. 239 sobered by^the result, he urged his soldiers to the rescue, it burned to the ground. His most famous exploit in this line took place, during the last year of his life, at the tomb of Cyrus, near Pasargadae in Persia. He attended here the immolation of a famous Hindu philosopher, Calanus, who had followed him from India, and now, falling sick, burned himself alive on a great funeral pile. On his return from the ceremony Alexander asked many of his friends and chief officers to supper, and that night organized a great drinking contest, offering a gold crown to the victor. A young nobleman called Promachus took the first prize, with the respect- able measure of some fourteen quarts of wine, and others fol- lowed close behind him. But a cold wind came up that night, chilling the revelers to the bone, and Promachus and some forty MONADS IX A DioNTSiAC Frenzt. A great figure of this sort, with splashes of blood on the garments, was one of the chief ornaments in the Dionysiac Theater. (From the Cam puna Collection.) of his competitors died from the effects of cold and drunkenness combined. This course of life could not last long. His soldiers mur- mured, his officers grew unruly, his own strength failed ; and, in his thirty-second year, after a drinking bout that lasted for two days and nights, a sudden attack of fever ended his career. 240 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Turning from Greece to Rome, we find the same general course of events. At first the Romans were a band of fierce banditti, fighting first for life, then for conquest, against the surrounding tribes. During the few hundred years that this struggle continued the Romans were a temperate, a painfully- temperate race. We read that wine was scarce and poor, and, such as it was, reserved exclusively for the men, and for men over thirty. Women were forbidden to use it under pain of death, for the alleged reason that it was an incentive to licentiousness. According to Pliny, this last law was by no means a dead letter. Women were obliged to greet all their male relatives with a kiss on the mouth, so that it could be told if they had been at the wine cellar. He quotes the case of one Ignatius Mecenius, who cud- geled his wife to death for this ofi:ense, about b. c. 700, and was Delivering Wine. (From a wall paintinfr at Pompeii.) pardoned by Romulus for the deed ; and he tells of another case, four hundred years later, where a Roman dame was starved to death by her relatives for similar reasons. Later on, when they had conquered most of Italy, wine be- came more common, and when the Roman arms reached Greece and Asia Minor the country was flooded with it. We learn from contemporary writers that manners and customs changed within one generation. Old Cato used to tell how, at his father's table, only common Italian wine was served, and. that sparingly, while the Greek wine was handed round as a great luxury in small glasses at dessert. And before his death one general, Lucullus, returning from the East, distributed one hundred thousand gal- lons of fine Chian wine to the populace. The later Romans cared more for their wine than for any other natural or artificial product of land or sea. Pliny mentions that there were one hundred and ninety-five varieties in general use, of which about eighty were of fine quality. Common wine was extraordinarily cheap and abundant, so much so that it was a jest of the poets that it was less expensive than water. Fine sweet dessert wines were imported in large quantities from the Grecian isles, Chios, Samos, Lesbos, Mitylene, and the rest. And THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. 241 the famous Italian vintages, the strong, fiery Falernian, the rich Massic, the sweet Alban, the Csecuhan, Setine, Pucine, and others, sung by Horace and Virgil and Lucretius, held the palm over all their rivals, and in many respects must have compared favor- ably with those of the present day. But most of them would have been spoiled for our tastes by the curious substances which were added to them, for flavoring or as preservatives. For instance, both in Greece and Rome it was a quite common practice to mix honey, and also various spices, myrrh and aloes and cloves. A more surprising admixture was that of salt water, which, in small quantities, one to fifty or so, was believed to greatly improve the flavor of fine wines. Indeed, most careful directions are given by the old writers about the quality of this salt water. It must be drawn from the ocean, some three miles from shore, on a calm day, when the sea was at rest. Another, and to us barbarous, habit was that of adding resin or pitch or turpentine, either directly to the wine, or by smearing the wine vessels before filling them. This is done in Greece up to the present day, and the modern traveler is asked in the taverns whether he wishes " foreign wine " or " resined wine " — oivos e^oTiKOS or otvos peo-tvi^Tiys. In one respect they were fully our equals. They appreciated the value of age. We still, some of us, have our wine cellars, and " lay down " our wines for aging. We smack our lips over a glass of Chateau La Rose of '70, and think it old ; while " Stuy- vesant " or " Monticello " Madeira, from the beginning of the century, is doled out, on rare festal occasions, a few drops at a time, like a precious elixir. But in Csesar's day we hear of Hortensius, a well-known orator, leaving his heir ten thousand casks of good Greek wine in the cellar of his country house. Plump little Horace, always re- ferring to his poverty, can still write to a friend and ask him to visit him at his humble cottage, and take a glass of Falernian laid down " Consule Planco," some thirty years ago. His patron Maecenas used to give him wine — Mar si memorem duelli — that remembered the Marsian war, seventy or eighty years before. And we learn from Pliny that, in his day, there was still in ex- istence some of a famous " cru " of wine, made in the consulship of Opimius, some two hundred years before. This wine, we read, was only used for flavoring other varieties. It was thick, so that it had to be dug out with a spoon, and dissolved in water, and strained before using it, and when the cover was taken off the jar it emitted a delightful, powerful fragrance which filled the whole room. From the fall of the republic on, intemperance and licentious- ness increased in Rome with rapid strides. Nothing more was VOL. LI. — 19 242 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. heard of the old laws ; the women drank just as heavily as the men. All the writers — Pliny, Juvenal, Seneca, Tacitus, Athenajus, and many more — are full of bitter complaints against the prevail- ing habits. No order, no decency, was observed at their feasts. They rapidly became regular drinking bouts, where not only host and guests, but even the freedmen and slaves, drank themselves to unconsciousness. Prizes were commonly offered, at these, to the heaviest drinkers, and it was customary to use drugs to increase the normal capacity for liquor. A separate chamber adjoining the dining room bore the suggestive name of vomitorium. The emperors themselves did not disdain to encourage these orgies. Under Claudius a certain Caius Piso was promoted at court for drinking consecutively for two days and nights. One man, Torquatus, was actually knighted under the name of Tricongius, or " Three-gallon Man," for taking that quantum of wine, so it was said, at a single draught. The populace, the home army, and the court were all equally intemperate ; and it is no wonder that, when once the outer defenses of the empire were broken through, the rest collapsed and fell to pieces before the onslaughts of the hardier, even if no less intemperate, Northern races. THE PUBLIC AND ITS PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bt JOHN COTTON DANA. THE opponents of the system of free, tax-supported public schools never have been answered. That they are wrong in their position is not proved, as so many seem to think, by a sim- ple reference to the great growth and seeming success of the free public- school system and its attendant free public library system in this country. An institution may thrive, may apparently ful- fill the purpose for which it was designed, and may at the same time be working great harm to the people who have adopted it and maintain it and trust in it — a harm which may become appar- ent only after a long series of years, and apparent at first, even then, only to the most careful observer. It is a familiar fact that a great change in governmental policy may not produce its full effect for many decades. We are still in the dark as to what will be the final outcome, and especially the final effect on character, of the free public educational system. The individualist opponent of that system says that the indi- vidual is the important thing. He contends that the individual is happiest when he has the maximum of freedom ; that he best develops when he most fully reaps the rewards of his own exer- THE PUBLIC AND ITS PUBLIC LIBRARY. 243 tions and his own self-denials, and most fully receives tlie punish- ment of his own indolence and his own prodigality — of his own failure to adjust himself to men and things about him. The mass, he says, may restrain the individual who would make an attack on others ; it may refuse to affiliate with the individual who does not do those things which it thinks he should do. For the mass to do more than this, he says, is so to restrict individual activity and to prevent the play of natural forces as to make impossible the development of the only kind of individuals that can form the ideal society. This is stating it crudely. It at least suggests, however, that the advocate of liberty has on his side some of the arguments gained from the study of biology and of history. The former seems to tell us that the fittest have survived in open fight — that only by this open fight do those more fit appear ; the latter seems to tell us that the better government governs the least ; that the only wise thing the ruler, whether king or majority, can do for the social organism is to let it alone. If it is of doubtful expediency, then, for the sovereign majority to take from the individual by force the means wherewith to maintain a library for the pleasure and edification of all, it is the part of wisdom to see that that library is made, as far as may be, the sure antidote to the possible bane of its origin. It must teach freedom, by its contents and by its administration. It must cultivate the individual. It must add to the joy of life. Always it must truly educate. It is in the light of the preceding, perhaps rather doctrinaire, remarks that the following notes have been written and should be read. The public owns its public library. This fact sheds much light on the question of public library management. It means that the public library must be fitted to public needs. It must suit its community. It must do the maximum of work at the minimum of expense. It must be an economical educational machine. It must give pleasure, for only where pleasure is is any profit taken. It must change in its manner of administration with the new time, the new relations of books to men and of men to books. It need not altogether forget the bookworm or the belated historian, and it can take note here and there of the lover of the dodos and the freaks among printed things. But its prime purpose is to place the right books in the proper hands, to get more joyful and wise thoughts into the minds of its owners. The means of its support are taken by force from the pockets of the competent and provident ; this fact should never be lost sight of. It lives in a measure by the sword. It can justify itself in this manner of securing its support only by putting into practice the 244 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. familiar theory tliat the state, would it insure its own continn- ance, must see that all its citizens have access to the stores, in books, of knowledge and wisdom. It must be open to its public ; it must invite its public ; it must attract its public ; it must please its public — all to the end that it may educate its public. The old-time library was simply a storehouse of treasures. There were few to read books ; there were few books to be read, and those few were procured at great cost of labor and time. They could be replaced when lost or stolen only with great diffi- culty, if at all, and they were guarded with exceeding care. With the cheapening of book-producing processes the reasons for this extreme safe-guarding of books disappeared. Its spirit, however, is still active. Several causes have combined to keep it alive. Even to this day there are a few books, relatively very few, which are of great value and can be replaced only with extreme difficulty or at great expense. There are also books — first editions, fine bindings, last surviving copies, and early specimens of printing — which are rightly much prized by the artist, the antiquarian, the curio hunter, or the historian of handicraft. These are all most properly regarded as treasures, and are kept under lock and key. But the fact that there are a few books which should be carefully preserved from loss or injury is not sufficient cause for keeping up in these days a barrier between the public and its library. Set aside these greatly valued books and the few works highly prized for certain special reasons which the average library contains, and there is left the great body of modern books, not expensive, easily replaced, and of far more importance to ninety-nine in a hundred of any public library's constituents than all the book curios the world contains. In any save the very richest and largest libraries in this country the books which can not be dupli- cated at a reasonable cost have no proper place. It is with the modern, inexpensive works that the public library chiefly con- cerns itself. Its art publications and its rarities of every kind can easily be disposed of in safety vaults or private rooms. Its more valuable works of reference can be guarded from any prob- able mutilation by a little special service. Its main collection, sixty to eighty per cent of the average library, is what the public wishes to use. These form any library's real tools in its avowed purpose of aiding in the education of the community in which it is placed. The readers of books, moreover, are no longer few but many, and have greatly changed their manner of looking at books and the guardianship of them in the past hundred years. The tax- paying citizen to-day has his own daily or weekly paper, if nothing more, and knows well that a printed page is no longer a sacred or an expensive thing. He walks up to the shelves of the bookstore THE PUBLIC AND ITS PUBLIC LIBRARY. 245 or to the counter of the news stand and selects his own reading, Tinder his own rules, in accordance with his own opinion of his needs, and after an actual inspection of what the shelves can afford him. He has learned, or is fast learning, that public library treasures are in the main treasures no longer ; that the only rational selection of reading is one made after the examina- tion of many books ; and he is beginning to demand that he be permitted to come in immediate contact with the volumes he is invited to read. The public library, whether it be a library which the people are taxed to maintain or a library which belongs to them by gift, must, so the demand goes, be managed with as much con- sideration for its patrons and with as much appearance of faith in their honesty as the ready-made-clothing house or the book- store. This demand is seconded by the new view of the functions of a public library ; it is, in fact, a part of this new view. The library is no longer looked upon as a storehouse of learning, to be used by the few already learned ; it is thought of as a factor in the growth of the community in wisdom, in social efficiency, and a factor therein second only to the public schools, if second even to them. It is accordingly widening its business of book distrib- uting by the addition of the powers possible to it as a laboratory of general learning. Of books it is as true as of the materials of chemistry, botany, or biology — and even the non-literary, wayfar- ing man begins to see this — that only by working among them and with them can one get out of them their real worth. The public to-day, in a word, sees the importance — the absolute neces- sity, in fact — of the laboratory method in that study of books which underlies, or at least accompanies, the study of all other things. In its attractiveness to the would-be student, not to mention the desultory reader, the library whose resources are open for examination and selection is far superior to the one which keeps its patrons on the outside of the delivery counter. The book buyer finds delight in a personal inspection of the volumes he would select from. It is by the unrestrained browsing through a score of inviting volumes that the student, whether beginner or expert, finds at last the one which meets his case. To all who are drawn, whether in ignorant questioning or in enlightened zeal, to visit a collection of books, the touch of the books themselves, the joy of their immediate presence, is an inspiring thing. Those who have had experience of both methods testify that the open library gives more pleasure, encourages reading of a higher grade, and attracts more readers than the library which is closed to the public. The cheapness of books ; the growth of the public's feeling of ownership in its library, and of the propriety of laying hands on 246 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. its own ; a recognition of the great educational value of the labo- ratory method in library administration ; and the widening of its field of work which a library gains by the added attractions of free access to its shelves — these considerations, save in certain peculiar cases, seem to decide the question of the proper policy of the public library toward its public. That more communities do not now demand the adoption of the system of open shelves in their public libraries is due largely to the conservatism of library boards, and to an unreasoning submission to authority on the part of the reading public. Even the enlightened are slow to ask for a right before they have exercised it and experienced its ad- vantages. These statements of proper library methods will seem to the reader who is not familiar with public library methods as they are, simple, commonplace, and self-evident. He may well wonder why one takes the trouble to repeat them in print. By way of justification it should be said that the manner of conducting a public library now in almost universal use in this country is this : Between the books and the would-be users of them is placed an insurmountable barrier. At this barrier stand librarian and at- tendants. The reader or student flounders about in a list of the library's books until he arrives at a guess — it is often not more than a guess — at the titles of the books he wishes. A list of these books he hands over the barrier to the attendant, and of them the attendant brings him the first one that happens to be in. Perhaps he wishes to make a study of some subject. Generally, in such a case, he must make out a list from a brief catalogue of the books which he thinks may help him, and of the titles of articles which he surmises will be useful in files of periodicals or proceedings. This list, handed to the attendant, brings him some of the things called for. Half of them are probably not what he expected, and he must try again. Always between him and the sources of in- formation the personality of librarian or attendant obtrudes itself. His wants must trickle over a library counter, and then must fil- ter through the mind of a custodian who is perhaps not very intel- ligent and is probably not very sympathetic, before they can be satisfied by contact with the books themselves. In a good many libraries a few reference books are placed where any one can reach them. But this is in most cases the limit of the concession, made to the demand for immediate contact with the library's re- sources. The new library in Boston has stored the most of its popular books, the books which the majority of its patrons most call for, in a dark warehouse, lighted only by artificial light, and reached, as far as the borrower is concerned, only by mechanical contrivances which compel a wait of nearly ten minutes for every book called for. The borrower can not see the books ; he can not THE PUBLIC AND ITS PUBLIC LIBRARY. 247 even see the person who does see them. He must depend on lists, telephones, pneumatic tubes, and traveling baskets — and this in the most expensive and most extensive and most lauded library in the United States to-day. What, now, the open- shelf method of administration being de- cided upon, should be the character of the building in which the public library is housed ? The storehouse idea must be discarded at once. What is wanted is a workshop, a place for readers and students, not a safety- deposit building. The men and women who visit the library and use it — their convenience and comfort must be first consulted ; how the books are to be stored is another and a secondary question. Nor can the monumental idea be for a mo- ment maintained. The library, if it is to be a modern, effective, working institution, can not forego the demands of its daily ten- ants for light, room, and air, and submit to the limitations set by calls for architectural effects, for imposing halls, charming vistas, and opportunities for decoration. The workshop, the factory, the office building, the modern business structure of almost any kind, these, rather than the palace, the temple, the cathedral, the memo- rial hall, or the mortuary pile, however grand, supply the exam- ples in general accordance with which the modern book labora- tory should be constructed. It is a place, is this book laboratory, in which each day hundreds and thousands of visitors must, for ten minutes or as many hours, use their eyes in reading type of all degrees of excellence and badness. First, then, every sacrifice must be made to secure all possible daylight in every corner. It is a place, again, in which many of the daily visitors will wish to go, at the same time, to the same shelves, the same cases, the same alcoves, or the same rooms, and the same desks and tables. Space — well-lighted, well- ventilated floor space — then, should be given to the public with the utmost prodigality. There is no room left, unless economy in construction and administration be entirely disregarded for architectural display, except as it is the natural outcome of plans based primarily on utility. The power of a library lies first in its books. Up to a certain variable limit, varying with their character and with the time and the place, quantity of books is of first importance. As the library supported by compulsory taxation is justified only as it serves to make the ignorant citizen wise and the wise citizen wiser still, its first care should be for its supply of tools — its implements for cultivating wisdom — its books. The library building, as of the second and not of the first importance, should therefore be eco- nomical in its construction. It need not be, it should not be, penurious in its appearance. To a limited extent it may speak to the passer-by of the generosity of the community, of the respect in which its builders hold the business of education. But if solid 248 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and plain and manifestly adapted to the purpose for -whicli it is designed, it can not well escape the attributes of dignity, and, to the reasoning observer, of beauty. The magnificent pile, to ■which architect and trustee can point the casual passer-by with pride, which may awe the taxpayer into forgetfulness of the con- tractor's bills, this has no excuse. It comes, and it promises to come often ; but it is permitted by the populace in momentary forgetfulness of the public library's excuse and function, not in reasoned belief in the utility of bibliothecal palaces. The free public library building, large or small — and of the college, university, or reference library the same may be said — so constructed as to serve thoroughly well the purposes for which it is intended, exists in theory only. It may be possible to find in this country a few small libraries in which an honest attempt has been made, with moderate success, to grapple with the libra- ry building problem. In the vast majority of cases such light as experience in library administration is able to throw on the question of the proper internal arrangement of a library build- ing— the proper distribution of expenditure in securing room, light, ventilation, and workableness — has been simply ignored. Arguments drawn from utility, from comfort of readers and borrowers, and from economy of administration, have been set aside. Full rein often, the loose rein always, has been given to trustees' and architects' desires for architectural effect. This is the more strange because certain principles of library construc- tion are well understood and are no longer matters for debate. Convenient, economical, effective administration of a library calls for greater ease of access and facility of communication in the building used than does any other form of business, be it indus- trial, commercial, official, administrative, or religious. And this need for ease and speed in intercommunication increases rather than diminishes with the increase in the size of the library, and in the number of its patrons. Illustrations of how this general prin- ciple of library construction has been ignored may be easily found. To note the Newberry Library in Chicago and the Boston Public Library is here sufficient. Compare the accommodation possible for the busy and impatient patron — and the busy and impatient patron is one of the patrons the modern library should especially strive to serve — in these ill-adapted structures with that possible, with a few quite minor changes, in the modern tall office building, and the point is made clear at once. The whole monumental style of library architecture is almost of necessity the greatest of handi- caps on library administration. It may be said, of course, that it is sometimes advisable to erect first a noble monument, then to make out of it as good a library as its monumental character permits. Granted. But it should be thoroughly understood. THE PUBLIC AND ITS PUBLIC LIBRARY. 249 when such a building is up for consideration, that it is a monu- ment, not a library. When our architects have fully seized the modern situation in its demands and its materials ; when the spirit which put up the lying exteriors of the Chicago World's Fair buildings, and thereby delayed our architectural emancipa- tion by many a long day, has begun to die out, it may be pos- sible to erect a thoroughly useful and entirely workable building which shall be in every part a library and also an artistic monu- ment. The point in the free public library to which the public comes in the largest numbers is the delivery counter. The public side of this delivery counter should be a room easy of access from the street, with cloak and toilet rooms near its entrance ; well lighted, that catalogues and lists may be easily consulted, and that the work of the assistants may be done in the main without artificial light; large enough to accommodate comfortably the greatest crowd the library expects ever to attract ; and so closed in that the talk and movement which necessarily accompany intercourse between visitors and the library staff will not disturb workers or readers in other parts of the library. A corner of this room, easy of access from the counter, should be devoted to the information desk, at which the stranger or the student will get prompt and courteous and full replies to all questions in regard to the library's methods and resources, and suggestions in regard to books or departments to be consulted on any specific topic. Near this in- formation desk should be the desk at which borrowers' or mem- bers' cards, permits, etc., are issued. In the delivery room, or in a room opening from it, should be the catalogue resources of the library. The delivery counter should be so constructed as to serve as an aid in the transaction of business — as a means of com- munication, not as a barrier — between the assistants and the public. Near to it and easy of access should be the books of the lending department ; nearest to it, those most used. If for good reason it is found necessary to forbid the public access to any part of the lend- ing department, it may prove advisable to place such part at some distance from the delivery counter, and to move the books to and fro by means of lifts, belts, or like devices. But any plan by which the attendant, to whom a request for certain books is made, is prevented from easy access to them, stands in the way of the library's educational work, especially where the would-be bor- rower is himself denied the opportunity to see for himself, in any department, the books he would select from. If a book asked for is not in, another of equal or greater value on the same subject may be in. The borrower, denied access to the shelves, should at least have, if he wishes it, the benefit of the attendant's knowl- edge of this fact. A delivery service made up largely of mechan- 250 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ical contrivances may easily put into the hands of the public several thousand books in a day. It may serve a good purpose iu so doing. It may find its proper field in performing part of the book-lending work in any large library. But it certainly can not compete, from an educational point of view, with a service in which the attendant puts himself for the moment in the inquirer's place, and himself goes to the shelves with an intelligent interest in the inquirer's wants. Near the counter should be the catalogue room ; and the pri- vate official catalogue of the library should be open to the public, if possible. Such an arrangement saves much costly duplication. It is also desirable to have the information about the library's books which is stored up in the catalogue room made available for the public at short notice. Near the delivery room and not far from the main book room should be a special room for children, in which may be kept all juvenile literature, so arranged that the children may make their own choice from the shelves. This will prove a strong attraction to the young people, will increase their use of books of the better class, will free other parts of the library from the disturbance children necessarily entail, and will save time and labor at the delivery counter. The room for reference work, if the whole library is not thrown open for this purpose, must be not far from the main book room, must be near the catalogue, and should be near the delivery counter. It should be so planned that those who come to the library simply for a book, or to ask a question, or on sight- seeing, will not be compelled to pass through it. The retiring rooms and lunch rooms for assistants, the conver- sation or class rooms for special work, the rooms for rough work — as mending or binding and the manual part of the preparation of books for the shelf — the periodical room, and the newspaper room can all be placed at a distance from the library's real cen- ter, the delivery counter ; though the last two must be near enough to the reference room to make it easy for readers in the latter to consult the current numbers of magazines and journals. The office of the librarian in charge should be near to the delivery room, and preferably not far from either catalogue or reference room. The books in the public library should be selected with refer- ence to the people who will use them. The people who make use of the free public library are, sixty per cent or more of them, readers of little but the newspapers, the popular magazine, and novels. The reading room should supply, and generously, the newspaper and the periodical. The circulating department should put much thought and much energy into fiction. The fiction THE PUBLIC AND ITS PUBLIC LIBRARY. 251 shelves, perhaps above all others, should be open to the public. If they are thus open, the question of how low in the scale of literature the library must descend in its selection of novels to attract as many readers as its income will permit it to supply will almost solve itself. Liberty to go to a collection of novels, em- bracing the best works of the best writers of all countries ai;d all ages, will be attraction enough. It will not be necessary to put on the shelves books of the South worth, the Roe, and the Mary J. Holmes school to draw to the library the ignorant and inexpe- rienced. Such readers are wedded to their literary idols, not because they find them best, but because they know no others. They will not often take the evidence of expert or of catalogue that there are other good novels than those of which they have heard from fellow-readers in their own walk in life. But the book itself of the unknown writer, placed in easy reach, with attractive title, cover, and illustrations, will prove irresistible. Liberty to see, touch, peep into, and taste the new and heretofore untried will set the known and the unknown on the same plane in the mind of the inexperienced ; and the unknown, if the better book and if selected with an eye to the library's constituency, will gain the day. The horizon of the inexperienced reader will, in such a library, soon widen. The devotee of mush and slush will, under her own guidance, following her own sweet will, almost unconsciously rise to a higher plane. She will be proud to think that she has found possibilities of pleasure in good authors whom she herself has had the wit to discover. The fiction list then will be long, but it will be select. Four to five thousand titles, many times duplicated, will cover the field. With the shelves open, with full liberty of choice given, the obliging attendant will be all the more appreciated. He will obtrude no opinions and no advice, but will be ready and able to give both, if asked, or if opportunity offers. He will be supple- mented with catalogues. And just as the library will make its fiction department — the department in which it will first reach, by which perhaps it can alone reach, from sixty to eighty per cent of its visitors — the most attractive and most carefully adminis- tered of all, so will it for this department best equip itself with aids and guides. It will have here catalogues of the most varied kinds — special lists, descriptive lists, like those of Griswold ; his- torical lists, like that of the Boston Public Library ; annotated lists, like that of the San Francisco Public Library ; critical jour- nals; and books and essays on the novel, its development and uses. In addition to all these things, it will tell the inquirer in which novels he can find set forth great historical characters and the prominent personages of fiction ; in which he will find de- scriptions of notable scenes and historical events ; in which are 252 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. found rare psychological analyses, striking descriptions that have become part of the everyday life of the cultivated ; and discus- sions of social, political, and religious questions; and which novels will best tell him of life in this city, in that country, on the sea. In a word, the public's free public library will recog- nize at last the public's demand for the novel ; will not attempt to excuse it, to hide it, to make light of it, or to counteract it ; but will make use of it as an educational force in itself, and as a point of departure to more serious things. The novel reader is not a hopeless case. If he be a confirmed novel reader and noth- ing more, he has at least the reading habit, and in his youth can in most cases be led from that habit to question and to think. The reference room of the free public library is in some sort already here. Not a few libraries recognize the reasonableness of a demand on the public's part for access to dictionaries, ency- clopaedias, atlases, gazetteers, and the like. Under the modern view the whole library becomes, of course, a great reference room. But the reference department proper, even in the modern public library, should contain ample accommodations in the way of desks, tables, writing materials, etc., for the casual inquirer or the student. In other departments the wants of the reader, the beginner in learning, should be first supplied, books for the specialist being added as rapidly and to as great an extent as actual demand makes advisable and funds in hand make possible. No money should be expended on mere literary curios or on histor- ical knickknacks. The historical society and the antiquarian can look after these things, and should not have the public purse for their competitor. In accordance with the general spirit of the open-shelf method of administration, great liberality should be shown in the issuing of library cards. To the library itself for purposes of reference every one who applies will, of course, be admitted, so he be clean and reputable in appearance. To become an accredited borrower of books from the library one should be asked to do no more than sign some simple form of agreement. This, in addition to the information which can be obtained from a few questions put by librarian or assistants, with perhaps a reference to the city directory, has proved to be enough in actual practice to prevent the issuing of cards to people who wish them simply to make way with the library's books. In spite of this fact, the custom still holds in most libraries of demanding not only the signature of the person who wishes to become a borrower to an elaborate contract — this signature to be written at the library itself — but also the signature of some accredited citizen who agrees to be- come responsible for the borrower himself. This is entirely SCIENCE AS AN INSTRUMENT OF EDUCATION. 2^3 unnecessary. The additional clerical work involved in tlie keep- ing of the two sets of names of borrowers and guarantors of bor- rowers, together with the labor necessitated by looking them up in directories and elsewhere, will cost more, save in very excep- tional cases, than will the books which may be lost through the adoption of extreme liberality in the issuing of borrowers' cards. The people's money in this part of its library's administration, as in every other, should be spent rather in extending and making more easily accessible to the average citizen the library's re- sources than in setting barriers of red tape between the books and the people who own them and wish to use them. ■♦»»• SCIENCE AS AN INSTRUMENT OF EDUCATION. By M. p. E. M. BEETHELOT. THE part performed by science in the general education of the human mind and the progress of civilization has been often misconceived by pedagogues, hedged in as they are by the tradi- tional formulas of classical teaching. I recollect having heard a conversation some twenty-five years ago between Duruy, then Minister of Public Instruction, and a general school inspector, in which Duruy spoke of the importance of the experimental sci- ences and the necessity of giving them a larger place in the school course. The inspector, proof against general ideas, and despising utilitarian results, the importance of which he could not comprehend, saw nothing in this but a kitchen school, good at most to teach future dealers in petroleum and coal. It would not be hard to find similar opinions among some of the blind parti- sans of classical instruction founded on the study of Greek and Latin. Yet, if the material conditions of human life have been changed — if the accumulation of capital and the increase of the productive force of man's labor have gradually added to the gen- eral ease and given workmen a relative independence and rights which they did not formerly possess, and which are extending every day for the good of the race — such advance, we should never cease to recollect, is not due to literary studies or scholastic or religious or philosophical discussions, but is attributable essen- tially to the growth of science and to the increase of general wealth brought about by it. This immense development of wealth and industry, as well as the correlative development of the liberal and democratic spirit, are due, we declare loudly, to the discoveries of modern science. If the supply of food at the disposal of the human species goes on 2 54 POPULAR^ SCIENCE MONTHLY. continually increasing, it is not by the effect of logical reasoning or theological declamation, but by the necessary results of discov- eries in chemistry, mechanics, and physiology, which have already transformed agriculture and will transform it still further in a near future. However slowly peasants may change their tradi- tional practices, we have taught them how to get from a field in a given time, with the same amount of labor and expenditure, a much larger quantity of wheat than the field formerly produced, and we are, in this matter, still very far from the goal that sci- ence permits us to set before ourselves. It is in consequence of the progress of science that everybody, or nearly everybody, in France now eats the white bread which formerly only richer peo- ple could get. The number of cattle we raise in our pastures has increased in no less proportion during the past two centuries, and always by the application of methods created by science ; and, by virtue of what those methods have accomplished, animal food has been made accessible to our workmen and peasants, to whom it was unknown sixty years ago. By virtue of discoveries in chem- istry, sugar, a rare and exceptional luxury in the last century, is now produced in colossal quantities, and has become one of the usual foods of the people. It would be easy to extend indefinitely this enumeration of the ameliorations of the conditions of life achieved through science. Now all these advances, I repeat, are not due to dialectic or lit- erary discussions, but to the positive discoveries of the physical, mathematical, and natural sciences. I do not mean merely prac- tical discoveries made empirically, but the chief part of this prog- ress is attributable to the highest theoretical conceptions of the positive sciences. Thus all the modern industries of metals, stones, wood, work in materials of every sort, rest upon the gen- eral discoveries of chemistry and mechanics. So with the im- mense development of ways of communication, which every one admires and acknowledges has opened indefinite domains to com- merce and industry. It has permitted a general distribution of products and wealth among all civilized peoples, while it has at the same time tended toward a certain continuity of the ideas and the intellectual and moral education of the nations. The last is a capital point, for it is the fundamental characteristic of science to belong particularly to no sect and no nationality, and to be the general domain of mankind. It is important to recollect how this distribution in common of all the resources of the globe, which has resulted from the development of the ways of communication, has been realized. We should never forget that it is through the discoveries of astronomy that the course of ships across the ocean is directed with certainty, and that the general plan and detailed map of the SCIENCE AS AN INSTRUMENT OF EDUCATION. 255 continents and islands can be traced with an exactness hitherto unknown; that the findings of modern physics have revealed the theoretical laws of vapors and thermodynamics, which are applied daily to supplement and multiply man's labor in all in- dustries ; that the discoveries of chemistry respecting gases, com- bustion, and the preparation of iron and steel, added to the inven- tions of rational and applied dynamics, control the fabrication and operation of our machines, ships, and locomotives. In short, these marvelous advances have been accomplished through science alone, and not through a blind empiricism. I will not here dwell upon the wonderful facilities that have been given to life by such subtle discoveries of the physics of our time as the electric tele- graph, the telephone, photography, and electric lighting ; and I only refer by way of a reminder to the complete modification of the conditions of war effected through the very recent discoveries of science concerning explosive matters. I can not, however, pass in silence over the prolongation of human life, the mean duration of which has been doubled among civilized peoples during the past two centuries by the discoveries of physiology, hygiene, and medi- cine, in which some new advance is marked nearly every day. All this progress and all this transformation of life have not been accomplished and will not be continued by chance or acci- dent, but are the fruits of modern science. And this is why pub- lic opinion is every day demanding an increasing intervention of the methods and teaching of science in public instruction. This participation is, furthermore, not destined to be for the profit of the community alone, but by a necessary consequence is prima- rily profitable for individuals to whom, prepared by scientific instruction in their secondary education, it is all the time opening new professional careers. While the necessity of science in secondary education is thus demonstrated by the most imperative reasons from the material and social point of view, it must not be supposed that science is less well adapted to the mental and moral education of the indi- vidual, and that it can not form minds capable of elevated concep- tions and develop good citizens. There are two courses in science corresponding to different aptitudes, but not contradictory — the mathematical course, deduc- tive and rational, and the physical and naturalistic direction, founded on observation and experiment, combined with reason. Mathematics gives the young man a clear idea of demonstration and habituates him to form long trains of thought and reasoning methodically connected and sustained by the final certainty of the result ; and it has the further advantage, from a purely moral point of view, of inspiring an absolute and fanatical respect for the truth. In addition to all this, mathematics, and chiefly algebra and 256 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. infinitesimal analysis, excite to a liigh degree the conception of the signs and symbols — necessary instruments to extend the power and reach of the human mind by summarizing an aggregate of relations in a condensed form and in a kind of mechanical way. These auxiliaries are of especial value in mathematics, because they are there adequate to their definitions, a characteristic which they do not possess to the same degree in the physical and mathe- matical sciences. There are, in fact, a mass of mental and moral faculties that can be put in full play only by instruction in math- ematics ; and they would be made still more available if the teach- ing was directed so as to leave free play to the personal work of the student. Mathematics is the indispensable instrument of all physical research. But the physical sciences introduce new and most important elements into education. They rest chiefly upon other methods than mathematics, the teaching of which con- tributes to the evolution of the child and the manifestation in him of new faculties no less essential, mentally and morally. I mean the faculties of observation and experiment, the object of which is the knowledge of Nature, a thing which, different from geometry, is not acquired by reasoning. In the physical sciences we are slaves to a truth which is exterior to us and which we can not know except by observing it. The teaching of facts is worth most here, and should be given from the tenderest infancy. On this side, scientific teaching, and especially natural history, are necessarj'' from the first years of secondary instruction, and it is a great mistake, I believe, to postpone it till the later years of study. Nothing is more suggestive or better fitted to develop the taste for the knowledge of things and for comparing them than the study of zoology and botany. Children acquire very early the fancy for collections, and morphological notions, so useful for the develop- ment of the arts and sciences, enter their young minds, we might say, insensibly and without forcing. They acquire at the same time the general idea of classification, which plays a very impor- tant part in all human knowledge, and the still more general one of the harmonious combination of organic systems into living beings. A delicate aesthetic sentiment thus gently insinuates itself into their minds. In order that the elements of the natural sciences may have their full educational virtue, it is indispensable that they shall not be presented to children under the form of arid nomencla- tures, dictated and learned by heart as a kind of task ; a method very well fitted to give them a disgust for these sciences, which are, on the other hand, really most interesting and most entertain- ing. The teaching of natural history should be based on the sight of the objects themselves. The teaching of the experimental sciences, such as physics and SCIENCE AS AN INSTRUMENT OF EDUCATION 257 chemistry, should follow. It can not well be given before the period of youth, and should be associated with at least an elemen- tary degree of knowledge of mathematics. Such teaching, prop- erly presented, is adapted in the highest degree to shaping the in- telligence and morals of the young man ; because it furnishes him at once the precise idea of positive truth, that of the fact proved a posteriori, and the most general notion of natural law, or the relation between particular facts, which is determined not by rea- son or dialectics but by observation. Truth thus imposes itself with the irresistible force of an objective necessity, independently of our desires and our will. Nothing is better adapted than such demonstration to give the mind that modesty, seriousness, stead- fastness, and clearness of convictions which raise it above the suggestions of vanity or personal interest, and are closely con- nected with the idea of duty. The habit of reasoning and reflect- ing on things, inflexible respect for the truth, and the obligation of always yielding to the necessary laws of the external world, communicate an indelible stamp to the mind. They accustom it to respect the laws of society as well as those of Nature, and to conceive of the rights of another and respect for him as a form, of one's own duty and of his own personal independence. Thus science plays a most important part in the mental and moral education of man. Besides forming useful citizens it makes men free from the prejudices and superstitions of former times. It teaches them how to combat the fatal forces of Nature by labor and will power, resting on the knowledge and direction of the natural laws, rather than by mystic fancies. Hence science forms free spirits, energetic and conscientious, more efficaciously than any literary and rhetorical direction. When scientific edu- cation shall have produced all its effects, politics too will be trans- formed, as industry has already deeply been. Both will become, to use a familiar term, experimental. Furthermore, and contemporaneously with this recognition of the laws of phenomena, observation and experiment give power over Nature. Through this fact, more than any other, youth can be engaged and drawn by an unconquerable enthusiasm into a really scientific education. To control physical and moral evil in industrial as well as economical life, to strive to diminish suf- fering, poverty, and misery of every kind, and to make the effort by virtue of the immanent laws of things, was the generous aim of philosophers of the eighteenth century, and they depended upon scientific conceptions, as they unceasingly proclaimed, for the at- tainment of it. The same end should be sought in our new edu- cation, and thereby science will become fully educational. Scientific education has therefore its own peculiar virtue, and it is by a deep misconception of its character and effect that the TOL. LI. — 20 258 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. assumption has been made of reserving the monopoly of the full development of the mind for literary instruction. Literary edu- cation has hitherto found its highest and most efficient formula in the teaching of the ancient languages. The teaching of the modern languages is less efficient because modern literary culture was derived from ancient culture, and is still, in principle at least, subordinate to it. However brilliant and original our modern systems may be, they have not produced, in either literature or the arts, superior models to those of ancient, particularly Greek, culture. So far, then, as the essential object proposed in secondary instruction is the formation of cultivated minds, there is no rea- son for expecting equivalent results from the simple substitution of the teaching of living for that of the ancient languages. But a purely literary teaching, even if it preserves its form and inten- tion, does not adequately meet the needs of modern societies. Everybody, even the most enthusiastic partisans of literary stud- ies, demands the addition of a certain amount of scientific teach- ing as a subordinate affair, comprising at least the elements of the sciences, to which no cultivated man of our age has a right to remain a stranger, whatever place he may propose to take in so- ciety. We may go still further, for it is certain that the formula of classical literary teaching, even as thus comprehended, is not adequate to all the careers and fundamental needs of our period. A very large number of citizens demand another discipline, based on a more thorough knowledge of the sciences, which have be- come indispensable for practical life, as well as for the general direction of society. Human society does not live on art and literature alone, as it once did ; it now lives more on science and industry. Hence the necessity for a scientific not less than for a literary teaching, not only from the practical point of view but also from that of mental and moral culture, and these should be given parallel with one another. This scientific teaching should not be exclusive any more than the literary teaching ; and it should be complemented by a subordinate literary teaching to which no cultivated man should be a stranger. The ancient lan- guages are not indispensable for the realization of this special kind of literary teaching, because it no longer constitutes the fun- damental object of the new organism. Two parallel courses of instruction, endowed with the same prerogatives — one founded essentially on ancient letters, with the addition of some scientific culture ; and the other based on sci- ence, to which some modern literary culture is added — that ap- pears to me the most desirable formula of our time, and that to which we are destined to be led by the force of events. — Trans- lated for the Popular Science Monthly from the author's hook, Sci- ence et Morale. SKETCH OF RICHARD OWEN. 259 RICHARD OWEN.* By President DAVID S. JORDAN. EIGHTY years ago in America the feeling was becoming gen- eral that the age of competition was past, and that a new social and industrial era was about to begin. Benjamin Franklin held that if every man and every woman should work for three hours a day at something useful, poverty would be banished, and each one might spend every afternoon of his days and the whole afternoon of his life amid the consolations of philosophy, the charms of literature, or the delights of social intercourse. In the words of Robert Dale Owen: "Every one looked forward to the time when riches, because of their superfluity, would cease to be the end and aim of man's thoughts, plottings, and lifelong strivings ; when the mere possession of wealth would no longer confer distinction — any more than does the possession of water — than which there is no property of greater worth.'' William Maclure, a wise man and a learned geologist in those days, refused to invest money in the city of Philadelphia, giving as a reason that " land in cities can no longer rise in value. The community system must prevail, and in the course of a few years Philadelphia must be deserted, and those who live long enough may come back here and see the foxes looking out of the win- dows." It is not strange, therefore, that Robert Owen, of Lanark, fresh from contact with the reforms in the Old World, and full of projects for the development of the New, found in William Maclure an ardent disciple and active co-worker. Owen and Maclure did not overestimate the power of co-opera- tion in the struggle of humanity with Nature, but they did over- look the fundamental law of Nature that co-operation means work- ing together, and equality of reward must imply some degree of equality of effectiveness. "The fatal error" of the New Har- mony Community, according to Robert Dale Owen, lay in their failure to recognize this law. No " industrial experiment," he continues to say, " can succeed which proposes equal remuneration to all men, the diligent and the dilatory, the skilled artisan and the common laborer, the genius and the drudge. . . . Such a plan of remunerating all alike will ultimately eliminate from a co- operative association the skilled and industrious members, leav- ing an ineffective and sluggish residue, in whose hands the ex- periment will fail, both socially and pecuniarily." In other words, * So far as I know, Dr. Richard Owen, of New Harmony, was not related to the famous comparative anatomist in London who bore the same name. 26o POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. no comnmnity can succeed in which the drones and the workers have equal access to the honey cells. But though the project at New Harmony, judged by the meas- ure of its founder's purposes, was a failure, still the influence for good of the men who, as a result of the experiment, became part of the life of the infant State of Indiana, is incalculable. New Harmony was located far in the backwoods, in the long- despised county of Posey, but for a time it was truly the center of Ameri- can science, and to this day few names in the annals of our science are brighter than those of Le Sueur, Say, and the Owens. To gain a just appreciation of the scientific career of Richard Owen we must consider for a moment the lives of the men of science whose dreams and projects he shared, and who were the companions of his youth. It was through the agency of William Maclure that most of these were drawn to New Harmony. Mac- lure was a geologist of note and an earnest student of social science. On leaving Philadelphia he planned to conduct at New Harmony a school of industry where the arts of the conquest of Nature should be taught to all. The essence of human progress, in his thought, was the increase of human knowledge. The farmer should cease to be a mere tiller of the soil, and should be trained to make the earth his benefactor. A man is better unborn than untrained. An unskilled laborer is a deformity, and they who toil should do so to the best advantage. William Maclure published fortnightly at New Harmony a magazine called The Disseminator of Useful Knowledge, contain- ing Hints to the Youth of the United States, from the School of Industry. Its motto was, " Ignorance is the frightful cause of human misery." Its subscription price was one dollar a year in advance. This magazine was filled with wise reflections on social and political matters, having for lighter reading scraps of science and bits of useful information of every sort. In the pages of the Disseminator the name of Thomas Say often appears. Say wrote on the shells of the Wabash. He fol- lowed Maclure from Philadelphia, and came down from Pittsburg in a keel boat, along with the notable company famous in the New Harmony Community as the " boat-load of knowledge." Thomas Say had been with Long's expedition across the Rocky Mountains, and had already won fame as a naturalist and traveler. His papers on shells and insects were widely known. These in- vestigations he continued at New Harmony. A close and con- scientious observer, his work bears the stamp of a master mind. At his death in 1835 it was asserted that " he had done more to make known the zoology of this country than any other man." With a touch of his own modesty, one of his friends said that SKETCH OF RICHARD OWEN. 261 "he will he remembered ever as one who did honor to his country and enlarged the boundaries of human knowledge." A worthy- monument stands to his memory over his burial place at New Harmony. One of the most attractive of our pioneer naturalists was the artist, Charles Alexander Le Sueur, who was a native of France, but had lived for a time in Philadelphia, from which place he came to New Harmony in the "boat-load of knowledge." But before leaving France his fame had become widespread. He en- joyed the friendship and correspondence of Cuvier. He had been around the world as a naturalist in the celebrated voyage of Pdron. He was one of the most careful of observers and had singular skill in drawing and painting animals. The turtles and fishes were his special subjects of study, and his pictures of them are among the most lifelike ever published. He had been the first naturalist to study the fishes of the Great Lakes and the first to examine the great group of fishes called suckers and buffaloes. He made large collections of the animals of the Wabash Valley, which he sent to Cuvier, and which are still preserved in the museum at Paris. A number of his water- color sketches remain ; one, a small but very lifelike portrait of the old Governor Francis Vigo, I have seen in Indianapolis. Le Sueur painted the drop curtain of the theater at the Community Hall. It represented the Falls of Niagara, and to heighten the Americanism of the scene he painted by the side of the Falls that other great wonder of the New World, the rattlesnake. When the community disbanded, Le Sueur returned to Phila- delphia, earning thereafter, it is said, a precarious living by giving lessons in painting. Afterward he returned to France, where he became curator of the museum at Havre. Richard Owen was a great favorite with Le Sueur, and I have already pub- lished in these pages Owen's account of him and of the days when as a boy he waded barefooted in the bayous of the Wabash to gather mussel shells for the naturalist. Dr. Gerard Troost, a Dutch geologist, was ^Iso a member of the community, and after leaving it he became State Geologist of Tennessee. He made a magnificent collection of minerals, which was purchased, it is said, by a society in Louisville for thirty thousand dollars. Dr. Joseph F. Neef, a blunt, plain-spoken, honest man, was the teacher of New Harmony, and he was a great favorite with his pupils. He was born in Alsace, and in his early life had been both priest and soldier. He was a mathematician of great ability. After leaving the army he became an associate of Pestalozzi in his school near Yverdun in Switzerland. He was mentioned by Pestalozzi as an earnest, manly worker who did not disdain to 262 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. occupy himself with the elements of science. Neef left Switzer- land for Paris to introduce there the system of Pestalozzi. In Paris he met Maclure, and was induced by him to come to America. " It is my highest ambition/' said Neef, "to be a coun- try school teacher amid a hardy, vigorous community." And this he became in New Harmony. He was an intimate associate of the Owens. His daughter Caroline became the wife of David Dale Owen, and Anne the wife of Richard. There were besides these, who were a part of the community, other men of note in science who spent longer or shorter periods in the community as visitors. Among them was the eccentric, " mattoed " Rafinesque, whose stay was so short and whose story 80 long that I must pass him by with a word. Sir Charles Lyell was for a time the guest of the Owens. Reared among such surroundings, and with such men as friends and teachers, it is not strange that the sons of Robert Owen were imbued with a love of Nature, nor that they formed high ideals of the work they should do in life. Robert Owen, in accordance with his own theories, gave his children the. best education which the world could offer, and they made good use of their opportunities. Robert Dale Owen, the eldest son, had a strong taste for philosophy and literature, and was long known as a charming essayist, one of that circle of writers who gave to the Atlantic Monthly its high literary char- acter. He too was a part of the " boat-load of knowledge " and took an active part in the affairs of the community. He be- came a member of the State Legislature, and exerted a powerful influence in shaping the school system of Indiana. He must ever remain one of the prominent figures in the history of the State. William Owen, the second son, died early at New Harmony. David Dale Owen was the third son, and Richard Owen the youngest of the family. These two were intimately and con- stantly associated.both in their early education and in their later work. They were alike in taste and disposition, and, if we can trust the portraits of David Dale Owen, they were very much alike in personal appearance. They were born at New Lanark, in Scotland, David in 1807, Richard in 1810. They studied first at home under private tutors, and afterward were sent to Hofwyl, in Switzerland, to the famous school of Emmanuel Fallenberg. Later they studied chemistry under the famous Dr. Ure in Glasgow, and in 1827 they came to America together in a sail- ing vessel, landing at New Orleans. Until 1832, when Richard Owen was twenty-two years old, he had never been separated from his brother for a single day. SKETCH OF RICHARD OWEN. 263 David Dale Owen was especially interested in fossils and min- erals, and was employed to label and arrange the large collection of Maclure. A part of the collection became his property, and formed the nucleus of the famous Owen Museum, containing some eighty-five thousand specimens. This was purchased by the University of Indiana for the sum of twenty thousand dol- lars, but it was in great part lost in the destruction of the mu- seum building in the disastrous fire of 1883. David Dale Owen spent most of his life as geologist in the public service. He was State Geologist of Indiana in 1837. After- ward he undertook government work in Wisconsin and Iowa. He spent five years as United States Geologist in field work in the region beyond the Mississippi. Then in turn he had charge of the State Surveys in Kentucky, Arkansas, and Indiana. He was State Geologist of Indiana at the time of his death, in 1860. His work was admirably and conscientiously performed, and as first State Geologist of several different States he set a high stand- ard of public work which few of his successors have been able to follow. One of the most untiring of workers and most unself- ish of men, David Dale Owen has left a deep impression on the history of American geology, and the students in the Geological Department of the University of Indiana are proud to do their work in the building named " Owen Hall." Richard Owen spent much of his early life as a teacher. He served for a time in the Mexican War, commanding a company under General Taylor. At the close of the war he became his brother's chief assistant, and was the first geologist to explore the northern shore of Lake Superior. For a time he held a professor- ship in the Western Military Institute in Kentucky, and after- ward a similar position in a college in Nashville. This position he resigned to become his brother's successor as State Geologist of Indiana. While engaged in the survey of the State the civil war began, and he became lieutenant colonel of the Fifteenth Indiana regiment, under a commission from Governor Morton. While in camp he read the proof sheets of his last geological report. He took part in the battles of Rich Mountain and Green- briar, and was promoted to the rank of colonel of the Sixtieth Indiana regiment. The following facts regarding the war record of Colonel Owen I quote from an address by Judge R. W. Miers, one of his stu- dents: "In the winter of 1861-'62 he guarded at Indianapolis four thousand prisoners captured at Fort Donelson. In the spring of the following year he was ordered to Kentucky, where his regi- ment was taken prisoners of war by General Bragg at Mumfords- ville. Three months later they were exchanged. Although the regiment was paroled. Dr. Owen was not, nor were his side arms 264 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. taken from him. On the contrary, General Buckner went out into the field where the regiment was guarded, and thanked Colonel Owen for his kindness to the four thousand Fort Donel- son prisoners at Camp Morton. He was treated very politely by General Bragg, with whom he had become acquainted in the Mexican War." Later Owen was in the battle of Arkansas Post, and took part in the campaigns of Sherman and Grant about Vicksburg. He was with General Banks in 1863 on the Red River campaign, and while thus engaged was elected by the trustees of the Uni- versity of Indiana to the professorship of natural science. He accepted the position on condition that his place should be tempo- rarily supplied till the end of the war. On January 1, 1864, he assumed the duties of his professorship in the university, which he continued to fill for fifteen years. In June, 1879, at the age of sixty-nine, he resigned, an increasing deafness, the result of sunstroke, having made his college duties burdensome to him. He retired to his estate at New Harmony, where he lived until March 25, 1890. His death was a tragic one, caused by accidentally drinking a quantity of arsenical embalm- ing fluid. While connected with the university he continued his work for the United States Geological Survey, exploring New Mexico and Arizona. During 1869 he traveled widely in Europe and America. Of Dr. Owen's work as a teacher I may speak briefly. Under the present system of elective study he would have been an ideal teacher, earnest, thorough, and inspiring. Under the old system his best powers were never called for. He had neither skill nor taste for the work of drill master. He taught those well who cared to learn. He believed in large freedom of the student. His students were on their honor, and those who had no honor abused their freedom. It was part of the vicious system which prevailed in our colleges in the last generation that learned men capable of the highest work, and full of the inspiration which comes from thorough knowledge, should be compelled to spend their time and strength in crowding the elements of various subjects upon un- willing and unresponsive boys. A teacher should have the oppor- tunity to give the best that is in him, and to give this to those who are ready and worthy to receive it. In 1873 Dr. Owen was elected President of Purdue University, the agricultural and mechanical college of Indiana, established under the Morrill Act. This position he accepted, but, as after two years the school still remained unorganized, he never assumed the duties of the ofiice. He published an interesting report to the trustees on the proposed method of organization and government SKETCH OF RICHARD OWEN. 265 of the new School of Agriculture. Its discipline he had planned to place in the hands of a representative senate of students. The lower classes were to be divided into sections, each numbering ten to fifteen, and each section to be under the direct supervision of some member of the senior class. Dr. Owen's scientific publications were very numerous. His favorite subjects were the significance of the contour of continents and the causes of earthquake action. His mind was especially attracted to the study of hidden causes in the development of the earth — that is, to those causes which we have not yet learned to associate with their effects. This diflBcult line of research involved a vast amount of reading in every tongue, and the breadth of his early education made such reading possible. His first important work, A Key to the Geology of the Globe, was an endeavor to show that the present features of the earth are all the results of fixed and demonstrable laws, like those governing the develop- ment of animals and plants. He believed that the earth was a great magnet, made so directly or indirectly by the heat of the sun. As a result of this, he thought that the axis and coast lines of both continents tend to conform to the axis of the ecliptic. The angular distance of twenty-three and a half de- grees, which marks the northward extension of the sun in sum- mer, he took to be a natural unit of measure in the structure of the earth. Whether these relations are real or fanciful I have no means of knowing. Perhaps in the ultimate progress of science it does not matter, for many hypotheses must be framed and tested be- fore we come to the full measure of the laws which regulate the changes in the earth's crust. Dr. Owen was a gentle and reverent man, unassuming and un- selfish in all his relations — a man of perfect courtesy of manners because of perfect courtesy of thought ; a man whom everybody loved because his love went out to every one. He was the highest typve of teacher, of naturalist, of scholar, of soldier even, because above all his was the highest type of man.* * The writer once gave a lecture at New Harmony in the old building which had been the Community Theater. Dr. Owen presided. He was then nearly eighty years of age and very deaf. He did not hear one word of the lecture, but he had the art of appearing to hear. To every point the speaker or the audience deemed good he responded with a smile of appreciation, the expression of perfect courtesy, the courtesy of the " gentleman of the old school," of which type Dr. Owen was one of the most perfect examples. 266 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. %i^i\ox^s %Mit. PERNICIOUS LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITY. THE past winter has probably been the most remarkable on record for legislative activity. Although a considerable number of Legislatures has not been in session, owing to the adoption of the biennial system, those that have been at work appear to have spared no effort to give evi- dence of their wisdom and to add to the enormous volume of statutes that overwhelm lawyers and judges. In New York State the phenomenal record made by the previous Legis- lature was broken. Over thirty-five hundred bills were introduced in the Senate and Assembly, and of these over a third of them passed both Houses. Although figures are not at hand in regard to the activity of other Legislatures, the newspaper re- ports of their proceedings leave the impression that they have not been less productive. It is not diflBcult to account for this remarkable phenomenon. Ever since the civil war, which gave a tremendous impetus to legislative activity both at Washington and at the capitals of the States, there has been shown a tendency to rely more and more upon laws to curb unami- able traits of human nature and to improve economic conditions. The old belief in the potency of Yankee energy and thrift to overcome the obstacles of life and of public opinion to bring wayward people into line with the best moral thought of the age has become much weakened. What has affected it most unfavor- ably of late is the business paralysis of the last few years. The result is that few people entertain the notion that anything can be done in the di- rection of either moral or industrial improvement without the enactment of some law. Only a careful inspection of all the bills introduced and passed would enable one to make an adequate analysis of the subjects that have received legislative attention and treatment. But the accounts given of them in the newspapers indicate clearly enough their general char- acter and tendency. They show a growing lack of respect for indi- vidvxal and corporate freedom and for the rights of property, especially the property of rich men. They ap- pear to be based upon the theory that progress lies in the direction of regulating more and more the con- duct of everybody, and of taking the money of the people that have it for the benefit of those less fortunate. But no argument is needed to show that this is despotism, although it is created in the name of the people, and that it is a reversion to a much lower state of civilization than the one to which the American people are supposed to have reached. Until this truth is realized, it is probably too much to expect that there will be any amendment of this deplorable evil of over legislation. The subject that has perhaps re- ceived the most attention is trusts. With many legislators it has been a kind of mania. As a consequence, a mass of bills has been proposed to regulate all large combinations of capital, from railroads and insurance companies to department stores — a new object of legislative hostility — and to increase to the furthest limit the burden of taxation put upon them. Although this mania has not been confined to any particular lo- cality, Kansas and Oklahoma have EDITOR'S TABLE. 267 been the worst victims. So unfavor- able to capital has been some of the legislation of Oklahoma that the home offices of insurance and loan companies outside of the State have ordered their agents to take no more business. The possibility of such a result in New York State had doubt- less much to do with the modifica- tion of similar bills at Albany. Naturally, where there has been such a shameless disregard of the rights of corporations, little con- ' sideration has been shown for the rights of individuals. When a wave of despotic I'epression passes over a community it shows no favor ; it treats all alike. One of the most characteristic bills of this class is that compelling school teachers to contribute a certain percentage of their salaries to a retirement or pen- sion fund, to be managed by the municipalities in which they live. It is, of course, nothing less than a step toward the establishment of a system of civil-service pensions like the one that now exists in certain countries in Europe. The legisla- tion against the wearing of hats by women in theaters, against playing football, against the organization of Greek -letter fraternities in State- aided institutions, etc., is equally worthy of the same despotisms. It would be interesting to speak more at length of other legislation, proposed and enacted, such as the prohibition of gold contracts, the is- sue of scrip as money by State and county governments, the payment of bounties on agricultural products, and the exemption from taxation of certain manufacturing industries. Measures of this kind are sufficient- ly significant to merit special com- ment; they illustrate in a striking manner the growing tendency to in- terfere with private rights and to plunder one class for the benefit of another. Equally significant also is the New York State lav? to pay to every indigent family a certain sum for the care of each child; it is a practice that can not fail to revive in this country all the shocking so- cial and economic evils of the old English poor law. Finally, it would be interesting to dwell upon the vi- cious assaults that have been made in New York, Illinois, and elsewhere upon civil -service reform; they in- dicate the same decadence in public opinion as to the requirements of good government that may be observed in the renewal of archaic legislation in the field of morals and economics. But it is only possible to call spe- cial attention to the efforts made very generally to provide money to meet the alarming increase of expenditures that has followed the large addition to the duties of the State. Desperate- ly pressed to discover new sources of income, legislators have resorted to many novel and extraordinary ex- pedients. Of these the most iniqui- tous is the graduated inheritance tax enacted in New York and proposed in other States. Not only does it violate the fundamental principles of taxation, namely, uniformity and equity, but it is likely to serve, like all iniquitous legislation, as a pre- cedent to violate still further the rights of individuals and of property. THE POSTAL UNION CONGRESS. The city of Washington is at this moment the seat of a congress strik- ingly different in character from the Congress which we are accus- tomed to associate with the national capital. It is a congress of men chosen for their competence to deal with a particular subject. It meets for a business purpose. It will at- tend to that business. It will attack difficult work and keep at it till it is done. It will not be the scene of vain eloquence, nor yet of party 268 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. maneuvers, and will know nothing of log-rolling for appropriations. When its labors are concluded the result will be recognizable in rules established, disputed questions set- tled, methods of procedure im- proved, distinct advantages gained for the whole civilized world. It will afford an example, as previous congresses of similar nature have already done, of what can be accom- plished by the mutual counsel and concerted efforts of a body of men chosen expressly for their recog- nized fitness to deal with the inter- ests committed to their charge. If it does not teach a lesson as to the improvement which might be effect- ed in legislative bodies could their members also be chosen on grounds of fitness and competency for the work of legislation, it will not be because the lesson is not sufficiently on the surface. The congress referred to, as our headline shows, is that of the Uni- versal Postal Union. The formation of the Postal Union may be regarded as marking the transition from a period of semibarbarism in postal matters— that is to say, from an inter- national point of view — to a period of civilization. Prior to 1874 each nation followed its own devices so far as postal arrangements were con- cerned. There was no attempt at uniformity of postage rates or regu- lations, and all international rela- tions were complicated in the highest degree. The postage charges to no two countries were the same; or, if they were the same, it was by acci- dent. There was no accident, how- ever, about their being high. It had not occurred to anybody as yet that there could be such a thing as cheap international postage. It seemed to be an accepted axiom that, if corre- spondence was carried on across a frontier, it must be made an expen- sive affair. A far-sighted German, however, the late Herr von Stephan, of Berlin, conceived the idea of introducing order into this postal chaos. He did not see why, if uniform rates could obtain through the extensive terri- tories of a single state, uniform rates might not also be established over the civilized globe. He saw no sense in international frontiers in postal matters. A letter, he held, should be free to go whithersoever its sender willed, at the lowest charge compati- ble with reimbursement of the ex- pense of conveyance. And as, in the main, the correspondence which each country would send to any oth- er country would be about equal to what it would receive therefrom, he saw Jio necessity for international accounts. The result of the commu- nication of these ideas to a number of the leading postal administrations of the world was the summoning in the year 1873 of the Berne Conference. The result of the conference was the establishment of the Postal Treaty of Berne, to which the lead- ing nations of the world were signa- tories. That treaty established a uni- form international rate of five cents for a half-ounce (fifeen gramme) letter, with a provisional permission to levy a surcharge up to five cents more on correspondence addressed to very distant countries, and subject therefore to specially heavy " tran- sit" rates. International accounts were in the main abolished. There were still, however, complications, arising from the fact that a great many countries were yet outside the Union, and that accounts had there- fore to be maintained with these, and certain debits and credits in connec- tion with their correspondence to be passed on to other countries. As time went on, however, things simplified themselves gradually. One by one the outlying countries fell in ; and at the present time there EDITOR'S TABLE. 269 is no government on the face of the earth deserving the name of civilized that has not adhered to what is justly styled the " Universal Postal Union." Nearly all countries have voluntari- ly abandoned their privilege of sur- charging letters for remote destina- tions; so that, broadly speaking, the whole world may be described as one postal territory, while a five-cent stamp is the talisman that will se- cure for a letter conveyance, from any point where it can be posted, to any other at which it can be deliv- ered by postal agency. For that very low payment it may go half round the globe; and if the person addressed is not there, it may com-- plete the circle in order to find him. The great empire of China is prepar- ing to fall in with the scheme, and has already adopted it to a consider- able extent. Japan became a full member of the union many years ago. The task, therefore, of the postal unification of the globe may be said to be all but accomplished. One or two difficulties in the working of the system remain to be smoothed away, and these are engaging the attention of the present congress. The most important question is that relating to "transit" postage. Some countries are so situated geographically that they are required to handle far more coi'respondeuce for other countries " in transit " than those countries have any opportunity of handling for them, while the situation of others, again, is the exact reverse. France, Italy, and Belgium are countries of the first class, a vast volume of coi-- respondence for the continent of Eu- rope passing through France and Belgium, and most of the correspond- ence of Europe with the East passing through Italy. Great Britain is an example on the other side, the postal business it does with foreign nations far exceeding the use made of its territory by mails in transit. The consequence is 'that every year in the settlement of claims and counter claims Great Britain has to pay out nearly half a million dollars more than she takes in. Heretofore these claims and coun- ter claims have been established by means of statistics taken periodically, and the question now before the con- gress is. Can these statistics, which entail a vast amount of labor, and more or less impede the postal serv- ice while they are in progress, be got rid of altogether ? The German post office has a scheme by which this object can be accomplished. The plan is briefly this: As the taking of the statistics costs a great deal of la- bor, which, of course, means money, it is proposed that countries having a less claim in the general clearing than ten thousand dollars a year should forego it altogether in con- sideration of getting rid of trouble and expense to that (supposed) amount, and that the same amount should be deducted from all claims exceeding ten thousand dollars. It is estimated that the making of these deductions would decrease the total amount to be paid by the debtor countries by twenty-five per cent; and, taking the latest statistics as a basis, it is proj^osed simply to assess each debtor country accordingly, and pay over to each creditor coun- try the amount to which it is enti- tled. If this scheme commends itself to the congress, the international postal system will have reached nearly the acme of simplicity, all postage accounts, between the differ- ent countries having been swept away into the limbo of the obsolete and the useless. To how great an extent such an organization as the Universal Postal Union makes for civilization and for international unity it is needless to point out. It is one phase of the fed- eration of mankind, and gives ground 270 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. to hope that other steps in the moral unification of the race will follow. It is satisfactory to think that it is to a large extent the result of individual effort. The different governments of the world have been rather passive than active in the matter. They have had the grace— and they de- serve credit for it— to let the best heads in their several services co- operate in developing this great scheme, which deserves to be regard- ed as one of the most definitive steps in advance that civilization has ever taken. When the proposition was first made it was not looked upon with great favor in more than one high quarter, but, as it did not involve much expenditure of money, no seri- ous obstacles were thrown in the way. The thinkei's who had it in hand soon showed what could be made of it, and to-day the world is reaping the benefit of their labors and their sa- gacity. As we began by saying, the congress of this world-wide union is a congress of the competent— let us add of the responsible. As it hap- pens, these are precisely the two ad- jectives that are least ai^plicable, gen- erally speaking, to the members of political assembles elected by popu- lar vote. As to competence, there is no need to discuss the matter ; as to responsibility, it means nothing in political circles save liability to cen- sure and rejection on the next occa- sion, if the representative has not pushed local interests with sufficient vigor and sufficient disregard of wider considei'ations. It would be vain to look for any sudden change in the working of democratic insti- tutions; and yet an object lesson like that afforded by the Congress of the Universal Postal Union is one that should not be wholly lost on reason- able men. SPECIAL BOOKS. Those interested to learn of their paleolithic and neolithic ancestors will find an interesting account of their conditioning in Prehistoric Man and Beast.* Although embodying the results of recent geologic and ar- chaeologic research, the book is not at all technical, but adapted to the pop- ular reader. If he knows anything of scientific theory, he may be aroused by the epithets applied to the cherished hypotheses of some writers. The great ice sheet is called " a myth," the polar ice cap " a monstrous fiction," and the astronomical theory of an ice age receives no milder treatment in the chapter devoted to the discussion of the subject. But, having dealt as an iconoclast with these favored cults, the author writes of the lore of fairyland in an opposite fashion. Fairies are not legendary beings, but real folk, whom scientific people "may no longer dare to despise." The small, tricky natives of an island off the Schleswig coast were called Pucks, and even mermen and mermaids had their prototypes in a Finnish people who dressed in sealskins and were taken by the Shetlanders to be half human. The record of primeval man is not found in documents produced by impressionable minds, but is registered in the river gravels, cliff caverns. * Prehistoric Man and Beast. Co. Pp. 298, 8vo. Price, 83.00. By Kev. H. N. Uutchineon, F. G. S. New York : D. Appleton & SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 271 kitchen middens, and long barrows. In these ancient dwelling places the weapons, utensils, ornaments, burial and hearth stones testify unerringly as to his mode of life. The degree of skill attained in his handiwork serves as a basis to differentiate the earlier races from those of later times. Men of the older stone age fashioned their weapons and tools in the rudest man- ner from rocks, merely chipping the edges. In the succeeding period, the neolithic, they had learned how to finish them by grinding; while in the bronze and iron ages they discovered the use of metals. It is somewhat remarkable that while it is a disputed point as to whether paleolithic man possessed a bow, it should be a well-attested fact that his wife used bone needles and knew how to sew. These authentic sources of knowledge concerning our early ancestors are not the only data to be studied. Primitive races exist whose habits indicate what prehistoric man may have been like, and the author pleads, " It is sincerely to be hoped they will not be improved off the face of the earth before we have learned all that they can teach us about the past." Nothing definite is known concerning the place of man's first appear- ance on the earth, but probably the northern hemisphere of the Old World can claim the honor. This may have occurred fifteen or twenty thousand years ago, but the allowance of eighty thousand odd years is deemed an unwari'antable waste of time. The volume contains ten full-page illustra- tions based upon such details as the researches have furnished. Primeval man, however, is reconstructed without a skull as a model for his features. This feat must have tested the creative power of the artist, but we are as- sured that even this has been done acceptably to the archaeologists, and we can not demur if it does not coincide with our ideal. About one fifth of Macleod's History of Economics is really history.* The rest is exposition of basal principles. Macleod declares that economics should and can be as exact as physical science, and he is putting forth vig- orous efforts toward making it so. He says that most of the modern econ- omists' work up to this time has been destructive, but that constructive labors are now urgently demanded and that the ground has been fully cleared for them. His present work opens with an essay on the method of investigation proper to economics. He gives much credit to Bacon for enunciating the principle that physical inductive science must precede and guide moral inductive science and protests against Mill's declaration that induction should not be taken as the method of political economy. Hav- ing placed economics among the inductive sciences, our author proceeds to lay down some general principles of reasoning which this position makes fitting for it. " The fundamental concepts and axioms of every science," he says, " must be perfectly general," and " no general concept and no gen- eral axiom must contain any term involving more than one fundamental idea." The clarifying of fundamental concepts, in fact, is the chief object of this treatise. The historical portion comes next. He rejects the insular idea that political economy began with Adam Smith, and gives to the French Economists the credit for establishing it as a science, although cer- tain of its principles had been fixed from time to time before them. He states the doctrines of the Economists regarding exchanges, money, wealth, * The History of Economics. By Henry Dunning Macleod. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. GOO, 8vo. Price, $4.50 net. 272 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. productive labor, and other economic concepts, giving also the opinions held by the Roman and Greek jurists as to what things are wealth. He then discusses the views of Adam Smith, pointing out what he regards as Smith's chief merits and chief defects. In a similar manner the economic doctrines held by Ricardo, Whately, Say, Mill, Bastiat, Perry, and Jevons are critically examined. He also describes his own contributions to the science. In pursuance of his conviction that a great part of the confusion and false teaching in economics is due to lack of clear definitions, he devotes the remaining three fourths of the volume to setting forth the legal and scientific bases of the chief concepts of the science. Among these con- cepts are acceptilation, accommodation paper, banking, capital, currency, cost of production, credit, debt, exchange, Gresham's law, money, negative quantities in economics, rent, value, and wealth. Each is discussed with considerable fullness, particular attention being given to the early history of the ideas. Macleod is a vigorous and positive writer, and a study of his pages can not fail to substitute exactness for many hazy economic teach- ings. With modesty and excellent taste Mrs. Rogers has presented to the pub- lic, not a fulsome eulogy, but a view of her husband's life as shown in his letters, supplemented only by the necessary biographical facts and a para- graph here and there to explain and connect the matter from his own pen.* Many of the biographical facts she allows the late Dr. Ruschen- berger to tell in extracts from his Memorial of the Brothers Rogers. The son of a physician and professor of science, to whose chair in William and Mary College he succeeded at the age of twenty-four, William B. Rogers was early introduced into the field of scientific education, in which he did masterly work up to the last hour of his life. There was not much money available for the support of science in the United States during the thirties, and the teaching and research of Prof. Rogers were carried on with very limited resources. His means, moreover, were frequently drawn upon for the benefit of his brothers, who were struggling in the same field with rather less material success than his. In 1835, at the age of thirty-one, Prof. Rogers was appointed State Geologist of Virginia, and in the same year was called to the chair of Natural Philosophy at the University of Virginia, which he retained until 1853. The geological sm^vey was al- lowed by the State Legislature to continue for seven years, and furnished the occasion for undertaking what was Prof. Rogers's most extensive con- tribution to natural science. The letters exchanged between William and his brothers reveal something of the turbulence of hot blooded students and the paralyzing influence of narrow-minded authority with which many science professors had to contend half a century ago. All the im- portant discoveries and controversies that mark the history of geology in this century are discussed or at least remarked upon in these letters. In the diction of many of the epistles, and especially in that of extracts from several addresses that are inserted in the volumes, we find all the evidence that can be given without his living voice as to the powers of oratory with which Prof. Rogers has been credited. We are especially impressed with the testimony of these volumes to the ability of their subject as an educa- * Life and Letters of William Barton Eogers. Edited by his Wife with the aseistance of William T.Sedgwick. Boston: Iloughton, Mifflin & Co. Two vols., 12mo. Price, $4. SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 273 tional organizer. This is shown especially in his Plan for a Polytechnic School in Boston, and his labors in furtherance of the scheme, which re- sulted in the establishment of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His grasp of modern educational conditions is shown also in documents which he presented to the Legislatures of Virginia and Massachusetts in behalf of the institutions with which he was successively connected. Abil- ity of the same sort appears in the part that he took in organizing the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Asso- ciation for the Promotion of Social Science, and the National Academy of Sciences. His death in 1882 closed a career of marked influence upon the advancement of science in America. GENERAL NOTICES. In order to judge fairly of the key to the problems of the uuiverse furnished by Mr. Silberstein,* it is not only necessary for one with scientific habit of thought to subdue this mental temperament, but to place him- self in that receptive frame of mind with which he should attend a seance or view an impressionist picture. However easy this may be for the metaphysician, it is almost impossible for the physicist or chemist, who, without his rule of verification, is more help- less than a rudderless ship at sea. This comprehensive work is well divided into four chapters : The Idea of God, The Creation, Matter and Force, and Universal Mechanism. As the conception of a machine precedes its manufacture by the mechanic, so the uni- verse in its potential being antedates the physical universe which is individualized from it. The abstract concept of the uni- verse as a whole is absolute intellectuality or God. This conclusion is reached by the a priori method of pure reason. The cog- nition of man, which concerns itself only with the perception of things manifest to the senses, is no knowledge at all. It teaches us nothing of true entities. We observe bread and man as two diiferent things, and also that they are mutually convertible. If they were real existences, " how could they merge one into the other ? " Hence " we are forced to assume that the entity of any compound object as it appears within the limits of time is not real. . . . Thus the science of experience and experiments alone, * The Disclosures of the Universal Mysteries. By Solomon J. Silberstein. New York : Philip Cowen, 1896. Pp. 298. Price, $2. VOL. LI. — 21 of which our naturalists are so proud, and which they call 'exact knowledge,' is a de- lusion." All the causes which exist in the universe are bound up together in the knowl- edge of the causes. If man knows one cause, he knows all causes of eternal exist- ence. Man, however, knows that he does not know, and in this comprehends the whole knowledge of the entire universe. He thus arises to Diviuity itself, and human intelli- gence is identically the same with the one absolute knowledge. In regard to the Creation, we learn that the universe consists of two kinds of exist- ence, sensual and intellectual. " The exist- ence of any Creator before the creation in time, or behind it in space, is an impossi- bility." Matter can not contain in itself the absoluteness of existence. Man as a mate- rial being is an accident of changeable mat- ter. The creation of the universe is an eternal emanation of the Absolute Intellectu- ality. The essence of the universe vibrates in spiritual waves. Physical waves, which appear in various forms of energ}', magnet- ism, electricity, heat, and light, are contained in these. In Matter and Force we are given a resu- me of the theories of various philosophers from Thales to Spinoza. Many modern phi- losophies are considered. They differ from that of Spinoza only in their names. " One calls his system Positivism, the other Mate- rialism, the third Skepticism, the fourth Evolution, but they are all one in the Spinoza fanaticism." Among others Newton came, and through his mistaken theory of gravita- tion " reduced mankind to a still lower de- gree of pure wisdom." Chemists have also led the world astray with their inductions. 274 POPULAR SCIEXCE MONTHLY. The law of the union of gases is extremely repugnant to the author ; " even if proved by ten thousand mathematical calculations, it is yet a natural impossibility, because these calculations are based upon false axioms." Under the head of the Universal Mechan- ism the laws of motion are discussed. The property of inertia in matter and the first law of motion are said to be " absolutely false," while the author promises to " en- tirely annihilate " the force of gravitation. Instead of these, he gives us centrality, " a power of conservation whose impulse is to keep an atom or a body in its peculiar state or form." Inertia is accordingly " nothing else than centrality holding each physical ob- ject in its chemical bond. . . . Centrality is an active force, while the force of motion is passive." Another argument is furnished to show that " chemical combination has only to do with the qualities of objects." Even if the laws of gravitation were correct, " it would be a natural impossibility that the moon should have an elliptical motion around the earth." Those who prefer the idealistic to the sci- entific method of explaining the mysteries of the universe will find the book of interest. The results of over two hundred experi- ments on phenomena connected with the X rays have been collected in a volume by Ed- loard P. T/iornpsori* The book is designed for students and workers in electricity, hence no attempt has been made to render it at- tractive to the general reader. Many of the experiments were made before Rontgen's famous discovery was announced, some dat- ing back to the time of Faraday, so that those who made them of course had no idea of their connection with the X rays. Among the special points that the experiments bear upon are the action of a magnet on the cathode light, photo-electric dust figures, mutual repulsion of cathode rays in the dis- charge tube, behavior of cathode rays outside the discharge tube, effect of the X rays on various chemicals, and penetrating power of the X rays. We note the following well- * ROntgen Rays and Phenomena of the Anode and Cathode. By Edward P. Thompson and Wil- liam A. Anthony. New York : D. Van Noatraud Co. Pp. 190, 8vo. Price, $1.50. known names among the investigators who.^e work appears in the volume : Faraday, Davy, J. J. Thomson, Crookes, Lenard, Rontgen, Edison, Tesla, and Lodge. The text is illu.s- trated with a large number of reproductions of skiagraphs and other pictures. The authors of Curiosities of Medicine have been working a very fruitful field, and doubtless could have gathered an even larger harvest.* Although medical journals are constantly reporting curious cases of abnor- mal formation or of recovery after injury, the present volume appears to be the first sys- tematic collection of such material. To the physician a knowledge of such cases may often be of service in indicating what hope there may be for ameliorating similar abnor- mal conditions that may occur in his practice. To the layman the collection is one of start- ling and often rather painful interest. In- stances of children born joined together, of which the Siamese twins have long been the traditional type, are well represented. With these are classed persons with supernumera- ry limbs, heads, and other organs. Minor abnormities present a wonderful variety, in- cluding albinism, excessive hairiness and hairlessness, elastic skin, homy growths, large or small heads, harelip, congenital ab- sence of limbs, deficient or supernumerary fingers and toes, tails, extra breasts, and mal- formations of the internal organs. Abnor- mal forms and functions in the generative organs afford a large volume of curious ma- terial. Celebrated giants and dwarfs and other anomalies of size furnish material for a chapter, and there is a group of records of extraordinary longevity. Idiosyncrasies with regard to sound, vision, smell, taste, touch, foods, drugs, etc., endurance of fasting, power of contorting the body, endurance of pain, supernormal strength, etc., make up a long list. Many cases of recovery from unusual forms of injury to various parts of the body are recorded here, and there is much inter- esting material under the head of anomalous types of disease. The concluding chapter is a record of historic epidemics. A full gen- eral index and a bibliographic index are ap- * Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine. By George M. Gould, M. D., and Walter L. Pyle, M. D. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. Pp. 968, impe- rial 8vo. Price, cloth, $6; half morocco, $7. SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 27^ pendcd. The volume is illustrated with near- ly three hundred figures and a considerable number of plates. An address on The Railroad as an Ele- merit in Education, delivered at the World's Fair in New Orleans in 1885, by Prof. Alex- ander Hogg, was widely circulated at the time, attracted much attention, and was noticed in the Monthly. It was an honest and forcible attempt to present the benefits the railroads have conferred upon society and the nation, and to antagonize the un- reasoning populistic prejudice against them. It showed in a few words appealing directly to public intelligence that railroads have cheapened communication and transporta- tion, have opened remote parts of the coun- try, making them near and accessible, have removed the dangers of local famine, have contributed vastly to the national defense while removing the necessity of keeping large standing armies ; and that in view of the services they render and of what is charged for like work abroad, their rates are extreme- ly low. Further, the men who have acquired the most wealth through railroad manage- ment have also distinguished themselves by their benefactions to education and other contributions to public welfare. This ad- dress is now republished in a revised and enlarged form,* with additional chapters re- viewing the development of the ten years subsequent to its original publication. Of these chapters one of the most important is the one on The Inception and History of Strikes, the methods of which are shown to be " wrong in principle and ruinous in prac- tice." of grasses and clovers. The present volume supplements the former one to a certain ex- tent, but in most respects it is an independ- ent work. In it the grasses are classified and described, and each species is illustrated; and chapters are added on their geographical distribution, and also a bibliography. In most cases the generic characters closely fol- low those given by Bentham and Hooker in Genera Plantarum. Extracts are given re- garding the writings of prominent authorities on the grasses ; and also notes regarding the tribes and some of the genera. The author has been permitted to examine, during his studies for this work, the herbarium of Mich- igan Agricultural College, all the grasses in the herbaria of the University of Michigan and Harvard University (including the grasses of the late Dr. George Thurber), those of the Department of Agriculture at Washington, and those of Prof. F. L. Scribner ; and, him- self one of our leading botanists, has been as- sisted by Prof. L. H. Bailey and Prof. S. M. Tracy in the matter of geographical distri- bution, L. H. Dewey and A. A. Crozier. The work is a real addition to our botanical litera- ture, filling as it does a department that has not before been completely occupied. The first volume of Prof. W. J. BeaPs Grasses of North ^meHcaf was published ten years ago, and was noticed by us in November, 1887. It was designed more particularly for farmers and students, and comprised chapters on the physiology, com- position, selection, improving, and cultivation * The Railroad as an Element in Education. Revised and enlarged, with New Illustrations. (Special edition). By Prof. Alexander Hogg, Superintendent of Schools, Port Worth, Texas! Louisville, Ky. : J. Morton & Co. Pp. 113. t Grasses of North America. By W. J. Beal, Professor of Botany and Forestry in Michigan Agricultural College. In two volumes. Vol. II. New York : Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 706. Price, ffis! Mr. Thomas D. Hawley, of the Chicago bar, has prepared and published a new sys- tem of logic,* by which, he claims, reasoning can be carried on by an infallible process, even as the interest can be calculated upon a promissory note. The method consists in the repeated use of a few processes which are performed in a mechanical manner, and the results appear automatically. " Its tools are a few simple signs— namely, the capital letters of the alphabet to represent positive terms, the small letters to represent negative terms ; the mathematical sign of equality, — for 'is'; a short prependicular mark, (for 'or,' and a square for the ' universe of discourse.' When a square is divided into a proper num- ber of sections it is called a Reasoning Frame. By the use of the Reasoning Frame every proposition which can possibly be made with the letters used is set before us. We then eliminate every proposition which is incon- * Infallible Logic: A Visible and Automatic System of Reasoning. By Thomas D. Hawley, of the Chicago Bar. Lansing, Mich. : Robert Smith Printing Company. Pp 659. 276 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sistent with the given proposition or state of facts. The uneliminated propositions which automatieally remain in the ReaFoning Frame will then give us every iota of truth which our data will yield." Aside from the signs and the device of the Reasoning Frame, the treatise does not appear to differ materially from other good treatises on the subject. The author's explanations are fairly clear. A complete index is an excellent feature. An unusual and fascinating biography is that of Sir Richard Burton,* the explorer and linguist, written by his niece. One does not know whether to wonder more at the ex- tent of his travels or at his indefatigable in- dustry in language study. The titles of sixty odd books are included in the list of his works, among them being an entire volume of the Royal (reogi-aphical Society, transla- tions of Portuguese and Arabic, and several grammars of Hindu dialect. His joumey- ings were equally varied. We find him dwelling in the far East, in India and Ara- bia ; later, crossing the Andes and pampas, in Brazil and Paraguay ; now discovering the lakes in Central Africa, then investigating Utah, or exploting the mines of Iceland. Patient, persistent, undaunted by difficulties, he was admirably fitted by nature for the task of exploration. Had he been equally keen to read humankind, his local success among men might have been greater. Yet he may not have lacked discernment, but the will to be politic. Society is the rather to be arraigned, if, as we are told, " the habit of veracity sadly hindered him at times in his struggle with the world." There is reason to believe that intellectual American women have somewhat surfeited themselves on the long-forbidden fruit of an education "just like the men's." They seem now to realize that the idea of a " woman's sphere " can have its dignity as well as its limitations, and that the posses- sion of acute perception, clear reasoning ability, and high power of application can be shown in the wholesome and economical provisioning of a family and the efficient management of children and servants no less than in struggles with Greek roots and mathe- * The True Life of Captnin Sir Richard F. Bur- ton. Bj Georgiana M. Stisted. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 419. Price, $2. matical operations. The household arts are getting an increased share of attention both in women's clubs and in women's and coedu- cational colleges. A book now before us embodies a course of lectures on home man- agement delivered in the University of Wis- consin.* These lectures give a general view of the field, presenting what might be called the theory of their subject, and using practi- cal details merely by way of illustration or to give definiteness to the views set forth. After a preliminary chapter on the Statics and Dynamics of Household Economy, Mrs. Camp- bell considers first the house. These are some of the principles that she lays down as regards building : The plan of the house includes beforehand not only all that has been sai i as to location and its bearingp, but alt^o the settling of the cost and au intelligent idea of the special family needs. Here a woman's judgment is absolutely essential. It is the woman who lives chiefly in the house, and who, if common sense were brought to bear, would soon put an end to the type of thing the average builder offers her. Why should we per- petually go up and down when going sideways is so much easier ? Why should we accept stupidly planned and inadequate closets or no closets at all, and kitchens in which everything is calculated to bring the greatest unhappiness to the greatest number ? The utmost convenience in every inch of working space should be the law. The differ- ence between a pantry opening close to the sink and one at the opposite end of the room may seem a small matter ; but when it comes to walking across the room with every dish that is washed, the steps soon count as miles. With regard to decoration, she urges the claims of the simple and elegant as against the flashy and trashy, and insists that the adornment of a useful article should never interfere with its use. Thus she says : " The pitcher that does not pour well can not be beautiful, though of gold. . . . The spider- legged table and its insect family of chairs — the things that creak when we sit down and tip over when we get up — these are not beautiful." Her treatment of domestic in- dustries in general, the nutrition of the house- hold, cleaning, and household service is in the same line. An excellent list of books for further study is added to each chapter. Lists of subjects for the use of women's clubs in studying household economy and iufonna- * Household Economics. By Helen Campbell. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sous. Pp. 2S6, 12mo. Price, $1.50. SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 277 tion about clubs that have given some at- tention to this field are appended. This monograph * gives, in some eighty pages, a list of the published maps of Vir- ginia. The first map, made in manuscript about the year 1585, bears the name of John With, a painter who was sent into the colo- nies by Walter Raleigh to paint the red- skins and the other curiosities of the new- found country. Captain John Smith drew up his famous map in 1608. " In the boundary dispute between Virginia and Maryland in ISYS Smith's map was used as an authority, and prior to that it was the foundation upon which all the maps of Virginia were con- structed." From 1608 onward the maps multiply, down to the last one, a railroad pocket guide published in 1893. Specimen reproductions, especially of the quaint older maps, would have enlivened this catalogue. The greater part of the Twelfth Atmual Report of the Bureau of Labor Stalktlcs of the State of Connecticut is devoted to the practices prevailing in the various towns and cities of the State with regard to assessments for the purpose of taxation. The bureau has evidently investigated the matter thoroughly, and has discovered considerable foundation for the ahvays current rumors as to inequalities. The information gathered, including suggestions from local assessors, is conveniently arranged, and besides its value within the State may well serve as a guide and model to officials of other States. The bureau has also collected the appraised values of over seven hundred probated estates, finding them to confirm closely the figures given by assessors. For purposes of comparison the tax lav\rs of Connecticut, New York, and Massachusetts are here printed. Other investigations whose results are given in this volume are on the taxation of corpo- rations, the condition of bakeshops, and the wages of factory hands. A wonderful quantity of information con- cerning the various materials, processes, and applications of the photographic art is con- tained in the eleventh American Amiual of Photography (Scovill & Adams Co., New * Virfrinia Cartography. A Bibliographical De- scription. By P. Lee Phillips. Smithsonian Mis cellaneous Collections. York ; paper 75, cents ; cloth, $1). The aid that photography can give in surgery, min- ing, detecting forgery, etc , is told in special articles. Directions from which the amateur can use his prints to make a number of tasty and pleasing oljjects are another feature. Work with the X rays and color photography are two important recent developments that find place in the volume. There are also standard formulas, useful recipes, tables of chemicals, of capacities of lenses, of conju- gate foci, of enlargement and reduction, of comparative exposures, etc., lists of photo- graphic books and patents of the preceding year, and of American and foreign photo- graphic societies. There are also a full almanac for 1897, postal and patent infor- mation, etc., while the large number of ad- vertisements add no little value to the book. The volume contains over three hundred illustrations from photographs of pleasing and interesting subjects. In his Fird Year in German^ Mr. /. Kel- ler has sought to avoid the defects and com- bine the advantages of the grammatical and "natural" methods of teaching the lan- guage. His method is simple, and includes practical exercises in which the grammatical features are explained as they occur. They consist of progressive reading lessons, trans- lating from German to English and from English to German, with explanatory notes, oral and written exercises, and conversation exercises, with grammatical paradigms in the appendix. (American Book Company, $1.) The Report of the United States Commis- sioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1892-93 is accompanied by three special reports of as- sistants in charge of especial inquiries. One of these deals with food fishes and the fish- ing grounds, and reports investigations into. the physical and other conditions of the in- land and coast waters of the United States. Another is occupied with the statistics and methods of the commercial fisheries, and the third details the operations of the commis- sion in propagating and distributing food fishes. Following these is an extended ac- count by William A. Wilcox of the Fisheries of the Pacific Coast, which have recently grown to importance, especially the catching of salmon for canning. The whaling and sealing of the Pacific are also important. 278 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, The volume includes also a report on the work of the steamer Albatross and a descrip- tive catalogue of the collections of the Alba- tross made in 1890 and 1891. A number of views and other plates illustrate the several papers. The volume for 1893-94 contains reports on the same general inquiries as its predecessor, and among its special papers are a description of the exhibit of the commis- sion at the World's Columbian Exposition, The Whitefishes of North America, The Fishes of the Missouri River Basin, A Re- view of the Foreign Fishery Trade of the United States, and a List of Publications of the Commission from its establishment. Volume XXX, Part IV, of the Annals of the Harvard Observatory is devoted to a Dis cussion of the Cloud Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, by H. Helm Clayton. Mr. Clayton begins with a historical sketch of cloud nomenclature which introduces his statement of the new system- atic nomenclature adopted for the Blue Hill Observatory. The names devised at Blue Hill are designed to specify the form, alti- tude, and origin of the clouds. After con- sidering briefly the methods of cloud forma- tion and the relations of clouds to rainfall and to cyclones, Mr. Clayton gives an ac- count of the annual and diurnal periods in the wind and the cloud movements that have been found from the Blue Hill observations. Other topics treated are the movements of the wind and clouds at different heights in cyclones and anticyclones, cirrus motions, and the velocity of storms. Some notes on the use of cloud observations in weather forecasting are added, and there is an ap- pendix of tables and diagrams. G. P. Putnam's Sons are now presenting to the public Volume II of Books and their 3 fakers duritig the Middle Ages, by George Haven Putnam. In this new volume Mr. Putnam recounts the vicissitudes of two centuries' books and bookmakers — the trials and triumphs of those first ambitious, de- termined little companies of printer-pub- lishers who, confronted ofttimes by the mighty odds of church and state, yet wield- ed so bravely and untiringly their new-found weapon that echoes of their resounding blows for truth and liberty still ring in the ears of men. Mr. Putnam dwells with emphasis and at some length on certain of the early print- er-publishers of the Reformation period, se- lecting as representatives of that class the Kobergers in Nuremberg, Froben in Basel, the house of Plantin in Antwerp, Caxton in Bruges and in London, the Elzevirs in Ley- den and Amsterdam, " and the famous fami- lies of the Estiennes or Stephani." The au- thor modestly disclaims attempts at dramatic arrangement or presentation of his subjects, saying, as with regard to Luther, that he is " not concerned with Luther as a Reformer, as a fighter, or as a Christian hero, but sim- ply with his work and his relations as an au- thor " ; nevertheless, there is much that is of deepest historic and dramatic interest to be found throughout the book. The volume is beautifully put together. With its plain, rich binding of dark red, its uncut linen pages, and clear type, it is a fitting specimen of what books and bookmakers have attained to in this day and age. (Price, $2.50.) German Scientific Reading, compiled by H. C. G. Brandt and W. C. Day (Holt), em- bodies an excellent idea. Students of sci- ence taking up German, without caring to linger long over its literature, but wishing to acquire rapidly the facility of reading Ger- man scientific prose, will find here an ade- quate answer to their wants. The extracts, mostly by well-known German scientists, have been chosen for the simplicity of their diction and the value of the information they impart. Covering a wide range of sciences, they might prove as interesting reading to a class of general students as to specialists. Some twenty pages of descriptive prose, by those masters of style, Goethe and Hum- boldt, enliven the book by their literary quality. The notes are adequate, and the vocabulary "is intended to contain every word in the text, simple or compound, liter- ary or technical." This collaboration of two specialists, professors respectively of German and of chemistry, has produced a Reader that should recommend itself to German teachers and classes in general. Another portion of Weisbach's great work on mechanics, as revised by Hermann, dealing with The Mechanics of Bumping Ma- ihintry has been translated (Macmillans, $3.75). It is designed for the use of engi- neers and students of engineering ; hence, S GIENTIFIG LIT ERA TV RE. 279 while it gives some historical information about early forms of water elevators, it pre- sents the mechanical side of even the simple bucket and sweep and the Dutch scoop. It is, of course, chiefly occupied with a technical presentation of the theory of reciprocating and rotary pumps, but gives a chapter to such additional water-raising machines as the hydraulic ram, ejectors, injectors, spiral pumps, and the pulsometer. The machines described are depicted in nearly two hundred engravings. Miss Sadie F. Price's Fern Collector's Handbook and Herbarium (Holt, $2.25) is in- tended as an aid in the study and preservation of the ferns of the northern United States, including the district east of the Mississippi and north of North Carolina and Tennessee. It is a quarto volume, on the right-hand side of each page of which is given a full-size representation of some species of fern (sev- enty-two species being included), while the opposite page is left blank for the insertion of a pressed and dried specimen of the species. The letterpress consists of direc- tions for preparing and fixing the specimens, the technical description of the order of ferns, and the list of illustrations or of spe- cies illustrated. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bnlletine and Reports. Cornell University: Mos. 12ii-13C. Currant and Raspberry Parasites, Sweet Peas, Uahlias, Experiments with Fertilizers, and Potato Culture Pp. 120.— Delaware College : Nos. 32, 34. Combating Anthrax and Plant Diseases. Pp 24 and 22.— Iowa: No. 34. Nine subjects. Pp. 104 ; Report of the State Board of Health, April. Pi3. 2.) — Massachusetts Agricultural College : Thirty- fourth Annual Report. Pp. 356 ; No. 43. Elec- tro-germination. Pp. 32. — New Hampshire : Nos. 40-42. Eighth Annual Report ; Potatoes and To- matoes. Pp.42. — New Jersey: Nos. 119-121. Ap- ple-growintr, Potatoes, Cabbage Bug, and Melon Plant Louse. Pp. 5G.— Ne,v York: Nos. 112, 113, 11.5, and 116. Potatoes, Director's Report, and Fertilizers. Pp. 150. — North Dakota (Govern- ment): No. 27. Smut of Grains. By H. L. BoUey. Pp. 58 ; Climate and Crop Service. Pp. 8.-— Ten- nessee : State Board of Health Bulletin. Pp.16. — United States Department of Agriculture : Insects affecting Stored Vegetable Products. By F. H. Chittenden ; In.fect Parasitism. By L. O. How- ard. Pi3. 57; The Clover Mite. Pp. 4; The Mexican Cotton-Boll Weevil. Pp. 8.— University of Illinois: No. 40. Various. Pp.24. Acloque. A. Les Insectes nuisibles (Injurious Insects). Paris : Felix Alcan. Pp. 192. Alling-Aber, Mary R. An Experiment in Ed- ncation. New York : Harper & Brothers. Bell, Alexander Graham. The Mystic Oral School. Washington, D. C. Pp. 38. Cams, Dr. Paul. Homilies of Science. Chi- cago:, Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 317. 35 cents. Clodd, Edward. Pioneers of Evolution. From Thales to Huxley. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 274, with portraits. $1..50. Cuadrado, Dr. Gast6n Alon o. Introduccion al Estudio de la Bspectroscopia (Introduction to the Study of Spectroscopy). Havana. Pp. 39. Chapman, Frank M. Bird-Life. A Guide to the Study of our Common Birds. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 269. $1.75. Foster, Hon. John W. The Annexation of Hawaii. Washington. Pp. 16. Geikie, Sir Archibald. The Ancient Volca- noes of Great Britain. New York : Macmillan Company. Two volumes. Pp. 477 and 492. $11.25. Grimsley, G. P. Gypsum in Kansas. Wash- burn College, Topeka. Pp. 27, with 4 plates. Grosse, Ernst. The Beginnings of Art. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 327, with 3 plates. $1.75. Harris, William T. Art Education the True Industrial Education. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 77. 50 cents. Harvard College Observatory. Observations with the Bruce Photographic Telescope. Pp. 4 text, and 3 photographs. Kellogg, E. L., & Co., Publishers, New York and Chicago. Educational P'oundatioi s Vol. VIII, No. 7. March, 1897. Pp. 67. $1 a year. Kempster, John. The Blood Relations of the Soul. London : James Clarke & Co. Pp. 16. Twopence Kirke, Ella Boyce. The Study of Oliver Twist condensed for Home and School Reading. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 348. 60 cents. Matthews, Washington. Navajo Legends. Boston and New York : Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 298. $6. Morgan, Thomas Hunt. The Development of the Frog's Egg. New York : The Macmillan Company. Pp. 192. $1.60. Murray, Gilbert. A History of Ancient Greek Literature. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 420. $1.,50. Nichols, Edward L. The Outlines of Physics. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 452. $1.40. Nichols, Edward L., and Franklin, William 8. Elements of Physics. Vol. III. Light and Sound. New iTork : The Macmillan Company. Pp. 201. $1.50. O'Shea, John J. The New Political Issue in Ireland. (Advance sheets.) Pp. 16. Reports, Proceedings, Bulletins, etc. Central Indiana Hospital for the Insane : Forty-eighth Annual Report. Indianapolis. Pp. 51.— College ol Science, Imperial University, Japan. Vol. IX, Part 11. Pp. 216, with Plates.— Forestry As- sociation, American : Proceedings continued. Pp 75 ; The Forest Reservation Policy. Pp. 8. — Harvard College : Annals of the Astronomical Observatory ; Journal of Zone Operations. By J. Winlock and E. C. Pickering. Pp. 299; Spec- tra of Bright Stars, discussed by Antonia C. Maury. Pp. 128. — Massachusetts Institute of Techuology : Announcement of Summer Courses. Pp. 12. — Missouri Geological Survey: Biennial Report of the State Geologist. Jelicrson City. Pp. 63, with maps.— National Science Club, Wash- ington, D. C: Proceedings. Pp. 34. — New York State Library: Legislative Bulletin. No. 8. Pp. 56; Examination' Bulletin. No. 12. Pp. 112.— New York Academy of Sciences : Fourth Annual Recei)tion. Pp. 62; New York Public Library: Bulletins. March and April, 1897. Pp. 44.— Rose 28o POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Polytechnic Institute, Terre Hante, Ind. : Fif- teenth Annual Catalo<;iie, 1807. Pp. 83.— Smith- sonian Institution: Report of the Board of Re- gents for IHO). Pp. 837.— Society for Pgychical Research: Proceedings. March, 1897. Pp. 20. — United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries : Report for 1895. Pp. 590; Illustrations showing Condition of Fur Seal Rookeries in IBO.'i. and Method of Killing Seals : to accompany Report of C. H. Townsend, Assistant Fish Commis- sioner. 42 plates. Reprints. Babcock, Warren I.: "From De- moniacal Possession to Insanity." Pp. 6. — Bauer, L. A.: On the Distribution and the Secu- lar Variation of Terrestrial Magnetism. No. IV. Pp. 8.— Boas, Fran/, : Traditions of the Ts'ets'Sut. II. Pp. 14.— Bolton, Prof. H. Carrington : The Language used in Talking to Domestic Animals. Washington. Pp. 47.— Call, R. Ellsworth: Note on the Flora of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Pp. 2.— Diller, J. S. : Crater Lake, Oregon. Pp. 8 — Fairchild, H. L. : Lake Warren Shorelines in Western New York and the Geneva Beach; and Gilbert, G. K. : Old Tracks of Erian Drainage in Western New York. Rochester, N. Y. Pp. 2 and others. Some of the South American bees are destitute of stings {Melipoma, Trigona), and I have frequently seen a large bee here near Washington that does not sting. It has the appearance of a Bomhus, but the fore part of the head is nearly all of a very pale yellow, almost white. Carder bees {Bombi muscorum) are known to all frequenters of open fields and meadows, after the haying season has commenced. A popular writer at hand says : " They select for their nest a shal- low excavation in the ground about a foot in diameter, or, if such a one is not to be found, they make one with prodigious labor. This they cover over with a dome of moss, or sometimes with withered grass. They collect their materials by pushing them along upon the ground, working backward like the tumblebugs. Frequently in the spring a single female founds a colony, and by perseverance collects the mossy covering in the way described ; later in the season, when the hive is populous and can afford more hands, there is an ingenious division of this labor, A file of bees, to the number sometimes of half a dozen, is established from the nest to the moss or grass which they intend to use, the heads of all the file of bees being turned from the nest and toward the material. The last bee of the file lays hold of some of the moss with her mandibles, disentangles it from the rest, and, having carded it with her fore legs into a sort of felt or small bundle, she pushes it under her body to the next bee, who passes it in the same manner to the next, and so on till it is brought to the border of the nest — in the same way as we sometimes see sugar loaves conveyed from a cart to a warehouse by a file of porters throwing them from one to another. The elevation of the dome, which is all built from the interior, is from four to six inches above the 324 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. level of the field. Besides the moss or grass, they frequently employ coarse wax to form the ceiling of the vault, for the pur- pose of keeping out rain and preventing high winds from destroy- ing it. Within this retreat the eggs present an appearance not very different from that of the bumblebee." In conclusion, I may say that among the ancient Hebrews and Romans the error was widely credited that bees made their nests and reared their young in the carcasses of dead animals; and, although these people knew that bees were governed by a ruler, they labored under the impression that it was a king and not a queen. Such ignorance can easily be overlooked, however, when we come to consider that it is only of comparatively recent date that we have worked out the biology of these insects, and, as it is, there yet remains the greater part, by all odds, of their natural history of which we know little or absolutely nothing, and to which must still be added that of the host of species of this order yet to be discovered and made known to science. ♦»♦• THE PRINCIPLE OF ECONOMY IN EVOLUTION. By EDMUND NOBLE. ONE of the many interesting things about evolution, oftener taken for granted than formally recognized, is the fact that the changes which everywhere accompany and constitute it have their rise in a simple excess of pressure in one direction over the pressure in another. For all movement, whether it be of simple or of complex matter, whether it be of an inorganic or an organic system, whether it involve will and conscious perception or not, is in every case and under every conceivable set of circumstances movement in a single mode — that is to say, movement in the direction of the least resistance, or from the direction of the greatest traction or stress.* If we look to the origin of the move- ment, we shall speak of acting as in the line of the greatest stress; if we consider the resistances in the presence of which movement is produced, we shall regard acting as in the direction of the least resistance. But, however we may describe it, the truth of the law is obvious, since it follows from the very nature of movement. For if a body be equally stressed from all direc- tions it will not move, while if it be stressed differentially — in one direction more than in other directions — it will move in the line of, or away from, the greatest stress. Now, as all movement must * In order to save repetition, the word " stress " will be used throughout in the sense of traction or stress." THE PRINCIPLE OF ECONOMY IN EVOLUTION. 325 take place in the presence of or against resistance, a body which moves in the line of the greatest stress necessarily moves in the direction of the least stress, and it is this movement in the direc- tion of the least stress which we mean when we speak of move- ment in the direction of the least resistance. We have next to note what is meant by the greatest stress. This is not necessarily a stress applied at a single moment in time or at a single point in space. The movement of a billiard ball, for example, may be determined for part of its course wholly by the blow given with the cue, but the cushions soon come into action, and thus the total course of the ball is decided, not solely by the cue, but by the cue and all subsequent stresses of the cushions and balls that happen to be struck. In like manner, the initial impulse is given to the cannon ball by the exploding gunpowder, yet this initial stress is immediately complicated with gravitative action ; and when we say that such a ball moves in the line of the greatest stress, we mean not simply the direction originally given by the cannon, but the whole direction as determined by cannon, gravity, and atmosphere. The greatest stress determining the direction of movement, then, is a stress made up, not only of the initial stress, but also of all subsequent determinations encoun- tered as resistances by the moving body in its course ; and when we say that a body moves in the direction of the least resistance, we mean that its total movement is determined by the total of greatest stresses. It is true that a distinction may be made between the original impulse given to a body and the subsequent stress or stresses entailed upon it by its own movement, and due to contact with other bodies at rest or in motion. It is an active stress, for example, which gives the initial impulse to the billiard ball ; it is a reactive stress by which the cushion deflects the ball from its original course. But this distinction is little more than formal ; the whole of the stresses determining movement, however easy it may be to analyze them into parts, must be regarded in their totality ; for if we have to account for movements that take place in time in their totality, we must consider the determi- nations to those movements in their totality. The law of least resistance, as we may briefly call it, finds exemplification alike in the realm of life and in the world of inanimate things. Not only are all movements of masses and their parts — from the descent of a bowlder down the hillside to the revolutions of planets in their orbits ; from the activities of gas molecules in a chemist's laboratory to the movements of cos- mical aggregation out of which suns arise — due to a differential stress producing motion in the presence of resistance to that motion : the law is valid also for the activities of animals, since, if the molecular forces embodied in an organic system impel that 326 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. system to move to particular ends in the interest of maintenance, it can not move to such ends save in the direction of the least resist- ance. Thus, if a stone thrown at a mark takes the shortest route, having regard to the whole of the influences which act upon it, so a pedestrian goes to his destination by the shortest way which the circumstances permit. A volume of steam finds exit from an overstrained boiler at the weakest point ; so by the weakest point an animal escapes from its cage. As a river flows through its channel, determined to that path by the resistance which pre- vents deviation from it, so the traveler is held to the beaten track by the broken and difficult ground on each side of it. A bullet is diverted by some obstacle suddenly encountered ; the root of a plant coils round the stone it meets ; the railway engineer usually carries his line round an obstruction instead of through it ; the secondary current of an induction coil avoids a journey of many miles by leaping through a flaw in the insulation; a dishonest pupil avoids work at examination by copying the replies of a fellow- student. The light wave makes its way, roughly speaking, spirally through ether ; objects of large surface and slow descent, such as certain suitably shaped pieces of paper, descend through the atmosphere in a spiral path ; a bubble of air ascends spirally through water ; the plant climbs a tree by spiral windings ; a horse mounting a steep ascent with a heavy load takes a zigzag or spiriform course ; men ascend and descend by spiral stair- ways ; water sinks through an orifice spirally, and the descent of a whirlpool is a spiral ; boring instruments, such as gimlets, au- gers, corkscrews, have spiral blades. The hunter seeks particular animals at pools and watercourses which they frequent, as certain medusae throng to water traversed by a beam of light because the illumination attracts thither small Crustacea upon which they feed. Earthworms, in drawing leaves into their holes, seize the leaf at such a point as will permit its passage into the hole with the least amount of resistance ; a man carrying a ladder on his shoulder through a crowded thoroughfare carefully regulates his movements so as to avoid collisions. Men escape from an invested city by utilizing the wind ; the invested dandelion balloons its seed to a place where it can grow in safety. Certain organisms wear the garb of others in order to increase the ease of their existence ; certain men mimic their fellows to the like end of diminishing resistance. As a mother disguises her child's medicine in sugar or sirup, so plants offer their seeds to animals in sweetly fla- vored fruits. Bees construct their combs in the form that secures the utmost capacity for storage with the smallest expenditure of building material and therefore of energy; so human builders attain in their constructions a maximum of needed effect with the lowest minimum expenditure of material and labor. A general THE PRINCIPLE OF ECONOMY IN EVOLUTION. 327 carrying on war, a statesman conducting affairs of government, a merchant engaged in business negotiations, alike take tlie path which, having regard to the whole of the circumstances, offers the least amount of resistance to the attainment of the ends in view. All inorganic and organic movements are therefore alike in the fact that each is due to a greatest stress, and takes place in the direction of a least resistance. It is true, of course, that a pedestrian does not rebound, like the billiard ball, from the re- sistances which he encounters in trying to find the easiest path through a forest or over the mountains ; yet he consciously seeks the path of least resistance, and does so because he is diverted into it by the greater resistances of all other paths ; these greater resistances become part of the greatest stress which determines the form of his movement, just as the reactive stress of the cush- ions forms part of the greatest stress that determines the path of the billiard ball. Inorganic and organic movements differ from each other simply in the fact that by living animals the path of least resistance is more or less consciously chosen, while in the inorganic world the path of least resistance is not chosen. And this unlikeness arises out of a more fundamental unlikeness still, from the fact that movement in the realm of the organic has end for its concomitant, though not necessarily conscious end, while in the motion of things inanimate end is wholly absent. Organic movements, that is to say, are all directed to some end, while in the realm of the inorganic, movements are simply unintelligent effects, results, or products of differential stress. In the form of organic movement, end plays a most important part, while in in- organic movement it has no part at all. Thus a pedestrian may find a circuitous route through a forest the easiest if his only end be to pass through it as quickly as possible ; yet, should botaniz- ing be his object, the form of his movement will be quite differ- ent, and may very well be the direction of greatest resistance, so far as physical obstacles to movement are concerned. In the case, moreover, of particular ends, numerous opportunities for the ex- ercise of choice present themselves. The more direct path up a mountain is chosen in preference to the one less direct, yet, when the " easier " path is the more dangerous, the traveler takes the safer and more difiicult passage. So the more efficient tool is pre- ferred to the less perfect instrument ; and so, out of numberless ways in which the ends of life are to be reached, men instinc- tively and consciously choose those which, by encountering the least possible resistances, involve the minimum expenditure of effort. In the case of organic movements, economy of energy is possible because of the presence of end, the existence of various ways of reaching it, and the possibility of choosing the one which 328 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. involves the least expenditure of energy. In tlie case of inor- ganic movements there is no such economy, since those move- ments are mere effects, and comply unvaryingly with the laws of mechanics. Finally, the exertion of choice by an organism does not determine whether movement shall take place in the direc- tion of the least resistance or not — for that is the inevitable mode of all movements, organic as well as inorganic — but whether the energy expended in the differential or greatest stress producing movement shall be a larger or a smaller quantity. We have next to note that the economy of energy which is possible in organic movements has two forms. There is economy in the realm of the conscious will, exemplified in movements by which animals reach various ends ; and there is an economy in the realm of the unconscious life of the organism by which the parts thereof rearrange themselves in such a way as to lessen the expenditure of effort in the work of maintenance. For, whenever function is imposed by the organism upon certain of its parts, such parts, moving into configurations of least resistance, set up the intelligent adaptations which we know as organs. The only dif- ference between a tool and an organ is that the former has been consciously shaped by man, whereas the latter has arisen through the unconsciously effected rearrangements of living molecules upon which function has been imposed by the organism. All organs, like all tools, are paths of least resistance, ways of reach- ing ends of organic maintenance with a minimum expenditure of effort. Simultaneously, moreover, with the saving of energy spared through the gradual perfecting of organs, there goes on a gradual improvement of the ends which such organs are uncon- sciously produced to reach. For this is simply to say that all effort saved by an organism through increase of the efficiency of its organs and processes goes — the circumstances being favorable — to increase the complexity and delicacy of its relation to the environment, as well as to enlarge the scope of the activities of maintenance. The way in which organic molecules move into configurations that offer the least resistance to their special activities may be seen in similar structural formations which are more or less unconsciously assumed by human beings. One of these is the habit of taking turn by people waiting, say, at the box office of a theatre — a configuration which is assumed more or less uncon- sciously, because it is the one which, under the whole of the cir- cumstances, involves conditions of least resistance. There is a similar selection of conformations involving a maximum of ease in the manner in which pedestrians avoid collision with each other. The throng in movement on the crowded sideways of a great city divides itself naturally and without conscious delibera- THE PRINCIPLE OF ECONOMY IN EVOLUTION. 329 tion into two streams going in contrary directions, each pursuing its particular course without the slightest resistance from the other, and to the manifest advantage, both in amount of energy expended and speed of movement, of every individual concerned. The history of social and industrial ascent is, throughout, a record of the lessening of the resistance encountered in the attain- ment of human ends, as well as of the constant improvement of those ends. Social ascent not only diminishes resistance within the tribe, community, or nation ; it everywhere lessens external aggression, substitutes mutual aid for the antagonisms of con- flict, and enables men to devote energy spent in war to the pur- suits of peace. Step by step with this lessening of resistance by the reduction of conflict, there goes on within the social body, and between the group of social bodies, those co-operative move- ments which, by tending to unify men, gradually bring to the aid of the individual the whole power of the social organism. In the beginning there is little industrial co-operation : each man is his own agriculturist, hunter, tailor, shoemaker, and soldier — each, that is to say, discharges for himself the work which individual maintenance involves. But little by little men discover the superior ease of mutual aid, and as they learn the value of the division of labor, the function of maintenance, originally exer- cised almost wholly by each individual for himself, comes more and more to be distributed among sets of individuals specially differentiated for the tasks allotted to them, and finally there arise those wider interdependencies of industrial and commer- cial co-operation that bind the inhabitants of almost every clime under the sun in bonds of mutual indebtedness. That the whole of this movement is a movement of constantly increasing economy of energy in the reaching of special ends, and of constant ascent in the scope and perfection of those ends, will be evident when we remember that the lower we go down in the scale of human existence — to the stages where coacting is least developed — the Tuoi'Q rudely and imperfectly are the ends of maintenance reached, and the more completely is the time of the organism exhausted in attaining them, while the higher we look in co-operation the more efficiently are those ends accomplished, and the less time is taken up in their performance. The way in which labor is reduced and end perfected, both as to the quality of the work and the time in which it is performed, has been shown in many familiar examples of co-operative acting. The advantages of giving particular tasks to specialized sets of workmen in such processes as those of coining and pin-making is well known. The gradual improvement of tools — which are really means to the attainment of the ends of the individual and of the community of individuals, and must therefore share in the move- 33© POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ment of ascent in whicli those individuals are engaged — yields in its every detail an illustration of the mode of all movement. At first, tools were of the rudest kind, and men reached their ends with labor enormous compared with that needed for the attain- ment of the same ends to-day ; but in proportion as they acquired knowledge of the external world, of the properties of things, of how things act and may be acted upon, and of the means and methods by which desired results may be brought about — in pro- portion, moreover, as human need, widening and becoming more varied with human ascent, made demand for a larger number and a greater variety of implements — in such proportion did men per- fect, not only their tools, but also the ends possible of attainment therewith. To the implements, moreover, once used only by in- dividuals, there have been added the tools called into service as social appliances by groups of men, and finally by the whole com- munity. Thus the progress of tools has been an ascent, not only from the sandals of rawhide to the shoe of civilized races, from the knife of stone to the modern blade of steel, from the sticks rubbed together to the lucifer match, from the sling to the rifle, from the bone needle to the sewing machine, and from the gnomon and the clepsydra to the timepiece — it has also meant the gradual development of such social mechanisms as steamboats, railways, street cars, post offices, telegraphs, and the like. Finally, all such improvement, whether of the individual or the social appliance, has been, from first to last, progress in the economy o\ the labor needed for particular ends and perfection of the ends themselves. Illustrations of the law of least resistance may also be drawn from the realm of mind. The need of economizing energy in thought is one which, however conscious or unconscious we may be of it, dominates and directs, so to speak, all our mental activi- ties. This is suggested by the familiar antithesis between breadth and profundity of acquirements — by the fact that artistic genius is usually divorced from depth of intellect, that speculative ability is rarely associated with knowledge of the world, that the thinker who is deeply versed in general principles is almost never a spe- cialist, that the poet is only phenomenally a man of affairs, and that the power to think originally and philosophically and the power to excel in the graces of literary style are rarely allied in one and the same individual, or present in any individual at one and the same moment. In a general way, we can concentrate the mind, so to speak, upon any particular object only by abstracting it from all other objects ; our attention to a speaker, or a book, ebbs and flows according to the interest we take in particular pas- sages ; more than half the familiar activities of our daily life are performed without any attention to them which can properly be called conscious. We are constantly, on the one hand, reserving THE PRINCIPLE OF ECONOMY IN EVOLUTION. 331 voluntary effort for the less habitual processes and activities, and on the other committing such processes and activities, to the ex- tent that they become habitual, to the realm of the subconscious. What is true of our bodily activities is equally true of the mental processes through which we form judgments and reach conclusions. To men in the mass, partial aspects of reality are easier to seize than complete verities ; they find " concrete facts " more comprehensible than general principles; the gently undu- lating slopes of belief offer them a less arduous path than that which leads over the steep cliffs of knowledge ; for most of them, the rosy streamers that herald morning are more beautiful than the full lights of day : L'homme est de glace aux verites — II est de fed pour les mensonges ! Hence it is that in their earlier thoughts men explain the invisi- ble parts of the external world in terms of -the parts visible to them ; that they confound the object with the garb woven for it by the subject ; that they conceive anthropopathically of things and activities in the external world and that most of their ideas of the universe and of its parts presuppose the human organism as the source of the analogies which alone make them intelligible. There can be thus no theory of the universe, however crude, and no religious belief, however barbarous, which may not find its justification in the fact that, for a particular stage of mental ascent, it is an expression of the law of least resistance. If, more- over, the beliefs and theories of individuals and races, at first of the simplest kind, become more complex as men ascend in mental power and knowledge; and, if, as the spheres of feeling and knowing draw near to one another, each grows richer in content until in both the mind is enabled to range in a world of ideas in- accessible to man on a lower plane of development — these results are reached in every stage of the progress they constitute not only by the saving of energy through the improvement of mental operations, but also by the enlarging and perfection of the ends compassed by those operations. The history of the concept is itself full of evidence to the same effect. In the early stage of mental development, men attach high validity to appearances, and thus form concepts which con- nect things only on the basis of their superficial likenesses and dif- ferences ; the stage is one in which, while there are terms for the members of a class, those descriptive of the class are either very imperfect or do not exist at all — one in which, for example, there are names for particular trees, particular plants, particular ani- mals, but no general name for tree, for plant, or for animal. Not only are objects imperfectly known in the absence of the power 332 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. to form these general concepts ; it is impossible to think of tliem in tlieir proper relations to one another, and thus there is at once imperfect knowledge of the external world on the one hand, and on the other, through lack of the bond of likenesses between classes, that comparative slowness of mental processes which must have been a character of all early thought. The more imperfect, in fact, are the links of likeness which binds concepts together, the more the mind tends to resemble the confusion of an unclassified library, where the needed volume can be obtained only by great expenditure of time and effort ; the more complete is mental seg- regation, the more the mind may be said to resemble the same library properly classified. Ascent, therefore, from the knowing of things by their superficial characters to knowledge of them also in their fundamental characters .enormously increases, not only the ends reached by thought, but also the ease and rapidity of mental operations. There is another economy to be noted in mental operations — the economy wrought by the increasing content and the growing symbolism of the concept. The name first given to any object simply expresses the most prominent out of a very small number of qualities by which we know that object. In onomatopoetic words, for example, the quality perceived and named is one of sound, and the process gives rise to such terms as Jcolokol, the Russian word for " bell " ; gunguma, the Gallas name for " drum " ; hwdlalkwdlal, used for " bell " by the natives of Yakama (North America) ; tumtum, also a Gallas word, meaning " workman," or, more literally, " hammerer " ; krahra, the name of a Dahoman watchman's rattle ; cJiaclia, the Aino word for " to saw " ; the Peruvian ccaccaccahay , signifying " thunderstorm " ; the Austra- lian hunghungween, used for "thunder"; liou-liou-liou-gitclia, the Botocudo word for " to suck " ; kakakhaka, which in Dyak means "to go on laughing loudly"; sliiriushiriukanni, used by the Ainos in the sense of "a rasp" ; and the Quichua chiuiuiuiniclii, indicating the noise made by the wind among trees. At first, that is to say, the name means no more than the most prominent character, and perhaps the only known character, of the object to which it is applied, whether that character be one of sound, of acting, or of appearance ; but, as men come to learn more of the qualities and relations of such object, the name gradually loses its descriptive value, and becomes a mere symbol or word counter for the total content of the concept. Thus, " the Russian called the duck utka because he saw it plunge its beak into the water ; the Pole called it kaczka, because he noticed that it waddled in walking ; the Bosnian gave it the name of plovka, because he saw it swimming " ; yet in their survival none of these terms for the duck retain or even suggest the character which originally gave THE PRINCIPLE OF E CON 031 Y IN EVOLUTION. 333 rise to them — they imply the duck in all its characters and activi- ties. It is for like reason that the various symbol values of a vast number of terms in our own language have gradually emerged from their original meaning as words descriptive of a single quality of the thing named — sheep from "bleater," its original meaning; dawn from "shine/' pig from "grunter/' or " the maker of the su sound," mortality from " a wasting away/' mother from " fashioner/' sky from " cover/' mouse from " stealer/' ant from " swarmer/' bird from " upstriver/' father from " nour- isher" or "protector/' ground from "the trodden/' foot from "treader/' woman from "bearer" (gune), "soft one" {mulier), or "the suckler" (femina), night from "the blind" or "dangerous/' earth from "the dry" (terra), house from the "built/' horse from " the neigher/' picture from " scratching/' stars from " strewn/' fetters from "footers/' fingers from "seizers" {Fdnger), language from " tongue/' imply from " folding in/' apprehend from " taking hold of/' develop from " unwrap." The gain of the process is ob- viously this — that the mind, instead of describing a single quality by its name — instead of having to deal with all the qualities sepa- rately— is enabled to include in a single concept all the characters which the thing named is known to possess, and to bring such concept into true relation with other concepts equally rich in the number of qualities which they connote. That the economy thus attained is no small one — that it means enlargement and perfection of end as well as saving of energy — may be realized by remember- ing the enormous increase which has taken place even in recent years in the meaning of such simple terms, for example, as stone and star. " Stone/' to the uncultured man, is merely a hard sub- stance of a particular color, size, shape, and weight ; to the geolo- gist the concept " stone " has a rich content of both chemical and physical characters, and demands for its thorough comprehension a familiarity with the whole history of the planet. So to the ignorant man " stars " are little more than specks of tinsel fixed in heaven, To light the midnights of his native town ; while to the educated, and above all to the scientific mind, the concept is rich with thoughts of cosmic processes and solar evolu- tion, and has a content of materials drawn from well-nigh every department of knowledge. Economy in language (which throughout implies economy in mental processes) is probably shown as much by that which escapes as by that which attains to expression in speech. "Words are brought into use only to describe things, actions, and relations that are of habitual or frequent occurrence. A vast number of phenomena are left unnamed for the reason that they do not recur 334 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. with sufficient frequency to demand formal attention for the social purposes of language. Thus, if only one railway collision had ever occurred, the word " telescoped " would never have been in- vented ; so a single case of " marauding " or of " boycotting " would have been totally insufficient to bring into existence these now familiar terms. It is because most emotional states are too complex ever to recur a second time in the same form and sequence that they can never become fixed by language, and that the feel- ings excited by the sight of a beautiful landscape, or an Alpine range, may be but imperfectly suggested only by the multitudi- nous epithets of a poem, and need a new poem to suggest them every time they are felt. The naming faculty is in fact called into action only as impressions emerge into familiarity : for the changing complex of the activities and relations that never recur twice in the same way, and often never recur at all, the mind has no process of classification, and therefore no concepts that can be named. Uttered speech is full of the signs of this ever-present striving after economy. Observe the constant omission of particles and words whenever intelligibility is to be attained without them. Where gestures will suffice to convey our meaning — a beck of the hand, it may be, or a shrug of the shoulders — we do not need speech, or, when we do, a " Pooh-pooh ! " a " Mind ! " or a " Beware ! " will often answer all our purposes. We say " in French " for " in the French language " ; " Thanks ! " for " I thank you " ; " Herein ! " for " Kommen Sie herein ! " In phrases like " I go to-morrow, not you," " Ni Tor ni la grandeur ne nous rendent heureux," "Dove ci e despotismo, non ci h virtii" (Gaetano Filan- gieri), " Er war armlich, aber doch sauber gekleidet," " Me ipsum ames oportet, non mea" (Cicero), we habitually omit words for- mally necessary to the sentence, but not needed to convey its meaning. As, moreover, words are dropped from phrases, so let- ters are dropped from words. When there is no literature to stereotype a form, as in the case of the native American lan- guages, degeneration by process of syncope sets in rapidly ; it is not delayed long even for classic tongues, like Greek and Latin, or for their successors of the Romance family, on all of which phonetic decay has set its mark ; while all literary tongues, an- cient and modern, display the process in their colloquial forms. Thus the process which turned anima into dme, femina into fernme, and pundum into point, which converted the earlier Latin ad diem into the later Latin of ad die, and in Italian shortened de ah illo monte into dal monie, has its analogue in the Bas-Valais peasant's contraction of genisse into fni and eteindre into tede ; in the Berlin workman's conversion of "IcJi" into "J"'; in the English reduction of " I love-did " to " I loved," " boatswain " to THE PRINCIPLE OF ECONOMY IN EVOLUTION. 7,7,^ "bos'n," "God be with, you !'^ to " Good-by ! " and in tbe slang wbicli in portions of tlie United States has begun to dwarf " How do you do ? " into " Howdy ? " There is abundant scope for economy in all the forms of liter- ary expression. Not only do we avoid as far as possible redun- dant elements, we also choose words calculated to convey our meaning with the minimum of effort on the part of the reader or listener. Where our end is simply that of intelligibility, as in the case of scientific statement, we choose words as simple and as expressive as possible; where to the end of intelligibility are added the ends of style, we employ words more ornate and pic- turesque in their character. In most prose compositions we are satisfied if we succeed in conveying our meaning ; in most poet- ical compositions we seek, in addition to the end of intelligibility, to produce emotional excitement, to call the imagination into powerful activity, and to give rise to various pleasing effects, such as those of rhyme and alliteration. But whatever are our ends in composition, and however multifarious they may be, we alwaj^s strive to reach them in the completest way and with the least possible demand upon the attention of the persons whom we are addressing. The sparing use of metaphor and parenthesis, the placing of the stronger epithets after instead of before the weaker, the avoidance of long and involved sentences, the care taken not to repeat words already used instead of their synonyms, the pro- vision for variety which excludes monotony both of thought and of style, the observance of a best arrangement for the words in a sentence, the choice of particular material for the various para- graphs of a composition, and the construction of the links by which unity is secured for the whole treatment — all this is ordered, as far as is possible in each individual case, so as to produce a maximum of effect with a minimum of material. How intolerant men are of speech elements unnecessary to in- telligibility is shown by the drift of the educated and uneducated alike toward a phonetic spelling by the gradual doing away with inversion in both word and sentence, and by the growing tend- ency to use adjectives as adverbs, to discard subtleties like the subjunctive, and break down the well-established distinction be- tween " shall " and " will." The economy which has taken place in the domain of grammatical forms is shown both in their gradual acquirement as means to the increased intelligibility of speech, and in the haste with which the mind, no longer needing them, hastened to discard the scaffolding of the structure which with their aid it had built up. The enormous gain which has been secured by the dropping of inflection may be appreciated somewhat by reference to the clumsy paraphernalia of such un- developed languages as Zulu, in which, as translated by Dr. Bleek, 336 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the simple sentence, ''Our great kingdom appears; we love it," must be expressed as, " The kingdom our dom, which dom is the great dom, the dom appears, we love the dom" {U-bu-kosi hetu ohu-'kulib hu-ya-honalcdla si-hutanda). So the saving attained in such a language as English may be easily inferred from the wild luxuriance in analytic distinctions of all tongues in an early stage of development. It should be added that the gain which comes of the gradual rejection of inflection is a gain not merely in the domain of lan- guage alone, it is throughout made possible by mental ascent, and the whole of the progress which it implies is a progress not only in the saving of labor in the intercourse between men, but also in the enlargement and perfection of the ends of that inter- course. We now return from this brief and highly incomplete account of the various forms of acting to consider the application of our principle to the case of the organic system. That principle ad- mitted, it will be at once obvious that the law of least resistance must be true of all those rearrangements and activities which are imposed upon a living protoplasmic system in the interest of maintenance. If, in other words, such aggregate be impelled by the forces inherent in organic molecules to maintain itself, the various means by which it will maintain itself will be means such as, from the minutest detail of structural rearrangement to the highest organ and process, are best adapted under the whole of the circumstances to accomplish the end of maintenance with the minimum expenditure of energy, and this for the reason that only such means can arise by movement in the direction of the least resistance. It also follows, from the inevitableness of the law and from the character of the organic aggregate as a system of parts, that the means by which maintenance is carried on by such aggregate will undergo progressive improvement, and will there- fore illustrate the same gradual advance in the economizing of energy and the perfecting of end as those which are exemplified in the ascent of the human community. The obvious analogy between the parts of an organic system and the individuals constituting a human society is completely borne out on examination. Whether, in fact, the primitive or- ganic aggregate be viewed as a union of previously separated units, or as an organic mass divided into unit parts that are first likes to each other and only finally differentiated, or as an aggre- gate that undergoes differentiation of its parts the moment it is sufficiently advanced in complexity to possess organic character, the fact remains that the parts can not constitute an organic sys- tem without aiding each other in the work of maintenance. Even if we could regard them as independent of each other, though THE PRINCIPLE OF ECONOMY IN EVOLUTION. 337 associated, we should be compelled to say that, acting in accord- ance with the law of least resistance, they would find it easier to divide that work among their own number than for each to main- tain itself apart from the rest. Yet the reality is even stronger than this : since the parts are interdependent, must each act in the interest of the whole of them, and are each by that whole domi- nated, so to speak, into co-operation with one another for the ends of maintenance. Just in proportion, moreover, as special activi- ties are imposed upon special parts, in that degree are such parts differentiated for the tasks they must perform ; special centers and organs arise connecting the various processes with one an- other, until finally the whole unified system is an aggregate of co-operating but subordinated individualities, of which each is in the service of all, and all act in the interest of each — an aggre- gate, that is to say, in which each of the parts, instead of having to carry on itself all the activities of maintenance, obtains in exchange for its own small contribution to the general labor the services and power of the whole society. In other words, the parts of such a system, impelled to the activities of maintenance, move into those configurations in which self-maintenance is the easiest and completest for all of them, and do so by a process of gradual adaptation and interadaptation, every stage of which is a stage of increasing efficiency of end and of greater economy of energy in the reaching of that end. The progressive unification of men in the human society also has its analogy in the progressive unification of the organic sys- tem. In the lower planes of life lack of complete solidarity be- tween all the parts and processes of an organism often manifests itself in the well-known phenomenon of iterated organs. The system in this stage consists, so to speak, of groups or segments, and every segment has its special set of organs — such, for example, as the legs of the centiped and the lobster, the multiple breath- ing holes of insects, and in a variety of organisms the iterated eyes or ocelli, as well as the repeated nerve centers of many of the lower forms. As the organism becomes unified this phenomenon of iteration tends to pass away, and the change is wrought through what may be called the discovery by the organism that it is easier to produce and maintain a single set of organs of each kind for the body as a whole than to produce and maintain and use a sepa- rate set of such organs for each segment or group. Hence the ascent of the organism from the stage of iterated organs to the stage of single sets of organs, from the condition of imperfect to the condition of perfect unification, is ascent by diminution of resistance, by perfection of end, by greater economy of energy. As, moreover, the improvement of tools is a saving of energy to the individual wielding them, so is the improvement of an VOL. LI. 26 338 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. organ to the system whicli needs and has produced it for ends of maintenance. In the degree that the organic parts have special activities imposed upon them, in that degree do they become modified by those activities, and therefore adapted to the doing of those activities. An incipient leg, tail, fin, or eye, or any other organ, impelled to a particular thing, to act in a particular way, will do that thing more perfectly, will act in that way more com- pletely and efficiently, with every repetition of the acting, for the reason that the parts of the organ and of the organism become with every such repetition, up to a certain natural limit, more and more adapted to the doing of that particular thing, to act- ing in that particular way ; and this is why use is said to im- prove organs. The parts of such a system rearrange themselves in such a way as in every case continually to lessen the resistance offered within the system to the acting needed for each particu- lar end. Just as from the simple foot of the snail to the leg of the vertebrates, so from the membrane of the worm sensitive to light, from the ocelli of insects and marine organisms to the highly developed eye of mammals, or from the incipient forms of internal organs to the more perfect and efficient forms of such organs, there have been progressive stages of ascent in the econ- omy of energy with which given ends have been reached, as well as improvement of the ends themselves. In the case of organs, as in that of tools, the improvement has been made possible by a finer sense on the parts of the organism acting of the direction of least resistance, a finer self-adaptation by that organism to the environment, and a more perfect reaching of more perfect ends as the result of that adaptation. We now see that the advantage gained by the perfection of any given organ or appliance necessary to maintenance is the advantage which, given the end to be reached, is gained by the saving of energy in the reaching of that end — that, in other words, the inducement to the improvement of any given organ is the saving of the energy spent in reaching, with the aid of that organ, the general end of maintenance. The more perfect are the appli- ances of the organic system, the more easily and completely does that system reach its end of maintenance ; hence the gradual im- provement of the organs with which maintenance is accomi^lished is so much movement in the direction of the least resistance. Thus the eye is gradually perfected in successive organisms, not because there is anywhere any foreknowledge that a given con- figuration of parts will lead to so highly useful an appliance as the organ of vision, but because, given the impulsion to mainte- nance and the general conditions of organic life, all structural changes leading away from the development of an organ like the eye would involve loss of energy to the organism in the reaching THE PRINCIPLE OF ECONOMY IN EVOLUTION. 339 of the general eud, and because all rearrangements of the organic parts that lead directly to the development of the eye are favored, as against rearrangements tending in any other direction, by the fact that every successive stage of such rearrangements results in a saving of energy in the reaching of maintenance to the organ- ism bringing them about. In a word, the path of structural movement toward the eye is the easiest path, the path of least re- sistance, while the path away from the eye is the most diflBcult path, the path of greatest resistance ; and what is true of the eye is true of all other organs and organic appliances whatsoever. Given, therefore, the molecular forces which in some way not yet understood impel the organism to display those activities of maintenance which we call life, and there follow, by virtue of those forces, of the character of organic matter, and of the general conditions of existence, not only the intelligent adaptations which make possible and facilitate maintenance, but also the gradual im- provement of those adaptations which constitutes organic ascent. What, finally, is the outcome ? In the biological world at the present moment the great question which interests inquirers is that of the meaning of intelligent adaptations. Thinkers in this field no longer question the existence of intelligence in the uncon- scious form ; they seek to discover what that intelligence means. " What we should like to discover," says one of them in a letter to the writer, " is the seat of the so-called unconscious intelligence which brings about those structures which the older teleologists called designed." That natural selection supplies little if any material for an answer to the question is already recognized. It being impossible to trace these structures to an artificer operating outside, our only recourse is to look to the organism itself for the power to which the fashioning of tissues and organs is due. And though we can do nothing toward solving the fundamental prob- lem in biology, the origin of life itself, we need not despair — given the fact of life — taking the powers of living protoplasm for granted, of comprehending something of the process by which intelligent adaptations arise. For, the rest being assumed, we see how from the operation of the law of least resistance all the mechanisms of life result by necessity. Writ minutely in the tissues of the organism the law is inscribed broadly and grandly on all the features of our modern civilization. Not an activity of the busy industrial life around us, whether it be due directly to travail of brain or hand, or find its realization in that wonderful, external side of human life — the life of machinery — but illustrates the universal mode in which all conscious intelligence reaches its end. And so also in the realm of the unconscious we have only to take for granted the powers of living protoplasm, and the sim- plicity as well as the exceeding beauty of the process by which 340 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. intelligent adaptations come into existence flash upon us like a revelation. We look as with vision renewed upon the pine cone in the forest, upon the flower shining amid the expanse of green, upon the sudden lightning of the firefly, and the manifold hues of insect and bird. For, little as we have attended to them before save as the commonplaces of our knowledge, we now see that they are paths of least resistance objectively embodied — proto- plasmic tools with which, in the silence of the unconscious world the organic system is slowly but surely reaching its ends. And as we ponder it becomes clear to us that the same system is at work in the making of tools and the fashioning of organs — that, though the one process is conscious, the other unconscious, they are deep down in the heart of them the expressions of but a single method. Everywhere we find the evidences of this likeness — in the awl of the shoemaker and the tool of the boring insect ; the earth-trap of the native African and the pitfall of the ant lion ; the web of the spider and the net of the fisherman ; the digging stick of the Australian, the foot of the mole, and the spade of the navvy ; in the single oar of the boatman and the sculling tail of the fish ; the sticky tongue of the anteater and the slime pot of the human catcher of birds ; in the kayak of the sav- age and the floating pupa skin of the gnat ; the scale armor of the armadillo and the soldier's cuirass ; in the climbing hooks of the tiger beetle, the claws of the bat, and the grappling irons used in naval warfare; on the one hand, in the pulley, screw, and wedge ; in chisels used in stonecutting, gravers with which wood is carved, axes for felling trees ; in screwdrivers, lifting jacks, Nasmyth hammers, battering rams ; the cord and weight of the window sash, the wheels of carriages, and the rollers whereon heavy masses are moved from place to place ; on the other hand, in the muscles, sinews, and joints of animals ; in the wing of the bird, the paddle of the porpoise, the hand of man, the mandible of the ant, the horns of the cow, the lance of the swordfish, the stinging cells of certain coelenterata, the channeled poison tooth of the snake, or the defensive antennae of the spider ; even in the vertebrate eye itself. For all these, being objective paths of least resistance, are signs of a law that, pervading the realm of living things, has its roots in the inorganic world, since it springs from the very nature of motion as a result of differential stress. And when adequate account is taken of the presence of end in organic activities, of its absence from movements which are inorganic — account, that is to say, of the fundamental difference between living protoplasm and inorganic matter — then the whole of evolu- tion, viewed apart from its secondary processes, may be summed up in the simple formula — movement in the direction of least re- sistance. LET US THEREWITH BE CONTENT. . 341 LET US THEREWITH BE CONTENT. Bt ELLEN COIT ELLIOTT. THE men of America have met the suffrage agitation with an admirable gallantry. Aspersed to their faces from the rostrum as masculine creatures of unfathomable iniquity, they return only a deprecating smile. Assured by the " new woman " that the ever feminine leadeth them on, and that politics will clarify as soon as the superior purity and integrity of the sex are brought to bear upon them, they appreciate her splendid confi- dence, applaud, and cry her on. There are those who, ever sus- picious of the masculine character, take umbrage at this favor, looking upon it as an impertinent condescension. But surely we may grant that the slow partner of our humanity, admiring our victorious advance, and bewildered by our swift onslaughts from all points at once, wishes by his expressions of good will to placate our wrath and further our desires. Stupid and mannish he may be, but after all he is rather good-natured. American women, however, are taking toward the question at issue a curious attitude. One large and picturesque division, when exhorted that they " ought " to desire a finger in the polit- ical pie, if not for the sake of the pie at least for the sake of the finger, show a sweet resignation, and, definitely premising that they do not wish the ballot, cry meekly that if it be the will of God to give it to them they will do their best to make a proper use of it. Others express a frank impatience with our prophets and saviors. Others, still, recognizing that the vantage ground upon which American women stand to-day is not entirely the result of democracy, give due gratitude and appreciation to those who through hard battles have helped to win the position. " But," they exclaim, " stay in your ministrations of deliverance ! Forbear to impose upon us the added responsibility of the suf- frage ! " And, worst of all, masses of these shackled citizens show an unalterable apathy toward the injustice they are suffer- ing, and indifference to the hands reached out to help them. Surely never did enthusiasts have to deal with more refractory and exasperating material. The suffrage leaders have i3roved in their own persons the angelic quality of womankind in not giv- ing up long ago the attempt to free such inveterate slaves. What is the significance of this general reluctance ? To give her the suffrage is to add another to the long list of her oppor- tunities for exercising power and influence outside of the home, and the question becomes. Do American women desire this, and if not, why not ? The answer is bound up with the hackneyed sub- ject of " woman's sphere," and, as all our philosophy is nowa- 342 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. days biologized, it rests back upon the great physical fact that women for all time must be prepared to bear and rear the children of the race. Granting that much of her physical disability is due to various sorts of foolishness and may be removed, it re- mains undeniable that in even the most normal of women the reproductive system is by nature so constituted that it requires a much larger proportion of her vitality than is the case with man. Hence, leaving out of account all other possible variations be- tween the sexes, this difference alone is a definite handicap to all women who " compete " with men. For married women there is the further fact that childbearing and the care of children add a new and very serious handicap in any " competition " with men. If, then, woman is physically at so great a disadvantage in many occupations, shall she not consider that these occupations are, for her, but secondary issues ? For her specialty shall she not look along the line of least resistance ? Instead of denying her physical constitution, shall she not exalt it by a consistent allegiance to its fundamental significance ? Notwithstanding the present apotheosis of the physical sciences, woman will not rest satisfied in a purely physical explanation of her destiny. Bitter rebellion is inevitable whenever she is confronted by her physical limitations and possesses not the spiritual key to their meaning. But a spiritual significance in the life of woman has been more or less felt in all times, and in the present it is not only tacitly con- ceded by society in general, but it has received definite scientific formulation. From their physical constitution women more than men must inevitably sacrifice themselves for the progress of the race. Unconscious and unwilling though they may have been, necessity and habit have so trained countless generations of women in the practice of self-denial that they have grown to be in the world the special witnesses and exemplifiers of the altruistic principle. So true is it that motherhood and the love and self- sacrifice which it involves, is woman's peculiar contribution to evolution and progress, that, as has been keenly pointed out, " the woman question is not solved until it is solved by mothers." In other words, a woman can not solve her life problem on a purely individual basis except at the price of her influence on the race. A man may lead a life largely self-centered and still transmit his qualities to his children, but the self-centered woman can not pass on her qualities, for she will have no children to inherit them. If she would, in any large way, save her life, she must lose it. The actual facts bear out this conception of a woman's func- tion. It is not that women are wholly altruistic. Though loath to own it, we are but mortal. Nor will any (except the suffrage LET US THEREWITH BE CONTENT. 343 leaders) contend that every woman is more unselfish than every man. On the contrary, it is only too easy to point out cases where feminine selfishness is shown again and again in petty ways to which men, as a rule, do not stoop. Yet it remains in general true that the practical life of women the world over calls for a more constant exercise of self-sacrifice than that of men, and that everywhere women have learned in the main to make their sacrifices cheerfully because lovingly, and even to court a life which brings them. That this acquiescence should be often considered an indication of tameness, if not inferiority, is but natural in a civilization which has even now only half realized the dignity of the altruistic ideal. In the affairs of life intellect has enjoyed a long prestige. Character, which, according to the highest conceptions of the race, depends at its best upon altruism, is but slowly growing into an equal recognition. In a rough, general way, men have been the apostles of the one and women of the other. It is true that the ideal of humanity is one. Women have gained in intellect and men in character, and this must go on ; but it has not come about, and it will not come about, by a direct exchange of their activities. These considerations lead to the good old dictum that "home is woman's sphere." It seems well-nigh superfluous to enumer- ate the obvious qualifications of this general statement. Surely no fin-de-siecle person would understand it to mean that woman should look upon marriage in itself as the sole desideratum of her existence, or that, failing to marry, she should devote her- self to pets and fancy work, and live upon the charity of her male relatives. Surely at this stage of proceedings no one would attempt or desire to limit woman to purely domestic pursuits. It has been reiterated and most abundantly proved that she need not be circumscribed in freedom or opportunity for the sake of binding her to the home : it is not necessary, for Nature will take care of itself ; and it is not expedient, for the more she is allowed to be in herself the greater the gift she can and will bring to the race. Moreover, no one will contend that every woman ought to be a mother, or that an indefinite number of offspring is a wife's chief duty. In a word, marriage, and the bearing and not bearing of children, are individual accidents dependent upon a thousand private considerations. To fulfill the law of womanhood one need not be a mother, but only to be motherly ; one need not be a wife, but only to be loyal to the unselfish principle of wifehood ; one need not eschew the paths of business or professional life, so only that slae recognize hers as the exceptional feminine career, the more normal and significant one lying within the walls of the home. Consciously sometimes, but perhaps more often with uncon- 344 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. scious instinct, a woman does thus stand by her colors. Why this eager activity in the matter of temperance rather than the tariff ? Because intemperance menaces the home. Why this quick sympathy with organized or unorganized charities, as op- posed to the average apathy over finance ? Because charity touches people whom she can love and homes which she can transfigure. And — if one may be pardoned a notion somewhat transcendental — is not her oft-observed lack of creative ability^ together with her equally notable power of appreciation, due to the fact that with her an idea is not worked out so readily in purely intellectual formulations as in the material of character ? The laws of mechanics as such she does not readily apprehend, but the truths of rectitude which are their moral counterpart she grasps with special illumination. The masterpieces of formal art she does not create, but she, more naturally than man, can live a life which may properly be called a poem or a picture. And why this respect for womankind deeply rooted in the best of men ? The individual character of woman is not, unfortunate- ly, so much loftier than that of man as to compel it, and that she is the " weaker sex " hardly accounts for so large a fact. Nor does it look like a merely left-over remnant of mediseval chivalry. Is it not, at bottom, that sound and sensible men recognize and reverence the altruistic ideal, which, however faltering her loy- alty, it is a woman's special privilege to perpetuate ? The beau- tiful phrase so bedraggled by controversy — Das Ewig-Weibliche Zieht uns hinan — does it not mean that the principle of love which rules a woman's life is also the loadstar of human progress ? Homes must be made, and the masculine half of us, as they make haste to proclaim with amusing emphasis, have neither the inclination nor the ability to assume the task. Says one of them, naively, " If marriage meant to a man what it does to a woman in the way of suffering, labor, and social status, I am convinced that not one man in fifty would marry." It is impossible not to be reminded of the similar disclaimer — Oh, then I can't marry you, my pretty maid ! and the milkmaid's retort — Nobody asked you to, sir, she said — seems singularly appropriate, did we wish to be so impolite as to use it. But, strange as it may look to the masculine mind, women in general do choose to marry. They are not driven to it by the conditions of society, nor impelled by a blind sexual in- stinct, nor misled by the enthusiasm of the martyr. They know LET US THEREWITH BE CONTENT. .3^5 perfectly well what it will mean in their career. And they need not be looked upon as fools for so doing, being in fact possessed of the average degree of common sense of the race. They choose it because they want it, and they want it because, in spite of its restrictions, it brings the most satisfactory fulfillment of their aspirations and development of their powers. The same masculine thinker is firmly convinced that " women wish to be men, but men do not wish to be women." Both parts of this proposition are delightfully characteristic of the sex which has never been backward in claiming its superiority, and the last clause, by the same sign, is doubtless unquestionable. But the first is as unjust to woman's ideals as it is derogatory to her mis- sion. If she give up social pleasures, literary activity, pecuniary independence, or a hundred other personal ambitions, to minister to the interests of one modest home, and the career of one average husband ; if she turn from the gratification of public recognition to years of the unapplauded cares of the nursery ; if she drop out of the onward march of purely intellectual progress, and spend her life marking time in the ranks of the housekeeper — it is not because she is the poor-spirited victim of circumstances. It is not that one half the race is, by some mischance of destiny, doomed to a life of tragedy. The bird with one wing broken droops in its flight, and humanity thus hampered would have sorely lagged in its onward sweep. On the contrary, she chooses these things because law and the satisfaction of her life are not that of indi- vidual ambition or attainment, but the law of love and service — " unto the Jews a stumbling-block and unto the Greeks foolish- ness." Women, it is true, do not always feel or admit this. Many of them have a taste for pity, and they pet and pity themselves and each other. Yet the more sincere own willingly that everything has its price, and that they have paid none too dear for that which they have gained by their sacrifice. The strongest scorn to pose as martyrs, because they see clearly that in life as it runs, a woman, exactly as a man, gets what she pays for, and must pay for what she gets. And they conceive of no more just equality of the sexes than this. As to the women of America, to begin with, they are not, as some would have us think, downtrodden drudges, manacled slaves, or what not, after the same order. Rejoicing in the most perfect social freedom the world has seen, proud in a position and influence quite equal to those of men, they can afi^ord to laugh at such tirades. With the exceptions that must always accom- pany general statements, woman in America may do whatever she wishes to do. She may run the typewriter in an office instead of a sewing machine at home. She may carry on a farm or a VOL. LI. — 27 346 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. business. Slie may teach, write, i:)reac}i, lecture, practice law or medicine. Journalism and belles-lettres are her happy hunting grounds. She may marry or remain unmarried with equal honor, and no one dictates in her choice of a husband. She may wear bloomers and ride a wheel. She may carry on public agitations to an unlimited extent. The most serious drawbacks to her com- plete freedom result from flaws in her own standards and tradi- tions, and are in no wise imposed upon her from without. American men are neither tyrannical nor condescending to- ward women. From childhood up they have been in the habit of seeing their sisters walk beside them with independence and privilege equal to their own. Their attitude is one of frank comradery based upon a respect which on both sides is uncon- sciously taken for granted. They have, besides, a genial tendency to be proud of their women and to applaud rather than discour- age their ambitions. If women wish to vote, these men will not deny them. In fact, many an American household presents the edifying spectacle of a husband more ready to vote the suffrage to his wife than she to accept it. Notwithstanding this freedom — perhaps because of it — one need only obtain an unaffected expression of their feeling to find that, maid and matron alike, the women of the country are, as a rule, content in marriage as a career. They wish for children, and gladly make the prolonged sacrifices necessary to their care and education. One day a young woman — exactly such a one as may be met with any day anywhere in the country — went " in fun " to consult a fortune-teller. But she returned in tears, and confided to her girl friend that she wept because the seer had told her she would never have children. It can not of course be said that among women there is no dis- content, no restlessness. The age is full of discontent of a certain kind, and restlessness is in the blood. Women do not escape these general influences of the time. Moreover, there is, at least among college women, a special dissatisfaction with the drudgery attendant upon home-making. With the increase of individual- ity which the higher education can not fail to bring, comes the need of a new sort of home ; and the conflict and adjustment of old with new ideals, old with new duties, old with new purposes, brings confusion and sadness into the problem of many a modern woman's life. Notwithstanding this, the college woman is found in general to be no more ready than her uneducated sister to go back upon the womanhood which means self-denial, and the career which means self-sacrifice. When these American women, full of the complicated in- terests and duties of the American home and its dependent sociological activities, are confronted with the prospect of exer- LET US THEREWITH BE CONTENT. 347 cising the suffrage, their instinct seems to be to draw back. Ask the women, one after another, in a representative community, if they wish to vote, and again and again will come the answers : " I haven't time," " My hands are overfull now," " How can I undertake a duty which means that I must inform myself upon all the public questions of the day ?" Naturally, many of them, especially those who are temperance workers, or those whose property interests are not represented under existing conditions, desire the ballot. But the great majority are content to occupy themselves with the multitude of interests which are already theirs, and to leave the formal affairs of state to men. The great majority, when they speak sincerely, will say that home-making and its allied interests is their chosen life, and that its demands are so exacting that they must leave the work of government to other hands. This attitude is certainly open to criticism. Perhaps it is true that the sons could be better educated by mothers who voted, that homes could be better made and protected by wives who held the power of the ballot, that the welfare of schools and charities would be furthered if women who are interested in them had a share in the making of the laws. Yet it would seem that if woman possessed by nature any great aptitude for polit- ical life, she would be eager to exercise it. It has been said that " the men are not what they are because they vote, but they vote because they are what they are." They make politics, and they are interested in the work of their hands. Women do not make it and (always in general) are not interested in it. If woman alone were to govern the state, how radically different would be her methods ! And how can oil and water mix ? Until she can disfranchise man and establish a rule of her own peculiar sort, woman may perhaps be expected to show indifference to political affairs. Furthermore, she might evince more alacrity for reaching out for the august power of the ballot if she ob- served that the men who exercise it thereby get what they want. But to her puzzled query, " If you want this reform or that measure, why don't you put it through ? " the conclusive reply is that " you can't get at it," on account of the " primaries," or " the bosses," or " the spoils system," or the " rings," or the wheels within wheels of whatever other complications interfere to muddle the brain and thwart the will of the sovereign Amer- ican people. A woman answered thus, and reflecting upon the suffrage, is apt to wonder, in her silly, feminine way, if the game is worth the candle. Perhaps it is worth the candle. Many a wise man thinks so, and having the suffrage himself, a man should be able to esti- mate its value. However that question may be finally settled. 348 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. women will be women. The practical conviction that this is after all what they most wish to be must have an important bearing upon their particular aspirations, and it is this convic- tion whicli, to say the least, suggests misgivings and compels re- serve in the minds of a very large number of average American women whose voices are not heard in the land. WILD FLOWERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ALPS. By Mi8S B. F. HERRICK. THE Sierra Nevada mountain range — with its lofty, snow- capped peaks and majestic glaciers, its serrated crags and romantic caiions, its foaming rivers, sparkling waterfalls, and dense pine forests — is the California Switzerland. The climate of this region more nearly resembles that of the mountains of the Atlantic coast than any other section of the far West ; and the vegetation is in most respects quite similar, though there are many varieties of trees and plants that are peculiar to the State. Spring is late in these high altitudes, and the summers are of all too short duration. Among the first flowers to greet the new year is the curious snow plant {Sarcodes sangri*t?iea), world- renowned not only from the fact that it is exclusively Californian, but on account of its rare beauty and individuality. It was first discovered by one of General Fremont's exploring expeditions on the slopes inclosing the valley of the Sacramento; and is common at the Yosemite and on Mount Shasta, at an altitude of from four to nine thou- sand feet above the sea level. Though generally supposed to be parasitic on the roots of the pine tree, eminent botanists, after careful investigation, now claim it to be a " saprophyte," or a plant growing from a rotten substance near the surface of the soil, like certain species of fungi, an aid to this conclusion hav- ing been found in the fact that the plants are sometimes known to flourish in open places considerably removed from any growth of timber. Their usual habitat is moist, sheltered forests, where the winter snows fall deeply ; and they make their appearance when the spring sun warms the frozen ground and melts the fleecy snowdrifts. True leaves they have none ; and the fleshy bracts, bell- shaped blossoms, and thick, brittle stems are all of a brilliant scarlet, icy to the touch, and of the consistence of crystallized sugar. The average height is about one foot, what corresponds to the underground roots or bulbs being of about an equal depth and of a much lighter tint. These plants are members of a suborder of the heath family ; O g o 350 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. though their resemblance to the sturdy manzanita, the fragrant rhododendron, or the velvet-limbed madrone is not at first ap- parent. They abound in gallic acid, giving them a sour smell, suggestive of ink or vinegar. In early summer the flowers are succeeded by hard, circular pods, containing numerous fine seeds like those of a poppy ; and despite repeated experiments in ger- mination, they refuse to grow in a foreign environment. Trans- planting also always meets with failure, though specimens may be dried and kept for several months. A writer in Hutching's Heart of the Sierras thus graphically describes this matchless Alpine flower : A pyramid of tiny tongues of flame, Darting from out the rifts of dazzling white ; A strange bright phantom, born of ice and fire, Flushing pale wastes with gleams of crimson light. On the bleak, ice-bound heights, at an altitude of from eight to twelve thousand feet, is found the curious " red snow," a very low form of vegetable life, which, though common in polar regions, occurs in the United States only on Mount Shasta and at the head of Cross Creek, Colorado. When it is trodden upon in a half -melted state, the footsteps of the mountain-climber fill in with a clear, blood-red fluid, which leaves no stain, even if exam- ined in the handkerchief. Some of the patches are of consid- erable size, while others are scarcely a foot in diameter ; and the color varies from a deep magenta to the faintest shade of pink. Rivaling the snow plant in general interest is the singular Darlingtonia, or California pitcher-plant, indigenous to open, marshy places in the northern part of the State from Mount Shasta to the coast, and the only species of its genus, though it is related to the Eastern Sarracenias, or side-saddle flowers. The pitchers, which are said to be in reality the enlarged and hol- lowed petioles, or leaf stalks, average about three feet in height, and are terminated by an arching hood or crest, furnished with a pair of mustachelike appendages, which are the genuine leaves. As these are provided on the under side with numerous honey glands, and are usually highly colored, they constitute the prin- cipal lure ; though the cunningly devised, nodding flowers, con- spicuously borne on the ends of long, bare peduncles, also contain an intoxicating nectar. The interior of the pitchers is lined with innumerable fine, downward-pointing hairs, which form a most insecure footing for the struggling victims and render escape almost an impossibility, while the glare through the lacy, dome- like roof only adds to the general confusion. The colorless liquid which half fills the tube must be secreted by the plant itself, as the covers of the pitchers prevent the WILD FLOWERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ALPS. 351 accumulation of raindrops ; and the insects ensnared are mainly- winged varieties, such as flies, bees, wasps, and beetles, though ants, spiders, slugs, and other crawling creatures often share their untimely fate. In one of these omnivorous vegetable traps the writer once discovered a tuft of three straight pine needles, six inches in length, though how they ever worked their way, un- I'iSiip."!"' WIS bent, through the curved mouth, will ever remain an unsolved problem. Intermingled with the pitcher plants and coarse grasses of the swamps is often found a tall, graceful orchid (Hahenaria leu- costachys), with spikes of small, white flowers, distilling the fra- grance of the tropics ; and in its company frequently grows the California Cypripedium, or " lady's slipper," which has leafy stems about two feet in height and from three to a dozen blos- soms, with brownish, twisted pet- als, and a white lip veined with purple. The rose-tinted, drooping Ca- lypso, and the Spirantlies, or " ladies' tresses," are also lovers of wet places, the latter bloom- ing in the late summer months and being easily recognizable by the curious manner in which the little, greenish-white flowers are coiled or twisted around the stem. Somewhat allied to the "la- dies' tresses " is the " rattlesnake plantain" {Goody eara Menziesii), the leaves of which were used by the Indians as sovereign cures for snake-bites. From the center of the variegated, rosettelike foliage springs a pubescent stalk, about a foot in height, bearing a spike of one-sided white flowers, which bloom in the deep woods through July and August. The epipactus {Epipacius gigantea) is found in the tangled undergrowth along the banks of mountain streams, and has slender, leafy stems and from three to ten brown and green blos- CALiroBNiA Snow Plant. 352 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. soms, marked with purple ; wliile the Listera, or northern t way- blade, may be distinguished by the stout oval leaves, clasping the low stem, and the downy 1 of tiny purplish raceme flowers. None of the above-men- tioned orchids are parasit- ic ; but there are at least two indigenous species which draw their nourish- ment from other plants. One is the well-known "coral root" (Corallorrhi- za), so called on account of the fleshy rootstocks, which resemble branches of white coral. There are several varieties, inhabit- ing dry spots in mountain forests all over the State. Both flowers and stems are of shaded browns and yel- lows, and the plants readi- ly escape detection, as they are so nearly the color of the surrounding dry weeds and grasses. The other parasitic orchid is the Cephalantliera Oregana, a northern species of especial interest, suggesting the "corpse plant " or " Indian pipe " of the Eastern woods. It is wholly des- titute of green leaves, and the stems and flowers are of a pure glistening white, somewhat startling in their unique beauty. Like the epipactus, it prefers the neighborhood of forest streams and hides itself in the shrubbery. All along the banks of the foaming Sacramento there grows, as though planted by a landscape gardener, the giant saxifrage (Saxif raga peltaia), locallj known as the " umbrella plant," and also as the "Indian's rhubarb," certain portions of the plant being edible. Its generic name signifies " rock-breaker," as it is said to disintegrate the rocks from the clefts of which it springs. The graceful stalks, often a yard in length, are terminated by scalloped, circular leaves a foot or more in diameter, which resemble small parasols or umbrellas inverted by the wind. Though highly attractive in the spring and summer, they are especially ornamental in the autumn, when their clear, green tints are changed to yellows and russets. The clusters of small CALiFOR>nA Pitcher Plant. WILD FLOWERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ALPS. 353 pink and white blossoms, on the ends of the long, fleshy flower stalks, ripen in June into little double seed pods, which, when shaken in the hand or brushed against by accident, produce a sound much like that of the dreaded rattlesnake. Sometimes these plants domesticate themselves upon submerged rocks, the leaves floating on the surface of the current like those of a water lily, while the masses of tangled roots threaten to trip up heed- less fishermen. Though many varieties of saxifrage are found in different parts of the State, none equal, either in size or pictur- esqueness, these beautiful border plants of the northern Sierra streams. At irregular intervals along the banks grow tall thickets of fragrant azaleas, or rhododendrons, reflecting their bright green leaves and pink and cream-white flowers in the limpid water be- low ; and behind them are terraces of feathery purple or white ceanotlius, or mountain lilac, beloved by deer and honeybees. Then come the dogwoods, flaunting their showy white bracts full fifteen feet in air, and mingling their spreading boughs with those of the laurel, the alder, the cottonwood, the wild hawthorn, and syringa. At their feet appear the freckled faces of the Giant Saxifrage or Sacramkxto Eiver. tawny tiger-lilies, the largest of which is the Humboldt, as tall as a good-sized man and with from four to six whorls of leaves, each whorl ten to twenty leaves in number ; and rivaling them in attractiveness are the stately Washington lilies, with their satiny-white chalices, flecked with black and gold, suggestive of the Bermuda or Easter lilies of gardens and greenhouses. 354 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Among other lovers of moist localities are the Aralia, or wild sarsaparilla (the long, aromatic roots of which are sometimes used as a substitute for the genuine commercial article), and the poisonous Cicuta, or water hemlock, a member of the parsley- family, easily distinguished by its lofty, hollow stem, large tri- pennate leaves, and umbels of numerous rays of small white flowers. On the borders of Lake Tahoe flourish the beautiful pond lilies, prized by boat-riders as trophies of summer excur- sions ; the white Brasenias, or "water shields"; and the sulphur- yellow Niqjhars, or " spatterdocks," the large flat leaves of which are the favorite camping ground for small green frogs. Most of the forest underbrush is composed of the manzanita, or " little apple" [Ardostapliylos), sometimes known as the "bear-berry," as Bruin feasts on the fruits. This shrub averages about five feet in height and has round, thick leaves and tiny white or rose-colored blossoms which ripen in early autumn into dull- red, globular berries, resembling Indian beads. The smooth, mahog- any-hued bark peels annually, like that of the madrone ; and the larger boughs furnish a hard cabinet wood capable of a fine polish. Other flowering shrubs include the heathlike bryanthus ; the Audiberta, or white sage ; the rabbit brush, and the Oregon grape or holly-leaved barberry (Berberis), a low bush with prickly, pol- ished foliage and racemes of yellow flowers, succeeded by round blue berries much like those of the elder. In great patches under the pines grow the Chamobafia (a little evergreen plant about a foot in height with blossoms like those of the strawberry), and the trailing Vaccinium, or "squaw's carpet," recognized by its small, serrated leaves, and round, pale-pink bells, or hard, reddish seed vessels. The Alpine phlox clings to the rocks in high alti- tudes, together with the arctic willow and dwarf conifers, while the juniper redeems barren, sandy sections from utter desolation. Two pretty little wood plants, nestling in the dry leaves under the trees, are the Fyrola, or " shin-leaf," and the pipsissewa, or "prince's pine" {Chiniaphila) , the former having radical varie- gated leaves and nodding white flowers, suggesting those of the lily of the valley, and the latter being known by its shining ever- green foliage and terminal clusters of waxy, flesh-tinted blossoms of delicate fragrance. Near by usually grow the quaint little " Dutchman's breeches," with their fine compound leaves and drooping, pink corollas, as well as the Asarum, or wild ginger, so called on account of the rootstock, which has a pungent flavor. This is an odd-looking herb, with several heart-shaped leaves, and a curious, brownish- purple flower, about the size of a large thimble, which makes its appearance just above the surface of the ground, and has no petals, but a three-parted calyx. WILD FLOWERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ALPS. 355 In open, rocky places one is apt to come across the downy, pink and white " pussy's paws " {Syraguea unihellata), together with clumps of gorgeous lupines — lilac, yellow, or rose-color — and patches of golden coreopsis, purple pentstemons, and lovely gilias, godetias, and Indian pinks ; while tall columbines, larkspurs, and wild roses peep from the tangled shrubbery. The beautiful Mari- posa lily, or " butterfly tulip," a member of the calochortus fam- ily, derives its name from the large dark spots on the petals and through June delights the eye with its yellow, violet, or snow-white chalices. In the early spring the wild flowers run riot everywhere, carpeting sunny, open spots with a veritable crazy quilt of bloom, chief among them being the large, purple-spotted Nemopli- ila, or " baby -eyes," the white forget - me - not, the blue, white, and yel- low violets, the wild agapanthus, the yellow iris, the wild strawberry blossom, and the far- famed Eschsclioltzia, or California poppy, the emblem of the State. In these mountains there are a good many va- rieties of old-fashioned herbs, which have been used medicinally for ages, and are sacred to the memories of the spicy garrets of ISTew England country farms. The chamomile and the aromatic peppermint and penny- royal head the list; then come the aconite, or monk'shood, the flannely-leaved mullein, useful for lung troubles of man or beast, the woodsy yarrow, the yellow tansy, the wintergreen, and the Brunella, or self-heal — a cure for quinsy and all sorts of wounds. On the outskirts of the Mount Shasta meadows, where the plow- man stands knee deep in rolling billows of red clover, timothy, and redtop, there grows a singular iioral torch, known as the California veratrum. This plant is a member of the lily family. Azaleas. 356 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and resembles the yucca or Spanish bayonet of the southern counties, the small, greenish-white flowers being borne in a dense panicle on the summit of a stout stem, from three to seven feet in height. The long, narrow leaves are smooth and grasslike, and are suggestive of corn or sugar cane. Close at hand, the spirea, or steeple-bush, waves high in air its feathery white or WASiiixftToN Lilies. magenta plumes ; and beyond are thickets of wild plums and hazelnuts, mingled with low bushes of thimbleberries, huckle- berries, and large, prickly gooseberries. There are a number of roadside and pasture plants, known by farmers as " weeds," which nevertheless seem to have imbibed the very spirit of midsummer. Among them are included the dainty evening primose (Enofhera biennis) ; the clematis, or " vir- gin's bower," festooning itself gracefully from tree to tree, with the wild grape and ivy ; the milkweed {Asclepias), with its dull- pink flowers and big, oval seed pods, filled with brown seeds and silky white down; the yellow sunflower; the flame-colored Cas- telleia, or " Indian's paint brush " ; the golden-rod, three to six THE PLANET SATURN. .357 feet in height; the aster, dandelion, and the bright-eyed little Hypericum, or " Saint John's- wort," formerly used in certain parts of Europe as a charm against evil spirits. In sandy places, on the edge of the woods, grows the curious " horsetail," or telescope reed, sometimes known as " file-grass," as the rough, furrowed stalks were once used for polishing purposes. Being without true or visible blossoms, this plant belongs with the ferns, mosses, and other cryptogams, and is said to have deteriorated from the coal ages. Toward the end of September a change creeps over the face of Nature, and a solemn hush heralds the approach of autumn. The great, towering yew tree clothes itself with scarlet berries, and the dry, yellow leaves of the maple flutter downward through the quiet air, the chokecherry dons a robe of scarlet, and ripens clusters of astringent fruit of an equally vivid hue ; the deciduous azaleas drop their foliage into the sparkling river, and the dog- wood and poison oak assume a garb of solferino, while the con- tinual dropping of pine cones breaks the silence of the mountain forest. Then the snow falls like a fleecy blanket, and winter sets in, with its rigors of ice and sleet. THE PLANET SATURN. By CLIFTON A. HOWES, S. B. DOUBTLESS many observers of the sky are familiar with the planet Saturn as he slowly moves through the constellations from year to year, but how many of them stop to think of the wonders and mysteries connected with this far-off member of the solar system ? Very few, probably ; and yet this planet is well worth a closer acquaintance, for, as Prof. Langley says, " In all the heavens there is no more wonderful object than the planet Saturn, for it preserves to us an apparent type of the plan on which all the worlds were originally made." Saturn was the remotest planet known to the ancients, and it was probably on account of his sluggish motion along the sky that a malignant influence over human affairs was attributed to him by the astrologers. This slow movement is only apparent, however, for he is really bowling along through space more than twenty thousand miles every hour ; but such is his distance from us that we can scarcely detect any change of position from night to night, and must wait thirty years for him to make his circuit of the heavens. In point of size Saturn stands next to Jupiter, the " giant of the solar system," and upon his diameter nine earths could be 358 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. strung like beads on a wire, while from his vast bulk seven hundred planets like ours could be formed. But just here comes a factor which has an important bearing upon the present con- dition of Saturn. In spite of his enormous bulk, he " weighs " only ninety times as much as the earth, which at once shows us that the materials of which he is formed are much lighter than those composing our world. In fact they are but three quarters the weight of an equal amount of water, so that theoretically, if placed in an ocean large enough to hold it, this huge planet would float on the surface like a wooden ball. There is but one conclusion from this and also from some other facts connected with the planet. Saturn is not, like the earth, a solid sphere covered with oceans and continents capable of supporting animal and vegetable life, but is midway between this state and that of the sun. In other words he might be called a semi-sun, perhaps giving forth but little light, yet so intensely heated still that its vast bulk is probably but a distended mass of liquid fire — a world where " the solid land as yet is not, and the foot could find no resting place." It is too bad to destroy the pleasant theories we often see about the inhabitants of this far- off world and the conditions of life upon its surface, but we can not evade the facts as they open up to us. When viewed through a good telescope the planet presents a most beautiful sight — a huge golden ball, crossed by parallel belts of a brownish tinge, and capped at the poles with a bluish or greenish gray ; and, most wonderful of all, surrounded by a thin, broad, flat ring, likewise of a golden hue. As if this were not enough, it is accompanied by a retinue of at least eight satel- lites or moons, some of which will be in the field of view. Under very favorable conditions faint markings can be dis- cerned on the belts, which seem in every way similar to those of Jupiter, and like his may safely be assumed to be masses of roll- ing clouds ranged in belts parallel to the equator by currents analogous to our trade winds. It seems very probable that these clouds may be mostly aqueous, and we may thus regard them as the future oceans of these planets, suspended in the air at present because the surface is not yet sufficiently cool to allow them to settle and remain as bodies of water upon it. That this must be the case is shown by a moment's thought. We know that on the earth clouds are formed by the condensa- tion, in the upper and cooler portions of the air, of the water vapor raised from the surface waters by the sun's heat. But at Saturn, nearly ten times farther away, this heat is reduced to one one-hundredth of its intensity here. On the earth too, as a rule, the clouds are somewhat sparsely distributed, so that a large part of the globe has usually fairly clear weather. On Saturn, how- THE PLANET SATURN. 359 ever, we never yet have caught a glimpse, so far as known, of the real surface, whatever that surface may be. The rolling cloud masses completely envelop the planet and shut it out entirely from the sun's light. We can scarcely suppose, then, that these clouds are raised upon this distant world by the solar heat, especially when we see how feeble that heat is compared with what the earth receives. And this is but another argument to prove the theory of Saturn's present condition as already given, for it is most probable that the planet holds in its own vast bulk the immense amount of heat whose presence is so certainly revealed in these phenomena. Of course the rings are the unique and most wonderful feature of the whole system. When Galileo first turned his rude tele- scope upon Saturn, in 1010, he announced that the planet was tri-ple, the projection of the ring on either side making it appear to him as if two smaller planets were joined to the larger one. Gradually, however, these smaller companions decreased in size and finally vanished altogether, much to Galileo's amazement. Later on they reappeared and still further increased his per- plexity. Saturn thus remained an enigma to astronomers until an in- crease in the power of telescopes brought out the fact that it was surrounded by a thin, flat ring, which, by its varying positions as seen from the earth, caused the peculiar appearances that so puz- zled Galileo. This so-called ring, when seen through large telescopes, ap- pears as a very thin, flat disk with a circular opening in the center in which the planet itself is situated. It lies exactly in the plane of Saturn's equator, and extends considerably more than half the planet's diameter on either side of it. The breadth of the ring is just half the planet's diameter, so that there is quite a space left between its inner edge and the surface of the planet. We speak of it as a ring, but in reality there are many of them. When favorably situated, a dark division can easily be detected which separates it into an " outer " and an " inner " bright ring ; while within the last fifty years a third one, inside of the others, was discovered at Cambridge. This innermost of all, known as the " dark " or " crei)e " ring, is a most peculiar object. In appearance it is more like a shadow than anything else, for it seems to be semi-transparent, inasmuch as the out- line of the planet can be seen through it where it crosses the planet's disk. It shades away gradually from the inner edge of the inner bright ring, and becomes fainter until it disappears at some nine thousand miles from the planet's surface. What the nature of these rings may be is still in some degree a mystery. They are not gaseous, and it has been shown that 360 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. they are not liquid, for no liquid could be suspended in sucli a manner without being precipitated eventually upon the surface of the planet. Nor are they solid ; for it has been demonstrated that no solid could hold together under such strains, such tre- mendous forces, as the attraction of the monster planet would subject it to ; it would soon be broken up entirely. The only supposition remaining is that it is composed of myriads of solid particles — a ring of dust and fragments of rock and stone. In this case we may imagine it as being an immense swarm of tiny moons or satellites, each revolving in its own par- ticular path around the planet, and the aggregation presenting to us at this distance the appearance of a solid mass. Of course, the word " tiny " must be taken in an astronomical sense, which would not preclude one of these " dust " particles or fragments from being as large as a house, or even a mountain. That the ring is composed of solid matter of some kind is proved by the fact that it reflects the sunlight which it receives, apparently unchanged in quality, and deprives of sunlight those portions of the planet on which its shadow falls. But here comes the question, If we know the ring is composed of solid matter, how do we know that it is in the form of dust and fragments ? This question was long a stumbling-block, but, as Prof. George Darwin points out, the investigations of M. Roche, a French mathematician, seem to have solved the difficulty. Briefly, the reasoning is as follows : We know that our moon always keeps the same face toward the earth, but perhaps it is not so generally known that the cause of this is in the moon's own shape, which is that of an Qg^ with the longer diameter pointing toward the earth. Not that this egg shape is so very pronounced, but it is sufficient to keep the moon from rotating as the earth does, and to keep its longer diameter pointed toward the seat of that force which holds our satellite in its path. The cause of this egg shape is simply in what is termed the " tide-generating force." The moon's efl^ect upon the earth due to this force is rendered noticeable and well known in our tides. The earth also exerts the same force upon the moon, only, as the former is eighty times more massive, the effect is correspond- ingly greater, and the moon's globe has suffered under the strain — has been pulled out of shape, so to speak. Now this force of course increases as its source is approached, and were the moon brought nearer and nearer the earth, a point might finally be reached where the solid materials of which she is composed could no longer hold together, and her globe would be torn to pieces by the tremendous forces to which she would be subjected. To determine this point was the problem which M. Roche solved, and his conclusions led him to place it at a THE PLANET SATURN. 361 distance just under a diameter and a quarter from the planet's center. Within this distance, then, no satellite of any consider- able size can circulate for the reasons above stated. Now, the most remarkable fact remaining is that the outer edge of Saturn's ring system lies just luithin this limit, so that the conclusion as to its nature seems to point to the " meteoric theory," as it is called, as the only possible one. Either a satellite has been drawn within the fatal circle and disrupted, or the mate- rials now present as a ring have been prevented from uniting to form a single satellite, as they might otherwise have done. So much, then, for theory. The next point is. What proof can we get to substantiate it ? This might seem at first a hopeless task, but that wonderful instrument, the spectroscope, has recently given us direct testimony on the subject. One of the peculiarities of the spectroscope is its ability to detect the motion of a luminous body in the line of sight, by the shifting of the dark (Fraunhofer) lines of its spectrum from their normal position as seen in the spectrum of direct sunlight. Ad- vantage was taken of this fact by Mr. J. E. Keeler, who obtained photographs of the spectrum of Saturn and its rings which plain- ly showed that the shifting of the lines due to the motion of the rings was greater in each case for the inner edge than for the outer, proving conclusively that the portions of the ring nearer the planet move faster than those farther away. Let us see what this means. In the first place, if we suppose the rings to be solid, it is evident that they must rotate as a whole, the angular velocity of all parts being the same, but the linear or actual velocity being much greater at the outer edge of the ring than the inner, because of the greater circumference of the circle traveled over in rotation. If, on the other hand, the ring is composed of separate par- ticles, each in effect a little moon, it is apparent that the nearer these tiny satellites are to the planet the faster they must revolve to overcome the increasing pull of the planet and save themselves from being drawn to destruction upon its surface. In this case, therefore, the inner edge of the ring will have a much greater velocity than the outer. Thus we see that the two theories require opposite condi- tions to obtain, and that the proof given by the spectroscope confirms directly the approximate correctness of the "meteoric theory.'^ This latter theory offers a ready explanation for the curious " crepe " ring. Shading off gradually as this ring does from the inner edge of the bright one, it is natural to suppose that it is a portion of the former ring in which the fragments or " meteorites " are more sparsely distributed, their numbers growing gradually TOL. LI. — 28 362 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. less as the distance from the main ring increases, until the eye can no longer detect their mass and the ring apparently ends. This explains why the outline of the planet can be seen through the dark ring ; but if this fact is not enough, an observation made on November 1,1889, at the Lick Observatory will further confirm the theory. This observation was of the outer satellite, which was in such a position behind the planet as to pass through the shadow of the rings and be eclipsed by it. Watching the satel- lite, then, as it left the planet's shadow and slowly passed on into the shadow of the rings, its light was seen to grow gradually fainter as it passed through the shadow of the dark ring, but did not wholly disappear until the moon had entered the shadow of the inner bright ring. This shows clearly that the dark ring is partially transparent, but becomes more opaque as the bright ring- is approached. With regard to the satellites there is little to be said. There are eight known at present, and there may be more, for they are mostly quite small, as heavenly bodies go. Still, they form the most numerous as well as the most extended family within the sun's domain, for the outer one of all swings around Saturn at a distance of two and a quarter millions of miles — ten times as far away as our own moon. This one, which is named Japetus, is just about the size of the moon, and apparently shares the latter's peculiar trait of always keeping one side toward its ruling planet. This supposition is due to the fact that when on the western side of Saturn Japetus is always very much brighter than when to the eastward ; in fact, though easily seen with a telescope of moder- ate power when brightest, it will almost entirely disappear when faintest. It is difficult to explain the cause of such a marked change, for one half of the satellite must be extremely bright and the other half very much darker to produce it, but the fact re- mains. Titan, as its name implies, is the largest of the group, and in size is midway between Mars and Mercury — in fact, it would make a very respectable planet itself, for it is nearly half the diameter of the earth. The other six are all considerably smaller than our moon, and have been discovered in the order of their brightness, their discovery keeping pace with the increase in the power of telescopes, so it is quite possible that there may be others in this already numerous family to be introduced later on. We spoke in the beginning of this article of destroying the theories often put forth concerning the inhabitants and condi- tions of life upon this far-off world. There are certain facts and deductions, however, from which we can gain an idea of some of the conditions which may prevail when Saturn has finally reached a stage where life will be possible upon its sur- THE PLANET SATURN. 363 face, and it may not be uninteresting to consider some of their peculiarities. In considering the climatic conditions of a planet we find they depend principally upon three factors : the distance of the planet from the sun, the inclination of its axis, and the length of its year, with incidentally the length of its day. What the results of this combination may lead us to expect in the case of Saturn we will point out by using the earth, naturally, for analogy or contrast. In the first place, as affecting animal and vegetable life, the greater distance of the sun, and the corresponding decrease in its lighting and heating power compared with the same effects on the earth, would materially change in itself the character of such life on Saturn. As already noted, the heat and light are reduced to nearly one one-hundredth of their intensity here, but no one can tell what compensating features may ultimately be provided for retaining the internal heat of the globe or storing up the sun's heat. As an instance of such adaptation we have only to turn to the planet Mars, where we have visual proof, in the melting of its polar " snows," of a much milder climate than the earth pos- sesses, although the intensity of the sun's heat there is reduced by half. In connection with the foregoing is the question of the com- position of the atmosphere, and whether it could support such organisms as we are familiar with in terrestrial life. The spec- troscope has told us but little about Saturn's atmosphere, but it is known that the planet is provided with one of considerable ex- tent, and apparently of a similar constitution to our own. The presence of water vapor has been detected, according to some observers, but not positively ; yet it is fair to suppose from other considerations that this most necessary adjunct of all life is plen- tifully supplied. The change in the seasons will, of course, depend upon the in- clination of the axis, which in Saturn's case is twenty-six and a half degrees from the perpendicular to its orbit. When we remember that the corresponding inclination of the earth's axis is twenty-three and a half degrees, it will be apparent that the change of seasons would be quite similar to ours, the sun mere- ly rising three degrees higher in the heavens at the summer solstice and three degrees lower at the winter solstice. But the length of the seasons, determined by Saturn's long journey around the sun, will be, on the average, nearly seven and a half years, a fact which would render unlikely much similarity in organic life to the forms found on the earth. If we add to this the rapid suc- cession of day and night, each being at the equator of but five and a quarter hours' duration, we may look for still further dis- 364. POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. similarity ; but the greatest difficulty comes when we consider the effect of the rings. At first thought it might seem that the rings would have little to do with the climate of the planet, and in fact such is the case during the summer of either hemisphere ; but winter tells a dif- ferent tale, as we shall see. Since the rings lie exactly in the plane of the planet's equator, they will be presented edgewise to the sun at the equinoxes, when the sun is " vertical over the equa- tor." At this time their shadow, part of which must fall on the planet, will lie directly on the equator, and presumably be about as wide as the general thickness of the ring system, which is esti- mated to be not more than one hundred miles. As the sun travels northward from the equinox, it is apparent that the shadow will fall farther and farther south of the equator until it has covered the whole southern hemisphere, save a por- tion of the torrid zone where the light comes through the space between the rings and the planet. After the summer solstice the effects are reversed : the shadow retreats toward the equator, and after the succeeding equinox the southern hemisphere will have its summer undisturbed, and the northern hemisphere in turn will have its long winter made still more dreary by this remarkable daily eclipse of the sun. It thus appears that only in a relatively narrow belt lying on either side of the equator would be likely to occur climatic conditions approaching those with which we are familiar. One often sees in articles on astronomy some reference to the grandeur of the Saturnian heavens at night, where, in addition to the starry host familiar to us all, would be the wonderful ring spanning the sky as an arch of golden light, and eight moons in their various phases. In a measure this is true, but it depends upon circumstances. During the summer half of the year in either hemisphere the illuminated side of the rings is, of course, visible— perhaps even faintly so in the daytime, as is the case with our moon ; but when the twilight falls and the golden arch shines forth in all its beauty against the darkness of the sky, it must certainly be a sight which for grandeur surpasses any celestial phenomenon known to us, save possibly a total eclipse of the sun. As soon as the sun has set, however, the shadow of the planet, where it falls upon the rings, rises in the east and mars the beauty of the arch as it travels across it during the short night and disappears in the west at sunrise. At the summer solstice, though, the sun rises high enough in the heavens, or, more cor- rectly, the planet's axis is inclined far enough toward the sun to bring the outer ring clear of the shadow, which then appears somewhat conical in shape and reaches across the inner bright ring nearly to the outer one. THE PLANET SATURN, 365 But after the autumnal equinox and during the winter season all this is changed. Not only do the rings cause daily eclipses of the sun, but they give no illumination at night, for their dark side is then toward the observer, and they can be only " nega- tively visible," so to speak — that is, their position in the sky is shown merely by the absence of stars in that portion. As to their appearance from various positions on the planet, it might be said that the whole system is visible above the horizon as far as latitude 41° — that of New York and Constantinople in our northern hemisphere, and Tasmania and New Zealand in the southern. At this latitude the inner edge of the dark ring will be upon the south point of the horizon, and the arch will extend about a third of the way toward the zenith. When latitude 51° is reached, that of Dresden and Winnipeg, Manitoba, the dark ring will have sunk below the horizon, but the whole width of the bright rings will be above it ; and, finally, at latitude GG° 30', that of our Arctic and Antarctic Circles, the entire system will have disappeared. Of the illumination given by the moons in the absence of the rings we must say a little, since one often sees some statement to the effect that so many moons must compensate in some measure for the diminution of sunlight. But as the moons are illuminated by this very sunlight, their brilliancy is reduced in the same ratio, and in Saturn's case their total light in no wise makes up for this loss. Reckoning from the best estimates of their sizes, we find that the total area on the sky covered by the moons when full is about two and a half times the area of our own moon, but their illumi- nation, could they all be full at once, would be only the fortieth part of what we are accustomed to at the full. Then, again, as all of them except Japetus, the outer one, lie in the plane of the equator, it is evident that at the equinoxes, when this plane passes through the sun, they will all suffer total eclipse at the full, and will continue thus until the increasing inclination of the axis toward the sun brings their orbits one by one outside the shadow at this point. Thus we see that this numerous retinue does not amount to so much, after all, in the matter of illumi- nation. One other feature, and one which would doubtless be noticed first of all were any of us suddenly transferred to another planet, would be our change in weight due to the change in surface gravity. If we take the dimensions of Saturn as revealed by the telescope to represent its true size, we should find much less dif- ference than one would expect, considering the tremendous size of the planet. The combination of three factors — the much greater distance of the surface from the center of the planet. 366 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. wliicli is the center of the attraction we call gravity ; the much greater " lightness " of the materials composing the planet; and the great centrifugal or " throwing-off " force at the equator, due to the rapid rotation, and which would, of course, counteract to some extent the downward pull of gravity — results in making but a slight increase, so that a man weighing one hundred and fifty pounds on the earth would weigh only about six pounds more at Saturn's equator. At the poles, however, the change is more marked, since there is no centrifugal force, and the polar flattening, due to the rapid rotation and consequent bulging at the equator, brings one nearer the center of the planet. In this case the increase would be about thirty- six pounds, and would probably be found somewhat uncomfortable to us. However, it is by no means certain that the dimensions seen through the telescope are the right ones to consider in this man- ner. If all we have ever seen of the planet is the outer side of its cloud envelope, it may be that the true surface, provided there is one at all, is far beneath the tops of these rolling cloud masses ; and if there is no real surface yet — if the terrible struggle of fire and water for the mastery is still in full sway — no one can tell just what the size of the globe may be when the crust finally forms and the real planetary life begins. This " dis- tended mass of liquid fire " may have shrunk i^erceptibly by that time. This also brings up one other interesting query. The spectro- scope has proved that the sun and stars are composed of materials with which we are familiar in our laboratories, and Saturn as well as the other planets must be composed of the same chemical elements, though probably with wide variations in combination and distribution. If, then, Saturn were to approach the earth in the density of its composition when it reaches a corresponding stage in its planetary growth, it must shrink to one eighth its present volume, or one half its present diameter. On the other hand, if its size remains anywhere near the present dimensions, we shall almost be forced to the conclusion that this great globe may eventually become one vast ocean — a dreary expanse of water with perhaps only a relatively small solid center, thou- sands of miles below the surface. But whatever its future, it will always remain a most interest- ing object of study, and no one can consider it thoroughly with- out being inclined to agree with Richard Proctor, that here cer- tainly must be a world " altogether more important in the scheme of creation than the globe on which we live." NORTH AND SOUTH. 367 NORTH AND SOUTH. By SPENCER TROTTER. PBOFESSOE OF BIOLOGT IN 8WAKTHM0RE CtiLLEGE, PENNSTLVAHIA, A WRITER has somewliere remarked upon the different at- mosphere that surrounds two well-known railway stations in the city of Baltimore. The Union Station, in the upper and newer section of the city, has about it all the life and bustle of a Northern railroad center, while at the Camden Station, for so many years the terminus of a Southern trunk line, there is an air of easy-going uncertainty that breathes of the South. If this difference in the influence of the Northern and the Southern life is felt within the narrow limits of a metropolis, it is still more apparent in the region that lies between the " City of Monu- ments " and its more northern neighbor. As a matter of fact, the frontier of the South extends some distance north of the region with which we are accustomed to associate it, and the real line of demarcation is a natural boundary fixed by certain well-marked geographical features and indicated by the distribution of certain animals and plants. When Mason and Dixon ran their cele- brated " line," they did more than settle the dispute of a bound- ary between colonial Commonwealths. Their arbitrary survey embodied, in an approximate way, a more or less natural division between the people of two great physical areas, each one of which is broadly defined as a distinct geographical and political unit — the North and the South. Each of these domains is characterized by certain marked peculiarities, both in natural productions and in the life of the people, which have their origin in climatic and topographical features. Through nearly two and a half centuries the physical environment has slowly worked its subtle influence into the blood and tissues of the inhabitants in each contrasted area, producing a certain cast of thought, speech, and action which are highly characteristic and which present unmistakable marks of difference. The Northern and the Southern seaboard States of the Atlan- tic slope are decidedly different in their physical aspects as a result of topography. The numerous mountain ranges embraced in the Appalachian highland have a long, southwesterly trend from New England to Alabama. In the former section, north and east of the lower Hudson Valley, the eastern slopes of the mountainous highland reach to the sea, forming the bold and rocky coast line of New England. South of the Hudson the mountain ranges become more nearly parallel ; and the long chains of the Blue Ridge and the Alleghanies, trending more and more toward the southwest, stand some distance inland, leaving a 368 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. gently sloping lowland between tliem and tlie ocean — the Atlan- tic coast plain. The coast plain is first found as a narrow strip in New Jersey. A line drawn from about the locality of Long Branch diagonally across the State to the Delaware River, at a point some distance below Philadelphia, serves roughly to indicate its inland bound- ary, marking it off from the upland terraces that form the foot of the highland slope. The line of demarcation then runs more and more inland, cutting off a small section of southeastern Penn- sylvania, and, proceeding across the upper streams and estuaries of Chesapeake Bay, passes along the edge of the mountainous regions of Maryland and Virginia and the upland slopes of the Piedmont lands in North Carolina. The traveler who journeys southward through William Penn's " low counties " finds himself on this line of demarcation be- tween "the North" and "the South." Philadelphia, the last of the " Northern cities," lies behind him, and when Baltimore is reached the traveler begins to feel that he has passed into a dif- ferent atmosphere. A certain unmistakable difference in voice and speech and a softer manner are, more than anything else, the first Southern characteristics to strike the stranger. The colored folk become more plentiful, and pickaninnies at the doors of white- washed cabins form a not unfamiliar foreground touch in the landscape south of the city of Penn. From a car window one sees little of the change that comes over the face of Nature in passing from one region to another. But to him who fares by the way, with a keen instinct for things afield, comes the knowl- edge of just where the subtle change takes place. For it is by the range of country that a bird inhabits or where some particu- lar tree or wild flower grows that Nature maps out the boundary lines of regions. Naturalists have long recognized the fact that certain kinds of animals and plants were characteristic of certain regions of country, and that the boundaries of these regions coincided with lines of temperature or isotherms. Every species of animal and plant is definitely related to a certain fixed quantity of heat which is required for the full development of its reproductive activities. It is a habit fixed by purely physiological conditions. Various species of animals and plants, for some occult causes dating back to a remote period in their history, require a greater amount of heat throughout the period of reproductive activity than do other species, even though they be closely related. The species of animal or plant that requires the greater sum total of heat will find the northward limits of its range farther south than the species that requires a less amount. The breeding range of many birds, the dispersal of various species of mam- NORTH AND SOUTH. 369 mals and reptiles, and the growth and development of many- different kinds of forest trees and wild flowers are thus defi- nitely outlined. Topographical conditions exert an important influence in the distribution of surface temperature. High mountain ranges, running southward, carry the cooler or more temperate condi- tions of the regions to the north along their crests far into the warm zone which they penetrate. Likewise, lowland plains, ex- tending northward, carry the conditions of greater warmth into the cooler area of higher latitudes. It is not surprising, there- fore, in passing from lowland to upland districts to find more or less of a change in the character of the vegetation and in the animal life. Certain species, quite abundant in the lowland region, disappear on the higher ground, where other kinds, not met with in the lowlands, make their appearance. Through the researches of biologists * it has been found that the continent of North America may be divided north and south into several great temperature belts or heat zones, each one of which is characterized by peculiarities in its inhabitants. The boundaries of these heat zones are marked by isotherms which include a certain definite range of temperature that characterizes the contained area of country and which is definitely related to the reproductive functions of the animals and plants inhabiting it. It is an interesting fact to note that the isotherm represent- ing the boundary between two of these heat zones coincides with the line that marks off the inland border of the Atlantic coast plain from the interior uplands of the highland region. If we turn our attention to the distribution of life in North America, we shall find some facts that do not quite agree with our already conceived ideas as to the divisions of the continent. An irregular line drawn from the coast of northern New England northwest- ward across the Great Lakes to the head waters of the Saskatche- wan serves roughly to mark off a vast northern area known as the boreal zone. Its chief characteristic is the predominance of coniferous forests which stretch away northward to the Barren Grounds of arctic America. The inland border of the Atlantic coast plain, after bending around the end of the Appalachian highland region in northeastern Alabama, runs northward along the western base of the mountains to Lake Ontario. Then, turn- ing sharply westward, it pursues an irregular course across the lower lake region and upper Mississippi Valley to the base of the Rocky Mountains. This extremely irregular line marks off a * Especially those of Dr. C. Hart Merriam. See National Geographic Magazine, vol. vi, p. 229. The Geographic Distribution of Life in North America. From Smithsonian Report for 1891, p. 365. 3 JO POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. vast territory to the south known as the austral zone. It is evident that the southern boundary of the boreal and the north- ern boundary of the austral zones do not coincide, but leave more or less of an intermediate territory where the peculiar types of the northern and the southern life mingle. This over- lapping area is known as the transition zone. Dr. Merriam has shown that these three great life zones — boreal, transition, and austral — are also temperature zones, each one of which is characterized by a definite sum total of heat throughout the reproductive period. Thus the mean daily sum- mer temperature of the boreal zone never aggregates above ten thousand degrees Fahrenheit, while the daily temperatures of the transition zone always aggregate above this. The austral zone is marked by two temperature belts — the upper austral, aggregating above eleven thousand five hundred, and the lower austral, aggregating above eighteen thousand degrees Fahren- heit. It is a significant fact that this subdivision of the austral zone into two temperature belts conforms exactly with its sub- division into two characteristic life regions. The boundary sepa- rating these is indicated by a line that, starting at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, runs southwestward to the borders of Georgia and Alabama, and, then turning northward, reaches the mouth of the Ohio. This line of demarcation coincides with what geolo- gists know as the " fall line," where the various rivers, in their course from the highland region to the sea, break into a series of rapids as they flow from the higher and older formations of the Piedmont lands to the lower and more recent Tertiary deposits of the alluvial plains. Each of these great zones is characterized by the presence of certain animals and plants that do not range beyond its limits. A traveler journeying northward from the tropical shores of the Gulf States, with their flocks of pelicans and flamingoes and their characteristic palms and mangrove swamps, marks the change from one region to another in the different species of plants and animals which he encounters. The change in vegeta- tion alone is striking. The persimmons, tulip trees, magnolias, sweet gums, sassafras, papaws, and other forms that characterize the landscape of the Southern States give place to the oaks, hickories, and chestnuts, and, farther north, to the maple and beechwoods and the birches and aspens of the highland and mountain regions in the Middle States and New England. Be- yond these deciduous woods of the transition zone the traveler enters the vast domain of coniferous forests that mark the boreal region of North America. Days of journeying through the wilderness of evergreens bring the wayfarer at length out into the "tree-line zone," scattered clumps of spruces and firs that NORTH AND SOUTH. 371 straggle along tlie southern edge of the inhospitable Barren Grounds of arctic America — a treeless, blizzard-swept waste of mosses and saxifrages, the home of the wolf, the musk ox, and the Barren Ground caribou, stretching away to the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Zoologists recognize several well-defined regions within these life zones, each of which is characterized by some forms of rep- tiles, birds, and mammals that do not range or breed beyond its limits. These geographical life areas have received the name of faunas. In the eastern United States four such regions are rec- ognized and are known as the Canadian, Alleghanian, Carolin- ian, and Louisianian faunas. The Canadian fauna belongs to the boreal region. It is characterized by certain species of mam- mals that do not range south of it, as the moose, caribou, and wolverine, and by certain birds that breed within its borders. Among these latter are the well-known snowbird, several species of wood warblers, the winter wren, and the hermit thrush. This fauna extends southward to Georgia along the hemlock-crowned crests of the Appalachians, where the altitude produces condi- tions similar to those prevailing in the coniferous forests of the boreal zone to the north. Through the deep, cool shades of these hemlock woods floats the song of the hermit thrush — a vesper strain that falls on the sense like the tinkling of some far-off, sweet-toned bell, rising and swelling in an amplitude of liquid melody that fills the twilit aisles and dies away in still solitudes. The pleasing song of the snowbird breaks upon the forest still- ness, quite different from its sharp, clicking notes so familiar in our winter walks about home. Along the brawling mountain brooks and trout streams of the AUeghanies the water thrush, with oddly jerking motions, bobs up and down on the rocks, and the winter wren flits about the windfalls or steals away from its nest, that is hidden under the gnarled roots of some old stump that overhangs the bank. To an ornithologist these and other features indicate a decided Canadian tinge in the summer bird fauna of the higher ranges from the Catskills to Georgia. The so-called Alleghanian fauna of the eastern transition zone includes all the more familiar species of birds, reptiles, and mam- mals inhabiting the New England and Middle States and the lower ranges of the Appalachian highland to the south. Its chief characteristic is a mingling of the life of the other two zones — the boreal and the austral. Such decidedly northern forms as the bay lynx or catamount, the red squirrel, porcupine, woodchuck, chipmunk, jumping mouse, and certain other mammals find their ranges restricted along the southern boundary of this fauna. A number of familiar birds, as the brown thrasher, scarlet tanager, bluebird, house wren, chewink, indigo bird, meadow lark, the 372 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, orioles, the common dove, and tlie bob-white or quail do not breed beyond its northern boundary. The brook trout does not range south of this fauna, and the rattlesnake, the copperhead, the puff adder, the green snake, the milk snake, and the water snake are not found beyond its northern border. The Carolinian fauna is a distinctly southern type and char- acterizes the upper austral zone, which includes that portion of the coastal plain region that reaches from the foot of the Appa- lachian highland to the " fall line " of the various Atlantic streams. The northern limit of this fauna thus coincides with the inland border of the coastal plain which we have already re- ferred to and which may be looked upon as the true dividing line hetiveen the North and South. The presence of such birds as the cardinal, the yellow- breasted chat, the Carolina wren, the tufted titmouse, the Acadian flycatcher, and the blue-winged, Kentucky, and worm-eating warblers during the breeding season is a sure sign of the Carolinian fauna. These species never go beyond its northern limits. Moreover, such species as the brown thrasher, the wood thrush, the house wren, the chewink, the dove, and the field sparrow, which find their northern limit in the transition zone, are far more abundant in the Carolinian region, and might almost be regarded as representatives of its fauna. It becomes a matter of profound interest, not only to the orni- thologist and the student of geographical distribution, but to every one who has in his heart a love of woods and fields, to lo- cate this natural boundary by such fine shadings as the nesting place of a bird or the habitat of a forest tree. Let us take that portion of the line that cuts off a small corner of southeastern Pennsylvania. To the ordinary observer this special tract of country presents no marked difference from the landscape a hun- dred miles or more to the north or south of it. Its detail of fea- tures is quite similar and seasonal changes follow much the same course that they do in northern Virginia and southern New Eng- land. To the northwest, beyond the low, irregular ridge of the " upland terrace " that marks the gneiss and schist rocks of an ancient shore line, the country breaks into the rolling hills and dales of the interior uplands. To the southeast lies the flat low- land of the Delaware plain, and beyond this the pine barrens and marshes of the Atlantic coast plain of New Jersey. One who has an eye for the woods, however, will note a certain change in the trees from southern New England and the highlands of the Mid- dle States. Groves of tall tulip trees, with their broad, smooth leaves of shining green and large, creamy blossoms streaked with orange that open toward the end of May, form a characteristic feature of the woodland scenery. The sassafras and the persim- mon are scattered more or less abundantly through the woods NORTH AND SOUTH. 373 and old pastures and along the borders of the streams. The sweet gum or bilsted, with its gray- colored branches winged with corky ridges, its spiny autumn fruit, and its five-starred leaves, fragrant when crushed and turning crimson in the fall, is a characteristic tree of this borderland. Curiously enough, too, it is confined to the lowlands, growing quite abundantly in the moist woods along the Delaware just south of Philadelphia, but unknown in the northern suburbs save as a transplanted tree. These woodland features give a decided southern tinge to the region, and are especially significant when we come to know that the tulip tree belongs with the magnolias, a typical southern group, and that the persimmon is one of the ebony trees, a family characteristic of the tropics. But it is the presence of a Caro- linian element in the fauna, especially the bird fauna, that marks this region as the beginning of the southern realm. At all sea- sons of the year the clear whistle of the Virginia redbird — the crested cardinal with mask of black — may be heard in the woods of the lower Delaware Valley and along the tributary streams. I have seen its flash of red against the whiteness of midwinter snow- drifts. In the bramble thickets that fringe the streams and on the wooded slopes above, the Carolina wren finds a home the year round, and its clear, ringing song breaks loudly on the frosty stillness of late winter mornings. I know of no more character- istic sounds in these woods in the early springtime than this wren's song and that of the tufted titmouse. It is a noteworthy fact that these three Carolinian birds are resident throughout the year along the northern limit of the fauna. When the spicebush has blossomed, and " all the wood stands in a mist of green," the first bird waves of the spring tide of migration appear. We wake some morning to hear the chipping sparrow striking pebbles together, and catch the plaintive song of the field sparrow in the pastures and the budding copses along the edge of spring woods. Only yesterday these sounds of the spring were but a memory. The thrasher pours out a medley of sweet notes from the high tree top, and later, in the warm days of early May, the reedy, mellow lute of the wood thrush comes from the bosky glade. During the migration the voices of birds sound unceasingly through the woods from dawn to twilight. When the blackberry is white with blossoms and the arrowwood is in bloom, most of the migrants have passed on to their northern breeding grounds, and those that stay with us have built their nests. Among these latter are several Carolinian birds. In the depths of smilax and brier-tangled thickets the skulking chat — the wildest bird of the woodland — utters its weird, delusive cries. The low-pitched, in- sectlike notes of the blue-winged warbler and the song of the worm- eating warbler that sounds like a chipping sparrow in the 374 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, underwoods, where a cliipping sparrow is never found, remind the ornithologist that he is on the edge of the Carolinian zone, for these and the handsome Kentucky warbler find their breeding limit on the northern confines of this fauna. One of the most characteristic birds of this region, and yet one of the most unfamiliar, is the curious barn owl, which makes its home in certain low tracts of woodland south of Philadelphia. Those of us who were brought up on the transatlantic story books of a generation ago know this bird as the strange-faced " staring owl" of our childish fancies. The barn owl of this country is only a geographical race of this long familiar owl of the English towers and belfries. The turkey buzzard, though frequently observed as far north as southern New England, is never found abundantly beyond the Carolinian fauna. It nests among the rocks, often in communities of considerable size, in southern Pennsylvania, and winters in southern New Jersey. Almost any day from April to November numbers of turkey buzzards may be seen in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, soaring on motionless wing, often at a great height, or gathering in large flocks over the woods to feast on the carcass of some animal. Farther south, especially toward the coast, the turkey buzzard becomes less abundant where the black vulture or carrion crow, a closely related species that scarcely ever occurs north of Charleston, takes its place. A notable mammal of the southern realm is at home in the woodland tracts of this region. The opossum is quite as abun- dant along the northern edge of the Carolinian fauna in south- eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey as it is farther south, but is rarely found north of this locality on the Atlantic sea- board. Its nocturnal habits preclude it from ordinary observa- tion, and only in the autumn and early winter, when tempted into some rabbit snare or caught in its predatory midnight rambles and its fat body swings before the market door, are we aware that this curious marsupial dwells in our midst. From the Dela- ware southward a fat " 'possum " is the delight of the darkey, and most toothsome is it indeed if caught in a persimmon tree after feeding on the frost-ripened fruit. A less common mammal is the little gray fox, which formerly was much more abundant on the northern range of the Carolinian fauna than it is at the present day. The gray fox must be the " Brer Fox " of Uncle Remus, for the more familiar and larger red fox of the Northern States does not range far beyond the limits of the transition zone. The red fox is now the most abundant species in southeastern Pennsylva- nia, and this may be due to a difference in habits. The gray fox makes his lair under the roots of a tree or a shelving rock, while the red fox tunnels out a burrowlike den underground. With NORTH AND SOUTH. 375 the clearing of tte country this last is undoubtedly the most favorable method of holding territorial rights. The southern portion of New Jersey presents a unique area in the Middle Atlantic States. In all its essential features — topo- graphical, geological, and also in certain biological aspects— it is related to the region farther south, being the northward extension of the Atlantic coast plain. The most characteristic feature is the " pine-barren " region that reaches from the foot of the higher country to the maritime marshes and beaches that immediately fringe the coast. The tourist journeying to the seaside resorts south of Long Branch has the monotonous sandy waste of the pine barrens for a landscape. Here and there the white, loamy soil gives place to loose beds of yellow gravel. Sluggish streams of water, stained dark brown from the leachings of the cedar stumps, meander through swampy jungles. The landscape varies somewhat with the character of the trees in different places. In some sections the tall pitch pine forms vast stretches of forest, while in others a low and scanty woodland growth of the " Jer- sey " or scrub pine and several species of scrub oak prevails. The cedar swamps that lie scattered in the course of the numerous streams form a remarkable feature of this interesting region. Dense jungles of white cedar growing out of the dark water and surrounded by an impenetrable undergrowth of tangled vines and brier thickets form a harbor for many wild animals and birds. The tropical effect of these cedar swamps is heightened by broad-leaved magnolias and the long festoons of graybeard moss that fringe the branches. In these dark recesses, and through the pine barrens generally, the botanist finds many plants which belong to a more southern flora. Indeed, all the way along the coast from New Jersey to Maine, in favorable situ- ations, representatives of distinctively southern forms may be found which in these higher latitudes do not occur inland. The mockingbird, which is highly characteristic of the Louisianian fauna, has been met with as a straggler during the breeding season in the New Jersey pine barrens ; and in the cedar swamps near Cape May the hooded warbler, a typical Carolinian species, breeds regularly. In times long past the rare and curious Caro- lina parroquet, now known only from the Gulf region, was an occasional visitor as far north as the lower Delaware and its tributaries. River valleys are topographical features of great importance in determining the distribution of living beings. The conditions of greater humidity and higher average temperature that prevail in the bottom lands along a river's course, as compared with the higher ground of the upland districts which forms its watershed, is strikingly illustrated in the case of Carolinian birds. Certain 376 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. species are found regularly during the breeding season in the valleys of the Susquehanna, Delaware, Hudson, and even the Connecticut Rivers, extending inland for a greater or less distance, but are unknown in the surrounding higher country. Thus, Carolina wrens, cardinals, turkey buzzards, and other no less characteristic Carolinian birds are abundant in the bottom lands along the Susquehanna in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, but are scarcely ever found on the uplands above the wooded slopes of the river, though the conditions of food and shelter seem equally favorable.* Much of the outside world enters a man's soul and becomes the ground of his joy through life. We all owe something to the region in which we dwell, unconsciously perhaps, but still some- thing that is assimilated by the tissues of the inner life, and that goes to the making of what we really are. Those of us who dwell on the borderland of Dixie owe some fragmentary moments of inspiration, even of happiness, to the genial influence of its prox- imity. We think of ourselves as belonging with the North, but has not the South spun a few threads into the web of our lives ? The cardinal whistles the same sweet tune as he does in " Old Virginia " ; the opossum and the persimmon savor of the South ; even the turkey buzzard suggests the warmer clime. And then spring is always two weeks earlier just down the Delaware, and this is something ; even if it is too far off to start the " spring feeling," it hints of fresh early strawberries and the first run of the shad. Prof. J. J. Thomson, addressing the Section of Mathematics and Phys- ical Science in the British Association, was able to testify to a great improve- ment which had taken place in the teaching of science in the public and secondary schools during the past ten years. The standard in physics attained by the pupils was increasing from year to year. There might, however, be danger of a temptation to make the pupils cover too much ground. "Although you may increase the rate at which information is acquired, you can not increase in anything like the same proportion the rate at which the subject is assimilated, so as to become a means of strength- ening the mind and a permanent mental endowment when the facts have been long forgotten," In the university training of intending physicists the preservation of youthful enthusiasm was, in the speaker's opinion, one of the most important points for consideration; and this could best be effected "by allowing the student, even before he is supposed to be ac- quainted with the whole of physics, to begin some original research of a simple kind under the guidance of a teacher who will encourage him and assist in the removal of difficulties. If the student once tastes the delights of the successful completion of the investigation he is not likely to go back." * Witmer Stone. The Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey, p. 10. THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. 377 THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. By Pbof. CHARLES ERNEST PELLEW. II. IT is a curious fact that, althougli intoxicating beverages have been known and used from time immemorial, alcohol itself was not discovered until after the fall of the Roman Empire, and, when once discovered, it was not used for intoxicating purposes for many hundred years. Pliny, in his Natural History, written about A. D. 50, mentions that oil of turpentine could be extracted from the crude pitch by boiling the latter in open vessels and catching the vapors on fleeces, from which the condensed oil could be pressed. This marks the first beginnings of the art of distilla- tion, which progressed but slowly, for, two hundred years later, we read that sailors were accustomed to get potable water from sea water by similar crude methods. About this time there existed a flourishing school of alchemists at Alexandria, and it is probable that some of them had, or soon would have, developed the art further. But a. d. 287 the Em- peror Diocletian destroyed their books and prohibited their studies, for fear lest by discovering the philosopher's stone, and hence learning to change base metals into gold, they might overturn the Roman rule. A more serious disaster befell the later Alexandrian School of Philosophy in the destruc- tion of the famous Alexan- drian Library by the Moham- medan general AmrU, a. D. 984, q^^^ g^^^LS used by Alexandrians. at the orders of the Caliph Abu Bekr. "If the books agree with the Koran, they are not needed ; if opposed, they are injurious." This was the argument which helped to put back civilization some centuries, and gave Literature, as well as science and medicine, a blow from which she has not yet recovered. It is curious to speculate what would be our present condition if only two or three of our recent ad- vances— the discovery of galvanic electricity, for instance, or the germ theory of disease — had been made but one hundred years earlier. As it was, the study of science had to be begun over again almost from the very foundation by the Arabians under a more enlightened rule. The famous Geber about the close of the eighth century mentions the term distillation, but it is doubtful whether VOL. LI. 29 378 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. he understood mucli raore by it tlian tlie separation by beat of two metals of different melting points. Albucasis, a famous alchemist of the eleventh century, speaks of the process in less doubt- ful terms, and late in the thirteenth century the art of distillation and the preparation, properties, and uses of alcohol were clearly described by two Euro- pean alchemists, Ray- mond Lully and Ar- mand de Villeneuve. In view of the fierce and indeed not unde- served abuse that has Old Stills, from Early Edition of Geber. been levied against distilled liquors, it is interesting to note that for some hundreds of years after its discovery alcohol was dis- tinctly the most valuable product of chemistry. The old alche- mists went wild over it. They wondered at its power of dissolv- ing oils and resins and balsams, calling it oleum vini and bal- samus universalis, and making with it varnishes and perfumes and cosmetics, by the sale of which they replenished their not overfilled purses. They admired the clear, colorless, smokeless flame with which it burned, and named it sulphur cceleste, in contradistinction to the ordinary or earthly sulphur, which burns by no means so pleasantly. They used it as a preservative, they used it for the preparation of their chemicals, and above all they used it as a medicine. For during many hundred years this aqua vitcB, water of life as it was almost universally called, was the most valuable medicine in their large but ineffi- cient pharmacopoeia. Each al- chemist, each physician, prepared his own elixirs, his own cordials, and claimed miraculous results for his own particular nostrums : but the basis of them all was the ^"^^ ""^ ^^'^^^^ ^"^' Countrie Farme. same — namely, alcohol, sweetened with sugar, and flavored by dis- tillation or infusion with herbs and spices. Some of these " cor- dials" or heart remedies exist at the present day in the form of the various liqueurs. The Chartreuse and Benedictine are simply the same old medicines, prepared after practically the same old THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. 119 formulae, that the Carthusian and Benedictine monks used to dis- till hundreds of years ago to give to the sick and feeble at their convent doors, or sell to the wealthy invalid who sought their treatment. But the curious part of it is not that it should have been used as a medicine, but that it should have been used as a medicine exclusively. There seems to have been little or no idea of its intoxicating power. In Shakespeare, for instance, there is abun- dant mention of drinking and drunkenness. But Cassio, and fat Sir John, and the rest got tipsy on sack, and canary, and sherry, or, if of lower rank, on ale and beer, but never on spirits. Indeed, the only mention of distilled liquors in all his plays is in Romeo and Juliet, where the old nurse sighs, " Oh, for some strong waters from Venice ! " to restore her energies. As an ex- ample of how long this state of a,ffairs continued I may mention a well-known book. The Countrie Farme, published in England in 1616. This large and important work discusses in great detail all the varied occupations of a large country place. It describes care- fully the wine industry, the culture of the vines and grapes, the prepa- ration and the varieties of wine, and, while highly praising good pure wine as a beverage, the author is extremely careful to de- scribe fully and with much emphasis the many evil effects which come from intoxication, and from constant as well as from over- much winebibbing. A. few chapters further on the author describes the art of dis- tillation. He explains that a still room was a necessary adjunct to a well-equipped country house, and shows curious illustrations of stills, some of them with sixty or eighty retorts on one oven. He mentions the great variety of vegetable and animal substances from which extracts could be and should be distilled, but spends most of his time upon the distillate from wine. " For," says he, " the virtues of aqua vitcB are infinite. It keepeth off fits of apo- plexie — it driveth away venime. ... In wet and malarial climates every one should take a teaspoonful, with sugar, before breakfast, to keepe off the ague," and so on. Not one word about intoxica- tion— purely as a medicine. It is not to be supposed from this, however, that the English Household Still, Countkie Farme. 38o POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Tartars distilling Koumyss. did not have plenty of ways of getting tipsy. They had long been known as ranking next to the Germans and the Dutch for their drinking powers. The Saxons and the Danes had both intro- y^ duced into England the intemperate habits of the Northmen, and beer and cider, and mead or metheglin made from honey, were quite as effi- cacious in their way as stronger beverages. The Normans were a more refined and far more temperate race, and it is for this reason, in large part, that they con- quered England so readily. The night before the battle of Hast- ings, so the old chroniclers tell us, was spent by the Saxons in drinking heavily and uproariously around their camp fires. " Next morning, still drunk, they recklessly advance against the enemy," so we read in the old monkish Latin, while the Normans, passing a quiet, peaceful night, were cool and well prepared for the decisive struggle. Their habits, however, soon de- teriorated, and they drank almost as heavily as their predecessors. In the reign of Henry I the nation suf- fered a grievous loss, from overin- dulgence in liq- uor, in the sad drowning of his eldest son, just married to a princess of France. The wedding party were returning to England on a galley, amid the rejoicing of both nations, and wine flowed freely on board, until even the seamen became intoxicated. As they were nearing the shore, the galley ran upon a sunken rock, and out of the whole company but one person escaped. The young prince, it was Ancient Still for Extraction of Essential Oils and Perfumes. THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. 381 said, with his bride and some attendants had pushed off from the ship in a boat, but he insisted on returning to try to save his sister, when the boat was upset, and all perished together. All during the middle ages, in the chronicles of Froissart, Holinshed, and others, we find records of the fact that our Eng- Geoegb IV AS Pbince Regent. (Gillray.) lish ancestors, then as now, " liked a glass of good beer," and of wine too. Sir John Fortescue naively says, " They drink no water, except when they abstain from drinks, by way of penance and from principles of devotion." In 1498 the Spanish ambassa- dor at the English court wrote to Ferdinand and Isabella to ask that Princess Catharine of Aragon, betrothed to Prince Henry, afterward Henry VIII, should learn to drink wine. This was a 382 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. good-natured tip from the English king and queen, who wished their future daughter-in-law to know that " water in England is not drinkable, and, even if it were, the climate would not allow the drinking of it." Heavy drinking was not by any means confined to the laity, for there are constant complaints of the habits of the clergy, and especially of the religious orders. The drunkenness of both monks and nuns was one of the main excuses for closing the monasteries by King Henry VIII. Good Queen Bess did not frown on the practice either, for, in the records of her visit to Kenil worth, 1575, we" read that the Earl of Leicester broached three hundred and sixty-five hogsheads of beer, besides any amount of wine. Toward the end of her reign drinking increased, thanks to the habits acquired by the volunteers in the Low Countries; and under her successor, the stupid and pedantic Scotchman, James I, the court itself set an ugly example to the people of England. We read that, at a great feast given by the minister Cecil to the king and to a visiting monarch. Christian IV of Denmark, James was carried to the bed intoxicated, and King Christian, less fortu- nate, rolled around very much under the influence of liquor and grossly insulted some of the ladies present. The latter, in their turn, before the evening was through, became quite as tipsy as the men, and, according to the testimony of an eye-witness, be- haved most disgracefully. The nation sobered somewhat during the next reign and under the Commonwealth, only to return again to loose habits after the Restoration. And with the accession of the Dutch King, William, in 1G88, the drinking assumed a more dangerous stage than ever. For by this time people had at last learned that alcohol was intoxicating, and had also learned how to make it cheaply out of grain. Up to the seventeenth century all the aqua viice, was made from wine, and was therefore expensive. But now they were able to make it from beer; and not only in France, at Nantes and elsewhere, but in Switzerland, and especially in Holland, at Schiedam and other places, great distilleries were pouring out vast quantities of cheap and fiery spirits. Early in William and Mary's reign encouragement was given to similar distilleries in England, on the ground of assisting agriculture, and by the beginning of the eighteenth century all England was flooded with native as well as imported gin at absurdly low prices. The results were most disastrous. London streets abounded with ginshops, and one could actually find placards on them reading, " Drunk for a penny ; dead drunk for twopence ; clean straw for nothing." The effects on the common people were so marked that all thoughtful persons were alarmed by it. In the THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. 383 wet, temperate climate of England people might drink heavily of beer or wine, and still in fair measure retain their health and their capacity for work ; but, under the reign of gin, vice and misery and disease increased so fearfully that Parliament finally passed a law practically prohibiting its use. This famous " Gin Law," passed in 1736, is interesting as the earliest severe blow at liquor dealing among civilized nations. It levied a tax of twenty shillings a gallon on spirits, and a license of fifty pounds for any one selling or dealing in it. And, being in advance of public opinion, it failed much as other, more stringent, prohibition laws have failed in our own day. For the cry was at once raised that it taxed the poor man's gin, and let the rich man's wine go free. Every wit, every caricaturist, had his fling at it. Ballads were hawked round, telling of the ap- proaching death of Mother Gin. The liquor shops were hung with black, and celebrated uproariously Madame Geneva's lying in state, her funeral, her wake, and so on. The night before the law went into effect, so the contemporary journals say, there was a universal revel all over the country. Every one drank his fill, and carried home as much gin, besides, as he could pay for. To evade the law, apothecaries sold it in vials and small packages, sometimes colored and disguised, generally under false labels, such as " Colic Water," " Make Shift," " Ladies' Delight." There were printed directions on some of these packages — e. g., " Take two or three spoonfuls three or four times a day, or as often as the fit takes you." Informers were very prominent and exceedingly offensive, inventing snares to catch lawbreakers for the sake of the heavy rewards, and spying and sneaking around in a way particularly distasteful to the English mind. In conse- quence, they suffered in their turn. The mere cry " Liquor spy ! " was enough to raise a mob in the London streets, and the in- former was lucky if he escaped with a sound thrashing and a ducking in the Thames or the nearest horse pond. Indeed, such an outcry was made about the matter that the ministry became very unpopular, and the law was not enforced after two or three years, and was largely modified in 1743, after seven years' trial. While the lower classes in England were thus being demoral- ized by gin, the upper classes were suffering almost as much from the introduction of the strong, sweet, fiery, heavily brandied wines of Portugal, thanks, in part at least, to some favoring clauses in the Methuen treaty, early in the eighteenth century. It is curious to read in the contemporary journals and diaries and in the histories and descriptions of the last century — as, for instance, in Trevelyan's Life of Fox — how terribly demoralized was the state of English society during the period of England's greatest colonial and material expansion. The country was gov- 384 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. erned by a small, wealthy, land-owning aristocracy, wlio seemed to take tlie most unbridled corruption in public, and tbe most unrestrained dissipation in private life as a matter of course. It was from the long years of peace under the Walpoles, during the first half of the century, when the energy and industry of the middle classes were able to exert themselves, and from the protection of her insular position, that England obtained strength to master her empire, not from any superiority in her governing classes. For, all during the last century, drunkenness was the rule, not the exception, in all classes of society. In the lower classes it was actually encouraged. Did the troops win a victory, did a prince come of age, " Go home. Jack," would say the master to his servant, " build a big bonfire, and tell the butler to make ye all drunk." It was quite a compliment to call an underling an " honest, drunken fellow." And as for the gentlefolk — well, we can hardly conceive of the state of aif airs. It was part of a gen- tleman's education to learn to carry his port. One, two, three quarts a night was a proper and reason- able supply. After dinner the ladies re- tired into another room — a practice still observed — so that the men should have no embarrassing re- straints, and it was a matter of course for them to drink one another under the table as fast as was convenient. In the army and navy, in the learned professions, among the gentry and nobility, and even in the royal family, heavy drinking was the rule and not the exception until well on in the present century. And they suffered from it. Their lives were shortened, their usefulness impaired, their estates squandered, and then the gout ! Nowadaj^s, with the example of Palmerston and Bismarck, Glad- stone and Sherman before our eyes, it is hard to think of a time when statesmen were incapacitated at thirty-five or forty. But it was so. A gentleman who reached middle age without being crippled was either unusually lucky or was a milksop. Lord Chatham and many, nay most, of his contemporaries were hor- ribly tortured by it. At critical periods in the nation's history a The Gout. (Gillray.) THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. 385 severe onset of gout, or the illness leading np to it, would cause the retirement of the most prominent statesmen. Many of them died young. Few indeed of them reached a healthy and vigorous old age. For heavy drinking was not confined to the idlers and ?^^^i"^'nii John Bull petitioning Pitt and Dundas to Lkjiiten the Liquor Tax. (Gillruy.) spendthrifts, the courtiers and country gentlemen ; it was a cus- tom with the ablest and most brilliant men in England. Pitt and Fox, the two " Great Commoners," were noted topers. The old couplet is still remembered that refers to a scene in the House of 386 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Commons when Pitt and his friend Dundas came staggering in, and Pitt says : " I can not see the Speaker, Dick ; can you ? " " Not see the Speaker ? Hang it, I see two" And all through the regency and well on through the next reign until the accession of the young Queen, there prevailed what to us would seem unpar- donable license. But it must not be inferred from this that drinking was much TYiore prevalent in England than in other parts of the world at the same periods. Indeed, the records of Germany and Holland show quite as startling pictures. And in our own country we have not much to boast of. The North American Indians were, on the whole, unaccus- tomed to alcoholic beverages before the arrival of the white man. Tobacco they had, and used it freely. In some stray localities we read of drinks made from maize ; and from the reports of Cap- tains Amadas and Barlow to Sir Walter Raleigh about the expe- dition to Virginia in 1584, we find that the Indians along the coast of Chesapeake Bay and the Carolinas had learned the art of making wine from grapes. But when the Puritans landed in Massachusetts in 1620 they found, to their disgust, that beer and wine were both lacking, and we find Governor Bradford com- plaining bitterly of the hardship of drinking water. Nor was water a more favored beverage among the settlers of Massachusetts Bay eight or ten years later. The first list of necessities sent back to the home company, in 1629, is headed, as our New England friends have so frequently reminded us, by an appeal for " ministers," and for a " patent under scale." We do not hear so often of their request, only a line or two further down, for " vyne planters." They ask for wheat, rye, barley, and other grains, and also for " hop rootes." The records are still kept of the equipment of the vessel sent out in answer to this appeal. It was provisioned for one hundred passengers and thirty-five sailors for three months, each sailor counting as much as two passengers. They provided for the voyage " forty-five tuns beere, at four and six shillings per tun ; two caskes Mallega and Canarie at sixteen shillings ; twenty gal- lons aqua vitse," and — for drinking, cooking, and all, only six tuns of water ! Higginson, the well-known first minister, went out in 1628. The next year he wrote home a glowing account of the country. Among other things, the air was so fine that his health was greatly benefited. "And whereas my stomache could only digest and did require such drinke as was both strong and stale, now I can and doe oftentimes drinke New England water verie well." This really remarkable fact we find explained a few years after by Wood, in his New England's Prospect. He says that the THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. 387 country is well watered, and with different water from that of England ; " not so sharpe, of a fatty substance, and of a more jetty colour. It is thought that there can be no better water in the world ; yet dare I not pref erre it to good Beere as some have done. Those that drinke it be as healthful, fresh, and lustie as they that drinke beere." By 1631 they had passed a law for putting drunkards in the stocks ; other laws followed concerning adulterations, sale to sav- ages, etc. In 1634 the price of an "ale quart of beere" was set at a penny, and brew houses were soon in every village, in some places attached to every farm. The manufacture of other drinks followed rapidly, and in Judge Sewall's diary, some forty or fifty years later, we find mention of ale, beer, mead, metheglin, cider, wine, sillabub, claret, sack, canary, punch, sack posset, and black cherry brandy. The commonest of all these was " cyder," which was produced in enormous quantities and drunk very freely. Sack was passing out of date, excepting in posset, a delectable mixture of wine, ale, eggs, cream, and spices, boiled together. Metheglin and mead were brewed from one part of honey and two or two and a half parts of water and spices, fermented with yeast, and very heady liquors they were. The least excess, as they used to say, would bring back the humming of the bees in the ears. Governor Bradford early issued one of his orders against some " Merrymount scamps " on board the bark Friend- ship, who took two barrels of metheglin from Boston to Plym- outh, and " dranke up, under the name leakage, all but six gal- lons." But none of these, nor the " beveridge " and " swizzle " made from molasses and water, the perry, peachy, spruce and birch beer, and the rest, did half as much execution as rum. This was introduced from Barbadoes about 1650, and from then on became practically the national drink of the country. A great trade was set up with the West Indies, the ships exporting corn and pork and lumber for the plantations, and returning with cargoes of raw sugar and molasses, which last was almost valueless where it was made, but, diluted and fermented, furnished a ready source of alcohol. Every little Now England town and village had its distillery — the seaport towns had scores of them — and the rum bullion, rumbooze, or, as it was universally known, killdivil, was sold freely for two shillings a gallon, and was shipped largely to the African coast in exchange for slaves. It was to this profitable trade that Newport and other New England coast towns owed their prosperity, and the interference with this trade by the English Commerce Acts was one of the main causes of the Revolution. 388 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. This rum was the basis not only of "flip," when mixed with beer, molasses, dried pumpkin, and sometimes cream and eggs, and stirred, before serving, with a red-hot poker, but also of punch. This latter, named after an East Indian word meaning five, was concocted with sugar, spices, lemon juice, and water, and was imbibed freely. As early as 1686 we find travelers telling of noble bowls of punch, which were passed from hand to hand before dinner. Double and " thribble " bowls there were also, holding two or three quarts each, and the amounts that our ancestors dis- posed of in those days are staggering. For liquor was not only used at dinner and supper parties ; it was taken morning, noon, and night, as a matter of course. The laborer would not work at the harvest, the builders at their trades, without a liberal allowance of rum. It did not matter, either, what class of work they were doing. When the little town of Medfield, early in the last century, " raised " the new meeting house, there were required " four barrels beer, twenty-four gallons West Indian rum, thirty gallons New England rum, thirty-five pounds loaf sugar, twenty-five pounds brown sugar, and four hundred and sixty-five lemons." A house could not be built without liquor being distributed at every stage of the operation, and this practice was not obsolete till well on in this century. The clergy, while keeping a strict eye upon the excesses of their parishioners, did not disdain a drop themselves, and their conventions rivaled the dinners of the non-elect. In 1792 Gov- ernor Hancock gave a dinner to the Fusileers at the Merchants' Club in Boston, and for eighty diners there were served one hundred and thirty- six bowls of punch, twenty-one bottles of sherry, and lots of cider and brandy. But a similar bill is pre- served for the refreshments at the ordination of a clergyman at Beverly, Mass., in 1785, and we notice : 30 Bowles Punch before they went to meeting £3 Os. Od. 80 people eating in morning, at 16c? 6 0 0 10 bottles of wine before they went to meeting 1 10 0 68 dinners at 30d 10 4 0 44 bowles punch while at dinner 4 8 0 18 bottles wine 2 L4 0 8 bowles brandy 1 2 0' Cherry Eum 1 10 0 and 6 people drank tea 0 0 9 It would be but useless repetition to discuss the drinking habits of New York and other colonies. It is enough to say that well on into the present century drunkenness was extremely com- mon, and, when people could afford it, a most pardonable and venial offense. It is the pride of our civilization in the present century that, during the last fifty or seventy-five years, the whole THE HISTORY OF ALCOHOL. 389 tone of society has changed, and intemperance, while still unfor- tunately prevalent, is nothing like as common as it used to be. Indeed, it is hardly possible for us to imagine the state of affairs in our grandfathers' times. A hundred years ago a gentle- man who went out to dinner, and was not brought home in the bottom of a cab or in a wheelbarrow, was a very poor-spirited fellow indeed. So with the poorer classes. Just a century ago George Washington was engaging a gardener, and in his contract it was expressly stipulated that he should have " four dollars at Christ- mas, with which he may be drunk for four days and four nights ; two dollars at Easter to effect the same purpose ; two dollars at Whitsuntide, to be drunk for two days ; a dram in the morning, and a drink of grog at dinner at noon." Nor was the sum mentioned a niggardly one, when George Washington was distilling his own whisky, and selling it, probably, for thirty or forty cents a gallon. And now, just think of the change. We can hardly imagine a gentleman perceptibly exhilarated with wine at a dinner table. He certainly would never get a second opportunity, if the fact were known. And as for the working classes — a clerk, an en- gineer, a coachman, or even a gardener whose breath smelt of whisky, or who was seen often dropping into a saloon, would run a good chance of losing his position. For the world has at last found out what intoxication means. Alcohol in large doses is a poison, but it is a poison which in- jures the family and neighbors and friends of the inebriate more than the victim himself. It, to some extent at least, causes him discomfort, but think of the discomfort it causes his family ! It shortens his life, to be sure, but think of the other lives that it shortens! And while some attack the problem with fierce and violent denunciations, and others by quieter and not the less effective arguments and appeals, the world certainly owes a debt of gratitude to those who are doing so much now, and who have done so much already, to relieve mankind from the burden of ine- briety. The electric telegraph cable laid five years ago between the Senegal coast of West Africa and Pernambuco, Brazil, has broken twice about one hundred and fifty miles from the African coast. On examining it for re- pairs, the cable was found surrounded by great quantities of vegetable growth, with refuse and rubbish of various kinds; while the color of the sea changed to a dirty brownish green, indicative of the presence of river water; yet the nearest stream was a great distance away, flowing at its point of discharge in a direction different from that of this spot. It was supposed to be a sudden outburst of a submarine gully or stream. A number of such streams or fresh-water submarine wells are known, but how gourds, pieces of orange peel, and scraps of carpets, such as were found around the cable, got into them, remains a mystery. 390 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE MOB MIND. By Prof. EDWARD A. ROSS. IN viewing social life among animals one is struck by the con- tagion of feeling in a herd or flock. Whatever the feeling called up, whether terror, hostility to a stranger, rage at heredi- tary enemies, sympathy for a stricken fellow, or the impulse to migrate, all the members of the group feel it, and feel it almost at once. If anything unusual occurs, a wave of excitement passes over the herd, followed by instant and unanimous response. Of inquiry or doubt or reflection there is no sign. This prompt obedience to suggestions from one's fellows is ac- counted for the moment we recall the harsh conditions of animal existence. It is the gregarious animals that are least formidable by nature and hence most dependent on mutual aid. Instant fight or flight is the condition of their existence, and failure to co- operate promptly means death. By oft-repeated sifting out of the stupid, the heedless, or the willful, Nature builds up a mar- velous suggestibility and a most alert response to sign. Not oth- erwise can we explain why a feeling should run like wildfire through a band of elephants or terror should strike through a herd of deer as a shock passes through a solid body. The human analogue to the agitated herd is the mob. Mob comes from " mobile," and refers to mental state. A crowd, even an excited crowd, is not a mob ; nor is an excited crowd bent on violence a mob. Great mental instability marks the true mob, and this characterizes only the crowd that is under the influence of suggestion. A lynching party may be excited, disorderly, and law- less, yet not be a true mob. The crowd that lynched thirteen Ital- ians in New Orleans a few years ago, far from showing the waver- ing indecision of the genuine mob, seemed to know exactly what it wanted and just how to go about it. In this respect it stood in high contrast to the Cincinnati mob of 1886. What distinguished the New Orleans crowd was the absence of epidemic. Its perfect unanimity came not from an overmasteringsuggestion, but from the coming together of all who had been aifected with the same grim rage at the news of Chief Hennessey's assassination. Again, we must refuse the name " mob " to the disorderly masses that in times of tumult issue from the criminal quarters of great cities. In such cases there is an unchaining in each man of the evil and secret lusts of his heart on observing that oppor- tunity is favorable and that others are like-minded. Safe from punishment or shame, the ragamuflin or hoodlum burns, loots, and riots in obedience not to a common impulse but to his natural inclination. It is this peculiar effect of numbers in bringing on THE MOB MIND. 391 the criminal mood that chiefly marks off the human crowd from the animal crowd. More than any other animal, man is restrained by a morality founded not on impulse but on discipline. Animal morality is mainly the prompting of fellow-feeling. But by the long pressure of an artificial environment man is brought to submit himself to the constant sway of a moral code often quite alien to his im- pulses. Remove the fear of consequences by the anonymity of the crowd, take away the sense of personal responsibility by the participation of numbers, and people will step by step descend into depths of evil-doing and violence that measure how far their pre- vailing inclinations lie below the moral standard which social pressure has forced upon them. Animals, because they have been less moralized than men by education, rarely show any such collective demoralization. A 07ie-mi7idedness, therefore, the result not of reasoning or dis- cussion or coming together of the like-minded, but of imitation, is the mark of the true mob. We think of the mob as excited simply because it is under stress of excitement that men become highly imitative. Fickleness and instability characterize it sim- ply because mood changes promptly with every change in the nature of the suggestion. It is irrational because dominated not by the remembered teachings of experience but by the fleeting impressions of the moment. It is cowardly because its members, actuated not by stern purpose or set resolve but by mere sugges- tion, scatter in craven flight the moment the charm is broken. It is transitory because the orgy of excitement leads to fatigue and lessened power of response to stimuli from without. In a few hours the hypersesthesia wears away, physical wants and sensa- tions turn the attention inward, the psychic bond is broken, and the crowd disperses and goes home. A mob, then, defined for pur- poses of social psychology, is a croivd of people showing a una- nimity due to mental contagion. Other traits of the mob of which much is made — such as ferocity, shamelessness, criminality, cour- age, intolerance, etc. — need not flow from suggestion at all. More often, as I have pointed out, they are the effect of the sense of numbers. Analyzing the mob as thus defined, we find at the base of it that mental quality termed suggestibility which comes to light in gregarious animals, children, certain lunatics, hysterical patients, and hypnotized subjects. It dominates childhood, but fades as character sets and the will hardens. In adult life it is so over- borne by habit and reason as to be dominant only under abnormal conditions such as disease, fascination, or excitement. Why, now, should this quality be heightened when one is in the midst of a crowd ? 392 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The inhibitive power which measures our ability to go our own way undisturbed grows with the variety and number of sug- gestions that reach us. This may be because conflicting sugges- tions block each other off. The power of independent choice seems to develop best when the clash of suggestions reduces to a minimum the ascendency of the outer world over the individual. This is why age, travel, and contact with affairs build up charac- ter. But when numerous identical suggestions beset one, one's power of resistance is gradually undermined. As many taps of a hammer fracture the bowlder, so the onset of multitudinous sug- gestion breaks the strongest will. Men who can readily throw off the thousand suggestions of everyday life will be quite swept away by the reiteration of a single idea from all sides. As a mighty organ compels even benches and windows to vibrate in unison with it, so the crowd dominated by a single mood emits a volume of suggestion that gives an emotional pitch and tone to every individual in it. Besides the volume of suggestion possible in a crowd, there is usually a condition of excitement or expectancy. Frequently, too, there is a pressure on the body which prevents voluntary move- ment while conveying promptly to each all those electrifying swayings and tremors that express the emotions of the mass. The mere physical contact in the excited crowd, therefore, provides certain conditions of suggestibility. A cross-section of the mob sometimes shows a concentric struc- ture. There is in the center a leader from whom suggestions pro- ceed. These, caught up by those near by and most dominated by his personality, are transmitted to the next circle with an added force. Thus the suggestion passes outward from zone to zone of the crowd, at each stage gathering volume and hence power to master the rest. That, therefore, which started at the center as fascination becomes sheer mental intimidation at the rim. This symmetrical type of mob has led some to look in every case for the leader who controls the mass by his personality or prestige. But the quest for a nucleus, while it makes the study of mobs more mysterious and sensational, certainly does not make it more scientific. Rarely does the primitive impulse proceed from one man. Usually the first orientation of minds is brought about by some object, spectacle, or event. This original phase, the moment it is observed by the members of the crowd, gives rise to three results : (1) By mere contagion the feeling extends to others till there is complete unanimity ; (2) each feels more intensely the mo- ment he perceives that the rest share his feeling ; (3) the per- ceive(J unison calls forth a sympathy that makes the next agree- ment easier, and so paves the way for the mental unity of the crowd. THE MOB MIND. 393 The mob is thus a formation that takes time. In an audience falling under the spell of an actor or an orator, a congregation developing the revival spirit, a crowd becoming riotous, or an army under the influence of panic, we can witness the stages by which the mob mood is reached. With the growing fascination of the mass for the individual, his consciousness contracts to the pin point of the immediate moment, and the volume of sugges- tion needed to start an impulse on its conquering career becomes less and less. In the end, perhaps, any commanding person can assume the direction of the mob. It must be manifest, however, that there are a hundred cases of imitation of the many for one case where the entire mass throughout obeys a single person. In accounting for the mob, hypnosis has no such scope of application as the theory of mental intimidation. If we suppose that the eye of the leader or the ges- ture of the orator paralyzes the will of the crowd as the " bright object " of the hypnotizer overcomes his subject, we shall not get the mob without presence. But if the secret of its unanimity lies in mass suggestion, why is presence necessary ? May there not be mob phenomena in a multitude of people not collected at one spot within sight and sound of each other ? It has long been recognized that the behavior of city popula- tions under excitement shows the familiar characteristics of the mob quite apart from any thronging. Here we get unanimity, impulsiveness, exaggeration of feeling, excessive credulity, fickle- ness, inability to reason, and sudden alternations of boldness and cowardice. In fact, if you translate these qualities into public policy, you have the chief counts in the indictment which his- torians have drawn against the city democracies of old Greece and medieeval Italy. These faults are due in part to the nervous strains of great cities. The continual bombardment of the attention by innu- merable sense impressions is known to produce neurasthenia or hysteria, the peculiar malady of the city dweller. Then, too, there thrive in the sheltered life of the city many mental de- generates that would be unsparingly eliminated by the sterner conditions of existence in the country. But aside from this the behavior of city dwellers under excitement can best be under- stood as the result of mental contacts made possible by easy com- munication. While the crowd, with its elbow-touch and its heat has no doubt a maddening all its own, the main thing in it is the contact of minds. Let this be given, and the three consequences I have pointed out must follow. An expectant or excited man learns that a thousand of his fellow-townsmen have been seized by a certain strong feeling, and meets with their expression of this feeling. Each of these townsmen learns how many others VOL. LI. — 30 394 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. are feeling as he does. Each stage in the consequent growth of this feeling in extent and in intensity is perceived, and so fosters sympathy and a disposition to go with the mass. Will we not inevitably by this series of interactions get that " out "-look which characterizes the human atom in the mob ? The bulletin, the flying rumor, " the man in the street," and the easy swarming for talk or harangue open those paths between minds, and prepare those contacts that permit the ambient mass to press almost irresistibly upon the individual. But why will this phenomenon be limited to the people huddled on a few square miles of city ground ? Mental touch is not bound up with prox- imity. With the telegraph to collect and transmit the expres- sions and signs of the ruling mood, and the fast mail to hurry to the eager clutch of waiting thousands the still damp sheets of the morning daily, remote people are brought as it were into one another's presence. Through its organs the excited public is able to assail the individual with a mass of suggestion almost as vivid as if he actually stood in the midst of an immense crowd. Formerly, within a day a shock might throw into a fever all within a hundred miles of its point of origin. The next day it might agitate the zone beyond, but meanwhile the first body of people would have cooled down and would be disposed to listen to reason. And so, while a wave of excitement passed slowly over a country, the entire folk mass was at no moment in the same state of agitation. Now, however, our space-annihilating devices, by transmitting a shock without loss of time, make it all but simultaneous. A vast public shares the same rage, alarm, enthusiasm, or horror. Then, as each part of the mass becomes acquainted with the senti- ment of all the rest, the feeling is generalized and intensified. A rise of emotional temperature results which leads to a similar reaction. In the end the public swallows up the individuality of the ordinary man, as the crowd swallows up the will of its members. It is plain that in matters of policy this instant consensus of feeling or opinion works for ill if it' issues in immediate action. Formerly the necessary slowness of focusing and ascertaining the common will insured pause and deliberation. Now the swift appearance of a mass sentiment threatens to betray us into hot- headed or ill-considered measures. Sudden heats and flushes take the place of reflection and resolve ; and with this comes a grow- ing impatience with the checks and machinery that prevent the public from giving immediate effect to its will. As the working of representative government thus becomes less clumsy, there dis- appears some of that wholesome deliberateness which has distin- guished indirect from direct democracy. THE MOB MIND. , 395 Mob mind working in vast bodies of dispersed individuals gives us the craze ot fad. This may be defined as that irrational una- nimity of interest, feeling, opinion, or deed in a body of communi- cating individuals which results from suggestion and imitation. In the chorus of execration at a sensational crime, in the clamor for the blood of an assassin or dynamiter, in waves of national feeling, in war fevers, in political " landslides " and " tidal waves," in passionate "sympathetic" strikes, in cholera scares, in public frights, in popular delusions, in religious crazes, in " booms " and panics, in agitations, insurrections, and revolutions, we witness contagion on a gigantic scale, favored in some cases by popular hysteria. It is best to keep the term " craze " for an imitative unanimity arrived at under great excitement, while " fad " is that milder form of imitation which appears in sudden universal in- terest in some novelty. As there must be in the typical mob a center which radiates impulses by fascination till they have subdued enough people to continue their course by sheer intimidation, so for the craze there must be an excitant, overcoming so many people that these can affect the rest by mere volume of suggestion. This first orienta- tion is produced by some event or incident. The murder of a leader, an insult to an ambassador, the sermons of a crazy fanatic, the words of a " prophet " or " Messiah," a sensational procla- mation, a scintillating phrase, the arrest of an agitator, a coup d'etat, the advent of a new railroad, the collapse of a trusted bank- ing house, a number of deaths by an epidemic, a series of myste- rious murders, and an inexplicable occurrence such as a comet, an eclipse, a star shower, an earthquake, or a monstrous birth — each of these has been the starting point of some fever, mania, crusade, uprising, boom, panic, delusion, or fright. The more ex- pectant, overwrought, or hysterical is the public mind, the easier it is to set up a great perturbation. Even clergymen noted a con- nection between the " great revival " of 1858 and the panic of 1857. . After a series of public calamities, a train of startling events, a pestilence, earthquake, or war, the anchor of reason finds no " holding ground," and minds are blown about by every breath of passion or sentiment. The fad originates in the surprise or interest excited by novelty. Roller-skating, blue glass, the planchette, a forty days' fast, the " new woman," tiddledy-winks, faith-healing, the " 13- 14-15" puzzle, baseball, telepathy, or the sexual novel attract those restless folk who are always running hither and thither after some new thing. This creates a swirl which rapidly sucks into its vortex the soft-headed and weak-minded, and at last, grown bigger, involves even the saner kind. As no department of life is safe from the invasion of novelty, we have all kinds of 396 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. fads : literary fads like Maeterlinck or tlie Decadents ; philosophic fads like pessimism or anarchism, religious fads like spiritual- ism or theosophy ; hygienic fads like vegetarianism, " glaming," " fresh air," mush diet, or water cure ; medical fads like lymph, tuberculin, and serum ; personal fads like short hair for women, pet lizards, face enamel, or hypodermic injections of perfumery. And of these orders of fads each has a clientele of its own. In many cases we can explain vogue entirely in terms of novelty fascination and mob mind. But even when the new thing is a step in progress and can make its way by sheer merit, it does not escape becoming a fad. It will have its penumbral ring of imitators. So there is something of the fad even in bicycling, massage, antisepsis, skiagraphy, or physical culture. Indeed, it is sometimes hard to distinguish the fad from the en- thusiastic welcome and prompt vogue accorded to a real improve- ment. For the uninitiate the only touchstone is time. Here as elsewhere "persistence in consciousness" is the test of reality. The mere novelty, soon ceasing to be novel, bores people and must yield to a fresh sensation ; the genuine improvement, on the other hand, meets a real need and therefore lasts. Unlike the craze, the fad does not spread in a medium special- ly prepared for it by excitement. It can not rely on heightened suggestibility. Its conquests, therefore, imply something above mere volume of suggestion. They imply prestige. The fad owes half its power over minds to the prestige that in this age attaches to the new. Here lies the secret of much that is puzzling. The great mass of men have always had their lives ruled by usage and tradition. Not for them did novelties chase each other across the surface of society. The common folk left to the upper ten thousand the wild scurry after ruling fancy or foolery of the hour. In their sports, their sweethearting, their mating, their child-rearing, their money-getting, their notions of right and duty, they ran on quietly in the ruts deeply grooved out by gen- erations of men. But a century or so ago it was found that this habit of " back "-look opposed to needed reforms the brutish ignorance, the crass stupidity, and the rhinoceros hide of bigotry of the unenlightened masses. Accordingly, the idea of the humani- tarian awakening that accompanied the French Revolution was to lift the common folk — the third estate — from the slough of custom to the plane of choice and self-direction. And for a hundred years the effort has been to explode superstition, to dif- fuse knowledge, to spread light, and to free man from the spell of the past and turn his gaze forward. The attempt has succeeded. The era of obscurantism is for- ever past. With school and book and press progress has been taught till with us the most damning phrase is "Behind the THE MOB MIND. 397 times ! " But we now see that a good deal of the net result has been to put one kind of imitation in place of another. Instead of aping their forefathers, people now ape the many. The multitude has now the prestige that once clothed the past. Except where rural conservatism holds sway, mob mind in the milder forms of fad and craze begins to agitate the great deeps of society. Frequently a half-education has supplied many ideas without developing the ability to choose among them. The power to dis- criminate between ideas in respect to their value lagging far be- hind the power to receive them, the individual is left with noth- ing to do but follow the drift. Ideas succeed one another in his mind not by trial and rejection, but in the order of their arrival on the scene. Formerly people rejected the new in favor of wont and tradition ; now they tend to " go in " for everything, and atone for their former suspiciousness by a touching credulity. The world is abuzz with half-baked ecstatic people who eagerly champion a dozen different reforms in spelling, dress, diet, exer- cise, medicine, manners, sex relations, care of children, art, in- dustry, education, and religion, each of which is to bring in the millennium all at once. These minds that, broken from the old moorings of custom, drift without helm or anchor at the mercy of wind and tide, are social derelicts. They follow the currents of opinion ; they can not create them. At all times ripples chase each other over the surface of society in the direction of improvement — sudden but all-pervading interest in " how the other half lives,^^ in the aboli- tion of war, in rational dress, in out-of-door sports, in "a white life for two." Had these ripples a real ground swell beneath them, the world might soon be made over. But, alas ! they are only ripples. They wrinkle the surface of people's attention for an instant, but in a moment their fickle minds are responding to a new impulse in a different direction. If this were to be the outcome of the attempt to emancipate the common man and fit him to be helmsman of society, we might well despair. Certainly the staid, slow-going man of olden times, plodding along the narrow but beaten path of usage, is as dignified a figure as the unsteady modern person whose ideas and prefer- ence flicker constantly in the currents of momentary popular feeling. The lanes of custom are narrow ; the hedgerows are high, and view to right or left there is none. But there are as much freedom and self-direction in him who trudges along this lane as in the " emancipated " man who finds himself on an open plain, free to go in any direction, but nevertheless stampedes aim- lessly with the herd. The remedy for mob mind, whether presented in the liquefac- tion of our city folk under modern conditions of mental intimacy 398 POPULAR SCII:NCE MONTHLY. or in the mad rush of the public for the novelty of the hour, is not in replanting the hedgerows of custom. We must go for- ward, keeping in mind, however, that the chief present need is not to discredit the past but to discredit the mass. The spell of ancestors is broken ; let us next break the spell of numbers. Without lessening obedience to the decision of majorities, let us cultivate a habit of doubt and review. In a good democracy- blind imitation can never take the place of individual effort to weigh and judge. The frantic desire of frightened deer or buffalo to press to the very center of the throng does not befit civilized man. The huddling instinct has no place in strong character. Democracy's ideal is a society of men with neither the " back "-look on the past nor yet the " out "-look on their fellows, but with the "in "-look upon reason and conscience. We must hold always to a sage Emersonian individualism, that, without consecrating an ethics of selfishness, a religion of dis- sent, or a policy of anarchism, shall brace men to stand against the rush of the mass. ARE SCORPIONS MATRICIDES AND SUICIDES? By Dr. JUAN VILAEO, PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY, HAVANA UNIVERSITY; FISH COMMISSION'S NATURALIST. IT is by no means a rare thing to see a simple coincidence des- ignated and accepted as a cause. Such is the case with the erroneous though common and deep-rooted belief that the newly born scorpions devour their mother during the first period of their life. Science has dispelled this vulgar error, as it has done away with the absurd assertions about the vegetating icasp and other species of animals. It is a well-known fact that the little scorpions, when they come into life, place themselves at the sides and upon the back of their mother, where they remain huddled together while their transformation is being completed, or, in other words, until they change their first skins (exuviation or ecdysis). ' At this moment the little scorpions break away and com- mence on their own hook their lively search for food, thus enter- ing the wide field of the struggle for existence. During this period of their life the mother may die. The diffi- cult and hazardous process of delivery is oftentimes the cause of such death. The ants hasten to do away with the remains, and this is the origin of the common but erroneous belief that the mother has fallen a victim to the voracity of her own offspring. As I have always been impressed by the grandeur of small things, and as phenomena of apparent insignificance are often of ARE SCORPIONS MATRICIDES AND SUICIDES? 399 great importance, I resolved to find out the truth through my own experiments, with the following results : A few years ago I introduced into a capacious flask a she scorpion with her offspring of fifty little scorpions. They lost no time in regaining their position upon the mother's back, to which they regularly returned every time they were forcibly dislodged. In order to excite the voracity of the little ones, I withdrew all food from their reach, and even mutilated one of the mother's legs. The haemorrhage thus produced failed to give the result hoped for. The fifty little scorpions changed their EocK Scorpion. skins and subsequently died of hunger. The mother came out unscathed. I repeated the experiment upon a later occasion, in Jamaica, placing together two different breeds upon one mother's back. The weak little scorpions died, as was to be expected, of starvation, and I vainly tried to provoke their voracity with the mother's blood. But if science has exonerated scorpions from the horrible crime of matricide, it is by no means so clear that they are en- tirely deprived of the faculty of maiming themselves, and even of making attempts on their own life, an inclination which they possess in common with many other animals. The assertion that scorpions, when surrounded by fire and de- prived of all means of escape, commit suicide, was first advanced by Paracelsus. Some naturalists delare this to be a fact, while others deny it. Among the latter we may count Brehm, who. 400 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. while acknowledging that the scorpion when thus tortured does sometimes commit suicide, does not believe it is intentional. " Na- ture," says Brehm, " has set apart man as the only being, in all creation, who under certain circumstances enjoys the dire privi- lege of destroying his oiun self." My own observations and ex- periments, carried out in July, 1881, at the sugar estate " Osado de Lagunillas," jurisdiction of Cardenas (Cuba), in the presence of several relatives and friends, authorize me to assert that the scorpion, after repeatedly attempting to emerge from the circle of fire by which it is surrounded, drawing its cheliform append- ages toward its mouth whenever they come in contact with the fire, wounds itself with its own sting in the place called by Flou- rens the vital point, instantly dying. I may add that the same experiment has been performed, with identical results, on specimens of different ages, sex, and strength by persons who are wholly deserving of my confidence. E. Blanchard, Paul Bert, Jousset de Bellesme, and Joyeux- Laffine have studied the poisonous apparatus of the scorpion and the effects resulting therefrom. The toxic matter is a transparent liquid of acid reaction, which dries easily, is readily dissolved in water, and insoluble in abso- lute alcohol and ether. " The scorpion's poison," says Joyeux-Laffine, " is very active, although it lacks all the toxic strength which some authors have attributed to it. Its effects are directly proportionate to the quantity introduced into the system. One drop of this poison in a pure state, or even mixed with a small quantity of water, is sufficient to produce instant death when injected into the cellular tissue of a rabbit. Birds succumb to it as readily as mammals. One drop of this poison is sufficient to kill seven or eight frogs. Fish, and especially mollusks, are not so suscejitible. The articu- lates, however, are surprisingly affected by this poison ; the one hundredth part of a drop suffices to kill a good- sized crab. The flies, spiders, and insects upon which the scorpion feeds are, so to speak, fulminated by the sting of this animal." The doctrine of multiple souls among the Calabar negroes is described by Miss Kiugsley as including the notion of four souls — the soul that sur- vives death, the shadow on the bush, the dream soul, and the bush soul. The bush soul is detachable from the body, but if damaged or killed in its wanderings the body suffers the same fate. Hence old people are held in respect, even if known to be wicked, because their bush souls must be par- ticularly powerful and astute. The soul that survives death is liable to reincarnation either in a higher or lower form. The dream soul is the particular care of witches, who lay traps for it and return it to the owner on payment. SKETCH OF HORATIO HALE. 401 SKETCH OF HORATIO HALE. GREAT advances have been made by ethnologists of the present generation in the study of the languages of the American aborigines and in the investigation of primitive lin- guistics. The pioneer in these researches, one whose efforts have been among the most fruitful, the one who perhaps has so far gone deepest into the investigation, was Horatio Hale, who died at Clinton, Ontario, December 29, 1896. " By his death," says his fellow-student in this subject. Dr. Franz Boas, in The Critic, *' ethnology has lost a man who contributed more to our knowl- edge of the human races than perhaps any other single student." The sketch that follows was carefully prepared nearly two years before Mr. Hale's death. Although a few changes of form might have been proper to adapt it to the present date, we prefer to publish it as it was left, only inserting a few words respecting Mr. Hale's distinguished mother. Hale, Horatio, M. A., ethnologist and lawyer, was born on May 3, 1817, at Newport, N. H. His father, David Hale, was a leading lawyer of that town, and his mother, Sarah Josepha, after her husband's death in 1822, became well known in American lit- erature as a highly esteemed author and editor. [Her nursery poem, Mary had a Little Lamb, has endeared her to children's hearts, and other fugitive productions of hers have become widely familiar. She was for one year less than a half century editor of the Ladies' Magazine, Boston, and, after its merger in that periodical, of Godey's Ladies' Book, Philadelphia, which had an immense circulation for its day and was a living force in shaping the tastes and aims of American women. She was one of the earliest advocates of the advancement and higher educa- tion of women, and was the virtual founder of the engagement of women in foreign missionary service and of the Woman's Union Missionary Society for heathen lands. Through her urgency the women of New England contributed fifty thousand dollars toward the completion of the Bunker Hill Monument; and mainly through her urgency and correspondence with Governors of States and Presidents of the United States Thanksgiving Day was made a national festival.] Their son showed an early in- clination for the study of languages, and particularly of the Oriental and aboriginal American tongues. At the age of sixteen he entered Harvard College. In the following year, when a party of Indians from Maine came to Massachusetts and encamped for a time on the college grounds, he took the opportunity of collect- ing a vocabulary of their dialect. This, with some accompany- ing remarks, was printed in 1831 in a small pamphlet, which was VOL. LI. — 31 402 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, distributed among scholars interested in linguistic science. As a result of this and other like evidences of qualification he was appointed in 1837, the year of his graduation from the university, to the ofl&ce of philologist and ethnographer in the United States Exploring Expedition to the Pacific, under Captain (afterward Admiral) Charles Wilkes. The expedition occupied the years from 1838 to 1843. Mr. Hale's report on Ethnography and Phi- lology, composing the seventh volume of the expedition series, and filling nearly seven thousand quarto pages, appeared in 1846. It is devoted to the physical and mental characteristics, the cus- toms, and the languages of the natives of the Pacific islands (including Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia), and of Austra- lia, northwest America, Patagonia, and southern Africa. The eminent ethnologist. Dr. R. G. Latham, in the preface to his work on The Natural History of the Varieties of Man (1890), describes the contents of Mr. Hale's volume as " the greatest mass of philo- logical data ever accumulated by a single inquirer." He quoted from it freely, as does also Prof. Max Miiller in his Lectures on the Science of Language (second series), where he refers particu- larly to the " excellent Polynesian grammar." The two portions of this volume which attracted most atten- tion at the time of its publication, and have since most materially influenced the sciences to which it related, are the section which treats of the migrations of the oceanic islanders and that which is devoted to the tribes of northwestern America. The first of these sections, by a large accumulation of traditional and lin- guistic evidence, determined the origin of the Polynesians from a single island of the Malaisian Archipelago, and fixed not only the probable time and place of their first appearance as emigrants in the Pacific Ocean, but also the period of their settlement in each of the principal groups, showing that both the original mi- gration and the subsequent dispersion were events of compara- tively recent occurrence, probably beginning but little before the Christian era, and that the dispersion was, in fact, still going on in our century. The other portion made known for the first time the extraordinary number and variety of languages in northwest- ern America. The " ethnographical map " prepared by the author showed in what was then the Oregon Territory, comprising the present States of Oregon and Washington, no less than thirty languages and dialects, belonging to twelve distinct stocks, differ- ing totally from one another in both vocabulary and grammar. This is more than twice the number of stocks that are found in the whole of Europe. These and other similar facts led to a theory afterward proposed by Mr. Hale to explain them, as will presently be recorded. After the publication of this report Mr. Hale spent a few SKETCH OF HORATIO HALE. 403 years in foreign travel and in the study of law, and in 1855 was admitted to the bar of Illinois at Chicago. In the following year he removed with his family to Canada West, taking up his abode in the then newly formed town of Clinton, on an estate which had descended to his wife, a lady of Anglo-Canadian birth. Here he has since devoted his time partly to professional pursuits and to local undertakings of public utility, and partly to scientific researches. For the latter, an ample field was found among the Indians inhabiting the many "reserves" which the considerate legislation of the various provinces has set apart for them. One of the most important of these is the " Six Nations' Reserve," near Brantford, occupied by about three thousand Indians, mostly Iroquois, but with several groups belonging to other stocks. Here he had the good fortune of discovering two native manuscripts in different Iroquoian dialects — Canienga (or Mohawk) and Onon- daga— one of them dating from about the middle of the last century (soon after the language was reduced to writing by the missionaries), which proved to be of much historical and ethno- logical interest. They gave an account of the renowned confed- eration of the Five (afterward Six) Nations, or Iroquois tribes, which was formed about four hundred years ago, under the cele- brated Onondaga chief Hiawatha. This great chief and law- giver, whom Longfellow, following Schoolcraft's lead (though well aware of the absurd misapplication of the name), has trans- ported to the shores of Lake Superior and converted into an Ojibway hero of romance, was a genuine historical personage, as authentic as Alfred or Washington. At the request of the. distinguished ethnologist. Dr. D. G. Brinton, Mr. Hale prepared a translation of these manuscripts, which was published in 1883 in Dr. Brinton's well-known Library of American Aboriginal Literature, with several introductory chapters on the history, customs, and character of the Iroquois people, the whole forming an octavo volume of about 220 pages. Of this work, which is entitled The Iroquois Book of Rites, the eminent historian and philologist. Dr. J. G. Shea, has said : " It is a philosophical and masterly treatise on the Iroquois league and the cognate tribes, their relations, language, mental characteristics, and policy, such as we have never before had of any nation of this continent." The American Journal of Philology adds : " Mr. Hale's book is likely to make an epoch in North American Indian history, giving as it does a clearer insight than we have had before into the political constitution and fortunes and the personal character of the famous ' Six Nations,' who played so prominent a part in the land before and during the. Revolutionary War." On the same reserve Mr. Hale made another notable discovery. He had heard that there was living on the reserve an Indian of 404 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. great. age — reputed, indeed, to be over a century old — wlio was believed to be tlie last full-blooded survivor of the once numerous Tutelo tribe. This tribe formerly inhabited Virginia and North Carolina, and migrated thence in the last century to Pennsylvania and New York, where they united with the Iroquois " nations," and finally removed with them to Canada. Mr. Hale visited this old man, and obtained from him and some intelligent half-castes (of Tutelo-Iroquois origin) an extensive vocabulary of their lan- guage, with many historical facts, which showed them to be beyond question members of the great Dakota (or Siouan) stock of the far West. It also appeared that other tribes near them spoke the same language. The fact that septs of their wide- spread family anciently dwelt east of the Alleghanies, and in all probability occupied this North Atlantic portion of the continent before its invasion by the Iroquois and Algonkin tribes, was an important and unexpected addition to aboriginal history. The particulars of this discovery were given in a paper of consider- able length, entitled The Tutelo Tribe and Language, which ap- peared in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, and was thence reprinted in pamphlet form. It naturally aroused much interest among American ethnologists. In 1882 Mr. Hale, as a member of a committee of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which met in that year in Montreal, took part in organizing the first meeting of the Section of Anthropology in that association ; and, somewhat re- markably, two years later in the same city he was one of the .committee of the British Association which organized the first meeting of the like section in that world-renowned society. These facts afford evidence both of the recent rise and progress of this branch of science and of the position held by Mr. Hale among its cultivators. At this meeting of the British Associa- tion a proposal of the first president of the new section, the dis- tinguished anthropologist. Dr. E. B. Tylor, resulted in the ap- pointment of a committee " to investigate the physical character, languages, and industrial and social condition of the Northwest- ern tribes of the Dominion of Canada." Of this committee Mr. Hale was a member, having among his colleagues the late eminent President of Toronto University, Sir Daniel Wilson, and Dr. G. M. Dawson, of the Geological Survey of Canada. In compliance with the unanimous request of his colleagues, Mr. Hale under- took the ofiice of director of the investigations and editor of the reports— an office which, under the rules of the association, involved his temj)orary withdrawal from the committee. Of these reports eight have already appeared, and another, designed to be the final report, is now (January, 1895) in course of prepara- tion. The first report, which was on the Tribes of the Blackfoot SKETCH OF HORATIO HALE. 405 Confederacy (wlio, though belonging to the Algonkin family, may from their character and achievements be styled the Iro- quois of the Northwest), was prepared by Mr. Hale, partly from his own minutes, gathered in Oregon in former years, and partly from materials supplied by his correspondence with two highly esteemed missionaries, Catholic and Methodist — the Eev. Father Albert Lacombe and the Rev. Dr. John McLean. This report was presented in 1885, and proved of so much interest that before it appeared in the association's volume it was published in the English periodical Nature, and was thence reprinted in the American Popular Science Monthly. In this report, as well as in his annotations on the third report, prepared partly by his expe- rienced collaborator, the Rev. E. F. Wilson (well known as the founder of the Shingwauk Home at the Sault Ste. Marie), Mr. Hale sought to show that the remarkable superiority of the Blackfoot Indians to the other Algonkins is due to an admixture of blood with the Kootenays of British Columbia, whose singular mental endowments are set forth in two of the subsequent reports, the sixth and eighth. All the reports after the third, with the exception of the eighth, which is by Dr. A. F. Chamberlain, formerly of Toronto University and now of Clark University, Worcester, Mass., have been prepared by Dr. Franz Boas, for- merly editor of Science, who, like Mr. Wilson and Dr. Chamber- lain, was invited by Mr. Hale to carry on the investigations. The reports, usually prefaced by introductory remarks of the editor, have been of considerable length, some of them compris- ing many pictorial illustrations, and have proved a conspicuous feature of the recent volumes of the British Association. They have been considered of so much importance that the Canadian Parliament has twice supplemented by considerable money grants the sums liberally appropriated for the committee's work by the British Association. The fifth report contained a colored " lin- guistic map " of British Columbia, prepared at Mr. Hale's sug- gestion, and supplementing his ethnographical map of Oregon, already noticed. This British Columbian map showed five lin- guistic stocks, additional to the twelve stocks comprised in the Oregon map, thus evidencing the existence of no less than sev- enteen language families in an area not larger than the British Islands. This remarkable fact, with some similar instances in other parts of the world, offered one of the most perplexing enigmas of philological science. This enigma Mr. Hale undertook to solve in an address de- livered in 188G before the Section of Anthropology in the Ameri- can Association for the Advancement of Science, of which association he had been elected one of the vice-presidents and chairman of that section. The address was on The Origin of 4o6 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Languages and the Antiquity of Speaking Man. In this essay he maintained that the human race, when first endowed with articu- late language, was necessarily of one community and one speech, and that the origin of the various linguistic stocks is due to a force which is in constant activity, and which may be styled " the language-making instinct of very young children." Many in- stances of languages thus spontaneously created by children were given ; and in a later paper on the Development of Language, read before the Canadian Institute of Toronto, in 1888, as a sequel to the address, and published in the Journal of the Institute and afterward separately, further evidence was produced to show that the words and grammar of such languages might, and in many cases probably would, be totally different from those of the pa- rental speech. In the original address the fact was pointed out that in the first peopling of every country, when, from various causes, families must often be scattered at wide distances from one another, many cases must have occurred where two or more young children of different sexes, left by the death of their parents to grow up secluded from all other society, were thus compelled to frame a language of their own, which would become the mother-tongue of a new linguistic stock. It is evident that, along with their new language, these children and their descendants would have to devise a new religion, a new social policy, and in general new modes of life, except in so far as reminiscences of the parental example and teachings might direct or modify the work- ings of their minds. All these conclusions, it is afiirmed by Mr. Hale, in his Introduction to the Committee's Sixth Report to the British Association, " accord precisely with the results of ethno- graphical investigations in America." He further maintained that while, according to the evidence adduced by geologists, we must believe that a being who had the form and some of the faculties of man (including probably some partly developed power of speech) existed in the Quaternary era, many thousands and perhaps many ten thousands of years ago, all the evidence points to the conclusion that social man, of the existing species, fully endowed with the human faculties, includ- ing that of articulate speech, appeared only some seven or eight thousand years back ; and, further, that when " speaking man " thus appeared, his mental like his physical capacity — though, of course, not his knowledge — was fully equal to the capacity of any of his descendants. The solution thus offered of the linguistic problem was re- ceived with more prompt and general favor than is usually accorded to novel theories. Prof. Abel Hovelacque, well known as one of the most eminent philologists and ethnologists of Europe, and now the official director of the School of Anthro- SKETCH OF HORATIO HALE. 407 pology in Paris, reviewed the address of 1886 at length in the peri- odical UHomTue for September of that year, and, while dissent- ing from some of its physiological suggestions recommended the philological conclusion very strongly to the attention of scholars. Prof. Sayce, in his presidential address of 1887 to the Section of Anthropology in the British Association, spoke in equally com- mendatory terms, merely asking for some additional evidence, which the author of the theory endeavored to supply in his Canadian Institute paper already referred to. Prof. G. J. Romanes, in his Mental Evolution of Man, quotes largely from Mr. Hale's address — to the extent of nearly a fourth part of the whole essay — accepting the author's conclusions and fortifying them by other evidence. Prof. Henry Drummond, in his recent work, The Ascent of Man, takes a similar view. Lastly, Dr. Brinton, in his important work on Races and Peoples (which he dedicates to Mr. Hale), has given his opinion on the subject in clear and decided terms. " Those convolutions of the brain " (he writes) " which preside over speech being once developed, man did not have to repeat his long and toilsome task of acquiring linguistic faculty. Children are always originating new words and expressions, and if two or three infants are left together, they will soon have a tongue of their own, unlike anything they hear around them. Numerous examples of this character have been collected by Mr. Hale, and upon them he has based an entirely satisfactory theory of the source of that multiplicity of language which we find in various parts of the globe." In 1889 Mr. Hale was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. To their translations he contributed, in 1891, a paper entitled Language as a Test of Mental Capacity. This essay was also separately reprinted, with the additional title of An Attempt to demonstrate the Tone Basis of Anthropology, and attracted hardly less attention from ethnologists than his address of 1886. It received from the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland the unusual compliment of being republished in full in their quarterly journal — despite its length of thirty-six quarto pages. It was also reprinted in four sections in successive num- bers of The American Antiquarian for the following year, under the title of Man and Language. A review of this paper in Nature (June 30, 1892) — anonymous, but bearing clear evidence of the style of Prof. Max Miiller — speaks of Mr. Hale as " the Nestor of American philologists, and, at the same time, the Ulysses of com- parative philology in that country," and of his paper as "an important essay." The eminent reviewer adds : " All his contri- butions to American ethnology and philology have been distin- guished by their originality, accuracy, and trustworthiness. Every one of them makes a substantial addition to our knowl- 4o8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. edge, and, in spite of the hackneyed disapproval with which reviewers receive reprints of essays published in periodicals, it is much to be regretted that his essays have never been published in a collected form." In the North American Review for July, 1892, the distinguished President of McGill University, Sir J. William Dawson, refers to this " remarkable paper of Mr. Hale's " as " one which should commend itself to the study of every biblical scholar and archseologist." He adds : " In this paper Mr. Hale maintains the importance of language as a ground of ethnological classification, and there was his wide knowledge of the languages of American aborigines and other rude races to show that the grammatical complexity and logical perfection of those languages imply a high intellectual capacity in their original framers. . . . On similar grounds he shows us that it is not in the outlying barbarous races that we are to look for truly primitive man, since here we have merely degraded types, and that the primitive centers of man and language must have been in the old historic lands of western Asia and northern Africa." In 1893 Mr. Hale was elected President of the American Folk- lore Society. He had previously contributed to the society's quarterly journal a series of articles on Huron Folklore from materials gathered in his visit to the "Underdon Reserve," on the Detroit River opposite to southern Michigan — the reserve appropriated to the small band of Wyandot Indians, less than a hundred, who alone in Canada retained the language, and with it the traditions, of the once numerous and powerful Huron people. In the same year he was invited to attend the International Con- gress of Anthropology, which was convened for the World's Co- lumbian Exposition at Chicago. To this congress he contributed a paper entitled The Fall of Hochelaga, a Study of Popular Tradition, which appeared in the volume of Memoirs of the congress, and also in the Journal of the American Folklore Society for March, 1894. In this paper he was enabled, by employing the same methods of research and analysis by which he had in early life traced out the Polynesian migrations of two millenniums, to elu- cidate, by the aid of traditions which had been preserved for more than four centuries among the Canadian Hurons, a singular his- torical mystery, which had long perplexed the writers of North American annals. When the explorer Jacques Cartier, in 1535, discovered and ascended the St. Lawrence River, he found its shores, from what is now the site of Quebec to what is now the site of Montreal, occupied by what he styled the "kingdom of Hochelaga." Its " great king and lord," from his capital at the last-named place, ruled over several communities of partly civil- ized Indians, who spoke a language of the Huron- Iroquois stock. SKETCH OF HORATIO HALE. 409. They liA'^ed in commodious bark-covered houses, cultivated exten- sive maize fields, and had encircled their chief town with a triple row of tree trunks, planted as palisades, and thus making it a fortress of great strength. When Champlain, nearly sixty years later, ascended the river for the purpose of founding near it a French colony, this "kingdom," with all its subject towns, had disappeared. " A few wandering Algonkins occupied, but hardly pretended to possess, the country which had been the seat of this lost empire." Its destruction has been generally ascribed to the attacks of these Algonkins. Mr. Hale's inquiries proved con- clusively that this supposition was an error. The Huron tradi- tions showed that in times long prior to Cartier's visit the Huron and Iroquois nations, speaking similar dialects, or perhaps the same dialect, had dwelt in unity near together along the St. Law- rence ; that at length a rupture, of which the occasion and circum- stances are minutely remembered, took place, followed by a des- perate conflict ; that this conflict caused at first the retreat of the Iroquois people to the region which is now northern New York ; and, finally, after along-protracted warfare, resulted in the defeat of the Hurons and their expulsion from their former seats. The Algonkins, instead of being their enemies, were their friends and allies, and still remained, when Champlain arrived, the bitter enemies of the Iroquois. This outline of Mr. Hale's scientific work may be properly concluded by an extract from a brief sketch of his life, which appeared in the Cyclopaedia of Canadian Biography : " He con- tributed to periodicals in the United States, Great Britain, and Canada, on scientific and literary topics, and has taken particular interest in educational matters. Through his efforts the Clinton High School and the Clinton Mechanics' Institute and Library Association were established, and he was for many years chair- man of the High School Board and President of the Institute. While holding these positions he gave much time to correspond- ence and interviews with the Ontario authorities, and to the cir- culation of petitions to the Legislature, which resulted in largely increased public grants to the high schools and mechanics' insti- tutes throughout the province, and in legislation which greatly enhanced their efficiency. One important result of the legislation thus promoted by Mr. Hale, it may be mentioned, was to secure the admission of female pupils into the high schools, on the same terms and with the same advantages which were allowed to male pupils— a privilege which had previously been denied to them. Mr. Hale has also taken part in various public enterprises, and, in especial, was chairman of the committee which secured the means for the construction of the London, Huron, and Bruce Rail- way— a successful work, which has added largely to the prosper- 410 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ity of tlie fertile and rapidly improving district throiigli whicli it passes." Mr. Hale was an honorary or corresponding member of many learned societies, including, besides those mentioned in the foregoing sketch, the Anthropological Societies of Washington and Vienna, the Polynesian Society of Wellington, New Zealand, the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, the New England Historico- Genealogical Society, and several others. A few days before his death Mr. Hale was notified by the Secretary of the British Association for the Advancement of Science that the Council of that body desired him to act as vice- president of the Section of Anthropology at the next meeting, at Toronto in 1897. The letter declining to accept this position, on account of failing health, was one of the last from his pen. [Mr. Hale's first scientific publication was the first systematic contribution to the study of the Malaisian and Polynesian lan- guages, and cast a flood of light on the subject at the outset. His last published contribution presented evidences that the native tribes of America possessed at the time of the discovery a higher degree of civilization than any one had before ascribed to them, evincing " intellectual and moral faculties of no mean order " ; that they had established forms of government, a real money, " the elements of a written language, widely diffused, and employed especially in preserving, with happy effect, the memory of treaties of peace and alliance"; and a very high degree of generally diffused comfort. In preparing this paper for publi- cation in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, for February, 1897, Mr. E. B, Tylor mentions having received, while writing, the intelligence of Mr. Hale's death with regret, but hardly with surprise, and adds : " The tone of his letters for months past had been that of a man looking toward the end of his work in life, and anxious to settle finally all matters he had much at heart. Among these were his investi- gations into the history of his friends the Iroquois and Hurons, to which he had given so much labor, and of which his last studies^ undertaken to elucidate their native records, form a fit completion." At the conclusion of his tribute to Mr. Hale in The Critic, Dr. Franz Boas says : " His wise counsel, his amiable guidance, his kindly friendship, insure a grateful memory to him whose works students of ethnology and of linguistics will admire for all time to come. Science has lost a worker to whose enthu- siasm and faithful labor we owe much ; mankind has lost a man whose wisdom, kindness, and steadfastness it is hard to lack."] EDITOR'S TABLE. 411 %iMUx^s gaMje. THE DUKE OF ARGYLL ON EVOLUTION. THE Duke of Argyll is a writer who finds it very hard to recon- cile himself to the doctrine of evolu- tion in the only form in which it can ever prove satisfactory to the scien- tific world. He believes in evolution, or, as he prefers to call it. develop- ment; but he wants to have it in a shape to suit himself, with little touches of special creation thrown in here and there, to ease off the difiicult places and keep in touch with older modes of thought. He has lately returned to the subject in an article in The Nineteenth Cen- tury, some of the observations in which seem to us deserving of atten- tion. In the first place, we have the complaint that " the very word ' de- velopment ' was captured by the Darwinian school as if it belonged to them alone, and the old familiar idea was identified with theories with which it had no connection what- ever.'' The fact is that, if the Dar- winian school captured the word de- velopment, it was not so much the result of a freebooting raid on their part as of the complete abandon- ment and rejection of the idea of development, in all that related to the origin of species, on the part of that orthodox school to which the duke gives so much sympathy. As his Lordship remarks, the facts of development had long been con- spicuous in embryonic growth and in the production of plants h'om seeds; and yet when the idea was broached that one species might have been " developed " out of an- other, or that the work of creation could have proceeded otherwise than by a succession of special divine fiats, the whole orthodox world was up in arms. The '' facts " of devel- opment, in spite of the " familiarity " on which the duke lays stress, had really done nothing to modify popu- lar conception on this subject; on the contrary, opinion in the age just preceding Darwin was less enlight- ened by far than had been the views of many early thinkers, including that rigid doctrinarian St. Augus- tine. The idea of development, as applied to the origin of species, was, we may therefore say, forced upon an unwilling world by Darwin ; and it is no wonder, consequently, if to some extent the idea became iden- tified in the public mind with the Darwinian theory. We can not agree with the duke in his criticism of the term " natural selection." The question is not how the term has been understood by careless or ignorant people, because such will always make a bvmgle of things, but whether it has concealed any false implications for those who have made a thoughtful use of it. The duke says that ''it resorted to the old, old Lucretian expedient of personifying Nature and lending the glamour of that personification to the agency of bare mechanical ne- cessity and to the coincidences of mere fortuity." We doubt whether, in the minds of serious thinkers, such a "glamour" ever attached to the term. On the contrary, we are persuaded that to such it suggested nothing beyond a kind of automatic movement in Natui^e by which the adaptation of organisms to their cos- mic surroundings became ever closer and closer. His Lordship says that Darwin was led to the phrase "by 412 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. an intellectual instinct which is in- superable— viz., the instinct which sees the highest explanations of Na- ture in the analogies of mental pur- pose and direction. jBm^," he adds, " Darwin neither saw nor admitted its implications." If Darwin neither saw nor admitted its implications — by which the writer means its teleo- logical implications — it was a very blind instinct indeed which led him to choose the term because of those implications. The fact is that Dar- win had little choice in the matter. Human language is necessarily so tinctured with the idea of purpose that it is extremely difficult to find terms expressive of action which do not in some degree or other seem to imply purpose. Then we are told that " the great bulk of Darwin's admirei-s rejoiced in his theory for the very reason that it rested mainly on the idea of fortuity.." How does this agree with the previous statement that the success of the term " natural selec- tion " was chiefly due to the glamour it threw over men's minds as being a kind of personification of Nature ? It seems as if his Lordship had not quite made up his mind as to what his views really are on this point. We are told, not for the first time, that " it would be as rational to ac- count for the poem of the Iliad, or for the play of Hamlet, by supposing that the words and letters were adjusted to the conceptions by some pi'ocess of natural selection, as to account by the same formula for the intricate and glorious harmonies of structure with function in organic life. " State- ments of this kind, we must confess, seem to us rather inept. Tiie argu- ment is: the words of the Iliad or of Hamlet are so arranged as to render certain meanings ; we know that these words were chosen by a con- scious intelligent agent ; wherever, therefore, we find that any arrange- ments in Nature are adapted to pro- duce definite effects, we are entitled to conclude that those arrangements also had their oingin in conscious and purposive effort. In other w^ords, because results are reached in one case, or in certain cases, by purposive efforts, they must be so in all cases. Manifestly the conclusion is illicit, and yet the argument is continually being served up to us in essentially this shape. The duke talks of the " intricate and glorious harmonies " of Nature, but does he rest his ar- gument on harmonics of this rich order ? If so, where does he draw the line ? How intricate and how glorious must a harmony be in order to make good its claim to a purposive origin? And may it be assumed that humbler harmonies may be the re- sult of unconscious processes ? This is no trivial logic-chopping question ; it is all-important. We presume, from the duke's seeming to rest his argu- ment on the higher harmonies, that he is ]Drepared to abandon the lower to the reign of purely physical law ; and if so, the believer in natural selection and other evolutionary formulas would like to know the ex- tent of his conceded domain. Our impression is that, if he once gets a foot of space in the world of action and reaction, no "pent-up Utica" will long confine his powers. We may say as much of the contrary theory : once make it plain that any adaptation in Nature is distinctly purposive, and the dominion of pur- pose will become a universal do- minion. From our point of view, we must frankly confess, the idea of purpose is simply a drag on the interpretation of Nature. It is one of those short cuts which it does not pay to take. In so far as we assume purpose we cease to be interested in method or process. Voluntary action only comes in to do that which could not be effected by involuntary action ; EDITOR'S TABLE. 413 and therefore if, in tracing* back any chain of causation, we come to a point where we conclude that vol- untary action manifests itself, we do not seek an explanation of that. It does not follow, however, that, be- cause the idea of purpose is a drag on the scientific interpretation of Nature, it has no place in a rational scheme of thought. It is possible to believe, and with deep conviction, in purposes that can not be traced ; and this, in our opinion, implies a more truly religious spirit than the attempt to read the petty thoughts of man into the everlasting statutes of the universe. To undertake, as the Duke of Argyll does, to indicate at what precise points in the sequence of events there must have been the in- troduction of a divine power does not seem to us to be religious in the best sense. At best of times we know but in part ; where we know not at all let us acknowledge our ignorance, but let us not say that, because we are ignorant, we must surely be upon holier ground. Since the above was written, a further article by the Duke of Argyll in criticism of Mr. Spencer's views has been given to the world; and, as we have our hand in, we may as well deal with it in the remaining space at our disposal. The writer declares very positively that we de- ceive ourselves " when we think or talk of organs being made or fitted by use," the idea being, he says, " strictly speaking nonsense," as or- gans are made " for use, not by use." This would be an important statement if there was only the least reason for believing it to be true, which there is not. The distin- guished disputant simply assumes the conclusion which it is the pur- pose of his lengthy argumentation to prove. We can claim with toler- able confidence to know that organs are formed, or have been formed, by the combined action of use and nat- ural selection, but we have abso- lutely no knowledge in regard to the deliberate formation of organs for use. We can not even begin to imagine what the nature of such a process would be. The duke makes, however, a true and important remark when he says that " we have no antecedent knowl- edge of the Creator which can pos- sibly entitle us to form any pre- sumption as to his methods of operation." How vain, then, to say that He intervenes to form organs for use, creating them first in a very rudimentary form, and gradually improving them in the course of ages ! It is because of their profound conviction that the Creator's ways are past finding out— that they can not possibly be level with the com- prehension of man — that evolution- ists limit themselves so strictly to the simple sequence and filiation of phe- nomena. When the duke says that he "can not accept, or even respect, the opinion of men who, in describ- ing the facts of Nature, use perpetu- ally the language of intention, and then repudiate the implications of that language when they talk what they call science of philosophy," he overlooks the fact referred to above, that as a general thing " the language of intention " is chosen because none other is available. When we say that running water sifts earthy mat- ter, we may seem to use the language of intention, sifting being a definite action resulting in a definite, and what might look like a j^urposive, arrangement of the materials sub- jected thereto ; but surely we are not required to attribute intention to the running water. It is difficult to please the duke, however ; he declines to respect the opinions of those who use the language of intention with- out fully accepting all its implica- 414 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tions ; and, on the other hand, when Mr. Speacer seeks out the word "equilibration" to express adjust- ment of structure to function, he is indignant at him for not using the language of intention. He declares the word to be " laboriously barba- rous and incompetent in its mean- ing," and altogether a " hideous cre- ation." It always comes round to this in the end that the duke is entirely right and his opponents entirely wrong ; and if that gratify- ing conclusion can not be proved, ■why, then it is assumed. We wonder "whether the critic could not possi- bly make a personal application of the following judicious observation which we find in his article : " It is one of the infirmities of the human mind that, when it is thoroughly possessed by one idea, it not only sees everything in the light of that idea, but can see nothing that does not lend itself to support the domi- nant conception." This is precisely tbe duke's case : he sees nothing that does not to his mind seem to support his dominant conception ; and yet, strange to say, after delivering him- self of the apothegm, the only ap- plication he can make of it is to "the Darwinian school." If ever there was a case in which one might whisper, " De te fdbula narratiir,^^ this seems to be one. On the subject of rudimentary organs Mr. Spencer's critic indulges in much special pleading. He says we can never be sure " whether these represent organs which have degen- erated or organs which are waiting to be completed." Few naturalists, we think, would agree to this. But why should any organ " wait to be completed," unless its completion is dependent on some prolonged nat- ural process ? And if a natm'al process can complete an organ, why might not a natural process have created its first beginnings ? The duke seems to us to do here something more illegitimate than anything he charges on the Darwin- ian school. Confronted with the fact that organs are developed by a series of actions and reactions, of in- crements and adaptations, each one of which has its place in the chain of physical antecedents and conse- quents, he deliberately uses the ex- pression " waiting to be completed " for the purpose of creating the im- pression that natural processes count for nothing, but that the " comple- tion " depends on some kind of divine fiat. If the organs in question are in reality being completed by small im- provements in adaptation from gen- eration to generation — which, no doubt, the duke believes — is it honest to speak of them as " waiting to be completed " ? We do not speak of a tree " waiting " to grow when it is growing, or of fruit " waiting " to ripen when it is ripening. Finally, the duke says that a philosophy which is neutral " on the most fundamental of all questions respecting the interpretation of the universe" — the question, namely, " whether the physical forces are the masters or the servants of that house in which we live " — " can not prop- erly be said to be a philosophy at all." It seems to us, on the contrary, that it is just because Mr. Spencer leaves that question unanswered, and shows that it must remain un- answered— at least in any sense that would satisfy the Duke of Argyll — that his system may claim to be a philosophy. His real answer to the question, as we conceive, w^ould be that the physical forces are alter- nately servants and masters. They are servants as ministering to our mental operations and masters as determining their limits. The pow- ers of mind are servants as being everywhere conditioned by the laws of matter, and they are masters as EDITOR'S TABLE. 4»5 being alone interpretative of the uni- verse. We are only landed in blank confusion and hopeless contradiction if we try to assign a positive and un- divided supremacy to either mind or niatter. No one can doubt that the Duke of Argyll is very sincere in his attachment to pre-Darwinian modes of thought; but it is no less certain that the arguments which he directs against the new philosophy have a singularly unconvincing quality. He is a writer who seems to have exhausted all his intellectual forces in convincing himself: the more carefully we read him, the more the impression grows that he has compassed sea and laud, and laid a vast amount of knowledge under contribution, in a strenuous and suc- cessful effort to be on the wrong side. A NEW SOCIAL PROBLEM. As must have been long apparent to a critical observer of " the tenden- cies of the times," the dei^ai'tment store, to which so many master minds applied themselves during the legislative season just closed, was bound, sooner or later, to rise to the dignity and importance of a new "social problem." It exhibited precisely those traits that appeal so powerfully to the shortsighted phi- lanthropy and superficial knowledge of the " new " social reformer. It reqiiired a large concentration of capital, which has come to be re- garded as prima facie evidence of "social peril." Because of certain economies it was able to effect, it brought about a reduction in prices, which is likewise believed by a well-known school of " uninstructed economists" to be a deplorable evil. Finally, it tended to crowd to the wall smaller concerns dealing in the same class of goods, that found them- selves unable to compete with it. Here were all the elements that go to make up a first-class "social problem." A vivid imagination, in- flamed by a deep sympathy with im- mediate inconvenience and suffer- ing, drew a harrowing picture of the distress to individuals and to so- ciety. In the first place, there were the small shopkeepers, high-spirited and independent, driven out of busi- ness and compelled to become " mere clerks " under the roof of their mer- ciless rival. In the second place, there were the empty stores scat- tered all over a city that had been occupied to the advantage of their owners. In the third place, there were the loss of general knowledge of any given business, the confine- ment of the poor clerks to some spe- cial department, and their reduction to the humiliating and paralyzing position of "only cogs in a great piece of commercial machinery." Is it any wonder that such a spectacle moved the hearts of the j)hilanthro- pists and statesmen in the Legisla- tures of Missouri, Minnesota, Illinois, and New York ? Was it not as plain as a pikestaff that something was wrong ? Was it not " the duty of society " to remedy it ? Who could be so ignorant and callous as to in- sist that these questions were absurd — that they applied to the spinning jenny and the power loom as well as to the department store ? Yet such is the fact. The depart- ment store is as much a labor-saving device as a steam engine or the tele- graph and telephone. One as much as the other is a product of industrial evolution. Like the mediaeval fair or the modern market, the depart- ment store is a segregation of com- modities and of buyers and sellers. Like the perfecting press also, which unites in one machine several dis- tinct processes, such as inking, print- ing, cutting, and folding, it is an in- tegration under one management of a number of forms of trade carried 4i6 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. on under different managements. It enables capital to gain such gen- erous rewards that it can command executive talents of a far higher or- der than those content with the profits of a small concei'n. As a consequence, its management is the most efficient— that is to say, the most economical. Obeying still fur- ther the law of evolution, the several departments also fall into the most eSicient hands. The subordinates are likewise intrusted with the par- ticular duties they are best fitted for. Thus, from top to bottom, there is an adaptation of meaias to ends far beyond the reach of an establish- ment where the management is of a low order of ability and the subor- dinates unite in their duties a variety of functions. A further gain is had from saving in rents, and from the purchase of goods in large quanti- ties. Besides economy in prices, so important to the multitude of con- sumers, whose welfare the "new" social reformer seldom considers, there is economy in time and effort. The department store enables them to obtain what they w^ant with a minimum of movement. In absolute ignorance of the na- ture and achievements of the immu- table law that has called the depart- ment store into existence, the " new " social reformer has begun to wrestle, as already stated, with the " problem " it presents. He has begun to repeat the follies that every inventor from Arkwright down has had to face. To be sure, no department store has been sacked or burned ; but the legis- lation pi'oposed as a " I'emedy " has virtually the same object in view, namely, the destruction of an impor- tant labor-saving device. But, most happily, it presents difficulties to its enemies that a mere machine does not offer. Not long ago, when a number of them met in Chicago to propose a solution of the '' problem," they could not, as might have been foreseen, agree upon the limit to put upon the kinds of goods the de- partment store shovild sell. Hardly had the druggist vented his griev- ance and suggested the rigid exclu- sion of his goods before the tobac- conist arose to protest against the incursion of the druggist into his domain. The grocer filed a like complaint against the butcher, who sells vegetables as well as meat. It was discovered also that the butcher trespassed upon the fishmonger and the oyster dealer. In selliiig beer and liquor, the grocer was guilty of a similar offense against the saloon keeper. Equally culpable was the tobacconist who sold papers and um- brellas ; the shoe dealer who sold, trunks and valises; the bookseller who dealt in candy and stationery ; and the milliner who sold corsets and toilet articles. In fact, the meet- ing contained hardly a protestant that did not deal in one or more articles outside of his specialty, and thus present the same " serious prob- lem " that the department store docs. Naturally, itbroke up without having reached a decision as to how the " problem " should be solved. Although the same insuperable difficulties confront the " new " so- cial reformer and are not unlike- ly to prevent him from getting the legislation so generally regarded as the solvent of most troubles, the " problem " of the department store is not insoluble. That is to say, a limit upon its scope is not impossible nor improbable. But the limit will not be di*awn by the ''wise legisla- tor," but by the law of evolution itself. There is reason to believe that the small store, devoted to spe- cial lines of goods, will not succumb altogether. Of certain staple goods and of all goods of a medium or in- ferior quality, the department store will doubtless retain the monopoly. SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE, 417 But in the highest class of certain goods, such as furs, linens, tailor- made gowns and suits, diamonds and jewelry, porcelain and furniture, the small dealer may be expected to con- trol the retail trade. He alone will possess the high degree of special knowledge and be able to give the personal attention that his business requires. He alone will find it worth his while to cater to the few but wealthy customers that want the best to be had. The department store will find it more profitable, as indeed it does now, to cater to the larger class of customers that care more for cheapness than gx'eat excellence. Be- cause of this fact, it is already notice- able, particularly in the inland cities, that specialists have begun to estab- lish themselves, usually taking mod- est apartments in some large com- mercial building. Thus, in spite of the department store and without the aid of the " new " social reformer, there will be preserved to the world this class of people with all their " manhood " and " independence," thought to be so important to civili- zation. Scientific %X\tx^Xyxxz. SPECIAL BOOKS. Among the many manuals of architecture Mr. Mathews's book* takes a distinct place. It is a concise history of architectural develoxDment through all the various phases of civilization, showing the important modifications produced by location and national life. Beginning with the time when man longed for something more than mere shelter and strove to make his habitation pleasing to the eye, the author traces the art of construction as it was unfolded in Egypt and. Nubia, India and Java, China and Japan. Then, crossing to the Western hemisphere, which is never reached by some writers, he gives an outline of its evolution among the Toltecs, Aztecs, and Incas. Returning to the Old World, he takes up the record of the ruins in western Asia, Chaldea, Assyria, and Persia. Thence the transition is easily made to Greece, Etruria, and Rome; for, although there is an early period of classical architecture — the Pelasgic, whose Cyclopean masonry and corbeled vault- ing betray no foreign influence — the efflorescence of Greek art took place many centuries after the Dorian invasion and subsequent to the Persian conquest, when the Greeks had come into contact with many nations and had assimilated whatever was of worth. They borrowed the fluted pillar and molded lintel from the tombs of the Egyptians, but they increased the proportional height of the column until it formed the stately Doric. The colorettes of Nineveh and the Persian capitals possibly suggested the Ionic order; the Greek architect, however, gave it graceful proportion. So, with all the ideas that may be traced to outside sources, the beauty of the trans- forming touch is clearly recognized, and it is readily acknowledged that for nobility of purpose and an exquisite sense of harmony the architecture of Athens is still unrivaled. " The artist bowed himself to his task w4th all the unselfishness attendant on an act of worship. To look at Nature, see * The Story of Architecture. Co. Pp. 468. Price, $3. VOL. LI. — 32 By Charles ThompBon Mathews, M. A. New York : D. Appleton & 41 8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. only the best, and make it immortal . . . may be justly called the main- spring of all Hellenic thought, taste, and feeling." Eome was indebted to Etruria and Greece for the elements of her archi- tecture. From the former the arch, vault, and Tuscan order were derived, while the latter contributed the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders. In amphitheaters, aqueducts, and baths she easily surpassed other nations, while in the basilica or law court she furnished a design for Gothic cathe- drals and the chui'ches of the Renaissance. Classical ideas prevailed over all countries under Roman rule until the division of the empire. Subse- quently the Byzantine style was evolved in the time of Constantine, who spent immense sums in beautifying Byzantium and Constantinople. To this we owe "one of the finest constructive inventions," the pendentive system. Early Christian architecture was exemplified in the basilicas, which were built in the form of a Latin cross; the introduction of the apse and a great increase of interior decoration were also marked features of the style. This was followed by the round-arched Gothic or Romanesque. Meanwhile with the Moorish dominion came the Saracenic style, which may be studied in the mosques and tombs of the East and in the palaces of Spain. Although contributing no new principle, " the world owes it a debt of gratitude for its ornamental exuberance controlled by good taste." Interiors were made exquisite with fretwork, mosaics, and jeweled inlays, while minarets and domes of graceful proportions were beautified with tiles "belonging to a lost ceramic art." Gothic architecture is considered by Mr. Mathews in its two develop- ments, ecclesiastical and secular, the different periods and characteristics being very carefully and clearly explained. Two chapters are devoted to the Renaissance, which the author has treated in more detail in another volume, and the book concludes with an examination of American architecture. The high buildings of the present day are relegated to the province of engineering; most of them are "atten- uated monstrosities." However, " when a whole block is devoted to such a structure, and the design is treated pyramidally, the result may be stately and imposing." The work is amply illustrated, and a bibliography, index, and glossary add much to its convenience and value. In his recent work on economics Prof. H. J. Davenport makes large use of the suggestive mode of imparting knowledge.* He asks suggestive questions at the beginning of each chapter, review questions at the end, and topical questions in the margins. In preparing the book he has evi- dently had college students in mind for whom the instructor would be available to supplement the text with lectures and answers to questions. The vigorous thinker might dispense with such aid, but the average learner is very often left by suggestive teaching encumbered with many hazy ideas and exasperated with many unanswered queries. Our author generally avoids short and precise definitions. He seeks to give an understanding of the nature of utility, wealth, value, capital, etc., by leading the reader to look at each from different points of view and thus to build up in his mind * Outlines of Economic Theory. By Herbert Joseph Davenport. New York : The Macmillan Co. Pp. 381, 8vo. Price, $2. SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 419 a composite picture, as it were, of the thing or quality. In discussing wages and profits he represents these two terms as essentially identical and makes compensation for risk a separate thing. They are paid with the residue of production after the service of land and capital are requited. The wage- earner's assurance, he says, of receiving the approximate value of his prod- uct rests solely upon the effectiveness of competition among employers. His wage is, however, guaranteed from falling very low by his own power of producing directly for the market. This in turn is limited by his lack of capital. Prof. Davenport accounts for international trade like exchanges between individuals on the theory that each party finds he can satisfy his desires at less sacrifice by making one kind of goods and exchanging the surplus for the surplus of the different kind of goods produced by the other party. In measuring the " sacrifice " or cost, however, other than material things often have weight. The latter portion of the work is devoted to practical economic questions of the day. Here he discusses the competi- tive system and the remedy which is claimed to lie in socialism. He sees a promising field of usefulness for trades unions in establishing emergency workshops between which exchanges could take place by barter. Other topics that receive attention are State ownership of transportation and other industries, the social function of the rich, race improvement, the eco- nomic influence of fashion, taxation, various labor topics, and the cur- rency. His general method of treating these matters is to point out the conflicting considerations that bear upon them, but without assuming to declare which outweighs the other. If the work resembled many others, in presenting one view of each topic as the only correct one, it would be much easier to describe, but we can not say that it would be as useful to its readers. While fully appreciating the value of Froebel's kindergarten work, Mr. Hughes wishes teachers to realize that Froebel laid down principles of the greatest worth in more advanced education.* He has accordingly, in this volume, set forth the philosophy of Froebel's system, giving a chapter to each of its most prominent features. Comparing Froebel with Pestalozzi and Herbart, Mr. Hughes says : " Pestalozzi was instinctive and inspira- tional, Froebel was philosophical and investigative. . . . Pestalozzi's pupils were reproductive ; Froebel's were creative. . . . Herbart studied the child to mold it ; Froebel studied it to guide it in its growth. . . . Herbart saw the need of control much more clearly than the need of freedom ; Froebel saw the harmony between freedom and control." Froebel's fundamental law, according to our author, is that of unity or inner connection. " He saw the unity between knowing, feeling, and willing, between analysis and synthesis, between thought and life. He saw the unity or inner connection of all created things so clearly, that he made the reconciliation of opposites an important element of his system. He believed this law of unity, inner connection, or vital interrelationship to be universal, and made it the fun- damental law and the ultimate aim of all true educational effort." The most fruitful of Froebel's principles was that of self-activity on the part of the child — " the spontaneous effort of the child to make manifest to itself and others the inner concejjtions and operations of its own mind." This is * Froebel's Education Laws for All Teachers. By James L. Hughes. International Education Series, Vol. XLI. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 890, 12mo. Pi-ice, $1.50. 420 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. very difPerent from action initiated by the teacher. While he insisted that the child's individuality should be respected, he did not advocate giving the child license to do wrong. The teacher should be able to transfer the child's interest from what is wrong to what is right. He wished to banish coer- cion ; he " would have the control of the mother and kindergarten so thor- oughly in harmony with the spontaneity of the child as not to be felt by it." He fully recognized the educational value of ijlay, and was the first to use it systematically as a means of mental and moral training. His pro- found sense of interrelationships made him a pioneer in the correlation of studies. The same characteristic caused him to look beyond mere percep- tion on the part of the learner, and to insist on apperception. Froebel was an evolutionist before Spencer and Darwin, and he was the first to make systematic use of manual training in distinction from industrial training. The supreme aim of his educational system is character-building, and " he applied precisely the same laws to the revelation of ideals of right, justice, duty, and will that he applied in the general development of the child." In stating Froebel's views Mr. Hughes makes large use of quotations from Froebel's Education of Man and Autobiography, and from the Baroness von Marenholz-Biilow's Reminiscences of Froebel. The book is eminently one to stimulate the teacher's growth. GENERAL NOTICES. In Telepalhy and the Subliminal Self we have an attempt to put certain occult phe- nomena on a scientific basis.* The author, rejecting all ideas of the supernatural, ap- proaches his subject from the point of view of a scientific observer who does not specu- late with the intangible, but who has a defi- nite theory, that shall account for certain mysterious occurrences. The subjects he takes up are Telepathy, Mesmerism and Hyp- notism, Clairvoyance, Double or Multiplex Personality, Somnambulism, Dreams, Autom- atism, Planchette, Crystal-gazing, and Phan- tasms. He explains most of these phenomena by means of the subliminal self. This mys- terious personality lies hidden away deep down below our ordinary self, coming to the surface only on special occasions, or when called up without our knowledge by the hyp- notizer or mesmerist. And it does not seem to be given to every one thus to project this inner being into the outer world of sense; although apparently this other personality is latent in us all, only the "sensitive" can * Telepathy and the Subliminal Self. An Ac- count of Recent Investigations regarding Ilypno- tism, Automatism, Dreams, Phantasms, and Re- lated Phenomena. By R. Osgood Mason, A. M., M. D. New York: Henry Holt and Company. Pp. 343, 12mo. Price, S1.50. manifest it. The author deduces his theory from a number of experiments and " experi- ences " recorded by the English Society for Psychical Research, the French therapeutic hypnotists of La Salpetiere, and of Nancy, and others, both physicians and laymen. The chapters on Double or Multiplex Personality and Natural Somnambulism give a number of cases in which the subliminal self stands plain- ly revealed. Some instances, however, might very well be classed under temporary aberra- tion of mind, as for example that of Ansel Bourne the evangeUst, who, leaving his home in Rhode Island, went to Norristown, Pa., and after keeping store there for two months under the name of A. J. Brown, suddenly awoke to find himself in a strange place. One of the most curious chapters in the book is that on Crystal-gazing, a species of divination somewhat akin to clairvoyance. The chapters on Phantasms sustain perhaps most fully the author's theory of the sub- liminal self. He does not pretend to go over the whole ground of psychic phenom- ena, leaving untouched, for example, the sub- ject of the return of the departed, and other spiritualistic manifestations. But " confining ourselves within the limits as.=igned, if the series of alleged facts which has been pre- sented in the preceding chapters be true, SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 421 then we are in the presence of a momentous reality which, for importance and value, has not been exceeded, if indeed it has been ap- proached, by any of the discoveries of mod- ern times." However far the author's theories and enthusiasms may carry him, the book is an honest effort to explain some more or less tangible occurrences in a ration- alistic manner, free from superstitious cant. It is a readable and interesting contribution to the literature of the new psychology. Two out of the forty-five volumes of the Library of the World^s Best Literature * have come to hand. This work, unique in scope and character, aims to do for hterature what the Encyclopasdia Britannlca has done for the arts and sciences in general — to give a survey of what the best poets, writers, and thinkers of all ages have thought and felt and expressed in artistic form, from the rec- ords indehbly stamped on the baked brick of the Assyrians, the characters traced on the papyrus of the Eg3rptians and Chinese, the pergamena of the Greeks and Romans, the vellum of the medieeval monks, even down to the type-written manuscript of the present day. The plan, in the words of the editor in chief, Mr. Charles Dudley Warner, " is simple and yet it is novel. In its distinc- tive features it differs from any compilation that has yet been made. Its main purpose is to present to American households a mass of good reading. But it goes much beyond this ; for in selecting this reading it draws upon all literatures of all times and of every race, and thus becomes a conspectus of the thought and intellectual evolution of man from the beginning. Another and scarcely less im- portant purpose is the interpretation of this literature in essays by scholars and authors competent to speak with authority." Many of the best critics, both in this country and abroad, have taken part in the making of the work. Among the American contributors of note to the first two volumes may be named Prof. Toy, of Harvard, who writes on Accadian, Babylonian, and Assyrian Litera- ture ; Mr. H. W. Mabie, on Addison ; Dr. H. T. Peck, on J5sop and Alciphron ; Mr. R. Burton, on Amiel ; Prof. E. S. Holden, on * A Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern. In 45 vohmies. New York : The International Society. Price, cloth, $3 a vol- ume ; half morocco, $4 a volume. Arago ; Rabbi Gottheil, on the Arabian Nights and Arabic Literature ; and Prof. Woodberry, on Matthew Arnold. The selections thus introduced by critical and biographical es- says, and representing the author at his best, are carefully chosen with reference not only to their literary quality, but also to their interest as reading matter, for "the work aims to suit a great variety of tastes, and thus to commend itself as a household com- panion for any mood and any hour." The names are arranged alphabetically, for ready reference. The volumes are handsomely bound in half morocco, with clear print on good paper, and illustrated with portraits of the authors, colored plates, and photo- gravures. Prof. Baldu'in^s book on School Manage- ment is devoted to the practical side fo the subject.* It takes up the several divisions of educational work systematically, and gives helpful advice and suggestions on a vast number of topics in each division. Pupil improvement is the keynote of the work, and the author aims to show how this can be secured through better educational condi- tions and facilities, better school and college organization and correlation, and the most efficient methods of teaching, and how school government and class management can be made educative. Among the elements of educative governing power he names, first, character. " Be what you wish your pupils to become," he says. Next he places culture, and charges the teacher to "cherish the spirit of mastery and broad culture." Other elements whose importance he explains are pupil insight, teaching power, heart power, will power, system, tact, and bearing. Of the possible incentives to school work he points out which are low motives, which higher, and which the best. He shows how school regulations can have an educative effect, and what punishments operate to help and what to harm the pupil. In other chap- ters he gives advice as to school hygiene, means and methods of administration, meth- ods of teaching the usual school studies, ways of conducting partly graded schools, etc. He is a strong advocate of oral teach- * School Management and School Methods. By Joseph Baldwin. International Education Se- ries, Vd. XL. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 395, 12mo. Price, $1.50. 422 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ing, by which he means something like the Socratic method, with the use of objects for some studies. Prof. Baldwin's teachings are everywhere positive and emphatic, and he ignores any possible difference of opinion on such subjects as corporal punishment, free text-books, and coeducation. The book is intended to be used for systematic study by classes of teachers, and each chapter is ac- cordingly divided into sections and subdi- vided into paragraphs, each with a number and a heading. There is also a syllabus to each chapter, and a list of topical questions at the end of the volume. Prof. Wiley has brought to a close his carefully prepared treatise on Agricultural Analysis with a volume devoted to agricul- tural products.* The first chapter relates to methods of preparing samples by grind- ing, drying, incineration, and extraction. Twenty-six forms of apparatus for these op- erations are here figured. The first group of substances for which processes of analysis are given consists of the sugars and starches. The specific gravity, the polariscopic, and the reduction methods for sugar analysis are each represented by a number of processes. The author has not undertaken to select the best practice for dealing with every problem, as he has not been writing solely for stu- dents, but more for trained analysts who are competent to select for themselves from sev- eral carefully described modes. A variety of miscellaneous processes for sugar analysis are also described. The determination of starch requires less space, and from this the author passes to metiods for separating and determining sugar, starch, and other carbo- hydrates in crude or manufactured agricul- tural products. The fats and oils form the next large group of substances treated, and considerable attention is given to their phys- ical properties, as well as to their chemical behavior. Methods of estimating nitroge- nous bodies follow ; dairy products have a section by themselves, and a considerable number of substances are grouped as mis- cellaneous. These include cereals, fodders, meats, fruits, vegetables, tannins, tobacco, * Principles and Practice of AKricultiu-al Analysis. Vol. III. By Harvey W. Wiley. Eas- ton, Pa. : Chemical Publishing Company. Pp. 666, 8\-o. Price, $3.75 ; complete work, g9.50. tea, coffee, and fermented beverages. In dealing with meats several methods of arti- ficial digestion and of determining nutritive values are described. The volume is in- dexed, and is illustrated with one hundred and twenty-five figures of apparatus. A list of authorities cited is given at the end of each division of the work. In his Laboratory Practice for Beginners in Botany, Prof. William A. Setchdl has furnished a guide for the application of the laboratory method to the study of plants (Macniillan, 90 cents). . He takes up the seed first, because " it is not only readily obtained, readily studied, and its meaning clear, but it is also one of the most con- venient starting points for a study of the life history." His first directions will indi- cate his method. " Take the ripened pod of a bean plant and, splitting it open, notice : 1. That the seeds (beans) are attached along one edge of each valve (or half) of the pod. 2. That each bean is attached to the pod by a short stalk, the funiculus. 3. Make a sketch of a valve of the bean pod with its inclosed beans, representing and labeling the parts." Drawing is a constant require- ment throughout the course. In the ad- vanced lessons questions are asked which it is not practicable to answer otherwise than from consulting books. There is a brief appendix of suggestions to students and one more extended of suggestions to teachers, in which reading for each chapter is specified and various directions as to material and de- tails of instruction are given. Although the author says that his book is intended for the higher grades of primary schools or for sec- ondary schools, he has apparently made no effort to keep his language within the vo- cabulary understood by children, hence we doubt that the book would be available be- low the secondary grade. There are no illustrations. Robert the Bruce and the Struggle for Scottish Independence, by Sir Herbert Maxwell^ Bart. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897, $1.50), is one of the scholarly volumes of the Heroes of the Nations Series. It deals with the making of Scotland. The first five chap- ters give a short survey of the country up to the year 1305, a period of internal discords, and feuds with England because of the latter's SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 423 claim to the overlordship. The greater por- tion of the book recounts the deeds of Robert the Bruce, the national hero. His coronation as King of Scots, in 1306, marked an epoch in Scottish history. Become king of a coun- try that was claimed by the English Edward, and surrounded by only a small band of faith- ful followers, Bruce virtually had to con- quer his realm foot by foot, until the decisive battle of Bannockburn, in 1314, forced the English to acknowledge his sovereignty. The many exciting adventures of the landless king, and his daring and personal bravery, are well set forth in some of the most inter- esting chapters of the book. Among the papers submitted in competi- tion for the Hodgkius Fund prizes and pub- lished by the Smithsonian Institution is one on Atmospheric Actinometry^ by E. Duclaux. The chemical radiations of the sun do not behave within our atmosphere in the same way as the heat and light rays. This is in- dicated by the differing effects on the pho- tographer's plate on days equally luminous, and by the rapid progress of vegetation in high latitudes as compared with temperate regions. The investigations which M. Du- claux describes are based upon determina- tions of the oxidation of solutions of oxalic acid exposed to the sunshine under a wide variety of conditions. In the introduction to The Story of the Birds, by James Newton Baskctt, M. A., As- sociate Member of the American Ornitho- logical Union (New York : D. Appleton and Company, 1897, 65 cents), one of Apple- tons' Home-Reading Books, the editor of the series. Dr. W. T. Harris, points out the two movements of the new education — original observation and verifying by experiment on the part of the pupil, and systematic home reading to supplement class-room instruction. " A library of home reading should contain books that stimulate to self^activity and arouse the spirit of inquiry. The books should treat of methods of discovery and evolution. All Nature is unified by the dis- covery of the law of evolution." In keeping with the aims here set forth, The Story of the Birds gives a brief account of the evolution of the bird, as far as such can be traced by means of the present characteristics of the feathered race. Beginning with the bird's fore leg, popularly known as the wing, which is an important factor in determining its past history, the author goes on to the discussion of the bird's raiment, its outer wraps and its underwear, its "frills and fui-belows." We have chapters devoted to the wooing and mating of birds, to nest-building and nesting habits, to birds' eggs and the rearing of the young. Various habits of grown-up birds are touched upon, their expedients in getting a living, their tools and tasks, the way they go to bed, and their manner of travel. In the last two chapters hints are given for recognizing and classifying the different spe- cies. Scientifically accurate, yet free from technicalities forbidding to the uninitiated, the book, written in a pleasing style, recom- mends itself not only to the young student, but also to the general reader who, as a lover of birds, wants more than a passing acquaint- ance with them. It is profusely illustrated. An analysis of the chapters, with study hints, and an index, add to its usefulness. In a pamphlet entitled A New Dairy In- dustry a process for preparing sterilized milk for infants is described by James Fred. Sarg (the author, Kempsville, Va., 80 cents). Mr. Sarg writes for the farmer, who, he says, is best situated for preparing a suitable in- fants' milk and should have the profit of the industry. Whether discoursing of the oper- ation of milking, the mortality of infants, or the details and apparatus of the process that he describes, Mr. Sarg writes with vigor and an evident mastery of his subject. His pam- phlet is illustrated with figures of machines and other appliances. An inaugural discourse before the Royal Academy of Sciences of Havana, on the study of spectroscopy {Introduccion al Estii- dio de la Espectroscopia), by Dr. Gaston Alonso Cuadrado, of the medical corps of the Spanish army, presents a clear and carefully elaborate summary of the theory and prop- erties of light as illustrated by the latest discoveries, including a brief account of the Rontgen rays. Rules for Regulating Nomenclature in Entomological Work, compiled by Lord Walsingham and John Hartley Durrani, of Merton Hall, Thetford, England, and pub- lished by Longmans & Co. (20 cents), have been prepared with a view to securing a 424 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. strict application of the law of priority. One of the objects of the authors has been to define a method by which the recognition of antecedent work can be consistently se- cured. They propose that this rule be desig- nated as " Merton rules " for convenience of reference. Convinced that physical science awaits its next greatest elucidations from the side of biology, Dr. Ernst Mach has made from time to time various researches on sensation, the results of which he states in a volume under the title ConiributioTis to the Analysis of the Sensations (Open Court Publishing Company, $1.25). He here discusses tlie sp.ace sensations of the eye in connection with the innervation of that organ and the physiological aspects of sensations of time and sensations of tone. The conclusions which he has arrived at on these topics show, he affirms, that " there is no rift be- tween the psychical and the physical, no within and vnthont, no sensation to which an outward, different tiling corresponds. There is but one kind of elerrifnU, out of which this supposititious within and without is formed." PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins, ReportB, etc. Cornell University : Nos. 181, 132. Plums, Celery. — Hatch, MasBachusetts Agricul- tural College : Nos. 44-47. Tests of Fruits and Seeds, Fertilizers, the American Toad, Tobacco.— Wichigan State Agricultural College; Nos. 141- 144. Forage Crops, Wheat, Fruit Teste, Vege- tables.—New York: Nos. 114, 117-124, with Popu- lar Editions of the same. Many subjects.— Ohio: No. 74. Fifteenth Annual Report. Pp. 42 ; Nos. 77, 78. Destructive Insects, Corn. — Oregon: No. 44. Sugar Beets. Pp. 48.— Purdue University : Special and Commercial Fertilizers. Pp. 8, with Sheet Table. — Tennessee State Board of Health: Bulletin, May, 1897. Pp. 16.— United States De- partment of Agriculture : Studies of American Grasses. Pp. 20, with plates: Some Common Bird- in their Relation to Agriculture. Bj F. E. L. Beal. Pp. 40.— North Dakota Climate and Crop Service. March, 1S97. Pp. 6.— University of Illinois : Nos. 47, 48. Broom-Corn Smut. San Jose Seals. Pp. 60 and 26. Baillet, Thomas M., Springfield, Mass. Manual Training : Its Educational Value. Pp. 18. Bayliss, Clara Kern. In Brook and Bayou ; or, Life in the Still Waters. New York : D. Ap- pleton & Co. Pp. 180, with plates. 60 cents. Bulletins, Prqpeedings, Serials, etc. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia : January, Febniary, and March, 1S97. Pp. 165, with Splates. — American Microscopical Society : Nineteenth Annual Meeting, August, 1896. Pp. 413.— Co- lumbia University Bulletin, March, 1897. Pp. 72. Macmdlan Co. — Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. Pp. :W2.— Minnesota Botanical Studies. Conway MacMillan, editor. Parts X and XI. Pp. 340. with 42 plates.— Public Libraries : Inter- national Conference number. May, 1897. Pp. 96. library Bureau, Chicago.— Revista de la Instruc- ci6n Publica Mexicana. Semi-monthly. Mexico. Pp. 32.— Society Neuchatelaise de Geographic (Neuchatel Geographical Society). Neiichatel, Switzerland. Pp. 402.— United States Depart- ment of Labor. Pp. 1:30. Cooke, Frances E. England (History for Young Readers). New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 253. 50 cents. Crehore, A. C , and Squi'^e, G. O. The Syn- chronograph. A New Method of Transmitting IntelliTCnce by the Alternating Current. Pp. 31, with plates. Demoor, Jean, Mas art, Jean, and Vaudcr Velde, Kmile. L'Evolution Regressive en Biologie et en Sociologie (Retrogressive Evolution in Bi- ology and Sociology). Paris : Felix Alcan. Pp. 324. Dixon. D. B. The Mechanical Arts Simplified. Chicago : Lair & Lee. Pp. 497. Equitist, The. Fortnightly. VoL I, No. 1. W. E. Brokaw, Editor. New York : Estclla Bachman Brokaw, publisher. Pp. 8. 5 cents. Fuertes, James H Water and Public Health. The Relative Purity of Waters from Different Sources. New York : John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 75. $1.50. Hubrecht, A. A. W. The Descent of the Pri- mates. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 4L $1. Kingsley, J. S. In Memoriam, Edward Drinker Cope. Pp. 10 of text, with 0 portraits. Philadelphia : American Naturalist. Kroeker, K. F. Germany (History for Young Readers). New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 251. 60 cents. Logan, John A., Jr. In Joyfid Russia. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 275. $3 50. Mason, William P. Water Supply, considered principally from a Sanitary Standpoint. New York : John Wiley & Sons. Pp .504. $5. Merrill, George P. Stones for Building and Decoration. Second edition, revisied and en- larged. New York : John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 516. $5. Moore, D. R., and Stanley, N. B. A Treatise on the Philosophy of Art. Pp 23. Morris, Robert T., M. D. Lectures on Appen- dicitis and Notes on other Subjects. Second edition, revised and enlarged. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 173. Proseer, Charles S. Comparison of the Car- boniferous and Permian Formations of Nebraska and Kansas. Chicago : University of Chicago. Pp. 41. Reports. United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries (John J. Brice). Pp. 145.— White Pine Timber Supplies. Letter from the Secretary of Agriculture. Pp. 20. — Zo01oj.'ical Society of Philadelphia : Twentieth Annual Report of the Board of Directors. Pp. 16. Reprints. Boas, Franz: The Decorative Art of the Indians of the North Pacific Coast. Pp. .54.— Chaille, Prof. Stanford E. : The Practice of Medicine as a Mouev-making Occupation. Pp. 10.— Hoffman, Walter J.: On Native Indian Pic- tography. Pp. 10.— Lined, Martin L.: Insects col- lected by Dr. Abbott on the Seychelles and other Islands, with Descrii)ti(m8 of Nine New Species of Coleoptera. Pp. 20.— Mason, Otis Tufton : In- fluence of Environment upon Human Industries or Arts. Pp. 20.— Mason. Prof. W. P.: Sanitary Prob- lems connected with Municijial Water Supply. Pp. 21.— Mooney, James : The Ghost-Dance Religion, and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890. Washington: Bureau of Ethnology. Pp. .500.— Mercer, Henry 0. : The Finding of the Fossil Sloth at Big Bone FRAGMENTS OF SCIENCE. 425 Cave, Tennessee. Pp. 39 —Richmond, Charles W. : Birds collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott in Madagascar, with Descriptions of Three New Species. Pp. 20. — Rotch, A. Lawrence : On ob- taining Meteorological Records in the Upper Air by Means of Kites and Balloons. Pp. 8 — Ratter, Cloudsley : A Collection of Fishes obtained in Swatow, China, by Miss Adele M. Fields. Pp. 36. — Schuchen, Charles: On the Fossil Phyllopod Genera Dipeltis and Protocaris of the Family Apodidoe. Pp. 9, with plate. Revue Diplomatique et Coloniale (Diplomatic and Colonial Review). Bimonthly summary of external poliiics. Henri Pensa, Director. Vol.1, No. 1, March, 1897. Paris : Bureau des Revues, 19 Rue des Saints Peres. Pp. 64. 12 fr. .50 a year. Sands, Manie. The Opposites of the Universe, Part IV. Ethological and Egological Opposites. A Discourse about Conduct. New York : Peter Eckler, .35 Fulton St. Pp. 89. 50 cents. Schneider, \. Reagents and Reactions known by the Names of their Authors. Revised and en- larged by Dr. Julius Altschul. Translated by Richard Fischer. Milwaukee : Pharmaceutical Review Publishing Company. Pp. 82. Smith, William Benjamin, Tulane University. The Origin and Significance of Disease. New Orleans. Pp. 2.5. Solly, S. Edwin. A Handbook of Medical Climatology. Philadelphia and New York : Lea Brothers & Co. Pp. 470. $4. Thruston, Gates P. The Antiquities of Ten- nessee and the Adjacent States. Second edition, with New Chapters, Notes, and Ilhistrations. Cincinnati : The Robert Clarke Company. Pp. 369, with plates. $4. United States Treasury Department. Notice to Mariners for April, 1897. Pp. 16. Walker, Judge J. C. Waco, Texas. What ia the Unit of Life ? Pp. 16. Ward, Lester F. Dynamic Sociology, as based upon Statical Sociology and less Complex Sciences. New York : D. Appleton & Co. 2 vols. Pp. 706 and 690. x'AQxxitnXs xrt ^ci^ttcje. Dr. Ebonezer Emmons and the Olcnellns. — During the geological survey of the State of New York which, commenced in 1836, was almost the first of the geological surveys that were entered upon and properly prose- cuted m the United States, there was a marked difference of opinion between Prof. Ebenezer Emmons, of Williams College, who had charge of the portion of the survey that embraced the rocks of western Massachu- setts and the upper waters of the Hudson, and his associate geologists, which finally ter- minated in a bitter personal antagonism and almost social ostracism of Dr. Emmons. The point at issue was mainly the relationship in respect to position and age of the rocks in question, especially those typified by the strata of Greylock Mountain and the Hoosic Valley. The position taken by the majority of the associate geologists on the survey was that the so-called Silurian system of rocks constituted the basis of the fossiliferous rocks of New York and inferentially of the whole country, and that the so-called " Pots- dam sandstone " was the lowest fossiliferous member of this system, and in fact marked the dawn of life upon the planet. Dr. Em- mons, on the contrary, claimed that beneath the oldest member of the Silurian system there was an older and extensively developed system of fossiliferous rocks, to which he gave the name " Taconic," and exhibited an entirely new and characteristic fossil not before recognized or described, and which received the name of " Olenellus." For all this Dr. Emmons received little or no credit, and among geologists was regarded as visionary and something of a humbug. But time has at last brought its revenges, for, at the last meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (Liverpool, Septem- ber, 1896), Mr. J. E. Marr, F. R. S., President of the Geological Section, in an address re- viewing the recent progress in this depart- ment of science, took occasion to speak of the " Olenellus " — whose first discovery he attributed to Dr. Emmons — as characterizing a zone of life in rocks much older than the Silurian system, and as " furnishing us with a datum line from which we can work back- ward," and possibly prove the existence " of a fauna of a date anterior to the formation of the Olenellus beds." So that Dr. Em- mons, in place of being wrong in his obser- vations and deductions in 1845, did really find the fossil he described, and rightly lo- cated the rock containing it in the geological horizon ; and thus was entitled to take the lead at that time over all his American and European colleagues. Koch's Latest Tuberculin. — Since the premature announcement of Dr. Koch's con- sumption cure, some six years ago, the doc- 426 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tor has been steadily at work endeavoring to perfect his method, and it is now announced that he has succeeded in eliminating those irritating substances which were so trouble- some in the early preparations. From his observations Koch concluded that the affected patient gradually acquired a degree of im- munity through the absorption of certain constituents of the bacilli themselves. This immunizing, however, usually occurs too late in the disease to save the patient. In or- der to collect these substances, whatever they may be, he dries and triturates the dead bodies of the bacilli, and from the resultant powder makes two extracts. The first of these is opalescent, and is practically iden- tical with his original serum. He calls it tuberculin 0 (TO). The remaining sedi- ment is again dried, digested with water, and then centrifuged, and this is continued until the water is perfectly clear. These later extracts contain the essential immunizing principle which he calls tuberculin R (TR), and with which such encouraging results are said to have been obtained. Some Jfotes on a Dust Storm, — Apropos of our recent article on Dust Storms, we have received the following item from Mr. W. S. Jackman: "On the 19th of February, 1896 {Ash Wednesday, by eternal fitness), a remark- able dust storm descended upon the city of Chicago. As the ground had been complete- ly covered with snow to the depth of several inches a day or two previous, it was an easy matter to form some estimate of the quan- tity of dust that fell. The storm began in the evening and lasted several hours. The next morning, by selecting suitable open areas that were likely to be free from eddies and local currents, an average per square yard of r34 ounces of dust was obtained. This was gathered by scraping up the snow to the depth the dust had penetrated — about one inch — and, after melting it, the water was evaporated and the dust dried. The amount thus collected measured 2'45 cubic inches. At this rate the quantity of dust deposited upon a square mile would be about 129-6 tons; the volume would be on the same area 4,352 cubic feet, equal to a pile about thirty-four feet long, sixteen feet wide, and eight feet deep. On being strongly heat> ed in a clay crucible the dust turned reddish brown and lost twelve per cent of its weight. The microscope showed it to be largely com- posed of irregular and rounded quartz grains. As the storm began after dark, people who were unfortunate enough to be caught in it were at a loss for a time to know just what was the matter. In many instances nothing unusual was suspected until, entering their homes, their smeared and blackened counte- nances called forth an unwontedly hilarious greeting. After the snow melted, in many in- stances the sidewalks were so covered with the slimy mud as to need scraping and washing. The storm seemed to come from the northwest, and was accompanied by a moderate gale." The Law of Mississippi Floods. — An im- portant point in Mr. James L. Greenleaf's study in the Engineering Magazine of the Times and Causes of Western Floods is the topographical division of the country drained by the Mississippi into several large water sheds, covering a total area of 1,259,000 squai'e miles. Although this topo- graphical division has been wrought by natural causes, the consideration of the water sheds must be combined with that of climatic areas for the purposes of the pres- ent study. All the rivers tributary to the Mississippi show a decided tendency to low water in the autumn, the southern waters beginning to fall from a high stage in June and the northern in July. All begin to rise from low water in winter — the southern tributaries earlier, and the northern ones later. Two freshets occur during the year in each of the large tributary basins. The coincidence of the highest stage in more than two of the large branches is extremely rare, and hence it is an exception for the main river to be subjected to the enormously congested state which would otherwise result. The varying st.ages of the Mississippi accu- rately reflect the fluctuations of rainfall and of temperature which occur upon its tribu- tary basins, and these are followed in detail in the author's paper. The Mississippi being virtually created by the union near one point of three large rivers — the Ohio, the Mis- souri, and the upper Mississippi — these three branches, of which the Ohio is regarded as the most important, naturally stamp their characteristics upon it to a very marked de- FRAGMENTS OF SCIFXCE. 427 gree, and it bears these features through the entire course to the Gulf. The large tributaries farther south modify but can not control their overwhelming influence. The two periods of flood characteristic of each of these large tributaries have an important bearing upon the continuance of high water in the main river, pouring their floods in one after the other as the force of the preceding flood is beginning to be spent, so that the tendency is for the main river to flow in strong volume until well into the summer. The river is a result; its tributaries are the cause. Viewed broadly, a general similarity of behavior is observed ; yet each feeder of the main river has its special cycle of alternations between high and low water; each great line of drainage has its special feature of flow. Were the secondary watercourses followed, the vast Mississippi water shed would be seen covered by countless brooks and rivulets, each affected by local conditions, yet all obeying a few fundamental laws, "which gather the waters as in the hollow of the hand and pour them through a single chan- nel to the sea." The Tarbiniai — In a recent issue of Industries and Iron is a detailed description of the Turbiuia, the vessel which recently attained the highest velocity ever reached by a steam vessel, an average of 32f knots on the measured mile. As her name suggests, she is fitted with steam turbines instead of the ordinary form of engine. The Turbinia was built by a syndicate formed especially for the purpose of testing the application of the compound steam turbine to marine pro- pulsion. She is 100 feet in length, 9 feet beam, and 44^ tons displacement. The original turbine fitted in her was designed to develop upward of 1,500 actual horse power at a speed of 2,500 revolutions per minute. The boiler is of the water-tube type, for 225 pounds per square inch working pressure. The hull is built of steel plates, varying in thickness from -j^ to -^ of an inch. A curious difiiculty was encountered in the early trials. It was noticed that a great deal of power was being lost somewhere, and it finally turned out that, owing to the high speed of the propeller, what is known as cavitation was produced — that is, the screw tended to scoop out a hole in the water and run in this, thus using up a part of the ener- gy simply in maintaining this cavity. This difficulty has been, to some extent, overcome by altering the pitch of the blades, but it Is believed that further experimentation will result in overcoming this fault more com- pletely, and hence make a still higher rate of speed possible. German Colonies for Unemployed Work- men,— The fii'st of the German Arbeiter Kolonie, or refuges for workmen out of em- ployment, one of which has been described in the Atlantic Monthly by Mr. Josiah Flynt, was established by Pastor von Bodelschwingh at Bielefeld, Westphalia, about 1882. There are now twenty- seven such colonies in Ger- many, where men able and willing to work may go, and at least pay their way till some more profitable labor is found. Connected with them is an estate near Berlin, where men who have proved deserving may acquire a piece of land and eventually set up homes of their own. Applicants for help must promise to stay in the colony at least four weeks, and have the privilege of staying longer if no work has been found for them outside ; while the managers are on the look- out for work for them, in order that they may go and other out-of-works may take their place. The colonies are supported by contributions and the proceeds of the work of the colonists. Mr. Flynt applied at the Berlin colony at Tegel, and, on complying with the conditions required, was assigned to a section and set to making straw cases for wine bottles. He was expected to work to the best of his ability and to show respect to the officials — a Hausvater and a fore- man, the only outsiders connected with the institution. The day was spent according to a prescribed routine, beginning at five o'clock in the morning and ending at nine o'clock at night, while Sunday was given to church and rest. Every man received a mai-k, or twenty-five cents, a day, and some, working by the piece or at special work, made a mark and a half. Out of these earnings, eighteen cents a day were taken for food and lodging. Several men had credit in the colony treasury. The food was simple but abundant, and the beds were fairly comfortable. A store was opened on Saturday afternoons, where the colonists 428 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, could buy tobacco and various useful little things. Newcomers were confidentially ex- horted and admonished on Sunday after- noons by the pastor. Forty-nine men were in the colony during Mr. Flynt's stay. In winter there are more than three hundred. The colonies are believed to be useful in dis- tinguishing the deserving unemployed from the undeserving, and helpful to the former. Diffnsion of an Aneient Symbol. — The swastika — a design resembling two Z's, nor- mal or reversed, so arranged as to cross one another — is described and studied as " the earliest known symbol " in a paper by Thomas Wilson in the Proceedings of the United States National Museum. It appears in various shapes, derived from the original, and is the parent of various scroll forms and ornaments. Its origin and original bearing or application are lost in the darkness of remote antiquity. It denotes something good, and is an orna- ment. It is found in the far East and the classical East, in all the cities of Troy, in Egypt, Algeria, and Ashantee, in the ancient Grecian countries, in western Europe from the bronze age down, on ancient coins, in prehistoric America, and among the North American Indians. Allied to it are meanders, ogees, and spirals ; and associated with it are various prehistoric objects in both hemi- spheres. In America, the swastika of the mound builders, or of the oldest civilization we know here, is similar in every respect, ex- cept material, to that of the still living Navajo and Pueblo Indians. The two curious facts are emphasized that the swastika had an existence in America prior to any historic knowledge we have of communication be- tween the two hemispheres ; and that it is continued in America, and used at the pres- ent day, while the knowledge of it has long since died out in Europe. Mr. Wilson's chief study is to find how this symbol was carried from one region to another. While the theory that like features of life originate naturally at like stages in the development of different peoples, and the one that they are carried by migrating hordes, may both be true to a certain extent, neither should be insisted upon as exclusive. Mr. Wilson maintains that the swastika was carried, as Bome other customs may have been, by teach- ing, or by the transmission of the idea from one country to another — much in the same way as Greek art and architecture have come down to us — rather than by independent in- vention or by migration of peoples. Richard Haklnyt.— The Hakluyt Society has recently celebrated in London the fiftieth anniversary of its work in publishing vol- umes, usually containing the texts of travelers and voyagers in all parts of the world, which were previously not known to the public. It is named. Sir Clements Markham says, after Richard Hakluyt, who was bom in 1553, acquired a love of geography from an uncle of the same name, and assiduously sought and read every narrative of adven- ture he could procure, mastering six foreign languages in order to be able to do so. He strove to remedy the ignorance of seamen of the scientific branch of their profession, and to supply the absence of records for want of which important voyages and travels were allowed to -fall into oblivion, with a measure of success that has given him rank among the benefactors of their country. He was irrepressible in seeking new informa- tion. He rode two hundred miles to have an interview with the last survivor of Master Hose's Expedition to America in 1536. He saved numerous journals and narratives from destruction, and the deeds they record from oblivion. His work gave a stimulus to colo- nial and narrative enterprise, and inspired literature. Shakespeare owed much to Prin- cipal Navigators, his chief book. As the years passed on, he, according to his own quaint language, continued " to wade still further and further in the sweat studie of the historic of cosmographie," and achieved his great task, which was " to incorporate into one body the torn and scattered limbs of our ancient and late navigations by sea." He declared " geography and chronology to be the sun and moon, the right eye and the left, of all history." When he died, Novem- ber 23, 1616, he was Archdeacon of West- minster, and had reached his sixty-fourth year. Prlmitiye Traveling. — Of the motives and lengths of the journeys of primitive man Mr. 0. T. Mason observes, in his monograph on Primitive Travel and Transportation, that birds of passage made formerly longer jour- FRAGMENTS OF SCIENCE. 429 neys than men, and the length of their mi- grations in time and distance was equaled, perhaps, by those of fishes and marine ani- mals. The simple motives that governed these movements were the same as consti- tuted the incentive to human movements over the earth. The coming and going of birds and marine creatures are likewise the occasion of an enormous amount of human bustle and running about. Most of the do- mestication of animals is prompted by a de- sire to have them at our doors, and to make us independent of their migrations. Land animals, as well as birds and sea animals, were often obliged by natural conditions to travel great distances, and men followed them in order to live upon them. In every tribe there are stories of travelers who made long voyages and returned. Dr. Boas says that the myths of the northwest coast of America point across the Pacific. Besides the traditions that fix upon the present habi- tat as the primal home, there is a class of migration myths. The perfection of devices also prolongs travel. The East Greenlanders journey around to West Greenland to get snuff, and will consume four years in a sin- gle excursion there and back, often, accord- ing tc Nansen, remaining no longer than an hour at the trading station before taking up their homeward march. The Manchus and Manyarg, who navigate the Sungari River, spend from eight days to a month, according to the destination, in their journeys; the Turki, near East Cape, from four to six months. According to Seton Karr, the tribes of northwest British Columbia were afraid to quit their tribal territory, but now Indians are willing to accompany the white man through regions that are as strange and un- known to them as to him. The extent and direction of aboriginal journeys have been in some places cut off, and in others greatly stimulated, by contact with the Caucasian race. Utilization of Wind Power. — A summary of the conclusions reached by M. Maximilian Plessuer from a study of the economies of wind as a source of power is given by M. Henry de Varigny in a paper on Air and Life, published by the Smithsonian Institu- tion. The irregularity of the wind forms the chief objection to placing reliance upon it, but much depends upon localities. There are places and large regions where it is fairly regular. It seldom fails at the sea- shore, and the trade winds are nearly con- stant; while in most parts of the globe it becomes more regular as the altitude in- creases. Hence, upon the whole, a consid- erable part of the world is well suited for investigations upon the best methods of deriving power from the winds. The first requisites of a wind-power machine are some sort of a motor driven by the wind, and an accumulator to store the energy and yield it at the required moment. Dismissing the old windmill and the asolian wheel as not fully coming up to the mark, M. Plessuer turns to sails as affording a possible solution of the problem. " The utilization of the power of the winds," he writes, " and its transforma- tion into mechanical work are only possible by means of sailing vehicles, driven by wind upon a circular railway, the power generated by such rotation being transmitted to an axle and thence to machinery." On this railway a circular train, made of small cars coupled together, each carrying a mast and two sails at right angles with each other, is driven by the wind. The sails are auto- matically trimmed, and automatically also they expand or contract, or rather take in the wind or withdraw from it. As long as the wind blows the train continues rotating, and if it is connected with a central axle the latter may work dynamos and charge elec- trical accumulators. A similar apparatus might be arranged in water, boats taking the place of the cars, and, since the wind power is transformed into electricity, the latter may be stored and kept in reserve, or transferred to a distance to perform ten, twenty, or fifty miles away any work that may be required. " Onr Friends the Monkeys." — Why, asks M. Paul Megniu in La Nature, should we not call monkeys our friends ? They have been calumniated and had all sorts of evil qualities attributed to them, because when we make pets of them we encourage and cultivate their odd traits, and spoil them as children are spoiled. All monkeys have not equal degrees of intelligence, but most of them are capable of a development equal to if not above that possible to any other 43° POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. animals. They love to learn, and the imi- tative instinct natural to tliem permits them to execute all sorts of feats with agility. They learn tricks more readily than dogs, and, although not manifesting so hearty good will toward the public, execute them with marvelous agility and grace. At Hagen- beck's establishment in Hamburg, where two hundred monkeys enjoy complete liberty of play in the great rotunda, they are given multitudes of children's toys, balls, hoops, wheelbarrows, joiner's benches, etc., and leam to manage them all without any one showing them how. In the center of the rotunda is an immense grain hopper, from which the seeds, corn, walnuts, chestnuts, apple quarters, etc., run into a trough when a wheel at the top is turned. The manage- ment of this hopper did not have to be ex- plained to our friends the monkeys. While one of them turns the wheel, the others, sitting around the trough, enjoy the delica- cies as they come down, till the one at the wheel, thinking his turn has come, stops, gives the signal for some one to take his place, and comes down to get his share. What other animals are capable of so intel- ligent an initiative ? Minute Earthquakes. — Very delicate ex- periments have been instituted by Prof. John Milne to determine the stress inflicted upon the earth's crust by small, even minute, dis- turbances, whether local earthquakes on a small scale, faint echoes of more violent dis- tant disturbances, those arising from me- teorological causes — which are receiving spe- cial attention — or even those which are due to the falling of rain and to dew. A shower of rain or a deposit of dew represents a con siderable load on the soil, which may per- haps be regarded, in the first instance, as uni- formly distributed, but which will probably, because of inequalities in evaporation, not remain so long. The ground on the east side of a building will be more quickly dried than that on the north ; the dew on the east side will evaporate before that on the west side, and so on. Thus there will be bending stresses in the soil tending to tilt buildings or piers for instruments that have not deep- laid foundations. Tilts due to rainfall would be irregular; those arising from dew would show a diurnal period. The inquiry is made whether these tilts are large enough to affect astronomical observations. Diurnal oscilla- tions of several sections of an arc have been detected by seismographs in Japan, which Prof. Milne attributes to the evaporation of dew. At the observatory of the University of Oxford a disposable weight, consisting of a crowd of human beings, was utilized. Formed into a solid square, they were marched back and forth, to and from the observatory wall. They were then spread out so that they only touched by the finger tips ; and again so as to cover four times the space of that formation. This was supposed to repre- sent the evaporation effect. Seventy-six per- sons were thus employed, and their march- ing back and forth produced an appreciable bending of the earth. As an aid to his re- search. Prof. Milne has had a horizontal pendulum set up in the Isle of Wight, in or- der to obtain a continuous automatic record of such disturbances as are there manifested. Improyement in intitoxine-Making.— In a recent number of the Archives dcs Sci- ences Biologiques issued by the Imperial In- stitute of Experimental Medicine at St. Pe- tersburg is an important announcement by Dr. Smirnow, describing a new method of ob- taining diphtheria antitoxine. Hitherto the preparation of the antitoxine has not only involved great expense, but also much time, several months oftentimes. The new meth- od announced by Dr. Smirnow institutes a great saving in both time and expense, and consists simply of electrolyzing a virulent diphtheria broth culture, whic'o is then found to contain an antitoxine of great power and efScacy. Dr. Smirnow states that a dog weighing from eighteen to twenty pounds, inoculated subcutaneously with 0'5 cubic centimetre of a virulent diphtheria broth cul- ture, usually dies in two or two and a half days. If, however, even one day after inoculation, treatment with the new serum is begun, from three to five cubic centimetres of the latter suffice to save the animal. Maxims for* the Holiday. — The first requi.'^ite to the complete enjoyment of a holiday, as laid down by the London Lancet, is to have earned it. Only a true workman thoroughly enjoys his season of rest, while tlie idler, the trifler, the man of pleasure, FRAGMENTS OF SCIENCE. 431 knows little of its delights, for it brings him no change. It is well, in arranging for the holiday, to give attention to individual tastes and idiosyncrasies, so that the lover of natu- ral scenery, the seeker for historical associa- tions, and the lover of art may each go where he will find what he will enjoy the most. For the best use of a holiday some definite object may be combined with the general fundamental idea of rest ; but there is a pos- sibility of carrying this feature too far and making the excursion a season of work. This leads to the next rule, not to attempt too much. " Take it easy," should always be the motto. Long railway journeys and tedi- ous excursions drawing upon the strength are good things to avoid. Age, physical con- dition, and previous training should always be regarded; change of life and surround- ings should be sought, but mischief may re- sult if the change is too violent ; and what- ever interferes with regularity of life and sleep should be indulged in only sparingly. Provided the traveler is a good sailor, few forms of holiday are so entirely unobjection- able as a sea voyage. MINOR PARAGEAPHS. According to Curator Duerden, of the Museum of the Jamaica Institute, as cited by Robert T. Hill in Science, a turn of the tide has come in the life of the mongoose in Jamaica. This animal was imported there to rid the island of rats. Having disposed of these, it turned upon the other small ani- mals and nearly exterminated them. Con- sequently the ticks and chigoes, in the ab- sence of the lizards and snakes which had eaten them, throve enormously, and became nearly as veritable pests as the rats had been. Within the past few years, however, the mongooses have seemed to decline in num- bers, and, when caught, to be suffering from the attacks of ticks. Birds and snakes and lizards are becoming more numerous, poul- try and domestic animals suffer less from depredations, numerous crocodile's eggs are found, bevies of quails are occasionally seen, and the rats are appearing again. The researches of Alfred Goldsborough Mayer on the color and color-patt€rns of moths and butterflies have resulted in the demonstration of several results believed to be new to science, among which are the prevalence of a surprisingly large percentage of black in the great majority of the colors of Lepidoptera, the composite character of the colors as distinguished from simple col- ors, and the derivation of the pigments of the scales by various chemical processes from the blood, or ha^molymph, of the pupa. While the number of species of Papilio in South America is nine times as great as in North America, the number of colors which they display is only twice as great. Hence the greater number of colors displayed by the tropical forms may be due simply to the far greater number of species, and not to any direct influence of climate. The scales in Lepidoptera do not strengthen the wing or aid the insects in flight. The vast majority of the scales are merely color-bearing organs which have been developed under the influ- ence of natural selection. According to a communication of M. Albert Gauttard to the French Ethnographic Society, the efforts which the Japanese have been making since the revolution of 1868 to adapt themselves to European civilization and modes of life have resulted in surpris- ing transformations of their national type. Some of them are losing the eccentricity of their eyes and the prominence of their cheek bones ; children born recently have less flattened noses than their ancestors, and a skin not so yellow. On the other hand, Europeans residing permanently in Japan lose the rosy color of their skin and tend to acquire an eccentricity in the eye. M. Adhemar Leclere, French resident at Kratie, said that he had observed that some of the French residing in Cambodia began in a short time to acquire the type and the gait of the natives. In the use of the Iroquois wampum belts, his studies of which have already been no- ticed in the Monthly, the facts associated, and other features in the Indian life of both American continents, Mr. Horatio Hale be- lieved that evidence was found that the In dians enjoyed systems of government and forrrjs of civilization that evinced intellec- tual and moral faculties of no mean order — a real money, elements of a written language 432 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. widely diffused and employed in preserving the memory of treaties of peace and alliance, established institutions working well, and a good degree of generally diffused comfort. NOTES. The summer courses of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, beginning at differ- ent dates in June and generally continuing through July, are intended for the benefit of students who wish to prolong their stay in summer or to make up deficiencies, and are open to persons not students in the institute if they possess the necessary qualifications. The subjects are in the departments of me- chanical drawing and descriptive geometry, mathematics, architecture, chemistry, biol- ogy, physics, European history, French and German, mechanism, and shop work ; and provision is made for other (non-technical) subjects for those interested in them. The International Exposition to be held at Brussels this year will include an Inter- national Section of Sciences, divided into the seven Sections of Mathematics and As- tronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Geology and Geography, Biology, Anthropology, and Bibliography. Various privileges will be granted to participants, who will have to pay nothing for their places, and will be allowed rebates on railroads. A series of questions have been prepared by the Belgian Government, on which prizes will be awarded for the best solutions. The prizes appertain- ing to the Section of Sciences are valued at four thousand dollars. Programmes contain lull information on this subject by address- ing the Commissariat General of the Gov- ernment, 17 rue de la Purse, Brussels. The Division of Entomology of the United States Department of Agriculture is engaged in a special investigation of the in- sects that infest stored crops. The list in- cludes the insect enemies of stored grain, flour and meal, fruits, nuts and seeds, herbs and dried plants, drugs, leather, specimens of natural history, etc. Information is in- vited from citizens who have made observa- tions in the matter, particularly from per- sons residing in the South. Special attention is directed to the use of bisulphide of car- bon, applied as a vapor to pervade the stored material. Granite, wood, and asphalt being accept- ed as the best materials for carriage-way pavements in large cities, preference between them should be, Mr. L. H. Isaacs, C. E., says, in the order, on the score of public hygiene : asphalt absolutely, granite, wood; of noise- lessness, wood, asphalt, granite ; of safety to horses, wood, asphalt, granite ; of cleaning, asphalt, wood, granite ; of economy, granite, wood, asphalt ; of facihty in repairing, as- phalt, wood, granite ; and of convenience in connection with tramway rails, granite, wood, asphalt. Alvan H. Clark, the famous maker of telescopic lenses, died of apo[ilexy at his home in Cambridge, Mass., June 9th. He succeeded his father, Alvan Clark, whose fame as a lens maker was equally world-wide, as head of the firm on the death of the latter in 1887. Of his make were the twenty-six inch lens in the Naval Observatory at Washington, and the thirty-inch refractor for the Imperial Ob- servatory at St. Petersburg, for which he was decorated by the Czar; the great lens of the Lick Observatory ; and the lens for the Yerkes Observatory, Chicago, forty inches in diame- ter, and having a focal length of sixty- four feet, which was completed and shipped only a short time before his death. As an as- tronomer he accompanied the total-eclipse expedition to Jerez, Spain, in 1870, and the similar expedition to Wyoming in 1878 ; and discovered fourteen double stars, including the companion to Sirius — for which he re- ceived the Leland gold medal from the French Academy of Sciences. Dr. Traill Green, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry in Lafayette College, died at Eas- ton, Pa., April 29th, aged eighty-four years. He became a professor in Lafayette College sixty years ago ; was dean of its scientific de- partment and founder of its astronomical ob- serv^atory; was one of the original members of the American Association ; was first Presi- dent of the American Academy of Medicine ; and was author of a work on the Floral and Zoological Distribution of the United States. Mr. J. Theodore Bent, explorer, classi- cist, and archaeologist, died in London, May 5th, of malarial fever contracted in a journey in Sokotra and southern Arabia — from which he had just returned with Mrs. Bent — fol- lowed by pneumonia. He had spent the winters of several years in journeys of re- search, the fruits of which he recorded in valuable and interesting books. Among the subjects that engaged his attention were the archaeology, classic survivals, and customs of Greece; the Bahrein Islands of the Persian Gulf; the Arabian states; Abyssinia; and Mashonaland, where he was the first to make a systematic exploration of the ruins of Zim- babwe. His papers before the Koyal Geo- graphical Society, the British Association, etc., were of high merit, and his collections had unique value. The Due d'Aumale, who died from the effects of the shock occasioned by the ter- rible disaster at the Charity Bazaar in Paris, was a member of the French Academy, and was distinguished throughout the scientific world foi' his gift to the Institute of France, in trust for the nation, in 1884, of the Cha- teau of Chantilly for a museum, with the forest and estates for its maintenance. JAMES CROLL. APPLETONS' POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. AUGUST, 1897. THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. A SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY. {Lowell Institute Lectures, 1896.) By WILLIAM Z. RIPLEY, Pn. D., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF SOCIOLOGY, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ; LECTURER IN ANTHROPO-GEOGRAPIIY AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. VI.— FRANCE. PART II. WHY is Belgium entitled to a separate national existence among the states of modern Europe ? Ireland and even Wales have tenfold stronger claims to political independence on the score both of race and religion. One half of this little state is topographically like Holland ; the other is not to be distin- guished in climate, geography, or soil from Alsace Lorraine — that shuttlecock among nations, Belgium is father to no national speech. The Flemings can not hold common converse with their fellow-countrymen, the Wallons ; for the first speak a corrupted Dutch, the second an archaic French language. Nor are the people more highly individualized in the anthropological sense. In fact, in a study of races Belgium is not to be considered apart from either northern France or southwestern Germany. It is closely allied to both. Of course, even despite the lack of all these elements of nationality, there is still a reason for the sepa- rate political existence of the Belgians, There must have been, for the sense of nationality is very intense among them. There is no sign of its abatement at the present time. It has made them a dominant power in Africa and elsewhere abroad. Their nationality is a geographical as well as an historical product. We shall deal with that presently. In the meantime we must con- sider the Belgians together with the whole population of northern VOL. LI. — 33 434 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. France. It is befitting to do so ; for Csesar informs us that the Belgje in Ms time controlled the whole region. Roman Gaul, j)roperly speaking, extended only as far north as the Seine and the Marne. In C?esar's time the frontier of Belgium — the land of the Belgse — lay near Paris. Has its recession to the north pro- duced any appreciable change upon the people ? Certainly not in any physical sense, as we shall attempt to point out. The northern third of France and half of Belgium are to-day more Teutonic than the south of Germany. This is clearly attested by the maps which show the distribution of each of the physical characteristics of race. It should not occasion surprise when we remember the incessant downpour of Teutonic tribes during the whole historic period. It was a constant procession, of Goths — from all points of the compass — of Franks, Burgundians, and others. France was entirely overrun by the Franks, with the exception of Brittany, by the middle of the sixth century. All through the middle ages this part of Europe was not only ethnic- ally Teutonic : it was German in language and customs as well. The very name of the country is Teutonic. It has the same origin as Franconia in southern Germany. In