t)VllJ[U^ VJ y ^. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ■>/ EDITED BY J. MCKEEN CATTELL VOL. LX NOVEMBER, 1901, TO APRIL, 1902 NEW YORK THE SCIENCE PRESS 1901-2 Copyright, 1901, THE SCIENCK PRESS. PRESS OF "HE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPAMV, LANCASTER, PA. a. ^. a^T'lt^yyt^ i I. X THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. NOVEMBEK, 1901. ON" THE TENDENCY OF SPECIES TO FOEM VARIETIES; AND ON THE PEEPETUATION OF VARIETIES AND SPECIES BY NATURAL MEANS OF SELECTION.* By CHARLES DARWIN, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S., and F.G S , and ALFRED WALLACE, Esq Communicated by SIR CHARLES LYELL, F.R.S., F.L.S., and J. D. HOOKER, Esq., M.D., V.P.R.S., F.R.S., etc. (Read July 1,1858.) London, June 30th, 1858. My Dear Sir: — The accoinpan5dng papers, which we have the honour of communicating to the Linnean Society, and which all relate to the same subject, viz., the Laws which affect the Production of Varieties, Races, and Species, contain the results of the investigations of two indefatigable naturalists, Mr. Charles Darwin and Mr. Alfred Wallace. *From Vol. III. (1858) of the 'Journal' of the Linneau Society. The original announcement of the principle of the origin of species by natural selec- tion made by Darwin and Wallace before the Linnean Society will be of great interest to readers of this journal. It is perhaps the most important event in the history of science, and the circumstances give to it a dramatic charac- ter. Sir Charles Lyell and Sir Joseph Hooker explain in their letter of trans- mission how it came to pass that the manuscripts were presented. In this con- nection, however, the following extract of a letter from Darwin to Lyell (June 25, 1S58) may be reproduced: There is nothing in Wallace's sketch which is not written out much fuller in my sketch, copied out in 1844, and read by Hooker some dozen years ago. About a year ago I sent a short sketch, of which I have a copy, of my views (owing to correspondence on several points) to Asa Gray, so that I could most truly say and prove that I take nothing from Wallace. I should be extremely glad now to publish a sketch of my general views in about a dozen pages or so; but I cannot persuade myself that I can do so honourably. Wallace says noth- ing aV)out publication, and I enclose his letter. But as I had not intended to publish any sketch, can I do so honourably, because Wallace has sent me an outline of his doctrine? I would far rather burn my whole book, than that he 31602 6 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. These gentlemen having, independently and unknown to one an- other, conceived the same very ingenious theory to account for the ap- pearance and perpetuation of varieties and of specific forms on our planet, may both fairly claim the merit of being original thinkers in this important line of inquiry; but neither of them having published his views, though Mr. Darwin has for many years past been repeatedly urged by us to do so, and both authors having now unreservedly placed their papers in our hands, we think it would best promote the interests of science that a selection from them should be laid before the Linnean Society. Taken in the. order of their dates, they consist of: 1. Extracts from a MS. work on Species,* by Mr. Darwin, which was sketched in 1839, and copied in 1844, when the copy was read by Dr. Hooker, and its contents afterwards communicated to Sir Charles Lyell. The first Part is devoted to 'The Variation of Organic Beings under Domestication and in their Xatural State'; and the second chapter of that Part, from which we propose to read to the Society the extracts referred to, is headed, *0n the Variation of Organic Beings in a state of Nature ; on the Natural Means of Selection ; on the Com- parison of Domestic Races and true Species.' 3. An abstract of a private letter addressed to Professor Asa Gray, of Boston, U. S., in October, 1857, by Mr. Darwin, in which he repeats his views, and which shows that these remained unaltered from 1839 to 1857. 3. An Essay by Mr. Wallace, entitled 'On the Tendency of Varieties to depart indefinitely from the Original Type.' This was written at Ternate in Eebruary, 1858, for the perusal of his friend and corre- spondent Mr. Darwin, and sent to him with the expressed wish that it should be forwarded to Sir Charles Lyell, if Mr. Darwin thought it sufficiently novel and interesting. So highly did Mr. Darwin appre- ciate the value of the views therein set forth, that he proposed, in a letter to Sir Charles Lyell, to obtain Mr. Wallace's consent to allow the Essay to be published as soon as possible. Of this step we highly approved, provided Mr. Darwin did not witlihold from the public, as or any other man should think that I had behaved in a paltry spirit. Do you not think his having sent me this sketch ties my hands? * * * If I could honourably publish, I would state that I was now induced to publish a sketch (and I should be very glad to be permitted to say, to follow your advice long ago given) from Wallace having sent me an outline of my general conclusions. We differ only, [in] that I was led to my views from what artificial selection has done for domestic animals. I would send Wallace a copy of my letter to Asa Gray, to show him that I had not stolen his doctrine. But I cannot tell whether to publish now would not be base and paltry. This was my first impression, and I should have certainly have acted on it had it not been for your letter. * This MS. work was never intended for publication, and therefore was not written with care. — C. D., 1858. TENDENCY OF SPECIES TO FORM VARIETIES. 7 he was strongly inclined to do (in favor of Mr. Wallace), the memoir wliich he had himself written on the same subject, and which, as before stated, one of ns had perused in 1844, and the contents of which we had both of us been privy to for many years. On representing this to Mr. Darwin, he gave us permission to make what use we thought proper of his memoir, &c. ; and in adopting our present course, of presenting it to the Linnean Society, we have explained to him that we are not solely considering the relative claims to priority of himself and his friend, but the interests of science generally; for we feel it to be desirable that views founded on a wide deduction from facts, and ma- tured by years of reflection, should constitute at once a goal from which others may start, and that, while the scientific world is waiting for the appearance of Mr. Darwin's complete work, some of the leading results of his labours, as well as those of his able correspondent, should together be laid before the public. We have honour to be yours very obediently, Charles Lyell. Jos. D. Hooker. J. J. Bennett, Esq., Secretary of the Linnean Society. 1. Extract from an unpublished Wor-k on Species, by C. Darwin, Esq., consisting of a portion of a Chapter entitled, 'On the Variation of Organic Beings in a state of Nature; on the Natural Means of Selec- tion; on the Comparison of Domestic Races and true Species.' De Candolle, in an eloquent passage, has declared that all nature is at war, one organism with another, or with external nature. Seeing the contented face of nature, this may at first well be doubted ; but re- flection will inevitably prove it to be true. The war, however, is not constant, but recurrent in a slight degree at short periods, and more severely at occasional more distant periods; and hence its effects are easily overlooked. It is the doctrine of Malthus applied in most cases with tenfold force. As in every climate there are seasons, for each of its inhabitants, of greater and less abundance, so all annually breed; and the moral restraint which in some small degree checks the increase of mankind is entirely lost. Even slow-breeding mankind has doubled in twenty-five years; and if he could increase his food with greater ease, he would double in less time. But for animals without artificial means, the amount of food for each species must, on an average, be constant, whereas the increase of all organisms tends to be geometrical, and in a vast majority of cases at an enormous ratio. Suppose in a certain spot there are eight pairs of birds, and that only four pairs of ihem annually (including double hatches) rear only four young, and that these go on rearing their young at the same rate, then at the end 8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of seven years (a short life, excluding violent deaths, for any bird) there will be 2048 birds, instead of the original sixteen. As this in- crease is quite impossible, we must conclude either that birds do not rear nearly half their young, or that the average life of a bird is, from accident, not nearly seven years. Both checks probably concur. The same kind of calculation applied to all plants and animals affords re- sults more or less striking, but in ver}^ few instances more striking than in man. Many practical illustrations of this rapid tendency to increase are on record, among which, during peculiar seasons, are the extraordinary numbers of certain animals; for instance, during the years 1826 to 1828, in La Plata, when from drought some millions of cattle perished, the whole country actually swarmed with mice. Now I think it cannot be doubted that during the breeding-season all the mice (with the ex- ception of a few males or females in excess) ordinarily pair, and there- fore that this astounding increase during three years must be attributed to a greater number than usual surviving the first year, and then breed- ing, and so on till the third year, when their numbers were brought down to their usual limits on the return of wet weather. Where man has introduced plants and animals into a new and favourable country, there are many accounts in how surprisingly few years the whole country has become stocked with them. This increase would necessarily stop as soon as the country was fully stocked ; and yet we have every reason to believe, from what is known of wild animals, that all would pair in the spring. In the majority of cases it is most difficult to imagine where the checks fall — though generally, no doubt, on the seeds, eggs, and young; but when we remember how impossible, even in mankind (so much better known than any other animal), it is to infer from repeated casual observations what the average duration of life is, or to discover the different percentage of deaths to births in different countries, we ought to feel no surprise at our being unable to discover where the check falls in any animal or plant. It should always be re- membered, that in most cases the checks are recurrent yearly in a small, regular degree, and in an extreme degree during unusually cold, hot, dry, or wet years, according to the constitution of the being in question. Lighten any check in the least degree, and the geometrical powers of increase in every organism will almost instantly increase the average number of the favoured species. Nature may be compared to a surface on which rest ten thousand sharp wedges touching each other and driven inwards by incessant blows. Fully to realize these views much reflection is requisite. Malthus on man should be studied; and all such cases as those of the mice in La Plata, of the cattle and horses when first turned out in South America, of the birds by our calculation, etc., should be well considered. Reflect on the enormous multiplying TENDENCY OF SPECIES TO FORM VARIETIES. 9 power inherent and annually in action in all animals; reflect on the countless seeds scattered by a hundred ingenious contrivances, year after year, over the whole face of the land; and yet we have every reason to suppose that the average percentage of each of the inhabitants of a coun- try usually remains constant. Finally, let it be borne in mind that this average number of individuals (the external conditions remaining the same) in each country is kept up by recurrent struggles against other species or against external nature (as on the borders of the Arctic regions, where the cold checks life), and that ordinarily each individual of every species holds its place, either by its own struggle and capacity of acquiring nourislnnent in some period of its life, from the Qgg up- wards; or by the struggle of its parents (in short-lived organisms, when the main check occurs at longer intervals) with other individuals of the same or different species. But let the external conditions of a country alter. If in a small degree, the relative proportions of the inhabitants will in most cases simply be slightly changed; but let the number of inhabitants be small, as on an island, and free access to it from other countries be circumscribed, and let the change of conditions continue progressing (forming new stations), in such a case the original inhabitants must cease to be as perfectly adapted to the changed conditions as they were originally. It has been shown in a former part of this work, that such changes of external conditions would, from their acting on the reproductive system, probably cause the organization of those beings which were most affected to become, as under domestication, plastic. Now, can it be doubted, from the struggle each individual has to obtain subsistence, that any minute variation in structure, habits, or instincts, adapting that individual better to the new conditions, would tell upon its vigour and health? In the struggle it would have a better chance of surviving; and those of its offspring which inherited the variation, be it ever so slight, would also have a better chance. Yearly more are bred than can survive; the smallest grain in the balance, in the long run, must tell on which death shall fall, and which shall survive. Let this work of selection on the one hand, and death on the other, go on for a thousand generations, who will pretend to affirm that it would produce no effect, when we remember what, in a few years, Bakewell effected in cattle, and Western in sheep, by this identical principle of selection? To give an imaginary example from changes in progress on an island: — let the organization of a canine animal which preyed chiefly on rabbits, but sometimes on hares, become slightly plastic; let these same changes cause the number of rabbits very slowly to decrease, and the number of hares to increase ; the effect of this would be that the fox or dog would be driven to try to catch more hares ; his organization, however, being slightly plastic, those individuals with the lightest forms. lo POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. longest limbs, and best eyesight, let the difference be ever so small, would be slightly favoured, and would tend to live longer, and to survive during that time of the year when food was scarcest; they would also rear more young, which would tend to inherit these slight peculiarities. The less fleet ones would be rigidly destroyed. I can see no more reason to doubt that these causes in a thousand generations would pro- duce a marked effect, and adapt the form of the fox or dog to the catch- ing of hares instead of rabbits, than that greyhounds can be improved by selection and careful breeding. So would it be with plants under similar circumstances. If the number of individuals of a species with plumed seeds could be increased by greater powers of dissemina- tion within its own area (that is, if the check to increase fell chiefly on the seeds), those seeds which were provided with ever so little more down, would in the long run be most disseminated; hence a greater number of seeds thus formed would germinate, and would tend to produce plants inheriting the slightly better-adapted down.* Besides this natural means of selection, by which those individuals are preserved, whether in their egg, or larval, or mature state, which are best adapted to the place they fill in nature, there is a second agency at work in most unisexual animals, tending to produce the same effect, namely, the struggle of the males for the females. These struggles are generally decided by the law of battle, but in the case of birds, apparently, by the charms of their song, by their beauty or their power of courtship, as in the dancing rock-thrush of Guiana. The most vigourous and healthy m.ales, implying perfect adaptation, must gen- erally gain the victory in their contests. This kind of selection, how- ever, is less rigorous than the other; it does not require the death of the less successful, but gives to them fewer descendants. The struggle falls, moreover, at a time of the year when food is generally abundant, and perhaps the effect chiefly produced would be the modification of the secondary sexual characters, which are not related to the power of obtaining food, or to defence from enemies, but to fighting with or rivalling other males. The result of this struggle amongst the males may be compared in some respects to that produced by those agricul- turists who pay less attention to the careful selection of all their young animals, and more to the occasional use of a choice mate. 3. Abstract of a Letter from C. Daewin, Esq., to Professor Asa Gkay^ Boston, U. 8., dated Down, September 5th, 1857. 1. It is wonderful what the principle of selection by man, that is the picking out of individuals with any desired quality, and breeding from them, and again picking out, can do. Even breeders have been astounded at their own results. They can act on differences inappre- * I can see no more difficulty in this, than in the planter improving his A-arieties of the cotton plant. — C. D., 1858. TENDENCY OF SPECIES TO FORM VARIETIES. 1 1 ciable to an uneducated eye. Selection has been methodically followed in Europe for only the last half century; but it was occasionally, and even in some degree methodically, followed in the most ancient times. There must have been also a kind of unconscious selection from a remote period, namely in the preservation of the individual animals (without any thought of their offspring) most useful to each race of man in his particular circumstances. The 'roguing,' as nurserymen call the destroying of varieties which depart from their type, is a kind of selection. I am convinced that intentional and occasional selection has been the main agent in the production of our domestic races; but however this may be, its great power of modification has been in- disputably shown in later times. Selection acts only by the accumu- lation of slight or greater variations, caused by external conditions, or by the mere fact that in generation the child is not absolutely similar to its parent. Man, by this power of accumulating variations, adapts living beings to his wants — may be said to make the wool of one sheep good for carpets, of another for cloth, etc. 2. Now suppose there were a being who did not judge by mere ex- ternal appearances, but who could study the whole internal organization, who was never capricious, and should go on selecting for one object during millions of generations ; who will say what he might not effect ? In nature we have some slight variations occasionally in all parts; and I think it can be shown that changed conditions of existence is the main cause of the child not exactly resembling its parents; and in nature geology shows us what changes have taken place and are taking place. We have almost unlimited time; no one but a practical geologist can fully appreciate this. Think of the Glacial period, during the whole of which the same species at least of shells have existed; there must have been during this period millions on millions of generations. 3. I think it can be shown that there is such an unerring power at work in Natural Selection (the title of my book), which selects exclu- sively for the good of each organic being. The elder De Candolle, W. Herbert, and Lyell have written excellently on the struggle for life; but even they have not written strongly enough. Eefiect that every be- ing (even the elephant) breeds at such a rate, that in a few years, or at most a few centuries, the surface of the earth would not hold the progeny of one pair. I have found it hard constantly to bear in mind that the increase of every single species is checked during some part of its life, or during some shortly recurrent generation. Only a few of those annually born can live to propagate their kind. What a trifling difference must often determine which shall survive, and which perish ! 4. Now take the case of a country undergoing some change. This will tend to cause some of its inhabitants to vary slightly — not but that I believe most beings vary at all times enough for selection to act on 12 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. them. Some of its inhabitants will be exterminated; and the re- mainder will be exposed to the mutual action of a different set of in- habitants, which I believe to be far more important to the life of each being than mere climate. Considering the infinitely various methods which living beings follow to obtain food by struggling with other or- ganisms, to escape danger at various times of life, to have their eggs or seeds disseminated, etc., etc., I cannot doubt that during millions of generations individuals of a species will be occasionally born with some slight variation, profitable to some part of their economy. Such individuals will have a better chance of surviving, and of propagating their new and slightly different structure; and the modification may be slowly increased by the accumulative action of natural selection to any profitable extent. The variety thus formed will either coexist with, or, more commonly, will exterminate its parent form. An or- ganic being, like the woodpecker or misseltoe, may thus come to be adapted to a score of contingencies — natural selection accumulating those slight variations in all parts of its structure, which are in any way useful to it during any part of its life. 5. Multiform difficulties will occur to every one, with respect to this theory. Many can, I think, be satisfactorily answered. Natura non facit saltum answers some of the most obvious. The slowness of the change, and only a few individuals undergoing change at one time, answers others. The extreme imperfection of our geological records answers others. 6. Another principle, which may be called the principle of diver- gence, plays, I believe, an important part in the origin of species. The same spot will support more life if occupied by very diverse forms. We see this in the many generic forms in a square yard of turf, and in the plants or insects on any little uniform islet, belonging almost invari- ably to as many genera and families as species. We can understand the meaning of this fact amongst the higher animals, whose habits we understand. We know that it has been experimentally shown that a plot of land will yield a greater weight if sown with several species and genera of grasses, than if sown with only two or three species. Now, every organic being, by propagating so rapidly, may be said to be striving its utmost to increase in numbers. So it will be with the offspring of any species after it has become diversified into varieties, or sub-species, or true species. And it follows, I think, from the fore- going facts, that the varying offspring of each species will try (only few will succeed) to seize on as many and as diverse places in the economy of nature as possible. Each new variety or species, when formed, will generally take the place of, and thus exterminate its less well-fitted parent. This I believe to be the origin of the classification and affinities of organic beings at all times; for organic beings always TENDENCY OF SPECIES TO FOEM VARIETIES. 13 seem to branch and sub-branch like the limbs of a tree from a common trunk, the flourishing and diverging twigs destroying the less vigorous — the dead and lost branches rudely representing extinct genera and families. This sketch is most imperfect; but in so short a space I cannot make it better. Your imagination must fill up very wide blanks. C. Dakwin". 3, On the Tendency of Varieties to depart indefinitely from the Original Type. By Alfred Eussel Wallace. One of the strongest arguments which have been adduced to prove the original and permanent distinctness of species is, that varieties pro- duced in a state of domesticity are more or less unstable, and often have a tendency, if left to themselves, to return to the normal form of the parent species; and this instability is considered to be a distinctive peculiarity of all varieties, even of those occurring among wild animals in a state of nature, and to constitute a provision for preserving un- changed the originally created distinct species. In the absence or scarcity of facts and observations as to varieties occurring among wild animals, this argument has had great weight with naturalists, and has led to a very general and somewhat prejudiced belief in the stability of species. Equally general, however, is the be- lief in what are called 'permanent or true varieties,' — races of animals which continually propagate their like, but which differ so slightly (although constantly) from some other race, that the one is considered to be a variety of the other. Which is the variety and which the original species, there is generally no means of determining, except in those rare cases in which the one race has been known to produce an offspring unlike itself and resembling the other. This, however, would seem quite incompatible with the 'permanent invariability of species,' but the difficulty is overcome by assuming that such varieties have strict limits, and can never again vary further from the original type, although they may return to it, which, from the analogy of the domesticated animals, is considered to be highly probable, if not cer- tainly proved. It will be observed that this argument rests entirely on the assump- tion, that varieties occurring in a state of nature are in all respects analogous to or even identical with those of domestic animals, and are governed by the same laws as regards their permanence or further variation. But it is the object of the present paper to show that this assumption is altogether false, that there is a general principle in nature which will cause many varieties to survive the parent species, and to give rise to successive variations departing further and further from the original type, and which also produces, in domesticated ani- mals, the tendency of varieties to return to the parent form. 14 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The life of wild animals is a struggle for existence. The full ex- ertion of all their faculties and all their energies is required to preserve their own existence and provide for that of their infant offspring. The possibility of procuring food during the least favourable seasons, and of escaping the attacks of their most dangerous enemies, are the primary conditions which determine the existence both of individuals and of entire species. These conditions will also determine the population of a species; and by a careful consideration of all the circumstances we may be enabled to comprehend, and in some degree to explain, what at first sight appears so inexplicable — the excessive abundance of some species, while others closely allied to them are very rare. The general proportion that must obtain between certain groups of anitnals is readily seen. Large animals cannot be so abundant as small ones; the carnivora must be less numerous than the herbivora; eagles and lions can never be so plentiful as pigeons and antelopes; the wild asses of the Tartarian deserts cannot equal in numbers the horses of the more luxuriant prairies and pampas of America. The greater or less fecundity of an animal is often considered to be one of the chief causes of its abundance or scarcity ; but a consideration of the facts will show us that it really has little or nothing to do with the matter. Even the least prolific of animals would increase rapidly if unchecked, whereas it is evident that the animal population of the globe must be stationary, or perhaps, through the influence of man, decreasing. Fluctuations there may be; but permanent increase, ex- cept in restricted localities, is almost impossible. For example, our own observation must convince us that birds do not go on increasing every year in a geometrical ratio, as they would do, were there not some power- ful check to their natural increase. Very few birds produce less than two young ones each year, while many have six, eight, or ten; four will certainly be below the average; and if we suppose that each pair produce young only four times in their life, that will also be below the average, supposing them not to die either by violence or want of food. Yet at this ratio how tremendous would be the increase in a few years from a single pair ! A simple calculation will show that in fifteen years each pair of birds would have increased to nearly ten millions! whereas we have no reason to believe that the number of the birds of any country increases at all in fifteen or in one hundred and fifty years. With such powers of increase the population must have reached its limits, and have become stationary, in a very few years after the origin of each species. It is evident, therefore, that each year an im- mense number of birds must perish — as many in fact as are born; and as on the lowest calculation the progeny are each year twice as numerous as their parents, it follows that, whatever be the average number of individuals existing in any given country, twice that number TENDENCY OF SPECIES TO FORM VARIETIES. 15 must perish annnaUy, — a striking result, but one which seems at least highly probable, and is perhaps under rather than over the truth. It would therefore appear that, as far as the continuance of the species and the keeping up the average number of individuals are concerned, large broods are superfluous. On the average all above one become food for hawks and kites, wild cats and weasels, or perish of cold and hunger as winter comes on. This is strikingly proved by the case of particular species; for we find that their abundance in individuals bears no relation whatever to their fertility in producing offspring. Perhaps the most remarkable instance of an immense bird population is that of the passenger pigeon of the United States, which lays only one, or at most two eggs, and is said to rear generally but one young one. Why is this bird so extraordinarily abundant, while others producing two or three times as many young are much less plentiful? The ex- planation is not difficult. The food most congenial to this species, and on which it thrives best, is abundantly distributed over a very extensive region, offering such differences of soil and climate, that in one part or another of the area the supply never fails. The bird is capable of a very rapid and long-continued flight, so that it can pass without fatigue over the whole of the district it inhabits, and as soon as the supply of food begins to fail in one place, is able to discover a fresh feeding-ground. This example strikingly shows us that the procuring a constant supply of wholesome food is almost the sole con- dition requisite for ensuring the rapid increase of a given species, since neither the limited fecundity, nor the unrestrained attacks of birds of prey and of man are here sufficient to check it. In no other birds are these peculiar circumstances so strikingly combined. Either their food is more liable to failure, or they have not sufficient power of wing to search for it over an extensive area, or during some season of the year it becomes very scarce, and less wholesome substitutes have to be found ; and thus, though more fertile in offspring, they can never increase beyond the supply of food in the least favourable seasons. Many birds can only exist by migrating, when their food becomes scarce, to regions possessing a milder, or at least a different climate, though, as these migrating birds are seldom excessively abundant, it is evident that the countries they visit are still deficient in a constant and abun- dant supply of wholesome food. Those whose organization does not permit them to migrate when their food becomes periodically scarce, can never attain a large population. This is probably the reason why woodpeckers are scarce with us, while in the tropics they are among the most abundant of solitary birds. Thus the house sparrow is more abundant than the red-breast, because its food is more constant and plentiful, — seeds of grasses being preserved during the winter, and our farm-yards and stubble-fields furnishing an almost inexhaustible sup- 1 6 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ply. Wh}^, as a general rule, are aquatic, and especially sea birds, very numerous in individuals? Not because they are more prolific than others, generally the contrary; but because their food never fails, the sea-shores and river-banks daily swarming with a fresh supply of small mollusca and Crustacea. Exactly the same laws will apply to mammals. Wild cats are prolific and have few enemies; why then are they never as abundant as rabbits ? The only intelligible answer is, that their supply of food is more precarious. It appears evident, therefore, that so long as a country remains physically unchanged, the numbers of its animal population cannot materially increase. If one species does so, some others requiring the same kind of food must diminish in proportion. The numbers that die annually must be immense; and as the individual existence of each animal depends upon itself, those that die must be the weakest — the very young, the aged, and the diseased, — while those that prolong their existence can only be the most perfect in health and vigor — those who are best able to obtain food regularly, and avoid their numerous enemies. It is, as we commenced by remarking, '& struggle for existence,' in which the weakest and least perfectly organized must always succumb. Now it is clear that what takes place among the individuals of a species must also occur among the several allied species of a group, — viz., that those which are best adapted to obtain a regular supply of food, and to defend themselves against the attacks of their enemies and the vicissitudes of the seasons, must necessarily obtain and preserve a superiority in population; while those species which from some defect of power or organization are the least capable of counteracting the vicissitudes of food supply, etc., must diminish in numbers, and, in extreme cases, become altogether extinct. Between these extremes the species will present various degrees of capacity for ensuring the means of preserving life; and it is thus we account for the abundance or rarity of species. Our ignorance will generally prevent us from ac- curately tracing the efl'ects to their causes ; but could we become perfectly acquainted with the organization and habits of the various species of animals, and could we measure the capacity of each for performing the different acts necessary to its safety and existence under all the varying circumstances by which it is surrounded, we might be able even to calculate the proportionate abundance of individuals which is the necessary result. If now we have succeeded in establishing these two points — 1st, that the animal population of a country is generally stationary, being I'ept down by a periodical deficiency of food, and other checks; and, 2d, that the comparative abundance or scarcity of the individuals of the several species is entirely due to their orgo/nization and resulting hahits, ivhich, rendering it more difficult to procure a regular supply of TENDENCY OF SPECIES TO FORM VARIETIES. 17 food and to provide for their personal safety in some cases than in others, can only be balanced by a difference in the population which have to exist in a given area — we shall be in a condition to proceed to the consideration of varieties, to which the preceding remarks have a direct and very important application. Most or perhaps all the variations from the typical form of a species must have some definite effect, however slight, on the habits or capac- ities of the individuals. Even a change of colour might, by rendering them more or less distinguishable, affect their safety; a greater or less development of hair might modify their habits. More important changes, such as an increase in power or dimensions of the limbs or any of the external organs, would more or less affect their mode of procuring food, or the range of country which they inhabit. It is also evident that most changes would affect, either favourably or ad- versely, the powers of prolonging existence. An antelope with shorter or weaker legs must necessarily suffer more from the attacks of the feline carnivora; the passenger pigeon with less powerful wings would sooner or later be affected in its powers of procuring a regular supply of food; and in both cases the result must necessarily be a diminution of the population of the modified species. If, on the other hand, any species should produce a variety having slightly increased powers of preserving existence, that variety must inevitably in time acquire a superiority in numbers. These results must follow as surely as old age, intemperance, or scarcity of food produce an increased mortality. In both cases there may be many individual exceptions ; but on the average the rule will invariably be found to hold good. All varieties will there- fore fall into two classes — those which under the same conditions would never reach the population of the parent species, and those which would in time obtain and keep a num.erical superiority. Now, let some alter- ation of physical conditions occur in the district — a long period of drought, a destruction of vegetation by locusts, the irruption of some new carnivorous animal seeking 'pastures new* — any change in fact tending to render existence more difficult to the species in question, and tasking its utmost powers to avoid complete extermination; it is evident that, of all the individuals composing the species, those form- ing the least numerous and most feebly organized variety would suffer first, and, were the pressure severe, must soon become extinct. The same causes continuing in action, the parent species would next suffer, would gradually diminish in numbers, and with a recurrence of similar unfavourable conditions might also become extinct. The superior variety would then alone remain, and on a return to favourable circum- stances would rapidly increase in numbers and occupy the place of the extinct species and variety. VOL. LX. — 2. i8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The variety would now have replaced the species, of which it would be a more perfectly developed and more highly organized form. It would be in all respects better adapted to secure its safety, and to pro- long its individual existence and that of the race. Such a variety could not return to the original form; for that form is an inferior one, and could never compete with it for existence. Granted, there- fore, a 'tendency' to reproduce the original type of the species, still the variety must ever remain preponderant in numbers, and under adverse physical conditions again alone survive. But this new, improved, and populous race might itself, in course of time, give rise to new varieties, exhibiting several diverging modifications of form, any of which, tend- ing to increase the facilities for preserving existence, must, by the same general law, in their turn l)ecome predominant. Here, then, we have progression and continued divergence deduced from the general laws which regulate the existence of animals in a state of nature, and from the undisputed fact that varieties do frequently occur. It is not, how- ever, contended that this result would be invariable ; a change of phys- ical conditions in the district might at times materially modify it, ren- dering the race which had been the most capable of supporting existence under the former conditions now the least so, and even causing the ex- tinction of the newer, and, for a time, superior race, while the old or parent species and its first inferior varieties continued to flourish. Variations in unimportant parts might also occur, having no per- ceptible effect on the life-preserving powers; and the varieties so fur- nished might run a course parallel with the parent species, either giving rise to further variations or returning to the former type. All we argue for is, that certain varieties have a tendency to maintain their existence longer than the original species, and this tendency must make itself felt; for though the doctrine of chances or averages can never be trusted to on a limited scale, yet, if applied to high numbers, the results come nearer to what theory demands, and, as we approach to an in- finity of examples, become strictly accurate. Now the scale on which nature works is so vast — the numbers of individuals and periods of time with which she deals approach so near to infinity, that any cause, how- ever slight, and however liable to be veiled and counteracted by acci- dental circumstances, must in the end produce its full legitimate results. Let us now turn to domesticated animals, and inquire how varieties produced among them are affected by the principles here enunciated. The essential difference in the condition of wild and domestic animals is this, — that among the former, their well-being and very existence depends upon the full exercise and healthy condition of all their senses and physical powers, whereas, among the latter, these are only partially exercised, and in some cases are absolutely unused. A wild animal has to search, and often to labour, for every mouthful of food — to ex- TENDENCY OF SPECIES TO FORM VARIETIES. 19 ercise sight, hearing, and smell in seeking it, and in avoiding dangers, in procuring shelter from the inclemency of the seasons, and in provid- ing for the subsistence and safety of its offspring. There is no muscle of its body that is not called into daily and hourly activity; there is no sense or faculty that is not strengthened by continual exercise. The domestic animal, on the other hand, has food provided for it, is sheltered and often confined, to guard it against the vicissitudes of the seasons, is carefully secured from the attacks of its natural enemies, and seldom even rears its young without human assistance. Half of its senses and faculties are quite useless; and the other half are but occasionally called into feeble exercise, wliile even its muscular system is only irreg- ularly called into action. Now when a variety of such an animal occurs, having increased power or capacity in any organ or sense, such increase is totally useless, is never called into action, and may even exist without the animal ever becoming aware of it. In the wild animal, on the contrary, all its faculties and powers being brought into full action for the necessities of existence, any increase becomes immediately available, is strength- ened by exercise, and must even slightly modify the food, the habits, and the whole economy of the race. It creates as it were a new animal, one of superior powers, and which will necessarily increase in numbers and outlive those inferior to it. Again, in the domesticated animal all variations have an equal chance of continuance; and those which would decidedly render a wild animal unable to compete with its fellows and continue its existence are no disadvantage whatever in a state of domesticity. Our quickly fattening pigs, short-legged sheep, pouter pigeons, and poodle dogs could never have come into existence in a state of nature, because the very first step towards such inferior forms would have led to the rapid extinction of the race ; still less could they now exist in competition with their wild allies. The great speed but slight endurance of the race horse, the unwieldy strength of the ploughman's team, would both be useless in a state of nature. If turned wild on the pampus, such animals would probably soon become extinct, or under favourable circumstances might each lose those extreme qualities which would never be called into action, and in a few generations would revert to a common type, which must be that in which the various powers and faculties are so proportioned to each other as to be best adapted to procure food and secure safety, — that in which by the full exercise of every part of his organization the animal can alone continue to live. Domestic varieties, when turned wild, must return to something near the type of the orig- inal wild stock, or become altogether extinct. We see, then, that no inferences as to varieties in a state of nature can be deduced from the observation of those occurring among domestic 20 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. animals. The two are so much opposed to each other in every circum- stance of their existence, that what applies to the one is almost sure not to apply to the other. Domestic animals are abnormal, irregular, artificial; they are subject to varieties which never occur and never can occur in a state of nature : their very existence depends altogether on human care; so far are many of them removed from that just pro- portion of faculties, that true balance of organization, by means of which alone an animal left to its own resources can preserve its exist- ence and continue its race. The hypothesis of Lamarck — that progressive changes in species have been produced by the attempts of animals to increase the develop- ment of their own organs, and thus modify their structure and habits — has been repeatedly and easily refuted by all writers on the subject of varieties and species, and it seems to have been considered that when this was done the whole question has been finally settled; but the view here developed renders such an hypothesis quite unnecessary, by show- ing that similar results must be produced by the action of principles constantly at work in nature. The powerful retractile talons of the falcon- and the cat-tribes have not been produced or increased by the volition of those animals; but among the different varieties which occurred in the earlier and less highly organized form of these groups, those always survived longest which had the greatest facilities for seiz- ing their prey. Neither did the giraffe acquire its long neck by desir- ing to reach the foliage of the more lofty shrubs, and constantly stretching its neck for the purpose, but because any varieties which occurred among its anti-types with a longer neck than usual at once secured a fresh range of pasture over the same ground as their shorter- necTced companions, and on the first scarcity of food were thereby en- abled to outlive them. Even the peculiar colours of many animals, especially insects, so closely resembling the soil or the leaves or the trunks on which they habitually reside, are explained on the same principle ; for though in the course of ages varieties of many tints may have occurred, yet those races having colours best adapted to conceal- ment from their enemies would inevitably survive the longest. We have also here an acting cause to account for that balance so often observed in nature, — a deficiency in one set of organs always being compensated by an increased development of some others — powerful wings accompanying weak feet, or great velocity making up for the absence of defensive weapons; for it has been shown that all varieties in which an unbalanced deficiency occurred could not long continue their existence. The action of this principle is exactly like that of the centrifugal governor of the steam engine, which checks and corrects any irregularities almost before they become evident; and in like manner no unbalanced deficiency in the animal kingdom can ever reach T?:yr)Excy of species to form varieties. 21 any conspicuous magnitude, because it would make itself felt at the very- first step, bv rendering existence difficult and extinction almost sure soon to follow. An origin such as is here advocated will also agree with the peculiar character of the modifications of form and structure which obtain in organized beings — the many lines of divergence from a central type, the increasing efficiency and power of a particular organ through a succession of allied species, and the remarkable persistence of unim- portant parts such as colour, texture of plumage and hair, form of horns or crests, through a series of species differing considerably in more es- sential characters. It also furnishes us with a reason for that 'more specialized structure' which Professor Owen states to be a characteristic of recent compared with extinct forms, and which would evidently be the result of the progressive modification of any organ applied to a special purpose in the animal economy. We believe we have now shown that there is a tendency in nature to the continued progression of certain classes of varieties further and further from the original type — a progression to which there appears no reason to assign any definite limits — and that the same principle which produces this result in a state of nature will also explain why domestic varieties have a tendency to revert to the original type. This progression, by minute steps, in various directions, but always checked and balanced by the necessary conditions, subject to which alone ex- istence can be preserved, may, it is believed, be followed out so as to agree with all the phenomena presented by organized beings, their ex- tinction and succession in past ages, and all the extraordinary modifi- cations of form, instinct, and habits which they exhibit. Ternate, February, 1858. VOL. LX.- 2 2 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY THE STORY OF THE CAHOW. THE MYSTERIOUS EXTINCT BIRD OF THE BERMUDAS. By professor a. E. VERRILL, YALE UNIVERSITY. WHEN the Bermudas were first visited by Europeans, about three hundred years ago, they had never been occupied by man. In this respect they differed from most islands of a similar size and blessed with a genial climate. The study of the character of their original fauna and flora and of the changes subsequently wrought by man is, therefore, of peculiar interest. Fortunately there were several educated and intelligent men in the two parties who were wrecked upon the islands (1593 and 1609) to whom we owe the first intelligent descriptions of the islands and their products. These writers and others who settled there in 1612 to 1616, all agree in respect to the wonderful abundance of certain sea- birds, whose eggs and fiesh contributed very largely to their food supply. Indeed, it is probable that without this source of food those shipwrecked parties would have died of starvation. Even later, in 1615, during a famine that occurred among the settlers, the birds furnished for a time a large part of their food. One of these abundant and useful birds they called the 'egg-bird,' because its spotted eggs were laid in vast numbers, openly, in May, on some of the smaller sandy islands 'reserved for their use.' This was undoubtedly a tern, probably the common tern, or the roseate tern, both of which were still breeding in small numbers on Gurnet Rock in 1850. Perhaps both these species of terns were included under the general name of 'egg-birds,' for two or more species often breed together and liave similar eggs. The noddy tern may also have been one of them, for it is mentioned under this name by one of the early writers. But the terns were so continually and persistently robbed and killed that they were soon driven from their breeding grounds or exterminated. They are now known only as migrants. As breeding birds they have long been extinct at the Bermudas, the last records of their breeding being about fifty years ago. Among the formerly abundant birds there is one, however, of far greater interest; originally called the 'cahow' or 'cohowe,' with various other spellings, from its singular note. Tliis bird is unknown to science and is, so far as known, totally extinct. TEE STORY OF THE CAEOW. 23 At the time of the early settlements (1612 to 1615) it bred in great numbers on some of the smaller islands and was easily captured at night. It laid a single, large, white egg, described as like a hen's egg in size, color and flavor. The nest was, according to all early writers, except one, a burrow in the sand like a coney's, and not in crevices of ihe rocks, like that of the shearwaters, with which many writers have tried to identify it. Governor N"athaniel Butler, in his 'Historye of the Bermudaes,' writing about 1619, states that its eggs and young were found in crevices of the ledges, but he probably did not have the advantage of personal experience. The time of laying its eggs is another very remarkable thing, in which it differed from all other birds of northern latitudes. The early contemporary writers all agree that it laid its eggs 'in December and January' or 'in the coldest and darkest months of the year.' The shearwaters, even in the West Indies, lay their eggs in spring (March Castle Island, looking south; a, ancient ruined fort or citaiul; b, barracks anh BATTERY ; C, ANCIENT WALL, BROKEN DOWN AT C' BY THE HURRICANE OF Sept. 12, 1899 ; d, main island of Bermuda. and April) and their eggs are so musky that they are not edible; cer- tainly no one would compare them to a hen's egg. Their flesh has, also, so strong a flavor of bad fish-oil and musk that no one would eat it, unless on the verge of starvation. The bird itself was variously described as of the size of a pigeon, green plover or sea mew; its bill was hooked and strong, and it could bite viciously; its back was 'russet brown' and there were russet and white quillfeathers in its wings; its belly was white. It was strictly nocturnal in its habits, and could be called within reach of the hand by making loud vocal notes. Its flesh was described as of excellent flavor, and for that reason it was captured at night in large numbers, while its eggs were constantly gathered for food. It arrived in October and remained until the first of June. There is no known living bird that agrees with it in these several characters. Most certainly it could not have been a shearwater, nor any 24 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. member of the petrel family, all of which have such a disagreeable flavor that neither their flesh nor eggs are edible. It seems to me far more probable that it was allied to the auks {Alcidw), many of which burrow in the ground and lay white, edible eggs. The northern auks also have edible flesh and often a strong hooked bill. But no existing species breeds so far south, nor do they breed in winter. The cahow may have spent the summer in the southern hemis- phere, but possibly it was an arctic bird that produced a southern brood in winter. Or it may have been a localized pelagic species, coming to the laiid only for breeding purposes. The following graphic account of the bird and its habits was written by Mr, W. Strachy, one of the party of 150 persons who were wrecked with Sir George Somers in the 'Sea Venture,' July, 1609: "A kinde of webbe-footed Fowle there is, of the bignesse of an English greene Plover, or Sea-Meawe, which all the Summer we saw not, and in the darkest nights of November and December (for in the night they onely feed) they would come forth, but not flye farre from home, and hovering in the ayre, and over the Sea, made a strange hollow and harsh howling. They call it of the cry which it maketh, a Cohow. Their colour is inclining to Kusset, with white bellies, as are likewise the long feathers of their wings. Russet and White, these gather themselves together and breed in those Hands which are high, and so farre alone into the Sea, that the Wilde Hogges cannot swimme over them, and there in the ground they have their Burrowes, like Conyes in a Warren, and so brought in the loose Mould, though not so deepe; which Birds with a light bough in a darke night (as in our Lowbelling) wee caught, I have beene at the taking of three hundred in an houre, and wee might have laden our Boates. Our men found a prettie way to take them, which was by standing on the Rockes or Sands by the Sea-side, and hollowing, laughing, and making the strangest outcry that possibly they could; with the noyse whereof the Birds would come flocking to that place, and settle upon the very armes and head of him that so cryed, and still creepe neerer and neerer, answering the noyse themselves; by which our men would weigh them with their hand, and which weighed heaviest they took for the best and let the others alone, and so our men would take twentie dozen in two houres of the chiefest of them; and they were a good and well relished Fowle, fat and full as a Partridge. In January wee had great store of their Egges, which are as great as an Hennes Egge, and so fashioned and white shelled and have no difference in yolke nor white from an Hennes Egge. There are thousands of these Birds, and two or three Hands full of their Burrowes^ whether at any time (in two houres warning) wee could send our Cockboat, and bring home as many as would serve the whole Company: which Birds for their blindnesse (for they see weakly in the day) and for their cry and whooting, wee called the Sea Owle; they will bite cruelly with their crooked Bills." The following description is taken from 'The Narrative' (1610), by Silvanus Jourdain, who was also one of Somers's party: "Another Sea fowle there is that lyeth in little holes in the ground, like unto Coney holes, and are in great numbers exceedingly good meate, very fat and sweet (those we had in the winter and their eggs are white, and of that TEE STORY OF THE CAIIOW. 25 bignesse, that they are not to be knowne from these egges. The other birds egges are speckled and of a different colour." In a letter written from the 'Summer Islands/ Dec., 1614, by the Rev. Lewis Hughes, the following account of the cahow occurs : "Here is also plenty of sea foules, at one time of the yea,re, as about the middle of October, Birds which we call cahouze and Pimlicoes come in. The Cahouze continue til the beginning of June in great abundance, they are bigger bodied than a Pigeon & of a very firm & good flesh. They are taken with ease if one do but sit downe in a darke night, and make a noise, there will more come to him then he shall be able to kill: some have told me that the^ have taken twelve or fourteen dozen in an hower. When the Cahouze time is out, other birds called noddies and sandie birds come in, and continue till the latter end of August." This is the only account that gives the time of its arrival and departure. The following extract is from Governor Butler's 'Historye,' written about 1619 : "For the cahowe (for so soundes his voice), it is a night bird, and all the daye long lies liidd in holes of the rocks, whence both themselves and their young are in great numbers extracted with ease, and prove (especially the young) so pleaseinge in a dish, as ashamed I am to tell, how many dosen of them have been devoured by some one of our northern stomacks, even at one only meale." This is the only original statement that I find, among the early writings, that it lives in holes of rocks. It is possible, however, that it lived in all available holes, either in those made in the soil by the abundant land crabs or those found among rocks. It may not have made its own burrows, when other holes were available. Captain John Smith's account was compiled from those given above. He did not visit Bermuda. There are several references to this bird in the local laws of Ber- muda. Even so early as 1616 a law was passed restricting the taking of the bird and its eggs, because of the rapid decrease in its numbers. It is thus referred to in Governor Butler's 'Historye.' "In the same moneth he held his second generall Assize at St. George's, as irregularly as the first, wherin not any matter of note was handled, only a proclamation (or rather article, as it was then tearmed) was published (but overlate) against the spoyle and havock of the cahowes, and other birds, which already wer almost all of them killed and scared awaye very improvidently by fire, diggeinge, stoneinge, and all kinds of murtheringes." Among the laws enacted by the Bermuda Company, 1621-32, was the following: "The Governour, and other officers, shall take care for the preservation of the breed of Birds, by reser\dng to them those Hands whereunto they resort." This doubtless refers to the egg-birds as well as to the cahow. It seems to have been almost or quite forgotten for over 200 years. In 26 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. 1849, Mr. J. L. Hurdis visited Gurnet Eock or 'Gurnet Head Eock/ a small, precipitous, and nearly inaccessible outlying island, situated off Castle Harbor, and found there the nests of a shearwater in the crevices of the rocks. He concluded that he had found and identified the long- lost cahow. His identification has been accepted by Capt. S. G. Eeid and other later writers on the ornithology of the Bermudas, apparently without any adequate consideration of the facts stated by the early writers from personal observation. It has been assumed by nearly all recent writers, though without any real evidence, that Gurnet (Head) Ancient ruined kokt a un Gurnet's Head of Castle Island; 6, watki: ii^^ii.iiN, stii.j, HOLDING water ; C, CATCHMENT SLOPE, BUILT OF SLABS OF LIMESTONE ; d, Gurnet Head Rock; e, entrance to Castle Harbor. Eock was the particular place, or at least one of the places, where the cahow bred In old times. Perhaps this may be due to the name, but it was called 'Gurnet Head Eock,' because it lies off 'Gurnet Head' on Castle Island. The latter name was in use in 1619. Some of the early writers say that it bred on some of the smaller iminhabited islands, inaccessible to the wild hogs, without designating any particular one (see Strachy's narrative). Governor Butler and the Eev. Lewis Hughes say that a boat could go to its breeding places and get a load of the bird and its eggs in a short time (see Strachy's account, above). This was apparently done only in the night. Therefore the islands visited THE STOEY OF THE CAHO^Y. 27 must haw been near at hand and easily accessible, with available and safe landings, even in winter, when the eggs were sought. Gurnet Rock does not fulfill any of these conditions. It is several miles from St. George's, then the chief settlement and cajDital; it stands isolated out- side all the other islands, so that it is exposed to the full force of the sea on all sides and in December and January the sea is always boisterous in these waters ; it has no place where a boat can safely land, unless in nearly calm weather and by daylight; its sides are nearly perpen- dicular, exceeding rough, high cliffs, which can hardly be scaled with- out risk of loss of life or limbs, unless by means of ropes and ladders. Moreover the top is of very small area and almost destitute of soil. So that there is no possible chance for a bird like the cahow to burrow there. The writer, with two companions, visited this island about the first of May of this year, on a day when the sea was not very rough, and the tide was low. We found it impossible to land except by stepping out upon a narrow, slippery and treacherous reef of rotten rock and corallines, covered with sea-weeds, exposed only at low tide, and stand- ing a little away from the shore, with deep water between. The sea was breaking over this reef, and it was difficult to wade ashore except at one place, on account of the depth of water. With the aid of a long pole I climbed partly up the side of the rock, at the only available place, and though I did not reach the summit, I could, from my highest position, see that there is no soil on the top, but only a few seaside shrubs and herbaceous plants, growing from crevices of the rock. This was suffi- cient to convince me that the cahow never bred on this rock, and, if it had, the early settlers would never have gone there in the winter and at night to get the eggs or birds. It is far more probable that one of its breeding places was on Goat Island, which is a larger, uninhabited island about half a mile inside of Gurnet Eock, and with a beach of shell-sand on the inner side, where boats can safelv land. Moreover on this island, in earlv times, there was a deep deposit of sand and soil, which was subsequently used as a burial place for soldiers who died in the old fortifications on this and the adjacent Castle Island and Southampton Island. Indeed we found two ancient human skeletons partly exposed in this bank of sand, where it had been recently undermined by the sea. Evidently a large amount of this sandy deposit, which contains fossil land snails, has been washed away since the time when the old 'Charles Fort' was built upon this island, about 1615. This old ruined fort was of small size and apparently has been abandoned since about 1630. It has the same size and form shown on Norwood's chart, published in 1626. Norwood mentions, in 1663, that it had then 'fallen into decay.' Prob- ably the cahow may have bred also on Castle Island, which is a larger island a short distance inside Goat Island, and on Southampton Island, 28 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Gurnet's Head op Casti.e Inland, showing i'hofile at a; b, Southampton Island and RUINS OF THE FORT, BUILT BOUT 1620; C, ENTRANCE TO CaSTLE IIaRBOR. !i-i- %^- •fSdfea? Goat Island (formerly Charles' Island), with ruins of Charles' Fort, built about 1615. THE STORY OF THE CAHOW. 29 a little farther west. But these and other adjacent islands, including Cooper's Island, were fortified between 1612 and 1620, and it is probable that their occupation, at that time and later, was one of the causes of the rapid extermination of the cahow and egg-birds. We en- deavored to secure some bones of the cahow by digging in the rubbish heaps about the old forts on Castle Island, but though we found numerous bones of fishes, hogs, etc., and a few of birds, none appear to belong to the cahow. But probably the deposits that we excavated were of later date, for the Castle Island forts were again garrisoned during the war of 1812. We found old silver and brass military buttons, gun flints and the cores of flint nodules, from which they had been chipped, with many other old relics, but nothing to indicate the first period of occupation, from 1614 to 1625, when alone the cahow might have formed a part of the rations. In the 'Plain and True Eelation' by the Eev. Lewis Hughes, 1621, there is a graphic account of the famine of 1615, from which the fol- lowing extract is taken : "The first night that I lay in the Hand, which you call Coopers Hand (whither the lazie starving crewe were sent, and with them some honest industrious persons, though then much out of heart, and now living, and well, thanks unto God) when 1 saw in every Cabbin Pots and kettles full of birds boyling, and some on spits rosting, and the silly wilde birds comming so tame into my cabbin and goe so familiarly betweene my feet, and round about the cabbin, and into the fire, with a strange lamentable noyse, as though they did bemoan us, and bid us take, kill, roast, and eate them : I was much amazed, and at length said within myselfe, surely the tameness of these wilde birds, and their oflFring of themselves to be taken, is a manifest token of the goodnesse of God even of his love, his care, his mercy and power working together, to save this people from starving. Mr. Moore then Governour, fearing that their over- eating themselves would be their destruction, did remove them from thence to Port Royoll, where they found but little or no want; for, birds they had there also, brought to them, every weeke, from the Hands adjoyning, whither some were sent of purpose to bird for them." This account of the habits of the cahow would not, in the least, apply to the shearwater. It is probable, however, that the latter is identical with the nocturnal bird called 'Pimlico' by the early settlers. The following extract from the 'Historye' by Governor Nathaniel Butler, written about 1619, relates to the famine of 1615, and shows some of the causes of the very rapid extermination of the birds : "Whilst this Pinnace was on her way for England, scarcetie and famine every day more and more prevayleinge upon the sickly colony, caused the governour to look well about him ; in the beginning of the newe yeare, therefore (1615), 150 persons, of the most ancient, sick, and weake, wer sent into Coopers Hand, ther to be relieved by the comeinge in of the sea-birds, especially the Cahowes, wher, by this half hunger-starved company, they are found in infinite numbers, and with all so tame and amazed they are, that upon the least howeteinge or noyee, they would fall downe, and light upon their shoulders VOL. LX. — 2** 30 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. as tliey went, and leggs as they satt, suffering themselves to be caught faster than they could be killed." "Wittnesse the generall carriage and behaviour of this company, who being thus arrived and gott up to a libertie and choice of eateing as much as they would, how monstrous was it to see, how greedily everything was swallowed downe; how incredible to speake, how many dozen of thoes poore silly creatures, that even offered themselves to the slaughter, wer tumbled downe into their bottomlesse mawes: wherupon (as the sore effect of so ranck a cause, the birds with all being exceedeingly fatt) then sodenly followed a generall surfettinge, much sicknesse, and many of their deathes." The chances of finding bones of the cahow would probably be better on Cooper's Island than elsewhere, if the above narratives of Governor Butler and Mr. Hughes were correct. That the latter referred to the cahow, though he did not mention the name of the 'silly birds,' may be properly inferred, because of the season, 'beginning of the newe yeare,' when the large party of starving settlers was sent there for food. The egg-birds did not arrive until the first of May. This famine and the sending of a large number of starving persons to feed on the defenceless birds, at their breeding season, was unquestionably the direct and principal cause of their rapid extermination, for it was during the very next year (1616) that the first law was passed, 'but overlate,' restricting the 'spoyle and havock of the cahowes.' We were unable, for lack of time, to dig for the bones of the cahow on Cooper's Island. The loose ground there is full of the holes of two species of large land crabs. Such holes may have served the cahow for nesting places. PSYCHIATRY. 31 PSYCHIATRY— ANCIENT, MEDIEVAL AND MODERN. By FREDERICK LYMAN HILLS, M.D., NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE HOSPITAL. "Forth from my sad and darksome cell, Or from the deepe abysse of hell, ilad Tom is come into the world againe To see if he can cure his distempered braine." —Old Tom O'Bedlam Song, XVII. century. A MONG the acliievements of the nineteenth century none surpass -^--^ the revolution wrought in the field of psychiatry. The care of the insane to-day excites the interest not only of philanthropists and alienists, but of all right-minded men and women. "No reflecting mind/' says Letchworth, "can be indifferent to the question of making proper public provision for the treatment and care of those afiiicted with an insidious disease from which no measure of intellectual or physical strength or worldly prosperity affords any certain immunity — a disease, which, prone to feed upon excitement, finally transforms the noblest faculties of our race into a wreck so appalling that in its contemplation the human intelligence becomes bewildered and dis- mayed. At no time in the history of civilization has the importance of this subject been more thoroughly acknowledged; and probably at no time have influences contributory to mental derangement been more powerful than they are to-day." It is eminently profitable at this time to review the treatment of the insane in ancient days, to recall the misfortunes of the unhappy madman during the dark ages of history, and to note the gradual evolution of the psychiatric science of to-day. Going back into the very dawn of history we find scattered refer- ences to the treatment of madness, which was looked upon as a punish- ment by the gods or ascribed to demoniacal possession. The earliest known historical reference to insanity occurs in Egyptian papyri of the fifteenth century B, C. In one of these, according to Mahaffy, music is spoken of as employed in the treatment of insanity, and many formulae are given for the cure of diseases caused by an evil spirit dwelling within the body. Probably the next earliest record is that found in Hebrew history, referring to the same therapeutic agent, this time used to calm the troubled spirit of Saul (1055 B. C). In the first book of Samuel we read: "When the evil spirit was upon Saul, that David took a harp and played with his hand; so Saul was re- 32 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. freshed and was well and the evil spirit departed from him." The legendary history of Greece affords numerous instances of madness, but as to the treatment in these early times there is only eloquent silence. The belief in demoniacal possession was prevalent among all primitive peoples, furnishing a clue for such treatment as was anywhere at- tempted, and this belief, giving way a few centuries later to a partial realization of the physical basis of insanity in the best medical minds, recurs again in the darkness and decadence of the middle ages but magnified and rendered terrible by the ignorance and gross super- stitions of the time. In ancient Egypt, demons were exorcized and lunatics purified in temples dedicated to Saturn. The god Khons is said to have answered prayers for the cure of an Asiatic princess. The priests of Egypt, who were also physicians of the day, were not un- mindful of the benefit of hygienic measures and combined with them the charm of music and the influence of the beautiful in nature and in art. No reference is made in the literature of antiquity to places set apart for the care of the insane. In Greece they were sometimes cared for by the priests in the temple of Aesculapius. More often they were detained at home by their friends if dangerous, or allowed, if mild, the freedom of the country unrestrained and unmolested. Many of the soothsayers, sorcerers and sibyls of these days were undoubtedly insane, and the mental condition of some was known to those who sought their offices. Restraining devices were generally used in all violent forms of madness. Herodotus relates that Cleomenes (519-491 B. C), king of Lacedaemon, becoming insane, was imprisoned by his kindred and his feet put in the stocks. While so bound he asked the man left to watch him for a knife. This being refused he began to threaten the man, who, becoming frightened, gave him the knife and . he at once made repeated gashes in his limbs and abdomen until he died. In the time of Euripides (480-406 B. C.) it would appear from his account of the madness of Hercules that madmen were bound with cords and fastened to the nearest convenient spot. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine (460-377 B. C), described three forms of mental disease and seems to have recognized alcoholic insanity. He was the first to lay stress upon the physical basis of insanity and ridicules the treatment given by the priests. He used phlebotomy, purgatives, emetics, baths, a vegetable diet, exercise, music and travel. He regu- lated the use of hellebore, a drug held in high esteem from the dawn of history. Writing to Democrates he said : "Hellebore when given to the sane, pours darkness over the mind, but to the insane it is very profitable." This drug was believed to act powerfully in cleansing and invigorating the intellectual faculties. It is said that Carniades, the PSYCHIATRY. 33 Academic, when preparing to refute the dogmas of the Stoics, went through a course of purgatives by hellebore. Melampus, son of Amythaon, is said to have cured the daughters of Proetus, King of Argos, of melancholy, by purging them with hellebore. According to tradition Melampus had observed that the goats who fed on this plant were purged, and having administered it to the king's daughters, who were wandering in the woods under the delusion that they were cows, he cured them and received the hand of one of them in marriage and a part of the kingdom of Argos as his reward. So celebrated was this medicinal agent as a mental remedy that the poets of antiquity sang its praises. Horace, in allusion to the 'happy madman,' says : He, when his friends at much expense and pains, Had amply purged T\-ith hellebore his brains. Came to himself — "Ah, cruel friends!" he cried, "Is this to save me? Better far had died Than thus be robbed of pleasure so refined, The dear delusion of a raptured mind." Persius thus addresses Xero in his fourth satire, telling him to relinquish the arduous duties of government: "Thou hast not strength, such labors to sustain. Drink hellebore, my boy — drink deep and purge thy brain." Hippocrates had his patients collect this medicine themselves at Anticyra, in Thessaly, and thus made its use an incident of a very hygienic course of treatment. In cases of suicidal melancholia he employed mandragora, first spoken of by him in the treatment of this disease. The attitude of the state toward the care of the insane at the period soon after the death of Hippocrates is thus expressed by Plato (375 B. C.) in 'Laws of the Republic': "If any one is insane, let him not be seen, openly in the city, but let the relatives of such a person watch over him at home in the best manner they know and if they are negli- gent let them pay a fine." The teachings of Hippocrates and his followers were probably the guide for those who had to do with the insane during the next two cen- turies, and nothing further appears in medical literature until the care- ful study of insanity made by Asclepiades of Bythinia (100 B. C). He distinguished between illusions and hallucinations, noted the changing mental states of individual cases and made some innovations in the treatment. He recommended his patients to be placed in the light rather than confined in dark rooms or cells, disapproved of venesec- tion, and of the fomentations of poppy, mandragora or hyoscyamus. He prescribed abstinence from food, drink and sleep in the early part of the day; the drinking of water in the evening; that gentle friction VOL. LX. 3. 34 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. should be employed and, later on, liquid nourishment should be ad- ministered and the friction repeated. By these means it was his hope to induce sleep. Themison, his disciple, prescribed a more liberal diet, baths and astringent fomentations. Another of his disciples recommended stripes in the treatment of the insane, but it is doubtful if this was sanctioned by the master. Asclepiades also attempted sub- stitutive medication, advising intoxication in the general treatment of insanity. Celsus (A. D. 5) formulated wise rules for the hygienic and moral treatment, but unfortunately advised also the use of hunger, chains and chastisements to subjugate the patient. He would have those scolded whose mirth was excessive and resort to torment should con- ciliation fail. To startle a patient suddenly, to terrify him, this was excellent. But he directed that all things possible should be done to divert the melancholy and to excite cheerful hopes. Pleasure should be sought in fables and in sports, in music and in reading aloud. To quiet the excited and to favor sleep, he made use of a rocking motion and the sound of a waterfall. Aretaeus (A. D. 80) gave a detailed description of mania and melancholia, considering the latter to be the incipient stage of the former. Little is known as to his methods of treatment, except that he does not mention restraint in his descriptions. Galen (A. D. 150), the celebrated advocate of the humoral pathology, gives little as to treatment, but his theory of insanity is interesting. Moisture, he says, produces fatuity, dryness sagacity, and therefore the sagacity of a man will be diminished in proportion to the excess of moisture over dryness. Therefore preserve a happy medium between these opposite qualities, use venesection if you think the whole body of the patient contains melancholy blood. Bleeding must be avoided if madness arise from idiopathic disease of the brain. Then follows Coelius Aurelianus (A. D. 195), leaving a most remarkable treatise on the treatment of insanity, preaching gentle- Eess and humanity, skilled attendance and non- restraint. He thus ex- presses himself regarding the physicians who resort to harsh methods of treatment: "They seem rather to lose their own reason than to be disposed to cure their patients, when they liken them to wild beasts who must be tamed by the deprivation of food and the torments of thirst. They go so far as to counsel bodily violence and blows, as if to compel the return of reason by such provocations, a deplorable method of treatment that can only aggravate the patients' condition, injure them physically, and offer to them the miserable remembrance of their sufferings whenever they recover the use of their reason." He taught that the patient should be put in a quiet room, moderately warm and light, excluding everything of an exciting nature. The bed PSYCHIATRY. 35 should be firm and fixed to the floor and should have a straw mattress. The attendants should be carefully instructed. "If the sight of other persons irritates them and only in very rare instances, restraint by tying may be employed, but with the greatest precaution, without any unnecessary force, and after carefully protecting all the joints and with especial care to use only restraining apparatus of a soft and deli- cate texture, since means of repression employed without judgment increase and may give rise to furor instead of repressing it." He used fomentation by applying warm moist sponges over the eyelids to relax them and influence the circulation in the membranes of the brain. He advised emollient and astringent applications, the latter made of galls, alum, etc., soothing and invigorating poultices, baths of oil and natural hot baths. He denounced abstinence and ordered a full diet. He spoke against the practice of making the patient in- toxicated, the use of hellebore, of aloes and of venesection. During convalescence he recommended farming, walking, riding, singing and theatrical entertainments. In the latter scenes of a solemn and tragic character were to be enacted to guard against excitement. With the passing of Galen and Coelius Aurelianus the sun goes down into the black clouds of ignorance succeeding the fall of the Eoman Empire; and the lunatic is left to drag out a miserable ex- istence, generally neglected and alone throughout the dark centuries following, to and through the middle ages. There is a fitful gleam faintly illuminating the scene momentarily as when Alexander of Tralles (A. D. 560), or Paulus Aegineta (A. D. 630) reiterates the teachings of Aurelianus, but they lay stress more upon the medicinal than the hygienic treatment and are forgetful of his admonitions against chains and imprisonment. The earliest hospital for the insane known was founded in Jerusalem in the fifth century as a refuge for anchorites whose minds became affected through their penances. The middle ages are defined by Hallam as dating from the invasion of France by Clovis at the end of the fifth century to the invasion of Naples by Charles VIII. at the end of the fifteenth. During the first half of this period there seems scarcely to have been any intellectual or political development. The whole of Europe was, almost without exception, sunk in the darkest ignorance and the most wretched bar- barism. In some countries the awakening was earlier than in others, but the darkness did not anywhere die out at once. As gradually the clouds began to lift and the signs of returning light were here and there discernible only a fraction of a special class, a limited portion of the clergy, were in any way affected, and the mass remained for long bound down by servility, ignorance and superstition. "The struggle among the races for the possession of the countries that had been loosed from the Eoman yoke," says Sibbald, '"continued for centuries 36 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. to make the state of war persistent and almost universal." When not in conflict with their neighbors, the constant friction and strife within the individual states still prevented organization and natural development. "In such a state of society little thought could be bestowed on anything which did not directly relate to the fierce strug- gle for very life in wliich every state and every individual was en- gaged." There was no time for philanthropy, for the care of the suffer- ing, for the relief of the poor, for comforting the sick in body or mind. Slowly the leaven of Christianity was at work, a silent force effecting slow but deep-rooted changes in the constitution of society, beginning about the eleventh century to gradually bring about the abolition of slavery and exerting an influence in instituting some sort of provision for those whose mental condition was thought to be the result of disease. The monks were also the physicians during the dark ages and the monasteries offered quiet retreat and seclusion for many insane, together with sympathy and protection which could not be found elsewhere. Spiritual agencies were everywhere popularly be- lieved to be most efficacious in the cure of madness, and many and long were the pilgrimages made to the shrines of those saints who were be- lieved to have special influence over the mentally afflicted, and many miraculous cures were said to have been brought about through exor- cism and prayer. There were many wells through Europe and the British Isles, each with its particular saint, to which the insane were brought to bathe and to pray. At St. Nim's Pool in England, it was the custom to plunge the patients backwards into the water and drag them to and fro until their excitement was subdued. If they showed signs of recovery thanks were offered in a neighboring church, but if not, the treatment was continued until no hope remained. From the seventh century even to the present day lunatics have made pilgrim- ages to the shrine of St. Dymphna at Gheel, and here the first colony for the insane originated through a slow process of evolution, and stands to-day as the best representative of the coimnunity or family system of caring for the insane. So great a part did superstition and religious bigotry play in the treatment of insanity that the estate of the lunatic grew ever worse. Any man who exhibited anything unusual in conduct or language was at once suspected by his neighbors of necromancy or commerce with the Devil and looked upon with suspicion. Any manifestation of peculiar genius, the display of inventive ability or promulgation of a new doctrine rendered a man liable to torture, imprisonment or death. The belief in demoniacal possession, and witchcraft, was dis- tinctly recognized in the Bible and fostered by the church. All over Europe persons undoubtedly insane were burned or hanged as witches or were whipped in the public squares to drive out the evil spirits. PSYCHIATRY. 37 Pope Innocent VIII. in 1488 appointed inquisitors in every country armed with apostolic power to find and punish those of whom he thus declared : "It has come to our ears that numbers of both sexes do not avoid to have intercourse with the infernal fiends, and that by their sorceries they afflict both man and beast. They blight the marriage bed ; destroy the births of women, and the increase of cattle, they blast the corn in the ground, the grape in the vineyard, the fruit of the trees, and the grass and herbs of the field." Thus stimulated by the church the search for persons punishable for these crimes was everywhere suc- cessful. It is probable that one-fourth of the 40,000 persons executed for witchcraft during the first eighty years of the seventeenth cen- tury in England alone were insane. Among the thousands of persons tortured, burned and hanged as heretics there were doubtless many who, infected by surrounding fanaticism and carried away by excep- tional beliefs, were really the victims of mental disease. Persons afflicted with the more quiet forms of insanity without excitement were often regarded as suffering in punishment for sin and were accordingly treated by fasting, pilgrimages and self-castigation. Some, the possessors of a certain shrewdness and drollery, were received into private houses and cared for, partly from charity, and partly because of the amusement to be derived from their eccentric speech and conduct. The conditions were practically the same in all European countries with the exception of Italy and Spain, where insane asylums were established during the latter part of the middle ages. The Mohammedans preceded the Christians in the establisliment of asylums for the insane, and it is probable that as early as 1300 A. D. this form of charity was general in Mohammedan countries. A writer of the seventh century notices the existence of several such institutions at Fez. The asylum in Cairo was founded in 1304 A. D. Whether or not the Christians obtained the idea of the organization of such asylums from the Mohammedans, it is of interest to note that they are first found in Europe among those nations nearest to the Moham- medans and most subject to their influence. To Spain is due the honor of establishing the first asylum in Christian Europe for the care of the insane exclusively. This was opened in Valencia in 1409 A. D. by a monk, Juan Gilaberto Joffre, who was moved by com- passion on seeing maniacs driven through the streets by hooting crowds of men and boys. The treatment in these early establishments amounted to little more than seclusion and restraint, though the monks in charge of the asylum at Saragossa, established in 1425 A. I)., had some conception of a rational open air treatment. Asyhmis were also opened at Seville and Valladolid in 1436 A. D. and at Toledo in 1483 A. D. "Two other very honorable facts may be men- tioned," says Lecky, "establishing the preeminence of Spanish charity 38 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. in this field. The first is that tlie oldest lunatic asylum in the metrop- olis of Catholicism was that erected by the Spaniards in 1548. The second is, that, when at the close of the eighteenth century, Pinel began his great labors in this sphere, he pronounced Spain to be the country in which lunatics were treated with most wisdom and most humanity."' In the twelfth century madmen were taken to St. Bartholomew's in London and, according to the monkish narratives many wonderful cures were effected. Up to the sixteenth century monasteries and prisons and ecclesiastical hospitals contained cells into which lunatics were received, but it is probable that they were given little care or treatment and that the public at large was the chief beneficiary by their incarceration. In 1547 the first lunatic asylum not under eccle- siastical administration was established in England. The priory for the order of St. Mary of Bethlehem founded by Simon Fitzmary, a sheriff of London, in 1247, in St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, Lon- don, had for a century and a half been used for the reception of lunatics. In this year the institution, for long before called Bedlam, was transferred by Henry the VIII. to the authorities of the city, with an order that it be converted into a house for the reception of lunatics. It stood in an out of the way place, close to many common sewers and accommodated but fifty or sixty patients. For very many years, however, the place remained a 'horrible prison,' says Sibbald, 'and not a hospital in any sense of the word.' "Up to the year 1770 the patients were exhibited to the public like wild beasts in cages, on payment of a penny, and they are said to have afforded much sport to the visitors who flocked to see them in numbers estimated at not less than 48,000 annually. Some whose condition was so ameliorated that they were no longer considered dangerous to the public were licensed to go begging. On their left arm was placed an armilla — an iron ring for the arm about four inches long, which they could not get off'." "They wore about their necks," says Aubrey, as quoted by Disraeli, "a great horn of an ox in a sling or bawdry, which when they came to a house they did wind; and they put the drink given them into this horn, whereto they put a stopple." In a Tom of Bedlam song which dates from the first part of the seventeenth century, the comforts of his asylum life are thus alluded to by the licentiated beggar : In the lovely lofts of Bedham In stubble soft and dainty, Brave bracelets strong. Sweet whips ding dong, And a wholesome hunger plenty. About 1675 when the licensing of beggar lunatics was stopped by law, a new Bedlam three times the capacity of the old was erected in PSYCHIATRY. 39 Moorfields, the necessity for increased accommodations becoming greater 'as the country came more and more into systematic govern- ment and as the wholesale burning of such unfortunate persons as wizards or witches died out.' Little appeared in medical literature during this period upon the care of the insane. Daniel Sennert (1572-1637) wrote sensibly upon mania and melancholia, but left nothing as to treatment, except to bleed and to purge. Sydenham (1624—1689) had little to say on mental affections. An adherent to the current doctrine, he attributed insanity to a disabling of the 'animal spirits' by a prolonged fermen- tation. He prescribed a cordial of Venice treacle, containing the flesh and broths of vipers, amber and sixty-one more ingredients in Canary wine and honey to be given three times a day, the patient to remain in bed and to be liberally supplied with liquids. For ordinary mania he ordered the withdrawal of nine ounces of blood on two or three occasions with three days' interval between each bleeding. A course of pills of colocynth and scammony followed, and on the days when the patient did not take the pills he was to have an electuary composed of conserve of monk's rhubarb, rosemary, candied angelica and other pleasant ingredients. Something more rational was attempted in Paris when by an Act of Parliament in 1660 the insane passed through two wards, especially reserved for them in Hotel Dieu, the ward St. Louise for men con- taining ten beds for four each and two small beds ; the ward St. Martin for women containing six large beds and six small ones. Treatment here was by means of douches, cold baths, repeated bleedings, hellebore, purgatives and antispasmodics. If there was no improvement in a few weeks they were sent to the Petits Maisons, the Salpetriere or the Bicetre, where they were kept clothed in rags, confined by chains, poorly fed, bedded on rotten straw, often in cells infected with disease. As in England on holidays they were exposed to the gaze of the public, admitted for a small fee as to a menagerie. In 1667 Dennis, in Paris, successfully employed transfusion of blood taken from a calf in the case of a young man insane after an unhappy love affair. The early years of the eighteenth century saw the gradual evolution of the asylum idea and the slow increase in the number of establish- ments for the insane, founded not only by the state but by private individuals. The condition of the insane in the latter was particularly distressing for many years, and, even until well on in the last cen- tury, many of them were more to be dreaded than the larger public asylums. Dean Swift had in mind the foundation of a hospital for the insane as early as 1731 when he wrote the verses on his own death and described his determination thus. 40 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. He gave the little wealth he had To build a house for fools and mad; And shewed by one satiric touch, No nation wanted it so much. This object he had afterward always in mind, and, although suffer- ing much for several years and his mind finally becoming affected in 1742, he made plans for its establishment and, dying in 1745, left his whole property, about $60,000, for the founding of St. Patrick's Hos- pital in Dublin, which was opened in 1757 for the reception of fifty patients. The methods of treatment employed in the middle of the eighteenth century are thus set forth by Dr. Eichard Mead, physician to George II. in his "Medical Works" (1762). "Authors, both ancient and modern, recommend a great number of medicines, some which are suit- able to maniacal, others to melancholy patients; but both sorts agree in the property of correcting the bile, which is acrid at first, then be- comes viscid and black as pitch. Moreover the very blood in this dis- order is thick, fizy and black. Now it will be observed that most of the medicines proper to be given in this disease are in some degree endowed with the property of opening and scouring the glands and in- creasing perspiration. Of this kind are the strong-smelling gums, specially asafoetida, myrrh, Eussian castor, and camphire, which last is asserted to have an anodyne quality and to procure sleep with greater certainty and safety than opium. In melancholic cases chalybeats are also very proper. In fine, a frequent use of the cold bath is very ser- viceable, especially in maniacal cases. For nothing, as Celsus says, is of such benefit to the head as cold water." He cautions against the use of stripes or other rough treatment as unnecessary, binding alone being sufficient to restrain the maniacal, who ^are all cowards.' He attempted to stop the ill-timed fits of laughter of some by chiding and threatening; to dissipate the gloomy thought of others by music and such diversion as they formerly took delight in. He cautioned the physician to attend carefully to the free action of the bowels and kid- neys and instead of applying blisters to the head he says, "Better in imitation of the ancients to shave the head, and then rub it with vinegar in which rose flowers or ground-ivy leaves have been infused; and also to make a drain by passing a seton in the nape of the neck, which is to be rubbed with a proper digestive ointment and moved a little every day, in order to give a free issue to the purulent matter." He ordered slender diet, mostly of gruels and meats easy of digestion, dis- approved of giving anodynes to procure sleep and recommended walk- ing, riding, playing at ball, swimming and travel by land or sea in con- valescence. The latter part of the eighteenth century witnessed an awakening PSYCHIATRY. 41 of the minds of men throughout the civilized and enlightened nations of the world to a realization of the man's duty to his fellow man. The dissemination of knowledge among the people was gradually killing out the grosser forms of superstition, holding such a hypnotic influence over the ignorant. The spirit of liberty, fraternity and equality was abroad. With this zeal for the acquirement of knowledge, the spirit of investigation and the kindling of enthusiasm for scientific research, philanthropic ideas began to develop in men's minds, pity for the suf- fering and the unfortunate and a desire to better the condition of all. Prison reform was agitated, hospitals were organized for the sick in body. The treatment of the insane was made a matter for legislative investigation and although little or nothing was done toward the im- mediate relief of their condition, yet public sentiment was being slowly aroused in their behalf. Gradually the light of a brighter day was dawning. The propriety of abusive treatment, of cruelty, of chains, of stripes, formerly regarded as essential for the control of the maniac, or looked upon with indifference, was now brought into question. Much was written relative to insanity during this period but no decided step was taken for the betterment of conditions until near the close of the century when the noble-hearted Tuke, in England, and the brave Pinel, in France, started the grand reform, broke the fetters and brought the great restorative, hope, to stimulate the weakened mind. The York Asylum, founded by general subscription in 1777, for 'the decent maintenance and relief of such insane persons as were in low circumstances' was, about 1791, the worst among the bad institu- tions in England. In this year a young woman, a member of the Society of Friends was committed to the York Asylum. Her friends were denied the privilege of seeing her and in a few weeks she died. Her death arousing suspicion of improper treatment among the Friends, one of their number, Mr. William Tuke, "resolved (1792) to establish an institution in which there would be no secrecy and where the patients would have humane and judicious care." Thus was the Retreat at York established and, in 1796, launched upon its memorable career, continuing from the first a leader in psychiatric progress. The year 1792 also is made memorable by the appointment of Philip Pinel as physician to the insane at the Bicetre. Coming to this position a trained alienist, he was deeply stirred by the condition of the men confined there, fifty of them in chains, many for a long period of years. His repeated and persistent appeals to the Commune for authority to release them from their bonds were finally given a reluctant affirmative answer, and in the end he was able to remove the chains from all the patients and to continue the good work at the Salpetriere, an institution exclusively for women. 42 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Turning now to our own country we find the care of the insane in the American colonies prior to the Revolution to differ in no way from the treatment during the same period in Europe. In the Old Colony Laws of Plymouth (1660) provision was made that persons who com- mit suicide "shall be denied the privilege of being buried in the common burying place of Christians, but shall be buried in some com- mon highway, where the selectmen of the town where such persons did inhabit, shall appoint, and a cartload of stones laid upon the grave, as a brand of infamy, and as a warning to others to aware of the like damnable practice." In jails, almshouses and the outhouses of private dwellings, the insane were kept, often in chains and in filth, and deprived of light and proper warmth. No attempt was made toward special provision for them until 1745, when an asylum was erected in New York City, on the spot where the City Hall now stands, for the reception of the 'indigent poor, the sick, the orphan, the maniac and the refractory.' But the first institution in America for the remedial treatment of the insane was founded in 1751 in connection with the Pennsylvania Hospital. Being opened 1752, "it was," says Kirkbride, "for a long period of years far in advance of all other receptacles for the insane in the United States, and, having the advan- tage of physicians like Bond, Shippen, Push, Wister, Physick and others of equal ability, its wards were constantly filled, and its advan- tages eagerly sought by patients from the most distant parts of the Union." It is noteworthy that, besides Dr. Thomas Bond, of Philadelphia, and Benjamin Franklin, the Society of Friends was active in the inception of this hospital, a society later to be influential in the estab- lishment of the York Retreat in England and the Friends Asylum at Frankfort, Pa. (1813), showing in these early times a more enlight- ened philanthropy than any other religious body and giving the im- petus to a movement which in the early years of the nineteenth cen- tury was to effect a revolution in the treatment of the insane. The first governmental institution in America was erected by the province of Virginia at Williamsburgh in 1773 ; but it was not until the era of peace and quietude following the wars of the Revolution and of 1812, and after the successful inauguration of the state gov- ernments that public sentiment became thoroughly aroused to the necessity of better care for these unfortunates, and state institutions sprang into existence. During the thirty years following the war of J.812 twenty-three public and private asylums were opened in the United States. The treatment at this time was largely influenced by the writing of Dr. Benjamin Rush, a man of great intelligence and benevolence whose 'Observations on Diseases of the Mind' (1812) contained much of PSYCHIATRY. 43 value as to the moral treatment of the insane, but who was behind Pinel in realizing the advantage of kind treatment and the harmfulness of restraint. "A prevailing error found in his writings on insanit}^," says a writer in the "^American Journal of Insanity' (Vol. 4) "is that the insane are to be disciplined and governed, that those who have the care of them must obtain dominion over them by fear or by other means that we may think improper." He says that the physician on entering the chamber of the deranged person should first 'catch his eye and look him out of countenance.' After trying many ways to obtain obedience he says, "If these prove ineffectual to establish a government over deranged persons, recourse should be had to certain modes of coercion." Among them were the straight jacket, the tran- quilizing chair (invented by a Dr. Darwin and consisting of a stout post revolving on a pivot and bearing a chair into which the patient was bound in the longitudinal position when a sedative effect was desired or in an erect position to secure intestinal action), the withdrawal of pleasant food and pouring cold water down the coat sleeves. "If all these modes of punishment should fail of the intended effect," he adds, *'it will be proper to resort to the fear of death." But the man who did more than any other, probably, to forward the humane care of the insane, was Esquirol, who succeeded Pinel at the Salpetriere in 1810. Devoting himself with zeal and with single- ness of purpose to this ministration, he brought about still greater reforms in the housing, the regimen and medical care of the insane, and in 1817 gave the first course of lectures ever delivered on insanity. These were largely attended every year by physicians from all countries. He traveled through France investigating ever3^iere the condition of the insane, arousing the interest of the magistrates and, through his reports to the superior authorities, causing the abolition of many abuses and much misery. He saw ten asylums opened in France and the insane taken from 'their narrow, filthy cells, without light and air, fastened with chains in these dens,' in which he found them, and placed in asylums where the use of chains was abandoned, where walks and gardens were accessible, and where beds and good food were provided and the attendants did not go 'armed with sticks and accom- panied by dogs.' The same spirit of progress was now abroad in every enlightened •country of Europe and in America. Asylums were built, treatises upon mental medicine became more numerous, classification of mental dis- ease and more careful clinical studies were attempted, societies were organized for the study of insanity and periodicals appeared whose pages were given wholly to the discussion of psychiatric subjects and the propagation of the new doctrines. "In the period which elapsed from 1830 to 1850," says Letchworth, 44 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. "'great and rapid advances were made throughout the United States in methods of caring for the insane. The reforms then accomplished attracted the attention of Europe, and it may be said, without any egotism, that they were in advance of contemporary progress in other countries." Much of this reform was due to the exertions of Dorothea L. Dix, wlio about 1837 began a career of remarkable success in arous- ing public attention and securing legislative action for the betterment of the condition of the insane. She is said to have been influential in the establishment of thirty-two asylums for the insane. But unfortunately this high standard of achievement was not maintained. During the civil war and the early period of reconstruction this reform suifered a reaction, and the country failed to keep pace with the progressive movement in other lands. Within the last thirty years of the century, however, rapid advance was made, and to-day the standard of work done for the insane in America is not lower than that attained in other countries. The period of large and imposing buildings, palatial in exterior appearance, has passed. The buildings erected twenty or thirty years ago were uniformly massive, three- or four-story structures, the interiors often monotonous and cheerless. To-day the tendency is to place the patient in surroundings as cheerful and homelike as possible. To have smaller buildings, comfortably furnished, with pictures on the walls, with books, games and the means for light amusements and employ- ment. No longer is the patient forced to pace ceaselessly long cheerless corridors, the walls lined with benches and heavy chairs and bare of all adornment. Now, instead of large blocks of buildings, the modern hospital con- sists of a group of cottages, best of two stories, separated or connected by a low corridor. Here the patients are separated into small groups carefully classified as to their mental condition. These buildings are surrounded by nicely kept grounds, with green lawns dotted with shrubbery and flowers. There are groves to afford a shady retreat, and here the patients spend much time every pleasant day. Many of them have the parole of the grounds and come and go without oversight. Freedom is allowed as far as is consistent with safety. In many places the usual iron gratings have been removed from the windows and doors left unlocked. But the institutions for the insane of to-day are not places merely of detention. The insane asylum, except for the chronic cases, in most states both here and abroad, has passed away and in its place has arisen a hospital to which the patient comes as a sick mxan to have the kind care and systematic treatment that the word hospital implies. He is received and cared for by nurses trained to the work and is at once impressed with the idea that he is a sick man, so regarded by his fellow PSYCHIATRY. 45 men, if not cognizant of it himself, and that he is to have done for him what careful nursing, hygienic surroundings and medical science can do. The perfection to which this system has attained varies much in different states; but all are tending to the same end, and ere long the care of the acute insane in all enlightened lands will be based upon the same scientific plan. At the present time in Europe and America there is great activity within the walls of the hospitals for the insane. The study of the individual patient is more thorough than ever before. Not only are his mental symptoms diligently watched and recorded, but a careful systematic examination of all his bodily functions is undertaken. For this purpose laboratories are equipped and men trained to microscopical and chemical analysis are being more and more employed to carry on the work. The study of the physiology and pathology of the nervous system is being assiduously pursued and recent epoch-making discoveries in tissue-staining have stimulated this work, causing almost a revolution in the theories of nervous action ; and it would seem that a better understanding of the functioning of the central nervous system was dawning. The defects of distant organs, of the blood vessels, the blood, the lymph and all abnormal bodily con- ditions, are known to often have a deleterious effect upon the nervous system and improvement in the mental condition to be coincident with their removal. The physician and the surgeon, the neurologist, the psychologist, the chemist and the pathologist are all at work hand in hand with the alienist to cure him who is the unhappy victim of mental disease. In the modern hospital such moral measures are brought into operation as the companionship of a kind and congenial nurse, cheerful environment, the use of the minimum amount of restraint consistent with safety and efforts to amuse and divert the attention of the patient away from himself and his troubles, the attempt to arouse an interest in some light employment and the suggestive influence of a hopeful spirit. The therapeutic effect of exercise, massage, hydrotherapy and electrical influence are all called into use, and the medical treatment is directed to any complicating disorder of the bodily functions, l^o part is overlooked. The physical machine is restored as far as possible to working order in the hope that mental restoration will be the conse- quence. In a hospital thus conducted harsh or abusive treatment means the immediate dismissal of the offender. The selection of an efficient corps of attendants is a matter of the greatest importance. Much improvement has been brought about by the establishment of training schools in hospitals for the insane with systematic instruction in the duties of the nurse. In a large and well organized institution an attendant entering the school is in a position to obtain instruction of so much general usefulness in the 46 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. treatment of the sick that the hospital benefits not only by the more efficient service rendered, but also by the attraction of a superior class of applicants for the positions. "Much has been accomplished in rescuing the insane from chains, gloomy cells and scourgings," says Letchworth, "but the measure of reform in their behalf will not be complete until there is no possibility of their being subjected to the humours of ignorant, unfeeling and incompetent attendants." That training schools are an efficient means of accomplishing this reform there can be no doubt. A most notable advance in the treatment of the insane was the introduction of the system of non-restraint — the disuse of all mechan- ical devices for restraining the freedom of bodily movement. This was first demonstrated to be practicable by Mr. Gardner Hill at the Lincoln Asylum, England, in 1836, and Dr. Connolly put the system into full operation at Hanwell in 1840. At first ridiculed as "the freak of an enthusiastic mind, that would speedily go the way of all such new-fangled notions" it was bitterly opposed for years by the superintendents of the large county asylums of England, and to Dr. Connolly is due the honor of having demonstrated its practicability and of having overcome after a prolonged struggle the opposition and prejudice against it. Men like Todd, Woodward, Butler, Ray — names memorable in the history of American psychiatry — were not unmind- ful of the remedial value of sympathetic and kindly treatment, and, while the controversy over non-restraint was waged abroad, were independently carrying out the same humane doctrine and conducting their institutions on the same 'enlightened principles of conciliation and kindness.' At the present day the system of absolute non-restraint is more in vogue in England than here where the necessity for some form of restraining appliance is still maintained to exist in certain instances. But it is evident from the annual reports of the American hospitals that the use of restraint is lessening each year. In some institutions it is entirely abolished; in all it is used to a very limited extent and only upon the order of the attending physician. The means of restraint employed consist chiefly of the canvas camisole to restrain the movements of the hands and arms, the canvas or leather muff for the hands and the use of a strong sheet fastened across the bed if the patient is not in a conditon to be up and about the rooms. In place of the sheet the hands and the feet may be restrained while the patient is in bed by soft rolls of cheesecloth. The most recent advance in the care of the acute insane is in the movement toward the establishment of psychopathic hospitals for treat- ment and for clinical and pathological research in or near the large centers of population. In this most advanced work Europe has taken the lead, and such hospitals have been in existence for some years in PSYCHIATRY. 47 the university towns of Germany and Austria. That at Giessen, opened in 1896, is thus described by Dr. Frederick Peterson, president of the New York State Lunacy Commission — "It is in the town of Giessen, near the other hospitals used for teaching purposes, adjacent to the pathological institute, and consists- of ten or eleven cottages for 116 patients, in a beautiful garden. The central building contains pathological, chemical, microscopical, photographic and psychophysical laboratories, besides a mechanical workshop, clinical auditorium, library, and a dispensary or polyclinic for outdoor patients. The necessary administrative offices and rooms for the director and assist- ant physicians are also here. There are cottages for private cases, and for quiet, suicidal, restless, and disturbed patients of each sex. This is probably the most complete hospital of its kind in existence at the present time." Although as yet in Great Britain and America this work has not received the attention it merits, a beginning is being made. At Albany, New York, a pavilion has been opened in connec- tion with the Albany General Hospital for the reception of the acutely insane, and in Michigan the last legislature passed an act to "Provide for the Construction of and Equipping of a Psychopathic Ward upon the Hospital Grounds of the University of Michigan." In Boston and Philadelphia out-patient departments have been in successful operation for several years. There is no doubt but that the next few years will see the general opening of such hospitals and out-patient departments in the larger cities throughout the country. Another movement that is ripening to fruition in America is that for the establishment of 'After-care Associations' for the protection and help of needy patients upon discharge from hospitals, recovered, but without means of support. This idea originated in Germany as far back as 1829, with Hofrath Lindpaintner, who organized in that year a 'Society of Patronage' which exercised a paternal care over, and rendered assistance to, such persons for a period of two years following their recovery. Such associations were later formed in France, and in recent years the system has been in general operation in Germany, France, England and notably in Switzerland. The work of these organizations, the establishment of which in this country has already been discussed by the American Neurological Association, consists in finding proper homes and employment for discharged patients, main- taining a general supervision over them and offering such financial or other aid as may be necessary again to put them in the way of earning a livelihood. In spite of all efforts put forth to cure the acute mental troubles a large percentage of the cases prove rebellious and drift into chronic states of mental deterioration. The patients do not die, but live in good bodily health with intellect dulled to the higher interests of life 48 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and sink slowly into incurable dementia. Other cases are marked from the outset by the stigmata of chronicity, being slow and insidious in development, and the disease is often fully established before the patient's friends awake to a realization of the event. These chronic classes of the insane require a specialized treatment, a home where they can be protected from the world and from themselves, where con- genial occupation may be obtained, where a strict but humanely enforced control may be exercised over their conduct and where their lives may be lived in comfort and in peace. Until recent years all classes of insane have been cared for in large institutions where proper classification has been difficult or impossible and where the acute and cur- able cases have been in daily contact with the incurable and the demented. Of late much effort has been made to overcome this objectionable state of thing by the establislunent of colonies, where the chronic insane may live in small separated cottages scattered in groups over a large tract of land. Here the patients live in small groups or families under conditions more approximating home surroundings. The farm and industrial shops furnish the occupation so necessary to relieve the monotony of life and to counteract abnormal tendencies. The little colony has its chapel and amusement hall, sometimes a store, and fur- nishes an environment in which a man may live in comparative com- fort and with a reasonable degree of contentment. Such colonies are now quite numerous in Europe and America and seem to furnish ideal conditions for the care of the chronic and presumably incurable cases. In Scotland, Germany, Belgium, and to a limited extent in Massa- chusetts, a system is in operation with a fair degree of success in which selected chronic cases are boarded out in private families in the country districts while under the observation and control of a govern- mental bureau or commission. It is unfortunately a fact that many of the chronic insane are still detained in almshouses and poor farms not only in this country but abroad. Here they, Mdio are the unfortunate victims of disease and not to be held responsible for their condition, are obliged to associate with paupers and criminals and are kept in a condition unworthy of the civilization of the twentieth century. The cruelty of a past age still lingers in many of these places, and not only do they suffer from the stigma of their associations, but are too often the victims of improper and insufficient attendance and are not strangers to bonds and chains. But the grand work of emancipation is still going on, and en- lightened public sentiment is everywhere at work and the realization of a fuller charity is surely not long to be delayed. At the beginning of the twentieth century we are on the threshold of a new era in the working out of this great problem, and the scientific and philanthropic spirits of the day are laboring together and energetically toward its ultimate solution. THE NATIONAL CONTROL OF EDUCATION. 49 THE NATIONAL CONTEOL OF EDUCATION.* By the Right Hon. Sir JOHN E. GORST, F.R.S. n^HE invitation of the British Association to preside over the Sec- -*■- tion of Education, established this year for the first time, has been given to me as a representative of that government department which controls the larger, but perhaps not the most efficient, part of the education of the United Kingdom. The most suitable subject for my opening address would therefore seem to be the proper function of National Authority, whether central or local, in the education of the people; what is the limit of its obligations; what is the part of educa- tion in which it can lead the way; what is the region in which more powerful influences are at work, and in which it must take care not to hinder their operation; and what are the dangers to real education inseparable from a general national system. I shall avoid questions of the division of functions between central and local authorities, beset with so many bitter controversies, which are political rather than educational. In the first place, so far as the mass of the youth of a country is concerned, the public instructor can only play a secondary part in the most important part of the education of the young — the development of character. The character of a people is by far its most important attribute. It has a great deal more moment in the affairs of the world, and is a much more vital factor in the promotion of national power and influence, and in the spread of Empire, than either physical or mental endowments. The character of each generation depends in the main upon the character of the generation which precedes it; of other causes in operation the effect is comparatively small. A generation may be a little better or a little worse than its forefathers, but it cannot materially differ from them. Improvement and degeneracy are alike slow. The chief causes which produce formation of character are met with in the homes of the people. They are of great variety and mostly too subtle to be controlled. Eeligious belief, ideas, ineradicable often in maturer life, imbibed from the early instruction of parents, the principles of morality current amongst brothers and sisters and pla}Tnates, popular superstitions, national and local prejudices, have a far deeper and more permanent effect upon character than the instruction given in schools * Address of the president of the Educational Science Section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Glasgow, 1901. VOL. LX. — 4. 50 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. or colleges. The teacher, it is true, exercises his influence among the rest. Men and women of all sorts, from university professors to village dames, have stamped some part of their own character upon a large proportion of their disciples. But this is a power that must grow feebler as the number of scholars is increased. In the enormous schools and classes in which the public instruction of the greater part of the children of the people is given, the influence on character of the individual teacher is reduced to a minimum. The old village dame might teach her half-dozen children to be kind and brave and to speak the truth, even if she failed to teach them to read and write. The headmaster of a school of 2,000 or the teacher of a class of eighty may be an incomparably better intellectual instructor, but it is impossible for him to exercise much individual influence over the great mass of his scholars. There are, however, certain children for the formation of whose characters the nation is directly responsible — deserted children, desti- tute orphans and children whose parents are criminals or paupers. It is the duty and interest of the nation to provide for the moral education of such children and to supply artificially the influences of individual care and love. The neglect of this obligation is as injurious to the pub- lic as to the children. Homes and schools are cheaper than prisons and workhouses. Such a practice as that of permitting dissolute pauper parents to remove their children from public control to spend the sum- mer in vice and beggary at races and fairs, to be returned in the autumn, corrupt in body and mind, to spread disease and vice amongst other children of the State, would not be tolerated in a community intelligently alive to its own interest. A profound, though indirect and untraceable, influence upon the moral education of a people is exercised by all national administration and legislation. Everything which tends to make the existing genera- tion wiser, happier or better has an indirect influence on the children. Better dwellings, unadulterated food, recreation grounds, temperance, sanitation, will all affect the character of the rising generation. Eegula- tions for public instruction also influence character. A military spirit may be evoked by the kind of physical instruction given. Brutality may be developed by the sort of punishments enjoined or permitted. But all such causes have a comparatively slight effect upon national character, which is in the main the product for good or evil of more powerful causes which operate, not in the school, but in the home. For the physical and mental development of children it is now admitted to be the interest and duty of a nation in its collective capac- itv to see that proper schools are provided in which a certain minimum of primary instruction should be free and compulsory for all, and, further, secondary instruction should be available for those fitted to THE NATIONAL CONTROL OF EDUCATION. 51 profit by it. But there are differences of opinion as to the age at which primary instruction should begin and end; as to the subjects it should embrace ; as to the qualifications which should entitle to further secondary instruction; and as to how far this should be free or how far paid for by the scholar or his parents. The age at which school attendance should begin and end is in most countries determined by economic rather than educational considera- tions. Somebody must take charge of infants in order that mothers may be at leisure to work; the demand for child labor empties schools for older children. In the United Kingdom minding babies of three years old and upwards has become a national function. But the infant 'school/ as it is called, should be conducted as a nursery, not as a place of learning. The chief emplo}Tnent of the children should be play. No strain should be put on either muscle or brain. They should be treated with patient kindness, not beaten with canes. It is in the school for older children, to which admission should not be until seven years of age, that the work of serious instruction should begin, and that at first for not more than two or three hours a day. There is no worse mistake than to attempt by too early pressure to cure the evil of too early emancipation from school. Beyond the mechanical accom- plishments of reading, writing and ciphering, essential to any in- tellectual progress in after life, and dry facts of history and grammar, by which alone they are too often supplemented, it is for the interest of the community that other subjects should be taught. Some effort should be made to develop such faculties of mind and body as are latent in the scholars. The same system is not applicable to all; the school teaching should fit in with the life and surroundings of the child. "Variety, not uniformity, should be the rule. Unfortunately the various methods by which children's minds and bodies can be encouraged to grow and expand are still imperfectly understood by many of those who direct or impart public instruction. Examinations are still too often regarded as the best instrument for promoting mental progress; and a large proportion of the children in schools, both elementary and secondary, are not really educated at all — they are only prepared for examinations. The delicately expanding intellect is crammed with ill-understood and ill-digested facts, because it is the best way of pre- paring the scholar to undergo an examination test. Learning to be used for gaining marks is stored in the mind by a mechanical effort of memory, and is forgotten as soon as the class-list is published. Intel- lectual faculties of much greater importance than knowledge, however extensive — as useful to the child whose schooling will cease at fourteen as to the child for whom elementary instruction is but the first step in the ladder of learning — are almost wholly neglected. The power of research — the art of acquiring information for 52 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. oneseli — on which the most advanced science depends, may by a proper system be cultivated in the youngest scholar of the most elementary school. Curiosity and the desire to find out the reason of things is a natural, and to the ignorant an inconvenient, propensity of almost every child; and there lies before the instructor the whole realm of nature knowledge in which this propensity can be cultivated. If children in village schools spent less of their early youth in learning mechanically to read, write and cipher, and -more in searching hedge- rows and ditch-bottoms for flowers, insects, or other natural objects, their intelligence would be developed by active research, and they would better learn to read, write and cipher in the end. The faculty of finding out things for oneself is one of the most valuable with which a child can be endowed. There is hardly a calling or business in life in which it is not better to know how to search out information than to possess it already stored. Everything, moreover, which is discovered sticks in the memory and becomes a more secure possession for life than facts lazily imbibed from books and lectures. The faculty of turning to practical uses knowledge possessed might be more culti- vated in primary schools. It can to a limited extent, but to a limited extent only, be tested by examination. Essays, compositions, problems in mathematics and science, call forth the power of using acquired knowledge. Mere acquisition of knowledge does not necessarily confer the power to make use of it. In actual life a very scanty store of knowledge, coupled with the capacity to apply it adroitly, is of more value than boundless information which the possessor cannot turn to practical use. Some measures should be taken to cultivate taste in primary schools. Children are keen admirers. They can be early taught to look for and appreciate what is beautiful in drawing and painting, in poetry and music, in nature, and in life and character. The effect of such learning on manners has been observed from remote antiquity. Physical exercises are a proper subject for primary schools, espe- cially in the artificial life led by children in great cities: both those which develop chests and limbs, atrophied by impure air and the want of healthy games, and those which discipline the hand and the eye — the latter to perceive and appreciate more of what is seen, the former to obey more readily and exactly the impulses of the will. Advantage should be taken of the fact that the children come daily under the observation of a quasi-public officer — the school teacher — to secure them protection, to which they are already entitled by law, against hunger, nakedness, dirt, over-work, and other kinds of cruelty and neglect. Children's ailments and diseases should by periodic inspection be detected: the milder ones, such as sores and chilblains, treated on the spot, the more serious removed to the care of parents or hospitals. Diseases of the eye and all maladies that would impair the capacity of THE NATIONAL CONTROL OF EDUCATION. 53 a child to earn its living should in the interest of the community receive prompt attention and the most skilful treatment available. Special schools for children who are crippled, blind, deaf, feeble-minded or otherwise afflicted should be provided at the public cost, from motives, not of mere philanthropy, but of enlightened self-interest. So far as they improve the capacity of such children they lighten the burden on the community. I make no apology for having dwelt thus long upon the necessity of a sound system of primary instruction: that is the only foundation upon which a national system of advanced education can be built. Without it our efforts and our money will be thrown away. But while primary instruction should be provided for, and even enforced upon, all, advanced instruction is for the few. It is the interest of the com- monwealth at large that every boy and girl showing capacities above the average should be caught and given the best opportunities for developing those capacities. It is not its interest to scatter broadcast a huge system of higher instruction for any one who chooses to take advantage of it, however unfit to receive it. Such a course is a waste of public resources. The broadcast education is necessarily of an in- ferior character, as the expenditure which public opinion will at present sanction is only sufficient to provide education of a really high calibre for those whose ultimate attainments will repay the nation for its outlay on their instruction. It is essential that these few should not belong to one class or caste, but should be selected from the mass of the people, and be really the intellectual elite of the rising genera- tion. It must, however, be confessed that the arrangements for select- ing these choice scholars to whom it is remunerative for the community to give advanced instruction are most imperfect. jSTo ^capacity-catch- ing machine' has been invented which does not perform its function most imperfectly: it lets go some it ought to keep, and it keeps some it ought to let go. Competitive examination, besides spoiling more or less the education of all the competitors, fails to pick out those capable of the greatest development. It is the smartest, who are also some- times the shallowest, who succeed. 'Whoever thinks in an examina- tion,' an eminent Cambridge tutor used to say, 'is lost.' Nor is position in class obtained by early progress in learning an infallible guide. The dunce of the school sometimes becomes the profound thinker of later life. Some of the most brilliant geniuses in art and science have only developed in manhood. They would never in their boyhood have gained a county scholarship in a competitive examina- tion. In primary schools, while minor varieties are admissible, those, for instance, between town and country, the public instruction pro- vided is mainly of one type ; but any useful scheme of higher education 54 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. must embrace a great variety of methods and courses of instruction. There are roughly at the outset two main divisions of higher educa- tion— the one directed to the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, of which the practical result cannot yet be foreseen, whereby the 'scholar' and the votary of pure science is evolved; the other directed to the acquisition and application of special knowledge by which the craftsman, the designer and the teacher are produced. The former of these is called secondary, the latter technical, education. Both have numerous subdivisions which trend in special directions. The varieties of secondary education in the former of these main divisions would have to be determined generally by considerations of age. There must be different courses of study for those whose educa- tion is to terminate at sixteen, at eighteen and at twenty-two or twenty-three. Within each of these divisions, also, there would be at least two types of instruction, mainly according as the student devoted himself chiefly to literature and language, or to mathematics and science. But a general characteristic of all secondary schools is that their express aim is much more individual than that of the primary school: it is to develop the potential capacity of each individual scholar to the highest point, rather than to give, as does the elementary school, much the same modicum to all. For these reasons it is essential to have small classes, a highly educated staff and methods of instruc- tion very different from those of the primary school. In the forma- tion of character the old secondary schools of Great Britain have held their own with any in the world. In the rapid development of new secondary schools in our cities it is most desirable that this great tradi- tion of British public school life should be introduced and maintained. It is not unscientific to conclude that the special gift of colonizing and administering dependencies, so characteristic of the people of the United Kingdom, is the result of that system of self-government to which every boy in our higher public schools is early initiated. But while we boast of the excellence of our higher schools on the charac- ter-forming side of their work, we must frankly admit that there is room for improvement on their intellectual side. Classics and mathe- matics have engrossed too large a share of attention; science, as part of a general liberal education, has been but recently admitted, and is still imperfectly estimated. Too little time is devoted to it as a school subject; its investigations and its results are misunderstood and undervalued. Tradition in most schools, nearly always literary, alters slowly, and the revolutionary methods of science find all the prejudices of antiquity arrayed against them. Even in scientific studies, lack of time and the obligation to prepare scholars to pass examinations cause too much attention to be paid to theory, and too little to practice, though it is by the latter that the power of original research and of THE NATIONAL CONTROL OF EDUCATION. 55 original application of acquired knowledge is best brought out. The acquisition of modern languages was in bygone generations almost entirely neglected. In many schools the time given to this subject is still inadequate, the method of teaching antiquated, the results un- satisfactory. But the absolute necessity of such knowledge in litera- ture, in science and in commerce is already producing a most salutary reform. The variety of types of secondary instruction demanded by the various needs and prospects of scholars requires a corresponding variety in the provision of schools. This cannot be settled by a rule- of-three method, as is done in the case of primary instruction. We cannot say that such and such an area being of such a size and of such a population requires so many secondary schools of such a capacity. Account must be taken in every place of the respective demands for respective types and grades of secondary education; and existing pro- vision must be considered. It must not, however, be forgotten that a national system of educa- tion has its drawbacks as well as its advantages. The most fatal danger is the tendency of public instruction to suppress or absorb all other agencies, however long established, however excellent their work, and to substitute one uniform mechanical system, destructive alike to present life and future progress. In our country, where there are public schools of the highest repute carried on for the most part under ancient endowments, private schools of individuals and associa- tions, and universities entirely independent of the Government, there is reasonable hope that with proper care this peril may be escaped. But its existence should never be forgotten. Universal efficiency in all establishments that profess to educate any section of the people may properly be required; but the variety, the individuality and the inde- pendence of schools of every sort, primary and secondary, higher and lower, should be jealously guarded. Such attributes once lost can never be restored. There still remains for our consideration the second division of higher education, viz., the applied or technological side. It is in this branch of education that Great Britain is most behind the rest of the world; and the nation in its efforts to make up the lost ground fails to recognize the fact that real technical instruction (of whatever type) cannot possibly be assimilated by a student unless a proper foundation has been laid previously by a thorough grounding of elementary and secondary instruction. Our efforts at reform are abrupt and discon- nected. A panic from time to time sets in as to our backwardness in some particular branch of commerce or industry. There is a sudden rush to supply the need. Classes and schools spring up like mush- rooms, which profess to give instruction in the lacking branch of applied 56 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. science to scholars who have no elementary knowledge of the particular science, and whose general capacities have never been sufficiently de- veloped. Students are invited to climb the higher rungs of the ladder of learning who have never trod the lower. But science cannot be taught to those who cannot read, nor commerce to those who cannot write. A few elementary lessons in shorthand and bookkeeping will not fit the British people to compete with the commercial enterprise of Germany. Such sudden and random attempts to reform our system of technical education are time and money wasted. There are grades and- types in technological instruction, and progress can only be slow. It is useless to accept in the higher branches a student who does not come with a solid foundation on which to build. In such institutions as the Polytechnics at Zurich and Charlottenburg we find the students ex- clusively drawn from those who have already completed the highest branches of general education; in this country there is hardly a single institution where this could be said of more than a mere fraction of its students. The middle grades of technological instruction suffer from a similar defect. Boys are entered at technical institutions whose only previous instruction has been at elementary schools and eve- ning classes ; whose intellectual faculties have not been developed to the requisite point; and who have to be retaught the elements to fit them for the higher instruction. In fact there is no scientific conception of what this kind of instruction is to accomplish and of its proper and necessary basis of general education. Yet this is just the division of higher education in which public authority- finds a field for its operations practically unoccupied. There are no ancient institutions which there is risk of supplanting. The variety of the subject itself is such that there is little danger of sinking into a uniform and mechanical system. What is required is first a scientific, well-thought-out plan and then its prompt and effective execution. A proper provision of the various grades and types of technological instruction should be organized in every place. The aim of each institution should be clear; and the intellectual equipment essential for admission to each should be laid down and enforced. The principles of true economy, from the national point of view, must not be lost sight of. Provision can only be made (since it must be of the highest type to be of the slightest use) for those really qualified to profit by it to the point of benefiting the community. Evening classes with no standard for admission and no test of efficiency may be valu- able from a social point of view as providing innocent occupation and amusement, but they are doing little to raise the technical capacity of the nation. So far from 'developing a popular demand for higher instruction' they may be preventing its proper growth by perpetuating tlie popular misconception of what real technical instruction is, and THE NATIONAL CONTROL OF EDUCATION. 57 of the sacrifices we must make if our people are to compete on equal terms with other nations in the commerce of the world. The progress made under such a system would at first be slow; the number of stu- dents would be few until improvements in our systems of primary and secondary instruction afforded more abundant material on which to work; but our foundation would be on a rock, and every addition we were able to make would be permanent, and contribute to the final completion of the edifice. It is the special function of the British Association to inculcate 'n scientific view of things' in every department of life. There is nothing in which scientific conception is at the present moment more urgently required than in national education ; and there is this peculiar difficulty in the problem, that any attempt to construct a national sys- tem inevitably arouses burning controversies, economical, religious and political. It is only a society like this, with an established philo- sophical character, that can afford to reduce popular cries about edu- cation (which ignore what education really is, and perpetuate the absurdity that it consists in attending classes, passing examinations and obtaining certificates) to their true proportions. If this Associa- tion could succeed in establishing in the minds of the people a scien- tific conception of a national education system, such as has already been evolved by most of the nations of Europe, the States of America, and our own colonies, it would have rendered a service of inestimable value to the British nation. 58 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN INTELLECT. By Professor EDWARD L. THORNDIKE, TEACHERS COLLEGE, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. n^O the intelligent man with an interest in human nature it must -*- often appear strange that so much of the energy of the scientific world has been spent on the study of the body and so little on the study of the mind. 'The greatest thing in man is mind/ he might say, 'yet the least studied.' Especially remarkable seems the rarity of efforts to trace the evolution of the human intellect from that of the lower animals. Since Darwin's discovery, the beasts of the field, the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea have been examined with infinite pains b)"^ hundreds of workers in the effort to trace our physical genealogy, and with consummate success; yet few and far between have been the efforts to find the origins of intellect and trace its progress up to human faculty. And none of them has achieved any secure success. It may be premature to try again, but a somewhat extended series of studies of the intelligent behavior of fishes, reptiles, birds and mam- mals, including the monkeys, which it has been my lot to carry out during the last five years, has brought results which seem to throw light on the problem and to suggest its solution. Experiments have been made on fishes, reptiles, birds and various mammals, notably dogs, cats, mice and monkeys, to see how they learned to do certain simple things in order to get food. All these animals manifest fundamentally the same sort of intellectual life. Their learn- ing is after the same general type. What that type is can be seen best from a concrete instance. A monkey was kept in a large cage. Into the cage was put a box, the door of which was held closed by a wire fastened to a nail which was inserted in a hole in the top of the l)ox. If the nail was pulled up out of the hole the door could be pulled open. In this box was a piece of banana. The monkey, attracted by the new object, came down from the top of the cage and fussed over the box. He pulled at the wire, at the door and at the bars in the front of the box. He pushed the box about and tipped it up and down. He played with the nail and finally pulled it out. When he happened to pull the door again it of course opened. He reached in and got the food inside. It had taken him 36 minutes to get in. Another piece of food being put in and the door closed the occurrences of the first trial were repeated, but there was less of the profitless pulling and tipping. He got in this time in 2 minutes and 20 seconds. With repeated trials EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN INTELLECT. 59 the animal finally came to drop entirely the profitless acts and to take the nail out and open the door as soon as the box was put in his cage. He had, we should say, learned to get in. The process involved in the learning was evidently a process of selection. The animal is confronted by a state of affairs or, as we may call it, a '^situation.' He reacts in the way that he is moved by his innate nature or previous training to do, by a nimiber of acts. These acts include the particular act that is appropriate and he succeeds. In later trials the impulse to this one act is more and more stamped in, this one act is more and more associated with that situation, is selected from amongst the others by reason of the pleasure it brings the animal. The profitless acts are stamped out; the impulses to perform them in that situation are weakened by reason of the positive discomfort or the absence of pleasure resulting from them. So the animal finally per- forms in that situation only the fitting act. Here we have the simplest and at the same time the most wide- spread sort of intellect or learning in the world. There is no reasoning, no process of inference or comparison; there is no thinking about things, no putting two and two together ; there are no ideas — the animal does not think of the box or of the food or of the act he is to perform. He simply comes after the learning to feel like doing a certain thing under certain circumstances which before the learning he did not feel like doing. Human beings are accustomed to think of intellect as the power of having and controlling ideas and of ability to learn as synony- mous with ability to have ideas. But learning by having ideas is really one of the rare and isolated events in nature. There may be a few scat- tered ideas possessed by the higher animals, but the common form of intelligence with them, their habitual method of learning, is not by the acquisition of ideas, but by the selection of impulses. Indeed this same type of learning is found in man. When we learn to drive or play tennis or billiards, when we learn to tell the price of tea by tasting it or to strike a certain note exactly with the voice, we do not learn in the main by virtue of any ideas that are explained to us, by any inferences that we reason out. We learn by the gradual selection of the appropriate act or judgment, by its association with the circumstances or situation requiring it in just the way that the animals do. From the lowest animals of which we can affirm intelligence up to man this type of intellect is found. With it there are in the mammals obscure traces of the ideas which come in the mental life of man to outweigh and hide it. But it is the basal fact. As we follow the development of animals in time we find the capacity to select impulses growing. We find the associations thus made between situation and act growing in number, being formed more quickly, lasting longer and 6o POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. becoming more complex and more delicate. The fish can learn to go to certain places, to take certain paths, to bite at certain things and refuse others, but not much more. It is an arduous proceeding for him to learn to get out of a small pen by swimming up through a hole in a screen. The monkey can learn to do all sorts of things. It is a com- paratively short and easy task for him to learn to get into a box by unhooking a hook, pushing a bar around and pulling out a plug. He learns quickly to climb down to a certain place when he sees a letter T on a card and to stay still when he sees a K. He performs the proper acts nearly as well after 50 days as he did when they were fresh in his mind. This growth in the number, speed of formation, permanence, delicacy and complexity of associations possible for an animal reaches its acme in the case of man. Even if we leave out of question the power of reasoning, the possession of a multitude of ideas and abstractions and the power of control over impulses, purposive action, man is still the intellectual leader of the animal kingdom by virtue of the superior development in him of the power of forming associations between situations or sense impressions and acts, by virtue of the degree to which the mere learning by selection possessed by all intelligent ani- mals has advanced. In man the type of intellect common to the ani- mal kingdom finds its fullest development, and with it is combined the hitherto non-existent power of thinking about things and rationally directing action in accord with thought. Indeed it may be that this very reason, self -consciousness and self- control which seem to sever human intellect so sharply from that of all other animals are really but secondary results of the tremendous increase in the number, delicacy and complexity of associations which the human animal can form. It may be that the evolution of intellect has no breaks, that its progress is continuous from its first appearance to its present condition in adult civilized human beings. If we could prove that what we call ideational life and reasoning were not new and unexplainable species of intellectual life but only the natural conse- quences of an increase in the number, delicacy and complexity of associations of the general animal sort, we should have made out an evolution of mind comparable to the evolution of living forms. In 1890 William James wrote, "The more sincerely one seeks to trace the actual course of psycho-genesis, the steps by which as a race we may have come by the peculiar mental attributes which we possess, the more clearly one perceives 'the slowly gathering twilight close in utter dark.' " Can we perhaps prove him a false prophet ? Let us first see if there be any evidence that makes it probable that in some way or another the mere extension of the animal type of intellect has pro- duced the human sort. If we do let us proceed to seek a possible EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN INTELLECT. 6i account of ]low this might have happened, and finally to examine any evidence that shows this possible 'how' to have been the real way in which human reason has evolved. It has already been shown that in the animal kingdom there is, as we pass from the early vertebrates down to man, a progress in the evolution of the general associative process which practically equals animal in- tellect, that this progress continues as M-e pass from the monkeys to man. Such a progress is a real fact; it does exist as a possible vera causa; it is thus at all events better than some imaginary cause of the origin of human intellect, the very existence of which is in doubt. In a similar manner we know that the cell structures which compose the brain and the connections between which are the physiological parallel of the associations animals form show as we pass down through the vertebrate series an evolution along lines of increased delicacy and com- plexity. That an animal associates a certain act with a certain felt situation means that he forms or strengthens connections between cer- tain cells. The increase in the number, delicacy and complexity of cell structures is thus the basis for an increase in the number, delicacy and complexity of associations. Xow the evolution noted in cell structures affects man as well as the other vertebrates. He stands at the head of the scale in that respect as well. May not this obvious supremacy in the animal type of intellect and in the adaptation of his brain to it be at the bottom of his supremacy in being the sole possessor of reason- ing? This question becomes more pressing if we realize that we must have some sort of brain correlate for ideational life and reasoning. Some sort of difference in processes in the brain must be at the basis of the mental differences between man and the lower animals, we should all admit. And it would seem wise to look for that difference amongst differences which really do or at least may exist. Now the most likely brain difference between man and the lower animals for our purpose, to my mind indeed the only likely one, is just this difference in the fineness of organization of the cell structures. If we could show with any degree of probability how it might account for the presence of ideas and of reasoning we should at least have the satisfaction of deal- ing with a cause actually known to exist. The next important fact is that the intellect of the infant six months to a year old is of the animal sort, that ideational and reason- ing life is not present in his case, that the only obvious intellectual difference between him and a monkey is in the quantity and quality of the associations formed. In the evolution of the infant's mind to its adult condition we have the actual transition within an individual from the animal to the human type of intellect. If we look at the infant and ask what is in him to make in the future a thinker and 62 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. reasoner, we must answer either by invoking some mysterious capacity, the presence of which we cannot demonstrate, or by taking the differ- ence we actually do find. That is the difference in the quality and quantity of associations of the animal sort. Even if we could never see how it came to cause the future intellectual life, it would seem wiser to believe that it did than to resort to faith in mysteries. Surely there is enough evidence to make it worth while to ask our second question, 'How might this difference cause the life of ideas and reason- ing ?' To answer this question fully would involve a most intricate treat- ment of the whole intellectual life of man, a treatment which cannot be attempted without reliance on technical terms and psychological formulas. A fairly comprehensible account of the general features of such an answer can however be given. The essential thing about the thinking of the animals is that they feel things in gross. The kitten that learned to respond differently to the signals 'I must feed those cats' and 'I will not feed them,' felt each signal as a vague total in- cluding the tone, the movements of my head, etc. It did not have an idea of the sound of I, another of the sound of must, another of the sound of feed, etc. It did not turn the complex impression into a lot of elements, but felt it, as I have said, in gross. The dog that learned to get out of a box by pulling a loop of wire did not feel the parts of the box separately, the loop as a definite circle of a certain size, did not feel his act as a sum of certain particular movements. The monkey that learned to know the letter K from the letter Y did not feel the separate lines of the letter, have definite ideas of the parts. He Just felt one way when he saw one total impression and another way when he saw another. Strictly human thinking on the contrary has for its essential charac- teristic the breaking up of gross total situations into a number of par- ticular feelings. When in the presence of ten jumping tigers, we not only feel like running, but also feel the number of the tigers, their color, their size, etc. When instead of merely associating some act with some situation in the animal way, we think the situation out, we have a num- ber of particular feelings of its elements. In some cases it is true we re- main restricted to the animal sort of feelings. The sense impressions of suffocation, of the feeling of a new style of clothes, of the pressure of 10 feet of water above us, of malaise, of nausea and such like, remain for most of us vague total feelings to which we react and which we feel most acutely, but which do not take the form of definite ideas that we can isolate or combine or compare. Such feelings we say are not parts of our real intellectual life. They are parts of our intellectual life if we mean by it the mental life concerned in learning, but they are not if we mean by it the life of reasoning. EVOLUTION OF TEE HUMAN INTELLECT. 63 Can we now see how the vague gross feelings of the animal sort might turn into the well-defined particular ideas of the human sort, by the aid of a multitude of delicate associations ? It seems to be a general law of mind that any mental element which occurs with a number of different mental elements, appears that is in a number of different combinations, tends to thereby acquire an in- dependent life of its own. We show children six lines, six dots, six peas, six pieces of paper, etc., and thus create the definite feeling of sixness. Out of the gross feelings of a certain number of lines, of dots, etc., we evolve the definite elementary feeling of sixness by making the ^six' aspect of the situations appear in a number of different connections. We learn to feel whiteness as a definite idea by seeing white paper, white cloth, white eggs, white plates, etc., etc. We learn to feel the meaning of hut or in or notwithstanding by feeling the meaning of a number of total phrases containing each of them. Now in this general law by which different associates for the same elementary process elevate it out of its position as an undifferentiated fragment of a gross total feeling, we have, I think, the manner in which the vague feelings of the nine-raonths-old infant become the definite ideas of the five-year- old boy, the manner in which in the race the animal mind has evolved into the human, and the explanation of the service performed by the increase in the delicacy of structure of the human brain and the con- sequent increase in the number of associations. The bottle to the six-months-old infant is a vague sense impression which the infant does not think about or indeed in the common mean- ings of the words perceive or remember or imagine. Its presence does not arouse ideas, but action. It is not to him a thing so big, or so shaped, or so heavy, but is just a vaguely sizable thing to be reached for, grabbed and sucked. Like the lower animals, with the exception that as he grows a little older he reacts in very many more ways, the child feels things in gross in a way to lead to direct reactions. Vague sense impressions and impulses make up his mental life. The bottle, which to a dog would be a thing to smell at and paw, to a kitten a thing to smell at and perhaps worry, is to the child a little later a thing to grab and suck and turn over and drop and pick up and pull at and finger and rub against its toes and so on. The sight of the bottle thus becomes associated with a lot of different reactions, and thus by our general law tends to gain a position independent of any of them, to evolve from the condition of being a portion of the cycles see-grab, see-drop, see-turn over, etc., to the condition of being a definite idea. The increased delicacy and complexity of the cell structures in the human brain gives the possibility of very small parts of the brain processes forming different connections, allows the brain to work in 64 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. very great detail, provides processes ready to be turned into definite ideas. The great number of associations which the human being forms furnish the means by which this last event is consummated. The infant's vague feelings of total situations are by virtue of the detailed working of his brain all ready to split up into parts, and his general activity and curiosity provide the multitude of different connections which allow them to do so. The dog on the other hand has few or no ideas because his brain acts in coarse fasliion and because there are few connections with each single process. When once the mind begins to function by having definite ideas all the .phenomena of reasoning soon appear. The transition from one idea to another is the feeling of their relationship, of similarity or difference or whatever it may be. As soon as we find any words or other symbols to express such a feeling, or to express our idea of an action or condition, we have explicit judgments. Observation of any child will show us that the mind cannot rest in a condition where it has a large body of ideas without comparing them and thinking about them. The ideas carry within them the forces that make abstractions, feelings of similarity, judgments and the other characteristics of reasoning. In children two and three years of age we find all these elements of reasoning present and functioning. The product of children's reasoning is often irrational but the processes are all there. The fol- lowing instances from a collection of children's sayings by Mr. H. W. Brown show children making inductions and deductions after the same general fashion as adults : (2 yrs.) T. pulled the hairs on his father's wrist. Father. ''Don't T., you hurt papa!" T. "It didn't hurt grandpa." (2 yrs. 5 mos.) M. said, "Gracie can't walk, she wears little bits of ?hoes; if she had mine she could walk. When I get some new ones, I'm going to give her these, so she can walk." (3 yrs.) W. likes to play with oil paints. Two days ago my father told W. he must not touch the paints any more, for he was too small. This morning W. said, "When my papa is a very old man, and when I am a big man and don't need any papa, then I can paint, can't I, mamma?" (3 yrs.) G.'s aunt gave him ten cents. G. went out, but soon came back saying, "Mamma, we will be rich now." "Why so, G?" "Because I planted my ten cents, and we will have lots of ten cents growing." (3 yrs.) B. climbed up into a large express wagon, and would not get' out. I helped him out, and it was not a minute before he was back in the wagon. I said, "B., how are you going to get out of there now?" He replied, "I can stay here till it gets little, and then I can get out my own self." (3 yrs.) F. is not allowed to go to the table to eat unless she has her face and hands washed and her hair combed. The other day she went to a lady A-isiting at her house and said, "Please wash my face and hands and comb my hair; I am very hungry." (3 yrs.) If C. is told not to touch a certain thing, that it will bite him, EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN INTELLECT. 65 he always asks if it has a mouth. The other day he was examining a plant, to see if it had a mouth. He was told not to break it, and he said, "Oh, it won't bite, because I can't find any mouth." iSTowhere in the animal kingdom do we find the psychological elements of reasoning save where there is a mental life made np of the definite feelings which I have called 'ideas/ but they spring up like magic as soon as we get in a child a body of such ideas. If we have traced satisfactorily the evolution of a life of ideas from the animal life of vague sense impressions and impulses we may be reasonably sure that no difficulty awaits us in following the life of ideas in its course from the chaotic dream of early childhood to the logical world-view of the adult scientist. In a very short time we have come a long way, from the simple learning of the minnow or chick to the science and logic of man. The general frame of mind which one acquires from the study of animal behavior and of the mental development of young children makes our hypothesis seem vital and probable. If the facts did eventually corroborate it we should have an eminently simple genesis of human faculty, for we could put together the gist of our contention in a few words. We should say: "The function of intellect is to provide a means of modifying our reactions to the circumstances of life so that we may secure pleasure, the symptom of welfare. Its general law is that when in a certain situation an animal acts so that pleasure results, that act is selected from all those performed and associated with that situation so that when the situation recurs the act will be more likely to follow than it was before, that on the contrary the acts which when performed in a certain situation have brought discomfort tend to be dissociated from that situation. The intellectual evolution of the race consists in an increase in the number, delicacy, complexity, permanence and speed of formation of such associations. In man this increase reaches such a point that an apparently new type of mind results, which conceals the real continuity of the process. This mental evolution parallels the evolution of the cell structures of the brain from fewer and simpler and grosser to many and complex and delicate." Nowhere more truly than in his mental capacities is man a part of nature. His instincts, that is his inborn tendencies to feel and act in certain ways, show throughout marks of kinship with the lower animals, especially with our nearest relatives physically, the monkeys. His sense powers show no new creation. His intellect we have seen to be a simple though extended variation from the general animal sort. This again is presaged by the similar variation in the case of the monkeys. Amongst the minds of animals that of man leads, not as a demigod from another planet, but as a king from the same race. VOL. LX. — 5. 66 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE OEIGIN OF SEX IN PLANTS. By Dr. BRADLEY MOORE DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. 'y'^OOLOGISTS have held various views as to the origin of sex in ■^-^ animals, but the subject is confessedly speculative. They have very little data bearing upon the problem — the gap between the Pro- tozoa and the Metazoa is so immense and characterized by such a paucity of intermediate types. We pass directly from relatively sim- ple conjugation among unicellular forms to the complicated conditions in higher animals, where the sexual elements have reached a very high state of specialization. Botany is very much more fortunate in this respect. It is not difficult to understand the evolution of multicellular plants from the unicellular, and we have a great deal of evidence that bears on the origin and differentiation of sex. Greater interest is added to this subject because we have reason to believe that sex has arisen in a num- ber of divergent groups by identical processes but without relation to one another, so that similar complex results have been worked out independently. We shall deal entirely with that large group of the lower plants known as the algae which includes all the plants below the liverworts and mosses with the exception of the fungi. One need study the algae but slightly to realize that they are a very diverse assemblage of forms comprising many lines of ascent, some of which are marked out clearly, but many of them mere fragments and remnants of former series that have been broken up by the extinction of ancestral types. There are certain groups of algae well known to all students of botany that have no place in the present discussion. Such for example are the Conjugales comprising types such as Spirogyra, Zygnema, the desmids, and again, the diatoms. However valuable these forms may be for certain laboratory studies, they should never be cited as typical illustrations of sexual processes among the lower plants. They are rather extraordinarily specialized groups and have developed peculiar- ities of a high order. Again, there are numbers of groups complex in their organization, whose relationship to other forms is so remote that we must place them quite apart by themselves. Such for example are the stoneworts (Charales), the red algae (Khodophyceae) and some THE ORIGIN OF SEX IN PLANTS. 67 forms of the brown algae (Phaeophyceae). These groups give us no data on the problems that we are to consider. There is left for us a numerous and varied array of algae, represent- ing several lines of ascent, all tending to diverge from one another. But these forms have some important points in common, particularly as concerns certain events in their life histories. There is immense variety in the form of the plant body which ranges from a single cell to structures with stalks and leaf-like organs. There are likewise ex- hibited many degrees of sexual development, from a few forms which actually appear to illustrate -the dawning of sex through various inter- mediate stages to many types in which the sexual elements have become highly specialized. The story of the differentiation of sex, that is, the evolution of the egg and sperm from the primitive sexual elements, is most interesting, but would require extended treatment. It must be left for some future paper. Our problem is to understand how the primitive sexual elements arose. Almost all the algae in the groups referred to in the paragraph above have one phase in their life histories in common. They usually present a period, although sometimes very short, when the protoplasm of the cells is in the form of free-swimming elements. These are called zoospores or swarm-spores and they are commonly little pear- shaped bodies, the pointed ends bearing 2 or perhaps 4 delicate hair- like organs, called cilia, whose vibrations give the zoospores their rapid movement. A glance at the illustrations will show the form of these motile cells. Zoospores are likely to be produced in greatest quantity at certain seasons or under particular conditions of light or temperature, and their purpose is plainly the rapid propagation of the species. But there is a deep significance in their general conformity to a cer- tain type of structure and their almost universal presence in the groups that we are considering. In a certain sense the zoospore represents a return on the part of these algae to primitive ancestral conditions. There are many unicellular algae that pass a large part, per- fig. 1. stages in the Life history of chla- haps the greater part, of their mydomonas. «, vegetative cell. 6, small ga- _ ^ ° _ r ' METE, c, Conjugation of Gametes, d, Sexually lives as motile cells with a struc- formed spore, e, first division of spoee. ture essentiallv thp «nmp n^ /, Quirscent condition, cells Multiplying by Ture esseniiany tne same as division. (After gokoschankin.) 68 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. zoospores. These lowly types of the Protococcales are certainly most nearly related to the parent forms of all the higher algae. The prin- cipal stages in the life history of such a type (Chlamydomonas) are illustrated in Figure 1. The free-swimming cell is shown in a and &. In c we have the conjugation of two individuals which gives a sex- ually formed spore such as ajDpears in d. e and / present a quiescent condition when the cells multiply for a short time by fission. The evolution of the algae has led for the most part to the develop- ment and long continuance of such phases of the life history as are stationary, and from these the filamentous, membranous and otherwise differentiated plant bodies have arisen. Finally the motile stage became so shortened as to be only a method of reproduction on the part of the plant and is passed over very quickly. The zoospore then takes on new interest when one contemplates its relation to the past, realizing that it represents conditions of a re- mote period when the algae were much simpler than they are now and passed the greater part of their lives in a motile condition. It is not likely that the first algal types were motile, for the lowest group of all, the Cyanophyceae or blue-green algae, presents forms whose cells are always stationary, reproducing by simple fission. But above the lower stretches of the algae, the zoospore appears with great regularity and usually conspicuously in the life history. There are certain types (unicellular Volvocaceae), whose life histories are mostly or entirely alternations of motile conditions and quiescent states when the cells come to rest, lose their cilia and remain motionless for many days. Such resting cells are well known to students of the lower algae, and it is an interesting fact that they may pass quickly and readily back to the motile form. Indeed there is every reason to believe that the one state or the other is largely determined by the physical environment of the organism. Eecent studies by Livingston have shown for one type (Stigeoclonium) that zoospores immediately follow the transfer of cells in a resting condition from a certain solu- tion of salts to a weaker solution, and this is an excellent illustration of the sort of factors that influence the alga. In our discussion of the problem of the origin of sex we are to deal chiefly with forms whose motile conditions are so shortened as to be manifestly largely or wholly reproductive in their purposes. The plants are stationary, but at times and under certain conditions zoo- spores are produced in great numbers. These, after a brief existence as free-swimming cells, settle down and give rise to a new stationary plant body usually like the parent. Zoospores or swarm spores are wonderfully alike in structure in the algae that are most closely related to one another. The prevailing type among the green algae (Chlorophyceae) is a pear-shaped cell with 2 THE ORIGIN OF SEX IN PLANTS. 69 or frequently 4 cilia at the pointed end. The illustrations show these and other characters clearly. A portion of the protoplasm is differen- tiated as a green body (chloroplast), which only partially fills the rounded end of the zoospore, leaving the rest of the cell quite clear. Sometimes the chloroplast contains a central body called the pyrenoid, which is associated with the starch-forming activities of the chloroplast. This structure must not be confused with the nucleus of the cell, the latter being almost always invisible in the living zoospore. Finally, one may always expect to find in the colorless pointed end, near the cilia, a small bright red body called the pigment spot. The pigment spot is generally believed to have a relation to the sensitiveness dis- played by zoospores towards light, not in any sense, however, as an organ of vision, as might be judged by the unfortunate term 'eye-spot' that is sometimes applied to it. Such is the structure of the zoospores. Now let us consider their habits. As we have said before, several are likely to be developed in a single cell, but there is no rule as to number. Sometimes the entire contents of a cell will slip out as a single zoospore, but more frequently 8, 16 or 32 will be formed, a variable number even in the same plant, and in certain cases the parent cell will give rise to hundreds. The zoospores escape from the mother cell or sporange usually through some opening in the wall and immediately swim off. They may be developed so numerously that the water is actually colored greenish and the field of the microscope shows hundreds of these organisms moving rapidly in various directions. Such appearances have given them the appro- priate name of swarm-spores. The swarming of zoospores is best shown under certain conditions of illumination. The zoospores are very sensitive to light and usually arrange themselves with reference to its source so that the long axes are parallel with the incoming rays. If a vessel of water be placed so that the light rays come from one direction, as from a window, the zoospores will move in parallel lines towards or away from the source of the illumination. They will thus collect in clouds in various parts of the vessel, the exact position being somewhat modified by the currents of water that slowly circulate through every brightly illuminated vessel. Generally speaking the swarm-spores that one is most likely to see will be asexual. Their activities cease after a few hours or perhaps minutes and they then attach themselves in some suitable position, germinate and develop young plants called sporelings. Sporelings of the alga, Ulothrix, are shown in Figure 2, d, they having developed from a zoospore like c. But frequently and under conditions that have been in part deter- mined swarm-spores will behave quite differently. They will swim at first very actively, approaching one another and then darting awa}'. 70 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. hut finally gathering in small groups and sorting themselves in pairs. The elements in such a pair begin to fuse together; the process is called conjugation and represents the simplest form of sexuality. The two sexual cells are called gametes, but they are nothing more than zoospores so constituted that they must fuse with one another in order to live. The gametes show their relationship to zoospores in various ways and there is no doubt that they arose from the latter. In the first place they have the same general structure and are developed in the same sorts of cells on the mother plant. But the most important evidence of affinity is exhibited by certain gametes that are so much like zoospores that they will sometimes settle down and germinate without conjuga- tion. Tliis means that their sexual characters are not strongly enough developed to overcome the vegetative tendencies of their parents the asexual zoospores. However, the sporelings that come from these abortive or perhaps parthenogenetic gametes are weaker than the prod- ucts of the ordinary or normal zoosopores and sometimes never reach full development. As may be guessed, this curious intermediate condi- tion between the zoospore and gamete furnishes a most important clue to the fundamental distinctions that separate the one from the other. These differences are evidently physiological rather than morphological in character. It is only recently that botanists have in part understood and at- tempted to define precisely the conditions that determine the develop- ment on the one hand of zoospores and on the other of gametes. In a general way it has been believed for a long time that the problem was a physiological one and that various enviromnental conditions of season, temperature or light were responsible for the results. But in the past ten years there have been numerous studies, on various types of the lower plants, attempting to establish as exactly as possible the chemical and physical factors at work. In this field of research the botanist, Klebs, has been especially active, and he, above all others, deserves the credit of developing certain experimental methods of at- tack. These have yielded important results and justify the belief that we may in the future obtain much precise knowledge. Klebs treats the forms to as many well-defined conditions as he can devise, various as to the food, the osmotic properties of the water, the light and the temperature. The results have been very remark- able considering the difficulties of the problems. We can not do better than to follow his studies on one or two forms to illustrate the possi- bilities of investigations in this difficult field. His studies on TJlothrix are interesting. This is a lowly type of unbranched filamentous alga common in both fresh and salt water. The zoospores (Figure 2,h) are formed in varying numbers, but usually THE ORIGIN OF SEX IN PLANTS. 71 4 or 8 in a cell. They are relatively large structures with 4 cilia and have the appearance shown in Figure 2, c. These 4-ciliate zoospores are never sexual and they develop new Ulothrix filaments like their parent. This simple method of reproduction may be continued for Fig. 2. Ulothrix. a, Vegetative Filament. 6, Development of Asexual Zoospores. c, Zoospore, d, Sporelings. e, Cell containing Gametes. /, Gametes, g, Conjugation of Gametes, h. Sexually formed Spore. many months, but at times the conditions are such that another form of swarm-spore appears. These elements are much smaller than the usual zoospores, are developed more numerously in the mother cell and have 2 cilia as is shown in Figure 2, e, f. They are gametes and as a rule fuse readily with one another in pairs. The free-swimming gametes are sho'^vn in Figure 2, f, and two stages in the conjugation appear in g and h. If conjugation does not take place, the gametes settle down and in certain instances have been observed slowly ger- minating ; but they develop feeble plants. Now what are the causes that make the plant produce asexual zoo- spores on the one hand and gametes on the other? Are they deeply seated in the protoplasm of Ulothrix? In the first place there is no rule or rhythm in the appearance of zoospores or gametes, no time when conditions within the plant demand their development. And again, structurally, there is no hard and fast line between the zoospore and gamete; on the contrary, there are gradual transitions between these two forms of swarm spores. The problem thus resolves itself into an inquiry as to the precise environmental influences, the chemical and physical factors affecting the Ulothrix filament, whether they are ac- tually able to make the plant form zoospores or not according to certain conditions. The habits of Ulothrix show us clearly that there are such factors, but the adjustments are so delicate that, apart from a very clear relation to temperature and the character of the salts in solution, it has not been possible to formulate them with exactness. But other studies of Klebs, on forms that lend themselves more readily to cultivation than Ulothrix, have given some very definite re- sults. Hydrodictyon, the water-net, is an alga^ that may be cultivated 72 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. with great ease in the laboratory. This plant is a great cell colony, involving usually thousands of elements which are joined to one an- other to form a net of polygonal meshes. A portion of such a plant is shown in Figure 3, a. These cells after they have reached a certain age produce zoospores that may be either asexual or sexual (gametes). The gametes are smaller and are produced much more numerously than Fig. 3. Hydrodictyon. a, Portion of Net. 6, End of Cell showing Young Net in ITS Interior, c, Gahete. d, e, Conjugation of Gametes. the asexual elements. They escape from the mother-cell and after swarming in the water conjugate in pairs (see Figure 3, c, d, e). The asexual swarm-spores have the peculiarity of never leaving the mother cell. They swim around in the cavity bounded by the cell wall and shortly come to rest, arranging themselves to form a new net entirely within the parent cell. Thus by their habits one may readily distin- guish the asexual zoospores and gametes of Hydrodictyon. Now let us summarize the factors that will make Hydrodictyon form asexual zoospores at one time and gametes at another. The water- net grows luxuriantly in a culture solution containing a number of inorganic salts. If plants are removed from such a culture solution and placed in fresh water they will develop zoospores in 34 hours. The process takes place most rapidly if the temperature is slightly above the normal; indeed merely warming the water in which plants are living will frequently induce the production of zoospores. Plants re- fuse to form zoospores at a temperature as low as 8° C. but if such a culture be raised to the warmth of 16° or 20° the process is immediately resumed. Gametes are produced under very different conditions from those stated above. They demand organic food. Cultures of Hydro- dictyon in a solution of 'cane sugar will almost certainly yield gametes after several days. It frequently happens that the nets of Hydrodictyon will exhibit a well-defined tendency or preference to form either gametes or zoo- spores. Such a habit may be quite thoroughly broken by cultivating a plant under proper surroundings. Gamete-forming nets will shortly THE ORIGIN OF SEX IN PLANTS. 73 produce zoospores if grown in solution of inorganic salts and in bright sunlight. Nets with strong inclinations to form zoospores can be made to produce gametes by cultivating in a sugar solution in subdued light or darkness. Plants that have no special inclination to form either zoospores or gametes may be decided one way or the other by the illumination, bright light producing zoospores and darkness gametes. It is also fair to say that sometimes the tendency to form zoospores is so strong that a plant will not yield for several generations to the conditions that generally bring about the immediate production of gametes. Let these studies on Hydrodictyon and Ulothrix stand as illustra- tions of the kind of evidence presented in varying degrees by many algae and fungi and constantly increasing as investigations in physiol- ogy proceed. The general trend seems unmistakable. We may feel sure that sexual elements, gametes, have arisen from asexual repro- ductive cells with an immediate relation to and probably because of certain environmental factors. In a general way these factors are known to be light, temperature, osmotic pressure and, most im- portant of all, the chemical nature of the environment with especial reference to the kinds of foods. What was the change that came over the asexual reproductive cell when it took on the stamp of sex? The differences are best measured in the possibilities of the two elements. The asexual zoospores may quickly and readily produce a new individual. The gamete, generally speaking, must fuse with its kind or else die. We have seen that primi- tive gametes may germinate without conjugation but the resulting plants in the cases best known are weaker than normal individuals. We also know that the lower stretches of the plant kingdom furnish abundant illustrations of parthenogenesis, that is, the power of an egg cell to develop without fertilization. These exceptions, however, strengthen the evidence that the essential differences between gametes and asexual zoospores are qualities lacking in the former, and especially the ability to continue and sustain the mechanism demanded by vital processes. With conjugation all is changed, and the sexually formed spore has the qualities lacking in the two gametes from which it arose. The protoplasm is in a sense rejuvenated and with the stimulus comes sooner or later an expression frequently more vigorous than that of the asexual spore. The most striking conjecture on the significance and origin of sex has been presented under the name 'autophagy.' It is a very simple hypothesis. However, its simplicity is its greatest danger and will probably be its complete undoing, for enough is known to indicate that the factors and conditions that produce the sexual act are im- 74 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. mensely varied and complex. Autophagy explains the sexual act as a process by which sexual cells mutually devour one another. Each is fed to the other and by mutually contributing their substance both make possible the energy exhibited by the fusion cell. Autophagy conceives the sexual cell (gamete) as one that lacks the energy of its progenitor, the asexual element. It is a cell reduced and starved. Ordinarily its vitality is at such a low ebb that further development is impossible. Sometimes it is not so far gone but that a favorable environment will induce parthenogenetic growth. The sex- ual cell may be brought back to virile activity with power to propagate the race, if supplied with the necessary energy. And the simplest method of attaining this end, according to autophagy, is the coopera- tive union of these weakened elements, a mutual feast, which revives the worn-out protoplasm and enables the fusion products to make a fresh start. The hypothesis of autophagy may be attacked from several points, and becomes very unsatisfactory when so examined. It is crude and entirely insufficient to cover the subtle phenomena that it attempts to handle. The cause of the fusion of gametes involves problems of chemistry and physics which can only be investigated by methods of ex- treme delicacy and precision. One may see at a glance that conjuga- tion is not the same as the actual feeding of one unicellular organism upon another. In such a case, which might be illustrated with many Protozoa, the captive form is destroyed and its dead substance is then worked over through elaborate changes into the protoplasm of the living cell. In the conjugation of sexual cells, the two masses of pro- toplasm fuse and mingle and perhaps the most significant feature of the process is the union of the two sexual nuclei. As a matter of fact, sexual cells are, generally speaking, well nourished, and in all higher organisms the egg is specially provided with food, far above the amount ordinarily present in cells. The un- fertilized egg does not lack food, but is unable to command the neces- sary energy or, if such be present, it is tied up in some form that can- not be used. The importance of the latter condition is indicated by the investigations of Dr. Loeb, who found that a slight increase in the density of sea-water will induce the immediate development of the un- fertilized eggs of sea urchins, star fishes and a certain worm. In the earlier experiments, salts of magnesium and potassium were added to the sea- water, but later studies have shown that sugar induces similar parthenogenetic development. It is suggested that merely the with- drawal of water from the egg by osmosis is sufficient to cause its de- velopment without sexual intervention. And it may be supposed that normally the sperm brings to the egg substances that excite such con- ditions within the egg that water is given off. But we are far from TEE ORIGIN OF SEX IN PLANTS. 75 understanding how such results are accomplished in nature or what other factors may be concerned. It is certainly plain that the conditions surrounding sexual processes are immensely complex, and as yet we only know them in part and for a very few organisms. There is every reason to expect that investigation will so add to these that the subject will consist of very complicated problems in physics and chemistry. But it is something to know that important factors exist outside of the organism controlling in great part the sexual phase, and that some of them are so simple as light, temperature and osmotic pressure. Much is gained for biology in the understanding that sexual elements have arisen from asexual repro- ductive cells under the stress of environmental influences; that sex- uality is not inherent in life although presented in almost all higher organisms, and that, however complicated the extreme conditions may be, they have arisen through a process of gradual evolution. In another paper I shall hope to show the steps by which the highly differentiated egg and sperm in various groups of plants developed from the similar gametes presented at the dawning of sex. As stated in the beginning of this paper, the topic is a chapter in itself and well deserves separate treatment. 76 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE FISHES OF JAPAN. WITH OBSERVATIONS ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF FISHES. By DAVID STARR JORDAN, PRESIDENT OF LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. THE islands of Japan are remarkable for their richness of animal life. The variety in climatic and other conditions, the nearness to the great continent of Asia and to the chief center of marine life — the East Indian Islands — its relation to the warm Black Current or Kuro Shiwo — the Gulf Stream of the Orient — and to the cold current from Bering Sea, all tend to give variety to the fauna of its seas. Especially numerous and varied are the fishes of Japan. About nine hundred species of fishes are known, from the four great main islands of Japan, and about two hundred more from the volcanic islands (Kuriles and Liu Kiu) to the north and south. Of the eleven hundred, about fifty are fresh water. All these are derived from the mainland of Asia. Two faunal districts, the north and the south, may be recognized among the fresh-water fishes. The mountain region and the region lying to the north of Fuji abound in trout, with salmon, sturgeon, lamprey and other northern fishes. In the soiithern district these are absent and the chief fresh-water fishes are ayu, or dwarf salmon, chubs, minnows, cat-fishes and loaches. The marine fishes are far more varied, their distribution being mainly controlled by temperature and currents. Among these, five districts may be recognized, their range sufficiently indicated by the names, Kurile, Hokkaido, Nippon, Kiusiu, Kuro Shiwo and Liu Kiu. Of these, the Kurile Fauna is subarctic, similar to that of the Aleutian Islands, that of the Liu Kiu islands is tropical, that of the promon- tories, which strike out into the Kuro Shiwo, is Polynesian. The cen- tral region (Nippon) contains the forms essentially Japanese. Kiusiu lias much in common with China, and Hokkaido with Siberia and Man- churia. Each of these districts overlaps, by a broad fringe, on the others. It has been noted that the fish fauna of Japan bears a striking resemblance to that of the Mediterranean, and Dr. Giinther has sug- gested that this can be accounted for by supposing that in recent times a continuous coast line and sea-passage extended from one region to the other, the Isthmus of Suez not existing. TEE FISHES OF JAPAN. 77 The resemblance consists in the presence in the two regions of cer- tain striking-looking fishes not found in other parts of the world. An analysis of these resemblances takes away much of their impressiveness. Most of the forms in question are widely distributed, ranging from Japan through India to the Cape of Good Hope. Only three genera are restricted to Japan and the Mediterranean. Eesemblances equally strong exist between Japan and the West Indies, or between Japan and Australia. The differences are equally marked. The types re- garded as of Japanese origin are all wanting in the Mediterranean. Those of Mediterranean origin are wanting in Japan. There are two main reasons why one fish fauna may resemble another ; the one, actual connection, so that fishes migrate from one region to another ; the other, similarity of physical conditions, favoring in each region the develop- ment of similar kinds of fishes. The evidence points toward the theory that similarity of physical conditions is the chief source of resemblance between Japan and the Mediterranean. The resemblance between Japan and the West Indies is due to this cause, while that of Japan to the East Indies is due largely to direct connection. If Japan and the Mediterranean were ever connected, the Eed Sea must have been a region of junction. Yet, while the Eed Sea in its fishes closely resem- bles southern Japan, it has almost nothing in common with the Medi- terranean. Except a few shallow water or brackish water types, the shore fishes of the two regions are wholly distinct, none of the charac- teristic genera of either sea being found in the other. Yet, geologists affirm that in Pliocene or Post-Pliocene times the Isthmus of Suez was submerged. It is made up of Pliocene, deposits with alluvium from the Nile and drifting sand-hills. Admitting this to be true, the nature of the fishes shows that this channel must have been very shallow and probably in part occupied by fresh water. No bottom-fish or rock-fish has crossed it — only sting-rays, torpedoes, eels and mullets appear to have passed from one side to the other. It must have been impossible for Japan and the Mediterranean ever to have exchanged their deep-water fishes in this way. The only other alterna- tive is the Cape of Good Hope, and this barrier is, to this day, passed by many characteristic fishes of both oceans. Four hundred and eighty-three genera of fishes are known from Japan. For the purpose of our present study we must take from this list all the fresh- water types, derived from China; all the northern types, derived from Bering Sea and the general Arctic stock; all the pelagic fishes, at home in the open sea, and all the bassalian fishes, or those inhabiting great depths below the range of climatic changes. After these are withdrawn, we have left the shore fishes of tropical, or semi-tropical, origin. Of these, Japan has 334 genera; the Mediter- ranean, 144; the Eed Sea, 191; India, 280; Australia, 344; New 78 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Zealand, 108; Hawaii, 144; West Indies, 299, and the Panama region, 256. Common to Japan and the Mediterranean are 79, all but two being of wide distribution; to Japan and the Eed Sea, 111; to Japan and Hawaii, 82; to Japan and Australia, 135; to Japan and the West Indies, 113; to Japan and Panama, 91. To the Mediterranean and the Eed Sea, 40 genera are common, all of wide distribution; to the West Indies and the Mediterranean, 70, 59 being of wide distribution; to the West Indies and Panama, 179, only 101 being of wide dis- tribution. It is evident from an analytical table that the warm-water fauna of Japan, like that of Hawaii, is derived from that of the East Indies and Hindostan ; that the fauna of the Eed Sea is derived from the same source; that the Mediterranean fauna bears no special resemblance to that of Japan rather than to that of the other parts of Eastern Asia with like conditions of temperature and no greater than is borne by the West Indies; that the fauna of the two sides of the Isthmus of Suez J^ave relatively little in common, while those of the two sides of the Isthmus of Panama show a remarkable degree of identity. When the fishes of Panama were first described, it was claimed that their species were almost entirely identical with those of the West Indies; this statement was followed by speculations on the relation of the depression of this Isthmus to the Gulf Stream, and to the glacial epoch. Further investigations by Jordan, and by Evermann and Jen- kins showed the fallacy of this claim of identity. Of about 1,400 species now known from the two sides of the Isthmus, only 70 are identical, or five per cent, of the whole, and about 10 of these are almost cosmopolitan in the tropics. Dr. Paul Fischer finds about three per cent, of the mollusks identical on the two coasts. Dr. E. T. Hill goes on to show that there is neither geological nor biological evidence of the submergence of the Isthmus of Panama since Tertiary times, and that such a barrier existed as far back as Jurassic times. There is, however, evidence of a brief connection in Tertiary time at the end of the Eocene period. Assuming this to be true, the actual facts of distribution seem to be in accord with it. The period of depression was before the life-time of most of the present species. It was, however, not earlier than the period of most of the present genera. It was relatively shallow, but wide enough to permit the infiltration from the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific of species representing most of the genera of sandy bays, rocky tide pools and brackish estuaries. Since the channel was closed, the species left on either side have undergone modification in varying degrees, mostly retaining generic identity, while losing some of their specific characters. THE FISHES OF JAPAN. 79 Doubtless, local oscillations in coast lines have taken place and are even in operation at present, but the time has passed when a dance of continents can be invoked to explain anomalies in animal distribution. Most of these will be found to have simple causes, when we know enough of the facts in the case to justify a hypothesis. The laws governing animal distribution are reducible to three very simple propositions: Every species of animal is found in every part of the earth having conditions fit for its existence, unless (a) Its individuals have been unable to reach the region in question through barriers of some sort, or, (6) Having, reached the region, the species is unable to maintain itself through lack of capacity for adaptation, through severity of competition with other forms, or through destructive conditions of environment, or else, (c) Having entered and maintained itself, it has become so altered in the process of adaptation as to become a species distinct from the parent type. In general, the different types of fishes are most specialized along equatorial shores. The processes of change through natural selection take place most rapidly there and produce more far-reaching modifi- cations. The coral reefs of the tropics are the centers of fish-life, corresponding in fish economy to the cities in human affairs. The fresh water, the Arctic waters, the deep sea and the open sea represent ichthyic backwoods — regions where change goes on more slowly and in which archaic types survive. The study in detail of the distribution of the fishes of the tropics, is most instructive. The study of the origin of the fish groups of Japan affords a fascinating introduction to its multifarious problems. 8o POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE OMEN ANIMALS OF SARAWAK. By a. C. HADDON, F.R.S., CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. nnHE cult of the omen animals is of such importance in the daily -*- life of most of the tribes of Borneo that it is desirable that more attention should be paid to it by those who have the opportunity of studying it at first hand. The Venerable Archdeacon J. Perhamhas given a full account of the Iban or Sea Dayak religion in the 'Journal of the Straits Branch of the Eoyal Asiatic Society' (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8), which has been re- printed by Ling Eoth in his book, 'The Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo.' Mr. Ling Eoth has also compiled some other scattered references on omens (Vol. I., pp. 231-231). Although the following notes are very imperfect, they contain some new facts derived from Dr. C. Hose, and also, thanks to information derived from Dr. Hose, I am able for the first time to give a fairly complete list of the omen animals of Sarawak, with their scientific names. I have taken the liberty of abstracting the following account of the way in which birds are 'used,' as the Ibans say, from Archdeacon Perham's most valuable papers, as it is the best description known to me of what is of daily occurrence in Borneo: The yearly rice farming is a matter of much ceremony as well as of labor with the Dayaks, and must be inaugurated with proper omens. Some man who is successful with his padi will be the augur and undertake to obtain omens for a certain area of land, which others besides himself will farm. Some time before the Pleiades are sufficiently high above the horizon to warrant the clearing the grounds of jungle or grass, the man sets about his work. He will have to hear the nendak (Cittocincla suavis) on the left, the katupong (Sasia abnormis) on the left, the burong malam (a locust) and the beragai (Harpactes duvauceli) on the left, and in the order I have written them. As soon as he has heard the nendak, he will break off a twig of anything growing near and take it home and put it in a safe place. But it may happen that some other omen bird, or creature, is the first to make itself heard or seen, and in that case the day's proceeding is vitiated; he must give the matter up, re- turn and try his chance another day; and thus sometimes three or four days are gone before he has obtained his first omen. When he has heard the nendak, he will then go to listen for the katupong and the rest, but with the same liability to delays; and it may possibly require a month to obtain all those augural predictions, which are to give them confidence in the result of their labors. The augur has now the same number of twigs and sticks as birds he has heard, and he takes these to the land selected for farming and puts them THE OMEN ANIMALS OF SARAWAK. 8i in the ground, says a short form of address to the birds and Pulang Gana (the tutelary deity of the soil, and the spirit presiding over the whole work of rice farming), cuts a little pass or jungle with his parang and returns. The magic virtue of the birds has been conveyed to the land. For house-building the same birds are to be obtained and in the same way. But for a war expedition, birds on the right hand are required, except the nendah, which, if it make a certain peculiar call, can be admitted on the left. These birds can be bad omens as well as good. If heard on the wrong side, if in the wrong order, if the note or call be of the wrong kind, the matter in hand must be postponed, or abandoned altogether; unless a conjunction of subsequent good omens occur, which, in the judgment of old experts, can overbear the preceding bad ones. Hence, in practice, this birding becomes a most involved matter, because the birds will not allow themselves to be heard in straightforward orthodox succession. After all, it is only a balance of prob- abilities ; for it is seldom that Dayak patience is equal to waiting till the omens occur, according to the standard theory. These are the inaugurating omens sought in order to strike a line of good luck, to render the commencement of an undertaking auspicious. The contin- uance of good fortune must be carried on by omen influence to the end. When any of these omens, either of bird, beast or insect, are heard, or seen by the Dayak on his way to the padi lands, he supposes they foretell either good or ill to himself or to the farm; and in some cases he will turn back and wait for the following day before proceeding again. The nendak is gen- erally good, so is the katupong, on the right or left, but the papau (Harpactes diardi) is of evil omen, and the man must beat a retreat. A beragai heard once or twice matters not; but if often, a day's rest is necessary. The mhuas (Carcineutes melanops) on the right is wrong, and sometimes it portends so much blight and destruction that the victim must rest five days. The 'shout' of the kutok (Lepocestes porphyomelas ) is e\'il, and that of the katupong so bad that it requires three days' absence from the farm to allow the evil to pass away; and even then a beragai must be heard before commencing work. The beragai is a doctor among birds. If the cry of a deer, a pelandok (Tragulus), be heard, or if a rat crosses the path before you on your way to the farm, a day's rest is necessary; or you will cut yourself, get ill or suffer by failure of the crops. When a good omen is heard, one which is supposed to foretell a plentiful harvest, you must go on the farm and do some trifling work by way of 'leasing the work of your hands' there, and then return; in this way you clench the foreshadowed luck, and at the same time reverence the spirit which promises it. And should a deer, or pelandok come out of the jungle and on to the farm when you are working there, it means that customers will come to buy the corn and that therefore there will be corn for them to buy. This is the best omen they can have, and they honor it by resting from work for three days. But the worst of all omens is a dead beast of any kind, especially those included in the omen list, found anywhere on the farm. It infuses a deadly poison into the whole crop and will kill some one or other of the owner's family within a year. When this terrible thing happens they test the omen by killing a pig and divining from the appearance of the liver immediately after death. If the prediction of the omen be strengthened, all the rice grown on that ground must be sold; and, if necessary, other rice bought for their own consumption. Other people may eat it, for the omen only affects those at VOL. LX. — 6. 82 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. whom it is directly pointed. A swarm of bees lighting on the farm is an equally dreadful matter. The 'barking' deer (Cervuliis muntjac) is very important as an omen to all peoples, but least so to the Ibans. The bark of this deer prevents people from continuing their journey, and even divorces people who are newly married. The little chevrotains, 'planok' or 'plandok' (Tragulus napu and T. javanicus), have the same function as the muntjac, so far as a journey is concerned, but otherwise they are not very important. The Eev. W. Chalmers says : "If the cries of any of the three kinds of deer found in Sarawak be heard when starting on a journey, or when going to consult the birds by day or by night, it is a sign that if the matter in hand be followed up sickness will be the result. Also, if a newly married couple hear them at night, they must be divorced, as, if this be not done, the death of the bride or bridegroom will ensue. I myself have known instances of this omen causing a divorce, and I must say the separation has always been borne most phil- osophically by the parties most concerned; in fact, the morning of one of these divorces I remember seeing an ex-bridegroom working hard at shaping some ornamental brass-work, which Dayak women are in the habit of wearing round their waists, and he said that he intended to bestow it on a certain damsel whom he had in his eye for a neio wife." Sir Spencer St. John M^rites: "To hear the cry of a deer is at all times unlucky, and to prevent the sound reaching their ears during a marriage procession, gong and drums are loudly beaten. On the way to their farms, should the unlucky omen be heard, they will return home and do no more work for a day." A Malay told me : If a Sarawak Malay was striking a light in the evening in his house and a plandok made a noise at the same time, the whole family would have to leave the house for three days. Should they not do so, the house would catch iire and be burned down or sick- ness or other calamity would overtake them. On the second day of one of Dr. Hose's journeys through the jungle, the chief who was with him saw a plandok rush across the path. Hose being behind, did not observe it, but he saw all his party sitting on a log, and the chief informed Hose that he could not proceed that day, as his 'legs were tied up.' This was most inconvenient, as Hose was in a hurry, but the men would not go on. Hose freely took upon himself all the responsibility and said he would go first and would explain to the plandok that he was the person in fault. The chief would not agree even to this, and did not budge, but said he would follow the next day. Hose went on with some of the men as far as he could get and camped, ivlext day the chief caught Hose up at noon and appeared very much THE OMEN ANIMALS OF SARAWAK. 83 surprised that no harm had befallen him. Hose chaffed him aboat his legs and was 'pleased to see that they had become untied !' The small viverrine carnivore (Arctogale leucotis) is one of the most important omens for Kenyahs and Kayans, who, however, have a particular dread of coming into contact with it. Lest it should pro- duce sickness, they will never even touch a piece of its dried skin. It is not an omen for the Ibans, nor for the Punans, who even kill and eat it. After having obtained other omens, the Kayans are glad to see the munin, as it is useful in conjunction with other omens, but they do not like to hear it squealing. The screeching of the large hawk (Haliastur intermedius), which is closely allied to or a sub-species of the Brahminy kite (H. Indus), is a cautionary sign with the Kayans, and though it is not in itself a bad sign, they will generally return home from any enterprise on hear- ing it, if they were still taking omens, or, at all events, they will re- main where they are for a day. What the Kayans and Kenyahs most desire when 'owning' a hawk is to see it skim silently, without moving its wings, either to the right or to the left. Any other action than this, such as a swoop down or continued flapping of the wings, is considered unfavorable. Something bad is going to take place; they do not know what it may be or to whom it will happen, and one who sees the hawk do this turns away his face or retires to some place out of the sight of the hawk, lest, on being observed, he should be the one on whom the misfortune will fall. On such an occasion no one speaks a word, and all return into the house and wait from ten minutes to half an hour. If they are very anxious to go on again that day, they slip quietly out of the house, so that the hawk may not see them, get into their boats and start on their journey. If the hawk appears on the wrong side when men are paddling, a few days away from home and nearing another village, they immedi- ately turn the boat right round, pull to the bank and light a fire. By turning round they put the hawk on the right side, and, being satisfied in their o%vn minds, they proceed on their journey as before. The hawk, or, as the Ibans call it, Sengalong Burong, is a very important being. The little woodpecker (Sasia dbnormis), 'Katupong' is his son-in-law, being married to Dara Inchin Temaga Indu Monkok Chilebok China, a poetical liantu, who mentions in her songs the names of all the mouths of the rivers in their order from Sarawak River to some distance up the coast. (This is probably the remnant of a migration saga.) The smallest of the trogons, Harpactes duvauceli, 'Beragi,' also married another daughter of Sengalong Burong. Although this is the most important of any Iban omen bird, it is his sons-in-law that are most used. Food is offered to Sengalong Burong. 84 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. I believe that other large hawk-like birds are used as omens. The Brahminy Kite is popularly supposed in India to be the sacred Garuda, the mythical bird, half eagle and half man, which, in Hindu mythology, is the Valiana, or vehicle of Vishnu. Whenever Bengali children see one of these birds they cry out : Let drinking vessels and cups be given to the Sliankar Chil (Brahminy Kite), But let the Common Kite get a kick on its face. There is a kingfisher that lives in the jungle (Carcineutes melanops) which is not a particularly lucky bird. If, when they are making a trap, the Ibans hear the long, mournful whistle of the 'Membuas,' they know that, although the trap will catch things, it will only be after an interval of ten to fourteen days that they will have any luck. On other occasions it is not unusual for them to catch little partridges, such as Rollulus rouloul, directly they have set up the trap, but often, under ordinary circumstances, it will be a day before they catch anything. The Kenyahs apparently dislike this bird, which they call ^asi,' as it is not very favorable ; in fact, they would rather not see it. The white-crested hornbill (Berenicornis comatus), which has a moderate-sized black-keeled casque on its beak and bare blue orbits and throat, is an omen that is sought for by Kenyahs and Kayans, particu- larly by the latter, when felling jungle for planting and when going on the war-path. The Kenyahs use it slightly, and the Ibans not at all; it is, in any case, an omen bird of secondary importance. The trogon, called by the Ibans Tapau' (Harpactes diardi), is particularly useful to these people when hunting in the jungle for deer, pigs, etc., as it is a sure sign that they will obtain something that day ; the bird's note of 'Pau, pau, pau,' infuses fresh energy into them. Supposing some Ibans were making a spring-trap (panjoh), the moment one of them heard the cry of the 'Paupau' or 'Beragai' (H. duvauceli) , he would at once snap oif or cut off a small twig with a parang ; the small piece of wood then cut or broken off is used for the release of the trap ; the man would at the same time remark to the bird, *Here we are.' Other tribes such as the Kenyahs and Punans use Harpactes diardi as an omen, but it is not an important one. H. duvauceli, on the contrary, is of very considerable importance to the Kenyahs when going on the war-path, it being one of the omens of which it is impera- tive to obtain a sight or hearing. H. hasumha is employed indiffer- ently with //. diardi. Lepocestes porphyromeJas is one of the most important of the omen birds, as it makes two perfectly distinct notes, one of which is favorable and the other unfavorable. On a rainy day it calls 'tok, tok, tok,' but THE OMEN ANIMALS OF 8AEAWAK. 85 when the sun comes out it bursts into long 'kieng, kieng' ; *tok' is bad, but 'kieng' is good. When a Kenyah hears the 'tok' cry, he immediately stops, lights a fire and takes the usual precautions in talking to it. He knows per- fectly well that the same bird makes the two notes, and he waits for the 'kieng.' His explanation is that when the bird calls 'tok' it is angry, and that it is in a good temper when it sings 'kieng,' and therefore it is well not to go contrariwise to the omen. The Ibans behave in a similar manner. The Kenyahs regard it as a bird of warning, but not one that assists in getting anything. If a man was doing anything with a parang, knife or other sharp-edged tool and heard even a 'kieng,' he would probably desist from further use of it for that day. The little woodpecker (Sasia ahnormis) is in high favor among the Ibans; in fact, they consider it most important, as he represents his father-in-law, 'Sengalong Burong.' The 'Katupong' appears to pro- duce whatever result they require. It is of less importance with other peoples of Sarawak. Mr. Crossland informs us if a katupong enters a house at one end and flies out the other, men and women snatch up a few necessaries, such as mats and rice, and stampede, leaving ever3rthing unsecured and the doors unfastened. If any one approaches the house at night, he will see large and shadowy demons chasing each other through it, and hear their unintelligible talk. After awhile the people return and erect the ladder they have overthrown, and the women sprinkle the house with water *to cool it.' A kind of thrush (Cittocincla suavis) is particularly useful to the Ibans when looking for gutta or other jungle produce. 'Nendak' is a good bird too for them to own, as it is a Burong chelap, and, on hearing it, they would not be afraid of any sickness. Before starting on a gutta expedition, they would require to see something before 'beragai' (Harpactes duvauceli) , as this is a ^burong tampak,' that is, an omen animal that is potent for hunting. What they like is: First, to get 'neiidak,' then wait three days while they are owning it, finally to get ^beragai' on the right. This combination sig- nifies certain success ; not only would they find gutta, but would obtain plenty of it, and no harm or sickness would befall them. If, however, they went for gutta on 'beragai' alone, and that, perhaps, appeared on the left, they would obtain a fair amount of gutta, but they would stand a good chance of some misfortune happening to them, and one of their party might fall sick, or even die. The Tailor bird (Orthotomus cineraceus) , although employed by Ibans only, is of very little use, as it is only a secondary burong. It may be employed as an additional argument when deciding for *Selam,' or trial by the water ordeal. This consists in the two dispu- 86 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tants putting their heads under water, and the one who has the most staying power having right on his side. The Bomean shrike (Platylophus coronatus), which has an erectile crest of long and broad feathers on its head, is used by the Ibans as a weather prophet on account of its unerring faculty of foretelling a storm, for whenever its whistle is heard, rain is always to be expected. It is very important for Kenyahs and Kayans in connection with tilling farms. When Kayans are clearing any undergrowth for a farm, after having offered to 'Mho' (Haliastur intermedius) and other omen ani- mals, it is desirable that they should hear 'pajan,' the shrike, for then they know they will get plenty of padi of good quality, but there will be a good deal of hard work, and possibly a considerable amount of sickness and cuts and wounds. If they procure this omen, they take the precau- tion of building very substantial granaries. Three species of Sun birds (Arachnothera longirostris, A. modesta and A. chrysogenys) are very important to Kayans, Kenyahs and Pu- nans. Any of these species is used impartially, and they bear the name of 'Sit' or Tsit.' The 'Sit' is always the first bird to look for when undertaking any- thing— fortunately, an individual of one of the three species is almost always to be seen crossing the river. It is one of the least important omen birds with the Ibans. When Kayans, Punas and Melanaus go in search of camphor, it is first necessary to see a 'Sit' fly from right to left, and then from left to right. A Melanau, who is intending to start on such an expedition, sits in the bow of his boat and chants : "0 Sit, Sit, ta-au, Kripan murip, Sit, Ano senigo akau, ano napan akau. Oh! Sit, Sit, on the right, give me long life. Sit, Help me to obtain what I require, make me plenty of that for which I am looking." An allied bird, Anthreptes malaccensis, is conmionly mistaken by Kayans, but by them only, for Arachnothera longirostris. They use it as an omen bird, but it is not so used by the Kenyahs, by whom it is called 'Manok Obah.' All the omen snakes are bad omens, and in the case of a Kayan see- ing 'batang lima' (Simotes octolineatus), he will endeavor to kill it and, if successful, no evil will follow ; should he fail to kill it, then look out.' I believe that the Ibans pay some regard to 'Sawa,' a large python (Python reticulatus) and to 'Tuchok,' a kind of Gecko (Ptycho- zoon homalocephalum), and to 'Brinkian,' another kind of Gecko; but I do not know whether these are, strictly speaking, omen animals. The omen padi-bug, 'turok parai' (Chrysocoris eques) is only of importance, and that to Kenyahs alone, because it injures the crops. THE OMEN ANIMALS OF SARAWAK. 87 The bee 'Manyi' (Melipona vidua) is an Iban omen only. If a swarm of bees settled underneath a house that had recently been built, it would be considered a bad sign, and probably it would be necessary to destroy that particular section of the house or to leave the house altogether. Many Land Dayaks, on the contrary, keep bees in their houses, and among most of the peoples of Borneo, including the Ibans, it is most lucky in planting time to dream of an abundance of bees. There are other creatures whose appearance, cry or movements may signify good or bad luck which are not omen animals (i. e., 'burong' or 'aman'), in the strict sense of the term. For example, the hawk owl (Ninox scutulata) makes a melancholy cry at night, on account of which it is very much disliked by the natives, who regard it as a fore- teller of death. Its native name is Tongok.' If the Malay bear (Heli- arctos Malayanus) climbs into an Iban's house, it is a bad sign, and the house would have to be pulled down. According to Perham : "In answer to the questions of the origin of this system of ^birding/ some Dayaks have given the following: In early times the ancestors of the Malays and the ancestors of the Dayak had, on a certain occasion, to swim across a river. Both had books. The Malay tied his firmly in his turban, kept his head well out of water, and reached the opposite bank with his book intact and dry. The Dayak, less wise, fastened his to the end of his waist-cloth, and the current washed it away. But the fates intervened to supply the loss and gave the Dayak this system of omens as a substitute for the book.^' Another story relates the following: Some Dayaks in the Batang Lupar made a great feast and invited many guests. When everything was ready and arrivals expected, a tramp and hum, as of a great company of people, was heard close to the village. The hosts, thinking it to be the invited friends, went forth to meet them with meat and drink, but found, with some surprise, they were all utter strangers. However, without any questioning, they received them with due honor and gave them all the hospitalities of the occasion. When the time of departing came, they asked the strange visitors who they were and from whence, and received something like the following reply from the chief: I am Sengalong Burong, and these are my sons-in-law and other friends. When you hear the voices of the birds (giving their names), know that you hear us, for they are our deputies in this lower world.' Thereupon the Dayaks discovered they had been entertaining spirits unawares, and received as reward of their hospitality the knowledge of the omen system. Archdeacon Perham is perfectly right in his statement that : "The sacredness of the omen birds is thus explained: They are forms of animal life possessed with the spirit of certain invisible beings above, and bear- ing their names; so that when a Dayak hears a 'Beragai,' for instance, it is really the voice of 'Beragai,' the son-in-law of Sengalong Burong; nay, more, 88 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the assenting nod or dissenting frown of the great spirit himself. . . . 'These birds,' says Sengalong Burong, 'possess my mind and spirit, and repre- sent me in the Jower world. When you hear them, remember it is I who speak for encouragement or for warning.' . . . The object of the bird-culters is like that of all other rites: to secure good crops, freedom from accidents and falls and disease, victory in war, profit in exchange and trade, skill in discourse and cleverness in all native craft." We know that such very distinct peoples in Sarawak alone, as the Ibans (Sea Dayaks), Land Dayaks, Muruts, Punans, Kayans and Kenyahs, pay attention to omen animals and, in most cases, to the same animals. This points to a common origin of the cult, for in some cases there is no specially obvious reason why that particular species of ani- mal should have been selected. In the three last mentioned peoples the names of the omen animals are practically similar, but many of the Iban names are different. There can be little doubt that this cult is indigenous to Borneo; it is probable that a cult of omen animals formed part of the funda- mental religious equipment of the Ibans before they migrated to Borneo, but it is also probable that the Ibans have borrowed some- what from neighboring indigenous tribes. Much more information must be obtained before a satisfactory history of this cult can be written. SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 89 SCIENTIFIC LITERATUEE. THE METRIC SYSTEM. To one of scientific tastes, who at the same time welcomes the recent American renaissance of the historical novel, or to one whose faith in the common sense of his countrymen may waiver on considering their apathy towards the metric system, a recent work by M. Bigourdan* will have great fascination. Nor are these words carelessly chosen, for a more fasci- nating work on any phase of the his- tory of science has not appeared in recent years. It is true that the topic seems trite enough. All the world knows the story, or thinks it does; the French revolution, the general up- heaval, the different systems proposed, M^chain's mistake in the longitude of Barcelona, the consequent error in the meter, the final adoption of the system by a large majority of the civilized countries, all this is familiar. But one has only to read a dozen pages of M. Bigourdan's work to find himself in the midst of a wealth of interesting history of which he probably never even heard. The fact is, it needed some one con- nected with the Paris Observatory to write such a work, and even he could not have done it until of late. For although the observatory has long had in its possession the original docu- ments deposited there by virtue of a decree of the year 12, it is only re- cently that it received the valuable manuscripts relating to the early his- * 'Le syst^me m6trique des poids et mesures. Son Establishment et sa pro- pagation graduelle, avec 1' histoire des operations qui ont servi a d^erminer le metre et le kilogramme.' Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1901; pp. vi+458; price 10 fr. tory of the system, which were given by Mme. Laugier, who had received them from her father, M. Mathieu, who in turn had them from a no less important actor in the drama than M. Delambre himself. It is impossible to give in a few words any worthy resume of the work, or adequately to speak of its style. It opens with a chapter on the precur- sors of the reform, going back even to the system imder Charlemagne, to the effects of feudalism and to the efforts of such early leaders as Mou- ton, Huyghens and Wren. This is fol- lowed by a statement of the action of the Assembly on Talleyrand's proposi- tion, the history of the provisional meter, the work of the temporary com- mission, the efforts at nomenclature and so on through the establishing of the system on a scientific foundation. Then come the long story of its adop- tion by France, ending with the law of July 4, 1837; the longer story of its struggles for recognition in other countries, and the later history of the International Bureau and its remark- able metrological labors at St. Cloud, Still less is it possible to give, in the limited space at command, any idea of the thrilling historic action so un- assumingly stated in the documents at M. Bigourdan's command. The diffi- culties of men like Delambre and M6chain, unable to make surveys with- out being suspected of signaling to the enemy, arrested as spies because they wished to visit their triangulation sta- tions, imprisoned, insulted, limited in the bare necessities of life, the only wonder is that other errors than that of Mechain did not find frequent place in the work. 'I am an academician,* said Delambre to a sansculotte who 9° POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. examined his passports. 'There isn't any Cademie, no Cad6mie at all,' blurts out the surly guard; 'all the world's equal. You come along with us!' To the American scientist, educator or promoter of foreign trade, however, the chief interest in the work lies in the story it tells of the adoption of the system by most of the non-English- speaking countries of the world. The common objections of those who have given the subject little thought, objec- tions to nomenclature, to the magni- tude of the units, to the difficulty of educating the people, to the error in the meter, objections which have been so thoroughly considered in the cen- tury past and in so many countries, and which have proved of so little con- sequence— these are considered fully and judiciously. It will be unfortu- nate if some of the societies interested in the progress of the system do not arrange for translating the entire work, both for the enlightenment of those who have given the subject little attention and for the help of those who believe that America can no longer afford to stand out against a system which the great majority of civilized nations are using. BOOKS ON NATURE STUDY. 'The Sea-beach at Ebb-thje,' by Augusta Foote Arnold (The Century Co. ) , meets a well-defined need for popular accounts of the natural his- tory of the seaside. It describes the animal and plant life found on the beach and rocks between tide marks and washed up after storms. There are chapters on the distribution of ani- mals and plants, on methods of collect- ing and preservation, on classification and on various peculiarities of certain groups. Then follows an account of the marine algae and marine inverte- brates, systematically arranged with the formality of a manual. This por- tion of the book is abundantly illus- trated with photographic reproduc- tions. Some of these are very good. but many are not as clear as could be wished and do not compare favorably with the beautiful book work exhibited in some of the recent popular accounts of flowering plants. That the book is far from being strictly accurate be- comes apparent to any one who critic- ally examines the treatment of groups with which he is familiar. Neverthe- less the conspicuous forms are in the main sufficiently described and, what is more important, so figured that the tyro will have little difficulty in identi- fying specimens at hand. There is sure to be much confusion, however, of the more minute types such as the hydroids with the delicate filamentous seaweeds that should be studied with the compound microscope. The author's attitude towards classi- fication seems strained. The account of every large group is prefaced by a table of the families, genera and species to be considered. These synopses re- mind one of the outlines found in dic- tionaries and are very far from the spirit of classification that now domi- nates natural history. Such arrange- ments have but small and passing value in the constantly shifting scenes of systematic zoology and botany. Emphasis laid upon classification throws into the background the wealth of interest in the life and habits of oiganisms which we term their natural history. But a more important criti- cism is the loose and inaccurate con- ception of the significance and use of nomenclature. When the author says that specific names are 'occasionally the names of botanists who first de- scribed the plants' (p. 29), she shows much ignorance of the methods of sys- tematists. It seems that the spirit of the present-day natural history is rather against collecting, that the best thought is directed to the out-of- doors study of particular groups in some detail rather than to the recogni- tion of a very large number of forms, to the study of their home life with camera and sketch book rather than to SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 91 their collection and preservation. And the most interesting popular books on natural history in recent years have exhibited a very intimate knowledge of the forms considered. There is a charm in familiar friendship that is far more satisfactory than casual acquaintance, and it is a matter of small importance what the forms are — whether birds or bees or some group of plants. One can hardly ask for a better piece of book work than 'Flowers and Ferns in their Haunts' by Mabel Osgood Wright (Macmillan). The charm lies in the beautiful photo- graphic reproductions. These exhibit the details of flowers or ferns in the foreground against rock and in other picturesque situations with a sharpness that is very remarkable and in most delicate contrast to the soft back- grounds. With this detail is a choice of subjects in their surroundings that shows great feeling for the appropriate and artistic. The text is a running account of walks and rides in woods and over hill and dale in varying sea- sons of the year. The descriptions, chiefly of flower societies, are quite free from technicalities. The point of view is always imaginative and human rather than scientific. The book can scarcely be said to be botanical, except that flowers form the subject of a pleasing account of nature in her vary- ing moods always treated figuratively and with much personification. Two human characters beside the author are carried through the book, one a quaint and interesting old man, the other a conventionally educated young woman, whose presence except as a foil seems somewhat out of place in these pages. 92 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE PEOGEESS OF SCIENCE. FOREIGN ASSOCIATIONS FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. The national scientific associations of Great Britain, Germany and France held their annual meetings during the month of September. The British As- sociation met at Glasgow, under the presidency of Professor A. W. Riicker, the eminent physicist. Professor Riicker, who has recently been elected president of the reorganized University of London, gave an excellent address on the present trend of opinion in re- gard to the atomic theory; and the addresses of the presidents of the sec- tions were of the usual high order. The section of education, organized for the first time, attracted special atten- tion; we are, therefore, fortunate in being able to publish in this issue of the Monthly the presidential address of Sir John Gorst. The attendance at Glasgow — 1,912 — was above the aver- age, but not so large as at the previous Glasgow meetings of 1855 and 1876, the sesquicentennial of the University, the Engineering Congress and other events having anticipated local inter- est in scientific matters. The sum of £1,000 was appropriated for scientific grants. The meeting of the Associa- tion next year will be at Belfast un- der the presidency of Professor James Dewar, the well-known chemist. The seventy-third meeting of German Men of Science and Physicians was held at Hamburg, with Dr. R. Hertwig, professor of zoology at Munich, as pres- ident. Professor J. H. Van't Hoff, the eminent chemist of Berlin, was presi- dent of the scientific sections and Professor B. Naunyn, professor of medicine at Strassburg, of the medical sections. There were in all twenty- seven sections for the medical sciences and eleven for the natural and exact sciences. The attendance was large — some 5,000 members — and the pro- grams important. Special lectures were given by Dr. E. Lecher on 'Hertz- ian Waves,' by Professor T. Boveri on 'Fertilization' and by Professor W. Nernst on 'Electro-chemistry.' The French Association met on the Island of Corsica under the presidency of M. Hamy, whose address reviewed the beginnings of anthropology in France. Owing doubtless to the cen- tralization of scientific work at Paris, the migratory meetings of the French Association are less well attended than those of Germany and Great Britain, and the papers presented are less numerous and important. The Asso- ciation, however, performs a useful work, and having a large endowment (some $270,000) is able to make liberal grants for scientific research. PROFESSOR PAWLOW'S RE- SEARCHES ON NUTRITION. The award of the first Nobel prize to Professor J. P. Pawlow, the widely known physiologist of St. Petersburg, is a well-deserved testimonial to his valuable and extensive contributions to experimental science. During the last twelve years Professor Pawlow has been engaged more particularly in the study of certain aspects of nutrition, and in this work he has enlisted the services of a considerable number of co-workers in his laboratory at the Imperial Institute for Experimental Medicine in St. Petersburg. The re- searches which these years brought forth have led physiologists to revise ill many particulars the current teach- ing in regard to digestion and secre- tion. Most of the results obtained by Pawlow and his pupils were originally published in the 'Archives des Sciences Biologiques de St. Petersbourg,' and in inaccessible Russian journals and TEE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. 93 dissertations. The more important facts and conclusions were, however, collected and presented in organized form in a series of lectures delivered at the Institute for Experimental Medi- cine. These lectures, originally pub- lished in Russian, have been translated into German and issued in book form ('Die Arbeit der Verdauungsdriisen,' Wiesbaden, 1898; J. F. Bergmann). They have been widely read and have received abundant praise everywhere. The chief merit of Pawlow's work lies in the application of new experi- mental methods to the solution of im- portant problems in the physiology of secretion and digestion. Thus the in- troduction of the combined oesophageal and gastric fistulas has led to original observations on the mechanism of secretion; while the possibility of ob- taining pure gastric juice has given rise to renewed chemical investiga- tion of the composition and prop- erties of this secretion. By an in- genious method of isolating com- pletely a portion of the stomach while keeping unimpaired the nerve dis- tribution to the isolated part, still further advances have been made. Other methods have been applied by Pawlow to the study of the function of the pancreas and the production of the bile. The specific influence of the nerv- ous system on secretion, and the paths along which this is exerted, have been ascertained more definitely than ever before. Pawlow's contributions to ex- perimental technique in these depart- ments of investigation are unique, and their influence is already shown in the renewed interest which they have aroused lately in the study of digestion in general. To the more purely chem- ical aspects, also, this brilliant investi- gator has directed his attention. A prominent German physiologist has re- marked that so many noteworthy re- sults have not been achieved by any single investigator (together with his pupils) since Beaumont and Blondlot, and, in more recent years, Heidenhain. In addition to these researches, men- tion may be made of the splendid in- vestigations on the seat of urea for- mation in the animal body, which were carried out conjointly with Professor Nencki. Here again it was the applica- tion of new experimental methods — the Eck fistula operation, by means of which direct communication is estab- lished between the portal vein and the vena cava in mammals — which inaugu- rated a fresh series of important con- tributions on the role of the liver in intermediary metabolism. Aside from the clear analysis of the problems involved and the originality of the methods applied, accurate ob- servation and unremitting energy characterize Professor Pawlow's work. Every result obtained is verified until it stands as a permanent fact. Physi- ologists will rejoice at the fitting recog- nition which such successful achieve- ments have received. ZINC IN DRIED FRUITS. During the past few years the ex- port of dried apples and other fruit from this country to the continent of Europe has been greatly interfered with by the presence of zinc; the dis- covery of traces of this metal in the fruit has been deemed sufiicient ground for prohibiting its importation. The presence of the zinc has been accounted for by the zinc trays used in the fruit driers, but the abandonment of the metal for this purpose has not sufficed to free the fruit from suspicion. A service has been rendered American fruit growers by an investigation re- cently carried out by Herr Soltsien, of Gorlitz. He was incited to this by the detection of quite a strong trace (0.0067 %) of zinc in some American 'evaporated apples,' which had evi- dently not been dried on zinc trays. He finds that when zinc is present in the soil or in the atmosphere, it is readily taken up by plants, and, by consump- tion of such contaminated vegetables and fruit, even into the human body. 94 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. This was confirmed by finding traces of zinc in a number of corpses. He enumerates many ways by which zinc was found to enter the soil, among which are the following: The drainage waters from many foundations con- tain considerable quantities of zinc. In all regions where zinc smelting is carried on, or where there are zinc or brass foundries, the vegetation contains zinc; this arises from the fact that the particles of zinc oxid are extremely light and are carried to great distances in the atmosphere. In one instance the effluent from a slaughter house was precipitated by an eflfective chemical for the purpose which was sold under the name of 'sulfate.' This precipitant was found to be a very impure zinc sulfate, containing much iron and manganese. The excess of the substance passed into the stream contaminating it with zinc, while the precipitate, consisting largely of zinc albuminate, went with the other slaughter house refuse as fertilizer. It is quite possible that much of the 'tankage,' so largely used in this country in the manufac- ture of fertilizers, contains no incon- siderable quantity of zinc. Where zinc is thus present in the fertilizer, it would be apt to pass in traces into the fruit raised on soil thus fertilized. It is reasonable to suppose that such minute quantities of zinc would be per- fectly harmless when taken into the human system, but their detection would serve to throw unjust discredit upon American fruit growers, long after they have ceased to use zinc in any part of the evaporators with which the fruit can come in contact; at least when preparing dried fruit for the ex- port trade, these precautions have for some time been taken. AN ELECTROMAGNETIC BASIS FOR MECHANICS. About forty years ago Maxwell pointed out the main features of the electromagnetic theory of light. This theory very soon supplanted the old mechanical wave theory, or the elastic solid theory; and now the fundamental notions in light are purely electric or electromagnetic in character. It is very remarkable, however, that aside from the change in the fundamental notions themselves the old theoretical structure remains to a very great ex- tent unchanged and that even the old nomenclature lends itself easily to the needs of the new theory with few excep- tions. The change that has followed upon Maxwell's work is very like the moving of a house from old to new foundations. There is at the present time a pros- pect of a similar transfer of the entire subject of mechanics to a purely elec- tromagnetic foundation. Every one re- alizes that the notions of inertia and of gravitation, and the principles in- volved in Newton's laws of motion are far too abstract in their nature, and as elemental notions they are far too complicated to be entirely satisfactory as a basis for the most concrete of the physical sciences. It seems that the theory of electromagnetism is to sup- ply precisely what is needful to reduce mechanics to a more elemental basis. The change, if it come, will no doubt be similar to the change which has taken place in the theory of light; the super- structure of theoretical mechanics and even the nomenclature will remain to a great extent unaltered. The possibility of explaining the in- ertia of matter electrically was first shown by Heaviside. A charged body has more momentum when moving at a given velocity than if it were not charged, and if the body is small enough in comparison with its charge all its momentum may be accounted for in this way. The possibility of explaining gravi- tation was first pointed out by H. A. Lorentz, who attributes it to an excess of attractive over repulsive forces of electric charges. A remarkable consequence of Heavi- side's theory of inertia is that accelera- TEE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. 95 tion is not strictly proportional to accelerating force and that kinetic energy is not strictly proportional to the square of the velocity of a moving body. Up to the present time a very promi- nent feature of physical science has been the reduction of every kind of phenomenon to mechanics. Tlie no- tional elements out of which nearly every theory is built up are essentially mechanical in their nature, if one may use the term mechanical in a broad sense to signify all kinds of geometric- al, kinematical and dynamical rela- tions. The reason for this preponder- ating role of mechanics is that, hitherto at least, only those theories are effectively useful which are built up out of sensuous elements, and nearly all our complicated sensations refer to space relations as perceived with the eye and to dynamic and space relations as perceived by the sense of touch and by the so-called muscular sense. It is not likely that the trans- fer of mechanics to an electromagnetic foundation will greatly affect the pre- ponderating role of concrete mechanics in physical science. TENDENCIES IN ZOOLOGY. Zoology also has its fashions. The publication of the 'Origin of Species,' by establishing a new standpoint and new problems, led zoologists to an ever minuter study of comparative morphol- ogy, already made fashionable by the work of Cuvier, Johannes Miiller and Owen. On the discovery of the chordate affinities of the Tunicates by Kowalew- sky, in 1866, an impulse was given to the investigation of comparative em- bryology, in the hope of further infor- mation, which, viewed in the light of the biogenetic law, might add other links to the phylogenetic chain. And later, when the science of cytologj' came into definite existence, the embry- ologist, who at first was content to carry his studies back only so far as the gastrula, was incited to delve more deeply, and for a time cell-lineage be- came the fashion, while, following quickly in the footsteps of this, exper- imental morphology became a vogue. Not that this last was an entirely new department of investigation, but rather a revival under new conditions and points of view of the methods of study employed by Trembley and Spallanzani whose experimental researches on Hydra and the earthworm respectively have reached the dignity of classics. The latest fashion, nature-study, as it is called, is likewise a revival of older methods. It is a rejuvenescence of the natural history of the ancients, a return to the methods of Gilbert White, methods which, while they have never failed to attract, have unfortunately been sadly neglected of late by the pro- fessional zoologist. The developments of his subject have been towards ever- increasing esoterism, until the stage has now been reached when the laity has lost touch with the professional and fails to appreciate the results which he elaborates in the privacy of his laboratory, surrounded by his com- plicated engines for cutting sections and his multitudinous reagent bottles. In so far as this new revival of natural history methods may serve to bring about again a rapprochement of the amateur and the professional, it is to be welcomed, and important additions to our knowledge of the habits and in- stincts of animals and the significance of these may be expected when men, specially trained in the methods of biological investigation and thought, turn their attention to these phe- nomena. But the enthusiasm which usually accompanies investigation along a new line must not blind to the danger which lurks beneath. The hope which lies in the departure is that it will tend to place the study of instincts and habits on a scientific basis and yield scientific results founded on careful and accurate observations, that, in a word, it will bring order into the chaos of observa- 96 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tions now on record. Of indiscriminate observation there has already been too much; what is needed is discrimina- tion. There is danger that the camera may become as powerful a fetish as the microtome has been. To spend hours in most uncomfortable positions en- deavoring to secure a nature picture is not necessarily self-sacrifice in the pur- suit of science; it may result in the securing of a pretty picture but it may result in nothing more. Pretty photo- graphs are of no more value than pretty microscope slides; both are valuable only for what may be learned from them, and it is the exercise of a discrimination between what may be merely pretty and what may be in- structive that gives an observation scientific value. It is not more amateur photographers that are wanted but more historians of nature. SCIENTIFIC ITEMS. We regret to learn of the death at the age of sixty- six years of Edward W. Claypole, professor of geology at Throop Institute, Pasadena, Cal., and of the death of A. F. W. Schimper, professor of botany at Basle, who died on September 9, at the age of forty-five years. The eightieth birthday of Professor Eudolf Virchow, which occurred on October 13, has been celebrated in Ber- lin with elaborate ceremonies. There was a reception in the Pathological In- stitute in the afternoon and a banquet in the dining hall of the Prussian Diet in the evening, followed by an official reception in the parliament hall. Pro- fessor Waldeyer, secretary of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, presented 50,000 Marks, subscribed by medical men in Germany toward increasing the Vir- chow research fund. The event was also celebrated in New York and other cities. The municipality of Berlin has resolved to call its new hospital, con- taining beds for 1,700 patients, the Virchowkrankenhaus. A STATUE of Pasteur was unveiled on September 9, at Arbois, where he spent his childhood and his holidays in later life. The monument, erected at a cost of over $10,000, was designed by M. Daillon and represents Pasteur seated. On the pedestal are two bas-reliefs, one representing inoculation against rabies and the other agriculture profiting from Pasteur's discoveries. On the occasion of the unveiling addresses were made by M. Decrais, French min- ister of the colonies, and M. Liard, rep- resenting the Department of Public In- struction. President Seth. Low presented his resignation to the trustees of Colum- bia University on October 7. It was accepted with expressions of deep regret, and Dr. Nicholas Murray But- ler, professor of philosophy and edu- cation, was made acting president. Suegeon-geneeax George M. Stern- berg has returned to Washington after a tour of inspection in the Philippines. — Mr. John A. Fleming, of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, has arrived in Honolulu for the purpose of erect- ing and conducting a station for the study of terrestrial magnetism. Mb. J. E. Spurr, of the U. S. Geo- logical Survey, who has been employed for geological surveys by the Sultan of Turkey, has begun work in Macedonia and Albania. The Fifth International Congress of Physiology was opened on September 17 in the physiological laboratory of the University of Turin, under the presidency of Professor Angelo Mosso. Sir Michael Foster was elected honor- ary president. More than 200 physi- ologists were present, and 186 com- munications were announced. — The Congress of the International Associa- tion for Testing Materials was held at Budapest, from September 9 to 14, un- der the presidency of Professor L. von Tetmajer, and was largely attended by engineers from all parts of the world. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. DEOEMBEE, 1901. A MECHANICAL SOLUTION OF A LITEKAEY PEOBLEM. By Dr. T. C. MENDENHALL. nnHE title given to this paper, chosen after much hesitation and with -■- no little reluctance, is not to be looked upon as an assumption of the definite and final solution of the principal problem to which atten- tion has been directed. As a matter of fact I have hoped to conceal, for at least a page or two, the identity of this principal problem, in order that no well intentioned and good natured reader might be driven away by what is a very general, not altogether reasonable, but quite natural, prejudice. Whatever may be thought of the problem or of the im- portance of its solution, it is believed that the method here suggested and applied will be found to be of interest and, possibly, of consider- able value in certain linguistic studies. Nearly twenty years ago I devised a method for exhibiting graph- ically such peculiarities of style in composition as seemed to be almost purely mechanical and of which an author would usually be absolutely unconscious. The chief merit of the method consisted in the fact that its application required no exercise of judgment, accurate enumeration being all that was necessary, and by displaying one or more phases of ihe mere mechanism of composition characteristics might be revealed which the author could make no attempt to conceal, being himself unaware of their existence. It was further assumed that, owing to the well-known persistence of unconscious habit, personal peculiarities in the construction of sentences, in the use of long or short words, in the number of words in a sentence, etc., will in the long run manifest themselves with such regularity that their graphic representation may become a means of identification, at least by exclusion. In the present VOL. LX. — 7. 98 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. consideration the application of the method has been restricted to a study of the relative frequencies of the use of words of different lengths. The method of procedure is simple and will be best explained by an example. One thousand words in 'Vanity Fair/ taken in consecutive order of course, were counted and classified as to the number of letters in each with the following result : Letters— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Words— 25 169 232 187 109 78 79 48 28 20 10 10 2 3 The graphic exhibition of this result is made by the well-known method of rectangular coordinates, using the number of letters in a word as the abscissa and the corresponding number of words in a thou- sand as the ordinate. On a sheet of 'squared' paper the numbers showing letters in each word, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., are placed along the horizontal line and on the vertical above each of these is put a point whose distance from the base shows the number of corresponding words in every thou- sand, according to the scale shown at the left. These points are then joined by straight lines and the whole broken line may be called the 'word spectrum' or 'characteristic curve' of the author as derived from the group of words considered. The group of 1,000 words from '^7'anity Fair' enumerated above is thus graphically represented by the continuous line in Fig. 1, and the method of constructing the charac- teristic curve will be readily understood by comparing this with the numbers given. As a thousand is a very small number in a problem of this kind, the curve representing any single group of that number of words is practically certain to differ more or less from that of any other such group. In Fig. 1 the dotted line represents a group of 1,000 words, immediately follow- ing that already referred to. Perhaps the most astonishing thing about these two lines is not that they differ, but that they agree as well as they do. It is really remarkable that any marked peculiarity in the use of words is almost sure to be revealed in this way, even in comparatively small groups. In the two diagrams of Fig. 1 it is inter- esting to note their general sameness, especially as shown in a tendency to equality of words of six and seven letters and also in words of eleven and twelve letters. When the number of words in each group is increased there is, of 250 — 1 1 \ 200 / \ / 150 i h \\, 100 1 v\ \ 50 ' \ .^ > rZT ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Fig. 1. Two Groups— 1000 each— Vanity Fair. SOLUTION OF A LITERARY PROBLEM. 99 course, closer agreement of their diagrams, and this became so evident in the earlier stages of the investigation that the conclusion was soon reached that if a diagram be made representing a very large number of words from a given author, it would not differ sensibly from any other diagram representing an equally large number of words from the same author. Such a diagram would then reflect the persistent peculiarities of this author in the use of words of different lengths and might be called the characteristic curve of his composition. Curves similarly formed from anything that he had ever written could not differ materially from this, although curves of other authors might possibl}^ but would not probably, agree closely with his. Thus, if this principle were established, the method might be useful as a means of identification of authorship, and it might be relied upon with great conidence to show that a certain author did not write a certain composition. In the earlier application of the method many interesting facts were brought out, some of which are worth mentioning here, although a full account of the preliminary work was published in 'Science' of March 11, 1887, It was soon discovered that among writers of English the three- letter word occurred much more frequently than any other. Indeed in the earlier investigation only one exception to this rule was found and that was in the writings of John Stuart Mill, who uses two-letter words more often than any other. This was surprising at first, espe- cially in view of the large average word-length of Mill's composition, which is considerably in excess of that of any other author thus far examined, but it is easily explained by the very frequent appearance of prepositional phrases, necessitating the use of such two-letter words as in, on, to, of, etc., to an extent unapproached by other writers. Mill's writings furnished an opportunity for comparing the curves represent- ing two different periods of an author's life. A comparison of two groups of 5,000 words each from his Tolitical Economy' and his 'Essay on Liberty' showed the presence of the same peculiarities in word choos- ing, and in every thousand of the ten examined the two-letter word was in excess. JSTo other writer of English has been found to use two- letter words oftener than any other, but it is not at all improbable that there may be such. Through the interest of Mr. Edward Atkinson, it became possible to give a partial answer to the question. Can an author purposely avoid the peculiarities of style that belong to his normal composition? Mr. Atkinson, having addressed a body of college alumni on a certain topic, afterward gave what he meant to be the same address to a body of workingmen, but in the latter instance he made a special effort to use simple, short words and sentences of the simplest and plainest con- struction. Although relating to the same topic the two addresses 'read' lOO POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY very differently, but their diagrams are strikingly alike in their main feature. As a matter of interest 'counts' were made of groups of about 5,000 words each from various languages other than English. The characteristic curves thus derived for Italian, Spanish, French, Ger- man, Latin and Greek are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, and, for convenience in comparison, that of Dickens's English is added. Many of these 'counts' were furnished by friends who became interested in the mat- ter, and an incident of no little interest was the receipt of a column of numbers on a strip of paper ^ith nothing to indicate its origin or meaning. Suspecting, however, that it might be a 'word count,' its dia- gram was constructed and it was instantly and beyond all reasonable doubt identified as coming from the Latin of Caesar. 300 Z50 200 ISO 100 so JOOr ZJO ITALIAN L BO I TO H ^00 ISO 100 JO SPANISH CtRVANTtS — \ J y /' \, \ \ 1 X -^ ^ 1 ^ 3 f 5 i. 7 t 3 /O 11 I2.13M IS li> 17 / Z 3/4 S 6 7 8 9 10 // IZ 13 If /S/£/7 1 1 GERMAN VonSCHLFFEL — 1 1 / N, V V \ 1 \ 1 L J Z= IZ34S6789/0JI /Z13/flS16 17 I Z 3 4 S L 7 8 9 10 U 1113 li IS I& 11-17 Fk;. 2. The original published description referred to above concludes as follows : From the examinations thus far made I am convinced that 100,000 words will be necessary and sufficient to furnish the characteristic curve of a writer — that is to say, if a curve is constructed from 100,000 words of a writer, taken from any one of his productions, then a second curve from another 100,000 words would be practically identical with the first and that this curve would, in general, differ from that formed in the same way from another writer, to such an extent that one could always be distinguished from another. To demonstrate the existence of such a curve would require the enumeration of the letters of several hundred thousand words from each of a number of writers. Should its existence be established the method might then be applied to cases SOLUTION OF A LITERARY PROBLEM. lOI of disputed authorship. If striking diflferences are found of known and sus- pected compositions of any writer, the evidence against identity of authorship would be quite conclusive. If the two compositions should produce curves which are practically identical, the proof of a common origin would be less con- vincing; for it is possible, although not probable, that two writers might show identical characteristic curves. With this conclusion the matter remained for more than ten years. On innumerable occasions it was suggested that the process ought to be applied to an examination of the writings of Bacon and Shakespeare with a view of forever settling a controversy which will doubtless forever remain unsettled. This, of course, had been all along in view, but it involved an expenditure of time and labor in letter and word counting quite beyond what might be expected from individual en- 7 / \ \ 150 \ 100 \. j \ 50 N >, ■ \ --^ 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Fig. 6. Two Gkoup.s, Ben Jonson. ing flexure in the other. This is typical of all comparisons of different styles of composition by the same author. Undoubtedly there will always be found differences in the graphic representations of serious prose compositions and those of a higher vein, poetry or play, by the same writer, but the evidence at hand goes to show that the leading personal peculiarities of composition will invariably be found in both. Fig. 6 shows the curves of two groups of about 75,000 words each from the plays of Ben Jonson, the most notable literary contemporary of Shakespeare. Their close agreement is another very satisfactory con- firmation of the fundamental principle and their difference from the Shakespearean curve is striking. It will be observed that Jonson follows the usual practice of making use of the three-letter word most frequently. Fig. 7 shows the characteristic curves of Bacon and Shakespeare side by side and may be regarded, perhaps, as the objective point of the entire investigation. The reader is at liberty to draw any conclusions he pleases from this diagram. Should he conclude that, in view of the extraordinary differences in these lines, it is clear that Bacon could not have Avritten the things ordinarily attributed to Shakespeare, he may yet, possibly, be willing to admit that, in Mr. Hemin- way's own words, 'the question still remains, who did?' As- suming this question to be a reasonable one, the method now under consideration can never do more than direct in- quiry or suspicion. During the progress of the count it seemed as if the Shakespearean peculiarity of 12345678 the excessive use of words of fic 7. k.vion.. four letters was unique, that no other writer would be found with this characteristic. On work- ing out the results of a very extensive count of the plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, however, it was found that on the final average the num- 250 1 — r— ^' 200 7f V \ \ \ 150 -rv 100 V \ \ i50 ,7 "x \ X rrr 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 . ... SlIAKESPKABE . SOLUTION OF A LITERARY PROBLEM. 105 ■— ^ \ 7 \ 200 / \ \ loO 7 \ / \ lOU / \ r- N 50 \- r *- 12 3 Fig. 8.— 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 — Beaumont and Fletcher J?HAKESPEARE. ber of four-letter words was slightly greater than that of three letters, although the excess was by no means so persistent in small groups. The curve of their composition is, on the whole, quite like that of Shakespeare. The lack of persistency of form among small groups may be accounted for by the fact that the work is in a large, though unknown, degree a joint product. The comparison with Shakespeare is shown in Fig. 8. It was in the counting and plotting of the plays of Christopher Marlowe, how- ever, that something akin to a. sensation was produced among those actually engaged in the work. Here was a man to whom it has always been acknowledged, Shakespeare was deeply indebted; one of whom able critics have declared that he 'might have written the plays of Shakespeare.' Indeed a book has been only recently pub- lished to prove that he did write them. Even this did not lessen the interest with which it was discovered that in the characteristic curve of his plays Christopher Marlowe agrees with Shakes- peare about as well as Shakes- peare agrees with himself, as is shown in Fig. 9. Finally, an interesting incident developed in an examination of a bit of dramatic composition by Pro- fessor Shaler, of Harvard Uni- versity, entitled 'Armada Days.' It was a brochure of only about twenty thou- sand words, printed for private circulation, in which the author had endeavored to compose in the spirit and style of the Elizabethan Age. Although too small to produce anything like a 'normal' curve it was counted and plotted, and the diagram indicated that Professor Shaler had not only caught the spirit of the literature of the time, but that he had also unconsciously adopted the mechanism which seems to charac- terize it. In the excess of the four-letter word and in other respects the curve was rather decidedly Shakespearean, although it was written before its author knew anvthinor of such an analvsis as this. •250 ^ 200 1 \ 1 \ 1 50 \ \ 100 \ \ \ ■>0 \ s V, ^ 12 3 4 Fig. 9. — 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Iti Mari.owe Shakespeare. io6 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE IMPOKTANCE OF GENERAL STATISTICAL IDEAS.* By Sir ROBERT GIFFEN, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S. I TRUST you will excuse me, on an occasion like the present, for returning to a topic which I have discussed more than once — the utility of common statistics. While we are indebted for much of our statistical knowledge to elaborate special inquiries, such as were made by Mr. Jevons on prices and the currency, or have lately been made by Mr. Booth into the condition of the London poor, we are indebted for other knowledge to continuous official and unofficial records, which keep us posted up to date as to certain facts of current life and business, without which public men and men of business, in the daily concerns of life, would be very much at a loss. What seems to me always most desirable to understand is the importance of some of the ideas to be derived from the most common statistics of the latter kind — the regular records of statistical facts which modem societies have instituted, especially the records of the census, which have now existed for a century in most European countries and among peoples of Eu- ropean origin. Political ideas and speculation are necessarily colored by ideas originating in such records, and political action, internationally and otherwise, would be all the wiser if the records were more carefully observed than they are, and the lessons to be derived widely appreciated and understood. I propose now to refer briefly to one or two of these ideas which were taken up and discussed on former occasions,! and to illustrate the matter farther by a reference to one or two additional topics suggested in the same manner, and more particularly by the results of the last census investigations, which complete in this respect the record of what may be called the statistical century par excellence — the century which has just closed. Increase of European Population during last Century. The first broad fact then of this kind, which I have discussed on former occasions, is the enormous increase of the population of Eu- * Address of the President to the Economic Science and Statistics Section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Glasgow, 1901. t Cf. Essays in Finance, 2nd series, pp. 275-364, and Proceedings of Man- chester Statistical Society, October 17, 1900. DIPORTANCE OF STATISTICAL IDEAS. 107 ropean countries and of peoples of European origin during the century just passed, especially the increase of the English people and of the United States, along with the comparative stationariness of the popu- lation of one or two of the countries, particularly France, at the same time. The growth all round is from about 170 millions at the begin- ning of the century to about 510 millions (excluding South American countries and Mexico) ; while the growth of the United States alone is from a little over 5 to nearly 80 millions, and of the English population of the British Empire from about 15 to 55 millions. Germany and Eussia also show remarkable growth, from 20 to 55 millions in the one case and from 40 to 135 millions in the other — partly due to annexa- tion; but the growth of France is no more than from 25 to 40 millions. Without discussing it, we may understand that the economic growth is equally if not more remarkable. The effect necessarily is to assure the preponderance of European peoples among the races of the world — to put aside completel)'-, for instance, the nightmares of yellow or black perils arising from the supposed overwhelming mass of yellow or black races, these races by comparison being stationary or nearly so. The increase of population being continuous, unless some startling change occurs before long, each year only makes European preponderance more secure. Equally it follows that the relative position of the English Empire, the United States, Eussia and Germany has become such as to make them exclusively the great world powers, although France, for economic reasons, notwithstanding the stationariness of its population, may still be classed amongst them. When one thinks what interna- tional politics were only a hundred years ago — how supreme France then appeared; how important were Austria, Italy, Spain, and even countries like Holland, Denmark and Sweden — we may surely recog- nize that with a comparatively new United States on the stage, and with powers like Eussia and Germany come to the front, the world is all changed politically as well as economically, and that new passions and new rivalries have to be considered. The figures also suggest that for some time at least the movements going on must accentuate the change that has occurred. According to the latest figures, there is no sign that either in France or any other European country which has been comparatively stationary has any growth of population commenced which will reverse the change, while a large increase of population goes on in the leading countries named. This increase, it is alleged, is going on at a diminishing rate — a point to be discussed afterwards — but in the next generation or two there is practically no doubt that the United States will be a larger interna- tional factor than it is, both absolutely and relatively, and that Eussia, Germany and the English people of the British Empire will also grow, though not in such a way, apparently, as to prevent the greater relative io8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. growth of the United States, and notwithstanding perhaps some rela- tive changes of a minor character amongst themselves. The foreign nations then with which the British Empire is likely lo be concerned in the near future are Eussia, Germany and the United States; and other Powers, even France, must more and more occupy a second place, although France, for the moment, partly in consequence of its relations with Eussia, occupies a special place. Special Position of British Empire. Another idea which follows from a consideration of the same facts is the necessity laid upon the British Empire to consolidate and organ- ize itself in view of the large additions of subject races made to it in the last century, and especially in the last twenty years of the century. In a paper which I read before the Eoyal Colonial Institute two years ago, an attempt was made to show that the burden imposed on the white races cf the Empire by these recent acquisitions was not excessive as far as the prospect of internal tumults was concerned. Eelatively to some other Powers, especially France, we have also been gaining inter- tionally in strength and resources. But whether we had gained inter- nationally on the whole, looking at the growth of powers like Eussia, the United States and Germany, and their greater activity in world- politics, was a different question. The problem thus stated remains. It would be foreign to the scope of an address like this, which must avoid actual politics, to examine how far light has been thrown on it by the South African war. No one can question at least that the organization of the Empire must be governed by considerations which the interna- tional statistics suggest, and that no step can be taken safely and properly unless our public men fully appreciate the ideas of interna- tional strength and resources as well as other considerations which are germane to the subject. Europe and Foreign Food Supplies. Another idea to which attention may be drawn appears to be the increasing dependence of European nations upon supplies of food and raw material obtained from abroad. We are familiar with a conception of this kind as regards the United Kingdom. For years past we have drawn increasing supplies from abroad, not merely in proportion to the growth of population, but in larger proportion. The position here obviously is that, with the industries of agi'iculture and the extraction of raw material (except as regards the one article, coal) practically incapable of expansion, and with a population which not only increases in numbers, but which becomes year by year increasingly richer per head, the consuming power of the population increases with enormous IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICAL IDEAS. 109 rapidity, and must be satisfied, if at all, by foreign imports of food and raw materials; there is no other means of satisfaction. But what is true of the United Kingdom is true in a greater or less degree of cer- tain European countries — France, the Low Countries, the Scandinavian countries, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Germany. Especially is it true in a remarkable degree of Germany, which is becoming increasingly industrial and manufacturing, and where the room for expansion in agriculture is now very limited. Those interested in the subject may be referred to an excellent paper by Mr. Crawford, read at the Royal Statistical Society of London about two years ago. What I am now desirous to point out is the governing nature of the idea, which neces- sarily follows from the conception of a European population living on a limited area, with the agricultural and extractive possibilities long since nearly exhausted, and the population all the time increasing in numbers and wealth. Such a population must import more and more year by year, and must be increasingly dependent on foreign supplies. I shall not attempt to do over again what is done in Mr. Crawford's paper, but a few figures may serve to illustrate what is meant. In the 'Statistical Abstract' for the principal and other foreign countries I find tables for certain European countries classifying the imports for a series of years into articles of food, raw and semi-manufactured arti- cles, etc. From these I extract the following particulars for all the countries which have tables in this form : Imports of Articles of Food and Raio Materials and Semi-manufactured Arti- cles into the undermentioned Countries in 1888 ayid 1898 compared. Increase. Amount. Per Cent. Russia 1,000 roubles German Empire, mln. marks France 1,000 francs Switzerland ... " Italy 1,000 lire Austria-Hungary, 1,000 gulden icLES OF Food, etc. 78,975 105,391 27,416 35 907 1,819 912 100 1,503,000 1,505,000 Nil Ml 238,000 332,000 94,000 40 274,480 391,600 117,120 42 (1891) 108,441 191,919 92,478 85 Raw and Semi-manufacttjeed Materials. Russia 1,000 roubles I 241,497 German Empire, mln. marks 1,507 France 1,000 francs | 2,014 Switzerland ... " ' .308,110 Italy 1,000 lire 398,330 Austria-Hungai-y, 1,000 gulden I 231,000 313,629 2,247 2,348 390,111 509,418 293,000 71,132 740 334 82,001 111,088 62,000 29 49 16 27 28 27 no POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The drawback to this table is that it is one of values. Con- sequently the increase of values in the later years may in part be one of values only without corresponding increase of quantities. But the general course of prices in the period in question was not such as to cause a great change of values apart from a change in quantities. The inference seems undeniable, then, that the Conti- nental countries named, especially Germany, have largely increased their imports of food and raw materials of recent years — that is, have become increasingly dependent on foreign and over-sea sup- plies. The position of Germany, with its enormous increase of food imports — from 907 to 1,819 million Marks, or from 45 to over 90 million sterling, and its corresponding increase of raw material im- ports— from 1,507 to 2,247 million Marks, or from 75 to 112 million sterling — is especially remarkable. An examination in detail of the quantities imported of particular articles would fully confirm the impression given by the summary 5gures. But it may be enough to refer to the 'Statistical Abstract' from which I have been quoting, as well as to Mr. Crawford's paper. The iigures are not out of the way in any respect, and it is the idea we have now to get hold of. The inference is that the difference between the United Kingdom and Continental countries, especially Germany, as regards dependence on foreign supplies of food and raw materials, is only one of degree, and that as regards Germany at least, the conditions are already remarkably like those of the United Kingdom, while the more rapidly Germany in- creases its manufacturing and industrial population, the more like it will become to this country. In other words, in the future there will be two great countries, and not one only, dependent largely for their food and raw materials on supplies from abroad. What their position is to be economically and otherwise relatively to the United States, which is at once the main source of supply and a competitor with Eu- ropean countries in manufactures, is obviously a matter of no little in- terest. As a believer in free trade, I am sure that nothing but good will come to all the countries concerned if trade is interfered with as little as possible by tariffs and government regulations. I believe, moreover, that the practice of free trade, whatever their theories may be, will unavoidably be accepted by all three countries before long. Obviously, however, as the new tariff in Germany indicates, there is to be a great struggle in that country before the situation is accepted ; and if some people in this country had their way, notwithstanding our long experience of free trade and its blessings, we should even have a strug- gle here. There is another point of view from which the facts should be studied. We are accustomed, and rightly so, I think, to consider naval IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICAL IDEAS. m preponderance indispensable to the safety of the Empire, and especially indispensable to the safety of the country from blockade, and from the interruption of its commerce, which would be our ruin. But our posi- tion in this respect is apparently not quite exceptional. Less or more our Continental neighbors, and especially Germany, are in the same boat. In the event of war, if they could not make up the loss by traffic over their land frontiers, they would be just as liable to suffer from blockade and interrupted commerce as we are. It is conceivable, more- over, that in certain wars some of the countries might not be able to make up by traffic over their land frontiers for blockade or interruption of commerce by sea. We may apprehend, for instance, that Germany, if it were victorious by sea in a war with France, would insist upon Belgium and Holland on one side, and Italy and Spain on the other side, not supplying by land to France what had been cut off by sea. One or more of these countries might be allies with Germany from the first. Contrariwise France and Russia, if at war with Germany and the Triple Alliance, might practically seal up Germany if they were successful at sea, insisting that the Scandinavian countries and Hol- land should not make up to Germany by land what had been cut off by sea. Germany in this view, apart from any possibility of rupture wdth this country, has a case for a powerful fleet. It is not quite so much liable to a blockade as we are, but there is a liability of the same kind. The question of naval preponderance among rival powers may thus become rather a serious one. If preponderance is to be nearly as essential to Germany as it is to this country, who is to preponderate ? What our practical action ought to be in the premises is a question that might easily lead us too far on an occasion like this, but the facts should be ever present to the minds of our public men. We may be quite cer- tain that they are quite well known and understood in the councils of the Eussian, German, French and other Continental Govern- ments. New Population and New Markets. Another idea suggested by the facts appears to be an answer to the question as to how new markets are to be found for the products of an increasing population — a question which vexes the mind of many who see in nothing but foreign trade an outlet for new energies. The point was mentioned in my address at Manchester a year ago, but it deserves, perhaps, a more elaborate treatment than it was possible then to give it. What we see then is that not only in this country, but in Germany and other Continental countries, millions of new people are, in fact, pro- vided for in every ten years, although the resources of the country in food and raw materials are generally used to the full extent, and not capable of farther expansion, so that increasing supplies of food and 112 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. raw material have to be imported from abroad. How is the thing done ? Obviously the main provision for the wants of the new people is effected by themselves. They exchange services with each other, and so procure the major part of the comforts and luxuries of life which they require. The butcher, the baker, the tailor, the dressmaker, the milliner, the shoemaker, the builder, the teacher, the doctor, the lawyer, and so on, are all working for each other the most part of their lives, and the proportion of exchanges with foreign countries necessary to procure some things required in the general economy may be very small. These exchanges may also very largely take the form of a remittance of goods by foreign countries in payment of interest on debts which they owe, so that the communities in question obtain much of what they want from abroad by levying a kind of rent or annuity which the foreigner has to pay. If more is required, it may be obtained by special means, as, for instance, by the working of coal for export, which gives employment in this country to about 200,000 miners, by the employment of shipping in the carrying trade, by the manufacture of special lines of goods, and so on. But the main exchanges of any country are, and must be, as a rule, at home, and the foreign trade, however important, will always remain within limits, and bearing some proportion to the total ex- changes of the country. Hence, when additions to the population, and how they are to live, are considered, the answer is that the additions will fill up proportionately the framework of the various industries already in existence, or the ever-changing new industries for home con- sumption which are always starting into being. These are the primary outlets for new population even in old countries like the United King- dom and Germany. Of course, active traders and manufacturers, each in their own way, are not to take things for granted. They must strive to spread their activities over foreign as well as over home markets. But looking at the matter from the outside, and scientifically, it is the home and not the foreign market which is always the more im- portant. The same may be said of a country in a somewhat difl'erent economic condition from England and Germany, viz., the United States. I can only refer to it, however, in passing, as the facts here are not so clearly on the surface. Contrary to England and Germany, which have no food resources and resources of raw material capable of indefinite expansion, the United States is still to a large extent a virgin country. Its increas- ing population is therefore provided for in a different way for the most part from the increase in England and Germany. But even in the United States it has been noticeable at each of the last census returns that the increasing population finds an outlet more and more largely, not in agriculture and the extraction of raw materials, but in the mis- cellaneous pursuits of industry and manufacture. The tovm population IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICAL IDEAS. 113 increases disproportionately. In the last census especially it was found that the overflow of population over the far Western States seemed to have been checked, the increase of population being mainly in the older States and the towns and cities of the older States. The phenomena in England and Germany and in other Continental countries are accordingly not singular. The older countries, and the older parts even of a new country like the United States are becoming more and more the centers where populations live and grow, because they are the most convenient places for the general exchange of services with each other among the component parts of a large population, which constitutes pro- duction and consumption. A small expenditure of effort in proportion enables such communities to obtain from a distance the food and raw materials which they require. Migration is no longer the necessity that it was. Decline in Rate of Growth of Population. I come now to another idea appearing on the surface of the census returns when they are compared for a long time past, and the con- nected returns of births, marriages and deaths, which have now been kept in most civilized communities for generations. Great as the increase of population is with which we have been dealing, there are indications that the rate of growth in the most recent census periods is less in many quarters than it formerly was, while there has been a corresponding decline in the birth-rates; and to some extent, though not to the same extent, in the rate of the excess of births over deaths, which is the critical rate of course in a question of the increase of popu- lation. These facts have suggested to some a question as to how far the increase of population which has been so marked in the past cen- tury is likely to continue, and speculations have been indulged in as to whether there is a real decline in the fecundity of population among the peoples in question resembling the decline in France, both in its nature and consequences. I do not propose to discuss all these various questions, but rather to indicate the way in which the problem is sug- gested by the statistics, and the importance of the questions thus raised for discussion, as a proof of the value of the continuous statistical records themselves. The United States naturally claims first attention in a matter like this, both on' account of the magnitude of the increase of population there, and the evidence that recent growth has not been quite the same as it was earlier in the century. Continuing a table which was printed in my address as president of the Statistical Society, in 1882, above referred to, we find that the growth of population in the United States since 1800 has been as follows in each census period : VOL. LX. — 8. 114 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Population in the United States, and Increase in each Census Period of the Nineteenth Century. Year. Population. Increase since Previous Census. Amount. Per Cent. 1800 Millions. 5.3 7.2 9.6 12.9 17.1 23.2 31.4 38.5 50.1 62.6 75.7* Millious. 1.9 2.4 3.3 4.2 6.1 8.2 7.1 11.6 12.5 13.1 36 33 34 33 36 36 23 30 25 21 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 I860 1870 1880 1890 1900 Thus it is quite plain that something has happened in the United States to diminish the rate of increase of population after 1860. Up to that time the growth in each census period from 1800 downwards had ranged between 33 and 36 per cent. Since then the highest rates have been 30 per cent, between 1870 and 1880 and 25 per cent: between 1880 and 1890. There is a suspicion, moreover, that, owing to errors in the census of 1870, which were corrected in 1880, the increase be- tween 1870 and 1880 was not quite so high as stated. There is accord- ingly a somewhat steep decline from a growth in each ten years prior to 1860, ranging between 33 and 36 per cent., to a growth first of about 25 per cent., and finally of 21 per cent. only. The Civil War of the early sixties naturally occurs to one as the explanation of the break immediately after 1860, but the effects could hardly have continued to the present time, and a more general explanation is sug- gested. Other special explanations have occurred to me as partly account- ing for the change. One is that, prior to 1860, the United States at different times increased its territory and population partly by purchase and partly by annexation. But I cannot make out that either the pur- chase of Louisiana early in the century, or the subsequent annexations following the Mexican war, would make a material difference. There is a considerable increase certainly after the Mexican war, but it would be difficult indeed to estimate how much of the population of Texas and New Mexico, which was then added to the Union, had previously swarmed over from the Union, and had thus been from the first economically, if not politically, part of the United States. Another obvious suggestion is that possibly immigration into the United States * This does not include population of Indian reservation, etc., now in- cluded in the ofl5cial census for the first time. IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICAL IDEAS. II 1 has fallen off as compared with what it formerly was. But this ex- planation also fails, as far as the oflBcial figures carry us. The pro- portion of immigration to the total increase of population in each census period since 1820, previous to which I have not been able to obtain figures, has been as follows : Proportion of Immigration to Total Increase of Population in the undermen- tioned Periods in the United States. Per Cent. 1860-70 35.0 1870-80 24.2 Per Cent. 1820-30 4.7 1830-40 14.2 1840-50 27.9 1850-60 31.5 1880-90 42.1 1890-1900 29.4 Immigration, according to these figures, has thus in late years played as important a part as it formerly did in the increase of popula- tion in the United States. Possibly the official figures of immigration of late years are a little exaggerated, as the United States Government does not show a balance between immigration and emigration; but whatever corrections may be made on this account, the recent figures of immigration are too large to permit the supposition that the failure of immigrants accounts in the main for the diminished rate of increase of the population generally. The ten years' percentage of increase without immigrants, I may say, varied before 1860 between 24 and 33 per cent., and has since fallen to 14 and 15 per cent. Even if the latter figures should be increased a little to allow for the overestimate of immigration, the change would be enormous. Passing from the United States, we meet with similar phenomena in Australasia. Indeed, what has happened in Australasia of late has been attracting a good deal of attention. The following short table, which is extracted from the statistics of Mr. Coghlan, the able statistician of the Government of New South Wales, gives an idea of what has occurred : Population of Australasia at different Dates, vnth the Annual Increase Per Cent, in each Period. Annual Annual Population. Increase Per Cent, since Previous Date. Population. Increase Per Cent, since Previous Date. Thousands. Thousands. 1788 1.0 1 1851 430.6 7.36 1801 .... 6.5 15.13 ; 1861 1,253.0 11.30 1811 11.5 11.94 1 1871 1,924.8 4.39 1821 35.6 5.88 ! ' 1881 2,742.5 3.60 1831 79.3 8.34 j 1891 3,809.9 3.34 1841 211.1 10.28 1899 4,483.0 2.1 Supplementary Table of Rate per Cent, of Increase since 1890. Per Cent. Per Cent. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. .3.34 .2.10 .1.96 .1.95 .1.88 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. .1.84 .1.86 .1.40 ,1.44 ii6 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The decline in the rate of increase is so great and palpable as to need no comment. Here the perturbations due to immigration have obviously been greater than in the case of the United States. The country was, in fact, settled mainly between 1850 and 1870, without previously having had a population to speak of. But deducting immigration, the increase would appear to have been as follows in each decade : Rate of Increase Per Cent, of Population in Australasia, deducting Immigration, in the undermentioned Periods. Per Cent. Per Cent. 1851-60 48.5 1860-70 30.0 1870-8U 25.0 1880-90 24.5 1890-99 16.0 Of course, so long as immigration continues, the effect is to swell indirectly the natural increase of population, so that the large increases here shown between 1851 and 1870, and even down to 1890, may be accounted for in part as the indirect result of the large immigration that was going on. But whatever the cause, the fact is unmistakable that the rate of increase, apart from the direct immigration, has declined just as it has done in the United States. There has been a similar though not nearly so marked a decrease in England, at any rate if we carry the comparison back to the period before 1850. The population at each census period since 1800 in England, with the percentage increase between each census period, has been as follows : * Population of England at the Date of each Census since 1800 unth Percentage of Increase hettoeen each Census. Increase Per Increase Per Year. Population. Cent. Since Previous Census. Year. Population. Cent. Since Previous Census. Millions. Millions. 1800 8.9 — 1860 20.1 11.9 1810 10.2 14.0 1870 22.7 13.2 1820 12.0 18.1 1880 26.0 14.4 1830 13.9 15.8 1890 29.0 11.6 1840 15.9 14.5 1900 32.3 12.2 1850 17.9 12.9 Thus the increase between recent census periods has been sensibly less than it was before 1850; and the slight recovery between 1860 and 1880 has not been maintained. We are thus in presence of much the same kind of change as has been shown in the United States and in Australasia. It should be noted, however, in order that we may not strain any fact, that, when the United Kingdom is viewed as a whole, Scotland IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICAL IDEAS. 117 and Ireland, as well as the senior partner, being taken into account, it cannot be said that there is any falling off in the rate of growth of the population since 1850. For several decades after that, in fact, the rate of growth of the United Kingdom as a whole was diminished enormously by the emigration from Ireland, and the growth since 1860 has been at a greater rate than in the thirty years before. There may be new causes at work which will again diminish the rate of growth, but in a broad view they do not make themselves visible owing to the disturbance caused by the Irish emigration. Still the facts as to the United Kingdom as a whole ought not to prevent us from considering the facts respecting England only along with the similar facts respect- ing the United States and Australasia. These diminutions in the rate of growth of large populations, as I have indicated, are corroborated by a study of the birth-rates, and of the rate of the excess of births over deaths. The United States unfortunately is without birth- or death-rates, owing to the want of a general system of registration over the whole country. This is a most serious defect in the statistical arrangements of that great country, which it may be hoped will be remedied in time. In the absence of the necessary records I have made some calculations so as to obtain a figure which may be provisionally substituted for a proper rate of the excess of births over deaths, which I submit for what it may be worth as an approximation, and an approximation only. In these calculations one-tenth of the increase of population between two census periods, apart from immigration, is compared with the mean of the population at the two census dates themselves, with the following results : Approximate Rate of Excess of Births over Deaths in the United States, calcu- lated from a Comparison of One-tenth the Increase of Population between the Census Periods, deducting Immigrants, loith the Mean of the Numbers of the Population at the two Census Dates. Year. 1 Population. 2 Mean of Popula- tion Between Two Censuses. 3 One-tenth of In- crease Since Previous Census, Less Immigrants. 4 Calculated Excess of Births Over Deaths per 1,000, Proportion of Col. 3 to Col. 2. 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 Millions. 5.3 7.2 9.6 12.9 17.1 23.2 31.4 38.5 50.2 62.6 75.7 Millions. 6.2 8.4 11.2 15.0 20.1 27.3 35.0 44.4 56.4 69.2 Thousands. 308 360 441 565 462 878 722 923 28 24 22 21 13 20 13 13 ii8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Thus, while the excess rate was as high as 21 to 28 per 1,000 before 1860, it has since fallen to one of 13 only, or about one-half. Whatever validity may attach to the method of calculation, the real facts would no doubt show a change in the direction of the table — a decline in the rate of the excess of births over deaths from period to period. The decline in the growth of population is thus not merely the direct effect of a change in immigration, but is connected vdth the birth- and death- rates themselves, although these rates are of course indirectly affected by the amount and proportion of immigration. It would be most im- portant to know what the decline in the birth-rate is by itself, and how far its effects on the growth of population have been mitigated or intensified by changes in the death-rate; but United States records generally give no help on this head. Dealing with Australasia in the same way, we have the advantage of a direct comparison of both birth- and death-rates and the rate of the excess of births over deaths. This is done in the following table : Birth-rate and Death-rate and Rate of Excess of Births over Deaths in Aus- tralasia for undermentioned Years. [From Mr. Coghlan's Statistics] Birth-rate. Death-rate. Excess of Births Over Deaths. 1861-65 41.92 16.75 25.17 1866-70 39.84 15.62 24.22 1871-75 37.34 15.26 22.08 1876-80 36.38 15.04 21.34 1881-85 35.21 14.79 20.42 1886-90 34.43 13.95 20.48 1891-95 31.52 12.74 18.78 1896-99 27.35 12.39 14.96 Thus from a high birth-rate forty years ago Australasia has cer- tainly gone down to very ordinary birth-rates, lower than in the United Kingdom and in Continental countries, and Australasia certainly has had heavy declines in the rate of excess of births over deaths, viz., from 25.17 in 1861-65 to 15 in 1896-99, which is to be compared with the decline in the United States, as above stated approximately, from 28 in 1820-30, and 21 as late as 1860, to 13 in the last twenty years. A similar table for England only gives the following results : Birth-rate and Death-rate and Rate of Excess of Births over Deaths in England for undermentioned^ Years. 1851. 1861. 1871. 1881. 1891. 1899. Birth-rate per 1,000. 34.2 34.6 35.0 33.9 31.4 29.3 Death-rate per 1,000. 22.0 21.6 22.6 18.9 20.2 18.3 Excess of Birth-rate Over Death-rate. 12.2 13.0 12.4 15.0 11.2 11.0 iVo^e.— Highest birth-rate in 1876, 36.3. IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICAL IDEAS. 119 Here the birth-rates, to begin with, are not so high as in Australasia, and presumably in the United States, and the excess of births over deaths, though it has declined a good deal since 1871-81, when it was highest, has been by comparison fairly well maintained, being still 11 per 1,000, as compared with 12.2 in 1851. We have thus on one side a manifest decline in the rate of growth of population in three large groups of population, coupled with a large decline of birth-rates in England and Australasia where the facts are known, and a smaller decline in the rate of the excess of births over deaths, this decline in England as yet being comparatively small. Such facts cannot but excite inquiry, and it is an excellent result of the use of continuous statistical records that the questions involved can be so definitely raised. As I have stated, it would be foreign to the object of this paper to discuss fully the various questions thus brought up for discussion, but one or two observations may be made having regard to some inferences which are somewhat hastily drawn. 1. The rate of growth of population of the communities may still be very considerable, even if it is no higher than it has been in the last few years. A growth of 16, 15, or even 12 per cent, in ten years, owing to the excess of births over deaths, is a very considerable growth, though it is much less than the larger figures which existed in some parts forty or fifty years ago. What has happened in the United King- dom is well worth observing in this connection. Since 1840 the popu- lation of the United Kingdom as a whole has increased nearly 60 per cent., although the increase in most of the decades hardly ever exceeded 8 per cent., and in 1840-50 was no more than 2i/^ per cent. The increase, it must be remembered, goes on at a compound ratio, and in. a few decades an enormous change is apparent. The increase from about 170 to 510 millions in the course of the last century among Eu- ropean people generally, though it includes the enormous growth of the United States in those decades, when the rate of growth was at the highest, also includes the slower growth of other periods, and the slower growths of other countries. An addition of even 10 per cent, only as the average every ten years would far more than double the 500 millions in a century, and an increase to at least 1,500 millions during the cen- tury now beginning, unless some great change should occur, would accordingly appear not improbable. 2. Some of the rates of growth of population from which there has been a falling off of late years were obviously quite abnormal. I refer especially to the growth in Australasia between 1850 and 1880, and the growth in the United States prior to 1860. They were largely due to the indirect effect of immigration which has been already referred to. The population to which immigrants are largely added in a few I20 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. years, owing to the composition of the population, has its birth-rates momentarily increased and its death-rates diminished — the birth-rates because there are more people relatively at the child-producing ages, and the death-rates because the whole population is younger, than in older countries. It appears quite unnecessary to elaborate this point. The rates of the excess of births over deaths in a country which is receiving a large immigration must be quite abnormal compared with a country in a more normal condition, while a country from which there is a large emigration, such as Ireland, must tend to show a lower excess than is consistent with a normal condition. This explanation, it may be said, does not apply to England, since it is a country which has not been receiving a large immigration or sending out, except occa- sionally, a large emigration. England, however, must have been affected both ways by movements of this character. It received un- doubtedly a large Irish immigration in the early part of last century, and in more recent periods the emigration in some decades, particularly between 1880 and 1890, appears to have been large enough to have a sensible effect on both the birth-rate and the rate of the excess of births over deaths. This efCect would be continued down into the following decade, and the consideration is therefore one to be taken note of as accounting in part for the recent decline in birth-rates in England. In addition, however, it is not improbable that there was an abnormal increase of population in the early part of last century, due to the sudden multiplication of resources for the benefit of a poor population which had previously tended to grow at a very rapid rate, and would have grown at that rate but for the checks of war, pestilence and famine, on which Malthus enlarges. The sudden withdrawal of the checks in this view would thus be the immediate cause of the singularly rapid growth of population in the early part of last century. It is quite in accordance with this fact that a generation or two of prosperity, raising the scale of living, would diminish the rate of growth as compared with this abnormal development, without affecting in any degree the permanent reproductive energy of the people, 3. It is also obvious that one explanation of the decline in birth- rate, and of the rate of the excess of births over deaths, may also be the greater vitality of the populations concerned, so that the composition of the population is altered by an increase of the relative numbers of people not in the prime of life, so altering the proportion of the people at the child-producing ages to the total. This would be too complex a subject for me to treat in the course of a discursive address. Nor would it explain the whole facts, which include, for instance, an almost sta- tionary annual number of births in the United Kingdom for more than ten years past, notwithstanding the largely increased population. But the case may be one where a great many partial explanations contribute IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICAL IDEAS. 121 to elucidate the phenomena, so that this particular explanation cannot be overlooked. 4. There remains, however, the question which many people have rushed in to discuss — viz., whether the reproductive power of the popu- lations in question is quite as great as it was fifty or sixty years ago. We have already heard in some quarters, not merely that the repro- ductive energy has diminished, but suggestions that the populations in question are following the example of the French, where the rate of increase of the population has almost come to an end. Apart, however, from the suggestions above made as to the abnormality of the increase fifty or sixty years ago, so that some decline now is rather to be ex- pected than not, I would point out that the subject is about as full of pitfalls as any statistical problem can be, for the simple reason that it can only be approached indirectly, as there have been no statistical records over a long series of years showing the proportion of births to married women at the child-producing ages, distinguishing the ages, and showing at the same time the proportion of the married women to the total at those ages. Unless there are some such statistics, direct comparisons are impossible, and a good many of the indirect methods of approaching the subject which I have studied a little appear, to say the least, to leave much to be desired. We find, for instance, that a comparison has been made in Australasia between the number of mar- riages in a given year or years and the number of births in the five or six years following, which show, it is said, a remarkable decline in the proportion of births to marriages in recent years as compared with twenty or thirty years ago. It is forgotten, however, that at the earlier dates in Australasia, when a large immigration was taking place, a good many of the children born were the children of parents who had been married before they entered the country, while there are hardly any children of such parents at a time when immigration has almost ceased. The answer to such questions is in truth not to be rushed, and the question with statisticians should rather be how the statistics are to be improved in future, so that, although the past cannot be fully explained, the regular statistics themselves will in future give a ready answer. 5. One more remark may, perhaps, be allowed to me on account of the delicacy and interest of the subject. To a certain extent the causes of a decline in reproductive energy may be part and parcel of the improved condition of the population, which leads in turn to an increase of the age at marriage, and an increase of celibacy generally through the indisposition of individual members of the community to run any risk of sinking in the scale of living which they may run by premature mai-riage. These causes, however, may operate to a great extent upon the birth-rate itself without diminishing the growth of 122 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. population, because the children, though born in smaller proportion, are better cared for, and the rate of excess of births over deaths conse- quently remains considerable, although the birth-rate itself is low. The serious fact would be a decline of the rate of the excess of births over deaths through the death-rate remaining comparatively high while the birth-rate falls. It is in this conjunction that the gravity of the stationariness of population in France appears to lie. While the birth-rate in France is undoubtedly a low one, 21.9 per 1,000 in 1899, according to the latest figures before me, still this would have been quite sufficient to ensure a considerable excess rate of births over deaths, and a considerable increase of population every ten years if the death-rate had been as low as in the United Kingdom — viz., 18.3 per 1,000. A diiference of 3.6 per 1,000 upon a population of about 40 millions comes to about 150,000 per annum, or 1,500,000 and rather more every ten years. In France, however, the death-rate was 21.1 per 1,000, instead of 18.3, as in the United Kingdom, and it is this comparatively high death-rate which really makes the population stationary. The speculations indulged in some quarters, therefore, though they may be justified in future, are hardly yet justified by the general statistical facts. The subject is one of profound interest, and must be carefully studied; but the conclusions I have referred to must be regarded as premature until the study has been made. Conclusion. Such are a few illustrations of the importance of the ideas Avhich are suggested by the most common statistics — those of the regular records which civilized societies have instituted. It is, indeed, self- evident how important it is to know such facts as the growing weight of countries of European civilization in comparison with others; the relative growth of the British Empire, Eussia, Germany and the United States, in comparison with other nations of Europe or of Euro- pean origin; the dependence of other European countries as well as the United Kingdom upon imports of food and raw materials; the ability of old countries and of old centers in new countries to maintain large and increasing populations; and the evidence which is now accumulating of changes in the rate of growth of European nations, with suggestions as to the causes of the changes. It would be easy, indeed, to write whole chapters on some of the topics instead of making a remark or two only to bring out their value a little. It would also be very easy to add to the list. There was a strong temptation to in- clude in it a reference to the relative growth of England, Scotland and Ireland, which has now become the text of so much discussion regard- ing the practical question of diminishing the relative representation of Ireland in Parliament, and increasing that of England and Scotland. IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICAL IDEAS. 123 It Ib expedient, however, in an address like this, to avoid anything which verges on party politics, and I shall only notice that while the topic has lately become of keen interest to politicians, it is not new to statisticians, who were able long ago to foresee what is now so much remarked on. This very topic was discussed at length in the addresses of 1882-83, to which reference has been made, and even before that in 1876 it received attention.* Another topic which might have been added is that of the economic growth of the different countries which was discussed in the address in 1883; and such topics as the increase of population in a country like India under the peace imposed by its European conquerors, by which the stationariness of the country in numbers and wealth under purely native conditions has been changed, and something like European progress has been begun. Enough has been said, however, it may be hoped, to justify this mode of looking at statistics, and the ideas suggested by them. May I once more, then, express the hope, as I have done on former occasions, that as time goes on more and more attention will be given to these common statistics and the ideas derived from them? The domination of the ideas suggested by these common figures of popula- tion statistics, in international politics and in social and economic relations, is obvious; and although the decline in the rate of growth of population in recent years, the last of the topics now touched on, suggests a great many points which the statistics themselves are as yet unfit to solve — what can be done with a great country like the United States, absolutely devoid of bare records of births, marriages and deaths? — still the facts of the decline as far as recorded throw a great deal of light on the social and economic history of the past century, prepare the way for discussing the further topics which require a more elaborate treatment, and enforce the necessity for more and better records. We may emphasize the appeal then, for the better statistical and economic education of our public men, and for the more careful study by all concerned of such familiar publications as the 'Statistical Abstracts,'" the 'Statesman's Year-book,' and the like. The material transformations which are going on throughout the world can be sub- stantially followed without any difficulty in such publications by those who have eyes to see; and to follow such transformations, so as to be ready for the practical questions constantly raised, is at least one of the main uses of statistical knowledge. * See Essays in Finance, 2nd series, p. 290 et seq.; p. 330 ct seq.; and 1st series, p. 280 et seq. 124 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE AIMS OP THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORA- TORY OF GREAT BRITAIN.* By R. T. GLAZEBROOK, F.R.S., DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. A SPEAKER who is privileged to deliver an experimental lecture ■^-^ from this place is usually able to announce some brilliant dis- covery of his own, or at least to illustrate his words by some striking experiment. To-night it is not in my power to do this, and I am thereby at a disadvantage. Still I value highly this opportunity which has been given me of making known to this audience the aims and pur- pose of the National Laboratory. The idea of a physical laboratory in which problems bearing at (mce on science and industry might be solved is comparatively new. The Physikalisch-technische Reichsanstalt, founded in Berlin by the joint labors of Werner von Siemens and von Helmholtz during the years 1883-87, was perhaps the first. It is less than ten years since Dr. Lodge, in his address to Section A of the British Association, out- lined the scheme of work for such an institution here in England. Nothing came of this; a committee met and discussed plans, but it was felt to be hopeless to approach the government, and without government aid there were no funds. Four years later, however, the late Sir Douglas Galton took the matter up. In his address to the British Association in 1895 and again in a paper read before Section A, he called attention to the work done for Germany by the Reichsan- stalt, and to the crying need for a similar institution in England. The result of this presidential pronouncement was the formation of a com- mittee which reported at Liverpool, giving a rough outline of a possible scheme of organization. A petition to Lord Salisbury followed, and as a consequence a Treasury committee, with Lord Rayleigh in the chair, was appointed to consider the desirability of establishing a National Physical Labora- tory. The committee examined over thirty witnesses and then re- ported unanimously, "That a public institution should be founded for standardizing and verifying instruments, for testing materials, and for the determination of physical constants." It is natural to turn to the words of those who were instrumental in securing the appointment of this committee and to the evidence it received in any endeavor to dis- A discourse delivered at the Royal Institution. THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. 125 cuss its aims. As was fitting. Sir Douglas Galton was the first wit- ness to be called. It is a source of sorrow to his many friends that he has not lived to see the Laboratory completed. And here I may refer to another serious loss which in the last few days this Laboratory has sustained. Sir Courtenay Boyle was a member of Lord Eayleigh's committee, and as such was convinced of the need for the laboratory and of the importance of the work it could do. He took an active part in its organization, sparing neither time nor trouble ; he intended that it should be a great institution, and he had the will and the power to help. The country is the poorer by his sudden death. Let me now quote some of Sir Douglas Galton's evidence: "For- merly our progress in machinery,'^ he says, "was due to accuracy of measurement and that was a class of work which could be done as Whit- worth showed by an educated eye and educated touch. But as we ad- vance in the applications of science to industry we require accuracy to be carried into matters which cannot be so measured. In the more delicate researches which the physical, chemical and electrical student undertakes he requires a ready means of access to standards to enable him to compare his own work with that of others." Or again: "My view is that if Great Britain is to claim its industrial supremacy, we must have accurate standards available to our research students and to our manufacturers. I am certain that if you had them our manufac- turers would gradually become very much more qualified for advancing our manufacturing industry than they are now. But it is also certain that you cannot separate some research from a standardizing depart- ment." Then after a description of the Eeichsanstalt he continues, "What I would advocate would be an extension of Kew in the direction of the Second Division of the Eeichsanstalt with such auxiliary re- search in the establishment of itself as may be found necessary." The second division is the one which takes charge of technical and industrial questions. Professor Lodge again gave a very valuable summary of work which ought to be done. Put briefly it was this : 1. Pioneer work. 2. Verification work. 3. Systematic measurements and examination of the properties of sub- stances under all conditions. 4. The precise determination of physical constants. 5. Observational work, testing instruments. 6. Constructional work (gratings, optical glass). 7. Designing new and more perfect instruments. Such were the views of those who took a prominent part in the founding of the institution. It is now realized, at any rate by the more enlightened of our lead- ers of industry, that science can help them. This fact, however, has 126 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. been grasped by too few in England; our rivals in Germany and America know it well, and the first aim of the laboratory is to bring its truth home to all, to assist in promoting a union which is certainly necessary if England is to retain her supremacy in trade and in manu- facture, to make the forces of science available for the nation, to break down by every possible means the barrier between theory and practice, and to point out plainly the plan which must be followed, unless we are prepared to see our rivals take our place. "Germany," an American writer,* who has recently made a study of the subject, has said, "is rapidly moving towards industrial supremacy in Europe. One of her most potent factors in this notable advance is the perfected alliance between science and commerce existing in Ger- many. Science has come to be regarded there as a commercial factor. If England is losing her supremacy in manufactures and in commerce, as many claim, it is because of English conservatism and the failure to utilize to the fullest extent the lessons taught by science, while Ger- many, once the country of dreamers and theorists, has now become intensely practical. Science there no longer seeks court and cloister, but is in open alliance with commerce and industry." It is our aim to promote this alliancg in England, and for this purpose her National Physical Laboratory has been founded. It is hardly necessary to quote chapter and verse for the assertion that the close connection between science and industry has had a predominant effect on German trade. If authority is wanted I would refer to the history of the anilin dye manufacture, or to take a more recent case, to the artificial indigo industry in which the success of the Badische Company has recently been so marked. The factory at Ludwigshaven started thirty-five years ago with thirty men. It now employs over 6,000, and has on its staff 148 trained scientific chemists. And now when it is perhaps too late the Indian planters are calling in scientific aid and the Indian government is giving some £3,500 a year to investigation. As Professor Armstrong, in a recent letter to the 'Times,' says: "The truly serious side of the matter, however, is not the prospective loss of the entire indigo industry so much as the fact that an achieve- ment such as that of the Badische Company seems past praying for here." Or, to take another instance, scientific visitors to the Paris Exhibi- tion last year must have been struck by the German exhibit of apparatus. German instrument makers combined to produce a joint exhibit; a strong committee was formed. Under the skilful editor- ship of Dr. Lindeck of the Eeichsanstalt a catalogue was compiled, in which by a judicious arrangement of cross references it was easily * Professor H. S. Carhart. THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. 127 possible to find either the exhibit of a particular firm or the apparatus of a particular class. This was printed in German, English and French, and issued freely to visitors. Dr. Drosten, the representative of the exhibitors in charge, or one of his assistants, was ever ready to give information and advice. To one who wished, as I did, to see the most modern forms of German apparatus, the exhibit was a very real help. Let me quote a few lines from the catalogue : At the commencement of the nineteenth century, the French and English makers of scientific instruments were far in advance of the Germans. True, the eighteenth century had its prominent mechanics in Germany, yet at the Plan of Grounds. beginning of the nineteenth century French and English makers took the lead, so as to almost supply the world's entire demand in scientific instruments. This predominance had the further consequence of causing young Germans to emigrate to France or England in order thoroughly to master their subject. Many a German mechanic to-day owes to French or English masters a sub- stantial portion of his knowledge. And then in Germany it is only within the last twenty or twenty-five years that the state has espoused the in- terests of the home industry, but such have been the efforts and the results that the position has at a blow, as it were, changed in favor of Germany. The greatest share of the impetus given to the manufacture of scientific instru- ments is due to the Reichsanstalt. A characteristic feature of this trade is the unity of its aims, which is traceable to the history of its development and its intimate connection with pure science. During the year 1898 the value of German exports of scientific instruments was about a quarter of a million sterling. It had trebled within ten years; while nearly 14,000 people were employed in it. 128 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. BUSHY HOUSt Bushy House, Ground Plan. And now having stated in general terms the aims of the labora- tory and given some account of the progress in general, let me pass to some description of the means which have been placed at our dis- posal to realize those aims. I here wish, if time permits, to discuss in fuller detail some of the work which it is hoped we may take up immediately. The laboratory is to be at Bushy House, Teddington. I will pass over the events which led to this change of site from the old Deer Park at Eichmond to Bushy. It is sufficient to say that at present Kew Observatory in the Deer Park will remain as the observatory department of the laboratory, and most of the important verification and standardization work which in the past has been done there will still find its home in the old building. The house was originally the official residence of the Eanger of Bushy Park. Queen Anne granted it in 1710 to the first Lord Halifax. In 1771 it passed to Lord North, being then probably rebuilt. Upon the death of Lord North's widow, in 1797, the Duke of Clarence, after- wards William IV., became Eanger. After his death in 1837 it was granted to his widow. Queen Adelaide, who lived here until 1849. At her death it passed to the Due de Nemours, son of King Louis Philippe, and he resided here at in- tervals until 1896. In spite of this somewhat aristo- cratic history it will make an admirable laboratory. The building is very solid and substantial. There is a good basement under the main central block with roof of brick groining, which makes a very steady support for the floor above. Bushy House, Basement. THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATOEY. 129 Bushy Hocse, East Front. Bushy House, South Front VOL. LX. — 9. I30 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Such is the home of the laboratory. It may be of interest to com- pare it with the Eeichsanstalt. The floor space available is much less than that of the Eeichsanstalt. But size alone is not an unmixed advantage ; there is much to be said Knc;inf.erin<; Laboratory, Ground Plan. in favor of gradual growth and development, provided the conditions are such as to favor growth. Personally I would prefer to begin in a small way, if only I felt sure I was in a position to do the work thor- oughly, but there is danger of starvation. Even with all the help we I II I ['u_Ej: '- M..RS ' I ■^"^li^ W e' e B a A :a ' a A Encineering Laboratory, Elevations and Sections. get in freedom from rent and taxes, outside repairs and maintenance, the sum at the disposal of the committee is too small. £14,000 will not build and equip the laboratory. £4,000 a year will not maintain it as it ought to be maintained. Contrast this with the expenditure on the Eeichsanstalt or with the proposals in America where the bill THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. 131 I'cr the establishment of a hiboratory has just passed, and an expendi- ture of £60,000 on building and site and £9,000 a year has been authorized. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE ON THE REICHSANSTALT. DIVISION I. Site - the Gift of Dr. Siemens £25,000 Cost of Buildings 34,275 Fittings and Furniture 2,700 Machinery and Instruments 4,100 £66,075 DIVISION II. Site £18,600 Buildings 88,000 Fittings and Furniture 5,400 Machinery and Instruments 23,550 135,550 £201,625 ANNUAL EXPENDITURE. Salaries and ^^ ages £10,300 Maintenance of Buildings, Apparatus, etc 6,350 £16,650 i WERNER-SIEMENS STRASSE ! r— ■? MAIN BUILDING OF FIRST DIVISION L fj J|PnEStDENT'9 r"^ r HOU3G BUILDING FOR OFFtC ""LJ SCALE OF FEET -t- ICO MARCH STRASSE f- Rkichsanstai.t, Generai, Plan. Science is not yet regarded as a commercial factor in England. Is there no one who, realizing the importance of the alliance, will come forward with more ample funds to start us on our course with a fair prospect of success ? One real friend has recently told us in print that the new institution is on such a microscopic scale that its utility in the present struggle is more than doubtful. Is there no statesman who can grasp the position and see that, with say double the income. 132 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the chances of our doing a great work would be increased a hundred- f okl ? The problems we have to solve are hard enough ; give us means to employ the best men and we will answer thtm, starve us and then quote our failure as showing the uselessness of science applied to industry. There is some justice in the criticism of one of our technical papers. I have recently been advertising for assistants, and a paper in whose columns the advertisement appeared writes: The scale of pay is certainly not extravagant. It is however possible that the duties will be correspondingly light. I have thus summarized in a brief manner the aims of the labora- tory and have indicated the effect which the application of science to industry has had on one branch of trade in Germany. And now let me illustrate these aims by a more detailed account of some of the problems of industry Avliieh have been solved by the application of MAIN BUILDING /OF DIVISION H Kek'}isan8talt, Technical Buii-ding. science, and then of some others which remain unsolved and which the laboratory hopes to attack. The story of the Jena glass-works is most interesting ; we will take it first. An exhibition of scientific apparatus took place in London in 1878. Among the visitors to this was Professor Abbe, of Jena, and in a report he wrote on the optical apparatus he called attention to the need for progress in the art of glass-making if the microscope were to advance and to the necessity for obtaining glasses having a difEerent relation between dispersion and refractive index than that found in the ma- terial at the disposal of opticians. Stokes and Harcourt had already made attempts in this direction but with no marked success. In 1881 Abbe and Schott at Jena started their work. Their undertaking, they write five years later in the first catalogue of their factory, arose out of a scientific investigation into the connection between the optical proper- THE 2sATI0NAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. 133 Reichsanstalt, Division I., Main Building, ties of solid amorphous fluxes and their chemical constitu- tion. Wlien they began their work some six elements only entered into the composition of glass. By 1888 it had been found possible to com- bine with these in quantities up to about 10 per cent, twenty-eight different ele- ments, and the effect of each of these on the refractive in- dex and dispersion had been measured. Tims for I'xamplc the investigators found that by the addi- tion of boron the ratio of the length of the blue end of the spectrum to that of the red was increased; the addi- tion of fluorine, potassium or sodium produced the opposite result. Now in an ordinary achromatic lens of crown and flint, if the total dispersion for the two be the same, then for the flint glass the dispersion of the blue end is greater; that of the red less than for the croM'n; thus the image is not white, a secondary spectrum is tlie result. Abbe showed, as Stokes and Harcourt had shown earlier, that by combining a large pro- portion of boron with the flint its dispersion was made more nearly the same as that of the crown, while by re- placing the silicates in the crown glass by phosphates a still bet- ter result was ob- tained, and by the use of three o'Hs'^eS three Reichsanstalt, Bl-ildini; rou Lap.ge Cuhrents and '^ ' '" Machinery. Reichsanstai.t, Division II., Main Buildini:. 134 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. lines of the spectrum could be combined. The spectrum outstanding was a tertiary one and much less marked than that due to the original crown and flint glass. The modern microscope became possible. The conditions to be satisfied in a photographic lens differ from those required for a microscope. Von Seidel had shown that with the ordinary flint and crown glasses the conditions for achromatism and for flatness of field cannot be simultane- ously satisfied. To do this we need a glass of high refractive index and low dispersive power or vice versa; in ordinary glasses these two properties rise and fall together. Thus crown glass has a refractive index of 1.518 and a dispersive power of .01 66, while for flint the flgures are 1.717 and .0339. By introducing barium into the crown glass a change is produced in this respect. For barium crown the refractive in- dex is greater and the dispersive power less than for soft crown. With two such glasses then the fleld can be achromatic and flat. The wonderful results obtained by Dallmeyer and Boss in this country, by Zeiss and Steinheil in Germany, are due to the use of new glasses. They have also been applied with marked success to the manufacture of the object glasses of large telescopes. But the Jena glasses have other uses besides optical. "About twenty years ago" — the quotation is from the catalogue of the Ger- man Exhibition — ''the manufacture of thermometers had come to a dead stop in Germany, thermometers being then invested with a defect, their liability to periodic changes, which seriously endan- gered German manufacture. Comprehensive investigations were then carried out by the Normal Aichungs Commission, the Keichsan- stalt, and the Jena glass works, and much labor brought the desired reward." The defect referred to was the temporary depression of the ice point which takes place in all thermometers after heating. Let the ice point of a thermometer be observed ; then raise the thermometer to say 100° and again observe the ice point as soon as possible afterwards; it will be depressed below its previous position; in some instruments of Thuringian glass a depression of as much as 0°.65 C. had been noted. For scientific purposes such an instrument is quite untrustworthy. If it be kept at say 15° and then immersed in a bath at 30° it will be appreciably different from that which would be given if it were first raised to say 50°, allow^ed to cool quickly just below 30°, and then put into the bath. This was the defect which the investigators set themselves to cure. DEPRESSION OF FREEZING POINT FOR VARIOUS THERMOMETERS. Humboldt 1835 0°.06 Greiner 1872 0 .38 Schultzer 1875 0 .44 THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABOBATORY. 135 Rapps 1878 0 .65 English Glass 0 .15 Ver Deer 0 .08 16"' 0 .05 59'" 0 .02 ANALYSIS OF GLASSES. SiO. Na.,0 CaO AI..O3 ZnO B0O3 16'" — 67.5 14 7 2.5 7 2 59'" — 72 11 5 12 Weber had found in 1883 that glasses which contain a mixture of soda and potash give a very large depression. He made in 1883 a glass free from soda with a depression of 0°.l. The work was then taken up by the Aichungs Commission, the Eeichsanstalt, and the Jena factory. Weber's results were confirmed. An old thermometer of Humboldt's containing 0.86 per cent, of soda and 20 per cent, of potash had a depression of 0°.06, while a new instrument, in which the per- centages were 12.7 per cent, and 10.6 per cent., respectively, had a depression of 0°.65. An English standard, With 1.5 per cent, of soda, 12.3 per cent, of potash, gave a depression of 0°.15, while a French 'Ver deer' instrument in which these proportions were reversed gave only 0°.08. It remained to manufacture a glass which should have a low depression and at the same time other satisfactory properties. The now well-known glass 16"' is the result. Its composition is shown in the table. The fact that there was an appreciable difference between the scale of the 16"' glass and that of the air thennometer led to further investigation, and another glass, a borosilicate, containing 12 per cent, of boron, was the consequence. This glass has a still smaller depression. As a result of this work Germany can now claim that 'the manufacture of thermometers has reached in Germany an unprece- dented level and now governs the markets of the world.' Previous to 1888 Germany imported optical glass; at that date nearly all the glass required was of liome manufacture. Very shortly afterwards an export trade in raw glass began, which in 1898 was v^orth £30,000 per annum, while the value of optical instruments, such as telescopes, field glasses, and the like, exported that year was over £250,000. Such are the results of the application of science, i. e., organized common sense, to a great industry. The National Ph3^sieal Laboratory aims at doing the like for England. The question of standardization of patterns and designs is probably too large a one to go into on the present occasion. Some months ago a most interesting discussion of the subject took place at the Institution of Electrical Engineers. To my mind there is no doubt that the judicious adoption of standard types combined with readiness to scrap old patterns, so soon as a real advance or improvement is made, is necessary for progress. One who has been over some good German 136 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. workshop or has contrasted a first-class English shop where this is the practice with an old-fashioned establishment where standardization is hardly known, can have no hesitation on this question. It has its dis- advantages, less is left to the originality of the workman and in con- sequence they lose the power of adaptation to new circumstances and conditions. The English mechanic is I believe greatly superior to the German, but the scientific organization of the German shops enables them to compete successfully with the English. In 1881 the German Association of Mechanics and Opticians was formed, having for its aim the scientific, technical and commercial de- velopment of instrument making. The society has its official organ, the 'Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenlvunde,' edited by one of the staff of Section of Iron aftek Varku's Treatments. Specimen. 1. Raised to 1000°. Worked and cooled slowly. Masses of carbide ground work, bands of iron and carbide, pearlite structure. 2. Raised to 850° and quickly cooled. Masses disappear. 3. Raised to 850° and quenched in water. Arcicular structure. Martensite, hard steel. 4. Raised to 1050° and quenched in iced brine. Martensite and Austenite. 5. Same cooled in liquid air to — 243. Much like martensite. 6. Heated to near melting point, quenched suddenly burnt steel. 7. Heated to 650° — annealed for a long time at this temperature and slowly cooled, bands of carbide and pearlite. 8. Any specimen except 6 heated to 850, worked and slowly cooled, giving us the structure 1. Very marked changes might have been produced in 3 by annealing at 140°. THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. 137 the Reichsanstalt. Specialized schools for the training of young mechanics in the scientific side of their calling have heen formed and now the majority of the leading firms retain in their permanent service one or more trained mathematicians or physicists. In this way again the importance of science to industry is recognized. I have thus noted very briefly some of the ways in which science has become identified with trade in Germany, and have indicated some of the investigations by which the staff of the Eeichsanstalt and others have advanced manu- factures and commerce. Let us turn now to the other side, to some of the problems which remain unsolved, to the work which our laboratorv is to do and bv doing which it Avill realize the aims of its founders. The microscopic examination of metals was begun by Sorby in 1864. Since that date many distinguished experimenters, Andrews, Arnold, Ewing, Martens, Osmond, Eoberts- Austen, Stead and others have added much to our knowledge. I am indebted to Sir W. Eoberts- Austen for the slides vdiich I am about to show you to illustrate some of the points arrived at. Professor Ewing a year ago laid before the Eoyal Institution the results of the experiment of Mr.Eosenhain and himself. This microscopic work has revealed to us the fact that steel must be regarded as a crystallized igneous rock. Moreover, it is capable at temperatures far below its melting point of altering its structure completely, and its mechanical and magnetic properties are intimately related to its structure. The chemical constitution of the steel may be unaltered, the amounts of carbon, silicon, manganese, etc., in the different forms remain the same, but the structure changes, and with it the properties of the steel. 1'he figure on page 136 represents sections of the same steel ^lolishod rnd etched after various treatments. Section of Bad Rail. The steel is a highly carbonized form, containing 1.5 per cent, of carbon. If it be cooled down from the liquid state, the temperature being read by the deflexion of a galvanometer needle in circuit with a 138 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY thermopile, the galvanometer shows a slowly falling temperature till we reach 1380° C, when solidification takes place. The changes which now go on take place in solid metal. After a time the temperature again falls until we reach 680°, when there is an evolution of heat; had the steel been free from carbon there would have been evolution of heat at 895° and again at 766°. JSTow throughout the cooling molecular changes are going on in the steel. By quenching the steel suddenly at any given temperature we can check the change and examine micro- scopically the structure of the steel at the temperature at which it was checked. In the figure, with the exception of specimen Xo. 6, the metal has not been heated above 1050°, over 300° below its melting point. sfi^S ^t:-' Ik P h^\ m yWT^^rlh Wj^. Section of Good Rail. Section of Bad Rail, show- ing Surface to which Fracture was Due. Section of Rail after Rolling. At temperatures between about 900° and 1100° the carbon exists in the form of carbide of iron dissolved in the iron, at a temperature of 890° tJie iron which can exist in different forms as an allotropic substance passes from the y form to the ^9 form, and in this form cannot dissolve more than .9 per cent, of carbon as carbide. Thus at this temperature a large proportion of the carbon passes out of the solution. At 680° the remainder of the carbide falls out of the solution as lamina. Thus the following temperatures must be noted: 1380°, melting point; 1050°, highest point reached by specimen; 890°, .6 per cent, of carbon deposited; 680°, rest of carbide deposited. To turn now to the dstails of the photo, the center piece is the cemented steel as it comes from the furnace after the usual treatment. These slides are sufficient to call attention to the changes which occur in solid iron, changes whose importance is now beginning to be realized. On viewing them it is a natural question to ask how all the other properties of iron related to its structure ; can we by special treat- ment produce a steel more suited to the shipbuilder, the railway engi- neer or the dynamo maker than any he now possesses ? These marked effects are connected with variations in the condition of the carbon in the iron ; can equally or possibly more marked changes be produced by the introduction of some other elements ? Guillaume's THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. 139 nickel steel with its small coefficient of expansion appears to have a future for many purposes; can it by some modification be made still more useful to the engineer ? "We owe much to the work of the Alloys Eesearch Committee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Their distinguished chairman takes the view that the work of that committee has only begun and that there is scope for research for a long time to come at the National Phys- ical Laboratory, and the executive committee have accepted this view by naming as one of the first subjects to be investigated the connection be- tween the magnetic quality and the physical, chemical and electrical properties of iron and its alloys with a view specially to the determina- tion of the conditions for low hysteresis and non-aging properties. At any rate we may trust that the condition of affairs mentioned by Mr. Hadfield in his evidence before Lord Eayleigh's commission which led a user of English steel to specify that before the steel could be accepted it must be stamped at the Reichsanstalt will no longer exist. The subject of wind pressure again is one which has occupied the committee's attention to some extent. The Board of Trade rules require for bridges and similar struc- tures (1) that a maximum pressure of 56 pounds per square foot be provided for, (2) that the effective surface on which the wind acts should be assumed as from once to twice the area of the front surface according to the extent of the openings in the lattice girders, (3) that a factor of safety of 4 for the iron work and of 2 for the whole bridge overturning be assumed. These recommendations were not based on any special experiments. The question had been investigated in part bv the late Sir Wm. Siemens. During the construction of the Forth Bridge Sir B. Baker con- ducted a series of observations. Table II. Revolving Gauge j Small Fixed Gauge. ' Large Fixed Gauge. Mean Pressure. Easterly. Westerly. Easterly. Westerly. W. W. W. W. W. W. 0to5 3.00 3.47 2.92 2.04 1.9 5 to 10 7.58 4.8 7.7 3.54 4.75 10 to 15 12.4 6.27 13.2 4.55 8.26 15 to 20 17.06 7.4 17.9 5.5 12.66 20 to 25 21.0 12.25 22.75 8.0 19 25 to 30 27.0 28.5 18.25 30 to 35 32.5 38.5 21.5 Above 65 41.0 35.25 (One observation only above 32.5.) The results of the first two years' observations are shown in Table II. taken from a paper read at the British Association in 1884. Three I40 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. gauges were used. In ISTo. 1 the surface on which the wind acted was about 1% square feet in area; it was swiveled so as always to be at right angles to the wind. In No. 2 the area of surface acted on was oi the same size but was fixed with its plane north and south. No. 3 was also fixed in the same direction but it had 200 times the area, its surface being 300 square feet. In preparing the table the mean of all the readings of the revolving gauge between 0 and 5, 5 and 10, etc., pounds per square foot have been taken and the mean of the corresponding readings of the small fixed gauge and the large fixed gauge set opposite, these being arranged for easterly and westerly winds. Two points are to be noticed: (1) There is only one reading of over 32.5 pounds registered, and this it is ^practically certain is due to faulty action in the gauge. Sir B. Baker has kindly shown me some further records with a small gauge. According to these pressures of over 50 pounds have been registered on three occasions since 1886. On two other occasions the pressures as registered reached from 40 to 50 pounds per square foot. But the table, it will be seen, enables us to compare the pressure on a small area with the average pressure on a large area, and it is clear that in all cases the pressure per square foot as given by the large area is much less than that deduced from the simultaneous observations on the small area. The large gauge became unsafe in 1896 and was removed, but the observations for the previous ten years entirely confirm this result, the importance of which is obvious. The same result may be deduced from the Tower Bridge observations. Power is required to raise the great bascules and the power needed depends on the direction of the wind. From observations on the power some estimate of the average wind pressure on the surface may be obtained, and this is found to be less than the pressure registered by the small wind gauges. Nor is the result surprising when the matter is looked at as an hydro- dynamical problem — the wind blows in gusts — the lines of flow near a small obstacle will differ from those near a large one ; the distribution of pressure over the large area will not be uniform. Sir W. Siemens is said to have found places of negative pressure near such an obstacle. As Sir J. Wolfe Barry has pointed out, if the average of 56 pouuds to the square foot is excessive then the cost and difficulty of erection of large engineering works is being unnecessarily increased. Here is a problem well worthy of attention and about which but little is known. The same too may be said about the second of the Board of Trade rules. What is the effective surface over which tlie pressure is exerted on a bridge? On this again our information is but scanty. Sir B. Baker's experiments for the Forth Bridge led him to adopt as his rule double THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABOBATORY. 141 the plane surface exposed to the wind and deduct 50 per cent, in the case of tubes. On this point again further experiments are needed. To turn from engineering to physics. In metrology as in many other Branches of science difficulties connected with the measurement of temperature are of the first importance. I was asked some little time since to state to a very high order of exactness the relation between the yard and the meter. I could not give the number of figures required. The meter is defined at the freezing point of water, the yard at a temperature of 62° Fahr. When a yard and meter scale are compared they are usually at about the same tem- perature; the difficulty of the comparison is enormously increased if there be a temperature difi^erence of 30° Fahr. between the tAvo scales. Hence we require to know the temperature coefficients of the two stand- ards. But that of the standard yard is not known; it is doubtful, I believe, if the composition of the alloy of which it is made is known, and in consequence Mr. Chaney has mentioned the determination of coefficients of expansion as one of the investigations which it is desirable that the Laboratory should undertake. Or again take thermometry. The standard scale of temperature is that of the hydrogen thermometer ; the scale in practical use in England is the mercury in flint glass scale of the Kew standard thermometers. It is obvious that it is of importance to science that the difference between the scales should be known and various attempts have been made to compare them. But the results of no two series of observations which have been made agree satisfactorily. The variations arise probably in great meas- ure from the fact that the English glass thermometer as ordinarily made and used is incapable of the accuracy now demanded for scientific investigation. The temporary depression of the freezing point already alluded to in discussing the Jena glass is too large; it may amount to three to four tenths of a degree when the thermometer is raised 100°. Thus the results of any given comparison depend too much on the immediate past history of the thermometer employed, and it is almost hopeless to construct a table accurate, sa}', to .01 which will give the difference between the Kew standard and the hydrogen scale and so enable the results of former work in which English thermometers were used to be expressed in standard degrees. values of corkectioxs to the exglish glass thermom- eter scale to give temperatures ox the gas ther:\iometer scale fouxd by various observers. Temp. Rowland. Guillaunie. \Mebe. 0 0° 0° 0 10 —.03 —.009 -}-.0.3 20 —.05 —.009 -h-OO 142 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. 30 —.06 —.002 + .02 40 —.07 +.007 +.09 50 —.07 +.016 + .14 60 —.06 + .014 70 —.04 + .028 80 —.02 +.026 90 —.01 +.017 00 0 0 This is illustrated by giving the differences as found, (1) by Eowland, (2) by Guillaume, (3) by Wiebe, between a Kew ther- uiometer and the air thermometer. It is clearly important to establish in England a mercury scale of temperatures which shall be comparable Avith the hydrogen scale, and it is desirable to determine as nearly as may be the relation between this and the existing Kew scale. I am glad to say that in this endeavor we have secured the valuable cooperation of Mr. Powell, of the Whitefriars works, and that the first specimens of glass he has submitted to us bid fair to compare well with the 16"'. Another branch of thermometry at which there is much to do is the measurement of high temperature. Professor Callendar has explained here the principles of the re- sistance thermometer, due first to Sir W. Siemens. Sir W. C. Eoberts- Austen has shown how the thermopile of Le Chatellier may be used for the measurement of high temperatures. There is a great work left for the man who can introduce these or similar instruments to the manu- factory and the forge, or who can improve them in such a manner as to render their uses more simple and more sure. Besides, at tempera- tures much over 1000° C. the glaze on the porcelain tube of the pyrom- eter gives way, the furnace gases get in to the wire and are absorbed and the indications become untrustworthy. We hope it may be possible to utilize the silica tubes shown here by Mr. Shenstone a short time since in a manner which will help us to overcome some of these difficulties. Here is another subject of investigation for which there is ample scope. So far we have discussed new work, but there is much to be done in extending a class of work which has gone on quietly and without much show for many years at the Kew Observatory. Thermometers and barometers, wind gauges and other meteorological apparatus, watches and chronometers and many other instruments are tested there in great numbers and the value of the work is undoubted. The competition among the best makers for the first place, the best watch of the year, is most striking and affords ample testimony to the importance of the work. Work of this class we propose to extend. Thus there is no place where pressure gauges or steam indicators can be tested. It is intended to take up this work, and for this purpose a mercury pressure column is being erected. Bushy House from base- ment to eaves is about 55 feet in height. We hope to have a column of about 50 feet in height, giving a pressure of about 20 atmospheres; it THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. 143 i:^ too little, but it is all we can do with our present building. The necessary pumps are being fitted to give the pressure and we shall have a lift set up along the column so that the observer can easily read the height of the mercury. This column will serve to graduate our standard gauges up to 20 atmospheres, above that we may for the present have recourse to sojne multiplying device; a very beautiful one is used at the Eeichsanstalt and by Messrs. Schaffer and Budenberg, but we are told we must improve on this. Again, there are the ordinary gauges in use in nearly every engi- neering shop. These in the first instance have probably come from Whitworth's or nowadays, I fear, from Messrs. Pratt & Whitney or Brown & Sharp, of America; they were probably very accurate when new but they wear, and it is only in comparatively few large shops that means exist for measuring the error and for determining whether the gauge ought to be rejected or not. Hence arise difficulties of all kinds. Standardization of work is impossible. The new screw sent out to South Africa to replace one damaged in the war will not fit, and the gun is useless. A long range of steam piping is wanted; the best angle pieces and unions are made by a firm whose screwing tackle differs slightly from that of the fac- tory where the pipes were ordered. Delays and difficulties of all kinds occur which ready means for standardization would have avoided. Here is scope for work if only manufacturers will utilize the opportuni- ties we hope to give them. In another direction a wide field is offered in the calibration and standardization of glass measuring vessels of all kinds — flasks, burettes, pipettes, etc. — used by chemists and others. At the request of the Board of Agriculture we have already arranged for the standardization of the glass vessels used in the Babcock method of measuring the butter fat in milk and in a few months many of these have passed through our hands. We are now being asked to arrange for testing the apparatus for the Gerber & Leffman-Beam methods, and this we have promised to do when we are settled at Bushy. Telescopes, opera glasses, sextants and other optical appliances are already tested at Kew, but this work can and will be extended. Photographic lenses are now examined by eye; a photographic test will be added. And I trust the whole may be made more useful to photographers. I look to the cooperation of the Optical Society to advise how we may be of service to them in testing spectacles, microscope lenses and the like. The magnetic testing of specimens of iron and steel again offers a fertile field for enquiry. If more subjects are needed it is sufficient to turn over the pages 144 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of the evidence given before Lord Kayleigli's commission or to look to the reports which have been prepared by various bodies of experts for the Executive Committee. In electrical matters there are questions relating to the fundamental units on which in Mr. Trotter's opinion we may help the officials of the Board of Trade — standards of capacity are wanted; those belonging to the British Association will be deposited at the Laboratory ; stand- ards of electromagnetic induction are desirable; questions continually arise with regard to new forms of cells other than the standard Clark cell, and in a host of other ways work could be found. Tests on in- sulation resistance were mentioned by Professor Ayrton who gave the result of his own experience. He had asked for wire having a certain standard of insulation resistance. One specimen was eight times as good as the specification; another had only one one-hundred-thousandth of the required insulation ; a third had about one tliree-hundredth. Mr. Appleyard again gave some interesting examples, the examina- tion of alloys for use for resistance measurements and other purposes, the testing of various insulating materials and the like. I have gone almost too much into detail. It has been my wish to state in general terms the aims of the laboratory, to make the advance of physical science more readily available for the needs of the nation and then to illustrate the Avay in which it is intended to attain those aims: I trust I may have shown that the National Physical Laboratory is an institution which may deservedly claim the cordial support of all who are interested in real progress. CEMENT FOR A MODERN STREET. 145 CEMENT FOE A MODERN STREET. By Dr. S. F. PECKHAM. AMODERIS' street consists of a concrete foundation which extends from curb to curb, upon which is laid a wearing surface of asphalt, brick or other material. The use of these concretes has an instructive history, which might be profitably preceded by a discussion of the uses of mortars and coinents in antiquity, did space permit. So far as I have been able to learn, all the different varieties of cementing materials, including ordi- nary lime mortars, have been experimented with for the construction of concrete foundations. It is therefore proper that these different materials should be briefly described. Mortar, in the ordinary sense of the term, designates a mixture of lime and sand. The lime is prepared by heating limestone in kilns, until tlie carbonic acid of the limestone is expelled and oxide of calcium remains, which readily absorbs water and slacks, as it is termed, and in time reabsorbs the carbonic acid that was driven off. The lime is mixed with the water when it is slacked and the carbonic acid is absorbed from the atmosphere. When mortar is made, the lime is first made into a thin paste with water, and sand is added imtil the mass ceases to be sticky. Such mortar acquires strength slowly. The excess of water first dries out and then the lime by slow absorption of carbonic acid forms thin particles of limestone between the grains of sand, until the mortar becomes a coherent mass. That this process goes on very slowly is shown by the fact that the mortar between the bricks of chimneys centuries old is found to contain a considerable percentage of unchanged lime. This mortar, when first laid, will not bear wetting, and will set only in dry air. The Romans had learned before the Christian Era that the addi- tion to lime mortar of volcanic ash or pozzuolana would make the mortar set under water and with additional strength. The so-called Roman cement was noted in antiquity for its superior strength when compared with ordinary lime mortar. Where they could not obtain the pozzuolana they used pulverized brick and pottery. During the middle ages, for more than a thousand years, the art of making hydraulic cement ivas lost, and, with every other art, the art of making good mortar declined until the beginning of the eighteenth century, when attempts were made to revive the art of making Roman cement, but with only slight success. VOL. LX. — 10. 146 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. In the year 1756, the celebrated engineer, John Smeaton, was wrestling with the problem of constructing the Eddystone Lighthouse, While experimenting with different varieties of mortar, he discovered that certain limestones produced an hydraulic lime. He found that a mortar made of pure lime and pozzuolana or powdered bricks gave only unsatisfactory results, but when an impure lime from the 'Alberthaw' was used the hydraulic properties were more fully de- veloped. Continuing his experiments, he at length announced that o]ily limestones containing clay produced a lime of satisfactory hydraulic properties. Speaking of this discovery, Smeaton says in his 'JSTarrative of the Eddystone Lighthouse' : It remains a curious question, which I must leave for learned naturalists and chemists, why an intermediate mixture of clay in the composition of lime- stone of any kind, either hard or soft, should render it capable of setting in water in a manner no pure lime I have yet seen, from any kind of stone what- ever, is capable of doing. It is easy to add clay in any proportion to pure lime, but it produces no such effect ; it is easy to add brick dust, either finely or coarsely powdered, to such lime in any proportions also; but this seems unattended with any other effect than what arises from other bodies, becoming porous and spongy and therefore absorbent of water as already hinted and excepting what may reason- ably be attributed to the irony particles that red brick dust may contain. In short, I have as yet found no treatment of pure calcareous lime that renders it more fit to set in water than it is by nature, except what is to be derived from the admixture of trass, pozzuolana and some ferruginous substance of similar nature. These investigations and the conclusions that he drew from them led Smeaton to use in the construction of the Eddystone Lighthouse a mortar or cement composed of hydraulic lime from the Alberthaw and Italian pozzuolana. A step or two farther in his investigations, which he did not take and which were not taken until the middle of the last century, would have led to the Portland Cement of the present time. In 1796, a Mr. Parker, of London, patented a process for what he called 'Poman Cement." He used for this purpose certain nodules of limestone containing clay that were found along the coasts of the Isle of Sheppy and certain parts of Kent and Essex. These nodules were first calcined and then reduced to fine powder in mills. The result was a cement of a better quality than Smeaton's. In 1818, one Canvass White discovered and patented in the United States a process for making cement from a similar rock, found at Payetteville, in central I^Tew York. Large quantities were manufactured and used in the con- struction of locks on the Erie Canal, which was then being built. The State of New York purchased the patent and made it public property. This laid the foundation of a great industry, which is known generally CEMENT FOR A MODERN STREET. 147 ns the 'Natural Cement Industry/ but locall}^ in the neighborhood of New York City as the Kosendale Cement Industry. Continuing these experiments it was found that the rocks found in a few localities produced cements of a quality superior to those in general use. This was particularly true of a stone found in the Island of Portland. At length artificial mixtures of limestone and clay were made and burned under such conditions that the resulting cement very closely resembled the natural cement made from the Portland rock. These results led to the adoption of the name of Portland for all cements of this class^ whether made in England, where the name originated, or elsewhere. The first attempts to prepare a cement by artificial mixtures, in imitation of the natural Portland rock, were made in France about 1802. Portland cements, as at present manufactured, were first made in Ihigland by a process that was patented in 182-i, although there had been several patents for 'Portland Cements' previously issued. In the patent specifications of 1824 occurs the following description of the process used: I take a specific quantity of limestone and calcine it. I then take a specific quantity of clay and mix it with water to a state approaching impalpability. After this proceeding I put the above mixture into a slip-pan for evaporation till the water is entirely evaporated. Then I break the said mixture into suit- able lumps and calcine them in a furnace similar to a lime-kiln until the car- bonic acid is entirely expelled. The mixture, so calcined, is to be ground to a line powder, and it is then in a fit state for cementing. The powder is to be mixed with a sufficient quantity of water to bring it into the consistency of mortar, and this applied to the purposes wanted. It will thus be seen that at the middle of the last century there were in use: Common lime mortar, consisting of slacked lime and sand; made all over the world and used for common masonry and plastering. Also Eoman cement, made by mixing common lime and some dry aluminous material, like pulverized tufa, brick or slag. This was stronger than common mortar and slightly hydraulic. Also, natural cement, called Kosendale cement in the United States, made by burning and grinding a natural limestone containing clay. These natural cements are of very varying quality and are hydraulic, ;'. e., will set or harden under Avater. Also, Portland cements, called also Artificial cements, made by grinding limestone or marl, both of which are nearly pure carbonate of lime, and mixing it in proper proportions with ground clay, which is a silicate of alumina containing a variable proportion of the oxides of iron. This mixture is calcined at a temperature that will produce semi- fusion and the resulting clinker is ground to a fine powder. The powder is 'aged' in order to partially slack the lime. The powder is mixed with 148 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY sand and water to the consistency of mortar and used. Like natural cement, Portland cements are hydraulic, and they make the strongest mortars known. A modern street consists of a foundation of broken stone that is formed into a concrete or solid mass of masonry by admixture with mortar. The character and quality of this mortar are a matter of the greatest importance. All of the four kinds of mortar mentioned above have been used for this purpose. An experiment was made in London by laying in Holborn, opposite Gray's Inn, nine inches of lime mortar concrete with a floating on top of % inches of lime mortar. Upon this foundation was laid a surface of Val de Travers asphalte. When the concrete was ready to receive the Fig. 1. Coal Du.mi'.s and Inclines to Kilns. asphalte, a fire broke out in Holborn ; the place was flooded with water, the engines drove over the concrete and the population of Gray's Inn trampled it down. It was subsequently made good and the asphalte spread. Tor five or six years the road was kept up at considerable ex- pense and then relaid. On removing the asphalte, it was found that the lime concrete had never set, that the mortar floating had never adhered to the concrete, but was mostly in powder, produced either Jby the action of the rammers or by the trafiic afterwards. Eoman cement was tried in Paris and condemned for street foundations. There remains for use for this purpose natural cement CEMENT FOR A MODERN STREET. 149 and Portland cement. The details of the process of manufacture will now be given. In the United States the manufacture of natural cements is chiefly carried on in the Lehigh Valley, near Louisville, Ky., at Akron, Ohio, at Milwaukee, Wis., and at Glens Falls and other points in the State of Xew York. While the rocks occurring at these different points are not identical, either in geological age or in chemical composition, they are in many respects similar. In geologic age they are of carboniferous age or older and in chemical composition they consist of limestones in V, hich clay occurs, either uniformly disseminated throughout the rock, forming a very intimate admixture, or else interstratified with the layers of limestone, so that when the rock is broken up and burned, the resulting mixture of the constitiients of the rock is very intimate. Yet intimate as tlie mixture is, both before and after burning and grind- ing, in all the ledges the rock has to be sorted and mixed in the same quarry with the greatest care, in order to insure a uniform product from the same works. From the diiferent localities the output is sufficiently different to give the Louisville, Milwaukee and other brands distinctive, though unimportant, characteristics. At all the natural cement works substantially the same method of manufacture is followed, although the details are modified to suit different localities. One of the most extensive natural cement plants in the country is ihat of the Milwaukee Cement Co., at Milwaukee, Wis., the officers of which have kindly furnished the accompanying illustrations. Fig. 1 shows the tramway approaches to the kilns, which are arranged in a double set of ten each. The rock is quarried in the immediate neigh- borhood and is run in tram-cars, Avhich are seen in the middle fore- ground, up the inclines to the top of the kilns into which the rock is thrown. The trestle on the right is the dump for coal, which is also loaded into tram cars, one of which is seen at the chute, and run up the incline to the kilns. The rock and fuel are thus conveniently sup- plied to the kilns at the top, while the burned cement is removed from the kilns at the bottom. Fig. 3 shows one of the kilns on the left; the grinding and shipping house in the center, with the inclines up which the burned cement is hauled and the railroad tracks over which the cement is shipped in all directions from Milwaukee. Fig. 3 represents the grate at the bottom of the kiln, from which the burned cement is removed, while fresh rock and fuel are supplied at the top, thus making the action of the kilns continuous. Two obstacles make it impossible to prepare a theoretically perfect cement from the natural rock. The first is a lack of uniformity in the rock itself as it occurs in the quarry. This difficulty is obviated as nearly as is po?si])lo by careful sorting. l)y which the least desirable rock I50 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Fig. 2. Inclines entering grinding House and Tracks connecting with all Rail. roads entering milwalkee. Fig. ?,. Bottom of Kiln, Campbell Patent, s;ho\\ing Calcined Material CEMENT FOR A MODERN STREET. 151 is rejected and the varied masses selected are carefully mixed so as to ensure a uniform grade. The second is the difficulty of burning the rock in kilns and in large masses so uniformly as to ensure complete burning and no considerable amount of overburning. If natural cement rock is overburned or fused, it becomes a slag, and loses its hydraulic properties. It is not surprising, therefore, that a considerable lack of uniformity exists in the quality of the natural cement found upon the market. The best of them contain a considerable amount of impurity, or material that is not cement, that exists in the rock before it is burned, and also a considerable amount of unburned rock, which together serve to dilute the cement proper, as if a certain amount of sand had already been added to the cement before it is used. These impurities that are inherent in the nature of the materials from which the natural cement is made and also in the process of manufacture that is of necessity followed, result in a cement that can be made and sold at a less price than Portland cement and that is inferior to it for many purposes, while, on the other hand, for a great many purposes natural cements have been found to answer every requirement and are made and used in enormous quantities. For Portland cements, either a very pure natural limestone or marl is selected and brought into a very finely pulverized condition. Lime- stones are selected as free as possible from every impurity except clay. ]Magnesia is never absent, and at best is an inert impurity, but the amount present should not exceed five per cent. Marl is frequently used and is generally purer than limestone. In England chalk is gen- erally used. In Germany chalk and a limestone, locally known as 'mergel,' which is soft and contains clay, are employed. The following table, No. I., taken from 'Cement Industry,' page 1 2, gives the composition of the carbonate of lime in use in some of the leading Portland cement manufactories in the United States: . Table I. Limestones and Marls. Chalk, England, (Reed). Cement Rock, La Salle, Ills. Calcium carbonate... 98.57 Magnesium " 0.38 Calcium sulphate Silica 0.64 Alumina 0.16 Iron oxide 0 08 88.16 1.78 8.20 1.00 0.30 ' Cement Rock, Phillips- jburg, N. J. 70.10 3.96 15.05 9.02 i 1.27 ' Cement 1 Rock, Siegfiied, Penna. [ Marl, ' Sandusky, Ohio. 68.91 91.77 4.28 0.53 3.19 17.32 0.22 7.07 1.22 2.04 0.40 Marl, vracust ■ Ind. 88.49 2.71 1.58 1.78 0.91 0.30 The clay should be highly siliceous, but should be free from grains of sand. Clays containing carbonate of lime or marl are softer and more easily mixed with the other materials. Clays containing 70%, or more, of silica stand firing without fusing, produce a clinker that 152 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. i? easy to grind and yield a cement that sets slowly and gains strength over a long period. On the contrary, highly aluminous clays give a fusible clinker and quick-setting cement. A high authority states that the percentage of silica in the clay should be three times the percentages of the alumina and iron taken together. The less iron the clay and limestone contains the lighter colored will be the cement. The following table, No. II., also taken from Tement Industry,' luige 13, gives the composition of the clays in use in several Portland cement manufactories : Table II. Clays. Med way, England. Harper, Ohio. - Sandusky, Ohio. La Salle, Ills. Silica Alumina 70.56 14.52 3.06 4.43 348 3.95 51.50 13.23 3.30 11.52 3.45 12.85 65.41 16.54 6.06 2.22 1.88 54.30 19.33 Irou oxide 5.57 Lime 3.29 Maiinesia 2.57 Carbonic acid Alkalies A large part of the Portland cement manufactured in the United States is made from natural cement rock, that is, from a rock that con- tains both the carbonate of lime and clay, very intimately mixed in a natural rock. The best cements, however, are made from an artificial mixture of either limestone or marl and clay. The proportions are determined after very careful chemical analysis in such manner that the several ingredients that form cement shall not only be free from harmful sub'stances, but shall combine to produce theoretical chemical compounds in certain quantitative relations. Although much has been written for many years concerning the chemistry of hydraulic cements, it is only within about 25 years that researches have been conducted in such a manner that by constructing the compounds possessing hydraulic properties from pure elementary materials, much light has been thrown upon the problem. The French chemist Vicat suggested an 'hydraulic index' to designate the hydraulic ])roperties of diflierent cements, which is a figure representing the number of parts of silica and alumina combined with 100 parts of lime and magnesia. In 1872 Erdmenger showed that in commercial Portland cements the ratio of lime to the acid constituents, silica, alumina and iron oxide taken together, averaged 1.9. At about the same date, Michaelis determined the ratio, as between 1.8 and 2.2, and called it the 'hydraulic modulus.' These ratios no longer represent the composition of Port- land cements as with improved methods of manufacture the proportion of lime has steadily increased, until the 'hydraulic modulus' is no longer applicable to the varying conditions and materials under which the cements are now manufactured. CEMENT FOR A MODERN STREET. 153 Since 1890 great progress has been made in the United States in the application of theoretical and scientific principles to the technology of Portland cements, and the result has been an enormous expansion of the business with an improved quality of the product. The original method pursued in England, and largely adopted elsewhere, was to grind the materials very wet, floating off the fine particles to a large tanlv where they were allowed to settle. The settling and drying required a great deal of time. This method was followed by a dry process in which the materials were ground together dry and then moistened sufficiently to be molded into briquettes. The bri- quettes were then dried and stacked in a kiln and burned. The intro- duction of rotary kilns rendered the molding and drying unnecessary as either dry or wet materials, as a dry powder or wet mud are fed directly to the kilns. The composition of the materials, whether it Fig. 4. General View of Works of Virginia Portland Cement Company, Craigsville Augusta Co., Va. be cement rock or mixed materials, must be maintained by constant chemical analysis, as the percentage of carbonate of lime should not vary by more than I/2 per cent, from that found correct for the other materials used. From the foregoing statements it will be observed that two quite different methods of manufacture are followed. In the first the cement 'mix' is molded into briquettes, which are dried, stacked in a kiln and burned. For the burning by this method three different forms of kiln 154 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY are used: 1. The intermittent dome kilns that resemble in their operation common lime kilns. 2. Continuous kilns, of the Ditzseh or Schoefer patterns. 3. The Hoffman ring-kiln. These kilns are economical in fuel, but expensive in time and labor. The dome-kiln was the first used, but has now disappeared from the United States, and survives in Europe only in a few localities. The continuous kilns require highly skilled labor, and are used only to a limited extent either in the United States or Europe. The Hoffman ring-kiln is widely used in Europe, but has found few patrons in the United States. The second method of manufacture of Portland cement is by the use of the rotary furnace, into which the mix is fed as a dry powder or ad a wet mud. Although the rotary cement furnace was originally patented in England, by Frederic Eansome, in 1885, it has been im- proved in the United States to such an extent that it has become prac- Fk;. 5. Stone House wheiie Matekiai.s ake Sokted. tically an American invention. Eansome's patent required the use of gas for fuel and the first rotary kilns installed in the United States required gas, but gas was soon replaced by crude petroleum. This fuel took the place of gas entirely, and was exclusively used until it was replaced by pulverized coal, blown into the kilns and burned in a jet like gas or sprayed petroleum. The current or blast of air which carries the powdered coal into the kiln furnishes the oxygen for its complete combustion. This is a convenient method for burning the cheapest fuel on tlie market, and while it is not economical of fuel it Cl'JMENT FOR A MODERN STREET. ^55 is very economical of labor and is very uniform in its action, which is an extremely desirable condition in the cement industry. I am indebted to the obliging courtesy of the officers of the Virginia Portland Cement Co., of Craigsville, Augusta Co., Va., for the accompanying illustrations of a Portland Cement Plant. Fig. 4 is a general view of the works, which it will be seen at once are very unlike the natural cement works, at Milwaukee. All the opera- tions of a Portland cement works are under cover. Fig. 5 represents Frc. 6. Ri)TAi:v Kiln? the stone house where the materials are received and sorted, preparatory to being finely ground. A great variety of mills are used for grinding both the crude materials and the cement clinker. So far as the making of the cement is concerned, it does not matter in what kind of a mill the ingredients may be ground, provided they be ground fine and thoroughly mixed in the right proportions. If the mixture is burned dry, the mixing is accomplished by the use of screens and sieves; if it ic burned wet, the grinding is done in a wet mill, the paste being floated ofE and allowed to settle in large tanks. The dry materials are blown into the kiln. The wet mud is allowed to drip into the upper end of the kiln as it is forced in by a pump. Fig. 6 represents the rotary kiln. It consists of a slightly inclined steel cylinder, about 60 feet in length and 6 to 7 feet in diameter, lined with fire-brick, and revolving by means of powerful gears at the 156 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. rate of one revolution in from one to three minutes. Fig. 7 shows the arrangement of apparatus for injecting at the center of the kiln an air blast which carries with it the powdered coal, received from the hopper shown on the right. The rotation of the kiln keeps the '^mix' in constant motion as it passes through the kiln, when it is first dried, then deprived of its carbonic acid and then vitrified or partially fused in such manner as to insure the proper chemical reaction between the basic lime and the acid silica, alumina and iron. Only that skill that is determined by experience can direct the burning at such a tempera- ture that the continuous operation of the kilns will result in a clinker that is neither underburned nor overburned. Fic. 7. Apparatvs foi! Fkiodinc; Coal to Kii.xs. So far as the chemistry of cement burning is understood, it appears that at a red heat the water is expelled from the clay; the carbonic acid is then driven from the lime, and it escapes. The silica, alumina and iron of the clay then combine with the lime, first forming fusible glasses and then taking on more lime ; at length the tri-calcium silicate informed with the alumina and iron as calcium alumino-ferrite. Properly burned clinker is in hard rounded grains about the size of dried peas and of a greenish-black color. If it is underburned, it is light colored and soft. If it is overburned it becomes like slag. If it is burned too long, it falls to powder on cooling. Uneven burning is more common in vertical than in rotary kilns, hence the product of rotary kilns is more uniform, ensuring a better cement as the burning CEMENT FOR A MODERN STREET. 157 is performed qiuckly and is quickly arrested when the process is com- pleted. Experience has proved that the burning of cement is an important factor in its manufacture as determining its qualities. A cement that is properly proportioned, thoroughly mixed and well burned and finely ground will set in about two hours after mixing with water, will harden well after setting and will continue to harden through long periods, even to several years. Ground gypsum is frequently added to cement to control the setting. Cement should be finely ground. Ninety-two to ninety-three per cent, should pass a sieve of 100 meshes to the linear inch. Until within the last decade, the Portland cements manufactured in the United States were generally inferior to the best English, German, Belgian and French brands. While these foreign cements have been maintained with the highest degree of excellence the American brands have been greatly improved until at the present time there are no better cements made anvwhere in the world than in the United States. 158 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE INFLUENCE OF EAINFALL ON COMMERCE AND POLITICS. Bv H. HELM CLAYTOX, I'.IIE mil. METEni;ol.or;'(AL OBSERVATOKV. THE causes which control human life and human actions are com- plex and difficult to grasp; yet, to act reasonably and to progress, man must somehow unravel the tangle of causes and assign to each its true value. Perhaps, in no department of life are the causes assigned for cer- tain results more varied than in politics. Yet every man with a sense of duty toward his nation feels that he must accept some of the sug- gested causes as the proper ones, in order that he may form the ideals which guide his actions. The causes popularly assigned for political and economic changes are almost universally those arising from human actions. A high tariff is assumed as sufficient cause for business prosperity by one class of thinkers, and by another class is assumed to tend toward financial distress. The threat of a silver standard in monetary affairs is consid- ered by one party as a sufficient cause for tremendous business dis- turbances. With equal certainty these disturbances are considered by another party to be due to the gold standard. Even the success at the polls of a certain political party is assumed by some to be a sufficient cause for general prosperity. One well-known senator has maintained his ability to show, notwithstanding the various phases of opinion through which each of the large political parties has passed, that the success of one particular party at the polls has always been followed by prosperity in the nation, while an opposite result has followed the elec- tion of the other party. It is not my object, nor is it possible for me here, to collect and weigh the evidence which has been given for each of these opinions. My object is to show that, besides those mentioned, there are other forces which act on man in his business and political relations, and that no satisfactory opinion can be formed as to the relative importance of the various causes until these also are considered. As a professional investigator in science, I am frequently brought to consider the tremendous influences that natural phenomena in the earth, air and sky have on human affairs, and to wonder that these in- BAINFALL AND COMMERCE AND rOLITICS. 159 fluences on man's political and business relations are not more fre- quently considered. One of the fundamental needs of man, in fact a prime necessity, is a sufficient food supply. When food is abundant and hunger is satis- rled there is a surplus of energy to expend on other human affairs, and this, I presiime, most people will admit is the primary condition of prosperity. The food-supply at present is obtained almost entirely from the soil, and its growth is intimately dependent on weather conditions. The relation of the food-supply to the weather has been investigated to some extent, and it is found that the factors which most powerfully in- fluence the food-product are temperature and moisture, which latter is derived from rainfall. The annual change in temperature is com- paratively regular and certain, so that the factor which, by its changes, most powerfully influences the food-product, is the rainfall. J. T. Wills investigated the relation of the rainfall to the wheat- product per acre in south Australia for the six winter months (the growing season there), and found that for the seven best years there was a yield of 12.4 bushels of wheat with 18.5 inches of rain; for the next best years there were 10.0 bushels of wheat with 15.4 inches of rain; and for the six worst years there were 6.6 bushels of wheat with 13.5 inches of rain. The product of wheat in the fiM case was nearly twice as great as in the last. If such a relation holds for the United States, it is easy to understand what great effect a general drought may have on the food product. If the amount of wheat raised in the United State were reduced one half or even one third by a year of deficient rainfall, it is easy to imagine an enormous strain on the business of the sountr}^, and with a succession of such years the effect might mean dis- aster. Such a deficiency in the wheat supply, with wheat at 80 cents a bushel, would mean for a single year a direct loss in wealth of more than $100,000,000 ; it would mean that nearly all the wheat which is usually shipped abroad would be needed at home; it would mean that thousands of railroad cars and ships which ordinarily transport this grain would lie idle; that hundreds of men who usually handle this grain in transport would be out of employment; that farmers in large numbers would be unable to meet their obligations; and consequently, that banks and business of all kinds would suffer. But the deficiency in rainfall would not affect the wheat alone ; every product of the soil would likewise suffer. Eawson has worked out a simple formula in the case of Barbadoes by means of which the amount of sugar to be exported the next year can be calculated with great accuracy from the rainfall of the current year. This calculation is accurate within six per cent, in most cases. Similar calculations for Jamaica have been made by Maxwell Hall. He shows that 56 inches of i6o POPULAB SCIENCE MONTHLY. rain give 1,441 casks of sugar per acre, while 79 inches give 1,559, or about one-tenth more. This means an increase in the value of the sugar-crop alone of £100,000. District. Rainfall, inches. Sheep per sq. mile. Increased capacity for every inch of rain. South Australia 8 to 10 8 to 9 13 96 1 sheep per mile. 22 New South Wales (1) New South Wales (2) 20 34 640 2630 70 Buenos Ayres - 140 : Xor is the influence of rainfall on vegetable life alone to be con- sidered, as is evident from the following data gathered by Wills con- Table Comparing Rainfalls, Water-levels and Commercial Crises. Departure from Normal. 1 Departure from Normal. Dates. 1 in ) Val- hes). 1 Com- mercial Dates. 11 in ) Val- hes). 1 in . Val- hes). ci. Com- mercial infal Oh.c (inc in fa Miss (inc Crises. in fa Miss (inc Crises. 4J — -■ 5 (U>, ^S 1830 +2.0 1864 —0.3 —2.5 — .08 1831 +5.1 1865 +3.0 —1.4 — .32 1832 + 1.9 . .... 1866 +4.0 —0.7 — .65 1833 —1.9 1867 +1.6 —0.6 — .21 1834 6.1 1868 + 1.1 +0.9 — .70 183.S —6.8 ; 1869 —1.1 + 0.7 — .58 1836 —4.5 1870 —4.7 —2.1 + .33 1837 —0.4 Panic 1871 —7.2 -3.2 + .26 1838 —3.3 1872 —6.0 -2.7 —1.02 1839 —4.5 1873 —2,7 —3.2 — .37 Panic 1840 —2.1 1874 —0.5 —2.6 + .12 1841 +0.8 1875 +0.5 +L5 — .13 1842 +2.2 1876 —0.3 +5.5 +1.00 1843 +2.1 1877 —2.8 +5.2 + .77 1844 +0.9 1878 —3.2 + 2 1 + .46 1845 +1.9 1879 —0.3 +1.4 — .46 1846 +6.0 1880 +3.4 +4.0 — .32 1847 +8.3 1881 +6.4 +6.1 + .20 1848 +7.6 + 6.8 1882 +8.0 + 5.4 + .57 1849 +6.6 + 15.6 1883 + 6.0 + 3.9 + .72 1850 + 4.7 +22.8 1884 +1.0 +2.7 + .82 1851 + L3 +26.4 1885 , —2.4 40.4 + 1.07 1852 —0.8 +21.5 ; 1886 ; —2.8 —1.8 +1.31 1853 0.0 + 9.0 1887 —1.5 -3.4 + .67 1854 —0.4 — 1.0 1888 +0.4 -3.1 , + .06 1855 —1.0 — 2.2 1889 + 2.9 -3.0- — .49 1856 —2.4 + 2.1 1 1890 + 39 -2.5 1 — .40 1857 +0.5 + 5.2 Panic 1891 +1.9 —1.4 —1.16 1858 +4.9 + 5.3 1892 : —1.7 —1.0 —1.27 1859 +4.2 + 2.2 1893 —4.7 —2.8 - .99 Panic 1860 +0.9 - 0.1 -f-i.()7 1894 —7.4 —5.2 -.87 1 1861 —0.5 + 2.4 + 1.05 1895 —8.1 1 —6.0 —1.91 1862 —1.2 1 + 3.5 1 + 1.01 1896 —6.4' -5.2 1863 —2.1 i 0.0 1 + 0.54 1 1897 i i i UAISFALL AND COMMERCE AND POLITICS. i6i eerning the number of sheep which can be pastured per square mile with different rainfalls.* Such investigations have not been made for the United States, but the data indicate clearly the enormous variations in the food-supply, both vegetable and animal, which attend variations in rainfall; and they suggest how these variations must affect the producer, the trans- porter, the merchant and the consumer. Hence it is easy to imagine the great influence which variations in rainfall may have on com- merce and through this on politics. The accompanying table gives the variations in the amount of rain- fall in the Ohio Valley and in the Mississippi Valley which lie about the center of the food-producing area in the United States and include a large part of this area. The data are derived from tables prepared by Professor A. J. Henr}^, of the United States Weather Bureau, and published by the Bureau as Bulletin 'D,' entitled 'Eainfall of the United States,' Washington, 1897. The average rainfall for each dis- trict was made up from a number of stations in the district, the same stations being used so far as the records would permit throughout the period 1830 to 1896. The sharp, irregular fluctuations which charac- terize the rainfall were toned down by Professor Henry by taking the means of several successive years. This process is called 'smoothing' and it renders more evident the long-period oscillations. The average rain- fall for each district was obtained, and the departures of the rainfall for each year from tins mean are given in the accompanying table. The plus sign indicates that the rainfall for the given year was above the mean, and the minus sign that it was below. The figures give the amounts in inches and tenths of inches. The figures for the Mississippi Valley from 1848 to 1857 are derived from the observations at one station only.f The t-able also gives the departures from the mean value of the level of the water in Lake Michigan. These data have been carefully col- lected by the engineers on the lakes and were kindly furnished by General John M. Wilson, Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army. The figures show, in feet, the departures of the annual means from the gen- eral average. The lake may be regarded as an enormous rain-gauge. When the rainfall is in excess, the water level rises above the mean; but * These facts are largely derived from Hann's 'Climatology,' a standard work on climate. (See Ward's English Translation.) t Professor Henry also gives the rainfall for New England. Although the oscillations run roughly parallel to those in the interior valleys the data are not reproduced here, ( 1 ) because Mr. E. B. Weston has shown that the early meas- urements are probably deficient on account of the methods of measuring the snowfall; (2) because New England has largely ceased to be an agricultural region. VOL. LX. — 11. i62 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. during droughts evaporation exceeds the supply, and the level falls below the mean. Alongside of these data are indicated the dates of the severe financial panics in the United States. The dates of these panics were taken from one of the current histories of the United States. The table shows that the observations in the Ohio Valley began during a period when the rainfall exceeded the average amount. This lasted through 1832, after which a severe drought set in, lasting until 1840. The severe financial panic of 1837 occurred in the midst of this drought and about two years after the greatest deficiency of rainfall in the Ohio Valley. The rainfall statistics for New England show that there was also a very severe and protracted drought in the eastern states at that time, culminating in 1836 to 1837, when the annual rain- fall was nearly nine inches below the normal. In 1841 began a period of excess in rainfall lasting until 1853, after which a period of drought set in, culminating in 1855 in the Mississippi Valley, and in 1856 in the Ohio Valley. This was followed by the severe financial panic of 1857. This was in turn followed by another period of excess in rain- fall, lasting until 1860 in the Ohio Valley, and until 1863 in the Mississippi Valley, when another period of deficient rainfall set in with the greatest deficiency in 1863 and 1864. Any com- mercial effect attending this drought was overshadowed by the tre- mendous disturbances in the life of our country attending the civil war. Another period of excessive rainfall occurred between 1866 and 1869, followed by a severe drought which reached its maximum in the Ohio Valley and Mississippi Valley in 1871, and in the Lake Eegion in 1872. This was followed by the severe panic of 1873. This in turn was followed by another period of excessive rainfall which began in the Mississippi Valley in 1875, in the Lake Eegion in 1876 and in the Ohio Valley in 1879 and lasted until between 1884 and 1887. This was accompanied and followed by a period of unusual business activity and enterprise, especially in our western states. With 1887 began a long and severe drought, lasting nearly ten years and reaching its maximum severity in 1895. During this interval the United States was well covered by observing stations and permitted Professor Henry to make an investigation of the deficiency of rainfall for the entire United States. He says, in speaking of this interval, 1887 to 1896, 'T^t appears beyond question that there has been a very general deficiency of rain in the great majority of the years and in almost all the dis- tricts. Moreover, there does not seem to be any law of compensation by which a deficit in one district is balanced by a surplus in another. The South Atlantic and Gulf States, in particular, show a marked deficit throughout almost the entire period." This drought was relieved in some sections about 1889 to 1891, as in the Ohio Valley, by an ex- cess of rainfall for two or three years. In the midst of this drought RAINFALL AND COMMERCE AND POLITICS. 163 occurred the severe financial panic of 1893 to 1894. This panic occurred one or two years before the greatest deficiency of rainfall and thus differed from the preceding panics which occurred one or two years after the greatest deficiency. But a very marked depression in business activity continued throughout the interval 1893 to 1897 in- clusive. It is thus evident that every severe financial panic has been closely associated with a protracted period of deficient rainfall, and there has been no period of protracted drought without a severe financial panic except a period, the effects of which were masked by the large disturbances attending our civil war. Hence, it is difficult to avoid the conviction that periods of deficient rainfall are the para- mount causes of the periods of commercial distress, especially when the means by which the two are connected are so reasonable. As another link in the chain of causation, it is interesting to trace the coincidences between the periods of deficient rainfall, deficient food supply and financial panics and the subsequent changes in political life. Concerning the panic of 1837, I quote the following from a cur- rent history, "The panic of 1837 was a severe blow to Van Buren and his party. A slight return of the panic in 1839 completed the work; and though his party stood manfully by him and renominated him for the presidency, he was defeated by the Whigs . . . like Jackson, on a wave of enthusiasm, 'Tippecanoe and Tyler too' were trium- phantly elected."* In the presidential election following the financial panic of 1857, that of 1860, the Democratic party which had previously been in power was disorganized and broken into factions, and the new Eepub- lican party sprang triumphantly into power. However, it is probable that the great issue of slavery had a large share in these occurrences. The first national election after the financial panic of 1873 was that of 1874, when the Eepublican majority of 107 in the House of Representatives was turned into a Democratic majority of 74, and two years later the Democratic party failed in obtaining the presidency only by the narrowest margin, although the country at the previous presidential election had been overwhelmingly Eepublican. The political effects following the commercial crisis of 1893 to 1894 were very striking. The Democrats who were then in power, realizing that they were held responsible for the commercial distress, abandoned every important issue for which they had previously stood, and, even repudiating their former leader and his opinions, nominated a new leader, the champion of a new issue. But this in no way saved them from overwhelming defeat at the next election. The marked disturb- 'A History of the United States' by Allen C. Thomas, Boston, 1899. i64 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ances in civil life following the commercial panic of 1893 was shown by the 'Coxey army of 1894' and the Chicago riots. It is interesting to read the various causes given for financial panics and political upheavals even by historians. In 1837, the cause was said to be the State Banks. In 1857, it was the too rapid railroad expansion. In 1873, it was the reaction from the lavish expenditures attending the civil war and the contraction of the currency. In 1893, it was the low tariff and the 'free silver craze.' All of these may have been con- tributory causes, but if my assumption is correct that deficiency of rain- fall is the paramount cause in this chain of events, then vast political and historical changes have been brought about, and the thoughts of men have been swayed by opinions which are akin to superstitions, because they attribute to human action what is due largely to natural causes beyond the control of man. The recent period of financial distress (1893-97) in the United States was also a period of financial distress in Europe. This may have been due to the fact that Europe depends to a large extent on the United States for its food supply; or to the fact (which recent observations seem to indicate) that long periods of drought and ex- cessive rainfall embrace a large part of the world, if not the whole world, in their operations, and are due perhaps to changes taking place in the sun. The following extract from an American newspaper reprinted in the English periodical 'Xature,' 1895 (Vol. 53, p. 78), shows that severe droughts in other parts of the world were coincident with the one in the United States: The long drought, which has caused so much inconvenience and damage this fall, seems to have prevailed all round the world, if not in every part of it. Europe has experienced it almost equally with this country, and in Australia it has been more severe tlian here. So great was the distress in New South Wales, that the Government appointed a Sunday in September as a day of prayer for rain, and special services in accord with the proclamation were held in all the churches of every denomination in Sydney and throughout the pro- vince. The drought occurred in tlie antipodean spring, and greatly retarded planting operations, as well as doing great general damage. In many districts the grass was literally burned oflf the earth, and the mortality among stock was great. The railway trains carried supplies of water from lakes and rivers to all stricken points along the lines, selling it at the rate of 25 cents a thousand gallons. The water supply of many towns entirely failed, the inconvenience ex- perienced was acute everywhere, and many agriculturists were ruined. The existence of this drought is confirmed by recent meteorological reports from Australia. (See 'Science' of January 11, 1901, p. 75. A note concerning a simultaneous drought in Great Britain is found in 'Nature,' 1895, Vol. 53, p. 597.). These years were followed by rapid changes in political parties in Europe, especially in Great Britain and France. RAINFALL AND COMMERCE AND POLITICS. 165 On the other hand, the parties which are in power, when the in- creased rainfall and subsequent prosperity reappear, claim and get the credit for it, and are usually returned to power by large majorities. In France, the present ministry has been in power for several years; in England, the conservatives have been returned with immense majorities; in Canada, the liberals were equally successful; and in our own country, the republicans were returned on a 'tidal wave.' To designate as a superstition the belief in the capacity of the various political parties in power to make prosperity may be extreme, but certainly careful thinkers will join in the wish that such relations to natural phenomena as are here outlined might be carefully studied by trained investigators, using well-kno^vn scientific methods. Per- haps, then a unity of belief as to the causes of commercial distress might be obtained equaling that which has prevailed since Darwin's day as to the causes of variety and changes of form in the animal kingdom. Would that some wise benefactor would found an institu- tion purely for research, where all such questions of man's relation to the universe could be carefully investigated by trained investigators using the well-tried and fruitful methods of science ! Such an institution should be perfectly free and independent of the control of any other institution or party and especially should it be free from Government control. No man should be appointed to it because he believes in certain current theories, as, for example, free trade, and would give free trade statistics while the free trade party was in power, only to be dismissed and replaced by a man who would give high tariff statistics while the high tariff party was in power. His loyalty should be to the truth alone, and he should be allowed perfect freedom of expression for his results and conclusions, however much they might differ from accepted beliefs. Such an institution, with an adequate endowment, devoted without let or hindrance to the search for truth in every field of human activity, would be of inestimable value to the nation. Our universities, performing the threefold functions of training in methods, diffusing knowledge and investigating the laws of nature, are undoubtedly an immense power for progress in the nation. But they have strangely neglected the atmosphere and its relations to man. In only one university of our nation is there a professorship of climatology, and that of so recent a date as to be almost of the present. Is it any wonder that the influence of our atmosphere on health, com- merce and politics is so little known? The work in meteorology in America heretofore has been almost entirely outside of our univer- sities; but surely this cannot last. Our universities should somehow find means to give the study and teaching of meteorology their rightful and independent places. i66 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. LUCRETIUS AND THE EVOLUTION IDEA. By Professor WILLIAM L. POTEAT, M.A., WAKE FOREST COLLEGE. Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas, atque metus omnes et inexorabile fatum subiecit strepitumque Acherontis avari. —Virgil, Georg. II. 490-492. It seem'd A void was made in Nature; all her bonds Crack'd; and I saw the flaring atom streams And torrents of her myriad universe, Ruining along the illimitable inane. Fly on to clash together again, and make Another and another frame of things Forever: that was mine, my dream, I knew it. — Tennyson, Lucretius. Lucretius, nobler than his mood. Who dropped his plummet down the broad, Deep universe, and said, 'No God,' Finding no bottom : he denied Divinely the divine, and died Chief poet on the Tiber-side By grace of God : His face is stern As one compelled, in spite of scorn, To teach a truth he would not learn. — Mrs. Browning, A Vision of Poets. IN the essay on Dante, Macaulay reproached the English poets with the tendency then showing itself among them to consider the ohjects and phases of external nature fit material for the exercise of their art. The reproach arose in part out of the fancied antagonism between poetry and science, and it has been often echoed since that day by poets as well as critics. The judgment is a shallow one. Poetry is, indeed, imaginative. Whatever else it may have or want, it ceases to be poetry when the glow of imagination fades out of it. Science, on the other hand, occupies itself with fact only, with things as they are observed to be, not as they are imagined to be. But imagination and observation are not at war with each other. Distinction is not opposition. And, besides, the poet's constructive imagination is helpless without the materials sup- plied by observation; and the scientist's observation is aimless and un- fruitful without the stimulus and guidance of imagination. LUCRETIUS AND THE EVOLUTION IDEA. 167 But a simpler and perhaps more decisive proof of the near and hospitable relations of poetry and science is presented in the cases of their actual union in the same person. When imagination ceases to be mistress and becomes servant to observation, your poet turns scientist. When observation yields the scepter to imagination, your scientist turns poet. The names of Maxwell, Tyndall, Romanes and Huxley suggest themselves as examples of scientists of the first rank whose poetic gift is manifest in their published poems. Of the poets of the first rank who have shown the scientific turn and interest, one thinks first of Tennyson. He studied medicine until he imagined that he had all the diseases set out in the books. His interest in astronomy he maintained to the time of the 'twilight and evening star.' From his student days at Cambridge when 'the fairy tales of science' first won him, even down to the 'Locksley Hall Sixty Years After,' he meditated deeply on evolution. The scientists of his period looked upon him as their most intelligent mouthpiece in the world of letters. Goethe, it is well known, felt more satisfaction in his scientific achievements than in the poems which made him the chief figure in German literature. It was a comparatively small thing to have written 'Faust,' but to be the only person of his century who understood the science of colors — that was a thing to be proud of. Classic, as well as modern, literature offers illustrations of the union of the poetic and the scientific interest. There are some extant lines of Virgil headed, 'Virgil abandons other studies and embraces the Epicurean Philosophy.' That this love of science — for ancient philos- ophy included science — was no transient passion is attested by poems on natural objects and by passages in the Georgics, the Eclogues and the ^neid. His last fatal journey to Greece and Asia was undertaken in order that he might complete the iEneid, and then devote the re- mainder of his life to science. But in all the history of literature, the best example of the fellowship of science and poetry is Lucretius, the poet in whom we are here particularly interested; for he was not at one time poet and at another time scientist, but rather both at once. It is Mrs. Browning's judgment that Ijucretius 'died chief poet on the Tiber-side,' and a Quarterly Reviewer has recently declared him to be Rome's truest man of science. But such eminence in the two spheres is paralleled in the case of Goethe. What makes the work of Lucretius quite unique is the fact that his first-rate poetic capacity cooperates with his capacity for science in the same task. The poet's imagina- tion kindles into beauty the scientist's perceptions, and the issue is a poetical treatise on physics and biology, or, if you prefer, a science poem. It is true that a certain type of mind in the eighteenth century was drawn to Lucretius, recognizing in him a sort of fellowship oi i68 rOPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. skepticism. But his present vogue dates only from the middle of the nineteenth century, when the great questions which he treated reached again the acute stage of interest. The search into the constitution of matter and the origin and development of living beings, and the sharp antagonisms of science and theology, which have distinguished the past lialf century, called out of obscurity the poet-scientist who, quite alone, passed over the same path two thousand years before. On account of this kinship of task and attitude Lucretius, to the modern man of science, is better known than any other ancient poet. Professor Jowett used to say that all that was really known of Shakespeare might be written on half a sheet of note-paper. Of Lucretius very much less is known. Indeed, with the single exception of Homer, there is no considerable writer of antiquity whose personal history is so meager and vague. Two sentences by the Christian Father Jerome and a single sentence by Donatus constitute his extant biography. The statem.ents of Jerome are — that Lucretius was born in the year B. C. 94; that, having been made insane by a love-potion, he wrote, in the intervals of insanity, certain books wliich Cicero cor- rected; and that he died by his own hand in the forty- fourth year of his life. Donatus in his 'Life of Virgil' informs us that, on the day when Virgil assumed the toga virilis, Lucretius died. By the help of Donatus we can correct the birth-date given by Jerome, and fix it at about the beginning of B. C. 98. The story of the philtre, insanity and suicide is probably a legend with a historic germ of some unknown tragedy in his life. Upon that legend Tennyson has made his poem of 'Lucretius,' which is a marvel at once of faithful portraiture and of exquisite beauty. If we turn through the 'De Eerum ISTatura' in hope of chance self- revelations of the author, we are disappointed. He is almost as im- personal as Shakespeare. He lets fall no fact of his station or fortunes in life. We do, however, discover some of his personal characteristics. Here is an austere and serious student of the problems of nature and of human life and destiny. He is, as he says himself,* not only a philosophical teacher and a poet, but also a moral reformer, and so ardent is his zeal to effect his practical aim of emancipating men from the bonds of superstition that he subordinates to it both his philosophy and his poetic passion. His praise of the tranquil, obscure life suggests that he knew and loved it. We are warranted in inferring that he was the social equal of C. Memmius to whom his poem is addressed and that accordingly he was of the governing class. But we catch liints here and there that the political history of the last years of the Eepublic only repelled and distressed him, and, having no leaning * I. 931-934. LUCRETIUS AND THE EVOLUTION IDEA. 169 to social pleasure, he chose to lead the retired and contemplative life, 'i^he Epicurean ethics, which he accepted, produced diverse practical results according to the natures which received it. In shallower natures, like those of Catullus and Horace, it produced an easy-going life of pleasure-seeking; in deeper natures, like Lucretius, Virgil, Epictetus, the same system showed itself in a sincere and strenuous moral life closely akin to that of the Stoics. We may, therefore, accept as historically true and as being well within the suggestions of the poem, the words which Tennyson puts into the mouth of Lucretius: I thought I lived securely as yourselves — No lewdness, narrowing envy, monkey-spite. No madness of ambition, avarice, none: No larger feast than under plane or pine With neighbors laid along the grass to take Only such cups as left us friendly-warm. Affirming each his own philosophy — Nothing to mar the sober majesties Of settled, sweet. Epicurean life. We discover, moreover, his absolute sincerity and devotion to truth, liis large and reverential conception of the sum of things — the majestas cognita rerum — his high moral purpose and poetic fervor which sustain him throughout a prolonged and difficult achievement at an unusual elevation of thought and passion. As Professor Sellar remarks, he combines in himself the Greek ardor of speculation and the Eoman's firm hold on reality, the theorizing passion of the dawn of science with the minute observation of its meridian. So far as we know Lucretius left but one work, the "De Eerum Xatura,' i. e., 'The Constitution of Things,' but that single work will, as Ovid prophesied, preserve the memory of his genius until the world disparts in its final catastrophe. Certainly in all the record of literary effort, the poem is unmatched in at least one respect: it is a closely reasoned system of natural philosophy in verse. Tennyson's 'Two Voices' has been mentioned as like it in the wealth of poesy enlisted to beautify abstruse argument. But the subject-matter of that striking poem is different and yields itself more kindly to poetic treatment; it seems, moreover, to be but a short 'swallow-flight of song' beside the sustained elevation and wide sweep of the ancient master. Lucretius had the example of Empedocles for the poetic form of his treatise, but that alone would not have determined his choice. Two other considera- tions moved him — first, his own poetic impulse, and, second, the wish to make an unfamiliar doctrine attractive; he would overlay it, as he says, with the pleasant honey of the muses. But the purpose of the poem is not the emulation of the Sicilian poet-philosopher, nor yet the gratification of his own sense for beauty. lyo POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. He imposes on himself a far graver task. After a pathetic recital of the sacrifice of Iphigenia on the altar of religion by the hand of her father, Lucretius writes the great line of the poem — Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum — such are the evils to which religion leads! And he soon adds, "This terror and darkness of mind must be dispelled, not by the rays of the sun and the glittering shafts of day, but by the aspect and law of nature." His lofty aim is no less than the permanent defeat of the ancient reign of superstition by setting forth the new knowledge of nature. The poem is in six books, which aggregate nearly seven and a half thousand lines. It is not far from three-fourths the length of 'Paradise liost.' In the first book Lucretius expounds the physics of his great master Epicurus, starting with the fundamental principle that nothing comes from nothing, and the other that all that is is either atoms or space. In the second book he derives all the properties of things from the shapes and concourse of the atoms. The remaining books apply the general principles of the first two to sensation and the doctrine of the soul's immortality, the origin and the final ruin of the mass and fabric of the world, the origin of plants and animals, the rise and development of human civilization, and lastly the explanation of certain terrifying phases of nature, as thunder, earthquake, volcanic eruptions and the plague. If it be asked, How can this exposition of ancient physics, biology and physical geography be poetry? it must be answered that much of it is not poetry. But the same is true of 'Paradise Lost' or 'The Ring and the Book.' A poem is to be judged, not by the proportion of prosaic content which it carries, nor by successes or infelicities of detail, but by the single impression which it makes considered in its totality. Judged by this standard the poem of Lucretius is one of the world's masterpieces. It becomes all the more remarkable when we recall the limitations under which the poet worked: the language in which he wrote had hitherto been all unused to the music of verse, the exigencies of the exposition of an obscure and prosaic subject-matter dominated the treatment, and the yoke of a practical moral purpose was always on the neck of the poetic impulse. Of course the value of Lucretius does not lie in his science, and yet our subject demands some consideration of at least one feature of his scientific system. In the first place, he has, amid many puerilities, some curious foreshadowings of modern scientific opinion. The fol- lowing may be cited: the eternity of matter;"^ the conservation of matter'^ and of force^ — Haeckel's 'law of substance'; the atomic con- > I. 149, 150. *I. 215-266; II. 294-307. ' II. 294-307. LUCRETIUS AND THE EVOLUTION IDEA. 171 stitution of matter;^ the doctrine of fibns,- which recalls Newton's corpuscular theory and the very recent discovery of the 'Becquerel rays'; the relations of waste and repair in youth and age;^ the invio- lability of natural law.* Of special interest to us is a passage in the fifth book^ which sets forth the ideas of the struggle for existence and natural selection in terms of remarkable clearness for a pre-Darwinian writer. Lucretius even announces them in connection with the domestication of animals, which was the precise point from which Darwin started in his effort to account for 'the origin of species.' And many races of living things must have then died out and been unable to beget and continue their breed. For in the case of all things which you see breathing the breath of life, either craft or courage or else speed from the begin- ning of its existence protected and preserved each particular race. And there are many things which, recommended to us by their useful services, continue to exist consigned to our protection. In the first place, the fierce breed of lions and the savage races their courage has protected, foxes their craft and stags their proneness to flight. But light-sleeping dogs with faithful heart in breast and every kind which is born of the seed of beasts of burden and at the same time the woolly flocks and the horned herds are all consigned, Memmius, to the pro- tection of man. For they have ever fled with eagerness from wild beasts and have ensued peace and plenty of food obtained without their own labor, as we give it in requital of their useful services. But those to whom nature has granted none of these qualities, so that they could neither live by their own means nor perform for us any useful ser%ace in return for which we should suffer their kind to feed and be safe under our protection, those, you are to know, would lie exposed as a prey and booty of others, hampered all in their own death-bringing shackles, until nature brought that kind to utter destruc- tion.' In close sequence comes the most interesting portion of the entire poem, the detailed account of the evolution of human society from the rude ^ife after the roving fashion of wild beasts' up to the settled security and elegancies of the highest civilization. Noteworthy in this account is the representation of childhood as the first humanizing in- fluence, the origin and growth of language, religious beliefs and social order, the development of industries and of art, until the poet himself appears 'to consign the deeds of men to verse.' Thus, says Lucretius, "time by degrees brings each several thing forth before men's eyes, and reason raises it up into the borders of light ; for things must be brought to light one after the other and in due order in the different arts, until these have reached their highest point of development." ^I. 267-328; II. 80-141, 333-477, 660-699. ' IV. 29 f . »II. 1118-1147. ♦ V. 55-58. "V. 855-877. 'Here, as elsewhere, I have used Munro's translation. 172 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. These citations of the evolution idea in Lucretius are a sufficient refutation of the popuhir notion that somehow Darwin is responsible for the invention of this revolutionary conception. Indeed, the doc- trine of evolution is itself one of the best illustrations of the law of evolution, for it has a continuous, progressive history of twenty-five centuries. It stretches the slow process of its rise and development from Thales' 'evolution's morning star,' more than six hundred years before Christ, down to the present hour. The hazy surmises of the early Greek speculation become precise and organic in the teaching of Aristotle, that nature proceeds by gradual transitions from the most imperfect to the most perfect, that the higher species are descended from the lower, that man is the highest point of a long and continuous ascent. The idea thus definitely enunciated by 'the master of those that know,' may be traced through Lucretius to the Christian theo- logians of the medieval period, and from them to the philosophers and naturalists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. At the beginning of the nineteenth century we meet Lamarck, the most im- portant figure in this history since Aristotle. His 'Zoological Philos- ophy' (1809) is the first elaborate exposition of the means or factors of evolution as applied to the origin of living forms. From his day the descent of the higher organisms from the lower was a standing ques- tion among naturalists until the publication of Charles Darwin's 'Origin of Species' in 1859. That splendid product of a great mind brooding for years on an enormous mass of facts, practically closed the question and won at once the almost unanimous assent of the naturalists of the world. Our old-world poet not only takes an honorable place in the his- torical development of scientific opinion, but also illustrates in his own person certain modern phases of the relation between science and relig- ion. He has been called the high-priest of atheism and the apostle of irreligion. He does deny Providence and the future life with great elaboration of argimient; he does scout with vehemence the current theology and worship. And this, too, in the name of his scientific sys- tem. But was his science atheistic and irreligious? His fierce indigna- tion— does it burn against the gods themselves, or against the popular conception of the gods? Does he despise religion itself, or the 'foul' perversion of it ? Eespecting Lucretius' opposition, in the name of science, to religion, it is to be borne in mind that, speaking generally, the Eomans had no genius for religion. They were called unto politics, as the Hebrews were called unto religion. The national religion derived what vitality it had from its alliance with the civic spirit, and with the decline of that spirit, religion dropped into cant with a meager and barren ritual and a train of grotesque superstitions. It was at times polluted by LUCBETIUS AND THE EVOLUTION IDEA. 173 shocking immoralities, and there are hints here and there of human sacrifices. The future life, even when it was allowed, was far from attractive to a noble spirit, being a sort of languid and aimless shadow of the i^resent life. The Roman gods are vague abstractions with no appeal to the imagination or enthusiasm of their votaries, and, so far as thev touch human life at all, malevolent and irresistible. This was the body of religious beliefs and practices against which Lucretius pro- tested in the interests of humanity. In doing so, he showed his essen- tially religious nature. 'He denied divinely the divine.' The divine within him recognized nothing kindred in what was currently called divine, and he invoked the aid of science to dispel 'this terror and dark- ness of mind.' 174 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. SENSORY MECHANISM OF PLANTS. By d. t. macdougal, FIRST ASSISTANT AND DIRECTOR OF THE LABORATORIES. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. THE relation of the vegetal organism to its environment has de- manded a much more generalized type of sensory action than that of the animal, Thus but few species of plants have developed spe- cial perceptive organs. The sensory functions are exercised by ex- tended regions of the body, yet the delicacy of appreciation of differ- ences in the intensities of external forces is not surpassed by that of the animal. Thus no plant has sensory organs for the reception of light- stimuli, yet, as a matter of regulation of their main function of food- building, leaves react to differences in intensity far beyond the range of the unaided human eye. Special tactile organs are differentiated in tendrils and in certain '^carnivorous' species and 'sensitive' plants, Fig. 1. Surface View of Cells of Perceptive Region of the Columna of StyHclium gramini/olium. After Habeklandt. Fig. 2. Longitudinal Section THROUGH Fig. 3. Epidermal Cell of the Perceptive A Single Papilla of an Epidermal layer of Tendril of Entada scandens. Cell of the Columna of Styiidium firaminifolium, which is Sensitive to Contact. in which members are adapted to a narrow and unusual non-typical purpose. Here also great delicacy and accuracy is obtained, and the contact or weight of a body inappreciable to the sense of touch of any known higher animal may act as a stimulus. This refinement of re- action in undifferentiated tissues is quite remarkable. As a further instance it may be cited that leaves of certain seedlings are capable of appreciating an intensity of light equal to .00033 of a standard candle. SENSORY MECHANISM OF PLANTS. 175 Very naturally the first studies made in tliis subject attempted to discover an arrangement in plants comparable to a simplified neuro- Tiiuscular system of the animal. Expectations of this character were of course bound to meet with signal disappointment ; a fact that should have been apparent if the history and widely different purpose of the animal and vegetal organism had been taken into consideration. I'arallelisms between the reactions of plants and animals even to the same class of stimulus are to be accepted with great caution. Thus it has recently become apparent that the heliotropism of animals as in- \estigated by Loeb is widely different from the heliotropism, or photo- tropism, of plants both as to the features of light acting as stimuli in the separate cases, and the general nature of the consequent reactions. Eecent papers by Nemec on the transmission of impulses in plants, and the discussions of geotropism and the organs of equilibrium of plants by JN'oll, Czapek and Haberlandt have awakened much interest in the mechanism of irrito-motility of plants. ISTot fully appreciating the significance of the diffused and general- ized forms of perception organs, much effort has been directed toward fixing on specialized protoplastic tracts, with functions analogous to nerves. The quest has not yet met with decided success in any single instance. We have, however, arrived at the general conclusion that the ectoplasmic layers of the protoplasts of peripheral cells function as sensory organs, and that impulses are transmitted between the motor and sensory zones by these layers and their interprotoplastic threads. As to the nature of the impulse, one can only hazard a meaningless guess that it may consist in a chain of chemical, catalytic or osmotic disturbances. Two noteworthy attempts have been made to ascribe the function of transmission of impulses to specially differentiated structures. The first was by Haberlandt who dealt with the transmission of impulses in Fig. 4. Elongated Elements of Mimosa supposed by Haberlandt to transmit hy- drostatic Impulses. Mimosa, the common 'sensitive plant' of the tropics, cultivated in con- servatories. An impulse set up at the tip of a pinnule of one of these plants is conducted through petioles, stems and branches to a distance of a meter at a rate varying from 6 to 31 mm. per second. A study of the structure of the plant reveals the presence of a connected series of long tube-like cells in the fibro-vascular bundles, usually turgid, and containing relatively small protoplasts. It is argued that impulses take the form of hydrostatic disturbances communicated through the system 176 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of tubes. This conclusion, however, disregards many well-known ad- verse facts. Thus it is possible to secure the conduction of an impulse through a section of stem, one or even two centimeters in length, which has been killed by a steam jacket and allowed to desiccate. Then again, when excised stems have been placed in connection with the most powerful force pumps, or the action of the strongest osmotic solu- tions, and artificial disturbances set up, no reactions were induced in the pinnules, although great hydrostatic movements must have been ini- tiated. The above mentioned hypothesis must be declared 'not proven,^ although it is a puzzling matter to attempt any suggestion of a method by which transmission could be accomplished tl>rough 2 cm. of dead tissues, and a meter of living tissue. 3..J:; Fig. 5. Fibrillar Structures in Cells of Plerome of Root of Onion supposed hv Nemec to transmit Impulses. Nemec finds a somewhat regular coincidence of fibrillar structures in the apical portions of roots, with the pathway which impulses should travel in passing from the perceptive region to the motor zones. The occurrence of these structures has been well known for some time, and the theory of their function as special transmitting organs has something in its favor, especially as these fibrillae have continuous intercellular communications. No facts are at hand to suggest the presence of these fibrillar organs in other members of the body. The decentralized organization of the plant, the intimate and deli- cate morphogenic and physiologic correlations existing among all its members and its reflective system of irritability, make unnecessary, and preclude, the differentiation of transmitting tracts, except in certain narrowly specialized organs adapted to other than their typical vegetative purposes. The most recent hypothesis as to the geotropic action of the Fig. 6. Statolithic Action of Cells of Stelar Sheath containing Starch, by thk Aid of which Equilibrium is supposed to be maintained. plant is in accordance with these ideas. By this theory the maintenance of equilibrium is made possible by the appreciation of gravity as the result of the position of granules in sheath cells in every part of the body, these cells acting as statoliths and sending impulses to the motor zones of the organs in which they are found. BECEPTION OF THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES/ 177 ON THE EECEPTION OF THE 'OEIGIN OF SPECIES.'* By Professor HUXLEY. TO the present generation, that is to say, the people a few years on the hither and thither side of thirty, the name of Charles Darwin stands alongside of those of Isaac Newton and Michael Fara- day ; and, like them, calls up the grand ideal of a searcher after truth and interpreter of Nature. They think of him who bore it as a rare com- bination of genius, industry, and unswerving veracity, who earned his place among the most famous men of the age by sheer native power, in the teeth of a gale of popular prejudice, and uncheered by a sign of favour or appreciation from the official fountains of honour ; as one who in spite of an acute sensitiveness to praise and blame, and notwithstand- ing provocations which might have excused any outbreak, kept himself clear of all envy, hatred, and malice, nor dealt otherwise than fairly and justly with the unfairness and injustice which was showered upon him; while, to the end of his days, he was ready to listen with patience and respect to the most insignificant of reasonable objectors. And with respect to that theory of the origin of the forms of life peopling our globe, with which Darwin's name is bound up as closely as that of Newton with the theory of gravitation, nothing seems to be further from the mind of the present generation than any attempt to * In the last issue of The Popular Science Monthly the original an- nouncement by Darwin and Wallace of the theory of organic evolution by natural selection was reprinted from the 'Journal' of the Linnean Society for 1858. The 'Origin of Species' was published on November 24, 1859 ; its reception by scientific men, by churchmen and by the general public forms one of the most interesting chapters in the history of science. We reproduce part of the ac- count of the matter contributed by Huxley to 'The Life and Letters of Darwin' (1887), and extracts from the reviews published in 1860 in the 'Edinburgh Re- view,' attributed to Richard Owen, and in 'The American Journal of Science' by Louis Agassiz and Asa Gray. Regarding the Edinburgh reviewer Darwin wrote to Hooker: "Some of my relations say it cannot possibly be 's article, because the review speaks so very highly of . Poor dear simple folk." To Gray he wrote regarding the review quoted below: 'Your review seems to me admirable ; by far the best that I have read,' and again to Wallace 'Asa Gray fights like a hero in defence.' Huxley also says that Gray 'fought the battle splendidly in the United States,' and ranks him with Hooker, Lub- bock and himself. Gray's re\'iew in the 'American Journal' and his series of articles in the 'Atlantic Monthly' seem at this time, however, rather colorless and chiefly concerned in arguing that if evolution is true it does not conflict with natural theology. — EDrroB. VOL. i,x. — 12. 178 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. siinother it with ridicule or to crush it by vehemence of denunciation. ■^The struggle for existence/ and 'Natural selection/ have become house- hold words and every-day conceptions. The reality and the importance of the natural processes on which Darwin founds his deductions are no more doubted than those of growth and multiplication; and, whether the full potency attributed to them is admitted or not, no one doubts their vast and far-reaching significance. Wherever the biological sciences are studied, the 'Origin of Species' lights the paths of the inves- tigator; wherever they are taught it permeates the course of instruction. iSTor has the influence of Darwinian ideas been less profound, beyond the realms of Biology. The oldest of all philosophies, that of Evolu- tion, was bound hand and foot and cast into utter darkness during the millennium of theological scholasticism. But Darwin poured new life- blood into the ancient frame; the bonds burst, and the revivified thought of ancient Greece has proved itself to be a more adequate ex- pression of the universal order of things than any of the schemes which have been accepted by the credulity and welcomed by the superstition of seventy later generations of men. To any one who studies the signs of the times, the emergence of the philosophy of Evolution, in the attitude of claimant to the throne of the world of thought, from the limbo of hated and, as many hoped, forgotten things, is the most portentous event of the nineteenth cen- tury. But the most effective weapons of the modern champions of Evo- lution were fabricated by Darwin; and the 'Origin of Species' has en- listed a formidable body of combatants, trained in the severe school of Physical Science, whose ears might have long remained deaf to the speculations of d priori philosophers. * * * If I confine my retrospect of the reception of the 'Origin of Species' to a twelvemonth, or thereabouts, from the time of its publication, I do not recollect anything quite so foolish and unmannerly as the 'Quarterly Review* article, unless, perhaps, the address of a Eeverend Professor to the Dublin Geological Society might enter into competition with it. But a large proportion of Mr. Darwin's critics had a lamentable resemblance to the 'Quarterly' reviewer, in so far as they lacked either the will, or the wit, to make themselves masters of his doctrine; hardly any pos- sessed the knowledge required to follow him through the immense range of biological and geological science which the 'Origin' covered; while, too commonly, they had prejudiced the case on theological grounds, and, as seems to be inevitable when this happens, eked out lack of reason by superfluity of railing. But it will be more pleasant and more profitable to consider those criticisms, which were acknowledged by writers of scientific authority, or which bore internal evidence of the greater or less competency and, often, of the good faith, of their authors. Restricting my survey to a BECEPTWy OF THE 'ORIGIN OF SPECIES/ 179 Iwelvemonth, or thereabouts, after the publication of the 'Origin/ I find among such critics Louis Agassiz; Murray, an excellent entomolo- gist; Harve}', a botanist of considerable repute; and the author of an article in the 'Edinburgh Eeview/ all strongl}' adverse to Darwin. Pictet, the distinguished and widely learned paleontologist of Geneva, treats Mr. Darwin with a respect which forms a grateful contrast to the tone of some of the preceding writers, but consents to go with him only a very little way. On the other hand, Lyell, up to that time a pillar of the anti-transmutationists (who regarded him, ever afterwards, as Pallas Athene may have looked at Dian, after the Endymion affair), declared himself a Darwinian, though not without putting in a serious caveat. Nevertheless, he was a tower of strength, and his courageous stand for truth as against consistency, did him infinite honour. As evo- lutionists, sans phrase, I do not call to mind among the biologists more than Asa Gray, who fought the battle splendidly in the United States; Hooker, who was no less vigorous here; the present Sir John Lubbock and myself. DAEWIX ox THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES.* Such are the signs of defective information which contribute, almost at each chapter, to check our confidence in the teachings and advocacy of the hypothesis of 'Natural Selection.' But, as we have before been led to remark, most of Mr. Darwin's statements elude, by their vague- ness and incompleteness, the test of Natural History facts. Thus he says : — 'I think it highly probable that our domestic dogs have descended from several wild species.' It may be so ; but what are the species here referred to ? Are they known, or named, or can they be defined ? If so, why are they not indicated, so that the naturalist might have some means of Judging of the degree of probability, or value of the surmise, and of its bearing on the hypothesis? 'Isolation, also,' says Mr. Darwin, 'is an important element in the process of natural selection.' But how can one select if a thing be 'isolated'? Even using the word in the sense of a confined area, Mr. Darwin admits that the conditions of life 'throughout such area, will tend to modify all the individuals of a species in the same manner, in relation to the same conditions.' (P. 104.) No evidence, however, is given of a species having ever been created in that way; but granting the h}^othetical influence and transmuta- tion, there is no selection here. The author adds, 'Although I do not doubt that isolation is of considerable importance in the production of new species, on the whole, I am inclined to believe, that largeness * From an article in the 'Edinburgh Review' for April, 1860, attributed to Richard Owen. i8o POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of area is of more importance in the production of species capable of spreading widely. (P. 105.) jSTow, on such a question as the origin of species, and in an express, formal, scientiiic treatise on the subject, the expression of a belief, where one looks for a demonstration, is simply provoking. We are not concerned in the author's beliefs or inclinations to believe. Belief is a state of mind short of actual knowledge. It is a state which may govern action, when based upon a tacit admission of the mind's incom- petency to prove a proposition, coupled with submissive acceptance of an authoritative dogma, or worship of a favorite idol of the mind. We readily concede, and it needs, indeed, no ghost to reveal the fact, that the wider the area in which a species may be produced, the more widely it will spread. But we fail to discern its import in respect of the great question at issue. We have read and studied with care most of the monographs con- veying the results of close investigations of particular groups of ani- mals, but have not found, what Darwin asserts to be the fact, at least as regards all those investigators of particular groups of animals and plants whose treatises he has read, viz., that their authors 'are one and all firmly convinced that each of the well-marked forms or species was at the first independently created.' Our experience has been that the monographers referred to have rarely committed themselves to any conjectural hypothesis whatever, upon the origin of the species which they have closely studied. Darwin appeals from the 'experienced naturalists whose minds are stocked with a multitude of facts' which he assumes to have been 'viewed from a point of view opposite to his own,' to the 'few naturalists endowed with much flexibility of mind,' for a favourable reception of his hypothesis. We must confess that the minds to whose conclusions we incline to bow belong to that truth-loving, truth- seeking, truth- imparting class, which Eobert Brown, Bojanus, Eudolphi, Cuvier, Ehrenberg, Herold, Kolliker, and Siebold, worthily exemplify. The rightly and sagaciously generalizing intellect is associated with the power of endurance of continuous and laborious research, exemplarily manifested in such monographs as we have quoted below. Their authors are the men who trouble the intellectual world little with their beliefs, but enrich it greatly with their proofs. If close and long-con- tinued research, sustained by the determination to get accurate results, blunted, as Mr. Darwin seems to imply, the far-seeing discovering faculty, then are we driven to this paradox, viz., that the elucidation of the higher problems, nay the highest, in Biology, is to be sought for or expected in the lucubrations of those naturalists whose minds are not weighted or troubled with more than a discursive and superficial knowledge of nature. RECEPTION OF THE 'ORIGIN OF SPECIES/ i8i PROFESSOR AGASSIZ ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES.* Since the arguments presented by Darwin in favor of a universal derivation from one primary form, of all the peculiarities existing now among living beings have not made the slightest impression on my mind, nor modified in any way the views I have already propounded, I may fairly refer the reader to the paragraphs alluded to above as con- taining sufficient evidence of their correctness, and I will here only add a single argument, which seems to leave the question where I have placed it. It seems to me that there is much confusion of ideas in the general statement of the variability of species so often repeated lately. If species do not exist at all, as the supporters of the transmutation theory maintain, how can they vary? and if individuals alone exist, how can the differences which may be observed among them prove the variability of species? The fact seems to me to be that while species are based upon definite relations among individuals which differ in various ways among themselves, each individual, as a distinct being, has a definite course to run from the time of its first formation to the end of its existence, during which it never loses its identity nor changes its individuality, nor its relations to other individuals belong- ing to the same species, but preserves all the categories of relationship which constitute specific or generic or family affinity, or any other kind or degree of affinity. To prove that species vary it should be proved that individuals horn from common ancestors change the different categories of relationship ivhich they bore primitively to one another. While all that has thus far been shown is, that there exists a con- siderable difference among individuals of one and the same species. This may be new to those who have looked upon every individual picked up at random, as affording the means of describing satisfactorily any species; but no naturalist who has studied carefully any of the species now best known, can have failed to perceive that it requires extensive series of specimens accurately to describe a species, and that the more complete such series are, the more precise appear the limits which separate species. Surely the aim of science cannot be to furnish amateur zoologists or collectors a recipe for a ready identification of any chance specimen that may fall into their hands. And the diffi- culties with which we may meet in attempting to characterize species do not afford the first indication that species do not exist at all, as long as most of them can be distinguished, as such, almost at first sight. I foresee that some convert to the transmutation creed will at once object that the facility with which species may be distinguished is no evidence that they were not derived from other species. It may be so. * From a review in 'The American Journal of Science and Arts,' July, 1860. i82 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. But as long as no fact is adduced to show that any one well-known species among the many thousands that are buried in the whole series of fossiliferous rocks, is actually the parent of any one of the species now living, such arguments can have no weight; and thus far the supporters of the transmutation theory have failed to produce any such facts. In- stead of facts we are treated with marvelous bear, cuckoo, and other stories. Credat Judaeus Apella ! Had Mr. Darwin or his followers furnished a single fact to show that individuals change, in the course of time, in such a manner as to produce at last species different from those known before, the state of the case might be different. But it stands recorded now as before, that the animals known to the ancients are still in existence, exhibiting to this day the characters they exhibited of old. The geological record, even with all its imperfections, exaggerated to distortion, tells now, what it has told from the beginning, that the supposed intermediate forms between the species of different geological periods are imaginary beings, called up merely in support of a fanciful theory. The origin of all the diversity among living beings remains a mystery as totally unexplained as if the book of Mr. Darwin had never been written, for no theory unsupported by fact, however plausible it may appear, can be admitted in science. It seems generally admitted that the work of Darwin is particu- larly remarkable for the fairness with which he presents the facts ad- verse to his views. It may be so ; but I confess that it has made a very different impression upon me. I have been more forcibly struck by his inability to perceive when the facts are fatal to his argument, than by anything else in the whole work. His chapter on the Geological Eecord, in particular, appears to me, from beginning to end, as a series of illogical deductions and misrepresentations of the modem results of Geology and Palaeontology. I do not intend to argue here, one by one, the questions he has discussed. Such arguments end too often in special pleading, and any one familiar with the subject may readily perceive where the truth lies by confronting his assertions with the geological record itself. But since the question at issue is chiefly to be settled by pal^ontological evidence, and I have devoted the greater part of my life to the special study of the fossils, I wish to record my protest against his mode of treating this part of the subject. Not only docs Darwin never perceive when the facts are fatal to his views, but when he has succeeded by an ingenious circumlocution in overleaping the facts, he would have us believe that he has lessened their importance or changed their meaning. RECEPTION OF THE 'ORIGIN OF SPECIES/ 183 REVIEW OF Darwin's theory on the origin of species by means OF NATURAL SELECTION. By ASA GRAY.* We are thus, at last, brought to the question ; what would happen if the derivation of species were to be substantiated, either as a true phys- ical theory, or as a sufficient hypothesis ? What would come of it ? The enquiry is a pertinent one, just now. For, of those who agree with us in thinking that Darwin has not established his theory of derivation, many will admit with us that he has rendered a theory of derivation much less improbable than before; that such a theory chimes in with the established doctrines of physical science, and is not unlikely to be largely accepted long before it can be proved. Moreover, the vari- ous notions that prevail, — equally among the most and the least re- ligious,— as to the relations between natural agencies or phenomena and Efficient Cause, are seemingly more crude, obscure, and discordant than they need be. It is not surprising that the doctrine of the book should be de- nounced as atheistical. What does surprise and concern us is, that it should be so denounced by a scientific man, on the broad assumption that a material connection between the members of a series of organized beings is inconsistent with the idea of their being intellectually con- nected with one another through the Deity, i. e., as products of one mind, as indicating and realizing a preconceived plan. An assumption the rebound of which is somewhat fearful to contemplate, but fortu- nately one which every natural birth protests against. * * * We wished under the light of such views, to examine more critically the doctrine of this book, especially of some questionable parts ; — for in- stance, its explanation of the natural development of organs, and its implication of a "^necessary acquirement of mental power" in the ascending scale of gradation. But there is room only for the general declaration that we cannot think the Cosmos a series which began with chaos and ends with mind, or of which mind is a result; that if by the successive origination of species and organs through natural agen- cies, the author means a series of events which succeed each other irrespective of a continued directing intelligence, — events which mind does not order and shape to destined ends, — then he has not established that doctrine, nor advanced towards its establishment, but has accumu- lated improbabilities beyond all belief. Take the formation and the origination of the successive degrees of complexity of eyes as a speci- men. The treatment of this subject (pp. 188, 189), upon one inter- pretation is open to all the objections referred to; but if, on the other * From a review in 'The American Journal of Science and Arts,' MarcTi, 1860. i84 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. liand, we may rightly compare the eye "to a telescope, perfected by the long continued efforts of the highest human intellects/' we could carry out the analogy, and draw satisfactory illustrations and inferences from it. The essential, the directly intellectual thing is the making of the improvements in the telescope or the steam-engine. Whether the successive improvements, being small at each step, and consistent with the general type of the instrument, are applied to some of the in- dividual machines, or entire new machines are constructed for each, is a minor matter. Though if machines could engender, the adaptive method would be most economical; and economy is said to be a para- mount law in nature. The origination of the improvements, and the successive adaptations to meet new conditions or subserve other ends, are what answer to the supernatural, and therefore remain inexplicable. As to bringing them into use, though wisdom foresees the result, the circumstances and the natural competition will take care of that, in the long run. The old ones will go out of use fast enough, except where an old and simple machine remains still best adapted to a par- ticular purpose or condition, — as, for instance, the old Newcomen engine for pumping out coal-pits. If there's a Divinity that shapes these ends, the whole is intelligible and reasonable; otherwise, not. We regret that the necessity of discussing philosophical questions has prevented a fuller examination of the theory itself, and of the in- teresting scientific points which are brought to bear in its favor. One of its neatest points, certainly a very strong one for the local origina- tion of species, and their gradual diffusion under natural agencies, we must reserve for some other convenient opportunity. The work is a scientific one, rigidly restricted to its direct object; and by its science it must stand or fall. Its aim is, probably not to deny creative intervention in nature, — for the admission of the inde- pendent origination of certain types does away with all antecedent im- probability of as much intervention as may be required, — but to main- tain that Natural Selection in explaining the facts, explains also many classes of facts which thousand-fold repeated independent acts of creation do not explain, but leave more mysterious than ever. How far the author has succeeded, the scientific world will in due time be able to pronounce. SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. 185 SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. THE AGRICULTURAL YEARBOOK. The Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture has taken rank as one of the important annuals of this country, and in point of circulation is hardly equaled. This is due to the munificence of the Federal Government iti appropriating $300,000 annually for its publication, in an edition of half a million copies, and to the care which is given by the Department of Agri- culture to the preparation of timely and interesting articles and appropriate illustrations. The Yearbook takes the place of the annual report of the Secre- tary, which was naturally a more formal document and less likely to at- tract the average reader's attention. In its present form it presents an at- tractive appearance, and its many illus- trations and long list of short articles on a variety of subjects invite atten- tion. The volume for 1900 comprises nearly nine hundred pages, and is illus- trated by eighty-seven plates, nine of them colored, and eighty-eight text fig- ures. In addition to the executive re- ports, which occupy less than eighty pages, it contains thirty-one articles on various phases of the Department's work or other subjects of direct inter- est to agriculture. Only a part of these can be mentioned, but enough to indicate the range of subjects and that the volume is not alone of interest and value to the farmers of the country. In an article on Smyrna fig culture in the United States, Dr. Howard de- scribes the successful introduction by the Department of the Blastophaga, the insect which fertilizes the fig and has enabled the production of Smyrna figs of good quality in this country; and one on the date palm tells what has been done for the promotion of that in- dustry by the introduction of the best I varieties into Arizona, where it flour- ishes even in soils heavily impregnated with alkali. Wheat growing in the semi-arid districts has been rendered less uncertain, it is thought, by the introduction of macaroni and several other varieties of wheat, which have already given promise. Articles on the food of nestling birds and how birds aff"eet the orchard illustrate the prac- tical bearings of a phase of work which is concerned with the food habits of birds under different conditions, to ascertain what kinds are beneficial and V/'hat injurious to the farmer and fruit grower; while one on tjve food value of the potato gives some practical results of the work of the Department in another direction. There are two arti- cles on practical forestry and forest extension, several on injurious insects and their repression, a helpful one on practical irrigation, two on road build- ing, in which subject the Department is taking an active interest, and two on meteorology. One of the latter, on hot waves, the conditions which pro- duce them and their eff"ects on agricul- ture, is of special interest even though it does not suggest any relief. The free rural delivery of mails, although in no way connected with the Department of Agriculture, comes so close to its far- mer constituents that an account of the working of that system does not seem out of place in its Yearbook. The four thousand routes now in operation pro- vide for the daily delivery of mail at the scattered homes of about three and a half million of rural population. The work done in a long life devoted to agriculture, horticulture and kindred subjects by the late William Saunders, who had been connected with the De- partment since its establishment in 1SG2, is the subject of a short sketch, i86 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and his portrait occupies the place of honor as the frontispiece to the volume. An appendix of over 200 pages contains a vast amount of condensed informa- tion on a variety of subjects, and bears out the inference that no effort has been spared to make this, like the pre- ceding volumes, worthy of the large expenditure involved and the wide dis- tribution it is given. METEOROLOGY. A WELL-ARRANGED, readable and gen- erally satisfactory presentation of the principles of meteorology may be found in the latest text-book on that subject, Bornstein's Leitfaden der Wetter- kunde. The general plan of the book is conventional, but there are one or two features which deserve special men- tion. In the introduction an interest- ing figure shows the 'thermo-isopleths' for Berlin, these lines indicating, in one drawing, both the diurnal and the annual march of the air temperature. In the chapter on temperature all im- portant matters are considered, includ- ing the recent work of Pettersson and Meinardus on long-range forecasts for Europe based on the special character- istics of the Gulf Stream, and a brief summary of the meteorological results of the international balloon ascents, in some of which the author took part. The physiological effects of atmospheric humidity receive some consideration, and a new table is given showing, for a number of stations, the probable fall of temperature below the wet-bulb read- ing of an afternoon hour, to be expected during the night. This table is useful in predicting frost. The much-agitated question of hail prevention by cannon firing is briefly taken up in the sections on rainfall. The chapter on weather is very complete. Thunderstorm charts and theories; the weather types of van Bebber and Koppen, and the weather services of the world, are all discussed, the weather types being fully illus- trated. A noteworthy feature of the work is the nine colored views of cloud types, similar to those in the Interna- tional Cloud Atlas. This is the first text-book to have such elaborate illus- trations of clouds. A fairly good work- ing bibliography is appended, which in- cludes comparatively few works in English. The index is good, but the chapters are not numbered, and there are no section headings in the text. PSYCHOLOGY. 'An Introduction to Psychology,' by Mary Whiton Calkins (The Macmillan Company), is one of the text-books in psychology that makes it obvious that psychology is to a great ex- tent all things to all men. The books do not present the same body of ac- cepted truth, varying only in such mat- ters as arrangement and adaptation to students of different capacities and dif- ferent practical needs. Changing your psychology book is not so much chang- ing your coat as changing your skin. Miss Calkins, for instance, includes the study of 'the conscious relation of the human self to a divine self as a sample of certain mysterious relationships be- tween selves apart from those due to physical agencies. She includes a sym- pathetic discussion of the phenomena of telepathy and veridical hallucinations. Many of her co-workers would rigor- ously exclude both these topics. She makes no mention of the instructive reactions which are the fons et origo of our later intellects and wills or of the law of habit which would seem to many to be the key to comprehension of men- tal processes. Yet Miss Calkins's book is as scholarly and fair an exposition of the elements of psychology as any of the recent books. Those who seek from psychology training in analysis and dis- crimination and approach the study from an interest in general philosophy will find it a particularly helpful manual. THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. 187 THE PEOGEESS OF SCIENCE. PROFESSOR RUDOLF VIRCHOW. The eightieth birthday of one of the leaders of modern civilization has been celebrated with imposing ceremonies at Berlin. Virehow is the founder of the science of pathology, and his serv- ices for anthropology have been nearly as great. He has not only demonstrated that the scientific research of the labo- ratory may be directly beneficial to mankind, but he has himself applied his own discoveries for the welfare of Ber- lin and of the German army, whence they have extended to the whole world. Tliere is no city whose inhabitants are not healthier and happier because Vir- ehow has lived and worked; it is indeed scarcely an exaggeration to say that there is no patient of any village phy- sician who does not benefit from the labors of this man whose name he may never have heard. Virehow often stood opposed to Bismarck; in written his- tory the iron chancellor may always be the more frequently named, but the world's progress has probably been more directly led by the man of science. The ceremonies at Berlin included the presentation of a marble bust of Virehow to the great Pathological In- stitute founded by him; the presenta- tion of an additional endo\vment to the Virehow Fund for the promotion of re- search, toward which the municipality contributed $20,000; the presentation of addresses of congratulation on behalf of the empire, state and municipality, and from national and foreign institu- tions, and, most interesting of all, a lecture by Virehow on the history and scope of pathology. Lord Lister, who represented the Royal Society and other British institutions, said: "All these bodies join in recognition of your gigantic intellectual powers, in grati- tude for the great benefits that you have conferred upon humanity, and in admiration of your personal character, your absolute uprightness, the courage which has enabled you always to advo- cate what you believed to be the cause of truth, liberty and justice, and the genial nature which has won for you the love of all who know you. The astonishing vigor which you displayed in the address to which we listened to- day justifies the hope that, when many of us your juniors shall have been re- moved from this scene of labor, it may be granted to you to celebrate your ninetieth birthday not only in health and honor but in continued activity in the service of mankind." THE YALE BICENTENyiAL EXER- CISES. Universities are among the most stable of institutions. Glasgow Uni- versity recently celebrated its ninth jubilee, while Harvard University com- memorated in 1886 the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its founda- tion. Yale University, the third in age of our American colleges, is now two hundred years old and the event has been celebrated in a manner commen- surate with the prestige of the insti- tution. Such occasions are almost medieval in their gowned processions, the presentation of Latin addresses, the conferring of degrees and the like; but they are nearly as modern as football games, in so far as they serve as an occasion of collecting endowments, attracting students and arousing the loyalty of alumni. Both in its dra- matic exhibition and in its financial outcome the celebration at New Haven was eminently successful. There were i88 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. pi'esent thousands of graduates and guests for whom a program lasting four days had been prepared. It in- cluded sermons, addresses, concerts, dedications and other exercises, leading to the commemorative exercises and the conferring of honorary degrees. The doctorate of laws was conferred on President Roosevelt and forty-six others, including among scientific men t^. S. Billings, director of the New York Public Library ; S. P. Langley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution; A. A. Michelson, professor of physics in the University of Chicago; William Osier, professor of medicine in the Johns Hop- kins Medical School; Henry Smith Pritchett, president of the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology; Ira Remsen, president of the Johns Hop- kins University; Ogden Nicholas Rood, professor of physics in Columbia Uni- versity, and Wilhelm Waldeyer, pro- fessor of anatomy in the University of Berlin. About half of those who have become eminent for public services are college graduates, and Yale has certainly contributed its full share. The ad- dresses by ex- President Oilman on Yale's Relation to Letters and Science, and by Professor Welch on Yale's Re- lation to Medicine, told of the im- portant part taken by Yale's grad- uates in the scientific work of the country. Through the influence of the elder Silliman and the 'American Jour- nal of Science,' established by him in 1818, and through the Sheffield Scien- tific School, Yale has always led in the sciences. Its faculty has included the two Sillimans, Olmsted, Loomis, Dana, Newton and Marsh, and among its alumni are many of those who have ad- vanced science, including two of our leading inventors, Whitney and Morse. In education Yale has had great in- fluence through the college presidents it has trained. As President Northrop pointed out in his address, one hundred and five graduates of Yale have been president of a college; and eighty-five different colleges have at some time had a Yale graduate for president. Yale furnished the first president of at least seventeen colleges — Princeton, Colum- bia, Dartmouth, Georgia, Williams, Hamilton, Kenyon, Illinois, Wabash, Missouri, Wisconsin, Beloit, California, Cornell, Western Reserve, Johns Hop- kins and Chicago. AOr^-S' FROM THE BERLIN MEET- ING OF THE INTERNATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL CONGRESS. The fifth meeting of the Interna- tional Zoological Congress, which opened at Berlin on August 13, was attended by a very large number of zoologists and carried out an elaborate program in the course of which many highly interesting papers were read. The general sessions of the Congress were occupied by a series of addresses on general topics, among which may be mentioned those of Professor Yves De- lage, of Paris on the fertilization of the egg, of Professor Grassi of Rome on the malaria organism, of Professor Poulton of Oxford on mimicry in insects, and the fine closing address on vitalism and mechanism by Professor Biitschli of Heidelberg. The number of de- tailed papers read in the various sec- tions is too great to allow of their re- view here, but attention may be called to the interesting discussion on vital- ism and mechanism that took place in the opening session of the section for experimental biology. The modern re- vival of interest in this time-honored problem, which occupied so large a field of discussion a half-century ago, has been largely due to the surprising results attained by experimental em- bryology during the last decade, espe- cially those brought forward by Roux, Driesch and their many followers. The discussion at Berlin was opened by Driesch himself in a paper entitled 'Two New Proofs of Vitalism,' a title which indicates his own position on the general problem. Presenting in brief THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. 189 form the essential arguments that he had already put forward in more ex- tended papers on the development of fractional parts of the egg and on the general problem of the localization of morpliogenic processes, Driesch main- tained that these processes have no true analogue in the inorganic world, are insoluble by any purely mechanical or physico-chemical hypothesis, and hence form a problem sui generis. The most characteristic operations of the living organism, more especially those concerned in the processes of regenera- tion, regiilation and the like, fail of adequate interpretation on the so-called 'machine-theory' of life, and must be regarded from a vitalistic as opposed to a mechanistic standpoint. His con- clusions, which were stated with great lucidity and force, met with strong opposition in the animated controversy that followed, in which a number of eminent embryologists participated. Some of these speakers wholly denied the validity of Driescli's reasoning and endeavored to show that true analogues to regulative phenomena occur in purely physical processes. Others, notably Professor Roux, took more cautious ground, maintaining that de- spite our present inability to explain or even to conceive the nature of some of the most striking and characteristic phenomena of development, we are by no means justified in taking refuge be- hind such a word as 'vitalism,' which carries with it so many misleading connotations from the earlier period when it was employed in connection with the. exploded hypothesis of a specific '\ital force.' The masterly and scholarly address of Professor Biitschli, delivered before the general session, contained not only a specific examination of the main facts in which Drieseh's position rests, but also a critical study of more abstract conceptions, such as those embodied in the words 'mechanism,' 'causality' and the like, which are inevitably involved in the discussion of the subject. This address, whicli has been published in pamphlet form by Engelmann of Leip- zig under the title Mechanism and Vitalism is worthy of attentive study, not only by students of zoology, but also by all who are interested in the more general aspects of scientific prog- ress. Recognizing the difficulties that the mechanistic interpretation of organic nature has to encounter, Biitschli nevertheless expresses the judgment that, in the broad sense of the phrase, it is the only one under which scientific investigation is pos- sible, and that it is, to say the least, wholly premature to speak of 'proofs 01 vitalism.' "The phenomena involved in the localization process seem to me not to differ fundamentally in kind from those occurring in the inorganic world." The acceptance of \italistic hypothesis constitutes a backward step in scientific method. "Both the old and the new vitalism have done no more than to emphasize the unsolved riddles that confront us and to throw doubt on the possibility of their ex- planation on a mechanistic basis. The assumption of vitalistic processes in- volves the admission that they are ulti- mate phenomena, in themselves inex- plicable, that we are not able to sub- sume imder general laws. Hence we must take the ground that in vital phenomena we can comprehend only that which may receive a physico- chemical explanation." How far the mechanistic hypothesis will succeed in the explanation of vital phenomena, only the future will show. 'By their fruits ye shall know them.' In considering the possibility of a mechanistic explanation of the pur- posive or teleological aspect of living organisms Biitschli recognizes Dar- win's theory of natural selection as the sole fruitful attempt in this direction. In view of the difficulties that have been urged against that theory, and especially the drastic criticism it has received at the hands of some German writers, it is interesting to find that 190 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY so competent and critical an authority as Biitschli accepts Dar'wan's explana- tion, as amplified by later workers, not only as a possible one, but also as the most probable one thus far advanced. THE EFFECT OF SECULAR COOL- ING AND METEORIC DUST ON THE LENGTH OF THE DAY. It is well known that the day, or in- terval required for one complete rota- tion of the earth, is the time unit by M^hich the succession of terrestrial and celestial events is measured. The earth revolves with a regularity which far surpasses that of the best clocks and chronometers except for short intervals of time, such as a few minutes, or a few hours at most. But it is not cer- tain that the day has been of the same length in the remote past as at present, or that it will remain of the same length in the distant future. It is therefore a matter of prime impor- tance, especially in those branches of astronomy which deal with long inter- vals of time, to understand the effects of such secular causes as may tend to modify the length of the day. In a re- cent number of the 'Astronomical Jour- nal' Professor R. S. Woodward has pub- lished a mathematical investigation of the effects of secular cooling and of accumulations of meteoric dust. The cooling, and consequent cubical contrac- tion, of the earth tends to shorten the day; while the increment to the earth's mass from meteorites, of which not less than twenty millions daily fall into the atmosphere, tends to lengthen the day. The effect of secular cooling was considered to a limited extent by La- place in his 'Mecanique celeste.' As- suming that the earth is in the last stages of cooling he reached the con- clusion that the length of the day has not changed appreciably in the past two thousand years. Without making any assumption as to the present stage in the history of cooling, Woodward shows that during no interval so short as twenty centuries in the entire his- tory of cooling can the length of the day change by so much as a thousandth of a second from the cause in question. In fact, so slowly does the effect of secular cooling accumulate that the day will not change, or has not changed, as the case may be, by so much as a half second in the first ten million years after the earth began to solidify and to lose heat by conduction through its crust. On the other hand, the shortening of the day which must come with the end of the process of cooling is a very sensible fraction of its present length. For this total effect Woodward gives a remarkably simple expression, namely: the ratio of the change in length of the day to its initial length is equal to two-thirds of tlie product of the fall in temperature of the earth by its cubical contraction. Supposing the earth to have been initially at a temperature of 3000°C., and that its cubical contraction is the same as that of iron, or about 3x10—^, it follows that the day will be ulti- mately shortened by about six per cent, of its initial length, or by an hour and a half nearly. Tlie length of time re- quired by the earth to cool down sen- sibly to the temperature of surrounding space is very great. Nothing short of a million years is suitable as a time unit for measuring the historical prog- ress of such events. Thus Woodward shows that it will require about three hundred thousand million years for the earth to accomplish ninety-five per cent, of its contraction, and that after a million million years its contraction would no longer sensibly affect the length of the day. To what extent is this shortening of the day due to contraction offset by the lengthening due to accessions of meteoric dust? The calculation shows tbat the accumulation of such dust goes on so slowly that its effect will not be- come perceptible imtil the total effect from secular cooling is nearly complete. In round numbers, the latter effect goes on two hundred thousand times as THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. 191 fast as tlie opposite effect from mete- oric dust. In fact, if the average mass of meteorites is no greater than one gram, it will require a million million years, at the present rate of influx, to lengthen the day by so much as a quar- ter of a second. It is clear, therefore, that, if the regularity of the earth as a timekeeper during historic times is to be ques- tioned, one must look to other causes than secular cooling and meteoric dust. ENGLAND'S CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. There has been much agitation in England during the last few years over the fact that Germany is steadily forg- ing ahead in all lines of chemical in- dustry. As long ago as 1886, Professor Mendola, in a paper read before the Society of Arts, reviewed the English color industry, and sounded a warning note regarding its future progress. English manufacturers have, however, manfully stood by their old methods, and are seeing their trade gradually, but surely slipping from their grasp. At the Glasgow meeting of the Brit- ish Association, Arthur C. Green, who is well qualified to speak on the sub- ject, read a paper on the relative prog- ress of the coal-tar industry in Eng- land and Germany during the last fifteen years, in which he handles the matter \\ith almost brutal frankness. After sketching the wonderful advance- ment which has been made in the de- velopment of the industry during the period covered by his paper, the dis- covery of thousands of new dyestuffs, the introduction of hundreds of new synthetic pharmaceutical products and the great advances in the production and design of chemical plant, occa- sioned by the vast requirements of the industry, he brings out the comparative statistics of the industry in the two countries. Among them the following are worthy of reproduction. The ex- ports of coal-tar colors, exclusive of alizarin, from Germany have increased from 4,646 tons in 1885 to 17,639 tons in 1899; those of anilin oil and salt from 1,713 tons in 1885 to 7,135 in 1895, and of alizarin colors from 4,284 to 8,927 tons in the same period. The values of the coal-tar colors exported increased from 2,600,000 pounds ster- ling in 1894 to 3,500,000 pounds in 1898. In fifteen years the imports of coal-tar dyestuffs into England have increased fifty per cent., while the ex- ports from England have decreased over thirty per cent. The Bradford Dyers' Association uses at present 80% Ger- man coloring-matters and only 10% English. The British Cotton and Wool Dyers' Association imports 78 % of its anilin colors and over 98% of its alizarin colors. Tlie English Sewing Cotton Company used, out of a total of sixty tons of coloring-matters, only 0 % of English manufacture. In addi- tion to this, the indigo industry, which now yields to India an income of three million pounds sterling a year, is seri- ously threatened by the synthetic indigo from Germany, and its days are in all probability numbered. The cause of this state of affairs Mr. Green finds in the almost utter inap- preciation of science on the part of the English Government, manufacturers and people. As he says, 'it is not so much the education of our chemists which is at fault as the scientific edu- cation of the public as a whole.' This theme has more than an indi- rect bearing upon American industries. We are just beginning to reap the har- vest which awaits us in the application of scientific principles to our indus- tries. Until recently we have been fol- lowing the English 'rule o' thumb' method, but along many lines there has now been a radical change, and in these England is finding her commer- cial supremacy threatened from this side of the water. There are yet enor- mous fields for us to conquer, in which we have a great advantage over Ger- many in the natural resources of the country. Tlie enormous industrial strides which this country is taking, 192 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. which command the admiration as well as the fear of the world, are after all the fruitage of the ideas which the teachers of science in our colleges and technological schools have been pound- ing into the often unwilling brains of their students during the last quarter of a century. SCIENTIFIC ITEMS. Db. Richmond Mayo-Smith, pro- fessor of political economy and social science at Columbia University died as the result of a fall on November 11. — A memorial meeting in honor of the late Henry Augustus Rowland was held at the Johns Hopkins University, on Oc- tober 16. The principal address was made by Dr. T. C. Mendenhall. The Rumford medals of the Ameri- can Academy of Arts and Sciences have been presented to Professors Carl Barus and Elihu Thomson. — Professor Geo. J. Brush, emeritus professor of min- eralogy and formerly director of the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale Uni- versity, received a loving cup from his former students, on the occasion of the recent bicentennial exercises. The second annual Huxley lecture of the Anthropological Institute was de- livered by Dr. Francis Galton, F.R.S., on October 29, his subject being 'Tlie Possible Improvement of the Human Breed under the Existing Conditions of Law and Sentiment.' Professor Hcgo Munsterberg, of Harvard University, began, on Novem- ber 11, a series of eight Lowell lectures at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, on 'The Results of Experi- mental Psychology.' Mr. Andrew Carnegie has given an additional million dollars towards the endowment of the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, and a second million dollars for the Polytechnic Institute to be established in that city. — Mr. T. Jeffer- son Coolidge, late Minister to France, has given a fund of $50,000 to the Jef- ferson Physical Laboratory of Harvard University for physical research. — ^Mr. John D. Rockefeller has promised to contribute $200,000 toward the endow- ment fund for Barnard College, Colum- bia University, provided that an equal sum is given by others before January 1, 1902. — The preliminary plans have been accepted for a new building for the Department of Agriculture at Wash- ington. These plans contemplate a marble structure, something over 300 feet long, with wings at either end ex- tending to the rear to accommodate the various laboratories of the department. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. JANUARY, 1902. THE MINNESOTA SEASIDE STATION. By Professor CONWAY MACMILLAN, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. TTTHEN, in 1900, a tract of land on the Straits of Fuca was offered ' ^ for the uses of a marine station to be operated in connection with the University of Minnesota, the transfer was made and the con- struction of a laboratory-camp begun. Previous and full information concerning the site had been received. It had been personally examined by a member of the University staff and had been highly commended. Being at the entrance of the Straits it was easily accessible to the Sound and to the open sea, while its littoral fauna and flora were known to be uncommonly interesting and rich both in species and individuals. One difficulty existed : there was no road from Port Renfrew to the labora- tory site — a distance of about three miles. Consequently the whole matter was laid before the British Columbian Parliament then in session at Victoria, and through the assistance of the honorable mem- bers from the districts of Esquimalt and San Juan, with the approval of H. M. Commissioner of Works, a grant was obtained for a suitable road, work upon which was in progress during the summer of 1901. In the initial movements incident to the establishment of the Station many Victorians were both interested and effective. From Sir Henri Joly de Lotbiniere, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, to the hum- blest citizen there was received onlv the most uniform and delisrhtful courtesy. To acknowledge so many kindnesses is indeed a pleasure, and to the members of the Government and of the Natural History Society of Victoria, and to all others who were of assistance sincere apprecia- Mon and thanks are due. VOL. LX. — 13. 194 POrULAIi SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 1. Buildings of Minnesota Seaside Station as seen ackoss Station Cove. The Buildings face Nearly South. Fig. 2. Group of Students holding an Extended3Si'ECImen of the Giant Kelp, Nereo- cystis i'Kiapus. Just orr Shoee.a Bed of this Kelp is shown. THE MINNESOTA SEASIDE STATION. 195 The usefulness of a nuiriiie station on. the Pacific as an adjunct to the laboratories of a university located far inland naturally needs no proclamation. During more than two decades, experience gained by American students at such points as Beaufort, Woods Holl, Cold Spring Harbor, Pacific Grove and elsewhere has demonstrated that the broad- >est and best foundations for a knowledge of morphology can not be laid without the assistance of instruction and research at the shore. More and more must the recognition of this fact become general, and with each succeeding year the number of serious students at the ocean-side and facilities for their work must increase and improve. That there should be stations upon both the eastern and the western coasts is im- jjerative, and each will come to have its peculiar excellences and will develop its special lines of work. The eastern station has the advan- tages of accessibility while the western enjoys those of remoteness. At the laboratory on the eastern shore one may perhaps look for more con- veniences and refinements; at that on the western coast one may expect more novelty and a greater openness and freedom of opportunity. To the student in the far west nothing can be more helpful than contact with the east ; for the student in the east nothing is more to be desired ilian a sojourn in the west. Apparently, then, startions upon the Atlantic and Pacific coasts are alike desirable, and each with its own field of use- fulness may be the complement of the other. Not only does the truth of this appear from the point of view of sound and broad instruction, but quite as impressively in connection with research. The living organ- isms of the two great oceans are by no means identical. To the student who turns his face from the Atlantic to the Pacific feeling that the New England or New Jersey shore has become somewhat trite and habitual, there is a fresh inspiration and enthusiasm to be derived from the coast of California or Vancouver. One very distinct advantage enjoyed by a west coast station is the surpassing interest of the journey by which it is reached from a mid- continental or eastern point. AVhile the tourist from Chicago to New York or Boston finds the journey swift and luxurious, he is passing tlirough a relatively monotonous and uninteresting country. It is quite otherwise with the traveler from Minneapolis to Port Eenfrew. In esti- naating the advantages of the Minnesota Seaside Station as an outpost of natural science and nature-study, there must certainly be taken into ac- count not only its own immediate environment, but the route by which it is most conveniently reached from an eastern city. The journey over the Canadian Pacific, made in special cars and with the privilege of stopping at will, cannot be paralleled elsewhere on the continent. From the forest of central Minnesota the train speeds on through illimitable wheat-fields billowing and shimmering from horizon to horizon. It clim1)s from the valley of the Eed river out upon the vast and lonely 196 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. plains of Assiniboia and swings westward, liour after hour, over the silent ranges furrowed everywhere by unnumbered feet of the departed herd. It rises to tlie foothills beyond Calgary and sights the white wall of the Kocl^y mountains a hundred miles away. It plunges through the Gap at Canmore, ascends the valley of the Boav between colossal peaks, crosses the continental divide at Laggan, drops doAvn the canyon beside a foaming torrent to the mountain-girt valley of the Columbia, rises again mile after mile into the icy air of Eogers Pass amid the glaciers of the Selkirk summits and finds its way with the rushing waters of the Fk;. 3. Foot of the Great Glaciei; of the Sf.i.kii'.ks. Illicillewaet down to the Columbia again at Eevelstoke. It hurries through echoing valleys, beside enchanting lakes, across ridges and chasms into the desert along the Thompson. It enters the historic valley of the Fraser and underneath frowning cliffs creeps down the reverberant gorge to the wonderful amphitheaters of Yale and Hope and finally reaches Vancouver and the sea. Then come the steamer voyages through the Straits of Georgia to Victoria and through the Straits of Fuca to Port Eenfrew, and at last the invigorating walk through the forest or sturdy pull along the shore. To the lover of nature as well as to the serious student of ecology or plant distribution there is perhaps nowhere in the world a more inspiring and instructive journey of tw'o thousp^^d miles than this. It gives an opportunity of becoming THE MINNESOTA SEASIDE STATION. 197 acquainted with the forests, the prairies, the phiins, the foot-hills, the mountains, tlie glaciers, the deserts and the sea. At such points as Lake Louise, where the mountain scenery is inde- scribably grand, there is an unequaled field for the study of talus- vegetation, the influence of the snow-line and the avalanche upon plant distribution and the characteristic population of mountain-park and meadow. Here one comes close to the wild life of the peaks, and far above the lake one may see the goats grazing upon their inaccessible crags or one may sometimes hear the roar of a grizzly rising distinct Fig. 4. View on Lake Louise showim; Efkect of Snow Slides and Talus Slopes on the Distribution op Plants. above the clamor of the torrents. At Glacier the CiTcct of icc-ciii-renls upon the growth and distribution of plants is most interestingly dis- played. A series of photographs beginning just in front of the ice-mass and extending some hundreds of yards down the valley of the Illi- cillewaet shows at a glance how revegetation has proceeded, as the glacier has slowly and regularly retreated. The exact situation of the Minnesota Seaside Station is in a little cove at the entrance of the Straits of Fuca, nearly opposite Cape Flattery, just outside the picturesque harbor of Port Eenfrew and about sixty miles north of the city of Victoria. The west shore of Vancouver island is described in the old books of travel as a 'stern and rock-bound coast,' and it is indeed a perilous one for navigation. During much of 198 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the year there is mist and fog to conceal the reefs and ledges and it has been the scene of many a tragedy of the sea since the old days of Drake and Ferrelo and the quest for the Northwest Passage. If the fog hangs low one may perhaps hear in the offing the sullen note of an Oriental liner as she feels her way into the Straits of Fuca, or if the skies are Fig. 5. A View of the Shore at Low Tide just in Front of the Seaside Station. clear one may look across the water to the blue shores of Washington, indented by Xeah and Clallam bays and prolonged westward into the ocean to the rock upon which stands Cape Flattery light. To the left rise the far-shining peaks of the Olympic mountains and, with a binocu- FiG. G. The Olympic Mountains as seen across the Straits of Fuca, from the Neigh- borhood OF THE Race Rocks. lar, glaciers can be seen upon their untrodden summits. When the Straits are flashing with the breeze, the picture of ocean, shore, forest and mountain is one of the most beautiful in the world, rivaling the THE MINNESOTA SEASIDE STATION 199 bay of Xaples or the Adriatic and almost equaling the matchless Peru- vian coast and the sea-front of Ecuador. The log buildings of the Station stand in a small clearing and have en outlook upon the Straits and upon the Pacific. With the forest behind and the ocean in front their situation is as perfect scenically as it is for the purposes of science. ]\Iilcs of tide-pools, reefs and kelp-covered rocks are easily accessible along the water front, while landward the hills rise to a height of nearly 3,000 feet. Four miles back are the mouths of the San Juan and Cjordon rivers, both of which flow into Een- frew port and may be utilized as canoe routes towards the lakes and mountains of the interior. Over the v/hole country side spreads the primeval and well-nigh impenetrable forest of A^'ancouver with its gnarled yews, enormous cedars and towering spruces. On each side of Fig. 7. 'The Formalo.se Cluk ' The Ai.(;AE draped uvek the Lous are Egreoia axd Nereocystis. the Station buildings a little rivulet comes down from tlie hills and the waters of the two mingle on the rocks just below high-tide mark. Altogether, the opportunity for the study of marine and coastal botany and zoology is magnificent, and there is no good reason why it should not be possible to maintain a thoroughly well-equipped interna- tional marine station at tlie entrance to the waters of Pugct Sound. The location is altogether admirable, rich and interesting, and practical work lias begun. 200 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. , ,- i^!f3l^l '' w^jS^^ -, - *■ Shh •'-^'^&- jS^MB '5ai**' ^■^^^^H Bil ^,r f / t ^i". ^S9»^^^ ^ 4 SL ^ ^bI I^^H ^^^^I^S^!& WH^^I ^^^RBHFa 1 -. - ^^ BB^^^^^^^^^^^f^^^^B HHr^ --^^K^IlMH Kfe:-:^-y- "^^^^H HH^Hj |H^to|gH|B|g|^^^H IT -^^ ■,j :^ v% B ^^^^''^'''- :a;;;i:,^ ^■fcvt^ '-r ■ -'I ■■■li^H ^ — ^ E. Zj^iHHHHI Fig. 8. A Cove on the West Coast near the Station showing Salai, Bushes, Entero- MORPHA Formation and a Strong Zone of Fucus evanescens. The Trees in the Center carry large Masses of Epiphytic mosses. Fiu.^^'j. Kej.p-covered Rock showing Siecimens- uf Egregia, Alaria and Halosaccion in Characteristic Attitudes. Phvi.lospadix scouleri appears in the Foreground. TJIE MINNESOTA SEASIDE STATION. 20I At present the buildings of the Station number two and comprise a small house, 25 by 12 feet, on the shore, with a larger building, 60 by 25 feet, in the rear and on the higher ground. A third building is to be erected during the winter. Tiast summer, when a party of thirty-three went west from Minneapolis, it was apparent that the buildings would be inconveniently crowded, but by devoting half of the large living room to laboratory purposes it was possible to accommodate all who desired to work. The small house was used principally for microscopic work and for preservation of anatomical material. It received the name of the Tormalose Club' from some ingenious members of the party. The large house is two stories in height and arranged for general camp purposes. Below, a transverse hallway divides the kitchen and storeroom from the Fig. 10. Field of Endocladia muricata on Schistose Rock together with Missels and Barnacles. dining and Ining room. The latter with its large fireplace at the end and its festoons of flags and bunting in the University colors proved to be attractive and cheerful. Above, two large bunk rooms, one for men and one for women, afford the comforts of balsam beds to the weary, after the day's work is done. Station equipment did not present a very serious problem during the first season. ]\Iost of the party preferred to devote their energies to the collection of material. However, some twelve or fifteen microscopes were in use, and both the small library and the store of chemicals and glassware were daily drawn upon. In view of the many novel varieties and curious habits of the sea- weeds they were the principal objects of study during the season of 1901. 202 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Fig. 11. A Group of Pelyetia, a Chakacteristic high-tide \Vka( k of the West^Coast. ,, -^^^^^e^-sr.^-j^ ''«- --^tr ■iJ Fig. 12. The Upper, or Hedophyllum Zone, of the Kelp F(ikmation is shown in the ■ Foreground. In the Middle Distance Alaria and Laminaria bongardiana with Plants of Egregia are the Abundant Forms. TIJE MINNESOTA SEASIDE STATION. 203 Not onh^ did they prove of unusual taxonomic interest — some entirely new species being collected — but also well worthy of careful ecological research. Their zonal distribution, formation groups and choice of spe- cial substrata were noted, together with their behavior at different stages of the tide. Often very sharp lines of demarcation between different algal societies were exhibited. In Figure 8 an excellent example is re- produced. At the rear, near the center, is seen the characteristic fringe of salal (Gaultheria shallon) in front of which Enteromorpha colonies are established npon the flat sandstone. In the foreground appears a sharp zone of wrack (Fucus evanescens). In this view there is also shown some of the unusually vigoro;:s epiphytic moss-vegetation so Fig. 13. In the Foreground are seen Phyllospadix scotj^kki, La.minaria bongardiana AND LESSONIA LITTORALIS, THE LATTER BEING A CHAKACTERIS lIC Surge 1'lant of the Coast. abundantly represented on ^'ancouver island. Another very distinct in- stance of zonal distribution is shown in Figure 9, the photograph having been taken at low tide. In the foreground the slender leaves of a marine angiosperm (Phyllospadix scouleri) are seen, spread over which are fronds of Egregia, one of the most notable of the west coast kelps. The sides of the dome-shaped rock are draped with kelp, principally Egregia and Alaria, while the top is covered with a fairly uniform and copious growth of the alga which has passed under the name of Halosaccion bydrophora, but concerning which it is possible that an error has been made by American phycologists. Under other topograpliie conditions the zonal distribution is not so 204 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY evident, and in Figure 10 is shown an arrangement of algae and ani- mals upon a much creviced slate. Barnacles of two distinct types and mussels, mingled with a growth of Endocladia muricata, appear in this ,^:^^r4ri^^^;'| Fig. 14. CORALLINACEAE AT THE EDGE OF A TlDE-POOI., ON THE RiGHT AMPHIROA AND ON THE Left Corai.lina. view, but the general grouping is less clearly concentric. Nevertheless the Endocladia zone is pretty well defined as a mid-tide algal society and sometimes shows sharp demarcation when favorably situated for a pure growth. ■■iv J-" -Jt ■ '• Fig. 15. A Plant of Codium -Mr( kunaii m < ai.ifukmi i'\i, a Cii AUArTKRi.sTif Siphonacaeous ai.(;a of the Tii)i;-Pooi.>>. Among the high-tide algae — those occupying the upper zones — Pel- vetia is an interesting form. It occurs at the same levels adopted by THE MINNESOTA SEASIDE STATION. 20: ,r ¥lG. lli. A FKUXI' OF Di;SM AI'.I'.STIA I.I'.U.AIA HEEBACEA TAKEN FROM THF; WASH AFTEK A Storm. Fucus, of which it is taxonomically an ally, and often produces con- siderable beds, though not everywhere abundant like the Fucus. In Figure 11 a group of Pelvetia is shown and its habit can easily be I recognized. Of the low-tide algae there is not only a characteristic segre- gation relative to depth of water, but a careful selection of habits more or less exposed to the in- fluence of the surf and surge. Quite a characteristic group of surf-plants including such kelps as Postelsia palmaeformis and one species of Alaria display themselves where the surf is strongest and seem to require the foaming water of the breakers for their best development. Below these in more sheltered places one finds Hedophyllum, Alaria and Egregia. Below Postelsia, but ex- posed to strong surge, grow the Lessonias, while Pterygophora seeks the _. ^ bottom of the surge and N"ereo- I cystis anchors itself in still j deeper water outside the line of breakers. In this outer zone, too, Macrocystis and Dictyoneuron seem to find their best opportu- nities for growth, while Costaria comes somewhat nearer shore. The latter is, however, commonly brought up with the ISTereocystis holdfasts, when they are detached from the bottom. Figure 13 shows the exposure of surge- plants at low tide. On the right is Lessonia littoralis. In front is Laminaria bongardiana and on the left is Phyliospadix scouleri. The Lessonia, in particular, is beautifully adapted by its mas- sive trunk and slender leaves to maintain its foothold in the surge and with Postelsia in the surf and JSTereocystis in the deeper water shows in magnificent fashion the work- ^- Fig. 17. Plant of UHOuo.MiiLA Fi.occo.sA' TAKEN FROM THE Wa.SH AND PH0T0(;R APHED IN A Glass-bottomed Tank. 2o6 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ing out of the same structural type under slightly different adaptational conditions. In the sheltered pot-holes where the motion of the water en masse \> not possible and where the total movement is comparatively less vio- lent, one finds an altogether different flora and fauna from that in evi- dence on exposed reefs. Figure 14, showing the edge of a tide-pool and penetrating below the surface of the clear liquid that fills it, presents a view of two genera of Corallinaceae — Amphiroa on the right and to- wards the center, and Corallina on the left. Below, suffering from slight refraction, may be identified the frond of Codium mucronatum cali- FiG. 18. Trunk of a West Coast Cedar showing the Abundant Epiphytic Vegetation AND indicating THE CHARACTERISTIC LOMARIA FORMATION OF THE FOREST FLOOR. f ornicum. The latter alga, a somewhat characteristic inhabitant of the tide-pools, is shown exposed to the air in Figure 15. Its size may be judged by the leaves of Phyllospadix above and the Chiton clinging to the rock. Some of the seaweeds of Port Renfrew were difficult to gather excr-pt from the wash. Here certain large forms such as Dictyoneuron, Des- marestia, Callymenia and others were particularly abundant. Figure 16 THE MINNESOTA SEASIDE STATION. J07 shows siu-h a plant of Desmarestia ligulata herbaeea, while Figure 17 is from a photograpli made in a tank with glass bottom and shows a plant of Rhodomela fioccosa. Tlu' portraits of algae given will suffice to indicate the wealth of material awaiting study and research at the Minnesota Seaside Station. The interior country with its forest and mountains is scarcely less inter- esting than the shore. The liotanist from the East is particularly im- pressed with the magnificent size of the trees, the luxuriance of the Tjomaria formation of the forest-floor and the wealth of epiphytic and parasitic vegetation. The houghs of the trees are festooned with mosses Fi(i. 19. Moss-covered Hexenbesen of the Dwarf Mistletoe on Hemlock Trees near Poet Renfrew. and hepatics and their bark covered with lichens, ferns and small flower- ing plants. Figure 19 shows a typical colony of Polypodium scouleri upon coniferous bark and illustrates the prevalent epiphytism of ferns and mosses throughout the district. Figure 20 gives a view of mistletoe hexenbesen covered with moss and due to the action of the dwarf mistle- toe, Eazoumofskya pusilla. Numerous other parasitic plants are to be !08 POPULAR SCIENCE MOyTHLY. found in the forest, notably Bosclmiakia strobilacea, a member of the broom-rape family and omnipresent upon the roots of the salal bush. From the above it will be seen that the natural surroundings of the Minnesota Seaside Station are highly favorable for varied and produc- tive research. The beginning that has been made has received en- couragement from Canadian and American botanists, and it is possible that the modest camp on the Straits of Fuca may develop into a genuine marine laboratory with full equipment and a field of usefulness pecul- iarly its own. In any event it will doubtless serve as an objective point for more than one biological pilgrimage from the central- western states. During the season of 1901, when possibly the largest scientific party ever iff* "^ \^'^r ^■■'>'^- Fl(i. 20. PoLYPUDIU.M SfJl'LEKI A COMMON FeRN EPIPHYTE OX TREE TRUNKS. conducted to so distant a point was enabled to spend a pleasant and profitable six weeks in the mountains and on the shore, representatives from several universities, colleges, normal schools and high schools were in attendance, one coming all the way from Tokyo. So successful an ex- periment as that of the summer just past will certainly justify the organization of other parties in years to come. The illustrations in this paper are all from photographs by C. J. Hibbard, Esq., photographer of the Department of Botany in the Uni- versity of Minnesota, with the exception of Figure 6, which is from a lantern slide by Flemming Bros., of Victoria, B. C. ANTARCTIC EXPLORATION. 209 ANTARCTIC EXPLOEATION. By professor J. W. GREGORY, F.R.S., UNIVERSITY, MELBOURNE. I. The Search for the 'Terra Australis.' ^T^HE search for the supposed great southern continent roused inter- -*- est in the South Polar area, even earlier than the commercial need for the Northeast or Northwest Passage directed the attention of the European nations to the Arctic seas. Long before Hudson had started the northern whale fishery, or Barents had discovered Spitz- bergen, or Willoughby had set out on that 'new and strange navigation/ which, according to Milton, was intended to save England from the com- mercial ruin threatened by foreign competition, Arabian, Dutch and Spanish sailors had searched for a continent in the great southern sea. Belief in the existence of this 'Terra Australis' dates from the time of the earliest classical geographies. They regarded it as a corollary of the spherical shape of the earth; for it was thought that terrestrial equilibrium could only be maintained by two land masses acting as counterpoises to the land of the old world. The existence of America was therefore predicted as the necessary western antipodes, and a great southern continent was assumed as the southern antipodes. The land that Ptolemy represented as connecting Africa and southeastern Asia and closing the Indian Ocean as a Mediterranean Sea, was regarded as part of the northern shore of this southern continent. Faith in this 'Terra Australis' has survived in spite of the repeated failures to prove its existence; for more than two and twenty centuries the supposed limits of this land have receded as geographical research advanced south- ward. One of the geographical results of the Indian expedition of Alexander the Great was the separation of Ceylon from the southern continent. Ptolemy's land connection between southern Africa and eastern Asia was pushed backward by the Arabian sailors who reached Australia. Confirmation of the theory was however claimed by the dis- covery of Terra del Fuego and Australia; but the passage of Drake's Straits and Tasman's voyage along the southern coast of Australia showed that both areas were bounded southward by the sea. Then it was asserted that New Zealand was part of the southern continent, and de Bougainville was sent in 1763 to discover colonizable parts of it, so that France might replace her lost American possessions by new settle- ments in the south. The French expedition, however, was disappointed VOL. LX. — 14. 2IO POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY at finding only some insignificant islands, and Cook's first voyage showed that New Zealand was an independent archipelago. In spite of the great shrinkage of the supposed southern conti- nent caused by the expeditions of Cook and de Bougainville, there was still left an unknown area round the south pole large enough to hold a big land mass. Various new arguments were used to prove that such land must exist. De Quiros in the New Hebrides felt earthquakes traveling from the south; as it was believed that earthquakes could only originate on land, they were taken to prove the existence of a southern land. Cook was accordingly sent on his second voyage, with orders to circumnavigate the south polar area in as high a latitude as pos- sible. He was to search first for the land reported by Bouvet, and find if it were an island or part of a continent. If the latter he was to "explore it as much as pos- sible, to make such notations thereon and observations as may be useful to navigation or com- merce or tend to the formation of natural knowledge. He was also directed to observe the genius, temper and disposition of the in- habitants, if any, and endeavor by all proper means to cultivate their friendship and alliance, making presents and inviting them to traffic." Cook's voyage was brilliantly successful, and still ranks as the greatest of Antarctic achieve- ANTARCTIC EXPLORATION. 211 ments. He circumnavigated the south polar region, and reached latitudes which in some parts of his circuit have not yet been passed. Cook's magnificent results were all the more remarkable because of his distaste of the work. He described the sea as 'so pestered with ice/ and the lands as having 'an inexpressibly horrid aspect, and though he saw the beauty of the icebergs he regarded them with a 'mind filled with horror.' While so many coasts were uncharted and so many seas were unsurveyed Cook thought it a preposterous waste of time to hunt for a land, which, even if it existed, would be abso- lutely useless to his or to several succeeding generations. At times Cook was so impressed by the worthless nature of the Antarctic lands, that he believed they would be severely let alone when men heard his report of them and that they are uninhabited, uninhabitable and trade- less. If any one go further south than I have been, said Cook, 'I shall not envy him the honor of the discovery, but I will be bold to say that the world will not be benefited by it.' Sketch Map of the Antarctic Tract, giving the More Important Points that have been named bv navigators. All through Cook's journal we feel his irritation at having been sent on a mission which he regarded as a waste of his time and powers. He was comforted by the thought that he had, however, finally shown 212 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. that there is no room for the Terra Australis of classical and mediaeval cartographers. Nevertheless he was convinced that there was a nucleus of land in the middle of the ice-pestered sea, for he accepted the view that thick ice is not formed on the open sea. This view was based on the argument advanced by de Brosses in 1756, that as sea ice is sweet it must be formed on land, until in 1776 Nairsie explained that ice formed by the freezing of the sea water is fresh because the salt is ex- truded as brine. Cook, however, was no doubt quite correct in the view that the great fiat-topped Antarctic bergs could not be formed by the direct freezing of the open sea, but must have been formed on land. TeERA AUSTltALIS (Tiieatkum Geeis Terkarum, 1571). Mar DEL Terra Austealis, after Mercator (Atlas Minor, ex-officina Joannis Janssonii, 164:*). Hence in spite of the comparatively narrow limits within which Cook's work had restricted the possible existence of Antarctic land, the search for it was still continued. Islands were found south of the Atlantic; but it was not till 1840 that any extensive land area was dis- covered south of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Then almost simul- taneously a French expedition under Dumont d'Urville, and the Amer- ican expedition under Wilkes discovered the long coast line or chain of islands known as Wilkes Land. Wilkes' work was not only important because he traced this coast line at intervals for 60 degrees of longitude; but the geological collec- tions made by his expedition showed that the land is formed of granites, massive sandstones and other rocks of continental types. Two years later the extension of Wilkes Land to the east and the south was proved by the famous expedition of Sir James Clark Ross, which circumnavigated the Antarctic area and passed all previous ANTARCTIC EXPLORATION. 213 records by reaching the latitude of 78°. On his own lines Ross's work was magnificent. His magnetic survey has not been equalled in the Antarctic; his southern record was not passed until 1900; his dis- covery of Victoria Land and Mounts Erebus and Terror were geo- graphical results of high importance. But Eoss's range of interest was narrow ; he did not land on the main land he discovered, and would not let his doctor, McCormick; he advanced erroneous theories of oceanic circulation, assigned wrong temperatures to the sea water, owing to misunderstanding his thermometers; he told us practically nothing of the geology of the Antarctic lands, for the few pebbles he brought back were neglected until they were recently unearthed and described by Mr. Prior. After the voyage of Eoss there was a long interval before- serious work in the Antarctic was renewed. Sealers and whalers made minor geographical discoveries, and the voyage of the 'Challenger' in 1874 showed that the Antarctic sea is full of scientific interest. But it was not until 1885 and 1886 that the papers of Professor G-. Neumayer, now of Hamburg, and formerly director of the Flagstaff Observatory at Melbourne, and of Sir John Murray roused fresh interest in Antarctic research. Since then the voyages of some Dundee and Norwegian sealers, of the 'Antarctic' and 'Southern Cross' in Victoria Land and the Eoss Sea, and of the 'Belgica' to the south of the Atlantic have made important additions to our Antarctic knowledge. 11. The Four Antarctic Expeditions. Now, in the year 1901, four expeditions are starting for the Antarctic: an English expedition under Commander E. F. Scott, E. N., in the 'Discovery,' with Mr. G. E. Murray, F.E.S., as head of the civilian scientific stafl:; a German expedition under Professor E. von Drygalski in the 'Gauss'; a Swedish expedition under Dr. Otto Nordenskjold in the 'Antarctic/ and a Scotch expedition under Mr. W. S. Bruce. The four expeditions will work as far as possible on a common plan, but in different areas. The 'Discovery' will start from New Zealand and go thence into the Eoss Sea, which will be its central field of work. The German expedition will go south from Kerguelen to the western end of Wilkes Land, geographically the least known part of the Antarctic; its route will depend on the geography of the area, but the idea is to work southwestward toward the Weddell Sea, south of the Atlantic. The Swedish and Scotch expeditions both go to the South Atlantic. The work of these expeditions will depend primarily on the geo- graphical character of their fields of operation. The Antarctic area includes three main geographical divisions, (1) Wilkes and Victoria 2 14 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Lands; (2) the division south of the Pacific from Eoss's Sea to Alexander Land; (3) the Graham Land with its associated archi- pelagoes and the Weddell Sea that separates it from the western end of Wilkes Land. As the first essential to the scientific investigation of a country is some acquaintance with its general topography, the primary factor in determining the work of the expeditions is the grade of our geographical knowledge of their fields of operations. Geographical knowledge of the Antarctic is at present on two grades ; in some areas the pioneer exploration has been done as far as concerns work at sea; of other areas we know nothing. Our knowledge is of the first grade in respect to only two or three areas; they are Graham Land with its associated islands and the coast of Victoria Land with the adjacent Ross Sea; perhaps we should also include in this category the northern shore of Wilkes Land, though it is known only at in- tervals and one of its most important areas, the angle between it and Victoria Land, is quite unlmown. The rest of the Antarctic regions is on the second grade; the shores of the Weddell Sea have never been sighted; the western termination of Wilkes Land is quite hypothetical; speculations as to the area to the south of the Pacific are dependent on general considerations and the interpretation of a couple of distant and imperfectly recorded views. Accordingly the plan of operations of each expedition should be dependent on the extent of our geographical knowledge of its field of operations. The English expedition has the advantage of a well- Icnown entry into its central area, in which the most fruitful work will be scientific observations taken with the highest degree of accuracy and in the fullest detail. For pioneer geographical work it will be de- pendent on sledge expeditions inland, and at sea on how far it can push eastward from the Ross Sea into the southern Pacific. The German expedition on the other hand goes into the region of which our ignorance is most complete. Its first work will therefore be pioneer geographical exploration, on the basis of which its expert scientific staff can found the observations that will be made concur- rently. The expedition starts from the French island of Kerguelen where a base station and observatory have been established. Thence the 'Gauss' will sail due southward toward the supposed western end of Wilkes Land, and enter the ice near Enderby Land. Thence- forth its progress will depend on the character of that region. The general idea is to work slowly southwestward into the Weddell Sea, sending out sledge expeditions to explore any lands that may be seen. The proposed route of the ship has the drawback that it may be con- trary to the prevalent drift of the ice and currents. Accordingly the expedition has been equipped on the expectation of a long, slow battle ANTARCTIC EXPLORATION. 215 with the ice. The ^Gauss' has been designed for strength, not speed, and has been fitted up so as to make the minimum possible demands on its coal consumption for steaming, scientific work and domestic use. The number of the staff has been kept lower than on the English ex- pedition so that the food supply may be larger and last longer. To make up for the smallness of the crew, 70 dogs have been provided for sledge expeditions. Further various tempting fields of scientific work are to be left unentered as impracticable with the available cargo capacity of the ship. The Swedish and Scotch expeditions both go to an area where the opportunity for work largely depends on the particular ice conditions of the season. If the ice be open and the Weddell Sea fairly clear, they may reach high latitudes and discover the southern boundary of the South Atlantic basin. As so much depends on the chances of the weather, the plan in both cases is to establish stations on shore as far south as possible, and for the ships to leave the ice at the end of the simimer and undertake oceanographic research outside the ice pack dur- ing the winter. III. The Problems of the Antarctic. The frequency of enquiries as to the practical value of Antarctic research shows that popular interest in the subject still values results from what it chooses to call their 'usefulness.' Information as to the meteorology and magnetic phenomena of the Antarctic regions may prove of value in navigation and weather prediction. Unexpected stores of economic products may be found on land or at sea. Never- theless it must be admitted that the hope of practical rewards is a less powerful incentive to Antarctic exploration than the desire for new facts of theoretical value. The expeditions seek knowledge because it is knowledge rather than because it may be power. The first problem which the collated reports of the four expeditions will be expected to answer is whether the hypothetical 'Terra Australis' has any existence at the present day. Opinions are divided on this question. According to one school the Antarctic lands mostly belong to a great south polar continent; according to another there is no continent but only a num- ber of comparatively small and widely scattered islands. Sir John Murray is the leading champion of the continental hypothesis; he has sketched the probable outline of his 'Antarctica' and represents it as an irregularly triangular area, of a size fully entitling it to rank as a continent. That the Antarctic lands belong to a continent geologically there can be no doubt; for rocks of a typical continental character have now been collected from most of them, including Victoria Land, Wilkes Land and Graham Land. Specimens are now especially wanted 2i6 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. from Dougherty Island and Peter Island in the southern Pacific. Meteorological evidence supports the idea that the Antarctic is still a continent geographically, and that the center of the land is not coin- cident with the south pole, but is in the eastern part of the area. The available evidence appears to be decidedly in favor of Sir John Murray's theory, though the question cannot be definitely settled until the range of the land has been mapped. This task may be facilitated by the guidance as to the probable trend and position of the coasts, that is given by the principles of geomorphology. If the current theory of the structural unity of the Pacific ocean be correct, then that ocean must be bounded on the south by a coast of the ''Pacific type.' With one exception in Central America the whole of the known coasts of the Pacific belong to what Suess has called the 'Pacific type.' The main character of this form of coast is that the trend is determined by mountain ranges rimning parallel to the shore. In the South Pacific this type is well exemplified by iSTew Zealand on one side and by the Andes of South America on the other. In southern Patagonia the Andes are turned from their meridional course and run eastward across Terra del Fuego. The tectonic line of the Andes is then apparently bent suddenly southward and reappears in Graham Land. It is probably continued round the southern Pacific, meeting the known end of the New Zealand line near Mounts Erebus and Terror. The theory of the structural unity of the Pacific is sufficiently established to render it probable that Cook was close to land when he turned back from his furthest south in the South Pacific (71°S. 123°E.), that the 'ice-barriers' of Ross and Bellingshausen are both the fronts of glaciers flowing from highlands to the south; that there is a land connection of the Pacific coast type running from Koss's ice barriers northeastward to Graham Land; and that Victoria Land is connected to Wilkes Land by a broad bight. There are no such data for predictions as to the distribution of land and water in the German and Scotch areas of work. For Wilkes Land and the lands that may extend thence westward towards Graham Land are no doubt plateau countries bounded to the north by coasts of the 'Atlantic type'; and the trend of such coasts is not determined by simple continuous tectonic lines. That Wilkes Land and Geikie Land repeat the structure of southern Australia is rendered probable by the geological collections of all the expeditions from Wilkes to the ' South- ern Cross.' The westward extension of this land line has probably the same structure, and it is accordingly impossible to predict how far the Weddell cuts into the Antarctic lands. The principles of geomorphology not only suggest the external shape of 'Antarctica' but also its internal relief. It is probable that it ANTARCTIC EXPLORATION. 217 i? not a dome of land increasing in height slowly from the coasts to a central point near the South Pole; it is more likely to consist of a lofty mountain range running near the Pacific shore and of a broad plateau sloping downward from this mountain axis across the pole to Weddell Sea on the one side and the bight between Wilkes Land and Enderby Land on the other. The remaining problems of the Antarctic are of less general and more technical interest. The magnetic survey, the need for which led to the British Government's contribution of £45,000 to the cost of the 'Discovery,' is generally regarded as the most important item in the scientific program. The principal point to be determined by the British expedition is the variation in the magnetic elements since the surveys of Eoss and of Clerk and Moore. The deep fauna of the Antarctic seas was proved by the 'Challenger' and the 'Belgica' to be rich in new forms of life; and according to Murray the Antarctic and Arctic faunas have many elements in common. More material is needed for the proper analysis of the resemblances between the two faunas, and the collections may be expected to yield some hitherto undiscovered ani- mals of ancient types. The exact shape of the earth is another question which cannot be settled without fresh evidence from the Antarctic. For this purpose two at least of the expeditions have been provided with pendulum outfits; by noting the exact length of time occupied by the swing of a pendulum the distance of the place of observation from the earth's center can be determined. It is held that the south polar region projects further from the plane of the equator than does the north polar region ; according to one estimate the south pole is slightly more than one hundredth further from the earth's center than the north pole. The work of the expeditions includes researches in the physics of glacier ice, a subject in which Professor von Drygalski is an expert, on the distribution and spectroscopic phenomena of the Aurora; on the composition and movements of the atmosphere, and the currents of the Antarctic Seas. If the explorers only have the success which they deserve their arduous and devoted labors will contribute materially toward the progress of many branches of science. In fact, as Sir John Murray assures us, 'the results of a successful Antarctic expedition would mark a great advance in the philosophy — apart from the mere facts — of ter- restrial science.' 2i8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT OF THE HUMAN BREED UNDER THE EXISTING CONDI- TIONS OP LAW AND SENTIMENT.* By FRANCIS GALTON, D.C.L., D.Sc, F.R.S., LOXDON. TN fuljfilling the honorable charge that has been entrusted to me of -*- delivering the Huxley lecture, I shall endeavor to carry out what I understand to have been the wish of its founders, namely, to treat broadly some new topic belonging to a class in which Huxley himself would have felt a keen interest, rather than to expatiate on his charac- ter and the work of his noble life. That which I have selected for to-night is one which has occupied my thoughts for many years, and to which a large part of my published inquiries have borne a direct though silent reference. Indeed, the re- marks I am about to make would serve as an additional chapter to my books on 'Hereditary Genius' and on 'Natural Inheritance.' My sub- ject will be the possible improvement of the human race under the ex- isting conditions of law and sentiment. It has not hitherto been approached along the ways that recent knowledge has laid open, and it occupies in consequence a less dignified position in scientific estimation than it might. It is smiled at as most desirable in itself and possibly worthy of academic discussion, but absolutely out of the question as a practical problem. My aim in this lecture is to show cause for a differ- ent opinion. Indeed I hope to induce anthropologists to regard human improvement as a subject that should be kept openly and squarely in view, not only on account of its transcendent importance, but also because it affords excellent but neglected fields for investigation. I shall show that our knowledge is already sufficient to justify the pursuit of this, perhaps the grandest of all objects, but that we know less of the condi- tions upon which success depends than we might and ought to ascertain. The limits of our knowledge and of our ignorance will become clearer as we proceed. Human Variety. The natural character and faculties of human beings differ at least as widely as those of the domesticated animals, such as dogs and horses, with whom we are familiar. In disposition some are gentle and good- * The second Huxley Lecture of the Anthropological Institute, delivered on October 29, 1901. IMPROVEMENT OF THE HUMAN BREED. 219 tempered^ others surly and vicious; some are courageous, others timid; some are eager, others sluggish; some have large powers of endurance, others are quickly fatigued; some are muscular and powerful, others are weak; some are intelligent, others stupid; some have tenacious memories of places and persons, others frequently stray and are slow at recognizing. The number and variety of aptitudes, especially in dogs, is truly remarkable ; among the most notable being the tendency to herd sheep, to point and to retrieve. So it is with the various natural quali- ties that go towards the making of civic worth in man. Whether it be in character, disposition, energy, intellect or physical power, we each receive at our birth a definite endowment, allegorized by the parable related in St. Matthew, some receiving many talents, others few; but each person being responsible for the profitable use of that which has been entrusted to him. Distribution of Qualities in a Nation. Experience shows that while talents are distributed in endless differ- ent degrees, the frequency of those different degrees follows certain statistical laws, of which the best known is the Normal Law of Fre- quency. This is the result whenever variations are due to the combined action of many small and different causes, whatever may be the causes and whatever the object in which the variations occur, just as twice 2 always makes 4, whatever the objects may be. It therefore holds time with approximate precision for variables of totally different sorts, as, for instance, stature of man, errors made by astronomers in judging minute intervals of time, bullet marks around the bull's-eye in target practice, and differences of marks gained by candidates at competitive examinations. There is no mystery about the fundamental principles of this abstract law; it rests on such simple fundamental conceptions as, that if we toss two pence in the air they will, in the long run, come down one head and one tail twice as often as both heads or both tails. I will assume then, that the talents, so to speak, that go to the forma- tion of civic worth are distributed with rough approximation accord- ing to this familiar law. In doing so, I in no way disregard the admi- rable work of Professor Karl Pearson on the distribution of qualities, for which he was adjudged the Darwin Medal of the Eoyal Society a few years ago. He has amply proved that we must not blindly trust the Normal Law of Frequency; in fact, that when variations are minutely studied they rarely fall into that perfect symmetry about the mean value which is one of its consequences. Nevertheless, my conscience is clear in using this law in the way I am about to. I say that if certain quali- ties vary normally, such and such will be the results ; that these qualities are of a class that are found, whenever they have been tested, to vary 220 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. normally to a fair degree of approximation, and consequently we may infer that our results are trustworthy indications of real facts. A talent is a sum whose exact value few of us care to know, although we all appreciate the inner sense of the beautiful parable. I will, there- fore, venture to adapt the phraseology of the allegory to my present purpose by substituting for 'talent' the words 'normal-talent.' The value of this normal-talent in respect to each and any specified quality or faculty is such that one-quarter of the people receive for their respective shares more than one normal-talent over and above the aver- age of all the shares. Our normal-talent is therefore identical with what is technically known as the 'probable error.' Therefrom the whole of the following table starts into life, evolved from that of the 'probability integral/ It expresses the distribution of any normal Table I. — Normal Distribution (to the nearest per ten thousand and to the nearest per hundred). —4° —3° —2° — 1° M.+r 4-2° -1-3° +4° V and below u t s r E S T U V and above. Total 35 180 672 7 1613 16 2500 25 2500 25 1613 16 672 7 180 35 10,000 2 2 100 quality, or any group of normal qualities, among 10,000 persons in terms of the normal-talent. The M in the upper line occupies the posi- tion of Mediocrity, or that of the average of what all have received: the +1°, +3°, etc., and the — 1°, — 2°, etc., refer to normal talents. These numerals stand as graduations at the heads of the vertical lines by which the table is divided. The entries between the divisons are the numbers per 10,000 of those who receive sums between the amounts specified by those divisions. Thus, by the hypothesis, 2,500 receive more than M but less than M + l°, 1,613 receive more than M-]-l° but less than M-|-2°, and so on. The terminals have only an inner limit, thus 35 receive more than 4°, some to perhaps a very large but indefinite amount. The divisions might have been carried much farther, but the numbers in the classes between them would become less and less trustworthy. The left half of the series exactly reflects the right half. As it will be useful henceforth to distinguish these classes, T have used the capital or large letters, E, S, T, U, V, for those above mediocrity and corresponding italic or small letters, r, s, t, u, v, for those below mediocrity, r being the counterpart of R, s of S, and so on. In the lowest line the same values are given, but more roughly, to the nearest whole percentage. It will assist in comprehending the values of different grades of IMPROVEMENT OF THE HUMAN BREED. 221 civic worth to compare them with the corresponding grades of adult male stature in our nation. I will take the figures from my * Natural Inheritance/ premising that the distribution of stature in various peoples has been well investigated and shown to be closely normal. The average height of the adult males, to whom my figures refer, was nearly 5 feet 8 inches, and the value of their 'normal-talent' (which is a measure of the spread of distribution) was very nearly 1% inches. From these data it is easily reckoned that Class U would contain men whose heights exceed 6 feet I14 inches. Even they are tall enough to overlook a hatless mob, while the higher classes, such as V, W and X, tower above it in an increasingly marked degree. So the civic worth (however that term may be defined) of U-class men, and still more of V-class, are notably superior to the crowd, though they are far below the heroic order. The rarity of a V-class man in each specified quality or group of qualities is as 35 in 10,000, or say, for the convenience of using round numbers, as 1 to 300. A man of the W class is ten times rarer, and of the X class rarer still; but I shall avoid giving any more exact definition of X than as a value considerably rarer than V. This gives a general but just idea of the distribution throughout a population of each and every quality taken separately so far as it is normally distributed. As already mentioned, it does the same for any group of normal qualities; thus, if marks for classics and for mathe- matics were severally normal in their distribution, the combined marks gained by each candidate in both those subjects would be distributed normally also, this being one of the many interesting properties of the law of frequency. Comparison of the Normal Classes with those of Mr. Booth. Let us now compare the normal classes with those into which Mr. Charles Booth has divided the population of all London, in a way that corresponds not unfairly with the ordinary conception of grades of civic worth. He reckons them from the lowest upwards, and gives the numbers in each class for East London. Afterwards he treats all Lon- don in a similar manner, except that sometimes he combines two classes into one and gives the joint result. For my present purpose, I had to couple them somewhat diilerently, first disentangling them as I best could. There seemed no better way of doing this than by assigning to the members of each couplet the same proportions that they had in East London. Though this was certainly not accurate, it is probably not far WTong. Mr. Booth has taken unheard-of pains in this great work of his to arrive at accurate results, but he emphatically says that his classes cannot be separated sharply from one another. On the con- trary, their frontiers blend, and this justifies me in taking slight liberties with his figures. His class A consists of criminals, semi- 222 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. criminals, loafers and some others, who are in number at the rate of 1 per cent, in all London — that is 100 per 10,000, or nearly three times as many as the v class: they therefore include the whole of v and spread upwards into the u. His class B consists of very poor persons who subsist on casual earnings, many of whom are inevitably poor from shiftlessness, idleness or drink. The numbers in this and the A class combined closely correspond with those in t and all below t. Class C are supported by intermittent earnings; they are a hard- working people, but have a very bad character for improvidence and shiftlessness. In Class D the earnings are regular, but at the low rate of twenty-one shillings or less a week, so none of them rise above poverty, though none are very poor. D and C together correspond to the whole of s combined with the lower fifth of r. The next class, E, is the largest of any, and comprises all those with regular standard earnings of twenty-two to tliirty shillings a week. This class is the recognized field for all forms of cooperation and combination ; in short for trades unions. It corresponds to the upper four fifths of r and the lower four-fifths of E. It is therefore essentially the mediocre class, standing as far below the highest in civic worth as it stands above the lowest class with its criminals and semi-criminals. Xext above this large mass of mediocrity comes the honorable class F, which consists of better paid artisans and foremen. These are able to provide adequately for old age, and their sons become clerks and so forth. G is the lower middle class of shop-keepers, small employers, clerks and subordinate professional men, who as a rule are hard-work- ing, energetic and sober. F and G combined correspond to the upper fifth of E and the whole of S, and are, therefore, a counterpart to D and C. All above G are put together by Mr. Booth into one class H, which corresponds to our T, U, V and above, and is the counterpart of his two lowermost classes, A and B. So far, then, as these figures go, civic worth is distributed in fair approximation to the normal law of frequency. We also see that the classes t, u, v and below are un- desirables. Worth of CJiildren. The brains of the nation lie in the higher of our classes. If such people as would be classed W or X could be distinguishable as children and procurable by money in order to be reared as Englishmen, it would be a cheap bargain for the nation to buy them at the rate of many hun- dred or some thousands of pounds per head. Dr. Farr, the eminent statistician, endeavored to estimate the money worth of an average baby born to the wife of an Essex laborer and thenceforward living during the usual time and in the ordinary way of his class. Dr. Farr, Mdth accomplished actuarial skill, capitalized the value at the child's birth of two classes of events, the one the cost of maintenance while a IMPROVEMENT OF TEE HUMAN BREED. 233 child and when helpless through old age, the other its earnings as boy and mau. On balancing the two sides of the account the value of the baby was found to be five pounds. On a similar principle, the worth of an X-class baby would be reckoned in thousands of pounds. Some such 'talented' folk fail, but most succeed, and many succeed greatly. They found great industries, establish vast undertakings, increase the wealth of multitudes and amass large fortunes for themselves. Others, whether they be rich or poor, are the guides and light of the nation, raising its tone, enlightening its difficulties and imposing its ideals. The great gain that England received through the immigra- tion of the Huguenots would be insignificant to what she would derive from an annual addition of a few hundred children of the classes W and X. I have tried, but not yet succeeded to my satisfaction, to make an approximate estimate of the worth of a child at birth accord- ing to the class he is destined to occupy when adult. It is an eminently important subject for future investigators, for the amount of care and cost that might profitably be expended in improving the race clearly depends on its result. Descent of Qualities in a Population. Let us now endeavor to obtain a correct understanding of the way in which the varying qualities of each generation are derived from those of its predecessor. How many, for example, of the V class in the offspring come respectively from the V, U, T, S and other classes of parentage? The means of calculating this question for a normal population are given fully in my 'Natural Inheritance.' There are three main senses in which the word parentage might be used. They differ widely, so the calculations must be modified accordingly. (1) The amount of the quality or faculty in question may be known in each parent. (2) It may be known in only one parent. (3) The two par- ents may belong to the same class, a V-class father in the scale of male classification always marrying a V-class mother, occupying iden- tically the same position in the scale of female classification. I select this last case to work out as being the one with which we shall here be chiefly concerned. It has the further merit of escaping some tedious preliminary details about converting female faculties into their corresponding male equivalents, before men and women can be treated statistically on equal terms. I shall assume in what follows that we are dealing with an ideal population, in which all marriages are equally fertile, and which is statistically the same in successive generations both in numbers and in qualities, so many per cent, being always this, so many always that, and so on. Further, I shall take no notice of offspring who die before they reach the age of marriage, nor shall I regard the slight numerical inequality of the sexes, but will 224 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. simply suppose that each parentage produces one couplet of grown-up filials, an adult man and an adult woman. The result is shown to the nearest whole per thousand in the diagram up to 'U and above/ It may be read either as applying to fathers and their sons when adult, or to mothers and their daughters when adult, or, again, to parentages and filial couplets. I will not now attempt to explain the details of the calculation to those to whom these methods STANDARD SCHEME OF DESCENT PARENTAL GRADES NUMBER IN EACH u 22 t 67 yd 161 T 250 250 S 161 T 67 U 22 toco COUPLES BOTH PARENTS Of SAME &RADE AND* ONE ADULT CHILD TO EACH m 1 HHI MH I — REGRESSION OF PARENTAL TO riLIAL CENTRES "1 • • ^ 1 { •'' ?''' .: -J 22 Cmildmn or H 67 „ or t 161 or '6 2i0 .. or / 210 . or R 161 or & 67 „ or T 22 .. or U < (, e ; 6 • 2' ! 7 17 23 's: 1 ' 4 '1 1 —HBBHH s }} 50 S2l ?S b ; 1 B— HH 2 1 4 5 1 8 6 6 8 4 js; . < 4 2!) «S 86 5'! > ;i4 z ■■B • 1 « ii il so; 2: i • « 1 1 J 4 IS 2 3 ;i7 7 1 • i 6 i t SUMS 20 e 'o 162 252 252 162 66 20 are new. Those who are familiar with them will easily understand the exact process from what follows. There are three points of reference in a scheme of descent which may be respectively named 'mid-parental,' 'genetic' and 'filial' centers. In the present case of both parents being alike, the position of the mid-parental center is identical with that of either parent separately. The position of the filial center is that from which the children disperse. The genetic center occupies the same posi- tion in the parental series that the filial center does in the filial series. 'Natural Inheritance' contains abundant proof, both observational and IMPROVEMENT OF THE HUMAN BREED. 225 theoretical, that the genetic center is not and cannot be identical with the parental center, but is always more mediocre, owing to the combina- tion of ancestral influences — which are generally mediocre — with the purely parental ones. It also shows that the regression from the parental to the genetic center, in the case of stature at least, would amount to two thirds under the conditions we are now supposing. The regression is indicated in the diagram by converging lines which are directed towards the same point below, but are stopped at one third of the distance on the way to it. The contents of each parental class are supposed to be concentrated at the foot of the median axis of that class, this being the vertical line that divides its contents into equal parts. Its position is approximately, but not exactly, half-way be- tween the divisions that bound it, and is as easily calculated for the ex- treme classes, which have no outer terminals, as for any of the others. These median points are respectively taken to be the positions of the parental centers of the whole of each of the classes; therefore the posi- tions attained by the converging lines that proceed from them at the points where they are stopped, represent the genetic centers. From these the filials disperse to the right and left with a 'spread' that can be shown to be three quarters that of the parentages. Calculation easily determines the number of the filials that fall into the class in which the filial center is situated, and of those that spread into the classes on each side. When the parental contributions from all the classes to each filial class are added together they will express the distribution of the quality among the whole of the offspring. Now it will be observed in the table that the numbers in the classes of the offspring are identical with those of the parents, when they are reckoned to the nearest whole percentage, as should be the case according to the hypothesis. Had the classes been narrower and more numerous, and if the calculations had been carried on to two more places of decimals, the correspondence would have been identical to the nearest ten thousandth. It was un- necessary to take the trouble of doing this, as the table affords a suffi- cient basis for what I am about to say. Though it does not profess to be more than approximately true in detail, it is certainly trustworthy in its general form, including as it does the effects of regression, filial dispersion, and the equation that connects a parental generation with a filial one when they are statistically alike. Minor corrections will be hereafter required, and can be applied when we have a better knowledge of the material. In the meantime it will serve as a standard table of descent from each generation of a people to its successor. Economy of Effort. I shall now use the table to show the economy of concentrating our attention upon the highest classes. We will therefore trace the origin VOL. LX. — 15. 226 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of the V class — which is the highest in the table. Of its 34 or 35 j-ons, 6 come from V parentages, 10 from U, 10 from T, 5 from S, 3 from E, and none from any class below E. But the numbers of the contributing parentages have also to be taken into account. When this is done, we see that the lower classes make their scores owing to their quantity and not to their quality; for while 35 V-class parents suffice to produce 6 sons of the V class, it takes 2,500 E-class fathers to produce 3 of them. Consequently the richness in produce of V-class parentages is to that of the E-class in an inverse ratio, or as 143 to 1. Similarly, the richness in produce of V-class children from parentages of the classes U, T, S, respectively, is as 3, lli/^ and 55, to 1, More- over, nearly one-half of the produce of V-class parentages are V or U taken together, and nearly three quarters of them are either V, U or T. If then we desire to increase the output of V-class offspring, by far the most profitable parents to work upon would be those of the V class, and in a threefold less degree those of the U class. When both parents are of the V class the quality of parentages is greatly superior to those in which only one parent is a V. In that case the regression of the genetic center goes twice as far back towards mediocrity, and the spread of the distribution among filials becomes nine tenths of that among the parents, instead of being only three- quarters. The effect is shown in Table II. Table II. — Distribution of Sons. (I) One parent of class V., the other un- known. (2) Both parents of class V (from Taile II., with decimal point and an o). Distribution of Sons Total t s r R S T 7.5 10.0 U 3.6 10.0 V One V-parent Two V-parents 0.3 1.2 3.5 7.9 3.0 9.6 5.0 1.3 6.0 34.3 34.0 Position of the filial center of (1)=1.44, of (2) =2.89. When both par- ents are T it = 1.58. There is a difference of fully two divisions in the position of the genetic center, that of the single V parentage being only a trifle nearer mediocrity than that of the double T. Hence it would be bad economy to spend much effort in furthering marriages with a high class on only one side. Marriage of Like to Like. In each class of society there is a strong tendency to intermarriage, which produces a marked effect in the richness of brain power of the more cultured families. It produces a still more marked effect of another kind at the lowest step of the social scale, as will be painfully evident from the following extracts from the work of Mr. C. Booth IMPROVEMENT OF THE HUMAN BREED. 227 (i. 38), which refer to his Class A, who form, as has been said, the lowermost third of our 'v and below.' "Their life is the life of savages, with vicissitudes of extreme hardship and occasional excess. From them come the battered figures who slouch through the streets and play the beggar or the bully. They render no useful service, they create no wealth, more often they destroy it. They degrade whatever they touch, and as individuals are perhaps incapable of improvement . . . but I do not mean to say that there are not individuals of every sort to be found in the mass. Those who are able to wash the mud may find some gems in it. There are at any rate many very piteous cases. Whatever doubt there may be as to the exact numbers of this class, it is certain that they bear a very small proportion to the rest of the population, or even to Class B, with which they are mixed up and from which it is at times difficult to separate them. . . . They are barbarians, but they are a handful. . . ." He says further, "It is much to be desired and to be hoped that this class may become less hereditary in its character ; there appears to be no doubt that it is now hereditary to a very considerable extent." Many who are familiar with the habits of these people do not hesitate to say that it would be an economy and a great benefit to the country if all habitual criminals were resolutely segregated imder merciful surveillance and peremptorily denied opportunities for pro- ducing offspring. It would abolish a source of suffering and misery to \ future generation, and would cause no unwarrantable hardship in this. Diplomas. It will be remembered that Mr. Booth's classification did not help us beyond classes higher than S in civic worth. If a strong and widely felt desire should arise, to discover young men whose position was of the V, W or X order, there would not be much difficulty in doing so. Let us imagine, for a moment, what might be done in any great uni- versity, where the students are in continual competition in studies, in athletics, or in public meetings, and where their characters are pub- licly known to associates and to tutors. Before attempting to make a selection, acceptable definitions of civic worth would have to be made in alternative terms, for there are many forms of civic worth. The number of men of the V, W or X classes whom the university was qualified to contribute annually must also be ascertained. As was said, the proportion in the general population of the V class to the remainder is as 1 to 300, and that of the W class as 1 in 3,000. But students are a somewhat selected body because the cleverest youths, in a scholastic sense, usually find their way to universities. A considerably high level, both intellectually and physically, would be required as a qualifi- cation for candidature. The limited number who had not been auto- 228 , POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. matically weeded away by this condition might be submitted in some appropriate way to the independent votes of fellow-students on the one hand, and of tutors on the other, whose ideals of character and merit necessarily differ. This ordeal would reduce the possible winners to a very small number, out of which an independent committee might be trusted to make the ultimate selection. They would be guided by personal interviews. They would take into consideration all favorable points in the family histories of the candidates, giving appropriate hereditary weight to each. Probably they would agree to pass over un- favorable points, unless they were notorious and flagrant, owing to the great difficulty of ascertaining the real truth about them. Ample ex- perience in making selections has been acquired even by scientific socie- ties, most of which work well, including perhaps the award of their medals, which the fortunate recipients at least are tempted to consider judicious. The opportunities for selecting women in this way are un- fortunately fewer, owing to the smaller number of female students between whom comparisons might be made on equal terms. In the selection of women, when nothing is known of their athletic proficiency, it would be especially necessary to pass a high and careful medical examination ; and as their personal qualities do not usually admit of being tested so thoroughly as those of men, it would be necessary to lay all the more stress on hereditary family qualities, including those of fertility and prepotency. Correlation between Promise in Youth and subsequent Performance. No serious difficulty seems to stand in the way of classifying and giving satisfactory diplomas to youths of either sex, supposing there were a strong demand for it. But some real difficulty does lie in the question — Would such a classification be a trustworthy forecast of qualities in later life ? The scheme of descent of qualities may hold good between the parents and the offspring at similar ages, but that is not the information we really want. It is the descent of qualities from men to men, not from youths to youths. The accidents that make or mar a career do not enter into the scope of this difficulty. It resides entirely in the fact that the development does not cease at the time of youth, especially in the higher natures, but that faculties and capa- bilities which were then latent subsequently unfold and become promi- nent. Putting aside the effects of serious illness, I do not suppose there is any risk of retrogression in capacity before old age comes on. The mental powers that a youth possesses continue with him as a man; but other faculties and new dispositions may arise and alter the balance of his character. He may cease to be efficient in the way of which he gave promise, and he may perhaps become efficient in unexpected directions. IMPROVEMENT OF THE HUMAN BREED. 229 The correlation between youthful promise and performance in mature life has never been properly investigated. Its measurement presents no greater difficulty, so far as I can foresee, than in other prob- lems which have been successfully attacked. It is one of those alluded to in the beginning of this lecture as bearing on race-improvement, and being on its own merits suitable for anthropological inquiry. Let me add that I think its neglect by the vast army of highly educated persons who are connected with the present huge system of competitive examina- tions to be gross and unpardonable. Neither schoolmasters, tutors, officials of the universities, nor of the State department of education, have ever to my knowledge taken any serious step to solve this impor- tant problem, though the value of the present elaborate system of ex- aminations cannot be rightly estimated until it is solved. When the value of the correlation between youthful promise and adult perform- ance shall have been determined, the figures given in the table of descent will have to be reconsidered. Augmentaiion of Favored Stock. The possibility of improving the race of a nation depends on the power of increasing the productivity of the best stock. This is far more important than that of repressing the productivity of the worst. They both raise the average, the latter by reducing the undesirables, the former by increasing those who will become the lights of the nation. It is therefore all important to prove that favor to selected individuals might so increase their productivity as to warrant the expenditure in money and care that would be necessitated. An enthusiasm to improve the race would probably express itself by granting diplomas to a select class of young men and women, by encouraging their intermarriages, by hastening the time of marriage of women of that high class, and by provision for rearing children healthily. The means that might be employed to compass these ends are dowries, especially for those to whom moderate sums are important, assured help in emergencies dur- ing the early years of married life, healthy homes, the pressure of public opinion, honors, and above all the introduction of motives of religious or quasi-religious character. Indeed, an enthusiasm to improve the race is so noble in its aim that it might well give rise to the sense of a religious obligation. In other lands there are abundant instances in which religious motives make early marriages a matter of custom, and continued celibacy to be regarded as a disgrace, if not a crime. The customs of the Hindoos, also of the Jews, especially in ancient times, bear this out. In all costly civilizations there is a tendency to shrink from marriage on prudential grounds. It would, however, be possible so to alter the conditions of life that the most prudent course for an X class person should lie exactly opposite to its present direction, for 230 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ho or she might find that there were advantages and not disadvantages in early marriage, and that the most prudent course was to follow their natural instincts. We have now to consider the probable gain in the number and worth of adult offspring to these favored couples. First as regards the effect of reducing the age at marriage. There is unquestionably a tendency among cultured women to delay or even to abstain from marriage; they dislike the sacrifice of freedom and leisure, of oppor- tunities for study and of cultured companionship. This has to be reckoned with. I heard of the reply of a lady official of a College for Women to a visitor who inquired as to the after life of the students. She answered that one third profited by it, another third gained little good, and a third were failures. 'But what becomes of the failures?' 'Oh, they marry.' There appears to be a considerable difference between the earliest age at which it is physiologically desirable that a woman should marry and that at which the ablest, or at least the most cultured, women usually do. Acceleration in the time of marriage, often amounting to 7 years, as from 28 or 29 to 21 or 22, under influences such as those mentioned above, is by no means improbable. What would be its effect on productivity ? It might be expected to act in two ways : (1) By shortening each generation by an amount roughly propor- tionate to the diminution in age at which marriage occurs. Suppose the span of each generation to be shortened by one sixth, so that six take the place of five, and that the productivity of each marriage is un- altered, it follows that one sixth more children will be brought into the world during the same time, which is, roughly, equivalent to increasing the productivity of an unshortened generation by that amount. (2) By saving from certain barrenness the earlier part of the child- bearing period of the woman. Authorities differ so much as to the direct gain of fertility due to early marriage that it is dangerous to express an opinion. The large and thriving families that I have known were the offspring of motliers who married very young. The next influence to be considered is that of healthy homes. These and a simple life certainly conduce to fertility. They also act indirectly by preserving lives that would otherwise fail to reach adult age. It is not necessarily the weakest who perish in this way, for instance, zymotic disease falls indiscriminately on the weak and the strong. Again, the children would be healthier and therefore more likely in their turn to become parents of a healthy stock. The great danger to high civilizations, and remarkably so to our own, is the exhaustive drain upon the rural districts to supply large towns. Those who come up to the towns may produce large families, but there is much reason to IMPROVEMENT OF THE HUMAN BREED. 231 believe that these dwindle away in subsequent generations. In short, the towns sterilize rural vigor. As one of the reasons for choosing the selected class would be that of hereditary fertility, it follows that the selected class would respond more than other classes to the above influences. I do not attempt to appraise the strength of the combined six in- fluences just described. If each added one sixth to the produce the number of offspring would be doubled. This does not seem impossible considering the large families of colonists, and of those in many rural districts ; but it is a high estimate. Perhaps the fairest approximation may be that these influences would cause the X women to bring into the world an average of one adult son and one adult daughter in addition to what they would otherwise have produced. The table of descent applies to one son or to one daughter per couple ; it may now be read as specifying the net gain and showing its distribution. Should this esti- mate be thought too high, the results may be diminished accordingly. It is no absurd idea that outside influences should hasten the age of marrying and make it customary for the best to marry the best. A superficial objection is sure to be urged that the fancies of young people are so incalculable and so irresistible that they cannot be guided. No doubt they are so in some exceptional cases. I lately heard from a lady who belonged to a county family of position that a great aunt of hers had scandalized her own domestic circle two generations ago by falling in love with the undertaker at her father's funeral and insisting en marrying him. Strange vagaries occur, but considerations of social position and of fortune, with frequent opportunities of intercourse, tell much more in the long run than sudden fancies that want roots. In a community deeply impressed with the desire of encouraging marriages between persons of equally high ability, the social pressure directed to produce the desired end would be so great as to ensure a notable amount of success. Profit and Loss. The problem to be solved now assumes a clear shape. A child of the X class (whatever X signifies) would have been worth so and so at its birth, and one of each of the other grades respectively would have been worth so and so; 100 X parentages can be made to produce a net gain of 100 adult sons and 100 adult daughters who will be distributed among the classes according to the standard table of descent. The total value of the prospective produce of the 100 parentages can then be estimated by an actuary, and consequently the sum that it is legitimate to spend in favoring an X parentage. The clear and distinct state- ment of a problem is often more than half way towards its solution^ There seems no reason why this one should not be solved between limit- ing values that are not too wide apart to be useful. 232 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Existing Activities. Leaving aside profitable expenditure from a purely money point of view, the existence should be borne in mind of immense voluntary activities that have nobler aims. The annual voluntary contributions in the British Isles to public charities alone amount, on the lowest com- putation, to fourteen million pounds, a sum which Sir H. Burdett asserts on good grounds is by no means the maximum obtainable. ('Hospitals and Charities,' 1898, p. 85.) There are other activities long since existing which might well be extended. I will not dwell, as I am tempted to do, on the endowments of scholarships and the like, which aim at finding and educating the fittest youths for the work of the nation ; but I will refer to that whole- some practice during all ages of wealthy persons interesting themselves in and befriending poor but promising lads. The number of men who have owed their start in a successful life to help of this kind must have struck every reader of biographies. This relationship of befriender and befriended is hardly to be expressed in English by a simple word that does not connote more than is intended. The word 'patron' is odious. Recollecting Dr. Johnson's abhorrence of the patrons of his day, I turned to an early edition of his dictionary in hope of deriving some amusement as well as instruction from his definition of the word, and I was not disappointed. He defines 'patron' as 'a wretch who supports with insolence and is repaid with flattery.' That is totally opposed to what I would advocate, namely a kindly and honorable relation between a wealthy man who has made his position in the world and a youth who is avowedly his equal in natural gifts, but who has yet to make it. It is one in which each party may well take pride, and I feel sure that if its value were more widely understood it would become commoner than it is. Many degrees may be imagined that lie between mere befriendment and actual adoption, and which would be more or less effective in freeing capable youths from the hindrances of narrow circumstances; in en- abling girls to marry early and suitably, and in securing favor to their subsequent offspring. Something in this direction is commonly but half unconsciously done by many great landowners whose employments for man and wife, together with good cottages, are given to exceptionally deserving couples. The advantage of being connected with a great and liberally managed estate being widely appreciated, there are usually more applicants than vacancies, so selection can be exercised. The consequence is that the class of men found upon these properties is markedly superior to those in similar positions elsewhere. It might well become point of honor, and as much an avowed object, for noble fami- lies to gather fine specimens of humanity around them, as it is to procure and maintain fine breeds of cattle and so forth, which are costly, but repay in satisfaction. IMPROVEMENT OF THE HUMAN BREED. 233 There is yet another existing form of princely benevolence which might be so extended as to exercise a large effect on race improvement. I mean the provision to exceptionally promising young couples of healthy and convenient houses at low rentals. A continually renewed settlement of this kind can be easily imagined, free from the taint of patronage, and analogous to colleges with their self-elected fellowships £nd rooms for residence, that should become an exceedingly desirable residence for a specified time. It would be so in the same way that a good club by its own social advantages attracts desirable candidates. The tone of the place would be higher than elsewhere, on account of the high quality of the inmates, and it would be distinguished by an air of energy, intelligence, health and self-respect and by mutual helpfulness. Prospects. It is pleasant to contrive Utopias, and I have indulged in many, of which a great society is one, publishing intelligence and memoirs, hold- ing yearly elections, administering large funds, establishing personal relations like a missionary society with its missionaries, keeping elaborate registers and discussing them statistically with honest precision. But the first and pressing point is to thoroughly justify any crusade at all in favor of race improvement. More is wanted in the way of unbiased scientific inquiry along the many roads I have hurried over, to make every stepping-stone safe and secure, and to make it certain that the game is really worth the candle. All I dare hope to effect by this lecture is to prove that in seeking for the improvement of the race we aim at what is apparently possible to accomplish, and that we are justified in following every path in a resolute and hopeful spirit that seems to lead towards that end. The magnitude of the inquiry is enor- mous, but its object is one of the highest man can accomplish. The faculties of future generations will necessarily be distributed according to laws of heredity, whose statistical effects are no longer vague, for they are measured and expressed in formulse. We cannot doubt the existence of a great power ready to hand and capable of being directed with vast benefit as soon as we shall have learnt to understand and to apply it. To no nation is a high human breed more necessary than to our own, for we plant our stock all over the world and lay the foundation of the dispositions and capacities of future millions of the human race. 234 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE END OF THE FILTH THEORY OF DISEASE. By Dr. CHARLES V. CHAPIN. Ij^OIl half a century in this country, and for a longer time in Eng- -*- land, the filth theory of disease has dominated medical thought and has been accepted with trusting faith by the public, particularly by the better educated portion thereof. The idea that filth is the cause of disease dates back to a much earlier period. It has probably been a common belief among most civilized peoples. In colonial times many of our physicians believed in the close connection between filth and disease, and these notions sometimes found expression in laws. The prevalence of yellow fever in most of our seaboard cities during the last years of the eighteenth century did much to advance the filth theory, for this fever was held by many physicians to be par excellence a filth disease. The popular ideas were doubtless illustrated by the legislation enacted in Massachusetts, which provided for the summary removal of 'any nuisance, source of filth or cause of sickness.' This law has since been copied by fourteen states. The filth theory, how- ever, did not become the vogue until the latter half of the nineteenth century. Its great popularity was largely due to the efforts of three men: Chadwick in England, Pettenkoffer in Germany and Shattuck in the United States, but doubtless most of all to Chadwick. Edwin Chadwick was a lawyer and social reformer. He was intensely humanitarian, and the misery then existent in England appealed most strongly to him. He saw that the poor people were filthy and sick, and he assumed that the sickness was due to the filth. There were some who objected that the relationship was not proved, but their objections amounted to little at a time when scientific reasoning was just beginning to find a place in medical thought. The practical reforms brought about by Chadwick and his followers in improved housing for the poor, improved refuse disposal, the introduction of drainage systems and the betterment of water supplies, certainly resulted in increased comfort, and constituted a decided advance in what we call 'civiliza- tion.' But they did not exterminate the infectious diseases as had been hoped and promised. The filth theory found strong supporters among engineers, and later among drain-layers and plumbers. These men accepted honestly enough the teaching of their medical advisers, and naturally became active propagandists of a theory which demanded such services as they alone could render. END OF FILTH THEORY OF DISEASE. 235 From the middle until nearly the close of the nineteenth century, the germ theory, during the period when it was little else than a theory, furnished many arguments for those who contended that filth was a fertile source of disease. Putrefaction and fermentation were known to be similar processes, and were believed to be due to the vital activity of minute organisms. There were good grounds for believ- ing that diseases of an infectious nature were also dependent on the growth in the body of similar 'germs,' and this theory from 1850 grew rapidly into favor. The germ theory led Dr. Farr, Registrar General of England, to classify most of the infectious diseases as 'zymotic' or fermentative diseases, for the disease poison was supposed to act, as in truth it does, as a ferment in the blood or other tissues in the body. If both putrefaction and disease were due to the action of minute organ- isms, what more reasonable than to believe, said the theorists, that putrefying material harbored and developed the 'germs' of disease? The filth theory then, which has had such a powerful influence on the public mind, assumed that most of the infectious diseases were directly and specifically caused by germs or other more subtle emana- tions from decaying animal or vegetable matter. Furthermore, it was claimed that while such emanations might not in every case produce a specific disease, they did tend almost always to affect injuriously the general health, and lower the vitality of persons habitually exposed. Hence the sewer gas theory which has found such acceptance, and which has taught that the gas formed from the filth in drains is so injurious to human life that portions so minute as not to be appreciated by the senses are yet harmful in the extreme. It was taught by medical men and health officials that filth and decay in every form were a serious menace to health, both from the disease germs which they contain, and the poisonous gases which they give off; and this teaching is received and accepted, even to-day, by a large portion of the medical profession, health officers and the public at large. It is true that ever since this theory was promulgated some have been led to doubt its dicta, because in the first place they often found filth to abound where little zymotic disease existed, and even where the 'general health' of the people was high. On the other hand, zymotic diseases were frequently found in the cleanest of dwellings, and where the best of plumbing kept out all sewer gas. But most sanitary officials accepted the theory as fact, and acted accordingly, some used it simply as a working theory awaiting more definite knowledge, and a few were led by their experience to allow it little weight in their work. As soon as the germ theory of disease ceased to be a mere theory, and the true facts in regard to the etiology of the infectious diseases began to be known, and bacteriology gave us exact knowledge of the 2 36 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. life history of the minute organisms which are their cause, the erro- neous generalizations of the filth theory became apparent. We can now to a large extent discriminate between filth that is dangerous and that which is not. We know that the gaseous emanations from decaying matter do not produce specific disease. We know that the germs themselves are much more rarely air borne than had been thought, and that they are not thrown off into the air from the moist surfaces of the materials where they are largely found. Observations of cholera outbreaks, both in England and this coun- tiy, furnished the best arguments for the filth theory. This disease was in a great number of instances traced to wells or streams polluted with leakage from privies or drains. The disease abounded in filthy locations and among filthy people. It was perhaps natural, though not logical, to accuse all filth as likely to produce cholera. We now know that cholera is due to the comma spirillum and that this germ is thrown off from the patient in the discharges from the bowels, but that outside the body it rarely survives a few days, and practically never increases in number. Excrement from cholera patients may infect drinking water and so cause the disease, or among the uncleanly, fecal matter may be pretty directly transferred from one to another, or food may become infected by hands soiled by fecal matter, or the germs may be carried to the food by flies or other insects. It is not filth that causes cholera, but a particular kind of filth, namely the excrement of cholera patients. Furthermore this filth and its germs are not air borne, they are not breathed in, but taken in through the mouth. This exact knowledge does away with the vague fear of all filth as a cause of the disease, and greatly simplifies the means necessarv to control it. It is true that the filth theorists did much to prevent cholera, for in their warfare against filth they demanded a water supply from a source which could not be contaminated, and they demanded sewers to remove all excremental matter. These great public improvements make it far easier to control cholera than it was before their inception. The filth theorists were successful thus far, because, so far as cholera was concerned, there was a modicum of truth in their theory. What has been said of cholera is applicable also to typhoid fever. This disease is due to a bacillus which does not grow outside of the body, but is carried in excremental filth just as is the cholera spirillum, and it must be controlled in just the same way. The diphtheria bacillus is also strictly parasitic and grows, except in rare instances, on the mucous membrane of human beings. From persons so infected it is transmitted to others, usually by means of cups, spoons, pencils or other articles, or directly by kissing or fondling. Diphtheria was a few years ago considered a filth disease and was END OF FILTH THEORY OF DISEASE. 237 often attributed to sewer gas. We now know that the only filth to be feared is the secretions of infected persons. Bubonic plague has always been classed as a typical filth disease, but here again careful laboratory work has resulted in a vastly clearer knowledge of its causation, though a great deal yet remains to be learned. The bacillus which causes it was discovered by Kitasato in ] 894 ; and it has been found that it rarely if ever increases in numbers outside of the body, but rather tends to die ojff, frequently very rapidly. There is much reason to think that fleas and rats become infected, and iire important factors in the spread of the disease, though more evi- dence on this point is to be desired. In any event it is shown to be a contagious disease, though perhaps not usually directly contagious, and that it does not develop in filth. We might have a perfectly drained city, with modern plumbing, efficient scavenging and the purest of water, yet, if the inhabitants were careless in their habits and opposed isolation, the disease would spread as in an undrained and poorly watered city. It might require rats and fleas to cause an epidemic ; but these animals played no part in the filth theory. Tuberculosis was never classed as a filth disease, though the intro- duction of sewers has been held to cause its decrease, it is claimed by draining the soil. It has, however, been proved to be a bacterial disease, but the bacillus will not grow outside of the body and has no relation to filth, except so far as matter expectorated by a consumptive is filth. Typhus fever, smallpox, scarlet fever, measles and whooping cough have by some enthusiasts been attributed to filth, but very few observ- ant persons who have studied the distribution of these diseases and followed their outbreaks consider them other than purely contagious. They, of course, never originate in filth or develop in filth, but may spread more among filthy people just because such persons use very little soap and water and allow their faces, hands, belongings and dwellings to become and remain smeared with mucus, saliva, pus and other infectious material. Malaria has for centuries been considered to be the product of decaying vegetable matter, but its true relation to such material has only recently been discovered. The mosquito is the bearer of the malarial parasite, which in this case is a protozoan rather than a bac- terium, and the larvge of the particular species of mosquitoes which carry this disease live only in shallow pools where they are protected from their enemies and find an abundance of food. Water which is really filthy is not congenial to them. Yellow fever is the one disease which it has been believed could surely be traced to filth. No disease in this country is so dreaded, and its supposed dependence upon filth has made it the last stronghold of the advocates of this theory. It has been held by almost all observers 238 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. that this disease is carried in fomites, t. e., lives outside of the body, and is thus implanted in new localities, where it develops in a filthy soil, giving rise to new foci of the disease. We have been taught that by keeping a city thoroughly clean, yellow fever could be excluded as it would find no place to grow. Such methods, however, never have been and never could be successful. We all owe a great debt of grati- tude to Surgeon Eeed and his associates for teaching us the true method of combating this disease and dealing a death blow to the filth theory. By their experiments in which they failed to transmit the disease by fomites, they showed that the poison, the exact nature of which still remains unknown, does not live outside of the body and therefore can not develop in filth. The mosquitoes which transmit this disease do, unlike the malarial mosquitoes, often breed in filthy water, such aa cesspools, dirty gutters and the like, and this doubtless is the kernel of truth in the filth theory of its origin. Thus one by one the zymotic diseases have been shown to be purely contagious, and not to have their origin in filth. In not a single one of these diseases has our more exact knowledge placed its source out- side of man or other animals. But it may be argued that though the specific diseases may not arise from filth, we still have to fear the gaseous products of decomposition, and that the foul emanations from sewers, vaults and dung-heaps may undermine the health and pave the way for these diseases. Probably more sins have been attributed to sewer gas than anything else of this kind, but we now know that the air of modern sewers and well constructed drains is practically harm- less. It is true that in confined cesspools and choked drains, injurious gases like sulphuretted hydrogen, marsh gas or carbon dioxide may be formed in such quantities as to be fatal to life, but in ordinary sewers and drains, with their facilities for ventilation and rapid motion of contents, such accumulations are impossible, and a slight leakage of sewer air, which was formerly considered so dangerous, has been shown by the chemists and bacteriologists to be harmless. Foul odors from manure piles, garbage barrels, soap works or offensive manufactories are when concentrated intensely annoying and often nauseating to those who only occasionally breathe them, but those who are constantly exposed to them do not suffer at all and do not notice them. It is also observed that plumbers and sewer cleaners are not at all affected by the odors to which they are exposed. When these odors are slight there is no reason to think that they affect the health at all, and in any event the disturbance which they cause is not lasting. The burden of proof lies with those who claim that the gases of decomposition are a serious menace to health. Most of the alleged proof relates to the production of specific diseases like typhus, typhoid and cholera which we now know can not be caused in any such way. Evidence tried by modern END OF FILTH THEORY OF DISEASE. 239 methods of scientific enquiry is lacking. Such evidence as we have shows that those persons who are constantly exposed to the gaseous products of decomposition do not suffer therefrom. From whatever point of view this matter is discussed, it must not be forgotten that the advocates of the filth theory did much good, for there was a certain amount of truth in the theory. Certain kinds of filth are conveyors of specific disease, and the efforts to secure better water, to build good sewers and drains, and promptly remove excreta from dwellings were true sanitation. The providing of better houses doubtless conduces to greater personal cleanliness and tends to higher standards of living. Full credit should be given to early reformers who labored earnestly according to their knowledge, and accomplished much good and very little evil. It is only those who in the light of more accurate knowledge still hold to the crude ideas of an earlier age with whom the writer would differ. In abandoning the filth theory we should profit by experience and not become wedded too closely to the germ theory. We do know much about bacteria and protozoa and their relation to disease, but vastly more remains to be learned, and it is much to be feared that too many seek to enter the sphere of the unknown by hasty speculation rather than by the slow path of laborious research. Though abandoning the time honored theory which was taught him, the wTiter has not abandoned the fight against filth. Filth is a nui- sance, and is usually an evidence of some one's carelessness of his neigh- bor's comfort. The state or city should certainly protect its citizens against such nuisances. Good sewerage, well swept streets, prompt scavenging, public baths, clean tenements, are all parts, desirable and essential parts, of our civilization. They would be worth what they cost even if they had no relation to health; but the proper disposal of excreta and cleanliness of person doubtless do have much to do with the prevention of the spread of many communicable diseases. Much is to be gained by promoting cleanliness, but nothing by fostering false notions of the dangers of filth. 240 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. EECENT TOTAL ECLIPSES OF THE SUN". By Professor SOLON I. BAILEY, HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. NATURE, when in her sublimest moods, is seldom seen without fear and danger. The tornado furnishes an exhibition full of weird beauty and scientific interest; yet man, in his haste to reach a place of safety, has little time for their contemplation. In the total eclipse of the sun, however, nature provides one spectacle, unsurpassed in grandeur, which may be observed in perfect safety. There was a time, indeed, when the chief emotion caused by an eclipse was fear, that superstitious dread of impending evil, which the presence of the unknown causes. This has now passed away, with the increase of knowledge. Perhaps no better illustration of the changed thought of the world in regard to natural phenomena could be found than a comparison of the following extracts. The first is from the early English chroniclers; William of Malmesbury, writing of the eclipse of March 20, 1140, says: At the ninth hour of the fourth day of the week, there was an eclipse throughout England as I have heard. With us, indeed, and with all our neigh- bors, the obscuration of the sun also was so remarkable that persons sitting at table, for it was Lent, at first feared that chaos was come again; afterwards, learning the cause, they went out and beheld the stars around the sun. It was thought and said by many not untruly that the king would not continue a year in the government. The 'New York Herald' of January 2, 1889, announced the eclipse of the previous day with the following headlines: "The Sun Knocked Out. After about two minutes it comes up smiling. Viewing TJiE Eclipse. Clear skies almost universal along the belt of TOTALITY. Fine photographs taken/" etc., etc. Scientific study is now the chief attraction of an eclipse, although its spectacular beauty is appreciated as never before. Many natural phenomena, which otherwise would attract the systematic attention of scientists, fail to do this in consequence of the irregularity with which they occur. An eclipse of the sun, however, can be computed many years in advance, so that careful plans can be made for its observance. Even here grave trouble is caused by the uncertainties of meteorological science. It is a striking and somewhat discouraging fact that, while one can compute with reasonable accuracy the place and time of an eclipse a hundred years in advance, he cannot safely predict a single TOTAL ECLIPSES OF THE SUN. 241 day before the event Avhether the sky will be clear or clouded. Under these circumstances it is not surprising that many people do not travel to the scenes of total eclipses. Expeditions to eclipses were practically unknown until half a century ago. Before that time man received with varied emotions those which I'rovidence sent him, but did not travel far to seek them. 'Now, expeditions half way round the earth are com- mon. This is not due entirely to the greater scientific zeal of thei present day; probably few living astronomers would care to journey to the antipodes for an eclipse, under the conditions of travel which prevailed one or two centuries ago. About seventy total eclipses of the sun occur each century. The average duration is, perhaps, three miniites, which amounts to about three and a half hours per century. If some Wandering Jew, at the beginning of the Christian era, had started to observe total eclipses of the sun, and had visited every one possible since that time, he would have had less than three whole days for observation. The time, indeed, would have been much less, since many of these eclipses occurred on the ocean, or at inaccessible regions of the earth, and clouds un- doubtedly obscured the sky during half the time of totality. During the last half century, since spectroscopic observations have been carried on, the time during which an individual could have obtained favorable observations has been little, if any, more than a single hour. Under these circumstances the wonder is that it has been possible to accom- plish so much. Many men, however, have worked at different stations along the narrow but extended path of totality, and every device which ingenuity could suggest has been utilized in order to obtain as much as possible in the brief seconds of totality. ISTothing has contributed so much to increase the amount and accuracy of the results as photog- raphy. There is hardly a line of investigation which cannot "be done more quickly and better by photographic than by visual methods. Nevertheless it would be a mistake to abandon visual observations altogether. It may hardly need to be stated that for the most part scientific observations of total eclipses have for their object the promotion of our knowledge about the sun. No one, who understands at all how intimate is our dependence upon that great body, will question the wisdom of such efforts. In order to understand why certain problems can be better studied when the sun's face is covered by the moon, it may be well to outline our knowledge on the subject. The sun, the center of our system, is an exceedingly hot, intensely bright, highly condensed, gaseous body. Its distance is a little less than 9.'\,000,000 miles. Its volume is more than a million times that of the earth. Its specific gravity is somewhat greater than that of water. A gaseous body, denser than water, is something very different VOL. LX. — 16. 242 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. from our ordinar}' conception of a gas. That which we see, which gives tlie snn its apparent size, which sends us our light, is known as the photosphere. This is probably a brilliant shell of metallic clouds float- ing in an atmosphere of vapors of the same materials. There are cer- tain details in this photosphere with which we are familiar, such as l)right patches, known b}^ different names, and sun-spots. For con- venience we may regard this photosphere and all that it contains as the Sun, and all that lies outside this shell as the solar atmosphere. With the sun itself we have little to do in this article, since it can be better observed on any clear day than at time of eclipse. It is, how- ever, only at time of total eclipse that we clearly see all those strange and complex features which make up what we have called the solar atmosphere. In our study of it, however, we must not be governed too much by any analogy with our own atmosphere. Lying next to the body of the sun is a layer of crimson flame, known as the chromo- sphere, which has a thickness of perhaps 5,000 or 6,000 miles. This may seem like a great depth for such a sea of fire, but compared with the enormous size of the sun it is very small indeed, and forms but a thin rose-colored rim about the edge of the sun. At the bottom of this is probably the so-called reversing layer. The solar spectrum is crossed by dark lines due to the elements which there exist. By these dark absorption lines, which are seen in the ordinary solar spectrum, the presence is known of many familiar elements. The higher regions of the chromosphere are less complex and consist in large part of hydrogen. From these regions, by forces which there operate, great masses of brilliant colored gas are throwTi upward to enormous dis- tances, in general 10,000, or 20,000 miles, but often much higher, even to 200,000 or 300,000 miles. Eesting also on the photosphere is the corona, which extends its pearly light outward from the sun to immense distances which must be reckoned in millions of miles. The different parts of the solar atmosphere are brightly luminous, and stand forth in splendid beauty at the instant of totality. The only reason why we do not see them on any clear day is that they are lost in the blinding light of the central sun. The sun's face must be shut out. This service is rendered by the moon at an eclipse. At other times the chief trouble is not that the sun shines directly into our eyes, since a piece of cardboard could be so placed as to cut off the rays. The real difficulty arises from the presence of our atmosphere, which becomes so bright from the diffused light of the sun, that the solar appendages are lost to view. This will be apparent from the daily phenomenon of the appearance by night, and the disappearance by day, of the stars. They are shining just as brightly by day as by. night, and could be seen perfectly well if the atmosphere were removed for a moment. TOTAL ECLIPSES OF THE SUN. 243 C)ne of tlie most siiccessfiilh- observed of recent eclipses was that of Ma}^ 28, ] 900. The duration of totality was only two minutes, but almost perfect weather prevailed everywhere. It was visited by a large number of skilled observers, and an examination of the work per- formed and attempted will give a good idea of what astronomers at the present day hope to learn about the sun at times of total eclipse. As stated above, the ordinary solar spectrum consists of a bright band crossed by dark absorption lines due to a reversing layer present in the chromosphere. At the eclipse of 1870, Professor C. A. Young, who was watching the spectrum of the fast disappearing sun , saw, at the instant when the last bit of the photosphere was covered by the moon, the solar spectrum with its dark lines replaced by a spectrum composed of bright lines. This phenomenon, from the suddenness of its appear- ance became known as the 'Flash.' The 'flash' spectrum is one of the most interesting features of a total eclipse. The depth of the flash layer is very small, and the duration of its greatest intensity very brief, since it is covered by the moon after two or three seconds. To obtain good photogi-aphs of this phenomenon is somewhat difficult. This has been accomplished, however, at the eclipses of 1896 and 1898, and, especially, by several observers, at the eclipse of 1900. Several kinds of spectroscopes are in use. Ordinarily an astronomical spec- troscope consists of a telescope, a narrow slit, a train of prisms, and a small telescope which brings the spectrum to the eye or to the photo- graphic plate. When the object which is to be examined has an area like the sun the use of a slit cannot be avoided. When the source of light is a point, or a narrow line of light, there is no such necessity and the more simple apparatus, known as the slitless spectroscope, or objective prism, may be used. This consists of a prism placed over the lens of the telescope and a photographic plate at the focus. Instead of the prism or prisms a diffraction grating may be used. Professor Pickering, the director of the Harvard Observatory, has obtained for many years fine spectra of the stars by this method, which is an adaptation of the original method of Fraunhofer. An apparatus of this sort used in eclipse work is known as a 'prismatic camera.' It is evident that this form of spectroscope could not be successfully used on the uneclipsed sun, since the resulting spectrum would be simply a confused mass of colored light. There must be a slit, but in the case of total eclipse, nature furnishes it. As the moon at such times has an apparent diameter greater than that of the sun, it is readily seen that at the instant before the moon's disc completely covers the sun there will remain a very narrow crescent of light. At the instant after totality has begun the photosphere will be entirely covered, but for two or three seconds the thin line of chromospheric light remains in view. The two spectra taken at these moments, the one an instant before 244 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY O O M o 05 5 H C H H « H Ph o m !i< W o P5 03 o t» a; b O M n o o o w « H hi 1=4 TOTAL ECLIPSES OF THE SUN. 245 and the other an instant after, the beginning of totality have been called the 'cusp' and the 'flash' spectrum. A similar pair occur, of course, Avhen totality ends, but in reverse order. Figure 1 shows an enlarg'.Mnent of a portion of the cusp spectrum at third contact. This photograph was made by Professor E. B. Frost, of the Yerkes Observa- tory, at the eclipse of 1900. It furnishes an opportunity to compare directly tlie dark linos of the ordinary solar spectrum with the bright lines of the chromosphere. It is of the gTeatest interest to learn whether the two series of lines are identical, in whole or in part, though reversed, and in any case to study the characteristics of these bright lines. This photograph was made about ten seconds after the end of totality. The thin line of the photosphere, which had then emerged from behind the inoon, was drawn out by the prism into the bright band, which constitutes the larger portion of the picture. This is the ordinary solar spectrum. It T^^ill be noted that while in spectra as usually seen the lines are straight, since a straight slit is used, here the lines are arcs, since nature furnishes a crescent of light. An examina- tion of these dark arcs shows that in nearly all cases they become bright lines at the upper edge of the spectrum. This 'reversal'" is due to the fact that just beyond the point where the crescent of sunshine ceased, was a small extension of the chromosphere, which was not covered by the moon. The precise determination of all the facts, which this and other similar photographs teach, is one of the important problems of total eclipses. The problem is somewhat complicated, as pointed out by Professor Frost; for although few dark arcs can be seen which do not terminate in a bright tip the curvature and position appear to be slightly different in some cases for the bright lines. Figure 2 shows the 'flash'" spectra made at the second contact, that is, at the beginning of totality. The sun is entirely hidden by the moon, and all the lines which appear are doubtless due to the chromosphere. Certain irregu- larities, or "Ininches,' in the arcs, however, are due to solar promi- nences. From an examination of these and other photographs Pro- fessor Frost has measured and identified several hundred lines, and has reached the following conclusions: "At least 60 per cent, (and probably many more) of the stronger dark lines of the solar spectrum are found to be bright in a stratum not exceeding (for the majority of the lines) 1", or less than 500 miles in height above the solar photosphere. There is moreover no reason in general to suppose that this is not equally true of the fainter lines. Therefore we may regard the existence of a reversing layer at the base of the chromosphere as fully confirmed by the photographs."' These results are especially important since they contradict to some extent those which have been previously obtained, ^^'hile the elevation of the strata which produce the most of tlie lines is less than 500 miles, the height of other gases 246 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY above the photosphere is as great as 4,000 miles. The bright lines are identified as belonging to iron, titanium, chromium, hydrogen and other elements. Tlie origin of some of the lines is unknown. Although no other time may be so favorable for the study of the reversing layer as at total eclipses, the chromosphere and prominences may nevertheless be well studied on any clear day. In connection with the eclipse of 1868 Janssen and Lockyer each in- dependently discovered that by spectroscopic means the light of the chromosphere and prominences may be so separated from that of the sky as to become visible without an eclipse. The light from the region just outside the sun's limb is composed of skylight and the light of the solar atmosphere. Each is about equally bright. When this com- bined light is passed through a prism, that due to the sky is spread out into a continuous surface, thus becoming much fainter, while that due to the chromosphere or prominence, from its gaseous nature, is collected into bright bands, which thus surpass the skylight in in- tensity and may be seen or photographed. This line of work has been Fig. 3. Gkkat Kkii'tivk I'imim i nence. With Hale Spectkoheliookapii. Made March 25, 1895, lOh. 34 m. A.M. V\i. 1, i.ki.n Va[\ iti\ i; 1'i:(imim:m I.. W ri u Hale Spectkoheliouraph. Made March 25, 1895, lOh. 58n3., A. M. greatly extended by different scientists, notably by Hale, of this country, who, by a device knowDi as the spectro-heliograph, has suc- ceeded in maki]ig, ^A'ithout an eclipse, photographs showing all the pro;minences surrounding the sun and the details of the solar surface at the same time. These photographs are made in monochromatic light. They represent what would be seen if the eye were sensitive to light of the wave-length of the K line only. Figures 3 and 4 show a great eruptive prominence photographed by Professor Hale, March 25, 1895. The interval between the two photographs was 24 minutes, dur- ing wliich time the prominence was thrown upward from a height of TOTAL ECLIPSES OF THE SUN. 247 135,000 miles to 281,000 miles. This implies a velocity of at least 100 miles per second. At times of total eclipse it is perhaps possible to obtain better photographs showing finer details than can be made under other con- ditions. Figure 5 is an enlargement of a photograph made at the eclipse of 1900, by Professor E. E. Barnard, assisted by Mr. G. W. Kitchey. It shows a mass of prominences at the southwest quadrant of the sun. Along the iiTCgular limb of the moon, which appears black, is seen the ragged storm-tossed surface of the chromosphere, of in- creasing depth toward the right owing to the moon's position at the instant of the exposure. Thrown up from this are the vast fantastic masses of the prominences or 'red flames.' They remind us of pic- tures which show the effects produced by the explosion of submarine torpedoes. The larger mass at the left rises to the height of 60,000 Fig. 5. Solar Peojiinences. Eclipse of May 28, 1900. Photographed with a Telescope OF 6 Inches Aperture and 614 feet Focus, by Profes.sor Barnard and Mr. Ritchey. miles. This photograph was made with a telescope of only six inches aperture and six and a half feet focal length, a small instrument compared with some which have been used at recent eclipses. The writer has seen no other photograph of prominences, however, which, in delicacy of detail, surpasses the one here shown. The single feature of a total eclipse which can be seen jind studied only at such times is the corona. In early ages small mention was made of the corona. Apparently the dread of impending evil overwhelmed man, and prevented careful observations. As fear dis- appeared and scientific interest grew, attention was drawn to the 'red flames,' and at nearly the same time to the beautiful halo of light which has been fittingly named the 'corona.' Since that time the favorable moments of totality have been too few to clear up the mystery of its nature. Reasoning from the methods which have made the study of the chromosphere and prominences possible without an eclipse, various attempts have been also made to thus observe and photograph the corona. The simplest way would be by direct vision or photog- raphy. There is no doubt but that, if we could remove for a moment the earth's atmosphere, whose glare interferes with our vision, we 248 POPULAH SCIENCE MONTHLY. should be able to see the chromosphere, prominences and corona with- out any artificial aid. The brightness of the inner corona is about the same as' that of the ordinary sky near the sun. If then one could find I Fig. 6. Solar Cokona. Eclipse of 1889. Near Sunspot Minimim. Harvard Eclipse Party, Willows, California. Fig. 7. Solar Corona. Eclipse of 1930. Near ScS'spot Minimim. Made by Mr. C A. R. LuNDiN at Southern Pines, N. C. a locality where the sky was extraordinarily clear, he uiight hope, by placing a shield in front of the sun itself, to see these fainter features. The writer of this article made an attempt several years ago in this TOTAL ECLIPSES OF THE SUN. 249 way on the summit of El Misti, Peru, at an elevation of 19,300 feet. At this altitude one-half the earth's atmosphere is below the observer and that which remains is of extraordinary clearness. Photographs were made of the region immediately about the sun, using an opaque disc to protect the plate from the sun's direct image. The true corona did not appear upon the plates. Other methods promised better results, such as the use of monochromatic light, presumably that of the line 'K 1474.' Experiments in this line have been carried on by Professor Hale with skill and enthusiasm on the summit of Pike's Peak, on Mount Etna and elsewhere, but without success. He has also attempted to solve the difficulty by a study pi the heat, using the bolometer. Recent investigations given below explain the failure FiG.S. Soi.AK Corona. Eclipse of 1893. Near Scnspot Maximum. Made by Peofessoe J. M. SCHAEBERLE, LiCK OBSERVATORY. of this method. The polarization of the coronal light also suggests a method which has not vet vielded successful results. Although the future may furnish the solution, none of the attempts yet made has ])een successful, aiid for the present our only knowledge of the corona must be obtained from what can be learned during the brief moments of total eclipses. Good photographs of the corona can be easily and rapidly made and if an abundance of these were alone necessary our knowledge would be well advanced. The general features of the corona have a certain permanence. Comparatively slight changes are known to take place during the three or four hours while an eclipse is passing over the surface of the earth. There may be, however, finer details than are shown on the best photographs jQt obtained, which 2 so POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. would give witness to more rapid changes. From year to year large changes in the form of the corona occur and these appear to be asso- ciated with the sun-spot period. Tliis is a natural inference, especially since the solar prominences are thus associated. This is well shown by a comparison of the form of the corona in 1889 and 1900, wliich occurred near the sun-spot minimum, with the form in 1893, which was near sun-spot maximum. These are given in Figures 6, 7 and 8. The equatorial streamers and the divergent polar streamers are much more pronounced at the time of sun-spot minimum. At maximimi the corona is more nearly circular. The polar streamers are beautifully shown in Figure 9, a photograph made by the eclipse party, which was under the direction of Secretary Langley, of the Smithsonian In- stitution. The true nature of the corona and the complex changes which it undergoes are unknown. The spectroscope is the magician's wand which science generally uses to reveal the constitution of un- known objects, but in this case the revelation is only partial. In 1869 Professor Young found the spectrum to be characterized by a bright line in the green, which he identified as Kirchhoff's line 1474. The unknown substance which produces this line has been given the name 'coronium.' There are also other less conspicuous bright lines. When the name 'helium' was assigned to the origin of certain lines in the solar spectrum, no such terrestrial substance was known. Later it was found by Eamsay. A similar issue for coronium would be very accept- able. The corona also yields a faint continuous spectrum, in which Janssen and others have reported certain dark lines of the solar spec- trum. This signifies, that in addition to luminous gases, giving a spectrum of bright lines, the corona contains some substance, like a cloud, which is capable of reflecting ordinary sunlight. A part of the light appears to be polarized. It is thought by some observers that there is also a bright continuous spectrum free from dark lines. If true, this would imply a three-fold origin to the coronal light. For the explanation of the corona we have the diffraction theory of Has- tings, the mechanical theory of Schaeberle, the magnetic theory of Bigelow, and others. The complete solution of the problem is of the greatest difficulty and of the greatest importance. At the eclipse of 1900 some experiments with that remarkable instrument, the bolometer, appear to throw new light on this subject. These experiments were made by Secretary Langley's chief assistant, Mr. C. I. Abbott, who reached the following conclusions : These observations indicate not only that the coronal radiation is very slight, but that the apparent temperature of the inner corona is below 20° C. For it will be noticed that the bolometer lost heat hy radiation to the corona, as evidenced by a negative deflection. Hence, when we consider its visual photometric brightness at the point where the bolometric measures were taken, TOTAL ECLIPSES OF THE SUN. 251 which, judging bj- llie results obtained by several observers during the eclipses of 1870, 1878, and 1898, was at least equal to that of the full moon, it is diffi- cult to understand how the light of the corona can be due largely to reflection of rays from the sun, or even to the incandescence of dust particles, for from sources of these kinds, which emit a great preponderance of invisible infra-red rays, the bolometer would have given large positive deflections. . . The im- portant result of a comparison of the radiations of the inner corona, the full moon, and the daylight sky somewhat remote from the sun is that while the three are roughly of equal visual brightness, the corona is effectively a cool and far from intense source, while the moon and sky are effectively warm and many fold richer in radiation. Hence it would appear plausible that the corona merely sends out visible rays and that its light is not associated with the great preponderance of long wave-length rays proper to tlie radiation from bodies at a high temperature. If this be so the coronal radiation might be compared with that from the positive electrical discharge in vacuum tubes, in which, as researches of K. Angstrom and R. W. Wood, have shown, there is neither an infra-red spectrum nor a high temperature. Fig. 9. South Polar Stkeameks. Eclipse of 1900. PiiuTotiRAPHED with a Telescope OF 135 FEET Focal Length by Mr. Smillie, of the Smithsonian Eclip.se Party. These conclusions are of so great importance that it is very de- sirable that the observations upon which they depend, should be repeated at other eclipses. It is, therefore, very unfortunate that Mr. Abbott at the recent eclipse at Sumatra was prevented by clouds from carrying out the observations wliicli he had traveled so far to obtain. Other observers, however, were no more fortunate. Professor E. E. Barnard was provided with a telescope of 611^ feet focus, and with plates forty inches square, but was prevented by clouds from obtain- ing results of much value. This was the fate, also, of many other observers from different countries, who had taken stations in different parts of Sumatra. Results of value were obtained, however, by the party from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, whose photo- graphs of the corona are unsurpassed. At the Island of Mauritius, also, the English astronomers obtained valuable results. As a whole 252 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the eclipse of 1901 probably failed to add much to our knowledge of the sun. Aside from the problems relating to the sun's constitution, there is still outstanding the question as to the existence of an intra- mercurial planet. This problem can be studied to much greater advantage at total eclipses than at other times. Photographic charts can be made of the whole region about the sun during totality. An examination of several sets of such photographs, taken at different eclipses, should confirm or ref^^te the existence of such a planet. For greater certainty the sky should be photographed in duplicate at each eclipse. Although sufficient material for the decision of this question could apparently he accumulated rapidly, this has not yet been accom- plished for a variety of reasons. At the eclipse of 1900, several parties were provided with apparatus especially planned for this work. The weather was everywhere perfect, but accidents of one kind or another affected the results. The Smithsonian party, however, obtained pho- tographs, one of which showed stars fainter than the eighth magnitude. Several suspicious objects Avere found on these plates, which remain unconfirmed, owing to the failure of other attempts. This and other questions, which, it was hoped, would be decided by the eclipse of 1901, must await some later eclipse for their solution. To-day, although much is known about the sun, its deeper secrets are yet unraveled. The foundations of physical science appear, in- deed, to be somewhat shaken. It is hinted that molecules and atoms are, after all, but 'convenient fictions,' signifying, perhaps, that the human mind is not capable of grasping the ultimate conditions of matter. We hear of corpuscles, wliich are inconceivably small 'frag- ments of atoms.' These corpuscles are carriers of electricity. It may be that in this line lies the explanation of many terrestrial, solar, and even cosraical, phenomena. FiaiZ-Jl fi/VCON ra I fiy :y..ry. t/ 'ti liia'j t ijsi by Rytc^at-d, ^c(0e