5$i POPULATION STATUS AND ECOLOGY OF TREMBLING ASPEN AND BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES ON THE BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION Prepared for: The Blackfeet Nation- Fish and Wildlife Department and United States Fish and Wildlife Service Prepared by: Stephen V. Cooper, Vegetation Ecologist Bonnie L. Heidel,' Botanist Montana Natural Heritage Program of the Natural Resource Information Systems 1515 East 6th Avenue Helena, MT 59620-1800 © 1997 Montana Natural Heritage Program Challenge Cost-Share Agreement No. 14-48-0006-96-3034 Montana State Library 3 0864 1006 3967 6 © 1997 Montana Natural Heritage Program This document should be cited as follows: Cooper, S. V. and B. L. Heidel. 1997. Population status and ecology of trembling aspen and black cottonwood communities on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 35 pp. plus appendices. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A combined botanical/ecological survey was conducted of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation's aspen parklands, targeting specifically moist to wet habitats thereof. Ecological and botanical data were entered into standard data bases, ECODATA for community attributes and BCD for botanical features, and analyzed by various multivariate techniques. The results should contribute to effective land management by providing for identification of unique habitats, especially those with wetland attributes, and placing information gathered into a statewide and national perspective. Three plant associations, Populus tremuloides / Osmorhiza occidentalis, P. tremuloides /Cornus stolonifera, and P. tremuloides / Calamagrostis canadensis, are identified, described, rated for rarity and a vegetative key has been constructed for their field identification. One association, P. tremuloides / O. occidentalis, has exemplary representations on reservation lands and is highly likely to be relatively rare across the whole of its distribution; this report contains the most complete ecological description of this type and qualifies its uniqueness. Structural and population analysis of these moist to wet aspen stands indicate most of them will continue to be dominated by P. tremuloides and Populus trichocarpa. These two species are replacing themselves but in certain situations the shade-tolerant Picea spp. and Abies lasiocarpa are entering stands and population trends indicate they will eventually become canopy dominants. Factors favoring the establishment of conifers in aspen stands were not explicitly identified, but cattle use is thought to play a part. Disease, decay and animal impacts to these stands are also described. These vegetation types constitute a significant source of biodiversity. Though no TES plant species were located in any of the stands sampled, the within plot plant diversity was quite high (>30 species/plot) and the 167 plant species found in these three plant associations is a remarkably high figure for forested environments. For very similar communities and habitats it has been documented that they constitute crucial habitat for neotropical migrant bird species as well as other avians. These moister aspen types also provide an abundant grizzly bear (Ursus horribilis) herbaceous food source in the spring. L_ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project was facilitated by the coordination efforts of Ira Newbreast, Blackfeet Nation-Department of Fish and Wildlife and Mitch King, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Cedron Jones, Montana Natural Heritage Program (MTNHP), digitized sampling locations, placed them in a GIS environment and generated appropriate map products. Scott Lee Chadde (MTNHP) provided guidance on data base structure and statistical procedures. Several Blackfeet Nation wetlands specialists made site visits and assisted in field work, including Mary Clare Weatherwax, Brian Fitzpatrick, and Joseph Butterfly. A challenge cost-share agreement between the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Montana Natural Heritage Program, augmented by a generous monetary contribution from The Nature Conservancy, funded this project. Blackfeet Nation personnel provided direction and coordination for the project and most especially permission to access their lands. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. STUDY AREA 3 III. METHODS 5 Data Collection 5 Data Analysis 8 IV. RESULTS and DISCUSSION 11 Community Ecology and Classification 11 Wetlands Determinations 24 Stand Structure and Successional Status 28 Disease, Defect, and Pests 35 Animal Impacts 37 Rare Plant Species/Floristics 39 V. CONCLUSIONS 40 VI. LITERATURE CITED 42 FIGURES Figure 1. Trembling aspen ecology: ECODATA sampling plot locations on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation 6 Figure 2. Two-dimensional ordination of 37 samples of trembling aspen-black cottonwood forests of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation 12 Figure 3. Key to lifeform groups and selected deciduous forest types of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation 15 Figure 4. Plot of near maximum tree age and tree height (feet) versus tree diameter (inches) at breast height 29 Figure 5. Frequency distributions by species for the largest size class represented within each stand, a) for Populus tremuloides, b) for Populus trichocarpa 31 m TABLES Table 1 . Montana Plant Species of Special Concern documented to occur in or adjoining aspen habitat 8 Table 2. Wetland determination results; matrix of sample plots by jurisdictional wetland parameters and community type 25 APPENDICES Appendix A. Trembling aspen-black cottonwood communities: Cover synthesis, or "Stand" Table. Appendix B. Trembling aspen-black cottonwood communities: Constancy-Cover Table (constancy, average abundance, and range of cover values). Appendix C. Scatterplots of stem density by 2 inch size classes without regard to species. Appendix D. Trembling aspen-black cottonwood tree populations by site and species diameter classes. Appendix E. Trembling aspen-black cottonwood basal area by site, species, and sampling technique. Appendix F. Vascular plant species occurring in trembling aspen-black cottonwood stands. Appendix G. Application of comprehensive onsite determination method to selected trembling aspen-black cottonwood stands. Appendix H. Montana Natural Heritage Program Community Survey Form. Appendix I. Montana Natural Heritage Program Ocular Plant Species Data Form. Appendix J. Annotated photographs documenting examples of the Populus tremuloides I Cornus stolonifera, P. tremuloides / Calalmagrostis canadensis and P. tremuloides / Osmorhiza occidentalis plant associations IV POPULATION STATUS AND ECOLOGY OF TREMBLING APEN AND BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES ON THE BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION I. INTRODUCTION Trembling aspen stands on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation (BIR) are among the most extensive, intact, and well-developed in the Northern Rocky Mountains, spanning a continuous gradient of terrestrial-to-wetland conditions in combination with black cottonwood. These stands are pivotal in evaluating the overall status and characteristics of aspen in the Northern Rockies, and their closely-associated wildlife resources. Staff members of the Montana Natural Heritage Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Fish and Wildlife Department of the Blackfeet Indian Nation, convened in late winter of 1996 to discuss research and inventory opportunities and priorities on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation (BIR). It was concurred that the wet communities dominated by trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) are the most vulnerable and least well-documented, as well as having exceptionally high wildlife values. This in turn made them a priority for baseline characterization and management analysis covering wetland delimitation, successional status and condition. Other studies have documented that the high wildlife values of aspen stands in general, and the wet aspen-cottonwood stands in particular, include disproportionately high Neotropical migrant breeding bird use compared to these stand's areal extent on the landscape, critical spring-early summer foraging grounds for grizzly bear, a buffered travel corridor and cover for big game between the extremes of the plains and the montane forests, and a structural landscape component that enhances overall wildlife diversity. Preliminary evidence has also been compiled that their uniqueness is also reflected in a diverse flora that includes rare plant species. The seminal work on aspen types of BIR lands was conducted by Lynch (1955), but keys were not developed for the classification, leaving questions of delineation and distinction unresolved among the mesic-wet types. Among the documented plant community types was the trembling aspen - black cottonwood/ western sweet-cicely type (Populus tremuloides-Populus trichocarpa/Osmorhiza occidentalis) that is not known in other states and barely documented in Canada. It is identified as a plant community type which may be imperiled throughout its range (Grossman et al. 1994). It is treated as a wetland type by the Montana Riparian Association (Hansen et al. 1995), with meager information for differentiating it from terrestrial types. 1 This study was set up to document the population status and ecology of trembling aspen and black cottonwood communities on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation as a baseline reference and management tool. Specifically, it addresses community classification, wetland delimitation, successional status, vigor and mortality conditions , and rare plant species. II. STUDY AREA The aspen parkland of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation (BIR) consists of a distinct zone of parkland-fescue grassland mosaic between the eastern front of the Lewis Range of the Rocky Mountain Cordillera and the Great Plains. The parkland lies principally within the western edge of the BIR but on south slopes of narrow mountain valleys it advances into the eastern edge of adjacent Glacier National Park and on north-facing valley slopes it extends into the plains. This zone characterized by the prevalence of aspen usually does not much exceed 1, 000 vertical feet, from 4,500 to 5,750 feet; exceptional stands can be found above and below these limits due to compensating factors (such as moist conditions associated with steep north-facing slopes of ridge systems set in a plains environment). Its distribution largely corresponds with surficial geology, namely ground moraines deposited by Pleistocene Epoch, Wisconsin Stage glaciers (see maps in Lynch 1955). The St. Mary Glacier was fed by tributary glaciers from drainages in which now flow Divide, Red Eagle, Swiftcurrent, Boulder, and Kennedy Creeks and extended down the St. Mary Valley for some 36 miles. Marking the eastern extremity of the parkland are the lateral moraines on the western slopes of Saint Mary Ridge and which course up the St. Mary Valley to then extend northeastward, passing around the eastern end of Duck and Goose Lake. Outwash fans consisting of cobbles and other coarse material formed at the Kennedy, Swiftcurrent, Wild and Divide Creeks. The bottom of the valley north of Lower Saint Mary Lake is filled with coarse material similar to that in the outwash fans. Where soils are well-developed or depth to water table is shallow these coarse materials support trembling aspen, but where a thin soil mantle prevails these coarse materials support Fescue (fescue)- and Agropyron (wheatgrass)-dominated grasslands. From Hudson Bay Divide south, aspen parkland covers Wisconsin-age drift in the valley of Cutbank Creek to a short distance west of the Park boundary. South of Two Medicine Valley the parkland grades into a mixture of communities dominated by aspen, conifers, and herbaceous species. These vegetation types occupy ground moraines deposited by the Two Medicine Glacier, which was fed by glaciers originating in the Two Medicine Valley, Marias Pass, and in the valleys stretching south to Heart Butte. The parkland, especially the moister sites, occupies primarily troughs and depressions in the ground moraine complex on the lower slopes of the valleys mentioned above and similar habitats at the head of the extensive Milk River drainage system. Argillites and limestones are the primary rock types contributing to the glacial till, whereas the bedrock appears to be Cretaceous sandstone. At the drier, plains portion of its distribution the aspen parkland rather abruptly gives way to rough fescue (Festuca scabrella)- and Idaho fescue (F. idahoensis)-dom'mated grasslands of lower elevation, drier sites having thinner soils. Within predominantly forested landscape aspen stands also have relatively narrow transitions to conifer dominated stands. The conifer dominants range from Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), typical of younger stands and drier environments, to subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and hybrid swarms of Engelmann with white spruce (P. glauca) that characterize older stands and more mesic environments. Potentially at least, two orders, nine Subgroups, and thirteen series are represented in our sampling, however, almost all of the soil mapping units that include aspen-black cottonwood are complexes and associations (e.g. Nettleton-Mikesell clay loams); thus it is not possible to distinguish even Orders at the plot level without fully describing a profile. The 37 sample plots occurred over 16 different soil mapping units, including one unit that was mapped as unequivocal wetland, Fresh Water Swamp. A synopsis of the soils (their taxonomy) on which we found aspen parkland well developed is as follows: Order level Subgroup level Series Alfisols Typic Cryoboralf Loberg, Mikesell, Sw Mollisols Pachic Cryoboroll Adel, Gallatin, Typic Cryoboroll Babb Argic Pachic Cryoboroll Bumette Typic Cryaquolls Gapo Boralfic Cryoboroll Mord Argiaquix Xeric Argialboll Nettleton Calcic Cryoboroll Hanson, Raynesford Typic Calciaquolls Bear Lake Fresh Water Swamp III. METHODS Data Collection From previous field trips to forested lands of the BIR we were well acquainted with the distribution of trembling aspen and black cottonwood stands with respect to landscape position. Scanning orthophoto quads enabled us to identify areas with relatively extensive mature stands in relatively mesic landscape positions (more mesic than the average trembling aspen stand which generally occupies upland and hillslope positions). At areas of extensive trembling aspen we walked the landscape, focusing our search on positions known, or hypothesized, to be associated with a higher than average soil moisture regime. We sought homogeneity of vegetation composition and structure (across a given position) in selecting a representative plot within the stand. In general we attempted to sample stands that appeared to have a plant composition that indicated higher than average moisture regime. Sampling was spread along the whole of the Reservation's parkland (Figure 1) however, certain areas of extensive parkland, such as the vicinity of Kiowa, were more intensively sampled. All sample plots were circular (37.2 ft radius), 1/10 acre in area. Information regarding location, abiotic site variables and plant composition (canopy coverage) was collected on the Natural Heritage Program Community Survey Form (Appendices G & H). The Community Survey Form is a derivation of the General Plot Data and the Ocular Plant Species Data Forms employed by the USDA Forest Service (Northern Region) as a portion of their ECODATA (USDA 1996) community sampling package. We chose this approach because it provides a state-of-the-art relational data base structure for storage, retrieval, and export to analysis programs and is compatible with methods used by various government agencies collaborating with The Nature Conservancy. The same size plot was also employed to determine diameter class distribution. Tree size and diameter classes employed were those defined by the U. S. Forest Services' Northern Region: seedlings (>6 in., < 4.5 ft. or < 1 in. d.b.h.), saplings (> 4.5 ft. or > 1 in . and < 5 in. d.b.h.), pole (> 5 in. to < 9.0 in d.b.h.), mature (> 9 in. and < 14 in. d.b.h.), large mature (> 14 in. d.b.h.). Initially all stems greater than 1 in. d.b.h. were counted by 1 inch diameter classes up to 6 in. in diameter and by 2 inch classes for trees with a greater than 6 in. diameter at breast height; later in the study we changed to tallying by 1 inch classes across all stem sizes, realizing this finer resolution did not slow the process and afforded a fine-scale documentation of size class distributions. The coverage of all vascular undergrowth species was tallied by the following canopy cover classes (percent values, see Daubenmire 1959): 0; T = >0, <1; P = *1, <5; 1 = ;>5,<15; 2 = ;>15, <25; 3 = >25, <35; 4 = ^35, <45; 5 = ^45, <55; 6 = ^55, <65; 7 = ^65, <75; 8 = ^75, <85; 9 = >85, <95; F = ;>95. Photographs to document the general aspect of stand structure and undergrowth composition were taken for all sites. An examination of the stand was conducted for any indicators of hydrological status (e.g. wrack lines, Trembling aspen ecology: ECODATA sampling plot locations on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation Reservation Area Glacier National Park National Forest Area -32#^3 £ Montana Natural Heritage Program, March 1 7, 1 997 sediment deposits) as outlined by the "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual" (Environmental Laboratory 1987). To gain insight as to the time of last major stand disturbance and general age class distribution information we attempted to core at least one healthy appearing (no conks, cankers or obvious signs of root rot) individual from the largest size class represented in the plot; if coring five or six trees on the plot did not result in countable cores we generally discontinued coring. Sometimes coring was continued when healthy specimens, of the same size class as those within the plot, were found outside the plot. Soil pits were excavated only deep enough to yield information about the degree and extent of soil saturation; generally this was not deeper than 50 cm. (20 inches). The features consistently noted were those pertinent to soil water regime: Distance to and height above water bodies, depth to free water or saturation, whether mottling and gleying were present, the depth at which these phenomena occurred and their strength of expression and depth of calcium carbonate accumulation. Other features were noted as appropriate to the determination of whether soils were hydric or not. Usually these features related to soil texture, shape and strength of peds, and distinctness of horizon boundaries. Soil samples were collected from the following depths (in cm) 0-10, 10-20, and when warranted, 20-30. These samples were air dried and stored for later determination of soil color (hue and chroma), pH and conductivity. Soil series was determined from published soil maps (USDA Soil Conservation Service and USDI Bureau of Indian Affairs 1980) and compared against data collected in the field. Field notes were taken on types and degrees of diseases and defects present on trees with primary guidance to field identification offered by Hiratsuka et al. (1995), Hagle et al. (1990) and Hinds (1985). Certain of the readily identifiable trunk rots, especially the presence of conks of Phellinus tremulae (syn. Fomes igniarius var. populinus, white trunk rot or white heart rot) and cankers, were systematically noted when tallying trees by size class. Sensitive plant surveys were conducted on slightly fewer than half the plots inventoried, when a botanist familiar with all search images for sensitive, threatened, and endangered species accompanied the field staff. The process of sensitive species surveys can be summarized as follows; 1) Check for sensitive plant records in and around the project area, 2) Set species search targets and time frames for fieldwork, 3) Survey appropriate habitat at the crucial times of the growing season, 4) Collect information on any sensitive plant populations, also documenting them in photographs and specimens. The Biological Conservation Database (BCD) was searched for all records of special status features, including sensitive species; none of the these species are known to be associated with trembling aspen parkland or black cottonwood stands in Glacier County, although elsewhere Montana Plant Species of Species of Concern have been documented in or adjoining trembling aspen (Table 1). Many of 7 Table 1 . Montana Plant Species of Special Concern potentially occurring in or adjoining aspen habitat. SPECIES COMMON NAME (SCIENTIFIC NAME) COUNTIES OF DISTRIBUTION Round-leaved orchis (Amerorchis rotundifolia) Flathead, Glacier, Lewis and Clark, Lincoln, Pondera, Power, Teton Short-styled columbine (Aquilegia brevistyla) Judith Basin, Sweetgrass Sitka columbine (Aquilegia formosa) Beaverhead Craw's sedge (Carex crawei) Cascade, Pondera, Power, Prairie, Teton Yellow lady's-slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum) Flathead, Gallatin, Granite, Judith Basin, Lake, Lewis & Clark, Lincoln, Missoula, Park, Stillwater, Sweetgrass, Tton Buckler fern (Dryopteris cristatd) Flathead, Lake, Missoula, Ravalli Giant helleborine (Epipactis giganted) Carbon, Cascade, Flathead, Granite, Lake, Madison, Power, Teton Northern rattlesnake-plantain (Goodyera repens) Fergus, Flathead, Judith Basin, Meagher, Wheatland Green gentian {Halenia deflexd) Flathead, Lincoln Heart-leaved buttercup (Ranunculus cardiophyllus) Glacier, Sweetgrass, Toole Northern buttercup (Ranunculus pedatifidus) Flathead, Glacier, Granite, Liberty, Toole Desert groundsel (Senecio ereophilus) Hill, Park these species are boreal at their southern limits and the majority are also wetland species. Throughout this report the scientific plant names are consistent with the older taxonomic treatment of Hitchcock and Cronquist (1984) to facilitate comparison and use with conventional range management, wildlife and forestry references. The scientific and common names of all species found in sampled plots and a rudimentary attempt to synonomize them with the most recent treatments are presented, alphabetized by scientific name within lifeform, in Appendix F. Data Analysis Analysis included a combination of ordination, to describe general patterns of communities in relation to environmental gradients, and classification, to ascertain and describe community types. Ordination was performed using detrended correspondence analysis (DECORANA, Hill 1979b); the input data being comprised of species cover (the midpoint values of cover classes) by stand. This is an indirect ordination method in that analysis is performed on the species data alone first and then environmental interpretation is made by superimposing environmental data on the ordination plots and examining the overlay for patterns and correlations. All default options were employed when running the ordination algorithm. Because only the moist to wet end of the moisture gradient for a single formation was the object of study, beta diversity was relatively low and there was no need to stratify the data set based on say, dominant lifeform in the undergrowth layer. We also applied canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) using the computer program CANOCO (ter Braak 1988). CCA differs from the classical indirect ordination approach because it incorporates the correlation and regression between vegetation data and environmental factors within the ordination itself and thus constitutes a direct ordination. The input data consists of a data matrix of species by quadrats (stands) and a second matrix of environmental variables by quadrats (stands). The resulting ordination diagram thus expresses both the patterns of variation in floristic (or stand) composition and the principal relationships between species (or stands) and each of the environmental variables. We restricted our analysis to environmental variables that best capture wetland status, soil mottling and gleying; other important wetland variables expressing hydrologic status, e.g. depth to water table or saturation, registered too many zero observations for their use as statistical predictors. Objective classification of vegetation was accomplished using two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN, Hill 1979a); No data transformations were employed and all default options in the TWINSPAN algorithm were used, except that pseudospecies cut levels were set at 0, 5 and 20 percent cover. Insights into species occurrence and probable assemblages suggested by TWINSPAN were combined with field insights accumulated by the investigator and the plots were then subjectively grouped using STRATA (USDA Forest Service). Existing classifications of vegetation types, particularly of Montana wetland types (Hansen et al. 1995), dictated more the units we recognized than any single source of information. We attempted to make our interpretations fit existing modes of interpretation, in so far as the data would allow. Analysis of stand structure consisted of plotting frequencies of live and dead stems by size classes to determine visually what might be occurring with tree populations. Patterns of ingrowth and mortality were compared with cases of typical patterns of forest reproduction and senescence (Oliver and Larson 1996) to determine the probable future course of BIR trembling aspen-black cottonwood parkland. The "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual" (Environmental Laboratory 1987) is currently the document used to assess whether a putative wetland in fact meets wetland criteria. Information collected regarding hydrology, soils and vegetation was tabularized and weighed to determine whether the plot (and not necessarily the whole stand) met wetland criteria. 10 IV. RESULTS and DISCUSSION Community Ecology and Classification We present only the CCA ordination results (biplot) in Figure 2 as one result of data exploration, ascertaining the degree to which the only consistently measurable environmental variables were associated with stand (plot) position in vegetation and environmental space. The resulting ordination (biplot) is a product of the variability of the environmental data, the nominal variables gleying and mottling [positive associations GY, MY; negative associations (GN, MN), the ordinal variables chroma and value and the variability of the plot composition data (species coverages). The ordination diagram (Figure 2) expresses not only the patterns of variation in floristic composition but also demonstrates the principal relationships between stands of vegetation (plots) and each of the environmental variables. The arrows point in the direction of maximum change in these environmental variables across the diagram and their length is proportional to the magnitude of change in that direction. Thus the plots of the upper left quadrant are positively associated with gleying (GY arrow) and mottling (MY arrow). Note that the plots of this quadrant are all underlined which indicates that they unequivocally satisfy the criteria for "jurisdictional wetland" (see page under Wetland Determinations section for explanation of "jurisdictional wetlands"). The arrows for low chroma and low value are weaker and indicate a few true wetlands plots (that have weak indications of mottling and gleying) that possess very dark (low value rating, high organic matter content) and grey soils (low chroma, lacking color). Soils of these plots (numbers 42, 48, 39) were judged to be incipiently gleyed; they were not actually gleyed or mottled due to their developing on a coarse- textured substrate (sands and sandy loams) wherein gleying seldom develops due to adequate aeration (oxygen supply). More than forty years have passed since Lynch (1955) conducted his study of trembling aspen "groveland" ecology. His study recognized three trembling aspen- or black cottonwood-dominated plant associations, Populus tremuloides/Symphoricarpos albus, Populus/Aster foliaceus, and Populus / Osmorhiza occidentalis. We have found the latter two of these associations, named only as Populus because they contained both P. tremuloides and P. trichocarpa, to be undifferentiate and propose merging them. We have documented two additional mesic to wetland associations, P. tremuloides / Calamagrostis canadensis and P. tremuloides/ Cornus stolonifera as defined elsewhere by Hansen et al. (1995). We also observed three other trembling aspen-dominated forest associations in uplands, P. tremuloides / Calamagrostis rubescens, P. tremuloides / Carex geyeri (Mueggler 1988) and P. tremuloides/Symphoricarpos albus (Cooper and Pfister 1981). 11 + 1.0 AXIS 2 MY -1.0 + 1.0 AXIS 1 Chroma, low 42 Value, low -1.0 Figure 2. Sample plot/environment CCA biplot ordination of 37 of trembling aspen-black cottonwood-dominated forests of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. The numbers represent the last two digits of ECODATA plot numbers; those underlined represent plots that unequivocally qualify as jurisdictional wetlands. Arrows representing each environmental variable (GY = Increasing Gleying, GN = Decreasing Gleying, MY = Increasing Mottling, MN = Decreasing Mottling) point in the direction of maximum change in that variable across the diagram; the arrow's length is proportional to proportional to the magnitude of change in that direction. 12 Lynch did not provide a key for plant association identification. Had he attempted to do so, he well may have experienced the difficulty we encountered in trying to separate his types on the landscape. We often encountered stands of pure P. tremuloides with Symphoricarpos albus dominant in the undergrowth, but mesic- to wet-site indicators (e. g. Angelica arguta, Geum macrophyllum, Viola canadensis, and Calamagrostis canadensis) also present and occasionally abundant. Is this a P. tremuloides/S. albus or a P. tremuloides/O. occidentalis plant association? Lynch did not employ the indicator concept, that the coverage or mere presence of certain plants is indicative of certain site conditions. Building upon Lynch's work and operating from a much expanded data base of vegetation stands and soils information we are proposing a revision of aspen and black cottonwood synecology for this area. For instance, Lynch did not note finding Angelica arguta, Festuca subulata or Schizachne purpurascens, all of which are important components of many stands we sampled; his sampling intensity or time of sampling was such that these species went unrepresented in the data base. He listed 36 species occurring in the P. tremuloides/Osmorhiza occidentalis p. a., whereas we have documented, based on 18 more plots than Lynch sampled, an additional 1 1 1 species for roughly the same portion of the environmental gradient. Our revision is in the best tradition of "successive approximation" (Poore 1962) that holds ecological conceptions regarding an area can be fine-tuned with additional sampling and analysis as an incremental approach to the most appropriate description or model. We chose to focus on the wetter end of the moisture gradient represented by the Populus/O. occidentalis, Populus/A. foliaceus plant associations because these appeared to be problem areas for type recognition. Lynch recognized the importance of these two plant associations being capable of supporting both P. trichocarpa and P. tremuloides. He differentiated these two community types based on species dominance in the undergrowth layer, with the stands having greater importance (a higher "index value"1) for a suite of species defining a particular plant association and distinguishing it from other stand groupings with other suites of species having high index values . Our analysis indicates that whatever composition might be considered typical for the Populus/Aster foliaceus p. a. is not borne out in the ordinations (Figure 2); there is no cluster of stands within the ordination that would be defined by the A. foliaceus union of species as described by Lynch (1955). Lynch characterizes the landforms or positions occupied by both Popu/us-dominated plant associations as having considerable overlap, including inter-morainal troughs and depressions in glacial drift. Because no indicator species or suite of species or environmental parameters could be identified as unique to this type it was merged with what Lynch termed Populus / Osmorhiza occidentalis and Cooper and Pfister (1981) described as Populus tremuloides-Populus trichocarpa / O. occidentalis. Populus trichocarpa is recognized in the latter association as an important and distinctive component. In this report we have equated it to the name P. tremuloides/Osmorhiza occidentalis following Hansen et al (1995), who dropped the dual tree designation in their statewide monograph of wetland community 13 types. We have also accepted the lead of Hansen et al. (1995) in placing P. tremuloides before P. trichocarpa in the key to plant communities. However, judging by our data and that of others, we perceive that P. trichocarpa is more strongly associated with hydric conditions than is P. tremuloides and therefore should come first in the key. Hansen et al [1995] have generally constructed their keys on the premise that the wettest types are identified first; perhaps they recognized the fact that P. tremuloides is more widespread than P. trichocarpa in giving it priority. 1 Index value is a weighted measure of frequency and vitality, the % of plots in which species is flowering. 14 What follows is a key to the moist to wet trembling aspen- and black cottonwood- dominated communities of the BIR. Immediately following the key are the descriptions of the moist to wet site plant associations. The written descriptions attempt to characterize the environmental setting, overall composition and structure of the plant associations however, the composition of individual plots can be found in Appendix A, (stand table), the overall average composition for the plant association in Appendix B, (constancy-coverage table), and photographs of representative stands in Appendix J. These appendices employ six letter acronyms, the first three letters of the genus followed by the first three of the specific epithet, as shorthand for the scientific name. Figure 3. KEY TO LIFEFORM GROUPS AND SELECTED DECIDUOUS FOREST TYPES OF THE BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION [Plant associations described in this document are in bold; their order of presentation in the text follows the order in which they occur in the key. Other wetland/riparian associations are found in Hansen et al 1995, or as noted] 1. Tree canopy cover, single species or combined cover, at least 25% 2 1 . Tree canopy cover, single species or combined cover, less than 25% Non-forested types, not treated in this document 2. Coniferous trees present and reproducing successfully (10 or more trees per acre or canopy cover of seedlings/sapling >5%) Coniferous Forest Types (see Hansen et al. 1995 or Pfister et al. 1977) 2. Coniferous trees absent, or if present, then not reproducing successfully or restricted to microsites . 3 3. Populus tremuloides (trembling aspen) present and reproducing successfully .... 4 3. Populus tremuloides absent or, if present, not reproducing successfully 8 4. Cornus stolonifera (red-osier dogwood) or wet site Salix spp. (willows, not including S. scouleriana) having at least 5% canopy cover, individually or in combination Populus tremuloides/Cornus stolonifera plant association 4. Cornus stolonifera and wet site Salix spp., individually or in combination, having less than 5% canopy cover 5 5. Calamagrostis canadensis (bluejoint reedgrass), C. stricta (narrow-spiked reedgrass), Alopecurus alpinus (alpine foxtail) or A. pratensis (meadow foxtail) either singly or their combined canopy cover at least 5% Populus tremuloides/Calamagrostis canadensis Plant Association 15 5. Calamagrostis canadensis, C. stricta, Alopecurus alpinus, or A. pratensis either singly or their combined cover less than 5% 6 Figure 3. Continued. 6. Osmorhiza occidentalis (western sweet-cicely), Angelica arguta (sharptooth angelica), Viola canadensis (Canada violet), Heracleum lanatum (cow-parsnip), Veratrum viride (green false hellebore), Actaea rubra (baneberry), Galium triflorum (sweetscented bedstraw) individually, or in any combination, having at least 5% canopy cover Populus tremuloides/Osmorhiza occidentalis Plant Association 6. Site lacking at 5% canopy cover, either singly or in any combination, of the following species, Osmoshiza occidentalis, Angelica arguta, Viola canadensis, Heracleum lanatum, Veratrum viride, Actaea rubra, Galium triflorum 7 7. Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), Phleum pratense (common timothy), or Agrostis stolonifera (redtop), their individual or combined canopy coverages at least 5% Populus tremuloides /Poa pratensis community type 7. Not as above Populus tremuloides-dom'mated community types * 8. Populus trichocarpa (black cottonwood), P. angustifolia (narrowleaf cottonwood), or P. deltoides (Great Plains cottonwood) with a greater canopy cover than other individual tree species 9 8. Populus trichocarpa, P. angustifolia, and P. deltoides having less canopy cover than other individual tree species . (see Hansen et al. 1995 for further coverage) 9. Populus trichocarpa with greater canopy cover than either P. angustifolia or P. deltoides Populus trichocarpa-dom'maied community types* 9. P. angustifolia or P. deltoides with greater canopy cover than P. trichocarpa (see Hansen et al. 1995) *Other P. tremuloides- and P. trichocarpa-dommated plant communities (e.g. P. tremuloides/ Symphoricarpos albus) do occur on the BIR and their description can be found in Hansen et al. 1995 or Cooper and Pfister 1 981 . 16 Populus tremuloides / Cornus stolonifera Plant Association (POPTRE/CORSTO; trembling aspen/red osier dogwood; 3 plots; WHTF1 designation POPTRE / Cornus sericea) Environment: This is the wettest of deciduous forest types we inventoried on the BIR and is the wettest vegetation type, when present, in local landscapes. It was seldom found in patches greater than an acre, though in its stringer form along steams and other water bodies its collective area is clearly greater. Small patches are also located in inter-morainal troughs. Very small fragments were found on mid-, lower-slope, and toe-slope positions; there was no obvious explanation for the high cover of C. stolonifera at these positions except to invoke a subsurface source of water due to the complexity of water channeling in slump surfaces. Soils show strong gleying and mottling (except for the sideslope oddities). Adjacent communities were Salix- dominated on wetter positions and Populus tremuloides / Calamagrostis canadensis or P. tremuloides / Osmorhiza occidentalis on drier, or at least slightly upslope positions. Vegetation: It is important to note that our key to this community type differs, at least in defining species, from that described by Hansen et al. (1995). We recognize only Cornus stolonifera (FACW, see Appendix F) with at least 5% canopy cover as a significant indicator of wetland conditions, but two of the other shrub species (Prunus virginiana, Amelanchier alnifolia) listed in the key of Hansen et al. (1995) are not associated with wetlands, but rather uplands (Appendix F). For instance, accepting A. alnifolia as an indicator would broaden the concept of this type to include relatively dry upslope conditions. C. stolonifera cover varies widely and it appeared the higher coverages are associated with wetter conditions. More appropriate alternative indicators for this type are the various wetland Salix spp., e.g. S. boothii, S. bebbiana, S. geyeriana, which occur with coverages up to 10% and are definitely associated with wetland conditions. The overstory is usually dominated by varying proportions of P. trichocarpa and P. tremuloides, but at least one stand was sampled, and others noted, having P. tremuloides as the monospecific dominant. P. trichocarpa has a higher cover in POPTRE/CORSTO than in the other moist types, indicating that these sites are in fact wetter. [It should be noted here that we have followed the lead of Hansen et al. (1995) in constructing our key so that P. tremuloides comes off before P. trichocarpa. But we feel this prioritization is inappropriate because of the two species, P. trichocarpa is more strongly associated with wetland conditions (see Appendix F) however, we have bowed to priority and followed Hansen's lead, not wanting to create competing classifications. Where drainages flow out onto the plains there are pure P. trichocarpa stands, however, these were not sampled, being beyond the parkland environment. For the mixed species stands there is no clear indication in size class structure of eventual 1 Western Heritage Task Force of The Nature Conservancy 17 domination by either species. In sampled stands Picea spp. and Abies lasiocarpa evidenced only very scattered seedlings and saplings, their cover not amounting to more than 5%. However, during reconnaissance we noted several stands at the prairie- forest juncture having at least 50% cover of coniferous species, predominantly Picea spp and low vigor Abies lasiocarpa, indicating that at least some of these sites may be climax in shade-tolerant conifers and constitute the Picea / Cornus stolonifera habitat type. The graminoid component is invariably dominated by Elymus glaucous (blue wildrye) and Festuca subulata (bearded fescue) with Bromus ciliata (fringed brome), Alopecurus (foxtail) spp. and Calamagrostis canadensis (bluejoint reedgrass) occurring sporadically with high coverages (Appendix A). It should be noted that E. glaucous is the most ubiquitous graminoid of trembling aspen stands across the Intermountain West and Northern Rocky Mountains; often it has the highest cover of any graminoid present. Aggressive, weedy grasses apparently do very poorly here despite the fact that opportunities abound for animals, both domestic and natives, to introduce these species. There are a number of forbs with 100% constancy including Thalictrum occidentale, O. occidentalis, Viola canadensis, Sanicula marilandica, and Geranium richardsonii. A considerable variety of wetland herbs are present with varying constancy and cover; surprisingly Angelica arguta exhibited low constancy but very high coverage for those stands in which it occurred. The only forbs present associated with livestock use or disturbance are Prunella vulgaris and Urtica dioica. Other Studies: As we have defined this plant association there are no other comparable regional types described. If one accepts A. alnifolia as an alternative indicator of the type as do Hansen et al. (1995), then there are vast extents of the Northern Rocky Mountains and Intermountain West dominated by various permutations of P. tremuloides / C. stolonifera (see Mueggler 1988). Of these combinations, the P. tremuloides / A. alnifolia/TaW Forb c.t. described by Mueggler (1988) is compositionally most similar to POPTRE/CORSTO, but it is far from being a wetland c.t. as described here. Both Bird (1961) and Moss (1955) indicate that Populus trichocarpa, Cornus stolonifera and Viburnum opulus are commonly associated with moist to wet aspen of southwestern Alberta but neither author provides plant association level descriptions. Almost certainly this plant association is present in southern Alberta, but given the intensive grazing pressure, seeding to introduced pasture grasses and habitat fragmentation associated with oil field development that has transpired in this region almost certainly stand condition has been negatively impacted. Natural Heritage Program Rank: G3/S3 (Unchanged from Bourgeron & Engelking 1994) 18 Populus tremuloides/Calamagrostis canadensis Plant Association (POPTRE/CALCAN; trembling aspen/bluejoint reedgrass; 11 plots) Environment: POPTRE/CALCAN is a minor type on the BIR and would appear to be associated with landscape positions as wet as those for POPTRE/CORSTO, but only infrequently were the two community types noted to occur in a mosaic pattern on the same landscape. Though Hansen et al. (1995) note both types to be well aerated, we speculate that the POPTRE /CALCAN p. a. is less so, occupying finer, more poorly- drained soils. The largest extents of the type were found bordering herbaceous- or Sa//x-dominated wetlands; other positions included inter-morainal troughs, alluvial benches and even toeslopes speculated to receive appreciable subsurface flow. Soils were predominantly loams, silt loams and silty clay loams, usually gleyed (or mottled) to within 1 5 to 20 cm of the surface. Vegetation: The usual condition is a closed canopy overstory dominated by P. tremuloides, with P. trichocarpa being a considerable component on three fourths of the stands; in only two stands did P. trichocarpa exceed P. tremuloides in importance (canopy cover and basal area). Lynch (1955) also noted that P. trichocarpa was not present in all moist-site stands, observing that there was no apparent difference in site parameters and attributing the difference to local stochastisity in seed distribution at the time of establishment. In stands where both species are well represented there is no consistent indication one or the other gaining dominance. P. trichocarpa attains larger stem diameters but ultimate heights for both species asymptotically approach about 60 ft. P. trichocarpa also seems to be more infested with heart-rot fungal pathogens. Shrubs are generally poorly represented in the undergrowth, with the exception of Symphoricarpos albus and Rosa woodsii, the average covers of which are 8 and 4 %, respectively. Shrubs with wetland indicator value include Salix boothii, S. bebbiana, S. geyeriana, Ribes americanum, R. setosum and Cornus stolonifera, but the coverages are low (<5%) and constancy does not exceed 36% for any one of these species. The predominant aspect of these stands is that of graminoid dominance with the wetland indicators Calamagrostis canadensis, C. stricta, Alopecurus alpinus and A. pratensis contributing more than half the cover and Elymus glaucous, Festuca subulata, and Phleum pratense contributing most of the rest. Other wetland graminoids sampled only in this type include Glyceria striata, Carex microptera, C. hoodii, C. brevior, and C. rostrata (syn. C. utriculata). This type differs from POPTRE/CORSTO by having disturbance increasers, Poa pratensis, Poa palustris, and Phleum pratense as a significant undergrowth component in some cattle-influenced stands. Some stands had an appreciable forb component with Angelica arguta, Arnica chamissonis, Epilobium ciliatum, Geum macrophyllum, Senecio foetidus, Aster laevis, Geranium richardsonii, Pedicularis bracteosa, Smilacina stelllata, Lathyrus ochroleucus, Galium boreale, G. triflorum and Fragaria virginiana having their highest constancy within this plant 19 association; constancy for the listed species ranged from 36 to 100%. The first five listed forbs are rated by US Fish and Wildlife Service as FACW1 or wetter. Other Studies: Other than the description in Hansen et al. (1995) the POPTRE/CALCAN plant association has not been described elsewhere within the region (Northern Rocky Mountains), but it has been described for both Colorado's Front Range (Mutel 1973) and the mountains of the state's south-central area (Powell 1988). Judged on a regional basis it appears to be an incidental type; even two of the six stands attributed by Hansen et al. (1995) to the type have 20% cover of Alnus incana making the stands members of POPTRE/CORSTO, rather than POPTRE/CALCAN, in their taxonomy. Natural Heritage Program Rank: G3/S3 (POPTRE7CALCAN is a relatively uncommon association but threats to it are minimal, at least to the Montana examples, even from overgrazing by ungulates. We have noted few weed problems with the exception of Urtica dioica. Poa pratensis can also form aggressive clones on these moist to wet sites. ) 1 FACW is wetland indicator status designation assigned by US Fish & Wildlife Service indicating a facultative wetland species that usually occurs in a wetland, i.e. with an estimated probability of 67-99%, but is occasionally found in non-wetlands 20 Populus tremuloides/Osmorhiza occidentalis Plant Association (POPTRE/OSMOCC; trembling aspen/western sweet-cicely; 23 plots) Environment: POPTRE/OSMOCC is the driest community type of the aspen parkland's mesic to hydric associations. It most usually grades to POPTRE/ Symphoricarpos albus of drier exposures and to POPTRE/CALCAN, POPTRE/ CORSTO, or Sa//x-dominated wetlands of moister sites. This plant association occupies a wider range of landscape positions and soils (or positions on soil catena) than either of the associations described previously. The driest positions occupied were sideslopes, from midslope to just below the shoulder break.; these sites are seldom found to have wetland soils. Ostensibly they do not possess wetland hydrology by virtue of their position, but the possibility of subirrigation is present in landscapes possessing slumps and clay lenses (such as the Kiowa area). The moistest positions were stream terraces where POPTRE/OSMOCC exists in complex mosaics with the two wetter trembling aspen types. All the soils were silt loams or sandy loams and more than 80% of them had negligible rock in the upper 20 to 30 cm of the profile, where 80% of the root mass is concentrated. Several profiles were notably rocky to just below a 3-5 cm thick organic horizon, but these rocky substrates did not condition a distinct vegetation. As observed in the "Jurisdictional Wetlands" section these sites are overwhelming not jurisdictional wetlands, but the rank vegetation often gives an impression to the contrary. One of the study's goals was to identify easily inventoried features such as wetland indicator plants (or their quantitative representation), perhaps in conjunction with landscape position, that would unequivocally identify wetland sites within this single broadly-defined plant association. Such a suite of species/landscape positions would provide for convenient inventory of wetland (jurisdictional) sites. Unfortunately no such suite of species or site features was identified. Vegetation: The closed-canopy overstory is usually dominated by P. tremuloides with variable amounts of P. trichocarpa; in only five stands did P. trichocarpa have higher coverage than P. tremuloides, whereas in six stands it was completely lacking. Thus the constancy for P. trichocarpa is about the same in this association as the others, but its cover agerages at least 20 % less. It is in this somewhat drier type that Picea is incrementally more successful, but still coverages did not exceed 13 %. In the course of tree coring we gained the impression more sound trees were found in this type than the others. That this type is transitional to the distinctly upland type POPTRE/SYMALB is seen in the shrub composition where the cover or constancy, or both, is high for a number of upland shrubs, including Symphoricarpos albus, Rubus parviflorus, Rosa woodsii, Amelanchier alnifolia, and Salix scouleriana. A number of upland shrubs occur only in 21 this of the three mesic to wet plant associations, including, but not confined to, Berberis repens, Juniperus communis, Potentilla fruticosa, Spiraea betulifolia, Sorbus scopulina, and Shepherdia canadensis. This association is similar to POPTRE/CALCAN and POPTRE/CORSTO In composition by dominant graminoids (excepting wetland indicators), including Elymus glaucous, Bromus ciliatus and Festuca subulata. However, there are a number of upland graminoids recorded only for POPTRE/OSMOCC, including Calamagrostis rubescens, Stipa occidentalis, Melica subulata, Bromus pumpellianus and Dactylis glomerata. Species richness of the forb layer is high (73 species). Those species having their highest coverages or constancy in this type are Veratrum viride, Senecio pseudaureus, Actaea rubra, Aster engelmannii, Castilleja miniata, Disporum hookeri, Erythronium grandiflorum, Hackelia floribunda, Osmorhiza occidentalis, Smilacina racemosa, and Viola canadensis; only the first two named species are typical of wetlands (FACW or wetter, Appendix F). Two other wetland species, Angelica arguta (90 % constancy, 5 % c.c.) and Geum macrophyllum (72 % constancy, 3 % c.c.) are important across most of the stands of this type. As discussed In more detail in the "Jurisdictional Wetlands" section, despite the dominance of wetland vegetation as determined by the Corps of Engineers method, soils and hydrology more often than not fail to corroborate that these sites are in fact wetlands. Other Studies: Lynch (1955) was the first to describe the POPTRE/OSMOCC plant association (as Populus spp. /Osmorhiza occidentalis). Cooper and Pfister (1981) slightly augmented the description (calling the type POPTRE-POPTRI/OSMOCC) and provided an initial dichotomous key to forested plant associations, including deciduous- dominated, on the BIR. Hansen et al. (1995) have devised a comprehensive classification for all of Montana's wetland types, of which POPTRE/OSMOCC was considered one; their description was based on 15 plots distributed across western Montana, but centered on the East Front of the Rocky Mountains. In both site parameters and composition POPTRE/OSMOCC also bears a strong resemblance to the most commonly encountered trembling aspen type in the Intermountain Region, POPTRE/Tall Forb (Mueggler 1988). Of the nine forb species Mueggler included in the Tall Forb Group (also referred to as guild or union) five (Aster engelmannii, Hackelia floribunda, Heracleum lanatum, Senecio serra, and Osmorhiza occidentalisa) also occur regularly in POPTRE/OSMOCC. Mueggler (1988) considers 10% canopy cover of any one of the Tall Forb Guild species or combination of these species to be sufficient for recognition of the community type. As in POPTRE/OSMOCC the most important graminoid in POPTRE/Tall Forb is Elymus glaucous, followed by Bromus ciliatus and Poa pratensis. Mueggler speculated that many of the communities sampled in this tall forb type constitute a near-climax condition; in other words, the majority of these stands are self-perpetuating as those of the BIR are hypothesized to be. The Intermountain Region tall forb type differs from 22 POPTRE/OSMOCC in lacking both POPTRI as a co-dominant and any wetland indicator species with a value of FACW or greater. These two types may simply represent regional expressions of a common type or at least define overlapping portions of the environmental gradient with POPTRE/OSMOCC, as defined, extending to wetter conditions on the soil moisture catena. Natural Heritage Program Rank: G3/S3 (This is a common type within the trembling aspen parklands on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation and extending into the Canadian parklands [though possibly in a somewhat impacted condition with composition altered by the incursion of weedy and non-native species]. Continued threats to the association come from grazing (alteration of composition) and fragmentation through land development and oil exploration and development.) 23 Wetlands Determinations We were requested by several BIR resource staff members to make some general observations that might bear on the wetland status of BIR deciduous forests. It appeared that National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps possibly overlooked their presence in the landscape. Determination of jurisdictional wetlands involves the evaluation of three parameters, soils, vegetation and hydrology; we applied the Corps of Engineers 1987 Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) methodology to determine wetland status. Table 2 and Appendix G (more detailed than Table 2) represent the data transcription of wetland species from raw data forms to synopsis form, treating wetland vegetation by the categories obligate, facultative wet and merely facultative (see Appendix F for full species name, common and scientific, and an explanation of wetland indicator categories), whether soils are hydric or not, and whether or not hydrology is indicative of wetland functions. It should be appreciated that a one-time site visit, especially at the end of summer, is usually insufficient to effectively evaluate some parameters, particularly hydrological ones. Whether the hydrology is that of a wetland is often arrived at through circular reasoning or surrogate variables and not by direct observation of hydrological conditions at the site at a critical time in the cycle. Of the 37 stands inventoried 46% met wetland criteria, though some were borderline cases generally due to uncertainties about either soils or hydrology; some borderline cases were encountered when the wetland vegetation indicators present just met the 50% cutoff mark. There are some clear trends present in percentages of wetlands present when sites are stratified by vegetation type. Sites typified as POPTRE/CORSTO possessed unequivocal indications of wetland soils, with mottling and gleying always present. The wetland vegetative indicators averaged 68 % (range 60 to 72 %) of the dominant species, of which on average 26 % (range 14-43 %) were FACW class or greater. The landscape settings were primarily adjacent to stream courses and could be inferred to meet hydrological criteria with overbank flow (evidence in wrack lines and silt deposits) and saturated soils for a prolonged period during spring runoff. Within the POPTRE/CALCAN plant association 27% of the sites are unequivocal wetlands, 64 % equivocal wetands (91 % wetlands of some status) and 9% non- wetlands. Of the dominant species, wetland indicators comprise from 36 to 100 % and average 68 %; the percentage of species FACW or greater ranges from 18 to 57 and averages 42. Only two stands (18%) within this grouping did not meet the vegetation criteria of more than 50 % of the dominants being wetland species; one of these sites was clearly not wetland but the other lacked only the vegetation criteria, though in terms of indicator species (and not their cover weighted %) a wetland condition clearly 24 Table 2. Wetland determination results; matrix of sample plots by Jurisdictional Wetland parameters and community type Vegetation (% by Class) Hydrophytic Hydric WetlandJurisdictional Total Percent Vegetation Soils HydrologyWetland Plot Number Community Type OBL FACW FAC/FAC+ Wetland Species Y, N, ? Y, N, ? Y, N, ? Y, N, ?: why 96SC0017* POPTRE/CORSTO 0 20 40 60 Y Y Y Y: no question 96SC0018 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 12 50 62 Y ? Y Y: 96SC0019 POPTRE/CORSTO 0 14 57 71 Y Y Y Y: unequivocal 96SC0020 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 14 57 71 Y N N N: 96SC0021 POPTRE/CALCAN 0 50 20 70 Y Y Y Y: unequivocal 96SC0022 POPTRE/CORSTO 0 43 29 72 Y Y Y Y: unequivocal 96SC0023 POPTRI/CALCAN 0 50 20 70 Y Y Y Y: unequivocal 96SC0024 POPTRE/CALCAN 0 36 27 63 Y Y Y? Y: questionable 96SC0025 POPTRE/CALCAN 0 29 36 72 Y Y? Y? Y: questionable 96SC0026 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 25 50 75 Y N N N: 96SC0027 POPTRE/OSMOCC 10 20 40 70 Y Y Y Y: unequivocal 96SC0028 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 0 50 50 Y/N N N N: 96SC0029 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 0 57 57 Y/N N N N: 96SC0030 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 11 33 44 N N N N: 96SC0031 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 28 28 57 Y Y Y? Y: (equivocal) 96SC0032 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 20 50 70 Y N N N: 96SC0033 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 25 37 62 Y N N N: 96SC0034 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 12 25 37 N N N N: 25 Table 2(Continued). Matrix of sample plots by Jurisdictional Wetland parameters and community type Vegetation (% by Class) Hydrophytic Hydric WetlandJurisdictional Total Percent Vegetation Soils HydrologyWetland Plot Number Community Type OBL FACW FAC/FAC+ Wetland Species Y,N, ? Y,N, ? Y,N, ? Y,N, ?:why 96SC0035 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 0 40 40 N N N N: 96SC0036 POPTRE/CALCAN 0 33 33 67 Y ? Y Y: equivocal 96SC0037 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 12 50 62 Y Y Y? Y: equivocal 96SC0038 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 0 60 60 Y N N N: 96SC0039 POPTRE/CALCAN 0 57 29 86 Y ? Y Y: equivocal 96SC0040 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 0 42 42 N N N N: 96SC0041 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 12 37 50 Y/N N N N: 96SC0042 POPTRE/CALCAN 0 50 50 100 Y Y Y Y: unequivocal 96SC0043 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 14 43 57 Y Y N N: borderline 96SC0044 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 12 25 37 N Y? Y? N: 96SC0045 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 33 11 44 N Y? Y? N: 96SC0046 POPTRE/CALCAN 0 36 9 45 N Y? Y Y: equivocal 96SC0047 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 20 20 40 N N N N: 96SC0048 POPTRE/CALCAN 0 57 29 86 Y Y Y Y: 96SC0049 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 12 50 62 Y N N N: 96SC0050 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 20 40 60 Y Y Y Y; 96SC005 1 POPTRE/CALCAN 0 42 8 50 Y/N Y ? Y: equivocal 96SC0052 POPTRE/CALCAN 0 18 18 36 N N N N: 96SC0053 POPTRE/OSMOCC 0 0 50 50 N N N N: 26 obtained. This association represents the strongest expression of wetland plant species, though a small percentage of sites were in fact not jurisdictional wetlands. Some of these sites possessed soils with stronger gleying and mottling and with these conditions occurring closer to the soil surface than was expressed in the POPTRE/CORSTO association. It is quite possible that POPTRE/CALCAN spans, in terms of duration of soil saturation (and associated anoxic conditions), a broader environmental range than does the POPTRE/CORSTO association; clearly this type is found in a greater variety of landscape positions than is POPTRE/CORSTO, ranging from streamside stringers of alluvial terraces to subirrigated toeslopes to glacial depressions. POPTRE/OSMOCC is cited as a major wetland vegetation type by Hanson et al. (1995), but our sampling of this type indicates that only 22% of the sites were wetlands, some equivocally so; only 3 sites (13 %) were unequivocal wetlands. If vegetation (wetland indicator species) alone is the criterion, then 65 % of the sites qualify as wetlands. This vegetation type had the lowest percentage of wetland indicator species, averaging 55 % of dominant species and ranging from 36 to 75 %. It also had, by far, the lowest average percent composition (13%) of indicators that were at least FACW and 5 sites had no FACW species at all. This vegetation type occupies the widest range of environments, from hill sideslopes to toeslopes to alluvial bottoms. The hillslope positions obviously are not expected candidates for possessing wetland hydrology, unless subirrigation could be inferred from the presence of restrictive layers (e.g. clay lenses) causing near-surface flow. Only one hillslope site had evidence (mottling) of seasonally high water and no obvious soil feature (in a 1.1m deep soil pit) could account for water perching at this position. Implications of this inventory's results regarding NWI mapping and the extent of jurisdictional wetlands on BIR lands are several. In a quick scan of NWI maps we noted that none of the first 12 sites we had sampled and identified as wetlands were included as palustrine forested wetlands in the NWI mapping. We suggest that, based on community type present and landscape position alone, wetlands maps could be corrected to reflect the much greater contribution of forested wetlands on the BIR; this approach would obviate the excavation of soil pits and hypothesizing about hydrologic regime. It is with a relatively high degree of certainty (85 % plus) that the presence of POPTRE/CORSTO and POPTRE/CALCAN associations indicate wetlands and polygons in which these plant communities occur can be so labeled. The POPTRE/OSMOCC association presents no unequivocal answer that a wetland is present but at least it indicates areas where soil pits should be excavated and the hydrologic regime investigated. 27 Stand Structure and Successional Status Figure 4 shows the results of tree coring to establish the age of stand dominants. Populus tremuloides and P. trichocarpa were not distinguished on this plot due to strong similarities in their height and diameter growth patterns (Moss 1932) and the fact that only two P trichocarpa were successfully bored and counted (with great difficulty). About three quarters of the stands were successfully cored for at least one tree age. To the extent that coring attempted on 5 to 7 dominant trees resulted in failure to extract a readable core, then approximately one quarter of the stands had significant heart rot or other wood defects. Even coring at breast height, as Lynch (1955) cited doing to avoid basal heart rot, was not successful. Coring of P. trichocarpa usually resulted in being squirted with a stream of watery fluid in which were borne the core fragments when the extractor was withdrawn. Populus tremuloides under current climatic conditions in the Intermountain West is known to reproduce via adventitious shoots from roots (sucker shoots) only (exceptions to this reproductive mode are so unusual as to be documented in notes to various botanical journals). Conventional wisdom holds that aspen groves throughout this region have been in place for possibly thousands of years, establishing sometime in late Pleistocene times, or sometime thereafter, when pluvial climates were still in force. Thus ages from trees of the largest size class may represent time since last disturbance or they may simply represent the oldest tree still standing (see discussion of reverse J- shaped curve of size class structure); they do not represent time since stand establishment. Populus trichocarpa also is also known as a colonizer of disturbed surfaces, usually associated with riparian environments, preferentially establishing as seedlings on fresh alluvium, on point bars or other recently deposited surfaces. Though this species is most commonly found on the BIR in riparian environments, it has a notable presence in the aspen parkland and this is a distinctly uncommon habitat for its occurrence, a pattern generally not found elsewhere in its distribution. It is also capable of reproducing via root sprouting within established stands, though not so prolifically as P. tremuloides. Figure 4 indicates that tree height is moderately correlated with diameter breast height. Tree height, for both P. tremuloides and P. trichocarpa, even for the largest diameter size classes in the 18 to 24 inch range never exceeded 60 feet. Size classes greater than 18 inches are not shown on Figure 4 because readable cores could never be extracted from specimens this large, almost invariably P. trichocarpa. In Lynch's study (1955) of BIR parklands for the P. tremuloides/ Osmorhiza occidentalis plant association the average height of P. trichocarpa was 56 feet and P. tremuloides 45 feet. From Figure 4 it can be inferred, at least for P. tremuloides, that there has been little height growth on a per stand basis in the intervening 45 years between Lynch's study and ours. In fact, average stand height may have decreased due to wind damage. West of Glacier National Park at the same latitude and elevation as the BIR parklands aspen of 28 Figure 4. Plots of near maximum tree age and height (feet) versus tree diameter at breast height. Plots of Tree Height and Age versus Diameter Breast Height n 0) >< o 8) < c 0! C o E 5 "O II o E >. CO d> M '5 x 6 8 10 12 Diameter Breast Height (inches) 29 70 to 80 feet tall are common. We cite wind as the primary factor influencing tree height because further north (central Alberta) Moss (1932) found on the better sites dominant trees at only 50 years (index age) to be 50 to 60 feet tall, heights never attained at this age by BIR aspen (or black cottonwood). Though Chinook winds blow along the whole of the eastern front of the Rocky Mountain the greatest frequency and strength is registered from Browning to just north of Lethbridge, Alberta (Yoshino 1975); the dessicating and trimming effects of these winds may account for the relatively short stature of BIR aspen stands. Lynch (1955) cited the mean dbh for dominants of the P. tremuloides/Osmorhiza occidentalis plant association to be 7.7 and 12.8 inches for P. tremuloides and P. trichocarpa respectively. From the P. tremuloides histogram (Figure 5a) it is clear that this species has matured considerably and of the three stands with the largest size class represented of 7 inches or less, two have P. tremuloides as the tree species growing into a P. trichocarpa-dom'mated stand. This leaves but one P. tremuloides- dominated stand wherein its largest size class is the same or smaller than the average size dominant reported by Lynch (1955). In the intervening 45 years from Lynch's study to ours it is well within the bounds of extrapolation to project these dominant trees putting on from 2 to 8 inches of diameter growth. From this pattern we can infer there has been little stand structure disturbance overall in the parkland since Lynch's 1952 study (reported in 1955), assuming that neither Lynch nor ourselves have biased sampling by selecting stands with regard to stem size criteria and that both our samples reflect the parkland structure as it then and now exists. Lynch's average age of dominant P. tremuloides in the POPTRE/Os/77or/7/'za occidentalis plant association was 78 years in 1 952 ; it is tempting to extrapolate and say that the average age of today's dominants should be 122, plus or minus a few years, but such extrapolation is not justified. It is this oldest/largest class of trees that yielded few readable cores due to heart rot and other maladies and that would have experienced the greatest mortality in the intervening years. We often had to core smaller and ostensibly younger trees to obtain a countable core, hoping it would at least give us a minimum age since disturbance or stand "age". Moss (1932) states that "rarely" do P. trichocarpa and P. tremuloides exceed 135 and 120 years, respectively; these ages come from trees growing in more favorable environments (inferred from greater tree heights). The histogram (Figure 5b) showing largest size classes of P. trichocarpa present in a stand is bimodal and indicates through the presence of several small size classes that there are some stands with ingrowth of this species into P. fremu/o/o'es-dominated stands. Lynch (1955) gives no indication of the distribution of maximum dbh size classes, only the average of 12.8 inches; we must infer that the stands with 15, 17, 21, and 23 inch classes present represent those with the expected subsequent diameter increase since Lynch's (1955) study. 30 Figure 5. Frequency distributions by species for the largest size class represented within each stand, a) for Populus tremuloides, b) for Populus trichocarpa. Frequency distribution; largest Populus tremuloides size class represented for each stand Average dbh of the largest size classes present in Lynch's stands (1955) 7 9 11 13 15 17 Midpoint of size class (inches) 19 21 23 Frequency distribution; largest Populus trichocarpa size class represented for each stand Average dbh of the largest size classes present in Lynch's stands (1955) co m Midpoint of size class (inches) Appendices C, D, and E display the results of the tree species population inventory (tallied by 1 inch size classes In the field) converted to 2 inch classes for ease of presentation and interpretation. The scatterplots (Appendix C) of stem/acre against dbh size classes (2 inch increments) are most easily examined for repeating patterns of reproduction and stand structure; Appendices D and E simply present the same data as Appendix C, but with more detail such as stem number or basal area by species and diameter class. The most common pattern of size class structure, a negative exponential, or, as referred to colloquially in the literature reverse J-shaped curve (Oliver & Larson 1992), is exemplified by stands 24, 28, 30, 35, 36, 39, 50 and others (Appendix C), though not with so classical a curve form. Within this group of stands are represented all three plant associations and the full range of the wetland gradient. For this set of stands stem numbers per acre are high in the smaller diameter classes and decline precipitously with increasing size classes. Note that the smallest size class spans a range of only 1 inch (breast height diameters >1 and <2 inches) and therefore potentially encompasses many fewer stems than the size classes spanning 2 inches. The narrow span of this class centered on 1.5 inch midpoint accounts for several of the graphs not peaking in the smallest size class as would be expected for this type of distribution. It is these stands with the reversed J-shape frequency-by-size-class structure that often have the largest size classes represented, but with very few stems per acre. Of all the stands sampled these most closely approximate what may be termed "old growth" or "mature" structure, though stem ages did not exceed 122 years (certainly not old when compared to age potentials of conifers native to BIR lands). This size class structure pattern is also known as "stable" because of an somewhat constant recruitment of stems into the smallest (youngest) classes and a consistent rate of mortality by class. This structure is that expected from self-replacing stands; it is the structure exhibited by mixed-species or monospecific dominant old-growth stands of shade-tolerant conifers. However, the case with Populus tremuloides and P. trichocarpa is quite different from that of climax conifers because both species are notably shade-intolerant and short lived. Virtually all the stems (the individual trees, known technically as ramets) originating in an aspen stand represent the production of one genetic entity and constitute a clone. Black cottonwood is not as strongly clonal in nature. As mortality claims the older (larger) stems in a stand apical dominance is weakened and the root systems send up suckers; in general, the greater the motality and lessening of apical dominance, the greater the suckering response. The other textbook structural pattern evident in our data is the even-sized (even-aged) development exemplified by stands 17, 20, 29, 33, 34, 40, 50 and others (Appendix C). All three plant associations and the full spectrum of wetland conditions are represented in this group of stands. Stem density peaks in one or two size classes; increment coring shows that stems from these highest density size classes (or even three classes) are essentially even-aged, being within 1-12 years of one another; stand ages of the above- cited six stands were respectively, 62, 122, 69, 42, 54, and 96 (no age stand 20) based 32 on the largest size class with near peak population size. With the exception of stands 29 and 51 (122 and 106 yrs.) these are among the youngest stands In our sample. Mortality has not yet begun to thin out the older age classes (see Appendix A, dead stem density); most mortality is in younger suppressed size classes, which are themselves not very densely populated due to apical dominance of the mature stems. Comparing the oldest stands, 29 (122 yrs) and 51 (106 yrs.), that still exhibit the pulse of post-disturbance reproduction it appears that the greater stem density of stand 29 is responsible for the continued suppression of root sprouting. In contrast stand 51 shows low density in the large classes (half that of stand 29) and moderate mortality across all size classes that possibly accounts for the spurt in suckering. This successional development in aspen is analogous to classic cases, such as post burn succession with lodgepole pine giving rise to even-aged, sometimes "doghair" dense, stands. The only troubling aspect to the aspen scenario on the BIR is the general lack of evidence for fire, both in the soil (charcoal) and above ground (stumps and downed boles). We speculate that in these moist environments decay of these nutrient-rich softwoods is accelerated relative to what would be expected with conifers, leaving little or no evidence after 50 or more years since the disturbance. Another possibility is that certain of these stands were harvested for firewood; leaving no evidence in the soil or above ground (save for stumps which decay quickly due to their continued connection to the moist soil column). There are other patterns exhibited in the size class data, such as rather flat curves where numbers drop only slowly with increasing size (age) classes, exemplified by stands 26, 37, 42, and 43 among others. Other stands, such as 19, show spikes in particular size classes for no obvious reasons. One can speculate that some past event may have weakened apical dominance, for example several consecutive years infestation by the western tent caterpillar (Malacosoma californicum), allowing a cohort of suckers to become established. Sampling error is another possibility for injecting spikes and valleys in the data; 1/10 acre plots are perhaps undersized for sampling population structure when stem numbers are low or when formerly relatively homogeneous stands begin to fragment with patches of mortality. An occasional cone bearing Engelmann spruce {Picea engelmannii) or hybrid with white spruce ( P. glauca) was found in these stands but, despite the considerable seed rain, spruce seedling density was generally in the range of only 1-50 per acre. The per stand basal area contribution of spruce was much less than 1 percent. The establishment of Abies lasiocarpa (subalpine fir) and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir) is occurring at even slower rates than for spruce. At these rates of establishment it would take many hundreds to thousands of years without disturbance for succession to result in spruce or mixed conifer stands. Most of these moist to wet aspen- and black cottonwood-dominated stands should be viewed as self-replacing. In the wetter of the three plant associations, POPTR/CORSTO and POPTRE/CALCAN, P. trichocarpa has higher canopy cover in the stands in which it is present than it does in the drier POPTRE/OSMOCC plant association. Of the stands wherein both species are present in the seedling to sapling size classes (up to 5 inches dbh) 22% of the stands show P. trichocarpa to have higher stem counts, indicating it could possibly be the canopy dominant at a future date. However, scanning the mortality plots (Appendix C) it is obvious that mortality can take out whole size classes, rendering moot speculations about eventual dominance in these mixed species stands. For almost 90% of the stands sampled P. tremuloides appears to be the species most successfully replacing itself, regardless of plant association involved. It should be added parenthetically that in the course of conducting 1997 field investigations relating to grassland ecology that we encountered several mature, moist to wet, aspen-dominated stands on the eastern fringe of the aspen parkland sites wherein Picea and Abies lasiocarpa were clearly establishing successfully and population structure indicated their eventual site dominance. Thus it appears that with or without periodic disturbance, aspen and non-riparian black cottonwood groves will continue to flourish, but that certain of these trembling aspen-black cottonwood groves will succeed to conifer dominance. At this time we have not identified those predictors that would distinguish climax aspen habitats from those successional to conifers. One of the more puzzling aspects of the aspen parkland, at least concerning mesic sites, is why rock content is so uniformly low (<5 %), often completely lacking, in the upper portions (upper 20-30 cm) of soil profiles. For mesic sites, virtually all parkland soils (which we textured only by feel) were silt loams to loams, at least in the upper 30 cm of the profile. Some of these rock-free soils may be attributed to resorted glacial deposits which have been deposited along old glacial drainage courses or in lakes or depressions near the retreating ice. However, many of the upslope soils are virtually rock-free as well. We hypothesize that the lack of rock in these profiles (rock is present in conifer-dominated stands and drier aspen stands) is attributable to the upper profile being composed largely of aeolian materials, including volcanic ash. Both Mt. Mazama and Glacier Peak volcanic events are post-Pleistocene and could have contributed ash. Another, much greater source of aeolian material is the glacial drift surfaces that would have been newly created the north and west. In the pluvial climates of post-Pleistocene (post-Glacial) times aspen and black cottonwood, with their cottony, wind disseminated seeds that require prolonged moisture, could have been among the early colonizers of freshly created substrates. These groves would likely have been the tallest and densest vegetation in the landscape; their canopies would have served to create eddy currents and resulted in airborne particles coming out of suspension. The Canadian literature also contains speculations that these sites were first stabilized by grasslands and evolved to aspen forest. 34 Disease, Defect, Pests Preliminary data on forest disease and defect was collected following the guide of Hiratsuka et al. (1995) and descriptions of Hinds (1985). No trees were sectioned or their bases excavated to make more definitive identification of agents responsible for heart rots, cankers or insect damage. In the narrative that follows we describe various fungal and bacterial conditions as though they occurred one to a tree but in reality there is generally a complex of infestations associated with a tree; in many cases these infestations have been shown to follow a somewhat predictable successional sequence (Hinds 1985). Though not explicitly tallied, it is safe to say virtually all cored trees showed some degree of discoloration and softening of interior wood, which can be interpreted as resulting from some form of fungal (or possibly bacterial) infestation. Only two specimens of P. trichocarpa were successfully cored and even these had some punky wood. By far the most common bole defect encountered in P. trichocarpa we would describe as "wetwood" analogous to this condition as described for P. tremuloides (Hinds 1985); this malady was noted very infrequently in P. tremuloides cores. Wetwood is caused primarily by invasion of sapwood by bacteria, presumably from initial root infections. In specimens we cored, copious bleeding of a watery sap followed core extraction; we presume that water pools in lumina created from the mass destruction of xylem cells. Other disease symptoms associated with wetwood include branch dieback, crown wilting and premature death. Phellinus tremulae, the predominant trunk rot or white heart rot fungus of Populus spp. in North America, is probably the easiest of the wood decay agents to identify with its distinctive 7-20 cm wide conk having a purplish-brown undersurface. If its presence is accounted for only by conks, then this pathogen occurred in about 32% of the stands, usually on larger (>9" dbh) P. tremuloides and infested from 10 to 100% of this species within a given stand. Because sporophores form on only a small fraction of the trees infected (Lynch 1955) it is difficult to gauge the incidence of infestation. In Ontario, 28 to 70% of the trees in 60 to 70 years old stands were infected (Hinds 1985). Its presence renders age coring virtually impossible as the decay column continues for most of the main stem's length; usually the wood is so soft it cannot even be used for pulping. Conks of the P. tremulae type were not noted on P. trichocarpa. Only one instance of Armillaria "root rot" was found as indicated by honey colored mushrooms and rhizomorphs in the soil and rotted wood at the base of the tree. The mushrooms are produced only in late summer and early fall; the black stringy rhizomorphs (black-string root rot) are always present but for proper identification require excavation in the vicinity of the tree base; basal excavation was beyond the scope of our work and thus this pathogen could have had a much greater presence than we recorded. This pathogen produces rot in roots and tree butts and could explain part of the lack of success in basal tree coring. 35 Trunk canker is the most obvious disease problem of aspen in the West (Hinds 1985). We noted trunk canker symptoms (lesions, formation of callus tissue, dead bark sloughing, often in long stringy strips, blackened and sooty bark, concentric stem girdling) on many dead and dying P. tremuloides and P. trichocarpa trees of all size classes, but particularly on smaller to mid-size dbh classes. We made no attempt to identify the fungal species causing these symptoms. This broad group of fungal diseases is cited as the major cause of aspen mortality but we had no way of knowing which among the wide range of fungal diseases present in the sampled stands, including heart rots, root rots, was actually responsible for the deaths of individual trees. The canopy of one stand was noted to be producing an extremely fine exudate dispersed into the air and deposited on the undergrowth and aspen seedlings. Neither the exact source or causative agent of the aerosol, nor consequences to the stand could be determined. At the time of sampling none of the sampled stands were infested by western tent caterpillar (Malacosoma californicum) and this insect pest was not noted in general reconnaissance. Severe outbreaks have been noted on the BIR with multiple year defoliation, but it is our impression these infestations have not resulted in wholesale mortality. 36 Animal Impacts At grove margins some stems has been gnawed by either porcupine (Erethizon epixanthum) or snowshoe rabbits (Lepus americanus). The aspen groves of the BIR are obviously not under native ungulate pressure, most especially not from elk (Cervus canadensis), of the type that has resulted in the wholesale loss of aspen stands in western Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park (Krebill 1972, Kay and Wagner 1994). Even with the extensive Yellowstone fires of 1988 aspen stands have not been able to establish suckers greater than 2 meter in height and are still a target for browsing elk. The situation appears to be quite different on the BIR with the only positive evidence of animal induced mortality to aspen being from beaver (Castor canadensis) gnawing and felling trees. The abrasion of antler felt was the elk (Cervus canadensis) damage most frequently observed. This activity left almost all trees of particular stands with wounds to trunks and branches. We also observed wounding to the main stem from gnawing and in several cases mortality resulted from stem girdling. With the exception of girdling, this wounding apparently does not immediately result in loss of stand vigor or health. However, wounding of any kind, from any source, that breaches the bark potentially constitutes an entry point for disease vectors, most especially a whole host of pathogenic fungi. Stands with elk damage had no obviously greater incidence of heart rot or cankers. It would appear that the very scattered seedlings of Abies lasiocarpa (subalpine fir) present in these aspen stands are browsed (portion above snowpack) by some agent, most likely moose (Alces alces). The consequence for aspen stands is that this browsing retards the rate, apparently quite slow anyway, at which stands succeed to conifer dominance. Cattle pressure on stands of these moist environments in late summer can be appreciable; they seek and find both thermal cover and forage. Their impacts constitute the single greatest threat to maintenance of this vegetation type for its biodiversity value, that of a relatively unaltered state. A synopsis of field notes indicates that by mid-August most stands have been entered and trampled. It appears certain that localized areas, including but not restricted to e.g. South Fork of Milk River mostly east of Hw. 89 and lower elevations in the vicinity of Kiowa, have experienced continuous and heavy grazing, which results in yearly forage removal of 80% plus of the standing crop in forb-dominated undergrowth conditions. We speculate that this intense grazing pressure is responsible for the highly, altered composition of the aspen parkland in certain localities, even of these moist to wet stands. In the most highly affected areas we noted the rhizomatous, non-native grasses Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Phleum pratense (timothy) to have become undergrowth dominants, to the near exclusion of all but relatively unpalatable vegetation such as Symphoricarpos albus (common snowberry), Ribes setosum (Missouri 37 gooseberry), Achillea millefolium (common yarrow), Geranium richardsonii (Richardson's geranium), Geranium viscossisimum (sticky geranium), Ranunculus uncinatus (little buttercup). In small disturbed areas dense patches of weeds such as Urtica dioica (stinging nettle) and Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle) have developed. Field notes taken in the summer of 1996 confirmed previous impressions that several forbs are grazed preferentially by cattle, these being Angelica arguta (sharptooth angelica), Osmorhiza occidentalis (western sweetcicely), Heracleum lanatum (cow parsnip) and Veratrum viride (green false hellebore). Based on their position in the landscape we have reason to believe that the areas referred to in the paragraph above would have supported extensive populations of the above-named species, whereas portions of these areas are now converted to a less desirable status. Though coincidental, it is none the less significant that all these heavily-grazed species constitute grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) forage as well, their importance varying by season. There is clear overlap in the diets of cattle and grizzly bears and management strategies should address these conflicting needs. Lynch (1955) speculated that the high sheep numbers that apparently were present in earlier times were responsible for aspen never getting beyond the root sprout stage in aspen openings and at the edge of groves and thus prevented parkland expansion. Though purely speculative, it is quite conceivable that intensive sheep grazing in previous times could be responsible for missing age (size) classes in some stands. We found no sheep pellets in our stands or in the vicinity and noted no evidence for their browsing on aspen sprouts and thus presume sheep numbers have been reduced; we took no data that bear on parkland expansion, or lack therof. 38 Rare Plant Species/Floristics We did not find threatened, endangered, or sensitive plant species in trembling aspen habitat, but do not rule out the possibility. The fieldwork focus on sampling homogeneous stands may overlook the microhabitat features that rare species occupy, inset within the stands and the overall landscape. Eight tree species, 29 shrub species, 28 graminoids and 82 forbs, ferns, and fern allies combine for a total of 147 vascular plant species found on the sample plots (complete list Appendix F), which is fewer than the number of species than can be expected for the aspen parkland as a whole (considering that the more xeric portions of the moisture gradient were not sampled). Species richness averaged 38 species per plot, which is quite high for forest vegetation east of the Continental Divide in Montana. Coniferous forest types in this same landscape average between 15-27 species per plot. Within drier aspen types, generally fewer than 24 species are recorded per plot. In terms of preserving the diversity of forested habitats, the moist to wet segment of the BIR parkland is a highly significant component of the Rocky Mountain Front. 39 V. CONCLUSIONS In the course of a partial summer's field sampling we acquired a data base sufficient to permit refining of the deciduous dominated forest portions of three previous community classifications (Lynch 1955, Cooper and Pfister 1981, Hansen et al. 1995); our classification circumscribes three most mesic to wet community types of the BIR, Populus tremuloides / Corn us stolon if era, P. tremuloides / Calamagrostis canadensis and P. tremuloides / Osmorhiza occidentalis. The BIR wetlands and moist uplands dominated by trembling aspen and black cottonwood communities are uncommon regarding their composition and possibly unique because of the generally high quality of their occurrences. Plant associations characteristic of the wettest sites, P. tremuloides / Cornus stolonifera and P. tremuloides / Calamagrostis canadensis, are rated by the Heritage Program as S3 and G3 regarding their rarity, with threats to their long-term existence factored in as well. The POPTRE/OSMOCC association, rated G2/S2, is ostensibly the most geographically restricted and exceptional of the three community types and also under the greatest threat. Regarding composition and condition we have not established unequivocally that POPTRE/OSMOCC is unique (this would require sampling in the Canadian portion of the parkland) and in fact this community type bears a strong floristic and structural resemblance to and occupies similar habitats, soils, and positions in the landscape as does the P. tremuloides I tall forb community type of the Intermountain Region defined by Mueggler (1988). There is approximately a 250-300 mile gap between the northernmost example of P. tremuloides I tall forb in the Middle Rocky Mountains and the southernmost occurrence of P. tremuloides / Osmorhiza occidentalis in the Northern Rocky Mountains. There is a steep floristic dine over this considerable geographic expanse. Despite the more than superficial ecological resemblance of the two communities we believe they are sufficiently different, especially in regard to geographic setting and floristic composition, to regard them as unique types. Cattle, through excessive grazing, trampling, and weed introduction, have negatively impacted some POPTRE/OSMOCC sites and constitute the greatest ongoing threat to this community, but overall these moister sites are in good condition. We suggest that establishing cattle exclosures, appropriately placed and sized so a to capture a range of aspen-black cottonwood habitat conditions, would be effective in estimating both the impact of cattle through vegetation trends and the overlap between cattle and ungulate or grizzly bear use. All three community types are climax associations to a degree that appears inversely related to increasing dryness on the moisture gradient. We noted in passing that the drier upland aspen-dominated communities had much more evidence of the incursion of conifers, mostly Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). These aspen and black cottonwood stands are self-perpetuating, their tree populations apparently being long- term stable. This is not a unique condition for aspen but is definitely the exception to most successional scenarios in this vegetation type. Fungal and bacterial diseases and 40 insect pathogens are ubiquitous and limit tree longevity and stand productivity (the tree portion thereof) but the suckering ability of both Populus spp. provides a relatively constant source of recruitment to the canopy layer. An examination of reports and classifications from adjacent areas, which have been less intensively sampled and with somewhat different techniques, indicates that the aspen parkland of the BIR has a relatively severe climate as reflected by the short, wind-trimmed trees and that the undergrowth is especially forb-rich. Species richness averaged 38 species per plot, which is high for forested types. Coniferous community types in this same landscape average between 15 and 27 species per plot. In terms of preserving the diversity of forested habitats alone, this BIR parkland should be a strong focus of efforts. Additionally, much of the aspen lowland is both subirrigated and in position to receive overland flow and could constitute an appreciable area of palustrine, broad-leaved deciduous, forested wetland in the Cowardin et al. (1977) classification and a "jurisdictional wetland" in the scheme of the "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineartion Manual" (Environmental Laboratory 1987). We have documented that two plant associations, P. tremuloides/Cornus stolonifera and P. tremuloides/Calamagrostis canadensis, are almost invariably associated with wetland conditions. The third association, P. tremuloides/ Osmorhiza occidentalis, occurs as a jurisdictional wetland in about 20 % of the cases. The fact that these plant associations are so predictably associated with jurisdictional wetlands makes them valuable surrogates for mapping wetlands without having to resort to excavating soil pits or hypothesizing about hydrologic regimes. Values typically associated with such wetlands include flood mitigation (floodwater storage), water quality improvement (capture of nutrients and erosion from uplands), storm abatement and aquifer recharge, aesthetics, and perhaps most importantly critical wildlife habitat. This moist to wet habitat is potentially critical to avian productivity (Tewksbury 1997). It also contains an abundance of grizzly bear foods (herbs), such as sharptooth angelica (Angelica arguta), western sweet-cicely (Osmorhiza occidentalis), cow-parsnip (Heracleum lanatum), glacier lily (Erythronium grandiflorum), field horsetail (Equisetum arvense). In light of the demise of many stands of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) in adjacent Glacier National Park, these aspen parklands may sustain more pressure from the grizzly bear population, though aspen parkland stands generally serve as spring- early summer forage sites and not fall sites, as do the whitebark pine stands. Other wildlife species frequent these habitats but determination of intensity and types of use were beyond this study's scope. 41 VI. LITERATURE CITED Bird, R. D. 1961. Ecology of the aspen parkland of western Canada. Contribution No. 27, Research Station, Canada Department of Agriculture. Winnipeg. Manitoba, Canada. 155 pp. Daubenmire, R. 1959. Canopy coverage method of vegetation analysis. Northwest Science 33: 43-64. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Technical Report Y-87-1 . U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. 100 pp. Hagle, S. K., S. Tunnock, K. E. Gibson and C. J. Gilligan. 1990. Field guide to diseases and insect pests of Idaho and Montana forests. Publication No. R1-89- 54. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, Northern Region, Missoula, MT. 123 pp. Hansen, P. L, R. D. Pfister, K. Boggs, B. J. Cook, J. Joy, and D. K. Hinckley. 1995. Classification and management of Montana's riparian and wetland sites. Miscellaneous Publication No. 54, Montana Forest and Conservation Experiment Station, School of Forestry, University of Montana, Missoula, MT. 646 pp. Hill, M. O. 1979a. DECORANA-A FORTRAN Program fordetrended correspondence analysis and reciprocal averaging. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Hill, M. O. 1979b. TwINSPAN - A FORTRAN program for arranging multivariate data in a ordered two-way table by classification of the individuals and attributes. Ithaca, NY. Cornell University. Hinds, T. E. 1985. Diseases. In Aspen: Ecology and Management in the western United States. Eds. N.V. DeByle and R. P. Winokur. U. S. Forest Service, General Technical Report RM-119, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. pg. 87-106. Hiratsuka, Y., T Stokes, P. Chakravarty, and D. J. Morgan. 1995. A field guide to classify and measure aspen decay and stain. Special Report 4, Canadian Forest Service Northwest Region, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 27 pp. Hitchcock, C. L. and A. Cronquist. 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle. 730 pp. 42 Kay, C. E. and F. H. Wagner. 1994. Historical condition of woody vegetation on Yellowstone's Northern Range: A critical evaluation of the "natural regulation" pardigm. Ed. D. G. Despain. In Plants and their environments: Proceedings of the first biennial scientific conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Technical Report NPS/NRYELL/NRTR-93/XX. 15 Lynch, D. 1955. Ecology of the aspen groveland in Glacier County, Montana. Ecological Monographs 25 (4): 321-344. Moss, E. H. 1955. The vegetation of Alberta IV. The poplar association and related vegetation of central Alberta. Journal of Ecology 20: 380-41 5. Mueggler, W. F. 1988. Aspen community types of the Intermountain Region. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service General Technical Report INT-250. Intermountain Research Station, Ogden, UT. 135 pp. Mutel, C. F. 1973. An ecological study of the plant communities of certain montane meadows in the Front Range of Colorado. Unpublished Thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder. 77 pp. Oliver, C. D. and B. C. Larson. 1996. Forest stand dynamics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 520 pp. Pfister, R. D., B. L. Kovalchik, S. F. Arno, and R. C. Presby. 1977. Forest habitat types of Montana. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service General Technical Report INT-34. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, UT. 175 pp. Powell, D. C. 1988. Aspen community types of the Pike and San Isabel National Forests in south-central Colorado. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Report R2-ECOL-88-01. 254 pp. Reed, P. B. Jr. 1988a. National list of plant species that occur in wetlands: North Plains (Region 4). U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 88 (26.4). U. S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Research and Development, Washington, DC. 64 pp. Reed, P. B. Jr. 1988b. National list of plant species that occur in wetlands: Norhtwest (Region 9). U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 88 (26.9). U. S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Research and Development, Washington, DC. 89 pp. Tewksbury, J. 1997. Riparian forests and avian productivity. Report prepared for U. S. Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Missoula, MT. 61 pp. 43 USDA Soil Conservation Service and USDI Bureau of Indian Affairs. 1980. Soil Survey of Glacier County Area and Part of Pondera County, Montana. Bozeman, MT. 161 pp plus maps and plates. 44 APPENDIX A. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES * Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table * Community * 1 * 1* 1* 2 * 2 * 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 3* Site * 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7 * 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14* 15* Trees ABILAS 1 1 1 1 1 PICEAX — — — — 10 — — 3 — — — 1 — i PICENG 1 1 i PINCON 10 POPTRE 70 25 30 90 70 83 50 70 85 70 60 60 40 40 80 POPTRI — 70 70 -~ — 13 30 20 40 40 50 50 60 PSEMEN - Shrubs AMEALN 1 3 113 4 3 4 2 3 — 1 BERREP ' ; BETOCC 3 3 CORSTO 60 20 5 3 i CRADOU JUNCOM ■ . 1 LONINV 12 LONUTA 1 POTFRU PRUVIR 3 1 RHAALN ' RHAPOR 1 RIBAME 1 1 3 RIBLAC 1 RIBSET 3 3 1 3 3 ROSACI . 3 10 10 ROSWOO 3 32 10 13332 327 — RUBIDA 3 x RUBPAR 1 SALBEB 3 3 4 10 1 SALBOO 2 2 SALGEY SALIXX 1 3 1 SALLUT SALSCO 2 SALTWE - SHECAN SORSCO SPIBET 3 SYMALB 10 7 13 — — 10 10 2 4 7 — 3 3 28 63 3 2 1 APPENDIX A. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES * Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table * Community * 1* 1* 1* 2 * 2 * 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 3* Site * 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9 * 10* 11* 12* 13* 14* 15* ********"********************************************^^ Graminoids : AGROST 1 AGRREP 1 . AGRSCA 1 1 1 1 , ALOALP — 1 — 20 — — — 28 1 — — 20 — 20 ALOPRA 1 — — — 20 3 17 — — 1 1 — ___ ___ X BROCIL 1 3 1 1 1113 BROINE — »- 5 BROPUM CALCAN — 10 — — — 20 — — 60 20 10 CALRUB CALSTR — 67 70 1 3 CARBRE 1 CAREXX 1 — - CARGEY CARHOO 1 : 1 1 CARMIC 1 CARRAY 1 17 40 CARROS , CINLAT DACGLO DESCES ELYGLA 3 10 30 3 3 10 3 40 20 20 23 3 33 3 27 FESSUB — 1 10 — — 20 — — 27 1 2 13 3 3 GLYSTR 1 JUNBAL MELSUB PHLPRA 1 1 — 20 10 10 30 20 — 3 1 10 13 4 POAINT 1 POAPAL 20 POAPRA — — — 3 1 — 10 10 — — 3 SCHPUR STIOCC Forbs : ACHMIL ACTRUB ALLCER ALLIUM 1 ALLSCH 10 1 ANGARG 40 1 17 23 5 15 23 33 7 3 20 ARAB1S 1 . ARAGLA ARAHIR APPENDIX A. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES * Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table * **************************************************** *****************************.****************************,, i******^*,** Community * 1* 1* 1* 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 3* Site * 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14* 15* ******************************************** ********************************************************* ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Forbs Continued: ARCMIN ARELAT ARNCHA — - --- -— 1 1 4 1 1 — - 1 1 3 ___ 3 ASTCON 1 ASTENG 1 1 i 2 ASTFOL --- 10 1 — — — — -— i 13 ___ ___ ± ± ASTLAE — — — 2 3 — 3 13 — — 3 2 3 10 3 CAMQUA 1 4 2 2 1 CAMROT 1 1 1 1 CASLUT 1 CASMIN 1 CASRHE 1 - CASTIL 1 i CERAST - — CIRARV 1 CIRHOO CIRSCA CIRSIU x CIRVUL DESPIN DISHOO 4 DISTRA 1 EPIANG 1 ' 1 ! EPICIL — — — 1 1 1 — 1 — _ — _ ! EPILOB 1 i ERYGRA FRAVES 10 13 1 1 FRAVIR 1 1 3 — 10 3 20 10 20 3 3 3 1 10 GALBOR 3 1 3 4 113 11 GALTET x GALTRI 3 1 x x x GERRIC 8 10 3 1 1 5 3 3 110 1 2 4 2 4 GERVIS 1 GEUMAC 3 — 3 13 7 4 3 1 7 — 4 2 4 4 4 HABDIL 1 i HABSAC HABUNA 1 HACFLO 1 1 ! -l j HERLAN — 20 25 — 1 1 — 1 1 — i ___ 40 ___ 4 IRIMIS LATOCH --- --- ___-_. 11 1 1 i __ _ 3 ___ J ___ 3 LOMDIS MEDSAT MONFIS 1 APPENDIX A. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES * Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table * Community * 1* 1* l* 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 3* site * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * Forbs Continued: OSMDEP 13 1 — 1 RANUNI 1 SENSER 1 SENTRI 1 SMIRAC SMISTE 1 3 1 2 SOLGIG 1 SONCHU STELLA" STELON STEOCC STRAMP 5 THAVEN 1 TRIREP URTDIO 3 VALSIT VERVIR 4 1 ZIGELE Ferns & Fern Allies: BOTVIR 1 EQUARV 3 3 4 EQUHYE FERNXX 1 1 OSMOCC 1 10 50 2 — 17 — 13 1 10 20 — 20 2 17 PEDBRA --- 2 — — - 2 ' 1 1 3 2 1 1 PEDGRO 1 PERGAI 3 __" PETSAG 2 1 PLAMAJ POTENT 1 POTGRA 1 PRUVUL 3 11 1 PYRCHL 1 1 j 1 j 1 SANMAR 1 30 1 — — 3 13 — — 13 1 1 ___ ___ 3 SENCRA SENFOE — — — 20 3 13 — 17 17 1 " 1 1 "1 1 SENHYD 3 SENPSE — 10 3 1 — 10 — — ,10 40 23 "_3 — — 1 TAROFF 3 — — 1 1 1 — 1 ___ ___ j , 3 THAOCC 8 20 4 1 1 1 3 3 2 — 1 1 2 1 VICAME 1 1 — !—!-___ 3 "1 I __'_ __l VIOCAN 3 1 10 — 1 3 — 1 — 1 7 40 1 3 APPENDIX A. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES * Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table * Community * 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* Site * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19 * 20 * 21 * 22 * 23 * 24 * 25 * 26 * 27 * 28 * 29 * 30 * i..»*****.t...t*ii4.tHU**»**H»*Hi**HH.**4**t*.*tii44iH*«***HHn**HHt***H.4***4HlHH*tt»***H4i»Ht.*»*t**t^ Trees: ABILAS 3 1 1 1 PICEAX 1 1 1 1 -'— — 1 3 2 PICENG 3 13 PINCON PINFLE 1 CORSTO CRADOU 3 Z JUNCOM 1 LONINV j LONUTA POTFRU 1 PRUVIR 1 RHAALN — - ' RHAPUR 1 1 RIBAME RIBLAC RIBSET 3 ' ROSACI 1 1 ROSWOO 3 13 1 — 10 — — 13 13 — 20 10 — 3 RUBIDA 1 RUBPAR 40 27 SALBEB SALBOO 2 1 SALGEY 2 SALIXX - — 17 3 3 4 SALLUT 1 3 SALSCO 3 3 7 2 SALTWE , SHECAN 3 1 x 1 SORSCO 1 SPIBET 7 13 , SYMALB 40 — 30 60 50 30 2 30 30 50 50 60 3 17 38 POPTRE 90 80 83 83 83 80 55 73 80 50 83 90 50 50 POPTRI — — — 1 1 1 1 2 10 10 20 23 30 20 30 PSEMEN 3 Shrubs : AMEALN 2 3 3 13 2 — - 1 3 23 1 1 — - 1 BERREP — — — — 3 1 1 1 4 4 ___ 1 BETOCC -— 2 1 1 1 30 APPENDIX A. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES * Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table * Community * 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* Site * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19 * 20 * 21 * 22 * 23 * 24 * 25 * 26 * 27 * 28 * 29 * 30 * ******************************************************** ^^ Graminoids : AGROST AGRREP ]_ . AGRSCA ALOALP 13 ALOPRA 1 BROCIL 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 — 1 3 x 1 ! 20 ___ BROINE 1 BROPUM 1 CALCAN 1 -_ 3 3 3 2 CALRUB 1 3 1 23 POAPAL 1 CALSTR CARBRE CAREXX 1 1 1 CARGEY 1 CARHOO CARMIC -L CARRAY CARROS CINLAT x DACGLO 1 DESCES 1 ELYGLA 7 20 4 30 10 20 40 3 17 20 10 7 27 10 3 FESSUB 2 — — 3 10 3 — — 13 2 3 13 1 1 GLYSTR JONBAL MELSUB 13 PHLPRA 1 15 1 10 10 — 10 3 3 — '-— — --- 3 POAINT 1 1 POAPRA --- 20 — 10 10 1 — 3 — — ! 10 SCHPUR 1 — — 1 1 1 ___ 17 3 1 3 STIOCC Forbs : ACHMIL —-111 --- 1 1 ! ACTRUB 1 3 ALLCER 1 1 ALLIUM ALLSCH ANGARG 1 3 4 3 15 7 ' 15 10 1 ARABIS ARAGLA 1 ARAHIR 1 1 APPENDIX A. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table * ******************** Community * 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* Site * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19 * 20 * 21 * 22 * 23 * 24 * 25 * 26 * 27 * 28 * 29 * 30 * *****************************************i*iiitit*ttiiitiliiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ii^iiitiitiiitii^tii + titititiii^titii Forbs Continued: ARCMIN ARELAT x ARNCHA 1 1 ASTCON ASTENG 1 2 ASTFOL 1 1 1 1 ASTLAE 2 1 3 2 4 1 3 1 3 DISTRA 1 1 — 4 CAMQUA 1 1 CAMROT 111 CASLOT 3 CASMIN 1 CASRHE CASTIL - — CERAST CIRARV CIRHOO CIRSCA 1 CIRSIU CIRVUL 1 DESPIN DISHOO — — — 1 — 17 1 ___ ___ 1 ___ ___ 17 7 30 1 1 20 EPIANG 7 1 EPICIL , EPILOB ERYGRA 20 30 — - 10 20 10 FRAVES x FRAVIR 10 3 17 3 1 3 3 3 1 — 2 3 10 GALBOR --- 1 1 3 1 1 x ___ x 7 ___ ! GALTET GALTRI 1 3 GERRIC 13 343 10 41422 GERVIS 5 1 GEUMAC 1 7 1113 3 1 HABDIL HABSAC 1 HABUNA ! HACFLO 1 1 1 1 1 1 x HERLAN 1 1 43 23 IRIMIS 1 LATOCH 1 1 1 2 1 1 LOMDIS MEDSAT 1 MONFIS 1 1 1 27 3 20 3 APPENDIX A. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES * Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table * Community * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * S^le * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19 * 20 * 21 * 22 * 23 * 24 * 25 * 26 * 27 * 28 * 29 * 30 * Forbs Continued: OSMDEP 3 3 — — — i ___ 3 — 3 1 1 — 1 i OSM0CC 3 3 30 20 4 23 30 1 30 1 7 13 20 27 PEDBRA 3 — — 1 — i 3 x 1 — , t I PEDGRO 1 x J PERGAI ~ 4 PETSAG PLAMAJ x POTENT . POTGRA x PRUVUL PYRCHL RANUNI 1 1 SANMAR SENCRA SENFOE 1 1 i 17 SENHYD SENPSE 1 10 10 SENSER 1 SENTRI SMIRAC 3 3 1 — "I -- 4 1 — x 10 4 10 20 2 1 1 1 — — 1 1 — ___ i SMISTE 1 1 1,3 11 3 2 1 1 1 i SOLGIG . x SONCHU 1 STELLA STELON STEOCC i STRAMP TAROFF 7 1 1 ! x x I "I ~"~ ~~ 10 10 2 4 10 10 3 THAOCC 10 1 4 7 1 20 1 THAVEN TRIREP 1 2 URTDIO x VALSIT 1 2 VERVIR 3 — — 4 — 13 1 "I -II III H III ~7n ~~ """ VICAME 1 x j 1 i' J J IS --- ::: 11 -1 -1 11 _1 ::: __i j_ ~}i 11 A A A Ferns & Fern Allies BOTVIR EQUARV EQUHYE 4 4 FERNXX ' 50 30 30 30 20 68 50 50 60 60 10 APPENDIX A. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES * Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table * Community * 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* Site * 31 * 32 * 33 * 34 * 35 * 36 * 37 * Trees: ABILAS 111 PICEAX 1 4 PICENG 1 PINCON • PINFLE POPTRE 50 30 30 30 20 75 POPTRI PSEMEN Shrubs : AMEALN BERREP BETOCC : CORSTO 1 3 11 CRADOU JUNCOM LONINV LONUTA 1 POTFRU PRUVIR 3 RHAALN 3 RHAPUR 1 RIBAME RIBLAC RIBSET 3 11 ROSACI ROSWOO 3 12 3 RUBIDA RUBPAR 20 27 2 SALBEB 1 SALBOO 1 1 SALGEY 1 SALIXX 13 3 3 SALLUT SALSCO - — SALTWE 3 SHECAN SORSCO 1 SPIBET SYMALB 1 1 17 30 — 10 23 APPENDIX A. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES * Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table * Community * 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* Site * 31 * 32 * 33 * 34 * 35 * 36 * 37 * Graminoids : AGROST AGRREP AGRSCA 1 1 ALOALP 1 ALOPRA 1 1 BROCIL 3 1111 BROINE BROPUM CALCAN 3 1 2 CALRUB 10 1 CALSTR 2 — - 17 CARBRE CAREXX 1 CARGEY - — ■ CARHOO CARMIC CARRAY 1 CARROS 1 CINLAT 1 DACGLO DESCES ELYGLA 10 3 3 13 3 20 23 FESSUB 3 23 4 10 GLYSTR JUNBAL 1 MELSUB PHLPRA 1 10 3 3 POAINT POAPAL POAPRA 17 1 SCHPUR 3 1 S'TIOCC Forbs : ACHMIL 1 1 ACTRUB 1 7 2 1 10 1 ALLCER ' ALLIUM ALLSCH ANGARG 1 7 4 3 1 ARABIS ARAGLA ARAHIR 1 APPENDIX A. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES * Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table * Community * 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* Site * 31 * 32 * 33 * 34 * 35 * 36 * 37 * Forbs Continued: ARCMIN 2 ARELAT ARNCHA 1 1 1 ASTCON ! ASTENG 3 1 2 ASTFOL 1 1 10 ASTLAE 3 13 CAMQUA 1 CAMROT CASLOT 1 CASMIN 1 CASRHE CASTIL CERAST 1 CIRARV CIRHOO CIRSCA CIRSIU CIRVUL DESPIN 1 1 DISHOO 25 DISTRA 1 1 EPIANG - — 1 EPICIL 1 1 EPILOB — ERYGRA 1 FRAVES FRAVIR 3 10 10 1 3 GALBOR 2 — - '3 111 GALTET GALTRI 13 --- 1 --- 10 GERRIC 3 1 17 3 10 10 1 GERVIS ___ GEUMAC 1 1 3 1 2 20 1 HABDIL HABSAC HABUNA HACFLO — HERLAN 4 60 17 1 18 10 IRIMIS LATOCH 1 2 20 LOMDIS MEDSAT MONFIS 3 APPENDIX A. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITIES * Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table * ************************************** *************************************************************************************** Community * 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* Site * 31 * 32 * 33 * 34 * 35 * 36 * 37 * *********************************************************** *****************************************************************v Forbs Continued: OSMDEP 1 - — i OSMOCC 27 30 1 13 4 20 30 PEDBRA 1 1 2 . 3 1 PEDGRO 1 PERGAI PETSAG PLAMAJ POTENT POTGRA PRUVUL 1 1 1 PYRCHL — 1 RANUNI SANMAR 10 SENCRA SENFOE 1 1 3 SENHYD SENPSE 1 1 — - 27 SENSER 1 SENTRI 1 3 SMIRAC 1 SMISTE 3 11111 SOLGIG SONCHU STELLA STELON STEOCC STRAMP TAROFF 1 1 1 i THAOCC 10 1 1 3 1 10 10 THAVEN TRIREP 1 1 URTDIO 1 3 3 VALSIT VERVIR 1 3 1 2 VICAME 111 111 VIOCAN 1 30 7 20 1 30 30 ZIGELE Ferns & Fern Allies: BOTVIR EQUARV 1 1 1 2 12 EQUHYE FERNXX 1 APPENDIX B. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITY TYPES: Cover Constancy Table: Constancy (Average Abundance) [Range, Minimum - Maximum! ********************** *********** Community * POPTRE/CORSTO # Sites * N = 3 POPTRE/CALCAN N = 11 POPTRE/OSMOCC N = 23 ii»*Hitti**«i***n«iiHH*(***Ht»t4iit**tttlij,llt,jllutl,M1[ ******************** Trees : ABILAS 33 PICEAX 0 PICENG 67 PINCON 0 PINFLE 0 POPTRE 100 POPTRI 67 PSEMEN 0 AMEALN 67 BERREP 0 BETOCC 67 CORSTO 100 CRADOU 0 JUNCOM 0 LONINV 33 LONUTA 0 POTFRU 0 PRUVIR 33 RHAALN 0 RHAPUR 0 RIBAME 0 RIBLAC 33 RIBSET 67 ROSACI 0 ROSWOO 100 RUB I DA 0 RUBPAR 33 SALBEB 67 SALBOO 33 SALGEY 0 SALIXX 33 SALLUT 0 SALSCO 0 SALTWE 0 SHECAN 0 SORSCO ■ 0 SPIBET 0 SYMALB 100 1) 0) 1) 0) 0) 42) 70) 0) 2) 0) 3) 28) 0) 0) 12) 0) 0) 3) 0) 0) 0) 1) 3) 0) 3) 0) 1) 3) 2) 0) 1) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 10) 1 0 1 0 0 25 70 0 1 0 3 5 0 0 12 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 3 0 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1] 0] 1] 0] 0] 70] 70] 0] 3] 0] 3] 60] 0] 0] 12] 0] 0] 3] 0] 0] 0] 1] 3] 0] 3] 0] 1] 3] 2] 0] 1] 0] 0] 0] 0] 0] 0] 13] 36 ( 1) [ 27 ( 5) [ 9 ( 1) [ 9 (10) [ 0 ( 0) [ 100 (65) [ 73 (38) [ 0 ( 0) [ Shrubs: 73 ( 3) [ 0 ( 0) [ 0 ( 0) [ 18 ( 2) [ 0 ( 0) [ 0 ( 0) [ 0 ( 0) [ 9 ( 1) [ 0 ( 0) [ 9 ( 1) [ 9 ( 1) [ 0 ( 0) [ 27 ( 2) [ 0 ( 0) [ 27 ( 2) [ 0 ( 0) [ 91 ( 4) [ 18 ( 2) [ 0 ( 0) [ 36 ( 6) [ 9 ( 2) [ 0 ( 0) [ 27 2) [ 0 0) [ 18 2) [ 9 1) [ 0 0) t 0 0) [ 0 0) [ 73 8) [ 1 1 1 10 0 40 13 0 1] 10] 1] 10] 0] 90] 60] 0] 4] 0] 0] 3] 0] 0] 0] 1] 0] 1] 1] 0] 3] 0] 3] 0] 10] 3] 0] 10] 2] 0] 3] 0] 2] 1] 0] 0] 0] 28] 30 43 13 0 4 100 74 4 70 30 13 39 4 9 4 4 4 9 4 13 4 0 17 9 65 4 26 4 17 9 35 9 22 4 17 9 17 91 1) 2) 6) 0) 1) 61) 26) 3) 4) 2) 1) 2) 3) 1) 1) 1) 1) 2) 3) 1) 1) 0) 2) 1) 7) 1) 24) 1) 1) 2) 4) 2) 3) 3) 2) 1) 6) 28) 1 - 3] 1 - 4] 1 - 13] 0 - 0] 1 - 1] 9 - 90] 1 - 68] 3 - 3] 1 - 23] 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 0 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 20] 1-1] 2 - 40] 1 - 1] 1 - 2] 1 " 2] 1 - 17] 4] 2] 3] 3] 1] 1] 1] 1] 3] 3] 1] 1] 0] 3] 1] 1 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 3] 7] 3) 3] 1] 13] 63] ****** ****** APPENDIX B. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITY TYPES: Cover Constancy Table: Constancy (Average Abundance) [Range, Minimum - Maximum 1 ********************* **************************************ti,*iit**t*t+*******i***tt + *ttttiiit+ttt^iitti:iitiiitirittl Community * POPTRE/CORSTO * POPTRE/CALCAN * POPTRE/OSMOCC * # Sites * n=3 * N = 11 * N = 23 * ***********************************************************************tt*i**i,i,iri,icici!itiri,:iricti!iri:iritiriiiit + iri:i!iriti!i;i!ii^ Graminoids : AGROST 0 AGRREP 0 AGRSCA 0 ALOALP 33 ALOPRA 33 BROCIL 67 BROINE 0 BROPUM 0 CALCAN 33 CALRUB 0 CALSTR 0 CARBRE 0 CAREXX 33 CARGEY 0 CARHOO 0 CARMIC 0 CARRAY 0 CARROS 0 CINLAT 0 DACGLO 0 DESCES 0 ELYGLA 100 FESSUB 67 GLYSTR 0 JUNBAL 0 MELSUB 0 PHLPRA 67 POAINT 0 POAPAL 0 POAPRA 0 SCHPDR 0 STIOCC 0 ACHMIL 0 ACTRUB 33 ALLCER 0 ALLIUM 33 ALLSCH 0 ANGARG 33 ARAB IS 33 ARAGLA 0 ARAHIR 0 0) 0) 0) 1) 1) 2) 0) 0) 10) 0) 0) 0) 1) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 14) 6) 0) 0) 0) 1) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 8) 0) 1) 0) 40) 1) 0) 0) 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0] 0] 0] 1] 1] 3] 0] 0] 10] 0] 0] 0] 1] 0] 0] 0] 0] 0] 0] 0] 0] 30] 10] 0] 0] 0] 1] 0] 0] 0] 0]. 0] 0 - 0] 1 - 1] 0 - 0] 40 - 40] 1 - 1] 0 - 0] 0 - 0] 0 ( 0) [ 9 ( 1) [ 45 ( 1) [ 45 (18) [ 45 ( 8) [ 55 ( 1) [ 9 ( 5) [ 0 ( 0) [ 55 (28) [ 0 ( 0) [ 36 (35) [ 18 ( 1) [ 0 ( 0) [ 0 ( 0) [ 27 ( 1) [ 18 1) [ 9 1) [ 9 1) [ 0 0) [ 0 0) [ 0 0) [ 100 15) [ 55 ID [ 9 1) [ 0 0) [ 0 0) [ 91 ID [ 9 1) [ 9 20) [. 64 6) [ 27 2) [ 0 ( 0) [ Fort s: 36 { 1) [ 27 ( 3) [ 0 ( 0) [ 9 ( 1) [ 9 ( 1) [ 100 ( 14) [ 0 ( 0) [ 0 ( 0) [ 0 ( 0) [ 0 1 1 1 1 1 5 0 10 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 20 1 1 0 0] 1] 1] 28] 20] 3] 5] 0] 60] 0] 70] 1] 0] 0] 1] 1] 1] 1] 0] 0] 0] 40] 27] 1] 0] 0] 30] 1] 20] 10] 3] 0] 1] 7] 0] 1] 1] 33] 0] 0] 0] 4 4 9 9 17 78 4 4 35 26 13 0 17 4 0 4 9 4 9 4 4 100 65 0 4 4 61 4 4 48 48 4 39 57 9 0 0 91 0 4 13 1) 1) 1) 7) 1) 3) 1) 1) 2) 7) 7) 0) 1) 1) 0) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 14) 6) 0) 1) 13) 6) 1) 1) 7) 3) 1) 1) 3) 1) 0) 0) 5) 0) 1) 1) 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 1 - 13] 1 - 1] 1 - 20] 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 1 - 3] 1 - 23] 1 - 17] 0 - 0] 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 0 - 0] 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 3 - 40] 1 - 23] 0 - 0] 1 - 1] 3 - 13] 1 - 15] 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 1 - 20] 1 - 17] 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 1 - 10] 1 - 1] 0 - 0] 0 - 0] 1 - 15] 0 - 0] 1 - 1] 1 - 1] APPENDIX B. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITY TYPES: Cover Constancy Table: Constancy (Average Abundance) [Range, Minimum - Maximuml Community * POPTRE/CORSTO # Sites * N = 3 * ********************** POPTRE/CALCAN * POPTRE/OSMOCC * N = 11 * N = 23 * *************************.************iititit]tijtJtti)r Forbs Continued: ARCMIN ARELAT ARNCHA ASTCON ASTENG ASTFOL ASTLAE CAMQUA CAMROT CASLUT CASMIN CASRHE CASTIL CERAST CIRARV CIRHOO CIRSCA CIRSIU CIRVUL DESPIN DISHOO DISTRA EPIANG EPICIL EPILOB ERYGRA FRAVES FRAVIR GALBOR GALTET GALTRI GERRIC GERVIS GEUMAC HABDIL HABSAC HABUNA HACFLO HERLAN IRIMIS LATOCH LOMDIS MEDSAT 0 ( 0) 0 ! 0) 0 ( 0) 33 ( 1) 33 ( 1) 67 ( 6) 0 ( 0) 33 ( 1) 67 ( 1) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) 33 ( 1) 0 ( 0) 33 ( 1) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) 0 0) 0 0) 0 0) 33 4) 33 1) 33 1) 0 0) 33 1) 0 0) 0 0) 67 1) 33 3) 0 0) 33 3) 100 ( 7) 33 ( 1) 67 ( 3) 33 ( 1) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) 33 ( 1) 67 ( 23) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) [ o - 0] 0 ( 0) [ o - 0] 4 ( 2) [ 2 - 2] [ o - 0] 0 ( 0) [ o - 0] 4 { 1) [ 1 - 1] [ o - 0] 82 ( 2) [ 1 - 4] 22 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] [ 1 - 1] 0 ( 0) [ 0 - 0] 9 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] [ 1 - 1] 27 ( 1) t 1 - 2] 30 ( 2) [ 1 - 4] [ 1 - 10] 36 ( 4) [ 1 - 13] 35 ( 2) [ 1 - 10] [ o - 0] 73 ( 5) [ 2 - 13] 61 ( 3) [ 1 - 7] [ 1 - 1] 36 ( 2) [ 1 - 4] 17 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] [ 1 - 1] 27 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 17 ( 1) ; i - 1] [ o - 0] 18 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 9 ( 2) ; l - 3] [ o - 0] 9 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 22 ( 1) : i - 1] [ o - 0] 9 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 0 ( 0) [ o - 0] [ 1 - 1] 9 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 0 < 0) [ o - 0] [ o - 0] 0 ( 0) [ 0 - 0] 4 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] [ 1 - 1] 0 ( 0) [ 0 - 0] 0 ( 0) : o - 0] : o - 0] 0 ( 0) [ o - 0] 4 ( 1) : i - 1] : o - 0] 0 ( 0) t o - 0] 4 1) [ i - 1] [ o - 0] 9 I 1) [ 1 - 1] 0 0) [ o - 0] [ o - 0] 0 0) ' 0 - 0] 4 1) 1 - 1] [ o - 0] 0 0) 0 - 0] 9 1) 1 - 1] 4 - i] 9 10) 10 - 10] 35 12) 1 - 30] 1 - 1] 0 0) 0 - 0] 22 1) 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 18 1) 1 - 1] 17 3) 1 - 7] 0 - 0] 64 1) 1 - 2] 9 1) 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 9 1) 1 - 1] 0 0) 0 - 0] 0 - 0] 18 8) 3 - 13] 35 16) 1 - 30] 0 - 0] 9 1) 1 - U 4 1) 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 91 8) 1 - 20] 78' 5) 1 - 17] 3 - 3] 82 2) 1 - 4] 61 ( 2) 1 1 - 7] 0 - 0] 9 1) 1 - 1] 0 ( 0) I 0 - 0] 3 - 3] 36 1) 1 - 1] 30 ( 5) [ 1 - 13] 3 - 10] 100 ( 3) [ 1 - 10] 87 ( 4) [ 1 - 17] 1 - 1) 0 ( 0) I 0 - 0] 9 ( 3) [ 1 - 5] 3 - 3] 91 ( 5) [ 1 - 13] 74 ( 3) [ 1 - 20] 1 - 1] 9 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 0 ( 0) [ 0 - 0] 0 - 0] 0 ( 0) [ 0 - 0] 4 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 0 - 0] 9 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 4 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 27 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 43 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 20 - 25] 55 ( 8) [ 1 - 40] 61 ( 17) [ 1 - 60] 0 - 0) 0 ( 0) [ 0 - 0] 4 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 0 - 0] 64 ( 1) [ 1 - 3] 48 ( 2) [ 1 - 3] 0 - 0] 0 ( 0) [ 0 - 0] 4 ( 3) [ 3 - 3] 0 - 0] 0 ( 0) [ 0 - 0] 4 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] ********** ********* APPENDIX B.BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD COMMUNITY TYPES' ••■••••"••••••-••^ Community * POPTRE/CORSTO * POPTRE/CALCAN * POPTRE/OSMOCC # Sites * N=3 * N = 11 * N = 91 * ************* MONFIS OSMDEP OSMOCC PEDBRA PEDGRO PERGAI PETSAG PLAMAJ POTENT POTGRA PRUVUL PYRCHL RANUNI SANMAR SENCRA SENFOE SENHYD SENPSE SEMSER SENTRI SMIRAC SMISTE SOLGIG SONCHU STELLA STELON STEOCC STRAMP TAROFF THAOCC THAVEN TRIREP URTDIO VALSIT VERVIR VI CAME VIOCAN ZIGELE BOTVIR EQUARV EQUHYE FERNXX 33 33 100 33 0 0 33 0 33 0 100 33 33 100 0 0 33 67 33 33 0 67 0 0 0 0 0 33 33 100 0 0 33 0 33 67 100 0 ( 0) ( ( 1) (13) (20) ( 2) 0 0) ( 2) ( 0) ( 1) ( 0) ( 2) ( 1) ( 1) (11) ( 0) ( 0) ( 3) ( 7) ( 1) ( 1) ( 0) ( 2) ( 0) ( 0) ( 0) ( 0) ( 0) Forbs Continued: ( 3) (11) ( 0) ( 0) ( 3) ( 0) ( 4) ( 1) ( 5) ( 0) 0 ( 0) 33 ( 3) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) 1 - 13 - 1 - 2 - 0 - 0 - 2 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1! 13] 50] 2] 0) 0] 2] 0] 1] 0] 3] 1] 1] 1 - 30) 0-0] 0 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 5 - 3 - 4 - 0 - 0 - 3 - 0 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 0] 3] 1C] 1] 1] 0] 3] 0] 0] 0] 0] 0] 5] 3] 20] 0] 0] 3] 0] 4] 1] 10] 0-0] Ferns 0-0] 3 - 3] 0-0] 0-0] 0 ( 0) [ 18 ( 1) [ 73 (11) [ 64 ( 2) [ 18 ( 1) [ 9 ( 3) [ 9 ( 1) [ 0 ( 0) [ 0 ( 0) [ 9 ( 1) [ 9 ( 1) [ 27 ( 1) [ 18 ( 1) t 45 ( 6) [ 0 ( 0) [ 82 ( 8) [ 0 ( 0) [ 55 (15) [ 9 ( 1) [ 9 ( 1) t 0 ( 0) [ 100 ( 2) [ 9 ( 1) [ 0 ( 0) [ 9 1) [ 9 1) [ 0 0) [ 0 0) [ 64 1) [ 91 2) [ 9 1) [ 18 1) [ 27 ( 1) I 0 ( 0) [ 27 ( 3) ( 55 ( 1) [ 64 ( 8) [ 9 ( 1) [ Fern Alii 9 ( 1) [ 45 ( 2) [ 9 ( 1) [ 0 ( 0) [ 0 - 0] 17 ( 1) [ 1 - 1) 1 - 1] 48 ( 2) [ 1 - 3] 1 - 20] 100 (15) [ 1 - 30] 1 - 3] 61 ( 2) t 1 - 3] 1 - 1] 17 ( 2) [ 1 - 4] 3 - 3] 4 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 0 ( 0) [ 0 - 0] 0 - 0] 4 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 0 - 0] 0 ( 0) [ o - 0] 1 - 1] 4 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 22 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 9 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 1 - 1] 17 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] 1 - 13] 26 ( 6) [ 1 - 17] 0 - 0] 4 ( 1) : i - 1] 1 - 20] 48 ( 1) : i - 4] 0 - 0] 0 ( .0) : o - 0] 1 - 40] 57 ( 8) : i - 27] 1 - 1] 9 ( 1) i - 1] 1 - 1] 13 ( 2) [ i - 3] 0 - 0] 26 ( 1) i - 1] 1 - 3] 87 ( 1) i - 3] 1 - 1] 4 ( 1) i - 1] 0 - 0] 4 ( 1) i - 1] 1 - 1] 0 ( 0) o - 0] 1 - 1] 0 ( 0) o - 0] 0 - 0] 4 ( 1) i - 1] 0 - 0] 4 ( 1) I i - 1] 1 - 3] 65 ( 2) [ i - 7] 1 - 3] 91 ( 6) [ i - 20] 1 - 1] 0 ( 0) [ 0 - 0] 1 - 1] 17 ( 1) [ 1 - 2] 1 - 2] 30 2) [ 1 - 3] 0 - 0] 4 1) [ 1 - 1] 1 - 41 52 4) [ 1 - 17] 1 - 3] 57 1) [ 1 - 1] 1 - 40] 91 12) [ 1 - 30] 1 - ss : 1] 0 0) [ 0 - 0] l - 1] 0 0) [ 0 - 0] l - 4] 39 2) [ 1 - 4] i - 1] 0 ( 0) ( 0 - 0] 0 - 0] 4 ( 1) [ 1 - 1] APPENDIX C. Scatterplots of stem density by 2 inch size classes without regard to species. (Separate plots for live and dead; plots arranged in ascending order of stand number, five stands per scatterplot; see Appendix D for breakdown of stem density by species, size classes, and live versus dead) Live Stem Desity; Stands 17, 18, 19, 20, & 21 6 8 10 12 dbh (size class midpoints, inches) 14 16 18 Dead Stem Density: Stands 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 80 60 - o re 0) 40 - 20 . 0 4 6 8 10 dbh (size class midpoints, inches) APPENDIX C (Continued) Live Stem Density; Stands 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Stand Number 6.8 10 12 14 dbh (size class midpoints, inches) 16 18 20 Live Stem Density; Stands 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 4 6 8 10 dbh (size class midpoints, inches) 12 14 -+-23 -■-24 -&— 25 -K-26 -*-27 APPENDIX C (Continued) Live Stem Density; Stands 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 6 8 10 12 14 dbh (size class midpoints, inches) 16 18 20 o E Dead Stem Density; Stands 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 8 10 12 dbh (size class midpoints, inches) APPENDIX C (Continued) Live Stem Density; Stand 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 6 8 10 12 14 dbh (size class midpoints, inches) 16 18 20 Dead Stem Density; Stands 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 4 6 8 10 12 14 dbh (size class midpoints, inches) 16 18 APPENDIX C (Continued) o Live Stem Density; Stands 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 6 8 10 12 14 dbh (size class midpoints, inches) 16 18 20 Dead Stem Density; Stands 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 dbh (size class midpoints, inches) APPENDIX C (Continued) Live Stem Density; Stands 43, 44, 46, 47, 48 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 dbh (size class midpoint, inches) 20 Dead Stem Density; Stand 43, 44, 46, 47, 48 6 8 10 12 14 dbh (size class midpoints, inches) APPENDIX C (Continued) o ■5 15 E & Live Stem Density; Stands 50, 51 8 10 12 dbh (size class midpoint, inches) 50 51 14 16 o re E Dead Stem Density; Stands 50, 51 6 8 10 12 dbh (size class midpoint, inches) 14 H 16 APPENDIX D (continued) TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD TREE POPULATIONS BY SITE AND SPECIES DIAMETER CLASSE DIAMETER CLASSES BY 1 AND 2 INCH INCREMENTS (CELL VALUES, NUMBER OF TREES PER ACRE) / >l-2 / >2-4 / >4-6 / >6-8 / >8-10 / >10-12 / >12-14 / >14-16 / >16 >ITE TA1 BC2 or TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT 038L" 20 80 330 190 70 10 0 038D 50 170 40 0 039L 140 210 120 80 60 20 10 039D 60 40 0 0 10 0 040L 50 0 10 60 440 270 40 0 040D 10 110 120 10 0 041L 0 30 190 10 260 40 140 10 30 0 04ID 20 0 60 0 10 0 30 0 0 0 0 10 042L 0 10 50 30 50 0 10 70 50 0 10 60 10 042D 30 20 0 043L 20 100 230 30 40 0 10 0 0 0 10 043D 10 20 140 10 10 0 0 0 20 044L 280 70 510 100 0 130 0 30 0 0 0 40 0 60 0 10 0 10 044D 40 0 0 60 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 045L NI4 045D NI 046L 110 50 330 60 90 40 10 50 0 70 10 60 10 046D 110 20 70 40 0 0 10 047L 180 200 60 40 10 20 40 40 10 047D 0 20 0 10 0 10 20 0 0 10 -, live trees; D, dead trees A = trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) tC = black Cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) )T = other species, could include Engelmann spruce x white spruce hybrids (Picea engelmannii x P. glauca), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and lodgepole pine (Pimis contorta) •II = not inventoried SITE SUE NO 0171.' 02 1 D 022D 023D 024D 02 3D 02ol. 0261) 027D APPENDIX D. TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD TREE POPULATIONS BY SITE AND SPECIES DIAMETER CLASSES DIAMETER CLASSES BY 1 AND 2 INCH INCREMENTS (CELL VALUES, NUMBER TREES PER ACRE, >4"6 £**_ >»-l° >10-I2 / >12-I4 / >I4-I6 / >|6 SO 1 30 NI «0 160 SI) 10 OT' 20 BL- OT 10 70 OT 0 30 TA DC 160 60 120 10 200 90 50 0 110 0 OT 30 10 BC 50 10 OT 0 TA BC SO 20 30 20 ' L, live trees, D, dead Irees | I A = ucmbling aspen tfopulus iremuloides) ' BC - black Cottonwood {Popuhu Iricbocarpa) TA APPENDIX D (continued). TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD TREE POPULATIONS BY SITE AND SPECIES DIAMETER CLASSES DIAMETER CLASSES BY 1 AND 2 INCH INCREMENTS (CELL VALUES, NUMBER OF TREES PER ACRE) / 1-2 / >2-4 / >4-6 / >6-8 / >8-10 / > 10-12 / > 2-14 / >14-I6 / > 16 j site NO 1 TA' 1 I3C: 1 or 1 TA BC 1 01 1 TA BC OT TA 1 BC 1 OT TA BC OT TA BC 1 OT TA 1 BC 1 OT 1 1 A 1 BC 1 OT TA II BC II',' m: 150 390 30 40 90 110 10 (1281) 10 20 0 029L 10 20 10 60 140 170 0 029D 40 0 60 80 0 10 0 030L 5U 210 50 10 10 20 10 0 0 10 U30D 30 60 50 0 10 30 10 0 10 MIL 110 90 70 110 160 30 0 (HID 80 40 70 50 0 tan. 180 60 210 40 190 30 260 10 120 D32D 50 10 40 0 20 0 0 0 (1331. 10 20 20 10 10 330 0 190 0 30 20 0 10 U33D 10 0 60 0 140 0 034L 110 120 370 130 034D 10 60 140 20 035L 190 430 70 90 70 0 035D 120 70 50 40 20 30 0361. 230 140 210 70 30 20 10 40 80 50 10 40 0 50 0 40 036D 0 0 10 30 30 20 0 10 0 30 0 30 0 10 0371. 100 70 10 120 40 30 20 70 20 60 0 10 10 0 50 0 40 0 40 037D L, live lr 50 ees; D, de 60 ad trees 10 0 10 0 0 0 1 TA « Ireinbling aspen {Populus iremuloides) '■ BC = black cotionwood {Poputus trichocarpa) 1 OT = other species, could include Engeiniann spruce x white spruce hybrids (Picea en&lmatmii x P. glauca), subaipine fir [Abies lasiocarpa). Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and lodeepol N = nil! invr-nlnrn-d ° * & " Nl * noi inventoried e pine {Pinus coniorta) SITE NO Al PENDIX D (continued) TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD TREE POPULATIONS BY SITE AND SPECIES DIAMETER CLASSES DIAMETER CLASSES BY 1 AND 2 INCH INCREMENTS (CELL VALUES, NUMBER OF TREES PER ACRE) — 1 ?£*- >4"6 >6"8 >8-10 >I0-12 / >12-I4 / >14-I6 / >16 0381/ 0J8U 0.191. 0391) 040L 040D 0411. 04 ID 0421. 04 2D 04JL 043D 044L 04 4 D 0451 045D 04bl. 046D 0471. 047D 140 60 20 40 Nl' 110 110 180 20 Be or 10 TA 120 or 120 190 50 230 90 40 20 0 10 TA 270 BC 20 TA 60 40 OT TA 20 10 BC or TA or 60 TA • I., \\\< Irees; D, dead uees 1 1 A = trembling aspen [Popultis tremuioitles) ■ BC - black cotloimood (Poputus Incltocarpa) ' NT :^^rM inC'UdC En8dmmm SPrUCC X Wh"C SPtUCe hybridS {P'Cm I"*"™""" * "■ *""»>■ SUb^ine * W* '"'«■ W-l'2 ' >2A ' >4"6 ' >6-8 / >8-10 / >10-12 / >12-14 / >I4-I6 1 SITE NO IA' BC-' OT' TA uc or TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT II TA 1 BC OT TA BC | OT 1 TA | BC | or | TA I BC || Oi 0481 yo 150 40 150 10 30 30 20 80 30 10 30 20 0 0 0 20 04KI) 0 30 0 60 0 40 30 10 0 0 049L Nl4 0490 Nl 0501. 30 120 100 180 10 70 160 20 0 60 0 50 50 20 30 0 0 050D 20 40 10 40 0 10 0 10 05IL 70 70 10 0 0 10 10 0 100 0 40 0 0 0 051D 0 0 0 20 0 40 20 0 50 0 40 0 0 0 052L Nl 052D Nl 0531. Nl 0531) Nl ] I-, live trees, U, dead trees TA = Irenibling aspen {Hoputus iremuloUes) BC - black eollorusood {Populus trichocurpa) N^7o?tavSemo"edCOU'd "'""* ^C[mm" *** ' ** *"" W"M* ^ ^'"B""'" X * *'""""■ "*'"** * «**■ '"^"^ ^"^^ V***** memiesii) and lodgepole pine {P,nUS con,or,a) 1 APPENDIX A. BLACK-FEET INDIAN RESERVATION TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD PLANT COMMUNITIES Index for associating particular ECODATA plot numbers with their position in the Cover Synthesis (Stand) Table l.POPTRE/CORSTO: 1 . NHMTECBR96SC00 17 2. NHMTECBR96SC0022 3 . NHMTECBR96SC00 1 9 2. POPTRE/CALCAN: 4. NHMTECBR96SC0039 5. NHMTECBR96SC0042 6. NHMTECBR96SC0024 7.NHMTECBR96SC0051 8. NHMTECBR96SC0046 9.NHMTECBR96SC0021 10. NHMTECBR96SC0023 1 1. NHMTECBR96SC0036 12. NHMTECBR96SC0052 13. NHMTECBR96SC0025 14. NHMTECBR96SC0048 3. POPTRE/OSMOCC: 15. NHMTECBR96SC0035 18. NHMTECBR96SC0028 21. NHMTECBR96SC0029 24. NHMTECBR96SC0041 27. NHMTECBR96SC0033 30. NHMTECBR96SC0043 33. NHMTECBR96SC0047 35. NHMTECBR96SC0050 16. NHMTECBR96SC0040 19. NHMTECBR96SC0038 22. NHMTECBR96SC0053 25. NHMTECBR96SC0030 28. NHMTECBR96SC0027 3 1 . NHMTECBR96SC0044 34. NHMTECBR96SC0037 36. NHMTECBR96SC0018 17. NHMTECBR96SC0045 20. NHMTECBR96SC0034 23. NHMTECBR96SC0031 26. NHMTECBR96SC0032 29. NHMTECBR96SC0049 32. NHMTECBR96SC0026 37. NHMTECBR96SC0020 APPENDIX D (continued). TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD TREE POPULATIONS BY SITE AND SPECIES DIAMETER CLASSI DIAMETER CLASSES BY 1 AND 2 INCH INCREMENTS (CELL VALUES, NUMBER OF TREES PER ACRE) / >l-2 / >2-4 / >4-6 / >6-8 / >8-10 / >10-12 / >12-14 / >14-16 / >16 SITE NO. TA1 BC2 or TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT . 048L 90 150 40 150 10 30 30 20 80 30 10 30 20 0 0 0 20 048D 0 30 0 60 0 40 30 10 0 0 049L NI4 049D NI OSOL 30 120 100 180 10 70 160 20 0 60 0 50 50 20 30 0 0 050D 20 40 10 40 0 10 0 10 05 1L 70 70 10 0 0 10 10 0 100 0 40 0 0 0 051D 0 0 0 20 0 40 20 0 50 0 40 0 0 0 052L NI 052D NI 053L NI 053D NI .., live trees; D, dead trees rA = trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) iC = black Cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) OT = other species, could include Engelmann spruce x white spruce hybrids {Picea engelmannii x P. glauca), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), Douglas-fir (Pseudolsuga menziesii) and lodgepole pine (Pinas contorla) MI = not inventoried APPENDIX D (continued). TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD TREE POPULATIONS BY SITE AND SPECIES DIAMETER CLASSES DIAMETER CLASSES BY 1 AND 2 INCH INCREMENTS (CELL VALUES, NUMBER OF TREES PER ACRE) >l-2 / >2-4 / >4-6 / >6-8 / >8-10 / >10-12 / >12-14 / >14-16 >16 TA' BC2 ov TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT 150 390 30 40 90 110 10 10 20 0 10 20 10 60 140 170 0 40 0 60 80 0 10 0 50 210 50 10 10 20 10 0 0 10 30 60 50 0 10 30 10 0 10 110 90 70 110 160 30 0 80 40 70 50 0 180 60 210 40 190 30 260 10 120 50 10 40 0 20 0 0 0 10 20 20 10 10 330 0 190 0 30 20 0 10 10 0 60 0 140 0 110 120 370 130 10 60 140 20 190 430 70 90 70 0 120 70 50 40 20 30 230 140 210 70 30 20 10 40 80 50 10 40 0 50 0 40 0 0 10 30 30 20 0 10 0 30 0 30 0 10 100 70 10 120 40 30 20 70 20 60 0 10 10 0 50 0 40 0 40 50 60 10 0 10 0 0 0 trees; D, dead trees rembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) }lack cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) )ther species, could include Engelmann spruce x white spruce hybrids (Picea engelmannii x P. glauca), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and lodgepole pine (Pima conlorla) lot inventoried APPENDIX D. TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD TREE POPULATIONS BY SITE AND SPECIES DIAMETER CLASSES DIAMETER CLASSES BY 1 AND 2 INCH INCREMENTS (CELL VALUES, NUMBER TREES PER ACRE) SITE / >l-2 / >2-4 / >4-6 / >6-8 / >8-10 / >10-12 / >12-14 / > 14-16 / >16 SITE NO. TA1 BC2 or TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC 017L" 0 10 70 160 100 0 017D 0 10 30 10 0 0 0I8L 50 100 60 30 10 50 10 018D !0 0 0 0 10 0 019L 0 40 30 30 100 30 40 0 10 0 0 20 0 50 10 20 019D 0 30 10 20 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 020L 130 0 40 180 200 40 0 020D 0 0 70 0 0 0 021L 30 40 50 50 90 40 0 021D 0 0 0 20 0 0 022L NI4 022D NI 023L 70 20 50 20 30 10 30 40 90 90 40 40 40 20 0 0 023D 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 024L 420 170 0 40 50 10 024D 0 0 20 90 50 0 025L 160 40 70 100 0 50 20 40 80 30 20 0 10 0 0 0 025D 10 0 0 20 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 026L 80 0 80 80 20 50 10 60 50 30 20 0 0 30 0 0 0 20 026D 0 0 0 20 0 20 0 10 0 0 027L 20 70 100 90 30 60 0 120 110 10 50 0 027D 10 20 10 60 0 30 0 10 0 0 10 0 L, live trees; D, dead trees 1 TA = trembling aspen (Populus Irenmloicles) 2 BC = ' OT = oilier species, could include l-ngelmann spruce 4 NI = not inventoried black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) x while spruce hybrids (Picea engelmannii x P. glauca), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and lodgepole pine (Pinus conlorta) APPENDIX D. TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD TREE POPULATIONS BY SITE AND SPECIES DIAMETER CLASSES DIAMETER CLASSES BY 1 AND 2 INCH INCREMENTS (CELL VALUES, NUMBER TREES PER ACRE) SITE ^1-2 / ^2-4 / >4-6 / >6-8 / >8-l0 / > 10-12 / > 12-14 / ->I4-16 / '16 SI 1 1 TA' lit" JOT" TA 1 nc || or || TA || BC || OT 1 TA I BC 1 OT || TA || BC || OT | TA | BC 1 OT | TA | BC 1 OT || TA | HC || 01 1 TA 1 m 1 '" 1 on • 0 10 70 160 100 0 i'rn 0 10 30 10 0 0 018L 50 100 60 30 10 50 10 018D 10 0 0 0 10 0 0]QL 0 40 30 30 100 30 40 0 10 0 0 20 0 50 10 20 nion 0 30 10 20 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 (i:oi_ 138 0 40 180 200 40 0 omd 0 0 70 0 0 0 h:ii 30 40 50 50 90 40 0 02 1 [1 0 0 0 20 0 0 0221. Nl' o::n Nl o:m 70 20 50 20 30 10 30 40 90 90 40 40 40 20 0 0 02.»r> 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 o:4[. ■420 170 0 40 50 10 024[> 0 0 20 90 50 0 0251 160 40 70 100 0 50 20 40 80 30 20 0 10 0 0 0 112 JO 10 0 0 20 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 KM 80 0 80 80 20 50 10 60 50 30 20 0 0 30 0 0 0 20 o:6D 0 0 0 20 0 20 0 10 0 0 0271 20 70 100 90 30 60 0 120 110 10 50 0 0270 I live Ire 10 cs. [> de 20 ad irces 10 60 0 30 0 10 0 0 10 0 r A - trembling aspen {Populm trrmuloides) ' BC = black Cottonwood (Populus trlchocarpa) ■ IH = other species, could include tngclmann spruce x while spruce hybrids (Pkea engflmannii x P. glauca), subalpinc fir {Abies lastocarpa), Douglas-fir (Pseudolsuga wnie.ll) and lodgcpole pine IPtm* con,0r,a) m " not inventoried ' APPENDIX D (continued). TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD TREE POPULATIONS BY SITE AND SPECIES DIAMETER CLASSES DIAMETER CLASSES BY 1 AND 2 INCH INCREMENTS (CELL VALUES, NUMBER OF TREES PER ACRE) >l-2 / >2-4 / >4-6 / >6-8 / >8-IO / >I0-I2 / >12-14 / >I4-I6 / -16 SHI NO TA1 »c: or TA 1 BC OT TA BC or TA BC OT 1 TA BC OT 1 TA BC 0T 1 TA 1 BC OT TA I BC 1 or I TA 1 BC ,„l :si ' 150 390 30 40 90 110 10 CC8D 10 20 0 o:»l 10 20 10 60 140 170 0 o:«d 40 0 60 80 0 10 0 »m 50 210 50 10 10 20 10 0 0 10 030D 30 60 50 0 10 30 10 0 10 0) 1 1 110 90 70 110 160 30 0 (I'll) 80 40 70 50 0 o:oi 180 60 210 40 190 30 260 10 120 0321) 50 10 40 0 20 0 0 0 8?M 10 20 20 10 10 330 0 190 0 30 20 0 10 ojjd 10 0 60 0 140 0 0341 1 10 120 370 130 034D 10 60 140 20 0351. 190 430 70 90 70 0 two 120 70 50 40 20 30 0361. 230 NO 210 70 30 20 10 40 80 50 10 40 0 50 0 40 MbD 0 0 10 30 30 20 0 10 0 30 0 30 0 10 0371. 100 70 10 120 40 30 20 70 20 60 0 10 10 0 50 0 40 0 4D P37D 50 60 10 0 10 0 0 0 ' L. live trees: D. dead trees ' TA = trembling aspen {Populus tremuloides) '■ BC = Mack cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) ' Ol " = other species, could include Hngelmann spruce x white spruce hybrids (Picea engelmarmii x P. glauca), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menzlesii) and lodgepolc pine {Pinus coninria) ' Nl = not inventoried APPENDIX D (continued) TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD TREE POPULATIONS BY SITE AND SPECIES DIAMETER CLASSES DIAMETER CLASSES BY 1 AND 2 INCH INCREMENTS (CELL VALUES, NUMBER OF TREES PER ACRE) >l-2 / >2-4 / >4-6 / >6-8 / >8-10 / > 1 0- 1 2 / > 12-14 I >14-16 / >I6 SITE TA1 BC: OT' TA BC OT TA BC OT TA BC OT TA , BC OT TA BC OT TA j BC OT ! TA BC OT TA BC oi 1 »M ' :o 80 330 190 70 10 0 u.'Sl) 50 170 40 0 0391 140 210 120 80 60 20 10 '09D 60 40 0 0 10 0 mm. 50 0 10 60 440 270 40 0 O40D 10 110 120 10 0 "J 1 L 0 30 190 10 260 40 140 10 30 0 fi-t 1 D 20 0 60 0 10 0 30 0 0 0 0 10 M21 0 10 50 30 50 0 10 70 50 0 10 60 10 M2J1 3(1 20 0 i>4 1| :o 100 230 30 40 0 10 0 0 0 10 MJD 10 20 140 10 10 0 0 0 20 044L 280 70 510 100 0 130 0 30 0 0 0 40 0 60 0 10 0 10 044 D 40 0 0 60 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 045L Nl' (M5D Nl 0461. 110 50 330 60 90 40 10 50 0 70 10 60 10 046D 110 20 70 40 0 0 10 1)471. 180 200 60 40 10 20 40 40 10 WD 0 20 0 10 0 10 20 0 0 10 • L. live trees; D. dead trees 1 TA = trembling aspen [Populus tremuloides) '- BC = black cortonwood {Populus trichocarpa) * OT = other species, could include Engetmann spruce x white spruce hybrids (Picea engeimannii x P. glauca), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and lodgepole pine (Pinus conloria) ' Nl = not inventoried APPENDIX D (continued). TREMBLING ASPEN-BLACK COTTONWOOD TREE POPULATIONS BY SITE AND SPECIES DIAMETER CLASSES DIAMETER CLASSES BY 1 AND 2 INCH INCREMENTS (CELL VALUES, NUMBER OF TREES PER ACRE) >4-6 / >6-8 / >8-l0 / >10-12 / >12-I4 >1-2 / >2-4 / / >14-16 >I6 SITE NO 1 1A' BC: 1 or TA 1 BC OT 1 TA BC OT | TA BC OT TA 1 BC 1 OT 1 TA BC OT 1 TA 1 BC 1 OT 1 TA 1 BC OT 1 TA BC "' 1 MSI 90 150 40 150 10 30 30 20 80 30 10 30 20 0 0 (l 2'i (USD 0 30 0 60 0 40 30 10 0 0 04mi Nl' O-IW NI 050L 30 120 100 180 10 70 160 20 0 60 0 50 50 20 30 0 0 050D :o 40 10 40 0 10 0 10 8511 70 70 10 0 0 10 10 0 100 0 40 0 0 0 n?m 0 0 0 20 0 40 20 0 50 0 40 0 0 0 ii>:i Nl r«D Nl 0531 Ni i»«.m Nl ' [ . live trees. IX dead trees " TA *= trembling aspen (Populus tremuhides) : BC = black cotlomvood (Populux trichocarpa) : O I = other species, could include l-'ngclmann spruce x white spruce, hybrids (Picea engelmannil x P. glauca), subalpinc fir (Abies lasiocarpa), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and lodgepolc pine (Pima contorta) ' Nl = not inventoried SITE NUMBER APPENDIX E. Trembling aspen-black cottonwood basal area by site, species, and sampling technique BASAL AREA (FT2/ACRE) PLOT TECHNIQUE /-—PLOTLESS / POPTRE1 POPTRI2 PICENG3 ABILAS4 PINCON5 TOTAL TOTAL LIVE DEAD LIVE DEAD LIVE DEAD LIVE DEAD LIVE DEAD LIVE DEAD LIVE DEAD 017 86.7 6.5 86.7 6.5 57 NI 018 66.5 4.1 66.5 4.1 72 25 019 43.0 4.1 88.6 7.3 131.6 11.4 124 NI 020 171.5 9.9 171.5 9.9 156 NI 021 135.8 9.8 22.4 43.9 158.2 53.7 125 NI 022 NI 120 NI 023 115.8 0 96.6 0.1 212.4 0.1 160 NI 024 51.0 47.2 51.0 47.2 65 12 025 64.7 6.1 33.5 5.3 98.2 11.4 85 20 026 44.4 0 114.9 6.9 159.3 6.9 90 NI 027 88.3 10.6 57.1 9.6 145.4 20.2 120 NI 028 142.9 1.4 142.9 1.4 80 NI 029 120.6 19.1 0.2 0 120.8 19.1 60 12 030 45.4 43.3 1.4 0 46.8 43.3 50 25 031 133.3 25.5 31.0 0 164.3 25.5 88 04 032 160.0 5.1 8.8 0.1 168.8 5.2 122 04 033 108.6 20.6 16.3 0 0.7 0 125.6 20.6 72 08 034 85.2 27.2 85.2 27.2 50 10 035 81.0 47.9 81.0 47.9 65 20 036 75.5 4.7 157.9 46.3 233.4 51.0 140 32 'POPTRE = Populus tremuloides; 2 POPTRI = Populus trichocarpa; 3 PICENG = Picea engelmannii; 4 ABILAS = Abies lasiocarpa; i PINCON = Pinus contorta APPENDIX E (cont). Trembling aspen-black cottonwood basal area by site, species, and sampling technique BASAL AREA (FT7ACRE) /. PLOT TECHNIQUE / PLOTLESS / SITE POPTRE1 POPTPJ2 PICENG3 ABILAS4 PINCON5 TOTAL TOTAL NUMBER LIVE DEAD LIVE DEAD LIVE DEAD LIVE DEAD LIVE DEAD LIVE DEAD LIVE DEAD 037 61.7 2.0 166.1 0.7 0.1 0 227.9 2.7 144 20 038 133.5 14.6 0.1 0 133.6 14.6 85 7.5 039 101.6 6.3 101.6 6.3 72 0 040 155.9 23.5 0.1 0 160.0 23.5 96 0 041 177.5 11.2 17.7 6.0 195.2 17.2 108 12 042 206.8 0.5 4.9 0 ■ 9.9 0 221.6 0.5 104 02 043 44.6 6.2 26.1 8.4 70.7 14.6 87 06 044 15.6 0.5 136.8 22.1 152.4 22.6 72 08 045 NI NI NI NI 046 116.3 13.9 3.3 0.2 121.3 14.1 80 04 047 42.6 5.3 121.7 5.8 0.3 0 164.6 11.1 102 0 048 49.0 7.7 123.2 9.8 172.2 17.5 100 10 049 NI 55 65 050 50.2 0.5 96.4 12.5 2.5 0 149.1 13.0 88 16 051 77.8 51.8 2.5 6.2 80.3 58.0 48 08 052 NI 70 40 053 NI NI NI MEAN BASAL AREA 90.4 13.7 40.4 4.5 1.2 0 <0.01 0 0.3 0 132.3 19.6 92 14 POPTRE = P opulus tremut 3Kfes;2POPTI U = Populus 1 richocarpa; 3 PICENG = PU ?ea engelmam !/;; 4 ABILAS = Abies lasioc arpa;* PINCON = = Pinus contorta Appendix F. Vascular plant species occurring in aspen and black cottonwood stands; arranged by decreasing Iifeform size and alphabetically within lifeform and including U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wetland indicator status by administrative region. LIFEFORM SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME REGION 4 REGION 9 1 : Trees 2: Shrubs 3: Graminoids Abies lasiocarpa Fir, Subalpine FACU1 FAC Picea engelmannii Spruce, Engelmann FAC Picea glauca (x engelmannii) Spruce, White x Engelmann FACU Pinus contorta Pine, Lodgepole FAC- FACU Pinus flexilis Pine, Limber Populus balsamifera (ssp. trichocarpa) Cottonwood, Black FACW FACW Populus tremuloides Aspen, Trembling FAC+ FAC Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas-fir Amelanchier alnifolia Serviceberry, Western FACU FACU Betula occidentals Birch, Water FACW FACW Cornus stolonifera Dogwood, Red-osier FACW FACW Crataegus douglasii Hawthorn, Black FAC NO Frangula (Rhamnus) purshiana Buckthorn, Cascara Juniperus communis Juniper, Common Lonicera involucrata Honeysuckle, Twin-berry FAC NO Lonicera utahensis Honeysuckle, Utah FACU+ NO Mahonia (Berberis) repens Oregon-grape, Creeping Potentilla floribunda (fruticosa) Cinquefoil, Shrubby FAC- FACW Prunus virginiana Chokecherry, Common FACU FACU- Rhamnus alnifolia Buckthorn, Alder FACU NI Ribes americanum Currant, Black FAC FACW Ribes lacustre Currant, Swamp FAC+ FACW Ribes oxyacanthoides (setosum) Gooseberry, Missouri NT Rosa acicularis Rose, Prickly FACU FACU Rosa woodsii Rose, Wood's FACU FACU Rubus idaeus Raspberry, Red FACU FACU Rubus parviflorus Thimbleberry FACU+ FACU Salix bebbiana Willow, Bebb FACW FACW Salix boothii Willow, Booth FACW Salix geyeriana Willow, Geyer FACW+ OBL Salix lutea Willow, Watson FACW+ OBL Salix scouleriana Willow, Scouler FAC FACU Salix tweedyi Willow, Tweedy's FACW+ Shepherdia canadensis Buffaloberry, Canada Sorbus scopulina Mountain-ash, Cascade NI NI Spiraea betulifolia Spiraea, Shiny-leaf Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry, Common FACU FACU Agrostis scabra Tickle-grass FAC FAC Alopecurus boreal is (alpinus) Foxtail, Alpine FACW NO Alopecurus pratensis Foxtail, Meadow FACW FACW Bromus ciliatus Brome, Fringed FAC+ FAC Bromus inermis (ssp. pumpellianus Brome, Pumpelly LIFEFORM SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME REGION 4 REGION 9 4: Forbs Calamagrostis canadensis Reedgrass, Bluejoint FACW+ FACW+ Calamagrostis rubescens Pinegrass Calamagrostis stricta Reedgrass, Narrow-spiked FACW OBL Carex brevior Sedge, Short-beaked OBL FACU Carex geyeri Sedge, Elk Carex hoodii Sedge, Hood's NI NI Carex microptera Sedge, Small-wing FAC FAC Carex raynoldsii Sedge, Raynolds' FACU NO Carex rostrata Sedge, Beaked OBL OBL Cinna latifolia Woodreed, Drooping FACW OBL Dactyl is glomerata Orchard-grass FACU FACU Deschampsia cespitosa Hairgrass, Tufted FACW FACW Elymus glaucus Wildrye, Blue FACU FACU Elytrigia (Agropyron) repens Quackgrass FACU FAC Festuca subulata Fescue, Bearded FAC UPL Juncus balticus Rush, Baltic OBL OBL Melica subulata Oniongrass, Alaska FAC Phleum pratense Timothy, Common FACU FACU Poa interior Bluegrass, Inland FAC FAC Poa palustris Bluegrass, Fowl FACW FACUW Poa pratensis Bluegrass, Kentucky FACU FACU+ Schizachne purpurascens False Melic UPL FACU Stipa occidentalis Needlegrass, Western Achillea millefolium Yarrow, Common FACU FACU Actaea rubra Baneberry Allium cernuum Onion, Nodding Allium schoenoprasum Chives FACW+ NO Angelica arguta Angelica, Sharptooth FACW Arab is glabra Towermustard Arabis hirsuta Rockcress, Hairy FACU Arnica chamissonis Arnica, Meadow FACW Aster conspicuus Aster, Showy Aster engelmannii Aster, Engelmann's Aster foliaceus Aster, Leafy FACW- NO Aster laevis Aster, Smooth Camassia quamash Camas, Common FACW Campanula rotundifolia Harebell FACU FAC Castilleja lutescens Stiff Yellowish Indian Paintbrush FAC NO Castilleja miniata Greater Red Indian Paintbrush FAC FAC Castilleja rhexiifolia Rhexia-leaf Indian Paintbrush FAC NO Cirsium arvense Thistle, Canada FACU+ FACU Cirsium hookerianum Hooker Thistle Cirsium scariosum Thistle, Elk Cirsium vulgare Thistle, Bull FACU UPL Descurainia pinnata Tansymustard, Pinnate Disporum hookeri Fairy-bell, Hooker Disporum trachycarpum Fairy-bell, Wartberry NI NI Epilobium angustifolium Fireweed FACU+ FAC LIFEFORM SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME REGION 4 REGION 9 Epilobium ciliatum Willow-herb, Common FACW- FACW Erythronium grandiflorum Large-flower Yellow Fawn-lily FAC NO Fragaria vesca Strawberry, Woods Fragaria virgin iana Strawberry, Virginia UPL FACU Galeopsis tetrahit Hemp Nettle, Common Galium boreale Bedstraw, Northern FACU FACU Galium triflorum Bedstraw, Sweetscented FACU FACU Geranium richardsonii Geranium, White FACU+ . FAC Geranium viscosissimum Geranium, Sticky FACU+ FACU Geum macrophyllum Avens, Large-leaved FACW+ FACW Glyceria striata Mannagrass, Fowl OBL OBL Hackelia floribunda Stickseed, Showy FACU- FACU Heracleum lanatum Cow-parsnip FAC FAC Iris missouriensis Iris, Rocky Mountain FACW+ FACW+ Lathyrus ochroleucus Peavine, Cream-flowered Maianthemum (Smilacina) racemosum Solomon's Seal, False FAC- FAC Maianthemum (Smilacina) stellatum Solomon's Seal, Starry FAC- FAC Medicago sativa Alfalfa FACU Moehringia (Arenaria) lateriflora Sandwort, Bluntleaf Monarda fistulosa Horsemint FACU UPL Osmorhiza depauperata Sweet-cicely, Blunt-fruit FAC+ Osmorhiza occidentalis Sweet-cicely, Western FAC Pedicularis bracteosa Lousewort, Bracted Pedicularis groenlandica Lousewort, Elephant's Head OBL NO Perideridia gairdneri Yampah, Gairdner's FACU FACU Petasites sagittatus Coltsfoot, Arrowleaf FACW+ FACW+ Piperia (Habenaria) unalascensis Rein-orchid, Alaska Plantago major Plantain, Common FAC+ FAC Platanthera (Habenaria) dilatata Orchis, White Platanthera (Habenaria) stricta (saccata) Bog-orchid, Slender Potentilla gracilis Cinquefoil, Soft FAC FAC Prunella vulgaris Self-heal FACU+ FACW Pyrola chlorantha Wintergreen, Green FAC FACU Ranunculus uncinatus Buttercup, Little FAC NO Sanicula marilandica Snake-root, Black Senecio crassulus Groundsel, Thick-leaved FACU OBL Senecio hydrophiloides (foetidus) Butterweed, Sweet-marsh FACW- Senecio hydrophilus Butterweed, Alkali-marsh OBL OBL Senecio pseudaureus Groundsel, Streambank FACW FACW Senecio serra Butterweed, Tall FAC Senecio triangularis Groundsel, Arrowleaf FACW+ Solidago gigantea Goldenrod, Late FACW- FACW Stellaria longipes Starwort, Longstalk FACW FACW Stenanthium occidentale Stenanthium, Western STEOC Streptopus amplexifolius Twisted-stalk, Clasping-leaved FAC OBL Thalictrum occidentale Meadowrue, Western FACU NO Thalictrum venulosum Meadowrue, Veiny Trifolium repens Clover, White FACU+ FACU Urticadioica Nettle, Stinging FAC+ FACW LIFEFORM SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME REGION 4 REGION 9 5: Ferns & Fem allies Valeriana sitchensis Valerian, Sitka FAC Veratrum viride False Hellebore, Green OBL Vicia americana Vetch, American Viola canadensis Viola, Canada FAC Zigadenus elegans Death-camas, Glaucous FAC+ allies Botrychium virginianum Grape-fem, Virginia FACU FACU 1 Wetland indicator status designations: OBL (obligate wetland species, those that almost always occur, i.e. with problability >99%, in wetlands under natural conditions), FACW (facultative wetland species those that usually occur in wetlands, i.e. with estimated probability of 67-99%, but is occasionally found in non-wetlands, FAC (facultative species, those equally likely to occur in wetlands, i.e. estimated probability 34-66%, or uplands), FACU (facultative upland species, those that usually occur in non-wetlands, i.e. with an estimated probability of 67-99%) and U (upland species, those found almost always in uplands, i.e. with a probability of >99%). Wetland categories and their values for species are from Reed (1988a and 1988b); for some species no information was available (blank entries in matrix cells). Appendix G. Application of comprehensive onsite determination method* to selected trembling aspen-black cottonwood stands. Plot Number: SC01 7 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status Plot Number: SC01 8 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC+ T POPTRE FAC+ T CORSTO FACW S SYMALB FACU S THAOCC FACU H PRUVIR FACU S GERRIC FAC H VIOCAN FAC H OSMDEP FAC+ H OSMOCC FAC H HERLAN ELYGLA GUEMAC FAC FACU FACW+ H H H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 20 FAC+/FAC: 40 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 60 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: Hydric Soil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 12 FAC+/FAC: 50 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 62 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: Hydric Soil: Y: ? N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Plot Number: SC019 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC+ T POPTRI FACW T LONINV FAC S SYMALB FACU S OSMOCC FAC H HERLAN FAC H ELYGLA FACU H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 14 FAC+/FAC: 57 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 71 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: Hydric Soil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Plot Number: SC020 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC+ T SYMALB FACU S OSMOCC FAC H SENPSE FACW H VIOCAN FAC H ELYGLA FACU H ERYGRA FAC H Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N:_ Percent of Dominant Spp . That Are: OBLO FACW: 14 FAC+/FAC: 57 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 71 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: ? N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: SC021 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC+ T POPTRI FACW T AMEALN FACU S SYMALB FACU S ROSWOO FACU S SALBEB FACW S CORSTO FACW S CALCAN FACW+ H FESSUB FAC H ANGARG FACW H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL 0 FACW: 50 FAC+/FAC ,:20 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 70 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N:_ Hydric Soil Y:x N: Wtlnd. Hyd ro. Y: x N: Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: 'Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (1987) Appendix G (Continued). Application of comprehensive onsite determination method* to selected trembling aspen-black cottonwood stands. Plot Number: SC022 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status Plot Number: SC023 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status Plot Number: SC024 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRI FACW T POPTRE FAC T POPTRE FAC T POPTRE FAC T POPTRI FACW T ROSWOO FACU S CORSTO FACW S AMEALN FACU S SYMALB FACU S SYMALB FACU S ROSWOO FACU s RUBIDA FACU S SAN MAR Nl H SYMALB FACU s SALBEB FACW S HERLAN FAC H ANGARG FACW H RIBAME FACW s ANGARG FACW H SENPSE FACW H AMEALN FACU s THAOCC FACU H SENFOR FACW- H FESSUB FAC H CALCAN ELYGLA FACW FACU H H CANCAN OSMOCC FACW FAC H H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL: 0 FACW: 43 FAC+/FAC: 29 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 72 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: HydricSoil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 50 FAC+/FAC: 20 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 70 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: HydricSoil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 36 FAC+/FAC: 27 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 63 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: Hydric Soil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: ? N: ? Plot Number: SC025 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRI FACW T POPTRE FAC T SYMALB FACU S RIBAME FACW S ELYGLA FACU H HERLAN FAC H VIOCAN FAC H Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N _ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: ? N: Percent of Dominant Spp . That Are: OBLO FACW: 29 FAC+/FAC: 43 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 72 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: HydricSoil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: Plot Number: SC026 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRI FACW T POPTRE FAC T SALTWE FACW S RUBPAR NC S HERLAN FAC H OSMOCC FAC H VIOCAN FAC H DISHOO Nl H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 25 FAC+/FAC: 50 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 75 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: Hydric Soil: Y: ? N._ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: _ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x * Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (1987) Appendix G (Continued). Application of comprehensive onsite determination method* to selected trembling aspen-black cottonwood stands. Plot Number: SC027 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRI FACW T POPTRE FAC T SYMALB FACU S SALLUT FACW S ELYGLA FACU H HERLAN FAC H VERVIR FACW H DISHOO Nl H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL: 10 FACW: 20 FAC+/FAC: 40 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 70 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: HydricSoil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: Plot Number: SC028 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status Plot Number: SC029 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T POPTRE FAC T SYMALB FACU S SYMALB FACU S OSMOCC FAC H ELYGLA FACU H FRAVIR UPL H HERLAN FAC H - OSMOCC VIOCAN THAOCC FAC FAC FACU H H H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL: 0 FACW: 0 FAC+/FAC: 50 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 50 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: x Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL: 0 FACW: 0 FAC+/FAC: 57 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 57 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: SC030 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T POPTRI FACW T SYMALB FACU S AMEALN FACU S SPIBET Nl S ELYGLA FACU H FESSUB FAC H HERLAN FAC H THAOCC FACU H Percent of Dominant Spp . That Are: OBL: 0 FACW: 11 FAC+/FAC: 33 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 44 Hydroph. Veg. Y: N: x Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: SC031 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T PICENG FAC T ROSWOO FACU S SYMALB FACU S SENPSE FACW H GERRIC FACU H ANGARG FACW H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL: 0 FACW: 28 FAC+/FAC: 28 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 57 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: Hydric Soil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: * Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (1987) Appendix G (Continued). Application of comprehensive onsite determination method* to selected trembling aspen-black cottonwood stands. Plot Number: SC032 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T POPTRI FACW T SYMALB FACU T ROSWOO FACU S SALSCO FAC S ELYGLA FACU H OSMOCC FAC H SENPSE FACW H VIOCAN FAC H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL: 0 FACW: 20 FAC+/FAC: 50 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 70 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: SC033 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRI FACW T POPTRE FAC T SYMALB FACU S ROSWOO FACU S CALRUB Nl H ERYGRA FAC H SENPSE FACW H OSMOCC FAC H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL: 0 FACW: 25 FAC+/FAC: 37 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 62 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N:_ Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: SC034 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T SALSCO FAC S SYMALB FACU S SANMAR Nl H PHLPRA FACU H ELYGLA FACU H POAPRA FACU H ANGARG FACW H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL0 FACW: 12 FAC+/FAC: 25 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 37 Hydroph. Veg. Y: N: x Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: SC035 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T SYMALB FACU S ROSWOO FACU S ELYGLA FACU H OSMOCC FAC H Percent of Dominant Spp . That Are: OBL: 0 FACW: 0 FAC+/FAC: 40 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 40 Hydroph. Veg. Y: N: x Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: SC036 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T POPOTRI FACW T ROSWOO FACU S ELYGLA FACU H OSMOCC FAC H SENPSE FACW H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL: 0 FACW: 33 FAC+/FAC: 33 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 67 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N:_ Hydric Soil: Y: ? N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: ? N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: ? N: Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (1987) Appendix G (Continued). Application of comprehensive onsite determination method* to selected trembling aspen-black cottonwood stands. Plot Number: SC037 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T POPTRI FACW T SYMALB FACU S RUBPAR FACU S ELYGLA FACU H OSMOCC FAC H VIOCAN FAC H HERLAN FAC H Plot Number: SC038 Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 12 FAC+/FAC: 50 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 62 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N:_ Hydric Soil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: Dominant Wetland Strat Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T SYMALB FACU S ELYGLA FACU H ERYGRA FAC H OSMOCC FAC H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 0 FAC+/FAC: 60 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 60 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N:_ Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: SC039 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T ROSWOO FACU S ALOALP FACW H CALSTR FACW H PHLPRA FAC H GEUMAC FACW+ H SENFOE FACW- H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL: 0 FACW: 57 FAC+/FAC: 29 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 86 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: Hydric Soil: Y: ? N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: Plot Number: SC040 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T RUBPAR FACU S SYMALB FACU S ELYGLA FACU H ERYGRA FAC H THAOCC FACU H VIOCAN FAC H Percent of Dominant Spp . That Are: OBLO FACW: 0 FAC+/FAC: 42 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 42 Hydroph. Veg. Y: N: x Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: SC041 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T POPTRI FACW T SYMALB FACU S ROSWOO FACU S OSMOCC FAC H SCHPUR UPL H ELYGLA FACU H ERYGRA FAC H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 12 FAC+/FAC: 37 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 50 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: x Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x * Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (1987) Appendix G (Continued). Application of comprehensive onsite determination method* to selected trembling aspen-black cottonwood stands. Plot Number: SC042 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T SALSCO FAC S SALBOO FACW S CALSTR FACW H ALOPRA FAC H ANGARG FACW H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 50 FAC+/FAC: 50 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 100 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: HydricSoil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: Plot Number: SC043 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T POPTRI FACW T RUBPAR FACU S DISHOO Nl H ACTRUB Nl H VIOCAN FAC H HERLAN FAC H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 14 FAC+/FAC: 43 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 57 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N:_ HydricSoil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: ? N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: ? N: Plot Number: SC044 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status Plot Number: SC045 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 12 FAC+/FAC: 25 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 37 Hydroph. Veg. Y: N: x Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: ? N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Percent of Dominant Spp . That Are: OBLO FACW: 33 FAC+/FAC:11 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 44 Hydroph. Veg. Y: N: x Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: SC046 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRI FACW T POPTRE FAC T POPTRE FAC T POPTRE FAC T ROSWOO FACU T POPTRI FACW T ROSWOO FACU S SALBOO FACW S ROSWOO FACU S AMEALN FACU S PHLPRA FACU H AMEALN FACU S ELYGLA FACU H POAPRA FACU H SYMALB FACU S CALRUB NIT H ELYGLA FACU H ELYGLA FACU H OSMOCC FAC H ALOPRA FACW H ALOPRA FACW H THAOCC FACU H TAROFF FACU H PHLPRA FACU H SENPSE FACW H SENFOE FRAVIR ANGARG FACW FACU FACW H H H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 36 FAC+/FAC: 09 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 45 Hydroph. Veg. Y: N: x Hydric Soil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (1987) Appendix G (Continued). Application of comprehensive onsite determination method* to selected trembling aspen-black Cottonwood stands. Plot Number: SC047 Dominant Wetland Strat Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T POPTRI FACW T SYMALB FACU S AMEALN FACU S POAPRA FACU H GERRIC FACU+ H PHLPRA FACU H FRAVIR FACU H ANGARG FACW H VIOCAN FAC H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 20 FAC+/FAC: 20 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 40 Hydroph. Veg. Y: N: x Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: SC048 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T POPTRI FACW T SALBEB FACW S SYMALB FACU S CALCAN FACW H ALOALP FACW H SYMALB FACU S Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 57 FAC+/FAC: 29 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 86 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: Hydric Soil: Y: x N._ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: Plot Number: SC049 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRI FACW T POPTRE FAC T ROSWOO FACU S SYMALB FACU S BROCIL FAC+ H OSMOCC FAC H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 12 FAC+/FAC: 50 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 62 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N:_ Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: SC050 Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status POPTRI FACW T POPTRE FAC T GERRIC FACU+ S FRAVIR FACU H SALSCO FAC S Plot Number: SC051 Percent of Dominant Spp . That Are: OBLO FACW: 20 FAC+/FAC: 40 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 60 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: Hydric Soil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: x N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: Dominant Wetland Strat Plant ndicator Species Status POPTRE FAC T POPTRI FACW T SALBEB FACW S SYMALB FACU S AMEALN FACU S ROSWOC FACU S PHLPRA FACU H POAPAL FACW H ALOALP FACW H POAPR FACU H SANMAR Nl H ANGARG FACW+ H Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 42 FAC+/FAC: 08 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 50 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: x Hydric Soil: Y: x N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: ? N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: x N: * Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (1987) Appendix G (Continued). Application of comprehensive onsite determination method* to selected trembling aspen-black cottonwood stands. Plot Number: SC052 Plot Number: SC053 Dominant Plant Species POPTRI POPTRE RIBSET SYMALB ROSWOO Wetland Indicator Status FACW FAC Nl FACU RACU FACU FAC FACU FACU FACW FAC Strat. T T S S S S S H H H H Dominant Plant Species POPTRE RUBPAR OSMOCC ELYGLA Wetland Indicator Status FAC FACU FAC FACU Strat T S H H AMEALN SALSCO PHLPRA POAPRA ALOPRA VIOCAN Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 18. FAC+/FAC: 18 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 36 Hydroph. Veg. Y: N: x Hydric Soil: Y:_ N: x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y: ? N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBLO FACW: 0 FAC+/FAC: 50 Total % Wetlnd. Spp. 50 Hydroph. Veg. Y: x N: x Hydric Soil: Y:_N:x Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N: x Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: x Plot Number: Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status Plot Number: Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status Plot Number: Dominant Wetland Strat. Plant Indicator Species Status Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL: FACW: FAC+/FAC:_ Total % Wetlnd. Spp. Hydroph. Veg. Y:_ N:_ Hydric Soil: Y:_ N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: Percent of Dominant Spp . That Are: OBL: FACW: FAC+/FAC:_ Total % Wetlnd. Spp. Hydroph. Veg. Y:_ N:_ Hydric Soil: Y:_N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y:_ N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: Percent of Dominant Spp. That Are: OBL: FACW: FAC+/FAC: Total % Wetlnd. Spp. _ Hydroph. Veg. Y:_ N:_ Hydric Soil: Y:_ N:_ Wtlnd. Hydro. Y._ N:_ Jurisdic. Wtlnd. Y: N: Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (1987) APPENDIX H. COMMUNITY SURVEY FORM (MTNHP) GENERAL PLOT DATA: IDENTIFICATION AND LOCATION: manual: units: ft. m PLOT NO. : MON.__ DAY: __ YEAR: EOCODE: EXAMINER(S): POT. NAT. COMM. C.T.: SITE NAME: STATE: COUNTY: PURP: PREC: QUAD NAME: QUAD CODE: LEGAL: T; R; S; 1 /4S; 4/4; 4/4/4 COMM. SIZE (acres): LATITUDE: (deg.); (min.); (sec.) LONGITUDE: (deg.) (min.); (sec.) PLOT TYPES: PLOT SIZE: RADIUS/LN; WIDTH SURVEY: PHOTOGRAPHY: DIRECTIONS: CONSERVATION RANKING: CONDITION VIABILITY DEFENSIBL COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT RANK: COMMENT MANAGEMENT: PROTECTION: ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES: DL: SOIL RPT: SOIL UNIT: SOIL TAXON: PARENT MAT.: LANDFORM: ; PLOT POSITION: SLOPE SHAPE: ASPECT(°): SLOPE (%): ELEVATION: EROSION POT.: EROS. TYPE: HORIZON ANGLE: N ;E ;S _; W IFSLP: IFVAL: SPECIAL FEATURE(S): GROUND COVER (classes): son.+ gravel+ rock + litter + wood + moss + basal veg. + other=100% DISTURBANCE HISTORY (type, intensity, frequency, season): RIPARIAN FEATURES: NONE: CHANNEL WIDTH: CHANNEL ENTRENCH.: SURFACE WATER DEPTH: HEIGHT ABOVE WATR: DIST. FROM WATR.: WETLAND FEATURES: NONE: COWARDIN CLASSIFICATION: STANDING WATER DEPTH (cm or in., observed): MEAN MAXIMUM AVE. ANN. HIGH WATER (observed or estimate circle) PONDING EVIDENCE* (a aerial photo. B banded veg. C rockj w/w/o carbonate coat, D sediment deposition, L rocks w/ and w/o lichen, R herb wrick lines, S water/silt stain*) DURATION of INUNDATION: (days, this year) CAPILLARY FRINGE: DEPTH TO CAP. FPJNGE; THICKNESS CAP. FRINGE; DEPTH to SATURATION (fr«w.ier) ORGANIC HORIZON THICKNESS (cm or in.): MEAN MIN. MAX.; Oa Oe Oi SEDIMENT DEPOSITION: COVER (%), DEPTH (cm or in.) vrxLlNJrLJrvAlj ol 1 XL JJlLoCRIi 1 10.N (landscape features, position in landscape, and position on catena, adjacent c.ts., disease, etc.): APPENDIX I. OCULAR PLANT SPECIES DATA: PLOT NUMBER: NO. SPECIES: PNC: MINIMUM COVER VALUE: TREES: TOTAL CV. TALL CV. LOW CV. MEAN HT. MED. CV. GRND.CV. FORBS: TOTAL CV. MED. CV. GRND. CV. SPECIES IDENTIFICATION HT. CCC1 _/ _/ " _/ " _/ " _/ " _/ " _/ * / " SHRUBS: TOTAL CV. TALL CV. LOW CV. MEAN HT. MED CV. GRND.CV. S s s s s s s S 8 S 9 S10 Sll S12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 / / / / / / / / / / / / GRAMINOIDS : TOT. CV. MED. CV. GRND. CV. MEAN HT. LOW CV. G G G G G G G G 8 G 9 G10 Gil G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 BRYOIDS : B 1 B 3 B 5 B 7 TOTAL CV. / _ [ / _ [ / _ [ / [ MEAN HT. LOW CV. SPECIES IDENTIFICATION F 1 F 2 F 3 ~~ F 4 F 5 " F 6 ~ F 7 F 8 F 9 F10 Fll ~ F12 ~ F13 F14 F15 F16 " F17 F18 F19 " F20 ' F21 F22 ~ F23 F24 ' " F25 F2 6 F27 " F28 ' " F2 9 " F30 " F31 " " F32 " F33 " F34 ' F35 " F36 FERNS AND ALLIED FORMS: TOTAL CV. MEAN HT. LOW CV. GRND CV. _ 1 F F F F F HT. CCC MED. CV. B 2 B A B 6" B 8" COMMENTS (EODATA) 2 Tree canopy cover for mature (> 5 in. dbh) and seedlings/saplings (< 5 in. dbh.) 1 Canopy Cover Classes (Percent Values): 0; T => >0, <1; P - *1, <5; 1 = 25,<15; 2 = 215, <25; 3 4 - 235, <45; 5 - 245, <55; 6 - 255, <65; 7 = 265, <75; 8 = 275, <85; 9 = 285, <95; F = 295 225, <35; Appendix J. Annotated photographs documenting examples of the Populus tremuloides / Cornus stolonifera, P. tremuloides / Calamagrostis canadensis, and P. tremuloides / Osmorhiza occidentalis plant associations. Populus tremuloides / Calamagrostis canadensis plant association: A multi-aged structure is apparent with P. tremuloides dominant in all layers; C. canadensis and Alopecurus alpinus form a tall sward mostly obscuring the dominant forbs Angelica arguta, Senecio pseudaureus, and Geum macrophyllum. Populus tremuloides / Calamagrostis canadensis plant association: In contrast to previous stand of this p. a., this stand is primarily two-aged; the canopy is experiencing high mortality. Although the shrub component is significant, three grasses dominate the undergrowth: C. canadensis, Alopecurus pratensis, and Poa pratensis. Populus tremuloides / Cornus stolonifera plant association: Upper canopy is dominated by P. trichocarpa with P. tremuloides ascendant in the understory; dominating the undergrowth are C. stolonifera (shrub layer) and forbs Angelica arguta, Heracleum lanatum and Sanicula marilandica. Populus tremuloides / Cornus stolonifera plant association: Abundant P. tremuloides reproduction combined with high coverage of Cornus stolonifera and Symphoricarpos albus result in a dense undergrowth. Populus tremuloides / Osmorhiza occidentalis plant association: Tree domi- nance shared between P. trichocarpa and P. tremuloides on this site that is unequivocally a wetland; the undergrowth is species rich with over 40 repre- sented, the dominants being Heracleum lanatum, Veratrum viride, and Elymus glaucus. % 6| Populus tremuloides / Osmorhiza occidentalis plant association: This even-aged wetland stand is dominated by P. tremuloides in the overs tory. The dominance of herbs Heracleum lanatum, O. occidentalis, Elymus glaucus and others (135% combined cover) obscures the shrubs, which have a combined cover of 40%. Populus tremuloides / Osmorhiza occidentalis plant association: This upland site is approaching autumnal coloration in late August; the undergrowth is dominated by the native rhizomatous grasses Elymus glaucus, Brvmus ciliatus, and Festuca subulata, and by the forb O. occidentalis. ; D.. k'f ■i I