a I B R.AR.Y . ■*■ OF THE U N I VERS ITY or ILLI NOIS \94T/4fc -1952/53 AGRICULTURL .s * = Inn/hYT CharginS tl,is "Serial is re- sponsible for its return f^ <-u i-t. , Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books rerseu.tTdnS f°r d!'r,inary ««•" -"- ™-y result ,n d.smrssal from the University L161 — O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://wWw.archive.org/details/potentialitiesof4753univ I-fcfep THE POTENTIALITIES OF REVEGETATING AND UTILIZING AGRONOMIC SPECIES ON STRIP MINED AREAS UA"V£ PS/ty nP „ IN ILLINOIS.. ^turelU™? 'LiBlARV A PROGRESS REPORT COVERING THE FIRST, YEAR OF Y.'ORK ON A COOPERATIVE INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED BY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AND ILLINOIS COAL STRIPPERS ASSOCIATION. / NOTE The agreement covering this investigation provides that:- "No account of a cooperative research project shall be published by the sponsor or by any other agency, except upon approval of the division of the University, or head of the department in which the work is being done." Permission for the reproduction of this report has been granted with the understanding that it is to be released for the confidential information of members of Illinois Coal Strippers Association only, and not to be quoted or released for publication. THE LIBRARY OF THE JUN 1 9 1S51 HNIVFI^ITY pf ILL1NCW «-< Telephone Central 8652 ILLINOIS COAL STRIPPERS ASSOCIATION 230 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO 1, ILLINOIS VILLIAM H. COOKE JAMES W. BRISTOW PRESIDENT SECRETARY. TREASURER CARL T. HAYDEN VICE PRESIDENT FOREWORD o To Members of Illinois Coal Strippers Association. Gentlemen: Successful experiments in converting spoil banks to profitable stock range pioneered by Messrs. A. H. Truax and Byron Somers on land mined by Truax-Traer Coal Company near Canton, Illinois, have shown that -where top soils on spoil banks are adaptable, the establishment of stock range is the most economical and most highly productive method of returning mined land to productivity. In 1945 a number of our companies, encouraged by the success of Messrs. Truax and Somers, seeded large areas of their spoil banks with grass and legumes. The varying and sometimes discouraging results obtained, indicated that the successful development of pastures on the widely varying top soils encountered throughout the state, and sometimes within the same mining operation, was a problem for scientists in the fields of agronomy and animal husbandry. Furthermore, that large savings in development costs could be made and better results obtained by oper- ators desiring to rehabilitate their stripped holdings in this fashion, if the problem were approached on a scientific basis. In January, 1947, the President and Secretary of Illinois Coal Strippers Association were authorized to enter into an agreement with the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Illinois, covering a cooperative research project, estimated to require five years for com- pletion, designed to thoroughly explore the subject and to develop the highest potential uses of mined land, the types of forage grasses best adapted to the soils and conditions encountered, and all other facts es- sential to pasture and other forms of use for spoil banks. The Central States Forest Experiment Station, U.S. Forest Ser- vice, agreed to assist in the project by making available for analysis several thousand soil samples collected by its employees engaged in a study of forestation possibilities of spoil banks, and is also listed as one of the cooperators. The agreement with the University of Illinois, executed for a one-year period beginning February 1, 1947, and renewable each year at the option of Illinois Coal Strippers Association was again renewed for a one-year period as of February 1, 1948. The cost of this project will average about §5,800 annually. - 1 - The scope and plan of the project, and the obligations assumed by the parte i pants, quoted from the agreement are as follows: "ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Agronomy Project No Forestry Project No . 1003 . 1001 NAME: OBJECT: FUNDS: LEADERS: COOPERATORSi Agronomic Land Use Research on Stripped Coal Lands in Illinois. The objectives of this project are to investigate the potentialities of revegetating and utilizing agronomic species on the strip mined areas in Illinois. Trust and State. A. L. Lang, R. F. Fuelleman, J. N. Spaeth, and F. C. Francis. Advisory Committee: Dean H. P. Rusk, W. L. Burli- son, F. C. Bauer, J. C. Hackleman, J. N. Spaeth, J. W. Bristow, and Louis S. Weber. Agronomist: Alten F. Grandt. Illinois Coal Strippers Association. U.S. Forest Service. University of Illinois, Departments of Agronomy, Forestry and Animal Husbandry. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Figures indicate that there are at least 72,100 acres of strippable coal lands in Illinois, of which approximately one- half have already been mined. The development of strip mined areas is first of all a land-use problem including costs and returns af- fecting its revegetation. Revegetation is especially desirable be- cause strip mining is generally looked upon by the public as seri- ously affecting the local economy. Although this is not necessar- ily true, the psychological and esthetic implications of large strip mined areas in a community make it incumbent on the mining companies to provide some means of utilization. Owners recognizing their obligation to the public have already taken steps to provide means for better use of the mined areas. State and federal agencies have cooperated in reforestation, wild-life management and recreational projects in some areas; how- ever, little work on revegetation with forage species has been at- tempted. The mining industry has expressed an interest in research of an agronomic nature, involving the establishment of forage species on mined areas, and has appropriated the sum of $6,000 for research. The following problems will be investigated: 1. The physical and chemical characteristics of the soils in the various mine areas of the state. - 2 - 2. Forage speoies already established by either artificial or natural means. 3« Adaptation of speoies with respect to:- a. Soil reaction. b. Mineral content of the soil. c. Physical structure. d . CI imate . e. Moisture. f . Time and method of seeding. 4. Adaptation of species as affected by soil amendments :- a. Correction of soil reaction. b. Mineral deficiencies corrected or balanced. c. Physical structure as changed by mining operations. d. Moisture and erosion qualities as affected by mulching. 5. Forage yields and quality as determined by:- a. Weight of forage. b. Chemical composition. c. Botanical composition. d. Animal gains. e. Observations. 6. Economic interpretations :- a. Methods and feasibility of forage species establishment. b. Costs of establishment. c. Accessibility after establishment. d. Financial returns. e. Evaluation. 7« Dissemination of information: - a. Radio - local. b» News items - local. c. Circulars. d. Scientific publications. e. Bulletins. PLAN OF PROCEDURE: The various departments of the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station will be responsible for those phases of this project which come within their spheres of interest. A. Since the preliminary reconnaissance will be worked out by the U.S. Forest Service, the Department of Forestry of the University of Illinois will coordinate the information and data made available by the U.S. Forest Service, which has already begun work. This includes mapping of stripped lands and preliminary classifi- cation on the basis of reaction, chemical composition, physical - 3 - structure, etc. 1. The U.S. Forest Service also plans re- connaissance on ground cover with respect to for- age crops. In so far as possible, the agronomist in charge of the detailed work of this project will cooperate in that survey. B. The Agronomy Department will be responsible for: 1. Conducting such further surveys as are necessary to determine the nature, quantity, and quality of forage crops now established. These species will be located on appropriate maps, prop- erly labeled with respect to the nature of the en- vironment. Records of previous seedings and their disposition will be recorded. VJhere any records of animal production are available notations will be made. All records will be kept separately by owner- ship, counties, townships, sections and subdivisions of sections. ' 2. Species adaptation studies will be estab- lished on spoil banks representative of the various soil classifications and climatic ranges. Seedings, alone and in mixtures, will be made of all species reasonably suited to the area to determine: a. The most favorable mixtures and pure seedings for rapid growth, survival and longevity. b. Specific persistence and aggressiveness. c. Tolerance for soil reaction, mineral content and texture. d. Speed of establishment in relation to physio- graphic and ecological factors. 3. Soil amendments will be used in connection with forage adaptation tests and in relation to basic information secured for the specific area concerning reaction, mineral content, physical structure, moisture relationships, and erosion problems. This will require: a. Soil testing for acidity and plant nutrient content. b. Corrective measures on acid or alkaline areas. c. Supplying nutrient deficiencies or balancing super- sufficiencies. d. Modification of physioal structure by mining oper- ations or other artificial means. e. Controlling moisture relationships and erosion influences by the use of mulching materials. 4. Determinations of forage species, production and quality will bp made by several criteria, including: a. Measurements of forage yields in terms of dry matter on established plots or fields. Sampling must be - 4 - adequate for accurate determinations. b. Chemical analysis of forage species samples ob- tained from various locations and from established experimental areas will be made. This will supple- ment information made available through the recon- naissance survey. c. Botanical analysis will be made as a part of the yield determinations chiefly as a basis for cata- loging sources of contributions of chemical com- ponents and also for animal gains. 5. 'While it is expected that each area owner will need to interpret the practical applications of this research into his own economy, nevertheless, in- formation will be secured on: a. Methods of forage species establishment and their utility. b. Costs involved in such establishment. c. Useability or accessibility after establishment. 6. Results secured by this investigation will be made available insofar as their practicability warrants, through local radio and news items and by circulars, bulletins, and scientific publications. C. The Animal Husbandry Department will, after the vegetational phases have been developed, be responsible for: 1. Suggesting the type of livestock for pasturing experimental areas. 2. Measurements of animal weights as a method of determining forage yields. 3. Costs and returns attending livestock oper- ations • D. The Illinois Coal Strippers Association, through its membership, will provide equipment, seeds, and such manpower on each experimental area sufficient to assist, facilitate, and supplement the work of the agronomist. The above will be in addition to the budgetary item as listed under 'approximate cost.' To carry out the details of this project will require the efforts of one full-time man well trained in agronomy retained by the University. In addition, agronomy staff members responsible will need to give considerable time to the project in an advisory and direotive capacity. Office space, supplies and equipment, as well as labor- atory spaoe and equipment, will be supplied by the Agronomy Department. Transportation facilities (car) and travel expense will be a large item in the conduct of the field work. - 5 - Assistance in making chemical analyses will be need- ed In the form of student or graduate student help." A report prepared by the University of Illinois covering accom- plishments made on the project during the first year of operation is herewith transmitted for information of our member companies. Secretary-Treasurer Chicago, Illinois March 10, 1948. - 6 - AGRONOMIC LAND USE RESEARCH ON AREAS STRIP MINED FOR COAL IN ILLINOIS. According to the data published by the Illinois Coal Strippers1 As- sociation 32,056 acres of land were mined by association member mines in Illi- nois as of June 1, 1946. An additional 40,034 acres is held by member com- panies to be mined, giving a total of 72,090 acres of land. An analysis of soil cropping potentials derived from the Soil Survey Division of the Univer- sity of Illinois indicates that about 16.8 percent of these holdings is high grade farm land; 35.2 percent is of medium grade; and the remaining 48 percent consists of forested, rough, or eroded soil not adaptable to general farming purposes. There are 31,600,000 acres of land in the State of Illinois now used for agricultural and farming or forestry purposes; of which less than one-fourth of one percent will be strip mined. Location of Present Day Industry in Illinois t Strip coal land mined or held for future mining in Illinois is lo- cated in twenty-two counties with major operations being carried on in fourteen counties. The largest mining areas are located in Perry and Fulton counties, in which 5.0 percent and 2.7 percent respectively, of the total county areas are mineable by stripping methods. These general areas are shown on Fig. 1 i/vhich also shows the approximate locations of experimental seeding plots es- tablished for study under this project. Description of Mined Areas: The physical and chemical properties of the spoil material are dom- inated by the character of the geologic strata from which the spoil is derived. In southern Illinois the amount of loess in the overburden varies from an average of approximately 12 feet in St. Clair to less than 3 to 4 feet in Saline County. Glacial till or drift lies under the loess and varies in thickness - 7 - AGRONOMY DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA «• 1 ■■ 2 - 3 .. T-T(ElkvfcTe)" k - 5 ■ 6 I 7 8 Sahara Delta 9UL Little Slater U.E.-FiderVy Pyramid Southwestern Midwest Sadiap Solar 10 - Morgan Hi. U.E.-Buckhart 12- U.E.-Cuoa 1;- T-T (Fiatt Nc|.2) 13- Falrview 1>- M.E.-Eapatee 14- Little John 17- M.E. -Atkinson 1Q- Morrls-Horth^rn i§- Northern 20- ™»*yftIN0,S 0 m to 3f J 31449— M3 79 Fig. 1~ Location of Experimental Plots on Strip Mined Coal Lands of Illinois. - 8 - from 5 feet to 15 feet in some areas. Soft mud shales and rock make up the remainder of the strata overlying the coal seam. In areas where the percent- age of loess in the spoils is highest, the physical condition of the spoil bank material is most friable and from this standpoint the better material on which to get grasses and legumes established. There are some areas -where pyritic roof shales are present in sufficient quantities to form localized acid spots. In western Illinois the amount of loess averages 8 to 10 feet in thickness throughout the area studied. In a few places carbonates have been found at a depth of 6 to 8 feet. The pH of spoil material in this area gener- ally tests above pH 7.0. The spoil banks are predominantly friable and hold moisture readily. In northern Illinois the overburden is composed largely of sands and shales. These mud shales often weather into heavy impermeable plastic materials which give rise to high runoff and deep gully erosion. Revegetation of such areas is generally slow and may require time for weathering to change the ad- verse physical conditions to a more favorable state for plant growth. There are other areas in this territory, however, where excellent growth of sweet clover is flourishing. Soil Analysis; Table 1 shows the average amounts of soil nutrients, p-H, available phosphorus and available potassium, of spoil bank material. Samples were selec- ted at random from the experimental plots and tests were made by the soil test- ing laboratory at the University of Illinois. The average p-H of the 684 sam- ples tested was 6.8, the average available phosphorus content was 122 pounds, and the average available potassium was found to be 166 pounds per acre. The plots located in southern Illinois are lower, on the average, in plant nutri- ents than the overall average, while those in western Illinois are substantially - 9 - Table 1 Soil Analysis of Spoi 1 name toa-teni IIS. Plot locations County Samples pH* Av. P* Av. K* Notes No. Av. Southern Illinois: Sahara Saline 30 4.9 107 188 S. S. rock. Delta Williamson 28 7.0 97 108 Truax-Traer, Elkville Jackson 20 6.3 58 155 Local acid spots. United Elec. Fidelity Perry 28 6.0 124 198 Local acid spots. Pyramid Perry 27 7.4 B6 123 Calc rock. Southwestern Randolph 28 7.3 85 137 Calc rock. Midwest Radiant St. Clair 175 7.1 116 131 Sub-total - 336 6.57 96 149 Western Illinois: Solar Schuyler 12 6.8 171 224 High % Loess. Little Sister Fulton 12 7.2 114 145 In western 111. Morgan Fulton 10 7.1 178 230 United Elec, Buckhart Fulton 20 7.7 94 143 United Elec ., Cuba Fulton 15 7.6 140 143 . Truax-Traer, Fiatt Fulton 50 7.9 147 145 Fairview Fulton 20 6.0 128 186 Mid. Elec. Rapatee Fulton & Knox 64 7.4 164 180 Little John Knox 26 7.3 167 164 Sub-total - 229 7.2 145 173 Northern Illinois: Mid. Elec, Atkinson Bureau 20 7.4 165 192 Shaly material. northern Illinois Grundy 49 6.9 166 219 Shaly material. Morris Grundy 28 3.1 84 144 Highly acid. Wilmington Will 22 7.7 55 161 Compact & plastic. Sub-total - 119 6.3 118 179 i TOTAL - 684 6.8 122 166 *pH - 7.0, neutral; P - 92+ lbs/a, high; K - 150-200 lbs/a high. - 10 - higher. In northern Illinois the spoil bank material is more variable. On plots located on property of the Morris Coal and Mining Company the average p-H is 3.1, low enough to be toxic to most plants. Caution should be used against placing too much emphasis on the aver- ages obtained because of the extreme variability of the spoil bank material. In small local spots the p-H may be low enough to be toxic to plants, and little or no vegetation is found on these localized spots-. In other areas, such as sandy spots the available potassium may be less than 40 pounds per acre which would result in poor plant growth. However, in general the soil analysis would indicate very favorable planting sites for most grasses and legumes. Revegetation Project; The objectives of this project are to investigate the potentialities of revegetating and utilizing agronomic species on the strip mined areas in Illinois. Revegetation is especially desirable because strip mining is gener- ally looked upon by the public as seriously affecting the local economy. Al- though this is not necessarily true, the psychological and aesthetic impli- cations of large strip mined areas in a community make it incumbent on the min- ing companies to provide some means of utilization. Judging from economio re- turns realized by owners who are utilizing spoil banks, these areas may be con- sidered an asset to the community rather than a liability. It would appear to be a lost resource if they are not utilized to their fullest advantage. Funds to begin work on this project were made available to the Uni- versity February 1, 1947. Because of the extremely cold, wet spring, much difficulty was encountered in trying to make spring seedings. Difficulty in locating readily accessible areas on spoil banks for the establishment of ex- perimental plots also prevented making extensive spring seedings. Nevertheless, a number of experimental plots were established, and a number of spring seed- ings were made. - 11 - The early summer was spent in touring the various mined areas with Mr. Louis Weber, Land Use Engineer of the Illinois Coal Strippers* Association, who arranged for meetings with company officials on whose properties more ex- perimental plots are to be located. Observations were made of species already growing on spoil banks and results recorded. Approximately 1,000 plots of various sizes were staked out on areas selected for experimental sites. Plot Design and Field Methods; Experimental plots have been laid out on 21 different locations in 14 counties to determine the adaptation of legumes and grasses on various types of spoil materials over the climatic range of Illinois. Forage species are be- ing tested alone and in associations of grasses and legumes in an effort to de- termine the most desirable method of obtaining a satisfactory establishment. The plot design employed for the non-leveled spoil banks is shown in Fig. 2A. This design is similar to that used by Tyner*, et al, in their work in West Virginia. The grasses are seeded up and down the slopes to cover at least two complete spoil banks wherever possible. The legumes are seeded across the grass plots and run approximately parallel to the ridges and valleys. The species seeded are randomized in all cases and this plot is duplicated on all properties. This type of arrangement makes possible the study of 64 grass- legume associations. Where the forage species are seeded alone, the plot is 15 feet wide and 145.2 feet long, giving a plot size of one-twentieth of an acre. The fertility study consists of adding nitrogen in various amounts to grass plots. This design is shown in Fig. 2A by the grass plot seeded alone as exemplified by big bluestem. No fertility treatments are carried out on legume plots at this time since the soil tests show adequate plant nutrients in most cases with the exception of nitrogen, which inoculated legumes can get from the atmosphere. Work of this nature will be investigated further. - 12 - -I5I- —120 ft. Ions- 1 • CO t-i 1 Ali alfa • 8 f-l 3 .2 O O Ale ike CI over • O O H Bii dsfoot Trefc il 1 o • 4» «M lad ino CI over • 1 1 Mis ture 0 f 7 Le gUBieS Red Clove r • • CO w & Kb Kox can Le spedez a Yel low or White Swe et Clo ver :e Valle7 Valley m m ■ 0 & -p 0 M 0 * 2 aj-b 5 • a II hard rass & 4D • 8 «B S ■p aJ ifi M 0 0 CO m O CO *H h e c Jh « K 0 s - P IH ■ 43 *> +> q q q q q q © © CD © © © © 6 s 1 e s 6 8 © © 00 © © © © r-» •H X H r-i cH iH © © 00 © © CD © CO CO © o 0) CD CO CO *2 - •q »q ci •q q -a fl T3 q 5 © q c q © 2 a> q © q © q © d © q .q 3 M 3 w q 40 O W) 0 40 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 ft 0 ft ft ^ ft fc ft ^ ft »H u u $zq 43 43 43 4> 0 +» 0 +> 0 1 O O «H CM q §1 vo q <2> > * • -n .-...• , .■- ;#tt" W • Strike-off area seeded to rye and wheat. (Fig. 7) - 21 - Ilk-, jl\y '4t Rye and v/heat growing on strike-off ridge. (Fig. 8) - 22 - established this next summer on spoils on which sweet clover has been growing the second year so that this type of association can be studied more thorough- iy. A mixture of five legumes (alfalfa, yellow sweet clover, alsike, mammoth clover, and birdsfoot trefoil) with perennial ryegrass was seeded under trees on plots established by the Central States Forest Experiment Station on Little John Coal Company and Wilmington Coal Company properties. These plots are 300 feet long and 112 feet wide, making approximately 0.8 acres. This area covers six ridges or hills, giving a total of 12 slopes with six northerly and six southerly exposures. Results and Discussions: Because of the limited amount of spring seeding accomplished, yield data and chemical composition of forage species are very limited at this time. 1. Grass -Legume Mixture On Little John Coal Company, Knox County (Fig. 2C) A mixture of ryegrass - 5 lbs. mammoth clover - 1^ lbs. alfalfa - 2 lbs. alsike clover - 1 lb. yellow sweet clover - 2vi lbs. birdsfoot trefoil - 1 lb» making a total of 13 pounds seeded April 17, 1947 on two 0.8-acre plots on which trees had been planted. The legumes were inooulated, mixed together, and seeded with a horn seeder. The ryegrass was spread by hand. On June 9, 1947 seedling counts were made. A one-foot square was used. Four areas were seleoted at random on both plots. On plot 9, 38 percent of the ryegrass seeded germinated and grew, and 44 percent of the legumes grew. On plot 10, 56 per- cent of the ryegrass and 30 percent of the legumes that were seeded grew. Later observations were very striking. The ryegrass grew rapidly and seemed to predominate; however, a good stand of legumes was present the entire summer. A thicker stand and better ground cover was obtained on north exposure slopes than on southerly exposure slopes. It was also noted that the top two or - 23 - (Jig. 2-C) Plot Design of Tree-Gras 8- Legume Mixture 112* T r ' I I I i . I i I J III' Valle7 i Ri Valley 17 rove of trees \ \ - 24 - three feet of the peaks were not covered. Yield samples taken in August gave a yield of 4.34 tons of forage per acre. Not enough yield samples were taken to make this an accurate figure » "but it gives an indication of what yields may "be expected. The greater percentage of forage was ryegrass. The ryegrass had already gone to seed and was beginning to dry when the samples were cut. From the above data it will be noted that less than one-half of the seed that was seeded germinated and established itself. Because of the slope, in all probability much of the seed v>ras washed off the slopes before the seeds could germinate and become anchored. Thus it seems evident that a heavier seed- ing should be used than that normally recommended in farming practices; also, there is probably an ideal time to seed the species to result in a minimum washing away of the seed. This factor is important. Alternate freezing and thawing will aid in partially burying the seed and thus hold them better so probably seeding should be made earlier than these plots v/ere seeded. 2. Or ass -Legume Mixture on Wilmington Coal Mining Company, Will County. On the Wilmington Coal Mining Company plots where the same mixture was seeded, the results are quite opposite from those obtained on the Little John property. Seedling counts made show a variation in the percentage germ- ination. Plot 27 showed 90 percent ryegrass and 26 percent of the legumes germinated, while on plot 28, 26 percent of the ryegrass and 6 percent of the legumes germinated. It was noted, however, that many of the seedling roots were exposed. The roots could not penetrate the compact surface material of the spoils. Later observations were that the legumes had died out completely, and in some of the gullies a few sprigs of ryegrass were struggling for their ex- istence, but it had all disappeared on other places. Scattered clumps of Russian thistle are growing on these plots. The physical condition of the materials exposed by the stripping - 25 - operation on these plots is very compact and plastic, and -undoubtedly is the factor limiting the establishment of a satisfactory stand of forage species. The soil tests show sufficient amounts of available phosphorus and potassium and a favorable pH for the growth of legumes. Perhaps a period of weathering is required to change the physical condition to such extent that grasses or legumes can be established. More work is being carried on in these areas to further study these problems. The extent of gully erosion that occurs on this type of spoil bank is shown in Fig. 9. It v.dll be noticed that the slope of the banks is still quite steep- s' Kudzu Adaptation. Kudzu crowns were planted on plots in we stern and southern Illinois. Very few crowns lived through the summer. It is believed that the cuttings dried out too much in shipping and were not satisfactory stock for planting. More crowns will be planted this spring to determine the adaptation of Kudzu to the spoil banks. 4. Fertility Plots (Fig. 2-D) Fertility studies with respect to nitrogen were conducted on Midwest Radiant Corporation property with four grasses, — orchard grass, meadow fescue, sweet sudan, and white wonder millet. Where no nitrogen was added, the grass came up in scattered spots but soon died. T/hen 120 pounds of elemental nitro- gen or Uramon was applied per acre, scattered spots of thick, dense stands were secured. The nitrogen increased the weed growth to such an extent that in some places the grass was probably crowded out. It v/as noted that this nitrogen treatment increased the size of Cottonwood leaves, in some cases quadrupling their size. Fig. 10 shows the effect of the nitrogen on weed growth. Samples were collected from these plots and chemical analyses will be run. The stand v/as so very spotted that yield data were not taken. The banks - 26 - ^£i •* Photo showing nature and extent of gully erosion on spoil banks of Wilmington Coal & Mining Company. (Fig. 9) - 27 - Top of Spoil Ridge 5 S> 8 nitro, •H o 3 o o © O u o 4» a 8) o 4» o o u 4» O a a © ® i to u ' o E •P 4* «H «H a n -19.2- 38. o o \ Fig. 2-D. Plot design of fertility studies with five grasses on Midwest Radiant Corporation property. - 28 - Effect of nitrogen on weed growth on Midwest Radi- ant Corporation property. (Fig* 10) - 29 - in this area were very steep, averaging 56 to 60 percent slope, and gully erosion was so severe that seeds were washed away before they could become established. 5. Fall Seedings of Species Alone and in Association. Fall seedings were made in southern Illinois on the following proper- ties: Midwest Radiant Corporation, St. Clair County; Sahara Coal Company, Saline County; Southwestern Illinois Coal Corporation, Randolph County; and on the Truax-Traer Coal Company, Jackson County. Excellent prospects of the species seeded were observed on Southwestern and Midwest Radiant properties, and on the northern exposure of the plots on the Truax-Traer Coal company property in Jackson County. In western Illinois seedings were made on the Little Sister property on a heavy growth of weeds. Because of the very heavy growth of weeds, very few seedlings of the species seeded could be found this fall. Fall seedings were also completed on the Little John Coal Company property. In northern Illinois plots were seeded this fall on the Northern Illi- nois Coal Corporation and Vfilmington Coal Mining Corporation properties. , In checking over the areas seeded, no seedlings were found. The fall was exception- ally dry, and perhaps some growth will take place in the spring. Fig. 11 shows the nature of spoil bank material in this area on Northern Illinois Coal Corpor- ation property. Plots were also established on leveled areas and on strike-off areas. '.Vheat and rye were seeded and different applications of nitrogen were applied. Observations have been recorded and studies will be continued. At this time it can be said that the wheat and rye germinated satisfactorily and in most cases went into the winter period in good condition. Forage species are also seeded on these areas. - 30 - , Nature of spoil bank material on Northern Illinois Coal Corporation property. (Fig* 11) - 31 - Plans for the Coming Yeart A field trip is being planned on which farm advisers of counties in which strip mining is being carried on, personnel from the various companies interested in establishing satisfactory forage pastures, and other interested persons will be invited. They will have an opportunity to observe the results obtained on the plots established and perhaps observe what private individuals have accomplished, and thus get information as to what use the spoil banks can be made. Plans are being made to measure animal weights as a method of de- termining forage yields. Comparisons will also be made of forage quality and yields on (1) spoil banks, (2) improved pastures, and (3) average pastures of an area. This will be carried on in different climatic ranges, such as Western Illinois (Fulton County) and Southern Illinois (Perry County). Seedings will be made this winter and spring on the remainder of the 1,000 odd plots not seeded this fall. Native grasses, as Big Bluestem, Indian grass, etc., will be seeded in January and February. The common grasses and legumes will be seeded in February, March, and April. Samples of forage will be taken to determine the chemical composition of the forage species grown. Adequate randomized samples will be collected to determine the yields of forage obtained. The relative percentages of various grasses, legumes, and foreign material will be estimated. This type of work is to be carried on as a follow-up to last year»s seedings and to seedings made in the fall and spring of 1947-48. ♦Tyner, E. H. The reclamation of the strip-mined coal lands of West Virginia with forage species. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 10:429-436. 1945. - 32 - , 1948/49 THE POTENTIALITIES OF REVEGETATING AND UTILIZING AGRONOMIC SPECIES ON STRIP MINED AREAS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINO 3 AGRICULTURE LIBRAR ' IN ILLINOIS. A PROGRESS REPORT COVERING THE SECOND YEAR OF WORK ON A COOPERATIVE INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED BY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AND ILLINOIS COAL STRIPPERS ASSOCIATION. NOTE. The agreement covering this investigation provides that:- "No account of a cooperative research project shall be published by the sponsor or by any other agency, except upon approval of the division of the University, or head of the de- partment in which the work is being done." Permission for the reproduction of this report has been granted with the understanding that it is to be released for the confidential information of members of Illinois Coal Strippers Association only, and not to be quoted or released for publication. THE LIBRARY OF THF. JUN 1 9 1951 iiNIVWT/ rt !' UNO'S Telephone CEntral 6-3060 WILLIAM H. COOKE PRESIDENT CARL T. HAYDEN VICE PRESIDENT ILLINOIS COAL STRIPPERS ASSOCIATION 307 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO 1, ILLINOIS JAMES W. BRISTOW SECRETARY-TREASURER FOREWORD To Members of Illinois Coal Strippers Association. Gentlemen: On February 1, 1°1*7, Illinois Coal Strippers Associ- ation entered into an agreement with the Agricultural Experi- ment Station, University of Illinois, covering a project of co- operative research into the possibilities of revegetating and utilizing grasses and legumes on strip mined areas for stock range and other purposes. This project estimated to require five years of re- search in order to arrive at sound conclusions, is now entering upon its third year. A progress report covering the first year of operation issued on March 19, 19li8 dealt principally with the proposed scope and plan of attack on the problem; a survey of spoil bank soils found throughout the state, and preliminary re- ports on a number of seeding projects. The report herewith presented covers the second year of operation. It presents further information on spoil bank soil materials, and comparisons of such materials with surface soils found on adjoining land; the adaptation of various forage species to spoil bank soils j the results of preliminary studies of com- parative gains made by animals pastured on spoil banks with those pastured on undisturbed blue grass and highly improved grass- legume pasture. In addition to continuing work along the above general lines, research in the coming year will be extended to include the measurement of yields per acre, chemical analyses and feed value of various forage species grown on spoil banks in order to determine the carrying capacity of this type of pasture. March 15, 1949. ecretary-Treasurer AGRONOMY PROJECT. NUMBER: 1003 - Second Annual Report. TITLE: Agronomic Land Use Research on the Mined Areas of the Stripped Coal Lands of Illinois. OBJECT: The objectives of the project are to investi- gate the potentialities of revegetating and utilizing agronomic species on the strip- mined areas in Illinois. LEADERS: A. L. Lang, R. F. Fuelleman, J. N. Spaeth, and F. C. Francis. Advisory Committee: - Dean H. P. Rusk W. L. Burlison F. C. Bauer J. C. Hackleman J. N. Spaeth James W. Bristow Louis S. Weber. Agronomist - Alten F. Grandt. AGRONOMIC LAND USE RESEARCH ON STRIPPED COAL LANDS IN ILLINOIS. By Alten F. Grandt.* This is the second annual report of progress made on Agronomy Project 1003, a cooperative research project of the University of Illi- nois Agricultural Experiment Station and the Illinois Coal Strippers Association covering an investigation of the potentialities of revegetat- ing and utilizing agronomic species on strip-mined areas in Illinois. Some of the material contained in the progress report cover- ing the first year of -work will be repeated and in other instances the first progress report will he referred to. The following problems are being investigated; 1. The physical and chemical characteristics of the soils in the various mine areas of the state. 2. Forage species already established by either artificial or natural means. 3. Adaptation of forage species alone and in mixtures. 4. Adaptation of forage species as affected by soil amendments. 5. Determination of forage yields and quality. 6. Economics of establishing and utilizing spoil banks for pasture. Note * — Special Research First Assistant, Soil Experiment Fields and Crop Production, Department of Agronomy, University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana. The author acknowledges with thanks the assistance, advice, and encouragement received from Mr. Louis S. Weber, Land Use Engineer, Illinois Coal Strippers Association, in conducting these investigations. Without his help some phases of this work could not have been accomplished. 1 - SOIL STUDIES; STRATIOGRAPHIC RECORDS; One method of determining the land use of spoil banks is to study the nature of the overburden above the coal beds. The material which overlies the coal and goes to make up the spoil banks is highly variable both in thickness and in character. It presents a complex of pre-glacial, glacial, and post-glacial material, and no one profile may be given as representative of the overburden within a single mine, much less throughout the stripping fields of the state. Figure 1 illustrates something of the nature and variations of the strata commonly present. Table 1 shows the depth and percentage of various strata of the overburden. The samples were taken from the highwall in the vicinity where the experimental plots are located. Where the percentage of the loess is high, as in western Illinois, pas- ture establishment is potentially easier than on soils having smaller percentages of loess. Where the quantity of rock is excessive a use other than pasture should be made of such spoil banks. More preparatory work, such as strike-off, can be done more economically on locations where the rock is more limited. In 14 counties in which studies of spoil banks are carried on the topsoil and loess, as tested from highwall samples, had an average pH of 6.4; 75 pounds per acre of available phosphorus; and 115 pounds per acre available potassium. Loess is a very desirable soil material because of its silty texture and in general high fertility level. The glacial till is extremely variable. The Illinoian till is highly leached in most cases and thus is low in plant nutrients. The Wisconsin till is of a younger geologic age and is not highly leached, The average pH of the till tested was 7.3 with 77 pounds of available - 2 - 0-18 5-20' 3-34' 0-12 0-5 Top soil - variable. Loess - depth related to nearness to Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. CaC03 present at greater depths. Sand present in Kankakee River watershed. Glacial till - very variable - CaCOg present in Wisconsin till, Shale - gray to blue - generally hard and well-bedded weathers rapidly v,rhen exposed. Generally high in phosphorus and potassium. pH variable - from 2*5 to 8*5. Limestone - characteristic stratum above No* 6 coal - variable. Slaty shale - very irregular, Coal. Profile of the overburden showing the horizons commonly present in Illinois strip mines. The figures at the left of the diagram repre- sents, in feet, the extremes encountered in samples taken* (Fig* 1*) - 3 - •H C •H C 0) 2 u % o o a p co p CO CO o •H u cd > o t CO O U CO O, cd ,c p a co o a> bfl cd Sh 0) 5 a> rH X> cd E-t co p cd p c P O cd CO o r— rH o P 1 CO u o co «H 1A -d a, o s J« X! r-i o p p CA o Pu CO 1 Pi 0) CO -^ Q rH C\J P cd G P CO o o o p r-i 0) u rH CO «H cd a, o ^J CO si p p a CO UN CD CO Q cm cd -p CO •H C P >H CO o CO O P p *n CO CO UN r-i ^O. O CNJ O CA O r-i UN r— O P- CA O CA CA CA -d p J«{ •H CO rH (*, T5 CO W ^~* 'zi £ cd \ ' E X. p * CO p rH CO Q E-t 13 cw 3 o CO r-i CNJ (0 *"»— *^-*s ^— y^-s •H p p fi cd rH CNJ -d O ScB "aTV rH 0) •H •H -H CO CO CO CO •H rH -o -o P ,c^- p p 5 ch rH cd cd to ^ -P cd cd «H rH c on « •rt O +2 a, a, o CO O t i p p co 3 cd oq -h § cd cd ►^ xi CO E § (0 CO CO fc •H CO CO a CO CO rH -v-^ > • • rH • £ •H fe £ P w U w w P w t E T* TJ P Eh •H P fH •H «H •H ♦ 1 cd • • •H • O •H S3 a ^ ^> E-t ClH a a ^ a a 1* phosphorus, and 112 pounds of available potassium per acre. The shales in the overburden were found to be high in avail- able phosphorus and potassium with an average of 148 and 212 pounds per acre respectively. In many instances, the amounts of each element available was greater than could be tested by the photometer. The pH of shales is generally very high. The average was found to be 7.1, with some layers as high as 8.5. However, in some instances the pH was as low as 3.5. A more thorough study of the shales will be made. Another source of data concerning the nature of the overburden would be the use of drill records. From such records predictions could be made of the physical nature of the spoil bank material and an indi- cation of potential land use. For example, where the percentage of dense clay and soft mud shales is high the spoil banks upon weathering will be very impermeable and subject to severe gully erosion. Such a condition is prevalent in the northern Illinois area. Restricted infil- tration and shallow rooting indicate that drouth is a serious factor in establishing vegetation on this type of material. Soil moisture determ- inations of the surfaoe material give further proof to this point. The source of sulphur from which the toxic "acid spots" form is not yet definitely known. By studying the stratiographic column, it is hoped that more information on this problem can be obtained. Iron pyrites and marcasite found in the roof coals and black shales is the source of some, but certainly not all, of the sulphur. Croxton (1) points to the shales as a possible source of the acid. This appears evi- dent in that some layers samples in the highwall study revealed pH as low as 3.5. Figure 2 shows acid spots on the spoil banks around which no vegetation will grow. The dark appearing spots are high acidic. Weathering and subsequent leaching will reduce the total sulphur - 5 - Acid spots on spoil banks in Saline County. The dark appearing spots are highly acidic. It has been estimated that less than five percent (5.0%) of all land strip-mined in the state, as of 1946*, is affected by this toxic acid condition. (Fig* 2) Central States Forestry Experiment Station - 1946 - 6 - content of these acid spots. At present it is not known how long a per- iod of time will be required to reduce the sulphur content to the point where normal vegetative growth occurs. SOIL TYPES BEING STRIPPED: The type name, number and description, and the productive rat- ing of some of the soils being stripped by each mine for the county are listed in Appendix A. The area stripped was checked, by section, against the recorded soil types published by the Illinois Soil Survey. Where soil reports are available the percent of each type being stripped can be determined. Appendix B lists the average yield per acre of various crops under different systems of management on some of the soil -types being stripped. These yields should be correlated with the productive ratings given for the soil types to determine the true agricultural value of the soil type. In connection with the yield data Appendix C gives the acre values of crops and indexes for 1944-1947, on soil types listed, as de- termined from soil experiment field data. This information is listed so as to give a better understanding of the nature of the soil material be- fore and after the stripping operation, and the readers attention is specifically called to the data contained in these appendixes. SOIL ANALYSIS OF SPOIL BANK MATERIAL; Table 2 shows the average amounts of soil nutrients, (pH avail- able phosphorus and available potassium), found in spoil bank material. Samples were selected at random from the experimental plots and tests were made by the soil testing laboratory at the University of Illinois. The averages include samples collected in 1947 and 1948. Only minor shifts in the averages resulted, so they would seem to be reliably i - 7 - Table 2. SOIL ANALYSIS OF SPOIL BANK MATERIAL. Acidity Phos- Potas- No. of p-E* phorus sium Plot Locations. County. Samples. Average . lbs.* Average. lbs.* Average. Note. Southern Illinois Sahara Saline 54 4.5 90 169 Shale ■+■ S. S. Rock. Delta ■Williamson 52 6.2 86 110 T-T, Elkville Jackson 20 6.3 58 155 Local acid (Truax-Traer) spots. N.E. Fidelity Perry 60 6.7 145 204 Local acid spots. Pyramid Perry 44 7.1 91 154 Southwestern Randolph 34 7.3 82 138 Calc. rock. Midwest Radiant St. Clair 175 7.1 116 131 Sub -total - 438 6.6 105 147 Western Illinois Solar Schuyler 12 6.8 171 224 High percent Little Sister Fulton 28 7.7 157 179 Loess in Morgan Fulton 10 7.1 178 230 W. Illinois. U.E. ,Buckheart Fulton 36 7.7 101 134 U.E., Cuba Fulton 32 7.5 123 144 T.T., Fiatt Fulton 78 7.8 146 148 Fairview Fulton 44 6.5 133 167 M.E. Rapatee Fulton-Knox 81 7.5 148 177 Little John Knox 67 6.8 166 194 Sub-total - 388 7.3 140 169 Northern Illinois M.E. Atkinson Bureau Northern Illinois Grundy Morris Grundy Wilmington Will Northern Illinois Kankakee Sub-total - Total and averages - 84 7.4 157 264 Shaly material. 67 6.7 139 198 Shaly material. 28 3.1 84 144 Highly acid. 22 7.7 55 161 Compact and plastic. 40 7.6 110 184 Compact and plastic. 241 6.8 6.9 127 209 1 067 122.7 169.2 *p-H - 7.0 neutral; P - 92 lb/A, high; K150 - 200 lb/A high. - 8 - representative. A total number of 1067 samples was tested. The average pH was 6.90; the average available phosphorus content was 122.7 pounds per acre; and the average available potassium was 169.2 pounds per acre. These amounts of nutrients are adequate for good forage production. The plots located in southern Illinois contain smaller quanti- ties of plant nutrients than the overall state average, while those in western Illinois are substantially higher. In northern Illinois the tests show the spoil bank material to be more variable. In the sandy areas both the available phosphorus, and potassium content are low. In other areas a toxic acid condition exists. These facts emphasize the variability of spoil bank material and suggest that each location be studied individually when planning land use. A systematic sampling tech- nique and the thorough testing of spoil bank soils for acidity, phosphor- us, and potassium are the first steps in the detailed planning for the best use to be made of the land. ANALYSIS OF SOILS TESTED BY COUNTY SOIL TESTING LABORATORIES: A study was made of soil tests from farms in the counties where strip mining is being carried on. These data were obtained from the county soil testing laboratories. Detailed summaries of the various tests are listed in Appendix C. Table 3 shows a comparison of soil tests on spoil bank soils and soils of farm land. The farm land averages were computed and are not amenable to direct comparisons. The acidity tests of spoil bank materials were determined by a Beckman pH machine which measures the hydrogen ion concentration or pH of the soil. The acidity tests of the county were made by the Comber test method which enables one to determine the amounts of limestone (in tons) required to neutralize the soil acidity. The correlation between the Comber test and the pH readings is as follows: l - 9 - Comber tes tons limes required. ;ts ;tone Range in pH for Comber test readings. Average pH reading used for computed averages. 0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7.0-6.11 6.1-5.81 5.8-5.31 5.3-4.71 4.7-4.21 4.2 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 The computed averages found in Table 3 were obtained by multiply- ing the number of samples requiring a definite amount of limestone and using the average pH listed for each limestone requirement as the multi- plicand. The products were totaled and divided by the total number of samples to obtain the computed pH averages. The phosphorus tests made by the county were determined by the improved phosphate soil test developed at the University of Illinois. This gives a blue color, the intensity of which varies with the relative amount of phosphorus available. The phosphorus tests of spoil bank materials were made by the photometer method for determining available phosphorus in soils; the available phosphorus content is recorded in pounds per acre. The correlation between the visual color test and the photometer test is as follows: Improved phosphate test, color in- tensity. Photometer reading pounds per acre. Average reading used in pounds per acre for computed averages Low Slight Medium High 20-32 33-53 54-75 76-92 26 43 65 84 The spoil bank tests were determined by the photometer method, which measures up to 200 pounds per acre of available phosphorus, and the farm samples were run by the color method, which measures a maximum of 92 pounds per acre of available phosphorus. The spoil bank readings - 10 - TABLE 3. COMPARISON OF THE AVERAGES OF SPOIL BANK AND FARM LAND SOILS. County Acidity average p-H Pho s pho ru s Potas sium Spoil banks. Farmland* Spo il banks. Farmland* Spoil banks . Farmland* Bureau 7.4 5.80 87.3 40.7 264.0 215.6* Fulton 7.1 6.01 84.5 46.7 161.7 205 Grundy 5.7 6.14- 71.0 51.7 182.0 208 Jackson 6.3 5.79 53.0 41.0 155 180 Kankakee 7.6 . • • • 79.4 .... 184 176.8 Knox 6.8 5.88 88.7 36.1 194 204.9* Perry 7.1 6.00 79.4 35.1 173.3 158 Randolph 7.3 6.21 68.0 39.1 138 157.7 Saline 4.5 5.79- 73.8 37.7 169 180.1* Schuyler 6.8 5.85 88.0 33.4 224 155.9* St. Clair 7.1 6.04 64.0 39.7 131 166 Vermilion • • . 5.70 • • • • 56.1 • a . . 206* Will 7.7 5.47 51.8 49.4 161 225.7* Williamson 6.2 6.10 61.0 37.4 110 193.4 Farm land soils (tested by the County Soil Testing Laboratories.) * Computed averages See Appendix D. - 11 - were reduced to a level with the farm samples "by taking 92 pounds per acre as a maximum reading. Thus the samples are more nearly comparable than if averages of two different methods of testing were compared. The computed averages were figured in the same manner as the computed pH averages* The potassium tests of both farm land and spoil bank material were made by the photometer method for the determination of available potassium in soils. Some of the averages from farm land tests are arith- metical averages and thus are directly comparable with the spoil bank tests. Where arithmetical averages were not available computed averages were again determined. In some cases the number of samples tested for potassium was small and the averages obtained in such counties are not too reliable, because they represent such a small percentage of the county area and undoubtedly include the better farms and the more progressive farmers who practice soil treatment. The averages shown are probably higher than a more representative county average would be. In all cases the spoil bank soil material tests were higher in available phosphorus than the county farm land averages. In 11 of 13 counties listed the pH of spoil bank soil material was higher than the average pH of county farm lands. The available potassium content of spoil bank soil materials is generally lower than adjacent farm land. One of the reasons for this is that much of the potassium of spoil bank soils is present in an unavailable form. Vegetative growth and weathering will tend to change some of the unavailable potassium to a more available form. Illinois is one of the few states where soil testing of farm lands is an accepted and widespread practice. These tests were made by the state and county soil testing laboratories. The above comparisons - 12 - were made possible from the records made available by these laboratories. TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE RELATIONSHIPS OF SPOIL BAM SOILS; The temperature and moisture of spoil bank soils were measured during July and August on various slope exposures and under varying amounts of vegetative cover. The temperatures on slopes having south or west exposures were higher than on slopes having north or east expos- ures. On bare slopes the temperature at the two-inch level on south or west slope exposures averaged about 10 to 12 degrees Fahrenheit higher than on north or east slope exposures. A maximum range in temperature of 44 degrees during a 24-hour period was recorded on a south slope ex- posure at the two-inch depth level. At the six-inch level the temper- ature fluctuates less during a 24-hour period than at depths closer to the surface. No excessively high temperatures were noted during the time these recordings were made. The highest spoil bank soil temperature re- corded was 105 degrees on a tight, plastic glacial till and shale mater- ial in Will county. Green vegetation generally tends to equalize soil temperatures. It was found that the soil temperatures were 7 to 10 degrees lower under alfalfa cover than on bare slopes in periods of rising temperatures. Figure 3 shows vegetative growth on north and south slope exposures. Vegetation is always better on north and east exposures. EXPERIMENTAL PLOTS. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Experimental plots have been laid out at 40 different locations on 22 mine properties in 14 counties. These were established for the pur- pose of investigating the potentialities of revegetating and utilizing agronomic species of the spoil banks in Illinois. Figure 4 shows the i - 13 - • - * 1 i I ■ /. * i i I -I. v ■«■ ^ V - . . Showing vegetative growth on north and south slope exposures. The darker appearing portion to the upper right of the photograph is a sod cover on a north slope. August, 1947. (Fig. 3) - 14 - AGRONOMY DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA *>• Coal Companies- 1-Sahara 2-Delta 3-T-T (Elkville) 4-U.E. (Fidelity) 5-Pyramid 6-Southwestern 7-Midv/est Radiant 8-Solar 9-Little Sister 10-Morgan 11-U.E.Buckheart 12-U.E. Cuba 13-T-T.(Fiatt #2) 14-Fairview 15-M.E.(Rapatee) IS-Little John 17-M.E. (Sheffield) 18-Morr is -Northern 19-Northern 20-Wi lmington 21 -North em 22-Ayrshire 3f tr 31449— MS 79 Location of Experimental Plots on Strip-Mined Coal Lands of Illinois. (Fig. 4) - 15 - location of the plots over the state. The numbers listed beside the company name are used to designate the location of the experiment. The nature of the experiments being studied is indicated by letters as the following: A. Species adaptation alone and in association of newly mined spoils. E. Species seeded on older banks covered with sweet clover residue, weed residue, pastures, etc. C. Fertility treatments. D. Establishment of a mixture of several species. E. Forage species seeded on "strike-off" banks. F. Forage species seed on leveled banks. G. Rate and time of seeding. H. Use of mulching materials. LOCATION ON MINE PROPERTIES: A more detailed location of the experimental plots and the total number of plots to date is listed in Table 4. In locating the plots an attempt was made to test the spoils of all member companies of the Illinois Coal Strippers Association and to test different textural soil materials making up the spoil banks throughout the state; also to test spoils formed by different stripping operations and left in vari- ous ways. PLOT DESIGNS AND FIELD METHODS: The plot design used in Experiments A and G to study species adaptation alone and in association on undisturbed spoil banks is shown in Figure 5-A. In the eight-by eight association plots the grasses are seeded up and down the slopes to cover two complete spoil banks wherever possible. The measurements of the plots are 145.2 feet long by 15 feet - 16 - TABLE 4. DETAILED LOCATION OF PLOTS. Experiment No. Classifi- Sec- Town- Location of ation. County. tion. ship. Range. Company. in section. Plots. 1 - A-f-B Saline 27 9 S 5 E Sahara m of nw 64 1 - C Saline 9 S 5 E Sahara 26 2 - A + B Williamson 22 9 S 4 E Delta NE of SW 68 3 - A Jackson 7 8 s 1 W T-T, Elkville NW of SE 40 4 - A Perry 15 2 W U.E. Fidelity SW| 54 4 - C Perry U.E. Fidelity 26 5 - A Perry 35 5 s 3 W Pyramid swj 54 5 - D Perry Pyramid 12 6 - A Randolph 2 6 s 5 1 Southwestern NW of SE 56 6 - B Randolph 11 6 s 5 W Southwestern 32 7 - A St. Clair 35 1 N 9 W Midwest Radiant NVV of NE 10 7 - C St. Clair 2 1 S 9 W Midwest Radiant NW of NE 10 7 - A-E+F St. Clair 2 1 S 9 W Midwest Radiant NIT of NE 389 8 - D Schuyler 19 Solar 23 9 - B Fulton 6 N Morgan 20 10 - A Fulton 29 6 N 4 E Little Sister 16 10 - B Fulton Little Sister 24 11 - A Fulton 35 6 N 5 E Buckheart NE of NW 40 11 - C Fulton Buckheart 26 12 - A Fulton 14 6 N 3 E Cuba NEi SEI- 30 13 - A Fulton 2 6 N 3 E T-T,Fiatt No. 2 78 13 - D + G Fulton 3 T-T,Fiatt No. 2 64 14 - D + G Fulton 3 Fairview 52 14 - E Fulton Fairview 12 15 -A+B Fulton 4 Rapatee NE of NE 60 + 15 - C Knox Rapatee 26 15 - F Knox 28 9 N 3 E Rapatee NE of NE 113 16 - A Knox 25 12 N 3 E Little John SW 16 17 - A-i-D Bureau 22 16 N 6 E M.E.Atkinson Sheffield Mine 71 + 18 - A Grundy Morris 56 19 - F Grundy 34 34 7 E Northern Illinois m of sw 1 19 - A Grundy 21 33 N 8 E Northern Illinois NW of SW 56 19 - B Grundy 17 33 N 8 E Northern Illinois nbJ 13 19 - C Grundy T 26 20 - A van ' 28 32 N 9 E Wilmington SWi 24 21 - A+D Kankakee 8 39 N 9 E Northern Illinois SW of NE 20 21 - A-D Kankakee 7 31 N 9 E Northern Illinois SW of SW 20 22 - A-D Vermilion None Total Number of Plots - 1,728 - 17 - 15 i oc I 1 i o N $■ Alfalfa Als ike Clover Birdsfoot Ladino CI Yell Swee TrefoLl Dver Mixture of 7 Legumes Red Clove Korean Le .ow or it CI s-pedeza cv tfhitel er L o Oir-t q co O o u CO -cf M CO CO & «J CD Sh CD o 2 cd DB a) 2 (-1 cl CO CO CO u c3 CO £ ♦» In £PQ •d ti ^ CD ft o CO O o CO § 9 s ttf e ♦a Tj fc o cd (L *> -H ,c CD o T3 a) ci> 6 +3 PH G -d o £ pq $ rt £ •H 5! CD u o The nlot design used in studying snecie adaptation, alone and in association. (Fig. 5-A) - 18 - wide, mating l/20 acre in size. The legumes are seeded across the grass plots and run approximately parallel to the ridges and valleys. These plots are 18.2 feet wide by 120 feet long, making 1/20 acre plots. The species seeded are randomized and the plots are duplicated in all cases. This type of arrangement makes possible the study of 64 grass-legumes associations. All the species used are also seeded alone up and down the slope in l/20 acre plots. Some of the grass plots were treated with various amounts of nitrogen fertilizer as shown in the grass plot of the design. The size of the treated plot is 5 feet wide by 21.5 feet long, making about 1/400 acre in size. Since the legumes were inocul- ated when they were seeded they were not treated with a nitrogen fertil- izer* The plot design used in Experiment C is shown in Figure 5-B. The fertilizer applications are applied up and down the slopes at the rate of 750 pounds of 8-8-8 mixed fertilizer and 100 pounds of trace min- erals per acre as shown. The size of the plots are 130 feet long by 30 feet wide, making .09 acre. The 750 pounds of 8-8-8 mixed fertilizer means that 60 pounds of elemental nitrogen, 60 pounds of phosphoric acid (^2^5) » an<* 60 pounds of potash (K2O) are applied per acre. Straight materials were used and mixed in the proper amounts. 7/hen ammonium nitrate was used, 16.6 pounds of a 32.5 percent material was applied. In some cases ammonium sulfate was used and 27 pounds of a 20-percent material was applied. Twelve pounds of a 45-percent phosphate was used per plot to supply the phosphorus. Nine pounds of a 60-percent potash were required per plot to supply the necessary amounts. In all cases where trace minerals were used nine pounds of "Agro-Min" was applied per plot. This material, made by the Agricultural Minerals Company, Montgom- ery, Alabama, contains "zinc, copper, manganese, boron, iron, calcium, - 19 - -30'- i o i ■ — , — . *5 _ _5_ _ __ 11 JL 9 _ k . 13 J 2, — _ _ — — _ _ — — — — — — — . — — — — _ C. 3. G. A __ _ _8_ _10 , P. 1? H. D. A. E. -?' 40'- o *e rtilizer Ap] >licat ion Fo rage Species Seeded Pounds Rate ?50 lbs. /A per per plot acre A 8-8-8 1. Kentucky bluegrass 1.1 15 B 8-8-8 plus trace elements ?. Brome 1.1 15 C 8-0-0 ■olus trace elements 3. Red ton 1.0 14 D 8-0-0 4. Timothy 0.85 1? E 8-8-0 5. Orchard Grass 1.1 15 F 8-0-8 6. Alta Fescue 1.1 15 G 0-8-8 ?. Ryegrass 1.1 15 H 0-0-0 8. 9. 10. 11. 1?. 13. Sweet Clover Alfalfa Red Clover Lad i no Lest)edeza Birdsfoot Trefoil 1.1 1.1 0.85 0.33 l.k 0.^5 15 15 1? 5.0 ?0 6.0 The Tolot design used for the fertility treatment experiment. (Fig. 5-3) - 20 - sodium, iodine, cobalt, magnesium, and ten other minor mineral elements." (Quoted from label on bags of Agro-Min.) V/hen limestone was needed it was supplied at the rate of 5 tons per acre in the form of hydrated lime. Fertility plots are located on the following properties: The Sahara Coal Company, Saline County; The United Electric Coal Companies, Fidelity mine, Perry County; The United Electric Coal Companies, Buck- heart mine, Fulton County; The Midland Electric Coal Corporation, Knox County; and the Northern Illinois Coal Company, G-rundy County. Three of the locations were seeded and treated in the fall of 1948, and the re- maining plots will be completed in the spring of 1949. The plot design used on leveled and "strike-off" areas and for different levels of nitrogen applications on plots growing cultivated crops is given in Figure 5-C. Experiments E and F are seeded on this type of plot. The size of these plots are 1/400 and 1/200 acres. Level- ed plots are located in southern Illinois on the Midwest Radiant Corpor- ation property in St. Clair County; in western Illinois on the Midland Electric Coal Corporation, Rapatee mine, in Knox County; and in northern Illinois on Northern Illinois Coal Corporation property in Grundy coun- ty. "Strike-off" plots are located on the Midwest Corporation property and on the Fairview Collieries property in Fulton County. Experiments B and D are seeded on essentially the same design of plots as Experiment A except that the plots are 30 feet wide instead of 15 feet. SEEDING DATA. ORIGIN AND VIABILITY OF SEED USED: The forage species used, the companies from which the seed was obtained, the germination, purity and origin of the seed sown are listed i - 21 - 8 Treatments . 1 - No nitrogen. 2 - 20 pounds elemental nitrogen. 3 - 40 pounds elemental nitrogen. 4 - 60 pounds elemental nitrogen. 5 - 80 pounds elemental nitrogen. 6 -100 pounds elemental nitrogen. 7 -120 pounds elemental nitrogen. 8 -500 pounds 8-8-8 fertilizer. The plot design used on leveled areas for culti- vated crops with different levels of nitrogen application. Plots 1/400 acre. (Fig. 5-C) - 22 - in Appendix E. \Therever possible locally grovm seed was used. Much of the seed of the native grasses was obtained from the Soil Conservation Service Nurseries at Mandan, North Dakota and Manhattan, Kansas. TIME OF SEEDING; The species were seeded in both the spring and the fall in all three areas, southern, western and northern Illinois. Because of the compact, plastic nature of the surface material of the spoils in north- ern Illinois and also because of the latitude future seedings will be made in that area only in the spring. In the fall of 1947 the seeding dates ranged from August 21 to September 24. During this period of time there appears to be little difference in results obtained. The moisture condition of the spoil banks and climate for that year were more impor- tant. In general, however, it is not recommended to seed later than about September 15 for most species. The time of spring seedings in 1948 ranged from March 3 to April 10. In general the legumes seeded earliest made the better initial growth, but by fall there was little difference between early and late seedings. Table 5 lists the number of plots of each of the legumes species seeded and the growth observed in both spring and fall seedings. The results of the grass plots are changing constantly. Some of the grasses are slow to germinate, and because of the lack of nitrogen in spoil bank soils are slower to become established. Therefore a summary table for the grasses is not included at this time. A total of 136 plots on three locations was destroyed during 1948 as a result of mining operations and much valuable information was lost. In most cases, on fresh spoils especially, legumes did better - 23 - TABLE 5. SURVIVAL OF LEGUMES SEEDED ON PLOTS IN THE FALL AND SPRING AS OF SEPTEMBER, 1948. Number of Plots Fall seeded plots. Spring seeded plots* Total. Good Poor-None Good Poor-None. Notes. Specie. Alfalfa 34 4 Alsike 29 2 Birdsfoot trefoil 35 • Korean lespedeza 33 - Ladino 35 - Mix legumes 25 4 Red clover 33 4 Sweet clover 33 2 Hub am 17 Spanish Sweet clover 8 — Kobe lespedeza 10 - Sericea lespedeza 12 - Common lespedeza 4 — Mammoth clover 14 2 Crimson 14 3 Subterraean 14 _ VJhite Dutch 12 _ Hop 14 — Bur 7 _ Alyce 15 _ Austrian winter pea 9 • Big broadleaf trefoil 20 - Yellow trefoil 18 3 Persian clover 5 „. Lupines 9 _ Lappacea 15 mm Sanfoin 13 m Crown vetch 5 Butter clover 12 Early Korean lespedeza 7 8 6 8 12 14 4 6 10 3 6 2 6 4 1 20 15 14 15 9 15 13 13 8 4 9 4 2 9 2 10 10 2 0 0 3 6 2 Best. 6 Comes in natural- ly on many banks especially in valleys. 7 Good promise, spring seed only. 6 OK on fresh spoils in spring. 12 Good in valleys generally, spring seed only. 2 Good overall. 7 8 Root rot, pea aphid & sweet clover wee- vil hurt young sweet clover in 1948. 9 4 1 6 2 3 Good. 6 8 3 8 Very little seen. 7 None. 15 None. 5 10 Birdsfoot trefoil better. 4 Good in south. 5 9 None 13 13 Few plants seen. Perhaps an inocul- ation problem. 5 Old seed. 4 Shows promise. 1 Use in more north- Kudzu Kudzu 5 4 ern latitudes. 1947, 500 plants poorstock. 1948, 200 plants good. - 24 - when seeded in the spring. Alfalfa, yellow trefoil, mammoth, medium red clover, and button clover, an annual alfalfa, gave fair to satisfactory- stands when seeded in the fall. Grasses seeded in the fall in southern and western Illinois on some plots were better than when seeded in the spring. Kentucky bluegrass, the tall fescues, orchard grass, and red- top did well when seeded in the fall on fresh spoils. From results ob- tained to date it appears to be advisable to seed grasses with the legumes in a mixture instead of seeding legumes alone first and then trying to introduce grasses into the stand at a later date. RATE OF SEEDING AND CONDITION OF SPOIL BANKS: Seedling counts were made on a number of species at several lo- cations. A one-foot square was used. The counts again indicate that less than one-half of the seed that was seeded germinated and established itself on the slopes. Much of the seed was washed down into the valleys where heavy stands were generally noted. This is especially true of the larger seeded-species. Thus it seems evident that a heavier seeding should be used than that normally recommended in farming practices} also, there is prob- ably an ideal time to seed the species to result in a minimum washing away of the seed. "When possible the seeding after a rain when the banks are moist and more receptive to the seed is recommended. Heavy rains immedi- ately following the seeding cause washing which reduces the stands. Better stands and ground cover are usually obtained on north than on south slope exposures. It was also noted that the top two or three feet of the peaks were not well covered. Striking-off to a width of 12 to 16 feet will do much to improve the stand of forage since the tops will be flattened and the length of the slope, usually subject to severe erosions will generally be shortened. Also the tops thus prepared have i - 25 - made good seedbeds. Figure 6 shows an area treated in this way before seeding. Ground cover studies on an established spoil bank pasture taken in the fall of 1948 show about 91 percent ground cover on the strike-off tops, compared to 64 percent ground cover on untreated tops. The percen- tage of weeds was 6 percent higher on the untreated than on the strike-off tops. Various rates of application of seed of species seeded alone and in mixtures are being studied. Tyner (4) suggested that the seeding rates commonly used should be increased by 30 percent. An excellent stand was obtained in southern Illinois by seeding a mixture of legumes at the rate of 17 pounds per acre. At this time it is recommended that at least a minimum of 15 pounds of mixture should be seeded depending on the spe- cies used. Experiments on this problem are still being carried on. Grass species and grass-legume mixtures have been seeded into a pre-established stand of sweet clover, weeds, etc. (Experiment B.) In most of the cases the areas have not been grazed. Satisfactory stands of sweet clover and weeds have not been established by seeding into such areas. Generally the stands of sweet clover and wesds have been so rank that other species cannot compete with the established growth. Plots seeded on such areas that are pastured are still being studied. Thus it seems better to seed grasses along with the legumes in a mixture on fresh spoils than to wait and attempt to get the grasses started later in most locations. Far better stands are established on fresh spoils than on older spoils. If pasture establishment is to be the land use of the strip- ped land, the fresh, bare spoil banks should be seeded every year as rapidly as stripped up to the actual shovel operation. - 26 - Spoil bank ridges struck-off to a width of 12-16* by means of a bull- dozer, Fairview Collieries Corporation, Fulton County. (Fig* 6) - 27 - GR07,rTH AND PROGRESS OF THE SPECIES t The forage species seeded on the spoil banks were listed in the first annual report and the legumes used are listed in Table 5. As is shown in the table and was known previously, species such as the lespe- dezas, sweet clovers, birdsfoot trefoil, and ladino should be seeded only in the spring. The legumes showing up best are alfalfa, sweet clover, lespedeza, yellow trefoil, birdsfoot trefoil, medium and mammoth red clover, and alsike clover. Ladino, button clover and Kudzu have given very good stands under some conditions. Legumes, even though inoculated are not always well nodulated. Yellow and unthrifty appearing legume plants may be due to this fact. Of the grasses orchard grass, ryegrass, the fescues (meadow, Alta and Kentucky 31), redtop, timothy, Kentucky and Canada bluegrass, and bromegrass have been most successful. Orchard grass has given the best results to date. Ryegrass starts extremely fast but lacks persis- tence so that by the second year very little is left. Rhodes grass seed- ed in only three of four locations has shown interesting growth. More plots of this grass will be seeded in 1949. Figures 7 to 12 give a pic- torial record of forage growth obtained on spoil banks. MIXTURE SEEDINGS: Better pastures usually result when a mixture of different gras- ses and legumes is seeded than when a specie is seeded alone. There are a number of reasons for using mixtures. They give more complete coverage and better control of erosion as the foliage protects the soil and the roots hold it. More forage is produced and the pastures are likely to be productive over a longer period as the legumes furnish nitrogen for the grasses and these in turn lessen winter killing of the legumes. Cattle and sheep are less apt to bloat on mixtures of grasses and legumes than - 28 - Sweet clover in full bloom on spoil banks. Northern Illinois Coal Corporation, Grundy county. July, 1948. (Fig* 7) ~ 29 - Red clover growing on spoil banks in St. Clair county, Midwest Radiant Corporation. 1948. (Fig* 8) - 30 - \-meJ! Mixture of ryegrass, alfalfa, sweet clover, alsike mam- moth clover, and birdsfoot trefoil seeded on spoil banks. Little John Coal Company, Knox County, 1949. (Fig. 9) - 31 - x4 Mm* ?. Individual red clover, bromegrass, and alfalfa plants that were growing on spoil banks. Truax-Traer Coal Company, Fulton County, 1948. (Fig. 10) - 32 - Ladino growing on a strike-off area plot. Midwest Radiant Corpor- ation, St. Clair County, 1947. (Fig. 11) - 33 - Kudzu in foreground showing good ground cover. United Electric Coal Companies, Fidelity mine. Perry County, 1948. (Fig. 12) ■ - 34 - on legumes alone. Mixed pastures afford a variety of grazing and help provide a well balanced ration. Mixtures that have been successful when seeded on fresh spoils in the spring include: Total per acre. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. (1) Ryegrass 5 Mammoth clover 1.5 Alfalfa 2 Alsike clover 1 Sweet clover 2.5 Birdsfoot trefoil 1 13 (2) Alfalfa 4 Lespedeza, K. 5 Sweet clover 5 Ladino 1 15 (3) Sweet clover 3 Brome 4 Alfalfa 3 Orchard grass 3 Lespedeza 4 Redtop 2 19 A mixture recommended for early fall seeding is: Alfalfa 5 Orchard grass 3 Mammoth clover 3 Redtop 2 Alsike 2 Timothy 2 17 Sweet clover is the only specie of which forage yields were taken in 1948. Dry matter yields taken from three areas in western Illi- nois averaged 2.01 ton per acre. In connection with the pasturing proj- ects, yields from an established spoil bank pasture in western Illinois were 1.39 tons per acre and from a less well established area in south- ern Illinois of which a large percentage was sweet clover was 1.17 tons of dry matter per acre. As noted in Table 5 sweet clover seeded in the spring failed on about one-half of the plots. Sweet clover weevil and pea aphid killed much of the young growth in 1948. Root rot, Phytophtora cactorum, killed or severely damaged second year sweet clover stands in many areas. Yel- low blossomed varieties seemed harder hit than the white blossomed vari- i - 35 - ety. It is doubtful if the clover in such areas has reseeded itself. RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS V.'ITH CULTIVATED CROPS: The following cultivated crops were sown on leveled areas in St. Clair and Grundy counties; wheat, rye, oats, corn, and soybeans for grain production, and sweet sudan — soybean for hay. The plot design is shown in Figure 5-C. The results obtained with rye seeded on leveled and strike-off areas in St. Clair county are listed in Table 6-A. Wheat yields obtained were very similar to those obtained with rye. The data indicates what may be expected if adequate amounts of nitrogen only are added. Rye growing on a leveled area is shown in Figure 13. Yields of soybean-sweet sudan hay are listed in Table 6-B. The increase in yield was due primarily to the heavier growth of sweet sudan where higher applications of nitrogen were made. Soybeans, even though they were inoculated, did not contribute much to the total weight. Growth of this mixture is shown in Figure 14. Soybeans that were seeded alone did not thrive any better than those seeded in the sweet sudan. No difference due to treatment was noted. Plant growth was small, approximately 12 to 18 inches in height, and very few pods were set. Corn was also planted on treated plots. The plots were 43 feet long by six feet wide, with 16 hills per row and 2 rows per plot. Six different treatments were applied as follows: (1) 50 pounds of elemental nitrogen per acre was hill-dropped; (2) 50 pounds elemental nitrogen per acre hill-dropped at planting time plus 70 pounds per acre side-dressed when the corn was about knee high; (3) 100 pounds of elemental nitrogen plus 100 pounds of potash (6C$) was broadcast ahead of planting; (4) 100 pounds of potash hill-dropped per acre; (5) corn planted with inocul- ated Kingwa soybeans; (6) no treatment. - 36 - TABLE 6-A. RYE YIELDS ON LEVELED AND STRIKE-OFF PLOTS ON MIDWEST RADIANT CORPORATION PROPERTY IN ST. CLAIR COUNTY. Treatment ;al Number of plots leveled Yields Test lbs. el erne ni Leveled Strike- loTf Weight nitrogen. strike-off. bu/A bu/A average. 0 2 1 5.3 5.8 53 20 2 1 10.0 12.4 53 40 2 1 13.6 17.8 52 60 2 1 24.8 18.2 52 80 2 1 22.9 10.4 52 100 2 1 26.0 28.1 51 120 2 1 30.2 .... 52.5 500 lb. 8-8- .8 2 1 13.2 13.6 53 TABLE 6-B. SWEET SUDAN-SOYBEAN HAY YIELDS ON LEVELED PLOTS. Treatment Number lbs. elemental of Yield Chemical nitrogen. Plots . tons/A. analysis. 0 2 0.413 20 2 2.112 40 2 2.358 60 2 3.096 80 2 3.204 100 2 3.804 120 2 6.818 500 lb. 8-8-8 2 1.428 - 37 - Rye growing on a leveled area. Midwest Radiant Cor- poration. St. Clair County, 1948. (Fig. 13) - 38 - 'V* m .as » ** * * - ¥! Sweet sudan - soybean mixture growing on a leveled area. Midwest Radiant Corporation, St. Clair Coun- ty, 1948. (Fig. 14) - 39 - The yields obtained on the corn plots were as follows: Yield Plot Number. Treatment. bushels per acre. 1 50 lbs. nitrogen per acre 17.1 hill-dropped. 2 50 lbs. nitrogen per acre 60.5 hill-dropped plus 70 lbs. per acre side- dressed when corn about 18 inches high, 3 100 lbs. nitrogen and 100 lbs. 42.3 potash per acre, broadcast. 4 100 lbs. potash, hill-dropped. 0 5 Inoculated soybeans planted in 0 the hill with the corn. 6 No treatment. 0 Figure 15 shows the corn on plots (3) and (4). "Wheat and rye seeded on similar plots in Grundy county died out in the spring even though fair growth was obtained in the fall. The texture of the soil is high in clay and does not have as good drainage as that in St. Clair County. These plots of cultivated crops would indicate that where areas are free of rock and where the soil material is silty in texture, appli- cations of nitrogen result in good growth. ANIMAL GAINS AS A METHOD OF MEASURING YIELDS AND QUALITY OF SPOIL BANK FORAGE. PASTURING PHASE: In an effort to determine the value of a strip-mined land for agricultural production, a project in which beef cattle grazed on spoil bank pastures was initiated in 1948. The grazing tests were carried out on lands in Fulton county owned by Mr. Byron Somers and on lands in Perry county owned by the United Electric Coal Companies, Fidelity mine, ■ • - 40 - 'ma ^4 *.,* h ■* ':J*'\ W t Growth of corn on treated and untreated plots on a leveled area. Midwest Radiant Corporation, St. Clair County, 1948. (Fig« 15) - 41 - Twenty yearling steers of medium grade were used in each of the two areas. Ten steers were grazed on spoil bank pastures, while the same number were run on ordinary farm pastures as a check, or con- trol group. The control pasture used in Fulton County was an 80-acre bluegrass pasture within a mile of the area grazed by the test group. Ten steers on 80 acres insured adequate forage the whole season. As no suitable established pasture could be secured in Perry County for the test, the control group was grazed at the Dixon Springs Experiment Sta- tion which is located in Pope County about 75 miles southeast of the Perry County strip-mined land. The spoils pasture in Fulton county on which the test was made was mined about 12 years ago. Sweet clover was seeded in 1938. Grasses and other legumes were seeded later. A good stand of grasses and legumes has been secured over a considerable portion of the area. A survey of the botanical composition of the pastures was made in the spring and again in the fall. On April 29, 1948, measurements were made by using a quadrate and estimating the percentage of growing cover contributed by each specie in each quadrate. On October 7, 1948, the ground cover was obtained by means of the point quadrate method. Bluegrass and sweet clover were the dominant species in the spoil bank pasture. Table 7 shows the percent each specie is contributing to the pasture sward and the percent of bare area. Yields were taken by using four foot square metal cages in each pasture which protected the sample areas from grazing. The cages were placed in locations representative of the general area. On the spoil banks pasture the yield thus computed was found to be 1.4 tons of oven- dry forage per acre. The yield of the bluegrass pasture was computed to be 1.0 ton per acre. Figure 16 shows the cage used to get the yield - 42 - TABLE 7. PERCENT EACH SPECIE IS CONTRIBUTING TO THE TOTAL COVER AND THE PERCENT OF BARE AREA OF THE SPOIL BANK PASTURE AND THE UNDISTURBED BLUEGRASS PASTURE, 1948. Specie, Spoil bank pasture April 29, 1948 October 7, 1948 Spring Fall percent of total. percent of total. Undisturbed Bluegrass pas- ture April 29, 1948, Soring percent of total. Grasses: Bluegrass Redtop Timothy Bromegrass Wild grasses 36 7 7 9 2 41.0 7.0 3.0 10.0 5.0 63 1 3 Legumes: Alfalfa Sweet clover Red clover Alsike clover White clover Lespedeza 1 11 6 4 1 Trace 0.5 18.0 2.0 7.0 0.5 5 Trace V;eeds Dead or no vegetation 8 8 (100?Q 6 (100f0 6 10 11 (100^) - 43 - Four-foot square metal cage used to protect an area from grazing and under which forage was cut to determ- ine forage yields of pastures; Lot 2 bluegrass pasture in Fulton County, 1948. (Fig. 16) - 44 - data. The Perry county area has been stripped more recently and the pasture is not as well established. The area was seeded in the spring of 1947. The following species were observed growing: sweet clover, al- falfa, red clover, lespedeza, orchard grass, ryegrass, redtop, alta fes- cue, timothy, and Kentucky bluegrass. During the first part of the graz- ing season the forage was primarily sweet clover. During the latter part of the season, the orchard grass came along very fast and formed a good part of the forage ration. Yields of oven-dry forage taken in Perry coun- ty by the same method as described for Western Illinois were computed to be 1.2 tons per acre. A large part of the forage weights resulted from the good sweet clover growth in the early spring. The pasture at the Dixon Springs Experiment Station was a grass- legume mixture on improved land. The results obtained in terms of animal gains during the pas- ture season, a total of 163 days, were as follows: Av. Wt. Av. Wt. Av. Total Av. Daily April 22 1/ Oct. 2 l/ Gain l/ Gain l/ lbs. lbs. Ifcs. lbs. FULTON COUNTY TEST Test Steers, Spoils Pasture Control Steers, Grass-legume Pasture 669 659 863 870 194 211 1.19 1.29 890 865 173 200 1.06 1.23 PERRY COUNTY TEST Test Steers, Spoils Pasture^/ 717 Control Steers, Grass-legume 665 Pasture V Weights at Urbana April 22 before the cattle were trucked to their re- spective pastures and at Urbana on October 2, the day following their return. Obviously the cattle suffered considerable shrinkage on both trips. 2/ - Average initial and final weights on only three steers returned to Ur- bana. In analyzing the individual gains, it was found that for the - 45 - Lot 1 steers on spoil bank pasture in Fulton county, the total gains varied from 280 pounds to 130 pounds for the 163 pasture day period. The average total gain was 194 pounds and the average daily gain was 1.19 pounds. For the Lot 2 steers on bluegrass pasture in Fulton County, the range in total gains was the same as Lot 1 while the average total gains were 211 pounds and the average daily gains were 1.29 pounds. Figure 17 shows the nature of the spoil bank pasture in Fulton county. Figure 18 shows the Lot 2 cat- tle on the bluegrass pasture. The average weights listed for the Lot 3 steers on the Perry- County spoil bank pasture are for three steers only. It was impossible to get the rest of the steers from the spoil bank pasture at the time the truck picked up the steers on the grass-legume pasture at the Dixon Springs Ex- periment Station to truck them back to Urbana for the feet- lot phase. See Table 8 for individual data on all steers. FEED LOT PHASE: The steers were in the feed lot a total of 45 days, during which time they were fed broken ear corn and clover hay. Here again there was wide variation in the total gains made by individual animals. See Table 8. The average daily gains in the drylot were: Lot 1 - 1.98 pounds; Lot 2 - 2.18 pounds; Lot 3 - 2.07 pounds; and Lot 4 - 2.09 pounds. Figures 19 and 20 show the steers after being in the drylot for approximately 20 days. A summary of the gains made in the feed lot and the market grades and dressing percentages is given in Table 9. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF FORAGE PLANTS. SPOIL BANK FORAGE: The species that became established were sampled at various times during the year in order to determine the chemical composition of forage plants grown on the spoil banks. Approximately 350 such samples have been collected and prepared and are being analyzed. - 46 - Showing cattle and spoil bank pasture on which Lot 1 cattle grazed. Mr. Byron Somers, Fulton County, 1948. (Fig* 17) - 47 - Undisturbed bluegrass pasture and several Lot 2 cat- tle. Mr. Byron Somers, Fulton County, 1948. (Fig. 18) - 48 - TABLE 8. DATA GIVING INDIVIDUAL WEIGHTS AND GRADES OF STEERS PASTURED AMD FED_Ilj_1948. A. Lot 1 — Established Spoil Bank Pastures in Fulton County. Tattoo 161 65 69 73 77* 81 85 89 93 97 Pasture weights. On lbs. 690 700 660 610 650 680 630 770 660 640 Off Gain on Weight pasture. off dry lot. Gain Total Wt. of in gain, warm u#0f I# drvlot. carcass. Grade by lbs. 910 870 870 750 840 960 850 920 790 870 lbs. 220 170 210 140 190 280 220 150 130 230 lbs. 1040 1000 930 860 770 940 950 1050 960 1020 lbs. lbs. 130 130 60 110 -70 -20 100 130 170 150 350 300 270 250 120 260 320 280 300 380 lbs. 618 581 551 496 426 534 532 552 553 534 B- B- B- B- O B+ B B- B+ B- Fed'l. Gov't. B- B B- C* C B + B C + B-f B Averages 669.0 863.0 194.0 952.0 106.7* 283.0 B. Lot 2 — Undisturbed Bluegrass Pasture in Fulton County. 131 640 66 640 70 670 74 700 78 620 82 660 86 700 90 680 94 610 98 670 Averages 659 910 270 1030 120 390 590 B 920 280 1020 100 380 520 B 800 130 830 30 160 488 B 920 220 1030 110 330 570 B 780 160 940 160 320 505 B 900 240 980 80 320 536 B 910 210 1000 90 300 560 B 870 190 990 120 310 561 B 770 160 840 70 230 481 B 920 250 1020 100 350 566 B 870.0 211.0 968.0 98.0 309.0 B- C* B C + B C + B- B- C + B- C. Lot 3 — Spoil Bank Pastures in Perry County. 149 67 71 75 79 83 87 91 95 600 680 700 710 680 630 760 740 670 850 870 950 170 150 190 990 140 310 890 20 170 1070 120 310 No carcass information obtained. Averages 675.0 890.0 170.0 983.0 93.0 263.0 (Continued) - 49 - TABLE 8. — (continued) D. Lot 4 — Grass-Legume Pasture at Dixon Springs Experiment Station. Tattoo Pasture weights. Gain on Weight Gain Total Yit. of Oi'i' pasture. off in gain, warm uTof I. dry lot. dry lot. carcass. OH Grade by Fed'l. Gov't, lbs. 101 660 68 740 72 620 76 630 80 650 84 710 88 630 92 660 96 620 100 730 Averages 665. ( lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs lbs. 910 250 1000 90 340 890 150 940 50 200 820 200 920 100 300 760 130 790 30 160 920 270 1040 120 390 900 190 1020 120 310 820 190 870 50 240 800 200 990 130 330 860 240 1030 170 410 940 180 990 80 260 865.0 200.0 lbs. No carcass information obtained. 959.0 94.0 294.0 * This steer was sick, therefore, 9 steers were used in computing the average gains in drylot. AFG:bjs 1-20-49 - 50 - Lot 1 steers in the drylot. These steers were grazed on an establish, ed spoil bank pasture in Fulton County, 1948. (Fig. 19) - 51 - Lot 2 steers, in drylot. These steers were grazed on an undisturbed blue- grass pasture in Fulton County, 1948. (Fig* 20) - 52 - TABLE 9. FATTENING IN DRY LOT AFTER REMOVAL FROM PASTURE. Lot 1. Lot 2. Lot 3. Lot 4. Number of steers 10 Average weight into feed lot, October 2, pounds 863 Average weight off feed lot, November 16, pounds 952 Average gain per head, pounds 89 Average daily gain in dry lot, pounds 1.98 Average gain per head on pasture 163 days, pounds 194 Average gain in dry lot, 45 days, pounds 89 Average total gain, pounds 283 Average daily ration broken ear corn, pounds 17.1 clover hay, pounds 6.0 Selling price Chicago, November 17, 1948 (purchased by Swift & Co.) 21.50 Dressing percentage (Swift* s) 56.8 Carcass grades Mr. Johnson - University of Illi- nois. 2 B+ 1 B 6 B- 1 C + 10 , 3* 10 870 890 865 968 983 959 98 93 94 2.18 211 98 309 17.1 6.0 22.00 56.0 1 B 9 B 2.07 173 93 263 18.7 5.9 23.15 2.09 200 94 294 16.1 6.0 24.25 Not obtained. No carcass information Government Grader 2 B* 3 B 2 B- 2 C4- 1 C 2 B 4 B- 4 C* obtained. * Average, initial and final weights on only three steers returned to Urbana. AFG:bjs 1-19-49 - 53 - This section of the report will be submitted later when some of the results of the chemical analysis of spoil bank forage are com- pleted. Table 10 gives the chemical composition of hay and forage crops grown on farm land over a period of years. (3) DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION. An inspection tour of spoil bank reclamation work in Indiana and Illinois was conducted jointly by the Purdue Agricultural Experiment Station and the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, cooperating with the Illinois Coal Strippers Association on June 16-19 inclusive. June 18 and 19 were spent touring southern and western Illinois areas. Those attending the Illinois tour wholly or in part were: Dean C. R. Orton, Director, W. Virginia Exp. Sta., Morgantown, W. Va. S. L. Galpin, Hydro logist, W. Virginia Exp. Sta., Morgantown, W. Va. E. H. Tyner, Assoc. Agronomist, W. Virginia Exp. Sta., Morgantown, W. Va. H. A. Wilson, Assoc. Bacteriologist, W. Va. Exp. Sta., Morgantown, W. Va. A. Alexander, Chief, State Dept. of Mines, Charleston, W. Va. W. Moore, Inspector, State Dept. of Mines, Charleston, W. Va. J. Hall, Inspector, State Dept. of Mines, Charleston, W. Va. A. G. Chapman, Forester, Central States Forest Exp. Sta., Columbus, 0. G. A. Limstrom, Forester, Central States Forest Exp. Sta, Columbus, 0. John Reiser, Ohio Power Company, Dover, 0. H.^Kohnke, Soil Scientist, Purdue Agri. Exp. Sta., Lafayette, Ind. E. Stivers, Purdue Agri. Exp. Sta., Lafayette, Ind. 0. B. Riggs, General Manager, Meadowlark Farms, Sullivan, Ind. J. Hayes, Agricultural Agent, Illinois Central System, Paducah, Ky. James W. Bristow, Sec.-Treas. Illinois Coal Strippers Assn., Chicago, 111. Louis S. Weber, Land Use Eng'r., 111. Coal Strippers Assn., Springfield, 111. R. D. Lane, C.S.F.E.S., Carbondale Branch, Carbondale, 111. A. L. Lang, Agronomist, 111. Agri. Exp. Sta., Urbana, 111. R. R. Snapp, Animal Science, 111. Agri. Exp. Sta., Urbana, 111. F. C. Francis, Animal Science, 111. Agri. Exp. Sta., Urbana, 111. H. G. Russell, Animal Science, Extension, Urbana, 111. A. F. Grandt, Agronomist, 111. Agri. Exp. Sta., Urbana, 111. D. Larson, Staff Forester, 111. Div. of Forestry, Springfield, 111. Otto Bauman, Dist. Conservationist, Belleville, 111. F. C. Spencer, Cons. Botanist and Plant Pathologist, Lebanon, 111. P. N. Seastrom, Farm Manager, DuQuoin, 111. J. A. Watt, Farm Adviser, Fulton County, Canton, 111. C. W. Rovey, Farmer, Farmersville, 111. E. Schilf, Veterinarian, U.S.B.A.I., Canton, 111. B. Somers, Farmer, Canton, 111. A. H. Truax, Deep Valley Farms, Canton, 111. D. H. LaVoi, Deep Valley Farms, Canton, 111. - 54 - TABLE 10. HAY AND FORAGE CROPS t Chemical Composition Over A Period of Years. 2/ Crop Number of samples. N Average pounds per ton of crop. Protein P K Ca Mg Fe Mn Legumes: Alfalfa 50 55.0 344 Red Clover 50 47.4 296 Alsike 20 47.0 294 Lespedeza 50 40.4 252 Sweet Clover (full bloom) 7 34.4 215 Sweet Clover October-November 17 41.4 259 Sweet Clover April -May 30 69.0 431 3.6 24.0 35.0 9.8 .16 .02 3.2 26.0 29.4 9.2 .28 .10 4.2 22.4 26.2 10.6 .30 .09 2.9 18.9 17.0 5.7 .20 .14 3.0 19.4 42.0 13.4 2.2 16.0 27.0 12.4 .30 .20 6.0 32.0 32.8 11.4 Ladino 441 7.6 29.2 Grasses: Kentucky Bluegrass 50 29.4 184 Timothy 50 19.6 122 Red top 50 21.2 132 Orchard Grass 30 19.4 121 Bromegrass 50 29.4 186 Big Bluestem 10 21.4 134 3.8 32.8 6.2 4.0 .26 .19 3.0 31.4 5.6 3.6 .16 .14 3.4 31.8 8.4 4.4 .18 .43 3.6 38.0 5.4 4.2 .16 .56 3.4 44.3 8.0 3.0 .12 .24 3.0 29.6 7.6 4.1 .29 .12 3/ Snider, H. J. - Bulletin 518, AFG:bjs 1-25-49 -55 - FUTURE PLANS. The committee planning the field trip for the summer meeting of the American Society of Agronomy at the University of Illinois has been asked to consider including an inspection stop at one of the locations in western or in southern Illinois where vegetation and reclamation work is being carried on. Seedings will be made during the following year in which major emphasis will be placed on mixture seedings. Yield measurements, animal gains, and other data will be collected so as to attempt to measure the carrying capacity of various spoil bank pastures. Plans are being made to again measure animal weights, using both beef cattle and sheep as a method of determining forage yields. Samples of forage material growing on the spoil banks will again be taken at various times during the growing season so that the chemical composition of the forage may be determined. Bibliography: 1. Croxton, Y/. C. "Revegetation of Illinois Coal Stripper Lands" - Ecology Volume IX Number 2, 1928. 2. Odell, R. "How Productive Are the Soils of Central Illinois" - Illinois Agricultural Bulletin 522. 3. Snider, H. J. "Chemical Composition of Hay and Forage Crops" - Illinois Agricultural Bulletin 518, 1946. 4. Tyner, E. H. and Smith, R.M. "The Reclamation of the Strip-Mined Coal Lands of West Virginia with Forage Species" - Soil Sci- ence Society of American Proceedings, Vol^ 10, p. 429-436, 1945. NOTE: Tabular material relating to soils and source of seed referred to herein have been separately reproduced in mimeograph form as an appendix to this report and will be supplied upon request. - 56 - XJ ~_/ * I-S&p THE POTENTIALITIES OF REVEGETATING AND UTILIZING AGRONOMIC SPECIES ON STRIP MINED AREAS IN ILLINOIS UN/v? AGRICULTURE LIBRA!* A PROGRESS REPORT COVERING THE THIRD YEAR OF WORK ON A COOPERATIVE INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED BY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AND ILLINOIS COAL STRIPPERS ASSOCIATION NOTE. The agreement covering this investigation provides that:- "No account of a cooperative research project shall be published by the sponsor or by any other agency, except upon approval of the division of the University, or head of the de- partment in which the work is being done." Permission for the reproduction of this report has been granted with the understanding that it is to be released for the confidential information of members of Illinois Coal Strippers Association only, and not to be quoted or released for publication. THE LIBRARY OF THt jUN 1 9 A51 Telephone CEntral 6-7044 ILLINOIS COAL STRIPPERS ASSOCIATION 307 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE * CHICAGO 1, ILLINOIS WILLIAM H. COOKE PRESIDENT CARL T. HAYDEN VICE PRESIDENT A. J. CHRISTIANSEN SECRETARY-TREASURER FOREWORD To Members of Illinois Coal Strippers Association, Gentlemen : On February 1, 19l±7, Illinois Coal Strippers Associ- ation entered into an agreement with the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Illinois, covering a project of cooperative research into the possibilities of revegetating and utilizing grasses and legumes on strip mined areas for stock range and other purposes. This project estimated to require five years of research in order to arrive at sound conclusions, is now entering upon its fourth year. A progress report covering the first year of opera- tion issued on March 19, 19hQ dealt principally with the proposed scope and plan of attack on the problem ; a survey of spoil bank soils found throughout the state, and preliminary reports on a number of seeding projects. A second report issued on March 15, 19h9 presented further information on spoil bank soil materials, and comparisons of such materials with surface soils found on ad- joining landj the adaptation of various forage species to spoil bank soils; the results of preliminary studies of comparative gains made by animals pastured on spoil banks with those pastured on un- disturbed blue grass and highly improved grass -legume pasture. operation The report herewith presented covers the third year of 7 \ Secretary-Treasurer March 6, 1950 AGRONOMY PROJECT NUMBER: 1003 - Third Annual Report. TITLE: Agronomic Land Use Research on the Mined Areas of the Stripped Coal Lands of Illinois. OBJECT: The objectives of the project are to investi- gate the potentialities of revegetating and utilizing agronomic species on the strip- mined areas in Illinois. LEADERS: A. L. Lang, R. E. Fuelleman, J. I. Spaeth, and F. C. Francis. Advisory Committee: - Dean H. P. Rusk W. L. Burlison E. C, Bauer J. C. Hackleman J. N. Spaeth A. J» Christiansen Louis S. Weber Agronomist - Alten E. Grandt. - 6> jo AGRONOMIC LAND USE RESEARCH ON THE MINED AREAS OF THE STRIPPED COAL LANDS OF ILLINOIS By Alt en F. Grand tU This is the third annual report of progress made on Agronomy Project 1003, a cooperative research project of the University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station and the Illinois Coal Strippers Association covering an investigation of the potentialities of revegetating and utilizing agronomic species on strip-mined areas in Illinois, While research on this type of land use is seemingly slow and results in many cases are variable, definite progress has "been made since the initiation of the project. The results in- dicate conclusively that under a scientific approach the major part of the strip-mined lands in Illinois can "be converted from unsightly tax liabilities into lands that can "be covered with grasses, legumes, and livestock. Over 1,900 experimental plots have "been laid out at 40 different locations on 22 mine properties in 14 counties. Additional plots will "be established in 1950. Figure 1 shows the general areas where plots are located. SOIL ANALYSIS OF SPOIL BANK SOIL MATERIAL: One-thousand-eighty-two soil samples have been collected and they have all been tested by the University of Illinois soil testing laboratory. Table 1 shows the average amounts of plant nutrients found in the soil material. These tests show the average pH to be 6.9, the average available phosphorus to be 124 pounds per acre, and the average available potassium to be 170 pounds per acre. The usual pH for agricultural soils ranges from approximately 5«0 to 6.8. A pH of 7.0 is neutral. Varying with the species grown, the minimum 1/ Special Research First Assistant, Soil Experiment Fields and Crop Production, Department of Agronomy, University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana. The author acknowledges with thanks the assistance, advice, and encouragement received from Mr. L. S. Weber, Land Use Engineer, Illinois Coal Strippers Association, and Mr. H. J. Snider, Assistant Professor of Soil Fertility, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, in conducting these investigations. -2- AGRONOMY DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA 89* JO DAVIESS STCPHCMSOH WINHtBAGO BOONl Mf-HCURf LAKl Coal Compaq OGLE DCKALB LA SALLE KAH£ COOK OUPA&t KCNOALL GRUNDY L8# WILL \KAHXAKCt Sahara 2-Ielta 3-fl-T (Elkville) .B. (Fidelity) amid out hwe stern idwest Radiant olar ittle Sister ldf-Morgan 11-U.E. Buckheart 12 -U.S. Cuba 1>T-T. (Piatt H) lil-Fairview 1J-M.E. (Rapateej 16-Little John t IROQUOIS 16-Little John 17-M.B. (Shef: 20 21 22 mm, JS 3CAl£- STATUTE MILIS 18 -Morris-Northern 19 -Nor thern -Wilmington -Northern -Ayrshire tfrm i LiOH M379 Location of Experimental Plots on Strip-Mined Coal Lands of Illinois (Fig. 1) -3- Table 1.— Soil Analysis of Spoil Bank Material No. of Acidity Phosphorus Potassium Plot locations County samples average average average Note pH a/ ib.aj lb.a/ Southern Illinois Sahara Saline 5* M 90 169 Shale S. S. rock Delta Williamson 52 6.2 86 110 T-T, Elkville Jackson 20 6.3 58 155 Local acid (Truax-Traer) spots N. E. Fidelity Perry 60 6.7 145 204 Local spots acid Pyramid Perry 44 7.1 91 154 Southwestern Randolph 3^ 7.3 82 138 Calc. rock Midwest Radiant St. Clair 175 7.1 116 131 Subtotal 438 6.6 105 147 Western Ulinoia Solar Schuyler 12 6.8 171 224 High percent Little Sister Fulton 28 7.7 157 179 Loess in Morgan Fulton 10 7.1 178 230 W. Illinois U. E., Buckheart Fulton 36 7.7 101 134 U. E.t Cuba Fulton 32 7.5 123 144 T. T., Fiatt Fulton 93 7.8 146 155 Fairview Fulton 44 6.5 133 167 M. E. Rapatee Fulton-Knox 81 7.5 148 177 Little John Knox 67 6.8 166 194 Subtotal 403 7.3 140 169 Northern Illinois M. E. Atkinson Bureau 84 7.4 157 264 Shaly material Northern Illinois G-rundy 67 6.7 139 198 Shaly material Morris Grundy 28 3.1 84 144 Highly acid Wilmington Will 22 7.7 55 161 Compact and ■ plasti c Northern Illinois Kankakee 40 7.6 110 184 Compact and plastic Subtotal 241 6.8 6.9 127 209 Total and averages 1 082 122.7 169.2 a/ pH - 7.0 neutral; P - 92 lb/ A, high; K 150 - 200 lb/A high -V pH for optimum growth of most agricultural plants ranges "between 5*5 aad 6.5. Numerical values for the average mineral content of such highly variable material should he used with reservation. For example, of 20 samples tested in a single two-acre plot the pH varied from 2.7 to 7.1. The average pH was 6.0+. The available potassium content varied from 105 to 300*f pounds per acre, with the average being 186 pounds per acre. Yet only minor shifts have resulted when additional samples are tested and added to the averages. Thus the averages are assumed to be reliably representative. It should be stressed again, however, that in planning the development of an area for a specific use the soil material should be adequately sampled and thoroughly tested. The reaction and mineral content of the soil greatly influence land usage. SPOIL BANK CLASSIFICATION: As the result of the reconnaissance survey conducted by the Central State Forest Experiment Station in 19*1-6, strip-mined lands in Illinois have been classified on the basis of the acidity and texture of the soil material (2). These two conditions are considered to be the basic factors that determine potential productivity of spoils and are combined to form the basic spoil types (see Table 2). Acidity of Spoil Banks: The acidity of the surface of the spoil banks varies greatly as does the thickness and character of the strata overlying the coal. The overturned strata, each differing in pH value precludes uniformity of soil reaction. In view of this fact, a practical classification of these lands requires a recognition of these varying conditions of acidity. A preliminary classification based on acidity, has been as followi(2)i -5- -p o E-l ON «5 co CO a H o K 1 •H T3 41 1 1 d e i ft ■p CO o CC o CM 6> c « o © p 4) c 03 4* c c (J c p 3 CO co o 3 O co co co co cm CO CD 00 ON CM CO co CM CM vO vO CO VO "I co vo CM ON 3 CO CO vO CM vo UN C*>- CM CO • co O • o o vr\ ro VO o CM 00 CO On CO • CO • ON CM CO vO H • # CO vO R « c u 09 P ■ CM CM CO 63 •P fc s a «a C& CO si © *» r-i • m u ft ■5 « H 03 O o a 5 a h m a O ft,XJ vo *-» • +■ cv- > ■ o • n rH cd »jd ti XJCN*» O -P • *H ■H VO> \0 CO I fi eo ©<**. 8 03 • iH S^ ,JJ ^J- \A CM O VOON o o 55 4f* CO (0 U A o -p O 09 • o X » o 3 t-l *» • 00 -P © • ft o3 03 •d ■p cH>&. Tb 09 09 t^ H S «H o EH 03 O -H •h e3 o S oo c3 O VAJ3 VT\ S ON ON o o S3 c I" ft 03 o «H O a o •H ■P 03 CO -p a 09 S •H ti 09 & 4» 00 09 l« o Ph 00 09 03 ■p CO 03 u 09 o -6- 1. TOXIC BANKS: These are "banks having more than 75 percent of the surface area classified as toxic. Where the pH is less than 4.0 the soil is termed toxic, since a pH of less than 3.8 is lethal to most common economically important plants. Approximately 1.0 percent of the total area stripped in Illinois was classified as toxic. 2. MARGINAL BANKS: Fifty to 75 percent of the area of these hanks is toxic, the remainder "being acid, calcareous, or mixed. The area classified as marginal was approximately 1.3 percent. 3. ACID BANKS: The reaction of more than 50 percent of the area of these banks was from 4.0 to 6.9. Most agricultural crops grow on soils having a pH of 5-^ or higher. A minimum pH for optimum growth of sweet clover and alfalfa is approximately 6.5. 4. CALCAREOUS BANKS: More than 50 percent of the surface area of these "banks has a pH of 7.0 or more. Calcareous soils are suitable for the growth of a wide variety of plants. Approximately 79 percent of the area stripped in Illinois as of 1946 falls in this classification. 5. MIXED BANKS: These banks are so mixed that no acidity class is predominant. By definition less than 51 percent of the area is acid, less than 51 percent calcareous, and less than 50 percent toxic. Patches of toxic, acid, and calcaxsous are about equal in size, and of such proportions that the area cannot be placed in any of the foregoing classes. Texture of Soil Materials: The materials in the overburden overlying the coal include loess, gXaoial drift, sands, shales, slate, limestone, and sandstone rocks. The variation in texture, acidity, and fertility of the spoil surface depends upon -7- the different kinds of strata overturned. Textural classification of strip- mined lands, therefore cannot "be so exacting and detailed as for soils which are usually derived from relatively uniform parent material. However, certain "broad terfeural classes of spoils are recognized and grouped as follows: A. SANDS: Sandy spoils are composed principally of sand, sandstone, and sandy shales. Sandy spoils are coarse textured, drain rapidly, and have low water retaining capacity. They are usually low in fertility. B. LOAMS AND SILTY SHALES: These are spoils composed mainly of loamy material and silty shales. This group usually contains rather high amounts of loessial material. Aeration and drainage are good and the fertility level is generally high. C. CLAYS: Clay spoils are composed largely of clay, the remaining materials "being limestones and soft shales. The clay spoils usually have high fertility and water retaining capacity, hut "because of the high proportion of clay they are rather poorly drained and aerated. These two factors, namely acidity and texture, were combined to form the "basic spoil types. Thus as of 19^6, 5^.7 percent of the strip-mined lands in Illinois was classified as calcareous loams and silty shales, spoil type Jj^B. Similarly, 8,662 acres or 21.8 percent were calcareous clay or spoil type 4~C. The present system is a method of adding organization in classifying a heterogeneous mass of soil material. Changes will "be recommended should future studies reveal the present system is inadequate. FORAGE CHOPS SPECIES ADAPTATION STUDIES: During the past three years, 1,964 plots have "been staked out and seed and fertilizer applied. The plots have "been observed regularly and -8- results recorded. Most of the plots are on spoil type *HB (calcareous loams and silty shales) and on spoil type ^C (calcareous clays), the two dominant spoil type classes in Illinois. Approximately ?0 different species and varieties have "been seeded under varying conditions. Species Adaptation on Newly Mined Spoils: Table 3 lists the forage and cultivated crop species that have been seeded on the banks. Excellent results have been obtained with the following legumes: Alfalfa, the sweet clovers, red clover, lespedeza, birdsfoot trefoil, yellow trefoil, and Kudzu. Varying success has been o"b- taiaed with Ladino, alsike clover, and the vetches. Figures 2-5 give a pictorial record of legumes and grasses growing on the banks. Orchard grass, the tall fescues, redtop, timothy, bromegrass, bluegrass, and ryegrass have been the grasses that are best adapted. Reed canary grass, western wheatgrass, side-oat grama, love grass, Canadian wild rye, tall meadow oatgrass, Rhodes grass, the native grasses such as big and little bluestem, Indian grass, and switch grass have been established with varying success. The native grasses are very slow to become established. The species that were seeded on the plots in the spring of 19^+8 first began to show well during the late summer of 19^9. In many instances alfalfa plants growing on the banks have been observed to be rather heavy producers of seed clusters. According to Piper(3) the factors affecting the production of seed are "thickness of stand, a favorable moisture supply and conditions favorable for the tripping of the flowers. Isolated plants produce most seeds. The beneficial effects seem partly due to the increased sunlight received. Abundant moisture lessens seed production, apparently because it stimulates the growth of new sprouts. -9- Tahle 3. — Forage Species to Be Seeded Qraasga Kentucky "bluegrass Canada "bluegrass Big l>luegrass Canby "bluegrass Redtop Timothy Reeds canary grass Orchard grass Bromegrass Mountain "brome Meadow fescue Alta fescue Che wings fescue Creeping fescue Ryegrass Bermuda grass Dallas grass Crested wheatgrass Slender wheatgrass Western wheatgrass Blue grama Side-oat grama Big "bluestem Little "bluestem Buffalo grass Indian grass Tall oatgrass Canadian wild rye Michael's grass Rhodes grass Switch grass Meadow foxtail Millets Sudan Sweet sudan Love grass "M* pasture mix Fields pasture mix Botanical Name Poa prat ens is Poa compressa Poa ampla Poa canbyi Agrostis al"ba Phlem pratense Phragmites communis Lactylis glomerata Bromus inermis leyss Bromus marginatus Festuca pratensis Festuca pratensis var. alta Festuca rubra Festuca rubra var. creeping Loliura perenne Cynodon dactylum Paspalum notatum Agropyron cristatum Agropyron tenerium Agropyron smithii Bouteloua gracilis Bouteloua curtipendula Andropogon furcatus Andropogon scoparius Buchlae dactyloides Sorghastrum nutans Arrhenatherum elatius llymus canadensis Chloris gay ana Panicum virgatum Alcopecuris eliator Setarla sp. Sorghum h^lapense (Cross) Sorghum halapense x S. vulgare Eragrostis currula Calamagrostis epigea -10- Common Maine Wheat Oats Rye Corn Soybeans Table 3. — (cont'd) - Forage Species to Be Seeded Cultivated Crops Botanical Name Triticum aestivum Avena sativa Secale cereale Zea mays Glycine max. Legumes Alfalfa Sweet clover - yellow Sweet clover - white Hubam clover Spanish sweet clover Evergreen sweet clover Lespedeza - common Lespedeza - Korean Lespedeza - Kobe Lespedeza - Sericea Mammoth clover Alsike clover Crimson clover Subterranean clover White Dutch clover Ladino clover Hop clover Alyce clover Austrian winter pea Birdsfoot trefoil Big broadleaf trefoil Tellow trefoil Kudzu Lupines Lappacea Red clover, Kenland Red clover, Cumberland Red clover, Midland Sanfoin Crown vetch Button clover Persian clover Wagner pea Singletary pea Hairy vetch Medicago sativa Melilotus officinalus Melilotus alba Melilotus annula Melilotus suaveolus Melilotus Lespedeza striata Lespedeza stipulacea Lespedeza striata var. Lespedeza sericea Trifolium pratense var. perenne. Trifolium hybridum Trifolium incarnatum Trifolium subterraneum Trifolium repens Trifolium repens var. latum Trifolium procumbens Trifolium alyce Pi sum sativa var. Lotus corniculatus Lotus uliginosus Medicago lupulina Pueraria chunbergiana Lupinus sp. Sfifolium lappaceaum Trifolium pratense var. Trifolium pratense var* Trifolium pratense var. Onobrychis vicioefolia Vicia sp. Medicago oebicularis Trifolium reseysinatum Lathyrue silvestris wagneri Vicia villosa ( -11- Alta fescue plant growing on plots on the Delta Colleries property, Williamson county. 19^9. (Fig. 2) -12- Alsike, red clover, and "birdsfoot plants, (left to right) showing tope and roots, taken from plots on Morgan Coal Company, Fulton county. 19^9. (Fig* 3) -13- Excellent growth of a pasture mixture on the top of a strike-off ridge. Pulton county, W9. (Pig. *$ -1*4- View into plot located on the Delta Colleriee property in Williamson county showing several species (from left to right) alfalfa, "birdsfoot trefoil, lespedeza, and red clover. 1949. Uig. 5) -15- Too little moisture also seriously reduce* seed yields." In many areas application* of "boron has materially increased the setting of seed(l). The stand of alfalfa growing on the slopes generally is not as thick as on flat surfaces. The drainage on the slopes of the banks is good. Adequate moisture is present to the deep-rooted legumes at all times. Then too the mineral content of the soil material is favorable for good growth of legumes. Thus the factors essential for seed production are met in the strip-mined soils resulting in greater amount of seed being set than under normal Illinois climatic conditions. Seed was collected from several areas during the 19**8 and 19**9 growing seasons for germination test. It was observed when threshing the seed that there were many brownish, immature seeds along with the well- developed seeds. Only well-developed seeds were used for the germination tests. The results obtained are presented in Table b. Many of the hard seeds will germinate. The well-developed seeds thus produced should result in natural reseeding. Ladino clover, a giant form of common white clover, has given good results in several instances. The forage is high in protein, minerals, and vitamins and is very palatable to livestock. As observed from the plots seeded, Ladino does best in the valleys and rather poorly on southerly and westerly exposed slopes. The reason for this unequal establishment lies in the fact that more moisture accumulates in the low spots, also the higher temperatures on the west and south slopes are less favorable for Ladino clover. Probably for best results Ladino should be hand seeded in the valleys. Kudzu, a viney, rapid growing, long-lived perennial plant that has been used in the southern part of the United States for pasture purposes has given good results. Acclimated root crowns from a midwestern source have -16- Tahle 4. — Results of Germination Tests of Alfalfa Seed^/ Collected From Plants Growing on Strip-Mined Lands in 1949 Location where samples were collected County Germination Hard seed Dead seed 4. United Electric Coal Companies Fidelity Mine 5. Pyramid Coal Corporation 12. United Electric Coal Companies Cuba Mine 13. Truax-Traer Coal Company Eiatt Mine 14. Fairview Colleries 15. Midland Electric Coal Corporation Rapatee Mine 19. Northern Illinois Coal Corporation Morris Mine 20. Wilmington Coal and Mining Company Perry Perry Fulton Fulton perct. perct. perct. 91 7 2 71 27 2 70 22 8 61 39 Fulton 73 26 1 Knox 63 37 0 Grundy 46 48 6 Will 48 50 2 §J The seed vras held at "below freezing temperatures for approximately 16 hours before germination tests were run. Under Illinois climatic conditions normally very little alfalfa seed is produced. Based on observation the alfalfa grov/ing on the banks produces more seed clusters than alfalfa growing on farm land. The germination percentages listed above compare favorably vdth germination results listed on seed tags. -17- proved very adaptable to southern Illinois. Winterkilling was severe in western Illinois. When good survival is obtained this specie will cover the "banks rather completely in four to five years. As pasturage Kudzu is re- cognized as having high feeding value. Species Seeded in Pre- established Vegetation ' Plots were also staked out on older "banks already covered or partially covered "by sweet clover, weeds, or other vegetation. The object was to obtain a more desirable mixture by the addition of other species to established sweet clover or to improve the mixture on banks covered mostly with weeds. Approximately 130 plots of this type were seeded in 19^ and 19^+9 with very little success. Seeding other legume species into a dense stand of sweet clover vat unsuccessful in their establishment. Reseeded grasses seemed to come in only on east or north exposure slopes. Sweet clover, alfalfa, orchard grass, redtop, and timothy were the species most easily established when seeded in to weedy areas. Fertility Treatment: The plot design used in this experiment is shown in Figure 6. The fertilizer applications were applied up and down the slopes at the rate of 750 pounds of 8-8-8 mixed fertilizer and 100 pounde of trace mineral fertilizer materials per acre as shown. When limestone was nteded (one set of plots, Saline county), it was applied at the rate of 5 tons per acre in the form of hydrated lime. Throe locations were treated and seeded in the fall of 19^. while two location! were completed in the spring of 19^9. No response was noted as the result of the application of phosphorus, potassium, and trace minerals. Nitrogen did increase the growth of fall seeded grasses. It also increased weed growth tremendously. Fall applications of nitrogen on newly seeded areas appear to be impractical. The application of -18- - 30 i «. i o r- I ■ — — 3 5 . — 11 1 9 — — 4 13 7 2 — — — 6 s. — 8 H. 0. 10 F, 12 D. A. c. B. o Alfalfa 2? 2.95 18.4 20 1.48 1.80 .46 Red clover 26 2.61 16.3 18 1.47 1.73 .51 Alsike 24 2.88 18.0 24 1.97 1.55 .51 Ladino 13 2.77 17.3 22 1.32 1.55 .55 Birdsfoot trefoil 15 2.70 16.9 19 1.73 1.82 .69 Sweet clover 13 3.41 21.3 23 1.29 1.74 .44 May-June Sweet clover 11 3.03 18.9 20 1.35 1.21 .47 September-October Lespedeza, Korean 24 2.02 12.5 22 1.15 1.13 .33 Mammoth red clover 6 3.05 19.1 19 2.10 1.54 .49 White clover 8 3.10 19.2 24 .97 1.75 .55 Hubam 7 2.79 17.5 21 .83 1.65 .58 Yellow trefoil 8 2.80 17.7 21 1.70 2.05 .47 Lespedeza, Kobe 6 1.76 11.0 18 1.20 1.07 .33 Lespedeza, Sericea 3 2.17 13.6 18 . * . • 1.09 .33 Crimson clover 2 2.70 16.9 .16 1.52 2.10 .36 Button clover 1 2.10 13.1 ,22 1.05 1.24 .56 Lappacea clover 1 1.40 8.8 ,18 .85 1.82 .60 Austrian winter pea 1 3.80 23.8 .25 2.12 1.30 .30 Grasses: Bromegrass 6 2.05 12.8 .29 2.30 .51 .25 Kentucky bluegrass 6 1.44 9.0 .23 1.56 .37 .24 Orchard grass 9 1.86 11.6 .27 2.44 .54 .36 Timothy 6 1.79 11.4 .28 2.27 .38 .22 Redtop 7 1.44 9.0 .17 1.64 .45 .30 Ryegrass 6 1.90 11.7 . . » • • • • .55 .27 Tall fescues 6 1.90 11.9 .28 • • • ♦ .60 .35 Rhodes grass 5 1.70 10.4 ,22 • • • • .42 .22 Canadian wild rye 4 1.80 11.1 ,28 • • • • .36 .23 Western wheatgrass 2 1.70 10.4 > . • • • • • .56 .27 Love grass 2 1.35 8.4 . • • • • • • .25 .12 Reed canary grass 1 1.90 11.9 .31 • • • • 1.00 .40 Tall oatgrass 1 1.30 8.1 . . • • • • • .60 .40 -26- TABLE 8. HAY AMD FORA&E CROPS; Chemical Composition Orer a Period of Years.5' Crop lumber of samplssi/ N Protein P K Lad i no Birdsfoot trefoil 0 2.02 12.5 .15 0 3.56 22.2 .31 6 2.75 17.2 .19 Ca 1.50 1.22 Mg Legumes: pet. pet. pet, pet, pet., ficJL^ Alfalfa 50 2.75 17.2 .18 1.25 1.75 .49 Red elerer 50 2.37 14.8 .16 1.30 1.47 .46 Alsike 20 2.35 14. 7 .21 1.12 1.32 .53 Sweet cloTer October-Novemoer 17 2.07 12.9 .11 .80 1.35 .62 Sweet clover April-May 30 3.45 21.6 .30 1.60 1.64 .57 Lespedeza 50 2.02 12.5 .15 .95 .85 .29 .31 Grasses: Kentucky blue grass 50 1.47 9.2 .19 1.64 .31 .20 Timothy 50 .98 6.1 .15 1.57 .28 .18 Redtop 50 1.06 6.6 .17 1.59 .41 .22 Orchard grass 30 .97 6.0 .18 1.90 .27 .21 Bromegrass 50 1.49 9.3 .17 2.21 .40 .15 sj Snider, H. J. "Chemical Composition of Hay and Forage Crops" Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 518. 19*»6. V Samples were taken from experiment fields and farms in various parts of Illinois. -27- vary with the species, stage of growth, climatic conditions, productivity and mineral content of the soil. Internal or external injuries by insects, diseases, rodents, animals, or weather may also affect the composition of vegetation. Legumes are relatively high in protein and minerals, and for this reason are valuable as a feed. Grasses are lower in protein and certain minerals hut are high in others, thus supplying the balance necessary for a good ration. The influence of the soil material of the strip-mined lands on the chemical composition and feeding value of the forage is revealed by the results of tests made on over 1,000 soil samples. These tests show that Illinois spoil bank soil material is high in phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. This high content of minerals is probably a more logical explanation for the high quality, palatability, and feeding value of the forage grown on the banks than the often suggested possibilities of the rather glamorous trace element theory. The following auotation supports this thought (5): "Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium are quality elements in feed crops. Classed among the soft elements, they are also chemically active. When soils contain sufficient quantities of the chemically active elements in available form, the crops take them up readily in preference to other less desirable elements which are not so chemically active. A large supply of soft elements tends to improve quality and palatability." The one element limiting high quality forage production on the banks in Illinois, is nitrogen. However, it can be economically supplied through the use of nodulated legumes or possibly the use of commercial nitrogen. Animal Gains as a Method of Measuring Tield and Quality: The quality of forage and the value of strip-mined land for agricultural production may be determined by measuring animal gains through livestock grazing experiments. This is the second year during which two lots of steers have i grazed on strip-mined pastures, and the gains compared with gains made by two -28- lots that grazed on undisturbed land. The grazing tests were carried out on lands owned by Mr. Byron Somers in Fulton county and on lands owned by the United Electric Coal Companies and the Meadowlark Farms, Inc. in Perry county. Twenty yearling steers of good grade were used in each of the two counties. Ten steers were grazed on spoil bank lands, while the same number were run on ordinary pasture as a check or control group. The control pasture used in Fulton county was an 80-acre bluegrass pasture within a mile of the area grazed by the test group. The control pastures used in Perry county were on improved lands. From April 22 to June 30 the steers grazed on a pasture mixture of timothy, redtop, and Ladino clover. Sudan grass furnished the pasturage from July 1 to July 26, after which the steers were turned onto lespedeza pastures. These pastures were located approximately 20 miles from the test group. The spoils pasture in Fulton county on which the test was made was the same pasture that was used in 19^8. The banks are well covered with good pasture forage. Bluegrass, bromegrass, wild grasses, sweet clover, and alsike clover made up approximately 85 percent of the pasturage species. The Perry county pasture area is not as well established, having been first seeded in the spring of 1W. Sweet clover, lespedeza, bluegrass, and wild grasses made up most of the forage during the 19^9 pasture season. -29- The results obtained, in terms of animal gains, during the 178-day pasture season were: Av. wt. . Av. wt. . Ay. total Av. daily April 20 +1 Oct. 15 j* gain V gain 17 lfc. Ifc. li. JJfe. JOLTON COUNTY TEST Lot 1, test steers, spoils^ 707 881 174 .98 Lot 2, control steers, bluegrass 704 899 195 1.M PERRY COUNTY TEST Lot 3, test steers, spoils^ 681 831 150 .8** Lot 4, control steers, improved pasture 712 909 197 1»11 i/ Weights at Urbana, April 20, before the cattle were trucked to their respective pastures and at Urbana on October 15, the day following their return. 2j Average initial and final weights of 9 steers. 2j Average initial and final weights of 7 steers. Table 9 gives the individual weights of each steer before and after the pasture season and shows the difference in individual gains. For the 40 steers the total gain made while on pasture varied from a low of 130 pounds to a high of 250 pounds per head. Figure 7 shows steers utilizing spoil bank pastures. For the second straight year the animal gains made on the spoil bank pastures were nearly as good as those made on the bluegrass and improved grass- legume pastures. This is gratifying since it definitely shows that the seemingly "waste lands" can be returned to profitable agricultural production. ECONOMIC INTERPRETATIONS: Methods, Costs, and Feasibility of Forage Species Establishment: Several methods are used to seed the strip-mined lands in Illinois. The earliest method used was to seed the forage species by hand seeders. This method is still used. The total labor charge for hand seeding an 80-acre area in 1948 was $1.95 per acre. It required 184 man-hours to seed the 80 acres. -30- TABLE 9. DATA SITING INDIVIDUAL WEIGHTS OF STEERS PASTURED IN 1949 Tattoo Weight Weight Gain on Tattoo Weight Weight Gain on Apr. 20 Oct. 15 pasture Apr. 20 Oct. 15 pasture Fulton County it.. Ifc* Ik. Uu. Uu 11* 201 710 860 150 202 750 990 240 205 660 850 190 206 660 880 220 209 720 900 • 180 210 750 910 160 213 680 870 190 214 690 940 250 217 710 870 160 218 760 970 210 221 770 940 170 222 690 870 180 225 , 710 . 940 ?30 226 660 840 180 ?29&/ 7003/ 910*/ 1905/ 230 710 940 230 233 710 860 150 234 640 780 140 237 690 840 150 238 730 870 140 Averages 707 881 174 Ay er ages 704 899 195 Perry County Lot 3 — Spoil "bank pasture* Lot 4 ~- Iaproved grass-leguae pasture 203 207 211 215 219 , 223^ 231*/ 235fc/ 239 690 680 630 770 650 . 710s/ 690v/ 76W 690V 660 At er ages 681 860 820 760 940 760 . 030&/ 91oV ...V 830 831 170 140 130 170 320s/ l60V 150V 170 150 204 700 880 180 208 750 890 140 212 720 960 240 216 710 920 210 220 770 930 160 224 670 850 180 228 670 890 220 232 740 960 220 236 710 920 210 240 680 890 210 Averages 712 909 197 a/ Fed corn during part of pasture season. Not included in average. i/ Part of pasture season not on the spoils pasture. Not included in average. -31- § o o d o — 2 o CO 36 4) 1- c A o ■H a o e & *> CD ■a o ft c as u "S o CO -32- They were paid at the rate of 85 cents per hour. Since 19^5 the airplane has "been used rather extensively to seed strip-mined areas. The average fee charged has "been "between 50 to 95 cents per acre. In 1946, 1»500 acres were seeded in 26 hours. The helicopter was first used in 1948 to seed the spoil banks. The rate charged for helicopter service has been 6 cents per pound. Air seeding rates quoted do not include labor costs that are required to inoculate and mix the seed, and load it into the plane. In some cases the pilot is guided by men with flags. These costs must be added to the total costs. In the spring of 1949 an area was seeded with a power seeder mounted on a farm tractor. During the summer of 1948 the tops of all ridges had been knocked off to a width of 12 to 16 feet. Approximately 250 hours of man labor were required to seed 600 acres of these spoils. Of this total, it required 110 tractor and tractor-man hours, and 66 hours of supervisory time. The remaining labor was used to get the seed ready to be sown. On this job approximately 2.4 acres were seeded per man hour. Operating costs of tractor and seeder must be added to the total costs. In observing and checking the results of the various methods used, it seems that the most satisfactory stands have been received by hand seeding. "Stripping" or missing of areas has been the comon fault of air seeding. Reseeding is then necessary. Even though flagmen are often stationed to guide the plane many pilots evidently do not follow them. In some cases the width of seed spread may not be as wide as had been estimated. The helicopter used in 1949 estimated covering a strip 60-feet each trip. Actually a strip of 45-50 feet was covered adequately. Where mixtures of light and heavy weight seeds are seeded by the air method there is a tendency for the lighter weight seeds to be carried to one side. This is more pronounced on windy days (see Figure 6)* Where the tractor mounted seeder was used the valley and lower end of long slopes -33- Eesults of air seeding of a hromegrass-alfalfa mixture with the lighter weight "bromegrass seeds having drifted to the left side. 19^9. (Fig. 8) -34- were not covered adequately. Where the slopes are long and the ridges far apart the complete ridge is not covered, "because the seed cannot he thrown far enough hy the seeder. Natural seeding will undoubtedly cover the valleys in time. Where seedling counts were taken the tops had an average of 19 plants per square foot compared to 8 plants per square foot on the sides. Accessibility After Establishment and Financial Beturns: In developing a mined area for pasture, accessibility throughout the area is of prime importance. Those who have had experience in managing livestock on strip-mine pastures are in accord with the recommendation and need for adequate roadways. The term adequate is extremely relative. Usually too few roadways are made rather than too many. Limited information indicates that the cost of knocking off the tops of all ridges has varied from approximately $5 per acre for a 12 to 16 foot width to $30 per acre for an approximate 30 foot width. Pasture establishment is more easily accomplished when the tops of all ridges are graded. More study and comparisons regarding costs and advantages gained must be made to determine the facts on this phase of the project. Advantages of striking off all ridges are: (l) access roadways can be chosen from the highest and best located ridges and maintained as roadways, (2) all the banks are more easily accessible making management practices easier, especially giving better control of livestock, (3) the area can be seeded more easily by hand or power seeders; these methods of seeding have been most satisfactory from the standpoint of stand and ground cover obtained, (4) preliminary botanical counts of forage indicate that vegetation becomes better established on strike-off tops than it does on the tops of the ridges, and (5) vegetation on the strike-off tops contained less weeds than the un- graded tops. -35- Fencing is a major expenditure required "before the lands can "be adequately used for pasture. The outside fence should "be woven wire. Three s,trands of four-point barbwire are adequate for division and internal field fences where cattle are to "be used. The use of a Multiflora rose fence is "being studied. If the rose will make satisfactory growth and survival, it will "be practical to use the rose for extensive fence "building on strip-mined lands. On farm land in central Illinois, potentially effective "barriers to livestock have "been pro- duced after the fourth growing season following installation (6).. A comparison of average costs per year of woven wire fence and a living Multiflora rose fence is given in Table 10. The factor that will determine the extent of development and future use of mined areas is the financial returnsrealized from the use of strip-mined pasture lands. Detailed costs (expenses and receipts) of developed pastures are not available. According to information supplied by the Illinois Coal Strippers Association the net income from a 600-acre unit averaged $7 per acre annually from 1939 to 19*6. In 19^ the net income was approximately $9.70 per acre. Financial returns on these pastures are dependent on the gains made by and price of livestock. Some physical factors or standards are available for estimating probable returns. The average daily gains made by project steers during the 19^+8 and 19^9 pasture seasons have been just over one pound per head. The length of the pasture season the last two years averaged approximately 175 days. Estimates of the carrying capacity of strip-land pastures have varied between 2 to b acres per animal unit. Assuming 3 acres per animal unit, one pound gain per day, and a 180-day pasture season, one acre of strip-land pasture will produce 60 pounds of animal gains. If by good management the carrying capacity can be increased to 1 1/2 to 2 acres per animal unit, and the daily gains -36- TABLl 10* COMPARISON OF AVERAGE COST PER I3SAR 0? WOVEN WIRE FENCE AND MULTI FLORA EOSE LIVING FENCB&/ Standard woven wire fence Multlflera rose living fence Cost of Establishment 320 Hods - woven wire (No. 39- 9, 9f 11) 640 Rods ~ barbwire, 4 point 16 Brace posts 8'10M at $1.50 424 Line posts 7* , 3 1/2" tops -12 • apart at 70 cents 24 Pounds of staples at 9 cents Man labor and truck at 75 cents per nan 1/2 Acre of land at $150/A Total for Establishment $256.00 3520 38.00 60 24.00 1 296.80 500 2.16 96.00 12 1 1/4 75.00 1-0 rose seedlings 15" $102.08 apart at $29/M Hours labor at 75 cents 45.00 Acre site preparation - 25.00 plowing, harrowing Fill in stock - replant- 14.50 ing - 1st year at $29/M Hours labor at 75 cents 9.00 Acres of land at $150/ A 187.50 $787.96 Total for Establishment $383.08 Cost of Maintenance Total maintenance and replacement $ 42.77 Yearly depreciation (longevity $ 15.32 cost (6$ of above) calculated at 25 years) Interest on Investment Annual interest on capital in- vestment (3^ simple interest) $ 23.63 Annual interest on capital in- $ 11.49 vestment (3$ simple interest) Annual Cost Total maintenance and interest $ 66.40 Total maintenance and interest $ 26.81 on investment on investment a/ Wand ell, W. N. "Agricultural and Wildlife Values of Habitat I mprovement ansae t ions of the -37- remain at one pound per day, from 90 to 120 pounds of animal gains may "be produced per acre. Current prices can then be used to compute probable re- turns. More information is needed on the carrying capacity of strip-mined pastures and the average daily gains that can be expected by various grades of cattle for a more thorough understanding of potential returns. By following a planned, long-range program the costs and problems of establishing a profitable farm unit or organization, the nucleus of which is the strip-mine land, can be greatly reduced. To accomplish this two things need to be done*, (l) the lands that do not contain mineable coal, and which make up a part of every mine property, must be improved and maintained as soon as control is acquired, and (2) the mined land must be developed progressively each year and utilized as soon as it is ready to produce. The most concentrated use of these lands will be made in this way, — by incorporating the spoil banks with surrounding farm land into a well organized farm unit. DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION: A tour through sections of the strip-mined lands in southern Illinois by a small group of members attending the summer meeting of the American Society of Agronomy at the University of Illinois, was conducted on June 16, 19^9. Those attending were: D. E. Alexander, Graduate Student, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois L. F. Bauman, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana, Illinois H. P. Boles, Missouri Pacific Railroad, St. Louis, Missouri R. Jugenheimer, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana, Illinois J. K. Lindsey, Spencer Chemical Company, Monticello, Illinois R. Ma, Graduate Student, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois R. Metzger, Graduate Student, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois H. E. Myers, Head, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas D. Russell, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa D. VanAken, Spencer Chemical Company, Wichita, Kansas L. S. Weber, Illinois Coal Strippers Association, Springfield, Illinois -38- A paper, Agronomic Research on the Strip Banks in Illinois, was read at the 19^9 convention of the National Coal Association which was held October 5-7 in Hew York City, New York. The paper was in the nature of a progress report on the findings of research conducted by this project. A "brief report was given at the Twenty-First Cattle Feeder !s meeting of the results of the 19**9 pasture grazing experiment. This was the second year during which two lots of steers grazed on strip-mined pastures, and the gains compared with gains made "by two lots that grazed on undisturbed land. FUTURE PLANS Many of the phases of the project that are now in progress will be continued and expanded. These will include seedings of species that have given indication of value and require further study, expansion of spoil type studies, forage yield measurements, animal gains, analysis for chemical composition, etc. In addition more study will be given to the toxic acid condition prevalent in certain areas and the location of material in the highwall that is the source of the sulphur. Infiltration studies have been initiated on the major spoil types that have been treated in different ways. This study is to measure the infiltration on undisturbed spoil banks, strike-off tops, and leveled areas, both bare of vegetation and well vegetated to determine the effect of compaction. A study of the bacteriological life of the material of the banks is being made. This is to note the difference in the microbiological life of the toxic acid spots compared to that in an area where the vegetation is growing satisfactorily. More information of an economic nature will be gathered to determine the feasibility and possibilities of using the stripped land along with un- disturbed place land. -39- Bihliography 1. Hunger signs in crops. A symposium. The American Society of Agronomy and the National Fertilizer Association, Washington, D. C. 1949. 2. Limstrom, G. A. Extent, character and forestation possibilities of land stripped for coal in the central states. Central States Forest Experiment Station Technical Paper 109. 1946. 3. Piper, C. 7. Forage plants and their culture. The MacMillan Company, Nev York. 1949. 4. Snider, H. J. Chemical composition of hay and forage crops. Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 518. 1946. 5. . Soil treatment adds quality to crops. Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Ag. 1387. 1948. 6. Wandell, ¥. N. Agricultural and vildlife values of hahitat improvement plantings on the Illinois "black prairie. Transactions of the Thirteenth North American Wildlife Conference. Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, D. C. 1948. AFO:lap 2-14-50 > ^ T %%z?lSs, THE POTENTIALITIES OF REVSGETaTING AND UTILIZING AGRONOMIC SPECIES ON STRIP MINED AREAS IN ILLINOIS A PROGRESS REPORT COVERING THE FOURTH YEAR OF WORK ON A COOPERATIVE INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED BI UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS , AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AND ILLINOIS COAL STRIPPERS ASSOCIATION NOTE. The agreement covering this investigation provides that:- "No account of a cooperative research project shall be published by the sponsor or by any other agency, except upon approval of the division of the University, or head of the de- partment in which the work is being done." Permission for the reproduction of this report has been granted with the understanding that it is to be released for the confidential information of members of Illinois Coal Strippers Association only, and not to be quoted or released for publication. THE LIBRARY OF THE SEP 2 4 1951 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Telephone CEntral 6-7044 WILLIAM H. COOKE PRESIDENT CARL T. HAYDEN VICE PRESIDENT ILLINOIS COAL STRIPPERS ASSOCIATION 307 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO 1, ILLINOIS A. J. CHRISTIANSEN SECRETARY-TREASURER FOREWORD To Members of Illinois Coal Stripoers Association Gentlemen: On February 1, 19U7, Illinois Coal Strippers Associ- ation entered into an agreement with the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Illinois, covering a project of cooperative research into the possibilities of revegetating and utilizing grasses and legumes on strip mined areas for stock range and other purposes. This project estimated to require five years of research in order to arrive at sound conclusions, is now entering upon its fifth year. A progress report covering the first year of opera- tion issued on March 19, 19U8 dealt principally with the proposed scope and plan of attack on the problem; a survey of spoil bank soils found throughout the state, and preliminary reports on a number of seeding projects. The second report issued on March l£, 19U9* and the third report issued on March 6, 19^0, presented fur- ther information on spoil bank soil materials, and comparisons of such materials xd.th surface soils found on adjoining landj the adaptation of various forage species to spoil bank soils; the re- sults of preliminary studies of comparative gains made by animals pastured on spoil banks with those pastured on undisturbed blue grass and highly improved grass-legume pasture and the utilization of stripped land for pasture. The report here presented covers the fourth year of opera- tion. The studies being made during 1951 will complete the pro- gram under the agreement and a final report will be issued next year. March 1, 19$1 AGRONOMY PROJECT NUMBER: TITLE: OBJECT: LEADERS: 1003 - Fourth Annual Report. Agronomic Land Use Research, on the Mined Areas of the Stripped Coal Lands of Illinois, The objectives of the project are to investi- gate the potentialities of revegetating and utilizing agronomic species on the strip- mined areas in Illinois. A* L. Lang, R. F. Fuelleman, J. H. Spaeth, and R. R. Snapp. Advisory Committee: - Dean H. P. Rusk W. L. Burlison F. C. Bauer J. C. Hackleman J* N. Spaeth A* J. Christiansen Louis S. Weber Agronomist - Alt en F. Grandt. AGRONOMIC LAND USE RESEARCH OH THE MIKED AREAS OF OHE STRIPPED COAL LANDS OP ILLINOIS by Alten F. Grandt^' The fourth annual report of progress on Agronomy Project 1003, covering the lnvesti gat ions of the potentialities of revegetating and utili- zing agronomic species on strip-mined areas in Illinois is herewith presented* This is a cooperative research project of the University of Illinois Agri- cultural Experiment Station and the Illinois Coal Strippers Association* &e report is an account of progress being made and thus necessarily reviews much of what was stated in previous reports* The Illinois Coal Strippers Association reports that 46,703 acres of land have been mined by the strip-mining method in Illinois as of January 1, 1950* The acreage mined during 195° has not been compiled at this time but an estimate of 2,5°° acres would bring the total acreage strip mined as of December 31, 1950* to approximately 49,200 acres. Of this acreage 11,246 acres have been planted to trees and there has been a natural encroachment of forest species on 2,500 acres* Approximately 100 acres have been planted to orchard species* Lakes, recreational areas, and state parks utilize approximately 4,000 acres* A greater proportion, approximately 15»600 acres have been seeded for livestock range or pasture use. Thus approximately 15*754 acres or 32 percent of the total land mined in the state has had no treatment or use* This is considered totally unimproved land* Approximately 40 acres in widely scattered areas have been used for experimental plots in this project* Figure 1 shows the general areas where 1/ Special Research First Assistant, Soil Experiment Fields and Crop Production, Department of Agronomy, University of Illinois, Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana* The author acknowledges with thanks the assistance, advice, and encouragement received from L* S* Weber, Land Use Engineer, Illinois Coal Strippers Association, and H* J* Snider, Assistant Professor of Soil Fertility, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, in conducting these investigations* -2- AGRONOMY DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA Ik 15 al Compinies $ahara elta •T (IlkTlll US. (Fidelity •amid Southwestern tidweet Badlai dnsr — ittle Sister Morgan •U.E, ftickheejpi 12-U.E. Cn"ba 13-T-T (llatt #2] -Fairriev -M.S. (Bapatee] Id-Little John I7-M.E. (SUeffleid) lq-Morri s-Nor thern ILLINOIS 3CAl£- STATUTE MILtS e » to »o » n 19 -Northern 20 -Wilmington 21 -Northern 22-Ayrshirs 23l-Sealnole «r M379 Location of Experimental Plots on Strip-Mined Coal Lands of Illinois (n«. i) -3- these plots have been established. SOIL STUDIES: Soil Analysis of Strip-Nine Soil Material: ■s As of December 31, 1950* 1,32^ soil samples have been collected from the experimental plot areas and all have been tested by the University of Illinois soil testing laboratory* In addition numerous field tests have been taken. Table 1 shows the average amounts of plant nutrients found in the soil material* The over-all average of these tests show the pH to be 6*96, the available phosphorus to be 130 pounds, and the available potassium to be 172 pounds per acre* Of 684 samples reported on in the first animal report the averages were found to be as follows: pH - 6*8; available phosphorus - 122 pounds; and available potassium - 166 pounds* Several hundred additional tests did not markedly change the over-all averages reported that first year* In addition to the testing done on the experimental plot areas several areas were sampled on a more extensive basis* The strip-mined soil material of two townships in Knox county was tested* The results of testing 366 soil samples gave an average pH of 7*4, 153 pounds of available phosphorus and 177 pounds of available potassium* These averages are almost identical with the averages reported in Table 1 for western Illinois* Another block of strip-mined land in southern Illinois was also more extensively studied* The following results in terms of averages were found: the average pH was 6*8, the available phosphorus was 119 pounds, and the available potassium was 152 pounds* These averages are very similar to the average of the 519 samples tested in southern Illinois* Thus, based on soil reaction or pH and available nutrient content the strip-mined lands in Illinois can be broadly classified as being potential- ly excellent for the production of forage crops* However, when contemplating -4~ Table 1.— Soil Analysis of Spoil Bank Material Plot locations County Number of samples Acidity average Phosphorus Potassium average average Note Southern Illinois Sahara Saline 5^ Delta Williamson 65 T~T Elkville Jackson 35 TJ. E. Fidelity Perry 81 Pyramid Perry 65 Southwestern Randolph 34 Seminole Sto Clair 10 Midwest Radiant St. Clair 175 Subtotal and averages 519 Western Illinois Solar Schuyler 12 Morgan Fulton 10 Little Sister Fulton 26 TJ. F. Buckheart Fulton 48 TJ. E. Cuba Fulton 32 T-T Fiatt Fulton 93 Fairview Fulton 5^ M. E. Rapatee Ful ton-Knox 120 Little John Knox 87 M. E. Atkinson Henry 38 pH- 6.3 6,2 6.6 7.3 7.3 7.6 7.1 6,6 lb, 90 92 108 155 93 82 126 116 113 6.8 171 7.1 178 7.7 157 7.6 112 7.5 123 7.8 146 6.7 144 7.4 157 6.9 17^ 7.3 17^ 1W 169 134 177 208 160 138 168 131 155 Shale and S. S. rock (Local acid (spots Loessal 224 High percent 230 of loess in 179 W. Illinois 133 144 155 172 167 192 288 Subtotal and averages 520 7.3 154 177 Northern Illinois M. F. Sheffield Bureau Northern Illinois Grundy Morri 8 Grundy Wilmington Will Northern Illinois Kankakee Subtotal and averages Eastern Illinois Harmattan Total and averages Vermilion 76 7.5 145 211 |shaly 87 6.9 142 192 28 3.1 84 144 Highly acid 32 7.6 56 170 (Compact and 40 7.6 110 184 (plastic 263 22 1 324 6.9 6.7 6.96 121 5S 130 a/ -' pH - 7.0 neutral; P - 92 lb/A, high; K 150-200 lb/A high 189 201 Compact and plastic 172 -5- a use for a particular area of 8 trip-mined lands thorough sampling and testing are very important, The reaction and mineral content of the soil material greatly influence land usage and wide variation often occurs within relatively small areas* Grading of Strip-Mine Land: There has been much discussion of the pros and cons of grading or leveling in the strip-mine reclamation program* The character of the physical texture of the soil material and the eventual land use are of prime importance when considering grading* In several areas of Illinois the high percentage of loese and glacial till material, the low percentage of rock, the chemical composition of the soil material, and the methods of mining appear to make grading feasible* The effects of grading on soil structure, on the availability of plant nutrients, and on the growth of forage are being investigated* Two degrees of grading are being considered (l) grading to permit the use of power farm machinery, and (2) topping of the ridges or "strike-off" grading* In strike-off grading there is a minimum amount of compaction due to mechanical equipment, since the bulldozer makes at most only two runs along a ridge* To grade the mined land to the extent that farm power equipment can be used means that the grading equipment passes over the surface many more times* Therefore It is assumed that the compaction resulting from the more complete leveling would probably be greater than in strike-off grading* One study that is being conducted to determine the effects of grading on soil structure is an infiltration rate* This is the rate at which rain water passes downward into and through the soil* Three physical conditions of the mined land are selected, i.e., (1) undisturbed ridges or banks, (2) strike-off tops, and (3) nearly level, (access by farm equipment)* Each of -6- the three types of physical conditions is analyzed tinder two phases of vege- tation, i.e., well vegetated with legumes, and bare of vegetation. These studies are being carried on in southern andwestern Illinois on the two major spoil types, namely* calcareous clays and calcareous loams, and silty shales. The study is Incomplete so a full report cannot be made at this time* The work on the undisturbed ridges has not been completed so the com- parisons between no grading and strike-off grading or more complete grading or leveling cannot yet be made. However, It has been found that there is no difference in the infiltration rate due to strike-off grading versus more complete grading. This would seem to Indicate that the probability of greater compaction on the more completely graded area as mentioned above may be in error or the effect of the greater compaction Is very temporary. Vegetation and time after grading does Improve the rate of Infiltration. Deep-rooted legumes and weathering, such as freezing and thawing and alternate wetting and drying, result In an Increased rate of infiltration. Another study is the effect of grading on the availability of plant nutrients. Table 2 shows the effect of grading on the reaction or pH of the soil material and on the availability of phosphorus and potassium. The effect on reaction or pH was variable. In some cases the pH was lowered by grading. The pH of a calcareous loam soil (loessal) as found on the Midwest Radiant Corporation property was lowered 1 unit from ?•** to 6.4. Most others were changed to a lesser extent. Conversely on a calcareous clay as found on the Fidelity property the pH was raised. The average pH, however, remained about the same. Without exception the available phosphorus content was raised as a result of grading. The average Increase due to grading was approximately 56 pounds per acre. Several of the areas were raised to 200 pounds plus, so -7- Table 2.~«5ffect of Grading on the Soil Reaction and Availability of Phosphorus and Potassium Location Number of camples pH I Spoil type 3. Truax-Elkville 7. Midwest Radiant 11. U. K. Buckheart 13. Truax-Piatt 14. lairview 15* M. E. Bapatee 16. Little John 17* M. E. Atkinson Not graded 20 Graded (level) 15 Hot graded Graded ded / 13 (8.0. P 13 Not graded 20 Graded (Level) 12 Hot graded 28 Graded (Level) 15 Hot graded 12 Graded(l)(S.O.) 12 Graded(2)£/&0.) 10 Hot graded 32 Graded (Level) 32 Hot graded 8 Graded (Level) 8 Hot graded 16 Graded (S.0.) 20 Hot graded 26 Graded (Level) 38 19. Horthern Illinois Hot graded 5 Graded (S.0.) 15 Over-all average Not graded 180 Graded 190 Plus or minus for grading 6.3 6.0 7.7 7.3 7.7 7.6 6.3 7.5 7.3 7.8 7.1 7.7 7.8 7.2 7.2 7.4 7.3 8.0 7.2 58 174 155 207 7.4 116 107 6.4 161 125 94 143 148 128 144 154 200+ 191 131 148 141 153 195 196 127 114 200+ 247 162 152 200+ 164 167 180 200+ 185 152 174 151 154 285 288 150 179 7.37 122.4 163.I 7.36 179.2 207.7 - .01 +56JB +44.6 5-C mixed clays 4-5 calcareous loam 8 *4-C calcareous clay 4-C calcareous clay ^4-B calcareous loam 8 and silty shales 4-B calcareous loams and silty shales 4-B calcareous loams and silty shales ^-C calcareous clay 4-B calcareous loam 8 and silty shales 4-1 calcareous loams and silty shales a/ S.0. Strike-off, top of ridge knocked off, 1/ 2 Two different locations graded. -8- ** . ■ « . t <^^m9^m~ 4_ ••Aft* ' -.'— • £v r\ ;% • ' - * * .- Several mined areas in Illinois are "being graded to a more or less level condition. This large, heavy drag was being used on the graded areas to prepare a more suita- ble seedbed. (Fig. 2) -9- undoubtedly the total was actually raised more than 56 pounds per acre. The available potassium content fluctuated more but was generally increased as a result of grading. The average increase was h6 pounds per acre. There may be several explanations for these phenomena: (l) The mechanical breaking of the clay mineral tends to expose the nutrient material and make it temporarily more available. (2) Wetting and drying affects the availability of potassium especially. Thus over a period of time the availa- bility of potassium would be expected to increase even though no grading was involved. (3) Sulphur has the tendency to make phosphorus more available. Perhaps spreading the sulphur around would tend to accomplish this. Spreading the sulphur should tend to lower the pH or make the reaction more acid but there is also much calcium and magnesium present that is being spread as a result of grading which would raise the pH. This study requires a follow-up test to determine if the increased availability is only temporary. The growth of forage plants on graded areas is probably the best means of measuring the effect of grading. In observing the yields obtained from undisturbed ridges, itrike-off ridges and level areas, it can be seen that grading does not hinder vegetative growth. See Table 7. The yield of alfalfa hay from a level area in 195° was 6 tons per acre. In that par- ticular area the undisturbed mined land yielded 3 tons per acre. As yet an insufficient number of experiments have been setup to thoroughly study the yields that might be obtained from all three degrees of physical conditions of the resulting strip-mine area. From the studies made on fcrage growth it seems obvious that grading does not hinder the growth of forage, but rather it has several bene- ficial effects. Less seed is required per acre, thicker stands are obtained, less weeds are prevalent, and the excess forage material can be more easily 1 -10- harvested where grading has been done. Kohnke (l) reports that grading per- mits the soil formed from the raw soil materials to stay in place* Others report that where no grading has been done there is just enough erosion taking place to prevent the crowding out of the legumes due to the grasses becoming sod-bound* This phase of study requires much more time and research before conclusions can be drawn. Microbiological Studies: According to Waksman (3) the microscopic plant world is represented in the soil by bacteria, fungi* and algae* Microorganisms are by far the greatest contributors as biological agents of weathering thus participating In soil formation* Three distinct biological processes or functions of micro- organisms in the soil are: (1) The decomposition of organic matter, (2) the nitrification or accumulation of nitrates In the soil as a result of the decomposition of organic matter, and (3) nitrogen fixation by symbiotic and non8ymbiotlc bacteria* Legumes seeded on mined lands are inoculated with specific cultures of bacteria and in a symbiotic relationship are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen and supply it to plants in the form of nitrogenous nutrients* Azotobacter are capable of fixing nitrogen nonsymbiotlcally* Bacteria and fungi are essential in the decomposition of organic matter* Recently mined soils are presumably rery low or void of micro- organisms* A study has been initiated to determine in part the nature and extent of the microflora, etc* A study has been initiated to determine in part the nature of the microflora of the strip-mined soils under various stages of vegetation* Mr* Barrel Lynch, Tirst Assistant in Soil Biology, Is conducting this in- vestigation, fable 3 lists the numbers of fungi and azotobacter found* ( -11- Table 3. — *b© Humber of Fungi and Asotobacter Found In Strip-Mine Soils Under Different Types of Vegetation Fungi number Nature of mined land Location per gram of soil Azotobacter Bare spoils, new Morgan 10,000 ♦*/ Bare spoils, old Fidelity No information -»/ Alfalfa vegetation Fidelity Ho information ++ Alfalfa vegetation Midwest Radiant Ho information ++ Alfalfa vegetation Morgan 80,000 ++ Alfalfa vegetation Truax-Fiatt 40,000 Hone Broaegrass vegetation Midwest Radiant Ho information ■*-*■ Broaegrass vegetation Morgan 80,000 Hone Broaegrass vegetation Truax-Fiatt Ho Information Hone Locust tree cover Fidelity Ho Information ++ Roadside soil Fulton county 70,000 ♦ TTrbana area soil Champaign county 250,000 Hone a/ — ' ♦ abundant. *» *♦ very abundant* -12- The ■ trip-mined soils covered with bromegrass and alfalfa averaged around 60,000 fungi per gram of soil and the bare areas averaged about 10,000 fungi per gram of soil* A road-side soil under bluegrass sod in Fulton county averaged approximately 70,000 fungi per gram while a highly fertile soil near Urbana, Illinois, averaged about 250,000 fungi per gram* The fairly large number of fungi present under the alfalfa and bromegrass cover shows that with vegetation there is a large increase in numbers of fungi* This would seem to indicate that the soil-forming processes are thus speeded up with an increase in the active organic matter content* The nitrogen content of these soils, one of the essential constituents of organic matter, is probably further enhanced by the presence of azotobacter species both in the bare spoils and in the areas seeded to alfalfa and brome- grass* It is interesting to note that the bare areas and the alfalfa cover apparently are more conducive to azotobacter growth than was the grass cover* The nature of the microflora as influenced by the type of plant may be a factor affecting azotobacter development. Much further quantitative work however needs to be done concerning the numbers and response of fungi, azotobacter, and other bacteria to crop growth and soil conditions* FORAGE CROP SPECIES ADAPTATION STUDIES: The number of experimental plots that have been established is now 2,336» Of this number 999 are located in southern Illinois, 894 in western Illinois, and 443 iu the northern Illinois areas. Seventy-one different species and varieties of forage and cultivated crop plants have been used to seed these plots* Table 4 lists the species that have been seeded* Species Adaptation: Satisfactory results have been obtained with the following legumes: Alfalfa, sweet clover, red clover, birdsfoot trefoil, lespedeza, alslke, -13- Table 4.-~Forage Species Seeded Grasses Common Name Botanical Uame Kentucky bluegrass Canada bluegrass Big bluegrass Canby "bluegrass Hedtop Timothy Reed canary grass Orchard grass Bromegrass Mountain "Drome Meadow fescue Alta fescue Chewings fescue Creeping fescue Ryegrass Bermuda grass Dallas grass Crested wheatgrass Slender wheatgrass Western wheatgrass Blue grama Side-oat grama Big blue stem Little bluestem Buffalo grass Indian grass Tall oatgrass Canadian wild rye Mi chael ' s gras s Rhodes grass Switch grass Meadow foxtail Millets Sudan Sweet sudan Love grass "M" pasture mix Fields pasture mix Poa pratensis Poa compressa Poa ampla Poa canbyi Agrostis alba Phi em pratense Phragmites communis Dactyl is glomerata Bromus inerinis leyss Bronms marginatus Festuca pratensis Festuca pratensis var. alta Festuca rabra Festuca rubra var. creeping Lolium perenne Cynodon dactylum Paspalum no ta turn Agropyron cristatum Agropyron tenerium Agropyron smithii Bouteloua gracilis Bouteloua curtipendula Andropogon furcatus Andropogon scoparius Buchlae dactyloides Sorghastrum nutans Arrhenatherura elatius ELymus canadensis Chloris gayana Panicum virgatum Alcopecuris eliator Setaria sp. Sorghum halapenso (Cross) Sorghum halapense x S. vulgare Eragrostis curvula Calamagrostis epigea Common Name Wheat Oats Rye Corn Soybeans Japanese rose -1^~ Table 4. — (cont'd) - Forage Species Seeded Cultivated Crops Botanical Name Tri ti cum aestivuin Avena satlva Secale cereale Zea mays Glycine max. Legumes Alfalfa Sweet clover - yellow Sweet clover - white Hubam clover Spanish sweet clover Evergreen sweet clover Lespedeza - common Lespedeza - Korean Lespedeza - Kobe Lespedeza - Sericea Lespedeza - Bieolor Mammoth clover Alsike clover Crimson clover Subterranean clover White Dutch clover Ladino clover Hop clover Alyce clover Austrian winter pea Birdsfoot trefoil Big broadleaf trefoil Yellow trefoil Kudzu Lupines Lappacea Red clover, Kenland Red clover, Cumberland Red clover, Midland Sanfoln Crown vetch Button clover Persian clover Wagner pea Single tary pea Rosa multi flora Medicago sativa Melilotus officinaluB Melilotus alba Melilotus annula Melilotus suaveolus Melilotus Lespedeza striata Lespedeza stlpulacea Lespedeza striata var» Lespedeza sericea Lespedeza tricolor Tri folium pra tense var. perenne, Tri folium hybridum Tri folium incarnatum Tri folium subterraneum Trifolium repens Trifolium repens var. latum Tri folium procumbens Trifolium alyce Pi sum satlva var, Lotus corniculatus Lotus uligln08us Medicago lupullna Pueraria chunbergiana Luplnus sp. Trifolium lappaceaum Trifolium pra tense var, Trifolium pra tense var, Trifolium pratense var* Onobrychis vicioefolia Vicia sp, Medicago oebicularls Trifolium reseysinatum Lathyrus silvestris wagneri Hairy vetch Vicia villosa -15- Ladino, yellow trefoil, and Kudzu. Orchard grass, the tall fescues, bromegrass, redtop, timothy, bluegrass, and ryegrass have "been the grasses that are "best adapted. Heed canary grass, western wheatgrass, side-oat grass, love grass, Canadian wild rye, tall oatgrass, the native grasses, such as big and little bluestem, Indian grass, and switch grass have been established with varying success. The native grasses are very slow to become established* As reported in a previous report, alfalfa plants growing on strip- mined land have been observed to be heavy producers of seed clusters* Under Illinois climatic conditions normally very little alfalfa seed is produced. An attempt was made to gather information concerning seed yield. Alfalfa was cut for seed production on August 1, 1950 » from three different locations. The yields obtained are listed in Table 5* The alfalfa had not been cut or grazed previously but represented the total growth for the season. The yields obtained are phenomenal. However, for the data to be more reliable more samples should be taken. This will be done in 1951* If level areas are available for seed production of alfalfa, serious consideration should be given to growing and harvesting the crop. Spraying to kill harmful insects is advocated in the seed harvesting program. Alfalfa varieties of southern origin are being tested on strip-mine soils for winter-hardiness, longevity, and yield. The following varieties were seeded on six different areas: (l) New Mexico Common, Roswell, Hew Mexico, (2) lew Mexico Common, Hatch, Hew Mexico, (3) India, (4) Advance, and (5) Chilean all from Advance, Arizona. These varieties are being tested against Kansas Common strain and certified Buffalo alfalfa* Birdsfoot trefoil has continued to show up very well when seeded on strip-mined lands. This specie gives best results when seeded as the only legume plus one or two grasses. In its early stages of growth it does not -16- Table 5. — Yields of Alfalfa Seed Prom Strip-Mined Lands in Western Illinois, 1950 Yield of cleaned seed replications 1 2 3 4 Average Germination percentage Spoils 372 546 150 504 Strike-off top-a lb./A 174 126 156 132 39C5 146.5 .Level 1dT7a~ 330 342 360 336 342 37 (51 + 36) 84 (39 + 45) 92 (62 + 30) & Seed crop was too mature and had started to shatter when harvested. Table 6.— Yields of Eye on Level Area in Western Illinois - 1950 Trnax-Traer Coal Co., Fiatt Mine Plot No. 1 2 3 4 5 H 0 30 30 30 0 Fertilizer treatment per acre Fall Spring 0 60 0 0 30 0 60 0 0 30 0 30 60 0 0 P20c K20 N P2O5 K?0 vr. — rcr™ifc n>: — tbt — itr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yield per acre Replications I II Average bUo bu ." "Tni. 6.73 4.81 5-77 26.19 41.58 33.88 34.13 15.38 24.75 12.74 15.14 13.94 3.61 3.61 -17- compete well with other legumes in a mixture. Seed of Italian origin is readily available. A New York selection, [Empire, is also available and is well adapted to strip-mine lands. Approximately 6 to 8 pounds of seed per acre have given satisfactory stands. Inoculation with the Lotus strain of inoculant is necessary for satisfactory results. Sweet clover, alfalfa, orchard grass, redtop, and timothy were the species most easily established when seeded into preestablished vegetation such as sweet clover or weedy areas. Establishment of Mixtures: Better pastures usually result where a mixture of grasses and legumes is seeded than when a single specie is seeded. Based on plot results the most satisfactory stands of desired species have been obtained by seeding the mixture In the spring of the year on newly mined areas. Some mixtures that have been successful are: (1) (2) (3) Total per acre lb. 1&. lb. Alfalfa Lespedeza Sweet clover Ladino k 3 1 Orchard grass Tall fescues Timothy 3 3 2 20 Alfalfa Eed clover Alslke Ladino 6 3 2 1 Bromegrass Orchard grass 5 3 20 Alfalfa Lespedeza Ladino 6 5 1 Orchard grass Alta fescue 3 3 18 Use of Grain and Seed Crops: Grain crops that have been seeded include wheat, rye, oats, Sudan grass, corn, and soybeans. Wheat, rye, and Sudan grass have generally given good results. The yields of rye obtained and the fertilizers applied on a -18- - A' SSI; v. Alfalfa and bromegrass plants growing on mined land in !*ulton county* Truax-Traer Coal Company. These two species are well adapted to mined lands and are valuable forages for livestock production in central and northern Illinois. (?ig» 3) -19- level area in western Illinois are listed in Table 6* In the past on similar plots nitrogen alone has given the highest yield* On this area it appears that the phosphorus and potassium applied gave an increase in yield over and above the nitrogen needed* According to soil tests taken in this area the available phosphorus and potassium present in the soil was adequate without an additional application. It should be stressed, however, that without nitrogen added the phosphorus and potassium resulted in a very small yield* A level area of approximately 14 acres was seeded to wheat by one of the coal companies* This wheat averaged 25 bushels per acre; 357 bushels of wheat were harvested from the area* One-hundred and fifty pounds of 3-12-12 were applied per acre* The nitrogen content of this soil material was high, since the soil in this area was a calcareous peaty material* Excellent growth of Sudan, fertilized with a high nitrogen carrying material, was observed on another extensively leveled area in western Illinois* Adaptation of Multiflora Hose and Lespedeza Blcolor: Rosa multiflora has been planted on strip-mined lands and its growth and survival observed. Excellent survival and growth were obtained in western Illinois* After 2 years growth the branches measured from 6 to 8 feet in length. Best results were obtained when a manure mulch and a small amount of ammonium nitrate was applied at planting time* The plants were planted in two rows about 18 inches apart with 12 to 18 inch spacing of plants within the row* If the rose will make satisfactory growth and survival, it will be practical to use it for extensive fence building on strip-mined lands* Planting it on the top of ridges that have been knocked off appears to be practical. Interior fencing can be built by this means* The rose must be protected from livestock for some time after planting because livestock will eat off the tips of the branches and retard the growth* This rose also makes excellent wild life cover. -20- Lespedeza bicolor, a shrubby type of plant used for wild life (quail) food, was first seeded on the strip-mine land in 1948. The seed was obtained from the Natural History Department, Wildlife Division, of Georgia* The stand obtained was not tso good but many plants were established* Seed was produced in 19^9 and 1950. This specie grows better in southern than in western Illinois. Collection of Naturally Introduced Species: To obtain information about the nature of plants that can be found growing on strip-mined land a plant collection was started in 1950* This collection did not include trees, but was predominantly of herbaceous plants. A total of 158 different plant species was collected, mounted, and identified. Fifty- three of these had been seeded and were considered to be artificially Introduced, while the remainder, 105 species, were considered as being naturally introduced species. Thirty- four different plant families were represented by these species. The families represented most often were the Composite family with 19 species, the Grass family with Ik naturally introduced and 32 artificially introduced species, the Pea family with 5 naturally introduced and 21 artificially introduced species, and the Buckwheat family with 5 species. The list is not complete but does represent the plants seen most often and are rather commonly found on strip-mined lands. The collection will be continued in 1951« DETERMINATION OP FORAGE YIELDS AND QUALITY: Measurement of Forage Yields: On seeded areas that have become satisfactorily established, hay yields have been obtained. This was done by cutting either two or four- foot square areas of forage. The forage was dried, weighed, and converted to -21- jlelds expressed as pounds and tons per acre. Table 7 gives the hay yields of forage produced on strip-mined lands in 1950 • Alfalfa yields were taken at seven different locations with several replications at each location. The average yield obtained was 7,067 pounds or 3«53 tons per acre. The highest yield was obtained in Knox county on a level area. An acre, cut three times, yielded 186 bales or 12,620 pounds or 6.3 tons of hay per acre. The lowest yield of alfalfa was 2.8 tons of hay per acre. Birdsfoot trefoil was cut at five different locations. The average yield obtained was 6,811 pounds or 3«^ tons of hay per acre. Three cuttings per season were made. Legume mixtures were cut at seven different locations. The average yield, three cuttings per season, was 4,702 pounds or 2.35 tons per acre. The yield of lespedeza cut at nine different locations averaged 3,350 pounds or 1.68 tons of hay per acre. The differences in yields from undisturbed mined areas (A), strike-off ridges (B), and leveled areas (C), are listed. It should be pointed out that the hay yields on strike-off ridges and leveled areas (B and C) were as good or better than yields from undisturbed mined areas (A). Hay yield data will be helpful in determining the carrying capacity of strip-mined pastures. By comparing these yields with actual grazing conditions more information concerning carrying capacity will be obtained. Chemical Composition of Forage Species: The chemical composition of forage growing on strip-mined land in 19^8 and 19^9 is presented in Tables 8 and 9. Samples of the various forages were collected from the several spoil types at different locations and at various times of the year. Most species were sampled at the bloom stage of growth. -22- Table 7.~~Hay Yields of Forage Produced on Spoil Bank PlotB, 1950 Forage specie Number of samples Location Property Alfalfa plus grasses (3 cuttings) 1 acre Average yield "Birdsfoot trefoil plus grasses (3 cuttings) Average yield Lad 1 no (3 cuttings) Lespedeza (1 cutting) Average yield Legume mixtures (3 cuttings) Average yield 12 8 6 4 4 6 186 bales 8 8 2 3 4 2 14 2 2 2 2 6 3 3 4 5 5 4 3 7 n Delta Pyramid Midwest Radiant Morgan Cuba Midland Electric Midland Electric Delta Pyramid Midwest Radiant Morgan Cuba Morgan County Type of plots^/ Yield per acre Williamson Perry St. Clair Fulton Fulton Knox Knox Williamson Perry St. Clair Fulton Fulton Fulton A A B A A A C A A B A A A Sahara Saline C Delta Williamson A T-T Elkville Jackson A T-T Elkville Jackson B T-T Elkville Jackson C Fidelity Perry A Pyramid Perry A Midwest Radiant St. Clair B Morgan Fulton A Delta Williamson A Pyramid Perry A Southwestern (old) Randolph A Southwestern (new) Randolph A Morgan Fulton A B. Somers (Lot 1) Fulton A T-T Fiatt Fulton A lb. tone 6 5 6 6 5 6 *T"V*"V 489 969 422 520 00? 12 620 7 067 6 5 5 7 6 566 386 8 688 668 746 811 3.2 2.8 3.5 3.2 2.8 3.0 6.3 3.53 3.3 2.7 4.2 2.8 3.9 3.4 5 968 3.0 3 942 2.0 2 664 1.3 3 780 1.9 4 524 2.3 3 708 1.9 3 504 1.8 2 010 1.0 4 672 2.3 1 350 .7 3 350 1.68 4 680 2.3 4 807 2.4 4 462 2.2 4 057 2.0 5 874 2.9 3 876 2.0 5 160 2.6 4 702 2.35 £/ A - undisturbed spoil banks. B - strike-off tops. C - level or partially level. ~2> Table 8 •—Chemical Composition of Forage Crops Grown on Strip-Mined Land in 1948 Number of Crop samples N Protein P K Ca H Mn si pet. £Ct. pet. pet. pet. pot. pet. ££t. legumes: Alfalfa 29 2.99 18.7 .21 1.56 1.8? .49 .0066 Yellow trefoil 8 2.85 17.8 .21 1.70 2.05 .47 .... 0 Birdefoot trefoil 14 2.75 17.2 .20 1.76 1.81 .71 .0111 Birdsfoot trefoil (N.Y.) 3 2.29 14.3 .17 1.58 1.87 .61 .0188 Red clover 27 2.67 16.7 .18 1.48 1.68 .49 .008? Mammoth red clover 6 3.50 21.9 .19 2.10 1.54 .49 ..... Lad 1 no 13 2.85 17.8 .23 1.46 1.42 .49 ..... Alsike 24 2.90 18.1 .24 1.97 1.55 .50 .0144 White Dutch clover 8 3.10 19.2 .24 .97 1.75 •55 ..... Sweet clovexv 1st year June- Augus t 16 3.54 22.1 .22 1.31 1.84 .57 .0089 Sep t ember-November 12 3.31 20.7 .23 1.15 1.41 .54 .0092 May- June, 2nd year 13 2.88 18.0 .23 1.44 1.56 .41 .0075 Hubam 7 2.85 17.8 .22 1.70 2.05 .47 ..... Lespedeza, Korean 21 2.11 13.2 .24 1.18 1.10 • 33 .0085 Lespedeza, Kobe 7 1.79 U.3 .20 1.22 1.07 .32 .0100 Lespedeza, Sericea 3 2.21 13.8 .18 .... I.09 .33 .0062 Crimson clover 2 2.73 17.1 .16 1.52 2.14 .36 . . . • • Button closer 1 2.16 13.5 .22 1.05 1.24 .56 .0175 Lappacea clover 1 1.42 8.9 .18 .85 1.82 .60 .0360 Austrian winter pea 1 3.88 24.3 •25 2.32 1.30 •30 .0010 Grasses: Kentucky bluegrass 6 1.49 9.3 .23 .78 .36 .23 .0093 1.19 Br ome grace 4 2.00 12.5 ,28 2.25 .51 • 56 .0154 1.89 Orchard grass 4 1.96 12.3 .29 2.90 .49 .38 .0244 2.15 Tall fescues 3 1.78 11.1 .31 . •• . .51 .31 .0200 2.32 Timothy 6 1.84 11.5 .28 2.27 .38 .24 .0092 1.00 Red top 6 1.46 9.1 .37 1.68 .44 .28 .0160 2.68 Ryegrass 6 1.88 11.7 .25 .... .56 .26 .0125 2.51 Canadian wild rye 4 1.78 11.1 .29 .... .36 .23 • a • . . .... Western wheat grass 2 1.66 10.4 .27 .... .56 .27 .0130 4.02 Love grass 2 1.39 8.7 .15 ... 0 .24 .12 .0100 1.77 Rhode 8 grass 3 1.51 9.4 .23 .... .51 .20 . . . • . .... Tall oatgra68 1 1.38 8.6 .10 . » » • .56 .44 .0215 2.93 Sweet Sudan 2 1.38 7.4 .19 • • • . .55 .25 .0065 4.44 Michaels grass 1 1.84 11.5 .24 .... .36 .15 .0065 1.39 -24- Table 9*~ Chemical Composition of Forage Crops Grown on Strip-Mined Land in 1949 Number of ■ ■ * ■' Crop samples N Protein P K Ca Mg pet. net. pet. pet. pet. pet. Legumes: Alfalfa 19 2.80 17.5 .21 1.71 1.35 .38 Yellow trefoil 7 3.10 19.4 .26 2.22 1.2.6 .60 Birdsfoot trefoil 21 2.53 15.8 .22 1.75 1.36 .53 Birdsfoot trefoil (K, ,y.) 2 2.20 13.8 .23 1.77 1.28 .54 Red clover 14 2.58 16.] .18 1.93 1.28 .43 Mammoth red clover 4 2.11 13.2 .17 1.27 1.26 .57 Ladino 19 3.27 20.4 .24 2.18 1.46 .57 Alsike 15 2.91 18.2 .23 2.23 1.05 .58 Sweet clover, 1st year July-August 10 3.39 21.2 .22 1.94 1.41 .59 Sept ember- November 10 2.78 17.4 .20 1.31 1.00 .50 May- June, 2nd year 13 3.01 18.8 .22 1.89 1.20 .57 Hubam 6 3.17 19.8 .35 1.69 1.30 .53 Lespedeza, Korean 8 2.09 13.1 .18 .89 .84 .28 Lespedeza, Kobe 1 1.90 11.9 .13 .70 .82 .24 Lespedeza, Sericeti 3 1.72 10.8 .15 .79 .67 .23 Kudzu leaves 1 2.24 14.0 .42 2.60 .60 .44 Grasses: (Hay stage) Kentucky bluegrass 3 1.76 11.0 .24 1.84 .37 .25 Bromegrass 4 1.40 8.8 .15 2.35 .40 .22 Orchard grass 7 1.51 9.^ .25 2.44 .43 .29 Alta fescue 6 1.43 8.9 .19 1.94 .40 .33 Timothy 4 1.57 9.3 .20 2.09 .36 .21 Redtop 7 1.15 7.2 .17 1.34 .44 .25 Tall oatgrass 2 1.05 6.6 .21 2.13 .25 .24 Little bluestem 1 .60 3.8 .14 .80 • 30 .13 Big bluestem 1 .60 3.8 .15 .62 .30 .13 Switch grass 1 .82 5.1 .12 •55 .70 .34 -25- In studying the chemical composition of plants, it is well to keep in mind the influencing factors that may cause variations. Composition may vary with the species, stage of growth, climatic conditions, productivity and mineral content of the soil. Internal or external injuries by insects, diseases, rodents, animals or weather may also affect the composition of vege- tation. Legumes are relatively high in protein and calcium and for this reason are highly valuable as a feed. Grasses are lower in protein and certain minerals, but are high in carbohydrates supplying the balance necessary for a good ration. Table 10 gives the comparison of the chemical composition of several forage species grown on strip-mined land in 19^8 and in 19^9 with the forage grown on Illinois farms. The nitrogen and protein content of the strip-mine forage for both years is higher than that grown on Illinois farms for alfalfa, red clover, first year sweet clover, lespedeia, Kentucky bluegrass, and orchard grass. The nitrogen and protein content of the Ladino grown on strip-mine lands had been markedly lower than that grown on Illinois farciE. It has been difficult to get good stands of Ladino growing on the strip-mine lands. The growth in 1950 appeared better than in previous years. With regard to phosphorus the chemical composition of strip-mine forage has been very high. The tests of strip-mine soil material show that the available phosphorus content is very high so it is expected that this element would be high in the forage. The potassium, calcium, and magnesium content of the strip-mine forages compare very favorably with that grown on Illinois farms, A study to determine the chemical composition of several species during different months of the year was started in 19^9, The species studied i -26- Table 10.-~ Comparison of the Chemical Composition of Several Forage Species Grown on Strip-Mined Land in 1948 and 1949 With That Grown on Illinois Farm Number of » Crop samples N Protein P K Ca Mg Mn pet. pet. pet. pet. pet. pet. pet. Alfalfa 1946 29 2.99 18.7 .21 1.56 1.87 .49 .0066 B-518&/ 19 2.80 17.5 .21 1.71 1.35 • 38 .0022 50 2,75 17.2 .18 1.25 1.75 .49 .0100 Red clover 1948 27 2,67 16.7 .18 1.48 1.68 .49 .0087 1949 , B-5182J 14 2.58 16.1 .18 1.93 1.28 .43 ..... 50 2.37 14.8 .16 1.30 1.47 .46 .0500 Lad i no 1948 13 2.85 17.8 .23 1.46 1.42 .49 ..... 1949 1 B-518^ 19 3.27 20.4 .24 2.18 1.46 .57 .0016 50 3*56 22.2 .31 2.24 1.61 .48 .OO55 Birdsfoot trefoil 1948 14 2.75 17.2 .20 1.76 1.81 .71 .0111 1949 . B-518^ 21 2.53 15.8 .22 1.75 1.16 .53 .0040 6 2.75 17.2 .20 1.50 1.22 •31 ..... Sweet clover, 1st year 1948 (September-November) 12 3.31 20.7 .23 1.15 1.41 .54 .0092 1949 (September-November) 20 3*09 19.3 .21 I.63 1.31 *55 .0040 B- 51 QSJ (October- •November) 17 2.07 12.9 .11 .80 1.35 .62 .1000 Sweet clover, 2nd year 1948 (May- June) 13 2.88 18.0 .23 1.44 1.56 .41 .0075 1949 (May-June) 13 3.01 18.8 • 22 1.89 1.20 .57 ..... B-518S/ (April-May) 30 3.45 21.6 •30 1.60 1.64 .57 ..... Lespedeza 1948 21 2.11 13.2 .24 1.18 1.10 .33 .0085 1949 7 B-5182/ 8 2.09 13a .18 .89 .84 .28 ..... 50 2.02 12.5 .15 .95 .85 .29 .0700 Kentucky bluegrast ! 1948 6 1.49 9.3 .23 .78 .36 .23 .0093 1949 , B-518S/ 3 1.76 11.0 .24 1.84 .37 .25 .0111 50 1.47 9.2 .19 1.64 .31 .20 .0950 Bromegra88 1948 4 2.00 12.5 .28 2.25 .51 .56 .0154 1949 7 B-518&/ 4 1.40 8.8 .15 2.35 .40 .22 .0096 50 1.49 9.3 .17 2.21 .40 .15 .1200 Orchard grass 1948 4 1.96 12.3 .29 2.90 .49 .38 .0244 1949 , B-518^ 7 1.51 9.4 .25 2.44 .43 .29 .0182 30 .97 6.0 .18 1.90 .27 .21 .2800 Tall fescues 1948 3 1.78 ll.l •31 .... .51 .31 .0200 1949 / 6 1.43 8.9 .19 1.94 .40 .33 .0103 5 1.45 9.1 .24 1.74 .35 .22 .0047 & Snider, H. J. "Chemical Composition of Hay & Forage Crops". Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 518. 1946. -27- were alfalfa, Ladino clover, orchard grass, bromegrass, and Alta fescue. The results obtained and a comparison, where possible, with the forage grown on Illinois farm soils are presented in Tables 11, 12, and 13* In alfalfa, the nitrogen and protein content was lowest during the months of July and August and highest during the fall months* The phosphorus content of the alfalfa on strip-mine lands was universally as high or higher than the alfalfa grown on Illinois farms. In general the chemical composition of the alfalfa grown on strip-mine lands compared very favorably with that grown in other areas of Illinois* A comparison of the composition of Ladino clover is given in Table 12. The nitrogen and protein content is lowest during the month of July. In studying Table 12 it is observed that the nutrient content of the several elements is quite high. The top growth of Ladino clover is largely leaves with the stems making up a small percentage of total growth. The composition of alfalfa leaves listed in the table shows that the nutrient level of leafy alfalfa is also very high. Both of these species make excellent feed, which is emphasized by the data listed in Tables 11 and 12* Table 13 lists the chemical composition of three grass species growing on strip-mined lands at six different times of the year during 19^9» Orchard grass and Alta fescue are earlier maturing species than bromegrass. This accounts in part for the fact that the bromegrass is higher in protein content than the other two grasses. These grasses were growing in legumes which is their principal source of nitrogen. From this data it appears that the nitrogen requirement of the grasses is met by the legumes. Composition of Tops and Boots of Six Legume Species: A number of plants were dug during the 19^9 season and the tops and roots were analysed separately. The composition of the tops and roots of -28- Table 11.— Chemical Composition of Alfalfa During Seven Months of the Year Location Year Month Number of samples B Protein P K Ca Mg Mn pet. pet. p_ct. pet. PCt. pet. £Ct. Strip Mine Strip Mine / Univ. of 111.^ 1948 1949 1948 Mar May May 3 6 3 3-11 3-37 2.56 19.4 19.8 16.0 .19 .22 .13 1.62 1.88 1.34 2.91 1.85 2.00 .54 .58 .49 .0090 .0028 .0065 Strip Mine Strip Mine j Univ. of 111.^ 19*48 1949 1948 June June June 3 7 3 3.25 2.59 3.06 20.3 16.2 19.1 .23 .19 .14 1.35 1.67 1.59 2.07 1.27 1.33 .45 .38 .47 .0066 .0030 .0070 Strip Mine Strip Mine , Univ. of Ill.S/ 1948 1949 1948 July July July 6 6 2 2.97 2.70 3.02 18.6 16.9 18.9 .20 .19 .20 1.53 1.86 1.44 1.74 1.10 1.78 .59 .39 .52 .0064 .0023 ..... Strip Mine Strip Mine / Univ. of Ill.fi/ 19^8 1949 1948 August August August 5 2 3 2.65 3.4o 3.35 16.6 21.3 20.9 .19 .30 .21 1.46 2.05 2.3 7 1.73 1.21 1.31 .49 .36 .40 .0068 .0014 ♦ 0070 Strip Mine Strip Mine / Univ. of Ill.fi/ 1948 1949 1948 September September September 3 1 3.48 3.39 2.81 21.8 21.2 17.6 .28 .25 .20 1.78 1.99 .81 1.77 1.26 1.46 •39 .31 .56 .0025 .0021 . . . » • Strip Mine Strip Mine / Univ. of 111.3' 1948 1949 1948 October October October 3 5 . 3-30 3.99 .... 20.6 24.9 •••• .22 .30 ... 1.81 2.57 .... I.67 1.18 . . * . .41 • 35 . • » .0098 .0015 Strip Mine Strip Mine / Univ. of 111.-' 1948 1949 1948 November November November U 3 . . » • 3.62 2.83 ...» 22.6 17.7 ... .24 .17 . . « . 2.01 1.35 . . .a 1.30 1.24 ... .37 .40 . . » • . .0030 .0249 Strip Mine 1948 Average 29 2.99 18.7 .21 1.56 1.87 .49 .0066 Strip Mine 1949 Average 19 2.80 17.5 .21 1.71 1.35 .38 .0022 ^518^ 1948 Average 50 2.75 17.2 .18 1.25 1.75 .49 .0100 Snider, H. J. Unpublished data. Snider, F. J. "Chemical Composition of Hay & Forage Crops". Illinois Agricultural Bxperiwnt Station Bulletin 518. 1946. -29- Table 12.~-Chemlcal Composition of Lad J no Clover and Alfalfa Leaves During Several Manths of the Year Number of Location Year Month samples N Protein P E Ca Mg pet. pet. pet. pet. £Ct. pet Strip Mine Strip Mine / Univ. of 111 A 19^ 1949 1948 May May May • • 4 2 .... 3.69 4.44 .... 23.1 27.8 ... .27 Ol . . • • 2.34 2.09 .... 1.82 1.68 ... .68 .47 Strip Mine Strip Mine / Univ. of 111*2/ 1948 1949 19^*6 June June June . . 4 2 3.03 3.56 • • • • 18.9 22.3 ... .23 .27 2.05 1.95 .... 1.60 1.45 • . . .60 .45 Strip Mine Strip Mine / Univ. of 111.*' 1948 19^9 1948 July July July 2 3 2 2.79 2.93 3.44 17.4 18.3 21.5 .25 .24 .26 1.60 2.17 1.90 1.74 1.47 1.56 .59 .54 .57 Strip Mine Strip Mine / Univ. of 111.*' 1948 19^9 1948 August August August 4 1 2 2.80 3.68 3.17 17.5 23.O 19.8 .21 .31 .24 1.29 2.28 1.88 1.57 .95 1.41 .56 .50 .51 Strip Mine Strip Mine / Univ. of 111.*' 1948 1949 1946 September September September 3 2 2.U8 3.34 3.^7 15.5 20.9 22.9 .22 .24 .27 1.12 2.22 1.93 1.30 I.07 1.55 .56 .52 .50 Strip Mine Strip Mine / Univ. of 111.*' 1948 19^9 1948 October October October 4 3 1 3.21 3.95 3.72 20.1 24.7 23.2 .24 .24 .23 1.83 2.51 2.10 1.53 1.22 1.40 .48 .47 .48 Strip Mine 1948 Average 13 2.85 17.8 .23 1.46 1.42 .49 Strip Mine 1949 Average 19 3.27 20.4 .24 2.38 1.46 .57 Univ. of 111^/ 1946-48 Average 50 3.56 22.2 .31 2.24 1.61 .46 Alfalfa , leaveB - 1948^ June 2 4.35 27.2 .33 1.94 2.52 .48 July 1 4.46 28.0 .29 2.51 1.82 .33 August 2 3.90 24.4 .20 1.94 1.88 .51 November 2 3.84 24.0 .23 1.83 2.00 .49 Average leaf 3 570 lb/A 4.10 25.6 .26 1.99 2.09 .45 Average stem 4 020 lb/A 2.00 12.5 .18 2.15 .83 .31 a/ Snider, H. J. Unpublished data. -30- Table 13.— 'Chemical Compo8ition of Three Grass Species Growing on Strip-Mined Lands at Six Different Tines of the Tear, 1949 Month and crop Number of samples N Protein P E Ca Mg Mn Si pet. pet. pet. pet. pet. pet. pet. pet. Ma7 (larly) Bromegrass Orchard grass Alt a fescue 2 3 3 2.60 2.19 1.92 I6.3 13.7 12.0 .21 .25 .22 2.75 2.92 2.57 .45 .23 .27 .29 .24 .36 .0135 .0114 .0113 2.40 1.62 2.38 May (Late) Bromegrass Orchard grass Alt a fescue 0 2 1 ... . 1.52 1.48 9.5 9.3 ... .26 .17 . . ft . 2.40 1.85 . .. .30 .30 ... .25 .35 ..... .0073 .0070 2.09 1.5* June Sronegrass Orchard grass Alta fescue 4 4 3 1.40 1.44 1.17 8.8 9.0 7.3 .15 .23 • 21 2.36 2.32 2.04 .40 .56 .36 .21 .33 .28 .0096 .0203 .0117 1.46 2*47 3.06 July Bromegrass Orchard grass Alta fescue 3 3 4 1.92 1.98 1.91 12.0 12.4 U.9 .24 .28 •28 2.36 2.71 1.91 .47 .70 .66 • 26 .45 .52 .0112 .0117 .0127 2.07 2.42 3.01 September Bromegrass Orchard grass Alta fescue 2 3 4 2.28 1.64 2.04 14.3 10O 12.8 • 26 .30 .22 2.04 2.02 2.28 .71 .63 .38 .39 .44 .3* .0205 .0200 .0119 3.03 3.65 2.61 October Bronegrass Orchard grass Alta fescue 2 3 4 1.66 2.20 1.98 10.4 13.8 12.4 .18 .35 .21 1.60 2.37 2.53 .99 .62 .58 .50 .38 .37 .0335 .0140 ♦0124 4.15 3.32 2.91 -31- ) k i ■ » Mi ■•• • 7 V Two alfalfa and two sweet clover plants growing on strip-mine land showing top and root growth. The two plants to the left are alfalfa plants. The long taproot of the left plant was over k feet long, while the other root shows more branching, The sweet clover plants to the right show a less extensive root system. However, some sweet clover plants have "been dtig with taproots also over k feet long. (Fig. ^) -32- slx legume species Is listed in Table Ik, The plants were in the full bloom stage except for the first-year sweet clover which was dug in October. The nitrogen content of the roots is generally lower than the tops except for the first-year sweet clover. The calcium content of the roots is from 4 to 7 times lower than the calcium content of the tops. Animal Gains as a Method of Measuring Yield and Quality: This is the third year during which steers have grazed on strip- mine pastures and their gains compared with gains made by steers that grazed on undisturbed land in bluegrass. During the 19**# and 19^9 seasons the University of Illinois, Animal Science Department, furnished the steers used in the tests. In 1950 the steers used were owned by Mr. Byron Somers, Canton, Illinois, Fulton county, on whose farm the tests were made. Twenty head of good to high good steers were selected from a drove of cattle which had been wintered on legume hay, corn silage, and some concen- trate. On May 5 the steers were gate sorted into two lots. Ten steers were grazed on strip-mined lands, while the same number were run on a bluegrass pasture as a check or control group. Both pastures were the same as those used in 19^8 and 19^9 in the Pulton county tests. The steers were kept on the respective pastures until November 7, a total of 186 days. After that date the two lots were run together on an alfalfa, Ladino and bromegrass pasture and started on a light feed of corn* On November 20, after they had been on feed for 13 days, 17 steers were weighed individually. As will be noted in Table 15, 8 steers of Lot 1 and 9 steers of Lot 2 were individually weighed instead of 10 in each lot. When experimental cattle are grazed with other cattle it is difficult to separate and process the test steers, even though the steers were branded. Individual weighing is also a problem particularly if the corral end scale are not -33- Table 14. — Comparison of the Chemical Composition of the Top and Boot Material of Six Species, 1949 Number of Part of Tield ratio Species samples plant I Protein P K Ca Mg root to tops pet. £Ct. pet. Ect. PjCt. ESt« Alfalfa 7 Tops Boots 2.62 2.04 16.4 12.8 .19 .20 1.60 1.07 1.41 .3^ .42 .22 1:2.41 Sweet clover 1st year (Oct. ) 2 Tops Boots 2.23 3.^3 13.9 21.4 .19 .31 1.05 .90 .63 .10 .42 .28 1:0.97 Sweet clover 2nd year (Bloom) 8 Tops Boots 2.41 1.39 15.1 8.7 .19 .19 1.70 1.88 1.11 .17 .54 .59 1:5.77 Bed clover 3 Tops Boots 2.62 1.99 16.4 12.4 .15 .15 1.74 1.26 1.32 .25 .55 .52 No data Alsike 2 Top 8 Boots 2.29 2.19 14.3 13-7 .13 .13 1.85 1.23 1.00 .19 .59 .75 No data Blrdsfoot trefoil 2 Tops Boots 2.59 2.63 16.2 16.4 .22 .26 1.30 1.14 1.58 .21 .68 .29 No data Lad i no 1 Tops Boots 2.96 2.30 18.5 14.4 .22 .24 1.95 1.32 1.55 .20 .66 .*3 No data Table 15.— Individual Weights of Steers Pastured in 1950 Lot 1 — Spoil bank pastures - Fulton county Weight Weights' Gain on Arerage Tattoo May 5 Hot* 20 pasture dally gain fe JST^ — w* ur — 78 790 1 110 320 l.6l 80 850 1 150 300 1.51 82 810 1 200 390 1.96 84 850 1 200 350 1.76 86 810 • •• • • • •• .»•* 88 700 • • • • • • • 90 930 1 130 200 1.01 92 830 1 110 280 1.41 9^ 850 1 170 320 1.61 96 790 1 120 J30 1.66 Are rage ■ 821 1 149 311 1.56 Lot 2 — Undisturbed bluegrass pasture Fulton county 79 860 1 110 250 1.26 81 800 1 030 230 1.16 83 870 1 140 270 I.36 85 820 1 040 220 1.11 87 740 940 200 1.01 89 850 1 110 260 1.31 91 790 990 200 1.01 93 760 ... .... 94 790 1 060 270 I.36 94 888 1 070 190 .95 Areraget 816 1 054 232 1.17 & Weights after 186 day* of pasture plus 13 daye on feed (corn) and alfalfa, Ladino, brome field pasture. -35- especially equipped. Two steers were acidentally let out at the same time and were mixed with the herd again. It was not practical to resort and re- inspect the whole herd to get the individual weights of the two steers. These are the reasons why only 1? steers were weighed individually. The results, in terms of animal gains, for the 199 day period were as follows: Av. wt. Av. wt. Av. total Av. daily May 5 Ho v. 20 gain gain lb. lb. lb. lb. Lot 1, test steers^ 2/ 838 1 149 311 I.56 Lot 2, control steers-7 822 1 054 232 1.3 7 — ' Average Initial and final weights of 8 steers. «* Average initial and final weights of 9 steers. Table 15 gives the individtial weights of each steer on May 5 and on November 20 and shows the difference in individual gains. For the 17 steers on which individual weights were taken the total gain varied from a high of 390 pounds to a low of 190 pounds per head. A statistical analysis of the results shows that the difference in gains made by the two lots is highly significants The 19**8 and 19^9 results showed no significant difference in the gains made by the two groups. Lot weights of both groups of steers were obtained on August 14. Lot 1 had gained an average of 151 pounds while Lot 2 had gained an average of 1*»4 pounds per head. The average daily gains for the 101 days that they had been on pasture were 1.50 and 1.44 pounds respectively. Unfortunately neither lot of steers was weighed when it was removed from its experimental pasture on November 7 and turned onto a field of alfalfa-Ladino, bromegrass pasture where grain feeding was begun. However, all steers, except 3t were weighed individually November 20, but these weights were in all probability materially larger than those which would have been obtained 13 days earlier before grain feeding had begun. If it is assumed that the steers gained -36- 30 pounds each during the 13-day feeding period, the pasture gains for Lot 1 would be 281,5 pounds for 186 days. Of this gain 151 pounds wsre made the first 101 days for an average of 1,50 pounds per day and 1*4-7 pounds were made in the last 85 days for an average of 1,73 pounds per day, The averages for the first 101-day period are for 10 steers while the averages for the last period are for 8 steers. Using the same assumptions for Lot 2, a gain of 208 pounds in 186 days is obtained, 1**4 pounds of which were made in the first 101 days for an average of 1.43 pounds per day, while only 64 pounds were made in the last 85 days for an average of only 0,75 pound per day* These results show that during the last half of the grazing period the gains made on the strip-mine pasture were very much higher than those made on the bluegrass pasture. The quality of forage on the strip-mine pasture was excellent throughout the year. The growth of legumes during the late summer and early fall was especially outstanding* A summary of the results obtained during the three grazing seasons in terms of average daily gains is as follows: Av, daily Av, daily Av. daily Three-year Av. gain gain gain daily gain 19**8 1949 1950 1948-1950 lb. lb. lb. lb. Lot 1, strip-mine pasture 1.19 0.98 1.56 1.24 Lot 2, farm-land pasture 1.29 1.10 1.17 1.19 The three-year average daily gain for the Lot 1 steers was 1.24 pounds compared with 1.19 pounds for the Lot 2 steers. The average number of days on pasture was 176 days, A statistical analysis of the results obtained over the three-year period shows that the difference in gains made by the two lots is not significant. In 1950 it was possible also to obtain the gains nade by several herds of livestock grazing on strip-mined lands. One of these was a herd of -37- Livestock on full feed of concentrate while on t trip-mined pastures in Fulton county* (*ig. 5) -38- 95 yearling steers owned by Mr. Byron Somers of Fulton county* The average weight of these 95 steers was approximately 480 pounds when turned on the strip-mined pasture on May 5» 1950. Their average weight on December 1, 1950, was 789 pounds* These steers grassed on the pasta.ro3 for 210 days and had gained an average of 309 pounds per steer. They made an average dally gain of 1.4? pounds, whereas the 10 test steers on similar pasture made an average daily gain of 1.56 pounds during practically the same period. The Meadowlark Farms, Inc. pastured a total of 95 steers and 33 heifers on strip-mined lands in Fulton county in 1950. The 95 steers were turned on pasture on May 1 at an approximate weight of 500 pounds. They were taken off on October 11, at which time 43 of the more common steers were sold at an average weight of 732 pounds. This represents a gain of 232 pounds in 165 days of grazing or an average daily gain of 1.4 pounds. The rest of the steers were placed on full feed and have not been marketed as yet. The 33 heifers also were placed on the strip-mine pastures on May 1 at an average weight of about 450 pounds. They were taken off on September 17 when 26 head were sold at an average weight of 648 pounds. This represents a gain of 198 pounds in 138 days for an average dally gain of 1.4 pounds. ECONOMIC IKTEEPRBTATIONS: Methods, Costs, and Feasibility of Forage Species Establishment: The methods of seeding the mined areas in the past have been hand seeding, tractor mounted power seeder, and air seeding by airplane and heli- copter. There were no air seedings of strip-mined land made in Illinois in 1950. The length of time required to seed the areas depends to a great extent on the species seeded. The seed of some of the grass species is very light in weight and bulky and requires more time to seed. It required 357 -39- hours to seed one block of 262 acres by hand seeding or approximately 1 hour and 22 minutes per acre. Another area of 65 0 acres was hand seeded in 355 hours or approximately 33 minutes per acre. The windmill type of hand seeder has been most successful* The total cost per acre varied greatly depending on the kind of seed or mixture used, the seeding rate per acre, as well as the labor involved. During the 1950 season the total costs ranged between $10 to $15 per acre. Accessibility After Establishment: In developing a mined area for pasture, accessibility throughout the area is of prime importance. Those who have had experience in managing livestock on strip-mined pasture are in accord with the recommendations and need for adequate roadways. The term adequate is extremely relative and usually too few roadways are made rather than too many. Some companies in developing an area for pasture have been knocking off the tops of all ridges to a width of from 12 to 16 feet before seeding. On one 305 acre area, using a D-8 dozer, it required 356 hours to top all ridges to an approximate average top width of Ik feet. Based upon a compe- tent mining engineering source the total cost of operating a D-8 dozer under 1950 prevailing costs, mine labor rates, insurance, depreciation, etc., was approximately $7*35 per hour. At the rate of $7*35 P©r hour the cost to strike-off all the ridges on this 305 acre area would be approximately $8.60 per acre. If the strike-off work can be done for a reasonable amount the benefits derived will more than repay the costs. The area is readily ac- cessible to seed either by hand or with tractor mounted seeders, roadways are already made, the management and control of livestock are made easier, and the scenery or sky line has been improved. Financial Returns: The factor that will determine the extent of development and future -40- Yiew of a grading project for a fence line and roadway into a large mined area. Adequate roadways and fencing into smaller pasture fields for rotational grazing are essential for efficient livestock management, (Fig. 6) -41- uee of mined areas is the financial returns realized from the use of strip- mined pasture lands or on leveled areas from the product produced. Financial returns on the pastures are dependent upon the gains made by livestock and the price of the livestock, and on the leveled areas on the yield and price of the produce raised. For example from the pasture lands, if over a 1?6 day pasture season each steer gained on the average 1*25 pounds per day, then 220 pounds of beef would be produced per steer* Also assuming, and there is some basis for the assumption, that the carrying capacity of a good strip-rained pasture is 2 acres per head or animal unit per year, then each acre of the pasture has produced 110 pounds of beef per year. If the beef were sold at 28 cents per pound, the gross value would be $30.80 per acre* What return can be expected from a leveled area? If such an area were growing alfalfa and were cut for hay, assuming a yield of 3*5 tons of alfalfa hay per acre (average yield reported in Table 7) and a value of $20 per ton, the gross returns would be $?0 per acre* The actual yield of 1 acre of alfalfa hay in 1950 was 186 bales or 12,620 pounds or 6*3 tons per acre* At $20 per ton the gross returns on this acre of leveled land in 1950 were $126* One way of utilizing a strip-mined land is by organizing the mined and unained land into farm units* By following a planned, long-range program, the costs and problems of establishing a profitable farm unit, the nucleus of which is the strip-mined land, can be greatly reduced* To accomplish this, two things need to be done: (l)The lands that do not contain mineable coal, and which make up a part of every mine property, must be improved and main- tained as soon as control is acquired, and (2) the mined land must be de- veloped progressively each year and utilized as soon as It is ready to produce* -42- The most concentrated and continued use of these lands will be made in this way, • — by Incorporating the ained land with surrounding farm land into a well organized farm unit. This principle has been put into effect in a number of instances* According to the Illinois Coal Strippers Association there are 16 units in operation or under planning and development at this time* These 16 units involve approximately 9*000 acres of mined land, approximately 5*000 acres of which were in actual use during 1950 and most of the remaining 4,000 acres will be used during 1951* The strip-mined areas in these units vary in size from 80 to 2,500 acres* The units also vary widely from well -planned, highly organized, operating units and well planned units not yet in full operation to areas that are used only for grazing purposes. An example of some of the steps that are taken to organize and evaluate such a farm unit is presented* A plan similar to this can be drawn up for the utilization of most of the strip-mined lands in Illinois* A FARM ORGANIZATION AND OPERATIONAL PLAN FOR LAND-USE OF A TYPICAL STRIP- MIKE AREA PUT INTO OPERATION IN 1950: Description of Soil and Land Capabilities Classification: This proposed plan is for 743*5 acres of land that has been classi- fied as follows: 265 acres of tillable crop land, 206*5 acres of non tillable land, and 272 acres of strip-mined land* Bie land use capabilities are as follows: Class II 179 A* Clinton and Berwick s.l. Class III 56 Rolling Clinton phase Bottom 30 Hunt svl lie-like s.l* Class VI 206*5 Hickory Complex Spoils 272 Seeded Marcn, 1950 Die Class II land ( 1 1 on map) can be cultivated safely with easily applied special practices* Bie predominant soil types are Clinton silt loam and Berwick loam, with a productive rating of 5 to 6* The rotation sug- -43- gested is a 2-1-2, or more specific, corn, corn, oats or other small grain, hay, hay* The conservation practices needed are adequate grass waterways and the application of limestone and phosphate and the growing of legumes* Approximately 56 acres of tillable land are Class III land* The dominant soil types are probably strongly sloping Clinton silt loam or lee 8 severe Hickory complex* When the land is cultivated more intensive conservation practices are necessary* Grass waterways, contour farming, and a less severe rotation are recommended* The suggested rotation is 1-1-4, or corn, oats, hay, hay, hay, hay* The remaining 30 acres is bottomland* This land is subject to overflow, but is potentially productive* The rotation suggested is corn, beans, with a rye cover crop. The nontlllable land, Class VI, is land that is not suitable for cultivated crops but is suitable for pasture. This land should be renovated for best pasture production* The 272 acres of strip-mined land were thoroughly sampled and the soil tested* Ninety-five samples were taken and the average pH was 7*4?, tiie average available phosphorus was 145*7 pounds and the aver- age available potassium was 153*6 pounds, excellent for potential pas tore production. This area was seeded during March, 1950, with a mixture of al- falfa, sweet clover, Mammoth clover, Ladino clover, orchard grass, and brome- grass at the rate of 20 pounds per acre. These pastures should be ready for use after April 30, 1951* There is a total of 478*5 acres of pastureland* The land use capabilities map is presented, and shows field arrange- ment, size of fields, and possible rotations. The proposed land use during a complete rotation cycle is also given* Investment for Limestone and Phosphate: The soil of the tillable crop land was sampled and tested for acidity, phosphorus, and potassium. Past history of the fields shows that i -44~ llttle or no limestone or phosphate or manure has been applied the last 8 years. The tests reveal that 3 tons of limestone and 1,000 pounds of rock phosphate are required on all 265 acres. These applications should be made as soon as it fits into the rotation to do so, either before the oats or the teans are seeded. A summary of the estimates are: 3 T/A. Ls. • $ 3.25/T 1,000 #/A. r.phos. ® 24.00/ T $ 9. 75/ A. 12.00 Total Cost • $ 2,583.75 3,180.00 . $ 5,763.75 Commercial fertilizers are also recommended (see Field plans) but they are considered to be annual expenditures with no carry-over value. PH0P0SED LAUD USE DURING A COMPLETE ROTATION CYCLE Field No, Class II 1 2 3 Acres 36 31 )-38 7) 2^ 12) 9)-35 1*0 36 1222 0atsH Corn Beans Corn Oats (Lesp.H) 1251 Hay Oats H Oats (Lesp.H) Corn Corn 1252 Corn Hay Hay Oats Corn H mi Corn Corn Hay Hay Oats 122 Oats Corn Corn Hay Hay Class III A *1 B2 Cl C2 ll '■ 179 Acres 11 8 7 10 10 10 H Corn 0at8ii Beans Oats~ Beans Oats Oats(S.C) Corn Oats| Hay OatsH Hay 56 Acres Bottomland I II 1255 Hay Oats Corn Corn Hay Hay Hay Corn Oats Hay Hay Hay Corn Hay Oatsfl Hay Hay Hay Hay Oats* Hay Hay Corn Hay Oats Hay Hay Corn Hay H 14 16 Beans(Cov) Corn Beans (Cov)Corn Beans(Cov) Corn Beans (Cov) Corn Beans (Cov) Corn Corn Beans ( Cov) 30 Acres 265 Acres of Tillable Crop Land* Koncrop land 206.5 Acres Permanent Place Land Pasture. Spoils 272 Acres Permanent Spoils Pasture, Seeded March, 1950. 98 98 99 91 45 46 46 49 108 105 106 109 14 16 14 16 478.5 478.5 478.5 478.5 -45- Acres of Corn 100 95 Acres of Oats 102 98,.^ Acres of Hay (36)(Les) 56U ; Acres of Beans 63 16 Acres of Pasture 478.5 478.5 Fence: She fence lines are shown on the land use map by the lines. The area around the farm headquarters, northwest quarter of Section 26, will require approximately 672 rods. Woven wire, plus 2 strands of 4-pt. barb wire, and posts approximately 1 rod apart, are recommended for this area. The total cost of the material and erection is estimated to be $2.50 per rod. For the re- mainder of the fence, 4 strands of ^~pt. barb wire and posts 1 rod apart are sug- gested. The total cost of this type of construction is estimated to be $1.50 per rod. The following breakdown for the fence is: 1. Northeast quarter, north of haulage road 38O rod 2. Large block of spoils 984 rod 3. West block of spoils 620 rod 4. Hornback area 300 rod 2 284 rod 5. Northwest quarter, woven wire 672 rod grass Waterways: No added cost is estimated in the Installation of the waterways be- cause in most instances this can be accomplished during the time the hay or meadow occupies the land* Acreages and Probable Production: The estimated yields that are expected on this farm are based on yields predicted in Illinois B-522 "How Productive are Illinois Soils." For the Clinton silt loam soil type under good soil management the following yields can be expected: Corn — 64 bushels; soybeans — 24 bushels; oats — 37 bushels; grass-legume hay — 2.2 tons* For the first two years, 195° and 1951» lower yields have been used and is reflected in the Crops income. The acreages and probable production areas follows, 1952 being the year summarized: -46- Q. < I- Z o z < < o I- < u < -I u >- CO < Q- < «/> a H H < < < _i _i _i u u u r* III §2 '.vy V -■^ J&jSSttvft >fftT>T\ ,STO^ffff,^'SBg -47- Crop Acres Corn Oats Soybeans Ha 7- "baled Grass silage Permanent Pasture 98 45 14 Place land Spoils 206.5 272 Estimated production j>er acre Total 55-67 DU. 6 446 bu. 35 to. 1 575 bu. 24 bu. 336 bu. . 124 i.y 2.2 T. 5.0 T. 390 T. 2 l/2 acres 200 Head per animal of steers 743.5 Unlt* */ The second cutting of area used for grass silage is cut for hay. Under normal production the carrying capacity of the spoils pasture has been estimated to be from 2 to 4 acres per animal unit. For this area the carrying capacity is estimated to be one animal unit per 2 1/2 acres. At this rate the total pasture area should support approximately 200 head of yearling steers. Up to this point the cropping system, the land use possibilities and the cost of a permanent fertility program have been expounded. The next step is to fit the livestock program to the cropping system and to estimate Income and expenditures, and then the rate of earning of the capital invested. Livestock Enterprise: As stated previously the farm has a total of 478 acres of permanent pasture of which 272 acres is mined land. From past experiences with spoil bank pastures in Illinois the carrying capacity has been estimated at from 2 to 4 acres per animal unit. The carrying capacity is estimated at 2 l/2 acres per animal unit since these are some of the better spoils in Illinois. At this rate of stocking just under 200 head of steers can be handled. High good to choice yearling steers are recommended because this grade can best utilise the large amounts of pasture and roughage that are pro- duced. -48- Cattle feeding risks can be reduced by buying and selling wisely. From a study of seasonal price movements based on averages over a period of years, it is shown that the seasonal low for good feeder steers is in the fall from August to November. The seasonal high price for good fat steers the past years has been in the fall from August to October with September being the high month* Prices in a particular year may vary from the seasonal price due to different factors that may influence prices in any particular year* Thus, vary buying time and selling time with the present outlook. In starting this program (1950) it is recommended that about 70 head (2 carload) of good yearling steers be purchased in August or September, 1950, weighing about 55® pounds. In the fall of 1951* 200 steers should be purchased. The steers can utilize wastes such as cornstalks, bean fields, meadow aftermath, spoil pastures, etc., until approximately December 1. Up to this time the steers have been owned about 90 days and should weigh between 600 to 625 pounds. The wintering period is estimated to last until April 15# a period of about 140 days. Stocker cattle should be wintered sufficiently well to obtain normal rate of growth with little or no Improvement in condition. This objective is achieved when approximately 1.0 pound gain per day is made by yearling steers. The wintering ration recommended Is: Grass silage 28 pounds for 140 days 200 head 392 T. Mixed hay and straw 6 pounds for 1*K) days 200 head 84 T. The summer pasture is estimated to begin April 15 to 20 at which time the steers go on the spoil bank pasture. Good rotation management is necessary to keep the pastures producing well and steers to gain adequately. The steers will weigh about 725 pounds on April 15» and estimating the follow- ing monthly gains while on pasture: April, 10 pounds; Kay, 80 pounds; and June, 60 pounds; a total of 150 pounds. The steers will weigh 850 to 875 -49- pounds by July 1. At this time they are to begin the 90 to 120 day fattening period. The feeding for the first 30 days at least can be started while still on pasture. From results obtained from grazing experiments conducted in 1948 and 1949 the steers have gained 1 pound per day for a 180 day pasture season. Good 2- year-old steers should make an average daily gain of 2,5 pounds per day while on feed. At this rate of gain they should weigh between 1,050 to 1,100 poiuids by October 1. In an average year at this rate 200 pounds of steers will weigh a total of 210,000 pounds. The fattening ration suggested is: 30 days on pasture; 13 pounds corn-and-cob meal - Jl days - 200 head - 1,151 bu. 60 days in dry lot; 13*5 pounds shelled corn - 6l days - 200 head - 2,9^1 bu. 6.75 pounds mixed hay - 6l days - 200 head - hi, 2 T. 1 pound protein sup. - 6l days - 200 head - 6.1 T. The total amount and cost of feed utilized is: January 1950 January 1951 Estimate Estimate w. , Grass silage 392 T. © $6.00/T $ 2 352,00 $ 7.50 $ 2 940.00 Winter period ^y 8J^ straw 84 T, © 12.00/T. 1 008.00 20.00 1 680.00 Corn 4 092 bu. © .90 3 683. 00 1.75 7 161.00 Fattening ^ 4l#2 T# @ 12.00/T. 500.00 20.00 824.00 period Protein 6.1 T. © 80.00/T. 488.00 90.00 549. 00 $ 8 031.00 $13 15^.00 Hogs Enterprise: Hogs following full-fed steers can be expected to make 2 pounds gain per bushel of corn while the steers are fed on legume pasture and 1.5 pounds per bushel while on dry lot. The ratio of hogs to cattle, no extra corn fed to hogs is 1.3. At this rate approximately 66 hogs should follow the 200 steers. For simplicity in computation the 66 hogs are purchased weighing 110 pounds at 15 cents per pound. The gains expected from the hogs: 31 days 1,150 bu. corn fed - 2 lb. gain per bushel - 2,302 lb. or 35 lb/head 6l days 2,941 bu. corn fed - 1.5 lb. gain per bushel - 4,411 lb. or 67 lb/head A total of 6,713 pounds of pork is produced by this means at no extra cost for -50- feed. A summary of livestock numbers and feed requirement, crop prodaction and disposal Is as follows: Grass Protein Livestock Corn bu. Oats "bu. Mixed hay silage supplement Beans bu. 200 yearling stockeri 200 2-year-olds 66 hogs i 0 4 092 Follow 0 0 cattle no 84 T. 41.2 T. extra feed. 392 T. 0 0 6.1 T. 0 0 Total use Production For sale Purchase 4 092 6 446 2 354 0 1 575 1 575 125 124 392 390 0 6.1 0 6.1 0 336 336 The seasonal high price for grain is as follows: Corn — July; oats-~ April; soybeans — May. Farmstead Arrangement: In planning the farmstead an arrangement should be considered that provides adequate and economical units of construction and land use for maximum efficiency, beauty and enjoyment. The arrangement of the buildings and lots and the type of building construction determine to a considerable degree the efficiency of doing the work at the farmstead as well as the attractiveness of the home* Building Requirements: The values here given are very rough estimates. The physical re- quirements are those needed for adequate production. Barn (30 x 50 present now) $ 2 000.00 Shed around barn 2 000.00 Paved lot 2 500.00 Feed bunks 300.00 Crib (8« - 12.000 cu.ft., 4,200 bu. ) 2 200.00 Silo 1 800.00 Machine shed 1 200.00 House 2 500.00 Total value ...... $14 500.00 The center of the farmstead is the barn and crib area. The space needed per animal is 25 sq. ft. of shed space plus 35 sq. ft. of paved lot -51- area. Thus, for 200 head of cattle 5»000 sq. ft. of shed space and 7,000 sq. ft. of pared lot is needed. By "building a shed around the present barn adequate shed space can he provided. The center of the "barn can he used for baled hay. The area needed for 125 ton of hay is 20,000 cu. ft. Die paved lot should be 5 inches thick and reinforced. The estimated cost is $2,500. Approximately 14, 31 x l6f feeding bunks with access to both sides and approximately 260 linear feet of hay feeding space is required. A masonry silo for the grass silage is recommended. The reason for grass silage is this. Rainy weather at first cutting time usually results in poor quality first cutting hay. This can be partially solved by using as much of the first cut- ting as needed for grass silage. Just under 400 tons can be fed. Approximately 12 gallons of water per head is needed daily. This needs to be provided only during wintering and fattening periods. Uhere is adequate water in the spoil bank pastures. Cattle on pasture require approxi- mately 2,^ pounds of salt per month, and 100 pounds in dry lot. Block salt is the most convenient form to use. From 20 to 22 pounds of salt per animal are needed or about 2 tons of block salt per cycle. Estimated Prices; This plan was prepared for action in the spring of 1950. The prices used were conservative estimates of what prices might be in a declining price market. Actually as a result of the Korean war and the military preparedness programs, prices have increased. By using the physical unite, given and the current prices for each product the financial statement can be adjusted to any conditions. The prices used in the estimate ms.de in January, 1950, for the crops are as follows: Corn, 90 cents; oats, 50 cents; soybeans $1.90 per bushel; baled hay $12 per ton and grass silage $6 per ton. The current prices for -52- the same crops in January, 1951 » were «* follows: Corn, $1.75; oats, 95 cents; soybeans $3.20 per bushel; hay $20 per ton and grass silage $7.50 per ton. Using the 1950 estimate the total crop receipts for 1952 would be $11,055 and using the 1951 current price the crop receipts would be $29,257.00. Similarly the cost of the feed for livestock based on 195° estimates would be $3,360 for the wintering period plus $^»665 for the fattening period making an estimated total of approximately $8,031 compared to a total of $13,15^ by using the 1951 current price. The estimate made in 1950 as to what the price of good grade steers would be in 1952 was 20 cents per pound. Thue , it was estimated that in the fall of 1951, 200 steers weighing 550 pounds each should be purchased at an estimated total cost of $22,000. Again using the January, 1951 current price of approximately 30 cents per pound the total cost of these steers would be $33,000. According to Snapp (2) profits from cattle feeding usually result from selling the original weight of the steer for more than it cost. The algebraic difference between the sale and cost prices per hundredweight is referred to as "the margin. H The factors that determine the amount of margin that must be had to cover all costs are: (l) The initial weight of the cattle, (2) the cost per hundredweight of the cattle, (3) the cost of the gains made, and (4) the amount of gains made. By using the large amounts of grasses and legumes produced on strip-* mine farms it is possible to keep the cost of livestock gains relatively low. When light-weight, high-quality cattle are used and the cost of the gains kept relatively low a profit can be made even when using a zero price margin spread. In this estimate the purchase price is used as the selling price, or a zero margin price spread is used. -53- The January, 1950 estimate of the price of cattle In 1952 was 20 cents per pound. The current January, 1951 price is approximately 3° cents per pound. Likewise the 195° estimate of hogs selling in 1952 was 15 cents per pound but the current 1951 price for hogs is approximately 20 dents per pound* Expenditures, Receipts. Net Income. Rate Earned on Capital Investment: The differences in prices are reflected in the two summary sheets presented. The first is based on the estimate made January, 1950 of what prices were to be in the following three years. The second is based on the current January, 1951 prices. Using the 195° estimates the net returns for capital and management for 1952 are estimated to be about $9,609 but using the current 1951 prices as listed the net returns for capital and management are $20,204. This plan shows that even in a period of lower prices it should be profitable to utilize the strip-mined lands. Using the Twenty-fourth Farm Bureau Farm Management report for farms averaging 340-^99 acres on which livestock is the principal enterprise, the Strip-Mine Farm, for the year 1952. can be rated or compared in the following ways: Strip-Mine Farm (Soil Rating 3.1.) 12.9$ $ 10.03 100.41 33.08 43.11 11.99$ $ 16.80 240.21 101.90 118.70 1. Rate earned on investment 2. Net Mgt. returns per acre 3. Capital invested per acre 4. Total ln-puts per acre 5» Total returns per acre Using the current January, 1951 prices as shown in the second summary sheet the comparisons are as follows: 1. Rate earned on investment 2. Net Mgt. returns per acre 3# Capital invested per acre 4. Total in-put s per acre 5» Total returns per acre 22.2$ 11.99$ $ 24.29 $ 28.83 122.58 240.21 43.77 101.90 68.06 118.70 _54~ Estimate Made January, 1950 of What Prices May Be, in a Declining Price Period, for the Following Ohree Years Summary Sheet Strip-Mine Farm (7^3*5 Acres) Annual charge- off Items Yalue rate 1950 1951 1952 1. Land improvement $ 5 765.00 10# $ 577 $ 577 $ 577 2. Spoil devp. (seed & labor) 3 285.00 10# 329 329 329 3. Access roads, etc. (bldzr) 5 000.00 12 l/2# 625 625 625 4. Fence 5 106.00 5t 256 256 256 5. Buildings 14 500.00 4£ 580 580 580 6. Machinery & equipment 9 300.00 12 l/2# 1 165 1 165 1 165 7. Int. on capital Invest. 42 956.00 $ Hay YIELD: 2.2 tons per acre x 20 = 44 tons © $14.00 $ 616.00 -8- 1951 LIVESTOCK PLAN The 70 steers weigh 625 lb. each Jan. 1, and are to weigh 725-750 oy April 15* The remaining winter ration and cost is: 57 tons of hay • $14.00 - $ 798.00 Corn and cob meal - 484.00 Total Cost $ 1 282.00 On April 15 they will weigh an estimated 725 lb. each. PASTURE J*rom April 15 until July 10 - on pasture alone. If they gain 10 lb. each in April* 80 lb. in May, 60 lb. in June and 10 lb. to July 10, at that date they will weigh about 875 pounds. f ATTESTING PERIOD Teed the steers on pasture nearest the barn area. If fed from July 10 to Sept. 30 - 82 days, and if they gain 2*5 lb. per day, they should weigh 1,080 lb* by Sept. 30. Estimate they will average 1,050 lb. and sell for 23 cents (purchase price - no margin). The gross receipts on 73*500 lb* of beef will be - $16 905.00 FEED REQUIRED DURING FATTENING PROGRAM: Hay - 7# x 70 x 82 a 20 tons of leg. hay » $14.00 - $ 280.00 Shelled Corn-15# x 70 x 82 s 1435 bu. corn ® $ 1.00 bu.- 1 435.00 Protein Sup - 1# x 70 x 82 ■ 2.87 tons » $80.00 - 229.60 $1 944.60 Sept. 1, 1951 - "buy 200 head hi good steers weighing 550 lb. ® 20 cents. Clean up period until December 1, 1951 31 days wintering on: 28# Grass-leg. silage - 86.8 tons © $6.00 $ 520.30 6# Hay - mixed (A straw) - 18.6 tons • 12.00 232. 50 Total $ 7r?09 Total feed Costs $3 979.90 CLOSING INVENTORY Steers weigh 650 lb. d 20 cents (no margin) x 200 s $ 26 000.00 -9- By letting hogs run with the steers while on feed, some of the waste corn can he salvaged. Buy 23 hogs weighing 100 Id. for $15/cwt. - $3^5.00 cost By Octoher hogs will weigh 23? lb. each @ 15 cents 5^51 lb. 817. 65 (See Summary Sheet) -io~ 1952 FIELD AND CROPPING PLAN Jld. (1) 36 Acres Corn Cost $1.?5/A x 36 Acres $63.00 Yield 67 bu/A x 36 Acres = 2,412 bushels ® .90 - $2 170.80 Fids. (2) A (3) 72 Acres Hay cut for grass silage Yield 5 Tons/A - 36O Tons ® $6.00/Ton - $2 160 (1st cutting only for silage) 2nd cutting, 72 acres yielding 3/^ T/A - 54 x 12 648 $2 808 Fid. (4) 35 Acres Oats 2 bu/A ® .60 $1.20 x 35 $42.00 Grass & legume seed 6. 20 x 35 217.00 Alfalfa 6 60 Bed CI. 4 50 Timothy 3 20 Fertilizer 100 lb/A 0-20-20 3-00 x 35 105.00 Yield 35 bu/A 35 Acres - 1,225 bu. © .50 612.50 Fid. (5) 36 A Corn Seed $1.75/A 36 Acres $63.00 Yield 67 bu/A 36 Acres - 2,412 bu. ® .90 $2,170.80 Class III (red) A) 36 Acres - Cut 6 Acres for silage 1st cut 5 T/A B) - 30 T. Silage ® $6.00 - $180.00 C) Hay - second cut on 6 Acres. Total of 4 Tons Hay 30 A x 2.2 T/A 66 Tons 70 Tons @ 12.00 - 840.00 $ 1 020.00 C^ Oats, 10 Acres Seed $1.20 x 10 - $12.00 Legume seed 6,20 x 10 - 62.00 Fertilizer 3.00 x 10 30.00 $104.00 Yield: 35 bu/A 10 Acres - 350 bu. x .50 - $175.00 C2 Corn 10 Acres Seed $1,75 x 10 - $17.50 Yield: 55 bu/A x 10 - 550 bu. • .90 - $495.00 -11- 1952 PLANS (CONT'D) Bottomland I 1** Acres Beans Seed $3.65/A x W - $51.10 Eye CoTer Crop 1.50/A x 14 21,00 $72.10 Yield: 24 bu/A 14 Acres - 336 bu. © $1.90 - $638.40 II Corn 16 Acres Seed $1.75/ A x 16 $23.00 Yield: 67 bu/A. 16 Acres - 1,072 bu. © .90 - $964.80 1952 LIVESTOCK PLAN Steers weigh 650 lb. rained at $26,000 on January 1. Ration for wintering con- tinued from December 31, 1951 • 28 lb, grass silage 305.2 Tons $6.00 - $1 831.20 6 lb. hay 65.4 Ions 12.00 - 734.80 COST $2 616.00 Summer Pasture - April 15, Weight 725-750 Gain April 10 Nay 80 June 60 150 pounds 150 $875 July 1 Fattening Feed 30 days on pasture 13 lb. corn and cob meal, 31 days - 200 head - 1,151 bushels 60 days dry lot Corn 13.5 61 days x 200 head 2,941 bu. Protein 1 61 days x 200 head 6.1 Tons Mixed hay 6.75 61 days x 200 head 41.2 Tons Total Teed and Cost (Winter & Fattening) Corn 4,092 bu. © .90 $3 683 Hay 106.6 © $12.00 1 279.20 Grass silage 305.2 © 6.00 1 831.20 Protein 6.1 © 80.00 T. 488.00 $7 281.40 $7 281.40 Sell steers October 1 weighing 1,050 lb. for 20 cents. 210,000 lb. of beef - 42,000 September 1, purchase 200 more steers (hi-goods) 550 lb. © 20 - $22,000 Clean up period until December 1, 1952 31 days wintering 28 lb. grass silage 86.8 T $6.00 $520 6 lb. Hay A straw 18.6 T 12.00 230 $750 750.00 TOTAL FEED COSTS $8 031.*»O < Closing Inventory, December 31, 1952 Steers 65O lb. © 20 cents - x 200 — $26,000 -12- Hay Enterprise 1952: Hogs running with the steers while fattening is a worth- while project. For simplicity following estimates are made*. Buy 66 hogs weighing 110 Id. each to 15 cents — $1 089.00 By Oct. 1 they will weigh 212 lb. each ® 15 cents 2 099.00 See summary sheet for explanation. SUMMARY OF CROP YIELDS AMD EXPENSES Figld^ (1) 36a Corn (5) 36A Corn 62 10 Acres II 16 Acres (4) 35A Oats Cx 10A I 14A Beans Yield 2 412 bu. 2 412 bu. 550 bu. 1 072 bu. 6 446 bu. 1 225 350 1 575 336 January 1950 estimate of receipts Seed Crops Cost Legumes Fertilizer $2 170.80 2 170. 80 495.00 964.80 $5 801.40 $ 63. oc 63.OO 17.50 28.00 $ 612.00 175.00 42.00 12.00 $217.00 62.00 $105.00 30.00 $ 737.00 638.40 72.10 $297.60 $279.00 78A Silage 72A Hay 36A 390 Tons 2 *onsL $1 488 70 Tons) "l24 Tons 2 3^.00 $11 054. 80 AFG:lap 2-7-51 y US//**. r\ AGRONOMIC LAND USE RESEARCH ON THE MINED AREAS OP THE STRIPPED COAL LANDS OF ILLINOIS by Alten F. Grandti/ The fifth annual report of progress on Agronomy Project 1003, covering the investigations of the potentialities of revegetating and utilizing agronomic species on strip-mined lands is herewith presented. This is a cooperative re- rearch project of the University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station and the Illinois Coal Strippers Association. This project was initiated in 19^+7 » At that time it was estimated that at least 5 years would he necessary to thoroughly explore the subject and to gather facts that would he essential to develop the highest potential uses of the mined lands from an agronomic viewpoint. As the result of past research it has been shown that much of the strip— mined land in Illinois can he and is being reclaimed with agronomic species, frore research is necessary to study basic problems that have arisen. The Illinois Coal Strippers Association has expressed the desire to continue the project for at least 3 years longer. Experimental research is being carried on at 25 different locations in 14 counties. Approximately 50 acres on these locations have been used for experimental plots in this project. Figure 1 shows the general locations where these plots have been established. SOIL INVESTIGATIONS: Soil Tests of Strip-Mine Soil Material: As of December 31t 1951. 1,^84 soil samples have been collected from the experimental plot areas and all have been tested by the University of Illinois Soil Testing Laboratory. Table 1 shows the average amounts of plant nutrients found in the soil material. The overall average of these tests shows the acidity Special Research First Assistant, Soil Fertility, Department of Agronomy, University of Illinois, Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana* The author acknowledges with thanks the assistance, advice and encouragement re- ceived from L. S. Weber, Land Use Engineer, Illinois Coal Strippers Association, and H. J, Snider, Assistant Professor of Soil Fertility, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, in conducting these investigations. -2- AGRONOMY DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA «»• Coal Companies S oil t Hern Illinois 1- Sahara 2- Delta pf-rof sy the-V/ l iiiamp on 3-f.f. ElkriUe 4-pJl. Fidelity 5-Pyfamid 6- Southwestern |3-6etinole 7- WINNEBAGO m*OCK ISLAND rfiivest BadiantTM^c^ — £*§. 8-Sdlar 9- 4drgan • £. Buckheai ,E. Cuba T. Piatt irriev !|5-M.E. fiapatee-Fa|rmi] :|6-ilittle John Jo 'them Illinois O-tittle Sisti 4 ern Illinois BOONE M<-NENPf LAKE. DEKALB KANE \COOH KENDAL L DUPAGE WILL 6NUNDY 18 *.j.9 .ZOtKKAKET ] ?- H.E# Sheffield 1 3- (orris 3 ?- lor them 2 Vfilmington 2 Wlorthern IROQUOIS Eastern Illinois $2 --^yrshire-Harma titan ILLINOIS XALt-STATVTt MILtS Vt»miLIOH M379 Location of Experimental Plots on Strip-Mined Coal Lands in Illinois (Pig. 1) -3- Table 1.— Soil Analysis of Spoil Bank Material Number of Acidity Phosphorus Potassium Plot locations County samples average average average Note .pHS/ ib.sy lb JU Southern Illinois Sahara Saline 54 4.5 90 169 Shale and S.S, rock Delta Williamson 65 6.3 92 134 Forsythe-William- son Williamson 23 6.3 178 169 (Local acid spots Truax, Elkville Jackson 55 6.3 117 173 (Frequent acid U.S. Fidelity Perry 81 6.6 155 208 (spots Pyramid Perry 65 7.3 93 160 Southwestern Randolph 34 7.3 82 138 Seminole St. Clair 10 7.6 126 168 *Lofi&aal Midwest Radiant St. Clair 175 7.1 116 131 * mm wv O 9C» m* Subtotal and averages 562 6.6 116.3 156.3 Western Illinois Solar Schuyler 12 6.8 171 224 Key Pulton 16 7.6 107 103 Morgan Pulton 10 7.1 178 230 Little Sister Pulton 42 7.5 173 190 U.E. Buckheart Pulton 48 7.6 112 133 U.S. Cuba Pulton 48 7.5 150 160 T.T. Piatt Pulton 114 7.8 146 149 Fairview Pulton 54 6.7 144 172 Midland Electric Fulton-Knox 155 7.2 156 164 Little John En ox 87 6.9 174 192 M.S. Atkinson Henry 38 7.3 174 288 Subtotal and averages 624 7.3 153 173 Northern Illinois M.E. Sheffield Bureau Northern Illinois Grundy-Will Morris Grundy Wilmington Will Northern Illinois Kankakee 89 7.4 152 217 Shaly 87 6.9 142 192 Shaly 28 3.1 84 144 Highly acid 32 7.6 56 170 (Compact and 40 7.6 110 184 (plastic Subtotal and averages 276 6.9 125 191 Eastern Illinois Harmattan Vermilion Total and averages 22 1,484 6.7 6.97 58 132 201 171 (Compact and plastic; red- dish material high in sand) */uH- pH - 7.0 neutral; P - 92 lb. /A, high; K ~ 150-500 lb./A, high. or pH to be 6*97 or nearly neutral, the available phosphorus content to "be 132 pounds per acre and the arailable potassium content to be 1?1 pounds per acre* One hundred thirty-seven soil samples vere taken and tested during the 1951 season* The averages remained practically the same as reported in 1950o In addition to the samples taken from the plot areas over 400 field samples have been taken. The results obtained have been nearly identical with the averages obtained from the plot areas* The soil tests show that a very large percentage of strip-mined lands In Illinois is satisfactory for the production of legumes and grasses „ let wide variations often occur within relatively small areas. Therefore, it should be reemphasized that when contemplating a use for a particular area of strip-mined land, thorough sampling and testing are very important* The value of soil tests for phosphorus on strips-mined land has been questioned. The assumption of the criticism is that soil tests are not a true measure of phosphate availability on soils with high pH values. Since, especially in western Illinois, the pH at several locations averages over 7*5. this criticism needs clarification* The soil test for phosphorus on this high pH soil reads very high and indicates adequate phosphorus availability* In fertility studies, legumes have shown no stand or yield response to applications of a complete fertilizer (8-8-8) at the rate of 500 to 750 pounds an acre* Good prolific stands of legumes have been obtained without any added fertilizer* Therefore, it is assumed that the legumes are getting adequate phosphorus from the soil material* On the other hand grasses, while giving excellent response to nitrogen fertilizer* have given very little or no further response when additional phosphate has been applied* Up to this time major emphasis of soil tests has been placed on soil reaction or pH and the available phosphorus and potassium con ten tc However, the importance of trace elements In strip-mined soil material has frequently been questioned. For example, boron is one of the trace elements that is occasionally lacking in farm soils. Legumes, especially alfalfa, are particularly sensitive to a deficiency of boron (9)* The primary effect of boron fertilizer on legumes is to increase the quality of forage. On soils extremely deficient in available boron, an Increase in forage yield is noted. Boron is also quite efficient in Increasing the seed set of alfalfa and other legumes. Sight soil samples taken from graded areas in western Illinois were analysed for the available boron content by the Soil Testing Laboratory at the University of Illinois, The results obtained are listed in Table 2, Table 2,~«Special Soil Test Report for Available Boron Company County PH Available phosphorus Available potassium Available boron Boron rating U,E, Buckheart Fulton 7.4 7.2 176 152 142 178 10,0 6,0 Very high High T,T. Watt Fulton 7.3 7.4 204+ 204* 254 224 7.0 10,0 Very high Very high Falrview Fulton 7.2 7.4 204+ 204* 208 224 10,0 4,0+ Very high High M,£, Bapatee Knox 7.1 7.2 204 204 243 265 12,0 12,0 Very high Very high Farm land soils are classified as low, medium or high in available boron according to the following scale: Pounds of Available Boron per Acre Test Bating 0-1 low 1-2 medium 3** high 6 plus very high mo** Based on this classification these strip-mined soils are high to very high in available boron* The excellent growth of legumes and the good seed set of alfalfa growing on these soils indicate that the plants are getting adequate boron* Another angle to the boron problem is that excesses may be toxic* Borax is one of the old time weed killers* Consequently, the question has been raised regarding the quantity of available boron in these strip-cined soils that would be toxic to the grasses and legumes* Toxicity effects have not been noticed to date on forage crops growing on these soils* Mechanical Analysis of Strip-Mine Soil Material: The mineral particles of a soil range in size from those easily seen, such as rock, gravel and sand, to those not discernible as colloidal materials* The various size particles Impart their properties to a soil material, and according to the proportions present, determine to a great degree the physical nature of the soil. The percentage of the various soil-sized particles present also help deter- vine the textural name of a soil* By means of a mechanical analysis the particles of a soil can be separated into groups such as sand, silt or clay* which are referred to as separates* The sands, if dominant, give properties known as sandy, while If the soil is made up largely of silt and clay, its plasticity and stickiness indicate that it is clayey in nature* Strip-mine soil material is a heterogeneous mixture of rock, slate, shale, sand and gravel, glacial till and loessal material. The larger the perv* centage of soil— sized particles (2 mm* or less In diameter) present, the greater are the opportunities for successful reclamation providing the chemical composition Is not deleterious. As yet the percentage of fine material, less than 2 mm* In size, in the various strip-mine soils in Illinois has not been determined other than ~7~ "by observation* This will vary with location and age of the mined land. It has been estimated that from *K) to 95 percent of the material is finer than 2 mm. While the amount of material finer than 2 mm. Is important, the per- centage of the various separates such as sand, silt and clay in this fine material is also important. Therefore, to help understand the physical properties of the soil material and to assist in the classification (5) or naming of the strip-mined soil material, the mechanical analysis of this finer material was determined. Thirty-nine samples from eight counties have been analyzed. The hydrometer method was used. The material finer than 2 mm. was separated into the following sizes: sand, from 2 mm. to .05 mm.; silt, from .05 to .002 mm.; clay, finer than .002 mm. The results are listed in Table 3. Fifteen of the 39 samples fell in the textural group known as silty clay loams. Six of the samples would be classic fied as silty clays, six as clay loams, five as loams, four as silt loams, two as clays and one as sandy loam. The Effect of Neutralizing Toxic Acid Shales With Limestone: In previous reports reference has been made to the soil samples that had a very low pH. This condition has been referred to as toxic acid (5) since the pH has been found to be as low as 2.2 and a pH below 3«8 is considered to be toxic to all plants. The presence and resultant weathering of sulfur in the various shale layers is the cause of the acid condition. Enough material of two of these sulfurous shales was brought into the greenhouse so that the neutralization of the acidity could be studied. One of the shales was a blue-gray shale from southern Illinois, probably Coppers Creek shale. It is quite high in clay. Over 50 percent of the material finer than 2 mm. is less than .002 mm. in size. Thus the physical condition is sticky and mQ*» Table 3.— Mechanical Analysis of Strip-Mine Soil Materials Finer Than 2 mm, Soil separates Sand Silt Clay Companies Counties •05 mme •05-.002 mm. .002 mm. Textural name £21,. pcti pet* Delta Collieries Williamson 21.6 48.7 29.7 Clay loam 15.5 53.3 31.2 Silty clay loam 15.3 55.1 29.6 Silty clay loam Truax-Traer Jackson 14.4 46.7 38.9 Silty clay loam Elkville 18.0 42.0 40.0 Silty clay 18.2 49.0 32.9 Silty clay loam 16.8 50.4 32.8 Silty clay loam 15.0 51.2 33.8 Silty clay loam U.E. Fidelity Perry 31.2 42.9 25.9 Loam 28.2 42.0 29.8 Clay loam Pyramid Perry 16.0 55.0 29.0 Silty clay loam 14.5 55.2 30.3 Silty clay loam * 16.1 57.2 26.7 Silt loam Be Somers Fulton 28.8 50.2 21.0 Silt loam 20.1 54.1 25.8 Silt loam 15.8 59.8 24.4 Silt loam 40.2 39.8 20.0 Loam U.S. Cuba Mine Fulton 20.6 40.5 38.9 Silty clay loam 16.7 42.1 41 02 Silty clay 10.1 49.0 40.9 Silty clay 10.4 48.3 41.3 Silty clay T.T. Fiatt Fulton 11.4 60.3 28.3 Silty clay loam 15.8 46.6 37.6 Silty clay loam M.E. Sheffield Bureau 17.1 40.2 42.7 Silty clay 25 »3 36.0 38.7 Clay loam • 16.1 44.1 39.8 Silty clay loam 16.7 39.7 43.6 Clays 19.5 41.1 39.4 Silty clay loam •-. 19.6 41.3 39.1 Silty clay loam Northern Illinois Grundy 40.9 36.0 23.1 Loams Strike-off plot 40.3 39.6 20.1 Loams Area 56.8 24.8 18.4 Sandy loams t* Northern Illinois Kankakee 13.7 32.8 53.5 Clays Pit 12 25.1 41.7 33.2 Clay loam 41.6 28.3 30.1 Clay loam 12.2 48.8 39.0 Silty clay loams* Harmattan Vermilion 39.0 33.8 27.2 Clay loam 8 (reddish) 40.8 34.0 25.2 Loams (reddish) 2.7 45.2 52.1 Silty clay (blue-^jray) ♦From Will county -9~ plastic when wet* After weathering the reaction or pH of this material is about 2,6, There was about 5 percent organic matter in this shale* The other shale was. a yellow shale from western Illinois known as the Canton shale* It was found to have ahout 63 percent of clay finer than .002 mm. in size* After weathering the pfi of the material was about 2 .3* These toxic acid spots appear as wet look~ ing dark areas that are very compact and hard. According to tests the available phosphorus and potassium content was very high* The organic matter content of the yellow shale was very low with about 1*25 percent recorded. Known quantities of these shales were placed in pots in the greenhouse and limestone was added at various rates* At first 5 plots in duplicate were treated at the rate of 0, 5. 10, 20 and 40 tons per acre of limestone, respectively, The pots were watered regularly so that neutralization of the acidity could be accomplished. The results are presented in Table 4* On the blue shale, 40 tons of limestone per acre brought the pH up to 7.0* However, on the yellow shale the 40 tons of limestone did not raise the pH up to 7.0 or neutral. Therefore, to 4 pots of the second series more limestone was added. Sixty tons of limestone was required to bring the pH up to and above neutral. After the shale material had been neutralized, inoculated alfalfa, red clover and birdsfoot trefoil were seeded in the plots. The early legume growth is noted in Table 4. Figure 2 shows the growth of legumes after the limestone treatment. Prom this study it appears that toxic acid areas if graded can be neutralized and legumes will grow on such treated areas. However, because of the high clay content and poor physical condition and the extremely large amount of limestone required, reclaiming these toxic acid areas seems impractical. A more logical approach might be to bury any sulfurous materials in the mining operation. -10- Table 4C— Effect of Liming on Two Highly Acid Shales Limestone^ treatment Soil reaction Before After Legume Material per acre liming liming growth tons Blue shale 0 2.6 2.8 None Series I 5 2.6 3.1 ft one 10 2.6 3.8 None 20 2.7 5.7 Fair 40 2.? 7.0 Good Blue shale 0 2.7 2.9 None Series II 5 2.6 3.2 None 10 2.6 3.7 None 20 2.55 6.2 Fair 40 2.6 7.2 Good Yellow shale 0 2.25 2.4 None Series I 5 2.25 2.6 None 10 2.3 3.0 None 20 2.3 3.7 None 40 2.3 5.2 Fair Yellow shale 0 2.3 2.5 Series Series II 5 2.3 3.0 Relimed 10 2.3 2.8 20 2.25 3.2 40 2.3 3.5 Yellow shale 0 2.3 2.5 None Series II ^5 3.0 6.3 Good with more 50 2.8 6.0 Fair Ls, added 60 3.2 7.3 Good 70 3.5 7.2 Good s/ Limestone-calcium carbonate chemically pure. -11~ NO TREATMEI LIMESTONE 2 IIWESTP' Acid shale study. The effect of adding limestone to (1) "blue acid shale (upper) and (2) yellow acid shale (lover) on Boil reaction or pH and on the growth of legumes, (Fig* 2) -12- The Organic Matter Content of Several Strata in the Overburden of Strip-Mine Lands: In rather limited areas in western Illinois a muck-type soil material has "been observed in the upper portion of the overburden. This probably represents an old lake bed. The strata is quite variable in thickness and extremely localized. The material is very dark appearing and high in organic matter. The organic matter content of this muck material from two locations was determined. In addition a black slatey shale, the blue and yellow acid shales and a random sample of strip-mine soil material was analyzed for organic matter content. The determinations were made by Mr. J. Hemwall of the Soil Physics Laboratory. The percentage of organic matter, the pH and available phosphorus content are presented in Table 5. The organic matter found in these strata may be compared with two farm soils rather common in the western Illinois areas, Muscatine and Clinton silt loams. Table 5.— Organic Matter Content, Reaction, Available Phosphorus and Potassium of Several Strata in the Material Over the Coal Strata Organic . matter^/ Available pfi P20^ Available K20 1. Muck (Knox county) 2. Muck (Fnlton county) 3. Black slatey shale 4. Blue shale (acid) 5. Yellow shale (acid) 6. Random sample of strip- mine 8 oil material in western Illinois 7. Muscatine silt loas£/ 8. Clinton silt loarn^/ £Ct* lb. 8.12 6.4 56 7.21 7.0 117 10.99 6.5 200* 5.09 2.6 200* 1.23 2.3 2001- 0.50 7.4 204* 5.5* 6.0 • • o 1.85 - 2.45 6.0 ... lb. 40 40- 307* 300* 300* 192 0 . • a/ Based on carbon determination. u Unpublished data in files of Soil Survey division. ~13~ Physically organic matter is important as it improves the physical conditions and increases the water-holding capacity of soils. Chemically organic matter is a source of plant food materials and biologically it promotes the activity of bacteria and other organisms • In most strip-mine soils the organic matter content li yery low. Where present this muck material greatly improves the physical con- dition of the soil material and where such areas are graded, cultivated crops can be produced soon after grading • Grading of Strip-Mine Land: The grading of strip-mine land has greatly increased since 1950. The physical and chemical characteristics of the soil material and the eventual land use are of prime importance when considering grading • In order to determine the effects of grading on soil structure and the resulting growth of forage species, a study on the infiltration rate was conducted. This is the rate at which water passes downward Into and through the soll0 Three physical conditions of the mined land were selected, i.e. (1) undisturbed ridgee or banks, (2) strike off tops and (3) graded areas (accessible with farm equipment )0 Each of the three types of physical conditions was analyzed under two phases of vegetation, i.e. (1) well vegetated with legumes and (2) bare of vegetation. These studies were carred out on the two major spoil types, 4-C calcareous silty clays and 4-B calcareous loams and silty shales. On strike-off tops and on graded areas infiltration rate was determined by means of a 1-foot square sheet iron frame slatted parallel to one edge and supplied with a trough (1). The frame was sunk into the soil with the slot parallel to and at the soil surface. A 1-foot square pan perforated with 100 pinholes was set over the top of the frame, and through this water was poured. As the water dropped onto the soil, part of it was absorbed and the remainder ran off, passed through the slot and down the trough, and was caught in a cylinder placed in a soil pit alongside the absorption frame* Water was applied at the rate of 5 inches per hour. When the rates of runoff remained the same for two or three consecutive applications, infiltration was considered constant and recorded as such. For the remainder of the study, that is the ridges, the cylinder method was used (?)© Cylinders 8 inches in diameter were forced vertically into the soil material. Calibrated burettes were then placed into position, as shown in Figure 3» filled with water and measurements were started. Headings were taken at 15 minute intervals for 1 hour and at 30~minute intervals for 2 hours • There- after, readings were taken hourly for 3 hours, making a 7~hour period during which readings were taken. The infiltration recorded during the sixth and seventh hour was averaged to get the average infiltration rate per hour. The data obtained are presented in Table 6 and as is indicated by the standard deviations, there was wide variation in the infiltration. This was especially true of the ridges, both bare and vegetated. In general there was not much difference in the infiltration rate on level and strike-off tops, but the ridges had a significantly higher rate of infiltration. Vegetation has in- creased the infiltration under all three physical conditions. The infiltration rate on the vegetated ridges of the calcareous silty clay, rocky and calcareous loams, loessal, spoil types was very rapid. Further studies are being made on graded areas, bare and vegetated with the cylinder method to determine the variations in the infiltration rate* This study is incomplete at this time. In one location on a soil material high in blue clay shale, the infiltration of 10 samples averaged about 0.45 inches per hour* The variation in the 10 samples ranged from 0.05 inch per hour to 1.60 -15- ^«<-^-- <.■'■• ■■■■ ;m *<;-■■■< Sx?i»« fc**- - ■ sr:: i: ■■'Mm Cylinder method of determining the infiltration on the side of "bare ridges. (Pig. 3) 8g «H «H » 4» z$ PH © w 4» © c > 1 5 u © 1 •d © S 1 v «M 5 © S3 i ** © 1 ^ © CD ©

Pi ffl" X H E"< C3 u n © CJ •CJ CS e E> © Pi co a} © PQ ft • EH Pi © H ► *■• O O O ft W «H O 9 CD O © fcS c e« 0 0 3 n 0 c W a! (4 - © ^» Ph CO • © l-> go U) © fj 09 pq JC3 >H 0 Pi a y-t tt c c •J • Pi iH ■P © rH > «H © «M r-l Ci w M IS 0 0 \0 - • O CO UN • O 8 « 0 un CM • O 41 41 ON CO 0 O O CV • O © P © rH a K >» O '5 T3 a © 03 la © o Pi ♦> © O 8 • • © ■* ON Pi CM rH © 4 1 4t a CO Cs- ON a cn CM CO 0 0 « • •H r-l <*> O- 4> CN »r\ CM cd c •r-l a CM H Pi CM O © • « •*» O rH © 41 #•! O 3 vO rA CM • • 0 ^ rH r* i-i O rA O UN O c • ■ •H O t~i * 41 4 1 •#» O rH OS P. -* C*- C^V © 0 0 • O «H «H i-i X © © d 0 vO O w* CM cn «9 • • tf UN CN c © © c CO MD o 41 rH O • rH OS o 41 ON o Pi >; r5 4* -H >» •H 4* « © Pi as o 41 CO CM sO CN O 41 O CM * O o 41 CM J" • O s tt © o CM ON CO o UN. CO o 4* I 3 b o o o o >» Pi Pi © aS J r4 0* a) o o I © a O r-l © O Pi © O © 3 4* CO V Pi © © 4» © O rH Vi O c < a (6 co a o ^-« 4> a ► © Pi C OS 4* © © 4* © Pi 6 O © © ~17~ inches per hour. lrfith this great variation noted more recordings are needed to obtair more accurate information as to infiltration or permeability. Guides have been established to classify the permeability of agricultural soils (8). Seven degrees of permeability will express the most significant variations of the infiltration of most farm soils. The ranges of permeability and some of the soil types that fall into these ranges are: Description of rate of perme- ability Very slow Slow Moderately slow Moderate Moderately rapid Rapid Very rapid Infiltration in Inches per hour Less than .05 0.05 to 0.20 0.20 to 0.80 0.80 to 2.50 2.50 to 5»00 5.00 to 10.00 More than 10.00 Soil Group Cisne - Wynoose silt loam Svygert silt loam Herri ck silt loam Flanagan and Muscatine silt loam Joy-Fort Byron silt loam O'Neill sandy loam Hagener loamy sand Based on this guide the infiltration rate or permeability of the graded areas, both bare and vegetated, can be classified as moderate. The bare ridges may be classified as rapid and the vegetated ridges as very rapid. The effects of grading on the reaction or pH of the soil material and on the availability of phosphorus and potassium is presented in Table 7. For the graded area, 238 soil samples from l^f different locations were analyzed while 261 samples from 13 different locations were analyzed for the area not graded. The effect on reaction or pH was variable. In some cases the pH was lowered by grading as found on a calcareous loam (loessal) spoil type on the Midwest Hadiant Corporation property. On three locations the pH was raised. The over-all average was a lowering of 0.08 of a unit. With but one exception the available phosphorus was raised as a result of grading. The average increase was approximately ho pounds. Five of the areas were raised to 200 pounds plus, so undoubtedly the total was actually raised more —18** Table 7.— Effect of Grading on Soil Reaction and Availability of Phosphorus and Potassium Location Humbetf of samples pH P K Soil type Forsythe Williamson Not graded Graded (level) 11 12 5A 7.1 157 198 150 184 5-C mixed clays Truax-Elkville Not graded Graded (level) 20 15 6.3 6.0 58 174 155 207 5-C mixed clays Pyramid Not graded . Graded CS.Oj^' 27 22 7.4 7o8 86 78 123 172 4-C calc. clays Midwest Radiant Not graded Graded (S.O.) 13 13 7.4 6.4 116 161 107 125 4— E calc. loams Little Sister Not graded Graded (level) 12 14 7.8 7.2 114 204 1*5 211 4-C calc* silty clay U.EC Buckheart Not graded Graded (level) 20 12 7.7 7.3 94 148 143 128 4-C calc. silty clay U.E. Cuba Not graded Graded (level) 15 16 7.6 7.4 140 204 143 192 4-C calc. silty clay Truax-Fiatt Not graded Graded (level) 28 15 7.7 7.6 144 200 154 191 4-C calCo silty clay Fairviev Not graded Graded (lHS.O.) Graded (2)£(S.0.) 12 12 10 6.3 7.5 7.3 131 141 195 148 153 196 4-B calc. silty shales M.E. Rapatee (No. 5) Not graded Graded (level) 40 40 7.7 7.3 134 200 121 232 4-B calc. silty shales (No.6) Not graded Graded (level) 16 12 7.4 7.4 15* 188 196 132 4~C calc. silty clay Little John Not graded Graded (S.O.) 16 20 7.2 7.2 167 200 152 164 4-C calc. silty clay M.E. Sheffield Not graded Graded (level) 26 10 7.4 7.3 152 198 285 261 4-L calc. silty clay Northern Illinois Not graded Graded (S.O.) 5 15 8.0 7.2 151 154 150 179 4-3 calc0 silty shales Overall Average Not graded Graded 261 238 7.79 7.70 138.3 177.8 155.5 194.8 x Plus or minus for grading -0.08 ♦ 39.5 ♦39.3 a/ -'Strike-off, top of ridge knocked off, -'Two different locations graded. -19- than 40 pounds per acre. The available potassium content was higher after grading than prior to grading in all but three instances* The average increase was approximately 40 pounds per acre. There may he several explanations for these phenomena: (1) the mechanical "breaking of the clay mineral tends to expose the nutrient material and make it more available at least temporarily, (2) wetting and drying of freshly exposed material affects the availability of potassium. Thus over a long period of time the availability of potassium would be expected to increase even though no grading was done (3) sulfur has the tendency to make phosphorus more avail** able. Spreading the sulfur around may tend to accomplish this. The presence of sulfur also has an effect on the soil reaction or pH, causing the soil to be more acid. However, the abundance of calcium and magnesium probably neutralizes the increased acidity. The growth of forage plants on graded areas is the ultimate means of measuring the effects of grading. If the forage plants will not grow on graded areas, all the other measurements have not measured the controlling or limiting factor. However, from the studies made on forage growth and where the physical and chemical composition of the soil material is favorable, grading has not re~ tarded the growth of forage. Bather grading has several beneficial effects. Less seed is required per acre, thicker stands have been obtained, weeds can be controlled easier, and the excess forage material can be harvested as hay as well as pasturage. Determination of the Slope of the Ridges of Mined Land: The stripping shovel deposits the soil material in the overburden in the form of long parallel ridges. These ridges may rise 20 feet or more above the original surface of the ground. The slopes of the ridges are generally -20- quite steep. Slope measurements made at a number of locations on newly mined ridges ranged between 40 and 65 percent with about a 55 percent slope being typical. Measurements made at one location in 1948 on new ridges averaged 59 percent. Three years later, in 1951 1 the same ridges averaged about 50 percent. This indicates approximately a 10 percent decrease in the degree of slope as a result of 3 yeers of weathering and settling of the soil material. Another report on the settling of the ridges was recorded by Coxton (3). Long wire stakes were placed in the peaks of newly formed ridges. Measure- ments indicated that the ridges lowered about 2 feet during the first year, FORAGE CROP SPECIES ADAPTATION STUDIES: The number of experimental plots that have been established since 194? is over 2,500. Seventy-two different species and varieties of forage and culti- vated crop plants have been used to seed these plots. Fertility studies have been made on many of these areas. Species Adaptation: Excellent results have been obtained with adapted species of legumes seeded on newly mined lands. By inoculating the legume seeds prior to seeding, nodules generally are produced on the plant roots, and the legume plant is then capable of fixing nitrogen from the atmosphere and making it available in the soil. This is especially important to the growth of grasses on nitrogen and organic matter deficient strip-mined soils. The only source of nitrogen other than the legumes is that from rainfall and that made available through soil microbiological activity. Legume species that are well adapted include alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, red clover, sweet clover, lespedeza and Eudzu, Birdsfoot trefoil continues to be well adapted to strip-mined lands (see Fig. 4) This species gives best results -21- »** v *■ A An established stand of birdsfoot trefoil on strip-mined land in Pulton county. (Fig. 4) -22- when seeded as the only legume along with one or two grasses . In its early stages of growth, it does not compete well with other legumes in a mixture. It is im- portant to inoculate the birdsfoot trefoil with the Lotus strain of inoculant for satisfactory results „ The adaptation of several strains of alfalfa varieties has been studied0 The nonwinter hardy and nondisease resistant varieties such as Kansas Common and Oklahoma Common that were seeded in 19^8 have not persisted,, Only a few plots were seeded in 19^8 with the hardy, disease-resistant varieties, Buffalo and Ranger. The stands of these varieties are still good. Eleven varieties or strains of alfalfa were seeded in 1951 on graded strip— "lined lands to observe winter hardiness, longevity and yielding capacity. The following varieties are included: (1) Ranger (2) Buffalo (3) Kansas Common (k) New Mexico Common, Roswell, New Mexico (5) New Mexico Common, Hatch, New Mexico (6) Grimm (7) Cossack (8) Dakota No. 12 (9) Chilean (10) African (11) Indian strains from Advance, Arizona. Winter survival, forage, and seed yields obtained from seven varieties that had been seeded in 1950 are listed in Table 8. Relatively good winter survival was noted for the New Mexico Common strains. The survival of these two strains was better in southern than in western Illinois. Rather poor winter survival and yields were obtained for the three strains, Chilean, Indian, and African. Figure 5 shows alfalfa variety plots on a graded area. Alfalfa was again cut for seed production in 1951« Some yields obtained are reported in Table 8. Approximately 60 pounds or 1 bushel per acre was the average yield obtained. This is 4 to 6 times less than in 1950. The 1951 growing season was more rainy and much shattering was noted. It is believed that the wet season was largely responsible for the lower yields. •d 0) >i •d 0) I *» g •d c) CM •d d © O rH ► a. « • £ o 3 a J3 00 -H •d >»! 4) O Vt © O rH • a SB 09 4> ► 4* «H a > •23- • o it »n • CM • • • O • co vn • • » o- • vr\ • e it • vn • e • vn • CM o o • • • r-» • CM O O © vn •4- on O en • o en - -* 00 \T\r4 •• •• •• •• •• i— I oo ** • ♦ • • • • * • vO vr\ •• •• o. •• •• vnoo •^t • -* o^i- • -d- • ^* sl .* O cm vr\ rH o envn VO en O^r* ■3- en o--4- 3S -3- m C^rH CM -* vr> 00 CM vO vn vnen -3- CM o «n vo en cm en -4 CM o vn • on • • CM • en cm rH vO en^o cm vo CM vO CM vO envo 4* o PI © 00 O- ri o ^n c^o oen • e • e « e • • • « O en \o o 00 -3" vnco CM vO O-00 o-co 00 vO oo \n vn en o o ■* CM oo o- • • o -d- enrH ^1 00 U| •H 00 O «H d o •r* d rH -r* d rH H O (-1 rH 00 «-l 01 o ** c o O 4> A O O CD a) oo d t-4 ^ O c a) .d d a> 4> 4> d 00 O 4> 4» 4» d DO O 4) o o K 4) 4> S3 09 O «»-• d o •h d d u 4) jd d rH a> 4» 4» d » o a> w 3 4) 9 CO o P4 o o o o •H « 4> 3 4> 09 •H 09 O «H d o «h d £3 0) XI d 4) 4> 4» d 09 O 4) CO 3t jd o 09 •H 09 O -H d o d u d 4) (H Jd CD 4> 4> d 09 o V) * s •H •d d 09 •h «o O d 4) cw 00 0) u 4) 00 CP c o ft d (4 4) e X) 4) 4i 4> g 00 4) CO * 43 ► rH r* d S +* 4) •d Ml d & e o o s o CJ •H V. 4» o 4) rH •d 4* CD B eo o u d o 00 4* X •r* U oi a) CM 00 4> •h d d a 4) T< 4) 4) rH 4» d • co d ^ I S o o u 4* o 4> H d as n •d d 43 >> 4» 1 o d o 4* rH 4) d 01 • CM *» at •h O o o d r-l O HH rH d •H r-l M d • w. d CP o 4> ^-« 00 4* 5 8 o ft u o o o| ~24~ Alfalfa variety plots on a graded area in Pulton county, 1951* Note the ungraded spoil ridges in the background. (Jig» 5) Photo Courtesy of C. Adams -25- Leepedeza Is one of the legume species that is very well adapted to southern Illinois, Good cover and yields are obtained the first year. On many mined areas in southern Illinois lespedexa has completely covered the ridges as the result of volunteer seed. This species in an annual that matures in the fall of the year. The grazing season for lespedeza is in August and September, As reported earlier, Eudzu has grown remarkably well on mined lands in southern Illinois, Crowns planted in 19^6 have survived the rather severe winter of 1950-51. During both the 1950 and 1951 growing seasons, clusters of large purple flowers were produced. In 1951 seed pods were formed but only a few of the pods contained viable seed. The Kudzu planted on the mined land has pro** duced new rootings from the long runners. This has resulted in a more rapid spreading of the plants. However, it is unlikely that under Illinois conditions it will yield as much pasturage as the better adapted legumes and grasses. When used as a pasture it must not be overgrazed, since overgrazing will kill the plant * Grasses have become established more slowly on strip— mined soils than legumes. One reason is the lack of nitrogen in the soil material. Of the grasses tall fescue, orchard grass and bromegrass become established most rapidly when seeded, Kentucky bluegrass, timothy, redtop and Reed canary grass become established more slowly. Other grasses that have been established to varying degrees on mined lands include tall oatgrass, western wheat grass, crested wheat grass, Canadian wild rye, switch grass and bluestems. Some of these latter species will probably not be used intensively in Illinois since the more common grasses are more available and often more desirable pasture species. The establishment of a good grass cover takes at least 2 years and often longer. On many plots that were seeded in the spring of 19^ with a mixture' of -26- grasses and legumes, grasses were dominant in 1951* As the nitrogen content increases with the growing of legumes, the grasses become more prolific and may crowd out some legumes. Birdsfoot trefoil has withstood the competition from the grasses better than the rest of the common legumes seeded. Establishment of Mixtures: Better pastures usually result where a mixture of grasses and legumes is seeded than where a single species is seeded. Based on past results the most satisfactory stands have been obtained by seeding both grasses and legumes in the spring of the year on newly-mined ridges. During the first several years, the growth is dominantly legumes with the grasses increasing slowly. Some yields that have been obtained in 1951 from mixtures seeded at various locations are listed in Table 9« The best yield obtained was from the birdsfoot trefoil*^rass mixture seeded in 19^6© Mixtures containing alfalfa and clovers generally give higher yields on second and third year seedings than birdsfoot trefoilo Use of Grain and Seed Crops: Of the grain crops that have been seeded on mined lands, wheat and rye have generally given good results. The yield of wheat obtained and the fertilizer treatment used on a level area in western Illinois are listed in Table 10. Highest yields, but with the greatest variation, were obtained on the plots where 60 pounds of nitrogen were top-dressed in the spring. Phosphorus and potassium as applied in 60-60-60 treatment did not increase the yield ob~ tained over nitrogen alone. The yields obtained when 20-0-0 or 20-60-60 was applied show that the limiting factor was nitrogen rather than phosphorus and potassium. Wheat was seeded on a larger scale on the same property. The amount ~27~ o •d C A -d a> a d o •d *H >* EH 4) t-i O fa P< •a rH ft) •rH OCtJI SB o *n cm vr\^j- r\NMsO 0\.\0 C^vOvO^O »n vO O O rH VN • » • • • CM CM CM en <\1 00 -4" VO vnen cd cm en co en cm co on cm en CM O O CM r-C U>, C r-1 ooooooo* CMiHCMCMCMCMCMCM © vO O CM VT\ cm o-oo en-4- en rH o o cm ^w^envD^n -* en -3- -* -4- -* ^J- ^* ^^^^^-^^^^ -<««<«i-»0«H >> O «H >»0 rH fc 4> rH U V rH r* +» rH U rH H I* rH rH fa G O •P •H©d*H o>d««-icoH •H«3»n©fl«Ha>H -^ «*t «* m ! OB & ft CO CO c a c S o o o U 4» 4* .p (4 rH rH rH 0« p£ £ fc O ^ » K fa fa U r-i o o u u u «J «H aj «J ©

-» ►-> P* Ph Ph fl« »d *d *d «-• G «H d >» O «D S O SQrtXP rVX as a) •H £ •r* Ci «H O «rH U ri rH C U rH U ^•jJ-CM^J-^CM-^^t-CM -d-^-CM^i-^J-CM-^^t-CM S 1 NO nd w > V 9 «0 rH rH rH rH >» S •H n ♦> 4* 5 i5 rH rH rH rH eg ft) SrlTJfl >-r ^-r tt SB ft) § fa fa t 8 SB OB H •H a B tu> rH rH • • «S SB •H «H Vi OB SB fa Ti 9 O O SB SB o i «H 5 «H • fa 4* o fa 4* 4^ rH 1 G fa \9 to fa h rH • CO -d -d to •? ? f Sf 4* o 4* o 4* o I § S ar g ^ «) 0 fa o o o fa » «M V* «M ft) «M %H «H o o CO CO •d rH rH rH ► OB 0B «B ► G a r» 09 CS a r, o c -a SB rh O 4> «M «M o I ft) «H W. 4> CO OB 97 107 10 105 - 2 102 - 3 5 25 14? 148 1 156 8 155 - 1 8 37 123 125 2 127 2 138 11 15 96 106 107 1 111 4 113 2 7 17 136 141 5 151 10 152 1 16 118 110 115 5 108 - 7 111 3 1 10 88 90 2 89 - 1 91 2 3 4 85 78 - 7 11 - 1 82 5 - 3 11 70 66 - 4 78 18 72 - 6 2 12 103 108 5 115 7 128 13 25 13 99 100 1 102 2 101 ~ 1 2 14 11 80 3 87 7 97 10 . -31^ 20 22 140 149 9 156 7 125 -15 23 92 95 3 93 ~ 2 99 6 7 21 75 11 2 81 4 87 6 12 18 125 131 6 129 - 2 130 1 5 26 118 114 ~ 4 129 15 128 ~ 1 10 27 103 115 12 110 - 5 110 0 7 28 118 126 8 110 -16 121 11 3 19 124 130 6 130 0 133 3 9 35 119 125 6 119 - 6 134 15 15 1>0 108 119 11 118 - 1 121 3 13 33 92 96 4 99 3 104 5 12 34 127 126 - 1 134 7 132 - 2 5 30 98 102 4 112 10 118 6 20 Ave. 26 107.73 111.69 3.96 113.85 2.16 116.38 2.53 8.27 Ave. daily gain 0.12 .07 .06 .07 hi Eurt ~42~ The flock remained on the first pasture from May 18 to June 20, a total of 33 days. During that period the 29 lambs gained a total of 421 pounds or an average daily gain of 0.44 pounds. The 26 ewes made a net gain of 103 pounds for an average daily gain of 0.12 pounds. A total of 524 pounds was produced from about 6 acres. The second pasture was grazed from June 20 to July 26, a total of 36 days. The forage was quite mature but abundant. The lambs gained a total of 366 pounds and the ewes a net of 61 pounds. A total of 42? pounds was produced from the second 6-acre pasture a Because of the need for these two pasture areas by the owner , the sheep were moved from July 26 to September 10 to another pasture area consisting of second-year sweet clover, bromegrass and bluegrass. It was, therefore, impossible to rotate the grazing area as planned. Because of these and other uncontrollable circumstances, it was thought desirable to end the experiment on September 10« Information on the gains made by the livestock is valuable in determining the value of strip-mined pasture lands. The first year's experiment with sheep revealed many problems, which can be guarded against in future studies. It is hoped that the sheep grazing experiment can be repeated and expanded in 1952. In 1951 it was again possible to obtain information as to the gains made by several lots of cattle grazing on strip-mined lands. One of these was a herd of cattle owned by Mr. Byron Somers of Fulton county. During the 1951 grazing season, 271 head of steers grazed the 500-c.cre strip-mined pasture range. One hundred twelve head were rotated on about 180 acres, which were divided into two pastures. The rest of the herd had continued access to the remaining pasture acreage. Two animals from this herd died of bloat and two were killed by lightning© There were three different groups of steers in this herd. One hundred twelve head were 2 year olds. These steers grazed the 180 acres of rotated pasture. They weighed an average of 858 pounds per head when turned on pasture on April 26. On September 20 they weighed 1021 pounds, gaining an average of 163 pounds during the 14? days for an average daily gain of 1.12 pounds. These 112 head produced 18,256 pounds of beef in the 147 -day grazing period. They were then fed ground corn and protein supplement while grazing the strip-mined pastures until about December 1, 1951* Another lot of 95 yearling steers weighed 524 pounds per head when turned on pasture on April 26. They weighed an average of 794 pounds per head when taken off the pasture on November 17 after a 204-day grazing season. They had gained 270 pounds each for an average daily gain of 1.32 pounds per head. These 95 head had produced 25*650 pounds of beef in 204 days. The third lot consisted of 64 head of short yearlings purchased in August. They weighed 513 pounds per head and were in good flesh. On November 17 after a 103~day grazing period, they weighed 573 pounds. They had gained 60 pounds each for an average daily gain of .58 pounds per head. These 64 head produced 3»840 pounds of beef in 103 days. This herd of 271 head produced a total of 47,746 pounds of beef. This production came from about 500 acres or about 96 pounds of beef per acre. In addition some credit must be given to the pasture during the time the 112 steers were on feed and still grazed the pasture. The pastures could have been stocked heavier as there was a goodly amount of forage that was not utilized. Therefore, at least 100 pounds of beef were produced per acre from the 500-c-cre pasture range. During the 1951 grazing season, the Meadowlark Harms, Inc., pastured a total of 219 head of yearling steers and heifers on strip-mine pastures in Fulton county. The forage was sweet clover, alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, brome- grass and bluegrass. These cattle made an averege daily gain of 1,6 pounds during a 128-day grazing period. Fifteen of the top animals selected from this herd placed fourth in the Short Feed Special Carlot Class at the 1951 International Livestock show in Chicago. The Midwest Radiant Corporation property in St* Clair county is starting a livestock program. In 1951 «• herd of 22 head of white-faced steers grazed a rather new pasture for 15? days. They gained an average of 201 pounds per head for an average daily gain of 1,28 pounds, A farmer, Mr. w# Shafer of Maquon, Illinois, pastured 10 head of steers on strip-mine pastures in 1951» These steers were purchased in the fall of 1950 weighing 516 pounds. They were wintered on clover hay and a small amount of oats. They were turned on the pasture on May 3» 1951 weighing an average of 682 pounds per head. On October 18, 1951i after a 168-day grazing period, the steers weighed an average of 904 pounds per head making an average daily gain of 1,32 pounds per head, ECONOMIC INTERPRETATIONS: Methods, Costs and Feasibility of Forage Species Establishment: The methods of seeding the mined areas in the past have been hand seeding, tractor mounted power seeder and air seeding by airplane and helicopter. The length of time required to seed the areas by any method depends to a great extent upon the species seeded. The seed of some of the grass species is very light in weight and bulky and requires more time to seed. Under good conditions the time required to seed an acre by hand has been from 1 to 1^ hours. Including all labor and supervisory time, it required about 25 minutes per acre to seed a prepared area by tractor seeder. In contrast, from 75 to 125 acres per hour can be seeded by the air method. Whatever method is used, complete and thorough application of a good mixture of seed on the whole area is of prime importance. The total cost per acre varies greatly depending on the kind of seed or mixture used, the seeding rate per acre as well as the lebor and type of equip** ment used. During the 1951 season, the total costs ranged between $10 and $15 per acre. Accessibility and Management After Establishment: There are several degrees to which a mined area may be prepared in developing it for agricultural use. If the area is to be developed for pasture, accessibility throughout is of prime importance. Some have found it expedient to provide access roadways only. The making of roadways has varied to a great degree. Usually too few roadways are constructed rather than too many. Still others have prepared the area by knocking off the tops of all ridges to a width of from 12 to 16 feet with a bulldozer » The advantages of this method of preparation are that the area is readily accessible to seed either by hand or with tractor mounted seeders, roadways are already made, the management and control of livestock are made easier, and the scenery or sky line is improved. The highest degree of preparation is to grade the complete area so that farm equipment can be driven over the whole area. The physical texture of the soil material, the soil reaction and nutrient content, and the eventual land use are of prime importance when considering grading. In several areas of Illinois, the high percentage of loess and till material, the low percentage of rock, the chemical composition of the soil material and the methods of mining appear to make grading feasible. There are several small areas in the mined lands in Pulton and Knox -k6- counties that hare a strata of muck-type material of considerable thickness in the overburden. This material is very high in organic matter content averaging between 7 and 8 percent. Where this material is present and the area is graded, a very loose friable soil condition exists. Such graded areas can immediately be used to produce tillable crops* Soybeans and wheat seeded on such areas have yielded 33 and 25 bushels per acre, respectively. It is important in the maintenance of a good pasture area to be able to control volunteer trees, shrubs and other forms of undesirable growth. On common pasture lands, clipping with a mower is the means of controlling this undesirable vegetation. On strip-mined lands left in ridges, the use of the mower is impossible. The degree to which volunteer trees, shrubs, etc., are a problem on these lands is often due to early management of the area. If the area is not developed and utilized before volunteer and undesirable growth becomes established, the productive capacity of the pasture is reduced. To restore the productive capacity this growth must be removed. The slow expensive method of hand cutting the undesirable species in many cases does not destroy them permanently since many broadleaved species will sprout vigorously and persistently. However, during the past several years chemicals have been used to control woody growth. Many of the older strip-mined areas in Illinois are dotted with relatively large volunteer trees which are detrimental to the development and production of good pastures (see Figure 7). The study of methods of killing this growth by the use of chemicals that are nonpoisonous to, livestock was started on an experimental basis on strip-mine pastures in the late summer, 1951« The study plots are located in Pulton county on the Byron Somers strip-mine pasture area. Seven and one-half acres of the oldest and most heavily wooded pasture area were treated. -47- Volunteer tree and other undesirable species such as is shown are detrimental to the development and production of good pastures. (Jig. 7) Photo Courtesy of C. Adams •Jx8<~. EXPERIMENT A: This experiment was designed to study eight different methods of killing trees. Eight one-half acre plots were established. The several herbicides used were (1) Ammate (ammonium sulfate), (2) Esteron 2,4,5-T (2,4,5 trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, propylene glycol butyl ether ester, 66 percent or 4 pounds per gallon), (3) 2,k~D (jsopropyl ester of 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 44 percent or 3.3 pounds per gallon) and (4) brushkiller (2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2 pounds acid per gallon and 2,4,5 trichlorophenoxyacetic acid propylene glycol butyl ether ester, 2 pounds acid per gallon). The treatments are as follows: Plot 1 - check plot — girdling as a means of killing the trees; plot 2 - frill and apply Ammate spray (1 pound Ammate per 1 gallon water); plot 3 - notch or cup and apply Ammate crystals into the cup, 1.2 pounds crystals per acre; plot 4 - frill and apply 2,4,5-T Esteron spray (1 part material per 24 parts diesel oil); plot 5 - basal spray of Esteron 2,4,5-T (1 part Esteron to 24 parts diesel oil); rl°t 6 - frill and apply 2,4-rD spray (1 part material to 16 parts diesel oil); plot ? - frill and apply mixture of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D (brushkiller) spray (1 part material to 16 parts diesel oil); plot 8 - basal spray of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D mixture (brushkiller) spray (1 part material to 16 parts diesel oil)* The applications are at rather heavy rates but are the recommendations of the manufacturer of the herbicides. The frilling consisted of making a single line of ax cuts around the tree trunks. The notching or cupping consisted of taking out chips of the bark at approximately 6-inch spacing around the tree. All frills, notches and girdle work was at a point approximately 30 inches above the ground. The basal spray was applied from the ground line up to about 24 inches. The plot layout for Experiment A is shown in Figure 8. On these plots the number of trees by species and diameter class, the -49- Figure 6,— Experiment A « Plot Layout for Studying Several Chemicals As a Means of Killing Volunteer Trees on Strip-Mine Pasture Lends Plot 2 1 gallon solution for 60 trees Plot 7 1 gallon solution for 50 trees Plot 4 1 gallon material for 62 trees Plot 1 Girdle Plot 5 3,4 gallons on 71 trees Plot 8 3^ gallons on 86 plus 13 trees Plot 6 1 gallon solution on 51 trees Plot 3 6 pounds crystals on 80 trees Plot size jg acre 104.35 feet x 208. ?1 feel 8 plots Plot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Treatment Girdle Prill and Ammate spray Notch or cup and Ammate crystals Frill and 2,4,5-T spray Sasal spray or 2,4,5-T Frill and 2,4^D spray Frill end brush killer spray Basal spray of "brush killer Trees per plot (J A.) Average Date of application - July 24-26, 1951 Labor ■MT5T" 66 105 60 80 80 79 62 72 71 40 51 70 50 52 86 47 65«75 per \ A. or 132 trees per A. •50- quantities of material used and the actual time required in applying the materials were recorded. This data provides a "basis for calculation of labor and materiel costs per acre as veil as the ultimate determination of effectiveness of the several treatments. The species and number of trees found on the eight plots are shown in composite form in Table 18. On the 4 acres there were 526 trees of which 68 percent or 357 were cottonwood, with over one-half of the cottonwood falling in the 6, 8 and 10-inch classes. The average diameter was 8.42 inches. Elm, willow and sycamore were next mo3t numerous in the order listed. These were smaller trees, however, with the majority of the trees in the 2 and 4-inch classes. Upon inspection of these plots on August 3t 1951* it was noted that many of the tree leaves had turned completely brown on the plots where 2,4,5-T and 2,4-J) - 2,4,5-T mixture had been used, both on frilled and basal spray treatments o Because of this surprising and drastic apparent tilling effect, it was decided to study the effect of lower concentration of these materials as shown in Experiment 3, Final results of these treatments, however, cannot be made until the growing season of 1952. Table 18. ■Composite Table Listing the Species and Diameter of Trees Pound in Experiment A (Tree Killing Plots, ^-Acre Plots) Average Total diameter 2 4 6 8 in. 10 in, 12 in. 14 in. 16 in. r pet. Lumber in. in. in. in. Cottonwood 8,42 14 55 56 77 79 40 19 17 68 357 Elm 3.48 43 7 3 5 2 2 0 0 12 62 Sycamore 4,75 11 13 2 6 5 0 0 0 7 37 Box Elder 5.12 8 3 0 1 1 3 0 0 3 16 Ml low 2.36 43 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 50 Crataegus (Hawthorn) 2.0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 trace j 2 Wild Plum 2,0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tr^e* i 2 ~51~ EXPERIMENT B: Early observations with the chemicals as reported in Experiment A re- vealed rather rapid apparent killing effects at the concentrations recommended by the manufacturer. This experiment was designed to study the effect of lower con- centrations of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D - 2,4,5-1' mixture in oil and in water. Fourteen one-fourth acre plots were established near the Experiment A area. The plot design used in this study is shown in Figure 9» On these plots the number of trees by species and diameter class was recorded. The amount of material applied to the number of trees was also noted. The species and number of trees found on the 14 plots are shown in composite form in Table 19. In this experiment a total of 403 trees were treated. Box elder and cottonwood were irost numerous with 39 percent of the trees being box elder and 37 percent being cottonwood. The cottonwood was the largest tree with over one-half falling in the 6, 8 and 10-inch classes. About 80 percent of the box elder were in the 4, 6 and 8-inch classes. Table 19«— Composite Table of 14 Plants Listing the Species and Diameter of Trees Found in Experiment B 2 4 6 8 19 12 14 16 Total in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. Cottonwood 8 18 15 28 33 19 13 15 149 Box Elder 18 35 *3 49 10 3 0 0 158 Elm 25 7 12 4 2 1 0 1 52 Willow 15 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 Crataegos 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Sycamore 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 Ash 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Peach 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 403 ^52~ Figure 9.— Experiment B - Variations in Concentration and Application of 2,4~D, 2,4,5~T and 2, 4-1) - 2,4,5-T Mixtures in the Killing of Volunteer Trees Growing on Established Strip-Mine Pastures 104.35 a o ! 1 Plot 14 Plot 1 Plot 13 Plot 2 Plot 12 Plot 3 Plot 11 Plot 4 Plot 10 Plot 5 Plot 9 * Plot 6 Plot 8 Plot 7 Plot size - j acre (104.35 feet x 104.35 feet) 14 plots Treatment and concentration Prill and spray 2,4,5-T and water Plot 1 ratio - 1:96 2 1:72 3 1:48 4 1:24 Prill and spray 2,4,5-T and diesel oil Plot 5 ratio - 1:96 6 1:72 7 1:48 Basal spray 2,4,5»-T and diesel oil Plot 8 ratio - 1:60 9 1:48 10 1:36 Basal spray brush killer and diesel oil Plot 11 ratio - 1:60 12 1:48 13 1:36 Basal spray 2,4—D and diesel o Plot 14 ratio - 1:48 Total number of trees oil Average 28.5 x 4 * 114 trees per acre No. of trees 30 32 38 23 20 25 25 37 26 33 28 25 31 26 399 28.5 August 8-9, 1951 -53- A tabulation of all the treatments used, the amount of material applied, the labor required and the total cost of the several chemicals is presented in Table 20. The total cost ranged from $2.58 to $4.86 per acre. The most expensive treatment was a mixture of 2,4— D - 2,4,5-T applied as a basal spray in diesel oil at a 1:16 concentration. The total cost was $4.86 per acre. On the basis of this study the labor required to apply the spray as a basal application was about lj hours per acre while the girdling of the trees required about 3i hours per acre. While the results of the treatments will not be known until the next growing season, it appears from this study and recommendations made by the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station (6) that a mixture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T in a mixture of oil and water applied as a basal spray will be most practical from the labor end total cost standpoint. Utilization of Strip-Mined Lands: The utilization of a strip-mined area is dependent upon several factors. From rough pasture lands the returns are dependent upon the gains made by the price received for the livestock that graze the area. Such areas can be utilized by cattle, sheep and hogs. Graded or leveled areas may be used for grain and hay production as well as grazing. Therefore, the returns from graded areas would be affected by the yield and price received for the grain and hay as veil as the price of the livestock. toore mined acres are being used each year. According to the Illinois Coal Strippers Association at the present time, January 195? » about 54,000 acres have been strip-mined in Illinois. Approximately 35»000 acres or 64 percent have had some reclamation work done on them. Twelve thousand acres have been reforested with 12,000,000 trees and another 2,500 acres have been covered by volunteer tree growth. Sixteen thousand acres h«ve been seeded to grasses and legumes for pasture n 0 cc P U o X> d .h +* 00 o o Eh O Pi CO o o ~54~ U o 0] 03 U p © O p Xi ^ cdl o 0 u PJ X) 0 CO o o I si O- Ow nO H Os • c • • • c\i cm cn. CA CM c"\ en c*"\ cn, en CN NO (^rif^ o o o o • CM CM CM CVj CM O GD O O CM CN CNJ CM o CM CM CM CM CM CM NO CO r-i O- On -4- cm en o- *n CO NO CD en O • • e • • CM -* (""N l*> CN C\ CM CM CM CM Cn^" -* ^J- ^t o o o o o CM CM CM CM CM NHHrlri r-i NO CO C\. O- VT\ CM C» On NO r-l NO CO NO CO O-OO CM On f>- • • • • • cn-fr r% CM CM Cn CM CM CM CM en ^t ■$■ -* -4- • © • • • CM «H rH rH rH O vr\ \r\ \r\ w\. CM CM CM CM CM O NO CD O -* -J 00 NO NO CM • • • • • m CM CM CM cn CM C"\ C\ Cn CN. cn en cn cn en cn • o o « • CM CM CM CM CM O O O O O CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM ^ ,3 ^0 -* NO O m vr* o- C- *n en cm •J €r> -t r-i rH CN r-i r-i r-i r-i p rH CT> *-> +» U 0 5 • r-i +> tf o £ 8 s «s a o o •r* #H +> CO tf o 0? rH •H 0 ■P 4* •H a CO "O u> u o c r~ o 0 o f a o c ee *» O ««-i 0J iH iS Pi P. as Si u * i a) «a X> 4* 3 O •p r-l 0 4> a 0 u £ C4> ^ x (X 0 e rC CM CM • CM CM CNJ rH CMVAVfN.\TiU-\ CM\nW\U-\.Vf> CMCMCMCMCM Q u o rH 05 03 +» tU) 00 r-i O CM CM on cm cn-a no no no no op o rH rH cn-3F NO rH rH rH NO rH • • -4- 00 CM NO CM -3f CV ON rH DO r-i r-i r-i U P r-t U U Vt O «h «h P \A ^^ vA ■b «k * -^ ^t ^ <1 4 E, ^ E, E, Ej- \TV \f\ \T\ \T\ \T\ ^ -4- ^ -^ -* CM CM CM CM CM Jh J-, W, tn fn ^ "H "H Vl \T\OON0C CN-OOf^vCMrH ^ c? *? °.> -f co o • » CM CA CM O rH CA VTV O CM CN. rH m NO ON rH U"\ 5 to M » ^o i s • o CM C 21 rH 0 Pi 00 c 4» CM CM ~Sl 4> CS •• H§ nH rH O rH CCS rH bu) 0 CO r-. 0 0 n-t P, T3 00 c c O 0 rH O r-i CO CM h +* 0 c! rH O T* 00 o a CM rH rH 0 ■rr> 0 0 +» n-l CO T3 01 •• ♦» G O O C CO 0 ttf rH Pi cd 0 vr\0 rH c • •H On 1 ♦» U-, 0 ^t « • Ih CM 0 rH C rH O •H C^ 0 C) 0 CC < G O 0 H >» n-l 0* V 4D 0 0 U CO VL> 4» >o P. 00 o § Q o o VA o i 0 o X o 53 P- I no 0 • 0 rO| O i ^1 -55- development. Of this 16,000 acres, 11,000 acres are now "being actively used for pasture, hay production, small grains or orchards. Thirty-five different farm units are utilizing the 11,000 acres DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION: The unbiased dissemination of facts obtained in this study is a phase that deserves considerable effort. Education is probably the best method of getting a good reclamation program. The educational job in this case 5s twofold. First the strip-mine operators and second the public need to be convinced of the potential value of the stripped-over lands and that the raw land is not necessarily forever a wasteland. Information concerning the findings of the strip-mine project has been disseminated through two methods. Copies of the annual report have been sent to various libraries, ferm management companies and individuals who have expressed interest. It is of interest to note that copies have been sent to Department of Agriculture libraries in Lngland and Canada as well as the Library of Congress in Washington and to several state libraries. During the past year the strip-mine reclamation project has been discussed over Radio Station WILL. Two 10 to 15 minute discussions were broadcast to the listeners of the University radio programs* -56- Bibliography 1, Auten, J. T. Black: locust, pines and sassafras as "builders of forest soils. Central States Forest Experiment Station Technical Note No. 32. 19^1. 2. Eurlison, W. L. Long-season pastures for Illinois. Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Circular 682. June 1951* 3» Croxton, W, C0 Revegetation of Illinois coal stripped lands. Ecology, Vol. IX, No. 2. 1928. 4. Fuelleman, R. F. and Burlison, W. L0 A comparison of yields and composition of some Illinois pasture plants. Journal of American Society of Agronomy, Vol. 32:24>255. 19^0. 5. Limstrom, G. A. Extent, character and forestation possibilities of land stripped for coal in the Central States. Central States Forest Experiment Station Technical Paper 109. 19^8. 6. Slife, F. W., Hackleman, J. C« and Scott, V. 0. Weed end brush control recommendations for 1952. Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Mimeo. AG1526. 7. Stauffer, R. S. Infiltration capacity of some Illinois soils. Journal of American Society of Agronomy 30:^9>-500. 1938. 8. Guide for soil conservation surveys. USDA Soil Conservation Service. 1948. 9. Hunger signs in crops. A Symposium - American Society of Agronomy and the National Fertilizer Association, Washington, P. C. 1951 • -57- Outline I. Soil investigations A. Mechanical analysis B. Soil analysis (1) Boron added C. Organic matter of materials D. Adding limestone to acid stuff E. Total content of sulfur, etc. F. Grading of strips-mine land (1) Table of availability (2) Infiltration (3) Slope measurement G. Microbiological studies II, Forage species studies A, Species adaptation - aggressiveness of grass (1) Alfalfa varieties studies B0 Mixtures ** kinds and effect as shown by botanical analysis C. Use of grain and seed crops (1) Wheat (2) Soybeans III. Determination of forage yields and quality A. Forage yields 3. Chemical composition C. Animal gains (1) Sheep project (2) Other cattle projects IV. Economic interpretation A. Methods, cost and feasibility of species adaptation B. Accessibility and management after establishment (1) Tree killing study C. Utilization of mined land V. Dissemination of information AFG:mlm 2~29~52 THE POTENTIALITIES OF REVEGETATING AND UTILIZING AGRONOMIC SPECIES ON STRIP MINED AREAS IN ILLINOIS A PROGRESS REPORT COVERING THE SIXTH YEAR OF WORK ON A COOPERATIVE INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED BY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AND ILLINOIS COAL STRIPPERS ASSOCIATION NOTE The agreement covering this investigation provides that:— "No account of a co- operative research project shall be published by the sponsor or by any other agency, ex- cept upon approval of the division of the University, or head of the department in which the work is being done." Permission for the reproduction of this report has been granted with the understand- ing that it is to be released for the confidential information of members of Illinois Coal Strippers Association only, and not to be quoted or released for publication. — THE LIBRARY OF THE JUN 3 0 1953 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Telephone CEntral 6-7044 ILLINOIS COAL STRIPPERS ASSOCIATION 307 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO 1, ILLINOIS WILLIAM H. COOKE A. J. CHRISTIANSEN PRESIDENT SECRETARY-TREABURER CARL T. HAYDEN FOREWORD VICE PRESIDENT To Members of Illinois Coal Strippers Association Gentlemen: On February 1, 19U7* Illinois Coal Strippers Association entered into an agreement with the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Illinois, covering a project of cooperative research into the possibilities of revegetating and utilizing grasses and legumes on strip mined areas for stock range and other purposes. This project was originally set up on an estimate that it would require five years of research in order to arrive at sound conclusions. It has, however, been extended for three more years and is now entering upon its seventh year. A progress report cover- ing the first year of operation was issued on March 19, 19U8 dealing principally with the proposed scope and plan of attack on the prob- lem; a survey of spoil bank soils found throughout the state, and preliminary reports on a number of seeding projects. The second report was issued on March 15>, 19U9; the third report was issued on March 6, 1950; the fourth report was issued on March 1, 1951 > and the fifth report was issued on April 1, 1952, presenting further in- formation on spoil bank soil materials, and comparisons of such ma- terials with surface soils found on adjoining land; the adaptation of various forage species to spoil bank soils; the results of pre- liminary studies of comparative gains made by animals pastured on spoil banks with those pastured on undisturbed blue grass and highly improved grass-legume pasture and the utilization of stripped land for pasture. The report here presented covers the sixth year of operation. A consolidated final report, covering the first five years of the pro- gram is being printed as a bulletin of the University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station and should be available in the near future . The studies to be made during the three year period will carry on the uncompleted work of the present research program and, in addition, will include several other phases of the strip mining problems dealing with grading, types of overburden, compaction, drainage, organic matter content, pasture carrying capacities, pasture management, weed and brush control, etc., and a report will be issued each year as the program progresses. >.A UA,> March 25, 1953 i.b AGRONOMY PROJECT NUMBER: TITLE: OBJECT: LEADERS: 1003 - Sixth Annual Report. Agronomic Land Use Research on the Mined Areas of the Stripped Coal Lands of Illinois. The objectives of the project are to investi- gate the potentialities of revegetating and utilizing agronomic species on the strip- mined areas in Illinois. A, L. Lang, J. A. Jackobs, J. N. Spaeth, and R. R. Snapp. Advisory Committee: Dean R. R. Hudelson M..B. Russell F. C. Bauer J. C. Hackleman J. N. Spaeth A. J. Christiansen Louis S. Itfeber Agronomist - Edward A. Thurn AGRONOMIC LAND USE RESEARCH ON THE MINED AREAS , OF THE STRIPPED COAL LANDS OF ILLINOIS by Edward A. Ihurni/ 2he sixth annual report of progress on Agronomy Project 1003, covering the investigations of the potentialities of revegetating strip-mine lands with agronomic crops is herewith presented* This is a cooperative research project of the University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station and the Illinois Coal Strippers Association. The sixth annual report covers the first year of a new three-year project designed to study basic principles of agronomic species on graded strip- mined land. Included in this report is a study of some physical and chemical properties on graded strip-mine land. The research of the previous five years was primarily devoted to the general development of the strip-mined areas. The research for the past year has been confined to graded areas primarily in western Illinois, and has been limited to fewer areas so that more detailed information could be obtained. The author acknowledges the assistance of Mr. L. S. Weber, Land Use Engineer, Illinois Coal Strippers Association. Without his cooperation many of the research plots could not have been established. Also grateful acknow- ledgment is given Mr. Alten F. Grandt, Midland Electric Coal Corporation, for his cooperation and his technical experience in the strip-mine areas and to Dr. R. S. Stauffer, Associate Professor in Soil Physics, for his guidance and suggestions of the work plan. In the past six years, experimental research has been carried on at i/Assistant, Soil Fertility, Department of Agronomy, University of Illinois, Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana. -2- 25 different locations in 1U counties. Figure 1 shows the general location where these plots have been established* INVESTIGATIONS OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SOIL As of December 31, 1952, 1,6U8 soil samples have been collected from the experimental plot areas and all have been tested by the University of Illinois Soil Testing Laboratory. Table 1 shows the average amounts of avail- able plant nutrients in the soil. The over-all average of these tests shows an acidity range in pH of 2.1 to 8*5, with 75 percent of these samples ranging in pH from 5»7 to 7»3. The average available phosphorus is 136 pounds per acre, and the available potassium is 169 pounds per acre. Two hundred and seven soil samples were taken and tested in 1952. These samples did not vary from the over-all average any appreciable amount. In addition to the samples taken from the plot areas over hSO field samples have been taken. The results obtained are very similar to those ob- tained from the plot areas. Most of the soil tests taken in 1952 were from graded areas (Fig. 2). As on ungraded spoils, wide variations frequently occur within small areas. But in spite of these variations it is of primary importance to thoroughly sample and test the soil of an area to determine its potential possibilities. One of the essential elements for good forage growth is boron. It is a trace element which has received very little attention. However, legumes, especially alfalfa, are very sensitive to a boron deficiency. The fifth annual report gives the boron content as being very high. Samples taken this year in the same general area give only a medium test. The results, which were analyzed by the Soil Testing Laboratory at the University of Illinois, are listed in Table 2. •3- AGRONOMY DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA Sl' C >al Companies Southern Illinois arm to orsytfte-tfilli^ms on -tf.T. Elkville HUB. Fidelity !>-^yramid Southwestern 2)-£eninole '•■Midwest Radii Western Illinois 5-Bolar 2>Kej \k* Morgan ID- Little Si{ 1L»U.E. Buc] 1M.E. Cuba lfrhT.T. Fiatt Fair view •M.S. Rapatee-f ••Little John kthern Illinois M.E. Sheffield 1 J-Morris 1 J-Horthern 2 Hrfilmington 2 .-Northern Etstern Illinola ? ^sAyr3lAli,e«flai,3attan ILLINOIS JCALC- STATUTE MIL13 o m to M379 Location of Experimental Plots on Strip-Mined Coal Lands in Illinois (Fig. 1) -u- J Jt «to I * jr > .* Foreground, freshly leveled area being prepared for a new seeding. Background, unleveled spoils. (Fig« 2) -5- Table 1.— Soil Test Analysis of Spoil Bank Material 1 III i iii i i i ii ■ Number pH range Phos- Potas- of Acidity of 75 per- phorus sium Plot location County samples pH range cent samples average average L H^ L H lb.B? lb.*/ Southern Illinois Sahara Saline 5U 2.5 7.0 2.9 6.0 90 169 Delta Williamson 65 3.1 8.2 U.7 7.9 92 13U Forsythe -William- Williamson 23 2.5 8.2 U.9 7.5 178 169 son Truax, Elkville Jackson 55 3.U 7.8 5.0 7.U 117 173 U.E. Fidelity Perry 89 2.3 8.3 3.9 7.9 151 206 Pyramid Perry 65 U.o 8.2 6.6 7.9 93 160 Southwestern Randolph 3U U.9 7.8 6.7 7.7 82 138 Seminole St. Clair 10 7.2 7.7 7.U 7.7 126 168 Midwest Radiant St. Clair 175 iu3 8.5 6.2 8.2 116 131 Subtotal and averages 568 2.3 8.5 U.9 7.9 115 157 Western Illinois Solar Schuyler 12 U.U 7.6 6.5 7.2 171 22U Key Fulton 16 6.9 8.0 7.3 7.9 107 103 Morgan Fulton 15 6.5 7.8 6.7 7.7 185 216 Little Sister Fulton U9 6.9 8.0 7.2 7.9 169 189 U.E. Buckhart Fulton U8 6.9 8.1 7.3 7.9 125 133 E.E. Buckhart Cuba U8 6.7 7.8 7.2 7.7 i5o 160 T.T. Fiatt Fulton 150 6.U 8.3 7.U 8.0 160 158 Fairvlew Fulton 5U 2.7 7.9 6.2 7.6 1U3 172 Midland Fulton-Knox 237 5.5 8.2 7.0 7.8 159 167 Little John Knox 87 2.9 8.3 U.6 7.9 17U 192 M.S. Atkinson Henry 38 6.9 7.7 7.0 7.5 17U 188 Pioneer Peoria 16 2.7 7.7 6.8 7.6 165 Subtotal and averages 770 2.7 8.3 7.0 7.9 158 169 Northern Illinois M.E. Sheffield Bureau 89 6.1 8.1 7.1 7.8 152 217 Northern Illinois Grundy ^tfill 2.U 8.1 3.0 7.6 1U2 192 Morris Grundy 28 2.6 6.5 2.6 3.7 8U 1UU Wellington Will 32 3.U 8.5 7.U 8.3 56 170 Northern Illinois Kankakee Uo U.7 8.1 7.5 8.1 110 18U Subtotal and averages 276 2.U 8.5 3.2 7.9 125 191 Eastern Illinois Harmaitan Vermilion 3U 2.1 8a bl M 59 192 Total and averages 16U8 2.1 8.5 5.7 7.3 136 169 2f Low and high pH y P - 92 lb./A, high; K - 150-200 lb./A, high. «»o«» Table 2.— Special Soil Test Report for Available Boron Company County PH Available phosphorus Available potassium Available boron 1,00 1.25 Boron rating Midland Rspatee Knox 7.7 7.3 190 208 Ili6 300 Medium Medium T.T. Fiatt Fulton 7.U 7.3 208 208 200 158 2.00 1.25 Medium Medium Little Sister Fulton 7.7 7.U 159 200 Ho 235 1.25 1.00 Medium Medium Midland Fulton 7.2 7.3 156 123 152 152 1.25 1.25 Medium Medium There are many factors that could be in part responsible for this rapid change in boron content. First and probably the most important factor is leaching • Boron is a mobile ion. This ion is similar to nitrogen, in that it moves freely in soil solution. Any mobile ion is subject to severe leach- ing, especially when the quantity is high in the soil. This does not mean, however, that boron will be deficient in the near future. Crop removal also depletes the available boron in the soil but it is not normally removed very rapidly by cropping. Very few boron analyses have been made, and for this reason, the above data may not give an accurate representation of the spoil banks* Although the soil tests have shown a range in available boron from medium to very high, no plant toxicity or deficiency has been observed in the field. At this time there is no concrete evidence as to why there is such a wide variation of boron in the soil material. Mechanical Analysis Mechanical analysis, (1) or the measurement of soil particle size, lis very important in determining the future potential of the spoil banks. One can see the rock, shale, and some sand. However, in respect to plant production, -7- the smaller particles are of greater importance* This analysis determines the quantity, in percent by weight, of sand, silt, and clay* This size distribution was obtained by analyzing the less than 2 mm* fraction of the soil material* The particle sizes of the above classifications are: sand - 2 ram* to 0*05 mm*, silt - 0*05 to 0*002 mm*, and clay 0*002 mm* and less* Table 3 gives the par* tide size for some graded areas in western Illinois* Table 3*— "Mechanical Analysis of Strip-Mine Soil Materials on Graded AreasSr Company Sand Silt Clay 2 mm* to 0,05 mm* to 0*002 mm* County 0*05 mm* 0*002 mm* and less Soil class*/ Somers pasture Fulton 32*3 15.7 22*0 Loam Little Sister Fulton 15.2 5U.8 30*0 Silty clay loam Fairview Fulton 11*7 U.5 Ui.8 Silty clay Midland Fulton 12 *U 53.3 33.8 Silty clay loam T*T. Fiatt Fulton 20.U U3.8 35.3 Clay loam U*E* BucJehart Fulton U*J* 51.8 30.8 Silty clay loam Midland Knox 17*9 I16.I4 35.3 Silty clay loam Fairview Fulton 19.0 38.1 12*9 Clay —'The results in this table are composite ssrtples from five sample areas* b/ -'Based on texture* There is no significant difference in the mechanical analysis of graded and ungraded areas* A farm soil having a classification of silt loam, which is a very common soil class, has an approximate range in particle size of 10 to 20 percent sand, 50 to 60 percent silt, and 20 to 30 percent clay* Most of the strip-mined land contains slightly more clay than this* The small particles, or clay, are very important in that they are the main storehouse for plant nutrients* Clay particles are directly related to the capacity of a soil to supply nutrients to the plants* However, a soil, can be too high in clay causing undesirable physical conditions* Too much clay can cause high plasticity, low aeration, high rate of compaction, and low -8- permeability* The water-holding capacity of a soil is determined by the amount of clay particles and the organic matter content* Since organic matter is I deficient in the spoil banks, clay particles play an important role in water- Iholding capacity. Mechanical analyses of the different strata in the high wall are listed in Table h* These analyses illustrate the particle size of the material in the different strata* Further information will be submitted later in the paper* Permeability and Physical Studies Prior to grading the use of spoil bank areas is limited primarily to forestry, grazing, and recreation* After grading, when farm machinery can be used, crop land becomes a possibility* When the spoil banks are graded, and a more diversified utilization is possible, physical conditions become more important* Drainage, permeability, compaction, and puddling undergo changes in the process of leveling* Leveling of spoil banks and vegetative growth causes a change in permeability of the soil material* On unleveled areas, where the land was bare and the material was a silty clay texture, the percolation rate was 9*29 inches of water per hour* On similar areas covered by vegetation for years, the rate was 13*57 inches per hour (2)* These rates are classified as r'oid and very rapid, respectively, by the Soil Conservation Service* Table 5 gives the results obtained in western Illinois on some of the leveled research plots* The percolation rates given in Table 5 are much lower than results previously mentioned on similar but unleveled spoils* Apparently leveling re* duces the rate of percolation, which is due to compaction during leveling and perhaps to some extent to settling* -9- 1/ Table k* — Mechanical Analysis of Highwall Strata Company Strata Sand Silt Clay Soil class Tops oil 8.6 60.0 31.U Silty clay loam Midland Lower Peorian loess 1.0 72.9 26.2 Silt loam Electric Sangamon loess 5.0 58.6 36.U Silty clay loam Fulton Glacial till 11.2 6U.U 2U.U Silt loam county Yellow shale 16.6 U6.0 37. »4 Silty clay loam Blue shale 1U.8 53.2 32.0 Silty clay loam Tops oil 5.6 62.U 32.0 Silty clay loam Fairview Lower Peorian loess • • * . 72. h 27.6 Silty clay loam Fulton Sangamon loess 9.8 hi. 6 Ii2.6 Silty clay county Glacial till US.!* 25.0 29.6 Sandy clay loam Yellow shale 260i4 U5.8 27.9 Clay loam Grey shale .... 62. h 37.6 Silty clay loam Topsoil 5.U 59.0 35.6 Silty clay loam Truax- Lower Peorian loess 13.9 60.0 26.1 Silt loam Traer Sangamon loess 26.8 39.U 33.8 Clay loam Fulton Glacial till 19.U 33.8 36.8 Clay county Grey shale . . • • 37.2 62.9 Clay Blue shale .... 76.0 2U.0 Silt loam Topsoil 7.6 69.6 22.8 Silt loam Little Lower Peorian loess 3.8 61.2 35.0 Silty clay loam Sister Sangamon loess • . • . 81.0 19.0 Silt loam Fulton Glacial till 21.8 33.6 3li.6 Clay county Yellow shale 7.6 U3.U 19.0 Silty clay Blue shale .2 32.8 67.0 Clay Topsoil 7.U 71.6 21.0 Silt loam Midwest Lower Peorian loess 1U.8 68.9 16.U Silt loam Radiant Sangamon loess 6.8 71.2 22.0 Silt loam St. Clair Glacial till 32.2 39.6 28.2 Loam county Grey shale 17.6 52.5 29.9 Silty clay loam Topsoil 6.14 78J4 15.2 Silt loam Lower Peorian loess 16.6 5U.li 28.6 Silty clay loam Seminole Glacial till 33.8 33.2 33.0 Clay loam St. Clair Yellow shale 20.U 71.2 12.6 Silt loam county Grey shale 1.8 U6.6 51.6 Silty clay Black shale 1.2 1*5.6 53.2 Silty clay U.E. Topsoil ll.li 75.3 13.3 Silt loam Fidelity Lower Peorian loess 9.6 6U.8 25.6 Silt loam Perry Yellow shale lu2 18.6 li7.2 Silty clay county Grey shale 21.6 Wi.U 3U.0 Clay loam Topsoil 5.U 71.0 23.6 Silt loam Southwestern Lower Peorian loess 37.2 35.6 27.2 Clay loam Randolph Glacial till 8.2 62.2 29.6 Silty clay loam -10- Table 5 ♦—Percolation Rate, Pore Space, and Volume Weight of Leveled Areas in Western Illinois^ Company County Depth of sample Vol, wt. Perco- lation Total pore space Capillary pore space Noncapil- lary pore space in. in,/hr. Midland^ Knox 0 to 3 9 to 12 1.37 Uh9 1.52 .17 1*7.8 1*5.0 39.2 1*0.3 8.5 1*.7 U.E, EuckhartS/ Fulton 0 to 3 9 to 12 1.56 1.1*9 .69 .37 12.0 1*5.5 37.0 38.8 5.0 6.9 Midland^/ Fulton 0 to 3 9 to 12 1*31* 1.56 .26 .15 1*5.5 1*1.8 38.3 38.9 7.2 2.8 T,T. Fiattg/ Fulton 0 to 3 9 to 12 1.36 1.72 .21 .21* 1*7.5 37.9 39.3 35.8 8.2 2.1 Little Sister£/ Fulton 0 to 3 9 to 12 1.31 1*1*8 1.50 •12 1*7.1 1*3.7 37.3 1*1.6 10.1 2.1 Fairviewf/ Fulton 0 to 3 9 to 12 l.hl 1.62 .53 .57 1*8.1* 1*1.2 39.9 36.9 7.9 5.9 y Each depth is an average of seven samples -/ Leveled in 191*7 - four years of alfalfa ^Leveled in 1950 - two years of alfalfa ^Leveled in 1952 - bare, planted to corn in 1952 -'Leveled in 1952 - bare, planted to corn in 1952 £/box cut spoil leveled 1951 - volunteer growth W Leveled 1951 - one year wheat The following table has been set up by the Soil Conservation Service to classify the permeability rates in soils (3). Permeability Percolation inches per hour Very slow less than 0.05 Slow 0.05 to 0.20 Moderately slow 0.20 to 0.80 Moderate 0.80 to 2,50 Moderately rapid 2.50 to 5.00 Rapid 5.00 to 10.00 Very rapid more than 10.00 -11- The percolation on graded areas that have been analyzed ranges from slow to mod- erate which does not differ greatly from the percolation rates of most Illinois soils* Table 5 shows higher volume weight in the 9 to 12 inch layer* The average of this layer is 1.56 compared to 1*39 for the 0 to 3 inch layer* Per- colation average is 0*79 in the 0 to 3 inch layer compared to 0*27 in the 9 to 12 inch layer* Total pore space averages U6*U and 1*2.5 in the 0 to 3 and 9 to 12 inch layers, respectively* Noncapillary pore space averages 7»o" and U*l in the 0 to 3 and 9 to 12 inch layer* Total pore space is that part of the entire volume occupied by soil material not actually taken up by solid particles* As the clay content in- creases the total pore space generally increases, but the noncapillary pore space is likely to decrease* Pore space is of great importance since water and air relationships depend upon it* Soils with too low noncapillary porosity do not drain satisfactorily* The total porosity is not so important for characterizing the structural properties of soils as is the relative distribution of the pore sizes (!*)• The noncapillary pore space is the sum of the volumes of the large pores, which will not hold water tightly by capillary* They are normally filled with air and are responsible for the air capacity and ready percolation of the water through the soil* Capillary porosity is the sum of the volumes of small pores that hold water by capillary. They are responsible for the water-holding capacity of the soil. A soil could have $0 percent or more total porosity with about equal amounts of capillary and noncapillary porosity (li). This distri- bution of total pore space might be found in very young or in very sandy soils* Many well drained soils in Illinois range from 3 to 8 percent noncapillary pore space (5)* -12- The footnotes of Table 5> give the vegetative history of the individ- ual fields. The following table gives the average of some of the physical measurements in Table 5 comparing alfalfa plots and bare corn plots « All volume weights on alfalfa plots 1»L8 All volume weights on bare plots 1.K9 Percolation 0 to 3 inch layer alfalfa plots 1.1.1 Percolation 0 to 3 inch layer bare plots .21; Percolation 9 to 12 inch layer alfalfa plots #27 Percolation 9 to 12 inch layer bare plots .20 Noncapillary pore space 0 to 3 inch layer alfalfa plots 6#8 Noncapillary pore space 0 to 3 inch layer bare plots 7.7 Noncapillary pore space 9 to 12 inch layer alfalfa plots 5«8 Noncapillary pore space 9 to 12 inch layer bare plots 2.5 Volume weight shows no difference between vegetative and bare areas. The sur- face layer under vegetation shows a significant difference in percolation. However, the 9 to 12 inch layer shows little increase for vegetation. Noncapil- lary pore space shows little variation in the surface layer between vegetated and bare areas. In the 9 to 12 inch layer, however, the noncapillary pore space is substantially higher in the vegetated plots. The samples for this study were taken by the 3-inch core method (6). Some difficulty is encountered in sampling the material by this method because of its heterogeneous nature. However, it is the author's recommendation that this phase of the study should be continued. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STRATA IN THE HIGHWALL The spoil banks are made up of a mixture of materials from different strata which occur above the coal. The percentage of each strata found in the upper portion of the spoil banks depends upon the thickness of the particular stratum as well as upon the method of mining. A study of the characteristics / -13- of the strata and the proportion of each occurring in the overburden, coupled with the method of mining should furnish information on the amount of each strata occurring on or near the surface of the spoil banks. This information is of value in determining the best land use for these areas* Samples of each stratum from the surface of the soil to the top of the coal were taken in order to make some chemical tests and also mechanical analyses. These samples were also studied in the greenhouse to determine their ability to support plant growth. The following table shows the classification of each stratum and its approximate thickness. Classification Depth ft. Topsoil, normally plow depth 0-1.5 Lower Peorian loess 0-16=/ Sangamon (Farmdale) loess 2-9 Glacial till 5-30 Yellow shale) Gray shale ) variable depths U— 50 Blue shale ) Rock 0-25 -* This depth includes all Peorian loess The thickness of the individual strata varies with the total depth of the overburden and also with location. As the overburden becomes thicker the shales generally become thicker. The upper strata also vary in thickness but to a lesser extent than the shales. Table 6 illustrates the chemical analysis of the samples taken in the highwall. Tops oil 5.0 7.0 15 Lower Peorian loess 5.2 7.7 27 Sangamon loess 7.0 7.9 1U Glacial till Wi 7.9 8 Yellow shale 7.2 8.3 9 Gray shale 7.6 8.1 6 Blue shalefy 7.3 8.3 7 -Hi- Table 6 ♦—Chemical Analyses of Samples From Individual Strata pH Available phosphorus Strata acidity range ?■£/ ?^/ Available potassium W Wf 1WA. lb./A. lb./A« 22 215 U4O 209 10ii 180 87 188 109 196 122 268 200 30U 2f?± - exchangeable - readily available to the plant -2 f ?2 - total available phosphorus 2/Lcw and high -/Unpublished data by G. Deithschman and J. W. Neckers (10) The topsoil is usually leached of the more soluble constituents. This varies according to the previous management and fertilizer program. However, the surface soil material, which includes all the loess, is in general high in plant nutrients. The glacial till is variable in that the Ulinoisan till is highly weathered and leached. The more recent Wisconsin till, which is not found south of Peoria county, is not so highly weathered. The shales are nor- mally alkaline and high in phosphorus and potassium. The shale layers are very similar in characteristics except that the upper shales are more weathered which causes the variation in color. The above table indicates less phosphorus and potassium in the upper shales than in the lower shale. The mechanical analysis of the highwall samples are illustrated in Table 7. -15- Table 7 •—Mechanical Analysis of Strata in the Overburden^ Soil separates Sand Silt Clay Strata 2.0-.05 mm. .05-.002 mm. .002 mm, and finer Soil class Topsoil 7.U 68.lt 2k.h Silt loam Lower Peorian loess 12 J* 59.5 27.8 Silty clay loam Sangamon loess 10.9 60.7 28.1 Silty clay loam Glacial till 25.3 Uo.5 6 31.3 r Clay loam Yellow shale lii.7 51.6 33.7 Silty clay loam Gray shale 8.2 U8.6 1*3.2 Silty clay Blue shale 2.1 U8.9 50.7 Silty clay i? Averages from Table k A mixture of the above strata makes up the material in the spoil banks* It cannot be foretold what percentage of each stratum will make up the mixture of the upper portion of the spoil, because the method of stripping is a factor in this determination. Good, productive soils usually contain a mixture of sand, silt, and clay. Those containing a relatively high percentage of silt and sand usually drain well and are well aerated. Such soils are less subject to puddling and compaction than those containing a high percentage of clay. On the other hand, soils containing a high proportion of clay are easily puddled and may become very compact and impervious to water unless managed so as to retain a granular structure. Clay particles are very small and plate or disk- like in shape and can be fitted -very closely together, thus forming an impervioi mass. This is what happens when clay soils are tilled too wet. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that where shaly material makes up a considerable portic of the surface layer of spoil banks, great care must be exercised in working and leveling the material or a compact unproductive soil will result. The clay mineral types in the shale are for the most part illite, kaolinite, and chlorite. The quantity of the different clay mineral types -16- vary widely within the state* Illite has been found in all of the shales. It will range from about UO to 100 percent of the clay content. Kaolinite is usually found in southern Illinois and ranges from 0 to U0 percent* Chlorite usually ranges from 20 to U0 percent (7). The clay mineral illite is desir- able in our Illinois soils. Kaolinite is not as desirable as illite, but this / clay mineral can form good productive soils. Chlorite is the first of these minerals to break down, and it is not as important in soil formation. The weathering or disintegration of the shales is for the most part very rapid, T/flien placed in water, a 7-pound sample with a rock hardness of 2.0, completely broke down in 3 to U hours. It is noted in the field that the shales decompose very rapidly. A study of the strata in the highwall was made in the greenhouse. Samples of each stratum were placed in gallon jars. Nitrogen was added to each jar at the rate of approximately 100 pounds of the element per acre. Alfalfa, ryegrass, and corn were planted. In all cases the alfalfa and ryegrass germinated. In five of the corn samples, the seed rotted before germination. Alfalfa did not continue to grow on samples with a low pH, but it did grow on the other samples. The ryegrass grew on all samples. Corn, however, was retarded in growth and the plants did not have a healthy appearance. Figures 3 and k indicate that, in general, forage crops are more adaptable to the individual strata than corn. They also indicate that the per- centage of each strata in the upper portion of the strip-mined lands are a factor in their potential productivity, FORAGE CROPS £^ Leguraes and grasses continue to be the principal crops best adapted to the spoil banks. Some crops are better adapted geographically than others. A seeding mixture of alfalfa, brome, and orchard grass appearsto give the best -17- B(tst \ \ K' ifotmsffif***' *4*V* '»- Ij&st- J - v S^f N ZS? **A'"Vi". o o EH /> i «l fa mt &. CO CO cu o •H Jn O CU Pl, U I 18- <^ rH o V ■ i-l aJ XI CO d) pq —19 Fig. k Corn growth on individual strata within the same highwall. The strata are from left to right top soil, lower Peorian loess, glacial till, yellow shale, grey shale, and blue shale. -20- results for western Illinois • Birdsfoot trefoil is well adapted, but it cannot withstand severe competition in pasture establishment • It has proven success- ful when seeded with red clover, Ihe longevity of birdsfoot trefoil is its greatest attribute* Once established, it will compete with weeds and other undesirable plant species ♦ Figure 5> shows a well established stand of birdsfoot trefoils It is particularly good on unleveled areas because once established, it furnishes good pasture for many years* Ladino clover is very well adapted and it is very palatable and good animal gains can be made, but due to the possibility of bloat, it is not recommended in the above seed mixture* Fescue, bluegrass, and timothy are also well adapted. Alfalfa, lespedeza, fescue (Ky. 31 and Alta), and orchard grass makes a good seed mixture for southern Illinois, Birdsfoot trefoil is also well adapted in this part of the state. Since southern Illinois has a longer grow- ing season than the rest of the state, there is a possibility of year round grazing* The University of Illinois experiment station at Dixon Springs has carried out some research work on winter pastures. These experiments showed that a mixture of Ladino clover and fescue grass would maintain beef cows through- out the winter. These pastures were grazed from October to May. It was deter- mined that lj acres of pasture would maintain one beef cow. The only supple- mentary feed fed was hay when snow and ice prohibited grazing. These animals did not gain any weight during this grazing period, but neither did they show a loss. However, greater gains were made by these animals on the following spring and summer pasture than by animals wintered in a drylot. Alfalfa variety studies were established by Grandt (8) in 1950 and 193>1« Eleven varieties were established on graded areas in nine different locations. The object of this study was to determine what alfalfa variety or -21- *%i \^ Good stand of birdsf oot trefoil (Fig. 5) -22- varieties were best suited for the strip-mined areas ♦ Due to reseeding, physical destruction, and grazing, only two locations are still intact ♦ The two plots studied this year were both seeded in the spring of 1951* Climatic conditions for the following winter were favorable for alfalfa winter survival. It will require many years to show which variety is best suited for the mined lands • Table 8 gives the plant survival and the l°5l winterkill, for plots in southern Illinois. Even though winter conditions were not severe, some varieties show a very high mortality rate. They consist mainly of nonhardy types. The varieties with high mortality rates are becoming infested with weeds, and it is expected that by next year these varieties will produce lower yields and lower quality hay. The varieties with a small amount of winterkill are well established with little or no infestation of weeds. Table 8.— Plant Survival and 195l Winterkill for Alfalfa Varieties in Southern Illinois Number of live Death loss Variety plants per sq. ft. per sq. ft. perct. 2.2 0 l.U 7.6 1«9 2U.8 37.2 Table 9 gives the average and individual alfalfa yields for southern and western Illinois. The average production for the different varieties shows no significant difference. The number of plants per square foot is in most cases quite high. Four alfalfa plants per square foot are adequate for good production, on highly fertile soil, as long as weeds can be controlled. Wilt resistant and winter-hardy varieties should continue to show good yields while Roswell 9 Buffalo 13 Kansas Common 11 Chilean 6 Hatch 10 India 5 Africa 3 -23 the other species not so well adapted will reduce yield* Table 9.— 1952 Average of Individual Alfalfa Yields Variety Yield Individual yields for southern Illinois T./A. Buffalo 1.9 Roswell 1.7 Hatch 1.6 Kansas Common 2.3 Chilean 1.8 Africa 1.U India 1.6 Individual yields for western Illinois Buffalo 5.5 Roswell 5.5 Hatch 5.2 Chilean 5.2 Africa 5.2 India 5.7 Average yields for southern and western Illinois Buffalo 3.7 Roswell 3.6 Hatch 3.U Chilean 3.5 Africa 3.3 India 3.7 The low yields in southern Illinois were primarily due to the very serious drouth. Only two cuttings w*»re taken and the second cutting had suf- fered severely from lack of moisture • Previous data show uiat under normal climatic conditions, the southern Illinois spoil banks are quite capable of producing good quality, high yielding legumes and grasses. In western Illinois the winter survival of the southern alfalfa species was very high. The lack of winterkill in western Illinois was probably due to climate and not to species • Since population, or thickness of stand, -2U- was very similar for all varieties, a field observation showed little difference in growth. The yield of three cuttings of hay substantiates this observation* Samples were taken for the fourth cutting on October 8, 19$2* This cutting yielded from 1*2 to 1*6 tons giving one variety a total yield of 7«2 tons for the season* Ihe fourth cutting was not included in the year's average, because it is impractical to cut hay at this time* This would result in a lack of food reserve in the roots causing a high winter mortality rate and a reduced growth the following year* Legume and grass plots have been established under different fertility rates to determine whether or not longevity and yields can be increased* Fig- ure 7 describes a nitrogen study on alfalfa, brome, and birdsfoot trefoil* Ihe series of fertility rates are set up in triplicate and the species are random- ized. A blanket application of 300 pounds of 0-20-20 fertilizer was applied so that phosphorus and potassium would not be a limiting factor in plant growth. Variable rates of nitrogen were applied, see Figure 19 to determine what effects could be derived from nitrogen* These plots were seeded on April 11, 1952* Yields were not taken this year since the first season's growth was not adequate for yield determinations* Little or no difference was observed in thickness of stand in the fall of 1952 due to nitrogen* Growth did show a response to nitrogen on bromegrass seeded without legumes* When grasses and legumes are seeded as a mixture, the grasses show a better growth than when seeded alone* For this reason the response of grass in the mixture to nitrogen fertilizer cannot be determined. Stand and yield determinations will be made in 1953> and at this time more information will be obtained* -25- Alfalfa establishment on graded area in western Illinois. (Fig. 6) -26- Figure 7«— Nitrogen Study on Legumes and Grass 0 10 30 60 90 120 Alfalfa 120 90 60 30 10 0 Alfalfa 30 10 0 120 90 . 60 Birdsfoot trefoil Alfalfa-brome Alfalfa-brome B» trefoil-brome B* trefoil-brome B. trefoil-brome Alfalfa Birdsfoot trefoil Birdsfoot trefoil Alfalfa-brome Alfalfa-brome Alfalfa-brome Birdsfoot trefoil Alfalfa B« trefoil-brome Alfalfa B» trefoil-brome Birdsfoot trefoil Alfalfa-brome fll Birdsfoot trefoil Alfalfa B. trefoil-brome u Alfalfa B« trefoil-brome Birdsfoot trefoil an average available phosphorus reading of l83> and a potassium reading of 17U pounds per acre. The yields and fertilizer ap- plication are illustrated in Figure 12 • Figure 12.— 1952 Yield and Fertilizer Application on Corn Plots on the Little Sister Mine c