Veetaidy POULTRY, SEN SE —p -PURSELL, 1800 WOH Copyright N° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT: nad POULTRY SENSE A TREATISE ON THE MANAGEMENT AND CARE OF | CHICKENS INCLUDING THE TREATMENT OF THE MORE COMMON DISEASES BY ee PURSELL, M.D. Ew mh eR ‘PUBLISHED BY DR. JAMES P. PURSELL “GRAND VIEW" SELLERSVILLE, PA. 1911 Copyki HTED, 1911, | i PREEACE My excuse for writing these few pages is to relieve some poor fellow, who may have spare time on his hands, as I have had. Living in the country, one is not afforded the various pastimes and clubs to run into in leisure hours, and, as I am of an active nature and must keep occupied, decided to keep a few chickens. Proceeded to buy a few books on chicken lore; subscribed for a couple of first-class poultry jour- nals; soon discovered there were a vast number of both to be had, but, after reading them for some months, found that I was more confused and mystified than ever. 5 PREFACE Then I began experimenting, and thus I can assure you I have been through the mill. It is a long story, but I will not take up your time with such a tale of woe. It would be like de- scribing the best bird, only to find later that they are all good. Any can be made a success by care- fully following these pages. JAMES P. Pursetu, M. D. Member of A. P. A. a ee ee fy GRAND VIEW, SELLERSVILLE, PA. JANUARY ldru, 1911. IHE poultry subject has — occupied the minds of some of the foremost scholars and philosophers from the time B. C. until the pres- ent era. Much serious thought, time and money have been spent in an endeavor to increase the produc- tion and quality of the hen. In fact, to standardize a system 7 POULTRY SENSE. of poultry culture, so that, by a course of study and practice, any person of average intelligence can make a success with the same. Among the earliest writers were men of profound mind and influ- ence, who gave the subject their unbiased consideration and atten- tion. ANG That they succeeded in develop- ing specimens of excellence, in a manner that would stand out prom- inently at this day, will be seen from a careful study of their writings. As to the origin of the domestic fowl, that is a question which will never be positively decided. By many it is thought to be the jungle fowl of India; it can scarcely be possible that all the species 8 POULTRY SENSE. have come from one common source. One of the writers of the first century was M. 'Terentian Varro— a friend of Cicero—who died in 27 B. C., in his 89th year. He was one of the most learned of the early Roman scholars, hav- ing written 470 books, though of _ these only two have come down to | uals | The one entitled “‘De Re Rus- tica,’ on agriculture, written in his 80th year, was the most ad- vanced of its kind. In it he gives space to poultry, calling attention to strong, healthy, vigorous breed- ing stock. He describes what they should be, and no doubt were, also different kinds. Pliny the Elder, (born A. D. 23, 9 + POULTRY SENSE. at Como or Verono), was a Roman naturalist of eminence and a great writer. In his tenth book of ‘‘ Histora Naturalis,”’ he writes of the domes- tic fowl, and says: “‘'These birds about our houses are our sentinels by night; nature has created them to awaken and call men to their work; they also have sense and understanding of glory; moreover, they are astronomers, know the course of the stars, divide the day by crowing three hours to three hours; when the sun goes to rest, they go to roost and, like sentinels, keep relief of the fourth watch; in the camp they call men to their labor and travel and will not sufier the sun to rise and steal upon us but that they give warning 10 | POULTRY SENSE. of it by their crowing, telling us the day is coming; likewise by clapping their sides with their wings. Ye shall see them marching stately, carrying their necks bolt upright, with a comb on their — heads like the crest of a soldier’s helmet, and there is not a bird beside himself that so oft looketh up to the sun and sky.” | Columbella, a Spamiard by birth, like Pliny the Elder, was an enthu- siastic writer on poultry; speaks of the courageous fow! of ‘Taragra and the fattening fowl of Delas; writes of a table fowl of superior excellence, size, shape and utility. From his description, there is no doubt but that he refers to the game fowl and describes what they were and should be: LL POULTRY SENSE. ‘They should be of plumage red or tawny, black wings; let the whole be of the same color, or a near approach; let white fowls be avoided, for they are tender and less robust, neither is 1t easy to find those of that color that are prolific.” | He speaks of the breeding hen and says: ‘It should be robust, square-framed, large and broad, large head, small comb, white ears, and let the largest be used. Those hens are reckoned the purest bred which have five claws. Thus you see at that early age vigor and stamina were of first © importance. They must have had a standard and bred to the same, also several varieties. 12 ie ee a pe es MN Ste cc ae =e i SD RRM GRE ALT LEDE LLOIE I AINA ABR ACES POULTRY SENSE. Me then says: “‘the cock must be iustful and colored hke the hen, same number of claws, but larger, proud and erect, eyes brown, beak short and crooked; goes on to describe the features and manners, as lively, alert and crowing fre- — quently. All writers of one different ages seem to have realized the ten- dency to deteriorate and insisted © upon good quality. Chaucer, writing in the 14th century, describes a fowl similar to the old Kent, Sussex and Surry, a five-toed fowl. Terentian Parmenes also said they should be of the choicest — color, good shape, active, cour- ageous and goes into detail of eye, wattle, comb and head. Speaking 13 POULTRY SENSE. of their care, they must have clean pots and perches, refresh their troughs with fresh, clean water thrice In summer and twice in winter, for filthy water engen- dereth pip and other sickness. Maisters, Leonard, Mascall, in 1581, and Prudense Choiselat, in 1586, wrote in a like manner and mentions a breed with a tuft of feathers on their heads. ‘This is the first mention of the crested breed I have found thus far, which shows that they are among the oldest breeds on record. As seen from the French trans- lation of “‘The Maison Ruas- tique,’’ written in the 16th century, the breeders of this period seem to have had the right idea of sani- tation and advise cleaning the 14 | - he = J sige a ~ be = - ES eee POULTRY SENSE. houses every day, frequently de- stroying insects, keeping the houses dry, free from draught and fur- nish plenty of clean water; give them sand, dust or ashes in which to dust themselves. | Having seen how careful they were three hundred years ago, we ask ourselves how much have we advanced? It is indeed interesting to reflect — upon the knowledge and attention given to poultry through the past ages, yet not surprising when one considers the benefit and pleasure to mankind derived from produc- ing as perfect and useful a fowl as we have today. In visiting many of the larger poultry plants and schools of this country, it seems to me there is 15 POULTRY SENSE. one Important question which must be decided before success can be attained and that is, how to obtain health and vigor in the parent stock? First decide upon the breed you wish to keep, and, if for white eggs, would suggest the hght or Mediterranean, which require less space and feed than either the Asiatic or American. The leghorn has been dubbed the Jersey of the egg producers, though some of the American breeds are very good layers and will produce as many eggs per year. ‘Then there are the Minor- cas and Houdans, which lay large white eggs; the latter is especially prized in France for their table qualities. If you want meat and eggs 16 POULTRY SENSE. (and there is no objection to brown — egos), we advise the Wyandoite, Reds, Rocks, Orpingtons, Lang- shans, Brahmas and Cornish. If you are interested in the fancy and breeding for pleasure (and, if properly handled and advertised, profit), choose the breed which appeals to you most. Eggs for market should be infer- tile, as they are more sanitary and keep better; these are strictly inva- lid eggs free from bacilli. Don’t let your hens eat poor or putrid food, as it afiects the flavor of the eggs and may transmit disease to your hens. | How shall we attain the health and vigor referred to above? By following these instructions: | 17 POULTRY SENSE. Location First, as to location. TH possible, locate on a sandy soil, well drained and laying to the south, south- east, or southwest. Now consider what kind of fowls should go into the breeding pen. ie This is the first step, and here we must begin correctly if our object is to be attained. See that they are selected with as much care and study as a college foot- ball team. If you are right, succeeding steps will be easy; make a mistake, and failure is certain. If inexperienced, we would ad- vise buying a pen of the best birds your purse will allow and from 18 POULTRY SENSE. some breeder of experience who is known to be reliable. Even though you cannot afford more than three good birds, better spend your money for these, than a larger pen of inferior stock. Let these few be vicorovs in every sense of the word. Be sure to inquire if any of them have been sick or out of condition; if so, then they are not the birds for you. You want only those that. are absolutely STRONG, ACTIVE, WELL DEVELOPED and from Goop, VIGOROUS STOCK. : If you purchase eggs for hatch- Ing, see they are from such stock as described above, and are not. over two weeks old and as fresh as possible, they should be well ie POULTRY SENSE. shaped, good color, and free from defects. Don’t make a mistake and breed to a bird because it meets standard requirements and sacrifice vigor and laying qualities. The number of hens per male should be about twelve to fifteen in the Mediterranean, eight for the American, and six for the Asiatic; the more active the breed the more females per pen. If you use two males in the breeding pen (alternating each day), we get the best results from an early hatched and well matured cockerel and cock,—it will increase the per cent. of fertile eggs and produce more vigorous stock. If inexperienced, I would say go slowly, develop a unit plant of 20 EE POULTRY SENSE. from twenty-five to one hundred birds and when you have made a success of those you can multiply your plant by adding as many units as you desire. Breed to yearlings or two-year- old hens, using an early hatched and fully matured cockerel or cock. It is generally considered that - mating hens with cockerels will give a larger per cent. of pullets, and by mating fully matured pul- lets with a cock bird will give more cockerels. Never breed to full brothers or sisters, or where the male and — female have like defects. I am quite aware there are those who will say, ‘‘ Nonsense, a1 POULTRY SENSE. pullets are all right to breed to cockerels.”’ Not so in our experience, nor do the most successful breeders use them. The only time we believe pullets can be used 1s when you are breed- ing for cockerels, as stated above, and then they should be early hatched, fully matured and bred to a vigorous cock. Why not breed to pullets? Because they do not bring as strong, vigorous chicks, nor will they develop as rapidly or grow into as fine, large specimens as those from the more fully matured hen. | Pullets not being fully developed, lay smaller eggs, and the fertility is liable to run lower owing to the 22 SS ae es Seen —— = SSS ESS 2 EES Se SS POULTRY SENSE. large number of eggs laid - per month as compared to hens. The best results obtained at Grand View, have been from year- ling or two-year-old hens mated to a large cockerel or a year-old cock. The male should be selected with especial care, as to vitality, size, shape and color, and should exceed in those points which are defective in the female and vice - versa. | I mention vigor first, because it is of the most importance, and, as I have just said, particularly in the male. He must be active, alert, cour- ageous, giving all of his attention — to his hens, defending them, crow- ing often and difficult to coerce. His eye should stand out promi- 23 POULTRY SENSE. nently and look ferocious and call loudly to his hens. Next of importance is type. He should be of good conforma- tion; this is very essential. Next in line comes color; see that he is true to his kind, and of good size. After you have selected your breeders, you must have a pen or house for their abode; we would strongly advise the fresh air kind, with curtain fronts. Regardless of the adverse criti- cism of a few prominent breeders, fresh air is of vital importance to all organic life. See that the pen is dry, free from draughts, of ample size, so that there will be no crowding on the perches at night, plenty of scratching room, free 24 ‘POULTRY SENSE. from all kinds of vermin, clean and sanitary. The floor should be double, with heavy paper between the layers. There are many books written on poultry houses and fixtures; all agree in the main with but a few exceptions, so we will not take up much space in describing them other than to say that in a pen 10x © 12 about 25 to 30 chickens can be comfortably housed. See that the dropping board is at least two feet from hens when on perches and that the sun can shine on them a short time each day. | It 1s quite essential to visit your hen-house at night, in mild weath- er, in order to note if there is any 25 POULTRY SENSE. crowding on the perches; if such is the case, you have too many to a pen; overcrowding is con- ducive to colds and poor ventila-. tion. : The house should be free from draughts, dampness and vermin, for you cannot be successful un- less you keep your flock free from the annoyance of lice and mites. Use plenty of lice powder; we use “orp top” and find it very good. Remove all droppings at least once a week; every day is better. Use plenty of sand on the floors of pen and drop boards, as sand is very important as well as sani- tary; sifted coal ashes will do. Disinfect often (not less than once a month) winter as well as summer; damp, warm, mucky 26 SRS eS POULTRY SENSE. weather is a good breeder of dis- ease germs and a good time to Pumicate.))()) Always be on the lookout for colds or other diseases, if you find such, remove the bird from the pen at once and place in a hospital. Right here let me say that we consider it of utmost importance to have a separate place some distance from the other birds in> which you can place all sick fowls. | You will appreciate this advice some of these days when such diseases as roup, chicken-pox, sore throat, limberneck, cholera and other epidemics are rampant in> your neighborhood; the chances are that if you have followed the above instructions you will escape, which will save labor, worry, 27 | POULTRY SENSE. money and perhaps a prize winner or two. Upon purchasing birds from any source, never place them among: your flock until you feel sure they are free from all vermin and disease. For disinfecting use formalde- hyde or flowers of sulphur; the former can be used in liquid by spraying on perches, dropping boards and about the pen, or the candles can be used; in using the sulphur, take a cupful (6 oz.) in an old can (we use the large-sized sardine can), set it in a basin of water, being careful that the water is not too deep or it will wet the sulphur; pour a little wood or denatured alcoho! on the middle of sulphur and after freeing the 28 POULTRY SENSE. pen from all the chickens and making it as nearly air-tight as possible, light the sulphur. To a pen ten by twelve put two cans of sulphur or two candles of formaldehyde, after they have burned out (or in two or three hours) open up the pen and allow the birds to return; this will occupy very little time and destroy disease germs, vermin and rats. Paint the perches at least twice a week with a mixture composed of one part crude carbolic (90 to 95 per cent.) to three parts gasoline. This is a fine disinfectant and germicide. — See that your hens have a good — dust bath which contains a goodly quantity of flowers of sulphur or louse powder. 29 POULTRY SENSE. We would suggest putting the dust box on the outside of the poultry house leaving an opening twelve by fourteen inches, through which they can enter the dust box from their pen. This box should be large enough to accommodate several birds at atime. If you have thirty birds, make your box or house three by four feet in floor space and two and one-half feet high in front, slanting the roof towards the poul- try house, where it will measure three feet high; place glass in the south side of this box. Of course this box will always be built on the south side of your hen house. — Have the floor of the box six inches | below the level of the hen house by placing a board six inches high 80 POULTRY SENSE. across the entrance to the dust bath. It will keep the chickens from dragging in the litter. Fill the box with dust or ground mixed with louse powder and flowers of sulphur until it is on a level with the floor of the house. DUST BATH The roof should be placed on hinges, so as to allow cleaning out 31 POULTRY SENSE. and replacing fresh dust or ground. By this plan the dust is kept. out of the poultry house and yet affords a natural way for the hens to dust themselves. Trap Nesting We advise the use of trap nests by all means, particularly for the breeding pen, so as to be able to pedigree your stock and for the laying pullets, to enable one to select the best layers of large, perfect-shaped eggs. There shouldgbe a record kept of these birds, so Chea we come to mate our breeding pens the — following. year, it can be done intelligently. In order to do this each pullet 32 Ay) ; Dest | 3/4\"- My Yl. HoRIZONTAL ARM WHICH FITS OVER | lin BIND er rin. WIRE WHICH SETS aso LOCKS TRAP DOOR PERPINDICULAR NOTCH WHICH LOCKS DOOR. SLIDE IN WHICH “WIRE MOVES WHICH LOCKS DOOR. SQUARE STAPLE ON WHICH PERPINDICULAR NOTCH CATCHES TO LOGK DOCk. / 3in. oN EACH SIDE OF V POULTRY SENSE. should be banded. This band should be marked with the number of the bird and the year it was hatched. It will be your aim to improve your flock along the line of utility (laying, size of bird and egg), and show quality. This cannot be done scientifically with- out the aid of the trap nest. ° By stamping the year on the band, it enables you to begin numbering the pullets each year, commencing with number one. Trap-nesting incurs considerable labor, as the hen must be liberated, necessitating your visiting the nests three or four times daily. Upon removing the egg, it must be marked with her band number, also the number of the male, and, if you wish the date, this must be o4 ‘POULTRY SENSE. done at the nest, so as to be sure you do not get the eggs mixed; a mistake here would make your record useless. | Pedigreeing is very exacting work, but very interesting. The trap nest can be made out of any box having the following dimensions. 18 in. deep, 15 in. high, 124 in. wide; these are inside measurements. The wire which is | used in making the trap is the size used in making handles for grape baskets, in fact have used the grape basket handles for making - the traps. Feeding the breeding hen is a question which requires consider- able thought. ‘The object is to produce strong fertility, large egos and as free from bacilli as possible. 35 POULTRY SENSE. Here quantity is not considered; it is quality we want. It has been said white diarrhoea. in the chick develops from an infected egg. ‘This could be pos- sible if the hen that laid the ege suffered intestinal trouble or con- stitutional disease. This emphasizes what we have already said about strong, vigor- ous birds, pure feed and clean, iresh water put in sanitary fonts or basins. A medium diet is one not so rich in egg-producing material (pro- tein), but which will develop a strong, active bird, laying three or four eggs per week; such eggs are more fertile, Jarger, and hatch stronger chicks. | We advise the use of a germicide 36 aa =i oe ae ~ POULTRY SENSE. in the drinking water two or three times a week for a couple of weeks before saving the eggs for hatching and once or twice a week during the breeding season. The following germicides are inexpensive and can be purchased at any first-class pharmacy and may be used as follows: Enough permanganate of potash to color the water a cherry red, of 1 to 1000 solution, or sufficient bichromate of potash to give an amber tint to water, of 1 to 1000 solution, ‘Ten drops of carbolic acid to one quart of water or bichlo- ride, 1 to 1000, two ounces in a quart of water. I prefer the latter, especially if there has been any previous bowel trouble in the flock. Where the stock is strong and 37 POULTRY SENSE. vigorous, with no history of bowel disturbance in your chickens from the previous year, the above may not be necessary, but can do no harm, though would not use the germicide more than once a week. Feeding the Pullets and Laying Hens First let us consider what the- pullets require: They must grow a heavy supply of feathers to protect them from the cold in winter, meet the Cata and anabolistic process (tearing down and rebuilding of the body), or, In other words, the wear and tear of her system, develop heat to keep her warm and material with which to produce the eggs and energy. - 7 ae = ——— ea ee ee = Jae tt ae Oa ae ee me a, Fit ag a eg a a ee Sel ca ee ee a Eee . Sa i ee ae . Ny: ee a POULTRY SENSE. When the pullets have reached the laying pen it is not so important that their feed should be rich in muscle, bone and feather-produc- ing material, but rich in egg and energy-furnishing elements, which can be determined from the analy-. sis of the various feed stuff given later, and will be selected from oats, wheat, corn, barley, peas, beans, lentils, cotton, linseed and. meat meal, ground or cut green bone and milk. She should have a goodly supply of green feed, consisting of sprouted oats, or other grains, cabbage, mangles,. lettuce, turnips, swiss chard and occasionally a feed of alfalfa. After the pullets have been 39 POULTRY SENSE. placed in the laying pen they should be fed the following: The mash for the first three weeks should consist of: Wiheat bran cna hos ae 300 Ibs. % Wheatvmiddlings iri, co el ean 150 %* & COE CHOD) ae eee ce ieee 7 ae NERE SCPANS Hoe a ire ote ae After the third, and beginning with the fourth week, and continued for the next month, add to the above: SLUICE TOOT a) ee Dei UO gary aoe 75 Ibs. © Cotton or linseed meal. ....... 30° Fad From this on they should be given the following: WiReaG Rae an ae in Ne 300 lbs. & Wheat middlings; 605... 08. 175“ & OTR CLO is Hai ie) Pela eben 100) t8% Meatiseraps oil elie kb em ne 150 “* 3 GlaGem Mea ye Wa ee ae O02 is Cotton or linseed meal ....... 50 ‘ f During the molting season 40 be 4 ; at, o 4 af), ee E SE ni: ; ri a.) * a ya ‘ 7 f ed oe ae Av 5 he r r ¥ 7 i 4d. @ | Al : ‘an i ae a a Ay it \ , v i ah, ie ‘d » 2 ie ™ Pi yf hi } 1 ; HN ibe ee See Bo eS es - POULTRY SENSE. (which commences about. July 15th), we add twenty-five pounds more of cotton seed or linseed meal and a little sunflower seed, mixed with the whole grains, which are scattered in the litter. Be careful to examine your meat meal to see that it is free from adulteration and good and sweet; there has been so much poor stufi sold that it pays one to be on the watch and not to buy any but the best and from a reliable dealer. It should run about sixty per cent. protein and guaranteed to be fresh, otherwise you had better feed blood meal or plenty of milk. Oyster shell, grit and charcoal should be kept before them in hoppers, at all times. The whole grains should be 41 POULTRY SENSE. — $$ —. thrown in about twelve inches of litter and consist of two quarts of oats and one quart of wheat, given in the morning and cracked corn at night; when very cold, feed whole corn. The morning feed may be alter- nated every other day or so with two quarts of barley and one quart of wheat; a little buckwheat, say one pint, can be added to two quarts of cracked corn for the evening feed. It is important that the birds should be kept busy,—this means hungry. If you overfeed they will become fat and inactive. Find- ing grain in the early morning before feeding would indicate that you have over-fed, and in this case you should withhold whole grain 42 : = ERE aos Beam pp Ss eS ety ee - POULTRY SENSE. until the litter is entirely free from the same. I would also advise the closing of the mash box and only allow them to use it about two hours during the middle of the day. As soon as they get busy again, go back to the former method of feeding. The hens will require the same whole grains and would use in the mash box the same mixture as is given in the second mash for the pullets. To better enable you to select a feed to your own liking and judgment, we give the following tables, taken from several very reliable sources. ) I might say that the American Association of Agricultural Col- 43 POULTRY SENSE. lege and Experiment Stations have adopted and recommended the term PROTEIN in the place of PRO- TEID, albumin, albuminoids, ni- trogenous foods, etc., and we will treat the term as synonymous. The following tables from several reliable sources will give you the value of the various vegetables and grains used in feeding: 44 POULTRY SENSE. TABLE No. 1 Prepared from two very reliable sources. — Showing the value of different feed as tissue builders, heat and energy. producers. FOOD MUSCLE- | HEAT- | for BUILDING | PRODUC- | NERVE | WATER. | WASTE. MATERIAL] _ ING. TISSUE. Per Cent. Per Cent. | Per Cent. | Per Cent. | Per Cent. Wheat ... 16.6 66.4 1.6 14. 3.4 aney: . . 12.8 52.1 4.2 14. 12.9 ae 17. 50.8 3. 13.1 16.9 North Corn . 12.3 67.5 he 14. 5.1 South Corn . 34.6 SoZ 4.1 14. 8.1 Buckwheat . 8.6 53. 1.8 14.2 | 22.4 Pee 5.5 78.2 0.5 13.8 4.3 BGC i S| 5.1 82. 0.5 9. 3.4 Lentils 26. 39. 1.5 14. 19.5 Peas 23.4 41. 2.5 14, 19. Beans . 24, 40. oo 14.8 IA Potatoes : 1.4 15.8 0.9 74.8 7.1 aarnips .. . 1,2) 4. 0.5 90.4 | 3.9 Cabbage. . . 1.2 6.2 0.8 91.3 | 0.5 Mangles... | Cow’s Milk . 3.0 8.0 1.0 BG. eer... 19. 14. 2. 6d. 45 POULTRY SENSE. a q | a TABLE No. 2 . Prepared for use in United States Army. q | CARBO- q PROTEIN.| FATS. HYDRATE SALTS. | WATER. 4 | Per Cent. | Per Cent. | Per Cent. | Per Cent. | Per Ceat. | ® Oatmeal. ..| 15.1 een a se: 2. nai a mt Corn Meal. . 9.20 3.8 70.6 1.4 15. q ALOIS i ip Veli da 27 76. 3. th BIGOT Soy Asie 7.4 0.4 79.4 0.4 12.8 i Peas Oe eee 1.7 56.40 2.9 L2G i PEGS Ui 23.10 2. 59.2 3.1 12.6 | Potatoes .. 2.10 0.1 17.9 t: hey: Mes Cabbage. ..j| 2.10 0.6 5.5 Lt 92. Beer euch Ege 27. 0.9 «<6. As one can see, from a comparison of the foregoing tables, there is some variance in the per cent. and composition of foods, but not enough to make any particular difference, when we come to make up our feeds. The following tables are reliable and show the general com- position as an average analysis of grains, vegetables, etc. 45 POULTRY SENSE. TABLE No. 3 Prepared from the Report of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. PROTEIN. FAT. CAREBO- HYDRATE | “WATER. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. te 12.25 1.725 71.25 10.60 ei 12 4.5 58. 10 PP ss. | LO, 4.5 Vig Wars 10.75 Baneys . . . ee 2.25 69.45 10.85 Buckwheat 10.75 : via 62.75 12 ae pcan 15 LEO 10.5 By a Me 8 De 76. 12 CoTrron SEED MEAL | Pennsylvania ./| 44.40 10.10 New England .| 45.40 11.20 | New York . . | 45.64 10.82 LInsEED MEAL, Oxyd Pros. Pennsylvania . | 34.10 6.04 New England .. | 35.70 7.20 Semwivork . . .:| 35.74 7.19 New Pros. Pennsylvania .| 34.25 2.63 FREE New England . | 38.20 2.40 NITROGEN New York ...| 36.14 re Sa : worm( Dent) . .} 10.3 5. 70.4 10.6 Corn (Flint) . . | 10.5 5. 70.1 i mormiveal ....| 9.2 3.8 68.7 15. Gluten Meal . . | 29.4 6.3 52.4 9.6 Malt Sprouts. . | 25.15 Leet 45.98 9,94 — Brew. Dried Grains . | 23.90 fi 43.30 8.9 Wheat Bran ..| 15.4 4, 53.90 11.9 Wheat Mid. ..| 15.6 4, 64.40 bash Wheat Shorts .| 14.9 4.5 56.80 11.8 Ground Oats . .| 11.8 5. 59.7 js Barley Meal . . | 10.5 vials 66.3 11.9 Meat tover . 2 ')) 12.3 to 14.63)’ 3,3 to 3.9) 38.1 to 45.24): 15.3 White Clover. .| 15.7to017.4| 2.9 to3.2; 39.3 to 43.5 9.7 mead. we 14.3t0 15.6) 2.2 to2.4| 42.7 to 46.6 8.4 « POULTRY SENSE. | TABLE NO. 3—ConTINUED a - The following is an average table taken from different — sources: _ : Bape CARBO- HYDRATE Per Cent. Per Cent, Per Cent’) Ber Gene ho are 8. : G2.) 10. 59, 12.6 PROTEIN. FAT. WATER, emtule hn oi is 25.4 1 OAR ha el ely 24. 1 PPC R TER (4 secs eae 22.5 We) OS fei ge a 1.33 8. | 89. Cabbage sik... 2. a) 6. 90. . Cow’s Milk .. 4, i 4, 87.5 Peet ee any 20.5 0. 74.4 PO GN rN Ns OB) Ow Ch age. 0. a 48 POULTRY SENSE. In order to scientifically deter- mine just what kind of feed and in what proportions they should be used, let us consider the analysis of the hen’s body, also the egg. THE HEN’S BODY CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING : Water—seventy-four per cent. Protein—twenty-one per cent. Fat—three and four-fifths to five per cent. Saline—about one-half per cent. The egg, one tenth of which is shell, contains the following: Water—seventy-three and one-half per cent. Protein—thirteen and one- shalt per cent. Saline—one and a tenth per cent. Lewis and Gilbert give the fol- lowing analysis of the egg, allow- 49 POULTRY SENSE. ing one-tenth for shell, which is largely carbonate of lime, yolk thirty parts and white sixty parts. Yolk of Egg Yolk of egg—thirty per cent. Protein—sixteen per cent. Fat—thirty and seven-tenths per cent. or saline—one and three-tenths per cent. Water—-fifty-two per cent. White of Egg White of egg—sixty per cent. Protein—twenty and two-fifths per cent. Saline—one and three-fifths per cent. Water—seventy- ‘atl per cent. Shell (largely carbonate of lime), ten per cent. As has been shown from the o0 POULTRY SENSE. foregoing, the hen’s body and egg are largely composed of water, you can better appreciate the im- portance of a goodly supply of the same. Next we find protein predomi- nates, and as this is especially necessary for a large egg yield, it is self-evident the laying pen should be well supplied with the same, and as fat protects the pro- tein from consumption and is the principal heat supply, we must have a goodly portion of ae in the food. The carbo-hydrates (sugars and starch) furnish energy and nerve- building material as well as some > fat, so it should be found in the grains, vegetables and other feeds. The bony system, feathers and 51 POULTRY SENSE. ego-shell are supplied principally from the phosphates and carbonate of lime, also soda (salt) and iron. This is largely furnished by oyster shell, wheat, bran, oats corn, ete. There has been a great deal said and written about feeding hens and pullets for egg-production, much of which is confusing and misleading to the beginner. Better follow one good authority than to try so many different schemes. After all, it is not only the feed | that makes a heavy egg yield in the spring, but climatic conditions, which furnish more natural feed and stimulate an active and busy life. | A good combination of cereals to be given to start your pullets and 52 POULTRY SENSE. hens on the egg ae idea is the following: Ground beans, peas, lentils, and cotton seed meal mixed in equal portions and added to the mash occasionally, say two or three times a week, will usually do the trick, and start the young and old hen singing and on an expedition of investigation for a place to es . the egg. It is not best to keep this up for very long, and just as soon as the eggs begin to come you may gradually reduce this and finally stop it. : Scalded oats or barley given in the morning in cold weather will give good results; you may also moisten your mash a couple of times a week with milk, or equal a) POULTRY SENSE. parts of milk and water, in which you can put a little salt; this given to the laying hen will assist in maintaining a uniform egg supply. Do not keep pullets or hens that are sluggish layers; better put them in the fattening pen and send to the market as soon as possible. The trap nests will pick out the lazy ones, or by examining the lay bones you can pretty well tell. If the pullets are fully matured and have had the proper care and you are not getting eggs from them by January 15 to February 17 it will not pay to keep them longer, much less to breed to them. To determine by the lay bones as to whether a chicken is laying or no, you proceed as follows: Bd POULTRY SENSE. The lay bones are the two bones felt just beneath the vent, and in a hen that is not laying or a pullet before she commences to lay, they are quite close together, and it will be difficult to place one’s fingers between the same; later, if you find you can get two fingers between the lay bones, it indicates she is getting ready to lay, and when three or four fingers can be placed between the bones the chances are she is laying, or will do so in a few days. To our minds, the best egg pro- ducer is a good, well-developed, healthy pullet, properly fed and housed. Chicks Chicks may be hatched by hens or in an up-to-date incubator; 55 POULTRY SENSE. if by hens, would advise setting Biddy in a quiet place, giving her a good nest of cut straw or shav- ings, in which have been mixed flowers of sulphur and lice powder; the heat of her body will cause a sulphurous odor which ‘is not rel- ished by the lice. You may put a sod of earth in the bottom, if you wish, then the straw and sul- phur and powder on top. After the hen has been thoroughly pow- dered with louse powder and given some china eggs, she is left to her- self, and if she proves worthy of good eggs by having sat faithfully on the nest for two or three days, give her thirteen eggs in cold and fifteen in mild weather, Once a week she should be powdered, then you will be pretty sure there 56 POULTRY SENSE. will be no vermin to bother her or the baby chicks which make their appearance twenty-one days from the time of setting. After they are all hatched and dry, the hen and chicks may be | placed in a comfortable and com- modious coop, which has _ been previously prepared, cleaned, free from lice and placed so as to have . a southern exposure. There should be a runway sup- plied, in which the chicks can go, but not the hen; this should be supplied with a cover, so that in wet weather it will not storm on the chicks and they and the ground | be kept dry. A good idea is to put litter in the run, and after the chicks have 57 POULTRY SENSE. learned to eat, their grain should be thrown in the same. It is best to make this run out of inch mesh wire, so that the chicks cannot get out or the spar- rows in. Do not feed the chicks until they are forty-eight hours old; then commence with a little pin-head oats, placed in feeders or on trays, a little clean sand which has been heated in an oven, or grit may be given in small quantities the day before. They should be fed four times a day for the first three days, using only the pin-head oats; after this you may add cracked wheat, and on the eighth day add to the two former cracked corn; these are given in equal proportions. 58 ee ve 7 -. - a es ° . ; weclicsl = == eR ee ap Se ee eS ee a POULTRY SENSE. Wheat bran may now be given in small hoppers or trays and kept before them at_all times. BE CAREFUL NOT TO OVER FEED. Never give feed if you find some left from the previous feeding. As I have already said, the cracked grain had best be thrown in the litter or the runway. ‘The hen can be given coarser feed. After they are three weeks old, feed three times daily, using the cracked corn, oats and wheat. You may now give a mash of bran, three parts; wheat middlings, one part. Grit, charcoal and oyster shell should be hopper feed. Chick feed containing pure,clean grain similar to the above, can be given if you prefer, purchasing 59 POULTRY SENSE. your chick feed ready mixed in place of making it yourself. We do not believe in giving WET FEED; but a mash mixed with a little milk, or equal parts milk and water, just enough to moisten the feed, so that it is crumbly in the hand, will be good for them and stimulate their appetite, THIS MUST NOT BE SLOPPY or be allowed to sour in the troughs. Do not give more than will be eaten up clean in from five to eight minutes; if any is left, this should be removed. If you are brooding the chicks with a hen, be sure and powder her with a good louse powder at least once a week; the chicks will get enough of the powder from 60 POULTRY SENSE. the hen to keep them free from lice so long as she covers them. Plenty of FRESH, CLEAN WATER, given often and in absolutely clean fonts, is very essential. The fonts should be scalded once a week. ; We put ten drops of carbolic acid per quart in the drinking water for the first ten days to two weeks, once a day; after that every other day for six weeks, as this is a preventative of bowel trouble. Cleanliness is the key to success here. As soon as the chicks will eat whole oats, fill a hopper and keep it before them at all times; there | is nothing that will make chicks grow larger and heavier with such an abundance of feathers. 61 POULTRY SENSE. Some have been quite successful — in hatching chicks with hens and brooding with a fireless brooder, or in an incubator, and on the eighteenth day place three or four egos under a hen, so that she may hatch them out and -accept the little chicks from the incubator. In this way a hen can brood from eighteen to twenty-five chicks with perfect safety in quite cold weather. In this case one must be quite sure that the hen is free from vermin and that the pen in which they are placed has been thorough- ly fumigated and cleaned before the chicks are put in. If the fireless brooder is used, thirty-five to fifty chicks do best in one flock, and they should not be placed in the brooder for thirty- 62 POULTRY SENSE. six hours after hatching. The brooder had best be placed in a large pen, with a southern ex- posure, so as to get the early morning sun. Incubator chicks do fairly well in this kind of a brooder, hardly the equal to hen hatched or brood- ed in our experience. In raising large numbers, we prefer the heated brooder with a- first-class hover. If you use incubators, select one of the standard makes, and there are many of them. Pay strict attention to the in- structions that come with the ma- chine; the maker should know best how to run it for good results. When the chicks are hatched, do not take them out until they are 63 POULTRY SENSE. perfectly dry and strong. DON’T MEDDLE WITH THE MACHINE AT ANY TIME, particularly when the hatch is coming off, and at this time do not allow the temperature to fall below one hundred and four degrees (104°). , Have your ,brooder clean, dis- infected and. at the proper tem- perature, so that the chicks can be transferred from the incubator in- to it when the time comes, without a variation in temperature. The temperature in the brooder should be high enough to make the chicks comfortable; this can be determined by closely watching them for the first few days. It you see them sitting around in different places under the hover, some having their heads peeping 64 Zz = ae a —* rs . —— ee é os fn = pe eae Sa a A eo apy! A yh i i POULTRY SENSE. out and they are not crowding, your temperature is all right and will range from ninety to one hundred degrees. Crowding is fatal and must be stopped at once, or you will lose many of the young- sters in short notice. Teach them to go under the hover by repeatedly putting them back after they have been out for feed and exercise; the instant they commence to stand around and cry there is something wrong and the chances are that they are cold and should be put under the hover at once. From fifty to seventy-five chicks to a hover do the best. When they have learned the use of the hover, you can give them more space in the brooder and 65 POULTRY SENSE. finally the entire run of the thing. Up to this time they should be limited to a narrow space sur- rounding the hover, not more than three inches. | Feed the same as. described before for little chicks. Do NOT SAVE ANY WEAKLINGS OR DEFORMED cHIcKs. ‘hose found at the time of hatching or that develop later, dispose of them at once, as they are good subjects for bowel trouble or other disease, which in time would affect the entire flock. Clean the brooder often, every day, if necessary. It should never smell close or offensive. Disinfect and clean all trays, pans, boards or anything used in their care. As soon as it is possible to deter- 66 POULTRY SENSE. mine the sex, separate the cock- erels from the pullets, putting those for the market or fattening-pen by themselves, those for your future breeders in another place. The pullets must be given a range and placed in a colony coop, with as much room as possible, putting about thirty in each house, facing the south; feed muscle, bone and feather-producing foods. We find that oats before them at all times, cracked wheat and corn, with occasionally a little barley and fed three times a day, just what they will eat up nicely in ten minutes, give first-class re- sults. | For a dry mash we use: wheat bran, three parts; wheat middlings, one part; corn meal, three-quarter 67 POULTRY SENSE. parts. Once or twice a week add a little linseed or flaxseed meal. After they have been on the range for six weeks, we add one-half parts meat scraps; the same can be used for the breeding cockerels, except the meat scraps; the latter is likely to develop too much comb and wattle. Those for market should be given the fat-producing feeds, oc- casionally adding red pepper to stimulate their appetites. This mash should be fed wet with milk, if possible. Do not give any green feed, but see that they have sf of grit and oyster shell. If you over-feed they will stop eating; this should be avoided. For whole grain use oats and whole 68 ae yao POULTRY SENSE. corn, buckwheat is inclined’ to make the skin white. The mash should consist of: wheat bran, one part; wheat mid- dlings, one part; ground oats, one part; corn chop, two parts; cotton seed or linseed meal, one-quarter part. The birds for fattening should be confined in small quarters, and in crate feeding, not over five or six in a crate. ‘he manner of pro- cedure is as follows: Make a stand that will hold four crates, end to end, containing six birds each; the first row should be two feet from the floor and the second on top of these. A trough should be placed in front of each row just so the chickens can reach it in order to eat and drink. 69 a TT = : POULTRY SENSE. The feed is placed in_ these troughs and given wet; they are fed three or four times a day, all they will eat in about ten minutes; after which water is placed in the troughs and the house in which they are confined is darkened. They should be given ’a good supply of grit and shell. The object is to give them all they will eat without disturbing their appetites or bowels. The mash feed consists of ground oats, barley, and corn chop, in equal parts, to which can be added cotton or linseed meal one-quarter part; fat, meat scraps or oil may be given, being careful not to give too much, as it will cause bowel trouble. There is a machine used by 70 POULTRY SENSE. some to fatten their stock, which is claimed to be quite a success; this apparatus is similar to a sausage stuffer, with a rubber tube attached to the spout; this is placed in the chicken’s crop and the compres- sion made with the foot lever; one hand is placed over the crop; as pressure is made the resistance to the hand indicates when enough has been forced in the same. They are fed two or three times a day, this taking only a very short time and a large number can be run through in an hour. These birds are kept in crates like the ones described above. When they weigh three-quarters to one pound they are known as squab broilers; at one and a 71 POULTRY SENSE. quarter to one and three-quarters, broilers; above this, roasters. Don’t keep unnecessary stock. If you want to make a success of the poultry business, you should practice economy; weaklings and sick chickens make unnecessary labor and eat off their heads. Everything possible should be turn- ed into money. By saving the droppings and putting same on your land it will bring a good return. - Unless you keep the cockerels, which you are going to breed from or sell, in good clean dry quarters, and free from vermin, you will be disappointed in. them and lose money. ‘They should have a good dust bath as well as the pullets, in which you should place plenty of louse powder 72 POULTRY SENSE. and sulphur, and their quarters frequently disinfected. Don’t overcrowd the pullets and cockerels; the former should be ready for the laying pen by Sep- tember first to October first, at the latest. Keep them on the same feed the first three weeks after they are put into the laying pens. ‘Then they should be given mash number _ one, mentioned before, and whole grains, as per instructions for laying pullets. Show Birds Those birds selected for the show should be placed in a coop by themselves and given special attention, handling them often, and by always having a little 73 POULTRY SENSE. something for them to eat, such as a few bread crumbs or meat, they soon become very tame and docile. Linseed meal and sunflower seed added to their rations,give them a sleek, glossy appearance. They should be the strongest, largest, best type and colored birds that you have, meeting as nearly as possible standard requirements; this can be determined by closely studying the Standard of Per- fection and comparing your bird with the cuts of the same breed. First of importance is condition; this means vigor, style or carriage, cleanliness and freedom from dis- ease; next, type, color, etc. Colored or multi-colored birds rarely need washing, unless there 74 POULTRY SENSE. is considerable white in them, or they are dirty. | In preparing your birds for the show, which you should commence to do a week or ten days before the exhibition, it is best to start with the head and see that every part is clean and free from as many defects as possible. The beak, toes and shanks should be washed and rubbed up with © sweet oil on a woolen cloth, espe- elally if it is the last preparation. If there is any dirt under the scales of the shanks, which can be seen by a black line along its edge, it should be removed with a tooth- pick; the comb, wattle, and ear lobes, in case the latter should be red, can be rubbed up with sweet oil; in case the latter should be 79 POULTRY SENSE. white, you may use zinc ointment on them. The day of shipping, paint the comb, wattles and ear lobes, as above stated ; should they be red, with oil of sassafras. All white chickens: should be washed and rinsed in two different waters, using ivory or castile soap. The water in first tub should be of a temperature from 90 to 95 degrees; place the chicken in and soap her all over; then rub every part carefully, so as not to remove any feathers, and when she is clean, put her into the first rinsing tub, temperature of which should be from 70 to 80 degrees; here the soap must be thoroughly work- ed out, when she can be placed in the third tub where bluing has been 76 POULTRY SENSE. thoroughly mixed, about one-half the amount used for clothing, or just sufficient to give a decided blue tint to the water. If your bird, after drying, which should be well done before a fire or stove, looks brassy, you may sponge it with peroxide of hydrogen until the feathers are decidedly moisten- ed; then when about dry, sponge with aqua ammonia fifteen per — cent.; this can be repeated several times, if necessary; any color re- maining is permanent. This operation should be per- formed in a room where the tem- perature runs from 55 to 70 de- grees. In drying birds they should be handled constantly, working the feathers and wings. By holding 7 3 WS SES POULTRY SENSE. the bird up by its feet it will flap its wings, thus freeing them from the water. As soon as you find the feathers are commencing to dry nicely, the bird can be placed on a chair by the stove. After the birds are washed and dried, place them in a clean pen, which has been previously pre- pared and in which there are plenty of clean shavings or straw and put into a room free from draughts and not too cold, say not lower than 60 degrees. Sprouting Oats Sprouted oats, which has_ be- come almost a necessity, should be fed about the middle of the day and is prepared as follows: | Take a bucket of any kind, | 78 | > - ee ee Py ots a = ae ae oe, ee oe = an S25. Si ee na ee Ses ; Sn Tee POULTRY SENSE. holding four quarts; fill two-thirds full of oats, over which you pour water, temperature 100 degrees, until the oats are covered; put this in a warm place and cover with an old sack or a piece of carpet, leaving it there for from fourteen to twenty-four hours; then dump the contents into another bucket, after first having punched the bot- tom full of holes, so that the water - can drain out and still retain the oats. The oats should be sprinkled twice daily with warm water, keep- ing the oats covered as before. As soon as you notice the root- lets forming on the oats, dump the same into a tray that is eighteen inches wide by two to two and one- half feet long, spreading the oats 79 POULTRY SENSE. out to the depth of an inch to an inch and a half, this must be kept covered and sprinkled twice a day with lukewarm water. The temperature of the room should not be ie below fifty degrees. When the sprouts are from one and a half to two inches long you may begin feeding it, tearing it into small pieces or giving it in squares. We consider the former - the better way. Give the hens all they will eat up in from five to ten minutes, other grains can be sprouted in the same way and fed every, or every other day. Green food of some kind should be fed every day and as there are a great many, such as cabbage, 80 POULTRY SENSE. turnips, mangles, swiss chard, let- tuce, etec., some one can be had at small cost. Marketing the Eggs You should endeavor to dispose of these to private families, or, in other words, direct to the con- sumers. If this is impossible then stores or commission men; the latter has not always acted square- ly with the farmer, but there are those who will deal right with you and give fair prices, but it is better to eliminate the middle man and thereby save his profit, and give the consumer fresher and _ better egos. And right here let me sug- gest to the poultry men, dairymen and general farmer, the advantage 81 POULTRY SENSE. of selling their products direct to the consumer. All farmers raise more or less poultry and have various kinds of vegetables and foodstuffs to sell, and if they had a central station or distributing centre to which they could send their eggs, milk, fruit, and vegetables, to be disposed of to the consumer or merchant by their own agent, they would make both the middleman’s and retailer’s profit; this could be very easily han- dled if the counties were divided in sections or districts, each district having its distributing centre or exchange. Each district would have its club or organization which would select their agent to super- vise the selling of their products from the exchanges. 82 POULTRY SENSE. They should advertise the fact that they will sell direct to the people and guarantee fresh, clean provisions; in this way they would get the highest price possible for all the foodstuffs they could raise and the consumer get much better provisions at a little less cost. I say much better, as you well know at present the poultry men and farmer keeps his produce until he has enough to pay him to sell. At the present low price for his products and the high price for labor, he cannot afford to ship more than once every week or two, . when, if he had a central station, he could ship every day at less expense, as the shipment would be made by all in the section by their club agent. 83 POULTRY SENSE. The middleman, in disposing of the farmer’s produce, is nothing more or less than a leech. Get Rid of the Leech Until this idea prevails we shall have to follow the usual course. Eggs should be cleaned and assorted according to size and color and never sell your private trade a small or badly shaped ego. Poultry may be disposed of in a like manner, dry picked bring- ing the best price. In selling stock for breeding, or eggs for hatching, be HONEST. Send your customer full value for his money; don’t send a bird or egos that are not what you would be willing to accept at the same price; see that your eggs are care- 84 POULTRY SENSE. fully packed and that the birds are well crated and free from ver- min. In advertising pon’r misrepre- sent your stock, for if you do you will only sell to that customer once. Pouliry Diseases It would seem at first glance that this is a very important sub- yect, and yet when seriously con- sidered, the treatment of diseased fowls is of minor importance, com- pared to prevention of disease or prophylactic measures. It is important to know how to care for and treat a few of the more common ailments, such as catarrhal colds, bowel trouble, 85 POULTRY SENSE. chicken-pox, bumble foot and per- haps sore throat and croup (roup). We are of the opinion that a very sick chicken is of very little consequence, either as an egg- producer, breeder or show bird, and certainly should never be sent to the market. Marasmus, tuberculosis, croup, cholera, ete., are constitutional dis- eases, and when a fowl becomes seriously ill, it should be decapi- tated at once. Catarrhal Colds of Head Let us consider catarrhal dis- turbances. ‘This may affect the naries, (nose), eyes, throat or bron- chi (it is very often classed as roup), in that the discharge from 86 | a a IO a a eT ‘ 1 1 ity i mi Ef 4 j ;, POULTRY SENSE. | the nose at the time has a decided odor and becomes viscid, tena- cious or thick and sticky; the eyes may become involved, which is only natural, when you consider there is a canal leading from it into the nose, and when the mem- branes of the nose are swollen and the chicken can no longer breathe through same, they often blow mucus up through the lachry- mal canal into the eyes, or I should say between the lids and the eye-ball; this infects the mem- brane of the same, and they begin to water and swell up, unless properly treated at this time, the cornea of the eye (the pupil) becomes inflamed (keratitis) and — finally ulcerates, the tissue breaks down and the viterous humor, 87 POULTRY SENSE. etc., runs out, the eye is destroyed, or the throat becomes affected and covered with a yellow cheesy de- posit which is very offensive, or the entrance of the trachea (wind- pipe) becomes ulcerated and cover- ed with a thick yellowish deposit, and you have roup and ulcerated sore throat (called by some diph- theria), although I have never gotten a diphtheretic culture from the same. Prophylactic Measures Now what are we going to do for this, either in the first stages or to prevent it? We will first consider the prophylactic measures. See that the poultry house is sani- tary, dry and free from draughts; if‘this is right, then poet there 88 POULTRY SENSE. are too many birds in the pen and they are crowded on the perches; if not, and the water and feed are clean, then it must be due to weather changes, or some _ bird from another source has brought it to your birds. Fumigate and disinfect at once and often. You should be very careful, if buying stock, to put them in quarantine for a while, until you are sure — there is nothing wrong, and that they are free from vermin before you put them in a pen with your birds. Treatment of Cold in Head Upon the very first sign or evidence that a bird has a cold, or 89 POULTRY SENSE. is not well, remove to a coop by itself, or 1t may be perhaps that your flock is more or less affected before you discover there is any- thing wrong. In the first instance, if the bird is sneezing, has a thin watery discharge from the nose give it Allium Cepa 8x or Arsenicum Alb. 3x.; if there is watery discharge from the eye give Euphrasia, 3x.; if the discharge is thick and sticky and from nose give Mercurius Vivus 3x. or Hepar Sulphur 3x., particularly if there is a bad odor. These medicines are given as follows: If only a few birds are affected, medicate some pellets (sugar pellets), such as you get at a 90 POULTRY SENSE. Homoeopathic druggist or Doctor) and give three or four to each bird three times daily; if the entire pen is more or less sick, put twenty-five drops in about one quart of water and use this to moisten some mash; give it two or three times per day, giving just enough so that each bird gets about a table- spoonful. All of the drugs mentioned above ~ are liquid, except Mercurius and Hepar Sulphur; they are powder or flat discs, so you can dissolve twenty to about the same amount of water; have it warm and use to mix the mash or give one disc per dose. Roup If your bird has sore mouth, swollen head, and there is an odor 91 POULTRY SENSE. to the breath, you have roup sure, and you can give Spongia 3x. and Mercurius Vivus 3x., four doses per day, in mash, drinking water, or let them take it as they lke. If you have time to spare, medicate some pellets with Spongia 3x. (3 pellets per dose), give every two hours, alternating with Merc. Vivus 8x. (1 disc), and your bird will recover, if anything will cure it. We believe in using the axe in such cases and disinfecting two or three times before another bird is placed in the same place. Sore Throat In case sore throat is the first thing noticed, the trachea nearly closed at top with a yellowish Ba cy POULTRY SENSE. deposit; the latter should be re- moved with a thin stick, on which cotton is wound (tooth-pick will answer); moisten with thin oil and peroxide, equal parts, and swab out; then give Mercurius Iod. 2x. As an oil to drop in the nose or force in with a dropper, we use Enzymol, one part, and Peroxide of Hydrogen, one part; shake this well before _ dropping into the nose; this can be | used in all catarrhal colds in con- junction with medicine, and give the flock Permanganate of Potash in their water, enough to give a decided purplish tinge to the same, of one to a thousand solution; or camphor tincture can be placed in the drinking water, twenty-five drops per quart. Bichloride of mercury one to a thousand, is 93 POULTRY SENSE. excellent, using one ounce per quart of water. Diarrhcea in Chicks The evidence of bowel trouble in the little chicks, if first noticed by the discharges sticking on the down at the stern of the chick. Give Ipecacuanha 3x., or Chamo- milla 3x., either alternate or alone; give 20 drops to a pint in the drink- ing water every time you give them fresh water, or Bichloride of Mer- cury, one to a thousand, one ounce in pint of drinking water. Ii the discharge is bloody or white, give Mercurius Sub. Cor. 9x., eight tablets in a half pint of water, or boiled milk and Arseni- cum lod. 3x., eight drops, as before, in boiled milk or water. 94 age = = = —— a ee ea ee ~ Se Se a eS SS oy i! Ni, (eye if rate if 4q iy ts os uF Ae nf, } POULTRY SENSE. The experiment stations men- tion the use of sulpho carbolates comp. in such bowel troubles and diarrhoea in matured poultry, put in drinking water. Diarrheea in Old Chickens In case they stand around all in a heap and the excretions are thin and watery, give Veratrum ~ Alb. 8x. or Arsenicum Alb. 8x. three pellets per dose or twenty- five drops per quart of water or boiled milk; the latter is the better when you have it. If diarrhoea is green, give Ipecac- uanha 2x., or Arsenicum Iod. 2x. If bloody, and the chicken drops its wings, etc., Mercurius Sub. Cor. 2x. 95 POULTRY SENSE. Limber Neck Limber neck, or when the chicken has a greenish diarrhoea, the neck stretches out as long as possible and the beak almost touches the ground, the fowl stands around, give Nux Vomica 3x, and Ipecacuanha 3x.; when the chicken acts dizzy and the head is twisted around on one side and falls down, give Belladonna 3x. Bumble Foot This is the bruising of the soft tissues of the bottom of the feet and an abscess forms, or the peri- osteum, which is the membrane surrounding the bone, is involved and pus forms (this resembles a felon on the finger), cut down, 96 es ewes ————E~~ Seis a eS OE Pe = NS it gle he oo 3s : - = SSS Saget: ee IS eee SSS POULTRY SENSE. let out pus and dress with iodoform gauze or powdered boracic acid. If the bone of the foot is in- volved, cut down to it and scrape it, dress as before; use a bandage to keep the dirt out and give Hepar Sulph. 3x., one tablet two or three times per day or alternate with Calearea Fluorica 6x.; this will eventually cure. Frosted Comb If possible apply snow or ice to the frozen comb until the frost is out of it, then cover with carbolated vaseline. | Scaly Legs Carbolated vaseline can be rub- bed on after the legs have been soaked in bichloride, 1 to 1000, for from five to ten minutes. 97 POULTRY SENSE. Chicken Pox ‘This is a cutaneous disease, and manifests itself by sores or blotches on comb and wattles, head or under the wings; may form pus- tules. : Quarantine and disinfect the pen from which the bird came; give Arsenicum 8x. and Rhus Tox. 3x., alternating, three pellets every two hours. Or, in case a number are af- fected, put twenty drops of Arseni- cum Album 3x. in one pint of water, moisten some mash and give just what will be eaten up in three minutes and in two hours prepare the Rhus Tox in the same way and give in alternation every two hours. 98 POULTRY SENSE. Asthma Difficult breathing,with blueness of comb and face, due to being fat or heart trouble, require Corallium Rubrum, Arsenicum Alb. or Spon- gia in 3x., three pellets every two or three hours. This must not be confused with bronchitis. Bronchitis Cold in the bronchial tubes, with rattling of mucus and cough, may be acute or chronic, some- times called rattles. Give Ipecacuanha 3x. Antimon- jum Tart. 3x. Ammoniacum 8x. is especially good for the chronic form, also Senega 3x. 99 POULTRY SENSE. Molting If your chicks are not molting properly, add oil meal to their mash and some sunflower seed to their grain, also give milk in which there is a little extra salt and Calcarea Carb. 3x. and Phosphate of Iron in the water. Crop-Bound Give a tablespoonful cf olive or cottonseed oil for a matured bird and a dessert spoonful for a chick. If this does not relieve, cut a slit in the skin over the crop about» one and a half inches long (length- wise with the body), grasp the crop and cut a slit about one inch in the same, running same way, 100 POULTRY SENSE. remove contents, sew up the slit in the crop with a clean white silk thread, then the slit in the skin over the crop. Do NOT SEW THEM UP TOGETHER. | ‘The bird should be fed soft feed for about three days when it usually recovers. Epidemic Conjunc- tivitis (Pink Eye) An inflammation of the conjunc- tivia, or membrane lining the eye lids and covering the white of the eye ball, this is due to a small Bacillus and causes the eye to become red, swollen, and to discharge a watery, ie fluid which will reproduce the disease in another eye if it gets into it. 101 POULTRY SENSE. Give cooling feed, sprouted grains, green feeds of all kinds, and mash. | Bathe the eye with one to one thousand of Bichloride of Mercury or saturated solution of Boracic Acid, by dropping three to four drops in each eye after which put in a little Yellow Oxide (Mercury ointment) a piece about the size of a number six shot. Give Euphrasia 3x. if the eye is greatly swollen and if there is an acrid watery discharge. Pulsatilla 3x. if the use is thick and forms pus. Rhus Tox. 3x. for simple con- junctivitis without much swelling, but with a watery discharge; ulcers of the cornea (the pupil), hen keeps eye closed. , 102 POULTRY SENSE. Egg-Bound This is due to over feeding’ (too fat) or foreing egg production. Give soothe: feed (green feed and sprouted grains), no whole or cracked grains for a while. Anoint the finger with vaseline and remove the egg; if too large, break it and remove it in pieces; same procedure for broken eggs; give Pulsatilla 3x. : Soft-shelled, large and poorly- shaped eggs are due to the same cause and lack of lime; Bie Cal- carea Carb. 3x. For bloody egos, or ae on shells, give Pulsatilla 3x. Gapes This is due to a little red worm, supposed to be developed from a 103 POULTRY SENSE. small parasite found in earth- worms. The Germans, however, believe it develops in the chick, which has eaten something containing the spore of the worm (an insect) and that certain localities are more frequently infected with its source than others. Chicks up to two months old are victims and should be kept out of the wet grass and rain until they have"passed the danger point (ten weeks). Infected ground must be treated with lime in order to destroy the infection. | The worm should be removed with a twisted horse-hair, or stripped feather to within half an inch of the end; dip the feather 104 POULTRY SENSE. into kerosene before using same, or drop three drops of kerosene into the trachea (windpipe). Cina 3x. given in the drinking water as per dictum under reme- dies. | Just one word about the drugs — mentioned in this book. They can be purchased of any Homeopathic Pharmacy or Doctor. Some can be had at any drug store, such as Permanganate and Bichloride of Mercury, Alboline, - Carbolic Acid, Flowers of Sulphur. Remedies or medicines mention- ed in this little book are to be given in 3x. unless otherwise men- tioned. | If liquid, put twenty drops per quart of drinking water, or medi- cate number 30 pellets by drop- 105 POULTRY SENSE. ping ten drops on a two drachm vial full of pellets and give three to the bird two or three times per day. If powder, put eight grains in one quart of drinking water, or two discs two or three times per day. | By alternating the drugs, we mean give one (as Arsenicum) at one time and the other at the other (as Allium Cepa) at the next dose. For instance, if you commenced giving Allium Cepa at 7 A. M.. Arsenicum at 9, Allium Cepa at 11, Arsenicum Alb. at 1 P. M. and so on. For making your Permanganate of Potash you can get a one quart bottle and put 14 grains into it, then fill same with water; this can be 106 Fa ra > — — a aS eae Se PS SS POULTRY SENSE. your stock bottle used for putting in the fonts. If birds have colds, we some- times add half an ounce of Am- monium Carb. 2x. Improving the Strain When introducing new blood, the following has proven the best, particularly if you desire to retain the type and laying re aya of your own stock. Purchase a first-class hen (year- hng) from a breeder who has a strain known to be good for egg production and of excellent color, breed her to your best type year- old cock out of your heavy laying hens; the result of the mating 107 POULTRY SENSE. must be watched and the best laying pullet bred back to its sire, and a cockerel from this mating used in the breeding pen the following season. Keeping the Stamina and Vigor in the Strain By breeding the daughters, grand daughters or great-grand-daugh- ters to the sire or grand sire, each time selecting the strongest, best type and layers, will improve the high qualities of the strain beyond that of the original sire and dam. Breeding the dam or grand- dams to sons which are vigorous and most closely resemble the dam or grand-dam one can maintain beauty, color and vigor, and by mating a cockerel bred from the 108 POULTRY SENSE. daughter or grand-daughter of the original sire, by him or his sire, to a hen, daughter of the grand- dam or great-grand-dam of origi- nal dam, you retain vigor, quality and beauty. This can be continued indefi- nitely, if a close record is kept of the breeding. Hiow Karly Breeders Maintained Vigor Columbella was perhaps the most scientific breeder and poultry expert of his day and kept records of his breeding pens, bred for type, color, vigor and egs production. He usually allowed about twelve hens to a cock. Parmentier, the French breeder, 109 POULTRY SENSE. allowed fifteen to twenty females to each cock. Mowbray allowed four or five hens during cold weather, and Nolon believed that to secure fine large, strong specimens, one should use a two-year old cock with not more than five yearlings or two year old hens. 110 ‘a i 7 sf hh a Cy ; i Wi , ¥ - a 4 } 1a N ps an we iy tae a a k 4 i . i ] 77 ‘a i i ; xs 4 > | \@ iP) § i ie % i i 4 i ibs eee = Se = BES sae =I ee se ses se POULTRY SENSE. Anni’ s Don’t feed your breeding hens too much soft feed, a variety of grains thrown in the litter keeps them active and strong. Don’t breed brothers and sisters, unless you want to produce ban- tams. Don’t forget plenty of green feed, especially for the breeding pens; assists digestion and _ in- creases the fertility. Don’t forget that daughters bred to sire or grand-sire make good, strong, healthy chicks, or grand- 111 POULTRY SENSE. _ dams or dams bred to sons do like- wise. Don’t forget that the dam gives the size and the sire the color. Don’t forget that two defects bred together emphasize that de- feet. | | Hard feathered birds do bes on more grains, soft feathered on soft feed. Don’T FORGET TO FUMIGATE OFTEN, WINTER AND SUMMER. Don’t forget to have plenty of litter in which to throw your grains. Busy chickens means health and eggs. Don’t breed to puilets, unless they are fully matured and at least ten months old; the same applies to cockerels. 112 POULTRY SENSE. Don’T GET IN A HURRY—GO SLOW. First make a success of your unit plant, before adding more. - Don’t forget that poultry intend- ed for the market should fast at least twelve hours before killing. Don’t put your show birds right back in the coop upon their return from the show, but in a pen by themselves, so you may watch for symptoms of disease or lice and keep the temperature about fifty degrees for a day or two. DoNn’T RAISE VERMIN; IT DOESN T PAY. Don’t keep the weaklings and immature stock; if possible, fatten them or place them on the guillo- tine. 118 POULTRY SENSE. Don’? FORGET THAT MILK-FED FOWLS BRING THE BEST PRICE. Don’t buy cheap eggs and stock. Don’t OVERCROWD, IF YOU WANT EGGS AND NO COLDS. Don’t forget to use plenty of louse powder and use it OFTEN. Don’t forget to keep the house dark in which you are crate feeding the fattening stock. This is a case of EAT, SLEEP AND GROW FAT. Don’? FORGET TO PAINT THE PERCHES with carbolic acid, ninety per cent. one part to three of gasoline. | - Don’t place your chicks on the same ground every year or let the coops get wet inside. 114 ee a ee ee eee ~~ POULTRY SENSE. Don’t MEDDLE WITH THE INCU- BATOR, ESPECIALLY WHEN THE HATCH IS COMING OFF. Don’t forget to train your birds; this means posing or placing them in the same position of this breed, as shown in the STANDARD OF PER- FECTION. Don’t send dirty birds to the show room or to your customer. Don’T FORGET THAT LIGHT AND SUNSHINE ARE IMPORTANT IN THE HEN HOUSE, THE MORE THE BETTER. Don’t forget to have a double floor in your hen houses and brooders. : Don’t forget to watch the tem- perature in your preoder, look at it often. 115 POULTRY SENSE. Don’t forget ten drops of Car- bolic Acid to a quart of drinking water, once a day for the first week, will prevent bowel trouble. Don’t forget that alfalfa meal or cut clover, preferably white clover, added to the dry mash in winter increases the egg yield. Don’t forget to ISOLATE ALL SICK BIRDS. This is the very first step to take. : AND, LASTLY, DONT FORGET THAT YOUR WIFE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A CHICKEN TO COOK ONCE IN A WHILE. Wz 116 Se a ee i a meas Ti Pas SS Se ean See re 2 Sagas sd ener re z As = A) q i” a 17 a | Z Ae é 2 i - POULTRY SENSE. Materia Medica Autium CEPA. Cold in head, with acrid dis- charge from nose and eyes, keeps eyes closed, so as to protect same from light. | AMMONIACUM. Difficult breathing, chronic bron- chial catarrh, accumulation of pur- ulent mucus in windpipe, rattling in same. AMMONIUM CARB. Cold in head, takes cold easily, discharge of burning water from nose which stops during night, but worse next day. 117 POULTRY SENSE. Long-continued discharge from nose, snuffles, ulcerations of throat, swelling of same, tongue sore and breathing loud. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Thin watery discharge from nose and eyes, latter red and swollen. Mouth and tongue sore, sore spots on head, discharge of watery offensive substance from bowels, loss of strength, drinks often. ARSENICUM IoDATUM. Discharge from nose sticky, eyes swollen and vicid discharge, sneez- ing, ulcers on tongue and sides of mouth, difficult breathing. | Fainful discharge from bowels, offensive, dark and bloody. Chol- era. : 118 . S : ae - . r. = — “= re = ee er - So a ee i — — abe. <7 ee = one rar ae 2 aR ye eee eS AS ee a om ~< + GE RG EO NLA ae Se ee S = 2 cae a aoe = POULTRY SENSE. BELLADONNA. Vertigo, falling to side or back- ward, spasms, greenish discharge _ from bowels, swelling of neck and throat. CALCAREA CARBONICA. (CARBONATE OF LIME) _ Where there is slow feathering, deformed eggs or soft shelled eggs, assists molting. In developing feathers, bone and egg shells. CALCAREA F'LUORICA. (Fivoripe or Live) — Ulceration of bowels, swollen neck and bumble foot. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. (PHOSPHATE oF Limz) Assists molting, leg weakness. 119 POULTRY SENSE. CAMPHORIA. (CAMPHOR) Cold in head (early stage) sneez- ing, constantly catching cold. Cholera. CHAMOMILLA. Diarrhoea in little chicks, pasted up on vent, given with Podophyl- lum in alternation. CHINA OFF. Thin discharge from _ bowels, weak, acts as tonic. Given to revive chicks who have been out in rain storm or cold, with a little Capsicum; put this in water and drop in throat. IPECACUANHA. Diarrhoea, green discharge. Rat- tling in throat. | 120 POULTRY SENSE. Kati BicHRomMIcum. — (BIcHROMATE OF PoTASH) Cold in head, discharge thick and stringy, ulcerated sore throat. Diphtheria, cheesy deposits in throat. | One drachm to a quart of drink- ing water, to protect the flock. Kart PERMANGANICUM. (PERMANGANATE OF PorasH) Intense irritation of nose, throat and larynx. | Diphtheria, throat swollen ‘al covered with cheesy matter. One drachm to a quart of water; good mixture to put into drinking water to prevent the spreading of disease to rest of flock. 121 POULTRY SENSE. MERcURIUS CORROSIVUS. (BicHLoRIDE or MERcuRy) Excoriating discharge from eyes and nose, sore tongue. Bloody discharge from bowels, - white diarrhoea, straining with pro- lapses of bowel, discharge liquid and irritating. Nux Vomica. Leg weakness and constipation. PODOPHYLLUM. Thin discharge from _ bowels, diarrhoea matting down on vent, congestion of liver. PULSATILLA. Thick, profuse yellow, bland discharge from the eye or nose. Blood in egg, or on shell, egg bound. 122 wf ill nh tip W il i " i } i - POULTRY SENSE. Ruvs Tox. Eves swollen, red, acrid watery discharge from eye, keeps eyes closed. Ulceration of the cornea ( pupil). SENEGA. Chronic bronchitis, difficult to dislodge mucus, rattling in throat. SPONGIA. Cold in head, swelling of eyes, discharge from nose, rattling of throat. i | _ The ideal roup remedy. » Wz 123 Vel ney bY er AY Ny Ae i