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Entertain the thought..

A lot of what we leani about our culture and other cultures cannot be found in the classroom. Knowledge is vital and is provided to us by study- ing certain disciplines. However, experience is another vital aspect of learning that we too often neglect. When we study drama, we use a textbook that is, in essence, dead. But drama is very much alive when experiencing a play or musical. You can spend hours researching the destruction of the ecosystem in biology, but experiencing a sea turtle laying her precious eggs down in the sand will make you realize how easily disrupted this natural process can be.

It is easy for students with school duties and full-time jobs to neglect the experiences of college that lie outside the realm of the classroom or the library or the computer lab. Many students pass up programs, tours, trips and other experiences provided by the school. Friday means weekend and weekend means no classes. And we ask, why should the learning process stop? It shouldn't!

Whether you attend a convention, make time to hear a speaker, see an exhibit, or even hear a good band in a local bar, you will be learning. These are the things make up the experiences you'll remember when your college days are long gone. Well, maybe you'll remember that all-nighter you pulled studying for a test or the time you wrote a 15-page paper the night before it was due, but you want memories that won't make you wince in pain.

This issue is dedicated to opening up some new channels for you to explore - and I don't mean FOX or CBS! The staff has explored some new types of activities, gotten involved with some groups, and even done a little traveling in order to give you some ideas for learning opportunities that are entertaining. We hope you'll see something you would like to try. Or maybe you'll find out more inforn:>ation on something you knew about. Whatever the case may be, we know that this issue will serve as a potential positive booster for anyone (or shrill I say EVERYONE) that is suffering from a little classroom burnout. Have a great time!

Powderhorn Staff

Spring 1995

Amy Ellwanger Editor-in-Chief

Georgeann Estep Business IVIanager

IVIichael Wiggins Features Editor

Ella Bennett Photo Editor

Adam Stover Sports Editor

Shelly Cantrell Staff Writer

Josh Williams Staff Writer

Ms. Jane Nodine Faculty Advisor


Pao Lee - Cover Art Jan Scruggs - Photos

David Prak - Photos

Special Thanks to:

Frances Brice Dean Leon Wiles The Media Board Dynagraphics Printing

Copyright 1995 by The Powderhorn and the University of South Carolina at Spar- tanburg. The Powderhorn is published each semester by the students of USCS. Opinions expressed here are those of the staff and contributors. They do not nec- essarily reflect those of the faculty, staff, Media Board, or administration of USCS. This magazine is distributed free of charge to students, faculty, and staff of the University of South Carolina at Spartanburg

Editor's Page 2

Powderhorn Staff & Contributors 3

Progress of Campus Life Building 5

Campus Activities Board - A Look at Entertainment

Between Classes on Campus 6

Hit the Trail - Backpacking 8

Student Loans - Q & A 10

Career Objectives - Taking Advantage of

Club Activities 12

Campus "Celebs" 13

Live Music in Spartanburg 14

Quest & S.C.O.P.E. - Wellness Program 15

Point/Counterpoint - Funding for the

National Endowment for the Arts 16

Feedback - A Questionnaire 19

Jackie Burton: USCS Rifleman (Along with

Homecoming Photos!) 20

R.O.T.C. - Playing with Fire (Power!) 22

Paintball - A Weekend Warrior Delight 26

51 Things to do in New Orleans 28

Powderhorn Magazine

Progress on the New Campus Life Building,,.


^AUantic Coast Mechancai, Inc. «Black*s Bectrjcal & Development Co. Inc. B Cherokee Acoustics, he, gGraitling Bros. Contractiig. Inc. Jennings Paint & Giass Co, Inc.





Fall 1994

Spring 1995

Powderhorn Magazine

Shelly Cantrell Staff Writer

Students can experience the quality entertainment of some of the most prominent rising stars in show business right here on the USCS campus. Talk show host Bertice Berry and comedian Carrot Top are just two of the budding entertainers who have made an appearance on our campus in their early days of fame. So, you ask, who is responsible for bringing these talented artists to perform at USCS? The answer is as simple as - CAB.

CAB, otherwise known as the Campus Activities Board, works extremely hard every semester to bring you the best of the best in entertainment to add a litde excitement to the monotony of a regular school day. They pay very close attention to the fact that our campus is rich in cultural diversity and they pride themselves in the fact that they offer something for everyone. "We cater to every student on this campus sometime during the semester," CAB President Chris Hills stated.

In the past, CAB has been a part of the Student Government Association. Later, they began to realize that in order to serve the students more efficiently, they should break away to form an

individual group dedicated exclusively to providing on campus entertainment for students. CAB members had also realized that a bigger budget could allow them to provide bigger and better events to benefit the students.

Carrot Top

Now, with their own name and their own budget, CAB members are serving over 2,000 students. They invite nationally recognized acts such as Limpopo, famous for their Kit Kat commercial jingle, to perform for students at no cost. Magicians, ventriloquists, and musicians are just a

Get Away From the Grind....

with Live Entertainment!

few of the other forms of entertainment

that CAB has to offer. Not to mention

the wild and crazy games that get

people laughing on Wacky Wednesdays.

Human bingo and

twister seem to be

the most popular for

students who just

want to have some


Future plans for the Campus Activities Board include an entertainment stage in the brand new Campus Life Center. The stage will have easy accessibility to the cafeteria in order to make catering the events more convenient for the CAB staff. And, the new stage will

make it easier for the CAB staff to offer a more professional atmosphere to guest stars. In the future, CAB would also like to see a budget increase in order to bring more nationally known acts to USCS; but, with the recent budget cut,


CAB is uncertain as to what they will be able to offer next semester.

CAB is always interested in knowing what students have to say concerning on- campus entertainment. Statistics from a recent survey show that students enjoy the comedians most with games and musical events following close behind. The survey has also provided some good ideas that the CAB staff is presently considering.

So, you see, there are fun and exciting things to do on campus to make the day pass by a little faster and give students a chance to meet people. All you have to do is take full advantage of the fine, free entertainment that CAB offers to everyone without leaving campus.

Photos Courtesy of Creative Entertainment

It the Trail!

Adam Stover Sports Editor

People today spend less and less of their spare time doing nothing. The hustle-and-bustle of the modern work- place, along with the increasing advances in technology, has caused many people to long for a peaceful, simple retreat. Back- packing provides a person with that retreat and gives one and appreciation for the beauty of nature. Fortunately for uses students, Shining Rock Wilderness in Pisgah National Forest is within two hours of driving distance.

I asked Todd Sellers, a junior here at uses, why he enjoys hitting the trail. "It's relaxing," he replied. "You can get away and put everything into perspec- tive." When put to the same question, senior Rebecca Jordan said "You learn what's important after you strip away the modern conveniences. You learn what you really need to survive."

Getting away from the city can be

just what the doctor ordered when you're stressed about the pressures of working and being a student. Some quiet reflec- tion or simply enjoying the forest at Shin- ing Rock can help restore peace to even the most frustrated people. Backpacking's not only good for the soul, however. Hiking through the mountains is an excellent means of physical exercise, as well.

If you're planning to go backpack- ing, certain supplies are a must for a successful trip. A tent and sleeping bag provide shelter and a bed. Food, a com- pact stove, cooking utensils, and firestarter will keep hunger at bay. A good book can also enhance your experi- ence on the trail. A first aid kit should be brought in case of an accident. First aid kits should be able to handle everything from a mosquito bite to a snake bite.

Nothing spoils the enjoyment of nature more than running across trash that someone's thrown down in the forest. You go to the forest to get away from the filthiness of the city, not get more of it. The motto of the trail is to take every- thing with you when you leave and to leave only footprints behind,

I also recommend being very careful

Powderhorn Magazine

if you plan to navigate dangerous terrain. Never overestimate your ability to negoti- ate a new terrain. A couple of friends of mine have been seriously hurt when bravado overcame good judgement.

Everyone needs diversion from their daily routine. Our daily routines often become so busy, that vegetating on the couch seems like a welcome diversion on the weekends. However, we must not neglect the therapeutic and educational value of spending time in our national forests. Back- packing provides the exercise and time away from everything that can make all the difference to the stressed out student. The next day you have time on your hands, remem- ber-take time out on your feet and hit the trail!

"...we must not neglect

the therapeutic and

educational value of

spending time in our

national forests. "

Powderliom Mcif^azine


Amy Ellwanger Editor-in-Chief

Overextended students: stop kidding yourselves! Attending college is increasingly a full-time endeavor. You are required to put in most of your waking hours studying. The catch is, you have to pay for it. You must also pay for food, shelter, and bills in order to live. The mistake so many are making is that they work too much outside school in order to generate their funds. When you have failed to meet the requirements for your semesterly education, it amounts to throwing over $1000 down the drain. You're back to square one. Don't give up, though. You do have an alternative: Student Loans.

By applying for and receiving a student loan, you can pay college expenses and buy time, as well. Since you would only have to work enough hours during the week to pay the bills at home, you leave yourself enough time to put in the required time and effort that will get you through school successfully. Don't like the idea of being in debt?

Think the interest rates will hurt you later? Not even sure if you'll qualify? I'm here to ease your mind.

First, you should know about your

choices. There are four different types of student loans available to you. The first is the Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan. This is a low-interest, long-term loan to provide students with money for college. With an interest rate capped at 9% and a repayment term of up to 10 years, this loan does not require the student to pay while in school. Based on need, this loan can provide from as little as $100 to as much as $23,000 over the lifetime of an undergraduate student. There is an insurance fee of up to 3% and an origina- tion fee of 5%. There is also the Unsubsidized Federal

Stafford Loan. It's terms are much the same; however, it provides students who are not eligible for other financial aid with funds that have a combined origination and insurance fee of 6.5%.

Another type of loan is the eral Supplemental Loan for Students. This caters to the independent student based on need. With the SLS, you must first apply for a Stafford Loan, and Unsubsidized Stafford Loan , and a Pell Grant before applying. The terms are very much the same with the exception of a capped interest rate of 1 1%. The last type of student loan is the Federal PLUS Loan. These are loans made to the parents of dependent undergraduate students. This requires a credit check and provides only the total cost of education. Payment of these loans cannot be



Powderhorn Magazine

deferred unless the parent is at least a half-time student. The origination and insurance fees are the same as the Stafford Loan, but the interest rate is capped at 10%.

Before you take out any student loan, there are several things that must be consid- ered. Interest rates, fees, payments, interest benefits, and grace periods are some I men- tioned above. Other considerations are the amount of the payments, number and fre- quency of payments, consequences of default, and cancellation. You must consider your financial aid advisor's role in your getting and repaying a loan. Your financial aid administra- tor can process loan forms, verify enrollment and education budget, and analyze your need. There are restrictions on how you may use the money. It is to be used for educational ex- penses only, like tuition, books, fees, room and board, etc..

Before you repay your loan, there are also some key factors. The borrower of a loan has certain rights and responsibilities. Students have the right to receive a payment schedule, to defer payment, to request a forbearance, and to prepay a loan at any time without penalty. It is most important to keep these responsibilities in mind: repaying loans and their fees on time, notifying loan holder of changes in name, address, etc., repaying at least $600 per year unless other agreements have been made, and to keep making payments until you receive written confirmation that the account has been placed in deferment or forbearance.

These specific loans are ones of which too many students do not take advantage. It is the perfect way to pay for your education without being financially forced to neglect it. Here are the basic facts. More information is available in the financial aid office. You no longer have an excuse!

Powderlwm Magazine

Accrued Interest: Interest that accumulates on the unpaid balance of your loan principle.

Default: Failure to repay your education loan.

Deferment: A period when a borrower, who meets certain criteria, may suspend loan pay- ments.

Disclosure Statement: Statement of the total amount and cost of a loan, including the inter- est rate and any additional finance charges.

Forbearance: Temporary adjustment to repayment schedule for cases of financial hardship.

Grace Period: Specified period of time after you leave school during which you need not make principal payments.

Interest: The cost you pay to borrow money.

Principal: Amount you borrow, which may increase as a result of capitalization of interest, and the amount on which you pay interest.

Promissory Note: Contract between you and your lender that includes all the terms and conditions under which you promise to repay your loan.

Servicer: Organization that administers and collects your loan.


Georgeann Estep Business Manager




Every year career oriented clubs and organizations iiave guest speakers, career fairs, and other such activities to encourage growth both mentally and physically in ones future. During these events students learn about new opportunities in their future objectives.

The School of Nursing had a career fair at the beginning of the semester. At this fair different regulatory agencies and clinics set up tables in the Auxiliary gym. Each booth had brochures and samples for the students in the nursing program. Angela Henderson a future May graduate of Nursing stated, that the fair gave her the chance to get applications from prospective hospitals and agencies. Also, it helped her gain the knowledge of the opportunities for future employment right here in the Spartanburg-Greenville area.

The Marketing club had several guest speakers including Paul Riddle from the Marshall Tucker Band. He showed the club the value of marketing a product, as well as marketing a group of people. Riddle an- swered questions and gave a good marketing oudook. Another activity that this club sponsored was an Etiquette dinner at the Piazza Tea room. In attendance was Dr. Mark Mitchell (co-advisor) and about 25 members of the expanding organization. These students enjoyed the meal and the atmosphere. Chris Clark said, " I enjoyed the professional style of the meal and I believe that the etiquette tips that I gained will give me an extra edge during future job related interviews." There were many other activities that were sponsored here on campus for the advancement of career objectives. Overall. These events provided a little push and a great deal of information to those who were willing to participate.

Paul Riddle, formerly of the Marshall Tucker Band, spoke to members of the USCS Market- ing Club. He had many real- life marketing stories to share with the students in atten- dance.

Photo by: University Communications


Powderhorn Magazine

Various "Celebs" Makel 1 1 lA

On Campus...

AI Kinzer of BMW receives a small token from Chancellor Stockwell in appreciation for Kinzer's involvement with USCS Founder's Day.

Danny Glover, who was joined by Felix Justice, speaks at the Hodge reception during a convocation.

Chancellor John Stockwell leads not only in the hoard room, but on the court, as well, during a faculty volleyball game.

l-'owderhorn Magazine


Here's what's happening in


Blue Daze

Fool's Society



Powderhorn Magazine



Georgeann Estep Business Manager

This year a new program was ignited on campus to ensure the knowledge in students on issues concerning: Drug/Alcohol Awareness, AIDS, Dating, Self-Enhancement and Fitness. This program under the supervision of Ms. Stephanie Boyd is definitely a great benefit to this institution and its constituents. Boyd stated that she is very happy to be here and that the support and participation she is getting is great.

Quest, the name given by Boyd at the beginning of the New Year, is geared towards starting a peer education program. This new edition on campus has enabled the gateway of communication to be opened between students, faculty and staff. Boyd also plans to work with neighboring campuses as soon as here peer group has been trained to give presentations and lectures.


Quest also started a program that enables a participant to win free prizes for attending a specific event. All students, faculty and staff are welcomed to participate in the fun. The only thing that you must do is keep a score card with signatures of attendance. These points are easy to get at almost any campus wide event such as: Softball games, CAB events, plays, and lectures. Boyd has worked hard and has got many prizes donated from fitness centers, ice cream parlors, and even a personal trainer. So come join a quest for survival with the new wellness pro- gram.

If you are interested in joining the Quest peer group or you have any questions or con- cerns feel free to call Stephanie Boyd.


S.C.O.RE. is a consortium of students from USCS, Wofford, SMC, and Converse who will receive extensive information and training on alcohol and drug prevention/education infor- mation, group facilitation skills and referral resources.

Powderhom Magazine




Josh Williams

Since the furor began in this country to balance the budget, one of the prime targets of cutbacks is the National Endowment for the Arts. Cutting the NEA budget is not a new idea by any means. Since the clamor over the NEA funding of several controversial art exhibits, the program has become a prime target for budget cutbacks. The argument that advocates of NEA funding cuts present is that taxpayers monies should not be used to fund so-called elitist art that is both exclusive of the general public and offensive to those who are forced to support it. In short, these individuals state that taxpayers money has no place in financing art, which they feel should be supported by private business, patrons, or private foundations that are not affiliated with the government. The annual budget of the NEA was around $167 Million dollars, that is, until a subcommittee of the House of representatives voted to cut the budget by $5 million dollars on February 24, 1995. From this decision, it seems that our representatives in Washington would agree with the opponents of the National Endowment for the Arts, at least to some extent. So, the argument about cutting NEA funds is, at least for the present, going the way of NEA opponents. This isn't suiprising when one considers the media circus that has been created over artists such as Robert Maplethorpe, whose homo-erotic photography shocked many Americans. Many people wondered, and still wonder, why such programs are supported with the hard-earned tax dollars that they pay to the government.

Interestingly enough, out of the 100.000 grants that have been awarded over the 30-year existence of the NEA, only thirty grants have been considered "controversial." That means that less than one percent of all of the grants that have been given have been regarded by the public as controversial, and it is suiprising that the entire organization has come under fire when one considers the 99,970-some grants that have been used to fund art that the public found useful or at least non-offensive. These numbers would seem to indicate that the NEA is not a highly elitist organization, as many conservative-minded opponents have claimed it to be. In fact, the NEA exists to support the arts and make them more accessible to the general public, and not to provide

unlimited funds for the so-called "cultural elite." For example, the Spoleto festival in Charleston, which has generated over $1 billion dollars for South Carolina's economy and boosted tourism by more than 300 percent, would not have existed without the seed money from the NEA.

Currently, over 200 cities in the United States have used seed money from the NEA in ways similar to the city of Charleston, and have experienced similar results in tourism and economic boosting. In addition, the budget for the National Endowment for the Arts is only one-hundredth of 1 percent of the national budget, which shows that NEA funding is only a tiny part of our national


Powderhorn Magazine


Michael Wiggins

Thrown to the chopping block, alongside a host of other luckless government programs, is the harshly condemned National Endowment for the Arts. The perhaps-maybe-revolution sparked by a Republican takeover of Congress last November seeks to end subsidies to the likes of: perfor- mance artists who give away NEA grants in one-dollar bills to pedestrians, for the artistic purpose of rendering various expressions from the recipients; art exhibits, which have their only entrance carpeted with an American flag, and. . .thousands of artists and many artistic groups who rarely get media coverage at all, and who provide community-oriented, often educational experiences for many people who would otherwise never become aware of the treasures of art. Sure enough, there are many noble goals the NEA strives for, in addition to the less-esteemed purpose of desensitizing Americans to grotesqueness. However, it is not necessary to denude America of artistic awareness in order to dispose of a clumsy, elitist organization which hardly serves as a fair promoter of the arts.

When the existence of the NEA is discussed between two parties, both sides invariably become entrenched on the question, "What is art?". Pro- moters of the endowment often do not accept this as a valid question, but nevertheless become sidetracked into a defense of items of dubious artistic value. A taint of elitism sneaks into the debate right about here; the artistically inclined question the sophistication or knowledge of amateur critics, as if it were A-OK to accept money, but not com- ments, from the laity. Detractors, on the other hand, are unable to see any way around the question, and point to the image of the NEA portrayed in the media: a secular, faceless bureaucracy of perverts who seem to judge art by how much it offends the religious. They seem unable to see the sheer an'Ogance of questioning the legitimacy of something that is frequently not understood in the first place.

In this type of exchange, the most important questions are missed. Why would any so-called free society have a national government choose what art receives financial support? Does it not seem possible that different regions of the country might be more likely to accrue funding for its art and artists than others? Is it not likely that such a system stands to benefit insiders enormously and the common artist very little? While most freethinkers would decry any attempt to label an object as either a legitimate work of art or a confused, degenerative piece of trash, can it not be accepted that some, actually many, taxpaying citizens will always feel obliged to categorize art in just this way?

The damnable feature of the NEA is that it assumes that everyone wants and needs more art, and if not, it is a flaw that can be ironed out with just a little more government money. The fact that this money comes from taxpayers, who see precious little result from their money and couldn't care less about the NEA anyway, seems to be a non issue to the culturally elite. Months and months after

Fowderhorn Magazine


"Point" Continued.

government's expenditures, and since the number of the 1 00,000 NEA-funded projects that have been highly criticized is less than 1 percent, it is clear that the amount of criticism that the NEA has drawn is both asinine and ridiculous.

Criticism of a program that assists communities in generating revenue and jobs, while at the same time providing the public with a myriad of programs and projects in the arts can be held as nothing short of contemplative and not worth the breath it takes to utter the words. Art is something that is not merely entertainment for a select group of intellectuals, as opponents of the NEA would argue; instead it is a vital means for communication of ideas and knowledge that are not readily available to the public, as well as a revenue-generating source for the towns and communities of America. The NEA has done the exact opposite of what its opponents claim; it has removed the Arts from the province of the elite and opened them to the general public, so that they may benefit from this wonderful tool for expansion and communication. When the cost of the NEA is compared to the cost of certain government programs, which have been know to pay hundreds of dollars for simple tools like hammers, it is very clear that all of the controversy and heated debates against NEA funding are nothing more than smokescreens to cover the gigantic wastages of money that occur in other areas of the national budget. The National Endowment for the Arts always has been, and always will be, of tremendous benefit to the people of America, and should not be attacked because of the absurd views of a few naiTow-minded individuals.

Why would any so-called "free society" have a

national government choose which art forms

receive financial support?

"Counterpoint" Continued

the NEA first came under attack by the new House majority, pious "How dare they?"s still litter art journals. It would seem as though the NEA was beyond reproach, to judge by the essays of shock and indignation.

Art is not something that should rely on government money when it is constantly having to be defended. Unlike public schools, art is something that can be marketed as a business. If support- ers of the arts aren't earning enough revenue to keep this "business" going, maybe the general public is trying to tell them something.

Powderhorn Magazine


The Powderhorn staff wants to know what you think of this semester's issue of the magazine. Please complete this survey and return it to Hodge 244. Thanks for your time!

1. Did you enjoy the articles? If so, which ones?

2. Did you enjoy the photos? If so, which ones?

3. Was the magazine found in a convenient place? Where? If not, how did you acquire it?

4. Did you, as an individual or as part of a group, feel adequately represented by material in this magazine? If not, how can we better represent you in the future?

5. What topics would you like to see covered in the Fall 1995 issue':

6. Do you have any other comments or helpful criticism for us to consider?

Please feel free to help create next semester's issue! We welcome stories, artwork, photos, help with layout, or suggestions for events to cover.

Powderhorn Mafiaz.ine



Rifleman -

Jackie Burton's "Shake 'Em Up" Role as USCS Mascot

Georgeann Estep Business Manager

The Rage was definitely in the Cage during the 1995 Rifle Athletic season; and lately, the Rifles have not been alone. Strutting all the latest dance moves, waving her hands in the air and just simply arousing the crowd, Jackie Burton, none other than The USCS Rifleman, our mas- cot, brought spirit to every halftime AND time- out. Participating in many events, Jackie has been seen doing everything from giving out candy to children at the Championship NCAA Division II Soccer match to welcoming people at USCS Orientation. Burton and her great person- ality could amuse any crowd, any time and any place. Picture it.... You are at a Rifle Basketball game. .The score is 66 to 68 ..Rifles down by 2 points with 1 minute left... The crowd is restless, bleachers are banging, the coaches are scream- ing and then all of a sudden you hear. "TO THE LEFT, TO THE LEFT... TO THE RIGHT, TO THE RIGHT... TO THE FRONT, TO THE FRONT... Yes it 'is the Tootsie Roll . On to the floor comes the Rifleman. Jackie and all of the Rifle fans get excited and break the tension of the game. The Rifles ended up winning that tough game.

The Rifleman went to the Peach Belt Tournament with the Lady Rifles to support them in the finals. The Ladies Basketball team won the Tournament, but they were not alone on victory road. Coming home in the company of a fine team with such a deserved trophy. Burton came back to Spartanburg carrying a title, as well.

During halftime at a basketball game, the Rifle- man shows that she isn 't the least bit camera shy as she anticipates her next move.

Hommfning '%


King & Queen:

Stacey Mills Johmerlyn Moore

And to the Kings & Queens of the basketball court:

uses Women's Team uses Men's Team Coaches & Trainers Cheerleaders & Dance Team The Rifleman and, of course,

the Fans!

Michael Wiggins Feature Editor

There has to be a place, a grown-up playing field, for those who torched Barbie Dolls or blew up Matchbox Cars with firecrackers in their youth. A March 24-26 visit to one such paradise at Fort Jackson revealed that those ill at ease in a normal nine-to-five environment can not only achieve a level of satisfaction in a well- suited foxhole, they can become leaders in their community.

As expected, the ROTC unit departed for Columbia some 45 minutes late Friday after-

Cadets sift through the grim results of a successful ambush.

noon, not bad at all by hurry-up-and-wait stan- dards. Compensating for those delays being the responsibility of underlings, the three vans of ROTC cadets hurtled towards Columbia without concern for speed traps or other civilian ob- stacles.

The 16:50 arrival in Fort Jackson was punctuated by a flurry of activity, as the neces- sary transformation of college students to sol- diers began. Newcomers struggled under a full load of equipment and skipped to keep in step with the commands of a makeshift squad leader. One Cadet Bailey from USCS marched rigidly by, looking very proper, if slightly uninitiated, in his military role.

Every stage of this weekend's exercise was to be an opportunity for someone differ- ent to hone his or her leadership skills; it would likewise become an excellent chance to achieve instant fame as a screw-up. In this way, people were driven to excel by a combi- nation of carrot and stick found almost exclu- sively in the military.

No sooner had the Wofford/Spartanburg ROTC group claimed their bunks and begun to unpack than senior students from the Citadel arrived. Apparently, the Citadel cadets were higher in rank, as they quickly uprooted the OP-4 group and took over strategic points of access to the head. If the opposing forces seemed relaxed in this atmosphere, the men from the Citadel had positively found their niche in life.

Sleep finally came around 00:30. A


Powderhorn Magazine

Playing with Fire (Power!)

uses Cadet Cherlynn Hewitt (second from rt.) ponders defensive strategies with opposing forces as they huddle around a desired, but nonexistent, campfire.

^;i,v **?*.■'*


The training area at Fort Jackson is a huge, sprawhng tangle of swamps, knob-pine covered hills and sandy fields strewn with clumps of grass. The cadets were to be graded on how well they negotiated different 'lanes' of opposition in this terrain. One different squad leader and two team leaders would be chosen for each new mission. In some cases, the squad must simply reconnoiter an enemy position and take inventory of their supplies and fire- power. Other mis- sions, such as a bun- ker assault or an ambush, are intended to instill a more aggressive spirit in the troops.

Sf^.,. .'W'*^'

reluctant reveille commenced a few hours later, at 04:30. This was apparently a little later than some had intended, and various muttered accusations of someone sleeping through their watch could be heard. The personnel charged with supervising the new cadets had been awake for an hour by then, as preparations were made to ensure that the day's events will be enjoyed by all.

The first action at lane #9 took place at 08:45. This lane is situated on relatively open, flat ground with only a few shrubs and sand berms for cover. The 0P-4s positioned themselves in ready- made foxholes after test firing their M-16s. The M-60 gunner, Luke Maylor, had a difficult time getting his 'pig' operational. He finally got the linked ammunition loaded and test fired; he then burrowed in some pine needles- partially for cover, mostly for warmth. The 0P-4s knew approximately when to expect company, and as the moment neared, they became silent and all but invisible, waiting for mistakes.

Po wde rh o n i Mavaz. in e


R.O.T.C, Cont'd

Lane #9 was supposed to be reconnoi- tered; if the cadets were compromised, or shot at, the leader was to 'pop smoke' (throw a smoke grenade) and withdraw to a rallying point previ- ously established. Unfortunately, that simply was not exciting and patriotic enough for some of the more gung-ho cadets. Members of one probing team were seen as soon as they snuck from a treeline; the M-60 gun baixel swung smoothly, mocking the stealthiness of the young troops. The silence was not immediately ended, as the gunner patiently waited for more to expose themselves. As if on cue, four troops crossed over onto open ground that promptly erupted with the "Brbrbrbrrrpppt!" of an M-60. Out of the foxholes popped three more OP-4 troops, adding to the mock decimation of the first team.

The perimeter was secured, and the troops gathered in a circle at the rear of the lane to debrief the mission with Sergeant First Class Geyer. He told the mission leaders to discuss their strategy, execution, strengths, and weak- nesses. "Talk in terms of leadership dimensions," the sergeant said. The squads seemed pretty enthused at first, able to relate their strengths with ease, and hard pressed to come up with any shortcomings. Despite running back and forth, and in one case actually lying, in front of a machine gun nest without returning fire, the men and women seemed genuinely surprised at the news that they are all dead. Out of a possible grade of excellent, satisfactory or unsatisfactory, the group got a 'U.' Their long faces were the first of many; only one of six missions against lane #9 would prove to be successful.

Gunfire rumbled throughout the forest all morning. Nearby, a machine gun bunker lay in wait for increasingly exhausted cadets. At 17:30, the platoons gathered in an open field and underwent weapons checks and inspections for hidden and/or misplaced blanks, which are

apparently a wanted commodity somewhere. The students' looks told many tales. Cadet Cantwell from USCS looked at her squad with an easily concealed smile, lest someone worry that she enjoyed this all too much. Faces smeared with black and green showed only a little exasperation, though stories of lost squads and unconquered lanes floated over from the ranks. These looks seemed quite different from the grim, shell-shocked expressions of the day before; they speak of rehef, of an experience gained. These future officers had many more initiations to face. But tonight, after they cleaned weapons, underwent training, and attended muster, they could lie down for a few hours and reflect upon one completed rite of passage.





If you didn't sign up for By the lime you have gradu- HOTC as a freshman or sopho- ated frora college, you'll hove more, you can still catch up to the credentials oi on Array your classmates by attend- officer. You'll also have

ing Army ROTC Camp pi^^^ the self-confidence and Challenge, a paid six- |^^J^^ discipline it takes to suc-

leadership training. Sl^^^!£ll Y^^*^'



Contact Captain Mark Owens at 585-7373 For More Information


Powderhorn Magazine

Exam Schedule - Spring 1995

Exam Time

8:00 AM- 11:30 AM- 3:00 PM- 11:00 AM 2:30 PM 6:00 PM

6:30 PM - 9:30 PM


Class Time

May 1, Mon.

10:00 AM MWF 12:00 PM MWF 2: 15 PM MW

6:00 PM MW 6:00 PM W

May 2, Tue.

8:00 AM TTh 10:50 AM TTh 2:30 PM TTh

6:00 PM TTh 6:00 PM T

May 3, Wed.

8:00 AM MWF 11:00 AM MWF 3:40 PM MW

7:25 PM MW 6:00 PM M

May 4, Thr.

9:25 AM TTh 12:10 PM TTh 1:05 PM TTh

7:25 PM TTh 6:00 PM Th

May 5, Fri.

9:00 AM MWF

Important Dates

Apr. 10-21 : Early Registration for summer & fall 1995

April 28

May 1-5

May 6 : Commencement, 10:00 AM

Classes end

Final Exams

Powderhnm Magazine


^ \rr




ZJtaintball: a


/ i-

Adam Stover "Sports Editor

Aside from its more enter- taining aspects, paintball has seri- ous applications in the real world. Corporations use it

to test their employ- ees' mettle. Fraterni- ties and sororities go paintballing to see if their pledges have what it takes. When junior Willis Felkel and I pulled into Red Fox Games, our only concern was a few hours of mindless, yet harmless, violence. We were about to get what every young man today wants: a loaded gun.

We began in a section of the course called the Junkyard Maze. Old trucks, cars, and various kinds of farm equipment are strung out between towers on opposite ends of the maze. Flags are placed on top of the towers and each player has to retrieve the flag from the opposite tower and bring it back to the top of his or her own tower.

^Ve played this game

Here at Red Fox Games, junk has a very definite purpose. Ducking under a rusty Volkswagen or behind an ancient refrigerator can save you a few bruises!

several times and after I shot Willis in the forehead and he shot me in the neck, we went to The Bridge. One player has to prevent the other from crossing a bridge. The player who de-

;^^ fends the bridge

^ ^has a bunker right

^beside it and the /^^player trying to cross the bridge only has fifteen minutes to do it. Unfortunately for me, I ran out of ammunition right in ^ .^ the middle of a ^ ^ game and received several pellets against my back- side as I tried to retreat into the forest.

Next came Bull Run. Two barrels with flags on top of them are placed in the middle of dense woods 250 yards apart. The play- ers have to get the barrel's flag and return to their own safely.



I'dwderhorn Magazine

^■5* \'r,



Weekend Warrior Delight!

An unsuspecting Willis Felkel waits patiently...


After exchanging shots to the body, we moved on to Fort Appomattox. One player defends a three— foot high fort made of stacked trees with a barrel with a flag on top. All the other person has to do is lift the flag off the barrel after the other player starts the game from inside the fort. Willis had to reload during one of the games and I got him but good. Exhausted but in good cheer, we hit the road to return home.

To get to Red Fox Games, take 1-26 towards Colombia and get off at Exit 22. Take a left and go four

miles, then turn left onto 417. Continue going straight for two- and-half miles and turn right onto Knotwood Road. Take the second left onto Fowler Road and hang a left into Red Fox less than a mile later. If you're looking to have some good, not— so— clean fun, put on some old clothes, head for the woods, and pelt a good friend with paint pellets.

Our own beloved Sports Editor, Adam Stover, waits out another line of painthall fire in a seemingly safe bunker.

Fowderhoni Magazine



Buy a gift for a friend at the Riverwalk.

Eat brunch at the Bayou Ridge Cafe.

Take a cruise on the Creole Queen River Boat.

Go to Lucky Chang's to see the Asian drag queen waitresses.

Wait in Hne to hear Wynton Marsalis at Preservation Hall.

•Visit the Galerie Simonne Stern for a look at the Art District's contemporary side.

Gaze at the alligators on one of Jean Lafitte's Swamp Tours.

Have a "Po' Boy" at Mother's Restaurant.

Take a French Quarter Buggy Ride.

Things to Do In

Have a Hurricane at Pat O'Brien's.

Learn Some Lingo

Beignet (bin-YAY): square pastry smothered in powdered sugar.

Cafe au Lait: beverage that is 1/2 chicory coffee, 1/2 hot milk.

Cajun: People living in Southern LA bayou country with native French tongue and distinctive English Dialect.

Gumbo: Creole soup made with tomatoes, okra, seafood, chicken in various combinations.

Laissez Les Bon Temos Rouler!: Let

the Good Times Roll!

Have cafe au lait and beignets at Cafe du Monde.

See some antique jewelry on Royal Street.

Lose some money gambling

Do rubbings of old tomb- stones in the St. Louis Cem- etery.

Sit on the quad at Tulane.

See a Saint's game at the Superdome.

Jump on a streetcar for a tour.

Take a walk through the Garden District.

Have a muffaletta at the French Market Restaurant.

Tour the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum.

See the slave quarters at LaBranche Plantation.

Study bayou animals at the Louisiana Nature and Science Center.

Buy a Louis Armstrong poster at All That Jazz on Decatur Street.


Powderhom Magazine

at the Queen of New Orleans



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Take a class at the Quilt Cottage.

See Faulkner House Books, where the late laureate wrote his first novel, Soldier's Pay.

View Civil War weapons at Mitchell Militaria/Americana.

Savor a fresh praline fronn Aunt Sally's.

Buy an antique walking stick at the Brass Monkey.

Tr>' the fudge at Gumbo Ya Ya.

See the New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum.

Play in Riverwalk Fountain. I'rnvderhorn Maf;azine

Go to the Jade Room at Manheim's Antiques.

Stuff yourself with crawfish at Cafe Pontalba.

Learn to make a Shrimp Remoulade at Cajun Cookin' Cooking School.

Take a good whiff of that Mississippi River Mud at low tide.

Have a drink in the revolving lounge on top of the World Trade Center.

•Try the Looziana Yams at Rita's Olde French Quarter Restaurant.

•Visit Blaine Kern's Mardi Gras World.

•Take the Canal Street Ferry over to Algiers.

Call the Greater New Orleans Black Tourism Network.

Have the signature beef brisket with horseradish sauce at Tuj ague's.

Check out the VIP Lounge at the Cat's Meow.

Tour the Tezcuco Greek Revival Plantation.

See the Washington Artillery Park.

Take the Creole Queen Dinner Jazz Cruise.

See Tony Green's murals at Mid-City Lanes.

See the white alligators at the Audubon Zoo.

Take a tour of a cypress swamp.

See the Musee Conti Wax Museum.

Dance to a Zydeco jam at the Jackson Brewery.

Drink a Margarita at Jimmy Buffet's.


A Special Thanks

To my family and friends, especially Mrs. Thoma, who have believed in me, supported me, and have kept in touch with me through these college years. ..I thank you. To my friends of South ly Mom &. Dad, tne Dest Carolina, thanks for the memories! Til see you all again someday!

teachers who I admire and owe / did it! so much to _ lauri Sacco

My brother, T.J.

My Gramma Clara, me, and my Gramma Florence

My guard- ian angel, Mimi

My Grampa Tom

My brother-in-law, Tom, my sister, Linda, and my beautiful nieces, Renee and Nicole


My Grampa John

Powderhorn Magazine


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