a, ty a, NN ity ry Ra TECHNICAL REPORT “POWER SPECTRUM ANALYSIS OF INTERNAL WAVES FROM OPERATION STANDSTILL Applied Oceanography Branch Division of Oceanography OCTOBER 1955 i TH? fo. TR Xt U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. TR-26 ABSTRACT Temperature fluctuations in the ocean obtained from data collected during Operation STANDSTILL are analyzed by power spectrum techniques to determine the periods of internal waves. The analysis indicates that the power outside the noise level is concentrated in periods from 20 to 26 hours. Two physical causes for diurnal periods are suggested: eddies due to instability south of the Gulf Stream, and free oscillations, controlled by the Coriolis force, in resonance with the diurnal tidal components. Itis concluded that the latter cause probably is responsible for the peak power of internal waves at periods between 22 and 24 hours. written by ALLEN L. BROWN, EDWARD L. CORTON and LLOYD S. SIMPSON Applied Oceanography Branch Division of Oceanography FOREWCRD Many phases of naval operations involve the application of oceanographic principles. In order to predict changes in oceano- graphic parameters, it is necessary to understand the nature of the physical processes that are producing the changes. Accurate methods of predicting changes which occur in the thermal structure of the ocean cannot be obtained without consideration of internal Waves e« This report presents the results of research concerning the existence and periods of internal waves in an area northeast of Bermudas Activities receiving this publication are requested to forward their comments to the Hydrographic Office. | i oe J. Be COCHRAN Captain, U. S. Navy Hydr ographer Hmm mnen AON alata DISTRIBUTION LIST (D) CNO (Op=31, 314, 316, 533) BUAER (2) BUCRD (2) BUSHIPS (2) BUDOCKS (2) ONR (Code 16, 63, 65, 66) NOL (2) NEL (2) NRL (2) DIMB (2) COMINLANT (2) COMENPAC (2) COMHUKLANT (2) COMOPDEVFOR (2) NAVMINCOMEASTA (2) NAVMENWARSCOL, Yorktown (2) MHU (2) NAVWARCOL (2) USNAVSUBSCOL (2) USNUSL (2) NAVPOSTGRADSCOL, Monterey (2) GIA (2) BEB (2) ARGWA (2) ASTIA (2) WHOL (2) SIO (2) pire) TEXAS A&M (2) UNIV WASH (2) NYU (2) MIT (2) iv Foreword OO) 8) 0) ke e @ e o @ CONTENTS Dbl roby walvosg) Melissa) MG NG G0 oda sitctifejiiejira 6606 PUIBURES ANG dv Se =f Vo-Vge~ (44 Max - PE dy) TH ie ahs v) FEC) ay cee lu eae te where dx = FPerturbed displacement eastward, and «y= Perturbed displacement northward. —P —»P In equations 3 and ) the unit vectors t and Jj are directed toward the east and north respectively, so that the equations are the Pantone of motion in the two directions, The increment of energy associated with the displacement may be repre- sented as dv : ye = Se aos are dup (5) Substituting the values of gu and ay from equations 3 and | gives £ (SPF) lagh-(S8-#) de) +B PB) aya]. This devel opment is a special application to incompressible LInids of the more general exposition by Van Meighem (1951). Equation 6 contains the criterion for stability. Assuming flow from west to east (so that the only perturbations will be in the y-direction), the last two terms of the equation will drop out, and the stability depends on the sign of the first factor. ie 2 Ug. 3) (Way the perturbed energy of the Oy nO or sa a \ Bp i ou system is increasing and the system is unstable; if “OR, Cai aoe the system is stable. Therefore, the equilibrium ccndition is attained when 2 Uge ie f s Lusing « Since the latitude of Oneration STANMSTIT, ves 33°33!N, sin @ is 0.553, and the eanilibrium or inertial period is therefore 2h hours divided by 2 times 0.553, or 21.7 hours. Equation 6 may be used to show that the maximum possible velocity gradi- ent toward the right-hand side of a west~to-east flow must be smaller than the Coriolis Parameter (f) or else the flow becomes unstable and eddies form. On the left-hand side of the current, however, an increase in shear merely adds to the stability. Two illustrations show how the Gulf Stream system conforms to these principles. figure 5, taken from Worthington (1955), is _a velocity section across the Gulf Stream off Woods Hole, Mass. This figure clearly indicates the spreading out of the current toward the right, which is necessary to prevent instability, whereas the left side of the current shows the packing of the jet. SETTLEMENT PT. PALM BEACH AAMAS fs 5162 6 | 200] 300 | 400| 500; 600 | io 20 | NAUT. MILES \ 700 | FIGURE 5. VELOCITY SECTION (cm/sec.) ACROSS THE FLORIDA CURRENT, 7 FEBRUARY 1954. THE SMALL NUMBERS ON THE LEFT-HAND SIDE OF THE CURRENT ARE SALINITY ANOMALIES. (EXPLANATION IN TEXT). ah Figure 6 is taken from Von Arx, Bumpus, and Richardson (195). In this figure the velocities of the Gulf Stream measured just three weeks previous to Operation STANDSTILL are shown by arrows. Three eddies are delineated by the clockwise turning of the vectors at distances of 30 to 50 miles away from the jet and on the right-hand side of the flow. It is evident from the arrows on 29 May that previous to the formation of an eddy on 31 May the vectors had a northward component, and the flow must then have been stable. The data do not allow determination of the exact period of formation of the eddies because of the sporadic nature of the observations. The above development leads to approximately the right period but has a serious flaw in that the radius of the eddy must be small because the entire mass of water is in motion. Inasmuch as the observed currentsin the vicinity of the anchor station averaged less than 0.5 knots and were not regular in direction, any existing eddies must have had a radius of less than 2 miles. However, the radius on which the ship swung at anchor (disregarding drag on the bottom) was a minimum of 2.5 miles, because 20,000 feet of anchor cable were payed out in a depth of 900 fathoms. It is therefore evident that the phenomenon which caused the regular change in isothermal cGepth shown by the spectral analysis regardless of the location of the ship on its anchor arc was much larger in diameter than the small instability eddies. B. Inertia Waves ; A second form of motion that may be considered is inertia waves con- trolled by the Coriolis force. The equations of motion for these waves considering a finite depth h and postulating that the vertical velocity w is equal to zero both at depth h and at the surface (z = 0), may be written as Ou Seco eal a St * W+ 2a cosh - fu tox =O, ov a at tfu =o aw rs) = p7) \ St LWOuUcsd +H 35 =O (7) where ole 5 is the svecific volume. These €quations are similar to those on p. 209 of Haurwitz (19l)1) except that in the present case, the inertial motion is given for all latitudes instead of only at the poles. Equations (7) do not contain a gravity term because the water is considered to be homo-~ geneous and the motiyn thus entirely inertial. The equation of certinuity completes the initial set of conditions: 12 ES6! ANN -AV “SSYW ‘3I0H SGOOM 440 WVSHLS SIND SHL NI SNYSHLOS! YSLIN-002 GNV SYOLDGA ALIOONSA 9 3yNNOdI4 3nnr pa 02 1 em OS Ol 2 oz “do SUNLVU3dW3L ¥313W 00z oe o¢ B Z | Ov z 4 | rai ats | : \ Ve He) i | f Ne re , “ g Wo SNEAY { j | i ail 5 LS a8 me ee ~ SY a | lec ian | oz A aie a xl j | leas lied ‘ eae EES ett ewes eS : i Car} — i | j PAN tee |) al ES fe TAN WS mS H | Po ie Bi ee ane ean pe a. a O Se yy ae hee et Ee Poe | alah Sy yeas } ST -- eel es eae TS ee Hl ee ws | 2 N._| Pod We = ea | ; 1] j i al D3S/WI 301X SbEezI-0 4 ia ace i \ [5S I al 2. QUALI : s} * i “ poz ; { 4 (39V4UNS) ALIDOTSA ~~ 3-9 | i! nN ; | . ° { Oe | i pov K au, WwW _o a4 az (8) for east-west motion. Considering a free oscillation of inertial type, the wave particle velocities in the x, y, and % directions are: BI!) ON oe nm DR ok ame ) = ei lkx+Ib)(a aos ie D sin nme | h (10) be iCkex+5t) _. nTlze w= Ee sin (12) where QO = = is the frequencye To these must be added the driving force ‘ +6 6 z E = Be (E2s eS Ee le h h (12) The solution of equations 9, 10, 11, and 12 for the unknowns A through G is accomplished by substitution in (7)'and by the combination of terns to se eparate the coefficients of the sine and cosine factors. Since the Sine and cosine are linearly independent, their sum must be zero. Hence, (ic A- =I + ike eos Gt = 4Qwcosd: Sap gf [b— -£D+iak@)sinn— h FO us) (fAtire)cs™ +(fe+4iadD) sin TF =O Qh) ANT Ce aGe Zui cos: A) cos Go -(2FF E+ Iwo ¢ e-is€) sin oe ae On and (2 hig a) cos aie LKB sin AF 26 05) 14 Theretore, the following equat* uns must be satisfied: fa-LSA-LXKF =0 (17) fD-LIB-2wWcs dE - Lake =o (18) fA+LOG=o (19) f8 +ticgD=0 (20) ZWasd- A-x PT G@=0 (21) Qn” om Thoin ~ LOE 1 ae =O (22) LkA+ Beso. and £03) LKB=O, (2h) From (2),) and (20), it is evident that B —— i De Solving (19), (21), (22), and (23) in terms of A gives aE E=-l ng A (25) as cza (26) G = 222 aos4-A 4 ana (27) F == {= £5 A ° (28) Substituting (23) and (21) in (18) gives the identity Za) cos dq. ey ~ tk gana proving the consistency of the solution. Next, suvstituting (23) and (17) into (22) gives nt i wie ‘ (29) ok? h® = nem(f7-c7) , [i+ (224) ]? (30) since b= ar In shallow water, i.e, when bh << ts 9 s=f » and it is seen that the period would be approximately the same as in the case of instability eddies, or 21.7 hours. However, since h/L is positive, even though small, the denominator in (30) is greater than 1, and hence rans is less than £. The period is then somewhat greater rev 21 ef hours. ! The physical effect of the inertial motion described above may be seen by considering the motion in the horizontal (xy) plane. In this case, for a fixed z, equations (9) through (12) reduce to vs eos (kx +t) * A cos a V = sin Ckx+0t) * @ cos ote (21) p = —sin Cke+Ot)> H(z) , 16 The pressure gradient in the x direction is SE = —k H(z) cos Ckx+t) . (32) Hence, a yo oe a ae =| e 27.2 nile 2 o ne A> cos ne G?cos* TT (33) Thus, the hodograph with respect to time is in the form of an ellipse, and also the particle motion is elliptical in the xy plane. The horizontal particle path is shown in figure 7. The horizontal and vertical motions are represented schematically in figure 7. The figure consists of three parts. The uppermost represents the ellipses of motion near the surface and near the bottom, which are 180° out of phase. The middle portion of the figure shows an east-west vertical section with one wavelength repre- sented. At the points marked with plus and minus signs the flow is out of and into the paper respectively. Three pressure surfaces, P,, Po, and P3, indicate the perturbation pressure gradients. It will be noted Sper Po is shown somewhat nearer the bottom than the corresponding depth h/2, and that for this pressure there is no horizontal pressure gradient and thus no hori- zontal motion; all the motion is vertical at this point. This follows since the second term in equation (12) is not zero at h/2, so that the minimum per~ turbation pressure P = 0 is found at some z = h/2 plus a small amount. The third part of the figure shows the displacement of the 66° F. isotherm is relation to the wave propagation. In actuality, the wavelength is essen= tially that of the earth's circumference, so that only a portion of one cell is found in the Atlantic Ocean. However, the complete cycle passes each _ point in the ocean during a lunar day as the wave propagates westward. Figure 3 may be reexamined in the light of the above findings. It is suggested that since the inertial period is 21.7 hours plus an unknown amount depending on the ratio of the depth to the wave length (from equation 30), the spectral bands center:d at 20 and 2h hours show the preatest power. There is a sharper peak in the band from 21.8 to 26.7 hours possibly be- cause the diurnal tide acts in resonance with the inertial force. Corres- pondingly, it is possible that no semidiurnal period shows on the power spectrum because the inertial filter is "transparent" to waves of 12-hour periods iee., the natural period (21.7 hrs.) of the inertial oscillations iS unresponsive to the 12-hour tidal constituent. in the case of stratified water, where a component due to gravity modifies g* by analysis similar to that given above, it can be shown R that, GO for the free wave is given by the following approximate relation: 17 GUYMLSSM ONLLWOVdOld SAVM YOd WYSHLOS! 3.99 JO INSINZOV1dSIC GNV NOLLOW TVOLLYSA GNV IWLNOZIMGH JO NOLLVLNSSSYdse WoOlHdVYS YZ auNdls WHSHLOS! 45099 30 LNAWS0VIdSIG WOILYAA Millia VM Le, = fe it 3 2 , = —— SS —— EE fee ——— =e = = SS ES — — = a : _ — FYNSSTYd NOILVGENLYSd © NOILOW ONIMOHS NOILOAS WOILUAA 1S3M-LSV3 ee O WOLLOG UVSN NOILOW TVINOZIYOH Be eee 3OVSUNS UYVIN NOILOW WLNOZIYMOH Hea Gee) hee h> a2 + h? k> pas Ss (3h) where 4 e a, (stability due to stratification) i, ee VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS An analysis for the spectral periods of internal waves was made from temperature readings, comprising nearly 1,200 bathythermograms taken at half-hourly intervals during Operation STANDSTILL. The analysis shows no significant power associated with periods from 1 to 20 hours, but a con= centration of the power in the band of periods between 20 and 26 hours. If there is no aliasing from periods of less than 1 hour, it may be concluded that the analysis of the temperature data fails to show that internal waves of periods of less than 20 hours cerry any appreciable amount of power at the location of the operation. Two possible causes are suggested for the predominance of spectral periods between 20 and 26 hours: formation of eddies on the southern edge of the Gulf Stream due to instability gives periods of 21.7 hours, but the diameter of the eddies is too small to account for the observed isothermal changes; internal motion due to forced inertial oscillation is suggested, with a period somewhat more than 21.7 hours. The latter oscillation apparently is in re- sonance with the diurnal tidal components, and as a result the spectral power is concentrated in the observed periods. See Fjeldstad, J. E., Interne Wellen, Geofysiske Publikasjoner, Vol. X; Now 6, Osilo, 1933. 19 BIBLIOGRAPHY HAURWITZ, BERNHARD. Dynamic meteorologye New York: McGraw-Hill. 365 pe 191. =» - « Internal tidal waves in the ocean. Technical Report submitted to Geophysics Branch, ONR under contract N6 onr-27701 (NR-083-00)), Refer= ence noe 53-69, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massa= chusetts. Unpublished. 3 p. 1953. ae PIERSON, We Joy JRe A unified mathematical theory for, the analysis, propagation, and refraction of storm generated ocean surface waves, parts I and IT,. March 1, 1952 and July 1, 1952. New York, New York University. College of Engineering. Department of Meteorology. Prepared for Beach Erosion Board, Contract noe W h9-055-eng. 13 Office of Naval Research, Contract no. Nonr-285 (03). 336 & 125 p. 1952. Bye Wand MARKS, WILBUR. The power spectrum of ocean=wave records, Trans= actions of the American Geophysical Union, vols 33, pe 834—Bh, 1952. TUKEY, J. W. The sampling theory of power spectrum estimates, Symposium on Applications of Autocorrelation Analysis to Physical Problems, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 13-1) dune 1919, po hf-67, 1950. U. S. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE, Effects of weather upon the thermal structure of the ocean, Hydrographic Office Miscellaneous 15360, 81 pe 1952. VAN MIEGHEM, J. M. "Hydrodynamic instability", pe h3l-l53. In: Malone, TF. ad ede, Compendium of Meteorology. Boston: American Meteorological Societys 133) De 19516 VON ARX, We S., BUMPUS, D. Fo, and RICHARDSON, We Se. Short term fluctuations in the structure and transport of the Gulf stream system. Technical Report submitted to Geophysics Branch, ONR under contract N6 onr=27701 (NR=083-00}) and Nonr=769(00). Reference now 5-76, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Unpublished, 23 pe 1950 Nanhai. WORTHINGTON, Le Ve The downstream increase in volume of the Florida current. Technical Report submitted to Geophysics Branch, ONR under contract N6 onr- 27701 (NR-083-00)1). Refereace noe 55-3, Woods Hole Oceanogravhic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Unpublished. 9 p. 1955. 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