SB 192 "6 Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5 SB 193 .75 Copy 1 auc Practical Application of the Kent Grazing Bill to Western and Southwestern | Grazing Ranges > y ~ | }p J | An Address by Prof. ys J“ Thornber, of Arizona Experiment | Station, Tucson, Arizona | Delivered at the Seventeenth Annual Convention of the American National Live Stock Association, Denver, Colorado | January 22, 1914 The Bill Discussed by Prof. Thornber, H. R. 10539, Introduced in Congress by Hon. William Kent, and Pending before the Committee on Public Lands of the House of Representatives, Is Printed Herein PUBLISHED BY | AMERICAN NATIONAL LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION 909 SEVENTEENTH STREET, DENVER, COLO. FEBRUARY, 1914 OFFICERS OF THE American National Dive Storck Azsnriation FOR THE YEAR 1914 H..A. JASTRO, President DWIGHT B. HEARD, First Va Pee dbat Second Vice-Presidents: J. B. KENDRICK - C. M. O’DONEL - M. K. PARSONS : I. T. PRYOR - - C. B. RHODES - WALLIS HUIDEKOPER JOHN W. SPRINGER, Treasurer SAM H. COWAN, Attorney T. W. TOMLINSON, Secretary Bakersfield, California - Phoenix, Arizona - Sheridan, Wyoming Bell Ranch, New Mexico : Salt Lake City, Utah : San Antonio, Texas 2 Orchard, Colorado Wallis, Montana 2 Denver, Colorado 2 Fort Worth, Texas : Denver, Colorado EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HUGH CAMPBELL.......Flagstaff, Ariz.